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1893_public laws_298_5 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 298 | 4 | CHAPTER 298 [FROWN FER? An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous liquor in various localities. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : _ | It shall be unlawful to sell or dispose of any spirituous liquors with a view to remuneration within three miles of the following places: Alexander.Bethlehem Baptist church, Caldwell.Laurel Hill church. Catawba.Mountain View M. E. church, south. CravenBethany and Friendship churches. Cumberland.Tabor M. E. church, south, and Cumberland Union Baptist church. Granville.Hunts, Zions, Mountain and Breedloves schoolhouses, district number thirty-two, school for white race. Haywood,Waynesville High School. Robeson.Aberdeen Sunday-school school-house, Edinboro Sunday-school house. Onslow.Haw Branch church. |
1893_public laws_253_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 252 | 1 | CHAPTER 252 An act to provide funds for the completion of the pgricsthieade and RS Mechanical College, colored. = The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : vey, | That the sum of five thousand dollars per year for tha ay years of eighteen hundred and ninety-three and-eighteen hundred and ninety-four is hereby appropriated from fupds in the publice ; treasury of this state not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of completing, erecting and furnishing said building for the use of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race. |
1893_public laws_225_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 224 | 2 | CHAPTER 224 An act to provide for the North Carolina institution for the deaf, dumb and the blind. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of five thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the repairs and improvements necessary at both the white and colored departments of said institutions for the fiscal year beginning December first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three; and the same amount is hereby appropriated for repairs and improvements of said institutions for the year beginning December first, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. |
1893_public laws_70_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 69 | 1 | CHAPTER 69 / An act to require the county superintendents of public instruction to secure information as to the number of deaf, dumb and blind children in their respective counties. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction to require of the school committee f the various school districts in enumerating the number of school children, to make a statement in the report of the number of deaf, dumb and blind between the ages of six and twenty-ohe years, designating the race and sex, and the address of the parent or guardian of said children; and the county superintendents of public instruction are hereby required to furnish such information to the principals of the deaf, dumb and blind institutions, and the superintendent of public instruction, in preparing blanks as directed in The Code, section three thousand three hundred and seventy, shall include questions answers to which will furnish the information aforesaid. |
1893_public laws_528_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 528 | 1 | CHAPTER 528, An act to establish graded schools in the city of High Point. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of High Point, Guilford county, shall be and is hereby constituted The High Point Graded School District for white and colored children. |
1899_public laws_625_9 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 624 | 8 | CHAPTER 624 An act to establish graded schools in Lincolnton. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The said board of trustees shall have power to employ teachers, dismiss the same and do all such acts as may be necessary to carry on said graded schools; and all the property both real and personal of the public schools of said town shall become the property of the said graded schools, and shall be vested in the said board of trustees and their successors in trust for the said graded schools: Provided, that in the event of the discontinuance of said graded schools all of the property which heretofore belonged to the public, schools of said town shall revert to and become the property of the white or colored school respectively to which it formerly belonged; and all property, real or personal, acquired by the said board of trustees from any and all other sources shall be disposed of and the funds and proceeds thereof applied in such manner as the board of commissioners of the said town may direct. |
1897_public laws_113_17 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 112 | 16 | CHAPTER 112 An act to establish a system of graded schools in Henderson, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the trustees of the colored school are hereby empowered to use not more than one-fourth of the funds collected from the special assessment for two years to build suitable school-houses, and to remodel those that are already in use as public school-houses. |
1897_public laws_180_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 179 | 1 | CHAPTER 179 An act to establish graded public schools in the city of Hickory. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That for the purposes and benefits of this act, the territory embraced within the present corporate limits of the city of Hickory, Catawba county, shall be, and is hereby constituted a public school district for both white and colored children, to be known as The Hickory Graded School District. |
1899_public laws_542_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 541 | 2 | CHAPTER. 541 An act to amend sections eighteen hundred and fifteen and eighteen hun dred and eighteen of The Code, relating to the form and record of mar riage license. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said section be further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: That every register of deeds shall designate in every marriage license issued the race of the persons proposing to marry by inserting in the blank after the word race the words white, colored or Indian as the ase may be. |
1899_public laws_505_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 504 | 2 | CHAPTER 504 An act to establish Washington avenue supplemental school district. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the board of commissioners of Columbus county, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district, is hereby authorized and directed to submit on the first Tuesday in May, eighteen hundred and ninetynine, and any year thereafter, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Columbus under such rules and regulations as exist for the election of members of the general assembly, the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For schools or No schools thereon. re ate : |
1899_public laws_487_10 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 486 | 9 | CHAPTER 486 An actin relation to the public school in the town of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The school committee provided for by this act shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in the town of Pilot Mountain as shall be just to the white and col ored races without discrimination in favor of or to.the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up and maintaining the schools of both races: Provided, separate schools shail be established and maintained for the white and coiored races. |
1899_public laws_487_7 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 486 | 6 | CHAPTER 486 An actin relation to the public school in the town of Pilot Mountain, North Carolina, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The school committee created by this act may elect annually a superintendent of the school established under this act, who shall be the principal of the public or graded school for white children, if same shall be established. The said superintendent shall examine all applicants for teachers positions in the said schools and issue certificates to the same, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by said school cominittee. |
1899_public laws_473_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 472 | 2 | CHAPTER 472 An act to establish public schools in Chadbourn township, with a special tax supplemental thereto. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the board of commissioners of Columbus county, upon the written application of a majority of the board of trustees of said school district is hereby authorized and directed to submit on the first Thursday in May, eighteen hundred and ninety nine, and any year thereafter, to the qualified voters of said school district embraced in said county of Coiumbus under such rules and regulations as now exist for the election of mayor and commissioners of the town of Chadbourn the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein for the support of supplemental public schools for white and colored races of said district. Each voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words For school or No school thereon. |
1899_public laws_428_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 427 | 1 | CHAPTER 427 An act to pay George S. Leeper, colored, for teaching public school im Gaston county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the treasurer of Gaston county is hereby authorized to pay George S. Leeper (colored) twenty two dollars and forty-five cents ($22.45), due him for teaching a public school in school district number five, colored race, known as Fancy Hill, now in school district number one, colored race, out of any money now or that may hereafter be in treasury due said Faney Hill school for colored race. |
1899_public laws_399_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 398 | 2 | CHAPTER 398 An act to provide a local board of managers of the State Colored Normal School at Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | Said local board of managers shall have entire supervision and control of the funds and property of said State Colored Normal School at Fayetteville; shall be the sole judges of the fitness and character of the superintendent and teachers therein, who shall be employed only with the consent of a Majority of said board, and for good cause may dismiss the superintendent or any teacher and employ another person to fill the same place; may fix the number and salaries of the teachers in said school and the salary of the superintendent; adopt rules for the government of the superintendent, teachers and pupils, and generally shall do all things necessary to the prone maintenance of said school. |
1899_public laws_398_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 397 | 1 | CHAPTER 397 An act to provide for trustees of the Colored Normal School at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That J. M. Powell, D. J. Broadhurst, Sol. Weil, J. W. Gardner and W. H. Sugg be and they are hereby appointed trustees of the Colored Normal School at Goldsboro and as such shall elect the superintendent and teachers of said school, fix the salaries of the same and superintend and manage said school. |
1899_public laws_363_7 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 362 | 6 | CHAPTER 362 An act in relation to public schools in the town of Maxton. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | It shall be the duty of the said school committee to distribute and apportion the school moneys placed to their credit so as to give each school in the town, white and colored, the same length of schoo! term as nearly as may be each year, and in making expenditures the committee shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers required in each school, white and colored, in said town. |
1899_public laws_268_6 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 267 | 5 | CHAPTER 267 An act in relation to the public school in the town of Mount Airy, and providing for the levying of a tax to support the same. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the school committee provided for by this act shall have entire and exclusive control of the public school interests and property of the town of Mount Airy, shall prescribe rules and regulations for their own government not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall employ and fix the compensation of officers and teachers of the public school or graded public school annually, subject to removal by the said school committee; shall make an accurate census of the school population of the town as required by the general school law of the state, and do all other acts that may be just and lawful to conduct and manage the public school interests in said town: Provided, all the children resident in the town of Mount Airy between the ages of six and twenty-one years shall be admitted into the said schools free of tuition charges: Provided, persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools from their homes or as boarders on the payment of tuition fees to be fixed by the said school committee. |
1897_public laws_114_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 113 | 1 | CHAPTER 113 An act to consolidate public school districts No. 19 and 20 for the colored race in Wilson county. The General Assembiy of North Carolina do enact: | That Public School Districts No. 19 and 20 for the Colored Race in Wilson county, be and the same are hereby consolidated into one District, to be known as the * Elm City Public School for the Colored Race. |
1899_public laws_113_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 112 | 2 | CHAPTER 112 An act to provide for the management of the Colored Normal School at Franklinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That H. C. Kearney, T. C. Joyner, R. B. White, H. E. Pearce and J. A. Thomas be and they are hereby appointed | trustees of said Colored Normal School, who shall hold said position from the date of the ratification of this act until the first day of June, nineteen hundred and one, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. That thereafter the terms of the sueceessors of said trustees shall begin on the first day of June, nineteen hundred and one, and each successive two years thereafter and continue for two years and until the appointment and qualification of their successors. |
1899_public laws_97_4 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 96 | 3 | CHAPTER 96 An act to create graded schools in the town of Kinston. North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That for the purpose and benefits of this act the city of anston. shall be a graded school district for both white and colored children and is hereby named and designated as the Kinston graded school district. |
1899_public laws_37_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 36 | 1 | CHAPTER 36 An act to appoint a committee to investigate the condition and manage- ment of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race at Greensboro, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That a joint committee of three, of one on the part of the senate and two on the part of the house be appointed to investigate the condition and management of the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the colored race at Greensboro, North Carolina. |
1897_public laws_522_10 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 520 | 9 | CHAPTER 520 An act to provide for the support, maintenance and other purposes of the state hospital at Morganton, the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and the eastern hospital at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act the board of directors of the penitentiary are hereby authorized and directed to employ, to the exclusion of any current work, any skilled labor to be found among the convicts in remodeling and arranging such portions of the penitentiary building as, after due inquiry, shall be deemed necessary to provide for the humane eare of the insane persons herein mentioned. It shall be the duty of the penitentiary authorities to provide separate quarters for the sleeping, eating and exercising of the two sexes, and also for the white and colored patients, and all insane persons in their charge shall be kept absolutely apart from the sane convicts. The physicians of the penitentiary, under the directions of the physician of the Raleigh insane asylum, as herein provided, shall be the medical superintendent of the insane wards herein provided for. |
1897_public laws_522_4 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 520 | 3 | CHAPTER 520 An act to provide for the support, maintenance and other purposes of the state hospital at Morganton, the North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh, and the eastern hospital at Goldsboro. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That there is hereby appropriated the sum of forty thousand dollars for the benefit, care, maintenance, repairs and support of the state hospital for the colored insane at Goldsboro, and this amount is hereby annually appropriated for the benefit of said institution. |
1897_public laws_317_6 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 315 | 5 | CHAPTER 3815 An act to incorporate the New Hanover society for the pre- vention of crime. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all colored children, resident in New Hanover county, of fourteen -14 years old or under, without parents or homes, shall be eligible to admission into said childrens home, so long as there may be sufficient accommodations for them. |
1897_public laws_266_5 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 265 | 4 | CHAPTER 265 An act to charter the Eastern hospital for the colored insane and the Western hospital for the insane and North Carolina insane asylum at Raleigh, and to provide for their govern- ment. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the Eastern hospital for the colored insane, the Central hospital for the insane and the Western hospital for the insane hereby incorporated and shall be under the management of nine trustees to be nominated by the governor and confirmed by the senate, who shall hold their offices for the term of four years from and after their appointment and the provisions of chapter 2, Vol. 2, of The Code, applicable to the directors of the North Garolina insane asylum not in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby made applicable to the board of trustees of the State hospitals for the colored insane and the Central hospital for the insane and the Western hospital for the insane Bee as modified by this act hereby re-enacted. |
1897_public laws_262_5 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 261 | 4 | CHAPTER 261 An act to establish graded schools in the district herein specified, and to be known as Chapel Hill schoel districts, number twenty-four, Orange county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if a majority of the qualified voters of said schoo! districts shall vote for schools, the county authorities of Orange county, legally authorized to levy taxes, shall, in addition to other taxes laid upon said school districts, annually compute and levy, at the time of levying other taxes, a sufficient special tax upon the property and polls of the white and colored persons of said school districts to raise such a sum of money as the trustees hereinafter named of said school districts shall deem necessary, and shall report annually to said authorities, to support and maintain said schools, which sum shall be not less than one-fourth of one per centum on the property and seventy-five cents on the poll, nor more than one-half of one per centum on the property and one hundred and fifty cents on the polls annually of white and colored persons in said districts. Said trustees hereinafter mentioned shall immediately after the elections herein provided for, report to the county authorities empowered to levy taxes what sum said trustees deem necessary to support and maintain said schools during the first year, and annually thereafter said trustees, thirty days prior to the time for levying county taxes, shall report to said authorities what sum of money is necessary to support said schools during the next year. And the taxes for the support of said schools shall be annually collected as other taxes are ecollected and paid over by the sheriff or other collecting officers to the county treasurer, which officers shall give good and sufficient bonds to be approved by the said commissioners for the safe keeping and proper distribution of said taxes, and the taxes levied and collected for these purposes shall be kept sacred, separate and distinet from other taxes by the officers in charge and shall be used only for the purposes for which they were levied and collected. |
1897_public laws_262_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 261 | 2 | CHAPTER 261 An act to establish graded schools in the district herein specified, and to be known as Chapel Hill schoel districts, number twenty-four, Orange county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Commissioners of Orange county are authorized and required to order an election to be held in the said Chapel Hill districts, number twenty-four, for the whites and colored of Orange county, on the first Monday in May next, and at the said election to submit to the qualified voters of said districts the question of levying an annual special tax on the property and polls of white and colored persons in said districts for the purpose of supporting and maintaining public graded schools for the white and colored children in said school districts. |
1897_public laws_256_10 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 255 | 9 | CHAPTER 255 An act to establish a school for the training of colored 5 teachers. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of the faculty of the institution to extend its influence and usefulness as far as possible to persons who are unable to avail themselves of its advantages as resident students; having respect to the claims of each county in the State. To this end they shall arrange a course of reading and study which may be pursued by others than those resident at the institution. Upon application of any colored teacher for examination, at the institution, upon this course, an examination shall be held, and if such examination prove satisfactory, the regular certificate of the institution shall be granted. |
1897_public laws_256_5 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 255 | 4 | CHAPTER 255 An act to establish a school for the training of colored 5 teachers. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That as soon as the institution shall have been located and the directors elected the president shall call a meeting of the directors, who shall make rules and regulations and provide for the opening of the institution: Provided, that the board of directors shall make such regulations about the admission of pupils as will not discriminate against any county as to the number of pupils allowed it, in case all applicants cannot be accommodated: Provided, further, that each county shall have representation in proportion to its colored population if it desires it, and should any county fail to avail itself of its proportionate number, the board of directors may recognize applicants from counties which already have their proportionate representation. |
1899_public laws_113_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 112 | 1 | CHAPTER 112 An act to provide for the management of the Colored Normal School at Franklinton, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the State Colored Normal School located at Franklinton, North Carolina, shall be under the control and management of a board of trustees, to be composed of five persons who shall be biennially appointed by the general assembly. |
1905_public laws_700_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 699 | 1 | CHAPTER 699 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE SANDY RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, No. 10, WHITE RACE, IN BUFORD TOWNSHIP, UNION COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the following boundaries shall constitute a public school district, to-wit: Beginning at J. J. Lockharts plantation on the Plyler Mill road near Emeline Milton, including said J. J. Lockharts plantation; thence to and including L. C. Bickett place; thence to and including the A. A. Laney place, known as the Mine tract; thence to and including S. M. Rogers place; thence to and including Thomas E. Williams place; thence to and including T. N. Gay, Jr.s, place; thence to and including John Broom place, thence to and including Mrs. Queen Helms place; thence to and including J. H. Edwards place; thence to and including Miss Julia and Patterson Belks heirs land; thence with a straight line to and including S. H. Rogers place; thence to and including Columbus Belks place; thence to and including the J. J. Lockhart and C. H. Richardson place; thence to and including J. P. Aycoth place; thence to and including A. Cooks place, known as the Jacob Starnes place; thence to and including C. L. Youngblood place, known as the Simpson and Sikes place; thence to and including W. S. Brantley place; thence to and including W. L. Griffin place; thence with the Plyler Mill road and Mount Prospect school district line to the beginning. The said territory so.bounded shall constitute a public school district for the white race, to be known as the Sandy Ridge School District, Number Ten, in Buford Township, Union County, North Carolina. |
1907_public laws_510_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 509 | 2 | CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of relig- ion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best inter- est of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: 'The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said trustees are empowered to purchase at some suitable and convenient point in this State not less than one hundred acres nor more than five hundred acres of land whereon to erect and operate a school for the training and moral and industrial development of the criminally delinquent children of the State, and when such school shall have been organized the said trustees may in their discretion receive therein such delinquent and criminal children under the age of sixteen years as may be sent or committed thereto under any order or comumitment by the Judges of the Superior Courts or the Recorders or other presiding officers of the city or criminal courts, and shall have the sole right and authority to keep, restrain and control them during their minority, or until such time as they shall deem proper for their discharge, under such proper and humane rules and regulations as may be adopted by said trustees. |
1907_public laws_510_4 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 509 | 3 | CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas, it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of relig- ion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best inter- est of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: 'The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all moneys received by said trustees by private gifts, donations or otherwise shall be expended in the establishment, operation and maintenance of the school for the training and the moral and industrial development of such delinquent children, and in securing homes for them; and in case the said trustees receive or are allowed any State aid for said school, it shall be their duty to duly account for all moneys so received by Pub.48 them and to make report of the manner of its expenditure and of the work done by them as hereinafter more particularly provided for. |
1929_private laws_58_5 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 57 | 4 | CHAPTER 57 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE LEAKSVILLE TOWN- SHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT, TO CREATE A BOARD OF TRUSTEES WITH POWERS AND DUTIES INCIDENT TO THE OPERATION OF THE SCHOOLS OF THE DISTRICT IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all rights, benefits, privileges, powers, and duties which now reside in the district through its committeemen shall remain with the district, and furthermore that all rights, benefits, privileges, powers, and duties that may in the future be granted the public schools in North Carolina shall not be abridged nor withholden from the district by this act. It is further provided that the following powers and duties are hereby granted and imposed upon the aforesaid trustees, and authorization for the performance and execution of the said powers and duties is hereby granted and imposed upon the said trustees of the said Leaksville Township Public School District, and their successors in office, to wit: (a) To establish and maintain within the district as far as means will permit a complete and adequate system of elementary and secondary schools for both white and negro races, such as will meet the standards and recommendations for the public elementary and secondary schools in North Carolina as now are, or as may be established hereafter, by the State Department of Education. (b) To employ a superintendent, principals, teachers and other officials and employees, including an executive secretary, as may be deemed advisable, fix their compensation and order their salaries paid in accordance with the public school law of North Carolina, and to dismiss such employees in accordance with the provisions of the law. (c) To provide and maintain, as means may permit or necessity require, special instruction for delinquent or defective children, kindergartens, evening schools, vocational education, and such other educational instruction and facilities as the said board of trustees may deem advisable. (d) To have power to acquire land for school purposes by purchase of condemnation under the general school law of the State, or under the general law for condemnation of property as set forth in chapter thirty-three of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, entitled Eminent Domain. (e) To adopt and enforce, for the conduct of the schools, rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education. (f) To have such other powers and functions. as may be assigned to them in the future by act of the General Assembly, or by rule or regulation of the State Board of Education made in conformity with the law. |
1927_public local laws_214_3 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 213 | 2 | CHAPTER 213 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CHEROKEE INDIANS IN COLUMBUS COUNTY. Whereas, the Indians now living in Columbus County claim to be descendants of a friendly tribe residing in Eastern North Carolina and in Robeson County, North Carolina, known as the Cherokee Indians: Therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Indians mentioned in section one of this act and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, school committee of their own race and color, and shall be allowed to select teachers of their own choice, subject to the same rules and regulations as are applicable to all teachers in the public school law, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools all children of the negro race to the fourth generation. |
1927_private laws_233_46 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 232 | 45 | CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM AND AMENDMENTS THERE- TO; TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of aldermen shall provide for the establishment, continuance, maintenance and support of a system of public schools, and for this purpose shall annually appropriate a certain part of the taxes of the city, the amount of such appropriation to be ascertained and fixed by the board of aldermen. The board of aldermen shall have power to fix the salaries of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent of schools and shall proportion and distribute the school fund in the annual budget. Said schools shall be devoted to the education of the young, by high school and graded system, and shall be open to all bona fide residents of the city of Winston-Salem between the ages of six and twenty-one years, but persons living beyond the limits of the corporation may attend the schools upon the payment of tuitiom fees and under such regulations and rules as may be prescribed by the public school commissioners; that white and colored schools shall be conducted in distinct and separate buildings and departments; that said public schools shall be managed by a board of seven citizens and taxpayers of the city, two thereof being members of the board of aldermen, all of whom shall be elected by the board of aldermen, and in case of any vacancy occurring during the term of office of any commissioner, the board of aldermen shall appoint some one to fill out the unexpired term. That said board of commissioners shall be a body corporate and politic, under the name of the Public School Commissioners of Winston-Salem, and shall elect one of their number chairman and take in charge the various public schools of the city. The commissioners aforesaid shall have the power to select the superintendent of schools, assistant superintendent, directors of various departments of public schools, and teachers and other employees, and to dismiss them for cause: Provided, that the selection and appointment of the superintendent of schools, and the assistant superintendent, shall be with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen; the said board of commissioners shall also have power to fix the salaries of teachers and other employees, except as provided above, to aid them in the establishment of grades and the enforcement of discipline, to abate nuisances at the schools, to regulate the admission of pupils from without the corporate limits and fix the rate of tuition, to visit the schools regularly for inspection and do all other acts pertaining to their office for the good and success of the school. Said commissioners shall serve without compensation. The term of office of said commissioners shall be as follows: Those elected from the board of aldermen shall serve during the term for which they have been elected aldermen, and the other five commissioners shall be elected, for a term of three years each, by. the board of aldermen at its first regular meeting in September as follows: In September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, two members shall be elected; in September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, two members shall be elected; in September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, one member shall be elected, and so on by annual election to fill unexpired terms. The members of the present board shall hold office for the term for which appointed, and until their successors are elected and qualified. |
1927_private laws_233_38 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 232 | 37 | CHAPTER 232 AN ACT TO CODIFY AND AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM AND AMENDMENTS THERE- TO; TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of aldermen shall have the power to enact ordinances in such form as they may deem advisable, as follows: For the protection of the waterworks and water supply of the city of Winston-Salem; to grant to any person, firm or corporation a franchise and right to own, control and operate, for a term of years or otherwise, street railways, telephone, telegraph, lighting or heatimg systems, or any other business engaged in public service; to fix tolls of street railways; to contract as to compensation for such franchise, and to control, regulate and tax the same; to prevent vagrancy, and any person not engaged in any lawful cocupation and who spends his time im gambling or loafing about the streets, without visible means of support, shall be considered a vagrant; to regulate and conduct all elections, to prevent interference with the officers thereof, and to preserve order thereat; to prescribe rules and regulations for the government and duties of police officers; to prohibit all trades, occupations or acts which are nuisances; to define and condemn nuisances and provide for the abatement or removal of same; to grant permits for the construction of buildings and other structures, and to prohibit the construction of any building or structure which in the judgment of the board of aldermen may be a nuisance, or of injury to adjacent property, or to the general public; to regulate and control the character of buildings which shall be constructed or permitted to be and remain in any part of the city of Winston-Salem, with the right to declare the same a nuisance or unsafe, and cause their demolition or removal; to provide for the leveling, filling in and drainage of all ponds, sunken lots or other places in which water stands and stagnates, and to recover from the owner or occupant the expenses of doing the same, which expense shall be a lien upon the lots so improved and enforced as liens for taxes; to prevent dogs, hogs, cattle and other livestock from roaming at large in the city, and to regulate or prohibit the keeping of hog pens within the city limits; to define and establish the fire limits and prevent the location of wooden or other buildings within said fire limits and in any part of the city where they may increase the danger of fire; to regulate and prescribe what character of buildings shall be constructed within the said limits, and provide for the conditions under which buildings*may be erected; to establish and appoint a fire commissioner or fire commission, and prescribe the duties and powers thereof; to prohibit the collection or existence in, on or about any storehouse, warehouse, residence or any private premises of inflammable or combustible matter or material; require the owner of such premises to remove or destroy same, and provide rules for the removal or destruction of such inflammable or combustible matter; and for purposes herein set forth to authorize an examination and inspection of all stores, warehouses, residences or any private premises; to establish, regulate and control the markets or market buildings, to fix the location of any market building, prescribe the time and manner and place within the city wherein marketable articles, such as meats, perishable vegetables, fish, game, and, all other kinds of perishable food or diet shall be bought or sold; to appoint keepers of markets and prescribe their duties and fix their compensation ; to regulate the license of itinerant merchants or peddlers, and of those doing a temporary business; to establish, regulate and control cemeteries; to provide for the manner in which bodies may be interred therein or removed therefrom, and for beautifying, ornamenting and keeping the same in condition; to provide suitable grounds for the enlargement, extension or establishment of mew cemeteries, providing separate cemeteries for white and black; to control and regulate the time and manner of burying the dead, the burial of any person within the corporate limits of the said city not within said cemeteries, and provide for the punishment of persons violating the rules and regulations concerning the cemetery; to provide for the establishment, organization, equipment and government of fire companies, fire commissioners and fire-alarm system, and to adopt rules for the conduct, regulations and terms of office thereof; to regulate the erection, placing and maintenance of all telephone, telegraph and other electric wires and to prohibit the same from being strung overhead in a public street, and to 28Private compel the owners and operators of telephone, telegraph or electric wires to put same under ground; to prohibit or control the use of any gasoline engine, the making or repairing of boilers, the establishment or operation of any plant or business which is or may become a nuisance to any part of the community; to prohibit or control the firing of firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes or other explosive materials, and to govern the sale thereof; to control and regulate the speed of all horses or other animals, automobiles, buggies, carriages, wagons or other vehicles on the streets; to regulate the speed of railroad engines and trains or street cars within the corporate limits, or the stopping of engines or cars in the streets or crossings of the city; to specify the manner in which all stove pipes and flues and electric wires shall be put in buildings, and to control and regulate the arrangement and operation thereof; to control and regulate the place and manner in which powder and other explosives and inflammable substances may be kept and sold, and the place and manner in which commercial fertilizers are stored; to provide for the sanitary condition and keeping of all lots, cellars, houses, water closets, privies, lavatories, stables, sites, and other places of like character, to provide for the examination and sanitation thereof, and for that purpose ordinances may be passed authorizing sanitary officers or policemen to enter the premises suspected of being im bad or unsanitary condition and have the same cleaned at the expense of the owner, or abate such places as nuisances and recover of the occupant #NAME? owner the expense thereof; to regulate the due observance of Sunday; to prevent the entrance into the city or the spreading of any contagious or infectious disease therein, and, for that purpose, may stop, detain and examine every person coming from places believed to be infected with such disease; to establish and maintain quarantines against communities and territories where it is suspected prevails any infectious or contagious disease; to establish and regulate hospitals within the city or within three miles thereof, and may cause ary person in the city suspected to be infected with such disease and whose stay in the city may endanger public health, to be removed to the hospital or other place that the mayor may select; to prevent from coming into the city any second-hand clothing, bedding or furniture; to remove from the city or destroy any furniture or other articles which may be suspected to be tainted or infected with contagious or infectious disease or in such condition as may generate and propagate disease; to abate all nuisances which may be injurious to public health; may vaccinate or otherwise subject to medical treatment all persons having smallpox or other contagious or infectious disease; to recover, by proper action against those who may cause the same, all costs and expenses of the moving and treating people having or suspected of having contagious or infectious diseases; shall have power, by force, to remove all persons from the city or to carry them to hospitals or other places selected by the mayor or board of aldermen and detain them therein; to prohibit the carrying on of any disorderly house or house of ill-fame, or gambling house or house where games of chance are being carried on or where liquors are illegally sold; to provide for the inspection and examination thereof; and, for that purpose, may-enter upon said premises and make arrest of any person or persons violating the ordinances of the city in reference thereto; to prohibit the construction of cellars under sidewalks or the making of entrances into sidewalks, and to make rules and fix specifications for the construction of all cellars under sidewalks or entrances into sidewalks; to regulate and control motion picture shows, and all exhibitions or places of public amusement, and all exhibitions or performances given therein; provide a board of censors who shall have power to inspect and view all public places of amusement or exhibtions given therein, and prohibit such as, in their judgment, are immoral or against public interests, and any violation of an order of the board of censors shall be unlawful, and every day an exhibition is permitted after am order of the board of censors prohibitng it shall constitute a separate offense. On behalf of the general welfare of the city of Winston-Salem, and for the good order and government thereof, the board of aldermen may, in addition to the foregoing powers. pass or ordain any resolution or ordinance, and enforce the same by proper punishment or penalty, which it may consider wise or proper, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State. |
1927_private laws_15_12 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 14 | 11 | CHAPTER 14 AN ACT TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT THE CHARTER OF GASTONIA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of school commissioners shall establish graded public schools for the white and colored children for said graded school district, and shall appropriate and use the funds derived from special taxes or other sources, in such manner as it may deem best for both races. |
1927_private laws_15_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 14 | 1 | CHAPTER 14 AN ACT TO AMEND AND RE-ENACT THE CHARTER OF GASTONIA GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, shall be and the same is hereby created and continued as a school district for white and colored children, to be known as Gastonia Graded School District, with the right as such to receive its proportion of the general school fund from the county board of education, or from any other source. |
1925_private laws_162_28 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 161 | 27 | CHAPTER 161 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF HAMILTON LAKES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: CHAPTER I. ORGANIZATION | The council may establish separate libraries for the use and benefit of the white and colored races of said town, or either, and may appropriate from the public funds such amounts as may be necessary for the support and maintenance of the same. |
1924 extra_private laws_19_3 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 18 | 2 | CHAPTER 18 AN ACT INCORPORATING THE HIGGS ROANOKE INSTITUTE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said corporation shall be the property of the Middle Ground Baptist Association of the colored race of Eastern North Carolina, and it shall be controlled by a board of trustees named by the said association as hereinafter set forth, and the said corporation shall have the right to buy, sell, and own real and personal property, to sue and to be sued, to adopt and use a common seal, to execute mortgages and liens, and enter contracts of all kinds, and in general to do any and all acts necessary and proper in the conduct and management of an educational institution for the education and training of the colored youth in manual, industrial, agricultural, classic, and religious education. |
1923_public local laws_599_3 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 602 | 2 | CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THAT RACE OF PEOPLE IN GASTON TOWNSHIP, NORTHAMP- TON COUNTY, KNOWN AS THE PORTUGUESE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That after said building shall have been provided as aforesaid, the board of education for Northampton County is hereby empowered and directed to provide teachers for said school for said race, and said teacher or teachers shall be paid as other teachers in said county are paid without extra tax on said race of people, except as they may vote same upon themselves. The teachers of said school shall be either of the said race known as Portuguese or white persons, as in the discretion of the board of education for Northampton County it may deem proper. |
1923_public local laws_599_2 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 602 | 1 | CHAPTER 602 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THAT RACE OF PEOPLE IN GASTON TOWNSHIP, NORTHAMP- TON COUNTY, KNOWN AS THE PORTUGUESE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the race of people known as Portuguese in Gaston Township, Northampton County, shall have a separate school from the white or colored schools in said county: Provided, said Portuguese shall furnish a suitable building situate in Gaston Township for said school, said building to be approved by the county board of education for said county of Northampton. |
1941_public local laws_423_3 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 422 | 2 | CHAPTER 422 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR INDIANS IN AVERASBORO AND DUKE TOWNSHIPS, HARNETT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Indians mentioned above and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools all children of the negro race to the fourth generation. |
1923_private laws_254_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 253 | 1 | CHAPTER 253 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE MONROE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR SCHOOL PUR- POSES. Whereas the Monroe Graded School District is coterminous with the city of Monroe; and whereas the trustees of said school have bargained to purchase a certain lot of land, a part of which is in the Monroe Graded School District and a part without the said school district; and whereas this is the most suitable place for the erection of a school building for the colored race; and whereas the trustees desire to erect said school building on that part of the property that is without the said school district and without the corporate limits of the city of Monroe: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees of the Monroe Graded School District be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase a site for a school building for the colored race in said school district and erect thereon suitable buildings outside the corporate limits of the city of Monroe and outside the limits of said Monroe Graded School District. |
1923_private laws_120_7 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 119 | 6 | CHAPTER 119 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 182, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1897, AND TO INCORPORATE OXFORD ORPHANAGE. Whereas the Oxford Orphan Asylum was established by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three; and Whereas said orphan asylum has been in successful operation since its establishment; and Whereas the Superior Court of Granville County, on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, granted a charter to said Oxford Orphan Asylum for a period of thirty years; and Whereas the General Assembly of North Carolina, chapter one hundred and thirty-two, Private Acts session of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, confirmed and amended the said charter granted by the Superior Court of Granville County; and Whereas it is desirable that the said charter be amended, and that its corporate existence be made perpetual: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the business of the corporation which is a purely charitable and educational one, shall be the continuance of the present institution known as The Oxford Asylum and its incorporation, without the change of purpose or identity for the maintenance and support of an orphanage or a home for indigent white orphans of tender years, citizens of the State of North Carolina, to be selected and received as the directors, hereinafter provided for, shall determine without discrimination as to sex, religious denominations or localities within the State and the support and education of such orphans, including their religious, moral, mental and physical training and their instruction in the useful arts. |
1923_private laws_38_48 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 37 | 47 | CHAPTER 37 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CITY OF GREENSBORO, TO DEFINE ITS CORPORATE LIMITS AND TO PROVIDE FOR ITS GOVERNMENT; TO REPEAL THE CHARTER OF THE PRESENT CITY OF GREENSBORO, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONTROL AND SUPPORT OF THE PRESENT GREENSBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: DEFINITIONS. The following words and phrases as used in this act shall, unless a contrary intention clearly appears, have the following meanings, respectively: City of Greensboro, the new corpora- tion created by this act; old corporation of Greensboro, the city of Greensboro heretofore created and now existing under that name, comprising a part of the territory embraced in the new corporation created by this act; new city limits, the boundary of the new municipality created by this act; old city limits, the boundary of the old corporation of Greensboro; new territory, the territory embraced in the new corporation created by this act, but not embraced in the old corporation of Greensboro; Greens- boro school district, the special tax school district heretofore created and haying the same boundary as the old corporation of Greensboro; board of education or board of education of the city of Greensboro, the school board or school committee of the Greensboro School District. CHAPTER IORGANIZATION | That the council may establish or continue separate libraries for the use and benefit of the white and colored races of said city, and may appropriate from the public funds such amounts as may be necessary for the support and maintenance of the same. One of the two libraries shall be known and designated as Greensboro Public Library for the Colored Race. |
1921 extra_private laws_144_3 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 143 | 2 | CHAPTER 143 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 138 OF THE LAWS OF 1901, INCORPORATING THE TRUSTEES OF LINCOLN HOS- PITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees of Lincoln Hospital shall consist of fifteen members and shall hold office for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified, elected as follows: One by the board of aldermen of the city of Durham and one by the county commissioners of Durham County; one by Mr. James Buchanan Duke during his life, and after his death by his nearest blood relative, who is above seventeen years of age; one by Mr. Benjamin N. Duke during his life, and after his death by his: nearest blood relative over seventeen years of age; one by the white Medical Society of the city of Durham; one by the faculty of the National Training School; one by the members of the graded schools of the city of Durham; one by the colored Ministerial Association of Durham; two by the directors of the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company; two by the directors of the Royal Knights of King David, and three by the colored Medical Society of the city of Durham. That the trustees shall serve from January following their election, which election shall take place not later than December thirty-first. In the event that either of the various bodies or organizations hereinbefore designated shall fail to elect a trustee or trustees as above required and requested, the board of trustees of Lincoln Hospital shall elect such trustees as they may see fit. |
1921 extra_private laws_36_3 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 35 | 2 | CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ROCKINGHAM GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR WHITE AND COLORED CHIL- DREN, RICHMOND COUNTY, TO ISSUE BONDS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No bonds shall be issued hereunder unless a majority of the qualified voters of said school district shall yote in favor of the issuance of the same, at an. election to be called by said board of commissioners after a petition requesting said election and signed by a majority of the board of trustees of the Rockingham Graded School District for the white and colored children, or their duly elected officers, has been filed with the said board of commissioners. It shall not be necessary to submit to the yoters any other details of said bonds than the amount or maximum amount of the issue, with a statement of such purpose as stated herein and the fact that a tax for the payment of the bonds and interest will be levied. No other or further notice of said election shall be required except a publication, not more than forty days and not less than twenty days before said election, in a newspaper published in the town of Rockingham and circulating within the said district, such publication to state the question or questions as herein provided for, as well as the day of election and the place or places at which the polls will be open. The board of commissioners. may order.a new registration of voters if the petition of the board of trustees of said district requests. same. No further or other notice of such new registration shall be required than a publication at least thirty days before the closing of the registration books, in a newspaper published in the town of Rockingham and circulating within said district, such publication to state the days on which the books of registration will be open and the place or places on which they will be open on Saturdays. The board of commissioners shall appoint the registrars and judges of election and fix the polling places and canvass the election and, except as herein otherwise provided, the provisions of the law then applicable to elections in the town of Rockingham, shall be applicable to the registration and election hereunder. |
1919_public local laws_550_12 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 549 | 11 | CHAPTER 549 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY FOR A MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION OF THE CRIMI- NAL YOUTH OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. WHEREAS, it appears to the General Assembly that there are in the county of Buncombe a number of youths between the ages of seven and sixteen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished, and at the same time taught the doctrines of religion, good morals and in- dustry, it would be to the best interest of such youths and ex- pedient that they be not associated with older and more hard- ened criminals, but that they be kept separate, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in the event the governing body of said insti- .tution shall determine to accept colored children in the same, they shall provide suitable quarters for them, which shall in no event be nearer than one-half mile to the school established for white children. The white children and colored children shall at all times be kept and worked entirely separate and by separate officers: Provided, however, that one superintendent may have general supervision over both schools; but the advisability of having one or two superintendents shall be and remain in the discretion of the governing board of said institution. |
1919_private laws_116_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 115 | 1 | CHAPTER 115 AN ACT INCORPORATING THE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, AND PRE- SCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city of Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, shall be and the same is hereby created and continued as a school district for white and colored children, to be known as Gastonia graded school district. |
1919_private laws_93_4 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 92 | 3 | CHAPTER 92 AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 96 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1899 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, RELATING TO THE KINSTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of administering the schools of the Kinston graded school district as now constituted and as herein provided, there shall be a board of trustees composed of seven members, who shall be elected by the board of aldermen of the city of Kinston from any part of the Kinston graded school district. That the present board of trustees shall hold office until their successors are elected by board of aldermen of city of Kinston, which election shall be held within ninety days from date of ratification of this act, and the newly elected trustees shall assume the duties of their office within fifteen days after their elecion. That said new board shall be divided into seven classes. The term of office of the first class shall expire on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen; the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh classes to expire one, two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, thereafter. That thereafter their successors shall hold office for a period of seven years, and shall be elected by the board of aldermen of the city of Kinston in any of their regular meetings held before the month of November of each year immediately preceding the date upon which newly elected trustee shall assume the duty of his office, which duties he shall assume the first day of January immediately following his election. That any vacancy occurring in said board shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the-board of trustees. That four members of said board shall constitute a quorum, and at least a quorum shall be necessary for the purpose of transacting business of any nature whatsoever. That the said board shall hold regular or called meetings as often as they may deem necessary, for the transaction of any business relating to the public schools of the said district and shall at the regular meeting held during the month of May of each year, reorganize and elect its necessary officers for the ensuing year. That the said board shall in the name of the board of trustees of the Kinston graded school district, be possessed of corporate powers, may sue and be sued, acquire by purchase or otherwise, and hold property, both real and personal, for school purposes as provided in this act, may lease or sell real and personal property, may receive bequests and donations, may condemn property needed for educational purposes and may perform all necessary corporate acts required under this charter. May employ superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, or other necessary employes for the schools of said district, for such length of time and at such compensation as said board of trustees shall deem advisable, and order paid their salaries, if possessed of certificates as required by rules of said board of trustees, or may discharge or dismiss any of said officers, teachers or employees, at any time they may deem proper. Shall have exclusive control and title to all schools and school property of the said Kinston graded school district, with power to care for, insure, repair, lease or rent any of said: property, and said board is fully authorized and empowered to build and equip such buildings as may be necessary fer carrying out the provisions of this act. May provide and maintain a separate system of schools, with separate buildings for the white and colored races, respectively, within said district, so as to equalize school facilities between the two races upon just and equitable principles. May provide and maintain school libraries, evening schools, playgrounds; may promote physical culture and athletics, vocational schools, special instructions or schools for delinquent or defective children, or for such forms of instruction in industrial education, agriculture or household economics as they may deem necessary. Said board of trustees may also unite with the Lenoir County board of education for the joint establishment and maintenance of any such instruction or school, and upon such terms as may be agreed upon between them, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. May prepare an annual budget of expenses each year as hereinafter provided. They shall appoint a treasurer of the said board from among their number, or otherwise, in their discretion, and such treasurer may be either an individual or corporation, and prescribe his or its duties, fix his or its compensation and cause said treasurer to fix bond with good security at double the amount of such funds as said treasurer may reasonably have on hand at any time during his or its term of office as a result of such appointment. It shall also be lawful for the said board of trustees, in its discretion, to receive into the public schools of the said district upon such terms as it may think reasonable, any children of the school age who may reside beyond the limits of the said district. May make any and all such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the said schools, as herein provided. |
1917_public local laws_632_5 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 631 | 4 | CHAPTER 631 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A COUNTY INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN BUNCOMBE COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of managers shall have the general superintendence, management, and control of the said institution; of the grounds and buildings, offices, and employees thereof; of the inmates therein and all matters relating to the government, discipline, contracts, and fiscal concerns thereof, and may make such rules and regulations as may seem to them necessary for carrying out the purposes of the institution... And the board shall have the right to keep, restrain, and control the inmates of the institution until such time as the board may deem proper for their discharge under such proper and humane rules and regulations as the board may adopt. The board shall endeavor, as far as possible, to classify the inmates and keep the different classes in separate wards or divisions, so as to produce the best results in the reformatory work. The board of managers shall constitute a board of parole of the institution, and shall have the power to parole and discharge the inmates under such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe; that no person shall be admitted or discharged from said institution except upon the certificate of the physician as to her mental and physical condition. It is provided, however, that both white and colored shall be taken care of in said institution, but the races shall be kept separate and apart. |
1917_public local laws_510_6 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 509 | 5 | CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CROATAN INDIANS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all of the Croatan Indian children of school age residing in that territory or section in Sampson County designated and allotted to the Shiloh Indian School District shall be assigned to Shiloh Indian School of Dismal Township, and all Croatam children of school age residing in that territory or section in Sampson (County designated and allotted to New Bethel Indian School District shall be apportioned to New Bethel Indian School of Herrings Township; and the trustees of Shiloh Indian School shall annually, at the time provided by law for taking the census of the other school children of the county, take the census of all the Croatan Indian children between the ages of six and twenty-one years residing in said county in Shiloh district, and the trustees of New Bethel Indian School of Herrings Township shall annually at the time of taking the census of the other school children as provided by law, take the census of all the Indian school children between the ages of six and twentyone years residing in the New Bethel district in Sampson County; and there shall be excluded from such census and from said schools for the Croatan Indians of Sampson County all children of the negro race to the fourth generation, and the action of the trustees of these Indian schools as to who shall be admitted or excluded from said schools shall be final, and not appealable to the county board of education, but no one shall be precluded from instituting legal proceedings im the proper courts of the State. |
1917_public local laws_510_4 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 509 | 3 | CHAPTER 509 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CROATAN INDIANS OF SAMPSON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That to said Croatan Indian schools shall be annually apportioned their pro rata part of the public school funds of the county, including their pro rata part of fines, forfeitures, penalties, and funds derived from the State and other sources whatsoever, so that they may share equally with the other races of the county according to their requirements and the grade of their schools, as now provided for the apportionment of the school funds between the white and colored race in Sampson County. |
1923_private laws_183_7 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 182 | 6 | CHAPTER 182 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF BURKE COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION FOR THE MORGANTON GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO VOTE ON BONDS. Whereas chapter forty-eight, Private Laws one thousand nine hundred and twenty, extra session, authorized an election in the Morganton Graded School District on a bond issue of seventy-five thousand dollars for the purpose of enlarging the graded school building for white children, the erection of a high school building for white children and the erection of a school building for the colored children of said district, together with the purchase of lots or sites for such buildings; and Whereas the cost of erecting of such buildings and the purchase of necessary lots therefor far exceeded the estimated costs thereof, and the funds on such bond issue have been exhausted and no school building for colored children has been erected, and the high school building for white children has no auditorium as contem- plated; and Whereas it will require some thirty-five thousand dollars to fully carry out and complete the objects mentioned as necessary in said chapter forty-eight as aforesaid: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees of said school district. may in its discretion sell the old colored school building and site, either at public or private sale, when the new building for the colored school children is erected and ready for occupancy. |
1917_private laws_128_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 127 | 1 | CHAPTER 127 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF BONDS BY THE WHITEVILLE SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, NO. 1, FOR THE WHITE AND COLORED RACES OF COLUMBUS COUNTY. The General ASsembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of commissioners of Columbus County, upon a written application of a majority of the board of trustees of Whiteville Supplemental School District, Number One, for the White and (Colored Races, hereinafter called the Whiteville District, is authorized and directed to submit on the fourth Tuesday in April, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, to the qualified voters of said Whiteville District, under such rules and regulations as now exist or may be hereafter established for the election of members of the General Assembly, the question of issuing bonds for the erection, repairing, and equipping of suitable school buildings in said district; and there shall _be an entirely new registration under the provisions of the general election laws of the State of all voters who are entitled to register in Whiteville School District, and only such persons who register under the provisions of this act shall be entitled to vote in said election; and at such election each voter shall be entitled to vote a written or printed ballot with the words For Bonds or Against Bonds thereon. |
1939_public local laws_367_57 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 366 | 56 | CHAPTER 366 AN ACT TO CONTINUE THE INCORPORATION OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE AND TO CODIFY, AMEND AND COLSOLIDATE THE STATUTES THAT CONSTI- TUTE THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN ACTS AND PORTIONS OF CERTAIN ACTS CONSTITUTING A PART OF ITS PRESENT CHARTER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Corporation | The Charlotte Carnegie Public Library, a body corporate heretofore created by Chapter sixteen of the Private Laws of nineteen hundred three is hereby continued as such body corporate and may sue and be sued, have a common seal, may acquire, receive or hold real estate in the City of Charlotte or elsewhere by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, and may likewise acquire, receive and hold personal property, and may, subject to the provisions herein, contract and be contracted with for the purposes provided in this Act, and may make such rules and regulations and by-laws for its government and the exercise of its powers as may be proper. The said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library shall have full control and supervision over what is now known as the Charlotte Public Library, and any branches which may be operated by said body corporate, and which shall be for the use of the public without any charge whatsoever, except such reasonable penalties prescribed by the regulations of said board in connection with the use of its facilities, and said body shall operate at least one library within said city for the use of the white race and at least one library in said city for the colored race, and the members of the board of trustees of said body corporate shall have the power to select other trustees who shall have the immediate charge of the Charlotte Public Library for colored people under the general supervision of said board. -1 That the said Charlotte Public Library shall consist of a board of eight trustees of which four shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, and the other four trustees shall consist of the Mayor of the City of Charlotte, the Superintendent of the Public School System of said city and the Superintendent of the Public School System of Mecklenburg County and the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Mecklenburg County. The four trustees selected by said Mayor shall each serve for a term of four years, except that the mayor shall select after the first meeting of the council, subsequent to the municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine, or as soon thereafter as practicable, two trustees to serve upon said board until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred forty-one, or until their successors are appointed and qualified, and in addition, two trustees who shall serve until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, one thousand nine hundred fortythree, or until their successors are elected and qualified, and such trustees shall serve without compensation, provided, that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Superintendent of the County Public Schools shall not be entitled to membership on said board unless the county contributes to the support of said corporation with funds derived from taxation or otherwise. -2 That one of the four members of said board shall be designated as chairman by the mayor; and the city treasurer shall act as the treasurer of said corporation; that said corporation shall have the power and authority to employ a secretary, librarian and such other employees as may be necessary to carry out the purposes for which said corporation is formed, and the duties and responsibilities of such employees shall be fixed by said board and such employees shall receive such compensation as may be prescribed by said board. -3 That the Treasurer of the Charlotte Carnegie Public Library shall keep a correct and detailed statement of all receipts and disbursements, and shall cause the funds belonging thereto to be deposited in a depository designated by said board, and shall render from time to time such statements of the financial condition of said corporation as may be required, and said treasurer shall assist the members of said corporation in preparing the annual budget for the library system in the City of Charlotte. -4 That the governing body of the City of Charlotte at the time of levying its taxes for the general operation of the city may levy a tax for the maintenance and support of the said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library in an amount that is now or may hereafter be approved by a vote of the people of said city for said purpose, and pay the same monthly to said Charlotte Carnegie Public Library Board as collected by said city. -5 All real property now owned by or the title thereto vested in the Charlotte Carnegie Public Library, shall be henceforth owned by and the title thereto vested in the said corporation; provided, that the same may not be sold or encumbered except with the consent of the governing body of the City of Charlotte. -6 That said board shall have all the powers and authority granted to libraries under the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina as the same may now or hereafter be enacted. Charlotte Airport Commission |
1945_session laws_505_7 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 504 | 6 | CHAPTER 504 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AF- FECTED WITH SPASTIC AILMENTS. WHEREAS, in compliance with a request of the Governor of North Carolina, a commission composed of Dr. Lenox D. Baker, Dr. J. S. Gaul, Dr. W. M. Roberts, Dr. Ellen Winston, Honor- able Thomas OBerry, and Honorable George Ross Pou investi- gated the need of an institution for the treatment of children af- fected with cerebral palsy (spastic) ailments and has made their report to the Governor, recommending the establishment of such a hospital to be operated separate and distinct from any institution for the treatment of the feeble-minded or insane; and WHEREAS, it appears from said report that there are over one thousand children in the State suffering from spastic ail- ments and that the interest of the State would be best served by a hospital being established for the treatment of such cases: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of directors shall appoint a superintendent of the institution, who shall be a person of professional training and experience in the care and treatment of spastic ailments, and may fix the compensation of the superintendent, subject to the approval of the Budget Bureau, and may discharge the superintendent at any time for cause. |
1925_private laws_16_2 | project experts | 0 | private laws | 16 | 1 | CHAPTER 15 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WADESBORO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section one of chapter five hundred and thirteen, Private Laws, one thousand nine hundred and seven, defining the corporate boundaries of the town of Wadesboro, be and the same is hereby amended so as to extend the southern corporate boundary of said town to the following lines, or boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the southwest corner of the corporate limits of said town, near the southern side of the White Store road, and running thence south sixty-six-thirty east fourteen hundred feet to a stake in the eastern edge of the Chesterfield road; then north fifty-four east six hundred and eight feet to the present: southern corporate boundary of said town. |
1915_public local laws_645_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 644 | 1 | CHAPTER 644 AN ACT ESTABLISHING TOWNSHIPS IN PITT COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all that portion of Pitt County heretofore known as Contentnea Township, Number Two; the portions of Chicod Township, Greenville Township, and that portion of what has heretofore been Contenthnea Township, Number One, and embraced within the following boundary lines set forth in this section, shall be known and designated as Winterville Township, towit: Beginning at Contentnea Creek, the northwest corner of HE. HE. Dails Tucker land, running eastward with the said H. H. Dails line to the western terminus of the Renston or J. B. Speight road to Kinston road in front of Lorenzo McLawhorns residence; then northward with the said Kinston road to a bridge between HE. E. Dails and C. H. Langstons residences; thence eastward with southern boundary of lines of the lands of C. H. Langston, Charles McLawhorn, H. C. Beddard, B. T. Cox, and the Franklin Tripp heirs, to Swift Creek Swamp in a southerly direction to the Scuffleton or Ayden road; then with the said road eastwardly to the Kinston road near Hancock Church; then a continuous line across the field of the tract of land upon which Josephus Cox now resides, to Fork Swamp; then northwardly to the Taft road at Kinsaul Crossing; then eastwardly with the said Taft road to the Beaufort County Lumber Company tramroad; then northwardly with the said tramroad to the C. A. White road; then westward with the said White road to the land of Mrs. Louvenia Jackson; then northward and westward with the eastern and northern lines of the said Mrs. Louvenia Jackson and W. B. Stocks to Fork Swamp; then up the said Fork Swamp northward to Willoughby branch; then up said branch westward to the A. C. L. Railroad; then a. straight line westwardly to the Kinston road at the north corner of M. G. Moyes land; then westward with his northern line and B. T. Smith northern and western lines to the B. T. Smith road at the Anderson place; then westward with the said B. T. Smith road to the Frog Level road; then southward and westward with the Beaver Dam Township line to Contentnea Creek; then down said creek to the beginning. |
1915_public local laws_132_2 | project experts | 0 | public local laws | 131 | 1 | CHAPTER 131 AN ACT TO CREATE CANE CREEK TOWNSHIP IN MITCHELL COUNTY. 5 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: _ | That a new township to be named and called Cane | Creek Township be and is hereby created in Mitchell County bi the boundaries of which township shall be as follows: Beginnins _ On top of Lick Ridge Mountain, thence with the Little Rock Creel _ Township line to the top of the Little Yellow Mountain wher _ the Avery and Mitchell County line joins; thence with said Avery a County line to the top of the White Rock Mountain; thence witl me, Snow Creek Township line to the top of Bear Creek Mountain thence with Bakersville Township line to Moses Youngs mill on the waters of Cane Creek; thence with said Bakersville TO line to the beginning. |
1909_public laws_230_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 229 | 2 | CHAPTER 229 AN ACT TO CREATE A NEW TOWNSHIP IN NASH COUNTY, TO BE KNOWN AS RED OAK TOWNSHIP. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the boundary lines of said Red Oak Township shall be as follows: Beginning at the mouth of Parkers Creek, on Swift Creek; thence up said Parkers Creek to the Nashville and Hilliardston Road; thence along the Nashville and Hilliardston Road to where the White Stone Branch crosses said Nashville and Hilliardston Road; thence down said White Stone Branch to where it empties into Pig Basket Creek; thence down said Pig Basket Creek to the Nashville and Red Oak Road; thence along the Nashville and Red Oak Road to where the Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road enters said Nashville and Red Oak Road; thence along said Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road to a point in said road where a public path leading from the Rocky Mount and Red Oak Road by P. A. Mays intersects said Rocky Mount and Hunters Hill Road, just below J. J. Dickens; thence along said public path to P. A. Mays store; thence with a public path leading from P. A. Mays store by Joel Prices place to the Rocky Mount and Red Oak Road; thence up said road to a line dividing the estate of George Price and George Gay; thence with said line to the Horse Pen Branch; thence down the various courses of said Horse Pen Branch and Bynums mill run to Swift Creek; thence up the yarious courses of said creek to the beginning. |
1905_public laws_551_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 550 | 1 | CHAPTER 550 AN ACT TO PROTECT THE STOCK IN THE VICINITY OF WINTERVILLE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any live stock to run at large within the following boundaries: Beginning at Black Bottom, near the town line, and running northwardly with line fence to A. G. Coxs fence; then eastwardly with said A. G. Coxs fence and a direct line across the railroad near the colored lodge, with a ditch to A. G. Coxs fence; then northwardly and eastwardly with said A. G. Coxs fence to the northeast corner of his field; then southwardly with his fence to the Winterville public road; then westwardly with said road and said Coxs fence to A. G. Coxs pasture fence; then southwardly a direct line, crossing Blount Street to a point near an old mulberry tree near Sylva Street, extended ; then westwardly with the street and direct line to Rowan Coopers fence; then with Rowan Coopers fence to the beginning. That any person owning land on the outside of the line mentioned above in this section shall have the privilege of bringing his or her lands within the provisions of this act by building and extending the fence in the manner they may choose: Provided, that such persons shall pay the extra expense that shall be caused for widening or extending the fence territory, or shall construct the fence without cost to any of the parties living within the boundaries mentioned above; but when the fence is constructed it shall come within the purview of this act, and the outward lines of the fence as so extended shall be repaired under the general provisions of this act: Provided, the extension as aforesaid shall be only applicable to the lands that are adjacent to the lines specified in section one (1). |
1901_public laws_670_2 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 669 | 1 | CHAPTER 669 An act to establish stock law in certain portions of McDowell County. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That from and after the first day of April, nineteen hundred and one, no person shall allow his or her live stock to run at large in that portion of McDowell County embraced in the following territory or boundary, viz.: Beginning at a stake in the stock law line on the south side of Catawba River, McDowell County, at or near the corner of line between Silas Proctor, Austin Conley and Mrs. M. A. Corpenings and, crossing the said river running with the line fence of Mrs. M. A. Corpening and Austin Conley to the end of the said Mrs. M. A. Corpenings fence, thence with the said M. A. Corpenings outside fence to Maj. J. W. Wilsons outside fence, thence with said Wilsons outside fence to the outside fence of T. B. Young, thence with or near his outside fence to the Pyatt Hollow, thence through the said hollow to the Pyatt old house, thence with the cross fence between H. A. Gibbs and M. F. Tates to Buck Creek, thence up said creek to the cross fence between Mrs. D. E. Butts and H. A. Gibbs on the west side of said creek, thence with said fence to Mrs. D. HE. Butts outside fence, thence west across the ridge to W. H. Pattents outside fence and with said Pattents fence crossing Clear Creek to a point near the White Oak Springs, thence the nearest course to the Hoover field, thence across the ridge to the Brooks place, thence to J. B. Biddexes outside fence and with said fence striking the upper fence to the old parsonage place, thence to the most direct route or course to the stock law boundary fence of Old Fort Township, near John Godfreys residence, |
1897_public laws_173_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 172 | 2 | CHAPTER 172 An act to establish two new townships in Surry county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the boundary of said township shall be as follows: Beginning at M. D. Armfields corner, north bank of Lovels creek, thence down the said creek as it meanders to the bridge west of depot in Mount Airy, thence northeast with Pine street, and then a degree line to the Renfro spring, then still going northeast with the branch to J. E. Spaughs foundry race, and with the race to Ararat river, and thence up the river to the mouth of Sandy Branch, and following the said branch to the Willis gaps public road, and with the said road and the Wards gap road going south and southwest to to the northern limits of incorporation, and with said line to the said Lovels ereek going west, and south following the creek to the beginning point. |
1895_public laws_397_3 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 396 | 2 | CHAPTER 396 An act to create a township in Haywood county to be known as White Oak township. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the boundary lines of said White Oak township shall be as follows: beginning at the mouth Cattaloochee greek; thence up the White Oak mountain with Fines Creek and Cattaloochee township line at Halls Top near Hanah; thence down a ridge to a knob on said ridge near C. L. Jenkins place and Halls place; thence down a ridge the lead to the Fox Pen gap near Wesley Yarboroughs; thence to Jonathans creek in bend below Tom Slays; thence to the Iron Duff township line at the nearest point; thence with said line to the mouth of Jonathans creek to Pigeon river; thence down said river to the beginning. |
1947_session laws_1088_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 1,087 | 3 | CHAPTER 1087 AN ACT RELATING TO THE DISTRIBUTION, SALE, OR TRANSPORTATION OF ADULTERATED OR MIS- BRANDED INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES. RODENTI- CIDES, AND OTHER ECONOMIC POISONS AND DE- VICES; REGULATING TRAFFIC THEREIN; PROVID- ING FOR REGISTRATION AND EXAMINATION OF SUCH MATERIALS, IMPOSING PENALTIES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Prohibited Acts. a. It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, or offer for sale within this State or deliver for transportation or transport in intrastate commerce or between points within this State through any point outside this State any of the following: -1 Any economic poison which is not registered pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of this Act, or any economic poison if any of the claims made for it or any of the directions for its use differ in substance from the representations made in connection with its registration, or if the composition of an economic poison differs from its composition as represented in connection with its registration:Provided, that, in the discretion of the Commissioner, a change in the labeling or formula of an economic poison may be made within a registration period without requiring reregistration of the product: Provided further, that changes at no time are permissible if they lower the efficacy of the product. -2 Any economic poison unless it is in the registrants or the manufacturers unbroken immediate container, and there is affixed to such container, and to the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, if there be one through which the required information on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, a label bearing (a) the name and address of the manufacturer, registrant, or person for whom manufactured; (b) the name, brand, or trade mark under which said article is sold; and (c) the net weight or measure of the content subject, however, to such reasonable variations as the Board of Agriculture may permit. -3 Any economic poison which contains any substance or substances in quantities highly toxic to man, determined as provided in Section 6 of this Act, unless the label shall bear, in addition to any other matter required by this Act, (a) the skull and crossbones; (b) the word poison prominently, in red, on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and (c) a statement of an antidote for the economic poison. -4 The economic poisons commonly known as lead arsenate, basic lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, magnesium arsenate, zine arsenate, zine arsenite, sodium flouride, sodium flusoilicate, and barium fluosilicate unless they have been distinctly colored or discolored as provided by regulations issued in accordance with this Act, or any other white or lightly colored powder economic poison which the Board of Agriculture, after investigation of and after public hearing on the necessity for such action for the protection of the public health and the feasibility of such coloration or discoloration, shall, by regulation, require to be distinctly colored or discolored; unless it has been so colored or discolored; Provided, that the Board may exempt any economic poison to the extent that it is intended for a particular use or uses from the coloring or discoloring required or authorized by this Subsection if he determines that such coloring or discoloring for such use or uses is not necessary for the protection of the public health. -5 Any economic poison which is adulterated or misbranded, or any device which is misbranded. b. It shall be unlawful -1 for any person to detach, alter, deface, or destroy, in whole or in part, any label or labeling provided for in this Act or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, or to add any substance to, or take any substance from an economic poison in a manner that may defeat the purpose of this Act; -2 for any manufacturer, distributor, dealer, carrier, or other person to refuse, upon a request in writing specifying the nature or kind of economic poison or device to which such request relates, to furnish to or permit any person designated by the Commissioner to have access to and to copy such records of business transactions as may be essential in carrying out the purposes of this Act; -3 for any person to give a guaranty or undertaking provided for in Section 8 which is FALSE in any particular, except that a person who receives and relies upon a guaranty authorized under Section 8 may give a guaranty to the same effect, which guaranty shall contain in addition to his own name and address the name and address of the person residing in the United States from whom he received the guaranty or undertaking; -4 for any person to use for his own advantage or to reveal, other than to the Commissioner, or officials or employees of the United States Department of Agriculture, or other Federal agencies, or to the courts in response to a subpoena, or to physicians, and in emergencies to pharmacists and other qualified persons, for use in the preparation of antidotes, in accordance with such directions as the Commissioner may prescribe, any information relative to formulas of products acquired by authority of Section 5 of this Act; and -5 for any person to oppose or interfere in any way with the Commissioner or his duly authorized agents in carrying out the duties imposed by this Act. |
1907_public laws_369_7 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 368 | 6 | CHAPTER 368 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE MANUFACTURE OR SALE OF ADULTERATED, MISBRANDED, POISONOUS OR DELETE- RIOUS FOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES OR LIQUORS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of this act an article shall be deemed to be adulterated: In case of drugs: : First. If, when a drug is sold under or by a name recognized in the United States Pharmacopceia or National Formulary, it differs from the standard of strength, quality or purity, as determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopeeia or National Formulary official at the time of investigation : Provided, that no drug defined in the United States Pharmacopeeia or National Formulary shall be deemed to be adulterated under this provision if the standard of strength, quality or purity be plainly stated upon the bottle, box or other container thereof, although the standard may differ from that determined by the test laid down in the United States Pharmacopeia or National Formulary. Second. If its strength or purity fall below the professed standard or quality under which it is sold. In case of confectionery : First. If it contains terra alba, barytes, tale, chrome yellow, or other mineral substance or poisonous color or flavor, or other ingredient deleterious or detrimental to health, or any vinous, malt or spirituous liquor or compound or narcotic drug. In the case of food: First. If any substance has been mixed or picked with it, so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength. Second. If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the article. Third. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted. Fourth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated, or stained in a manner whereby damage or inferiority is concealed. Fifth. If it contains any added poisonous or other added deleterious ingredient which may render such article injurious to health. If it contains any of the following substances, which are hereby declared deleterious and dangerous to health when added to human food, to-wit: Colors which contain antimony, arsenic, barium, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, uranium, or zine; or the following colors: gamboge, corallin, picric acid, aniline, or any of the coal-tar dyes; saccharine, dulcin, glucin, or any other artificially or synthetically prepared substitute for sugar; paraffin, formaldehyde, beta-naphthol, abrastol, benzoic acid or benzoates, salicylic acid or salicylates, boric acid or borates, sulphurous acid or sulphites, hydrofluoric acid or any fluorine compounds, sulphuric acid or potassium sulphate or wood alcohol: Provided, that catsups and condimental sauces may, when the fact is plainly and legibly stated in the English language on the wrapper and label of the package in which it is retailed, contain not to exceed two-tenths of one per cent. of benzoic acid or its equivalent in sodium benzoate. Fermented liquors may contain not to exceed two-tenths of one per cent. of combined sulphuric acid and not to exceed eight-thousandths of one per cent. of sulphurous acid. Sixth. If it consists in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if it is the product of a diseased animal, or one that had died otherwise than by slaughter. In addition to the ways already provided, sausage shall be deemed to be adulterated if it is composed in any part of liver, lungs, kidneys or other viscera of animals: Provided, that the use Of animal intestines as sausage casings shall not be deemed to be an adulteration. Seventh. If it differs in strength, quality or purity from the standards of purity of food products that have been or may be from time to time adopted by the Board of Agriculture. |
1945_session laws_505_4 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 504 | 3 | CHAPTER 504 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN AF- FECTED WITH SPASTIC AILMENTS. WHEREAS, in compliance with a request of the Governor of North Carolina, a commission composed of Dr. Lenox D. Baker, Dr. J. S. Gaul, Dr. W. M. Roberts, Dr. Ellen Winston, Honor- able Thomas OBerry, and Honorable George Ross Pou investi- gated the need of an institution for the treatment of children af- fected with cerebral palsy (spastic) ailments and has made their report to the Governor, recommending the establishment of such a hospital to be operated separate and distinct from any institution for the treatment of the feeble-minded or insane; and WHEREAS, it appears from said report that there are over one thousand children in the State suffering from spastic ail- ments and that the interest of the State would be best served by a hospital being established for the treatment of such cases: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and the Council of State, is authorized to secure by gift or purchase, suitable real estate within the State at such place as the board may deem best for the purpose, and to erect or improve buildings thereon, for carrying out the purposes of the institution; but no real estate shall be purchased or any commitments made for the erection or permanent improvements of any buildings involving the use of State funds unless and until an appropriation for permanent improvements of the institution is expressly authorized by the General Assembly. |
1899_public laws_87_7 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 86 | 6 | CHAPTER 86 An act to prevent the sale of adulterated and unbranded food, and: to _amend and make more effective the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-two, laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of this act an article of food shall be deemed adulterated First. If any substance or substances has or have been mixed or packed with it, so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality or strength so that such product when offered ie sale shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Second. If any inferior substance or substances has, or have been substituted wholly or in part for the article so that the product when solid shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Third. If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted so that the product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Fourth. If it be an imitation of, and sold under the specifie name of another article. Fifth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated, polished or stained in a manner whereby damage or infirmity is concealed, so that such product when sold shall deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser. Sixth. If it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to the health of the person consuming it. Seventh. If it be labeled or branded so as to deceive or mislead the purchaser, or purport to be a foreign product when branded so, or in an imitation either in package or label of an established proprietary product, which has been trade-marked or patented. Kighth. If it consists of the whole or any part of a diseased, filthy, decomposed or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not. or if it is the product of a diseased animal or animals that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Ninth. That candies and chocolate may be deemed to be adulterated if they contain terra alba, barytes, tale, chrome yellow or other mineral substances, or poisonous colors or flavors, or other ingredients deleterious or detrimental to health: Provided, that an article of food, beverage, or condiment which does not contain any added poisonous ingredient shall not be deemed to be adulterated in the following cases: First. In the case of articles, mixtures or compounds which may be now, or from time to time hereafter, known as articles of food, beverages or condiments under their own distinctive names, and not included in definition fourth of this section. Second. In the case of articles labeled, branded or tagged so as to plainly indicate that they are mixtures, compounds, combinations, imitations or blends. Third. When any matter or ingredient has been added to the food, beverage or condiment because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof as an article of commerce, in a state fit for carriage or consumption, and not fraudulently to increase the bulk, weight or measure of the food, beverage or condiment, or conceal the inferior quality thereof: Provided, that the same shall be labeled, branded or tagged as prescribed by the board of agriculture so as to show them to-be compounds and the exact character thereof; And provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary foods to disclose their trade formulas except in so far as the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or imitation; Provided further, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to proprietary or patent medicines. Fourth. Where the food, beverage or condiment is unavoidably mixed with some harmless extraneous matter, in the process of collection or preparation; Provided further, that no person shall be convicted under the provisions of this act when he is able to prove a written guaranty of purity inaform approved by the board of agriculture as published in their rules and regulations, signed by the wholesale jobber, manufacturer or other party from whom he purchased said article. |
1963_session laws_982_4 | project experts | 1 | session laws | 981 | 3 | CHAPTER 981 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BERTIE COUNTY BOARD OF EDU- CATION TO EXCHANGE PRESENT AULANDER COLORED SCHOOL LOT AND BUILDING FOR 3.65 ACRES AS PART OF SITE FOR NEW AULANDER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WHEREAS, the Bertie County Board of Education now owns the Aulander Colored School lot and building in the Town of Aulander, Bertie County; the lot fronting 150 feet on the East side of the Aulander- Windsor Highway, N. C. Route 305, and extending through to and fronting on the west side of Broad Street, extended, 150 feet, bounded on the North by the Mahlon Artis or E. L. Rice lot, on the West by said highway, on the East by Broad Street, extended, and on the South by proposed Poplar Street, and being about 210 feet deep between the right of way line on the East side of the highway and the property line on the West side of Broad Street; and there being on that lot a frame building now used for the Aulander Colored School; and WHEREAS, with funds obtained from sale of Bertie County School Bonds which were authorized by vote of the people, the Bertie County Board of Education is now planning to construct a new, modern, brick, seven-teacher building for the Aulander Elementary School, which will accommodate students from a larger area, and to contract for the start of construction of the new building during 1963 and have it ready for use in September, 1964; and WHEREAS, the Bertie County Board of Education needs and has selected a site of 10 acres for the new Aulander Elementary School, located in Mitchells Township about one mile South of the Town of Aulander and at the northwest corner of the intersection of the Aulander- Windsor Highway, N. C. Route 305, and the Harrington Avenue; the Bertie County Board of Education has heretofore acquired title to 6.35 acres of the required school site by deed from Revah H. Mitchell and husband, M. H. Mitchell; the remainder of 3.65 acres of the required new site for the new school is now owned by Wayland L. Jenkins; and the 1245 Bertie County Board of Education and Wayland L. Jenkins have negotiated and agreed upon an exchange of their respective properties: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Bertie County Board of Education is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to sell to Wayland L. Jenkins by private sale, without public advertisement and without public auction, and to execute and deliver to Wayland L. Jenkins a good and sufficient deed in fee simple with usual covenants and warranty for the present Aulander Colored School lot and building, as hereinbefore described; being lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block 29 of the R. G. Dunning land as shown upon the map made by R. E. White, Engineer, dated March 17, 1918, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bertie County in Map Book 1, at page 7; and being the same land conveyed by deed from E. L. Rice and wife, Maude M. Rice, to M. B. Gillam, Esteus White, T. A. Smithwick, R. A. Urquhart and C. W. Mitchell, Jr., Board of Education, dated June 30, 1920, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bertie County in Book 209, at page 398 This deed shall provide: that possession of the lot and old school building shall be delivered to Wayland L. Jenkins on or before the 1st day of July, 1964; that Bertie County Board of Education shall not pay any rent to Wayland L. Jenkins for the use and occupancy of the land and building prior to July 1, 1964; and that until the delivery of possession of the premises to Wayland L. Jenkins, the Bertie County Board of Education shall keep the present frame Aulander Colored School Building adequately insured in the names of the Bertie County Board of Education and Wayland L. Jenkins, as their interests shall appear. |
1961_session laws_969_2 | project experts | 1 | session laws | 968 | 1 | CHAPTER 968 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE AND ESTABLISH THE EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. WHEREAS, it has been established and recognized by educators special- izing in the education of the deaf throughout the United States that an enrollment of five hundred -500 students in a school is the maximum for effective work as well as skillful and competent education in this field; and WHEREAS, California, Pennsylvania and other states have recognized this standard or maximum enrollment by establishing new schools for the deaf when the level of enrollment of five hundred -500 persons or students was reached in existing schools; and WHEREAS, the current proposed appropriations will provide for an increase to five hundred -500 students at the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton during the 1961-1963 biennium and the Director of that school and the Board of Trustees at that school agree on the necessity for a new school for the deaf in North Carolina, preferably in Eastern North Carolina, and the necessity for its activation sometime in the bien- nium 1963-1965; and WHEREAS, O. H. Pons, President of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton, has been authorized by his Board of Directors to make a statement relating to this proposed school for the deaf which statement is as follows: It is the opinion of the Board of Directors and of the Administration that the School for the Deaf in Morganton has reached a maximum recom- mended size for ideal educational facilities for the deaf. The Board and the Administration favors new facilities in another location, rather than expanding at Morganton for future requirements due to ever increasing enrollment.; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the physical plant for an initial enroll- ment of one hundred -100 deaf students from preschool age through Grade 8 and the expansion to a student body of two hundred and fifty -250 with education through high school, when recommended by the Board of Directors two million fifty-seven thousand dollars ($2,057,000.00) would be required for capital improvements and renovations to the aforesaid buildings: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Chapter 116 of the General Statutes, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new Article which shall be designated as Article 20 and shall read as follows: Article 20 Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf Sec. 116-186. Incorporation and location. There is hereby established and there shall be maintained a school for the deaf of this State which shall be a corporation under the corporate name of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. 1270 As soon as practicable after its appointment as hereinafter provided for the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf shall meet with the Governor and consider sites, including the proposed site at Wilson, North Carolina, together with any other sites in Eastern North Carolina which may be offered as a location for the school. From all sites offered, the Governor and the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf shall designate that site considered most suitable as the location for the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf, and such school shall thereafter be known as the North Carolina School for the Deaf at ............ Sec. 116-187. Directors; terms; vacancies. The North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton and the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf shall be under the control and management of a board of directors consisting of eleven -11 members known as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf. The said board of directors, to be known as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf, shall be constituted and composed as follows: The Governor of North Carolina, within thirty days after the effective date of this Act, shall appoint eleven -11 members or directors for terms of four -4 years each from and after the date of their appointment, and these eleven -11 members shall constitute the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf. All directors appointed as herein provided shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor of North Carolina shall fill all vacancies in office of said directors arising because of death, resignation or any reason whatsoever. As soon as the Governor of North Carolina has appointed all directors, as herein provided, to serve as North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf, the Board of Directors of the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton shall cease to exist and the general control, administration and supervision of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf and the North Carolina School for the Deaf at Morganton shall be under the authority of the North Carolina Directors of Schools for the Deaf as herein constituted. The Governor shall transmit to the General Assembly at its next regular Session the names of his appointees for confirmation but the appointees of the Governor shall have the right to serve and act as said directors until their names are presented to the General Assembly for confirmation. The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the board of directors whenever in his opinion it is to the best interest of the State to remove such person, and the Governor shall not be required to give any reason for such removal. Sec. 116-188. Organization of board; other officials; salaries. The board of directors shall organize by appointing one of its number president and three an executive committee, who shall hold office for two years; they shall elect a superintendent for each school whose terms of office shall be three years, and such other officers, teachers, and agents as shall be deemed necessary, and shall fix the compensation of same. Sec. 116-189. Superintendent. The superintendents shall be teachers of knowledge, skill, and ability in their profession and experience in the management and instruction of the deaf. They shall possess good execu- 1271 tive ability and shall be the chief executive officers of the institutions. They shall devote their whole time to the supervision of the institution, and shall see that the pupils are properly instructed in the branches of learning and industrial pursuits as provided for in this Article, and under the supervision of the board. The board shall elect all teachers and subordinate officers by and with the consent and recommendation of the superintendents. Sec. 116-190. Pupils admitted; education. The board of directors shall, according to such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, on application, receive into the school for the purposes of education all white deaf children resident of the State not of confirmed immoral character, nor imbecile or unsound in mind or incapacitated by physical infirmity for useful instruction, who are between the ages of six and twenty-one years: Provided, that the board of directors may admit students under the age of six years when, in its judgment, such admission will be for the best interest of the applicant and the facilities of the school permit such admission. Only those who are bona fide citizens and/or residents of North Carolina shall be eligible to and entitled to receive free tuition and maintenance. The board of directors may fix charges and prescribe rules whereby nonresident deaf children may be admitted, but in no event shall the admission of nonresidents in any way prevent the attendance of any eligible deaf child, resident of North Carolina. The board shall provide for the instruction of all pupils in the branches of study now prescribed by law for the public schools of the State and in such other branches as may be of special benefit to the deaf. As soon as practicable, the boys shall be instructed and trained in such mechanical pursuits as may be suited to them, and in practical agriculture and subjects relating thereto; and the girls shall be instructed in sewing, housekeeping, and such arts and industrial branches as may be useful to them in making themselves self-supporting. |
1961_session laws_22_34 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 21 | 33 | CHAPTER 21 AN ACT PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS HELD IN THE CITY OF GASTONIA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That all elections held in the City of Gastonia shall be held under the following rules and regulations: | Ballots; Printing, Delivery, Accounting For, ete. The City Clerk shall cause to be printed by at least six days prior to the election the official ballots for the election, which shall contain the names of all candidates for election to each coffice who have filed as hereinbefore provided, or the questions or propositions to be voted on, which shall be printed on white paper with black ink and in a number at least equal to the registered voters of the City. Sample ballots of the official ballots shall be printed 24 in black ink on colored paper and with the words, sample ballot printed conspicuously thereon, and shall be printed in such number as the City Clerk determines necessary to distribute for instructing voters. The City Clerk shall cause to be delivered to the registrar for each election precinct at least one day before the election ballots equal at least in number to the voters registered in that election precinct, which shall be packaged and each package shall have written or stamped thereon the number of ballots contained in each package, and the registrar shall not open or unpackage said ballots until the date of the election and except at the polling place, and the registrars shall be responsible to safeguard the same until the election. Upon delivery of the ballots, the City Clerk shall cause to be obtained a receipt therefor from each registrar. Upon completion of the election each registrar shall return to the City Clerk all used ballots, as well as all unused and spoiled ballots, and shall render a full accounting of all ballots over his signature showing the number of ballots received, number used, number spoiled, etc. Upon the close of the counting of ballots as herein provided, the registrar shall replace the said ballots in the official ballot box, lock the same, and deliver it to the City Clerk. |
1955_session laws_956_2 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 955 | 1 | CHAPTER 955 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER LXXV, PUBLIC LAWS OF 1808, DESIGNATING SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY AND AUTHORIZING SUCH TRUSTEES TO EXECUTE UNCONDITIONAL DEED FOR SCHOOL PROPERTY TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WASHINGTON CITY ADMINIS- TRATIVE UNIT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | L. H. Swindell, J. W. Oden and Harry S. Gurganus are named and designated as trustees of the Washington Academy, a body politic and corporate created and established by Chapter LXXV of the Laws of North Carolina of 1808, all of the successor trustees named in accordance with said Act being now dead; and the said L. H. Swindell, J. W. Oden and Harry S. Gurganus are hereby continued as a body politic and corporate, to be known and designated by the name of Trustees of the Washington Academy, and by that name shall have perpetual succession. The said Board of Trustees of Washington Academy are hereby authorized and empowered to convey to the Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit any real estate now owned by the said Board of Trustees of Washington Academy, and they are likewise authorized and empowered to quitclaim and release to the Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit any reversionary interest which they now have or may have at any time in the future in and to the tracts of land conveyed by the Trustees of Washington Academy to the Board of School Trustees of the Town of Washington by deed dated the 4th day of August, 1904, which is recorded in the Registers office of Beaufort County in Book 127 at page 581, and they are likewise fully authorized and empowered to withdraw and cancel any and all conditions contained in said deed as to the use of said property for school purposes for the white race or for the purpose of education of the white race, so that the said Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit may sell and convey an indefeasible and unconditional title in fee simple to the said property in the event the same is abandoned for use as school property. Provided, however, that in the event of such sale, the proceeds from the sale thereof shall be used for the purpose of purchasing another school site or for such other educational purpose as may be determined by the said Board of School Trustees of the Washington City Administrative Unit, and the said proceeds shall be used for no other purpose. |
1955_session laws_239_8 | project experts | 1 | session laws | 238 | 7 | CHAPTER 238 AN ACT TO TRANSFER ADMINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE POWERS AND DUTIES RESPECTING THE STATE PRISON SYS- TEM FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COM- MISSION TO THE DIRECTOR OF PRISONS; TO CHANGE THE METHOD OF APPOINTING AND REMOVING THE DIRECTOR OF PRISONS AND OTHER PRISON PERSONNEL; AND TO PROHIBIT PRISON SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL FROM ENGAGING IN CER- TAIN POLITICAL ACTIVITIES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | G. S. 148-36 is hereby rewritten to read as follows: G. S. 148-36. Director of Prisons to control prison camps.All prison camps established or acquired by the State Highway and Public Works Commission shall be under the administrative control and direction of the Director of Prisons, and operated under rules and regulations adopted and approved as provided in G. S. 148-11. Subject to such rules and regulations, the Director shall establish grades for prisoners according to conduct, and so far as possible introduce the honor system, and may transfer honor prisoners to honor camps. Prisoners may be transferred from one district camp to another, and the Director of Prisons may where it is deemed practical to do so establish separate camps.for white prisoners and colored prisoners. In each district camp, quarters shall be provided for the care and maintenance of such prisoners as may be sick or in need of special care. For each camp, a physician may be employed for such portion of his time as may be necessary, and prisoners may be used as attendants or nurses, Prisoners classified as having special qualifications to perform labor other than labor upon the public roads may be assigned to such special duties as the Director may determine. Personnel for such camps shall be empolyed by the Director of Prisons as provided in G. S. 148-1. |
1953_session laws_999_3 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 997 | 2 | CHAPTER 997 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION TWO CHAPTER FIFTEEN, PRIVATE LAWS OF 1923 RELATING TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ELIZABETH CITY IN PASQUOTANK COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Corporate Limits. Beginning at a point on the Pasquotank River in the center line of the southern mouth of Knobbs Creek, thence up the center line of said creek to the intersection of the center line thereof with the northwardly prolongation of the East line of Fourth Street, thence southwardly along the northerly prolongation of the East side of Fourth Street to the North side of the right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, thence westwardly and southwardly along the northward and westward side of said right of way of the Norfolk Southern Railroad to a point 700 feet South of the South side of Main Street, thence eastwardly parallel with the South side of Main Street to the East side of what was formerly the old North Carolina State Highway, thence southwardly along the East side of what was formerly the old North Carolina State Highway to the North side of Church Street Extended, thence eastwardly along the North side of Church Street Extended and the North side of Church Street to a point which is opposite the East side of Pritchardtown Road, thence southwardly across Church Street and along the East side of Pritchardtown Road to the South side of McPherson Street, thence eastwardly along the South side of McPherson Street to the West side of Seldon Street, thence southwardly along the West side of Seldon Street to the South side of Ehringhaus Street, thence westwardly along the South side of Ehringhaus Street to the center line of the United States Government railroad track, thence southwardly along the center line of said railroad track to a point 150 feet South of the South side of Walkers Avenue, thence South 81 degrees 30 minutes East to the southwest corner of the P. W. Moore School grounds at the northwest side of Roanoke Avenue, 898 thence southeastwardly at right angles to Roanoke Avenue, crossing same, to the southeast side thereof, thence along the South side of Roanoke Avenue South 47 degrees 30 minutes West 380 feet to an iron pipe, thence South 88 degrees 30 minutes East 1100 feet to the northwest corner of the Highland Park Cemetery, thence South 5 degrees West 350 feet to the southwest corner of the Highland Park Cemetery, thence along the South side of said cemetery South 89 degrees East 400 feet to a point on the East side of Peartree Road, thence southwardly along the East side of Peartree Road to the southwest corner of the colored cemetery, thence along the South side of the colored cemetery to a branch known as Herrington Run, thence northwardly along the center line of said branch or creek to the East side of Euclid Avenue, thence southwardly along the East side of Euclid Avenue to the South side of C Street, thence eastwardly along the South side of C Street to the East side of Southern Avenue, thence southwardly along the East side of Southern Avenue a distance of 510 feet to the center line of a ditch, which ditch is 830 feet southwardly measured along the East side of Southern Avenue from the center line of Park Street, thence South 72 degrees 45 minutes East to the southwest corner of the Raleigh Park Subdivision, thence South 71 degrees East along the center of a ditch and the South line of the Raleigh Park Subdivision to the southwest corner of the Woodland Park Subdivision, thence eastwardly along the center line of said ditch and the South line of the Woodland Park Subdivision to the southeast corner of the Woodland Park Subdivision and the center line of another ditch, thence northwardly along the center line of the last mentioned ditch and the branch which runs to the East of the Woodland Park Subdivision, Williams Circle, and the Gaither property to the Pasquotank River, thence northwardly across Pasquotank River to a point opposite what was formerly the center of the southern mouth of Glovers Cut and 300 feet therefrom, thence westwardly to the southwest point of Machellne Island (sometimes know as Goat Island), thence westwardly, northwardly and eastwardly following the shore line of said island to a point in said shore line 300 yards from what was formerly the North mouth of Glovers Cut, thence northwestwardly to the point of beginning in the center line of the southern mouth of Knobbs Creek. |
1947_session laws_819_7 | project experts | 0 | session laws | 818 | 6 | CHAPTER 818 AN ACT ESTABLISHING A DIVISION OF SPECIAL IN- STRUCTION IN THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUB- LIC INSTRUCTION TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL CLASSES OF IN- STRUCTION FOR HANDICAPPED CHILDREN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS; TO CONDUCT CLASSES OF SPE- CIAL INSTRUCTION FOR ADULT HANDICAPPED IN- DIVIDUALS; TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS FOR INSTRUCTORS OF HANDI- CAPPED PERSONS AND TO FIX THEIR SALARIES; TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL GRANTS TO THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARDS FOR THE ADDED COSTS OF CONDUCTING SUCH SPECIAL CLASSES AND COURSES OF INSTRUCTION FOR HANDICAPPED . CHILDREN AND OTHER CHILDREN REQUIRING SPE- CIAL COURSES OF INSTRUCTION; TO REPEAL LAWS OR PARTS OF LAWS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Board of Education of any school district which has one or more handicapped individual, with the approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education, may establish and organize suitable special classes or instruction in regular classes or in the homes and may provide special instruction as part of the school system for such handicapped individuals as are entitled to attend schools therein. In case of the deaf or the hard of hearing and speech defective children, if it is more economical to do so, the Director of Special Education, under the direction of the State Superintendent and with the approval of the State Board of Education, may set up facilities for a county-wide plan to provide itinerate lip reading or speech teachers. In the event there are not enough children of any special class, such children may be transferred to a school in a school district where such special classes have been established. Such transfers may be made by mutual agreement of the school authorities, subject to the approval of the Director of Special Education. |
1947_session laws_538_6 | project experts | 1 | session laws | 537 | 5 | CHAPTER 537 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 122, 35 AND 130 RELATING TO HOSPITALS FOR THE MENTALLY DISORDERED, GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MENTALLY DISORDERED AND FEEBLE-MINDED, AND TO SURGICAL OPERATIONS ON INMATES IN STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Section 122-3 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended by Chapter 952 of the Session Laws of 1945, is hereby rewritten to read as follows: SECTION 122-3. Division of patients among the several institutions under the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control. The State Hospital at Raleigh and the State Hospital at Morganton shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of white mentally disordered persons of the State, and the State Hospital at Goldsboro shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment for the colored mentally disordered, epileptic, feeble-minded, and inebriate of the State. White epileptics shall be admitted to the State Hospital at Raleigh as now provided by law, and may by action of the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control be transferred to another institution under the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control when in the opinion of the. Board such is in the best interests of the epileptic patients and the institutions. The North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control shall have the authority to establish rules and regulations not contrary to law governing the admission of persons to any State Hospital or other institution under its control which is now or may be established: Clerks of Superior Court of the several counties of the State may make commitments to such institutions in the Same manner now provided by law for the several State Hospitals and Caswell Training School. The North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control is hereby given authority to admit certain classes of patients to any one of the institutions under its control and shall notify the Clerks of Superior Court of its action. Sections 116-129 through 116- 137 shall apply to any colonies for feeble-minded persons and to feeble-minded persons held in any colonies providing that Section 116-135 shall apply only to Caswell Training School. |
1947_session laws_227_2 | project experts | 1 | session laws | 226 | 1 | CHAPTER 226 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 134 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES BY REWRITING ARTICLE 9 THEREOF, CREATING A STATE BOARD OF CORRECTION AND TRAINING AND PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Chapter 134 of the General Statutes is hereby amended by rewriting Article 9 thereof in its entirety, so that said Article 9 shall read as follows: Art. 9 State Board of Correction and Training. G. S. 184-90. State Board of Correction and Training created. There is hereby created a State Board of Correction and Training to be composed of nine members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor of North Carolina. The Commissioner of Public Welfare shall be an ex officio member without voting power. The original membership of the board shall consist of three classes, the first class to serve for a period of two years from the date of appointment, the second class to serve for a period of four years from the date of appointment, and the third class to serve for a period of six years from the date of appointment. At the expiration of the original respective terms of office, all subsequent appointments shall be for a term of six years, except such as are made to fill unexpired terms. Five members of the board shall constitute a quorum. Members of the board shall serve for terms as prescribed in this Section, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of the board whenever, in his opinion, such removal is in the best public interest, and the Governor shall not be required to assign any reason for any such removal. G. S. 134-91. Powers and duties of the State Board of Correction and Training. The following institutions, schools and agencies of this State; namely, the Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School, the State Home and Industrial School for Girls, Dobbs Farms, the Eastern Carolina Industrial Training School for Boys, the Morrison Training School, and the State Training School for Negro Girls, together with all such other correctional State institutions, schools or agencies of a similar nature, established and maintained for the correction, discipline or training of delinquent minors, now existing or hereafter created, shall be under the management and administrative control of the State Board of Correction and Training. Wherever in General Statutes 134-1 to 134-48 inclusive or in General Statutes 134-67 to 134-89 inclusive, or in any other laws of this State, the words board of directors, board of trustees, board of managers, directors, trustees, managers, or board are used with reference to the governing body or bodies of the institutions, schools or agencies enumerated in 134-90, the same shall mean the State Board of Correction and Training provided for in General Statutes 134-90, and it shall be construed that the State Board of Correction and Training shall succeed to, exercise and perform all the powers conferred and duties imposed heretofore upon the separate boards of directors, trustees or managers of the several institutions, schools or agencies herein mentioned, and said powers and duties shall be exercised and performed as to each of the institutions by the State Board of Correction and Training herein provided for. The said board shall be responsible for the management of the said institutions, schools or agencies and the disbursement of appropriations made for the maintenance and permanent enlargement and repairs of the said institutions, schools or agencies subject to the provisions of the Executive Budget Act, and said board shall make report to the Governor annually, and oftener if called for by him, of the condition of each of the schools, institutions or agencies under its management and control, and shall make biennial reports to the Governor, to be transmitted by him to the General Assembly, of all moneys received and disbursed by each of said schools, institutions or agencies. The State Board of Correction and Training shall have full management and control of the institutions, schools and agencies named in this Article, and shall have power to administer these institutions, schools and agencies in the manner deemed best for the interest of delinquent boys and girls of all races. Similar provisions shall be made for white and negro children in separate schools. Indian children shall be provided for in a manner comparable to that afforded children of the white and negro races. Individual students may be transferred from one institution, school or agency to another, but this authority to transfer individual students does not authorize the consolidation or abandonment of any institution, school or agency. The Board of Correction and Training, subject to the approval of the Governor and the Advisory Budget Commission, is authorized to transfer the entire population at Dobbs Farm to the State Home and Industrial School for Girls and to utilize the present facilities at Dobbs Farm as a training school for negro girls. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby vested with administrative powers over the schools, institutions and agencies set forth in this Article, together with all lands, buildings, improvements, and other properties appertaining thereto, and the board is authorized and empowered to do all things necessary in connection therewith for the care, supervision and training of boys and girls of all races who may be received at any of such schools, institutions or agencies. G. S. 134-92. Organization of the Board. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby authorized and given full power to meet and organize, and from their number select a chairman and vice chairman. The Commissioner of Correction hereinafter provided for in this Article shall be executive secretary to the board. All officers of the board shall serve for a two-year period, which period shall be the same as the States fiseal biennium. G. S. 134-93. Meetings of the Board. The State Board of Correction and Training shall convene at least four times a year and at places designated by the board. Insofar as practicable, the place of meetings shall rotate among the several schools and institutions. G. S. 134-94. Executive Committees. The State Board of Correction and Training shall select from its number an executive committee of three members. The powers and duties of the executive committee shall be prescribed by the board and all actions of this committee shall be reported to the full board at the next succeeding meeting. In addition to the executive committee the board may set up such other committees as may be deemed necessary for the carrying out of the activities of the board. G. S. 134-95. By-laws; rules and regulations. The State Board of Correction and Training shall make all necessary by-laws, rules and regulations for its own use and for the governing and administering of the schools, institutions and agencies under its control. G. S. 134-96. Commissioner of Correction. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby authorized and empowered to employ a Commissioner of Correction who shall serve all schools, institutions and agencies covered by this Article. The board shall prescribe the duties and salary of the Commissioner of Correction, subject to the approval of the Director of the Budget. The board may employ secretarial help and such other assistants as in its judgment are necessary to give effect to this Article, subject, however, to the approval of the Director of the Budget. The Commissioner of Correction shall be a person of demonstrated executive ability and shall have such special education, training, experience and natural ability in welfare, educational and correctional work as are calculated to qualify him for the discharge of his duties, such training shall include special study in the social sciences and adequate institutional and practical experiences; and he must be a person of good character. He shall devote his full time to the duties of his employment and shall hold no other office, except that he shall serve as secretary to the State Board of Correction and Training. The salary of the Commissioner of Correction and his assistants and the expenses incident to maintaining his office, his travel expenses, and the expenses of the board members shall be paid out of special appropriations set up for the State Board of Correction and Training. The State Board of Public Buildings and Grounds shall provide suitable office space in the City of Raleigh for the Commissioner and his staff. G. S. 134-97. Compensation for members of the board. The members of the State Board of Correction and Training shall be paid the sum of seven dollars ($7.00) per day and actual expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. G. S. 134-98. Election of Superintendents. The State Board of Correction and Training shall elect a superintendent for each of the schools, institutions and agencies, covered by this Chapter. Each superintendent shall be equipped by professional social work training and experience to understand the needs and problems of adolescent boys and girls, to administer an institutional program and to direct professional staff members and other employees. The superintendents of the several institutions, schools and agencies shall be responsible, with the assistance of the Commissioner of Correction, for the employment of all personnel. The superintendents of the several schools and institutions shall likewise have the power to dismiss any employee for incompetence or failure to carry out the work assigned to him. The superintendents shall make monthly reports to the Commissioner of Correction on the conduct and activities of the schools, institutions or agencies, and on the boys and girls under their care, and such reports on the financial and business management of the schools, institutions or agencies as may be required by the Board of Correction and Training. G. S. 134-99. Bonds for superintendents and budget officers. All superintendents and budget officers shall before entering upon their duties make a good and sufficient bond payable to the State of North Carolina in such form and amount as may be specified by the Governor and approved by the State Treasurer. G. S. 184-100. Who may be committed. The schools, institutions and agencies enumerated, and others that now exist or may be hereafter established, shall accept and train all delinquent children of all races and creeds under the age of eighteen as may be sent by the judges of the juvenile courts or by judges of other courts having jurisdiction, provided such persons are not mentally or physically incapable of being substantially benefited by the program of the institution, school or agency. G. S. 134-101. Removal request by board. If any boy or girl under the care of a State school, institution or agency shall offer violence to a member of the staff or another boy or girl or do or attempt to do injury to the buildings, equipment, or property of the school, or shall by gross or habitual misconduct exert a dangerous or pernicious influence over other boys and girls, the Board of Correction and Training may request the court committing said boy or girl or any court of proper jurisdiction to relieve the school of the custody of the boy or girl. G. S. 134-102. Transfer by order of Governor. The Governor of the State may by order transfer any person under the age of eighteen years from any jail or prison in this State to one of the institutions, schools or agencies of correction. G. S. 134-103. Institution to be in position to care for offender before commitment. Before committing any person to the school, institution or agency, the court shall ascertain whether the school, institution or agency is in a position to care for such person and no person shall be sent to the school, institution or agency until the committing agency has received notice from the superintendent that such person can be received. It shall be at all times within the discretion of the State Board of Correction and Training as to whether the board will receive any qualified person into the school, institution or agency. No commitment shall be made for any definite term but any person so committed may be released or discharged at any time after commitment, as hereinafter provided in this Article. G. S. 134-104. Delivery to institution. It shall be the duty ot the county or city authorities from which the person is sent to the school, institution or agency by any court to see that such person is safely and duly delivered to the school, institution or agency to which committed and to pay all expenses incident to his or her conveyance and delivery to the said school, institution or agency. If the offender be a girl, she must be accompanied by a woman approved by the county superintendent of public welfare. G. S. 134-105. Return of boys and girls improperly committed. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the superintendent of a State school, institution or agency and the State Board of Correction and Training that any boy or girl committed to such school, institution or agency is not of a proper age to be so committed, or is not properly committed, or is mentally or physically incapable of being materially benefited by the services of such school, institution or agency, the superintendent, with the approval of the State Board of Correction and Training, may return such boy or girl to the committing court to be dealt with in all respects as though he or she had not been so committed. G. S. 134-106. Work to be conducted. There shall be established and conducted on such lands as may be owned in connection with the schools, institutions or agencies such trades, crafts, arts, and sciences suitable to the students and such teachings shall be done with the idea of preparing the students for making a living for themselves after release. Schools shall be maintained of public school standards and operated by teachers holding standard certificates as accepted in States system of public schools. A recreation program shall be maintained for the health and happiness of all students. The precepts of religion, ethics, morals, citizenship and industry shall be taught to all students. G. S. 134-107. Conditional release; superintendent may grant conditional release; revocation of release. The Board of Correction and Training shall have power to grant conditional release to any person in any school, institution or agency under its jurisdiction and may delegate this power to the superintendents of the various schools, institutions and agencies, under rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Correction and Training; such conditional release may be terminated at any time by written revocation by the superintendent, under rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Correction and Training, which written revocation shall be sufficient authority for any officer of the school, institution or agency, or any peace officer to apprehend any person named in such written revocation in any county of the State and to return such person to the institution. G. S. 184-108. Final discharge. Final discharge may be granted by the superintendent under rules adopted by the State Board ot Correction and Training at any time after admission to the school; provided, however, that final discharge must be granted any person upon reaching his twenty-first birthday. G. S. 184-109. Return of runaways. If a boy or girl runs away from a State school, institution or agency, the superintendent may cause him or her to be apprehended and returned to such school, institution or agency. Any employee of the school, institution or agency, or any person designated by the superintendent, or any official of the welfare department, or any peace officer may apprehend and return to the school, institution or agency, without a warrant, a runaway boy or girl in any county of the State, and shall forthwith carry such runaway to the school, institution or agency. G. S. 184-110. Aiding escapees; misdemeanor. It shall be unlawful for any person to aid, harbor, conceal, or assist in any way any boy or girl who is attempting to escape or who has escaped from any school, institution or agency of correction and any person rendering such assistance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. G. S. 134-111. State Board of Health to supervise sanitary and health conditions. The State Board of Health shall have general supervision over the sanitary and health conditions of the several schools, institutions and agencies and shall make periodic examinations of the same and report to the State Board of Correction and Training the conditions found with respect to the sanitary and hygienic care of the students. G. S. 134-112. Care of persons under Federal jurisdiction. The State Board of Correction and Training is hereby empowered to make and enter into contractual relations with the proper official of the United States for admission to the State schools, institutions and agencies of such Federal juvenile delinquents committed to the custody of such Attorney General as provided in the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act as would profit from the program and services of the schools, institutions or agencies. G@. S) 134-113: Term: of Contract. Any contract made under the authority and provision of this Article shall be for a period of not more than two years and shall be renewable from time to time for a period of not to exceed two years. G. S. 134-114. Approval by State Budget Bureau. Any contract entered into under the provisions of this Article with the office of the United States Attorney General, the Bureau of Prisons of the United States Department of Justice, or necessary Federal agency by any of the contracting institutions for the care of any persons coming within the provisions of this Article shall not be less than the current estimated cost per capita at the time of execution of the contract, and all such financial provisions of any contract, before the execution of said contract shall have the approval of the State Budget Bureau. |
1895_public laws_123_4 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 122 | 3 | CHAPTER 122 An act to prevent the adulteration, misbranding and sale of foods. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That for the purpose of this act an article shall be deemed to be adulterated in case of food or drink, first: If any substance, or substances, has or have been mixed and packed with it so as to reduce, or lower, or injuriously affect, its quality or strength, so that such product, when offered for sale, shall be calculated and shall tend to deceive the purchaser; second, if any inferior substance or substances, has or have been substituted, wholly or in part, for the article, so that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser; third, if any valuable constituent of the article has been, wholly or in part, abstracted, so that the product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser ; fourth, if it be an imitation of, or sold under, the specific name, brand or trade-mark of another article; fifth, if it be mixed, colored, powdered or stained in a manner, whereby damage is concealed, so that such product, when sold, shall tend to deceive the purchaser; sixth, if it contain any added poisonous ingredient, or any ingredient which may render such article injurious to the health of the person consuming it; seventh, if it consists, of the whole or any part, of a discarded, filthy, decomposed or putrid animai or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if itis the product of a diseased animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter: Provided, that an article of food which does not contain any added poisonous ingredient shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded, in the following eases: First, in the case of mixtures or compounds which may be now, or from time to time hereafter, known as articles of food under their own distinctive names, and not included in definition fourth of this section ; second, in the ease of articles labeled, branded or tagged so as to plainly indicate that they are mixtures, compounds, combinations or blends; third, when any matter or ingredient has been added to the food because the same is required for the production or preparation thereof as an article of commerce ina state fitter for carriage or consumption and not fraudulently increase the bulk, weight or measure of the food or conceal the inferior quality thereof: Provided, that the same shall be labeled, branded or tagged so as to show them to be compounds: And provided, further, that nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring or compelling manufacturers of articles of food to disclose their trade formulas ; fourth, when the food is unavoidably mixed with some extraneous matter in the process of collection or preparation. ; |
1917_private laws_100_2 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 99 | 1 | CHAPTER 99 AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS RELATING TO THE SCHOOL AT HOPE MILLS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the territory described in section one of chapter one hundred and sixty-eight of the Private Laws of North Carolina of one thousand nine: hundred and three, embracing what is now known as The Hope Mills Graded School District, be and it is hereby declared a public school district for white and colored children, which shall be under the jurisdiction and subject to the control of the State Board of Education and the board of education of Cumberland County, and subject to the laws and regulations of said boards, and shall be known as one of the public school districts of Cumberland County. |
1917_private laws_99_3 | project experts | 1 | private laws | 98 | 2 | CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO CREATE THE CROSS CREEK CEMETERY COM- MISSION, TO PROVIDE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF A CEMETERY IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 30, PRIVATE LAWS 1873-74. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the objects of said corporation shall be to provide for, maintain, and control suitable burial grounds for the white race of the city of Fayetteville; and to this end it is authorized and empowered to take by deed, will, or otherwise, any real and personal property, and to hold and use the same for such purpose; and to pass and enforce reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws as from time to time may be deemed necessary and proper to maintain such property in good and improved condition, and to protect and preserve the same from injury and trespass. |
1913_public local laws_255_3 | project experts | 1 | public local laws | 254 | 2 | CHAPTER 254 AN ACT TO ENLARGE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of education of said New Hanover County is authorized and empowered to maintain and support out of the public school funds of said county an industrial school for the colored race, which shall be open to all the colored children of said county, under such restrictions as the board of education may fix as to grades of work and other qualifications; and the said board of education may elect three school committeemen as other school committeemen are elected, for the management of said school. |
1915_public laws_268_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 267 | 1 | CHAPTER 267 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 4221 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHANGING THE NAME OF THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE COLORED RACH TO THE NEGRO AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section four thousand two hundred and twenty-one of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words in line four thereof The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race and inserting in lieu thereof the words The Negro Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina. |
1915_public laws_99_18 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 98 | 17 | CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of six thousand ($6,000) dollars is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage for the colored race located at Oxford, and the further sum of two thousand five hundred dollars is appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, for the purpose of paying off the debts of said institution. |
1915_public laws_63_6 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 62 | 5 | CHAPTER 62 AN ACT TO PROMOTE ECONOMY IN THE PUBLIC PRINTING, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the following institutions, and all others sustained by appropriations from the state treasury be and they are required to furnish to the Commissioner of Labor and Printing not later than December fifteenth of each biennial period a duplicate of the report required to be furnished to the governor for his use and for the records of his office, for: inclusion in the public documents. Not to exceed two hundred copies of such report may be furnished to the executive head of such institutions; The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; The North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Raleigh; The North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh; The Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, Greensboro; The North Carolina Institution for the Blind and the Deaf, Raleigh; The Normal Department of Cullowhee High School, Painter; The Appalachian Training School, Boone; The North Carolina School for the Deaf and Dumb, Morganton; The Central Hospital, Raleigh; The State Hospital, Morganton; The State Hospital (colored), Goldsboro; The State Prison, Raleigh; the Eastern Carolina Teachers Training School, Greenville; The State Board of Health, including the Bureau of Vital Statistics, the State Laboratory of Hygiene and the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Montrose: Provided, that these reports shall carry only such matters as are essential to a proper understanding of the work and purposes of the institution, together with a financial statement covering the previous biennial period ending December first. |
1913_public laws_150_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 149 | 1 | CHAPTER 149 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTERS 81 AND 89 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA, AND CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 1907, 1909, AND 1911 OF NORTH CAROLINA, BEING PARTS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter eighty-nine of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Strike out section four thousand one hundred and sixteen and insert in lieu thereof the following: 4116. Apportionment of school funds; reservation of contingent fundThe county board of education shall, on the first Monday in January and the first Monday in July of each year, apportion the school fund of the county to the various school districts; but it shall, before apportioning the school fund reserve as a contingent fund an amount sufficient to pay the salary of the county superintendent and per diem and expense of the county board of education; and may further reserve as a fund for building and repairing schoolhouses and for equipment, in counties with a total school fund of five thousand dollars or less, not more than twenty per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of over five thousand dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars, not more than sixteen per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of-over ten thousand dollars and not more than twenty-five thousand dollars, not more than ten per centum thereof; in counties with a total school fund of over twenty-five thousand dollars, not more than seven and a half per centum thereof, to be used as directed in section four thousand one hundred and twenty-four. It shall be the duty of the county board of education to distribute and apportion the school money so as to give to each school in the county for each race the same length of school term, as nearly as may be, each year. In making the apportionment the board shall have proper regard for the grade of work to be done and the qualifications of the teachers required in each school for each race. As soon as the apportionments are made, it shall be the duty of the board to notify the school committeemen and the treasurer of the county school fund of the amount apportioned to each school, designating each school by number, and stating whether for white, colored or Indian, and naming the township and county. Funds unused by any district during any year shall, if still unused at the January meeting subsequent to the close of the school year, be returned to the general school fund for reapportionment, unless such district shall have been prevented from using such funds during that year by providential or other unavoidable causes. Provided, that in the discretion of the county board of education it may also reserve sufficient: funds, after first providing for a six months school term in every school district, to pay a part of the cost, not to exceed one-half, necessary to employ a capable physician for his entire time as county health officer whose election meets with the approval of said board and whose duties shall be specified by the county board of health to embrace those provided for in that part of section eleven, chapter sixty-two, of the public health laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, relating to the medical inspection of schools and school children; and he shall lecture to the teachers in their meetings and supply them with printed instructions regarding measures for the proper care of the body, the recognition and prevention of disease, the recognition, prevention and correction of physical defects, etc.; and he shall-keep an accurate daily record of the work he does under the provisions of this act and make weekly, monthly or quarterly reports giving such information as may be called for by blanks to be furnished by and returned to both the county board of education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; and if the county health officer should neglect for a period of ninety days to carry out the spirit of this act, unless his entire time should be required to fight an epidemic of some contagious or infectious disease, the county board of education may in its discretion withdraw its financial aid in his employment. . (b) Strike out section four thousand one hundred and thirtyone and insert in lieu thereof the following: . ' The county board of education or the board of trustees of any incorporated or chartered graded school district may receive suitable sites for schoolhouses or school buildings by donation or purchase. In case of purchase the county board of education, or any board of trustees aforesaid, shall issue an order on its treasurer for the purchase money, and upon payment of the order the title to the site shall vest in the corporation in fee simple. Whenever the boards above mentioned are unable to obtain a suitable site for a school or school building, by gift or purchase, such board shall report to the county superintendent of public instruction, who shall, upon five days notice to the owner or owners of the land, apply to the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the land is situated for the appointment of three appraisers, who shall lay off by metes and bounds not more than two acres and assess the value thereof. The same means may be used to obtain more land in a district where there is a house or a site previously obtained, but not more than three acres shall be procured, including the site already obtained. They shall make a written report of their proceedings, to be signed by them, or by a majority of them, to the clerk within five days from their appointment, who shall enter the same upon records of the court. The appraisers and officers shall serve without compensation. If the report is confirmed by the clerk, the chairman and the secretary of the board shall issue an order on the treasurer of the county school fund, or, if-a graded school district, upon the treasurer of the graded school district, in favor of the owner of the land thus laid off, and upon the payment or offer of payment of this order the title to such land shall vest in fee simple in the corporation. Any person aggrieved by the action of the appraisers may appeal to the Superior Court in term, upon giving bond to secure the board against such costs as may be incurred on account of the appeal not being prosecuted with effect. (c) Amend subsection (h) of section one of chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the Public Laws of nineteen hundred and eleven of North Carolina, amending section four thousand one hundred and thirty-three of The Revisal of nineteen hundred and five, as follows: After the word therein, in line six of said subsection (h), and before the word and, insert the words or in the printed annual school report of said county. (d) At the end of section four thousand one hundred and thirty-five as amended add the following: - Provided, that any county whose total school fund does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars may unite with any adjoining county and by agreement between the county boards of education of the two counties, meeting in joint session, may employ a county superintendent who shall devote his entire time to supervising impartially the educational work of the counties thus employing him. The agreement between the two county boards thus jointly employing one county superintendent, as to the apportionment of his salary and expenses, the division of his time, and all other essential details, shall be recorded in full in the minutes of the board of education. of each county. (e) After the word July in line three of section four thousand one hundred and forty-five, strike out all words up to and including the word qualified, in line nine, and insert in lieu thereof the following: One thousand nine hundred and thirteen, appoint in each of the townships of the county three intelligent men of good business qualifications who are known to be in favor of public education, who shall serve as follows: One for three years, one for two years, and one for one year from the date of their appointment as school committeemen in their respective townships and until their successors are elected and qualified. On the first Monday in July of each succeeding year, the board of education shall appoint one member of the school committee in place of the member whose term of office has just expired, and who shall continue in office for a period of three years and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. In line twenty of said section, after the word committee strike out the sentence commencing with the word The and ending with the word qualified, in line twenty-seven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: The county board of education in each county may if it deems best on the first Monday in July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, instead of electing township committeemen, elect for each school of the several townships three school committeemen of intelligence and good business qualifications who are known to be in favor of public education, who shall serve as follows: One for three years, one for two years, and one for one year from the date of their appointment as committeemen and until their successors are appointed and qualified. And the board of education shall, on the first Monday of July of each succeeding year, appoint one member of the school committee in place of the member whose term of office has just expired, and who shall continue in office for a term of three years and until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. (f) Strike out the sentence beginning with the word The, in line seven of section four thousand one hundred and sixty-one, and ending with the word committee, in line eleven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: The county board of education of each county shall fix annually a day and place in each township for the meeting of the township or district committeemen of said township, who shall, in conference with the county superintendent, with whom application must have previously been filed by all applicants, select the teachers for their respective schools, except for rural public high schools: Provided, that no election of any teacher or of any assistant teacher shall be deemed valid until such election has been approved by the county superintendent. (g) In line five of section four thousand and fifty-three, after the word schoolhouse and before the word in, insert the following words: Or dormitories for rural high schools and county farm life schools. (h) Insert the words justices of the peace in line three of section four thousand one hundred and eight after the word courts and before the word and in said line; after the word accrued, at end of said section, add the words, this information to be furnished on blanks prepared by the State Department of Public Instruction. -1 After the word of and before the word county, in line two of section four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight, strike out the word the and insert in lieu thereof the word any; and after the word county and before'the word school, in said line, insert the words town or city. (j) At the end of section four thousand one hundred and sixtyfour add the following: The county board of education of each and every county is hereby authorized and directed tc provide for the prompt payment of all teachers salaries due at the end of each school month. (k) After the word board and before the word but, in line eleven of section four thousand one hundred and ninteen, insert the words until the next General Assembly meets and acts: Provided, that this act shall not apply to vacancies heretofore filled under this section. -1 After the word attendance, in line five of section four thousand one hundred and sixty-four and before the word the in said line, insert the following words, the number of pupils completing the elementary grades. (m) After the word term in line five and before the word no in said line, in section four thousand one hundred and sixtythree, insert the following words, no assistant teacher shall be employed in any one-teacher school until the average daily attendance shall-have reached at least forty pupils, and in case the reports of any teacher shall for four consecutive weeks show an average daily attendance of less than forty pupils the assistant teacher may be dismissed. |
1913_public laws_107_23 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 106 | 22 | CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That of the foregoing appropriations, the following amounts appropriated in this act for permanent improvements are to be provided for by the issuance and sale of bonds in the way designated by an act of the General Assembly ratified at this session of the Legislature, to wit: State Hospital at Morganton.................. $50,000.00 Goldsboro Hospital for Colored Race.......... 25,000.00 Agricultural College at Raleigh.............. 25,000.00 University of North Carolina................. 100,000.00 Normal and Industrial School, Greensboro.... 50,000.00 A. & M. College, Greensboro, for Colored Race. 17,500.00 Appalachian Training School................. 15,000.00 Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School...... 15,000.00 East Carolina Teachers Training School...... 40,000.00 Tuberculosis Hospital, Montrose.............. 20,000.00 Land for Blind School...............c0cceeees 30,000.00 |
1913_public laws_107_22 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 106 | 21 | CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of twelve thousand five hundred ($12,- 500.00) dollars is hereby annually appropriated for the years one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and one thousand nine hundred and fourteen for the support and maintenance of the A. & M. College for the Colored Race, located at Greensboro; and the further sum of seventeen thousand five hundred ($17,500.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution. |
1913_public laws_107_18 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 106 | 17 | CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage for the Colored Race, located at Oxford; and the further sum of four thousand ($4,000.00) dollars is appropriated for the year one.thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution. 7 |
1913_public laws_107_17 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 106 | 16 | CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of ninety thousand ($90,000.00) dollars is hereby annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital for the Colored Race at Goldsboro; and the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen for the purpose of making permanent improvements at said institution. |
1913_public laws_107_8 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 106 | 7 | CHAPTER 106 = AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITU- TIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated for the year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, for the benefit of the State School for the colored race, located at Winston-Salem, one-half of said sum to be used in making improvements at said school, and the other half for the purchase of real property adjoining the real estate now owned by said school. |
1913_public laws_34_9 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 33 | 8 | CHAPTER 33 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR A SIX MONTHS SCHOOL TERM IN EVERY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Chapter five hundred and eight of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine of North Carolina is hereby repealed, and the following is hereby substituted and enacted in lieu thereof: On or before the first Monday in June of each and every year the county board of education of each county shall ascertain the amount of money needed to maintain the public schools of such county for four months during the succeeding school year. The county board of education, using as a basis the receipts for school purposes during the current school year ending June thirtieth thereafter, shall ascertain the amount that will be available for school purposes from the general school tax, from fines, forfeitures, and penalties, and from the annual per capita appropriation to the county from the special state appropriation for public schools under this act. If the amount received and to be received from these sources is less than the amount ascertained to be needed for a full four months school term in every public school district of the county, said county board of education shall submit to the board of county commissioners of said county an itemized statement of the amounts needed for supervision, for administration, for buildings and repairs, for salaries of teachers, and for all other expenses allowed by law. The statement shall also set forth the number of teachers, white and colored, to be employed in each district, and the salary of each teacher in each district. The limitation placed by law on each of these objects shall not be exceeded. It shall thereupon be the duty of the board of county commissioners to levy a special tax on all property, real and personal, and on all taxable polls, subject to the constitutional limitation as to poll tax, in said county sufficient to supply the deficiency needed for the support and maintenance of the public schools of said county for four months in each school district: Provided, that no county shall be compelled to levy a special tax of more than fifteen cents on every hundred dollars value of property, real and personal, and fortytive cents on every taxable poll for said purpose. The said tax shall be levied and collected at the same time and in the same manner as other county taxes are levied and collected, and the funds derived therefrom shall be apportioned and expended by the county board of education for maintaining one or more public schools in each school district for a term of four months in each year. In the event of a disagreement between the county board of education and the board of county commissioners as to the amount of the deficiency to be supplied for a four months school, and as to the rate of tax to be levied therefor, or of the refusal of any board of county commissioners to levy said tax, the county beard of education shall bring an action in the nature of mandamus against the board of county commissioners to compel the levying of such special tax in the manner and form as provided in sections eight hundred and twenty-two and eight hundred and twenty-four of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina, and it shall be the duty of the judge hearing the same to find the facts as to the amount needed and the amount available from the sources herein specified, which finding shall be conclusive, and to give judgment requiring the county commissioners to levy the sum which he shall find necessary to maintain the schools for four months in said county. No county shall receive any part of the State equalizing school fund provided by this act until it shall have levied the special tax herein required of it for a four months school term in every school district. , |
1917_public laws_36_3 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 35 | 2 | CHAPTER 35 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 18, VOLUME II, OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, IN RELATION TO STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND THE DEAF. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of directors of. the said School for the Blind and the Deaf may term the head teacher of the white department principal, and the chief officer at the colored department principal of the colored department. |
1911_public laws_122_18 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 121 | 17 | CHAPTER 121 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race, located at Greensboro; and the further sum of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500) is hereby annually appropriated for buildings and other necessary permanent improvements. |
1911_public laws_122_4 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 121 | 3 | CHAPTER 121 AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000) is hereby appropriated annually for the support and maintenance of the Orphan Asylum for the Colored Race, located at Oxford. |
1911_public laws_85_13 | project experts | 0 | public laws | 84 | 12 | CHAPTER 84 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY FARM-LIFE SCHOOLS AND FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME- MAKING. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | No person shall be employed as principal in charge of any county farm-life school who does not hold a_ high-school teachers certificate on all required subjects except Latin, Greek, and modern languages, including an additional certificate from the State Board of Examiners and the president of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, stating that he has furnished satisfactory evidence to them of his qualifications by special training and practical experience for said position. And no person shall be employed in the department of said county farm-life school for the special training of girls for home-making and housekeeping on the farm who does not hold a_ high-school teachers certificate on all required subjects except Latin, Greek, and modern languages, including an additional certificate from the State Board of Examiners and the president of the State Normal and Industrial College, stating that such person has furnished to them satisfactory evidence of qualifications by special training and practical experience for said position. |
1909_public laws_748_2 | project experts | 1 | public laws | 747 | 1 | CHAPTER 747 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ERECTION OF A DORMI- TORY AT THE COLORED ORPHAN ASYLUM AT OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas the Colored Orphan Asylum at Oxford is overcrowded and the buildings are in very bad condition, and it is necessary to have more room to accommodate the orphans, who should be properly taken care of: now, therefore, ; The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That whenever the superintendent and board of trustees of the said Colored Orphan Asylum shall raise the sum of five thousand dollars in cash, the Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated a sum of five thousand dollars, which, together with the sum raised by said superintendent and board of trustees, shall be used for the erection and equipment of a brick building to be used as a dormitory for said orphan children. |
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