19 values
15 values
1 class
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time from concurrent import futures import grpc from .protos import pirelay_pb2 from .protos import pirelay_pb2_grpc from .relay import RelaysArray _ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 PINS = [21] class PiRelayServer(pirelay_pb2_grpc.PiRelayServicer): def __init__(self, bcm_pins=[]): self._relays = RelaysArray(bcm_pins=bcm_pins) def Enable(self, request, context): try: self._relays.enable( except Exception as ex: return pirelay_pb2.PiRelaysAnswer(type=pirelay_pb2.Error, message=str(ex)) else: return pirelay_pb2.PiRelaysAnswer(type=pirelay_pb2.Ok, message="") def Disable(self, request, context): try: self._relays.disable( except Exception as ex: return pirelay_pb2.PiRelaysAnswer(type=pirelay_pb2.Error, message=str(ex)) else: return pirelay_pb2.PiRelaysAnswer(type=pirelay_pb2.Ok, message="") def serve(): server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)) pirelay_pb2_grpc.add_PiRelayServicer_to_server(PiRelayServer(PINS), server) server.add_insecure_port('[::]:50051') server.start() try: while True: time.sleep(_ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS) except KeyboardInterrupt: server.stop(0) if __name__ == '__main__': serve()
import io from zipfile import ZipFile from import istest, assert_equal from mammoth.docx.style_map import write_style_map, read_style_map from mammoth.zips import open_zip from mammoth.docx import xmlparser as xml @istest def reading_embedded_style_map_on_document_without_embedded_style_map_returns_none(): fileobj = _normal_docx() assert_equal(None, read_style_map(fileobj)) @istest def writing_style_map_preserves_unrelated_files(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") with open_zip(fileobj, "r") as zip_file: assert_equal("placeholder", zip_file.read_str("placeholder")) @istest def embedded_style_map_can_be_read_after_being_written(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") assert_equal("p => h1", read_style_map(fileobj)) @istest def embedded_style_map_is_written_to_separate_file(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") with open_zip(fileobj, "r") as zip_file: assert_equal("p => h1", zip_file.read_str("mammoth/style-map")) @istest def embedded_style_map_is_referenced_in_relationships(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") assert_equal(expected_relationships_xml, _read_relationships_xml(fileobj)) @istest def embedded_style_map_has_override_content_type_in_content_types_xml(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") assert_equal(expected_content_types_xml, _read_content_types_xml(fileobj)) @istest def can_overwrite_existing_style_map(): fileobj = _normal_docx() write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h1") write_style_map(fileobj, "p => h2") with open_zip(fileobj, "r") as zip_file: assert_equal("p => h2", read_style_map(fileobj)) _assert_no_duplicates(zip_file._zip_file.namelist()) assert_equal(expected_relationships_xml, _read_relationships_xml(fileobj)) assert_equal(expected_content_types_xml, _read_content_types_xml(fileobj)) def _read_relationships_xml(fileobj): with open_zip(fileobj, "r") as zip_file: return xml.parse_xml( io.StringIO(zip_file.read_str("word/_rels/document.xml.rels")), [("r", "")], ) def _read_content_types_xml(fileobj): with open_zip(fileobj, "r") as zip_file: return xml.parse_xml( io.StringIO(zip_file.read_str("[Content_Types].xml")), [("ct", "")], ) original_relationships_xml = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' + '<Relationships xmlns="">' + '<Relationship Id="rId3" Type="" Target="settings.xml"/>' + '</Relationships>') expected_relationships_xml = xml.element("r:Relationships", {}, [ xml.element("r:Relationship", {"Id": "rId3", "Type": "", "Target": "settings.xml"}), xml.element("r:Relationship", {"Id": "rMammothStyleMap", "Type": "", "Target": "/mammoth/style-map"}), ]) original_content_types_xml = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' + '<Types xmlns="">' + '<Default Extension="png" ContentType="image/png"/>' + '</Types>' ) expected_content_types_xml = xml.element("ct:Types", {}, [ xml.element("ct:Default", {"Extension": "png", "ContentType": "image/png"}), xml.element("ct:Override", {"PartName": "/mammoth/style-map", "ContentType": "text/"}), ]) def _normal_docx(): fileobj = io.BytesIO() zip_file = ZipFile(fileobj, "w") try: zip_file.writestr("placeholder", "placeholder") zip_file.writestr("word/_rels/document.xml.rels", original_relationships_xml) zip_file.writestr("[Content_Types].xml", original_content_types_xml) expected_relationships_xml finally: zip_file.close() return fileobj def _assert_no_duplicates(values): counts = {} for value in values: counts[value] = counts.get(value, 0) + 1 for value, count in counts.items(): if count != 1: assert False, "{0} has count of {1}".format(value, count)
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tool to generate open source api_docs for tensorflow_model_optimization. To use: 1. Install the tensorflow docs package, which is only compatible with Python python3 -m pip install git+ 2. Install TensorFlow Model Optimization. The API docs are generated from `tfmot` from the import of the tfmot package below, based on what is exposed under See 3. Run python3 --output_dir=/tmp/model_optimization_api 4. View the generated markdown files on a viewer. One option is to fork, push a change that copies the files to tensorflow_model_optimization/g3doc, and then view the files on Github. Note: If duplicate or spurious docs are generated (e.g. internal names), consider blacklisting them via the `private_map` argument below. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from absl import app from absl import flags from tensorflow_docs.api_generator import generate_lib import tensorflow_model_optimization as tfmot flags.DEFINE_string("output_dir", "/tmp/model_optimization_api", "Where to output the docs") flags.DEFINE_string( "code_url_prefix", ("" "tensorflow_model_optimization"), "The url prefix for links to code.") flags.DEFINE_bool("search_hints", True, "Include metadata search hints in the generated files") flags.DEFINE_string("site_path", "model_optimization/api_docs/python", "Path prefix in the _toc.yaml") FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def main(unused_argv): doc_generator = generate_lib.DocGenerator( root_title="TensorFlow Model Optimization", py_modules=[("tfmot", tfmot)], base_dir=os.path.dirname(tfmot.__file__), code_url_prefix=FLAGS.code_url_prefix, search_hints=FLAGS.search_hints, site_path=FLAGS.site_path, # TODO(tfmot): remove this once the next release after 0.3.0 happens. # This is needed in the interim because the API docs reflect # the latest release and the current release still wildcard imports # all of the classes below. private_map={ "tfmot.sparsity.keras": [ # List of internal classes which get exposed when imported. "InputLayer", "custom_object_scope", "pruning_sched", "pruning_wrapper", "absolute_import", "division", "print_function", "compat" ] }, ) if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import sys from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin from airflow.configuration import conf from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException from airflow.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor # noqa from airflow.executors.local_executor import LocalExecutor from airflow.executors.sequential_executor import SequentialExecutor DEFAULT_EXECUTOR = None def _integrate_plugins(): """Integrate plugins to the context.""" from airflow.plugins_manager import executors_modules for executors_module in executors_modules: sys.modules[executors_module.__name__] = executors_module globals()[executors_module._name] = executors_module def get_default_executor(): """Creates a new instance of the configured executor if none exists and returns it""" global DEFAULT_EXECUTOR if DEFAULT_EXECUTOR is not None: return DEFAULT_EXECUTOR executor_name = conf.get('core', 'EXECUTOR') DEFAULT_EXECUTOR = _get_executor(executor_name) log = LoggingMixin().log"Using executor %s", executor_name) return DEFAULT_EXECUTOR class Executors: LocalExecutor = "LocalExecutor" SequentialExecutor = "SequentialExecutor" CeleryExecutor = "CeleryExecutor" DaskExecutor = "DaskExecutor" MesosExecutor = "MesosExecutor" KubernetesExecutor = "KubernetesExecutor" DebugExecutor = "DebugExecutor" def _get_executor(executor_name): """ Creates a new instance of the named executor. In case the executor name is not know in airflow, look for it in the plugins """ if executor_name == Executors.LocalExecutor: return LocalExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.SequentialExecutor: return SequentialExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.CeleryExecutor: from airflow.executors.celery_executor import CeleryExecutor return CeleryExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.DaskExecutor: from airflow.executors.dask_executor import DaskExecutor return DaskExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.MesosExecutor: from airflow.contrib.executors.mesos_executor import MesosExecutor return MesosExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.KubernetesExecutor: from airflow.contrib.executors.kubernetes_executor import KubernetesExecutor return KubernetesExecutor() elif executor_name == Executors.DebugExecutor: from airflow.executors.debug_executor import DebugExecutor return DebugExecutor() else: # Loading plugins _integrate_plugins() executor_path = executor_name.split('.') if len(executor_path) != 2: raise AirflowException( "Executor {0} not supported: " "please specify in format plugin_module.executor".format(executor_name)) if executor_path[0] in globals(): return globals()[executor_path[0]].__dict__[executor_path[1]]() else: raise AirflowException("Executor {0} not supported.".format(executor_name))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Shuup. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Shoop Commerce Ltd. All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the AGPLv3 license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.encoding import force_text from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment class NoLanguageMatches(Exception): pass def render_in_context(context, template_text, html_intent=False): """ Render the given Jinja2 template text in the script context. :param context: Script context. :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param template_text: Jinja2 template text. :type template_text: str :param html_intent: Is the template text intended for HTML output? This currently turns on autoescaping. :type html_intent: bool :return: Rendered template text :rtype: str :raises: Whatever Jinja2 might happen to raise """ # TODO: Add some filters/globals into this environment? env = SandboxedEnvironment(autoescape=html_intent) template = env.from_string(template_text) return template.render(context.get_variables()) class Template(object): def __init__(self, context, data): """ :param context: Script context :type context: shuup.notify.script.Context :param data: Template data dictionary :type data: dict """ self.context = context = data def _get_language_data(self, language): return, {}) def has_language(self, language, fields): data = self._get_language_data(language) return set(data.keys()) >= set(fields) def render(self, language, fields): """ Render this template in the given language, returning the given fields. :param language: Language code (ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2) :type language: str :param fields: Desired fields to render. :type fields: list[str] :return: Dict of field -> rendered content. :rtype: dict[str, str] """ data = self._get_language_data(language) rendered = {} for field in fields: field_template = data.get(field) if field_template: # pragma: no branch rendered[field] = render_in_context(self.context, field_template, html_intent=False) return rendered def render_first_match(self, language_preferences, fields): # TODO: Document for language in language_preferences: if self.has_language(language, fields): rendered = self.render(language=language, fields=fields) rendered["_language"] = language return rendered raise NoLanguageMatches("No language in template matches any of languages %r for fields %r" % ( language_preferences, fields ))
# from django.shortcuts import render # Create your views here. # from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView, UpdateView from django.views.generic import DetailView, DeleteView from rest_framework import generics from models import Movie, Character, Team, Power, Location from forms import MovieForm, CharacterForm, TeamForm, PowerForm, LocationForm from Practica1.serializers import MovieSerializer # Security Mixins class LoginRequiredMixin(object): @method_decorator(login_required()) def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(LoginRequiredMixin, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs) class CheckIsOwnerMixin(object): def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): obj = super(CheckIsOwnerMixin, self).get_object(*args, **kwargs) if not obj.user == self.request.user: raise PermissionDenied return obj class LoginRequiredCheckIsOwnerUpdateView(LoginRequiredMixin, CheckIsOwnerMixin, UpdateView): template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' class MovieCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Movie template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = MovieForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(MovieCreate, self).form_valid(form) class CharacterCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Character template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = CharacterForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(CharacterCreate, self).form_valid(form) class TeamCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Team template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = TeamForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(TeamCreate, self).form_valid(form) class PowerCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Power template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = PowerForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(PowerCreate, self).form_valid(form) class LocationCreate(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Location template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = LocationForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(LocationCreate, self).form_valid(form) """ class LocationDelete(LoginRequiredMixin, CreateView): model = Location template_name = 'Aplicacio/form.html' form_class = LocationForm def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(LocationDelete, self).form_valid(form) """ """ class Delete(DeleteView): model = Location success_url = reverse_lazy('all_locations') # This is where this view will # redirect the user template_name = 'Aplicacio/delete_location.html' """ class MovieDetail(DetailView): model = Movie template_name = 'Aplicacio/movie_detail.html' """ def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(MovieDetail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['RATING_CHOICES'] = RestaurantReview.RATING_CHOICES return context """ class CharacterDetail(DetailView): model = Character template_name = 'Aplicacio/character_detail.html' class TeamDetail(DetailView): model = Team template_name = 'Aplicacio/team_detail.html' class PowerDetail(DetailView): model = Power template_name = 'Aplicacio/power_detail.html' class LocationDetail(DetailView): model = Location template_name = 'Aplicacio/location_detail.html' def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user return super(CharacterCreate, self).form_valid(form) ### RESTful API views ### class APIMovieList(generics.ListCreateAPIView): model = Movie queryset = Movie.objects.all() serializer_class = MovieSerializer class APIMovieDetail(generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView): model = Movie queryset = Movie.objects.all() serializer_class = MovieSerializer
import os import unittest here = os.path.dirname(__file__) class PkgbuildTest(unittest.TestCase): def _get_pkgbuild(self): from aurifere.pkgbuild import PKGBUILD return PKGBUILD(os.path.join(here, 'fixtures/PKGBUILD')) def test_attributes(self): p = self._get_pkgbuild() self.assertEqual(p['name'], 'pep8') self.assertEqual(p['version'], '0.6.1') def test_version(self): p = self._get_pkgbuild() self.assertEqual(p.version(), '0.6.1-3') def test_all_depends(self): p = self._get_pkgbuild() self.assertEqual(list(p.all_depends()), ['python2', 'setuptools', 'fakedepend']) class VersionCompareTest(unittest.TestCase): def _get_FUT(self): from aurifere.pkgbuild import version_is_greater return version_is_greater def test_classic_dotted_version_equals(self): self.assertFalse(self._get_FUT()('2.12.4-5', '2.12.4-5')) def test_classic_dotted_version_greater(self): self.assertTrue(self._get_FUT()('2.0.2-1', '2.0.1-2')) def test_classic_dotted_version_lesser(self): self.assertFalse(self._get_FUT()('2.0.1-2', '2.0.2-1')) def test_ugly_version_numbers(self): self.assertTrue(self._get_FUT()('', ''))
from math import sin from random import choice, uniform, expovariate from pygame import Rect from core import color from core import config from core.particles import ParticleEmitter from game.block import get_block from game.gameobject import GameObject from game import gamedata ### Constants ################################################################## AVG_WAIT = 9000 #Expected time in frames between UFO appearance DEATH = config.load_sound('ufo_explosion.wav') FRAMES = tuple( Rect(64 * (i % 4), 192 + 32 * (i // 4), 64, 32) for i in range(10, -1, -1) ) INVADE = config.load_sound('ufo.wav') START_POS = (640, 16) UFO_FRAMES = color.get_colored_objects(FRAMES) UFO_STATES = ('IDLE', 'APPEARING', 'ACTIVE', 'DYING', 'LEAVING', 'LOWERING', 'GAMEOVER') ################################################################################ class UFO(GameObject): STATES = config.Enum(*UFO_STATES) GROUP = None BLOCK_GROUP = None def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._anim = 0.0 self.column = None self.current_frame_list = UFO_FRAMES self.image = config.get_sprite(FRAMES[0]) self.odds = expovariate(AVG_WAIT) self.position = list(START_POS) self.rect = Rect(START_POS, self.image.get_size()) self.state = UFO.STATES.IDLE self.emitter = ParticleEmitter(color.random_color_particles, self.rect) del self.acceleration def appear(self): ''' Appear on-screen, but not for very long! ''' self.position = list(START_POS) self.rect.topleft = list(START_POS) self.change_state(UFO.STATES.ACTIVE) self.velocity[0] = -2.0 def move(self): ''' Move left on the screen, and oscillate up and down. ''' position = self.position rect = self.rect self._anim += 0.5 self.image = UFO_FRAMES[id(choice(color.LIST)) ] \ [int(self._anim) % len(FRAMES)] position[0] += self.velocity[0] position[1] += sin(self._anim/4) rect.topleft = (position[0] + .5, position[1] + .5) if rect.right < 0: #If we've gone past the left edge of the screen... self.change_state(UFO.STATES.LEAVING) def die(self): ''' Vanish and release a special Block that clears lots of other Blocks. ''' self.emitter.rect = self.rect self.emitter.burst(30) UFO.BLOCK_GROUP.add(get_block((self.rect.centerx, 0), special=True)) gamedata.score += 90 self.change_state(UFO.STATES.LEAVING) def leave(self): INVADE.stop() self.velocity[0] = 0 self.position = list(START_POS) self.rect.topleft = START_POS self.change_state(UFO.STATES.IDLE) def wait(self): ''' Wait off-screen, and only come back with a specific probability. ''' if uniform(0, 1) < self.odds: #With a certain probability... self.odds = expovariate(AVG_WAIT) self.change_state(UFO.STATES.APPEARING) actions = { STATES.IDLE : 'wait' , STATES.APPEARING: 'appear', STATES.ACTIVE : 'move' , STATES.DYING : 'die' , STATES.LEAVING : 'leave' , STATES.GAMEOVER : None , }
""" This file contains classes and functionto interact with qcow images servers """ import copy import logging import os import paramiko from common import PromotionError class QcowConnectionClient(object): """ Proxy class for client connection """ _log = logging.getLogger("promoter") def __init__(self, server_conf): self._host = server_conf['host'] self._user = server_conf['user'] self._client_type = server_conf['client'] self._keypath = server_conf['keypath'] self._client = os if self._client_type == "sftp": client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) keypath = os.path.expanduser(self._keypath) self.key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(filename=keypath) self.kwargs = {} if self._user is not None: self.kwargs['username'] = self._user else: self.kwargs['username'] = os.environ.get("USER") self._log.debug("Connecting to %s as user %s", self._host, self._user) self.ssh_client = client def connect(self): if hasattr(self, 'ssh_client'): self.ssh_client.connect(self._host, pkey=self.key, **self.kwargs) self._client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp() def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self._client, item) def close(self): if self._client_type == "sftp": self._client.close() class QcowClient(object): """ This class interacts with qcow images servers """ log = logging.getLogger("promoter") def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.git_root = self.config.git_root self.promote_script = os.path.join(self.git_root, 'ci-scripts', '') self.distro_name = self.config.distro_name self.distro_version = self.config.distro_version self.rollback_links = {} server_conf = self.config.overcloud_images.get('qcow_servers') qcow_server = self.config.default_qcow_server self.user = server_conf[qcow_server]['user'] self.root = server_conf[qcow_server]['root'] = server_conf[qcow_server]['host'] self.client = QcowConnectionClient(server_conf[qcow_server]) self.images_dir = os.path.join( os.path.join(config.stage_root, self.root), config.distro, config.release, "rdo_trunk") def validate_qcows(self, dlrn_hash, name=None, assume_valid=False): """ Check we have the images dir in the server if name is specified, verify that name points to the hash - maybe qcow ran and failed Check at which point of qcow promotion we stopped 1) did we create a new symlink ? 2) did we create the previous symlink ? 3) are all the images uploaded correctly ? :param dlrn_hash: The hash to check :param name: The promotion name :param assume_valid: report everything worked unconditionally :return: A dict with result of the validation """ try: self.client.listdir(self.images_dir) self.client.chdir(self.images_dir) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.error("Qcow-client: Image root dir %s does not exist " "in the server, or is not accessible") self.log.exception(ex) raise results = { "hash_valid": False, "promotion_valid": False, "qcow_valid": False, "missing_qcows": copy.copy( self.config.overcloud_images['qcow_images']), "present_qcows": [], } stat = None images = None images_path = os.path.join(self.images_dir, dlrn_hash.full_hash) try: stat = self.client.stat(images_path) images = sorted(self.client.listdir(images_path)) except EnvironmentError: self.log.error("Images path for hash %s not present or " "accessible", dlrn_hash) if not images: self.log.error("No images found") if stat and images: results['hash_valid'] = True results['present_qcows'] = images results['missing_qcows'] = \ list(set(self.config.overcloud_images[ 'qcow_images']).difference( images)) if images == self.config.overcloud_images['qcow_images']: results['qcow_valid'] = True if name is not None: try: link = self.client.readlink(name) if link == dlrn_hash.full_hash: results['promotion_valid'] = True except EnvironmentError: self.log.error("%s was not promoted to %s", dlrn_hash.full_hash, name) return results def rollback(self): """ Rolls back the link to the initial status Rollback is guaranteed to work only for caught exceptions, and it may not be really useful. We have a rollback only if a remove or a symlink fails. - If a remove fails, it means that we don't need to rollback - If a symlink fails, then it will probably fail on rollback too. :return: None """ for name, target in self.rollback_links.items(): self.client.remove(name) self.client.symlink(target, name) self.rollback_links = {} def promote(self, candidate_hash, target_label, candidate_label=None, create_previous=True, validation=True): """ Effective promotion of the images. This method will handle symbolic links to the dir containing images from the candidate hash, optionally saving the current link as previous :param candidate_hash: The dlrn hash to promote :param target_label: The name of the link to create :param candidate_label: Currently unused :param create_previous: A bool to determine if previous link is created :param validation: A bool to determine if qcow validation should be done :return: None """ self.client.connect() if validation: self.validate_qcows(candidate_hash) self.client.chdir(self.images_dir) log_header = "Qcow promote '{}' to {}:".format(candidate_hash, target_label)"%s Attempting promotion", log_header) # Check if candidate_hash dir is present try: self.client.stat(candidate_hash.full_hash) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.error("%s images dir for hash %s not present or not " "accessible", log_header, candidate_hash) self.log.exception(ex) self.client.close() raise PromotionError("{} No images dir for hash {}" "".format(log_header, candidate_hash)) # Check if the target label exists and points to a hash dir current_hash = None try: current_hash = self.client.readlink(target_label) except EnvironmentError: self.log.debug("%s No link named %s exists", log_header, target_label) # If this exists Check if we can remove the symlink if current_hash: self.rollback_links['target_label'] = current_hash try: self.client.remove(target_label) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.debug("Unable to remove the target_label: %s", target_label) self.log.exception(ex) self.client.close() raise # Check if a previous link exists and points to an hash-dir previous_label = "previous-{}".format(target_label) previous_hash = None try: previous_hash = self.client.readlink(previous_label) except EnvironmentError: self.log.debug("%s No previous-link named %s exists", log_header, previous_label) self.log.debug("Previous hash %s", previous_hash) # If it exists and we are handling it, check if we can remove and # reassign it if current_hash and previous_hash and create_previous: self.rollback_links[previous_label] = previous_hash try: self.client.remove(previous_label) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.debug("Unable to remove the target_label: %s", target_label) self.log.exception(ex) self.client.close() # Rollback is not tested, we enable it later, when tests are # easier to add # self.rollback() raise try: self.client.symlink(current_hash, previous_label) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.error("%s failed to link %s to %s", log_header, previous_label, current_hash) self.log.exception(ex) # Rollback is not tested, we enable it later, when tests are # easier to add # self.rollback() self.client.close() raise # Finally the effective promotion try: c_hash = os.path.join(self.images_dir, candidate_hash.full_hash) self.client.symlink(c_hash, target_label) self.log.debug("Created link {} -> {}".format( candidate_hash.full_hash, target_label)) except EnvironmentError as ex: self.log.error("%s failed to link %s to %s", log_header, target_label, candidate_hash.full_hash) self.log.exception(ex) # Rollback is not tested, we enable it later, when tests are # easier to add # self.rollback() finally: self.client.close()"%s Successful promotion", log_header)
# Generated by Django 2.0.8 on 2018-11-29 10:12 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('occurrence', '0005_auto_20181025_1720'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='areaencounter', name='source', field=models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=[(0, 'Direct entry'), (1, 'Manual entry from paper datasheet'), (2, 'Digital data capture (ODK)'), (10, 'Threatened Fauna'), (11, 'Threatened Flora'), (12, 'Threatened Communities'), (13, 'Threatened Communities Boundaries'), (14, 'Threatened Communities Buffers'), (15, 'Threatened Communities Sites'), (20, 'Turtle Tagging Database WAMTRAM2'), (21, 'Ningaloo Turtle Program'), (22, 'Broome Turtle Program'), (23, 'Pt Hedland Turtle Program'), (24, 'Gnaraloo Turtle Program'), (25, 'Eco Beach Turtle Program'), (30, 'Cetacean Strandings Database'), (31, 'Pinniped Strandings Database')], default=0, help_text='Where was this record captured initially?', verbose_name='Data Source'), ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Test running the dakota.plugin.hydrotrend module. # # Call with: # $ nosetests -sv # # Mark Piper ( import os import shutil # import filecmp import glob from import with_setup, assert_true from dakotathon.dakota import Dakota from dakotathon.plugins.hydrotrend import is_installed as is_hydrotrend_installed from dakotathon.utils import is_dakota_installed from . import start_dir, data_dir # Global variables ----------------------------------------------------- run_dir = os.getcwd() config_file = os.path.join(run_dir, "dakota.yaml") known_config_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "dakota.yaml") # known_dat_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dakota.dat') # Fixtures ------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_module(): """Called before any tests are performed.""" print("\n*** " + __name__) def setup(): """Called at start of any test using it @with_setup()""" pass def teardown(): """Called at end of any test using it @with_setup()""" if os.path.exists(config_file): os.remove(config_file) if os.path.exists(""): os.remove("") if os.path.exists("run.log"): os.remove("run.log") if os.path.exists("stderr.log"): os.remove("stderr.log") if is_hydrotrend_installed(): for dname in glob.glob("HYDRO_*"): shutil.rmtree(dname) if is_dakota_installed(): for dname in glob.glob("run.*"): shutil.rmtree(dname) for fname in ["dakota." + ext for ext in ["dat", "out", "rst"]]: if os.path.exists(fname): os.remove(fname) def teardown_module(): """Called after all tests have completed.""" pass # Tests ---------------------------------------------------------------- @with_setup(setup, teardown) def test_run_by_setting_attributes(): """Test running a HydroTrend simulation.""" d = Dakota(method="vector_parameter_study", plugin="hydrotrend") d.template_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "HYDRO.IN.dtmpl") d.auxiliary_files = os.path.join(data_dir, "HYDRO0.HYPS") d.variables.descriptors = [ "starting_mean_annual_temperature", "total_annual_precipitation", ] d.variables.initial_point = [10.0, 1.5] d.method.final_point = [20.0, 2.5] d.method.n_steps = 5 d.responses.response_descriptors = ["Qs_median", "Q_mean"] d.responses.response_files = ["HYDROASCII.QS", "HYDROASCII.Q"] d.responses.response_statistics = ["median", "mean"] d.setup() assert_true(os.path.exists(d.input_file)) if is_dakota_installed() and is_hydrotrend_installed(): assert_true(os.path.exists(d.output_file)) # assert_true(filecmp.cmp(known_dat_file, d.environment.data_file)) @with_setup(setup, teardown) def test_run_from_config_file(): """Test running a HydroTrend simulation from a config file.""" d = Dakota.from_file_like(known_config_file) d.run_directory = run_dir d.template_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "HYDRO.IN.dtmpl") d.auxiliary_files = os.path.join(data_dir, "HYDRO0.HYPS") d.serialize(config_file) d.write_input_file() assert_true(os.path.exists(d.input_file)) if is_dakota_installed() and is_hydrotrend_installed(): assert_true(os.path.exists(d.output_file)) # assert_true(filecmp.cmp(known_dat_file, d.environment.data_file))
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Train random forest classifier Inputs: CSV from build_att_table, small area cutoff Outputs: Packaged up Random Forest model @authors: Kylen Solvik Date Create: 3/17/17 """ # Load libraries import pandas as pd from sklearn import model_selection from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.externals import joblib from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV from sklearn.cross_validation import * import numpy as np import sys import argparse import os import xgboost as xgb # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train Random Forest classifier.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('prop_csv', help='Path to attribute table (from', type=str) parser.add_argument('xgb_pkl', help='Path to save random forest model as .pkl.', type=str) parser.add_argument('--area_lowbound', help='Lower area bound. All regions <= in size will be ignored', default=2, type=int) parser.add_argument('--path_prefix', help='To be placed at beginnings of all other path args', type=str,default='') args = parser.parse_args() def select_training_obs(full_csv_path): """Takes full csv and selects only the training observations. Writes out to csv for further use""" training_csv_path = full_csv_path.replace('.csv','_trainonly.csv') if not os.path.isfile(training_csv_path): dataset = pd.read_csv(full_csv_path,header=0) training_dataset = dataset.loc[dataset['class'] > 0] training_dataset.to_csv(training_csv_path,header=True,index=False) return(training_csv_path) def main(): # Set any attributes to exclude for this run exclude_att_patterns = [] # Load dataset training_csv = select_training_obs(args.path_prefix + args.prop_csv) dataset = pd.read_csv(training_csv,header=0) dataset_acut = dataset.loc[dataset['area'] > args.area_lowbound] # Exclude attributes matching user input patterns, or if they are all nans exclude_atts = [] for pattern in exclude_att_patterns: col_list = [col for col in dataset_acut.columns if pattern in col] exclude_atts.extend(col_list) for att in dataset.columns[1:]: if sum(np.isfinite(dataset[att])) == 0: exclude_atts.append(att) for att in list(set(exclude_atts)): del dataset_acut[att] (ds_y,ds_x) = dataset_acut.shape print(ds_y,ds_x) # Convert dataset to array feature_names = dataset_acut.columns[2:] array = dataset_acut.values X = array[:,2:ds_x].astype(float) Y = array[:,1].astype(int) Y = Y-1 # Convert from 1s and 2s to 0-1 # Set nans to 0 X = np.nan_to_num(X) # Separate test data test_size = 0.2 seed = 5 X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = model_selection.train_test_split( X, Y, test_size=test_size, random_state=seed) # Convert data to xgboost matrices d_train = xgb.DMatrix(X_train,label=Y_train) # d_test = xgb.DMatrix(X_test,label=Y_test) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Paramater tuning # Step 1: Find approximate n_estimators to use early_stop_rounds = 40 n_folds = 5 xgb_model = xgb.XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=1000, max_depth=5, min_child_weight=1, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8, objective= 'binary:logistic', seed=27) xgb_params = xgb_model.get_xgb_params() cvresult =, d_train, num_boost_round=xgb_params['n_estimators'], nfold=n_folds, metrics='auc', early_stopping_rounds=early_stop_rounds, ) n_est_best = (cvresult.shape[0] - early_stop_rounds) print('Best number of rounds = {}'.format(n_est_best)) # Step 2: Tune hyperparameters xgb_model = xgb.XGBClassifier() params = {'max_depth': range(5,10,2), 'learning_rate': [0.1], 'gamma':[0,0.5,1], 'silent': [1], 'objective': ['binary:logistic'], 'n_estimators' : [n_est_best], 'subsample' : [0.7, 0.8,1], 'min_child_weight' : range(1,4,2), 'colsample_bytree':[0.7,0.8,1], } clf = GridSearchCV(xgb_model,params,n_jobs = 1, cv = StratifiedKFold(Y_train, n_folds=5, shuffle=True), scoring = 'roc_auc', verbose = 2, refit = True),Y_train) best_parameters,score,_ = max(clf.grid_scores_,key=lambda x: x[1]) print('Raw AUC score:',score) for param_name in sorted(best_parameters.keys()): print("%s: %r" % (param_name, best_parameters[param_name])) # Step 3: Decrease learning rate and up the # of trees #xgb_finalcv = XGBClassifier() tuned_params = clf.best_params_ tuned_params['n_estimators'] = 10000 tuned_params['learning_rate'] = 0.01 cvresult =, d_train, num_boost_round=tuned_params['n_estimators'], nfold=n_folds, metrics='auc', early_stopping_rounds=early_stop_rounds, ) # Train model with cv results and predict on test set For test accuracy n_est_final = int((cvresult.shape[0] - early_stop_rounds) / (1 - 1 / n_folds)) tuned_params['n_estimators'] = n_est_final print(tuned_params) xgb_train = xgb.XGBClassifier() xgb_train.set_params(**tuned_params),Y_train) bst_preds = xgb_train.predict(X_test) print("Xgboost Test acc = " + str(accuracy_score(Y_test, bst_preds))) print(confusion_matrix(Y_test, bst_preds)) print(classification_report(Y_test, bst_preds)) # Export cv classifier joblib.dump(cvresult, args.path_prefix + args.xgb_pkl + 'cv') # Export classifier trained on full data set xgb_full = xgb.XGBClassifier() xgb_full.set_params(**tuned_params),Y) joblib.dump(xgb_full, args.path_prefix + args.xgb_pkl) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Template tag for displaying user guides. """ import re from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.template import loader from django.template.defaulttags import CsrfTokenNode from user_guide.models import GuideInfo register = template.Library() # The maximum number of guides to show per page USER_GUIDE_SHOW_MAX = getattr(settings, 'USER_GUIDE_SHOW_MAX', 10) # Use cookies to determine if guides should be shown USER_GUIDE_USE_COOKIES = getattr(settings, 'USER_GUIDE_USE_COOKIES', False) # The url to any custom CSS USER_GUIDE_CSS_URL = getattr( settings, 'USER_GUIDE_CSS_URL', None ) # The url to any custom JS USER_GUIDE_JS_URL = getattr( settings, 'USER_GUIDE_JS_URL', None ) @register.simple_tag(takes_context=True) def user_guide(context, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates html items for all appropriate user guides. Kwargs: guide_name: A string name of a specific guide. guide_tags: An array of string guide tags. limit: An integer maxmimum number of guides to show at a single time. Returns: An html string containing the user guide scaffolding and any guide html. """ user = context['request'].user if 'request' in context and hasattr(context['request'], 'user') else None if user and user.is_authenticated(): # No one is logged in limit = kwargs.get('limit', USER_GUIDE_SHOW_MAX) filters = { 'user': user, 'is_finished': False } # Handle special filters if kwargs.get('guide_name'): filters['guide__guide_name'] = kwargs.get('guide_name') if kwargs.get('guide_tags'): filters['guide__guide_tag__in'] = kwargs.get('guide_tags') # Set the html html = ''.join(( '<div data-guide="{0}" class="django-user-guide-item">{1}</div>'.format(, ) for guide_info in GuideInfo.objects.select_related('guide').filter(**filters).only('guide')[:limit] )) # Return the rendered template with the guide html return loader.render_to_string('user_guide/window.html', { 'html': re.sub(r'\{\s*static\s*\}', settings.STATIC_URL, html), 'css_href': '{0}user_guide/build/django-user-guide.css'.format(settings.STATIC_URL), 'js_src': '{0}user_guide/build/django-user-guide.js'.format(settings.STATIC_URL), 'custom_css_href': USER_GUIDE_CSS_URL, 'custom_js_src': USER_GUIDE_JS_URL, 'use_cookies': str(USER_GUIDE_USE_COOKIES).lower(), 'csrf_node': CsrfTokenNode().render(context) }) else: return ''
"""Subscribe to RabbitMQ and listen for purge instructions continuously. Manage this script through eg. supervisor.""" import json import traceback from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from optparse import OptionParser from time import sleep import pika import requests import yaml class Consumer: channel = None connection = None def __init__(self): self.pool = ThreadPool() parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", help="Configuration file", metavar="FILE") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() config_file = options.config self.config = {} if config_file: self.config = yaml.load(open(config_file)) or {} def log(self, msg): name = self.config.get("logfile", None) if not name: return if name == "stdout": print(msg) return fp = open(name, "a") try: fp.write(msg + "\n") finally: fp.close() def connect(self): parameters = pika.URLParameters( self.config.get( "rabbit-url", "amqp://guest:guest@" ) ) self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) = exchange="purgatory", exchange_type="fanout" ) queue = queue_name = queue.method.queue"purgatory", queue=queue_name) self.on_message, queue=queue_name, no_ack=False, exclusive=True ) def on_message(self, channel, method_frame, header_frame, body): self.pool.apply_async(self.handle_message, (body,)) channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method_frame.delivery_tag) def handle_message(self, body): if body: try: di = json.loads(body) except ValueError: path = body headers = {} else: path = di["path"] headers = di["headers"] self.log("Purging %s with headers %s" % (path, str(headers))) host = self.config.get("host", None) try: if host: final_headers = {"Host": host} final_headers.update(headers) response = requests.request( "PURGE", "http://" \ + self.config.get("proxy-address", "") + path, headers=final_headers, timeout=10 ) else: response = requests.request( "PURGE", "http://" \ + self.config.get("proxy-address", "") + path, timeout=10, headers=headers ) except Exception as exception: msg = traceback.format_exc() self.log("Error purging %s: %s" % (path, msg)) else: content = response.content def consume(self): loop = True while loop: try: if is None: raise pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop = False except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: try: self.connect() except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: sleep(1) self.connection.close() consumer = Consumer() consumer.consume()
#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 # # Copyright 2011 the Melange authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests related to soc.logic.dicts. """ import unittest from google.appengine.ext import db from soc.logic import dicts class TestDicts(unittest.TestCase): """Tests functions in dicts module. """ def setUp(self): self.dummy_dict = {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3', 'd': '1', 'e': '1', 'f': '3', 'g': '7'} def testFilterKeysToFilterValid(self): """Tests if a dict is filtered correctly if some keys are given. """ keys_to_filter = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] expected_dict = {'a': '1', 'b': '2', 'c': '3', 'd': '1'} self.assertEqual( dicts.filter(self.dummy_dict, keys_to_filter), expected_dict) def testFilterNoKeysToFilter(self): """Tests that nothing is filtered if no keys are given. """ keys_to_filter = [] expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual( dicts.filter(self.dummy_dict, keys_to_filter), expected_dict) def testFilterKeysToFilterNotInDict(self): """Tests that nothing is filtered if keys are not in dict. """ keys_to_filter = ['foo8'] expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual( dicts.filter(self.dummy_dict, keys_to_filter), expected_dict) def testMergeTargetHasNoKeysInUpdates(self): """Tests if a dictionary is updated correctly. """ target = self.dummy_dict updates = {'h': '8', 'i': {'a': '3', 'b': '11'}} temp = target.copy() temp.update(updates) expected_dict = temp self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected_dict) def testMergeTargetHasAnyKeyInUpdates(self): """Tests if a dictionary is updated correctly. """ target = self.dummy_dict updates = {'a': '2', 'b': '3', 'c': '4', 'd': '5', 'e': '6', 'f': '7', 'g': '8', 'h': '9', 'i': {'a': '3', 'b': '11'}} temp = target.copy() temp_updates = dict((('h', updates['h']), ('i', updates['i']))) temp.update(temp_updates) expected_dict = temp self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected_dict) def testMergeUpdatesEmpty(self): """Tests that nothing is updated if no updates. """ target = self.dummy_dict updates = {} expected_dict = target self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected_dict) def testMergeTargetEmptyUpdatesNotEmpty(self): """Tests that an empty target is updated. """ target = {} updates = {'a': '1'} expected = updates self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected) def testMergeTargetEmptyUpdatesEmpty(self): """Tests that an empty dict is returned when no target and updates. """ target = {} updates = {} expected_dict = updates self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected_dict) def testMergeSubMergeTrueMergeSubDictsPresent(self): """Tests if sub-dicts are merged if sub_merge=True. """ #merge sub dict present in both target and updates target = self.dummy_dict.copy() new_key = 'foo' new_value = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'} target.update({new_key: new_value }) updates = {'h': '8', 'foo': {'a': '3', 'b': '11'}} temp = self.dummy_dict.copy() from copy import deepcopy updates_copy = deepcopy(updates) temp.update(updates_copy) temp[new_key].update(new_value) expected_dict = temp self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=True), expected_dict) def testMergeSubMergeTrueSubListsPresent(self): """Tests if two lists are merged if sub_merge=True. """ #merge sub lists present in both target and lists target = self.dummy_dict.copy() target.update({'foo': ['value1', 'value2']}) updates = {'h': '8', 'foo': ['value3', 'value4']} temp = target.copy() temp['foo'] = temp['foo'] + updates['foo'] temp.update(h='8') expected_dict = temp self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=True), expected_dict) def testMergeWhenBothSubListsAndDictsArePresent(self): """Tests that lists and dicts can not be merged. """ #do not merge lists and dicts and sub_merge is True target = self.dummy_dict.copy() target.update({'foo': {'alpha': 1, 'beta': 2}}) updates = {'foo':['gamma', 'delta']} expected = target self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected) target = self.dummy_dict.copy() target.update({'foo':['gamma', 'delta']}) updates = {'foo': {'alpha': 1, 'beta': 2}} expected = target self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates), expected) def testMergeSubMergeFalseSubDictsPresent(self): """Tests if sub-dicts are not merged if sub_merge=False. """ #merge sub dict present in both target and updates target = self.dummy_dict.copy() target.update({'foo': {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}}) updates = {'foo': {'a': '3', 'b': '11'}} expected_dict = target self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=False), expected_dict) def testMergeRecursiveFalse(self): """Tests if dicts are updated. """ target = {'a':1, 'b': {'c': {"d": { "e": 2}}}} updates = {'f': 3, 'b': {'c' :{"d": {"g": 5}}}} temp = target.copy() temp.update({'f': 3}) expected = temp self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=True, recursive=False), expected) def testMergeRecursiveTrue(self): """Tests if dicts are updated correctly when recursive is set True. """ target = {'a':1, 'b': {'c': {"d": { "e": 2}}}} updates = {'f': 3, 'b': {'c' :{"d": {"g": 5}}}} expected = {'a':1, 'f':3, 'b': {'c': {"d": { "e": 2, 'g':5}}}} self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=True, recursive=True), expected) def testMergeRecursiveTrueSubMergeFalse(self): """Tests if dicts are updated correctly when recursive True, sub_merge False. """ target = {'a':1, 'b': {'c': {"d": { "e": 2}}}} updates = {'f': 3, 'b': {'c' :{"d": {"g": 5}}}} expected = {'a':1, 'f':3, 'b': {'c': {"d": { "e": 2}}}} self.assertEqual(dicts.merge(target, updates, sub_merge=False, recursive=True), expected) def testZip(self): """Test that keys and values are zipped as desired. """ #equal keys and values keys = ['a', 'b', 'c'] values = ['1', '2', '3'] expected_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.assertEqual(, values), expected_dict) #extra key keys.append('d') expected_dict.update({'d': None}) self.assertEqual(, values), expected_dict) #extra values values.extend(['4', '5']) expected_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) self.assertEqual(, values), expected_dict) def testUnzip(self): """Tests if desired values are unzipped from a dictionary. """ target = self.dummy_dict order = ['a', 'b', 'c'] expected_list = ['1', '2', '3'] gen = dicts.unzip(target, order) result = list(gen) self.assertEqual(result, expected_list) target = self.dummy_dict order = ['x', 'y', 'z'] expected_list = [] gen = dicts.unzip(target, order) self.assertRaises(KeyError, list, gen) order = [] expected_list = [] gen = dicts.unzip(target, order) result = list(gen) self.assertEqual(result, expected_list) def testRename(self): """Tests that keys in the target dict are renamed with value of the same key in another dict. """ target = {'wan': 1, 'too': 2, 'tree': 3} keys = {'wan': 'one', 'too': 'two', 'tree': 'three'} expected_dict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3} self.assertEqual(dicts.rename(target, keys), expected_dict) target = {} expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.rename(target, keys), expected_dict) target = {'wan': 1, 'too': 2, 'tree': 3} keys = {} expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.rename(target, keys), expected_dict) target = {'wan': 1, 'too': 2, 'tree': 3} keys = {'for': 4} expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.rename(target, keys), expected_dict) def testSplit(self): """Tests that a dict is split into single-valued pairs. """ target = {} expected = [{}] self.assertEqual(dicts.split(target), expected) target = {'foo': 'bar'} expected = [{'foo': 'bar'}] self.assertEqual(dicts.split(target), expected) target = {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'} expected = [{'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'}] self.assertEqual(dicts.split(target), expected) target = {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': ['one', 'two']} expected = [ {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'one'}, {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'two'}] self.assertEqual(dicts.split(target), expected) target = {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': ['one', 'two'], 'baz': ['three', 'four']} expected = [{'bar': 'one', 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'three'}, {'bar': 'two', 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'three'}, {'bar': 'one', 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'four'}, {'bar': 'two', 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'four'}] self.assertEqual(dicts.split(target), expected) def testGroupDictBy(self): """Not tested because dicts.groupDictBy is not used in the code base presently. """ pass def testIdentity(self): """Tests if a dict with values equal to keys is returned """ target = {'wan': 1, 'too': 2, 'tree': 3} expected_dict = {'wan': 'wan' , 'too': 'too', 'tree': 'tree'} self.assertEqual(dicts.identity(target), expected_dict) target = {} expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.identity(target), expected_dict) def testFormat(self): """Not tested because dicts.format is not used in the code base presently. """ pass def testGroupby(self): """Tests if a list of dictionaries is grouped by a group_key. """ target = [{'a':1, 'b': 2}, {'a':3, 'b': 4}, {'a':1, 'c': 4}] group_key = 'a' expected = {1: [{'a':1, 'b': 2}, {'a':1, 'c': 4}], 3: [{'a':3, 'b': 4}]} self.assertEqual(dicts.groupby(target, group_key), expected) group_key = '' expected = {} self.assertRaises(KeyError, dicts.groupby, target, group_key) group_key = 'f' self.assertRaises(KeyError, dicts.groupby, target, group_key) target = [] group_key = '' expected = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.groupby(target, group_key), expected) target = [] group_key = 'a' expected = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.groupby(target, group_key), expected) def testContainsAll(self): """Tests if a correct boolean value is returned. """ target = {'wan': 1, 'too': 2, 'tree': 3} keys = ['wan', 'too'] self.assertTrue(dicts.containsAll(target, keys)) keys = ['wan', 'fore'] self.assertFalse(dicts.containsAll(target, keys)) keys = [] self.assertTrue(dicts.containsAll(target, keys)) def testToDict(self): """Tests if a dict with desired entity properties is returned. """ class Books(db.Model): item_freq = db.StringProperty() freq = db.IntegerProperty() details = db.TextProperty() released = bool entity = Books() entity.item_freq = '5' entity.freq = 4 entity.details = 'Test Entity' entity.released = True entity.put() expected_dict = {'freq': 4, 'item_freq': '5'} self.assertEqual(dicts.toDict(entity), expected_dict) field_names = ['item_freq', 'details', 'released'] expected_dict = {'released': True, 'details': 'Test Entity', 'item_freq': '5'} self.assertEqual(dicts.toDict(entity, field_names), expected_dict) field_names = [] expected_dict = {'freq': 4, 'item_freq': '5'} self.assertEqual(dicts.toDict(entity, field_names), expected_dict) #field names not in the entity field_names = ['other_data'] expected_dict = {} self.assertEqual(dicts.toDict(entity, field_names), expected_dict) def testCleanDict(self): """Tests if the fields in the dict is HTML escaped as desired. """ target = { 'name': 'test', 'param1':'>1000', 'param2':'<1000', 'param3': 'a&b'} filter_fields = ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] expected_dict = { 'param3': u'a&amp;b', 'name': 'test', 'param1': u'&gt;1000', 'param2': u'&lt;1000' } self.assertEqual(dicts.cleanDict(target, filter_fields), expected_dict) filter_fields = [] expected_dict = {'param3': 'a&b', 'name': 'test', 'param1': '>1000', 'param2': '<1000'} self.assertEqual(dicts.cleanDict(target, filter_fields), expected_dict) #parameter not present in target filter_fields = ['other_param'] self.assertRaises(KeyError, dicts.cleanDict, target, filter_fields) from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe target['param1'] = mark_safe(target['param1']) expected_dict = { 'param3': u'a&amp;b', 'name': 'test', 'param1': '>1000', 'param2': u'&lt;1000'} filter_fields = ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] self.assertEqual(dicts.cleanDict(target, filter_fields), expected_dict) expected_dict = { 'param3': u'a&amp;b', 'name': 'test', 'param1': u'&gt;1000', 'param2': u'&lt;1000'} self.assertEqual( dicts.cleanDict(target, filter_fields, escape_safe=True), expected_dict)
''' WHAT: Simple test framework for checking algorithms TASK: *Handle output that's an object, eg. bst that gets modified *option3: optional param - Class (accept input/output as arrays and TURN INTO object) (option1: optional param - comparison function (instead of simple "!=") (option2: optional param - Class (automatically deconstruct objects in arrays) ''' import copy def init(*args, **kwargs): return TestSuite(*args, **kwargs) class TestSuite: def __init__(self, tests, dataStructures=None): self.tests = tests self.converter = DataStructureConverter(dataStructures) if dataStructures is not None else None def test(self, function): print('FUNCTION: {}'.format(function.__name__)) tests = copy.deepcopy(self.tests) for i, test in enumerate(tests): params, expected = test try: actual = self.runFunction(function, params) if actual != expected: self.printError(i+1, params, expected, actual) return except Exception as error: self.printError(i+1, params, expected, 'ERROR') raise error def printError(self, iteration, params, expected, actual): print() print('ERROR: Iteration {}'.format(iteration)) print() stringifiedParams = ', '.join([str(param) for param in params]) print('input: {}'.format(stringifiedParams)) print('ouptut expected: {}'.format(expected)) print('output actual: {}'.format(actual)) print() def runFunction(self, function, params): if self.converter is not None: params = self.converter.convertInput(params) params = copy.deepcopy(params) actual = function(*params) if self.converter is not None: actual = self.converter.convertOuptut(actual) return actual class DataStructureConverter: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.arrayToDs = { 'SinglyLinkedList': self.createSinglyLinkedList, #'DoublyLinkedList': createSinglyLinkedList, #'BinaryTree': createBinaryTree, #'Queue': createQueue, #'Stack': createStack, } self.dsToArray = { 'SinglyLinkedList': self.createArrayFromSinglyLinkedList, #'DoublyLinkedList': createSinglyLinkedList, #'BinaryTree': createBinaryTree, #'Queue': createQueue, #'Stack': createStack, } def convertInput(self, params): if isinstance(self.config, str): converted = [] for param in params: ds = self.convertArrayToDs(param, self.config) converted.append(ds) return converted elif isinstance(self.config, dict): converted = [] for param, dsName in zip(params, self.config['input']): if not isinstance(dsName, str): converted.append(param) else: ds = self.convertArrayToDs(param, dsName) converted.append(ds) return converted else: raise Exception('ERROR: This is not the right format for dataStructure: {}'.format(self.config)) def convertOuptut(self, output): if isinstance(self.config, str): return self.convertDsToArray(output, self.config) elif isinstance(self.config, dict): return self.convertDsToArray(output, self.config['output']) else: raise Exception('ERROR: This is not the right format for dataStructure: {}'.format(self.ds)) def convertArrayToDs(self, array, dsName): if dsName not in self.arrayToDs: raise Exception('ERROR: Name of dataStructure not supported: {}'.format(dsName)) dsConstructor = self.arrayToDs[dsName] ds = dsConstructor(array) return ds def convertDsToArray(self, ds, dsName): if dsName not in self.dsToArray: raise Exception('ERROR: Name of dataStructure not supported: {}'.format(dsName)) arrayConstructor = self.dsToArray[dsName] array = arrayConstructor(ds) return array class Node: # spec determined by leetcode def __init__(self, val): self.val = val = None def createSinglyLinkedList(self, array, storeInArray=False): if storeInArray: container = [] head = None curr = None for elem in array: node = self.Node(elem) if storeInArray: container.append(node) if head is None: head = node curr = node continue = node curr = node if storeInArray: return container return head def createArrayFromSinglyLinkedList(self, head): array = [] while head is not None: array.append(head.val) head = return array # custom def createIntersectingLinkedLists(self, nA, nB, nIntersection): headA = self.createSinglyLinkedList(range(nA)) headB = self.createSinglyLinkedList(range(nA, nA+nB)) if nIntersection is None or nIntersection == 0: return headA, headB, None headI = self.createSinglyLinkedList(range(nA+nB, nA+nB+nIntersection)) if headA is None: headA = headI else: self.getEndofList(headA).next = headI if headB is None: headB = headI else: self.getEndofList(headB).next = headI return headA, headB, headI def getEndofList(self, head): while head is not None and is not None: head = return head ### Example usage def main(): import sys sys.path.append('/Users/Abe/my/codingPractice/algos') import testSuite tests = [ ([[3,2,1,5,6,4], 2], 5), ([[3,2,3,1,2,4,5,5,6], 4], 4) ] t = testSuite.init(tests) t.test(v1) t.test(v2) t.test(v3)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import codecs class Personal: point_id = '' user_name = '' user_pronoun = '' sex = '' phone = '' email = '' address = '' class Cloth: cloth_name = '' color_code = '' small_type = '' price = '' image_url = '' big_type = '' cloth_code = '' cloth_describe = '' class Evaluate: clothes = [] osyaredo = 0 class DataBaseManager: def __init__(self,data_dir): self.data_dir = data_dir self.clothes_path = os.path.join(data_dir,'clothes.csv') self.evaluate_path = os.path.join(data_dir,'evaluate.csv') self.personal_path = os.path.join(data_dir,'personal.csv') def __split_csvline(self,line): return line.replace('\n','').replace('"','').split(',') def __struct_personal(self,line): cols = self.__split_csvline(line) personal = Personal() personal.point_id = cols[0] personal.user_name = cols[1] personal.user_pronoun = cols[2] = cols[3] = cols[4] = cols[5] personal.address = cols[6] personal.age = cols[7] return personal def __struct_cloth(self,line): cols = self.__split_csvline(line) cloth = Cloth() cloth.cloth_name = cols[0] cloth.color_code = cols[1] cloth.small_type = cols[2] cloth.price = cols[3] cloth.image_url = cols[4] cloth.big_type = cols[5] cloth.cloth_code = cols[6] cloth.cloth_describe = cols[7] return cloth def __struct_evaluate(self,line): cols = self.__split_csvline(line) osyare = Evaluate() osyare.clothes = [] for c in cols: if c == 'null': break else: osyare.clothes.append(c) osyare.osyaredo = cols[3] return osyare def get_personal_from_id(self,point_id): """ read personal data from point id :param point_id: search point id :return: personal object """ with,'r','utf-8') as f: for line in f: personal = self.__struct_personal(line) if personal.point_id == point_id: return personal return None def get_clothes_from_code(self, cloth_code): """ read cloth data from cloth_code :param cloth_code: cloth code for searching :return: cloth object """ with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: cloth = self.__struct_cloth(line) if cloth.cloth_code == cloth_code: return cloth return None def get_evaluate_from_code(self, cloth_code): """ read evaluate(osyaredo) from cloth code :param cloth_code: cloth code for searching evaluate :return: evaluate object list """ result = [] with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: ev = self.__struct_evaluate(line) if ev.clothes.count(cloth_code) > 0: result.append(ev) if len(result) > 0: return result else: return None def get_evaluate_from_codelist(self, cloth_codelist): """ read evaluate(osyaredo) from cloth code :param cloth_code: cloth code for searching evaluate :return: evaluate object list """ result = [] with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: ev = self.__struct_evaluate(line) isContain = True for cloth in cloth_codelist: if not cloth.cloth_code in ev.clothes: isContain = False break if isContain: result.append(ev) if len(result) > 0: return result else: return None def get_clothes_from_name(self, contains_name): """ read cloth data from keyword that contains cloth name :param contains_name: key contains cloth name :return: cloth object list """ result = [] with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: cloth = self.__struct_cloth(line) if cloth.cloth_name.count(contains_name) > 0: result.append(cloth) if len(result) > 0: return result else: return None def get_clothes_from_keys(self, season,price = None): """ read cloth data from keyword that contains cloth name :param contains_name: key contains cloth name :return: cloth object list """ result = [] with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: cloth = self.__struct_cloth(line) if cloth.cloth_describe.count(season) > 0 or cloth.cloth_name.count(season) > 0: result.append(cloth) if len(result) > 0: return result else: return None if __name__ == '__main__': script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(script_dir,'../../data') manager = DataBaseManager(data_path) personal = manager.get_clothes_from_name('ズボン') for p in personal: print(p.cloth_name)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Django Notifications example views ''' from distutils.version import \ StrictVersion # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error from django import get_version from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.forms import model_to_dict from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.generic import ListView from notifications import settings from notifications.settings import get_config from notifications.utils import id2slug, slug2id from swapper import load_model Notification = load_model('notifications', 'Notification') if StrictVersion(get_version()) >= StrictVersion('1.7.0'): from django.http import JsonResponse # noqa else: # Django 1.6 doesn't have a proper JsonResponse import json from django.http import HttpResponse # noqa def date_handler(obj): return obj.isoformat() if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat') else obj def JsonResponse(data): # noqa return HttpResponse( json.dumps(data, default=date_handler), content_type="application/json") class NotificationViewList(ListView): template_name = 'notifications/list.html' context_object_name = 'notifications' paginate_by = settings.get_config()['PAGINATE_BY'] @method_decorator(login_required) def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return super(NotificationViewList, self).dispatch( request, *args, **kwargs) class AllNotificationsList(NotificationViewList): """ Index page for authenticated user """ def get_queryset(self): if settings.get_config()['SOFT_DELETE']: qset = else: qset = self.request.user.notifications.all() return qset class UnreadNotificationsList(NotificationViewList): def get_queryset(self): return self.request.user.notifications.unread() @login_required def mark_all_as_read(request): request.user.notifications.mark_all_as_read() _next = request.GET.get('next') if _next: return redirect(_next) return redirect('notifications:unread') @login_required def mark_as_read(request, slug=None): notification_id = slug2id(slug) notification = get_object_or_404( Notification, recipient=request.user, id=notification_id) notification.mark_as_read() _next = request.GET.get('next') if _next: return redirect(_next) return redirect('notifications:unread') @login_required def mark_as_unread(request, slug=None): notification_id = slug2id(slug) notification = get_object_or_404( Notification, recipient=request.user, id=notification_id) notification.mark_as_unread() _next = request.GET.get('next') if _next: return redirect(_next) return redirect('notifications:unread') @login_required def delete(request, slug=None): notification_id = slug2id(slug) notification = get_object_or_404( Notification, recipient=request.user, id=notification_id) if settings.get_config()['SOFT_DELETE']: notification.deleted = True else: notification.delete() _next = request.GET.get('next') if _next: return redirect(_next) return redirect('notifications:all') @never_cache def live_unread_notification_count(request): try: user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated() except TypeError: # Django >= 1.11 user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated if not user_is_authenticated: data = { 'unread_count': 0 } else: data = { 'unread_count': request.user.notifications.unread().count(), } return JsonResponse(data) @never_cache def live_unread_notification_list(request): ''' Return a json with a unread notification list ''' try: user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated() except TypeError: # Django >= 1.11 user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated if not user_is_authenticated: data = { 'unread_count': 0, 'unread_list': [] } return JsonResponse(data) default_num_to_fetch = get_config()['NUM_TO_FETCH'] try: # If they don't specify, make it 5. num_to_fetch = request.GET.get('max', default_num_to_fetch) num_to_fetch = int(num_to_fetch) if not (1 <= num_to_fetch <= 100): num_to_fetch = default_num_to_fetch except ValueError: # If casting to an int fails. num_to_fetch = default_num_to_fetch unread_list = [] for notification in request.user.notifications.unread()[0:num_to_fetch]: struct = model_to_dict(notification) struct['slug'] = id2slug( if struct['actor'] = str( if struct['target'] = str( if notification.action_object: struct['action_object'] = str(notification.action_object) if struct['data'] = unread_list.append(struct) if request.GET.get('mark_as_read'): notification.mark_as_read() data = { 'unread_count': request.user.notifications.unread().count(), 'unread_list': unread_list } return JsonResponse(data) @never_cache def live_all_notification_list(request): ''' Return a json with a unread notification list ''' try: user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated() except TypeError: # Django >= 1.11 user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated if not user_is_authenticated: data = { 'all_count': 0, 'all_list': [] } return JsonResponse(data) default_num_to_fetch = get_config()['NUM_TO_FETCH'] try: # If they don't specify, make it 5. num_to_fetch = request.GET.get('max', default_num_to_fetch) num_to_fetch = int(num_to_fetch) if not (1 <= num_to_fetch <= 100): num_to_fetch = default_num_to_fetch except ValueError: # If casting to an int fails. num_to_fetch = default_num_to_fetch all_list = [] for notification in request.user.notifications.all()[0:num_to_fetch]: struct = model_to_dict(notification) struct['slug'] = id2slug( if struct['actor'] = str( if struct['target'] = str( if notification.action_object: struct['action_object'] = str(notification.action_object) if struct['data'] = all_list.append(struct) if request.GET.get('mark_as_read'): notification.mark_as_read() data = { 'all_count': request.user.notifications.count(), 'all_list': all_list } return JsonResponse(data) def live_all_notification_count(request): try: user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated() except TypeError: # Django >= 1.11 user_is_authenticated = request.user.is_authenticated if not user_is_authenticated: data = { 'all_count': 0 } else: data = { 'all_count': request.user.notifications.count(), } return JsonResponse(data)
from __future__ import print_function # import the main and action components from maincomponent import maincomponent from action1 import action1component from action2 import action2component from action3 import action3component #import manager components from action3components import animationmanager from action3components import soundmanager #keyboard mainloop from keycodes import ascii_to_keycode from getch import getch, kbhit, change_termios, restore_termios def mainloop(keyfunc=None): change_termios() while True: while not kbhit(): continue key = getch() if isinstance(key, bytes) and bytes != str: key = key.decode() if key not in ascii_to_keycode: continue keycode = ascii_to_keycode[key] if keycode == "ESCAPE": break if keyfunc is not None: keyfunc(keycode) restore_termios() #define a generic pseudo-hive class import libcontext class pseudohive(object): components = {} def __init__(self): for componentname, componentclass in self.components.items(): component = componentclass() setattr(self, componentname, component) def build(self, contextname): self._contextname = contextname self._context = libcontext.context(self._contextname) def place(self): libcontext.push(self._contextname) for componentname, componentclass in self.components.items(): component = getattr(self, componentname) libcontext.pop() def close(self): self._context.close() #define the main (pseudo-)hive class mainhive(pseudohive): components = { #action3 manager components "animationmanager": animationmanager, "soundmanager": soundmanager, #main component and action components "maincomponent": maincomponent, "action1": action1component, "action2": action2component, "action3": action3component, } #Set up the main hive and run it #Give us a new mainhive instance main = mainhive() #Build a context named "main""main") #Declare sockets and plugins #Build all connections, and validate the connection network main.close() #Run the main loop main.maincomponent.start() mainloop(main.maincomponent.keypress)
import time from datetime import datetime from bson import ObjectId, json_util from collections import defaultdict from flask import g, request from flask_mail import Message from flask_restful import Resource from service.OrderService import OrderService, DuplicateOrderException from service.PushNotificationService import PushNotificationService from service.ProductService import ProductService from service.PincodeService import PincodeService from service.StoreService import StoreService from service.StoreOrderService import StoreOrderService from service.SmsService import SmsService from libs.order_helper import OrderHelper from foodbeazt.fapp import mongo, app, mail, admin_permission from import ValidateCouponApi import logging from gcm import * order_created_template = app.jinja_env.get_template('email/order_created.html') order_created_sms_template = app.jinja_env.get_template( 'sms/order_created.txt') order_otp_sms_template = app.jinja_env.get_template('sms/otp.txt') class TrackOrderApi(Resource): def get(self, order_no): return OrderApi().get(order_no) class OrderApi(Resource): def __init__(self): self.MAX_ORDER_PER_PHONE = 3 self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.service = OrderService(mongo.db) self.storeOrderService = StoreOrderService(mongo.db) self.storeService = StoreService(mongo.db) self.productService = ProductService(mongo.db) self.pincodeService = PincodeService(mongo.db) self.pushNotifyService = PushNotificationService( mongo.db, app.config['GCM_API_KEY']) self.smsService = SmsService( mongo.db, app.config['SMS_USER'], app.config['SMS_API_KEY']) self.helper = OrderHelper(self.productService) self.validateCouponService = ValidateCouponApi() self.admin_emails = app.config['ADMIN_EMAILS'].split(',') def update_store_data(self, order): store_ids = set([str(x['store_id']) for x in order['items']]) stores = {str(x['_id']): x for x in self.storeService.search_by_ids(store_ids=store_ids)} for item in order['items']: item['store'] = stores[str(item['store_id'])] def update_store_status(self, order): order_dict = {} order_dict[str(order['_id'])] = order store_statuses = defaultdict(dict) for x in self.storeOrderService.get_by_order_ids(order_dict.keys()): oid = str(x['order_id']) store_id = str(x['store_id']) store_statuses[oid][store_id] = dict(no=x['store_order_no'], status_timings=x.get('status_timings',{}), status=x['status']) order_dict[oid]['store_delivery_status'] = store_statuses[oid] def get(self, _id): if _id == "-1": return None, 404 try: order = None if len(_id) <= 9: order = self.service.get_by_number(_id) else: order = self.service.get_by_id(_id) if order: self.update_store_data(order) if admin_permission.can(): self.update_store_status(order) return order, 200 else: return None, 404 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) return {"status": "error", "message": "Error on get order with id %s" % _id}, 421 def put(self, _id): data = json_util.loads('utf-8')) cmd = data.get('cmd', None) if cmd is None: return dict(status='error', message="Invalid command"), 423 if cmd == "VERIFY_OTP": return self.verify_otp(data) elif cmd == "RESEND_OTP": return self.resend_otp(data) else: return dict(status='error', message="Invalid command"), 423 def resend_otp(self, data): order_id = data.get("order_id", None) new_number = data.get("number", None) try: order = self.service.get_by_id(order_id) if order is None or order['status'] == 'DELIVERED': return dict(status='error', message="Invalid Order id given. Order not found/delivered"), 425 if new_number is not None and len(new_number) != 0: if len(new_number) != 10: return dict(status='error', message="Invalid phone number!"), 426 else: order['delivery_details']['phone'] = new_number order['otp_status'] = self.send_otp(order) return dict(status='success'), 200 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) return dict(status="error", message="Error while sending OTP. Try again later!"), 400 def verify_otp(self, data): order_id = data.get("order_id", None) otp = data.get("otp", None) if otp is None or len(otp) < 3 or len(otp) > 10: return dict(status='error', message="Invalid OTP given"), 424 try: order = self.service.get_by_id(order_id) if order is None or order['status'] == 'DELIVERED': return dict(status='error', message="Invalid Order id given. Order not found/delivered"), 425 number = order['delivery_details'].get('phone') if self.smsService.update_otp(number, otp): order['otp_status'] = 'VERIFIED' self.send_email(order) self.send_sms(order) self.notify_new_order(order) "%s order success after OTP verified!", order.get('order_no')) return dict(status='success'), 200 else: return dict(status='error', message="Invalid OTP given"), 424 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) return dict(status="error", message="Unable to verify the OTP. Please try again later!"), 427 def post(self, _id): order = json_util.loads('utf-8')) self.log.debug("RECEIVED ORDER %s" % order) validation_error, sanitized_items = self.helper.validate_line_items(order) if validation_error is not None: return dict(status='error', type='validation', message=validation_error), 421 delivery_validation, delivery_details = self.helper.validate_delivery_details(order) if delivery_validation is not None: return dict(status='error', type='validation', message=delivery_validation), 422 payment_type = order.get('payment_type', 'cod') if payment_type not in ['cod', 'payumoney', 'paytm']: return dict(status='error', type='validation', message="Invalid Payment choosen"), 422 tenant_id = g.user.tenant_id user_id = valid_order = { 'tenant_id': ObjectId(tenant_id), 'user_id': ObjectId(user_id), 'items': sanitized_items, 'delivery_details': delivery_details, 'payment_type': payment_type } valid_order['delivery_charges'] = self.service.get_delivery_charges( valid_order) valid_order['total'] = self.service.get_order_total(valid_order) coupon_code = order.get('coupon_code', None) coupon_discount = 0.0 if coupon_code: coupon_data = self.validateCouponService.fetch_coupon_data( coupon_code) if coupon_data is None: return dict(status='error', type='validation', message="Invalid coupon data!"), 422 if not self.validateCouponService.valid_coupon(coupon_data): return dict(status='error', type='validation', message="Coupon code was expired!"), 422 coupon_discount = self.validateCouponService.calculate_discount( valid_order, coupon_data) if coupon_discount <= 0.0: 'Coupon code does not meet the conditions! %s', coupon_code) return {'status': 'error', 'type': 'validation', 'message': 'Coupon code does not meet the conditions!'}, 472 valid_order['coupon_code'] = coupon_code valid_order['coupon_discount'] = -coupon_discount if payment_type in ['cod', 'paytm']: valid_order['payment_status'] = 'success' _id = None try: pincode = valid_order['delivery_details']['pincode'] if not self.pincodeService.check_pincode(pincode): return {"status": "error", "message": "Delivery not available for %s pincode!" % (pincode)}, 422 self.check_spam_order(valid_order) valid_order['otp_status'] = self.send_otp(valid_order) _id = self.save_order_metadata(_id, order.get('metadata', None)) except DuplicateOrderException as e: self.log.exception(e) return dict(status="error", message="We identified frequent placement of order. \ Please wait 15 minutes before placing any other order."), 429 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) return dict(status="error", message="Oops! Error while trying to save order details! Please try again later"), 420 if valid_order['otp_status'] == 'VERIFIED' and payment_type in ['cod', 'paytm']: self.send_email(valid_order) self.send_sms(valid_order) self.notify_new_order(valid_order)"%s order success!", valid_order.get('order_no')) return {"status": "success", "location": "/api/order/" + str(_id), "data": valid_order} def notify_new_order(self, order): email = order['delivery_details']['email'] address = order['delivery_details']['address'] pincode = order['delivery_details']['pincode'] total = order['total'] data = { 'message': "Yay! New order from %s for Rs.%.2f. Delivery to %s - %s" % (email, total, address, pincode), 'order_id': order['_id'], 'order_no': order['order_no'], 'order_date': order['created_at'], 'total': total, 'title': 'New Order' } try: for admin_email in self.admin_emails: self.pushNotifyService.send_to_device(data, email=admin_email) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) def delete(self, _id): return None, 204 def save_order_metadata(self, order_id, metadata): if metadata is None or order_id is None: return entity = { 'order_id': order_id, 'metadata': metadata } try: self.service.save_order_metadata(entity) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) def send_otp(self, order): return 'VERIFIED' # if order['payment_type'] in ['cod', 'paytm']: # return 'VERIFIED' # if app.config['SEND_OTP'] is False: # return 'VERIFIED' # number = order['delivery_details'].get('phone') # if not self.smsService.verified_number(number): # otp = self.smsService.generate_otp() # message = order_otp_sms_template.render(order=order, otp=otp) # return self.smsService.send_otp(number, otp, message) # else: # return 'VERIFIED' def send_sms(self, order): number = order['delivery_details'].get('phone') track_link = app.config['ORDER_TRACK_URL'] % (order['order_no']) message = order_created_sms_template.render( order=order, track_link=track_link) try: self.smsService.send(number, message) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) def send_email(self, order): email = order['delivery_details']['email'] subject = "Order confirmation <%s>" % (order['order_no']) msg = Message(subject=subject, reply_to=app.config['MAIL_REPLY_TO'], charset='utf-8', sender=(app.config['MAIL_SENDER_NAME'], app.config['MAIL_SENDER']), recipients=[email]) msg.html = order_created_template.render(order=order)"Sending email [%s] to %s" % (subject, email)) if app.config['SEND_MAIL'] is False: return try: mail.send(msg) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) def check_spam_order(self, order): number = order['delivery_details']['phone'] email = order['delivery_details']['email'] order_count = self.smsService.get_order_count( number=number, email=email, minutes=15) if order_count > self.MAX_ORDER_PER_PHONE: raise DuplicateOrderException()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Calliope # Copyright (C) 2016 Sam Thursfield <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import click import argparse import os import sys import urllib.parse import warnings import calliope def measure_size(playlist): '''Measure the total size of the files listed.''' def measure_one(item): path = urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlsplit(item['location']).path) try: return os.stat(path).st_size except FileNotFoundError as e: warnings.warn("Did not find file %s" % path) return 0 size = 0 for item in playlist: if 'location' in item: size += measure_one(item) elif 'tracks' in item: for track in item['tracks']: if 'location' in track: size += measure_one(track) print("Total size: %i MB" % (size / 1024 / 1024.0))
#!/usr/bin/env python import csv import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot') # arg 1 = w init # arg 2 = n periods # arg 3 = n ratio # time step dt = np.float64(0.00010) # constants L_0 = np.float64(1.0) # unstretched length g = np.float64(9.81) # gravitation n = np.float64(sys.argv[3]) K_over_M = (n*n - 1)*g/L_0 # initial conditions theta = np.float64(0) L = L_0 + g/K_over_M # equilibrium length with gravity # 2mgl = 1/2 m l^2 w^2 w_sep = np.sqrt(4.*g/L) w_0 = np.float64(sys.argv[1]) w = w_0 # v_l_0 = 0 v_l = v_l_0 # periods T_p = 2.*np.pi/np.sqrt(g/L) T_k = 2.*np.pi/np.sqrt(K_over_M) # record some stuff print "Tp = {} T/dt = {}".format(T_p, T_p/dt) print "Tk = {} T/dt = {}".format(T_k, T_k/dt) print "Tk/Tp = {}".format(T_k/T_p) print "w_esc = {}".format(w_sep) t = np.float64(0.0) theta_last = theta # keep some records data = [] t_s = [] theta += w*dt/2. L += v_l*dt/2. for i in range(int(sys.argv[2])*int(T_p/dt)): w += -dt*g*np.sin(theta)/L v_l += -K_over_M*(L-L_0) + g*np.cos(theta) + w*w*L theta += w*dt theta = np.fmod(theta, 2.*np.pi) L += v_l*dt t += dt data.append([t, theta, w, L, v_l]) if theta_last < 0 and theta > 0: t_s.append(t) theta_last = theta # periods by measure t_s = [t_s[i] - t_s[i-1] for i in range(1,len(t_s)) ] print "avg period = {} std periods = {}".format(np.average(t_s), np.std(t_s)) # plots df = pd.DataFrame().from_records(data) df.columns = ["t", "theta", "omega", "l", "v_l"] df.set_index("t") ax = df.plot(kind="scatter", x="theta", y="omega", marker=".") fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig("phase1.png") ax = df.plot(kind="scatter", x="l", y="v_l", marker=".") fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig("phase2.png") # config space df["y_c"] = -df["l"] df["x_c"] = df["l"] * np.sin(df["theta"]) ax = df.plot(kind="scatter", x="x_c", y="y_c", marker=".") fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig("config.png")
import os.path import subprocess release = False __version__ = '0.2' _repository_path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] _git_file_path = os.path.join(_repository_path, '') def _minimal_ext_cmd(cmd): # construct minimal environment env = {} for k in ['SYSTEMROOT', 'PATH']: v = os.environ.get(k) if v is not None: env[k] = v # LANGUAGE is used on win32 env['LANGUAGE'] = 'C' env['LANG'] = 'C' env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env).communicate()[0] return out def get_git_hash(): ''' Gets the last GIT commit hash and date for the repository, using the path to this file. ''' try: out = _minimal_ext_cmd(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']) GIT_REVISION = out.strip().decode('ascii') except: GIT_REVISION = None return GIT_REVISION def get_git_revision(): hash = get_git_hash() if hash : rev = '.dev.' + hash[:7] try: cmd = ['git', 'show', '%s' % (hash), '--date=short', '--format="(%ad)"'] date = _minimal_ext_cmd(cmd).split('"')[1] rev += date except: pass else: rev = ".dev.Unknown" return rev def write_git_version(): 'Write the GIT revision to a file.' rev = get_git_revision() if rev == ".dev.Unknown": if os.path.isfile(_git_file_path): return gitfile = open(_git_file_path, 'w') gitfile.write('rev = "%s"\n' % rev) gitfile.close() def get_version(): ''' Get the version of the package, including the GIT revision if this is an actual release. ''' version = __version__ if not release: try: import __git_version__ version += __git_version__.rev except ImportError: version += get_git_revision() return version
############################################################ ''' Written by: Brian O'Dell, Spetember 2017 A program to run each program a 500 times per thread count. Then uses the data collected to make graphs and tables that are useful to evaluate the programs running time. ''' ############################################################ from subprocess import * from numba import jit import numpy as np import csv as csv import pandas as pd from pandas.plotting import table import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ''' Call the C program multiple times with variable arguments to gather data The name of the executable should exist before running ''' @jit def doCount(name): j = 0 while (j < 1025): for i in range(0,501): call([name,"-t",str(j), "-w"]) if (j == 0): j = 1 else: j = 2*j; ''' Turn the data into something meaningful. Takes all the data gets the average and standard deviation for each number of threads. Then plots a graph based on it. Also, makes a csv with the avg and stddev ''' @jit def exportData(name): DF = pd.read_csv("data/"+name+".csv") f = {'ExecTime':['mean','std']} #group by the number of threads in the csv and #apply the mean and standard deviation functions to the groups avgDF = DF.groupby('NumThreads').agg(f) avgTable = DF.groupby('NumThreads', as_index=False).agg(f) #When the data csv was saved we used 0 to indicate serial execution #this was so the rows would be in numerical order instead of Alphabetical #Now rename index 0 to Serial to be an accurate representation indexList = avgDF.index.tolist() indexList[0] = 'Serial' avgDF.index = indexList #make the bar chart and set the axes avgPlot = avgDF.plot(kind='bar', title=('Run Times Using '+ name), legend='False', figsize=(15,8)) avgPlot.set_xlabel("Number of Forks") avgPlot.set_ylabel("Run Time (seconds)") #put the data values on top of the bars for clarity avgPlot.legend(['mean','std deviation']) for p in avgPlot.patches: avgPlot.annotate((str(p.get_height())[:6]), (p.get_x()-.01, p.get_height()), fontsize=9) #save the files we need plt.savefig('data/'+name+'Graph.png') avgTable.to_csv('data/'+name+'Table.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8') def main(): doCount("./forkedSemaphor") doCount("./forkedPrivateCount") doCount("./forkedPrivateCount32") exportData("forkedSemaphor") exportData("forkedPrivateCount") exportData("forkedPrivateCount32") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import os import sys from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Tag from shared import fetch_tools, lazy def search_scryfall(query: str) -> Tuple[int, List[str], List[str]]: """Returns a tuple. First member is an integer indicating how many cards match the query total, second member is a list of card names up to the maximum that could be fetched in a timely fashion.""" if query == '': return 0, [], [] print(f'Searching scryfall for `{query}`') result_json = fetch_tools.fetch_json('' + fetch_tools.escape(query), character_encoding='utf-8') if 'code' in result_json.keys(): # The API returned an error if result_json['status'] == 404: # No cards found return 0, [], [] print('Error fetching scryfall data:\n', result_json) return 0, [], [] for warning in result_json.get('warnings', []): # scryfall-provided human-readable warnings print(warning) result_data = result_json['data'] result_data.sort(key=lambda x: x['legalities']['penny']) def get_frontside(scr_card: Dict) -> str: """If card is transform, returns first name. Otherwise, returns name. This is to make sure cards are later found in the database""" # not sure how to handle meld cards if scr_card['layout'] in ['transform', 'flip', 'modal_dfc']: return scr_card['card_faces'][0]['name'] return scr_card['name'] result_cardnames = [get_frontside(obj) for obj in result_data] return result_json['total_cards'], result_cardnames, result_json.get('warnings', []) def catalog_cardnames() -> List[str]: result_json = fetch_tools.fetch_json('') names: List[str] = result_json['data'] for n in names: if ' // ' in n: names.extend(n.split(' // ')) return names def update_redirect(file: str, title: str, redirect: str, **kwargs: str) -> bool: text = '---\ntitle: {title}\nredirect_to:\n - {url}\n'.format(title=title, url=redirect) for key, value in kwargs.items(): text += f'{key}: {value}\n' text = text + '---\n' fname = f'{file}.md' if not os.path.exists(fname): bb_jekyl = open(fname, mode='w') bb_jekyl.write('') bb_jekyl.close() bb_jekyl = open(fname, mode='r') orig = bb_jekyl.close() if orig != text: print(f'New {file} update!') bb_jekyl = open(fname, mode='w') bb_jekyl.write(text) bb_jekyl.close() return True if 'always-scrape' in sys.argv: return True return False def find_bug_blog() -> Tuple[Optional[str], bool]: bug_blogs = [a for a in get_article_archive() if str(a[0].string).startswith('Magic Online Bug Blog')] if not bug_blogs: return (None, False) (title, link) = bug_blogs[0] print('Found: {0} ({1})'.format(title, link)) new = update_redirect('bug_blog', title.text, link) return (link, new) def find_announcements() -> Tuple[str, bool]: articles = [a for a in get_article_archive() if str(a[0].string).startswith('Magic Online Announcements')] (title, link) = articles[0] print('Found: {0} ({1})'.format(title, link)) bn = 'Build Notes' in fetch_tools.fetch(link) new = update_redirect('announcements', title.text, link, has_build_notes=str(bn)) return (link, new) def parse_article_item_extended(a: Tag) -> Tuple[Tag, str]: title = a.find_all('h3')[0] link = '' + a.find_all('a')[0]['href'] return (title, link) @lazy.lazy_property def get_article_archive() -> List[Tuple[Tag, str]]: try: html = fetch_tools.fetch('') except fetch_tools.FetchException: html = fetch_tools.fetch('') soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') return [parse_article_item_extended(a) for a in soup.find_all('div', class_='article-item-extended')]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # sabapp - Simple Address Book Application # Copyright (C) 2008 Helder Guerreiro # This file is part of sabapp. # # sabapp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # sabapp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with sabapp. If not, see <>. # # Helder Guerreiro <> # from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ # Models: ADDRESSBOOKTYPE = ( (1, _('User address book')), (2, _('Server address book')), (3, _('Site address book')), ) class AddressManager(models.Manager): def for_request(self, request): '''Addresses available for request''' host = request.session['host'] return super(AddressManager, self).get_queryset().filter( Q(user__exact=request.user, imap_server__exact=host, ab_type__exact=1) | Q(imap_server__exact=host, ab_type__exact=2) | Q(ab_type__exact=3)) def have_addr(self, request, addr): address = self.for_request(request).filter(email__iexact=addr) return bool(address) class Address(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True) imap_server = models.CharField(_('IMAP server'), max_length=128) nickname = models.CharField(max_length=64, blank=True) first_name = models.CharField(_('first name'), max_length=30, blank=True) last_name = models.CharField(_('last name'), max_length=64, blank=True) email = models.EmailField(_('e-mail address')) additional_info = models.CharField(_('aditional information'), max_length=128, blank=True) ab_type = models.IntegerField(choices=ADDRESSBOOKTYPE) objects = AddressManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _('Address') verbose_name_plural = _('Addresses') db_table = 'address_book' ordering = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] def full_name(self): return ('%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)).strip() def mail_addr(self): name = ('%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)).strip() if name: return '"%s" <%s>' % (name, else: return def __str__(self): return self.mail_addr()
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai from __future__ import division __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = '2010-2012, Timothy Legge <>, Kovid Goyal <> and David Forrester <>' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' ''' Driver for Kobo ereaders. Supports all e-ink devices. Originally developed by Timothy Legge <>. Extended to support Touch firmware 2.0.0 and later and newer devices by David Forrester <> ''' import os, time, shutil from contextlib import closing from calibre.devices.usbms.books import BookList from calibre.devices.usbms.books import CollectionsBookList from calibre.devices.kobo.books import KTCollectionsBookList from calibre.devices.kobo.books import Book from calibre.devices.kobo.books import ImageWrapper from calibre.devices.mime import mime_type_ext from calibre.devices.usbms.driver import USBMS, debug_print from calibre import prints, fsync from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile from calibre.constants import DEBUG from calibre.utils.config_base import prefs EPUB_EXT = '.epub' KEPUB_EXT = '.kepub' # Implementation of QtQHash for strings. This doesn't seem to be in the Python implementation. def qhash(inputstr): instr = b"" if isinstance(inputstr, bytes): instr = inputstr elif isinstance(inputstr, unicode): instr = inputstr.encode("utf8") else: return -1 h = 0x00000000 for x in bytearray(instr): h = (h << 4) + x h ^= (h & 0xf0000000) >> 23 h &= 0x0fffffff return h class DummyCSSPreProcessor(object): def __call__(self, data, add_namespace=False): return data class KOBO(USBMS): name = 'Kobo Reader Device Interface' gui_name = 'Kobo Reader' description = _('Communicate with the Kobo Reader') author = 'Timothy Legge and David Forrester' version = (2, 1, 8) dbversion = 0 fwversion = 0 supported_dbversion = 120 has_kepubs = False supported_platforms = ['windows', 'osx', 'linux'] booklist_class = CollectionsBookList book_class = Book # Ordered list of supported formats FORMATS = ['kepub', 'epub', 'pdf', 'txt', 'cbz', 'cbr'] CAN_SET_METADATA = ['collections'] VENDOR_ID = [0x2237] BCD = [0x0110, 0x0323, 0x0326] ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4165] WIFI_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4161, 0x4162] PRODUCT_ID = ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID + WIFI_PRODUCT_ID VENDOR_NAME = ['KOBO_INC', 'KOBO'] WINDOWS_MAIN_MEM = WINDOWS_CARD_A_MEM = ['.KOBOEREADER', 'EREADER'] EBOOK_DIR_MAIN = '' SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS = True SUPPORTS_ANNOTATIONS = True # "kepubs" do not have an extension. The name looks like a GUID. Using an empty string seems to work. VIRTUAL_BOOK_EXTENSIONS = frozenset(['kobo', '']) EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_MESSAGE = [ _('The Kobo supports several collections including ')+ 'Read, Closed, Im_Reading. ' + _('Create tags for automatic management'), _('Upload covers for books (newer readers)') + ':::'+_('Normally, the KOBO readers get the cover image from the' ' ebook file itself. With this option, calibre will send a ' 'separate cover image to the reader, useful if you ' 'have modified the cover.'), _('Upload Black and White Covers'), _('Show expired books') + ':::'+_('A bug in an earlier version left non kepubs book records' ' in the database. With this option Calibre will show the ' 'expired records and allow you to delete them with ' 'the new delete logic.'), _('Show Previews') + ':::'+_('Kobo previews are included on the Touch and some other versions' ' by default they are no longer displayed as there is no good reason to ' 'see them. Enable if you wish to see/delete them.'), _('Show Recommendations') + ':::'+_('Kobo now shows recommendations on the device. In some cases these have ' 'files but in other cases they are just pointers to the web site to buy. ' 'Enable if you wish to see/delete them.'), _('Attempt to support newer firmware') + ':::'+_('Kobo routinely updates the firmware and the ' 'database version. With this option calibre will attempt ' 'to perform full read-write functionality - Here be Dragons!! ' 'Enable only if you are comfortable with restoring your kobo ' 'to factory defaults and testing software'), ] EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_DEFAULT = [ ', '.join(['tags']), True, True, True, False, False, False ] OPT_COLLECTIONS = 0 OPT_UPLOAD_COVERS = 1 OPT_UPLOAD_GRAYSCALE_COVERS = 2 OPT_SHOW_EXPIRED_BOOK_RECORDS = 3 OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS = 4 OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS = 5 OPT_SUPPORT_NEWER_FIRMWARE = 6 def initialize(self): USBMS.initialize(self) self.dbversion = 7 def device_database_path(self): return self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite') def books(self, oncard=None, end_session=True): from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import path_to_ext dummy_bl = BookList(None, None, None) if oncard == 'carda' and not self._card_a_prefix: self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) return dummy_bl elif oncard == 'cardb' and not self._card_b_prefix: self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) return dummy_bl elif oncard and oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb': self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) return dummy_bl prefix = self._card_a_prefix if oncard == 'carda' else \ self._card_b_prefix if oncard == 'cardb' \ else self._main_prefix # Determine the firmware version try: with open(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/version'), 'rb') as f: self.fwversion = f.readline().split(',')[2] except: self.fwversion = 'unknown' if self.fwversion != '1.0' and self.fwversion != '1.4': self.has_kepubs = True debug_print('Version of driver: ', self.version, 'Has kepubs:', self.has_kepubs) debug_print('Version of firmware: ', self.fwversion, 'Has kepubs:', self.has_kepubs) self.booklist_class.rebuild_collections = self.rebuild_collections # get the metadata cache bl = self.booklist_class(oncard, prefix, self.settings) need_sync = self.parse_metadata_cache(bl, prefix, self.METADATA_CACHE) # make a dict cache of paths so the lookup in the loop below is faster. bl_cache = {} for idx,b in enumerate(bl): bl_cache[b.lpath] = idx def update_booklist(prefix, path, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID, readstatus, MimeType, expired, favouritesindex, accessibility): changed = False try: lpath = path.partition(self.normalize_path(prefix))[2] if lpath.startswith(os.sep): lpath = lpath[len(os.sep):] lpath = lpath.replace('\\', '/') # debug_print("LPATH: ", lpath, " - Title: " , title) playlist_map = {} if lpath not in playlist_map: playlist_map[lpath] = [] if readstatus == 1: playlist_map[lpath].append('Im_Reading') elif readstatus == 2: playlist_map[lpath].append('Read') elif readstatus == 3: playlist_map[lpath].append('Closed') # Related to a bug in the Kobo firmware that leaves an expired row for deleted books # this shows an expired Collection so the user can decide to delete the book if expired == 3: playlist_map[lpath].append('Expired') # A SHORTLIST is supported on the touch but the data field is there on most earlier models if favouritesindex == 1: playlist_map[lpath].append('Shortlist') # Label Previews if accessibility == 6: playlist_map[lpath].append('Preview') elif accessibility == 4: playlist_map[lpath].append('Recommendation') path = self.normalize_path(path) # print "Normalized FileName: " + path idx = bl_cache.get(lpath, None) if idx is not None: bl_cache[lpath] = None if ImageID is not None: imagename = self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/images/' + ImageID + ' - NickelBookCover.parsed') if not os.path.exists(imagename): # Try the Touch version if the image does not exist imagename = self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/images/' + ImageID + ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed') # print "Image name Normalized: " + imagename if not os.path.exists(imagename): debug_print("Strange - The image name does not exist - title: ", title) if imagename is not None: bl[idx].thumbnail = ImageWrapper(imagename) if (ContentType != '6' and MimeType != 'Shortcover'): if os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))): if self.update_metadata_item(bl[idx]): # print 'update_metadata_item returned true' changed = True else: debug_print(" Strange: The file: ", prefix, lpath, " does mot exist!") if lpath in playlist_map and \ playlist_map[lpath] not in bl[idx].device_collections: bl[idx].device_collections = playlist_map.get(lpath,[]) else: if ContentType == '6' and MimeType == 'Shortcover': book = Book(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID, size=1048576) else: try: if os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))): book = self.book_from_path(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID) else: debug_print(" Strange: The file: ", prefix, lpath, " does mot exist!") title = "FILE MISSING: " + title book = Book(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID, size=1048576) except: debug_print("prefix: ", prefix, "lpath: ", lpath, "title: ", title, "authors: ", authors, "mime: ", mime, "date: ", date, "ContentType: ", ContentType, "ImageID: ", ImageID) raise # print 'Update booklist' book.device_collections = playlist_map.get(lpath,[]) # if lpath in playlist_map else [] if bl.add_book(book, replace_metadata=False): changed = True except: # Probably a path encoding error import traceback traceback.print_exc() return changed import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect( self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('select version from dbversion') result = cursor.fetchone() self.dbversion = result[0] debug_print("Database Version: ", self.dbversion) opts = self.settings() if self.dbversion >= 33: query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, IsDownloaded from content where ' 'BookID is Null %(previews)s %(recomendations)s and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s') % dict(expiry=' and ContentType = 6)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_EXPIRED_BOOK_RECORDS] else ')', previews=' and Accessibility <> 6' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS] == False else '', recomendations=' and IsDownloaded in (\'true\', 1)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS] == False else '') elif self.dbversion >= 16 and self.dbversion < 33: query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility, "1" as IsDownloaded from content where ' 'BookID is Null and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s') % dict(expiry=' and ContentType = 6)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_EXPIRED_BOOK_RECORDS] else ')') elif self.dbversion < 16 and self.dbversion >= 14: query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility, "1" as IsDownloaded from content where ' 'BookID is Null and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s') % dict(expiry=' and ContentType = 6)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_EXPIRED_BOOK_RECORDS] else ')') elif self.dbversion < 14 and self.dbversion >= 8: query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, ___ExpirationStatus, "-1" as FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility, "1" as IsDownloaded from content where ' 'BookID is Null and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s') % dict(expiry=' and ContentType = 6)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_EXPIRED_BOOK_RECORDS] else ')') else: query= 'select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' \ 'ImageID, ReadStatus, "-1" as ___ExpirationStatus, "-1" as FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility, "1" as IsDownloaded from content where BookID is Null' try: cursor.execute(query) except Exception as e: err = str(e) if not ('___ExpirationStatus' in err or 'FavouritesIndex' in err or 'Accessibility' in err or 'IsDownloaded' in err): raise query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, "-1" as ___ExpirationStatus, "-1" as ' 'FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility from content where ' 'BookID is Null') cursor.execute(query) changed = False for i, row in enumerate(cursor): # self.report_progress((i+1) / float(numrows), _('Getting list of books on device...')) if not hasattr(row[3], 'startswith') or row[3].startswith("file:///usr/local/Kobo/help/"): # These are internal to the Kobo device and do not exist continue path = self.path_from_contentid(row[3], row[5], row[4], oncard) mime = mime_type_ext(path_to_ext(path)) if path.find('kepub') == -1 else 'application/epub+zip' # debug_print("mime:", mime) if oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb' and not row[3].startswith("file:///mnt/sd/"): changed = update_booklist(self._main_prefix, path, row[0], row[1], mime, row[2], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[4], row[8], row[9], row[10]) # print "shortbook: " + path elif oncard == 'carda' and row[3].startswith("file:///mnt/sd/"): changed = update_booklist(self._card_a_prefix, path, row[0], row[1], mime, row[2], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[4], row[8], row[9], row[10]) if changed: need_sync = True cursor.close() # Remove books that are no longer in the filesystem. Cache contains # indices into the booklist if book not in filesystem, None otherwise # Do the operation in reverse order so indices remain valid for idx in sorted(bl_cache.itervalues(), reverse=True): if idx is not None: need_sync = True del bl[idx] # print "count found in cache: %d, count of files in metadata: %d, need_sync: %s" % \ # (len(bl_cache), len(bl), need_sync) if need_sync: # self.count_found_in_bl != len(bl) or need_sync: if oncard == 'cardb': self.sync_booklists((None, None, bl)) elif oncard == 'carda': self.sync_booklists((None, bl, None)) else: self.sync_booklists((bl, None, None)) self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) return bl def filename_callback(self, path, mi): # debug_print("Kobo:filename_callback:Path - {0}".format(path)) idx = path.rfind('.') ext = path[idx:] if ext == KEPUB_EXT: path = path + EPUB_EXT # debug_print("Kobo:filename_callback:New path - {0}".format(path)) return path def delete_via_sql(self, ContentID, ContentType): # Delete Order: # 1) shortcover_page # 2) volume_shorcover # 2) content import sqlite3 as sqlite debug_print('delete_via_sql: ContentID: ', ContentID, 'ContentType: ', ContentType) with closing(sqlite.connect(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() t = (ContentID,) cursor.execute('select ImageID from content where ContentID = ?', t) ImageID = None for row in cursor: # First get the ImageID to delete the images ImageID = row[0] cursor.close() cursor = connection.cursor() if ContentType == 6 and self.dbversion < 8: # Delete the shortcover_pages first cursor.execute('delete from shortcover_page where shortcoverid in (select ContentID from content where BookID = ?)', t) # Delete the volume_shortcovers second cursor.execute('delete from volume_shortcovers where volumeid = ?', t) # Delete the rows from content_keys if self.dbversion >= 8: cursor.execute('delete from content_keys where volumeid = ?', t) # Delete the chapters associated with the book next t = (ContentID,) # Kobo does not delete the Book row (ie the row where the BookID is Null) # The next server sync should remove the row cursor.execute('delete from content where BookID = ?', t) if ContentType == 6: try: cursor.execute('update content set ReadStatus=0, FirstTimeReading = \'true\', ___PercentRead=0, ___ExpirationStatus=3 ' 'where BookID is Null and ContentID =?',t) except Exception as e: if 'no such column' not in str(e): raise try: cursor.execute('update content set ReadStatus=0, FirstTimeReading = \'true\', ___PercentRead=0 ' 'where BookID is Null and ContentID =?',t) except Exception as e: if 'no such column' not in str(e): raise cursor.execute('update content set ReadStatus=0, FirstTimeReading = \'true\' ' 'where BookID is Null and ContentID =?',t) else: cursor.execute('delete from content where BookID is Null and ContentID =?',t) connection.commit() cursor.close() if ImageID == None: print "Error condition ImageID was not found" print "You likely tried to delete a book that the kobo has not yet added to the database" # If all this succeeds we need to delete the images files via the ImageID return ImageID def delete_images(self, ImageID, book_path): if ImageID != None: path_prefix = '.kobo/images/' path = self._main_prefix + path_prefix + ImageID file_endings = (' - iPhoneThumbnail.parsed', ' - bbMediumGridList.parsed', ' - NickelBookCover.parsed', ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed', ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed', ' - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed', ' - N3_SOCIAL_CURRENTREAD.parsed', ' - N3_FULL.parsed',) for ending in file_endings: fpath = path + ending fpath = self.normalize_path(fpath) if os.path.exists(fpath): # print 'Image File Exists: ' + fpath os.unlink(fpath) def delete_books(self, paths, end_session=True): if self.modify_database_check("delete_books") == False: return for i, path in enumerate(paths): self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(paths)), _('Removing books from device...')) path = self.normalize_path(path) # print "Delete file normalized path: " + path extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(path) ContentID = self.contentid_from_path(path, ContentType) ImageID = self.delete_via_sql(ContentID, ContentType) # print " We would now delete the Images for" + ImageID self.delete_images(ImageID, path) if os.path.exists(path): # Delete the ebook # print "Delete the ebook: " + path os.unlink(path) filepath = os.path.splitext(path)[0] for ext in self.DELETE_EXTS: if os.path.exists(filepath + ext): # print "Filename: " + filename os.unlink(filepath + ext) if os.path.exists(path + ext): # print "Filename: " + filename os.unlink(path + ext) if self.SUPPORTS_SUB_DIRS: try: # print "removed" os.removedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except: pass self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device...')) def remove_books_from_metadata(self, paths, booklists): if self.modify_database_check("remove_books_from_metatata") == False: return for i, path in enumerate(paths): self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(paths)), _('Removing books from device metadata listing...')) for bl in booklists: for book in bl: # print "Book Path: " + book.path if path.endswith(book.path): # print " Remove: " + book.path bl.remove_book(book) self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device metadata listing...')) def add_books_to_metadata(self, locations, metadata, booklists): metadata = iter(metadata) for i, location in enumerate(locations): self.report_progress((i+1) / float(len(locations)), _('Adding books to device metadata listing...')) info = blist = 2 if location[1] == 'cardb' else 1 if location[1] == 'carda' else 0 # Extract the correct prefix from the pathname. To do this correctly, # we must ensure that both the prefix and the path are normalized # so that the comparison will work. Book's __init__ will fix up # lpath, so we don't need to worry about that here. path = self.normalize_path(location[0]) if self._main_prefix: prefix = self._main_prefix if \ path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix)) else None if not prefix and self._card_a_prefix: prefix = self._card_a_prefix if \ path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._card_a_prefix)) else None if not prefix and self._card_b_prefix: prefix = self._card_b_prefix if \ path.startswith(self.normalize_path(self._card_b_prefix)) else None if prefix is None: prints('in add_books_to_metadata. Prefix is None!', path, self._main_prefix) continue # print "Add book to metatdata: " # print "prefix: " + prefix lpath = path.partition(prefix)[2] if lpath.startswith('/') or lpath.startswith('\\'): lpath = lpath[1:] # print "path: " + lpath book = self.book_class(prefix, lpath, other=info) if book.size is None or book.size == 0: book.size = os.stat(self.normalize_path(path)).st_size b = booklists[blist].add_book(book, replace_metadata=True) if b: b._new_book = True self.report_progress(1.0, _('Adding books to device metadata listing...')) def contentid_from_path(self, path, ContentType): if ContentType == 6: extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if extension == '.kobo': ContentID = os.path.splitext(path)[0] # Remove the prefix on the file. it could be either ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, '') else: ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix + self.normalize_path('.kobo/kepub/'), '') if self._card_a_prefix is not None: ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._card_a_prefix, '') elif ContentType == 999: # HTML Files ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, "/mnt/onboard/") if self._card_a_prefix is not None: ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._card_a_prefix, "/mnt/sd/") else: # ContentType = 16 ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, "file:///mnt/onboard/") if self._card_a_prefix is not None: ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._card_a_prefix, "file:///mnt/sd/") ContentID = ContentID.replace("\\", '/') return ContentID def get_content_type_from_path(self, path): # Strictly speaking the ContentType could be 6 or 10 # however newspapers have the same storage format if path.find('kepub') >= 0: ContentType = 6 return ContentType def get_content_type_from_extension(self, extension): if extension == '.kobo': # Kobo books do not have book files. They do have some images though # print "kobo book" ContentType = 6 elif extension == '.pdf' or extension == '.epub': # print "ePub or pdf" ContentType = 16 elif extension == '.rtf' or extension == '.txt' or extension == '.htm' or extension == '.html': # print "txt" if self.fwversion == '1.0' or self.fwversion == '1.4' or self.fwversion == '1.7.4': ContentType = 999 else: ContentType = 901 else: # if extension == '.html' or extension == '.txt': ContentType = 901 # Yet another hack: to get around Kobo changing how ContentID is stored return ContentType def path_from_contentid(self, ContentID, ContentType, MimeType, oncard): path = ContentID if oncard == 'cardb': print 'path from_contentid cardb' elif oncard == 'carda': path = path.replace("file:///mnt/sd/", self._card_a_prefix) # print "SD Card: " + path else: if ContentType == "6" and MimeType == 'Shortcover': # This is a hack as the kobo files do not exist # but the path is required to make a unique id # for calibre's reference path = self._main_prefix + path + '.kobo' # print "Path: " + path elif (ContentType == "6" or ContentType == "10") and MimeType == 'application/x-kobo-epub+zip': if path.startswith("file:///mnt/onboard/"): path = self._main_prefix + path.replace("file:///mnt/onboard/", '') else: path = self._main_prefix + '.kobo/kepub/' + path # print "Internal: " + path else: # if path.startswith("file:///mnt/onboard/"): path = path.replace("file:///mnt/onboard/", self._main_prefix) path = path.replace("/mnt/onboard/", self._main_prefix) # print "Internal: " + path return path def modify_database_check(self, function): # Checks to see whether the database version is supported # and whether the user has chosen to support the firmware version if self.dbversion > self.supported_dbversion: # Unsupported database opts = self.settings() if not opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SUPPORT_NEWER_FIRMWARE]: debug_print('The database has been upgraded past supported version') self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device...')) from calibre.devices.errors import UserFeedback raise UserFeedback(_("Kobo database version unsupported - See details"), _('Your Kobo is running an updated firmware/database version.' ' As calibre does not know about this updated firmware,' ' database editing is disabled, to prevent corruption.' ' You can still send books to your Kobo with calibre, ' ' but deleting books and managing collections is disabled.' ' If you are willing to experiment and know how to reset' ' your Kobo to Factory defaults, you can override this' ' check by right clicking the device icon in calibre and' ' selecting "Configure this device" and then the ' ' "Attempt to support newer firmware" option.' ' Doing so may require you to perform a factory reset of' ' your Kobo.') + (( '\nDevice database version: %s.' '\nDevice firmware version: %s') % (self.dbversion, self.fwversion)) , UserFeedback.WARN) return False else: # The user chose to edit the database anyway return True else: # Supported database version return True def get_file(self, path, *args, **kwargs): tpath = self.munge_path(path) extension = os.path.splitext(tpath)[1] if extension == '.kobo': from calibre.devices.errors import UserFeedback raise UserFeedback(_("Not Implemented"), _('".kobo" files do not exist on the device as books; ' 'instead they are rows in the sqlite database. ' 'Currently they cannot be exported or viewed.'), UserFeedback.WARN) return USBMS.get_file(self, path, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def book_from_path(cls, prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID): # debug_print("KOBO:book_from_path - title=%s"%title) from calibre.ebooks.metadata import MetaInformation if cls.settings().read_metadata or cls.MUST_READ_METADATA: mi = cls.metadata_from_path(cls.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))) else: from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import metadata_from_filename mi = metadata_from_filename(cls.normalize_path(os.path.basename(lpath)), cls.build_template_regexp()) if mi is None: mi = MetaInformation(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(lpath))[0], [_('Unknown')]) size = os.stat(cls.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))).st_size book = cls.book_class(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID, size=size, other=mi) return book def get_device_paths(self): paths = {} for prefix, path, source_id in [ ('main', 'metadata.calibre', 0), ('card_a', 'metadata.calibre', 1), ('card_b', 'metadata.calibre', 2) ]: prefix = getattr(self, '_%s_prefix'%prefix) if prefix is not None and os.path.exists(prefix): paths[source_id] = os.path.join(prefix, *(path.split('/'))) return paths def reset_readstatus(self, connection, oncard): cursor = connection.cursor() # Reset Im_Reading list in the database if oncard == 'carda': query= 'update content set ReadStatus=0, FirstTimeReading = \'true\' where BookID is Null and ContentID like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' elif oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb': query= 'update content set ReadStatus=0, FirstTimeReading = \'true\' where BookID is Null and ContentID not like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' try: cursor.execute(query) except: debug_print(' Database Exception: Unable to reset ReadStatus list') raise else: connection.commit() # debug_print(' Commit: Reset ReadStatus list') cursor.close() def set_readstatus(self, connection, ContentID, ReadStatus): cursor = connection.cursor() t = (ContentID,) cursor.execute('select DateLastRead from Content where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?', t) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: datelastread = '1970-01-01T00:00:00' else: datelastread = result[0] if result[0] is not None else '1970-01-01T00:00:00' t = (ReadStatus,datelastread,ContentID,) try: cursor.execute('update content set ReadStatus=?,FirstTimeReading=\'false\',DateLastRead=? where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?', t) except: debug_print(' Database Exception: Unable update ReadStatus') raise else: connection.commit() # debug_print(' Commit: Setting ReadStatus List') cursor.close() def reset_favouritesindex(self, connection, oncard): # Reset FavouritesIndex list in the database if oncard == 'carda': query= 'update content set FavouritesIndex=-1 where BookID is Null and ContentID like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' elif oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb': query= 'update content set FavouritesIndex=-1 where BookID is Null and ContentID not like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' cursor = connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except Exception as e: debug_print(' Database Exception: Unable to reset Shortlist list') if 'no such column' not in str(e): raise else: connection.commit() # debug_print(' Commit: Reset FavouritesIndex list') def set_favouritesindex(self, connection, ContentID): cursor = connection.cursor() t = (ContentID,) try: cursor.execute('update content set FavouritesIndex=1 where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?', t) except Exception as e: debug_print(' Database Exception: Unable set book as Shortlist') if 'no such column' not in str(e): raise else: connection.commit() # debug_print(' Commit: Set FavouritesIndex') def update_device_database_collections(self, booklists, collections_attributes, oncard): debug_print("Kobo:update_device_database_collections - oncard='%s'"%oncard) if self.modify_database_check("update_device_database_collections") == False: return # Only process categories in this list supportedcategories = { "Im_Reading":1, "Read":2, "Closed":3, "Shortlist":4, # "Preview":99, # Unsupported as we don't want to change it } # Define lists for the ReadStatus readstatuslist = { "Im_Reading":1, "Read":2, "Closed":3, } accessibilitylist = { "Preview":6, "Recommendation":4, } # debug_print('Starting update_device_database_collections', collections_attributes) # Force collections_attributes to be 'tags' as no other is currently supported # debug_print('KOBO: overriding the provided collections_attributes:', collections_attributes) collections_attributes = ['tags'] collections = booklists.get_collections(collections_attributes) # debug_print('Kobo:update_device_database_collections - Collections:', collections) # Create a connection to the sqlite database # Needs to be outside books collection as in the case of removing # the last book from the collection the list of books is empty # and the removal of the last book would not occur import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") if collections: # Need to reset the collections outside the particular loops # otherwise the last item will not be removed self.reset_readstatus(connection, oncard) if self.dbversion >= 14: self.reset_favouritesindex(connection, oncard) # Process any collections that exist for category, books in collections.items(): if category in supportedcategories: # debug_print("Category: ", category, " id = ", readstatuslist.get(category)) for book in books: # debug_print(' Title:', book.title, 'category: ', category) if category not in book.device_collections: book.device_collections.append(category) extension = os.path.splitext(book.path)[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(book.path) ContentID = self.contentid_from_path(book.path, ContentType) if category in readstatuslist.keys(): # Manage ReadStatus self.set_readstatus(connection, ContentID, readstatuslist.get(category)) elif category == 'Shortlist' and self.dbversion >= 14: # Manage FavouritesIndex/Shortlist self.set_favouritesindex(connection, ContentID) elif category in accessibilitylist.keys(): # Do not manage the Accessibility List pass else: # No collections # Since no collections exist the ReadStatus needs to be reset to 0 (Unread) debug_print("No Collections - reseting ReadStatus") self.reset_readstatus(connection, oncard) if self.dbversion >= 14: debug_print("No Collections - reseting FavouritesIndex") self.reset_favouritesindex(connection, oncard) # debug_print('Finished update_device_database_collections', collections_attributes) def get_collections_attributes(self): collections = [] opts = self.settings() if opts.extra_customization and len(opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_COLLECTIONS]) > 0: collections = [x.lower().strip() for x in opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_COLLECTIONS].split(',')] return collections def sync_booklists(self, booklists, end_session=True): debug_print('KOBO:sync_booklists - start') paths = self.get_device_paths() blists = {} for i in paths: try: if booklists[i] is not None: #debug_print('Booklist: ', i) blists[i] = booklists[i] except IndexError: pass collections = self.get_collections_attributes() #debug_print('KOBO: collection fields:', collections) for i, blist in blists.items(): if i == 0: oncard = 'main' else: oncard = 'carda' self.update_device_database_collections(blist, collections, oncard) USBMS.sync_booklists(self, booklists, end_session=end_session) debug_print('KOBO:sync_booklists - end') def rebuild_collections(self, booklist, oncard): collections_attributes = [] self.update_device_database_collections(booklist, collections_attributes, oncard) def upload_cover(self, path, filename, metadata, filepath): ''' Upload book cover to the device. Default implementation does nothing. :param path: The full path to the directory where the associated book is located. :param filename: The name of the book file without the extension. :param metadata: metadata belonging to the book. Use metadata.thumbnail for cover :param filepath: The full path to the ebook file ''' opts = self.settings() if not opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_UPLOAD_COVERS]: # Building thumbnails disabled debug_print('KOBO: not uploading cover') return if not opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_UPLOAD_GRAYSCALE_COVERS]: uploadgrayscale = False else: uploadgrayscale = True debug_print('KOBO: uploading cover') try: self._upload_cover(path, filename, metadata, filepath, uploadgrayscale) except: debug_print('FAILED to upload cover', filepath) def _upload_cover(self, path, filename, metadata, filepath, uploadgrayscale): from calibre.utils.magick.draw import save_cover_data_to if metadata.cover: cover = self.normalize_path(metadata.cover.replace('/', os.sep)) if os.path.exists(cover): # Get ContentID for Selected Book extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(filepath) ContentID = self.contentid_from_path(filepath, ContentType) import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() t = (ContentID,) cursor.execute('select ImageId from Content where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?', t) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: debug_print("No rows exist in the database - cannot upload") return else: ImageID = result[0] # debug_print("ImageId: ", result[0]) cursor.close() if ImageID != None: path_prefix = '.kobo/images/' path = self._main_prefix + path_prefix + ImageID file_endings = {' - iPhoneThumbnail.parsed':(103,150), ' - bbMediumGridList.parsed':(93,135), ' - NickelBookCover.parsed':(500,725), ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':(355,530), ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed':(149,233), ' - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed':(60,90), ' - N3_FULL.parsed':(600,800), ' - N3_SOCIAL_CURRENTREAD.parsed':(120,186)} for ending, resize in file_endings.items(): fpath = path + ending fpath = self.normalize_path(fpath.replace('/', os.sep)) if os.path.exists(fpath): with open(cover, 'rb') as f: data = # Return the data resized and in Grayscale if # required data = save_cover_data_to(data, 'dummy.jpg', grayscale=uploadgrayscale, resize_to=resize, return_data=True) with open(fpath, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) fsync(f) else: debug_print("ImageID could not be retreived from the database") def prepare_addable_books(self, paths): ''' The Kobo supports an encrypted epub refered to as a kepub Unfortunately Kobo decided to put the files on the device with no file extension. I just hope that decision causes them as much grief as it does me :-) This has to make a temporary copy of the book files with a epub extension to allow Calibre's normal processing to deal with the file appropriately ''' for idx, path in enumerate(paths): if path.find('kepub') >= 0: with closing(open(path, 'rb')) as r: tf = PersistentTemporaryFile(suffix='.epub') shutil.copyfileobj(r, tf) # tf.write( paths[idx] = return paths def create_annotations_path(self, mdata, device_path=None): if device_path: return device_path return USBMS.create_annotations_path(self, mdata) def get_annotations(self, path_map): from calibre.devices.kobo.bookmark import Bookmark EPUB_FORMATS = [u'epub'] epub_formats = set(EPUB_FORMATS) def get_storage(): storage = [] if self._main_prefix: storage.append(os.path.join(self._main_prefix, self.EBOOK_DIR_MAIN)) if self._card_a_prefix: storage.append(os.path.join(self._card_a_prefix, self.EBOOK_DIR_CARD_A)) if self._card_b_prefix: storage.append(os.path.join(self._card_b_prefix, self.EBOOK_DIR_CARD_B)) return storage def resolve_bookmark_paths(storage, path_map): pop_list = [] book_ext = {} for id in path_map: file_fmts = set() for fmt in path_map[id]['fmts']: file_fmts.add(fmt) bookmark_extension = None if file_fmts.intersection(epub_formats): book_extension = list(file_fmts.intersection(epub_formats))[0] bookmark_extension = 'epub' if bookmark_extension: for vol in storage: bkmk_path = path_map[id]['path'] bkmk_path = bkmk_path if os.path.exists(bkmk_path): path_map[id] = bkmk_path book_ext[id] = book_extension break else: pop_list.append(id) else: pop_list.append(id) # Remove non-existent bookmark templates for id in pop_list: path_map.pop(id) return path_map, book_ext storage = get_storage() path_map, book_ext = resolve_bookmark_paths(storage, path_map) bookmarked_books = {} for id in path_map: extension = os.path.splitext(path_map[id])[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(path_map[id]) ContentID = self.contentid_from_path(path_map[id], ContentType) debug_print("get_annotations - ContentID: ", ContentID, "ContentType: ", ContentType) bookmark_ext = extension db_path = self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite') myBookmark = Bookmark(db_path, ContentID, path_map[id], id, book_ext[id], bookmark_ext) bookmarked_books[id] = self.UserAnnotation(type='kobo_bookmark', value=myBookmark) # This returns as job.result in gui2.ui.annotations_fetched(self,job) return bookmarked_books def generate_annotation_html(self, bookmark): import calendar from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag, NavigableString # Returns <div class="user_annotations"> ... </div> #last_read_location = bookmark.last_read_location #timestamp = bookmark.timestamp percent_read = bookmark.percent_read debug_print("Date: ", bookmark.last_read) if bookmark.last_read is not None: try: last_read = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(bookmark.last_read, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")))) except: try: last_read = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(bookmark.last_read, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")))) except: last_read = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(bookmark.last_read, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")))) else: #self.datetime = time.gmtime() last_read = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) # debug_print("Percent read: ", percent_read) ka_soup = BeautifulSoup() dtc = 0 divTag = Tag(ka_soup,'div') divTag['class'] = 'user_annotations' # Add the last-read location spanTag = Tag(ka_soup, 'span') spanTag['style'] = 'font-weight:normal' if bookmark.book_format == 'epub': spanTag.insert(0,NavigableString( _("<hr /><b>Book Last Read:</b> %(time)s<br /><b>Percentage Read:</b> %(pr)d%%<hr />") % dict(time=last_read, # loc=last_read_location, pr=percent_read))) else: spanTag.insert(0,NavigableString( _("<hr /><b>Book Last Read:</b> %(time)s<br /><b>Percentage Read:</b> %(pr)d%%<hr />") % dict(time=last_read, # loc=last_read_location, pr=percent_read))) divTag.insert(dtc, spanTag) dtc += 1 divTag.insert(dtc, Tag(ka_soup,'br')) dtc += 1 if bookmark.user_notes: user_notes = bookmark.user_notes annotations = [] # Add the annotations sorted by location for location in sorted(user_notes): if user_notes[location]['type'] == 'Bookmark': annotations.append( _('<b>Chapter %(chapter)d:</b> %(chapter_title)s<br /><b>%(typ)s</b><br /><b>Chapter Progress:</b> %(chapter_progress)s%%<br />%(annotation)s<br /><hr />') % dict(chapter=user_notes[location]['chapter'], dl=user_notes[location]['displayed_location'], typ=user_notes[location]['type'], chapter_title=user_notes[location]['chapter_title'], chapter_progress=user_notes[location]['chapter_progress'], annotation=user_notes[location]['annotation'] if user_notes[location]['annotation'] is not None else "")) elif user_notes[location]['type'] == 'Highlight': annotations.append( _('<b>Chapter %(chapter)d:</b> %(chapter_title)s<br /><b>%(typ)s</b><br /><b>Chapter Progress:</b> %(chapter_progress)s%%<br /><b>Highlight:</b> %(text)s<br /><hr />') % dict(chapter=user_notes[location]['chapter'], dl=user_notes[location]['displayed_location'], typ=user_notes[location]['type'], chapter_title=user_notes[location]['chapter_title'], chapter_progress=user_notes[location]['chapter_progress'], text=user_notes[location]['text'])) elif user_notes[location]['type'] == 'Annotation': annotations.append( _('<b>Chapter %(chapter)d:</b> %(chapter_title)s<br /><b>%(typ)s</b><br /><b>Chapter Progress:</b> %(chapter_progress)s%%<br /><b>Highlight:</b> %(text)s<br /><b>Notes:</b> %(annotation)s<br /><hr />') % dict(chapter=user_notes[location]['chapter'], dl=user_notes[location]['displayed_location'], typ=user_notes[location]['type'], chapter_title=user_notes[location]['chapter_title'], chapter_progress=user_notes[location]['chapter_progress'], text=user_notes[location]['text'], annotation=user_notes[location]['annotation'])) else: annotations.append( _('<b>Chapter %(chapter)d:</b> %(chapter_title)s<br /><b>%(typ)s</b><br /><b>Chapter Progress:</b> %(chapter_progress)s%%<br /><b>Highlight:</b> %(text)s<br /><b>Notes:</b> %(annotation)s<br /><hr />') % dict(chapter=user_notes[location]['chapter'], dl=user_notes[location]['displayed_location'], typ=user_notes[location]['type'], chapter_title=user_notes[location]['chapter_title'], chapter_progress=user_notes[location]['chapter_progress'], text=user_notes[location]['text'], annotation=user_notes[location]['annotation'])) for annotation in annotations: divTag.insert(dtc, annotation) dtc += 1 ka_soup.insert(0,divTag) return ka_soup def add_annotation_to_library(self, db, db_id, annotation): from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import Tag bm = annotation ignore_tags = set(['Catalog', 'Clippings']) if bm.type == 'kobo_bookmark': mi = db.get_metadata(db_id, index_is_id=True) debug_print("KOBO:add_annotation_to_library - Title: ", mi.title) user_notes_soup = self.generate_annotation_html(bm.value) if mi.comments: a_offset = mi.comments.find('<div class="user_annotations">') ad_offset = mi.comments.find('<hr class="annotations_divider" />') if a_offset >= 0: mi.comments = mi.comments[:a_offset] if ad_offset >= 0: mi.comments = mi.comments[:ad_offset] if set(mi.tags).intersection(ignore_tags): return if mi.comments: hrTag = Tag(user_notes_soup,'hr') hrTag['class'] = 'annotations_divider' user_notes_soup.insert(0, hrTag) mi.comments += unicode(user_notes_soup.prettify()) else: mi.comments = unicode(user_notes_soup.prettify()) # Update library comments db.set_comment(db_id, mi.comments) # Add bookmark file to db_id # NOTE: As it is, this copied the book from the device back to the library. That meant it replaced the # existing file. Taking this out for that reason, but some books have a ANNOT file that could be # copied. # db.add_format_with_hooks(db_id, bm.value.bookmark_extension, # bm.value.path, index_is_id=True) class KOBOTOUCH(KOBO): name = 'KoboTouch' gui_name = 'Kobo Touch/Glo/Mini/Aura HD' author = 'David Forrester' description = 'Communicate with the Kobo Touch, Glo, Mini and Aura HD ereaders. Based on the existing Kobo driver by %s.' % ( # icon = I('devices/kobotouch.jpg') supported_dbversion = 120 min_supported_dbversion = 53 min_dbversion_series = 65 min_dbversion_externalid = 65 min_dbversion_archive = 71 min_dbversion_images_on_sdcard = 77 min_dbversion_activity = 77 min_dbversion_keywords = 82 max_supported_fwversion = (3, 15, 1) # The following document firwmare versions where new function or devices were added. # Not all are used, but this feels a good place to record it. min_fwversion_shelves = (2, 0, 0) min_fwversion_images_on_sdcard = (2, 4, 1) min_fwversion_images_tree = (2, 9, 0) # Cover images stored in tree under .kobo-images min_aurah2o_fwversion = (3, 7, 0) min_reviews_fwversion = (3, 12, 0) min_glohd_fwversion = (3, 14, 0) has_kepubs = True booklist_class = KTCollectionsBookList book_class = Book MAX_PATH_LEN = 185 # 250 - (len(" - N3_LIBRARY_SHELF.parsed") + len("F:\.kobo\images\")) KOBO_EXTRA_CSSFILE = 'kobo_extra.css' EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_MESSAGE = [ _('The Kobo from firmware V2.0.0 supports bookshelves.' ' These are created on the Kobo. ' + 'Specify a tags type column for automatic management.'), _('Create Bookshelves') + ':::'+_('Create new bookshelves on the Kobo if they do not exist. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.'), _('Delete Empty Bookshelves') + ':::'+_('Delete any empty bookshelves from the Kobo when syncing is finished. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.'), _('Upload covers for books') + ':::'+_('Upload cover images from the calibre library when sending books to the device.'), _('Upload Black and White Covers'), _('Keep cover aspect ratio') + ':::'+_('When uploading covers, do not change the aspect ratio when resizing for the device.' ' This is for firmware versions 2.3.1 and later.'), _('Show archived books') + ':::'+_('Archived books are listed on the device but need to be downloaded to read.' ' Use this option to show these books and match them with books in the calibre library.'), _('Show Previews') + ':::'+_('Kobo previews are included on the Touch and some other versions' ' by default they are no longer displayed as there is no good reason to ' 'see them. Enable if you wish to see/delete them.'), _('Show Recommendations') + ':::'+_('Kobo shows recommendations on the device. In some cases these have ' 'files but in other cases they are just pointers to the web site to buy. ' 'Enable if you wish to see/delete them.'), _('Set Series information') + ':::'+_('The book lists on the Kobo devices can display series information. ' 'This is not read by the device from the sideloaded books. ' 'Series information can only be added to the device after the book has been processed by the device. ' 'Enable if you wish to set series information.'), _('Modify CSS') + ':::'+_('This allows addition of user CSS rules and removal of some CSS. ' 'When sending a book, the driver adds the contents of {0} to all stylesheets in the ePub. ' 'This file is searched for in the root directory of the main memory of the device. ' 'As well as this, if the file contains settings for the "orphans" or "widows", ' 'these are removed for all styles in the original stylesheet.').format(KOBO_EXTRA_CSSFILE), _('Attempt to support newer firmware') + ':::'+_('Kobo routinely updates the firmware and the ' 'database version. With this option Calibre will attempt ' 'to perform full read-write functionality - Here be Dragons!! ' 'Enable only if you are comfortable with restoring your kobo ' 'to factory defaults and testing software. ' 'This driver supports firmware V2.x.x and DBVersion up to ') + unicode(supported_dbversion), _('Title to test when debugging') + ':::'+_('Part of title of a book that can be used when doing some tests for debugging. ' 'The test is to see if the string is contained in the title of a book. ' 'The better the match, the less extraneous output.'), ] EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_DEFAULT = [ u'', False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, u'' ] OPT_COLLECTIONS = 0 OPT_CREATE_BOOKSHELVES = 1 OPT_DELETE_BOOKSHELVES = 2 OPT_UPLOAD_COVERS = 3 OPT_UPLOAD_GRAYSCALE_COVERS = 4 OPT_KEEP_COVER_ASPECT_RATIO = 5 OPT_SHOW_ARCHIVED_BOOK_RECORDS = 6 OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS = 7 OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS = 8 OPT_UPDATE_SERIES_DETAILS = 9 OPT_MODIFY_CSS = 10 OPT_SUPPORT_NEWER_FIRMWARE = 11 OPT_DEBUGGING_TITLE = 12 opts = None TIMESTAMP_STRING = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" AURA_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4203] AURA_HD_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4193] AURA_H2O_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4213] GLO_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4173] GLO_HD_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4223] MINI_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4183] TOUCH_PRODUCT_ID = [0x4163] PRODUCT_ID = AURA_PRODUCT_ID + AURA_HD_PRODUCT_ID + AURA_H2O_PRODUCT_ID + \ GLO_PRODUCT_ID + GLO_HD_PRODUCT_ID + \ MINI_PRODUCT_ID + TOUCH_PRODUCT_ID BCD = [0x0110, 0x0326] # Image file name endings. Made up of: image size, min_dbversion, max_dbversion, isFullSize, # Note: "200" has been used just as a much larger number than the current versions. It is just a lazy # way of making it open ended. COVER_FILE_ENDINGS = { ' - N3_FULL.parsed':[(600,800),0, 200,True,], # Used for screensaver, home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':[(355,473),0, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen before FW2.8.1, then for current book tile on home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed':[(149,198),0, 200,False,], # Used for library lists ' - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed':[(60,90),0, 53,False,], ' - AndroidBookLoadTablet_Aspect.parsed':[(355,473), 82, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen from FW2.8.1 # ' - N3_LIBRARY_SHELF.parsed': [(40,60),0, 52,], } GLO_COVER_FILE_ENDINGS = { # Glo and Aura share resolution, so the image sizes should be the same. ' - N3_FULL.parsed':[(758,1024),0, 200,True,], # Used for screensaver, home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':[(355,479),0, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen before FW2.8.1, then for current book tile on home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed':[(149,201),0, 200,False,], # Used for library lists ' - AndroidBookLoadTablet_Aspect.parsed':[(355,479), 88, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen from FW2.8.1 } AURA_HD_COVER_FILE_ENDINGS = { ' - N3_FULL.parsed': [(1080,1440), 0, 200,True,], # Used for screensaver, home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':[(355, 471), 0, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen before FW2.8.1, then for current book tile on home screen ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed':[(149, 198), 0, 200,False,], # Used for library lists ' - AndroidBookLoadTablet_Aspect.parsed':[(355, 471), 88, 200,False,], # Used for Details screen from FW2.8.1 } # Following are the sizes used with pre2.1.4 firmware # COVER_FILE_ENDINGS = { # ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':[(355,530),0, 99,], # Used for Details screen # ' - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed':[(600,800),0, 99,], # ' - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed':[(149,233),0, 99,], # Used for library lists # ' - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed':[(60,90),0, 53,], # ' - N3_LIBRARY_SHELF.parsed': [(40,60),0, 52,], # ' - N3_FULL.parsed':[(600,800),0, 99,], # Used for screensaver if "Full screen" is checked. # } def initialize(self): super(KOBOTOUCH, self).initialize() self.bookshelvelist = [] def get_device_information(self, end_session=True): self.set_device_name() return super(KOBOTOUCH, self).get_device_information(end_session) def books(self, oncard=None, end_session=True): debug_print("KoboTouch:books - oncard='%s'"%oncard) from calibre.ebooks.metadata.meta import path_to_ext dummy_bl = self.booklist_class(None, None, None) if oncard == 'carda' and not self._card_a_prefix: self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - Asked to process 'carda', but do not have one!") return dummy_bl elif oncard == 'cardb' and not self._card_b_prefix: self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - Asked to process 'cardb', but do not have one!") return dummy_bl elif oncard and oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb': self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - unknown card") return dummy_bl prefix = self._card_a_prefix if oncard == 'carda' else \ self._card_b_prefix if oncard == 'cardb' \ else self._main_prefix debug_print("KoboTouch:books - oncard='%s', prefix='%s'"%(oncard, prefix)) # Determine the firmware version try: with open(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/version'), 'rb') as f: self.fwversion = f.readline().split(',')[2] self.fwversion = tuple((int(x) for x in self.fwversion.split('.'))) except: self.fwversion = (0,0,0) debug_print('Kobo device: %s' % self.gui_name) debug_print('Version of driver:', self.version, 'Has kepubs:', self.has_kepubs) debug_print('Version of firmware:', self.fwversion, 'Has kepubs:', self.has_kepubs) debug_print('Firmware supports cover image tree:', self.fwversion >= self.min_fwversion_images_tree) self.booklist_class.rebuild_collections = self.rebuild_collections # get the metadata cache bl = self.booklist_class(oncard, prefix, self.settings) opts = self.settings() debug_print("KoboTouch:books - opts.extra_customization=", opts.extra_customization) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - prefs['manage_device_metadata']=", prefs['manage_device_metadata']) if opts.extra_customization: debugging_title = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_DEBUGGING_TITLE] debug_print("KoboTouch:books - set_debugging_title to '%s'" % debugging_title) bl.set_debugging_title(debugging_title) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - length bl=%d"%len(bl)) need_sync = self.parse_metadata_cache(bl, prefix, self.METADATA_CACHE) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - length bl after sync=%d"%len(bl)) # make a dict cache of paths so the lookup in the loop below is faster. bl_cache = {} for idx,b in enumerate(bl): bl_cache[b.lpath] = idx def update_booklist(prefix, path, title, authors, mime, date, ContentID, ContentType, ImageID, readstatus, MimeType, expired, favouritesindex, accessibility, isdownloaded, series, seriesnumber, userid, bookshelves): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(title) # show_debug = authors == 'L. Frank Baum' if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - title='%s'"%title, "ContentType=%s"%ContentType, "isdownloaded=", isdownloaded) debug_print( " prefix=%s, mime=%s, date=%s, readstatus=%d, MimeType=%s, expired=%d, favouritesindex=%d, accessibility=%d, isdownloaded=%s"% (prefix, mime, date, readstatus, MimeType, expired, favouritesindex, accessibility, isdownloaded,)) changed = False try: lpath = path.partition(self.normalize_path(prefix))[2] if lpath.startswith(os.sep): lpath = lpath[len(os.sep):] lpath = lpath.replace('\\', '/') # debug_print("LPATH: ", lpath, " - Title: " , title) playlist_map = {} if lpath not in playlist_map: playlist_map[lpath] = [] allow_shelves = True if readstatus == 1: playlist_map[lpath].append('Im_Reading') elif readstatus == 2: playlist_map[lpath].append('Read') elif readstatus == 3: playlist_map[lpath].append('Closed') # Related to a bug in the Kobo firmware that leaves an expired row for deleted books # this shows an expired Collection so the user can decide to delete the book if expired == 3: playlist_map[lpath].append('Expired') allow_shelves = False # A SHORTLIST is supported on the touch but the data field is there on most earlier models if favouritesindex == 1: playlist_map[lpath].append('Shortlist') # The follwing is in flux: # - FW2.0.0, DBVersion 53,55 accessibility == 1 # - FW2.1.2 beta, DBVersion == 56, accessibility == -1: # So, the following should be OK if isdownloaded == 'false': if self.dbversion < 56 and accessibility <= 1 or self.dbversion >= 56 and accessibility == -1: playlist_map[lpath].append('Deleted') allow_shelves = False if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - have a deleted book") elif self.supports_kobo_archive() and (accessibility == 1 or accessibility == 2): playlist_map[lpath].append('Archived') allow_shelves = True # Label Previews and Recommendations if accessibility == 6: if userid == '': playlist_map[lpath].append('Recommendation') allow_shelves = False else: playlist_map[lpath].append('Preview') allow_shelves = False elif accessibility == 4: # Pre 2.x.x firmware playlist_map[lpath].append('Recommendation') allow_shelves = False kobo_collections = playlist_map[lpath][:] if allow_shelves: # debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - allowing shelves - title=%s' % title) if len(bookshelves) > 0: playlist_map[lpath].extend(bookshelves) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - playlist_map=', playlist_map) path = self.normalize_path(path) # print "Normalized FileName: " + path idx = bl_cache.get(lpath, None) if idx is not None: # and not (accessibility == 1 and isdownloaded == 'false'): if show_debug: self.debug_index = idx debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - idx=%d"%idx) debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - lpath=%s"%lpath) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - bl[idx].device_collections=', bl[idx].device_collections) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - playlist_map=', playlist_map) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - bookshelves=', bookshelves) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - kobo_collections=', kobo_collections) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - series="%s"' % bl[idx].series) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - the book=', bl[idx]) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - the authors=', bl[idx].authors) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - application_id=', bl[idx].application_id) bl_cache[lpath] = None if ImageID is not None: imagename = self.imagefilename_from_imageID(prefix, ImageID) if imagename is not None: bl[idx].thumbnail = ImageWrapper(imagename) if (ContentType == '6' and MimeType != 'application/x-kobo-epub+zip'): if os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))): if self.update_metadata_item(bl[idx]): # print 'update_metadata_item returned true' changed = True else: debug_print(" Strange: The file: ", prefix, lpath, " does not exist!") debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - book size=", bl[idx].size) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - ContentID='%s'"%ContentID) bl[idx].contentID = ContentID bl[idx].kobo_series = series bl[idx].kobo_series_number = seriesnumber bl[idx].can_put_on_shelves = allow_shelves if lpath in playlist_map: bl[idx].device_collections = playlist_map.get(lpath,[]) bl[idx].current_shelves = bookshelves bl[idx].kobo_collections = kobo_collections if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - updated bl[idx].device_collections=', bl[idx].device_collections) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - playlist_map=', playlist_map, 'changed=', changed) # debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - book=', bl[idx]) debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - book class=%s"%bl[idx].__class__) debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - book title=%s"%bl[idx].title) else: if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - idx is none') try: if os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, lpath))): book = self.book_from_path(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID) else: if isdownloaded == 'true': # A recommendation or preview is OK to not have a file debug_print(" Strange: The file: ", prefix, lpath, " does not exist!") title = "FILE MISSING: " + title book = self.book_class(prefix, lpath, title, authors, mime, date, ContentType, ImageID, size=0) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - book file does not exist. ContentID="%s"'%ContentID) except Exception as e: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_booklist - exception creating book: '%s'"%str(e)) debug_print(" prefix: ", prefix, "lpath: ", lpath, "title: ", title, "authors: ", authors, "mime: ", mime, "date: ", date, "ContentType: ", ContentType, "ImageID: ", ImageID) raise if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - class:', book.__class__) # debug_print(' resolution:', book.__class__.__mro__) debug_print(" contentid: '%s'"%book.contentID) debug_print(" title:'%s'"%book.title) debug_print(" the book:", book) debug_print(" author_sort:'%s'"%book.author_sort) debug_print(" bookshelves:", bookshelves) debug_print(" kobo_collections:", kobo_collections) # print 'Update booklist' book.device_collections = playlist_map.get(lpath,[]) # if lpath in playlist_map else [] book.current_shelves = bookshelves book.kobo_collections = kobo_collections book.contentID = ContentID book.kobo_series = series book.kobo_series_number = seriesnumber book.can_put_on_shelves = allow_shelves # debug_print('KoboTouch:update_booklist - title=', title, 'book.device_collections', book.device_collections) if bl.add_book(book, replace_metadata=False): changed = True if show_debug: debug_print(' book.device_collections', book.device_collections) debug_print(' book.title', book.title) except: # Probably a path encoding error import traceback traceback.print_exc() return changed def get_bookshelvesforbook(connection, ContentID): # debug_print("KoboTouch:get_bookshelvesforbook - " + ContentID) bookshelves = [] if not self.supports_bookshelves(): return bookshelves cursor = connection.cursor() query = "select ShelfName " \ "from ShelfContent " \ "where ContentId = ? " \ "and _IsDeleted = 'false' " \ "and ShelfName is not null" # This should never be nulll, but it is protection against an error cause by a sync to the Kobo server values = (ContentID, ) cursor.execute(query, values) for i, row in enumerate(cursor): bookshelves.append(row[0]) cursor.close() # debug_print("KoboTouch:get_bookshelvesforbook - count bookshelves=" + unicode(count_bookshelves)) return bookshelves self.debug_index = 0 import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect(self.device_database_path())) as connection: debug_print("KoboTouch:books - reading device database") # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('select version from dbversion') result = cursor.fetchone() self.dbversion = result[0] debug_print("Database Version=%d"%self.dbversion) self.bookshelvelist = self.get_bookshelflist(connection) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - shelf list:", self.bookshelvelist) opts = self.settings() columns = 'Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ImageID, ReadStatus' if self.dbversion >= 16: columns += ', ___ExpirationStatus, FavouritesIndex, Accessibility' else: columns += ', "-1" as ___ExpirationStatus, "-1" as FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility' if self.dbversion >= 33: columns += ', IsDownloaded' else: columns += ', "1" as IsDownloaded' if self.supports_series(): columns += ", Series, SeriesNumber, ___UserID, ExternalId" else: columns += ', null as Series, null as SeriesNumber, ___UserID, null as ExternalId' where_clause = '' if self.supports_kobo_archive(): where_clause = (" where BookID is Null " " and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1 )) or (Accessibility in (1,2) %(expiry)s) " " %(previews)s %(recomendations)s )" " and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) and ContentType = 6)") % \ dict( expiry="" if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_ARCHIVED_BOOK_RECORDS] else "and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)", previews=" or (Accessibility in (6) and ___UserID <> '')" if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS] else "", recomendations=" or (Accessibility in (-1, 4, 6) and ___UserId = '')" if opts.extra_customization[ self.OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS] else "" ) elif self.supports_series(): where_clause = (" where BookID is Null " " and ((Accessibility = -1 and IsDownloaded in ('true', 1)) or (Accessibility in (1,2)) %(previews)s %(recomendations)s )" " and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s)") % \ dict( expiry=" and ContentType = 6" if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_ARCHIVED_BOOK_RECORDS] else "", previews=" or (Accessibility in (6) and ___UserID <> '')" if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS] else "", recomendations=" or (Accessibility in (-1, 4, 6) and ___UserId = '')" if opts.extra_customization[ self.OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS] else "" ) elif self.dbversion >= 33: where_clause = (' where BookID is Null %(previews)s %(recomendations)s and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s)') % \ dict( expiry=' and ContentType = 6' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_ARCHIVED_BOOK_RECORDS] else '', previews=' and Accessibility <> 6' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_PREVIEWS] == False else '', recomendations=' and IsDownloaded in (\'true\', 1)' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_RECOMMENDATIONS] == False else '' ) elif self.dbversion >= 16: where_clause = (' where BookID is Null ' 'and not ((___ExpirationStatus=3 or ___ExpirationStatus is Null) %(expiry)s)') % \ dict(expiry=' and ContentType = 6' if opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SHOW_ARCHIVED_BOOK_RECORDS] else '') else: where_clause = ' where BookID is Null' # Note: The card condition should not need the contentId test for the SD # card. But the ExternalId does not get set for sideloaded kepubs on the # SD card. card_condition = '' if self.has_externalid(): card_condition = " AND (externalId IS NOT NULL AND externalId <> '' OR contentId LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%')" if oncard == 'carda' else " AND (externalId IS NULL OR externalId = '') AND contentId NOT LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%'" else: card_condition = " AND contentId LIKE 'file:///mnt/sd/%'" if oncard == 'carda' else " AND contentId NOT LIKE'file:///mnt/sd/%'" query = 'SELECT ' + columns + ' FROM content ' + where_clause + card_condition debug_print("KoboTouch:books - query=", query) try: cursor.execute(query) except Exception as e: err = str(e) if not ('___ExpirationStatus' in err or 'FavouritesIndex' in err or 'Accessibility' in err or 'IsDownloaded' in err or 'Series' in err or 'ExternalId' in err ): raise query= ('select Title, Attribution, DateCreated, ContentID, MimeType, ContentType, ' 'ImageID, ReadStatus, "-1" as ___ExpirationStatus, "-1" as ' 'FavouritesIndex, "-1" as Accessibility, "1" as IsDownloaded, null as Series, null as SeriesNumber' ' from content where BookID is Null') cursor.execute(query) changed = False for i, row in enumerate(cursor): # self.report_progress((i+1) / float(numrows), _('Getting list of books on device...')) show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(row[0]) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:books - looping on database - row=%d" % i) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - title='%s'"%row[0], "authors=", row[1]) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - row=", row) if not hasattr(row[3], 'startswith') or row[3].lower().startswith("file:///usr/local/kobo/help/") or row[3].lower().startswith("/usr/local/kobo/help/"): # These are internal to the Kobo device and do not exist continue externalId = None if row[15] and len(row[15]) == 0 else row[15] path = self.path_from_contentid(row[3], row[5], row[4], oncard, externalId) mime = mime_type_ext(path_to_ext(path)) if path.find('kepub') == -1 else 'application/x-kobo-epub+zip' # debug_print("mime:", mime) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:books - path='%s'"%path, " ContentID='%s'"%row[3], " externalId=%s" % externalId) bookshelves = get_bookshelvesforbook(connection, row[3]) prefix = self._card_a_prefix if oncard == 'carda' else self._main_prefix changed = update_booklist(prefix, path, row[0], row[1], mime, row[2], row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[4], row[8], row[9], row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], bookshelves) if changed: need_sync = True cursor.close() if not prefs['manage_device_metadata'] == 'on_connect': self.dump_bookshelves(connection) else: debug_print("KoboTouch:books - automatically managing metadata") # Remove books that are no longer in the filesystem. Cache contains # indices into the booklist if book not in filesystem, None otherwise # Do the operation in reverse order so indices remain valid for idx in sorted(bl_cache.itervalues(), reverse=True): if idx is not None: if not os.path.exists(self.normalize_path(os.path.join(prefix, bl[idx].lpath))): need_sync = True del bl[idx] # else: # debug_print("KoboTouch:books - Book in mtadata.calibre, on file system but not database - bl[idx].title:'%s'"%bl[idx].title) # print "count found in cache: %d, count of files in metadata: %d, need_sync: %s" % \ # (len(bl_cache), len(bl), need_sync) # Bypassing the KOBO sync_booklists as that does things we don't need to do # Also forcing sync to see if this solves issues with updating shelves and matching books. if need_sync or True: # self.count_found_in_bl != len(bl) or need_sync: debug_print("KoboTouch:books - about to sync_booklists") if oncard == 'cardb': USBMS.sync_booklists(self, (None, None, bl)) elif oncard == 'carda': USBMS.sync_booklists(self, (None, bl, None)) else: USBMS.sync_booklists(self, (bl, None, None)) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - have done sync_booklists") self.report_progress(1.0, _('Getting list of books on device...')) debug_print("KoboTouch:books - end - oncard='%s'"%oncard) return bl def path_from_contentid(self, ContentID, ContentType, MimeType, oncard, externalId): path = ContentID if not externalId: return super(KOBOTOUCH, self).path_from_contentid(ContentID, ContentType, MimeType, oncard) if oncard == 'cardb': print 'path from_contentid cardb' else: if (ContentType == "6" or ContentType == "10"): # and MimeType == 'application/x-kobo-epub+zip': if path.startswith("file:///mnt/onboard/"): path = self._main_prefix + path.replace("file:///mnt/onboard/", '') elif path.startswith("file:///mnt/sd/"): path = self._card_a_prefix + path.replace("file:///mnt/sd/", '') elif externalId: path = self._card_a_prefix + 'koboExtStorage/kepub/' + path else: path = self._main_prefix + '.kobo/kepub/' + path else: # Should never get here, but, just in case... # if path.startswith("file:///mnt/onboard/"): path = path.replace("file:///mnt/onboard/", self._main_prefix) path = path.replace("file:///mnt/sd/", self._card_a_prefix) path = path.replace("/mnt/onboard/", self._main_prefix) # print "Internal: " + path return path def imagefilename_from_imageID(self, prefix, ImageID): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(ImageID) path = self.images_path(prefix, ImageID) # path = self.normalize_path(path.replace('/', os.sep)) for ending, cover_options in self.cover_file_endings().items(): fpath = path + ending if os.path.exists(fpath): if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:imagefilename_from_imageID - have cover image fpath=%s" % (fpath)) return fpath if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:imagefilename_from_imageID - no cover image found - ImageID=%s" % (ImageID)) return None def get_extra_css(self): extra_sheet = None if self.modifying_css(): extra_css_path = os.path.join(self._main_prefix, self.KOBO_EXTRA_CSSFILE) if os.path.exists(extra_css_path): from cssutils import parseFile as cssparseFile try: extra_sheet = cssparseFile(extra_css_path) debug_print("KoboTouch:get_extra_css: Using extra CSS in {0} ({1} rules)".format(extra_css_path, len(extra_sheet.cssRules))) if len(extra_sheet.cssRules) ==0: debug_print("KoboTouch:get_extra_css: Extra CSS file has no valid rules. CSS will not be modified.") extra_sheet = None except Exception as e: debug_print("KoboTouch:get_extra_css: Problem parsing extra CSS file {0}".format(extra_css_path)) debug_print("KoboTouch:get_extra_css: Exception {0}".format(e)) return extra_sheet def upload_books(self, files, names, on_card=None, end_session=True, metadata=None): debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books - %d books'%(len(files))) debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books - files=', files) if self.modifying_epub(): self.extra_sheet = self.get_extra_css() i = 0 for file, n, mi in zip(files, names, metadata): debug_print("KoboTouch:upload_books: Processing book: {0} by {1}".format(mi.title, " and ".join(mi.authors))) debug_print("KoboTouch:upload_books: file=%s, name=%s" % (file, n)) self.report_progress(i / float(len(files)), "Processing book: {0} by {1}".format(mi.title, " and ".join(mi.authors))) mi.kte_calibre_name = n self._modify_epub(file, mi) i += 1 self.report_progress(0, 'Working...') result = super(KOBOTOUCH, self).upload_books(files, names, on_card, end_session, metadata) # debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books - result=', result) if self.dbversion >= 53: import sqlite3 as sqlite try: with closing(sqlite.connect(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() cleanup_query = "DELETE FROM content WHERE ContentID = ? AND Accessibility = 1 AND IsDownloaded = 'false'" for fname, cycle in result: show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(fname) contentID = self.contentid_from_path(fname, 6) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books: fname=', fname) debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books: contentID=', contentID) cleanup_values = (contentID,) # debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books: Delete record left if deleted on Touch') cursor.execute(cleanup_query, cleanup_values) self.set_filesize_in_device_database(connection, contentID, fname) if not self.copying_covers(): imageID = self.imageid_from_contentid(contentID) self.delete_images(imageID, fname) connection.commit() cursor.close() except Exception as e: debug_print('KoboTouch:upload_books - Exception: %s'%str(e)) return result def _modify_epub(self, file, metadata, container=None): debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub:Processing {0} - {1}".format(metadata.author_sort, metadata.title)) # Currently only modifying CSS, so if no stylesheet, don't do anything if not self.extra_sheet: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: no CSS file") return True commit_container = False if not container: commit_container = True try: from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.container import get_container debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: creating container") container = get_container(file) container.css_preprocessor = DummyCSSPreProcessor() except Exception as e: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: exception from get_container {0} - {1}".format(metadata.author_sort, metadata.title)) debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: exception is: {0}".format(e)) return False else: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: received container") from calibre.ebooks.oeb.base import OEB_STYLES for cssname, mt in container.mime_map.iteritems(): if mt in OEB_STYLES: newsheet = container.parsed(cssname) oldrules = len(newsheet.cssRules) # remove any existing @page rules in epub css # if css to be appended contains an @page rule if self.extra_sheet and len([r for r in self.extra_sheet if r.type == r.PAGE_RULE]): page_rules = [r for r in newsheet if r.type == r.PAGE_RULE] if len(page_rules) > 0: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub:Removing existing @page rules") for rule in page_rules: = '' # remove any existing widow/orphan settings in epub css # if css to be appended contains a widow/orphan rule or we there is no extra CSS file if (len([r for r in self.extra_sheet if r.type == r.STYLE_RULE and (['widows'] or['orphans'])]) > 0): widow_orphan_rules = [r for r in newsheet if r.type == r.STYLE_RULE and (['widows'] or['orphans'])] if len(widow_orphan_rules) > 0: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub:Removing existing widows/orphans attribs") for rule in widow_orphan_rules:'widows')'orphans') # append all rules from kobo extra css stylesheet for addrule in [r for r in self.extra_sheet.cssRules]: newsheet.insertRule(addrule, len(newsheet.cssRules)) debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub:CSS rules {0} -> {1} ({2})".format(oldrules, len(newsheet.cssRules), cssname)) container.dirty(cssname) if commit_container: debug_print("KoboTouch:_modify_epub: committing container.") os.unlink(file) container.commit(file) return True def delete_via_sql(self, ContentID, ContentType): imageId = super(KOBOTOUCH, self).delete_via_sql(ContentID, ContentType) if self.dbversion >= 53: import sqlite3 as sqlite debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: ContentID="%s"'%ContentID, 'ContentType="%s"'%ContentType) try: with closing(sqlite.connect(self.device_database_path())) as connection: debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: have database connection') # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: have cursor') t = (ContentID,) # Delete the Bookmarks debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: Delete from Bookmark') cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Bookmark WHERE VolumeID = ?', t) # Delete from the Bookshelf debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: Delete from the Bookshelf') cursor.execute('delete from ShelfContent where ContentID = ?', t) # ContentType 6 is now for all books. debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: BookID is Null') cursor.execute('delete from content where BookID is Null and ContentID =?',t) # Remove the content_settings entry debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: delete from content_settings') cursor.execute('delete from content_settings where ContentID =?',t) # Remove the ratings entry debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: delete from ratings') cursor.execute('delete from ratings where ContentID =?',t) # Remove any entries for the Activity table - removes tile from new home page if self.has_activity_table(): debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: delete from Activity') cursor.execute('delete from Activity where Id =?', t) connection.commit() cursor.close() debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: finished SQL') debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: After SQL, no exception') except Exception as e: debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql - Database Exception: %s'%str(e)) debug_print('KoboTouch:delete_via_sql: imageId="%s"'%imageId) if imageId is None: imageId = self.imageid_from_contentid(ContentID) return imageId def delete_images(self, ImageID, book_path): debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_images - ImageID=", ImageID) if ImageID != None: path = self.images_path(book_path, ImageID) debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_images - path=%s" % path) for ending in self.cover_file_endings().keys(): fpath = path + ending fpath = self.normalize_path(fpath) debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_images - fpath=%s" % fpath) if os.path.exists(fpath): debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_images - Image File Exists") os.unlink(fpath) try: os.removedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except: pass def contentid_from_path(self, path, ContentType): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(path) and True if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:contentid_from_path - path='%s'"%path, "ContentType='%s'"%ContentType) debug_print("KoboTouch:contentid_from_path - self._main_prefix='%s'"%self._main_prefix, "self._card_a_prefix='%s'"%self._card_a_prefix) if ContentType == 6: extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if extension == '.kobo': ContentID = os.path.splitext(path)[0] # Remove the prefix on the file. it could be either ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, '') elif extension == '': ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix + self.normalize_path('.kobo/kepub/'), '') else: ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, "file:///mnt/onboard/") if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:contentid_from_path - 1 ContentID='%s'"%ContentID) if self._card_a_prefix is not None: ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._card_a_prefix, "file:///mnt/sd/") else: # ContentType = 16 debug_print("KoboTouch:contentid_from_path ContentType other than 6 - ContentType='%d'"%ContentType, "path='%s'"%path) ContentID = path ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._main_prefix, "file:///mnt/onboard/") if self._card_a_prefix is not None: ContentID = ContentID.replace(self._card_a_prefix, "file:///mnt/sd/") ContentID = ContentID.replace("\\", '/') if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:contentid_from_path - end - ContentID='%s'"%ContentID) return ContentID def get_content_type_from_extension(self, extension): debug_print("KoboTouch:get_content_type_from_extension - start") # With new firmware, ContentType appears to be 6 for all types of sideloaded books. if self.fwversion >= (1,9,17) or extension == '.kobo' or extension == '.mobi': debug_print("KoboTouch:get_content_type_from_extension - V2 firmware") ContentType = 6 # For older firmware, it depends on the type of file. elif extension == '.kobo' or extension == '.mobi': ContentType = 6 else: ContentType = 901 return ContentType def update_device_database_collections(self, booklists, collections_attributes, oncard): debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - oncard='%s'"%oncard) if self.modify_database_check("update_device_database_collections") == False: return # Only process categories in this list supportedcategories = { "Im_Reading": 1, "Read": 2, "Closed": 3, "Shortlist": 4, "Archived": 5, # "Preview":99, # Unsupported as we don't want to change it } # Define lists for the ReadStatus readstatuslist = { "Im_Reading":1, "Read":2, "Closed":3, } accessibilitylist = { "Preview":6, "Recommendation":4, "Deleted":1, } # specialshelveslist = { # "Shortlist":1, # "Wishlist":2, # } # debug_print('KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - collections_attributes=', collections_attributes) opts = self.settings() if opts.extra_customization: create_bookshelves = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_CREATE_BOOKSHELVES] and self.supports_bookshelves() delete_empty_shelves = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_DELETE_BOOKSHELVES] and self.supports_bookshelves() update_series_details = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_UPDATE_SERIES_DETAILS] and self.supports_series() debugging_title = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_DEBUGGING_TITLE] debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - set_debugging_title to '%s'" % debugging_title) booklists.set_debugging_title(debugging_title) else: delete_empty_shelves = False create_bookshelves = False update_series_details = False opts = self.settings() if opts.extra_customization: create_bookshelves = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_CREATE_BOOKSHELVES] and self.supports_bookshelves() delete_empty_shelves = opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_DELETE_BOOKSHELVES] and self.supports_bookshelves() else: delete_empty_shelves = False bookshelf_attribute = len(collections_attributes) collections = booklists.get_collections(collections_attributes) if bookshelf_attribute else None # debug_print('KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - Collections:', collections) # Create a connection to the sqlite database # Needs to be outside books collection as in the case of removing # the last book from the collection the list of books is empty # and the removal of the last book would not occur import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect(self.normalize_path(self._main_prefix + '.kobo/KoboReader.sqlite'))) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") if collections: # debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - length collections=" + unicode(len(collections))) # Need to reset the collections outside the particular loops # otherwise the last item will not be removed if self.dbversion < 53: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - calling reset_readstatus") self.reset_readstatus(connection, oncard) if self.dbversion >= 14 and self.fwversion < self.min_fwversion_shelves: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - calling reset_favouritesindex") self.reset_favouritesindex(connection, oncard) # debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - length collections=", len(collections)) # debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - self.bookshelvelist=", self.bookshelvelist) # Process any collections that exist for category, books in collections.items(): debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - category='%s' books=%d"%(category, len(books))) if create_bookshelves and not (category in supportedcategories or category in readstatuslist or category in accessibilitylist): self.check_for_bookshelf(connection, category) # if category in self.bookshelvelist: # debug_print("Category: ", category, " id = ", readstatuslist.get(category)) for book in books: # debug_print(' Title:', book.title, 'category: ', category) show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(book.title) if show_debug: debug_print(' Title="%s"'%book.title, 'category="%s"'%category) # debug_print(book) debug_print(' class=%s'%book.__class__) debug_print(' book.contentID="%s"'%book.contentID) debug_print(' book.application_id="%s"'%book.application_id) if book.application_id is None: continue category_added = False if book.contentID is None: debug_print(' Do not know ContentID - Title="%s"'%book.title) extension = os.path.splitext(book.path)[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(book.path) book.contentID = self.contentid_from_path(book.path, ContentType) if category in self.bookshelvelist and self.supports_bookshelves(): if show_debug: debug_print(' length book.device_collections=%d'%len(book.device_collections)) if category not in book.device_collections: if show_debug: debug_print(' Setting bookshelf on device') self.set_bookshelf(connection, book, category) category_added = True elif category in readstatuslist.keys(): # Manage ReadStatus self.set_readstatus(connection, book.contentID, readstatuslist.get(category)) category_added = True elif category == 'Shortlist' and self.dbversion >= 14: if show_debug: debug_print(' Have an older version shortlist - %s'%book.title) # Manage FavouritesIndex/Shortlist if not self.supports_bookshelves(): if show_debug: debug_print(' and about to set it - %s'%book.title) self.set_favouritesindex(connection, book.contentID) category_added = True elif category in accessibilitylist.keys(): # Do not manage the Accessibility List pass if category_added and category not in book.device_collections: if show_debug: debug_print(' adding category to book.device_collections', book.device_collections) book.device_collections.append(category) else: if show_debug: debug_print(' category not added to book.device_collections', book.device_collections) debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - end for category='%s'"%category) elif bookshelf_attribute: # No collections but have set the shelf option # Since no collections exist the ReadStatus needs to be reset to 0 (Unread) debug_print("No Collections - reseting ReadStatus") if self.dbversion < 53: self.reset_readstatus(connection, oncard) if self.dbversion >= 14 and self.fwversion < self.min_fwversion_shelves: debug_print("No Collections - resetting FavouritesIndex") self.reset_favouritesindex(connection, oncard) # Set the series info and cleanup the bookshelves only if the firmware supports them and the user has set the options. if (self.supports_bookshelves() or self.supports_series()) and (bookshelf_attribute or update_series_details): debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - managing bookshelves and series.") self.series_set = 0 books_in_library = 0 for book in booklists: if book.application_id is not None: books_in_library += 1 show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(book.title) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - book.title=%s" % book.title) if update_series_details: self.set_series(connection, book) if bookshelf_attribute: if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - about to remove a book from shelves book.title=%s" % book.title) self.remove_book_from_device_bookshelves(connection, book) book.device_collections.extend(book.kobo_collections) if not prefs['manage_device_metadata'] == 'manual' and delete_empty_shelves: debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - about to clear empty bookshelves") self.delete_empty_bookshelves(connection) debug_print("KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - Number of series set=%d Number of books=%d" % (self.series_set, books_in_library)) self.dump_bookshelves(connection) debug_print('KoboTouch:update_device_database_collections - Finished ') def rebuild_collections(self, booklist, oncard): debug_print("KoboTouch:rebuild_collections") collections_attributes = self.get_collections_attributes() debug_print('KoboTouch:rebuild_collections: collection fields:', collections_attributes) self.update_device_database_collections(booklist, collections_attributes, oncard) def upload_cover(self, path, filename, metadata, filepath): ''' Upload book cover to the device. Default implementation does nothing. :param path: The full path to the directory where the associated book is located. :param filename: The name of the book file without the extension. :param metadata: metadata belonging to the book. Use metadata.thumbnail for cover :param filepath: The full path to the ebook file ''' debug_print("KoboTouch:upload_cover - path='%s' filename='%s' "%(path, filename)) debug_print(" filepath='%s' "%(filepath)) opts = self.settings() if not self.copying_covers(): # Building thumbnails disabled # debug_print('KoboTouch: not uploading cover') return # Only upload covers to SD card if that is supported if self._card_a_prefix and os.path.abspath(path).startswith(os.path.abspath(self._card_a_prefix)) and not self.supports_covers_on_sdcard(): return if not opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_UPLOAD_GRAYSCALE_COVERS]: uploadgrayscale = False else: uploadgrayscale = True # debug_print('KoboTouch: uploading cover') try: self._upload_cover(path, filename, metadata, filepath, uploadgrayscale, self.keep_cover_aspect()) except Exception as e: debug_print('KoboTouch: FAILED to upload cover=%s Exception=%s'%(filepath, str(e))) def imageid_from_contentid(self, ContentID): ImageID = ContentID.replace('/', '_') ImageID = ImageID.replace(' ', '_') ImageID = ImageID.replace(':', '_') ImageID = ImageID.replace('.', '_') return ImageID def images_path(self, path, imageId=None): if self._card_a_prefix and os.path.abspath(path).startswith(os.path.abspath(self._card_a_prefix)) and self.supports_covers_on_sdcard(): path_prefix = 'koboExtStorage/images-cache/' if self.supports_images_tree() else 'koboExtStorage/images/' path = os.path.join(self._card_a_prefix, path_prefix) else: path_prefix = '.kobo-images/' if self.supports_images_tree() else '.kobo/images/' path = os.path.join(self._main_prefix, path_prefix) if self.supports_images_tree() and imageId: hash1 = qhash(imageId) dir1 = hash1 & (0xff * 1) dir2 = (hash1 & (0xff00 * 1)) >> 8 path = os.path.join(path, "%s" % dir1, "%s" % dir2) if imageId: path = os.path.join(path, imageId) return path def _upload_cover(self, path, filename, metadata, filepath, uploadgrayscale, keep_cover_aspect=False): from calibre.utils.magick.draw import save_cover_data_to, identify_data debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - filename='%s' uploadgrayscale='%s' "%(filename, uploadgrayscale)) if metadata.cover: show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(filename) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - path='%s'"%path, "filename='%s'"%filename) debug_print(" filepath='%s'"%filepath) cover = self.normalize_path(metadata.cover.replace('/', os.sep)) if os.path.exists(cover): # Get ContentID for Selected Book extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] ContentType = self.get_content_type_from_extension(extension) if extension != '' else self.get_content_type_from_path(filepath) ContentID = self.contentid_from_path(filepath, ContentType) try: import sqlite3 as sqlite with closing(sqlite.connect(self.device_database_path())) as connection: # return bytestrings if the content cannot the decoded as unicode connection.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") cursor = connection.cursor() t = (ContentID,) cursor.execute('select ImageId from Content where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?', t) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: ImageID = self.imageid_from_contentid(ContentID) debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - No rows exist in the database - generated ImageID='%s'" % ImageID) else: ImageID = result[0] # debug_print("ImageId: ", result[0]) cursor.close() if ImageID != None: path = self.images_path(path, ImageID) if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - About to loop over cover endings") image_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) if not os.path.exists(image_dir): debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - Image directory does not exust. Creating path='%s'" % (image_dir)) os.makedirs(image_dir) for ending, cover_options in self.cover_file_endings().items(): resize, min_dbversion, max_dbversion, isFullsize = cover_options if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - resize=%s min_dbversion=%d max_dbversion=%d" % (resize, min_dbversion, max_dbversion)) if self.dbversion >= min_dbversion and self.dbversion <= max_dbversion: if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - creating cover for ending='%s'"%ending) # , "resize'%s'"%resize) fpath = path + ending fpath = self.normalize_path(fpath.replace('/', os.sep)) with open(cover, 'rb') as f: data = if keep_cover_aspect: if isFullsize: resize = None else: width, height, fmt = identify_data(data) cover_aspect = width / height if cover_aspect > 1: resize = (resize[0], int(resize[0] / cover_aspect)) elif cover_aspect < 1: resize = (int(cover_aspect * resize[1]), resize[1]) # Return the data resized and in Grayscale if # required data = save_cover_data_to(data, 'dummy.jpg', grayscale=uploadgrayscale, resize_to=resize, return_data=True) with open(fpath, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) fsync(f) except Exception as e: err = str(e) debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - Exception string: %s"%err) raise else: debug_print("KoboTouch:_upload_cover - ImageID could not be retrieved from the database") def remove_book_from_device_bookshelves(self, connection, book): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(book.title) # or True remove_shelf_list = set(book.current_shelves) - set(book.device_collections) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves - book.application_id="%s"'%book.application_id) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves - book.contentID="%s"'%book.contentID) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves - book.device_collections=', book.device_collections) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves - book.current_shelves=', book.current_shelves) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves - remove_shelf_list=', remove_shelf_list) if len(remove_shelf_list) == 0: return query = 'DELETE FROM ShelfContent WHERE ContentId = ?' values = [book.contentID,] if book.device_collections: placeholder = '?' placeholders = ','.join(placeholder for unused in book.device_collections) query += ' and ShelfName not in (%s)' % placeholders values.extend(book.device_collections) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves query="%s"'%query) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_book_from_device_bookshelves values="%s"'%values) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, values) connection.commit() cursor.close() def set_filesize_in_device_database(self, connection, contentID, fpath): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(fpath) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:set_filesize_in_device_database contentID="%s"'%contentID) test_query = 'SELECT ___FileSize ' \ 'FROM content ' \ 'WHERE ContentID = ? ' \ ' AND ContentType = 6' test_values = (contentID, ) updatequery = 'UPDATE content ' \ 'SET ___FileSize = ? ' \ 'WHERE ContentId = ? ' \ 'AND ContentType = 6' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(test_query, test_values) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: if show_debug: debug_print(' Did not find a record - new book on device') elif os.path.exists(fpath): file_size = os.stat(self.normalize_path(fpath)).st_size if show_debug: debug_print(' Found a record - will update - ___FileSize=', result[0], ' file_size=', file_size) if file_size != int(result[0]): update_values = (file_size, contentID, ) cursor.execute(updatequery, update_values) if show_debug: debug_print(' Size updated.') connection.commit() cursor.close() # debug_print("KoboTouch:set_filesize_in_device_database - end") def delete_empty_bookshelves(self, connection): debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_empty_bookshelves - start") delete_query = ("DELETE FROM Shelf " "WHERE Shelf._IsSynced = 'false' " "AND Shelf.InternalName not in ('Shortlist', 'Wishlist') " "AND NOT EXISTS " "(SELECT 1 FROM ShelfContent c " "WHERE Shelf.Name = C.ShelfName " "AND c._IsDeleted <> 'true')") update_query = ("UPDATE Shelf " "SET _IsDeleted = 'true' " "WHERE Shelf._IsSynced = 'true' " "AND Shelf.InternalName not in ('Shortlist', 'Wishlist') " "AND NOT EXISTS " "(SELECT 1 FROM ShelfContent C " "WHERE Shelf.Name = C.ShelfName " "AND c._IsDeleted <> 'true')") delete_activity_query = ("DELETE FROM Activity " "WHERE Type = 'Shelf' " "AND NOT EXISTS " "(SELECT 1 FROM Shelf " "WHERE Shelf.Name = Activity.Id " "AND Shelf._IsDeleted = 'false')" ) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(delete_query) cursor.execute(update_query) if self.has_activity_table(): cursor.execute(delete_activity_query) connection.commit() cursor.close() debug_print("KoboTouch:delete_empty_bookshelves - end") def get_bookshelflist(self, connection): # Retrieve the list of booksehelves # debug_print('KoboTouch:get_bookshelflist') bookshelves = [] if not self.supports_bookshelves(): return bookshelves query = 'SELECT Name FROM Shelf WHERE _IsDeleted = "false"' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) # count_bookshelves = 0 for i, row in enumerate(cursor): bookshelves.append(row[0]) # count_bookshelves = i + 1 cursor.close() # debug_print("KoboTouch:get_bookshelflist - count bookshelves=" + unicode(count_bookshelves)) return bookshelves def set_bookshelf(self, connection, book, shelfName): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(book.title) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:set_bookshelf book.ContentID="%s"'%book.contentID) debug_print('KoboTouch:set_bookshelf book.current_shelves="%s"'%book.current_shelves) if shelfName in book.current_shelves: if show_debug: debug_print(' book already on shelf.') return test_query = 'SELECT _IsDeleted FROM ShelfContent WHERE ShelfName = ? and ContentId = ?' test_values = (shelfName, book.contentID, ) addquery = 'INSERT INTO ShelfContent ("ShelfName","ContentId","DateModified","_IsDeleted","_IsSynced") VALUES (?, ?, ?, "false", "false")' add_values = (shelfName, book.contentID, time.strftime(self.TIMESTAMP_STRING, time.gmtime()), ) updatequery = 'UPDATE ShelfContent SET _IsDeleted = "false" WHERE ShelfName = ? and ContentId = ?' update_values = (shelfName, book.contentID, ) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(test_query, test_values) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: if show_debug: debug_print(' Did not find a record - adding') cursor.execute(addquery, add_values) elif result[0] == 'true': if show_debug: debug_print(' Found a record - updating - result=', result) cursor.execute(updatequery, update_values) connection.commit() cursor.close() # debug_print("KoboTouch:set_bookshelf - end") def check_for_bookshelf(self, connection, bookshelf_name): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(bookshelf_name) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:check_for_bookshelf bookshelf_name="%s"'%bookshelf_name) test_query = 'SELECT InternalName, Name, _IsDeleted FROM Shelf WHERE Name = ?' test_values = (bookshelf_name, ) addquery = 'INSERT INTO "main"."Shelf"' add_values = (time.strftime(self.TIMESTAMP_STRING, time.gmtime()), bookshelf_name, time.strftime(self.TIMESTAMP_STRING, time.gmtime()), bookshelf_name, "false", "true", "false", ) if self.dbversion < 64: addquery += ' ("CreationDate","InternalName","LastModified","Name","_IsDeleted","_IsVisible","_IsSynced")'\ ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' else: addquery += ' ("CreationDate", "InternalName","LastModified","Name","_IsDeleted","_IsVisible","_IsSynced", "Id")'\ ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' add_values = add_values +(bookshelf_name,) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:check_for_bookshelf addquery=', addquery) debug_print('KoboTouch:check_for_bookshelf add_values=', add_values) updatequery = 'UPDATE Shelf SET _IsDeleted = "false" WHERE Name = ?' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(test_query, test_values) result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: if show_debug: debug_print(' Did not find a record - adding shelf "%s"' % bookshelf_name) cursor.execute(addquery, add_values) elif result[2] == 'true': debug_print('KoboTouch:check_for_bookshelf - Shelf "%s" is deleted - undeleting. result[2]="%s"' % (bookshelf_name, unicode(result[2]))) cursor.execute(updatequery, test_values) connection.commit() cursor.close() # Update the bookshelf list. self.bookshelvelist = self.get_bookshelflist(connection) # debug_print("KoboTouch:set_bookshelf - end") def remove_from_bookshelves(self, connection, oncard, ContentID=None, bookshelves=None): debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_from_bookshelf ContentID=', ContentID) if not self.supports_bookshelves(): return query = 'DELETE FROM ShelfContent' values = [] if ContentID is not None: query += ' WHERE ContentId = ?' values.append(ContentID) else: if oncard == 'carda': query += ' WHERE ContentID like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' elif oncard != 'carda' and oncard != 'cardb': query += ' WHERE ContentID not like \'file:///mnt/sd/%\'' if bookshelves: placeholder = '?' placeholders = ','.join(placeholder for unused in bookshelves) query += ' and ShelfName in (%s)' % placeholders values.append(bookshelves) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_from_bookshelf query=', query) debug_print('KoboTouch:remove_from_bookshelf values=', values) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, values) connection.commit() cursor.close() debug_print("KoboTouch:remove_from_bookshelf - end") def set_series(self, connection, book): show_debug = self.is_debugging_title(book.title) if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:set_series book.kobo_series="%s"'%book.kobo_series) debug_print('KoboTouch:set_series book.series="%s"'%book.series) debug_print('KoboTouch:set_series book.series_index=', book.series_index) if book.series == book.kobo_series: kobo_series_number = None if book.kobo_series_number is not None: try: kobo_series_number = float(book.kobo_series_number) except: kobo_series_number = None if kobo_series_number == book.series_index: if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:set_series - series info the same - not changing') return update_query = 'UPDATE content SET Series=?, SeriesNumber==? where BookID is Null and ContentID = ?' if book.series is None: update_values = (None, None, book.contentID, ) elif book.series_index is None: # This should never happen, but... update_values = (book.series, None, book.contentID, ) else: update_values = (book.series, "%g"%book.series_index, book.contentID, ) cursor = connection.cursor() try: if show_debug: debug_print('KoboTouch:set_series - about to set - parameters:', update_values) cursor.execute(update_query, update_values) self.series_set += 1 except: debug_print(' Database Exception: Unable to set series info') raise else: connection.commit() cursor.close() if show_debug: debug_print("KoboTouch:set_series - end") @classmethod def settings(cls): opts = cls._config().parse() if isinstance(cls.EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_DEFAULT, list): if opts.extra_customization is None: opts.extra_customization = [] if not isinstance(opts.extra_customization, list): opts.extra_customization = [opts.extra_customization] if len(cls.EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_DEFAULT) > len(opts.extra_customization): extra_options_offset = 0 extra_customization = [] for i,d in enumerate(cls.EXTRA_CUSTOMIZATION_DEFAULT): if i >= len(opts.extra_customization) + extra_options_offset: extra_customization.append(d) elif d.__class__ != opts.extra_customization[i - extra_options_offset].__class__: extra_options_offset += 1 extra_customization.append(d) else: extra_customization.append(opts.extra_customization[i - extra_options_offset]) opts.extra_customization = extra_customization return opts def isAura(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.AURA_PRODUCT_ID def isAuraHD(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.AURA_HD_PRODUCT_ID def isAuraH2O(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.AURA_H2O_PRODUCT_ID def isGlo(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.GLO_PRODUCT_ID def isGloHD(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.GLO_HD_PRODUCT_ID def isMini(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.MINI_PRODUCT_ID def isTouch(self): return self.detected_device.idProduct in self.TOUCH_PRODUCT_ID def cover_file_endings(self): return self.GLO_COVER_FILE_ENDINGS if self.isGlo() or self.isAura() \ else self.AURA_HD_COVER_FILE_ENDINGS if self.isAuraHD() or self.isAuraH2O() or self.isGloHD() \ else self.COVER_FILE_ENDINGS def set_device_name(self): device_name = self.gui_name if self.isAura(): device_name = 'Kobo Aura' elif self.isAuraHD(): device_name = 'Kobo Aura HD' elif self.isAuraH2O(): device_name = 'Kobo Aura H2O' elif self.isGlo(): device_name = 'Kobo Glo' elif self.isGloHD(): device_name = 'Kobo Glo HD' elif self.isMini(): device_name = 'Kobo Mini' elif self.isTouch(): device_name = 'Kobo Touch' self.__class__.gui_name = device_name return device_name def copying_covers(self): opts = self.settings() return opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_UPLOAD_COVERS] or opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_KEEP_COVER_ASPECT_RATIO] def keep_cover_aspect(self): opts = self.settings() return opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_KEEP_COVER_ASPECT_RATIO] def modifying_epub(self): return self.modifying_css() def modifying_css(self): opts = self.settings() return opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_MODIFY_CSS] def supports_bookshelves(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_supported_dbversion def supports_series(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_dbversion_series def supports_kobo_archive(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_dbversion_archive def supports_covers_on_sdcard(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_dbversion_images_on_sdcard and self.fwversion >= self.min_fwversion_images_on_sdcard def supports_images_tree(self): return self.fwversion >= self.min_fwversion_images_tree def has_externalid(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_dbversion_externalid def has_activity_table(self): return self.dbversion >= self.min_dbversion_activity def modify_database_check(self, function): # Checks to see whether the database version is supported # and whether the user has chosen to support the firmware version # debug_print("KoboTouch:modify_database_check - self.fwversion > self.max_supported_fwversion=", self.fwversion > self.max_supported_fwversion) if self.dbversion > self.supported_dbversion or self.fwversion > self.max_supported_fwversion: # Unsupported database opts = self.settings() if not opts.extra_customization[self.OPT_SUPPORT_NEWER_FIRMWARE]: debug_print('The database has been upgraded past supported version') self.report_progress(1.0, _('Removing books from device...')) from calibre.devices.errors import UserFeedback raise UserFeedback(_("Kobo database version unsupported - See details"), _('Your Kobo is running an updated firmware/database version.' ' As calibre does not know about this updated firmware,' ' database editing is disabled, to prevent corruption.' ' You can still send books to your Kobo with calibre, ' ' but deleting books and managing collections is disabled.' ' If you are willing to experiment and know how to reset' ' your Kobo to Factory defaults, you can override this' ' check by right clicking the device icon in calibre and' ' selecting "Configure this device" and then the ' ' "Attempt to support newer firmware" option.' ' Doing so may require you to perform a factory reset of' ' your Kobo.') + ( '\nDevice database version: %s.' '\nDevice firmware version: %s' ) % (self.dbversion, self.fwversion), UserFeedback.WARN) return False else: # The user chose to edit the database anyway return True else: # Supported database version return True @classmethod def is_debugging_title(cls, title): if not DEBUG: return False # debug_print("KoboTouch:is_debugging - title=", title) is_debugging = False opts = cls.settings() if opts.extra_customization: debugging_title = opts.extra_customization[cls.OPT_DEBUGGING_TITLE] is_debugging = len(debugging_title) > 0 and title.lower().find(debugging_title.lower()) >= 0 or len(title) == 0 return is_debugging def dump_bookshelves(self, connection): if not (DEBUG and self.supports_bookshelves() and False): return debug_print('KoboTouch:dump_bookshelves - start') shelf_query = 'SELECT * FROM Shelf' shelfcontent_query = 'SELECT * FROM ShelfContent' placeholder = '%s' cursor = connection.cursor() prints('\nBookshelves on device:') cursor.execute(shelf_query) i = 0 for row in cursor: placeholders = ', '.join(placeholder for unused in row) prints(placeholders%row) i += 1 if i == 0: prints("No shelves found!!") else: prints("Number of shelves=%d"%i) prints('\nBooks on shelves on device:') cursor.execute(shelfcontent_query) i = 0 for row in cursor: placeholders = ', '.join(placeholder for unused in row) prints(placeholders%row) i += 1 if i == 0: prints("No books are on any shelves!!") else: prints("Number of shelved books=%d"%i) cursor.close() debug_print('KoboTouch:dump_bookshelves - end')
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: # Product: ClamWin Free Antivirus # # Author: alch [alch at users dot sourceforge dot net] # # Created: 2004/19/03 # Copyright: Copyright alch (c) 2005 # Licence: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this code is based on demo from Mark Hammond's # win32 extensions. import SetUnicode import RedirectStd import sys, os, time, tempfile, locale, re, random, types import win32api, win32gui, win32con, win32event import win32process, win32event import Scheduler import Config import Process import EmailAlert import threading import Utils, wxDialogScheduledScan import version class MainWindow: MENU_OPEN_CLAM, MENU_UPDATE_DB, MENU_CHECK_UPDATE, MENU_CLAMWIN_WEB, MENU_CONFIGURE, MENU_SHOWSCANLOG, \ MENU_SHOWUPDATELOG, MENU_EXIT, MENU_CONFIGURESCHEDULER,\ MENU_TERMINATESCHEDULE, MENU_RUNSCHEDULE = range(1023, 1023 + 11) ACTIVE_MUTEX='ClamWinTrayMutex01' WM_TASKBAR_NOTIFY=win32con.WM_USER+20 WM_CONFIG_UPDATED=win32con.WM_USER+21 WM_SHOW_BALLOON=win32con.WM_USER+22 WM_CHECK_VERSION=win32con.WM_USER+23 def __init__(self, config, logon): self._config = config self._schedulers = [] self._scheduledScans = [] self._processes = [] self._balloon_info = None self._balloonThreadLock = threading.Lock() self._checkversionattempts = 0 self._dbupdateattempts = 0 self._nomenu = False self._reschedule_delay = 300 self._scheduleCount = 0 msg_TaskbarRestart = win32gui.RegisterWindowMessage("TaskbarCreated"); message_map = { msg_TaskbarRestart: self.OnRestart, win32con.WM_DESTROY: self.OnDestroy, win32con.WM_COMMAND: self.OnCommand, MainWindow.WM_TASKBAR_NOTIFY: self.OnTaskbarNotify, MainWindow.WM_CONFIG_UPDATED : self.OnConfigUpdated, MainWindow.WM_SHOW_BALLOON : self.OnShowBalloon, MainWindow.WM_CHECK_VERSION: self.OnCheckVersion, } # Register the Window class. wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS() hinst = wc.hInstance = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None) wc.lpszClassName = "ClamWinTrayWindow" = win32con.CS_VREDRAW | win32con.CS_HREDRAW; wc.hCursor = win32gui.LoadCursor( 0, win32con.IDC_ARROW ) wc.hbrBackground = win32con.COLOR_WINDOW wc.lpfnWndProc = message_map # could also specify a wndproc. classAtom = win32gui.RegisterClass(wc) # Create the Window. style = win32con.WS_OVERLAPPED | win32con.WS_SYSMENU self.hwnd = win32gui.CreateWindow( classAtom, "ClamWin", style, \ 0, 0, win32con.CW_USEDEFAULT, win32con.CW_USEDEFAULT, \ 0, 0, hinst, None) win32gui.UpdateWindow(self.hwnd) # create mutex to prevent further instances self._hActiveMutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, True, self.ACTIVE_MUTEX) self._DoCreateIcons() self._InitSchedulers(logon) # start config monitor thread self._configMonitor = MonitorConfig(self.NotifyConfig, (self.hwnd,)) self._configMonitor.start() def _IsProcessRunning(self, proc, wait=False): if wait: timeout = 5 else: timeout = 0 try: proc.wait(timeout) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, Process.ProcessError): if e.errno == Process.ProcessProxy.WAIT_TIMEOUT: return True else: return False return False def _StopProcesses(self): # check if process is still running for proc in self._processes: if self._IsProcessRunning(proc): # running - kill proc.kill() #wait to finish if self._IsProcessRunning(proc, True): #still running - complain and terminate win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'Unable to stop scheduled process, terminating', 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONSTOP) os._exit(0) proc.close() self._processes = [] def _FindSchedule(self, label): for scheduler in self._schedulers: try: if scheduler.label() == label: return scheduler except Exception, e: print 'An error occured whilst finding scheduler label: %i. %s' % (label, str(e)) return None def _TerminateSchedules(self): self._StopProcesses() for scheduler in self._schedulers: try: scheduler.stop() # wait for completion scheduler.join(2) except Exception, e: print 'An error occured whilst termintaing scheduler thread. Error: %s' % str(e) self._schedulers = [] def _CreateScheduleLabel(self): # ensure we return no more that 32 bit signed integer otherwise SendMessage API method complains if self._scheduleCount >= sys.maxint: self._scheduleCount = 0 self._scheduleCount = self._scheduleCount + 1 return self._scheduleCount def _InitSchedulers(self, logon=False): # close all running schedules self._TerminateSchedules() # load persistent scheduler self._scheduledScans = wxDialogScheduledScan.LoadPersistentScheduledScans( os.path.join(Utils.GetScheduleShelvePath(self._config), 'ScheduledScans')) # create an update schedule to run now if 'Update on Logon' is selected if logon and self._config.Get('Updates', 'UpdateOnLogon') == '1': # set C locale, otherwise python and wxpython complain locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') start_time = time.localtime(time.time() + 120) weekday = int(time.strftime('%w', start_time)) if weekday: weekday -= 1 else: weekday = 6 scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler('Once', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', start_time), weekday, False, win32gui.SendMessage, (self.hwnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, self.MENU_UPDATE_DB, 1), ('ClamWin_Scheduler_Info', 'ClamWin_Upadte_Time')) scheduler.start() self._schedulers.append(scheduler) # create a scheduler thread for DB updates if self._config.Get('Updates', 'Enable') == '1': label = self._CreateScheduleLabel() scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler(self._config.Get('Updates', 'Frequency'), self._config.Get('Updates', 'Time'), int(self._config.Get('Updates', 'WeekDay')), True, win32gui.SendMessage, (self.hwnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, self.MENU_UPDATE_DB, label), ('ClamWin_Scheduler_Info', 'ClamWin_Upadte_Time'), 0.5, label) scheduler.start() self._schedulers.append(scheduler) # create scheduler threads for all scheduled scans for scan in self._scheduledScans: if scan.Active: scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler(scan.Frequency, scan.Time, int(scan.WeekDay), False, self.ScanPath, (self, scan.Path, scan.Description, scan.ScanMemory)) scheduler.start() self._schedulers.append(scheduler) # create scheduler thread for program version check if self._config.Get('Updates', 'CheckVersion') == '1': checkvertime = None try: f = file(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'ClamWin_CheckVer_Time'), 'r') t = f.close() if time.time() >= float(t): checkvertime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(float(t))) except Exception, e: print 'An error occured whilst reading last scheduled run from %s. Error: %s' % ('ClamWin_CheckVer_Time', str(e)) if checkvertime is None: # 5 minutes to 1 hour after start checkvertime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + random.randint(300, 3600))) print "using random checkversion time %s" % checkvertime label = self._CreateScheduleLabel() curDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True) scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler('Daily', # check once a day checkvertime, 1, # unused True, win32gui.SendMessage, (self.hwnd, MainWindow.WM_CHECK_VERSION, 0, label), ('ClamWin_CheckVer_Info', 'ClamWin_CheckVer_Time'), 0.5, label) scheduler.start() self._schedulers.append(scheduler) def _Terminate(self): # terminate running threads self._TerminateSchedules() if self._configMonitor is not None: self._configMonitor.stop() self._configMonitor.join(2) self._configMonitor = None def _DoCreateIcons(self): # Try and find a custom icon hinst = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None) iconPathName = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.split(sys.executable)[0],"img/TrayIcon.ico")) if not os.path.isfile(iconPathName): # Look in the current folder tree. iconPathName = "img/TrayIcon.ico" if os.path.isfile(iconPathName): icon_flags = win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE | win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE hicon = win32gui.LoadImage(hinst, iconPathName, win32con.IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, icon_flags) else: hicon = win32gui.LoadIcon(0, win32con.IDI_APPLICATION) flags = win32gui.NIF_ICON | win32gui.NIF_MESSAGE | win32gui.NIF_TIP nid = (self.hwnd, 0, flags, MainWindow.WM_TASKBAR_NOTIFY, hicon, "ClamWin Free Antivirus") win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_ADD, nid) def OnRestart(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): self._DoCreateIcons() def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): nid = (self.hwnd, 0) win32gui.Shell_NotifyIcon(win32gui.NIM_DELETE, nid) self._Terminate() win32event.ReleaseMutex(self._hActiveMutex) win32api.CloseHandle(self._hActiveMutex) # Terminate the app. win32gui.PostQuitMessage(0) def OnTaskbarNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): if lparam==win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP: pass elif lparam==win32con.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: self.OnCommand(hwnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, self.MENU_OPEN_CLAM, 0) elif lparam==win32con.WM_RBUTTONUP: if self._nomenu: hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow('#32770', 'ClamWin Update') if hwnd: try: win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_SHOW) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) win32gui.SetFocus(hwnd) except Exception, e: print 'ShowWindow Error: %s' % str(e) return 1 # create scheduler menu scheduler_popup = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() win32gui.AppendMenu(scheduler_popup, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_CONFIGURESCHEDULER, "&Configure Scheduler") if not self._processes: flags = win32con.MF_GRAYED else: flags = 0 # create scheduled tasks menu tasks_popup = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() i = 0 for scan in self._scheduledScans: win32gui.AppendMenu(tasks_popup, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_RUNSCHEDULE + i, scan.Description) i+=1 if not i: flags2 = win32con.MF_GRAYED else: flags2 = 0 win32gui.InsertMenu(scheduler_popup, self.MENU_CONFIGURESCHEDULER, win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND | win32con.MF_POPUP | flags2, tasks_popup, "&Run Scheduled Scan") win32gui.InsertMenu(scheduler_popup, flags, win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND | win32con.MF_STRING | flags, self.MENU_TERMINATESCHEDULE, "&Stop All Running Tasks Now") # create reports menu reports_popup = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() if not len(self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'LogFile')): flags = win32con.MF_GRAYED else: flags = 0 win32gui.InsertMenu( reports_popup, 0, win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND | win32con.MF_STRING | flags, self.MENU_SHOWSCANLOG, "&Virus Scan Report") if not len(self._config.Get('Updates', 'DBUpdateLogFile')): flags = win32con.MF_GRAYED else: flags = 0 win32gui.InsertMenu( reports_popup, self.MENU_SHOWSCANLOG, win32con.MF_BYCOMMAND | win32con.MF_STRING | flags, self.MENU_SHOWUPDATELOG, "&Virus Database Update Report") # create main menu menu = win32gui.CreatePopupMenu() win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_OPEN_CLAM, "&Open ClamWin") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_UPDATE_DB, "&Download Virus Database Update") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_CONFIGURE, "&Configure ClamWin") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_POPUP, scheduler_popup, "&Scheduler") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_POPUP, reports_popup, "Display &Reports") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_SEPARATOR, 0, "" ) win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_CHECK_UPDATE, "Check &Latest Version") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_CLAMWIN_WEB, "&Visit ClamWin Website") win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_SEPARATOR, 0, "" ) win32gui.AppendMenu( menu, win32con.MF_STRING, self.MENU_EXIT, "&Exit" ) pos = win32gui.GetCursorPos() # See try: win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(self.hwnd) except: pass try: win32gui.SetMenuDefaultItem(menu, 0, 1) except NameError: pass win32gui.TrackPopupMenu(menu, win32con.TPM_LEFTALIGN, pos[0], pos[1], 0, self.hwnd, None) win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwnd, win32con.WM_NULL, 0, 0) return 1 def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): if self._nomenu: return id = win32api.LOWORD(wparam) if id == self.MENU_OPEN_CLAM: self._ShowClamWin() elif id == self.MENU_UPDATE_DB: self._UpdateDB(lparam) elif id == self.MENU_CHECK_UPDATE: self._OpenWebPage(''+version.clamwin_version) elif id == self.MENU_CLAMWIN_WEB: self._OpenWebPage('') elif id == self.MENU_CONFIGURE: self._ShowConfigure() elif id == self.MENU_SHOWSCANLOG: self._ShowLog(self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'LogFile')) elif id == self.MENU_SHOWUPDATELOG: self._ShowLog(self._config.Get('Updates', 'DBUpdateLogFile')) elif id == self.MENU_EXIT: self.OnExit() elif id == self.MENU_CONFIGURESCHEDULER: self._ShowConfigure(True) elif id == self.MENU_TERMINATESCHEDULE: self._TerminateSchedules() self._InitSchedulers() elif (id >= self.MENU_RUNSCHEDULE) and \ (id < self.MENU_RUNSCHEDULE + len(self._scheduledScans)): try: path = self._scheduledScans[id - self.MENU_RUNSCHEDULE].Path if path[len(path)-1] == '\\': path = path[:len(path)-1] self._ShowClamWin(path) except Exception, e: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'Could not launch ClamWin Scanner. Error: %s' % str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) def OnConfigUpdated(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): self._config.Read() self._InitSchedulers() def OnShowBalloon(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): if self._balloon_info is not None: try: Utils.ShowBalloon(wparam, self._balloon_info, self.hwnd) except Exception, e: print 'Could not display balloon tooltip. Error: %s' % str(e) def OnCheckVersion(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): current_sched = self._FindSchedule(lparam) ok = False online = Utils.IsOnline() if online: try: curDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True) params = (' --mode=checkversion', ) ok = Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(True, os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin'), *params) == 0 except Exception, e: print 'checkversion error: %s' % str(e) self._nomenu = False if not ok: if self._checkversionattempts < 9 or not online: # reschedule version check in 3 minutes locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') start_time = time.localtime(time.time() + self._reschedule_delay) weekday = int(time.strftime('%w', start_time)) if weekday: weekday -= 1 else: weekday = 6 print "rescheduling version check at %s" % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', start_time) rescheduled = Scheduler.Scheduler('Once', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', start_time), weekday, False, win32gui.SendMessage, (self.hwnd, MainWindow.WM_CHECK_VERSION, 0, lparam), ('ClamWin_Scheduler_Info', 'ClamWin_Upadte_Time')) if current_sched is not None: current_sched.pause() rescheduled.start() self._schedulers.append(rescheduled) self._checkversionattempts = self._checkversionattempts + 1 else: # show balloon if self._config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1': tray_notify_params = (('Unable to get online version. Most likely it\'s a temporary connectivity error and you don\'t have to do anything.\nIf you see this error often then allow clamwin.exe in your firewall and check proxy settings.\n', 0, win32gui.NIIF_WARNING, 30000), None) Utils.ShowBalloon(0, tray_notify_params, None, True) self._checkversionattempts = 0 if current_sched is not None: current_sched.resume() else: self._checkversionattempts = 0 def OnExit(self): win32gui.DestroyWindow(self.hwnd) def _ShowLog(self, logfile): try: curDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True) params = (' --mode=viewlog', '--path="%s"' % logfile) Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(False, os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin'), *params) except Exception, e: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'An error occured while displaying log file %s.\nError: %s' % (logfile, str(e)), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) def _ShowClamWin(self, path=''): try: if path: params = (' --mode=scanner', ' --path=\"%s\"' % path) else: params = (' --mode=main',) Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(False, os.path.join(Utils.GetCurrentDir(True), 'ClamWin'), *params) except Exception, e: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'An error occured while starting ClamWin Free Antivirus scanner.\n' + str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) def _UpdateDB(self, schedule_label): if not schedule_label: try: params = (' --mode=update', ' --config_file="%s"' % self._config.GetFilename(),) Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(False, os.path.join(Utils.GetCurrentDir(True), 'ClamWin'), *params) except Exception, e: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'An error occured while starting ClamWin Free Antivirus Update.\n' + str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) else: # update virus db silently if Utils.IsOnline(): freshclam_conf = Utils.SaveFreshClamConf(self._config) try: if not len(freshclam_conf): win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'Unable to create freshclam configuration file. Please check there is enough space on the disk', 'Error', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONSTOP) return # create database folder before downloading dbdir = self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database') if dbdir and not os.path.exists(dbdir): try: os.makedirs(dbdir) except: pass updatelog = tempfile.mktemp() cmd = '--stdout --datadir="' + dbdir + '"' + \ ' --config-file="%s" --log="%s"' % (freshclam_conf, updatelog) cmd = '"%s" %s' % (self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'FreshClam'), cmd) try: if self._config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1': balloon = (('Virus database has been updated.', 0, win32gui.NIIF_INFO, 10000), ('An error occured during Scheduled Virus Database Update. Please review the update report.', 1, win32gui.NIIF_WARNING, 30000)) else: balloon = None proc = self._SpawnProcess(cmd, 'n', self.DBUpdateProcessFinished, (self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'Database'), self._config.Get('Updates', 'DBUpdateLogFile'), updatelog, False, balloon, schedule_label)) self._processes.append(proc) except Process.ProcessError, e: print 'Unable to spawn scheduled process.\nCommand line: %s\nError: %s' % (cmd , str(e)) try: os.remove(freshclam_conf) os.remove(updatelog) except: pass return # wait 2 seconds for the process to start, then delete # temp file try: proc.wait(2) except: pass os.remove(freshclam_conf) except Exception, e: print 'Error performing Scheduled Update.', str(e) os.remove(freshclam_conf) else: self.RescheduleDBUpdate(schedule_label) def _OpenWebPage(self, url): try: import webbrowser except ImportError: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'Please point your browser at: %s' % url, 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONINFORMATION) def _ShowConfigure(self, switchToSchedule = False): try: curDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True) if switchToSchedule: mode = 'configure_schedule' else: mode = 'configure' params = (' --mode=%s' % mode, ' --config_file="%s"' % self._config.GetFilename(),) Utils.SpawnPyOrExe(False, os.path.join(curDir, 'ClamWin'), *params) except Exception, e: win32gui.MessageBox(self.hwnd, 'An error occured while starting ClamWin Free Antivirus Preferences.\n' + str(e), 'ClamWin Free Antivirus', win32con.MB_OK | win32con.MB_ICONERROR) # returns process and stdout buffer def _SpawnProcess(self, cmd, proc_priority, finished_func, finished_params): # initialise environment var TMPDIR # for clamav try: if os.getenv('TMPDIR') is None: os.putenv('TMPDIR', tempfile.gettempdir()) #Utils.SetCygwinTemp() except Exception, e: print str(e) # check that we got the command line if cmd is None: raise Process.ProcessError('Could not start process. No Command Line specified') # start our process try: # check if the file exists first executable = cmd.split('" ' ,1)[0].lstrip('"') if not os.path.exists(executable): raise Process.ProcessError('Could not start process.\n%s\nFile does not exist.' % executable) out = OutBuffer(self, finished_func, finished_params) proc = Process.ProcessProxy(cmd, stdout=out, priority=proc_priority) out.AttachProcess(proc) proc.wait(0) except Exception, e: if isinstance(e, Process.ProcessError): if e.errno != Process.ProcessProxy.WAIT_TIMEOUT: raise Process.ProcessError('Could not start process:\n%s\nError: %s' % (cmd, str(e))) else: raise Process.ProcessError('Could not start process:\n%s\nError: %s' % (cmd, str(e))) return proc def ScanPath(self, path, description, scanMemory): scanlog = tempfile.mktemp() path = '"%s"' % path.rstrip('\\').strip('"') cmd = Utils.GetScanCmd(self._config, path, scanlog, True) if scanMemory: cmd += " --memory" print cmd try: if self._config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1': balloon = (('Virus has been detected during scheduled scan! Please review the scan report.', 1, win32gui.NIIF_ERROR, 30000), ('An error occured during scheduled scan. Please review the scan report.', 0, win32gui.NIIF_WARNING, 30000)) else: balloon = None try: priority = self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'Priority')[:1].lower() except: priority = 'n' # clamav stopped writing start time of the scan to the log file try: file(scanlog, 'wt').write('\nScan Started %s' % time.ctime(time.time())) except: pass proc = self._SpawnProcess(cmd, priority, self.ProcessFinished, (self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'LogFile'), scanlog, self._config.Get('EmailAlerts', 'Enable') == '1', balloon )) self._processes.append(proc) result = 0 except Process.ProcessError, e: result = -1 try: os.remove(scanlog) except: pass print str(e) if self._config.Get('UI', 'TrayNotify') == '1': balloon_info = (('Running Scheduled Task:\n'+description, 0, win32gui.NIIF_INFO, 10000), ('An error occured whilst running Running Scheduled Task '+description, 1, win32gui.NIIF_WARNING, 30000)) self.ShowBalloon(result, balloon_info) ScanPath = staticmethod(ScanPath) def NotifyConfig(hwnd): win32api.SendMessage(hwnd, MainWindow.WM_CONFIG_UPDATED, 0, 0) NotifyConfig = staticmethod(NotifyConfig) def RescheduleDBUpdate(self, schedule_label): current_sched = self._FindSchedule(schedule_label) # reschedule database update in 5 minutes locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') start_time = time.localtime(time.time() + self._reschedule_delay) weekday = int(time.strftime('%w', start_time)) if weekday: weekday -= 1 else: weekday = 6 print 'rescheduling db update attempt %i at %s' % (self._dbupdateattempts, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', start_time)) rescheduled = Scheduler.Scheduler('Once', time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', start_time), weekday, False, win32gui.SendMessage, (self.hwnd, win32con.WM_COMMAND, self.MENU_UPDATE_DB, schedule_label), ('ClamWin_Scheduler_Info', 'ClamWin_Upadte_Time')) if current_sched is not None: current_sched.pause() rescheduled.start() self._schedulers.append(rescheduled) self._dbupdateattempts = self._dbupdateattempts + 1 def DBUpdateProcessFinished(self, process, dbpath, log, appendlog, email_alert, balloon_info, schedule_label): current_sched = self._FindSchedule(schedule_label) if (not process.isKilled()) and (process.wait() not in (0, 1)): if self._dbupdateattempts < 9: self.ProcessFinished(self, process, log, appendlog, None, None) self.RescheduleDBUpdate(schedule_label) else: print 'self._dbupdateattempts >= 9; displaying an error ballon, ', str(balloon_info) if current_sched is not None: current_sched.resume() self._dbupdateattempts = 0 self.ProcessFinished(self, process, log, appendlog, None, balloon_info) else: if current_sched is not None: current_sched.resume() self.ProcessFinished(self, process, log, appendlog, None, balloon_info) DBUpdateProcessFinished = staticmethod(DBUpdateProcessFinished) def ProcessFinished(self, process, log, appendlog, email_alert, balloon_info): # send the notification alert if we need to if email_alert: try: if process.wait() == 1 and not process.isKilled(): msg = EmailAlert.ConfigVirusAlertMsg(self._config, (appendlog,)) msg.Send() except Exception, e: print 'Could not send email alert. Error: %s' % str(e) print "Exit Code: ", process.wait() if (not process.isKilled()) and (balloon_info is not None) and (process.wait() not in (54, 56)): # show balloon self.ShowBalloon(process.wait(), balloon_info) # find and remove our process try: self._processes.remove(process) except ValueError: # ignore "not in list" errors pass time.sleep(1) maxsize = int(self._config.Get('ClamAV', 'MaxLogSize'))*1048576 Utils.AppendLogFile(log, appendlog, maxsize) try: os.remove(appendlog) except Exception, e: print 'could not remove file: %s. Error: %s' % (appendlog, str(e)) Utils.CleanupTemp(process.getpid()) ProcessFinished = staticmethod(ProcessFinished) # send message to the main window thread to display balloon notification # we need to enclose the call to SendMessage within Lock().acquire()/Lock.release() # to ensure that correct self._balloon_info is used when 2 threads want to # display balloons simultaneously def ShowBalloon(self, result, balloon_info): self._balloonThreadLock.acquire() try: self._balloon_info = balloon_info win32api.SendMessage(self.hwnd, MainWindow.WM_SHOW_BALLOON, result, 0) finally: self._balloon_info = None self._balloonThreadLock.release() # stdout buffer used by ProcessProxy to notify main thread # when execution is complete class OutBuffer(Process.IOBuffer): def __init__(self, caller, notify, params): Process.IOBuffer.__init__(self) self.notify = notify self._caller = caller self._params = params self._proc = None # we don't need any input or output here def _doWrite(self, s): return def _doRead(self, n): return def write(self, s): return def writelines(self, list): return def read(self, n=-1): return def readline(self, n=None): return def readlines(self): return def _doClose(self): if self._proc: self.notify(self._caller, self._proc, *self._params) del self._proc self._proc = None Process.IOBuffer._doClose(self) def AttachProcess(self, proc): self._proc = proc # this thread monitors changes to config files # and notifies tray to reload if a change occurs class MonitorConfig(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, notify, args): self.notify = notify self.args = args self._terminate = False threading.Thread.__init__(self) def __del__(self): self.stop() def run(self): self._terminate = False try: hEvent = win32event.CreateEvent(None, True, False, Utils.CONFIG_EVENT) except win32api.error: return while not self._terminate: wait = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 1000); if wait != win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT: self.notify(*self.args) def stop(self): if not self.isAlive(): return self._terminate = True def main(): # set C locale, otherwise python and wxpython complain locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C') # get the directory of our exetutable file # when running as pyexe built module currentDir = Utils.GetCurrentDir(True) os.chdir(currentDir) Utils.CreateProfile() # see if we are already running and exit if so try: # try to acquire our active mutex hMutex = win32event.OpenMutex(win32con.SYNCHRONIZE, False, MainWindow.ACTIVE_MUTEX) # could open it - most likely another window is active # just to be sure wait for it to see if it is claimed if win32event.WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, 0) == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT: # mutex is claimed, another window is already running - terminate return win32api.CloseHandle(hMutex) except win32api.error: pass conf_file = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.find('--config_file=') == 0: conf_file = Utils.SafeExpandEnvironmentStrings(arg[len('--config_file='):]) if conf_file is None: conf_file = os.path.join(Utils.GetProfileDir(True),'ClamWin.conf') if not os.path.isfile(conf_file): conf_file = 'ClamWin.conf' config = Config.Settings(conf_file) config.Read() logon = False for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg == '--logon': logon = True w=MainWindow(config, logon) win32gui.PumpMessages() if __name__=='__main__': main()
from warnings import catch_warnings import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame, Series import pandas._testing as tm from import ensure_clean_path, ensure_clean_store from import read_hdf # TODO(ArrayManager) HDFStore relies on accessing the blocks pytestmark = td.skip_array_manager_not_yet_implemented def test_complex_fixed(setup_path): df = DataFrame( np.random.rand(4, 5).astype(np.complex64), index=list("abcd"), columns=list("ABCDE"), ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) df = DataFrame( np.random.rand(4, 5).astype(np.complex128), index=list("abcd"), columns=list("ABCDE"), ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) def test_complex_table(setup_path): df = DataFrame( np.random.rand(4, 5).astype(np.complex64), index=list("abcd"), columns=list("ABCDE"), ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df", format="table") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) df = DataFrame( np.random.rand(4, 5).astype(np.complex128), index=list("abcd"), columns=list("ABCDE"), ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df", format="table", mode="w") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) def test_complex_mixed_fixed(setup_path): complex64 = np.array( [1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j], dtype=np.complex64 ) complex128 = np.array( [1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j], dtype=np.complex128 ) df = DataFrame( { "A": [1, 2, 3, 4], "B": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "C": complex64, "D": complex128, "E": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], }, index=list("abcd"), ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) def test_complex_mixed_table(setup_path): complex64 = np.array( [1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j], dtype=np.complex64 ) complex128 = np.array( [1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j], dtype=np.complex128 ) df = DataFrame( { "A": [1, 2, 3, 4], "B": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "C": complex64, "D": complex128, "E": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], }, index=list("abcd"), ) with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.append("df", df, data_columns=["A", "B"]) result ="df", where="A>2") tm.assert_frame_equal(df.loc[df.A > 2], result) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: df.to_hdf(path, "df", format="table") reread = read_hdf(path, "df") tm.assert_frame_equal(df, reread) def test_complex_across_dimensions_fixed(setup_path): with catch_warnings(record=True): complex128 = np.array([1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j]) s = Series(complex128, index=list("abcd")) df = DataFrame({"A": s, "B": s}) objs = [s, df] comps = [tm.assert_series_equal, tm.assert_frame_equal] for obj, comp in zip(objs, comps): with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: obj.to_hdf(path, "obj", format="fixed") reread = read_hdf(path, "obj") comp(obj, reread) def test_complex_across_dimensions(setup_path): complex128 = np.array([1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j]) s = Series(complex128, index=list("abcd")) df = DataFrame({"A": s, "B": s}) with catch_warnings(record=True): objs = [df] comps = [tm.assert_frame_equal] for obj, comp in zip(objs, comps): with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: obj.to_hdf(path, "obj", format="table") reread = read_hdf(path, "obj") comp(obj, reread) def test_complex_indexing_error(setup_path): complex128 = np.array( [1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j], dtype=np.complex128 ) df = DataFrame( {"A": [1, 2, 3, 4], "B": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "C": complex128}, index=list("abcd"), ) msg = ( "Columns containing complex values can be stored " "but cannot be indexed when using table format. " "Either use fixed format, set index=False, " "or do not include the columns containing complex " "values to data_columns when initializing the table." ) with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): store.append("df", df, data_columns=["C"]) def test_complex_series_error(setup_path): complex128 = np.array([1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j, 1.0 + 1.0j]) s = Series(complex128, index=list("abcd")) msg = ( "Columns containing complex values can be stored " "but cannot be indexed when using table format. " "Either use fixed format, set index=False, " "or do not include the columns containing complex " "values to data_columns when initializing the table." ) with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): s.to_hdf(path, "obj", format="t") with ensure_clean_path(setup_path) as path: s.to_hdf(path, "obj", format="t", index=False) reread = read_hdf(path, "obj") tm.assert_series_equal(s, reread) def test_complex_append(setup_path): df = DataFrame( {"a": np.random.randn(100).astype(np.complex128), "b": np.random.randn(100)} ) with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store.append("df", df, data_columns=["b"]) store.append("df", df) result ="df") tm.assert_frame_equal(pd.concat([df, df], 0), result)
import socket import sys import os import curses from threading import Thread class RemoteControlServer(object): """docstring for Curses_control""" def __init__(self): super(RemoteControl, self).__init__() = '' self.stopped = False self.HOST = os.environ.get('COMMAND_HOST', 'localhost') self.PORT = os.environ.get('COMMAND_PORT', 9089) def start(self): self.socket_server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) print('Socket created') self.socket_server.bind((self.HOST, self.PORT)) print('Socket bind complete') self.socket_server.listen(10) print('Socket now listening') self.conn, self.addr = self.socket_server.accept() # Accept the connection once (for starter) print('Connected with ' + self.addr[0] + ':' + str(self.addr[1])) Thread(target=self.update, args=()).start() return self def update(self): while True: try: = self.conn.recv(1024) self.conn.send( print( if == 27: self.stop() return except socket.error as e: print(e) self.stop() return else: if len( == 0: print 'orderly shutdown on server end' self.stop() else: print( def read(self): return def stop(self): self.stopped = True self.conn.close() self.socket_server.close() class CursesControl(object): """docstring for Curses_control""" def __init__(self): super(CursesControl, self).__init__() # self.screen.nodelay() self.event = 'unload' self.stopped = False def start(self): self.screen = curses.initscr() Thread(target=self.update, args=()).start() return self def update(self): while True: try: curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) self.screen.keypad(1) self.screen.addstr("Press a key, " + str(self.event)) self.event = self.screen.getch() finally: curses.endwin() if self.stopped or self.event == 27: return def read(self): if self.event == curses.KEY_LEFT: command = 'left' elif self.event == curses.KEY_RIGHT: command = 'right' elif self.event == curses.KEY_UP: command = 'up' elif self.event == curses.KEY_DOWN: command = 'down' elif self.event == 32: # SPACE command = 'stop' elif self.event == 27: # ESC key command = 'quit' elif self.event == ord('p'): # P key command = 'auto_logic_based' elif self.event == ord('o'): # O key command = 'stream' elif self.event == ord('m'): # O key command = 'auto_neural_network' else: command = '?' return command def stop(self): self.stopped = True
"""add ignore and dev note to genomics models. Revision ID: 434fb0f05794 Revises: 994dfe6e53ee Create Date: 2020-09-30 14:39:16.244636 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '434fb0f05794' down_revision = '994dfe6e53ee' branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(engine_name): globals()["upgrade_%s" % engine_name]() def downgrade(engine_name): globals()["downgrade_%s" % engine_name]() def upgrade_rdr(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('genomic_gc_validation_metrics', sa.Column('dev_note', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)) op.add_column('genomic_gc_validation_metrics', sa.Column('ignore_flag', sa.SmallInteger(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('genomic_set_member', sa.Column('dev_note', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)) op.add_column('genomic_set_member_history', sa.Column('dev_note', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)) # ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade_rdr(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_column('genomic_set_member', 'dev_note') op.drop_column('genomic_set_member_history', 'dev_note') op.drop_column('genomic_gc_validation_metrics', 'ignore_flag') op.drop_column('genomic_gc_validation_metrics', 'dev_note') # ### end Alembic commands ### def upgrade_metrics(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### pass # ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade_metrics(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### pass # ### end Alembic commands ###
# file eulxml/xmlmap/ # # Copyright 2010,2011 Emory University Libraries # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ''' :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap` classes for dealing with the `PREMIS <>`_ metadata format for preservation metadata. ----- ''' from eulxml import xmlmap PREMIS_NAMESPACE = 'info:lc/xmlns/premis-v2' 'authoritative namespace for PREMIS' PREMIS_SCHEMA = '' 'authoritative schema location for PREMIS' class BasePremis(xmlmap.XmlObject): '''Base PREMIS class with namespace declaration common to all PREMIS XmlObjects. .. Note:: This class is intended mostly for internal use, but could be useful when extending or adding additional PREMIS :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` classes. The :attr:`PREMIS_NAMESPACE` is mapped to the prefix **p**. ''' ROOT_NS = PREMIS_NAMESPACE ROOT_NAMESPACES = { 'p': PREMIS_NAMESPACE, 'xsi': '' } class PremisRoot(BasePremis): '''Base class with a schema declaration for any of the root/stand-alone PREMIS elements: * ``<premis>`` - :class:`Premis` * ``<object>`` - :class:`Object` * ``<event>`` - :class:`Event` * ``<agent>`` * ``<rights>`` ''' XSD_SCHEMA = PREMIS_SCHEMA class Object(PremisRoot): '''Preliminary :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for a PREMIS object. Curently only includes the minimal required fields. ''' ROOT_NAME = 'object' type = xmlmap.StringField('@xsi:type') # file, representation, bitstream '''type of object (e.g., file, representation, bitstream). .. Note:: To be schema valid, object types must be in the PREMIS namespace, e.g.:: from eulxml.xmlmap import premis obj = premis.Object() obj.type = "p:file" ''' id_type = xmlmap.StringField('p:objectIdentifier/p:objectIdentifierType') 'identifier type (`objectIdentifier/objectIdentifierType`)' id = xmlmap.StringField('p:objectIdentifier/p:objectIdentifierValue') 'identifier value (`objectIdentifier/objectIdentifierValue`)' class Event(PremisRoot): '''Preliminary :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for a PREMIS event. .. Note:: The PREMIS schema requires that elements occur in a specified order, which :mod:`eulxml` does not currently handle or manage. As a work-around, when creating a new :class:`Event` from scratch, you should set the following required fields in this order: identifier (:attr:`id` and :attr:`ad_type` ''' ROOT_NAME = 'event' type = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventType') 'event type (``eventType``)' id_type = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventIdentifier/p:eventIdentifierType') 'identifier type (`eventIdentifier/eventIdentifierType`)' id = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventIdentifier/p:eventIdentifierValue') 'identifier value (`eventIdentifier/eventIdentifierValue`)' date = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventDateTime') 'date/time for the event (`eventDateTime`)' detail = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventDetail', required=False) 'event detail (`eventDetail`)' outcome = xmlmap.StringField('p:eventOutcomeInformation/p:eventOutcome', required=False) '''outcome of the event (`eventOutcomeInformation/eventOutcome`). .. Note:: In this preliminary implementation, the outcome detail fields are not mapped. ''' # leaving out outcome detail for now... # agent (optional, could be repeated) agent_type = xmlmap.StringField('p:linkingAgentIdentifier/p:linkingAgentIdentifierType') agent_id = xmlmap.StringField('p:linkingAgentIdentifier/p:linkingAgentIdentifierValue') # object (optional, could be repeated) object_type = xmlmap.StringField('p:linkingObjectIdentifier/p:linkingObjectIdentifierType') object_id = xmlmap.StringField('p:linkingObjectIdentifier/p:linkingObjectIdentifierValue') class Premis(PremisRoot): '''Preliminary :class:`~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject` for a PREMIS container element that can contain any of the other top-level PREMIS elements. Curently only includes mappings for a single object and list of events. ''' ROOT_NAME = 'premis' version = xmlmap.StringField('@version') '''Version of PREMIS in use; by default, new instances of :class:`Premis` will be initialized with a version of 2.1''' object = xmlmap.NodeField('p:object', Object) 'a single PREMIS :class:`object`' events = xmlmap.NodeListField('p:event', Event) 'list of PREMIS events, as instances of :class:`Event`' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # version is required for schema-validity; don't override a # user-supplied version, but otherwise default to 2.1 if 'version' not in kwargs: kwargs['version'] = '2.1' super(Premis, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Note: Django 1.4 support was dropped in #107 """ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Transaction from .models import Customer class CustomerHasCardListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = "card presence" parameter_name = "has_card" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return [ ["yes", "Has Card"], ["no", "Does Not Have a Card"] ] def queryset(self, request, queryset): if self.value() == "yes": return queryset.exclude(card_fingerprint="") if self.value() == "no": return queryset.filter(card_fingerprint="") class InvoiceCustomerHasCardListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): title = "card presence" parameter_name = "has_card" def lookups(self, request, model_admin): return [ ["yes", "Has Card"], ["no", "Does Not Have a Card"] ] def queryset(self, request, queryset): if self.value() == "yes": return queryset.exclude(customer__card_fingerprint="") if self.value() == "no": return queryset.filter(customer__card_fingerprint="") # # class CustomerSubscriptionStatusListFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter): # title = "subscription status" # parameter_name = "sub_status" # # def lookups(self, request, model_admin): # statuses = [ # [x, x.replace("_", " ").title()] # for x in CurrentSubscription.objects.all().values_list( # "status", # flat=True # ).distinct() # ] # statuses.append(["none", "No Subscription"]) # return statuses # # def queryset(self, request, queryset): # if self.value() is None: # return queryset.all() # else: # return queryset.filter(current_subscription__status=self.value()) # # # def send_charge_receipt(modeladmin, request, queryset): # """ # Function for sending receipts from the admin if a receipt is not sent for # a specific charge. # """ # for charge in queryset: # charge.send_receipt() # # # # Charge, # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "braintree_id", # "customer", # "amount", # "description", # "paid", # "disputed", # "refunded", # "fee", # "receipt_sent", # "created" # ], # search_fields=[ # "braintree_id", # "customer__braintree_id", # "card_last_4", # "invoice__braintree_id" # ], # list_filter=[ # "paid", # "disputed", # "refunded", # "card_kind", # "created" # ], # raw_id_fields=[ # "customer", # "invoice" # ], # actions=(send_charge_receipt,), # ) # # # EventProcessingException, # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "message", # "event", # "created" # ], # search_fields=[ # "message", # "traceback", # "data" # ], # ) # # # Event, # raw_id_fields=["customer"], # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "braintree_id", # "kind", # "livemode", # "valid", # "processed", # "created" # ], # list_filter=[ # "kind", # "created", # "valid", # "processed" # ], # search_fields=[ # "braintree_id", # "customer__braintree_id", # "validated_message" # ], # ) # # # class CurrentSubscriptionInline(admin.TabularInline): # model = CurrentSubscription # # # def subscription_status(obj): # return obj.current_subscription.status # subscription_status.short_description = "Subscription Status" # # # # Customer, # raw_id_fields=["subscriber"], # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "braintree_id", # "subscriber", # "card_kind", # "card_last_4", # subscription_status, # "created" # ], # list_filter=[ # "card_kind", # CustomerHasCardListFilter, # CustomerSubscriptionStatusListFilter # ], # search_fields=[ # "braintree_id" # ], # inlines=[CurrentSubscriptionInline] # ) # # # class InvoiceItemInline(admin.TabularInline): # model = InvoiceItem # # # def customer_has_card(obj): # """ Returns True if the customer has a card attached to its account.""" # return obj.customer.card_fingerprint != "" # customer_has_card.short_description = "Customer Has Card" # # # def customer_email(obj): # """ Returns a string representation of the customer's email.""" # return str( # customer_email.short_description = "Customer" # # # # Invoice, # raw_id_fields=["customer"], # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "braintree_id", # "paid", # "closed", # customer_email, # customer_has_card, # "period_start", # "period_end", # "subtotal", # "total", # "created" # ], # search_fields=[ # "braintree_id", # "customer__braintree_id" # ], # list_filter=[ # InvoiceCustomerHasCardListFilter, # "paid", # "closed", # "attempted", # "attempts", # "created", # "date", # "period_end", # "total" # ], # inlines=[InvoiceItemInline] # ) # # # # Transfer, # raw_id_fields=["event"], # readonly_fields=('created',), # list_display=[ # "braintree_id", # "amount", # "status", # "date", # "description", # "created" # ], # search_fields=[ # "braintree_id", # "event__braintree_id" # ] # ) # # # class PlanAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): # # def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change): # """Update or create objects using our custom methods that # sync with Braintree.""" # # if change: # obj.update_name() # # else: # Plan.get_or_create(**form.cleaned_data) # # def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None): # readonly_fields = list(self.readonly_fields) # if obj: # readonly_fields.extend([ # 'braintree_id', # 'amount', # 'currency', # 'interval', # 'interval_count', # 'trial_period_days']) # # return readonly_fields # #, PlanAdmin)
#!/usr/bin/env python # A compiler from UltraFractal or Fractint formula files to C code # The UltraFractal manual is the best current description of the file # format. You can download it from # The implementation is based on the outline in "Modern Compiler # Implementation in ML: basic techniques" (Appel 1997, Cambridge) # Overall structure: # and are the lexer and parser, respectively. # They use the PLY package to do lexing and SLR parsing, and produce as # output an abstract syntax tree (defined in the Absyn module). # The Translate module type-checks the code, maintains the symbol # table ( and converts it into an intermediate form ( # Canon performs several simplifying passes on the IR to make it easier # to deal with, then codegen converts it into a linear sequence of # simple C instructions # Finally we invoke the C compiler to convert to a native code shared library import getopt import sys import commands import os.path import stat import random import hashlib import re import copy import fractconfig import fractparser import fractlexer import translate import codegen import fracttypes import absyn import preprocessor import cache import gradient class FormulaTypes: FRACTAL = 0 COLORFUNC = 1 TRANSFORM = 2 GRADIENT = 3 NTYPES = 4 GRAD_UGR=0 GRAD_MAP=1 GRAD_GGR=2 GRAD_CS=3 matches = [ re.compile(r'(\.frm\Z)|(\.ufm\Z)', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'(\.cfrm\Z)|(\.ucl\Z)', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'\.uxf\Z', re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'(\.ugr\Z)|(\.map\Z)|(\.ggr\Z)|(\.cs\Z)|(\.pal\Z)', re.IGNORECASE) ] # indexed by FormulaTypes above extensions = [ "frm", "cfrm", "uxf", "ggr", "pal"] @staticmethod def extension_from_type(t): return FormulaTypes.extensions[t] @staticmethod def guess_type_from_filename(filename): if FormulaTypes.matches[FormulaTypes.FRACTAL].search(filename): return translate.T elif FormulaTypes.matches[FormulaTypes.COLORFUNC].search(filename): return translate.ColorFunc elif FormulaTypes.matches[FormulaTypes.TRANSFORM].search(filename): return translate.Transform elif FormulaTypes.matches[FormulaTypes.GRADIENT].search(filename): return translate.GradientFunc @staticmethod def guess_formula_type_from_filename(filename): for i in xrange(FormulaTypes.NTYPES): if FormulaTypes.matches[i].search(filename): return i raise ValueError("Unknown file type for '%s'" % filename) @staticmethod def guess_gradient_subtype_from_filename(filename): filename = filename.lower() if filename.endswith(".ugr"): return FormulaTypes.GRAD_UGR if filename.endswith(".map") or filename.endswith(".pal"): return FormulaTypes.GRAD_MAP if filename.endswith(".ggr"): return FormulaTypes.GRAD_GGR if filename.endswith(".cs"): return FormulaTypes.GRAD_CS raise ValueError("Unknown gradient type for '%s'" % filename) @staticmethod def isFormula(filename): for matcher in FormulaTypes.matches: if return True return False class FormulaFile: def __init__(self, formulas, contents,mtime,filename): self.formulas = formulas self.contents = contents self.mtime = mtime self.filename = filename self.file_backed = True def out_of_date(self): return self.file_backed and \ os.stat(self.filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] > self.mtime def get_formula(self,formula): return self.formulas.get(formula) def get_formula_names(self, skip_type=None): '''return all the coloring funcs except those marked as only suitable for the OTHER kind (inside vs outside)''' names = [] for name in self.formulas.keys(): sym = self.formulas[name].symmetry if sym == None or sym == "BOTH" or sym != skip_type: names.append(name) return names class Compiler: def __init__(self): self.parser = fractparser.parser self.lexer = fractlexer.lexer self.c_code = "" self.path_lists = [ [], [], [], [] ] self.cache = cache.T() self.cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.gnofract4d-cache/") self.init_cache() if 'win' != sys.platform[:3]: self.compiler_name = "gcc" self.flags = "-fPIC -DPIC -g -O3 -shared" self.output_flag = "-o " self.libs = "-lm" else: self.compiler_name = "cl" self.flags = "/EHsc /Gd /nologo /W3 /LD /MT /TP /DWIN32 /DWINDOWS /D_USE_MATH_DEFINES" self.output_flag = "/Fe" self.libs = "/link /LIBPATH:\"%s/fract4d\" fract4d_stdlib.lib" % sys.path[0] # /DELAYLOAD:fract4d_stdlib.pyd DelayImp.lib self.tree_cache = {} self.leave_dirty = False self.next_inline_number = 0 def _get_files(self): return self.cache.files files = property(_get_files) def update_from_prefs(self,prefs): self.compiler_name = prefs.get("compiler","name") self.flags = prefs.get("compiler","options") self.set_func_path_list(prefs.get_list("formula_path")) self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.GRADIENT] = copy.copy( prefs.get_list("map_path")) def set_flags(self,flags): self.flags = flags def add_path(self,path,type): self.path_lists[type].append(path) def add_func_path(self,path): self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.FRACTAL].append(path) self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.COLORFUNC].append(path) self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.TRANSFORM].append(path) def set_func_path_list(self,list): self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.FRACTAL] = copy.copy(list) self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.COLORFUNC] = copy.copy(list) self.path_lists[FormulaTypes.TRANSFORM] = copy.copy(list) def init_cache(self): self.cache.init() def find_files(self,type): files = {} for dir in self.path_lists[type]: if not os.path.isdir(dir): continue for file in os.listdir(dir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir,file)): files[file] = 1 return files.keys() def find_files_of_type(self,type): matcher = FormulaTypes.matches[type] return [file for file in self.find_files(type) if] def find_formula_files(self): return self.find_files_of_type(FormulaTypes.FRACTAL) def find_colorfunc_files(self): return self.find_files_of_type(FormulaTypes.COLORFUNC) def find_transform_files(self): return self.find_files_of_type(FormulaTypes.TRANSFORM) def get_text(self,fname): file = self.files.get(fname) if not file: self.load_formula_file(fname) return self.files[fname].contents def nextInlineFile(self,type): self.next_inline_number += 1 ext = FormulaTypes.extension_from_type(type) return "__inline__%d.%s" % (self.next_inline_number, ext) def add_inline_formula(self,formbody, formtype): # formbody contains a string containing the contents of a formula formulas = self.parse_file(formbody) fname = self.nextInlineFile(formtype) ff = FormulaFile(formulas,formbody,0,fname) ff.file_backed = False self.files[fname] = ff names = ff.get_formula_names() if len(names) == 0: formName = "error" else: formName = names[0] return (fname, formName) def last_chance(self,filename): '''does nothing here, but can be overridden by GUI to prompt user.''' raise IOError("Can't find formula file %s in formula search path" % \ filename) def compile_one(self,formula): self.compile(formula) t = translate.T(absyn.Formula("",[],-1)) cg = self.compile(t) t.merge(formula,"") outputfile = os.path.abspath(self.generate_code(t, cg)) return outputfile def compile_all(self,formula,cf0,cf1,transforms,options={}): self.compile(formula,options) self.compile(cf0,options) self.compile(cf1,options) for transform in transforms: self.compile(transform,options) # create temp empty formula and merge everything into that t = translate.T(absyn.Formula("",[],-1)) cg = self.compile(t,options) t.merge(formula,"") t.merge(cf0,"cf0_") t.merge(cf1,"cf1_") for transform in transforms: t.merge(transform,"t_") outputfile = os.path.abspath(self.generate_code(t, cg)) return outputfile def find_file(self,filename,type): if os.path.exists(filename): dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if self.path_lists[type].count(dir) == 0: # add directory to search path self.path_lists[type].append(dir) return filename filename = os.path.basename(filename) for path in self.path_lists[type]: f = os.path.join(path,filename) if os.path.exists(f): return f return self.last_chance(filename) def add_endlines(self,result,final_line): "Add info on which is the final source line of each formula" if None == result: return l = len(result.children) for i in xrange(l): if i == l - 1: result.children[i].last_line = final_line else: result.children[i].last_line = result.children[i+1].pos-1 def parse_file(self,s): self.lexer.lineno = 1 result = None try: pp = preprocessor.T(s) result = self.parser.parse(pp.out()) except preprocessor.Error, err: # create an Error formula listing the problem result = self.parser.parse('error {\n}\n') result.children[0].children[0] = \ absyn.PreprocessorError(str(err), -1) #print result.pretty() self.add_endlines(result,self.lexer.lineno) formulas = {} for formula in result.children: formulas[formula.leaf] = formula return formulas def load_formula_file(self, filename): try: type = FormulaTypes.guess_formula_type_from_filename(filename) filename = self.find_file(filename,type) s = open(filename,"r").read() # read in a whole file basefile = os.path.basename(filename) mtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] if type == FormulaTypes.GRADIENT: # don't try and parse gradient files apart from UGRs subtype = FormulaTypes.guess_gradient_subtype_from_filename(filename) if subtype == FormulaTypes.GRAD_UGR: formulas = self.parse_file(s) else: formulas = {} else: formulas = self.parse_file(s) ff = FormulaFile(formulas,s,mtime,filename) self.files[basefile] = ff return ff except Exception, err: #print "Error parsing '%s' : %s" % (filename, err) raise def out_of_date(self,filename): basefile = os.path.basename(filename) ff = self.files.get(basefile) if not ff: self.load_formula_file(filename) ff = self.files.get(basefile) return ff.out_of_date() def get_file(self,filename): basefile = os.path.basename(filename) ff = self.files.get(basefile) if not ff: self.load_formula_file(filename) ff = self.files.get(basefile) elif ff.out_of_date(): self.load_formula_file(filename) ff = self.files.get(basefile) return ff def get_formula_text(self,filename,formname): ff = self.get_file(filename) form = ff.get_formula(formname) start_line = form.pos-1 last_line = form.last_line lines = ff.contents.splitlines() return "\n".join(lines[start_line:last_line]) def is_inline(self,filename, formname): return not self.files[filename].file_backed def compile(self,ir,options={}): cg = codegen.T(ir.symbols,options) cg.output_all(ir) return cg def hashcode(self,c_code): hash = hashlib.md5() hash.update(c_code) hash.update(self.compiler_name) hash.update(self.flags) hash.update(self.libs) return hash.hexdigest() def generate_code(self,ir, cg, outputfile=None,cfile=None): cg.output_decls(ir) self.c_code = cg.output_c(ir) hash = self.hashcode(self.c_code) if outputfile == None: outputfile = self.cache.makefilename(hash,".so") if os.path.exists(outputfile): # skip compilation - we already have this code return outputfile if cfile == None: cfile = self.cache.makefilename(hash,".c") if 'win' in sys.platform: objfile = self.cache.makefilename(hash, ".obj") open(cfile,"w").write(self.c_code) # -march=i686 for 10% speed gain cmd = "%s \"%s\" %s %s\"%s\"" % \ (self.compiler_name, cfile, self.flags, self.output_flag, outputfile) if 'win' == sys.platform[:3]: cmd += " /Fo\"%s\"" % objfile cmd += " %s" % self.libs #print "cmd: %s" % cmd (status,output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: raise fracttypes.TranslationError( "Error reported by C compiler:%s" % output) return outputfile def get_parsetree(self,filename,formname): ff = self.get_file(filename) if ff == None : return None return ff.get_formula(formname) def guess_type_from_filename(self,filename): return FormulaTypes.guess_type_from_filename(filename) def get_formula(self, filename, formname,prefix=""): type = self.guess_type_from_filename(filename) f = self.get_parsetree(filename,formname) if f != None: f = type(f,prefix) return f def get_gradient(self, filename, formname): g = gradient.Gradient() if formname == None: g.load(open(self.find_file(filename, 3))) # FIXME else: compiled_gradient = self.get_formula(filename,formname) g.load_ugr(compiled_gradient) return g def get_random_gradient(self): return self.get_random_formula(3) # FIXME def get_random_formula(self,type): files = self.find_files_of_type(type) file = random.choice(files) if gradient.FileType.guess(file) == gradient.FileType.UGR: ff = self.get_file(file) formulas = ff.formulas.keys() formula = random.choice(formulas) else: formula = None return (file,formula) def clear_cache(self): self.cache.clear() def __del__(self): if not self.leave_dirty: self.clear_cache() instance = Compiler() instance.update_from_prefs(fractconfig.instance) def usage(): print "FC : a compiler from Fractint .frm files to C code" print " -o [outfile] -f [formula] infile" sys.exit(1) def generate(fc,formulafile, formula, outputfile, cfile): # find the function we want ir = fc.get_formula(formulafile,formula) if ir == None: raise Exception("Can't find formula %s in %s" % \ (formula, formulafile)) if ir.errors != []: print "Errors during translation" for e in ir.errors: print e raise Exception("Errors during translation") cg = fc.compile(ir) fc.generate_code(ir, cg, outputfile,cfile) def main(args): fc = Compiler() fc.leave_dirty = True for arg in args: ff = fc.load_formula_file(arg) for name in ff.get_formula_names(): print name form = fc.get_formula(arg,name) cg = fc.compile(form) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mock from django import http from django.conf import settings from django.http import Http404 from django.utils import timezone from model_bakery import baker from devilry.apps.core import models as core_models from devilry.devilry_account import models as account_models from devilry.devilry_account.models import PeriodPermissionGroup from devilry.devilry_group import devilry_group_baker_factories as group_baker from devilry.devilry_group import models as group_models from devilry.devilry_group.cradmin_instances import crinstance_admin from devilry.devilry_group.tests.test_feedbackfeed.mixins import mixin_feedbackfeed_common class MixinTestFeedbackfeedAdmin(mixin_feedbackfeed_common.MixinTestFeedbackFeed): """ Mixin testclass for admin feedbackfeed tests. Add tests for functionality and ui that all admin views share. """ viewclass = None def __mock_cradmin_instance(self): mockinstance = mock.MagicMock() mockinstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'admin' return mockinstance def test_get(self): candidate = baker.make('core.Candidate', relatedstudent=baker.make('core.RelatedStudent')) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=candidate.assignment_group, requestuser=candidate.relatedstudent.user) self.assertEqual('title').alltext_normalized, candidate.assignment_group.assignment.get_path()) def test_move_deadline_button_rendered_if_deadline_expired_and_feedbackset_is_not_graded(self): testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) deadline_datetime = - timezone.timedelta(days=1) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active')) test_feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup, deadline_datetime=deadline_datetime) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(, requestuser=testuser, cradmin_instance=self.__mock_cradmin_instance() ) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-event__grade-move-deadline-button')) def test_move_deadline_button_rendered_if_deadline_expired_and_feedbackset_is_graded(self): testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) deadline_datetime = - timezone.timedelta(days=1) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active')) test_feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_published( group=testgroup, deadline_datetime=deadline_datetime, grading_published_datetime=deadline_datetime) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(, requestuser=testuser, cradmin_instance=self.__mock_cradmin_instance() ) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-event__grade-move-deadline-button')) def test_new_attempt_button_rendered_if_deadline_expired_and_feedbackset_is_graded(self): testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) deadline_datetime = - timezone.timedelta(days=1) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active')) test_feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_published( group=testgroup, deadline_datetime=deadline_datetime, grading_published_datetime=deadline_datetime) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(, requestuser=testuser, cradmin_instance=self.__mock_cradmin_instance() ) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-event__grade-last-new-attempt-button')) def test_new_attempt_button_not_rendered_if_deadline_expired_and_feedbackset_not_graded(self): testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) deadline_datetime = - timezone.timedelta(days=1) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active')) test_feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished( group=testgroup, deadline_datetime=deadline_datetime) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(, requestuser=testuser, cradmin_instance=self.__mock_cradmin_instance() ) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-event__grade-last-new-attempt-button')) def test_assignment_deadline_hard_expired_comment_form_rendered(self): testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) deadline_datetime = - timezone.timedelta(days=1) test_feedbackset = baker.make('devilry_group.FeedbackSet', deadline_datetime=deadline_datetime, group__parentnode__deadline_handling=core_models.Assignment.DEADLINEHANDLING_HARD, group__parentnode__parentnode=baker.make_recipe( 'devilry.apps.core.period_active')) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(, requestuser=testuser, cradmin_instance=self.__mock_cradmin_instance() ) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.cradmin-legacy-form-wrapper')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-feedbackfeed-form-disabled')) def test_get_examiner_discuss_tab_buttons(self): testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup') mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup) self.assertEqual(2, mockresponse.selector.count('.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-discuss-button')) def test_get_feedbackfeed_event_delivery_passed(self): assignment = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.assignment_activeperiod_start', max_points=10, passing_grade_min_points=5) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=assignment) feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_published( group=testgroup, grading_points=7) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-core-grade-passed')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-core-grade-failed')) def test_get_feedbackfeed_event_delivery_failed(self): assignment = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.assignment_activeperiod_start', max_points=10, passing_grade_min_points=5) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=assignment) feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_published( group=testgroup, grading_points=0) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-core-grade-failed')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-core-grade-passed')) def test_get_feedbackfeed_periodadmin(self): period = baker.make('core.Period') testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) baker.make('devilry_account.PermissionGroupUser', user=admin, permissiongroup=baker.make( 'devilry_account.PeriodPermissionGroup', permissiongroup__grouptype=account_models.PermissionGroup.GROUPTYPE_PERIODADMIN, period=period).permissiongroup) comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user_role='admin', user=admin, text='Hello, is it me you\'re looking for?', feedback_set=testfeedbackset, visibility=group_models.GroupComment.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( self.assertEqual( 'periodadmin', PeriodPermissionGroup.objects.get_devilryrole_for_user_on_period( period=period, user=admin)) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-comment-admin')) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_comment_admin(self): admin = baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='periodadmin', fullname='Thor the norse god') period = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active', admins=[admin], parentnode__admins=[baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='subjectadmin')], parentnode__parentnode__admins=[baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='nodeadmin')]) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user_role='admin', user=admin, feedback_set=testfeedbackset, visibility=group_models.GroupComment.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_TO_EVERYONE) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-comment-admin')) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_periodadmin_raise_404_semi_anonymous(self): # Mocks the return value of the crinstance's get_devilry_role_for_requestuser to return the user role. # It's easier to read if we mock the return value rather than creating a # permission group(this crinstance-function with permission groups is tested separately for the instance) testperiod = baker.make('core.Period') testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment', parentnode=testperiod, anonymizationmode=core_models.Assignment.ANONYMIZATIONMODE_SEMI_ANONYMOUS) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, shortname='thor', fullname='Thor Thunder God') mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.cradmin_instance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' with self.assertRaisesMessage(http.Http404, ''): self.mock_getrequest(requestuser=testuser, cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mockrequest.cradmin_instance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_periodadmin_raise_404_fully_anonymous(self): # Mocks the return value of the crinstance's get_devilry_role_for_requestuser to return the user role. # It's easier to read if we mock the return value rather than creating a # permission group(this crinstance-function with permission groups is tested separately for the instance) testperiod = baker.make('core.Period') testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment', parentnode=testperiod, anonymizationmode=core_models.Assignment.ANONYMIZATIONMODE_FULLY_ANONYMOUS) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, shortname='thor', fullname='Thor Thunder God') mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.cradmin_instance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' with self.assertRaisesMessage(http.Http404, ''): self.mock_getrequest(requestuser=testuser, cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mockrequest.cradmin_instance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_subjectadmin_can_see_student_name_semi_anonymous(self): # Mocks the return value of the crinstance's get_devilry_role_for_requestuser to return the user role. # It's easier to read if we mock the return value rather than creating a # permission group(this crinstance-function with permission groups is tested separately for the instance) testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment', anonymizationmode=core_models.Assignment.ANONYMIZATIONMODE_SEMI_ANONYMOUS) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) candidate = baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup, relatedstudent__user__shortname='teststudent') baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=candidate.relatedstudent.user, user_role='student', feedback_set=testfeedbackset) mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.cradmin_instance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'subjectadmin' mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mockrequest.cradmin_instance) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-core-candidate-anonymous-name')) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-user-verbose-inline')) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_subjectadmin_raise_404_fully_anonymous(self): # Mocks the return value of the crinstance's get_devilry_role_for_requestuser to return the user role. # It's easier to read if we mock the return value rather than creating a # permission group(this crinstance-function with permission groups is tested separately for the instance) testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment', anonymizationmode=core_models.Assignment.ANONYMIZATIONMODE_FULLY_ANONYMOUS) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, shortname='thor', fullname='Thor Thunder God') mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.cradmin_instance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'subjectadmin' with self.assertRaisesMessage(http.Http404, ''): self.mock_getrequest(requestuser=testuser, cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mockrequest.cradmin_instance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_periodadmin_no_access(self): # Periodadmin does not have access to view when the user is not periodadmin for that period. period1 = baker.make('core.Period') period2 = baker.make('core.Period') admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) permissiongroup = baker.make('devilry_account.PeriodPermissionGroup', permissiongroup__grouptype=account_models.PermissionGroup.GROUPTYPE_PERIODADMIN, period=period2) baker.make('devilry_account.PermissionGroupUser', user=admin, permissiongroup=permissiongroup.permissiongroup) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period1) mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.user = admin mockrequest.cradmin_role = testgroup crinstance = crinstance_admin.AdminCrInstance(request=mockrequest) with self.assertRaises(Http404): self.mock_getrequest(cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=crinstance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_subjectadmin_no_access(self): # Subjectadmin does not have access to view when the user is not subjectadmin for that perdiod subject1 = baker.make('core.Subject') subject2 = baker.make('core.Subject') admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) permissiongroup = baker.make('devilry_account.SubjectPermissionGroup', permissiongroup__grouptype=account_models.PermissionGroup.GROUPTYPE_SUBJECTADMIN, subject=subject2) baker.make('devilry_account.PermissionGroupUser', user=admin, permissiongroup=permissiongroup.permissiongroup) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode__parentnode=subject1) mockrequest = mock.MagicMock() mockrequest.user = admin mockrequest.cradmin_role = testgroup crinstance = crinstance_admin.AdminCrInstance(request=mockrequest) with self.assertRaises(Http404): self.mock_getrequest(cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=crinstance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_feedbackfeed_download_visible_public_commentfiles_exist(self): testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment') testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) candidate = baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup) group_comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=candidate.relatedstudent.user, feedback_set=testfeedbackset) baker.make('devilry_comment.CommentFile', comment=group_comment) mock_cradmininstance = mock.MagicMock() mock_cradmininstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mock_cradmininstance, requestuser=testuser ) self.assertTrue( 'Download:' in'.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-buttonbar').alltext_normalized) def test_get_feedbackfeed_download_not_visible_private_commentfile_exist(self): testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment') testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) group_comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', feedback_set=testfeedbackset, visibility=group_models.GroupComment.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) baker.make('devilry_comment.CommentFile', comment=group_comment) mock_cradmininstance = mock.MagicMock() mock_cradmininstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mock_cradmininstance, requestuser=testuser ) self.assertFalse( 'Download:' in'.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-buttonbar').alltext_normalized) def test_get_feedbackfeed_download_not_visible_part_of_grading_not_published(self): testassignment = baker.make('core.Assignment') testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode=testassignment) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) testuser = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL) examiner = baker.make('core.Examiner', assignmentgroup=testgroup) group_comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', feedback_set=testfeedbackset, user=examiner.relatedexaminer.user, user_role='examiner', part_of_grading=True) baker.make('devilry_comment.CommentFile', comment=group_comment) mock_cradmininstance = mock.MagicMock() mock_cradmininstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls( cradmin_role=testgroup, cradmin_instance=mock_cradmininstance, requestuser=testuser ) self.assertFalse( 'Download:' in'.devilry-group-feedbackfeed-buttonbar').alltext_normalized) def test_get_no_edit_link_for_other_users_comments(self): admin = baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='periodadmin', fullname='Thor') period = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active', admins=[admin]) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user_role='examiner', feedback_set=feedbackset) baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user_role='student', feedback_set=feedbackset) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, requestuser=admin) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__admin')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__student')) self.assertFalse(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__examiner')) def test_get_edit_link(self): admin = baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='periodadmin', fullname='Thor') period = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active', admins=[admin]) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=admin, user_role='admin', feedback_set=feedbackset) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, requestuser=admin) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__admin')) self.assertTrue('Edit','.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__admin').alltext_normalized) def test_get_edit_link_url(self): admin = baker.make('devilry_account.User', shortname='periodadmin', fullname='Thor') period = baker.make_recipe('devilry.apps.core.period_active', admins=[admin]) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) feedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) groupcomment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=admin, user_role='admin', feedback_set=feedbackset) mockresponse = self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, requestuser=admin) self.assertTrue(mockresponse.selector.exists('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__admin')) self.assertEqual('.devilry-group-comment-edit-link__admin').get('href'), '/devilry_group/admin/{}/feedbackfeed/groupcomment-edit/{}'.format(, def test_get_num_queries(self): period = baker.make('core.Period') admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, shortname='thor', fullname='Thor Thunder God') baker.make('devilry_account.PermissionGroupUser', user=admin, permissiongroup=baker.make( 'devilry_account.PeriodPermissionGroup', permissiongroup__grouptype=account_models.PermissionGroup.GROUPTYPE_PERIODADMIN, period=period).permissiongroup) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup, _quantity=50) examiner = baker.make('core.Examiner', assignmentgroup=testgroup) baker.make('core.Examiner', assignmentgroup=testgroup, _quantity=50) candidate = baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup) baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=candidate.relatedstudent.user, user_role='student', feedback_set=testfeedbackset, _quantity=20) baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=examiner.relatedexaminer.user, user_role='examiner', feedback_set=testfeedbackset, _quantity=20) mock_cradmininstance = mock.MagicMock() mock_cradmininstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' with self.assertNumQueries(18): self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, requestuser=admin, cradmin_instance=mock_cradmininstance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count()) def test_get_num_queries_with_commentfiles(self): """ NOTE: (works as it should) Checking that no more queries are executed even though the :func:`devilry.devilry_group.feedbackfeed_builder.FeedbackFeedTimelineBuilder.__get_feedbackset_queryset` duplicates comment_file query. """ period = baker.make('core.Period') admin = baker.make(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, shortname='thor', fullname='Thor Thunder God') baker.make('devilry_account.PermissionGroupUser', user=admin, permissiongroup=baker.make( 'devilry_account.PeriodPermissionGroup', permissiongroup__grouptype=account_models.PermissionGroup.GROUPTYPE_PERIODADMIN, period=period).permissiongroup) testgroup = baker.make('core.AssignmentGroup', parentnode__parentnode=period) testfeedbackset = group_baker.feedbackset_first_attempt_unpublished(group=testgroup) baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup, _quantity=50) examiner = baker.make('core.Examiner', assignmentgroup=testgroup) baker.make('core.Examiner', assignmentgroup=testgroup, _quantity=50) candidate = baker.make('core.Candidate', assignment_group=testgroup) comment = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=candidate.relatedstudent.user, user_role='student', feedback_set=testfeedbackset) comment2 = baker.make('devilry_group.GroupComment', user=examiner.relatedexaminer.user, user_role='examiner', feedback_set=testfeedbackset) baker.make('devilry_comment.CommentFile', filename='', comment=comment, _quantity=20) baker.make('devilry_comment.CommentFile', filename='', comment=comment2, _quantity=20) mock_cradmininstance = mock.MagicMock() mock_cradmininstance.get_devilryrole_for_requestuser.return_value = 'periodadmin' with self.assertNumQueries(18): self.mock_http200_getrequest_htmls(cradmin_role=testgroup, requestuser=admin, cradmin_instance=mock_cradmininstance) self.assertEqual(1, group_models.FeedbackSet.objects.count())
######## # Copyright (c) 2013 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. import uuid from testenv import TestCase from testenv.utils import get_resource as resource from testenv.utils import deploy_application as deploy class RetriveResourceRenderingTest(TestCase): dsl_path = resource('dsl/test-retrieve-resource-template.yaml') template_path = 'jinja_rendering/for_template_rendering_tests.conf' rendered_template_path = \ resource('dsl/jinja_rendering/rendered_template.conf') def _get_expected_template(self): with open(self.rendered_template_path, 'r') as f: return def _retrieve_resource_test(self, mode): blueprint_id = 'blueprint-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) deployment, _ = deploy( self.dsl_path, blueprint_id=blueprint_id, timeout_seconds=15, inputs={ 'rendering_tests_demo_conf': self.template_path, 'mode': mode } ) rendered_resource = \ self.get_plugin_data('testmockoperations',['rendered_resource'] expected = self._get_expected_template() return expected, rendered_resource def test_get_resource_template(self): expected, rendered_resource = self._retrieve_resource_test('get') self.assertEqual(expected, rendered_resource) def test_download_resource_template(self): expected, rendered_resource_path = \ self._retrieve_resource_test('download') with open(rendered_resource_path, 'r') as f: rendered_resource = self.assertEqual(expected, rendered_resource)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os from pifpaf import drivers class ZooKeeperDriver(drivers.Driver): DEFAULT_PORT = 2181 PATH = ["/usr/share/zookeeper/bin", "/usr/local/opt/zookeeper/libexec/bin"] def __init__(self, port=DEFAULT_PORT, **kwargs): """Create a new ZooKeeper server.""" super(ZooKeeperDriver, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.port = port @classmethod def get_options(cls): return [ {"param_decls": ["--port"], "type": int, "default": cls.DEFAULT_PORT, "help": "port to use for ZooKeeper"}, ] def _setUp(self): super(ZooKeeperDriver, self)._setUp() cfgfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "zoo.cfg") with open(cfgfile, "w") as f: f.write("""dataDir=%s clientPort=%s""" % (self.tempdir, self.port)) logdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "log") os.mkdir(logdir) self.putenv("ZOOCFGDIR", self.tempdir, True) self.putenv("ZOOCFG", cfgfile, True) self.putenv("ZOO_LOG_DIR", logdir, True) c, _ = self._exec( ["", "start", cfgfile], wait_for_line="STARTED", path=self.PATH) self.addCleanup(self._exec, ["", "stop", cfgfile], path=self.PATH) self.putenv("ZOOKEEPER_PORT", str(self.port)) self.putenv("URL", "zookeeper://localhost:%d" % self.port)
# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # Contribution 2009 by Brad Crittenden <brad [AT]> # Copyright (C) 2008 Benny Malengier # Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Written by B.Malengier #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import sys #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging log = logging.getLogger(".ExportAssistant") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from gramps.gen.const import ICON, SPLASH, GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale _ = glocale.translation.gettext from gramps.gen.config import config from ...pluginmanager import GuiPluginManager from gramps.gen.utils.file import (find_folder, get_new_filename) from ...managedwindow import ManagedWindow from ...dialog import ErrorDialog from ...user import User #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ExportAssistant # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ExportAssistant_pages = { 'intro' : 0, 'exporttypes' : 1, 'options' : 2, 'fileselect' : 3, 'confirm' : 4, 'summary' : 5, } class ExportAssistant(ManagedWindow, Gtk.Assistant): """ This class creates a GTK assistant to guide the user through the various Save as/Export options. The overall goal is to keep things simple by presenting few choice options on each assistant page. The export formats and options are obtained from the plugins. """ #override predefined do_xxx signal handlers __gsignals__ = {"apply": "override", "cancel": "override", "close": "override", "prepare": "override"} def __init__(self,dbstate,uistate): """ Set up the assistant, and build all the possible assistant pages. Some page elements are left empty, since their contents depends on the user choices and on the success of the attempted save. """ self.dbstate = dbstate self.uistate = uistate self.writestarted = False self.confirm = None # set export mode and busy mode to avoid all other operations self.uistate.set_export_mode(True) #set up Assistant Gtk.Assistant.__init__(self) #set up ManagedWindow self.top_title = _("Export Assistant") ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], self.__class__, modal=True) #set_window is present in both parent classes self.set_window(self, None, self.top_title, isWindow=True) self.setup_configs('interface.exportassistant', 760, 500) #set up callback method for the export plugins self.callback = self.pulse_progressbar person_handle = self.uistate.get_active('Person') if person_handle: self.person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle) if not self.person: self.person = self.dbstate.db.find_initial_person() else: self.person = None pmgr = GuiPluginManager.get_instance() self.__exporters = pmgr.get_export_plugins() self.map_exporters = {} self.__previous_page = -1 #create the assistant pages self.create_page_intro() self.create_page_exporttypes() self.create_page_options() self.create_page_fileselect() self.create_page_confirm() #no progress page, looks ugly, and user needs to hit forward at end! self.create_page_summary() self.option_box_instance = None #we need our own forward function as options page must not always be shown self.set_forward_page_func(self.forward_func, None) #ManagedWindow show method def build_menu_names(self, obj): """Override ManagedWindow method.""" return (self.top_title, self.top_title) def create_page_intro(self): """Create the introduction page.""" label = Gtk.Label(label=self.get_intro_text()) label.set_line_wrap(True) label.set_use_markup(True) label.set_max_width_chars(60) image = Gtk.Image() image.set_from_file(SPLASH) box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) box.pack_start(image, False, False, 5) box.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) page = box page.show_all() self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Saving your data')) self.set_page_complete(page, True) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.INTRO) def create_page_exporttypes(self): """Create the export type page. A Title label. A grid of format radio buttons and their descriptions. """ self.format_buttons = [] box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) box.set_border_width(12) box.set_spacing(12) grid = Gtk.Grid() grid.set_row_spacing(6) grid.set_column_spacing(6) button = None recent_type = config.get('behavior.recent-export-type') exporters = [(x.get_name().replace("_", ""), x) for x in self.__exporters] exporters.sort() ix = 0 for sort_title, exporter in exporters: title = exporter.get_name() description= exporter.get_description() self.map_exporters[ix] = exporter button = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_mnemonic_from_widget(button, title) button.set_tooltip_text(description) self.format_buttons.append(button) grid.attach(button, 0, 2*ix, 2, 1) if ix == recent_type: button.set_active(True) ix += 1 box.pack_start(grid, False, False, 0) page = box page.show_all() self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Choose the output format')) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONTENT) def create_page_options(self): # as we do not know yet what to show, we create an empty page page = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) page.set_border_width(0) page.set_spacing(12) page.show_all() self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Export options')) self.set_page_complete(page, False) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONTENT) def forward_func(self, pagenumber, data): """This function is called on forward press. Normally, go to next page, however, before options, we decide if options to show """ if pagenumber == _ExportAssistant_pages['exporttypes'] : #decide if options need to be shown: self.option_box_instance = None ix = self.get_selected_format_index() if not self.map_exporters[ix].get_config(): # no options needed return pagenumber + 2 elif pagenumber == _ExportAssistant_pages['options']: # need to check to see if we should show file selection if (self.option_box_instance and hasattr(self.option_box_instance, "no_fileselect")): # don't show fileselect, but mark it ok return pagenumber + 2 return pagenumber + 1 def create_options(self): """This method gets the option page, and fills it with the options.""" option = self.get_selected_format_index() vbox = self.get_nth_page(_ExportAssistant_pages['options']) (config_title, config_box_class) = self.map_exporters[option].get_config() #self.set_page_title(vbox, config_title) # remove present content of the vbox list(map(vbox.remove, vbox.get_children())) # add new content if config_box_class: self.option_box_instance = config_box_class( self.person, self.dbstate, self.uistate, track=self.track, window=self.window) box = self.option_box_instance.get_option_box() vbox.add(box) else: self.option_box_instance = None vbox.show_all() # We silently assume all options lead to accepted behavior self.set_page_complete(vbox, True) def create_page_fileselect(self): self.chooser = Gtk.FileChooserWidget(action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE) self.chooser.set_homogeneous(False) # Fix for bug #8350. #add border self.chooser.set_border_width(12) #global files, ask before overwrite self.chooser.set_local_only(False) self.chooser.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True) #created, folder and name not set self.folder_is_set = False #connect changes in filechooser with check to mark page complete self.chooser.connect("selection-changed", self.check_fileselect) self.chooser.connect("key-release-event", self.check_fileselect) #first selection does not give a selection-changed event, grab the button self.chooser.connect("button-release-event", self.check_fileselect) #Note, we can induce an exotic error, delete filename, # do not release button, click forward. We expect user not to do this # In case he does, recheck on confirmation page! self.chooser.show_all() page = self.chooser self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Select save file')) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONTENT) def check_fileselect(self, filechooser, event=None, show=True): """Given a filechooser, determine if it can be marked complete in the Assistant. Used as normal callback and event callback. For callback, we will have show=True """ filename = filechooser.get_filename() if not filename: self.set_page_complete(filechooser, False) else: folder = filechooser.get_current_folder() if not folder: folder = find_folder(filename) else: folder = find_folder(folder) #the file must be valid, not a folder, and folder must be valid if (filename and os.path.basename(filename.strip()) and folder): #this page of the assistant is complete self.set_page_complete(filechooser, True) else : self.set_page_complete(filechooser, False) def create_page_confirm(self): # Construct confirm page self.confirm = Gtk.Label() self.confirm.set_line_wrap(True) self.confirm.set_use_markup(True) image = Gtk.Image() image.set_from_file(SPLASH) box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) box.set_border_width(12) box.set_spacing(6) box.pack_start(image, False, False, 5) box.pack_start(self.confirm, False, False, 5) self.progressbar = Gtk.ProgressBar() box.pack_start(self.progressbar, False, False, 0) page = box self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Final confirmation')) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONFIRM) self.set_page_complete(page, True) def create_page_summary(self): # Construct summary page # As this is the last page needs to be of page_type # Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONFIRM or Gtk.AssistantPageType.SUMMARY vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) vbox.set_border_width(12) vbox.set_spacing(6) image = Gtk.Image() image.set_from_file(SPLASH) vbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 5) self.labelsum = Gtk.Label() self.labelsum.set_line_wrap(True) self.labelsum.set_use_markup(True) vbox.pack_start(self.labelsum, False, False, 0) page = vbox page.show_all() self.append_page(page) self.set_page_title(page, _('Summary')) self.set_page_complete(page, False) self.set_page_type(page, Gtk.AssistantPageType.SUMMARY) def do_apply(self): pass def do_close(self): self.uistate.set_export_mode(False) if self.writestarted : pass else : self.close() def do_cancel(self): self.do_close() def do_prepare(self, page): """ The "prepare" signal is emitted when a new page is set as the assistant's current page, but before making the new page visible. :param page: the new page to prepare for display. """ #determine if we go backward or forward page_number = self.get_current_page() assert page == self.get_nth_page(page_number) if page_number <= self.__previous_page : back = True else : back = False if back : #when moving backward, show page as it was, #page we come from is set incomplete so as to disallow user jumping # to last page after backward move self.set_page_complete(self.get_nth_page(self.__previous_page), False) elif page_number == _ExportAssistant_pages['options']: self.create_options() self.set_page_complete(page, True) elif page == self.chooser : # next page is the file chooser, reset filename, keep folder where user was folder, name = self.suggest_filename() page.set_action(Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE) if self.folder_is_set: page.set_current_name(name) else : page.set_current_name(name) page.set_current_folder(folder) self.folder_is_set = True # see if page is complete with above self.check_fileselect(page, show=True) elif self.get_page_type(page) == Gtk.AssistantPageType.CONFIRM: # The confirm page with apply button # Present user with what will happen ix = self.get_selected_format_index() format = self.map_exporters[ix].get_name() page_complete = False # If no file select: if (self.option_box_instance and hasattr(self.option_box_instance, "no_fileselect")): # No file selection filename = '' confirm_text = _( 'The data will be exported as follows:\n\n' 'Format:\t%s\n\n' 'Press Apply to proceed, Back to revisit ' 'your options, or Cancel to abort') % (format.replace("_",""), ) page_complete = True else: #Allow for exotic error: file is still not correct self.check_fileselect(self.chooser, show=False) if self.get_page_complete(self.chooser): filename = self.chooser.get_filename() name = os.path.split(filename)[1] folder = os.path.split(filename)[0] confirm_text = _( 'The data will be saved as follows:\n\n' 'Format:\t%(format)s\nName:\t%(name)s\nFolder:\t%(folder)s\n\n' 'Press Apply to proceed, Go Back to revisit ' 'your options, or Cancel to abort') % { 'format': format.replace("_",""), 'name': name, 'folder': folder} page_complete = True else : confirm_text = _( 'The selected file and folder to save to ' 'cannot be created or found.\n\n' 'Press Back to return and select a valid filename.' ) page_complete = False # Set the page_complete status self.set_page_complete(page, page_complete) # If it is ok, then look for alternate confirm_text if (page_complete and self.option_box_instance and hasattr(self.option_box_instance, "confirm_text")): # Override message confirm_text = self.option_box_instance.confirm_text self.confirm.set_label(confirm_text) self.progressbar.hide() elif self.get_page_type(page) == Gtk.AssistantPageType.SUMMARY : # The summary page # Lock page, show progress bar self.pre_save(page) # save success = # Unlock page self.post_save() #update the label and title if success: conclusion_title = _('Your data has been saved') conclusion_text = _( 'The copy of your data has been ' 'successfully saved. You may press Close button ' 'now to continue.\n\n' 'Note: the database currently opened in your Gramps ' 'window is NOT the file you have just saved. ' 'Future editing of the currently opened database will ' 'not alter the copy you have just made. ') #add test, what is dir conclusion_text += '\n\n' + _('Filename: %s') %self.chooser.get_filename() else: conclusion_title = _('Saving failed') conclusion_text = _( 'There was an error while saving your data. ' 'You may try starting the export again.\n\n' 'Note: your currently opened database is safe. ' 'It was only ' 'a copy of your data that failed to save.') self.labelsum.set_label(conclusion_text) self.set_page_title(page, conclusion_title) self.set_page_complete(page, True) else : #whatever other page, if we show it, it is complete to self.set_page_complete(page, True) #remember previous page for next time self.__previous_page = page_number def get_intro_text(self): return _('Under normal circumstances, Gramps does not require you ' 'to directly save your changes. All changes you make are ' 'immediately saved to the database.\n\n' 'This process will help you save a copy of your data ' 'in any of the several formats supported by Gramps. ' 'This can be used to make a copy of your data, backup ' 'your data, or convert it to a format that will allow ' 'you to transfer it to a different program.\n\n' 'If you change your mind during this process, you ' 'can safely press the Cancel button at any time and your ' 'present database will still be intact.') def get_selected_format_index(self): """ Query the format radiobuttons and return the index number of the selected one. """ for ix in range(len(self.format_buttons)): button = self.format_buttons[ix] if button.get_active(): return ix return 0 def suggest_filename(self): """Prepare suggested filename and set it in the file chooser.""" ix = self.get_selected_format_index() ext = self.map_exporters[ix].get_extension() default_dir = config.get('paths.recent-export-dir') if ext == 'gramps': new_filename = os.path.join(default_dir,'data.gramps') elif ext == 'burn': new_filename = os.path.basename(self.dbstate.db.get_save_path()) else: new_filename = get_new_filename(ext,default_dir) return (default_dir, os.path.split(new_filename)[1]) def save(self): """ Perform the actual Save As/Export operation. Depending on the success status, set the text for the final page. """ success = False try: if (self.option_box_instance and hasattr(self.option_box_instance, "no_fileselect")): filename = "" else: filename = self.chooser.get_filename() config.set('paths.recent-export-dir', os.path.split(filename)[0]) ix = self.get_selected_format_index() config.set('behavior.recent-export-type', ix) export_function = self.map_exporters[ix].get_export_function() success = export_function(self.dbstate.db, filename, User(error=ErrorDialog, parent=self.uistate.window, callback=self.callback), self.option_box_instance) except: #an error not catched in the export_function itself success = False log.error(_("Error exporting your Family Tree"), exc_info=True) return success def pre_save(self, page): ''' Since we are in 'prepare', the next page is not yet shown, so modify the 'confirm' page text and show the progress bar ''' self.confirm.set_label( _("Please wait while your data is selected and exported")) self.writestarted = True self.show_all() self.set_busy_cursor(1) def post_save(self): self.set_busy_cursor(0) self.progressbar.hide() self.writestarted = False def set_busy_cursor(self,value): """ Set or unset the busy cursor while saving data. """ BUSY_CURSOR = Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.WATCH) if value: Gtk.Assistant.get_window(self).set_cursor(BUSY_CURSOR) #self.set_sensitive(0) else: Gtk.Assistant.get_window(self).set_cursor(None) #self.set_sensitive(1) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() def pulse_progressbar(self, value, text=None): self.progressbar.set_fraction(min(value/100.0, 1.0)) if text: self.progressbar.set_text("%s: %d%%" % (text, value)) self.confirm.set_label( _("Please wait while your data is selected and exported") + "\n" + text) else: self.progressbar.set_text("%d%%" % value) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration()
from django.utils import timezone from django.conf import settings from . import config from datetime import datetime, timedelta def now(): return timezone.localtime() def get_times(site): time_now = now() start_time_begin = config.get("start_time_begin", site=site) if start_time_begin is not None: start_time_begin = timezone.make_aware( datetime.combine(time_now, start_time_begin)) start_time_end = config.get("start_time_end", site=site) if start_time_end is not None: start_time_end = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( time_now, start_time_end)) end_time = config.get("end_time", site=site) if end_time is not None: end_time = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine(time_now, end_time)) vote_start_time = config.get("vote_start_time", site=site) if vote_start_time is not None: vote_start_time = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( time_now,vote_start_time)) if start_time_begin is not None and start_time_end is not None: # when the end of start time is "before" the start of start time, # the end of start time is tomorrow if start_time_end < start_time_begin: start_time_end += timezone.timedelta(1, 0) if end_time is not None: # when the end time is "before" the end of start_time_end, # the game ends tomorrow if start_time_begin is not None and end_time < start_time_begin: end_time = end_time + timezone.timedelta(1, 0) if vote_start_time is not None: # The vote time must come after the start of starttime. # If it comes before, it must be tomorrow if start_time_begin is not None and vote_start_time < start_time_begin: vote_start_time = vote_start_time + timezone.timedelta(1, 0) # When end time is now before the vote start time, end time needs to # be adjusted to be tomorrow as well if end_time < vote_start_time: end_time = end_time + timezone.timedelta(1, 0) # some sanity checks if start_time_begin and start_time_end and vote_start_time: assert start_time_begin < vote_start_time if end_time and vote_start_time: assert end_time > vote_start_time if start_time_begin and start_time_end and end_time: assert end_time > start_time_end return { 'now': time_now, 'start_time_begin': start_time_begin, 'start_time_end': start_time_end, 'end_time': end_time, 'vote_start_time': vote_start_time, } def get_endtime(site): """ returns the (static) game end time """ return get_times(site)['end_time'] def is_starttime(site): """ returns True, if no start times are set, or the current time lies inside the starttime. """ if not config.get("start_time_begin", site=site) or \ not config.get("start_time_end", site=site): return True else: times = get_times(site) return times['start_time_begin'] \ < now() \ < times['start_time_end'] def is_after_votetime_start(site): """ returns True, if no vote_start_time is set, or the current time is after the start of vote time """ if not config.get("vote_start_time", site=site): return True else: times = get_times(site) return times['vote_start_time'] <= times['now'] def is_after_endtime(site): end_time = config.get("end_time", site=site) if end_time is None or is_starttime(site): return False else: times = get_times(site) return times['end_time'] < times['now']
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Functions for turning the Wikidata dump into Linked Data import codecs import glob import gzip import json import math import os import sys import time import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import settings def process_dump(): # Print some status info print 'Processing ' + settings.dump_filename # Make sure the output folders exist if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') if not os.path.exists('output/' + settings.output_folder): os.mkdir('output/' + settings.output_folder) if not os.path.exists('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl'): os.mkdir('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl') # Delete all old files for f in glob.glob('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl/*.ttl'): os.remove(f) # Initiate variables entity_counter = 0 element_id = '' # Start the clock start_time = time.time() # Load the dump file and create the iterator context = ET.iterparse(settings.dump_filename, events=('start', 'end')) context = iter(context) event, root = # Iterate over the dump file for event, element in context: # Check if we have reached the max number of processed entities if settings.max_processed_entities > 0 and entity_counter == settings.max_processed_entities: break # Get the ID of the current entity if event == 'end' and element.tag == '{}title': if element.text.find('Q') == 0: element_id = element.text elif element.text.find('Property:P') == 0: element_id = element.text.split(':')[1] # Get the data of the current entity if element_id and event == 'end' and element.tag == '{}text': if element.text: triples = get_nt_for_entity(element_id, element.text) batch_id = str(int(math.floor(int(element_id[1:]) / settings.batchsize)) * settings.batchsize).zfill(8) batchfile_ttl_name = 'output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl/' + element_id[0] + '_Batch_' + batch_id + '.ttl' # If ttl file doesn't exist, create it and add the prefixes if not os.path.isfile(batchfile_ttl_name): prefixes = '# Extracted from ' + settings.dump_filename + ' with LWD (' prefixes += """ @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix wd: <> . """.replace(' ', '') with, 'a', 'utf-8') as batchfile_ttl: batchfile_ttl.write(prefixes) # Write the triples to the batchfile with, 'a', 'utf-8') as batchfile_ttl: batchfile_ttl.write(triples) # One more entity entity_counter += 1 # Print some progress if entity_counter % 1000 == 0: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Print some statistics if entity_counter % 10000 == 0: lap_time = time.time() print '\nProcessed ' + str(entity_counter) + ' entities in ' + str(lap_time - start_time) + ' seconds, on average ' + str(entity_counter / (lap_time - start_time)) + ' per second' # Reset the element ID in preparation for the next iteration element_id = '' # Save the memory, save the world root.clear() # Stop the clock and print some final statistics end_time = time.time() print('\nProcessed ' + str(entity_counter) + ' entities in ' + str(end_time - start_time) + ' seconds, on average ' + str(entity_counter / (end_time - start_time)) + ' per second') number_of_files = len(os.listdir('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl')) if number_of_files != 1: plural = 's' else: plural = '' print('Created ' + str(number_of_files) + ' .ttl file' + plural + ' in ./' + 'output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl') def get_nt_for_entity(element_id, element_data): # Turn the data JSON string into an object data = json.loads(element_data) entity_uri = 'wd:' + element_id triples = '' # Get the label in English try: triples = triples + entity_uri + ' rdfs:label ' + '"' + data['label']['en'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"@en .\n' except: # print 'No label for ' + element_id pass # Get the description in English try: triples = triples + entity_uri + ' rdfs:comment ' + '"' + data['description']['en'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"@en .\n' except: # print 'No description for ' + element_id pass # Are there any claims in the current element? if data.get('claims'): # Iterate over all claims for claim in data['claims']: predicate_id = 'P' + str(claim['m'][1]) predicate_uri = 'wd:' + predicate_id if len(claim['m']) > 2: # Is it an object property? if claim['m'][2] == 'wikibase-entityid': object_id = 'Q' + str(claim['m'][3]['numeric-id']) object_uri = 'wd:' + object_id triples = triples + entity_uri + ' ' + predicate_uri + ' ' + object_uri + ' .\n' # Add RDF type if predicate_id == 'P31': triples = triples + entity_uri + ' rdf:type ' + object_uri + ' .\n' # Is it a string value property? if claim['m'][2] == 'string': triples = triples + entity_uri + ' ' + predicate_uri + ' "' + claim['m'][3].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '" .\n' return triples def compress_ttl_files(): # Print some status info print 'Compressing' # Make sure the output folders exist if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') if not os.path.exists('output/' + settings.output_folder): os.mkdir('output/' + settings.output_folder) if not os.path.exists('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz'): os.mkdir('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz') # Delete all old files for f in glob.glob('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz/*.gz'): os.remove(f) # Compress all files for input_file_name in glob.glob('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/ttl/*.ttl'): with open(input_file_name, 'rb') as input_file: with'output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz/' + input_file_name.split('/')[-1] + '.gz', 'wb') as output_file: output_file.writelines(input_file) # Print some progress sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() # Print some final statistics number_of_files = len(os.listdir('output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz')) if number_of_files != 1: plural = 's' else: plural = '' print('\nCreated ' + str(number_of_files) + ' .gz file' + plural + ' in ./' + 'output/' + settings.output_folder + '/gz')
import json import time import openpyxl import requests from indra.config import get_config from .processor import SofiaJsonProcessor, SofiaExcelProcessor def process_table(fname): """Return processor by processing a given sheet of a spreadsheet file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the Excel file (typically .xlsx extension) to process Returns ------- sp : indra.sources.sofia.processor.SofiaProcessor A SofiaProcessor object which has a list of extracted INDRA Statements as its statements attribute. """ book = openpyxl.load_workbook(fname, read_only=True) try: rel_sheet = book['Relations'] except Exception as e: rel_sheet = book['Causal'] event_sheet = book['Events'] entities_sheet = book['Entities'] sp = SofiaExcelProcessor(rel_sheet.rows, event_sheet.rows, entities_sheet.rows) sp.extract_relations(rel_sheet.rows) sp.extract_events(event_sheet.rows, rel_sheet.rows) return sp def process_text(text, out_file='sofia_output.json', auth=None): """Return processor by processing text given as a string. Parameters ---------- text : str A string containing the text to be processed with Sofia. out_file : Optional[str] The path to a file to save the reader's output into. Default: sofia_output.json auth : Optional[list] A username/password pair for the Sofia web service. If not given, the SOFIA_USERNAME and SOFIA_PASSWORD values are loaded from either the INDRA config or the environment. Returns ------- sp : indra.sources.sofia.processor.SofiaProcessor A SofiaProcessor object which has a list of extracted INDRA Statements as its statements attribute. If the API did not process the text, None is returned. """ text_json = {'text': text} if not auth: user, password = _get_sofia_auth() else: user, password = auth if not user or not password: raise ValueError('Could not use SOFIA web service since' ' authentication information is missing. Please' ' set SOFIA_USERNAME and SOFIA_PASSWORD in the' ' INDRA configuration file or as environmental' ' variables.') json_response, status_code, process_status = \ _text_processing(text_json=text_json, user=user, password=password) # Check response status if process_status != 'Done' or status_code != 200: return None # Cache reading output if out_file: with open(out_file, 'w') as fh: json.dump(json_response, fh, indent=1) return process_json(json_response) def process_json(json_obj): """Return processor by processing a JSON object returned by Sofia. Parameters ---------- json_obj : json A JSON object containing extractions from Sofia. Returns ------- sp : indra.sources.sofia.processor.SofiaProcessor A SofiaProcessor object which has a list of extracted INDRA Statements as its statements attribute. """ sp = SofiaJsonProcessor(json_obj) sp.extract_relations(json_obj) sp.extract_events(json_obj) return sp def process_json_file(fname): """Return processor by processing a JSON file produced by Sofia. Parameters ---------- fname : str The name of the JSON file to process Returns ------- indra.sources.sofia.processor.SofiaProcessor A SofiaProcessor object which has a list of extracted INDRA Statements as its statements attribute. """ with open(fname, 'r') as fh: jd = json.load(fh) return process_json(jd) def _get_sofia_auth(): sofia_username = get_config('SOFIA_USERNAME') sofia_password = get_config('SOFIA_PASSWORD') return sofia_username, sofia_password def _sofia_api_post(api, option, json, auth): return + option, json=json, auth=auth) def _text_processing(text_json, user, password): assert len(text_json) > 0 sofia_api = '' auth = (user, password) # Initialize process resp = _sofia_api_post(api=sofia_api, option='/process_text', json=text_json, auth=auth) res_json = resp.json() # Get status status = _sofia_api_post(api=sofia_api, option='/status', json=res_json, auth=auth) # Check status every two seconds while status.json()['Status'] == 'Processing': time.sleep(2.0) status = _sofia_api_post(api=sofia_api, option='/status', json=res_json, auth=auth) results = _sofia_api_post(api=sofia_api, option='/results', json=res_json, auth=auth) status_code = results.status_code process_status = status.json()['Status'] return results.json(), status_code, process_status
""" - implementation of a heap priority queue. """ __author__ = "Caleb Madrigal" __date__ = "2015-02-17" import math from enum import Enum from autoresizelist import AutoResizeList class HeapType(Enum): maxheap = 1 minheap = 2 class Heap: def __init__(self, initial_data=None, heap_type=HeapType.maxheap): self.heap_type = heap_type if heap_type == HeapType.maxheap: self.comparator = lambda x, y: x > y else: self.comparator = lambda x, y: x < y = AutoResizeList() if initial_data is not None: self.build_heap(initial_data) self._size = len( def _left_child(self, index): return 2*index + 1 def _right_child(self, index): return 2*index + 2 def _parent(self, index): return math.floor((index - 1) / 2.0) def _is_root(self, index): return index == 0 def _swap(self, i1, i2):[i1],[i2] =[i2],[i1] def build_heap(self, initial_data): for i in initial_data: self.heap_down(0) def heap_up(self, index): # If we are at the root, return - we are done if self._is_root(index): return # Else, compare the current node with the parent node, and if this node should be higher # then the parent node, then swap and recursively call on the parent index parent_index = self._parent(index) if self.comparator([index],[parent_index]): self._swap(index, parent_index) self.heap_up(parent_index) def heap_down(self, index): left_index = self._left_child(index) right_index = self._right_child(index) try: left =[left_index] except IndexError: left = None try: right =[right_index] except IndexError: right = None # Find the largest child largest_child = left largest_child_index = left_index if left is not None and right is not None: if self.comparator(right, left): largest_child = right largest_child_index = right_index elif right is not None: largest_child = right largest_child_index = right_index # If the largest child is not None and is higher priority than the current, then swap # and recursively call on on the child index if largest_child is not None and self.comparator(largest_child,[index]): self._swap(index, largest_child_index) self.heap_down(largest_child_index) def push(self, item): insert_index = self._size # Insert at the end self._size += 1[insert_index] = item self.heap_up(insert_index) return self def peek(self): return[0] def pop(self): if len( < 1 or[0] is None: return None # Take item from the root item =[0] # Move the bottom-most, right-most item to the root[0] =[self._size-1][self._size-1] = None self._size -= 1 self.heap_down(0) return item def size(self): return self._size def __repr__(self): return str( if __name__ == "__main__": import unittest testsuite = unittest.TestLoader().discover('test', pattern="*heap*") unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(testsuite)
from BaseWorker import * class FlickrWorker(BaseWorker): key = '391fb6763fe0b5011cf52638067e0fed' secret = '369f46a112452186' def __init__(self, parent = None): super(FlickrWorker, self).__init__(parent) def run(self): self.progressSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) if not self.filesModel.count(): return progressStep = 1.0 / self.filesModel.count() flickrInstance = self.stampConfig['flickrInst'] for i in range(self.filesModel.count()): self.status = 'Uploading: %s' % self.filesModel.filesList[i].filePath self.statusSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) imageFilename = self.filesModel.filesList[i].filePath.encode('UTF-8','ignore') imageTitle = self.filesModel.filesList[i].title.encode('UTF-8','ignore') imageDescription = self.filesModel.filesList[i].description.encode('UTF-8','ignore') imageTags = self.filesModel.filesList[i].tags.encode('UTF-8','ignore') # build space delimited tags string tagList = ['"%s"' % tag.strip() for tag in imageTags.split(',')] tagsString = ' '.join(tagList) for r in range(self.retry): try: flickrInstance.upload(filename=imageFilename, title=imageTitle, description=imageDescription, tags=tagsString) break except Exception: if r == self.retry - 1: self.status = 'Failed' self.statusSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) self.doneSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) return self.progress += progressStep self.progressSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) self.status = 'Done' self.result = True self.statusSignal.emit(self.stampConfig) self.doneSignal.emit(self.stampConfig)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation # The main logic behind running autotests in parallel from __future__ import print_function import StringIO import csv from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue import pexpect import re import subprocess import sys import time import glob import os # wait for prompt def wait_prompt(child): try: child.sendline() result = child.expect(["RTE>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF], timeout=120) except: return False if result == 0: return True else: return False # get all valid NUMA nodes def get_numa_nodes(): return [ int( re.match(r"node(\d+)", os.path.basename(node)) .group(1) ) for node in glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node*") ] # find first (or any, really) CPU on a particular node, will be used to spread # processes around NUMA nodes to avoid exhausting memory on particular node def first_cpu_on_node(node_nr): cpu_path = glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/cpu*" % node_nr)[0] cpu_name = os.path.basename(cpu_path) m = re.match(r"cpu(\d+)", cpu_name) return int( pool_child = None # per-process child # we initialize each worker with a queue because we need per-pool unique # command-line arguments, but we cannot do different arguments in an initializer # because the API doesn't allow per-worker initializer arguments. so, instead, # we will initialize with a shared queue, and dequeue command-line arguments # from this queue def pool_init(queue, result_queue): global pool_child cmdline, prefix = queue.get() start_time = time.time() name = ("Start %s" % prefix) if prefix != "" else "Start" # use default prefix if no prefix was specified prefix_cmdline = "--file-prefix=%s" % prefix if prefix != "" else "" # append prefix to cmdline cmdline = "%s %s" % (cmdline, prefix_cmdline) # prepare logging of init startuplog = StringIO.StringIO() # run test app try: print("\n%s %s\n" % ("=" * 20, prefix), file=startuplog) print("\ncmdline=%s" % cmdline, file=startuplog) pool_child = pexpect.spawn(cmdline, logfile=startuplog) # wait for target to boot if not wait_prompt(pool_child): pool_child.close() result = tuple((-1, "Fail [No prompt]", name, time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None)) pool_child = None else: result = tuple((0, "Success", name, time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None)) except: result = tuple((-1, "Fail [Can't run]", name, time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None)) pool_child = None result_queue.put(result) # run a test # each result tuple in results list consists of: # result value (0 or -1) # result string # test name # total test run time (double) # raw test log # test report (if not available, should be None) # # this function needs to be outside AutotestRunner class because otherwise Pool # won't work (or rather it will require quite a bit of effort to make it work). def run_test(target, test): global pool_child if pool_child is None: return -1, "Fail [No test process]", test["Name"], 0, "", None # create log buffer for each test # in multiprocessing environment, the logging would be # interleaved and will create a mess, hence the buffering logfile = StringIO.StringIO() pool_child.logfile = logfile # make a note when the test started start_time = time.time() try: # print test name to log buffer print("\n%s %s\n" % ("-" * 20, test["Name"]), file=logfile) # run test function associated with the test result = test["Func"](pool_child, test["Command"]) # make a note when the test was finished end_time = time.time() log = logfile.getvalue() # append test data to the result tuple result += (test["Name"], end_time - start_time, log) # call report function, if any defined, and supply it with # target and complete log for test run if test["Report"]: report = test["Report"](target, log) # append report to results tuple result += (report,) else: # report is None result += (None,) except: # make a note when the test crashed end_time = time.time() # mark test as failed result = (-1, "Fail [Crash]", test["Name"], end_time - start_time, logfile.getvalue(), None) # return test results return result # class representing an instance of autotests run class AutotestRunner: cmdline = "" parallel_test_groups = [] non_parallel_test_groups = [] logfile = None csvwriter = None target = "" start = None n_tests = 0 fails = 0 log_buffers = [] blacklist = [] whitelist = [] def __init__(self, cmdline, target, blacklist, whitelist, n_processes): self.cmdline = cmdline = target self.blacklist = blacklist self.whitelist = whitelist self.skipped = [] self.parallel_tests = [] self.non_parallel_tests = [] self.n_processes = n_processes self.active_processes = 0 # parse the binary for available test commands binary = cmdline.split()[0] stripped = 'not stripped' not in \ subprocess.check_output(['file', binary]) if not stripped: symbols = subprocess.check_output(['nm', binary]).decode('utf-8') self.avail_cmds = re.findall('test_register_(\w+)', symbols) else: self.avail_cmds = None # log file filename logfile = "%s.log" % target csvfile = "%s.csv" % target self.logfile = open(logfile, "w") csvfile = open(csvfile, "w") self.csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) # prepare results table self.csvwriter.writerow(["test_name", "test_result", "result_str"]) # set up cmdline string def __get_cmdline(self, cpu_nr): cmdline = ("taskset -c %i " % cpu_nr) + self.cmdline return cmdline def __process_result(self, result): # unpack result tuple test_result, result_str, test_name, \ test_time, log, report = result # get total run time cur_time = time.time() total_time = int(cur_time - self.start) # print results, test run time and total time since start result = ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30) result += result_str.ljust(29) result += "[%02dm %02ds]" % (test_time / 60, test_time % 60) # don't print out total time every line, it's the same anyway print(result + "[%02dm %02ds]" % (total_time / 60, total_time % 60)) # if test failed and it wasn't a "start" test if test_result < 0: self.fails += 1 # collect logs self.log_buffers.append(log) # create report if it exists if report: try: f = open("%s_%s_report.rst" % (, test_name), "w") except IOError: print("Report for %s could not be created!" % test_name) else: with f: f.write(report) # write test result to CSV file self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str]) # this function checks individual test and decides if this test should be in # the group by comparing it against whitelist/blacklist. it also checks if # the test is compiled into the binary, and marks it as skipped if necessary def __filter_test(self, test): test_cmd = test["Command"] test_id = test_cmd # dump tests are specified in full e.g. "Dump_mempool" if "_autotest" in test_id: test_id = test_id[:-len("_autotest")] # filter out blacklisted/whitelisted tests if self.blacklist and test_id in self.blacklist: return False if self.whitelist and test_id not in self.whitelist: return False # if test wasn't compiled in, remove it as well if self.avail_cmds and test_cmd not in self.avail_cmds: result = 0, "Skipped [Not compiled]", test_id, 0, "", None self.skipped.append(tuple(result)) return False return True def __run_test_group(self, test_group, worker_cmdlines): group_queue = Queue() init_result_queue = Queue() for proc, cmdline in enumerate(worker_cmdlines): prefix = "test%i" % proc if len(worker_cmdlines) > 1 else "" group_queue.put(tuple((cmdline, prefix))) # create a pool of worker threads # we will initialize child in the initializer, and we don't need to # close the child because when the pool worker gets destroyed, child # closes the process pool = Pool(processes=len(worker_cmdlines), initializer=pool_init, initargs=(group_queue, init_result_queue)) results = [] # process all initialization results for _ in range(len(worker_cmdlines)): self.__process_result(init_result_queue.get()) # run all tests asynchronously for test in test_group: result = pool.apply_async(run_test, (, test)) results.append(result) # tell the pool to stop all processes once done pool.close() # iterate while we have group execution results to get while len(results) > 0: # iterate over a copy to be able to safely delete results # this iterates over a list of group results for async_result in results[:]: # if the thread hasn't finished yet, continue if not async_result.ready(): continue res = async_result.get() self.__process_result(res) # remove result from results list once we're done with it results.remove(async_result) # iterate over test groups and run tests associated with them def run_all_tests(self): # filter groups self.parallel_tests = list( filter(self.__filter_test, self.parallel_tests) ) self.non_parallel_tests = list( filter(self.__filter_test, self.non_parallel_tests) ) parallel_cmdlines = [] # FreeBSD doesn't have NUMA support numa_nodes = get_numa_nodes() if len(numa_nodes) > 0: for proc in range(self.n_processes): # spread cpu affinity between NUMA nodes to have less chance of # running out of memory while running multiple test apps in # parallel. to do that, alternate between NUMA nodes in a round # robin fashion, and pick an arbitrary CPU from that node to # taskset our execution to numa_node = numa_nodes[self.active_processes % len(numa_nodes)] cpu_nr = first_cpu_on_node(numa_node) parallel_cmdlines += [self.__get_cmdline(cpu_nr)] # increase number of active processes so that the next cmdline # gets a different NUMA node self.active_processes += 1 else: parallel_cmdlines = [self.cmdline] * self.n_processes print("Running tests with %d workers" % self.n_processes) # create table header print("") print("Test name".ljust(30) + "Test result".ljust(29) + "Test".center(9) + "Total".center(9)) print("=" * 80) if len(self.skipped): print("Skipped autotests:") # print out any skipped tests for result in self.skipped: # unpack result tuple test_result, result_str, test_name, _, _, _ = result self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str]) t = ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30) t += result_str.ljust(29) t += "[00m 00s]" print(t) # make a note of tests start time self.start = time.time() # whatever happens, try to save as much logs as possible try: if len(self.parallel_tests) > 0: print("Parallel autotests:") self.__run_test_group(self.parallel_tests, parallel_cmdlines) if len(self.non_parallel_tests) > 0: print("Non-parallel autotests:") self.__run_test_group(self.non_parallel_tests, [self.cmdline]) # get total run time cur_time = time.time() total_time = int(cur_time - self.start) # print out summary print("=" * 80) print("Total run time: %02dm %02ds" % (total_time / 60, total_time % 60)) if self.fails != 0: print("Number of failed tests: %s" % str(self.fails)) # write summary to logfile self.logfile.write("Summary\n") self.logfile.write("Target: ".ljust(15) + "%s\n" % self.logfile.write("Tests: ".ljust(15) + "%i\n" % self.n_tests) self.logfile.write("Failed tests: ".ljust( 15) + "%i\n" % self.fails) except: print("Exception occurred") print(sys.exc_info()) self.fails = 1 # drop logs from all executions to a logfile for buf in self.log_buffers: self.logfile.write(buf.replace("\r", "")) return self.fails
import as tools import os from web import app import as es def get(p): # get host and index from the global config h = tools.get_conf(p['host'], p['navigation']['id'], 'host', 'http://localhost:9200') n = tools.get_conf(p['host'], p['navigation']['id'], 'index', '') return { 'name': get_conf(h, n, 'name', ''), 'description': get_conf(h, n, 'description', ''), 'host': h, 'index': n, 'upload_dir': get_conf(h, n, 'upload_dir', os.path.join( app.config.get('BASE_DIR'), 'uploads' ) ), 'allowed_exts': get_conf(h, n, 'allowed_exts',''), 'page_size': get_conf(h, n, 'page_size', '10'), 'query': get_conf(h, n, 'query', '*'), 'sort_field': get_conf(h, n, 'sort_field', '_score'), 'sort_dir': get_conf(h, n, 'sort_dir', 'desc'), 'top': get_conf(h, n, 'top', ''), 'footer': get_conf(h, n, 'footer', ''), 'side': get_conf(h, n, 'side', ''), 'content_header': get_conf(h, n, 'content_header', ''), 'content_footer': get_conf(h, n, 'content_footer', ''), 'intro': get_conf(h, n, 'intro', ''), 'search_query': get_conf(h, n, 'search_query', ''), 'search_item_template': get_conf(h, n, 'search_item_template', ''), 'keep_history': get_conf(h, n, 'keep_history', 'Yes'), } def set(p): # get host, index host = p['c']['host'] if not host: host = tools.get('host') index = p['c']['index'] if not index: index = tools.get('index') # get host and index from the global config tools.set_conf(p['host'], p['navigation']['id'], 'host', host) tools.set_conf(p['host'], p['navigation']['id'], 'index', index) # set local config if p['c']['index']: # save local config only when index is already created set_conf(host, index, 'name', tools.get('name')) set_conf(host, index, 'description', tools.get('description')) set_conf(host, index, 'upload_dir', tools.get('upload_dir')) set_conf(host, index, 'allowed_exts', tools.get('allowed_exts')) set_conf(host, index, 'page_size', tools.get('page_size')) set_conf(host, index, 'query', tools.get('query')) set_conf(host, index, 'sort_field', tools.get('sort_field')) set_conf(host, index, 'sort_dir', tools.get('sort_dir')) set_conf(host, index, 'keep_history', tools.get('keep_history')) def get_conf(host, index, name, default): ret = es.get(host, index, "config", name) return ret.get('value') if ret and ret.get('value') else default def set_conf(host, index, name, value): config = { 'name': name, 'value': value } es.update(host, index, "config", name, config) es.flush(host, index)
import unittest import scipy from SloppyCell.ReactionNetworks import * lorenz = Network('lorenz') lorenz.add_compartment('basic') lorenz.add_species('x', 'basic', 0.5) lorenz.add_species('y', 'basic', 0.5) lorenz.add_species('z', 'basic', 0.5) lorenz.add_parameter('sigma', 1.0) lorenz.add_parameter('r', 2.0) lorenz.add_parameter('b', 2.0) lorenz.add_rate_rule('x', 'sigma*(y-x)') lorenz.add_rate_rule('y', 'r*x - y - x*z') lorenz.add_rate_rule('z', 'x*y - b*z') class test_fixedpoints(unittest.TestCase): def test_basic(self): """ Test basic fixed-point finding """ net = lorenz.copy('test') fp = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[1,1,1], with_logs=False) # This should find the fixed-point [sqrt(2), sqrt(2), 1] self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[0], scipy.sqrt(2), 6, 'Failed on basic 1,0.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[1], scipy.sqrt(2), 6, 'Failed on basic 1,1.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[2], 1, 6, 'Failed on basic 1,2.') fp = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[-0.1,-0.1,-0.1], with_logs=False) # This should find the fixed-point [0, 0, 0] self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[0], 0, 6, 'Failed on basic 2,0.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[1], 0, 6, 'Failed on basic 2,1.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[2], 0, 6, 'Failed on basic 2,2.') def test_withlogs(self): """ Test fixed-point finding with logs """ net = lorenz.copy('test') fp = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[1,1,1], with_logs=True) # This should find the fixed-point [sqrt(2), sqrt(2), 1] self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[0], scipy.sqrt(2), 6, 'Failed on logs 1,0.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[1], scipy.sqrt(2), 6, 'Failed on logs 1,1.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[2], 1, 6, 'Failed on logs 1,2.') fp = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[0.1,0.1,0.1], with_logs=True) # This should find the fixed-point [0, 0, 0] self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[0], 0, 6, 'Failed on logs 2,0.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[1], 0, 6, 'Failed on logs 2,1.') self.assertAlmostEqual(fp[2], 0, 6, 'Failed on logs 2,2.') def test_stability(self): net = lorenz.copy('test') # The sqrt(b*(r-1)), sqrt(b*(r-1)), r-1 fixed point is stable for r < rH # Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (p. 316) fp, stable = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[1,1,1], stability=True) self.assertEqual(stable, -1, 'Failed to classify stable fixed point') # (0,0,0) is a saddle here fp, stable = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[0.01,0.01,0.01], stability=True) self.assertEqual(stable, 0, 'Failed to classify saddle') # (0,0,0) is a stable node here net.set_var_ic('r', 0.5) fp, stable = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[0.1,0.1,0.1], stability=True) self.assertEqual(stable, -1, 'Failed to classify stable fixed point') # Now make the far fixed point a saddle... net.set_var_ic('sigma', 6.0) net.set_var_ic('r', 25) fp, stable = Dynamics.dyn_var_fixed_point(net, dv0=[10,10,10], stability=True) self.assertEqual(stable, 0, 'Failed to classify saddle') suite = unittest.makeSuite(test_fixedpoints) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jul 14 19:34:31 2015 @author: Tennessee """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def altitude(atm_hpa, sea_level_hpa): return 44330 * (1.0 - np.power(atm_hpa / sea_level_hpa, 0.1903)) def plot_alt(): default_msl = 101300.0 pressure = np.linspace(97772.58 / 100.0, 79495.0 / 100.0, 2000) alt_nominal = altitude(pressure, default_msl) - altitude(97772.58 / 100.0, default_msl) alt_too_high = altitude(pressure, default_msl + (1000 / 100.0)) - altitude(97772.58 / 100.0, default_msl + (1000 / 100.0)) alt_too_low = altitude(pressure, default_msl - (1000 / 100.0)) - altitude(97772.58 / 100.0, default_msl - (1000 / 100.0)) f1 = plt.figure() ax = f1.gca() ax.plot(pressure, alt_nominal, "b-", label="nom") ax.plot(pressure, alt_too_high, "r-", label="high") ax.plot(pressure, alt_too_low, "g-", label="low") ax.legend() f2 = plt.figure() ax = f2.gca() ax.plot(pressure, alt_too_high - alt_nominal, "r-", label="high") ax.plot(pressure, alt_too_low - alt_nominal, "g-", label="low") ax.legend()
# coding: utf8 """ flask_weasyprint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flask-WeasyPrint: Make PDF in your Flask app with WeasyPrint. :copyright: (c) 2012 by Simon Sapin. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import weasyprint from flask import request, current_app from werkzeug.test import Client, ClientRedirectError from werkzeug.wrappers import Response try: import urlparse except ImportError: # Python 3 from urllib import parse as urlparse try: unicode except NameError: # Python 3 unicode = str VERSION = '0.5' __all__ = ['VERSION', 'make_flask_url_dispatcher', 'make_url_fetcher', 'HTML', 'CSS', 'render_pdf'] DEFAULT_PORTS = frozenset([('http', 80), ('https', 443)]) def make_flask_url_dispatcher(): """Return an URL dispatcher based on the current :ref:`request context <flask:request-context>`. You generally don’t need to call this directly. The context is used when the dispatcher is first created but not afterwards. It is not required after this function has returned. Dispatch to the context’s app URLs below the context’s root URL. If the app has a ``SERVER_NAME`` :ref:`config <flask:config>`, also accept URLs that have that domain name or a subdomain thereof. """ def parse_netloc(netloc): """Return (hostname, port).""" parsed = urlparse.urlsplit('http://' + netloc) return parsed.hostname, parsed.port app = current_app._get_current_object() root_path = request.script_root server_name = app.config.get('SERVER_NAME') if server_name: hostname, port = parse_netloc(server_name) def accept(url): """Accept any URL scheme; also accept subdomains.""" return url.hostname is not None and ( url.hostname == hostname or url.hostname.endswith('.' + hostname)) else: scheme = request.scheme hostname, port = parse_netloc( if (scheme, port) in DEFAULT_PORTS: port = None def accept(url): """Do not accept subdomains.""" return (url.scheme, url.hostname) == (scheme, hostname) def dispatch(url_string): if isinstance(url_string, bytes): url_string = url_string.decode('utf8') url = urlparse.urlsplit(url_string) url_port = url.port if (url.scheme, url_port) in DEFAULT_PORTS: url_port = None if accept(url) and url_port == port and url.path.startswith(root_path): netloc = url.netloc if url.port and not url_port: netloc = netloc.rsplit(':', 1)[0] # remove default port base_url = '%s://%s%s' % (url.scheme, netloc, root_path) path = url.path[len(root_path):] if url.query: path += '?' + url.query # Ignore url.fragment return app, base_url, path return dispatch def make_url_fetcher(dispatcher=None, next_fetcher=weasyprint.default_url_fetcher): """Return an function suitable as a ``url_fetcher`` in WeasyPrint. You generally don’t need to call this directly. If ``dispatcher`` is not provided, :func:`make_flask_url_dispatcher` is called to get one. This requires a request context. Otherwise, it must be a callable that take an URL and return either ``None`` or a ``(wsgi_callable, base_url, path)`` tuple. For None ``next_fetcher`` is used. (By default, fetch normally over the network.) For a tuple the request is made at the WSGI level. ``wsgi_callable`` must be a Flask application or another WSGI callable. ``base_url`` is the root URL for the application while ``path`` is the path within the application. Typically ``base_url + path`` is equal or equivalent to the passed URL. """ if dispatcher is None: dispatcher = make_flask_url_dispatcher() def flask_url_fetcher(url): redirect_chain = set() while 1: result = dispatcher(url) if result is None: return next_fetcher(url) app, base_url, path = result client = Client(app, response_wrapper=Response) if isinstance(path, unicode): # TODO: double-check this. Apparently Werzeug %-unquotes bytes # but not Unicode URLs. (IRI vs. URI or something.) path = path.encode('utf8') response = client.get(path, base_url=base_url) if response.status_code == 200: return dict(, mime_type=response.mimetype, encoding=response.charset, redirected_url=url) # The test client can follow redirects, but do it ourselves # to get access to the redirected URL. elif response.status_code in (301, 302, 303, 305, 307): redirect_chain.add(url) url = response.location if url in redirect_chain: raise ClientRedirectError('loop detected') else: raise ValueError('Flask-WeasyPrint got HTTP status %s for %s%s' % (response.status, base_url, path)) return flask_url_fetcher def _wrapper(class_, *args, **kwargs): if args: guess = args[0] args = args[1:] else: guess = kwargs.pop('guess', None) if guess is not None and not hasattr(guess, 'read'): # Assume a (possibly relative) URL guess = urlparse.urljoin(request.url, guess) if 'string' in kwargs and 'base_url' not in kwargs: # Strings do not have an "intrinsic" base URL, use the request context. kwargs['base_url'] = request.url kwargs['url_fetcher'] = make_url_fetcher() return class_(guess, *args, **kwargs) def HTML(*args, **kwargs): """Like `weasyprint.HTML() <>`_ but: * :func:`make_url_fetcher` is used to create an ``url_fetcher`` * If ``guess`` is not a file object, it is an URL relative to the current request context. This means that you can just pass a result from :func:`flask.url_for`. * If ``string`` is passed, ``base_url`` defaults to the current request’s URL. This requires a Flask request context. """ return _wrapper(weasyprint.HTML, *args, **kwargs) def CSS(*args, **kwargs): return _wrapper(weasyprint.CSS, *args, **kwargs) CSS.__doc__ = HTML.__doc__.replace('HTML', 'CSS').replace('html', 'css') def render_pdf(html, stylesheets=None, download_filename=None): """Render a PDF to a response with the correct ``Content-Type`` header. :param html: Either a :class:`weasyprint.HTML` object or an URL to be passed to :func:`flask_weasyprint.HTML`. The latter case requires a request context. :param stylesheets: A list of user stylesheets, passed to :meth:`~weasyprint.HTML.write_pdf` :param download_filename: If provided, the ``Content-Disposition`` header is set so that most web browser will show the "Save as…" dialog with the value as the default filename. :returns: a :class:`flask.Response` object. """ if not hasattr(html, 'write_pdf'): html = HTML(html) pdf = html.write_pdf(stylesheets=stylesheets) response = current_app.response_class(pdf, mimetype='application/pdf') if download_filename: response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=download_filename) return response
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2011, Yubico AB # All rights reserved. # # Utility to send a MONITOR_EXIT command to a YubiHSM. # # MONITOR_EXIT only works if the YubiHSM is in debug mode. It would # be a security problem to allow remote reconfiguration of a production # YubiHSM. # # If your YubiHSM is not in debug mode, enter configuration mode by # pressing the small button while inserting the YubiHSM in the USB port. # import sys sys.path.append('Lib'); import pyhsm device = "/dev/ttyACM0" # simplified arguments parsing d_argv = dict.fromkeys(sys.argv) debug = d_argv.has_key('-v') raw = d_argv.has_key('-v') if d_argv.has_key('-h'): sys.stderr.write("Syntax: %s [-v] [-R]\n" % (sys.argv[0])) sys.stderr.write("\nOptions :\n") sys.stderr.write(" -v verbose\n") sys.stderr.write(" -R raw MONITOR_EXIT command\n") sys.exit(0) res = 0 try: s = pyhsm.base.YHSM(device=device, debug = debug) if raw: # No initialization s.write('\x7f\xef\xbe\xad\xba\x10\x41\x52\x45') else: print "Version: %s" % s.monitor_exit() print "Exited monitor-mode (maybe)" if raw: print "s.stick == %s" % s.stick print "s.stick.ser == %s" % s.stick.ser for _ in xrange(3): s.stick.ser.write("\n") line = s.stick.ser.readline() print "%s" % (line) except pyhsm.exception.YHSM_Error, e: print "ERROR: %s" % e res = 1 sys.exit(res)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from qtdjango.helpers import test_connection __author__ = 'darvin' from qtdjango.connection import * __author__ = 'darvin' from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * class BooleanEdit(QCheckBox): def text(self): return QVariant(self.checkState()).toString() def setText(self, text): self.setChecked(QVariant(text).toBool()) class SettingsDialog(QDialog): widgets_table = [ # (name, caption, widget object, default value), ("address", u"Адрес сервера", QLineEdit, ""), ("api_path", u"Путь к api сервера", QLineEdit, "/api/"), ("server_package", u"Название пакета сервера", QLineEdit, "none"), ("login", u"Ваш логин", QLineEdit, ""), ("password", u"Ваш пароль", QLineEdit, ""), ("open_links_in_external_browser", \ u"Открывать ссылки из окна информации во внешнем браузере", BooleanEdit, True), ] def __init__(self, parent=None, error_message=None, models_manager=None): super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(u"Настройки") self.setModal(True) self.formlayout = QFormLayout() self.models_manager = models_manager self.settings = QSettings() self.message_widget = QLabel() self.__widgets = [] for name, caption, widget_class, default in self.widgets_table: self.__widgets.append((name, caption, widget_class(), default)) for name, caption, widget, default in self.__widgets: self.formlayout.addRow(caption, widget) widget.setText(self.settings.value(name, default).toString()) self.formlayout.addRow(self.message_widget) if error_message is not None: self.message(**error_message) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Save\ | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel |QDialogButtonBox.RestoreDefaults) testButton = QPushButton(u"Тестировать соединение") buttonBox.addButton(testButton, QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) testButton.clicked.connect(self.test) buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.RestoreDefaults).clicked.connect(self.restore) self.formlayout.addRow(buttonBox) self.setLayout(self.formlayout) def accept(self): if self.test(): for name, caption, widget, default in self.__widgets: self.settings.setValue(name, widget.text()) self.models_manager.set_connection_params(\ self.get_value("address"), \ self.get_value("api_path"), \ self.get_value("login"),\ self.get_value("password")) QDialog.accept(self) def restore(self): for name, caption, widget, default in self.__widgets: widget.setText(default) def message(self, text, error=False, works=False, fields=[]): self.message_widget.setText(text) if error: color = "red" elif works: color = "green" else: color = "black" css = "QLabel { color : %s; }" % color self.message_widget.setStyleSheet(css) for name, caption, widget, default in self.__widgets: self.formlayout.labelForField(widget).setStyleSheet("") if name in fields: self.formlayout.labelForField(widget).setStyleSheet(css) def get_value(self, name): return unicode(self.settings.value(name).toString()) def test(self): s = {} for name, caption, widget, default in self.__widgets: s[name] = unicode(widget.text()) try: remote_version = test_connection(s["address"],s["api_path"],s["login"],s["password"]) import qtdjango if qtdjango.__version__==remote_version: self.message(text=u"Удаленный сервер настроен правильно!", works=True) return True elif remote_version is not None: self.message(u"Версия системы на удаленном сервере отличается от\ версии системы на клиенте") return True except SocketError: self.message(text=u"Ошибка при подключении к удаленному серверу", error=True, fields=\ ("address",)) except ServerNotFoundError: self.message(text=u"Удаленный сервер недоступен", error=True, fields=\ ("address",)) except NotQtDjangoResponceError: self.message(text=u"Не правильно настроен путь на удаленном сервере или \ удаленный сервер не является сервером системы", error=True, fields=\ ("address","api_path")) except AuthError: self.message(text=u"Неверное имя пользователя или пароль", error=True, fields=\ ("login","password")) return False
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys import os from s3stash.nxstashref import NuxeoStashRef from deepharvest.deepharvest_nuxeo import DeepHarvestNuxeo from deepharvest.mediajson import MediaJson from dplaingestion.mappers.ucldc_nuxeo_mapper import UCLDCNuxeoMapper import json import s3stash.s3tools FILENAME_FORMAT = "{}-media.json" class NuxeoStashMediaJson(NuxeoStashRef): ''' create and stash media.json file for a nuxeo object ''' def __init__(self, path, bucket, region, pynuxrc='~/.pynuxrc', replace=True, **kwargs): super(NuxeoStashMediaJson, self).__init__(path, bucket, region, pynuxrc, replace, **kwargs) self.dh = DeepHarvestNuxeo( self.path, self.bucket, pynuxrc=self.pynuxrc) self.mj = MediaJson() self.filename = FILENAME_FORMAT.format(self.uid) self.filepath = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.filename) self._update_report('filename', self.filename) self._update_report('filepath', self.filepath) def nxstashref(self): return self.nxstash_mediajson() def nxstash_mediajson(self): ''' create media.json file for object and stash on s3 ''' self._update_report('stashed', False) # extract and transform metadata for parent obj and any components parent_md = self._get_parent_metadata(self.metadata) component_md = [ self._get_component_metadata(c) for c in self.dh.fetch_components(self.metadata) ] # create media.json file media_json = self.mj.create_media_json(parent_md, component_md) self._write_file(media_json, self.filepath) # stash media.json file on s3 stashed, s3_report = s3stash.s3tools.s3stash( self.filepath, self.bucket, self.filename, self.region, 'application/json', self.replace) self._update_report('s3_stash', s3_report) self._update_report('stashed', stashed) self._remove_tmp() return def _get_parent_metadata(self, obj): ''' assemble top-level (parent) object metadata ''' metadata = {} metadata['label'] = obj['title'] # only provide id, href, format if Nuxeo Document has file attached full_metadata = self.nx.get_metadata(uid=obj['uid']) if self.dh.has_file(full_metadata): metadata['id'] = obj['uid'] metadata['href'] = self.dh.get_object_download_url(full_metadata) metadata['format'] = self.dh.get_calisphere_object_type(obj[ 'type']) if metadata['format'] == 'video': metadata['dimensions'] = self.dh.get_video_dimensions( full_metadata) return metadata def _get_component_metadata(self, obj): ''' assemble component object metadata ''' metadata = {} full_metadata = self.nx.get_metadata(uid=obj['uid']) metadata['label'] = obj['title'] metadata['id'] = obj['uid'] metadata['href'] = self.dh.get_object_download_url(full_metadata) # extract additional ucldc metadata from 'properties' element ucldc_md = self._get_ucldc_schema_properties(full_metadata) for key, value in ucldc_md.iteritems(): metadata[key] = value # map 'type' metadata['format'] = self.dh.get_calisphere_object_type(obj['type']) return metadata def _get_ucldc_schema_properties(self, metadata): ''' get additional metadata as mapped by harvester ''' properties = {} mapper = UCLDCNuxeoMapper(metadata) mapper.map_original_record() mapper.map_source_resource() properties = mapper.mapped_data['sourceResource'] properties.update(mapper.mapped_data['originalRecord']) return properties def _write_file(self, content_dict, filepath): """ convert dict to json and write to file """ content_json = json.dumps( content_dict, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=False) with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(content_json) f.flush() def main(argv=None): pass if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import csv, json, os, requests, sys from wtforms import Form, FieldList, FloatField, FormField, TextField, IntegerField, SelectField, validators, RadioField from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader import copy from base.models import Experiment from flask import render_template from base.settings import Config from base.app_manager.app_resource_prototype import AppResourcePrototype config = Config() TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(__file__) loader = FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATES_DIRECTORY) env = Environment(loader=loader) class PoolBasedTripletMDS(AppResourcePrototype): """ PoolBased TripletMDS Author: Lalit Jain App resource for PoolBasedTripletMDS. """ def get_experiment_params(self, args=None): """ Return a form with specific params for the new experiment form. """ alg_list = ['RandomSampling', 'UncertaintySampling','CrowdKernel'] # Alg row: follow this post: class AlgorithmDefinitionRowForm(Form): alg_label = TextField('Algorithm Label') alg_id = SelectField('Algorithm Id', choices=[(algorithm, algorithm) for algorithm in alg_list]) alg_proportion = FloatField('Algorithm Proportion') class PoolBasedTripletMDSParamsForm(Form): d = IntegerField('Dimension', validators=[validators.required()], default=2) failure_probability = FloatField('Confidence Level', validators=[validators.required()], default=0.95) algorithm_management = RadioField('Algorithm Management', choices=[('fixed_proportions','Fixed Proportions'), ('pure_exploration','Pure Exploration'), ('explore_exploit','Explore Exploit')], default='fixed_proportions') participant_to_algorithm_management = RadioField('Participant to Algorithm Management', choices=[('one_to_many','One-to-many'), ('one_to_one','One-to-one')], default='one_to_many') # process the experiment parameters def process_experiment_params(self): return True # List field of the rows of algorithm labels and alg id's alg_rows = FieldList(FormField(AlgorithmDefinitionRowForm)) template = env.get_template("new_experiment_params.html") return template, PoolBasedTripletMDSParamsForm def get_experiment_dashboard(self, args=None): """ Return template with embedded widgets/plots/data for the dashboard. """ template = env.get_template("experiment_dashboard.html") html = render_template(template) return html def get_formatted_participant_data(self, current_experiment, args=None): """ Return formatted participant logs that are app specific. """ # Use frontend base local url url = "http://"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_HOST+":"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_PORT+"/api/experiment/"+current_experiment.exp_uid+"/"+current_experiment.exp_key+"/participants" # Make a request to next_backend for the responses try: response = requests.get(url) response_dict = eval(response.text) except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError) as e: print "excepted e", e raise print response_dict # Parse them into a csv # The rows are participant_id, timestamp, center, left, right, target winner, alg_label participant_responses = [] participant_responses.append(",".join(["Participant ID", "Timestamp","Center", "Left", "Right", "Answer", "Alg Label"])) for participant_id, response_list in response_dict['participant_responses'].iteritems(): for response in response_list: line = [participant_id, response['timestamp_query_generated']] targets = {} # This index is not a backend index! It is just one of the target_indices for index in response['target_indices']: targets[index['label']] = index # Check for the index winner in this response # Shouldn't we check for target_winner? if 'index_winner' in response.keys() and response["index_winner"] == index['index']: target_winner = index # Append the center, left, right targets line.extend([targets['center']['target']['target_id'], targets['left']['target']['target_id'], targets['right']['target']['target_id']]) # Append the target winner line.append(target_winner['target']['target_id']) # Append the alg_label line.append(response['alg_label']) participant_responses.append(",".join(line)) return participant_responses def run_experiment(self, current_experiment, args=None): """ Run an initExp call on the frontend base level. """ # Set up request dictionary for api initExp call initExp_dict = {} initExp_dict['app_id'] = current_experiment.app_id initExp_dict['site_id'] = config.SITE_ID initExp_dict['site_key'] = config.SITE_KEY initExp_dict['args'] = {} # Set up args for api initExp call initExp_dict['args']['instructions'] = current_experiment.instructions initExp_dict['args']['debrief'] = current_experiment.debrief initExp_dict['args']['d'] = current_experiment.params['d'] initExp_dict['args']['n'] = len(current_experiment.target_set.targets) initExp_dict['args']['failure_probability'] = current_experiment.params['failure_probability'] initExp_dict['args']['participant_to_algorithm_management'] = current_experiment.params['participant_to_algorithm_management'] initExp_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings'] = {} initExp_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings']['mode'] = current_experiment.params['algorithm_management'] initExp_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings']['params'] = {} initExp_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings']['params']['proportions'] = [] initExp_dict['args']['alg_list'] = [] for alg in current_experiment.params['alg_rows']: params_dict = copy.deepcopy(alg) params_dict['params'] = {} params_dict['test_alg_label'] = 'Test' del params_dict['alg_proportion'] initExp_dict['args']['alg_list'].append(params_dict) proportions_dict = {} proportions_dict['alg_label'] = alg['alg_label'] proportions_dict['proportion'] = alg['alg_proportion'] initExp_dict['args']['algorithm_management_settings']['params']['proportions'].append(proportions_dict) # Make request for initExp try: url = "http://"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_HOST+":"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_PORT+"/api/experiment" response =, json.dumps(initExp_dict), headers={'content-type':'application/json'}) response_dict = eval(response.text) except: exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info() new_exc = Exception("%s. Error connecting to backend."%(exc or exc_class)) raise new_exc.__class__,new_exc, tb return response_dict def get_query(self, app_id, exp_uid, widget_key, args=None): """ Render custom query for app type """ # Make this more flexible next_backend_url = "http://"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_GLOBAL_HOST+":"+config.NEXT_BACKEND_GLOBAL_PORT # pass in cookie dependent data requested_experiment = Experiment.objects(exp_uid=exp_uid)[0] query_tries = requested_experiment.query_tries debrief = requested_experiment.debrief instructions = requested_experiment.instructions template = env.get_template("query.html") return render_template(template, app_id=app_id, exp_uid = exp_uid, widget_key = widget_key, next_backend_url=next_backend_url, query_tries = query_tries, debrief = debrief, instructions = instructions)
from model.model_group import Group import random class GroupHelper: def __init__(self, app): = app def select_group_by_index(self, index): wd = wd.find_elements_by_name("selected[]")[index].click() def select_group_by_id(self, id): wd = wd.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value='%s']" % id).click() def select_first_group(self): wd = self.select_group_by_index(0) def edit_if_not_none(self, field, text): wd = if text is not None: wd.find_element_by_name(field).click() wd.find_element_by_name(field).clear() wd.find_element_by_name(field).send_keys(text) else: pass def fill_group_form(self, group): wd = self.edit_if_not_none("group_name", self.edit_if_not_none("group_header", group.header) self.edit_if_not_none("group_footer", group.footer) def create(self, group): wd = # open_groups_page wd.find_element_by_link_text("groups").click() # init group creation wd.find_element_by_name("new").click() self.fill_group_form(group) # submit group creation wd.find_element_by_name("submit").click() self.return_to_groups_page() self.group_cache = None def edit_first_group(self): wd = self.edit_group_by_index(0) def edit_group_by_index(self, index, new_group_data): wd = self.select_group_by_index(index) # click edit button wd.find_element_by_name("edit").click() self.fill_group_form(new_group_data) # submit edition wd.find_element_by_name("update").click() self.return_to_groups_page() self.group_cache = None def edit_group_by_id(self, id, new_group_data): wd = self.select_group_by_id(id) # click edit button wd.find_element_by_name("edit").click() self.fill_group_form(new_group_data) # submit edition wd.find_element_by_name("update").click() self.return_to_groups_page() self.group_cache = None def add_selected_contact_to_selected_group_by_id(self, target_group): wd = # открыть выпадающий список to_group = wd.find_element_by_name("to_group") # выбор произвольной группы по value to_group.find_element_by_css_selector("[value='%s']" % wd.find_element_by_name("add").click() def select_some_group_to_view(self, target_group): wd = # открыть выпадающий список view_group = wd.find_element_by_name("group") # выбор произвольной группы по value view_group.find_element_by_css_selector("[value='%s']" % # def click_add_contact_to_group_button(self): # wd = # wd.find_element_by_name("add").click() # def delete_first_group(self): wd = self.delete_group_by_index(0) def delete_group_by_index(self, index): wd = self.select_group_by_index(index) # submit deletion wd.find_element_by_name("delete").click() self.return_to_groups_page() self.group_cache = None def delete_group_by_id(self, id): wd = self.select_group_by_id(id) wd.find_element_by_name("delete").click() self.return_to_groups_page() self.group_cache = None def return_to_groups_page(self): wd = wd.find_element_by_link_text("group page").click() def count(self): wd = return len(wd.find_elements_by_name("selected[]")) group_cache = None def get_group_list(self): if self.group_cache is None: wd = self.group_cache = [] wd.find_elements_by_css_selector("") for element in wd.find_elements_by_css_selector(""): text = element.text id = int(element.find_element_by_name("selected[]").get_attribute("value")) self.group_cache.append(Group(name=text, id=id)) return list(self.group_cache)
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 gocept gmbh & co. kg # See also LICENSE.txt # $Id$ """pycountry""" import os.path import pycountry.db LOCALES_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'locales') DATABASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'databases') class Countries(pycountry.db.Database): """Provides access to an ISO 3166 database (Countries).""" field_map = dict(alpha_2_code='alpha2', alpha_3_code='alpha3', numeric_code='numeric', name='name', official_name='official_name', common_name='common_name') data_class_name = 'Country' xml_tag = 'iso_3166_entry' class Scripts(pycountry.db.Database): """Providess access to an ISO 15924 database (Scripts).""" field_map = dict(alpha_4_code='alpha4', numeric_code='numeric', name='name') data_class_name = 'Script' xml_tag = 'iso_15924_entry' class Currencies(pycountry.db.Database): """Providess access to an ISO 4217 database (Currencies).""" field_map = dict(letter_code='letter', numeric_code='numeric', currency_name='name') data_class_name = 'Currency' xml_tag = 'iso_4217_entry' class Languages(pycountry.db.Database): """Providess access to an ISO 639-1/2 database (Languages).""" field_map = dict(iso_639_2B_code='bibliographic', iso_639_2T_code='terminology', iso_639_1_code='alpha2', common_name='common_name', name='name') data_class_name = 'Language' xml_tag = 'iso_639_entry' class Subdivision(pycountry.db.Data): parent_code = None def __init__(self, element, **kw): super(Subdivision, self).__init__(element, **kw) self.type = element.parentNode.attributes.get('type').value self.country_code = self.code.split('-')[0] if self.parent_code is not None: self.parent_code = '%s-%s' % (self.country_code, self.parent_code) @property def country(self): return countries.get(alpha2=self.country_code) @property def parent(self): return subdivisions.get(code=self.parent_code) class Subdivisions(pycountry.db.Database): # Note: subdivisions can be hierarchical to other subdivisions. The # parent_code attribute is related to other subdivisons, *not* # the country! xml_tag = 'iso_3166_2_entry' data_class_base = Subdivision data_class_name = 'Subdivision' field_map = dict(code='code', name='name', parent='parent_code') no_index = ['name', 'parent_code'] def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Subdivisions, self).__init__(*args, **kw) # Add index for the country code. self.indices['country_code'] = {} for subdivision in self: divs = self.indices['country_code'].setdefault( subdivision.country_code, set()) divs.add(subdivision) countries = Countries(os.path.join(DATABASE_DIR, 'iso3166.xml')) scripts = Scripts(os.path.join(DATABASE_DIR, 'iso15924.xml')) currencies = Currencies(os.path.join(DATABASE_DIR, 'iso4217.xml')) languages = Languages(os.path.join(DATABASE_DIR, 'iso639.xml')) subdivisions = Subdivisions(os.path.join(DATABASE_DIR, 'iso3166_2.xml'))
"""""" import uuid from io import StringIO from flask import Flask from abilian.core.models.blob import Blob from abilian.core.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from import repository_service as repository from import session_repository_service as session_repository # # Unit tests # def test_auto_uuid() -> None: blob = Blob() assert blob.uuid is not None assert isinstance(blob.uuid, uuid.UUID) # test provided uuid is not replaced by a new one u = uuid.UUID("4f80f02f-52e3-4fe2-b9f2-2c3e99449ce9") blob = Blob(uuid=u) assert isinstance(blob.uuid, uuid.UUID) assert blob.uuid, u def test_meta() -> None: blob = Blob() assert blob.meta == {} # # Integration tests # def test_md5(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: blob = Blob("test md5") assert "md5" in blob.meta assert blob.meta["md5"] == "0e4e3b2681e8931c067a23c583c878d5" def test_size(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: blob = Blob("test") assert blob.size == 4 def test_filename(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: content = StringIO("test") content.filename = "test.txt" blob = Blob(content) assert "filename" in blob.meta assert blob.meta["filename"] == "test.txt" def test_mimetype(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: content = StringIO("test") content.content_type = "text/plain" blob = Blob(content) assert "mimetype" in blob.meta assert blob.meta["mimetype"] == "text/plain" def test_nonzero(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: blob = Blob("test md5") assert bool(blob) # change uuid: repository will return None for blob.file blob.uuid = uuid.uuid4() assert not bool(blob) # def test_query(app, db): # session = db.session # content = b"content" # b = Blob(content) # session.add(b) # session.flush() # # assert Blob.query.by_uuid(b.uuid) is b # assert Blob.query.by_uuid(str(b.uuid)) is b # # u = uuid.uuid4() # assert Blob.query.by_uuid(u) is None def test_value(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy) -> None: session = db.session content = b"content" blob = Blob(content) tr = session.begin(nested=True) session.add(blob) tr.commit() assert repository.get(blob.uuid) is None assert session_repository.get(blob, blob.uuid).open("rb").read() == content assert blob.value == content session.commit() assert repository.get(blob.uuid).open("rb").read() == content assert blob.value == content session.begin(nested=True) # match session.rollback with session.begin(nested=True): session.delete(blob) # object marked for deletion, but instance attribute should still be # readable fd = session_repository.get(blob, blob.uuid).open("rb") assert == content # commit in transaction: session_repository has no content, 'physical' # repository still has content assert session_repository.get(blob, blob.uuid) is None assert repository.get(blob.uuid).open("rb").read() == content # rollback: session_repository has content again session.rollback() assert session_repository.get(blob, blob.uuid).open("rb").read() == content session.delete(blob) session.flush() assert session_repository.get(blob, blob.uuid) is None assert repository.get(blob.uuid).open("rb").read() == content session.commit() assert repository.get(blob.uuid) is None
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 TurboCoin # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or # # Test getblockstats rpc call # from test_framework.test_framework import TurbocoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, ) import json import os TESTSDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) class GetblockstatsTest(TurbocoinTestFramework): start_height = 101 max_stat_pos = 2 def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_argument('--gen-test-data', dest='gen_test_data', default=False, action='store_true', help='Generate test data') parser.add_argument('--test-data', dest='test_data', default='data/rpc_getblockstats.json', action='store', metavar='FILE', help='Test data file') def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True def get_stats(self): return [self.nodes[0].getblockstats(hash_or_height=self.start_height + i) for i in range(self.max_stat_pos+1)] def generate_test_data(self, filename): mocktime = 1525107225 self.nodes[0].setmocktime(mocktime) self.nodes[0].generate(101) address = self.nodes[0].get_deterministic_priv_key().address self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address=address, amount=10, subtractfeefromamount=True) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address=address, amount=10, subtractfeefromamount=True) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address=address, amount=10, subtractfeefromamount=False) self.nodes[0].settxfee(amount=0.003) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address=address, amount=1, subtractfeefromamount=True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.expected_stats = self.get_stats() blocks = [] tip = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() blockhash = None height = 0 while tip != blockhash: blockhash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(height) blocks.append(self.nodes[0].getblock(blockhash, 0)) height += 1 to_dump = { 'blocks': blocks, 'mocktime': int(mocktime), 'stats': self.expected_stats, } with open(filename, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f: json.dump(to_dump, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) def load_test_data(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: d = json.load(f) blocks = d['blocks'] mocktime = d['mocktime'] self.expected_stats = d['stats'] # Set the timestamps from the file so that the nodes can get out of Initial Block Download self.nodes[0].setmocktime(mocktime) self.sync_all() for b in blocks: self.nodes[0].submitblock(b) def run_test(self): test_data = os.path.join(TESTSDIR, self.options.test_data) if self.options.gen_test_data: self.generate_test_data(test_data) else: self.load_test_data(test_data) self.sync_all() stats = self.get_stats() # Make sure all valid statistics are included but nothing else is expected_keys = self.expected_stats[0].keys() assert_equal(set(stats[0].keys()), set(expected_keys)) assert_equal(stats[0]['height'], self.start_height) assert_equal(stats[self.max_stat_pos]['height'], self.start_height + self.max_stat_pos) for i in range(self.max_stat_pos+1):'Checking block %d\n' % (i)) assert_equal(stats[i], self.expected_stats[i]) # Check selecting block by hash too blockhash = self.expected_stats[i]['blockhash'] stats_by_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockstats(hash_or_height=blockhash) assert_equal(stats_by_hash, self.expected_stats[i]) # Make sure each stat can be queried on its own for stat in expected_keys: for i in range(self.max_stat_pos+1): result = self.nodes[0].getblockstats(hash_or_height=self.start_height + i, stats=[stat]) assert_equal(list(result.keys()), [stat]) if result[stat] != self.expected_stats[i][stat]:'result[%s] (%d) failed, %r != %r' % ( stat, i, result[stat], self.expected_stats[i][stat])) assert_equal(result[stat], self.expected_stats[i][stat]) # Make sure only the selected statistics are included (more than one) some_stats = {'minfee', 'maxfee'} stats = self.nodes[0].getblockstats(hash_or_height=1, stats=list(some_stats)) assert_equal(set(stats.keys()), some_stats) # Test invalid parameters raise the proper json exceptions tip = self.start_height + self.max_stat_pos assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'Target block height %d after current tip %d' % (tip+1, tip), self.nodes[0].getblockstats, hash_or_height=tip+1) assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'Target block height %d is negative' % (-1), self.nodes[0].getblockstats, hash_or_height=-1) # Make sure not valid stats aren't allowed inv_sel_stat = 'asdfghjkl' inv_stats = [ [inv_sel_stat], ['minfee' , inv_sel_stat], [inv_sel_stat, 'minfee'], ['minfee', inv_sel_stat, 'maxfee'], ] for inv_stat in inv_stats: assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'Invalid selected statistic %s' % inv_sel_stat, self.nodes[0].getblockstats, hash_or_height=1, stats=inv_stat) # Make sure we aren't always returning inv_sel_stat as the culprit stat assert_raises_rpc_error(-8, 'Invalid selected statistic aaa%s' % inv_sel_stat, self.nodes[0].getblockstats, hash_or_height=1, stats=['minfee' , 'aaa%s' % inv_sel_stat]) # Mainchain's genesis block shouldn't be found on regtest assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, 'Block not found', self.nodes[0].getblockstats, hash_or_height='000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f') # Invalid number of args assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, 'getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )', self.nodes[0].getblockstats, '00', 1, 2) assert_raises_rpc_error(-1, 'getblockstats hash_or_height ( stats )', self.nodes[0].getblockstats) if __name__ == '__main__': GetblockstatsTest().main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # complexity documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jul 9 22:26:36 2013. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) cwd = os.getcwd() parent = os.path.dirname(cwd) sys.path.append(parent) import geonames_field # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. #needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode'] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'django-geonames-field' copyright = u'2015, Savio Abuga' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = geonames_field.__version__ # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = geonames_field.__version__ # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. #language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. exclude_patterns = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. #show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. #keep_warnings = False # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. html_theme = 'default' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. #html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. 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They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'django-geonames-fielddoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). #'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'django-geonames-field.tex', u'django-geonames-field Documentation', u'Savio Abuga', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('index', 'django-geonames-field', u'django-geonames-field Documentation', [u'Savio Abuga'], 1) ] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ('index', 'django-geonames-field', u'django-geonames-field Documentation', u'Savio Abuga', 'django-geonames-field', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. #texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
############################################################################### # BNGMZRConverter - A utility program for converting bngl input files to mzr # input files. # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 The Molecular Sciences Institute # # Moleculizer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Moleculizer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Moleculizer; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Original Author: # Nathan Addy, Scientific Programmer Email: # The Molecular Sciences Institute Email: # # ############################################################################### from moleculizermol import MoleculizerMol, MoleculizerSmallMol, MoleculizerModMol, isSmallMol, isModMol from util import DataUnifier from xmlobject import XmlObject import pdb # This class parses a Mols Block into a list of small-mols and big mols. # It also manages the list of modifications. class MoleculeDictionary: class DuplicateMolDefinitionException(Exception): pass class BadMolDefinitionException(Exception): pass listOfNullModifications = ["none"] def __init__(self, moleculeBlock, paramDict): self.rawMoleculeDefinitions = moleculeBlock[:] self.paramDict = paramDict self.registeredMoleculesDictionary = {} self.smallMolsDictionary = {} self.modMolsDictionary = {} self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.rawMoleculeDefinitions = DataUnifier( self.rawMoleculeDefinitions ) for line in self.rawMoleculeDefinitions: if isSmallMol(line): print "SM: %s" % line MoleculizerSmallMol(line) elif isModMol(line): print "MM: %s" % line MoleculizerModMol(line) else: print "'%s' is neither a ModMol nor a SmallMol, according to the isSmallMol and isModMol functions." % line raise "Hello" def parseMoleculeTypesLine(self, moleculeTypesLine): parsedMol = MoleculizerMol(moleculeTypesLine) parsedMolName = parsedMol.getName() if parsedMolName in self.registeredMoleculesDictionary.keys(): raise DuplicateMolDefinitionException("Error, molecule %s already defined in the MoleculeInterpreter" % parsedMolName) self.registeredMoleculesDictionary[parsedMolName] = parsedMol def getUniversalModificationList(self): return MoleculizerMol.modificationStates[:] def addModifications(self, parentElmt): for modification in self.getUniversalModificationList(): modificationTypeElmt = XmlObject("modification") modificationTypeElmt.addAttribute("name", modification) modificationTypeElmt.attachToParent(parentElmt) weightElmt = XmlObject("weight-delta") weightElmt.attachToParent(modificationTypeElmt) if self.representsNullModification(modification): weightDelta = 0.0 else: weightDelta = 1.0 weightElmt.addAttribute("daltons", weightDelta) def addMols(self, parentElmt): for molName in self.registeredMoleculesDictionary.keys(): self.addModMolElmtToMolsElmt(parentElmt, self.registeredMoleculesDictionary[molName]) def addModMolElmt(self, parentElmt): pass def addModMolElmtToMolsElmt(self, xmlObject, moleculizerMolObject): assert(isinstance(xmlObject, XmlObject)) assert(isinstance(moleculizerMolObject, MoleculizerMol)) newModMol = XmlObject("mod-mol") newModMol.addAttribute("name", moleculizerMolObject.getName()) weightElement = XmlObject("weight") # Obviously this is one of the big deficiencies of this thing. What shall # we set the (mandatory) weights to? For now, let's just put in something # arbitratry. But this is a big issue that ought to be fixed as soon as all # the basic facilities of the code have been built in. if moleculizerMolObject.getName() == "Pheromone": weightElement.addAttribute("daltons", 10.0) else: weightElement.addAttribute("daltons", 100.0) newModMol.addSubElement(weightElement) for binding in moleculizerMolObject.bindingSites: self.addBindingSiteElmtToModMolElmt(binding, moleculizerMolObject, newModMol) for modification in moleculizerMolObject.modificationSites: modSite, defaultModState = modification modSiteElmt = XmlObject("mod-site") modSiteElmt.addAttribute("name", modSite) defModRefElmt = XmlObject("default-mod-ref") defModRefElmt.addAttribute("name", defaultModState) defModRefElmt.attachToParent(modSiteElmt).attachToParent(newModMol) xmlObject.addSubElement(newModMol) return def addBindingSiteElmtToModMolElmt(self, bindingName, moleculizerMol, xmlObject): newBindingElmt = XmlObject("binding-site") newBindingElmt.addAttribute("name", bindingName) defaultShape = XmlObject("default-shape-ref") defaultShape.addAttribute("name", "default") defaultShape.attachToParent(newBindingElmt) for shapeName in moleculizerMol.bindingSites[bindingName]: siteShapeElmt = XmlObject("site-shape") siteShapeElmt.addAttribute("name", shapeName) siteShapeElmt.attachToParent(newBindingElmt) xmlObject.addSubElement(newBindingElmt) return def representsNullModification(self, modificationType): return modificationType.lower() in MoleculeDictionary.listOfNullModifications
# import the unit test module import unittest from vending_machine import give_change from vending_machine import give_change_decimal # define a class (inherits from unittest) class TestVendingMachine(unittest.TestCase): # define our method (must because with test_ otherwise the test will not run) def test_return_change(self): # we're imaging there is a method called give_change which returns a list of coins # given in an amount in pence self.assertEqual(give_change(.17), [.10, .05, .02], 'wrong change given') self.assertEqual(give_change(18), [.10, .05, .02, .01], 'wrong change given') # decimal test self.assertEqual(give_change_decimal(.17), [.10, .05, .02], 'wrong change given') self.assertEqual(give_change_decimal(18), [.10, .05, .02, .01], 'wrong change given') def test_multiple_same_coins(self): self.assertEqual(give_change(.04), [.02, .02]) # decimal test self.assertEqual(give_change_decimal(.04), [.02, .02])
import unittest import sys import json import stackimpact from stackimpact.utils import timestamp from test_server import TestServer class MessageQueueTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_flush(self): server = TestServer(5005) server.start() stackimpact._agent = None agent = stackimpact.start( dashboard_address = 'http://localhost:5005', agent_key = 'key1', app_name = 'TestPythonApp', debug = True ) m = { 'm1': 1 } agent.message_queue.add('t1', m) m = { 'm2': 2 } agent.message_queue.add('t1', m) agent.message_queue.queue[0]['added_at'] = timestamp() - 20 * 60 agent.message_queue.flush() data = json.loads(server.get_request_data()) self.assertEqual(data['payload']['messages'][0]['content']['m2'], 2) agent.destroy() server.join() def test_flush_fail(self): server = TestServer(5006) server.set_response_data("unparsablejson") server.start() stackimpact._agent = None agent = stackimpact.start( dashboard_address = 'http://localhost:5006', agent_key = 'key1', app_name = 'TestPythonApp', debug = True ) m = { 'm1': 1 } agent.message_queue.add('t1', m) m = { 'm2': 2 } agent.message_queue.add('t1', m) agent.message_queue.flush() self.assertEqual(len(agent.message_queue.queue), 2) agent.destroy() server.join() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
"""This version uses a traditional event-driven version, using continuation passing style. Each method call is passed a completion callback and an error callback """ from statistics import median import json import asyncio import random import time import hbmqtt.client from collections import deque from antevents.base import SensorEvent URL = "mqtt://localhost:1883" class RandomSensor: def __init__(self, sensor_id, mean=100.0, stddev=20.0, stop_after_events=None): self.sensor_id = sensor_id self.mean = mean self.stddev = stddev self.stop_after_events = stop_after_events if stop_after_events is not None: def generator(): for i in range(stop_after_events): yield round(random.gauss(mean, stddev), 1) else: # go on forever def generator(): while True: yield round(random.gauss(mean, stddev), 1) self.generator = generator() def sample(self): return self.generator.__next__() def __repr__(self): if self.stop_after_events is None: return 'RandomSensor(%s, mean=%s, stddev=%s)' % \ (self.sensor_id, self.mean, self.stddev) else: return 'RandomSensor(%s, mean=%s, stddev=%s, stop_after_events=%s)' % \ (self.sensor_id, self.mean, self.stddev, self.stop_after_events) class PeriodicMedianTransducer: """Emit an event once every ``period`` input events. The value is the median of the inputs received since the last emission. """ def __init__(self, period=5): self.period = period self.samples = [None for i in range(period)] self.events_since_last = 0 self.last_event = None # this is used in emitting the last event def step(self, v): self.samples[self.events_since_last] = v.val self.events_since_last += 1 if self.events_since_last==self.period: val = median(self.samples) event = SensorEvent(sensor_id=v.sensor_id, ts=v.ts, val=val) self.events_since_last = 0 return event else: self.last_event = v # save in case we complete before completing a period return None def complete(self): if self.events_since_last>0: # if we have some partial state, we emit one final event that # averages whatever we saw since the last emission. return SensorEvent(sensor_id=self.last_event.sensor_id, ts=self.last_event.ts, val=median(self.samples[0:self.events_since_last])) def csv_writer(evt): print("csv_writer(%s)" % repr(evt)) class MqttWriter: """All the processing is asynchronous. We ensure that a given send has completed and the callbacks called before we process the next one. """ def __init__(self, url, topic, event_loop): self.url = url self.topic = topic self.client = hbmqtt.client.MQTTClient(loop=event_loop) self.event_loop = event_loop self.connected = False self.pending_task = None self.request_queue = deque() def _to_message(self, msg): return bytes(json.dumps((msg.sensor_id, msg.ts, msg.val),), encoding='utf-8') def _request_done(self, f, completion_cb, error_cb): assert f==self.pending_task self.pending_task = None exc = f.exception() if exc: self.event_loop.call_soon(error_cb, exc) else: self.event_loop.call_soon(completion_cb) if len(self.request_queue)>0: self.event_loop.call_soon(self._process_queue) def _process_queue(self): assert self.pending_task == None assert len(self.request_queue)>0 (msg, completion_cb, error_cb) = self.request_queue.popleft() if msg is not None: print("send from queue: %s" % msg) self.pending_task = self.event_loop.create_task( self.client.publish(self.topic, msg) ) else: # None means that we wanted a disconnect print("disconnect") self.pending_task = self.event_loop.create_task( self.client.disconnect() ) self.pending_task.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._request_done(f, completion_cb, error_cb)) def send(self, msg, completion_cb, error_cb): if not self.connected: print("attempting connection") self.request_queue.append((self._to_message(msg), completion_cb, error_cb),) self.connected = True self.pending_task = self.event_loop.create_task(self.client.connect(self.url)) def connect_done(f): assert f==self.pending_task print("connected") self.pending_task = None self.event_loop.call_soon(self._process_queue) self.pending_task.add_done_callback(connect_done) elif self.pending_task: self.request_queue.append((self._to_message(msg), completion_cb, error_cb),) else: print("sending %s" % self._to_message(msg)) self.pending_task = self.event_loop.create_task( self.client.publish(self.topic, self._to_message(msg)) ) self.pending_task.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._request_done(f, completion_cb, error_cb)) def disconnect(self, completion_cb, error_cb, drop_queue=False): if not self.connected: return if len(self.request_queue)>0 and drop_queue: # for error situations self.request_queue = deque() if self.pending_task: self.request_queue.append((None, completion_cb, error_cb),) else: print("disconnecting") self.pending_task = self.event_loop.create_task( self.client.disconnect() ) self.pending_task.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._request_done(f, completion_cb, error_cb)) def sample_and_process(sensor, mqtt_writer, xducer, completion_cb, error_cb): try: sample = sensor.sample() except StopIteration: final_event = xducer.complete() if final_event: mqtt_writer.send(final_event, lambda: mqtt_writer.disconnect(lambda: completion_cb(False), error_cb), error_cb) else: mqtt_writer.disconnect(lambda: completion_cb(False), error_cb) return event = SensorEvent(sensor_id=sensor.sensor_id, ts=time.time(), val=sample) csv_writer(event) median_event = xducer.step(event) if median_event: mqtt_writer.send(median_event, lambda: completion_cb(True), error_cb) else: completion_cb(True) sensor = RandomSensor('sensor-2', stop_after_events=12) transducer = PeriodicMedianTransducer(5) event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() writer = MqttWriter(URL, sensor.sensor_id, event_loop) def loop(): def completion_cb(more): if more: event_loop.call_later(0.5, loop) else: print("all done, no more callbacks to schedule") event_loop.stop() def error_cb(e): print("Got error: %s" % e) event_loop.stop() event_loop.call_soon( lambda: sample_and_process(sensor, writer, transducer, completion_cb, error_cb) ) event_loop.call_soon(loop) event_loop.run_forever() print("that's all folks")
#! /usr/bin/python import os def main(folder): #vectors = [] #f = open('../dictionary/vectors.txt') #for line in f: # representation = line.strip('\n') # vectors.append(representation) #f.close() for d, ds, fs in os.walk(folder): for fname in fs: if fname[-4:] != '.dur': continue fullfname = d + '/' + fname phone_array = [] dur_array = [] fr = open(fullfname) for line in fr: if line.split('\n')[0] == '#': continue [phone, dur] = line.rstrip('\n').split() phone_array.append(phone) dur_array.append(dur) fw = open(fullfname[:-4] + '.quindur', 'w') for i in range(2, len(dur_array) - 2 ): phoneme_2p = phone_array[i-2] #phoneme_2p_index = uniquephone_list.index(phoneme_2p) phoneme_1p = phone_array[i-1] #phoneme_1p_index = uniquephone_list.index(phoneme_1p) phoneme = phone_array[i] #phoneme_index = uniquephone_list.index(phoneme) phoneme_1n = phone_array[i+1] #phoneme_1n_index = uniquephone_list.index(phoneme_1n) phoneme_2n = phone_array[i+2] #phoneme_2n_index = uniquephone_list.index(phoneme_2n) duration = dur_array[i] fw.write( str(float(duration)) + ' ' + phoneme_2p + ' ' + phoneme_1p + ' ' + phoneme + ' ' + phoneme_1n + ' ' + phoneme_2n + '\n') fw.close() fr.close() if __name__ == '__main__': folder = '../lab' main(folder)
# Author: Hubert Kario, (c) 2015 # Released under Gnu GPL v2.0, see LICENSE file for details from __future__ import print_function import traceback import sys import getopt from itertools import chain from random import sample from tlsfuzzer.runner import Runner from tlsfuzzer.messages import Connect, ClientHelloGenerator, \ ClientKeyExchangeGenerator, ChangeCipherSpecGenerator, \ FinishedGenerator, ApplicationDataGenerator, AlertGenerator, \ ResetHandshakeHashes from tlsfuzzer.expect import ExpectServerHello, ExpectCertificate, \ ExpectServerHelloDone, ExpectChangeCipherSpec, ExpectFinished, \ ExpectAlert, ExpectApplicationData, ExpectClose from tlslite.constants import CipherSuite, AlertLevel, AlertDescription, \ ExtensionType from tlsfuzzer.utils.lists import natural_sort_keys version = 2 def help_msg(): print("Usage: <script-name> [-h hostname] [-p port] [[probe-name] ...]") print(" -h hostname name of the host to run the test against") print(" localhost by default") print(" -p port port number to use for connection, 4433 by default") print(" probe-name if present, will run only the probes with given") print(" names and not all of them, e.g \"sanity\"") print(" -e probe-name exclude the probe from the list of the ones run") print(" may be specified multiple times") print(" -x probe-name expect the probe to fail. When such probe passes despite being marked like this") print(" it will be reported in the test summary and the whole script will fail.") print(" May be specified multiple times.") print(" -X message expect the `message` substring in exception raised during") print(" execution of preceding expected failure probe") print(" usage: [-x probe-name] [-X exception], order is compulsory!") print(" -n num run 'num' or all(if 0) tests instead of default(all)") print(" (excluding \"sanity\" tests)") print(" --help this message") def main(): # # Test interleaving of Application Data with handshake messages, # requires server to support client initiated renegotiation # host = "localhost" port = 4433 num_limit = None run_exclude = set() expected_failures = {} last_exp_tmp = None argv = sys.argv[1:] opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:p:e:x:X:n:", ["help"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': host = arg elif opt == '-p': port = int(arg) elif opt == '-e': run_exclude.add(arg) elif opt == '-x': expected_failures[arg] = None last_exp_tmp = str(arg) elif opt == '-X': if not last_exp_tmp: raise ValueError("-x has to be specified before -X") expected_failures[last_exp_tmp] = str(arg) elif opt == '-n': num_limit = int(arg) elif opt == '--help': help_msg() sys.exit(0) else: raise ValueError("Unknown option: {0}".format(opt)) if args: run_only = set(args) else: run_only = None conversations = {} conversation = Connect(host, port) node = conversation ciphers = [CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, CipherSuite.TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV] node = node.add_child(ClientHelloGenerator(ciphers)) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHello()) node = node.add_child(ExpectCertificate()) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHelloDone()) node = node.add_child(ClientKeyExchangeGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ChangeCipherSpecGenerator()) node = node.add_child(FinishedGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ExpectChangeCipherSpec()) node = node.add_child(ExpectFinished()) node = node.add_child(ApplicationDataGenerator( bytearray(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"))) node = node.add_child(ExpectApplicationData()) node = node.add_child(AlertGenerator(AlertLevel.warning, AlertDescription.close_notify)) node = node.add_child(ExpectAlert()) node.next_sibling = ExpectClose() conversations["sanity"] = conversation conversation = Connect(host, port) node = conversation #ciphers = [CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, # CipherSuite.TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV] ciphers = [CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA] node = node.add_child(ClientHelloGenerator(ciphers, extensions={ExtensionType.renegotiation_info:None})) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHello(extensions={ExtensionType.renegotiation_info:None})) node = node.add_child(ExpectCertificate()) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHelloDone()) node = node.add_child(ClientKeyExchangeGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ChangeCipherSpecGenerator()) node = node.add_child(FinishedGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ExpectChangeCipherSpec()) node = node.add_child(ExpectFinished()) # 2nd handshake node = node.add_child(ResetHandshakeHashes()) node = node.add_child(ClientHelloGenerator([CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA], session_id=bytearray(0), extensions={ExtensionType.renegotiation_info:None})) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHello(extensions={ExtensionType.renegotiation_info:None})) node = node.add_child(ExpectCertificate()) node = node.add_child(ExpectServerHelloDone()) node = node.add_child(ApplicationDataGenerator(bytearray(b"hello server!\n"))) node = node.add_child(ClientKeyExchangeGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ChangeCipherSpecGenerator()) node = node.add_child(FinishedGenerator()) node = node.add_child(ExpectChangeCipherSpec()) node = node.add_child(ExpectFinished()) node = node.add_child(ApplicationDataGenerator(bytearray(b"hello server!\n"))) #node = node.add_child(ExpectApplicationData(bytearray(b"hello client!\n"))) node = node.add_child(AlertGenerator(AlertLevel.warning, AlertDescription.close_notify)) node = node.add_child(ExpectAlert()) node.next_sibling = ExpectClose() node.next_sibling.next_sibling = ExpectApplicationData() conversations["weaved app data and handshake proto"] = conversation # run the conversation good = 0 bad = 0 xfail = 0 xpass = 0 failed = [] xpassed = [] if not num_limit: num_limit = len(conversations) # make sure that sanity test is run first and last # to verify that server was running and kept running throughout sanity_tests = [('sanity', conversations['sanity'])] if run_only: if num_limit > len(run_only): num_limit = len(run_only) regular_tests = [(k, v) for k, v in conversations.items() if k in run_only] else: regular_tests = [(k, v) for k, v in conversations.items() if (k != 'sanity') and k not in run_exclude] sampled_tests = sample(regular_tests, min(num_limit, len(regular_tests))) ordered_tests = chain(sanity_tests, sampled_tests, sanity_tests) for c_name, c_test in ordered_tests: if run_only and c_name not in run_only or c_name in run_exclude: continue print("{0} ...".format(c_name)) runner = Runner(c_test) res = True exception = None try: except Exception as exp: exception = exp print("Error while processing") print(traceback.format_exc()) res = False if c_name in expected_failures: if res: xpass += 1 xpassed.append(c_name) print("XPASS-expected failure but test passed\n") else: if expected_failures[c_name] is not None and \ expected_failures[c_name] not in str(exception): bad += 1 failed.append(c_name) print("Expected error message: {0}\n" .format(expected_failures[c_name])) else: xfail += 1 print("OK-expected failure\n") else: if res: good += 1 print("OK\n") else: bad += 1 failed.append(c_name) print("Test end") print(20 * '=') print("version: {0}".format(version)) print(20 * '=') print("TOTAL: {0}".format(len(sampled_tests) + 2*len(sanity_tests))) print("SKIP: {0}".format(len(run_exclude.intersection(conversations.keys())))) print("PASS: {0}".format(good)) print("XFAIL: {0}".format(xfail)) print("FAIL: {0}".format(bad)) print("XPASS: {0}".format(xpass)) print(20 * '=') sort = sorted(xpassed ,key=natural_sort_keys) if len(sort): print("XPASSED:\n\t{0}".format('\n\t'.join(repr(i) for i in sort))) sort = sorted(failed, key=natural_sort_keys) if len(sort): print("FAILED:\n\t{0}".format('\n\t'.join(repr(i) for i in sort))) if bad > 0: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy import numpy as np import numpy.random import random import json import time from datetime import datetime import requests from scipy.linalg import norm import time from multiprocessing import Pool import os import sys try: import next.apps.test_utils as test_utils except: sys.path.append('../../../next/apps') import test_utils def test_validation_params(): params = [{'num_tries': 5}, {'query_list': [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4]]}] for param in params: print(param) test_api(params=param) def test_api(assert_200=True, num_arms=5, num_clients=8, delta=0.05, total_pulls_per_client=5, num_experiments=1, params={'num_tries': 5}): app_id = 'DuelingBanditsPureExploration' true_means = numpy.array(range(num_arms)[::-1])/float(num_arms) pool = Pool(processes=num_clients) supported_alg_ids = ['BR_LilUCB', 'BR_Random', 'ValidationSampling'] alg_list = [] for i, alg_id in enumerate(supported_alg_ids): alg_item = {} if alg_id == 'ValidationSampling': alg_item['params'] = params alg_item['alg_id'] = alg_id alg_item['alg_label'] = alg_id+'_'+str(i) alg_list.append(alg_item) params = [] for algorithm in alg_list: params.append({'alg_label': algorithm['alg_label'], 'proportion':1./len(alg_list)}) algorithm_management_settings = {} algorithm_management_settings['mode'] = 'fixed_proportions' algorithm_management_settings['params'] = params print algorithm_management_settings ################################################# # Test POST Experiment ################################################# initExp_args_dict = {} initExp_args_dict['args'] = {'alg_list': alg_list, 'algorithm_management_settings': algorithm_management_settings, 'context': 'Context for Dueling Bandits', 'context_type': 'text', 'debrief': 'Test debried.', 'failure_probability': 0.05, 'instructions': 'Test instructions.', 'participant_to_algorithm_management': 'one_to_many', 'targets': {'n': num_arms}} initExp_args_dict['app_id'] = app_id initExp_args_dict['site_id'] = 'replace this with working site id' initExp_args_dict['site_key'] = 'replace this with working site key' exp_info = [] for ell in range(num_experiments): exp_info += [test_utils.initExp(initExp_args_dict)[1]] # Generate participants participants = [] pool_args = [] for i in range(num_clients): participant_uid = '%030x' % random.randrange(16**30) participants.append(participant_uid) experiment = numpy.random.choice(exp_info) exp_uid = experiment['exp_uid'] pool_args.append((exp_uid, participant_uid, total_pulls_per_client, true_means,assert_200)) results =, pool_args) for result in results: result test_utils.getModel(exp_uid, app_id, supported_alg_ids, alg_list) def simulate_one_client(input_args): exp_uid,participant_uid,total_pulls,true_means,assert_200 = input_args getQuery_times = [] processAnswer_times = [] for t in range(total_pulls): print " Participant {} had {} total pulls: ".format(participant_uid, t) # test POST getQuery # # return a widget 1/5 of the time (normally, use HTML) widget = random.choice([True] + 4*[False]) getQuery_args_dict = {'args': {'participant_uid': participant_uid, 'widget': widget}, 'exp_uid': exp_uid} query_dict, dt = test_utils.getQuery(getQuery_args_dict) getQuery_times.append(dt) if widget: query_dict = query_dict['args'] query_uid = query_dict['query_uid'] targets = query_dict['target_indices'] left = targets[0]['target'] right = targets[1]['target'] # sleep for a bit to simulate response time ts = test_utils.response_delay() # print left reward_left = true_means[left['target_id']] + numpy.random.randn()*0.5 reward_right = true_means[right['target_id']] + numpy.random.randn()*0.5 if reward_left > reward_right: target_winner = left else: target_winner = right response_time = time.time() - ts # test POST processAnswer processAnswer_args_dict = {'args': {'query_uid': query_uid, 'response_time': response_time, 'target_winner': target_winner["target_id"]}, 'exp_uid': exp_uid} processAnswer_json_response, dt = test_utils.processAnswer(processAnswer_args_dict) processAnswer_times += [dt] r = test_utils.format_times(getQuery_times, processAnswer_times, total_pulls, participant_uid) return r if __name__ == '__main__': test_api() # test_api(assert_200=True, num_arms=5, num_clients=10, delta=0.05, # total_pulls_per_client=10, num_experiments=1)
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:ai from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = '2012, Kovid Goyal <>' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' import json class PagePosition(object): def __init__(self, document): self.document = document @property def viewport_cfi(self): ans = None res = self.document.mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript(''' ans = 'undefined'; if (window.paged_display) { ans = window.paged_display.current_cfi(); if (!ans) ans = 'undefined'; } ans; ''') if res.isValid() and not res.isNull() and res.type() == res.String: c = unicode(res.toString()) if c != 'undefined': ans = c return ans def scroll_to_cfi(self, cfi): if cfi: cfi = json.dumps(cfi) self.document.mainFrame().evaluateJavaScript( 'paged_display.jump_to_cfi(%s)'%cfi) @property def current_pos(self): ans = self.viewport_cfi if not ans: ans = self.document.scroll_fraction return ans def __enter__(self): def __exit__(self, *args): self.restore() def save(self): self._cpos = self.current_pos def restore(self): if self._cpos is None: return self.to_pos(self._cpos) self._cpos = None def to_pos(self, pos): if isinstance(pos, (int, float)): self.document.scroll_fraction = pos else: self.scroll_to_cfi(pos) def set_pos(self, pos): self._cpos = pos
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9 on 2016-03-03 21:33 from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("modelview", "0021_auto_20160303_2233")] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name="energymodel", name="model_file_format", field=models.CharField( choices=[ (".exe", ".exe"), (".gms", ".gms"), (".py", ".py"), (".xls", ".xls"), ("other", "other"), ], default="other", help_text="In which format is the model saved?", max_length=5, verbose_name="Model file format", ), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="energymodel", name="model_input", field=models.CharField( choices=[ (".csv", ".csv"), (".py", ".py"), ("text", "text"), (".xls", ".xls"), ("other", "other"), ], default="other", help_text="Of which file format are the input and output data?", max_length=5, verbose_name="Input/output data file format", ), ), ]
from ajabsacco.core.models import ( LoanTransactionEntry, LoanProduct, LoanAccount, Message as SMSMessage, ) from decimal import Decimal as D from django.db.models import Q, Sum, F from django.utils import timezone from django.db import transaction as db_transaction from ajabsacco.core import codes from ajabsacco.core.sms import templates from ajabsacco.core.utils import record_log, month_delta from ajabsacco.core.exceptions import * import ledger as ledger_facades from ajabsacco.core.facades import transactions as transaction_facades from import validations as validation_facades import logging logger = logging.getLogger('') import uuid def allocate_repayment(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): with db_transaction.atomic(): fee_accrued = ledger_facades.loan_account_fees_due(loan_account) penalties_accrued = ledger_facades.loan_account_penalties_due(loan_account) interest_accrued = ledger_facades.loan_account_interest_due(loan_account) principal_accrued = ledger_facades.loan_account_principal_due(loan_account) #1. Align the order we will deduct the accruals accruals = { LoanProduct.ALLOCATION_CHOICE_FEE: (fee_accrued or D('0.0'), post_loan_fee), LoanProduct.ALLOCATION_CHOICE_PENALTY: (penalties_accrued or D('0.0'), post_penalty_fee), LoanProduct.ALLOCATION_CHOICE_INTEREST: (interest_accrued or D('0.0'), post_loan_interest), } amount = (amount or 0) #get a sum of all accruals total_accruals = sum(i[0] for i in accruals.values()) #Ensure we have sane values if (amount > 0) and (principal_accrued > 0): transaction_id = uuid.uuid4() #setup allocation balance, to help us check to total allocation allocation_balance = amount if total_accruals > 0: items_allocated = 0 #Loop through the allocation order for allocation_item in LoanProduct.ALLOCATION_ORDER: #Loop through all the accruals we are expecting to collect for accrued_item, allocation_tuple in accruals.iteritems(): #put aside the variables from the turple accrued_amount, transaction_func = allocation_tuple #if allocation item is equal to accrued item code, and accrued amount is more than 1 #Check to ensure we do not get to negative numbers if (allocation_item == accrued_item) and (accrued_amount > 0) and (allocation_balance > 0): #if amount accrued is sizable, deduct transaction_func(loan_account, accrued_amount, transaction_id=transaction_id) #stamp new allocation items_allocated += 1 #deduct amount posted from balance allocation_balance -= accrued_amount post_loan_principal( loan_account, allocation_balance, transaction_id=transaction_id ) loan_account.last_repayment_date = else: logger.debug("amount: %s and total_accruals %s" % (amount, total_accruals)) raise AmountNotSufficientException() def apply_accruals(loan_account, approved_by=None): with db_transaction.atomic(): date_disbursed = loan_account.date_disbursed if date_disbursed is None: raise ActionOnUndisbursedLoanException( "You cannot apply accruals on Un-disbursed Loan %s" % loan_account.account_number) date_today = month_diff = month_delta(date_disbursed, date_today, days_of_the_month=30) grace_period = loan_account.grace_period grace_period_type = loan_account.product.grace_period_type within_grace_period = ((month_diff - grace_period) < 1) within_repayment_period = ((month_diff - loan_account.repayment_period) < 1) if (not grace_period == 0): if (within_grace_period): if (grace_period_type == LoanProduct.FULL_GRACE_PERIOD): #No need to proceed, we don't want to accrue anything interest_due = 0 elif (grace_period_type == LoanProduct.PRINCIPAL_GRACE_PERIOD): principal_due = loan_account.amount interest_due = ( (principal_due * loan_account.interest_rate) / loan_account.repayment_period ) else: if within_repayment_period: principal_due = ledger_facades.loan_account_principal_due(loan_account) interest_due = ( (principal_due * (loan_account.interest_rate / D('100.0'))) / loan_account.repayment_period ) if interest_due > 0: apply_interest_to_account(loan_account, interest_due) def disburse_loan(loan_account, *args, **kwargs): with db_transaction.atomic(): validation_facades.validate_disbursement(loan_account) debit_entry, credit_entry = transaction_facades.create_transaction( LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, loan_account.amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_LOAN_DISBURSAL, *args, **kwargs ) loan_account.status = LoanAccount.ACTIVE loan_account.date_disbursed = return (debit_entry, credit_entry) def apply_interest_to_account(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_INTEREST_APPLY, *args, **kwargs) def apply_fee_to_account(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_FEE_APPLY, *args, **kwargs) def apply_penalty_to_account(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_PENALTY_APPLY, *args, **kwargs) def write_off_loan_principal(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_PRINCIPAL_WRITE_OFF, *args, **kwargs) def write_off_loan_interest(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_INTEREST_WRITE_OFF, *args, **kwargs) def write_off_loan_penalty(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_PENALTY_WRITE_OFF, *args, **kwargs) def write_off_loan_fee(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_FEE_WRITE_OFF, *args, **kwargs) def post_loan_principal(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_PRINCIPAL_POSTING, *args, **kwargs) def post_loan_interest(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_INTEREST_POSTING, *args, **kwargs) def post_loan_fee(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_FEE_POSTING, *args, **kwargs) def post_penalty_fee(loan_account, amount, *args, **kwargs): return transaction_facades.create_transaction(LoanTransactionEntry, loan_account, amount, transaction_type=codes.TRANSACTION_TYPE_PENALTY_POSTING, *args, **kwargs)
<<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD import re import time def main(): s = "\13hello\14 \13world\14 " * 1000 p = re.compile(r"([\13\14])") timefunc(10, p.sub, "", s) timefunc(10, p.split, s) timefunc(10, p.findall, s) def timefunc(n, func, *args, **kw): t0 = time.perf_counter() try: for i in range(n): result = func(*args, **kw) return result finally: t1 = time.perf_counter() if n > 1: print(n, "times", end=' ') print(func.__name__, "%.3f" % (t1-t0), "CPU seconds") main() ======= import re import time def main(): s = "\13hello\14 \13world\14 " * 1000 p = re.compile(r"([\13\14])") timefunc(10, p.sub, "", s) timefunc(10, p.split, s) timefunc(10, p.findall, s) def timefunc(n, func, *args, **kw): t0 = time.perf_counter() try: for i in range(n): result = func(*args, **kw) return result finally: t1 = time.perf_counter() if n > 1: print(n, "times", end=' ') print(func.__name__, "%.3f" % (t1-t0), "CPU seconds") main() >>>>>>> b875702c9c06ab5012e52ff4337439b03918f453 ======= import re import time def main(): s = "\13hello\14 \13world\14 " * 1000 p = re.compile(r"([\13\14])") timefunc(10, p.sub, "", s) timefunc(10, p.split, s) timefunc(10, p.findall, s) def timefunc(n, func, *args, **kw): t0 = time.perf_counter() try: for i in range(n): result = func(*args, **kw) return result finally: t1 = time.perf_counter() if n > 1: print(n, "times", end=' ') print(func.__name__, "%.3f" % (t1-t0), "CPU seconds") main() >>>>>>> b875702c9c06ab5012e52ff4337439b03918f453
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" On mac need to run with sudo Testing: python %HOME%/code/ibeis/_installers/ --test-get_data_list python ~/code/ibeis/_installers/ --test-get_data_list SeeAlso: _installers/ _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec WindowsNew: python installers --build python installers --inno python installers --test References:!topic/pyinstaller/178I9ANuk14 This script is often flaky. here are workarounds CommonIssues: Is the correct opencv being found? Is 3.0 being built? I think we are on 2.4.8 InstallPyinstaller: pip install pyinstaller pip install pyinstaller --upgrade Win32CommandLine: # Uninstallation python --clean # Build Installer pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe" _installers\win_installer_script.iss # Install dist\ibeis-win32-setup.exe # Test "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBEIS\IBEISApp.exe" """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from os.path import dirname, realpath, join, exists, normpath #import six import utool as ut import sys import importlib from os.path import join # NOQA def use_development_pyinstaller(): """ sudo pip uninstall pyinstaller pip uninstall pyinstaller code git clone cd pyinstaller sudo python develop sudo python install ib which pyinstaller export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin had to uninstall sphinx sudo pip uninstall sphinx sudo pip uninstall sphinx """ def fix_pyinstaller_sip_api(): """ Hack to get the correct version of SIP for win32 References: """ import PyInstaller from os.path import dirname, join # NOQA hook_fpath = join(dirname(PyInstaller.__file__), 'loader', 'rthooks', '') patch_code = ut.codeblock( ''' try: import sip # sip.setapi('QVariant', 2) sip.setapi('QString', 2) sip.setapi('QTextStream', 2) sip.setapi('QTime', 2) sip.setapi('QUrl', 2) sip.setapi('QDate', 2) sip.setapi('QDateTime', 2) if hasattr(sip, 'setdestroyonexit'): sip.setdestroyonexit(False) # This prevents a crash on windows except ValueError as ex: print('Warning: Value Error: %s' % str(ex)) pass ''') fpath = hook_fpath # Patch the hook file tag = 'SIP_API_2' ut.inject_python_code(fpath, patch_code, tag) #ut.editfile(hook_fpath) pass def get_setup_dpath(): assert exists(''), 'must be run in ibeis directory' #assert exists(''), 'must be run in ibeis directory' assert exists('../ibeis/ibeis'), 'must be run in ibeis directory' cwd = normpath(realpath(dirname(__file__))) return cwd def clean_pyinstaller(): print('[installer] +--- CLEAN_PYINSTALLER ---') cwd = get_setup_dpath() ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'IBEISApp.pkg', recursive=False) ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) ut.remove_files_in_dir(cwd, 'qt_menu.nib', recursive=False) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'dist/ibeis')) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'ibeis-win32-setup.exe')) ut.delete(join(cwd, 'build')) #ut.delete(join(cwd, 'pyrf')) #ut.delete(join(cwd, 'pyhesaff')) print('[installer] L___ FINSHED CLEAN_PYINSTALLER ___') def build_pyinstaller(): """ build_pyinstaller creates build/ibeis/* and dist/ibeis/* """ print('[installer] +--- BUILD_PYINSTALLER ---') # 1) RUN: PYINSTALLER # Run the pyinstaller command (does all the work) utool_python_path = dirname(dirname(ut.__file__)) #import os #os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([utool_python_path] + os.environ['PYTHONPATH'].strip(os.pathsep).split(os.pathsep)) import os sys.path.insert(1, utool_python_path) if not ut.WIN32: pathcmd = 'export PYTHONPATH=%s%s$PYTHONPATH && ' % (utool_python_path, os.pathsep) else: pathcmd = '' installcmd = '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/ _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y' output, err, ret = ut.cmd(pathcmd + installcmd) if ret != 0: raise AssertionError('Pyinstalled failed with return code = %r' % (ret,)) #ut.cmd(installcmd) #ut.cmd('pyinstaller --runtime-hook _installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec -y') #else: #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec', '-y') #ut.cmd('pyinstaller', '--runtime-hook', '_installers/pyinstaller-ibeis.spec') # 2) POST: PROCESSING # Perform some post processing steps on the mac if sys.platform == 'darwin' and exists('dist/'): copy_list = [ ('ibsicon.icns', 'Resources/icon-windowed.icns'), ('Info.plist', 'Info.plist'), ] srcdir = '_installers' dstdir = 'dist/' for srcname, dstname in copy_list: src = join(srcdir, srcname) dst = join(dstdir, dstname) ut.copy(src, dst) # TODO: make this take arguments instead of defaulting to ~/code/ibeis/build #print("RUN: sudo ./_installers/") app_fpath = get_dist_app_fpath() print('[installer] app_fpath = %s' % (app_fpath,)) print('[installer] L___ FINISH BUILD_PYINSTALLER ___') # ut.cmd('./_scripts/') def ensure_inno_isinstalled(): """ Ensures that the current machine has INNO installed. returns path to the executable """ assert ut.WIN32, 'Can only build INNO on windows' inno_fpath = ut.search_in_dirs('Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe', ut.get_install_dirs()) # Make sure INNO is installed if inno_fpath is None: print('WARNING: cannot find inno_fpath') AUTO_FIXIT = ut.WIN32 print('Inno seems to not be installed. AUTO_FIXIT=%r' % AUTO_FIXIT) if AUTO_FIXIT: print('Automaticaly trying to downoad and install INNO') # Download INNO Installer inno_installer_url = '' inno_installer_fpath = ut.download_url(inno_installer_url) print('Automaticaly trying to install INNO') # Install INNO Installer ut.cmd(inno_installer_fpath) else: inno_homepage_url = '' ut.open_url_in_browser(inno_homepage_url) raise AssertionError('Cannot find INNO and AUTOFIX it is false') # Ensure that it has now been installed inno_fpath = ut.search_in_dirs('Inno Setup 5\ISCC.exe', ut.get_install_dirs()) assert ut.checkpath(inno_fpath, verbose=True, info=True), 'inno installer is still not installed!' return inno_fpath def ensure_inno_script(): """ writes inno script to disk for win32 installer build """ cwd = get_setup_dpath() iss_script_fpath = join(cwd, '_installers', 'win_installer_script.iss') # THE ISS USES {} AS SYNTAX. CAREFUL #app_publisher = 'Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute' #app_name = 'IBEIS' import ibeis iss_script_code = ut.codeblock( r''' ; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard. ; SEE THE DOCUMENTATION FOR DETAILS ON CREATING INNO SETUP SCRIPT FILES! ; [Setup] ; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application. ; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications. ; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.) ; Also it seems like the off-balanced curly brace is necessary AppId={{47BE3DA2-261D-4672-9849-18BB2EB382FC} AppName=IBEIS AppVersion=''' + str(ibeis.__version__) + ''' ;AppVerName=IBEIS 1 AppPublisher=Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; ; ; DefaultDirName={pf}\IBEIS DefaultGroupName=IBEIS OutputBaseFilename=ibeis-win32-setup SetupIconFile=ibsicon.ico Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes [Languages] Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] Source: "..\dist\ibeis\IBEISApp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "..\dist\ibeis\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs ; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files [Icons] Name: "{group}\ibeis"; Filename: "{app}\IBEISApp.exe" Name: "{commondesktop}\ibeis"; Filename: "{app}\IBEISApp.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon [Run] Filename: "{app}\IBEISApp.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,IBEIS}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent ''' ) ut.write_to(iss_script_fpath, iss_script_code, onlyifdiff=True) assert ut.checkpath(iss_script_fpath, verbose=True, info=True), 'cannot find iss_script_fpath' return iss_script_fpath def build_win32_inno_installer(): """ win32 self-executable package """ print('[installer] +--- BUILD_WIN32_INNO_INSTALLER ---') assert ut.WIN32, 'Can only build INNO on windows' # Get inno executable inno_fpath = ensure_inno_isinstalled() # Get IBEIS inno script iss_script_fpath = ensure_inno_script() print('Trying to run ' + ' '.join(['"' + inno_fpath + '"', '"' + iss_script_fpath + '"'])) try: command_args = ' '.join((inno_fpath, iss_script_fpath)) ut.cmd(command_args) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error running script') raise # Move the installer into dist and make a timestamped version # Uninstall exe in case we need to cleanup #uninstall_ibeis_exe = 'unins000.exe' cwd = get_setup_dpath() installer_fpath = join(cwd, '_installers', 'Output', 'ibeis-win32-setup.exe') print('[installer] L___ BUILD_WIN32_INNO_INSTALLER ___') return installer_fpath def build_osx_dmg_installer(): # outputs dmg to ut.cmd('./_installers/', sudo=True) cwd = get_setup_dpath() installer_fpath = join(cwd, 'dist', 'IBEIS.dmg') return installer_fpath def build_linux_zip_binaries(): fpath_list ='dist/ibeis') archive_fpath = 'dist/' ut.archive_files(archive_fpath, fpath_list) return archive_fpath def package_installer(): """ system dependent post pyinstaller step """ print('[installer] +--- PACKAGE_INSTALLER ---') #build_win32_inno_installer() cwd = get_setup_dpath() # Build the os-appropriate package if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): installer_src = build_win32_inno_installer() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-win32-install-{timestamp}.exe' elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): installer_src = build_osx_dmg_installer() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-osx-install-{timestamp}.dmg' elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): installer_src = build_linux_zip_binaries() installer_fname_fmt = 'ibeis-linux-binary-{timestamp}.zip' #try: # raise NotImplementedError('no linux packager (rpm or deb) supported. try running with --build') #except Exception as ex: # ut.printex(ex) #pass # timestamp the installer name installer_fname = installer_fname_fmt.format(timestamp=ut.get_timestamp()) installer_dst = join(cwd, 'dist', installer_fname) try: ut.move(installer_src, installer_dst) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error moving setups', iswarning=True) print('[installer] L___ FINISH PACKAGE_INSTALLER ___') def fix_importlib_hook(): """ IMPORTLIB FIX References: """ try: dpath_ = importlib.import_module('mpl_toolkits').__path__ if isinstance(dpath_, (list, tuple)): for dpath in dpath_: fpath = join(dpath, '') break else: dpath = dpath_ if not ut.checkpath(dpath, verbose=True, info=True): ut.touch(fpath) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install mpl_toolkits?') def get_dist_app_fpath(): app_fpath = ut.unixpath('dist/ibeis/IBEISApp') if ut.DARWIN: app_fpath = ut.unixpath('dist/') if ut.WIN32: app_fpath += '.exe' return app_fpath def run_suite_test(): app_fpath = get_dist_app_fpath() ut.assert_exists(app_fpath, 'app fpath must exist', info=True, verbose=True) ut.cmd(app_fpath + ' --run-utool-tests') #ut.cmd(app_fpath + ' --run-vtool_ibeis-tests') #ut.cmd(app_fpath + ' --run-ibeis-tests') def run_app_test(): """ Execute the installed app """ print('[installer] +--- TEST_APP ---') app_fpath = get_dist_app_fpath() ut.assert_exists(app_fpath, 'app fpath must exist', info=True, verbose=True) if ut.DARWIN: #ut.cmd('open ' + ut.unixpath('dist/')) """ rm -rf ~/Desktop/ rm -rf /Applications/ ls /Applications/ cd /Volumes/IBEIS ib cd dist # Install to /Applications hdiutil attach ~/code/ibeis/dist/IBEIS.dmg cp -R /Volumes/IBEIS/ /Applications/ hdiutil unmount /Volumes/IBEIS open -a /Applications/ chmod +x /Applications/ cp -R /Volumes/IBEIS/ ~/Desktop open -a ~/Desktop/ chmod +x ~/code/ibeis/dist/ open -a ~/code/ibeis/dist/ open ~/code/ibeis/dist/ open ~/Desktop/ ./dist/ --run-tests """ ut.cmd(app_fpath) else: ut.cmd(app_fpath) print('[installer] L___ FINISH TEST_APP ___') #ut.cmd(ut.unixpath('dist/ibeis/ibeis-win32-setup.exe')) def main(): """ CommandLine: python --clean python --all python --inno # For linux python --clean python --build python --test python --clean --build --test python --build --test """ print('For a full run use: python --all') print('[installer] +--- MAIN ---') import functools get_argflag = functools.partial(ut.get_argflag, need_prefix=False) BUILD_APP = get_argflag(('--build')) BUILD_INSTALLER = get_argflag(('--inno', '--package', '--pkg')) TEST_RUN = get_argflag(('--run')) TEST_CODE = get_argflag(('--test')) CLEAN_BUILD = get_argflag(('--clean')) ALL = get_argflag('--all') fix_importlib_hook() # default behavior is full build DEFAULT_RUN = len(sys.argv) == 1 #or not (CLEAN_BUILD or BUILD_APP or BUILD_INSTALLER or TEST_APP) # 1) SETUP: CLEAN UP if CLEAN_BUILD or ALL: clean_pyinstaller() if BUILD_APP or ALL or DEFAULT_RUN: build_pyinstaller() if BUILD_INSTALLER or ALL: package_installer() if TEST_CODE or ALL: run_suite_test() if TEST_RUN or ALL: run_app_test() print('[installer] L___ FINISH MAIN ___') if __name__ == '__main__': main() ''' dist\ibeis-win32-setup.exe dist\ibeis\IBEISApp.exe '''
import idaapi import librgb from librgb.qt_shims import QtGui # important for PySide legacy IDA from librgb.qt_shims import QtWidgets try: MAJOR, MINOR = map(int, idaapi.get_kernel_version().split(".")) except AttributeError: MAJOR, MINOR = 6, 6 USING_IDA7API = MAJOR > 6 USING_PYQT5 = USING_IDA7API or (MAJOR == 6 and MINOR >= 9) class DockableShim(object): def __init__(self, title): self._title = title # IDA 7+ Widgets if USING_IDA7API: import sip self._form = idaapi.create_empty_widget(self._title) self.widget = sip.wrapinstance(long(self._form), QtWidgets.QWidget) # legacy IDA PluginForm's else: self._form = idaapi.create_tform(self._title, None) if USING_PYQT5: self.widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPyQtWidget(self._form) else: self.widget = idaapi.PluginForm.FormToPySideWidget(self._form) def show(self): if USING_IDA7API: flags = ( idaapi.PluginForm.WOPN_TAB | idaapi.PluginForm.WOPN_MENU | idaapi.PluginForm.WOPN_RESTORE | idaapi.PluginForm.WOPN_PERSIST ) idaapi.display_widget(self._form, flags) # legacy IDA PluginForm's else: flags = ( idaapi.PluginForm.FORM_TAB | idaapi.PluginForm.FORM_MENU | idaapi.PluginForm.FORM_RESTORE | idaapi.PluginForm.FORM_PERSIST | 0x80 ) # idaapi.PluginForm.FORM_QWIDGET idaapi.open_tform(self._form, flags) class ImagePreviewPlugin(idaapi.plugin_t): flags = 0 wanted_name = "Image previewer" wanted_hotkey = "Alt + I" comment = "Preview memory as image" help = "" def init(self): return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK def term(self): pass def run(self, arg): class IdaWindowAdapter(librgb.GenericWindowAdapter): def ask_address(self, address): return AskAddr(address, "Please enter an address") def ask_file(self): return AskFile(1, "*.png", "Save the image as...") image_preview_form = DockableShim("Image preview") params = librgb.RendererParams() params.readers = [librgb.MemoryReader()] params.format = librgb.PixelFormats.GRAY8 params.width = 800 params.height = 600 params.flip = False params.brightness = 50 adapter = IdaWindowAdapter(params) shortcut_manager = librgb.ShortcutManager(adapter, params) for shortcut, func in shortcut_manager.shortcuts.items(): adapter.define_shortcut(shortcut, image_preview_form.widget, func) layout = adapter.create_layout() image_preview_form.widget.setLayout(layout) adapter.draw() def PLUGIN_ENTRY(): return ImagePreviewPlugin() if __name__ == "__main__": ImagePreviewPlugin().run(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ================================================================= # # Authors: Tom Kralidis <> # Angelos Tzotsos <> # # Copyright (c) 2016 Tom Kralidis # Copyright (c) 2015 Angelos Tzotsos # Copyright (c) 2016 James Dickens # Copyright (c) 2016 Ricardo Silva # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without # restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, # copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following # conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # ================================================================= import logging import os from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qsl from six.moves.urllib.parse import splitquery from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse from six import StringIO from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser import sys from time import time import wsgiref.util from pycsw.core.etree import etree from pycsw import oaipmh, opensearch, sru from pycsw.plugins.profiles import profile as pprofile import pycsw.plugins.outputschemas from pycsw.core import config, log, util from pycsw.ogc.csw import csw2, csw3 LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Csw(object): """ Base CSW server """ def __init__(self, rtconfig=None, env=None, version='3.0.0'): """ Initialize CSW """ if not env: self.environ = os.environ else: self.environ = env self.context = config.StaticContext() # Lazy load this when needed # (it will permanently update global cfg namespaces) self.sruobj = None self.opensearchobj = None self.oaipmhobj = None # init kvp self.kvp = {} self.mode = 'csw' self.asynchronous = False self.soap = False self.request = None self.exception = False self.status = 'OK' self.profiles = None self.manager = False self.outputschemas = {} self.mimetype = 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8' self.encoding = 'UTF-8' self.pretty_print = 0 self.domainquerytype = 'list' self.orm = 'django' self.language = {'639_code': 'en', 'text': 'english'} self.process_time_start = time() # define CSW implementation object (default CSW3) self.iface = csw3.Csw3(server_csw=self) self.request_version = version if self.request_version == '2.0.2': self.iface = csw2.Csw2(server_csw=self) self.context.set_model('csw') # load user configuration try:'Loading user configuration') if isinstance(rtconfig, SafeConfigParser): # serialized already self.config = rtconfig else: self.config = SafeConfigParser() if isinstance(rtconfig, dict): # dictionary for section, options in rtconfig.items(): self.config.add_section(section) for k, v in options.items(): self.config.set(section, k, v) else: # configuration file import codecs with, encoding='utf-8') as scp: self.config.readfp(scp) except Exception as err: msg = 'Could not load configuration' LOGGER.exception('%s %s: %s', msg, rtconfig, err) self.response = self.iface.exceptionreport( 'NoApplicableCode', 'service', msg) return # set server.home safely # TODO: make this more abstract self.config.set( 'server', 'home', os.path.dirname(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) ) self.context.pycsw_home = self.config.get('server', 'home') self.context.url = self.config.get('server', 'url') log.setup_logger(self.config)'running configuration %s', rtconfig) LOGGER.debug('QUERY_STRING: %s', self.environ['QUERY_STRING']) # set OGC schemas location if not self.config.has_option('server', 'ogc_schemas_base'): self.config.set('server', 'ogc_schemas_base', self.context.ogc_schemas_base) # set mimetype if self.config.has_option('server', 'mimetype'): self.mimetype = self.config.get('server', 'mimetype').encode() # set encoding if self.config.has_option('server', 'encoding'): self.encoding = self.config.get('server', 'encoding') # set domainquerytype if self.config.has_option('server', 'domainquerytype'): self.domainquerytype = self.config.get('server', 'domainquerytype') # set XML pretty print if (self.config.has_option('server', 'pretty_print') and self.config.get('server', 'pretty_print') == 'true'): self.pretty_print = 1 # set Spatial Ranking option if (self.config.has_option('server', 'spatial_ranking') and self.config.get('server', 'spatial_ranking') == 'true'): util.ranking_enabled = True # set language default if self.config.has_option('server', 'language'): try:'Setting language') lang_code = self.config.get('server', 'language').split('-')[0] self.language['639_code'] = lang_code self.language['text'] = self.context.languages[lang_code] except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception('Could not set language: %s', err) pass LOGGER.debug('Configuration: %s.', self.config) LOGGER.debug('Model: %s.', self.context.model) # load user-defined mappings if they exist if self.config.has_option('repository', 'mappings'): # override default repository mappings try: import imp module = self.config.get('repository', 'mappings') if '/' in module: # filepath modulename = '%s' % os.path.splitext(module)[0].replace( os.sep, '.') mappings = imp.load_source(modulename, module) else: # dotted name mappings = __import__(module, fromlist=[''])'Loading custom repository mappings ' 'from %s', module) self.context.md_core_model = mappings.MD_CORE_MODEL self.context.refresh_dc(mappings.MD_CORE_MODEL) except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception('Could not load custom mappings: %s', err) self.response = self.iface.exceptionreport( 'NoApplicableCode', 'service', 'Could not load repository.mappings') # load outputschemas'Loading outputschemas') for osch in pycsw.plugins.outputschemas.__all__: output_schema_module = __import__( 'pycsw.plugins.outputschemas.%s' % osch) mod = getattr(output_schema_module.plugins.outputschemas, osch) self.outputschemas[mod.NAMESPACE] = mod LOGGER.debug('Outputschemas loaded: %s.', self.outputschemas) LOGGER.debug('Namespaces: %s', self.context.namespaces) def expand_path(self, path): """ return safe path for WSGI environments """ if 'local.app_root' in self.environ and not os.path.isabs(path): return os.path.join(self.environ['local.app_root'], path) else: return path def dispatch_wsgi(self): """ WSGI handler """ if hasattr(self, 'response'): return self._write_response() LOGGER.debug('WSGI mode detected') if self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': try: request_body_size = int(self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) except (ValueError): request_body_size = 0 self.requesttype = 'POST' self.request = self.environ['wsgi.input'].read(request_body_size) LOGGER.debug('Request type: POST. Request:\n%s\n', self.request) else: # it's a GET request self.requesttype = 'GET' self.request = wsgiref.util.request_uri(self.environ) try: query_part = splitquery(self.request)[-1] self.kvp = dict(parse_qsl(query_part, keep_blank_values=True)) except AttributeError as err: LOGGER.exception('Could not parse query string') self.kvp = {} LOGGER.debug('Request type: GET. Request:\n%s\n', self.request) return self.dispatch() def opensearch(self): """ enable OpenSearch """ if not self.opensearchobj: self.opensearchobj = opensearch.OpenSearch(self.context) return self.opensearchobj def sru(self): """ enable SRU """ if not self.sruobj: self.sruobj = sru.Sru(self.context) return self.sruobj def oaipmh(self): """ enable OAI-PMH """ if not self.oaipmhobj: self.oaipmhobj = oaipmh.OAIPMH(self.context, self.config) return self.oaipmhobj def dispatch(self, writer=sys.stdout, write_headers=True): """ Handle incoming HTTP request """ error = 0 if self.requesttype == 'GET': self.kvp = self.normalize_kvp(self.kvp) version_202 = ('version' in self.kvp and self.kvp['version'] == '2.0.2') accept_version_202 = ('acceptversions' in self.kvp and '2.0.2' in self.kvp['acceptversions']) if version_202 or accept_version_202: self.request_version = '2.0.2' elif self.requesttype == 'POST': if self.request.find(b'cat/csw/2.0.2') != -1: self.request_version = '2.0.2' elif self.request.find(b'cat/csw/3.0') != -1: self.request_version = '3.0.0' if (not isinstance(self.kvp, str) and 'mode' in self.kvp and self.kvp['mode'] == 'sru'): self.mode = 'sru' self.request_version = '2.0.2''SRU mode detected; processing request') self.kvp = self.sru().request_sru2csw(self.kvp) if (not isinstance(self.kvp, str) and 'mode' in self.kvp and self.kvp['mode'] == 'oaipmh'): self.mode = 'oaipmh' self.request_version = '2.0.2''OAI-PMH mode detected; processing request.') self.oaiargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.kvp.items() if k) self.kvp = self.oaipmh().request(self.kvp) if self.request_version == '2.0.2': self.iface = csw2.Csw2(server_csw=self) self.context.set_model('csw') # configure transaction support, if specified in config self._gen_manager() namespaces = self.context.namespaces ops = self.context.model['operations'] constraints = self.context.model['constraints'] # generate domain model # NOTE: We should probably avoid this sort of mutable state for WSGI if 'GetDomain' not in ops: ops['GetDomain'] = self.context.gen_domains() # generate distributed search model, if specified in config if self.config.has_option('server', 'federatedcatalogues'):'Configuring distributed search') constraints['FederatedCatalogues'] = {'values': []} for fedcat in self.config.get('server', 'federatedcatalogues').split(','): LOGGER.debug('federated catalogue: %s', fedcat) constraints['FederatedCatalogues']['values'].append(fedcat) for key, value in self.outputschemas.items(): get_records_params = ops['GetRecords']['parameters'] get_records_params['outputSchema']['values'].append( value.NAMESPACE) get_records_by_id_params = ops['GetRecordById']['parameters'] get_records_by_id_params['outputSchema']['values'].append( value.NAMESPACE) if 'Harvest' in ops: harvest_params = ops['Harvest']['parameters'] harvest_params['ResourceType']['values'].append( value.NAMESPACE)'Setting MaxRecordDefault') if self.config.has_option('server', 'maxrecords'): constraints['MaxRecordDefault']['values'] = [ self.config.get('server', 'maxrecords')] # load profiles if self.config.has_option('server', 'profiles'): self.profiles = pprofile.load_profiles( os.path.join('pycsw', 'plugins', 'profiles'), pprofile.Profile, self.config.get('server', 'profiles') ) for prof in self.profiles['plugins'].keys(): tmp = self.profiles['plugins'][prof](self.context.model, namespaces, self.context) key = tmp.outputschema # to ref by outputschema self.profiles['loaded'][key] = tmp self.profiles['loaded'][key].extend_core(self.context.model, namespaces, self.config) LOGGER.debug('Profiles loaded: %s' % list(self.profiles['loaded'].keys())) # init repository # look for tablename, set 'records' as default if not self.config.has_option('repository', 'table'): self.config.set('repository', 'table', 'records') repo_filter = None if self.config.has_option('repository', 'filter'): repo_filter = self.config.get('repository', 'filter') if self.config.has_option('repository', 'source'): # load custom repository rs = self.config.get('repository', 'source') rs_modname, rs_clsname = rs.rsplit('.', 1) rs_mod = __import__(rs_modname, globals(), locals(), [rs_clsname]) rs_cls = getattr(rs_mod, rs_clsname) try: self.repository = rs_cls(self.context, repo_filter) LOGGER.debug('Custom repository %s loaded (%s)', rs, self.repository.dbtype) except Exception as err: msg = 'Could not load custom repository %s: %s' % (rs, err) LOGGER.exception(msg) error = 1 code = 'NoApplicableCode' locator = 'service' text = 'Could not initialize repository. Check server logs' else: # load default repository self.orm = 'sqlalchemy' from pycsw.core import repository try:'Loading default repository') self.repository = repository.Repository( self.config.get('repository', 'database'), self.context, self.environ.get('local.app_root', None), self.config.get('repository', 'table'), repo_filter ) LOGGER.debug( 'Repository loaded (local): %s.' % self.repository.dbtype) except Exception as err: msg = 'Could not load repository (local): %s' % err LOGGER.exception(msg) error = 1 code = 'NoApplicableCode' locator = 'service' text = 'Could not initialize repository. Check server logs' if self.requesttype == 'POST': LOGGER.debug('HTTP POST request') LOGGER.debug('CSW version: %s', self.iface.version) self.kvp = self.iface.parse_postdata(self.request) if isinstance(self.kvp, str): # it's an exception error = 1 locator = 'service' text = self.kvp if (self.kvp.find('the document is not valid') != -1 or self.kvp.find('document not well-formed') != -1): code = 'NoApplicableCode' else: code = 'InvalidParameterValue' LOGGER.debug('HTTP Headers:\n%s.', self.environ) LOGGER.debug('Parsed request parameters: %s', self.kvp) if (not isinstance(self.kvp, str) and 'mode' in self.kvp and self.kvp['mode'] == 'opensearch'): self.mode = 'opensearch''OpenSearch mode detected; processing request.') self.kvp['outputschema'] = '' if ((len(self.kvp) == 0 and self.request_version == '3.0.0') or (len(self.kvp) == 1 and 'config' in self.kvp)):'Turning on default csw30:Capabilities for base URL') self.kvp = { 'service': 'CSW', 'acceptversions': '3.0.0', 'request': 'GetCapabilities' } http_accept = self.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '') if 'application/opensearchdescription+xml' in http_accept: self.mode = 'opensearch' self.kvp['outputschema'] = '' if error == 0: # test for the basic keyword values (service, version, request) basic_options = ['service', 'request'] request = self.kvp.get('request', '') own_version_integer = util.get_version_integer( self.request_version) if self.request_version == '2.0.2': basic_options.append('version') if self.request_version == '3.0.0' and 'version' not in self.kvp and self.requesttype == 'POST': if 'service' not in self.kvp: self.kvp['service'] = 'CSW' basic_options.append('service') self.kvp['version'] = self.request_version basic_options.append('version') for k in basic_options: if k not in self.kvp: if (k in ['version', 'acceptversions'] and request == 'GetCapabilities'): pass else: error = 1 locator = k code = 'MissingParameterValue' text = 'Missing keyword: %s' % k break # test each of the basic keyword values if error == 0: # test service if self.kvp['service'] != 'CSW': error = 1 locator = 'service' code = 'InvalidParameterValue' text = 'Invalid value for service: %s.\ Value MUST be CSW' % self.kvp['service'] # test version kvp_version = self.kvp.get('version', '') try: kvp_version_integer = util.get_version_integer(kvp_version) except Exception as err: kvp_version_integer = 'invalid_value' if (request != 'GetCapabilities' and kvp_version_integer != own_version_integer): error = 1 locator = 'version' code = 'InvalidParameterValue' text = ('Invalid value for version: %s. Value MUST be ' '2.0.2 or 3.0.0' % kvp_version) # check for GetCapabilities acceptversions if 'acceptversions' in self.kvp: for vers in self.kvp['acceptversions'].split(','): vers_integer = util.get_version_integer(vers) if vers_integer == own_version_integer: break else: error = 1 locator = 'acceptversions' code = 'VersionNegotiationFailed' text = ('Invalid parameter value in ' 'acceptversions: %s. Value MUST be ' '2.0.2 or 3.0.0' % self.kvp['acceptversions']) # test request if self.kvp['request'] not in \ self.context.model['operations']: error = 1 locator = 'request' if request in ['Transaction', 'Harvest']: code = 'OperationNotSupported' text = '%s operations are not supported' % request else: code = 'InvalidParameterValue' text = 'Invalid value for request: %s' % request if error == 1: # return an ExceptionReport LOGGER.error('basic service options error: %s, %s, %s', code, locator, text) self.response = self.iface.exceptionreport(code, locator, text) else: # process per the request value if 'responsehandler' in self.kvp: # set flag to process asynchronously import threading self.asynchronous = True request_id = self.kvp.get('requestid', None) if request_id is None: import uuid self.kvp['requestid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if self.kvp['request'] == 'GetCapabilities': self.response = self.iface.getcapabilities() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'DescribeRecord': self.response = self.iface.describerecord() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'GetDomain': self.response = self.iface.getdomain() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'GetRecords': if self.asynchronous: # process asynchronously threading.Thread(target=self.iface.getrecords).start() self.response = self.iface._write_acknowledgement() else: self.response = self.iface.getrecords() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'GetRecordById': self.response = self.iface.getrecordbyid() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'GetRepositoryItem': self.response = self.iface.getrepositoryitem() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'Transaction': self.response = self.iface.transaction() elif self.kvp['request'] == 'Harvest': if self.asynchronous: # process asynchronously threading.Thread(target=self.iface.harvest).start() self.response = self.iface._write_acknowledgement() else: self.response = self.iface.harvest() else: self.response = self.iface.exceptionreport( 'InvalidParameterValue', 'request', 'Invalid request parameter: %s' % self.kvp['request'] )'Request processed') if self.mode == 'sru':'SRU mode detected; processing response.') self.response = self.sru().response_csw2sru(self.response, self.environ) elif self.mode == 'opensearch':'OpenSearch mode detected; processing response.') self.response = self.opensearch().response_csw2opensearch( self.response, self.config) elif self.mode == 'oaipmh':'OAI-PMH mode detected; processing response.') self.response = self.oaipmh().response( self.response, self.oaiargs, self.repository, self.config.get('server', 'url') ) return self._write_response() def getcapabilities(self): """ Handle GetCapabilities request """ return self.iface.getcapabilities() def describerecord(self): """ Handle DescribeRecord request """ return self.iface.describerecord() def getdomain(self): """ Handle GetDomain request """ return self.iface.getdomain() def getrecords(self): """ Handle GetRecords request """ return self.iface.getrecords() def getrecordbyid(self, raw=False): """ Handle GetRecordById request """ return self.iface.getrecordbyid(raw) def getrepositoryitem(self): """ Handle GetRepositoryItem request """ return self.iface.getrepositoryitem() def transaction(self): """ Handle Transaction request """ return self.iface.transaction() def harvest(self): """ Handle Harvest request """ return self.iface.harvest() def _write_response(self): """ Generate response """ # set HTTP response headers and XML declaration xmldecl = '' appinfo = '''Writing response.') if hasattr(self, 'soap') and self.soap: self._gen_soap_wrapper() if etree.__version__ >= '3.5.0': # remove superfluous namespaces etree.cleanup_namespaces(self.response, keep_ns_prefixes=self.context.keep_ns_prefixes) response = etree.tostring(self.response, pretty_print=self.pretty_print, encoding='unicode') if (isinstance(self.kvp, dict) and 'outputformat' in self.kvp and self.kvp['outputformat'] == 'application/json'): self.contenttype = self.kvp['outputformat'] from pycsw.core.formats import fmt_json response = fmt_json.xml2json(response, self.context.namespaces, self.pretty_print) else: # it's XML if 'outputformat' in self.kvp: self.contenttype = self.kvp['outputformat'] else: self.contenttype = self.mimetype xmldecl = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" standalone="no"?>' '\n' % self.encoding) appinfo = '<!-- pycsw %s -->\n' % self.context.version if isinstance(self.contenttype, bytes): self.contenttype = self.contenttype.decode() s = (u'%s%s%s' % (xmldecl, appinfo, response)).encode(self.encoding) LOGGER.debug('Response code: %s', self.context.response_codes[self.status]) LOGGER.debug('Response:\n%s', s) return [self.context.response_codes[self.status], s] def _gen_soap_wrapper(self): """ Generate SOAP wrapper """'Writing SOAP wrapper.') node = etree.Element( util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Envelope', self.context.namespaces), nsmap=self.context.namespaces ) schema_location_ns = util.nspath_eval('xsi:schemaLocation', self.context.namespaces) node.attrib[schema_location_ns] = '%s %s' % ( self.context.namespaces['soapenv'], self.context.namespaces['soapenv'] ) node2 = etree.SubElement( node, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Body', self.context.namespaces)) if self.exception: node3 = etree.SubElement( node2, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Fault', self.context.namespaces) ) node4 = etree.SubElement( node3, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Code', self.context.namespaces) ) etree.SubElement( node4, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Value', self.context.namespaces) ).text = 'soap:Server' node4 = etree.SubElement( node3, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Reason', self.context.namespaces) ) etree.SubElement( node4, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Text', self.context.namespaces) ).text = 'A server exception was encountered.' node4 = etree.SubElement( node3, util.nspath_eval('soapenv:Detail', self.context.namespaces) ) node4.append(self.response) else: node2.append(self.response) self.response = node def _gen_manager(self): """ Update self.context.model with CSW-T advertising """ if (self.config.has_option('manager', 'transactions') and self.config.get('manager', 'transactions') == 'true'): self.manager = True self.context.model['operations_order'].append('Transaction') self.context.model['operations']['Transaction'] = { 'methods': {'get': False, 'post': True}, 'parameters': {} } schema_values = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'urn:geoss:waf', ] self.context.model['operations_order'].append('Harvest') self.context.model['operations']['Harvest'] = { 'methods': {'get': False, 'post': True}, 'parameters': { 'ResourceType': {'values': schema_values} } } self.context.model['operations']['Transaction'] = { 'methods': {'get': False, 'post': True}, 'parameters': { 'TransactionSchemas': {'values': sorted(schema_values)} } } self.csw_harvest_pagesize = 10 if self.config.has_option('manager', 'csw_harvest_pagesize'): self.csw_harvest_pagesize = int( self.config.get('manager', 'csw_harvest_pagesize')) def _test_manager(self): """ Verify that transactions are allowed """ if self.config.get('manager', 'transactions') != 'true': raise RuntimeError('CSW-T interface is disabled') """ get the client first forwarded ip """ if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in self.environ: ipaddress = self.environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].split(',')[0].strip() else: ipaddress = self.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] if not self.config.has_option('manager', 'allowed_ips') or \ (self.config.has_option('manager', 'allowed_ips') and not util.ipaddress_in_whitelist(ipaddress, self.config.get('manager', 'allowed_ips').split(','))): raise RuntimeError( 'CSW-T operations not allowed for this IP address: %s' % ipaddress) def _cql_update_queryables_mappings(self, cql, mappings): """ Transform CQL query's properties to underlying DB columns """ LOGGER.debug('Raw CQL text = %s', cql) LOGGER.debug(str(list(mappings.keys()))) if cql is not None: for key in mappings.keys(): try: cql = cql.replace(key, mappings[key]['dbcol']) except: cql = cql.replace(key, mappings[key]) LOGGER.debug('Interpolated CQL text = %s.', cql) return cql def _process_responsehandler(self, xml): """ Process response handler """ if self.kvp['responsehandler'] is not None:'Processing responsehandler %s' % self.kvp['responsehandler']) uprh = urlparse(self.kvp['responsehandler']) if uprh.scheme == 'mailto': # email import smtplib LOGGER.debug('Email detected') smtp_host = 'localhost' if self.config.has_option('server', 'smtp_host'): smtp_host = self.config.get('server', 'smtp_host') body = ('Subject: pycsw %s results\n\n%s' % (self.kvp['request'], xml)) try:'Sending email') msg = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host) msg.sendmail( self.config.get('metadata:main', 'contact_email'), uprh.path, body ) msg.quit() LOGGER.debug('Email sent successfully.') except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception('Error processing email') elif uprh.scheme == 'ftp': import ftplib LOGGER.debug('FTP detected.') try:'Sending to FTP server.') ftp = ftplib.FTP(uprh.hostname) if uprh.username is not None: ftp.login(uprh.username, uprh.password) ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % uprh.path[1:], StringIO(xml)) ftp.quit() LOGGER.debug('FTP sent successfully.') except Exception as err: LOGGER.exception('Error processing FTP') @staticmethod def normalize_kvp(kvp): """Normalize Key Value Pairs. This method will transform all keys to lowercase and leave values unchanged, as specified in the CSW standard (see for example note C on Table 62 - KVP Encoding for DescribeRecord operation request of the CSW standard version 2.0.2) :arg kvp: a mapping with Key Value Pairs :type kvp: dict :returns: A new dictionary with normalized parameters """ result = dict() for name, value in kvp.items(): result[name.lower()] = value return result
import uuid import math import time import logging import redis as engine from zencore.errors import WrongParameterTypeError from .types import smart_force_to_string logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RedisLock(object): def __init__(self, url, name=None, app_name=None, expire=None, prefix="zencore:lock:", tick=5, **kwargs): self.url = url self.connection = engine.Redis.from_url(url, **kwargs) self.app_name = app_name or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.prefix = prefix self.expire = expire self.tick = tick if name: self.setup(name) def setup(self, name): self.lock_name = ":".join([self.prefix, name]) self.signal_name = ":".join([self.prefix, name, "signal"]) def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=-1): stime = time.clock() while True: result = self.acquire_nowait() if result: return True if not blocking: return False if timeout == 0: return False if timeout > 0: delta = math.ceil(timeout - (time.clock() - stime)) if delta < 0: return False if delta > self.tick: delta = self.tick else: delta = self.tick event = self.connection.blpop(self.signal_name, timeout=delta) if event is None: return False def acquire_nowait(self): result = self.connection.setnx(self.lock_name, self.app_name) if result: if self.expire: self.connection.expire(self.lock_name, self.expire) self.connection.delete(self.signal_name) return True return False def release(self): if self.is_lock_owner(): self.connection.delete(self.lock_name) self.connection.rpush(self.signal_name, 1) def force_clean(self): self.connection.delete(self.lock_name) self.connection.rpush(self.signal_name, 1) def get_current_lock_owner(self, ): return smart_force_to_string(self.connection.get(self.lock_name)) def is_lock_owner(self): return self.get_current_lock_owner() == self.app_name class Counter(object): def __init__(self, connection, namespace): self.connection = connection self.namespace = namespace def incr(self, name): key = self.make_counter_key(name) self.connection.incr(key) def get(self, name): key = self.make_counter_key(name) return int(self.connection.get(key)) def getall(self): keys = self.connection.keys(self.make_counter_pattern()) if not keys: return {} keys = [key.decode("utf-8") for key in keys] values = [int(value) for value in self.connection.mget(*keys)] return dict(zip(keys, values)) def make_counter_key(self, name): return "{}:{}".format(self.namespace, name) def make_counter_pattern(self): return "{}:*".format(self.namespace) def get_redis(config): """ 从配置文件获取redis对象。 """ if isinstance(config, engine.StrictRedis): return config if isinstance(config, str): return engine.Redis.from_url(config) if isinstance(config, dict): url = config.get("url") host = config.get("host") if url: db = config.get("db", None) options = config.get("options", {}) return engine.Redis.from_url(url, db, **options) if host: return engine.Redis(**config) logger.error("get_redis got wrong parameter type error.") raise WrongParameterTypeError() # ########################################################################### # 重复或不推荐使用 # ########################################################################### make_redis_instance = get_redis
import webracer import nose.plugins.attrib from . import utils from .apps import form_app utils.app_runner_setup(__name__,, 8059) @nose.plugins.attrib.attr('client') @webracer.config(host='localhost', port=8059) class RequestViaFormTest(webracer.WebTestCase): def test_get_form_as_url(self): self.get('/method_check_form') self.assert_status(200) form = self.response.form() self.get(form) self.assertEqual('GET', self.response.body) def test_post_form_as_url(self): self.get('/textarea') self.assert_status(200) form = self.response.form() self.assertEqual('{}', self.response.body) def test_post_form_with_elements(self): self.get('/textarea') self.assert_status(200) form = self.response.form() elements = form.elements, elements) json = self.response.json self.assertEqual(dict(field='hello world'), json) def test_post_form_with_mutated_elements(self): self.get('/textarea') self.assert_status(200) form = self.response.form() elements = form.elements.mutable elements.set_value('field', 'changed'), elements) json = self.response.json self.assertEqual(dict(field='changed'), json)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('timeline', '0008_auto_20150818_2241'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='duration', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='height', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='marker_height_min', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='marker_padding', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='marker_width_min', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='menubar_height', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='optimal_tick_width', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='scale_factor', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='skinny_size', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='slide_default_fade', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='slide_padding_lr', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='start_at_slide', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='timenav_height', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='timenav_height_min', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='timenav_height_percentage', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='options', name='width', field=models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True), ), ]
# # This file is part of do-mpc # # do-mpc: An environment for the easy, modular and efficient implementation of # robust nonlinear model predictive control # # Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Sergio Lucia, Alexandru Tatulea-Codrean # TU Dortmund. All rights reserved # # do-mpc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # do-mpc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with do-mpc. If not, see <>. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from casadi import * from import * import pdb import sys import unittest sys.path.append('../') import do_mpc sys.path.pop(-1) sys.path.append('../examples/oscillating_masses_discrete_dae/') from template_model import template_model from template_mpc import template_mpc from template_simulator import template_simulator sys.path.pop(-1) class TestOscillatingMassesDiscrete(unittest.TestCase): def test_oscillating_masses_discrete(self): """ Get configured do-mpc modules: """ model = template_model() mpc = template_mpc(model) simulator = template_simulator(model) estimator = do_mpc.estimator.StateFeedback(model) """ Set initial state """ np.random.seed(99) x0 = np.random.rand(model.n_x)-0.5 mpc.x0 = x0 simulator.x0 = x0 estimator.x0 = x0 # Use initial state to set the initial guess. mpc.set_initial_guess() # This is only meaningful for DAE systems. simulator.set_initial_guess() """ Run some steps: """ for k in range(5): u0 = mpc.make_step(x0) y_next = simulator.make_step(u0) x0 = estimator.make_step(y_next) """ Store results (from reference run): """[mpc, simulator, estimator], 'results_oscillatingMasses_dae', overwrite=True) """ Compare results to reference run: """ ref ='./results/results_oscillatingMasses_dae.pkl') test = ['_x', '_u', '_aux', '_time', '_z'] for test_i in test: # Check MPC check = np.allclose([test_i], ref['mpc'].__dict__[test_i]) self.assertTrue(check) # Check Simulator check = np.allclose([test_i], ref['simulator'].__dict__[test_i]) self.assertTrue(check) # Estimator check = np.allclose([test_i], ref['estimator'].__dict__[test_i]) self.assertTrue(check) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import print_function import subprocess import os import errno import shutil import time import signal __test_files__ = ["sample_data/albacore_1d_original.fast5", "sample_data/metrichor_2d_original.fast5"] __test_runs__ = ["lossless", "deep-lossless"] __prefix__ = "picopore.test" __raw_runs__ = [["--fastq","--summary"],["--summary","--no-fastq"],["--fastq","--no-summary"],["--no-fastq","--no-summary"], ["--manual", "Analyses"]] def mkdir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def call(additionalArgs, prefix=None): args=["python","-m","picopore","-y","--print-every","1"] if prefix is not None: args.extend(["--prefix",prefix]) args.extend(additionalArgs) print(" ".join(args)) p = if prefix is not None: filename = args[-1] dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) basename = os.path.basename(filename) os.remove(os.path.join(dirname,".".join([prefix,basename]))) return p def testFile(filename): result = 0 for run in __test_runs__: result += call(["--test","--mode",run, filename]) result += call(["--mode",run, filename], prefix=__prefix__) for run in __raw_runs__: result += call(["--mode","raw"] + run + [filename], prefix=__prefix__) return result def testRealtime(mode, additionalArgs=None, directory="realtime"): __waittime = 10 mkdir(directory) args = ["python","-m","picopore","-y","--realtime","--print-every","1"] if additionalArgs is not None: args.extend(additionalArgs) args.extend(["--mode",mode,directory]) print(" ".join(args)) p = subprocess.Popen(args) time.sleep(__waittime) for filename in __test_files__: shutil.copy(filename, directory) time.sleep(__waittime) p.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) p.wait() shutil.rmtree(directory) return p.returncode exitcode = 0 for filename in __test_files__: exitcode += testFile(filename) for mode in __test_runs__: exitcode += testRealtime(mode) for mode in __raw_runs__: exitcode += testRealtime("raw", additionalArgs=mode) exit(exitcode)
##!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import re import string from io import StringIO from lxml import etree try: from .util import * except Exception as e: from util import * class NetsparkerToMarkdown: def __init__(self, options): self.options=options self.template=string.Template(self.options['template']) if self.options['merge']: self.template=string.Template(self.options['merge_template']) self.merge_findinglist_template=string.Template(self.options['merge_findinglist_template']) self.process() def process(self): if not os.path.exists(self.options['output_dir']): os.makedirs(self.options['output_dir']) filelist=[] if os.path.isfile(self.options['load_file']): filelist.append(self.options['load_file']) elif os.path.isdir(self.options['load_file']): for name in os.listdir(self.options["load_file"]): if os.path.isfile(self.options['load_file']+'/'+name) and len(name)>11 and name[-11:]==".netsparker": filelist.append(self.options["load_file"]+'/'+name) counter=1 findings={} for processfile in filelist: content=open(processfile).read() fileparts=content.split('<!-- Vulnerability Details -->') vulns=fileparts[1].split('<h1') fullparser=etree.HTMLParser() fullhtml=etree.parse(StringIO(content), fullparser) Target=self.attrib(fullhtml.xpath("//span[@class='dashboard-url']/a"),'href','N/A') for vuln in vulns[1:]: vuln='<h1'+vuln parser=etree.HTMLParser() vulnobj=etree.parse(StringIO(vuln), parser) h1=self.value(vulnobj.xpath('//h1//text()'),'N/A') Vulnerability=re.sub(r'\d+\\\. ','',h1) Risk=self.value(vulnobj.xpath("//div[@class='vuln-block']/div[2]//text()"),'N/A').title() VulnDesc=self.value(vulnobj.xpath("//div[@class='vulndesc']//text()"),'N/A') if Risk=='Information': Risk='Info' if Risk=='Important': Risk='High' VulnDetails=vulnobj.xpath("//div[@class='vulnerability-detail']") for VulnDetail in VulnDetails: h2=self.value(VulnDetail.xpath('./div/h2//text()'),'N/A') SubVulnerability=re.sub(r'\d+\.\d+\. ','',h2) Link=self.attrib(VulnDetail.xpath('./div/div[2]/a'),'href','N/A') ParamTableRows=VulnDetail.xpath('./div/table//tr') lines=0; ParamTable='' for ParamTableRow in ParamTableRows: ParamTableCells=ParamTableRow.xpath('./td') cells=0 for ParamTableCell in ParamTableCells: cell=self.value(ParamTableCell.xpath('.//text()'),'N/A').strip() ParamTable+='| %s '%cell cells+=1 ParamTable='%s|\n'%ParamTable if lines==0: sepstr='' for i in range(0,cells): sepstr+='| ------- ' sepstr='%s|\n'%sepstr ParamTable+=sepstr lines+=1 d={'Target':Target, 'Vulnerability':Vulnerability, 'Risk':Risk, 'VulnDesc':VulnDesc, 'SubVulnerability':SubVulnerability, 'Link':Link, 'ParamTable':ParamTable,'findinglist':''} if not self.options['merge']: dirname=slugify('%s-%s-%s-%04d-netsparker'%(Risk, Target, Vulnerability, counter)) if not os.path.exists(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+dirname): os.makedirs(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+dirname) counter+=1 temp=self.template text=temp.substitute(d) if self.options['result_overwrite'] or (not os.path.exists(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+dirname+'/')): tmpfile = open(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+dirname+'/', 'w'); tmpfile.write(text) tmpfile.close() else : slug=slugify('%s-%s-netsparker'%(Risk, Vulnerability)) if not findings.get(slug): findings[slug]=[] findings[slug].append(d) for key, values in findings.items(): findinglist = '' for d in values: d['VulnDesc']=d['VulnDesc'].replace('$','$$') d['ParamTable']=d['ParamTable'].replace('$','$$') d['Link']=d['Link'].replace('$','$$') temp=self.merge_findinglist_template text=temp.substitute(d) findinglist+=text+"\n\n" d['findinglist']=findinglist filename=key+".md"; temp=self.template text=temp.substitute(d) if self.options['result_overwrite'] or (not os.path.exists(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+filename)): tmpfile = open(self.options['output_dir']+'/'+filename, 'w'); tmpfile.write(text) tmpfile.close() def value(self, x, default): try: #ret=x[0].strip() ret="\n".join([html2markdown(html2markdown(y.strip(), True)) for y in x]) except Exception as e: try: ret=x.strip() except Exception as ee: ret=default return ret def attrib(self, x, attr, default): try: ret=x[0].attrib[attr] except Exception as e: try: ret=x.attrib[attr] except Exception as ee: ret=default return ret
""" REST API Documentation for the NRS TFRS Credit Trading Application The Transportation Fuels Reporting System is being designed to streamline compliance reporting for transportation fuel suppliers in accordance with the Renewable & Low Carbon Fuel Requirements Regulation. OpenAPI spec version: v1 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from django.db import models class UserViewModel(models.Model): given_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) surname = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) email = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) active = models.BooleanField() sm_authorization_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=True) user_roles = models.ManyToManyField('UserRole', related_name='UserViewModeluser_roles', blank=True) class Meta: abstract = True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Flask-Admin utilities.""" from flask import abort, redirect, request, url_for from flask_admin import AdminIndexView, expose from flask_admin.base import MenuLink from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView from flask_login import current_user from functools import wraps from kido import app from kido.constants import PERMISSION_ADMIN def admin_required(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for("views.general.login", next=request.url)) users_permissions = current_user.permissions if PERMISSION_ADMIN not in users_permissions: app.logger.debug("Not an admin") abort(404) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated def permission_required(permissions): if not isinstance(permissions, (list, set, tuple)): permissions = [permissions] permissions = [x.upper() for x in permissions] def decorator(method): @wraps(method) def f(*args, **kwargs): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for("views.general.login", next=request.url)) users_permissions = current_user.permissions if PERMISSION_ADMIN not in users_permissions: for permission in permissions: if permission not in users_permissions: app.logger.debug("Missing permission: {0}".format(permission)) abort(404) return method(*args, **kwargs) return f return decorator class AuthenticatedMenuLink(MenuLink): def is_accessible(self): return current_user.is_authenticated class CustomAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView): extra_css = None extra_js = None @expose("/") @admin_required def index(self): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for("views.general.login", next=request.url)) return super(CustomAdminIndexView, self).index() @expose("/login/") def login_view(self): return redirect(url_for("views.general.login", next=request.url)) @expose("/logout/") def logout_view(self): return redirect("/logout") class CustomModelView(ModelView): page_size = 50 extra_css = None extra_js = None action_template = "admin/action.html" edit_template = "admin/model/edit.html" create_template = "admin/model/create.html" list_template = "admin/model/custom_list.html" _include = None class_attributes = [ "page_size", "can_create", "can_edit", "can_delete", "column_searchable_list", "column_filters", "column_exclude_list", "column_default_sort", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "exclude" in kwargs: self.form_excluded_columns = kwargs["exclude"] del kwargs["exclude"] if "include" in kwargs: self._include = kwargs["include"] del kwargs["include"] for item in self.class_attributes: if item in kwargs: setattr(self, item, kwargs[item]) del kwargs[item] super(CustomModelView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_list_columns(self): if self._include: return self.get_column_names( only_columns=self.scaffold_list_columns() + self._include, excluded_columns=self.column_exclude_list, ) return super(CustomModelView, self).get_list_columns() def is_accessible(self): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return False users_permissions = current_user.permissions return PERMISSION_ADMIN in users_permissions def inaccessible_callback(self, name, **kwargs): return abort(404)
## @file # @brief Application support class for the Unofficial Google Music API. # @author weaves # # @details # This class uses @c gmusicapi. # # @note # An application support class is one that uses a set of driver classes # to provide a set of higher-level application specific methods. # # @see # # from __future__ import print_function from GMus00 import GMus00 import logging import ConfigParser, os, logging import pandas as pd import json from gmusicapi import Mobileclient ## Set of file paths for the configuration file. paths = ['site.cfg', os.path.expanduser('~/share/site/.safe/gmusic.cfg')] ## Google Music API login, search and result cache. # # The class needs to a configuration file with these contents. (The # values of the keys must be a valid Google Play account.) # # <pre> # [credentials] # username=username\ # password=SomePassword9 # </pre> class GMus0(GMus00): ## Ad-hoc method to find the indices of duplicated entries. def duplicated(self): # self._df = self._df.sort(['album', 'title', 'creationTimestamp'], # ascending=[1, 1, 0]) df = self.df[list(['title', 'album', 'creationTimestamp'])] df['n0'] = df['title'] + '|' + df['album'] df = df.sort(['n0','creationTimestamp'], ascending=[1, 0]) # Only rely on counts of 2. s0 = pd.Series(df.n0) s1 = s0.value_counts() s2 = set( (s1[s1.values >= 2]).index ) df1 = df[df.n0.isin(s2)] df1['d'] = df1.duplicated('n0') s3 = list(df1[df1.d].index) return s3
import timeit import time from import ascii import pandas import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table, Column from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import random import string import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import webbrowser def make_table(table, size=10000, n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format=None, str_val=None): if str_val is None: str_val = "abcde12345" cols = [] for i in xrange(n_floats): dat = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=10, size=size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='f{}'.format(i))) for i in xrange(n_ints): dat = np.random.randint(low=-9999999, high=9999999, size=size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='i{}'.format(i))) for i in xrange(n_strs): if str_val == 'random': dat = np.array([''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for j in range(10)]) for k in range(size)]) else: dat = np.repeat(str_val, size) cols.append(Column(dat, name='s{}'.format(i))) t = Table(cols) if float_format is not None: for col in t.columns.values(): if'f'): col.format = float_format t.write(, format='ascii') output_text = [] def plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format=None, str_val=None): global table1, output_text n_rows = (10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000) # include 200000 for publish run numbers = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) repeats = (3, 2, 1, 1, 1) times_fast = [] times_fast_parallel = [] times_pandas = [] for n_row, number, repeat in zip(n_rows, numbers, repeats): table1 = NamedTemporaryFile() make_table(table1, n_row, n_floats, n_ints, n_strs, float_format, str_val) t = timeit.repeat(", format='basic', guess=False, use_fast_converter=True)", setup='from __main__ import ascii, table1', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_fast.append(min(t) / number) t = timeit.repeat(", format='basic', guess=False, parallel=True, use_fast_converter=True)", setup='from __main__ import ascii, table1', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_fast_parallel.append(min(t) / number) t = timeit.repeat("pandas.read_csv(, sep=' ', header=0)", setup='from __main__ import table1, pandas', number=number, repeat=repeat) times_pandas.append(min(t) / number) plt.loglog(n_rows, times_fast, '-or', label='io.ascii Fast-c') plt.loglog(n_rows, times_fast_parallel, '-og', label='io.ascii Parallel Fast-c') plt.loglog(n_rows, times_pandas, '-oc', label='Pandas') plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best') plt.title('n_floats={} n_ints={} n_strs={} float_format={} str_val={}'.format( n_floats, n_ints, n_strs, float_format, str_val)) plt.xlabel('Number of rows') plt.ylabel('Time (sec)') img_file = 'graph{}.png'.format(len(output_text) + 1) plt.savefig(img_file) plt.clf() text = 'Pandas to io.ascii Fast-C speed ratio: {:.2f} : 1<br/>'.format(times_fast[-1] / times_pandas[-1]) text += 'io.ascii parallel to Pandas speed ratio: {:.2f} : 1'.format(times_pandas[-1] / times_fast_parallel[-1]) output_text.append((img_file, text)) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=10, n_strs=10) plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=10, n_strs=10, float_format='%.4f') plot_case(n_floats=10, n_ints=0, n_strs=0, float_format='%.4f') plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10) plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10, str_val="'asdf asdfa'") plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=0, n_strs=10, str_val="random") plot_case(n_floats=0, n_ints=10, n_strs=0) html_file = open('out.html', 'w') html_file.write('<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-type"/>') html_file.write('</html><body><h1 style="text-align:center;">Profile of io.ascii</h1>') for img, descr in output_text: html_file.write('<img src="{}"><p style="font-weight:bold;">{}</p><hr>'.format(img, descr)) html_file.write('</body></html>') html_file.close()'out.html')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'Choose_file.ui' # # Created: Sat Oct 17 15:55:19 2015 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10.4 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) MainWindow.resize(524, 146) self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("centralwidget")) self.verticalLayoutWidget = QtGui.QWidget(self.centralwidget) self.verticalLayoutWidget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 10, 501, 81)) self.verticalLayoutWidget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayoutWidget")) self.verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.verticalLayout.setMargin(0) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayout")) self.horizontalLayout_2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("horizontalLayout_2")) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.label) self.txtFile = QtGui.QLineEdit(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.txtFile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("txtFile")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.txtFile) self.btChooseFile = QtGui.QPushButton(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.btChooseFile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btChooseFile")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.btChooseFile) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("horizontalLayout")) self.btClose = QtGui.QPushButton(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.btClose.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btClose")) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.btClose) self.btLoadFile = QtGui.QPushButton(self.verticalLayoutWidget) self.btLoadFile.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("btLoadFile")) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.btLoadFile) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.menubar = QtGui.QMenuBar(MainWindow) self.menubar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 524, 25)) self.menubar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("menubar")) MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = QtGui.QStatusBar(MainWindow) self.statusbar.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusbar")) MainWindow.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow", None)) self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "File", None)) self.btChooseFile.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Choose", None)) self.btClose.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Cerrar", None)) self.btLoadFile.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Cargar Archivo", None))
# Copyright (c) James Percent and Unlock contributors. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of Unlock nor the names of its contributors may be used # to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.import socket __author__ = 'jpercent' from .. import switch import threading import time import random import unittest class AttrTest(object): def __init__(self): super(AttrTest, self).__init__() self.a = 0 self.b = 1 self.c = 2 def d(self): self.d_value = True def e(self, e, e1): self.e_value = e self.e1_value = e1 class MiscTests(unittest.TestCase): def testSwitch(self): correct = False incorrect = False val = 'v' for case in switch(val): if case('v'): correct = True break if case('d'): incorrect = True break if case (): incorrect = True break self.assertTrue(correct and not incorrect) correct = False incorrect = False val = 'd' for case in switch(val): if case('v'): incorrect = True break if case('d'): correct = True break if case (): incorrect = True break self.assertTrue(correct and not incorrect) correct = False incorrect = False val = ['efg', 'v'] for case in switch(val): if case('v'): incorrect = True break if case('d'): incorrect = True break if case (['efg', 'v']): correct = True break if case (): incorrect = True break self.assertTrue(correct and not incorrect) def getSuite(): return unittest.makeSuite(MiscTests,'test') if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# pylint: disable-msg=R0904 from tastypie import fields from tastypie.resources import ModelResource from mediathread.api import UserResource, TagResource from mediathread.assetmgr.models import Asset from mediathread.djangosherd.models import SherdNote, DiscussionIndex from mediathread.projects.models import ProjectNote from mediathread.taxonomy.api import TermResource from mediathread.taxonomy.models import TermRelationship class SherdNoteResource(ModelResource): author = fields.ForeignKey(UserResource, 'author', full=True, null=True, blank=True) class Meta: queryset = SherdNote.objects.select_related('asset').order_by("id") excludes = ['tags', 'body', 'added', 'modified'] list_allowed_methods = [] detail_allowed_methods = [] def dehydrate(self, bundle): try:['is_global_annotation'] = \ bundle.obj.is_global_annotation()['asset_id'] = str(['is_null'] = bundle.obj.is_null()['annotation'] = bundle.obj.annotation()['url'] = bundle.obj.get_absolute_url() modified = bundle.obj.modified.strftime("%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p") \ if bundle.obj.modified else ''['metadata'] = { 'tags': TagResource().render_list(bundle.request, bundle.obj.tags_split()), 'body': bundle.obj.body.strip() if bundle.obj.body else '', 'primary_type': bundle.obj.asset.primary.label, 'modified': modified, 'timecode': bundle.obj.range_as_timecode(), 'title': bundle.obj.title } editable = ( == getattr(bundle.obj, 'author_id', -1)) citable = bundle.request.GET.get('citable', '') == 'true' # assumed: there is only one ProjectNote per annotation reference = ProjectNote.objects.filter( if reference: # notes in a submitted response are not editable editable = editable and not reference.project.is_submitted() if citable: # this is a heavy operation. don't call it unless needed citable = reference.project.can_cite(bundle.request.course, bundle.request.user)['editable'] = editable['citable'] = citable termResource = TermResource() vocabulary = {} related = TermRelationship.objects.get_for_object( bundle.obj).prefetch_related('term__vocabulary') for rel in related: if not in vocabulary: vocabulary[] = { 'id':, 'display_name': rel.term.vocabulary.display_name, 'terms': [] } vocabulary[]['terms'].append( termResource.render_one(bundle.request, rel.term))['vocabulary'] = vocabulary.values() except Asset.DoesNotExist:['asset_id'] = ''['metadata'] = {'title': 'Item Deleted'} return bundle def render_one(self, request, selection, asset_key): # assumes user is allowed to see this note bundle = self.build_bundle(obj=selection, request=request) dehydrated = self.full_dehydrate(bundle)['asset_key'] = '%s_%s' % (asset_key,['asset_id']) return self._meta.serializer.to_simple(dehydrated, None) class DiscussionIndexResource(object): def render_list(self, request, indicies): collaborations = DiscussionIndex.with_permission(request, indicies) ctx = { 'references': [{ 'id': obj.collaboration.object_pk, 'title': obj.collaboration.title, 'type': obj.get_type_label(), 'url': obj.get_absolute_url(), 'modified': obj.modified.strftime("%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p")} for obj in collaborations]} return ctx
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys import pywind.evtframework.handlers.handler as handler import freenet.lib.fn_utils as fn_utils import freenet.lib.simple_qos as simple_qos try: import fcntl except ImportError: pass class tun_base(handler.handler): __creator_fd = None # 要写入到tun的IP包 ___ip_packets_for_write = [] # 写入tun设备的最大IP数据包的个数 __MAX_WRITE_QUEUE_SIZE = 1024 # 当前需要写入tun设备的IP数据包的个数 __current_write_queue_n = 0 __BLOCK_SIZE = 16 * 1024 __qos = None def __create_tun_dev(self, name): """创建tun 设备 :param name: :return fd: """ tun_fd = fn_utils.tuntap_create(name, fn_utils.IFF_TUN | fn_utils.IFF_NO_PI) fn_utils.interface_up(name) if tun_fd < 0: raise SystemError("can not create tun device,please check your root") return tun_fd @property def creator(self): return self.__creator_fd def init_func(self, creator_fd, tun_dev_name, *args, **kwargs): """ :param creator_fd: :param tun_dev_name:tun 设备名称 :param subnet:如果是服务端则需要则个参数 """ tun_fd = self.__create_tun_dev(tun_dev_name) if tun_fd < 3: print("error:create tun device failed:%s" % tun_dev_name) sys.exit(-1) self.__creator_fd = creator_fd self.__qos = simple_qos.qos(simple_qos.QTYPE_DST) self.set_fileno(tun_fd) fcntl.fcntl(tun_fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NONBLOCK) self.dev_init(tun_dev_name, *args, **kwargs) return tun_fd def dev_init(self, dev_name, *args, **kwargs): pass def evt_read(self): for i in range(32): try: ip_packet =, self.__BLOCK_SIZE) except BlockingIOError: break self.__qos.add_to_queue(ip_packet) self.__qos_from_tundev() def task_loop(self): self.__qos_from_tundev() def __qos_from_tundev(self): results = self.__qos.get_queue() for ip_packet in results: self.handle_ip_packet_from_read(ip_packet) if not results: self.del_loop_task(self.fileno) else: self.add_to_loop_task(self.fileno) def evt_write(self): try: ip_packet = self.___ip_packets_for_write.pop(0) except IndexError: self.remove_evt_write(self.fileno) return self.__current_write_queue_n -= 1 try: os.write(self.fileno, ip_packet) except BlockingIOError: self.__current_write_queue_n += 1 self.___ip_packets_for_write.insert(0, ip_packet) return '''''' def handle_ip_packet_from_read(self, ip_packet): """处理读取过来的IP包,重写这个方法 :param ip_packet: :return None: """ pass def handle_ip_packet_for_write(self, ip_packet): """处理要写入的IP包,重写这个方法 :param ip_packet: :return new_ip_packet: """ pass def error(self): self.dev_error() def dev_error(self): """重写这个方法 :return: """ pass def timeout(self): self.dev_timeout() def dev_timeout(self): """重写这个方法 :return: """ pass def delete(self): self.dev_delete() def dev_delete(self): """重写这个方法 :return: """ pass def add_to_sent_queue(self, ip_packet): # 丢到超出规定的数据包,防止内存过度消耗 n_ip_message = self.handle_ip_packet_for_write(ip_packet) if not n_ip_message: return if self.__current_write_queue_n == self.__MAX_WRITE_QUEUE_SIZE: # 删除第一个包,防止队列过多 self.__current_write_queue_n -= 1 self.___ip_packets_for_write.pop(0) return self.__current_write_queue_n += 1 self.___ip_packets_for_write.append(n_ip_message) class tundevs(tun_base): """服务端的tun数据处理 """ def dev_init(self, dev_name): self.register(self.fileno) self.add_evt_read(self.fileno) def handle_ip_packet_from_read(self, ip_packet): self.dispatcher.send_msg_to_tunnel_from_tun(ip_packet) def handle_ip_packet_for_write(self, ip_packet): return ip_packet def dev_delete(self): self.unregister(self.fileno) os.close(self.fileno) def dev_error(self): self.delete_handler(self.fileno) def dev_timeout(self): pass def handle_msg_from_tunnel(self, message): self.add_to_sent_queue(message) self.add_evt_write(self.fileno) class tundevc(tun_base): def dev_init(self, dev_name): self.register(self.fileno) self.add_evt_read(self.fileno) def handle_ip_packet_from_read(self, ip_packet): self.dispatcher.handle_msg_from_tundev(ip_packet) def handle_ip_packet_for_write(self, ip_packet): return ip_packet def dev_delete(self): self.unregister(self.fileno) os.close(self.fileno) def dev_error(self): self.delete_handler(self.fileno) def dev_timeout(self): pass def msg_from_tunnel(self, message): self.add_to_sent_queue(message) self.add_evt_write(self.fileno)
import sys from datetime import date, timedelta from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.contrib.auth.tokens import PasswordResetTokenGenerator from django.contrib.auth.tests.utils import skipIfCustomUser from django.test import TestCase from django.utils import unittest from django.test.testcases import skipIfDBFeature @skipIfCustomUser class TokenGeneratorTest(TestCase): def test_make_token(self): """ Ensure that we can make a token and that it is valid """ user = User.objects.create_user('tokentestuser', '', 'testpw') p0 = PasswordResetTokenGenerator() tk1 = p0.make_token(user) self.assertTrue(p0.check_token(user, tk1)) @skipIfDBFeature('supports_transactions') def test_10265(self): """ Ensure that the token generated for a user created in the same request will work correctly. """ # See ticket #10265 user = User.objects.create_user('comebackkid', '', 'testpw') p0 = PasswordResetTokenGenerator() tk1 = p0.make_token(user) reload = User.objects.get(username='comebackkid') tk2 = p0.make_token(reload) self.assertEqual(tk1, tk2) def test_timeout(self): """ Ensure we can use the token after n days, but no greater. """ # Uses a mocked version of PasswordResetTokenGenerator so we can change # the value of 'today' class Mocked(PasswordResetTokenGenerator): def __init__(self, today): self._today_val = today def _today(self): return self._today_val user = User.objects.create_user('tokentestuser', '', 'testpw') p0 = PasswordResetTokenGenerator() tk1 = p0.make_token(user) p1 = Mocked( + timedelta(settings.PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS)) self.assertTrue(p1.check_token(user, tk1)) p2 = Mocked( + timedelta(settings.PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT_DAYS + 1)) self.assertFalse(p2.check_token(user, tk1)) @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0), "Unnecessary test with Python 3") def test_date_length(self): """ Make sure we don't allow overly long dates, causing a potential DoS. """ user = User.objects.create_user('ima1337h4x0r', '', 'p4ssw0rd') p0 = PasswordResetTokenGenerator() # This will put a 14-digit base36 timestamp into the token, which is too large. self.assertRaises(ValueError, p0._make_token_with_timestamp, user, 175455491841851871349)
""" This module provides a way to import data from the Habit List iPhone application ( into Day One Journal ( entries. To use this module you must first do a manual export of your data from Habit list. This can be done by the following: - Open Habit List iPhone app - Click the 'gear' icon for settings at the bottom of the main 'Today' view - Choose the 'Export Data' option - E-mail the data to yourself - Copy and paste the e-mail contents into a file of your choosing - Remove the 'sent from iPhone' line at the end of your e-mail. This will cause the script to NOT process the JSON data. - DO NOT REMOVE THE LAST TWO EMPTY LINES OF THE E-MAIL. WE CURRENTLY HAVE A BUG THAT EXPECTS THESE LINES. - You can choose to optionally remove the first few lines of the e-mail that are not JSON data, everything up to the first '[' character. - Again, this is optional because this module will attempt to ignore any non-JSON data at the START of a file. At this point, you are ready to do the actual conversion from JSON to Day One entires. So, you should check all the 'settings' in this module for things you would like to change: - HEADER_FOR_DAY_ONE_ENTRIES - DAYONE_ENTRIES - ENTRY_TEMPLATE - TIMEZONE - Make sure to choose the timezone of your iPhone because the Habit List app stores all timezones in UTC and you'll want to convert this to the timezone your iPhone used at the time you completed the habit. This will ensure your Day One entries match the time you completed the task and also prevent a habit from showing up more than once per day which can happen with UTC time if you complete a habit late in one day and early in the next, etc. - You can find a list of available timezone strings here: - Next, you can run this module with your exported JSON data as an argument like so: - python services/ -f habit_list_data.json -t Also, it's encouraged to run this with the '-t' option first so that all your Day One entires will be created in a local directory called 'test.' This will allow you to inspect the conversion. You can manually copy a few select entries into your Day One 'entries/' folder to ensure you approve of the formatting and can easily make any formatting adjustments. Then, you can run this module again without the '-t' to fully import Habit List entries into Day One. """ import argparse import collections from datetime import datetime import json import os import re import uuid from dateutil import tz from import convert_to_dayone_date_string DAYONE_ENTRIES = '/Users/durden/Dropbox/Apps/Day One/Journal.dayone/entries/' # This text will be inserted into the first line of all entries created, set to # '' to remove this completely. HEADER_FOR_DAYONE_ENTRIES = 'Habit List entry' # Note the strange lack of indentation on the {entry_text} b/c day one will # display special formatting to text that is indented, which we want to avoid. ENTRY_TEMPLATE = """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Creation Date</key> <date>{date}</date> <key>Entry Text</key> <string> {entry_title} <![CDATA[ {habits}]]> #habits #habit_list </string> <key>Starred</key> <false/> <key>Tags</key> <array> <string>habits</string> <string>habit_list</string> </array> <key>UUID</key> <string>{uuid_str}</string> </dict> </plist> """ TIMEZONE = 'America/Chicago' def _parse_args(): """Parse sys.argv arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Export Habit List data to Day One') parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', dest='input_file', required=True, help='JSON file to import from') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', dest='verbose', required=False, help='Verbose debugging information') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', default=False, action='store_true', dest='test', required=False, help=('Test import by creating Day one files in local ' 'directory for inspect')) def _datetime(str_): """Convert date string in YYYY-MM-DD format to datetime object""" if not str_: return None try: date = datetime.strptime(str_, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: msg = 'Invalid date format, should be YYYY-MM-DD' raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return date.replace(tzinfo=_user_time_zone()) parser.add_argument('-s', '--since', type=_datetime, help=('Only process entries starting with YYYY-MM-DD ' 'and newer')) return vars(parser.parse_args()) def _user_time_zone(): """Get default timezone for user""" try: return tz.gettz(TIMEZONE) except Exception as err: print 'Failed getting timezone, check your TIMEZONE variable' raise def _user_time_zone_date(dt, user_time_zone, utc_time_zone): """ Convert given datetime string into a yyyy-mm-dd string taking into account the user time zone Keep in mind that this conversion might change the actual day if the habit was entered 'early' or 'late' in the day. This is correct because the user entered the habit in their own timezone, but the app stores this internally (and exports) in utc. So, here we are effectively converting the time back to when the user actually entered it, based on the timezone the user claims they were in. """ # We know habit list stores in UTC so don't need the timezone info dt = dt.split('+')[0].strip() dtime_obj = datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # Tell native datetime object we are using UTC, then we need to convert # that UTC time into the user's timezone BEFORE stripping off the time # to make sure the year, month, and date take into account timezone # differences. utc = dtime_obj.replace(tzinfo=utc_time_zone) return utc.astimezone(user_time_zone) def _habits_to_markdown(habits): """Create markdown list of habits""" # FIXME: This is inefficient but not sure of a good way to use join since # we want to add a chacter to the beginning and end of each string in list. markdown = '' for habit, dt_obj in habits: markdown += '- [%02d:%02d] %s\n' % (dt_obj.hour, dt_obj.minute, habit) return markdown def create_habitlist_entry(directory, day_str, habits, verbose): """Create day one file entry for given habits, date pair""" # Create unique uuid without any specific machine information # (uuid() vs. uuid()) and strip any '-' characters to be # consistent with dayone format. uuid_str = re.sub('-', '', str(uuid.uuid4())) file_name = '%s.doentry' % (uuid_str) full_file_name = os.path.join(directory, file_name) date = convert_to_dayone_date_string(day_str) habits = _habits_to_markdown(habits) entry = {'entry_title': HEADER_FOR_DAYONE_ENTRIES, 'habits': habits,'date': date, 'uuid_str': uuid_str} with open(full_file_name, 'w') as file_obj: text = ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(**entry) file_obj.write(text) if verbose: print 'Created entry for %s: %s' % (date, file_name) def parse_habits_file(filename, start_date=None): """ Parse habits json file and return dict of data organized by day start_date can be a datetime object used only to return habits that were started on or after start_date """ with open(filename, 'r') as file_obj: # FIXME: This expects 3 lines of junk at the beginning of the file, but # we could just read until we find '[' and ignore up until that point. junk = file_obj.readline() junk = file_obj.readline() junk = file_obj.readline() # FIXME: For my sample this is about 27kb of memory _json = # FIXME: Downside here is that we assume the user was in the same timezone # for every habit. However, it's possible that some of the habits were # entered while the user was traveling in a different timezone, etc. iphone_time_zone = _user_time_zone() utc_time_zone = tz.gettz('UTC') # Use a set b/c we can only do each habit once a day habits = collections.defaultdict(set) # FIXME: Maybe optimize this to not hold it all in memory # We have to parse all json and return it b/c the data is organized by # habit and we need it organized by date. So, we can't use a generator or # anything to yield values as they come b/c we won't know if we've parsed # the entire day until all JSON is parsed. # FIXME: Should have something to catch ValueError exceptions around this # so we can show the line with the error if something is wrong. for habit in json.loads(_json): name = habit['name'] for dt in habit['completed']: dt_obj = _user_time_zone_date(dt, iphone_time_zone, utc_time_zone) if start_date is None or dt_obj >= start_date: # Habits will be organized by day then each one will have it's # own time. day_str = dt_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') habits[day_str].add((name, dt_obj)) return habits def main(): args = _parse_args() if args['test']: directory = './test' try: os.mkdir(directory) except OSError as err: print 'Warning: %s' % (err) else: directory = DAYONE_ENTRIES habits = parse_habits_file(args['input_file'], args['since']) for day_str, days_habits in habits.iteritems(): create_habitlist_entry(directory, day_str, days_habits, args['verbose']) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/python # # \file # \author Eric Anger <> # \date July 6, 2012 # # \brief Command line interface into Eiger modeling framework # # \changes Added more plot functionality; Benjamin Allan, SNL 5/2013 # import argparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math import tempfile import shutil import os from ast import literal_eval import json import sys from collections import namedtuple from tabulate import tabulate from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from eiger import database, PCA, LinearRegression Model = namedtuple('Model', ['metric_names', 'means', 'stdevs', 'rotation_matrix', 'kmeans', 'models']) def import_model(args): database.addModelFromFile(args.database, args.file, args.source_name, args.description) def export_model(args): database.dumpModelToFile(args.database, args.file, def list_models(args): all_models = database.getModels(args.database) print tabulate(all_models, headers=['ID', 'Description', 'Created', 'Source']) def trainModel(args): print "Training the model..." training_DC = database.DataCollection(args.training_dc, args.database) try: performance_metric_id = [m[0] for m in training_DC.metrics].index( except ValueError: print "Unable to find target metric '%s', " \ "please specify a valid one: " % (,) for (my_name,my_desc,my_type) in training_DC.metrics: print "\t%s" % (my_name,) return training_performance = training_DC.profile[:,performance_metric_id] metric_names = [m[0] for m in training_DC.metrics if m[0] !=] if args.predictor_metrics != None: metric_names = filter(lambda x: x in args.predictor_metrics, metric_names) metric_ids = [[m[0] for m in training_DC.metrics].index(n) for n in metric_names] if not metric_ids: print "Unable to make model for empty data collection. Aborting..." return training_profile = training_DC.profile[:,metric_ids] #pca training_pca = PCA.PCA(training_profile) nonzero_components = training_pca.nonzeroComponents() rotation_matrix = training_pca.components[:,nonzero_components] rotated_training_profile =, rotation_matrix) #kmeans n_clusters = args.clusters kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters) means = np.mean(rotated_training_profile, axis=0) stdevs = np.std(rotated_training_profile - means, axis=0, ddof=1) stdevs[stdevs==0.0] = 1.0 clusters = kmeans.fit_predict((rotated_training_profile - means)/stdevs) # reserve a vector for each model created per cluster models = [0] * len(clusters) print "Modeling..." for i in range(n_clusters): cluster_profile = rotated_training_profile[clusters==i,:] cluster_performance = training_performance[clusters==i] regression = LinearRegression.LinearRegression(cluster_profile, cluster_performance) pool = [LinearRegression.identityFunction()] for col in range(cluster_profile.shape[1]): if('inv_quadratic' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, -2)) if('inv_linear' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, -1)) if('inv_sqrt' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, -.5)) if('sqrt' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, .5)) if('linear' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, 1)) if('quadratic' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.powerFunction(col, 2)) if('log' in args.regressor_functions): pool.append(LinearRegression.logFunction(col)) if('cross' in args.regressor_functions): for xcol in range(col, cluster_profile.shape[1]): pool.append(LinearRegression.crossFunction(col, xcol)) if('div' in args.regressor_functions): for xcol in range(col, cluster_profile.shape[1]): pool.append(LinearRegression.divFunction(col,xcol)) pool.append(LinearRegression.divFunction(xcol,col)) (models[i], r_squared, r_squared_adj) =, threshold=args.threshold, folds=args.nfolds) print "Index\tMetric Name" print '\n'.join("%s\t%s" % metric for metric in enumerate(metric_names)) print "PCA matrix:" print rotation_matrix print "Model:\n" + str(models[i]) print "Finished modeling cluster %s:" % (i,) print "r squared = %s" % (r_squared,) print "adjusted r squared = %s" % (r_squared_adj,) model = Model(metric_names, means, stdevs, rotation_matrix, kmeans, models) # if we want to save the model file, copy it now outfilename = + '.model' if args.output == None else args.output if args.json == True: writeToFileJSON(model, outfilename) else: writeToFile(model, outfilename) if args.test_fit: args.experiment_dc = args.training_dc args.model = outfilename testModel(args) def dumpCSV(args): training_DC = database.DataCollection(args.training_dc, args.database) names = [met[0] for met in training_DC.metrics] if args.metrics != None: names = args.metrics header = ','.join(names) idxs = training_DC.metricIndexByName(names) profile = training_DC.profile[:,idxs] outfile = sys.stdout if args.output == None else args.output np.savetxt(outfile, profile, delimiter=',', header=header, comments='') def testModel(args): print "Testing the model fit..." test_DC = database.DataCollection(args.experiment_dc, args.database) model = readFile(args.model) _runExperiment(model.kmeans, model.means, model.stdevs, model.models, model.rotation_matrix, test_DC, args, model.metric_names) def readFile(infile): with open(infile, 'r') as modelfile: first_char = modelfile.readline()[0] if first_char == '{': return readJSONFile(infile) else: return readBespokeFile(infile) def plotModel(args): print "Plotting model..." model = readFile(args.model) if args.plot_pcs_per_metric: PCA.PlotPCsPerMetric(rotation_matrix, metric_names, title="PCs Per Metric") if args.plot_metrics_per_pc: PCA.PlotMetricsPerPC(rotation_matrix, metric_names, title="Metrics Per PC") def _stringToArray(string): """ Parse string of form [len](number,number,number,...) to a numpy array. """ length = string[:string.find('(')] values = string[string.find('('):] arr = np.array(literal_eval(values)) return np.reshape(arr, literal_eval(length)) def _runExperiment(kmeans, means, stdevs, models, rotation_matrix, experiment_DC, args, metric_names): unordered_metric_ids = experiment_DC.metricIndexByType('deterministic', 'nondeterministic') unordered_metric_names = [experiment_DC.metrics[mid][0] for mid in unordered_metric_ids] # make sure all metric_names are in experiment_DC.metrics[:][0] have_metrics = [x in unordered_metric_names for x in metric_names] if not all(have_metrics): print("Experiment DC does not have matching metrics. Aborting...") return # set the correct ordering expr_metric_ids = [unordered_metric_ids[unordered_metric_names.index(name)] for name in metric_names] for idx,metric in enumerate(experiment_DC.metrics): if(metric[0] == performance_metric_id = idx performance = experiment_DC.profile[:,performance_metric_id] profile = experiment_DC.profile[:,expr_metric_ids] rotated_profile =, rotation_matrix) means = np.mean(rotated_profile, axis=0) stdevs = np.std(rotated_profile - means, axis=0, ddof=1) stdevs = np.nan_to_num(stdevs) stdevs[stdevs==0.0] = 1.0 clusters = kmeans.predict((rotated_profile - means)/stdevs) prediction = np.empty_like(performance) for i in range(len(kmeans.cluster_centers_)): prediction[clusters==i] = abs(models[i].poll(rotated_profile[clusters==i])) if args.show_prediction: print "Actual\t\tPredicted" print '\n'.join("%s\t%s" % x for x in zip(performance,prediction)) mse = sum([(a-p)**2 for a,p in zip(performance, prediction)]) / len(performance) rmse = math.sqrt(mse) mape = 100 * sum([abs((a-p)/a) for a,p in zip(performance,prediction)]) / len(performance) print "Number of experiment trials: %s" % len(performance) print "Mean Average Percent Error: %s" % mape print "Mean Squared Error: %s" % mse print "Root Mean Squared Error: %s" % rmse def writeToFileJSON(model, outfile): # Let's assume model has all the attributes we care about json_root = {} json_root["metric_names"] = [name for name in model.metric_names] json_root["means"] = [mean for mean in model.means.tolist()] json_root["std_devs"] = [stdev for stdev in model.stdevs.tolist()] json_root["rotation_matrix"] = [[elem for elem in row] for row in model.rotation_matrix.tolist()] json_root["clusters"] = [] for i in range(len(model.kmeans.cluster_centers_)): json_cluster = {} json_cluster["center"] = [center for center in model.kmeans.cluster_centers_[i].tolist()] # get models in json format json_cluster["regressors"] = model.models[i].toJSONObject() json_root["clusters"].append(json_cluster) with open(outfile, 'w') as out: json.dump(json_root, out, indent=4) def readJSONFile(infile): with open(infile, 'r') as modelfile: json_root = json.load(modelfile) metric_names = json_root['metric_names'] means = np.array(json_root['means']) stdevs = np.array(json_root['std_devs']) rotation_matrix = np.array(json_root['rotation_matrix']) empty_kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=len(json_root['clusters']), n_init=1) centers = [] models = [] for cluster in json_root['clusters']: centers.append(np.array(cluster['center'])) models.append(LinearRegression.Model.fromJSONObject(cluster['regressors'])) kmeans = return Model(metric_names, means, stdevs, rotation_matrix, kmeans, models) def writeToFile(model, outfile): with open(outfile, 'w') as modelfile: # For printing the original model file encoding modelfile.write("%s\n%s\n" % (len(model.metric_names), '\n'.join(model.metric_names))) modelfile.write("[%s](%s)\n" % (len(model.means), ','.join([str(mean) for mean in model.means.tolist()]))) modelfile.write("[%s](%s)\n" % (len(model.stdevs), ','.join([str(stdev) for stdev in model.stdevs.tolist()]))) modelfile.write("[%s,%s]" % model.rotation_matrix.shape) modelfile.write("(%s)\n" % ','.join(["(%s)" % ','.join([str(elem) for elem in row]) for row in model.rotation_matrix.tolist()])) for i in range(len(model.kmeans.cluster_centers_)): modelfile.write('Model %s\n' % i) modelfile.write("[%s](%s)\n" % (model.rotation_matrix.shape[1], ','.join([str(center) for center in model.kmeans.cluster_centers_[i].tolist()]))) modelfile.write(repr(model.models[i])) modelfile.write('\n') # need a trailing newline def readBespokeFile(infile): """Returns a Model namedtuple with all the model parts""" with open(infile, 'r') as modelfile: lines = iter( n_params = int( metric_names = [ for i in range(n_params)] means = _stringToArray( stdevs = _stringToArray( rotation_matrix = _stringToArray( models = [] centroids = [] try: while True: name = # kill a line centroids.append(_stringToArray( weights = _stringToArray( functions = [LinearRegression.stringToFunction( for i in range(weights.shape[0])] models.append(LinearRegression.Model(functions, weights)) except StopIteration: pass kmeans = KMeans(len(centroids)) kmeans.cluster_centers_ = np.array(centroids) return Model(metric_names, means, stdevs, rotation_matrix, kmeans, models) def convert(args): print "Converting model..." with open(args.input, 'r') as modelfile: first_char = modelfile.readline()[0] if first_char == '{': model = readJSONFile(args.input) writeToFile(model, args.output) else: model = readBespokeFile(args.input) writeToFileJSON(model, args.output) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = \ 'Command line interface into Eiger performance modeling framework \ for all model generation, polling, and serialization tasks.', argument_default=None, fromfile_prefix_chars='@') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands') train_parser = subparsers.add_parser('train', help='train a model with data from the database', description='Train a model with data from the database') train_parser.set_defaults(func=trainModel) dump_parser = subparsers.add_parser('dump', help='dump data collection to CSV', description='Dump data collection as CSV') dump_parser.set_defaults(func=dumpCSV) test_parser = subparsers.add_parser('test', help='test how well a model predicts a data collection', description='Test how well a model predicts a data collection') test_parser.set_defaults(func=testModel) plot_parser = subparsers.add_parser('plot', help='plot the behavior of a model', description='Plot the behavior of a model') plot_parser.set_defaults(func=plotModel) convert_parser = subparsers.add_parser('convert', help='transform a model into a different file format', description='Transform a model into a different file format') convert_parser.set_defaults(func=convert) list_model_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='list available models in the Eiger DB', description='List available models in the Eiger DB') list_model_parser.set_defaults(func=list_models) import_model_parser = subparsers.add_parser('import', help='import model file into the Eiger DB', description='Import model file into the Eiger DB') import_model_parser.set_defaults(func=import_model) export_model_parser = subparsers.add_parser('export', help='export model from Eiger DB to file', description='Export model from Eiger DB to file') export_model_parser.set_defaults(func=export_model) """TRAINING ARGUMENTS""" train_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') train_parser.add_argument('training_dc', type=str, help='Name of the training data collection') train_parser.add_argument('target', type=str, help='Name of the target metric to predict') train_parser.add_argument('--test-fit', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set will test the model fit against the training data.') train_parser.add_argument('--show-prediction', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, send the actual and predicted values to stdout.') train_parser.add_argument('--predictor-metrics', nargs='*', help='Only use these metrics when building a model.') train_parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='Filename to output file to, otherwise use "<training_dc>.model"') train_parser.add_argument('--clusters', '-k', type=int, default=1, help='Number of clusters for kmeans') train_parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, help='Cutoff threshold of increase in adjusted R-squared value when' ' adding new predictors to the model') train_parser.add_argument('--nfolds', type=int, help='Number of folds to use in k-fold cross validation.') train_parser.add_argument('--regressor-functions', nargs='*', default=['inv_quadratic', 'inv_linear', 'inv_sqrt', 'sqrt', 'linear', 'quadratic', 'log', 'cross', 'div'], help='Regressor functions to use. Options are linear, quadratic, ' 'sqrt, inv_linear, inv_quadratic, inv_sqrt, log, cross, and div. ' 'Defaults to all.') train_parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true', default=False, help='Output model in JSON format, rather than bespoke') """DUMP CSV ARGUMENTS""" dump_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') dump_parser.add_argument('training_dc', type=str, help='Name of the data collection to dump') dump_parser.add_argument('--metrics', nargs='*', help='Only dump these metrics.') dump_parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='Name of file to dump CSV to') """TEST ARGUMENTS""" test_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') test_parser.add_argument('experiment_dc', type=str, help='Name of the data collection to experiment on') test_parser.add_argument('model', type=str, help='Name of the model to use') test_parser.add_argument('target', type=str, help='Name of the target metric to predict') test_parser.add_argument('--show-prediction', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, send the actual and predicted values to stdout.') """PLOT ARGUMENTS""" plot_parser.add_argument('model', type=str, help='Name of the model to use') plot_parser.add_argument('--plot-pcs-per-metric', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, plots the breakdown of principal components per metric.') plot_parser.add_argument('--plot-metrics-per-pc', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, plots the breakdown of metrics per principal component.') """CONVERT ARGUMENTS""" convert_parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='Name of input model to convert from') convert_parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help='Name of output model to convert to') """LIST ARGUMENTS""" list_model_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') """IMPORT ARGUMENTS""" import_model_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') import_model_parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help='Name of the model file to import') import_model_parser.add_argument('source_name', type=str, help='Name of the source of the model (ie Eiger)') import_model_parser.add_argument('--description', type=str, default='', help='String to describe the model') """EXPORT ARGUMENTS""" export_model_parser.add_argument('database', type=str, help='Name of the database file') export_model_parser.add_argument('id', type=int, help='ID number identifying which model in the database to export ') export_model_parser.add_argument('file', type=str, help='Name of the file to export into') args = parser.parse_args() args.func(args) print "Done."
#!/usr/bin/python # # # Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Veselin Penev, # # This file ( is part of BitDust Software. # # BitDust is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # BitDust Software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with BitDust Software. If not, see <>. # # Please contact us if you have any questions at # # # # """ .. module:: data_sender. .. raw:: html <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" style="max-width:100%;"> </a> A state machine to manage data sending process, acts very simple: 1) when new local data is created it tries to send it to the correct supplier 2) wait while ``p2p.io_throttle`` is doing some data transmission to remote suppliers 3) calls ``p2p.backup_matrix.ScanBlocksToSend()`` to get a list of pieces needs to be send 4) this machine is restarted every minute to check if some more data needs to be send 5) also can be restarted at any time when it is needed EVENTS: * :red:`block-acked` * :red:`block-failed` * :red:`init` * :red:`new-data` * :red:`restart` * :red:`scan-done` * :red:`timer-1min` * :red:`timer-1sec` """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from __future__ import absolute_import from io import open #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _Debug = True _DebugLevel = 12 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import time #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from logs import lg from automats import automat from automats import global_state from lib import misc from lib import packetid from contacts import contactsdb from userid import my_id from main import settings from p2p import contact_status from . import io_throttle #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _DataSender = None _ShutdownFlag = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def A(event=None, arg=None): """ Access method to interact with the state machine. """ global _DataSender if _DataSender is None: _DataSender = DataSender( name='data_sender', state='READY', debug_level=_DebugLevel, log_events=_Debug, log_transitions=_Debug, ) if event is not None: _DataSender.automat(event, arg) return _DataSender def Destroy(): """ Destroy the state machine and remove the instance from memory. """ global _DataSender if _DataSender is None: return _DataSender.destroy() del _DataSender _DataSender = None class DataSender(automat.Automat): """ A class to manage process of sending data packets to remote suppliers. """ timers = { 'timer-1min': (60, ['READY']), 'timer-1min': (60, ['READY']), 'timer-1sec': (1.0, ['SENDING']), } statistic = {} def state_changed(self, oldstate, newstate, event, arg): global_state.set_global_state('DATASEND ' + newstate) def A(self, event, arg): #---READY--- if self.state == 'READY': if event == 'new-data' or event == 'timer-1min' or event == 'restart': self.state = 'SCAN_BLOCKS' self.doScanAndQueue(arg) elif event == 'init': pass #---SCAN_BLOCKS--- elif self.state == 'SCAN_BLOCKS': if event == 'scan-done' and self.isQueueEmpty(arg): self.state = 'READY' self.doRemoveUnusedFiles(arg) elif event == 'scan-done' and not self.isQueueEmpty(arg): self.state = 'SENDING' #---SENDING--- elif self.state == 'SENDING': if event == 'restart' or ( ( event == 'timer-1sec' or event == 'block-acked' or event == 'block-failed' or event == 'new-data' ) and self.isQueueEmpty(arg) ): self.state = 'SCAN_BLOCKS' self.doScanAndQueue(arg) return None def isQueueEmpty(self, arg): if not arg: return io_throttle.IsSendingQueueEmpty() remoteID, _ = arg return io_throttle.OkToSend(remoteID) def doScanAndQueue(self, arg): global _ShutdownFlag if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'data_sender.doScanAndQueue _ShutdownFlag=%r' % _ShutdownFlag) if _Debug: log = open(os.path.join(settings.LogsDir(), 'data_sender.log'), 'w') log.write(u'doScanAndQueue %s\n' % time.asctime()) # .decode('utf-8') if _ShutdownFlag: if _Debug: log.write(u'doScanAndQueue _ShutdownFlag is True\n') self.automat('scan-done') if _Debug: log.flush() log.close() return for customer_idurl in contactsdb.known_customers(): if '' not in contactsdb.suppliers(customer_idurl): from storage import backup_matrix for backupID in misc.sorted_backup_ids( list(backup_matrix.local_files().keys()), True): this_customer_idurl = packetid.CustomerIDURL(backupID) if this_customer_idurl != customer_idurl: continue packetsBySupplier = backup_matrix.ScanBlocksToSend(backupID) if _Debug: log.write(u'%s\n' % packetsBySupplier) for supplierNum in packetsBySupplier.keys(): supplier_idurl = contactsdb.supplier(supplierNum, customer_idurl=customer_idurl) if not supplier_idurl: lg.warn('unknown supplier_idurl supplierNum=%s for %s, customer_idurl=%s' % ( supplierNum, backupID, customer_idurl)) continue for packetID in packetsBySupplier[supplierNum]: backupID_, _, supplierNum_, _ = packetid.BidBnSnDp(packetID) if backupID_ != backupID: lg.warn('unexpected backupID supplierNum=%s for %s, customer_idurl=%s' % ( packetID, backupID, customer_idurl)) continue if supplierNum_ != supplierNum: lg.warn('unexpected supplierNum %s for %s, customer_idurl=%s' % ( packetID, backupID, customer_idurl)) continue if io_throttle.HasPacketInSendQueue( supplier_idurl, packetID): if _Debug: log.write(u'%s already in sending queue for %s\n' % (packetID, supplier_idurl)) continue if not io_throttle.OkToSend(supplier_idurl): if _Debug: log.write(u'skip, not ok to send %s\n' % supplier_idurl) continue customerGlobalID, pathID = packetid.SplitPacketID(packetID) # tranByID = gate.transfers_out_by_idurl().get(supplier_idurl, []) # if len(tranByID) > 3: # log.write(u'transfers by %s: %d\n' % (supplier_idurl, len(tranByID))) # continue customerGlobalID, pathID = packetid.SplitPacketID(packetID) filename = os.path.join( settings.getLocalBackupsDir(), customerGlobalID, pathID, ) if not os.path.isfile(filename): if _Debug: log.write(u'%s is not a file\n' % filename) continue if io_throttle.QueueSendFile( filename, packetID, supplier_idurl, my_id.getLocalID(), self._packetAcked, self._packetFailed, ): if _Debug: log.write(u'io_throttle.QueueSendFile %s\n' % packetID) else: if _Debug: log.write(u'io_throttle.QueueSendFile FAILED %s\n' % packetID) # lg.out(6, ' %s for %s' % (packetID, backupID)) # DEBUG # break self.automat('scan-done') if _Debug: log.flush() log.close() # def doPrintStats(self, arg): # """ # """ # if lg.is_debug(18): # transfers = transport_control.current_transfers() # bytes_stats = transport_control.current_bytes_transferred() # s = '' # for info in transfers: # s += '%s ' % (diskspace.MakeStringFromBytes(bytes_stats[info.transfer_id]).replace(' ', '').replace('bytes', 'b')) # lg.out(0, 'transfers: ' + s[:120]) def doRemoveUnusedFiles(self, arg): # we want to remove files for this block # because we only need them during rebuilding if settings.getBackupsKeepLocalCopies() is True: # if user set this in settings - he want to keep the local files return # ... user do not want to keep local backups if settings.getGeneralWaitSuppliers() is True: from customer import fire_hire # but he want to be sure - all suppliers are green for a long time if len(contact_status.listOfflineSuppliers()) > 0 or time.time( ) - fire_hire.GetLastFireTime() < 24 * 60 * 60: # some people are not there or we do not have stable team yet # do not remove the files because we need it to rebuild return count = 0 from storage import backup_matrix from storage import restore_monitor from storage import backup_rebuilder if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, 'data_sender.doRemoveUnusedFiles') for backupID in misc.sorted_backup_ids( list(backup_matrix.local_files().keys())): if restore_monitor.IsWorking(backupID): if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, ' %s : SKIP, because restoring' % backupID) continue if backup_rebuilder.IsBackupNeedsWork(backupID): if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, ' %s : SKIP, because needs rebuilding' % backupID) continue if not backup_rebuilder.ReadStoppedFlag(): if backup_rebuilder.A().currentBackupID is not None: if backup_rebuilder.A().currentBackupID == backupID: if _Debug: lg.out( _DebugLevel, ' %s : SKIP, because rebuilding is in process' % backupID) continue packets = backup_matrix.ScanBlocksToRemove( backupID, settings.getGeneralWaitSuppliers()) for packetID in packets: customer, pathID = packetid.SplitPacketID(packetID) filename = os.path.join(settings.getLocalBackupsDir(), customer, pathID) if os.path.isfile(filename): try: os.remove(filename) # lg.out(6, ' ' + os.path.basename(filename)) except: lg.exc() continue count += 1 if _Debug: lg.out(_DebugLevel, ' %d files were removed' % count) backup_matrix.ReadLocalFiles() def _packetAcked(self, packet, ownerID, packetID): from storage import backup_matrix backupID, blockNum, supplierNum, dataORparity = packetid.BidBnSnDp(packetID) backup_matrix.RemoteFileReport( backupID, blockNum, supplierNum, dataORparity, True) if ownerID not in self.statistic: self.statistic[ownerID] = [0, 0] self.statistic[ownerID][0] += 1 self.automat('block-acked', (ownerID, packetID)) def _packetFailed(self, remoteID, packetID, why): from storage import backup_matrix backupID, blockNum, supplierNum, dataORparity = packetid.BidBnSnDp( packetID) backup_matrix.RemoteFileReport( backupID, blockNum, supplierNum, dataORparity, False) if remoteID not in self.statistic: self.statistic[remoteID] = [0, 0] self.statistic[remoteID][1] += 1 self.automat('block-failed', (remoteID, packetID)) def statistic(): """ The ``data_sender()`` keeps track of sending results with every supplier. This is used by ``fire_hire()`` to decide how reliable is given supplier. """ global _DataSender if _DataSender is None: return {} return _DataSender.statistic def SetShutdownFlag(): """ Set flag to indicate that no need to send anything anymore. """ global _ShutdownFlag _ShutdownFlag = True
# # Copyright 2014, NICTA # # This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of # the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. # See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. # # @TAG(NICTA_BSD) # '''Versioning functionality. This computes a version identifier based on the current source code state. It was decided this was more reliable while the tool is under active development. Note that any extraneous files in your source directory that match the version filters will be accumulated in the version computation.''' from memoization import memoized import hashlib, os, re @memoized def version(): # Files to consider relevant. Each entry should be a pair of (path, filter) # where 'path' is relative to the directory of this file and 'filter' is a # regex describing which filenames to match under the given path. SOURCES = [ ('../', r'^.*\.py$'), # Python sources ('../templates', r'.*'), # Templates ] my_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sources = set() # Accumulate all relevant source files. for s in SOURCES: path = os.path.join(my_path, s[0]) regex = re.compile(s[1]) for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if regex.match(f): sources.add(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f))) # Hash each file and hash a concatenation of these hashes. Note, hashing a # hash is not good practice for cryptography, but it's fine for this # purpose. hfinal = hashlib.sha1() #pylint: disable=E1101 for s in sources: with open(s, 'r') as f: h = hashlib.sha1( #pylint: disable=E1101 hfinal.update('%s|' % h) #pylint: disable=E1101 return hfinal.hexdigest()
from multiprocessing import Process import time import gym import universe from universe.spaces.vnc_event import keycode from envs import create_env def start_game(model, env_name): """regular Python process, not using torch""" p = Process(target=play_game, args=(model,env_name)) p.start() # Don't wait with join, respond to user request def play_game(model, env_name): """Play game with saved model if ther's no model play random""" env = create_env(env_name, client_id="play1",remotes=1) # Local docker container max_game_length = 10000 state = env.reset() reward_sum = 0 start_time = time.time() for step in range(max_game_length ): state, reward, done, _ = env.step( ['up' for i in range(60)]) #no saved model for now keep pressing up, 60 times in minute reward_sum += reward print("Time {}, game reward {}, game length {}".format( time.strftime("%Hh %Mm %Ss"), reward_sum, time.gmtime(time.time() - start_time))) if done: break
#!/usr/bin/python # We need the following two lines in order for matplotlib to work # without access to an X server. from __future__ import division import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab, numpy, sys xmax = 2.5 xmin = -0.4 def plotit(dftdata, mcdata): dft_len = len(dftdata[:,0]) dft_dr = dftdata[2,0] - dftdata[1,0] mcdata = numpy.insert(mcdata,0,0,0) mcdata[0,0]=-10 mcoffset = 10/2 offset = -3/2 n0 = dftdata[:,6] nA = dftdata[:,8] nAmc = mcdata[:,11] n0mc = mcdata[:,10] pylab.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.001) n_plt = pylab.subplot(3,1,3) n_plt.plot(mcdata[:,0]/2+mcoffset,mcdata[:,1]*4*numpy.pi/3,"b-",label='$n$ Monte Carlo') n_plt.plot(dftdata[:,0]/2+offset,dftdata[:,1]*4*numpy.pi/3,"b--",label='$n$ DFT') n_plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=1).draw_frame(False) #.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) n_plt.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MaxNLocator(6,steps=[1,5,10],prune='upper')) pylab.ylim(ymin=0) pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) pylab.xlabel("$z/\sigma$") pylab.ylabel("$n(\mathbf{r})$") n_plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle=':') n = len(mcdata[:,0]) #pylab.twinx() dftr = dftdata[:,0]/2+offset thiswork = dftdata[:,5] gross = dftdata[:,7] stop_here = int(dft_len - 1/dft_dr) print stop_here start_here = int(2.5/dft_dr) off = 1 me = 40 A_plt = pylab.subplot(3,1,1) A_plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle=':') A_plt.plot(mcdata[:,0]/2+mcoffset,mcdata[:,2+2*off]/nAmc,"r-",label="$g_\sigma^A$ Monte Carlo") A_plt.plot(dftr[dftr>=0],thiswork[dftr>=0],"ro",markevery=me*.8,label="$g_\sigma^A$ this work") A_plt.plot(dftr[dftr>=0],gross[dftr>=0],"rx",markevery=me,label="Gross", markerfacecolor='none',markeredgecolor='red', markeredgewidth=1) A_plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=1).draw_frame(False) #.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) A_plt.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MaxNLocator(integer=True,prune='upper')) pylab.ylim(ymin=0) pylab.ylabel("$g_\sigma^A$") pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) n0mc[0]=1 mcdata[0,10]=1 S_plt = pylab.subplot(3,1,2) S_plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle=':') S_plt.plot(mcdata[:,0]/2+mcoffset,mcdata[:,3+2*off]/n0mc,"g-",label="$g_\sigma^S$ Monte Carlo") S_plt.plot(dftdata[:,0]/2+offset,dftdata[:,4],"gx",markevery=me/2,label="Yu and Wu") S_plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=1).draw_frame(False) #.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) #pylab.ylim(ymax=12) S_plt.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MaxNLocator(5,integer=True,prune='upper')) pylab.xlim(xmin, xmax) pylab.ylim(ymin=0) pylab.ylabel("$g_\sigma^S$") xticklabels = A_plt.get_xticklabels() + S_plt.get_xticklabels() pylab.setp(xticklabels, visible=False) mcdata10 = numpy.loadtxt('../../papers/contact/figs/mc-walls-20-196.dat') dftdata10 = numpy.loadtxt('../../papers/contact/figs/wallsWB-0.10.dat') mcdata40 = numpy.loadtxt('../../papers/contact/figs/mc-walls-20-817.dat') dftdata40 = numpy.loadtxt('../../papers/contact/figs/wallsWB-0.40.dat') plotit(dftdata10, mcdata10) pylab.savefig('figs/walls-10.pdf', transparent=True) plotit(dftdata40, mcdata40) pylab.savefig('figs/walls-40.pdf', transparent=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility # # # Copyright (C) 2014 Fredrik Ahlberg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin # Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import sys import struct import serial import time import argparse import os import subprocess import tempfile class ESPROM: # These are the currently known commands supported by the ROM ESP_FLASH_BEGIN = 0x02 ESP_FLASH_DATA = 0x03 ESP_FLASH_END = 0x04 ESP_MEM_BEGIN = 0x05 ESP_MEM_END = 0x06 ESP_MEM_DATA = 0x07 ESP_SYNC = 0x08 ESP_WRITE_REG = 0x09 ESP_READ_REG = 0x0a # Maximum block sized for RAM and Flash writes, respectively. ESP_RAM_BLOCK = 0x1800 ESP_FLASH_BLOCK = 0x100 # Default baudrate. The ROM auto-bauds, so we can use more or less whatever we want. ESP_ROM_BAUD = 115200 # First byte of the application image ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC = 0xe9 # Initial state for the checksum routine ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC = 0xef # OTP ROM addresses ESP_OTP_MAC0 = 0x3ff00050 ESP_OTP_MAC1 = 0x3ff00054 # Sflash stub: an assembly routine to read from spi flash and send to host SFLASH_STUB = "\x80\x3c\x00\x40\x1c\x4b\x00\x40\x21\x11\x00\x40\x00\x80" \ "\xfe\x3f\xc1\xfb\xff\xd1\xf8\xff\x2d\x0d\x31\xfd\xff\x41\xf7\xff\x4a" \ "\xdd\x51\xf9\xff\xc0\x05\x00\x21\xf9\xff\x31\xf3\xff\x41\xf5\xff\xc0" \ "\x04\x00\x0b\xcc\x56\xec\xfd\x06\xff\xff\x00\x00" def __init__(self, port=0, baud=ESP_ROM_BAUD): self._port = serial.Serial(port) # setting baud rate in a separate step is a workaround for # CH341 driver on some Linux versions (this opens at 9600 then # sets), shouldn't matter for other platforms/drivers. See # self._port.baudrate = baud """ Read bytes from the serial port while performing SLIP unescaping """ def read(self, length=1): b = '' while len(b) < length: c = if c == '\xdb': c = if c == '\xdc': b = b + '\xc0' elif c == '\xdd': b = b + '\xdb' else: raise FatalError('Invalid SLIP escape') else: b = b + c return b """ Write bytes to the serial port while performing SLIP escaping """ def write(self, packet): buf = '\xc0' \ + (packet.replace('\xdb','\xdb\xdd').replace('\xc0','\xdb\xdc')) \ + '\xc0' self._port.write(buf) """ Calculate checksum of a blob, as it is defined by the ROM """ @staticmethod def checksum(data, state=ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC): for b in data: state ^= ord(b) return state """ Send a request and read the response """ def command(self, op=None, data=None, chk=0): if op: pkt = struct.pack('<BBHI', 0x00, op, len(data), chk) + data self.write(pkt) # tries to get a response until that response has the # same operation as the request or a retries limit has # exceeded. This is needed for some esp8266s that # reply with more sync responses than expected. retries = 100 while retries > 0: (op_ret, val, body) = self.receive_response() if op is None or op_ret == op: return val, body # valid response received retries = retries - 1 raise FatalError("Response doesn't match request") """ Receive a response to a command """ def receive_response(self): # Read header of response and parse if != '\xc0': raise FatalError('Invalid head of packet') hdr = (resp, op_ret, len_ret, val) = struct.unpack('<BBHI', hdr) if resp != 0x01: raise FatalError('Invalid response 0x%02x" to command' % resp) # The variable-length body body = # Terminating byte if != chr(0xc0): raise FatalError('Invalid end of packet') return op_ret, val, body """ Perform a connection test """ def sync(self): self.command(ESPROM.ESP_SYNC, '\x07\x07\x12\x20' + 32 * '\x55') for i in xrange(7): self.command() """ Try connecting repeatedly until successful, or giving up """ def connect(self): print 'Connecting...' for _ in xrange(4): # worst-case latency timer should be 255ms (probably <20ms) self._port.timeout = 0.3 for _ in xrange(4): try: self._port.flushInput() self._port.flushOutput() self.sync() self._port.timeout = 5 return except: time.sleep(0.05) raise FatalError('Failed to connect to ESP8266') """ Read memory address in target """ def read_reg(self, addr): res = self.command(ESPROM.ESP_READ_REG, struct.pack('<I', addr)) if res[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to read target memory') return res[0] """ Write to memory address in target """ def write_reg(self, addr, value, mask, delay_us=0): if self.command(ESPROM.ESP_WRITE_REG, struct.pack('<IIII', addr, value, mask, delay_us))[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to write target memory') """ Start downloading an application image to RAM """ def mem_begin(self, size, blocks, blocksize, offset): if self.command(ESPROM.ESP_MEM_BEGIN, struct.pack('<IIII', size, blocks, blocksize, offset))[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to enter RAM download mode') """ Send a block of an image to RAM """ def mem_block(self, data, seq): if self.command(ESPROM.ESP_MEM_DATA, struct.pack('<IIII', len(data), seq, 0, 0) + data, ESPROM.checksum(data))[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to write to target RAM') """ Leave download mode and run the application """ def mem_finish(self, entrypoint=0): if self.command(ESPROM.ESP_MEM_END, struct.pack('<II', int(entrypoint == 0), entrypoint))[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to leave RAM download mode') """ Start downloading to Flash (performs an erase) """ def flash_begin(self, size, offset): old_tmo = self._port.timeout num_blocks = (size + ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK - 1) / ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK sectors_per_block = 16 sector_size = 4096 num_sectors = (size + sector_size - 1) / sector_size start_sector = offset / sector_size head_sectors = sectors_per_block - (start_sector % sectors_per_block) if num_sectors < head_sectors: head_sectors = num_sectors if num_sectors < 2 * head_sectors: erase_size = (num_sectors + 1) / 2 * sector_size else: erase_size = (num_sectors - head_sectors) * sector_size self._port.timeout = 10 result = self.command(ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_BEGIN, struct.pack('<IIII', erase_size, num_blocks, ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK, offset))[1] if result != "\0\0": raise FatalError.WithResult('Failed to enter Flash download mode (result "%s")', result) self._port.timeout = old_tmo """ Write block to flash """ def flash_block(self, data, seq): result = self.command(ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_DATA, struct.pack('<IIII', len(data), seq, 0, 0) + data, ESPROM.checksum(data))[1] if result != "\0\0": raise FatalError.WithResult('Failed to write to target Flash after seq %d (got result %%s)' % seq, result) """ Leave flash mode and run/reboot """ def flash_finish(self, reboot=False): pkt = struct.pack('<I', int(not reboot)) if self.command(ESPROM.ESP_FLASH_END, pkt)[1] != "\0\0": raise FatalError('Failed to leave Flash mode') """ Run application code in flash """ def run(self, reboot=False): # Fake flash begin immediately followed by flash end self.flash_begin(0, 0) self.flash_finish(reboot) """ Read MAC from OTP ROM """ def read_mac(self): mac0 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC0) mac1 = self.read_reg(self.ESP_OTP_MAC1) if ((mac1 >> 16) & 0xff) == 0: oui = (0x18, 0xfe, 0x34) elif ((mac1 >> 16) & 0xff) == 1: oui = (0xac, 0xd0, 0x74) else: raise FatalError("Unknown OUI") return oui + ((mac1 >> 8) & 0xff, mac1 & 0xff, (mac0 >> 24) & 0xff) """ Read SPI flash manufacturer and device id """ def flash_id(self): self.flash_begin(0, 0) self.write_reg(0x60000240, 0x0, 0xffffffff) self.write_reg(0x60000200, 0x10000000, 0xffffffff) flash_id = self.read_reg(0x60000240) self.flash_finish(False) return flash_id """ Read SPI flash """ def flash_read(self, offset, size, count=1): # Create a custom stub stub = struct.pack('<III', offset, size, count) + self.SFLASH_STUB # Trick ROM to initialize SFlash self.flash_begin(0, 0) # Download stub self.mem_begin(len(stub), 1, len(stub), 0x40100000) self.mem_block(stub, 0) self.mem_finish(0x4010001c) # Fetch the data data = '' for _ in xrange(count): if != '\xc0': raise FatalError('Invalid head of packet (sflash read)') data += if != chr(0xc0): raise FatalError('Invalid end of packet (sflash read)') return data """ Abuse the loader protocol to force flash to be left in write mode """ def flash_unlock_dio(self): # Enable flash write mode self.flash_begin(0, 0) # Reset the chip rather than call flash_finish(), which would have # write protected the chip again (why oh why does it do that?!) self.mem_begin(0,0,0,0x40100000) self.mem_finish(0x40000080) """ Perform a chip erase of SPI flash """ def flash_erase(self): # Trick ROM to initialize SFlash self.flash_begin(0, 0) # This is hacky: we don't have a custom stub, instead we trick # the bootloader to jump to the SPIEraseChip() routine and then halt/crash # when it tries to boot an unconfigured system. self.mem_begin(0,0,0,0x40100000) self.mem_finish(0x40004984) # Yup - there's no good way to detect if we succeeded. # It it on the other hand unlikely to fail. class ESPFirmwareImage: def __init__(self, filename=None): self.segments = [] self.entrypoint = 0 self.flash_mode = 0 self.flash_size_freq = 0 if filename is not None: f = file(filename, 'rb') (magic, segments, self.flash_mode, self.flash_size_freq, self.entrypoint) = struct.unpack('<BBBBI', # some sanity check if magic != ESPROM.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC or segments > 16: raise FatalError('Invalid firmware image') for i in xrange(segments): (offset, size) = struct.unpack('<II', if offset > 0x40200000 or offset < 0x3ffe0000 or size > 65536: raise FatalError('Suspicious segment 0x%x, length %d' % (offset, size)) segment_data = if len(segment_data) < size: raise FatalError('End of file reading segment 0x%x, length %d (actual length %d)' % (offset, size, len(segment_data))) self.segments.append((offset, size, segment_data)) # Skip the padding. The checksum is stored in the last byte so that the # file is a multiple of 16 bytes. align = 15 - (f.tell() % 16), 1) self.checksum = ord( def add_segment(self, addr, data): # Data should be aligned on word boundary l = len(data) if l % 4: data += b"\x00" * (4 - l % 4) if l > 0: self.segments.append((addr, len(data), data)) def save(self, filename): f = file(filename, 'wb') f.write(struct.pack('<BBBBI', ESPROM.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC, len(self.segments), self.flash_mode, self.flash_size_freq, self.entrypoint)) checksum = ESPROM.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC for (offset, size, data) in self.segments: f.write(struct.pack('<II', offset, size)) f.write(data) checksum = ESPROM.checksum(data, checksum) align = 15 - (f.tell() % 16), 1) f.write(struct.pack('B', checksum)) class ELFFile: def __init__(self, name): = name self.symbols = None def _fetch_symbols(self): if self.symbols is not None: return self.symbols = {} try: tool_nm = "xtensa-lx106-elf-nm" if os.getenv('XTENSA_CORE') == 'lx106': tool_nm = "xt-nm" proc = subprocess.Popen([tool_nm,], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: print "Error calling %s, do you have Xtensa toolchain in PATH?" % tool_nm sys.exit(1) for l in proc.stdout: fields = l.strip().split() try: if fields[0] == "U": print "Warning: ELF binary has undefined symbol %s" % fields[1] continue self.symbols[fields[2]] = int(fields[0], 16) except ValueError: raise FatalError("Failed to strip symbol output from nm: %s" % fields) def get_symbol_addr(self, sym): self._fetch_symbols() return self.symbols[sym] def get_entry_point(self): tool_readelf = "xtensa-lx106-elf-readelf" if os.getenv('XTENSA_CORE') == 'lx106': tool_readelf = "xt-readelf" try: proc = subprocess.Popen([tool_readelf, "-h",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: print "Error calling %s, do you have Xtensa toolchain in PATH?" % tool_readelf sys.exit(1) for l in proc.stdout: fields = l.strip().split() if fields[0] == "Entry": return int(fields[3], 0) def load_section(self, section): tool_objcopy = "xtensa-lx106-elf-objcopy" if os.getenv('XTENSA_CORE') == 'lx106': tool_objcopy = "xt-objcopy" tmpsection = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".section") try: subprocess.check_call([tool_objcopy, "--only-section", section, "-Obinary",, tmpsection]) with open(tmpsection, "rb") as f: data = finally: os.remove(tmpsection) return data def arg_auto_int(x): return int(x, 0) def div_roundup(a, b): """ Return a/b rounded up to nearest integer, equivalent result to int(math.ceil(float(int(a)) / float(int(b))), only without possible floating point accuracy errors. """ return (int(a) + int(b) - 1) / int(b) class FatalError(RuntimeError): """ Wrapper class for runtime errors that aren't caused by internal bugs, but by ESP8266 responses or input content. """ def __init__(self, message): RuntimeError.__init__(self, message) @staticmethod def WithResult(message, result): """ Return a fatal error object that includes the hex values of 'result' as a string formatted argument. """ return FatalError(message % ", ".join(hex(ord(x)) for x in result)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility', prog='esptool') parser.add_argument( '--port', '-p', help='Serial port device', default='/dev/ttyUSB0') parser.add_argument( '--baud', '-b', help='Serial port baud rate', type=arg_auto_int, default=ESPROM.ESP_ROM_BAUD) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='operation', help='Run esptool {command} -h for additional help') parser_load_ram = subparsers.add_parser( 'load_ram', help='Download an image to RAM and execute') parser_load_ram.add_argument('filename', help='Firmware image') parser_dump_mem = subparsers.add_parser( 'dump_mem', help='Dump arbitrary memory to disk') parser_dump_mem.add_argument('address', help='Base address', type=arg_auto_int) parser_dump_mem.add_argument('size', help='Size of region to dump', type=arg_auto_int) parser_dump_mem.add_argument('filename', help='Name of binary dump') parser_read_mem = subparsers.add_parser( 'read_mem', help='Read arbitrary memory location') parser_read_mem.add_argument('address', help='Address to read', type=arg_auto_int) parser_write_mem = subparsers.add_parser( 'write_mem', help='Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location') parser_write_mem.add_argument('address', help='Address to write', type=arg_auto_int) parser_write_mem.add_argument('value', help='Value', type=arg_auto_int) parser_write_mem.add_argument('mask', help='Mask of bits to write', type=arg_auto_int) parser_write_flash = subparsers.add_parser( 'write_flash', help='Write a binary blob to flash') parser_write_flash.add_argument('addr_filename', nargs='+', help='Address and binary file to write there, separated by space') parser_write_flash.add_argument('--flash_freq', '-ff', help='SPI Flash frequency', choices=['40m', '26m', '20m', '80m'], default='40m') parser_write_flash.add_argument('--flash_mode', '-fm', help='SPI Flash mode', choices=['qio', 'qout', 'dio', 'dout'], default='qio') parser_write_flash.add_argument('--flash_size', '-fs', help='SPI Flash size in Mbit', choices=['4m', '2m', '8m', '16m', '32m', '16m-c1', '32m-c1', '32m-c2'], default='4m') subparsers.add_parser( 'run', help='Run application code in flash') parser_image_info = subparsers.add_parser( 'image_info', help='Dump headers from an application image') parser_image_info.add_argument('filename', help='Image file to parse') parser_make_image = subparsers.add_parser( 'make_image', help='Create an application image from binary files') parser_make_image.add_argument('output', help='Output image file') parser_make_image.add_argument('--segfile', '-f', action='append', help='Segment input file') parser_make_image.add_argument('--segaddr', '-a', action='append', help='Segment base address', type=arg_auto_int) parser_make_image.add_argument('--entrypoint', '-e', help='Address of entry point', type=arg_auto_int, default=0) parser_elf2image = subparsers.add_parser( 'elf2image', help='Create an application image from ELF file') parser_elf2image.add_argument('input', help='Input ELF file') parser_elf2image.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='Output filename prefix', type=str) parser_elf2image.add_argument('--flash_freq', '-ff', help='SPI Flash frequency', choices=['40m', '26m', '20m', '80m'], default='40m') parser_elf2image.add_argument('--flash_mode', '-fm', help='SPI Flash mode', choices=['qio', 'qout', 'dio', 'dout'], default='qio') parser_elf2image.add_argument('--flash_size', '-fs', help='SPI Flash size in Mbit', choices=['4m', '2m', '8m', '16m', '32m', '16m-c1', '32m-c1', '32m-c2'], default='4m') subparsers.add_parser( 'read_mac', help='Read MAC address from OTP ROM') subparsers.add_parser( 'flash_id', help='Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID') parser_read_flash = subparsers.add_parser( 'read_flash', help='Read SPI flash content') parser_read_flash.add_argument('address', help='Start address', type=arg_auto_int) parser_read_flash.add_argument('size', help='Size of region to dump', type=arg_auto_int) parser_read_flash.add_argument('filename', help='Name of binary dump') subparsers.add_parser( 'erase_flash', help='Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash') args = parser.parse_args() # Create the ESPROM connection object, if needed esp = None if args.operation not in ('image_info','make_image','elf2image'): esp = ESPROM(args.port, args.baud) esp.connect() # Do the actual work. Should probably be split into separate functions. if args.operation == 'load_ram': image = ESPFirmwareImage(args.filename) print 'RAM boot...' for (offset, size, data) in image.segments: print 'Downloading %d bytes at %08x...' % (size, offset), sys.stdout.flush() esp.mem_begin(size, div_roundup(size, esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK), esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK, offset) seq = 0 while len(data) > 0: esp.mem_block(data[0:esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK], seq) data = data[esp.ESP_RAM_BLOCK:] seq += 1 print 'done!' print 'All segments done, executing at %08x' % image.entrypoint esp.mem_finish(image.entrypoint) elif args.operation == 'read_mem': print '0x%08x = 0x%08x' % (args.address, esp.read_reg(args.address)) elif args.operation == 'write_mem': esp.write_reg(args.address, args.value, args.mask, 0) print 'Wrote %08x, mask %08x to %08x' % (args.value, args.mask, args.address) elif args.operation == 'dump_mem': f = file(args.filename, 'wb') for i in xrange(args.size / 4): d = esp.read_reg(args.address + (i * 4)) f.write(struct.pack('<I', d)) if f.tell() % 1024 == 0: print '\r%d bytes read... (%d %%)' % (f.tell(), f.tell() * 100 / args.size), sys.stdout.flush() print 'Done!' elif args.operation == 'write_flash': assert len(args.addr_filename) % 2 == 0 flash_mode = {'qio':0, 'qout':1, 'dio':2, 'dout': 3}[args.flash_mode] flash_size_freq = {'4m':0x00, '2m':0x10, '8m':0x20, '16m':0x30, '32m':0x40, '16m-c1': 0x50, '32m-c1':0x60, '32m-c2':0x70}[args.flash_size] flash_size_freq += {'40m':0, '26m':1, '20m':2, '80m': 0xf}[args.flash_freq] flash_info = struct.pack('BB', flash_mode, flash_size_freq) while args.addr_filename: address = int(args.addr_filename[0], 0) filename = args.addr_filename[1] args.addr_filename = args.addr_filename[2:] image = file(filename, 'rb').read() print 'Erasing flash...' blocks = div_roundup(len(image), esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK) esp.flash_begin(blocks * esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK, address) seq = 0 written = 0 t = time.time() while len(image) > 0: print '\rWriting at 0x%08x... (%d %%)' % (address + seq * esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK, 100 * (seq + 1) / blocks), sys.stdout.flush() block = image[0:esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK] # Fix sflash config data if address == 0 and seq == 0 and block[0] == '\xe9': block = block[0:2] + flash_info + block[4:] # Pad the last block block = block + '\xff' * (esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK - len(block)) esp.flash_block(block, seq) image = image[esp.ESP_FLASH_BLOCK:] seq += 1 written += len(block) t = time.time() - t print '\rWrote %d bytes at 0x%08x in %.1f seconds (%.1f kbit/s)...' % (written, address, t, written / t * 8 / 1000) print '\nLeaving...' if args.flash_mode == 'dio': esp.flash_unlock_dio() else: esp.flash_begin(0, 0) esp.flash_finish(False) elif args.operation == 'run': elif args.operation == 'image_info': image = ESPFirmwareImage(args.filename) print ('Entry point: %08x' % image.entrypoint) if image.entrypoint != 0 else 'Entry point not set' print '%d segments' % len(image.segments) print checksum = ESPROM.ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC for (idx, (offset, size, data)) in enumerate(image.segments): print 'Segment %d: %5d bytes at %08x' % (idx + 1, size, offset) checksum = ESPROM.checksum(data, checksum) print print 'Checksum: %02x (%s)' % (image.checksum, 'valid' if image.checksum == checksum else 'invalid!') elif args.operation == 'make_image': image = ESPFirmwareImage() if len(args.segfile) == 0: raise FatalError('No segments specified') if len(args.segfile) != len(args.segaddr): raise FatalError('Number of specified files does not match number of specified addresses') for (seg, addr) in zip(args.segfile, args.segaddr): data = file(seg, 'rb').read() image.add_segment(addr, data) image.entrypoint = args.entrypoint elif args.operation == 'elf2image': if args.output is None: args.output = args.input + '-' e = ELFFile(args.input) image = ESPFirmwareImage() image.entrypoint = e.get_entry_point() for section, start in ((".text", "_text_start"), (".data", "_data_start"), (".rodata", "_rodata_start")): data = e.load_section(section) image.add_segment(e.get_symbol_addr(start), data) image.flash_mode = {'qio':0, 'qout':1, 'dio':2, 'dout': 3}[args.flash_mode] image.flash_size_freq = {'4m':0x00, '2m':0x10, '8m':0x20, '16m':0x30, '32m':0x40, '16m-c1': 0x50, '32m-c1':0x60, '32m-c2':0x70}[args.flash_size] image.flash_size_freq += {'40m':0, '26m':1, '20m':2, '80m': 0xf}[args.flash_freq] + "0x00000.bin") data = e.load_section(".irom0.text") off = e.get_symbol_addr("_irom0_text_start") - 0x40200000 assert off >= 0 f = open(args.output + "0x%05x.bin" % off, "wb") f.write(data) f.close() elif args.operation == 'read_mac': mac = esp.read_mac() print 'MAC: %s' % ':'.join(map(lambda x: '%02x' % x, mac)) elif args.operation == 'flash_id': flash_id = esp.flash_id() print 'Manufacturer: %02x' % (flash_id & 0xff) print 'Device: %02x%02x' % ((flash_id >> 8) & 0xff, (flash_id >> 16) & 0xff) elif args.operation == 'read_flash': print 'Please wait...' file(args.filename, 'wb').write(esp.flash_read(args.address, 1024, div_roundup(args.size, 1024))[:args.size]) elif args.operation == 'erase_flash': esp.flash_erase() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except FatalError as e: print '\nA fatal error occurred: %s' % e sys.exit(2)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """The volumes attachments API.""" from oslo_log import log as logging import webob from cinder.api import common from cinder.api import microversions as mv from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi from cinder.api.v3.views import attachments as attachment_views from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import objects from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import api as volume_api LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AttachmentsController(wsgi.Controller): """The Attachments API controller for the OpenStack API.""" _view_builder_class = attachment_views.ViewBuilder allowed_filters = {'volume_id', 'status', 'instance_id', 'attach_status'} def __init__(self, ext_mgr=None): """Initialize controller class.""" self.volume_api = volume_api.API() self.ext_mgr = ext_mgr super(AttachmentsController, self).__init__() @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) def show(self, req, id): """Return data about the given attachment.""" context = req.environ['cinder.context'] attachment = objects.VolumeAttachment.get_by_id(context, id) return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.detail(attachment) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) def index(self, req): """Return a summary list of attachments.""" attachments = self._items(req) return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.list(attachments) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) def detail(self, req): """Return a detailed list of attachments.""" attachments = self._items(req) return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.list(attachments, detail=True) @common.process_general_filtering('attachment') def _process_attachment_filtering(self, context=None, filters=None, req_version=None): utils.remove_invalid_filter_options(context, filters, self.allowed_filters) def _items(self, req): """Return a list of attachments, transformed through view builder.""" context = req.environ['cinder.context'] req_version = req.api_version_request # Pop out non search_opts and create local variables search_opts = req.GET.copy() sort_keys, sort_dirs = common.get_sort_params(search_opts) marker, limit, offset = common.get_pagination_params(search_opts) self._process_attachment_filtering(context=context, filters=search_opts, req_version=req_version) if search_opts.get('instance_id', None): search_opts['instance_uuid'] = search_opts.pop('instance_id', None) if context.is_admin and 'all_tenants' in search_opts: del search_opts['all_tenants'] return objects.VolumeAttachmentList.get_all( context, search_opts=search_opts, marker=marker, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort_keys=sort_keys, sort_direction=sort_dirs) else: return objects.VolumeAttachmentList.get_all_by_project( context, context.project_id, search_opts=search_opts, marker=marker, limit=limit, offset=offset, sort_keys=sort_keys, sort_direction=sort_dirs) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) @wsgi.response(202) def create(self, req, body): """Create an attachment. This method can be used to create an empty attachment (reserve) or to create and initialize a volume attachment based on the provided input parameters. If the caller does not yet have the connector information but needs to reserve an attachment for the volume (ie Nova BootFromVolume) the create can be called with just the volume-uuid and the server identifier. This will reserve an attachment, mark the volume as reserved and prevent any new attachment_create calls from being made until the attachment is updated (completed). The alternative is that the connection can be reserved and initialized all at once with a single call if the caller has all of the required information (connector data) at the time of the call. NOTE: In Nova terms server == instance, the server_id parameter referenced below is the UUID of the Instance, for non-nova consumers this can be a server UUID or some other arbitrary unique identifier. Expected format of the input parameter 'body': .. code-block:: json { "attachment": { "volume_uuid": "volume-uuid", "instance_uuid": "nova-server-uuid", "connector": "null|<connector-object>" } } Example connector: .. code-block:: json { "connector": { "initiator": "", "ip":"", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "tempest-1", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": false, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "mode": "null|rw|ro" } } NOTE all that's required for a reserve is volume_uuid and an instance_uuid. returns: A summary view of the attachment object """ context = req.environ['cinder.context'] instance_uuid = body['attachment'].get('instance_uuid', None) if not instance_uuid: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=_("Must specify 'instance_uuid' " "to create attachment.")) volume_uuid = body['attachment'].get('volume_uuid', None) if not volume_uuid: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=_("Must specify 'volume_uuid' " "to create attachment.")) volume_ref = objects.Volume.get_by_id( context, volume_uuid) connector = body['attachment'].get('connector', None) err_msg = None try: attachment_ref = ( self.volume_api.attachment_create(context, volume_ref, instance_uuid, connector=connector)) except exception.NotAuthorized: raise except exception.CinderException as ex: err_msg = _( "Unable to create attachment for volume (%s).") % ex.msg LOG.exception(err_msg) except Exception as ex: err_msg = _("Unable to create attachment for volume.") LOG.exception(err_msg) finally: if err_msg: raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation=err_msg) return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.detail(attachment_ref) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) def update(self, req, id, body): """Update an attachment record. Update a reserved attachment record with connector information and set up the appropriate connection_info from the driver. Expected format of the input parameter 'body': .. code:: json { "attachment": { "connector": { "initiator": "", "ip":"", "platform": "x86_64", "host": "tempest-1", "os_type": "linux2", "multipath": False, "mountpoint": "/dev/vdb", "mode": None|"rw"|"ro", } } } """ context = req.environ['cinder.context'] attachment_ref = ( objects.VolumeAttachment.get_by_id(context, id)) connector = body['attachment'].get('connector', None) if not connector: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=_("Must specify 'connector' " "to update attachment.")) err_msg = None try: attachment_ref = ( self.volume_api.attachment_update(context, attachment_ref, connector)) except exception.NotAuthorized: raise except exception.CinderException as ex: err_msg = ( _("Unable to update attachment.(%s).") % ex.msg) LOG.exception(err_msg) except Exception: err_msg = _("Unable to update the attachment.") LOG.exception(err_msg) finally: if err_msg: raise webob.exc.HTTPInternalServerError(explanation=err_msg) # TODO(jdg): Test this out some more, do we want to return and object # or a dict? return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.detail(attachment_ref) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH) def delete(self, req, id): """Delete an attachment. Disconnects/Deletes the specified attachment, returns a list of any known shared attachment-id's for the effected backend device. returns: A summary list of any attachments sharing this connection """ context = req.environ['cinder.context'] attachment = objects.VolumeAttachment.get_by_id(context, id) attachments = self.volume_api.attachment_delete(context, attachment) return attachment_views.ViewBuilder.list(attachments) @wsgi.response(202) @wsgi.Controller.api_version(mv.NEW_ATTACH_COMPLETION) @wsgi.action('os-complete') def complete(self, req, id, body): """Mark a volume attachment process as completed (in-use).""" context = req.environ['cinder.context'] attachment_ref = ( objects.VolumeAttachment.get_by_id(context, id)) volume_ref = objects.Volume.get_by_id( context, attachment_ref.volume_id) attachment_ref.update({'attach_status': 'attached'}) volume_ref.update({'status': 'in-use', 'attach_status': 'attached'}) def create_resource(ext_mgr): """Create the wsgi resource for this controller.""" return wsgi.Resource(AttachmentsController(ext_mgr))
"""Config flow for Plex.""" import copy import logging from aiohttp import web_response import plexapi.exceptions from plexapi.gdm import GDM from plexauth import PlexAuth import requests.exceptions import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components.http.view import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.media_player import DOMAIN as MP_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_HOST, CONF_PORT, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_SSL, CONF_TOKEN, CONF_URL, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from import get_url from .const import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import AUTH_CALLBACK_NAME, AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH, AUTOMATIC_SETUP_STRING, CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS, CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS, CONF_MONITORED_USERS, CONF_SERVER, CONF_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_SSL, DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL, DOMAIN, MANUAL_SETUP_STRING, PLEX_SERVER_CONFIG, SERVERS, X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME, X_PLEX_PLATFORM, X_PLEX_PRODUCT, X_PLEX_VERSION, ) from .errors import NoServersFound, ServerNotSpecified from .server import PlexServer _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__package__) @callback def configured_servers(hass): """Return a set of the configured Plex servers.""" return {[CONF_SERVER_IDENTIFIER] for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) } async def async_discover(hass): """Scan for available Plex servers.""" gdm = GDM() await hass.async_add_executor_job(gdm.scan) for server_data in gdm.entries: await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={CONF_SOURCE: config_entries.SOURCE_INTEGRATION_DISCOVERY}, data=server_data, ) class PlexFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a Plex config flow.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_PUSH @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow(config_entry): """Get the options flow for this handler.""" return PlexOptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) def __init__(self): """Initialize the Plex flow.""" self.current_login = {} self.available_servers = None self.plexauth = None self.token = None self.client_id = None self._manual = False async def async_step_user( self, user_input=None, errors=None ): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if user_input is not None: return await self.async_step_plex_website_auth() if self.show_advanced_options: return await self.async_step_user_advanced(errors=errors) return self.async_show_form(step_id="user", errors=errors) async def async_step_user_advanced(self, user_input=None, errors=None): """Handle an advanced mode flow initialized by the user.""" if user_input is not None: if user_input.get("setup_method") == MANUAL_SETUP_STRING: self._manual = True return await self.async_step_manual_setup() return await self.async_step_plex_website_auth() data_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Required("setup_method", default=AUTOMATIC_SETUP_STRING): vol.In( [AUTOMATIC_SETUP_STRING, MANUAL_SETUP_STRING] ) } ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="user_advanced", data_schema=data_schema, errors=errors ) async def async_step_manual_setup(self, user_input=None, errors=None): """Begin manual configuration.""" if user_input is not None and errors is None: user_input.pop(CONF_URL, None) host = user_input.get(CONF_HOST) if host: port = user_input[CONF_PORT] prefix = "https" if user_input.get(CONF_SSL) else "http" user_input[CONF_URL] = f"{prefix}://{host}:{port}" elif CONF_TOKEN not in user_input: return await self.async_step_manual_setup( user_input=user_input, errors={"base": "host_or_token"} ) return await self.async_step_server_validate(user_input) previous_input = user_input or {} data_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_HOST, description={"suggested_value": previous_input.get(CONF_HOST)}, ): str, vol.Required( CONF_PORT, default=previous_input.get(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT) ): int, vol.Required( CONF_SSL, default=previous_input.get(CONF_SSL, DEFAULT_SSL) ): bool, vol.Required( CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=previous_input.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL), ): bool, vol.Optional( CONF_TOKEN, description={"suggested_value": previous_input.get(CONF_TOKEN)}, ): str, } ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="manual_setup", data_schema=data_schema, errors=errors ) async def async_step_server_validate(self, server_config): """Validate a provided configuration.""" errors = {} self.current_login = server_config plex_server = PlexServer(self.hass, server_config) try: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(plex_server.connect) except NoServersFound: _LOGGER.error("No servers linked to Plex account") errors["base"] = "no_servers" except (plexapi.exceptions.BadRequest, plexapi.exceptions.Unauthorized): _LOGGER.error("Invalid credentials provided, config not created") errors[CONF_TOKEN] = "faulty_credentials" except requests.exceptions.SSLError as error: _LOGGER.error("SSL certificate error: [%s]", error) errors["base"] = "ssl_error" except (plexapi.exceptions.NotFound, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): server_identifier = ( server_config.get(CONF_URL) or plex_server.server_choice or "Unknown" ) _LOGGER.error("Plex server could not be reached: %s", server_identifier) errors[CONF_HOST] = "not_found" except ServerNotSpecified as available_servers: self.available_servers = available_servers.args[0] return await self.async_step_select_server() except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Unknown error connecting to Plex server: %s", error) return self.async_abort(reason="unknown") if errors: if self._manual: return await self.async_step_manual_setup( user_input=server_config, errors=errors ) return await self.async_step_user(errors=errors) server_id = plex_server.machine_identifier url = plex_server.url_in_use token = server_config.get(CONF_TOKEN) entry_config = {CONF_URL: url} if self.client_id: entry_config[CONF_CLIENT_ID] = self.client_id if token: entry_config[CONF_TOKEN] = token if url.startswith("https"): entry_config[CONF_VERIFY_SSL] = server_config.get( CONF_VERIFY_SSL, DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL ) data = { CONF_SERVER: plex_server.friendly_name, CONF_SERVER_IDENTIFIER: server_id, PLEX_SERVER_CONFIG: entry_config, } entry = await self.async_set_unique_id(server_id) if self.context[CONF_SOURCE] == config_entries.SOURCE_REAUTH: self.hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, data=data) _LOGGER.debug("Updated config entry for %s", plex_server.friendly_name) await self.hass.config_entries.async_reload(entry.entry_id) return self.async_abort(reason="reauth_successful") self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() _LOGGER.debug("Valid config created for %s", plex_server.friendly_name) return self.async_create_entry(title=plex_server.friendly_name, data=data) async def async_step_select_server(self, user_input=None): """Use selected Plex server.""" config = dict(self.current_login) if user_input is not None: config[CONF_SERVER] = user_input[CONF_SERVER] return await self.async_step_server_validate(config) configured = configured_servers(self.hass) available_servers = [ name for (name, server_id) in self.available_servers if server_id not in configured ] if not available_servers: return self.async_abort(reason="all_configured") if len(available_servers) == 1: config[CONF_SERVER] = available_servers[0] return await self.async_step_server_validate(config) return self.async_show_form( step_id="select_server", data_schema=vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_SERVER): vol.In(available_servers)} ), errors={}, ) async def async_step_integration_discovery(self, discovery_info): """Handle GDM discovery.""" machine_identifier = discovery_info["data"]["Resource-Identifier"] await self.async_set_unique_id(machine_identifier) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() host = f"{discovery_info['from'][0]}:{discovery_info['data']['Port']}" name = discovery_info["data"]["Name"] self.context["title_placeholders"] = { "host": host, "name": name, } return await self.async_step_user() async def async_step_plex_website_auth(self): """Begin external auth flow on Plex website.""" self.hass.http.register_view(PlexAuthorizationCallbackView) hass_url = get_url(self.hass) headers = {"Origin": hass_url} payload = { "X-Plex-Device-Name": X_PLEX_DEVICE_NAME, "X-Plex-Version": X_PLEX_VERSION, "X-Plex-Product": X_PLEX_PRODUCT, "X-Plex-Device": self.hass.config.location_name, "X-Plex-Platform": X_PLEX_PLATFORM, "X-Plex-Model": "Plex OAuth", } session = async_get_clientsession(self.hass) self.plexauth = PlexAuth(payload, session, headers) await self.plexauth.initiate_auth() forward_url = f"{hass_url}{AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH}?flow_id={self.flow_id}" auth_url = self.plexauth.auth_url(forward_url) return self.async_external_step(step_id="obtain_token", url=auth_url) async def async_step_obtain_token(self, user_input=None): """Obtain token after external auth completed.""" token = await self.plexauth.token(10) if not token: return self.async_external_step_done(next_step_id="timed_out") self.token = token self.client_id = self.plexauth.client_identifier return self.async_external_step_done(next_step_id="use_external_token") async def async_step_timed_out(self, user_input=None): """Abort flow when time expires.""" return self.async_abort(reason="token_request_timeout") async def async_step_use_external_token(self, user_input=None): """Continue server validation with external token.""" server_config = {CONF_TOKEN: self.token} return await self.async_step_server_validate(server_config) async def async_step_reauth(self, data): """Handle a reauthorization flow request.""" self.current_login = dict(data) return await self.async_step_user() class PlexOptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle Plex options.""" def __init__(self, config_entry): """Initialize Plex options flow.""" self.options = copy.deepcopy(dict(config_entry.options)) self.server_id =[CONF_SERVER_IDENTIFIER] async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Manage the Plex options.""" return await self.async_step_plex_mp_settings() async def async_step_plex_mp_settings(self, user_input=None): """Manage the Plex media_player options.""" plex_server =[DOMAIN][SERVERS][self.server_id] if user_input is not None: self.options[MP_DOMAIN][CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART] = user_input[ CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART ] self.options[MP_DOMAIN][CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS] = user_input[ CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS ] self.options[MP_DOMAIN][CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS] = user_input[ CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS ] account_data = { user: {"enabled": bool(user in user_input[CONF_MONITORED_USERS])} for user in plex_server.accounts } self.options[MP_DOMAIN][CONF_MONITORED_USERS] = account_data return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=self.options) available_accounts = {name: name for name in plex_server.accounts} available_accounts[plex_server.owner] += " [Owner]" default_accounts = plex_server.accounts known_accounts = set(plex_server.option_monitored_users) if known_accounts: default_accounts = { user for user in plex_server.option_monitored_users if plex_server.option_monitored_users[user]["enabled"] } for user in plex_server.accounts: if user not in known_accounts: available_accounts[user] += " [New]" if not plex_server.option_ignore_new_shared_users: for new_user in plex_server.accounts - known_accounts: default_accounts.add(new_user) return self.async_show_form( step_id="plex_mp_settings", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Required( CONF_USE_EPISODE_ART, default=plex_server.option_use_episode_art, ): bool, vol.Optional( CONF_MONITORED_USERS, default=default_accounts ): cv.multi_select(available_accounts), vol.Required( CONF_IGNORE_NEW_SHARED_USERS, default=plex_server.option_ignore_new_shared_users, ): bool, vol.Required( CONF_IGNORE_PLEX_WEB_CLIENTS, default=plex_server.option_ignore_plexweb_clients, ): bool, } ), ) class PlexAuthorizationCallbackView(HomeAssistantView): """Handle callback from external auth.""" url = AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH name = AUTH_CALLBACK_NAME requires_auth = False async def get(self, request): """Receive authorization confirmation.""" hass =["hass"] await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( flow_id=request.query["flow_id"], user_input=None ) return web_response.Response( headers={"content-type": "text/html"}, text="<script>window.close()</script>Success! This window can be closed", )
import pygame from pygame.locals import * import gui screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (640, 480), FULLSCREEN ) # try adding DOUBLEBUF | HWSURFACE # pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) app = gui.App() c = gui.Container(width=640,height=480) ## ## dialog 1 ## t1 = gui.Table() t1.add(gui.Label("Gal Test")) t2 = gui.Table() t2.add(gui.Label("Gui Widgets")) t2.add(gui.Input()) t2.add(gui.Label("Button")) t2.add(gui.Button("Click Me!")) d1 = gui.Dialog(t1, t2) c.add(d1, 50, 150) ## ## dialog 2 ## t3 = gui.Table() t3.add(gui.Label("Another one")) t4 = gui.Table() t4.add(gui.Label("Name")) t4.add(gui.Input()) t4.add(gui.Label("Ohh")) b1 = gui.Button("OK") t4.add(b1) d2 = gui.Dialog(t3, t4) c.add(d2, 50, 300) ## ## some labels ## l1 = gui.Label("Suppose this is a menu", color=(255, 255, 255) ) c.add(l1, 50, 50) l2 = gui.Label("Click <SPACE> to hide top dialog", color=(255, 255, 255) ) c.add(l2, 50, 75) l3 = gui.Label("Opps... Did it happen?", color=(255, 255, 255) ) ## ## app begins ## app.init(widget=c,screen=screen) FRAME_EVT = USEREVENT + 1 pygame.event.Event(FRAME_EVT) pygame.time.set_timer(FRAME_EVT, 30) _quit = 0 while _quit == 0: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == FRAME_EVT: pygame.display.flip() continue if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: _quit = 1 continue elif event.key == K_SPACE: d1.close() c.add(l3, 100, 100) app._event(event) screen.fill((0,0,0)) app.paint(screen)
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Computer Sciences Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ EzThriftTest contains classes that will be useful for testing thrift services """ from kazoo.testing import KazooTestCase from ezbake.discovery import ServiceDiscoveryClient from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol from thrift.server import TServer from thrift.transport import TSocket, TTransport from thrift.transport.TTransport import TTransportException from ..transport.EzSSLSocket import TSSLServerSocket from multiprocessing.process import Process import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EzThriftServerTestHarness(KazooTestCase): """The EzThriftServerTestHarness extends KazooTestCase to provide service discovery for clients in tests The thrift server is started using a TSimpleServer and registered with EzBake service discovery """ def setUp(self): super(EzThriftServerTestHarness, self).setUp() self.sd_client = ServiceDiscoveryClient(self.hosts) self.server_processes = [] @staticmethod def __thrift_server(processor, host="localhost", port=8449, use_simple_server=True, use_ssl=False, ca_certs=None, cert=None, key=None): if use_ssl: transport = TSSLServerSocket(host=host, port=port, ca_certs=ca_certs, cert=cert, key=key) else: transport = TSocket.TServerSocket(host=host, port=port) t_factory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory() p_factory = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory() if use_simple_server: server = TServer.TSimpleServer(processor, transport, t_factory, p_factory) else: server = TServer.TThreadedServer(processor, transport, t_factory, p_factory) try: server.serve() except (Exception, AttributeError, TTransportException) as e: print e logger.error("Server error: %s", e) def add_server(self, app_name, service_name, host, port, processor, use_simple_server=True, wait=1, use_ssl=False, ca_certs=None, cert=None, key=None): self.sd_client.register_endpoint(app_name, service_name, host, port) server_process = Process(target=self.__thrift_server, args=(processor, host, port, use_simple_server, use_ssl, ca_certs, cert, key)) server_process.start() time.sleep(wait) self.server_processes.append(server_process) def tearDown(self): super(EzThriftServerTestHarness, self).tearDown() for server_process in self.server_processes: if server_process.is_alive(): server_process.terminate()
# This file is part of a program licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser # General Public License version 2 (or at your option any later version) # as published by the Free Software Foundation: from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals from ctypes import ( c_char_p, c_int, c_uint, c_longlong, c_size_t, c_void_p, c_wchar_p, CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, ) try: from ctypes import c_ssize_t except ImportError: from ctypes import c_longlong as c_ssize_t import ctypes from ctypes.util import find_library import logging import mmap import os from .exception import ArchiveError logger = logging.getLogger('libarchive') page_size = mmap.PAGESIZE libarchive_path = os.environ.get('LIBARCHIVE') or \ find_library('archive') or \ find_library('libarchive') or \ '' libarchive = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libarchive_path) # Constants ARCHIVE_EOF = 1 # Found end of archive. ARCHIVE_OK = 0 # Operation was successful. ARCHIVE_RETRY = -10 # Retry might succeed. ARCHIVE_WARN = -20 # Partial success. ARCHIVE_FAILED = -25 # Current operation cannot complete. ARCHIVE_FATAL = -30 # No more operations are possible. AE_IFMT = 0o170000 AE_IFREG = 0o100000 AE_IFLNK = 0o120000 AE_IFSOCK = 0o140000 AE_IFCHR = 0o020000 AE_IFBLK = 0o060000 AE_IFDIR = 0o040000 AE_IFIFO = 0o010000 # Callback types WRITE_CALLBACK = CFUNCTYPE( c_ssize_t, c_void_p, c_void_p, POINTER(c_void_p), c_size_t ) OPEN_CALLBACK = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p) CLOSE_CALLBACK = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p) VOID_CB = lambda *_: ARCHIVE_OK # Type aliases, for readability c_archive_p = c_void_p c_archive_entry_p = c_void_p # Helper functions def _error_string(archive_p): msg = error_string(archive_p) if msg is None: return try: return msg.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: return msg def archive_error(archive_p, retcode): msg = _error_string(archive_p) raise ArchiveError(msg, errno(archive_p), retcode, archive_p) def check_null(ret, func, args): if ret is None: raise ArchiveError(func.__name__+' returned NULL') return ret def check_int(retcode, func, args): if retcode >= 0: return retcode elif retcode == ARCHIVE_WARN: logger.warning(_error_string(args[0])) return retcode else: raise archive_error(args[0], retcode) def ffi(name, argtypes, restype, errcheck=None): f = getattr(libarchive, 'archive_'+name) f.argtypes = argtypes f.restype = restype if errcheck: f.errcheck = errcheck globals()[name] = f return f # FFI declarations # archive_util errno = ffi('errno', [c_archive_p], c_int) error_string = ffi('error_string', [c_archive_p], c_char_p) # archive_entry ffi('entry_new', [], c_archive_entry_p, check_null) ffi('entry_filetype', [c_archive_entry_p], c_int) ffi('entry_mtime', [c_archive_entry_p], c_int) ffi('entry_perm', [c_archive_entry_p], c_int) ffi('entry_pathname_w', [c_archive_entry_p], c_wchar_p) ffi('entry_sourcepath', [c_archive_entry_p], c_char_p) ffi('entry_size', [c_archive_entry_p], c_longlong) ffi('entry_size_is_set', [c_archive_entry_p], c_int) ffi('entry_update_pathname_utf8', [c_archive_entry_p, c_char_p], None) ffi('entry_clear', [c_archive_entry_p], c_archive_entry_p) ffi('entry_free', [c_archive_entry_p], None) # archive_read ffi('read_new', [], c_archive_p, check_null) READ_FORMATS = set(( '7zip', 'all', 'ar', 'cab', 'cpio', 'empty', 'iso9660', 'lha', 'mtree', 'rar', 'raw', 'tar', 'xar', 'zip' )) for f_name in list(READ_FORMATS): try: ffi('read_support_format_'+f_name, [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('read format "%s" is not supported' % f_name) READ_FORMATS.remove(f_name) READ_FILTERS = set(( 'all', 'bzip2', 'compress', 'grzip', 'gzip', 'lrzip', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop', 'none', 'rpm', 'uu', 'xz' )) for f_name in list(READ_FILTERS): try: ffi('read_support_filter_'+f_name, [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('read filter "%s" is not supported' % f_name) READ_FILTERS.remove(f_name) ffi('read_open_fd', [c_archive_p, c_int, c_size_t], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_open_filename_w', [c_archive_p, c_wchar_p, c_size_t], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_open_memory', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, c_size_t], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_next_header', [c_archive_p, POINTER(c_void_p)], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_next_header2', [c_archive_p, c_void_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_close', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_free', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) # archive_read_disk ffi('read_disk_new', [], c_archive_p, check_null) ffi('read_disk_set_standard_lookup', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_disk_open', [c_archive_p, c_char_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_disk_open_w', [c_archive_p, c_wchar_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_disk_descend', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) # archive_read_data ffi('read_data_block', [c_archive_p, POINTER(c_void_p), POINTER(c_size_t), POINTER(c_longlong)], c_int, check_int) ffi('read_data', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, c_size_t], c_ssize_t, check_int) ffi('read_data_skip', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) # archive_write ffi('write_new', [], c_archive_p, check_null) ffi('write_disk_new', [], c_archive_p, check_null) ffi('write_disk_set_options', [c_archive_p, c_int], c_int, check_int) WRITE_FORMATS = set(( '7zip', 'ar_bsd', 'ar_svr4', 'cpio', 'cpio_newc', 'gnutar', 'iso9660', 'mtree', 'mtree_classic', 'pax', 'pax_restricted', 'shar', 'shar_dump', 'ustar', 'v7tar', 'xar', 'zip' )) for f_name in list(WRITE_FORMATS): try: ffi('write_set_format_'+f_name, [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('write format "%s" is not supported' % f_name) WRITE_FORMATS.remove(f_name) WRITE_FILTERS = set(( 'b64encode', 'bzip2', 'compress', 'grzip', 'gzip', 'lrzip', 'lzip', 'lzma', 'lzop', 'uuencode', 'xz' )) for f_name in list(WRITE_FILTERS): try: ffi('write_add_filter_'+f_name, [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('write filter "%s" is not supported' % f_name) WRITE_FILTERS.remove(f_name) ffi('write_open', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, OPEN_CALLBACK, WRITE_CALLBACK, CLOSE_CALLBACK], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_open_fd', [c_archive_p, c_int], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_open_filename', [c_archive_p, c_char_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_open_filename_w', [c_archive_p, c_wchar_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_open_memory', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, c_size_t, POINTER(c_size_t)], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_get_bytes_in_last_block', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_get_bytes_per_block', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_set_bytes_in_last_block', [c_archive_p, c_int], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_set_bytes_per_block', [c_archive_p, c_int], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_header', [c_archive_p, c_void_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_data', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, c_size_t], c_ssize_t, check_int) ffi('write_data_block', [c_archive_p, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_longlong], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_finish_entry', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_close', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int) ffi('write_free', [c_archive_p], c_int, check_int)
import numpy as np from skimage.util import img_as_float class FeatureDetector(object): def __init__(self): self.keypoints_ = np.array([]) def detect(self, image): """Detect keypoints in image. Parameters ---------- image : 2D array Input image. """ raise NotImplementedError() class DescriptorExtractor(object): def __init__(self): self.descriptors_ = np.array([]) def extract(self, image, keypoints): """Extract feature descriptors in image for given keypoints. Parameters ---------- image : 2D array Input image. keypoints : (N, 2) array Keypoint locations as ``(row, col)``. """ raise NotImplementedError() def plot_matches(ax, image1, image2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches, keypoints_color='k', matches_color=None, only_matches=False): """Plot matched features. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matches and image are drawn in this ax. image1 : (N, M [, 3]) array First grayscale or color image. image2 : (N, M [, 3]) array Second grayscale or color image. keypoints1 : (K1, 2) array First keypoint coordinates as ``(row, col)``. keypoints2 : (K2, 2) array Second keypoint coordinates as ``(row, col)``. matches : (Q, 2) array Indices of corresponding matches in first and second set of descriptors, where ``matches[:, 0]`` denote the indices in the first and ``matches[:, 1]`` the indices in the second set of descriptors. keypoints_color : matplotlib color, optional Color for keypoint locations. matches_color : matplotlib color, optional Color for lines which connect keypoint matches. By default the color is chosen randomly. only_matches : bool, optional Whether to only plot matches and not plot the keypoint locations. """ image1 = img_as_float(image1) image2 = img_as_float(image2) new_shape1 = list(image1.shape) new_shape2 = list(image2.shape) if image1.shape[0] < image2.shape[0]: new_shape1[0] = image2.shape[0] elif image1.shape[0] > image2.shape[0]: new_shape2[0] = image1.shape[0] if image1.shape[1] < image2.shape[1]: new_shape1[1] = image2.shape[1] elif image1.shape[1] > image2.shape[1]: new_shape2[1] = image1.shape[1] if new_shape1 != image1.shape: new_image1 = np.zeros(new_shape1, dtype=image1.dtype) new_image1[:image1.shape[0], :image1.shape[1]] = image1 image1 = new_image1 if new_shape2 != image2.shape: new_image2 = np.zeros(new_shape2, dtype=image2.dtype) new_image2[:image2.shape[0], :image2.shape[1]] = image2 image2 = new_image2 image = np.concatenate([image1, image2], axis=1) offset = image1.shape if not only_matches: ax.scatter(keypoints1[:, 1], keypoints1[:, 0], facecolors='none', edgecolors=keypoints_color) ax.scatter(keypoints2[:, 1] + offset[1], keypoints2[:, 0], facecolors='none', edgecolors=keypoints_color) ax.imshow(image) ax.axis((0, 2 * offset[1], offset[0], 0)) for i in range(matches.shape[0]): idx1 = matches[i, 0] idx2 = matches[i, 1] if matches_color is None: color = np.random.rand(3, 1) else: color = matches_color ax.plot((keypoints1[idx1, 1], keypoints2[idx2, 1] + offset[1]), (keypoints1[idx1, 0], keypoints2[idx2, 0]), '-', color=color) def _prepare_grayscale_input_2D(image): image = np.squeeze(image) if image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Only 2-D gray-scale images supported.") return img_as_float(image) def _mask_border_keypoints(image_shape, keypoints, distance): """Mask coordinates that are within certain distance from the image border. Parameters ---------- image_shape : (2, ) array_like Shape of the image as ``(rows, cols)``. keypoints : (N, 2) array Keypoint coordinates as ``(rows, cols)``. distance : int Image border distance. Returns ------- mask : (N, ) bool array Mask indicating if pixels are within the image (``True``) or in the border region of the image (``False``). """ rows = image_shape[0] cols = image_shape[1] mask = (((distance - 1) < keypoints[:, 0]) & (keypoints[:, 0] < (rows - distance + 1)) & ((distance - 1) < keypoints[:, 1]) & (keypoints[:, 1] < (cols - distance + 1))) return mask
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ # # Tests for functionality in the file. import proxy import unittest class GetTargetUrlTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSimple(self): cases = [ ('foo/bar', '/?q=foo/bar'), ('/home/~user', '/?q=/home/%7Euser') ] for expected, path in cases: actual = proxy.GetTargetUrl(path) if expected != actual: print 'Failed conversion for %s' % path print 'expected: %s' % expected print ' actual: %s' % actual self.assertEquals(expected, actual) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()