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ERROR: type should be string, got " Words of the President-Commander-Daniel after Exercising his Right to Vote (06/11/2016 (Full text) * * * * How Happy that on this day we are ratifying l@s Nicaraguans our Commitment to Peace, the Peace that has cost our People so much to conquer!, said Daniel LA VOZ DEL SANDINISMO | 06/11/2016 10 minutes left by 6 p.m. ... 6 p.m., which by law, is the deadline to get to deposit our vote. Of course, the same Law establishes that if there is a line, the Board cannot be closed! We must continue to receive the Vote until the last Person, the last Youth, the last Woman, the last Ciudadan@, enters to deposit their Vote. It is at that moment that the Board is closed. And how joyful that on this day we are ratifying l@s Nicaraguans our Commitment to Peace, the Peace that has cost our People so much to conquer! Much Blood has flowed, much pain! By this time, back in 1928, our Homeland was intervened by Yankee troops. Here were the U.S. Troops, and our General Sandino fighting there, defending the Sovereignty of the Homeland... The Dignity of Our America, the Dignity of Our America, the Dignity of Our America, the Dignity of the Homeland, the Dignity of Our America, the Dignity of the Homeland, the Dignity of the Homeland, the Dignity of the Homeland, the Dignity of the HomelandDignity of the Peoples of the World, Sandino defended! And what a shame then! Elections were organized and held where those who presided over the Electoral Council were the High Commanders of the U.S. Army. It was the U.S. Army Officers who counted the votes... What a shame! What a pain! How the Homeland bled! How our people bled! Now History is different, because the People decided so! Now there are l@snicaragüenses of us who constitute ourselves as Organizers, some of us, which is the Electoral Authority, Nicaraguans tod@s, l@s Magistrad@s of the Electoral Power. There is not a single Yankee General there! Likewise, those who count the Votes, those who will have to count the Votes after the Juntas close, will no longer be the Officers of the intervening Yankee Troops, sullying our Homeland, but will be Nicaraguans. And the Prosecutors, Representatives of the Parties that have participated in these Elections betting on Peace, also Nicaraguans... Tod@s Nicaraguans! We greet, of course, this multitude of journalists. Here there are journalists from everywhere, from all parts of our Planet, who follow the Elections in Nicaragua, and who, well, accompany, see, then they will have their criteria, they will make their Reports. Likewise, these Elections today have been accompanied by Electoral Expert@sof Our America, and many invited Friends, ex-Presidents, who have also been invited to accompany, not to supplant the National Electoral Authority! On the occasion of these elections, there has even been a representation of the OAS, all of them to accompany, to see how these elections are developing, but none of them has even come with the intention of supplanting the national authorities. None of them has come with the intention of coming to count the votes. The Electoral Authorities in Nicaragua are Nicaraguan! Those of us who vote, those of us who vote, are Nicaraguans; the Prosecutors are Nicaraguans, and those of us who count the votes are Nicaraguans. That is a Dignified, Sovereign Democracy, as defended by our General Sandino. And what I would highlight most about these Elections, the first time in the History of Nicaragua where by law 50% Women and 50% Men are being elected to Diputad@s. It is not a question that, as happened before, the Lists were going, it is true, Women on the List were going... but in what position? All the Parties said: \"We all have Women\", but in what position? Very few in winning positions. Now there is no way to escape, by law what we know asthe \"Braid\". Vamos trenzados, where a Woman goes forward as a Candidate for Deputy Proprietor, a Male Alternate goes; and where a Male Candidate for Proprietor goes, a Woman goes as Alternate. In such a way, there is no way to escape the 50-50, which is what the Dignity of Nicaraguan Women commands, which is what the Homeland commands, which is what our People command. And another fact that I would say is unprecedented in the Electoral History of our Homeland, is that for the first time in the Electoral Process a New Political Culture was incorporated. Here the Electoral Processes have been of bochinches, of confrontation, of hatred; that is, that is why the People are divided, and therefore the Homeland is divided, and even to death! Electoral processes where there have been deaths. This Electoral Process has been a totally unprecedented Process, and that adds great value to the Electoral Culture of the Nicaraguan People, and that is that we are learning, I say that we are learning and we have already taken the first step, to bring these Electoral Processes with Messages that fill our People with Hope; Commitments that fill our People with Hope, in theEconomic Field, in the Social Field, in the Political Field... in all Fields! Not with the Messages of hate, and Messages of death, which were the ones that thundered and have thundered throughout the history of Nicaragua, since the first Elections were held, those in which only the rich could vote. This is what the Law said: Only those who have a capital of so much can vote. The others cannot vote. So here four rich people elected a President... Well, that is Democracy, for some. And that, in the midst of brawls and hatred because they manipulated l@s Poor, l@s Campesin@s, the People who did not have the right to vote; but they manipulated them to confront them and lead them to wars, and change governments at the point of bullets, as happened throughout our history. Today we are culminating with the Votes this Electoral Process, really, of infinite value, because it was developed without hatred, without confrontation, without deaths. Of course, that draws attention, and some say: \"There are no elections here,\" because we are not insulting each other... \"There are no elections here,\" because we are not sending messages of hate... \"Here it is likethere are no Elections\", because we are not beating the drums of death. Thank God that Miracle was achieved: That hatred, confrontation, or death would not be sown in this Electoral Process that today is culminating with the Vote of l@snicaragüenses, who have given their Vote to Peace. This is a Vote for Peace, for Stability, for Security, for Nicaraguan Families. Our Love, as always... our Love, as always, for all this People, Brave and Dignified, who know how to defend Peace, because they have an immense Love for Peace. Good evening, querid@s Herman@s Nicaraguans. Mem"
Electoral Congress of the SP Switzerland Martigny, 14 February 2015 Can someone warn Philippe Müller of the death of Margaret Thatcher? Speech by Christian Levrat, President of the SP Switzerland Check against delivery. I only vaguely remember the date of February 4, 1975. And for good reason, I was 5 years old. It was on this date that Margaret Thatcher was elected leader of the British Conservatives. On the other hand, I remember well my impression when, in 1992, at the age of 22, I spent a year in Great Britain: public services at half-mast, an education system lacking resources, a class society, employees left to the goodwill of their employers, bled unions, a health system on the verge of asphyxiation. To be honest, this daily discovery of the effects of ultra-liberalism marked me so deeply that I left the Radical Party – where I was still a member – to join, a few years later, the Socialist Party. Why am I telling you about all this? Because I have just read the FDP's paper entitled "Our solutions to the strong franc". It is 18 points directly inspired by theBritish Tories in the early 80s. What does Philippe Müller want? - Lower taxes (for about 10 billion), first and foremost for companies. Introduce a single VAT rate, which is very unfavourable to the middle classes and low incomes. - Deregulate labour law, in particular by creating zones near borders in which the protection of employees could be weakened, or by abolishing the accounting of hours worked. More hours, more overtime. - Reduce public services to their strict basic mission. - Fight against all the ambitious initiatives of the Federal Council: no energy policy 2050, no measures in favour of gender equality, no limitation on the salaries of top managers, no protection for Swiss made, no green energy project. Basically: no, no, no! An extraordinary economic conservatism. Frankly, this program is very similar to that of the English Tories or the American Republicans forty years ago. Could someone warn Philippe Müller that Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher are dead? That the same causes producing the same effects, we do not intend to let the radicals leadour real economy; privatize and liberalize public services. That it is not a question of weakening the unions but, on the contrary, of strengthening them, to allow a real social dialogue. That the population is fed up with cost-cutting programs, cuts in training, in subsidies for health insurance premiums. That it will not allow for much longer to finance tax gifts to the wealthiest, and the miraculous salaries of a few, through deprivations and restrictions. 1 Swiss Socialist Party Spitalgasse 34 P.O. Box · 3001 Bern Telephone 031 329 69 69 Fax 031 329 69 70 Effective measures to protect the employees of the strong franc Comrades, We must give the radicals one credit: they are moving forward without masks. They want to respond to the franc crisis by returning to the ultra-liberalism of the last century. We want more solidarity. A clear choice. We must act in the face of the strong franc, because it is a threat to our jobs. But it must be done with discernment. We demand: 1. As soon as possible, the SNB must ensure a rate of 1.15 francs to the euro. In the medium term, the objective is to return to purchasing power parity.According to several studies, it should be at an exchange rate of between 1.35 and 1.40 francs to the euro. 2. The SP Switzerland, in coordination with the cantonal parties, is calling for half of the SNB's profit distribution (2 billion) to be allocated to strengthening unemployment insurance (UI) and continuing education programmes for people on short-time work. The other half is to be allocated mainly to training, in order to quickly finance an offensive of continuing education and professional development. 3. The SP Switzerland will fight by all means against measures taken to the detriment of workers, such as an extension of working hours, wage cuts, as well as any flexibilization or deregulation, 4. Manufacturers and distributors must pass on foreign exchange gains to consumers. The revision of the Cartel Act must be taken up again quickly, so that import margins can benefit consumers and thus combat the island of high prices that is Switzerland. It's not a bad thing that our opponents on the right are transparent. They want to lower taxes on corporate profits: it's useless. Businessesstruggling people don't pay taxes, they fight to keep a positive margin, to keep their heads above water, to save jobs. Depriving public authorities of more than 10 billion francs, as the FDP is demanding, is simply irresponsible. It's ideology and blindness. Defeating those nostalgic for the Switzerland of the Ancien Régime Comrades, The upcoming elections are going to be decisive. On the one hand, we will have to fight against those who want to transform Switzerland into a European Singapore, into a kind of tax haven where only the banks, the financiers, the wealthiest, the ten percent of the population that the FDP defends, prosper. But on the other hand, it will be up to us to make the voice of an open, supportive and fairer Switzerland heard. To those who dream of denouncing the European Convention on Human Rights, we would say that it is the response of the peoples to the horrors of the Second World War. That it is the guarantor of the rights of our fellow citizens in the face of the excesses of states, that it is the guarantor of peace, between the Atlantic and the Urals. And that it draws its sources, for example, from our Swiss Constitution of 1848. To those who want to let migrants drownin the Mediterranean, we must respond with a call for European solidarity. By an asylum policy that is worthy of our humanitarian tradition. Switzerland has been able to welcome persecuted Hungarians, it has opened its doors to Chileans fleeing Pinochet, it has offered refuge to Kosovars and Bosnians torn apart by civil wars. It cannot remain deaf to the calls of the men and women of Syria. Some no longer want to welcome Muslims. They want to ban their organizations, close their places of worship. Let us have the courage to resist, to say clearly that we want to take in ten times more Syrians than today, that it is urgent to allow women and children stranded in unsanitary camps in Lebanon, Turkey or Jordan to join their husbands or fathers in Switzerland. That their dignity is at stake, of course, but also of our honour as a Swiss man and woman. To fear, hatred, anger, let us respond with generosity! NATO Secretary General Jens Soltenberg, following the attacks in Oslo and the Utoya massacre, had found the words. He was then Norwegian Prime Minister: we will respond to terror with more democracy, moremore openness, more tolerance. This is the message we must convey this autumn. To those who want to denounce free movement and torpedo bilateral agreements, we must reply that we need peaceful relations with our neighbours, that the solution is not isolation but negotiation, that it is not a question of moving towards less, but towards more Europe. The Federal Council is right. The initiative on mass immigration can only be implemented after negotiations with the European Union; only to the extent that it is compatible with free movement. To those who dream of quotas and national preference, we must oppose a real training offensive, specific measures to protect older people on the labour market, real equality of pay for men and women, measures to reconcile family and professional life. And... an extension of bilateral agreements with the European Union. To those who consider that they alone represent the whole of the people, to those who consider direct democracy as a plebiscitary instrument against the authorities, we must oppose a reasonable vision of our institutions. The people, the parliament, the Federal Council, the courts form a whole. Together, they bear the responsibility to makethe decisive choices for our country. The people are not a means of appeal against the Federal Council or parliament, but an actor, among others. Our direct democracy is unique in the world. It entrusts the population with an important responsibility: that of making choices that commit Switzerland as a whole. It is absurd and childish in this context to consider that "the Swiss vote SVP". This denotes not only an arrogance and rudeness that will no longer surprise anyone. But above all, a total lack of knowledge of the institutions of our country. The upcoming elections are decisive. They will see two images of Switzerland confront each other: that of fear and isolation. This Switzerland that dreams of itself in 1291, that wants to celebrate Morgarten and Marignan. The Switzerland of the elites, of the old regime; a Switzerland of subjects. And Switzerland is a country of confidence, optimism and solidarity. This Switzerland that we embody, and that only we are able to carry with sufficient vigour. The Switzerland of freedom, that of human rights, of the separation of powers, of democratic rights. The Switzerland of 1848, that of 1874, that of the general strike of1918. This Switzerland is preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War on 5 May. This Switzerland that meets on September 12 of each year to commemorate the constitution of 1848. These elections will be played out between them and us. And we have to win them. The advocates of isolation must be defeated. Those nostalgic for Margaret Thatcher must be sent back to their ideology. The Switzerland of openness, solidarity, trust and optimism. This Switzerland of all together, rather than all against all. This Switzerland that leaves no one by the wayside. This warm Switzerland, this generous Switzerland, this Switzerland that dares, that believes that tomorrow will be better than today, that our children will live better than us, this is our Switzerland. It's our voice. This is our fight. Ten proposals for a better life We must fight. To ensure that we all live better at the end of the next legislature than we do today. These elections must allow us to ask the questions that are inconvenient: those of course about our relationship with Europe and the world. Those of our migration policy. But beyond these two themes, which have madeThe subject of our last meeting, on which we published dozens of pages of analyses and proposals, we cannot avoid serious answers to a few concrete questions that are of interest to voters on a daily basis. Of course, they vote for us because they know that we need a strong voice to respond to the nationalist and ultra-liberal excesses of our opponents. Of course, they appreciate our fight for a Switzerland of openness and intelligence in the face of identity or economic obscurantism. But they also expect concrete answers to questions that concern them on a daily basis: - How can equal pay be guaranteed quickly? - How can we better protect older employees? - How can we ensure that enough affordable housing is built? - How can we restore the quality of life in our cities? - How can we support families in an equitable way? - How can the burden of health insurance premiums on household budgets be limited? - How can we guarantee that everyone can live, once retirement comes, with dignity and serenity? We must provide answers to these questions. We do this in our electoral platform: Ten proposals forto change the lives of the Swiss people, to strengthen and modernise solidarity, to support low-income earners, to relieve the middle classes. These proposals are not a substitute for the major debates that await us. But they are added to it. It is right to debate Europe, to defend our open vision of migration. But we must, beyond the imposed figures of the campaign, clearly say how we are going to improve the lives of our voters. To say that voting socialist is to give way to hope for a better life. Together in the campaign As you can see, we are already in the campaign. All over the country, dozens of candidates are making themselves available to the party, ready to carry the message of a united left. I have attended most of the cantonal appointments meetings, will visit more than a dozen and, everywhere, the same feeling: that of an unfailing determination, of a desire to represent all the sensitivities of the left: those of the unions, those of the associative world, those of ecological organizations, those of pensioners, those of employees, those of tenants, those of migrants, those of the Swiss abroad. It is no coincidence that we have in almost all thecantons, candidates with a migrant background. Nor is it surprising to see Swiss nationals living abroad on our lists, such as Tim Guldimann, the current Swiss ambassador to Germany and a candidate for the time being in Zurich. He is the embodiment of our party's integrating force. This is proof that our speeches of openness and fraternity are not a dead letter. This is the demonstration that the Socialist Party is the most international of Swiss political parties. The elections in Basel-Landschaft have just shown us one thing: to win, we must be united. The opponent is on the right, not the Greens, with whom we have to conclude the broadest connections. The opponent is not to the left of the left. But among those nostalgic for the Switzerland of the Ancien Régime. And among those who regret the death of Margaret Thatcher. We will win together. We are going to conduct, throughout the country, thousands, tens of thousands of conversations to convince, to mobilize, to make people aware of the issues, to say how much smarter it is to face the future with confidence than to regret an imaginary past. Together, we will spend dozens,He worked hundreds of hours, on stands, on the phone. Together, let us promise to defend our proposals and our candidates in the coming months, always and everywhere. Every time someone in our families criticizes our proposals, when doubts are expressed about one or the other candidate, we have to react, contradict, argue and convince. Keeping quiet is no longer an option. At the table, in the locker rooms of our sports clubs, in the bistro, in the street, we must engage in conversation, encourage energy, and carry contradiction if necessary. Together we can win these elections. In fact, we have to win them. Because even more than in the past, they will be decisive for the future of our country. They will tell us whether the Switzerland of fear and isolation can be defeated. If we can hope to change mentalities, to improve the lives of each other, for everyone, without privilege. Comrades, this autumn, defeat is not an option. So let's go. Long live the Switzerland that dares, the Switzerland of openness, solidarity and justice.
Dear patriarchs, in the last 16 years our country has undergone a complex path to statehood. overcoming economic crises, social conflicts, party and ideological conflicts, we are building a new life anchored to fundamental democratic principles. today's activities are the strengthening of statehood, the establishment of such a society, Political developments in our country should be based on human dignity, freedom, equality, The latest amendments and additions to the Constitution of the United States create the necessary prerequisites for accomplishing these objectives, ensuring a more balanced relationship between the branches of power; ensure the effective implementation of democratic power and public self-organization in our country. that improving electoral processes and holding democratic elections is no longer a tradition in India. not dusting our capabilities in unnecessary debates about past missions and mistakes, but cooperating and engaging in constructive dialogue for those goals and on issues related to our national-political priorities and intended to build the future. Armenia, We have a clear and real vision of the development of the country. Our strategic objective is to build Armenia that will unite the community by preserving and developingIn Armenia, which we seek, there must be an atmosphere of mutual respect, love, and forgiveness. Our future is a knowledge-based society. In Armenia, which we seek, should be safe, For any Armenian family, education and knowledge will be the most demanding values. Armenia, which we seek, will have the confidence of its citizens. There will be no artificial barriers between government and citizens. To bring all of this to life is not easy. No achievement has ever been given to our people. We have always succeeded in victory because of will and unity. Therefore, take new accomplishments to Armenia, to Armenia, to Armenia of the President of the United States, aiming:  to strengthen the constitution in the world, considering the preservation of the Constitution to be a superior problem for him,  consider the normal functioning of legislative, executive, and judicial authorities to be the most important guarantee of the effective functioning of the state system,  as the independence of Armenia; guarantee of territorial integrity and security, guided not only by current theocratic problems but also on prospective, strategic approaches and solutions with logic. Second-generation reform program 1. Unity as the main prerequisite for second-generation reform is the spiritual unity of our people, which implies the development of a necessary atmosphere of cooperation and trust. "Unity, headship, freedom in the second, and love in all things." The center of economic interest is motherland. The world's landscape is really interested in Armenia's development, which means that it's impossible to develop and implement any global program without taking into account this factor. is the combined potential of government. We're going to be government and private to invest in a partnership perspective between the segments, which will ensure the collaboration and implementation of the most important national and local projects, We will be open to constructive proposals, discussions, and cooperation, emphasizing as wellthe role of the Constitutional Institute to address the people and the National Assembly with a message. expanding the worldview of our citizens is an important condition for building a new society. Culture will reinforce the ties of Armenians around the world, The historical and cultural heritage of the Armenian people, the wealth of nature, and the many traditional qualities of our identity We have an excellent opportunity to shape an unprecedented situation as a result of presidential elections that will be free of meaningless political conflicts and tensions, will provide harmonious and effective cooperation between legislative and executive authorities, regardless of judicial authority for the purposes our ancestors have sought for centuries. to lower it to the point that there will be no more room, we're not in favor of it. We don't advocate slander. They've reached such a degree, They have gone so far in their rage that they bring evidence that they are incompatible with reality. They try to use the tragic pages of our newly formed republic's childhood without remorse. As one of the causes of this tragedy, they point to this side; After years of silence and hidden rejoicing in this tragedy, they have finally become a defender of the victims.why I don't give a response to these rhetoric, why I treat this evil calmly; Shall I answer evil in evil? Shall I answer evil with anger? We don't have that time. We're busy with serious problems. We collect taxes, The income portion of the 2008 AFB exceeds the internal output of 96. We have raised pensions since January. They say they will raise four times. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss this answer why? You paid people a $10 pension, you didn't get it for months. We're going to raise wages twice, they say we'll raise five times. Why? In 96 C.E., you paid 15,000 dollars from the teacher, and it was 5 to 6 months late. All health facilities had debts, health facilities had debts to health facilities as well. I suggest you compare what they say and our plans. By adopting the foreign plan, you will contribute to the formation of righteous authorities in Armenia, And behold, with this compassion, here I say with this confidence, Armenia, take to new Armenia, to the mirror of our dreams.
Name of politician: Chen Shui-bian Title of Speech: Candidate Chen speech on the eve of 2000 presidential election Date of Speech: 17/03/2000 Category: Campaign speech Chinese Title of the speech: 陈水扁2000年总统选举选前之夜演讲 Time: 中華民國89年03月17日 Location: 台北市中山足球場的造勢晚會 Words:3300 Body of the speech: 我們最敬愛的,明天開始就是我們台灣新的執政黨主席林義雄林主席,我們台灣民主自由之父彭明敏彭教授,我們台灣人永遠的中心中央研究院李委員,阿扁的老師全台灣憲法的權威李鴻禧李教授、歷屆各位主席、我們未來的副總統,也是我們台灣歷史以來第一位女性的副總統呂秀蓮,各位先進同志、各位黨職、公職各位先進同志、各位嘉賓、各位父老鄉親、兄弟姊妹、少年朋友、小朋友,大家晚安大家恭喜大家好。 今天晚上我們台北市非常的美麗,這是有史以來最大的盛會,也是有史以來最偉大的民主之夜。只有真正的民主才是最美麗的對不對?剛才阿扁在台中坐飛機回台北,在飛機上空中看下來,阿扁看到大家在中山足球場裡裡外外都是人,剛才我做車子要進來的時候,從中山北路、民族東路、酒泉街,包括我們捷運的沿線都是人,所以,超過四十萬人參加今天的民主之夜,難怪台北市今天的夜晚這麼樣的漂亮對不對?明天我們就要來投票了,天亮我們就要來投票,要來選出中華民國第十任的總統、副總統,要來選出台灣民選以來第二屆的總統、副總統,我相信大家已經都準備好了。我們不只要為台灣選一個新的未來,最重要我們也是為了下一代一個非常學習的東西,這是最好的教育,也是最好的示範。 在飛機上的時候,阿扁看到自由晚報的一份專欄文章,中研院蕭新煌教授所寫的,從318到520他提醒我們明天要投下神聖一票的時候,我們應該做如何的選擇,到底我們要讓從窮困當中成長、有理想可以改革的人來當選?還是要讓舊的國民黨繼續的執政下去,或者要讓舊的特權勢力復僻,完全在我們手中的神聖一票,我們該如何抉擇,特別蕭新煌教授又指出我們要為我們的下一代、我們的孩子來找,到底誰可以做我們孩子的好榜樣,是要學那位殷實的人呢?是要學那位買票的人呢?或者要學那個不老實的人呢?或者要學那位阿舍囝(公子哥)或者要學台灣之子呢?如果我們選擇要讓我們的孩子學那位會A錢的人,或者那一位買票的人,這是一個最錯誤最不好的民主教育,因為我們大家知道這屆選總統竟然有人在買票,大家都有聽過台灣頭到台灣尾東部到西部,很多人已經拿到錢。選總統買票已經變成國際新聞,上國際媒體這是一件非常羞恥的事情。今天我們選出買票的人做我們的總統,我們的孩子來學他做一個對象,在這我要拜託所有的爸爸、媽媽,我們各位阿公、阿罵來做一個思考,如果選那位會A錢的人,我相信未來我們孩子難教育。如果要學這款,我們孩子如果做我們不歡喜的事情,我們是要怎麼對他教訓?同樣的道理,一位不老實的人、說謊的人要怎麼作為孩子學習的對象呢。今天阿扁要來提醒大家四年前,這位A錢的人、說謊的人,竟然口口聲聲要替李登輝先生擋子彈,當時還將台幣換成美金匯去美國。我真的很想問他,他到底當時是怎麼想的?怎麼對台灣這麼沒有信心,一樣的道理,那一組的總統、副總統候選人,兩個家庭加起來不過11個人,竟然有7張外國的護照,我真的也要請問他,竟然對台灣這麼樣的沒有信心,怎麼可能台灣人民會把重責大任來交給他,難道台灣人民是這麼樣的好欺騙的嗎?我不相信、我不相信。 李遠哲,中研院的院長,他在三月五號的公開演講,特別提到五年跟五十年的觀念,台灣政府如果在未來的五年,沒有真正的改革就會影響到台灣未來五十年的發展,尤其在21世紀之初,台灣的改革如果無法成功讓台灣在國際上社會居於領先地位,一旦落後台灣要向上提升,要迎頭趕上就會非常困難,我們真的很感動也非常欽佩李遠哲院長最後說明站出來,很多很多社會的菁英、很多很多社會的清流、很多很多社會的賢達,也都跟他一樣站了出來,我們真的非常感動。我相信李院長站出來,這些學術界的領袖、企業界的領袖、文化界的領袖還沒站出來,不是因為陳水扁跟呂秀蓮而站出來,也不是因為民進黨而站出來,我相信他們站出來是為公理站出來、為正義站出來、為真理站出來。他們沒有站在黑金那一邊,也沒有站在反改革腐化無能的那邊,他們全部站在改革這邊、正確歷史的這一邊。所以,我們要號召全民同胞,包括爸爸媽媽們、婦女同胞、年輕朋友,我們都應要向李遠哲院長、以及社會這一些社會清流一樣,全部為真理、正義、公理站出來。我們已經接近勝利,我們已經接近當選,但是我還是要再次提醒大家有信心更要小心,不能夠大意,無論如何明天一定要出來投票,更要返鄉投票。我們每一個人的每一張選票,每一張機票每一張車票,都可以改變台灣的未來、都可以改寫台灣的歷史,請大家不要缺席投票好不好!很久,非常正確的公平,我們已經得到三十六趴以上的得票率,換作選票超過四百二十三萬,我們已經跨過當選的門檻了。 所以,阿扁作為新的國家領導人,人民意志的實現者,我要在這個地方對全民提出五點保證:第一,阿扁作為台灣的新總統,我一定為捍衛台灣國家安全,追求台海的永久和平,追求台灣的主權永久確保,不可以讓人和國家吞併。第二,阿扁作為國家新的領導人,我一定要改善社會治安,消除黑金政治。從事經濟改革、政治改革、社會改革、教育改革、司法改革、心靈改革,要讓所有台灣人民安定大賺錢。特別阿扁總統,一定會維護我們金融的穩定、股市健全、保證上萬點。第三,阿扁以作為民進黨黨員為榮為傲,阿扁會繼續為民進黨來付出奉獻。但是當阿扁當選總統以後,我不是民進黨一黨專屬的總統,我是全國兩千三百萬同胞不分黨派、不分族群、不分省籍、不分性別的全民總統。所以為了維持落實台灣的國家利益高於政黨利益跟個人利益,在阿扁五月二十號就職總統以後,我會辭掉民進黨的中常委職務,我會不參與接下來的民進黨的黨務運作。換句話說,民進黨絕對不會以黨領政,黨政不分,好不好。第四點,阿扁在明天當選總統以後,我會立即成立一個包括民進黨、國民黨、新黨、建國黨及其他無黨無派的人士代表,來組成跨黨派小組。由李遠哲院長擔任召集人,我們要面對最近海峽兩岸的緊張關係、誤會跟誤解,我們會拿出積極的善意,來展開跟中國的諮商跟溝通。當然之前最重要的是,透過這樣的跨黨派的小組凝聚全民的共識、朝野的共識,因為我們認為未來的兩岸的談判,不是一人談判、一黨談判,而是全民談判。最後一點,阿扁在明天當選總統以後,我們也會透過這個跨黨派小組,能夠針對選舉期間所帶來的不必要的對立跟矛盾,來做溝通以最大的包容來化解歧見,來凝聚共識來做好重建的工作。當然對其他不同的總統候選人所提出的政見,只要是有益於國家、有益於人民,阿扁總統不會因人廢言,也不會因黨而廢言,我們一定會好好研究,加以非常作為阿扁總統主政之下的施政重要參考。 在這一年多的時間,阿扁走遍全國,很多人在問我阿扁,你真的不會累嗎?我要跟大家講,腳會痠,手會痛,但是阿扁的心不會累。看到我們大家我不會累,看到我的太太我不會累,只要我們的心不累,只要我們的心還在溫溫燒燒,不會累。我們就有體力,我們就有力量,我們就能為我們台灣找出更美好的未來,對吧!今年剛好是我跟我的太太吳淑珍結婚25周年,25年來給我太太坐輪椅15年,接下還有一輩子。但是我們無怨無悔,我們面對各種的壓力、挫折跟圍剿。我們也從來不以為意,就像我的成長過程學二十年,在艱困中來長大,面對各種不順,面對各種的負擔,各種的恥笑。阿扁從來沒有忘記各種機會跟可能,阿扁堅信人窮只要志不窮,我們就有機會就有未來,所以五十年來,前二十年讓阿扁養成一個非常獨立、堅韌的個性,就像李遠哲院長所說的:艱困中成長的人,有著最美好的理想。 兩年前的台北市市長選舉,阿扁失敗了,我感謝大家給我休息、反省的機會,但是我仍然不解,很多人說阿扁失敗了,不可能再爬起來。甚至還有我們的對手這樣的笑我,說阿扁連市長都選輸了,憑什麼還能夠競選總統?我真的輸了嗎?阿扁跟大家一樣,都是台灣之子,都是番薯仔,從無到有,由下而上,在有限的條件裡面,在最惡劣的環境之下,我們都要開創無限的可能,對不對! 支持陳水扁,就是支持李遠哲,給陳水扁一票就是給我們社會清流一個希望,再次懇求大家,明天從家裡走到投票所,也許對個人來講只是一小步,但是我們能夠一起用選票來改寫歷史,用愛來創造歷史。來完成政黨輪替,讓民進黨扶正,絕對是我們台灣歷史民主的一大步,阿扁再次的懇求大家,拜託各位讓我們一起用選票來改改寫歷史,用愛來創造歷史,好不好!謝謝大家,祝福各位,謝謝。 Google Translate: Our most beloved, who will be Taiwan ’s new ruling party ’s chairman since tomorrow, Lin Yixiong Lin, our father of Taiwan ’s democracy and freedom, Professor Peng Mingmin Peng, we Taiwan ’s eternal center member of the Central Research Institute, and Li ’s teacher. Authoritative Professor Li Hongxi, all previous chairmen, our future vice presidents, and our first female vice president in Taiwan ’s history, Lu Xiulian, advanced comrades, party positions, advanced comrades in public office, distinguished guests, fellow fathers and mothers, brothers Good night, sisters, teenage friends, children, congratulations. This evening our Taipei city is very beautiful. This is the biggest event ever and the greatest democracy night ever. Only true democracy is the most beautiful, right? I took a plane back to Taipei in Taichung and looked down on the plane. I saw everyone inside and outside the Zhongshan football stadium. I just made a car. When coming in, people are from Zhongshan North Road, Minzu East Road, Jiuquan Street, including our MRT. So, with more than 400,000 people participating in today ’s democratic night, it is no wonder that Taipei City is so beautiful today. Is that right? Tomorrow we are going to vote. At dawn we are going to vote. We are going to choose the tenth president and vice president of the Republic of China. We are going to choose the second president and vice president since Taiwan ’s election. I believe everyone has already It's all ready. We don’t just choose a new future for Taiwan. Most importantly, we are also learning something for the next generation. This is the best education and the best demonstration. While on the plane, I saw a column from Liberty Evening News written by Professor Xiao Xinhuang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. From 318 to 520, he reminded us that when we want to cast a sacred vote tomorrow, what choices should we make? Should we vote for someone who grow out of poverty, having ideals and determining to implement the reform? Or should we vote for the old Kuomintang, letting them continue to rule and revitalizing the old privileged power? A sacred vote is completely in each of our hands. How should we choose? In particular, Professor Xiao Xinhuang also pointed out that we are looking for our next generation and our children. Who can be a good role model for our children? Should we learn from the wealthy man? Should we learn from the person who buys the ticket? ? Or should we learn from the dishonest person? Or should we learn from the one born with a silver spoon or to learn the son of Taiwan? If we choose to let our children learn the person who is abusing the public funds, or that a ticket-buyer, this is the most wrong and worst democratic education. Because we all know that some people are buying tickets in this presidential election. Many people have got the money. A president candidate buying his ticket has become international news, and it is a very shameful thing for Taiwan to show in the international media because of this. Today we selected the person who bought the ticket to be our president, and our children came to learn him as an object. Here I want to ask all the fathers and mothers, we grandpas and curses, to think about it. If we vote for the one who is abusing the public funds, I believe that it will be difficult for our children to educate in the future. If we want to learn this, if our children do things that we don’t like, how can we teach him? The same reason, how can an unscrupulous person and a liar be the model of the children. Today, I am going to remind everyone that four years ago, this corruptive person and the liar even said that he wanted to block the bullets for Mr. Lee Teng-hui, and at that time he exchanged Taiwan dollars for US dollars and went to the United States. I really wanted to ask him, what exactly did he think then? Why was he so unconfident in Taiwan? Similarly, the two families of the presidential and vice presidential candidates from the other group has 11 people in total, but there were 7 of them have foreign passports. I really want to ask him, if he has no confidence in Taiwan, how can the Taiwanese people give him the heavy responsibility? Does he think the Taiwanese people so easily to be deceived? ,I do not believe. I do not believe. Yuan Tseh Lee, the dean of the Chinese Academy of Research, gave a public speech on March 5th, especially mentioning the concept of five years and fifty years. If the Taiwan government does not have real reforms in the next five years, it will affect Taiwan in the next 50 years. Development, especially at the beginning of the 21st century, if Taiwan's reforms fail to make Taiwan a leader in the international community, it will be very difficult to catch up with Taiwan once it lags behind Taiwan. We are really moved and admire Dean Yuan Tseh Lee In the end, it stood out that a lot of elites in society, a lot of society's clear stream, a lot of society's talents, also stood up like him, we are really moved. I believe President Li stood up. These academic leaders, business leaders, and cultural leaders stood out not because of Chen Shui-bian and my partner Annette Lu, nor because of the DPP. I believe they stood up because they want to stand for the right things, for justice and for truth. They are not on the side of black gold politics, or on the side of anti-reform and corruption. They are all on the side of reform and the side of correct history. Therefore, we must call on all our fellow citizens, including our parents, including our parents, women, and young friends. We should all like the dean of Yuan Tseh Lee, other righteous and honest men and all of which stand for truth, justice, and justice. We are close to victory, we are close to being elected, but I still want to remind you again that you have to be more confident and be careful, not to be careless. You must come out and vote tomorrow, anyway. Every vote, every fight ticket an coach ticket can change the future of Taiwan and rewrite Taiwan ’s history. Please don’t vote in absentia, please! For a long time, it ’s very correct and fair. We ’ve got With a voting rate of over thirty-six, in exchange for more than 4.23 million votes, we have crossed the threshold for election. Therefore, as the new leader of the country and the implementer of the people's will, I would like to offer five guarantees to the entire people in this place: First, as the new president of Taiwan, I must protect the national security of Taiwan and pursue the Taiwan Strait. The permanent peace of Taiwan and the pursuit of Taiwan's sovereignty will ensure that it cannot be annexed by people and the country. Second, as the new leader of the country, I must improve social security and eliminate black politics. To engage in economic reform, political reform, social reform, education reform, judicial reform, and spiritual reform, we must make all Taiwanese people stable and profitable. In particular, as a president , I will certainly maintain our financial stability, sound stock market, and guarantee tens of thousands of points. Third, I am proud to be a member of the DPP, and I will continue to contribute to the DPP. But when I am elected president, I will not be president of the DPP only. I will be the president of the country ’s 23 million people, regardless of their party, ethnic group, province, or gender. Therefore, in order to maintain the realization of Taiwan ’s national interests above party interests and personal interests, after I taking office as president on May 20, I will resign from the DPP ’s Central Standing Committee. I will not participate in the next DPP Party affairs. In other words, the DPP will never ruling the country under its party system and making no difference between the party and the country . Fourthly, after I am elected president tomorrow, I will immediately set up a representative of the DPP, the KMT, the New Party, the Founding Party, and other non-party parties to form a cross-party group. I will appoint Dean Yuan Tseh Lee as the convener, we have to face the recent tensions, misunderstandings and misunderstandings between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. We will show positive goodwill to start consultations and communication with China. Of course, the most important thing before is to consolidate the consensus of the whole people and the consensus of the government and the public through such cross-party groups, because we believe that the future cross-strait negotiations will not be one-person negotiations or one-party negotiations, but national negotiations. Finally, after I am elected president tomorrow, we will also use this cross-party group to communicate with the needless oppositions and contradictions brought about during the election, to resolve differences with the greatest tolerance, and to build consensus. Do a good job of reconstruction. Of course, as for the political opinions put forward by different presidential candidates, as long as it is good for the country and the people, I will not refrain the freedom of the speech no matter who he is or which party he comes from. We will definitely study this policy carefully. It will serves as an important reference for the administration of President Chen Shui-bian. Over the past year, I have traveled all over the country. Many people are asking me , are you really not tired? I want to tell you that your feet will be sore and your hands will hurt, but my heart is not Will be tired. I don’t get tired of seeing all of us, I don’t get tired of seeing my wife, as long as our heart is not tired, as long as our heart is still burning, it won’t be tired. We have physical strength, we have strength, and we can find a better future for our Taiwan, right! This year is just the 25th anniversary of my wife Wu Shuzhen ’s marriage. I ’ve been in a wheelchair for 15 years for 25 years. There is a lifetime. But we have no regrets, we face all kinds of pressure, frustration and siege. We have never thought of it, just like my 20 years of growing up, growing up in hardship, facing all kinds of discomforts, facing all kinds of burdens, all kinds of smirks. I have never forgotten all opportunities and possibilities. My firmly believes that as long as people are poor, we have a chance to have a future. So for the past 20 years, I have developed a very independent and tough personality. As Dean Yuan Tseh Lee said: People who grow up in hardship have the best ideals. The election of the mayor of Taipei two years ago, I failed. I thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to rest and reflect, but I still don’t understand. Many people say that I have failed and cannot climb up again. Our opponent even laughed at me like this, saying that Chen Shui-bian even lost in the election of mayor, why can he run for president? Am I really losing? Like everyone, I am the son of Taiwan and a sweet potato which is resilient and tough. We come from nothing. We come from the bottom. We come from the limited conditions and in the harshest conditions. But we all have to create infinite possibilities. Is that right? To support Chen Shui-bian is to support Yuan Tseh Lee. Giving Chen Shui-bian a vote is to give our society a hope, especially for the decent people. We ask everyone to walk from home to the polls tomorrow. Maybe it is just a small step for individuals, but we can use votes to rewrite history and make history with love. To complete the rotation of political parties and let the DPP make things right is definitely a big step in our historical democracy in Taiwan. I once again ask everyone to use your votes to rewrite history and use love to create history, OK? Thank you, and bless you all, thank you.
Speaker: Otto Pérez Molina Title of speech: Various spots by Candidate Otto Pérez Molina, of the Patriot Party for the 2011 presidential elections in Guatemala. Date: 2011 Location: Guatemala, Guatemala Source: Compatriots I ask you to meditate on your vote Compatriots I ask you to meditate on your vote. Guatemala is experiencing its worst moment: out-of-control violence, high prices, no medicines in hospitals. It is time to say between those who want us to live in fear or those who are going to fight in the face of crime. It is time to have a president with character so that we can all live better. That is my commitment. I give you my word. Child malnutrition One million children suffer from malnutrition in Guatemala. The Patriot Party will implement the zero hunger policy with which we love all sectors to work together to eliminate hunger and malnutrition that is affecting the development of Guatemala's children. I will work firmly and decisively in favor of our children with three major components. First, the 1,000-day window to combat malnutrition in children in the first two years of life. Second, nutritional food security whereAll families will have access to adequate food. And third, institutional strengthening to ensure compliance with the law and the nutritional food security policy. In my government we will fight child malnutrition. That is my commitment. The Guatemala I want I want to show you the Guatemala I dream of. The Guatemala we all want. A country of peace and tranquility in which the security of every Guatemalan will be a way of life. The Guatemala I want will be a country without violence, safe, with justice. Security and justice will be the day to day that we all dream of. I give you my word. Character Why do Guatemalans want a president with character? We want an honest president but with firmness to confront crime. Willing to face the problems that today threaten Guatemalans. Call to vote On September 11 we will elect the next president of Guatemala. To you, who have not yet decided your vote who still feels undecided. I want to encourage you to vote for the change proposed by the Patriot Party. I will work for a change that generates security, justice and jobs. I am sure that if you give me your trust together we will changethe history of Guatemala. I give you my word. Let's go Guatemala Guatemalans want a change for our country. More and more of us are saying no to a country with fear and to a country at peace. Thank you Guatemalans because every day there are more of us who want things to change and it does not fit me hard that with a strong hand, head and heart that change can be achieved. Thank you compatriots, I wish to express my deep gratitude for your support and trust in me. The Guatemala we all want is getting closer and closer: a prosperous and competitive country. A country where peace and progress are breathed. Today I want to invite you all. To the determined young people, to the Valali women, to the hardworking men who live in this great country so that together we can build the Guatemala that we all want. A Guatemala at peace. The Guatemala of opportunities. Change is possible and I have no doubt that together we will achieve it. Again, thank you very much. Unions When we respect the worker here, rather we dignify the work of the public servant, things will change. We want theGuatemalans but we want there to be that social justice that is so important. Health We know how the hospitals, health centers, are without equipment and without medicines. In my government I am going to declare the health system of Guatemalans a national emergency. I am going to guarantee that there are always trained personnel and medicines at the health posts. For a safe Guatemala with health services for all. Social Programs I speak to the Guatemala that is ready for change. I do not forget you who gave your lives to Guatemala. They will receive the benefits to which they are entitled. To you, Guatemalan, I guarantee that you will have safe and crime-free streets. To the generation of today's Guatemala, I am going to support you with scholarships so that you can finish your studies. Change comes from a safe Guatemala. Message from Otto Perez Compatriots, good evening. Thank you for allowing me into your homes. As you know, the electoral campaign is coming to an end and as you know that is why it is important to ask you to take a few minutes to reflect on this. Do it for yourself and your family, but above all for Guatemala. Our country is experiencing a critical moment in its history due tothat the accumulated problems of poverty, unemployment and insecurity have created a pessimistic feeling that nothing can change in Guatemala. My conviction is that change is possible. But to make that change, Guatemala needs a responsible and serious president, who has knowledge and experience, who assumes risks and threats. A president who governs with wisdom, rectitude and prudence. But also with a firm hand and respect for the law. This time we cannot make a mistake in voting. Why cannot Guatemala continue with the insecurity, the lack of opportunities, the corruption that prevails in the country today. Guatemalans are tired of so much death, lies and false promises. That is why I invite everyone to go and vote. Let us remember that the vote is free and secret. Let us not let others decide our future as a nation. The real change is represented by the Patriot Party and that is why its decision is important. This November 6 voting for Otto Pérez Molina and Roxana Baldetti. Good night. Emergency rains Guatemalans. This is the time to unite and blame our political differences. Our nation needs us. In the face of the national emergency, the Partiota Party suspends all its activitiespolicies to prioritize affected communities. From this moment on, we invite you to take clothes, food and medicines to any of our 349 locations where they will be delivered to those who need them. Today it is for Guatemala. Nothing and no one If we have God's blessing and the support of each one of you, I am sure nothing, nothing, and no one will be able to stop us. We are going this September with great strength to rescue Guatemala to achieve change. OPM Security Thousands of Guatemalans are victims of assaults, kidnappings, murders, this has to change. We have to arrest and imprison criminals. This is my priority. I give you my word. Transfer The conditional cash transfer program is going to continue, it is going to continue but we are going to improve it. Because we are going to do it with transparency. We are going to make it institutional and not a clientelistic and populist program. Not to favor an electoral platform but to serve the Guatemalans who need it most. Drugs Compatriots. Guatemala is immersed in an environment of permanent criminality that causes hundreds of Guatemalans to lose their lives every month. International criminal organizations use thenational territory for the transfer of dorgas. That is why the effectiveness of efforts in the fight against drug trafficking will only be the product of the commitment and re-economy of the responsibility of the countries that are the products, of those that have become warehouses and routes for the transfer of drugs, and for those countries that consume drugs. As presidential candidate of the Patriot Party, I took on the challenge of leading the project of change. That is why I announced the implementation of a great pact for peace, democratic security and justice. My commitment to the people of Gautemalt is to fight tirelessly for their safety and well-being. Older adults Our elders gave their lives. They worked hard to get ahead. In my government I am going to strengthen the program for the elderly. Providing more resources to benefit more seniors. I will also make the mechanisms for incorporating and accessing the benefits of the program easy and simple. For a safe Guatemala with attention to the elderly. He will support agriculture In my government I am going to double the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture so that farmers have the fertilizer they need, improved seeds, training and technification, access tocredits and markets where to sell their products at a better price. Change comes for a safe and prosperous Guatemala.
Speech 14 June 2002 Göran Persson, Prime Minister Part of Prime Minister Göran Persson's speech at the Riksdag's party leaders' debate on 14 June 2002 The next time we meet, we will meet in the streets and squares, in debates and conversations. Each of us will articulate, argue and agitate for exactly what we and our parties want and stand for. If we Social Democrats are given renewed confidence to lead Sweden even after the election on 15 September, I envisage four major areas on which we will concentrate our efforts. It's about building on what we're proud of, but not satisfied with. First: Sweden should be a country in work and growth. Work is the foundation of prosperity and welfare. Therefore, labour market and business policy must be constantly adjusted and modernised. This must be done in collaboration – between companies and unions, between the state and the social partners. During the coming parliamentary term, I want to see a new consensus in Sweden. Let us come together around an investment plan for jobs and growth. It is about investments in basic infrastructure; in roads and railways, in new technology and research, and – not least – in more housing. It is about investments inWorkplace; investments that eliminate the jobs that break down physically and mentally. This involves investments in both growth regions and in vulnerable areas. And it's about making better use of investments already made. Take the pensioners. They are healthier, more active and more knowledgeable than any other former pensioners. We cannot afford to retire their knowledge and their willingness to contribute to the development of society. Second: Sweden must be modern, open and knowledge-seeking. We are one of the richest countries in the world. We are one of the world's most knowledgeable peoples. We have an obligation to the poor world – for their sake, but also for our sake. During the coming parliamentary term, I want to hear an even stronger Swedish voice in the world, in Europe and in our immediate area. This applies not least to the work for common survival; to allow environmental considerations to permeate all decisions at all levels. At the same time, we know that the world is no longer just outside Sweden's borders – the world is here and now, in our midst. It's a huge opportunity. Diversity enriches society. That is why we cannot afford to have immigrants sidelined. During the coming parliamentary term, I want to make integration policy a first-class task for our entire country:for the government and parliament, for the trade unions and the business community, for popular movements and organizations, for individuals. Third: Sweden should be a country of security and freedom "There is no value of freedom greater than the feeling of security." So wrote Tage Erlander in his little pamphlet "The Society of Freedom of Choice." It is as true as it is said. It is only in safety that freedom prevails. During the coming parliamentary term, I want to shine a light on the whole of Swedish society, every little nook and cranny: Where is the feeling of insecurity? Is it on the streets and squares? Is it in the face of threats of violence and crime? Is it in the face of the risk of not being allowed to age in dignity? Is it in stressful workplaces? Is it because the groups of children in kindergarten are too big? Is it because the queues in healthcare are too long? Each of these islands of insecurity must be combated: With increased resources where needed – it takes precedence over large tax cuts. With better working methods where necessary. With new solutions where required. The foundation for security is laid early. At home, where parents have time with their children. In preschool. Then elementary school. Then upper secondary school. Finally, the university. And then the further education during the different stages of life. We Social Democrats do not want schools toSort the students. The school must teach pupils to sort information and acquire knowledge. Only safe students can do that. School should stimulate the desire to learn. During the coming parliamentary term, I want to take further steps in education policy: more preschool teachers, more adults in school, more teachers, more universities and colleges, more educational opportunities. More, better, higher, more. Any other ambitions do not apply to a Social Democratic education policy, because security is a future in freedom. Fourthly: Sweden shall be a country of life and desire, in change and improvement. Modern man is curious and creative. She tries new ways, breaks boundaries and broadens perspectives. She needs material security and livelihood. But she needs something more. Without culture, we wouldn't know everything it can. Without culture, we would not understand what we think we understand. Without culture, we would not be who we are. No one would see the new ones. No one would understand the old. At the same time, culture is a beacon of touch towards the future and an anchor in history. Together, during the coming parliamentary term, let us lift culture, architecture, form and design – all that is characterised by creativity and creativity – to new heights. Culture becomes an area of reform if social democracygains the voters' trust. * * * In this way, the contours of the next parliamentary term's major tasks are becoming increasingly clear: the major investments in jobs and growth. A new climate of consensus. The work against global environmental threats. Integration policy. To shape a working life that does not wear people out. More people in work after sick leave. Better healthcare. Intensifying the fight against crime and the causes of crime. A school that does not sort students, but that sorts information and teaches knowledge. To better take advantage of pensioners' willingness to contribute to the development of society. More universities. Culture. And even more culture. This is what a modern, social democratic agenda looks like. Both development and equality, both freedom and security. It is this policy that we Social Democrats will be asking the voters to vote for on 15 September.
In the name of God, the most Merciful and most Gracious, I thank God the Almighty for the opportunity I have been given tonight to appear in front of you good, Revolutionary, and sincere people of Qom. We find ourselves in the company of the great and wise [religious figures], but most of all, in front of Vali-Asr [12th Imam due to come back], and I want to take this opportunity to refresh our memories with some lessons from the Revolution. In a gathering of the most loyal advocates of the Revolution, what better topic is there to talk about than the Revolution itself? My dear friends, the Islamic Revolution was the greatest event in the history of our nation. Since Islam was first introduced to the Iranian nation, there has not been a single event of equal importance [than the Islamic Revolution]. The Islamic Revolution has influenced our very being, our destiny, our reason d’etre, our future, and humanity as a whole. It was not just a simple uprising or a revolt, neither was it an emotionally-driven ephemeral movement by one group to overthrow another and take power, to topple one dynasty and install another, or to provide for the well-being of one layer in society, or one group of people. My dear friends, the Islamic Revolution is the continuation of what our Imams started; the two [movements] are the same in essence. It finds its roots in their history. It started with an uprising, then banners came together and it turned into a huge popular movement with a stated goal. The Islamic Revolution is not apart from this [greater] movement; it is paving the way for it, and standing at the peak of it. The substance of our Revolution is the substance of that movement. Those beautiful slogans that you shouted when the Revolution broke out and are still shouting today—there are some who believe that a group of politicians or poets sat together in a room and fabricated those slogans, but we won’t be fooled—those slogans make up the interpretation of that worldly doctrine. One of the first slogans that we shouted was that our movement is “Husayni” [referring to Imam Husayn, one of the most revered Imams among Shi’ah Muslims]. This movement is of the same nature, and it is that very substance that has given it its perennial character. Our Imams pursued a short run goal as well as a long run one. Our Revolution has a short run and a long run goal as well. What all the prophets throughout history have struggled for was aimed at that introduction; they all came to pave the way for a global movement. They all came together to lay bricks for a platform. What is that platform? It is the starting point for the bright and ultimate goal of a world ruled by Islam. They all came for that sole purpose. My dear friends, the Islamic Revolution has a sole purpose too; it came to pass in order to lay the foundation for an advance and cultivated Islamic society which will ultimately spark that global movement. Our Revolution, therefore, seeks to establish the same precedent. If we take away this historical connection, and pervert its goals and purposes, there will be nothing left from it. In fact, the rule of the Velayat-e Faqih [Supreme Leadership] is just an exercise for life under a world Islamic power. The Supreme Leader is our connection to that form of governance. Our Revolution seeks nothing less than the establishment of a prototype for an advance Islamic society that will be exemplified by the rest of the world. It was with the help of the Almighty and the determination of our Imam [Khomeini] that it took roots right here in Qom and emerged victorious despite heavy opposition from various enemies. That was the first step; the second is the establishment of an Islamic regime. It is with the Almighty’s help that that goal has been achieved in this country, although up to this very day, more than 220,000 of our best people have been torn to peaces for its insurability. In order to sustain and consolidate this, our nation sacrificed what it held most dear; its young, faithful, and pure men and women. When the Islamic regime was finally established, the third step was to create an Islamic government, and the forth was [the creation of] an Islamic country. Thereby, the government would guarantee the preservation of Islamic teachings, doctrines, and virtues in all aspects of our society, so our schools, homes, bazaars, and our streets all carry with them the scent of Islam. This becomes an Islamic country prepared for the final takeoff. I want to say a few words about the Islamic government. If we want to have healthy and fair elections, we need to do two things: the first is to examine the last 10 to 15 years and see what happened during this period. What was achieved? What were the strong points and the weak points? We have to have an unbiased and just evaluation, free of individuals per se. What methods were used? Economic growth was finally achieved in this country, and political growth. Where did the defects, weaknesses, and strengths lie? This must become a blueprint for succeeding groups; if we don’t recognize our strengths and weaknesses now, we will not be able to address them in a constructive way. The second indispensable point is to recognize the characteristics of an Islamic state. You might ask “has our government been an anti-Islamic one so far?” And the answer is “no,” it has neither been anti-Islamic nor pseudo-Islamic. But what we mean by an Islamic state is a state where the first and most important priority is the implementation of Islamic doctrines, one that is governed by the laws and principles of Islam. This is different from a government that governs according to its own agenda and preferences. I want to cite for you some of the characteristics of an Islamic state. My fellow friends, an Islamic state has within it the following properties: first, it believes in the completeness of Islam. In other words, an Islamic state believes that Islam is a universal religion that provides an answer for all the immediate needs of humanity. It can provide an intelligent answer, an updated answer. Islam can guarantee the well-being of human beings. An Islamic state believes that salvation comes only through obedience of the laws and teachings of Islam. It makes the teachings of Islam widespread throughout the world. Let me give you some examples: Our enemies try to depict a violent and dry image of us, saying that we are incompetent and fertile. We must break this trend, and introduce ourselves to the world. What do we mean by implementing Islam? Example: Our financial institutions must strive to comply by Islamic rules. Why? The answer is plain and simple: The teachings of Islam seek the prosperity of human beings. Islam says that interest rates of 24 percent, 28 percent, or 30 percent, although at times justifiable by the law, cannot create a healthy society; its repercussions will linger on for some time. Let me ask you this: Among our nomadic tribes in remoter areas, which can say that they have benefited from 24 percent interest rates? Who are the people who can benefit from taking out extravagant loans? Does the average Iranian benefit from that? No. It is the prerogative of only a few, and this means that only a few are left to take advantage of opportunities. And do those few people who are given these enormous sums of money use it to up production, create employment, and contribute to economic growth? How is something like this achievable? What kind of production could have a return of 40 to 50 percent, 30 percent of which must be paid back to the bank, another portion of it goes to pay taxes, and finally there is some left to feed the family? It is not feasible. Then it is only natural to expect that such amounts will ultimately end up in stock markets and other unhealthy businesses. Now let’s return to [the principles of] Islam, and ask them to lower them [interest rates]. But as soon as we make such a proposal, they are quick to respond that the people who own savings in their banks will be hurt by it. This is not the right thing to say. Now you religious leaders can figure out the religiosity of it, but I look at their consequences. According to government statistics 3 percent of the people own more than 80 percent of financial assets in the country. And lately private banks have opened too. How can a bank turn 15 billion Tomans into 200 billion Tomans in only four years other than by charging high interest rates that fleece the working man? When opportunities open up to only a few who benefit from it by investing in stocks and bonds, then evidently social divisions and social classes emerge. By returning to Islam these problems can be solved. The Islamic state seeks to execute Islamic laws. It does not seek to imitate models made by others. The economic/political capitalist model cannot bring prosperity to our nation. It cannot take us to completion. The second characteristic of an Islamic state is seeking justice. Bringing justice to all is the guiding line of the Islamic state. Some feel that justice is just a name, or a slogan that you can attach to something and call it just. When we tell them that their programs and ambitions only create peaks of wealth and troughs of poverty, and where the justice in all this is, they respond by saying “let us build a country first and then we’ll make it a just country”. But how is that possible? Justice is the spirit that should govern all government actions. If you have created an unbalanced system, then you won’t be able to undo it. How can you reverse directions after the peaks have been built and you find yourself paralyzed between them? It [the oligarchy] takes control of the media, the factions, the speakers; it even exerts its influence in politics and stands against you. We have all witnessed in the past years that every time they tried to bring to justice those who pocketed millions for themselves, the government was the one standing on their side. Elements within the government have defended them. When you let those peaks take shape, how can you then rid yourself of them so easily? My dear friends, without justice, we will not have any liberty. Without justice we cannot have our independence. Nor can we guarantee our wellbeing. Without justice there will be no possibility for stable and continuing progress. Let me give you an example of injustice. We must get to the root of injustice, and this can be tracked down to some of our officials or to the planning or their programs. Let me elucidate: the city of Tehran has a population of 7.5 million. The country as a whole has a population of about 70 million. So Tehran holds about 11 percent of our population. Now pay attention to these numbers and you’ll see how our decision-making should be determined by our quest for justice. Pay attention please, this is a report by the Central Bank: more than 60 percent of economic activity throughout the country takes place in Tehran. This means that only 40 percent of economic activity lies in the hands of 89 percent of our people. In other words, the more we move in that direction, the wider the gap becomes. So it shouldn’t surprise us that our country sides and remoter areas have not had a considerable growth. Now the second question: Does the 60 percent of economic activity affect everyone in Tehran? No, I’ve mentioned this before. Does this economic activity lead to production and job creation for all the inhabitants of Tehran? Again, the answer is no. They say we had 8.5 percent growth last year, which isn’t far-fetched. But this doesn’t mean that all of this was translated into production and put bread on the table of the everyday Iranian. Let me show you where the problem lies by giving you another example: Let’s say someone comes to Tehran to buy land and gets the permission to build a house. He spends at least 500 thousand Tomans for each square meter. But he sells it almost immediately for 2 million per square meter. Does the 1.5 million in profit translate into production or job creation? No. Although it does show up in GDP growth, it does not affect the quality of life. There are plenty of other examples, but what I’m trying to say is that there is a more equitable way to do this. The root cause of the problem lies in the excessive concentration of both our software and hardware resources in Tehran. More than 1500 companies and governmental organizations that have no business in Tehran are located there anyway. Their business should be in other regions and cities. But instead they are catching flies in Tehran, thereby imposing a financial burden on the rest of the people. First of all, they have purchased the most expensive buildings and infrastructure in Tehran, worth millions. So here’s one cost; why would they buy such an asset and make it inaccessible to everyone else. And then they start opening offices here and there, but that’s still not the end of it; from Tehran, they want to govern Bushehr (another city), so they constantly commute back and forth, which is costly. With all these high expectations, of course productivity is going down. Low productivity is just part of the problem. By staying in Tehran, these people attract other technicians, specialists, and advisors from the rest of the country into Tehran where they will need housing and accommodations. Go to the country sides, sell your building here worth 50 million, buy one over there for 5, and spend the rest of it on the youth. Our problem is not lack of money, but the inequitable distribution of it. If they don’t want to go, then send other ones. If the people in those regions are deprived and poor, then go and live among them and help them. If they aren’t poor and deprived, then just go there and enjoy their company. Unfortunately, we have been facing a new phenomenon in this country, called the “flying CEOs”. In every airplane, there are at least a dozen of them. As if the people living in other regions of this country were from another country. They are Iranians just as we are, so go and create opportunities for them, and if you can’t we’ll find someone else. 70 million people certainly don’t need to depend on a few to provide for them. The concentration of software means the centralization of decision-making. True, some decision-making should be centralized, such as political, economic, and legislative decisions involving the country as a whole. But who said that every itty-bitty decision should be made in Tehran. 4 individuals sitting in an office from a ministry in Tehran want to plan the 4 billion Toman budget of another state. How can this money be spent? And that’s when oversight-related difficulties emerge. Both Tehran and the rest of the country have been entangled by this. And this is just one example of injustice. A lot of the executive power could be handed over to the states and governed locally. Martyr Rajaii, the icon of Godly virtues, whose life was filled with accomplishments, did that exact same thing; he distributed power locally. He even created local banks, arguing that the communities and their leaders know better what their needs are and how to improve them. He allocated daily oil revenue among the states. And he also took the federal government into the states, telling them to live inside the communities to better understand their needs. I’m sorry to say that last year a report showed that even our governors are now flying around, as if their states were not part of the Islamic Republic to begin with. Well, return to your regions, and see how justice can contribute to progress and economic growth. Another characteristic of the Islamic state is religious popularity. This is a very important notion; some thought that when our Supreme Leader Ali Khomeini mentioned religious popularity he was trying to say, as others have, that everything the Europeans and Americans have we have it also. But that’s not what he meant. Religious popularity is one of the standing pillars of the Islamic state. Such a state has two elements: the people, and the Imam [religious leader]. Both carry the burden of the entire nation. Without the presence, interference, cooperation, and oversight of the people, there is no Islamic state. If you think that by imposing a [Islamic] leader, the problem of Islam will be solved, you are mistaken. Every single individual should have the responsibility of following Islamic doctrines, of promoting growth and defending the country. The Islamic state gives each one of you that opportunity. Its programs are so as to give everyone the understanding that he/she is part of it and that it is their right to engage in it. If there is corruption, the government is responsible, the judiciary must cut off their hands (metaphorically), but for this to happen popular oversight is a precondition. When Islam says that everyone should be held responsible, that everyone should engage in “righting the wrong”, it did not exaggerate. These are commandments. But when the government itself steps away from such teachings, people’s incentive to participate and be active is mitigated as well. It is the people who build the country and its economy, not a group of bankers and financiers. Justice, for that matter, is also brought about by the people; the government only provides the means for achieving this goal. From the perspective of religious popularity, the people are the true rulers of the country. The leaders of this country, as our Supreme Leader has said, are the servants of the nation. When we walk away from Islam the nature of our relation to the people changes. Officials end up pocketing millions in salaries, millions in benefits, for having done nothing, and when they meet the people they act as if they [the people] were indebted to them. Religious popularity means the people must be constructive in designing the future of the country. Our programs must draw them one by one into being active participants. Let me give you an example of what happens when such motivations fade away as opposed to when they are invigorated. Why did the Revolution succeed? Because we all saw ourselves and each other as responsible citizens instead of asking for guidance from our neighbors. The Revolution was “our” revolution, and that’s how it succeeded, the same way we won the Iran-Iraq war; through individual responsibility. Can anyone claim that we won the war solely by relying on our military strength? It was the people and their active participation in the war effort that caused us to win. Let me enumerate a few other characteristics of the Islamic state and leave the rest for another time. The Islamic state preserves the sanctity of the treasury; it considers the treasury to be one of the most precious pearls entrusted to them by the people. It doesn’t tamper with it. I recently read an article about an official arrested for using 300 million of public money to decorate his house. Whose money is this? Some believe they can hide their weaknesses behind ornaments. They believe ornaments bring you prestige. When our leaders behave this way, naive people will follow suit. We cannot hide ourselves from them. I am always intrigued by people who come and see me and ask for five minutes of their time, insisting that we go to my office to talk. I would always ask in disbelief if perhaps they thought that my authority was behind my desk instead of with me. I told them that I usually carry it with me, and that if they have a problem they should address it right here. I am disgusted to see that the people who adorn themselves in gold and silver do it “to preserve the image of the state.” The image of the state will be preserved when there is equality and justice for all, when all the people live in comfort and harmony, when there’s growth for all. A few days ago I was attacked from all sides after I asked why some [leaders] live in palaces. Didn’t our Imam [Khomeini] have prestige? The fact is that the miser and poverty of Muslims started when our leaders moved to palaces. And they do this for the sake of image and prestige. What part of our religion says that? Or is this perhaps the people’s will? Keep the sanctity of our treasury, and there won’t be any shortages of either money or means. You saw what happens when our leadership walks away from Islam. I had a meeting with some officials a while ago. At the end of the meeting some of us stayed for a little chit-chat. One of them had almost the entire wealth of the country in his hands. I asked him how things are, and he said “not so well”. I asked why, and he said that’s just the way things are, and that nothing can be done unless people take it easy. I asked why it is the people who have to take it easy. Have they asked for too much? Have they trampled on someone else’s rights? All they are saying is they want to be independent, governed by the laws of Islam, to impose their will on no one and have no one impose their will on them. What exactly should the people take easy? Their freedom? Their Independence? He responded by saying that people have given up, and that they are tired and have lost patience. I turned to him and said: “You are the one who has lost his strength and his will. You’ve built your own ship and you don’t swim with the people anymore. You’re the one who’s lost it, not the people. The people are not tired of Islam or their government; they are tired of you. And you represent neither Islam nor the government. Unfortunately, some subscribe their weaknesses and incompetence to the people and the government. Thanks to God Almighty, our nation is stronger than ever, our government is stronger than ever, and our religion is dearer than ever to us. If there are problems, they are caused by those who have been cut off from the people and Islam. Let’s return to those values and we’ll see what a paradise we can make of this country. My last word is: My dear friends, I strongly and adamantly believe despite all the difficulties and predicaments facing our nation, that the Islamic Revolution and our people will put all of it behind them and create a sophisticated and modern Islamic society in this holy land of ours.
Speech by Evo Morales in El Chapare, Bolivia, when election results were announced. Found on website: The new history of Bolivia begins, where equality, justice, equity, peace with social justice are sought. We are committed to that change that the Bolivian people expect. We realized that in the cities we are not alone either, not everyone despises and hates the peasant movements. That is why this is the great triumph of the living people who seek change in our country. The people should purge the members of the National Electoral Court. I say this before international organizations such as the OAS and other observers because it has been shown that it has been handled illegally, from the CNE. Some members of the CNE have committed a crime against democracy. Despite this situation, the organized, united people demonstrated that the neoliberals and their members who are concentrated in the CNE can be defeated. As a people who fight for their country we have the responsibility to change our history and if with this result at the polls the change that the people seek has been felt, we must respect, as we said at some point, the voice of the people because it is the voice of Godand the voice of God is that of the people. The original indigenous movement is not exclusive, it is inclusive. With our government, the discrimination, xenophobia, hatred, and contempt to which we have historically been subjected will end. We will go to live together in the so-called unity in diversity, changing the neoliberal model and ending the colonial state. The MAS will never extort any businessman who wants to invest in our country. I want to tell the Bolivian peasant movement that before they killed us with bullets and they wanted to kill us with lies, they failed. That dirty war, based on lies, has become a campaign for the MAS, for the social movement and for Evo Morales. We are not of the culture of lies and of the dirty war. Lies are fought with the truth and these are the results. That is our experience in this electoral struggle and with this strength we will continue to move on to the other responsibility of leading the country. Bolivia is not unviable as they try to make it out to be. Fortunately, we are not alone in Bolivia or internationally, we have a lot of support from other governments. So far we have had calls from two Latin American presidents, fromrepresentatives of ambassadors and foreign ministries. That is the strength of the MAS and the Bolivian people. I thank my friends at Unitel for campaigning for me, a dirty war. Some media continue to demonize us. We want to tell you that yes, the MAS guarantees governability not only with social movements, it guarantees governability with parliamentarians from other parties who feel and want change, here it is not marginalized. If there are parliamentarians who want to join for change, welcome. The best way to guarantee governability is through social movements but also with the international community; I think that's our best strength. Fortunately, we are in other times of change, in a third millennium, of the peoples, of the people and not of the empire. Comrades, we were not wrong in choosing the candidate for vice president, Alvaro García Linera, his personality was also very demonized during the campaign, for some media, such as Unitel. When he was not a candidate he was a great commentator, a political scientist, when he has been a candidate: a terrorist. Let's learn from this campaign, when you really set your mind, well, you win. Our social movements have really given a line to change our history, from the compañeros of Cobija to Tarija, from Puerto Suárez to Tiawanacu, thank you very much to all of themfor support and strength. We are just starting and we are going to move forward to change our history. Some colleagues informed me that we broke the record. But we are not leading the country to the runner-up in corruption, we are breaking records with healthy and honest voting and we hope that it will be the Latin American example. We need allies, social movements, politicians united around Latin America to rebuild what other comrades of the Tawantinsuyu, or what Simón Bolívar said, the great homeland, we have the obligation to build that great homeland throughout Latin America. Tell the Aymaras, Quechuas, Chiquitanos and Guaraníes, we are presidents, we are going to be presidents. Tell businessmen, professionals, artists, intellectuals, don't abandon us. It is no longer a problem of winning but of governing. To rule Bolivia by obeying the Bolivian people. Some mayors, councilors, parliamentarians who are finishing their term, I am very sorry, and I want to express that of some senators, deputies who did not participate in the campaign I feel used. How good it would be if they were consistent, because the MAS is not only for the position but for change. In the next few days we are going to organize ourselves to demonstrate how it is governed and I really have wishes that based on theCosmic law of our ancestors 'Ama Sua, Ama Llulla, and Ama Khella' Let us teach those who stole from the country to govern." Previous Note
Choose the future. Choose each other. Speech by Prime Minister J.P. Balkenende to the CDA congress, Amsterdam, 30 September 2006 Thank you for your support and trust. I would like to be your party leader. Only 53 days until the elections. 53 days of fierce debates and hard work. And it doesn't stop there. That also means four years after that. (..) This work demands a lot from me, but above all from Bianca and Amelie. Without them, I can't do this work. They are the ones who especially deserve the applause. In addition, I can't do it without you. Without the support of the party. All those volunteers who will man the stands again in the coming weeks, hand out the leaflets and stick the posters. The people too, who enter into discussions on the street to convince people of the CDA. I am proud of you. I am proud of the Netherlands. --- Do you remember? That tsunami, that terrible tidal wave that caused so much misery in Asia on Boxing Day 2004? They are images that are burned into memory. Horrible, so much misery, sadness and destruction. But it did something that I am proud of to this day: it set the Netherlandsin motion. A massive, heartwarming fundraising campaign was launched. To help the affected people on the other side of the world out of need. 1 In one fell swoop, we, the Dutch, made it clear that our hearts were in the right place. That was a special moment. In the midst of all the gloom, we showed that things could be done differently. Just before the tsunami, Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered, a wave of arson and threats swept across the country. The social climate had hardened after the harsh actions in the autumn, economic problems were piling up and terrorism was constantly threatening. An image of a divided Netherlands. We showed that things could be done differently. We showed that together we could achieve a lot, a lot - that together we are capable of a lot. Something of that old self-confidence broke through. A boost in an even more gloomy time. -- Fortunately, in 2006, the Netherlands is doing much better on a broad front. It says something about our resilience, our perseverance and our vitality that we have managed to free ourselves from that cramp. That we, just like after the horrific tsunami,have shown how far we can get together. Our country is in good shape again. We have worked that as a government. We have done what we promised. Set goals have been achieved. For example, in the field of safety. (Donner) 2 -- What makes me doubly proud of the results is that we did it together. It is not the merit of 'The Hague' alone, we have enforced the result together. Collectively, as the Netherlands, we have pulled ourselves out of the swamp. Together we tightened our belts for a few years in a row. Together we have moderated wages and thus helped thousands of people back to work. Together, together with the police, we have made the country safer again. . Together, municipal councils, together with people in neighborhoods and districts, have worked on decency on the street. Together, people in education, volunteer work, and healthcare have shown how important respect is. But we are not done yet. Prosperity now is not yet guaranteed prosperity for the future. We created chances, but we still have to capitalize on them. I think we should safeguard today's certainties for the future as well. Both forold as for young. And respect is not a given, but constantly requires interpretation, deepening and broadening. New challenges and problems keep popping up that require answers. And opportunities arise that require guts, vision and perseverance. That is exactly what it is about on November 22 - about the future of the Netherlands. What kind of Netherlands do we want? How do we view our country, our future? 3 I know what I want. • I want a respectful Netherlands in which there is room for everyone. Regardless of where you come from, what you believe and what you are. Where people treat each other decently. Where respect sets the tone. Where people take each other into account. • I want a prosperous Netherlands that is brimming with vitality and dynamism. Where entrepreneurial spirit is rewarded. Where everyone rolls up their sleeves and where talents are used. Where it buzzes with innovation and the urge to renew. Where people stand on their own two feet as much as possible. • I want a Netherlands that offers security, a country in which people who need it can count on solid support and assistance, where children can grow up safely, where there is care for the sick and disabled, where the elderly can be sure of thepension. • I want a Netherlands that looks beyond the dikes. That is open to the world. That also seizes international opportunities and takes responsibility. I also want to make the clear choices to achieve that. A clear choice for a social internship. A clear choice for compulsory language lessons. A clear choice for the freedom of choice of the family. A clear choice for more people to work longer. A clear choice for certainty about your own home and state pension. A clear choice for less government and more entrepreneurship. But that is not enough. Politicians do not realize this alone. Choosing for the future is mainly choosing for each other. Therefore, Choose for the future. Choose each other. 4 We have faith in the Netherlands because we have faith in people. Trust in the teacher who knows how to transfer knowledge and control a class. Trust in the nurse who prefers to pay attention to people rather than fill in forms. Trust in entrepreneurs who know how to strengthen growth and how young people can best learn a trade. Trust in volunteers and informal caregivers who can assess personal emotions and needs that can never be captured in policy.I don't believe in a government that says it can solve all problems itself. Nor in politicians who give the impression that this is possible in a coffee house. I believe in a society in which people are jointly responsible. The people in this room. The people at home in front of the TV. All Dutch people. Whether they were born here or not. How else do you solve the loneliness of an octogenarian without a family who no longer walks to the store so easily and also finds it scary on the street? How do you help the boy who can't get a job due to a lack of a diploma and seeks comfort in alcohol and drugs? How do you prevent a father from taking revenge on the gym owner who corrected his children? Respect, attention and responsibility are not things that can only be enforced by laws or regulations. While that engaged society is exactly what we all want most. 5 We will shape that future together. Living together is indeed not something you do alone. -- And yet that is too often the case. We often know more about the situation in the world than about things that are in our ownenvironment. We are looking for contact via the internet, while the fence in the backyard neatly 'gives us our privacy'. We judge other cultures without having entered into a conversation. -- My dream is that things can be done differently. That we sit together at the tables, like Martin Luther King dreamed. -- That dream can be realized. In fact, it happens! For example, it is now becoming a reality in many places during the Ramadan weeks. It is the Muslims who invite us to their Iftar meals. An outstretched hand. This is an example, but fortunately there are many more. It is the people who make the difference. Like Mr. Tehari with his fish shop in Rotterdam. Like Major Bosshardt from Amsterdam. 6 Like Rose of the Mass (s) election. Like Louis van Gaal in his support for children with disabilities. I had the privilege of meeting and talking to them. They - and with them so many others - are the reason I am proud of the Netherlands. They give me the inspiration to stick my neck out for the choices that are necessary for the best preconditions for their work. They make me happy to be your party leader and the prime minister of thisfor the next four years. -- Sometimes I dream a little of the Golden Age. The century in which the small Netherlands worked its way to the top on its own. The century in which trade and industry flourished, where it sailed the seas, where it also stood its ground across the border. The century of Michiel de Ruyter and of Rembrandt No, I don't idealize the past. But despite all the shortcomings of our forefathers, our national history is inspiring. It shows what a small country can be great at. That resilience, that dynamism has not been lost. Provided we work on it together. Provided we don't shy away at the slightest thing. Provided we don't stop at nice talk. We don't get it for free. Don't let anyone tell you. Not even in the heat of the election campaign. 7 Don't let anyone tell you that he or she will fix it. No, we will have to do it ourselves. Joint. As Dutch. I am not giving you golden mountains. I am not making any big promises to you either. I have come to ask you something - to work for the Netherlands of the future. And with as much dedication, togetherness and self-confidence asin the past it will also work. I want to dedicate myself fully to that. Right away.. and in the next four years. Yes, the elections are going to be exciting. But it will work. Because we want to choose the future Because we want to choose each other. Because we are proud of the Netherlands!
Speech Given at National Press Club May 16th PRIME MINISTER: Thank you very much, Sabra. Can I begin by acknowledging the Ngunnawal People, elders, past, present and emerging, can I also acknowledge any serving men and women in our Defence forces, or any veterans who are in the room and simply say to you, thank you for your service. I'm very pleased to be here today. This is an important tradition and part of our electoral process here in Australia. That the leaders of both parties, major parties going into an Election present themselves before the National Press Club. It's part of the process, it's part of what Australians, I think, expect; for our leaders to come and submit themselves to our dear friends in the media here in Canberra before the election. It's about accountability. It's about submitting yourself to scrutiny. It's about showing respect for the electoral process and the decision that Australians will make importantly this weekend. Election campaigns are not coronation tours as some seem to think they are. There’s an event happening somewhere else today, elsewhere in the country, in Sydney where I understand that is much more the tone of that event. Very much focused on a self-congratulatory process in a party hoopla-style event. That’s not what's happening here today. What's happening here today, is part of the discipline of our electoral process in this country; fronting up to take the questions which I'm pleased to do. I understand, my advice is that it's been a long time since Leader of the Opposition has not presented themselves here for such an address. You’ve got to go back to John Hewson in 1993. Anyway, that said I'm pleased to be here and happy to have the opportunity to share with Australians and to be subject to the questions of the media today. This will be a close election. That is not something I think anyone was writing two months ago, six months ago, eight months ago or even longer. But it is a close election and it will be a close election and that is certainly, I think, the consensus that has emerged particularly in recent days, a fact now realised. What that means to Australians watching this today is you will decide. Every single vote that is cast on this weekend, this Saturday, will decide who leads our country for the next three years. Who will form government and it will determine not just the three years that are in front of us, but I believe the next decade that Australia will live in, The next decade of the economy that Australians will live in and the choices that they will have. So every Australian, as you are making up your minds in the last few days, as so many more will and even as they walk towards the ballot box on Saturday, they will be making up their minds. Don't let anyone tell you that this election is run and done. Don't let anyone tell you that your vote doesn’t count - because it will. Every single vote will count. You are empowered with this great and important choice. Australians I think take their elections very seriously and always have. But you know, it doesn't mean that they spend all their waking moments thinking about politics. That's reserved for Canberra, I think. They don't think about this all the time. But that doesn't mean they take this decision less seriously than anyone else. They don't think about it all the time, because frankly they have better things to do with their lives and they expect those who come and form governments and leaders who they elect, to get on and do the job, to get about it. And they go back to what they get about; their daily lives. Raising their families, run their businesses, go to work, save to buy a home, buy a home, study to secure a better future for themselves, save for their retirement so they can be independent and have choices, care for perhaps a disabled child or an elderly parent, or indeed your partner, over the course of your entire life and it’s now your job - your loving job - to be providing care to your partner in your closing years. To enjoy life by spending it with friends and family. To volunteer at local sports clubs or at the local surf lifesaving club or the Rural Fire Service or the emergency services, being part of the community. These are the honest, decent, humble aspirations of Australians going about their lives. That's what they are focused on. That's what matters to them. They have no time for shouty debates in politics. They have no time for Twitter trolling, sit-in protests, sit-in protests or any of these other forms of political activity. They’re too busy doing the things that matter most to them and frankly build our country and make it stronger every single day. They are Australians going quietly about their lives, planning and steadfastly pursuing their own goals for their own futures. Over the course of this campaign, well before and over my entire political and public life and indeed before that, I’ve had the great privilege of meeting with Australians right around the country and listening carefully with them. Those who have just bought their home or saving for it, small business owners and the smile on their face as they tell me about the young apprentice who is just about to complete that four and a half year apprenticeship. How they have helped change that young person's life. Another family who has started a family business, one that's been running it for 30 years and is passing it on to their next generation. Or in farms hit by floods, farms hit by drought, just carefully listening to them. Australians who are retiring from a lifetime of hard work, having paid taxes and are now looking forward to pursuing their retirement together with their loved ones. You know, I think Australia is made stronger, by Australians. It's Australians that are the source of our strength. It’s them pursuing their own aspirations that makes our country strong. The lives they wish to lead, the families they form, the homes that they make, the businesses they start and run, the savings they put aside, the communities they build, the legacy they leave. That is what makes Australia stronger, more resilient, safer, more secure. Australians being Australians. I believe that this election is not so much at all about Australians deciding which side they’re going to be on, Liberal, Labor and the many other myriad choices there are, it's got nothing to do with that. They’re trying to work out; ‘Which one of these are on my side?’ That's the question they’re asking. It's not about joining the blue team or the red team. It's about asking; ‘Which of those teams is actually for me and focused on me and what I want for my family and what I'm trying to achieve? Do they think I'm the answer or do they think they are?’ I believe that's what Australians are doing as we go across this election. So, I see my job in this campaign as Prime Minister leading a Liberal and National Government, it’s not to convince Australians to join my side, but to demonstrate to them each and every day I have the privilege to serve, that our Government and our policies are firmly on theirs. I believe Australians have also become far more discerning, even more discerning in making these choices. Far more realistic too, when forming judgements about who really is on their side. They quickly see through I think today, tired old claims that if the government could just spend more of your money, they could solve all of your problems. They've seen that before and they've seen where it ends. They know they end up paying for it and paying for it and paying for it. So as we go into this election, I think Australians are not looking for big-spending, big-taxing programmes directed up as vision. That's no vision. What they’re looking for is something that's real, something that's credible, something that's achievable and is being achieved. Something they know they can afford - not the bill they can't afford - something that they know they can rely on and someone they know they can really trust. At this election, my proposal is actually quite straightforward. I have been making it each and every day. I believe that Australians are the answer to meeting the challenges that we face as a nation. I believe Australians are the answer to securing our future prosperity and the opportunities that are there in front of us. I believe they are. Our Government believes that Australians are the source of a stronger economy and a stronger society and a safer nation. We choose - our government - your aspirations, we choose the life, the job, the future you see for yourself in your town, in your home, in your suburb, in your family. We don't see our Government as the centre of your world, we see you as the centre of our world, as a government, putting your aspirations and what you want to achieve at the top of our list. See, there will be a bit of talk today about; ‘it's time’. Well, let me tell you what it's time for, let me tell you what it’s really time for today. It’s time to create 1.25 million new jobs and that's what our economic plan outlines. It’s time to see 250,000 more small and family businesses created in this country, creating prosperity and opportunities for people right across our country. It’s time to see 250,000 young people over the next five years go and get a job, and get that job because of the economy that they are living in and the choices they have and the support of programmes. Whether it’s support for 80,000 new apprentices to get that training or to ensure that the businesses they will go and work for will be there and they’ll be thriving. Not just in our big cities but right across the country whether it’s out there in Wangaratta where I was yesterday or up in Gladstone or over in Perth, in Kununurra, down in the suburbs of Adelaide or indeed with ‘J-Rod’ over there just out of Launceston. Quite a character, I hope you get the chance to meet him, I certainly enjoyed meeting him. He’s a great guy. So creating 1.25 million jobs is what it’s time for. That’s what our economic plan has being delivering and what it will continue to deliver. 1.3 million jobs already created. I won’t go through all the statistics today because you’ve heard them, 100,000 jobs for young people that we created in just one year. That’s what it’s time for. It’s time for a stronger economy to continue, it’s also time to maintain and achieve those Budget surpluses that pay down the debt. From a Government that knows how to do that job and has proved itself to do that job. The Budget comes back into surplus for the first time next year in twelve years. Not by accident, not by chance, but by a Government that knows how to keep its expenditure under control and it’s taxes, to support a stronger economy. To ensure that Australians are taken off welfare and put into work. That’s what is balancing the Budget. Not higher taxes. What is balancing the Budget, is the hard work of Australians each and every day, being supported and enabled and facilitated by a Government that understands that it’s a stronger economy that makes Australia stronger, not government taking all of your money and pretending to have all the answers. It’s time to continue to deliver the tax relief that Australians deserve. Not just the tax relief that we have already legislated, but the tax relief that we will legislate if elected this Saturday and we recall the Parliament and we pass those laws, to provide further tax relief for families and small and family businesses into the future. Tax relief that enables Australians. You know tax can sometimes be a pretty dry topic, it’s not one that is often talked about in the pubs and clubs of Australia - except when it comes time to pay it. If someone is asking you to pay more, that’s for sure. But let me tell you why tax is such an important issues to define the difference between the alternatives at this election. If you think that Australians are really the answer to the questions being posed to our country at the moment then you ensure that they keep more of what they earn. If you really think that. If you don’t you think the government should have more of what they earn. Because you think that the government is the answer to the problem, not Australians themselves. See for me taxation is a key litmus test of what you really think about the capacity and ability of the Australian people. If Australians have the opportunity to have the choice about where they’re investing their hard-won money - in their families, in their futures, in their plans - if you really believe that you’ll let them keep more of it. If you don’t, you’ll take more of it off them. That’s the difference between Bill Shorten and I at this election. I’m saying I want all Australians to keep more of what they earn. Not just some, I want all Australians to keep more of what they earn, because I believe that they’re the answer to a stronger economy in this country. I believe that if you give them that go, then they’ll have a go and they’ll get a go and Australia will be stronger as a result. I believe that now is the time to guarantee that increased funding for essential services, hospitals, schools and roads as we have been doing to record levels. Hospitals up 60 per cent. Public schools up 60 per cent. Medicare at record levels. 2,000 medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. A strong track record of delivering on the essential services. Building the East West Link, building the Fast Rail from Melbourne to Geelong. Building the Melbourne Airport link realising one of the biggest projects of infrastructure this country has seen, the Western Sydney International Nancy Bird Walton Airport and the rail and road infrastructure that supports it and makes a reality. Realising the interconnector between Tasmania and the mainland in Victoria, the Marinus Link. Advancing the Battery of the Nation, and the Snowy 2.0 project. All of this is what we’ve achieved in guaranteeing the essentials that Australians rely on. It’s time to do all of that. That’s what we are going to do. It’s time also to keep Australians safe and our borders secure as our Government always has and Liberals and Nationals can always be trusted to do. But I can tell you what it’s not the time to do; now is not the time for a weaker economy. Now is not the time for policies and an experiment that puts our economy under unnecessary pressure when we’re facing the challenges that we’re facing. Over the last five and a half years or Government has had to deal with one of the most significant impacts on our economy that we've seen as a nation. One of the biggest tests to our AAA credit rating and indeed, our economic growth and the record levels of growth we have seen now in our 28th year. That was the fall-off in investment after the mining investment boom that took $80 billion out of our economy. We grew through it. Because we were backing in small and family businesses and Australians, to get on with what they were doing each and every day, putting investments in place through the instant asset write-off, making sure that they knew when they put in, they would be able to take out and then put in again. So now is not the time, with trade tensions between China and the United States. Now is not the time when there is uncertainty in the security environment. Now is certainly not the time to do things that will weaken our economy. A key part of that is, now is not the time to impose $387 billion of a higher tax burden on our economy, weighing it down, holding it down, holding it back, impacting on every single Australian. Every single one of the 25 million and more Australians there are today around the country. 1 million Australians specifically impacted by their retiree tax, which will withdraw the company tax already paid and extended as a credit to every single shareholder in this country. But not some, according to the Labor Party under their policy. No, they’ll be denied that. Everyone else can get it, the same credit from the tax paid by the company that flows through to every single shareholder in this country, but not for some. Not for a million Australians for whom Bill Shorten will deny that to. He’ll take it. Like Rosalie over there living in Ken Wyatt’s electorate of Hasluck, who I saw the other day when I visited Perth; $1,800 out of her $30,000 income. No refund for her, no credit for her. She invested in that company, like every other shareholder, but no credit for her. That's her private health insurance. It's people's money to go and say their grandkids, to pay their electricity bill. This is their money. They've paid taxes all their lives. Now is not the time to go and hit Rosalie. Now is not the time to hit a million Australians whose sin, according to Chris Bowen and Bill Shorten, is they’ve gone and invested in an Australian company. Planned for their future and set themselves up for retirement. Now is not the time for a housing tax that will undermine the value of your home, or put up your rent. Those are the two things that will happen as a result of Labor's housing tax changes. Rents will be higher than they would otherwise be and your home value, two-thirds of Australians either live in a house that they own outright or they’re paying a mortgage on. Every single one of them, impacted by Labor's housing tax. Now is not the time to see the biggest asset that you’ve ever invested in with the sweat of your own hard work and effort in your life, to be undermined because of a Labor Party that just simply wants to tax everybody more. Now is not the time to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission and basically see the ACTU and Sally McManus effectively be the silent shareholder and silent board member, on every board, of every private and public company, in the country. Now is not the time to bring lawlessness back to our building and construction industry, particularly when we’re proceeding with the biggest investment in infrastructure programmes around the country of some $100 billion. Now is not the time for that. Now is not the time for invasive new laws that Labor would seek to do, telling farmers what they can and can't do on their land and holding them back. Now is the time to support those farmers. Now is the time to pass the Drought Fund Bill, which Labor refused to pass when we were last in Parliament. Now is the time to recognise that they need us to stand with them, as I have done, as Michael McCormack has done and as we have done together as a Coalition Government, giving people hope in the most difficult of circumstances. Now is not the time to put a Labor Party that has never demonstrated their ability to manage money, in charge of a $2 trillion economy, which is what it will be next year. The one thing I get the biggest head nod about around the country as I’ve moved around is I’ve said to people - particularly among retirees I’ve got to say - I say; ‘Have you ever noticed that people who can't manage money always end up spending more of it? And when they have spent it all, they always end up coming after yours?’ And they all agree. That's what a Labor government would look like. Labor have never demonstrated they can manage money. They are proposing the biggest spending of a government that we have ever seen in this country. If only their capacity to spend money was as good as their capacity to want to spend money. Their ability to actually spend on programmes effectively means what you have heard, is just the starting price. We know how much bigger that price gets. It goes up and up. Pink Batts, we all remember it, school halls, cash-for-clunkers, border failures. The bill that you can't afford will just keep rising and rising and rising, because Labor have never proven an ability manage money in this country. If you can't manage money you can't run the country. Now is not the time to turn back. Now is not the time to say to those Australians who have worked so hard to get us where we are today, to have grown through these difficult and hard times, now is not the time to say to those who’ve saved up and bought their first home that apparently; ‘Negative equity is ok’, as Chris Bowen said today. ‘It is Ok for the value of your house to fall as a result of the government's policy - not a problem’. No, it is. It’s actually a big one, I think. Worked hard for it, saved it for it, Australians have worked hard to get where they are. Now is not the time to say to them they have to turn back on what they have been able to achieve and put at risk what they have already built up. It's certainly not the time to say to them that your opportunities in the future should also be delayed or deferred, because a Labor government has a whole bunch of ideas that they want to spend your money on. Now is not the time. Now is the time to stop Labor's higher taxed this Saturday, by voting Liberal and voting Nationals. Now is the time to stop Labor's reckless spending from starting by voting Liberals and Nationals on Saturday. Now is the time to build our economy together and secure your future, by voting Liberals and Nationals this Saturday. Now is the time, now is the time to ensure that as we go into this next decade we build the economy you want to live in. Because it is real. It determines what job you have. It determines your own future, the choices that you have and I want the economy for Australia that enables Australians' aspirations to be realised. From buying your first home, to saving for your retirement, to working hard every day, they are honest, decent aspirations of quiet Australians that I want to back in. Labor wants to tax them more and that is fundamentally what is going on in this election. That’s why this election is such an important choice about where we are going further and where we're going into the future as a country. So, I'm asking Australians, I'm asking Australians to vote Liberal and Nationals this Saturday. To elect me and not Bill Shorten as your prime minister, so I can continue to get on with the job while you get on with your job. You can trust me to do that. You can trust me too diligently and every day get on with the task and the job that I've outlined at this election campaign and that me and my team are hungry and eager to get on with. It's been eight months since I have been in this job. It has been an incredible privilege and pleasure. But I can tell you, I'm just getting started. The hunger for Australia and achieving the aspirations of Australia, it is burning deep within me. I'm asking Australians to let me get on with the job and let me on this Saturday by voting Liberal and Nationals get on with the job of realising your future. Thank you. [Applause] Source:
66 Statement on the ANC 1999 Elections Victory – 1999/06/03 Gallagher Estate, Johannesburg, 3 June 1999 The people have spoken! The people have unequivocally said the ANC leads! In their millions and without hesitation, the people of South Africa have renewed the mandate of the ANC to govern our country. The poorest of the poor have said they trust the ANC to help them out of their conditions of misery. The women of our country have mandated us to continue with the struggle for their upliftment and emancipation. Our people, both black and white, have mandated us to remain firm in the pursuit of our vision of a nonracial society and the important goal of national reconciliation. The overwhelming mandate give to us constitutes a people’s directive for us to use the power they given us to defend and entrench the democratic system and the human rights contained in our Constitution and our laws. In a very clear voice, the people have said that democracy is alive and well in our country. The people have directed us to move forward faster with our programme for reconstruction and development so that the goal of a better life for all is achieved sooner rather than later. The masses of our people have mandated us to maintain the peace and stability which democracy and good governance have brought our country. They have directed us radically to improve the safety and security of all our people, in the urban and rural areas, on the farms and at home, among our women and children. The people have directed that we should continue with our economic policies, ensuring that, together with the private sector, the economy grows at higher rates, that it creates new jobs, ensuring that it continues to develop into a modern and internationally competitive economy. The people have given clear orders that we move forward faster to build a non-racial and non-sexist society. The people of our country have given an unequivocal directive that we must work together for the African Renaissance, for the emergence of the 21st Century as the African Century. On behalf of the ANC, I pledge to the people of our country, our Continent and the world that we will remain loyal to the directives the people have given and ensure that their will is done. We are greatly humbled by the trust, confidence and love which the people of our country, both black and white, have shown in and for the ANC. We were deeply moved by the determination of the people to cast their votes, their willingness to wait in long queues, hungry, cold and tired, deep into the night to exercise their democratic right, to ensure that they voted for the party of their choice. We are fully conscious of the fact that the magnificent patience of our people was in part, driven by their knowledge that, consistent with its traditions, the ANC would approach the exercise of power without any arrogance, with humility, with a deep sense of responsibility to ensure that, as a people, we act together to build a South Africa which truly belongs to all who live in it, both black and white. I would like to extend our profound thanks to all our people for the historic contribution they made during this election further to entrench democracy and political tolerance in our country. I would also like to thank all the parties that participated in the elections for the largely responsible manner in which they conducted themselves during the election campaign. We congratulate all of them for the successes they have achieved, hoping that they will, themselves, contribute to the common national effort for the reconstruction and development of our country. I would also like to pay special tribute to all our security forces and the security Ministers and Deputy Ministers for the excellent work they did to ensure that we had a largely peaceful campaign period as well as peaceful elections. Our country also owes them a debt of gratitude for the assistance they gave the IEC, in the registration and the election process, which helped to ensure that we have free and fair elections. We would also like to salute the hundreds of thousands of civil servants and other volunteers who gave invaluable assistance to the IEC both to prepare our first common voters; roll and to conduct and manage the elections. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the international observers who have joined us once again, who have helped to ensure that we have free and fair elections. We trust that they will be able to report to their organisations and countries that democracy is alive and well in South Africa and that we continue to be committed to the principle of international solidarity for the construction of a better world. All of us are very pleased to convey our heartfelt thanks to the IEC, its Chairperson, Hlope Brigalia Bam and the other Commissioners, the CEO, Prof Mandla Mchunu and the staff of the IEC, for the sterling work they have done for the advancement of the cause of democracy and peace in our country. We would also like to thank the domestic and international media which has worked hard to report on all elements relating to our second democratic elections. We trust that nothing we have done has made your work more difficult or, in any way, undermined the independence of the media. As President of our organisation, the African National Congress, I salute the thousands of our leaders and activists, including Nelson Mandela, the leaders and activists of COSATU, the SACP, SANCO and the rest of the democratic movement, for the great campaign they waged to ensure that we score the historic victory we have. The masses of our people have renewed our mandate to govern. The people have spoken! The ANC will respond as it must; for democracy, peace, progress, prosperity, non-racialism, non-sexism and the rebirth of our Continent. The time has now come that we go back to work! Thabo Mbeki Word count: 995 words
REMARKS BY PRESIDENT NÉSTOR KIRCHNER AT THE CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE CAMPAIGN OF THE CANDIDATE FOR NATIONAL DEPUTY, RAFAEL BIELSA. 18/10/2005 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Dear sisters and brothers, Dear comrades, I want to speak today, if you will allow me, to the men, women and young people of this beloved Federal Capital. I am going to speak to you with real sincerity. This Capital, which is the land of all Argentines, this Capital that just as today is one of the places that most welcomes recovery, was also in the most agonizing moment of the homeland one of the places where despair, lack of credibility and sitting down won all sectors. That is why I want to ask the people of the capital that it is fundamental, just as I do every day self-criticism and try to correct my mistakes, that the men and women of the Federal Capital have memory and just as for so many years they voted unconditionally for De la Rua, they voted for Menem, they voted for Erman Gonzalez, voted for Olivera and that they gave so many years of trust to these people, I ask them from the bottom of my heart not to vote for their descendants and to give usan opportunity for those of us who need to continue taking Argentina forward to transform and change it. (Applause) It is not we who made the "corralito", it is not we who generated that agonizing economic situation for the workers, the Buenos Aires middle class, the pride of all Argentines, and the businessmen who live in the Federal Capital and not even the bankers. Those who plundered the homeland, those who sold Argentina, those who kept the savings of the Argentines, those who broke their faith, it was precisely those people they voted for for so long. That is why I ask you not to repeat the mistake and not to follow the descendants, but to bet on the new and on change, on those of us who are at stake for a homeland for all, for a new Argentina that reemerges with strength, with morale, with determination, with courage, with courage to build the values that our Nation needs. (Applause) Tell me on May 25 and before May 25, 2003 where were some of the candidates who today feel ashamed to show themselves to those who voted. We were there before, we were thirty years ago and we are todayraising the same flags of unity, solidarity and greatness for all Argentines. (Applause) It is up to me as President of the Argentines to defend the interests in the discussion with the different companies. Dear friends – and this is very important because man is worth his actions – we came out and said that we were tired of what had happened to every Argentine with Aguas Argentinas-Suez here in the homeland, of what had happened with the five billion dollars that disappeared, that we were fed up with ambassadors who should help unite two countries to come and attack us in the name of commercial interests that favor to certain companies, and one of the candidates said that if we did what we did to Aguas Argentinas, she would also leave the country. That is the national and popular project, that is the project of all Argentines. She gave in, she lowered her strength, she lowered her thinking, believing that by renouncing ideas the people will vote for her. You have to have courage, you have to defend your ideas and you don't resign by one vote or by two or three! (Applause) All those who in 2003 accompaniedthe 90s, all those who constantly talked about efficiency and continue to do so, those who are bothered when a worker or someone protests because they don't like it or because they need more because they get angry with the government or with such and such and such and do not have the democratic patience to find coexistence and harmony, they believe that a just society can be built by trampling on one another. I believe in the society of love, of understanding, of solving the problems of those who have less, of mobilizing our middle class and of rebuilding our national business community. But we have to remember and have a very good memory. That is why, dear porteños, dear brothers and sisters of the Capital, I sincerely ask every citizen of the capital, every man and woman who lives here, every young person to look back, to read history, to see the changing attitude of some and the consistent attitude of others with principles and interests that have nothing to do with Argentines. Today they hide in masks of talk that the State must be rebuilt when they went to loot it, to auction it off andto take it away; they come with masks that politics must be renewed and they go looking for De La Rúa's officials; they come with masks that we have to recover crystallinity, action with moral treatment in politics and some cannot say what they live on as all of us who are here can say. We have endured the grievance, we have endured the disqualification, we have endured the cunning attack and we will continue to endure it in the name of the homeland, of the Argentines and of those who suffer the most. But it is also important that the truth is known. (Applause) There are some who want us to believe that they do campaigns with one, two coins or three coins. It is disrespectful to the people to make them believe that this is how they move, how they spend, how they dress, how they act and how they decide. I truly tell you from my heart, friends, that it is time to end the hypocrisy. The Federal Capital has to be put at the forefront of the country, the Capital has to be the reference for all Argentines, the Capital has to be the project that channels national reconstruction, the Capital has to dohonor that title of Capital, the porteños have to go and embrace the men and women of the interior, the porteños have to make the point that the homeland needs, the porteños must honor their history and I have no doubt that they will do it. (Applause) I humbly beg you to help me, not to follow me because we already know what step to follow and follow. I am an ordinary man who makes mistakes and gets it right like anyone else; I am an ordinary man who dreams of a better country. I hope that on December 10, 2007, when my term ends, I will be able to tell the Argentine people that we have one digit of unemployment, one digit of indigence and half of poverty, that Argentina continued to grow between 5 and 8 percent, that industry has grown, that employment has grown, that the countryside has grown. that Argentina is strengthened, that our reserves are growing, that the primary fiscal surplus is maintained. (Applause) They told us that Argentina had to be properly managed and the sectors of neoliberalism always did it with a deficit; In the three years that we are going to have government, we had growth with a fiscal surplusprimary, with growth in reserves to almost 26 billion, growth in collection, today industrial activity grew again, from August to September 1.2 and we have 7.4. Porteños, help me to keep this going; Porteños, give me the strength that this country needs. (Applause) It is not a question – and with all respect to the ideas that we have – in the stage that Argentina is experiencing of party divisions, it is a question of knowing who wants to build the Nation and who does not. And in the construction of the Nation, all honest, decent Argentines, the workers, the educators, the researchers who make the country proud because they are the ones who build it, intervene. We have to put an end to the culture of the 90s where the best Argentinian was the most mischievous, the most alive and the most thief. Let's go back to respecting the neighborhood man who works the most, the researcher who researches the most, the student who studies the most, the teacher who teaches best, let's return to the global opening of our culture in all sectors of the country. (Applause) The same people who melted down and plundered the country and the homeland want what was not done in thirty years.years I do it in two days. They demand of me and demand of me, I do what I can and I do it with all my strength, I make mistakes and I try to correct myself with all humility. We have already seen those who said "if we make a mistake, let's continue to lead because it is a political weakness to correct oneself." I am going to correct myself as many times as necessary because every mistake that I do not correct will be paid for by the Argentine people. They will have my permanent humility to do so. (Applause) They don't know how to attack me anymore, they attack me and my family, they "fake" my kid's photo, they want my family to be like the one in the 90s and we are different, we are like all Argentines, normal people who like to live in our family and who like to live with our principles. They attack us in any way and if that works for you, do it, because I am not going to take a step back, but I am going to fight with courage for a new Argentina. You are not going to see this President escaping in a helicopter; there I am, in the Casa Rosada, to defend the interests of the people and to put myself at the head of the Nation. (Applause)We are going to rebuild the national industry, we are going to rebuild state-of-the-art technology, we are going to continue betting strongly on Latin American unity, on exchange between the peoples of America, we are going to continue to embrace peoples like those of Chile, Brazil and Venezuela who work together with us in the construction of a great homeland that contains us all, understanding the lessons of our national heroes: San Martín, Bolívar, Mariano Moreno, Yrigoyen, Perón, Eva Perón. They are setting the course for us and we have to take that path with strength. (Applause) We really want our scientists to be fully exploited in their capacity again. That is why I ask you, boys, friends, that we enter again to talk about the national being, of the homeland, of the Nation, that there is only one flag that contains us all, which is the flag of the homeland, that we enter to feel the cockade, that flag that Belgrano bequeathed to us, that it is possible to make an Argentine homeland, a homeland for all. It is a wish and a request that you accompany me. (Applause) To finish. Citizens of Buenos Aires: I know that you know well what has happened in Argentina, I have always thanked you for your accompaniment,I know that you have in your hands in the Federal Capital the possibility not of unconditional support, but of the critical and constructive support that the deputies who are back here can give me, I know that you know that I cannot do it alone, I know that you know that some of the candidates who are running are going to get in the way because they are desperate to be deputies or senators in any way and they will cling to any interest and interest. others because they definitely represent those interests; you know very well that it is the vote for change or the vote for the same, that it is the vote for the new or it is the vote for the descendants of the past, that it is the vote for the possibility of a Capital that contains all the potential it has to reign and be strong throughout Latin America and in the global guiding homeland of all our provinces or that will be so again in a a small concentrated group that believes that everything is managed with two or three actions or with four media attitudes. (Applause) We want to have the possibility of the Federal Capital accompanying us. I believe that the Federal Capital can find the best ofhis stories, he can have a brave and historic attitude, the latest polls are saying so because Rafael is going ahead in the polls despite the fact that some want to cover him up. We all know that he is two points up. (Applause) Therefore, you will see nervous and hysterical attitudes in this situation. I know that the Federal Capital is going to position itself next to the country as a whole. I ask the people of the capital to accompany me, I will always accompany them, unconditionally, because I love this Capital, this Capital makes me feel proud, this Capital praised in the world makes me feel where I am going as an Argentine who feels proud of the Capital and the capital's residents. But I also know what the people of the capital suffered and I also know, people of the capital, that just as I have to correct myself and criticize myself, each one in his house remember that for many years they voted for De la Rúa, that they voted for Menem, Erman González or Olivera; today do not vote for your descendants, please give me a chance and help this man from the South, this penguin, as some want to disqualify me, to try toto change the homeland. (Applause) Vote for Rafael Bielsa, vote for Marcó Delpont, vote for Elio Vital, vote for Cossia, vote for Piumatto, vote for men committed to a different history. We are humbly asking you for an opportunity, we are asking the people of the capital to have the courage to write the great history, we are asking the people of the capital to take up the pen of Mariano Moreno and to write the great history – now that we are approaching the bicentennial – of this Federal Capital that was the one that began the struggles for the construction of the homeland to help us in the reconstruction of Argentina. (Applause) Capital: no matter how you think, I don't care what party you are from, because I know that you are Argentine and that you love the homeland, come to give us a hand and help me. I extend both to you and I also extend my heart to you, help me to make fewer mistakes, help me to make a different country, come and I receive you and I want you to open your arms to me, I open my heart to you, I open your heart to me, I tell you my dreams, tell me your dreams. Young people from the capital, middle-aged people from the capital and our dear retirees: I have helped them as best I can with eight raises sincethat we started. Remember who were the ones who lowered the salaries of retirees: Menem and De la Rua. How our retirees are going to vote for their descendants! We have already given them eight raises and I hope, because our retirees are our greatest concern, that in a short time, in a few months, I will be able to tell them that I will raise all the retirees to continue reinstating them, to continue vindicating them and to give them the response they deserve. Remember, grandfathers and grandmothers, about who put their hand in your pocket; remember those who said that you had to close the fiscal accounts with your life's work; remember those who said that the debt had to be paid with the sweat of those who had raised the country; Remember, retirees, and help us young kids who took away your right to think, youth, with that transformative capacity too. How can they go after the descendants of those who plundered the country! You, with your transgressive capacity and with the flag raised, take the pioneering courage and put the Capital at the forefront. Sisters and brothers of Capital, thank you very much. For the homeland, for the Argentines, for a new country,with the flag in hand, with plurality, with consensus, enduring the grievance, enduring the insult, always thinking of Argentina! For Argentina, everything! Thank you very much, people of the capital, thank you very much, compañeros and compañeras, thank you very much. To continue rebuilding the homeland and to recover joy and dreams, thank you Capital Federal, and long live the homeland!
Title: SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE CAMPAIGN LAUNCH RALLY Date: 11-Jan-2006 SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE CAMPAIGN LAUNCH RALLY Mayor Roberto d'Aubuisson. (Attendance) -Present for the Homeland What a joy to come to greet President Calderón Sol who is with us, thank you very much. What a joy to greet the vice president, to COENA, but what a great joy it is to greet all of you brothers and sisters from Izalco, here in Sonsonate. I have been in the Presidency of the Republic for a year and a half, suddenly it seems to me that I have 5 years in the presidency. It has been an intense work, an enormous work to which the Salvadorans took me mostly on March 21, 2004 and I remember June 1 when at the international fair the presidential sash was imposed on me, that presidential sash reflected the aspirations of all of you and it is won, you gave it to me. We won it by a wide margin (applause) And that presidential sash that they place on a citizen becomes a source of pride to go down in history as President of the Republic of El Salvador. And in this way, the aspirations of a citizenry that wants more education, more health and wants tomore attention from the government. That is why I want to remember that June 1st because I want to ask God for wisdom to continue governing the country with the blessing of the almighty and the support of the Salvadoran population. I would like to remind you of your Salvadoran brothers and sisters who see me on television and listen to me on the radio. On that occasion I said that the only promises that are valid are those that are fulfilled. On that occasion I said that the country would be my office and the whole country was going to be the office and my office was going to be the home of all of you and I have fulfilled that to this day. When you assume the Presidency of the Republic, you assume commitments and the men who fulfill it demonstrate it through their work. Some political analysts were saying that, I'm not going to tell them names because I don't even like to mention them, you know who they are. The thing is that President Saca, they say, has been in power for a year and a half and is popular through pure propaganda, they say. When they say that a President who has more than 70% of popular approval is pure propaganda, they are insulting the intelligence of the people.all the Salvadorans who voted and who continue to support me. The only promises that are valid are those that are fulfilled. Salary increase for 90 thousand public employees thanks to the approved budget, the general budget of the nation, a budget for those who throw stones at me in the way, those who do not want to let me govern, that bearded gentleman, you know, you know who he is, right? The one who found it difficult to accept that I was the President, that gentleman said that they were going to make my life impossible and they are fulfilling their promises because, well, since the assembly the FMLN has dedicated itself to delaying the work of President Saca and that is what we must correct on March 12 when we vote for ARENA. They also said that I was going to privatize health, remember? Today we have the solidarity fund for health, today we have the expansion of health coverage throughout the country and today they are saying and I take advantage of this moment to say that I am going to increase taxes. Listen to me well izalqueños, all Salvadorans AS LONG AS TONY SACA IS PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTRY, I AM NOT GOING TO INCREASE EITHER VAT OR THE INCOME OFTHIS COUNTRY. There is no tax increase in this country, because ARENA does not believe in that, ARENA believes in a productive country, ARENA believes in a country in which we establish sectoral policies. So let it be clear to you, when they tell you that Saca is going to increase the VAT, false. Tony Saca says it from Izalco, I am not going to increase either VAT or Income during my time as President of the Republic. You remember the coverage of 6-year-old children in Social Security, today up to the age of 12 they take care of their children in social security and we have not increased social security contributions. We also increased coverage in the bloom hospital to 18 years, we are going to build and rebuild 7 hospitals that are in tender nationwide. Here in Sonsonate I have just laid the first stone of the ISSS regional hospital, which will serve all Sonsonatecos, a modern facility to improve insurance facilities. And I want to tell you something else, we have ordered a study so that independent workers are gradually incorporated into the social security system and are cared for by you and your families. In addition, duringthis year and a half, President Saca launched the 2021 plan, we want bilingual education for our children, we want better schools with the "Connect" plan, so that everyone has the opportunity to access computer science in the country and I launched the most ambitious program to combat extreme poverty, which is "Red Solidaria", which has already favored 15 municipalities and in 2006 will favor another 15 municipalities throughout the country. And what about agriculture, improved seed. How many people in this western area received the improved seed, thanks to this government with a human sense that is betting that this continues to be the five-year period of agriculture and you are going to help me make this possible. The improved seed, the cultivation of cotton, the 50 thousand credits of the Agricultural Development Bank, the transformation of the Mortgage Bank into the Bank of small and medium-sized enterprises. Dear brothers and sisters, these are some of the many promises that this government has fulfilled. And when I stand on this platform I have the moral solvency to say to the country, El Salvador I have fulfilled you! President Saca has fulfilled you, what was promised is debt and it is fulfilled!But also on June 1st, when they put the band on me, on June 3rd I invited all the political forces of the country, you remember that they all came. We negotiated the nation's budget and I received it in 2004 7 months late. And after a year and a half in the presidency, thanks to the agreement, dialogue, dedication and openness of this government, we have approved 3 national budgets that allow us to move the country forward and we have assured the increase for public employees, we have secured "Red Solidaria", we have secured investment in social insurance, we have assured investment in the country's agriculture, why?, because President Saca believes in dialogue. We created the dialogue tables and they all came, even those who did not recognize me as President, they came to sit at the presidential house with me, to talk, but they lasted a little while and left. And they know why they left, because they despise dialogue, because the empty chairs they have left in dialogue are still waiting for them. Why am I remembering all these things, because here in Izalco I started the campaign that led me to the firstmagistracy of the nation, here in Izalco I made all the promises that I have fulfilled to the country. And now I come before you with the moral solvency that the fulfillment of promises gives me, with the affection of the people to reiterate several things to you: Number one: I am the same Tony Saca that you elected as President, close, dialoguing, listening, because to know how to govern, you have to know how to listen and that must always be done, I am the same one that you elected, and that President Saca that you elected, that you elected by a historic number of votes, today I come to ask you from the bottom of my heart and I can do it, I come to ask you for your vote so that you give me more deputies because I need to govern with tranquility and fulfill to all Salvadorans the rest of the promises in the government plan "Safe Country" for which you voted in 2004. I would like to remind you that not a single promise or a single measure taken by the president has affected your pockets, none. We made a tax reform and no one had their taxes increased and yet the Treasury has collected more than 300 million dollars intaxes that we are using for the government's social plans. But you are not paying a penny more in VAT, or in rent because the one we have to charge is the one who does not pay, the one who keeps the tax and that is what we are going to continue to persecute, because the tax evader and the tax evader must receive their punishment as established by the tax laws. Brothers, tonight I want to congratulate you for that enormous joy, here there are no smeared faces like in other places. I've seen other events there that make stupid faces and are all angry. Here we sing, here we rejoice because ARENA is joy, ARENA is colorful and that is what I want to ask of all the bases of the party, colorful, joy, enthusiasm to win the elections. I have with me and quickly because the deputies who from this date are going to ask for the vote, I want to explain to them why the Assembly is important. When the nation's budget arrives at the Assembly, you already know the old story that everything is delayed there. Those gentlemen of the FMLN, say NO always and say NO to public employees and say NO to the networksolidarity and say NO to the doctors' ladder and they say NO to the teachers' rank. I need the promise made in Izalco once again, I came here when I started my campaign and today I return to Izalco, I come to ask El Salvador for more deputies in the Assembly, brave and hardworking ARENA deputies, people who are close to their communities and the expression "LET'S MAKE A TEAM", has a very great meaning. Let's make the Salvadoran people's team, deputies, mayors and the president to move the country forward and that can only be done by the Nationalist Republican Alliance. We have already begun to present our legislative proposal, that will be up to our deputies to explain to them. I want to ask you three things, my birthday is on March 9, write it down, how old do you think I am going to be, 41 exactly, I look a little older like this, I have to put up with the FMLN in the assembly and that takes my life, they are jokes. I am going to ask you three things first, no sandbox, no Salvadoran who loves his homeland dearly should be attentive or trusting, the elections are won on March 12 and on that day, March 12, you have to go knock on the door of thethe neighbors, friends and take them to the voting centers and that day at night, the best gift for President Saca is to give me an Assembly that allows me to govern, to GOVERN. ARENA's legislative proposal includes reforms to criminal laws, it includes the economic part, we are going to continue reactivating agriculture, we are going to continue generating employment, we are going to continue getting closer to the people. Brothers of Izalco, tonight, with my heart in my hands, with the emotion of beginning yet another campaign, another democratic exercise of Salvadorans, I ask you to go to the polls on March 12 and give President Saca more deputies, to give President Saca more mayors, because together, mayors, deputies and President Saca we are going to move the country forward and we are going to do better. So brothers, thank you very much for coming, thank you very much for being here, I just want to tell you something, today I ask God to illuminate the path of our mayors and our candidates for deputies, today I ask God to enlighten the minds of all Salvadorans. You know Tony Saca, he is the same one you elected President, a reliable man, through thewho can give him an Assembly that allows him to govern. I am Tony Saca, its president. May God bless you all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Peace, Progress and Freedom
Name: Benigno Aquino III Speech category: Campaign Date: 25 February 2010 Location: To be determined Title: Benigno Aquino III's people power anniversary speech Brief description: This speech was delivered at the beginning of the campaign period for the 2010 presidential election. My beloved comrades, brothers and compatriots: In the early hours of September 23, 1972, the soldiers arrived and arrested my father. My mother woke us up and told us what had happened. I was only twelve years old. My father was imprisoned even though he was innocent. And that's where our Calvary began. Many believed he would be the next president. But on that day, he was suddenly considered the main enemy of the state, though he was innocent. Our world turned upside down. The people who promised not to leave us rejected us. From the anticipated bright future, the nightmare of martial law began. From grade 1 to 6, I was in the top 10 of my class. Preparing for a bright future. But when martial law came, it seemed impossible to have a future. That makes it hard to try hard as if inA future without hope. My mother was the father and mother of our family. To be with our father, we had to ask permission from the martial law authorities. I was a little boy who could do nothing while trampling on the dignity of my mother and sisters when they underwent strip searches every time they visited our father. My mother and sister were dressed in almost all the clothes. A year before martial law, Mr. Marcos accused my father of any crimes. My father answered: Take me to court. The accuser of my father was Mr. Marcos. The judges of my father are his servants. Their decision was remanded to him for review. It was 1976 and I was 16 years old. The time came for my father to be judged by a military commission. Since the decision was made before the trial began, my father decided to go on hunger strike in protest of injustice. Every day, I see my father's life slowly getting full and depleted. Why did his sacrifice lead to this? Why a man should be innocentto go through this ordeal? In each of the forty days, the hatred and anger that was forming within me grew stronger. You can see why I feel so bad. How many of us can endure and endure in this situation? The trials and dangers we faced were still ongoing, we all faced it. Have you ever tried to spend Christmas and New Year in prison just to be with your loved one innocently? Have they ever experienced their whole family crying on New Year's in a small cell, while the whole world celebrates and enjoys outside? Have they ever had the experience of being Big Brother and Dad to sisters at such a young age? Over time, I was forced to accept — like millions of Filipinos — the lack of rights in all fields. The pain we have suffered, the pain of will, the injustice to the beloved father — that is what has changed my character and character. Sacrifice — for the people. Sacrifice — for standing. sacrifice with a mixture of prayer and hope withGod will correct the wrong in due time. So to those who insult not only me but to the call of time, the answer here is simple: this is our destiny. What they want is for me to abandon — and let us abandon — the example and principles of my parents and the good example set not only to their children, but to the whole community. My father's family was not poor. But he chose to be realistic and abandoned the offer of power and money to lay down his life for our country. I remember the letter my father wrote when he was in prison. My father was fifty years old when he was murdered. I am now 50 years old too. My father said, "The only advice I can give you: Live with honor and follow your conscience. There is no greater nation on earth than our Motherland. No greater people than our own. Serve them with all your heart, with all your might and with all your strength. Son, the ball is now in your hands." It's true that my life has not been affected by themother, but her choice of life was to serve the people and lift up the poor — and not her own comfort. They gave our people things that no one else could buy: their sacrifice. Their stance. If someone is oppressed, if someone is being exploited, they stand firm: make them feel and prove that they are not alone. All the hardships we have endured have been reciprocated by the Filipino people with love. Love for my father Ninoy who was murdered without mercy, and millions have expressed sympathy. Love for my mother, Cory, who was prayed for by the people who were in pain, and sympathy when she lay down. In all our sacrifices, in all our tragedies, you have not abandoned us. You have not left us. You made us feel like we weren't alone. I don't think it's just because of the example of Ninoy and Cory. They saw only what the subjugators of power and intimidation did not want to recognize: that the Filipino was decent, dignified, caring and upstanding. We have long patience, but as we endure, there is the knowledge that there is also a day of reckoning, there is also a day for true justice. It did comeThat day on February twenty-five, 1986: This was the opposite of the constant pain that our society went through. People Power restored democracy. The people power has restored our right to choose and elect our leaders. People Power has restored human rights. People Power makes us all high foreheads. We even sang this as the Filipino's offering to the world. We have been inspired by many other countries in Asia and Europe that have also come to People Power to present democracy. So when People Power succeeded we said, according to the song, Our freedom because we have long been aiming for. 'Will not be allowed to recover again. But what has happened since then? In 2000, corruption again prevailed in government. We stood up again and had a second People Power, but what did our incumbent President do? Why do we still witness the exploitation and intimidation of a few as they have tortured millions of Filipinos? Why is it that to this day the question of 'Hello Garci' is still so insistent? Isn't the innocent, in a hurry to prove the accuser wrong? Five years ago, is there not enough? Why allowedthe allies to establish their own kingdoms? Why is it so extreme to use violence not only guns and weapons, but also chainsaw and backhoe? Why does the Maguindanao massacre have to take place? Do thieves, deceivers and thieves really have to be corrupted? Their greed is growing deeper and deeper as the people suffer more. Back then, Marcos was the only law. Now, in many cases, the law, including our Constitution, seems to be disrespected. Back then, the election was cooked Makoy; Today, the election is Cooked Gloria and Garci. In the past, the project was corrupted by corruption. The remaining part of the project is only a few percent. We are forced to believe that we can do nothing. We need to look back at the past. There is a Ninoy Aquino. He faced a clear danger in his life. We have the opportunity to make peaceful change. He was killed by the power of the corrupt. And with his passing, our democracy came to life. There is a Cory Aquino. He continued the fight — until we restored democracy. And even after the end of the presidency, never once refused to stand up to defend democracy at every risk. Haspeople and forces who want to put aside the interests of the majority for the sake of their selfish interests. As this process progresses, the lives of the poor and the unfortunate. Once upon a time a dictator dared to join a nation. The Filipino people, follow the example of Ninoy and Cory. Wake up and stand up, and drive out the daring. Now the people who follow the footsteps of the darn reign again. You who are here, stand up and warn the brave: Prepare for the day of accountability. Wake up to the truth. The people are awake. In times of darkness, the question is: Who will act to bring us back to the light? In your union, you have answered it. Now, the people who dreamed again are in action, and we see a bright and bright future where the dream will come true too. Once, there was a Ninoy Aquino, alone in his bar. He dared to dream. And as time went on, millions of Filipinos responded to his challenge — and we achieved freedom. Now we have nothing to fear. We are awake. We are awake. We are moving to achieve success: The Filipino will rise again in the world. Thank you very much andHave a great evening to all of you! February 25 2010
Name of politician: Ma Ying-jeou Title of Speech: President Ma speeches on the eve of 2012 presidential election Date of Speech: 13/01/2012 Category: Campaign speech Chinese Title of the speech: 馬英九凱達格蘭大道「為幸福台灣按讚」 選前之夜 Time: 中華民國101年01月13日 Words: 1506 Source: (transcribe) Body of the speech: 連榮譽主席,吳榮譽主席,各位副主席、各位立法委員,我們郝市長、朱市長、現場各位市議員,各位裏長、各位鄉親、貴賓、好朋友們,大家晚安,大家好。 剛才主辦單位告訴我,現在現場是8萬人。再過10個小時就要投票了,這壹票投下去就會影響臺灣長久的未來。 到底我們希望我們國家要壹個什麽樣的總統呢?我們要看這個國家有什麽樣的挑戰?第1個挑戰當然是經濟,第2個挑戰就是廉能,第3個挑戰就是兩岸跟國際。 為什麽把經濟放第壹呢?因為歐債的風暴已經非常的令人矚目。我們已經受到了影響,那這個時候就要看國家要交給壹個什麽樣的領導人,能夠再度讓臺灣走出歐債風暴帶來的不景氣?其實說起來也不難,因為在過去三年,我們經歷過80年罕見的金融海嘯,跟經濟衰退,同樣的2000年民進黨執政沒有多久,也碰到了網絡的泡沫化的風暴。一比就知道了,那個時候民進黨執政的2001年,經濟成長也曾經掉到負的1.6億。我們更嚴重,我們掉到負的1.8億。而我們在這個前壹年,成長只有0.7%,等於連續兩年都很糟糕。可是到了第3年,馬上我們就沖到了10.72%,民進黨就沒有做到。如果妳看看我們創造就業的能力,我們創造了37.55萬,他們只創造了18.1萬。更重要的是,我們去年我們人均國內生產毛額已經超過了2萬美金,這是19年來1萬美金之後的最大的壹次成長。我們這三年半增加了3092美金。民進黨先前三年半只增加了188塊美金,我們是它的16倍。各位在這樣的情況底下,又碰到了歐債的風暴,請問大家是不是應該讓有經驗、有能力的國民黨繼續執政?是這個答案應該是很明顯的。 第2個就是廉能。民進黨政府執政8年,貪汙腐敗的情況歷史上罕見。從總統、第壹夫人到20位政務官,都涉嫌貪汙被起訴,被判刑,有的已經在坐牢。民進黨蔡主席跟民進黨常常說,妳們國民黨老是擺脫不了陳水扁的陰影,沒有辦法走出來,我要在這裏向大家報告,不是我們不願意走出來,而是那壹段時間政府貪腐的嚴重,在臺灣的歷史上是罕見的,這種情況絕對不可以再發生,對不對?我剛剛說歷史的犯的錯誤也許可以原諒,但是,歷史的教訓不能遺忘,對不對?因為壹旦遺忘了歷史的教訓,就會歷史重演。所以我們壹定要防止這種情況的發生。 蔡英文主席常常說他不是陳水扁,我們都知道,可是她的風格越來越像陳水扁,大家說對不對?他的身邊是很多陳水扁總統過去的幹部,而她的行事風格也越來越像。我們從來沒有說宇昌案是壹個弊案。但是為什麽,蔡主席在整個處理過程當中,面對利益不知回避?面對質疑,卻拼命閃避。這種事情應該自己站出來說清楚。當他指控我說我收受富邦金控1500萬的政治獻金,或者我密匯黑道主頭收了他3億政治獻金的時候,我立刻把我所有的行程都交代得清清楚楚。為什麽呢?因為我非常坦蕩。所以我們如果在這種情況下,要把國家交給壹個面對利益不知回避的候選人,大家放不放心? 各位,第3個挑戰就是兩岸跟國際。各位都知道我的兩岸政策非常清楚,也就是在中華民國憲法的架構下,維持臺海不統、不獨、不武的現狀,同時在壹中各表的“九二共識”之下,推動兩岸的和平發展。我這些東西講了很多次,大家都耳熟能詳了,花的時間不過30秒。可是我們蔡主席說有什麽臺灣共識,講了半年都講不清楚到底是什麽內容。不光是她關心,所有人都關心。本來昨天有國際記者會,她可以出來說清楚的,她又回避掉。 各位,當壹個對臺灣這麽重要的兩岸問題,壹個國政總統候選人,居然不說清楚,顯然他沒有準備好,對不對?所以在這種情況底下,我們怎麽放心能夠讓民進黨執政,大家說對不對? 所以我們讓馬英九繼續執政,好不好? 我繼續執政之後,我會大刀闊斧地讓臺灣脫胎換骨,好不好? 我會用我的生命來捍衛中華民國的主權,來確保臺灣的安全,來真正的促進人民的權益,好不好? 我們希望泛藍大團結,邁向新紀元好不好? Google Translation: Honorary Chairman, Honorary Chairman Wu, Vice-Chairmen, Legislators, Mayor Hao, Mayor Zhu, city councillors, mayors, folks, distinguished guests, good friends, good night, everyone, hello. The organizer told me just now that the site is 80,000 people. Vote in another 10 hours, and this one vote will affect Taiwan's long-term future. What kind of president do we want in our country? What challenges do we have to see in this country? The first challenge is of course the economy, the second challenge is cheap energy, and the third challenge is cross-strait and international. Why put the economy first? Because the storm of European debt has been very noticeable. We have already been affected. At this time, it depends on what kind of leader the country is going to hand over to Taiwan once again out of the depression brought by the European debt storm? In fact, it is not difficult to say, because in the past three years, we have experienced 80 years of rare financial tsunami. Like the economic recession, the Democratic Progressive Party did not last long in 2000. It also encountered a storm of network bubbles. I knew it by comparison. In 2001, when the DPP was in power, economic growth also fell to a negative 160 million. We were more serious, we fell to a negative 180 million. In the previous year, our growth rate was only 0.7%, which is equivalent to two years in a row. But in the third year, we rushed to 10.72%, and the DPP failed to do so. If you look at our ability to create jobs, we created 375,500, and they only created 181,000. More importantly, our gross domestic production per capita last year has exceeded US $ 20,000, which is the largest growth since 19 years after US $ 10,000. We have increased $ 3092 in these three and a half years. The DPP has only increased $ 188 in the previous three and a half years, and we are 16 times that. Under such circumstances, we have encountered the storm of European debt. May I ask everyone whether the experienced and capable Kuomintang should continue to govern? This answer should be obvious. The second is cheap. The DPP government has been in power for 8 years, and corruption is rare in history. From the president, the first lady to 20 administrative officers, all have been charged and sentenced for corruption, and some are already in jail. DPP Chairman Cai and the DPP often say that your KMT cannot always get rid of Chen Shui-bian's shadow and cannot go out. I want to report to you here. It is not that we are not willing to go out. But during that time, the severity of corruption is rare in Taiwan's history. This situation can never happen again, right? I just said that history's mistakes may be forgiven, but the lessons of history cannot be forgotten, right? Because once the lessons of history are forgotten, history repeats itself. So we must prevent this from happening. Chairman Tsai Ing-wen often said that he was not Chen Shui-bian, as we all know, but her style became more and more like Chen Shui-bian. Is everyone right? He is surrounded by a lot of past cadres of President Chen Shuibian, and her style of acting is becoming more and more similar. We never said that the Yuchang case was a bad case. But why, in the course of the entire process, Chairman Cai did not know how to avoid benefits? Faced with doubts, She desperately avoided. This kind of thing should stand out and make it clear. When she accused me that I had received 15 million political contributions from Fubon Financial, or that my secret gangster had received his 300 million political contributions, I immediately explained all my schedules clearly. why? Because I am very frank. So if we have to hand over the country to a candidate who is unavoidable in the face of interest, can we rest assured? Ladies and gentlemen, the third challenge is cross-strait and international. Everyone knows that my cross-strait policy is very clear, that is, under the framework of the Constitution of the Republic of China, maintaining the status quo of unrest, independence, and unreliability across the Taiwan Strait, and at the same time promoting the cross-straits under the "1992 consensus" Peaceful development. I have talked about these things many times, and everyone is familiar with it, and it took only 30 seconds. However, Chairman Cai said that there was any consensus in Taiwan. After speaking for half a year, it was not clear what exactly it was. Not only she cares, everyone cares. There was an international press conference yesterday. She could come out and say it clearly, and she avoided it. Ladies and gentlemen, when it comes to a cross-strait issue that is so important to Taiwan and a presidential candidate for state affairs, he doesn't make it clear. Obviously he is not ready, right? So under such circumstances, how can we be assured that we can let the DPP rule? Is everyone right? So we let Ma Ying-jeou continue in power, shall we? After I continue in power, I will radically reshape Taiwan entirely, okay? I will use my life to defend the sovereignty of the Republic of China, to ensure the security of Taiwan, and to really promote the rights and interests of the people, okay? We hope that the pan-blue coalition unites and marches towards a new era?
SPEECH BY RAFAEL CORREA – Campaign speech in Quito [Transcription by Rebeca and Dave Coon in July 2007] Thank you for being here. That shows the hope of an entire people, we are all a proud and sovereign homeland comrades! This is a new way of doing politics: cheerful, hopeful, without buying people. Thank you to the people who have come from all corners of the country. This is an excited people. A hopeful people that has said enough; enough to the same as always; enough for the traitors of the homeland. Let's build that new homeland that we all dream of and deserve, fellow compatriots. (Musical propaganda). We are common created like you – people who have been in everyday life, many anonymous heroes, like the mothers of families who miraculously fill the pot every day to feed their children. We have been ordinary people, ordinary people, everyday people, but we have said enough with good times. Enough as they have left us without a country. So much destruction is enough and that is why, my dear friends, we have organized this alliance of the country – this proud and sovereign homeland. This is a project foryoung people with joy and hope, because in this country, my friends, it needs a great revolution in democracy, but revolution! We must rebuild the homeland; That is why we are here, that is why we are all together, that is why we are inaugurating this headquarters – which is going to be the headquarters of all of us. We are not preparing for one person's victory. We are not preparing for the victory of a group. We are preparing the victory of an entire people. If you are not the ones who take the reins of this country, who will? They would be accomplices in the tragedy of our homeland. If we do not say here, present young people, present young people, present youth. Present, we have to take the future of our country into our hands. We are going to fight all together compañeros. What does 2006 postulate to be the birth of a new homeland and what homeland do we want? – a haughty and sovereign homeland. They have robbed us of even our dignity. They treat us like dogs. Remember when I was Minister of Economy for reforming the Perigré law [sp??] At the World Bank and he did not give us the one hundred million that they had already decreed for the country– a vulgar extortion of international bureaucrats who speak English and therefore believe themselves untouchable. Remember how they tell us: sign the FTA or we will take away the tariff preferences; that tariff preferences are the compensations for the fight against drugs. We spend money on the fight against drugs and more children die from diarrhea than from drugs. That is not our problem; The problem is the gringo Ecuadorian brothers and sisters. Enough of the sellouts. Fight to the death against corruption! They are taking the country away from us in pesos and some are still talking about privatization. Here we have to deprivatize customs, deprivatize PACIFITEL, deprivatize DINATEL, deprivatize Petro-Ecuador, because they are in the hands of mafias linked to political parties, linked to those hungry dogs who own the country. Enough of them taking our homeland in pesos. (Cheers for the audience). With a country that has denied the future to the majority of its citizens. Our people have swallowed it – this beloved homeland. No one leaves their homeland of their own free will and on this day, this afternoon, in this emblematic place of Quito and of the homeland, let us remember with deep affection, withDeep gratitude, to those heroes who have gone out to the homeland and by taking any risk, even of their own lives, they try to earn a decent living in other latitudes. I am referring to our immigrant brothers and sisters, dear comrades – greetings from here to all of them. We always carry them in our hearts! (Cheer for the audience). It is really necessary to recreate the state. The state no longer gives this political revolution and at least in two axes. First, we must go to a participatory democracy where the common citizen, the everyday citizen has voice and vote, participation in decisions. That representative democracy that dominated the world in the last two centuries is no longer enough. The citizens, not only of Ecuador, the citizens of Latin America and the world no longer want to elect someone to follow them. They want to decide for themselves. They want to be held accountable. They want their leaders to be in front of them, answering questions, explaining, absorbing concerns. For that, dear comrades, a national constituent assembly is needed that improves. Democracy, my dear comrades, is not about electing any impostor who, once elected, betrays everythingWhat he said in the campaign, and we have to endure the four years in the name of democracy, would at most be in the name of elections. Democracy is that you, brothers and sisters, the Ecuadorian people, the sovereign, the principal, through the ballot box, deliver a mandate, an order, to the president, the president, the one who receives a mandate. If that president betrays the mandate, he has to go home. If we deceive, if we betray, compañeros, you know well. Those who know us know that this will never happen, but assuming that it could happen. If we betray. Drag us out! Kick us out! Throw us away! That is democracy. (Propaganda music with applause). The centralist state does not give more, ask the provinces that are here. How do they feel? It is now necessary to go to an aggressive process of decentralization, deconcentration and correct autonomies. That improves the quality of public administration. It takes advantage of one of the few successful experiences we have had in recent years, which are local governments, and even, compañeros and compañeras, it improves the quality of democracy. Of course, beware of those deranged people who talk about independence, separatism. Here we are all going to have Maradi, Esmeralda or Arias as our first name,and Chincha, Azuay, Cañar, but as a second surname Ecuador. Never forget that. Latin America, the liberating dream cannot be just another dream. From the moment that Latin America, as is inevitable – fulfills Bolívar's dream – we are going to have to explain to our children, to our grandchildren, not why we unite, not why we integrate. We are simply going to have to explain to you why we took so long, compatriots... (Applause from the audience) Comrades have robbed us of many things. We cannot allow them to rob us of hope. The moment we lose hope, we are going to be more victims of the executioners; We are going to leave the homeland in the hands of the same people as always. We cannot afford that – let us regain hope. Let's believe again: not in Rafael Correa, not in the country's alliance. Let's believe in each one of us again. This wonderful people of good people, deserves a better destiny – the greatest wealth of a country my dear friends and especially young people. Listen. The greatest wealth of a country is not oil, it is not its seas, it is not its lands. We are each ofwe with determined people, with united people. The future is in our hands. Here, we begin to build the new homeland. Here, we begin to build our future. We are all country. We are all a haughty and sovereign homeland. (Candidate speaks Indian language) ... but all together... (Candidate speaks Indian language) ... We will have that new homeland. Until victory always my dear brothers and sisters! God bless you. (Music, propaganda and applause for the closing of the speech)
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