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1911_public laws_51_38 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 50 | 37 | CHAPTER 50 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 440, PUBLIC LAWS 1909, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF TAXBS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter four hundred and forty -440 of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine be amended so as here- after to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Boarp or State TAX COMMISSIONERS. | Penalty for not listing personal property. Any person, firm or corporation in this State owning or holding personal property of any nature or description, individually or as agent, trustee, guardian, administrator, executor, assignee, or receiver, which property is subject to assessment, who shall intentionally make a FALSE statement to the assessor or assistant assessor of his assessment district, or to the board of equalization thereof, for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the just and proportionate taxes thereon, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars for every hundred dollars or major fraction thereof so withheld from the knowledge of such assessor, assistant assessor, or board of equalization. It is hereby made a duty of the sheriff of any county, upon complaint made to him by any taxpayer of the assessment district, in which it is alleged that property has been so withheld from the knowledge of the assessor, assistant assessor, or board of equalization or not included in the said statement, to investigate the case forthwith and bring an action in the Superior Court in the name of the State against the person so complained of. All forfeitures collected under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the county treasury. |
1945_session laws_128_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 127 | 3 | CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AMEND THE BANKING LAW WITH REGARD TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LOANS OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BANKS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF TRUST ASSETS FROM ONE TRUST TO AN- OTHER BY THE SAME TRUSTEE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Section thirty-six twenty-nine of the General Statutes of North Carolina be amended by rewriting the same so as to read as follows: Sec. 36-29. Trustee selling from one trust to another trust. No trustee shall as trustee of one trust sell property to itself as trustee of another trust: Provided, assets of trust held by any bank or trust company under the supervision of the State Banking Commission may be sold or transferred from one trust to another trust if such transfer is expressly authorized by the instrument creating the trust from which the transfer is made, or if such transfer is approved by the board of directors by unanimous vote at a regular meeting, such action being recorded in the minutes. |
1949_session laws_713_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 712 | 1 | 1047 CHAPTER 712 AN ACT RELATING TO THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WASHINGTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board of Education of Washington County shall consist of five members to be named and appointed as hereinafter provided. |
1929_public laws_76_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 75 | 1 | CHAPTER 75 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CIVIL SUITS UPON NON-RESIDENT OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN ACTIONS OR PROCEEDINGS GROWING OUT OF ACCIDENTS OR COLLISIONS IN WHICH SUCH MOTOR VEHICLE OWN. ERS OR OPERATORS MAY BE INVOLVED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the acceptance by a non-resident of the rights and privileges conferred by the laws now or hereafter in force in this state permitting the operation of motor vehicles, as evidenced by the operation of a motor vehicle by such nonresident on the public highways of this state, or the operation by such non-resident of a motor vehicle on the public highways of the state other than permitted or regulated, shall be deemed equivalent to the appointment by such non-resident of the Commissioner of Revenue, or of his successor in office, to be his TRUE and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all summonses or other lawful process in any action or proceeding against him, growing out of any accident or collision in which said non-resident may be involved by reason of the operation by him, for him, or under his control or direction, express or implied, of a motor vehicle on such public highway of this State, and said acceptance or operation shall be a signification of his agreement that any such process against him shall be of the same legal force and validity as if served on him personally. Service of such process shall be made by leaving a copy thereof, with a fee of one dollar, in the hands of said Commissioner of Revenue, or in his office, and such service shall be sufficient service upon the said non-resident: Provided, that notice of such service and a copy of the process are forthwith sent by registered mail by the plaintiff or the Commissioner of Revenue to the defendant and the defendants return receipt and the plaintiffs affidavit of compliance herewith are appended to the summons or other process and filed with said summons, complaint and other papers in the cause. The court in which the action is pending shall order such continuance as may be necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. |
1895_private laws_3_9 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 2 | 8 | CHAPTER 2 An act to amend the charter of the town of Mount Airy, North Carolina, and to establish a system of graded schools therein. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The school committee created by this act may elect annually & superintendent for the schools established under this act, who shall be the principal of the graded school for whites if the same shall be established. The said superintendent shall [examine] all applicants for teachers positions in said school, and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the said school committee. |
1889_public laws_326_8 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 325 | 7 | CHAPTER 3825 An act to drain South Deep creek in Yadkin county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said overseer shall work out the said stream on or before the first day of September in each and every year. |
1899_private laws_18_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 17 | 1 | CHAPTER 17 An act to amend the charter of the town of Jamesville, Martin county. North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section two (2), chapter one hundred and fiftyeight (158), private laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one -1891 be stricken out, and the following inserted in lieu thereof: ) That the corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning on Roanoke river at the northern end of Smithwiclr street; thence southerly along Smithwick street to the northeast corner of W. T. Stallings dwelling-house tract of land, on said Smithwick street; thence westerly along said Stallings back fence to New street; thence southerly to Washington street; thence a southerly course continued one hundred and twenty yards -120 to a corner post; thence easterly to the southwest corner of Mrs. Fannie Lillys dwelling-house lot; thence southerly to the southwest corner of the A. J. Davis dwelling-house lot; thence easterly to the center of Maple branch; thence northerly along the center of said branch to Hardison street; thence easterly along Hardison street to the eastern end of said street; thence southerly one hundred and twenty yards -120 to a post; thence easterly to the Jamesville and Washington Railroad track; thence northerly along said railroad track to Roanoke river; thence up said Roanoke river along the waters edge to Smithwick street on said river, the beginning. |
1908 extra_private laws_7_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 6 | 2 | CHAPTER 6 AN ACT.TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WEBSTER, IN JACKSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the corporate limits of said Town of Webster shall be as follows: Beginning at the bank of Tuckaseigee River in the line between A. W. Davis and J. M. Loves heirs, and running up the ridge with Davis line to Felix E. Alleys. line; thence with Alleys upper outside line to F. H. Leatherwoods line; thence with Leatherwoods upper outside line to L. L. Buchanans line; thence with Buchanans line to a point above the reservoir of the Webster waterworks; thence in an easterly direction, so as to include said reservoir and waterworks, crossing the lands of Tyler Buchanan, Mrs. R. F. McKee and W. D. Frizell to J. W. Terrells line; thence with Terrells line to C. W. Davis line; thence with the said Davis outside line to the line between the county farm and J. W. Davis; thence with J. W. Davis upper line to A. V. P. Brysons line; thence a straight line to Tuckaseigee River; thence across said river to a stake on the bank of. said river between D. M. Fullbrights and J. J. Wilds land; thence with said Wilds upper line to J. Robert Ashes line; thence in a westerly direction, so as to include the lands of W. L. Cowan, J. W. Cowan and William Self to Hannah Halls line; thence with her outside line to the bank of Tuckaseigee River; thence up the river with its meanders to the beginning. |
1917_public laws_177_7 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 145 | 6 | CHAPTER 145 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF A ROSTER OR BLUE BOOK SHOWING THE OFFICERS AND EM- PLOYEES, AND THEIR COMPENSATION, IN EACH DE- PARTMENT OF THE STATE GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall not be construed to require the publication of the names of pensioners, nor of school teachers or officers not employed directly by the State Department of Education or the Superintendent of Public Instruction; but the amount of such money paid out of the State Treasury to the various counties of the State for pensions or educational purposes shall be set forth in said roster or Blue Book by counties; nor shall this act apply to the officers or employees of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, nor local agricultural or fair societies, nor to the orphan societies to the support of which the State contributes; but all institutions or departments of the State Government shall be considered to be embraced in this act which receive any appropriation from the State Treasury, general or special, except those above excepted. |
1933_public local laws_378_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 377 | 1 | CHAPTER 377 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE ACTS OF CERTAIN JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN MACON COUNTY. Whereas, it appearing that the Clerk of Superior Court of Macon County, in the years nineteen hundred and twenty-eight and nineteen hundred and thirty, appointed certain justices of the peace, and that said justices of the peace, acting in good faith, passed on various and sundry papers; and Whereas, the Clerk did not have the authority to appoint said justices of the peace, and that it is now necessary that their acts be validated: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the official acts performed by Onley Moses, I. V. Ramey, and any other justices of the peace in Macon County who were appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court in the years nineteen hundred and twenty-eight and nineteen hundred and thirty be and the same are hereby validated. |
1949_session laws_647_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 646 | 2 | 509 CHAPTER 646 AN ACT TO CREATE THE OFFICE OF TAX SUPERVISOR OF STOKES COUNTY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF STOKES COUNTY, IN ITS DISCRETION, TO APPOINT A BANK OR TRUST COMPANY TO ACT AS FINANCIAL AGENT FOR THE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall have all of the powers and be charged with all of the duties pertaining to tax supervisors in Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, including but not by way of limitation, Subchapter II of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, as amended or as the same may be hereafter amended. That in addition to his duties as tax supervisor, the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall ex-officio be the Tax Collector of Stokes County and as such tax collector, his duties shall include the collection of all taxes of whatever nature, penalties, interest and costs due the county, both current and delinquent, the collection of which is now imposed upon the sheriff, auditor or any other person collecting any of the taxes of the county in any manner whatsoever and shall also include the duty of reviewing, and correcting where necessary, the tax listings and the discovery and listing of unlisted property. The Tax Supervisor of Stokes County, as ex-officio tax collector of the county, shall be required to report all uncollected taxes to the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County at their regular meetings on the first Monday of each month and in addition thereto to report and turn over to the county treasurer or the financial agent or depository designated by the board of commissioners under the authority of this Act all taxes collected at the time of each meeting on the first Monday of each month. If at any time the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall collect and have on hand a sum in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), it shall be the duty of the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County to immediately pay over the whole sum to the County Treasurer of Stokes County or to the duly designated financial agent or depository of Stokes County named by the board of commissioners under the authority of this Act. That all tax releases executed by the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County or by some agent or officer designated by the Board of County Commissioners of Stokes County for the purpose of approving such tax releases. That except as herein provided, the Tax Supervisor of Stokes County, as ex-officio tax collector of the county, shall exercise all the powers, duties and obligations given to sheriffs or tax collectors by virtue of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, as amended or as the same may be hereafter amended, including but not by way of limitation, the powers, duties and obligations contained in Subchapter II of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes. |
1917_public local laws_621_11 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 620 | 10 | CHAPTER 620 AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE THE DEVELOPMENT OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The various State departments are herewith authorized to codperate in every way possible with the said board of trustees in carrying out the purposes of this act, and at the request of the chairman of said board of trustees shall furnish said chairman with copies of the publications of their department in so far as they shall be available. |
1957_session laws_369_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 368 | 3 | CHAPTER 368 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NASH COUNTY FOR INDUSTRIAL DE- VELOPMENT AND OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said fund when made available and appropriated annually as authorized by this Act shall be used and expended by said board, in its discretion, for the purpose of obtaining or aiding and encouraging the locating in Nash County of manufacturing, industrial business and commercial plants and enterprises, the agricultural development of Nash County and surrounding territory, the advertising of the suitability of said county and the advantages it has to offer in connection with the foregoing and for such other purposes as will in the opinion of said board increase the population, taxable property values and the general and material welfare of said county. It is hereby found and declared that the annual setting apart and the raising and providing for the fund as herein set forth and the expenditure thereof as herein authorized for the purposes aforesaid constitutes and is for a lawful public purpose and that said expenditures are in the public interest and will promote the public welfare. |
1909_private laws_2_9 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 1 | 1 | CHAPTER 1 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CAROLINA BONDING AND GUARANTY CORPORATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That when the requirements of this act have been complied with, the Insurance Commissioner shall issue to the corporation a certificate authorizing and licensing it, the said Carolina Bonding and Guaranty Corporation, to execute all bonds, obligations and undertakings and fully to exercise all the powers and carry on and conduct the business provided for in section three -8 of this chapter. |
1947_session laws_60_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 59 | 2 | CHAPTER 59 AN ACT TO REGULATE FIXED FEES OF JURORS IN HERTFORD COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1885_private laws_86_6 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 85 | 5 | CHAPTER 85 An act to extend the corporate limits and to amend the charter of the town of Greenville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the municipal affairs of said town shall be controlled by a mayor and six councilmen, who shall be known as the board of councilmen of Greenville. Each of the three wards shall elect two councilmen, who shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are qualified. The said officers shall be elected at an election on the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and on the same day every year thereafter. In case of vacancies occurring in said board of councilmen from any cause, the said board shall fill the same by an election among themselves. |
1919_private laws_167_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 166 | 1 | CHAPTER 166 AN ACT TO CORRECT AN ERROR IN HOUSE BILL 722, SEN- ATE BILL 781, RATIFIED ON MARCH 3, 1919, RELATING TO CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF AHOSKIE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section four of House bill seven hundred and twenty-two, Senate bill seven hundred and eighty-one, ratified March third, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, entitled, An act to amend chapter one hundred and fifty-eight, Private Laws of nineteen hundred and three, relating to the corporate limits of the town of Ahoskie in Hertford County, be and the same is hereby stricken out and repealed. |
1869/70_public laws_39_4 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 38 | 3 | CHAP TE Rs Xe Axe AN ACT TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO RESTORE THE CREDIT OF THE STATE AND TO FACILITATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF OUR UN- FINISHED RAILROADS. | It shall be further the duty of every president or other officer of a railroad as provided in section first of this act, and every such president or other officer is hereby required to return to the public treasurer, subject to the joint order of the governor and superintendent of public works as hereinafter prescribed, all bonds of the state which have been issued under any authority of law and which remain in the hands of any such president or other officer unsold or undisposed of ; or in case any such bonds have been sold or exchanged for money [or] other securities, the said president or other officer shall deposit in the public treasury such money, proceeds or securities, or so much thereof as he has not actually expended upon his road. |
1915_public local laws_84_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 83 | 1 | CHAPTER 83 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR KEEPING A RECORD OF CROSS- - TIES PURCHASED, WITH NAME OF SELLER AND DATE OF PURCHASE IN PENDER COUNTY. |The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of all persons buying crossties to keep a record of the same, showing the name of seller, _date of purchase, and number purchased. |
1913_public local laws_198_14 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 197 | 13 | CHAPTER 197 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PUBLIC ROADS IN FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, IN MACON COUNTY, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PAY THE EXPENSES THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person who shall obstruct or interfere with the highway commission, the road superintendent, or any engineer, surveyor, or other employee of the highway commission in making any survey as aforesaid, or who shall interfere or obstruct the highway commission, road superintendent, engineer, surveyor, or other employee of said commission, or any contractor or contractors, or his or their employees, in the construction or improvement of any road, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conyviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court. |
1901_public laws_44_8 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 43 | 7 | CHAPTER 48 - An act to abolish fences in Nash County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That J. M. Baines, N. B. Finch, J. T. Jones, A. H. Ricks and W. L. Thorps be and they are hereby appointed fence commissioners, with power to fill such vacancies as may occur in their body by death, resignation, or otherwise; and this body is hereby constituted a corporation under the name of The Fence Commissioners of Nash County. |
1949_session laws_11_5 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 10 | 4 | CHAPTER 10 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A STADIUM ON THE SENIOR HIGH SCHCOL PREMISES IN THE CITY OF GREENSBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Authority to expend funds donated for stadium purposes. The board of trustees is hereby authorized to expend any funds which have heretofore or may hereafter be donated to the board for use in connection with the building of a stadium, in such way or ways as in the opinion of the board will best accomplish the purpose for which such donations were made. |
1923_public local laws_500_4 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 499 | 3 | CHAPTER 499 AN ACT TO RESTORE THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREAS- URER IN JOHNSTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the county commissioners of Johnston County are hereby directed to elect a treasurer to hold and occupy and discharge the duties of the office hereby created until the next general election, and the said officer shall'take his oath and qualify and enter upon the duties of his office first of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and hold the same until the first Monday in December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five. That his successors in office shall be elected under the election laws of this State. |
1947_session laws_505_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 504 | 3 | CHAPTER 504 AN ACT TO VALIDATE CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO CORPORATE CHARTERS EXTENDING CERTAIN COR- PORATIONS EXISTENCE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In no event shall the limitation provided in Section 2 hereof bar any action, proceeding, defense or counterclaim based upon grounds other than those mentioned in Section 2 hereof, unless the grounds set out in Section 2 hereof are an essential part thereof. |
1899_public laws_55_19 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 54 | 18 | CHAPTER 54 An aet to regulate fire insurance and other companies. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Every insurance company, foreign or domestic, shall conduct its business in the state in its own proper and corporate name, and the policies and contracts of insurance issued by it shall be headed or entitled only by its proper or corporate name. When any such company publishes its assets it shall in the same connection and with equal conspicuousness publish its liabilities computed on the basis allowed for its annual statements, and any publications purporting to showits capital shall exhibit only the amount of such capital as has been actually paid in cash. NORTH CAROLINA OR DOMESTIC COMPANIES, ORGANIZATIONS, ETC. |
1889_private laws_209_8 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 208 | 7 | CHAPTER 208, An act to incorporate the Henderson Electric Light, Water- Works and Power Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said town of Henderson may, upon such terms as agreed. guarantee the payment of the interest upon not exceeding fifty thousand dollars of the first mortgage bonds of said corporation, and the commissioners of said town are hereby authorized, annually, to levy and collect such taxes as may be necessary for the due performance of said guaranty: Provided, that no such guaranty shall be entered into until approved by a majority of the registered voters of said town at an election ordered by the commissioners of the town for that purpose, which election shall be held and governed by and under the rules and regulations prescribed by the charter of said town for the election of town officers, so far as the same may be applicable; and ballots favoring the guaranty of said interest shall read, water-works bond.interestfor guaranty, and those in opposition thereto shall read, water-works bond interestno guaranty. Such election may be ordered at any time by said commissioners of their own motion, and shall be ordered upon the written application of twenty-five freeholders resident in said town and qualified voters therein, specifying the terms upon which the guaranty shall be made, together with the number and amount of bonds to which the guaranty shall attach. |
1901_public laws_211_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 210 | 1 | CHAPTER 210 An act to repeal Chapter 94, Laws of 1899, and to amend Chapter 399, Laws of 1891 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter 94, Laws of 1899, is hereby repealed. |
1917_public local laws_585_6 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 584 | 5 | CHAPTER 584 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AND REGULATE THE HOLDING OF PRIMARY ELECTION IN THE COUNTY OF HYDE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The time and the hours for holding said primary elections im said precincts, and the rules governing the same, not inconsistent with it, shall be prescribed by and carried into effect by the board of managers herein provided for. |
1925_public local laws_624_13 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 623 | 12 | CHAPTER 623 AN ACT TO CREATE A FISH AND GAME COMMISSION FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY, AND TO PROTECT THE GAME AND FRESHWATER FISH OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The open season for fish or game shall he as follows: Name of species Open season RSONUMORC ue eer tenets: slotec. sake, sie usr ecieha ress November ist to February 1st EVENN ME detatrepeirciet dle caches ec she cheva\ sl gi'sisas discon e pus wucesheedlions patioteusie suaame leas Open SOURS rete ohatateyere lalate inca ein evenspchelnneasiovere aeaet 15th to January ist Men sera terrence evar Lone e, tucnep ac afRMeM one Tete rane! ausia) Chenenere tae scone ekonete Open ESA COO Mere eleven aces sepagare casheee eee eae November ist to March 1st CWO SSUMM eiceap ite teeterets sts cus ere ceieiee seein November ist to March 1st AVIA AW EHO SETA SSIS. Minna es laisecs ctalorees elutes November ist to March 1st SSUSUETN STS Tame, RLS cen NE ASIP, OE, ORK, November ist to March ist Operra sy. Sve, Pe et Sey November ist to March 1st MV deabrins Sesh LS. ahh Ga SE ey SRP EES Se TY, Open INTER GAP asians wees ete ee vase eae tatateheta te ds November ist to March 1st GTA aA TEC AHO estates estate ters ales Seeks: eck alwe) Hateetete olla, 3 Open 48Public-Local. Name of species Open season QUT] Ae a Reis BRIS Se November ist to March Ist Wild turkey oN November ist to March ist Ducks (except wood duck and eider duck), geese, brant, Wilson snipe............... All migratory birds Cootigallinwlesin ewe Fe, Se November ist to March ist Wellow less. on 23k. eas. ieee November 1st to March ist Woodcock torso shes eet aie see ae Closed Dovel schists saa ees iste. SE November ist to March ist Swan, wood duck, eider duck and all shore and beach birds for which no open season is proVidedsiw No openriseasonzy. saciid): sews senlih: See. Bee Closed Bag limits. It shall be unlawful to take in the period of time set opposite each individual name of species in the following table a greater number of each species of bird or animal than is enumerated in the column of the said table headed Bag limit: Name of species Period of time Bag limit SOULITVEM I Fite cee eae sane: inone> Gay. eee eee sae 10 Deer Ce. ee Sh ds, See es inonie |
1941_public laws_236_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 235 | 2 | CHAPTER 235 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT OF THE CONSOLI- DATED STATUTES OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND NINETEEN, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO CREDIT UNIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1955_session laws_1195_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,194 | 2 | CHAPTER 1194 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTIONS 62-121.8(1) AND 62-121.11 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION BY THE NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE TRANSPORTATION OF HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS WITHIN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Section 62-121.8(1) be amended by adding an unnumbered paragraph immediately following paragraph (1), the last subsection, to read as follows: Provided that none of the provisions of this Section nor any of the provisions of this Act shall be construed so as to prohibit or regulate the transportation of property by any motor carrier when the movement is within a municipality or within contiguous municipalities and within a zone adjacent to and commercially a part of such municipality or contiguous municipalities, as defined by the Commission; provided further that the Commission shall have the power in its discretion, in any particular case, to fix the limits of any such zone and that nothing herein shall be construed as an abridgment of the police powers of any municipality over such operation wholly within any such municipality. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the transportation of household effects of families from one residence to another by persons who do not hold themselves out as being, and are not generally engaged in the business of transporting such property for compensation. |
1933_public local laws_58_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 57 | 2 | CHAPTER 57 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY TO GRANT A MORATORIUM FOR TWO YEARS IN FORECLOSING DEEDS OF TRUST AND MORT- GAGES HELD IN THE SINKING FUND OF THE COUNTY. Whereas, the board of commissioners of Martin County hold several deeds of trust and notes against the property of citizens of Martin County, which said collaterals constitute a part of the sinking fund of the county, said notes being due April one, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three; and Whereas, foreclosure proceedings to enforce collection when due would work a great hardship on many honest citizens dur- ing these depressed financial times; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed. _ |
1965_session laws_441_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 440 | 2 | CHAPTER 440 AN ACT TO PROVIDE COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BURKE COUNTY FOR A MAXIMUM OF FOUR MEETINGS PER MONTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1951_session laws_781_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 780 | 2 | CHAPTER 780 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 50-12 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES RELATIVE TO THE RESUMPTION OF MAIDEN NAMES OF DIVORCEES IN CASES WHERE DIVORCES ARE GRANTED IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1943_session laws_733_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 732 | 2 | CHAPTER 732 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OF BENEFITS FOR MEMBERS OF BURIAL ASSOCIATIONS SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND NAVAL.FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | If a member of a burial association who is in the military or naval forces of the United States fails to pay any assessment, he shall be in bad standing, and unless and until restored, shall not be entitled to benefits. However, the said member shall be reinstated in the burial association upon application made by him at any time until twelve months after his discharge from the military or naval forces of the United States, notwithstanding his physical condition and without the payment of assessments which have become due during his service in the military or naval forces of the United States. Benefits will be in force immediately after such reinstatement. |
1913_private laws_352_24 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 351 | 23 | CHAPTER 351 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER FOR THE TOWN OF DALLAS, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the town of Dallas to receive and faithfully keep all moneys which shall be paid to him for the use and behalf of said corporation, and disburse the same according to an order given in obedience to a direction of said board appearing on its minutes; he shall keep a fair and correct account of all moneys so received and disbursed by him in a book kept for that purpose, showing from what source the money was received and for what purpose paid out, and shall submit said account to the board whenever required ; he shall keep his accounts so that the tax levied and collected for each. fund shall be separate, and shall pay out of each separate fund such amounts as are due the same, and when proceeds are paid over to him by an officer of the corporation they shall be credited to the fund for which the tax is levied to raise revenue for the same; he shall pay to his successor all moneys in his hands belonging to said corporation of the town of Dallas, and faithfully perform all duties imposed upon him as treasurer by the law and ordinances of said board of aldermen; the treasurer shall give a bond, payable to the corporation of the town of Dallas, in a sum to be fixed by the board of aldermen, with sureties to be approved by said board. For his services he shall receive two and one-half per cent of all moneys received by him and two and one-half per cent of all moneys disbursed by him, received in the ordinary manner from taxes and other regular sources of the town revenue, but not to apply to such moneys as the board of aldermen may from time to time borrow for the conduct of the towns business. For this he is to receive no percentage. He shall make a report of the funds coming into his hands at the end of his term, and for his failure to make this last report he shall be fined two hundred and twenty-five dollars, to be recovered by suit in the Superior Court, for which his bond will be responsible. |
1919_public local laws_151_16 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 150 | 15 | CHAPTER 150 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE ROAD LAWS OF MACON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That any lumber company, corporation, person or persons engaged in the lumber business and desiring to use any of the public roads of the townships of Macon County, for the purpose of carrying on its or their business, of hauling either by its or themselves, or by hiring or contracting with other persons, mill logs, lumber or other heavy material with log wagons, log carts or other heavy vehicles, shall pay a license or privilege tax of two cents (2c) per mile on each one thousand feet of mill logs, lumber or other heavy material so hauled, said tax being payable to the secretary-treasurer of the road trustees or to the treasurer of the highway commission in the township in which said hauling is done, and it shall be the duty of any lumber company, corporation, person or persons engaged in the lumber business as hereinbefore set out to make a monthly report to the road trustees or highway commission of each township in which it or they are engaged in said business, said report to be made on the first Monday of each month of the number of feet of all lumber, logs, and other heavy material so hauled during the preceding month. Said report shall accurately state the number of feet of lumber, logs, etc., and be itemized and sworn to. That any lumber company, corporation, person or persons so engaged in the lumber business failing to make such report, or failing to make the same accurately and truthfully, or failing to pay the said license or privilege tax hereinbefore set out shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined fifty dollars ($50) for each and every offense. The failure to make such report and pay said privilege or license tax each month shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the fine herein provided for, such lumber company, corporation, person or persons shall likewise forfeit the sum of ten dollars ($10) for each day that said report is neg: lected to be made after the time specified in which the same shall be done. That said forfeiture shall be collected by proper proceedings instituted in a court of some justice of the peace for said county against such delinquent by the chairman of the board of township trustees, or highway commission and all moneys collected under this section shall be applied for the improvement of the roads in the township in which the same is collected. |
1883_public laws_73_8 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 72 | 7 | CHAPTER 72 An act to authorize Granville county to fund its floating debt. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | This act shall in no wise impair the obligatio of Vance county to pay her proportionate part of the debt of Granville county that existed at the time of the passage of the act to lay off and establish the county of Vance. |
1919_public local laws_497_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 496 | 2 | CHAPTER 496 AN ACT TO CREATE A HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF NASH COUNTY TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE NASH COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said highway commission shall consist of seven responsible citizens and freeholders of Nash County, who shall be elected by the board of county commissioners and shall qualify as soon as may be practicable after the passage of this act. The said highway commissioners shall hold office for a term of two years and until their successors are elected by the board of county commissioners and qualify; Provided, that in electing said highway commission the board shall, as nearly as may be possible, select representatives from the several sections of Nash County. |
1965_session laws_1198_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,197 | 2 | CHAPTER 1197 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF WARREN COUNTY TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF ALL ELECTED AND APPOINTIVE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board of Commissioners of Warren County is hereby authorized and empowered, in its discretion, to fix the salaries, travel allowances, and other compensation paid to all appointive and elected county officers and employees of Warren County, including but not limited to the members of the Board of County Commissioners of said County; provided, that all salaries of said appointive and elected county officers and employees 1616 now fixed by law shall remain in full force and effect until said board of commissioners exercises the authority conferred upon it by this Act. |
1911_public laws_26_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 25 | 2 | CHAPTER 25 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE BETTER ENFORCEMENT OF THE LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS IN STATE BANKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the receiver of such bank shall be empowered to demand, sue for, and collect by lawful process all indebtedness due from shareholders of such bank, whether such shareholders, or any of them, reside within or without the State, and wherever they or any Of them or their legal representatives may be served with process, or wherever any property belonging to them, or any of them, or the estate of any of them, may be subject to attachment, garnishment, or other lawful process, and all indebtedness due from such shareholders, or any of them, their representatives or estates, shall be payable to the said receiver as corporate assets, and the title thereto shall be vested in such receiver, to be by him applied for the equal benefit of all persons entitled to share in the distribution of the fund and disbursed ratably under the orders of the court. |
1913_public laws_204_50 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 203 | 49 | CHAPTER 203 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 50, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1911, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY AND THH COLLECTION OF TAXES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: ARTICLE I. BoarD oF STATE TAX COMMISSIONERS. | Telegraph companies. Every joint-stock association, company, copartnership or corporation, whether incorporated under the laws of this State or any other State or of any foreign nation, engaged in transmitting to, from, through, in or across the State of North Carolina telegraph messages shall be deemed and held to be a telegraph company; and every such telegraph company shall, annually, between the first day of May and the twentieth day of May, make out and deliver to the State Tax Commission a statement, verified by oath of the officer or agent of such company making such statement, with reference to the thirtieth a of April next neers showing: First. The total capital stock of such association, company, copartnership, or corporation. Second. The number of shares of capital stock issued and outstanding, and the par value of each share. Third. Its principal place of business. Fourth. The market value of said shares of stock on the thirtieth day of April next preceding; and if such shares have no market value, then the actual value thereof. | Fifth. The real estate, structures, machinery, fixtures and appliances owned by said association, company, copartnership or corporation and subject to local taxation within the State, and the location and assessed value thereof in each county where the same is assessed for local taxation. Sixth. The specific real estate, together with the permanent improvements thereon, owned by such association, company, copartnership or corporation situated outside the State of North Carolina and not directly used in the conduct of the business, with a specific description of each such piece, where located, the purpose for which the same is used and the sum at which the same is assessed for taxation in the locality where situated. Seventh. All mortgages upon the whole or any part of its property, together with the dates and amounts thereof. Highth. (a) The total length of the lines of said association or company; (b) the total length of such of their lines as is outside the State of North Carolina; (c) the length of the lines within each of the counties and townships within the State of North Carolina. |
1955_session laws_445_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 444 | 1 | CHAPTER 444 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES OF OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF HENDERSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board of Commissioners of Henderson County is ordered and directed to increase by a flat fifteen per cent -159% the salaries now being paid by Henderson County to all officials, assistants, deputies, and regular employees of said county, such increase to become effective July 1, 1955 |
1911_private laws_394_5 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 393 | 4 | CHAPTER 393 AN ACT TO PERMIT THE TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TO ISSUE BONDS TO CONSTRUCT A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. Preamble: whereas, the town of Wrightsville Beach, in the county of New Hanover, has no inhabitants save summer residents and has grown greatly within the last few years, and the sewerage system at present existing is totally inadequate to the needs of the town, and is a serious menace to the health of the residents therein, and it is necessary to construct a modern system of sewerage: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Upon petition being filed before the said mayor and aldermen of one-fifth of the property holders in said town, ineluding corporations, each of which for this purpose shall be entitled to one vote and shall vote by resolution of the board of directors, the mayor and aldermen shall take a vote of the property owners of said town on the question whether the said bonds shall be issued and sold, and if a majority of the property holders shall vote in favor of the issuance of said bonds then they shall be issued and sold by the mayor and aldermen and their proceeds used for the construction of the sewerage system herein and hereby authorized. |
1931_public laws_313_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 312 | 1 | CHAPTER 312 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, AND TO PRESCRIBE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND THE COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section seven thousand three hundred and nine -7309 of the Consolidated Statutes, one thousand nine hundred nineteen, be and the same is hereby amended so as hereafter to read as follows: Section 7309 Department of Labor Established. A Department of Labor is hereby created and established. The duties of said department shall be exercised and discharged under the supervision and direction of a commissioner, to be known as the Commissioner of Labor. |
1967_session laws_105_5 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 104 | 4 | CHAPTER 104 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF SALEMBURG, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Continuance of Contracts. All contracts entered into by the town, or for its benefit, prior to the taking effect of this Charter, shall continue in full force and effect. Public improvements for which legislative steps have been taken under laws or Charter provisions existing at the time this Charter takes effect may be carried to completion in accordance with the provisions of such existing laws and Charter provisions. |
1897_public laws_326_7 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 324 | 6 | CHAPTER 324 An act for the working of the public roads of Halifax county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said supervisor shall appoint, whenever in his judgment one shall be necessary, a superintendent for the roads of each township, who shall act under the direction of the county supervisor, and whose compensation shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners. |
1939_public local laws_390_6 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 389 | 5 | CHAPTER 389 AN ACT TO HAVE CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICERS OF CASWELL COUNTY TO RENDER SEMI-ANNUAL RE- PORTS TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SAID COUNTY AND TO HAVE SAID COMMIS- SIONERS PUBLISH SAID REPORTS AND OTHER REPORTS AND ALSO PUBLISH THE MONTHLY EX- PENDITURES OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the county commissioners shall publish twice yearly beginning on May first, one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine and every six months thereafter in a newspaper published in Caswell County the number of white persons and the number of colored persons, drawing an old age pension under the Social Security and Old Age Assistance Act. |
1876/77_public laws_76_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 75 | 1 | CHAPTER LXXV. AN ACT TO ALLOW MILTON TOWNSHIP, IN THE COUNTY OF CASWELL, TO SUBSCRIBE FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PAYMENT OF STOCK IN THE MILTON AND SUTHERLIN NARROW GAUGE RATLROAD COMPANY. | The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the commissioners of Caswell county are authorized and directed to cause an election to be held at the ditterent precincts, in the Milton township, of said county, after due notice and publication in the usual manner of said election, and to submit to the qualified voters of said township the question of subscribing fifteen thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Milton and Sutherlin Narrow Gauge Railroad Company, at which election those in favor of said proposition shall deposit their ballots For subscription, and those opposed shall deposit ballots Against subscription. |
1957_session laws_131_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 130 | 2 | CHAPTER 130 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF DAVIE COUNTY TO ADJUST ALL DELINQUENT TAXES WHICH HAVE BEEN DELINQUENT FOR FIVE YEARS OR MORE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1919_private laws_25_4 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 24 | 3 | CHAPTER 24 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 336 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1905, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 177 OF THE PRI- VATE LAWS OF 1915, AND TO ENLARGE THE a GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if at said election a majority of the qualified voters of the said district shall cast a ballot for extension of the said boundaries of the Hertford graded school district and levy the tax as provided by chapter three hundred and thirty-six, Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five, that said boundaries shall be those embarced in section one hereof. If the majority of the qualified voters of said district shall fail to cast their ballots for extension, then the boundaries of said district shall be those provided in chapter three hundred and thirtysix of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and five as amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. |
1931_public local laws_336_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 335 | 2 | CHAPTER 335 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE, RELATING TO THE RE- CORDERS COURT OF LEAKESVILLE TOWNSHIP, IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | On the first Monday in May, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, and each odd year thereafter the County Commissioners of Rockingham County shall appoint a clerk for said Recorders Court who shall begin his term of office on the first day of June thereafter and shall serve two years and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The clerk for his compensation shall receive as follows: one dollar ($1.00) for all warrants issued within the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace, and two dollars ($2.00) for all warrants issued in matters above the jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace; one dollar ($1.00) for all summons in civil actions and three dollars ($3.00) in all attachments and claim and delivery. If a vacancy occurs in the said clerks office the unexpired term shall be filled by the said Board of County Commissioners. The clerk shall have concurrent powers and authority with the several Justices of the Peace of Rockingham County to take affidavits to warrants and to issue warrants in all criminal matters originating in Rockingham County, and shall have power to affix the seal of the court to other writs and processes of the court and take appearance bonds of defendants in criminal actions, or witnesses therein, such amount or amounts as fixed by the court, and to fix the amount of all bonds in the absence of the Recorder, or when the Recorder fails to fix bond, and to issue all summons, ancillary remedies, and all other papers and processes in civil actions, that the Recorder or any Justice of the Peace in Rockingham County can issue. |
1931_public local laws_4_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 3 | 4 | CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO REPEAL CERTAIN LAWS RELATIVE TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROHIBITION LAW IN POLK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1911_public local laws_45_17 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 44 | 16 | CHAPTER 44 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY TO ISSUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILD- ING AND IMPROVING THE PUBLIC ROADS OF WILLIAMS- TON TOWNSHIP IN SAID COUNTY AND PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the treasurers commission on all money received and paid out under this act shall be the same as is now provided by law for the school fund of said county. |
1963_session laws_1089_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,088 | 1 | CHAPTER 1088 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A METHOD OF SERVICE OF PROCESS UPON NONRESIDENT OPERATORS OF AIRCRAFT AND UPON THEIR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES. The General. Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Article 8, subchapter V of Chapter 1 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new Section, to be designated as G. S. 1-107.3, to read as follows: 1-107.3. Service Upon Nonresident Operators of Aircraft and Upon Their Personal Representatives. (a) The operation, navigation or maintenance by a nonresident or nonresidents of an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State, either in person or through others, and the acceptance thereby by such nonresident or nonresidents of the protection of the laws of the State for such aircraft, or the operation, navigation or maintenance by a nonresident or nonresidents of an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State, either in person or through others, other than under the laws of the State, shall be deemed equivalent to an appointment by each such nonresident of the Secretary of State or his successor in office, to be the TRUE and lawful attorney of each such nonresident and the TRUE and lawful attorney of the executor or administrator of each such nonresident for service of process, upon whom may be served all lawful process in any suit, action or proceeding against such nonresident or nonresidents growing out of any accident or collision in which such nonresident or nonresidents may be involved while, either in person or through others, operating, navigating, or maintaining an airplane, helicopter, glider, dirigible, blimp, balloon, or other aircraft in the State; and such acceptance or such operation, navigating or maintaining in the State of such aircraft shall be a signification of each such nonresidents agreement that any such process against him or his administrator or executor which is so served shall be of the same legal force and effect as if served on him personally. 1420 (b) Service of such process shall be made in the following manner: -1 By leaving a copy therefor, with a fee of one dollar ($1.00) in the hands of the Secretary of State, or in his office. Such service, upon compliance with the other provisions of this Section shall be sufficient service upon said nonresident. -2 Notice of such service of process and copy thereof must be forthwith sent by registered mail by plaintiff or the Secretary of State to the defendant, and the entries on the defendants return receipt shall be sufficient evidence of the date on which notice of service upon the Secretary of State and copy of process were delivered to the defendant, on which date service on said defendant shall be deemed completed. If the defendant refuses to accept the registered letter, service on the defendant shall be deemed completed on the date of such refusal to accept as determined by the notations by the postal authorities on the original envelope, and if such date cannot be so determined, then service shall be deemed completed on the date that the registered letter is returned to the plaintiff or the Secretary of State as determined by the postal marks on the original envelope. (3) The defendants return receipt, or the original envelope bearing a notation by the postal authorities that receipt was refused, and an affidavit by the plaintiff that notice of mailing the registered letter and refusal to accept was forthwith sent to the defendant by ordinary mail, together with the plaintiffs affidavit of compliance with the provisions of this Section must be appended to the summons or other process and filed with said summons, complaint and other papers in the cause. Provided, that where the nonresident aircraft operator has died prior to the commencement of an action brought pursuant to this Section, service of process shall be made on the executor or administrator of such nonresident aircraft operator in the same manner and on the same notice as if provided in the case of a nonresident aircraft operator. The court in which the action is pending shall order such continuance as may be necessary to afford the defendant reasonable opportunity to defend the action. (c) The provisions of this Section shall also apply to a resident of the State at the time of the accident or collision who establishes residence outside the State subsequent to the accident or collision and to a resident of the State at the time of the accident or collision who departs from the State subsequent to the accident or collision and remains absent therefrom for sixty -60 days or more, continuously, whether such absence is intended to be temporary or permanent. |
1893_public laws_71_10 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 70 | 9 | CHAPTER 70 An act to authorize the commissioners of Henderson county to issue bonds. WHEREAS, The county of Henderson by order of her board of com- missioners entered, in pursuance of law, an ordinance in the year of one thousand eight hundredand seventy-four, authorizing an elec- tion by the voters of the county on the question of issuing her bonds in aid of Greenville and French Broad Railroad Company, afterwards changed to the Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad; and whereas, in pursuance of said order an election was duly held and it was deter- mined by a majority of voters to subscribe to the capital stock of said railroad ; and whereas, the said county by her authorized agents sub- scribed to and issued in aid of said railroad her bonds amounting in the aggregate to one hundred thousand dollars with coupons attached drawing interest semi-annually at seven per centum, the principal pay- able in twenty years ; and whereas, the said bonds will mature as per their face on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five; and whereas, furthermore, it is desired to fund said bonds in accordance with law ; now, therefore, The General Assembly of. North Carolina do enact : | That should there be an excess in amount of bonds provided for by this act beyond the necegsary amount to pay off the said old bonds and interest and the expenses incurred in effecting the liquidation or funding of the same, then the said excess of bonds shall be speedily cancelled and filed in safe of county. |
1903_public laws_455_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 454 | 1 | CHAPTER 454 AN ACT TO LEVY A SPECIAL TAX IN NASH COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Commissioners of Nash County are hereby authorized and fully empowered to levy a special tax, if they find same to be necessary, during the years 1903 and 1904, for the purpose of paying off the debts accrued or to accrue against the county for the purpose of repairing the court-house and public buildings of said county: Provided, that in no one year, shall the tax herein authorized be levied exceeding 10 cents on the $100 worth of property, and 30 cents on the poll. |
1911_public local laws_429_6 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 428 | 5 | CHAPTER 428 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE EAST BEND TOWNSHIP, YADKIN COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS FOR PUBLIC ROAD IMPROVE- MENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said board may purchase all such machinery and implements as may be needed for the proper working and construction of the roads and may employ a competent engineer or surveyor and may exercise such other powers and privileges as may be needed for the carrying out of the purposes and provisions of this act: Provided, that no person in said township shall be subject to road duty. |
1897_public laws_51_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 50 | 1 | CHAPTER 50 An act to incorporate the Moore County and Western Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That John C. Wadsworth, Rufus A. Brown and Morrison H. Caldwell, and such other persons as they may hereafter associate with them, or their assigns, and their successors, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the Moore County and Western Railroad Company, and by such name they and their assigns and successors may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all the Courts of this State, and of the United States, may have a common seal, with the right to alter the same at pleasure, may make all by-laws and regulations, expedient or necessary, for the purpose of Incorporation, may purchase, lease, hold and convey all property real and personal, proper or requisite for their corporate purposes, and may have and enjoy all the rights, powers, franchises, immunities and privileges granted by the general laws of the State, not inconsistent with this act. |
1907_private laws_345_98 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 342 | 97 | CHAPTER 342 AN ACT TO AMEND, REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTITUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, AND TO EXTEND THE CORPO- RATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of public safety shall make all proper and necessary rules to govern its officers and employees and to regulate promotions and removals in accordance therewith; and no person shall be appointed or retained in any office, place or employment by said board who is incompetent, neglectful of duty or guilty of drunkenness or immorality. |
1911_private laws_343_9 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 342 | 8 | CHAPTER 342 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE RALEIGH, WINSTON AND WEST- ERN RAILWAY COMPANY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Whenever from any cause this company is unable to agree with the owners of the land over or near which it is proposed to extend its road for the purchase of such land for its depcts, roadbeds, station grounds, yards, shops, gravel pits, quarries, terminals or other purposes of the company, the said company may file a petition before the clerk of the superior court of the county wherein the land lies, specifying the objects for which the land is desired, with a description and plat thereof. A copy of such petition, with a notice of the time and place when and where the same shall be heard by the clerk, must be served on all persons whose interests are to be affected by the proceedings, at least ten days.prior to the hearing of the same, by the clerk, in the manner provided by law; and in the event that any of the persons interested in said land are unknown or nonresidents of this State, such notice may be served by advertisement, stating briefly the object of the application and giving a description of the land to be taken, published in a newspaper, if there be one published in the county in which the land to be taken is situate, once in each week for four successive weeks next previous to the presentation of the petition, and if there be no paper published in the said county, then in some paper published in the city of Raleigh, or such notice may be given in any other way provided for the giving of notices relative to the condemnation of land by chapter sixty-one -61 of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina. The clerk of the superior court shall thereupon appoint three disinterested freeholders, who shall be summoned by the sheriff to meet on the premises at a time to be fixed in the order of appointment, not more than ten days after the appointment, unless a later day be fixed by consent, to assess the damages to the land proposed to be taken. In assessing the damages the appraisers shall take into consideration the actual value of the land, together with the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the benefit and special advantages to be derived in respect to such residue from the work to be constructed. The appraisers or a majority of them shall make their report to the clerk of the superior court within ten days from the time of their meeting on the premises. Said report shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds, after approval by the clerk and payment of the damages assessed to the clerk or to the parties interested, and shall have force and effect of a deed conveying such property to the company in fee simple. Either party may appeal to the superior court in term from the approval or disapproval of the action of the clerk: Provided, such appeal be prayed within ten days from the approval or disapproval of the clerk, and on such appeal may present such evidence as they may desire, and have a hearing de novo before the court, but the burden of proof shall be upon the party objecting to the ruling of the appraisers. In the event that the TRUE owner of the property taken as above mentioned is not notified as above provided, then such owner may within two years, but not afterwards, petition the superior court of the county in which the land lies for assessment of the value thereof, as aforesaid, but no action of ejectment shall be brought by him nor the possession or occupation of this company in any way disturbed unless it shall within the time to be fixed by the court fail to pay such damages as may be assessed for the value thereof: Provided, however, that in case the TRUE owner be at the time of such condemnation and occupation under any legal disability, he may file a petition for the assessment of such damages within two years from the removal of such disability: Provided, that no powers herein enumerated shall . be construed to grant any condemnation powers in excess of the general law governing condemnation, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt this company from any and all of the lawful orders, rules and regulations of the corporation commission. |
1955_session laws_947_11 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 946 | 10 | CHAPTER 946 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION FUND FOR POLICEMEN IN THE CITY OF GASTONIA, N. C. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 910 |
1917_public laws_286_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 254 | 1 | CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 141, EXTRA SESSION, LAWS OF 1908, IN REGARD TO COMPULSORY EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter one hundred and forty-one, pertaining to the compulsory education of the blind, be so amended that after section five -5 the following be inserted: The sheriffs of the various counties of the State of North Carolina shall be required to enforce the provisions of this act in all cases of blind children reported to them by the superintendent of the said State School for the Blind and the Deaf; that said sheriffs shall have authority to reimburse themselves for such services and expenses as are entailed upon them in executing the provisions of this act. And further, in order to aid the superintendent of the said School for the Blind and the Deaf in securing the attendance of blind children upon the said school, that the various railroads operating in the State of North Carolina may grant him transportation without charge. |
1885_public laws_177_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 176 | 1 | CHAPTER 176 An act supplemental to an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled * An act to raise revenue. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled An act to raise revenue, be amended by adding to section twenty-eight of said. act the following: That any manufacturer paying a drummers tax prescribed in this section shall be allowed a rebate of that amount upon his genera! taxes for the same time. |
1885_public laws_319_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 318 | 1 | CHAPTER 318 An act to amend the charter of ** The Goldsboro, Snow Hill and Greenville Railway Company, which was ratified the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the act incorporating the Goldsboro, Snow Hill and Greenville Railway Company, ratified the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, being chapter one hundred and thirtythree, laws of one thousand eight hundred and seventynine, be and is hereby amended by adding to the end of the proviso in the end of section twenty-five of said act, the words, in any of the bonds authorized by this act. |
1887_private laws_30_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 29 | 1 | CHAPTER 29 An act to charter ** The Savings and Deposit Bank of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That The Savings and Deposit Bank of North Carolina shall be established in the city of Greensboro, the capital stock of which shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of five dollars each, and that for the purpose of receiving subscriptions for said stock, books shall be opened at any time after the ratification of this act, and remain open for the space of sixty days, at Greensboro, under the superintendence of the following persons or a majority of them, to-wit: Peter D. Price, Levi M. Scott, James M. Winsted, Wm. B. Bogart, A. P. Eckel, J. W. Scott, D. W. C. Benbow, D. F. Caldwell and W. E. Bevill, and at such other places under the superintendence of such other persons as said commissioners may direct. |
1933_public local laws_536_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 535 | 1 | CHAPTER 535 AN ACT TO VALIDATE THE OFFICIAL ACTS OF W. A. BRAME, A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR MARKS CREEK TOWNSHIP, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FROM APRIL 1, 1931, UNTIL APRIL 21, 1932 Whereas, by chapter one hundred seventy-nine, Public Laws of North Carolina, enacted by the nineteen hundred and twenty- nine Session of the General Assembly, W. A. Brame was appointed a Justice of the Peace for Marks Creek Township, Wake County, for a term of two years; and Whereas, his said term expired April first, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, but he continued to act as a Justice of the Peace until April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two: Nov, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all official acts of W. A. Brame, Justice of the Peace of Marks Creek Township, Wake County from April first, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, until April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and thirty-two, be and the same are hereby validated. |
1933_public local laws_5_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 4 | 1 | CHAPTER 4 AN ACT TO GIVE THE COMMISSIONERS OF CLEVELAND COUNTY THE POWER TO ABOLISH AND CONSOLIDATE ALL UNNECESSARY OFFICES IN CLEVELAND COUNTY AND TO GIVE THE COMMISSIONERS OF SAID COUNTY THE RIGHT TO FIX THE SALARIES OF ALL COUNTY OFFICERS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That from and after the ratification of this act the commissioners of Cleveland County shall have the power and authority to abolish and/or discontinue any and all offices, positions or jobs supported in whole or in part out of the funds of said county which are not required by the Constitution of North Carolina. And the said commissioners of Cleveland County shall have the further power and authority to transfer to any other county office or officer the duties performed by any person or persons holding any office, position or job which may be abolished under this act. |
1933_private laws_4_5 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 3 | 4 | CHAPTER 3 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE TO SELL THE CHESTNUT AND PULP TIMBER ON THE TOWN WATERSHED. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1933_private laws_133_4 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 132 | 3 | CHAPTER 132 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 569 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL. LAWS OF 1913, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE MU- NICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF HIGH POINT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Chapter 569 of the Public-Local Laws of 1913, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: (a) By adding the following to the end of section 8 thereof as amended: The Judge of the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have the same power and duty as the Judges of the Superior Courts with reference to the transfer and removal of actions begun and pending in said Municipal Court to the Superior Courts of the various counties of this State, and the causes for removal shall be the same as prescribed by law for similar motions in the Superior Courts, in so far as same may be applicable to, and not inconsistent with, the provisions of this Act. ; (b) By further adding the following to the end of Section thereof as amended: Wherever by law it is provided that any action, matter or proceeding shall, or may, be brought in, removed to, or heard by the Superior Courts, the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have concurrent jurisdiction and power with such Superior Courts therein, if such action, matter or proceeding be one over which said Municipal Court would otherwise have jurisdiction as provided in this Act. And wherever it is provided by law that a judge of the Superior Courts shall, or may, perform any act with reference to any action, matter or proceeding, the judge of the Municipal Court of the City of High Point shall have like power and duty with reference to any such action, matter or proceeding properly cognizable by, or within the jurisdiction of, the said Municipal Court. |
1931_public local laws_79_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 78 | 1 | CHAPTER 78 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF THE GARNER HIGH SCHOOL AND MT. AUBURN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED IN GARNER-MT. AUBURN SCHOOL DIS- TRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That from and after the ratification of this act the school committee of the Garner High School and Mt. Auburn Elementary School located in Garner-Mt. Auburn school district, St. Marys Township, Wake County, shall consist of seven members, whose names and terms of office shall be as follows: S. T. Mitchiner and N. L. Broughton, whose terms shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirtythree; Exum Sturdivant, L. C. Whitaker and C. L. Wrenn, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four; C. N. Allen and B. R. Buffaloe, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five. At the expiration of the terms of office of the above-named committeemen their successors shall be appointed by the county board of education of Wake County as now provided by law. |
1931_public local laws_286_6 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 285 | 5 | CHAPTER 285 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A RECORDERS COURT FOR MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said court shall be open for the trial of causes on each and every Wednesday morning at ten oclock at the Courthouse in Marshall, North Carolina, and shall continue in session daily until the business before it shall be disposed of, the first session of said court to be held on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one: Provided the judge may continue cases to a day certain, and may, by agreement of parties, or whenever necessary, try cases at any time: Provided further, that no session of said court shall be held during the sitting of the Superior Court of Madison County: Provided further, that in the trial of civil actions the Clerk of the Superior Court, ex-officio Clerk to Recorders Court, shall together with the attorneys of the local bar prepare a civil calendar for each term, weekly. |
1931_public local laws_285_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 284 | 2 | CHAPTER 284 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR BIENNIAL ELECTIONS IN CERTAIN CITIES AND TOWNS OF MOORE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the provisions of this act shall apply to Moore County only. ; |
1931_public local laws_182_4 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 181 | 3 | CHAPTER 181 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF A COUNTY ATTORNEY OF MADISON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | After the selection of a county attorney, in the manner and form as provided in Section two, said county attorney shall be the legal advisor of all officers of the county for the ensuing year, except where the interest of any officer is opposed to that of the county and he shall be allowed such salary for the ensuing twelve months as the joint meeting shall vote, to be paid monthly out of the general county fund. |
1931_private laws_54_18 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 53 | 17 | CHAPTER 53 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF ROANOKE RAPIDS, IN HALIFAX COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. |
1931_private laws_52_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 51 | 2 | CHAPTER 51 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED THIRTY- TWO OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE, RELATING TO DISCOUNTS AND PENALTIES ON TAXES LEVIED BY THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Section twenty-nine of Chapter two hundred thirtytwo of the Private Laws of North Carolina is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That, as soon as the Tax Collector shall have furnished the assessment rolls, as provided, and the same shall have been issued by the Board, the Board of Aldermen shall proceed to levy the tax on such subjects of taxation as provided in the charter, and shall place the tax list in the hands of the Tax Collector, who shall collect the same as speedily as practicable, and shall pay the moneys as they are collected to the Treasurer. The City Tax Collector shall, by virtue of his office, be vested with all power and authority within the City of Winston-Salem as is now vested in sheriffs. |
1933_public local laws_540_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 539 | 1 | CHAPTER 539 AN ACT TO PROTECT HUNTING AND FISHING, AND TIM- BER RESERVATIONS IN YANCEY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon any hunting and fishing or timber reservations in Yancey County, without a written permission from the owner, and any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. |
1931_private laws_48_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 47 | 2 | CHAPTER 47 AN ACT TO ALLOW THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF WEAVERVILLE IN THE COUNTY OF BUN- COMBE TO AID IN RE-OPENING THE FARMERS AND TRADERS BANK OF WEAVERVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Governing Body of the Town of Weaverville shall retain the collateral and/or any guaranty it now holds securing its deposit in said Bank at the time said Bank suspended; provided, however, that as such collateral is collected by the said Governing Body of the Town of Weaverville, the amount so collected shall be credited against the deposit for which the collateral was given as security; provided, further, that nothing in this act shall relieve said Bank, or any guarantors, upon any bond or contract heretofore executed to guarantee the deposits heretofore placed in said Bank, nor shall it relieve said Bank from its duty to allow withdrawal of deposits in accordance with the terms and conditions of any contract which may be entered into pursuant to the provisions of this act. |
1929_public local laws_250_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 249 | 4 | CHAPTER 249 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE DESPOILING OF THE NAT- URAL BEAUTY OF THE FORESTS OF BURKE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That this act shall only apply to Burke County, North Carolina. |
1929_public local laws_122_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 121 | 2 | CHAPTER 121 AN ACT FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE IN AND THE HEALTH OF THE CITIZENS OF IREDELL COUNTY BY PROVIDING FOR THE MORE EFFICIENT DRAINAGE OF THE LOW LANDS ALONG THE STREAMS OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | When any land or lands in any drainage district heretofore or hereafter established shall be included in a new drainage district and there are any outstanding bonds, obligations, or debts against said existing drainage district, it shall be the duty of the commissioners of such existing drainage district to make assessments, and to take such other action as may be provided by law, to raise funds to pay off and discharge said obligations and indebtedness, and from the funds so raised to pay off and discharge such indebtedness. |
1927_public local laws_540_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 539 | 2 | CHAPTER 539 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 415 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS OF 1925, RELATIVE TO ASSISTANT CLERK SU- PERIOR COURT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1927_public local laws_422_4 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 421 | 3 | CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE AND DEFINE THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF GRANVILLE COUNTY IN THI CONTROL AND WORKING OF CONVICTS AND PRISONERS ON THE PUBLIC ROADS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of road commissioners of Granville County may, in their discretion, divide said prisoners and convicts into classes, such classification to depend upon the good behavior and satisfactory work of said prisoners and convicts. The said board of road commissioners may allow a commutation or reduction of not more than twenty-five per cent. of the time for which they are sentenced to such prisoners and convicts for good behavior and the performance of satisfactory work. |
1927_private laws_202_5 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 201 | 4 | CHAPTER 201 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 275 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OF THE SESSION OF 1854-55, BEING AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF WHITEHALL IN WAYNE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Amend said chapter two hundred and seventy-five of the Private Laws of the State of North Carolina of the session of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four-fifty-five, further by adding a new section at the end of the new section 2 (b) to be known as section 2 (c) and which said section 2 (c) shall read as follows: Sec. 2 (c). That the board of commissioners shall appoint a town constable or marshall or policeman, who shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties in ,an amount designated by the board of commissioners and whose duties and power shall be those as are now imposed by law. The town constable or policeman shall be the tax collector of said town of Whitehall, whose duties shall be to collect the taxes as levied and imposed in said town and in the manner and under the provisions and regulations as prescribed in chapter fifty-six of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina and all amendments thereto. |
1927_private laws_113_16 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 112 | 15 | CHAPTER 112 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF CASHIERS, JACKSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if any officers appointed under this act shall for any reason, fail to serve, or if a vacancy shall at any time occur in the board of aldermen, then the remaining members of said board of aldermen shall elect or appoint some reputable citizem of said town to fill such vacancy: Provided, that if for any reason the mayor fail to qualify, or if a vacancy occur in said office, then the board of aldermen shall elect or appoint a mayor from the citizens of said town, who shall serve as such until the next regular election for town officers or until his successor is elected and qualifies. |
1925_public local laws_461_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 460 | 4 | CHAPTER 460 AN ACT TO PROTECT GAME AND FISH IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill or take any female deer or deer without horns at any season of the year: Provided, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit any person from taking any kind of deer from his, her or their 34Public-Local. own inclosed parks or reservations. It shall be unlawful to trap for bear or to run or hunt deer with dogs or to use while hunting any gum having a Maxim silencer or any other device thereon that will muffle the report of such gun, nor shall any gun be used that does not produce when discharged the usual and ordinary report. |
1925_public local laws_331_3 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 330 | 2 | CHAPTER 330 AN ACT TO AMEND THH PUBLIC ROAD LAW OF MITCHELL COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of each of the boards of road commissioners and county commissioners to see to it that the taxes levied and collected in each township for road purposes shall be expended in the township where so levied and collected. |
1925_public local laws_253_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 252 | 1 | CHAPTER 252 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER 95 OF THE PUBLIC-LOCAL LAWS, EXTRA SESSION OF 1924, FIXING THE SALARY OF THE SHERIFF OF AVERY COUNTY, AND TO REGU- LATE THE COMPENSATION OF THE SHERIFF OF SAID COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter ninety-five of the Public-Local Laws, extra session, nineteen hundred and twenty-four, be and the same is hereby repealed, said act fixing the salary of the sheriff of Avery County, and in lieu of the compensation fixed in said act the sheriff of Avery County shall receive a commission of three per cent of all taxes collected by his office and in addition shall be entitled to the fees for his services as sheriff allowed by law. |
1925_public local laws_241_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 240 | 1 | CHAPTER 240 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR PAYMENT OF SCHOOL INDEBT- EDNESS OF COLUMBUS COUNTY. Whereas, the public school laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three directs that the board of county commissioners fund all school indebtedness outstanding as of December thirty- one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two; and Whereas, there was outstanding as of December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, in Columbus County a school indebtedness of approximately one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars to be funded under the public school law of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three; and Whereas, the various boards of county commissioners are directed by said public school laws of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three to borrow money to meet the amount called for in the budget where the levy is not sufficient to take care of the amount called for in the budget; and to increase the levy in the succeeding year to take care of the amount so bor- rowed; and Whereas, the board of county commissioners of Columbus County had to borrow fifty thousand dollars since December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, to meet the difference between the levy for school purposes and the amount called for in the budget of the county board of educa- tion; and Whereas, it was necessary to levy ninety cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property, real and personal, for the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four to meet the demands of the budget, not including the fifty thousand dollars borrowed; and Whereas, the school taxes for said county are burdensome without the additional Jews to make up the fifty thousand dollars as required by Sw; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of county commissioners of Columbus County is hereby authorized and directed to fund the school debt of one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars incurred prior to December thirty-one, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, and the fifty thousand dollars incurred since that time and to issue sufficient bonds in an amount not to exceed one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars with which to fund said indebtedness. |
1931_private laws_37_3 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 36 | 2 | CHAPTER 36 AN ACT TO REPEAL CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED NINE OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN, CREATING A POWER AND WATER COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF PLYMOUTH. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1925_private laws_92_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 91 | 1 | CHAPTER 91 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 194 OF THE. PRIVATE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA, SESSION OF 1901, SO AS TO EX- TEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF SHELBY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the Private Laws of one thousand nine hundred and one be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words threefourths of a mile, in line six of section two, and inserting in Se nn section two, and inserting in lieu thereof the words one and one-half miles. |
1933_public local laws_87_5 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 86 | 4 | CHAPTER 86 AN ACT TO VALIDATE AND AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES BY MUNICIPALITIES IN HAYWOOD, GRAHAM, SWAIN,. JONES, JACKSON AND CHEROKEE COUNTIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. |
1935_public local laws_33_13 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 32 | 12 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SOUTHPORT AND THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK TO ESTABLISH A PORT COM- MISSION FOR THE SAID CITY AND COUNTY, TO PRE- SCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE SAID COMMISSION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SAID CITY AND COUNTY TO CO- OPERATE WITH THE SAID COMMISSION IN CARRYING OUT THE PURPOSES AND INTENTIONS OF THIS ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. |
1965_session laws_927_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 926 | 3 | CHAPTER 926 AN ACT RELATING TO THE SUSPENSION OF DRIVERS LICENSE FOR NONPAYMENT OF JUDGMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1965_session laws_910_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 909 | 1 | CHAPTER 909 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 20 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION DE- CLARING IT UNLAWFUL FOR PERSONS TO OPERATE BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES ON THE PUBLIC HIGHWAYS MORE THAN TWO ABREAST. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Chapter 20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by adding a new Section thereto to be designated as G. S. 20-146.1 and to read as follows: $ 20-146.1. Operation of Motorcycles. It shall be unlawful for persons operating motorcycles upon the public highways of the State of North Carolina to travel thereon more than two abreast. Any persons operating motorcycles upon the public highways shall operate the same as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. Sec. 14 Upon conviction of the above offense, the punishment therefor shall be a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days for each offense. |
1965_session laws_823_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 822 | 3 | CHAPTER 822 AN ACT TO CREATE A GOLF COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD AND TO PRESCRIBE THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE SAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Upon the appointment of the commissioners, they shall immediately call a meeting among themselves and organize into a body, elect a chairman who shall serve for a one-year term and such other officers as may be necessary and the law may require of such commission generally for the transaction in carrying out the provisions of this Act. The commission shall have the further power to appoint any committees that it may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act, such committees to be responsible to the commission. |
1965_session laws_1144_7 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,143 | 6 | CHAPTER 1143 AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 156, | All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. |
1965_session laws_1046_11 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,045 | 10 | CHAPTER 1045 AN ACT TO CREATE A LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | If any provision of this Act is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of the Act which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the provisions of this Act are declared to be severable. |
1965_session laws_1010_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,009 | 2 | CHAPTER 1009 AN ACT TO FIX THE SALARIES AND EXPENSES OF THE DISTRICT SOLICITORS OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | G. S. Jul-45 as the same appears in the 1963 Supplement to the Genera] Statutes is amended by striking out in lines 2 and 3 the words and figures two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). |
1957_session laws_745_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 744 | 2 | CHAPTER 744 AN ACT TO DEFINE, REGULATE AND LICENSE REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND REAL ESTATE SALESMEN IN NORTH CAROLINA AND TO CREATE THE NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE LICENSING BOARD AND DEFINE ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Definitions and Exceptions. (a) That a real estate broker within the meaning of this Act is any person, partnership, association, or corporation, who for a compensation or valuable consideration or promise thereof sells or offers to sell, buys or offers to buy, auctions or offers to auction, (specifically not including a mere crier of sales) or negotiates the purchase or sale or exchange of real estate, or who leases or offers to lease, or who sells or offers to sell leases of whatever character, or rents or offers to rent any real estate or the improvement thereon, for others, as a whole or partial vocation. (b) The term real estate salesman within the meaning of this Act shall mean and include any person who, for a compensation or valuable consideration is associated with or engaged by or on behalf of a licensed real estate broker to do, perform or deal in any act, acts or transactions set out or comprehended by the foregoing definition of real estate broker. (c) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to and shall not include any person, partnership, association or corporation, who, as owner or lessor, shall perform any of the acts aforesaid with reference to property owned or leased by them, where such acts are performed in the regular course of or as an incident to the management of such property and the investment therein; nor shall the provisions of this Act apply to persons acting as atterney-in-fact under a duly executed power of attorney from the owner authorizing the final consummation of performance of any contract for the sale, lease or exchange of real estate, nor shall this Act be 664 construed to include in any way the acts or services rendered by an attorney at law; nor shall it be held to include, while acting as such, a receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, guardian, administrator or executor or any such person acting under order of any court, nor to include a trustee acting under a trust agreement, deed of trust or will, or the regular salaried employees thereof, and nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to require a license for the owner, personally, to sell or lease his own property. |
1957_session laws_325_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 324 | 2 | CHAPTER 324 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM SYSTEM FOR RECORDING MAPS AND PLATS IN SURRY COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The County Commissioners of Surry County be and they are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion, to have any and all other maps, plats of land or blue prints thereof, whether attached to, or filed in any and all deed or plat books in the office of the Register of Deeds of said county, photostated to be not more than eighteen by twenty-four inches and placed within new books. 307 |
Subsets and Splits