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Title: Peeking Inside the Schufa Blackbox: Explaining the German Housing Scoring System Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence is a concept aimed at making complex algorithms transparent to users through a uniform solution. Researchers have highlighted the importance of integrating domain specific contexts to develop explanations tailored to end users. In this study, we focus on the Schufa housing scoring system in Germany and investigate how users information needs and expectations for explanations vary based on their roles. Using the speculative design approach, we asked business information students to imagine user interfaces that provide housing credit score explanations from the perspectives of both tenants and landlords. Our preliminary findings suggest that although there are general needs that apply to all users, there are also conflicting needs that depend on the practical realities of their roles and how credit scores affect them. We contribute to Human centered XAI research by proposing future research directions that examine users explanatory needs considering their roles and agencies.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Forecasting Post-Wildfire Vegetation Recovery in California using a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Tensor Regression Network Abstract: The study of post-wildfire plant regrowth is essential for developing successful ecosystem recovery strategies. Prior research mainly examines key ecological and biogeographical factors influencing post-fire succession. This research proposes a novel approach for predicting and analyzing post-fire plant recovery. We develop a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Tensor Regression (ConvLSTMTR) network that predicts future Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) based on short-term plant growth data after fire containment. The model is trained and tested on 104 major California wildfires occurring between 2013 and 2020, each with burn areas exceeding 3000 acres. The integration of ConvLSTM with tensor regression enables the calculation of an overall logistic growth rate k using predicted NDVI. Overall, our k-value predictions demonstrate impressive performance, with 50% of predictions exhibiting an absolute error of 0.12 or less, and 75% having an error of 0.24 or less. Finally, we employ Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) and KNN clustering to identify recovery trends, offering insights into regions with varying rates of recovery. This study pioneers the combined use of tensor regression and ConvLSTM, and introduces the application of UMAP for clustering similar wildfires. This advances predictive ecological modeling and could inform future post-fire vegetation management strategies.
Machine Learning
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Title: Scalable Knowledge Graph Construction and Inference on Human Genome Variants Abstract: Real-world knowledge can be represented as a graph consisting of entities and relationships between the entities. The need for efficient and scalable solutions arises when dealing with vast genomic data, like RNA-sequencing. Knowledge graphs offer a powerful approach for various tasks in such large-scale genomic data, such as analysis and inference. In this work, variant-level information extracted from the RNA-sequences of vaccine-na\"ive COVID-19 patients have been represented as a unified, large knowledge graph. Variant call format (VCF) files containing the variant-level information were annotated to include further information for each variant. The data records in the annotated files were then converted to Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples. Each VCF file obtained had an associated CADD scores file that contained the raw and Phred-scaled scores for each variant. An ontology was defined for the VCF and CADD scores files. Using this ontology and the extracted information, a large, scalable knowledge graph was created. Available graph storage was then leveraged to query and create datasets for further downstream tasks. We also present a case study using the knowledge graph and perform a classification task using graph machine learning. We also draw comparisons between different Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for the case study.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: MimicGen: A Data Generation System for Scalable Robot Learning using Human Demonstrations Abstract: Imitation learning from a large set of human demonstrations has proved to be an effective paradigm for building capable robot agents. However, the demonstrations can be extremely costly and time-consuming to collect. We introduce MimicGen, a system for automatically synthesizing large-scale, rich datasets from only a small number of human demonstrations by adapting them to new contexts. We use MimicGen to generate over 50K demonstrations across 18 tasks with diverse scene configurations, object instances, and robot arms from just ~200 human demonstrations. We show that robot agents can be effectively trained on this generated dataset by imitation learning to achieve strong performance in long-horizon and high-precision tasks, such as multi-part assembly and coffee preparation, across broad initial state distributions. We further demonstrate that the effectiveness and utility of MimicGen data compare favorably to collecting additional human demonstrations, making it a powerful and economical approach towards scaling up robot learning. Datasets, simulation environments, videos, and more at .
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Title: Hot PATE: Private Aggregation of Distributions for Diverse Task Abstract: The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework~\cite{PapernotAEGT:ICLR2017} is a versatile approach to privacy-preserving machine learning. In PATE, teacher models are trained on distinct portions of sensitive data, and their predictions are privately aggregated to label new training examples for a student model. Until now, PATE has primarily been explored with classification-like tasks, where each example possesses a ground-truth label, and knowledge is transferred to the student by labeling public examples. Generative AI models, however, excel in open ended \emph{diverse} tasks with multiple valid responses and scenarios that may not align with traditional labeled examples. Furthermore, the knowledge of models is often encapsulated in the response distribution itself and may be transferred from teachers to student in a more fluid way. We propose \emph{hot PATE}, tailored for the diverse setting. In hot PATE, each teacher model produces a response distribution and the aggregation method must preserve both privacy and diversity of responses. We demonstrate, analytically and empirically, that hot PATE achieves privacy-utility tradeoffs that are comparable to, and in diverse settings, significantly surpass, the baseline ``cold'' PATE.
Machine Learning
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Title: Strategic Data Augmentation with CTGAN for Smart Manufacturing: Enhancing Machine Learning Predictions of Paper Breaks in Pulp-and-Paper Production Abstract: A significant challenge for predictive maintenance in the pulp-and-paper industry is the infrequency of paper breaks during the production process. In this article, operational data is analyzed from a paper manufacturing machine in which paper breaks are relatively rare but have a high economic impact. Utilizing a dataset comprising 18,398 instances derived from a quality assurance protocol, we address the scarcity of break events (124 cases) that pose a challenge for machine learning predictive models. With the help of Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CTGAN) and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), we implement a novel data augmentation framework. This method ensures that the synthetic data mirrors the distribution of the real operational data but also seeks to enhance the performance metrics of predictive modeling. Before and after the data augmentation, we evaluate three different machine learning algorithms-Decision Trees (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Logistic Regression (LR). Utilizing the CTGAN-enhanced dataset, our study achieved significant improvements in predictive maintenance performance metrics. The efficacy of CTGAN in addressing data scarcity was evident, with the models' detection of machine breaks (Class 1) improving by over 30% for Decision Trees, 20% for Random Forest, and nearly 90% for Logistic Regression. With this methodological advancement, this study contributes to industrial quality control and maintenance scheduling by addressing rare event prediction in manufacturing processes.
Machine Learning
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Title: Instrumental Variable Estimation for Causal Inference in Longitudinal Data with Time-Dependent Latent Confounders Abstract: Causal inference from longitudinal observational data is a challenging problem due to the difficulty in correctly identifying the time-dependent confounders, especially in the presence of latent time-dependent confounders. Instrumental variable (IV) is a powerful tool for addressing the latent confounders issue, but the traditional IV technique cannot deal with latent time-dependent confounders in longitudinal studies. In this work, we propose a novel Time-dependent Instrumental Factor Model (TIFM) for time-varying causal effect estimation from data with latent time-dependent confounders. At each time-step, the proposed TIFM method employs the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture to infer latent IV, and then uses the inferred latent IV factor for addressing the confounding bias caused by the latent time-dependent confounders. We provide a theoretical analysis for the proposed TIFM method regarding causal effect estimation in longitudinal data. Extensive evaluation with synthetic datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of TIFM in addressing causal effect estimation over time. We further apply TIFM to a climate dataset to showcase the potential of the proposed method in tackling real-world problems.
Machine Learning
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Title: Ranking with Slot Constraints Abstract: We introduce the problem of ranking with slot constraints, which can be used to model a wide range of application problems -- from college admission with limited slots for different majors, to composing a stratified cohort of eligible participants in a medical trial. We show that the conventional Probability Ranking Principle (PRP) can be highly sub-optimal for slot-constrained ranking problems, and we devise a new ranking algorithm, called MatchRank. The goal of MatchRank is to produce rankings that maximize the number of filled slots if candidates are evaluated by a human decision maker in the order of the ranking. In this way, MatchRank generalizes the PRP, and it subsumes the PRP as a special case when there are no slot constraints. Our theoretical analysis shows that MatchRank has a strong approximation guarantee without any independence assumptions between slots or candidates. Furthermore, we show how MatchRank can be implemented efficiently. Beyond the theoretical guarantees, empirical evaluations show that MatchRank can provide substantial improvements over a range of synthetic and real-world tasks.
Information Retrieval
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Title: Improving Factual Consistency of Text Summarization by Adversarially Decoupling Comprehension and Embellishment Abilities of LLMs Abstract: Despite the recent progress in text summarization made by large language models (LLMs), they often generate summaries that are factually inconsistent with original articles, known as "hallucinations" in text generation. Unlike previous small models (e.g., BART, T5), current LLMs make fewer silly mistakes but more sophisticated ones, such as imposing cause and effect, adding false details, overgeneralizing, etc. These hallucinations are challenging to detect through traditional methods, which poses great challenges for improving the factual consistency of text summarization. In this paper, we propose an adversarially DEcoupling method to disentangle the Comprehension and EmbellishmeNT abilities of LLMs (DECENT). Furthermore, we adopt a probing-based efficient training to cover the shortage of sensitivity for true and false in the training process of LLMs. In this way, LLMs are less confused about embellishing and understanding; thus, they can execute the instructions more accurately and have enhanced abilities to distinguish hallucinations. Experimental results show that DECENT significantly improves the reliability of text summarization based on LLMs.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Generate, Filter, and Fuse: Query Expansion via Multi-Step Keyword Generation for Zero-Shot Neural Rankers Abstract: Query expansion has been proved to be effective in improving recall and precision of first-stage retrievers, and yet its influence on a complicated, state-of-the-art cross-encoder ranker remains under-explored. We first show that directly applying the expansion techniques in the current literature to state-of-the-art neural rankers can result in deteriorated zero-shot performance. To this end, we propose GFF, a pipeline that includes a large language model and a neural ranker, to Generate, Filter, and Fuse query expansions more effectively in order to improve the zero-shot ranking metrics such as nDCG@10. Specifically, GFF first calls an instruction-following language model to generate query-related keywords through a reasoning chain. Leveraging self-consistency and reciprocal rank weighting, GFF further filters and combines the ranking results of each expanded query dynamically. By utilizing this pipeline, we show that GFF can improve the zero-shot nDCG@10 on BEIR and TREC DL 2019/2020. We also analyze different modelling choices in the GFF pipeline and shed light on the future directions in query expansion for zero-shot neural rankers.
Information Retrieval
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Title: Euclidean, Projective, Conformal: Choosing a Geometric Algebra for Equivariant Transformers Abstract: The Geometric Algebra Transformer (GATr) is a versatile architecture for geometric deep learning based on projective geometric algebra. We generalize this architecture into a blueprint that allows one to construct a scalable transformer architecture given any geometric (or Clifford) algebra. We study versions of this architecture for Euclidean, projective, and conformal algebras, all of which are suited to represent 3D data, and evaluate them in theory and practice. The simplest Euclidean architecture is computationally cheap, but has a smaller symmetry group and is not as sample-efficient, while the projective model is not sufficiently expressive. Both the conformal algebra and an improved version of the projective algebra define powerful, performant architectures.
Machine Learning
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Title: Hallucination Detection for Grounded Instruction Generation Abstract: We investigate the problem of generating instructions to guide humans to navigate in simulated residential environments. A major issue with current models is hallucination: they generate references to actions or objects that are inconsistent with what a human follower would perform or encounter along the described path. We develop a model that detects these hallucinated references by adopting a model pre-trained on a large corpus of image-text pairs, and fine-tuning it with a contrastive loss that separates correct instructions from instructions containing synthesized hallucinations. Our final model outperforms several baselines, including using word probability estimated by the instruction-generation model, and supervised models based on LSTM and Transformer.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: GeoLocator: a location-integrated large multimodal model for inferring geo-privacy Abstract: Geographic privacy or geo-privacy refers to the keeping private of one's geographic location, especially the restriction of geographical data maintained by personal electronic equipment. Geo-privacy is a crucial aspect of personal security, however often goes unnoticed in daily activities. With the surge in the use of Large Multimodal Models (LMM), such as GPT-4, for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), the potential risks associated with geo-privacy breaches have intensified. This study develops a location-integrated GPT-4 based model named GeoLocator and designed four-dimensional experiments to demonstrate its capability in inferring and identifying the locational information of input imageries and/or social media contents. Our experiments reveal that GeoLocator generates specific geographic details with high accuracy and consequently embeds the risk of the model users exposing geospatial information to the public unintentionally, highlighting the thread of online data sharing, information gathering technologies and LLM on geo-privacy. We conclude with the broader implications of GeoLocator and our findings for individuals and the community at large, by emphasizing the urgency for enhanced awareness and protective measures against geo-privacy leakage in the era of advanced AI and widespread social media usage. Keywords: geoprivacy, GPT-4, image comprehension, Large Multimodal Model (LMM), Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Computers and Society
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Title: DevBots can co-design APIs Abstract: DevBots are automated tools that perform various tasks in order to support software development. They are a growing trend and have been used in repositories to automate repetitive tasks, as code generators, and as collaborators in eliciting requirements and defining architectures. In this study, we analyzed 24 articles to investigate the state of the art of using DevBots in software development, trying to understand their characteristics, identify use cases, learn the relationship between DevBots and conversational software development, and discuss how prompt engineering can enable collaboration between human developers and bots. Additionally, we identified a gap to address by applying prompt engineering to collaborative API design between human designers and DevBots and proposed an experiment to assess what approach, between using Retrieval Augmented Generation or not, is more suitable. Our conclusion is that DevBots can collaborate with human API designers, but the two approaches have advantages and disadvantages.
Software Engineering
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Title: YUAN 2.0: A Large Language Model with Localized Filtering-based Attention Abstract: In this work, we develop and release Yuan 2.0, a series of large language models with parameters ranging from 2.1 billion to 102.6 billion. The Localized Filtering-based Attention (LFA) is introduced to incorporate prior knowledge of local dependencies of natural language into Attention. A data filtering and generating system is presented to build pre-training and fine-tuning dataset in high quality. A distributed training method with non-uniform pipeline parallel, data parallel, and optimizer parallel is proposed, which greatly reduces the bandwidth requirements of intra-node communication, and achieves good performance in large-scale distributed training. Yuan 2.0 models display impressive ability in code generation, math problem-solving, and chatting compared with existing models. The latest version of YUAN 2.0, including model weights and source code, is accessible at Github.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: A Simple Framework to Enhance the Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection System Abstract: Deep learning based intrusion detection systems (DL-based IDS) have emerged as one of the best choices for providing security solutions against various network intrusion attacks. However, due to the emergence and development of adversarial deep learning technologies, it becomes challenging for the adoption of DL models into IDS. In this paper, we propose a novel IDS architecture that can enhance the robustness of IDS against adversarial attacks by combining conventional machine learning (ML) models and Deep Learning models. The proposed DLL-IDS consists of three components: DL-based IDS, adversarial example (AE) detector, and ML-based IDS. We first develop a novel AE detector based on the local intrinsic dimensionality (LID). Then, we exploit the low attack transferability between DL models and ML models to find a robust ML model that can assist us in determining the maliciousness of AEs. If the input traffic is detected as an AE, the ML-based IDS will predict the maliciousness of input traffic, otherwise the DL-based IDS will work for the prediction. The fusion mechanism can leverage the high prediction accuracy of DL models and low attack transferability between DL models and ML models to improve the robustness of the whole system. In our experiments, we observe a significant improvement in the prediction performance of the IDS when subjected to adversarial attack, achieving high accuracy with low resource consumption.
Cryptography and Security
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Title: CNL2ASP: converting controlled natural language sentences into ASP Abstract: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a popular declarative programming language for solving hard combinatorial problems. Although ASP has gained widespread acceptance in academic and industrial contexts, there are certain user groups who may find it more advantageous to employ a higher-level language that closely resembles natural language when specifying ASP programs. In this paper, we propose a novel tool, called CNL2ASP, for translating English sentences expressed in a controlled natural language (CNL) form into ASP. In particular, we first provide a definition of the type of sentences allowed by our CNL and their translation as ASP rules, and then exemplify the usage of the CNL for the specification of both synthetic and real-world combinatorial problems. Finally, we report the results of an experimental analysis conducted on the real-world problems to compare the performance of automatically generated encodings with the ones written by ASP practitioners, showing that our tool can obtain satisfactory performance on these benchmarks. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Combining EEG and NLP Features for Predicting Students' Lecture Comprehension using Ensemble Classification Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be applied for education to measure students' comprehension in classroom lectures; currently, the two measures have been used separately. In this work, we propose a classification framework for predicting students' lecture comprehension in two tasks: (i) students' confusion after listening to the simulated lecture and (ii) the correctness of students' responses to the post-lecture assessment. The proposed framework includes EEG and NLP feature extraction, processing, and classification. EEG and NLP features are extracted to construct integrated features obtained from recorded EEG signals and sentence-level syntactic analysis, which provide information about specific biomarkers and sentence structures. An ensemble stacking classification method -- a combination of multiple individual models that produces an enhanced predictive model -- is studied to learn from the features to make predictions accurately. Furthermore, we also utilized subjective confusion ratings as another integrated feature to enhance classification performance. By doing so, experiment results show that this framework performs better than the baselines, which achieved F1 up to 0.65 for predicting confusion and 0.78 for predicting correctness, highlighting that utilizing this has helped improve the classification performance.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Spoken Word2Vec: A Perspective And Some Techniques Abstract: Text word embeddings that encode distributional semantic features work by modeling contextual similarities of frequently occurring words. Acoustic word embeddings, on the other hand, typically encode low-level phonetic similarities. Semantic embeddings for spoken words have been previously explored using similar algorithms to Word2Vec, but the resulting vectors still mainly encoded phonetic rather than semantic features. In this paper, we examine the assumptions and architectures used in previous works and show experimentally how Word2Vec algorithms fail to encode distributional semantics when the input units are acoustically correlated. In addition, previous works relied on the simplifying assumptions of perfect word segmentation and clustering by word type. Given these conditions, a trivial solution identical to text-based embeddings has been overlooked. We follow this simpler path using automatic word type clustering and examine the effects on the resulting embeddings, highlighting the true challenges in this task.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Learning Machine Morality through Experience and Interaction Abstract: Increasing interest in ensuring safety of next-generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems calls for novel approaches to embedding morality into autonomous agents. Traditionally, this has been done by imposing explicit top-down rules or hard constraints on systems, for example by filtering system outputs through pre-defined ethical rules. Recently, instead, entirely bottom-up methods for learning implicit preferences from human behavior have become increasingly popular, such as those for training and fine-tuning Large Language Models. In this paper, we provide a systematization of existing approaches to the problem of introducing morality in machines - modeled as a continuum, and argue that the majority of popular techniques lie at the extremes - either being fully hard-coded, or entirely learned, where no explicit statement of any moral principle is required. Given the relative strengths and weaknesses of each type of methodology, we argue that more hybrid solutions are needed to create adaptable and robust, yet more controllable and interpretable agents. In particular, we present three case studies of recent works which use learning from experience (i.e., Reinforcement Learning) to explicitly provide moral principles to learning agents - either as intrinsic rewards, moral logical constraints or textual principles for language models. For example, using intrinsic rewards in Social Dilemma games, we demonstrate how it is possible to represent classical moral frameworks for agents. We also present an overview of the existing work in this area in order to provide empirical evidence for the potential of this hybrid approach. We then discuss strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of moral learning agents. Finally, we present open research questions and implications for the future of AI safety and ethics which are emerging from this framework.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: A Preference Learning Approach to Develop Safe and Personalizable Autonomous Vehicles Abstract: This work introduces a preference learning method that ensures adherence to traffic rules for autonomous vehicles. Our approach incorporates priority ordering of signal temporal logic (STL) formulas, describing traffic rules, into a learning framework. By leveraging the parametric weighted signal temporal logic (PWSTL), we formulate the problem of safety-guaranteed preference learning based on pairwise comparisons, and propose an approach to solve this learning problem. Our approach finds a feasible valuation for the weights of the given PWSTL formula such that, with these weights, preferred signals have weighted quantitative satisfaction measures greater than their non-preferred counterparts. The feasible valuation of weights given by our approach leads to a weighted STL formula which can be used in correct-and-custom-by-construction controller synthesis. We demonstrate the performance of our method with human subject studies in two different simulated driving scenarios involving a stop sign and a pedestrian crossing. Our approach yields competitive results compared to existing preference learning methods in terms of capturing preferences, and notably outperforms them when safety is considered.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Using General Value Functions to Learn Domain-Backed Inventory Management Policies Abstract: We consider the inventory management problem, where the goal is to balance conflicting objectives such as availability and wastage of a large range of products in a store. We propose a reinforcement learning (RL) approach that utilises General Value Functions (GVFs) to derive domain-backed inventory replenishment policies. The inventory replenishment decisions are modelled as a sequential decision making problem, which is challenging due to uncertain demand and the existence of aggregate (cross-product) constraints. In existing literature, GVFs have primarily been used for auxiliary task learning. We use this capability to train GVFs on domain-critical characteristics such as prediction of stock-out probability and wastage quantity. Using this domain expertise for more effective exploration, we train an RL agent to compute the inventory replenishment quantities for a large range of products (up to 6000 in the reported experiments), which share aggregate constraints such as the total weight/volume per delivery. Additionally, we show that the GVF predictions can be used to provide additional domain-backed insights into the decisions proposed by the RL agent. Finally, since the environment dynamics are fully transferred, the trained GVFs can be used for faster adaptation to vastly different business objectives (for example, due to the start of a promotional period or due to deployment in a new customer environment).
Machine Learning
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Title: A knowledge-driven AutoML architecture Abstract: This paper proposes a knowledge-driven AutoML architecture for pipeline and deep feature synthesis. The main goal is to render the AutoML process explainable and to leverage domain knowledge in the synthesis of pipelines and features. The architecture explores several novel ideas: first, the construction of pipelines and deep features is approached in an unified way. Next, synthesis is driven by a shared knowledge system, interactively queried as to what pipeline operations to use or features to compute. Lastly, the synthesis processes takes decisions at runtime using partial solutions and results of their application on data. Two experiments are conducted to demonstrate the functionality of a na\"{\i}ve implementation of the proposed architecture and to discuss its advantages, trade-offs as well as future potential for AutoML.
Machine Learning
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Title: Visual Hindsight Self-Imitation Learning for Interactive Navigation Abstract: Interactive visual navigation tasks, which involve following instructions to reach and interact with specific targets, are challenging not only because successful experiences are very rare but also because the complex visual inputs require a substantial number of samples. Previous methods for these tasks often rely on intricately designed dense rewards or the use of expensive expert data for imitation learning. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel approach, Visual Hindsight Self-Imitation Learning (VHS) for enhancing sample efficiency through hindsight goal re-labeling and self-imitation. We also introduce a prototypical goal embedding method derived from experienced goal observations, that is particularly effective in vision-based and partially observable environments. This embedding technique allows the agent to visually reinterpret its unsuccessful attempts, enabling vision-based goal re-labeling and self-imitation from enhanced successful experiences. Experimental results show that VHS outperforms existing techniques in interactive visual navigation tasks, confirming its superior performance and sample efficiency.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Robust Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Boundary Discrimination and Correlation Purification Abstract: Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) aims to recognize novel named entities in low-resource domains utilizing existing knowledge. However, the present few-shot NER models assume that the labeled data are all clean without noise or outliers, and there are few works focusing on the robustness of the cross-domain transfer learning ability to textual adversarial attacks in Few-shot NER. In this work, we comprehensively explore and assess the robustness of few-shot NER models under textual adversarial attack scenario, and found the vulnerability of existing few-shot NER models. Furthermore, we propose a robust two-stage few-shot NER method with Boundary Discrimination and Correlation Purification (BDCP). Specifically, in the span detection stage, the entity boundary discriminative module is introduced to provide a highly distinguishing boundary representation space to detect entity spans. In the entity typing stage, the correlations between entities and contexts are purified by minimizing the interference information and facilitating correlation generalization to alleviate the perturbations caused by textual adversarial attacks. In addition, we construct adversarial examples for few-shot NER based on public datasets Few-NERD and Cross-Dataset. Comprehensive evaluations on those two groups of few-shot NER datasets containing adversarial examples demonstrate the robustness and superiority of the proposed method.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: VMC: Video Motion Customization using Temporal Attention Adaption for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models Abstract: Text-to-video diffusion models have advanced video generation significantly. However, customizing these models to generate videos with tailored motions presents a substantial challenge. In specific, they encounter hurdles in (a) accurately reproducing motion from a target video, and (b) creating diverse visual variations. For example, straightforward extensions of static image customization methods to video often lead to intricate entanglements of appearance and motion data. To tackle this, here we present the Video Motion Customization (VMC) framework, a novel one-shot tuning approach crafted to adapt temporal attention layers within video diffusion models. Our approach introduces a novel motion distillation objective using residual vectors between consecutive frames as a motion reference. The diffusion process then preserves low-frequency motion trajectories while mitigating high-frequency motion-unrelated noise in image space. We validate our method against state-of-the-art video generative models across diverse real-world motions and contexts. Our codes, data and the project demo can be found at
Computer Vision
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Title: Formal concept analysis for evaluating intrinsic dimension of a natural language Abstract: Some results of a computational experiment for determining the intrinsic dimension of linguistic varieties for the Bengali and Russian languages are presented. At the same time, both sets of words and sets of bigrams in these languages were considered separately. The method used to solve this problem was based on formal concept analysis algorithms. It was found that the intrinsic dimensions of these languages are significantly less than the dimensions used in popular neural network models in natural language processing.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Learn to Categorize or Categorize to Learn? Self-Coding for Generalized Category Discovery Abstract: In the quest for unveiling novel categories at test time, we confront the inherent limitations of traditional supervised recognition models that are restricted by a predefined category set. While strides have been made in the realms of self-supervised and open-world learning towards test-time category discovery, a crucial yet often overlooked question persists: what exactly delineates a category? In this paper, we conceptualize a category through the lens of optimization, viewing it as an optimal solution to a well-defined problem. Harnessing this unique conceptualization, we propose a novel, efficient and self-supervised method capable of discovering previously unknown categories at test time. A salient feature of our approach is the assignment of minimum length category codes to individual data instances, which encapsulates the implicit category hierarchy prevalent in real-world datasets. This mechanism affords us enhanced control over category granularity, thereby equipping our model to handle fine-grained categories adeptly. Experimental evaluations, bolstered by state-of-the-art benchmark comparisons, testify to the efficacy of our solution in managing unknown categories at test time. Furthermore, we fortify our proposition with a theoretical foundation, providing proof of its optimality. Our code is available at
Computer Vision
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Title: Deep Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Spacecraft Proximity Maneuvers and Docking Abstract: In the pursuit of autonomous spacecraft proximity maneuvers and docking(PMD), we introduce a novel Bayesian actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm to learn a control policy with the stability guarantee. The PMD task is formulated as a Markov decision process that reflects the relative dynamic model, the docking cone and the cost function. Drawing from the principles of Lyapunov theory, we frame the temporal difference learning as a constrained Gaussian process regression problem. This innovative approach allows the state-value function to be expressed as a Lyapunov function, leveraging the Gaussian process and deep kernel learning. We develop a novel Bayesian quadrature policy optimization procedure to analytically compute the policy gradient while integrating Lyapunov-based stability constraints. This integration is pivotal in satisfying the rigorous safety demands of spaceflight missions. The proposed algorithm has been experimentally evaluated on a spacecraft air-bearing testbed and shows impressive and promising performance.
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Title: Small Dataset, Big Gains: Enhancing Reinforcement Learning by Offline Pre-Training with Model Based Augmentation Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning leverages pre-collected datasets of transitions to train policies. It can serve as effective initialization for online algorithms, enhancing sample efficiency and speeding up convergence. However, when such datasets are limited in size and quality, offline pre-training can produce sub-optimal policies and lead to degraded online reinforcement learning performance. In this paper we propose a model-based data augmentation strategy to maximize the benefits of offline reinforcement learning pre-training and reduce the scale of data needed to be effective. Our approach leverages a world model of the environment trained on the offline dataset to augment states during offline pre-training. We evaluate our approach on a variety of MuJoCo robotic tasks and our results show it can jump-start online fine-tuning and substantially reduce - in some cases by an order of magnitude - the required number of environment interactions.
Machine Learning
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Title: Causal Interpretation of Self-Attention in Pre-Trained Transformers Abstract: We propose a causal interpretation of self-attention in the Transformer neural network architecture. We interpret self-attention as a mechanism that estimates a structural equation model for a given input sequence of symbols (tokens). The structural equation model can be interpreted, in turn, as a causal structure over the input symbols under the specific context of the input sequence. Importantly, this interpretation remains valid in the presence of latent confounders. Following this interpretation, we estimate conditional independence relations between input symbols by calculating partial correlations between their corresponding representations in the deepest attention layer. This enables learning the causal structure over an input sequence using existing constraint-based algorithms. In this sense, existing pre-trained Transformers can be utilized for zero-shot causal-discovery. We demonstrate this method by providing causal explanations for the outcomes of Transformers in two tasks: sentiment classification (NLP) and recommendation.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Multitask Kernel-based Learning with First-Order Logic Constraints Abstract: In this paper we propose a general framework to integrate supervised and unsupervised examples with background knowledge expressed by a collection of first-order logic clauses into kernel machines. In particular, we consider a multi-task learning scheme where multiple predicates defined on a set of objects are to be jointly learned from examples, enforcing a set of FOL constraints on the admissible configurations of their values. The predicates are defined on the feature spaces, in which the input objects are represented, and can be either known a priori or approximated by an appropriate kernel-based learner. A general approach is presented to convert the FOL clauses into a continuous implementation that can deal with the outputs computed by the kernel-based predicates. The learning problem is formulated as a semi-supervised task that requires the optimization in the primal of a loss function that combines a fitting loss measure on the supervised examples, a regularization term, and a penalty term that enforces the constraints on both the supervised and unsupervised examples. Unfortunately, the penalty term is not convex and it can hinder the optimization process. However, it is possible to avoid poor solutions by using a two stage learning schema, in which the supervised examples are learned first and then the constraints are enforced.
Machine Learning
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Title: Classifying patient voice in social media data using neural networks: A comparison of AI models on different data sources and therapeutic domains Abstract: It is essential that healthcare professionals and members of the healthcare community can access and easily understand patient experiences in the real world, so that care standards can be improved and driven towards personalised drug treatment. Social media platforms and message boards are deemed suitable sources of patient experience information, as patients have been observed to discuss and exchange knowledge, look for and provide support online. This paper tests the hypothesis that not all online patient experience information can be treated and collected in the same way, as a result of the inherent differences in the way individuals talk about their journeys, in different therapeutic domains and or data sources. We used linguistic analysis to understand and identify similarities between datasets, across patient language, between data sources (Reddit, SocialGist) and therapeutic domains (cardiovascular, oncology, immunology, neurology). We detected common vocabulary used by patients in the same therapeutic domain across data sources, except for immunology patients, who use unique vocabulary between the two data sources, and compared to all other datasets. We combined linguistically similar datasets to train classifiers (CNN, transformer) to accurately identify patient experience posts from social media, a task we refer to as patient voice classification. The cardiovascular and neurology transformer classifiers perform the best in their respective comparisons for the Reddit data source, achieving F1-scores of 0.865 and 1.0 respectively. The overall best performing classifier is the transformer classifier trained on all data collected for this experiment, achieving F1-scores ranging between 0.863 and 0.995 across all therapeutic domain and data source specific test datasets.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Towards a Gateway for Knowledge Graph Schemas Collection, Analysis, and Embedding Abstract: One of the significant barriers to the training of statistical models on knowledge graphs is the difficulty that scientists have in finding the best input data to address their prediction goal. In addition to this, a key challenge is to determine how to manipulate these relational data, which are often in the form of particular triples (i.e., subject, predicate, object), to enable the learning process. Currently, many high-quality catalogs of knowledge graphs, are available. However, their primary goal is the re-usability of these resources, and their interconnection, in the context of the Semantic Web. This paper describes the LiveSchema initiative, namely, a first version of a gateway that has the main scope of leveraging the gold mine of data collected by many existing catalogs collecting relational data like ontologies and knowledge graphs. At the current state, LiveSchema contains - 1000 datasets from 4 main sources and offers some key facilities, which allow to: i) evolving LiveSchema, by aggregating other source catalogs and repositories as input sources; ii) querying all the collected resources; iii) transforming each given dataset into formal concept analysis matrices that enable analysis and visualization services; iv) generating models and tensors from each given dataset.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: DreamComposer: Controllable 3D Object Generation via Multi-View Conditions Abstract: Utilizing pre-trained 2D large-scale generative models, recent works are capable of generating high-quality novel views from a single in-the-wild image. However, due to the lack of information from multiple views, these works encounter difficulties in generating controllable novel views. In this paper, we present DreamComposer, a flexible and scalable framework that can enhance existing view-aware diffusion models by injecting multi-view conditions. Specifically, DreamComposer first uses a view-aware 3D lifting module to obtain 3D representations of an object from multiple views. Then, it renders the latent features of the target view from 3D representations with the multi-view feature fusion module. Finally the target view features extracted from multi-view inputs are injected into a pre-trained diffusion model. Experiments show that DreamComposer is compatible with state-of-the-art diffusion models for zero-shot novel view synthesis, further enhancing them to generate high-fidelity novel view images with multi-view conditions, ready for controllable 3D object reconstruction and various other applications.
Computer Vision
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Title: Advancing AI Audits for Enhanced AI Governance Abstract: As artificial intelligence (AI) is integrated into various services and systems in society, many companies and organizations have proposed AI principles, policies, and made the related commitments. Conversely, some have proposed the need for independent audits, arguing that the voluntary principles adopted by the developers and providers of AI services and systems insufficiently address risk. This policy recommendation summarizes the issues related to the auditing of AI services and systems and presents three recommendations for promoting AI auditing that contribute to sound AI governance. Recommendation1.Development of institutional design for AI audits. Recommendation2.Training human resources for AI audits. Recommendation3. Updating AI audits in accordance with technological progress. In this policy recommendation, AI is assumed to be that which recognizes and predicts data with the last chapter outlining how generative AI should be audited.
Computers and Society
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Title: Robust Offline Policy Evaluation and Optimization with Heavy-Tailed Rewards Abstract: This paper endeavors to augment the robustness of offline reinforcement learning (RL) in scenarios laden with heavy-tailed rewards, a prevalent circumstance in real-world applications. We propose two algorithmic frameworks, ROAM and ROOM, for robust off-policy evaluation (OPE) and offline policy optimization (OPO), respectively. Central to our frameworks is the strategic incorporation of the median-of-means method with offline RL, enabling straightforward uncertainty estimation for the value function estimator. This not only adheres to the principle of pessimism in OPO but also adeptly manages heavy-tailed rewards. Theoretical results and extensive experiments demonstrate that our two frameworks outperform existing methods on the logged dataset exhibits heavy-tailed reward distributions.
Machine Learning
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Title: Prompt Engineering-assisted Malware Dynamic Analysis Using GPT-4 Abstract: Dynamic analysis methods effectively identify shelled, wrapped, or obfuscated malware, thereby preventing them from invading computers. As a significant representation of dynamic malware behavior, the API (Application Programming Interface) sequence, comprised of consecutive API calls, has progressively become the dominant feature of dynamic analysis methods. Though there have been numerous deep learning models for malware detection based on API sequences, the quality of API call representations produced by those models is limited. These models cannot generate representations for unknown API calls, which weakens both the detection performance and the generalization. Further, the concept drift phenomenon of API calls is prominent. To tackle these issues, we introduce a prompt engineering-assisted malware dynamic analysis using GPT-4. In this method, GPT-4 is employed to create explanatory text for each API call within the API sequence. Afterward, the pre-trained language model BERT is used to obtain the representation of the text, from which we derive the representation of the API sequence. Theoretically, this proposed method is capable of generating representations for all API calls, excluding the necessity for dataset training during the generation process. Utilizing the representation, a CNN-based detection model is designed to extract the feature. We adopt five benchmark datasets to validate the performance of the proposed model. The experimental results reveal that the proposed detection algorithm performs better than the state-of-the-art method (TextCNN). Specifically, in cross-database experiments and few-shot learning experiments, the proposed model achieves excellent detection performance and almost a 100% recall rate for malware, verifying its superior generalization performance. The code is available at:
Cryptography and Security
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Title: Practical Estimation of Ensemble Accuracy Abstract: Ensemble learning combines several individual models to obtain better generalization performance. In this work we present a practical method for estimating the joint power of several classifiers which differs from existing approaches by {\em not relying on labels}, hence enabling the work in unsupervised setting of huge datasets. It differs from existing methods which define a "diversity measure". The heart of the method is a combinatorial bound on the number of mistakes the ensemble is likely to make. The bound can be efficiently approximated in time linear in the number of samples. Thus allowing an efficient search for a combination of classifiers that are likely to produce higher joint accuracy. Moreover, having the bound applicable to unlabeled data makes it both accurate and practical in modern setting of unsupervised learning. We demonstrate the method on popular large-scale face recognition datasets which provide a useful playground for fine-grain classification tasks using noisy data over many classes. The proposed framework fits neatly in trending practices of unsupervised learning. It is a measure of the inherent independence of a set of classifiers not relying on extra information such as another classifier or labeled data.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: The Hyperdimensional Transform for Distributional Modelling, Regression and Classification Abstract: Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is an increasingly popular computing paradigm with immense potential for future intelligent applications. Although the main ideas already took form in the 1990s, HDC recently gained significant attention, especially in the field of machine learning and data science. Next to efficiency, interoperability and explainability, HDC offers attractive properties for generalization as it can be seen as an attempt to combine connectionist ideas from neural networks with symbolic aspects. In recent work, we introduced the hyperdimensional transform, revealing deep theoretical foundations for representing functions and distributions as high-dimensional holographic vectors. Here, we present the power of the hyperdimensional transform to a broad data science audience. We use the hyperdimensional transform as a theoretical basis and provide insight into state-of-the-art HDC approaches for machine learning. We show how existing algorithms can be modified and how this transform can lead to a novel, well-founded toolbox. Next to the standard regression and classification tasks of machine learning, our discussion includes various aspects of statistical modelling, such as representation, learning and deconvolving distributions, sampling, Bayesian inference, and uncertainty estimation.
Machine Learning
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Title: Are We Falling in a Middle-Intelligence Trap? An Analysis and Mitigation of the Reversal Curse Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted a phenomenon in large language models (LLMs) known as "the reversal curse," in which the order of knowledge entities in the training data biases the models' comprehension. For example, if a model is trained on sentences where entity A consistently appears before entity B, it can respond to queries about A by providing B as the answer. However, it may encounter confusion when presented with questions concerning B. We contend that the reversal curse is partially a result of specific model training objectives, particularly evident in the prevalent use of the next-token prediction within most causal language models. For the next-token prediction, models solely focus on a token's preceding context, resulting in a restricted comprehension of the input. In contrast, we illustrate that the GLM, trained using the autoregressive blank infilling objective where tokens to be predicted have access to the entire context, exhibits better resilience against the reversal curse. We propose a novel training method, BIdirectional Casual language modeling Optimization (BICO), designed to mitigate the reversal curse when fine-tuning pretrained causal language models on new data. BICO modifies the causal attention mechanism to function bidirectionally and employs a mask denoising optimization. In the task designed to assess the reversal curse, our approach improves Llama's accuracy from the original 0% to around 70%. We hope that more attention can be focused on exploring and addressing these inherent weaknesses of the current LLMs, in order to achieve a higher level of intelligence.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: The Potential of Wearable Sensors for Assessing Patient Acuity in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Abstract: Acuity assessments are vital in critical care settings to provide timely interventions and fair resource allocation. Traditional acuity scores rely on manual assessments and documentation of physiological states, which can be time-consuming, intermittent, and difficult to use for healthcare providers. Furthermore, such scores do not incorporate granular information such as patients' mobility level, which can indicate recovery or deterioration in the ICU. We hypothesized that existing acuity scores could be potentially improved by employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in conjunction with Electronic Health Records (EHR) and wearable sensor data. In this study, we evaluated the impact of integrating mobility data collected from wrist-worn accelerometers with clinical data obtained from EHR for developing an AI-driven acuity assessment score. Accelerometry data were collected from 86 patients wearing accelerometers on their wrists in an academic hospital setting. The data was analyzed using five deep neural network models: VGG, ResNet, MobileNet, SqueezeNet, and a custom Transformer network. These models outperformed a rule-based clinical score (SOFA= Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) used as a baseline, particularly regarding the precision, sensitivity, and F1 score. The results showed that while a model relying solely on accelerometer data achieved limited performance (AUC 0.50, Precision 0.61, and F1-score 0.68), including demographic information with the accelerometer data led to a notable enhancement in performance (AUC 0.69, Precision 0.75, and F1-score 0.67). This work shows that the combination of mobility and patient information can successfully differentiate between stable and unstable states in critically ill patients.
Machine Learning
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Title: Task-Distributionally Robust Data-Free Meta-Learning Abstract: Data-Free Meta-Learning (DFML) aims to efficiently learn new tasks by leveraging multiple pre-trained models without requiring their original training data. Existing inversion-based DFML methods construct pseudo tasks from a learnable dataset, which is inversely generated from the pre-trained model pool. For the first time, we reveal two major challenges hindering their practical deployments: Task-Distribution Shift (TDS) and Task-Distribution Corruption (TDC). TDS leads to a biased meta-learner because of the skewed task distribution towards newly generated tasks. TDC occurs when untrusted models characterized by misleading labels or poor quality pollute the task distribution. To tackle these issues, we introduce a robust DFML framework that ensures task distributional robustness. We propose to meta-learn from a pseudo task distribution, diversified through task interpolation within a compact task-memory buffer. This approach reduces the meta-learner's overreliance on newly generated tasks by maintaining consistent performance across a broader range of interpolated memory tasks, thus ensuring its generalization for unseen tasks. Additionally, our framework seamlessly incorporates an automated model selection mechanism into the meta-training phase, parameterizing each model's reliability as a learnable weight. This is optimized with a policy gradient algorithm inspired by reinforcement learning, effectively addressing the non-differentiable challenge posed by model selection. Comprehensive experiments across various datasets demonstrate the framework's effectiveness in mitigating TDS and TDC, underscoring its potential to improve DFML in real-world scenarios.
Machine Learning
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Title: LongBoX: Evaluating Transformers on Long-Sequence Clinical Tasks Abstract: Many large language models (LLMs) for medicine have largely been evaluated on short texts, and their ability to handle longer sequences such as a complete electronic health record (EHR) has not been systematically explored. Assessing these models on long sequences is crucial since prior work in the general domain has demonstrated performance degradation of LLMs on longer texts. Motivated by this, we introduce LongBoX, a collection of seven medical datasets in text-to-text format, designed to investigate model performance on long sequences. Preliminary experiments reveal that both medical LLMs (e.g., BioGPT) and strong general domain LLMs (e.g., FLAN-T5) struggle on this benchmark. We further evaluate two techniques designed for long-sequence handling: (i) local-global attention, and (ii) Fusion-in-Decoder (FiD). Our results demonstrate mixed results with long-sequence handling - while scores on some datasets increase, there is substantial room for improvement. We hope that LongBoX facilitates the development of more effective long-sequence techniques for the medical domain. Data and source code are available at
Computational Linguistics
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Title: The Impact of Preference Agreement in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback: A Case Study in Summarization Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) can be used to capture complex and nuanced properties of text generation quality. As a result, the task of text summarization has been identified as a good candidate for this process. In this paper, we explore how preference agreement impacts the efficacy of RLHF for summarization. We show that sampling human preferences to include a range of annotator agreement results in (1) higher accuracy reward models and (2) alters the characteristics of quality captured. We additionally show improvements in downstream generation when using a reward model trained with a range of preference agreements. Our contributions have implications for the design of synthetic datasets as well as the importance of considering quality differentials in comparison-based data.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: From Indeterminacy to Determinacy: Augmenting Logical Reasoning Capabilities with Large Language Models Abstract: Recent advances in LLMs have revolutionized the landscape of reasoning tasks. To enhance the capabilities of LLMs to emulate human reasoning, prior works focus on modeling reasoning steps using specific thought structures like chains, trees, or graphs. However, LLM-based reasoning continues to encounter three challenges: 1) Selecting appropriate reasoning structures for various tasks; 2) Exploiting known conditions sufficiently and efficiently to deduce new insights; 3) Considering the impact of historical reasoning experience. To address these challenges, we propose DetermLR, a novel reasoning framework that formulates the reasoning process as a transformational journey from indeterminate premises to determinate ones. This process is marked by the incremental accumulation of determinate premises, making the conclusion progressively closer to clarity. DetermLR includes three essential components: 1) Premise identification: We categorize premises into two distinct types: determinate and indeterminate. This empowers LLMs to customize reasoning structures to match the specific task complexities. 2) Premise prioritization and exploration: We leverage quantitative measurements to assess the relevance of each premise to the target, prioritizing more relevant premises for exploring new insights. 3) Iterative process with reasoning memory: We introduce a reasoning memory module to automate storage and extraction of available premises and reasoning paths, preserving historical reasoning details for more accurate premise prioritization. Comprehensive experimental results show that DetermLR outperforms all baselines on four challenging logical reasoning tasks: LogiQA, ProofWriter, FOLIO, and LogicalDeduction. DetermLR can achieve better reasoning performance while requiring fewer visited states, highlighting its superior efficiency and effectiveness in tackling logical reasoning tasks.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Prompt-based Logical Semantics Enhancement for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Abstract: Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition (IDRR), which infers discourse relations without the help of explicit connectives, is still a crucial and challenging task for discourse parsing. Recent works tend to exploit the hierarchical structure information from the annotated senses, which demonstrate enhanced discourse relation representations can be obtained by integrating sense hierarchy. Nevertheless, the performance and robustness for IDRR are significantly constrained by the availability of annotated data. Fortunately, there is a wealth of unannotated utterances with explicit connectives, that can be utilized to acquire enriched discourse relation features. In light of such motivation, we propose a Prompt-based Logical Semantics Enhancement (PLSE) method for IDRR. Essentially, our method seamlessly injects knowledge relevant to discourse relation into pre-trained language models through prompt-based connective prediction. Furthermore, considering the prompt-based connective prediction exhibits local dependencies due to the deficiency of masked language model (MLM) in capturing global semantics, we design a novel self-supervised learning objective based on mutual information maximization to derive enhanced representations of logical semantics for IDRR. Experimental results on PDTB 2.0 and CoNLL16 datasets demonstrate that our method achieves outstanding and consistent performance against the current state-of-the-art models.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Exploring the Robustness of Model-Graded Evaluations and Automated Interpretability Abstract: There has been increasing interest in evaluations of language models for a variety of risks and characteristics. Evaluations relying on natural language understanding for grading can often be performed at scale by using other language models. We test the robustness of these model-graded evaluations to injections on different datasets including a new Deception Eval. These injections resemble direct communication between the testee and the evaluator to change their grading. We extrapolate that future, more intelligent models might manipulate or cooperate with their evaluation model. We find significant susceptibility to these injections in state-of-the-art commercial models on all examined evaluations. Furthermore, similar injections can be used on automated interpretability frameworks to produce misleading model-written explanations. The results inspire future work and should caution against unqualified trust in evaluations and automated interpretability.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Addressing Membership Inference Attack in Federated Learning with Model Compression Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has been proposed as a privacy-preserving solution for machine learning. However, recent works have shown that Federated Learning can leak private client data through membership attacks. In this paper, we show that the effectiveness of these attacks on the clients negatively correlates with the size of the client datasets and model complexity. Based on this finding, we propose model-agnostic Federated Learning as a privacy-enhancing solution because it enables the use of models of varying complexity in the clients. To this end, we present $\texttt{MaPP-FL}$, a novel privacy-aware FL approach that leverages model compression on the clients while keeping a full model on the server. We compare the performance of $\texttt{MaPP-FL}$ against state-of-the-art model-agnostic FL methods on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and FEMNIST vision datasets. Our experiments show the effectiveness of $\texttt{MaPP-FL}$ in preserving the clients' and the server's privacy while achieving competitive classification accuracies.
Machine Learning
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Title: A Graph-to-Text Approach to Knowledge-Grounded Response Generation in Human-Robot Interaction Abstract: Knowledge graphs are often used to represent structured information in a flexible and efficient manner, but their use in situated dialogue remains under-explored. This paper presents a novel conversational model for human--robot interaction that rests upon a graph-based representation of the dialogue state. The knowledge graph representing the dialogue state is continuously updated with new observations from the robot sensors, including linguistic, situated and multimodal inputs, and is further enriched by other modules, in particular for spatial understanding. The neural conversational model employed to respond to user utterances relies on a simple but effective graph-to-text mechanism that traverses the dialogue state graph and converts the traversals into a natural language form. This conversion of the state graph into text is performed using a set of parameterized functions, and the values for those parameters are optimized based on a small set of Wizard-of-Oz interactions. After this conversion, the text representation of the dialogue state graph is included as part of the prompt of a large language model used to decode the agent response. The proposed approach is empirically evaluated through a user study with a humanoid robot that acts as conversation partner to evaluate the impact of the graph-to-text mechanism on the response generation. After moving a robot along a tour of an indoor environment, participants interacted with the robot using spoken dialogue and evaluated how well the robot was able to answer questions about what the robot observed during the tour. User scores show a statistically significant improvement in the perceived factuality of the robot responses when the graph-to-text approach is employed, compared to a baseline using inputs structured as semantic triples.
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Title: Kandinsky Conformal Prediction: Efficient Calibration of Image Segmentation Algorithms Abstract: Image segmentation algorithms can be understood as a collection of pixel classifiers, for which the outcomes of nearby pixels are correlated. Classifier models can be calibrated using Inductive Conformal Prediction, but this requires holding back a sufficiently large calibration dataset for computing the distribution of non-conformity scores of the model's predictions. If one only requires only marginal calibration on the image level, this calibration set consists of all individual pixels in the images available for calibration. However, if the goal is to attain proper calibration for each individual pixel classifier, the calibration set consists of individual images. In a scenario where data are scarce (such as the medical domain), it may not always be possible to set aside sufficiently many images for this pixel-level calibration. The method we propose, dubbed ``Kandinsky calibration'', makes use of the spatial structure present in the distribution of natural images to simultaneously calibrate the classifiers of ``similar'' pixels. This can be seen as an intermediate approach between marginal (imagewise) and conditional (pixelwise) calibration, where non-conformity scores are aggregated over similar image regions, thereby making more efficient use of the images available for calibration. We run experiments on segmentation algorithms trained and calibrated on subsets of the public MS-COCO and Medical Decathlon datasets, demonstrating that Kandinsky calibration method can significantly improve the coverage. When compared to both pixelwise and imagewise calibration on little data, the Kandinsky method achieves much lower coverage errors, indicating the data efficiency of the Kandinsky calibration.
Computer Vision
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Title: CZL-CIAE: CLIP-driven Zero-shot Learning for Correcting Inverse Age Estimation Abstract: Zero-shot age estimation aims to learn feature information about age from input images and make inferences about a given person's image or video frame without specific sample data. The development of zero-shot age estimation can improve the efficiency and accuracy of various applications (e.g., age verification and secure access control, etc.), while also promoting research on multi-modal and zero-shot learning in the social media field. For example, zero-sample age estimation can be used to create social networks focused on specific age groups. However, existing methods mainly focus on supervised, labeled age estimation learning, and the prediction effect of zero-shot learning is very poor. To tackle the above issues, we propose a novel CLIP-driven Zero-shot Learning for Correcting Inverse Age Estimation (CZL-CIAE). Specifically, we first introduce the CLIP model to extract image features and text semantic information respectively, and map them into a highly semantically aligned high-dimensional feature space. Next, we designed a new Transformer architecture (i.e., FourierFormer) to achieve channel evolution and spatial interaction of images, and to fuse image and text semantic information. Finally, we introduce reversible age estimation, which uses end-to-end error feedback to reduce the error rate of age predictions. Through extensive experiments on multiple data sets, CZL-CIAE has achieved better age prediction results.
Computer Vision
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Title: Labels Need Prompts Too: Mask Matching for Natural Language Understanding Tasks Abstract: Textual label names (descriptions) are typically semantically rich in many natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. In this paper, we incorporate the prompting methodology, which is widely used to enrich model input, into the label side for the first time. Specifically, we propose a Mask Matching method, which equips an input with a prompt and its label with another, and then makes predictions by matching their mask representations. We evaluate our method extensively on 8 NLU tasks with 14 datasets. The experimental results show that Mask Matching significantly outperforms its counterparts of fine-tuning and conventional prompt-tuning, setting up state-of-the-art performances in several datasets. Mask Matching is particularly good at handling NLU tasks with large label counts and informative label names. As pioneering efforts that investigate the label-side prompt, we also discuss open issues for future study.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Boosting LLM Reasoning: Push the Limits of Few-shot Learning with Reinforced In-Context Pruning Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in various tasks, yet they still struggle with math reasoning. Despite efforts to optimize Chain-of-Thoughts (CoT) prompts and fine-tune LLMs, the potential of few-shot learning remains unexplored. In this work, we propose CoT-Max, a novel approach pushing the boundaries of few-shot CoT learning to improve LLM math reasoning capabilities. CoT-Max addresses the challenges of the selection of useful examples and limited number of examples due to restricted context window length. Inspired by our observation that natural language inputs contain many redundancy, we propose a coarse-to-fine pruner as a plug-and-play module for LLMs, which first identifies crucial CoT examples from a large batch and then further prunes unimportant tokens. To train the pruner, we collect a math reasoning dataset with diverse difficulty and steps, introduce a reward to measure both the input's effectiveness for math reasoning and token length constraints, and propose a novel training approach with reinforcement learning. As a result, CoT-Max significantly outperforms CoT and few-shot prompting baselines across various LLMs (LLaMA2-7B, 13B, 70B) and 5 mathematical datasets, achieving up to 4.55% absolute improvements. Remarkably, without any fine-tuning, LLaMA2-70B with CoT-Max surpasses GPT-3.5 and a wide range of larger LLMs (PaLM, Minerva, etc.) on the GSM8K.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Temporal Supervised Contrastive Learning for Modeling Patient Risk Progression Abstract: We consider the problem of predicting how the likelihood of an outcome of interest for a patient changes over time as we observe more of the patient data. To solve this problem, we propose a supervised contrastive learning framework that learns an embedding representation for each time step of a patient time series. Our framework learns the embedding space to have the following properties: (1) nearby points in the embedding space have similar predicted class probabilities, (2) adjacent time steps of the same time series map to nearby points in the embedding space, and (3) time steps with very different raw feature vectors map to far apart regions of the embedding space. To achieve property (3), we employ a nearest neighbor pairing mechanism in the raw feature space. This mechanism also serves as an alternative to data augmentation, a key ingredient of contrastive learning, which lacks a standard procedure that is adequately realistic for clinical tabular data, to our knowledge. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in predicting mortality of septic patients (MIMIC-III dataset) and tracking progression of cognitive impairment (ADNI dataset). Our method also consistently recovers the correct synthetic dataset embedding structure across experiments, a feat not achieved by baselines. Our ablation experiments show the pivotal role of our nearest neighbor pairing.
Machine Learning
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Title: Introducing NCL-SM: A Fully Annotated Dataset of Images from Human Skeletal Muscle Biopsies Abstract: Single cell analysis of skeletal muscle (SM) tissue is a fundamental tool for understanding many neuromuscular disorders. For this analysis to be reliable and reproducible, identification of individual fibres within microscopy images (segmentation) of SM tissue should be precise. There is currently no tool or pipeline that makes automatic and precise segmentation and curation of images of SM tissue cross-sections possible. Biomedical scientists in this field rely on custom tools and general machine learning (ML) models, both followed by labour intensive and subjective manual interventions to get the segmentation right. We believe that automated, precise, reproducible segmentation is possible by training ML models. However, there are currently no good quality, publicly available annotated imaging datasets available for ML model training. In this paper we release NCL-SM: a high quality bioimaging dataset of 46 human tissue sections from healthy control subjects and from patients with genetically diagnosed muscle pathology. These images include $>$ 50k manually segmented muscle fibres (myofibres). In addition we also curated high quality myofibres and annotated reasons for rejecting low quality myofibres and regions in SM tissue images, making this data completely ready for downstream analysis. This, we believe, will pave the way for development of a fully automatic pipeline that identifies individual myofibres within images of tissue sections and, in particular, also classifies individual myofibres that are fit for further analysis.
Computer Vision
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Title: No Prior Mask: Eliminate Redundant Action for Deep Reinforcement Learning Abstract: The large action space is one fundamental obstacle to deploying Reinforcement Learning methods in the real world. The numerous redundant actions will cause the agents to make repeated or invalid attempts, even leading to task failure. Although current algorithms conduct some initial explorations for this issue, they either suffer from rule-based systems or depend on expert demonstrations, which significantly limits their applicability in many real-world settings. In this work, we examine the theoretical analysis of what action can be eliminated in policy optimization and propose a novel redundant action filtering mechanism. Unlike other works, our method constructs the similarity factor by estimating the distance between the state distributions, which requires no prior knowledge. In addition, we combine the modified inverse model to avoid extensive computation in high-dimensional state space. We reveal the underlying structure of action spaces and propose a simple yet efficient redundant action filtering mechanism named No Prior Mask (NPM) based on the above techniques. We show the superior performance of our method by conducting extensive experiments on high-dimensional, pixel-input, and stochastic problems with various action redundancy. Our code is public online at
Machine Learning
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Title: GLOP: Learning Global Partition and Local Construction for Solving Large-scale Routing Problems in Real-time Abstract: The recent end-to-end neural solvers have shown promise for small-scale routing problems but suffered from limited real-time scaling-up performance. This paper proposes GLOP (Global and Local Optimization Policies), a unified hierarchical framework that efficiently scales toward large-scale routing problems. GLOP partitions large routing problems into Travelling Salesman Problems (TSPs) and TSPs into Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problems. For the first time, we hybridize non-autoregressive neural heuristics for coarse-grained problem partitions and autoregressive neural heuristics for fine-grained route constructions, leveraging the scalability of the former and the meticulousness of the latter. Experimental results show that GLOP achieves competitive and state-of-the-art real-time performance on large-scale routing problems, including TSP, ATSP, CVRP, and PCTSP.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Classification of Human- and AI-Generated Texts for English, French, German, and Spanish Abstract: In this paper we analyze features to classify human- and AI-generated text for English, French, German and Spanish and compare them across languages. We investigate two scenarios: (1) The detection of text generated by AI from scratch, and (2) the detection of text rephrased by AI. For training and testing the classifiers in this multilingual setting, we created a new text corpus covering 10 topics for each language. For the detection of AI-generated text, the combination of all proposed features performs best, indicating that our features are portable to other related languages: The F1-scores are close with 99% for Spanish, 98% for English, 97% for German and 95% for French. For the detection of AI-rephrased text, the systems with all features outperform systems with other features in many cases, but using only document features performs best for German (72%) and Spanish (86%) and only text vector features leads to best results for English (78%).
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Amodal Optical Flow Abstract: Optical flow estimation is very challenging in situations with transparent or occluded objects. In this work, we address these challenges at the task level by introducing Amodal Optical Flow, which integrates optical flow with amodal perception. Instead of only representing the visible regions, we define amodal optical flow as a multi-layered pixel-level motion field that encompasses both visible and occluded regions of the scene. To facilitate research on this new task, we extend the AmodalSynthDrive dataset to include pixel-level labels for amodal optical flow estimation. We present several strong baselines, along with the Amodal Flow Quality metric to quantify the performance in an interpretable manner. Furthermore, we propose the novel AmodalFlowNet as an initial step toward addressing this task. AmodalFlowNet consists of a transformer-based cost-volume encoder paired with a recurrent transformer decoder which facilitates recurrent hierarchical feature propagation and amodal semantic grounding. We demonstrate the tractability of amodal optical flow in extensive experiments and show its utility for downstream tasks such as panoptic tracking. We make the dataset, code, and trained models publicly available at
Computer Vision
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Title: ViR: Vision Retention Networks Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have attracted a lot of popularity in recent years, due to their exceptional capabilities in modeling long-range spatial dependencies and scalability for large scale training. Although the training parallelism of self-attention mechanism plays an important role in retaining great performance, its quadratic complexity baffles the application of ViTs in many scenarios which demand fast inference. This effect is even more pronounced in applications in which autoregressive modeling of input features is required. In Natural Language Processing (NLP), a new stream of efforts have proposed parallelizable models with recurrent formulation that allows for efficient inference in generative applications. Inspired by this trend, we propose a new class of computer vision models, dubbed Vision Retention Networks (ViR), with dual parallel and recurrent formulations, which strike an optimal balance between fast inference and parallel training with competitive performance. In particular, ViR scales favorably for image throughput and memory consumption in tasks that require higher-resolution images due to its flexible formulation in processing large sequence lengths. The ViR is the first attempt to realize dual parallel and recurrent equivalency in a general vision backbone for recognition tasks. We have validated the effectiveness of ViR through extensive experiments with different dataset sizes and various image resolutions and achieved competitive performance. Our code and pretrained models will be made publicly available.
Computer Vision
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Title: Attention Lens: A Tool for Mechanistically Interpreting the Attention Head Information Retrieval Mechanism Abstract: Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) are the state-of-the-art for natural language tasks. Recent work has attempted to decode, by reverse engineering the role of linear layers, the internal mechanisms by which LLMs arrive at their final predictions for text completion tasks. Yet little is known about the specific role of attention heads in producing the final token prediction. We propose Attention Lens, a tool that enables researchers to translate the outputs of attention heads into vocabulary tokens via learned attention-head-specific transformations called lenses. Preliminary findings from our trained lenses indicate that attention heads play highly specialized roles in language models. The code for Attention Lens is available at
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Uncertainty in Additive Feature Attribution methods Abstract: In this work, we explore various topics that fall under the umbrella of Uncertainty in post-hoc Explainable AI (XAI) methods. We in particular focus on the class of additive feature attribution explanation methods. We first describe our specifications of uncertainty and compare various statistical and recent methods to quantify the same. Next, for a particular instance, we study the relationship between a feature's attribution and its uncertainty and observe little correlation. As a result, we propose a modification in the distribution from which perturbations are sampled in LIME-based algorithms such that the important features have minimal uncertainty without an increase in computational cost. Next, while studying how the uncertainty in explanations varies across the feature space of a classifier, we observe that a fraction of instances show near-zero uncertainty. We coin the term "stable instances" for such instances and diagnose factors that make an instance stable. Next, we study how an XAI algorithm's uncertainty varies with the size and complexity of the underlying model. We observe that the more complex the model, the more inherent uncertainty is exhibited by it. As a result, we propose a measure to quantify the relative complexity of a blackbox classifier. This could be incorporated, for example, in LIME-based algorithms' sampling densities, to help different explanation algorithms achieve tighter confidence levels. Together, the above measures would have a strong impact on making XAI models relatively trustworthy for the end-user as well as aiding scientific discovery.
Machine Learning
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Title: Towards Autonomous Hypothesis Verification via Language Models with Minimal Guidance Abstract: Research automation efforts usually employ AI as a tool to automate specific tasks within the research process. To create an AI that truly conduct research themselves, it must independently generate hypotheses, design verification plans, and execute verification. Therefore, we investigated if an AI itself could autonomously generate and verify hypothesis for a toy machine learning research problem. We prompted GPT-4 to generate hypotheses and Python code for hypothesis verification with limited methodological guidance. Our findings suggest that, in some instances, GPT-4 can autonomously generate and validate hypotheses without detailed guidance. While this is a promising result, we also found that none of the verifications were flawless, and there remain significant challenges in achieving autonomous, human-level research using only generic instructions. These findings underscore the need for continued exploration to develop a general and autonomous AI researcher.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Score Normalization for a Faster Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler Abstract: Recently, Zhang et al. have proposed the Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler (DEIS) for fast generation of samples from Diffusion Models. It leverages the semi-linear nature of the probability flow ordinary differential equation (ODE) in order to greatly reduce integration error and improve generation quality at low numbers of function evaluations (NFEs). Key to this approach is the score function reparameterisation, which reduces the integration error incurred from using a fixed score function estimate over each integration step. The original authors use the default parameterisation used by models trained for noise prediction -- multiply the score by the standard deviation of the conditional forward noising distribution. We find that although the mean absolute value of this score parameterisation is close to constant for a large portion of the reverse sampling process, it changes rapidly at the end of sampling. As a simple fix, we propose to instead reparameterise the score (at inference) by dividing it by the average absolute value of previous score estimates at that time step collected from offline high NFE generations. We find that our score normalisation (DEIS-SN) consistently improves FID compared to vanilla DEIS, showing an improvement at 10 NFEs from 6.44 to 5.57 on CIFAR-10 and from 5.9 to 4.95 on LSUN-Church 64x64. Our code is available at
Machine Learning
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Title: Multitask Multimodal Prompted Training for Interactive Embodied Task Completion Abstract: Interactive and embodied tasks pose at least two fundamental challenges to existing Vision & Language (VL) models, including 1) grounding language in trajectories of actions and observations, and 2) referential disambiguation. To tackle these challenges, we propose an Embodied MultiModal Agent (EMMA): a unified encoder-decoder model that reasons over images and trajectories, and casts action prediction as multimodal text generation. By unifying all tasks as text generation, EMMA learns a language of actions which facilitates transfer across tasks. Different to previous modular approaches with independently trained components, we use a single multitask model where each task contributes to goal completion. EMMA performs on par with similar models on several VL benchmarks and sets a new state-of-the-art performance (36.81% success rate) on the Dialog-guided Task Completion (DTC), a benchmark to evaluate dialog-guided agents in the Alexa Arena
Machine Learning
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Title: Fine-tuning Language Models for Factuality Abstract: The fluency and creativity of large pre-trained language models (LLMs) have led to their widespread use, sometimes even as a replacement for traditional search engines. Yet language models are prone to making convincing but factually inaccurate claims, often referred to as 'hallucinations.' These errors can inadvertently spread misinformation or harmfully perpetuate misconceptions. Further, manual fact-checking of model responses is a time-consuming process, making human factuality labels expensive to acquire. In this work, we fine-tune language models to be more factual, without human labeling and targeting more open-ended generation settings than past work. We leverage two key recent innovations in NLP to do so. First, several recent works have proposed methods for judging the factuality of open-ended text by measuring consistency with an external knowledge base or simply a large model's confidence scores. Second, the direct preference optimization algorithm enables straightforward fine-tuning of language models on objectives other than supervised imitation, using a preference ranking over possible model responses. We show that learning from automatically generated factuality preference rankings, generated either through existing retrieval systems or our novel retrieval-free approach, significantly improves the factuality (percent of generated claims that are correct) of Llama-2 on held-out topics compared with RLHF or decoding strategies targeted at factuality. At 7B scale, compared to Llama-2-chat, we observe 58% and 40% reduction in factual error rate when generating biographies and answering medical questions, respectively.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Towards Few-Annotation Learning in Computer Vision: Application to Image Classification and Object Detection tasks Abstract: In this thesis, we develop theoretical, algorithmic and experimental contributions for Machine Learning with limited labels, and more specifically for the tasks of Image Classification and Object Detection in Computer Vision. In a first contribution, we are interested in bridging the gap between theory and practice for popular Meta-Learning algorithms used in Few-Shot Classification. We make connections to Multi-Task Representation Learning, which benefits from solid theoretical foundations, to verify the best conditions for a more efficient meta-learning. Then, to leverage unlabeled data when training object detectors based on the Transformer architecture, we propose both an unsupervised pretraining and a semi-supervised learning method in two other separate contributions. For pretraining, we improve Contrastive Learning for object detectors by introducing the localization information. Finally, our semi-supervised method is the first tailored to transformer-based detectors.
Computer Vision
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Title: Unnatural Error Correction: GPT-4 Can Almost Perfectly Handle Unnatural Scrambled Text Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in many tasks, much about their inner workings remains unclear. In this study, we present novel experimental insights into the resilience of LLMs, particularly GPT-4, when subjected to extensive character-level permutations. To investigate this, we first propose the Scrambled Bench, a suite designed to measure the capacity of LLMs to handle scrambled input, in terms of both recovering scrambled sentences and answering questions given scrambled context. The experimental results indicate that most powerful LLMs demonstrate the capability akin to typoglycemia, a phenomenon where humans can understand the meaning of words even when the letters within those words are scrambled, as long as the first and last letters remain in place. More surprisingly, we found that only GPT-4 nearly flawlessly processes inputs with unnatural errors, even under the extreme condition, a task that poses significant challenges for other LLMs and often even for humans. Specifically, GPT-4 can almost perfectly reconstruct the original sentences from scrambled ones, decreasing the edit distance by 95%, even when all letters within each word are entirely scrambled. It is counter-intuitive that LLMs can exhibit such resilience despite severe disruption to input tokenization caused by scrambled text.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: E-CORE: Emotion Correlation Enhanced Empathetic Dialogue Generation Abstract: Achieving empathy is a crucial step toward humanized dialogue systems. Current approaches for empathetic dialogue generation mainly perceive an emotional label to generate an empathetic response conditioned on it, which simply treat emotions independently, but ignore the intrinsic emotion correlation in dialogues, resulting in inaccurate emotion perception and unsuitable response generation. In this paper, we propose a novel emotion correlation enhanced empathetic dialogue generation framework, which comprehensively realizes emotion correlation learning, utilization, and supervising. Specifically, a multi-resolution emotion graph is devised to capture context-based emotion interactions from different resolutions, further modeling emotion correlation. Then we propose an emotion correlation enhanced decoder, with a novel correlation-aware aggregation and soft/hard strategy, respectively improving the emotion perception and response generation. Experimental results on the benchmark dataset demonstrate the superiority of our model in both empathetic perception and expression.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Towards More Likely Models for AI Planning Abstract: This is the first work to look at the application of large language models (LLMs) for the purpose of model space edits in automated planning tasks. To set the stage for this sangam, we explore two different flavors of model space problems that have been studied in the AI planning literature and explore the effect of an LLM on those tasks. We empirically demonstrate how the performance of an LLM contrasts with combinatorial search (CS) - an approach that has been traditionally used to solve model space tasks in planning, both with the LLM in the role of a standalone model space reasoner as well as in the role of a statistical signal in concert with the CS approach as part of a two-stage process. Our experiments show promising results suggesting further forays of LLMs into the exciting world of model space reasoning for planning tasks in the future.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: BoschAI @ Causal News Corpus 2023: Robust Cause-Effect Span Extraction using Multi-Layer Sequence Tagging and Data Augmentation Abstract: Understanding causality is a core aspect of intelligence. The Event Causality Identification with Causal News Corpus Shared Task addresses two aspects of this challenge: Subtask 1 aims at detecting causal relationships in texts, and Subtask 2 requires identifying signal words and the spans that refer to the cause or effect, respectively. Our system, which is based on pre-trained transformers, stacked sequence tagging, and synthetic data augmentation, ranks third in Subtask 1 and wins Subtask 2 with an F1 score of 72.8, corresponding to a margin of 13 pp. to the second-best system.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Hybrid Minimax-MCTS and Difficulty Adjustment for General Game Playing Abstract: Board games are a great source of entertainment for all ages, as they create a competitive and engaging environment, as well as stimulating learning and strategic thinking. It is common for digital versions of board games, as any other type of digital games, to offer the option to select the difficulty of the game. This is usually done by customizing the search parameters of the AI algorithm. However, this approach cannot be extended to General Game Playing agents, as different games might require different parametrization for each difficulty level. In this paper, we present a general approach to implement an artificial intelligence opponent with difficulty levels for zero-sum games, together with a propose of a Minimax-MCTS hybrid algorithm, which combines the minimax search process with GGP aspects of MCTS. This approach was tested in our mobile application LoBoGames, an extensible board games platform, that is intended to have an broad catalog of games, with an emphasis on accessibility: the platform is friendly to visually-impaired users, and is compatible with more than 92\% of Android devices. The tests in this work indicate that both the hybrid Minimax-MCTS and the new difficulty adjustment system are promising GGP approaches that could be expanded in future work.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Fine-Tuning Language Models Using Formal Methods Feedback Abstract: Although pre-trained language models encode generic knowledge beneficial for planning and control, they may fail to generate appropriate control policies for domain-specific tasks. Existing fine-tuning methods use human feedback to address this limitation, however, sourcing human feedback is labor intensive and costly. We present a fully automated approach to fine-tune pre-trained language models for applications in autonomous systems, bridging the gap between generic knowledge and domain-specific requirements while reducing cost. The method synthesizes automaton-based controllers from pre-trained models guided by natural language task descriptions. These controllers are verifiable against independently provided specifications within a world model, which can be abstract or obtained from a high-fidelity simulator. Controllers with high compliance with the desired specifications receive higher ranks, guiding the iterative fine-tuning process. We provide quantitative evidences, primarily in autonomous driving, to demonstrate the method's effectiveness across multiple tasks. The results indicate an improvement in percentage of specifications satisfied by the controller from 60% to 90%.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Adversarial Preference Optimization Abstract: Human preference alignment is a crucial training step to improve the interaction quality of large language models (LLMs). Existing aligning methods depend on manually annotated preference data to guide the LLM optimization directions. However, in practice, continuously updating LLMs raises a distribution gap between model-generated samples and human-preferred responses, which hinders model fine-tuning efficiency. To mitigate this issue, previous methods require additional preference annotation on generated samples to adapt the shifted distribution, which consumes a large amount of annotation resources. Targeting more efficient human preference optimization, we propose an adversarial preference optimization (APO) framework, where the LLM agent and the preference model update alternatively via a min-max game. Without additional annotation, our APO method can make a self-adaption to the generation distribution gap through the adversarial learning process. In experiments, we empirically verify the effectiveness of APO in improving LLM's helpfulness and harmlessness compared with rejection sampling baselines.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: FakeWatch ElectionShield: A Benchmarking Framework to Detect Fake News for Credible US Elections Abstract: In today's technologically driven world, the spread of fake news, particularly during crucial events such as elections, presents an increasing challenge to the integrity of information. To address this challenge, we introduce FakeWatch ElectionShield, an innovative framework carefully designed to detect fake news. We have created a novel dataset of North American election-related news articles through a blend of advanced language models (LMs) and thorough human verification, for precision and relevance. We propose a model hub of LMs for identifying fake news. Our goal is to provide the research community with adaptable and accurate classification models in recognizing the dynamic nature of misinformation. Extensive evaluation of fake news classifiers on our dataset and a benchmark dataset shows our that while state-of-the-art LMs slightly outperform the traditional ML models, classical models are still competitive with their balance of accuracy, explainability, and computational efficiency. This research sets the foundation for future studies to address misinformation related to elections.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Assessing Neural Network Representations During Training Using Noise-Resilient Diffusion Spectral Entropy Abstract: Entropy and mutual information in neural networks provide rich information on the learning process, but they have proven difficult to compute reliably in high dimensions. Indeed, in noisy and high-dimensional data, traditional estimates in ambient dimensions approach a fixed entropy and are prohibitively hard to compute. To address these issues, we leverage data geometry to access the underlying manifold and reliably compute these information-theoretic measures. Specifically, we define diffusion spectral entropy (DSE) in neural representations of a dataset as well as diffusion spectral mutual information (DSMI) between different variables representing data. First, we show that they form noise-resistant measures of intrinsic dimensionality and relationship strength in high-dimensional simulated data that outperform classic Shannon entropy, nonparametric estimation, and mutual information neural estimation (MINE). We then study the evolution of representations in classification networks with supervised learning, self-supervision, or overfitting. We observe that (1) DSE of neural representations increases during training; (2) DSMI with the class label increases during generalizable learning but stays stagnant during overfitting; (3) DSMI with the input signal shows differing trends: on MNIST it increases, while on CIFAR-10 and STL-10 it decreases. Finally, we show that DSE can be used to guide better network initialization and that DSMI can be used to predict downstream classification accuracy across 962 models on ImageNet. The official implementation is available at
Computer Vision
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Title: Unveiling Safety Vulnerabilities of Large Language Models Abstract: As large language models become more prevalent, their possible harmful or inappropriate responses are a cause for concern. This paper introduces a unique dataset containing adversarial examples in the form of questions, which we call AttaQ, designed to provoke such harmful or inappropriate responses. We assess the efficacy of our dataset by analyzing the vulnerabilities of various models when subjected to it. Additionally, we introduce a novel automatic approach for identifying and naming vulnerable semantic regions - input semantic areas for which the model is likely to produce harmful outputs. This is achieved through the application of specialized clustering techniques that consider both the semantic similarity of the input attacks and the harmfulness of the model's responses. Automatically identifying vulnerable semantic regions enhances the evaluation of model weaknesses, facilitating targeted improvements to its safety mechanisms and overall reliability.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: TencentLLMEval: A Hierarchical Evaluation of Real-World Capabilities for Human-Aligned LLMs Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities across various natural language tasks. However, evaluating their alignment with human preferences remains a challenge. To this end, we propose a comprehensive human evaluation framework to assess LLMs' proficiency in following instructions on diverse real-world tasks. We construct a hierarchical task tree encompassing 7 major areas covering over 200 categories and over 800 tasks, which covers diverse capabilities such as question answering, reasoning, multiturn dialogue, and text generation, to evaluate LLMs in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. We also design detailed evaluation standards and processes to facilitate consistent, unbiased judgments from human evaluators. A test set of over 3,000 instances is released, spanning different difficulty levels and knowledge domains. Our work provides a standardized methodology to evaluate human alignment in LLMs for both English and Chinese. We also analyze the feasibility of automating parts of evaluation with a strong LLM (GPT-4). Our framework supports a thorough assessment of LLMs as they are integrated into real-world applications. We have made publicly available the task tree, TencentLLMEval dataset, and evaluation methodology which have been demonstrated as effective in assessing the performance of Tencent Hunyuan LLMs. By doing so, we aim to facilitate the benchmarking of advances in the development of safe and human-aligned LLMs.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: FRAD: Front-Running Attacks Detection on Ethereum using Ternary Classification Model Abstract: With the evolution of blockchain technology, the issue of transaction security, particularly on platforms like Ethereum, has become increasingly critical. Front-running attacks, a unique form of security threat, pose significant challenges to the integrity of blockchain transactions. In these attack scenarios, malicious actors monitor other users' transaction activities, then strategically submit their own transactions with higher fees. This ensures their transactions are executed before the monitored transactions are included in the block. The primary objective of this paper is to delve into a comprehensive classification of transactions associated with front-running attacks, which aims to equip developers with specific strategies to counter each type of attack. To achieve this, we introduce a novel detection method named FRAD (Front-Running Attacks Detection on Ethereum using Ternary Classification Model). This method is specifically tailored for transactions within decentralized applications (DApps) on Ethereum, enabling accurate classification of front-running attacks involving transaction displacement, insertion, and suppression. Our experimental validation reveals that the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier offers the best performance in detecting front-running attacks, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 84.59% and F1-score of 84.60%.
Cryptography and Security
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Title: Analyzing and Improving the Training Dynamics of Diffusion Models Abstract: Diffusion models currently dominate the field of data-driven image synthesis with their unparalleled scaling to large datasets. In this paper, we identify and rectify several causes for uneven and ineffective training in the popular ADM diffusion model architecture, without altering its high-level structure. Observing uncontrolled magnitude changes and imbalances in both the network activations and weights over the course of training, we redesign the network layers to preserve activation, weight, and update magnitudes on expectation. We find that systematic application of this philosophy eliminates the observed drifts and imbalances, resulting in considerably better networks at equal computational complexity. Our modifications improve the previous record FID of 2.41 in ImageNet-512 synthesis to 1.81, achieved using fast deterministic sampling. As an independent contribution, we present a method for setting the exponential moving average (EMA) parameters post-hoc, i.e., after completing the training run. This allows precise tuning of EMA length without the cost of performing several training runs, and reveals its surprising interactions with network architecture, training time, and guidance.
Computer Vision
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Title: Converting and Smoothing False Negatives for Vision-Language Pre-training Abstract: We consider the critical issue of false negatives in Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP), a challenge that arises from the inherent many-to-many correspondence of image-text pairs in large-scale web-crawled datasets. The presence of false negatives can impede achieving optimal performance and even lead to learning failures. To address this challenge, we propose a method called COSMO (COnverting and SMOoothing false negatives) that manages the false negative issues, especially powerful in hard negative sampling. Building upon the recently developed GRouped mIni-baTch sampling (GRIT) strategy, our approach consists of two pivotal components: 1) an efficient connection mining process that identifies and converts false negatives into positives, and 2) label smoothing for the image-text contrastive loss (ITC). Our comprehensive experiments verify the effectiveness of COSMO across multiple downstream tasks, emphasizing the crucial role of addressing false negatives in VLP, potentially even surpassing the importance of addressing false positives. In addition, the compatibility of COSMO with the recent BLIP-family model is also demonstrated.
Computer Vision
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Title: Prompt Engineering a Prompt Engineer Abstract: Prompt engineering is a challenging yet crucial task for optimizing the performance of large language models (LLMs). It requires complex reasoning to examine the model's errors, hypothesize what is missing or misleading in the current prompt, and communicate the task with clarity. While recent works indicate that LLMs can be meta-prompted to perform automatic prompt engineering, their potentials may not be fully untapped due to the lack of sufficient guidance to elicit complex reasoning capabilities in LLMs in the meta-prompt. In this work, we investigate the problem of "prompt engineering a prompt engineer" -- constructing a meta-prompt that more effectively guides LLMs to perform automatic prompt engineering. We introduce and analyze key components, such as a step-by-step reasoning template and context specification, which lead to improved performance. In addition, inspired by common optimization concepts such as batch size, step size and momentum, we introduce their verbalized counterparts to the meta-prompt and investigate their effects. Our final method, named PE2, finds a prompt that outperforms "let's think step by step" by 6.3% on the MultiArith dataset and 3.1% on the GSM8K dataset. To demonstrate its versatility, we apply PE2 to the Instruction Induction benchmark, a suite of counterfactual tasks, and a lengthy, real-world industrial prompt. In these settings, PE2 achieves strong performance and outperforms prior automatic prompt engineering baselines. Further, we show that PE2 makes meaningful and targeted prompt edits, amends erroneous or incomplete prompts, and presents non-trivial counterfactual reasoning abilities.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Characterizing Large Language Model Geometry Solves Toxicity Detection and Generation Abstract: Large Language Models~(LLMs) drive current AI breakthroughs despite very little being known about their internal representations, e.g., how to extract a few informative features to solve various downstream tasks. To provide a practical and principled answer, we propose to characterize LLMs from a geometric perspective. We obtain in closed form (i) the intrinsic dimension in which the Multi-Head Attention embeddings are constrained to exist and (ii) the partition and per-region affine mappings of the per-layer feedforward networks. Our results are informative, do not rely on approximations, and are actionable. First, we show that, motivated by our geometric interpretation, we can bypass Llama$2$'s RLHF by controlling its embedding's intrinsic dimension through informed prompt manipulation. Second, we derive $7$ interpretable spline features that can be extracted from any (pre-trained) LLM layer, providing a rich abstract representation of their inputs. Those features alone ($224$ for Mistral-7B/Llama$2$-7B and $560$ for Llama$2$-70B) are sufficient to help solve toxicity detection, infer the domain of the prompt, and even tackle the Jigsaw challenge, which aims at characterizing the type of toxicity of various prompts. Our results demonstrate how, even in large-scale regimes, exact theoretical results can answer practical questions in language models. Code: \url{}.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: BaRDa: A Belief and Reasoning Dataset that Separates Factual Accuracy and Reasoning Ability Abstract: While there are numerous benchmarks comparing the performance of modern language models (LMs), end-task evaluations often conflate notions of *factual accuracy* ("truth") and *reasoning ability* ("rationality", or "honesty" in the sense of correctly reporting implications of beliefs). Our goal is a dataset that clearly distinguishes these two notions. Our approach is to leverage and extend a collection of human-annotated *entailment trees*, engineered to express both good and bad chains of reasoning, and using a mixture of true and false facts, in particular including counterfactual examples, to avoid belief bias (also known as the "content effect"). The resulting dataset, called BaRDa, contains 3000 entailments (1787 valid, 1213 invalid), using 6681 true and 2319 false statements. Testing on four GPT-series models, GPT3(curie)/GPT3(davinici)/3.5/4, we find factual accuracy (truth) scores of 74.1/80.6/82.6/87.1 and reasoning accuracy scores of 63.1/78.0/71.8/79.2. This shows the clear progression of models towards improved factual accuracy and entailment reasoning, and the dataset provides a new benchmark that more cleanly separates and quantifies these two notions.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Generalization in medical AI: a perspective on developing scalable models Abstract: Over the past few years, research has witnessed the advancement of deep learning models trained on large datasets, some even encompassing millions of examples. While these impressive performance on their hidden test sets, they often underperform when assessed on external datasets. Recognizing the critical role of generalization in medical AI development, many prestigious journals now require reporting results both on the local hidden test set as well as on external datasets before considering a study for publication. Effectively, the field of medical AI has transitioned from the traditional usage of a single dataset that is split into train and test to a more comprehensive framework using multiple datasets, some of which are used for model development (source domain) and others for testing (target domains). However, this new experimental setting does not necessarily resolve the challenge of generalization. This is because of the variability encountered in intended use and specificities across hospital cultures making the idea of universally generalizable systems a myth. On the other hand, the systematic, and a fortiori recurrent re-calibration, of models at the individual hospital level, although ideal, may be overoptimistic given the legal, regulatory and technical challenges that are involved. Re-calibration using transfer learning may not even be possible in some instances where reference labels of target domains are not available. In this perspective we establish a hierarchical three-level scale system reflecting the generalization level of a medical AI algorithm. This scale better reflects the diversity of real-world medical scenarios per which target domain data for re-calibration of models may or not be available and if it is, may or not have reference labels systematically available.
Machine Learning
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Title: PatchBMI-Net: Lightweight Facial Patch-based Ensemble for BMI Prediction Abstract: Due to an alarming trend related to obesity affecting 93.3 million adults in the United States alone, body mass index (BMI) and body weight have drawn significant interest in various health monitoring applications. Consequently, several studies have proposed self-diagnostic facial image-based BMI prediction methods for healthy weight monitoring. These methods have mostly used convolutional neural network (CNN) based regression baselines, such as VGG19, ResNet50, and Efficient-NetB0, for BMI prediction from facial images. However, the high computational requirement of these heavy-weight CNN models limits their deployment to resource-constrained mobile devices, thus deterring weight monitoring using smartphones. This paper aims to develop a lightweight facial patch-based ensemble (PatchBMI-Net) for BMI prediction to facilitate the deployment and weight monitoring using smartphones. Extensive experiments on BMI-annotated facial image datasets suggest that our proposed PatchBMI-Net model can obtain Mean Absolute Error (MAE) in the range [3.58, 6.51] with a size of about 3.3 million parameters. On cross-comparison with heavyweight models, such as ResNet-50 and Xception, trained for BMI prediction from facial images, our proposed PatchBMI-Net obtains equivalent MAE along with the model size reduction of about 5.4x and the average inference time reduction of about 3x when deployed on Apple-14 smartphone. Thus, demonstrating performance efficiency as well as low latency for on-device deployment and weight monitoring using smartphone applications.
Computer Vision
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Title: Enhancing Medical Task Performance in GPT-4V: A Comprehensive Study on Prompt Engineering Strategies Abstract: OpenAI's latest large vision-language model (LVLM), GPT-4V(ision), has piqued considerable interest for its potential in medical applications. Despite its promise, recent studies and internal reviews highlight its underperformance in specialized medical tasks. This paper explores the boundary of GPT-4V's capabilities in medicine, particularly in processing complex imaging data from endoscopies, CT scans, and MRIs etc. Leveraging open-source datasets, we assessed its foundational competencies, identifying substantial areas for enhancement. Our research emphasizes prompt engineering, an often-underutilized strategy for improving AI responsiveness. Through iterative testing, we refined the model's prompts, significantly improving its interpretative accuracy and relevance in medical imaging. From our comprehensive evaluations, we distilled 10 effective prompt engineering techniques, each fortifying GPT-4V's medical acumen. These methodical enhancements facilitate more reliable, precise, and clinically valuable insights from GPT-4V, advancing its operability in critical healthcare environments. Our findings are pivotal for those employing AI in medicine, providing clear, actionable guidance on harnessing GPT-4V's full diagnostic potential.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Learning Adversarial Low-rank Markov Decision Processes with Unknown Transition and Full-information Feedback Abstract: In this work, we study the low-rank MDPs with adversarially changed losses in the full-information feedback setting. In particular, the unknown transition probability kernel admits a low-rank matrix decomposition \citep{REPUCB22}, and the loss functions may change adversarially but are revealed to the learner at the end of each episode. We propose a policy optimization-based algorithm POLO, and we prove that it attains the $\widetilde{O}(K^{\frac{5}{6}}A^{\frac{1}{2}}d\ln(1+M)/(1-\gamma)^2)$ regret guarantee, where $d$ is rank of the transition kernel (and hence the dimension of the unknown representations), $A$ is the cardinality of the action space, $M$ is the cardinality of the model class, and $\gamma$ is the discounted factor. Notably, our algorithm is oracle-efficient and has a regret guarantee with no dependence on the size of potentially arbitrarily large state space. Furthermore, we also prove an $\Omega(\frac{\gamma^2}{1-\gamma} \sqrt{d A K})$ regret lower bound for this problem, showing that low-rank MDPs are statistically more difficult to learn than linear MDPs in the regret minimization setting. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first algorithm that interleaves representation learning, exploration, and exploitation to achieve the sublinear regret guarantee for RL with nonlinear function approximation and adversarial losses.
Machine Learning
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Title: MONET: Modality-Embracing Graph Convolutional Network and Target-Aware Attention for Multimedia Recommendation Abstract: In this paper, we focus on multimedia recommender systems using graph convolutional networks (GCNs) where the multimodal features as well as user-item interactions are employed together. Our study aims to exploit multimodal features more effectively in order to accurately capture users' preferences for items. To this end, we point out following two limitations of existing GCN-based multimedia recommender systems: (L1) although multimodal features of interacted items by a user can reveal her preferences on items, existing methods utilize GCN designed to focus only on capturing collaborative signals, resulting in insufficient reflection of the multimodal features in the final user/item embeddings; (L2) although a user decides whether to prefer the target item by considering its multimodal features, existing methods represent her as only a single embedding regardless of the target item's multimodal features and then utilize her embedding to predict her preference for the target item. To address the above issues, we propose a novel multimedia recommender system, named MONET, composed of following two core ideas: modality-embracing GCN (MeGCN) and target-aware attention. Through extensive experiments using four real-world datasets, we demonstrate i) the significant superiority of MONET over seven state-of-the-art competitors (up to 30.32% higher accuracy in terms of recall@20, compared to the best competitor) and ii) the effectiveness of the two core ideas in MONET. All MONET codes are available at
Information Retrieval
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Title: Bias-Variance Trade-off in Physics-Informed Neural Networks with Randomized Smoothing for High-Dimensional PDEs Abstract: While physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have been proven effective for low-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs), the computational cost remains a hurdle in high-dimensional scenarios. This is particularly pronounced when computing high-order and high-dimensional derivatives in the physics-informed loss. Randomized Smoothing PINN (RS-PINN) introduces Gaussian noise for stochastic smoothing of the original neural net model, enabling Monte Carlo methods for derivative approximation, eliminating the need for costly auto-differentiation. Despite its computational efficiency in high dimensions, RS-PINN introduces biases in both loss and gradients, negatively impacting convergence, especially when coupled with stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We present a comprehensive analysis of biases in RS-PINN, attributing them to the nonlinearity of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss and the PDE nonlinearity. We propose tailored bias correction techniques based on the order of PDE nonlinearity. The unbiased RS-PINN allows for a detailed examination of its pros and cons compared to the biased version. Specifically, the biased version has a lower variance and runs faster than the unbiased version, but it is less accurate due to the bias. To optimize the bias-variance trade-off, we combine the two approaches in a hybrid method that balances the rapid convergence of the biased version with the high accuracy of the unbiased version. In addition, we present an enhanced implementation of RS-PINN. Extensive experiments on diverse high-dimensional PDEs, including Fokker-Planck, HJB, viscous Burgers', Allen-Cahn, and Sine-Gordon equations, illustrate the bias-variance trade-off and highlight the effectiveness of the hybrid RS-PINN. Empirical guidelines are provided for selecting biased, unbiased, or hybrid versions, depending on the dimensionality and nonlinearity of the specific PDE problem.
Machine Learning
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Title: Kindness in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Abstract: In human societies, people often incorporate fairness in their decisions and treat reciprocally by being kind to those who act kindly. They evaluate the kindness of others' actions not only by monitoring the outcomes but also by considering the intentions. This behavioral concept can be adapted to train cooperative agents in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). We propose the KindMARL method, where agents' intentions are measured by counterfactual reasoning over the environmental impact of the actions that were available to the agents. More specifically, the current environment state is compared with the estimation of the current environment state provided that the agent had chosen another action. The difference between each agent's reward, as the outcome of its action, with that of its fellow, multiplied by the intention of the fellow is then taken as the fellow's "kindness". If the result of each reward-comparison confirms the agent's superiority, it perceives the fellow's kindness and reduces its own reward. Experimental results in the Cleanup and Harvest environments show that training based on the KindMARL method enabled the agents to earn 89\% (resp. 37\%) and 44% (resp. 43\%) more total rewards than training based on the Inequity Aversion and Social Influence methods. The effectiveness of KindMARL is further supported by experiments in a traffic light control problem.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Two-Stage Predict+Optimize for Mixed Integer Linear Programs with Unknown Parameters in Constraints Abstract: Consider the setting of constrained optimization, with some parameters unknown at solving time and requiring prediction from relevant features. Predict+Optimize is a recent framework for end-to-end training supervised learning models for such predictions, incorporating information about the optimization problem in the training process in order to yield better predictions in terms of the quality of the predicted solution under the true parameters. Almost all prior works have focused on the special case where the unknowns appear only in the optimization objective and not the constraints. Hu et al.~proposed the first adaptation of Predict+Optimize to handle unknowns appearing in constraints, but the framework has somewhat ad-hoc elements, and they provided a training algorithm only for covering and packing linear programs. In this work, we give a new \emph{simpler} and \emph{more powerful} framework called \emph{Two-Stage Predict+Optimize}, which we believe should be the canonical framework for the Predict+Optimize setting. We also give a training algorithm usable for all mixed integer linear programs, vastly generalizing the applicability of the framework. Experimental results demonstrate the superior prediction performance of our training framework over all classical and state-of-the-art methods.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: Improved Anonymous Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Abstract: We consider an Anonymous Multi-Agent Path-Finding (AMAPF) problem where the set of agents is confined to a graph, a set of goal vertices is given and each of these vertices has to be reached by some agent. The problem is to find an assignment of the goals to the agents as well as the collision-free paths, and we are interested in finding the solution with the optimal makespan. A well-established approach to solve this problem is to reduce it to a special type of a graph search problem, i.e. to the problem of finding a maximum flow on an auxiliary graph induced by the input one. The size of the former graph may be very large and the search on it may become a bottleneck. To this end, we suggest a specific search algorithm that leverages the idea of exploring the search space not through considering separate search states but rather bulks of them simultaneously. That is, we implicitly compress, store and expand bulks of the search states as single states, which results in high reduction in runtime and memory. Empirically, the resultant AMAPF solver demonstrates superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art competitor and is able to solve all publicly available MAPF instances from the well-known MovingAI benchmark in less than 30 seconds.
Artificial Intelligence
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Title: On the stability, correctness and plausibility of visual explanation methods based on feature importance Abstract: In the field of Explainable AI, multiples evaluation metrics have been proposed in order to assess the quality of explanation methods w.r.t. a set of desired properties. In this work, we study the articulation between the stability, correctness and plausibility of explanations based on feature importance for image classifiers. We show that the existing metrics for evaluating these properties do not always agree, raising the issue of what constitutes a good evaluation metric for explanations. Finally, in the particular case of stability and correctness, we show the possible limitations of some evaluation metrics and propose new ones that take into account the local behaviour of the model under test.
Computer Vision
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Title: JudgeLM: Fine-tuned Large Language Models are Scalable Judges Abstract: Evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) in open-ended scenarios is challenging because existing benchmarks and metrics can not measure them comprehensively. To address this problem, we propose to fine-tune LLMs as scalable judges (JudgeLM) to evaluate LLMs efficiently and effectively in open-ended benchmarks. We first propose a comprehensive, large-scale, high-quality dataset containing task seeds, LLMs-generated answers, and GPT-4-generated judgments for fine-tuning high-performance judges, as well as a new benchmark for evaluating the judges. We train JudgeLM at different scales from 7B, 13B, to 33B parameters, and conduct a systematic analysis of its capabilities and behaviors. We then analyze the key biases in fine-tuning LLM as a judge and consider them as position bias, knowledge bias, and format bias. To address these issues, JudgeLM introduces a bag of techniques including swap augmentation, reference support, and reference drop, which clearly enhance the judge's performance. JudgeLM obtains the state-of-the-art judge performance on both the existing PandaLM benchmark and our proposed new benchmark. Our JudgeLM is efficient and the JudgeLM-7B only needs 3 minutes to judge 5K samples with 8 A100 GPUs. JudgeLM obtains high agreement with the teacher judge, achieving an agreement exceeding 90% that even surpasses human-to-human agreement. JudgeLM also demonstrates extended capabilities in being judges of the single answer, multimodal models, multiple answers, and multi-turn chat.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Positional Description Matters for Transformers Arithmetic Abstract: Transformers, central to the successes in modern Natural Language Processing, often falter on arithmetic tasks despite their vast capabilities --which paradoxically include remarkable coding abilities. We observe that a crucial challenge is their naive reliance on positional information to solve arithmetic problems with a small number of digits, leading to poor performance on larger numbers. Herein, we delve deeper into the role of positional encoding, and propose several ways to fix the issue, either by modifying the positional encoding directly, or by modifying the representation of the arithmetic task to leverage standard positional encoding differently. We investigate the value of these modifications for three tasks: (i) classical multiplication, (ii) length extrapolation in addition, and (iii) addition in natural language context. For (i) we train a small model on a small dataset (100M parameters and 300k samples) with remarkable aptitude in (direct, no scratchpad) 15 digits multiplication and essentially perfect up to 12 digits, while usual training in this context would give a model failing at 4 digits multiplication. In the experiments on addition, we use a mere 120k samples to demonstrate: for (ii) extrapolation from 10 digits to testing on 12 digits numbers while usual training would have no extrapolation, and for (iii) almost perfect accuracy up to 5 digits while usual training would be correct only up to 3 digits (which is essentially memorization with a training set of 120k samples).
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Rethinking and Improving Multi-task Learning for End-to-end Speech Translation Abstract: Significant improvements in end-to-end speech translation (ST) have been achieved through the application of multi-task learning. However, the extent to which auxiliary tasks are highly consistent with the ST task, and how much this approach truly helps, have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we investigate the consistency between different tasks, considering different times and modules. We find that the textual encoder primarily facilitates cross-modal conversion, but the presence of noise in speech impedes the consistency between text and speech representations. Furthermore, we propose an improved multi-task learning (IMTL) approach for the ST task, which bridges the modal gap by mitigating the difference in length and representation. We conduct experiments on the MuST-C dataset. The results demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art results. Moreover, when additional data is used, we achieve the new SOTA result on MuST-C English to Spanish task with 20.8% of the training time required by the current SOTA method.
Computational Linguistics
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Title: Image Transformation for IoT Time-Series Data: A Review Abstract: In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), where smartphones, built-in systems, wireless sensors, and nearly every smart device connect through local networks or the internet, billions of smart things communicate with each other and generate vast amounts of time-series data. As IoT time-series data is high-dimensional and high-frequency, time-series classification or regression has been a challenging issue in IoT. Recently, deep learning algorithms have demonstrated superior performance results in time-series data classification in many smart and intelligent IoT applications. However, it is hard to explore the hidden dynamic patterns and trends in time-series. Recent studies show that transforming IoT data into images improves the performance of the learning model. In this paper, we present a review of these studies which use image transformation/encoding techniques in IoT domain. We examine the studies according to their encoding techniques, data types, and application areas. Lastly, we emphasize the challenges and future dimensions of image transformation.
Machine Learning
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Title: When does In-context Learning Fall Short and Why? A Study on Specification-Heavy Tasks Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) has become the default method for using large language models (LLMs), making the exploration of its limitations and understanding the underlying causes crucial. In this paper, we find that ICL falls short of handling specification-heavy tasks, which are tasks with complicated and extensive task specifications, requiring several hours for ordinary humans to master, such as traditional information extraction tasks. The performance of ICL on these tasks mostly cannot reach half of the state-of-the-art results. To explore the reasons behind this failure, we conduct comprehensive experiments on 18 specification-heavy tasks with various LLMs and identify three primary reasons: inability to specifically understand context, misalignment in task schema comprehension with humans, and inadequate long-text understanding ability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that through fine-tuning, LLMs can achieve decent performance on these tasks, indicating that the failure of ICL is not an inherent flaw of LLMs, but rather a drawback of existing alignment methods that renders LLMs incapable of handling complicated specification-heavy tasks via ICL. To substantiate this, we perform dedicated instruction tuning on LLMs for these tasks and observe a notable improvement. We hope the analyses in this paper could facilitate advancements in alignment methods enabling LLMs to meet more sophisticated human demands.
Computational Linguistics