631 values
630 values
void NavigationRequest::OnRequestRedirected( const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info, const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceResponse>& response) { response_ = response; ssl_info_ = response->head.ssl_info; #if defined(OS_ANDROID) base::WeakPtr<NavigationRequest> this_ptr(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); bool should_override_url_loading = false; if (!GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldOverrideUrlLoading( frame_tree_node_->frame_tree_node_id(), browser_initiated_, redirect_info.new_url, redirect_info.new_method, false, true, frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame(), common_params_.transition, &should_override_url_loading)) { return; } if (!this_ptr) return; if (should_override_url_loading) { navigation_handle_->set_net_error_code(net::ERR_ABORTED); common_params_.url = redirect_info.new_url; common_params_.method = redirect_info.new_method; navigation_handle_->UpdateStateFollowingRedirect( GURL(redirect_info.new_referrer), base::Bind(&NavigationRequest::OnRedirectChecksComplete, base::Unretained(this))); frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true); return; } #endif if (!ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()->CanRedirectToURL( redirect_info.new_url)) { DVLOG(1) << "Denied redirect for " << redirect_info.new_url.possibly_invalid_spec(); navigation_handle_->set_net_error_code(net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT); frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true); return; } if (!browser_initiated_ && source_site_instance() && !ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()->CanRequestURL( source_site_instance()->GetProcess()->GetID(), redirect_info.new_url)) { DVLOG(1) << "Denied unauthorized redirect for " << redirect_info.new_url.possibly_invalid_spec(); navigation_handle_->set_net_error_code(net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT); frame_tree_node_->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true); return; } if (redirect_info.new_method != "POST") common_params_.post_data = nullptr; if (commit_params_.navigation_timing.redirect_start.is_null()) { commit_params_.navigation_timing.redirect_start = commit_params_.navigation_timing.fetch_start; } commit_params_.navigation_timing.redirect_end = base::TimeTicks::Now(); commit_params_.navigation_timing.fetch_start = base::TimeTicks::Now(); commit_params_.redirect_response.push_back(response->head); commit_params_.redirect_infos.push_back(redirect_info); if (commit_params_.origin_to_commit) commit_params_.origin_to_commit.reset(); commit_params_.redirects.push_back(common_params_.url); common_params_.url = redirect_info.new_url; common_params_.method = redirect_info.new_method; common_params_.referrer.url = GURL(redirect_info.new_referrer); common_params_.referrer = Referrer::SanitizeForRequest(common_params_.url, common_params_.referrer); net::Error net_error = CheckContentSecurityPolicy(true /* has_followed_redirect */, redirect_info.insecure_scheme_was_upgraded, false /* is_response_check */); if (net_error != net::OK) { OnRequestFailedInternal( network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus(net_error), false /*skip_throttles*/, base::nullopt /*error_page_content*/, false /*collapse_frame*/); return; } if (CheckCredentialedSubresource() == CredentialedSubresourceCheckResult::BLOCK_REQUEST || CheckLegacyProtocolInSubresource() == LegacyProtocolInSubresourceCheckResult::BLOCK_REQUEST) { OnRequestFailedInternal( network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus(net::ERR_ABORTED), false /*skip_throttles*/, base::nullopt /*error_page_content*/, false /*collapse_frame*/); return; } scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> site_instance = frame_tree_node_->render_manager()->GetSiteInstanceForNavigationRequest( *this); speculative_site_instance_ = site_instance->HasProcess() ? site_instance : nullptr; if (!site_instance->HasProcess()) { RenderProcessHostImpl::NotifySpareManagerAboutRecentlyUsedBrowserContext( site_instance->GetBrowserContext()); } common_params_.previews_state = GetContentClient()->browser()->DetermineAllowedPreviews( common_params_.previews_state, navigation_handle_.get(), common_params_.url); RenderProcessHost* expected_process = site_instance->HasProcess() ? site_instance->GetProcess() : nullptr; navigation_handle_->WillRedirectRequest( common_params_.referrer.url, expected_process, base::Bind(&NavigationRequest::OnRedirectChecksComplete, base::Unretained(this))); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Incorrect handling of cancelled requests in Navigation in Google Chrome prior to 73.0.3683.75 allowed a remote attacker to perform domain spoofing via a crafted HTML page.
IDNSpoofChecker::IDNSpoofChecker() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; checker_ = uspoof_open(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { checker_ = nullptr; return; } uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(checker_, USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE); SetAllowedUnicodeSet(&status); int32_t checks = uspoof_getChecks(checker_, &status) | USPOOF_AUX_INFO; uspoof_setChecks(checker_, checks, &status); deviation_characters_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u00df\\u03c2\\u200c\\u200d]"), status); deviation_characters_.freeze(); non_ascii_latin_letters_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:] - [a-zA-Z]]"), status); non_ascii_latin_letters_.freeze(); kana_letters_exceptions_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u3078-\\u307a\\u30d8-\\u30da\\u30fb-\\u30fe]"), status); kana_letters_exceptions_.freeze(); combining_diacritics_exceptions_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u0300-\\u0339]"), status); combining_diacritics_exceptions_.freeze(); cyrillic_letters_latin_alike_ = icu::UnicodeSet( icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("[асԁеһіјӏорԗԛѕԝхуъЬҽпгѵѡ]"), status); cyrillic_letters_latin_alike_.freeze(); cyrillic_letters_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Cyrl:]]"), status); cyrillic_letters_.freeze(); DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); lgc_letters_n_ascii_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:][:Greek:][:Cyrillic:][0-9\\u002e_" "\\u002d][\\u0300-\\u0339]]"), status); lgc_letters_n_ascii_.freeze(); UParseError parse_error; diacritic_remover_.reset(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("DropAcc"), icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("::NFD; ::[:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; ::NFC;" " ł > l; ø > o; đ > d;"), UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status)); extra_confusable_mapper_.reset(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("ExtraConf"), icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8( "[æӕ] > ae; [þϼҏ] > p; [ħнћңҥӈӊԋԧԩ] > h;" "[ĸκкқҝҟҡӄԟ] > k; [ŋпԥก] > n; œ > ce;" "[ŧтҭԏ] > t; [ƅьҍв] > b; [ωшщพฟພຟ] > w;" "[мӎ] > m; [єҽҿၔ] > e; ґ > r; [ғӻ] > f;" "[ҫင] > c; ұ > y; [χҳӽӿ] > x;" "ԃ > d; [ԍဌ] > g; [ടรຣຮ] > s; ၂ > j;" "[зҙӡउওဒვპ] > 3; [บບ] > u"), UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status)); DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)) << "Spoofchecker initalization failed due to an error: " << u_errorName(status); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Incorrect handling of a confusable character in Omnibox in Google Chrome prior to 72.0.3626.81 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted domain name.
IDNSpoofChecker::IDNSpoofChecker() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; checker_ = uspoof_open(&status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { checker_ = nullptr; return; } uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(checker_, USPOOF_HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE); SetAllowedUnicodeSet(&status); int32_t checks = uspoof_getChecks(checker_, &status) | USPOOF_AUX_INFO; uspoof_setChecks(checker_, checks, &status); deviation_characters_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u00df\\u03c2\\u200c\\u200d]"), status); deviation_characters_.freeze(); non_ascii_latin_letters_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:] - [a-zA-Z]]"), status); non_ascii_latin_letters_.freeze(); kana_letters_exceptions_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u3078-\\u307a\\u30d8-\\u30da\\u30fb-\\u30fe]"), status); kana_letters_exceptions_.freeze(); combining_diacritics_exceptions_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[\\u0300-\\u0339]"), status); combining_diacritics_exceptions_.freeze(); cyrillic_letters_latin_alike_ = icu::UnicodeSet( icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("[асԁеһіјӏорԛѕԝхуъЬҽпгѵѡ]"), status); cyrillic_letters_latin_alike_.freeze(); cyrillic_letters_ = icu::UnicodeSet(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Cyrl:]]"), status); cyrillic_letters_.freeze(); DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)); lgc_letters_n_ascii_ = icu::UnicodeSet( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[[:Latin:][:Greek:][:Cyrillic:][0-9\\u002e_" "\\u002d][\\u0300-\\u0339]]"), status); lgc_letters_n_ascii_.freeze(); UParseError parse_error; diacritic_remover_.reset(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("DropAcc"), icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("::NFD; ::[:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; ::NFC;" " ł > l; ø > o; đ > d;"), UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status)); extra_confusable_mapper_.reset(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules( UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("ExtraConf"), icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8( "[æӕ] > ae; [þϼҏ] > p; [ħнћңҥӈӊԋԧԩ] > h;" "[ĸκкқҝҟҡӄԟ] > k; [ŋпԥก] > n; œ > ce;" "[ŧтҭԏ] > t; [ƅьҍв] > b; [ωшщพฟພຟ] > w;" "[мӎ] > m; [єҽҿၔ] > e; ґ > r; [ғӻ] > f;" "[ҫင] > c; ұ > y; [χҳӽӿ] > x;" "ԃ > d; [ԍဌ] > g; [ടรຣຮ] > s; ၂ > j;" "[зҙӡउওဒვპ] > 3; [บບ] > u"), UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status)); DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status)) << "Spoofchecker initalization failed due to an error: " << u_errorName(status); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Incorrect handling of a confusable character in Omnibox in Google Chrome prior to 72.0.3626.81 allowed a remote attacker to spoof the contents of the Omnibox (URL bar) via a crafted domain name.
bool BrowserCommandController::ExecuteCommandWithDisposition( int id, WindowOpenDisposition disposition) { if (!SupportsCommand(id) || !IsCommandEnabled(id)) return false; if (browser_->tab_strip_model()->active_index() == TabStripModel::kNoTab) return true; DCHECK(command_updater_.IsCommandEnabled(id)) << "Invalid/disabled command " << id; switch (id) { case IDC_BACK: GoBack(browser_, disposition); break; case IDC_FORWARD: GoForward(browser_, disposition); break; case IDC_RELOAD: Reload(browser_, disposition); break; case IDC_RELOAD_CLEARING_CACHE: ClearCache(browser_); FALLTHROUGH; case IDC_RELOAD_BYPASSING_CACHE: ReloadBypassingCache(browser_, disposition); break; case IDC_HOME: Home(browser_, disposition); break; case IDC_OPEN_CURRENT_URL: OpenCurrentURL(browser_); break; case IDC_STOP: Stop(browser_); break; case IDC_NEW_WINDOW: NewWindow(browser_); break; case IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW: NewIncognitoWindow(profile()); break; case IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("CloseWindowByKey")); CloseWindow(browser_); break; case IDC_NEW_TAB: { NewTab(browser_); #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_DESKTOP_IN_PRODUCT_HELP) auto* new_tab_tracker = feature_engagement::NewTabTrackerFactory::GetInstance() ->GetForProfile(profile()); new_tab_tracker->OnNewTabOpened(); new_tab_tracker->CloseBubble(); #endif break; } case IDC_CLOSE_TAB: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("CloseTabByKey")); CloseTab(browser_); break; case IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_SelectNextTab")); SelectNextTab(browser_); break; case IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_SelectPreviousTab")); SelectPreviousTab(browser_); break; case IDC_MOVE_TAB_NEXT: MoveTabNext(browser_); break; case IDC_MOVE_TAB_PREVIOUS: MoveTabPrevious(browser_); break; case IDC_SELECT_TAB_0: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_1: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_2: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_3: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_4: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_5: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_6: case IDC_SELECT_TAB_7: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_SelectNumberedTab")); SelectNumberedTab(browser_, id - IDC_SELECT_TAB_0); break; case IDC_SELECT_LAST_TAB: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_SelectNumberedTab")); SelectLastTab(browser_); break; case IDC_DUPLICATE_TAB: DuplicateTab(browser_); break; case IDC_RESTORE_TAB: RestoreTab(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_AS_TAB: ConvertPopupToTabbedBrowser(browser_); break; case IDC_FULLSCREEN: chrome::ToggleFullscreenMode(browser_); break; case IDC_OPEN_IN_PWA_WINDOW: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("OpenActiveTabInPwaWindow")); ReparentSecureActiveTabIntoPwaWindow(browser_); break; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) case IDC_VISIT_DESKTOP_OF_LRU_USER_2: case IDC_VISIT_DESKTOP_OF_LRU_USER_3: ExecuteVisitDesktopCommand(id, window()->GetNativeWindow()); break; #endif #if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) case IDC_MINIMIZE_WINDOW: browser_->window()->Minimize(); break; case IDC_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW: browser_->window()->Maximize(); break; case IDC_RESTORE_WINDOW: browser_->window()->Restore(); break; case IDC_USE_SYSTEM_TITLE_BAR: { PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kUseCustomChromeFrame, !prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kUseCustomChromeFrame)); break; } #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) case IDC_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN_TOOLBAR: chrome::ToggleFullscreenToolbar(browser_); break; case IDC_TOGGLE_JAVASCRIPT_APPLE_EVENTS: { PrefService* prefs = profile()->GetPrefs(); prefs->SetBoolean(prefs::kAllowJavascriptAppleEvents, !prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kAllowJavascriptAppleEvents)); break; } #endif case IDC_EXIT: Exit(); break; case IDC_SAVE_PAGE: SavePage(browser_); break; case IDC_BOOKMARK_PAGE: #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_DESKTOP_IN_PRODUCT_HELP) feature_engagement::BookmarkTrackerFactory::GetInstance() ->GetForProfile(profile()) ->OnBookmarkAdded(); #endif BookmarkCurrentPageAllowingExtensionOverrides(browser_); break; case IDC_BOOKMARK_ALL_TABS: #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_DESKTOP_IN_PRODUCT_HELP) feature_engagement::BookmarkTrackerFactory::GetInstance() ->GetForProfile(profile()) ->OnBookmarkAdded(); #endif BookmarkAllTabs(browser_); break; case IDC_VIEW_SOURCE: browser_->tab_strip_model() ->GetActiveWebContents() ->GetMainFrame() ->ViewSource(); break; case IDC_EMAIL_PAGE_LOCATION: EmailPageLocation(browser_); break; case IDC_PRINT: Print(browser_); break; #if BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PRINTING) case IDC_BASIC_PRINT: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Advanced_Print")); BasicPrint(browser_); break; #endif // ENABLE_PRINTING case IDC_SAVE_CREDIT_CARD_FOR_PAGE: SaveCreditCard(browser_); break; case IDC_MIGRATE_LOCAL_CREDIT_CARD_FOR_PAGE: MigrateLocalCards(browser_); break; case IDC_TRANSLATE_PAGE: Translate(browser_); break; case IDC_MANAGE_PASSWORDS_FOR_PAGE: ManagePasswordsForPage(browser_); break; case IDC_CUT: case IDC_COPY: case IDC_PASTE: CutCopyPaste(browser_, id); break; case IDC_FIND: Find(browser_); break; case IDC_FIND_NEXT: FindNext(browser_); break; case IDC_FIND_PREVIOUS: FindPrevious(browser_); break; case IDC_ZOOM_PLUS: Zoom(browser_, content::PAGE_ZOOM_IN); break; case IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL: Zoom(browser_, content::PAGE_ZOOM_RESET); break; case IDC_ZOOM_MINUS: Zoom(browser_, content::PAGE_ZOOM_OUT); break; case IDC_FOCUS_TOOLBAR: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Focus_Toolbar")); FocusToolbar(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Focus_Location")); FocusLocationBar(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Focus_Search")); FocusSearch(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_MENU_BAR: FocusAppMenu(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_BOOKMARKS: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Focus_Bookmarks")); FocusBookmarksToolbar(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_INACTIVE_POPUP_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY: FocusInactivePopupForAccessibility(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_NEXT_PANE: FocusNextPane(browser_); break; case IDC_FOCUS_PREVIOUS_PANE: FocusPreviousPane(browser_); break; case IDC_OPEN_FILE: browser_->OpenFile(); break; case IDC_CREATE_SHORTCUT: CreateBookmarkAppFromCurrentWebContents(browser_, true /* force_shortcut_app */); break; case IDC_INSTALL_PWA: CreateBookmarkAppFromCurrentWebContents(browser_, false /* force_shortcut_app */); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS: ToggleDevToolsWindow(browser_, DevToolsToggleAction::Show()); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS_CONSOLE: ToggleDevToolsWindow(browser_, DevToolsToggleAction::ShowConsolePanel()); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS_DEVICES: InspectUI::InspectDevices(browser_); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS_INSPECT: ToggleDevToolsWindow(browser_, DevToolsToggleAction::Inspect()); break; case IDC_DEV_TOOLS_TOGGLE: ToggleDevToolsWindow(browser_, DevToolsToggleAction::Toggle()); break; case IDC_TASK_MANAGER: OpenTaskManager(browser_); break; #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) case IDC_TAKE_SCREENSHOT: TakeScreenshot(); break; #endif #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) case IDC_FEEDBACK: OpenFeedbackDialog(browser_, kFeedbackSourceBrowserCommand); break; #endif case IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR: ToggleBookmarkBar(browser_); break; case IDC_PROFILING_ENABLED: Profiling::Toggle(); break; case IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_MANAGER: ShowBookmarkManager(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_APP_MENU: base::RecordAction(base::UserMetricsAction("Accel_Show_App_Menu")); ShowAppMenu(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_AVATAR_MENU: ShowAvatarMenu(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_HISTORY: ShowHistory(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_DOWNLOADS: ShowDownloads(browser_); break; case IDC_MANAGE_EXTENSIONS: ShowExtensions(browser_, std::string()); break; case IDC_OPTIONS: ShowSettings(browser_); break; case IDC_EDIT_SEARCH_ENGINES: ShowSearchEngineSettings(browser_); break; case IDC_VIEW_PASSWORDS: ShowPasswordManager(browser_); break; case IDC_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA: ShowClearBrowsingDataDialog(browser_); break; case IDC_IMPORT_SETTINGS: ShowImportDialog(browser_); break; case IDC_TOGGLE_REQUEST_TABLET_SITE: ToggleRequestTabletSite(browser_); break; case IDC_ABOUT: ShowAboutChrome(browser_); break; case IDC_UPGRADE_DIALOG: OpenUpdateChromeDialog(browser_); break; case IDC_HELP_PAGE_VIA_KEYBOARD: ShowHelp(browser_, HELP_SOURCE_KEYBOARD); break; case IDC_HELP_PAGE_VIA_MENU: ShowHelp(browser_, HELP_SOURCE_MENU); break; case IDC_SHOW_BETA_FORUM: ShowBetaForum(browser_); break; case IDC_SHOW_SIGNIN: ShowBrowserSigninOrSettings( browser_, signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MENU); break; case IDC_DISTILL_PAGE: DistillCurrentPage(browser_); break; case IDC_ROUTE_MEDIA: RouteMedia(browser_); break; case IDC_WINDOW_MUTE_SITE: MuteSite(browser_); break; case IDC_WINDOW_PIN_TAB: PinTab(browser_); break; case IDC_COPY_URL: CopyURL(browser_); break; case IDC_OPEN_IN_CHROME: OpenInChrome(browser_); break; case IDC_SITE_SETTINGS: ShowSiteSettings( browser_, browser_->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents()->GetVisibleURL()); break; case IDC_HOSTED_APP_MENU_APP_INFO: ShowPageInfoDialog(browser_->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(), bubble_anchor_util::kAppMenuButton); break; default: LOG(WARNING) << "Received Unimplemented Command: " << id; break; } return true; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Insufficient restrictions on what can be done with Apple Events in Google Chrome on macOS prior to 72.0.3626.81 allowed a local attacker to execute JavaScript via Apple Events.
std::string TestURLLoader::TestUntendedLoad() { pp::URLRequestInfo request(instance_); request.SetURL("test_url_loader_data/hello.txt"); request.SetRecordDownloadProgress(true); TestCompletionCallback callback(instance_->pp_instance(), callback_type()); pp::URLLoader loader(instance_); callback.WaitForResult(loader.Open(request, callback.GetCallback())); CHECK_CALLBACK_BEHAVIOR(callback); ASSERT_EQ(PP_OK, callback.result()); int64_t bytes_received = 0; int64_t total_bytes_to_be_received = 0; while (true) { loader.GetDownloadProgress(&bytes_received, &total_bytes_to_be_received); if (total_bytes_to_be_received <= 0) return ReportError("URLLoader::GetDownloadProgress total size", total_bytes_to_be_received); if (bytes_received == total_bytes_to_be_received) break; if (pp::Module::Get()->core()->IsMainThread()) { NestedEvent event(instance_->pp_instance()); event.PostSignal(10); event.Wait(); } } std::string body; std::string error = ReadEntireResponseBody(&loader, &body); if (!error.empty()) return error; if (body != "hello\n") return ReportError("Couldn't read data", callback.result()); PASS(); }
[ "CWE-284" ]
Blink, as used in Google Chrome before 51.0.2704.63, allows remote attackers to bypass the Same Origin Policy by leveraging the mishandling of Document reattachment during destruction, related to FrameLoader.cpp and LocalFrame.cpp.
xsltDocumentFunctionLoadDocument(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, xmlChar* URI) { xsltTransformContextPtr tctxt; xmlURIPtr uri; xmlChar *fragment; xsltDocumentPtr idoc; /* document info */ xmlDocPtr doc; xmlXPathContextPtr xptrctxt = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr resObj = NULL; tctxt = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt); if (tctxt == NULL) { xsltTransformError(NULL, NULL, NULL, "document() : internal error tctxt == NULL\n"); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)); return; } uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) URI); if (uri == NULL) { xsltTransformError(tctxt, NULL, NULL, "document() : failed to parse URI\n"); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)); return; } /* * check for and remove fragment identifier */ fragment = (xmlChar *)uri->fragment; if (fragment != NULL) { xmlChar *newURI; uri->fragment = NULL; newURI = xmlSaveUri(uri); idoc = xsltLoadDocument(tctxt, newURI); xmlFree(newURI); } else idoc = xsltLoadDocument(tctxt, URI); xmlFreeURI(uri); if (idoc == NULL) { if ((URI == NULL) || (URI[0] == '#') || ((tctxt->style->doc != NULL) && (xmlStrEqual(tctxt->style->doc->URL, URI)))) { /* * This selects the stylesheet's doc itself. */ doc = tctxt->style->doc; } else { valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)); if (fragment != NULL) xmlFree(fragment); return; } } else doc = idoc->doc; if (fragment == NULL) { valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet((xmlNodePtr) doc)); return; } /* use XPointer of HTML location for fragment ID */ #ifdef LIBXML_XPTR_ENABLED xptrctxt = xmlXPtrNewContext(doc, NULL, NULL); if (xptrctxt == NULL) { xsltTransformError(tctxt, NULL, NULL, "document() : internal error xptrctxt == NULL\n"); goto out_fragment; } resObj = xmlXPtrEval(fragment, xptrctxt); xmlXPathFreeContext(xptrctxt); #endif xmlFree(fragment); if (resObj == NULL) goto out_fragment; switch (resObj->type) { case XPATH_NODESET: break; case XPATH_UNDEFINED: case XPATH_BOOLEAN: case XPATH_NUMBER: case XPATH_STRING: case XPATH_POINT: case XPATH_USERS: case XPATH_XSLT_TREE: case XPATH_RANGE: case XPATH_LOCATIONSET: xsltTransformError(tctxt, NULL, NULL, "document() : XPointer does not select a node set: #%s\n", fragment); goto out_object; } valuePush(ctxt, resObj); return; out_object: xmlXPathFreeObject(resObj); out_fragment: valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(NULL)); }
[ "CWE-119" ]
numbers.c in libxslt before 1.1.29, as used in Google Chrome before 51.0.2704.63, mishandles namespace nodes, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds heap memory access) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted document.
status_t MPEG4Extractor::parseChunk(off64_t *offset, int depth) { ALOGV("entering parseChunk %lld/%d", *offset, depth); uint32_t hdr[2]; if (mDataSource->readAt(*offset, hdr, 8) < 8) { return ERROR_IO; } uint64_t chunk_size = ntohl(hdr[0]); uint32_t chunk_type = ntohl(hdr[1]); off64_t data_offset = *offset + 8; if (chunk_size == 1) { if (mDataSource->readAt(*offset + 8, &chunk_size, 8) < 8) { return ERROR_IO; } chunk_size = ntoh64(chunk_size); data_offset += 8; if (chunk_size < 16) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } else if (chunk_size == 0) { if (depth == 0) { off64_t sourceSize; if (mDataSource->getSize(&sourceSize) == OK) { chunk_size = (sourceSize - *offset); } else { ALOGE("atom size is 0, and data source has no size"); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } } else { *offset += 4; return OK; } } else if (chunk_size < 8) { ALOGE("invalid chunk size: %" PRIu64, chunk_size); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } char chunk[5]; MakeFourCCString(chunk_type, chunk); ALOGV("chunk: %s @ %lld, %d", chunk, *offset, depth); #if 0 static const char kWhitespace[] = " "; const char *indent = &kWhitespace[sizeof(kWhitespace) - 1 - 2 * depth]; printf("%sfound chunk '%s' of size %" PRIu64 "\n", indent, chunk, chunk_size); char buffer[256]; size_t n = chunk_size; if (n > sizeof(buffer)) { n = sizeof(buffer); } if (mDataSource->readAt(*offset, buffer, n) < (ssize_t)n) { return ERROR_IO; } hexdump(buffer, n); #endif PathAdder autoAdder(&mPath, chunk_type); off64_t chunk_data_size = *offset + chunk_size - data_offset; if (chunk_type != FOURCC('c', 'p', 'r', 't') && chunk_type != FOURCC('c', 'o', 'v', 'r') && mPath.size() == 5 && underMetaDataPath(mPath)) { off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset; while (*offset < stop_offset) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } return OK; } switch(chunk_type) { case FOURCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'v'): case FOURCC('t', 'r', 'a', 'k'): case FOURCC('m', 'd', 'i', 'a'): case FOURCC('m', 'i', 'n', 'f'): case FOURCC('d', 'i', 'n', 'f'): case FOURCC('s', 't', 'b', 'l'): case FOURCC('m', 'v', 'e', 'x'): case FOURCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'f'): case FOURCC('t', 'r', 'a', 'f'): case FOURCC('m', 'f', 'r', 'a'): case FOURCC('u', 'd', 't', 'a'): case FOURCC('i', 'l', 's', 't'): case FOURCC('s', 'i', 'n', 'f'): case FOURCC('s', 'c', 'h', 'i'): case FOURCC('e', 'd', 't', 's'): { if (chunk_type == FOURCC('s', 't', 'b', 'l')) { ALOGV("sampleTable chunk is %" PRIu64 " bytes long.", chunk_size); if (mDataSource->flags() & (DataSource::kWantsPrefetching | DataSource::kIsCachingDataSource)) { sp<MPEG4DataSource> cachedSource = new MPEG4DataSource(mDataSource); if (cachedSource->setCachedRange(*offset, chunk_size) == OK) { mDataSource = cachedSource; } } mLastTrack->sampleTable = new SampleTable(mDataSource); } bool isTrack = false; if (chunk_type == FOURCC('t', 'r', 'a', 'k')) { isTrack = true; Track *track = new Track; track->next = NULL; if (mLastTrack) { mLastTrack->next = track; } else { mFirstTrack = track; } mLastTrack = track; track->meta = new MetaData; track->includes_expensive_metadata = false; track->skipTrack = false; track->timescale = 0; track->meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, "application/octet-stream"); } off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset; while (*offset < stop_offset) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (isTrack) { if (mLastTrack->skipTrack) { Track *cur = mFirstTrack; if (cur == mLastTrack) { delete cur; mFirstTrack = mLastTrack = NULL; } else { while (cur && cur->next != mLastTrack) { cur = cur->next; } cur->next = NULL; delete mLastTrack; mLastTrack = cur; } return OK; } status_t err = verifyTrack(mLastTrack); if (err != OK) { return err; } } else if (chunk_type == FOURCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'v')) { mInitCheck = OK; if (!mIsDrm) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; // Return a dummy error. } else { return OK; } } break; } case FOURCC('e', 'l', 's', 't'): { *offset += chunk_size; uint8_t version; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset, &version, 1) < 1) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t entry_count; if (!mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 4, &entry_count)) { return ERROR_IO; } if (entry_count != 1) { ALOGW("ignoring edit list with %d entries", entry_count); } else if (mHeaderTimescale == 0) { ALOGW("ignoring edit list because timescale is 0"); } else { off64_t entriesoffset = data_offset + 8; uint64_t segment_duration; int64_t media_time; if (version == 1) { if (!mDataSource->getUInt64(entriesoffset, &segment_duration) || !mDataSource->getUInt64(entriesoffset + 8, (uint64_t*)&media_time)) { return ERROR_IO; } } else if (version == 0) { uint32_t sd; int32_t mt; if (!mDataSource->getUInt32(entriesoffset, &sd) || !mDataSource->getUInt32(entriesoffset + 4, (uint32_t*)&mt)) { return ERROR_IO; } segment_duration = sd; media_time = mt; } else { return ERROR_IO; } uint64_t halfscale = mHeaderTimescale / 2; segment_duration = (segment_duration * 1000000 + halfscale)/ mHeaderTimescale; media_time = (media_time * 1000000 + halfscale) / mHeaderTimescale; int64_t duration; int32_t samplerate; if (!mLastTrack) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mLastTrack->meta->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &duration) && mLastTrack->meta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &samplerate)) { int64_t delay = (media_time * samplerate + 500000) / 1000000; mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyEncoderDelay, delay); int64_t paddingus = duration - (segment_duration + media_time); if (paddingus < 0) { paddingus = 0; } int64_t paddingsamples = (paddingus * samplerate + 500000) / 1000000; mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyEncoderPadding, paddingsamples); } } break; } case FOURCC('f', 'r', 'm', 'a'): { *offset += chunk_size; uint32_t original_fourcc; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset, &original_fourcc, 4) < 4) { return ERROR_IO; } original_fourcc = ntohl(original_fourcc); ALOGV("read original format: %d", original_fourcc); mLastTrack->meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, FourCC2MIME(original_fourcc)); uint32_t num_channels = 0; uint32_t sample_rate = 0; if (AdjustChannelsAndRate(original_fourcc, &num_channels, &sample_rate)) { mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, num_channels); mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sample_rate); } break; } case FOURCC('t', 'e', 'n', 'c'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_size < 32) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } char buf[4]; memset(buf, 0, 4); if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 4, buf + 1, 3) < 3) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t defaultAlgorithmId = ntohl(*((int32_t*)buf)); if (defaultAlgorithmId > 1) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } memset(buf, 0, 4); if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 7, buf + 3, 1) < 1) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t defaultIVSize = ntohl(*((int32_t*)buf)); if ((defaultAlgorithmId == 0 && defaultIVSize != 0) || (defaultAlgorithmId != 0 && defaultIVSize == 0)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } else if (defaultIVSize != 0 && defaultIVSize != 8 && defaultIVSize != 16) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t defaultKeyId[16]; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 8, &defaultKeyId, 16) < 16) { return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyCryptoMode, defaultAlgorithmId); mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyCryptoDefaultIVSize, defaultIVSize); mLastTrack->meta->setData(kKeyCryptoKey, 'tenc', defaultKeyId, 16); break; } case FOURCC('t', 'k', 'h', 'd'): { *offset += chunk_size; status_t err; if ((err = parseTrackHeader(data_offset, chunk_data_size)) != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('p', 's', 's', 'h'): { *offset += chunk_size; PsshInfo pssh; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 4, &pssh.uuid, 16) < 16) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t psshdatalen = 0; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 20, &psshdatalen, 4) < 4) { return ERROR_IO; } pssh.datalen = ntohl(psshdatalen); ALOGV("pssh data size: %d", pssh.datalen); if (pssh.datalen + 20 > chunk_size) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } = new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[pssh.datalen]; if ( == NULL) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } ALOGV("allocated pssh @ %p",; ssize_t requested = (ssize_t) pssh.datalen; if (mDataSource->readAt(data_offset + 24,, requested) < requested) { return ERROR_IO; } mPssh.push_back(pssh); break; } case FOURCC('m', 'd', 'h', 'd'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 4 || mLastTrack == NULL) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t version; if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, &version, sizeof(version)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(version)) { return ERROR_IO; } off64_t timescale_offset; if (version == 1) { timescale_offset = data_offset + 4 + 16; } else if (version == 0) { timescale_offset = data_offset + 4 + 8; } else { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t timescale; if (mDataSource->readAt( timescale_offset, &timescale, sizeof(timescale)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(timescale)) { return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->timescale = ntohl(timescale); int64_t duration = 0; if (version == 1) { if (mDataSource->readAt( timescale_offset + 4, &duration, sizeof(duration)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(duration)) { return ERROR_IO; } if (duration != -1) { duration = ntoh64(duration); } } else { uint32_t duration32; if (mDataSource->readAt( timescale_offset + 4, &duration32, sizeof(duration32)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(duration32)) { return ERROR_IO; } if (duration32 != 0xffffffff) { duration = ntohl(duration32); } } if (duration != 0) { mLastTrack->meta->setInt64( kKeyDuration, (duration * 1000000) / mLastTrack->timescale); } uint8_t lang[2]; off64_t lang_offset; if (version == 1) { lang_offset = timescale_offset + 4 + 8; } else if (version == 0) { lang_offset = timescale_offset + 4 + 4; } else { return ERROR_IO; } if (mDataSource->readAt(lang_offset, &lang, sizeof(lang)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(lang)) { return ERROR_IO; } char lang_code[4]; lang_code[0] = ((lang[0] >> 2) & 0x1f) + 0x60; lang_code[1] = ((lang[0] & 0x3) << 3 | (lang[1] >> 5)) + 0x60; lang_code[2] = (lang[1] & 0x1f) + 0x60; lang_code[3] = '\0'; mLastTrack->meta->setCString( kKeyMediaLanguage, lang_code); break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 's', 'd'): { if (chunk_data_size < 8) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t buffer[8]; if (chunk_data_size < (off64_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, 8) < 8) { return ERROR_IO; } if (U32_AT(buffer) != 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint32_t entry_count = U32_AT(&buffer[4]); if (entry_count > 1) { const char *mime; CHECK(mLastTrack->meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_3GPP) && strcasecmp(mime, "application/octet-stream")) { mLastTrack->skipTrack = true; *offset += chunk_size; break; } } off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset + 8; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < entry_count; ++i) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } break; } case FOURCC('m', 'p', '4', 'a'): case FOURCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'a'): case FOURCC('s', 'a', 'm', 'r'): case FOURCC('s', 'a', 'w', 'b'): { uint8_t buffer[8 + 20]; if (chunk_data_size < (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_IO; } uint16_t data_ref_index = U16_AT(&buffer[6]); uint32_t num_channels = U16_AT(&buffer[16]); uint16_t sample_size = U16_AT(&buffer[18]); uint32_t sample_rate = U32_AT(&buffer[24]) >> 16; if (chunk_type != FOURCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'a')) { mLastTrack->meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, FourCC2MIME(chunk_type)); AdjustChannelsAndRate(chunk_type, &num_channels, &sample_rate); } ALOGV("*** coding='%s' %d channels, size %d, rate %d\n", chunk, num_channels, sample_size, sample_rate); mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, num_channels); mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, sample_rate); off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset + sizeof(buffer); while (*offset < stop_offset) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } break; } case FOURCC('m', 'p', '4', 'v'): case FOURCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'v'): case FOURCC('s', '2', '6', '3'): case FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '3'): case FOURCC('h', '2', '6', '3'): case FOURCC('a', 'v', 'c', '1'): case FOURCC('h', 'v', 'c', '1'): case FOURCC('h', 'e', 'v', '1'): { mHasVideo = true; uint8_t buffer[78]; if (chunk_data_size < (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_IO; } uint16_t data_ref_index = U16_AT(&buffer[6]); uint16_t width = U16_AT(&buffer[6 + 18]); uint16_t height = U16_AT(&buffer[6 + 20]); if (width == 0) width = 352; if (height == 0) height = 288; if (chunk_type != FOURCC('e', 'n', 'c', 'v')) { mLastTrack->meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, FourCC2MIME(chunk_type)); } mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyWidth, width); mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyHeight, height); off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset + sizeof(buffer); while (*offset < stop_offset) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 'c', 'o'): case FOURCC('c', 'o', '6', '4'): { status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setChunkOffsetParams( chunk_type, data_offset, chunk_data_size); *offset += chunk_size; if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 's', 'c'): { status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setSampleToChunkParams( data_offset, chunk_data_size); *offset += chunk_size; if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 's', 'z'): case FOURCC('s', 't', 'z', '2'): { status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setSampleSizeParams( chunk_type, data_offset, chunk_data_size); *offset += chunk_size; if (err != OK) { return err; } size_t max_size; err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->getMaxSampleSize(&max_size); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (max_size != 0) { mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyMaxInputSize, max_size + 10 * 2); } else { int32_t width, height; if (!mLastTrack->meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width) || !mLastTrack->meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height)) { ALOGE("No width or height, assuming worst case 1080p"); width = 1920; height = 1080; } const char *mime; CHECK(mLastTrack->meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strcmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC)) { max_size = ((width + 15) / 16) * ((height + 15) / 16) * 192; } else { max_size = width * height * 3 / 2; } mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyMaxInputSize, max_size); } const char *mime; CHECK(mLastTrack->meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strncasecmp("video/", mime, 6)) { size_t nSamples = mLastTrack->sampleTable->countSamples(); int64_t durationUs; if (mLastTrack->meta->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs)) { if (durationUs > 0) { int32_t frameRate = (nSamples * 1000000LL + (durationUs >> 1)) / durationUs; mLastTrack->meta->setInt32(kKeyFrameRate, frameRate); } } } break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 't', 's'): { *offset += chunk_size; status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setTimeToSampleParams( data_offset, chunk_data_size); if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('c', 't', 't', 's'): { *offset += chunk_size; status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setCompositionTimeToSampleParams( data_offset, chunk_data_size); if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('s', 't', 's', 's'): { *offset += chunk_size; status_t err = mLastTrack->sampleTable->setSyncSampleParams( data_offset, chunk_data_size); if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('\xA9', 'x', 'y', 'z'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 8) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } char buffer[18]; off64_t location_length = chunk_data_size - 5; if (location_length >= (off64_t) sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset + 4, buffer, location_length) < location_length) { return ERROR_IO; } buffer[location_length] = '\0'; mFileMetaData->setCString(kKeyLocation, buffer); break; } case FOURCC('e', 's', 'd', 's'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 4) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t buffer[256]; if (chunk_data_size > (off64_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, chunk_data_size) < chunk_data_size) { return ERROR_IO; } if (U32_AT(buffer) != 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mLastTrack->meta->setData( kKeyESDS, kTypeESDS, &buffer[4], chunk_data_size - 4); if (mPath.size() >= 2 && mPath[mPath.size() - 2] == FOURCC('m', 'p', '4', 'a')) { status_t err = updateAudioTrackInfoFromESDS_MPEG4Audio( &buffer[4], chunk_data_size - 4); if (err != OK) { return err; } } break; } case FOURCC('a', 'v', 'c', 'C'): { *offset += chunk_size; sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(chunk_data_size); if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer->data(), chunk_data_size) < chunk_data_size) { return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->meta->setData( kKeyAVCC, kTypeAVCC, buffer->data(), chunk_data_size); break; } case FOURCC('h', 'v', 'c', 'C'): { sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(chunk_data_size); if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer->data(), chunk_data_size) < chunk_data_size) { return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->meta->setData( kKeyHVCC, kTypeHVCC, buffer->data(), chunk_data_size); *offset += chunk_size; break; } case FOURCC('d', '2', '6', '3'): { *offset += chunk_size; /* * d263 contains a fixed 7 bytes part: * vendor - 4 bytes * version - 1 byte * level - 1 byte * profile - 1 byte * optionally, "d263" box itself may contain a 16-byte * bit rate box (bitr) * average bit rate - 4 bytes * max bit rate - 4 bytes */ char buffer[23]; if (chunk_data_size != 7 && chunk_data_size != 23) { ALOGE("Incorrect D263 box size %lld", chunk_data_size); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, chunk_data_size) < chunk_data_size) { return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->meta->setData(kKeyD263, kTypeD263, buffer, chunk_data_size); break; } case FOURCC('m', 'e', 't', 'a'): { uint8_t buffer[4]; if (chunk_data_size < (off64_t)sizeof(buffer)) { *offset += chunk_size; return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer, 4) < 4) { *offset += chunk_size; return ERROR_IO; } if (U32_AT(buffer) != 0) { *offset += chunk_size; return OK; } off64_t stop_offset = *offset + chunk_size; *offset = data_offset + sizeof(buffer); while (*offset < stop_offset) { status_t err = parseChunk(offset, depth + 1); if (err != OK) { return err; } } if (*offset != stop_offset) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } break; } case FOURCC('m', 'e', 'a', 'n'): case FOURCC('n', 'a', 'm', 'e'): case FOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (mPath.size() == 6 && underMetaDataPath(mPath)) { status_t err = parseITunesMetaData(data_offset, chunk_data_size); if (err != OK) { return err; } } break; } case FOURCC('m', 'v', 'h', 'd'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 32) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t header[32]; if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, header, sizeof(header)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(header)) { return ERROR_IO; } uint64_t creationTime; uint64_t duration = 0; if (header[0] == 1) { creationTime = U64_AT(&header[4]); mHeaderTimescale = U32_AT(&header[20]); duration = U64_AT(&header[24]); if (duration == 0xffffffffffffffff) { duration = 0; } } else if (header[0] != 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } else { creationTime = U32_AT(&header[4]); mHeaderTimescale = U32_AT(&header[12]); uint32_t d32 = U32_AT(&header[16]); if (d32 == 0xffffffff) { d32 = 0; } duration = d32; } if (duration != 0) { mFileMetaData->setInt64(kKeyDuration, duration * 1000000 / mHeaderTimescale); } String8 s; convertTimeToDate(creationTime, &s); mFileMetaData->setCString(kKeyDate, s.string()); break; } case FOURCC('m', 'e', 'h', 'd'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 8) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t flags[4]; if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, flags, sizeof(flags)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(flags)) { return ERROR_IO; } uint64_t duration = 0; if (flags[0] == 1) { if (chunk_data_size < 12) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mDataSource->getUInt64(data_offset + 4, &duration); if (duration == 0xffffffffffffffff) { duration = 0; } } else if (flags[0] == 0) { uint32_t d32; mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 4, &d32); if (d32 == 0xffffffff) { d32 = 0; } duration = d32; } else { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (duration != 0) { mFileMetaData->setInt64(kKeyDuration, duration * 1000000 / mHeaderTimescale); } break; } case FOURCC('m', 'd', 'a', 't'): { ALOGV("mdat chunk, drm: %d", mIsDrm); if (!mIsDrm) { *offset += chunk_size; break; } if (chunk_size < 8) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } return parseDrmSINF(offset, data_offset); } case FOURCC('h', 'd', 'l', 'r'): { *offset += chunk_size; uint32_t buffer; if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset + 8, &buffer, 4) < 4) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t type = ntohl(buffer); if (type == FOURCC('t', 'e', 'x', 't') || type == FOURCC('s', 'b', 't', 'l')) { mLastTrack->meta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_3GPP); } break; } case FOURCC('t', 'r', 'e', 'x'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 24) { return ERROR_IO; } uint32_t duration; Trex trex; if (!mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 4, &trex.track_ID) || !mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 8, &trex.default_sample_description_index) || !mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 12, &trex.default_sample_duration) || !mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 16, &trex.default_sample_size) || !mDataSource->getUInt32(data_offset + 20, &trex.default_sample_flags)) { return ERROR_IO; } mTrex.add(trex); break; } case FOURCC('t', 'x', '3', 'g'): { uint32_t type; const void *data; size_t size = 0; if (!mLastTrack->meta->findData( kKeyTextFormatData, &type, &data, &size)) { size = 0; } if (SIZE_MAX - chunk_size <= size) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[size + chunk_size]; if (buffer == NULL) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (size > 0) { memcpy(buffer, data, size); } if ((size_t)(mDataSource->readAt(*offset, buffer + size, chunk_size)) < chunk_size) { delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; *offset += chunk_size; return ERROR_IO; } mLastTrack->meta->setData( kKeyTextFormatData, 0, buffer, size + chunk_size); delete[] buffer; *offset += chunk_size; break; } case FOURCC('c', 'o', 'v', 'r'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (mFileMetaData != NULL) { ALOGV("chunk_data_size = %lld and data_offset = %lld", chunk_data_size, data_offset); if (chunk_data_size >= SIZE_MAX - 1) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(chunk_data_size + 1); if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, buffer->data(), chunk_data_size) != (ssize_t)chunk_data_size) { return ERROR_IO; } const int kSkipBytesOfDataBox = 16; if (chunk_data_size <= kSkipBytesOfDataBox) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mFileMetaData->setData( kKeyAlbumArt, MetaData::TYPE_NONE, buffer->data() + kSkipBytesOfDataBox, chunk_data_size - kSkipBytesOfDataBox); } break; } case FOURCC('t', 'i', 't', 'l'): case FOURCC('p', 'e', 'r', 'f'): case FOURCC('a', 'u', 't', 'h'): case FOURCC('g', 'n', 'r', 'e'): case FOURCC('a', 'l', 'b', 'm'): case FOURCC('y', 'r', 'r', 'c'): { *offset += chunk_size; status_t err = parse3GPPMetaData(data_offset, chunk_data_size, depth); if (err != OK) { return err; } break; } case FOURCC('I', 'D', '3', '2'): { *offset += chunk_size; if (chunk_data_size < 6) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } parseID3v2MetaData(data_offset + 6); break; } case FOURCC('-', '-', '-', '-'): { mLastCommentMean.clear(); mLastCommentName.clear(); mLastCommentData.clear(); *offset += chunk_size; break; } case FOURCC('s', 'i', 'd', 'x'): { parseSegmentIndex(data_offset, chunk_data_size); *offset += chunk_size; return UNKNOWN_ERROR; // stop parsing after sidx } default: { *offset += chunk_size; break; } } return OK; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Integer underflow in the MPEG4Extractor::parseChunk function in MPEG4Extractor.cpp in libstagefright in mediaserver in Android before 5.1.1 LMY48M allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted MPEG-4 data, aka internal bug 23034759. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2015-3824.
static jlong Region_createFromParcel(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jobject parcel) { if (parcel == NULL) { return NULL; } android::Parcel* p = android::parcelForJavaObject(env, parcel); SkRegion* region = new SkRegion; size_t size = p->readInt32(); region->readFromMemory(p->readInplace(size), size); return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(region); }
[ "CWE-264" ]
The Region_createFromParcel function in core/jni/android/graphics/Region.cpp in Region in Android before 5.1.1 LMY48M does not check the return values of certain read operations, which allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via an application that sends a crafted message to a service, aka internal bug 21585255.
status_t SampleTable::setSampleToChunkParams( off64_t data_offset, size_t data_size) { if (mSampleToChunkOffset >= 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mSampleToChunkOffset = data_offset; if (data_size < 8) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } uint8_t header[8]; if (mDataSource->readAt( data_offset, header, sizeof(header)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(header)) { return ERROR_IO; } if (U32_AT(header) != 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mNumSampleToChunkOffsets = U32_AT(&header[4]); if (data_size < 8 + mNumSampleToChunkOffsets * 12) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mSampleToChunkEntries = new SampleToChunkEntry[mNumSampleToChunkOffsets]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumSampleToChunkOffsets; ++i) { uint8_t buffer[12]; if (mDataSource->readAt( mSampleToChunkOffset + 8 + i * 12, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) != (ssize_t)sizeof(buffer)) { return ERROR_IO; } CHECK(U32_AT(buffer) >= 1); // chunk index is 1 based in the spec. mSampleToChunkEntries[i].startChunk = U32_AT(buffer) - 1; mSampleToChunkEntries[i].samplesPerChunk = U32_AT(&buffer[4]); mSampleToChunkEntries[i].chunkDesc = U32_AT(&buffer[8]); } return OK; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Integer overflow in the SampleTable::setSampleToChunkParams function in SampleTable.cpp in libstagefright in Android before 5.1.1 LMY48I allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted atoms in MP4 data that trigger an unchecked multiplication, aka internal bug 20139950, a related issue to CVE-2015-4496.
status_t GraphicBuffer::unflatten( void const*& buffer, size_t& size, int const*& fds, size_t& count) { if (size < 8*sizeof(int)) return NO_MEMORY; int const* buf = static_cast<int const*>(buffer); if (buf[0] != 'GBFR') return BAD_TYPE; const size_t numFds = buf[8]; const size_t numInts = buf[9]; const size_t sizeNeeded = (10 + numInts) * sizeof(int); if (size < sizeNeeded) return NO_MEMORY; size_t fdCountNeeded = 0; if (count < fdCountNeeded) return NO_MEMORY; if (handle) { free_handle(); } if (numFds || numInts) { width = buf[1]; height = buf[2]; stride = buf[3]; format = buf[4]; usage = buf[5]; native_handle* h = native_handle_create(numFds, numInts); memcpy(h->data, fds, numFds*sizeof(int)); memcpy(h->data + numFds, &buf[10], numInts*sizeof(int)); handle = h; } else { width = height = stride = format = usage = 0; handle = NULL; } mId = static_cast<uint64_t>(buf[6]) << 32; mId |= static_cast<uint32_t>(buf[7]); mOwner = ownHandle; if (handle != 0) { status_t err = mBufferMapper.registerBuffer(handle); if (err != NO_ERROR) { width = height = stride = format = usage = 0; handle = NULL; ALOGE("unflatten: registerBuffer failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), err); return err; } } buffer = reinterpret_cast<void const*>(static_cast<int const*>(buffer) + sizeNeeded); size -= sizeNeeded; fds += numFds; count -= numFds; return NO_ERROR; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Multiple integer overflows in the GraphicBuffer::unflatten function in platform/frameworks/native/libs/ui/GraphicBuffer.cpp in Android through 5.0 allow attackers to gain privileges or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via vectors that trigger a large number of (1) file descriptors or (2) integer values.
WORD32 ih264d_process_intra_mb(dec_struct_t * ps_dec, dec_mb_info_t * ps_cur_mb_info, UWORD8 u1_mb_num) { UWORD8 u1_mb_type = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_type; UWORD8 uc_temp = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_ngbr_availablity; UWORD8 u1_top_available = BOOLEAN(uc_temp & TOP_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK); UWORD8 u1_left_available = BOOLEAN(uc_temp & LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK); UWORD8 u1_use_top_right_mb = BOOLEAN(uc_temp & TOP_RIGHT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK); UWORD8 u1_use_top_left_mb = BOOLEAN(uc_temp & TOP_LEFT_MB_AVAILABLE_MASK); UWORD8 uc_useTopMB = u1_top_available; UWORD16 u2_use_left_mb = u1_left_available; UWORD16 u2_use_left_mb_pack; UWORD8 *pu1_luma_pred_buffer; /* CHANGED CODE */ UWORD8 *pu1_luma_rec_buffer; UWORD8 *puc_top; mb_neigbour_params_t *ps_left_mb; mb_neigbour_params_t *ps_top_mb; mb_neigbour_params_t *ps_top_right_mb; mb_neigbour_params_t *ps_curmb; UWORD16 u2_mbx = ps_cur_mb_info->u2_mbx; UWORD32 ui_pred_width, ui_rec_width; WORD16 *pi2_y_coeff; UWORD8 u1_mbaff, u1_topmb, u1_mb_field_decoding_flag; UWORD32 u4_num_pmbair; UWORD16 ui2_luma_csbp = ps_cur_mb_info->u2_luma_csbp; UWORD8 *pu1_yleft, *pu1_ytop_left; /* Chroma variables*/ UWORD8 *pu1_top_u; UWORD8 *pu1_uleft; UWORD8 *pu1_u_top_left; /* CHANGED CODE */ UWORD8 *pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer, *pu1_mb_cr_rei1_buffer; UWORD32 u4_recwidth_cr; /* CHANGED CODE */ tfr_ctxt_t *ps_frame_buf = ps_dec->ps_frame_buf_ip_recon; UWORD32 u4_luma_dc_only_csbp = 0; UWORD32 u4_luma_dc_only_cbp = 0; UWORD8 *pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data = (UWORD8 *)ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data; //Pointer to keep track of intra4x4_pred_mode data in pv_proc_tu_coeff_data buffer u1_mbaff = ps_dec->ps_cur_slice->u1_mbaff_frame_flag; u1_topmb = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_topmb; u4_num_pmbair = (u1_mb_num >> u1_mbaff); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Find the current MB's mb params */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u1_mb_field_decoding_flag = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_field_decodingflag; ps_curmb = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_curmb; ps_top_mb = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_mb; ps_left_mb = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_left_mb; ps_top_right_mb = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_right_mb; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check whether neighbouring MB is Inter MB and */ /* constrained intra pred is 1. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u2_use_left_mb_pack = (u2_use_left_mb << 8) + u2_use_left_mb; if(ps_dec->ps_cur_pps->u1_constrained_intra_pred_flag) { UWORD8 u1_left = (UWORD8)u2_use_left_mb; uc_useTopMB = uc_useTopMB && ((ps_top_mb->u1_mb_type != P_MB) && (ps_top_mb->u1_mb_type != B_MB)); u2_use_left_mb = u2_use_left_mb && ((ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != P_MB) && (ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != B_MB)); u2_use_left_mb_pack = (u2_use_left_mb << 8) + u2_use_left_mb; if(u1_mbaff) { if(u1_mb_field_decoding_flag ^ ps_left_mb->u1_mb_fld) { u1_left = u1_left && (((ps_left_mb + 1)->u1_mb_type != P_MB) && ((ps_left_mb + 1)->u1_mb_type != B_MB)); u2_use_left_mb = u2_use_left_mb && u1_left; if(u1_mb_field_decoding_flag) u2_use_left_mb_pack = (u1_left << 8) + (u2_use_left_mb_pack & 0xff); else u2_use_left_mb_pack = (u2_use_left_mb << 8) + (u2_use_left_mb); } } u1_use_top_right_mb = u1_use_top_right_mb && ((ps_top_right_mb->u1_mb_type != P_MB) && (ps_top_right_mb->u1_mb_type != B_MB)); u1_use_top_left_mb = u1_use_top_left_mb && ((ps_cur_mb_info->u1_topleft_mbtype != P_MB) && (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_topleft_mbtype != B_MB)); } /*********************Common pointer calculations *************************/ /* CHANGED CODE */ pu1_luma_pred_buffer = ps_dec->pu1_y; pu1_luma_rec_buffer = ps_frame_buf->pu1_dest_y + (u4_num_pmbair << 4); pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer = ps_frame_buf->pu1_dest_u + (u4_num_pmbair << 3) * YUV420SP_FACTOR; pu1_mb_cr_rei1_buffer = ps_frame_buf->pu1_dest_v + (u4_num_pmbair << 3); ui_pred_width = MB_SIZE; ui_rec_width = ps_dec->u2_frm_wd_y << u1_mb_field_decoding_flag; u4_recwidth_cr = ps_dec->u2_frm_wd_uv << u1_mb_field_decoding_flag; /************* Current and top luma pointer *****************/ if(u1_mbaff) { if(u1_topmb == 0) { pu1_luma_rec_buffer += ( u1_mb_field_decoding_flag ? (ui_rec_width >> 1) : (ui_rec_width << 4)); pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer += ( u1_mb_field_decoding_flag ? (u4_recwidth_cr >> 1) : (u4_recwidth_cr << 3)); pu1_mb_cr_rei1_buffer += ( u1_mb_field_decoding_flag ? (u4_recwidth_cr >> 1) : (u4_recwidth_cr << 3)); } } /* CHANGED CODE */ if(ps_dec->u4_use_intrapred_line_copy == 1) { puc_top = ps_dec->pu1_prev_y_intra_pred_line + (ps_cur_mb_info->u2_mbx << 4); pu1_top_u = ps_dec->pu1_prev_u_intra_pred_line + (ps_cur_mb_info->u2_mbx << 3) * YUV420SP_FACTOR; } else { puc_top = pu1_luma_rec_buffer - ui_rec_width; pu1_top_u = pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer - u4_recwidth_cr; } /* CHANGED CODE */ /************* Left pointer *****************/ pu1_yleft = pu1_luma_rec_buffer - 1; pu1_uleft = pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer - 1 * YUV420SP_FACTOR; /**************Top Left pointer calculation**********/ pu1_ytop_left = puc_top - 1; pu1_u_top_left = pu1_top_u - 1 * YUV420SP_FACTOR; /* CHANGED CODE */ PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() { pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data = (UWORD8 *)ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data; if(u1_mb_type == I_4x4_MB && ps_cur_mb_info->u1_tran_form8x8 == 0) { ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data = (void *)((UWORD8 *)ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data + 32); } else if (u1_mb_type == I_4x4_MB && ps_cur_mb_info->u1_tran_form8x8 == 1) { ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data = (void *)((UWORD8 *)ps_dec->pv_proc_tu_coeff_data + 8); } } if(!ps_cur_mb_info->u1_tran_form8x8) { u4_luma_dc_only_csbp = ih264d_unpack_luma_coeff4x4_mb(ps_dec, ps_cur_mb_info, 1); } else { if(!ps_dec->ps_cur_pps->u1_entropy_coding_mode) { u4_luma_dc_only_cbp = ih264d_unpack_luma_coeff4x4_mb(ps_dec, ps_cur_mb_info, 1); } else { u4_luma_dc_only_cbp = ih264d_unpack_luma_coeff8x8_mb(ps_dec, ps_cur_mb_info); } } pi2_y_coeff = ps_dec->pi2_coeff_data; if(u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { UWORD8 u1_intrapred_mode = MB_TYPE_TO_INTRA_16x16_MODE(u1_mb_type); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 16x16 IntraPrediction */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { UWORD8 u1_packed_modes = (u1_top_available << 1) + u1_left_available; UWORD8 u1_err_code = (u1_intrapred_mode & 1) ? u1_intrapred_mode : (u1_intrapred_mode ^ 2); if((u1_err_code & u1_packed_modes) ^ u1_err_code) { u1_intrapred_mode = 0; ps_dec->i4_error_code = ERROR_INTRAPRED; } } { UWORD8 au1_ngbr_pels[33]; /* Get neighbour pixels */ /* left pels */ if(u2_use_left_mb) { WORD32 i; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) au1_ngbr_pels[16 - 1 - i] = pu1_yleft[i * ui_rec_width]; } else { memset(au1_ngbr_pels, 0, 16); } /* top left pels */ au1_ngbr_pels[16] = *pu1_ytop_left; /* top pels */ if(uc_useTopMB) { memcpy(au1_ngbr_pels + 16 + 1, puc_top, 16); } else { memset(au1_ngbr_pels + 16 + 1, 0, 16); } PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() ps_dec->apf_intra_pred_luma_16x16[u1_intrapred_mode]( au1_ngbr_pels, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, 1, ui_rec_width, ((uc_useTopMB << 2) | u2_use_left_mb)); } { UWORD32 i; WORD16 ai2_tmp[16]; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) { WORD16 *pi2_level = pi2_y_coeff + (i << 4); UWORD8 *pu1_pred_sblk = pu1_luma_rec_buffer + ((i & 0x3) * BLK_SIZE) + (i >> 2) * (ui_rec_width << 2); PROFILE_DISABLE_IQ_IT_RECON() { if(CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u2_luma_csbp, i)) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_4x4( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[0], ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 1, pi2_level); } else if((CHECKBIT(u4_luma_dc_only_csbp, i)) && pi2_level[0] != 0) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_4x4_dc( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[0], ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 1, pi2_level); } } } } } else if(!ps_cur_mb_info->u1_tran_form8x8) { UWORD8 u1_is_left_sub_block, u1_is_top_sub_block = uc_useTopMB; UWORD8 u1_sub_blk_x, u1_sub_blk_y, u1_sub_mb_num; WORD8 i1_top_pred_mode; WORD8 i1_left_pred_mode; UWORD8 *pu1_top, *pu1_left, *pu1_top_left, *pu1_top_right; WORD8 *pi1_cur_pred_mode, *pi1_left_pred_mode, *pc_topPredMode; UWORD16 ui2_left_pred_buf_width = 0xffff; WORD8 i1_intra_pred; UWORD8 *pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_flag = pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data; UWORD8 *pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode = pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data + 16; WORD16 *pi2_y_coeff1; UWORD8 u1_cur_sub_block; UWORD16 ui2_top_rt_mask; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 4x4 IntraPrediction */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Calculation of Top Right subblock mask */ /* */ /* (a) Set it to default mask */ /* [It has 0 for sublocks which will never have top-right sub block] */ /* */ /* (b) If top MB is not available */ /* Clear the bits of the first row sub blocks */ /* */ /* (c) Set/Clear bit for top-right sublock of MB */ /* [5 sub-block in decoding order] based on TOP RIGHT MB availablity */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pu1_top = puc_top; ui2_top_rt_mask = (u1_use_top_right_mb << 3) | (0x5750); if(uc_useTopMB) ui2_top_rt_mask |= 0x7; /*Top Related initialisations*/ pi1_cur_pred_mode = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_curmb->pi1_intrapredmodes; pc_topPredMode = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_mb->pi1_intrapredmodes; /*-------------------------------------- if(u1_mbaff) { pi1_cur_pred_mode += (u2_mbx << 2); pc_topPredMode = pi1_cur_pred_mode + ps_cur_mb_info->i1_offset; pi1_cur_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0: 4; }*/ if(u1_top_available) { if(ps_top_mb->u1_mb_type == I_4x4_MB) *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = *(WORD32*)pc_topPredMode; else *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = (uc_useTopMB) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } else *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; /* CHANGED CODE */ /* CHANGED CODE */ /*Left Related initialisations*/ pi1_left_pred_mode = ps_dec->pi1_left_pred_mode; if(!u1_mbaff) { if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = (u2_use_left_mb_pack) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } } else { UWORD8 u1_curMbfld = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_field_decodingflag; UWORD8 u1_leftMbfld = ps_left_mb->u1_mb_fld; if(u1_curMbfld ^ u1_leftMbfld) { if(u1_topmb | ((u1_topmb == 0) && ((ps_curmb - 1)->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB))) { if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { if(CHECKBIT(u2_use_left_mb_pack,0) == 0) *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; else *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = DC_DC_DC_DC; } } else *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; if(u1_curMbfld) { if(u1_left_available) { if((ps_left_mb + 1)->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { if(u2_use_left_mb_pack >> 8) *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = DC_DC_DC_DC; else *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = NOT_VALID; } } else *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = NOT_VALID; pi1_left_pred_mode[1] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[2] = pi1_left_pred_mode[4]; pi1_left_pred_mode[3] = pi1_left_pred_mode[6]; *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode; } else { pi1_left_pred_mode[7] = pi1_left_pred_mode[3]; pi1_left_pred_mode[6] = pi1_left_pred_mode[3]; pi1_left_pred_mode[5] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[4] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[3] = pi1_left_pred_mode[1]; pi1_left_pred_mode[2] = pi1_left_pred_mode[1]; pi1_left_pred_mode[1] = pi1_left_pred_mode[0]; } } pi1_left_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0 : 4; } else { pi1_left_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0 : 4; if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = (u2_use_left_mb_pack) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } else *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } } /* One time pointer initialisations*/ pi2_y_coeff1 = pi2_y_coeff; pu1_top_left = pu1_ytop_left; /* Scan the sub-blocks in Raster Scan Order */ for(u1_sub_mb_num = 0; u1_sub_mb_num < 16; u1_sub_mb_num++) { UWORD8 au1_ngbr_pels[13]; u1_sub_blk_x = u1_sub_mb_num & 0x3; u1_sub_blk_y = u1_sub_mb_num >> 2; i1_top_pred_mode = pi1_cur_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_x]; i1_left_pred_mode = pi1_left_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_y]; u1_use_top_right_mb = (!!CHECKBIT(ui2_top_rt_mask, u1_sub_mb_num)); /*********** left subblock availability**********/ if(u1_sub_blk_x) u1_is_left_sub_block = 1; else u1_is_left_sub_block = (u1_sub_blk_y < 2) ? (CHECKBIT(u2_use_left_mb_pack, 0)) : (u2_use_left_mb_pack >> 8); /* CHANGED CODE */ if(u1_sub_blk_y) u1_is_top_sub_block = 1; /* CHANGED CODE */ /***************** Top *********************/ if(ps_dec->u4_use_intrapred_line_copy == 1) { if(u1_sub_blk_y) pu1_top = pu1_luma_rec_buffer - ui_rec_width; else pu1_top = puc_top + (u1_sub_blk_x << 2); } else { pu1_top = pu1_luma_rec_buffer - ui_rec_width; } /***************** Top Right *********************/ pu1_top_right = pu1_top + 4; /***************** Top Left *********************/ pu1_top_left = pu1_top - 1; /***************** Left *********************/ pu1_left = pu1_luma_rec_buffer - 1; /* CHANGED CODE */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Calculation of Intra prediction mode */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ i1_intra_pred = ((i1_left_pred_mode < 0) | (i1_top_pred_mode < 0)) ? DC : MIN(i1_left_pred_mode, i1_top_pred_mode); { UWORD8 u1_packed_modes = (u1_is_top_sub_block << 1) + u1_is_left_sub_block; UWORD8 *pu1_intra_err_codes = (UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_intra_pred_err_code; UWORD8 uc_b2b0 = ((u1_sub_mb_num & 4) >> 1) | (u1_sub_mb_num & 1); UWORD8 uc_b3b1 = ((u1_sub_mb_num & 8) >> 2) | ((u1_sub_mb_num & 2) >> 1); u1_cur_sub_block = (uc_b3b1 << 2) + uc_b2b0; PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() if(!pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_flag[u1_cur_sub_block]) { i1_intra_pred = pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode[u1_cur_sub_block] + (pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode[u1_cur_sub_block] >= i1_intra_pred); } { UWORD8 u1_err_code = pu1_intra_err_codes[i1_intra_pred]; if((u1_err_code & u1_packed_modes) ^ u1_err_code) { i1_intra_pred = 0; ps_dec->i4_error_code = ERROR_INTRAPRED; } } } { /* Get neighbour pixels */ /* left pels */ if(u1_is_left_sub_block) { WORD32 i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) au1_ngbr_pels[4 - 1 - i] = pu1_left[i * ui_rec_width]; } else { memset(au1_ngbr_pels, 0, 4); } /* top left pels */ au1_ngbr_pels[4] = *pu1_top_left; /* top pels */ if(u1_is_top_sub_block) { memcpy(au1_ngbr_pels + 4 + 1, pu1_top, 4); } else { memset(au1_ngbr_pels + 4 + 1, 0, 4); } /* top right pels */ if(u1_use_top_right_mb) { memcpy(au1_ngbr_pels + 4 * 2 + 1, pu1_top_right, 4); } else if(u1_is_top_sub_block) { memset(au1_ngbr_pels + 4 * 2 + 1, au1_ngbr_pels[4 * 2], 4); } } PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() ps_dec->apf_intra_pred_luma_4x4[i1_intra_pred]( au1_ngbr_pels, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, 1, ui_rec_width, ((u1_is_top_sub_block << 2) | u1_is_left_sub_block)); /* CHANGED CODE */ if(CHECKBIT(ui2_luma_csbp, u1_sub_mb_num)) { WORD16 ai2_tmp[16]; PROFILE_DISABLE_IQ_IT_RECON() { if(CHECKBIT(u4_luma_dc_only_csbp, u1_sub_mb_num)) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_4x4_dc( pi2_y_coeff1, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[0], ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 0, NULL); } else { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_4x4( pi2_y_coeff1, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[0], ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 0, NULL); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Update sub block number */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ pi2_y_coeff1 += 16; pu1_luma_rec_buffer += (u1_sub_blk_x == 3) ? (ui_rec_width << 2) - 12 : 4; pu1_luma_pred_buffer += (u1_sub_blk_x == 3) ? (ui_pred_width << 2) - 12 : 4; /* CHANGED CODE */ pi1_cur_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_x] = i1_intra_pred; pi1_left_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_y] = i1_intra_pred; } } else if((u1_mb_type == I_4x4_MB) && (ps_cur_mb_info->u1_tran_form8x8 == 1)) { UWORD8 u1_is_left_sub_block, u1_is_top_sub_block = uc_useTopMB; UWORD8 u1_sub_blk_x, u1_sub_blk_y, u1_sub_mb_num; WORD8 i1_top_pred_mode; WORD8 i1_left_pred_mode; UWORD8 *pu1_top, *pu1_left, *pu1_top_left; WORD8 *pi1_cur_pred_mode, *pi1_left_pred_mode, *pc_topPredMode; UWORD16 ui2_left_pred_buf_width = 0xffff; WORD8 i1_intra_pred; UWORD8 *pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_flag = pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data; UWORD8 *pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode = pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_data + 4; WORD16 *pi2_y_coeff1; UWORD16 ui2_top_rt_mask; UWORD32 u4_4x4_left_offset = 0; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 8x8 IntraPrediction */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Calculation of Top Right subblock mask */ /* */ /* (a) Set it to default mask */ /* [It has 0 for sublocks which will never have top-right sub block] */ /* */ /* (b) If top MB is not available */ /* Clear the bits of the first row sub blocks */ /* */ /* (c) Set/Clear bit for top-right sublock of MB */ /* [5 sub-block in decoding order] based on TOP RIGHT MB availablity */ /* */ /* ui2_top_rt_mask: marks availibility of top right(neighbour) */ /* in the 8x8 Block ordering */ /* */ /* tr0 tr1 */ /* 0 1 tr3 */ /* 2 3 */ /* */ /* Top rights for 0 is in top MB */ /* top right of 1 will be in top right MB */ /* top right of 3 in right MB and hence not available */ /* This corresponds to ui2_top_rt_mask having default value 0x4 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ui2_top_rt_mask = (u1_use_top_right_mb << 1) | (0x4); if(uc_useTopMB) { ui2_top_rt_mask |= 0x1; } /* Top Related initialisations */ pi1_cur_pred_mode = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_curmb->pi1_intrapredmodes; pc_topPredMode = ps_cur_mb_info->ps_top_mb->pi1_intrapredmodes; /* if(u1_mbaff) { pi1_cur_pred_mode += (u2_mbx << 2); pc_topPredMode = pi1_cur_pred_mode + ps_cur_mb_info->i1_offset; pi1_cur_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0: 4; } */ if(u1_top_available) { if(ps_top_mb->u1_mb_type == I_4x4_MB) { *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = *(WORD32*)pc_topPredMode; } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = (uc_useTopMB) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_cur_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } pu1_top = puc_top - 8; /*Left Related initialisations*/ pi1_left_pred_mode = ps_dec->pi1_left_pred_mode; if(!u1_mbaff) { if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = (u2_use_left_mb_pack) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } } else { UWORD8 u1_curMbfld = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_mb_field_decodingflag; UWORD8 u1_leftMbfld = ps_left_mb->u1_mb_fld; if((!u1_curMbfld) && (u1_leftMbfld)) { u4_4x4_left_offset = 1; } if(u1_curMbfld ^ u1_leftMbfld) { if(u1_topmb | ((u1_topmb == 0) && ((ps_curmb - 1)->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB))) { if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { if(CHECKBIT(u2_use_left_mb_pack,0) == 0) { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = DC_DC_DC_DC; } } } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } if(u1_curMbfld) { if(u1_left_available) { if((ps_left_mb + 1)->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { if(u2_use_left_mb_pack >> 8) { *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = DC_DC_DC_DC; } else { *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = NOT_VALID; } } } else { *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = NOT_VALID; } pi1_left_pred_mode[1] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[2] = pi1_left_pred_mode[4]; pi1_left_pred_mode[3] = pi1_left_pred_mode[6]; *(WORD32*)(pi1_left_pred_mode + 4) = *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode; } else { pi1_left_pred_mode[7] = pi1_left_pred_mode[3]; pi1_left_pred_mode[6] = pi1_left_pred_mode[3]; pi1_left_pred_mode[5] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[4] = pi1_left_pred_mode[2]; pi1_left_pred_mode[3] = pi1_left_pred_mode[1]; pi1_left_pred_mode[2] = pi1_left_pred_mode[1]; pi1_left_pred_mode[1] = pi1_left_pred_mode[0]; } } pi1_left_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0 : 4; } else { pi1_left_pred_mode += (u1_topmb) ? 0 : 4; if(u1_left_available) { if(ps_left_mb->u1_mb_type != I_4x4_MB) { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = (u2_use_left_mb_pack) ? DC_DC_DC_DC : NOT_VALID; } } else { *(WORD32*)pi1_left_pred_mode = NOT_VALID; } } } /* One time pointer initialisations*/ pi2_y_coeff1 = pi2_y_coeff; if(u1_use_top_left_mb) { pu1_top_left = pu1_ytop_left; } else { pu1_top_left = NULL; } /* Scan the sub-blocks in Raster Scan Order */ for(u1_sub_mb_num = 0; u1_sub_mb_num < 4; u1_sub_mb_num++) { u1_sub_blk_x = (u1_sub_mb_num & 0x1); u1_sub_blk_y = (u1_sub_mb_num >> 1); i1_top_pred_mode = pi1_cur_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_x << 1]; i1_left_pred_mode = pi1_left_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_y << 1]; if(2 == u1_sub_mb_num) { i1_left_pred_mode = pi1_left_pred_mode[(u1_sub_blk_y << 1) + u4_4x4_left_offset]; } u1_use_top_right_mb = (!!CHECKBIT(ui2_top_rt_mask, u1_sub_mb_num)); /*********** left subblock availability**********/ if(u1_sub_blk_x) { u1_is_left_sub_block = 1; } else { u1_is_left_sub_block = (u1_sub_blk_y < 1) ? (CHECKBIT(u2_use_left_mb_pack, 0)) : (u2_use_left_mb_pack >> 8); } /***************** Top *********************/ if(u1_sub_blk_y) { u1_is_top_sub_block = 1; pu1_top = /*pu1_luma_pred_buffer*/pu1_luma_rec_buffer - ui_rec_width; } else { pu1_top += 8; } /***************** Left *********************/ if((u1_sub_blk_x) | (u4_num_pmbair != 0)) { pu1_left = /*pu1_luma_pred_buffer*/pu1_luma_rec_buffer - 1; ui2_left_pred_buf_width = ui_rec_width; } else { pu1_left = pu1_yleft; pu1_yleft += (ui_rec_width << 3); ui2_left_pred_buf_width = ui_rec_width; } /***************** Top Left *********************/ if(u1_sub_mb_num) { pu1_top_left = (u1_sub_blk_x) ? pu1_top - 1 : pu1_left - ui_rec_width; if((u1_sub_blk_x && (!u1_is_top_sub_block)) || ((!u1_sub_blk_x) && (!u1_is_left_sub_block))) { pu1_top_left = NULL; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Calculation of Intra prediction mode */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ i1_intra_pred = ((i1_left_pred_mode < 0) | (i1_top_pred_mode < 0)) ? DC : MIN(i1_left_pred_mode, i1_top_pred_mode); { UWORD8 u1_packed_modes = (u1_is_top_sub_block << 1) + u1_is_left_sub_block; UWORD8 *pu1_intra_err_codes = (UWORD8 *)gau1_ih264d_intra_pred_err_code; /********************************************************************/ /* Same intra4x4_pred_mode array is filled with intra4x4_pred_mode */ /* for a MB with 8x8 intrapredicition */ /********************************************************************/ PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() if(!pu1_prev_intra4x4_pred_mode_flag[u1_sub_mb_num]) { i1_intra_pred = pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode[u1_sub_mb_num] + (pu1_rem_intra4x4_pred_mode[u1_sub_mb_num] >= i1_intra_pred); } { UWORD8 u1_err_code = pu1_intra_err_codes[i1_intra_pred]; if((u1_err_code & u1_packed_modes) ^ u1_err_code) { i1_intra_pred = 0; ps_dec->i4_error_code = ERROR_INTRAPRED; } } } { UWORD8 au1_ngbr_pels[25]; WORD32 ngbr_avail; ngbr_avail = u1_is_left_sub_block << 0; ngbr_avail |= u1_is_top_sub_block << 2; if(pu1_top_left) ngbr_avail |= 1 << 1; ngbr_avail |= u1_use_top_right_mb << 3; PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() { ps_dec->pf_intra_pred_ref_filtering(pu1_left, pu1_top_left, pu1_top, au1_ngbr_pels, ui2_left_pred_buf_width, ngbr_avail); ps_dec->apf_intra_pred_luma_8x8[i1_intra_pred]( au1_ngbr_pels, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, 1, ui_rec_width, ((u1_is_top_sub_block << 2) | u1_is_left_sub_block)); } } /* Inverse Transform and Reconstruction */ if(CHECKBIT(ps_cur_mb_info->u1_cbp, u1_sub_mb_num)) { WORD16 *pi2_scale_matrix_ptr; WORD16 ai2_tmp[64]; pi2_scale_matrix_ptr = ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist8x8[0]; PROFILE_DISABLE_IQ_IT_RECON() { if(CHECKBIT(u4_luma_dc_only_cbp, u1_sub_mb_num)) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_8x8_dc( pi2_y_coeff1, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau1_ih264d_dequant8x8_cavlc[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)pi2_scale_matrix_ptr, ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 0, NULL); } else { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_luma_8x8( pi2_y_coeff1, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, pu1_luma_rec_buffer, ui_rec_width, ui_rec_width, gau1_ih264d_dequant8x8_cavlc[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_rem6], (UWORD16 *)pi2_scale_matrix_ptr, ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qp_div6, ai2_tmp, 0, NULL); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Update sub block number */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ pi2_y_coeff1 += 64; pu1_luma_rec_buffer += (u1_sub_blk_x == 1) ? (ui_rec_width << 3) - (8 * 1) : 8; /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Pred mode filled in terms of 4x4 block so replicated in 2 */ /* locations. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ pi1_cur_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_x << 1] = i1_intra_pred; pi1_cur_pred_mode[(u1_sub_blk_x << 1) + 1] = i1_intra_pred; pi1_left_pred_mode[u1_sub_blk_y << 1] = i1_intra_pred; pi1_left_pred_mode[(u1_sub_blk_y << 1) + 1] = i1_intra_pred; } } /* Decode Chroma Block */ ih264d_unpack_chroma_coeff4x4_mb(ps_dec, ps_cur_mb_info); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Chroma Blocks decoding */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { UWORD8 u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode; UWORD8 u1_chroma_cbp = (UWORD8)(ps_cur_mb_info->u1_cbp >> 4); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Perform Chroma intra prediction */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode = CHROMA_TO_LUMA_INTRA_MODE( ps_cur_mb_info->u1_chroma_pred_mode); { UWORD8 u1_packed_modes = (u1_top_available << 1) + u1_left_available; UWORD8 u1_err_code = (u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode & 1) ? u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode : (u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode ^ 2); if((u1_err_code & u1_packed_modes) ^ u1_err_code) { u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode = 0; ps_dec->i4_error_code = ERROR_INTRAPRED; } } /* CHANGED CODE */ if(u1_chroma_cbp != CBPC_ALLZERO) { UWORD16 u2_chroma_csbp = (u1_chroma_cbp == CBPC_ACZERO) ? 0 : ps_cur_mb_info->u2_chroma_csbp; UWORD32 u4_scale_u; UWORD32 u4_scale_v; { UWORD16 au2_ngbr_pels[33]; UWORD8 *pu1_ngbr_pels = (UWORD8 *)au2_ngbr_pels; UWORD16 *pu2_left_uv; UWORD16 *pu2_topleft_uv; WORD32 use_left1 = (u2_use_left_mb_pack & 0x0ff); WORD32 use_left2 = (u2_use_left_mb_pack & 0xff00) >> 8; pu2_left_uv = (UWORD16 *)pu1_uleft; pu2_topleft_uv = (UWORD16 *)pu1_u_top_left; /* Get neighbour pixels */ /* left pels */ if(u2_use_left_mb_pack) { WORD32 i; if(use_left1) { for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) au2_ngbr_pels[8 - 1 - i] = pu2_left_uv[i * u4_recwidth_cr / YUV420SP_FACTOR]; } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels + 4, 0, 4 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } if(use_left2) { for(i = 4; i < 8; i++) au2_ngbr_pels[8 - 1 - i] = pu2_left_uv[i * u4_recwidth_cr / YUV420SP_FACTOR]; } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels, 0, 4 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels, 0, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } /* top left pels */ au2_ngbr_pels[8] = *pu2_topleft_uv; /* top pels */ if(uc_useTopMB) { memcpy(au2_ngbr_pels + 8 + 1, pu1_top_u, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels + 8 + 1, 0, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() ps_dec->apf_intra_pred_chroma[u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode]( pu1_ngbr_pels, pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer, 1, u4_recwidth_cr, ((uc_useTopMB << 2) | (use_left2 << 4) | use_left1)); } u4_scale_u = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpc_div6; u4_scale_v = ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpcr_div6; pi2_y_coeff = ps_dec->pi2_coeff_data; { UWORD32 i; WORD16 ai2_tmp[16]; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { WORD16 *pi2_level = pi2_y_coeff + (i << 4); UWORD8 *pu1_pred_sblk = pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer + ((i & 0x1) * BLK_SIZE * YUV420SP_FACTOR) + (i >> 1) * (u4_recwidth_cr << 2); PROFILE_DISABLE_IQ_IT_RECON() { if(CHECKBIT(u2_chroma_csbp, i)) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_chroma_4x4( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, u4_recwidth_cr, u4_recwidth_cr, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpc_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[1], u4_scale_u, ai2_tmp, pi2_level); } else if(pi2_level[0] != 0) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_chroma_4x4_dc( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, u4_recwidth_cr, u4_recwidth_cr, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpc_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[1], u4_scale_u, ai2_tmp, pi2_level); } } } } pi2_y_coeff += MB_CHROM_SIZE; u2_chroma_csbp = u2_chroma_csbp >> 4; { UWORD32 i; WORD16 ai2_tmp[16]; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { WORD16 *pi2_level = pi2_y_coeff + (i << 4); UWORD8 *pu1_pred_sblk = pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer + 1 + ((i & 0x1) * BLK_SIZE * YUV420SP_FACTOR) + (i >> 1) * (u4_recwidth_cr << 2); PROFILE_DISABLE_IQ_IT_RECON() { if(CHECKBIT(u2_chroma_csbp, i)) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_chroma_4x4( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, u4_recwidth_cr, u4_recwidth_cr, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpcr_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[2], u4_scale_v, ai2_tmp, pi2_level); } else if(pi2_level[0] != 0) { ps_dec->pf_iquant_itrans_recon_chroma_4x4_dc( pi2_level, pu1_pred_sblk, pu1_pred_sblk, u4_recwidth_cr, u4_recwidth_cr, gau2_ih264_iquant_scale_4x4[ps_cur_mb_info->u1_qpcr_rem6], (UWORD16 *)ps_dec->s_high_profile.i2_scalinglist4x4[2], u4_scale_v, ai2_tmp, pi2_level); } } } } } else { /* If no inverse transform is needed, pass recon buffer pointer */ /* to Intraprediction module instead of pred buffer pointer */ { UWORD16 au2_ngbr_pels[33]; UWORD8 *pu1_ngbr_pels = (UWORD8 *)au2_ngbr_pels; UWORD16 *pu2_left_uv; UWORD16 *pu2_topleft_uv; WORD32 use_left1 = (u2_use_left_mb_pack & 0x0ff); WORD32 use_left2 = (u2_use_left_mb_pack & 0xff00) >> 8; pu2_topleft_uv = (UWORD16 *)pu1_u_top_left; pu2_left_uv = (UWORD16 *)pu1_uleft; /* Get neighbour pixels */ /* left pels */ if(u2_use_left_mb_pack) { WORD32 i; if(use_left1) { for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) au2_ngbr_pels[8 - 1 - i] = pu2_left_uv[i * u4_recwidth_cr / YUV420SP_FACTOR]; } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels + 4, 0, 4 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } if(use_left2) { for(i = 4; i < 8; i++) au2_ngbr_pels[8 - 1 - i] = pu2_left_uv[i * u4_recwidth_cr / YUV420SP_FACTOR]; } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels, 0, 4 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels, 0, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } /* top left pels */ au2_ngbr_pels[8] = *pu2_topleft_uv; /* top pels */ if(uc_useTopMB) { memcpy(au2_ngbr_pels + 8 + 1, pu1_top_u, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } else { memset(au2_ngbr_pels + 8 + 1, 0, 8 * sizeof(UWORD16)); } PROFILE_DISABLE_INTRA_PRED() ps_dec->apf_intra_pred_chroma[u1_intra_chrom_pred_mode]( pu1_ngbr_pels, pu1_mb_cb_rei1_buffer, 1, u4_recwidth_cr, ((uc_useTopMB << 2) | (use_left2 << 4) | use_left1)); } } } return OK; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
decoder/ih264d_process_intra_mb.c in mediaserver in Android 6.x before 2016-07-01 mishandles intra mode, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted media file, aka internal bug 28165659.
status_t DRMSource::read(MediaBuffer **buffer, const ReadOptions *options) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mDRMLock); status_t err; if ((err = mOriginalMediaSource->read(buffer, options)) != OK) { return err; } size_t len = (*buffer)->range_length(); char *src = (char *)(*buffer)->data() + (*buffer)->range_offset(); DrmBuffer encryptedDrmBuffer(src, len); DrmBuffer decryptedDrmBuffer; decryptedDrmBuffer.length = len; = new char[len]; DrmBuffer *pDecryptedDrmBuffer = &decryptedDrmBuffer; if ((err = mDrmManagerClient->decrypt(mDecryptHandle, mTrackId, &encryptedDrmBuffer, &pDecryptedDrmBuffer)) != NO_ERROR) { if ( { delete []; = NULL; } return err; } CHECK(pDecryptedDrmBuffer == &decryptedDrmBuffer); const char *mime; CHECK(getFormat()->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); if (!strcasecmp(mime, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC) && !mWantsNALFragments) { uint8_t *dstData = (uint8_t*)src; size_t srcOffset = 0; size_t dstOffset = 0; len = decryptedDrmBuffer.length; while (srcOffset < len) { CHECK(srcOffset + mNALLengthSize <= len); size_t nalLength = 0; const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*)(&[srcOffset]); switch (mNALLengthSize) { case 1: nalLength = *data; break; case 2: nalLength = U16_AT(data); break; case 3: nalLength = ((size_t)data[0] << 16) | U16_AT(&data[1]); break; case 4: nalLength = U32_AT(data); break; default: CHECK(!"Should not be here."); break; } srcOffset += mNALLengthSize; size_t end = srcOffset + nalLength; if (end > len || end < srcOffset) { if ( { delete []; = NULL; } return ERROR_MALFORMED; } if (nalLength == 0) { continue; } CHECK(dstOffset + 4 <= (*buffer)->size()); dstData[dstOffset++] = 0; dstData[dstOffset++] = 0; dstData[dstOffset++] = 0; dstData[dstOffset++] = 1; memcpy(&dstData[dstOffset], &[srcOffset], nalLength); srcOffset += nalLength; dstOffset += nalLength; } CHECK_EQ(srcOffset, len); (*buffer)->set_range((*buffer)->range_offset(), dstOffset); } else { memcpy(src,, decryptedDrmBuffer.length); (*buffer)->set_range((*buffer)->range_offset(), decryptedDrmBuffer.length); } if ( { delete []; = NULL; } return OK; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
DRMExtractor.cpp in libstagefright in mediaserver in Android 4.x before 4.4.4, 5.0.x before 5.0.2, 5.1.x before 5.1.1, and 6.x before 2016-07-01 does not validate a certain offset value, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted media file, aka internal bug 28175045.
ssize_t NuPlayer::NuPlayerStreamListener::read( void *data, size_t size, sp<AMessage> *extra) { CHECK_GT(size, 0u); extra->clear(); Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); if (mEOS) { return 0; } if (mQueue.empty()) { mSendDataNotification = true; return -EWOULDBLOCK; } QueueEntry *entry = &*mQueue.begin(); if (entry->mIsCommand) { switch (entry->mCommand) { case EOS: { mQueue.erase(mQueue.begin()); entry = NULL; mEOS = true; return 0; } case DISCONTINUITY: { *extra = entry->mExtra; mQueue.erase(mQueue.begin()); entry = NULL; return INFO_DISCONTINUITY; } default: TRESPASS(); break; } } size_t copy = entry->mSize; if (copy > size) { copy = size; } memcpy(data, (const uint8_t *)mBuffers.editItemAt(entry->mIndex)->pointer() + entry->mOffset, copy); entry->mOffset += copy; entry->mSize -= copy; if (entry->mSize == 0) { mSource->onBufferAvailable(entry->mIndex); mQueue.erase(mQueue.begin()); entry = NULL; } return copy; }
[ "CWE-264" ]
media/libmediaplayerservice/nuplayer/NuPlayerStreamListener.cpp in mediaserver in Android 4.x before 4.4.4, 5.0.x before 5.0.2, 5.1.x before 5.1.1, and 6.x before 2016-05-01 does not properly validate entry data structures, which allows attackers to gain privileges via a crafted application, as demonstrated by obtaining Signature or SignatureOrSystem access, aka internal bug 27533704.
std::string Backtrace::GetFunctionName(uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t* offset) { std::string func_name = GetFunctionNameRaw(pc, offset); if (!func_name.empty()) { #if defined(__APPLE__) if (func_name[0] != '_') { return func_name; } #endif char* name = __cxa_demangle(func_name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0); if (name) { func_name = name; free(name); } } return func_name; }
[ "CWE-264" ]
libbacktrace/Backtrace.cpp in debuggerd in Android 4.x before 4.4.4, 5.0.x before 5.0.2, 5.1.x before 5.1.1, and 6.x before 2016-05-01 allows attackers to gain privileges via an application containing a crafted symbol name, aka internal bug 27299236.
OMX_ERRORTYPE SimpleSoftOMXComponent::useBuffer( OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **header, OMX_U32 portIndex, OMX_PTR appPrivate, OMX_U32 size, OMX_U8 *ptr) { Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); CHECK_LT(portIndex, mPorts.size()); *header = new OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE; (*header)->nSize = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE); (*header)->nVersion.s.nVersionMajor = 1; (*header)->nVersion.s.nVersionMinor = 0; (*header)->nVersion.s.nRevision = 0; (*header)->nVersion.s.nStep = 0; (*header)->pBuffer = ptr; (*header)->nAllocLen = size; (*header)->nFilledLen = 0; (*header)->nOffset = 0; (*header)->pAppPrivate = appPrivate; (*header)->pPlatformPrivate = NULL; (*header)->pInputPortPrivate = NULL; (*header)->pOutputPortPrivate = NULL; (*header)->hMarkTargetComponent = NULL; (*header)->pMarkData = NULL; (*header)->nTickCount = 0; (*header)->nTimeStamp = 0; (*header)->nFlags = 0; (*header)->nOutputPortIndex = portIndex; (*header)->nInputPortIndex = portIndex; PortInfo *port = &mPorts.editItemAt(portIndex); CHECK(mState == OMX_StateLoaded || port->mDef.bEnabled == OMX_FALSE); CHECK_LT(port->mBuffers.size(), port->mDef.nBufferCountActual); port->mBuffers.push(); BufferInfo *buffer = &port->mBuffers.editItemAt(port->mBuffers.size() - 1); buffer->mHeader = *header; buffer->mOwnedByUs = false; if (port->mBuffers.size() == port->mDef.nBufferCountActual) { port->mDef.bPopulated = OMX_TRUE; checkTransitions(); } return OMX_ErrorNone; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
An information disclosure vulnerability in the Android media framework (libstagefright). Product: Android. Versions: 4.4.4, 5.0.2, 5.1.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.0. Android ID: A-63522430.
sp<ABuffer> decodeBase64(const AString &s) { size_t n = s.size(); if ((n % 4) != 0) { return NULL; } size_t padding = 0; if (n >= 1 && s.c_str()[n - 1] == '=') { padding = 1; if (n >= 2 && s.c_str()[n - 2] == '=') { padding = 2; if (n >= 3 && s.c_str()[n - 3] == '=') { padding = 3; } } } size_t outLen = (n / 4) * 3 - padding; sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(outLen); uint8_t *out = buffer->data(); if (out == NULL || buffer->size() < outLen) { return NULL; } size_t j = 0; uint32_t accum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char c = s.c_str()[i]; unsigned value; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { value = c - 'A'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { value = 26 + c - 'a'; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { value = 52 + c - '0'; } else if (c == '+') { value = 62; } else if (c == '/') { value = 63; } else if (c != '=') { return NULL; } else { if (i < n - padding) { return NULL; } value = 0; } accum = (accum << 6) | value; if (((i + 1) % 4) == 0) { out[j++] = (accum >> 16); if (j < outLen) { out[j++] = (accum >> 8) & 0xff; } if (j < outLen) { out[j++] = accum & 0xff; } accum = 0; } } return buffer; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
A remote code execution vulnerability in the Android media framework (libstagefright). Product: Android. Versions: 4.4.4, 5.0.2, 5.1.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.0. Android ID: A-62673128.
void silk_NLSF_stabilize( opus_int16 *NLSF_Q15, /* I/O Unstable/stabilized normalized LSF vector in Q15 [L] */ const opus_int16 *NDeltaMin_Q15, /* I Min distance vector, NDeltaMin_Q15[L] must be >= 1 [L+1] */ const opus_int L /* I Number of NLSF parameters in the input vector */ ) { opus_int i, I=0, k, loops; opus_int16 center_freq_Q15; opus_int32 diff_Q15, min_diff_Q15, min_center_Q15, max_center_Q15; /* This is necessary to ensure an output within range of a opus_int16 */ silk_assert( NDeltaMin_Q15[L] >= 1 ); for( loops = 0; loops < MAX_LOOPS; loops++ ) { /**************************/ /* Find smallest distance */ /**************************/ /* First element */ min_diff_Q15 = NLSF_Q15[0] - NDeltaMin_Q15[0]; I = 0; /* Middle elements */ for( i = 1; i <= L-1; i++ ) { diff_Q15 = NLSF_Q15[i] - ( NLSF_Q15[i-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[i] ); if( diff_Q15 < min_diff_Q15 ) { min_diff_Q15 = diff_Q15; I = i; } } /* Last element */ diff_Q15 = ( 1 << 15 ) - ( NLSF_Q15[L-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[L] ); if( diff_Q15 < min_diff_Q15 ) { min_diff_Q15 = diff_Q15; I = L; } /***************************************************/ /* Now check if the smallest distance non-negative */ /***************************************************/ if( min_diff_Q15 >= 0 ) { return; } if( I == 0 ) { /* Move away from lower limit */ NLSF_Q15[0] = NDeltaMin_Q15[0]; } else if( I == L) { /* Move away from higher limit */ NLSF_Q15[L-1] = ( 1 << 15 ) - NDeltaMin_Q15[L]; } else { /* Find the lower extreme for the location of the current center frequency */ min_center_Q15 = 0; for( k = 0; k < I; k++ ) { min_center_Q15 += NDeltaMin_Q15[k]; } min_center_Q15 += silk_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 ); /* Find the upper extreme for the location of the current center frequency */ max_center_Q15 = 1 << 15; for( k = L; k > I; k-- ) { max_center_Q15 -= NDeltaMin_Q15[k]; } max_center_Q15 -= silk_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 ); /* Move apart, sorted by value, keeping the same center frequency */ center_freq_Q15 = (opus_int16)silk_LIMIT_32( silk_RSHIFT_ROUND( (opus_int32)NLSF_Q15[I-1] + (opus_int32)NLSF_Q15[I], 1 ), min_center_Q15, max_center_Q15 ); NLSF_Q15[I-1] = center_freq_Q15 - silk_RSHIFT( NDeltaMin_Q15[I], 1 ); NLSF_Q15[I] = NLSF_Q15[I-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[I]; } } /* Safe and simple fall back method, which is less ideal than the above */ if( loops == MAX_LOOPS ) { /* Insertion sort (fast for already almost sorted arrays): */ /* Best case: O(n) for an already sorted array */ /* Worst case: O(n^2) for an inversely sorted array */ silk_insertion_sort_increasing_all_values_int16( &NLSF_Q15[0], L ); /* First NLSF should be no less than NDeltaMin[0] */ NLSF_Q15[0] = silk_max_int( NLSF_Q15[0], NDeltaMin_Q15[0] ); /* Keep delta_min distance between the NLSFs */ for( i = 1; i < L; i++ ) NLSF_Q15[i] = silk_max_int( NLSF_Q15[i], NLSF_Q15[i-1] + NDeltaMin_Q15[i] ); /* Last NLSF should be no higher than 1 - NDeltaMin[L] */ NLSF_Q15[L-1] = silk_min_int( NLSF_Q15[L-1], (1<<15) - NDeltaMin_Q15[L] ); /* Keep NDeltaMin distance between the NLSFs */ for( i = L-2; i >= 0; i-- ) NLSF_Q15[i] = silk_min_int( NLSF_Q15[i], NLSF_Q15[i+1] - NDeltaMin_Q15[i+1] ); } }
[ "CWE-190" ]
An information disclosure vulnerability in silk/NLSF_stabilize.c in libopus in Mediaserver could enable a local malicious application to access data outside of its permission levels. This issue is rated as Moderate because it could be used to access sensitive data without permission. Product: Android. Versions: 5.0.2, 5.1.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1. Android ID: A-31607432.
status_t BnSoundTriggerHwService::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { switch(code) { case LIST_MODULES: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISoundTriggerHwService, data, reply); unsigned int numModulesReq = data.readInt32(); unsigned int numModules = numModulesReq; struct sound_trigger_module_descriptor *modules = (struct sound_trigger_module_descriptor *)calloc(numModulesReq, sizeof(struct sound_trigger_module_descriptor)); status_t status = listModules(modules, &numModules); reply->writeInt32(status); reply->writeInt32(numModules); ALOGV("LIST_MODULES status %d got numModules %d", status, numModules); if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (numModulesReq > numModules) { numModulesReq = numModules; } reply->write(modules, numModulesReq * sizeof(struct sound_trigger_module_descriptor)); } free(modules); return NO_ERROR; } case ATTACH: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISoundTriggerHwService, data, reply); sound_trigger_module_handle_t handle;, sizeof(sound_trigger_module_handle_t)); sp<ISoundTriggerClient> client = interface_cast<ISoundTriggerClient>(data.readStrongBinder()); sp<ISoundTrigger> module; status_t status = attach(handle, client, module); reply->writeInt32(status); if (module != 0) { reply->writeInt32(1); reply->writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(module)); } else { reply->writeInt32(0); } return NO_ERROR; } break; case SET_CAPTURE_STATE: { CHECK_INTERFACE(ISoundTriggerHwService, data, reply); reply->writeInt32(setCaptureState((bool)data.readInt32())); return NO_ERROR; } break; default: return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } }
[ "CWE-190" ]
Integer overflow in soundtrigger/ISoundTriggerHwService.cpp in Android allows attacks to cause a denial of service via unspecified vectors.
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecSetEncapSocketOwner(const android::base::unique_fd& socket, int newUid, uid_t callerUid) { ALOGD("XfrmController:%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); const int fd = socket.get(); struct stat info; if (fstat(fd, &info)) { return netdutils::statusFromErrno(errno, "Failed to stat socket file descriptor"); } if (info.st_uid != callerUid) { return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EPERM, "fchown disabled for non-owner calls"); } if (S_ISSOCK(info.st_mode) == 0) { return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "File descriptor was not a socket"); } int optval; socklen_t optlen; netdutils::Status status = getSyscallInstance().getsockopt(Fd(socket), IPPROTO_UDP, UDP_ENCAP, &optval, &optlen); if (status != netdutils::status::ok) { return status; } if (optval != UDP_ENCAP_ESPINUDP && optval != UDP_ENCAP_ESPINUDP_NON_IKE) { return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Socket did not have UDP-encap sockopt set"); } if (fchown(fd, newUid, -1)) { return netdutils::statusFromErrno(errno, "Failed to fchown socket file descriptor"); } return netdutils::status::ok; }
[ "CWE-909" ]
In ipSecSetEncapSocketOwner of XfrmController.cpp, there is a possible failure to initialize a security feature due to uninitialized data. This could lead to local denial of service of IPsec on sockets with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation. Product: Android Versions: Android-9.0 Android ID: A-111650288
static void avrc_msg_cback(uint8_t handle, uint8_t label, uint8_t cr, BT_HDR* p_pkt) { uint8_t opcode; tAVRC_MSG msg; uint8_t* p_data; uint8_t* p_begin; bool drop = false; bool do_free = true; BT_HDR* p_rsp = NULL; uint8_t* p_rsp_data; int xx; bool reject = false; const char* p_drop_msg = "dropped"; tAVRC_MSG_VENDOR* p_msg = &msg.vendor; if (cr == AVCT_CMD && (p_pkt->layer_specific & AVCT_DATA_CTRL && AVRC_PACKET_LEN < sizeof(p_pkt->len))) { /* Ignore the invalid AV/C command frame */ p_drop_msg = "dropped - too long AV/C cmd frame size"; osi_free(p_pkt); return; } if (cr == AVCT_REJ) { /* The peer thinks that this PID is no longer open - remove this handle */ /* */ osi_free(p_pkt); AVCT_RemoveConn(handle); return; } else if (cr == AVCT_RSP) { /* Received response. Stop command timeout timer */ AVRC_TRACE_DEBUG("AVRC: stopping timer (handle=0x%02x)", handle); alarm_cancel(avrc_cb.ccb_int[handle].tle); } p_data = (uint8_t*)(p_pkt + 1) + p_pkt->offset; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(tAVRC_MSG)); if (p_pkt->layer_specific == AVCT_DATA_BROWSE) { opcode = AVRC_OP_BROWSE; msg.browse.hdr.ctype = cr; msg.browse.p_browse_data = p_data; msg.browse.browse_len = p_pkt->len; msg.browse.p_browse_pkt = p_pkt; } else { msg.hdr.ctype = p_data[0] & AVRC_CTYPE_MASK; AVRC_TRACE_DEBUG("%s handle:%d, ctype:%d, offset:%d, len: %d", __func__, handle, msg.hdr.ctype, p_pkt->offset, p_pkt->len); msg.hdr.subunit_type = (p_data[1] & AVRC_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> AVRC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT; msg.hdr.subunit_id = p_data[1] & AVRC_SUBID_MASK; opcode = p_data[2]; } if (((avrc_cb.ccb[handle].control & AVRC_CT_TARGET) && (cr == AVCT_CMD)) || ((avrc_cb.ccb[handle].control & AVRC_CT_CONTROL) && (cr == AVCT_RSP))) { switch (opcode) { case AVRC_OP_UNIT_INFO: if (cr == AVCT_CMD) { /* send the response to the peer */ p_rsp = avrc_copy_packet(p_pkt, AVRC_OP_UNIT_INFO_RSP_LEN); p_rsp_data = avrc_get_data_ptr(p_rsp); *p_rsp_data = AVRC_RSP_IMPL_STBL; /* check & set the offset. set response code, set subunit_type & subunit_id, set AVRC_OP_UNIT_INFO */ /* 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode */ p_rsp_data += AVRC_AVC_HDR_SIZE; *p_rsp_data++ = 7; /* Panel subunit & id=0 */ *p_rsp_data++ = (AVRC_SUB_PANEL << AVRC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT); AVRC_CO_ID_TO_BE_STREAM(p_rsp_data, avrc_cb.ccb[handle].company_id); p_rsp->len = (uint16_t)(p_rsp_data - (uint8_t*)(p_rsp + 1) - p_rsp->offset); cr = AVCT_RSP; p_drop_msg = "auto respond"; } else { /* parse response */ p_data += 4; /* 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode + octet 3 (is 7)*/ msg.unit.unit_type = (*p_data & AVRC_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> AVRC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT; msg.unit.unit = *p_data & AVRC_SUBID_MASK; p_data++; AVRC_BE_STREAM_TO_CO_ID(msg.unit.company_id, p_data); } break; case AVRC_OP_SUB_INFO: if (cr == AVCT_CMD) { /* send the response to the peer */ p_rsp = avrc_copy_packet(p_pkt, AVRC_OP_SUB_UNIT_INFO_RSP_LEN); p_rsp_data = avrc_get_data_ptr(p_rsp); *p_rsp_data = AVRC_RSP_IMPL_STBL; /* check & set the offset. set response code, set (subunit_type & subunit_id), set AVRC_OP_SUB_INFO, set (page & extention code) */ p_rsp_data += 4; /* Panel subunit & id=0 */ *p_rsp_data++ = (AVRC_SUB_PANEL << AVRC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT); memset(p_rsp_data, AVRC_CMD_OPRND_PAD, AVRC_SUBRSP_OPRND_BYTES); p_rsp_data += AVRC_SUBRSP_OPRND_BYTES; p_rsp->len = (uint16_t)(p_rsp_data - (uint8_t*)(p_rsp + 1) - p_rsp->offset); cr = AVCT_RSP; p_drop_msg = "auto responded"; } else { /* parse response */ p_data += AVRC_AVC_HDR_SIZE; /* 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode */ = (*p_data++ >> AVRC_SUB_PAGE_SHIFT) & AVRC_SUB_PAGE_MASK; xx = 0; while (*p_data != AVRC_CMD_OPRND_PAD && xx < AVRC_SUB_TYPE_LEN) { msg.sub.subunit_type[xx] = *p_data++ >> AVRC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT; if (msg.sub.subunit_type[xx] == AVRC_SUB_PANEL) msg.sub.panel = true; xx++; } } break; case AVRC_OP_VENDOR: { p_data = (uint8_t*)(p_pkt + 1) + p_pkt->offset; p_begin = p_data; if (p_pkt->len < AVRC_VENDOR_HDR_SIZE) /* 6 = ctype, subunit*, opcode & CO_ID */ { if (cr == AVCT_CMD) reject = true; else drop = true; break; } p_data += AVRC_AVC_HDR_SIZE; /* skip the first 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode */ AVRC_BE_STREAM_TO_CO_ID(p_msg->company_id, p_data); p_msg->p_vendor_data = p_data; p_msg->vendor_len = p_pkt->len - (p_data - p_begin); uint8_t drop_code = 0; if (p_msg->company_id == AVRC_CO_METADATA) { /* Validate length for metadata message */ if (p_pkt->len < (AVRC_VENDOR_HDR_SIZE + AVRC_MIN_META_HDR_SIZE)) { if (cr == AVCT_CMD) reject = true; else drop = true; break; } /* Check+handle fragmented messages */ drop_code = avrc_proc_far_msg(handle, label, cr, &p_pkt, p_msg); if (drop_code > 0) drop = true; } if (drop_code > 0) { if (drop_code != 4) do_free = false; switch (drop_code) { case 1: p_drop_msg = "sent_frag"; break; case 2: p_drop_msg = "req_cont"; break; case 3: p_drop_msg = "sent_frag3"; break; case 4: p_drop_msg = "sent_frag_free"; break; default: p_drop_msg = "sent_fragd"; } } /* If vendor response received, and did not ask for continuation */ /* then check queue for addition commands to send */ if ((cr == AVCT_RSP) && (drop_code != 2)) { avrc_send_next_vendor_cmd(handle); } } break; case AVRC_OP_PASS_THRU: if (p_pkt->len < 5) /* 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode & op_id & len */ { if (cr == AVCT_CMD) reject = true; else drop = true; break; } p_data += AVRC_AVC_HDR_SIZE; /* skip the first 3 bytes: ctype, subunit*, opcode */ msg.pass.op_id = (AVRC_PASS_OP_ID_MASK & *p_data); if (AVRC_PASS_STATE_MASK & *p_data) msg.pass.state = true; else msg.pass.state = false; p_data++; msg.pass.pass_len = *p_data++; if (msg.pass.pass_len != p_pkt->len - 5) msg.pass.pass_len = p_pkt->len - 5; if (msg.pass.pass_len) msg.pass.p_pass_data = p_data; else msg.pass.p_pass_data = NULL; break; case AVRC_OP_BROWSE: /* If browse response received, then check queue for addition commands * to send */ if (cr == AVCT_RSP) { avrc_send_next_vendor_cmd(handle); } break; default: if ((avrc_cb.ccb[handle].control & AVRC_CT_TARGET) && (cr == AVCT_CMD)) { /* reject unsupported opcode */ reject = true; } drop = true; break; } } else /* drop the event */ { if (opcode != AVRC_OP_BROWSE) drop = true; } if (reject) { /* reject unsupported opcode */ p_rsp = avrc_copy_packet(p_pkt, AVRC_OP_REJ_MSG_LEN); p_rsp_data = avrc_get_data_ptr(p_rsp); *p_rsp_data = AVRC_RSP_REJ; p_drop_msg = "rejected"; cr = AVCT_RSP; drop = true; } if (p_rsp) { /* set to send response right away */ AVCT_MsgReq(handle, label, cr, p_rsp); drop = true; } if (!drop) { msg.hdr.opcode = opcode; avrc_cb.ccb[handle].msg_cback.Run(handle, label, opcode, &msg); } else { AVRC_TRACE_WARNING("%s %s msg handle:%d, control:%d, cr:%d, opcode:x%x", __func__, p_drop_msg, handle, avrc_cb.ccb[handle].control, cr, opcode); } if (opcode == AVRC_OP_BROWSE && msg.browse.p_browse_pkt == NULL) { do_free = false; } if (do_free) osi_free(p_pkt); }
[ "CWE-125" ]
In avrc_msg_cback of, there is a possible out-of-bound read due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to remote information disclosure over Bluetooth with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation. Product: Android Versions: Android-7.0 Android-7.1.1 Android-7.1.2 Android-8.0 Android-8.1 Android-9.0 Android ID: A-111803925
WORD32 ih264d_parse_sps(dec_struct_t *ps_dec, dec_bit_stream_t *ps_bitstrm) { UWORD8 i; dec_seq_params_t *ps_seq = NULL; UWORD8 u1_profile_idc, u1_level_idc, u1_seq_parameter_set_id; UWORD16 i2_max_frm_num; UWORD32 *pu4_bitstrm_buf = ps_bitstrm->pu4_buffer; UWORD32 *pu4_bitstrm_ofst = &ps_bitstrm->u4_ofst; UWORD8 u1_frm, uc_constraint_set0_flag, uc_constraint_set1_flag; WORD32 i4_cropped_ht, i4_cropped_wd; UWORD32 u4_temp; WORD32 pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 = 0; UWORD32 u2_pic_wd = 0; UWORD32 u2_pic_ht = 0; UWORD32 u2_frm_wd_y = 0; UWORD32 u2_frm_ht_y = 0; UWORD32 u2_frm_wd_uv = 0; UWORD32 u2_frm_ht_uv = 0; UWORD32 u2_crop_offset_y = 0; UWORD32 u2_crop_offset_uv = 0; WORD32 ret; UWORD32 u4_num_reorder_frames; /* High profile related syntax element */ WORD32 i4_i; /* G050 */ UWORD8 u1_frame_cropping_flag, u1_frame_cropping_rect_left_ofst, u1_frame_cropping_rect_right_ofst, u1_frame_cropping_rect_top_ofst, u1_frame_cropping_rect_bottom_ofst; /* G050 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Decode seq_parameter_set_id and profile and level values */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SWITCHONTRACE; u1_profile_idc = ih264d_get_bits_h264(ps_bitstrm, 8); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: profile_idc",u1_profile_idc); /* G050 */ uc_constraint_set0_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); uc_constraint_set1_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); /*****************************************************/ /* Read 5 bits for uc_constraint_set3_flag (1 bit) */ /* and reserved_zero_4bits (4 bits) - Sushant */ /*****************************************************/ ih264d_get_bits_h264(ps_bitstrm, 5); /* G050 */ /* Check whether particular profile is suported or not */ /* Check whether particular profile is suported or not */ if((u1_profile_idc != MAIN_PROFILE_IDC) && (u1_profile_idc != BASE_PROFILE_IDC) && (u1_profile_idc != HIGH_PROFILE_IDC) ) { /* Apart from Baseline, main and high profile, * only extended profile is supported provided * uc_constraint_set0_flag or uc_constraint_set1_flag are set to 1 */ if((u1_profile_idc != EXTENDED_PROFILE_IDC) || ((uc_constraint_set1_flag != 1) && (uc_constraint_set0_flag != 1))) { return (ERROR_FEATURE_UNAVAIL); } } u1_level_idc = ih264d_get_bits_h264(ps_bitstrm, 8); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: u4_level_idc",u1_level_idc); u4_temp = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(u4_temp & MASK_ERR_SEQ_SET_ID) return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; u1_seq_parameter_set_id = u4_temp; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: seq_parameter_set_id", u1_seq_parameter_set_id); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Find an seq param entry in seqparam array of decStruct */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ps_seq = ps_dec->pv_scratch_sps_pps; if(ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) { *ps_seq = *ps_dec->ps_cur_sps; } if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_seq->u1_profile_idc != u1_profile_idc)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_seq->u1_level_idc != u1_level_idc)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } ps_seq->u1_profile_idc = u1_profile_idc; ps_seq->u1_level_idc = u1_level_idc; ps_seq->u1_seq_parameter_set_id = u1_seq_parameter_set_id; /*******************************************************************/ /* Initializations for high profile - Sushant */ /*******************************************************************/ ps_seq->i4_chroma_format_idc = 1; ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_luma_minus8 = 0; ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = 0; ps_seq->i4_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag = 0; ps_seq->i4_seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = 0; if(u1_profile_idc == HIGH_PROFILE_IDC) { /* reading chroma_format_idc */ ps_seq->i4_chroma_format_idc = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); /* Monochrome is not supported */ if(ps_seq->i4_chroma_format_idc != 1) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } /* reading bit_depth_luma_minus8 */ ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_luma_minus8 = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_luma_minus8 != 0) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } /* reading bit_depth_chroma_minus8 */ ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(ps_seq->i4_bit_depth_chroma_minus8 != 0) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } /* reading qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag */ ps_seq->i4_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag = (WORD32)ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); if(ps_seq->i4_qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag != 0) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } /* reading seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag */ ps_seq->i4_seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag = (WORD32)ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); if(ps_seq->i4_seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag) { for(i4_i = 0; i4_i < 8; i4_i++) { ps_seq->u1_seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i4_i] = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); /* initialize u1_use_default_scaling_matrix_flag[i4_i] to zero */ /* before calling scaling list */ ps_seq->u1_use_default_scaling_matrix_flag[i4_i] = 0; if(ps_seq->u1_seq_scaling_list_present_flag[i4_i]) { if(i4_i < 6) { ih264d_scaling_list( ps_seq->i2_scalinglist4x4[i4_i], 16, &ps_seq->u1_use_default_scaling_matrix_flag[i4_i], ps_bitstrm); } else { ih264d_scaling_list( ps_seq->i2_scalinglist8x8[i4_i - 6], 64, &ps_seq->u1_use_default_scaling_matrix_flag[i4_i], ps_bitstrm); } } } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Decode MaxFrameNum */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u4_temp = 4 + ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(u4_temp > MAX_BITS_IN_FRAME_NUM) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } ps_seq->u1_bits_in_frm_num = u4_temp; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: log2_max_frame_num_minus4", (ps_seq->u1_bits_in_frm_num - 4)); i2_max_frm_num = (1 << (ps_seq->u1_bits_in_frm_num)); ps_seq->u2_u4_max_pic_num_minus1 = i2_max_frm_num - 1; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Decode picture order count and related values */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ u4_temp = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(u4_temp > MAX_PIC_ORDER_CNT_TYPE) { return ERROR_INV_POC_TYPE_T; } ps_seq->u1_pic_order_cnt_type = u4_temp; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: pic_order_cnt_type",ps_seq->u1_pic_order_cnt_type); ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle = 1; if(ps_seq->u1_pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { u4_temp = 4 + ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(u4_temp > MAX_BITS_IN_POC_LSB) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } ps_seq->u1_log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus = u4_temp; ps_seq->i4_max_pic_order_cntLsb = (1 << u4_temp); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4",(u4_temp - 4)); } else if(ps_seq->u1_pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { ps_seq->u1_delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264( ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag", ps_seq->u1_delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag); ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_non_ref_pic = ih264d_sev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: offset_for_non_ref_pic", ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_non_ref_pic); ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_top_to_bottom_field = ih264d_sev( pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: offset_for_top_to_bottom_field", ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_top_to_bottom_field); u4_temp = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if(u4_temp > 255) return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle = u4_temp; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle", ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle); for(i = 0; i < ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; i++) { ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_ref_frame[i] = ih264d_sev( pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: offset_for_ref_frame", ps_seq->i4_ofst_for_ref_frame[i]); } } u4_temp = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); if((u4_temp > H264_MAX_REF_PICS)) { return ERROR_NUM_REF; } /* Compare with older num_ref_frames is header is already once */ if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames != u4_temp)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames = u4_temp; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: num_ref_frames",ps_seq->u1_num_ref_frames); ps_seq->u1_gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264( ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag", ps_seq->u1_gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Decode FrameWidth and FrameHeight and related values */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ps_seq->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs = 1 + ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: pic_width_in_mbs_minus1", ps_seq->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs - 1); u2_pic_wd = (ps_seq->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs << 4); pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); ps_seq->u2_frm_ht_in_mbs = 1 + pic_height_in_map_units_minus1; u2_pic_ht = (ps_seq->u2_frm_ht_in_mbs << 4); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the value of MaxMbAddress and Number of bits needed for it */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ps_seq->u2_max_mb_addr = (ps_seq->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs * ps_seq->u2_frm_ht_in_mbs) - 1; ps_seq->u2_total_num_of_mbs = ps_seq->u2_max_mb_addr + 1; ps_seq->u1_level_idc = ih264d_correct_level_idc( u1_level_idc, ps_seq->u2_total_num_of_mbs); u1_frm = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_seq->u1_frame_mbs_only_flag != u1_frm)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } ps_seq->u1_frame_mbs_only_flag = u1_frm; COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_mbs_only_flag", u1_frm); if(!u1_frm) { u2_pic_ht <<= 1; ps_seq->u1_mb_aff_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag", ps_seq->u1_mb_aff_flag); } else ps_seq->u1_mb_aff_flag = 0; ps_seq->u1_direct_8x8_inference_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: direct_8x8_inference_flag", ps_seq->u1_direct_8x8_inference_flag); /* G050 */ u1_frame_cropping_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_cropping_flag",u1_frame_cropping_flag); if(u1_frame_cropping_flag) { u1_frame_cropping_rect_left_ofst = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_cropping_rect_left_offset", u1_frame_cropping_rect_left_ofst); u1_frame_cropping_rect_right_ofst = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_cropping_rect_right_offset", u1_frame_cropping_rect_right_ofst); u1_frame_cropping_rect_top_ofst = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_cropping_rect_top_offset", u1_frame_cropping_rect_top_ofst); u1_frame_cropping_rect_bottom_ofst = ih264d_uev(pu4_bitstrm_ofst, pu4_bitstrm_buf); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset", u1_frame_cropping_rect_bottom_ofst); } /* G050 */ ps_seq->u1_vui_parameters_present_flag = ih264d_get_bit_h264(ps_bitstrm); COPYTHECONTEXT("SPS: vui_parameters_present_flag", ps_seq->u1_vui_parameters_present_flag); u2_frm_wd_y = u2_pic_wd + (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_Y_H << 1); if(1 == ps_dec->u4_share_disp_buf) { if(ps_dec->u4_app_disp_width > u2_frm_wd_y) u2_frm_wd_y = ps_dec->u4_app_disp_width; } u2_frm_ht_y = u2_pic_ht + (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_Y_V << 2); u2_frm_wd_uv = u2_pic_wd + (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_UV_H << 2); u2_frm_wd_uv = MAX(u2_frm_wd_uv, u2_frm_wd_y); u2_frm_ht_uv = (u2_pic_ht >> 1) + (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_UV_V << 2); u2_frm_ht_uv = MAX(u2_frm_ht_uv, (u2_frm_ht_y >> 1)); /* Calculate display picture width, height and start u4_ofst from YUV420 */ /* pictute buffers as per cropping information parsed above */ { UWORD16 u2_rgt_ofst = 0; UWORD16 u2_lft_ofst = 0; UWORD16 u2_top_ofst = 0; UWORD16 u2_btm_ofst = 0; UWORD8 u1_frm_mbs_flag; UWORD8 u1_vert_mult_factor; if(u1_frame_cropping_flag) { /* Calculate right and left u4_ofst for cropped picture */ u2_rgt_ofst = u1_frame_cropping_rect_right_ofst << 1; u2_lft_ofst = u1_frame_cropping_rect_left_ofst << 1; /* Know frame MBs only u4_flag */ u1_frm_mbs_flag = (1 == ps_seq->u1_frame_mbs_only_flag); /* Simplify the vertical u4_ofst calculation from field/frame */ u1_vert_mult_factor = (2 - u1_frm_mbs_flag); /* Calculate bottom and top u4_ofst for cropped picture */ u2_btm_ofst = (u1_frame_cropping_rect_bottom_ofst << u1_vert_mult_factor); u2_top_ofst = (u1_frame_cropping_rect_top_ofst << u1_vert_mult_factor); } /* Calculate u4_ofst from start of YUV 420 picture buffer to start of*/ /* cropped picture buffer */ u2_crop_offset_y = (u2_frm_wd_y * u2_top_ofst) + (u2_lft_ofst); u2_crop_offset_uv = (u2_frm_wd_uv * (u2_top_ofst >> 1)) + (u2_lft_ofst >> 1) * YUV420SP_FACTOR; /* Calculate the display picture width and height based on crop */ /* information */ i4_cropped_ht = u2_pic_ht - (u2_btm_ofst + u2_top_ofst); i4_cropped_wd = u2_pic_wd - (u2_rgt_ofst + u2_lft_ofst); if((i4_cropped_ht < MB_SIZE) || (i4_cropped_wd < MB_SIZE)) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_dec->u2_pic_wd != u2_pic_wd)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (ps_dec->u2_pic_ht != u2_pic_ht)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } /* Check for unsupported resolutions */ if((u2_pic_wd > H264_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH) || (u2_pic_ht > H264_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT) || (u2_pic_wd < H264_MIN_FRAME_WIDTH) || (u2_pic_ht < H264_MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT) || (u2_pic_wd * (UWORD32)u2_pic_ht > H264_MAX_FRAME_SIZE)) { return IVD_STREAM_WIDTH_HEIGHT_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* If MBAff is enabled, decoder support is limited to streams with * width less than half of H264_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH. * In case of MBAff decoder processes two rows at a time */ if((u2_pic_wd << ps_seq->u1_mb_aff_flag) > H264_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH) { return IVD_STREAM_WIDTH_HEIGHT_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } /* Backup u4_num_reorder_frames if header is already decoded */ if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (1 == ps_seq->u1_vui_parameters_present_flag) && (1 == ps_seq->s_vui.u1_bitstream_restriction_flag)) { u4_num_reorder_frames = ps_seq->s_vui.u4_num_reorder_frames; } else { u4_num_reorder_frames = -1; } if(1 == ps_seq->u1_vui_parameters_present_flag) { ret = ih264d_parse_vui_parametres(&ps_seq->s_vui, ps_bitstrm); if(ret != OK) return ret; } /* Compare older u4_num_reorder_frames with the new one if header is already decoded */ if((ps_dec->i4_header_decoded & 1) && (-1 != (WORD32)u4_num_reorder_frames) && (1 == ps_seq->u1_vui_parameters_present_flag) && (1 == ps_seq->s_vui.u1_bitstream_restriction_flag) && (ps_seq->s_vui.u4_num_reorder_frames != u4_num_reorder_frames)) { ps_dec->u1_res_changed = 1; return IVD_RES_CHANGED; } /* In case bitstream read has exceeded the filled size, then return an error */ if (ps_bitstrm->u4_ofst > ps_bitstrm->u4_max_ofst) { return ERROR_INV_SPS_PPS_T; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* All initializations to ps_dec are beyond this point */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ps_dec->u2_disp_height = i4_cropped_ht; ps_dec->u2_disp_width = i4_cropped_wd; ps_dec->u2_pic_wd = u2_pic_wd; ps_dec->u2_pic_ht = u2_pic_ht; /* Determining the Width and Height of Frame from that of Picture */ ps_dec->u2_frm_wd_y = u2_frm_wd_y; ps_dec->u2_frm_ht_y = u2_frm_ht_y; ps_dec->u2_frm_wd_uv = u2_frm_wd_uv; ps_dec->u2_frm_ht_uv = u2_frm_ht_uv; ps_dec->s_pad_mgr.u1_pad_len_y_v = (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_Y_V << (1 - u1_frm)); ps_dec->s_pad_mgr.u1_pad_len_cr_v = (UWORD8)(PAD_LEN_UV_V << (1 - u1_frm)); ps_dec->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs = ps_seq->u2_frm_wd_in_mbs; ps_dec->u2_frm_ht_in_mbs = ps_seq->u2_frm_ht_in_mbs; ps_dec->u2_crop_offset_y = u2_crop_offset_y; ps_dec->u2_crop_offset_uv = u2_crop_offset_uv; ps_seq->u1_is_valid = TRUE; ps_dec->ps_sps[u1_seq_parameter_set_id] = *ps_seq; ps_dec->ps_cur_sps = &ps_dec->ps_sps[u1_seq_parameter_set_id]; return OK; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
An information disclosure vulnerability in the Android media framework (libavc). Product: Android. Versions: 7.0, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 8.0, 8.1. Android ID: A-64380237.
PHPAPI void php_pcre_match_impl(pcre_cache_entry *pce, char *subject, int subject_len, zval *return_value, zval *subpats, int global, int use_flags, long flags, long start_offset TSRMLS_DC) { zval *result_set, /* Holds a set of subpatterns after a global match */ **match_sets = NULL; /* An array of sets of matches for each subpattern after a global match */ pcre_extra *extra = pce->extra;/* Holds results of studying */ pcre_extra extra_data; /* Used locally for exec options */ int exoptions = 0; /* Execution options */ int count = 0; /* Count of matched subpatterns */ int *offsets; /* Array of subpattern offsets */ int num_subpats; /* Number of captured subpatterns */ int size_offsets; /* Size of the offsets array */ int matched; /* Has anything matched */ int g_notempty = 0; /* If the match should not be empty */ const char **stringlist; /* Holds list of subpatterns */ char **subpat_names; /* Array for named subpatterns */ int i, rc; int subpats_order; /* Order of subpattern matches */ int offset_capture; /* Capture match offsets: yes/no */ /* Overwrite the passed-in value for subpatterns with an empty array. */ if (subpats != NULL) { zval_dtor(subpats); array_init(subpats); } subpats_order = global ? PREG_PATTERN_ORDER : 0; if (use_flags) { offset_capture = flags & PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE; /* * subpats_order is pre-set to pattern mode so we change it only if * necessary. */ if (flags & 0xff) { subpats_order = flags & 0xff; } if ((global && (subpats_order < PREG_PATTERN_ORDER || subpats_order > PREG_SET_ORDER)) || (!global && subpats_order != 0)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Invalid flags specified"); return; } } else { offset_capture = 0; } /* Negative offset counts from the end of the string. */ if (start_offset < 0) { start_offset = subject_len + start_offset; if (start_offset < 0) { start_offset = 0; } } if (extra == NULL) { extra_data.flags = PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT | PCRE_EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION; extra = &extra_data; } extra->match_limit = PCRE_G(backtrack_limit); extra->match_limit_recursion = PCRE_G(recursion_limit); /* Calculate the size of the offsets array, and allocate memory for it. */ rc = pcre_fullinfo(pce->re, extra, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &num_subpats); if (rc < 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Internal pcre_fullinfo() error %d", rc); RETURN_FALSE; } num_subpats++; size_offsets = num_subpats * 3; /* * Build a mapping from subpattern numbers to their names. We will always * allocate the table, even though there may be no named subpatterns. This * avoids somewhat more complicated logic in the inner loops. */ subpat_names = make_subpats_table(num_subpats, pce TSRMLS_CC); if (!subpat_names) { RETURN_FALSE; } offsets = (int *)safe_emalloc(size_offsets, sizeof(int), 0); /* Allocate match sets array and initialize the values. */ if (global && subpats && subpats_order == PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) { match_sets = (zval **)safe_emalloc(num_subpats, sizeof(zval *), 0); for (i=0; i<num_subpats; i++) { ALLOC_ZVAL(match_sets[i]); array_init(match_sets[i]); INIT_PZVAL(match_sets[i]); } } matched = 0; PCRE_G(error_code) = PHP_PCRE_NO_ERROR; do { /* Execute the regular expression. */ count = pcre_exec(pce->re, extra, subject, subject_len, start_offset, exoptions|g_notempty, offsets, size_offsets); /* the string was already proved to be valid UTF-8 */ exoptions |= PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK; /* Check for too many substrings condition. */ if (count == 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_NOTICE, "Matched, but too many substrings"); count = size_offsets/3; } /* If something has matched */ if (count > 0) { matched++; /* If subpatterns array has been passed, fill it in with values. */ if (subpats != NULL) { /* Try to get the list of substrings and display a warning if failed. */ if (pcre_get_substring_list(subject, offsets, count, &stringlist) < 0) { efree(subpat_names); efree(offsets); if (match_sets) efree(match_sets); php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Get subpatterns list failed"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (global) { /* global pattern matching */ if (subpats && subpats_order == PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) { /* For each subpattern, insert it into the appropriate array. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (offset_capture) { add_offset_pair(match_sets[i], (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], offsets[i<<1], NULL); } else { add_next_index_stringl(match_sets[i], (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], 1); } } /* * If the number of captured subpatterns on this run is * less than the total possible number, pad the result * arrays with empty strings. */ if (count < num_subpats) { for (; i < num_subpats; i++) { add_next_index_string(match_sets[i], "", 1); } } } else { /* Allocate the result set array */ ALLOC_ZVAL(result_set); array_init(result_set); INIT_PZVAL(result_set); /* Add all the subpatterns to it */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (offset_capture) { add_offset_pair(result_set, (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], offsets[i<<1], subpat_names[i]); } else { if (subpat_names[i]) { add_assoc_stringl(result_set, subpat_names[i], (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], 1); } add_next_index_stringl(result_set, (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], 1); } } /* And add it to the output array */ zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(subpats), &result_set, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } } else { /* single pattern matching */ /* For each subpattern, insert it into the subpatterns array. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (offset_capture) { add_offset_pair(subpats, (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], offsets[i<<1], subpat_names[i]); } else { if (subpat_names[i]) { add_assoc_stringl(subpats, subpat_names[i], (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], 1); } add_next_index_stringl(subpats, (char *)stringlist[i], offsets[(i<<1)+1] - offsets[i<<1], 1); } } } pcre_free((void *) stringlist); } } else if (count == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) { /* If we previously set PCRE_NOTEMPTY after a null match, this is not necessarily the end. We need to advance the start offset, and continue. Fudge the offset values to achieve this, unless we're already at the end of the string. */ if (g_notempty != 0 && start_offset < subject_len) { offsets[0] = start_offset; offsets[1] = start_offset + 1; } else break; } else { pcre_handle_exec_error(count TSRMLS_CC); break; } /* If we have matched an empty string, mimic what Perl's /g options does. This turns out to be rather cunning. First we set PCRE_NOTEMPTY and try the match again at the same point. If this fails (picked up above) we advance to the next character. */ g_notempty = (offsets[1] == offsets[0])? PCRE_NOTEMPTY | PCRE_ANCHORED : 0; /* Advance to the position right after the last full match */ start_offset = offsets[1]; } while (global); /* Add the match sets to the output array and clean up */ if (global && subpats && subpats_order == PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) { for (i = 0; i < num_subpats; i++) { if (subpat_names[i]) { zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(subpats), subpat_names[i], strlen(subpat_names[i])+1, &match_sets[i], sizeof(zval *), NULL); Z_ADDREF_P(match_sets[i]); } zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(subpats), &match_sets[i], sizeof(zval *), NULL); } efree(match_sets); } efree(offsets); efree(subpat_names); /* Did we encounter an error? */ if (PCRE_G(error_code) == PHP_PCRE_NO_ERROR) { RETVAL_LONG(matched); } else { RETVAL_FALSE; } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
The match function in pcre_exec.c in PCRE before 8.37 mishandles the /(?:((abcd))|(((?:(?:(?:(?:abc|(?:abcdef))))b)abcdefghi)abc)|((*ACCEPT)))/ pattern and related patterns involving (*ACCEPT), which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (partially initialized memory and application crash) via a crafted regular expression, as demonstrated by a JavaScript RegExp object encountered by Konqueror, aka ZDI-CAN-2547.
static int scan(Scanner *s) { uchar *cursor = s->cur; char *str, *ptr = NULL; std: s->tok = cursor; s->len = 0; #line 311 "ext/date/lib/" #line 291 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" { YYCTYPE yych; unsigned int yyaccept = 0; static const unsigned char yybm[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, }; YYDEBUG(0, *YYCURSOR); if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 20) YYFILL(20); yych = *YYCURSOR; if (yych <= ',') { if (yych <= '\n') { if (yych <= 0x00) goto yy9; if (yych <= 0x08) goto yy11; if (yych <= '\t') goto yy7; goto yy9; } else { if (yych == ' ') goto yy7; if (yych <= '+') goto yy11; goto yy7; } } else { if (yych <= 'O') { if (yych <= '-') goto yy11; if (yych <= '/') goto yy7; if (yych <= '9') goto yy4; goto yy11; } else { if (yych <= 'P') goto yy5; if (yych != 'R') goto yy11; } } YYDEBUG(2, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((yych = *YYCURSOR) <= '/') goto yy3; if (yych <= '9') goto yy98; yy3: YYDEBUG(3, *YYCURSOR); #line 424 "ext/date/lib/" { add_error(s, "Unexpected character"); goto std; } #line 366 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy4: YYDEBUG(4, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 0; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy3; if (yych <= '9') goto yy59; goto yy3; yy5: YYDEBUG(5, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych <= '9') goto yy12; if (yych == 'T') goto yy14; yy6: YYDEBUG(6, *YYCURSOR); #line 351 "ext/date/lib/" { timelib_sll nr; int in_time = 0; DEBUG_OUTPUT("period"); TIMELIB_INIT; ptr++; do { if ( *ptr == 'T' ) { in_time = 1; ptr++; } if ( *ptr == '\0' ) { add_error(s, "Missing expected time part"); break; } nr = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 12); switch (*ptr) { case 'Y': s->period->y = nr; break; case 'W': s->period->d = nr * 7; break; case 'D': s->period->d = nr; break; case 'H': s->period->h = nr; break; case 'S': s->period->s = nr; break; case 'M': if (in_time) { s->period->i = nr; } else { s->period->m = nr; } break; default: add_error(s, "Undefined period specifier"); break; } ptr++; } while (*ptr); s->have_period = 1; TIMELIB_DEINIT; return TIMELIB_PERIOD; } #line 424 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy7: YYDEBUG(7, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(8, *YYCURSOR); #line 413 "ext/date/lib/" { goto std; } #line 433 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy9: YYDEBUG(9, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(10, *YYCURSOR); #line 418 "ext/date/lib/" { s->pos = cursor; s->line++; goto std; } #line 443 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy11: YYDEBUG(11, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; goto yy3; yy12: YYDEBUG(12, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych <= '9') { if (yych >= '0') goto yy25; } else { if (yych == 'D') goto yy24; } } else { if (yych <= 'W') { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy27; if (yych >= 'W') goto yy26; } else { if (yych == 'Y') goto yy28; } } yy13: YYDEBUG(13, *YYCURSOR); YYCURSOR = YYMARKER; if (yyaccept <= 0) { goto yy3; } else { goto yy6; } yy14: YYDEBUG(14, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yybm[0+yych] & 128) { goto yy15; } goto yy6; yy15: YYDEBUG(15, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 2) YYFILL(2); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(16, *YYCURSOR); if (yybm[0+yych] & 128) { goto yy15; } if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych == 'H') goto yy19; goto yy13; } else { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy18; if (yych != 'S') goto yy13; } yy17: YYDEBUG(17, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; goto yy6; yy18: YYDEBUG(18, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych <= '9') goto yy22; goto yy6; yy19: YYDEBUG(19, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych >= ':') goto yy6; yy20: YYDEBUG(20, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 2) YYFILL(2); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(21, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy20; goto yy13; } else { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy18; if (yych == 'S') goto yy17; goto yy13; } yy22: YYDEBUG(22, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if (YYLIMIT <= YYCURSOR) YYFILL(1); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(23, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy22; if (yych == 'S') goto yy17; goto yy13; yy24: YYDEBUG(24, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych == 'T') goto yy14; goto yy6; yy25: YYDEBUG(25, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych <= '9') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; goto yy35; } else { if (yych == 'D') goto yy24; goto yy13; } } else { if (yych <= 'W') { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy27; if (yych <= 'V') goto yy13; } else { if (yych == 'Y') goto yy28; goto yy13; } } yy26: YYDEBUG(26, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych <= '9') goto yy33; if (yych == 'T') goto yy14; goto yy6; yy27: YYDEBUG(27, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych <= '9') goto yy31; if (yych == 'T') goto yy14; goto yy6; yy28: YYDEBUG(28, *YYCURSOR); yyaccept = 1; yych = *(YYMARKER = ++YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy6; if (yych <= '9') goto yy29; if (yych == 'T') goto yy14; goto yy6; yy29: YYDEBUG(29, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 3) YYFILL(3); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(30, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= 'D') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy29; if (yych <= 'C') goto yy13; goto yy24; } else { if (yych <= 'M') { if (yych <= 'L') goto yy13; goto yy27; } else { if (yych == 'W') goto yy26; goto yy13; } } yy31: YYDEBUG(31, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 3) YYFILL(3); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(32, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= 'C') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy31; goto yy13; } else { if (yych <= 'D') goto yy24; if (yych == 'W') goto yy26; goto yy13; } yy33: YYDEBUG(33, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 3) YYFILL(3); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(34, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy33; if (yych == 'D') goto yy24; goto yy13; yy35: YYDEBUG(35, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych <= '9') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; } else { if (yych == 'D') goto yy24; goto yy13; } } else { if (yych <= 'W') { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy27; if (yych <= 'V') goto yy13; goto yy26; } else { if (yych == 'Y') goto yy28; goto yy13; } } YYDEBUG(36, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != '-') goto yy39; YYDEBUG(37, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '0') goto yy40; if (yych <= '1') goto yy41; goto yy13; yy38: YYDEBUG(38, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < 3) YYFILL(3); yych = *YYCURSOR; yy39: YYDEBUG(39, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= 'L') { if (yych <= '9') { if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; goto yy38; } else { if (yych == 'D') goto yy24; goto yy13; } } else { if (yych <= 'W') { if (yych <= 'M') goto yy27; if (yych <= 'V') goto yy13; goto yy26; } else { if (yych == 'Y') goto yy28; goto yy13; } } yy40: YYDEBUG(40, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy42; goto yy13; yy41: YYDEBUG(41, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '3') goto yy13; yy42: YYDEBUG(42, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != '-') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(43, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '0') goto yy44; if (yych <= '2') goto yy45; if (yych <= '3') goto yy46; goto yy13; yy44: YYDEBUG(44, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy47; goto yy13; yy45: YYDEBUG(45, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy47; goto yy13; yy46: YYDEBUG(46, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '2') goto yy13; yy47: YYDEBUG(47, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != 'T') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(48, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '1') goto yy49; if (yych <= '2') goto yy50; goto yy13; yy49: YYDEBUG(49, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy51; goto yy13; yy50: YYDEBUG(50, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '5') goto yy13; yy51: YYDEBUG(51, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(52, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(53, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(54, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(55, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(56, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(57, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(58, *YYCURSOR); #line 393 "ext/date/lib/" { DEBUG_OUTPUT("combinedrep"); TIMELIB_INIT; s->period->y = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 4); ptr++; s->period->m = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); ptr++; s->period->d = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); ptr++; s->period->h = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); ptr++; s->period->i = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); ptr++; s->period->s = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); s->have_period = 1; TIMELIB_DEINIT; return TIMELIB_PERIOD; } #line 792 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy59: YYDEBUG(59, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(60, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(61, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') { if (yych == '-') goto yy64; goto yy13; } else { if (yych <= '0') goto yy62; if (yych <= '1') goto yy63; goto yy13; } yy62: YYDEBUG(62, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '0') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy85; goto yy13; yy63: YYDEBUG(63, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '2') goto yy85; goto yy13; yy64: YYDEBUG(64, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '0') goto yy65; if (yych <= '1') goto yy66; goto yy13; yy65: YYDEBUG(65, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '0') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy67; goto yy13; yy66: YYDEBUG(66, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '3') goto yy13; yy67: YYDEBUG(67, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != '-') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(68, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '0') goto yy69; if (yych <= '2') goto yy70; if (yych <= '3') goto yy71; goto yy13; yy69: YYDEBUG(69, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '0') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy72; goto yy13; yy70: YYDEBUG(70, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy72; goto yy13; yy71: YYDEBUG(71, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '2') goto yy13; yy72: YYDEBUG(72, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != 'T') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(73, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '1') goto yy74; if (yych <= '2') goto yy75; goto yy13; yy74: YYDEBUG(74, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy76; goto yy13; yy75: YYDEBUG(75, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '5') goto yy13; yy76: YYDEBUG(76, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(77, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(78, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(79, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(80, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(81, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(82, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != 'Z') goto yy13; yy83: YYDEBUG(83, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(84, *YYCURSOR); #line 327 "ext/date/lib/" { timelib_time *current; if (s->have_date || s->have_period) { current = s->end; s->have_end_date = 1; } else { current = s->begin; s->have_begin_date = 1; } DEBUG_OUTPUT("datetimebasic | datetimeextended"); TIMELIB_INIT; current->y = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 4); current->m = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->d = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->h = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->i = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->s = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); s->have_date = 1; TIMELIB_DEINIT; return TIMELIB_ISO_DATE; } #line 944 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" yy85: YYDEBUG(85, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '0') goto yy86; if (yych <= '2') goto yy87; if (yych <= '3') goto yy88; goto yy13; yy86: YYDEBUG(86, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '0') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy89; goto yy13; yy87: YYDEBUG(87, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy89; goto yy13; yy88: YYDEBUG(88, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '2') goto yy13; yy89: YYDEBUG(89, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych != 'T') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(90, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '1') goto yy91; if (yych <= '2') goto yy92; goto yy13; yy91: YYDEBUG(91, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych <= '9') goto yy93; goto yy13; yy92: YYDEBUG(92, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '5') goto yy13; yy93: YYDEBUG(93, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(94, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(95, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= '6') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(96, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych <= '/') goto yy13; if (yych >= ':') goto yy13; YYDEBUG(97, *YYCURSOR); yych = *++YYCURSOR; if (yych == 'Z') goto yy83; goto yy13; yy98: YYDEBUG(98, *YYCURSOR); ++YYCURSOR; if (YYLIMIT <= YYCURSOR) YYFILL(1); yych = *YYCURSOR; YYDEBUG(99, *YYCURSOR); if (yych <= '/') goto yy100; if (yych <= '9') goto yy98; yy100: YYDEBUG(100, *YYCURSOR); #line 316 "ext/date/lib/" { DEBUG_OUTPUT("recurrences"); TIMELIB_INIT; ptr++; s->recurrences = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 9); TIMELIB_DEINIT; s->have_recurrences = 1; return TIMELIB_PERIOD; } #line 1032 "ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c" } #line 428 "ext/date/lib/" }
[ "CWE-119" ]
The scan function in ext/date/lib/parse_iso_intervals.c in PHP through 5.5.6 does not properly restrict creation of DateInterval objects, which might allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (heap-based buffer over-read) via a crafted interval specification.
static time_t asn1_time_to_time_t(ASN1_UTCTIME * timestr TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { /* This is how the time string is formatted: snprintf(p, sizeof(p), "%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ",ts->tm_year%100, ts->tm_mon+1,ts->tm_mday,ts->tm_hour,ts->tm_min,ts->tm_sec); */ time_t ret; struct tm thetime; char * strbuf; char * thestr; long gmadjust = 0; if (timestr->length < 13) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "extension author too lazy to parse %s correctly", timestr->data); return (time_t)-1; } strbuf = estrdup((char *)timestr->data); memset(&thetime, 0, sizeof(thetime)); /* we work backwards so that we can use atoi more easily */ thestr = strbuf + timestr->length - 3; thetime.tm_sec = atoi(thestr); *thestr = '\0'; thetime.tm_mon = atoi(thestr)-1; *thestr = '\0'; thestr -= 2; thetime.tm_year = atoi(thestr); if (thetime.tm_year < 68) { thetime.tm_year += 100; } thetime.tm_isdst = -1; ret = mktime(&thetime); #if HAVE_TM_GMTOFF gmadjust = thetime.tm_gmtoff; #else /* ** If correcting for daylight savings time, we set the adjustment to ** the value of timezone - 3600 seconds. Otherwise, we need to overcorrect and ** set the adjustment to the main timezone + 3600 seconds. */ gmadjust = -(thetime.tm_isdst ? (long)timezone - 3600 : (long)timezone + 3600); #endif ret += gmadjust; efree(strbuf); return ret; } /* }}} */
[ "CWE-119" ]
The asn1_time_to_time_t function in ext/openssl/openssl.c in PHP before 5.3.28, 5.4.x before 5.4.23, and 5.5.x before 5.5.7 does not properly parse (1) notBefore and (2) notAfter timestamps in X.509 certificates, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via a crafted certificate that is not properly handled by the openssl_x509_parse function.
static php_stream *phar_make_dirstream(char *dir, HashTable *manifest TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { HashTable *data; int dirlen = strlen(dir); phar_zstr key; char *entry, *found, *save, *str_key; uint keylen; ulong unused; ALLOC_HASHTABLE(data); zend_hash_init(data, 64, zend_get_hash_value, NULL, 0); if ((*dir == '/' && dirlen == 1 && (manifest->nNumOfElements == 0)) || (dirlen >= sizeof(".phar")-1 && !memcmp(dir, ".phar", sizeof(".phar")-1))) { /* make empty root directory for empty phar */ /* make empty directory for .phar magic directory */ efree(dir); return php_stream_alloc(&phar_dir_ops, data, NULL, "r"); } zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(manifest); while (FAILURE != zend_hash_has_more_elements(manifest)) { if (HASH_KEY_IS_STRING != zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(manifest, &key, &keylen, &unused, 0, NULL)) { break; } PHAR_STR(key, str_key); if (keylen <= (uint)dirlen) { if (keylen < (uint)dirlen || !strncmp(str_key, dir, dirlen)) { PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_move_forward(manifest)) { break; } continue; } } if (*dir == '/') { /* root directory */ if (keylen >= sizeof(".phar")-1 && !memcmp(str_key, ".phar", sizeof(".phar")-1)) { PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); /* do not add any magic entries to this directory */ if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_move_forward(manifest)) { break; } continue; } if (NULL != (found = (char *) memchr(str_key, '/', keylen))) { /* the entry has a path separator and is a subdirectory */ entry = (char *) safe_emalloc(found - str_key, 1, 1); memcpy(entry, str_key, found - str_key); keylen = found - str_key; entry[keylen] = '\0'; } else { entry = (char *) safe_emalloc(keylen, 1, 1); memcpy(entry, str_key, keylen); entry[keylen] = '\0'; } PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); goto PHAR_ADD_ENTRY; } else { if (0 != memcmp(str_key, dir, dirlen)) { /* entry in directory not found */ PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_move_forward(manifest)) { break; } continue; } else { if (str_key[dirlen] != '/') { PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_move_forward(manifest)) { break; } continue; } } } save = str_key; save += dirlen + 1; /* seek to just past the path separator */ if (NULL != (found = (char *) memchr(save, '/', keylen - dirlen - 1))) { /* is subdirectory */ save -= dirlen + 1; entry = (char *) safe_emalloc(found - save + dirlen, 1, 1); memcpy(entry, save + dirlen + 1, found - save - dirlen - 1); keylen = found - save - dirlen - 1; entry[keylen] = '\0'; } else { /* is file */ save -= dirlen + 1; entry = (char *) safe_emalloc(keylen - dirlen, 1, 1); memcpy(entry, save + dirlen + 1, keylen - dirlen - 1); entry[keylen - dirlen - 1] = '\0'; keylen = keylen - dirlen - 1; } PHAR_STR_FREE(str_key); PHAR_ADD_ENTRY: if (keylen) { phar_add_empty(data, entry, keylen); } efree(entry); if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_move_forward(manifest)) { break; } } if (FAILURE != zend_hash_has_more_elements(data)) { efree(dir); if (zend_hash_sort(data, zend_qsort, phar_compare_dir_name, 0 TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { FREE_HASHTABLE(data); return NULL; } return php_stream_alloc(&phar_dir_ops, data, NULL, "r"); } else { efree(dir); return php_stream_alloc(&phar_dir_ops, data, NULL, "r"); } } /* }}}*/
[ "CWE-189" ]
Off-by-one error in the phar_parse_zipfile function in ext/phar/zip.c in PHP before 5.5.30 and 5.6.x before 5.6.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized pointer dereference and application crash) by including the / filename in a .zip PHAR archive.
void phar_add_virtual_dirs(phar_archive_data *phar, char *filename, int filename_len TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { const char *s; while ((s = zend_memrchr(filename, '/', filename_len))) { filename_len = s - filename; if (FAILURE == zend_hash_add_empty_element(&phar->virtual_dirs, filename, filename_len)) { break; } } } /* }}} */
[ "CWE-189" ]
Off-by-one error in the phar_parse_zipfile function in ext/phar/zip.c in PHP before 5.5.30 and 5.6.x before 5.6.14 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (uninitialized pointer dereference and application crash) by including the / filename in a .zip PHAR archive.
XcursorCommentCreate (XcursorUInt comment_type, int length) { XcursorComment *comment; if (length > XCURSOR_COMMENT_MAX_LEN) return NULL; { XcursorComment *comment; if (length > XCURSOR_COMMENT_MAX_LEN) return NULL; comment = malloc (sizeof (XcursorComment) + length + 1); comment->comment[0] = '\0'; return comment; } void XcursorCommentDestroy (XcursorComment *comment) { free (comment); } XcursorComments * XcursorCommentsCreate (int size) { XcursorComments *comments; comments = malloc (sizeof (XcursorComments) + size * sizeof (XcursorComment *)); if (!comments) return NULL; comments->ncomment = 0; comments->comments = (XcursorComment **) (comments + 1); return comments; } void XcursorCommentsDestroy (XcursorComments *comments) { int n; if (!comments) return; for (n = 0; n < comments->ncomment; n++) XcursorCommentDestroy (comments->comments[n]); free (comments); } static XcursorBool _XcursorReadUInt (XcursorFile *file, XcursorUInt *u) { unsigned char bytes[4]; if (!file || !u) return XcursorFalse; if ((*file->read) (file, bytes, 4) != 4) return XcursorFalse; *u = ((bytes[0] << 0) | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[3] << 24)); return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorReadBytes (XcursorFile *file, char *bytes, int length) { if (!file || !bytes || (*file->read) (file, (unsigned char *) bytes, length) != length) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorWriteUInt (XcursorFile *file, XcursorUInt u) { unsigned char bytes[4]; if (!file) return XcursorFalse; bytes[0] = u; bytes[1] = u >> 8; bytes[2] = u >> 16; bytes[3] = u >> 24; if ((*file->write) (file, bytes, 4) != 4) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorWriteBytes (XcursorFile *file, char *bytes, int length) { if (!file || !bytes || (*file->write) (file, (unsigned char *) bytes, length) != length) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } static void _XcursorFileHeaderDestroy (XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader) { free (fileHeader); } static XcursorFileHeader * _XcursorFileHeaderCreate (XcursorUInt ntoc) { XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader; if (ntoc > 0x10000) return NULL; fileHeader = malloc (sizeof (XcursorFileHeader) + ntoc * sizeof (XcursorFileToc)); if (!fileHeader) return NULL; fileHeader->magic = XCURSOR_MAGIC; fileHeader->header = XCURSOR_FILE_HEADER_LEN; fileHeader->version = XCURSOR_FILE_VERSION; fileHeader->ntoc = ntoc; fileHeader->tocs = (XcursorFileToc *) (fileHeader + 1); return fileHeader; } static XcursorFileHeader * _XcursorReadFileHeader (XcursorFile *file) { XcursorFileHeader head, *fileHeader; XcursorUInt skip; int n; if (!file) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.magic)) return NULL; if (head.magic != XCURSOR_MAGIC) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.header)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.version)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.ntoc)) return NULL; skip = head.header - XCURSOR_FILE_HEADER_LEN; if (skip) if ((*file->seek) (file, skip, SEEK_CUR) == EOF) return NULL; fileHeader = _XcursorFileHeaderCreate (head.ntoc); if (!fileHeader) return NULL; fileHeader->magic = head.magic; fileHeader->header = head.header; fileHeader->version = head.version; fileHeader->ntoc = head.ntoc; for (n = 0; n < fileHeader->ntoc; n++) { if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &fileHeader->tocs[n].type)) break; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &fileHeader->tocs[n].subtype)) break; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &fileHeader->tocs[n].position)) break; } if (n != fileHeader->ntoc) { _XcursorFileHeaderDestroy (fileHeader); return NULL; } return fileHeader; } static XcursorUInt _XcursorFileHeaderLength (XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader) { return (XCURSOR_FILE_HEADER_LEN + fileHeader->ntoc * XCURSOR_FILE_TOC_LEN); } static XcursorBool _XcursorWriteFileHeader (XcursorFile *file, XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader) { int toc; if (!file || !fileHeader) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->magic)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->header)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->version)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->ntoc)) return XcursorFalse; for (toc = 0; toc < fileHeader->ntoc; toc++) { if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->tocs[toc].type)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->tocs[toc].subtype)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, fileHeader->tocs[toc].position)) return XcursorFalse; } return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorSeekToToc (XcursorFile *file, XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, int toc) { if (!file || !fileHeader || \ (*file->seek) (file, fileHeader->tocs[toc].position, SEEK_SET) == EOF) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorFileReadChunkHeader (XcursorFile *file, XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, int toc, XcursorChunkHeader *chunkHeader) { if (!file || !fileHeader || !chunkHeader) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorSeekToToc (file, fileHeader, toc)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &chunkHeader->header)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &chunkHeader->type)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &chunkHeader->subtype)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &chunkHeader->version)) return XcursorFalse; /* sanity check */ if (chunkHeader->type != fileHeader->tocs[toc].type || chunkHeader->subtype != fileHeader->tocs[toc].subtype) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } static XcursorBool _XcursorFileWriteChunkHeader (XcursorFile *file, XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, int toc, XcursorChunkHeader *chunkHeader) { if (!file || !fileHeader || !chunkHeader) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorSeekToToc (file, fileHeader, toc)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, chunkHeader->header)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, chunkHeader->type)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, chunkHeader->subtype)) return XcursorFalse; if (!_XcursorWriteUInt (file, chunkHeader->version)) return XcursorFalse; return XcursorTrue; } #define dist(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) : (b) - (a)) static XcursorDim _XcursorFindBestSize (XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, XcursorDim size, int *nsizesp) { int n; int nsizes = 0; XcursorDim bestSize = 0; XcursorDim thisSize; if (!fileHeader || !nsizesp) return 0; for (n = 0; n < fileHeader->ntoc; n++) { if (fileHeader->tocs[n].type != XCURSOR_IMAGE_TYPE) continue; thisSize = fileHeader->tocs[n].subtype; if (!bestSize || dist (thisSize, size) < dist (bestSize, size)) { bestSize = thisSize; nsizes = 1; } else if (thisSize == bestSize) nsizes++; } *nsizesp = nsizes; return bestSize; } static int _XcursorFindImageToc (XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, XcursorDim size, int count) { int toc; XcursorDim thisSize; if (!fileHeader) return 0; for (toc = 0; toc < fileHeader->ntoc; toc++) { if (fileHeader->tocs[toc].type != XCURSOR_IMAGE_TYPE) continue; thisSize = fileHeader->tocs[toc].subtype; if (thisSize != size) continue; if (!count) break; count--; } if (toc == fileHeader->ntoc) return -1; return toc; } static XcursorImage * _XcursorReadImage (XcursorFile *file, XcursorFileHeader *fileHeader, int toc) { XcursorChunkHeader chunkHeader; XcursorImage head; XcursorImage *image; int n; XcursorPixel *p; if (!file || !fileHeader) return NULL; if (!_XcursorFileReadChunkHeader (file, fileHeader, toc, &chunkHeader)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.width)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.height)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.xhot)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.yhot)) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.delay)) return NULL; /* sanity check data */ if (head.width >= 0x10000 || head.height > 0x10000) return NULL; if (!_XcursorReadUInt (file, &head.delay)) return NULL; /* sanity check data */ if (head.width >= 0x10000 || head.height > 0x10000) return NULL; if (head.width == 0 || head.height == 0) return NULL; image->version = chunkHeader.version; image->size = chunkHeader.subtype; /* Create the image and initialize it */ image = XcursorImageCreate (head.width, head.height); if (chunkHeader.version < image->version) image->version = chunkHeader.version; image->size = chunkHeader.subtype; { XcursorImageDestroy (image); return NULL; } p++; } return image; }
[ "CWE-190" ]
libXcursor before 1.1.15 has various integer overflows that could lead to heap buffer overflows when processing malicious cursors, e.g., with programs like GIMP. It is also possible that an attack vector exists against the related code in cursor/xcursor.c in Wayland through 1.14.0.
9p: fix QEMU crash when renaming files When using the 9P2000.u version of the protocol, the following shell command line in the guest can cause QEMU to crash: while true; do rm -rf aa; mkdir -p a/b & touch a/b/c & mv a aa; done With 9P2000.u, file renaming is handled by the WSTAT command. The v9fs_wstat() function calls v9fs_complete_rename(), which calls v9fs_fix_path() for every fid whose path is affected by the change. The involved calls to v9fs_path_copy() may race with any other access to the fid path performed by some worker thread, causing a crash like shown below: Thread 12 "qemu-system-x86" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000555555a25da2 in local_open_nofollow (fs_ctx=0x555557d958b8, path=0x0, flags=65536, mode=0) at hw/9pfs/9p-local.c:59 59 while (*path && fd != -1) { (gdb) bt #0 0x0000555555a25da2 in local_open_nofollow (fs_ctx=0x555557d958b8, path=0x0, flags=65536, mode=0) at hw/9pfs/9p-local.c:59 #1 0x0000555555a25e0c in local_opendir_nofollow (fs_ctx=0x555557d958b8, path=0x0) at hw/9pfs/9p-local.c:92 #2 0x0000555555a261b8 in local_lstat (fs_ctx=0x555557d958b8, fs_path=0x555556b56858, stbuf=0x7fff84830ef0) at hw/9pfs/9p-local.c:185 #3 0x0000555555a2b367 in v9fs_co_lstat (pdu=0x555557d97498, path=0x555556b56858, stbuf=0x7fff84830ef0) at hw/9pfs/cofile.c:53 #4 0x0000555555a1e9e2 in v9fs_stat (opaque=0x555557d97498) at hw/9pfs/9p.c:1083 #5 0x0000555555e060a2 in coroutine_trampoline (i0=-669165424, i1=32767) at util/coroutine-ucontext.c:116 #6 0x00007fffef4f5600 in __start_context () at /lib64/ #7 0x0000000000000000 in () (gdb) The fix is to take the path write lock when calling v9fs_complete_rename(), like in v9fs_rename(). Impact: DoS triggered by unprivileged guest users. Fixes: CVE-2018-19489 Cc: P J P <> Reported-by: zhibin hu <> Reviewed-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
static void coroutine_fn v9fs_wstat(void *opaque) { int32_t fid; int err = 0; int16_t unused; V9fsStat v9stat; size_t offset = 7; struct stat stbuf; V9fsFidState *fidp; V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; v9fs_stat_init(&v9stat); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dwS", &fid, &unused, &v9stat); goto out_nofid; }
[ "CWE-362" ]
v9fs_wstat in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU allows guest OS users to cause a denial of service (crash) because of a race condition during file renaming.
vga: fix display update region calculation vga display update mis-calculated the region for the dirty bitmap snapshot in case the scanlines are padded. This can triggere an assert in cpu_physical_memory_snapshot_get_dirty(). Fixes: fec5e8c92becad223df9d972770522f64aafdb72 Reported-by: Kevin Wolf <> Reported-by: 李强 <> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <> Message-id:
static void vga_draw_graphic(VGACommonState *s, int full_update) { DisplaySurface *surface = qemu_console_surface(s->con); int y1, y, update, linesize, y_start, double_scan, mask, depth; int width, height, shift_control, line_offset, bwidth, bits; ram_addr_t page0, page1; DirtyBitmapSnapshot *snap = NULL; int disp_width, multi_scan, multi_run; uint8_t *d; uint32_t v, addr1, addr; vga_draw_line_func *vga_draw_line = NULL; bool share_surface; pixman_format_code_t format; #ifdef HOST_WORDS_BIGENDIAN bool byteswap = !s->big_endian_fb; #else bool byteswap = s->big_endian_fb; #endif full_update |= update_basic_params(s); s->get_resolution(s, &width, &height); disp_width = width; shift_control = (s->gr[VGA_GFX_MODE] >> 5) & 3; double_scan = (s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MAX_SCAN] >> 7); if (shift_control != 1) { multi_scan = (((s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MAX_SCAN] & 0x1f) + 1) << double_scan) - 1; } else { /* in CGA modes, multi_scan is ignored */ /* XXX: is it correct ? */ multi_scan = double_scan; } multi_run = multi_scan; if (shift_control != s->shift_control || double_scan != s->double_scan) { full_update = 1; s->shift_control = shift_control; s->double_scan = double_scan; } if (shift_control == 0) { if (sr(s, VGA_SEQ_CLOCK_MODE) & 8) { disp_width <<= 1; } } else if (shift_control == 1) { if (sr(s, VGA_SEQ_CLOCK_MODE) & 8) { disp_width <<= 1; } } depth = s->get_bpp(s); /* * Check whether we can share the surface with the backend * or whether we need a shadow surface. We share native * endian surfaces for 15bpp and above and byteswapped * surfaces for 24bpp and above. */ format = qemu_default_pixman_format(depth, !byteswap); if (format) { share_surface = dpy_gfx_check_format(s->con, format) && !s->force_shadow; } else { share_surface = false; } if (s->line_offset != s->last_line_offset || disp_width != s->last_width || height != s->last_height || s->last_depth != depth || s->last_byteswap != byteswap || share_surface != is_buffer_shared(surface)) { if (share_surface) { surface = qemu_create_displaysurface_from(disp_width, height, format, s->line_offset, s->vram_ptr + (s->start_addr * 4)); dpy_gfx_replace_surface(s->con, surface); } else { qemu_console_resize(s->con, disp_width, height); surface = qemu_console_surface(s->con); } s->last_scr_width = disp_width; s->last_scr_height = height; s->last_width = disp_width; s->last_height = height; s->last_line_offset = s->line_offset; s->last_depth = depth; s->last_byteswap = byteswap; full_update = 1; } else if (is_buffer_shared(surface) && (full_update || surface_data(surface) != s->vram_ptr + (s->start_addr * 4))) { pixman_format_code_t format = qemu_default_pixman_format(depth, !byteswap); surface = qemu_create_displaysurface_from(disp_width, height, format, s->line_offset, s->vram_ptr + (s->start_addr * 4)); dpy_gfx_replace_surface(s->con, surface); } if (shift_control == 0) { full_update |= update_palette16(s); if (sr(s, VGA_SEQ_CLOCK_MODE) & 8) { v = VGA_DRAW_LINE4D2; } else { v = VGA_DRAW_LINE4; } bits = 4; } else if (shift_control == 1) { full_update |= update_palette16(s); if (sr(s, VGA_SEQ_CLOCK_MODE) & 8) { v = VGA_DRAW_LINE2D2; } else { v = VGA_DRAW_LINE2; } bits = 4; } else { switch(s->get_bpp(s)) { default: case 0: full_update |= update_palette256(s); v = VGA_DRAW_LINE8D2; bits = 4; break; case 8: full_update |= update_palette256(s); v = VGA_DRAW_LINE8; bits = 8; break; case 15: v = s->big_endian_fb ? VGA_DRAW_LINE15_BE : VGA_DRAW_LINE15_LE; bits = 16; break; case 16: v = s->big_endian_fb ? VGA_DRAW_LINE16_BE : VGA_DRAW_LINE16_LE; bits = 16; break; case 24: v = s->big_endian_fb ? VGA_DRAW_LINE24_BE : VGA_DRAW_LINE24_LE; bits = 24; break; case 32: v = s->big_endian_fb ? VGA_DRAW_LINE32_BE : VGA_DRAW_LINE32_LE; bits = 32; break; } } vga_draw_line = vga_draw_line_table[v]; if (!is_buffer_shared(surface) && s->cursor_invalidate) { s->cursor_invalidate(s); } line_offset = s->line_offset; #if 0 printf("w=%d h=%d v=%d line_offset=%d cr[0x09]=0x%02x cr[0x17]=0x%02x linecmp=%d sr[0x01]=0x%02x\n", width, height, v, line_offset, s->cr[9], s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MODE], s->line_compare, sr(s, VGA_SEQ_CLOCK_MODE)); #endif addr1 = (s->start_addr * 4); bwidth = (width * bits + 7) / 8; y_start = -1; d = surface_data(surface); linesize = surface_stride(surface); y1 = 0; if (!full_update) { vga_sync_dirty_bitmap(s); snap = memory_region_snapshot_and_clear_dirty(&s->vram, addr1, bwidth * height, DIRTY_MEMORY_VGA); } for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { addr = addr1; if (!(s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MODE] & 1)) { int shift; /* CGA compatibility handling */ shift = 14 + ((s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MODE] >> 6) & 1); addr = (addr & ~(1 << shift)) | ((y1 & 1) << shift); } if (!(s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MODE] & 2)) { addr = (addr & ~0x8000) | ((y1 & 2) << 14); } update = full_update; page0 = addr; page1 = addr + bwidth - 1; if (full_update) { update = 1; } else { update = memory_region_snapshot_get_dirty(&s->vram, snap, page0, page1 - page0); } /* explicit invalidation for the hardware cursor (cirrus only) */ update |= vga_scanline_invalidated(s, y); if (update) { if (y_start < 0) y_start = y; if (!(is_buffer_shared(surface))) { vga_draw_line(s, d, s->vram_ptr + addr, width); if (s->cursor_draw_line) s->cursor_draw_line(s, d, y); } } else { if (y_start >= 0) { /* flush to display */ dpy_gfx_update(s->con, 0, y_start, disp_width, y - y_start); y_start = -1; } } if (!multi_run) { mask = (s->cr[VGA_CRTC_MODE] & 3) ^ 3; if ((y1 & mask) == mask) addr1 += line_offset; y1++; multi_run = multi_scan; } else { multi_run--; } /* line compare acts on the displayed lines */ if (y == s->line_compare) addr1 = 0; d += linesize; } if (y_start >= 0) { /* flush to display */ dpy_gfx_update(s->con, 0, y_start, disp_width, y - y_start); } g_free(snap); memset(s->invalidated_y_table, 0, sizeof(s->invalidated_y_table)); }
[ "CWE-617" ]
The vga display update in mis-calculated the region for the dirty bitmap snapshot in case split screen mode is used causing a denial of service (assertion failure) in the cpu_physical_memory_snapshot_get_dirty function.
static int php_handler(request_rec *r) { php_struct * volatile ctx; void *conf; apr_bucket_brigade * volatile brigade; apr_bucket *bucket; apr_status_t rv; request_rec * volatile parent_req = NULL; TSRMLS_FETCH(); #define PHPAP_INI_OFF php_apache_ini_dtor(r, parent_req TSRMLS_CC); conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &php5_module); /* apply_config() needs r in some cases, so allocate server_context early */ ctx = SG(server_context); if (ctx == NULL || (ctx && ctx->request_processed && !strcmp(r->protocol, "INCLUDED"))) { normal: ctx = SG(server_context) = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*ctx)); /* register a cleanup so we clear out the SG(server_context) * after each request. Note: We pass in the pointer to the * server_context in case this is handled by a different thread. */ apr_pool_cleanup_register(r->pool, (void *)&SG(server_context), php_server_context_cleanup, apr_pool_cleanup_null); ctx->r = r; ctx = NULL; /* May look weird to null it here, but it is to catch the right case in the first_try later on */ } else { parent_req = ctx->r; ctx->r = r; } apply_config(conf); if (strcmp(r->handler, PHP_MAGIC_TYPE) && strcmp(r->handler, PHP_SOURCE_MAGIC_TYPE) && strcmp(r->handler, PHP_SCRIPT)) { /* Check for xbithack in this case. */ if (!AP2(xbithack) || strcmp(r->handler, "text/html") || !(r-> & APR_UEXECUTE)) { PHPAP_INI_OFF; return DECLINED; } } /* Give a 404 if PATH_INFO is used but is explicitly disabled in * the configuration; default behaviour is to accept. */ if (r->used_path_info == AP_REQ_REJECT_PATH_INFO && r->path_info && r->path_info[0]) { PHPAP_INI_OFF; return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } /* handle situations where user turns the engine off */ if (!AP2(engine)) { PHPAP_INI_OFF; return DECLINED; } if (r->finfo.filetype == 0) { php_apache_sapi_log_message_ex("script '%s' not found or unable to stat", r TSRMLS_CC); PHPAP_INI_OFF; return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } if (r->finfo.filetype == APR_DIR) { php_apache_sapi_log_message_ex("attempt to invoke directory '%s' as script", r TSRMLS_CC); PHPAP_INI_OFF; return HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } /* Setup the CGI variables if this is the main request */ if (r->main == NULL || /* .. or if the sub-request environment differs from the main-request. */ r->subprocess_env != r->main->subprocess_env ) { /* setup standard CGI variables */ ap_add_common_vars(r); ap_add_cgi_vars(r); } zend_first_try { if (ctx == NULL) { brigade = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, r->connection->bucket_alloc); ctx = SG(server_context); ctx->brigade = brigade; if (php_apache_request_ctor(r, ctx TSRMLS_CC)!=SUCCESS) { zend_bailout(); } } else { if (!parent_req) { parent_req = ctx->r; } if (parent_req && parent_req->handler && strcmp(parent_req->handler, PHP_MAGIC_TYPE) && strcmp(parent_req->handler, PHP_SOURCE_MAGIC_TYPE) && strcmp(parent_req->handler, PHP_SCRIPT)) { if (php_apache_request_ctor(r, ctx TSRMLS_CC)!=SUCCESS) { zend_bailout(); } } /* * check if coming due to ErrorDocument * We make a special exception of 413 (Invalid POST request) as the invalidity of the request occurs * during processing of the request by PHP during POST processing. Therefor we need to re-use the exiting * PHP instance to handle the request rather then creating a new one. */ if (parent_req && parent_req->status != HTTP_OK && parent_req->status != 413 && strcmp(r->protocol, "INCLUDED")) { parent_req = NULL; goto normal; } ctx->r = r; brigade = ctx->brigade; } if (AP2(last_modified)) { ap_update_mtime(r, r->finfo.mtime); ap_set_last_modified(r); } /* Determine if we need to parse the file or show the source */ if (strncmp(r->handler, PHP_SOURCE_MAGIC_TYPE, sizeof(PHP_SOURCE_MAGIC_TYPE) - 1) == 0) { zend_syntax_highlighter_ini syntax_highlighter_ini; php_get_highlight_struct(&syntax_highlighter_ini); highlight_file((char *)r->filename, &syntax_highlighter_ini TSRMLS_CC); } else { zend_file_handle zfd; zfd.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME; zfd.filename = (char *) r->filename; zfd.free_filename = 0; zfd.opened_path = NULL; if (!parent_req) { php_execute_script(&zfd TSRMLS_CC); } else { zend_execute_scripts(ZEND_INCLUDE TSRMLS_CC, NULL, 1, &zfd); } apr_table_set(r->notes, "mod_php_memory_usage", apr_psprintf(ctx->r->pool, "%" APR_SIZE_T_FMT, zend_memory_peak_usage(1 TSRMLS_CC))); } } zend_end_try(); if (!parent_req) { php_apache_request_dtor(r TSRMLS_CC); ctx->request_processed = 1; bucket = apr_bucket_eos_create(r->connection->bucket_alloc); APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(brigade, bucket); rv = ap_pass_brigade(r->output_filters, brigade); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS || r->connection->aborted) { zend_first_try { php_handle_aborted_connection(); } zend_end_try(); } apr_brigade_cleanup(brigade); } else { ctx->r = parent_req; } return OK; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The php_handler function in sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c in PHP before 5.4.40, 5.5.x before 5.5.24, and 5.6.x before 5.6.8, when the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x is used, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via pipelined HTTP requests that result in a "deconfigured interpreter."
scsi: lsi: exit infinite loop while executing script (CVE-2019-12068) When executing script in lsi_execute_script(), the LSI scsi adapter emulator advances 's->dsp' index to read next opcode. This can lead to an infinite loop if the next opcode is empty. Move the existing loop exit after 10k iterations so that it covers no-op opcodes as well. Reported-by: Bugs SysSec <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
static void lsi_execute_script(LSIState *s) { PCIDevice *pci_dev = PCI_DEVICE(s); uint32_t insn; uint32_t addr, addr_high; int opcode; int insn_processed = 0; s->istat1 |= LSI_ISTAT1_SRUN; again: s->istat1 |= LSI_ISTAT1_SRUN; again: insn_processed++; insn = read_dword(s, s->dsp); if (!insn) { /* If we receive an empty opcode increment the DSP by 4 bytes s->dbc = insn & 0xffffff; s->rbc = s->dbc; /* ??? Set ESA. */ s->ia = s->dsp - 8; if (insn & (1 << 29)) { /* Indirect addressing. */ addr = read_dword(s, addr); } else if (insn & (1 << 28)) { uint32_t buf[2]; int32_t offset; /* Table indirect addressing. */ /* 32-bit Table indirect */ offset = sextract32(addr, 0, 24); pci_dma_read(pci_dev, s->dsa + offset, buf, 8); /* byte count is stored in bits 0:23 only */ s->dbc = cpu_to_le32(buf[0]) & 0xffffff; s->rbc = s->dbc; addr = cpu_to_le32(buf[1]); /* 40-bit DMA, upper addr bits [39:32] stored in first DWORD of * table, bits [31:24] */ if (lsi_dma_40bit(s)) addr_high = cpu_to_le32(buf[0]) >> 24; else if (lsi_dma_ti64bit(s)) { int selector = (cpu_to_le32(buf[0]) >> 24) & 0x1f; switch (selector) { case 0 ... 0x0f: /* offset index into scratch registers since * TI64 mode can use registers C to R */ addr_high = s->scratch[2 + selector]; break; case 0x10: addr_high = s->mmrs; break; case 0x11: addr_high = s->mmws; break; case 0x12: addr_high = s->sfs; break; case 0x13: addr_high = s->drs; break; case 0x14: addr_high = s->sbms; break; case 0x15: addr_high = s->dbms; break; default: qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "lsi_scsi: Illegal selector specified (0x%x > 0x15) " "for 64-bit DMA block move", selector); break; } } } else if (lsi_dma_64bit(s)) { /* fetch a 3rd dword if 64-bit direct move is enabled and only if we're not doing table indirect or indirect addressing */ s->dbms = read_dword(s, s->dsp); s->dsp += 4; s->ia = s->dsp - 12; } if ((s->sstat1 & PHASE_MASK) != ((insn >> 24) & 7)) { trace_lsi_execute_script_blockmove_badphase( scsi_phase_name(s->sstat1), scsi_phase_name(insn >> 24)); lsi_script_scsi_interrupt(s, LSI_SIST0_MA, 0); break; } s->dnad = addr; s->dnad64 = addr_high; switch (s->sstat1 & 0x7) { case PHASE_DO: s->waiting = LSI_DMA_SCRIPTS; lsi_do_dma(s, 1); if (s->waiting) s->waiting = LSI_DMA_IN_PROGRESS; break; case PHASE_DI: s->waiting = LSI_DMA_SCRIPTS; lsi_do_dma(s, 0); if (s->waiting) s->waiting = LSI_DMA_IN_PROGRESS; break; case PHASE_CMD: lsi_do_command(s); break; case PHASE_ST: lsi_do_status(s); break; case PHASE_MO: lsi_do_msgout(s); break; case PHASE_MI: lsi_do_msgin(s); break; default: qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP, "lsi_scsi: Unimplemented phase %s\n", scsi_phase_name(s->sstat1)); } s->dfifo = s->dbc & 0xff; s->ctest5 = (s->ctest5 & 0xfc) | ((s->dbc >> 8) & 3); s->sbc = s->dbc; s->rbc -= s->dbc; s->ua = addr + s->dbc; break; case 1: /* IO or Read/Write instruction. */ opcode = (insn >> 27) & 7; if (opcode < 5) { uint32_t id; if (insn & (1 << 25)) { id = read_dword(s, s->dsa + sextract32(insn, 0, 24)); } else { id = insn; } id = (id >> 16) & 0xf; if (insn & (1 << 26)) { addr = s->dsp + sextract32(addr, 0, 24); } s->dnad = addr; switch (opcode) { case 0: /* Select */ s->sdid = id; if (s->scntl1 & LSI_SCNTL1_CON) { trace_lsi_execute_script_io_alreadyreselected(); s->dsp = s->dnad; break; } s->sstat0 |= LSI_SSTAT0_WOA; s->scntl1 &= ~LSI_SCNTL1_IARB; if (!scsi_device_find(&s->bus, 0, id, 0)) { lsi_bad_selection(s, id); break; } trace_lsi_execute_script_io_selected(id, insn & (1 << 3) ? " ATN" : ""); /* ??? Linux drivers compain when this is set. Maybe it only applies in low-level mode (unimplemented). lsi_script_scsi_interrupt(s, LSI_SIST0_CMP, 0); */ s->select_tag = id << 8; s->scntl1 |= LSI_SCNTL1_CON; if (insn & (1 << 3)) { s->socl |= LSI_SOCL_ATN; s->sbcl |= LSI_SBCL_ATN; } s->sbcl |= LSI_SBCL_BSY; lsi_set_phase(s, PHASE_MO); s->waiting = LSI_NOWAIT; break; case 1: /* Disconnect */ trace_lsi_execute_script_io_disconnect(); s->scntl1 &= ~LSI_SCNTL1_CON; /* FIXME: this is not entirely correct; the target need not ask * for reselection until it has to send data, while here we force a * reselection as soon as the bus is free. The correct flow would * reselect before lsi_transfer_data and disconnect as soon as * DMA ends. */ if (!s->current) { lsi_request *p = get_pending_req(s); if (p) { lsi_reselect(s, p); } } break; case 2: /* Wait Reselect */ if (s->istat0 & LSI_ISTAT0_SIGP) { s->dsp = s->dnad; } else if (!lsi_irq_on_rsl(s)) { lsi_wait_reselect(s); } break; case 3: /* Set */ trace_lsi_execute_script_io_set( insn & (1 << 3) ? " ATN" : "", insn & (1 << 6) ? " ACK" : "", insn & (1 << 9) ? " TM" : "", insn & (1 << 10) ? " CC" : ""); if (insn & (1 << 3)) { s->socl |= LSI_SOCL_ATN; s->sbcl |= LSI_SBCL_ATN; lsi_set_phase(s, PHASE_MO); } if (insn & (1 << 6)) { s->sbcl |= LSI_SBCL_ACK; } if (insn & (1 << 9)) { qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP, "lsi_scsi: Target mode not implemented\n"); } if (insn & (1 << 10)) s->carry = 1; break; case 4: /* Clear */ trace_lsi_execute_script_io_clear( insn & (1 << 3) ? " ATN" : "", insn & (1 << 6) ? " ACK" : "", insn & (1 << 9) ? " TM" : "", insn & (1 << 10) ? " CC" : ""); if (insn & (1 << 3)) { s->socl &= ~LSI_SOCL_ATN; s->sbcl &= ~LSI_SBCL_ATN; } if (insn & (1 << 6)) { s->sbcl &= ~LSI_SBCL_ACK; } if (insn & (1 << 10)) s->carry = 0; break; } } else { uint8_t op0; uint8_t op1; uint8_t data8; int reg; int operator; static const char *opcode_names[3] = {"Write", "Read", "Read-Modify-Write"}; static const char *operator_names[8] = {"MOV", "SHL", "OR", "XOR", "AND", "SHR", "ADD", "ADC"}; reg = ((insn >> 16) & 0x7f) | (insn & 0x80); data8 = (insn >> 8) & 0xff; opcode = (insn >> 27) & 7; operator = (insn >> 24) & 7; trace_lsi_execute_script_io_opcode( opcode_names[opcode - 5], reg, operator_names[operator], data8, s->sfbr, (insn & (1 << 23)) ? " SFBR" : ""); op0 = op1 = 0; switch (opcode) { case 5: /* From SFBR */ op0 = s->sfbr; op1 = data8; break; case 6: /* To SFBR */ if (operator) op0 = lsi_reg_readb(s, reg); op1 = data8; break; case 7: /* Read-modify-write */ if (operator) op0 = lsi_reg_readb(s, reg); if (insn & (1 << 23)) { op1 = s->sfbr; } else { op1 = data8; } break; } switch (operator) { case 0: /* move */ op0 = op1; break; case 1: /* Shift left */ op1 = op0 >> 7; op0 = (op0 << 1) | s->carry; s->carry = op1; break; case 2: /* OR */ op0 |= op1; break; case 3: /* XOR */ op0 ^= op1; break; case 4: /* AND */ op0 &= op1; break; case 5: /* SHR */ op1 = op0 & 1; op0 = (op0 >> 1) | (s->carry << 7); s->carry = op1; break; case 6: /* ADD */ op0 += op1; s->carry = op0 < op1; break; case 7: /* ADC */ op0 += op1 + s->carry; if (s->carry) s->carry = op0 <= op1; else s->carry = op0 < op1; break; } switch (opcode) { case 5: /* From SFBR */ case 7: /* Read-modify-write */ lsi_reg_writeb(s, reg, op0); break; case 6: /* To SFBR */ s->sfbr = op0; break; } } break; case 2: /* Transfer Control. */ { int cond; int jmp; if ((insn & 0x002e0000) == 0) { trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_nop(); break; } if (s->sist1 & LSI_SIST1_STO) { trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_delayedselect_timeout(); lsi_stop_script(s); break; } cond = jmp = (insn & (1 << 19)) != 0; if (cond == jmp && (insn & (1 << 21))) { trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_compc(s->carry == jmp); cond = s->carry != 0; } if (cond == jmp && (insn & (1 << 17))) { trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_compp(scsi_phase_name(s->sstat1), jmp ? '=' : '!', scsi_phase_name(insn >> 24)); cond = (s->sstat1 & PHASE_MASK) == ((insn >> 24) & 7); } if (cond == jmp && (insn & (1 << 18))) { uint8_t mask; mask = (~insn >> 8) & 0xff; trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_compd( s->sfbr, mask, jmp ? '=' : '!', insn & mask); cond = (s->sfbr & mask) == (insn & mask); } if (cond == jmp) { if (insn & (1 << 23)) { /* Relative address. */ addr = s->dsp + sextract32(addr, 0, 24); } switch ((insn >> 27) & 7) { case 0: /* Jump */ trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_jump(addr); s->adder = addr; s->dsp = addr; break; case 1: /* Call */ trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_call(addr); s->temp = s->dsp; s->dsp = addr; break; case 2: /* Return */ trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_return(s->temp); s->dsp = s->temp; break; case 3: /* Interrupt */ trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_interrupt(s->dsps); if ((insn & (1 << 20)) != 0) { s->istat0 |= LSI_ISTAT0_INTF; lsi_update_irq(s); } else { lsi_script_dma_interrupt(s, LSI_DSTAT_SIR); } break; default: trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_illegal(); lsi_script_dma_interrupt(s, LSI_DSTAT_IID); break; } } else { trace_lsi_execute_script_tc_cc_failed(); } } break; case 3: if ((insn & (1 << 29)) == 0) { /* Memory move. */ uint32_t dest; /* ??? The docs imply the destination address is loaded into the TEMP register. However the Linux drivers rely on the value being presrved. */ dest = read_dword(s, s->dsp); s->dsp += 4; lsi_memcpy(s, dest, addr, insn & 0xffffff); } else { uint8_t data[7]; int reg; int n; int i; if (insn & (1 << 28)) { addr = s->dsa + sextract32(addr, 0, 24); } n = (insn & 7); reg = (insn >> 16) & 0xff; if (insn & (1 << 24)) { pci_dma_read(pci_dev, addr, data, n); trace_lsi_execute_script_mm_load(reg, n, addr, *(int *)data); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { lsi_reg_writeb(s, reg + i, data[i]); } } else { trace_lsi_execute_script_mm_store(reg, n, addr); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { data[i] = lsi_reg_readb(s, reg + i); } pci_dma_write(pci_dev, addr, data, n); } } } if (insn_processed > 10000 && s->waiting == LSI_NOWAIT) { /* Some windows drivers make the device spin waiting for a memory location to change. If we have been executed a lot of code then assume this is the case and force an unexpected device disconnect. This is apparently sufficient to beat the drivers into submission. */ if (!(s->sien0 & LSI_SIST0_UDC)) { qemu_log_mask(LOG_GUEST_ERROR, "lsi_scsi: inf. loop with UDC masked"); } lsi_script_scsi_interrupt(s, LSI_SIST0_UDC, 0); lsi_disconnect(s); } else if (s->istat1 & LSI_ISTAT1_SRUN && s->waiting == LSI_NOWAIT) { if (s->dcntl & LSI_DCNTL_SSM) { } } }
[ "CWE-835" ]
In QEMU 1:4.1-1, 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u6, 1:2.8+dfsg-6+deb9u8, 1:3.1+dfsg-8~deb10u1, 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2, and 1:2.1+dfsg-12+deb8u12 (fixed), when executing script in lsi_execute_script(), the LSI scsi adapter emulator advances 's->dsp' index to read next opcode. This can lead to an infinite loop if the next opcode is empty. Move the existing loop exit after 10k iterations so that it covers no-op opcodes as well.
qga: set umask 0077 when daemonizing (CVE-2013-2007) The qemu guest agent creates a bunch of files with insecure permissions when started in daemon mode. For example: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root /var/log/qemu-ga.log -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root /var/run/qga.state -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root /var/log/qga-fsfreeze-hook.log In addition, at least all files created with the "guest-file-open" QMP command, and all files created with shell output redirection (or otherwise) by utilities invoked by the fsfreeze hook script are affected. For now mask all file mode bits for "group" and "others" in become_daemon(). Temporarily, for compatibility reasons, stick with the 0666 file-mode in case of files newly created by the "guest-file-open" QMP call. Do so without changing the umask temporarily. Signed-off-by: Laszlo Ersek <> Signed-off-by: Anthony Liguori <>
static void become_daemon(const char *pidfile) { #ifndef _WIN32 pid_t pid, sid; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (pid > 0) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (pidfile) { if (!ga_open_pidfile(pidfile)) { g_critical("failed to create pidfile"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } umask(0); sid = setsid(); if (sid < 0) { goto fail; } if ((chdir("/")) < 0) { goto fail; } reopen_fd_to_null(STDIN_FILENO); reopen_fd_to_null(STDOUT_FILENO); reopen_fd_to_null(STDERR_FILENO); return; fail: if (pidfile) { unlink(pidfile); } g_critical("failed to daemonize"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif }
[ "CWE-264" ]
The qemu guest agent in Qemu 1.4.1 and earlier, as used by Xen, when started in daemon mode, uses weak permissions for certain files, which allows local users to read and write to these files.
xmlDocPtr soap_xmlParseFile(const char *filename TSRMLS_DC) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlDocPtr ret; zend_bool old_allow_url_fopen; /* xmlInitParser(); */ old_allow_url_fopen = PG(allow_url_fopen); PG(allow_url_fopen) = 1; ctxt = xmlCreateFileParserCtxt(filename); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; if (ctxt) { ctxt->keepBlanks = 0; ctxt->options -= XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD; ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace = soap_ignorableWhitespace; ctxt->sax->comment = soap_Comment; ctxt->sax->warning = NULL; ctxt->sax->error = NULL; /*ctxt->sax->fatalError = NULL;*/ xmlParseDocument(ctxt); if (ctxt->wellFormed) { ret = ctxt->myDoc; if (ret->URL == NULL && ctxt->directory != NULL) { ret->URL = xmlCharStrdup(ctxt->directory); } } else { ret = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL; } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); } else { ret = NULL; } /* xmlCleanupParser(); */ if (ret) { cleanup_xml_node((xmlNodePtr)ret); } return ret; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.12 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions.
xmlDocPtr soap_xmlParseMemory(const void *buf, size_t buf_size) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlDocPtr ret; /* xmlInitParser(); */ ctxt = xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(buf, buf_size); if (ctxt) { ctxt->options -= XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD; ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace = soap_ignorableWhitespace; ctxt->sax->comment = soap_Comment; ctxt->sax->warning = NULL; ctxt->sax->error = NULL; /*ctxt->sax->fatalError = NULL;*/ #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20703 ctxt->options |= XML_PARSE_HUGE; #endif xmlParseDocument(ctxt); if (ctxt->wellFormed) { ret = ctxt->myDoc; if (ret->URL == NULL && ctxt->directory != NULL) { ret->URL = xmlCharStrdup(ctxt->directory); } } else { ret = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL; } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); } else { ret = NULL; } /* xmlCleanupParser(); */ /* if (ret) { cleanup_xml_node((xmlNodePtr)ret); } */ return ret; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.12 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions.
xmlDocPtr soap_xmlParseFile(const char *filename TSRMLS_DC) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlDocPtr ret; zend_bool old_allow_url_fopen; /* xmlInitParser(); */ old_allow_url_fopen = PG(allow_url_fopen); PG(allow_url_fopen) = 1; ctxt = xmlCreateFileParserCtxt(filename); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; if (ctxt) { ctxt->keepBlanks = 0; ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace = soap_ignorableWhitespace; ctxt->sax->comment = soap_Comment; ctxt->sax->warning = NULL; /*ctxt->sax->fatalError = NULL;*/ xmlParseDocument(ctxt); if (ctxt->wellFormed) { ret = ctxt->myDoc; if (ret->URL == NULL && ctxt->directory != NULL) { ret->URL = xmlCharStrdup(ctxt->directory); } } else { ret = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL; } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); } else { ret = NULL; } /* xmlCleanupParser(); */ if (ret) { cleanup_xml_node((xmlNodePtr)ret); } return ret; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.12 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions.
xmlDocPtr soap_xmlParseMemory(const void *buf, size_t buf_size) { xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = NULL; xmlDocPtr ret; /* xmlInitParser(); */ */ ctxt = xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(buf, buf_size); if (ctxt) { ctxt->sax->ignorableWhitespace = soap_ignorableWhitespace; ctxt->sax->comment = soap_Comment; ctxt->sax->warning = NULL; #if LIBXML_VERSION >= 20703 ctxt->options |= XML_PARSE_HUGE; #endif xmlParseDocument(ctxt); if (ctxt->wellFormed) { ret = ctxt->myDoc; if (ret->URL == NULL && ctxt->directory != NULL) { ret->URL = xmlCharStrdup(ctxt->directory); } } else { ret = NULL; xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL; } xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); } else { ret = NULL; } /* xmlCleanupParser(); */ /* if (ret) { cleanup_xml_node((xmlNodePtr)ret); } */ return ret; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.22 and 5.4.x before 5.4.12 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions.
static PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(libxml) { libxml_globals->stream_context = NULL; libxml_globals->error_buffer.c = NULL; libxml_globals->error_list = NULL; }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The SOAP parser in PHP before 5.3.23 and 5.4.x before 5.4.13 allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via a SOAP WSDL file containing an XML external entity declaration in conjunction with an entity reference, related to an XML External Entity (XXE) issue in the soap_xmlParseFile and soap_xmlParseMemory functions. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incorrect fix for CVE-2013-1824.
Fixed out of boundary write (CVE-2018-14600). The length value is interpreted as signed char on many systems (depending on default signedness of char), which can lead to an out of boundary write up to 128 bytes in front of the allocated storage, but limited to NUL byte(s). Casting the length value to unsigned char fixes the problem and allows string values with up to 255 characters. Signed-off-by: Tobias Stoeckmann <>
char **XListExtensions( register Display *dpy, int *nextensions) /* RETURN */ { xListExtensionsReply rep; char **list = NULL; char *ch = NULL; char *chend; int count = 0; register unsigned i; register int length; _X_UNUSED register xReq *req; unsigned long rlen = 0; LockDisplay(dpy); GetEmptyReq (ListExtensions, req); if (! _XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &rep, 0, xFalse)) { UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } if (rep.nExtensions) { list = Xmalloc (rep.nExtensions * sizeof (char *)); if (rep.length > 0 && rep.length < (INT_MAX >> 2)) { rlen = rep.length << 2; ch = Xmalloc (rlen + 1); /* +1 to leave room for last null-terminator */ } if ((!list) || (!ch)) { Xfree(list); Xfree(ch); _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length); UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } _XReadPad (dpy, ch, rlen); /* * unpack into null terminated strings. */ chend = ch + rlen; length = *ch; for (i = 0; i < rep.nExtensions; i++) { if (ch + length < chend) { list[i] = ch+1; /* skip over length */ ch += length + 1; /* find next length ... */ length = *ch; *ch = '\0'; /* and replace with null-termination */ count++; } else list[i] = NULL; } } *nextensions = count; UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (list); }
[ "CWE-787" ]
An issue was discovered in libX11 through 1.6.5. The function XListExtensions in ListExt.c interprets a variable as signed instead of unsigned, resulting in an out-of-bounds write (of up to 128 bytes), leading to DoS or remote code execution.
PHP_FUNCTION(move_uploaded_file) { char *path, *new_path; int path_len, new_path_len; zend_bool successful = 0; #ifndef PHP_WIN32 int oldmask; int ret; #endif if (!SG(rfc1867_uploaded_files)) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss", &path, &path_len, &new_path, &new_path_len) == FAILURE) { return; } if (!zend_hash_exists(SG(rfc1867_uploaded_files), path, path_len + 1)) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (php_check_open_basedir(new_path TSRMLS_CC)) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (VCWD_RENAME(path, new_path) == 0) { successful = 1; #ifndef PHP_WIN32 oldmask = umask(077); umask(oldmask); ret = VCWD_CHMOD(new_path, 0666 & ~oldmask); if (ret == -1) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "%s", strerror(errno)); } #endif } else if (php_copy_file_ex(path, new_path, STREAM_DISABLE_OPEN_BASEDIR TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { VCWD_UNLINK(path); successful = 1; } if (successful) { zend_hash_del(SG(rfc1867_uploaded_files), path, path_len + 1); } else { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unable to move '%s' to '%s'", path, new_path); } RETURN_BOOL(successful); }
[ "CWE-264" ]
The move_uploaded_file implementation in ext/standard/basic_functions.c in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 truncates a pathname upon encountering a \x00 character, which allows remote attackers to bypass intended extension restrictions and create files with unexpected names via a crafted second argument. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2006-7243.
_zip_cdir_new(int nentry, struct zip_error *error) { struct zip_cdir *cd; if ((cd=(struct zip_cdir *)malloc(sizeof(*cd))) == NULL) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return NULL; } if ((cd->entry=(struct zip_dirent *)malloc(sizeof(*(cd->entry))*nentry)) == NULL) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); free(cd); return NULL; } /* entries must be initialized by caller */ cd->nentry = nentry; cd->size = cd->offset = 0; cd->comment = NULL; cd->comment_len = 0; return cd; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Integer overflow in the _zip_cdir_new function in zip_dirent.c in libzip 0.11.2 and earlier, as used in the ZIP extension in PHP before 5.4.39, 5.5.x before 5.5.23, and 5.6.x before 5.6.7 and other products, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a ZIP archive that contains many entries, leading to a heap-based buffer overflow.
PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_seal) { zval *pubkeys, *pubkey, *sealdata, *ekeys, *iv = NULL; HashTable *pubkeysht; EVP_PKEY **pkeys; zend_resource ** key_resources; /* so we know what to cleanup */ int i, len1, len2, *eksl, nkeys, iv_len; unsigned char iv_buf[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH + 1], *buf = NULL, **eks; char * data; size_t data_len; char *method =NULL; size_t method_len = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sz/z/a/|sz/", &data, &data_len, &sealdata, &ekeys, &pubkeys, &method, &method_len, &iv) == FAILURE) { return; } pubkeysht = Z_ARRVAL_P(pubkeys); nkeys = pubkeysht ? zend_hash_num_elements(pubkeysht) : 0; if (!nkeys) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Fourth argument to openssl_seal() must be a non-empty array"); RETURN_FALSE; } PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_SIZE_T_TO_INT(data_len, data); if (method) { cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname(method); if (!cipher) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unknown signature algorithm."); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { cipher = EVP_rc4(); } iv_len = EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher); if (!iv && iv_len > 0) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cipher algorithm requires an IV to be supplied as a sixth parameter"); RETURN_FALSE; } pkeys = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*pkeys), 0); eksl = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eksl), 0); eks = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eks), 0); memset(eks, 0, sizeof(*eks) * nkeys); key_resources = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(zend_resource*), 0); memset(key_resources, 0, sizeof(zend_resource*) * nkeys); memset(pkeys, 0, sizeof(*pkeys) * nkeys); /* get the public keys we are using to seal this data */ i = 0; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(pubkeysht, pubkey) { pkeys[i] = php_openssl_evp_from_zval(pubkey, 1, NULL, 0, 0, &key_resources[i]); if (pkeys[i] == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "not a public key (%dth member of pubkeys)", i+1); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } eks[i] = emalloc(EVP_PKEY_size(pkeys[i]) + 1); i++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (ctx == NULL || !EVP_EncryptInit(ctx,cipher,NULL,NULL)) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } /* allocate one byte extra to make room for \0 */ buf = emalloc(data_len + EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(ctx); if (!EVP_SealInit(ctx, cipher, eks, eksl, &iv_buf[0], pkeys, nkeys) || !EVP_SealUpdate(ctx, buf, &len1, (unsigned char *)data, (int)data_len) || !EVP_SealFinal(ctx, buf + len1, &len2)) { RETVAL_FALSE; efree(buf); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); goto clean_exit; } if (len1 + len2 > 0) { zval_dtor(sealdata); ZVAL_NEW_STR(sealdata, zend_string_init((char*)buf, len1 + len2, 0)); efree(buf); zval_dtor(ekeys); array_init(ekeys); for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { eks[i][eksl[i]] = '\0'; add_next_index_stringl(ekeys, (const char*)eks[i], eksl[i]); efree(eks[i]); eks[i] = NULL; } if (iv) { zval_dtor(iv); iv_buf[iv_len] = '\0'; ZVAL_NEW_STR(iv, zend_string_init((char*)iv_buf, iv_len, 0)); } } else { efree(buf); } RETVAL_LONG(len1 + len2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); clean_exit: for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { if (key_resources[i] == NULL && pkeys[i] != NULL) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkeys[i]); } if (eks[i]) { efree(eks[i]); } } efree(eks); efree(eksl); efree(pkeys); efree(key_resources); }
[ "CWE-754" ]
In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, the openssl extension PEM sealing code did not check the return value of the OpenSSL sealing function, which could lead to a crash of the PHP interpreter, related to an interpretation conflict for a negative number in ext/openssl/openssl.c, and an OpenSSL documentation omission.
PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_seal) { zval *pubkeys, *pubkey, *sealdata, *ekeys, *iv = NULL; HashTable *pubkeysht; EVP_PKEY **pkeys; zend_resource ** key_resources; /* so we know what to cleanup */ int i, len1, len2, *eksl, nkeys, iv_len; unsigned char iv_buf[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH + 1], *buf = NULL, **eks; char * data; size_t data_len; char *method =NULL; size_t method_len = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sz/z/a/|sz/", &data, &data_len, &sealdata, &ekeys, &pubkeys, &method, &method_len, &iv) == FAILURE) { return; } pubkeysht = Z_ARRVAL_P(pubkeys); nkeys = pubkeysht ? zend_hash_num_elements(pubkeysht) : 0; if (!nkeys) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Fourth argument to openssl_seal() must be a non-empty array"); RETURN_FALSE; } PHP_OPENSSL_CHECK_SIZE_T_TO_INT(data_len, data); if (method) { cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname(method); if (!cipher) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unknown signature algorithm."); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { cipher = EVP_rc4(); } iv_len = EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher); if (!iv && iv_len > 0) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cipher algorithm requires an IV to be supplied as a sixth parameter"); RETURN_FALSE; } pkeys = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*pkeys), 0); eksl = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eksl), 0); eks = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eks), 0); memset(eks, 0, sizeof(*eks) * nkeys); key_resources = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(zend_resource*), 0); memset(key_resources, 0, sizeof(zend_resource*) * nkeys); memset(pkeys, 0, sizeof(*pkeys) * nkeys); /* get the public keys we are using to seal this data */ i = 0; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(pubkeysht, pubkey) { pkeys[i] = php_openssl_evp_from_zval(pubkey, 1, NULL, 0, 0, &key_resources[i]); if (pkeys[i] == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "not a public key (%dth member of pubkeys)", i+1); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } eks[i] = emalloc(EVP_PKEY_size(pkeys[i]) + 1); i++; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (ctx == NULL || !EVP_EncryptInit(ctx,cipher,NULL,NULL)) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); php_openssl_store_errors(); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } /* allocate one byte extra to make room for \0 */ buf = emalloc(data_len + EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(ctx)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(ctx); if (!EVP_SealInit(ctx, cipher, eks, eksl, &iv_buf[0], pkeys, nkeys) || !EVP_SealUpdate(ctx, buf, &len1, (unsigned char *)data, (int)data_len) || !EVP_SealFinal(ctx, buf + len1, &len2)) { efree(buf); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); php_openssl_store_errors(); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } if (len1 + len2 > 0) { zval_dtor(sealdata); ZVAL_NEW_STR(sealdata, zend_string_init((char*)buf, len1 + len2, 0)); efree(buf); zval_dtor(ekeys); array_init(ekeys); for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { eks[i][eksl[i]] = '\0'; add_next_index_stringl(ekeys, (const char*)eks[i], eksl[i]); efree(eks[i]); eks[i] = NULL; } if (iv) { zval_dtor(iv); iv_buf[iv_len] = '\0'; ZVAL_NEW_STR(iv, zend_string_init((char*)iv_buf, iv_len, 0)); } } else { efree(buf); } RETVAL_LONG(len1 + len2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); clean_exit: for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { if (key_resources[i] == NULL && pkeys[i] != NULL) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkeys[i]); } if (eks[i]) { efree(eks[i]); } } efree(eks); efree(eksl); efree(pkeys); efree(key_resources); }
[ "CWE-754" ]
In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, the openssl extension PEM sealing code did not check the return value of the OpenSSL sealing function, which could lead to a crash of the PHP interpreter, related to an interpretation conflict for a negative number in ext/openssl/openssl.c, and an OpenSSL documentation omission.
PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_seal) { zval *pubkeys, **pubkey, *sealdata, *ekeys; HashTable *pubkeysht; HashPosition pos; EVP_PKEY **pkeys; long * key_resources; /* so we know what to cleanup */ int i, len1, len2, *eksl, nkeys; unsigned char *buf = NULL, **eks; char * data; int data_len; char *method =NULL; int method_len = 0; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher; EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "szza/|s", &data, &data_len, &sealdata, &ekeys, &pubkeys, &method, &method_len) == FAILURE) { return; } pubkeysht = HASH_OF(pubkeys); nkeys = pubkeysht ? zend_hash_num_elements(pubkeysht) : 0; if (!nkeys) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Fourth argument to openssl_seal() must be a non-empty array"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (method) { cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname(method); if (!cipher) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unknown signature algorithm."); RETURN_FALSE; } if (EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher) > 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Ciphers with modes requiring IV are not supported"); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { cipher = EVP_rc4(); } pkeys = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*pkeys), 0); eksl = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eksl), 0); eks = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(*eks), 0); memset(eks, 0, sizeof(*eks) * nkeys); key_resources = safe_emalloc(nkeys, sizeof(long), 0); memset(key_resources, 0, sizeof(*key_resources) * nkeys); /* get the public keys we are using to seal this data */ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(pubkeysht, &pos); i = 0; while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(pubkeysht, (void **) &pubkey, &pos) == SUCCESS) { pkeys[i] = php_openssl_evp_from_zval(pubkey, 1, NULL, 0, &key_resources[i] TSRMLS_CC); if (pkeys[i] == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "not a public key (%dth member of pubkeys)", i+1); RETVAL_FALSE; goto clean_exit; } eks[i] = emalloc(EVP_PKEY_size(pkeys[i]) + 1); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(pubkeysht, &pos); i++; } if (!EVP_EncryptInit(&ctx,cipher,NULL,NULL)) { RETVAL_FALSE; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); goto clean_exit; } #if 0 /* Need this if allow ciphers that require initialization vector */ ivlen = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(&ctx); iv = ivlen ? emalloc(ivlen + 1) : NULL; #endif /* allocate one byte extra to make room for \0 */ buf = emalloc(data_len + EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(&ctx)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); if (!EVP_SealInit(&ctx, cipher, eks, eksl, NULL, pkeys, nkeys) || !EVP_SealUpdate(&ctx, buf, &len1, (unsigned char *)data, data_len)) { RETVAL_FALSE; efree(buf); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); goto clean_exit; } EVP_SealFinal(&ctx, buf + len1, &len2); if (len1 + len2 > 0) { zval_dtor(sealdata); buf[len1 + len2] = '\0'; buf = erealloc(buf, len1 + len2 + 1); ZVAL_STRINGL(sealdata, (char *)buf, len1 + len2, 0); zval_dtor(ekeys); array_init(ekeys); for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { eks[i][eksl[i]] = '\0'; add_next_index_stringl(ekeys, erealloc(eks[i], eksl[i] + 1), eksl[i], 0); eks[i] = NULL; } #if 0 /* If allow ciphers that need IV, we need this */ zval_dtor(*ivec); if (ivlen) { iv[ivlen] = '\0'; ZVAL_STRINGL(*ivec, erealloc(iv, ivlen + 1), ivlen, 0); } else { ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(*ivec); } #endif } else { efree(buf); } RETVAL_LONG(len1 + len2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&ctx); clean_exit: for (i=0; i<nkeys; i++) { if (key_resources[i] == -1) { EVP_PKEY_free(pkeys[i]); } if (eks[i]) { efree(eks[i]); } } efree(eks); efree(eksl); efree(pkeys); efree(key_resources); }
[ "CWE-754" ]
In PHP before 5.6.31, 7.x before 7.0.21, and 7.1.x before 7.1.7, the openssl extension PEM sealing code did not check the return value of the OpenSSL sealing function, which could lead to a crash of the PHP interpreter, related to an interpretation conflict for a negative number in ext/openssl/openssl.c, and an OpenSSL documentation omission.
static void php_wddx_push_element(void *user_data, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts) { st_entry ent; wddx_stack *stack = (wddx_stack *)user_data; if (!strcmp(name, EL_PACKET)) { int i; if (atts) for (i=0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], EL_VERSION)) { /* nothing for now */ } } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_STRING)) { ent.type = ST_STRING; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; Z_TYPE_P( = IS_STRING; Z_STRVAL_P( = STR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); Z_STRLEN_P( = 0; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_BINARY)) { ent.type = ST_BINARY; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; Z_TYPE_P( = IS_STRING; Z_STRVAL_P( = STR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); Z_STRLEN_P( = 0; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_CHAR)) { int i; if (atts) for (i = 0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], EL_CHAR_CODE) && atts[i+1] && atts[i+1][0]) { char tmp_buf[2]; snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%c", (char)strtol(atts[i+1], NULL, 16)); php_wddx_process_data(user_data, tmp_buf, strlen(tmp_buf)); break; } } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_NUMBER)) { ent.type = ST_NUMBER; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; Z_TYPE_P( = IS_LONG; Z_LVAL_P( = 0; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_BOOLEAN)) { int i; if (atts) for (i = 0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], EL_VALUE) && atts[i+1] && atts[i+1][0]) { ent.type = ST_BOOLEAN; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; Z_TYPE_P( = IS_BOOL; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); php_wddx_process_data(user_data, atts[i+1], strlen(atts[i+1])); break; } } else { ent.type = ST_BOOLEAN; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ZVAL_FALSE(&; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_NULL)) { wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_NULL)) { ent.type = ST_NULL; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; ZVAL_NULL(; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_ARRAY)) { ent.type = ST_ARRAY; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; array_init(; INIT_PZVAL(; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_STRUCT)) { ent.type = ST_STRUCT; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; array_init(; INIT_PZVAL(; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_VAR)) { int i; if (atts) for (i = 0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], EL_NAME) && atts[i+1] && atts[i+1][0]) { if (stack->varname) efree(stack->varname); stack->varname = estrdup(atts[i+1]); break; } } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_RECORDSET)) { int i; ent.type = ST_RECORDSET; SET_STACK_VARNAME; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(; array_init(; if (atts) for (i = 0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], "fieldNames") && atts[i+1] && atts[i+1][0]) { zval *tmp; char *key; char *p1, *p2, *endp; i++; endp = (char *)atts[i] + strlen(atts[i]); p1 = (char *)atts[i]; while ((p2 = php_memnstr(p1, ",", sizeof(",")-1, endp)) != NULL) { key = estrndup(p1, p2 - p1); MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); array_init(tmp); add_assoc_zval_ex(, key, p2 - p1 + 1, tmp); p1 = p2 + sizeof(",")-1; efree(key); } if (p1 <= endp) { MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); array_init(tmp); add_assoc_zval_ex(, p1, endp - p1 + 1, tmp); } break; } } wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_FIELD)) { int i; st_entry ent; ent.type = ST_FIELD; ent.varname = NULL; = NULL; if (atts) for (i = 0; atts[i]; i++) { if (!strcmp(atts[i], EL_NAME) && atts[i+1] && atts[i+1][0]) { st_entry *recordset; zval **field; if (wddx_stack_top(stack, (void**)&recordset) == SUCCESS && recordset->type == ST_RECORDSET && zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(recordset->data), (char*)atts[i+1], strlen(atts[i+1])+1, (void**)&field) == SUCCESS) { = *field; } break; } } wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_DATETIME)) { ent.type = ST_DATETIME; SET_STACK_VARNAME; ALLOC_ZVAL(; INIT_PZVAL(; Z_TYPE_P( = IS_LONG; wddx_stack_push((wddx_stack *)stack, &ent, sizeof(st_entry)); }
[ "CWE-502" ]
In PHP before 5.6.31, an invalid free in the WDDX deserialization of boolean parameters could be used by attackers able to inject XML for deserialization to crash the PHP interpreter, related to an invalid free for an empty boolean element in ext/wddx/wddx.c.
Fix for security advisory TKADV2009-0xx Fix potential buffer overflows while reading quicktime headers. Security issue noticed by Tobias Klein.
qtdemux_parse_samples (GstQTDemux * qtdemux, QtDemuxStream * stream, GNode * stbl) { int offset; GNode *stsc; GNode *stsz; GNode *stco; GNode *co64; GNode *stts; GNode *stss; GNode *ctts; const guint8 *stsc_data, *stsz_data, *stco_data; int sample_size; int sample_index; int n_samples; int n_samples_per_chunk; int n_sample_times; QtDemuxSample *samples; gint i, j, k; int index; guint64 timestamp, time; /* sample to chunk */ if (!(stsc = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_stsc))) goto corrupt_file; stsc_data = (const guint8 *) stsc->data; /* sample size */ if (!(stsz = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_stsz))) goto corrupt_file; stsz_data = (const guint8 *) stsz->data; /* chunk offsets */ stco = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_stco); co64 = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_co64); if (stco) { stco_data = (const guint8 *) stco->data; } else { stco_data = NULL; if (co64 == NULL) goto corrupt_file; } /* sample time */ if (!(stts = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_stts))) goto corrupt_file; /* sample sync, can be NULL */ stss = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_stss); sample_size = QT_UINT32 (stsz_data + 12); if (sample_size == 0 || stream->sampled) { n_samples = QT_UINT32 (stsz_data + 16); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "stsz sample_size 0, allocating n_samples %d", n_samples); stream->n_samples = n_samples; samples = g_new0 (QtDemuxSample, n_samples); stream->samples = samples; for (i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) { if (sample_size == 0) samples[i].size = QT_UINT32 (stsz_data + i * 4 + 20); else samples[i].size = sample_size; GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "sample %d has size %d", i, samples[i].size); /* init other fields to defaults for this sample */ samples[i].keyframe = FALSE; } n_samples_per_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 12); index = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_samples_per_chunk; i++) { guint32 first_chunk, last_chunk; guint32 samples_per_chunk; first_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 0) - 1; if (i == n_samples_per_chunk - 1) { last_chunk = G_MAXUINT32; } else { last_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 12) - 1; } samples_per_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 4); for (j = first_chunk; j < last_chunk; j++) { guint64 chunk_offset; if (stco) { chunk_offset = QT_UINT32 (stco_data + 16 + j * 4); } else { chunk_offset = QT_UINT64 ((guint8 *) co64->data + 16 + j * 8); } for (k = 0; k < samples_per_chunk; k++) { GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "Creating entry %d with offset %lld", index, chunk_offset); samples[index].chunk = j; samples[index].offset = chunk_offset; chunk_offset += samples[index].size; index++; if (index >= n_samples) goto done2; } } } done2: n_sample_times = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) stts->data + 12); timestamp = 0; stream->min_duration = 0; time = 0; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_sample_times; i++) { guint32 n; guint32 duration; n = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) stts->data + 16 + 8 * i); duration = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) stts->data + 16 + 8 * i + 4); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "sample %d: timestamp %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, index, GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp)); samples[index].timestamp = timestamp; /* take first duration for fps */ if (stream->min_duration == 0) stream->min_duration = duration; /* add non-scaled values to avoid rounding errors */ time += duration; timestamp = gst_util_uint64_scale (time, GST_SECOND, stream->timescale); samples[index].duration = timestamp - samples[index].timestamp; index++; } } if (stss) { /* mark keyframes */ guint32 n_sample_syncs; n_sample_syncs = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) stss->data + 12); if (n_sample_syncs == 0) { stream->all_keyframe = TRUE; } else { offset = 16; for (i = 0; i < n_sample_syncs; i++) { /* note that the first sample is index 1, not 0 */ index = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) stss->data + offset); if (index > 0) { samples[index - 1].keyframe = TRUE; offset += 4; } } } } else { /* no stss, all samples are keyframes */ stream->all_keyframe = TRUE; } } else { GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "stsz sample_size %d != 0, treating chunks as samples", sample_size); /* treat chunks as samples */ if (stco) { n_samples = QT_UINT32 (stco_data + 12); } else { n_samples = QT_UINT32 ((guint8 *) co64->data + 12); } stream->n_samples = n_samples; GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "allocating n_samples %d", n_samples); samples = g_new0 (QtDemuxSample, n_samples); stream->samples = samples; n_samples_per_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 12); GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "n_samples_per_chunk %d", n_samples_per_chunk); sample_index = 0; timestamp = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_samples_per_chunk; i++) { guint32 first_chunk, last_chunk; guint32 samples_per_chunk; first_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 0) - 1; /* the last chunk of each entry is calculated by taking the first chunk * of the next entry; except if there is no next, where we fake it with * INT_MAX */ if (i == n_samples_per_chunk - 1) { last_chunk = G_MAXUINT32; } else { last_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 12) - 1; } samples_per_chunk = QT_UINT32 (stsc_data + 16 + i * 12 + 4); GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "entry %d has first_chunk %d, last_chunk %d, samples_per_chunk %d", i, first_chunk, last_chunk, samples_per_chunk); for (j = first_chunk; j < last_chunk; j++) { guint64 chunk_offset; if (j >= n_samples) goto done; if (stco) { chunk_offset = QT_UINT32 (stco_data + 16 + j * 4); } else { chunk_offset = QT_UINT64 ((guint8 *) co64->data + 16 + j * 8); } GST_LOG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "Creating entry %d with offset %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, j, chunk_offset); samples[j].chunk = j; samples[j].offset = chunk_offset; if (stream->samples_per_frame * stream->bytes_per_frame) { samples[j].size = (samples_per_chunk * stream->n_channels) / stream->samples_per_frame * stream->bytes_per_frame; } else { samples[j].size = samples_per_chunk; } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (qtdemux, "sample %d: timestamp %" GST_TIME_FORMAT ", size %u", j, GST_TIME_ARGS (timestamp), samples[j].size); samples[j].timestamp = timestamp; sample_index += samples_per_chunk; timestamp = gst_util_uint64_scale (sample_index, GST_SECOND, stream->timescale); samples[j].duration = timestamp - samples[j].timestamp; samples[j].keyframe = TRUE; } } } /* composition time to sample */ if ((ctts = qtdemux_tree_get_child_by_type (stbl, FOURCC_ctts))) { const guint8 *ctts_data = (const guint8 *) ctts->data; guint32 n_entries = QT_UINT32 (ctts_data + 12); guint32 count; gint32 soffset; /* Fill in the pts_offsets */ for (i = 0, j = 0; (j < stream->n_samples) && (i < n_entries); i++) { count = QT_UINT32 (ctts_data + 16 + i * 8); soffset = QT_UINT32 (ctts_data + 20 + i * 8); for (k = 0; k < count; k++, j++) { /* we operate with very small soffset values here, it shouldn't overflow */ samples[j].pts_offset = soffset * GST_SECOND / stream->timescale; } } } done: return TRUE; /* ERRORS */ corrupt_file: { GST_ELEMENT_ERROR (qtdemux, STREAM, DECODE, (_("This file is corrupt and cannot be played.")), (NULL)); return FALSE; } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Heap-based buffer overflow in the qtdemux_parse_samples function in gst/qtdemux/qtdemux.c in GStreamer Good Plug-ins (aka gst-plugins-good) 0.10.9 through 0.10.11, and GStreamer Plug-ins (aka gstreamer-plugins) 0.8.5, might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted Time-to-sample (aka stts) atom data in a malformed QuickTime media .mov file.
void *_zend_shared_memdup(void *source, size_t size, zend_bool free_source) { void *old_p, *retval; if ((old_p = zend_hash_index_find_ptr(&xlat_table, (zend_ulong)source)) != NULL) { /* we already duplicated this pointer */ return old_p; } retval = ZCG(mem); ZCG(mem) = (void*)(((char*)ZCG(mem)) + ZEND_ALIGNED_SIZE(size)); memcpy(retval, source, size); if (free_source) { efree(source); } zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(source, retval); return retval; }
[ "CWE-416" ]
Use-after-free vulnerability in the _zend_shared_memdup function in zend_shared_alloc.c in the OPcache extension in PHP through 5.6.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors.
xhci: guard xhci_kick_epctx against recursive calls Track xhci_kick_epctx processing being active in a variable. Check the variable before calling xhci_kick_epctx from xhci_kick_ep. Add an assert to make sure we don't call recursively into xhci_kick_epctx. Cc: Fixes: 94b037f2a451b3dc855f9f2c346e5049a361bd55 Reported-by: Fabian Lesniak <> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <> Message-id: Message-id:
static void xhci_kick_ep(XHCIState *xhci, unsigned int slotid, unsigned int epid, unsigned int streamid) { XHCIEPContext *epctx; assert(slotid >= 1 && slotid <= xhci->numslots); assert(epid >= 1 && epid <= 31); if (!xhci->slots[slotid-1].enabled) { DPRINTF("xhci: xhci_kick_ep for disabled slot %d\n", slotid); return; } epctx = xhci->slots[slotid-1].eps[epid-1]; if (!epctx) { DPRINTF("xhci: xhci_kick_ep for disabled endpoint %d,%d\n", epid, slotid); return; return; } xhci_kick_epctx(epctx, streamid); }
[ "CWE-835" ]
QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with USB xHCI controller emulator support, allows local guest OS privileged users to cause a denial of service (infinite recursive call) via vectors involving control transfer descriptors sequencing.
usb: ehci: fix memory leak in ehci In usb_ehci_init function, it initializes 's->ipacket', but there is no corresponding function to free this. As the ehci can be hotplug and unplug, this will leak host memory leak. In order to make the hierarchy clean, we should add a ehci pci finalize function, then call the clean function in ehci device. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static void usb_ehci_pci_exit(PCIDevice *dev) { EHCIPCIState *i = PCI_EHCI(dev); static void usb_ehci_pci_reset(DeviceState *dev) { PCIDevice *pci_dev = PCI_DEVICE(dev); EHCIPCIState *i = PCI_EHCI(pci_dev); EHCIState *s = &i->ehci; ehci_reset(s); } static void usb_ehci_pci_write_config(PCIDevice *dev, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val, int l) { EHCIPCIState *i = PCI_EHCI(dev); bool busmaster; pci_default_write_config(dev, addr, val, l); if (!range_covers_byte(addr, l, PCI_COMMAND)) { return; } busmaster = pci_get_word(dev->config + PCI_COMMAND) & PCI_COMMAND_MASTER; i-> = busmaster ? pci_get_address_space(dev) : &address_space_memory; } static Property ehci_pci_properties[] = { DEFINE_PROP_UINT32("maxframes", EHCIPCIState, ehci.maxframes, 128), DEFINE_PROP_END_OF_LIST(), }; static const VMStateDescription vmstate_ehci_pci = { .name = "ehci", .version_id = 2, .minimum_version_id = 1, .fields = (VMStateField[]) { VMSTATE_PCI_DEVICE(pcidev, EHCIPCIState), VMSTATE_STRUCT(ehci, EHCIPCIState, 2, vmstate_ehci, EHCIState), VMSTATE_END_OF_LIST() } }; static void ehci_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data) { DeviceClass *dc = DEVICE_CLASS(klass); PCIDeviceClass *k = PCI_DEVICE_CLASS(klass); k->realize = usb_ehci_pci_realize; k->exit = usb_ehci_pci_exit; k->class_id = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_USB; k->config_write = usb_ehci_pci_write_config; dc->vmsd = &vmstate_ehci_pci; dc->props = ehci_pci_properties; dc->reset = usb_ehci_pci_reset; } static const TypeInfo ehci_pci_type_info = { .name = TYPE_PCI_EHCI, .parent = TYPE_PCI_DEVICE, .instance_size = sizeof(EHCIPCIState), .instance_init = usb_ehci_pci_init, .abstract = true, .class_init = ehci_class_init, }; static void ehci_data_class_init(ObjectClass *klass, void *data) .parent = TYPE_PCI_DEVICE, .instance_size = sizeof(EHCIPCIState), .instance_init = usb_ehci_pci_init, .abstract = true, .class_init = ehci_class_init, };
[ "CWE-772" ]
Memory leak in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with USB EHCI Emulation support, allows local guest OS privileged users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by repeatedly hot-unplugging the device.
ide: ahci: call cleanup function in ahci unit This can avoid memory leak when hotunplug the ahci device. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: John Snow <>
void ahci_uninit(AHCIState *s) { g_free(s->dev); }
[ "CWE-772" ]
Memory leak in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with IDE AHCI Emulation support, allows local guest OS privileged users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by repeatedly hot-unplugging the AHCI device.
usb: ohci: fix error return code in servicing iso td It should return 1 if an error occurs when reading iso td. This will avoid an infinite loop issue in ohci_service_ed_list. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static int ohci_service_iso_td(OHCIState *ohci, struct ohci_ed *ed, int completion) { int dir; size_t len = 0; const char *str = NULL; int pid; int ret; int i; USBDevice *dev; USBEndpoint *ep; struct ohci_iso_td iso_td; uint32_t addr; uint16_t starting_frame; int16_t relative_frame_number; int frame_count; uint32_t start_offset, next_offset, end_offset = 0; uint32_t start_addr, end_addr; addr = ed->head & OHCI_DPTR_MASK; if (ohci_read_iso_td(ohci, addr, &iso_td)) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_read_failed(addr); ohci_die(ohci); return 0; } starting_frame = OHCI_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_SF); frame_count = OHCI_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_FC); relative_frame_number = USUB(ohci->frame_number, starting_frame); trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_head( ed->head & OHCI_DPTR_MASK, ed->tail & OHCI_DPTR_MASK, iso_td.flags, iso_td.bp,,, ohci->frame_number, starting_frame, frame_count, relative_frame_number); trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_head_offset( iso_td.offset[0], iso_td.offset[1], iso_td.offset[2], iso_td.offset[3], iso_td.offset[4], iso_td.offset[5], iso_td.offset[6], iso_td.offset[7]); if (relative_frame_number < 0) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_neg(relative_frame_number); return 1; } else if (relative_frame_number > frame_count) { /* ISO TD expired - retire the TD to the Done Queue and continue with the next ISO TD of the same ED */ trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_relative_frame_number_big(relative_frame_number, frame_count); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_CC, OHCI_CC_DATAOVERRUN); ed->head &= ~OHCI_DPTR_MASK; ed->head |= ( & OHCI_DPTR_MASK); = ohci->done; ohci->done = addr; i = OHCI_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_DI); if (i < ohci->done_count) ohci->done_count = i; if (ohci_put_iso_td(ohci, addr, &iso_td)) { ohci_die(ohci); return 1; } return 0; } dir = OHCI_BM(ed->flags, ED_D); switch (dir) { case OHCI_TD_DIR_IN: str = "in"; pid = USB_TOKEN_IN; break; case OHCI_TD_DIR_OUT: str = "out"; pid = USB_TOKEN_OUT; break; case OHCI_TD_DIR_SETUP: str = "setup"; pid = USB_TOKEN_SETUP; break; default: trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_direction(dir); return 1; } if (!iso_td.bp || ! { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_bp_be(iso_td.bp,; return 1; } start_offset = iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number]; next_offset = iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number + 1]; if (!(OHCI_BM(start_offset, TD_PSW_CC) & 0xe) || ((relative_frame_number < frame_count) && !(OHCI_BM(next_offset, TD_PSW_CC) & 0xe))) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_not_accessed(start_offset, next_offset); return 1; } if ((relative_frame_number < frame_count) && (start_offset > next_offset)) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_cc_overrun(start_offset, next_offset); return 1; } if ((start_offset & 0x1000) == 0) { start_addr = (iso_td.bp & OHCI_PAGE_MASK) | (start_offset & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK); } else { start_addr = ( & OHCI_PAGE_MASK) | (start_offset & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK); } if (relative_frame_number < frame_count) { end_offset = next_offset - 1; if ((end_offset & 0x1000) == 0) { end_addr = (iso_td.bp & OHCI_PAGE_MASK) | (end_offset & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK); } else { end_addr = ( & OHCI_PAGE_MASK) | (end_offset & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK); } } else { /* Last packet in the ISO TD */ end_addr =; } if ((start_addr & OHCI_PAGE_MASK) != (end_addr & OHCI_PAGE_MASK)) { len = (end_addr & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK) + 0x1001 - (start_addr & OHCI_OFFSET_MASK); } else { len = end_addr - start_addr + 1; } if (len && dir != OHCI_TD_DIR_IN) { if (ohci_copy_iso_td(ohci, start_addr, end_addr, ohci->usb_buf, len, DMA_DIRECTION_TO_DEVICE)) { ohci_die(ohci); return 1; } } if (!completion) { bool int_req = relative_frame_number == frame_count && OHCI_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_DI) == 0; dev = ohci_find_device(ohci, OHCI_BM(ed->flags, ED_FA)); ep = usb_ep_get(dev, pid, OHCI_BM(ed->flags, ED_EN)); usb_packet_setup(&ohci->usb_packet, pid, ep, 0, addr, false, int_req); usb_packet_addbuf(&ohci->usb_packet, ohci->usb_buf, len); usb_handle_packet(dev, &ohci->usb_packet); if (ohci->usb_packet.status == USB_RET_ASYNC) { usb_device_flush_ep_queue(dev, ep); return 1; } } if (ohci->usb_packet.status == USB_RET_SUCCESS) { ret = ohci->usb_packet.actual_length; } else { ret = ohci->usb_packet.status; } trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_so(start_offset, end_offset, start_addr, end_addr, str, len, ret); /* Writeback */ if (dir == OHCI_TD_DIR_IN && ret >= 0 && ret <= len) { /* IN transfer succeeded */ if (ohci_copy_iso_td(ohci, start_addr, end_addr, ohci->usb_buf, ret, DMA_DIRECTION_FROM_DEVICE)) { ohci_die(ohci); return 1; } OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_NOERROR); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_SIZE, ret); } else if (dir == OHCI_TD_DIR_OUT && ret == len) { /* OUT transfer succeeded */ OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_NOERROR); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_SIZE, 0); } else { if (ret > (ssize_t) len) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_data_overrun(ret, len); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_DATAOVERRUN); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_SIZE, len); } else if (ret >= 0) { trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_data_underrun(ret); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_DATAUNDERRUN); } else { switch (ret) { case USB_RET_IOERROR: case USB_RET_NODEV: OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_DEVICENOTRESPONDING); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_SIZE, 0); break; case USB_RET_NAK: case USB_RET_STALL: trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_nak(ret); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_STALL); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_SIZE, 0); break; default: trace_usb_ohci_iso_td_bad_response(ret); OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.offset[relative_frame_number], TD_PSW_CC, OHCI_CC_UNDEXPETEDPID); break; } } } if (relative_frame_number == frame_count) { /* Last data packet of ISO TD - retire the TD to the Done Queue */ OHCI_SET_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_CC, OHCI_CC_NOERROR); ed->head &= ~OHCI_DPTR_MASK; ed->head |= ( & OHCI_DPTR_MASK); = ohci->done; ohci->done = addr; i = OHCI_BM(iso_td.flags, TD_DI); if (i < ohci->done_count) ohci->done_count = i; } if (ohci_put_iso_td(ohci, addr, &iso_td)) { ohci_die(ohci); } return 1; }
[ "CWE-835" ]
QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) before 2.9.0, when built with the USB OHCI Emulation support, allows local guest OS users to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) by leveraging an incorrect return value, a different vulnerability than CVE-2017-6505.
PHP_FUNCTION(openssl_encrypt) { zend_bool raw_output = 0; char *data, *method, *password, *iv = ""; int data_len, method_len, password_len, iv_len = 0, max_iv_len; const EVP_CIPHER *cipher_type; EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx; int i, outlen, keylen; unsigned char *outbuf, *key; zend_bool free_iv; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sss|bs", &data, &data_len, &method, &method_len, &password, &password_len, &raw_output, &iv, &iv_len) == FAILURE) { return; } cipher_type = EVP_get_cipherbyname(method); if (!cipher_type) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unknown cipher algorithm"); RETURN_FALSE; } keylen = EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher_type); if (keylen > password_len) { key = emalloc(keylen); memset(key, 0, keylen); memcpy(key, password, password_len); } else { key = (unsigned char*)password; } max_iv_len = EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher_type); if (iv_len <= 0 && max_iv_len > 0) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Using an empty Initialization Vector (iv) is potentially insecure and not recommended"); } free_iv = php_openssl_validate_iv(&iv, &iv_len, max_iv_len TSRMLS_CC); outlen = data_len + EVP_CIPHER_block_size(cipher_type); outbuf = emalloc(outlen + 1); EVP_EncryptInit(&cipher_ctx, cipher_type, NULL, NULL); if (password_len > keylen) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(&cipher_ctx, password_len); } EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&cipher_ctx, NULL, NULL, key, (unsigned char *)iv); if (data_len > 0) { EVP_EncryptUpdate(&cipher_ctx, outbuf, &i, (unsigned char *)data, data_len); } outlen = i; if (EVP_EncryptFinal(&cipher_ctx, (unsigned char *)outbuf + i, &i)) { outlen += i; if (raw_output) { outbuf[outlen] = '\0'; RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)outbuf, outlen, 0); } else { int base64_str_len; char *base64_str; base64_str = (char*)php_base64_encode(outbuf, outlen, &base64_str_len); efree(outbuf); RETVAL_STRINGL(base64_str, base64_str_len, 0); } } else { efree(outbuf); RETVAL_FALSE; } if (key != (unsigned char*)password) { efree(key); } if (free_iv) { efree(iv); } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&cipher_ctx); }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The openssl_encrypt function in ext/openssl/openssl.c in PHP 5.3.9 through 5.3.13 does not initialize a certain variable, which allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory by providing zero bytes of input data.
ide: Correct handling of malformed/short PRDTs This impacts both BMDMA and AHCI HBA interfaces for IDE. Currently, we confuse the difference between a PRDT having "0 bytes" and a PRDT having "0 complete sectors." When we receive an incomplete sector, inconsistent error checking leads to an infinite loop wherein the call succeeds, but it didn't give us enough bytes -- leading us to re-call the DMA chain over and over again. This leads to, in the BMDMA case, leaked memory for short PRDTs, and infinite loops and resource usage in the AHCI case. The .prepare_buf() callback is reworked to return the number of bytes that it successfully prepared. 0 is a valid, non-error answer that means the table was empty and described no bytes. -1 indicates an error. Our current implementation uses the io_buffer in IDEState to ultimately describe the size of a prepared scatter-gather list. Even though the AHCI PRDT/SGList can be as large as 256GiB, the AHCI command header limits transactions to just 4GiB. ATA8-ACS3, however, defines the largest transaction to be an LBA48 command that transfers 65,536 sectors. With a 512 byte sector size, this is just 32MiB. Since our current state structures use the int type to describe the size of the buffer, and this state is migrated as int32, we are limited to describing 2GiB buffer sizes unless we change the migration protocol. For this reason, this patch begins to unify the assertions in the IDE pathways that the scatter-gather list provided by either the AHCI PRDT or the PCI BMDMA PRDs can only describe, at a maximum, 2GiB. This should be resilient enough unless we need a sector size that exceeds 32KiB. Further, the likelihood of any guest operating system actually attempting to transfer this much data in a single operation is very slim. To this end, the IDEState variables have been updated to more explicitly clarify our maximum supported size. Callers to the prepare_buf callback have been reworked to understand the new return code, and all versions of the prepare_buf callback have been adjusted accordingly. Lastly, the ahci_populate_sglist helper, relied upon by the AHCI implementation of .prepare_buf() as well as the PCI implementation of the callback have had overflow assertions added to help make clear the reasonings behind the various type changes. [Added %d -> %"PRId64" fix John sent because off_pos changed from int to int64_t. --Stefan] Signed-off-by: John Snow <> Reviewed-by: Paolo Bonzini <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <>
static int bmdma_prepare_buf(IDEDMA *dma, int is_write) { BMDMAState *bm = DO_UPCAST(BMDMAState, dma, dma); IDEState *s = bmdma_active_if(bm); uint32_t size; } prd;
[ "CWE-399" ]
The (1) BMDMA and (2) AHCI HBA interfaces in the IDE functionality in QEMU 1.0 through 2.1.3 have multiple interpretations of a function's return value, which allows guest OS users to cause a host OS denial of service (memory consumption or infinite loop, and system crash) via a PRDT with zero complete sectors, related to the bmdma_prepare_buf and ahci_dma_prepare_buf functions.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int free_query_string = 0; int exit_status = SUCCESS; int cgi = 0, c, i, len; zend_file_handle file_handle; char *s; /* temporary locals */ int behavior = PHP_MODE_STANDARD; int no_headers = 0; int orig_optind = php_optind; char *orig_optarg = php_optarg; char *script_file = NULL; int ini_entries_len = 0; /* end of temporary locals */ #ifdef ZTS void ***tsrm_ls; #endif int max_requests = 500; int requests = 0; int fastcgi; char *bindpath = NULL; int fcgi_fd = 0; fcgi_request *request = NULL; int repeats = 1; int benchmark = 0; #if HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY struct timeval start, end; #else time_t start, end; #endif #ifndef PHP_WIN32 int status = 0; #endif char *query_string; char *decoded_query_string; int skip_getopt = 0; #if 0 && defined(PHP_DEBUG) /* IIS is always making things more difficult. This allows * us to stop PHP and attach a debugger before much gets started */ { char szMessage [256]; wsprintf (szMessage, "Please attach a debugger to the process 0x%X [%d] (%s) and click OK", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentProcessId(), argv[0]); MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, "CGI Debug Time!", MB_OK|MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H #if defined(SIGPIPE) && defined(SIG_IGN) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGPIPE in standalone mode so that sockets created via fsockopen() don't kill PHP if the remote site closes it. in apache|apxs mode apache does that for us! 20000419 */ #endif #endif #ifdef ZTS tsrm_startup(1, 1, 0, NULL); tsrm_ls = ts_resource(0); #endif sapi_startup(&cgi_sapi_module); fastcgi = fcgi_is_fastcgi(); cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override = NULL; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 _fmode = _O_BINARY; /* sets default for file streams to binary */ setmode(_fileno(stdin), O_BINARY); /* make the stdio mode be binary */ setmode(_fileno(stdout), O_BINARY); /* make the stdio mode be binary */ setmode(_fileno(stderr), O_BINARY); /* make the stdio mode be binary */ #endif if (!fastcgi) { /* Make sure we detect we are a cgi - a bit redundancy here, * but the default case is that we have to check only the first one. */ if (getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE") || getenv("SERVER_NAME") || getenv("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") || getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") ) { cgi = 1; } } if((query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING")) != NULL && strchr(query_string, '=') == NULL) { /* we've got query string that has no = - apache CGI will pass it to command line */ unsigned char *p; decoded_query_string = strdup(query_string); php_url_decode(decoded_query_string, strlen(decoded_query_string)); for (p = decoded_query_string; *p && *p <= ' '; p++) { /* skip all leading spaces */ } if(*p == '-') { skip_getopt = 1; } free(decoded_query_string); } while (!skip_getopt && (c = php_getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, &php_optarg, &php_optind, 0, 2)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'c': if (cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override) { free(cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override); } cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override = strdup(php_optarg); break; case 'n': cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_ignore = 1; break; case 'd': { /* define ini entries on command line */ int len = strlen(php_optarg); char *val; if ((val = strchr(php_optarg, '='))) { val++; if (!isalnum(*val) && *val != '"' && *val != '\'' && *val != '\0') { cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries = realloc(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries, ini_entries_len + len + sizeof("\"\"\n\0")); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, php_optarg, (val - php_optarg)); ini_entries_len += (val - php_optarg); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, "\"", 1); ini_entries_len++; memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, val, len - (val - php_optarg)); ini_entries_len += len - (val - php_optarg); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, "\"\n\0", sizeof("\"\n\0")); ini_entries_len += sizeof("\n\0\"") - 2; } else { cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries = realloc(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries, ini_entries_len + len + sizeof("\n\0")); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, php_optarg, len); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len + len, "\n\0", sizeof("\n\0")); ini_entries_len += len + sizeof("\n\0") - 2; } } else { cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries = realloc(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries, ini_entries_len + len + sizeof("=1\n\0")); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len, php_optarg, len); memcpy(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries + ini_entries_len + len, "=1\n\0", sizeof("=1\n\0")); ini_entries_len += len + sizeof("=1\n\0") - 2; } break; } /* if we're started on command line, check to see if * we are being started as an 'external' fastcgi * server by accepting a bindpath parameter. */ case 'b': if (!fastcgi) { bindpath = strdup(php_optarg); } break; case 's': /* generate highlighted HTML from source */ behavior = PHP_MODE_HIGHLIGHT; break; } } php_optind = orig_optind; php_optarg = orig_optarg; if (fastcgi || bindpath) { /* Override SAPI callbacks */ cgi_sapi_module.ub_write = sapi_fcgi_ub_write; cgi_sapi_module.flush = sapi_fcgi_flush; cgi_sapi_module.read_post = sapi_fcgi_read_post; cgi_sapi_module.getenv = sapi_fcgi_getenv; cgi_sapi_module.read_cookies = sapi_fcgi_read_cookies; } #ifdef ZTS SG(request_info).path_translated = NULL; #endif cgi_sapi_module.executable_location = argv[0]; if (!cgi && !fastcgi && !bindpath) { cgi_sapi_module.additional_functions = additional_functions; } /* startup after we get the above ini override se we get things right */ if (cgi_sapi_module.startup(&cgi_sapi_module) == FAILURE) { #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return FAILURE; } /* check force_cgi after startup, so we have proper output */ if (cgi && CGIG(force_redirect)) { /* Apache will generate REDIRECT_STATUS, * Netscape and will generate HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS. * and installation instructions available from * * -- */ if (!getenv("REDIRECT_STATUS") && !getenv ("HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS") && /* this is to allow a different env var to be configured * in case some server does something different than above */ (!CGIG(redirect_status_env) || !getenv(CGIG(redirect_status_env))) ) { zend_try { SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 400; PUTS("<b>Security Alert!</b> The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly.\n\n\ <p>This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This\n\ means that a page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI variable is\n\ set, e.g. via an Apache Action directive.</p>\n\ <p>For more information as to <i>why</i> this behaviour exists, see the <a href=\"\">\ manual page for CGI security</a>.</p>\n\ <p>For more information about changing this behaviour or re-enabling this webserver,\n\ consult the installation file that came with this distribution, or visit \n\ <a href=\"\">the manual page</a>.</p>\n"); } zend_catch { } zend_end_try(); #if defined(ZTS) && !defined(PHP_DEBUG) /* XXX we're crashing here in msvc6 debug builds at * php_message_handler_for_zend:839 because * SG(request_info).path_translated is an invalid pointer. * It still happens even though I set it to null, so something * weird is going on. */ tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return FAILURE; } } if (bindpath) { fcgi_fd = fcgi_listen(bindpath, 128); if (fcgi_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create FastCGI listen socket on port %s\n", bindpath); #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return FAILURE; } fastcgi = fcgi_is_fastcgi(); } if (fastcgi) { /* How many times to run PHP scripts before dying */ if (getenv("PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS")) { max_requests = atoi(getenv("PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS")); if (max_requests < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS is not valid\n"); return FAILURE; } } /* make php call us to get _ENV vars */ php_php_import_environment_variables = php_import_environment_variables; php_import_environment_variables = cgi_php_import_environment_variables; /* library is already initialized, now init our request */ request = fcgi_init_request(fcgi_fd); #ifndef PHP_WIN32 /* Pre-fork, if required */ if (getenv("PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN")) { char * children_str = getenv("PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN"); children = atoi(children_str); if (children < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN is not valid\n"); return FAILURE; } fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_CONNS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_CONNS")-1, children_str, strlen(children_str)); /* This is the number of concurrent requests, equals FCGI_MAX_CONNS */ fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_REQS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_REQS")-1, children_str, strlen(children_str)); } else { fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_CONNS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_CONNS")-1, "1", sizeof("1")-1); fcgi_set_mgmt_var("FCGI_MAX_REQS", sizeof("FCGI_MAX_REQS")-1, "1", sizeof("1")-1); } if (children) { int running = 0; pid_t pid; /* Create a process group for ourself & children */ setsid(); pgroup = getpgrp(); #ifdef DEBUG_FASTCGI fprintf(stderr, "Process group %d\n", pgroup); #endif /* Set up handler to kill children upon exit */ act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = fastcgi_cleanup; if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, &old_term) || sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &old_int) || sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, &old_quit) ) { perror("Can't set signals"); exit(1); } if (fcgi_in_shutdown()) { goto parent_out; } while (parent) { do { #ifdef DEBUG_FASTCGI fprintf(stderr, "Forking, %d running\n", running); #endif pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case 0: /* One of the children. * Make sure we don't go round the * fork loop any more */ parent = 0; /* don't catch our signals */ sigaction(SIGTERM, &old_term, 0); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &old_quit, 0); sigaction(SIGINT, &old_int, 0); break; case -1: perror("php (pre-forking)"); exit(1); break; default: /* Fine */ running++; break; } } while (parent && (running < children)); if (parent) { #ifdef DEBUG_FASTCGI fprintf(stderr, "Wait for kids, pid %d\n", getpid()); #endif parent_waiting = 1; while (1) { if (wait(&status) >= 0) { running--; break; } else if (exit_signal) { break; } } if (exit_signal) { #if 0 while (running > 0) { while (wait(&status) < 0) { } running--; } #endif goto parent_out; } } } } else { parent = 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ } zend_first_try { while (!skip_getopt && (c = php_getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, &php_optarg, &php_optind, 1, 2)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'T': benchmark = 1; repeats = atoi(php_optarg); #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY gettimeofday(&start, NULL); #else time(&start); #endif break; case 'h': case '?': if (request) { fcgi_destroy_request(request); } fcgi_shutdown(); no_headers = 1; SG(headers_sent) = 1; php_cgi_usage(argv[0]); php_output_end_all(TSRMLS_C); exit_status = 0; goto out; } } php_optind = orig_optind; php_optarg = orig_optarg; /* start of FAST CGI loop */ /* Initialise FastCGI request structure */ #ifdef PHP_WIN32 /* attempt to set security impersonation for fastcgi * will only happen on NT based OS, others will ignore it. */ if (fastcgi && CGIG(impersonate)) { fcgi_impersonate(); } #endif while (!fastcgi || fcgi_accept_request(request) >= 0) { SG(server_context) = fastcgi ? (void *) request : (void *) 1; init_request_info(request TSRMLS_CC); CG(interactive) = 0; if (!cgi && !fastcgi) { while ((c = php_getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS, &php_optarg, &php_optind, 0, 2)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': /* interactive mode */ printf("Interactive mode enabled\n\n"); CG(interactive) = 1; break; case 'C': /* don't chdir to the script directory */ SG(options) |= SAPI_OPTION_NO_CHDIR; break; case 'e': /* enable extended info output */ CG(compiler_options) |= ZEND_COMPILE_EXTENDED_INFO; break; case 'f': /* parse file */ if (script_file) { efree(script_file); } script_file = estrdup(php_optarg); no_headers = 1; break; case 'i': /* php info & quit */ if (script_file) { efree(script_file); } if (php_request_startup(TSRMLS_C) == FAILURE) { SG(server_context) = NULL; php_module_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); return FAILURE; } if (no_headers) { SG(headers_sent) = 1; SG(request_info).no_headers = 1; } php_print_info(0xFFFFFFFF TSRMLS_CC); php_request_shutdown((void *) 0); fcgi_shutdown(); exit_status = 0; goto out; case 'l': /* syntax check mode */ no_headers = 1; behavior = PHP_MODE_LINT; break; case 'm': /* list compiled in modules */ if (script_file) { efree(script_file); } SG(headers_sent) = 1; php_printf("[PHP Modules]\n"); print_modules(TSRMLS_C); php_printf("\n[Zend Modules]\n"); print_extensions(TSRMLS_C); php_printf("\n"); php_output_end_all(TSRMLS_C); fcgi_shutdown(); exit_status = 0; goto out; #if 0 /* not yet operational, see also below ... */ case '': /* generate indented source mode*/ behavior=PHP_MODE_INDENT; break; #endif case 'q': /* do not generate HTTP headers */ no_headers = 1; break; case 'v': /* show php version & quit */ if (script_file) { efree(script_file); } no_headers = 1; if (php_request_startup(TSRMLS_C) == FAILURE) { SG(server_context) = NULL; php_module_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); return FAILURE; } if (no_headers) { SG(headers_sent) = 1; SG(request_info).no_headers = 1; } #if ZEND_DEBUG php_printf("PHP %s (%s) (built: %s %s) (DEBUG)\nCopyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group\n%s", PHP_VERSION,, __DATE__, __TIME__, get_zend_version()); #else php_printf("PHP %s (%s) (built: %s %s)\nCopyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group\n%s", PHP_VERSION,, __DATE__, __TIME__, get_zend_version()); #endif php_request_shutdown((void *) 0); fcgi_shutdown(); exit_status = 0; goto out; case 'w': behavior = PHP_MODE_STRIP; break; case 'z': /* load extension file */ zend_load_extension(php_optarg); break; default: break; } } if (script_file) { /* override path_translated if -f on command line */ STR_FREE(SG(request_info).path_translated); SG(request_info).path_translated = script_file; /* before registering argv to module exchange the *new* argv[0] */ /* we can achieve this without allocating more memory */ SG(request_info).argc = argc - (php_optind - 1); SG(request_info).argv = &argv[php_optind - 1]; SG(request_info).argv[0] = script_file; } else if (argc > php_optind) { /* file is on command line, but not in -f opt */ STR_FREE(SG(request_info).path_translated); SG(request_info).path_translated = estrdup(argv[php_optind]); /* arguments after the file are considered script args */ SG(request_info).argc = argc - php_optind; SG(request_info).argv = &argv[php_optind]; } if (no_headers) { SG(headers_sent) = 1; SG(request_info).no_headers = 1; } /* all remaining arguments are part of the query string * this section of code concatenates all remaining arguments * into a single string, seperating args with a & * this allows command lines like: * * test.php v1=test v2=hello+world! * test.php "v1=test&v2=hello world!" * test.php v1=test "v2=hello world!" */ if (!SG(request_info).query_string && argc > php_optind) { int slen = strlen(PG(arg_separator).input); len = 0; for (i = php_optind; i < argc; i++) { if (i < (argc - 1)) { len += strlen(argv[i]) + slen; } else { len += strlen(argv[i]); } } len += 2; s = malloc(len); *s = '\0'; /* we are pretending it came from the environment */ for (i = php_optind; i < argc; i++) { strlcat(s, argv[i], len); if (i < (argc - 1)) { strlcat(s, PG(arg_separator).input, len); } } SG(request_info).query_string = s; free_query_string = 1; } } /* end !cgi && !fastcgi */ /* we never take stdin if we're (f)cgi, always rely on the web server giving us the info we need in the environment. */ if (SG(request_info).path_translated || cgi || fastcgi) { file_handle.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME; file_handle.filename = SG(request_info).path_translated; file_handle.handle.fp = NULL; } else { file_handle.filename = "-"; file_handle.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FP; file_handle.handle.fp = stdin; } file_handle.opened_path = NULL; file_handle.free_filename = 0; /* request startup only after we've done all we can to * get path_translated */ if (php_request_startup(TSRMLS_C) == FAILURE) { if (fastcgi) { fcgi_finish_request(request, 1); } SG(server_context) = NULL; php_module_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); return FAILURE; } if (no_headers) { SG(headers_sent) = 1; SG(request_info).no_headers = 1; } /* at this point path_translated will be set if: 1. we are running from shell and got filename was there 2. we are running as cgi or fastcgi */ if (cgi || fastcgi || SG(request_info).path_translated) { if (php_fopen_primary_script(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { zend_try { if (errno == EACCES) { SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 403; PUTS("Access denied.\n"); } else { SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 404; PUTS("No input file specified.\n"); } } zend_catch { } zend_end_try(); /* we want to serve more requests if this is fastcgi * so cleanup and continue, request shutdown is * handled later */ if (fastcgi) { goto fastcgi_request_done; } STR_FREE(SG(request_info).path_translated); if (free_query_string && SG(request_info).query_string) { free(SG(request_info).query_string); SG(request_info).query_string = NULL; } php_request_shutdown((void *) 0); SG(server_context) = NULL; php_module_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); sapi_shutdown(); #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return FAILURE; } } if (CGIG(check_shebang_line)) { /* #!php support */ switch (file_handle.type) { case ZEND_HANDLE_FD: if (file_handle.handle.fd < 0) { break; } file_handle.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FP; file_handle.handle.fp = fdopen(file_handle.handle.fd, "rb"); /* break missing intentionally */ case ZEND_HANDLE_FP: if (!file_handle.handle.fp || (file_handle.handle.fp == stdin)) { break; } c = fgetc(file_handle.handle.fp); if (c == '#') { while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF) { c = fgetc(file_handle.handle.fp); /* skip to end of line */ } /* handle situations where line is terminated by \r\n */ if (c == '\r') { if (fgetc(file_handle.handle.fp) != '\n') { long pos = ftell(file_handle.handle.fp); fseek(file_handle.handle.fp, pos - 1, SEEK_SET); } } CG(start_lineno) = 2; } else { rewind(file_handle.handle.fp); } break; case ZEND_HANDLE_STREAM: c = php_stream_getc((php_stream*); if (c == '#') { while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF) { c = php_stream_getc((php_stream*); /* skip to end of line */ } /* handle situations where line is terminated by \r\n */ if (c == '\r') { if (php_stream_getc((php_stream*) != '\n') { long pos = php_stream_tell((php_stream*); php_stream_seek((php_stream*), pos - 1, SEEK_SET); } } CG(start_lineno) = 2; } else { php_stream_rewind((php_stream*); } break; case ZEND_HANDLE_MAPPED: if ([0] == '#') { int i = 1; c =[i++]; while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF) { c =[i++]; } if (c == '\r') { if ([i] == '\n') { i++; } } += i; -= i; } } } switch (behavior) { case PHP_MODE_STANDARD: php_execute_script(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); break; case PHP_MODE_LINT: PG(during_request_startup) = 0; exit_status = php_lint_script(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); if (exit_status == SUCCESS) { zend_printf("No syntax errors detected in %s\n", file_handle.filename); } else { zend_printf("Errors parsing %s\n", file_handle.filename); } break; case PHP_MODE_STRIP: if (open_file_for_scanning(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { zend_strip(TSRMLS_C); zend_file_handle_dtor(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); php_output_teardown(); } return SUCCESS; break; case PHP_MODE_HIGHLIGHT: { zend_syntax_highlighter_ini syntax_highlighter_ini; if (open_file_for_scanning(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { php_get_highlight_struct(&syntax_highlighter_ini); zend_highlight(&syntax_highlighter_ini TSRMLS_CC); if (fastcgi) { goto fastcgi_request_done; } zend_file_handle_dtor(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); php_output_teardown(); } return SUCCESS; } break; #if 0 /* Zeev might want to do something with this one day */ case PHP_MODE_INDENT: open_file_for_scanning(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); zend_indent(); zend_file_handle_dtor(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC); php_output_teardown(); return SUCCESS; break; #endif } fastcgi_request_done: { STR_FREE(SG(request_info).path_translated); php_request_shutdown((void *) 0); if (exit_status == 0) { exit_status = EG(exit_status); } if (free_query_string && SG(request_info).query_string) { free(SG(request_info).query_string); SG(request_info).query_string = NULL; } } if (!fastcgi) { if (benchmark) { repeats--; if (repeats > 0) { script_file = NULL; php_optind = orig_optind; php_optarg = orig_optarg; continue; } } break; } /* only fastcgi will get here */ requests++; if (max_requests && (requests == max_requests)) { fcgi_finish_request(request, 1); if (bindpath) { free(bindpath); } if (max_requests != 1) { /* no need to return exit_status of the last request */ exit_status = 0; } break; } /* end of fastcgi loop */ } if (request) { fcgi_destroy_request(request); } fcgi_shutdown(); if (cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override) { free(cgi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override); } if (cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries) { free(cgi_sapi_module.ini_entries); } } zend_catch { exit_status = 255; } zend_end_try(); out: if (benchmark) { int sec; #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY int usec; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); sec = (int)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec); if (end.tv_usec >= start.tv_usec) { usec = (int)(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec); } else { sec -= 1; usec = (int)(end.tv_usec + 1000000 - start.tv_usec); } fprintf(stderr, "\nElapsed time: %d.%06d sec\n", sec, usec); #else time(&end); sec = (int)(end - start); fprintf(stderr, "\nElapsed time: %d sec\n", sec); #endif } #ifndef PHP_WIN32 parent_out: #endif SG(server_context) = NULL; php_module_shutdown(TSRMLS_C); sapi_shutdown(); #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif #if defined(PHP_WIN32) && ZEND_DEBUG && 0 _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif return exit_status; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c in the CGI component in PHP through 5.4.36, 5.5.x through 5.5.20, and 5.6.x through 5.6.4, when mmap is used to read a .php file, does not properly consider the mapping's length during processing of an invalid file that begins with a # character and lacks a newline character, which causes an out-of-bounds read and might (1) allow remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from php-cgi process memory by leveraging the ability to upload a .php file or (2) trigger unexpected code execution if a valid PHP script is present in memory locations adjacent to the mapping.
apprentice_load(struct magic_set *ms, const char *fn, int action) { int errs = 0; uint32_t i, j; size_t files = 0, maxfiles = 0; char **filearr = NULL; struct stat st; struct magic_map *map; struct magic_entry_set mset[MAGIC_SETS]; php_stream *dir; php_stream_dirent d; TSRMLS_FETCH(); memset(mset, 0, sizeof(mset)); ms->flags |= MAGIC_CHECK; /* Enable checks for parsed files */ if ((map = CAST(struct magic_map *, ecalloc(1, sizeof(*map)))) == NULL) { file_oomem(ms, sizeof(*map)); return NULL; } /* print silly verbose header for USG compat. */ if (action == FILE_CHECK) (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usg_hdr); /* load directory or file */ /* FIXME: Read file names and sort them to prevent non-determinism. See Debian bug #488562. */ if (php_sys_stat(fn, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { int mflen; char mfn[MAXPATHLEN]; dir = php_stream_opendir((char *)fn, REPORT_ERRORS, NULL); if (!dir) { errs++; goto out; } while (php_stream_readdir(dir, &d)) { if ((mflen = snprintf(mfn, sizeof(mfn), "%s/%s", fn, d.d_name)) < 0) { file_oomem(ms, strlen(fn) + strlen(d.d_name) + 2); errs++; php_stream_closedir(dir); goto out; } if (stat(mfn, &st) == -1 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { continue; } if (files >= maxfiles) { size_t mlen; maxfiles = (maxfiles + 1) * 2; mlen = maxfiles * sizeof(*filearr); if ((filearr = CAST(char **, erealloc(filearr, mlen))) == NULL) { file_oomem(ms, mlen); efree(mfn); php_stream_closedir(dir); errs++; goto out; goto out; } } filearr[files++] = estrndup(mfn, (mflen > sizeof(mfn) - 1)? sizeof(mfn) - 1: mflen); } php_stream_closedir(dir); qsort(filearr, files, sizeof(*filearr), cmpstrp); for (i = 0; i < files; i++) { load_1(ms, action, filearr[i], &errs, mset); efree(filearr[i]); } efree(filearr); } else load_1(ms, action, fn, &errs, mset); if (errs) goto out; for (j = 0; j < MAGIC_SETS; j++) { /* Set types of tests */ for (i = 0; i < mset[j].count; ) { if (mset[j].me[i].mp->cont_level != 0) { i++; continue; } i = set_text_binary(ms, mset[j].me, mset[j].count, i); } qsort(mset[j].me, mset[j].count, sizeof(*mset[j].me), apprentice_sort); /* * Make sure that any level 0 "default" line is last * (if one exists). */ set_last_default(ms, mset[j].me, mset[j].count); /* coalesce per file arrays into a single one */ if (coalesce_entries(ms, mset[j].me, mset[j].count, &map->magic[j], &map->nmagic[j]) == -1) { errs++; goto out; } } out: for (j = 0; j < MAGIC_SETS; j++) magic_entry_free(mset[j].me, mset[j].count); if (errs) { for (j = 0; j < MAGIC_SETS; j++) { if (map->magic[j]) efree(map->magic[j]); } efree(map); return NULL; } return map; }
[ "CWE-17" ]
The apprentice_load function in libmagic/apprentice.c in the Fileinfo component in PHP through 5.6.4 attempts to perform a free operation on a stack-based character array, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption or application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via unknown vectors. NOTE: this is disputed by the vendor because the standard erealloc behavior makes the free operation unreachable
static int date_from_ISO8601 (const char *text, time_t * value) { struct tm tm; * Begin Time Functions * ***********************/ static int date_from_ISO8601 (const char *text, time_t * value) { struct tm tm; int n; int i; char buf[18]; if (strchr (text, '-')) { char *p = (char *) text, *p2 = buf; } if (*p != '-') { *p2 = *p; p2++; } p++; } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Stack-based buffer overflow in the date_from_ISO8601 function in ext/xmlrpc/libxmlrpc/xmlrpc.c in PHP before 5.2.7 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code by including a timezone field in a date, leading to improper XML-RPC encoding.
9pfs: adjust the order of resource cleanup in device unrealize Unrealize should undo things that were set during realize in reverse order. So should do in the error path in realize. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
void v9fs_device_unrealize_common(V9fsState *s, Error **errp) { g_free(s->ctx.fs_root); g_free(s->tag); }
[ "CWE-400" ]
Memory leak in the v9fs_device_unrealize_common function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local privileged guest OS users to cause a denial of service (host memory consumption and possibly QEMU process crash) via vectors involving the order of resource cleanup.
vnc: sanitize bits_per_pixel from the client bits_per_pixel that are less than 8 could result in accessing non-initialized buffers later in the code due to the expectation that bytes_per_pixel value that is used to initialize these buffers is never zero. To fix this check that bits_per_pixel from the client is one of the values that the rfb protocol specification allows. This is CVE-2014-7815. Signed-off-by: Petr Matousek <> [ kraxel: apply codestyle fix ] Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static void set_pixel_format(VncState *vs, int bits_per_pixel, int depth, int big_endian_flag, int true_color_flag, int red_max, int green_max, int blue_max, int red_shift, int green_shift, int blue_shift) { if (!true_color_flag) { vnc_client_error(vs); return; } vs->client_pf.rmax = red_max; vs->client_pf.rbits = hweight_long(red_max); vs->client_pf.rshift = red_shift; vs->client_pf.bytes_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel / 8; vs->client_pf.depth = bits_per_pixel == 32 ? 24 : bits_per_pixel; vs->client_be = big_endian_flag; set_pixel_conversion(vs); graphic_hw_invalidate(NULL); graphic_hw_update(NULL); }
[ "CWE-264" ]
The set_pixel_format function in ui/vnc.c in QEMU allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a small bytes_per_pixel value.
9pfs: fix memory leak in v9fs_write If an error occurs when marshalling the transfer length to the guest, the v9fs_write() function doesn't free an IO vector, thus leading to a memory leak. This patch fixes the issue. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <> [groug, rephrased the changelog] Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
static void coroutine_fn v9fs_write(void *opaque) { ssize_t err; int32_t fid; uint64_t off; uint32_t count; int32_t len = 0; int32_t total = 0; size_t offset = 7; V9fsFidState *fidp; V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; V9fsState *s = pdu->s; QEMUIOVector qiov_full; QEMUIOVector qiov; err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dqd", &fid, &off, &count); if (err < 0) { pdu_complete(pdu, err); return; } offset += err; v9fs_init_qiov_from_pdu(&qiov_full, pdu, offset, count, true); trace_v9fs_write(pdu->tag, pdu->id, fid, off, count, qiov_full.niov); fidp = get_fid(pdu, fid); if (fidp == NULL) { err = -EINVAL; goto out_nofid; } if (fidp->fid_type == P9_FID_FILE) { if (fidp->fs.fd == -1) { err = -EINVAL; goto out; } } else if (fidp->fid_type == P9_FID_XATTR) { /* * setxattr operation */ err = v9fs_xattr_write(s, pdu, fidp, off, count, qiov_full.iov, qiov_full.niov); goto out; } else { err = -EINVAL; goto out; } qemu_iovec_init(&qiov, qiov_full.niov); do { qemu_iovec_reset(&qiov); qemu_iovec_concat(&qiov, &qiov_full, total, qiov_full.size - total); if (0) { print_sg(qiov.iov, qiov.niov); } /* Loop in case of EINTR */ do { len = v9fs_co_pwritev(pdu, fidp, qiov.iov, qiov.niov, off); if (len >= 0) { off += len; total += len; } } while (len == -EINTR && !pdu->cancelled); if (len < 0) { /* IO error return the error */ err = len; goto out_qiov; } } while (total < count && len > 0); offset = 7; err = pdu_marshal(pdu, offset, "d", total); if (err < 0) { goto out; } err += offset; trace_v9fs_write_return(pdu->tag, pdu->id, total, err); out_qiov: qemu_iovec_destroy(&qiov); out: put_fid(pdu, fidp); out_nofid: qemu_iovec_destroy(&qiov_full); pdu_complete(pdu, err); }
[ "CWE-399" ]
Memory leak in the v9fs_write function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) by leveraging failure to free an IO vector.
9pfs: fix memory leak in v9fs_link The v9fs_link() function keeps a reference on the source fid object. This causes a memory leak since the reference never goes down to 0. This patch fixes the issue. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <> [groug, rephrased the changelog] Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
static void coroutine_fn v9fs_link(void *opaque) { V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; int32_t dfid, oldfid; V9fsFidState *dfidp, *oldfidp; V9fsString name; size_t offset = 7; int err = 0; v9fs_string_init(&name); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dds", &dfid, &oldfid, &name); if (err < 0) { goto out_nofid; } trace_v9fs_link(pdu->tag, pdu->id, dfid, oldfid,; if (name_is_illegal( { err = -ENOENT; goto out_nofid; } if (!strcmp(".", || !strcmp("..", { err = -EEXIST; goto out_nofid; } dfidp = get_fid(pdu, dfid); if (dfidp == NULL) { err = -ENOENT; goto out_nofid; } oldfidp = get_fid(pdu, oldfid); if (oldfidp == NULL) { err = -ENOENT; goto out; } err = v9fs_co_link(pdu, oldfidp, dfidp, &name); if (!err) { err = offset; } out: put_fid(pdu, dfidp); out_nofid: pdu_complete(pdu, err); }
[ "CWE-399" ]
Memory leak in the v9fs_link function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via vectors involving a reference to the source fid object.
9pfs: fix information leak in xattr read 9pfs uses g_malloc() to allocate the xattr memory space, if the guest reads this memory before writing to it, this will leak host heap memory to the guest. This patch avoid this. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
static void coroutine_fn v9fs_xattrcreate(void *opaque) { int flags; int32_t fid; int64_t size; ssize_t err = 0; V9fsString name; size_t offset = 7; V9fsFidState *file_fidp; V9fsFidState *xattr_fidp; V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; v9fs_string_init(&name); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dsqd", &fid, &name, &size, &flags); if (err < 0) { goto out_nofid; } trace_v9fs_xattrcreate(pdu->tag, pdu->id, fid,, size, flags); file_fidp = get_fid(pdu, fid); if (file_fidp == NULL) { err = -EINVAL; goto out_nofid; } /* Make the file fid point to xattr */ xattr_fidp = file_fidp; xattr_fidp->fid_type = P9_FID_XATTR; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.copied_len = 0; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.len = size; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.flags = flags; v9fs_string_init(&xattr_fidp->; v9fs_string_copy(&xattr_fidp->, &name); xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.value = g_malloc(size); err = offset; put_fid(pdu, file_fidp); out_nofid: pdu_complete(pdu, err); v9fs_string_free(&name); }
[ "CWE-119" ]
The v9fs_xattrcreate function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to obtain sensitive host heap memory information by reading xattribute values before writing to them.
9pfs: fix memory leak in v9fs_xattrcreate The 'fs.xattr.value' field in V9fsFidState object doesn't consider the situation that this field has been allocated previously. Every time, it will be allocated directly. This leads to a host memory leak issue if the client sends another Txattrcreate message with the same fid number before the fid from the previous time got clunked. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Greg Kurz <> [groug, updated the changelog to indicate how the leak can occur] Signed-off-by: Greg Kurz <>
static void coroutine_fn v9fs_xattrcreate(void *opaque) { int flags; int32_t fid; int64_t size; ssize_t err = 0; V9fsString name; size_t offset = 7; V9fsFidState *file_fidp; V9fsFidState *xattr_fidp; V9fsPDU *pdu = opaque; v9fs_string_init(&name); err = pdu_unmarshal(pdu, offset, "dsqd", &fid, &name, &size, &flags); if (err < 0) { goto out_nofid; } trace_v9fs_xattrcreate(pdu->tag, pdu->id, fid,, size, flags); file_fidp = get_fid(pdu, fid); if (file_fidp == NULL) { err = -EINVAL; goto out_nofid; } /* Make the file fid point to xattr */ xattr_fidp = file_fidp; xattr_fidp->fid_type = P9_FID_XATTR; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.copied_len = 0; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.len = size; xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.flags = flags; v9fs_string_init(&xattr_fidp->; v9fs_string_copy(&xattr_fidp->, &name); xattr_fidp->fs.xattr.value = g_malloc0(size); err = offset; put_fid(pdu, file_fidp); pdu_complete(pdu, err); v9fs_string_free(&name); }
[ "CWE-399" ]
Memory leak in the v9fs_xattrcreate function in hw/9pfs/9p.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (memory consumption and QEMU process crash) via a large number of Txattrcreate messages with the same fid number.
The validation of server responses avoids out of boundary accesses. v2: FontNames.c return a NULL list whenever a single length field from the server is incohent. Signed-off-by: Tobias Stoeckmann <> Reviewed-by: Matthieu Herrb <>
XListFonts( register Display *dpy, _Xconst char *pattern, /* null-terminated */ int maxNames, int *actualCount) /* RETURN */ { register long nbytes; register unsigned i; register int length; char **flist = NULL; char *ch = NULL; char *chend; int count = 0; xListFontsReply rep; register xListFontsReq *req; unsigned long rlen = 0; LockDisplay(dpy); GetReq(ListFonts, req); req->maxNames = maxNames; nbytes = req->nbytes = pattern ? strlen (pattern) : 0; req->length += (nbytes + 3) >> 2; _XSend (dpy, pattern, nbytes); /* use _XSend instead of Data, since following _XReply will flush buffer */ if (!_XReply (dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) { *actualCount = 0; UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } if (rep.nFonts) { flist = Xmalloc (rep.nFonts * sizeof(char *)); if (rep.length < (INT_MAX >> 2)) { rlen = rep.length << 2; ch = Xmalloc(rlen + 1); /* +1 to leave room for last null-terminator */ } if ((! flist) || (! ch)) { Xfree(flist); Xfree(ch); _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length); *actualCount = 0; UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); return (char **) NULL; } _XReadPad (dpy, ch, rlen); /* * unpack into null terminated strings. */ chend = ch + (rlen + 1); length = *(unsigned char *)ch; *ch = 1; /* make sure it is non-zero for XFreeFontNames */ for (i = 0; i < rep.nFonts; i++) { if (ch + length < chend) { flist[i] = ch + 1; /* skip over length */ ch += length + 1; /* find next length ... */ length = *(unsigned char *)ch; *ch = '\0'; /* and replace with null-termination */ count++; } else flist[i] = NULL; } } *actualCount = count; for (names = list+1; *names; names++) Xfree (*names); }
[ "CWE-787" ]
The XListFonts function in libX11 before 1.6.4 might allow remote X servers to gain privileges via vectors involving length fields, which trigger out-of-bounds write operations.
scsi: mptsas: use g_new0 to allocate MPTSASRequest object When processing IO request in mptsas, it uses g_new to allocate a 'req' object. If an error occurs before 'req->sreq' is allocated, It could lead to an OOB write in mptsas_free_request function. Use g_new0 to avoid it. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
static int mptsas_process_scsi_io_request(MPTSASState *s, MPIMsgSCSIIORequest *scsi_io, hwaddr addr) { MPTSASRequest *req; MPIMsgSCSIIOReply reply; SCSIDevice *sdev; int status; mptsas_fix_scsi_io_endianness(scsi_io); trace_mptsas_process_scsi_io_request(s, scsi_io->Bus, scsi_io->TargetID, scsi_io->LUN[1], scsi_io->DataLength); status = mptsas_scsi_device_find(s, scsi_io->Bus, scsi_io->TargetID, scsi_io->LUN, &sdev); if (status) { goto bad; } req = g_new(MPTSASRequest, 1); QTAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->pending, req, next); req->scsi_io = *scsi_io; req->dev = s; status = mptsas_build_sgl(s, req, addr); if (status) { goto free_bad; } if (req->qsg.size < scsi_io->DataLength) { trace_mptsas_sgl_overflow(s, scsi_io->MsgContext, scsi_io->DataLength, req->qsg.size); status = MPI_IOCSTATUS_INVALID_SGL; goto free_bad; } req->sreq = scsi_req_new(sdev, scsi_io->MsgContext, scsi_io->LUN[1], scsi_io->CDB, req); if (req->sreq->cmd.xfer > scsi_io->DataLength) { goto overrun; } switch (scsi_io->Control & MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_DATADIRECTION_MASK) { case MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_NODATATRANSFER: if (req->sreq->cmd.mode != SCSI_XFER_NONE) { goto overrun; } break; case MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_WRITE: if (req->sreq->cmd.mode != SCSI_XFER_TO_DEV) { goto overrun; } break; case MPI_SCSIIO_CONTROL_READ: if (req->sreq->cmd.mode != SCSI_XFER_FROM_DEV) { goto overrun; } break; } if (scsi_req_enqueue(req->sreq)) { scsi_req_continue(req->sreq); } return 0; overrun: trace_mptsas_scsi_overflow(s, scsi_io->MsgContext, req->sreq->cmd.xfer, scsi_io->DataLength); status = MPI_IOCSTATUS_SCSI_DATA_OVERRUN; free_bad: mptsas_free_request(req); bad: memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); reply.TargetID = scsi_io->TargetID; reply.Bus = scsi_io->Bus; reply.MsgLength = sizeof(reply) / 4; reply.Function = scsi_io->Function; reply.CDBLength = scsi_io->CDBLength; reply.SenseBufferLength = scsi_io->SenseBufferLength; reply.MsgContext = scsi_io->MsgContext; reply.SCSIState = MPI_SCSI_STATE_NO_SCSI_STATUS; reply.IOCStatus = status; mptsas_fix_scsi_io_reply_endianness(&reply); mptsas_reply(s, (MPIDefaultReply *)&reply); return 0; }
[ "CWE-787" ]
The mptsas_process_scsi_io_request function in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with LSI SAS1068 Host Bus emulation support, allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write and QEMU process crash) via vectors involving MPTSASRequest objects.
scsi: pvscsi: limit process IO loop to ring size Vmware Paravirtual SCSI emulator while processing IO requests could run into an infinite loop if 'pvscsi_ring_pop_req_descr' always returned positive value. Limit IO loop to the ring size. Cc: Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
pvscsi_ring_pop_req_descr(PVSCSIRingInfo *mgr) { uint32_t ready_ptr = RS_GET_FIELD(mgr, reqProdIdx); if (ready_ptr != mgr->consumed_ptr) { uint32_t next_ready_ptr = mgr->consumed_ptr++ & mgr->txr_len_mask; uint32_t next_ready_page = return mgr->req_ring_pages_pa[next_ready_page] + inpage_idx * sizeof(PVSCSIRingReqDesc); } else { return 0; } }
[ "CWE-399" ]
The pvscsi_ring_pop_req_descr function in hw/scsi/vmw_pvscsi.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and QEMU process crash) by leveraging failure to limit process IO loop to the ring size.
hw/net: Fix a heap overflow in xlnx.xps-ethernetlite The .receive callback of xlnx.xps-ethernetlite doesn't check the length of data before calling memcpy. As a result, the NetClientState object in heap will be overflowed. All versions of qemu with xlnx.xps-ethernetlite will be affected. Reported-by: chaojianhu <> Signed-off-by: chaojianhu <> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
static ssize_t eth_rx(NetClientState *nc, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { struct xlx_ethlite *s = qemu_get_nic_opaque(nc); unsigned int rxbase = s->rxbuf * (0x800 / 4); /* DA filter. */ if (!(buf[0] & 0x80) && memcmp(&s->conf.macaddr.a[0], buf, 6)) return size; if (s->regs[rxbase + R_RX_CTRL0] & CTRL_S) { D(qemu_log("ethlite lost packet %x\n", s->regs[R_RX_CTRL0])); return -1; } D(qemu_log("%s %zd rxbase=%x\n", __func__, size, rxbase)); memcpy(&s->regs[rxbase + R_RX_BUF0], buf, size); s->regs[rxbase + R_RX_CTRL0] |= CTRL_S; /* If c_rx_pingpong was set flip buffers. */ s->rxbuf ^= s->c_rx_pingpong; return size; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Heap-based buffer overflow in the .receive callback of xlnx.xps-ethernetlite in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on the QEMU host via a large ethlite packet.
scsi: mptconfig: fix misuse of MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK These issues cause respectively a QEMU crash and a leak of 2 bytes of stack. They were discovered by VictorV of 360 Marvel Team. Reported-by: Tom Victor <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
size_t mptsas_config_ioc_0(MPTSASState *s, uint8_t **data, int address) { PCIDeviceClass *pcic = PCI_DEVICE_GET_CLASS(s); return MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK(0, MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_IOC, 0x01, "*l*lwwb*b*b*blww", pcic->vendor_id, pcic->device_id, pcic->revision, pcic->subsystem_vendor_id, pcic->subsystem_id); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The (1) mptsas_config_manufacturing_1 and (2) mptsas_config_ioc_0 functions in hw/scsi/mptconfig.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allow local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) via vectors involving MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK.
scsi: mptconfig: fix misuse of MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK These issues cause respectively a QEMU crash and a leak of 2 bytes of stack. They were discovered by VictorV of 360 Marvel Team. Reported-by: Tom Victor <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
size_t mptsas_config_manufacturing_1(MPTSASState *s, uint8_t **data, int address) { /* VPD - all zeros */ return MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK(1, MPI_CONFIG_PAGETYPE_MANUFACTURING, 0x00, "s256"); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The (1) mptsas_config_manufacturing_1 and (2) mptsas_config_ioc_0 functions in hw/scsi/mptconfig.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allow local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) via vectors involving MPTSAS_CONFIG_PACK.
scsi: pvscsi: limit loop to fetch SG list In PVSCSI paravirtual SCSI bus, pvscsi_convert_sglist can take a very long time or go into an infinite loop due to two different bugs: 1) the request descriptor data length is defined to be 64 bit. While building SG list from a request descriptor, it gets truncated to 32bit in routine 'pvscsi_convert_sglist'. This could lead to an infinite loop situation large 'dataLen' values when data_length is cast to uint32_t and chunk_size becomes always zero. Fix this by removing the incorrect cast. 2) pvscsi_get_next_sg_elem can be called arbitrarily many times if the element has a zero length. Get out of the loop early when this happens, by introducing an upper limit on the number of SG list elements. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
pvscsi_convert_sglist(PVSCSIRequest *r) { int chunk_size; uint64_t data_length = r->req.dataLen; PVSCSISGState sg = r->sg; while (data_length) { while (!sg.resid) { pvscsi_get_next_sg_elem(&sg); trace_pvscsi_convert_sglist(r->req.context, r->sg.dataAddr, r->sg.resid); } assert(data_length > 0); chunk_size = MIN((unsigned) data_length, sg.resid); if (chunk_size) { qemu_sglist_add(&r->sgl, sg.dataAddr, chunk_size); } sg.dataAddr += chunk_size; data_length -= chunk_size; sg.resid -= chunk_size; } }
[ "CWE-399" ]
The pvscsi_convert_sglist function in hw/scsi/vmw_pvscsi.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and QEMU process crash) by leveraging an incorrect cast.
vmw_pvscsi: check page count while initialising descriptor rings Vmware Paravirtual SCSI emulation uses command descriptors to process SCSI commands. These descriptors come with their ring buffers. A guest could set the page count for these rings to an arbitrary value, leading to infinite loop or OOB access. Add check to avoid it. Reported-by: Tom Victor <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
pvscsi_ring_init_data(PVSCSIRingInfo *m, PVSCSICmdDescSetupRings *ri) { int i; uint32_t txr_len_log2, rxr_len_log2; uint32_t req_ring_size, cmp_ring_size; m->rs_pa = ri->ringsStatePPN << VMW_PAGE_SHIFT; if ((ri->reqRingNumPages > PVSCSI_SETUP_RINGS_MAX_NUM_PAGES) || (ri->cmpRingNumPages > PVSCSI_SETUP_RINGS_MAX_NUM_PAGES)) { return -1; } req_ring_size = ri->reqRingNumPages * PVSCSI_MAX_NUM_REQ_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; cmp_ring_size = ri->cmpRingNumPages * PVSCSI_MAX_NUM_CMP_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; txr_len_log2 = pvscsi_log2(req_ring_size - 1); }
[ "CWE-125" ]
hw/scsi/vmw_pvscsi.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds access or infinite loop, and QEMU process crash) via a crafted page count for descriptor rings.
net: vmxnet: use g_new for pkt initialisation When network transport abstraction layer initialises pkt, the maximum fragmentation count is not checked. This could lead to an integer overflow causing a NULL pointer dereference. Replace g_malloc() with g_new() to catch the multiplication overflow. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Acked-by: Dmitry Fleytman <> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
void net_tx_pkt_init(struct NetTxPkt **pkt, PCIDevice *pci_dev, uint32_t max_frags, bool has_virt_hdr) { struct NetTxPkt *p = g_malloc0(sizeof *p); p->pci_dev = pci_dev; p->vec = g_malloc((sizeof *p->vec) * (max_frags + NET_TX_PKT_PL_START_FRAG)); p->raw = g_malloc((sizeof *p->raw) * max_frags); p->max_payload_frags = max_frags; p->max_raw_frags = max_frags; p->max_raw_frags = max_frags; p->has_virt_hdr = has_virt_hdr; p->vec[NET_TX_PKT_VHDR_FRAG].iov_base = &p->virt_hdr; p->vec[NET_TX_PKT_VHDR_FRAG].iov_len = p->has_virt_hdr ? sizeof p->virt_hdr : 0; p->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L2HDR_FRAG].iov_base = &p->l2_hdr; p->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L3HDR_FRAG].iov_base = &p->l3_hdr; *pkt = p; }
[ "CWE-190" ]
Integer overflow in the net_tx_pkt_init function in hw/net/net_tx_pkt.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) via the maximum fragmentation count, which triggers an unchecked multiplication and NULL pointer dereference.
net: vmxnet: initialise local tx descriptor In Vmxnet3 device emulator while processing transmit(tx) queue, when it reaches end of packet, it calls vmxnet3_complete_packet. In that local 'txcq_descr' object is not initialised, which could leak host memory bytes a guest. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Fleytman <> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
static void vmxnet3_complete_packet(VMXNET3State *s, int qidx, uint32_t tx_ridx) { struct Vmxnet3_TxCompDesc txcq_descr; PCIDevice *d = PCI_DEVICE(s); VMXNET3_RING_DUMP(VMW_RIPRN, "TXC", qidx, &s->txq_descr[qidx].comp_ring); txcq_descr.txdIdx = tx_ridx; txcq_descr.gen = vmxnet3_ring_curr_gen(&s->txq_descr[qidx].comp_ring); /* Flush changes in TX descriptor before changing the counter value */ smp_wmb(); vmxnet3_inc_tx_completion_counter(s, qidx); vmxnet3_trigger_interrupt(s, s->txq_descr[qidx].intr_idx); }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The vmxnet3_complete_packet function in hw/net/vmxnet3.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to obtain sensitive host memory information by leveraging failure to initialize the txcq_descr object.
net: check fragment length during fragmentation Network transport abstraction layer supports packet fragmentation. While fragmenting a packet, it checks for more fragments from packet length and current fragment length. It is susceptible to an infinite loop, if the current fragment length is zero. Add check to avoid it. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Fleytman <> CC: Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
static bool net_tx_pkt_do_sw_fragmentation(struct NetTxPkt *pkt, NetClientState *nc) { struct iovec fragment[NET_MAX_FRAG_SG_LIST]; size_t fragment_len = 0; bool more_frags = false; /* some pointers for shorter code */ void *l2_iov_base, *l3_iov_base; size_t l2_iov_len, l3_iov_len; int src_idx = NET_TX_PKT_PL_START_FRAG, dst_idx; size_t src_offset = 0; size_t fragment_offset = 0; l2_iov_base = pkt->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L2HDR_FRAG].iov_base; l2_iov_len = pkt->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L2HDR_FRAG].iov_len; l3_iov_base = pkt->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L3HDR_FRAG].iov_base; l3_iov_len = pkt->vec[NET_TX_PKT_L3HDR_FRAG].iov_len; /* Copy headers */ fragment[NET_TX_PKT_FRAGMENT_L2_HDR_POS].iov_base = l2_iov_base; fragment[NET_TX_PKT_FRAGMENT_L2_HDR_POS].iov_len = l2_iov_len; fragment[NET_TX_PKT_FRAGMENT_L3_HDR_POS].iov_base = l3_iov_base; fragment[NET_TX_PKT_FRAGMENT_L3_HDR_POS].iov_len = l3_iov_len; /* Put as much data as possible and send */ do { fragment_len = net_tx_pkt_fetch_fragment(pkt, &src_idx, &src_offset, fragment, &dst_idx); more_frags = (fragment_offset + fragment_len < pkt->payload_len); eth_setup_ip4_fragmentation(l2_iov_base, l2_iov_len, l3_iov_base, l3_iov_len, fragment_len, fragment_offset, more_frags); eth_fix_ip4_checksum(l3_iov_base, l3_iov_len); net_tx_pkt_sendv(pkt, nc, fragment, dst_idx); fragment_offset += fragment_len; } while (more_frags); return true; }
[ "CWE-399" ]
The net_tx_pkt_do_sw_fragmentation function in hw/net/net_tx_pkt.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and QEMU process crash) via a zero length for the current fragment length.
net: vmxnet3: check for device_active before write Vmxnet3 device emulator does not check if the device is active, before using it for write. It leads to a use after free issue, if the vmxnet3_io_bar0_write routine is called after the device is deactivated. Add check to avoid it. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Acked-by: Dmitry Fleytman <> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
vmxnet3_io_bar0_write(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, uint64_t val, unsigned size) { VMXNET3State *s = opaque; if (VMW_IS_MULTIREG_ADDR(addr, VMXNET3_REG_TXPROD, VMXNET3_DEVICE_MAX_TX_QUEUES, VMXNET3_REG_ALIGN)) { int tx_queue_idx = return; } if (VMW_IS_MULTIREG_ADDR(addr, VMXNET3_REG_IMR, VMXNET3_MAX_INTRS, VMXNET3_REG_ALIGN)) { int l = VMW_MULTIREG_IDX_BY_ADDR(addr, VMXNET3_REG_IMR, VMXNET3_REG_ALIGN); VMW_CBPRN("Interrupt mask for line %d written: 0x%" PRIx64, l, val); vmxnet3_on_interrupt_mask_changed(s, l, val); return; } if (VMW_IS_MULTIREG_ADDR(addr, VMXNET3_REG_RXPROD, VMXNET3_DEVICE_MAX_RX_QUEUES, VMXNET3_REG_ALIGN) || VMW_IS_MULTIREG_ADDR(addr, VMXNET3_REG_RXPROD2, VMXNET3_DEVICE_MAX_RX_QUEUES, VMXNET3_REG_ALIGN)) { return; } VMW_WRPRN("BAR0 unknown write [%" PRIx64 "] = %" PRIx64 ", size %d", (uint64_t) addr, val, size); }
[ "CWE-416" ]
Use-after-free vulnerability in the vmxnet3_io_bar0_write function in hw/net/vmxnet3.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU instance crash) by leveraging failure to check if the device is active.
scsi: esp: make cmdbuf big enough for maximum CDB size While doing DMA read into ESP command buffer 's->cmdbuf', it could write past the 's->cmdbuf' area, if it was transferring more than 16 bytes. Increase the command buffer size to 32, which is maximum when 's->do_cmd' is set, and add a check on 'len' to avoid OOB access. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
static void esp_do_dma(ESPState *s) { uint32_t len; int to_device; len = s->dma_left; if (s->do_cmd) { trace_esp_do_dma(s->cmdlen, len); s->dma_memory_read(s->dma_opaque, &s->cmdbuf[s->cmdlen], len); return; } return; }
[ "CWE-787" ]
The esp_do_dma function in hw/scsi/esp.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator), when built with ESP/NCR53C9x controller emulation support, allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds write and QEMU process crash) or execute arbitrary code on the QEMU host via vectors involving DMA read into ESP command buffer.
php_stream *php_stream_zip_opener(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, char *path, char *mode, int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC) { int path_len; char *file_basename; size_t file_basename_len; char file_dirname[MAXPATHLEN]; struct zip *za; struct zip_file *zf = NULL; char *fragment; int fragment_len; int err; php_stream *stream = NULL; struct php_zip_stream_data_t *self; fragment = strchr(path, '#'); if (!fragment) { return NULL; } if (strncasecmp("zip://", path, 6) == 0) { path += 6; } fragment_len = strlen(fragment); if (fragment_len < 1) { return NULL; } path_len = strlen(path); if (path_len >= MAXPATHLEN || mode[0] != 'r') { return NULL; } memcpy(file_dirname, path, path_len - fragment_len); file_dirname[path_len - fragment_len] = '\0'; php_basename(path, path_len - fragment_len, NULL, 0, &file_basename, &file_basename_len TSRMLS_CC); fragment++; if (ZIP_OPENBASEDIR_CHECKPATH(file_dirname)) { efree(file_basename); return NULL; } za = zip_open(file_dirname, ZIP_CREATE, &err); if (za) { zf = zip_fopen(za, fragment, 0); if (zf) { self = emalloc(sizeof(*self)); self->za = za; self->zf = zf; self->stream = NULL; self->cursor = 0; stream = php_stream_alloc(&php_stream_zipio_ops, self, NULL, mode); if (opened_path) { *opened_path = estrdup(path); } } else { zip_close(za); } } efree(file_basename); if (!stream) { return NULL; } else { return stream; } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Integer overflow in the php_stream_zip_opener function in ext/zip/zip_stream.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (stack-based buffer overflow) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted zip:// URL.
PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_FUNC(php_binary) /* {{{ */ { const char *p; char *name; const char *endptr = val + vallen; zval *current; int namelen; int has_value; php_unserialize_data_t var_hash; PHP_VAR_UNSERIALIZE_INIT(var_hash); for (p = val; p < endptr; ) { zval **tmp; namelen = ((unsigned char)(*p)) & (~PS_BIN_UNDEF); if (namelen < 0 || namelen > PS_BIN_MAX || (p + namelen) >= endptr) { return FAILURE; } name = estrndup(p + 1, namelen); p += namelen + 1; if (zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), name, namelen + 1, (void **) &tmp) == SUCCESS) { if ((Z_TYPE_PP(tmp) == IS_ARRAY && Z_ARRVAL_PP(tmp) == &EG(symbol_table)) || *tmp == PS(http_session_vars)) { efree(name); continue; } } if (has_value) { ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(current); if (php_var_unserialize(&current, (const unsigned char **) &p, (const unsigned char *) endptr, &var_hash TSRMLS_CC)) { php_set_session_var(name, namelen, current, &var_hash TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHP_VAR_UNSERIALIZE_DESTROY(var_hash); return FAILURE; } var_push_dtor_no_addref(&var_hash, &current); } PS_ADD_VARL(name, namelen); efree(name); } PHP_VAR_UNSERIALIZE_DESTROY(var_hash); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */
[ "CWE-416" ]
ext/session/session.c in PHP before 5.5.38, 5.6.x before 5.6.24, and 7.x before 7.0.9 does not properly maintain a certain hash data structure, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (use-after-free) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors related to session deserialization.
virtio-gpu-3d: fix memory leak in resource attach backing If the virgl_renderer_resource_attach_iov function fails the 'res_iovs' will be leaked. Add check of the return value to free the 'res_iovs' when failing. Signed-off-by: Li Qiang <> Reviewed-by: Marc-André Lureau <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static void virgl_resource_attach_backing(VirtIOGPU *g, struct virtio_gpu_ctrl_command *cmd) { struct virtio_gpu_resource_attach_backing att_rb; struct iovec *res_iovs; int ret; VIRTIO_GPU_FILL_CMD(att_rb); trace_virtio_gpu_cmd_res_back_attach(att_rb.resource_id); ret = virtio_gpu_create_mapping_iov(&att_rb, cmd, NULL, &res_iovs); if (ret != 0) { cmd->error = VIRTIO_GPU_RESP_ERR_UNSPEC; return; } virgl_renderer_resource_attach_iov(att_rb.resource_id, res_iovs, att_rb.nr_entries); }
[ "CWE-772" ]
Memory leak in the virgl_resource_attach_backing function in hw/display/virtio-gpu-3d.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS users to cause a denial of service (host memory consumption) via a large number of VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_ATTACH_BACKING commands.
VP8XChunk::VP8XChunk(Container* parent) : Chunk(parent, kChunk_VP8X) { this->needsRewrite = true; this->size = 10; this->data.resize(this->size); this->data.assign(this->size, 0); XMP_Uns8* bitstream = (XMP_Uns8*)parent->chunks[WEBP_CHUNK_IMAGE][0]->; XMP_Uns32 width = ((bitstream[7] << 8) | bitstream[6]) & 0x3fff; XMP_Uns32 height = ((bitstream[9] << 8) | bitstream[8]) & 0x3fff; this->width(width); this->height(height); parent->vp8x = this; VP8XChunk::VP8XChunk(Container* parent, WEBP_MetaHandler* handler) : Chunk(parent, handler) { this->size = 10; this->needsRewrite = true; parent->vp8x = this; } XMP_Uns32 VP8XChunk::width() { return GetLE24(&this->data[4]) + 1; } void VP8XChunk::width(XMP_Uns32 val) { PutLE24(&this->data[4], val > 0 ? val - 1 : 0); } XMP_Uns32 VP8XChunk::height() { return GetLE24(&this->data[7]) + 1; } void VP8XChunk::height(XMP_Uns32 val) { PutLE24(&this->data[7], val > 0 ? val - 1 : 0); } bool VP8XChunk::xmp() { XMP_Uns32 flags = GetLE32(&this->data[0]); return (bool)((flags >> XMP_FLAG_BIT) & 1); } void VP8XChunk::xmp(bool hasXMP) { XMP_Uns32 flags = GetLE32(&this->data[0]); flags ^= (-hasXMP ^ flags) & (1 << XMP_FLAG_BIT); PutLE32(&this->data[0], flags); } Container::Container(WEBP_MetaHandler* handler) : Chunk(NULL, handler) { this->needsRewrite = false; XMP_IO* file = handler->parent->ioRef; file->Seek(12, kXMP_SeekFromStart); XMP_Int64 size = handler->initialFileSize; XMP_Uns32 peek = 0; while (file->Offset() < size) { peek = XIO::PeekUns32_LE(file); switch (peek) { case kChunk_XMP_: this->addChunk(new XMPChunk(this, handler)); break; case kChunk_VP8X: this->addChunk(new VP8XChunk(this, handler)); break; default: this->addChunk(new Chunk(this, handler)); break; } } if (this->chunks[WEBP_CHUNK_IMAGE].size() == 0) { XMP_Throw("File has no image bitstream", kXMPErr_BadFileFormat); } if (this->chunks[WEBP_CHUNK_VP8X].size() == 0) { this->needsRewrite = true; this->addChunk(new VP8XChunk(this)); } if (this->chunks[WEBP_CHUNK_XMP].size() == 0) { XMPChunk* xmpChunk = new XMPChunk(this); this->addChunk(xmpChunk); handler->xmpChunk = xmpChunk; this->vp8x->xmp(true); } } Chunk* Container::getExifChunk() { if (this->chunks[WEBP::WEBP_CHUNK_EXIF].size() == 0) { return NULL; } return this->chunks[WEBP::WEBP_CHUNK_EXIF][0]; } void Container::addChunk(Chunk* chunk) { ChunkId idx; try { idx =>tag); } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { idx = WEBP_CHUNK_UNKNOWN; } this->chunks[idx].push_back(chunk); } void Container::write(WEBP_MetaHandler* handler) { XMP_IO* file = handler->parent->ioRef; file->Rewind(); XIO::WriteUns32_LE(file, this->tag); XIO::WriteUns32_LE(file, (XMP_Uns32) this->size); XIO::WriteUns32_LE(file, kChunk_WEBP); size_t i, j; std::vector<Chunk*> chunkVect; for (i = 0; i < WEBP_CHUNK_NIL; i++) { chunkVect = this->chunks[i]; for (j = 0; j < chunkVect.size(); j++) {>write(handler); } } XMP_Int64 lastOffset = file->Offset(); this->size = lastOffset - 8; file->Seek(this->pos + 4, kXMP_SeekFromStart); XIO::WriteUns32_LE(file, (XMP_Uns32) this->size); file->Seek(lastOffset, kXMP_SeekFromStart); if (lastOffset < handler->initialFileSize) { file->Truncate(lastOffset); } } Container::~Container() { Chunk* chunk; size_t i; std::vector<Chunk*> chunkVect; for (i = 0; i < WEBP_CHUNK_NIL; i++) { chunkVect = this->chunks[i]; while (!chunkVect.empty()) { chunk = chunkVect.back(); delete chunk; chunkVect.pop_back(); } } } }
[ "CWE-476" ]
An issue was discovered in Exempi through 2.4.4. XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/WEBP_Support.cpp does not check whether a bitstream has a NULL value, leading to a NULL pointer dereference in the WEBP::VP8XChunk class.
void PSIR_FileWriter::ParseFileResources ( XMP_IO* fileRef, XMP_Uns32 length ) { static const size_t kMinPSIRSize = 12; // 4+2+1+1+4 this->DeleteExistingInfo(); this->fileParsed = true; if ( length == 0 ) return; XMP_Int64 psirOrigin = fileRef->Offset(); // Need this to determine the resource data offsets. XMP_Int64 fileEnd = psirOrigin + length; char nameBuffer [260]; // The name is a PString, at 1+255+1 including length and pad. while ( fileRef->Offset() < fileEnd ) { if ( ! XIO::CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, kMinPSIRSize ) ) break; // Bad image resource. XMP_Int64 thisRsrcPos = fileRef->Offset(); XMP_Uns32 type = XIO::ReadUns32_BE ( fileRef ); XMP_Uns16 id = XIO::ReadUns16_BE ( fileRef ); XMP_Uns8 nameLen = XIO::ReadUns8 ( fileRef ); // ! The length for the Pascal string. XMP_Uns16 paddedLen = (nameLen + 2) & 0xFFFE; // ! Round up to an even total. Yes, +2! if ( ! XIO::CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, paddedLen+4 ) ) break; // Bad image resource. nameBuffer[0] = nameLen; fileRef->ReadAll ( &nameBuffer[1], paddedLen-1 ); // Include the pad byte, present for zero nameLen. XMP_Uns32 dataLen = XIO::ReadUns32_BE ( fileRef ); XMP_Uns32 dataTotal = ((dataLen + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFEUL); // Round up to an even total. if ( ! XIO::CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, dataTotal ) ) break; // Bad image resource. XMP_Int64 thisDataPos = fileRef->Offset(); continue; } InternalRsrcInfo newInfo ( id, dataLen, kIsFileBased ); InternalRsrcMap::iterator rsrcPos = this->imgRsrcs.find ( id ); if ( rsrcPos == this->imgRsrcs.end() ) { rsrcPos = this->imgRsrcs.insert ( rsrcPos, InternalRsrcMap::value_type ( id, newInfo ) ); } else if ( (rsrcPos->second.dataLen == 0) && (newInfo.dataLen != 0) ) { rsrcPos->second = newInfo; } else { fileRef->Seek ( nextRsrcPos, kXMP_SeekFromStart ); continue; } InternalRsrcInfo* rsrcPtr = &rsrcPos->second; rsrcPtr->origOffset = (XMP_Uns32)thisDataPos; if ( nameLen > 0 ) { rsrcPtr->rsrcName = (XMP_Uns8*) malloc ( paddedLen ); if ( rsrcPtr->rsrcName == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Out of memory", kXMPErr_NoMemory ); memcpy ( (void*)rsrcPtr->rsrcName, nameBuffer, paddedLen ); // AUDIT: Safe, allocated enough bytes above. } if ( ! IsMetadataImgRsrc ( id ) ) { fileRef->Seek ( nextRsrcPos, kXMP_SeekFromStart ); continue; } rsrcPtr->dataPtr = malloc ( dataTotal ); // ! Allocate after the IsMetadataImgRsrc check. if ( rsrcPtr->dataPtr == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Out of memory", kXMPErr_NoMemory ); fileRef->ReadAll ( (void*)rsrcPtr->dataPtr, dataTotal ); }
[ "CWE-125" ]
An issue was discovered in Exempi through 2.4.4. A certain case of a 0xffffffff length is mishandled in XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_FileWriter.cpp, leading to a heap-based buffer over-read in the PSD_MetaHandler::CacheFileData() function.
void PostScript_MetaHandler::ParsePSFile() { bool found = false; IOBuffer ioBuf; XMP_IO* fileRef = this->parent->ioRef; XMP_AbortProc abortProc = this->parent->abortProc; void * abortArg = this->parent->abortArg; const bool checkAbort = (abortProc != 0); if ( ! PostScript_Support::IsValidPSFile(fileRef,this->fileformat) ) return ; fileRef->Rewind(); if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 4 ) ) return ; XMP_Uns32 fileheader = GetUns32BE ( ioBuf.ptr ); if ( fileheader == 0xC5D0D3C6 ) { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 30 ) ) return ; XMP_Uns32 psOffset = GetUns32LE ( ioBuf.ptr+4 ); // PostScript offset. XMP_Uns32 psLength = GetUns32LE ( ioBuf.ptr+8 ); // PostScript length. setTokenInfo(kPS_EndPostScript,psOffset+psLength,0); MoveToOffset ( fileRef, psOffset, &ioBuf ); } while ( true ) { if ( checkAbort && abortProc(abortArg) ) { XMP_Throw ( "PostScript_MetaHandler::FindPostScriptHint - User abort", kXMPErr_UserAbort ); } if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsForString.length() ) ) return ; if ( (CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSEndCommentString.length() )&& CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSEndCommentString.c_str()), kPSEndCommentString.length() ) )|| *ioBuf.ptr!='%' || !(*(ioBuf.ptr+1)>32 && *(ioBuf.ptr+1)<=126 )) // implicit endcomment check { if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSEndCommentString.c_str()), kPSEndCommentString.length() )) { setTokenInfo(kPS_EndComments,,kPSEndCommentString.length()); ioBuf.ptr+=kPSEndCommentString.length(); } else { setTokenInfo(kPS_EndComments,,0); } while(true) { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return ; if (! IsWhitespace (*ioBuf.ptr)) break; ++ioBuf.ptr; } while(true) { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 5 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("/DOCI"), 5 ) && CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsDocInfoString.length() ) &&CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsDocInfoString.c_str()), kPSContainsDocInfoString.length() )) { ioBuf.ptr+=kPSContainsDocInfoString.length(); ExtractDocInfoDict(ioBuf); }// DOCINFO Not found in document else if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%Beg"), 5 )) {//possibly one of %%BeginProlog %%BeginSetup %%BeginBinary %%BeginData XMP_Int64; ioBuf.ptr+=5; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 6 )) return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inProl"), 6 )) {//%%BeginProlog ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 2 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("og"), 2 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=2; setTokenInfo(kPS_BeginProlog,begStartpos,13); } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inSetu"), 6 )) {//%%BeginSetup ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("p"), 1 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=1; setTokenInfo(kPS_BeginSetup,begStartpos,12); } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inBina"), 6 )) {//%%BeginBinary ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 3 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("ry"), 3 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=3; while(true) { if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 12 ))return; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%EndBinary"), 11 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=11; if (IsWhitespace(*ioBuf.ptr)) { ioBuf.ptr++; break; } } ++ioBuf.ptr; } } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inData"), 6 )) {//%%BeginData ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(":"), 1 )) { while(true) { if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 10 ))return; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%EndData"), 9 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=9; if (IsWhitespace(*ioBuf.ptr)) { ioBuf.ptr++; break; } } ++ioBuf.ptr; } } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inDocu"), 6 )) {// %%BeginDocument ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 5 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("ment:"), 5 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=5; while(true) { if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 14 ))return; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%EndDocument"), 13 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=13; if (IsWhitespace(*ioBuf.ptr)) { ioBuf.ptr++; break; } } ++ioBuf.ptr; } } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("inPage"), 6 )) {// %%BeginPageSetup ioBuf.ptr+=6; if (!CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 5 ))return; if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("Setup"), 5 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=5; setTokenInfo(kPS_BeginPageSetup,begStartpos,16); } } } else if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%End"), 5 )) {//possibly %%EndProlog %%EndSetup %%EndPageSetup %%EndPageComments XMP_Int64; ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 5 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("Prolo"), 5 )) {// %%EndProlog ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("g"), 1 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=1; setTokenInfo(kPS_EndProlog,begStartpos,11); } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("Setup"), 5 )) {//%%EndSetup ioBuf.ptr+=5; setTokenInfo(kPS_EndSetup,begStartpos,10); } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("PageS"), 5 )) {//%%EndPageSetup ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 4 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("etup"), 4 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=4; setTokenInfo(kPS_EndPageSetup,begStartpos,14); } } else if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("PageC"), 5 )) {//%%EndPageComments ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 7 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("omments"), 7 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=7; setTokenInfo(kPS_EndPageComments,begStartpos,17); } } } else if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%Pag"), 5 )) { XMP_Int64; ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 2 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(":"), 2 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=2; while(!IsNewline(*ioBuf.ptr)) { if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return ; ++ioBuf.ptr; } setTokenInfo(kPS_Page,begStartpos,; } } else if(CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("%%Tra"), 5 )) { XMP_Int64; ioBuf.ptr+=5; if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 4 ) ) return ; if (CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr("iler"), 4 )) { ioBuf.ptr+=4; while(!IsNewline(*ioBuf.ptr)) ++ioBuf.ptr; setTokenInfo(kPS_Trailer,begStartpos,; } } ioBuf.ptr+=5; setTokenInfo(kPS_EOF,,5); } if ( ! CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, 1 ) ) return ; ++ioBuf.ptr; } return; }else if (!(kPS_Creator & dscFlags) && CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsForString.length() )&& CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsForString.c_str()), kPSContainsForString.length() )) { ioBuf.ptr+=kPSContainsForString.length(); if ( ! ExtractDSCCommentValue(ioBuf,kPS_dscFor) ) return ; } else if (!(kPS_CreatorTool & dscFlags) && CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsCreatorString.length() )&& CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsCreatorString.c_str()), kPSContainsCreatorString.length() )) { ioBuf.ptr+=kPSContainsCreatorString.length(); if ( ! ExtractDSCCommentValue(ioBuf,kPS_dscCreator) ) return ; } else if (!(kPS_CreateDate & dscFlags) && CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsCreateDateString.length() )&& CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsCreateDateString.c_str()), kPSContainsCreateDateString.length() )) { ioBuf.ptr+=kPSContainsCreateDateString.length(); if ( ! ExtractDSCCommentValue(ioBuf,kPS_dscCreateDate) ) return ; } else if (!(kPS_Title & dscFlags) && CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsTitleString.length() )&& CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsTitleString.c_str()), kPSContainsTitleString.length() )) { ioBuf.ptr+=kPSContainsTitleString.length(); if ( ! ExtractDSCCommentValue(ioBuf,kPS_dscTitle) ) return ; } else if( CheckFileSpace ( fileRef, &ioBuf, kPSContainsXMPString.length() )&& ( CheckBytes ( ioBuf.ptr, Uns8Ptr(kPSContainsXMPString.c_str()), kPSContainsXMPString.length() ) )) { XMP_Int64; ioBuf.ptr += kPSContainsXMPString.length(); ExtractContainsXMPHint(ioBuf,containsXMPStartpos); } // Found "%ADO_ContainsXMP:". if ( ! PostScript_Support::SkipUntilNewline(fileRef,ioBuf) ) return ; } // Outer marker loop.
[ "CWE-125" ]
An issue was discovered in Exempi through 2.4.4. There is a stack-based buffer over-read in the PostScript_MetaHandler::ParsePSFile() function in XMPFiles/source/FileHandlers/PostScript_Handler.cpp.
void TIFF_MetaHandler::ProcessXMP() { this->processedXMP = true; // Make sure we only come through here once. bool found; bool readOnly = ((this->parent->openFlags & kXMPFiles_OpenForUpdate) == 0); if ( readOnly ) { this->psirMgr = new PSIR_MemoryReader(); this->iptcMgr = new IPTC_Reader(); } else { this->psirMgr = new PSIR_FileWriter(); this->iptcMgr = new IPTC_Writer(); // ! Parse it later. } TIFF_Manager & tiff = this->tiffMgr; // Give the compiler help in recognizing non-aliases. PSIR_Manager & psir = *this->psirMgr; IPTC_Manager & iptc = *this->iptcMgr; TIFF_Manager::TagInfo psirInfo; bool havePSIR = tiff.GetTag ( kTIFF_PrimaryIFD, kTIFF_PSIR, &psirInfo ); if ( havePSIR ) { // ! Do the Photoshop 6 integration before other legacy analysis. psir.ParseMemoryResources ( psirInfo.dataPtr, psirInfo.dataLen ); PSIR_Manager::ImgRsrcInfo buriedExif; found = psir.GetImgRsrc ( kPSIR_Exif, &buriedExif ); if ( found ) { tiff.IntegrateFromPShop6 ( buriedExif.dataPtr, buriedExif.dataLen ); if ( ! readOnly ) psir.DeleteImgRsrc ( kPSIR_Exif ); } } TIFF_Manager::TagInfo iptcInfo; bool haveIPTC = tiff.GetTag ( kTIFF_PrimaryIFD, kTIFF_IPTC, &iptcInfo ); // The TIFF IPTC tag. int iptcDigestState = kDigestMatches; if ( haveIPTC ) { bool haveDigest = false; PSIR_Manager::ImgRsrcInfo digestInfo; if ( havePSIR ) haveDigest = psir.GetImgRsrc ( kPSIR_IPTCDigest, &digestInfo ); if ( digestInfo.dataLen != 16 ) haveDigest = false; if ( ! haveDigest ) { iptcDigestState = kDigestMissing; } else { iptcDigestState = PhotoDataUtils::CheckIPTCDigest ( iptcInfo.dataPtr, iptcInfo.dataLen, digestInfo.dataPtr ); if ( (iptcDigestState == kDigestDiffers) && (kTIFF_TypeSizes[iptcInfo.type] > 1) ) { XMP_Uns8 * endPtr = (XMP_Uns8*)iptcInfo.dataPtr + iptcInfo.dataLen - 1; XMP_Uns8 * minPtr = endPtr - kTIFF_TypeSizes[iptcInfo.type] + 1; while ( (endPtr >= minPtr) && (*endPtr == 0) ) --endPtr; iptcDigestState = PhotoDataUtils::CheckIPTCDigest ( iptcInfo.dataPtr, unpaddedLen, digestInfo.dataPtr ); } } } XMP_OptionBits options = k2XMP_FileHadExif; // TIFF files are presumed to have Exif legacy. if ( haveIPTC ) options |= k2XMP_FileHadIPTC; if ( this->containsXMP ) options |= k2XMP_FileHadXMP; bool haveXMP = false; if ( ! this->xmpPacket.empty() ) { XMP_Assert ( this->containsXMP ); XMP_StringPtr packetStr = this->xmpPacket.c_str(); XMP_StringLen packetLen = (XMP_StringLen)this->xmpPacket.size(); try { this->xmpObj.ParseFromBuffer ( packetStr, packetLen ); } catch ( ... ) { /* Ignore parsing failures, someday we hope to get partial XMP back. */ } haveXMP = true; } if ( haveIPTC && (! haveXMP) && (iptcDigestState == kDigestMatches) ) iptcDigestState = kDigestMissing; bool parseIPTC = (iptcDigestState != kDigestMatches) || (! readOnly); if ( parseIPTC ) iptc.ParseMemoryDataSets ( iptcInfo.dataPtr, iptcInfo.dataLen ); ImportPhotoData ( tiff, iptc, psir, iptcDigestState, &this->xmpObj, options ); this->containsXMP = true; // Assume we now have something in the XMP. } // TIFF_MetaHandler::ProcessXMP
[ "CWE-125" ]
An issue was discovered in Exempi through 2.4.4. XMPFiles/source/FileHandlers/TIFF_Handler.cpp mishandles a case of a zero length, leading to a heap-based buffer over-read in the MD5Update() function in third-party/zuid/interfaces/MD5.cpp.
scsi: esp: check TI buffer index before read/write The 53C9X Fast SCSI Controller(FSC) comes with internal 16-byte FIFO buffers. One is used to handle commands and other is for information transfer. Three control variables 'ti_rptr', 'ti_wptr' and 'ti_size' are used to control r/w access to the information transfer buffer ti_buf[TI_BUFSZ=16]. In that, 'ti_rptr' is used as read index, where read occurs. 'ti_wptr' is a write index, where write would occur. 'ti_size' indicates total bytes to be read from the buffer. While reading/writing to this buffer, index could exceed its size. Add check to avoid OOB r/w access. Reported-by: Huawei PSIRT <> Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
uint64_t esp_reg_read(ESPState *s, uint32_t saddr) { uint32_t old_val; trace_esp_mem_readb(saddr, s->rregs[saddr]); switch (saddr) { case ESP_FIFO: if (s->ti_size > 0) { s->ti_size--; if ((s->rregs[ESP_RSTAT] & STAT_PIO_MASK) == 0) { /* Data out. */ qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP, "esp: PIO data read not implemented\n"); s->rregs[ESP_FIFO] = 0; } else { s->rregs[ESP_FIFO] = s->ti_buf[s->ti_rptr++]; } esp_raise_irq(s); } if (s->ti_size == 0) { s->ti_rptr = 0; s->ti_wptr = 0; } s->ti_wptr = 0; } break; case ESP_RINTR: /* Clear sequence step, interrupt register and all status bits except TC */ old_val = s->rregs[ESP_RINTR]; s->rregs[ESP_RINTR] = 0; s->rregs[ESP_RSTAT] &= ~STAT_TC; s->rregs[ESP_RSEQ] = SEQ_CD; esp_lower_irq(s); return old_val; case ESP_TCHI: /* Return the unique id if the value has never been written */ if (!s->tchi_written) { return s->chip_id; } default: break; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The (1) esp_reg_read and (2) esp_reg_write functions in hw/scsi/esp.c in QEMU allow local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) or execute arbitrary code on the QEMU host via vectors related to the information transfer buffer.
scsi: mptsas: infinite loop while fetching requests The LSI SAS1068 Host Bus Adapter emulator in Qemu, periodically looks for requests and fetches them. A loop doing that in mptsas_fetch_requests() could run infinitely if 's->state' was not operational. Move check to avoid such a loop. Reported-by: Li Qiang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Cc: Message-Id: <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
static void mptsas_fetch_request(MPTSASState *s) { PCIDevice *pci = (PCIDevice *) s; char req[MPTSAS_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE]; MPIRequestHeader *hdr = (MPIRequestHeader *)req; hwaddr addr; int size; if (s->state != MPI_IOC_STATE_OPERATIONAL) { mptsas_set_fault(s, MPI_IOCSTATUS_INVALID_STATE); return; } /* Read the message header from the guest first. */ addr = s->host_mfa_high_addr | MPTSAS_FIFO_GET(s, request_post); pci_dma_read(pci, addr, req, sizeof(hdr)); }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The mptsas_fetch_requests function in hw/scsi/mptsas.c in QEMU (aka Quick Emulator) allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop, and CPU consumption or QEMU process crash) via vectors involving s->state.
pcihp: fix possible array out of bounds Prevent out-of-bounds array access on acpi_pcihp_pci_status. Signed-off-by: Gonglei <> Reviewed-by: Peter Crosthwaite <> Reviewed-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> Signed-off-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> Cc: Reviewed-by: Marcel Apfelbaum <>
static uint64_t pci_read(void *opaque, hwaddr addr, unsigned int size) { AcpiPciHpState *s = opaque; uint32_t val = 0; int bsel = s->hotplug_select; if (bsel < 0 || bsel > ACPI_PCIHP_MAX_HOTPLUG_BUS) { return 0; } switch (addr) { case PCI_UP_BASE: val = s->acpi_pcihp_pci_status[bsel].up; if (!s->legacy_piix) { s->acpi_pcihp_pci_status[bsel].up = 0; } ACPI_PCIHP_DPRINTF("pci_up_read %" PRIu32 "\n", val); break; case PCI_DOWN_BASE: val = s->acpi_pcihp_pci_status[bsel].down; ACPI_PCIHP_DPRINTF("pci_down_read %" PRIu32 "\n", val); break; case PCI_EJ_BASE: /* No feature defined yet */ ACPI_PCIHP_DPRINTF("pci_features_read %" PRIu32 "\n", val); break; case PCI_RMV_BASE: val = s->acpi_pcihp_pci_status[bsel].hotplug_enable; ACPI_PCIHP_DPRINTF("pci_rmv_read %" PRIu32 "\n", val); break; case PCI_SEL_BASE: val = s->hotplug_select; ACPI_PCIHP_DPRINTF("pci_sel_read %" PRIu32 "\n", val); default: break; } return val; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Off-by-one error in the pci_read function in the ACPI PCI hotplug interface (hw/acpi/pcihp.c) in QEMU allows local guest users to obtain sensitive information and have other unspecified impact related to a crafted PCI device that triggers memory corruption.
px_crypt_des(const char *key, const char *setting) { int i; uint32 count, salt, l, r0, r1, keybuf[2]; char *p; uint8 *q; static char output[21]; if (!des_initialised) des_init(); /* * Copy the key, shifting each character up by one bit and padding with * zeros. */ q = (uint8 *) keybuf; while (q - (uint8 *) keybuf - 8) { if ((*q++ = *key << 1)) key++; } if (des_setkey((char *) keybuf)) #ifndef DISABLE_XDES if (*setting == _PASSWORD_EFMT1) { /* * "new"-style: setting - underscore, 4 bytes of count, 4 bytes of * salt key - unlimited characters */ for (i = 1, count = 0L; i < 5; i++) count |= ascii_to_bin(setting[i]) << (i - 1) * 6; for (i = 5, salt = 0L; i < 9; i++) salt |= ascii_to_bin(setting[i]) << (i - 5) * 6; while (*key) { /* * Encrypt the key with itself. */ if (des_cipher((char *) keybuf, (char *) keybuf, 0L, 1)) return (NULL); /* * And XOR with the next 8 characters of the key. */ q = (uint8 *) keybuf; while (q - (uint8 *) keybuf - 8 && *key) *q++ ^= *key++ << 1; if (des_setkey((char *) keybuf)) return (NULL); } strncpy(output, setting, 9); /* * Double check that we weren't given a short setting. If we were, the * above code will probably have created weird values for count and * salt, but we don't really care. Just make sure the output string * doesn't have an extra NUL in it. */ output[9] = '\0'; p = output + strlen(output); } else #endif /* !DISABLE_XDES */ { /* * "old"-style: setting - 2 bytes of salt key - up to 8 characters */ count = 25; salt = (ascii_to_bin(setting[1]) << 6) | ascii_to_bin(setting[0]); output[0] = setting[0]; /* * If the encrypted password that the salt was extracted from is only * 1 character long, the salt will be corrupted. We need to ensure * that the output string doesn't have an extra NUL in it! */ output[1] = setting[1] ? setting[1] : output[0]; p = output + 2; } setup_salt(salt); /* * Do it. */ if (do_des(0L, 0L, &r0, &r1, count)) return (NULL); /* * Now encode the result... */ l = (r0 >> 8); *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 18) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[l & 0x3f]; l = (r0 << 16) | ((r1 >> 16) & 0xffff); *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 18) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[l & 0x3f]; l = r1 << 2; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = _crypt_a64[l & 0x3f]; *p = 0; return (output); }
[ "CWE-310" ]
The crypt_des (aka DES-based crypt) function in FreeBSD before 9.0-RELEASE-p2, as used in PHP, PostgreSQL, and other products, does not process the complete cleartext password if this password contains a 0x80 character, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to obtain access via an authentication attempt with an initial substring of the intended password, as demonstrated by a Unicode password.
_crypt_extended_r(const char *key, const char *setting, struct php_crypt_extended_data *data) { int i; uint32_t count, salt, l, r0, r1, keybuf[2]; u_char *p, *q; if (!data->initialized) des_init_local(data); /* * Copy the key, shifting each character up by one bit * and padding with zeros. */ q = (u_char *) keybuf; while (q - (u_char *) keybuf < sizeof(keybuf)) { if ((*q++ = *key << 1)) key++; } if (des_setkey((u_char *) keybuf, data)) if (*setting == _PASSWORD_EFMT1) { /* * "new"-style: * setting - underscore, 4 chars of count, 4 chars of salt * key - unlimited characters */ for (i = 1, count = 0; i < 5; i++) { int value = ascii_to_bin(setting[i]); if (ascii64[value] != setting[i]) return(NULL); count |= value << (i - 1) * 6; } if (!count) return(NULL); for (i = 5, salt = 0; i < 9; i++) { int value = ascii_to_bin(setting[i]); if (ascii64[value] != setting[i]) return(NULL); salt |= value << (i - 5) * 6; } while (*key) { /* * Encrypt the key with itself. */ if (des_cipher((u_char *) keybuf, (u_char *) keybuf, 0, 1, data)) return(NULL); /* * And XOR with the next 8 characters of the key. */ q = (u_char *) keybuf; while (q - (u_char *) keybuf < sizeof(keybuf) && *key) *q++ ^= *key++ << 1; if (des_setkey((u_char *) keybuf, data)) return(NULL); } memcpy(data->output, setting, 9); data->output[9] = '\0'; p = (u_char *) data->output + 9; } else { /* * "old"-style: * setting - 2 chars of salt * key - up to 8 characters */ count = 25; if (ascii_is_unsafe(setting[0]) || ascii_is_unsafe(setting[1])) return(NULL); salt = (ascii_to_bin(setting[1]) << 6) | ascii_to_bin(setting[0]); data->output[0] = setting[0]; data->output[1] = setting[1]; p = (u_char *) data->output + 2; } setup_salt(salt, data); /* * Do it. */ if (do_des(0, 0, &r0, &r1, count, data)) return(NULL); /* * Now encode the result... */ l = (r0 >> 8); *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 18) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[l & 0x3f]; l = (r0 << 16) | ((r1 >> 16) & 0xffff); *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 18) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[l & 0x3f]; l = r1 << 2; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 12) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[(l >> 6) & 0x3f]; *p++ = ascii64[l & 0x3f]; *p = 0; return(data->output); }
[ "CWE-310" ]
The crypt_des (aka DES-based crypt) function in FreeBSD before 9.0-RELEASE-p2, as used in PHP, PostgreSQL, and other products, does not process the complete cleartext password if this password contains a 0x80 character, which makes it easier for context-dependent attackers to obtain access via an authentication attempt with an initial substring of the intended password, as demonstrated by a Unicode password.
static int exif_process_IFD_TAG(image_info_type *ImageInfo, char *dir_entry, char *offset_base, size_t IFDlength, size_t displacement, int section_index, int ReadNextIFD, tag_table_type tag_table TSRMLS_DC) { size_t length; int tag, format, components; char *value_ptr, tagname[64], cbuf[32], *outside=NULL; size_t byte_count, offset_val, fpos, fgot; int64_t byte_count_signed; xp_field_type *tmp_xp; #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG char *dump_data; int dump_free; #endif /* EXIF_DEBUG */ /* Protect against corrupt headers */ if (ImageInfo->ifd_nesting_level > MAX_IFD_NESTING_LEVEL) { exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "corrupt EXIF header: maximum directory nesting level reached"); return FALSE; } ImageInfo->ifd_nesting_level++; tag = php_ifd_get16u(dir_entry, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); format = php_ifd_get16u(dir_entry+2, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); components = php_ifd_get32u(dir_entry+4, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); if (!format || format > NUM_FORMATS) { /* (-1) catches illegal zero case as unsigned underflows to positive large. */ exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Process tag(x%04X=%s): Illegal format code 0x%04X, suppose BYTE", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC), format); format = TAG_FMT_BYTE; /*return TRUE;*/ } if (components < 0) { exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Process tag(x%04X=%s): Illegal components(%ld)", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC), components); return FALSE; } byte_count_signed = (int64_t)components * php_tiff_bytes_per_format[format]; if (byte_count_signed < 0 || (byte_count_signed > INT32_MAX)) { exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Process tag(x%04X=%s): Illegal byte_count", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC)); return FALSE; } byte_count = (size_t)byte_count_signed; if (byte_count > 4) { offset_val = php_ifd_get32u(dir_entry+8, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); /* If its bigger than 4 bytes, the dir entry contains an offset. */ value_ptr = offset_base+offset_val; /* dir_entry is ImageInfo->file.list[sn].data+2+i*12 offset_base is ImageInfo->file.list[sn].data-dir_offset dir_entry - offset_base is dir_offset+2+i*12 */ if (byte_count > IFDlength || offset_val > IFDlength-byte_count || value_ptr < dir_entry || offset_val < (size_t)(dir_entry-offset_base)) { /* It is important to check for IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF * JPEG does not use absolute pointers instead its pointers are * relative to the start of the TIFF header in APP1 section. */ if (byte_count > ImageInfo->FileSize || offset_val>ImageInfo->FileSize-byte_count || (ImageInfo->FileType!=IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_II && ImageInfo->FileType!=IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_MM && ImageInfo->FileType!=IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPEG)) { if (value_ptr < dir_entry) { /* we can read this if offset_val > 0 */ /* some files have their values in other parts of the file */ exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Process tag(x%04X=%s): Illegal pointer offset(x%04X < x%04X)", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC), offset_val, dir_entry); } else { /* this is for sure not allowed */ /* exception are IFD pointers */ exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Process tag(x%04X=%s): Illegal pointer offset(x%04X + x%04X = x%04X > x%04X)", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC), offset_val, byte_count, offset_val+byte_count, IFDlength); } return FALSE; } if (byte_count>sizeof(cbuf)) { /* mark as outside range and get buffer */ value_ptr = safe_emalloc(byte_count, 1, 0); outside = value_ptr; } else { /* In most cases we only access a small range so * it is faster to use a static buffer there * BUT it offers also the possibility to have * pointers read without the need to free them * explicitley before returning. */ memset(&cbuf, 0, sizeof(cbuf)); value_ptr = cbuf; } fpos = php_stream_tell(ImageInfo->infile); php_stream_seek(ImageInfo->infile, offset_val, SEEK_SET); fgot = php_stream_tell(ImageInfo->infile); if (fgot!=offset_val) { EFREE_IF(outside); exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Wrong file pointer: 0x%08X != 0x%08X", fgot, offset_val); return FALSE; } fgot = php_stream_read(ImageInfo->infile, value_ptr, byte_count); php_stream_seek(ImageInfo->infile, fpos, SEEK_SET); if (fgot<byte_count) { EFREE_IF(outside); EXIF_ERRLOG_FILEEOF(ImageInfo) return FALSE; } } } else { /* 4 bytes or less and value is in the dir entry itself */ value_ptr = dir_entry+8; offset_val= value_ptr-offset_base; } ImageInfo->sections_found |= FOUND_ANY_TAG; #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG dump_data = exif_dump_data(&dump_free, format, components, length, ImageInfo->motorola_intel, value_ptr TSRMLS_CC); exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Process tag(x%04X=%s,@x%04X + x%04X(=%d)): %s%s %s", tag, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, -12, tag_table TSRMLS_CC), offset_val+displacement, byte_count, byte_count, (components>1)&&format!=TAG_FMT_UNDEFINED&&format!=TAG_FMT_STRING?"ARRAY OF ":"", exif_get_tagformat(format), dump_data); if (dump_free) { efree(dump_data); } #endif if (section_index==SECTION_THUMBNAIL) { if (!ImageInfo-> { switch(tag) { case TAG_IMAGEWIDTH: case TAG_COMP_IMAGE_WIDTH: ImageInfo->Thumbnail.width = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_IMAGEHEIGHT: case TAG_COMP_IMAGE_HEIGHT: ImageInfo->Thumbnail.height = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_STRIP_OFFSETS: case TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT: /* accept both formats */ ImageInfo->Thumbnail.offset = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS: if (ImageInfo->FileType == IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_II || ImageInfo->FileType == IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_MM) { ImageInfo->Thumbnail.filetype = ImageInfo->FileType; } else { /* motorola is easier to read */ ImageInfo->Thumbnail.filetype = IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_MM; } ImageInfo->Thumbnail.size = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_JPEG_INTERCHANGE_FORMAT_LEN: if (ImageInfo->Thumbnail.filetype == IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN) { ImageInfo->Thumbnail.filetype = IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPEG; ImageInfo->Thumbnail.size = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); } break; } } } else { if (section_index==SECTION_IFD0 || section_index==SECTION_EXIF) switch(tag) { case TAG_COPYRIGHT: /* check for "<photographer> NUL <editor> NUL" */ if (byte_count>1 && (length=php_strnlen(value_ptr, byte_count)) > 0) { if (length<byte_count-1) { /* When there are any characters after the first NUL */ ImageInfo->CopyrightPhotographer = estrdup(value_ptr); ImageInfo->CopyrightEditor = estrndup(value_ptr+length+1, byte_count-length-1); spprintf(&ImageInfo->Copyright, 0, "%s, %s", value_ptr, value_ptr+length+1); /* format = TAG_FMT_UNDEFINED; this musn't be ASCII */ /* but we are not supposed to change this */ /* keep in mind that image_info does not store editor value */ } else { ImageInfo->Copyright = estrndup(value_ptr, byte_count); } } break; case TAG_USERCOMMENT: ImageInfo->UserCommentLength = exif_process_user_comment(ImageInfo, &(ImageInfo->UserComment), &(ImageInfo->UserCommentEncoding), value_ptr, byte_count TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_XP_TITLE: case TAG_XP_COMMENTS: case TAG_XP_AUTHOR: case TAG_XP_KEYWORDS: case TAG_XP_SUBJECT: tmp_xp = (xp_field_type*)safe_erealloc(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list, (ImageInfo->xp_fields.count+1), sizeof(xp_field_type), 0); ImageInfo->sections_found |= FOUND_WINXP; ImageInfo->xp_fields.list = tmp_xp; ImageInfo->xp_fields.count++; exif_process_unicode(ImageInfo, &(ImageInfo->xp_fields.list[ImageInfo->xp_fields.count-1]), tag, value_ptr, byte_count TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_FNUMBER: /* Simplest way of expressing aperture, so I trust it the most. (overwrite previously computed value if there is one) */ ImageInfo->ApertureFNumber = (float)exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_APERTURE: case TAG_MAX_APERTURE: /* More relevant info always comes earlier, so only use this field if we don't have appropriate aperture information yet. */ if (ImageInfo->ApertureFNumber == 0) { ImageInfo->ApertureFNumber = (float)exp(exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC)*log(2)*0.5); } break; case TAG_SHUTTERSPEED: /* More complicated way of expressing exposure time, so only use this value if we don't already have it from somewhere else. SHUTTERSPEED comes after EXPOSURE TIME */ if (ImageInfo->ExposureTime == 0) { ImageInfo->ExposureTime = (float)(1/exp(exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC)*log(2))); } break; case TAG_EXPOSURETIME: ImageInfo->ExposureTime = -1; break; case TAG_COMP_IMAGE_WIDTH: ImageInfo->ExifImageWidth = exif_convert_any_to_int(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_FOCALPLANE_X_RES: ImageInfo->FocalplaneXRes = exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_SUBJECT_DISTANCE: /* Inidcates the distacne the autofocus camera is focused to. Tends to be less accurate as distance increases. */ ImageInfo->Distance = (float)exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_FOCALPLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT: switch((int)exif_convert_any_format(value_ptr, format, ImageInfo->motorola_intel TSRMLS_CC)) { case 1: ImageInfo->FocalplaneUnits = 25.4; break; /* inch */ case 2: /* According to the information I was using, 2 measn meters. But looking at the Cannon powershot's files, inches is the only sensible value. */ ImageInfo->FocalplaneUnits = 25.4; break; case 3: ImageInfo->FocalplaneUnits = 10; break; /* centimeter */ case 4: ImageInfo->FocalplaneUnits = 1; break; /* milimeter */ case 5: ImageInfo->FocalplaneUnits = .001; break; /* micrometer */ } break; case TAG_SUB_IFD: if (format==TAG_FMT_IFD) { /* If this is called we are either in a TIFFs thumbnail or a JPEG where we cannot handle it */ /* TIFF thumbnail: our data structure cannot store a thumbnail of a thumbnail */ /* JPEG do we have the data area and what to do with it */ exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Skip SUB IFD"); } break; case TAG_MAKE: ImageInfo->make = estrndup(value_ptr, byte_count); break; case TAG_MODEL: ImageInfo->model = estrndup(value_ptr, byte_count); break; case TAG_MAKER_NOTE: exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE(ImageInfo, value_ptr, byte_count, offset_base, IFDlength, displacement TSRMLS_CC); break; case TAG_EXIF_IFD_POINTER: case TAG_GPS_IFD_POINTER: case TAG_INTEROP_IFD_POINTER: if (ReadNextIFD) { char *Subdir_start; int sub_section_index = 0; switch(tag) { case TAG_EXIF_IFD_POINTER: #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Found EXIF"); #endif ImageInfo->sections_found |= FOUND_EXIF; sub_section_index = SECTION_EXIF; break; case TAG_GPS_IFD_POINTER: #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Found GPS"); #endif ImageInfo->sections_found |= FOUND_GPS; sub_section_index = SECTION_GPS; break; case TAG_INTEROP_IFD_POINTER: #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Found INTEROPERABILITY"); #endif ImageInfo->sections_found |= FOUND_INTEROP; sub_section_index = SECTION_INTEROP; break; } Subdir_start = offset_base + php_ifd_get32u(value_ptr, ImageInfo->motorola_intel); if (Subdir_start < offset_base || Subdir_start > offset_base+IFDlength) { exif_error_docref("exif_read_data#error_ifd" EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_WARNING, "Illegal IFD Pointer"); return FALSE; } if (!exif_process_IFD_in_JPEG(ImageInfo, Subdir_start, offset_base, IFDlength, displacement, sub_section_index TSRMLS_CC)) { return FALSE; } #ifdef EXIF_DEBUG exif_error_docref(NULL EXIFERR_CC, ImageInfo, E_NOTICE, "Subsection %s done", exif_get_sectionname(sub_section_index)); #endif } } } exif_iif_add_tag(ImageInfo, section_index, exif_get_tagname(tag, tagname, sizeof(tagname), tag_table TSRMLS_CC), tag, format, components, value_ptr TSRMLS_CC); EFREE_IF(outside); return TRUE; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
The exif_process_TIFF_in_JPEG function in ext/exif/exif.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 does not validate TIFF start data, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted header data.
void _xml_characterDataHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { xml_parser *parser = (xml_parser *)userData; if (parser) { zval *retval, *args[2]; if (parser->characterDataHandler) { args[0] = _xml_resource_zval(parser->index); args[1] = _xml_xmlchar_zval(s, len, parser->target_encoding); if ((retval = xml_call_handler(parser, parser->characterDataHandler, parser->characterDataPtr, 2, args))) { zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } } if (parser->data) { int i; int doprint = 0; char *decoded_value; int decoded_len; decoded_value = xml_utf8_decode(s,len,&decoded_len,parser->target_encoding); for (i = 0; i < decoded_len; i++) { switch (decoded_value[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': continue; default: doprint = 1; break; } if (doprint) { break; } } if (doprint || (! parser->skipwhite)) { if (parser->lastwasopen) { zval **myval; /* check if the current tag already has a value - if yes append to that! */ if (zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(parser->ctag),"value",sizeof("value"),(void **) &myval) == SUCCESS) { int newlen = Z_STRLEN_PP(myval) + decoded_len; Z_STRVAL_PP(myval) = erealloc(Z_STRVAL_PP(myval),newlen+1); strncpy(Z_STRVAL_PP(myval) + Z_STRLEN_PP(myval), decoded_value, decoded_len + 1); Z_STRLEN_PP(myval) += decoded_len; efree(decoded_value); } else { add_assoc_string(*(parser->ctag),"value",decoded_value,0); } } else { zval *tag; zval **curtag, **mytype, **myval; HashPosition hpos=NULL; zend_hash_internal_pointer_end_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(parser->data), &hpos); if (hpos && (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(parser->data), (void **) &curtag, &hpos) == SUCCESS)) { if (zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(curtag),"type",sizeof("type"),(void **) &mytype) == SUCCESS) { if (!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_PP(mytype), "cdata")) { if (zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(curtag),"value",sizeof("value"),(void **) &myval) == SUCCESS) { int newlen = Z_STRLEN_PP(myval) + decoded_len; Z_STRVAL_PP(myval) = erealloc(Z_STRVAL_PP(myval),newlen+1); strncpy(Z_STRVAL_PP(myval) + Z_STRLEN_PP(myval), decoded_value, decoded_len + 1); Z_STRLEN_PP(myval) += decoded_len; efree(decoded_value); return; } } } } if (parser->level <= XML_MAXLEVEL) { MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tag); array_init(tag); _xml_add_to_info(parser,parser->ltags[parser->level-1] + parser->toffset); add_assoc_string(tag,"tag",parser->ltags[parser->level-1] + parser->toffset,1); add_assoc_string(tag,"value",decoded_value,0); add_assoc_string(tag,"type","cdata",1); add_assoc_long(tag,"level",parser->level); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(parser->data),&tag,sizeof(zval*),NULL); } else if (parser->level == (XML_MAXLEVEL + 1)) { TSRMLS_FETCH(); php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Maximum depth exceeded - Results truncated"); } } } else { efree(decoded_value); } } } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
The xml_parse_into_struct function in ext/xml/xml.c in PHP before 5.5.35, 5.6.x before 5.6.21, and 7.x before 7.0.6 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (buffer under-read and segmentation fault) or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted XML data in the second argument, leading to a parser level of zero.
static void php_snmp_error(zval *object, const char *docref, int type, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; php_snmp_object *snmp_object = NULL; if (object) { snmp_object = Z_SNMP_P(object); if (type == PHP_SNMP_ERRNO_NOERROR) { memset(snmp_object->snmp_errstr, 0, sizeof(snmp_object->snmp_errstr)); } else { va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(snmp_object->snmp_errstr, sizeof(snmp_object->snmp_errstr) - 1, format, args); va_end(args); } snmp_object->snmp_errno = type; } if (type == PHP_SNMP_ERRNO_NOERROR) { return; } if (object && (snmp_object->exceptions_enabled & type)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(php_snmp_exception_ce, type, snmp_object->snmp_errstr); } else { va_start(args, format); php_verror(docref, "", E_WARNING, format, args); va_end(args); } }
[ "CWE-20" ]
Format string vulnerability in the php_snmp_error function in ext/snmp/snmp.c in PHP before 5.5.34, 5.6.x before 5.6.20, and 7.x before 7.0.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via format string specifiers in an SNMP::get call.
ehci: apply limit to iTD/sidt descriptors Commit "156a2e4 ehci: make idt processing more robust" tries to avoid a DoS by the guest (create a circular iTD queue and let qemu ehci emulation run in circles forever). Unfortunately this has two problems: First it misses the case of siTDs, and second it reportedly breaks FreeBSD. So lets go for a different approach: just count the number of iTDs and siTDs we have seen per frame and apply a limit. That should really catch all cases now. Reported-by: 杜少博 <> Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static void ehci_advance_state(EHCIState *ehci, int async) { EHCIQueue *q = NULL; int again; do { case EST_WAITLISTHEAD: again = ehci_state_waitlisthead(ehci, async); break; case EST_FETCHENTRY: again = ehci_state_fetchentry(ehci, async); break; case EST_FETCHQH: q = ehci_state_fetchqh(ehci, async); if (q != NULL) { assert(q->async == async); again = 1; } else { again = 0; } break; case EST_FETCHITD: again = ehci_state_fetchitd(ehci, async); break; case EST_FETCHSITD: again = ehci_state_fetchsitd(ehci, async); break; case EST_ADVANCEQUEUE: case EST_FETCHQTD: assert(q != NULL); again = ehci_state_fetchqtd(q); break; case EST_HORIZONTALQH: assert(q != NULL); again = ehci_state_horizqh(q); break; case EST_EXECUTE: assert(q != NULL); again = ehci_state_execute(q); if (async) { ehci->async_stepdown = 0; } break; case EST_EXECUTING: assert(q != NULL); if (async) { ehci->async_stepdown = 0; } again = ehci_state_executing(q); break; case EST_WRITEBACK: assert(q != NULL); again = ehci_state_writeback(q); if (!async) { ehci->periodic_sched_active = PERIODIC_ACTIVE; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Bad state!\n"); again = -1; g_assert_not_reached(); break; } break; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The ehci_advance_state function in hw/usb/hcd-ehci.c in QEMU allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and CPU consumption) via a circular split isochronous transfer descriptor (siTD) list, a related issue to CVE-2015-8558.
i386: kvmvapic: initialise imm32 variable When processing Task Priorty Register(TPR) access, it could leak automatic stack variable 'imm32' in patch_instruction(). Initialise the variable to avoid it. Reported by: Donghai Zdh <> Cc: Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-Id: <> Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
static void patch_instruction(VAPICROMState *s, X86CPU *cpu, target_ulong ip) { CPUState *cs = CPU(cpu); CPUX86State *env = &cpu->env; VAPICHandlers *handlers; uint8_t opcode[2]; uint32_t imm32; target_ulong current_pc = 0; target_ulong current_cs_base = 0; uint32_t current_flags = 0; if (smp_cpus == 1) { handlers = &s->rom_state.up; } else { handlers = &s->; } if (!kvm_enabled()) { cpu_get_tb_cpu_state(env, &current_pc, &current_cs_base, &current_flags); } pause_all_vcpus(); cpu_memory_rw_debug(cs, ip, opcode, sizeof(opcode), 0); switch (opcode[0]) { case 0x89: /* mov r32 to r/m32 */ patch_byte(cpu, ip, 0x50 + modrm_reg(opcode[1])); /* push reg */ patch_call(s, cpu, ip + 1, handlers->set_tpr); break; case 0x8b: /* mov r/m32 to r32 */ patch_byte(cpu, ip, 0x90); patch_call(s, cpu, ip + 1, handlers->get_tpr[modrm_reg(opcode[1])]); break; case 0xa1: /* mov abs to eax */ patch_call(s, cpu, ip, handlers->get_tpr[0]); break; case 0xa3: /* mov eax to abs */ patch_call(s, cpu, ip, handlers->set_tpr_eax); break; case 0xc7: /* mov imm32, r/m32 (c7/0) */ patch_byte(cpu, ip, 0x68); /* push imm32 */ cpu_memory_rw_debug(cs, ip + 6, (void *)&imm32, sizeof(imm32), 0); cpu_memory_rw_debug(cs, ip + 1, (void *)&imm32, sizeof(imm32), 1); patch_call(s, cpu, ip + 5, handlers->set_tpr); break; case 0xff: /* push r/m32 */ patch_byte(cpu, ip, 0x50); /* push eax */ patch_call(s, cpu, ip + 1, handlers->get_tpr_stack); break; default: abort(); } resume_all_vcpus(); if (!kvm_enabled()) { tb_gen_code(cs, current_pc, current_cs_base, current_flags, 1); cpu_resume_from_signal(cs, NULL); } }
[ "CWE-200" ]
The patch_instruction function in hw/i386/kvmvapic.c in QEMU does not initialize the imm32 variable, which allows local guest OS administrators to obtain sensitive information from host stack memory by accessing the Task Priority Register (TPR).
static inline int object_custom(UNSERIALIZE_PARAMETER, zend_class_entry *ce) { long datalen; datalen = parse_iv2((*p) + 2, p); (*p) += 2; if (datalen < 0 || (*p) + datalen >= max) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Insufficient data for unserializing - %ld required, %ld present", datalen, (long)(max - (*p))); return 0; } if (ce->unserialize == NULL) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Class %s has no unserializer", ce->name); object_init_ex(*rval, ce); } else if (ce->unserialize(rval, ce, (const unsigned char*)*p, datalen, (zend_unserialize_data *)var_hash TSRMLS_CC) != SUCCESS) { return 0; } (*p) += datalen; return finish_nested_data(UNSERIALIZE_PASSTHRU); }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Integer overflow in the object_custom function in ext/standard/var_unserializer.c in PHP before 5.4.34, 5.5.x before 5.5.18, and 5.6.x before 5.6.2 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via an argument to the unserialize function that triggers calculation of a large length value.
int make_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, zend_string *buf, char *location, char *soapaction, int soap_version, zval *return_value) { zend_string *request; smart_str soap_headers = {0}; smart_str soap_headers_z = {0}; int err; php_url *phpurl = NULL; php_stream *stream; zval *trace, *tmp; int use_proxy = 0; int use_ssl; zend_string *http_body; char *content_type, *http_version, *cookie_itt; int http_close; zend_string *http_headers; char *connection; int http_1_1; int http_status; int content_type_xml = 0; zend_long redirect_max = 20; char *content_encoding; char *http_msg = NULL; zend_bool old_allow_url_fopen; php_stream_context *context = NULL; zend_bool has_authorization = 0; zend_bool has_proxy_authorization = 0; zend_bool has_cookies = 0; if (this_ptr == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(this_ptr) != IS_OBJECT) { return FALSE; } request = buf; /* Compress request */ if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "compression", sizeof("compression")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { int level = Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & 0x0f; int kind = Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE; if (level > 9) {level = 9;} if ((Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT) != 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"); } if (level > 0) { zval func; zval retval; zval params[3]; int n; ZVAL_STR_COPY(&params[0], buf); ZVAL_LONG(&params[1], level); if (kind == SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) { n = 2; ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzcompress"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"); } else { n = 3; ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzencode"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"); ZVAL_LONG(&params[2], 0x1f); } if (call_user_function(CG(function_table), (zval*)NULL, &func, &retval, n, params) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING) { zval_ptr_dtor(&params[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); request = Z_STR(retval); } else { zval_ptr_dtor(&params[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } } } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1)) != NULL) { php_stream_from_zval_no_verify(stream,tmp); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { use_proxy = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); } } else { stream = NULL; } if (location != NULL && location[0] != '\000') { phpurl = php_url_parse(location); } if (NULL != (tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_stream_context", sizeof("_stream_context")-1))) { context = php_stream_context_from_zval(tmp, 0); } if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "max_redirects")) != NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) != IS_STRING || !is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp), &redirect_max, NULL, 1)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) redirect_max = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); } } try_again: if (phpurl == NULL || phpurl->host == NULL) { if (phpurl != NULL) {php_url_free(phpurl);} if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unable to parse URL", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } use_ssl = 0; if (phpurl->scheme != NULL && strcmp(phpurl->scheme, "https") == 0) { use_ssl = 1; } else if (phpurl->scheme == NULL || strcmp(phpurl->scheme, "http") != 0) { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unknown protocol. Only http and https are allowed.", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } old_allow_url_fopen = PG(allow_url_fopen); PG(allow_url_fopen) = 1; if (use_ssl && php_stream_locate_url_wrapper("https://", NULL, STREAM_LOCATE_WRAPPERS_ONLY) == NULL) { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "SSL support is not available in this build", NULL, NULL); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (phpurl->port == 0) { phpurl->port = use_ssl ? 443 : 80; } /* Check if request to the same host */ if (stream != NULL) { php_url *orig; if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpurl", sizeof("httpurl")-1)) != NULL && (orig = (php_url *) zend_fetch_resource_ex(tmp, "httpurl", le_url)) != NULL && ((use_proxy && !use_ssl) || (((use_ssl && orig->scheme != NULL && strcmp(orig->scheme, "https") == 0) || (!use_ssl && orig->scheme == NULL) || (!use_ssl && strcmp(orig->scheme, "https") != 0)) && strcmp(orig->host, phpurl->host) == 0 && orig->port == phpurl->port))) { } else { php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpurl", sizeof("httpurl")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); stream = NULL; use_proxy = 0; } } /* Check if keep-alive connection is still opened */ if (stream != NULL && php_stream_eof(stream)) { php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpurl", sizeof("httpurl")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); stream = NULL; use_proxy = 0; } if (!stream) { stream = http_connect(this_ptr, phpurl, use_ssl, context, &use_proxy); if (stream) { php_stream_auto_cleanup(stream); add_property_resource(this_ptr, "httpsocket", stream->res); GC_REFCOUNT(stream->res)++; add_property_long(this_ptr, "_use_proxy", use_proxy); } else { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Could not connect to host", NULL, NULL); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } } PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; if (stream) { zval *cookies, *login, *password; zend_resource *ret = zend_register_resource(phpurl, le_url); add_property_resource(this_ptr, "httpurl", ret); GC_REFCOUNT(ret)++; /*zend_list_addref(ret);*/ if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "protocol_version")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_DOUBLE && Z_DVAL_P(tmp) == 1.0) { http_1_1 = 0; } else { http_1_1 = 1; } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "POST "); if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->scheme); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "://"); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->host); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); } if (phpurl->path) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->path); } else { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '/'); } if (phpurl->query) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '?'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->query); } if (phpurl->fragment) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '#'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->fragment); } if (http_1_1) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Host: "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->host); if (phpurl->port != (use_ssl?443:80)) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); } if (!http_1_1 || ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_keep_alive", sizeof("_keep_alive")-1)) != NULL && (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_FALSE || (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG && Z_LVAL_P(tmp) == 0)))) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_user_agent", sizeof("_user_agent")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { if (Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } else if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "user_agent")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { if (Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } else if (FG(user_agent)) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, FG(user_agent)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/"PHP_VERSION"\r\n"); } smart_str_append_smart_str(&soap_headers, &soap_headers_z); if (soap_version == SOAP_1_2) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); if (soapaction) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"; action=\""); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, soapaction); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"\""); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n"); if (soapaction) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "SOAPAction: \""); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, soapaction); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\"\r\n"); } } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"Content-Length: "); smart_str_append_long(&soap_headers, request->len); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); /* HTTP Authentication */ if ((login = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_login", sizeof("_login")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING) { zval *digest; has_authorization = 1; if ((digest = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_digest", sizeof("_digest")-1)) != NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(digest) == IS_ARRAY) { char HA1[33], HA2[33], response[33], cnonce[33], nc[9]; PHP_MD5_CTX md5ctx; unsigned char hash[16]; PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), ZEND_LONG_FMT, php_rand()); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, strlen(cnonce)); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(cnonce, hash); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nc", sizeof("nc")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { Z_LVAL_P(tmp)++; snprintf(nc, sizeof(nc), "%08ld", Z_LVAL_P(tmp)); } else { add_assoc_long(digest, "nc", 1); strcpy(nc, "00000001"); } PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(login), Z_STRLEN_P(login)); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "realm", sizeof("realm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((password = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_password", sizeof("_password")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(password), Z_STRLEN_P(password)); } PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA1, hash); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "algorithm", sizeof("algorithm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) == sizeof("md5-sess")-1 && stricmp(Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), "md5-sess") == 0) { PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA1, 32); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, 8); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA1, hash); } PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"POST:", sizeof("POST:")-1); if (phpurl->path) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)phpurl->path, strlen(phpurl->path)); } else { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"/", 1); } if (phpurl->query) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"?", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)phpurl->query, strlen(phpurl->query)); } /* TODO: Support for qop="auth-int" */ /* if (zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(digest), "qop", sizeof("qop"), (void **)&tmp) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmp) == sizeof("auth-int")-1 && stricmp(Z_STRVAL_PP(tmp), "auth-int") == 0) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, ":", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, HEntity, HASHHEXLEN); } */ PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA2, hash); PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA1, 32); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "qop", sizeof("qop")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)nc, 8); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, 8); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); /* TODO: Support for qop="auth-int" */ PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"auth", sizeof("auth")-1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA2, 32); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(response, hash); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Authorization: Digest username=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(login), Z_STRLEN_P(login)); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "realm", sizeof("realm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", realm=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", nonce=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", uri=\""); if (phpurl->path) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->path); } else { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '/'); } if (phpurl->query) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '?'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->query); } if (phpurl->fragment) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '#'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, phpurl->fragment); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "qop", sizeof("qop")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { /* TODO: Support for qop="auth-int" */ smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", qop=\"auth"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", nc=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, nc, 8); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", cnonce=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, cnonce, 8); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", response=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, response, 32); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "opaque", sizeof("opaque")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", opaque=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "algorithm", sizeof("algorithm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", algorithm=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\"\r\n"); } } else { zend_string *buf; smart_str auth = {0}; smart_str_appendl(&auth, Z_STRVAL_P(login), Z_STRLEN_P(login)); smart_str_appendc(&auth, ':'); if ((password = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_password", sizeof("_password")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_appendl(&auth, Z_STRVAL_P(password), Z_STRLEN_P(password)); } smart_str_0(&auth); buf = php_base64_encode((unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(auth.s), ZSTR_LEN(auth.s)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Authorization: Basic "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, (char*)ZSTR_VAL(buf), ZSTR_LEN(buf)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); zend_string_release(buf); smart_str_free(&auth); } } /* Proxy HTTP Authentication */ if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { has_proxy_authorization = proxy_authentication(this_ptr, &soap_headers); } /* Send cookies along with request */ if ((cookies = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_cookies", sizeof("_cookies")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(cookies) == IS_ARRAY) { zval *data; zend_string *key; int i, n; has_cookies = 1; n = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies)); if (n > 0) { zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Cookie: "); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { zend_ulong numindx; int res = zend_hash_get_current_key(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies), &key, &numindx); data = zend_hash_get_current_data(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies)); if (res == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY) { zval *value; if ((value = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 0)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_STRING) { zval *tmp; if (((tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 1)) == NULL || strncmp(phpurl->path?phpurl->path:"/",Z_STRVAL_P(tmp),Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)) == 0) && ((tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 2)) == NULL || in_domain(phpurl->host,Z_STRVAL_P(tmp))) && (use_ssl || (tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 3)) == NULL)) { smart_str_append(&soap_headers, key); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ';'); } } } zend_hash_move_forward(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies)); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } http_context_headers(context, has_authorization, has_proxy_authorization, has_cookies, &soap_headers); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); smart_str_0(&soap_headers); if ((trace = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "trace", sizeof("trace")-1)) != NULL && (Z_TYPE_P(trace) == IS_TRUE || (Z_TYPE_P(trace) == IS_LONG && Z_LVAL_P(trace) != 0))) { add_property_stringl(this_ptr, "__last_request_headers", ZSTR_VAL(soap_headers.s), ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)); } smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, request->val, request->len); smart_str_0(&soap_headers); err = php_stream_write(stream, ZSTR_VAL(soap_headers.s), ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)); if (err != ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpurl", sizeof("httpurl")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Failed Sending HTTP SOAP request", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } smart_str_free(&soap_headers); } else { add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Failed to create stream??", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (!return_value) { php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return TRUE; } do { http_headers = get_http_headers(stream); if (!http_headers) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Error Fetching http headers", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if ((trace = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "trace", sizeof("trace")-1)) != NULL && (Z_TYPE_P(trace) == IS_TRUE || (Z_TYPE_P(trace) == IS_LONG && Z_LVAL_P(trace) != 0))) { add_property_str(this_ptr, "__last_response_headers", zend_string_copy(http_headers)); } /* Check to see what HTTP status was sent */ http_1_1 = 0; http_status = 0; http_version = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "HTTP/"); if (http_version) { char *tmp; if (!strncmp(http_version,"1.1", 3)) { http_1_1 = 1; } tmp = strstr(http_version," "); if (tmp != NULL) { tmp++; http_status = atoi(tmp); } tmp = strstr(tmp," "); if (tmp != NULL) { tmp++; if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } http_msg = estrdup(tmp); } efree(http_version); /* Try and get headers again */ if (http_status == 100) { zend_string_release(http_headers); } } } while (http_status == 100); /* Grab and send back every cookie */ /* Not going to worry about Path: because we shouldn't be changing urls so path dont matter too much */ cookie_itt = strstr(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Set-Cookie: "); while (cookie_itt) { char *cookie; char *eqpos, *sempos; zval *cookies; if ((cookies = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_cookies", sizeof("_cookies")-1)) == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(cookies) != IS_ARRAY) { zval tmp_cookies; array_init(&tmp_cookies); cookies = zend_hash_str_update(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_cookies", sizeof("_cookies")-1, &tmp_cookies); } cookie = get_http_header_value(cookie_itt,"Set-Cookie: "); eqpos = strstr(cookie, "="); sempos = strstr(cookie, ";"); if (eqpos != NULL && (sempos == NULL || sempos > eqpos)) { smart_str name = {0}; int cookie_len; zval zcookie; if (sempos != NULL) { cookie_len = sempos-(eqpos+1); } else { cookie_len = strlen(cookie)-(eqpos-cookie)-1; } smart_str_appendl(&name, cookie, eqpos - cookie); smart_str_0(&name); array_init(&zcookie); add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 0, eqpos + 1, cookie_len); if (sempos != NULL) { char *options = cookie + cookie_len+1; while (*options) { while (*options == ' ') {options++;} sempos = strstr(options, ";"); if (strstr(options,"path=") == options) { eqpos = options + sizeof("path=")-1; add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 1, eqpos, sempos?(sempos-eqpos):strlen(eqpos)); } else if (strstr(options,"domain=") == options) { eqpos = options + sizeof("domain=")-1; add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 2, eqpos, sempos?(sempos-eqpos):strlen(eqpos)); } else if (strstr(options,"secure") == options) { add_index_bool(&zcookie, 3, 1); } if (sempos != NULL) { options = sempos+1; } else { break; } } } if (!zend_hash_index_exists(Z_ARRVAL(zcookie), 1)) { char *t = phpurl->path?phpurl->path:"/"; char *c = strrchr(t, '/'); if (c) { add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 1, t, c-t); } } if (!zend_hash_index_exists(Z_ARRVAL(zcookie), 2)) { add_index_string(&zcookie, 2, phpurl->host); } zend_symtable_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies), name.s, &zcookie); smart_str_free(&name); } cookie_itt = strstr(cookie_itt + sizeof("Set-Cookie: "), "Set-Cookie: "); efree(cookie); } /* See if the server requested a close */ if (http_1_1) { http_close = FALSE; if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Proxy-Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "close", sizeof("close")-1) == 0) { http_close = TRUE; } efree(connection); } } if (http_close == FALSE) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "close", sizeof("close")-1) == 0) { http_close = TRUE; } efree(connection); } } } else { http_close = TRUE; if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Proxy-Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "Keep-Alive", sizeof("Keep-Alive")-1) == 0) { http_close = FALSE; } efree(connection); } } if (http_close == TRUE) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "Keep-Alive", sizeof("Keep-Alive")-1) == 0) { http_close = FALSE; } efree(connection); } } } http_body = get_http_body(stream, http_close, ZSTR_VAL(http_headers)); if (!http_body) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } php_stream_close(stream); zend_string_release(http_headers); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Error Fetching http body, No Content-Length, connection closed or chunked data", NULL, NULL); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (request != buf) { zend_string_release(request); } if (http_close) { php_stream_close(stream); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket")-1); zend_hash_str_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_use_proxy", sizeof("_use_proxy")-1); stream = NULL; } /* Process HTTP status codes */ if (http_status >= 300 && http_status < 400) { char *loc; if ((loc = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Location: ")) != NULL) { php_url *new_url = php_url_parse(loc); if (new_url != NULL) { zend_string_release(http_headers); zend_string_release(http_body); efree(loc); if (new_url->scheme == NULL && new_url->path != NULL) { new_url->scheme = phpurl->scheme ? estrdup(phpurl->scheme) : NULL; new_url->host = phpurl->host ? estrdup(phpurl->host) : NULL; new_url->port = phpurl->port; if (new_url->path && new_url->path[0] != '/') { if (phpurl->path) { char *t = phpurl->path; char *p = strrchr(t, '/'); if (p) { char *s = emalloc((p - t) + strlen(new_url->path) + 2); strncpy(s, t, (p - t) + 1); s[(p - t) + 1] = 0; strcat(s, new_url->path); efree(new_url->path); new_url->path = s; } } else { char *s = emalloc(strlen(new_url->path) + 2); s[0] = '/'; s[1] = 0; strcat(s, new_url->path); efree(new_url->path); new_url->path = s; } } } phpurl = new_url; if (--redirect_max < 1) { add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Redirection limit reached, aborting", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } goto try_again; } } } else if (http_status == 401) { /* Digest authentication */ zval *digest, *login, *password; char *auth = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "WWW-Authenticate: "); if (auth && strstr(auth, "Digest") == auth && ((digest = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_digest", sizeof("_digest")-1)) == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(digest) != IS_ARRAY) && (login = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_login", sizeof("_login")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING && (password = zend_hash_str_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_password", sizeof("_password")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { char *s; zval digest; ZVAL_UNDEF(&digest); s = auth + sizeof("Digest")-1; while (*s != '\0') { char *name, *val; while (*s == ' ') ++s; name = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != '=') ++s; if (*s == '=') { *s = '\0'; ++s; if (*s == '"') { ++s; val = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != '"') ++s; } else { val = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != ' ' && *s != ',') ++s; } if (*s != '\0') { if (*s != ',') { *s = '\0'; ++s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != ',') ++s; if (*s != '\0') ++s; } else { *s = '\0'; ++s; } } if (Z_TYPE(digest) == IS_UNDEF) { array_init(&digest); } add_assoc_string(&digest, name, val); } } if (Z_TYPE(digest) != IS_UNDEF) { php_url *new_url = emalloc(sizeof(php_url)); Z_DELREF(digest); add_property_zval_ex(this_ptr, "_digest", sizeof("_digest")-1, &digest); *new_url = *phpurl; if (phpurl->scheme) phpurl->scheme = estrdup(phpurl->scheme); if (phpurl->user) phpurl->user = estrdup(phpurl->user); if (phpurl->pass) phpurl->pass = estrdup(phpurl->pass); if (phpurl->host) phpurl->host = estrdup(phpurl->host); if (phpurl->path) phpurl->path = estrdup(phpurl->path); if (phpurl->query) phpurl->query = estrdup(phpurl->query); if (phpurl->fragment) phpurl->fragment = estrdup(phpurl->fragment); phpurl = new_url; efree(auth); zend_string_release(http_headers); zend_string_release(http_body); goto try_again; } } if (auth) efree(auth); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); /* Check and see if the server even sent a xml document */ content_type = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Content-Type: "); if (content_type) { char *pos = NULL; int cmplen; pos = strstr(content_type,";"); if (pos != NULL) { cmplen = pos - content_type; } else { cmplen = strlen(content_type); } if (strncmp(content_type, "text/xml", cmplen) == 0 || strncmp(content_type, "application/soap+xml", cmplen) == 0) { content_type_xml = 1; /* if (strncmp(http_body, "<?xml", 5)) { zval *err; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(err); ZVAL_STRINGL(err, http_body, http_body_size, 1); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Didn't receive an xml document", NULL, err); efree(content_type); zend_string_release(http_headers); efree(http_body); return FALSE; } */ } efree(content_type); } /* Decompress response */ content_encoding = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Content-Encoding: "); if (content_encoding) { zval func; zval retval; zval params[1]; if ((strcmp(content_encoding,"gzip") == 0 || strcmp(content_encoding,"x-gzip") == 0) && zend_hash_str_exists(EG(function_table), "gzinflate", sizeof("gzinflate")-1)) { ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzinflate"); ZVAL_STRINGL(&params[0], http_body->val+10, http_body->len-10); } else if (strcmp(content_encoding,"deflate") == 0 && zend_hash_str_exists(EG(function_table), "gzuncompress", sizeof("gzuncompress")-1)) { ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzuncompress"); ZVAL_STR_COPY(&params[0], http_body); } else { efree(content_encoding); zend_string_release(http_headers); zend_string_release(http_body); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unknown Content-Encoding", NULL, NULL); return FALSE; } if (call_user_function(CG(function_table), (zval*)NULL, &func, &retval, 1, params) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING) { zval_ptr_dtor(&params[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); zend_string_release(http_body); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(return_value, &retval); } else { zval_ptr_dtor(&params[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); efree(content_encoding); zend_string_release(http_headers); zend_string_release(http_body); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Can't uncompress compressed response", NULL, NULL); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } return FALSE; } efree(content_encoding); } else { ZVAL_STR(return_value, http_body); } zend_string_release(http_headers); if (http_status >= 400) { int error = 0; if (Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) == 0) { error = 1; } else if (Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) > 0) { if (!content_type_xml) { char *s = Z_STRVAL_P(return_value); while (*s != '\0' && *s < ' ') { s++; } if (strncmp(s, "<?xml", 5)) { error = 1; } } } if (error) { zval_ptr_dtor(return_value); ZVAL_UNDEF(return_value); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", http_msg, NULL, NULL); efree(http_msg); return FALSE; } } if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } return TRUE; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The make_http_soap_request function in ext/soap/php_http.c in PHP before 5.4.44, 5.5.x before 5.5.28, 5.6.x before 5.6.12, and 7.x before 7.0.4 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (type confusion and application crash) via crafted serialized _cookies data, related to the SoapClient::__call method in ext/soap/soap.c.
int phar_parse_zipfile(php_stream *fp, char *fname, int fname_len, char *alias, int alias_len, phar_archive_data** pphar, char **error TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */ { phar_zip_dir_end locator; char buf[sizeof(locator) + 65536]; long size; php_uint16 i; phar_archive_data *mydata = NULL; phar_entry_info entry = {0}; char *p = buf, *ext, *actual_alias = NULL; char *metadata = NULL; size = php_stream_tell(fp); if (size > sizeof(locator) + 65536) { /* seek to max comment length + end of central directory record */ size = sizeof(locator) + 65536; if (FAILURE == php_stream_seek(fp, -size, SEEK_END)) { php_stream_close(fp); if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: unable to search for end of central directory in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } return FAILURE; } } else { php_stream_seek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); } if (!php_stream_read(fp, buf, size)) { php_stream_close(fp); if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: unable to read in data to search for end of central directory in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } return FAILURE; } while ((p=(char *) memchr(p + 1, 'P', (size_t) (size - (p + 1 - buf)))) != NULL) { if (!memcmp(p + 1, "K\5\6", 3)) { memcpy((void *)&locator, (void *) p, sizeof(locator)); if (PHAR_GET_16(locator.centraldisk) != 0 || PHAR_GET_16(locator.disknumber) != 0) { /* split archives not handled */ php_stream_close(fp); if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: split archives spanning multiple zips cannot be processed in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } return FAILURE; } if (PHAR_GET_16(locator.counthere) != PHAR_GET_16(locator.count)) { if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: corrupt zip archive, conflicting file count in end of central directory record in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } php_stream_close(fp); return FAILURE; } mydata = pecalloc(1, sizeof(phar_archive_data), PHAR_G(persist)); mydata->is_persistent = PHAR_G(persist); /* read in archive comment, if any */ if (PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len)) { metadata = p + sizeof(locator); if (PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len) != size - (metadata - buf)) { if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: corrupt zip archive, zip file comment truncated in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } php_stream_close(fp); pefree(mydata, mydata->is_persistent); return FAILURE; } mydata->metadata_len = PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len); if (phar_parse_metadata(&metadata, &mydata->metadata, PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len) TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { mydata->metadata_len = 0; /* if not valid serialized data, it is a regular string */ if (entry.is_persistent) { ALLOC_PERMANENT_ZVAL(mydata->metadata); } else { ALLOC_ZVAL(mydata->metadata); } INIT_ZVAL(*mydata->metadata); metadata = pestrndup(metadata, PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len), mydata->is_persistent); ZVAL_STRINGL(mydata->metadata, metadata, PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len), 0); } } else { mydata->metadata = NULL; } goto foundit; } } php_stream_close(fp); if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: end of central directory not found in zip-based phar \"%s\"", fname); } return FAILURE; foundit: mydata->fname = pestrndup(fname, fname_len, mydata->is_persistent); #ifdef PHP_WIN32 phar_unixify_path_separators(mydata->fname, fname_len); #endif mydata->is_zip = 1; mydata->fname_len = fname_len; ext = strrchr(mydata->fname, '/'); if (ext) { mydata->ext = memchr(ext, '.', (mydata->fname + fname_len) - ext); if (mydata->ext == ext) { mydata->ext = memchr(ext + 1, '.', (mydata->fname + fname_len) - ext - 1); } if (mydata->ext) { mydata->ext_len = (mydata->fname + fname_len) - mydata->ext; } } /* clean up on big-endian systems */ /* seek to central directory */ php_stream_seek(fp, PHAR_GET_32(locator.cdir_offset), SEEK_SET); /* read in central directory */ zend_hash_init(&mydata->manifest, PHAR_GET_16(locator.count), zend_get_hash_value, destroy_phar_manifest_entry, (zend_bool)mydata->is_persistent); zend_hash_init(&mydata->mounted_dirs, 5, zend_get_hash_value, NULL, (zend_bool)mydata->is_persistent); zend_hash_init(&mydata->virtual_dirs, PHAR_GET_16(locator.count) * 2, zend_get_hash_value, NULL, (zend_bool)mydata->is_persistent); entry.phar = mydata; entry.is_zip = 1; entry.fp_type = PHAR_FP; entry.is_persistent = mydata->is_persistent; #define PHAR_ZIP_FAIL_FREE(errmsg, save) \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->manifest); \ mydata->manifest.arBuckets = 0; \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->mounted_dirs); \ mydata->mounted_dirs.arBuckets = 0; \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->virtual_dirs); \ mydata->virtual_dirs.arBuckets = 0; \ php_stream_close(fp); \ if (mydata->metadata) { \ zval_dtor(mydata->metadata); \ } \ if (mydata->signature) { \ efree(mydata->signature); \ } \ if (error) { \ spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: %s in zip-based phar \"%s\"", errmsg, mydata->fname); \ } \ pefree(mydata->fname, mydata->is_persistent); \ if (mydata->alias) { \ pefree(mydata->alias, mydata->is_persistent); \ } \ pefree(mydata, mydata->is_persistent); \ efree(save); \ return FAILURE; #define PHAR_ZIP_FAIL(errmsg) \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->manifest); \ mydata->manifest.arBuckets = 0; \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->mounted_dirs); \ mydata->mounted_dirs.arBuckets = 0; \ zend_hash_destroy(&mydata->virtual_dirs); \ mydata->virtual_dirs.arBuckets = 0; \ php_stream_close(fp); \ if (mydata->metadata) { \ zval_dtor(mydata->metadata); \ } \ if (mydata->signature) { \ efree(mydata->signature); \ } \ if (error) { \ spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: %s in zip-based phar \"%s\"", errmsg, mydata->fname); \ } \ pefree(mydata->fname, mydata->is_persistent); \ if (mydata->alias) { \ pefree(mydata->alias, mydata->is_persistent); \ } \ pefree(mydata, mydata->is_persistent); \ return FAILURE; /* add each central directory item to the manifest */ for (i = 0; i < PHAR_GET_16(locator.count); ++i) { phar_zip_central_dir_file zipentry; off_t beforeus = php_stream_tell(fp); if (sizeof(zipentry) != php_stream_read(fp, (char *) &zipentry, sizeof(zipentry))) { PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read central directory entry, truncated"); } /* clean up for bigendian systems */ if (memcmp("PK\1\2", zipentry.signature, 4)) { /* corrupted entry */ PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("corrupted central directory entry, no magic signature"); } if (entry.is_persistent) { entry.manifest_pos = i; } entry.compressed_filesize = PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.compsize); entry.uncompressed_filesize = PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.uncompsize); entry.crc32 = PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.crc32); /* do not PHAR_GET_16 either on the next line */ entry.timestamp = phar_zip_d2u_time(zipentry.timestamp, zipentry.datestamp); entry.flags = PHAR_ENT_PERM_DEF_FILE; entry.header_offset = PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.offset); entry.offset = entry.offset_abs = PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.offset) + sizeof(phar_zip_file_header) + PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.filename_len) + PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.extra_len); if (PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.flags) & PHAR_ZIP_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) { PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("Cannot process encrypted zip files"); } if (!PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.filename_len)) { PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("Cannot process zips created from stdin (zero-length filename)"); } entry.filename_len = PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.filename_len); entry.filename = (char *) pemalloc(entry.filename_len + 1, entry.is_persistent); if (entry.filename_len != php_stream_read(fp, entry.filename, entry.filename_len)) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in filename from central directory, truncated"); } entry.filename[entry.filename_len] = '\0'; if (entry.filename[entry.filename_len - 1] == '/') { entry.is_dir = 1; if(entry.filename_len > 1) { entry.filename_len--; } entry.flags |= PHAR_ENT_PERM_DEF_DIR; } else { entry.is_dir = 0; } if (entry.filename_len == sizeof(".phar/signature.bin")-1 && !strncmp(entry.filename, ".phar/signature.bin", sizeof(".phar/signature.bin")-1)) { size_t read; php_stream *sigfile; off_t now; char *sig; now = php_stream_tell(fp); pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); sigfile = php_stream_fopen_tmpfile(); if (!sigfile) { PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("couldn't open temporary file"); } php_stream_seek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); /* copy file contents + local headers and zip comment, if any, to be hashed for signature */ phar_stream_copy_to_stream(fp, sigfile, entry.header_offset, NULL); /* seek to central directory */ php_stream_seek(fp, PHAR_GET_32(locator.cdir_offset), SEEK_SET); /* copy central directory header */ phar_stream_copy_to_stream(fp, sigfile, beforeus - PHAR_GET_32(locator.cdir_offset), NULL); if (metadata) { php_stream_write(sigfile, metadata, PHAR_GET_16(locator.comment_len)); } php_stream_seek(fp, sizeof(phar_zip_file_header) + entry.header_offset + entry.filename_len + PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.extra_len), SEEK_SET); sig = (char *) emalloc(entry.uncompressed_filesize); read = php_stream_read(fp, sig, entry.uncompressed_filesize); if (read != entry.uncompressed_filesize) { php_stream_close(sigfile); efree(sig); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("signature cannot be read"); } mydata->sig_flags = PHAR_GET_32(sig); if (FAILURE == phar_verify_signature(sigfile, php_stream_tell(sigfile), mydata->sig_flags, sig + 8, entry.uncompressed_filesize - 8, fname, &mydata->signature, &mydata->sig_len, error TSRMLS_CC)) { efree(sig); if (error) { char *save; php_stream_close(sigfile); spprintf(&save, 4096, "signature cannot be verified: %s", *error); efree(*error); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL_FREE(save, save); } else { php_stream_close(sigfile); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("signature cannot be verified"); } } php_stream_close(sigfile); efree(sig); /* signature checked out, let's ensure this is the last file in the phar */ if (i != PHAR_GET_16(locator.count) - 1) { PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("entries exist after signature, invalid phar"); } continue; } phar_add_virtual_dirs(mydata, entry.filename, entry.filename_len TSRMLS_CC); if (PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.extra_len)) { off_t loc = php_stream_tell(fp); if (FAILURE == phar_zip_process_extra(fp, &entry, PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.extra_len) TSRMLS_CC)) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("Unable to process extra field header for file in central directory"); } php_stream_seek(fp, loc + PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.extra_len), SEEK_SET); } switch (PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.compressed)) { case PHAR_ZIP_COMP_NONE : /* compression flag already set */ break; case PHAR_ZIP_COMP_DEFLATE : entry.flags |= PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSED_GZ; if (!PHAR_G(has_zlib)) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("zlib extension is required"); } break; case PHAR_ZIP_COMP_BZIP2 : entry.flags |= PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSED_BZ2; if (!PHAR_G(has_bz2)) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("bzip2 extension is required"); } break; case 1 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (Shrunk) used in this zip"); case 2 : case 3 : case 4 : case 5 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (Reduce) used in this zip"); case 6 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (Implode) used in this zip"); case 7 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (Tokenize) used in this zip"); case 9 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (Deflate64) used in this zip"); case 10 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (PKWare Implode/old IBM TERSE) used in this zip"); case 14 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (LZMA) used in this zip"); case 18 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (IBM TERSE) used in this zip"); case 19 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (IBM LZ77) used in this zip"); case 97 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (WavPack) used in this zip"); case 98 : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (PPMd) used in this zip"); default : pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unsupported compression method (unknown) used in this zip"); } /* get file metadata */ if (PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len)) { if (PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len) != php_stream_read(fp, buf, PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len))) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in file comment, truncated"); } p = buf; entry.metadata_len = PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len); if (phar_parse_metadata(&p, &(entry.metadata), PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len) TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { entry.metadata_len = 0; /* if not valid serialized data, it is a regular string */ if (entry.is_persistent) { ALLOC_PERMANENT_ZVAL(entry.metadata); } else { ALLOC_ZVAL(entry.metadata); } INIT_ZVAL(*entry.metadata); ZVAL_STRINGL(entry.metadata, pestrndup(buf, PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len), entry.is_persistent), PHAR_GET_16(zipentry.comment_len), 0); } } else { entry.metadata = NULL; } if (!actual_alias && entry.filename_len == sizeof(".phar/alias.txt")-1 && !strncmp(entry.filename, ".phar/alias.txt", sizeof(".phar/alias.txt")-1)) { php_stream_filter *filter; off_t saveloc; /* verify local file header */ phar_zip_file_header local; /* archive alias found */ saveloc = php_stream_tell(fp); php_stream_seek(fp, PHAR_GET_32(zipentry.offset), SEEK_SET); if (sizeof(local) != php_stream_read(fp, (char *) &local, sizeof(local))) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("phar error: internal corruption of zip-based phar (cannot read local file header for alias)"); } /* verify local header */ if (entry.filename_len != PHAR_GET_16(local.filename_len) || entry.crc32 != PHAR_GET_32(local.crc32) || entry.uncompressed_filesize != PHAR_GET_32(local.uncompsize) || entry.compressed_filesize != PHAR_GET_32(local.compsize)) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("phar error: internal corruption of zip-based phar (local header of alias does not match central directory)"); } /* construct actual offset to file start - local extra_len can be different from central extra_len */ entry.offset = entry.offset_abs = sizeof(local) + entry.header_offset + PHAR_GET_16(local.filename_len) + PHAR_GET_16(local.extra_len); php_stream_seek(fp, entry.offset, SEEK_SET); /* these next lines should be for php < 5.2.6 after 5.3 filters are fixed */ fp->writepos = 0; fp->readpos = 0; php_stream_seek(fp, entry.offset, SEEK_SET); fp->writepos = 0; fp->readpos = 0; /* the above lines should be for php < 5.2.6 after 5.3 filters are fixed */ mydata->alias_len = entry.uncompressed_filesize; if (entry.flags & PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSED_GZ) { filter = php_stream_filter_create("zlib.inflate", NULL, php_stream_is_persistent(fp) TSRMLS_CC); if (!filter) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to decompress alias, zlib filter creation failed"); } php_stream_filter_append(&fp->readfilters, filter); if (!(entry.uncompressed_filesize = php_stream_copy_to_mem(fp, &actual_alias, entry.uncompressed_filesize, 0)) || !actual_alias) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in alias, truncated"); } php_stream_filter_flush(filter, 1); php_stream_filter_remove(filter, 1 TSRMLS_CC); } else if (entry.flags & PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSED_BZ2) { filter = php_stream_filter_create("bzip2.decompress", NULL, php_stream_is_persistent(fp) TSRMLS_CC); if (!filter) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in alias, bzip2 filter creation failed"); } php_stream_filter_append(&fp->readfilters, filter); if (!(entry.uncompressed_filesize = php_stream_copy_to_mem(fp, &actual_alias, entry.uncompressed_filesize, 0)) || !actual_alias) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in alias, truncated"); } php_stream_filter_flush(filter, 1); php_stream_filter_remove(filter, 1 TSRMLS_CC); } else { if (!(entry.uncompressed_filesize = php_stream_copy_to_mem(fp, &actual_alias, entry.uncompressed_filesize, 0)) || !actual_alias) { pefree(entry.filename, entry.is_persistent); PHAR_ZIP_FAIL("unable to read in alias, truncated"); } } /* return to central directory parsing */ php_stream_seek(fp, saveloc, SEEK_SET); } phar_set_inode(&entry TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_add(&mydata->manifest, entry.filename, entry.filename_len, (void *)&entry,sizeof(phar_entry_info), NULL); } mydata->fp = fp; if (zend_hash_exists(&(mydata->manifest), ".phar/stub.php", sizeof(".phar/stub.php")-1)) { mydata->is_data = 0; } else { mydata->is_data = 1; } zend_hash_add(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), mydata->fname, fname_len, (void*)&mydata, sizeof(phar_archive_data*), NULL); if (actual_alias) { phar_archive_data **fd_ptr; if (!phar_validate_alias(actual_alias, mydata->alias_len)) { if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: invalid alias \"%s\" in zip-based phar \"%s\"", actual_alias, fname); } efree(actual_alias); zend_hash_del(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), mydata->fname, fname_len); return FAILURE; } mydata->is_temporary_alias = 0; if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_alias_map), actual_alias, mydata->alias_len, (void **)&fd_ptr)) { if (SUCCESS != phar_free_alias(*fd_ptr, actual_alias, mydata->alias_len TSRMLS_CC)) { if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: Unable to add zip-based phar \"%s\" with implicit alias, alias is already in use", fname); } efree(actual_alias); zend_hash_del(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), mydata->fname, fname_len); return FAILURE; } } mydata->alias = entry.is_persistent ? pestrndup(actual_alias, mydata->alias_len, 1) : actual_alias; if (entry.is_persistent) { efree(actual_alias); } zend_hash_add(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_alias_map), actual_alias, mydata->alias_len, (void*)&mydata, sizeof(phar_archive_data*), NULL); } else { phar_archive_data **fd_ptr; if (alias_len) { if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_alias_map), alias, alias_len, (void **)&fd_ptr)) { if (SUCCESS != phar_free_alias(*fd_ptr, alias, alias_len TSRMLS_CC)) { if (error) { spprintf(error, 4096, "phar error: Unable to add zip-based phar \"%s\" with explicit alias, alias is already in use", fname); } zend_hash_del(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), mydata->fname, fname_len); return FAILURE; } } zend_hash_add(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_alias_map), actual_alias, mydata->alias_len, (void*)&mydata, sizeof(phar_archive_data*), NULL); mydata->alias = pestrndup(alias, alias_len, mydata->is_persistent); mydata->alias_len = alias_len; } else { mydata->alias = pestrndup(mydata->fname, fname_len, mydata->is_persistent); mydata->alias_len = fname_len; } mydata->is_temporary_alias = 1; } if (pphar) { *pphar = mydata; } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */
[ "CWE-119" ]
The phar_parse_zipfile function in zip.c in the PHAR extension in PHP before 5.5.33 and 5.6.x before 5.6.19 allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information from process memory or cause a denial of service (out-of-bounds read and application crash) by placing a PK\x05\x06 signature at an invalid location.
static void php_wddx_pop_element(void *user_data, const XML_Char *name) { st_entry *ent1, *ent2; wddx_stack *stack = (wddx_stack *)user_data; HashTable *target_hash; zend_class_entry **pce; zval *obj; zval *tmp; TSRMLS_FETCH(); /* OBJECTS_FIXME */ if (stack->top == 0) { return; } if (!strcmp(name, EL_STRING) || !strcmp(name, EL_NUMBER) || !strcmp(name, EL_BOOLEAN) || !strcmp(name, EL_NULL) || !strcmp(name, EL_ARRAY) || !strcmp(name, EL_STRUCT) || !strcmp(name, EL_RECORDSET) || !strcmp(name, EL_BINARY) || !strcmp(name, EL_DATETIME)) { wddx_stack_top(stack, (void**)&ent1); if (!strcmp(name, EL_BINARY)) { int new_len=0; unsigned char *new_str; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(fname); ZVAL_STRING(fname, "__wakeup", 1); call_user_function_ex(NULL, &ent1->data, fname, &retval, 0, 0, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC); zval_dtor(fname); FREE_ZVAL(fname); if (retval) { zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } } if (stack->top > 1) { stack->top--; wddx_stack_top(stack, (void**)&ent2); /* if non-existent field */ if (ent2->type == ST_FIELD && ent2->data == NULL) { zval_ptr_dtor(&ent1->data); efree(ent1); return; } if (Z_TYPE_P(ent2->data) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(ent2->data) == IS_OBJECT) { target_hash = HASH_OF(ent2->data); if (ent1->varname) { if (!strcmp(ent1->varname, PHP_CLASS_NAME_VAR) && Z_TYPE_P(ent1->data) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(ent1->data) && ent2->type == ST_STRUCT && Z_TYPE_P(ent2->data) == IS_ARRAY) { zend_bool incomplete_class = 0; zend_str_tolower(Z_STRVAL_P(ent1->data), Z_STRLEN_P(ent1->data)); if (zend_hash_find(EG(class_table), Z_STRVAL_P(ent1->data), Z_STRLEN_P(ent1->data)+1, (void **) &pce)==FAILURE) { incomplete_class = 1; pce = &PHP_IC_ENTRY; } /* Initialize target object */ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(obj); object_init_ex(obj, *pce); /* Merge current hashtable with object's default properties */ zend_hash_merge(Z_OBJPROP_P(obj), Z_ARRVAL_P(ent2->data), (void (*)(void *)) zval_add_ref, (void *) &tmp, sizeof(zval *), 0); if (incomplete_class) { php_store_class_name(obj, Z_STRVAL_P(ent1->data), Z_STRLEN_P(ent1->data)); } /* Clean up old array entry */ zval_ptr_dtor(&ent2->data); /* Set stack entry to point to the newly created object */ ent2->data = obj; /* Clean up class name var entry */ zval_ptr_dtor(&ent1->data); } else if (Z_TYPE_P(ent2->data) == IS_OBJECT) { zend_class_entry *old_scope = EG(scope); EG(scope) = Z_OBJCE_P(ent2->data); Z_DELREF_P(ent1->data); add_property_zval(ent2->data, ent1->varname, ent1->data); EG(scope) = old_scope; } else { zend_symtable_update(target_hash, ent1->varname, strlen(ent1->varname)+1, &ent1->data, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } efree(ent1->varname); } else { zend_hash_next_index_insert(target_hash, &ent1->data, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } } efree(ent1); } else { stack->done = 1; } } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_VAR) && stack->varname) { efree(stack->varname); } else if (!strcmp(name, EL_FIELD)) { st_entry *ent; wddx_stack_top(stack, (void **)&ent); efree(ent); stack->top--; } }
[ "CWE-119" ]
Use-after-free vulnerability in wddx.c in the WDDX extension in PHP before 5.5.33 and 5.6.x before 5.6.19 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (memory corruption and application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact by triggering a wddx_deserialize call on XML data containing a crafted var element.
net: ne2000: check ring buffer control registers Ne2000 NIC uses ring buffer of NE2000_MEM_SIZE(49152) bytes to process network packets. Registers PSTART & PSTOP define ring buffer size & location. Setting these registers to invalid values could lead to infinite loop or OOB r/w access issues. Add check to avoid it. Reported-by: Yang Hongke <> Tested-by: Yang Hongke <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <>
static int ne2000_buffer_full(NE2000State *s) { int avail, index, boundary; index = s->curpag << 8; boundary = s->boundary << 8; if (index < boundary) return 1; return 0; }
[ "CWE-20" ]
The ne2000_receive function in the NE2000 NIC emulation support (hw/net/ne2000.c) in QEMU before 2.5.1 allows local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (infinite loop and QEMU process crash) via crafted values for the PSTART and PSTOP registers, involving ring buffer control.
usb: check RNDIS buffer offsets & length When processing remote NDIS control message packets, the USB Net device emulator uses a fixed length(4096) data buffer. The incoming informationBufferOffset & Length combination could overflow and cross that range. Check control message buffer offsets and length to avoid it. Reported-by: Qinghao Tang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static int rndis_query_response(USBNetState *s, rndis_query_msg_type *buf, unsigned int length) { rndis_query_cmplt_type *resp; /* oid_supported_list is the largest data reply */ uint8_t infobuf[sizeof(oid_supported_list)]; uint32_t bufoffs, buflen; int infobuflen; unsigned int resplen; bufoffs = le32_to_cpu(buf->InformationBufferOffset) + 8; buflen = le32_to_cpu(buf->InformationBufferLength); if (bufoffs + buflen > length) return USB_RET_STALL; infobuflen = ndis_query(s, le32_to_cpu(buf->OID), bufoffs + (uint8_t *) buf, buflen, infobuf, resplen = sizeof(rndis_query_cmplt_type) + ((infobuflen < 0) ? 0 : infobuflen); resp = rndis_queue_response(s, resplen); if (!resp) return USB_RET_STALL; resp->MessageType = cpu_to_le32(RNDIS_QUERY_CMPLT); resp->RequestID = buf->RequestID; /* Still LE in msg buffer */ resp->MessageLength = cpu_to_le32(resplen); if (infobuflen < 0) { /* OID not supported */ resp->Status = cpu_to_le32(RNDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); resp->InformationBufferLength = cpu_to_le32(0); resp->InformationBufferOffset = cpu_to_le32(0); return 0; } resp->Status = cpu_to_le32(RNDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); resp->InformationBufferOffset = cpu_to_le32(infobuflen ? sizeof(rndis_query_cmplt_type) - 8 : 0); resp->InformationBufferLength = cpu_to_le32(infobuflen); memcpy(resp + 1, infobuf, infobuflen); return 0; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Multiple integer overflows in the USB Net device emulator (hw/usb/dev-network.c) in QEMU before 2.5.1 allow local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) or obtain sensitive host memory information via a remote NDIS control message packet that is mishandled in the (1) rndis_query_response, (2) rndis_set_response, or (3) usb_net_handle_dataout function.
usb: check RNDIS buffer offsets & length When processing remote NDIS control message packets, the USB Net device emulator uses a fixed length(4096) data buffer. The incoming informationBufferOffset & Length combination could overflow and cross that range. Check control message buffer offsets and length to avoid it. Reported-by: Qinghao Tang <> Signed-off-by: Prasad J Pandit <> Message-id: Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
static int rndis_set_response(USBNetState *s, rndis_set_msg_type *buf, unsigned int length) { rndis_set_cmplt_type *resp = rndis_queue_response(s, sizeof(rndis_set_cmplt_type)); uint32_t bufoffs, buflen; int ret; if (!resp) return USB_RET_STALL; bufoffs = le32_to_cpu(buf->InformationBufferOffset) + 8; buflen = le32_to_cpu(buf->InformationBufferLength); if (bufoffs + buflen > length) return USB_RET_STALL; ret = ndis_set(s, le32_to_cpu(buf->OID), bufoffs + (uint8_t *) buf, buflen); resp->MessageLength = cpu_to_le32(sizeof(rndis_set_cmplt_type)); if (ret < 0) { /* OID not supported */ resp->Status = cpu_to_le32(RNDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return 0; } resp->Status = cpu_to_le32(RNDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); return 0; }
[ "CWE-189" ]
Multiple integer overflows in the USB Net device emulator (hw/usb/dev-network.c) in QEMU before 2.5.1 allow local guest OS administrators to cause a denial of service (QEMU process crash) or obtain sensitive host memory information via a remote NDIS control message packet that is mishandled in the (1) rndis_query_response, (2) rndis_set_response, or (3) usb_net_handle_dataout function.
device_tree.c: Don't use load_image() The load_image() function is deprecated, as it does not let the caller specify how large the buffer to read the file into is. Instead use load_image_size(). Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <> Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <> Reviewed-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <> Reviewed-by: Michael S. Tsirkin <> Reviewed-by: Eric Blake <> Message-id:
void *load_device_tree(const char *filename_path, int *sizep) { int dt_size; int dt_file_load_size; int ret; void *fdt = NULL; *sizep = 0; dt_size = get_image_size(filename_path); if (dt_size < 0) { error_report("Unable to get size of device tree file '%s'", filename_path); goto fail; } /* Expand to 2x size to give enough room for manipulation. */ dt_size += 10000; dt_size *= 2; /* First allocate space in qemu for device tree */ fdt = g_malloc0(dt_size); dt_file_load_size = load_image(filename_path, fdt); if (dt_file_load_size < 0) { error_report("Unable to open device tree file '%s'", filename_path); goto fail; } ret = fdt_open_into(fdt, fdt, dt_size); if (ret) { error_report("Unable to copy device tree in memory"); goto fail; } /* Check sanity of device tree */ if (fdt_check_header(fdt)) { error_report("Device tree file loaded into memory is invalid: %s", filename_path); goto fail; } *sizep = dt_size; return fdt; fail: g_free(fdt); return NULL; }
[ "CWE-119" ]
In QEMU 3.1.0, load_device_tree in device_tree.c calls the deprecated load_image function, which has a buffer overflow risk.
ZEND_METHOD(CURLFile, __wakeup) { zend_update_property_string(curl_CURLFile_class, getThis(), "name", sizeof("name")-1, "" TSRMLS_CC); zend_throw_exception(NULL, "Unserialization of CURLFile instances is not allowed", 0 TSRMLS_CC); }
[ "CWE-416" ]
Use-after-free vulnerability in the CURLFile implementation in ext/curl/curl_file.c in PHP before 5.6.27 and 7.x before 7.0.12 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service or possibly have unspecified other impact via crafted serialized data that is mishandled during __wakeup processing.