stringlengths 0
| sl_seq
stringlengths 0
deadly force | smrtonosna sila |
Climate change mitigation and adaptation: | Blažitev podnebnih sprememb in prilagajanje nanje: |
Invoice Tolerances | Toleranca računov |
spreading contagious diseases - Par. 1 | prenašanje nalezljive bolezni - od. 1 |
Representative of Frontex (tbc) | Predstavnik Frontexa (še ni potrjeno) |
gravel | prod |
date of entry into force | začetek veljavnosti |
Yes - Holland America offers full laundry and dry cleaning services. | Da, družba Holland America ponuja popolne storitve pranja in kemičnega čiščenja oblačil. |
Make sure there are no loose elements near the ventilator. | Prepričajte se, da v bližini ventilatorja ni ohlapnih elementov. |
Within a line between North Sutor and South Sutor | znotraj črte, ki poteka med North Sutorom in South Sutorom |
—————- | —————- |
VT, VTH, V 12. | VT, VTH, V 12. |
budget deficit | javnofinančni primanjkljaj |
Marketing or Graphic and Design Certificate of Higher Education is preferred. | Zaželena je visokošolska izobrazba s področja marketinga ali grafičnega oblikovanja. |
5.XXVIII.293 facilitating escape from confinement | 5.XXVIII.293 omogočanje bega osebi, ki ji je vzeta prostost |
The left side of Start features an all-new, yet familiar, design. | Leva stran menija »Start« ima povsem novo, a že poznano obliko. |
Save it as ab35-5.lsp in AutoCAD2002\Support or a folder that you have added to the support file search path. | Shranite jo v mapo AutoCAD 2002\Support ali v mapo, ki ste jo dodali na pot za iskanje, kot ab35-5.lsp. |
8.XXVIII.282021 accessory after the fact - Par. 2 in resp. of par. 1 | 8.XXVIII.282021 pomoč storilcu po storitvi kaznivega dejanja - od. 2 v zvezi z od. 1 |
Instant messages and SUBSCRIBE SIP messages must pass through the SIP server. | Neposredna sporočila in sporočila SUBSCRIBE SIP morajo biti posredovana prek strežnika SIP. |
Database Functions | Povezane funkcije |
Your bid is too large for your campaign's custom budget. | Vaša ponudba je prevelika za prilagojeni proračun vaše oglaševalske akcije. |
Nevertheless, external demand had a positive impact on the economic growth. | Kljub nižji rasti izvoza in uvoza je zunanje povpraševanje ugodno vplivalo na gospodarsko rast. |
consideration of a draft resolution | obravnava osnutka resolucije |
5,9 cm x 5,6 cm. | 5,9 cm x 5,6 cm. |
Frozen pink cusk-eel 'Genypterus blacodes' | Rožnati huj (Genypterus blacodes), razen jeter in iker, zamrznjen |
Social protection. | Socialna varnost. |
Note - To quickly return to a known, familiar spot if you get lost, click on the Starting location placemark in the My Places folder. | Opomba − Če se izgubite in se želite hitro vrniti na poznano točko, kliknite oznako položaja Začetna lokacija v mapi Moja mesta. |
engine family | družina motorjev |
»Ball holding«. | »Držanje žoge«. |
Discards inherited boost rules and apply only the current ones | Zavrže podedovana pravila za ojačitev in uporabi samo trenutna |
Improved translation quality. | Izboljšana kakovost prevoda. |
Urges the Commission to develop a flexible, but rigorous, regulatory model which will: | poziva Komisijo, naj razvije prožen, a strog regulativni model, ki bo: |
Non-metallic coating services of metal | Prekrivanje kovin z nekovinskimi materiali |
Peaches incl. nectarines, prepared or preserved, containing no spirit but with added sugar, with sugar content of > 15%, in immediate packings of a net content of <= 1 kg | Breskve, pripravljene ali konzervirane, brez dodanega alkohola, sladkano, v izvirnem pakiranju z neto vsebino do vključno 1 kg, z vsebnostjo sladkorja 15 mas.% |
Painting insulation situated outside | Zaščitni premaz za zunanjo uporabo |
the notional weighted average maturity of all transactions inside the netting set. | hipotetični tehtani povprečni zapadlosti vseh poslov v nizu pobotov. |
In the same vein, your rapporteur believes that any future STS criteria for synthetic securitisation should clearly exclude already all forms of arbitrage synthetic securitisation as identified by the EBA. | Skladno s tem poročevalec meni, da bi bilo treba iz vseh bodočih meril STS za sintetično listinjenje že zdaj jasno izključiti vse oblike arbitražnega sintetičnega listinjenja, kot ga je opredelila EBA. |
protection of people | varstvo ljudi |
Section Level 4 | Razdelek ravni 4 |
spread the fire | razširiti ogenj |
at the discretion of a state | po lastni presoji države |
Women's or girls' nighties and pyjamas, of knitted or crocheted textiles | Ženske ali dekliške spalne srajce, pižame, iz pletenih materialov |
evolutionary model | model evolucije |
1809 | 1809 |
Place and date of issue: | Kraj in datum izdaje: |
Uninstall %1 | Odstrani %1 |
It is also necessary to clarify that among the overriding reasons of general interest, recognised by the Court of Justice, are preserving the financial equilibrium of the social security system; | Treba je pojasniti tudi, da so med pomembnimi razlogi, ki se nanašajo na splošni interes in jih kot takšne priznava Sodišče, ohranjanje finančnega ravnovesja sistemov socialne varnosti, |
The recovery tools contemplated in recovery plans shall: | Instrumenti za sanacijo, obravnavani v načrtih sanacije: |
Oat flour | Moka, ovsena |
Get fit for summer! | Bodi fit za poletje! |
Do not display this message again | Tega sporočila ne prikažite znova. |
Other glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc. | Drugo steklo, upognjeno, gravirano, luknjano ali drugače obdelano |
Annexes I, II, III, VI and VII are amended in accordance with the Annexes to this Regulation. | priloge I, II, III, VI in VII se spremenijo v skladu s prilogami k tej uredbi. |
sedimentary clay | sedimentacijska glina |
8.XXIII.222010 arson - Par. 1 | 8.XXIII.222010 požig - od. 1 |
total quantitative limits | skupne količinske omejitve |
With its planes 148.6 million passenger-kilometres were performed (equal size in the same comparison). | Število prepeljanih potnikov je bilo za 3 % nižje kot v juliju 2017, število opravljenih potniških kilometrov pa enako kot pred enim letom. |
Click Import contacts. | Kliknite Uvoz stikov. |
EBA shall submit those draft implementing technical standards to the Commission by [12 months after entry into force] … | EBA predloži Komisiji navedene osnutke izvedbenih tehničnih standardov do [12 mesecev po začetku veljavnosti] ... . |
Welcomes, in this regard, growing digitisation and the need for digital skills; | v zvezi s tem pozdravlja vse večjo digitalizacijo ter potrebo po digitalnih spretnostih in znanjih; |
Captain America | Stotnik Amerika |
The main reason for creating a block description is to display it in the DesignCenter and to be able to use it in a search on the Advanced tab, as just described. | Glavni razlog za dajanje opisa je, da se bo pokazal v oblikovalnem središču in da ga lahko iščete na kartici Advanced, kakor sem pravkar opisala. |
Next update: | Naslednja posodobitev: |
Asset Tag: | Oznaka sredstva: |
The prices of animals and animal products on average higher than a year before In February 2019 the prices of animals and animal products were on average 3.1% higher than in February 2018. | Cene živali in živalskih proizvodov v povprečju višje kot pred enim letom Cene živali in živalskih proizvodov so bile v februarju 2019 v povprečju za 3,1 % višje kot v februarju 2018. |
10,8 | 10,8 |
The list now looks like Figure 11-16. | Zdaj je seznam videti tako, kot je prikazan na sliki 11-16. |
reference number | sklicna številka |
Oilcake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of cotton seeds | Oljne pogače in ostanki iz bombaževih semen |
Anderson AFB | Anderson AFBCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation) |
Wood and products of wood and cork (except furniture), articles of straw and plaiting materials | LES, LESENI, PLUTOVINASTI, PLETARSKI IZDELKI (RAZEN POHIŠTVA) |
Select Show Defaults to restore the three columns that were showing originally: | Izberite Prikaži privzeto, če želite obnoviti prikaz treh stolpcev, ki so bili prikazani prvotno, in sicer: |
It remained above the long-term average (by 6 p.p.). | Od dolgoletnega povprečja pa je bila za 6 odstotnih točk višja. |
Fundamental alteration and disproportionate burden | Temeljite spremembe in nesorazmerno breme |
1.XXXI.328010 failure to exercise supervision over public transport - Par. 1 | 1.XXXI.328010 opustitev nadzorstva v javnem prometu - od. 1 |
How to deposit | Kako vplačati denar |
address book list get from can cannot cant lost | adresar seznam dobi od lahko ne morem ne morm izgubljeno |
start directory | prva stran |
Oat flakes are compressed oat grains. | Ovseni kosmiči so stisnjena semena ovsa. |
6.XXIII.213 extortion | 6.XXIII.213 izsiljevanje |
Subsection 1 (Articles 325x to 325z) describes how the default risk charge must be computed for non-securitisation positions, while subsections 2 (Articles 325aa and 325ab) and 3 (Articles 325ac to 325ae) describe the same calculation for securitisations. | Pododdelek 1 (členi 325x do 325z) določa, kako je treba izračunati kapitalsko zahtevo za tveganje neplačila za nelistinjene pozicije, pododdelka 2 (člena 325aa in 325ab) in 3 (členi 325ac do 325ae) opisujeta isti izračun za pozicije v listinjenju. |
50 | 50 |
in Article 12(1), point (v) is replaced by the following: | v členu 12(1) se točka (v) nadomesti z naslednjim: |
Postal and courier services | Poštne in kurirske storitve |
The next time you sign in, click the arrow button next to the E-mail address box, and select your e-mail address from the list. | Ob naslednjem vpisu kliknite gumb s puščico ob polju E-poštni naslov in s seznama izberite svoj e-poštni naslov. |
25,6 | 25,6 |
adopt provisions | sprejeti določbe |
Requesting/renewing ID card or passport | vložitev prošnje za izdajo/podaljšanje osebne izkaznice ali potnega lista |
If you use the Smartcard login method, the following fields are displayed: | Če uporabljate metodo prijave s pametno kartico, so prikazana naslednja polja: |
4.4. | 4.4. |
PT3 Rotational Guide | Vodilo za sukanje PT3 |
Cyst of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber | Cista šarenice, ciliarnika in sprednjega prekata |
Skanlite | Skanlite |
emphasize elegance, | poudari eleganco, |
Ethers, organic peroxides, epoxides, acetals and hemiacetals and their derivatives | Etri, organski peroksidi, epoksidi,acetali in hemiacetali in njihovi derivati |
Configuring AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT with the Options dialog box | Nastavljanje AutoCAD-a in AutoCAD-a LT v pogovornem oknu Options |
Family history of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism | Družinska anamneza bolezni krvi in krvotvornih organov in nekatere motnje, ki zadevajo imunski odziv |
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in Data Studio
Dataset Card for RSDO4 en-sl parallel corpus
Dataset Summary
The RSDO4 parallel corpus of English-Slovene and Slovene-English translation pairs was collected as part of work package 4 of the Slovene in the Digital Environment project. It contains texts collected from public institutions and texts submitted by individual donors through the text collection portal created within the project. The corpus consists of 964433 translation pairs (extracted from standard translation formats (TMX, XLIFF) or manually aligned) in randomized order which can be used for machine translation training.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
Machine translation.
English, Slovenian.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
A sample instance from the dataset:
'en_seq': 'the total value of its assets exceeds EUR 30000000000;',
'sl_seq': 'skupna vrednost njenih sredstev presega 30000000000 EUR'
Data Fields
: a string containing the English sequence;sl_seq
: a string containing the Slovene sequence.
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
Andraž Repar and Iztok Lebar Bajec.
Licensing Information
CC BY-SA 4.0.
Citation Information
title = {Parallel corpus {EN}-{SL} {RSDO4} 1.0},
author = {Repar, Andra{\v z} and Lebar Bajec, Iztok},
url = {http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1457},
year = {2021}
Thanks to @matejklemen for adding this dataset.
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