19 values
15 values
1 class
class ViewFields(object): """ Used to dynamically create a field dictionary used with the RunstatView class """ def __init__(self): self._fields = dict() def _prockvargs(self, field, name, **kvargs): if not len(kvargs): return field[name].update(kvargs) @property def end(self): return self._fields def str(self, name, xpath=None, **kvargs): """ field is a string """ if xpath is None: xpath = name field = {name: {'xpath': xpath}} self._prockvargs(field, name, **kvargs) self._fields.update(field) return self def astype(self, name, xpath=None, astype=int, **kvargs): """ field string value will be passed to function :astype: This is typically used to do simple type conversions, but also works really well if you set :astype: to a function that does a basic converstion like look at the value and change it to a True/False. For example: astype=lambda x: True if x == 'enabled' else False """ if xpath is None: xpath = name field = { name: {'xpath': xpath, 'astype': astype} } self._prockvargs(field, name, **kvargs) self._fields.update(field) return self def int(self, name, xpath=None, **kvargs): """ field is an integer """ return self.astype(name, xpath, int, **kvargs) def flag(self, name, xpath=None, **kvargs): """ field is a flag, results in True/False if the xpath element exists or not. Model this as a boolean type <bool> """ return self.astype(name, xpath, bool, **kvargs) def table(self, name, table): """ field is a RunstatTable """ self._fields.update({ name: {'table': table} }) return self
"""Mission Pinball Framework (mpf)""" import re from setuptools import setup # VERSIONFILE = "mpf/" VERSION_STRING_LONG = open(VERSIONFILE, "rt").read() VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]" _MO =, VERSION_STRING_LONG, re.M) if _MO: VERSION_STRING = else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in %s." % (VERSIONFILE,)) pin2dmd_requires = [ 'pyusb==1.1.0' ] linux_i2c_requires = [ 'smbus2_asyncio==0.0.5' ] rpi_requires = [ 'apigpio-mpf==0.0.3' ] cli_requires = [ 'prompt_toolkit==3.0.8', 'asciimatics==1.12.0', 'terminaltables==3.1.0', ] osc_requires = [ 'python-osc==1.7.4' ] irc_requires = [ 'irc==19.0.1' ] vpe_requires = [ 'grpcio_tools==1.34.0', 'grpcio==1.34.0', 'protobuf==3.14.0', ] crash_reporter_requires = [ 'requests==2.22.0' ] all_requires = (pin2dmd_requires + cli_requires + linux_i2c_requires + rpi_requires + osc_requires + irc_requires + vpe_requires + crash_reporter_requires) setup( name='mpf', version=VERSION_STRING, description='Mission Pinball Framework', long_description='''Let's build a pinball machine! The Mission Pinball Framework (MPF) is an open source, cross-platform, Python-based software framework for powering real pinball machines. MPF is written in Python. It can run on Windows, OS X, and Linux with the same code and configurations. MPF interacts with real, physical pinball machines via modern pinball controller hardware such as a Multimorphic P-ROC or P3-ROC, a FAST Pinball controller, or Open Pinball Project hardware controllers. You can use MPF to power your own custom-built machine or to update the software in existing Williams, Bally, Stern, or Data East machines. MPF is a work-in-progress that is not yet complete, though we're actively developing it and checking in several commits a week. It's MIT licensed, actively developed by fun people, and supported by a vibrant, pinball-loving community.''', url='', author='The Mission Pinball Framework Team', author_email='', license='MIT', classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Topic :: Artistic Software', 'Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Arcade' ], keywords='pinball', include_package_data=True, package_data={'': ['*.yaml', '*.png', '*.so', '*.pyd', '*.ogg', '*.wav']}, # picks up the rest packages=['mpf'], zip_safe=False, install_requires=['ruamel.yaml==0.15.100', 'pyserial==3.5', 'pyserial-asyncio==0.4;platform_system=="Windows"', 'pyserial-asyncio==0.5;platform_system!="Windows"', 'sortedcontainers==2.3.0', 'psutil==5.7.3', ], extras_require={ 'all': all_requires, 'pin2dmd': pin2dmd_requires, 'linux_i2c': linux_i2c_requires, 'rpi': rpi_requires, 'cli': cli_requires, 'osc': osc_requires, 'irc': irc_requires, 'vpe': vpe_requires, 'crash_reporter': crash_reporter_requires, }, tests_require=[], test_suite="mpf.tests", entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'mpf = mpf.commands:run_from_command_line', ] } )
import unittest from cmr.queries import CollectionQuery class TestCollectionClass(unittest.TestCase): def test_archive_center(self): query = CollectionQuery() query.archive_center("LP DAAC") self.assertIn("archive_center", query.params) self.assertEqual(query.params["archive_center"], "LP DAAC") def test_keyword(self): query = CollectionQuery() query.keyword("AST_*") self.assertIn("keyword", query.params) self.assertEqual(query.params["keyword"], "AST_*") def test_valid_formats(self): query = CollectionQuery() formats = [ "json", "xml", "echo10", "iso", "iso19115", "csv", "atom", "kml", "native", "dif", "dif10", "opendata", "umm_json", "umm_json_v1_1" "umm_json_v1_9"] for _format in formats: query.format(_format) self.assertEqual(query._format, _format) def test_invalid_format(self): query = CollectionQuery() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): query.format("invalid") query.format("jsonn") query.format("iso19116") def test_valid_concept_id(self): query = CollectionQuery() query.concept_id("C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS") self.assertEqual(query.params["concept_id"], ["C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS"]) query.concept_id(["C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS", "C1441380236-PODAAC"]) self.assertEqual(query.params["concept_id"], ["C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS", "C1441380236-PODAAC"]) def test_invalid_concept_id(self): query = CollectionQuery() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): query.concept_id("G1327299284-LPDAAC_ECS") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): query.concept_id(["C1299783579-LPDAAC_ECS", "G1327299284-LPDAAC_ECS"])
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring import os from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm from resolwe.flow.managers import manager from resolwe.flow.managers.utils import disable_auto_calls from resolwe.flow.models import ( Collection, Data, DataDependency, DescriptorSchema, Process, ) from resolwe.test import ProcessTestCase, TransactionTestCase PROCESSES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "processes") class TestManager(ProcessTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.collection = Collection.objects.create(contributor=self.contributor) self._register_schemas(processes_paths=[PROCESSES_DIR]) def test_create_data(self): """Test that manager is run when new object is created.""" process = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-min").latest() data = Data.objects.create( name="Test data", contributor=self.contributor, process=process, ) data.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(data.status, Data.STATUS_DONE) def test_spawned_process(self): """Test that manager is run for spawned processes and permissions are copied.""" DescriptorSchema.objects.create( name="Test schema", slug="test-schema", contributor=self.contributor ) spawned_process = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-save-file").latest() # Patch the process to create Entity, so its bahaviour can be tested. spawned_process.entity_type = "test-schema" spawned_process.entity_descriptor_schema = "test-schema" assign_perm("view_collection", self.user, self.collection) Data.objects.create( name="Test data", contributor=self.contributor, process=Process.objects.filter(slug="test-spawn-new").latest(), collection=self.collection, ) # Created and spawned objects should be done. self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_DONE).count(), 2) # Check that permissions are inherited. child = Data.objects.last() self.assertTrue(self.user.has_perm("view_data", child)) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(, def test_workflow(self): """Test that manager is run for workflows.""" workflow = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-workflow-1").latest() data1 = Data.objects.create( name="Test data 1", contributor=self.contributor, process=workflow, input={"param1": "world"}, ) data2 = Data.objects.create( name="Test data 2", contributor=self.contributor, process=workflow, input={"param1": "foobar"}, ) # Created and spawned objects should be done. self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_DONE).count(), 6) # Check correct dependency type is created. self.assertEqual( {d.kind for d in data1.children_dependency.all()}, {DataDependency.KIND_SUBPROCESS}, ) self.assertEqual( {d.kind for d in data2.children_dependency.all()}, {DataDependency.KIND_SUBPROCESS}, ) def test_dependencies(self): """Test that manager handles dependencies correctly.""" process_parent = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-dependency-parent").latest() process_child = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-dependency-child").latest() data_parent = Data.objects.create( name="Test parent", contributor=self.contributor, process=process_parent ) data_child1 = Data.objects.create( name="Test child", contributor=self.contributor, process=process_child, input={}, ) data_child2 = Data.objects.create( name="Test child", contributor=self.contributor, process=process_child, input={"parent":}, ) data_child3 = Data.objects.create( name="Test child", contributor=self.contributor, process=process_child, input={"parent": None}, ) data_parent.refresh_from_db() data_child1.refresh_from_db() data_child2.refresh_from_db() data_child3.refresh_from_db() # Check locks are created in manager. self.assertFalse(data_parent.access_logs.exists()) self.assertFalse(data_child1.access_logs.exists()) self.assertTrue(data_child2.access_logs.exists()) self.assertFalse(data_child3.access_logs.exists()) # Check that the data_parent location was locked. access_log = data_child2.access_logs.get() self.assertEqual(, ) # Check that the log is released. self.assertIsNotNone(access_log.started) self.assertIsNotNone(access_log.finished) # Check status. self.assertEqual(data_parent.status, Data.STATUS_DONE) self.assertEqual(data_child1.status, Data.STATUS_DONE) self.assertEqual(data_child2.status, Data.STATUS_DONE) self.assertEqual(data_child3.status, Data.STATUS_DONE) def test_process_notifications(self): process = Process.objects.filter(slug="test-process-notifications").latest() data = Data.objects.create( name="Test data", contributor=self.contributor, process=process, ) data.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(len(data.process_info), 3) self.assertEqual(data.process_info[0], "abc") self.assertEqual(data.process_info[1][-5:], "xx...") self.assertEqual(data.process_info[2][:8], "Response") self.assertEqual(len(data.process_warning), 1) self.assertEqual(data.process_warning[0][-5:], "yy...") self.assertEqual(len(data.process_error), 1) self.assertEqual(data.process_error[0][-5:], "zz...") class TransactionTestManager(TransactionTestCase): @disable_auto_calls() def test_communicate(self): process = Process.objects.create( name="Input process", contributor=self.contributor, type="data:test:", input_schema=[ { "name": "input_data", "type": "data:test:", "required": False, }, ], ) data_1 = Data.objects.create(contributor=self.contributor, process=process) data_2 = Data.objects.create( contributor=self.contributor, process=process, input={"input_data":}, ) Data.objects.create(contributor=self.contributor, process=process) Data.objects.create(contributor=self.contributor, process=process) self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_RESOLVING).count(), 4) # Allow unfinished data objects to exist when checking for execution # barrier condition in the dispatcher. async_to_sync(manager.communicate)(, run_sync=True) data_1.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(data_1.status, Data.STATUS_WAITING) self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_RESOLVING).count(), 3) data_1.status = Data.STATUS_DONE # Process object's children. async_to_sync(manager.communicate)(, run_sync=True) data_2.refresh_from_db() self.assertEqual(data_2.status, Data.STATUS_WAITING) self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_RESOLVING).count(), 2) # Process all objects. async_to_sync(manager.communicate)(run_sync=True) self.assertEqual(Data.objects.filter(status=Data.STATUS_RESOLVING).count(), 0)
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import numpy as np from pandas.core.dtypes.common import is_integer, is_list_like from pandas.core.dtypes.generic import ABCDataFrame, ABCIndex from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna, remove_na_arraylike from import pprint_thing from pandas.plotting._matplotlib.core import LinePlot, MPLPlot from import ( create_subplots, flatten_axes, set_ticks_props, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from matplotlib.axes import Axes class HistPlot(LinePlot): _kind = "hist" def __init__(self, data, bins=10, bottom=0, **kwargs): self.bins = bins # use mpl default self.bottom = bottom # Do not call LinePlot.__init__ which may fill nan MPLPlot.__init__(self, data, **kwargs) def _args_adjust(self): if is_integer(self.bins): # create common bin edge values = values = np.ravel(values) values = values[~isna(values)] _, self.bins = np.histogram( values, bins=self.bins, range=self.kwds.get("range", None) ) if is_list_like(self.bottom): self.bottom = np.array(self.bottom) @classmethod def _plot( cls, ax, y, style=None, bins=None, bottom=0, column_num=0, stacking_id=None, **kwds, ): if column_num == 0: cls._initialize_stacker(ax, stacking_id, len(bins) - 1) y = y[~isna(y)] base = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1) bottom = bottom + cls._get_stacked_values(ax, stacking_id, base, kwds["label"]) # ignore style n, bins, patches = ax.hist(y, bins=bins, bottom=bottom, **kwds) cls._update_stacker(ax, stacking_id, n) return patches def _make_plot(self): colors = self._get_colors() stacking_id = self._get_stacking_id() for i, (label, y) in enumerate(self._iter_data()): ax = self._get_ax(i) kwds = self.kwds.copy() label = pprint_thing(label) kwds["label"] = label style, kwds = self._apply_style_colors(colors, kwds, i, label) if style is not None: kwds["style"] = style kwds = self._make_plot_keywords(kwds, y) # We allow weights to be a multi-dimensional array, e.g. a (10, 2) array, # and each sub-array (10,) will be called in each iteration. If users only # provide 1D array, we assume the same weights is used for all iterations weights = kwds.get("weights", None) if weights is not None and np.ndim(weights) != 1: kwds["weights"] = weights[:, i] artists = self._plot(ax, y, column_num=i, stacking_id=stacking_id, **kwds) self._add_legend_handle(artists[0], label, index=i) def _make_plot_keywords(self, kwds, y): """merge BoxPlot/KdePlot properties to passed kwds""" # y is required for KdePlot kwds["bottom"] = self.bottom kwds["bins"] = self.bins return kwds def _post_plot_logic(self, ax: "Axes", data): if self.orientation == "horizontal": ax.set_xlabel("Frequency") else: ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") @property def orientation(self): if self.kwds.get("orientation", None) == "horizontal": return "horizontal" else: return "vertical" class KdePlot(HistPlot): _kind = "kde" orientation = "vertical" def __init__(self, data, bw_method=None, ind=None, **kwargs): MPLPlot.__init__(self, data, **kwargs) self.bw_method = bw_method self.ind = ind def _args_adjust(self): pass def _get_ind(self, y): if self.ind is None: # np.nanmax() and np.nanmin() ignores the missing values sample_range = np.nanmax(y) - np.nanmin(y) ind = np.linspace( np.nanmin(y) - 0.5 * sample_range, np.nanmax(y) + 0.5 * sample_range, 1000, ) elif is_integer(self.ind): sample_range = np.nanmax(y) - np.nanmin(y) ind = np.linspace( np.nanmin(y) - 0.5 * sample_range, np.nanmax(y) + 0.5 * sample_range, self.ind, ) else: ind = self.ind return ind @classmethod def _plot( cls, ax, y, style=None, bw_method=None, ind=None, column_num=None, stacking_id=None, **kwds, ): from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde y = remove_na_arraylike(y) gkde = gaussian_kde(y, bw_method=bw_method) y = gkde.evaluate(ind) lines = MPLPlot._plot(ax, ind, y, style=style, **kwds) return lines def _make_plot_keywords(self, kwds, y): kwds["bw_method"] = self.bw_method kwds["ind"] = self._get_ind(y) return kwds def _post_plot_logic(self, ax, data): ax.set_ylabel("Density") def _grouped_plot( plotf, data, column=None, by=None, numeric_only=True, figsize=None, sharex=True, sharey=True, layout=None, rot=0, ax=None, **kwargs, ): if figsize == "default": # allowed to specify mpl default with 'default' raise ValueError( "figsize='default' is no longer supported. " "Specify figure size by tuple instead" ) grouped = data.groupby(by) if column is not None: grouped = grouped[column] naxes = len(grouped) fig, axes = create_subplots( naxes=naxes, figsize=figsize, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, ax=ax, layout=layout ) _axes = flatten_axes(axes) for i, (key, group) in enumerate(grouped): ax = _axes[i] if numeric_only and isinstance(group, ABCDataFrame): group = group._get_numeric_data() plotf(group, ax, **kwargs) ax.set_title(pprint_thing(key)) return fig, axes def _grouped_hist( data, column=None, by=None, ax=None, bins=50, figsize=None, layout=None, sharex=False, sharey=False, rot=90, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, legend=False, **kwargs, ): """ Grouped histogram Parameters ---------- data : Series/DataFrame column : object, optional by : object, optional ax : axes, optional bins : int, default 50 figsize : tuple, optional layout : optional sharex : bool, default False sharey : bool, default False rot : int, default 90 grid : bool, default True legend: : bool, default False kwargs : dict, keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.Axes.hist Returns ------- collection of Matplotlib Axes """ if legend: assert "label" not in kwargs if data.ndim == 1: kwargs["label"] = elif column is None: kwargs["label"] = data.columns else: kwargs["label"] = column def plot_group(group, ax): ax.hist(group.dropna().values, bins=bins, **kwargs) if legend: ax.legend() if xrot is None: xrot = rot fig, axes = _grouped_plot( plot_group, data, column=column, by=by, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, layout=layout, rot=rot, ) set_ticks_props( axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot ) fig.subplots_adjust( bottom=0.15, top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.9, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.3 ) return axes def hist_series( self, by=None, ax=None, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, figsize=None, bins=10, legend: bool = False, **kwds, ): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if legend and "label" in kwds: raise ValueError("Cannot use both legend and label") if by is None: if kwds.get("layout", None) is not None: raise ValueError("The 'layout' keyword is not supported when 'by' is None") # hack until the plotting interface is a bit more unified fig = kwds.pop( "figure", plt.gcf() if plt.get_fignums() else plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ) if figsize is not None and tuple(figsize) != tuple(fig.get_size_inches()): fig.set_size_inches(*figsize, forward=True) if ax is None: ax = fig.gca() elif ax.get_figure() != fig: raise AssertionError("passed axis not bound to passed figure") values = self.dropna().values if legend: kwds["label"] = ax.hist(values, bins=bins, **kwds) if legend: ax.legend() ax.grid(grid) axes = np.array([ax]) set_ticks_props( axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot ) else: if "figure" in kwds: raise ValueError( "Cannot pass 'figure' when using the " "'by' argument, since a new 'Figure' instance will be created" ) axes = _grouped_hist( self, by=by, ax=ax, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, bins=bins, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot, legend=legend, **kwds, ) if hasattr(axes, "ndim"): if axes.ndim == 1 and len(axes) == 1: return axes[0] return axes def hist_frame( data, column=None, by=None, grid=True, xlabelsize=None, xrot=None, ylabelsize=None, yrot=None, ax=None, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=None, layout=None, bins=10, legend: bool = False, **kwds, ): if legend and "label" in kwds: raise ValueError("Cannot use both legend and label") if by is not None: axes = _grouped_hist( data, column=column, by=by, ax=ax, grid=grid, figsize=figsize, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, layout=layout, bins=bins, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot, legend=legend, **kwds, ) return axes if column is not None: if not isinstance(column, (list, np.ndarray, ABCIndex)): column = [column] data = data[column] # GH32590 data = data.select_dtypes( include=(np.number, "datetime64", "datetimetz"), exclude="timedelta" ) naxes = len(data.columns) if naxes == 0: raise ValueError( "hist method requires numerical or datetime columns, nothing to plot." ) fig, axes = create_subplots( naxes=naxes, ax=ax, squeeze=False, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, figsize=figsize, layout=layout, ) _axes = flatten_axes(axes) can_set_label = "label" not in kwds for i, col in enumerate(data.columns): ax = _axes[i] if legend and can_set_label: kwds["label"] = col ax.hist(data[col].dropna().values, bins=bins, **kwds) ax.set_title(col) ax.grid(grid) if legend: ax.legend() set_ticks_props( axes, xlabelsize=xlabelsize, xrot=xrot, ylabelsize=ylabelsize, yrot=yrot ) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) return axes
from subprocess import * import re import treetaggerwrapper import sparqlQuerypy from bs4 import BeautifulSoup CONSTANTKEYVERBS="die, died, death, born, birth, sworn in" #Set of words that if present in the sentence, then don't discard the sentence, we are interested. tagger = treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG = 'en', TAGDIR = '/home/vedu29/python/Gsoc/treetagger') def jarWrapper(*args): # The helper function to use the jar file. process = Popen(['java', '-jar']+list(args), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) ret=[] while process.poll() is None: line = process.stdout.readline() if line != '' and line.endswith('\n'): ret.append(line[:-1]) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() ret += stdout.split('\n') if stderr != '': ret += stderr.split('\n') ret.remove('') return ret def returnProperty(word): #helper function to map the verb to a property. This will be small considering the number of date properties in DBpedia. if word in ['death', 'die']: return '' if word in ['birth', 'born', 'bear']: return '' def normalizeAnnotations(sentence): # helper function to remove the references annotation, that appear as square brackets at the end of the sentence. return re.sub(r'\[[0-9]*\]', ' ', sentence) def sentenceSplitter(sentence): # helper regular function to correctly find end of sentences. return re.split(r'(?<!\w\.\w.)(?<![A-Z][a-z]\.)(?<=\.|\?)\s', sentence) def normaliseResult(result): normRes=[] for sentence in result: sent=normalizeAnnotations(sentence) normRes += sentenceSplitter(sent) return normRes def findAndGenericAnnotateTime(sentence): #Replacing heidelTime tagged Timex tags to a generic 'TIME' so that treeTagger can work its magic without hiccups. return re.sub('<TIMEX3((?!<TIMEX3).)*</TIMEX3>', 'TIME', sentence) def treetag(sentence, encoding = None): # TreeTagger helper function. if encoding != None: return treetaggerwrapper.make_tags(tagger.tag_text(unicode(sentence, "utf-8"))) else: return treetaggerwrapper.make_tags(tagger.tag_text(sentence)) def returnKeyverbs(): #formats the key verbs above. return '|'.join(verb for verb in CONSTANTKEYVERBS.split(', ')) def findSubVerbsTime(tagsentence): # The main helper function that figures out the subject in the sentence and finds the correct core verbs marked by an '*' pos=[] pos2=[] seenSubject=False seenVerb=False lastfew=0 for i, tags in enumerate(tagsentence): if tags.pos=='NP' or tags.pos=='PP': pos += [tags.word] seenSubject=True lastfew+=1 if re.match(u'V..|V.', tags.pos) != None and seenSubject: if not seenVerb: subject = pos[-lastfew:] pos2 += [[subject]] if re.match(u'VB.', tags.pos) != None: pos2[-1] += [tags.word] else: pos2[-1] += [tags.word+'*'] seenVerb=True if re.match(u'V..|V.', tags.pos) == None and seenVerb: seenVerb=False seenSubject=False lastfew=0 return pos2 def lemmatizeMainVerb(item): for verb in item[1:]: if '*' in verb: return treetag(verb)[0].lemma def listTimes(sentence): # uses beautiful soup to get the date information. soup = BeautifulSoup(sentence, 'html.parser') return soup.find_all('timex3') def main(args): result = jarWrapper(*args) for sentence in normaliseResult(result): sent=findAndGenericAnnotateTime(sentence) m = re.match(r"(?P<first_part>.*) (?P<predicate>%s) (?P<second_part>.*)"%(returnKeyverbs()), sent) #scans the sentences for this pattern. if m!=None: left=treetag('first_part'), "utf-8") middle=treetag('predicate'), "utf-8") right=treetag('second_part'), "utf-8") tagsentence = left + middle + right if 'TIME' in'first_part') or 'TIME' in'second_part'): #Skip sentence if not date details. subVerbTime = findSubVerbsTime(tagsentence) for item in subVerbTime: subject=" ".join(thing for thing in item[0]) if subject.lower() in ['he','she', 'it']: subject=previousSubject annotate = sparqlQuerypy.findAnnotation(subject) annotatedSubject = annotate[0]['s']['value'] previousSubject = subject #heuristic that subject of this pronoun is in deed the previous subject, (not well thought through!) verbLemma=lemmatizeMainVerb(item) if verbLemma != None: prop=returnProperty(verbLemma) timexList = listTimes(sentence) i=0 while timexList[i]['type']not in ["DATE","TIME"]: i+=1 time= timexList[i]['value'] date= sparqlQuerypy.findDate(annotatedSubject, prop) if len(date) != 0: date= date[0]['z']['value'] print '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \n \n' print sentence print ' ' print 'The subject is:', subject print 'The annotated subject is:', annotatedSubject print 'The property is:', prop print 'Date according to dbpedia:', date print 'Date mined from the text:', time print '\n \n' if __name__=='__main__': args = ['de.unihd.dbs.heideltime.standalone.jar', 'input'] result = jarWrapper(*args) tagger = treetaggerwrapper.TreeTagger(TAGLANG = 'en', TAGDIR = '/home/vedu29/python/Gsoc/treetagger') main(args)
from rez.packages_ import get_developer_package, iter_packages from rez.exceptions import BuildProcessError, BuildContextResolveError, \ ReleaseHookCancellingError, RezError, ReleaseError, BuildError from rez.resolved_context import ResolvedContext from rez.release_hook import create_release_hooks from rez.resolver import ResolverStatus from rez.config import config from rez.vendor.enum import Enum import getpass import os.path def get_build_process_types(): """Returns the available build process implementations.""" from rez.plugin_managers import plugin_manager return plugin_manager.get_plugins('build_process') def create_build_process(process_type, working_dir, build_system, vcs=None, ensure_latest=True, verbose=False): """Create a `BuildProcess` instance.""" from rez.plugin_managers import plugin_manager process_types = get_build_process_types() if process_type not in process_type: raise BuildProcessError("Unknown build process: %r" % process_type) cls = plugin_manager.get_plugin_class('build_process', process_type) return cls(working_dir, build_system=build_system, vcs=vcs, ensure_latest=ensure_latest, verbose=verbose) class BuildType(Enum): """ Enum to represent the type of build.""" local = 0 central = 1 class BuildProcess(object): """A BuildProcess builds and possibly releases a package. A build process iterates over the variants of a package, creates the correct build environment for each variant, builds that variant using a build system (or possibly creates a script so the user can do that independently), and then possibly releases the package with the nominated VCS. This is an abstract base class, you should use a BuildProcess subclass. """ @classmethod def name(cls): raise NotImplementedError def __init__(self, working_dir, build_system, vcs=None, ensure_latest=True, verbose=False): """Create a BuildProcess. Args: working_dir (str): Directory containing the package to build. build_system (`BuildSystem`): Build system used to build the package. vcs (`ReleaseVCS`): Version control system to use for the release process. If None, the package will only be built, not released. ensure_latest: If True, do not allow the release process to occur if an newer versioned package is already released. """ self.verbose = verbose self.working_dir = working_dir self.build_system = build_system self.vcs = vcs self.ensure_latest = ensure_latest if vcs and vcs.path != working_dir: raise BuildProcessError( "Build process was instantiated with a mismatched VCS instance") self.debug_print = config.debug_printer("package_release") self.package = get_developer_package(working_dir) hook_names = self.package.config.release_hooks or [] self.hooks = create_release_hooks(hook_names, working_dir) self.build_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.package.config.build_directory) def build(self, install_path=None, clean=False, install=False, variants=None): """Perform the build process. Iterates over the package's variants, resolves the environment for each, and runs the build system within each resolved environment. Args: install_path (str): The package repository path to install the package to, if installing. If None, defaults to `config.local_packages_path`. clean (bool): If True, clear any previous build first. Otherwise, rebuild over the top of a previous build. install (bool): If True, install the build. variants (list of int): Indexes of variants to build, all if None. Raises: `BuildError`: If the build failed. Returns: int: Number of variants successfully built. """ raise NotImplementedError def release(self, release_message=None, variants=None): """Perform the release process. Iterates over the package's variants, building and installing each into the release path determined by `config.release_packages_path`. Args: release_message (str): Message to associate with the release. variants (list of int): Indexes of variants to release, all if None. Raises: `ReleaseError`: If the release failed. Returns: int: Number of variants successfully released. """ raise NotImplementedError class BuildProcessHelper(BuildProcess): """A BuildProcess base class with some useful functionality. """ def visit_variants(self, func, variants=None, **kwargs): """Iterate over variants and call a function on each.""" if variants: present_variants = range(self.package.num_variants) invalid_variants = set(variants) - set(present_variants) if invalid_variants: raise BuildError( "The package does not contain the variants: %s" % ", ".join(str(x) for x in sorted(invalid_variants))) # iterate over variants results = [] num_visited = 0 for variant in self.package.iter_variants(): if variants and variant.index not in variants: self._print_header("Skipping %s..." % self._n_of_m(variant)) continue result = func(variant, **kwargs) results.append(result) num_visited += 1 return num_visited, results def get_package_install_path(self, path): """Return the installation path for a package (where its payload goes). """ path_ = os.path.join(path, if self.package.version: path_ = os.path.join(path_, str(self.package.version)) return path_ def create_build_context(self, variant, build_type, build_path): """Create a context to build the variant within.""" request = variant.get_requires(build_requires=True, private_build_requires=True) requests_str = ' '.join(map(str, request)) self._print("Resolving build environment: %s", requests_str) if build_type == BuildType.local: packages_path = self.package.config.packages_path else: packages_path = self.package.config.nonlocal_packages_path context = ResolvedContext(request, package_paths=packages_path, building=True) if self.verbose: context.print_info() # save context before possible fail, so user can debug rxt_filepath = os.path.join(build_path, "build.rxt") if context.status != ResolverStatus.solved: raise BuildContextResolveError(context) return context, rxt_filepath def pre_release(self): # test that the release path exists release_path = self.package.config.release_packages_path if not os.path.exists(release_path): raise ReleaseError("Release path does not exist: %r" % release_path) # test that the repo is in a state to release assert self.vcs self._print("Checking state of repository...") self.vcs.validate_repostate() it = iter_packages(, paths=[release_path]) packages = sorted(it, key=lambda x: x.version, reverse=True) # check UUID. This stops unrelated packages that happen to have the same # name, being released as though they are the same package if self.package.uuid and packages: latest_package = packages[0] if latest_package.uuid and latest_package.uuid != self.package.uuid: raise ReleaseError( "Cannot release - the packages are not the same (UUID mismatch)") # test that a newer package version hasn't already been released if self.ensure_latest: for package in packages: if package.version > self.package.version: raise ReleaseError( "Cannot release - a newer package version already " "exists (%s)" % package.uri) else: break def post_release(self, release_message=None): # format tag release_settings = self.package.config.plugins.release_vcs try: tag_name = self.package.format(release_settings.tag_name) except Exception as e: raise ReleaseError("Error formatting release tag name: %s" % str(e)) if not tag_name: tag_name = "unversioned" # write a tag for the new release into the vcs assert self.vcs self.vcs.create_release_tag(tag_name=tag_name, message=release_message) def run_hooks(self, hook_event, **kwargs): for hook in self.hooks: self.debug_print("Running %s hook '%s'...", hook_event.label, try: func = getattr(hook, hook_event.func_name) func(user=getpass.getuser(), **kwargs) except ReleaseHookCancellingError as e: raise ReleaseError( "%s cancelled by %s hook '%s': %s:\n%s" % (hook_event.noun, hook_event.label,, e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) except RezError: self.debug_print( "Error in %s hook '%s': %s:\n%s" % (hook_event.label,, e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) def get_previous_release(self): release_path = self.package.config.release_packages_path it = iter_packages(, paths=[release_path]) packages = sorted(it, key=lambda x: x.version, reverse=True) for package in packages: if package.version < self.package.version: return package return None def get_release_data(self): """Get release data for this release. Returns: dict. """ previous_package = self.get_previous_release() if previous_package: previous_version = previous_package.version previous_revision = previous_package.revision else: previous_version = None previous_revision = None assert self.vcs revision = self.vcs.get_current_revision() changelog = self.vcs.get_changelog(previous_revision) # truncate changelog - very large changelogs can cause package load # times to be very high, we don't want that maxlen = config.max_package_changelog_chars if maxlen and changelog and len(changelog) > maxlen + 3: changelog = changelog[:maxlen] + "..." return dict(, revision=revision, changelog=changelog, previous_version=previous_version, previous_revision=previous_revision) def _print(self, txt, *nargs): if self.verbose: if nargs: txt = txt % nargs print txt def _print_header(self, txt, n=1): self._print('') if n <= 1: self._print('-' * 80) self._print(txt) self._print('-' * 80) else: self._print(txt) self._print('-' * len(txt)) def _n_of_m(self, variant): num_variants = max(self.package.num_variants, 1) index = (variant.index or 0) + 1 return "%d/%d" % (index, num_variants)
# This file is part of the Fluggo Media Library for high-quality # video and audio processing. # # Copyright 2012 Brian J. Crowell <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from fluggo import logging from fluggo.editor import plugins from fluggo.editor.model import sources _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VideoSourceRefConnector(plugins.VideoStream): '''Resolves a reference into a video stream. This class publishes alerts for any error that happens when finding the stream.''' def __init__(self, asset_list, ref, model_obj=None): plugins.VideoStream.__init__(self) self.asset_list = asset_list self.ref = ref self.model_obj = model_obj self.asset = None self.source = None = None self._error = None self.connect() # TODO: Handle sources appearing, disappearing, and going online/offline # TODO: Also potentially handle transforms def set_ref(self, ref): self.ref = ref self.connect() def _clear(self): self.set_base_filter(None, new_range=(None, None)) self.set_format(None) def connect(self): try: if self.asset: self.asset = None if self.source: self.unfollow_alerts(self.source) self.source = None if self.unfollow_alerts( = None if self._error: self.hide_alert(self._error) self._error = None if not self.ref: self._clear() return # TODO: Handle ad-hoc sources if not isinstance(self.ref, sources.AssetStreamRef): self._clear() return # Handle missing sources, failure to bring online, and missing streams try: self.asset = self.asset_list[self.ref.asset_path] except KeyError: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Reference refers to asset "' + self.ref.asset_path + '", which doesn\'t exist.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return if not self.asset.is_source: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Reference refers to asset "' + self.ref.asset_path + '" which is not a video source.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) try: self.source = self.asset.get_source() except: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while getting source from asset', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return self.follow_alerts(self.source) if self.source.offline: try: self.source.bring_online() except: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while bringing source online', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error, exc_info=True) self.show_alert(self._error) return if self.source.offline: self._clear() if not len(self.source.alerts): self._error = plugins.Alert('Unable to bring source "' + self.ref.asset_path + '" online.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return try: = self.source.get_stream( except KeyError: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Can\'t find stream "' + + '" in source "' + self.ref.asset_path + '".', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return self.follow_alerts( self.set_format(None) self.set_base_filter(, self.set_format( except: _log.debug('Error while resolving reference', exc_info=True) self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while resolving reference', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error, exc_info=True) self.show_alert(self._error) class AudioSourceRefConnector(plugins.AudioStream): # Really, this has almost the exact same behavior as the above; maybe # combine the two '''Resolves a reference into an audio stream. This class publishes alerts for any error that happens when finding the stream.''' def __init__(self, asset_list, ref, model_obj=None): plugins.AudioStream.__init__(self) self.asset_list = asset_list self.ref = ref self.model_obj = model_obj self.asset = None = None self._error = None self.connect() # TODO: Handle sources appearing, disappearing, and going online/offline # TODO: Also potentially handle transforms def set_ref(self, ref): self.ref = ref self.connect() def _clear(self): self.set_base_filter(None, new_range=(None, None)) self.set_format(None) def connect(self): try: if self.asset: self.asset = None if self.source: self.unfollow_alerts(self.source) self.source = None if self.unfollow_alerts( = None if self._error: self.hide_alert(self._error) self._error = None if not self.ref: self._clear() return # TODO: Handle ad-hoc sources if not isinstance(self.ref, sources.AssetStreamRef): self._clear() return # Handle missing sources, failure to bring online, and missing streams try: self.asset = self.asset_list[self.ref.asset_path] except KeyError: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Reference refers to asset "' + self.ref.asset_path + '", which doesn\'t exist.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return if not self.asset.is_source: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Reference refers to asset "' + self.ref.asset_path + '" which is not an audio source.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) try: self.source = self.asset.get_source() except: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while getting source from asset', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return self.follow_alerts(self.source) if self.source.offline: try: self.source.bring_online() except: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while bringing source online', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error, exc_info=True) self.show_alert(self._error) return if self.source.offline: self._clear() if not len(self.source.alerts): self._error = plugins.Alert('Unable to bring source "' + self.ref.asset_path + '" online.', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return try: = self.source.get_stream( except KeyError: self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Can\'t find stream "' + + '" in source "' + self.ref.asset_path + '".', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error) self.show_alert(self._error) return self.follow_alerts( self.set_format(None) self.set_base_filter(, self.set_format( except: _log.debug('Error while resolving reference', exc_info=True) self._clear() self._error = plugins.Alert('Error while resolving reference', model_obj=self.model_obj, icon=plugins.AlertIcon.Error, exc_info=True) self.show_alert(self._error)
from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import os import subprocess from django.utils.lru_cache import lru_cache def get_version(version=None): "Returns a PEP 386-compliant version number from VERSION." version = get_complete_version(version) # Now build the two parts of the version number: # major = X.Y[.Z] # sub = .devN - for pre-alpha releases # | {a|b|c}N - for alpha, beta and rc releases major = get_major_version(version) sub = '' if version[3] == 'alpha' and version[4] == 0: git_changeset = get_git_changeset() if git_changeset: sub = '.dev%s' % git_changeset elif version[3] != 'final': mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'c'} sub = mapping[version[3]] + str(version[4]) return str(major + sub) def get_major_version(version=None): "Returns major version from VERSION." version = get_complete_version(version) parts = 2 if version[2] == 0 else 3 major = '.'.join(str(x) for x in version[:parts]) return major def get_complete_version(version=None): """Returns a tuple of the django version. If version argument is non-empty, then checks for correctness of the tuple provided. """ if version is None: from django import VERSION as version else: assert len(version) == 5 assert version[3] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'final') return version def get_docs_version(version=None): version = get_complete_version(version) if version[3] != 'final': return 'dev' else: return '%d.%d' % version[:2] @lru_cache() def get_git_changeset(): """Returns a numeric identifier of the latest git changeset. The result is the UTC timestamp of the changeset in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format. This value isn't guaranteed to be unique, but collisions are very unlikely, so it's sufficient for generating the development version numbers. """ repo_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) git_log = subprocess.Popen('git log --pretty=format:%ct --quiet -1 HEAD', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, cwd=repo_dir, universal_newlines=True) timestamp = git_log.communicate()[0] try: timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) except ValueError: return None return timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
# Script name : # Semantics version: semantics-4 # Description : Tento skript umoznuje ladeni scaling faktoru # SCALE_CONCEPT12 a SCALE_PUSHPOP. Vychozi hodnoty jsou # brany ze souboru settings, vychozi rozsah je +-0.6 a krok # 0.2. Pro otestovani predat na prikazove radce retezec # "test", pro postupne zjemnovani mrizky za kazde zjemneni # pridat "refine", neni-li treba spoustet proceduru all, # predejte "noall". Skript zapise do souboru # 'tune_scale.csv' hodnoty kriterii pro dany beh. import os from svc.utils import linrange, linspace if not 'noall' in argv and 'test' not in argv: all(moveResults=False) def tune_scale(**env): eps = 1e-6 if env['SCALE_CONCEPT12'] < 1.0-eps or env['SCALE_PUSHPOP'] < 1.0-eps:"Scaling factor is less than 1.0") return 0 if 'test' not in argv: scale(env=env) res = decodeHldt() # return res['cAcc'], res['uCorr'] return res['sActAcc'], res['iF'] else: # V pripade testovani je ztratova funkce maximalni (rovna 1) v bodech # 1.83, 1.97 global SCALE_CONCEPT12, SCALE_PUSHPOP return 1 - (env['SCALE_CONCEPT12']-1.83)**2 \ - (env['SCALE_PUSHPOP']-1.97)**2 n_iters = argv.count('refine')+1 SCALE_PUSHPOP = float(env['SCALE_PUSHPOP']) SCALE_PUSHPOP_RANGE = +-0.6 SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP = 0.2 SCALE_CONCEPT12 = float(env['SCALE_CONCEPT12']) SCALE_CONCEPT12_RANGE = +-0.6 SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP = 0.2 for i in range(n_iters):"_" * 80)'')"Setting tuning steps:")"=====================")" SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP: %.2f" % SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP)" SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP : %.2f" % SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP)"_" * 80)'')'') params = { 'SCALE_PUSHPOP': linrange(SCALE_PUSHPOP, SCALE_PUSHPOP_RANGE, SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP), 'SCALE_CONCEPT12': linrange(SCALE_CONCEPT12, SCALE_CONCEPT12_RANGE, SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP), } params = Grid.cartezianGrid(params) value, tuned_params = params.tune(tune_scale, logger=logger) if i == 0: fn = 'tune_cued_scale.csv' else: fn = 'tune_cued_scale%d.csv' % (i+1, ) params.writeCSV(os.path.join(env['BUILD_DIR'], fn)) SCALE_CONCEPT12 = tuned_params['SCALE_CONCEPT12'] SCALE_CONCEPT12_RANGE = +-SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP SCALE_CONCEPT12_STEP /= 2 SCALE_PUSHPOP = tuned_params['SCALE_PUSHPOP'] SCALE_PUSHPOP_RANGE = +-SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP SCALE_PUSHPOP_STEP /= 2 env.update(tuned_params) if 'test' not in argv: scale() decodeHldt() decodeTst() moveResults()
from datetime import datetime from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.conf import settings from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from tagging.fields import TagField from markdown import markdown class Category(models.Model): """Categories of stories.""" title = models.CharField(max_length=250, help_text="Maximum 250 characters.") slug = models.SlugField(unique=True, help_text="Suggested value automatically generated from title. Must be unique.") description = models.TextField() class Meta: ordering = ['title'] verbose_name_plural = "Categories" def __unicode__(self): return self.title def get_absolute_url(self): return "/categories/{}/".format(self.slug) def live_entry_set(self): return self.entry_set.filter(status=Entry.LIVE_STATUS) class LiveEntryManager(models.Manager): """Gets only the entries that have a live status.""" def get_queryset(self): return super(LiveEntryManager, self).get_queryset().filter(status=self.model.LIVE_STATUS) class Entry(models.Model): """Entry or blog post model.""" title = models.CharField(max_length=250) excerpt = models.TextField(blank=True) body = models.TextField() pub_date = models.DateTimeField( slug = models.SlugField(unique_for_date='pub_date') # Authors, comments and the like. author = models.ForeignKey(User) enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True) featured = models.BooleanField(default=False) # Status to enable different types of entries LIVE_STATUS = 1 DRAFT_STATUS = 2 HIDDEN_STATUS = 3 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (LIVE_STATUS, 'Live'), (DRAFT_STATUS, 'Draft'), (HIDDEN_STATUS, 'Hidden'), ) status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=LIVE_STATUS) # Now for the categories and tags categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category) tags = TagField() # Separate HTML rendered entries to allow for fast loading. (Space vs. processor tradeoff) excerpt_html = models.TextField(editable=False, blank=True) body_html = models.TextField(editable=False, blank=True) # Hook in the nice manager we've written above. live = LiveEntryManager() objects = models.Manager() def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None): """Recreate the HTML from Markdown before saving the entry.""" self.body_html = markdown(self.body) if self.excerpt: self.excerpt_html = markdown(self.excerpt) super(Entry, self).save(force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields) def __unicode__(self): return self.title def get_absolute_url(self): """Gets the absolute URL for an entry.""" return reverse("charleston_entry_detail", kwargs={"year": self.pub_date.strftime("%Y"), "month": self.pub_date.strftime("%b").lower(), "day": self.pub_date.strftime("%d"), "slug": self.slug}) class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Entries" ordering = ["-pub_date"] class Link(models.Model): """Links model hyperlinks to various URLs both external and internal.""" title = models.CharField(max_length=250) description = models.TextField(blank=True) description_html = models.TextField(blank=True) url = models.URLField(unique=True) posted_by = models.ForeignKey(User) pub_date = models.DateTimeField( slug = models.SlugField(unique_for_date='pub_date') tags = TagField() # Allow for commenting and posting to external sites enable_comments = models.BooleanField(default=True) post_elsewhere = models.BooleanField(default=True) # Extra link metadata via_name = models.CharField('Via', max_length=250, blank=True, help_text='The name of the person whose site you spotted the link on. Optional.') via_url = models.URLField('Via URL', blank=True, help_text='The URL of the site where you spotted the link. Optional.') class Meta: ordering = ['-pub_date'] def __unicode__(self): return self.title def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None): """ Saves a link. Updates the rendered description HTML and make sure the link gets posted elsewhere. """ if self.description: self.description_html = markdown(self.description) # Update delicious if not and self.post_elsewhere: import pydelicious pydelicious.add(settings.DELICIOUS_USER, settings.DELICIOUS_PASSWORD, smart_str(self.url), smart_str(self.title), smart_str(self.tags)) super(Link, self).save(force_insert=force_insert, force_update=force_update, using=using, update_fields=update_fields) def get_absolute_url(self): """Gets the absolute URL of the link.""" return reverse("charleston_link_detail", kwargs={"year": self.pub_date.strftime("%Y"), "month": self.pub_date.strftime("%b").lower(), "day": self.pub_date.strftime("%d"), "slug": self.slug})
# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2017-2020 Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre) <> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <>. """Completion category that uses a list of tuples as a data source.""" import re from typing import Iterable, Tuple from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSortFilterProxyModel, QRegExp from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItem, QStandardItemModel from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget from qutebrowser.completion.models import util from qutebrowser.utils import qtutils, log class ListCategory(QSortFilterProxyModel): """Expose a list of items as a category for the CompletionModel.""" def __init__(self, name: str, items: Iterable[Tuple[str, ...]], sort: bool = True, delete_func: util.DeleteFuncType = None, parent: QWidget = None): super().__init__(parent) = name self.srcmodel = QStandardItemModel(parent=self) self._pattern = '' # ListCategory filters all columns self.columns_to_filter = [0, 1, 2] self.setFilterKeyColumn(-1) for item in items: self.srcmodel.appendRow([QStandardItem(x) for x in item]) self.setSourceModel(self.srcmodel) self.delete_func = delete_func self._sort = sort def set_pattern(self, val): """Setter for pattern. Args: val: The value to set. """ self._pattern = val val = re.sub(r' +', r' ', val) # See #1919 val = re.escape(val) val = val.replace(r'\ ', '.*') rx = QRegExp(val, Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.setFilterRegExp(rx) self.invalidate() sortcol = 0 self.sort(sortcol) def lessThan(self, lindex, rindex): """Custom sorting implementation. Prefers all items which start with self._pattern. Other than that, uses normal Python string sorting. Args: lindex: The QModelIndex of the left item (*left* < right) rindex: The QModelIndex of the right item (left < *right*) Return: True if left < right, else False """ qtutils.ensure_valid(lindex) qtutils.ensure_valid(rindex) left = right = if left is None or right is None: # pragma: no cover log.completion.warning("Got unexpected None value, " "left={!r} right={!r} " "lindex={!r} rindex={!r}" .format(left, right, lindex, rindex)) return False leftstart = left.startswith(self._pattern) rightstart = right.startswith(self._pattern) if leftstart and not rightstart: return True elif rightstart and not leftstart: return False elif self._sort: return left < right else: return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): replaces = [(b'emailApp', '0001_initial'), (b'emailApp', '0002_email_textcleaned'), (b'emailApp', '0003_email_removedcontent'), (b'emailApp', '0004_auto_20150329_0757'), (b'emailApp', '0005_auto_20150329_1216'), (b'emailApp', '0006_auto_20150329_1251'), (b'emailApp', '0007_auto_20150329_1252'), (b'emailApp', '0008_auto_20150403_1346'), (b'emailApp', '0009_dashboard')] dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Email', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('messageId', models.SlugField(unique=True, max_length=100)), ('sender', models.EmailField(max_length=254)), ('timeStamp', models.DateTimeField()), ('subject', models.CharField(max_length=998, null=True)), ('textPlain', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('textHtml', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('removedContentHtml', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('removedContentPlain', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('textCleanHtml', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('textCleanPlain', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('category', models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=15, choices=[(b'NULL', b'Not categorized'), (b'promotional', b'Promotional'), (b'spam', b'Spam'), (b'human', b'Human'), (b'notification', b'Notification'), (b'others', b'Others')])), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Dashboard', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('data', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('timeStamp', models.DateTimeField()), ('validTill', models.DateTimeField()), ('source', models.OneToOneField(to='emailApp.Email')), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), ]
import inspect from server.customhttp import HTTPResponse class NoSuchUrl(Exception): def __init__(self, url): self.url = url class Dispatcher: def __init__(self, urls, scheduler, deque): self.deque = deque self.urls = urls self.scheduler = scheduler def dispatch(self, request): fun = self._pick_handler_function(request.command, request.path) return self._execute_handler_function(request, fun) def _pick_handler_function(self, command, path): key = command + path if key in self.urls: return self.urls[key] else: raise NoSuchUrl(key) def _execute_handler_function(self, request, fun): parameter_number = len(inspect.signature(fun).parameters) if parameter_number == 2: request.scheduler = self.scheduler request.deque = self.deque return fun(request, HTTPResponse()) else: raise ArgumentLookupError(fun) class ArgumentLookupError(Exception): def __init__(self, fun): = fun def __str__(self): return repr('cant find proper params in' +
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements import wx import eos.config import gui.mainFrame from eos.utils.spoolSupport import SpoolType, SpoolOptions from gui import globalEvents as GE from gui.contextMenu import ContextMenu from service.settings import ContextMenuSettings from import Fit class SpoolUp(ContextMenu): def __init__(self): self.mainFrame = gui.mainFrame.MainFrame.getInstance() self.settings = ContextMenuSettings.getInstance() self.cycleMap = {} self.resetId = None def display(self, srcContext, selection): if not self.settings.get('spoolup'): return False if srcContext not in ("fittingModule") or self.mainFrame.getActiveFit() is None: return False self.mod = selection[0] return in ("Precursor Weapon", "Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer") def getText(self, itmContext, selection): return "Spoolup Cycles" def getSubMenu(self, context, selection, rootMenu, i, pitem): m = wx.Menu() if "wxMSW" in wx.PlatformInfo: bindmenu = rootMenu else: bindmenu = m isNotDefault = self.mod.spoolType is not None and self.mod.spoolAmount is not None cycleDefault = self.mod.getSpoolData(spoolOptions=SpoolOptions(SpoolType.SCALE, eos.config.settings['globalDefaultSpoolupPercentage'], True))[0] cycleCurrent = self.mod.getSpoolData(spoolOptions=SpoolOptions(SpoolType.SCALE, eos.config.settings['globalDefaultSpoolupPercentage'], False))[0] cycleMin = self.mod.getSpoolData(spoolOptions=SpoolOptions(SpoolType.SCALE, 0, True))[0] cycleMax = self.mod.getSpoolData(spoolOptions=SpoolOptions(SpoolType.SCALE, 1, True))[0] for cycle in range(cycleMin, cycleMax + 1): menuId = ContextMenu.nextID() # Show default only for current value and when not overriden if not isNotDefault and cycle == cycleDefault: text = "{} (default)".format(cycle) else: text = "{}".format(cycle) item = wx.MenuItem(m, menuId, text, kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) bindmenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.handleSpoolChange, item) m.Append(item) item.Check(isNotDefault and cycle == cycleCurrent) self.cycleMap[menuId] = cycle self.resetId = ContextMenu.nextID() item = wx.MenuItem(m, self.resetId, "Reset") bindmenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.handleSpoolChange, item) m.Append(item) return m def handleSpoolChange(self, event): if event.Id == self.resetId: self.mod.spoolType = None self.mod.spoolAmount = None elif event.Id in self.cycleMap: cycles = self.cycleMap[event.Id] self.mod.spoolType = SpoolType.CYCLES self.mod.spoolAmount = cycles fitID = self.mainFrame.getActiveFit() Fit.getInstance().recalc(fitID) wx.PostEvent(self.mainFrame, GE.FitChanged(fitID=fitID)) SpoolUp.register()
from .hp import HoverPy class capture(object): def __init__(self, dbpath="requests.db", capture=True, **kwargs): self.dbpath = dbpath self.capture = capture self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): def wrapped_f(*args): with HoverPy(capture=self.capture, dbpath=self.dbpath, **self.kwargs): return f(*args) return wrapped_f class simulate(object): def __init__(self, dbpath="requests.db", capture=False, **kwargs): self.dbpath = dbpath self.capture = capture self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): def wrapped_f(*args): with HoverPy(capture=self.capture, dbpath=self.dbpath, **self.kwargs): return f(*args) return wrapped_f class spy(object): def __init__(self, dbpath="requests.db", capture=False, **kwargs): self.dbpath = dbpath self.capture = capture self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): def wrapped_f(*args): with HoverPy(spy=True, capture=self.capture, dbpath=self.dbpath, **self.kwargs): return f(*args) return wrapped_f class modify(object): def __init__(self, middleware, **kwargs): self.middleware = middleware self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, f): def wrapped_f(*args): with HoverPy(modify=True, middleware=self.middleware, **self.kwargs): return f(*args) return wrapped_f
def write(x): print(x,end="") class treeprinter: """ Prints an abstract syntax tree as a XML-Document tree has to be instaneceof node (tree is the AST to be printed) """ def __init__(self,tree): self.tree = tree def printt(self): if not self.tree: raise "Tree Exception - Tree not initialized" return False self.recprint(self.tree) def writeattr(self,node): for key in node.attr: write(" "+key+"='"+str(node.attr[key])+"'") def recprint(self,node,ident=0): if node != None: delim = "\t" write(delim*ident) write("<") write(" ","_")) write("") self.writeattr(node) if len(node.children) != 0: write(">") write("\n") for item in node.children: self.recprint(item,ident+1) # write("\n") write(delim*ident) write("</"" ","_")+">") write("\n") else: write(" />"+"\n")
import random from combat import Combat class Character(Combat): attack_limit = 10 experience = 0 base_hit_points = 10 def attack(self): roll = random.randint(1, self.attack_limit) if self.weapon == 'sword': roll += 1 elif self.weapon == 'axe': roll += 2 elif self.weapon == 'bow': roll += 0 return roll > 4 def get_weapon(self): weapon_choice = input("Enter weapon of choice, [S]word, [A]xe or [B]ow: ").lower() if weapon_choice in 'sab': if weapon_choice == 's': return 'sword' elif weapon_choice == 'a': return 'axe' else: return 'bow' else: return self.get_weapon() def __init__(self, **kwargs): = input("Enter name: ") self.weapon = self.get_weapon() self.hit_points = self.base_hit_points for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __str__(self): return "Character Name: {}, Weapon: {}, HP: {}, XP: {}".format(, self.weapon, self.hit_points, self.experience) def rest(self): if self.hit_points < self.base_hit_points: self.hit_points +=1 def level_up(self): return self.experience >= 5
#_**_ coding: utf-8 _*_ """ Module for parsing configuration files Application will use hard coded configuration file for its behaviur hzzapp.conf in root directory should be written according to RFC 8822 style Created 10. Dec 2014 Author: Hrvoje Novosel<> """ import ConfigParser #classes for exceptions class SectionNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, sectionName): self.value = "Section "+sectionName+" cannot be found in configuration file" def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) #exception risen when specific keyword for given configuration value was not found class KeyNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, sectionName, keyName): self.value = "Key "+ keyName +" (under section "+ sectionName +") cannot be found in configuration file" def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) #exception risen when missmatch between requested type and type of configuration value occur, not implemented yet class KeyIncorrectType(Exception): def __init__(self, key, expectedType, realType): self.value = "Key "+ key + " has type "+ realType +" but "+ expectedType +" was expected" def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) class config: def __init__(self, configfile): self.cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() def Read(self, section, **keys): #special case debug, for simplicity define here, maybe it should go to configuration file if section.upper() in ['DEBUG', 'DEVELOPMENT']: return False elif section.upper() == 'SENDMAIL': return True #wrap retrive methods, return default value if passed, otherwise raise exception try: if len(keys) == 1: item = keys.popitem() return self.getValue(section, item[0], type(item[1])) else: for k in keys: keys[k] = self.getValue(section, k, type(keys[k])) return keys except (KeyNotFound): if len(keys) == 0 and item[1] != None: return item[1] elif len(keys) > 0 and True not in [keys[x] == None for x in keys]: return keys #by default rerise exception raise def getValue(self, section, name, type=type(" ")): if not self.cfg.has_section(section): raise SectionNotFound(section) if not self.cfg.has_option(section, name): raise KeyNotFound(section, name) #return typed response if type is bool: return self.cfg.getboolean(section, name) elif type is int: return self.cfg.getint(section, name) elif type is float: return self.cfg.getfloat(section, name) else: return self.cfg.get(section, name)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © 2012 - 2015 Michal Čihař <> # # This file is part of Weblate <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # from south.db import db from south.v2 import SchemaMigration class Migration(SchemaMigration): def forwards(self, orm): # Adding field 'Change.action' db.add_column('trans_change', 'action','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(default=2), keep_default=False) def backwards(self, orm): # Deleting field 'Change.action' db.delete_column('trans_change', 'action') models = { '': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Group'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '80'}), 'permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'auth.permission': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('content_type__app_label', 'content_type__model', 'codename')", 'unique_together': "(('content_type', 'codename'),)", 'object_name': 'Permission'}, 'codename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'content_type': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['contenttypes.ContentType']"}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '50'}) }, 'auth.user': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'User'}, 'date_joined': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'first_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'groups': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Group']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'is_active': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'is_staff': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'is_superuser': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'last_login': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'last_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '30', 'blank': 'True'}), 'password': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128'}), 'user_permissions': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'to': "orm['auth.Permission']", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'blank': 'True'}), 'username': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '30'}) }, 'contenttypes.contenttype': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "('name',)", 'unique_together': "(('app_label', 'model'),)", 'object_name': 'ContentType', 'db_table': "'django_content_type'"}, 'app_label': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}) }, 'lang.language': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'Language'}, 'code': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '50'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'nplurals': ('django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField', [], {'default': '0'}), 'pluralequation': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '255', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'trans.change': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['-timestamp']", 'object_name': 'Change'}, 'action': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '2'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'timestamp': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'unit': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Unit']"}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']"}) }, 'trans.check': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Check'}, 'check': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '20'}), 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'ignore': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lang.Language']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Project']"}) }, 'trans.comment': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['timestamp']", 'object_name': 'Comment'}, 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'comment': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lang.Language']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Project']"}), 'timestamp': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'auto_now_add': 'True', 'db_index': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'trans.dictionary': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['source']", 'object_name': 'Dictionary'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lang.Language']"}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Project']"}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'target': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'trans.indexupdate': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'IndexUpdate'}, 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'unit': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Unit']"}) }, 'trans.project': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['name']", 'object_name': 'Project'}, 'commit_message': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Translated using Weblate.'", 'max_length': '200'}), 'committer_email': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '75'}), 'committer_name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'Weblate'", 'max_length': '200'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'instructions': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'mail': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'merge_style': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'merge'", 'max_length': '10'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'new_lang': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'contact'", 'max_length': '10'}), 'push_on_commit': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'set_translation_team': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'web': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200'}) }, 'trans.subproject': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['project__name', 'name']", 'object_name': 'SubProject'}, 'branch': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'master'", 'max_length': '50'}), 'file_format': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "'auto'", 'max_length': '50'}), 'filemask': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'locked': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}), 'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Project']"}), 'push': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'repo': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'report_source_bugs': ('django.db.models.fields.EmailField', [], {'max_length': '75', 'blank': 'True'}), 'repoweb': ('django.db.models.fields.URLField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}), 'slug': ('django.db.models.fields.SlugField', [], {'max_length': '50'}), 'template': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'trans.suggestion': { 'Meta': {'object_name': 'Suggestion'}, 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lang.Language']"}), 'project': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Project']"}), 'target': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}) }, 'trans.translation': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['language__name']", 'object_name': 'Translation'}, 'enabled': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'filename': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '200'}), 'fuzzy': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'language': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['lang.Language']"}), 'language_code': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '20'}), 'lock_time': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': ''}), 'lock_user': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'default': 'None', 'to': "orm['auth.User']", 'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'}), 'revision': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '100', 'blank': 'True'}), 'subproject': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.SubProject']"}), 'total': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'translated': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'default': '0', 'db_index': 'True'}) }, 'trans.unit': { 'Meta': {'ordering': "['position']", 'object_name': 'Unit'}, 'checksum': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'comment': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'context': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'flags': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'fuzzy': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}), 'location': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'position': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'db_index': 'True'}), 'source': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {}), 'target': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'blank': 'True'}), 'translated': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False', 'db_index': 'True'}), 'translation': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['trans.Translation']"}) } } complete_apps = ['trans']
#!/usr/bin/env python import urllib import urllib2 import time import getopt import sys import os import timeit import platform import subprocess import re REFERENCE_URL = '' WSGI_URL = '' def download_file(): """ Download file and then remove it """ webref = urllib2.urlopen(REFERENCE_URL) foo = def get_host_info(): """ GET host information """ host_info = {} if 'OSG_SITE_NAME' in os.environ: host_info['site'] = os.environ['OSG_SITE_NAME'] elif 'GLIDEIN_RESOURCE_NAME' in os.env: host_info['site'] = os.envron['GLIDEIN_RESOURCE_NAME'] host_info['hostname'] = platform.node() return host_info def send_record(test_record = None): """ Send record to wsgi """ if test_record is None: return try: temp = test_record.copy() if 'latency' in temp: del temp['latency'] bandwidth_req = WSGI_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(temp) req = urllib2.urlopen(bandwidth_req) temp = test_record.copy() if 'bandwidth' in temp: del temp['bandwidth'] latency_req = WSGI_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(temp) req = urllib2.urlopen(latency_req) except Exception, e: pass def get_latency(): """ Test ping time latency to stash """ try: ping_output = subprocess.check_output(['/bin/ping', '-c', '10', '']) except AttributeError: process = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/ping', '-c', '10', ''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ping_output = process.communicate()[0] ping_regex = re.compile(r'rtt.*=\s+[\d.]+/([\d.]+)') match = if match: return float( return 0.0 def main(): test_record = get_host_info() test_record['date'] = time.time() download_times = timeit.Timer('download_file()', "from __main__ import download_file").repeat(repeat = 5, number = 1) avg_time = 0.0 records = 0 for x in download_times: if x < 0.005: continue avg_time += x records += 1 test_record['bandwidth'] = float(100 * 2**20) / (avg_time / float(records)) test_record['latency'] = get_latency() send_record(test_record) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import os import nltk from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer #apagar wanings os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL']='2' import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import pickle import random from collections import Counter lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() hm_lines = 10000000 #files neg_file='/home/sarria/data/lexicon/neg.txt' pos_file='/home/sarria/data/lexicon/pos.txt' def create_lexicon(pos,neg): lexicon = [] for fi in [pos,neg]: with open(fi,'r') as fh: contents = fh.readlines() for l in contents[:hm_lines]: all_words=word_tokenize(l.lower()) lexicon +=list(all_words) lexicon=[lemmatizer.lemmatize(i) for i in lexicon] w_counts = Counter(lexicon) l2=[] for w in w_counts: if 1000>w_counts[w]>50: l2.append(w) return l2 def sample_handling(sample,lexicon,classification): featureset=[] with open(sample,'r') as fh: contents = fh.readlines() for l in contents[:hm_lines]: current_words = word_tokenize(l.lower()) current_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(i) for i in current_words] features = np.zeros(len(lexicon)) for word in current_words: if word.lower() in lexicon: index_value = lexicon.index(word.lower()) features[index_value]+=1 featureset.append([features,classification]) return featureset def create_feature_sets_labels(pos_file,neg_file,test_size=0.1): lexicon = create_lexicon(pos_file,neg_file) print('Lexicon: ', len(lexicon)) features=[] features+=sample_handling(pos_file,lexicon,[1,0]) features+=sample_handling(neg_file,lexicon,[0,1]) random.shuffle(features) features = np.array(features) testing_size=int(test_size*len(features)) train_x=list(features[:,0][:-testing_size]) train_y=list(features[:,1][:-testing_size]) test_x=list(features[:,0][-testing_size:]) test_y=list(features[:,1][-testing_size:]) return train_x,train_y,test_x,test_y ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### print('Preparando datos...') train_x,train_y,test_x,test_y=create_feature_sets_labels(pos_file,neg_file) #with open ('/home/sarria/data/lexicon/sentimen_set.pickle','wb') as fh: # pickle.dump([train_x,train_y,test_x,test_y],fh) print('Done!!') n_nodes_hl1 = 500 n_nodes_hl2 = 500 n_nodes_hl3 = 500 n_clases = 2 batch_size = 100 #dims = 28 x 28 = 784 x = tf.placeholder('float',[None,len(train_x[0])]) y = tf.placeholder('float') def nn_model(data): #entrada*weights + biases hidden_1_layer={'weights':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([len(train_x[0]), n_nodes_hl1])), 'biases':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl1]))} hidden_2_layer={'weights':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl1, n_nodes_hl2])), 'biases':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl2]))} hidden_3_layer={'weights':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl2, n_nodes_hl3])), 'biases':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl3]))} output_layer={'weights':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl3, n_clases])), 'biases':tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_clases]))} l1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(data,hidden_1_layer['weights']),hidden_1_layer['biases']) l1 = tf.nn.relu(l1) l2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l1,hidden_2_layer['weights']),hidden_2_layer['biases']) l2 = tf.nn.relu(l2) l3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l2,hidden_3_layer['weights']),hidden_3_layer['biases']) l3 = tf.nn.relu(l3) output = tf.add(tf.matmul(l3,output_layer['weights']),output_layer['biases']) return output def train_nn(x): out = nn_model(x) cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=out,labels=y)) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost) epochs=10 with tf.Session() as sess: for epoch in range(epochs): epoch_loss = 0 i=0 while i<len(train_x): start =i end = i+batch_size e_x = np.array(train_x[start:end]) e_y = np.array(train_y[start:end]) _,[optimizer,cost],feed_dict={x: e_x, y: e_y}) epoch_loss +=c i+=batch_size print('Epoca',epoch, ' completa, loss: ', epoch_loss) correct=tf.equal(tf.argmax(out,1),tf.argmax(y,1)) acc=tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct,'float')) print('Accuracy: ', acc.eval({x:test_x,y:test_y})) train_nn(x)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tkinter import tkinter.messagebox from Bl import Play from Lib import Tools class GUI : def __init__ (self, master) : self.master = master self.Tools = Tools.Tools() self.listRst = '' self.resRst = '' self.getDetail = '' def showList (self, searchKey) : rstWindow = tkinter.Toplevel() rstWindow.title('资源列表') rstWindow.resizable(width = 'false', height = 'false') if self.Tools.isWin() : rstWindow.iconbitmap(self.Tools.getRes('biticon.ico')) titleFrame = tkinter.Frame(rstWindow, bd = 0, bg="#444") titleFrame.pack(expand = True, fill = 'both') titleLabel = tkinter.Label(titleFrame, text = '关键词 :「 ' + searchKey + ' 」的搜索结果', fg = '#ddd', bg="#444", font = ("Helvetica", "12")) titleLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 1, pady = 10) titleFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) titleFrame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.frame = tkinter.Frame(rstWindow, bd = 0, bg="#222") self.frame.pack(expand = True, fill = 'both') self.window = tkinter.Listbox(self.frame, height = 14, width = 40, bd = 0, bg="#222", fg = '#ddd', selectbackground = '#116cd6', highlightthickness = 0) self.window.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 10) self.window.bind('<Double-Button-1>', self.__getMovDetails) try : self.window.delete(0, 100) except : pass def updateList (self) : if self.listRst != '' : idx = 0 for x in self.listRst : self.window.insert(idx, x['title']) idx += 1 else : self.timer = self.frame.after(50, self.updateList) def showRes (self) : self.resWindow = tkinter.Toplevel() self.resWindow.title(['title']) self.resWindow.resizable(width = 'false', height = 'false') if self.Tools.isWin() : self.resWindow.iconbitmap(self.Tools.getRes('biticon.ico')) self.resWindow.config(background='#444') self.resFrame = tkinter.Frame(self.resWindow, bd = 0, bg="#444") self.resFrame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = '') btnZone = tkinter.Frame(self.resWindow, bd = 10, bg="#444") btnZone.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = '') self.resList = tkinter.Listbox(self.resFrame, height = 8, width = 50, bd = 0, bg="#222", fg = '#ddd',selectbackground = '#116cd6', highlightthickness = 0) self.resList.grid(row = 0, sticky = '') viewBtn = tkinter.Button(btnZone, text = '查看连接', width = 10, fg = '#222', highlightbackground = '#444', command = self.__taskShow) viewBtn.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 5) watchBtn = tkinter.Button(btnZone, text = '在线观看', width = 10, fg = '#222', highlightbackground = '#444', command = self.__taskWatch) watchBtn.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 5) dlBtn = tkinter.Button(btnZone, text = '离线下载', width = 10, fg = '#222', highlightbackground = '#444', command = self.__taskDownload) dlBtn.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 5) def updateRes (self) : if self.resRst != '' : if len(self.resRst) > 0: idx = 0 for x in self.resRst : self.resList.insert(idx, x[0]) idx += 1 else : self.resList.insert(0, '该资源已被和谐,暂时无法播放。') else : self.timer = self.resFrame.after(50, self.updateRes) def __getMovDetails (self, event) : idx = int(self.window.curselection()[0]) = self.listRst[idx] self.getDetail( def __getChoose (self) : if self.resList.curselection() == () : tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Notice', '请选择一个文件进行操作!') else : idx = int(self.resList.curselection()[0]) target = self.resRst[idx] def __taskWatch (self) : if self.resList.curselection() == () : tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '请选择一个文件进行操作!') else : idx = int(self.resList.curselection()[0]) target = self.resRst[idx] Player = Play.Play(self.master) Player.watchLink(target) def __taskShow (self) : if self.resList.curselection() == () : tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '请选择一个文件进行操作!') else : idx = int(self.resList.curselection()[0]) target = self.resRst[idx] Player = Play.Play(self.master) Player.showLink(target) def __taskDownload (self) : if self.resList.curselection() == () : tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('提示', '请选择一个文件进行操作!') else : idx = int(self.resList.curselection()[0]) target = self.resRst[idx] Player = Play.Play(self.master) Player.dlLink(target)
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Test class for IloPower module.""" import mock from oslo.utils import importutils from oslo_config import cfg from ironic.common import boot_devices from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common import states from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import common as ilo_common from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import deploy as ilo_deploy from ironic.drivers.modules.ilo import power as ilo_power from ironic.tests.conductor import utils as mgr_utils from ironic.tests.db import base as db_base from ironic.tests.db import utils as db_utils from ironic.tests.objects import utils as obj_utils ilo_client = importutils.try_import('proliantutils.ilo.ribcl') INFO_DICT = db_utils.get_test_ilo_info() CONF = cfg.CONF @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'get_ilo_object') class IloPowerInternalMethodsTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloPowerInternalMethodsTestCase, self).setUp() driver_info = INFO_DICT mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="fake_ilo") self.node = db_utils.create_test_node( driver='fake_ilo', driver_info=driver_info, instance_uuid='instance_uuid_123') CONF.set_override('power_retry', 2, 'ilo') CONF.set_override('power_wait', 0, 'ilo') def test__get_power_state(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.return_value = 'ON' self.assertEqual( states.POWER_ON, ilo_power._get_power_state(self.node)) ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.return_value = 'OFF' self.assertEqual( states.POWER_OFF, ilo_power._get_power_state(self.node)) ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.return_value = 'ERROR' self.assertEqual(states.ERROR, ilo_power._get_power_state(self.node)) def test__get_power_state_fail(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value exc = ilo_client.IloError('error') ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.side_effect = exc self.assertRaises(exception.IloOperationError, ilo_power._get_power_state, self.node) ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.assert_called_once_with() def test__set_power_state_invalid_state(self, get_ilo_object_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidParameterValue, ilo_power._set_power_state, task, states.ERROR) def test__set_power_state_reboot_fail(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value exc = ilo_client.IloError('error') ilo_mock_object.reset_server.side_effect = exc with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.IloOperationError, ilo_power._set_power_state, task, states.REBOOT) ilo_mock_object.reset_server.assert_called_once_with() def test__set_power_state_reboot_ok(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.side_effect = ['ON', 'OFF', 'ON'] with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: ilo_power._set_power_state(task, states.REBOOT) ilo_mock_object.reset_server.assert_called_once_with() def test__set_power_state_off_fail(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.return_value = 'ON' with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.PowerStateFailure, ilo_power._set_power_state, task, states.POWER_OFF) ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.assert_called_with() ilo_mock_object.hold_pwr_btn.assert_called_once_with() def test__set_power_state_on_ok(self, get_ilo_object_mock): ilo_mock_object = get_ilo_object_mock.return_value ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.side_effect = ['OFF', 'ON'] target_state = states.POWER_ON with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: ilo_power._set_power_state(task, target_state) ilo_mock_object.get_host_power_status.assert_called_with() ilo_mock_object.set_host_power.assert_called_once_with('ON') @mock.patch.object(manager_utils, 'node_set_boot_device') @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'setup_vmedia_for_boot') def test__attach_boot_iso(self, setup_vmedia_mock, set_boot_device_mock, get_ilo_object_mock): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: task.node.instance_info['ilo_boot_iso'] = 'boot-iso' ilo_power._attach_boot_iso(task) setup_vmedia_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, 'boot-iso') set_boot_device_mock.assert_called_once_with(task, boot_devices.CDROM) class IloPowerTestCase(db_base.DbTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IloPowerTestCase, self).setUp() driver_info = INFO_DICT mgr_utils.mock_the_extension_manager(driver="fake_ilo") self.node = obj_utils.create_test_node(self.context, driver='fake_ilo', driver_info=driver_info) def test_get_properties(self): expected = ilo_common.COMMON_PROPERTIES expected.update(ilo_deploy.COMMON_PROPERTIES) with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertEqual(expected, task.driver.get_properties()) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info') def test_validate(self, mock_drvinfo): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: task.driver.power.validate(task) mock_drvinfo.assert_called_once_with(task.node) @mock.patch.object(ilo_common, 'parse_driver_info') def test_validate_fail(self, mock_drvinfo): side_effect = exception.InvalidParameterValue("Invalid Input") mock_drvinfo.side_effect = side_effect with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidParameterValue, task.driver.power.validate, task) @mock.patch.object(ilo_power, '_get_power_state') def test_get_power_state(self, mock_get_power): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=True) as task: mock_get_power.return_value = states.POWER_ON self.assertEqual(states.POWER_ON, task.driver.power.get_power_state(task)) mock_get_power.assert_called_once_with(task.node) @mock.patch.object(ilo_power, '_set_power_state') def test_set_power_state(self, mock_set_power): mock_set_power.return_value = states.POWER_ON with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: task.driver.power.set_power_state(task, states.POWER_ON) mock_set_power.assert_called_once_with(task, states.POWER_ON) @mock.patch.object(ilo_power, '_set_power_state') @mock.patch.object(ilo_power, '_get_power_state') def test_reboot(self, mock_get_power, mock_set_power): with task_manager.acquire(self.context, self.node.uuid, shared=False) as task: mock_get_power.return_value = states.POWER_ON mock_set_power.return_value = states.POWER_ON task.driver.power.reboot(task) mock_get_power.assert_called_once_with(task.node) mock_set_power.assert_called_once_with(task, states.REBOOT)
import numpy as np ############################################################################### ## Surface Area ## --------------------------------- ## Planar polygon ############################################################################### # Theorem of Green #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # integral_contour(L dx + M dy) = integral_area((dM/dx - dL/dy) dx dy) # contour = oriented, piecewise smooth, simple closed curve in a plane # area = region bounded by perimeter # L, M = functions of (x,y) defined on an open region containing area with continuous partial derivatives # # Application: # Planimeter # integral_contour(-y dx + x dy) = integral_area((dx/dx - -dy/dy) dx dy) = 2 area def area(p_vs, n=None): if (len(p_vs) < 3): return 0.0 dim = p_vs[0].shape[0] if dim == 2: return _area2D(p_vs) elif dim == 3: return _area3D(p_vs, n=n) def _area2D(p_vs): area = 0.0 nb_p_vs = len(p_vs) #for j in range(nb_p_vs): # p_v1 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs-1) % nb_p_vs] # p_v2 = p_vs[j] # area += + p_v1[0]*p_v2[1] - p_v2[0]*p_v1[1] for j in range(nb_p_vs): p_v1 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs-1) % nb_p_vs] p_v2 = p_vs[j] p_v3 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs+1) % nb_p_vs] area += p_v2[0] * (p_v3[1] - p_v1[1]) return 0.5 * abs(area) def _area3D(p_vs, n): area = 0.0 nb_p_vs = len(p_vs) ax = abs(n[0]) ay = abs(n[1]) az = abs(n[2]) if (ax > ay and ax > az): lca = 0 elif (ay > az): lca = 1 else: lca = 2 an = np.sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az) if lca == 0: for j in range(nb_p_vs): p_v1 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs-1) % nb_p_vs] p_v2 = p_vs[j] p_v3 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs+1) % nb_p_vs] area += p_v2[1] * (p_v3[2] - p_v1[2]) area *= (an / n[0]) elif lca == 1: for j in range(nb_p_vs): p_v1 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs-1) % nb_p_vs] p_v2 = p_vs[j] p_v3 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs+1) % nb_p_vs] area += p_v2[2] * (p_v3[0] - p_v1[0]) area *= (an / n[1]) else: for j in range(nb_p_vs): p_v1 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs-1) % nb_p_vs] p_v2 = p_vs[j] p_v3 = p_vs[(j+nb_p_vs+1) % nb_p_vs] area += p_v2[0] * (p_v3[1] - p_v1[1]) area *= (an / n[2]) return 0.5 * abs(area)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ############################################################################# # # Brazillian Carrier Correios Sigep WEB # Copyright (C) 2015 KMEE ( # @author: Michell Stuttgart <> # # Sponsored by Europestar # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## class SigepWEBBaseException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg, *args): self.message = msg.format(args) def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) class ErroSemConexaoComInternet(SigepWEBBaseException): def __init__(self, msg, *args): self.message = 'No Internet conection.' def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) class ErroConexaoComServidor(SigepWEBBaseException): def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) class ErroTamanhoParamentroIncorreto(SigepWEBBaseException): def __str__(self): return repr(self.message) class ErroValidacaoXML(SigepWEBBaseException): def __str__(self): return repr(self.message)
# Prepares a complex for AlGDock try: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('ligand_mol2', default=None, help='Input mol2 of the ligand with sybyl atom types') parser.add_argument('receptor_pdb', default=None, help='Input PDB of the receptor with AMBER atom types') parser.add_argument('complex_tarball', default=None, help='Prefix for the complex prmtop and inpcrd files') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() except: import sys class args: ligand_mol2 = sys.argv[1] receptor_pdb = sys.argv[2] import os for FN in [args.ligand_mol2, args.receptor_pdb]: if not os.path.isfile(FN): raise Exception('Input file %s not found!'%FN) args.ligand_mol2 = os.path.abspath(args.ligand_mol2) args.receptor_pdb = os.path.abspath(args.receptor_pdb) args.complex_tarball = os.path.abspath(args.complex_tarball) import os, inspect dirs = {'script':os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(\ inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))} execfile(os.path.join(dirs['script'],'')) command_paths = findPaths(['sander']) dirs['amber'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(command_paths['sander'])[:-4]) dirs['temp'] = args.complex_tarball + '.tmp' if not os.path.isdir(dirs['temp']): os.system('mkdir -p '+dirs['temp']) os.chdir(dirs['temp']) ligand_prefix = '.'.join(os.path.dirname(args.ligand_mol2).split('/')[-1].split('.')[:-1]) \ + '.' + os.path.basename(args.ligand_mol2)[:-5] # The receptor file name ends with '.pdb2pqr_amber.pqr', # which is 18 characters long receptor_prefix = os.path.basename(args.receptor_pdb)[:-18] complex_prefix = ligand_prefix + '-' + receptor_prefix if not os.path.isfile(ligand_prefix+'.mol2'): print '\n*** Writing mol2 file with amber atom types ***' command = dirs['amber']+'/bin/antechamber' + \ ' -i {0} -fi mol2 -o {1}.mol2 -fo mol2 -rn LIG'.format(\ args.ligand_mol2,ligand_prefix) os.system(command) if not os.path.isfile(ligand_prefix+'.mol2'): print command raise Exception('Could not write mol2 file') if not os.path.isfile(ligand_prefix+'.frcmod'): print '\n*** Generating frcmod file ***' command = dirs['amber']+'/bin/parmchk' +\ ' -i {0}.mol2 -f mol2 -o {0}.frcmod -a Y -w Y'.format(ligand_prefix) os.system(command) if not (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(complex_prefix+'.prmtop')) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(complex_prefix+'.inpcrd')) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(complex_prefix+'.pdb'))): print '\n*** Generating prmtop and inpcrd and pdb files ***' tleap_F = open(complex_prefix+'.tleap','w') tleap_F.write(""" source leaprc.ff14SB set default PBRadii mbondi2 # Receptor receptor = loadpdb {0} # Ligand source leaprc.gaff2 loadamberparams {1}.frcmod ligand = loadmol2 {1}.mol2 saveoff ligand {1}.lib loadoff {1}.lib # Complex complex = combine {{receptor, ligand}} saveamberparm complex {2}.prmtop {2}.inpcrd savepdb complex {2}.pdb quit """.format(args.receptor_pdb, ligand_prefix, complex_prefix)) tleap_F.close() command = dirs['amber']+'/bin/tleap -f {0}.tleap'.format(complex_prefix) os.system(command) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(complex_prefix+'.pdb')): print '\n*** Setting fixed atoms in pdb file ***' command = 'python {0}/ {1}' command = command.format(dirs['script'], os.path.join(complex_prefix+'.pdb')) os.system(command) # Compresses the complex files in a tarball import tarfile tarF =,'w:gz') tarF_contents = [complex_prefix+'.'+ext for ext in ['prmtop', 'inpcrd', 'pdb']] for FN in tarF_contents: tarF.add(FN) tarF.close() os.chdir('..') if not args.debug: os.system('rm -rf '+dirs['temp'])
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from msrest.serialization import Model class MetricTrigger(Model): """The trigger that results in a scaling action. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param metric_name: Required. the name of the metric that defines what the rule monitors. :type metric_name: str :param metric_resource_uri: Required. the resource identifier of the resource the rule monitors. :type metric_resource_uri: str :param time_grain: Required. the granularity of metrics the rule monitors. Must be one of the predefined values returned from metric definitions for the metric. Must be between 12 hours and 1 minute. :type time_grain: timedelta :param statistic: Required. the metric statistic type. How the metrics from multiple instances are combined. Possible values include: 'Average', 'Min', 'Max', 'Sum' :type statistic: str or ~azure.mgmt.monitor.models.MetricStatisticType :param time_window: Required. the range of time in which instance data is collected. This value must be greater than the delay in metric collection, which can vary from resource-to-resource. Must be between 12 hours and 5 minutes. :type time_window: timedelta :param time_aggregation: Required. time aggregation type. How the data that is collected should be combined over time. The default value is Average. Possible values include: 'Average', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Total', 'Count' :type time_aggregation: str or ~azure.mgmt.monitor.models.TimeAggregationType :param operator: Required. the operator that is used to compare the metric data and the threshold. Possible values include: 'Equals', 'NotEquals', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterThanOrEqual', 'LessThan', 'LessThanOrEqual' :type operator: str or ~azure.mgmt.monitor.models.ComparisonOperationType :param threshold: Required. the threshold of the metric that triggers the scale action. :type threshold: float """ _validation = { 'metric_name': {'required': True}, 'metric_resource_uri': {'required': True}, 'time_grain': {'required': True}, 'statistic': {'required': True}, 'time_window': {'required': True}, 'time_aggregation': {'required': True}, 'operator': {'required': True}, 'threshold': {'required': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'metric_name': {'key': 'metricName', 'type': 'str'}, 'metric_resource_uri': {'key': 'metricResourceUri', 'type': 'str'}, 'time_grain': {'key': 'timeGrain', 'type': 'duration'}, 'statistic': {'key': 'statistic', 'type': 'MetricStatisticType'}, 'time_window': {'key': 'timeWindow', 'type': 'duration'}, 'time_aggregation': {'key': 'timeAggregation', 'type': 'TimeAggregationType'}, 'operator': {'key': 'operator', 'type': 'ComparisonOperationType'}, 'threshold': {'key': 'threshold', 'type': 'float'}, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MetricTrigger, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.metric_name = kwargs.get('metric_name', None) self.metric_resource_uri = kwargs.get('metric_resource_uri', None) self.time_grain = kwargs.get('time_grain', None) self.statistic = kwargs.get('statistic', None) self.time_window = kwargs.get('time_window', None) self.time_aggregation = kwargs.get('time_aggregation', None) self.operator = kwargs.get('operator', None) self.threshold = kwargs.get('threshold', None)
from multiprocessing import Process from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time from google.google_gmail import get_gmail_lists, get_gmail_message_mime, delete_gmail_message from config.cfg import put_config_axiscare_url from log.log import log_general, log_error def eml_list(): return get_gmail_lists() def get_ids(id_list): ids = [] for l in id_list: ids.append(l['id']) return ids def get_emails(ids): emls = [] for id in ids: e = get_gmail_message_mime(id) emls.append({'id': id, 'email': e}) return emls def extract_url(eml): # for p in eml.get_payload(): if not isinstance(p.get_payload(), str): for p2 in p.get_payload(): for h in p2._headers: if h[0]== 'Content-Type' and h[1].startswith('text/html'): payload = p2.get_payload() soup = BeautifulSoup(payload, "html.parser") a_all = soup.findAll("a") for a in a_all: href = a.attrs['href'].replace('3D', '').replace('\"', '') if href.startswith(''): #Assumption that html version appears before pdf version return href # return False def process_emls(emls): # for e in emls: # url = extract_url(e['email']) # if url: put_config_axiscare_url(url) #Delete email delete_gmail_message(e['id']) return True return False def url_updater(): # updatestatus = False # while True: # try: eml_lists = eml_list() # if len(eml_lists) > 0: # eml_ids = get_ids(eml_lists) # if len(eml_ids) > 0: # emls = get_emails(eml_ids) updatestatus = process_emls(emls) # if updatestatus: msg_success = 'the url stored in config.json has been updated' else: msg_success = 'no new urls received' log_general('Axiscare URL updater process completed - {msg_success}'.format(msg_success=msg_success)) # except Exception as e: log_error('Could not process emails to check for new URL notification - {error}'.format(error=e)) # time.sleep(300) #5mins def start_url_updater(): process_urlupdater = Process(target=url_updater) process_urlupdater.start() log_general('Axiscare URL updater process started')
""" Created on Sun Sep 17 07:26:03 2017 @author: dariocorral """ from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta import pytz class Hour(object): """ Auxiliary class for converting GMT - NY - local time hours """ #Local time hour property @property def current_local(self): """ Returns local current hour :return:integer """ return #New York current hour property @property def current_NY(self): """ Returns New York current hour :return:integer """ return'US/Eastern')).hour #GMT current hour property @property def current_GMT(self): """ Returns GMT current hour :return:integer """ return'utc')).hour #New York hour - GMT hour @property def offset_NY_GMT(self): """ Returns New York current hour GMT current hour difference :return: integer """ return self.current_NY - self.current_GMT #New York hour - GMT hour @property def offset_local_GMT(self): """ Returns Local current hour vs GMT current hour difference :return: integer """ return self.current_local - self.current_GMT def hour_offset_calculate(self, hour, delta): """ Operate with hours """ year = month = day = dt_hour = datetime(year, month, day, hour) dt_hour_offset = dt_hour + timedelta(hours= delta) return dt_hour_offset.hour
import os class CopyType: """ A fake enum, define three type of copy job """ FILE2FILE = 0 FILE2DIR = 1 DIR2DIR = 2 def copytype2str(t): if t == CopyType.FILE2FILE: return "file to file" elif t == CopyType.FILE2DIR: return "file(s) to dir" elif t == CopyType.DIR2DIR: return "dir to dir" else: return "Unknown type" def cleanup_path(paths, removedir=True): """ remove unreable files and directories from the input path collection, skipped include two type of elements: unwanted directories if removedir is True or unaccessible files/directories """ checked = [] skipped = [] for ele in paths: ele = os.path.abspath(ele) if os.path.exists(ele) and os.access(ele, os.R_OK): if os.path.isdir(ele) and removedir: skipped.append(ele) else: checked.append(ele) else: skipped.append(ele) return checked, skipped def identify_copytype(isrc, idest): """ verify and return target destination case 1: source: multiple files destination is an existing directory copytype: FILES2DIR case 2: source: a file destination can either be: a file doesn't exist but writable a file exists then FILE2FILE case 3: source: a directory destination: a directory doesn't exist, but writable then DIR2DIR case 3 used to be the only mode FCP supports. """ if not os.path.isabs(idest): idest = os.path.abspath(idest) single_src_file = True if len(isrc) == 1 and os.path.isfile(isrc[0]) else False single_src_dir = True if len(isrc) == 1 and os.path.isdir(isrc[0]) else False dest_exist_dir = False dest_exist_file = False dest_parent_writable = False if os.path.exists(idest): if not os.access(idest, os.W_OK): raise ValueError("Can't access %s" % idest) if os.path.isfile(idest): dest_exist_file = True else: dest_exist_dir = True else: # idest doesn't exist, check its parent idest_parent = os.path.dirname(idest) if os.path.exists(idest_parent) and os.access(idest_parent, os.W_OK): dest_parent_writable = True if single_src_file and (dest_exist_file or dest_parent_writable): copytype = CopyType.FILE2FILE elif single_src_dir and (dest_exist_dir or dest_parent_writable): copytype = CopyType.DIR2DIR elif not (single_src_dir or single_src_file) and dest_exist_dir: copytype = CopyType.FILE2DIR if copytype is None: raise ValueError("Can't decide the type of copy operations") return copytype
from ..proxy import ServerConnection, AddressPriority KILL = 0 # const for killed requests class ConnectionTypeChange(Exception): """ Gets raised if the connetion type has been changed (e.g. after HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols). It's up to the raising ProtocolHandler to specify the new conntype before raising the exception. """ pass class ProtocolHandler(object): def __init__(self, c): self.c = c """@type: libmproxy.proxy.ConnectionHandler""" def handle_messages(self): """ This method gets called if a client connection has been made. Depending on the proxy settings, a server connection might already exist as well. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def handle_error(self, error): """ This method gets called should there be an uncaught exception during the connection. This might happen outside of handle_messages, e.g. if the initial SSL handshake fails in transparent mode. """ raise error # pragma: nocover class TemporaryServerChangeMixin(object): """ This mixin allows safe modification of the target server, without any need to expose the ConnectionHandler to the Flow. """ def change_server(self, address, ssl): if address == self.c.server_conn.address(): return priority = AddressPriority.MANUALLY_CHANGED if self.c.server_conn.priority > priority: self.log("Attempt to change server address, " "but priority is too low (is: %s, got: %s)" % (self.server_conn.priority, priority)) return self.log("Temporarily change server connection: %s:%s -> %s:%s" % (, self.c.server_conn.address.port,, address.port )) if not hasattr(self, "_backup_server_conn"): self._backup_server_conn = self.c.server_conn self.c.server_conn = None else: # This is at least the second temporary change. We can kill the current connection. self.c.del_server_connection() self.c.set_server_address(address, priority) if ssl: self.establish_ssl(server=True) def restore_server(self): if not hasattr(self, "_backup_server_conn"): return self.log("Restore original server connection: %s:%s -> %s:%s" % (, self.c.server_conn.address.port,, self._backup_server_conn.port )) self.c.del_server_connection() self.c.server_conn = self._backup_server_conn del self._backup_server_conn from . import http, tcp protocols = { 'http': dict(handler=http.HTTPHandler, flow=http.HTTPFlow), 'tcp': dict(handler=tcp.TCPHandler) } # PyCharm type hinting behaves bad if this is a dict constructor... def _handler(conntype, connection_handler): if conntype in protocols: return protocols[conntype]["handler"](connection_handler) raise NotImplementedError # pragma: nocover def handle_messages(conntype, connection_handler): return _handler(conntype, connection_handler).handle_messages() def handle_error(conntype, connection_handler, error): return _handler(conntype, connection_handler).handle_error(error)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014 Davide Depau <> # # NamedBoxes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NamedBoxes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see <>. """A simple box layout with a label on top of it. Use it like you would use a BoxLayout, but don't change the orientation property. Add another layout inside of it instead, and change its orientation. You can change the title of the box, though (title property), the background color (background_color property) and the horizontal alignment of the label (title_align property). """ from kivy.lang import Builder from import Property, NumericProperty, BoundedNumericProperty,\ ObjectProperty, StringProperty, DictProperty,\ ListProperty, OptionProperty, BooleanProperty from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout kv = """ <NamedBox>: orientation: "vertical" content: content padding: ["10dp", 0, "10dp", "10dp"] canvas.before: Color: rgba: root.background_color Rectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos BoxLayout: size_hint_y: None height: lab.height Label: id: lab size_hint_y: None height: dp(45)#, self.texture_size[1] + dp(10)) markup: root.markup text: root.title text_size: self.width, self.height valign: 'middle' halign: root.title_align BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" id: content """ Builder.load_string(kv) class NamedBox(BoxLayout): """BoxLayout with a background color and with a label on top of it. Use it like you would use a BoxLayout, but don't change the orientation property. Add another layout inside of it instead, and change its orientation.""" background_color = ListProperty([.1, .1, .1, .5]) """The background color for the box, in RGBA. background_color is a ListProperty, defaults to [.1, .1, .1, .5]. """ title_align = OptionProperty("center", options=("left", "right", "center")) """The horizontal alignment of the text in the title of the box. title_align is an OptionProperty, defaults to "center" and can be one of "left", "right", "center". """ title = StringProperty("<No title set>") """The title of the named box. title is a StringProperty, defaults to "<No title set>". """ markup = BooleanProperty(False) """Sets whether the markup should be enabled for the title. markup is a BooleanProperty, defaults to False. """ content = ObjectProperty(None) def add_widget(self, widget): if self.content: self.content.add_widget(widget) else: super(NamedBox, self).add_widget(widget) if __name__ == "__main__": from import App from kivy.uix.button import Button class NamedBoxApp(App): def build(self): root = BoxLayout(padding="100dp", spacing="100dp") box = NamedBox(title="Named box") box.add_widget(Button(text="Button")) root.add_widget(box) return root NamedBoxApp().run()
# -*-mode: python; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8 -*- # # $Id: 63418 2008-05-17 18:39:55Z georg.brandl $ # # -- Tix widget wrappers. # # For Tix, see # # - Sudhir Shenoy (, Dec. 1995. # based on an idea of Jean-Marc Lugrin ( # # NOTE: In order to minimize changes to, some of the code here # (TixWidget.__init__) has been taken from Tkinter (Widget.__init__) # and will break if there are major changes in Tkinter. # # The Tix widgets are represented by a class hierarchy in python with proper # inheritance of base classes. # # As a result after creating a 'w = StdButtonBox', I can write # w.ok['text'] = 'Who Cares' # or w.ok['bg'] = w['bg'] # or even w.ok.invoke() # etc. # # Compare the demo to the original Tcl program and you will # appreciate the advantages. # from tkinter import * from tkinter import _flatten, _cnfmerge, _default_root # WARNING - TkVersion is a limited precision floating point number if TkVersion < 3.999: raise ImportError("This version of requires Tk 4.0 or higher") import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk # Some more constants (for consistency with Tkinter) WINDOW = 'window' TEXT = 'text' STATUS = 'status' IMMEDIATE = 'immediate' IMAGE = 'image' IMAGETEXT = 'imagetext' BALLOON = 'balloon' AUTO = 'auto' ACROSSTOP = 'acrosstop' # Some constants used by Tkinter dooneevent() TCL_DONT_WAIT = 1 << 1 TCL_WINDOW_EVENTS = 1 << 2 TCL_FILE_EVENTS = 1 << 3 TCL_TIMER_EVENTS = 1 << 4 TCL_IDLE_EVENTS = 1 << 5 TCL_ALL_EVENTS = 0 # BEWARE - this is implemented by copying some code from the Widget class # in Tkinter (to override Widget initialization) and is therefore # liable to break. import tkinter, os # Could probably add this to Tkinter.Misc class tixCommand: """The tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements of Tix's internal state and the Tix application context. Most of the information manipulated by these commands pertains to the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather than to a particular window. This is a mixin class, assumed to be mixed to Tkinter.Tk that supports the method. """ def tix_addbitmapdir(self, directory): """Tix maintains a list of directories under which the tix_getimage and tix_getbitmap commands will search for image files. The standard bitmap directory is $TIX_LIBRARY/bitmaps. The addbitmapdir command adds directory into this list. By using this command, the image files of an applications can also be located using the tix_getimage or tix_getbitmap command. """ return'tix', 'addbitmapdir', directory) def tix_cget(self, option): """Returns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may be any of the options described in the CONFIGURATION OPTIONS section. """ return'tix', 'cget', option) def tix_configure(self, cnf=None, **kw): """Query or modify the configuration options of the Tix application context. If no option is specified, returns a dictionary all of the available options. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may be any of the configuration options. """ # Copied from if kw: cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw)) elif cnf: cnf = _cnfmerge(cnf) if cnf is None: cnf = {} for x in'tix', 'configure')): cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:] return cnf if isinstance(cnf, StringType): x ='tix', 'configure', '-'+cnf)) return (x[0][1:],) + x[1:] return'tix', 'configure') + self._options(cnf)) def tix_filedialog(self, dlgclass=None): """Returns the file selection dialog that may be shared among different calls from this application. This command will create a file selection dialog widget when it is called the first time. This dialog will be returned by all subsequent calls to tix_filedialog. An optional dlgclass parameter can be passed to specified what type of file selection dialog widget is desired. Possible options are tix FileSelectDialog or tixExFileSelectDialog. """ if dlgclass is not None: return'tix', 'filedialog', dlgclass) else: return'tix', 'filedialog') def tix_getbitmap(self, name): """Locates a bitmap file of the name name.xpm or name in one of the bitmap directories (see the tix_addbitmapdir command above). By using tix_getbitmap, you can avoid hard coding the pathnames of the bitmap files in your application. When successful, it returns the complete pathname of the bitmap file, prefixed with the character '@'. The returned value can be used to configure the -bitmap option of the TK and Tix widgets. """ return'tix', 'getbitmap', name) def tix_getimage(self, name): """Locates an image file of the name name.xpm, name.xbm or name.ppm in one of the bitmap directories (see the addbitmapdir command above). If more than one file with the same name (but different extensions) exist, then the image type is chosen according to the depth of the X display: xbm images are chosen on monochrome displays and color images are chosen on color displays. By using tix_ getimage, you can advoid hard coding the pathnames of the image files in your application. When successful, this command returns the name of the newly created image, which can be used to configure the -image option of the Tk and Tix widgets. """ return'tix', 'getimage', name) def tix_option_get(self, name): """Gets the options manitained by the Tix scheme mechanism. Available options include: active_bg active_fg bg bold_font dark1_bg dark1_fg dark2_bg dark2_fg disabled_fg fg fixed_font font inactive_bg inactive_fg input1_bg input2_bg italic_font light1_bg light1_fg light2_bg light2_fg menu_font output1_bg output2_bg select_bg select_fg selector """ # could use'tixOption', name) return'tix', 'option', 'get', name) def tix_resetoptions(self, newScheme, newFontSet, newScmPrio=None): """Resets the scheme and fontset of the Tix application to newScheme and newFontSet, respectively. This affects only those widgets created after this call. Therefore, it is best to call the resetoptions command before the creation of any widgets in a Tix application. The optional parameter newScmPrio can be given to reset the priority level of the Tk options set by the Tix schemes. Because of the way Tk handles the X option database, after Tix has been has imported and inited, it is not possible to reset the color schemes and font sets using the tix config command. Instead, the tix_resetoptions command must be used. """ if newScmPrio is not None: return'tix', 'resetoptions', newScheme, newFontSet, newScmPrio) else: return'tix', 'resetoptions', newScheme, newFontSet) class Tk(tkinter.Tk, tixCommand): """Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main window of an application. It has an associated Tcl interpreter.""" def __init__(self, screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tix'): tkinter.Tk.__init__(self, screenName, baseName, className) tixlib = os.environ.get('TIX_LIBRARY')'global auto_path; lappend auto_path [file dir [info nameof]]') if tixlib is not None:'global auto_path; lappend auto_path {%s}' % tixlib)'global tcl_pkgPath; lappend tcl_pkgPath {%s}' % tixlib) # Load Tix - this should work dynamically or statically # If it's static, tcl/tix8.1/pkgIndex.tcl should have # 'load {} Tix' # If it's dynamic under Unix, tcl/tix8.1/pkgIndex.tcl should have # 'load Tix''package require Tix') def destroy(self): # For safety, remove an delete_window binding before destroy self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "") tkinter.Tk.destroy(self) # The Tix 'tixForm' geometry manager class Form: """The Tix Form geometry manager Widgets can be arranged by specifying attachments to other widgets. See Tix documentation for complete details""" def config(self, cnf={}, **kw):'tixForm', self._w, *self._options(cnf, kw)) form = config def __setitem__(self, key, value): Form.form(self, {key: value}) def check(self): return'tixForm', 'check', self._w) def forget(self):'tixForm', 'forget', self._w) def grid(self, xsize=0, ysize=0): if (not xsize) and (not ysize): x ='tixForm', 'grid', self._w) y = z = () for x in y: z = z + (,) return z return'tixForm', 'grid', self._w, xsize, ysize) def info(self, option=None): if not option: return'tixForm', 'info', self._w) if option[0] != '-': option = '-' + option return'tixForm', 'info', self._w, option) def slaves(self): return map(self._nametowidget, 'tixForm', 'slaves', self._w))) tkinter.Widget.__bases__ = tkinter.Widget.__bases__ + (Form,) class TixWidget(tkinter.Widget): """A TixWidget class is used to package all (or most) Tix widgets. Widget initialization is extended in two ways: 1) It is possible to give a list of options which must be part of the creation command (so called Tix 'static' options). These cannot be given as a 'config' command later. 2) It is possible to give the name of an existing TK widget. These are child widgets created automatically by a Tix mega-widget. The Tk call to create these widgets is therefore bypassed in TixWidget.__init__ Both options are for use by subclasses only. """ def __init__ (self, master=None, widgetName=None, static_options=None, cnf={}, kw={}): # Merge keywords and dictionary arguments if kw: cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw)) else: cnf = _cnfmerge(cnf) # Move static options into extra. static_options must be # a list of keywords (or None). extra=() # 'options' is always a static option if static_options: static_options.append('options') else: static_options = ['options'] for k,v in cnf.items()[:]: if k in static_options: extra = extra + ('-' + k, v) del cnf[k] self.widgetName = widgetName Widget._setup(self, master, cnf) # If widgetName is None, this is a dummy creation call where the # corresponding Tk widget has already been created by Tix if widgetName:, self._w, *extra) # Non-static options - to be done via a 'config' command if cnf: Widget.config(self, cnf) # Dictionary to hold subwidget names for easier access. We can't # use the children list because the public Tix names may not be the # same as the pathname component self.subwidget_list = {} # We set up an attribute access function so that it is possible to # do w.ok['text'] = 'Hello' rather than w.subwidget('ok')['text'] = 'Hello' # when w is a StdButtonBox. # We can even do w.ok.invoke() because w.ok is subclassed from the # Button class if you go through the proper constructors def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.subwidget_list: return self.subwidget_list[name] raise AttributeError(name) def set_silent(self, value): """Set a variable without calling its action routine"""'tixSetSilent', self._w, value) def subwidget(self, name): """Return the named subwidget (which must have been created by the sub-class).""" n = self._subwidget_name(name) if not n: raise TclError("Subwidget " + name + " not child of " + self._name) # Remove header of name and leading dot n = n[len(self._w)+1:] return self._nametowidget(n) def subwidgets_all(self): """Return all subwidgets.""" names = self._subwidget_names() if not names: return [] retlist = [] for name in names: name = name[len(self._w)+1:] try: retlist.append(self._nametowidget(name)) except: # some of the widgets are unknown e.g. border in LabelFrame pass return retlist def _subwidget_name(self,name): """Get a subwidget name (returns a String, not a Widget !)""" try: return, 'subwidget', name) except TclError: return None def _subwidget_names(self): """Return the name of all subwidgets.""" try: x =, 'subwidgets', '-all') return except TclError: return None def config_all(self, option, value): """Set configuration options for all subwidgets (and self).""" if option == '': return elif not isinstance(option, StringType): option = repr(option) if not isinstance(value, StringType): value = repr(value) names = self._subwidget_names() for name in names:, 'configure', '-' + option, value) # These are missing from Tkinter def image_create(self, imgtype, cnf={}, master=None, **kw): if not master: master = tkinter._default_root if not master: raise RuntimeError('Too early to create image') if kw and cnf: cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw)) elif kw: cnf = kw options = () for k, v in cnf.items(): if hasattr(v, '__call__'): v = self._register(v) options = options + ('-'+k, v) return'image', 'create', imgtype,) + options) def image_delete(self, imgname): try:'image', 'delete', imgname) except TclError: # May happen if the root was destroyed pass # Subwidgets are child widgets created automatically by mega-widgets. # In python, we have to create these subwidgets manually to mirror their # existence in Tk/Tix. class TixSubWidget(TixWidget): """Subwidget class. This is used to mirror child widgets automatically created by Tix/Tk as part of a mega-widget in Python (which is not informed of this)""" def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1, check_intermediate=1): if check_intermediate: path = master._subwidget_name(name) try: path = path[len(master._w)+1:] plist = path.split('.') except: plist = [] if not check_intermediate: # immediate descendant TixWidget.__init__(self, master, None, None, {'name' : name}) else: # Ensure that the intermediate widgets exist parent = master for i in range(len(plist) - 1): n = '.'.join(plist[:i+1]) try: w = master._nametowidget(n) parent = w except KeyError: # Create the intermediate widget parent = TixSubWidget(parent, plist[i], destroy_physically=0, check_intermediate=0) # The Tk widget name is in plist, not in name if plist: name = plist[-1] TixWidget.__init__(self, parent, None, None, {'name' : name}) self.destroy_physically = destroy_physically def destroy(self): # For some widgets e.g., a NoteBook, when we call destructors, # we must be careful not to destroy the frame widget since this # also destroys the parent NoteBook thus leading to an exception # in Tkinter when it finally calls Tcl to destroy the NoteBook for c in self.children.values(): c.destroy() if self._name in self.master.children: del self.master.children[self._name] if self._name in self.master.subwidget_list: del self.master.subwidget_list[self._name] if self.destroy_physically: # This is bypassed only for a few widgets'destroy', self._w) # Useful func. to split Tcl lists and return as a dict. From def _lst2dict(lst): dict = {} for x in lst: dict[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:] return dict # Useful class to create a display style - later shared by many items. # Contributed by Steffen Kremser class DisplayStyle: """DisplayStyle - handle configuration options shared by (multiple) Display Items""" def __init__(self, itemtype, cnf={}, **kw): master = _default_root # global from Tkinter if not master and 'refwindow' in cnf: master=cnf['refwindow'] elif not master and 'refwindow' in kw: master= kw['refwindow'] elif not master: raise RuntimeError("Too early to create display style: no root window") = self.stylename ='tixDisplayStyle', itemtype, *self._options(cnf,kw) ) def __str__(self): return self.stylename def _options(self, cnf, kw): if kw and cnf: cnf = _cnfmerge((cnf, kw)) elif kw: cnf = kw opts = () for k, v in cnf.items(): opts = opts + ('-'+k, v) return opts def delete(self):, 'delete') def __setitem__(self,key,value):, 'configure', '-%s'%key, value) def config(self, cnf={}, **kw): return _lst2dict( self.stylename, 'configure', *self._options(cnf,kw)))) def __getitem__(self,key): return, 'cget', '-%s'%key) ###################################################### ### The Tix Widget classes - in alphabetical order ### ###################################################### class Balloon(TixWidget): """Balloon help widget. Subwidget Class --------- ----- label Label message Message""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixShell def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): # static seem to be -installcolormap -initwait -statusbar -cursor static = ['options', 'installcolormap', 'initwait', 'statusbar', 'cursor'] TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixBalloon', static, cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label', destroy_physically=0) self.subwidget_list['message'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'message', destroy_physically=0) def bind_widget(self, widget, cnf={}, **kw): """Bind balloon widget to another. One balloon widget may be bound to several widgets at the same time""", 'bind', widget._w, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def unbind_widget(self, widget):, 'unbind', widget._w) class ButtonBox(TixWidget): """ButtonBox - A container for pushbuttons. Subwidgets are the buttons added with the add method. """ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixButtonBox', ['orientation', 'options'], cnf, kw) def add(self, name, cnf={}, **kw): """Add a button with given name to box.""" btn =, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) self.subwidget_list[name] = _dummyButton(self, name) return btn def invoke(self, name): if name in self.subwidget_list:, 'invoke', name) class ComboBox(TixWidget): """ComboBox - an Entry field with a dropdown menu. The user can select a choice by either typing in the entry subwdget or selecting from the listbox subwidget. Subwidget Class --------- ----- entry Entry arrow Button slistbox ScrolledListBox tick Button cross Button : present if created with the fancy option""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixLabelWidget def __init__ (self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixComboBox', ['editable', 'dropdown', 'fancy', 'options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') self.subwidget_list['entry'] = _dummyEntry(self, 'entry') self.subwidget_list['arrow'] = _dummyButton(self, 'arrow') self.subwidget_list['slistbox'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'slistbox') try: self.subwidget_list['tick'] = _dummyButton(self, 'tick') self.subwidget_list['cross'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cross') except TypeError: # unavailable when -fancy not specified pass # align def add_history(self, str):, 'addhistory', str) def append_history(self, str):, 'appendhistory', str) def insert(self, index, str):, 'insert', index, str) def pick(self, index):, 'pick', index) class Control(TixWidget): """Control - An entry field with value change arrows. The user can adjust the value by pressing the two arrow buttons or by entering the value directly into the entry. The new value will be checked against the user-defined upper and lower limits. Subwidget Class --------- ----- incr Button decr Button entry Entry label Label""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixLabelWidget def __init__ (self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixControl', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['incr'] = _dummyButton(self, 'incr') self.subwidget_list['decr'] = _dummyButton(self, 'decr') self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') self.subwidget_list['entry'] = _dummyEntry(self, 'entry') def decrement(self):, 'decr') def increment(self):, 'incr') def invoke(self):, 'invoke') def update(self):, 'update') class DirList(TixWidget): """DirList - displays a list view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory. Subwidget Class --------- ----- hlist HList hsb Scrollbar vsb Scrollbar""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledHList def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixDirList', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') def chdir(self, dir):, 'chdir', dir) class DirTree(TixWidget): """DirTree - Directory Listing in a hierarchical view. Displays a tree view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory. Subwidget Class --------- ----- hlist HList hsb Scrollbar vsb Scrollbar""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledHList def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixDirTree', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') def chdir(self, dir):, 'chdir', dir) class DirSelectBox(TixWidget): """DirSelectBox - Motif style file select box. It is generally used for the user to choose a file. FileSelectBox stores the files mostly recently selected into a ComboBox widget so that they can be quickly selected again. Subwidget Class --------- ----- selection ComboBox filter ComboBox dirlist ScrolledListBox filelist ScrolledListBox""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixDirSelectBox', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyDirList(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['dircbx'] = _dummyFileComboBox(self, 'dircbx') class ExFileSelectBox(TixWidget): """ExFileSelectBox - MS Windows style file select box. It provides an convenient method for the user to select files. Subwidget Class --------- ----- cancel Button ok Button hidden Checkbutton types ComboBox dir ComboBox file ComboBox dirlist ScrolledListBox filelist ScrolledListBox""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixExFileSelectBox', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['cancel'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cancel') self.subwidget_list['ok'] = _dummyButton(self, 'ok') self.subwidget_list['hidden'] = _dummyCheckbutton(self, 'hidden') self.subwidget_list['types'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'types') self.subwidget_list['dir'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'dir') self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyDirList(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['file'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'file') self.subwidget_list['filelist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'filelist') def filter(self):, 'filter') def invoke(self):, 'invoke') # Should inherit from a Dialog class class DirSelectDialog(TixWidget): """The DirSelectDialog widget presents the directories in the file system in a dialog window. The user can use this dialog window to navigate through the file system to select the desired directory. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- dirbox DirSelectDialog""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixDialogShell def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixDirSelectDialog', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['dirbox'] = _dummyDirSelectBox(self, 'dirbox') # cancel and ok buttons are missing def popup(self):, 'popup') def popdown(self):, 'popdown') # Should inherit from a Dialog class class ExFileSelectDialog(TixWidget): """ExFileSelectDialog - MS Windows style file select dialog. It provides an convenient method for the user to select files. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- fsbox ExFileSelectBox""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixDialogShell def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixExFileSelectDialog', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['fsbox'] = _dummyExFileSelectBox(self, 'fsbox') def popup(self):, 'popup') def popdown(self):, 'popdown') class FileSelectBox(TixWidget): """ExFileSelectBox - Motif style file select box. It is generally used for the user to choose a file. FileSelectBox stores the files mostly recently selected into a ComboBox widget so that they can be quickly selected again. Subwidget Class --------- ----- selection ComboBox filter ComboBox dirlist ScrolledListBox filelist ScrolledListBox""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixFileSelectBox', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['filelist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'filelist') self.subwidget_list['filter'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'filter') self.subwidget_list['selection'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'selection') def apply_filter(self): # name of subwidget is same as command, 'filter') def invoke(self):, 'invoke') # Should inherit from a Dialog class class FileSelectDialog(TixWidget): """FileSelectDialog - Motif style file select dialog. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- btns StdButtonBox fsbox FileSelectBox""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixStdDialogShell def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixFileSelectDialog', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['btns'] = _dummyStdButtonBox(self, 'btns') self.subwidget_list['fsbox'] = _dummyFileSelectBox(self, 'fsbox') def popup(self):, 'popup') def popdown(self):, 'popdown') class FileEntry(TixWidget): """FileEntry - Entry field with button that invokes a FileSelectDialog. The user can type in the filename manually. Alternatively, the user can press the button widget that sits next to the entry, which will bring up a file selection dialog. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- button Button entry Entry""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixLabelWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixFileEntry', ['dialogtype', 'options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['button'] = _dummyButton(self, 'button') self.subwidget_list['entry'] = _dummyEntry(self, 'entry') def invoke(self):, 'invoke') def file_dialog(self): # FIXME: return python object pass class HList(TixWidget): """HList - Hierarchy display widget can be used to display any data that have a hierarchical structure, for example, file system directory trees. The list entries are indented and connected by branch lines according to their places in the hierachy. Subwidgets - None""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixHList', ['columns', 'options'], cnf, kw) def add(self, entry, cnf={}, **kw): return, 'add', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def add_child(self, parent=None, cnf={}, **kw): if not parent: parent = '' return self._w, 'addchild', parent, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def anchor_set(self, entry):, 'anchor', 'set', entry) def anchor_clear(self):, 'anchor', 'clear') def column_width(self, col=0, width=None, chars=None): if not chars: return, 'column', 'width', col, width) else: return, 'column', 'width', col, '-char', chars) def delete_all(self):, 'delete', 'all') def delete_entry(self, entry):, 'delete', 'entry', entry) def delete_offsprings(self, entry):, 'delete', 'offsprings', entry) def delete_siblings(self, entry):, 'delete', 'siblings', entry) def dragsite_set(self, index):, 'dragsite', 'set', index) def dragsite_clear(self):, 'dragsite', 'clear') def dropsite_set(self, index):, 'dropsite', 'set', index) def dropsite_clear(self):, 'dropsite', 'clear') def header_create(self, col, cnf={}, **kw):, 'header', 'create', col, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def header_configure(self, col, cnf={}, **kw): if cnf is None: return _lst2dict(, 'header', 'configure', col))), 'header', 'configure', col, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def header_cget(self, col, opt): return, 'header', 'cget', col, opt) def header_exists(self, col): return, 'header', 'exists', col) def header_delete(self, col):, 'header', 'delete', col) def header_size(self, col): return, 'header', 'size', col) def hide_entry(self, entry):, 'hide', 'entry', entry) def indicator_create(self, entry, cnf={}, **kw): self._w, 'indicator', 'create', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def indicator_configure(self, entry, cnf={}, **kw): if cnf is None: return _lst2dict(, 'indicator', 'configure', entry))) self._w, 'indicator', 'configure', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def indicator_cget(self, entry, opt): return, 'indicator', 'cget', entry, opt) def indicator_exists(self, entry): return (self._w, 'indicator', 'exists', entry) def indicator_delete(self, entry):, 'indicator', 'delete', entry) def indicator_size(self, entry): return, 'indicator', 'size', entry) def info_anchor(self): return, 'info', 'anchor') def info_children(self, entry=None): c =, 'info', 'children', entry) return def info_data(self, entry): return, 'info', 'data', entry) def info_exists(self, entry): return, 'info', 'exists', entry) def info_hidden(self, entry): return, 'info', 'hidden', entry) def info_next(self, entry): return, 'info', 'next', entry) def info_parent(self, entry): return, 'info', 'parent', entry) def info_prev(self, entry): return, 'info', 'prev', entry) def info_selection(self): c =, 'info', 'selection') return def item_cget(self, entry, col, opt): return, 'item', 'cget', entry, col, opt) def item_configure(self, entry, col, cnf={}, **kw): if cnf is None: return _lst2dict(, 'item', 'configure', entry, col))), 'item', 'configure', entry, col, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def item_create(self, entry, col, cnf={}, **kw): self._w, 'item', 'create', entry, col, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def item_exists(self, entry, col): return, 'item', 'exists', entry, col) def item_delete(self, entry, col):, 'item', 'delete', entry, col) def entrycget(self, entry, opt): return, 'entrycget', entry, opt) def entryconfigure(self, entry, cnf={}, **kw): if cnf is None: return _lst2dict(, 'entryconfigure', entry))), 'entryconfigure', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def nearest(self, y): return, 'nearest', y) def see(self, entry):, 'see', entry) def selection_clear(self, cnf={}, **kw):, 'selection', 'clear', *self._options(cnf, kw)) def selection_includes(self, entry): return, 'selection', 'includes', entry) def selection_set(self, first, last=None):, 'selection', 'set', first, last) def show_entry(self, entry): return, 'show', 'entry', entry) def xview(self, *args):, 'xview', *args) def yview(self, *args):, 'yview', *args) class InputOnly(TixWidget): """InputOnly - Invisible widget. Unix only. Subwidgets - None""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixInputOnly', None, cnf, kw) class LabelEntry(TixWidget): """LabelEntry - Entry field with label. Packages an entry widget and a label into one mega widget. It can beused be used to simplify the creation of ``entry-form'' type of interface. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- label Label entry Entry""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixLabelEntry', ['labelside','options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') self.subwidget_list['entry'] = _dummyEntry(self, 'entry') class LabelFrame(TixWidget): """LabelFrame - Labelled Frame container. Packages a frame widget and a label into one mega widget. To create widgets inside a LabelFrame widget, one creates the new widgets relative to the frame subwidget and manage them inside the frame subwidget. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- label Label frame Frame""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixLabelFrame', ['labelside','options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') self.subwidget_list['frame'] = _dummyFrame(self, 'frame') class ListNoteBook(TixWidget): """A ListNoteBook widget is very similar to the TixNoteBook widget: it can be used to display many windows in a limited space using a notebook metaphor. The notebook is divided into a stack of pages (windows). At one time only one of these pages can be shown. The user can navigate through these pages by choosing the name of the desired page in the hlist subwidget.""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixListNoteBook', ['options'], cnf, kw) # Is this necessary? It's not an exposed subwidget in Tix. self.subwidget_list['pane'] = _dummyPanedWindow(self, 'pane', destroy_physically=0) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['shlist'] = _dummyScrolledHList(self, 'shlist') def add(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) self.subwidget_list[name] = TixSubWidget(self, name) return self.subwidget_list[name] def page(self, name): return self.subwidget(name) def pages(self): # Can't call subwidgets_all directly because we don't want .nbframe names =, 'pages')) ret = [] for x in names: ret.append(self.subwidget(x)) return ret def raise_page(self, name): # raise is a python keyword, 'raise', name) class Meter(TixWidget): """The Meter widget can be used to show the progress of a background job which may take a long time to execute. """ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixMeter', ['options'], cnf, kw) class NoteBook(TixWidget): """NoteBook - Multi-page container widget (tabbed notebook metaphor). Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- nbframe NoteBookFrame <pages> page widgets added dynamically with the add method""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self,master,'tixNoteBook', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['nbframe'] = TixSubWidget(self, 'nbframe', destroy_physically=0) def add(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) self.subwidget_list[name] = TixSubWidget(self, name) return self.subwidget_list[name] def delete(self, name):, 'delete', name) self.subwidget_list[name].destroy() del self.subwidget_list[name] def page(self, name): return self.subwidget(name) def pages(self): # Can't call subwidgets_all directly because we don't want .nbframe names =, 'pages')) ret = [] for x in names: ret.append(self.subwidget(x)) return ret def raise_page(self, name): # raise is a python keyword, 'raise', name) def raised(self): return, 'raised') class NoteBookFrame(TixWidget): # FIXME: This is dangerous to expose to be called on its own. pass class OptionMenu(TixWidget): """OptionMenu - creates a menu button of options. Subwidget Class --------- ----- menubutton Menubutton menu Menu""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixOptionMenu', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['menubutton'] = _dummyMenubutton(self, 'menubutton') self.subwidget_list['menu'] = _dummyMenu(self, 'menu') def add_command(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', 'command', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def add_separator(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', 'separator', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def delete(self, name):, 'delete', name) def disable(self, name):, 'disable', name) def enable(self, name):, 'enable', name) class PanedWindow(TixWidget): """PanedWindow - Multi-pane container widget allows the user to interactively manipulate the sizes of several panes. The panes can be arranged either vertically or horizontally.The user changes the sizes of the panes by dragging the resize handle between two panes. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- <panes> g/p widgets added dynamically with the add method.""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixPanedWindow', ['orientation', 'options'], cnf, kw) # add delete forget panecget paneconfigure panes setsize def add(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) self.subwidget_list[name] = TixSubWidget(self, name, check_intermediate=0) return self.subwidget_list[name] def delete(self, name):, 'delete', name) self.subwidget_list[name].destroy() del self.subwidget_list[name] def forget(self, name):, 'forget', name) def panecget(self, entry, opt): return, 'panecget', entry, opt) def paneconfigure(self, entry, cnf={}, **kw): if cnf is None: return _lst2dict(, 'paneconfigure', entry))), 'paneconfigure', entry, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def panes(self): names =, 'panes') ret = [] for x in names: ret.append(self.subwidget(x)) return ret class PopupMenu(TixWidget): """PopupMenu widget can be used as a replacement of the tk_popup command. The advantage of the Tix PopupMenu widget is it requires less application code to manipulate. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- menubutton Menubutton menu Menu""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixShell def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixPopupMenu', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['menubutton'] = _dummyMenubutton(self, 'menubutton') self.subwidget_list['menu'] = _dummyMenu(self, 'menu') def bind_widget(self, widget):, 'bind', widget._w) def unbind_widget(self, widget):, 'unbind', widget._w) def post_widget(self, widget, x, y):, 'post', widget._w, x, y) class ResizeHandle(TixWidget): """Internal widget to draw resize handles on Scrolled widgets.""" def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): # There seems to be a Tix bug rejecting the configure method # Let's try making the flags -static flags = ['options', 'command', 'cursorfg', 'cursorbg', 'handlesize', 'hintcolor', 'hintwidth', 'x', 'y'] # In fact, x y height width are configurable TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixResizeHandle', flags, cnf, kw) def attach_widget(self, widget):, 'attachwidget', widget._w) def detach_widget(self, widget):, 'detachwidget', widget._w) def hide(self, widget):, 'hide', widget._w) def show(self, widget):, 'show', widget._w) class ScrolledHList(TixWidget): """ScrolledHList - HList with automatic scrollbars.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledHList', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class ScrolledListBox(TixWidget): """ScrolledListBox - Listbox with automatic scrollbars.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledListBox', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['listbox'] = _dummyListbox(self, 'listbox') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class ScrolledText(TixWidget): """ScrolledText - Text with automatic scrollbars.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledText', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['text'] = _dummyText(self, 'text') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class ScrolledTList(TixWidget): """ScrolledTList - TList with automatic scrollbars.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledTList', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['tlist'] = _dummyTList(self, 'tlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class ScrolledWindow(TixWidget): """ScrolledWindow - Window with automatic scrollbars.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledWindow', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['window'] = _dummyFrame(self, 'window') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class Select(TixWidget): """Select - Container of button subwidgets. It can be used to provide radio-box or check-box style of selection options for the user. Subwidgets are buttons added dynamically using the add method.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixLabelWidget def __init__(self, master, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixSelect', ['allowzero', 'radio', 'orientation', 'labelside', 'options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') def add(self, name, cnf={}, **kw):, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw)) self.subwidget_list[name] = _dummyButton(self, name) return self.subwidget_list[name] def invoke(self, name):, 'invoke', name) class Shell(TixWidget): """Toplevel window. Subwidgets - None""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixShell', ['options', 'title'], cnf, kw) class DialogShell(TixWidget): """Toplevel window, with popup popdown and center methods. It tells the window manager that it is a dialog window and should be treated specially. The exact treatment depends on the treatment of the window manager. Subwidgets - None""" # FIXME: It should inherit from Shell def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixDialogShell', ['options', 'title', 'mapped', 'minheight', 'minwidth', 'parent', 'transient'], cnf, kw) def popdown(self):, 'popdown') def popup(self):, 'popup') def center(self):, 'center') class StdButtonBox(TixWidget): """StdButtonBox - Standard Button Box (OK, Apply, Cancel and Help) """ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixStdButtonBox', ['orientation', 'options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['ok'] = _dummyButton(self, 'ok') self.subwidget_list['apply'] = _dummyButton(self, 'apply') self.subwidget_list['cancel'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cancel') self.subwidget_list['help'] = _dummyButton(self, 'help') def invoke(self, name): if name in self.subwidget_list:, 'invoke', name) class TList(TixWidget): """TList - Hierarchy display widget which can be used to display data in a tabular format. The list entries of a TList widget are similar to the entries in the Tk listbox widget. The main differences are (1) the TList widget can display the list entries in a two dimensional format and (2) you can use graphical images as well as multiple colors and fonts for the list entries. Subwidgets - None""" def __init__ (self,master=None,cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixTList', ['options'], cnf, kw) def active_set(self, index):, 'active', 'set', index) def active_clear(self):, 'active', 'clear') def anchor_set(self, index):, 'anchor', 'set', index) def anchor_clear(self):, 'anchor', 'clear') def delete(self, from_, to=None):, 'delete', from_, to) def dragsite_set(self, index):, 'dragsite', 'set', index) def dragsite_clear(self):, 'dragsite', 'clear') def dropsite_set(self, index):, 'dropsite', 'set', index) def dropsite_clear(self):, 'dropsite', 'clear') def insert(self, index, cnf={}, **kw):, 'insert', index, *self._options(cnf, kw)) def info_active(self): return, 'info', 'active') def info_anchor(self): return, 'info', 'anchor') def info_down(self, index): return, 'info', 'down', index) def info_left(self, index): return, 'info', 'left', index) def info_right(self, index): return, 'info', 'right', index) def info_selection(self): c =, 'info', 'selection') return def info_size(self): return, 'info', 'size') def info_up(self, index): return, 'info', 'up', index) def nearest(self, x, y): return, 'nearest', x, y) def see(self, index):, 'see', index) def selection_clear(self, cnf={}, **kw):, 'selection', 'clear', *self._options(cnf, kw)) def selection_includes(self, index): return, 'selection', 'includes', index) def selection_set(self, first, last=None):, 'selection', 'set', first, last) def xview(self, *args):, 'xview', *args) def yview(self, *args):, 'yview', *args) class Tree(TixWidget): """Tree - The tixTree widget can be used to display hierachical data in a tree form. The user can adjust the view of the tree by opening or closing parts of the tree.""" # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixTree', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') def autosetmode(self): '''This command calls the setmode method for all the entries in this Tree widget: if an entry has no child entries, its mode is set to none. Otherwise, if the entry has any hidden child entries, its mode is set to open; otherwise its mode is set to close.''', 'autosetmode') def close(self, entrypath): '''Close the entry given by entryPath if its mode is close.''', 'close', entrypath) def getmode(self, entrypath): '''Returns the current mode of the entry given by entryPath.''' return, 'getmode', entrypath) def open(self, entrypath): '''Open the entry given by entryPath if its mode is open.''', 'open', entrypath) def setmode(self, entrypath, mode='none'): '''This command is used to indicate whether the entry given by entryPath has children entries and whether the children are visible. mode must be one of open, close or none. If mode is set to open, a (+) indicator is drawn next the the entry. If mode is set to close, a (-) indicator is drawn next the the entry. If mode is set to none, no indicators will be drawn for this entry. The default mode is none. The open mode indicates the entry has hidden children and this entry can be opened by the user. The close mode indicates that all the children of the entry are now visible and the entry can be closed by the user.''', 'setmode', entrypath, mode) # Could try subclassing Tree for CheckList - would need another arg to init class CheckList(TixWidget): """The CheckList widget displays a list of items to be selected by the user. CheckList acts similarly to the Tk checkbutton or radiobutton widgets, except it is capable of handling many more items than checkbuttons or radiobuttons. """ # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixTree def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixCheckList', ['options'], cnf, kw) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') def autosetmode(self): '''This command calls the setmode method for all the entries in this Tree widget: if an entry has no child entries, its mode is set to none. Otherwise, if the entry has any hidden child entries, its mode is set to open; otherwise its mode is set to close.''', 'autosetmode') def close(self, entrypath): '''Close the entry given by entryPath if its mode is close.''', 'close', entrypath) def getmode(self, entrypath): '''Returns the current mode of the entry given by entryPath.''' return, 'getmode', entrypath) def open(self, entrypath): '''Open the entry given by entryPath if its mode is open.''', 'open', entrypath) def getselection(self, mode='on'): '''Returns a list of items whose status matches status. If status is not specified, the list of items in the "on" status will be returned. Mode can be on, off, default''' c =, 'getselection', mode)) return def getstatus(self, entrypath): '''Returns the current status of entryPath.''' return, 'getstatus', entrypath) def setstatus(self, entrypath, mode='on'): '''Sets the status of entryPath to be status. A bitmap will be displayed next to the entry its status is on, off or default.''', 'setstatus', entrypath, mode) ########################################################################### ### The subclassing below is used to instantiate the subwidgets in each ### ### mega widget. This allows us to access their methods directly. ### ########################################################################### class _dummyButton(Button, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyCheckbutton(Checkbutton, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyEntry(Entry, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyFrame(Frame, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyLabel(Label, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyListbox(Listbox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyMenu(Menu, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyMenubutton(Menubutton, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyScrollbar(Scrollbar, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyText(Text, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyScrolledListBox(ScrolledListBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['listbox'] = _dummyListbox(self, 'listbox') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class _dummyHList(HList, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyScrolledHList(ScrolledHList, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class _dummyTList(TList, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyComboBox(ComboBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, ['fancy',destroy_physically]) self.subwidget_list['label'] = _dummyLabel(self, 'label') self.subwidget_list['entry'] = _dummyEntry(self, 'entry') self.subwidget_list['arrow'] = _dummyButton(self, 'arrow') self.subwidget_list['slistbox'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'slistbox') try: self.subwidget_list['tick'] = _dummyButton(self, 'tick') #cross Button : present if created with the fancy option self.subwidget_list['cross'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cross') except TypeError: # unavailable when -fancy not specified pass class _dummyDirList(DirList, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['hlist'] = _dummyHList(self, 'hlist') self.subwidget_list['vsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'vsb') self.subwidget_list['hsb'] = _dummyScrollbar(self, 'hsb') class _dummyDirSelectBox(DirSelectBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyDirList(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['dircbx'] = _dummyFileComboBox(self, 'dircbx') class _dummyExFileSelectBox(ExFileSelectBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['cancel'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cancel') self.subwidget_list['ok'] = _dummyButton(self, 'ok') self.subwidget_list['hidden'] = _dummyCheckbutton(self, 'hidden') self.subwidget_list['types'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'types') self.subwidget_list['dir'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'dir') self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['file'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'file') self.subwidget_list['filelist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'filelist') class _dummyFileSelectBox(FileSelectBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['dirlist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'dirlist') self.subwidget_list['filelist'] = _dummyScrolledListBox(self, 'filelist') self.subwidget_list['filter'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'filter') self.subwidget_list['selection'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'selection') class _dummyFileComboBox(ComboBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['dircbx'] = _dummyComboBox(self, 'dircbx') class _dummyStdButtonBox(StdButtonBox, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) self.subwidget_list['ok'] = _dummyButton(self, 'ok') self.subwidget_list['apply'] = _dummyButton(self, 'apply') self.subwidget_list['cancel'] = _dummyButton(self, 'cancel') self.subwidget_list['help'] = _dummyButton(self, 'help') class _dummyNoteBookFrame(NoteBookFrame, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=0): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) class _dummyPanedWindow(PanedWindow, TixSubWidget): def __init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically=1): TixSubWidget.__init__(self, master, name, destroy_physically) ######################## ### Utility Routines ### ######################## #mike Should tixDestroy be exposed as a wrapper? - but not for widgets. def OptionName(widget): '''Returns the qualified path name for the widget. Normally used to set default options for subwidgets. See''' return'tixOptionName', widget._w) # Called with a dictionary argument of the form # {'*.c':'C source files', '*.txt':'Text Files', '*':'All files'} # returns a string which can be used to configure the fsbox file types # in an ExFileSelectBox. i.e., # '{{*} {* - All files}} {{*.c} {*.c - C source files}} {{*.txt} {*.txt - Text Files}}' def FileTypeList(dict): s = '' for type in dict.keys(): s = s + '{{' + type + '} {' + type + ' - ' + dict[type] + '}} ' return s # Still to be done: # tixIconView class CObjView(TixWidget): """This file implements the Canvas Object View widget. This is a base class of IconView. It implements automatic placement/adjustment of the scrollbars according to the canvas objects inside the canvas subwidget. The scrollbars are adjusted so that the canvas is just large enough to see all the objects. """ # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget pass class Grid(TixWidget): '''The Tix Grid command creates a new window and makes it into a tixGrid widget. Additional options, may be specified on the command line or in the option database to configure aspects such as its cursor and relief. A Grid widget displays its contents in a two dimensional grid of cells. Each cell may contain one Tix display item, which may be in text, graphics or other formats. See the DisplayStyle class for more information about Tix display items. Individual cells, or groups of cells, can be formatted with a wide range of attributes, such as its color, relief and border. Subwidgets - None''' # valid specific resources as of Tk 8.4 # editdonecmd, editnotifycmd, floatingcols, floatingrows, formatcmd, # highlightbackground, highlightcolor, leftmargin, itemtype, selectmode, # selectunit, topmargin, def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): static= [] self.cnf= cnf TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixGrid', static, cnf, kw) # valid options as of Tk 8.4 # anchor, bdtype, cget, configure, delete, dragsite, dropsite, entrycget, edit # entryconfigure, format, geometryinfo, info, index, move, nearest, selection # set, size, unset, xview, yview # def anchor option ?args ...? def anchor_get(self): "Get the (x,y) coordinate of the current anchor cell" return self._getints(, 'anchor', 'get')) # def bdtype # def delete dim from ?to? def delete_row(self, from_, to=None): """Delete rows between from_ and to inclusive. If to is not provided, delete only row at from_""" if to is None:, 'delete', 'row', from_) else:, 'delete', 'row', from_, to) def delete_column(self, from_, to=None): """Delete columns between from_ and to inclusive. If to is not provided, delete only column at from_""" if to is None:, 'delete', 'column', from_) else:, 'delete', 'column', from_, to) # def edit apply # def edit set x y def entrycget(self, x, y, option): "Get the option value for cell at (x,y)" return, 'entrycget', x, y, option) def entryconfigure(self, x, y, **kw): return, 'entryconfigure', x, y, *self._options(None, kw)) # def format # def index def info_exists(self, x, y): "Return True if display item exists at (x,y)" return bool(int(, 'info', 'exists', x, y))) def info_bbox(self, x, y): # This seems to always return '', at least for 'text' displayitems return, 'info', 'bbox', x, y) def nearest(self, x, y): "Return coordinate of cell nearest pixel coordinate (x,y)" return self._getints(, 'nearest', x, y)) # def selection adjust # def selection clear # def selection includes # def selection set # def selection toggle # def move dim from to offset def set(self, x, y, itemtype=None, **kw): args= self._options(self.cnf, kw) if itemtype is not None: args= ('-itemtype', itemtype) + args, 'set', x, y, *args) # def size dim index ?option value ...? # def unset x y def xview(self): return self._getdoubles(, 'xview')) def xview_moveto(self, fraction):,'xview', 'moveto', fraction) def xview_scroll(self, count, what="units"): "Scroll right (count>0) or left <count> of units|pages", 'xview', 'scroll', count, what) def yview(self): return self._getdoubles(, 'yview')) def yview_moveto(self, fraction):,'ysview', 'moveto', fraction) def yview_scroll(self, count, what="units"): "Scroll down (count>0) or up <count> of units|pages", 'yview', 'scroll', count, what) class ScrolledGrid(Grid): '''Scrolled Grid widgets''' # FIXME: It should inherit -superclass tixScrolledWidget def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): static= [] self.cnf= cnf TixWidget.__init__(self, master, 'tixScrolledGrid', static, cnf, kw)
class Event(object): """ Base class for events Fabio Manganiello, 2015 <> """ def __init__(self, component=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor kwargs -- key-value associations for the attributes of the object """ self.__kwargs = kwargs self.component = component vars(self).update(kwargs) def get(self, attr): " Get an event attribute by name. Return None if the attribute doesn't exist " return self.__kwargs[attr] if attr in self.__kwargs else None def serialize(self): " Serialize the event using pickle " import pickle return pickle.dumps(self) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, event): " Deserialize and return the event object using pickle " import pickle obj = pickle.loads(event) assert isinstance(obj, cls) return obj def to_json(self): " Serialize as JSON " import json attrs = self.__kwargs return json.dumps(attrs) @classmethod def from_json(cls, attrs): " Deserialize and initialize from JSON " import json attrs = dict(json.loads(attrs)) return Event(**attrs) def __eq__(self, event): """ Return true if event equals self. Two events are considered "equal" if: - Their types are the same, or one is a direct subclass of the other; - All of their constructor parameters are equal, unless a certain attribute is an instance of AttributeValueAny. """ if not self.__same_classes(self, event): return False for (attr, value) in self.__kwargs.items(): if not self.__same_values(value, event.__kwargs[attr]): return False return True @classmethod def __same_classes(cls, obj1, obj2): return True \ if (type(obj1) == Event or type(obj2) == Event) \ else type(obj1) == type(obj2) @classmethod def __same_values(cls, value1, value2): if not cls.__same_classes(value1, value2) \ and not isinstance(value1, AttributeValueAny) \ and not isinstance(value2, AttributeValueAny): return False return value1 == value2 class StopEvent(Event): """ A special event used to asynchronously stop components, workers and sockets Fabio Manganiello, 2015 <> """ class AttributeValueAny(object): """ When an event attribute type is AttributeValueAny, that attribute won't be taken into account when two events are compared through == operator or explicit __eq__ method invocation. Fabio Manganiello, 2015 <> """ def __eq__(self, value): """ Always return True. Any value equals "any" """ return True def __repr__(self): return "__ANY__" # vim:sw=4:ts=4:et:
from threading import Lock from pprint import pformat try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO from django import http from django.core import signals from django.core.handlers import base from django.core.urlresolvers import set_script_prefix from django.utils import datastructures from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode # See STATUS_CODE_TEXT = { 100: 'CONTINUE', 101: 'SWITCHING PROTOCOLS', 200: 'OK', 201: 'CREATED', 202: 'ACCEPTED', 203: 'NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION', 204: 'NO CONTENT', 205: 'RESET CONTENT', 206: 'PARTIAL CONTENT', 300: 'MULTIPLE CHOICES', 301: 'MOVED PERMANENTLY', 302: 'FOUND', 303: 'SEE OTHER', 304: 'NOT MODIFIED', 305: 'USE PROXY', 306: 'RESERVED', 307: 'TEMPORARY REDIRECT', 400: 'BAD REQUEST', 401: 'UNAUTHORIZED', 402: 'PAYMENT REQUIRED', 403: 'FORBIDDEN', 404: 'NOT FOUND', 405: 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED', 406: 'NOT ACCEPTABLE', 407: 'PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED', 408: 'REQUEST TIMEOUT', 409: 'CONFLICT', 410: 'GONE', 411: 'LENGTH REQUIRED', 412: 'PRECONDITION FAILED', 413: 'REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE', 414: 'REQUEST-URI TOO LONG', 415: 'UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE', 416: 'REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE', 417: 'EXPECTATION FAILED', 500: 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', 501: 'NOT IMPLEMENTED', 502: 'BAD GATEWAY', 503: 'SERVICE UNAVAILABLE', 504: 'GATEWAY TIMEOUT', 505: 'HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED', } def safe_copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, length=16*1024, size=0): """ A version of shutil.copyfileobj that will not read more than 'size' bytes. This makes it safe from clients sending more than CONTENT_LENGTH bytes of data in the body. """ if not size: return while size > 0: buf =, size)) if not buf: break fdst.write(buf) size -= len(buf) class WSGIRequest(http.HttpRequest): def __init__(self, environ): script_name = base.get_script_name(environ) path_info = force_unicode(environ.get('PATH_INFO', u'/')) if not path_info: # Sometimes PATH_INFO exists, but is empty (e.g. accessing # the SCRIPT_NAME URL without a trailing slash). We really need to # operate as if they'd requested '/'. Not amazingly nice to force # the path like this, but should be harmless. path_info = u'/' self.environ = environ self.path_info = path_info self.path = '%s%s' % (script_name, path_info) self.META = environ self.META['PATH_INFO'] = path_info self.META['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name self.method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() def __repr__(self): # Since this is called as part of error handling, we need to be very # robust against potentially malformed input. try: get = pformat(self.GET) except: get = '<could not parse>' try: post = pformat(self.POST) except: post = '<could not parse>' try: cookies = pformat(self.COOKIES) except: cookies = '<could not parse>' try: meta = pformat(self.META) except: meta = '<could not parse>' return '<WSGIRequest\nGET:%s,\nPOST:%s,\nCOOKIES:%s,\nMETA:%s>' % \ (get, post, cookies, meta) def get_full_path(self): return '%s%s' % (self.path, self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '') and ('?' + self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')) or '') def is_secure(self): return 'wsgi.url_scheme' in self.environ \ and self.environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https' def _load_post_and_files(self): # Populates self._post and self._files if self.method == 'POST': if self.environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '').startswith('multipart'): self._raw_post_data = '' self._post, self._files = self.parse_file_upload(self.META, self.environ['wsgi.input']) else: self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict(self.raw_post_data, encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() else: self._post, self._files = http.QueryDict('', encoding=self._encoding), datastructures.MultiValueDict() def _get_request(self): if not hasattr(self, '_request'): self._request = datastructures.MergeDict(self.POST, self.GET) return self._request def _get_get(self): if not hasattr(self, '_get'): # The WSGI spec says 'QUERY_STRING' may be absent. self._get = http.QueryDict(self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''), encoding=self._encoding) return self._get def _set_get(self, get): self._get = get def _get_post(self): if not hasattr(self, '_post'): self._load_post_and_files() return self._post def _set_post(self, post): self._post = post def _get_cookies(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cookies'): self._cookies = http.parse_cookie(self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')) return self._cookies def _set_cookies(self, cookies): self._cookies = cookies def _get_files(self): if not hasattr(self, '_files'): self._load_post_and_files() return self._files def _get_raw_post_data(self): try: return self._raw_post_data except AttributeError: buf = StringIO() try: # CONTENT_LENGTH might be absent if POST doesn't have content at all (lighttpd) content_length = int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If CONTENT_LENGTH was empty string or not an integer, don't # error out. We've also seen None passed in here (against all # specs, but see ticket #8259), so we handle TypeError as well. content_length = 0 if content_length > 0: safe_copyfileobj(self.environ['wsgi.input'], buf, size=content_length) self._raw_post_data = buf.getvalue() buf.close() return self._raw_post_data GET = property(_get_get, _set_get) POST = property(_get_post, _set_post) COOKIES = property(_get_cookies, _set_cookies) FILES = property(_get_files) REQUEST = property(_get_request) raw_post_data = property(_get_raw_post_data) class WSGIHandler(base.BaseHandler): initLock = Lock() request_class = WSGIRequest def __call__(self, environ, start_response): from django.conf import settings # Set up middleware if needed. We couldn't do this earlier, because # settings weren't available. if self._request_middleware is None: self.initLock.acquire() # Check that middleware is still uninitialised. if self._request_middleware is None: self.load_middleware() self.initLock.release() set_script_prefix(base.get_script_name(environ)) signals.request_started.send(sender=self.__class__) try: try: request = self.request_class(environ) except UnicodeDecodeError: response = http.HttpResponseBadRequest() else: response = self.get_response(request) # Apply response middleware for middleware_method in self._response_middleware: response = middleware_method(request, response) response = self.apply_response_fixes(request, response) finally: signals.request_finished.send(sender=self.__class__) try: status_text = STATUS_CODE_TEXT[response.status_code] except KeyError: status_text = 'UNKNOWN STATUS CODE' status = '%s %s' % (response.status_code, status_text) response_headers = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in response.items()] for c in response.cookies.values(): response_headers.append(('Set-Cookie', str(c.output(header='')))) start_response(status, response_headers) return response
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import from builtins import * # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin import jsonschema from future.utils import PY2 from future.backports.http import client as backport_client import re import os import sys import yaml import logging import shutil import requests import itertools from contextlib import contextmanager import mock import pytest from path import Path from vcr import VCR from vcr.stubs import VCRHTTPSConnection, VCRHTTPConnection import flexget.logger from flexget.manager import Manager from flexget.plugin import load_plugins from flexget.task import Task, TaskAbort from flexget.webserver import User from flexget.manager import Session from flexget.api import api_app log = logging.getLogger('tests') VCR_CASSETTE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cassettes') VCR_RECORD_MODE = os.environ.get('VCR_RECORD_MODE', 'once') vcr = VCR( cassette_library_dir=VCR_CASSETTE_DIR, record_mode=VCR_RECORD_MODE, custom_patches=( (backport_client, 'HTTPSConnection', VCRHTTPSConnection), (backport_client, 'HTTPConnection', VCRHTTPConnection), ) ) # --- These are the public fixtures tests can ask for --- @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def config(request): """ If used inside a test class, uses the `config` class attribute of the class. This is used by `manager` fixture, and can be parametrized. """ return request.cls.config @pytest.yield_fixture() def manager(request, config, caplog, monkeypatch, filecopy): # enforce filecopy is run before manager """ Create a :class:`MockManager` for this test based on `config` argument. """ if 'tmpdir' in request.fixturenames: config = config.replace('__tmp__', request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir').strpath) try: mockmanager = MockManager(config, request.cls.__name__) except Exception: # Since we haven't entered the test function yet, pytest won't print the logs on failure. Print them manually. print(caplog.text()) raise yield mockmanager mockmanager.shutdown() @pytest.fixture() def execute_task(manager): """ A function that can be used to execute and return a named task in `config` argument. """ def execute(task_name, abort=False, options=None): """ Use to execute one test task from config. :param abort: If `True` expect (and require) this task to abort. """'********** Running task: %s ********** ' % task_name) config = manager.config['tasks'][task_name] task = Task(manager, task_name, config=config, options=options) try: if abort: with pytest.raises(TaskAbort): task.execute() else: task.execute() finally: try: task.session.close() except Exception: pass return task return execute @pytest.yield_fixture() def use_vcr(request, monkeypatch): """ This fixture is applied automatically to any test using the `online` mark. It will record and playback network sessions using VCR. The record mode of VCR can be set using the VCR_RECORD_MODE environment variable when running tests. """ if VCR_RECORD_MODE == 'off': yield None else: module = request.module.__name__.split('tests.')[-1] class_name = request.cls.__name__ cassette_name = '.'.join([module, class_name, request.function.__name__]) cassette_path = os.path.join(VCR_CASSETTE_DIR, cassette_name) online = True if vcr.record_mode == 'none': online = False elif vcr.record_mode == 'once': online = not os.path.exists(cassette_path) # If we are not going online, disable domain limiting during test if not online: log.debug('Disabling domain limiters during VCR playback.') monkeypatch.setattr('flexget.utils.requests.limit_domains', mock.Mock()) with vcr.use_cassette(path=cassette_path) as cassette: yield cassette @pytest.fixture() def api_client(manager): with Session() as session: user = session.query(User).first() if not user: user = User(name='flexget', password='flexget') session.add(user) session.commit() return APIClient(user.token) @pytest.fixture() def schema_match(manager): """ This fixture enables verifying JSON Schema. Return a list of validation error dicts. List is empty if no errors occurred. """ def match(schema, response): validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema) errors = list(validator.iter_errors(response)) return [dict(value=list(e.path), message=e.message) for e in errors] return match @pytest.fixture() def link_headers(manager): """ Parses link headers and return them in dict form """ def headers(response): links = {} for link in requests.utils.parse_header_links(response.headers.get('link')): url = link['url'] page = int('(?<!per_)page=(\d)', url).group(1)) links[link['rel']] = dict(url=url, page=page) return links return headers # --- End Public Fixtures --- def pytest_configure(config): # register the filecopy marker config.addinivalue_line('markers', 'filecopy(src, dst): mark test to copy a file from `src` to `dst` before running.' 'online: mark a test that goes online. VCR will automatically be used.') def pytest_runtest_setup(item): # Add the filcopy fixture to any test marked with filecopy if item.get_marker('filecopy'): item.fixturenames.append('filecopy') # Add the online marker to tests that will go online if item.get_marker('online'): item.fixturenames.append('use_vcr') else: item.fixturenames.append('no_requests') @pytest.yield_fixture() def filecopy(request): out_files = [] marker = request.node.get_marker('filecopy') if marker is not None: copy_list = marker.args[0] if len(marker.args) == 1 else [marker.args] for sources, dst in copy_list: if isinstance(sources, str): sources = [sources] if 'tmpdir' in request.fixturenames: dst = dst.replace('__tmp__', request.getfuncargvalue('tmpdir').strpath) dst = Path(dst) for f in itertools.chain(*(Path().glob(src) for src in sources)): dest_path = dst if dest_path.isdir(): dest_path = dest_path / f.basename() if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dest_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest_path)) if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.copytree(f, dest_path) else: shutil.copy(f, dest_path) out_files.append(dest_path) yield if out_files: for f in out_files: try: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) else: f.remove() except OSError as e: print("couldn't remove %s: %s" % (f, e)) @pytest.fixture() def no_requests(monkeypatch): online_funcs = [ 'requests.sessions.Session.request', 'future.backports.http.client.HTTPConnection.request', ] # Don't monkey patch HTTPSConnection if ssl not installed as it won't exist in backports try: import ssl # noqa from ssl import SSLContext # noqa online_funcs.append('future.backports.http.client.HTTPSConnection.request') except ImportError: pass if PY2: online_funcs.extend(['httplib.HTTPConnection.request', 'httplib.HTTPSConnection.request']) else: online_funcs.extend(['http.client.HTTPConnection.request', 'http.client.HTTPSConnection.request']) for func in online_funcs: monkeypatch.setattr(func, mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception('Online tests should use'))) @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def setup_once(pytestconfig, request): # os.chdir(os.path.join(pytestconfig.rootdir.strpath, 'flexget', 'tests')) flexget.logger.initialize(True) m = MockManager('tasks: {}', 'init') # This makes sure our template environment is set up before any tests are run m.shutdown() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) load_plugins() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def chdir(pytestconfig, request): """ By marking test with chdir flag we will change current working directory to that module location. Task configuration can then assume this being location for relative paths """ if 'chdir' in request.funcargnames: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(request.module.__file__)) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup_loglevel(pytestconfig, caplog): # set logging level according to pytest verbosity level = logging.DEBUG if pytestconfig.getoption('verbose') == 1: level = flexget.logger.TRACE elif pytestconfig.getoption('quiet') == 1: level = logging.INFO logging.getLogger().setLevel(level) caplog.setLevel(level) class CrashReport(Exception): pass class MockManager(Manager): unit_test = True def __init__(self, config_text, config_name, db_uri=None): self.config_text = config_text self._db_uri = db_uri or 'sqlite:///:memory:' super(MockManager, self).__init__(['execute']) self.config_name = config_name self.database_uri = self._db_uri log.debug('database_uri: %s' % self.database_uri) self.initialize() def find_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Override configuration loading """ self.config_base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])) def load_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Just load our config from the text passed in on init """ config = yaml.safe_load(self.config_text) or {} self.update_config(config) # no lock files with unit testing @contextmanager def acquire_lock(self, **kwargs): self._has_lock = True yield def release_lock(self): pass def crash_report(self): # We don't want to silently swallow crash reports during unit tests log.error('Crash Report Traceback:', exc_info=True) raise CrashReport('Crash report created during unit test, check log for traceback.') class APIClient(object): def __init__(self, api_key): self.api_key = api_key self.client = api_app.test_client() def _append_header(self, key, value, kwargs): if 'headers' not in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = {} kwargs['headers'][key] = value def json_post(self, *args, **kwargs): self._append_header('Content-Type', 'application/json', kwargs) if kwargs.get('auth', True): self._append_header('Authorization', 'Token %s' % self.api_key, kwargs) return*args, **kwargs) def json_put(self, *args, **kwargs): self._append_header('Content-Type', 'application/json', kwargs) if kwargs.get('auth', True): self._append_header('Authorization', 'Token %s' % self.api_key, kwargs) return self.client.put(*args, **kwargs) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('auth', True): self._append_header('Authorization', 'Token %s' % self.api_key, kwargs) return self.client.get(*args, **kwargs) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('auth', True): self._append_header('Authorization', 'Token %s' % self.api_key, kwargs) return self.client.delete(*args, **kwargs) def head(self, *args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('auth', True): self._append_header('Authorization', 'Token %s' % self.api_key, kwargs) return self.client.head(*args, **kwargs)
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests for Keras text vectorization preprocessing layer.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import gc import os from absl.testing import parameterized import numpy as np from tensorflow.python import keras from tensorflow.python import tf2 from import dataset_ops from tensorflow.python.distribute import one_device_strategy from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras import keras_parameterized from tensorflow.python.keras import testing_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import convolutional from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import core from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import embeddings from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.preprocessing import preprocessing_test_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.preprocessing import text_vectorization from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import generic_utils from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_string_ops from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_factory_ops from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_string_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile from tensorflow.python.platform import test def _get_end_to_end_test_cases(): test_cases = ( { "testcase_name": "test_simple_tokens_int_mode", # Create an array where 'earth' is the most frequent term, followed by # 'wind', then 'and', then 'fire'. This ensures that the vocab # is sorting by frequency. "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["fire"], ["fire"], ["and"], ["earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": None, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.INT }, "expected_output": [[2], [3], [4], [5], [5], [4], [2], [1]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_simple_tokens_int_mode_hard_cap", # Create an array where 'earth' is the most frequent term, followed by # 'wind', then 'and', then 'fire'. This ensures that the vocab # is sorting by frequency. "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["fire"], ["fire"], ["and"], ["earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 6, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.INT }, "expected_output": [[2], [3], [4], [5], [5], [4], [2], [1]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_special_tokens_int_mode", # Mask tokens in the vocab data should be ingored, and mapped to 0 in # from the input data. "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], [""], [""], [""], ["[UNK]"], ["[UNK]"], ["[UNK]"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], [""], ["wind"], ["[UNK]"], ["and"], [""], ["fire"], ["and"], ["[UNK]"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": None, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.INT }, "expected_output": [[2], [0], [3], [1], [4], [0], [5], [4], [1], [1]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_documents_int_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire earth earth"], ["earth earth"], ["wind wind"], ["and wind and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth wind and"], ["fire fire"], ["and earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": None, "standardize": None, "split": text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, "output_mode": text_vectorization.INT }, "expected_output": [[2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 0], [4, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_documents_1d_input_int_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([ "fire earth earth", "earth earth", "wind wind", "and wind and" ]), "input_data": np.array([["earth wind and"], ["fire fire"], ["and earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": None, "standardize": None, "split": text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, "output_mode": text_vectorization.INT }, "expected_output": [[2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 0], [4, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_simple_tokens_binary_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["fire"], ["fire"], ["and"], ["earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.BINARY }, "expected_output": [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_documents_binary_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire earth earth"], ["earth earth"], ["wind wind"], ["and wind and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth wind"], ["and"], ["fire fire"], ["earth michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, "output_mode": text_vectorization.BINARY }, "expected_output": [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_simple_tokens_count_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["fire"], ["fire"], ["and"], ["earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.COUNT }, "expected_output": [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_documents_count_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire earth earth"], ["earth earth"], ["wind wind"], ["and wind and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth wind"], ["and"], ["fire fire"], ["earth michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, "output_mode": text_vectorization.COUNT }, "expected_output": [[0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_tokens_idf_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["earth"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth"], ["wind"], ["and"], ["fire"], ["fire"], ["and"], ["earth"], ["michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": None, "output_mode": text_vectorization.TFIDF }, "expected_output": [[0, 1.098612, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.252763, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1.466337, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.7917595], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1.7917595], [0, 0, 0, 1.4663371, 0], [0, 1.098612, 0, 0, 0], [1.402368, 0, 0, 0, 0]], }, { "testcase_name": "test_documents_idf_mode", "vocab_data": np.array([["fire earth earth"], ["earth earth"], ["wind wind"], ["and wind and"]]), "input_data": np.array([["earth wind"], ["and"], ["fire fire"], ["earth michigan"]]), "kwargs": { "max_tokens": 5, "standardize": None, "split": text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, "output_mode": text_vectorization.TFIDF }, "expected_output": [[0., 0.847298, 0.847298, 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.098612, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 2.197225], [0.972955, 0.847298, 0., 0., 0.]], }, ) crossed_test_cases = [] # Cross above test cases with use_dataset in (True, False) for use_dataset in (True, False): for case in test_cases: case = case.copy() if use_dataset: case["testcase_name"] = case["testcase_name"] + "_with_dataset" case["use_dataset"] = use_dataset crossed_test_cases.append(case) return crossed_test_cases @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationLayerTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest ): @parameterized.named_parameters(*_get_end_to_end_test_cases()) def test_layer_end_to_end_with_adapt(self, vocab_data, input_data, kwargs, use_dataset, expected_output): cls = text_vectorization.TextVectorization if kwargs.get("output_mode") == text_vectorization.INT: expected_output_dtype = dtypes.int64 else: expected_output_dtype = dtypes.float32 input_shape = input_data.shape if use_dataset: # Keras APIs expect batched datasets. # TODO(rachelim): `model.predict` predicts the result on each # dataset batch separately, then tries to concatenate the results # together. When the results have different shapes on the non-concat # axis (which can happen in the output_mode = INT case for # TextVectorization), the concatenation fails. In real use cases, this may # not be an issue because users are likely to pipe the preprocessing layer # into other keras layers instead of predicting it directly. A workaround # for these unit tests is to have the dataset only contain one batch, so # no concatenation needs to happen with the result. For consistency with # numpy input, we should make `predict` join differently shaped results # together sensibly, with 0 padding. input_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(input_data).batch( input_shape[0]) vocab_data = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(vocab_data).batch( input_shape[0]) output_data = testing_utils.layer_test( cls, kwargs=kwargs, input_shape=input_shape, input_data=input_data, input_dtype=dtypes.string, expected_output_dtype=expected_output_dtype, validate_training=False, adapt_data=vocab_data) self.assertAllClose(expected_output, output_data) def test_list_inputs_1d(self): vocab_data = ["two two two", "two three three", "three four four five"] input_data = ["two three", "four five"] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization() layer.adapt(vocab_data) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) layer.set_vocabulary(["two", "three", "four", "five"]) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) def test_tensor_inputs(self): vocab_data = constant_op.constant( ["two two two", "two three three", "three four four five"]) input_data = constant_op.constant(["two three", "four five"]) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization() layer.adapt(vocab_data) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) layer.set_vocabulary(["two", "three", "four", "five"]) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) def test_list_inputs_2d(self): vocab_data = [ ["two two two"], ["two three three"], ["three four four five"]] input_data = [["two three"], ["four five"]] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization() layer.adapt(vocab_data) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) layer.set_vocabulary(["two", "three", "four", "five"]) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) def test_dataset_of_single_strings(self): vocab_data = ["two two two", "two three three", "three four four five"] input_data = ["two three", "four five"] vocab_ds = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(vocab_data) # unbatched layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization() layer.adapt(vocab_ds) out = layer(input_data) if context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertAllClose(out.numpy(), [[2, 3], [4, 5]]) @parameterized.named_parameters( { "testcase_name": "1d", "data": ["0", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c", "d", "f"], "expected": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1] }, { "testcase_name": "2d", "data": [["0", "a", "b", "c", "d"], ["e", "a", "b", "c", "d"], ["f"]], "expected": [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]] }, { "testcase_name": "3d", "data": [[["0", "a", "b"], ["c", "d"]], [["e", "a"], ["b", "c", "d"]], [["f"]]], "expected": [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 0]], [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 5]], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]] }, ) def test_layer_dimensionality_handling(self, data, expected): vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] vectorization = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, pad_to_max_tokens=False) vectorization.set_vocabulary(vocab) output = vectorization(ragged_factory_ops.constant(data)) self.assertAllEqual(expected, output) @parameterized.named_parameters( { "testcase_name": "1d", "data": ["0 a b c d e a b c d f"], "expected": [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1]] }, { "testcase_name": "3d", "data": [[["0 a b"], ["c d"]], [["e a"], ["b c d"]], [["f"]]], "expected": [[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 0]], [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 5]], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]] }, ) def test_layer_dimensionality_handling_with_split(self, data, expected): vocab = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] vectorization = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, pad_to_max_tokens=False) vectorization.set_vocabulary(vocab) output = vectorization(ragged_factory_ops.constant(data, inner_shape=(1,))) self.assertAllEqual(expected, output) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationPreprocessingTest( keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): def _write_to_temp_file(self, file_name, vocab_list): vocab_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), file_name + ".txt") with gfile.GFile(vocab_path, "w") as writer: for vocab in vocab_list: writer.write(vocab + "\n") writer.flush() writer.close() return vocab_path def test_summary_before_adapt(self): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=text_vectorization.LOWER_AND_STRIP_PUNCTUATION, split=None, ngrams=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) # We are testing that model.summary() can be called without erroring out. # (b/145726907) model.summary() def test_normalization(self): input_array = np.array([["Earth", "wInD", "aNd", "firE"], ["fire|", "an<>d", "{earth}", "michigan@%$"]]) expected_output = np.array([[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire"], [b"fire", b"and", b"earth", b"michigan"]]) input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=text_vectorization.LOWER_AND_STRIP_PUNCTUATION, split=None, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_normalization_ragged_inputs(self): input_array = ragged_factory_ops.constant([["Earth", "wInD", "aNd", "firE"], ["fire|", "an<>d", "{earth}"]]) expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire"], [b"fire", b"and", b"earth"]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), ragged=True, dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=text_vectorization.LOWER_AND_STRIP_PUNCTUATION, split=None, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_custom_normalization(self): input_array = np.array([["Earth", "wInD", "aNd", "firE"], ["fire|", "an<>d", "{earth}", "michigan@%$"]]) expected_output = np.array( [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire"], [b"fire|", b"an<>d", b"{earth}", b"michigan@%$"]]) custom_standardization = gen_string_ops.string_lower input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=custom_standardization, split=None, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_string_splitting(self): input_array = np.array([["earth wind and fire"], ["\tfire\tand\nearth michigan "]]) expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire"], [b"fire", b"and", b"earth", b"michigan"]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_custom_string_splitting(self): input_array = np.array([["earth>wind>and fire"], ["\tfire>and\nearth>michigan"]]) expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and fire"], [b"\tfire", b"and\nearth", b"michigan"]] custom_split = lambda x: ragged_string_ops.string_split_v2(x, sep=">") input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=custom_split, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_single_ngram_value_ragged_inputs(self): input_array = ragged_factory_ops.constant([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire", b"earth wind", b"wind and", b"and fire", b"earth wind and", b"wind and fire"], [b"fire", b"and", b"earth", b"fire and", b"and earth", b"fire and earth"]] # pyformat: enable input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), ragged=True, dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, ngrams=3, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_single_ngram_value(self): input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire", b"earth wind", b"wind and", b"and fire", b"earth wind and", b"wind and fire"], [b"fire", b"and", b"earth", b"michigan", b"fire and", b"and earth", b"earth michigan", b"fire and earth", b"and earth michigan"]] # pyformat: enable input_data = keras.Input(shape=(4,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, ngrams=3, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_multiple_ngram_values(self): input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[b"earth wind", b"wind and", b"and fire", b"earth wind and", b"wind and fire"], [b"fire and", b"and earth", b"earth michigan", b"fire and earth", b"and earth michigan"]] # pyformat: enable input_data = keras.Input(shape=(4,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, ngrams=(2, 3), output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_string_multiple_preprocessing_steps(self): input_array = np.array([["earth wInD and firE"], ["\tfire\tand\nearth!! michig@n "]]) expected_output = [[ b"earth", b"wind", b"and", b"fire", b"earth wind", b"wind and", b"and fire", ], [ b"fire", b"and", b"earth", b"michign", b"fire and", b"and earth", b"earth michign", ]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=text_vectorization.LOWER_AND_STRIP_PUNCTUATION, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, ngrams=2, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_string_splitting_with_non_1d_array_fails(self): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=None) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ".*tokenize strings, the innermost dime.*"): _ = layer(input_data) def test_string_splitting_with_non_1d_raggedarray_fails(self): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), ragged=True, dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( vocabulary=["a"], max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=None) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, ".*tokenize strings, the innermost dime.*"): _ = layer(input_data) def test_standardization_with_invalid_standardize_arg(self): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(vocabulary=["a"]) layer._standardize = "unsupported" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, ".*is not a supported standardization.*"): _ = layer(input_data) def test_splitting_with_invalid_split_arg(self): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(vocabulary=["a"]) layer._split = "unsupported" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, ".*is not a supported splitting.*"): _ = layer(input_data) def test_vocab_setting_via_init(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, vocabulary=vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_vocab_setting_via_init_file(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] vocab_path = self._write_to_temp_file("vocab_file", vocab_data) input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, vocabulary=vocab_path) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_vocab_setting_via_setter(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] vocab_path = self._write_to_temp_file("vocab_file", vocab_data) input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_path) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_vocab_setting_with_oov_via_setter(self): vocab_data = ["", "[UNK]", "earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] vocab_path = self._write_to_temp_file("vocab_file", vocab_data) input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_path) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationDistributionTest( keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): def test_distribution_strategy_output(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] strategy = one_device_strategy.OneDeviceStrategy("/cpu:0") with strategy.scope(): input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationOutputTest( keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): def test_int_output(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_int_output_densifies_with_zeros(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # Create an input array that has 5 elements in the first example and 4 in # the second. This should output a 2x5 tensor with a padding value in the # second example. input_array = np.array([["earth wind and also fire"], ["fire and earth michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 1, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1, 0]] # This test doesn't explicitly set an output shape, so the 2nd dimension # should stay 'None'. expected_output_shape = [None, None] # The input shape here is explicitly 1 because we're tokenizing. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_int_output_densifies_with_zeros_and_pads(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # Create an input array that has 5 elements in the first example and 4 in # the second. This should output a 2x6 tensor with a padding value in the # second example, since output_sequence_length is set to 6. input_array = np.array([["earth wind and also fire"], ["fire and earth michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 0], [5, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0]] output_sequence_length = 6 expected_output_shape = [None, output_sequence_length] # The input shape here is explicitly 1 because we're tokenizing. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, output_sequence_length=output_sequence_length) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_int_output_densifies_with_zeros_and_strips(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # Create an input array that has 5 elements in the first example and 4 in # the second. This should output a 2x3 tensor with a padding value in the # second example, since output_sequence_length is set to 3. input_array = np.array([["earth wind and also fire"], ["fire and earth michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 4, 2]] output_sequence_length = 3 expected_output_shape = [None, output_sequence_length] # The input shape here is explicitly 1 because we're tokenizing. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, output_sequence_length=output_sequence_length) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_int_output_dynamically_strips_and_pads(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # Create an input array that has 5 elements in the first example and 4 in # the second. This should output a 2x3 tensor with a padding value in the # second example, since output_sequence_length is set to 3. input_array = np.array([["earth wind and also fire"], ["fire and earth michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4], [5, 4, 2]] output_sequence_length = 3 expected_output_shape = [None, output_sequence_length] # The input shape here is explicitly 1 because we're tokenizing. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, output_sequence_length=output_sequence_length) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) # Create an input array that has 1 element in the first example and 2 in # the second. This should output a 2x3 tensor with a padding value in the # second example, since output_sequence_length is set to 3. input_array_2 = np.array([["wind"], ["fire and"]]) expected_output_2 = [[3, 0, 0], [5, 4, 0]] output_dataset = model.predict(input_array_2) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_2, output_dataset) def test_binary_output_hard_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 6 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=max_tokens, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=True) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_binary_output_soft_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_bag_output_hard_maximum_set_vocabulary_after_build(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=max_tokens, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=True) int_data = layer(input_data) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_bag_output_hard_maximum_adapt_after_build(self): vocab_data = np.array([ "earth", "earth", "earth", "earth", "wind", "wind", "wind", "and", "and", "fire" ]) input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=max_tokens, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=True) int_data = layer(input_data) layer.adapt(vocab_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_bag_output_hard_maximum_set_state_variables_after_build(self): state_variables = { text_vectorization._VOCAB_NAME: ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] } input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=max_tokens, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=True) int_data = layer(input_data) layer._set_state_variables(state_variables) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_bag_output_hard_maximum_multiple_adapts(self): input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) adapt_data = ["earth", "earth", "earth", "earth", "wind", "wind", "wind"] first_expected_output = [ [1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 0], ] second_adapt_data = [ "earth", "earth", "earth", "earth", "wind", "wind", "wind", "and", "and", "fire" ] second_expected_output = [ [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0], ] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=5, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=True) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) # Test the first adapt layer.adapt(adapt_data) first_output = model.predict(input_array) # Test the second adapt layer.adapt(second_adapt_data) second_output = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(first_expected_output, first_output) self.assertAllEqual(second_expected_output, second_output) def test_bag_output_soft_maximum_set_state_after_build(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_bag_output_soft_maximum_set_vocabulary_after_call_fails(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.adapt(vocab_data) _ = layer(input_data) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "vocabulary cannot be changed"): layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) def test_bag_output_soft_maximum_set_state_variables_after_call_fails(self): state_variables = { text_vectorization._VOCAB_NAME: ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] } input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.adapt(["earth", "wind"]) _ = layer(input_data) with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "vocabulary cannot be changed"): layer._set_state_variables(state_variables) def test_count_output_hard_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 6 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=6, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.COUNT, pad_to_max_tokens=True) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_count_output_soft_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[0, 2, 1, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.COUNT, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_tfidf_output_hard_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # OOV idf weight (bucket 0) should 0.5, the average of passed weights. idf_weights = [.4, .25, .75, .6] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "fire", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace expected_output = [[ 0, .8, .25, .75, 0, 0], [ 1, .4, 0, 0, .6, 0]] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 6 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=6, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF, pad_to_max_tokens=True) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights=idf_weights) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllClose(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_tfidf_output_soft_maximum(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # OOV idf weight (bucket 0) should 0.5, the average of passed weights. idf_weights = [.4, .25, .75, .6] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "fire", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace expected_output = [[ 0, .8, .25, .75, 0], [ 1, .4, 0, 0, .6]] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights=idf_weights) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllClose(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_tfidf_output_set_oov_weight(self): vocab_data = ["[UNK]", "earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] idf_weights = [.1, .4, .25, .75, .6] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "fire", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace expected_output = [[ 0, .8, .25, .75, 0], [ .2, .4, 0, 0, .6]] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 5 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF, pad_to_max_tokens=False) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights=idf_weights) int_data = layer(input_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllClose(expected_output, output_dataset) def test_accept_1D_input(self): input_array = np.array(["earth wind and fire", "fire and earth michigan"]) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( standardize=None, split=None, output_mode="int") layer.adapt(input_array) _ = layer(input_array) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationModelBuildingTest( keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): @parameterized.named_parameters( { "testcase_name": "count_hard_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": True, "output_mode": text_vectorization.COUNT }, { "testcase_name": "count_soft_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": False, "output_mode": text_vectorization.COUNT }, { "testcase_name": "binary_hard_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": True, "output_mode": text_vectorization.BINARY }, { "testcase_name": "binary_soft_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": False, "output_mode": text_vectorization.BINARY }, { "testcase_name": "tfidf_hard_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": True, "output_mode": text_vectorization.TFIDF }, { "testcase_name": "tfidf_soft_max", "pad_to_max_tokens": False, "output_mode": text_vectorization.TFIDF }) def test_end_to_end_bagged_modeling(self, output_mode, pad_to_max_tokens): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] idf_weights = [.5, .25, .2, .125] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=10, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=output_mode, pad_to_max_tokens=pad_to_max_tokens) if output_mode == text_vectorization.TFIDF: layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights=idf_weights) else: layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) float_data = backend.cast(int_data, dtype="float32") output_data = core.Dense(64)(float_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=output_data) _ = model.predict(input_array) def test_end_to_end_vocab_modeling(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth wind and also fire"], ["fire and earth michigan"]]) output_sequence_length = 6 max_tokens = 5 # The input shape here is explicitly 1 because we're tokenizing. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=text_vectorization.SPLIT_ON_WHITESPACE, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT, output_sequence_length=output_sequence_length) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) embedded_data = embeddings.Embedding( input_dim=max_tokens + 1, output_dim=32)( int_data) output_data = convolutional.Conv1D( 250, 3, padding="valid", activation="relu", strides=1)( embedded_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=output_data) _ = model.predict(input_array) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationErrorTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest ): def test_too_long_vocab_fails_in_single_setting(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=4, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "vocabulary larger than the maximum vocab.*"): layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) def test_setting_vocab_without_idf_weights_fails_in_tfidf_mode(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=5, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF) with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, "`idf_weights` must be set if output_mode is TFIDF"): layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) def test_idf_weights_length_mismatch_fails(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] idf_weights = [1, 2, 3] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=5, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF) with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, "`idf_weights` must be the same length as vocab"): layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights) def test_set_tfidf_in_non_tfidf_fails(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] idf_weights = [1, 2, 3, 4] layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=5, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.BINARY) with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "`idf_weights` should only be set if"): layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights) def test_zero_max_tokens_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "max_tokens.*"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(max_tokens=0) def test_non_string_dtype_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "dtype of string.*"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(dtype=dtypes.int64) def test_unknown_standardize_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "standardize arg.*unsupported_value"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(standardize="unsupported_value") def test_unknown_split_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "split arg.*unsupported_value"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(split="unsupported_value") def test_unknown_output_mode_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "output_mode arg.*unsupported_value"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(output_mode="unsupported_value") def test_unknown_ngrams_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "ngrams.*unsupported_value"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(ngrams="unsupported_value") def test_float_ngrams_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "ngrams.*2.9"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(ngrams=2.9) def test_float_tuple_ngrams_arg_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "ngrams.*(1.3, 2.9)"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization(ngrams=(1.3, 2.9)) def test_non_int_output_sequence_length_dtype_fails(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "output_sequence_length.*2.0"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( output_mode="int", output_sequence_length=2.0) def test_non_none_output_sequence_length_fails_if_output_type_not_int(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "`output_sequence_length` must not be set"): _ = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( output_mode="count", output_sequence_length=2) # Custom functions for the custom callable serialization test. Declared here # to avoid multiple registrations from run_all_keras_modes(). @generic_utils.register_keras_serializable(package="Test") def custom_standardize_fn(x): return gen_string_ops.string_lower(x) @generic_utils.register_keras_serializable(package="Test") def custom_split_fn(x): return ragged_string_ops.string_split_v2(x, sep=">") @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationSavingTest( keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): def tearDown(self): keras.backend.clear_session() gc.collect() super(TextVectorizationSavingTest, self).tearDown() def test_saving(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] # Build and validate a golden model. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) # Save the model to disk. output_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "tf_keras_saved_model"), save_format="tf") # Delete the session and graph to ensure that the loaded model is generated # from scratch. # TODO(b/149526183): Can't clear session when TF2 is disabled. if tf2.enabled(): keras.backend.clear_session() loaded_model = keras.models.load_model(output_path) self.assertAllEqual(loaded_model.predict(input_array), expected_output) def test_saving_when_nested(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"], ["fire", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) expected_output = [[2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 2, 1]] # Build and validate a golden model. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.INT) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) outer_input = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) outer_output = model(outer_input) outer_model = keras.Model(inputs=outer_input, outputs=outer_output) # Save the model to disk. output_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "tf_keras_saved_model"), save_format="tf") # Delete the session and graph to ensure that the loaded model is generated # from scratch. # TODO(b/149526183): Can't clear session when TF2 is disabled. if tf2.enabled(): keras.backend.clear_session() loaded_model = keras.models.load_model(output_path) self.assertAllEqual(loaded_model.predict(input_array), expected_output) def test_saving_with_tfidf(self): vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # OOV idf weight (bucket 0) should 0.5, the average of passed weights. idf_weights = [.4, .25, .75, .6] input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "fire", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace expected_output = [[ 0, .8, .25, .75, 0], [ 1, .4, 0, 0, .6]] vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"] # pylint: enable=bad-whitespace # pyformat: enable # Build and validate a golden model. input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=5, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.TFIDF) layer.set_vocabulary(vocab_data, idf_weights=idf_weights) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllClose(output_dataset, expected_output) # Save the model to disk. output_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "tf_keras_saved_model"), save_format="tf") loaded_model = keras.models.load_model(output_path) # Ensure that the loaded model is unique (so that the save/load is real) self.assertIsNot(model, loaded_model) # Validate correctness of the new model. new_output_dataset = loaded_model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllClose(new_output_dataset, expected_output) def test_serialization_with_custom_callables(self): input_array = np.array([["earth>wind>and Fire"], ["\tfire>And\nearth>michigan"]]) expected_output = [[b"earth", b"wind", b"and fire"], [b"\tfire", b"and\nearth", b"michigan"]] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=None, standardize=custom_standardize_fn, split=custom_split_fn, ngrams=None, output_mode=None) int_data = layer(input_data) model = keras.Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=int_data) output_dataset = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output_dataset) serialized_model_data = model.get_config() new_model = keras.Model.from_config(serialized_model_data) new_output_dataset = new_model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, new_output_dataset) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes(always_skip_v1=True) class TextVectorizationE2ETest(keras_parameterized.TestCase, preprocessing_test_utils.PreprocessingLayerTest): def test_keras_vocab_trimming_example(self): vocab_data = np.array([ "earth", "earth", "earth", "earth", "wind", "wind", "wind", "and", "and", "fire" ]) input_array = np.array([["earth", "wind", "and", "earth"], ["ohio", "and", "earth", "michigan"]]) # pyformat: disable expected_output = [[1, 2, 1], [3, 1, 0]] # pyformat: enable max_tokens = 3 expected_output_shape = [None, max_tokens] input_data = keras.Input(shape=(None,), dtype=dtypes.string) layer = text_vectorization.TextVectorization( max_tokens=max_tokens, standardize=None, split=None, output_mode=text_vectorization.COUNT, pad_to_max_tokens=True) int_data = layer(input_data) layer.adapt(vocab_data) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output_shape, int_data.shape.as_list()) model = keras.Model(input_data, int_data) output = model.predict(input_array) self.assertAllEqual(expected_output, output) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
import pandas as pd import csv #Open file to save Trump tweets sentiment used to estimate probability csvfile=open("/home/ubuntu/project/output_data/trump_pos_sentiment.csv", "w") csvwriter=csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",") #Assign header row csvwriter.writerow(["Index"]+["State"]+["Sentiment"]) #Initialize counter for tweets index=0 #Open Trump results and load in file with open("/home/ubuntu/project/output_data/trump_tweets_results.csv","r") as infile: for line in infile: csvwriter.writerow([index]+[str(line).split(",")[0].strip()]+[str(line).split(",")[1].strip()]) index+=1 #Open Clinton results, flip sentiment and load in file with open("/home/ubuntu/project/output_data/clinton_tweets_results.csv","r") as infile: for line in infile: if str(line).split(",")[1].rstrip()=="1.0": csvwriter.writerow([index]+[str(line).split(",")[0].strip()]+[0.0]) index+=1 else: csvwriter.writerow([index]+[str(line).split(",")[0].strip()]+[1.0]) index+=1 #Close csv file csvfile.close() #Load data into data frame data=pd.DataFrame.from_csv("/home/ubuntu/project/output_data/trump_pos_sentiment.csv") #print data #Group sentiment by state grouped_data=data.groupby("State")["Sentiment"].mean() #aggregations = { # "Sentiment":'mean' #} #grouped_data=data.groupby("State").agg(aggregations) #grouped_data=data.groupby(["State", "Sentiment"]).mean() print grouped_data #Load into data frame prob = pd.DataFrame(grouped_data) #load into csv file prob.to_csv("/home/ubuntu/project/output_data/trump_win_prob.csv", sep=",", encoding="utf-8")
import numpy as np from hypothesis import given from crowddynamics.core.motion.adjusting import force_adjust, torque_adjust from import force_contact from crowddynamics.core.motion.fluctuation import force_fluctuation, \ torque_fluctuation from crowddynamics.core.motion.helbing import \ force_social_helbing from crowddynamics.testing import reals SIZE = 10 @given(mass=reals(min_value=0, shape=SIZE), scale=reals(min_value=0, shape=SIZE)) def test_force_fluctuation(mass, scale): ans = force_fluctuation(mass, scale) assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray) assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64 assert ans.shape == (SIZE, 2) @given(mass=reals(min_value=0), tau_adj=reals(min_value=0, exclude_zero='near'), v0=reals(min_value=0), e0=reals(shape=2), v=reals(shape=2)) def test_force_adjust(mass, tau_adj, v0, e0, v): ans = force_adjust(mass, tau_adj, v0, e0, v) assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray) assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64 assert ans.shape == (2,) @given(h=reals(), n=reals(shape=2), a=reals(min_value=0), b=reals(min_value=0, exclude_zero='near')) def test_force_social_helbing(h, n, a, b): ans = force_social_helbing(h, n, a, b) assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray) assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64 assert ans.shape == (2,) @given(h=reals(), n=reals(shape=2), v=reals(shape=2), t=reals(shape=2), mu=reals(min_value=0), kappa=reals(min_value=0), damping=reals(min_value=0)) def test_force_contact(h, n, v, t, mu, kappa, damping): ans = force_contact(h, n, v, t, mu, kappa, damping) assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray) assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64 assert ans.shape == (2,) @given(inertia_rot=reals(0, shape=SIZE), scale=reals(0, shape=SIZE)) def test_torque_fluctuation(inertia_rot, scale): ans = torque_fluctuation(inertia_rot, scale) assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray) assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64 assert ans.shape == (SIZE,) @given(inertia_rot=reals(0), tau_rot=reals(0, exclude_zero='near'), phi_0=reals(), phi=reals(), omega_0=reals(), omega=reals()) def test_torque_adjust(inertia_rot, tau_rot, phi_0, phi, omega_0, omega): ans = torque_adjust(inertia_rot, tau_rot, phi_0, phi, omega_0, omega) assert isinstance(ans, float)
import datetime from gi.repository import Gtk from kiwi.currency import currency from kiwi.ui.widgets.entry import ProxyEntry from kiwi.ui.widgets.label import ProxyLabel window = Gtk.Window() window.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit) window.set_border_width(6) vbox = Gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) data_types = [ (True, bool), (42, int), (22.0 / 7.0, float), (3000, int), ('THX', str), (, datetime.datetime), (,, (datetime.time(11, 38, 00), datetime.time), (currency('50.1'), currency), ] for data, data_type in data_types: hbox = Gtk.HBox(True) vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 6) label = ProxyLabel(data_type.__name__.capitalize()) label.set_bold(True) hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) label = ProxyLabel(data_type=data_type) label.update(data) hbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 6) entry = ProxyEntry(data_type=data_type) entry.update(data) entry.validate() hbox.pack_start(entry, False, False, 6) window.show_all() Gtk.main()
# coding: utf-8 import datetime from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.db import IntegrityError from django.db import models from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from email_confirm_la import signals from email_confirm_la.conf import configs from email_confirm_la.compat import GenericForeignKey from email_confirm_la.exceptions import ExpiredError from email_confirm_la.utils import generate_random_token class EmailConfirmationManager(models.Manager): def verify_email_for_object(self, email, content_object, email_field_name='email'): """ Create an email confirmation for `content_object` and send a confirmation mail. The email will be directly saved to `content_object.email_field_name` when `is_primary` and `skip_verify` both are true. """ confirmation_key = generate_random_token() try: confirmation = EmailConfirmation() confirmation.content_object = content_object confirmation.email_field_name = email_field_name = email confirmation.confirmation_key = confirmation_key except IntegrityError: confirmation = EmailConfirmation.objects.get_for_object(content_object, email_field_name) = email confirmation.confirmation_key = confirmation_key['email', 'confirmation_key']) confirmation.send() return confirmation def get_unverified_email_for_object(self, content_object, email_field_name='email'): try: confirmation = EmailConfirmation.objects.get_for_object(content_object, email_field_name) except EmailConfirmation.DoesNotExist: unverified_email = '' else: unverified_email = return unverified_email def get_for_object(self, content_object, email_field_name='email'): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(content_object) confirmation = EmailConfirmation.objects.get(content_type=content_type,, email_field_name=email_field_name) return confirmation def get_queryset_for_object(self, content_object, email_field_name='email'): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(content_object) queryset = EmailConfirmation.objects.filter(content_type=content_type,, email_field_name=email_field_name) return queryset def get_for_email(self, email, content_object_model, email_field_name='email'): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(content_object_model) confirmation = EmailConfirmation.objects.get(content_type=content_type, email_field_name=email_field_name, email=email) return confirmation class EmailConfirmation(models.Model): """ Once an email is confirmed, it will be delete from this table. In other words, there are only unconfirmed emails in the database. """ ExpiredError = ExpiredError content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') email_field_name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Email field name'), max_length=32, default='email') email = models.EmailField(verbose_name=_('Email'), db_index=True) confirmation_key = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Confirmation_key'), max_length=64, unique=True) send_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True, db_index=True) objects = EmailConfirmationManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _('Email confirmation') verbose_name_plural = _('Email confirmation') unique_together = (('content_type', 'object_id', 'email_field_name'), ) def __repr__(self): return '<EmailConfirmation {0}>'.format( def __str__(self): return 'Confirmation for {0}'.format( def send(self, template_context=None): default_template_context = dict(configs.EMAIL_CONFIRM_LA_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT) default_template_context['email_confirmation'] = self if isinstance(template_context, dict): template_context = dict(default_template_context.items() + template_context.items()) # merge dictionaries else: template_context = default_template_context subject = render_to_string('email_confirm_la/email/email_confirmation_subject.txt', template_context) subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines()).strip() # remove unnecessary line breaks body = render_to_string('email_confirm_la/email/email_confirmation_message.html', template_context) message = EmailMessage(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [, ]) message.content_subtype = 'html' message.send() self.send_at ='send_at', )) signals.post_email_confirmation_send.send( sender=self.__class__, confirmation=self, ) def get_confirmation_url(self, full=True): url_reverse_name = configs.EMAIL_CONFIRM_LA_CONFIRM_URL_REVERSE_NAME url = reverse(url_reverse_name, kwargs={'confirmation_key': self.confirmation_key}) if full: confirmation_url = '{0}://{1}{2}'.format(configs.EMAIL_CONFIRM_LA_HTTP_PROTOCOL, configs.EMAIL_CONFIRM_LA_DOMAIN, url) else: confirmation_url = url return confirmation_url def confirm(self, ignore_expiration=False, save_to_content_object=True): if not ignore_expiration and self.is_expired: raise ExpiredError() old_email = getattr(self.content_object, self.email_field_name, '') if save_to_content_object: setattr(self.content_object, self.email_field_name,, )) signals.post_email_confirmation_confirm.send( sender=self.__class__, confirmation=self, save_to_content_object=save_to_content_object, old_email=old_email, ) def clean(self): """ delete all confirmations for the same content_object and the same field """ EmailConfirmation.objects.filter(content_type=self.content_type, object_id=self.object_id, email_field_name=self.email_field_name).delete() @property def is_expired(self): if not self.send_at: return False expiration_time = self.send_at + datetime.timedelta(seconds=configs.EMAIL_CONFIRM_LA_CONFIRM_EXPIRE_SEC) return expiration_time <=
#!/usr/bin/env python # Author: # Rudiger Birkner (Networked Systems Group ETH Zurich) class FlowModMsgBuilder(object): def __init__(self, participant, key): self.participant = participant self.key = key self.flow_mods = [] def add_flow_mod(self, mod_type, rule_type, priority, match, action, datapath = None, cookie = None): if cookie is None: cookie = (len(self.flow_mods)+1, 65535) fm = { "cookie": cookie, "datapath": datapath, "mod_type": mod_type, "rule_type": rule_type, "priority": priority, "match": match, "action": action } self.flow_mods.append(fm) return cookie def delete_flow_mod(self, mod_type, rule_type, cookie, cookie_mask): fm = { "cookie": (cookie, cookie_mask), "mod_type": mod_type, "rule_type": rule_type, } self.flow_mods.append(fm) def get_msg(self): msg = { "auth_info": { "participant" : self.participant, "key" : self.key }, "flow_mods": self.flow_mods } return msg def reset_flow_mod(self): self.flow_mods = [] # request body format: # {"auth_info": { # "participant": 1, # "key": "xyz" # } # "flow_mods": [ # { "cookie": (1, 2**16-1), # "mod_type": "insert/remove", # "rule_type": "inbound/outbound/main", # "priority": 1, # "match" : { # "eth_type" : 0x0806, # "arp_tpa" : ("", ""), # "in_port" : 5, # "eth_dst" : "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", # "eth_src" : "80:23:ff:98:10:01", # "ipv4_src" : "", # "ipv4_dst" : "", # "tcp_src" : 80, # "tcp_dst" : 179, # "udp_src" : 23, # "udp_dst" : 22, # }, # "action" : { # "fwd": ["inbound"/"outbound"/"main-in"/main-out"], # "set_eth_src": "80:23:ff:98:10:01", # "set_eth_dst": ("00:00:00:00:00:01","00:00:00:00:03:ff") # } # }, # { "cookie": (2, 2**16-1), # "mod_type": "insert/remove", # "rule_type": "inbound/outbound/main", # "match" : {"tcp_dst" : 80}, # "action" : {"fwd": [3]} # } # ...] # }
from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import mock_open, patch from dakara_base.resources_manager import get_file from path import Path from dakara_player_vlc.text_generator import ( IDLE_TEMPLATE_NAME, TextGenerator, TRANSITION_TEMPLATE_NAME, ) from dakara_player_vlc.resources_manager import get_template class TextGeneratorTestCase(TestCase): """Test the text generator class unitary """ @patch.object(TextGenerator, "load_templates") @patch.object(TextGenerator, "load_icon_map") def test_load(self, mocked_load_icon_map, mocked_load_templates): """Test the load method """ # create ojbect text_generator = TextGenerator({}) # call the method text_generator.load() # assert the call mocked_load_icon_map.assert_called_once_with() mocked_load_templates.assert_called_once_with() @patch.object(Path, "open", new_callable=mock_open) @patch("dakara_player_vlc.text_generator.ICON_MAP_FILE", "icon_map_file") @patch("dakara_player_vlc.text_generator.get_file", autospec=True) @patch("dakara_player_vlc.text_generator.json.load", autospec=True) def test_load_icon_map(self, mocked_load, mocked_get_file, mocked_open): """Test to load the icon map """ # create the mock mocked_load.return_value = {"name": "value"} mocked_get_file.return_value = Path("path/to/icon_map_file") # create the object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) # pre assert there are not icon map self.assertDictEqual(text_generator.icon_map, {}) # call the method text_generator.load_icon_map() # assert there is an icon map self.assertDictEqual(text_generator.icon_map, {"name": "value"}) # assert the mock mocked_load.assert_called_with(mocked_open.return_value) mocked_get_file.assert_called_with( "dakara_player_vlc.resources", "icon_map_file" ) mocked_open.assert_called_with() def test_load_templates_default(self): """Test to load default templates for text In that case, the templates come from the fallback directory. """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) # pre assert there are no templates self.assertIsNone(text_generator.idle_template) self.assertIsNone(text_generator.transition_template) # call the method text_generator.load_templates() # assert there are templates defined self.assertEqual( text_generator.idle_template.filename, get_template(IDLE_TEMPLATE_NAME) ) self.assertEqual( text_generator.transition_template.filename, get_template(TRANSITION_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) def test_load_templates_custom_directory_success(self): """Test to load custom templates using an existing directory In that case, the templates come from this directory. """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({"directory": get_file("tests.resources", "")}) # pre assert there are no templates self.assertIsNone(text_generator.idle_template) self.assertIsNone(text_generator.transition_template) # call the method text_generator.load_templates() # assert there are templates defined self.assertEqual( text_generator.idle_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", IDLE_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) self.assertEqual( text_generator.transition_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", TRANSITION_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) def test_load_templates_custom_directory_fail(self): """Test to load templates using a directory that does not exist In that case, the templates come from the fallback directory. """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({"directory": "nowhere"}) # pre assert there are no templates self.assertIsNone(text_generator.idle_template) self.assertIsNone(text_generator.transition_template) # call the method text_generator.load_templates() # assert there are templates defined self.assertEqual( text_generator.idle_template.filename, get_template(IDLE_TEMPLATE_NAME) ) self.assertEqual( text_generator.transition_template.filename, get_template(TRANSITION_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) def test_load_templates_custom_names_success(self): """Test to load templates using existing names In that case, the templates come from the custom directory and have the correct name. """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator( { "directory": get_file("tests.resources", ""), "idle_template_name": "song.ass", "transition_template_name": "song.ass", } ) # pre assert there are no templates self.assertIsNone(text_generator.idle_template) self.assertIsNone(text_generator.transition_template) # call the method text_generator.load_templates() # assert there are templates defined self.assertEqual( text_generator.idle_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", "song.ass"), ) self.assertEqual( text_generator.transition_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", "song.ass"), ) def test_load_templates_custom_names_fail(self): """Test to load templates using names that do not exist In that case, the templates come from the custom directory and have the default name. """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator( { "directory": get_file("tests.resources", ""), "idle_template_name": "nothing", "transition_template_name": "nothing", } ) # pre assert there are no templates self.assertIsNone(text_generator.idle_template) self.assertIsNone(text_generator.transition_template) # call the method text_generator.load_templates() # assert there are templates defined self.assertEqual( text_generator.idle_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", IDLE_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) self.assertEqual( text_generator.transition_template.filename, get_file("tests.resources", TRANSITION_TEMPLATE_NAME), ) def test_convert_icon(self): """Test the convertion of an available icon name to its code """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) text_generator.icon_map = {"music": "0xf001"} self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_icon("music"), "\uf001") self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_icon("other"), " ") def test_convert_icon_unavailable(self): """Test the convertion of an unavailable icon name to a generic code """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_icon("unavailable"), " ") def test_convert_icon_none(self): """Test the convertion of a null icon name is handled """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_icon(None), "") def test_convert_link_type_name(self): """Test the convertion of a link type to its long name """ # create object text_generator = TextGenerator({}) self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_link_type_name("OP"), "Opening") self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_link_type_name("ED"), "Ending") self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_link_type_name("IN"), "Insert song") self.assertEqual(text_generator.convert_link_type_name("IS"), "Image song") class TextGeneratorIntegrationTestCase(TestCase): """Test the text generator class in real conditions """ def setUp(self): # create info dictionary self.idle_info = {"notes": ["VLC 0.0.0", "Dakara player 0.0.0"]} # create playlist entry self.playlist_entry = { "song": { "title": "Song title", "artists": [{"name": "Artist name"}], "works": [ { "work": { "title": "Work title", "subtitle": "Subtitle of the work", "work_type": { "name": "Work type name", "icon_name": "music", }, }, "link_type": "OP", "link_type_number": 1, "episodes": "1, 2, 3", } ], "file_path": "path/of/the/file", }, "owner": {"username": "User"}, "date_created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.00", } # create idle text content self.idle_text_path = get_file("tests.resources", "idle.ass") # create transition text content self.transition_text_path = get_file("tests.resources", "transition.ass") # create text generator object self.text_generator = TextGenerator({}) self.text_generator.load() def test_create_idle_text(self): """Test the generation of an idle text """ # call method result = self.text_generator.create_idle_text(self.idle_info) # check file content idle_text_content = self.idle_text_path.text(encoding="utf8") self.assertEqual(idle_text_content, result) def test_create_transition_text(self): """Test the generation of a transition text """ # call method result = self.text_generator.create_transition_text(self.playlist_entry) # check file content transition_text_content = self.transition_text_path.text(encoding="utf8") self.assertEqual(transition_text_content, result)
#!/usr/bin/python # library to handle starting and stopping openvpn instances import subprocess import threading import time class OpenVPN(): def __init__(self, config_file=None, auth_file=None, timeout=10): self.started = False self.stopped = False self.error = False self.notifications = "" self.auth_file = auth_file self.config_file = config_file self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._invoke_openvpn) self.thread.setDaemon(1) self.timeout = timeout def _invoke_openvpn(self): if self.auth_file is None: cmd = ['sudo', 'openvpn', '--script-security', '2', '--config', self.config_file] else: cmd = ['sudo', 'openvpn', '--script-security', '2', '--config', self.config_file, '--auth-user-pass', self.auth_file] self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.kill_switch = self.process.terminate self.starting = True while True: line = self.process.stdout.readline().strip() if not line: break self.output_callback(line, self.process.terminate) def output_callback(self, line, kill_switch): """Set status of openvpn according to what we process""" self.notifications += line + "\n" if "Initialization Sequence Completed" in line: self.started = True if "ERROR:" in line: self.error = True if "process exiting" in line: self.stopped = True def start(self, timeout=None): """Start openvpn and block until the connection is opened or there is an error """ if not timeout: timeout = self.timeout self.thread.start() start_time = time.time() while start_time + timeout > time.time(): self.thread.join(1) if self.error or self.started: break if self.started: print "openvpn started" else: print "openvpn not started" print self.notifications def stop(self, timeout=None): """Stop openvpn""" if not timeout: timeout = self.timeout self.kill_switch() self.thread.join(timeout) if self.stopped: print "stopped" else: print "not stopped" print self.notifications
# Copyright 2009, 2011 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the # GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE). __metaclass__ = type import random import testtools from import UTC_NOW from import ( create_token, create_unique_token_for_table, ) from import LoginTokenType from import LoginToken from lp.testing.layers import DatabaseFunctionalLayer class Test_create_token(testtools.TestCase): def test_length(self): token = create_token(99) self.assertEquals(len(token), 99) class Test_create_unique_token_for_table(testtools.TestCase): layer = DatabaseFunctionalLayer def test_token_uniqueness(self): orig_state = random.getstate() self.addCleanup(lambda: random.setstate(orig_state)) # Calling create_unique_token_for_table() twice with the same # random.seed() will generate two identical tokens, as the token was # never inserted in the table. random.seed(0) token1 = create_unique_token_for_table(99, LoginToken.token) random.seed(0) token2 = create_unique_token_for_table(99, LoginToken.token) self.assertEquals(token1, token2) # Now insert the token in the table so that the next time we call # create_unique_token_for_table() we get a different token. LoginToken( requester=None, token=token2, email='', tokentype=LoginTokenType.ACCOUNTMERGE, created=UTC_NOW) random.seed(0) token3 = create_unique_token_for_table(99, LoginToken.token) self.assertNotEquals(token1, token3)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exc import collections from karbor.common import constants from karbor.context import RequestContext from karbor import exception from karbor.resource import Resource from import bank_plugin from import client_factory from \ cinder_protection_plugin import CinderBackupProtectionPlugin from \ import volume_plugin_cinder_schemas as cinder_schemas from karbor.tests import base from import fakes import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import fixture ResourceNode = collections.namedtuple( "ResourceNode", ["value", "child_nodes"] ) Image = collections.namedtuple( "Image", ["disk_format", "container_format", "status"] ) def call_hooks(operation, checkpoint, resource, context, parameters, **kwargs): def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass hooks = ( 'on_prepare_begin', 'on_prepare_finish', 'on_main', 'on_complete', ) for hook_name in hooks: hook = getattr(operation, hook_name, noop) hook(checkpoint, resource, context, parameters, **kwargs) class FakeCheckpoint(object): def __init__(self, section): super(FakeCheckpoint, self).__init__() self.bank_section = section = "fake_id" def get_resource_bank_section(self, resource_id=None): return self.bank_section class BackupResponse(object): def __init__(self, bkup_id, final_status, working_status, time_to_work): super(BackupResponse, self).__init__() self._final_status = final_status self._working_status = working_status self._time_to_work = time_to_work self._id = bkup_id def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): res = mock.Mock() = self._id if self._time_to_work > 0: self._time_to_work -= 1 res.status = self._working_status else: res.status = self._final_status if res.status == 'not-found': raise cinder_exc.NotFound(403) return res class RestoreResponse(object): def __init__(self, volume_id, raise_except=False): self._volume_id = volume_id self._raise_except = raise_except def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._raise_except: raise exception.KarborException() res = mock.Mock() res.volume_id = self._volume_id return res class CinderProtectionPluginTest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(CinderProtectionPluginTest, self).setUp() plugin_config = cfg.ConfigOpts() plugin_config_fixture = self.useFixture(fixture.Config(plugin_config)) plugin_config_fixture.load_raw_values( group='cinder_backup_protection_plugin', poll_interval=0, ) self.plugin = CinderBackupProtectionPlugin(plugin_config) cfg.CONF.set_default('cinder_endpoint', '', 'cinder_client') self.cntxt = RequestContext(user_id='demo', project_id='abcd', auth_token='efgh') self.cinder_client = client_factory.ClientFactory.create_client( "cinder", self.cntxt) def _get_checkpoint(self): fake_bank = bank_plugin.Bank(fakes.FakeBankPlugin()) fake_bank_section = bank_plugin.BankSection( bank=fake_bank, section="fake" ) return FakeCheckpoint(fake_bank_section) def test_get_options_schema(self): options_schema = self.plugin.get_options_schema( 'OS::Cinder::Volume') self.assertEqual(options_schema, cinder_schemas.OPTIONS_SCHEMA) def test_get_restore_schema(self): options_schema = self.plugin.get_restore_schema( 'OS::Cinder::Volume') self.assertEqual(options_schema, cinder_schemas.RESTORE_SCHEMA) def test_get_saved_info_schema(self): options_schema = self.plugin.get_saved_info_schema( 'OS::Cinder::Volume') self.assertEqual(options_schema, cinder_schemas.SAVED_INFO_SCHEMA) @mock.patch('') def test_protect_succeed(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() operation = self.plugin.get_protect_operation(resource) section.update_object = mock.MagicMock() mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, backups=mock.DEFAULT, volume_snapshots=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'available' mocks['backups'].create = BackupResponse( '456', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['backups'].get = BackupResponse( '456', 'available', 'creating', 2) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get.return_value = BackupResponse( '789', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get = BackupResponse( '789', 'available', 'creating', 2) call_hooks(operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {}) @mock.patch('') def test_protect_fail_backup(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() operation = self.plugin.get_protect_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, backups=mock.DEFAULT, volume_snapshots=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'available' mocks['backups'].backups.create = BackupResponse( '456', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['backups'].backups.get = BackupResponse( '456', 'error', 'creating', 2) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get.return_value = BackupResponse( '789', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get = BackupResponse( '789', 'available', 'creating', 2) self.assertRaises( exception.CreateResourceFailed, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {} ) @mock.patch('') def test_protect_fail_snapshot(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() operation = self.plugin.get_protect_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, backups=mock.DEFAULT, volume_snapshots=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'available' mocks['backups'].backups.create = BackupResponse( '456', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['backups'].backups.get = BackupResponse( '456', 'available', 'creating', 2) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get.return_value = BackupResponse( '789', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get = BackupResponse( '789', 'error', 'creating', 2) self.assertRaises( exception.CreateResourceFailed, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {} ) @mock.patch('') def test_protect_fail_volume(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() operation = self.plugin.get_protect_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, backups=mock.DEFAULT, volume_snapshots=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'error' mocks['backups'].backups.create = BackupResponse( '456', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['backups'].backups.get = BackupResponse( '456', 'error', 'creating', 2) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get.return_value = BackupResponse( '789', 'creating', '---', 0) mocks['volume_snapshots'].get = BackupResponse( '789', 'available', 'creating', 2) self.assertRaises( exception.CreateResourceFailed, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {} ) @mock.patch('') def test_delete_succeed(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) operation = self.plugin.get_delete_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.object(self.cinder_client, 'backups') as backups: backups.delete = BackupResponse('456', 'deleting', '---', 0) backups.get = BackupResponse('456', 'not-found', 'deleting', 2) call_hooks(operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {}) @mock.patch('') def test_delete_fail(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="test", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) operation = self.plugin.get_delete_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.object(self.cinder_client, 'backups') as backups: backups.delete = BackupResponse('456', 'deleting', '---', 0) backups.get = BackupResponse('456', 'error', 'deleting', 2) self.assertRaises( exception.DeleteResourceFailed, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {} ) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('' 'update_resource_restore_result') def test_restore_succeed(self, mock_update_restore, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="fake", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) parameters = { "restore_name": "karbor restore volume", "restore_description": "karbor restore", } operation = self.plugin.get_restore_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, restores=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: volume_id = 456 mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'available' mocks['restores'].restore = RestoreResponse(volume_id) call_hooks(operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, parameters, **{'restore': None, 'new_resources': {}}) mocks['volumes'].update.assert_called_with( volume_id, **{'name': parameters['restore_name'], 'description': parameters['restore_description']}) mock_update_restore.assert_called_with( None, resource.type, volume_id, 'available') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('' 'update_resource_verify_result') def test_verify_succeed(self, mock_update_verify, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="fake", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) parameters = {} operation = self.plugin.get_verify_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, backups=mock.DEFAULT, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: volume_id = '123' mocks['backups'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['backups'].get.return_value.status = 'available' call_hooks(operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, parameters, **{'verify': None, 'new_resources': {}}) mock_update_verify.assert_called_with( None, resource.type, volume_id, 'available') @mock.patch('') def test_restore_fail_volume_0(self, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="fake", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) operation = self.plugin.get_restore_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, restores=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: mocks['restores'].restore = RestoreResponse(0, True) self.assertRaises( exception.KarborException, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {}, **{'restore': None}) @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('' 'update_resource_restore_result') def test_restore_fail_volume_1(self, mock_update_restore, mock_cinder_create): resource = Resource( id="123", type=constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE, name="fake", ) checkpoint = self._get_checkpoint() section = checkpoint.get_resource_bank_section() section.update_object('metadata', { 'backup_id': '456', }) operation = self.plugin.get_restore_operation(resource) mock_cinder_create.return_value = self.cinder_client with mock.patch.multiple( self.cinder_client, volumes=mock.DEFAULT, restores=mock.DEFAULT, ) as mocks: volume_id = 456 mocks['volumes'].get.return_value = mock.Mock() mocks['volumes'].get.return_value.status = 'error' mocks['restores'].restore = RestoreResponse(volume_id) self.assertRaises( exception.RestoreResourceFailed, call_hooks, operation, checkpoint, resource, self.cntxt, {}, **{'restore': None}) mock_update_restore.assert_called_with( None, resource.type, volume_id, constants.RESOURCE_STATUS_ERROR, 'Error creating volume') def test_get_supported_resources_types(self): types = self.plugin.get_supported_resources_types() self.assertEqual([constants.VOLUME_RESOURCE_TYPE], types)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Mathew Topper # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import pandas as pd def get_component_dict(component_type, data_table, rope_data=None, sand_data=None, soft_data=None, check_keys=None): valid_components = ["cable", "chain", "drag anchor", "forerunner assembly", "pile", "rope", "shackle", "swivel"] if component_type not in valid_components: valid_str = ", ".join(valid_components) errStr = ("Argument system_type must be one of '{}' not " "'{}'").format(valid_str, component_type) raise ValueError(errStr) if component_type in ["drag anchor", "pile"]: system_type = "foundation system" else: system_type = "mooring system" compdict = {} if check_keys is None: check_keys = [] key_ids = data_table["Key Identifier"] for key_id in key_ids: # Check for duplicates if key_id in check_keys: errStr = "Key identifier {} has been duplicated".format(key_id) raise KeyError(errStr) # Start building the value dictionary data_dict = {"item1": system_type, "item2": component_type} record = data_table.loc[data_table['Key Identifier'] == key_id] # Build shared items data_dict["item3"] = record.iloc[0]["Name"] # Build component specific items if component_type in ["chain", "forerunner assembly"]: data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Min Break Load"], record.iloc[0]["Axial Stiffness"]] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Diameter"], record.iloc[0]["Connecting Length"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Mass per Unit Length"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Mass per Unit Length"]] data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost per Unit Length"] elif component_type in ["shackle", "swivel"]: data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Min Break Load"], record.iloc[0]["Axial Stiffness"]] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Nominal Diameter"], record.iloc[0]["Connecting Length"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Unit Mass"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Unit Mass"]] data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost"] elif component_type == "pile": data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Yield Stress"], record.iloc[0]["Youngs Modulus"]] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Diameter"], record.iloc[0]["Wall Thickness"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Mass per Unit Length"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Mass per Unit Length"]] data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost per Unit Length"] elif component_type == "drag anchor": if sand_data is None or soft_data is None: errStr = ("Arguments 'sand_data' and 'soft_data' must be " "supplied if component_type is 'drag anchor'") raise ValueError(errStr) data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Min Break Load"], record.iloc[0]["Axial Stiffness"]] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Width"], record.iloc[0]["Depth"], record.iloc[0]["Height"], record.iloc[0]["Connecting Size"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Unit Mass"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Unit Mass"]] # Add anchor coefficients sand_coeffs = sand_data.loc[sand_data['Key Identifier'] == key_id] soft_coeffs = sand_data.loc[soft_data['Key Identifier'] == key_id] sand_df = sand_coeffs[['Holding Capacity Coefficient 1', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 2', 'Penetration Coefficient 1', 'Penetration Coefficient 2']] soft_df = soft_coeffs[['Holding Capacity Coefficient 1', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 2', 'Penetration Coefficient 1', 'Penetration Coefficient 2']] data_dict["item9"] = {'sand': sand_df.values.tolist()[0], 'soft': soft_df.values.tolist()[0]} data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost"] elif component_type == "rope": # Build rope axial stiffness list if rope_data is None: errStr = ("Argument 'rope_data' must be supplied if " "component_type is 'rope'") raise ValueError(errStr) rope_array = rope_data[key_id] data_dict["item4"] = [record.iloc[0]["Material"]] data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Min Break Load"], rope_array.tolist()] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Diameter"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Mass per Unit Length"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Mass per Unit Length"]] data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost per Unit Length"] elif component_type == "cable": data_dict["item5"] = [record.iloc[0]["Min Break Load"], record.iloc[0]["Min Bend Radius"]] data_dict["item6"] = [record.iloc[0]["Diameter"]] data_dict["item7"] = [record.iloc[0]["Dry Mass per Unit Length"], record.iloc[0]["Wet Mass per Unit Length"]] data_dict["item11"] = record.iloc[0]["Cost per Unit Length"] else: errStr = "RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!1!!" raise RuntimeError(errStr) compdict[key_id] = data_dict check_keys.append(key_id) return compdict def get_moorings_tables(compdict): cable_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Min Bend Radius', 'Diameter', 'Dry Mass per Unit Length', 'Wet Mass per Unit Length', 'Cost per Unit Length', 'Environmental Impact']) chain_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Axial Stiffness', 'Diameter', 'Connecting Length', 'Dry Mass per Unit Length', 'Wet Mass per Unit Length', 'Cost per Unit Length', 'Environmental Impact']) forerunner_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Axial Stiffness', 'Diameter', 'Connecting Length', 'Dry Mass per Unit Length', 'Wet Mass per Unit Length', 'Cost per Unit Length', 'Environmental Impact']) shackle_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Axial Stiffness', 'Width', 'Depth', 'Height', 'Nominal Diameter', 'Connecting Length', 'Dry Unit Mass', 'Wet Unit Mass', 'Cost', 'Environmental Impact']) swivel_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Axial Stiffness', 'Width', 'Depth', 'Height', 'Nominal Diameter', 'Connecting Length', 'Dry Unit Mass', 'Wet Unit Mass', 'Cost', 'Environmental Impact']) pile_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Yield Stress', 'Youngs Modulus', 'Diameter', 'Wall Thickness', 'Dry Mass per Unit Length', 'Wet Mass per Unit Length', 'Cost per Unit Length', 'Environmental Impact']) anchor_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Min Break Load', 'Axial Stiffness', 'Width', 'Depth', 'Height', 'Connecting Size', 'Dry Unit Mass', 'Wet Unit Mass', 'Cost', 'Environmental Impact']) anchor_sand_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 1', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 2', 'Penetration Coefficient 1', 'Penetration Coefficient 2']) anchor_soft_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 1', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 2', 'Penetration Coefficient 1', 'Penetration Coefficient 2']) rope_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'Key Identifier', 'Name', 'Material', 'Min Break Load', 'Diameter', 'Dry Mass per Unit Length', 'Wet Mass per Unit Length', 'Cost per Unit Length', 'Environmental Impact']) rope_dict = {} for key_id, data_dict in compdict.iteritems(): values = [] columns = [] # Get component type component_type = data_dict["item2"] # Build shared items columns.append("Key Identifier") values.append(key_id) columns.append("Name") values.append(data_dict["item3"]) # Build component specific items if component_type in ["chain", "forerunner assembly"]: columns.append("Min Break Load") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Axial Stiffness") values.append(data_dict["item5"][1]) columns.append("Diameter") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Connecting Length") values.append(data_dict["item6"][1]) columns.append("Dry Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) if component_type == "chain": chain_df = chain_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) else: forerunner_df = forerunner_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) elif component_type in ["shackle", "swivel"]: columns.append("Min Break Load") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Axial Stiffness") values.append(data_dict["item5"][1]) columns.append("Width") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Depth") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Height") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Nominal Diameter") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Connecting Length") values.append(data_dict["item6"][1]) columns.append("Dry Unit Mass") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Unit Mass") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) if component_type == "shackle": shackle_df = shackle_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) else: swivel_df = swivel_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) elif component_type == "pile": columns.append("Yield Stress") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Youngs Modulus") values.append(data_dict["item5"][1]) columns.append("Diameter") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Wall Thickness") values.append(data_dict["item6"][1]) columns.append("Dry Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) pile_df = pile_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) elif component_type == "drag anchor": columns.append("Min Break Load") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Axial Stiffness") values.append(data_dict["item5"][1]) columns.append("Width") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Depth") values.append(data_dict["item6"][1]) columns.append("Height") values.append(data_dict["item6"][2]) columns.append("Connecting Size") values.append(data_dict["item6"][3]) columns.append("Dry Unit Mass") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Unit Mass") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) anchor_df = anchor_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) # Anchor coefficients coef_cols = ['Key Identifier', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 1', 'Holding Capacity Coefficient 2', 'Penetration Coefficient 1', 'Penetration Coefficient 2'] sand_list = [key_id] soft_list = [key_id] sand_list.extend(data_dict["item9"]["sand"]) soft_list.extend(data_dict["item9"]["soft"]) # Fix error in data if len(sand_list) == 4: sand_list.append(0.) if len(soft_list) == 4: soft_list.append(0.) sand_record = pd.Series(sand_list, index=coef_cols) soft_record = pd.Series(soft_list, index=coef_cols) anchor_sand_df = anchor_sand_df.append(sand_record, ignore_index=True) anchor_soft_df = anchor_sand_df.append(soft_record, ignore_index=True) elif component_type == "rope": columns.append("Material") values.append(data_dict["item4"][0]) columns.append("Min Break Load") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Diameter") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Dry Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) rope_df = rope_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) # Collect the rope axial stress data rope_dict[key_id] = data_dict["item5"][1] elif component_type == "cable": columns.append("Min Break Load") values.append(data_dict["item5"][0]) columns.append("Min Bend Radius") values.append(data_dict["item5"][1]) columns.append("Diameter") values.append(data_dict["item6"][0]) columns.append("Dry Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][0]) columns.append("Wet Mass per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item7"][1]) columns.append("Cost per Unit Length") values.append(data_dict["item11"]) record = pd.Series(values, index=columns) cable_df = cable_df.append(record, ignore_index=True) else: errStr = ("The blue meanies are coming! Or, there was an unknown " "component type: {}").format(component_type) raise RuntimeError(errStr) tables = {"cable": cable_df, "chain": chain_df, "forerunner assembly": forerunner_df, "shackle": shackle_df, "swivel": swivel_df, "pile": pile_df, "drag anchor": anchor_df, "drag anchor sand": anchor_sand_df, "drag anchor soft": anchor_soft_df, "rope": rope_df, "rope axial stiffness": rope_dict} return tables
# # portable-movie-organizer # # Copyright (c) 2010 Ali Aafee # # This file is part of portable-movie-organizer. # # portable-movie-organizer is free software: you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # portable-movie-organizer is distributed in the hope that it will # be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with portable-movie-organizer. # If not, see <>. import wx import FieldDataList import ImdbAPI import os.path import thread dirName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dirName, fileName = os.path.split(dirName) resDir = os.path.join(dirName, 'res') class MovieDataEditor(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, postersPath, catchPath, title='Edit Movie Metadata'): self.title = title self.postersPath = postersPath self.catchPath = catchPath self._init_ctrls(parent) def _init_ctrls(self, parent): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, name='MovieEditor', parent=parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER, title=self.title, size=wx.Size(640,480)) self.fieldWindow = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, size=wx.Size(200,200), style=wx.HSCROLL) self.fieldWindow.SetScrollbars(0,10,0,65) gridSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(7,4,10,10) gridSizer.AddGrowableCol(1,1) gridSizer.AddGrowableCol(3,1) labelWidth = -1 gridSizer.AddSpacer(5) gridSizer.AddSpacer(5) gridSizer.AddSpacer(5) gridSizer.AddSpacer(5) self.lblTitle = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Title', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtTitle = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblTitle, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtTitle, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblSort = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Sort', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtSort = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblSort, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtSort, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblImage = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Poster', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtImage = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblImage, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtImage, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblReleased = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Released', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtReleased = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblReleased, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtReleased, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblRuntime = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Runtime', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtRuntime = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblRuntime, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtRuntime, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblRated = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Rated', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtRated = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblRated, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtRated, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblSummary = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Summary', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.txtSummary = wx.TextCtrl(self.fieldWindow, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE, size=wx.Size(-1,80)) gridSizer.Add(self.lblSummary, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.txtSummary, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblGenres = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Genres', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.lstGenres = FieldDataList.FieldDataList(self.fieldWindow, size=wx.Size(-1,100)) gridSizer.Add(self.lblGenres, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.lstGenres, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblActors = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Actors', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.lstActors = FieldDataList.FieldDataList(self.fieldWindow, size=wx.Size(-1,100)) gridSizer.Add(self.lblActors, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.lstActors, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblDirectors = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Directors', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.lstDirectors = FieldDataList.FieldDataList(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblDirectors, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.lstDirectors, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.lblFiles = wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='Files', size=wx.Size(labelWidth,-1)) self.lstFiles = FieldDataList.FieldDataList(self.fieldWindow) gridSizer.Add(self.lblFiles, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) gridSizer.Add(self.lstFiles, 1, wx.EXPAND) gridSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.fieldWindow, label='')) self.fieldWindow.SetSizer(gridSizer) self.fieldWindow.Layout() self.btnSizer = self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.CANCEL) self.btnSave = wx.Button(self, label="Save") self.btnSave.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave) self.btnSizer.Add(self.btnSave) self.mainTb = self._create_main_tb(self) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(self.mainTb, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.EXPAND, 0 ) vbox.Add(self.fieldWindow, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self,label="")) vbox.Add(self.btnSizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.SetSizer(vbox) self.Layout() def _create_main_tb(self, parent): tb = wx.ToolBar(parent, style=wx.TB_TEXT|wx.TB_NODIVIDER|wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.TB_FLAT) tb.SetToolBitmapSize((21, 21)) self.tb_search = wx.NewId() tb.DoAddTool( bitmap=wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(resDir,'web.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG), #bitmap=wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_FIND), bmpDisabled=wx.NullBitmap, id=self.tb_search, kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL, label='', longHelp='', shortHelp='Get Metadata from IMDB') self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.OnGetMetadata, id=self.tb_search) self.statusText = wx.StaticText(tb, label="") tb.AddControl(self.statusText) tb.Realize() return tb def SetData(self, data): self.txtTitle.SetValue(data['title']) self.txtSort.SetValue(data['sort']) self.txtImage.SetValue(data['image']) self.txtReleased.SetValue(data['released']) self.txtRuntime.SetValue(data['runtime']) self.txtRated.SetValue(data['rated']) self.txtSummary.SetValue(data['summary']) self.lstGenres.DeleteAllItems() self.lstGenres.AddValues(data['genres']) self.lstActors.DeleteAllItems() self.lstActors.AddValues(data['actors']) self.lstDirectors.DeleteAllItems() self.lstDirectors.AddValues(data['directors']) self.lstFiles.DeleteAllItems() self.lstFiles.AddValues(data['files']) def GetData(self): data = {} data['title'] = self.txtTitle.GetValue() data['sort'] = self.txtSort.GetValue() data['image'] = self.txtImage.GetValue() data['released'] = self.txtReleased.GetValue() data['runtime'] = self.txtRuntime.GetValue() data['rated'] = self.txtRated.GetValue() data['summary'] = self.txtSummary.GetValue() data['genres'] = self.lstGenres.GetValues() data['actors'] = self.lstActors.GetValues() data['directors'] = self.lstDirectors.GetValues() data['files'] = self.lstFiles.GetValues() return data def OnSave(self, event): if self.txtTitle.GetValue() == '': msg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Movie metadata cannot be saved without a Title. Cannot continue', 'Movie Title Missing', wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() else: self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK) def OnGetMetadata(self, event): title = self.txtTitle.GetValue() year = self.txtReleased.GetValue() if title=='': dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Enter the title of the movie. Optionally enter the year(approximate).", "Get metadata from IMDB", wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return self.mainTb.EnableTool(self.tb_search, False) self.statusText.SetLabel("Getting metadata from IMDB...") thread.start_new_thread(self._get_metadata, (title, year, self.postersPath, self.catchPath)) def _get_metadata(self, title, year, postersPath, catchPath): try: metadata = ImdbAPI.GetMetadata(title, year, postersPath, catchPath) wx.CallAfter(self._done_get_metadata, metadata) except wx._core.PyDeadObjectError, e: print "dialog closed before thread could complete" def _done_get_metadata(self, metadata): self.statusText.SetLabel("") if metadata != None: print "Success" self.txtTitle.SetValue(metadata['title']) self.txtImage.SetValue(metadata['image']) self.txtReleased.SetValue(metadata['released']) self.txtRuntime.SetValue(metadata['runtime']) self.txtRated.SetValue(metadata['rated']) self.txtSummary.SetValue(metadata['summary']) print "Genres" self.lstGenres.DeleteAllItems() self.lstGenres.AddValuesSimple(metadata['genres']) print "Actors" self.lstActors.DeleteAllItems() self.lstActors.AddValuesSimple(metadata['actors']) print "Directors" self.lstDirectors.DeleteAllItems() self.lstDirectors.AddValuesSimple(metadata['directors']) else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "No results were found for the given title and year. (this may be due to a network error)", "Get metadata from IMDB", wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() self.mainTb.EnableTool(self.tb_search, True)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ OpenStack driver """ try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json import warnings from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib from libcloud.utils.py3 import b from libcloud.utils.py3 import next from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlparse import base64 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackBaseConnection from libcloud.common.openstack import OpenStackDriverMixin from libcloud.common.types import MalformedResponseError from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, Provider from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, NodeImage from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, Node, NodeLocation from libcloud.pricing import get_size_price from libcloud.common.base import Response from libcloud.utils.xml import findall __all__ = [ 'OpenStack_1_0_Response', 'OpenStack_1_0_Connection', 'OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver', 'OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup', 'OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses', 'OpenStack_1_1_Response', 'OpenStack_1_1_Connection', 'OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver', 'OpenStackNodeDriver' ] ATOM_NAMESPACE = "" DEFAULT_API_VERSION = '1.1' class OpenStackResponse(Response): node_driver = None def success(self): i = int(self.status) return i >= 200 and i <= 299 def has_content_type(self, content_type): content_type_value = self.headers.get('content-type') or '' content_type_value = content_type_value.lower() return content_type_value.find(content_type.lower()) > -1 def parse_body(self): if self.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT or not self.body: return None if self.has_content_type('application/xml'): try: return ET.XML(self.body) except: raise MalformedResponseError( 'Failed to parse XML', body=self.body, driver=self.node_driver) elif self.has_content_type('application/json'): try: return json.loads(self.body) except: raise MalformedResponseError( 'Failed to parse JSON', body=self.body, driver=self.node_driver) else: return self.body def parse_error(self): text = None body = self.parse_body() if self.has_content_type('application/xml'): text = "; ".join([err.text or '' for err in body.getiterator() if err.text]) elif self.has_content_type('application/json'): values = body.values() if len(values) > 0 and 'message' in values[0]: text = ';'.join([fault_data['message'] for fault_data in values]) else: text = body else: # while we hope a response is always one of xml or json, we have # seen html or text in the past, its not clear we can really do # something to make it more readable here, so we will just pass # it along as the whole response body in the text variable. text = body return '%s %s %s' % (self.status, self.error, text) class OpenStackComputeConnection(OpenStackBaseConnection): # default config for service_type = 'compute' service_name = 'nova' service_region = 'RegionOne' def request(self, action, params=None, data='', headers=None, method='GET'): if not headers: headers = {} if not params: params = {} if method in ("POST", "PUT"): headers = {'Content-Type': self.default_content_type} if method == "GET": self._add_cache_busting_to_params(params) return super(OpenStackComputeConnection, self).request( action=action, params=params, data=data, method=method, headers=headers) class OpenStackNodeDriver(NodeDriver, OpenStackDriverMixin): """ Base OpenStack node driver. Should not be used directly. """ api_name = 'openstack' name = 'OpenStack' website = '' NODE_STATE_MAP = { 'BUILD': NodeState.PENDING, 'REBUILD': NodeState.PENDING, 'ACTIVE': NodeState.RUNNING, 'SUSPENDED': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'DELETED': NodeState.TERMINATED, 'QUEUE_RESIZE': NodeState.PENDING, 'PREP_RESIZE': NodeState.PENDING, 'VERIFY_RESIZE': NodeState.RUNNING, 'PASSWORD': NodeState.PENDING, 'RESCUE': NodeState.PENDING, 'REBOOT': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'HARD_REBOOT': NodeState.REBOOTING, 'SHARE_IP': NodeState.PENDING, 'SHARE_IP_NO_CONFIG': NodeState.PENDING, 'DELETE_IP': NodeState.PENDING, 'UNKNOWN': NodeState.UNKNOWN } def __new__(cls, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None, api_version=DEFAULT_API_VERSION, **kwargs): if cls is OpenStackNodeDriver: if api_version == '1.0': cls = OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver elif api_version == '1.1': cls = OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver else: raise NotImplementedError( "No OpenStackNodeDriver found for API version %s" % (api_version)) return super(OpenStackNodeDriver, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): OpenStackDriverMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) super(OpenStackNodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def destroy_node(self, node): uri = '/servers/%s' % ( resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') # The OpenStack and Rackspace documentation both say this API will # return a 204, but in-fact, everyone everywhere agrees it actually # returns a 202, so we are going to accept either, and someday, # someone will fix either the implementation or the documentation to # agree. return resp.status in (httplib.NO_CONTENT, httplib.ACCEPTED) def reboot_node(self, node): return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='HARD') def list_nodes(self): return self._to_nodes( self.connection.request('/servers/detail').object) def list_images(self, location=None, ex_only_active=True): """ @inherits: L{NodeDriver.list_images} @param ex_only_active: True if list only active @type ex_only_active: C{bool} """ return self._to_images( self.connection.request('/images/detail').object, ex_only_active) def list_sizes(self, location=None): return self._to_sizes( self.connection.request('/flavors/detail').object) def list_locations(self): return [NodeLocation(0, '', '', self)] def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self): return self.openstack_connection_kwargs() def ex_get_node_details(self, node_id): """ Lists details of the specified server. @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @rtype: L{Node} """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s' % (node_id) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') if resp.status == httplib.NOT_FOUND: return None return self._to_node_from_obj(resp.object) def ex_soft_reboot_node(self, node): """ Soft reboots the specified server @param node: node @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='SOFT') def ex_hard_reboot_node(self, node): """ Hard reboots the specified server @param node: node @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ return self._reboot_node(node, reboot_type='HARD') class OpenStackNodeSize(NodeSize): """ NodeSize class for the driver. Following the example of driver and following guidelines: """ def __init__(self, id, name, ram, disk, bandwidth, price, driver, vcpus=None): super(OpenStackNodeSize, self).__init__(id=id, name=name, ram=ram, disk=disk, bandwidth=bandwidth, price=price, driver=driver) self.vcpus = vcpus def __repr__(self): return (('<OpenStackNodeSize: id=%s, name=%s, ram=%s, disk=%s, ' 'bandwidth=%s, price=%s, driver=%s, vcpus=%s, ...>') % (,, self.ram, self.disk, self.bandwidth, self.price,, self.vcpus)) class OpenStack_1_0_Response(OpenStackResponse): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # done because of a circular reference from # NodeDriver -> Connection -> Response self.node_driver = OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver super(OpenStack_1_0_Response, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class OpenStack_1_0_Connection(OpenStackComputeConnection): responseCls = OpenStack_1_0_Response default_content_type = 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8' accept_format = 'application/xml' XML_NAMESPACE = '' class OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver(OpenStackNodeDriver): """ OpenStack node driver. Extra node attributes: - password: root password, available after create. - hostId: represents the host your cloud server runs on - imageId: id of image - flavorId: id of flavor """ connectionCls = OpenStack_1_0_Connection type = Provider.OPENSTACK features = {"create_node": ["generates_password"]} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ex_force_api_version = str(kwargs.pop('ex_force_api_version', None)) self.XML_NAMESPACE = self.connectionCls.XML_NAMESPACE super(OpenStack_1_0_NodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _to_images(self, object, ex_only_active): images = [] for image in findall(object, 'image', self.XML_NAMESPACE): if ex_only_active and image.get('status') != 'ACTIVE': continue images.append(self._to_image(image)) return images def _to_image(self, element): return NodeImage(id=element.get('id'), name=element.get('name'), driver=self.connection.driver, extra={'updated': element.get('updated'), 'created': element.get('created'), 'status': element.get('status'), 'serverId': element.get('serverId'), 'progress': element.get('progress'), 'minDisk': element.get('minDisk'), 'minRam': element.get('minRam') } ) def _change_password_or_name(self, node, name=None, password=None): uri = '/servers/%s' % ( if not name: name = body = {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name} if password is not None: body['adminPass'] = password server_elm = ET.Element('server', body) resp = self.connection.request( uri, method='PUT', data=ET.tostring(server_elm)) if resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT and password is not None: node.extra['password'] = password return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def create_node(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new node @inherits: L{NodeDriver.create_node} @keyword ex_metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node @type ex_metadata: C{dict} @keyword ex_files: File Path => File contents to create on the node @type ex_files: C{dict} @keyword ex_shared_ip_group_id: The server is launched into that shared IP group @type ex_shared_ip_group_id: C{str} """ name = kwargs['name'] image = kwargs['image'] size = kwargs['size'] attributes = {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name, 'imageId': str(, 'flavorId': str(} if 'ex_shared_ip_group' in kwargs: # Deprecate this. Be explicit and call the variable # ex_shared_ip_group_id since user needs to pass in the id, not the # name. warnings.warn('ex_shared_ip_group argument is deprecated.' ' Please use ex_shared_ip_group_id') if 'ex_shared_ip_group_id' in kwargs: shared_ip_group_id = kwargs['ex_shared_ip_group_id'] attributes['sharedIpGroupId'] = shared_ip_group_id server_elm = ET.Element('server', attributes) metadata_elm = self._metadata_to_xml(kwargs.get("ex_metadata", {})) if metadata_elm: server_elm.append(metadata_elm) files_elm = self._files_to_xml(kwargs.get("ex_files", {})) if files_elm: server_elm.append(files_elm) resp = self.connection.request("/servers", method='POST', data=ET.tostring(server_elm)) return self._to_node(resp.object) def ex_set_password(self, node, password): """ Sets the Node's root password. This will reboot the instance to complete the operation. L{Node.extra['password']} will be set to the new value if the operation was successful. @param node: node to set password @type node: L{Node} @param password: new password. @type password: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ return self._change_password_or_name(node, password=password) def ex_set_server_name(self, node, name): """ Sets the Node's name. This will reboot the instance to complete the operation. @param node: node to set name @type node: L{Node} @param name: new name @type name: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ return self._change_password_or_name(node, name=name) def ex_resize(self, node, size): """ Change an existing server flavor / scale the server up or down. @param node: node to resize. @type node: L{Node} @param size: new size. @type size: L{NodeSize} @rtype: C{bool} """ elm = ET.Element( 'resize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'flavorId': str(} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_confirm_resize(self, node): """ Confirm a resize request which is currently in progress. If a resize request is not explicitly confirmed or reverted it's automatically confirmed after 24 hours. For more info refer to the API documentation: @param node: node for which the resize request will be confirmed. @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ elm = ET.Element( 'confirmResize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE}, ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_revert_resize(self, node): """ Revert a resize request which is currently in progress. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours if they have not already been confirmed explicitly or reverted. For more info refer to the API documentation: @param node: node for which the resize request will be reverted. @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ elm = ET.Element( 'revertResize', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % (, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_rebuild(self, node_id, image_id): """ Rebuilds the specified server. @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @param image_id: ID of the image which should be used @type image_id: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ # @TODO: Remove those ifs in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = if isinstance(image_id, NodeImage): image_id = elm = ET.Element( 'rebuild', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'imageId': image_id} ) resp = self.connection.request("/servers/%s/action" % node_id, method='POST', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_create_ip_group(self, group_name, node_id=None): """ Creates a shared IP group. @param group_name: group name which should be used @type group_name: C{str} @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = group_elm = ET.Element( 'sharedIpGroup', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': group_name} ) if node_id: ET.SubElement( group_elm, 'server', {'id': node_id} ) resp = self.connection.request('/shared_ip_groups', method='POST', data=ET.tostring(group_elm)) return self._to_shared_ip_group(resp.object) def ex_list_ip_groups(self, details=False): """ Lists IDs and names for shared IP groups. If details lists all details for shared IP groups. @param details: True if details is required @type details: C{bool} @rtype: C{list} of L{OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup} """ uri = '/shared_ip_groups/detail' if details else '/shared_ip_groups' resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') groups = findall(resp.object, 'sharedIpGroup', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_shared_ip_group(el) for el in groups] def ex_delete_ip_group(self, group_id): """ Deletes the specified shared IP group. @param group_id: group id which should be used @type group_id: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ uri = '/shared_ip_groups/%s' % group_id resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_share_ip(self, group_id, node_id, ip, configure_node=True): """ Shares an IP address to the specified server. @param group_id: group id which should be used @type group_id: C{str} @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @param ip: ip which should be used @type ip: C{str} @param configure_node: configure node @type configure_node: C{bool} @rtype: C{bool} """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = if configure_node: str_configure = 'true' else: str_configure = 'false' elm = ET.Element( 'shareIp', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'sharedIpGroupId': group_id, 'configureServer': str_configure}, ) uri = '/servers/%s/ips/public/%s' % (node_id, ip) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='PUT', data=ET.tostring(elm)) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_unshare_ip(self, node_id, ip): """ Removes a shared IP address from the specified server. @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @param ip: ip which should be used @type ip: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s/ips/public/%s' % (node_id, ip) resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_list_ip_addresses(self, node_id): """ List all server addresses. @param node_id: ID of the node which should be used @type node_id: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ # @TODO: Remove this if in 0.6 if isinstance(node_id, Node): node_id = uri = '/servers/%s/ips' % node_id resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='GET') return self._to_ip_addresses(resp.object) def _metadata_to_xml(self, metadata): if len(metadata) == 0: return None metadata_elm = ET.Element('metadata') for k, v in list(metadata.items()): meta_elm = ET.SubElement(metadata_elm, 'meta', {'key': str(k)}) meta_elm.text = str(v) return metadata_elm def _files_to_xml(self, files): if len(files) == 0: return None personality_elm = ET.Element('personality') for k, v in list(files.items()): file_elm = ET.SubElement(personality_elm, 'file', {'path': str(k)}) file_elm.text = base64.b64encode(b(v)) return personality_elm def _reboot_node(self, node, reboot_type='SOFT'): resp = self._node_action(node, ['reboot', ('type', reboot_type)]) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def _node_action(self, node, body): if isinstance(body, list): attr = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (item[0], item[1]) for item in body[1:]]) body = '<%s xmlns="%s" %s/>' % (body[0], self.XML_NAMESPACE, attr) uri = '/servers/%s/action' % ( resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='POST', data=body) return resp def _to_nodes(self, object): node_elements = findall(object, 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_node(el) for el in node_elements] def _to_node_from_obj(self, obj): return self._to_node(findall(obj, 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0]) def _to_node(self, el): def get_ips(el): return [ip.get('addr') for ip in el] def get_meta_dict(el): d = {} for meta in el: d[meta.get('key')] = meta.text return d public_ip = get_ips(findall(el, 'addresses/public/ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) private_ip = get_ips(findall(el, 'addresses/private/ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) metadata = get_meta_dict(findall(el, 'metadata/meta', self.XML_NAMESPACE)) n = Node(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get( el.get('status'), NodeState.UNKNOWN), public_ips=public_ip, private_ips=private_ip, driver=self.connection.driver, extra={ 'password': el.get('adminPass'), 'hostId': el.get('hostId'), 'imageId': el.get('imageId'), 'flavorId': el.get('flavorId'), 'uri': "https://%s%s/servers/%s" % (, self.connection.request_path, el.get('id')), 'metadata': metadata, }) return n def _to_sizes(self, object): elements = findall(object, 'flavor', self.XML_NAMESPACE) return [self._to_size(el) for el in elements] def _to_size(self, el): vcpus = int(el.get('vcpus')) if el.get('vcpus', None) else None return OpenStackNodeSize(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), ram=int(el.get('ram')), disk=int(el.get('disk')), # XXX: needs hardcode vcpus=vcpus, bandwidth=None, # Hardcoded price=self._get_size_price(el.get('id')), driver=self.connection.driver) def ex_limits(self): """ Extra call to get account's limits, such as rates (for example amount of POST requests per day) and absolute limits like total amount of available RAM to be used by servers. @return: dict with keys 'rate' and 'absolute' @rtype: C{dict} """ def _to_rate(el): rate = {} for item in list(el.items()): rate[item[0]] = item[1] return rate def _to_absolute(el): return {el.get('name'): el.get('value')} limits = self.connection.request("/limits").object rate = [_to_rate(el) for el in findall(limits, 'rate/limit', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] absolute = {} for item in findall(limits, 'absolute/limit', self.XML_NAMESPACE): absolute.update(_to_absolute(item)) return {"rate": rate, "absolute": absolute} def ex_save_image(self, node, name): """Create an image for node. @param node: node to use as a base for image @type node: L{Node} @param name: name for new image @type name: C{str} @rtype: L{NodeImage} """ image_elm = ET.Element( 'image', {'xmlns': self.XML_NAMESPACE, 'name': name, 'serverId':} ) return self._to_image( self.connection.request("/images", method="POST", data=ET.tostring(image_elm)).object) def ex_delete_image(self, image): """Delete an image for node. @param image: the image to be deleted @type image: L{NodeImage} @rtype: C{bool} """ uri = '/images/%s' % resp = self.connection.request(uri, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def _to_shared_ip_group(self, el): servers_el = findall(el, 'servers', self.XML_NAMESPACE) if servers_el: servers = [s.get('id') for s in findall(servers_el[0], 'server', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] else: servers = None return OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup(id=el.get('id'), name=el.get('name'), servers=servers) def _to_ip_addresses(self, el): public_ips = [ip.get('addr') for ip in findall( findall(el, 'public', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0], 'ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] private_ips = [ip.get('addr') for ip in findall( findall(el, 'private', self.XML_NAMESPACE)[0], 'ip', self.XML_NAMESPACE)] return OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses(public_ips, private_ips) def _get_size_price(self, size_id): try: return get_size_price(driver_type='compute', driver_name=self.api_name, size_id=size_id) except KeyError: return 0.0 class OpenStack_1_0_SharedIpGroup(object): """ Shared IP group info. """ def __init__(self, id, name, servers=None): = str(id) = name self.servers = servers class OpenStack_1_0_NodeIpAddresses(object): """ List of public and private IP addresses of a Node. """ def __init__(self, public_addresses, private_addresses): self.public_addresses = public_addresses self.private_addresses = private_addresses class OpenStack_1_1_Response(OpenStackResponse): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # done because of a circular reference from # NodeDriver -> Connection -> Response self.node_driver = OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver super(OpenStack_1_1_Response, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class OpenStackNetwork(object): """ A Virtual Network. """ def __init__(self, id, name, cidr, driver, extra=None): = str(id) = name self.cidr = cidr self.driver = driver self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return '<OpenStackNetwork id="%s" name="%s" cidr="%s">' % (,, self.cidr,) class OpenStackSecurityGroup(object): """ A Security Group. """ def __init__(self, id, tenant_id, name, description, driver, rules=None, extra=None): """ Constructor. @keyword id: Group id. @type id: C{str} @keyword tenant_id: Owner of the security group. @type tenant_id: C{str} @keyword name: Human-readable name for the security group. Might not be unique. @type name: C{str} @keyword description: Human-readable description of a security group. @type description: C{str} @keyword rules: Rules associated with this group. @type description: C{list} of L{OpenStackSecurityGroupRule} @keyword extra: Extra attributes associated with this group. @type extra: C{dict} """ = id self.tenant_id = tenant_id = name self.description = description self.driver = driver self.rules = rules or [] self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStackSecurityGroup id=%s tenant_id=%s name=%s \ description=%s>' % (, self.tenant_id,, self.description)) class OpenStackSecurityGroupRule(object): """ A Rule of a Security Group. """ def __init__(self, id, parent_group_id, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, driver, ip_range=None, group=None, tenant_id=None, extra=None): """ Constructor. @keyword id: Rule id. @type id: C{str} @keyword parent_group_id: ID of the parent security group. @type parent_group_id: C{str} @keyword ip_protocol: IP Protocol (icmp, tcp, udp, etc). @type ip_protocol: C{str} @keyword from_port: Port at start of range. @type from_port: C{int} @keyword to_port: Port at end of range. @type to_port: C{int} @keyword ip_range: CIDR for address range. @type ip_range: C{str} @keyword group: Name of a source security group to apply to rule. @type group: C{str} @keyword tenant_id: Owner of the security group. @type tenant_id: C{str} @keyword extra: Extra attributes associated with this rule. @type extra: C{dict} """ = id self.parent_group_id = parent_group_id self.ip_protocol = ip_protocol self.from_port = from_port self.to_port = to_port self.driver = driver self.ip_range = '' = {} if group is None: self.ip_range = ip_range else: = {'name': group, 'tenant_id': tenant_id} self.tenant_id = tenant_id self.extra = extra or {} def __repr__(self): return ('<OpenStackSecurityGroupRule id=%s parent_group_id=%s \ ip_protocol=%s from_port=%s to_port=%s>' % (, self.parent_group_id, self.ip_protocol, self.from_port, self.to_port)) class OpenStack_1_1_Connection(OpenStackComputeConnection): responseCls = OpenStack_1_1_Response accept_format = 'application/json' default_content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' def encode_data(self, data): return json.dumps(data) class OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver(OpenStackNodeDriver): """ OpenStack node driver. """ connectionCls = OpenStack_1_1_Connection type = Provider.OPENSTACK features = {"create_node": ["generates_password"]} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._ex_force_api_version = str(kwargs.pop('ex_force_api_version', None)) super(OpenStack_1_1_NodeDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def create_node(self, **kwargs): """Create a new node @inherits: L{NodeDriver.create_node} @keyword ex_metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node @type ex_metadata: C{dict} @keyword ex_files: File Path => File contents to create on the no de @type ex_files: C{dict} @keyword ex_keyname: Name of existing public key to inject into instance @type ex_keyname: C{str} @keyword ex_userdata: String containing user data see @type ex_userdata: C{str} @keyword networks: The server is launched into a set of Networks. @type networks: L{OpenStackNetwork} @keyword ex_security_groups: List of security groups to assign to the node @type ex_security_groups: C{list} of L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(None, **kwargs) resp = self.connection.request("/servers", method='POST', data={'server': server_params}) create_response = resp.object['server'] server_resp = self.connection.request( '/servers/%s' % create_response['id']) server_object = server_resp.object['server'] # adminPass is not always present # # content/configuring-compute-API.html#d6e1833 server_object['adminPass'] = create_response.get('adminPass', None) return self._to_node(server_object) def _to_images(self, obj, ex_only_active): images = [] for image in obj['images']: if ex_only_active and image.get('status') != 'ACTIVE': continue images.append(self._to_image(image)) return images def _to_image(self, api_image): server = api_image.get('server', {}) return NodeImage( id=api_image['id'], name=api_image['name'], driver=self, extra=dict( updated=api_image['updated'], created=api_image['created'], status=api_image['status'], progress=api_image.get('progress'), metadata=api_image.get('metadata'), serverId=server.get('id'), minDisk=api_image.get('minDisk'), minRam=api_image.get('minRam'), ) ) def _to_nodes(self, obj): servers = obj['servers'] return [self._to_node(server) for server in servers] def _to_sizes(self, obj): flavors = obj['flavors'] return [self._to_size(flavor) for flavor in flavors] def _create_args_to_params(self, node, **kwargs): server_params = { 'name': kwargs.get('name'), 'metadata': kwargs.get('ex_metadata', {}), 'personality': self._files_to_personality(kwargs.get("ex_files", {})) } if 'ex_keyname' in kwargs: server_params['key_name'] = kwargs['ex_keyname'] if 'ex_userdata' in kwargs: server_params['user_data'] = base64.b64encode( b(kwargs['ex_userdata'])).decode('ascii') if 'networks' in kwargs: networks = kwargs['networks'] networks = [{'uuid':} for network in networks] server_params['networks'] = networks if 'ex_security_groups' in kwargs: server_params['security_groups'] = [] for security_group in kwargs['ex_security_groups']: name = server_params['security_groups'].append({'name': name}) if 'name' in kwargs: server_params['name'] = kwargs.get('name') else: server_params['name'] = if 'image' in kwargs: server_params['imageRef'] = kwargs.get('image').id else: server_params['imageRef'] = node.extra.get('imageId') if 'size' in kwargs: server_params['flavorRef'] = kwargs.get('size').id else: server_params['flavorRef'] = node.extra.get('flavorId') return server_params def _files_to_personality(self, files): rv = [] for k, v in list(files.items()): rv.append({'path': k, 'contents': base64.b64encode(b(v))}) return rv def _reboot_node(self, node, reboot_type='SOFT'): resp = self._node_action(node, 'reboot', type=reboot_type) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_set_password(self, node, password): """ Changes the administrator password for a specified server. @param node: Node to rebuild. @type node: L{Node} @param password: The administrator password. @type password: C{str} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'changePassword', adminPass=password) node.extra['password'] = password return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_rebuild(self, node, image): """ Rebuild a Node. @param node: Node to rebuild. @type node: L{Node} @param image: New image to use. @type image: L{NodeImage} @rtype: C{bool} """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(node, image=image) resp = self._node_action(node, 'rebuild', **server_params) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_resize(self, node, size): """ Change a node size. @param node: Node to resize. @type node: L{Node} @type size: L{NodeSize} @param size: New size to use. @rtype: C{bool} """ server_params = self._create_args_to_params(node, size=size) resp = self._node_action(node, 'resize', **server_params) return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_confirm_resize(self, node): """ Confirms a pending resize action. @param node: Node to resize. @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'confirmResize') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_revert_resize(self, node): """ Cancels and reverts a pending resize action. @param node: Node to resize. @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'revertResize') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def ex_save_image(self, node, name, metadata=None): """ Creates a new image. @param node: Node @type node: L{Node} @param name: The name for the new image. @type name: C{str} @param metadata: Key and value pairs for metadata. @type metadata: C{dict} @rtype: L{NodeImage} """ optional_params = {} if metadata: optional_params['metadata'] = metadata resp = self._node_action(node, 'createImage', name=name, **optional_params) image_id = self._extract_image_id_from_url(resp.headers['location']) return self.ex_get_image(image_id=image_id) def ex_set_server_name(self, node, name): """ Sets the Node's name. @param node: Node @type node: L{Node} @param name: The name of the server. @type name: C{str} @rtype: L{Node} """ return self._update_node(node, name=name) def ex_get_metadata(self, node): """ Get a Node's metadata. @param node: Node @type node: L{Node} @return: Key/Value metadata associated with node. @rtype: C{dict} """ return self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/metadata' % (,), method='GET',).object['metadata'] def ex_set_metadata(self, node, metadata): """ Sets the Node's metadata. @param node: Node @type node: L{Node} @param metadata: Key/Value metadata to associate with a node @type metadata: C{dict} @rtype: C{dict} """ return self.connection.request( '/servers/%s/metadata' % (,), method='PUT', data={'metadata': metadata} ).object['metadata'] def ex_update_node(self, node, **node_updates): """ Update the Node's editable attributes. The OpenStack API currently supports editing name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses. The driver currently only supports updating the node name. @param node: Node @type node: L{Node} @keyword name: New name for the server @type name: C{str} @rtype: L{Node} """ potential_data = self._create_args_to_params(node, **node_updates) updates = {'name': potential_data['name']} return self._update_node(node, **updates) def _to_networks(self, obj): networks = obj['networks'] return [self._to_network(network) for network in networks] def _to_network(self, obj): return OpenStackNetwork(id=obj['id'], name=obj['label'], cidr=obj.get('cidr', None), driver=self) def ex_list_networks(self): """ Get a list of Networks that are available. @rtype: C{list} of L{OpenStackNetwork} """ return self._to_networks( self.connection.request('/os-networksv2').object) def ex_create_network(self, name, cidr): """ Create a new Network @param name: Name of network which should be used @type name: C{str} @param cidr: cidr of network which should be used @type cidr: C{str} @rtype: L{OpenStackNetwork} """ return self._to_network(self.connection.request( '/os-networksv2', method='POST', data={'network': {'cidr': cidr, 'label': name}} ).object['network']) def ex_delete_network(self, network): """ Get a list of NodeNetorks that are available. @param network: Network which should be used @type network: L{OpenStackNetwork} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-networksv2/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED def _to_security_group_rules(self, obj): return [self._to_security_group_rule(security_group_rule) for security_group_rule in obj] def _to_security_group_rule(self, obj): ip_range = group = tenant_id = None if obj['group'] == {}: ip_range = obj['ip_range'].get('cidr', None) else: group = obj['group'].get('name', None) tenant_id = obj['group'].get('tenant_id', None) return OpenStackSecurityGroupRule(id=obj['id'], parent_group_id= obj['parent_group_id'], ip_protocol=obj['ip_protocol'], from_port=obj['from_port'], to_port=obj['to_port'], driver=self, ip_range=ip_range, group=group, tenant_id=tenant_id) def _to_security_groups(self, obj): security_groups = obj['security_groups'] return [self._to_security_group(security_group) for security_group in security_groups] def _to_security_group(self, obj): return OpenStackSecurityGroup(id=obj['id'], tenant_id=obj['tenant_id'], name=obj['name'], description=obj.get('description', ''), rules=self._to_security_group_rules( obj.get('rules', [])), driver=self) def ex_list_security_groups(self): """ Get a list of Security Groups that are available. @rtype: C{list} of L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} """ return self._to_security_groups( self.connection.request('/os-security-groups').object) def ex_get_node_security_groups(self, node): """ Get Security Groups of the specified server. @rtype: C{list} of L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} """ return self._to_security_groups( self.connection.request('/servers/%s/os-security-groups' % ( def ex_create_security_group(self, name, description): """ Create a new Security Group @param name: Name of the new Security Group @type name: C{str} @param description: Description of the new Security Group @type description: C{str} @rtype: L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} """ return self._to_security_group(self.connection.request( '/os-security-groups', method='POST', data={'security_group': {'name': name, 'description': description}} ).object['security_group']) def ex_delete_security_group(self, security_group): """ Delete a Security Group. @param security_group: Security Group should be deleted @type security_group: L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-security-groups/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_create_security_group_rule(self, security_group, ip_protocol, from_port, to_port, cidr=None, source_security_group=None): """ Create a new Rule in a Security Group @param security_group: Security Group in which to add the rule @type security_group: L{OpenStackSecurityGroup} @param ip_protocol: Protocol to which this rule applies Examples: tcp, udp, ... @type ip_protocol: C{str} @param from_port: First port of the port range @type from_port: C{int} @param to_port: Last port of the port range @type to_port: C{int} @param cidr: CIDR notation of the source IP range for this rule @type cidr: C{str} @param source_security_group: Existing Security Group to use as the source (instead of CIDR) @type source_security_group: L{OpenStackSecurityGroup @rtype: L{OpenStackSecurityGroupRule} """ source_security_group_id = None if type(source_security_group) == OpenStackSecurityGroup: source_security_group_id = return self._to_security_group_rule(self.connection.request( '/os-security-group-rules', method='POST', data={'security_group_rule': { 'ip_protocol': ip_protocol, 'from_port': from_port, 'to_port': to_port, 'cidr': cidr, 'group_id': source_security_group_id, 'parent_group_id':}} ).object['security_group_rule']) def ex_delete_security_group_rule(self, rule): """ Delete a Rule from a Security Group. @param rule: Rule should be deleted @type rule: L{OpenStackSecurityGroupRule} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self.connection.request('/os-security-group-rules/%s' % (, method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def ex_get_size(self, size_id): """ Get a NodeSize @param size_id: ID of the size which should be used @type size_id: C{str} @rtype: L{NodeSize} """ return self._to_size(self.connection.request( '/flavors/%s' % (size_id,)) .object['flavor']) def ex_get_image(self, image_id): """ Get a NodeImage @param image_id: ID of the image which should be used @type image_id: C{str} @rtype: L{NodeImage} """ return self._to_image(self.connection.request( '/images/%s' % (image_id,)).object['image']) def ex_delete_image(self, image): """ Delete a NodeImage @param image: image witch should be used @type image: L{NodeImage} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self.connection.request('/images/%s' % (,), method='DELETE') return resp.status == httplib.NO_CONTENT def _node_action(self, node, action, **params): params = params or None return self.connection.request('/servers/%s/action' % (,), method='POST', data={action: params}) def _update_node(self, node, **node_updates): """ Updates the editable attributes of a server, which currently include its name and IPv4/IPv6 access addresses. """ return self._to_node( self.connection.request( '/servers/%s' % (,), method='PUT', data={'server': node_updates} ).object['server'] ) def _to_node_from_obj(self, obj): return self._to_node(obj['server']) def _to_node(self, api_node): public_networks_labels = ['public', 'internet'] public_ips, private_ips = [], [] for label, values in api_node['addresses'].items(): ips = [v['addr'] for v in values] if label in public_networks_labels: public_ips.extend(ips) else: private_ips.extend(ips) return Node( id=api_node['id'], name=api_node['name'], state=self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(api_node['status'], NodeState.UNKNOWN), public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips, driver=self, extra=dict( hostId=api_node['hostId'], # Docs says "tenantId", but actual is "tenant_id". *sigh* # Best handle both. tenantId=api_node.get('tenant_id') or api_node['tenantId'], imageId=api_node['image']['id'], flavorId=api_node['flavor']['id'], uri=next(link['href'] for link in api_node['links'] if link['rel'] == 'self'), metadata=api_node['metadata'], password=api_node.get('adminPass', None), created=api_node['created'], updated=api_node['updated'], key_name=api_node.get('key_name', None), ), ) def _to_size(self, api_flavor, price=None, bandwidth=None): # if provider-specific subclasses can get better values for # price/bandwidth, then can pass them in when they super(). if not price: price = self._get_size_price(str(api_flavor['id'])) return OpenStackNodeSize( id=api_flavor['id'], name=api_flavor['name'], ram=api_flavor['ram'], disk=api_flavor['disk'], vcpus=api_flavor['vcpus'], bandwidth=bandwidth, price=price, driver=self, ) def _get_size_price(self, size_id): try: return get_size_price( driver_type='compute', driver_name=self.api_name, size_id=size_id, ) except KeyError: return(0.0) def _extract_image_id_from_url(self, location_header): path = urlparse.urlparse(location_header).path image_id = path.split('/')[-1] return image_id def ex_rescue(self, node, password=None): # Requires Rescue Mode extension """ Rescue a node @param node: node @type node: L{Node} @param password: password @type password: C{str} @rtype: L{Node} """ if password: resp = self._node_action(node, 'rescue', adminPass=password) else: resp = self._node_action(node, 'rescue') password = json.loads(resp.body)['adminPass'] node.extra['password'] = password return node def ex_unrescue(self, node): """ Unrescue a node @param node: node @type node: L{Node} @rtype: C{bool} """ resp = self._node_action(node, 'unrescue') return resp.status == httplib.ACCEPTED
""" Security channels module for Zigbee Home Automation. For more details about this component, please refer to the documentation at """ import logging import as security from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from . import ZigbeeChannel from .. import registries from ..const import ( CLUSTER_COMMAND_SERVER, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, WARNING_DEVICE_MODE_EMERGENCY, WARNING_DEVICE_SOUND_HIGH, WARNING_DEVICE_SQUAWK_MODE_ARMED, WARNING_DEVICE_STROBE_HIGH, WARNING_DEVICE_STROBE_YES, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @registries.ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_REGISTRY.register(security.IasAce.cluster_id) class IasAce(ZigbeeChannel): """IAS Ancillary Control Equipment channel.""" pass @registries.CHANNEL_ONLY_CLUSTERS.register(security.IasWd.cluster_id) @registries.ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_REGISTRY.register(security.IasWd.cluster_id) class IasWd(ZigbeeChannel): """IAS Warning Device channel.""" @staticmethod def set_bit(destination_value, destination_bit, source_value, source_bit): """Set the specified bit in the value.""" if IasWd.get_bit(source_value, source_bit): return destination_value | (1 << destination_bit) return destination_value @staticmethod def get_bit(value, bit): """Get the specified bit from the value.""" return (value & (1 << bit)) != 0 async def squawk( self, mode=WARNING_DEVICE_SQUAWK_MODE_ARMED, strobe=WARNING_DEVICE_STROBE_YES, squawk_level=WARNING_DEVICE_SOUND_HIGH, ): """Issue a squawk command. This command uses the WD capabilities to emit a quick audible/visible pulse called a "squawk". The squawk command has no effect if the WD is currently active (warning in progress). """ value = 0 value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 0, squawk_level, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 1, squawk_level, 1) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 3, strobe, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 4, mode, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 5, mode, 1) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 6, mode, 2) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 7, mode, 3) await self.device.issue_cluster_command( self.cluster.endpoint.endpoint_id, self.cluster.cluster_id, 0x0001, CLUSTER_COMMAND_SERVER, [value], ) async def start_warning( self, mode=WARNING_DEVICE_MODE_EMERGENCY, strobe=WARNING_DEVICE_STROBE_YES, siren_level=WARNING_DEVICE_SOUND_HIGH, warning_duration=5, # seconds strobe_duty_cycle=0x00, strobe_intensity=WARNING_DEVICE_STROBE_HIGH, ): """Issue a start warning command. This command starts the WD operation. The WD alerts the surrounding area by audible (siren) and visual (strobe) signals. strobe_duty_cycle indicates the length of the flash cycle. This provides a means of varying the flash duration for different alarm types (e.g., fire, police, burglar). Valid range is 0-100 in increments of 10. All other values SHALL be rounded to the nearest valid value. Strobe SHALL calculate duty cycle over a duration of one second. The ON state SHALL precede the OFF state. For example, if Strobe Duty Cycle Field specifies “40,” then the strobe SHALL flash ON for 4/10ths of a second and then turn OFF for 6/10ths of a second. """ value = 0 value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 0, siren_level, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 1, siren_level, 1) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 2, strobe, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 4, mode, 0) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 5, mode, 1) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 6, mode, 2) value = IasWd.set_bit(value, 7, mode, 3) await self.device.issue_cluster_command( self.cluster.endpoint.endpoint_id, self.cluster.cluster_id, 0x0000, CLUSTER_COMMAND_SERVER, [value, warning_duration, strobe_duty_cycle, strobe_intensity], ) @registries.BINARY_SENSOR_CLUSTERS.register(security.IasZone.cluster_id) @registries.ZIGBEE_CHANNEL_REGISTRY.register(security.IasZone.cluster_id) class IASZoneChannel(ZigbeeChannel): """Channel for the IASZone Zigbee cluster.""" @callback def cluster_command(self, tsn, command_id, args): """Handle commands received to this cluster.""" if command_id == 0: state = args[0] & 3 async_dispatcher_send( self._zha_device.hass, f"{self.unique_id}_{SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED}", state ) self.debug("Updated alarm state: %s", state) elif command_id == 1: self.debug("Enroll requested") res = self._cluster.enroll_response(0, 0) self._zha_device.hass.async_create_task(res) async def async_configure(self): """Configure IAS device.""" # Xiaomi devices don't need this and it disrupts pairing if self._zha_device.manufacturer == "LUMI": self.debug("finished IASZoneChannel configuration") return from zigpy.exceptions import DeliveryError self.debug("started IASZoneChannel configuration") await self.bind() ieee = try: res = await self._cluster.write_attributes({"cie_addr": ieee}) self.debug( "wrote cie_addr: %s to '%s' cluster: %s", str(ieee), self._cluster.ep_attribute, res[0], ) except DeliveryError as ex: self.debug( "Failed to write cie_addr: %s to '%s' cluster: %s", str(ieee), self._cluster.ep_attribute, str(ex), ) self.debug("finished IASZoneChannel configuration") await self.get_attribute_value("zone_type", from_cache=False) @callback def attribute_updated(self, attrid, value): """Handle attribute updates on this cluster.""" if attrid == 2: value = value & 3 async_dispatcher_send( self._zha_device.hass, f"{self.unique_id}_{SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED}", value ) async def async_initialize(self, from_cache): """Initialize channel.""" await self.get_attribute_value("zone_status", from_cache=from_cache) await self.get_attribute_value("zone_state", from_cache=from_cache) await super().async_initialize(from_cache)
#!/usr/bin/python2.5 # # Copyright 2010 the Melange authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Starts an interactive shell which allows to create statistic entities. Usage is simple: In order to seed all available statistics, just type: >>> seed_all() In order to seed one statistic: >>> seed_one(link_id) where link_id is for the desired statistic In order to change program in scope: >>> set_program(key_name) where key_name represents a new program In order to terminate the script: >>> exit() """ __authors__ = [ '"Daniel Hans" <>', ] import sys import interactive interactive.setup() from django.utils import simplejson from soc.logic import dicts from soc.modules.gci.logic.models.program import logic as program_logic from soc.modules.statistic.logic.models.statistic import logic as \ statistic_logic from soc.modules.statistic.models.statistic import Statistic SUCCESS_MSG_FMT = 'Statistic %s has been sucessfully added.' FAILURE_MSG_FMT = 'An error occured while adding %s statistic.' DOES_NOT_EXISTS_MSG_FMT = 'Statistic %s does not exists.' VISUALIZATION_SETS = { "cumulative_standard": [ "Table", "BarChart", "ColumnChart", "ImageChartBar", ], "cumulative_countries": [ "Table" ], "single_standard": [ "Table", "BarChart", "ColumnChart", "ImageChartBar", "ImageChartP", "ImageChartP3", "PieChart", "ScatterChart" ], "single_countries": [ "Table", "GeoMap" ] } STATISTIC_PROPERTIES = { "mentors_per_continent": ( "Mentors Per Continent", { "type": "per_field", "field": "continent", "model": "gci_mentor", "subsets": [("all", {}), ("referenced", {}), ("no-referenced", {})], "filter": "property_filter", "params": { "ref_logic": "gci_task", "ref_field": "mentors", "program_field": "program", "property_conditions": { "status": ["active", "inactive"] }, } }, { "description": [("continent", "string", "Continent"), ("all_mentors", "number", "Mentors"), ("pro_mentors", "number", "Mentors with tasks"), ("nop_mentors", "number", "Mentors without tasks")], "options": { 'Mentors Per Continent (cumulative)': { "visualizations": VISUALIZATION_SETS['cumulative_standard'], "columns": [0, 1, 2] }, 'Mentors Per Continent (all)': { "visualizations": VISUALIZATION_SETS['single_standard'], "columns": [0] }, 'Mentors Per Continent (with tasks)': { "visualizations": VISUALIZATION_SETS['single_standard'], "columns": [1] }, 'Mentors Per Continent (without tasks)': { "visualizations": VISUALIZATION_SETS['single_standard'], "columns": [2] } } }, "org_admin"), "students_per_age": ( "Students Per Age", { "type": "per_field", "field": "age", "model": "gci_student", "transformer": "remove-out-of-range", "filter": "property_filter", "params": { "program_field": "scope", "property_conditions": { "status": ['active', 'inactive'] }, } }, { "description": [("age", "number", "Age"), ("number", "number", "Number")], "options": { 'Organization Admins Per Age': { "visualizations": VISUALIZATION_SETS['single_standard'] } } }, "host"), } STATISTICS_LIST = [k for k in STATISTIC_PROPERTIES] NAMES_DICT = dict((k, v) for k, (v, _, _, _) in STATISTIC_PROPERTIES.iteritems()) INSTRUCTIONS_DICT = dict((k, v) for k, (_, v, _, _) in STATISTIC_PROPERTIES.iteritems()) CHARTS_DICT = dict((k, v) for k, (_, _, v, _) in STATISTIC_PROPERTIES.iteritems()) ACCESS_DICT = dict((k, v) for k, (_, _, _, v) in STATISTIC_PROPERTIES.iteritems()) def _getCommonProperties(): """Returns properties that are common for all statistic entities. """ program = program_logic.getFromKeyName(program_keyname) properties = { 'access_for_other_programs': 'invisible', 'scope': program, 'scope_path': program_keyname, } return properties def _getSpecificProperties(link_id): """Returns properties that are specific to a particular statistic. """ properties = { 'link_id': link_id, 'name': NAMES_DICT[link_id], 'chart_json': simplejson.dumps(CHARTS_DICT[link_id]), 'instructions_json': simplejson.dumps(INSTRUCTIONS_DICT[link_id]), 'read_access': ACCESS_DICT[link_id] } return properties def _seedStatistic(properties): """Saves a new statistic entity, described by properties, in data store. """ entity = statistic_logic.updateOrCreateFromFields(properties, silent=True) if entity: print SUCCESS_MSG_FMT % properties['link_id'] else: print FALIURE_MSG_FMT % properties['link_id'] def exit(): """Terminates the script. """ sys.exit(0) def seedOne(link_id): """Seeds a single statistic to the data store. Args: link_id: link_id of the statistic that should be added. """ if link_id not in STATISTICS_LIST: print DOES_NOT_EXISTS_MSG_FMT % link_id else: properties = _getCommonProperties() new_properties = _getSpecificProperties(link_id) properties.update(new_properties) _seedStatistic(properties) def seedAll(): """Seeds all available statistics to the data store. """ properties = _getCommonProperties() for statistic in STATISTICS_LIST: new_properties = _getSpecificProperties(statistic) properties.update(new_properties) _seedStatistic(properties) def setProgram(keyname): """Sets program key name. """ program_keyname = keyname def main(args): context = { 'exit': exit, 'seed_all': seedAll, 'seed_one': seedOne, 'statistics_list': STATISTICS_LIST, 'set_program': setProgram, } interactive.remote(args, context) program_keyname = 'melange/gcirunthrough' if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: %s app_id [host]" % (sys.argv[0],) sys.exit(1) main(sys.argv[1:])
""" SVCB and HTTPS RR Types class. """ import socket import struct from .name import name_from_wire_message # SVCB (Service Binding RR) Parameter Types SVCB_PARAM = { 0: "mandatory", 1: "alpn", 2: "no-default-alpn", 3: "port", 4: "ipv4hint", 5: "echconfig", 6: "ipv6hint", } class RdataSVCB: """SVCB RR RDATA Class""" def __init__(self, pkt, offset, rdlen): self.pkt = pkt self.offset = offset self.end_rdata = offset + rdlen self.rdata = pkt[offset:self.end_rdata] self.priority = None self.targetname = None self.params = [] # list(key=value strings) self.decode() def decode(self): self.priority, = struct.unpack("!H", self.rdata[:2]) d, self.offset = name_from_wire_message(self.pkt, self.offset+2) self.targetname = d.text() self.decode_params(self.pkt[self.offset:self.end_rdata]) def decode_params(self, params_wire): lastkey = None while params_wire: pkey, plen = struct.unpack('!HH', params_wire[:4]) pdata = params_wire[4:4+plen] pdata_text = None if lastkey is not None: if not pkey > lastkey: print("ERROR: HTTPS RR keys are not in ascending order") else: lastkey = pkey if pkey in SVCB_PARAM: pkey_text = SVCB_PARAM[pkey] else: pkey_text = "key{:d}".format(pkey) if pkey == 0: ## mandatory keylist = [] while pdata: key = struct.unpack("!H", pdata[:2]) keylist.append(str(key)) pdata = pdata[2:] pdata_text = ','.join(keylist) elif pkey == 1: ## alpn alpn_list = [] while pdata: alpn_len = pdata[0] alpn = pdata[1:1+alpn_len].decode() alpn_list.append(alpn) pdata = pdata[1+alpn_len:] pdata_text = ','.join(alpn_list) elif pkey == 3: ## port port = struct.unpack("!H", pdata[:2]) pdata_text = str(port) elif pkey == 4: ## ipv4hint ip4list = [] while pdata: ip4 = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, pdata[:4]) ip4list.append(ip4) pdata = pdata[4:] pdata_text = ','.join(ip4list) elif pkey == 6: ## ipv6hint ip6list = [] while pdata: ip6 = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, pdata[:16]) ip6list.append(ip6) pdata = pdata[16:] pdata_text = ','.join(ip6list) else: pdata_text = pdata.hex() if not pdata_text: self.params.append(pkey_text) else: self.params.append(("{}={}".format(pkey_text, pdata_text))) params_wire = params_wire[4+plen:] def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" % (self.priority, self.targetname, " ".join(self.params))
""" The MIT License Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Leah Culver, Joe Stump, Mark Paschal, Vic Fryzel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import urllib import time import random import urlparse import hmac import binascii import httplib2 try: from urlparse import parse_qs, parse_qsl except ImportError: from cgi import parse_qs, parse_qsl VERSION = '1.0' # Hi Blaine! HTTP_METHOD = 'GET' SIGNATURE_METHOD = 'PLAINTEXT' class Error(RuntimeError): """Generic exception class.""" def __init__(self, message='OAuth error occurred.'): self._message = message @property def message(self): """A hack to get around the deprecation errors in 2.6.""" return self._message def __str__(self): return self._message class MissingSignature(Error): pass def build_authenticate_header(realm=''): """Optional WWW-Authenticate header (401 error)""" return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm} def build_xoauth_string(url, consumer, token=None): """Build an XOAUTH string for use in SMTP/IMPA authentication.""" request = Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, token, "GET", url) signing_method = SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() request.sign_request(signing_method, consumer, token) params = [] for k, v in sorted(request.iteritems()): if v is not None: params.append('%s="%s"' % (k, escape(v))) return "%s %s %s" % ("GET", url, ','.join(params)) def escape(s): """Escape a URL including any /.""" return urllib.quote(s, safe='~') def generate_timestamp(): """Get seconds since epoch (UTC).""" return int(time.time()) def generate_nonce(length=8): """Generate pseudorandom number.""" return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)]) def generate_verifier(length=8): """Generate pseudorandom number.""" return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)]) class Consumer(object): """A consumer of OAuth-protected services. The OAuth consumer is a "third-party" service that wants to access protected resources from an OAuth service provider on behalf of an end user. It's kind of the OAuth client. Usually a consumer must be registered with the service provider by the developer of the consumer software. As part of that process, the service provider gives the consumer a *key* and a *secret* with which the consumer software can identify itself to the service. The consumer will include its key in each request to identify itself, but will use its secret only when signing requests, to prove that the request is from that particular registered consumer. Once registered, the consumer can then use its consumer credentials to ask the service provider for a request token, kicking off the OAuth authorization process. """ key = None secret = None def __init__(self, key, secret): self.key = key self.secret = secret if self.key is None or self.secret is None: raise ValueError("Key and secret must be set.") def __str__(self): data = {'oauth_consumer_key': self.key, 'oauth_consumer_secret': self.secret} return urllib.urlencode(data) class Token(object): """An OAuth credential used to request authorization or a protected resource. Tokens in OAuth comprise a *key* and a *secret*. The key is included in requests to identify the token being used, but the secret is used only in the signature, to prove that the requester is who the server gave the token to. When first negotiating the authorization, the consumer asks for a *request token* that the live user authorizes with the service provider. The consumer then exchanges the request token for an *access token* that can be used to access protected resources. """ key = None secret = None callback = None callback_confirmed = None verifier = None def __init__(self, key, secret): self.key = key self.secret = secret if self.key is None or self.secret is None: raise ValueError("Key and secret must be set.") def set_callback(self, callback): self.callback = callback self.callback_confirmed = 'true' def set_verifier(self, verifier=None): if verifier is not None: self.verifier = verifier else: self.verifier = generate_verifier() def get_callback_url(self): if self.callback and self.verifier: # Append the oauth_verifier. parts = urlparse.urlparse(self.callback) scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = parts[:6] if query: query = '%s&oauth_verifier=%s' % (query, self.verifier) else: query = 'oauth_verifier=%s' % self.verifier return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment)) return self.callback def to_string(self): """Returns this token as a plain string, suitable for storage. The resulting string includes the token's secret, so you should never send or store this string where a third party can read it. """ data = { 'oauth_token': self.key, 'oauth_token_secret': self.secret, } if self.callback_confirmed is not None: data['oauth_callback_confirmed'] = self.callback_confirmed return urllib.urlencode(data) @staticmethod def from_string(s): """Deserializes a token from a string like one returned by `to_string()`.""" if not len(s): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter string.") params = parse_qs(s, keep_blank_values=False) if not len(params): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter string.") try: key = params['oauth_token'][0] except Exception: raise ValueError("'oauth_token' not found in OAuth request.") try: secret = params['oauth_token_secret'][0] except Exception: raise ValueError("'oauth_token_secret' not found in " "OAuth request.") token = Token(key, secret) try: token.callback_confirmed = params['oauth_callback_confirmed'][0] except KeyError: pass # 1.0, no callback confirmed. return token def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def setter(attr): name = attr.__name__ def getter(self): try: return self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def deleter(self): del self.__dict__[name] return property(getter, attr, deleter) class Request(dict): """The parameters and information for an HTTP request, suitable for authorizing with OAuth credentials. When a consumer wants to access a service's protected resources, it does so using a signed HTTP request identifying itself (the consumer) with its key, and providing an access token authorized by the end user to access those resources. """ version = VERSION def __init__(self, method=HTTP_METHOD, url=None, parameters=None): self.method = method self.url = url if parameters is not None: self.update(parameters) @setter def url(self, value): self.__dict__['url'] = value if value is not None: scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(value) # Exclude default port numbers. if scheme == 'http' and netloc[-3:] == ':80': netloc = netloc[:-3] elif scheme == 'https' and netloc[-4:] == ':443': netloc = netloc[:-4] if scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise ValueError("Unsupported URL %s (%s)." % (value, scheme)) # Normalized URL excludes params, query, and fragment. self.normalized_url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, path, None, None, None)) else: self.normalized_url = None self.__dict__['url'] = None @setter def method(self, value): self.__dict__['method'] = value.upper() def _get_timestamp_nonce(self): return self['oauth_timestamp'], self['oauth_nonce'] def get_nonoauth_parameters(self): """Get any non-OAuth parameters.""" return dict([(k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems() if not k.startswith('oauth_')]) def to_header(self, realm=''): """Serialize as a header for an HTTPAuth request.""" oauth_params = ((k, v) for k, v in self.items() if k.startswith('oauth_')) stringy_params = ((k, escape(str(v))) for k, v in oauth_params) header_params = ('%s="%s"' % (k, v) for k, v in stringy_params) params_header = ', '.join(header_params) auth_header = 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm if params_header: auth_header = "%s, %s" % (auth_header, params_header) return {'Authorization': auth_header} def to_postdata(self): """Serialize as post data for a POST request.""" # tell urlencode to deal with sequence values and map them correctly # to resulting querystring. for example self["k"] = ["v1", "v2"] will # result in 'k=v1&k=v2' and not k=%5B%27v1%27%2C+%27v2%27%5D return urllib.urlencode(self, True).replace('+', '%20') def to_url(self): """Serialize as a URL for a GET request.""" base_url = urlparse.urlparse(self.url) query = parse_qs(base_url.query) for k, v in self.items(): query.setdefault(k, []).append(v) url = (base_url.scheme, base_url.netloc, base_url.path, base_url.params, urllib.urlencode(query, True), base_url.fragment) return urlparse.urlunparse(url) def get_parameter(self, parameter): ret = self.get(parameter) if ret is None: raise Error('Parameter not found: %s' % parameter) return ret def get_normalized_parameters(self): """Return a string that contains the parameters that must be signed.""" items = [] for key, value in self.iteritems(): if key == 'oauth_signature': continue # 1.0a/9.1.1 states that kvp must be sorted by key, then by value, # so we unpack sequence values into multiple items for sorting. if hasattr(value, '__iter__'): items.extend((key, item) for item in value) else: items.append((key, value)) # Include any query string parameters from the provided URL query = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)[4] items.extend(self._split_url_string(query).items()) encoded_str = urllib.urlencode(sorted(items)) # Encode signature parameters per Oauth Core 1.0 protocol # spec draft 7, section 3.6 # ( # Spaces must be encoded with "%20" instead of "+" return encoded_str.replace('+', '%20').replace('%7E', '~') def sign_request(self, signature_method, consumer, token): """Set the signature parameter to the result of sign.""" if 'oauth_consumer_key' not in self: self['oauth_consumer_key'] = consumer.key if token and 'oauth_token' not in self: self['oauth_token'] = token.key self['oauth_signature_method'] = self['oauth_signature'] = signature_method.sign(self, consumer, token) @classmethod def make_timestamp(cls): """Get seconds since epoch (UTC).""" return str(int(time.time())) @classmethod def make_nonce(cls): """Generate pseudorandom number.""" return str(random.randint(0, 100000000)) @classmethod def from_request(cls, http_method, http_url, headers=None, parameters=None, query_string=None): """Combines multiple parameter sources.""" if parameters is None: parameters = {} # Headers if headers and 'Authorization' in headers: auth_header = headers['Authorization'] # Check that the authorization header is OAuth. if auth_header[:6] == 'OAuth ': auth_header = auth_header[6:] try: # Get the parameters from the header. header_params = cls._split_header(auth_header) parameters.update(header_params) except: raise Error('Unable to parse OAuth parameters from ' 'Authorization header.') # GET or POST query string. if query_string: query_params = cls._split_url_string(query_string) parameters.update(query_params) # URL parameters. param_str = urlparse.urlparse(http_url)[4] # query url_params = cls._split_url_string(param_str) parameters.update(url_params) if parameters: return cls(http_method, http_url, parameters) return None @classmethod def from_consumer_and_token(cls, consumer, token=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None): if not parameters: parameters = {} defaults = { 'oauth_consumer_key': consumer.key, 'oauth_timestamp': cls.make_timestamp(), 'oauth_nonce': cls.make_nonce(), 'oauth_version': cls.version, } defaults.update(parameters) parameters = defaults if token: parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key if token.verifier: parameters['oauth_verifier'] = token.verifier return Request(http_method, http_url, parameters) @classmethod def from_token_and_callback(cls, token, callback=None, http_method=HTTP_METHOD, http_url=None, parameters=None): if not parameters: parameters = {} parameters['oauth_token'] = token.key if callback: parameters['oauth_callback'] = callback return cls(http_method, http_url, parameters) @staticmethod def _split_header(header): """Turn Authorization: header into parameters.""" params = {} parts = header.split(',') for param in parts: # Ignore realm parameter. if param.find('realm') > -1: continue # Remove whitespace. param = param.strip() # Split key-value. param_parts = param.split('=', 1) # Remove quotes and unescape the value. params[param_parts[0]] = urllib.unquote(param_parts[1].strip('\"')) return params @staticmethod def _split_url_string(param_str): """Turn URL string into parameters.""" parameters = parse_qs(param_str, keep_blank_values=False) for k, v in parameters.iteritems(): parameters[k] = urllib.unquote(v[0]) return parameters class Client(httplib2.Http): """OAuthClient is a worker to attempt to execute a request.""" def __init__(self, consumer, token=None, cache=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None): if consumer is not None and not isinstance(consumer, Consumer): raise ValueError("Invalid consumer.") if token is not None and not isinstance(token, Token): raise ValueError("Invalid token.") self.consumer = consumer self.token = token self.method = SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1() httplib2.Http.__init__(self, cache=cache, timeout=timeout, proxy_info=proxy_info) def set_signature_method(self, method): if not isinstance(method, SignatureMethod): raise ValueError("Invalid signature method.") self.method = method def request(self, uri, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None): DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if not isinstance(headers, dict): headers = {} is_multipart = method == 'POST' and headers.get('Content-Type', DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) != DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE if body and method == "POST" and not is_multipart: parameters = dict(parse_qsl(body)) else: parameters = None req = Request.from_consumer_and_token(self.consumer, token=self.token, http_method=method, http_url=uri, parameters=parameters) req.sign_request(self.method, self.consumer, self.token) if method == "POST": headers['Content-Type'] = headers.get('Content-Type', DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) if is_multipart: headers.update(req.to_header()) else: body = req.to_postdata() elif method == "GET": uri = req.to_url() else: headers.update(req.to_header()) return httplib2.Http.request(self, uri, method=method, body=body, headers=headers, redirections=redirections, connection_type=connection_type) class Server(object): """A skeletal implementation of a service provider, providing protected resources to requests from authorized consumers. This class implements the logic to check requests for authorization. You can use it with your web server or web framework to protect certain resources with OAuth. """ timestamp_threshold = 300 # In seconds, five minutes. version = VERSION signature_methods = None def __init__(self, signature_methods=None): self.signature_methods = signature_methods or {} def add_signature_method(self, signature_method): self.signature_methods[] = signature_method return self.signature_methods def verify_request(self, request, consumer, token): """Verifies an api call and checks all the parameters.""" version = self._get_version(request) self._check_signature(request, consumer, token) parameters = request.get_nonoauth_parameters() return parameters def build_authenticate_header(self, realm=''): """Optional support for the authenticate header.""" return {'WWW-Authenticate': 'OAuth realm="%s"' % realm} def _get_version(self, request): """Verify the correct version request for this server.""" try: version = request.get_parameter('oauth_version') except: version = VERSION if version and version != self.version: raise Error('OAuth version %s not supported.' % str(version)) return version def _get_signature_method(self, request): """Figure out the signature with some defaults.""" try: signature_method = request.get_parameter('oauth_signature_method') except: signature_method = SIGNATURE_METHOD try: # Get the signature method object. signature_method = self.signature_methods[signature_method] except: signature_method_names = ', '.join(self.signature_methods.keys()) raise Error('Signature method %s not supported try one of the following: %s' % (signature_method, signature_method_names)) return signature_method def _get_verifier(self, request): return request.get_parameter('oauth_verifier') def _check_signature(self, request, consumer, token): timestamp, nonce = request._get_timestamp_nonce() self._check_timestamp(timestamp) signature_method = self._get_signature_method(request) try: signature = request.get_parameter('oauth_signature') except: raise MissingSignature('Missing oauth_signature.') # Validate the signature. valid = signature_method.check(request, consumer, token, signature) if not valid: key, base = signature_method.signing_base(request, consumer, token) raise Error('Invalid signature. Expected signature base ' 'string: %s' % base) built = signature_method.sign(request, consumer, token) def _check_timestamp(self, timestamp): """Verify that timestamp is recentish.""" timestamp = int(timestamp) now = int(time.time()) lapsed = now - timestamp if lapsed > self.timestamp_threshold: raise Error('Expired timestamp: given %d and now %s has a ' 'greater difference than threshold %d' % (timestamp, now, self.timestamp_threshold)) class SignatureMethod(object): """A way of signing requests. The OAuth protocol lets consumers and service providers pick a way to sign requests. This interface shows the methods expected by the other `oauth` modules for signing requests. Subclass it and implement its methods to provide a new way to sign requests. """ def signing_base(self, request, consumer, token): """Calculates the string that needs to be signed. This method returns a 2-tuple containing the starting key for the signing and the message to be signed. The latter may be used in error messages to help clients debug their software. """ raise NotImplementedError def sign(self, request, consumer, token): """Returns the signature for the given request, based on the consumer and token also provided. You should use your implementation of `signing_base()` to build the message to sign. Otherwise it may be less useful for debugging. """ raise NotImplementedError def check(self, request, consumer, token, signature): """Returns whether the given signature is the correct signature for the given consumer and token signing the given request.""" built = self.sign(request, consumer, token) return built == signature class SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(SignatureMethod): name = 'HMAC-SHA1' def signing_base(self, request, consumer, token): if request.normalized_url is None: raise ValueError("Base URL for request is not set.") sig = ( escape(request.method), escape(request.normalized_url), escape(request.get_normalized_parameters()), ) key = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret) if token: key += escape(token.secret) raw = '&'.join(sig) return key, raw def sign(self, request, consumer, token): """Builds the base signature string.""" key, raw = self.signing_base(request, consumer, token) # HMAC object. try: from hashlib import sha1 as sha except ImportError: import sha # Deprecated hashed =, raw, sha) # Calculate the digest base 64. return binascii.b2a_base64(hashed.digest())[:-1] class SignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT(SignatureMethod): name = 'PLAINTEXT' def signing_base(self, request, consumer, token): """Concatenates the consumer key and secret with the token's secret.""" sig = '%s&' % escape(consumer.secret) if token: sig = sig + escape(token.secret) return sig, sig def sign(self, request, consumer, token): key, raw = self.signing_base(request, consumer, token) return raw
from toee import * import race_defs ################################################### def GetCategory(): return "Core 3.5 Ed Classes" print "Registering race: Troll" raceEnum = race_troll raceSpec = race_defs.RaceSpec() raceSpec.modifier_name = "Troll" # Python modifier to be applied raceSpec.flags = 2 raceSpec.hit_dice = dice_new("6d8") raceSpec.level_modifier = 5 # basic level modifier raceSpec.stat_modifiers = [12, 4, 12, -4, -2, -4] # str, dex, con, int, wis, cha raceSpec.natural_armor = 5 raceSpec.proto_id = 13016 raceSpec.help_topic = "TAG_TROLL" raceSpec.height_male = [100, 120] raceSpec.height_female = [100, 120] raceSpec.weight_male = [870, 1210] raceSpec.weight_female = [800, 1200] raceSpec.feats = [feat_simple_weapon_proficiency, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_all] raceSpec.material_offset = 0 # offset into rules/material_ext.mes file ################################################### def RegisterRace(): raceSpec.register(raceEnum) def GetFavoredClass(obj = OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): return stat_level_fighter def GetLevelModifier(obj = OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): return 5
#!/usr/bin/env python """Compiled modules may be out of date or missing""" import os, sys __author__ = "Peter Maxwell" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2012, The Cogent Project" __credits__ = ["Peter Maxwell"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1.5.3" __maintainer__ = "Peter Maxwell" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Production" class ExpectedImportError(ImportError): pass def fail(msg): print >>sys.stderr, msg raise ExpectedImportError def importVersionedModule(name, globals, min_version, alt_desc): if os.environ.has_key('COGENT_PURE_PYTHON'): fail('Not using compiled module "%s". Will use %s.' % (name, alt_desc)) try: m = __import__(name, globals) except ImportError: fail('Compiled module "%s" not found. Will use %s.' % (name, alt_desc)) version = getattr(m, 'version_info', (0, 0)) desc = '.'.join(str(n) for n in version) min_desc = '.'.join(str(n) for n in min_version) max_desc = str(min_version[0])+'.x' if version < min_version: fail('Compiled module "%s" is too old as %s < %s. ' 'Will use %s.' % (name, desc, min_desc, alt_desc)) if version[0] > min_version[0]: fail('Compiled module "%s" is too new as %s > %s. ' 'Will use %s.' % (name, desc, max_desc, alt_desc)) return m
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django import forms from blango.models import Comment from blango.jsforms import JSModelForm # This violates the DRY principe, but it's the only # way I found for editing staff comments from # the Django admin application class CommentForm(JSModelForm): author = forms.CharField(label=_('Name'), max_length=256) author_uri = forms.CharField(label=_('Website'), max_length=256, required=False) author_email = forms.EmailField(label=_('Email'), help_text=mark_safe('<span class="small">%s</span>' % _('(Won\'t be published)'))) class Meta: model = Comment fields = ('author', 'author_uri', 'author_email', 'body') def save(self, entry): self.instance.entry = entry super(CommentForm, self).save() def clean_author(self): author = self.cleaned_data['author'] try: User.objects.get(username=author) raise forms.ValidationError(_('This username belongs to a registered user')) except User.DoesNotExist: return author class UserCommentForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Comment fields = ('body', ) def save(self, entry): self.instance.user = self.user self.instance.entry = entry super(UserCommentForm, self).save(entry)
import os import file_util import html_util import hamming_util # table properties BORDER = 1 MIN_CELL_WIDTH = 36 MIN_CELL_HEIGHT = 16 # superclass for our two question types class hamming: def __init__(self,question_library_path,question_path): self.question_library_path = question_library_path self.question_path = question_path config = file_util.dynamic_import(os.path.join( question_library_path,question_path,'')) self.parity = config.parity self.code_word = list( hamming_util.generate_code_word(config.message,config.parity)) self.code_word_indexes = config.code_word_indexes def get_question_library_path(self): return self.question_library_path def get_question_path(self): return self.question_path def get_css(self,answer): return ('#hamming_table td { ' 'text-align:center;' 'width:%i; height:%i; }'%(MIN_CELL_WIDTH,MIN_CELL_HEIGHT) + html_util.make_css_borders(BORDER,'hamming_table')) class fill(hamming): def __init__(self,question_library_path,question_path): hamming.__init__(self,question_library_path,question_path) # replace code_word hotspots with None for i in self.code_word_indexes: self.code_word[i-1] = None def get_html(self,answer): # generate question description if self.parity == 0: parity_string = 'even' else: parity_string = 'odd' html = "<p>Fill in the bits for a valid Hamming code " + \ 'using <b>' + parity_string + '</b> parity:</p>' # generate a list of selects with bits specified by answer # bits = list of len(code_word) items where bits[i]: # code_word[i] if code_word[i] in [0,1] # a select box if code_word[i] is None indexes = range(1,len(self.code_word)+1) # one-relative bits = [] for i,bit in enumerate(self.code_word,1): if bit == None: name = 'bit_' + str(i) bit = html_util.get_select( name,['','0','1'],answer[name]) bits.append(bit) # generate table containing select lists html += '<center>' html += html_util.get_table([indexes,bits],'id="hamming_table"') html += '</center>' return html def get_input_element_ids(self): ids = [] for i,code in enumerate(self.code_word,1): if code == None: ids.append('bit_' + str(i)) return ids def check_answer(self,answer): # fill code_word with bits specified by answer new_code_word = '' for i,bit in enumerate(self.code_word,1): if bit == None: bit = answer['bit_' + str(i)] # every input must be binary if bit not in ['0','1']: return False new_code_word += bit # check correctness of new_code_word return hamming_util.check_code_word( new_code_word,self.parity) == 0 class find_error(hamming): def __init__(self,question_library_path,question_path): hamming.__init__(self,question_library_path,question_path) # flip bit specified by code_word_indexes if self.code_word[self.code_word_indexes-1] == '0': self.code_word[self.code_word_indexes-1] = '1' else: self.code_word[self.code_word_indexes-1] = '0' def get_html(self,answer): # generate question description if self.parity == 0: parity_string = 'even' else: parity_string = 'odd' html = '<p>Assume exactly one bit is incorrect.</p>' + \ 'Indicate the incorrect bit ' + \ 'using <b>' + parity_string + '</b> parity:' # generate list of radio buttons with # the bit specified by answer set indexes = range(1,len(self.code_word)+1) # one-relative radio_buttons = [] for i in indexes: is_set = answer['incorrect_bit'] == str(i) radio_buttons.append(html_util.get_radio_button( 'incorrect_bit',str(i),is_set)) # generate table containing radio buttons html += '<center>' html += html_util.get_table( [indexes,self.code_word,radio_buttons],'id="hamming_table"') html += '</center>' return html def get_input_element_ids(self): return ['incorrect_bit'] def check_answer(self,answer): if not (answer['incorrect_bit'] != None and answer['incorrect_bit'].isdigit()): return False code_word_string = '' for code in self.code_word: code_word_string += code return int(answer['incorrect_bit']) == \ hamming_util.check_code_word(code_word_string,self.parity)
#!/usr/bin/python ######################################################################################## #Script to filter out isoforms from peptide files in FASTA ENSEMBL or NCBI format. This #script can also add an easier to read species label to each sequence within the file. # #Sample ENSEMBL usage: python -i [input_fasta_file] -t ens -l [species_label] -o [output_filename] # #Sample NCBI usage: python -i [input_fasta_file] -t ncbi -g [toplevel_gff_file] -l [species_label] -o [output_filename] # #To just do the relabeling, set -f 0. You shouldn't need a gff file for the NCBI file in #this case. For NCBI relabeling, the gene ID is also moved to the front of the title line. # #Written by: Gregg Thomas, Summer 2014 # #NCBI filter command kindly provided by the folks at NCBI. # ######################################################################################## import sys, re, os, argparse sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/corelib/") import core ############################################ #Function definitions. def optParse(): #This function handles the command line options. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", dest="input_file", help="An input file containing peptides from a species in FASTA format"); parser.add_argument("-t", dest="file_type", help="Currently supported file types are ENSEMBL and NCBI peptide files. Enter as 'ens' or 'ncbi' here. Note: If file type is NCBI you will also need to specify the top level gff file with -g") parser.add_argument("-g", dest="gff_file", help="If file type is NCBI, the top level gff file is also needed and should be specified here."); parser.add_argument("-l", dest="spec_label", help="A species label to add to the gene ID of each sequence.", default=""); parser.add_argument("-o", dest="output_file", help="The desired name of the output file. If none is specified the default is [input_filename]_isofiltered.fa or [input_filename]_isofiltered_relabel.fa"); args = parser.parse_args(); if None in [args.input_file, args.file_type, args.output_file]: sys.exit(core.errorOut(1, "An input file (-i), input file type (-t), and an output file (-o) must all be specified")); if args.file_type not in ['ens', 'ncbi']: sys.exit(core.errorOut(2, "File type (-t) must be one of either 'ens' (Ensembl) or 'ncbi'")); if args.file_type == "ens" and args.gff_file != None: sys.exit(core.errorOut(3, "A gff file (-g) should not be specified with file type ens")); if args.file_type == "ncbi" and args.gff_file == None: sys.exit(core.errorOut(4, "A gff file (-g) must be specified with file type ncbi")); return args.input_file, args.file_type, args.gff_file, args.spec_label, args.output_file; ############################################ def ensFilter(inseqs, spec_label, outfilename): print "Indexing", len(inseqs), "sequences to be filtered."; print "Parsing identifiers..."; for title in inseqs: geneid = title[title.index("gene:") + 5:title.index("gene:") + 23]; if geneid in identDict: identDict[geneid].append((title, inseqs[title])); else: identDict[geneid] = []; identDict[geneid].append((title, inseqs[title])); sys.stderr.write('\b'); print "Filtering and writing sequences..."; numbars, donepercent, i = 0,[],0; for key in identDict: numbars, donepercent = core.loadingBar(i, len(identDict), donepercent, numbars); if len(identDict[key]) == 1: long_title, long_seq = identDict[key][0]; else: titlelist = []; seqlist = []; for tup in identDict[key]: cur_itle, cur_seq = tup; titlelist.append(cur_itle); seqlist.append(cur_seq); long_seq = max(seqlist, key=len) long_title = titlelist[seqlist.index(long_seq)]; new_title = ">" + spec_label + "_" + long_title[1:]; core.writeSeq(outfilename, long_seq, new_title); i += 1; pstring = "100.0% complete."; sys.stderr.write('\b' * len(pstring) + pstring); print "\nDone!"; print i, "sequences written."; print len(inseqs) - i, "sequences filtered."; ############################################ def ncbiFilter(inseqs, gff_file, spec_label, outfilename): numbars, donepercent, i = 0, [], 0; print "Obtaining longest isoforms from .gff file..."; cmd = "zcat " + gff_file + " | awk \'BEGIN{FS=\" \";OFS=\"|\"}$3==\"CDS\"{if($4<$5){print $5-$4+1,$9}else{print $4-$5+1,$9}}\' | grep \"[NX]P[_]\" | sed \'s/\([0-9]*\).*GeneID:\([0-9]*\).*\([NX]P[_][0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\\1|\\2|\\3/\' | awk \'BEGIN{FS=\"|\";OFS=\"\t\";gene=\"\";acc=\"\";len=0}{if(acc!=$3){print gene,acc,len/3-1;gene=$2;acc=$3;len=$1}else{len=len+$1}}END{print gene,acc,len/3-1}\' | sort -k1,1n -k3,3nr -k2,2 | awk \'BEGIN{FS=\" \";OFS=\" \";gene=\"\";acc=\"\";len=0}{if(gene!=$1){print $1,$2,$3};gene=$1;acc=$2;len=$3}\' > ncbi_isoform_filter_tmp11567.txt" os.system(cmd); tmpFile = open("ncbi_isoform_filter_tmp11567.txt", "r"); tmpLines = tmpFile.readlines(); tmpFile.close(); os.system("rm ncbi_isoform_filter_tmp11567.txt"); longest_isos = []; for each in tmpLines: longest_isos.append(each.split("\t")[1]); longest_isos = filter(None, longest_isos); print "Writing longest isoforms to output file..."; count = 0; for title in inseqs: numbars, donepercent = core.loadingBar(i, len(inseqs), donepercent, numbars); i += 1; found = 0; for gid in longest_isos: if gid in title: gid = title[title.index("P_")-1:title.index("|",title.index("P_"))] new_title = ">" + spec_label + "_" + gid + " |" + title[1:title.index("P_")-1] + title[title.index("|",title.index("P_"))+1:]; core.writeSeq(outfilename, inseqs[title], new_title); count += 1; break; pstring = "100.0% complete."; sys.stderr.write('\b' * len(pstring) + pstring); print "\nDone!"; print count, "sequences written."; print len(inseqs) - count, "sequences filtered."; ############################################ #Main Block ############################################ infilename, in_type, gff_file, label, outfilename = optParse(); pad = 50; print "======================================================================="; print "\t\t\t" + core.getDateTime(); print core.spacedOut("Filtering isoforms from:", pad), infilename; if in_type == "ens": print core.spacedOut("File type:", pad), "Ensembl"; if in_type == "ncbi": print core.spacedOut("File type:", pad), "NCBI"; print core.spacedOut("Using GFF file:", pad), gff_file; if in_type == "crow": print core.spacedOut("File type:", pad), "Crow"; if label != "": print core.spacedOut("Adding label to beginning of FASTA headers:", pad), label; print core.spacedOut("Writing output to:", pad), outfilename; core.filePrep(outfilename); print "--------------------------"; identDict = {}; ins, skip_flag = core.fastaReader(infilename); if in_type == "ens": ensFilter(ins, label, outfilename); elif in_type == "ncbi": ncbiFilter(ins, gff_file, label, outfilename); print "======================================================================="; ## DEFUNCT FILTER FOR THE CROW FILES # elif in_type == "crow": # crowFilter(ins, label, outfilename); # def crowFilter(inSeqs, filterflag, speclabel, outFilename): # rotator = 0; # numbars = 0; # donepercent = []; # i = 0; # if filterflag == 1: # print "Indexing", len(inSeqs), "sequences to be filtered."; # print "Parsing identifiers..."; # for each in inSeqs: # rotator = core.loadingRotator(i, rotator, 100) # curTitle, curSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, each[0], each[1], each[2], each[3]); # if "gene=" not in curTitle: # print curTitle; # continue; # geneid = curTitle[curTitle.index("gene=") + 5:].strip(); # if geneid in identDict: # identDict[geneid].append(each); # else: # identDict[geneid] = []; # identDict[geneid].append(each); # i = i + 1; # sys.stderr.write('\b'); # print "Filtering and writing sequences..."; # i = 0; # count = 0; # for key in identDict: # numbars, donepercent = core.loadingBar(i, len(identDict), donepercent, numbars); # if len(identDict[key]) == 1: # curTitle, curSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, identDict[key][0][0], identDict[key][0][1], identDict[key][0][2], identDict[key][0][3]); # if speclabel != "": # newTitle = ">" + speclabel + "_" + curTitle[1:]; # core.writeSeq(outFilename, curSeq, newTitle); # else: # core.writeSeq(outFilename, curSeq, curTitle); # count = count + 1; # else: # titlelist = []; # seqlist = []; # for inds in identDict[key]: # aTitle, aSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], inds[3]); # titlelist.append(aTitle); # seqlist.append(aSeq); # longseq = max(seqlist, key=len) # for inds in identDict[key]: # aTitle, aSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], inds[3]); # if aSeq == longseq: # curTitle, curSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, inds[0], inds[1], inds[2], inds[3]); # if speclabel != "": # newTitle = ">" + speclabel + "_" + curTitle[1:]; # core.writeSeq(outFilename, curSeq, newTitle); # else: # core.writeSeq(outFilename, curSeq, curTitle); # count = count + 1; # break; # i = i + 1; # pstring = "100.0% complete."; # sys.stderr.write('\b' * len(pstring) + pstring); # print "\nDone!"; # print count, "out of", len(identDict), "identifiers written."; # print len(inSeqs) - count, "sequences filtered."; # else: # print "Relabeling..."; # for seq in inSeqs: # numbars, donepercent = core.loadingBar(i, len(inSeqs), donepercent, numbars); # i = i + 1; # curTitle, curSeq = core.getFastafromInd(inFilename, seq[0], seq[1], seq[2], seq[3]); # newTitle = ">" + speclabel + "_" + curTitle[1:]; # core.writeSeq(outFilename, curSeq, newTitle); # pstring = "100.0% complete."; # sys.stderr.write('\b' * len(pstring) + pstring); # print "\nDone!";
#!/usr/bin/env python # Chris Riederer # Google, Inc # 2014-07-25 import test_detect import numpy as np import os import json import random import sys def makeNegativeSnippets(runData, number, snipPrefixTime=100000000, snipPostfixTime=500000000): return makeSnippets(runData, True, numberNegative=number, snipPrefixTime=snipPrefixTime, snipPostfixTime=snipPostfixTime) def makePositiveSnippets(runData, snipPrefixTime=100000000, snipPostfixTime=500000000): return makeSnippets(runData, False, snipPrefixTime=snipPrefixTime, snipPostfixTime=snipPostfixTime) def makeSnippets(runData, isNegative, numberNegative=None, snipPrefixTime=10000000, snipPostfixTime=100000000): """Given a runData file, makes smaller snippets of positive examples for training runData: the JSON object representation of a recording snipPrefixTime: the time, in NANOSECONDS, preceding the label time that we're putting in the snippet snipPrefixTime: the time, in NANOSECONDS, after the label time that we're putting in the snippet """ data = np.array(runData["magnetometer"]) data = data[data[:, 2:].any(1)] domain = data[:,0] if isNegative and len(runData['labels']) != 0: raise Exception("Length of labels should be 0 when generating negative examples") elif not isNegative and len(runData['labels']) == 0: raise Exception("Length of labels cannot be 0 when generating positive examples") elif isNegative: # generate start point for snippets, and ensure snippet is entirely in recorded data possibleStartPoints = domain[domain < domain[-1] - snipPostfixTime - snipPostfixTime] labels = [[labelTime, 1] for labelTime in random.sample(possibleStartPoints, numberNegative)] else: labels = runData['labels'] snippets = [] for index, (labelTime, label) in enumerate(labels): snippet = runData.copy() if isNegative: snippet['labels'] = [] else: snippet['labels'] = [[labelTime, label]] snippet['filename'] = "%s-%02d.json" % (runData['filename'].rsplit('.')[0], index) snippetIndices = (domain >= labelTime-snipPrefixTime) & (domain < labelTime+snipPostfixTime) snippet['magnetometer'] = list(map(list, data[snippetIndices, :])) # convert back to python list, so JSON can serialize snippets.append(snippet) return snippets def makeSnippet(runData, snipId, startTime, snipLength=600000000): data = np.array(runData["magnetometer"]) data = data[data[:, 2:].any(1)] domain = data[:,0] snippet = runData.copy() labels = [[labelTime, label] for labelTime, label in runData['labels'] if startTime < labelTime < startTime+snipLength] snippet['labels'] = labels # todo: filename snippet['filename'] = "%s-hn-%02d.json" % (runData['filename'].rsplit('.')[0], snipId) snippetIndices = (domain >= startTime) & (domain < startTime+snipLength) snippet['magnetometer'] = list(map(list, data[snippetIndices, :])) # convert back to python list, so JSON can serialize return snippet def findHardNegatives(runData, snipLength=600000000): """Find portions of a signal that are difficult for our detector to realize are negative""" # TODO: initially writing this just for negative runData files... should make it work with everything detector = test_detect.OriginalDetector() snippet = runData.copy() data = np.array(runData["magnetometer"]) data = data[data[:, 2:].any(1)] domain = data[:,0] min_cost = float('inf') for startTime in domain[(domain < domain[-1] - snipLength)]: snippetIndices = (domain >= startTime) & (domain < startTime+snipLength) snippet['magnetometer'] = list(map(list, data[snippetIndices, :])) # convert back to python list, so JSON can serialize snippet['labels'] = [] cost = detector.evaluateCost(snippet, True) if cost < min_cost: min_cost = cost worst_snip = snippet.copy() return worst_snip def createSnippetsFromRunDataList(runDataList): runDataList = test_detect.GetRunDataFromArgs(sys.argv[1:]) for runData in runDataList: snips = createSnippetsFromPlot(runData) for snip in snips: newFilename = os.path.join('relabeled', snip['filename']) with open(newFilename, 'w') as f: print newFilename json.dump(snip, f) def createSnippetsFromPlot(runData, inputLabels=[], snipLength=600000000): """This creates a plot from runData. When the user clicks on the plot, a snippet of length snipLength nanoseconds is created and plotted. The user can repeat this process as many times as he or she likes. When the user closes the original plot, the list of the created snippets is returned. """ snippets = [] def onclick(event): startTime = event.xdata print "Start time of snippet: %16d" % int(startTime) snipId = len(snippets) snip = makeSnippet(runData, snipId, startTime, snipLength=snipLength) snippets.append(snip) # add to snippets test_detect.PlotData(snip) # plot new snip test_detect.PlotData(runData, inputLabels=inputLabels) fig = cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) return snippets if __name__ == '__main__': runDataList = test_detect.GetRunDataFromArgs(sys.argv[1:]) createSnippetsFromRunDataList(runDataList) # print sum([len(runData['labels']) for runData in runDataList])
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright 2017 Long Qian Contact: This script creates tags for your Jekyll blog hosted by Github page. No plugins required. ''' import glob import os import re post_dir = '_posts/' tag_dir = 'tag/' filenames = glob.glob(post_dir + '*') total_tags = [] for filename in filenames: f = open(filename, 'r') crawl = False for line in f: if crawl: current_tags = line.strip().split() if current_tags[0] == 'tags:': total_tags.extend(current_tags[1:]) crawl = False break if line.strip() == '---': if not crawl: crawl = True else: crawl = False break f.close() total_tags = set(total_tags) old_tags = glob.glob(tag_dir + '*.md') for tag in old_tags: os.remove(tag) for tag in total_tags: sTag = re.sub("^\.", "", tag) tag_filename = tag_dir + sTag.lower().replace('.', '-') + '.md' f = open(tag_filename, 'a') write_str = '---\nlayout: tagpage\ntitle: \"Tag: ' + tag + '\"\ntag: ' + tag + '\nrobots: noindex\nexclude_from_search: true\ntagline: \'"Creative Active Individuals can only grow up in a society that emphasizes learning instead of teaching." - Chris Alexander\'\n---\n' f.write(write_str) f.close() print("Tags generated, count", total_tags.__len__())
# Copyright (c) 2013 Calin Crisan # This file is part of motionEye. # # motionEye is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import fcntl import logging import os.path import re import stat import subprocess import time import utils _resolutions_cache = {} _ctrls_cache = {} _ctrl_values_cache = {} _DEV_V4L_BY_ID = '/dev/v4l/by-id/' def find_v4l2_ctl(): try: return subprocess.check_output('which v4l2-ctl', shell=True).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # not found return None def list_devices(): global _resolutions_cache, _ctrls_cache, _ctrl_values_cache logging.debug('listing v4l2 devices...') try: output = '' started = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen('v4l2-ctl --list-devices 2>/dev/null', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) fd = p.stdout.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: data = if not data: break except IOError: data = '' time.sleep(0.01) output += data if len(output) > 10240: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command returned more than 10k of output') break if time.time() - started > 3: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command ran for more than 3 seconds') break except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.debug('failed to list devices (probably no devices installed)') return [] try: # try to kill the v4l2-ctl subprocess p.kill() except: pass # nevermind name = None devices = [] for line in output.split('\n'): if line.startswith('\t'): device = line.strip() persistent_device = find_persistent_device(device) devices.append((device, persistent_device, name)) logging.debug('found device %(name)s: %(device)s, %(persistent_device)s' % { 'name': name, 'device': device, 'persistent_device': persistent_device}) else: name = line.split('(')[0].strip() # clear the cache _resolutions_cache = {} _ctrls_cache = {} _ctrl_values_cache = {} return devices def list_resolutions(device): global _resolutions_cache device = utils.make_str(device) if device in _resolutions_cache: return _resolutions_cache[device] logging.debug('listing resolutions of device %(device)s...' % {'device': device}) resolutions = set() output = '' started = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen('v4l2-ctl -d "%(device)s" --list-formats-ext | grep -vi stepwise | grep -oE "[0-9]+x[0-9]+" || true' % { 'device': device}, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) fd = p.stdout.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: data = if not data: break except IOError: data = '' time.sleep(0.01) output += data if len(output) > 10240: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command returned more than 10k of output') break if time.time() - started > 3: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command ran for more than 3 seconds') break try: # try to kill the v4l2-ctl subprocess p.kill() except: pass # nevermind for pair in output.split('\n'): pair = pair.strip() if not pair: continue width, height = pair.split('x') width = int(width) height = int(height) if (width, height) in resolutions: continue # duplicate resolution if width < 96 or height < 96: # some reasonable minimal values continue if width % 16 or height % 16: # ignore non-modulo 16 resolutions continue resolutions.add((width, height)) logging.debug('found resolution %(width)sx%(height)s for device %(device)s' % { 'device': device, 'width': width, 'height': height}) if not resolutions: logging.debug('no resolutions found for device %(device)s, using common values' % {'device': device}) # no resolution returned by v4l2-ctl call, add common default resolutions resolutions = utils.COMMON_RESOLUTIONS resolutions = list(sorted(resolutions, key=lambda r: (r[0], r[1]))) _resolutions_cache[device] = resolutions return resolutions def device_present(device): device = utils.make_str(device) try: st = os.stat(device) return stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) except: return False def find_persistent_device(device): device = utils.make_str(device) try: devs_by_id = os.listdir(_DEV_V4L_BY_ID) except OSError: return device for p in devs_by_id: p = os.path.join(_DEV_V4L_BY_ID, p) if os.path.realpath(p) == device: return p return device def get_brightness(device): return _get_ctrl(device, 'brightness') def set_brightness(device, value): _set_ctrl(device, 'brightness', value) def get_contrast(device): return _get_ctrl(device, 'contrast') def set_contrast(device, value): _set_ctrl(device, 'contrast', value) def get_saturation(device): return _get_ctrl(device, 'saturation') def set_saturation(device, value): _set_ctrl(device, 'saturation', value) def get_hue(device): return _get_ctrl(device, 'hue') def set_hue(device, value): _set_ctrl(device, 'hue', value) def _get_ctrl(device, control): global _ctrl_values_cache device = utils.make_str(device) if not device_present(device): return None if device in _ctrl_values_cache and control in _ctrl_values_cache[device]: return _ctrl_values_cache[device][control] controls = _list_ctrls(device) properties = controls.get(control) if properties is None: logging.warn('control %(control)s not found for device %(device)s' % { 'control': control, 'device': device}) return None value = int(properties['value']) # adjust the value range if 'min' in properties and 'max' in properties: min_value = int(properties['min']) max_value = int(properties['max']) value = int(round((value - min_value) * 100.0 / (max_value - min_value))) else: logging.warn('min and max values not found for control %(control)s of device %(device)s' % { 'control': control, 'device': device}) logging.debug('control %(control)s of device %(device)s is %(value)s%%' % { 'control': control, 'device': device, 'value': value}) return value def _set_ctrl(device, control, value): global _ctrl_values_cache device = utils.make_str(device) if not device_present(device): return controls = _list_ctrls(device) properties = controls.get(control) if properties is None: logging.warn('control %(control)s not found for device %(device)s' % { 'control': control, 'device': device}) return _ctrl_values_cache.setdefault(device, {})[control] = value # adjust the value range if 'min' in properties and 'max' in properties: min_value = int(properties['min']) max_value = int(properties['max']) value = int(round(min_value + value * (max_value - min_value) / 100.0)) else: logging.warn('min and max values not found for control %(control)s of device %(device)s' % { 'control': control, 'device': device}) logging.debug('setting control %(control)s of device %(device)s to %(value)s' % { 'control': control, 'device': device, 'value': value}) output = '' started = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen('v4l2-ctl -d "%(device)s" --set-ctrl %(control)s=%(value)s' % { 'device': device, 'control': control, 'value': value}, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) fd = p.stdout.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: data = if not data: break except IOError: data = '' time.sleep(0.01) output += data if len(output) > 10240: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command returned more than 10k of output') break if time.time() - started > 3: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command ran for more than 3 seconds') break try: # try to kill the v4l2-ctl subprocess p.kill() except: pass # nevermind def _list_ctrls(device): global _ctrls_cache device = utils.make_str(device) if device in _ctrls_cache: return _ctrls_cache[device] output = '' started = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen('v4l2-ctl -d "%(device)s" --list-ctrls' % { 'device': device}, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1) fd = p.stdout.fileno() fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: data = if not data: break except IOError: data = '' time.sleep(0.01) output += data if len(output) > 10240: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command returned more than 10k of output') break if time.time() - started > 3: logging.warn('v4l2-ctl command ran for more than 3 seconds') break try: # try to kill the v4l2-ctl subprocess p.kill() except: pass # nevermind controls = {} for line in output.split('\n'): if not line: continue match = re.match('^\s*(\w+)\s+\(\w+\)\s+\:\s*(.+)', line) if not match: continue (control, properties) = match.groups() properties = dict([v.split('=', 1) for v in properties.split(' ') if v.count('=')]) controls[control] = properties _ctrls_cache[device] = controls return controls
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab ai """Test class for Host Collection CLI""" from ddt import ddt from fauxfactory import gen_string from robottelo.cli.contentview import ContentView from robottelo.cli.lifecycleenvironment import LifecycleEnvironment from robottelo.cli.factory import ( CLIFactoryError, make_org, make_host_collection, make_content_view, make_lifecycle_environment, make_content_host) from robottelo.cli.hostcollection import HostCollection from robottelo.common.decorators import data, skip_if_bug_open from robottelo.test import CLITestCase @ddt class TestHostCollection(CLITestCase): """Host Collection CLI tests.""" org = None new_cv = None promoted_cv = None new_lifecycle = None library = None default_cv = None def setUp(self): # noqa """Tests for Host Collections via Hammer CLI""" super(TestHostCollection, self).setUp() if is None: = make_org(cached=True) if TestHostCollection.new_lifecycle is None: TestHostCollection.new_lifecycle = make_lifecycle_environment( {u'organization-id':['id']}, cached=True) if TestHostCollection.library is None: library_result = {u'organization-id':['id'], u'name': u'Library'} ) TestHostCollection.library = library_result.stdout if TestHostCollection.default_cv is None: cv_result = {u'organization-id':['id'], u'name': u'Default Organization View'} ) TestHostCollection.default_cv = cv_result.stdout if TestHostCollection.new_cv is None: TestHostCollection.new_cv = make_content_view( {u'organization-id':['id']} ) TestHostCollection.promoted_cv = None cv_id = TestHostCollection.new_cv['id'] ContentView.publish({u'id': cv_id}) result = ContentView.version_list({u'content-view-id': cv_id}) version_id = result.stdout[0]['id'] promotion = ContentView.version_promote({ u'id': version_id, u'to-lifecycle-environment-id': ( TestHostCollection.new_lifecycle['id']), u'organization-id':['id'] }) if promotion.stderr == []: TestHostCollection.promoted_cv = TestHostCollection.new_cv def _new_host_collection(self, options=None): """Make a host collection and asserts its success""" if options is None: options = {} if not options.get('organization-id', None): options['organization-id'] =['id'] group = make_host_collection(options) # Fetch it result = { 'id': group['id'] } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not found") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Return the host collection dictionary return group @data( {'name': gen_string('alpha', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('alphanumeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('numeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('latin1', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('utf8', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('html', 15)}, ) def test_positive_create_1(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection can be created with random names @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and has random name """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection({'name': test_data['name']}) # Assert that name matches data passed self.assertEqual( new_host_col['name'], test_data['name'], "Names don't match" ) @data( {'description': gen_string('alpha', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('alphanumeric', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('numeric', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('latin1', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('utf8', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('html', 15)}, ) def test_positive_create_2(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection can be created with random description @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and has random description """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection( {'description': test_data['description']}) # Assert that description matches data passed self.assertEqual( new_host_col['description'], test_data['description'], "Descriptions don't match" ) @data('1', '3', '5', '10', '20') def test_positive_create_3(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection can be created with random limits @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and has random limits """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection( {'max-content-hosts': test_data}) # Assert that limit matches data passed self.assertEqual( new_host_col['max-content-hosts'], str(test_data), ("Limits don't match '%s' != '%s'" % (new_host_col['max-content-hosts'], str(test_data))) ) @data( {'name': gen_string('alpha', 300)}, {'name': gen_string('alphanumeric', 300)}, {'name': gen_string('numeric', 300)}, {'name': gen_string('latin1', 300)}, {'name': gen_string('utf8', 300)}, {'name': gen_string('html', 300)}, ) def test_negative_create_1(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection can be created with random names @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and has random name """ with self.assertRaises(Exception): self._new_host_collection({'name': test_data['name']}) @data( {'name': gen_string('alpha', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('alphanumeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('numeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('latin1', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('utf8', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('html', 15)}, ) def test_positive_update_1(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection name can be updated @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and name is updated """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection() # Assert that name does not matches data passed self.assertNotEqual( new_host_col['name'], test_data['name'], "Names should not match" ) # Update host collection result = HostCollection.update( { 'id': new_host_col['id'], 'organization-id':['id'], 'name': test_data['name'] } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Fetch it result = { 'id': new_host_col['id'], } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Assert that name matches new value self.assertIsNotNone( result.stdout.get('name', None), "The name field was not returned" ) self.assertEqual( result.stdout['name'], test_data['name'], "Names should match" ) # Assert that name does not match original value self.assertNotEqual( new_host_col['name'], result.stdout['name'], "Names should not match" ) @skip_if_bug_open('bugzilla', 1171669) @data( {'description': gen_string('alpha', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('alphanumeric', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('numeric', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('latin1', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('utf8', 15)}, {'description': gen_string('html', 15)}, ) def test_positive_update_2(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection description can be updated @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and description is updated @BZ: 1171669 """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection() # Assert that description does not match data passed self.assertNotEqual( new_host_col['description'], test_data['description'], "Descriptions should not match" ) # Update sync plan result = HostCollection.update( { 'id': new_host_col['id'], 'organization-id':['id'], 'description': test_data['description'] } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Fetch it result = { 'id': new_host_col['id'], } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Assert that description matches new value self.assertIsNotNone( result.stdout.get('description', None), "The description field was not returned" ) self.assertEqual( result.stdout['description'], test_data['description'], "Descriptions should match" ) # Assert that description does not matches original value self.assertNotEqual( new_host_col['description'], result.stdout['description'], "Descriptions should not match" ) @skip_if_bug_open('bugzilla', 1171669) @data('3', '6', '9', '12', '15', '17', '19') def test_positive_update_3(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection limits be updated @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection limits is updated @BZ: 1171669 """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection() # Update sync interval result = HostCollection.update( { 'id': new_host_col['id'], 'organization-id':['id'], 'max-content-hosts': test_data } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Fetch it result = { 'id': new_host_col['id'], } ) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not updated") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Assert that limit was updated self.assertEqual( result.stdout['max-content-hosts'], test_data, "Limits don't match" ) self.assertNotEqual( new_host_col['max-content-hosts'], result.stdout['max-content-hosts'], "Limits don't match" ) @data( {'name': gen_string('alpha', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('alphanumeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('numeric', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('latin1', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('utf8', 15)}, {'name': gen_string('html', 15)}, ) def test_positive_delete_1(self, test_data): """@Test: Check if host collection can be created and deleted @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and then deleted """ new_host_col = self._new_host_collection({'name': test_data['name']}) # Assert that name matches data passed self.assertEqual( new_host_col['name'], test_data['name'], "Names don't match" ) # Delete it result = HostCollection.delete( {'id': new_host_col['id'], 'organization-id':['id']}) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection was not deleted") self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") # Fetch it result = { 'id': new_host_col['id'], } ) self.assertNotEqual( result.return_code, 0, "Host collection should not be found" ) self.assertGreater( len(result.stderr), 0, "Expected an error here" ) def test_add_content_host(self): """@Test: Check if content host can be added to host collection @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and content-host is added """ host_col_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) content_host_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) try: new_host_col = self._new_host_collection({'name': host_col_name}) new_system = make_content_host({ u'name': content_host_name, u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-view-id': self.default_cv['id'], u'lifecycle-environment-id': self.library['id'], }) except CLIFactoryError as err: result ={ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'] }) no_of_content_host = result.stdout['total-content-hosts'] result = HostCollection.add_content_host({ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-host-ids': new_system['id'] }) self.assertEqual(result.return_code, 0, "Content Host not added to host collection") self.assertEqual(len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") result ={ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'] }) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, 'Failed to get info for host collection') self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, 'There should not be an error here') self.assertGreater(result.stdout['total-content-hosts'], no_of_content_host, "There should not be an exception here") def test_remove_content_host(self): """@Test: Check if content host can be removed from host collection @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Host collection is created and content-host is removed """ host_col_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) content_host_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) try: new_host_col = self._new_host_collection({'name': host_col_name}) new_system = make_content_host({ u'name': content_host_name, u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-view-id': self.default_cv['id'], u'lifecycle-environment-id': self.library['id'], }) except CLIFactoryError as err: result = HostCollection.add_content_host({ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-host-ids': new_system['id'] }) self.assertEqual(result.return_code, 0, "Content Host not added to host collection") self.assertEqual(len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") result ={ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'] }) no_of_content_host = result.stdout['total-content-hosts'] result = HostCollection.remove_content_host({ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-host-ids': new_system['id'] }) self.assertEqual(result.return_code, 0, "Content Host not removed host collection") self.assertEqual(len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") result ={ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'] }) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, 'Failed to get info for host collection') self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, 'There should not be an error here') self.assertGreater(no_of_content_host, result.stdout['total-content-hosts'], "There should not be an exception here") def test_content_hosts(self): """@Test: Check if content hosts added to host collection is listed @Feature: Host Collection @Assert: Content-host added to host-collection is listed """ host_col_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) content_host_name = gen_string('alpha', 15) try: new_host_col = self._new_host_collection({'name': host_col_name}) new_system = make_content_host({ u'name': content_host_name, u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-view-id': self.default_cv['id'], u'lifecycle-environment-id': self.library['id'], }) except CLIFactoryError as err: no_of_content_host = new_host_col['total-content-hosts'] result = HostCollection.add_content_host({ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'], u'content-host-ids': new_system['id'] }) self.assertEqual(result.return_code, 0, "Content Host not added to host collection") self.assertEqual(len(result.stderr), 0, "No error was expected") result ={ u'id': new_host_col['id'], u'organization-id':['id'] }) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, 'Failed to get info for host collection') self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, 'There should not be an error here') self.assertGreater(result.stdout['total-content-hosts'], no_of_content_host, "There should not be an exception here") result = HostCollection.content_hosts({ u'name': host_col_name, u'organization-id':['id'] }) self.assertEqual( result.return_code, 0, 'Failed to get list of content-host') self.assertEqual( len(result.stderr), 0, 'There should not be an error here') self.assertEqual( new_system['id'], result.stdout[0]['id'], 'There should not be an error here')
from import Contact import random import string import os.path import jsonpickle import getopt import sys try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "n:f:", ["number of contacts", 'file']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: getopt.usage() sys.exit(2) n = 5 f = "data/contacts.json" for o, a in opts: if o == "-n": n = int(a) elif o == "-f": f = a def random_string(prefix, maxlen): symbols = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + " "*10 return prefix + "".join(random.choice(symbols) for i in range(random.randrange(maxlen))) def random_phone(maxlen): symbols = string.digits return "".join(random.choice(symbols) for i in range(random.randrange(maxlen))) def random_email(maxlen_username, maxlen_domain): symbols = string.ascii_letters username = "".join(random.choice(symbols) for i in range(random.randrange(maxlen_username))) domain = "".join(random.choice(symbols) for i in range(random.randrange(maxlen_domain))) + "." + "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(random.randrange(4))) return username + "@" + domain testdata = [Contact(firstname="", lastname="", address="", homephone="", mobile="", workphone="", email="", email2="", email3="", phone2="")] + [Contact(firstname = random_string("FN", 10), lastname=random_string("LN", 10), address=random_string("address", 20), homephone=random_phone(10), mobile=random_phone(10), workphone=random_phone(10), email=random_email(15,5), email2=random_email(15,5), email3=random_email(15,5), phone2=random_phone(10)) for i in range(5)] file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", f) with open(file, "w") as out: jsonpickle.set_encoder_options("json", indent = 2) out.write(jsonpickle.encode(testdata))
# # Copyright (c) 2014 # Yoshitaro Makise # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import unittest sys.path.append('..') from pygments_parser import * class GlobalTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_langmap(self): langmap = parse_langmap('Ruby:.rb,') self.assertEqual(langmap, {'.rb': 'Ruby', '.cc': 'C++', '.hh': 'C++'}) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (c) 2012 dput authors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. """ Uploader implementation. The code in here surrounds the uploaders' implementations, and properly invokes the uploader with correct arguments, etc. """ import os import abc import sys import tempfile import shutil from contextlib import contextmanager import dput.profile from dput.changes import parse_changes_file from dput.core import logger, _write_upload_log from dput.hook import run_pre_hooks, run_post_hooks from dput.util import (run_command, get_obj) from dput.overrides import (make_delayed_upload, force_passive_ftp_upload) from dput.exceptions import (DputConfigurationError, DputError, UploadException) class AbstractUploader(object): """ Abstract base class for all concrete uploader implementations. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, profile): self._config = profile interface = 'cli' if 'interface' in profile: interface = profile['interface'] logger.trace("Using interface %s" % (interface)) interface_obj = get_obj('interfaces', interface) if interface_obj is None: raise DputConfigurationError("No such interface: `%s'" % ( interface )) self.interface = interface_obj() self.interface.initialize() def _pre_hook(self): self._run_hook("pre_upload_command") def _post_hook(self): self._run_hook("post_upload_command") def _run_hook(self, hook): if hook in self._config and self._config[hook] != "": cmd = self._config[hook] (output, stderr, ret) = run_command(cmd) if ret == -1: if not os.path.exists(cmd): logger.warning( "Error: You've set a hook (%s) to run (`%s`), " "but it can't be found (and doesn't appear to exist)." " Please verify the path and correct it." % ( hook, self._config[hook] ) ) return sys.stdout.write(output) # XXX: Fixme sys.stdout.flush() if ret != 0: raise DputError( "Command `%s' returned an error: %s [err=%d]" % ( self._config[hook], stderr, ret ) ) def __del__(self): self.interface.shutdown() def upload_write_error(self, e): """ .. warning:: don't call this. please don't call this """ # XXX: Refactor this, please god, refactor this. logger.warning("""Upload permissions error You either don't have the rights to upload a file, or, if this is on ftp-master, you may have tried to overwrite a file already on the server. Continuing anyway in case you want to recover from an incomplete upload. No file was uploaded, however.""") @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, **kwargs): """ Setup the things needed to upload a file. Usually this means creating a network connection & authenticating. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def upload_file(self, filename, upload_filename=None): """ Upload a single file (``filename``) to the server. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def shutdown(self): """ Disconnect and shutdown. """ pass @contextmanager def uploader(uploader_method, profile, simulate=True): """ Context-managed uploader implementation. Invoke sorta like:: with uploader() as obj: obj.upload_file('filename') This will automatically call that object's :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.initialize`, pre-hook, yield the object, call the post hook and invoke it's :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.shutdown`. """ cls = get_obj('uploaders', uploader_method) if not cls: logger.error( "Failed to resolve method %s to an uploader class" % ( uploader_method ) ) raise DputConfigurationError( "Failed to resolve method %s to an uploader class" % ( uploader_method ) ) obj = cls(profile) if not simulate or simulate >= 2: obj.initialize() obj._pre_hook() try: yield obj finally: if not simulate: obj._post_hook() if not simulate or simulate >= 2: obj.shutdown() def determine_logfile(changes, conf, args): """ Figure out what logfile to write to. This is mostly an internal implementation. Returns the file to log to, given a changes and profile. """ # dak requires '<package>_<version>_<[a-zA-Z0-9+-]+>.changes' # XXX: Correct --force behavior logfile = changes.get_changes_file() # XXX: Check for existing one xtns = [".changes", ".dud"] for xtn in xtns: if logfile.endswith(xtn): logfile = "%s.%s.upload" % (logfile[:-len(xtn)], conf['name']) break else: raise UploadException("File %s does not look like a .changes file" % ( changes.get_filename() )) if ( os.access(logfile, os.R_OK) and os.stat(logfile).st_size > 0 and not args.force ): raise UploadException("""Package %s was already uploaded to %s If you want to upload nonetheless, use --force or remove %s""" % ( changes.get_package_name(), conf['name'], logfile )) logger.debug("Writing log to %s" % (logfile)) return logfile def should_write_logfile(args): return not args.simulate and not args.check_only and not args.no_upload_log def check_modules(profile): if 'hooks' in profile: for hook in profile['hooks']: obj = get_obj('hooks', hook) if obj is None: raise DputConfigurationError( "Error: no such hook '%s'" % ( hook ) ) class DputNamespace(dict): def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key] def __setattr__(self, key, val): self[key] = val def invoke_dput_simple(changes, host, **kwargs): changes = parse_changes_file(changes, os.path.dirname(changes)) # XXX: Abspath??? config = { "host": host, "debug": False, "config": None, "force": False, "simulate": False, "check_only": None, "no_upload_log": None, "full_upload_log": None, "delayed": None, "passive": None, } config.update(kwargs) config = DputNamespace(config) return invoke_dput(changes, config) def invoke_dput(changes, args): """ .. warning:: This method may change names. Please use it via :func:`dput.upload`. also, please don't depend on args, that's likely to change shortly. Given a changes file ``changes``, and arguments to dput ``args``, upload a package to the archive that makes sense. """ profile = dput.profile.load_profile( check_modules(profile) fqdn = None if "fqdn" in profile: fqdn = profile['fqdn'] else: fqdn = profile['name'] logfile = determine_logfile(changes, profile, args) tmp_logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() if should_write_logfile(args): full_upload_log = profile["full_upload_log"] if args.full_upload_log: full_upload_log = args.full_upload_log _write_upload_log(, full_upload_log) if "unchecked" in args and args.unchecked: profile['allow_unsigned_uploads'] = True if args.delayed is not None: make_delayed_upload(profile, args.delayed) if args.simulate: logger.warning("Not uploading for real - dry run") if args.passive: force_passive_ftp_upload(profile)"Uploading %s using %s to %s (host: %s; directory: %s)" % ( changes.get_package_name(), profile['method'], profile['name'], fqdn, profile['incoming'] )) if changes.get_changes_file().endswith(".changes"): if 'hooks' in profile: run_pre_hooks(changes, profile) else: logger.trace(profile) logger.warning("No hooks defined in the profile. " "Not checking upload.") # check only is a special case of -s if args.check_only: args.simulate = 1 with uploader(profile['method'], profile, simulate=args.simulate) as obj: if args.check_only:"Package %s passes all checks" % ( changes.get_package_name() )) return if args.no_upload_log:"Not writing upload log upon request") files = changes.get_files() + [changes.get_changes_file()] for path in files:"Uploading %s%s" % ( os.path.basename(path), " (simulation)" if args.simulate else "" )) if not args.simulate: obj.upload_file(path) if args.simulate: return if changes.get_changes_file().endswith(".changes"): if 'hooks' in profile: run_post_hooks(changes, profile) else: logger.trace(profile) logger.warning("No hooks defined in the profile. " "Not post-processing upload.") if should_write_logfile(args): tmp_logfile.flush() shutil.copy(, logfile) #print( tmp_logfile.close()
# Copyright 2016 Raytheon BBN Technologies # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # import numpy as np class HallProbe(object): """Simple wrapper for converting Hall probe voltage measurements to actual fields values.""" def __init__(self, calibration_file, supply_voltage_method, readout_voltage_method): super(HallProbe, self).__init__() = "Lakeshore Hall Probe" with open(calibration_file) as cf: lines = [l for l in cf.readlines() if l[0] != '#'] if len(lines) != 2: raise Exception("Invalid Hall probe calibration file, must contain two lines.") try: self.output_voltage = float(lines[0]) except: raise TypeError("Could not convert output voltage to floating point value.") try: poly_coeffs = np.array(lines[1].split(), dtype=np.float) self.field_vs_voltage = np.poly1d(poly_coeffs) except: raise TypeError("Could not convert calibration coefficients into list of floats") self.getter = readout_voltage_method self.setter = supply_voltage_method self.setter(self.output_voltage) @property def field(self): return self.get_field() def get_field(self): return self.field_vs_voltage( self.getter() ) def __repr__(self): name = "Mystery Instrument" if == "" else return "{} @ {}".format(name, self.resource_name)
""" URLConf for Django user registration and authentication. If the default behavior of the registration views is acceptable to you, simply use a line like this in your root URLConf to set up the default URLs for registration:: (r'^accounts/', include('registration.urls')), This will also automatically set up the views in ``django.contrib.auth`` at sensible default locations. But if you'd like to customize the behavior (e.g., by passing extra arguments to the various views) or split up the URLs, feel free to set up your own URL patterns for these views instead. If you do, it's a good idea to use the names ``registration_activate``, ``registration_complete`` and ``registration_register`` for the various steps of the user-signup process. """ import functools from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views from registration.views import activate from registration.views import register from registration.forms import RegistrationFormUniqueEmailWithCaptcha # register2 is register with the form_class given register2 = functools.partial(register, form_class = RegistrationFormUniqueEmailWithCaptcha) urlpatterns = patterns('', # Activation keys get matched by \w+ instead of the more specific # [a-fA-F0-9]{40} because a bad activation key should still get to the view; # that way it can return a sensible "invalid key" message instead of a # confusing 404. url(r'^activate/(?P<activation_key>\w+)/$', activate, name='registration_activate'), url(r'^login/$', auth_views.login, {'template_name': 'registration/login.html'}, name='auth_login'), url(r'^logout/$', auth_views.logout, name='auth_logout'), url(r'^password/change/$', auth_views.password_change, name='auth_password_change'), url(r'^password/change/done/$', auth_views.password_change_done, name='auth_password_change_done'), url(r'^password/reset/$', auth_views.password_reset, name='auth_password_reset'), url(r'^password/reset/confirm/(?P<uidb36>.+)/(?P<token>.+)/$', auth_views.password_reset_confirm, name='auth_password_reset_confirm'), url(r'^password/reset/complete/$', auth_views.password_reset_complete, name='auth_password_reset_complete'), url(r'^password/reset/done/$', auth_views.password_reset_done, name='auth_password_reset_done'), url(r'^register/$', register2, name='registration_register'), url(r'^register/complete/$', direct_to_template, {'template': 'registration/registration_complete.html'}, name='registration_complete'), )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 France-IOI, MIT license # # # This tool imports solutions and test cases from a zip file. import os, subprocess, sys, zipfile SELFDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) CFG_TESTSELECT = os.path.join(SELFDIR, '') CFG_LANGEXTS = { '.c': 'c', '.cpp': 'cpp', '.py': 'python', '.py2': 'python2', '.py3': 'python3', '.ml': 'ocaml', '.java': 'java', '.js': 'nodejs', '.jvs': 'javascool', '.pas': 'pascal', '.sh': 'shell', '': 'sh' } def unzip(zipFile, testsPath, solsPath): """Unzip a zip export into testsPath and solsPath.""" newTests = [] newSols = [] # Explore list of files in the zip archive for name in zipFile.namelist(): folder, filename = os.path.split(name) if folder: # Rename a/b/c.ext to b-c.ext newFilename = '%s-%s' % (os.path.split(folder)[1], filename) else: newFilename = filename r, ext = os.path.splitext(newFilename) # Check type of file from extension if ext == '.in': newTestPath = os.path.join(testsPath, newFilename) newTests.append(newTestPath) newFile = open(newTestPath, 'wb') elif ext in ['.c', '.cpp', '.py', '.py2', '.py3', '.ml', '.pas', '.js', '.java', '.jvs', '.sh']: newSolPath = os.path.join(solsPath, newFilename) newSols.append(newSolPath) newFile = open(newSolPath, 'wb') else: # Not a test nor solution continue # Extract file directly to target path newFile.write( newFile.close() return (newTests, newSols) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Please specify a zip file to import.") sys.exit(1) if not (os.path.isfile('taskSettings.json') or os.path.isfile('testSelect.json') or os.path.isdir('tests')): print("Current folder isn't a task. Aborting.") sys.exit(1) try: zipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1]) except: print("Unable to open zip file '%s'." % sys.argv[1]) sys.exit(1) # Paths to store the tests and solutions in testsPath = 'tests/importedtests/' solsPath = 'tests/importedsols/' try: os.makedirs(testsPath) except: pass try: os.makedirs(solsPath) except: pass print("*** Extracting files from zip...") newTests, newSols = unzip(zipFile, testsPath, solsPath) print("Extracted %d test cases, %d solutions." % (len(newTests), len(newSols))) # Import into testSelect print("\n*** Importing into testSelect...") if len(newTests) > 0: subprocess.check_call([CFG_TESTSELECT, 'addtest'] + newTests) if len(newSols) > 0: # Fetch language for each solution # We optimize the number of calls to testSelect by grouping solutions for each language solLangs = {} for sol in newSols: r, ext = os.path.splitext(sol) try: lang = CFG_LANGEXTS[ext] except: print(""" Warning: Couldn't detect language for `%s`. Please import manually with the command: addsol -l [LANG] %s""" % (sol, sol)) continue if lang in solLangs: solLangs[lang].append(sol) else: solLangs[lang] = [sol] # Launch testSelect for each language/solutions for lang in solLangs.keys(): subprocess.check_call([CFG_TESTSELECT, 'addsol', '-l', lang] + solLangs[lang]) print("\n*** Computing new coverage information...") subprocess.check_call([CFG_TESTSELECT, 'compute']) print("\n*** Selecting tests...") subprocess.check_call([CFG_TESTSELECT, 'compute']) print(""" All done! Use ` serve` to see current solutions/tests coverage, and ` export` to export selected tests into the task.""")
import imdb import json import os import logging from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from urllib.parse import urlparse from flask import ( Flask, redirect, make_response, request, send_from_directory, render_template ) import psycopg2.extras url = urlparse(os.environ.get('IMDB_DB')) insecure_redirect = os.environ.get('SECURE_REDIRECT_URL', False) app = Flask(__name__, root_path='./') i = imdb.IMDb() conn = psycopg2.connect( database=url.path[1:], user=url.username, password=url.password, host=url.hostname, port=url.port ) conn.autocommit = True cursor = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) @app.before_first_request def setup_logging(): logger = RotatingFileHandler('app/logs/deadonfilm.log', maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=2) logger = logging.getLogger('deadonfilm') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app.logger.addHandler(logger) app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) @app.route('/') def index(): if insecure_redirect and not request.is_secure: return redirect(insecure_redirect, code=301) return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/search/') def search(): """ Find movie by title search (using IMDb API). Query argument ``q``. """'Searching for %s' % request.args.get('q')) movie = request.args.get('q') m = i.search_movie(movie) resp = make_response(json.dumps( [{ 'value': mt['long imdb title'], 'id': mt.getID() } for mt in m if mt.get('kind') == 'movie'])) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return resp @app.route('/died/', methods=['POST']) def died(): """ Who died from the movie with the given IMDb id? """ movie_id = request.form['id'] movie = i.get_movie(movie_id, info=["full credits"]) if movie is None: resp = make_response("Movie not found: {}".format(movie_id, 404)) else: actors =['cast'] actors_by_id = {} for actor in actors: actors_by_id[int(actor.getID())] = actor cursor.execute("""SELECT * from name_basics WHERE person_id IN %s AND death_year NOTNULL """, (tuple(actors_by_id.keys()),)) pastos = [] for person in cursor.fetchall(): person_id = person['person_id'] character = str(actors_by_id[person_id].currentRole) pastos.append({ 'person_id': person['person_id'], 'birth': person['birth_year'], 'death': person['death_year'], 'character': character, 'name': person['primary_name'] }) pastos = sorted(pastos, key=lambda pasto: pasto['death'], reverse=True) resp = make_response(json.dumps(pastos)) resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return resp if __name__ == '__main__': @app.route('/static/js/<path:path>') def send_js(path): return send_from_directory('./static/js', path) @app.route('/static/css/<path:path>') def send_css(path): return send_from_directory('./static/css', path) @app.route('/static/images/<path:path>') def send_img(path): return send_from_directory('./static/images', path) @app.route('/dist/<path:path>') def send_dist(path): return send_from_directory('./dist', path)
import re import sh from soap.datatype import type_cast from soap.expression import is_variable from soap.program import ProgramFlow, PragmaInputFlow, PragmaOutputFlow from soap.parser.common import _lift_child, _lift_dontcare, CommonVisitor from soap.parser.expression import DeclarationVisitor, ExpressionVisitor from soap.parser.grammar import compiled_grammars from soap.parser.statement import StatementVisitor class PragmaVisitor(object): def _visit_comma_seperated_list(self, node, children): item, comma_item_list = children return [item] + [each for _, each in comma_item_list] def visit_pragma_input_statement(self, node, children): pragma_lit, input_lit, input_list = children return PragmaInputFlow(input_list) def visit_pragma_output_statement(self, node, children): pragma_lit, output_lit, output_list = children return PragmaOutputFlow(output_list) def visit_input_assign_expr(self, node, children): variable, _, number = children return variable, number def visit_input_expr(self, node, children): child = _lift_child(self, node, children) if not is_variable(child): return child return child, type_cast(child.dtype, top=True) visit_input_list = visit_output_list = _visit_comma_seperated_list visit_input = visit_output = visit_pragma = _lift_dontcare class _ProgramVisitor( CommonVisitor, DeclarationVisitor, ExpressionVisitor, StatementVisitor, PragmaVisitor): grammar = compiled_grammars['statement'] def _preprocess(text): text = re.sub(r'#\s*pragma', '__pragma', text) text = sh.cpp('-E', '-P', _in=text).stdout.decode('utf-8') text = re.sub(r'__pragma', '#pragma', text) return text def parse(program, decl=None): decl = decl or {} visitor = _ProgramVisitor(decl) program = _preprocess(program) flow = visitor.parse(program) return ProgramFlow(flow)
from __future__ import absolute_import from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from sentry.models import User, UserAvatar from sentry.utils.avatar import get_email_avatar, get_gravatar_url, get_letter_avatar register = template.Library() # Adapted from # The "mm" default is for the grey, "mystery man" icon. See: # @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def gravatar_url(context, email, size, default="mm"): return get_gravatar_url(email, size, default) @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def letter_avatar_svg(context, display_name, identifier, size=None): return mark_safe(get_letter_avatar(display_name, identifier, size=size)) @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def profile_photo_url(context, user_id, size=None): try: avatar = UserAvatar.objects.get_from_cache(user=user_id) except UserAvatar.DoesNotExist: return url = reverse("sentry-user-avatar-url", args=[avatar.ident]) if size: url += "?" + urlencode({"s": size}) return settings.SENTRY_URL_PREFIX + url # Don't use this in any situations where you're rendering more # than 1-2 avatars. It will make a request for every user! @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def email_avatar(context, display_name, identifier, size=None, try_gravatar=True): return mark_safe(get_email_avatar(display_name, identifier, size, try_gravatar)) @register.inclusion_tag("sentry/partial/avatar.html") def avatar(user, size=36): # user can be User or OrganizationMember if isinstance(user, User): user_id = email = else: user_id = user.user_id email = if user_id: email = return { "email": email, "user_id": user_id, "size": size, "avatar_type": user.get_avatar_type(), "display_name": user.get_display_name(), "label": user.get_label(), } @register.inclusion_tag("sentry/partial/avatar.html") def avatar_for_email(user, size=36): # user can be User or OrganizationMember if isinstance(user, User): user_id = email = else: user_id = user.user_id email = if user_id: email = return { "for_email": True, "email": email, "user_id": user_id, "size": size, "avatar_type": user.get_avatar_type(), "display_name": user.get_display_name(), "label": user.get_label(), }
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 import pytest from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Index, Series from pandas.core.index import MultiIndex, RangeIndex from pandas.compat import lrange, range, zip from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_frame_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData class TestSeriesAlterAxes(TestData): def test_setindex(self): # wrong type series = self.series.copy() pytest.raises(TypeError, setattr, series, 'index', None) # wrong length series = self.series.copy() pytest.raises(Exception, setattr, series, 'index', np.arange(len(series) - 1)) # works series = self.series.copy() series.index = np.arange(len(series)) assert isinstance(series.index, Index) def test_rename(self): renamer = lambda x: x.strftime('%Y%m%d') renamed = self.ts.rename(renamer) assert renamed.index[0] == renamer(self.ts.index[0]) # dict rename_dict = dict(zip(self.ts.index, renamed.index)) renamed2 = self.ts.rename(rename_dict) assert_series_equal(renamed, renamed2) # partial dict s = Series(np.arange(4), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='int64') renamed = s.rename({'b': 'foo', 'd': 'bar'}) tm.assert_index_equal(renamed.index, Index(['a', 'foo', 'c', 'bar'])) # index with name renamer = Series(np.arange(4), index=Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], name='name'), dtype='int64') renamed = renamer.rename({}) assert == def test_rename_by_series(self): s = Series(range(5), name='foo') renamer = Series({1: 10, 2: 20}) result = s.rename(renamer) expected = Series(range(5), index=[0, 10, 20, 3, 4], name='foo') tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_rename_set_name(self): s = Series(range(4), index=list('abcd')) for name in ['foo', 123, 123., datetime(2001, 11, 11), ('foo',)]: result = s.rename(name) assert == name tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.index.values, s.index.values) assert is None def test_rename_set_name_inplace(self): s = Series(range(3), index=list('abc')) for name in ['foo', 123, 123., datetime(2001, 11, 11), ('foo',)]: s.rename(name, inplace=True) assert == name exp = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=np.object_) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.index.values, exp) def test_set_name_attribute(self): s = Series([1, 2, 3]) s2 = Series([1, 2, 3], name='bar') for name in [7, 7., 'name', datetime(2001, 1, 1), (1,), u"\u05D0"]: = name assert == name = name assert == name def test_set_name(self): s = Series([1, 2, 3]) s2 = s._set_name('foo') assert == 'foo' assert is None assert s is not s2 def test_rename_inplace(self): renamer = lambda x: x.strftime('%Y%m%d') expected = renamer(self.ts.index[0]) self.ts.rename(renamer, inplace=True) assert self.ts.index[0] == expected def test_set_index_makes_timeseries(self): idx = tm.makeDateIndex(10) s = Series(lrange(10)) s.index = idx assert s.index.is_all_dates def test_reset_index(self): df = tm.makeDataFrame()[:5] ser = df.stack() ser.index.names = ['hash', 'category'] = 'value' df = ser.reset_index() assert 'value' in df df = ser.reset_index(name='value2') assert 'value2' in df # check inplace s = ser.reset_index(drop=True) s2 = ser s2.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(s, s2) # level index = MultiIndex(levels=[['bar'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1]], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) s = Series(np.random.randn(6), index=index) rs = s.reset_index(level=1) assert len(rs.columns) == 2 rs = s.reset_index(level=[0, 2], drop=True) tm.assert_index_equal(rs.index, Index(index.get_level_values(1))) assert isinstance(rs, Series) def test_reset_index_level(self): df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], columns=['A', 'B', 'C']) for levels in ['A', 'B'], [0, 1]: # With MultiIndex s = df.set_index(['A', 'B'])['C'] result = s.reset_index(level=levels[0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df.set_index('B')) result = s.reset_index(level=levels[:1]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df.set_index('B')) result = s.reset_index(level=levels) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) result = df.set_index(['A', 'B']).reset_index(level=levels, drop=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df[['C']]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(KeyError, 'Level E '): s.reset_index(level=['A', 'E']) # With single-level Index s = df.set_index('A')['B'] result = s.reset_index(level=levels[0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df[['A', 'B']]) result = s.reset_index(level=levels[:1]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df[['A', 'B']]) result = s.reset_index(level=levels[0], drop=True) tm.assert_series_equal(result, df['B']) with tm.assert_raises_regex(IndexError, 'Too many levels'): s.reset_index(level=[0, 1, 2]) def test_reset_index_range(self): # GH 12071 s = pd.Series(range(2), name='A', dtype='int64') series_result = s.reset_index() assert isinstance(series_result.index, RangeIndex) series_expected = pd.DataFrame([[0, 0], [1, 1]], columns=['index', 'A'], index=RangeIndex(stop=2)) assert_frame_equal(series_result, series_expected) def test_reorder_levels(self): index = MultiIndex(levels=[['bar'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1]], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]], names=['L0', 'L1', 'L2']) s = Series(np.arange(6), index=index) # no change, position result = s.reorder_levels([0, 1, 2]) assert_series_equal(s, result) # no change, labels result = s.reorder_levels(['L0', 'L1', 'L2']) assert_series_equal(s, result) # rotate, position result = s.reorder_levels([1, 2, 0]) e_idx = MultiIndex(levels=[['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1], ['bar']], labels=[[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], names=['L1', 'L2', 'L0']) expected = Series(np.arange(6), index=e_idx) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_rename_axis_inplace(self): # GH 15704 series = self.ts.copy() expected = series.rename_axis('foo') result = series.copy() no_return = result.rename_axis('foo', inplace=True) assert no_return is None assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_set_axis_inplace(self): # GH14636 s = Series(np.arange(4), index=[1, 3, 5, 7], dtype='int64') expected = s.copy() expected.index = list('abcd') for axis in 0, 'index': # inplace=True # The FutureWarning comes from the fact that we would like to have # inplace default to False some day for inplace, warn in (None, FutureWarning), (True, None): result = s.copy() kwargs = {'inplace': inplace} with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): result.set_axis(list('abcd'), axis=axis, **kwargs) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # inplace=False result = s.set_axis(list('abcd'), axis=0, inplace=False) tm.assert_series_equal(expected, result) # omitting the "axis" parameter with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): result = s.set_axis(list('abcd'), inplace=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # wrong values for the "axis" parameter for axis in 2, 'foo': with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'No axis named'): s.set_axis(list('abcd'), axis=axis, inplace=False) def test_set_axis_prior_to_deprecation_signature(self): s = Series(np.arange(4), index=[1, 3, 5, 7], dtype='int64') expected = s.copy() expected.index = list('abcd') for axis in 0, 'index': with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = s.set_axis(0, list('abcd'), inplace=False) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Wrapper object for the file system / source tree.""" import codecs import errno import exceptions import filecmp import glob import hashlib import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time class FileSystem(object): """FileSystem interface for webkitpy. Unless otherwise noted, all paths are allowed to be either absolute or relative.""" sep = os.sep pardir = os.pardir def abspath(self, path): # FIXME: This gross hack is needed while we transition from Cygwin to native Windows, because we # have some mixing of file conventions from different tools: if sys.platform == 'cygwin': path = os.path.normpath(path) path_components = path.split(os.sep) if path_components and len(path_components[0]) == 2 and path_components[0][1] == ':': path_components[0] = path_components[0][0] path = os.path.join('/', 'cygdrive', *path_components) return os.path.abspath(path) def realpath(self, path): return os.path.realpath(path) def path_to_module(self, module_name): """A wrapper for all calls to __file__ to allow easy unit testing.""" # FIXME: This is the only use of sys in this file. It's possible this function should move elsewhere. return sys.modules[module_name].__file__ # __file__ is always an absolute path. def expanduser(self, path): return os.path.expanduser(path) def basename(self, path): return os.path.basename(path) def chdir(self, path): return os.chdir(path) def copyfile(self, source, destination): shutil.copyfile(source, destination) def dirname(self, path): return os.path.dirname(path) def exists(self, path): return os.path.exists(path) def dirs_under(self, path, dir_filter=None): """Return the list of all directories under the given path in topdown order. Args: dir_filter: if not None, the filter will be invoked with the filesystem object and the path of each dirfound. The dir is included in the result if the callback returns True. """ def filter_all(fs, dirpath): return True dir_filter = dir_filter or filter_all dirs = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): if dir_filter(self, dirpath): dirs.append(dirpath) return dirs def files_under(self, path, dirs_to_skip=[], file_filter=None): """Return the list of all files under the given path in topdown order. Args: dirs_to_skip: a list of directories to skip over during the traversal (e.g., .svn, resources, etc.) file_filter: if not None, the filter will be invoked with the filesystem object and the dirname and basename of each file found. The file is included in the result if the callback returns True. """ def filter_all(fs, dirpath, basename): return True file_filter = file_filter or filter_all files = [] if self.isfile(path): if file_filter(self, self.dirname(path), self.basename(path)): files.append(path) return files if self.basename(path) in dirs_to_skip: return [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): for d in dirs_to_skip: if d in dirnames: dirnames.remove(d) for filename in filenames: if file_filter(self, dirpath, filename): files.append(self.join(dirpath, filename)) return files def getcwd(self): return os.getcwd() def glob(self, path): return glob.glob(path) def isabs(self, path): return os.path.isabs(path) def isfile(self, path): return os.path.isfile(path) def getsize(self, path): return os.path.getsize(path) def isdir(self, path): return os.path.isdir(path) def join(self, *comps): return os.path.join(*comps) def listdir(self, path): return os.listdir(path) def mkdtemp(self, **kwargs): """Create and return a uniquely named directory. This is like tempfile.mkdtemp, but if used in a with statement the directory will self-delete at the end of the block (if the directory is empty; non-empty directories raise errors). The directory can be safely deleted inside the block as well, if so desired. Note that the object returned is not a string and does not support all of the string methods. If you need a string, coerce the object to a string and go from there. """ class TemporaryDirectory(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs self._directory_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(**self._kwargs) def __str__(self): return self._directory_path def __enter__(self): return self._directory_path def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # Only self-delete if necessary. # FIXME: Should we delete non-empty directories? if os.path.exists(self._directory_path): os.rmdir(self._directory_path) return TemporaryDirectory(**kwargs) def maybe_make_directory(self, *path): """Create the specified directory if it doesn't already exist.""" try: os.makedirs(self.join(*path)) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def move(self, source, destination): shutil.move(source, destination) def mtime(self, path): return os.stat(path).st_mtime def normpath(self, path): return os.path.normpath(path) def open_binary_tempfile(self, suffix): """Create, open, and return a binary temp file. Returns a tuple of the file and the name.""" temp_fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix) f = os.fdopen(temp_fd, 'wb') return f, temp_name def open_binary_file_for_reading(self, path): return, 'rb') def read_binary_file(self, path): """Return the contents of the file at the given path as a byte string.""" with file(path, 'rb') as f: return def write_binary_file(self, path, contents): with file(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(contents) def open_text_file_for_reading(self, path, errors='strict'): # Note: There appears to be an issue with the returned file objects # not being seekable. See . return, 'r', 'utf8', errors) def open_text_file_for_writing(self, path): return, 'w', 'utf8') def open_stdin(self): return codecs.StreamReaderWriter(sys.stdin, codecs.getreader('utf8'), codecs.getwriter('utf8'), 'replace') def read_text_file(self, path): """Return the contents of the file at the given path as a Unicode string. The file is read assuming it is a UTF-8 encoded file with no BOM.""" with, 'r', 'utf8') as f: return def write_text_file(self, path, contents): """Write the contents to the file at the given location. The file is written encoded as UTF-8 with no BOM.""" with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(contents.decode('utf-8') if type(contents) == str else contents) def sha1(self, path): contents = self.read_binary_file(path) return hashlib.sha1(contents).hexdigest() def relpath(self, path, start='.'): return os.path.relpath(path, start) class _WindowsError(exceptions.OSError): """Fake exception for Linux and Mac.""" pass def remove(self, path, osremove=os.remove): """On Windows, if a process was recently killed and it held on to a file, the OS will hold on to the file for a short while. This makes attempts to delete the file fail. To work around that, this method will retry for a few seconds until Windows is done with the file.""" try: exceptions.WindowsError except AttributeError: exceptions.WindowsError = FileSystem._WindowsError retry_timeout_sec = 3.0 sleep_interval = 0.1 while True: try: osremove(path) return True except exceptions.WindowsError, e: time.sleep(sleep_interval) retry_timeout_sec -= sleep_interval if retry_timeout_sec < 0: raise e def rmtree(self, path): """Delete the directory rooted at path, whether empty or not.""" shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) def copytree(self, source, destination): shutil.copytree(source, destination) def split(self, path): """Return (dirname, basename + '.' + ext)""" return os.path.split(path) def splitext(self, path): """Return (dirname + os.sep + basename, '.' + ext)""" return os.path.splitext(path) def compare(self, path1, path2): return filecmp.cmp(path1, path2)
#! /usr/bin/env python # Written by Vasaant S/O Krishnan Friday, 19 May 2017 # Run without arguments for instructions. import sys usrFile = sys.argv[1:] if len(usrFile) == 0: print "" print "# Script to read in file of the CODA format and perform some basic" print "# statistical computations. An index.txt and chain.txt file must be" print "# provided and the script will automatically identify them for internal" print "# use. Options are:" print "" print "# print = Outputs mean, std and confidence interval (default 95%)." print "# var = Specify your required variable for hist, trace." print "# per = Specify your required confidence interval (requires var=)." print "# hist = Plot histogram (requires var=)." print "# bins = Choose bin size (default bins=100)" print "# trace = Trace plot (requires var=)." print "" print " -->$ CODAindex.txt CODAchain.txt per=xx var=xx bins=xx print hist trace" print "" exit() import re import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.mlab as mlab #===================================================================== # Define variables. # ints = '\s+?([+-]?\d+)' # Integers for regex #floats = '\s+?([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)' # Floats or int floats = '\s+?([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?' # Floats or int or scientific codaFiles = [] # CODAindex and CODAchain files indexFileFnd = False # CODAindex file identified? chainFileFnd = False # CODAchain file identified? indexCodes = {} # Dictionary containing CODAindex info. # chainIndx = [] # Indexes/Column 1 of CODAchain.txt file chainData = [] # Data/Column 2 of CODAchain.txt file percentile = 95.0 # Default percentile bins = 100 # Default number of bins for histogram reqIndxCode = '' # User requested varible for hist, trace #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Determine which are the CODAindex and CODAchain files and # automatically assign them to their respective variables. # for i in usrFile: codaSearch ='.txt',i) if codaSearch: codaFiles.append(i) if len(codaFiles) == 2: # Assuming 1 index and 1 chain file for j in codaFiles: with open(j,'r') as chkTyp: # Run a quick check on the first line only firstLine = chkTyp.readline() codaIndex ='^(\S+)' + ints + ints + '$', firstLine) codaChain ='^(\d+)' + floats + '$', firstLine) if codaIndex: indexFile = j indexFileFnd = True if codaChain: chainFile = j chainFileFnd = True else: print "Insfficient files of CODA*.txt format." print "Check your input files." #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Determine percentile # for i in usrFile: userPercentile ='per=([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)',i) if userPercentile: percentile = abs(float( usrFile.append('print') #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Determine user requested variable from CODAIndex file # for i in usrFile: userReqCodaIndx ='var=(\S+)',i) if userReqCodaIndx: reqIndxCode = str( # ... same for number of bins: for i in usrFile: userReqBins ='bins=(\d+)',i) if userReqBins: bins = int( usrFile.append('hist') #===================================================================== if indexFileFnd and chainFileFnd: #===================================================================== # Harvest index file for the variable list and corresponding # [start,stop] coords: # for line in open(indexFile, 'r'): reqIndex ='^(\S+)' + ints + ints + '$', line) if reqIndex: key = str( value = [int(, int(] indexCodes[key] = value maxElement = max(indexCodes, key = indexCodes.get) # The key with the largest value chainLen = max(indexCodes[maxElement]) # The largest value (expected amt. of data) #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # I thought that initialising the arrays before filling them # would be faster. It is not. # # chainIndx = np.zeros(chainLen) # chainData = np.zeros(chainLen) # with open(chainFile, 'r') as harvestVals: # for i in range(chainLen): # currLine = harvestVals.readline() # reqChain ='^(\d+)' + floats + '$', currLine) # if reqChain: # chainIndx[i] = int( # chainData[i] = float( #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Harvest chain file # for line in open(chainFile, 'r'): reqChain ='^(\d+)' + floats + '$', line) if reqChain: #chainIndx.append( int( chainData.append(float( #chainIndx = np.array(chainIndx) chainData = np.array(chainData) #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Basic check on the harvest by comparing harvested vs. expected # no. of data. # if len(chainData) != chainLen: print " Warning! " print " %10d lines expected from %s."%(chainLen,indexFile) print " %10d lines harvested from %s."%(len(chainData),chainFile) #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Output some basic statistics to the terminal. # if 'print' in usrFile: print "\n%20s %10s %10s"%("mean","std",str(percentile)+"%") for i in indexCodes: strtIndx = indexCodes[i][0] - 1 # Python starts from 0. CODAindex from 1 stopIndx = indexCodes[i][1] # ... but np.array needs this to get to the end npPerTile = np.percentile(chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx],[0,percentile]) # Numpy sorts internally minPer = npPerTile[0] maxPer = npPerTile[1] print "%8s %10.4f %10.4f %6d, %6.3f"%(i, chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx].mean(), chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx].std(), minPer,maxPer ) print "" #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Trace plot that gives the variable value as a function of its # rank (or position in the chain) # if 'trace' in usrFile: if reqIndxCode != '': for i in indexCodes: if reqIndxCode == i: strtIndx = indexCodes[i][0] - 1 # Python starts from 0. CODAindex from 1 stopIndx = indexCodes[i][1] # ... but np.array needs this to get to the end traceRank = range(stopIndx-strtIndx) plt.plot(traceRank,chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx]) plt.xlabel('Rank') plt.ylabel('Variable: '+i) else: print "No variable selected by user for trace plot." #===================================================================== #===================================================================== # Histogram # if 'hist' in usrFile: if reqIndxCode != '': for i in indexCodes: if reqIndxCode == i: strtIndx = indexCodes[i][0] - 1 # Python starts from 0. CODAindex from 1 stopIndx = indexCodes[i][1] # ... but np.array needs this to get to the end [n, bins, patches] = plt.hist(chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx], bins = bins, normed = True, histtype= 'step' ) y = mlab.normpdf(bins, chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx].mean(), chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx].std() ) npPerTile = np.percentile(chainData[strtIndx:stopIndx],[0,percentile]) maxPer = npPerTile[1] plt.axvline(x=maxPer, color='k', label=str(percentile)+'%',ls=':',lw=0.8) plt.plot(bins,y,'--') plt.ylabel('Variable: '+i) plt.legend(frameon=False) else: print "No variable selected by user for histogram." #=====================================================================
import os import sys import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import cm from colormaps import ( inferno, magma, plasma, viridis, inferno_r, magma_r, plasma_r, viridis_r ) # Add the notebook dir to the path if == 'nt': nbdir = 'D:/Dropbox/Notebooks' else: nbdir = '~/notebooks' nbdir = os.path.expanduser(nbdir) nbdir = os.path.normpath(nbdir) sys.path.append(nbdir) # Let's fix jet even before matplotlib 2.0["inferno"] = inferno["inferno_r"] = inferno_r["magma"] = magma["magma_r"] = magma_r["plasma"] = plasma["plasma_r"] = plasma_r["viridis"] = viridis["viridis_r"] = viridis_r = inferno = inferno_r = magma = magma_r = plasma = plasma_r = viridis = viridis_r mpl.rcParams["image.cmap"] = "viridis" # Load the default config load_subconfig("") # Set a bunch of stuff to import automatically c = get_config() app = c.IPKernelApp app.matplotlib = "inline" c.InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.dpi': 80, 'figure.facecolor': 'white'} app.exec_lines.append("import numpy as np") app.exec_lines.append("import scipy as sp") app.exec_lines.append("import pandas as pd") app.exec_lines.append("import matplotlib as mpl") app.exec_lines.append("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt") app.exec_lines.append("from scipy import optimize") app.exec_lines.append("from scipy import interpolate") app.exec_lines.append("nbdir = r'{}'".format(nbdir)) app.exec_lines.append("from sympy import init_printing") # Setup the SymPy pretty printing if == 'nt': app.exec_lines.append("init_printing(use_latex='mathjax')") else: app.exec_lines.append("init_printing(use_latex=True)")
""" Management command to remove social auth users. Intended for use in masters integration sandboxes to allow partners reset users and enrollment data. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.db import transaction from six.moves import input from third_party_auth.models import SAMLProviderConfig log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Command(BaseCommand): """ Management command to remove all social auth entries AND the corresponding edX users for a given IDP. Usage: remove_social_auth_users gtx """ confirmation_prompt = "Type 'confirm' to continue with deletion\n" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('IDP', help='slug for the idp to remove all users from') parser.add_argument( '--force', action='store_true', help='Skip manual confirmation step before deleting objects', ) @transaction.atomic def handle(self, *args, **options): slug = options['IDP'] if not settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_ENROLLMENT_RESET'): raise CommandError('ENABLE_ENROLLMENT_RESET feature not enabled on this enviroment') try: SAMLProviderConfig.objects.current_set().get(slug=slug) except SAMLProviderConfig.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError(u'No SAML provider found for slug {}'.format(slug)) users = User.objects.filter(social_auth__provider=slug) user_count = len(users) count, models = users.delete() u'\n%s users and their related models will be deleted:\n%s\n', user_count, models, ) if not options['force']: confirmation = input(self.confirmation_prompt) if confirmation != 'confirm': raise CommandError('User confirmation required. No records have been modified')'Deleting %s records...', count)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ class MrpRouting(models.Model): """ Specifies routings of work centers """ _name = 'mrp.routing' _description = 'Routings' name = fields.Char('Routing', required=True) active = fields.Boolean( 'Active', default=True, help="If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the routing without removing it.") code = fields.Char( 'Reference', copy=False, default=lambda self: _('New'), readonly=True) note = fields.Text('Description') operation_ids = fields.One2many( 'mrp.routing.workcenter', 'routing_id', 'Operations', copy=True, oldname='workcenter_lines') location_id = fields.Many2one( 'stock.location', 'Raw Materials Location', help="Keep empty if you produce at the location where you find the raw materials. " "Set a location if you produce at a fixed location. This can be a partner location " "if you subcontract the manufacturing operations.") company_id = fields.Many2one( '', 'Company', default=lambda self: self.env['']._company_default_get('mrp.routing')) @api.model def create(self, vals): if 'code' not in vals or vals['code'] == _('New'): vals['code'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('mrp.routing') or _('New') return super(MrpRouting, self).create(vals) class MrpRoutingWorkcenter(models.Model): _name = 'mrp.routing.workcenter' _description = 'Work Center Usage' _order = 'sequence, id' name = fields.Char('Operation', required=True) workcenter_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.workcenter', 'Work Center', required=True) sequence = fields.Integer( 'Sequence', default=100, help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of routing Work Centers.") routing_id = fields.Many2one( 'mrp.routing', 'Parent Routing', index=True, ondelete='cascade', required=True, help="The routing contains all the Work Centers used and for how long. This will create work orders afterwards " "which alters the execution of the manufacturing order.") note = fields.Text('Description') company_id = fields.Many2one( '', 'Company', readonly=True, related='routing_id.company_id', store=True) worksheet = fields.Binary('worksheet') time_mode = fields.Selection([ ('auto', 'Compute based on real time'), ('manual', 'Set duration manually')], string='Duration Computation', default='auto') time_mode_batch = fields.Integer('Based on', default=10) time_cycle_manual = fields.Float( 'Manual Duration', default=60, help="Time in minutes. Is the time used in manual mode, or the first time supposed in real time when there are not any work orders yet.") time_cycle = fields.Float('Duration', compute="_compute_time_cycle") workorder_count = fields.Integer("# Work Orders", compute="_compute_workorder_count") batch = fields.Selection([ ('no', 'Once all products are processed'), ('yes', 'Once a minimum number of products is processed')], string='Next Operation', help="Set 'no' to schedule the next work order after the previous one. Set 'yes' to produce after the quantity set in 'Quantity To Process' has been produced.", default='no', required=True) batch_size = fields.Float('Quantity to Process', default=1.0) workorder_ids = fields.One2many('mrp.workorder', 'operation_id', string="Work Orders") @api.multi @api.depends('time_cycle_manual', 'time_mode', 'workorder_ids') def _compute_time_cycle(self): manual_ops = self.filtered(lambda operation: operation.time_mode == 'manual') for operation in manual_ops: operation.time_cycle = operation.time_cycle_manual for operation in self - manual_ops: data = self.env['mrp.workorder'].read_group([ ('operation_id', '=',, ('state', '=', 'done')], ['operation_id', 'duration', 'qty_produced'], ['operation_id'], limit=operation.time_mode_batch) count_data = dict((item['operation_id'][0], (item['duration'], item['qty_produced'])) for item in data) if count_data.get( and count_data[][1]: operation.time_cycle = (count_data[][0] / count_data[][1]) * (operation.workcenter_id.capacity or 1.0) else: operation.time_cycle = operation.time_cycle_manual @api.multi def _compute_workorder_count(self): data = self.env['mrp.workorder'].read_group([ ('operation_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '=', 'done')], ['operation_id'], ['operation_id']) count_data = dict((item['operation_id'][0], item['operation_id_count']) for item in data) for operation in self: operation.workorder_count = count_data.get(, 0)
from datetime import date, timedelta from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from .models import CorporateMember, IndividualMember, Team from .utils import get_temporary_image class IndividualMemberListViewTests(TestCase): url = reverse('members:individual-members') @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): IndividualMember.objects.create( name='CTS Conservationist', email='' ) def test_view_render(self): response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertContains(response, 'Individual Members') self.assertContains(response, 'CTS Conservationist') def test_view_should_only_render_former_members_once(self): IndividualMember.objects.create( name='Former CTS Conservationist', email='', member_since=date(2015, 7, 26), member_until=date(2015, 7, 27), ) response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertContains(response, 'Former CTS Conservationist', count=1) class CorporateMemberListViewTests(TestCase): url = reverse('members:corporate-members') @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): = today = cls.member = CorporateMember.objects.create( display_name='Corporation', contact_email='', membership_level=2, ) cls.member.invoice_set.create( sent_date=today, amount=500, paid_date=today, expiration_date=today + timedelta(days=1), ) def test_view_render(self): response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertContains(response, 'Corporate Members') self.assertContains(response, 'Corporation') def test_view_should_not_render_unapproved(self): CorporateMember.objects.create( display_name='Corporation unapproved', contact_email='', membership_level=2, ) response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertNotContains(response, 'Corporation unapproved') def test_view_renders_orgs_by_tier(self): member = CorporateMember.objects.create( display_name='AAA', contact_email='', membership_level=2, ) member.invoice_set.create(, # shouldn't sort by amount amount=self.member.invoice_set.first().amount - 1,, + timedelta(days=1), ) response = self.client.get(self.url) members = response.context['members'] self.assertEqual( sorted(members.keys()), ['bronze', 'diamond', 'gold', 'platinum', 'silver'] ) self.assertQuerysetEqual( members['silver'], ['<CorporateMember: Corporation>', '<CorporateMember: AAA>'] ) class CorporateMemberJoinViewTests(TestCase): def test_get(self): response = self.client.get(reverse('members:corporate-members-join')) self.assertContains(response, "Become a CTS Corporate Member") def test_submit_success(self): data = { 'display_name': 'Foo Widgets', 'billing_name': 'Foo Widgets, Inc.', 'logo': get_temporary_image(), 'url': '', 'contact_name': 'Joe Conservationist', 'contact_email': '', 'billing_email': '', 'membership_level': 2, 'address': 'USA', 'description': 'We make widgets!', 'cts_usage': 'fun', 'amount': 2000, } response ='members:corporate-members-join'), data) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse('members:corporate-members-join-thanks')) member = CorporateMember.objects.latest('id') self.assertEqual(member.display_name, data['display_name']) self.assertEqual(member.invoice_set.get().amount, data['amount']) class CorporateMemberRenewalViewTests(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.member = CorporateMember.objects.create( display_name='Corporation', contact_email='', membership_level=2, ) def test_get(self): response = self.client.get(self.member.get_renewal_link()) self.assertContains(response, 'Become a CTS Corporate Member') self.assertEqual(response.context['form'].instance, self.member) def test_invalid_token(self): url = reverse('members:corporate-members-renew', kwargs={'token': 'aaaaa'}) response = self.client.get(url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) class TeamListViewTests(TestCase): url = reverse('members:teams') @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): dev = IndividualMember.objects.create( name='CTS Conservationist', email='', ) cls.security_team = Team.objects.create(name='Security team') cls.ops_team = Team.objects.create(name='Ops team', slug='ops', description='Ops stuff.') cls.ops_team.members.add(dev) def test_get(self): response = self.client.get(self.url) # Sorted by name self.assertSequenceEqual(response.context['teams'], [self.ops_team, self.security_team]) self.assertContains(response, '<h3 id="ops-team">Ops team</h3>') self.assertContains(response, '<p>Ops stuff.</p>') self.assertContains(response, '<ul><li>CTS Conservationist</li></ul>', html=True)
# Copyright (c) 2015 Xilinx Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os import urlparse import shutil import datetime from hopper.utils.logger import * import hopper.utils.git.tasks import hopper.utils.git.repo import hopper.source.meta import threading class Watcher: class GroupState: def __init__(self, layers): self.layers = layers self.refstate = {} def getRefPairs(self): pairs = [] for i in self.layers: if i.source and isinstance(i.source, hopper.source.meta.GitSource): if i.source.canFetch(): # TODO: handle ref/tag/commit properly below pairs.append((i.source.remote, "refs/heads/" + i.source.ref)) return pairs def filterPairs(self, remoterefs): filteredrefs = {} for p in self.getRefPairs(): if p[0] in remoterefs: for i in remoterefs[p[0]].iteritems(): if i[0] == p[1]: if p[0] not in filteredrefs: filteredrefs[p[0]] = {} filteredrefs[p[0]][i[0]] = i[1] return filteredrefs def update(self, remoterefs, trigger = False): rrefs = self.filterPairs(remoterefs) pairs = self.getRefPairs() changed = False oldrefstate = self.refstate newrefstate = {} for i in pairs: if i[0] in rrefs: if i[1] in rrefs[i[0]]: newcommit = rrefs[i[0]][i[1]] if i[0] not in newrefstate: newrefstate[i[0]] = {} newrefstate[i[0]][i[1]] = newcommit log("remote: %s, ref: %s, value = %s" % (i[0], i[1], newcommit)) if trigger: changed = True if oldrefstate != None: if i[0] in oldrefstate and i[1] in oldrefstate[i[0]]: if newrefstate[i[0]][i[1]] != oldrefstate[i[0]][i[1]]: changed = True self.refstate = newrefstate return changed def cloneRefPin(self, remoterefs): filtered = self.filterPairs(remoterefs) # create layers that match the layers object, fill in pinned refs pinnedlayers = hopper.source.meta.LayerCollection(self.layers.defaultversion) for i in self.layers: if isinstance(i.source, hopper.source.meta.GitSource): # TODO: fixup pciking of ref name refname = "refs/heads/" + i.source.ref refpin = None if i.source.remote in filtered: refs = filtered[i.source.remote] if refname in refs: refpin = refs[refname] newsource = hopper.source.meta.GitSource(i.source.remote, refpin) else: newsource = i.source pinnedlayers.add(i.getFullName(), newsource) return pinnedlayers def __init__(self, environment): self.environment = environment self.stop = threading.Event() self.thread = None self.interval = 0 self.lock = threading.RLock() self.groups = [] self.changeevent = threading.Condition() self.changequeue = [] def addLayers(self, layers): group = Watcher.GroupState(layers) self.groups.append(group) def start(self, interval = 30): if self.thread and self.thread.isAlive(): return self.interval = interval self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__worker__) self.daemon = True self.thread.start() def stop(self): if self.thread and self.thread.isAlive(): self.stop.set() self.thread.join() def alive(self): if self.thread and self.thread.isAlive(): return True return False def trigger(self): self.__check__(True) def __check__(self, trigger = False): with self.lock: haschanges = False remotes = [] for i in self.groups: for p in i.getRefPairs(): if p[0] not in remotes: remotes.append(p[0]) self.environment.debug("need to update for the following remotes -> %s" % remotes) refstate = {} for i in remotes: self.environment.log("Grabbing refs from remote for %s" % i) result =["ls-remote", i], environment = self.environment) if result[0] == 0: refstate[i] = {} for r in result[1].splitlines(): parts = r.split() refstate[i][parts[1]] = parts[0] self.environment.debug("got refs -> %s" % repr(refstate[i])) else: self.environment.error("Failed to get remote state for '%s' error message = %s" % (i, result[1])) return haschanges = False for i in self.groups: if i.update(refstate, trigger): self.environment.log("Changes have happened since last check, pinning") changes = i.cloneRefPin(refstate) self.changequeue.append((i.layers, changes, datetime.datetime.utcnow())) haschanges = True if haschanges: with self.changeevent: self.changeevent.notifyAll() def __worker__(self): while not self.stop.wait(self.interval): self.__check__() def wait(self): if self.alive(): if self.hasnext(): return with self.changeevent: self.changeevent.wait() def hasnext(self): with self.lock: if len(self.changequeue) != 0: return True return False def getnext(self): with self.lock: if len(self.changequeue) != 0: return self.changequeue.pop() return None
import os,sys,inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.insert(0,parentdir) import Variance import math def testVariance(): print ("1. Testing Variance") weighting = [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] test1 = [['artist1', 'artist2', 'artist3'],['genre1', 'genre2', 'genre3'],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] test2 = [['artist1'],['genre1', 'genre2'],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] test3 = [['artist1'],['genre1','genre2'],6,7,8,9,2,3,4,5] test4 = [] emptylist = -1 diffList1 = [] diffList2 = [] knownVal1 = [0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] knownVal2 = [0,0,5,5,5,5,3,3,3,3] print "\t A. Variance between a populated list and a list of zeros ..." for i in range(len(test1)): diffList1.append(Variance.getVariance(test1,test2)[i] -knownVal1[i]) print "\t B. Variance between 2 populated lists ..." for i in range(len(test2)): diffList2.append(Variance.getVariance(test3,test2)[i] - knownVal2[i]) print "\t C. Variance calculated on an empty List ..." emptylistValue = Variance.getVariance(test3,test4) if emptylistValue == emptylist: for i in range (len(diffList1)): if ((diffList1[i] or diffList2[i]) > .0000001): return False return True def testWeightedDifference(): print "2. Testing Weighted Difference" weighting = [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] badWeighting = [] test1 = [['artist1', 'artist2', 'artist3'],['genre1', 'genre2', 'genre3'],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] test2 = [['artist1'],['genre1', 'genre2'],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] test3 = [['artist1'],['genre1', 'genre2'],6,7,8,9,2,3,4,5] test4 = [] diffList1 = [] diffList2 = [] diffList3 = [] knownVal1 = [0,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16] knownVal2 = [0,0,10,10,10,10,6,6,6,6] emptylistValue = -1 print "\t A. Weighted Difference between a populated list and a list of zeros ..." for i in range(len(test1)): diffList1.append(Variance.getWeightedDifference(test2, test1, weighting)[i] - knownVal1[i]) print "\t B. Weighted Difference between 2 populated lists ..." for i in range(len(test1)): diffList2.append(Variance.getWeightedDifference(test3, test2, weighting)[i] - knownVal2[i]) print "\t C. Testing when Weighting is an empty list ..." diffList3 = Variance.getWeightedDifference(test3,test2,badWeighting) print "\t D.Testing when one of the lists is an empty list ..." emptylist = Variance.getWeightedDifference(test4,test2,weighting) if emptylist == emptylistValue: for i in range(len(diffList1)): if((diffList1[i] or diffList2[i])> .0000001): return False return True def testgetNewWeight(): print "3. Testing getNewWeight" badstddevs = [] stddevs = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0] knownVal1 = [1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.333, 0.25, 0.2, 0.167, 0.143, 0.125] emptylistValue = -1 diffList = [] print "\t A. getNewWeight when stddevs is empty ..." emptylist = Variance.getNewWeight(badstddevs) print "\t B. getNewWeight when stddevs is populated ..." for i in range(len(knownVal1)): diffList.append(Variance.getNewWeight(stddevs)[i] - knownVal1[i]) if emptylist == emptylistValue: for i in range(len(diffList)): if(diffList[i] > .0000001): return False return True def filter2sigmaTest(): print("4. Testing Filter2Sigma") averages = [[],[],10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0] stddevs = [2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0] knownVal = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] testSongs = [ [[],[], 10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0], [[],[], 6.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0], [[],[], 10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,14.0], [[],[], 5.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0], [[],[], 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], [[],[], 15.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0], [[],[], 10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,10.0,15.0], ] val = Variance.filter2Sigma(testSongs, averages, stddevs) return val == knownVal def teststdDev(): print("5. Testing Standard Deviation") stdDev = [] diffList = [] listWithRowsAsColumns = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], [6,1,9,0,5,7,3,4], [5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5], [23,100,1,0,8,9,5,6], [7,5,4,3,2,1,9,6] ] listofCalculatedStdDevs = [2.449,3.0,0.0,33.481,2.645] for column in listWithRowsAsColumns: vals = [x for x in column] Nval = len(vals) mean = sum(vals)/Nval stdDev.append((sum([(x-mean)**2 for x in vals])/(Nval-1))**0.5) for i in range(len(listofCalculatedStdDevs)): diffList.append(stdDev[i] - listofCalculatedStdDevs[i]) for i in range(len(diffList)): if(diffList[i] > .001): return False return True def go(): numTests = 0 numPassed = 0 print "**************************************" print "********MATH FUNCTION TESTING*********" print "**************************************" numTests +=1 if testVariance(): print "\t Variance test passed! \n\n" numPassed += 1 numTests +=1 if testWeightedDifference(): print "\tWeightedDifference test passed!\n\n" numPassed +=1 numTests +=1 if testgetNewWeight(): print "\t getNewWeight test passed!\n\n" numPassed +=1 numTests +=1 if (filter2sigmaTest()): print "\t f2sigma test passed!\n\n" numPassed+=1 numTests +=1 if(teststdDev()): print "\t Standard Deviation Test Passed!" numPassed +=1 print "Tests: %d\nTests passed: %d\nPercentage: %f\n\n" % (numTests,numPassed, (float(numPassed)/numTests)*100) return numTests,numPassed if __name__ == "__main__": x,y = go() print "Tests: %d\nTests passed: %d\nPercentage: %f\n\n" % (x,y, (float(y)/x)*100)
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""" Copyright 2017-2018 Fizyr ( Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from tensorflow import keras import keras_retinanet.backend import keras_retinanet.layers import numpy as np class TestFilterDetections(object): def test_simple(self): # create simple FilterDetections layer filter_detections_layer = keras_retinanet.layers.FilterDetections() # create simple input boxes = np.array([[ [0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 10, 10], # this will be suppressed ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) boxes = keras.backend.constant(boxes) classification = np.array([[ [0, 0.9], # this will be suppressed [0, 1], ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) classification = keras.backend.constant(classification) # compute output actual_boxes, actual_scores, actual_labels =[boxes, classification]) actual_boxes = keras.backend.eval(actual_boxes) actual_scores = keras.backend.eval(actual_scores) actual_labels = keras.backend.eval(actual_labels) # define expected output expected_boxes = -1 * np.ones((1, 300, 4), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_boxes[0, 0, :] = [0, 0, 10, 10] expected_scores = -1 * np.ones((1, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_scores[0, 0] = 1 expected_labels = -1 * np.ones((1, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_labels[0, 0] = 1 # assert actual and expected are equal np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_boxes, expected_boxes) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_scores, expected_scores) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_labels, expected_labels) def test_simple_with_other(self): # create simple FilterDetections layer filter_detections_layer = keras_retinanet.layers.FilterDetections() # create simple input boxes = np.array([[ [0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 10, 10], # this will be suppressed ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) boxes = keras.backend.constant(boxes) classification = np.array([[ [0, 0.9], # this will be suppressed [0, 1], ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) classification = keras.backend.constant(classification) other = [] other.append(np.array([[ [0, 1234], # this will be suppressed [0, 5678], ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) other.append(np.array([[ 5678, # this will be suppressed 1234, ]], dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) other = [keras.backend.constant(o) for o in other] # compute output actual =[boxes, classification] + other) actual_boxes = keras.backend.eval(actual[0]) actual_scores = keras.backend.eval(actual[1]) actual_labels = keras.backend.eval(actual[2]) actual_other = [keras.backend.eval(a) for a in actual[3:]] # define expected output expected_boxes = -1 * np.ones((1, 300, 4), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_boxes[0, 0, :] = [0, 0, 10, 10] expected_scores = -1 * np.ones((1, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_scores[0, 0] = 1 expected_labels = -1 * np.ones((1, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_labels[0, 0] = 1 expected_other = [] expected_other.append(-1 * np.ones((1, 300, 2), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) expected_other[-1][0, 0, :] = [0, 5678] expected_other.append(-1 * np.ones((1, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) expected_other[-1][0, 0] = 1234 # assert actual and expected are equal np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_boxes, expected_boxes) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_scores, expected_scores) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_labels, expected_labels) for a, e in zip(actual_other, expected_other): np.testing.assert_array_equal(a, e) def test_mini_batch(self): # create simple FilterDetections layer filter_detections_layer = keras_retinanet.layers.FilterDetections() # create input with batch_size=2 boxes = np.array([ [ [0, 0, 10, 10], # this will be suppressed [0, 0, 10, 10], ], [ [100, 100, 150, 150], [100, 100, 150, 150], # this will be suppressed ], ], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) boxes = keras.backend.constant(boxes) classification = np.array([ [ [0, 0.9], # this will be suppressed [0, 1], ], [ [1, 0], [0.9, 0], # this will be suppressed ], ], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) classification = keras.backend.constant(classification) # compute output actual_boxes, actual_scores, actual_labels =[boxes, classification]) actual_boxes = keras.backend.eval(actual_boxes) actual_scores = keras.backend.eval(actual_scores) actual_labels = keras.backend.eval(actual_labels) # define expected output expected_boxes = -1 * np.ones((2, 300, 4), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_boxes[0, 0, :] = [0, 0, 10, 10] expected_boxes[1, 0, :] = [100, 100, 150, 150] expected_scores = -1 * np.ones((2, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_scores[0, 0] = 1 expected_scores[1, 0] = 1 expected_labels = -1 * np.ones((2, 300), dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) expected_labels[0, 0] = 1 expected_labels[1, 0] = 0 # assert actual and expected are equal np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_boxes, expected_boxes) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_scores, expected_scores) np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual_labels, expected_labels)
import argparse import datetime import imutils import time import cv2 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import smtplib from servo import Servo RESIZE_WIDTH = 500 RESIZE_HEIGHT = 375 THRESHOLD = 30 MAXPIXELVAL = 255 MORNINGTIME = 7 NIGHTTIME = 19 MIN_RECTANGLE = 2000 MAX_RECTANGLE = 90000 HARDDRIVE_LOCATION = "/media/pi/Seagate\ Expansion\ Drive/videos/" HOME_LOCATION = "/home/pi/test/rainbow6/" TITLE = "" server = smtplib.SMTP('',587) server.starttls() #server.login("","") msg = "intruder" ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-v", "--video", help="path to the video file") ap.add_argument("-a", "--min-area", type=int, default = MIN_RECTANGLE, help="minimum area size") ap.add_argument("-m", "--max-area", type=int, default = MAX_RECTANGLE,help="maximum area size") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) if time.gmtime().tm_hour <= MORNINGTIME or time.gmtime().tm_hour >= NIGHTTIME: print("Using Pi Camera") camera = cv2.VideoCapture(1) time.sleep(0.25) else: print("Using regular camera") camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) time.sleep(0.25) motor = Servo(12, 16, 18, 1.8) timecount = time.gmtime().tm_sec firstFrame = None moved = False motionDetected = False fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG') out = None resetTimer = (time.gmtime().tm_sec +30 ) % 60 settling = False time.sleep(1) emailed = False while True: (grabbed, frame) = text = "Unoccupied" if not grabbed: break frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=RESIZE_WIDTH) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) if firstFrame is None: firstFrame = gray continue if resetTimer is time.gmtime().tm_sec: firstFrame = None frame = None thresh = None frameDelta = None resetTimer = (time.gmtime().tm_sec + 30) % 60 print("Reseting") continue if settling and settletime is time.gmtime().tm_sec: settling = False firstFrame = None frame = None thresh = None frameDelta = None continue frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(firstFrame, gray) thresh = cv2.threshold(frameDelta, THRESHOLD, MAXPIXELVAL, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2) _, cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) count = 0 for c in cnts: if cv2.contourArea(c) < args["min_area"]: continue if cv2.contourArea(c) > args["max_area"]: continue motionTimerMinute = time.gmtime().tm_min motionDetected = True if out is None: TITLE = str(time.gmtime().tm_year) + "-" + str(time.gmtime().tm_mon) + "-" + str(time.gmtime().tm_mday) + "-" + str(time.gmtime().tm_hour) + "-" + str(time.gmtime().tm_min) + '.avi' out = cv2.VideoWriter(TITLE,fourcc, 20.0,(RESIZE_WIDTH,RESIZE_HEIGHT)) if not emailed: #server.sendmail("","",msg) emailed = True (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) if count is 0: maxx = x maxw = w maxh = h maxy = y else: maxarea = maxw*maxh if maxarea < w*h: maxx = x maxw = w maxh = h maxy = y count = count + 1 cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) text = "Occupied" if motionDetected: out.write(frame) cv2.putText(frame, "Room Status: {}".format(text), (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame,"%A %d %B %Y %I %M:%S%p"), (10, frame.shape[0] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.25, (0, 0, 255), 1) if count > 0 and not settling: cv2.rectangle(frame, (maxx, maxy), (maxx + maxw, maxy + maxh), (0, 255, 0), 2) centerRect = maxx + maxw / 2 if time.gmtime().tm_sec != timecount: if (centerRect > (RESIZE_WIDTH / 2 + int(RESIZE_WIDTH*0.05))): motor.moveDegrees(36,0.02) moved = True elif (centerRect < (RESIZE_WIDTH / 2 - int(RESIZE_WIDTH*0.05))): motor.moveDegrees(-36,0.02) moved = True timecount = time.gmtime().tm_sec elif out is not None: minutes = time.gmtime().tm_min minuteCheck = (motionTimerMinute + 1) % 60 if minutes is minuteCheck: motionDetected = False print("Releasing out stream") out.release() time.sleep(1) print(HOME_LOCATION+TITLE) print(HARDDRIVE_LOCATION+TITLE) #os.rename(HOME_LOCATION+TITLE , HARDDRIVE_LOCATION+TITLE) out = None emailed = False #cv2.imshow("First Frame", firstFrame) cv2.imshow("Security Feed", frame) cv2.imshow("Thresh", thresh) cv2.imshow("Frame Delta", frameDelta) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break if moved: moved = False while motor.ismoving: pass settletime = (time.gmtime().tm_sec +2) % 60 settling = True firstFrame = None frame = None thresh = None frameDelta = None camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() if out is not None: out.release() time.sleep(1) server.quit()
""" This script extracts terrain elevation from NASA - SRTM """ import os import gdal import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests from geopandas import GeoDataFrame as Gdf from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr from shapely.geometry import Polygon import cea.config import cea.inputlocator from cea.utilities.standardize_coordinates import get_projected_coordinate_system, get_geographic_coordinate_system __author__ = "Jimeno Fonseca" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich" __credits__ = ["Jimeno Fonseca"] __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "0.1" __maintainer__ = "Daren Thomas" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Production" def request_elevation(lon, lat): # script for returning elevation from lat, long, based on open elevation data # which in turn is based on SRTM query = ('' + str(lat) + ',' + str(lon)) r = requests.get(query).json() # json object, various ways you can extract value # one approach is to use pandas json functionality: elevation =, 'results')['elevation'].values[0] return elevation def calc_bounding_box_projected_coordinates(shapefile_zone, shapefile_surroundings): # connect both files and avoid repetition data_zone = Gdf.from_file(shapefile_zone) data_dis = Gdf.from_file(shapefile_surroundings) data_dis = data_dis.loc[~data_dis["Name"].isin(data_zone["Name"])] data = data_dis.append(data_zone, ignore_index = True, sort=True) data = data.to_crs(get_geographic_coordinate_system()) lon = data.geometry[0].centroid.coords.xy[0][0] lat = data.geometry[0].centroid.coords.xy[1][0] crs = get_projected_coordinate_system(float(lat), float(lon)) data = data.to_crs(get_projected_coordinate_system(float(lat), float(lon))) result = data.total_bounds result = [np.float32(x) for x in result] # in float32 so the raster works return result, crs, lon, lat def terrain_elevation_extractor(locator, config): """this is where the action happens if it is more than a few lines in ``main``. NOTE: ADD YOUR SCRIPT'S DOCUMENATION HERE (how) NOTE: RENAME THIS FUNCTION (SHOULD PROBABLY BE THE SAME NAME AS THE MODULE) """ # local variables: elevation = config.terrain_helper.elevation grid_size = config.terrain_helper.grid_size extra_border = np.float32(30) # adding extra 30 m to avoid errors of no data raster_path = locator.get_terrain() locator.ensure_parent_folder_exists(raster_path) # get the bounding box coordinates assert os.path.exists( locator.get_surroundings_geometry()), 'Get surroundings geometry file first or the coordinates of the area where' \ ' to extract the terrain from in the next format: lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max' print("generating terrain from Surroundings area") bounding_box_surroundings_file, crs, lon, lat = calc_bounding_box_projected_coordinates(locator.get_surroundings_geometry(), locator.get_zone_geometry()) x_min = bounding_box_surroundings_file[0] - extra_border y_min = bounding_box_surroundings_file[1] - extra_border x_max = bounding_box_surroundings_file[2] + extra_border y_max = bounding_box_surroundings_file[3] + extra_border # make sure output is a whole number when min-max is divided by grid size x_extra = grid_size - ((x_max - x_min) % grid_size)/2 y_extra = grid_size - ((y_max - y_min) % grid_size)/2 x_min -= x_extra y_min -= y_extra x_max += x_extra y_max += y_extra ##TODO: get the elevation from satellite data. Open-elevation was working, but the project is dying. # if elevation is None: # print('extracting elevation from satellite data, this needs connection to the internet') # elevation = request_elevation(lon, lat) # print("Proceeding to calculate terrain file with fixed elevation in m of ", elevation) # else: # print("Proceeding to calculate terrain file with fixed elevation in m of ",elevation) print("Proceeding to calculate terrain file with fixed elevation in m of ", elevation) # now calculate the raster with the fixed elevation calc_raster_terrain_fixed_elevation(crs, elevation, grid_size, raster_path, locator, x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min) def calc_raster_terrain_fixed_elevation(crs, elevation, grid_size, raster_path, locator, x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min): # local variables: temp_shapefile = locator.get_temporary_file("terrain.shp") cols = int((x_max - x_min) / grid_size) rows = int((y_max - y_min) / grid_size) shapes = Polygon([[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_min], [x_max, y_max], [x_min, y_max], [x_min, y_min]]) geodataframe = Gdf(index=[0], crs=crs, geometry=[shapes]) geodataframe.to_file(temp_shapefile) # 1) opening the shapefile source_ds = ogr.Open(temp_shapefile) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() target_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(raster_path, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) ##COMMENT 2 target_ds.SetGeoTransform((x_min, grid_size, 0, y_max, 0, -grid_size)) ##COMMENT 3 # 5) Adding a spatial reference ##COMMENT 4 target_dsSRS = osr.SpatialReference() target_dsSRS.ImportFromProj4(crs) target_ds.SetProjection(target_dsSRS.ExportToWkt()) band = target_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(-9999) ##COMMENT 5 gdal.RasterizeLayer(target_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[elevation]) ##COMMENT 6 target_ds = None # closing the file def main(config): """ Create the terrain.tif file :param config: :type config: cea.config.Configuration :return: """ assert os.path.exists(config.scenario), 'Scenario not found: %s' % config.scenario locator = cea.inputlocator.InputLocator(config.scenario) terrain_elevation_extractor(locator, config) if __name__ == '__main__': main(cea.config.Configuration())
"""Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests.""" if __name__ != 'test.test_support': raise ImportError, 'test_support must be imported from the test package' import sys import time class Error(Exception): """Base class for regression test exceptions.""" class TestFailed(Error): """Test failed.""" class TestSkipped(Error): """Test skipped. This can be raised to indicate that a test was deliberatly skipped, but not because a feature wasn't available. For example, if some resource can't be used, such as the network appears to be unavailable, this should be raised instead of TestFailed. """ class ResourceDenied(TestSkipped): """Test skipped because it requested a disallowed resource. This is raised when a test calls requires() for a resource that has not be enabled. It is used to distinguish between expected and unexpected skips. """ verbose = 1 # Flag set to 0 by use_resources = None # Flag set to [] by junit_xml_dir = None # Option set by max_memuse = 0 # Disable bigmem tests (they will still be run with # small sizes, to make sure they work.) # _original_stdout is meant to hold stdout at the time regrtest began. # This may be "the real" stdout, or IDLE's emulation of stdout, or whatever. # The point is to have some flavor of stdout the user can actually see. _original_stdout = None def record_original_stdout(stdout): global _original_stdout _original_stdout = stdout def get_original_stdout(): return _original_stdout or sys.stdout def unload(name): try: del sys.modules[name] except KeyError: pass def unlink(filename): import os try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError: pass def forget(modname): '''"Forget" a module was ever imported by removing it from sys.modules and deleting any .pyc and .pyo files.''' unload(modname) import os for dirname in sys.path: unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyc')) # Deleting the .pyo file cannot be within the 'try' for the .pyc since # the chance exists that there is no .pyc (and thus the 'try' statement # is exited) but there is a .pyo file. unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyo')) def is_resource_enabled(resource): """Test whether a resource is enabled. Known resources are set by""" return use_resources is not None and resource in use_resources def requires(resource, msg=None): """Raise ResourceDenied if the specified resource is not available. If the caller's module is __main__ then automatically return True. The possibility of False being returned occurs when is executing.""" # see if the caller's module is __main__ - if so, treat as if # the resource was set if sys._getframe().f_back.f_globals.get("__name__") == "__main__": return if not is_resource_enabled(resource): if msg is None: msg = "Use of the `%s' resource not enabled" % resource raise ResourceDenied(msg) def bind_port(sock, host='', preferred_port=54321): """Try to bind the sock to a port. If we are running multiple tests and we don't try multiple ports, the test can fails. This makes the test more robust.""" import socket, errno # Find some random ports that hopefully no one is listening on. # Ideally each test would clean up after itself and not continue listening # on any ports. However, this isn't the case. The last port (0) is # a stop-gap that asks the O/S to assign a port. Whenever the warning # message below is printed, the test that is listening on the port should # be fixed to close the socket at the end of the test. # Another reason why we can't use a port is another process (possibly # another instance of the test suite) is using the same port. for port in [preferred_port, 9907, 10243, 32999, 0]: try: sock.bind((host, port)) if port == 0: port = sock.getsockname()[1] return port except socket.error, (err, msg): if err != errno.EADDRINUSE: raise print >>sys.__stderr__, \ ' WARNING: failed to listen on port %d, trying another' % port raise TestFailed, 'unable to find port to listen on' FUZZ = 1e-6 def fcmp(x, y): # fuzzy comparison function if type(x) == type(0.0) or type(y) == type(0.0): try: x, y = coerce(x, y) fuzz = (abs(x) + abs(y)) * FUZZ if abs(x-y) <= fuzz: return 0 except: pass elif type(x) == type(y) and type(x) in (type(()), type([])): for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))): outcome = fcmp(x[i], y[i]) if outcome != 0: return outcome return cmp(len(x), len(y)) return cmp(x, y) try: unicode have_unicode = 1 except NameError: have_unicode = 0 is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') import os # Filename used for testing if == 'java': # Jython disallows @ in module names TESTFN = '$test' elif == 'riscos': TESTFN = 'testfile' else: TESTFN = '@test' # Unicode name only used if TEST_FN_ENCODING exists for the platform. if have_unicode: # Assuming sys.getfilesystemencoding()!=sys.getdefaultencoding() # TESTFN_UNICODE is a filename that can be encoded using the # file system encoding, but *not* with the default (ascii) encoding if isinstance('', unicode): # python -U # XXX perhaps unicode() should accept Unicode strings? TESTFN_UNICODE = "@test-\xe0\xf2" else: # 2 latin characters. TESTFN_UNICODE = unicode("@test-\xe0\xf2", "latin-1") TESTFN_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # TESTFN_UNICODE_UNENCODEABLE is a filename that should *not* be # able to be encoded by *either* the default or filesystem encoding. # This test really only makes sense on Windows NT platforms # which have special Unicode support in posixmodule. if (not hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") or sys.getwindowsversion()[3] < 2): # 0=win32s or 1=9x/ME TESTFN_UNICODE_UNENCODEABLE = None else: # Japanese characters (I think - from bug 846133) TESTFN_UNICODE_UNENCODEABLE = eval('u"@test-\u5171\u6709\u3055\u308c\u308b"') try: # XXX - Note - should be using TESTFN_ENCODING here - but for # Windows, "mbcs" currently always operates as if in # errors=ignore' mode - hence we get '?' characters rather than # the exception. 'Latin1' operates as we expect - ie, fails. # See [ 850997 ] mbcs encoding ignores errors TESTFN_UNICODE_UNENCODEABLE.encode("Latin1") except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: print \ 'WARNING: The filename %r CAN be encoded by the filesystem. ' \ 'Unicode filename tests may not be effective' \ % TESTFN_UNICODE_UNENCODEABLE # Make sure we can write to TESTFN, try in /tmp if we can't fp = None try: fp = open(TESTFN, 'w+') except IOError: TMP_TESTFN = os.path.join('/tmp', TESTFN) try: fp = open(TMP_TESTFN, 'w+') TESTFN = TMP_TESTFN del TMP_TESTFN except IOError: print ('WARNING: tests will fail, unable to write to: %s or %s' % (TESTFN, TMP_TESTFN)) if fp is not None: fp.close() unlink(TESTFN) del os, fp def findfile(file, here=__file__): """Try to find a file on sys.path and the working directory. If it is not found the argument passed to the function is returned (this does not necessarily signal failure; could still be the legitimate path).""" import os if os.path.isabs(file): return file path = sys.path path = [os.path.dirname(here)] + path for dn in path: fn = os.path.join(dn, file) if os.path.exists(fn): return fn return file def verify(condition, reason='test failed'): """Verify that condition is true. If not, raise TestFailed. The optional argument reason can be given to provide a better error text. """ if not condition: raise TestFailed(reason) def vereq(a, b): """Raise TestFailed if a == b is false. This is better than verify(a == b) because, in case of failure, the error message incorporates repr(a) and repr(b) so you can see the inputs. Note that "not (a == b)" isn't necessarily the same as "a != b"; the former is tested. """ if not (a == b): raise TestFailed, "%r == %r" % (a, b) def sortdict(dict): "Like repr(dict), but in sorted order." items = dict.items() items.sort() reprpairs = ["%r: %r" % pair for pair in items] withcommas = ", ".join(reprpairs) return "{%s}" % withcommas def check_syntax(statement): try: compile(statement, '<string>', 'exec') except SyntaxError: pass else: print 'Missing SyntaxError: "%s"' % statement def open_urlresource(url): import urllib, urlparse import os.path filename = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1] # '/': it's URL! for path in [os.path.curdir, os.path.pardir]: fn = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(fn): return open(fn) requires('urlfetch') print >> get_original_stdout(), '\tfetching %s ...' % url fn, _ = urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) return open(fn) #======================================================================= # Decorator for running a function in a different locale, correctly resetting # it afterwards. def run_with_locale(catstr, *locales): def decorator(func): def inner(*args, **kwds): try: import locale category = getattr(locale, catstr) orig_locale = locale.setlocale(category) except AttributeError: # if the test author gives us an invalid category string raise except: # cannot retrieve original locale, so do nothing locale = orig_locale = None else: for loc in locales: try: locale.setlocale(category, loc) break except: pass # now run the function, resetting the locale on exceptions try: return func(*args, **kwds) finally: if locale and orig_locale: locale.setlocale(category, orig_locale) inner.func_name = func.func_name inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return inner return decorator #======================================================================= # Big-memory-test support. Separate from 'resources' because memory use should be configurable. # Some handy shorthands. Note that these are used for byte-limits as well # as size-limits, in the various bigmem tests _1M = 1024*1024 _1G = 1024 * _1M _2G = 2 * _1G # Hack to get at the maximum value an internal index can take. class _Dummy: def __getslice__(self, i, j): return j MAX_Py_ssize_t = _Dummy()[:] def set_memlimit(limit): import re global max_memuse sizes = { 'k': 1024, 'm': _1M, 'g': _1G, 't': 1024*_1G, } m = re.match(r'(\d+(\.\d+)?) (K|M|G|T)b?$', limit, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE) if m is None: raise ValueError('Invalid memory limit %r' % (limit,)) memlimit = int(float( * sizes[]) if memlimit > MAX_Py_ssize_t: memlimit = MAX_Py_ssize_t if memlimit < _2G - 1: raise ValueError('Memory limit %r too low to be useful' % (limit,)) max_memuse = memlimit def bigmemtest(minsize, memuse, overhead=5*_1M): """Decorator for bigmem tests. 'minsize' is the minimum useful size for the test (in arbitrary, test-interpreted units.) 'memuse' is the number of 'bytes per size' for the test, or a good estimate of it. 'overhead' specifies fixed overhead, independant of the testsize, and defaults to 5Mb. The decorator tries to guess a good value for 'size' and passes it to the decorated test function. If minsize * memuse is more than the allowed memory use (as defined by max_memuse), the test is skipped. Otherwise, minsize is adjusted upward to use up to max_memuse. """ def decorator(f): def wrapper(self): if not max_memuse: # If max_memuse is 0 (the default), # we still want to run the tests with size set to a few kb, # to make sure they work. We still want to avoid using # too much memory, though, but we do that noisily. maxsize = 5147 self.failIf(maxsize * memuse + overhead > 20 * _1M) else: maxsize = int((max_memuse - overhead) / memuse) if maxsize < minsize: # Really ought to print 'test skipped' or something if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory " "constraint\n" % (f.__name__,)) return # Try to keep some breathing room in memory use maxsize = max(maxsize - 50 * _1M, minsize) return f(self, maxsize) wrapper.minsize = minsize wrapper.memuse = memuse wrapper.overhead = overhead return wrapper return decorator def bigaddrspacetest(f): """Decorator for tests that fill the address space.""" def wrapper(self): if max_memuse < MAX_Py_ssize_t: if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory " "constraint\n" % (f.__name__,)) else: return f(self) return wrapper #======================================================================= # Preliminary PyUNIT integration. import unittest class BasicTestRunner: def run(self, test): result = unittest.TestResult() test(result) return result def run_suite(suite, testclass=None): """Run all TestCases in their own individual TestSuite""" if not junit_xml_dir: # Splitting tests apart slightly changes the handling of the # TestFailed message return _run_suite(suite, testclass) failed = False for test in suite: suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(test) try: _run_suite(suite, testclass) except TestFailed, e: if not failed: failed = e if failed: raise failed def _run_suite(suite, testclass=None): """Run tests from a unittest.TestSuite-derived class.""" if junit_xml_dir: from junit_xml import JUnitXMLTestRunner runner = JUnitXMLTestRunner(junit_xml_dir) elif verbose: runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2) else: runner = BasicTestRunner() result = if not result.wasSuccessful(): if len(result.errors) == 1 and not result.failures: err = result.errors[0][1] elif len(result.failures) == 1 and not result.errors: err = result.failures[0][1] else: if testclass is None: msg = "errors occurred; run in verbose mode for details" else: msg = "errors occurred in %s.%s" \ % (testclass.__module__, testclass.__name__) raise TestFailed(msg) raise TestFailed(err) def run_unittest(*classes): """Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes.""" suite = unittest.TestSuite() for cls in classes: if isinstance(cls, (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase)): suite.addTest(cls) else: suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(cls)) if len(classes)==1: testclass = classes[0] else: testclass = None run_suite(suite, testclass) #======================================================================= # doctest driver. def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None): """Run doctest on the given module. Return (#failures, #tests). If optional argument verbosity is not specified (or is None), pass test_support's belief about verbosity on to doctest. Else doctest's usual behavior is used (it searches sys.argv for -v). """ import doctest if verbosity is None: verbosity = verbose else: verbosity = None # Direct doctest output (normally just errors) to real stdout; doctest # output shouldn't be compared by regrtest. save_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = get_original_stdout() if junit_xml_dir: from junit_xml import Tee, write_doctest save_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = stdout = Tee(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = stderr = Tee(sys.stderr) try: start = time.time() try: f, t = doctest.testmod(module, verbose=verbosity) except: took = time.time() - start if junit_xml_dir: write_doctest(junit_xml_dir, module.__name__, took, 'error', sys.exc_info(), stdout.getvalue(), stderr.getvalue()) raise took = time.time() - start if f: if junit_xml_dir: write_doctest(junit_xml_dir, module.__name__, took, 'failure', stdout=stdout.getvalue(), stderr=stderr.getvalue()) raise TestFailed("%d of %d doctests failed" % (f, t)) finally: sys.stdout = save_stdout if junit_xml_dir: write_doctest(junit_xml_dir, module.__name__, took, stdout=stdout.getvalue(), stderr=stderr.getvalue()) if verbose: print 'doctest (%s) ... %d tests with zero failures' % (module.__name__, t) return f, t #======================================================================= # Threading support to prevent reporting refleaks when running -R def threading_setup(): import threading return len(threading._active), 0 def threading_cleanup(num_active, num_limbo): import threading import time _MAX_COUNT = 10 count = 0 while len(threading._active) != num_active and count < _MAX_COUNT: count += 1 time.sleep(0.1) def reap_children(): """Use this function at the end of test_main() whenever sub-processes are started. This will help ensure that no extra children (zombies) stick around to hog resources and create problems when looking for refleaks. """ # Reap all our dead child processes so we don't leave zombies around. # These hog resources and might be causing some of the buildbots to die. import os if hasattr(os, 'waitpid'): any_process = -1 while True: try: # This will raise an exception on Windows. That's ok. pid, status = os.waitpid(any_process, os.WNOHANG) if pid == 0: break except: break
"""Interactive shell tools for the Halfspan formalism. These tools concern song recognition and allow utilities for recognising songs to be called from the shell. """ """ ============================== License ======================================== Copyright (C) 2008, 2010-12 University of Edinburgh, Mark Granroth-Wilding This file is part of The Jazz Parser. The Jazz Parser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Jazz Parser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with The Jazz Parser. If not, see <>. ============================ End license ====================================== """ __author__ = "Mark Granroth-Wilding <>" from import Tool from import ShellError from jazzparser.utils.options import ModuleOption, options_help_text from jazzparser.utils.strings import str_to_bool class LoadCorpusTool(Tool): """ Tool to load a corpus of tonal space analyses of songs. These may then be used for song recognition. This must be called before other song recognition tools will work. A corpus may be created from the chord corpus using the bin/data/ to parse the chord corpus and store the analyses in a file. """ name = "Load analysis set" commands = ['loadsongs'] usage = ('loadsongs <name>', "load the named tonal space analysis corpus") help = """\ Loads a tonal space analysis corpus by name. This corpus may then be used by other tools which require a song corpus. These corpora are built using the script bin/data/ """ def run(self, args, state): from import TonalSpaceAnalysisSet if len(args) != 1: raise ShellError, "Please give the name of a tonal space analysis "\ "set. Available sets are: %s" % \ ", ".join(TonalSpaceAnalysisSet.list()) try: # Try loading the named set songset = TonalSpaceAnalysisSet.load(args[0]) except Exception, err: raise ShellError, "Error loading tonal space analysis set: %s" % \ err print "Loaded tonal space analysis set '%s'" % args[0] # Store this in the state so other tools can use it['songset'] = songset class ListSongsTool(Tool): name = "List songs" commands = ['songs'] usage = ('songs', "list songs in loaded songset") help = """\ List all the song names in the loaded tonal space analysis songset. """ def run(self, args, state): # Try getting song data songset = state.get_data("songset", help_msg="Use command 'loadsongs' to load a songset") print "\n".join(["%d. %s" % (num,name) for (num,name) in \ enumerate(songset.songs)]) class PrintAnalysisTool(Tool): name = "Print analysis" commands = ['songanal'] usage = ('songanal <songnum>', "display the tonal space analysis for song "\ "number <songnum> in the loaded songset") help = """\ Prints the tonal space path that is the analysis of a song from a loaded songset. """ def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.semantics import semantics_to_coordinates if len(args) == 0: raise ShellError, "Give a song number" # Get the song from the dataset song = get_song(int(args[0]), state) print "Analysis of '%s'" % song[0] print "\nSemantics" # Display the semantics print song[1] print "\nTonal space path" # Also display the TS coordinates print semantics_to_coordinates(song[1]) class ResultSongTSEditDistanceTool(Tool): name = "Compare result" commands = ['songcomparets', 'songcompts'] usage = ('songcomparets <result-num> <song-num>', "compare a parse result "\ "to a song in the database using the tonal space edit distance metric") help = """\ Compares a parse result to a specific song in the database using the tonal space edit distance metric and outputs the alignment distance. See also: songcomparedep: to compare a result to a song in terms of dependency recovery. """ tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('local', filter=str_to_bool, usage="local=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Use local alignment to score the similarity "\ "of the tonal space paths instead of global"), ModuleOption('song', filter=str_to_bool, usage="tosong=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Compare the numbered song in the corpus to the "\ "second song, instead of comparing the numbered result "\ "to the song"), ModuleOption('alignment', filter=str_to_bool, usage="alignment=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Output the full alignment, with the two step "\ "lists above one another"), ] def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.evaluation import \ tonal_space_local_alignment, tonal_space_alignment, \ arrange_alignment if len(args) < 2: raise ShellError, "Give a result number and a song number" resnum = int(args[0]) songnum = int(args[1]) song = get_song(songnum, state) songsem = song[1] if self.options['song']: # Compare a song instead of a result compsong = get_song(resnum, state) resultsem = compsong[1] print "Comparing '%s' to '%s'" % (compsong[0], song[0]) else: # Normal behaviour: compare a result to a song if resnum >= len(state.results): raise ShellError, "No result number %d" % resnum result = state.results[resnum] resultsem = result.semantics print "Comparing result %d to '%s'" % (resnum, song[0]) # Do the comparison if self.options['local']: ops, song_steps, result_steps, distance = \ tonal_space_local_alignment(songsem.lf, resultsem.lf) else: ops, song_steps, result_steps, distance = \ tonal_space_alignment(songsem.lf, resultsem.lf, distance=True) print "Steps in '%s':" % song[0] print song_steps if self.options['song']: print "Steps in '%s'" % compsong[0] else: print "Steps in result path:" print result_steps print "Alignment operations:" print ops if self.options['alignment']: print "Full alignment:" # Print the alignment in three rows WRAP_TO = 70 wrapped_rows = [] current_row = [] current_width = 0 # Wrap the rows for cells in arrange_alignment(song_steps, result_steps, ops): if len(cells[0]) + current_width > WRAP_TO: # Start a new row wrapped_rows.append(current_row) current_row = [] current_width = 0 current_row.append(cells) current_width += len(cells[0]) # Add the incomplete last row wrapped_rows.append(current_row) for row in wrapped_rows: lefts, rights, opses = zip(*row) print " ".join(lefts) print " ".join(rights) print " ".join(opses) print print "Distance: %s" % distance class ResultSongDependencyRecoveryTool(Tool): name = "Compare result" commands = ['songcomparedep', 'songdep'] usage = ('songcomparedep <result-num> <song-num>', "compare a parse result "\ "to a song in the database using the tonal space edit distance metric") help = """\ Compares a parse result to a specific song in the database in terms of dependency recovery and outputs the recall, precision and f-score. See also: songcomparets: to compare a result to a song in terms of tonal space path edit distance. """ tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('song', filter=str_to_bool, usage="tosong=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Compare the numbered song in the corpus to the "\ "second song, instead of comparing the numbered result "\ "to the song"), ] def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.semantics.distance import \ MaximalDependencyAlignment if len(args) < 2: raise ShellError, "Give a result number and a song number" resnum = int(args[0]) songnum = int(args[1]) song = get_song(songnum, state) songsem = song[1] if self.options['song']: # Compare a song instead of a result compsong = get_song(resnum, state) resultsem = compsong[1] print "Comparing '%s' to '%s'" % (compsong[0], song[0]) else: # Normal behaviour: compare a result to a song if resnum >= len(state.results): raise ShellError, "No result number %d" % resnum result = state.results[resnum] resultsem = result.semantics print "Comparing result %d to '%s'" % (resnum, song[0]) # Compare the two logical forms on the basis of overlapping dependencies options = { 'output' : 'recall', } recall_metric = MaximalDependencyAlignment(options=options) options = { 'output' : 'precision', } precision_metric = MaximalDependencyAlignment(options=options) recall = recall_metric.distance(resultsem, songsem) precision = precision_metric.distance(resultsem, songsem) # Print out each comparison print "Recall: %s" % recall print "Precision: %s" % precision print "F-score: %s" % (2.0*recall*precision / (recall+precision)) class RecogniseSongTool(Tool): name = "Recognise song" commands = ['findsong', 'song'] usage = ('findsong [<result-num>]', "find the closest matching song "\ "in the loaded songset") help = """\ Compares a parse result (the top probability one by default) to all the songs in the loaded songset and finds the closest matches by tonal space path similarity. Outputs a list of the closest matches. """ tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('average', filter=int, usage="average=N, where B is an integer", help_text="Average the distance measure over that given "\ "by the top N results (starting at the result given "\ "in the first argument, if given)"), ModuleOption('metric', usage="metric=M, where M is the name of an available metric", help_text="Select a metric to make the comparison with. "\ "Call with metric=help to get a list of metrics"), ModuleOption('mopts', usage="mopts=OPT=VAL:OPT=VAL:...", help_text="Options to pass to the metric. Use mopts=help "\ "to see a list of options"), ] def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.evaluation import \ tonal_space_local_alignment, tonal_space_distance from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan import Formalism metric_name = self.options['metric'] if metric_name == "help": # Print a list of available metrics print ", ".join([ for metric in Formalism.semantics_distance_metrics]) return if len(args) == 0: resnum = 0 else: resnum = int(args[0]) if self.options['average'] and self.options['average'] > 1: # Average the distance over several results resnums = range(resnum, resnum+self.options['average']) else: # Just a single result resnums = [resnum] resultsems = [] for resnum in resnums: # Get the result semantics that we're going to try to match if resnum >= len(state.results): raise ShellError, "No result number %d" % resnum result = state.results[resnum] resultsems.append(result.semantics) # Get the loaded songset containing the song corpus songset = state.get_data("songset", help_msg="Use command 'loadsongs' to load a songset") # Load the appropriate metric if metric_name is None: # Use the first in the list as default metric_cls = Formalism.semantics_distance_metrics[0] else: for m in Formalism.semantics_distance_metrics: if == metric_name: metric_cls = m break else: # No metric found matching this name print "No metric '%s'" % metric_name sys.exit(1) print "Using distance metric: %s\n" % # Now process the metric options moptstr = self.options['mopts'] if moptstr is not None: if moptstr == "help": # Output this metric's option help print options_help_text(metric_cls.OPTIONS, intro="Available options for metric '%s'" % return else: moptstr = "" mopts = ModuleOption.process_option_string(moptstr) # Instantiate the metric with these options metric = metric_cls(options=mopts) song_distances = {} # Try matching against each song for resultsem in resultsems: for name,song in songset.analyses: distance = metric.distance(resultsem, song) song_distances.setdefault(name, []).append(distance) # Average the scores distances = [] for name,costs in song_distances.items(): ave_cost = sum(costs)/float(len(costs)) distances.append((ave_cost,name)) # Sort so the closest ones come first distances.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) # Output all the songs, ordered by similarity, with their distance for i,(distance,name) in enumerate(distances): print "%d> %s (%s)" % (i, name, distance) class SongSelfSimilarityTool(Tool): """ For fooling around with comparing songs to themselves to see what happens. """ name = "Self similarity" commands = ['selfsim'] usage = ('selfsim <song-num>', "") help = "" tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('local', filter=str_to_bool, usage="local=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Sort results by local alignment score, not "\ "global"), ] def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.evaluation import \ tonal_space_local_alignment, tonal_space_distance songnum = int(args[0]) name,song = get_song(songnum, state) songset = state.get_data("songset") distances = [] # Try comparing this song to each song in the set for other_name,other_song in songset.analyses: # Align locally and globally ops,steps1,steps2,local_distance = \ tonal_space_local_alignment(other_song.lf, song.lf) global_distance = \ tonal_space_distance(other_song.lf, song.lf) distances.append((other_name, local_distance, global_distance)) # Sort the results if self.options['local']: distances.sort(key=lambda x:x[1]) else: distances.sort(key=lambda x:x[2]) # Print out each one print "Aligned %s with:" % name for other_name, local_distance, global_distance in distances: print "%s: local: %s, global: %s" % \ (other_name,local_distance,global_distance) class SongTreeTool(Tool): """ Converts a song's semantics to a tree. Mainly just for debugging. """ name = "Song tree" commands = ['tree'] usage = ('tree <song-num>', "converts the semantics of the song to a tree "\ "representation") tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('res', filter=str_to_bool, usage="res=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Show a result, instead of a corpus song"), ] help = """\ Converts the semantics of the numbered song to its tree representation that will be used for comparison to other logical forms. This is mainly for debugging and has no use in itself. """ def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.harmstruct import \ semantics_to_dependency_trees if self.options['res']: resnum = int(args[0]) res = state.results[resnum] song = res.semantics print "Dependency tree for result %d\n" % resnum else: songnum = int(args[0]) name,song = get_song(songnum, state) print "Dependency tree for '%s'\n" % name print "Semantics:" print song print "\nTrees:" for t in semantics_to_dependency_trees(song): print t class SongDependencyGraphTool(Tool): """ Converts a song's semantics to a tree. Mainly just for debugging. """ name = "Song dependency graph" commands = ['depgraph', 'dep'] usage = ('depgraph <song-num>', "converts the semantics of the song to a "\ "dependency graph representation") tool_options = Tool.tool_options + [ ModuleOption('res', filter=str_to_bool, usage="res=B, where B is true or false", default=False, help_text="Show a result, instead of a corpus song"), ] help = """\ Converts the semantics of the numbered song to its tree representation that will be used for comparison to other logical forms. This is mainly for debugging and has no use in itself. """ def run(self, args, state): from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.harmstruct import \ semantics_to_dependency_graph if self.options['res']: resnum = int(args[0]) res = state.results[resnum] song = res.semantics print "Dependency graph for result %d\n" % resnum else: songnum = int(args[0]) name,song = get_song(songnum, state) print "Dependency graph for '%s'\n" % name print "Semantics:" print song print graph, times = semantics_to_dependency_graph(song) print graph def get_song(num, state): """ Retreive a song from the loaded songset by number. Utility function used by tools above. """ songset = state.get_data("songset", help_msg="Use command 'loadsongs' to load a songset") if num >= len(songset): raise ShellError, "There is no song %d. Use the 'songs' command to "\ "see a list of songs" % num else: return songset.analyses[num]
#------------------------------------- # OGN-Flight-Logger Settings #------------------------------------- # Python APRS/OGN program to log flight times, durations, maximum heights achieved and tracks # # This python program creates an SQlite db of flights from a given location and aircraft list # (the later two parameters are to be be developed into a more generalised format).# # # At the moment this is very much 'in development'# # # To install OGN Flight Logger the following prerequisites are required # - python-tz # - sqlite3 # - libfap # # If installing on an arm based system this can be achieved by: # # sudo apt-get install python-tz sqlite3 # wget # sudo dpkg -i libfap*.deb # #------------------------------------- # Setting values # # The values APRS_SERVER_HOST and APRS_SERVER_PORT are FIXED # All other values should be set for a specific location and USER/PASSCODE # Failure to change USER/PASSCODE results in an error #------------------------------------- # # APRS_SERVER_HOST = '' # APRS_SERVER_PORT = 14580 APRS_SERVER_HOST = '' APRS_SERVER_PORT = 14580 # # Please get your own Username and Passcode from # DO NOT USE THE VALUES IN THIS FILE AS IT WILL STOP A PREVIOUS INVOCATION WORKING CORRECTLY # APRS_USER = 'PythonEx' # Username APRS_PASSCODE = 1234 # Passcode. See # # Check that APRS_USER and APRS_PASSCODE are set # assert len(APRS_USER) > 3 and len(str(APRS_PASSCODE)) > 0, 'Please set APRS_USER and APRS_PASSCODE in' # # User defined configuration values # # # This value for base Directory for relative files, ie: # - flogger_schema-1.0.4.sql # - logs # - tracks import sys, os file = sys.argv[0] pathname = os.path.dirname(file) #FLOGGER_BS = "/home/pjr/git_neon/OGN-Flight-Logger_V2/" FLOGGER_BS = pathname + "/" #FLOGGER_BS = "/home/pi/workspace/OGN-Flight-Logger_V2.1/" FLOGGER_MODE = "test" # Test or live mode FLOGGER_DB_SCHEMA = FLOGGER_BS + "flogger_schema-1.0.4.sql" # File holding SQLite3 database schema #FLOGGER_QNH = 340 # QNH ie ASL in metres for airfield at lat/logitude, if set to 0, elevation is automatically looked up. This is Sutton Bank FLOGGER_QNH = 0 # QNH ie ASL in metres for airfield at lat/logitude, if set to 0, elevation is automatically looked up. This is Sutton Bank FLOGGER_LATITUDE, FLOGGER_LONGITUDE = '+54.228833', '-1.209639' # Latitude, longitude of named OGN receiver airfield #FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_DETAILS = "" # Location details for use by geocoder. If blank, "" use LAT, LONG etc FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_DETAILS = "Yorkshire Gliding Club UK" # Location details for use by geocoder. If blank, "" use LAT, LONG etc FLOGGER_MIN_FLIGHT_TIME = "0:4:0" # Minimum time for duration to be considered a flight, hh:mm:ss FLOGGER_KEEPALIVE_TIME = 900 # Interval in seconds for sending tcp/ip keep alive on socket connection FLOGGER_DB_NAME = "flogger.sql3.2" # Name of file for flogger SQLite3 database FLOGGER_FLARMNET_DB_URL = "" # URL of Flarmnet database #FLOGGER_OGN_DB_URL = "" # URL of OGN Flarm database or blank for don't use FLOGGER_OGN_DB_URL = "" # URL of OGN Flarm database or blank for don't use #FLOGGER_OGN_DB_URL = "" # URL of OGN Flarm to registration mapping database #FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_NAME = "SuttonBnk" # Name of Flarm base station for airfield. NOTE MUST BE PROVIDED FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_NAME = "SUTTON BANK" # Name of Flarm base station for airfield. NOTE MUST BE PROVIDED AS in flarmdb record # If blank, "" then all aircraft in db are included in logs & tracks #FLOGGER_FLEET_CHECK = "Y" # Checks Flarm ID is for aircraft fleet of FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_NAME if "Y" FLOGGER_FLEET_CHECK = "N" # Checks Flarm ID is for aircraft fleet of FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_NAME if "Y" FLOGGER_QFE_MIN = 100 # Minimum altitude in metres attained for inclusion as a flight, ie ~300 ft FLOGGER_LOG_PATH = FLOGGER_BS + "logs" # Path where log files are stored FLOGGER_TRACKS = "Y" # If Y flight tracks are recorded. Default is N, ie No tracks logged FLOGGER_TRACKS_FOLDER = FLOGGER_BS + "tracks" # Folder for .gpx files for flight tracks FLOGGER_V_SMALL = 10.0 # Lowest moving speed to be considered as zero kph FLOGGER_NAME = "OGN_Flogger" # Name to be displayed on APRS FLOGGER_VER = "0.2.3" # Flogger version number FLOGGER_RAD = "50" # APRS radius in km from base station in AIRFIELD_DETAILS FLOGGER_FLIGHTS_LOG = FLOGGER_BS + "" # Folder for csv file of daily flights record FLOGGER_DATA_RETENTION = 3 # Number of days to keep .csv files, ie delete, if "0" keep all files FLOGGER_LOG_TUGS = "Y" # Don't log tug flights if "N" FLOGGER_TRACKS_IGC = "N" # Dump flight tracks in IGC format if "Y" else no FLOGGER_LOG_TIME_DELTA = -1 # Number of hours before sunset to start processing flight log FLOGGER_SMTP_SERVER_URL = '' # URL of smtp server for sending email FLOGGER_SMTP_SERVER_PORT = 25 # smtp server port number, normally 25 FLOGGER_SMTP_TX = "" # Flight log sender email addrs FLOGGER_SMTP_RX = "" # Flight log receiver email addrs FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_LIMIT = 2000 # Distance from airfield centre considered a 'Land Out' in metres FLOGGER_LANDOUT_MODE = "email" # Send land out msg by "email", "SMS", or "" don't send FLOGGER_TAKEOFF_EMAIL = "Y" # Send email for each take off if Yes else no FLOGGER_LANDING_EMAIL = "Y" # Send email for each landing if Yes else no FLOGGER_LOG_LAUNCH_FAILURES = "N" # Log launch failures, ie below min time & min height FLOGGER_LOCATION_HORIZON = '-0:34' # Adjustments for angle to horizon for sunset FLOGGER_V_TAKEOFF_MIN = 10 # Min ground speed considered as takenoff. ogn-live is (55Km/h) FLOGGER_V_LANDING_MIN = 10 # Min ground speed considered as landed. ogn-live is (40Km/h) FLOGGER_DT_TUG_LAUNCH = 20 # Delta t(sec) between glider and tug takeoff times to be tug launched FLOGGER_DUPLICATE_FLIGHT_DELTA_T = "0:1:00" # Delta between two landing & takeoff times of same aircraft to be different flights FLOGGER_DUPLICATE_FLIGHT_DELTA = 90 # Delta time (secs) for duplicate flights # # The following fields are used to determine if data from APRS is a position packet from any 1 of up to 4 OGN receivers base stations. # The OGN receiver areas can overlap and if more then 1 is supplied it will increase the accuracy of both the data and track results # The list of OGN receivers can be found at The field values are strings for any # APRS AIRFIELDS code value. One or more must be specified. # If a value is not needed use a null string, ie "". Coordinates for the primary OGN receiver station are either supplied # by FLOGGER_LATITUDE, FLOGGER_LONGITUDE values or if these are not supplied then those returned by a geolocator # service using FLOGGER_AIRFIELD_DETAILS. The primary OGN receiver base station coordinates together with the value # of FLOGGER_RAD are used to filter the data received from APRS. # #FLOGGER_APRS_BASE_1 = "SuttonBnk" #FLOGGER_APRS_BASE_2 = "UKPOC" #FLOGGER_APRS_BASE_3 = "UKRUF" #FLOGGER_APRS_BASE_4 = "Linton" FLOGGER_APRS_BASES = ["SuttonBnk", "UKPOC", "UKRUF", "Linton", "Riponhill"] # Coded 001-099: Gliders, # 101-199: Tugs, # 201-299: Motor Gliders, # 301-399: Other # Note. No reason for coding these values other than, 'why not!' FLOGGER_FLEET_LIST = {"G-CHEF":1, "G-CHVR":2, "G-CKFN":3, "G-CKJH":4, "G-CKLW":5, "G-CJVZ":6, "G-DDKC":7, "G-DDPO":8, "G-BETM":101, "G-CIOF":102, "G-MOYR":103, "G-BJIV": 104, "G-OSUT":201, } # # Aircraft types in OGN Database, see # FLOGGER_AIRCRAFT_CAT = [ 'None' # 0 = Blank 'Gliders/motoGliders', # 1 'Planes', # 2 'Ultralights', # 3 'Helicoters', # 4 'Drones/UAV', # 5 'Others', # 6 ]
from base import Device import math as math class SectorBendingMagnet(Device): def __init__(self, nomenclature="", width=0., height=0., length=0., angle=0.): Device.__init__(self, nomenclature, width, height, length) self.angle = angle def __repr__(self): r = str(self) + "(" r += "width=" + str(self.width) + "m, " r += "height=" + str(self.height) + "m, " r += "length=" + str(self.length) + "m, " r += "angle=" + str(self.angle) + "rad)" return r def transport(self, ion): if self.angle == 0: ion.x += self.length * ion.dx ion.y += self.length * ion.dy else: radius = self.length / self.angle cos_angle = math.cos(self.angle) sin_angle = math.sin(self.angle) x = cos_angle * ion.x x += radius * sin_angle * ion.dx x += radius * (1. - cos_angle) * ion.dp dx = -(1. / radius) * sin_angle * ion.x dx += cos_angle * ion.dx + sin_angle * ion.dp y = ion.y + self.length * ion.dy dl = -sin_angle * ion.x dl -= radius * (1. - cos_angle) * ion.dx dl -= radius * (self.length - radius * sin_angle) * ion.dp ion.x = x ion.dx = dx ion.y = y ion.dl = dl self.forward_if_not_lost(ion) class RectangleBendingMagnet(Device): pass class HorizontalKickerMagnet(Device): def __init__(self, nomenclature="", width=0., height=0., angle=0.): Device.__init__(self, nomenclature, width, height) self.angle = angle def __repr__(self): r = str(self) + "(" r += "width=" + str(self.width) + "m, " r += "height=" + str(self.height) + "m, " r += "length=" + str(self.length) + "m, " r += "angle=" + str(self.angle) + "rad)" return r def transport(self, ion): ion.dx += self.angle self.forward_if_not_lost(ion) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # class QuadrupoleMagnet(Device): def __init__(self, nomenclature="", width=0., height=0., length=0., strength=0.): Device.__init__(self, nomenclature, width, height, length) self.strength = strength def __repr__(self): r = str(self) + "(" r += "width=" + str(self.width) + "m, " r += "height=" + str(self.height) + "m, " r += "length=" + str(self.length) + "m, " r += "strength=" + str(self.strength) + "rad)" return r def transport(self, ion): sqrts = math.sqrt(abs(self.strength)) omega = self.length * sqrts cosomega = math.cos(omega) coshomega = math.cosh(omega) sinomega = math.sin(omega) sinhomega = math.sinh(omega) if self.strength < 0: x = cosomega * ion.x + (sinomega / sqrts) * ion.dx dx = -sinomega * sqrts * ion.x + cosomega * ion.dx y = coshomega * ion.y + (sinhomega / sqrts) * ion.dy dy = sinhomega * sqrts * ion.y + coshomega * ion.dy ion.x = x ion.dx = dx ion.y = y ion.dy = dy elif self.strength > 0: x = coshomega * ion.x + (sinhomega / sqrts) * ion.dx dx = sinhomega * sqrts * ion.x + coshomega * ion.dx y = cosomega * ion.y + (sinomega / sqrts) * ion.dy dy = -sinomega * sqrts * ion.y + cosomega * ion.dy ion.x = x ion.dx = dx ion.y = y ion.dy = dy else: ion.x += self.length * ion.dx ion.y += self.length * ion.dy self.forward_if_not_lost(ion) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class SixtupoleMagnet(Device): pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015 Metaswitch Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ felix.test.test_frules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tests of iptables rules generation function. """ import logging from mock import Mock, patch, call, ANY from calico.felix import frules from calico.felix.config import Config from calico.felix.fiptables import IptablesUpdater from calico.felix.frules import ( profile_to_chain_name, rules_to_chain_rewrite_lines, UnsupportedICMPType, _rule_to_iptables_fragment ) from calico.felix.test.base import BaseTestCase _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_MARK = ('--append chain-foo --match comment ' '--comment "Mark as not matched" --jump MARK --set-mark 1') RULES_TESTS = [ ([{"src_net": ""},], 4, ["--append chain-foo --source --jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ([{"protocol": "icmp", "src_net": "", "icmp_type": 7, "icmp_code": 123},], 4, ["--append chain-foo --protocol icmp --source " "--match icmp --icmp-type 7/123 " "--jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ([{"protocol": "icmp", "src_net": "", "icmp_type": 7},], 4, ["--append chain-foo --protocol icmp --source " "--match icmp --icmp-type 7 " "--jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ([{"protocol": "icmpv6", "src_net": "1234::beef", "icmp_type": 7},], 6, ["--append chain-foo --protocol icmpv6 --source 1234::beef " "--match icmp6 --icmpv6-type 7 " "--jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ([{"protocol": "tcp", "src_tag": "tag-foo", "src_ports": ["0:12", 13]}], 4, ["--append chain-foo --protocol tcp " "--match set --match-set ipset-foo src " "--match multiport --source-ports 0:12,13 --jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ([{"protocol": "tcp", "src_ports": [0, "2:3", 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]}], 4, ["--append chain-foo --protocol tcp " "--match multiport --source-ports 0,2:3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 " "--jump RETURN", "--append chain-foo --protocol tcp " "--match multiport --source-ports 16,17 " "--jump RETURN", DEFAULT_MARK]), ] IP_SET_MAPPING = { "tag-foo": "ipset-foo", "tag-bar": "ipset-bar", } class TestRules(BaseTestCase): def test_profile_to_chain_name(self): self.assertEqual(profile_to_chain_name("inbound", "prof1"), "felix-p-prof1-i") self.assertEqual(profile_to_chain_name("outbound", "prof1"), "felix-p-prof1-o") def test_split_port_lists(self): self.assertEqual( frules._split_port_lists([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]), [['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']] ) self.assertEqual( frules._split_port_lists([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]), [['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15'], ['16']] ) self.assertEqual( frules._split_port_lists([1, "2:3", 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]), [['1', '2:3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15'], ['16', '17']] ) def test_rules_generation(self): for rules, ip_version, expected_output in RULES_TESTS: fragments = rules_to_chain_rewrite_lines( "chain-foo", rules, ip_version, IP_SET_MAPPING, on_allow="RETURN", ) self.assertEqual(fragments, expected_output) def test_bad_icmp_type(self): with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedICMPType): _rule_to_iptables_fragment("foo", {"icmp_type": 255}, 4, {}) def test_bad_protocol_with_ports(self): with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): _rule_to_iptables_fragment("foo", {"protocol": "10", "src_ports": [1]}, 4, {}) def test_build_input_chain(self): chain, deps = frules._build_input_chain("tap+", "", 1234, 546, 547, False, "DROP") self.assertEqual(chain, [ '--append felix-INPUT ! --in-interface tap+ --jump RETURN', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol tcp --destination --dport 1234 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --sport 546 --dport 547 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --jump DROP', ]) self.assertEqual(deps, set()) def test_build_input_chain_ipip(self): chain, deps = frules._build_input_chain("tap+", "", 1234, 546, 547, False, "DROP", "felix-hosts") self.assertEqual(chain, [ '--append felix-INPUT --protocol ipencap --match set ! --match-set felix-hosts src --jump DROP', '--append felix-INPUT ! --in-interface tap+ --jump RETURN', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol tcp --destination --dport 1234 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --sport 546 --dport 547 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --jump DROP', ]) self.assertEqual(deps, set()) def test_build_input_chain_return(self): chain, deps = frules._build_input_chain("tap+", None, None, 546, 547, True, "RETURN") self.assertEqual(chain, [ '--append felix-INPUT ! --in-interface tap+ --jump RETURN', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 130', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 131', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 132', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 133', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 135', '--append felix-INPUT --jump ACCEPT --protocol ipv6-icmp --icmpv6-type 136', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --sport 546 --dport 547 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --jump felix-FROM-ENDPOINT', ]) self.assertEqual(deps, set(["felix-FROM-ENDPOINT"])) @patch("calico.felix.futils.check_call", autospec=True) @patch("calico.felix.frules.devices", autospec=True) @patch("calico.felix.frules.HOSTS_IPSET_V4", autospec=True) def test_install_global_rules(self, m_ipset, m_devices, m_check_call): m_devices.interface_exists.return_value = False m_devices.interface_up.return_value = False m_config = Mock(spec=Config) m_config.IP_IN_IP_ENABLED = True m_config.METADATA_IP = "" m_config.METADATA_PORT = 1234 m_config.DEFAULT_INPUT_CHAIN_ACTION = "RETURN" m_config.IFACE_PREFIX = "tap" m_v4_upd = Mock(spec=IptablesUpdater) m_v6_upd = Mock(spec=IptablesUpdater) m_v4_nat_upd = Mock(spec=IptablesUpdater) frules.install_global_rules(m_config, m_v4_upd, m_v6_upd, m_v4_nat_upd) m_ipset.ensure_exists.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual( m_check_call.mock_calls, [ call(["ip", "tunnel", "add", "tunl0", "mode", "ipip"]), call(["ip", "link", "set", "tunl0", "up"]), ] ) expected_chains = { 'felix-INPUT': [ '--append felix-INPUT ! --in-interface tap+ --jump RETURN', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-INPUT --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol tcp --destination --dport 1234 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --sport 68 --dport 67 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --protocol udp --dport 53 --jump ACCEPT', '--append felix-INPUT --jump felix-FROM-ENDPOINT' ], 'felix-FORWARD': [ '--append felix-FORWARD --in-interface tap+ --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-FORWARD --out-interface tap+ --match conntrack --ctstate INVALID --jump DROP', '--append felix-FORWARD --in-interface tap+ --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump RETURN', '--append felix-FORWARD --out-interface tap+ --match conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED --jump RETURN', '--append felix-FORWARD --jump felix-FROM-ENDPOINT --in-interface tap+', '--append felix-FORWARD --jump felix-TO-ENDPOINT --out-interface tap+', '--append felix-FORWARD --jump ACCEPT --in-interface tap+', '--append felix-FORWARD --jump ACCEPT --out-interface tap+' ] } m_v4_upd.rewrite_chains.assert_called_once_with( expected_chains, { 'felix-INPUT': set(['felix-FROM-ENDPOINT']), 'felix-FORWARD': set([ 'felix-FROM-ENDPOINT', 'felix-TO-ENDPOINT' ]) }, async=False ) self.assertEqual( m_v4_upd.ensure_rule_inserted.mock_calls, [ call("INPUT --jump felix-INPUT", async=False), call("FORWARD --jump felix-FORWARD", async=False), ] )
# Copyright 2014 Donald Stufft # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import time from converge import marconi as queue from converge import tasks def main(args): # Get our configuration config = { k[9:]: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.upper().startswith("CONVERGE_") } task = None try: # Do Our Busy Loop while True: # grab a Task from the queue task = queue.claim( config["RACKSPACE_USER"], config["RACKSPACE_APIKEY"], config["QUEUE"], region=config["RACKSPACE_REGION"], ) if task is not None: # Do Our Task if task["body"]["event"] == "revision.process": tasks.process_revision(config, task["body"]["revision"]) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown event '{}'".format(task["body"]["event"]) ) # Delete the task now that it's been processed queue.delete( config["RACKSPACE_USER"], config["RACKSPACE_APIKEY"], config["QUEUE"], task, region=config["RACKSPACE_REGION"], ) task = None else: # If there were no tasks, wait for 5 seconds and try again time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Exiting converge.worker...") # Release any claims we have as we are shutting down if task is not None: queue.unclaim( config["RACKSPACE_USER"], config["RACKSPACE_APIKEY"], config["QUEUE"], task, region=config["RACKSPACE_REGION"], ) return except: # Release any claims we have as we hit an error if task is not None: queue.unclaim( config["RACKSPACE_USER"], config["RACKSPACE_APIKEY"], config["QUEUE"], task, region=config["RACKSPACE_REGION"], ) raise if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # <nbformat>3.0</nbformat> # <codecell> import nltk %matplotlib inline # <codecell> import os from nltk.corpus.reader.plaintext import PlaintextCorpusReader corpusdir = 'data/texts/' # Directory of corpus. corpus0 = PlaintextCorpusReader(corpusdir, '.*') corpus = nltk.Text(corpus0.words()) # <codecell> corpus.concordance('girls') # <codecell> corpus.concordance("'", lines=all) # <codecell> len(set(corpus)) # <codecell> len(corpus) # <codecell> corpus.common_contexts(['general']) # <codecell> from nltk.corpus import stopwords stopwords = stopwords.words(‘english’) # <codecell> corpus.dispersion_plot(["women","girls","fire"]) # <codecell> import mpld3 # <codecell> mpld3.enable_notebook() # <codecell> corpus.dispersion_plot(["women","girls","fire"], ) # <codecell> len(corpus) # <codecell> len(set(corpus)) / len(corpus) # <codecell> corpus[0:100] # <codecell> fdist1 = nltk.FreqDist(corpus) # <codecell> fdist1.most_common(50) # <codecell> fdist1.plot(50, cumulative=True) # <codecell> corpus[w.upper() for w in corpus]
# #START_LICENSE########################################################### # # # This file is part of the Environment for Tree Exploration program # (ETE). # # ETE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ETE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ETE. If not, see <>. # # # ABOUT THE ETE PACKAGE # ===================== # # ETE is distributed under the GPL copyleft license (2008-2015). # # If you make use of ETE in published work, please cite: # # Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Joaquin Dopazo and Toni Gabaldon. # ETE: a python Environment for Tree Exploration. Jaime BMC # Bioinformatics 2010,:24doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-24 # # Note that extra references to the specific methods implemented in # the toolkit may be available in the documentation. # # More info at Contact: # # # #END_LICENSE############################################################# from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import re import time from signal import signal, SIGWINCH, SIGKILL, SIGTERM from collections import deque from textwrap import TextWrapper import six.moves.queue import threading from .logger import get_main_log from .utils import GLOBALS, clear_tempdir, terminate_job_launcher, pjoin, pexist from .errors import * import six from six import StringIO MAIN_LOG = False # try: # import curses # except ImportError: # NCURSES = False # else: # NCURSES = True NCURSES = False # CONVERT shell colors to the same curses palette SHELL_COLORS = { "10": '\033[1;37;41m', # white on red "11": '\033[1;37;43m', # white on orange "12": '\033[1;37;45m', # white on magenta "16": '\033[1;37;46m', # white on blue "13": '\033[1;37;40m', # black on white "06": '\033[1;34m', # light blue "05": '\033[1;31m', # light red "03": '\033[1;32m', # light green "8": '\033[1;33m', # yellow "7": '\033[36m', # cyan "6": '\033[34m', # blue "3": '\033[32m', # green "4": '\033[33m', # orange "5": '\033[31m', # red "2": "\033[35m", # magenta "1": "\033[0m", # white "0": "\033[0m", # end } def safe_int(x): try: return int(x) except TypeError: return x def shell_colorify_match(match): return SHELL_COLORS[match.groups()[2]] class ExcThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, bucket, *args, **kargs): threading.Thread.__init__(self, *args, **kargs) self.bucket = bucket def run(self): try: except Exception: self.bucket.put(sys.exc_info()) raise class Screen(StringIO): # tags used to control color of strings and select buffer TAG = re.compile("@@((\d+),)?(\d+):", re.MULTILINE) def __init__(self, windows): StringIO.__init__(self) = windows self.autoscroll = {} self.pos = {} self.lines = {} self.maxsize = {} self.stdout = None self.logfile = None self.wrapper = TextWrapper(width=80, initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" ", replace_whitespace=False) if NCURSES: for windex in windows: h, w = windows[windex][0].getmaxyx() self.maxsize[windex] = (h, w) self.pos[windex] = [0, 0] self.autoscroll[windex] = True self.lines[windex] = 0 def scroll(self, win, vt, hz=0, refresh=True): line, col = self.pos[win] hz_pos = col + hz if hz_pos < 0: hz_pos = 0 elif hz_pos >= 1000: hz_pos = 999 vt_pos = line + vt if vt_pos < 0: vt_pos = 0 elif vt_pos >= 1000: vt_pos = 1000 - 1 if line != vt_pos or col != hz_pos: self.pos[win] = [vt_pos, hz_pos] if refresh: self.refresh() def scroll_to(self, win, vt, hz=0, refresh=True): line, col = self.pos[win] hz_pos = hz if hz_pos < 0: hz_pos = 0 elif hz_pos >= 1000: hz_pos = 999 vt_pos = vt if vt_pos < 0: vt_pos = 0 elif vt_pos >= 1000: vt_pos = 1000 - 1 if line != vt_pos or col != hz_pos: self.pos[win] = [vt_pos, hz_pos] if refresh: self.refresh() def refresh(self): for windex, (win, dim) in six.iteritems( h, w, sy, sx = dim line, col = self.pos[windex] if h is not None: win.touchwin() win.noutrefresh(line, col, sy+1, sx+1, sy+h-2, sx+w-2) else: win.noutrefresh() curses.doupdate() def write(self, text): if six.PY3: text = str(text) else: if isinstance(text, six.text_type): #text = text.encode(self.stdout.encoding) text = text.encode("UTF-8") if NCURSES: self.write_curses(text) if self.logfile: text = re.sub(self.TAG, "", text) self.write_log(text) else: if GLOBALS["color_shell"]: text = re.sub(self.TAG, shell_colorify_match, text) else: text = re.sub(self.TAG, "", text) self.write_normal(text) if self.logfile: self.write_log(text) def write_log(self, text): self.logfile.write(text) self.logfile.flush() def write_normal(self, text): #_text = '\n'.join(self.wrapper.wrap(text)) #self.stdout.write(_text+"\n") self.stdout.write(text) def write_curses(self, text): formatstr = deque() for m in re.finditer(self.TAG, text): x1, x2 = m.span() cindex = safe_int(m.groups()[2]) windex = safe_int(m.groups()[1]) formatstr.append([x1, x2, cindex, windex]) if not formatstr: formatstr.append([None, 0, 1, 1]) if formatstr[0][1] == 0: stop, start, cindex, windex = formatstr.popleft() if windex is None: windex = 1 else: stop, start, cindex, windex = None, 0, 1, 1 while start is not None: if formatstr: next_stop, next_start, next_cindex, next_windex = formatstr.popleft() else: next_stop, next_start, next_cindex, next_windex = None, None, cindex, windex face = curses.color_pair(cindex) win, (h, w, sy, sx) =[windex] ln, cn = self.pos[windex] # Is this too inefficient? new_lines = text[start:next_stop].count("\n") self.lines[windex] += new_lines if self.lines[windex] > self.maxsize[windex]: _y, _x = win.getyx() for _i in self.lines[windex]-self.maxsize(windex): win.move(0,0) win.deleteln() win.move(_y, _x) # Visual scroll if self.autoscroll[windex]: scroll = self.lines[windex] - ln - h if scroll > 0: self.scroll(windex, scroll, refresh=False) try: win.addstr(text[start:next_stop], face) except curses.error: win.addstr("???") start = next_start stop = next_stop cindex = next_cindex if next_windex is not None: windex = next_windex self.refresh() def resize_screen(self, s, frame): import sys,fcntl,termios,struct data = fcntl.ioctl(self.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234') h, w = struct.unpack('hh', data) win = #main = curses.initscr() #h, w = main.getmaxyx() #win[0] = (main, (None, None, 0, 0)) #curses.resizeterm(h, w) win[0][0].resize(h, w) win[0][0].clear() info_win, error_win, debug_win = setup_layout(h, w) win[1][1] = info_win win[2][1] = error_win win[3][1] = debug_win self.refresh() def init_curses(main_scr): if not NCURSES or not main_scr: # curses disabled, no multi windows return None # Colors curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(10, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_RED) curses.init_pair(11, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_YELLOW) curses.init_pair(12, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA) WIN = {} main = main_scr h, w = main.getmaxyx() WIN[0] = (main, (None, None, 0, 0)) # Creates layout info_win, error_win, debug_win = setup_layout(h, w) WIN[1] = [curses.newpad(5000, 1000), info_win] WIN[2] = [curses.newpad(5000, 1000), error_win] WIN[3] = [curses.newpad(5000, 1000), debug_win] #WIN[1], WIN[11] = newwin(h-1, w/2, 1,1) #WIN[2], WIN[12] = newwin(h-dbg_h-1, (w/2)-1, 1, (w/2)+2) #WIN[3], WIN[13] = newwin(dbg_h-1, (w/2)-1, h-dbg_h+1, (w/2)+2) for windex, (w, dim) in six.iteritems(WIN): #w = WIN[i] #w.bkgd(str(windex)) w.bkgd(" ") w.keypad(1) w.idlok(True) w.scrollok(True) return WIN def clear_env(): try: terminate_job_launcher() except: pass base_dir = GLOBALS["basedir"] lock_file = pjoin(base_dir, "alive") try: os.remove(lock_file) except Exception: print("could not remove lock file %s" %lock_file, file=sys.stderr) clear_tempdir() def app_wrapper(func, args): global NCURSES base_dir = GLOBALS.get("scratch_dir", GLOBALS["basedir"]) lock_file = pjoin(base_dir, "alive") if not args.enable_ui: NCURSES = False if not pexist(lock_file) or args.clearall: open(lock_file, "w").write(time.ctime()) else: clear_env() print('\nThe same process seems to be running. Use --clearall or remove the lock file "alive" within the output dir', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) try: if NCURSES: curses.wrapper(main, func, args) else: main(None, func, args) except ConfigError as e: if GLOBALS.get('_background_scheduler', None): GLOBALS['_background_scheduler'].terminate() print("\nConfiguration Error:", e, file=sys.stderr) clear_env() sys.exit(-1) except DataError as e: if GLOBALS.get('_background_scheduler', None): GLOBALS['_background_scheduler'].terminate() print("\nData Error:", e, file=sys.stderr) clear_env() sys.exit(-1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Control-C is also grabbed by the back_launcher, so it is no necessary # to terminate from here print("\nProgram was interrupted.", file=sys.stderr) if args.monitor: print(("VERY IMPORTANT !!!: Note that launched" " jobs will keep running as you provided the --monitor flag"), file=sys.stderr) clear_env() sys.exit(-1) except: if GLOBALS.get('_background_scheduler', None): GLOBALS['_background_scheduler'].terminate() clear_env() raise else: if GLOBALS.get('_background_scheduler', None): GLOBALS['_background_scheduler'].terminate() clear_env() def main(main_screen, func, args): """ Init logging and Screen. Then call main function """ global MAIN_LOG # Do I use ncurses or basic terminal interface? screen = Screen(init_curses(main_screen)) # prints are handled by my Screen object screen.stdout = sys.stdout if args.logfile: screen.logfile = open(os.path.join(GLOBALS["basedir"], "npr.log"), "w") sys.stdout = screen sys.stderr = screen # Start logger, pointing to the selected screen if not MAIN_LOG: MAIN_LOG = True log = get_main_log(screen, [28,26,24,22,20,10][args.verbosity]) # Call main function as lower thread if NCURSES: screen.refresh() exceptions = six.moves.queue.Queue() t = ExcThread(bucket=exceptions, target=func, args=[args]) t.daemon = True t.start() ln = 0 chars = "\\|/-\\|/-" cbuff = 1 try: while 1: try: exc = exceptions.get(block=False) except six.moves.queue.Empty: pass else: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_trace = exc # deal with the exception #print exc_trace, exc_type, exc_obj raise exc_obj mwin =[0][0] key = mwin.getch() mwin.addstr(0, 0, "%s (%s) (%s) (%s)" %(key, screen.pos, ["%s %s" %(i,w[1]) for i,w in list(], screen.lines) + " "*50) mwin.refresh() if key == 113: # Fixes the problem of prints without newline char raise KeyboardInterrupt("Q Pressed") if key == 9: cbuff += 1 if cbuff>3: cbuff = 1 elif key == curses.KEY_UP: screen.scroll(cbuff, -1) elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN: screen.scroll(cbuff, 1) elif key == curses.KEY_LEFT: screen.scroll(cbuff, 0, -1) elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: screen.scroll(cbuff, 0, 1) elif key == curses.KEY_NPAGE: screen.scroll(cbuff, 10) elif key == curses.KEY_PPAGE: screen.scroll(cbuff, -10) elif key == curses.KEY_END: screen.scroll_to(cbuff, 999, 0) elif key == curses.KEY_HOME: screen.scroll_to(cbuff, 0, 0) elif key == curses.KEY_RESIZE: screen.resize_screen(None, None) else: pass except: # fixes the problem of restoring screen when last print # did not contain a newline char. WTF! print("\n") raise #while 1: # if ln >= len(chars): # ln = 0 #[0].addstr(0,0, chars[ln]) #[0].refresh() # time.sleep(0.2) # ln += 1 else: func(args) def setup_layout(h, w): # Creates layout header = 4 start_x = 0 start_y = header h -= start_y w -= start_x h1 = h/2 + h%2 h2 = h/2 if w > 160: # _______ # | |___| # |___|___| w1 = w/2 + w%2 w2 = w/2 info_win = [h, w1, start_y, start_x] error_win = [h1, w2, start_y, w1] debug_win = [h2, w2, h1, w1] else: # ___ # |___| # |___| # |___| h2a = h2/2 + h2%2 h2b = h2/2 info_win = [h1, w, start_y, start_x] error_win = [h2a, w, h1, start_x] debug_win = [h2b, w, h1+h2a, start_x] return info_win, error_win, debug_win
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Handlers for placement API. Individual handlers are associated with URL paths in the ROUTE_DECLARATIONS dictionary. At the top level each key is a Routes compliant path. The value of that key is a dictionary mapping individual HTTP request methods to a Python function representing a simple WSGI application for satisfying that request. The ``make_map`` method processes ROUTE_DECLARATIONS to create a Routes.Mapper, including automatic handlers to respond with a 405 when a request is made against a valid URL with an invalid method. """ import routes import webob from oslo_log import log as logging from nova.api.openstack.placement import exception from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import aggregate from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import allocation from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import allocation_candidate from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import inventory from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import resource_class from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import resource_provider from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import root from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import trait from nova.api.openstack.placement.handlers import usage from nova.api.openstack.placement import policy from nova.api.openstack.placement import util from nova.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # URLs and Handlers # NOTE(cdent): When adding URLs here, do not use regex patterns in # the path parameters (e.g. {uuid:[0-9a-zA-Z-]+}) as that will lead # to 404s that are controlled outside of the individual resources # and thus do not include specific information on the why of the 404. ROUTE_DECLARATIONS = { '/': { 'GET': root.home, }, # NOTE(cdent): This allows '/placement/' and '/placement' to # both work as the root of the service, which we probably want # for those situations where the service is mounted under a # prefix (as it is in devstack). While weird, an empty string is # a legit key in a dictionary and matches as desired in Routes. '': { 'GET': root.home, }, '/resource_classes': { 'GET': resource_class.list_resource_classes, 'POST': resource_class.create_resource_class }, '/resource_classes/{name}': { 'GET': resource_class.get_resource_class, 'PUT': resource_class.update_resource_class, 'DELETE': resource_class.delete_resource_class, }, '/resource_providers': { 'GET': resource_provider.list_resource_providers, 'POST': resource_provider.create_resource_provider }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}': { 'GET': resource_provider.get_resource_provider, 'DELETE': resource_provider.delete_resource_provider, 'PUT': resource_provider.update_resource_provider }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories': { 'GET': inventory.get_inventories, 'POST': inventory.create_inventory, 'PUT': inventory.set_inventories, 'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventories }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/inventories/{resource_class}': { 'GET': inventory.get_inventory, 'PUT': inventory.update_inventory, 'DELETE': inventory.delete_inventory }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/usages': { 'GET': usage.list_usages }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates': { 'GET': aggregate.get_aggregates, 'PUT': aggregate.set_aggregates }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/allocations': { 'GET': allocation.list_for_resource_provider, }, '/allocations': { 'POST': allocation.set_allocations, }, '/allocations/{consumer_uuid}': { 'GET': allocation.list_for_consumer, 'PUT': allocation.set_allocations_for_consumer, 'DELETE': allocation.delete_allocations, }, '/allocation_candidates': { 'GET': allocation_candidate.list_allocation_candidates, }, '/traits': { 'GET': trait.list_traits, }, '/traits/{name}': { 'GET': trait.get_trait, 'PUT': trait.put_trait, 'DELETE': trait.delete_trait, }, '/resource_providers/{uuid}/traits': { 'GET': trait.list_traits_for_resource_provider, 'PUT': trait.update_traits_for_resource_provider, 'DELETE': trait.delete_traits_for_resource_provider }, '/usages': { 'GET': usage.get_total_usages, }, } def dispatch(environ, start_response, mapper): """Find a matching route for the current request. If no match is found, raise a 404 response. If there is a matching route, but no matching handler for the given method, raise a 405. """ result = mapper.match(environ=environ) if result is None: raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound( json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) # We can't reach this code without action being present. handler = result.pop('action') environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'] = ((), result) return handler(environ, start_response) def handle_405(environ, start_response): """Return a 405 response when method is not allowed. If _methods are in routing_args, send an allow header listing the methods that are possible on the provided URL. """ _methods = util.wsgi_path_item(environ, '_methods') headers = {} if _methods: # Ensure allow header is a python 2 or 3 native string (thus # not unicode in python 2 but stay a string in python 3) # In the process done by Routes to save the allowed methods # to its routing table they become unicode in py2. headers['allow'] = str(_methods) # Use Exception class as WSGI Application. We don't want to raise here. response = webob.exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed( _('The method specified is not allowed for this resource.'), headers=headers, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) return response(environ, start_response) def make_map(declarations): """Process route declarations to create a Route Mapper.""" mapper = routes.Mapper() for route, targets in declarations.items(): allowed_methods = [] for method in targets: mapper.connect(route, action=targets[method], conditions=dict(method=[method])) allowed_methods.append(method) allowed_methods = ', '.join(allowed_methods) mapper.connect(route, action=handle_405, _methods=allowed_methods) return mapper class PlacementHandler(object): """Serve Placement API. Dispatch to handlers defined in ROUTE_DECLARATIONS. """ def __init__(self, **local_config): # NOTE(cdent): Local config currently unused. self._map = make_map(ROUTE_DECLARATIONS) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # All requests but '/' require admin. if environ['PATH_INFO'] != '/': context = environ['placement.context'] # TODO(cdent): Using is_admin everywhere (except /) is # insufficiently flexible for future use case but is # convenient for initial exploration. if not policy.placement_authorize(context, 'placement'): raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden( _('admin required'), json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) # Check that an incoming request with a content-length header # that is an integer > 0 and not empty, also has a content-type # header that is not empty. If not raise a 400. clen = environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH') try: if clen and (int(clen) > 0) and not environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE'): raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( _('content-type header required when content-length > 0'), json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) except ValueError as exc: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( _('content-length header must be an integer'), json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) try: return dispatch(environ, start_response, self._map) # Trap the NotFound exceptions raised by the objects used # with the API and transform them into webob.exc.HTTPNotFound. except exception.NotFound as exc: raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound( exc, json_formatter=util.json_error_formatter) # Remaining uncaught exceptions will rise first to the Microversion # middleware, where any WebOb generated exceptions will be caught and # transformed into legit HTTP error responses (with microversion # headers added), and then to the FaultWrapper middleware which will # catch anything else and transform them into 500 responses. # NOTE(cdent): There should be very few uncaught exceptions which are # not WebOb exceptions at this stage as the handlers are contained by # the wsgify decorator which will transform those exceptions to # responses itself.
# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et: import os import shutil from tempfile import mkdtemp from nipype.testing import assert_equal, assert_true from nipype.interfaces import utility import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe def test_rename(): tempdir = os.path.realpath(mkdtemp()) origdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempdir) # Test very simple rename _ = open("file.txt", "w").close() rn = utility.Rename(in_file="file.txt", format_string="test_file1.txt") res = outfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "test_file1.txt") yield assert_equal, res.outputs.out_file, outfile yield assert_true, os.path.exists(outfile) # Now a string-formatting version rn = utility.Rename(in_file="file.txt", format_string="%(field1)s_file%(field2)d", keep_ext=True) # Test .input field creation yield assert_true, hasattr(rn.inputs, "field1") yield assert_true, hasattr(rn.inputs, "field2") # Set the inputs rn.inputs.field1 = "test" rn.inputs.field2 = 2 res = outfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "test_file2.txt") yield assert_equal, res.outputs.out_file, outfile yield assert_true, os.path.exists(outfile) # Clean up os.chdir(origdir) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def test_function(): tempdir = os.path.realpath(mkdtemp()) origdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempdir) def gen_random_array(size): import numpy as np return np.random.rand(size, size) f1 = pe.MapNode(utility.Function(input_names=['size'], output_names=['random_array'], function=gen_random_array), name='random_array', iterfield=['size']) f1.inputs.size = [2, 3, 5] wf = pe.Workflow(name="test_workflow") def increment_array(in_array): return in_array + 1 f2 = pe.MapNode(utility.Function(input_names=['in_array'], output_names=['out_array'], function=increment_array), name='increment_array', iterfield=['in_array']) wf.connect(f1, 'random_array', f2, 'in_array') # Clean up os.chdir(origdir) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
import unittest from test import test_support from org.python.core import PyFile import re import os import javashell # testCmds is a list of (command, expectedOutput) # each command is executed twice, once in unitialized environment and # once with initialized environment # smaller set of commands for simple test testCmds = [ ("echo hello world", "hello world"), ] # turn off output from javashell.__warn javashell.__warn = lambda *args: None def dprint( *args ): #print args pass # can instead set testCmds = fullTestCmds # Note that the validation is incomplete for several of these # - they should validate depending on platform and pre-post, but # they don't. # can assign testCmds = fullTestCmds for more extensive tests key, value = "testKey", "testValue" fullTestCmds = [ # no quotes, should output both words ("echo hello world", "hello world"), # should print PATH (on NT) ("echo PATH=%PATH%", "(PATH=.*;.*)|(PATH=%PATH%)"), # should print 'testKey=%testKey%' on NT before initialization, # should print 'testKey=' on 95 before initialization, # and 'testKey=testValue' after ("echo %s=%%%s%%" % (key,key), "(%s=)" % (key,)), # should print PATH (on Unix) ( "echo PATH=$PATH", "PATH=.*" ), # should print 'testKey=testValue' on Unix after initialization ( "echo %s=$%s" % (key,key), "(%s=$%s)|(%s=)|(%s=%s)" % (key, key, key, key, value ) ), # should output quotes on NT but not on Unix ( 'echo "hello there"', '"?hello there"?' ), # should print 'why' to stdout. ( r'''jython -c "import sys;sys.stdout.write( 'why\n' )"''', "why" ), # should print 'why' to stderr. # doesn't work on NT because of quoting issues. # Have to add the print to give some output to stdout... # empty string matches everything... ( r'''jython -c "import sys;sys.stderr.write('why\n');print " ''', '' ) ] class JavaShellTest(unittest.TestCase): """This test validates the subshell functionality (javashell, os.environ, popen*). Does some white box as well as black box testing. """ def _testCmds( self, _shellEnv, testCmds, whichEnv ): """test commands (key) and compare output to expected output (value). this actually executes all the commands twice, testing the return code by calling system(), and testing some of the output by calling execute() """ for cmd, pattern in testCmds: dprint( "\nExecuting '%s' with %s environment" % (cmd, whichEnv)) p = javashell.shellexecute(cmd) line = PyFile( p.getInputStream() ).readlines()[0] assert re.match( pattern, line ), \ "expected match for %s, got %s" % ( pattern, line ) dprint( "waiting for", cmd, "to complete") assert not p.waitFor(), \ "%s failed with %s environment" % (cmd, whichEnv) def testSystem( self ): """test system and environment functionality""" org = os.environ self._testCmds( javashell._shellEnv, testCmds, "default" ) # trigger initialization of environment os.environ[ key ] = value assert org.get( key, None ) == value, \ "expected stub to have %s set" % key assert os.environ.get( key, None ) == value, \ "expected real os.environment to have %s set" % key # if environment is initialized and jython gets ARGS=-i, it thinks # it is running in interactive mode, and fails to exit until # process.getOutputStream().close() try: del os.environ[ "ARGS" ] except KeyError: pass # test system using the non-default environment self._testCmds( javashell._shellEnv, testCmds, "initialized" ) assert os.environ.has_key( "PATH" ), \ "expected environment to have PATH attribute " \ "(this may not apply to all platforms!)" def testPutEnv( self ): "Put an environment variable and ensure that spawned processes see the change" value = "Value we set" os.putenv( "NEWVARIABLE", value ) newValue = os.popen( "echo $NEWVARIABLE" ).read().strip() if newValue == "$NEWVARIABLE": newValue = os.popen( "echo %NEWVARIABLE%" ).read().strip() if newValue == "%NEWVARIABLE%": raise test_support.TestSkipped( "Unable to find a subshell to execute echo" ) assert newValue == value, ( "Expected (%s) to equal value we set (%s)" % ( newValue, value )) def testFormatUnicodeCommand(self): shell = javashell._ShellEnv(cmd=['runner']) self.assertEqual(shell._formatCmd('echo hello'), ['runner', 'echo hello']) self.assertEqual(shell._formatCmd(u'echo world'), ['runner', u'echo world']) def testExecuteUnicodeCommandWithRedirection(self): process = javashell.shellexecute(u'nonexcmd 2>&1') stdout = process.getOutputStream().toString() process.waitFor() self.assertNotEqual(stdout, "", "Redirecting 2>&1 failed with unicode cmd") def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(JavaShellTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()
""" Implementation and management of scan objects. A scan object (e.g. :class:`artiq.language.scan.LinearScan`) represents a one-dimensional sweep of a numerical range. Multi-dimensional scans are constructed by combining several scan objects. Iterate on a scan object to scan it, e.g. :: for variable in self.scan: do_something(variable) Iterating multiple times on the same scan object is possible, with the scan restarting at the minimum value each time. Iterating concurrently on the same scan object (e.g. via nested loops) is also supported, and the iterators are independent from each other. Scan objects are supported both on the host and the core device. """ from random import Random, shuffle import inspect from artiq.language.core import * from artiq.language.environment import NoDefault, DefaultMissing __all__ = ["ScanObject", "NoScan", "LinearScan", "RandomScan", "ExplicitScan", "Scannable"] class ScanObject: pass class NoScan(ScanObject): """A scan object that yields a single value.""" def __init__(self, value): self.value = value @portable def _gen(self): yield self.value @portable def __iter__(self): return self._gen() def describe(self): return {"ty": "NoScan", "value": self.value} class LinearScan(ScanObject): """A scan object that yields a fixed number of increasing evenly spaced values in a range.""" def __init__(self, min, max, npoints): self.min = min self.max = max self.npoints = npoints @portable def _gen(self): r = self.max - self.min d = self.npoints - 1 for i in range(self.npoints): yield r*i/d + self.min @portable def __iter__(self): return self._gen() def describe(self): return {"ty": "LinearScan", "min": self.min, "max": self.max, "npoints": self.npoints} class RandomScan(ScanObject): """A scan object that yields a fixed number of randomly ordered evenly spaced values in a range.""" def __init__(self, min, max, npoints, seed=0): self.sequence = list(LinearScan(min, max, npoints)) shuffle(self.sequence, Random(seed).random) @portable def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sequence) def describe(self): return {"ty": "RandomScan", "min": self.min, "max": self.max, "npoints": self.npoints} class ExplicitScan(ScanObject): """A scan object that yields values from an explicitly defined sequence.""" def __init__(self, sequence): self.sequence = sequence @portable def __iter__(self): return iter(self.sequence) def describe(self): return {"ty": "ExplicitScan", "sequence": self.sequence} _ty_to_scan = { "NoScan": NoScan, "LinearScan": LinearScan, "RandomScan": RandomScan, "ExplicitScan": ExplicitScan } class Scannable: """An argument (as defined in :class:`artiq.language.environment`) that takes a scan object. :param global_min: The minimum value taken by the scanned variable, common to all scan modes. The user interface takes this value to set the range of its input widgets. :param global_max: Same as global_min, but for the maximum value. :param global_step: The step with which the value should be modified by up/down buttons in a user interface. :param unit: A string representing the unit of the scanned variable, for user interface (UI) purposes. :param ndecimals: The number of decimals a UI should use. """ def __init__(self, default=NoDefault, unit="", global_step=1.0, global_min=None, global_max=None, ndecimals=2): if default is not NoDefault: self.default_value = default self.unit = unit self.global_step = global_step self.global_min = global_min self.global_max = global_max self.ndecimals = ndecimals def default(self): if not hasattr(self, "default_value"): raise DefaultMissing return self.default_value def process(self, x): cls = _ty_to_scan[x["ty"]] args = dict() for arg in inspect.getargspec(cls).args[1:]: if arg in x: args[arg] = x[arg] return cls(**args) def describe(self): d = {"ty": "Scannable"} if hasattr(self, "default_value"): d["default"] = self.default_value.describe() d["unit"] = self.unit d["global_step"] = self.global_step d["global_min"] = self.global_min d["global_max"] = self.global_max d["ndecimals"] = self.ndecimals return d
#!/usr/bin/env python """JSON content-type support for Open Annotation.""" __author__ = 'Sampo Pyysalo' __license__ = 'MIT' import json # Default values for rendering options PRETTYPRINT_DEFAULT = True KEEPCONTEXT_DEFAULT = False # Short name for this format. format_name = 'json' # The MIME types associated with this format. mimetypes = ['application/json'] def from_jsonld(data, options=None): """Render JSON-LD data into JSON string. This is intended to be used as a mimerender render function (see If options['prettyprint'] is True, renders the data so that it is more easily readable by humans. If options['keepcontext'] is True, includes the JSON-LD @context in the JSON data if present. Args: data: dict containing JSON-LD data in expanded JSON-LD form (see options: dict of rendering options, or None for defaults. Returns: String representing the rendered data. """ if options is None: options = {} # @context is not considered part of the JSON format keepcontext = options.get('keepcontext', KEEPCONTEXT_DEFAULT) if not keepcontext and '@context' in data: del data['@context'] prettyprint = options.get('prettyprint', PRETTYPRINT_DEFAULT) if prettyprint: return json.dumps(data, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))+'\n' else: return json.dumps(data) def to_jsonld(data, options=None): """Parse JSON data into JSON-LD. Args: data: string in JSON format. options: dict of parsing options, or None for defaults. Returns: dict containing JSON-LD data in expanded JSON-LD form (see """ if options is None: options = {} encoding = options.get('encoding') if encoding is None: jsonld = json.loads(data) else: jsonld = json.loads(data, encoding=encoding) # TODO: add context and expand return jsonld
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This module provides a collection of concurrency related object generators. These generators will create either native threading based or greenlet based objects depending on which threading_model is selected. ''' from bsonrpc.options import ThreadingModel __license__ = '' def _spawn_thread(fn, *args, **kwargs): from threading import Thread t = Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) t.start() return t def _spawn_greenlet(fn, *args, **kwargs): from gevent import Greenlet g = Greenlet(fn, *args, **kwargs) g.start() return g def spawn(threading_model, fn, *args, **kwargs): if threading_model == ThreadingModel.GEVENT: return _spawn_greenlet(fn, *args, **kwargs) if threading_model == ThreadingModel.THREADS: return _spawn_thread(fn, *args, **kwargs) def _new_queue(*args, **kwargs): from six.moves.queue import Queue return Queue(*args, **kwargs) def _new_gevent_queue(*args, **kwargs): from gevent.queue import Queue return Queue(*args, **kwargs) def new_queue(threading_model, *args, **kwargs): if threading_model == ThreadingModel.GEVENT: return _new_gevent_queue(*args, **kwargs) if threading_model == ThreadingModel.THREADS: return _new_queue(*args, **kwargs) def _new_thread_lock(*args, **kwargs): from threading import Lock return Lock(*args, **kwargs) def _new_gevent_lock(*args, **kwargs): from gevent.lock import Semaphore return Semaphore(*args, **kwargs) def new_lock(threading_model, *args, **kwargs): if threading_model == ThreadingModel.GEVENT: return _new_gevent_lock(*args, **kwargs) if threading_model == ThreadingModel.THREADS: return _new_thread_lock(*args, **kwargs) class Promise(object): def __init__(self, event): object.__setattr__(self, '_event', event) object.__setattr__(self, '_value', None) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._event, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if hasattr(self._event, name): object.__setattr__(self._event, name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @property def value(self): return self._value def set(self, value): object.__setattr__(self, '_value', value) self._event.set() def wait(self, timeout=None): if not self._event.wait(timeout): raise RuntimeError( u'Promise timeout after %.02f seconds.' % timeout) return self._value def _new_thread_event(): from threading import Event return Event() def _new_gevent_event(): from gevent.event import Event return Event() def new_promise(threading_model): if threading_model == ThreadingModel.GEVENT: return Promise(_new_gevent_event()) if threading_model == ThreadingModel.THREADS: return Promise(_new_thread_event())
# Copyright 2007-2015 UShareSoft SAS, All rights reserved # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from ussclicore.utils import printer from uforge.objects.uforge import * def publish_vcd(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "orgName" in builder: printer.out("orgName in vcd builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "catalogName" in builder: printer.out("catalogName in vcd builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "imageName" in builder: printer.out("imageName in vcd builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.credAccount.organizationName = builder["orgName"] pimage.credAccount.catalogId = builder["catalogName"] pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["imageName"] return pimage def publish_vcenter(builder): pimage = PublishImageVSphere() # doing field verification if not "displayName" in builder: printer.out("displayName in vcenter builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "esxHost" in builder: printer.out("esxHost in vcenter builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "datastore" in builder: printer.out("datastore in vcenter builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if "network" in builder: = builder["network"] pimage.displayName = builder["displayName"] pimage.esxHost = builder["esxHost"] pimage.datastore = builder["datastore"] return pimage def publish_cloudstack(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "imageName" in builder: printer.out("imageName in cloudstack builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "zone" in builder: printer.out("zone in cloudstack builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if "publicImage" in builder: pimage.credAccount.publicImage = True if (builder["publicImage"] == "true") else False if "featured" in builder: pimage.credAccount.featuredEnabled = True if (builder["featured"] == "true") else False pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["imageName"] pimage.credAccount.zoneName = builder["zone"] return pimage def publish_cloudstack_qcow2(pimage, builder): return publish_cloudstack(pimage, builder) def publish_cloudstack_vhd(pimage, builder): return publish_cloudstack(pimage, builder) def publish_cloudstack_ova(pimage, builder): return publish_cloudstack(pimage, builder) def publish_susecloud(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "imageName" in builder: printer.out("imageName in susecloud builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "tenant" in builder: printer.out("tenant in susecloud builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if "description" in builder: pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["imageName"] pimage.credAccount.tenantName = builder["tenant"] if "publicImage" in builder: pimage.credAccount.publicImage = True if (builder["publicImage"] == "true") else False # if "paraVirtualMode" in builder: # pimage.credAccount. = True if (builder["paraVirtualMode"]=="true") else False return pimage def publish_openstack(builder): pimage = PublishImageOpenStack() # doing field verification if not "displayName" in builder: printer.out("displayName in openstack builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "tenantName" in builder: printer.out("TenantName in openstack builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.displayName = builder["displayName"] pimage.tenantName = builder["tenantName"] if "publicImage" in builder: pimage.credAccount.publicImage = True if (builder["publicImage"] == "true") else False if "keystoneDomain" in builder: pimage.keystoneDomain = builder["keystoneDomain"] return if "keystoneProject" in builder: pimage.keystoneProject = builder["keystoneProject"] return return pimage def publish_openstackqcow2(builder): return publish_openstack(builder) def publish_openstackvhd(pimage, builder): return publish_openstack(pimage, builder) def publish_openstackvmdk(pimage, builder): return publish_openstack(pimage, builder) def publish_openstackvdi(pimage, builder): return publish_openstack(pimage, builder) def publish_aws(builder): pimage = PublishImageAws() # doing field verification if not "bucket" in builder: printer.out("bucket in AWS builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "region" in builder: printer.out("region in AMI builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.bucket = builder["bucket"] pimage.region = builder["region"] return pimage def publish_azure(builder): if "blob" in builder or "container" in builder: printer.out("Azure Resource Manager publish") return publish_azure_arm(builder) else: printer.out("Azure classic publish") return publish_azure_classic(builder) def publish_azure_classic(builder): pimage = PublishImageAzure() # doing field verification if not "storageAccount" in builder: printer.out("storageAccount in Microsoft Azure not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "region" in builder: printer.out("region in Microsoft Azure not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.storageAccount = builder["storageAccount"] pimage.region = builder["region"] return pimage def publish_azure_arm(builder): pimage = PublishImageAzureResourceManager() if not "storageAccount" in builder: printer.out("storageAccount not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "container" in builder: printer.out("container not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "blob" in builder: printer.out("blob not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "displayName" in builder: printer.out("displayName not found", printer.ERROR) return if "resourceGroup" in builder: pimage.resourceGroup = builder["resourceGroup"] pimage.storageAccount = builder["storageAccount"] pimage.container = builder["container"] pimage.blob = builder["blob"] pimage.displayName = builder["displayName"] return pimage def publish_flexiant(builder): pimage = PublishImageFlexiant() # doing field verification if not "diskOffering" in builder: printer.out("diskOffering in flexiant builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "virtualDatacenterName" in builder: printer.out("virtualDatacenterName in flexiant builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "machineImageName" in builder: printer.out("machineImageName in flexiant builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.diskOffering = builder["diskOffering"] pimage.virtualDatacenterName = builder["virtualDatacenterName"] pimage.machineImageName = builder["machineImageName"] return pimage def publish_flexiant_kvm(pimage, builder): return publish_flexiant(pimage, builder) def publish_flexiant_ova(pimage, builder): return publish_flexiant(pimage, builder) def publish_flexiantraw(builder): return publish_flexiant(builder) def publish_abiquo(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "enterprise" in builder: printer.out("enterprise in abiquo builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "datacenter" in builder: printer.out("datacenter in abiquo builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "productName" in builder: printer.out("productName in abiquo builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "category" in builder: printer.out("category in abiquo builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "description" in builder: printer.out("description in abiquo builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.credAccount.datacenterName = builder["datacenter"] pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["productName"] pimage.credAccount.category = builder["category"] pimage.credAccount.organizationName = builder["enterprise"] pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] return pimage def publish_nimbula(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "imageListName" in builder: printer.out("imageListName in nimbula builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "imageVersion" in builder: printer.out("imageVersion in nimbula builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "description" in builder: printer.out("description in nimbula builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.credAccount.imageVersion = builder["imageVersion"] pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] pimage.credAccount.listName = builder["imageListName"] return pimage def publish_nimbula_kvm(pimage, builder): return publish_nimbula(pimage, builder) def publish_nimbula_esx(pimage, builder): return publish_nimbula(pimage, builder) def publish_eucalyptus(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "imageName" in builder: printer.out("imageName in Eucalyptus builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "description" in builder: printer.out("description in Eucalyptus builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "bucket" in builder: printer.out("bucket in Eucalyptus builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["imageName"] pimage.credAccount.bucket = builder["bucket"] pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] if "ramdisk" in builder and "kernelId" in builder: pimage.credAccount.ramdiskId = builder["ramdisk"] pimage.credAccount.kernelId = builder["kernelId"] return pimage def publish_eucalyptus_kvm(pimage, builder): return publish_eucalyptus(pimage, builder) def publish_eucalyptus_xen(pimage, builder): return publish_eucalyptus(pimage, builder) def publish_gce(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "computeZone" in builder: printer.out("computeZone in GCE builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "bucketLocation" in builder: printer.out("bucketLocation in GCE builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "bucket" in builder: printer.out("bucket in GCE builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "projectId" in builder: printer.out("projectId in GCE builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "storageClass" in builder: printer.out("storageClass in GCE builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "diskNamePrefix" in builder: printer.out("diskNamePrefix in AMI builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if "description" in builder: pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] pimage.credAccount.bucket = builder["bucket"] pimage.credAccount.tenantName = builder["projectId"] pimage.credAccount.category = builder["storageClass"] pimage.credAccount.displayName = builder["diskNamePrefix"] pimage.credAccount.zoneName = builder["computeZone"] pimage.publishLocation = builder["bucketLocation"] return pimage def publish_outscale(pimage, builder): # doing field verification if not "zone" in builder: printer.out("zone in outscale builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "description" in builder: pimage.credAccount.description = builder["description"] pimage.credAccount.zoneName = builder["zone"] return pimage def publish_k5vmdk(builder): pimage = PublishImageK5() # doing field verification if not "displayName" in builder: printer.out("displayName in k5 builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "domain" in builder: printer.out("domain in k5 builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "project" in builder: printer.out("project in k5 builder not found", printer.ERROR) return if not "region" in builder: printer.out("region in k5 builder not found", printer.ERROR) return pimage.displayName = builder["displayName"] pimage.keystoneDomain = builder["domain"] pimage.keystoneProject = builder["project"] pimage.publishLocation = builder["region"] return pimage def publish_docker(builder): pimage = PublishImageDocker() if not "namespace" in builder: printer.out("namespace in Docker builder is missing", printer.ERROR) return if not "repositoryName" in builder: printer.out("repositoryName in Docker builder is missing", printer.ERROR) return if not "tagName" in builder: printer.out("tagName in Docker builder is missing", printer.ERROR) return pimage.namespace = builder["namespace"] pimage.repositoryName = builder["repositoryName"] pimage.tagName = builder["tagName"] return pimage def publish_oracleraw(builder): pimage = PublishImageOracle() if not "displayName" in builder: printer.out("displayName in Oracle builder is missing", printer.ERROR) return if not "computeEndPoint" in builder: printer.out("computeEndPoint in Oracle builder is missing", printer.ERROR) return pimage.displayName = builder["displayName"] pimage.computeEndPoint = builder["computeEndPoint"] return pimage