int64 18
⌀ | Gender
stringclasses 3
values | Ethnicity
stringclasses 5
values | Region
stringclasses 3
values | Socioeconomic Status
stringclasses 3
values | Symptom Description
stringclasses 15
values | Symptom Severity
int64 1
⌀ | Duration of Symptoms (days)
int64 1
⌀ | Additional Symptoms
stringclasses 5
values | Chronic Condition
stringclasses 3
values | Allergies
stringclasses 4
values | Previous Visits
int64 0
⌀ | Potential Condition
stringclasses 15
values | Suggested Action
stringclasses 3
values |
null | Male | null | null | High | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 1 | 15 | fatigue | Hypertension | null | 1 | COVID-19 | Take Home Care Measures |
51 | Female | Hispanic | Suburban | High | chest pain | 2 | 7 | nausea | null | null | null | COVID-19 | Go to Emergency |
32 | Female | Asian | Suburban | null | numbness in legs | 9 | 11 | nausea | Hypertension | Pollen | 4 | Anxiety | Take Home Care Measures |
44 | Male | Caucasian | Rural | Low | numbness in legs | 10 | null | fatigue | Asthma | Peanuts | 7 | COVID-19 | null |
40 | Female | Caucasian | Urban | null | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 9 | 18 | null | Hypertension | Peanuts | 6 | Anxiety | Visit Doctor |
null | Other | Hispanic | Suburban | Middle | chest pain | null | null | fever | Diabetes | null | 0 | null | null |
25 | null | African American | Suburban | null | fatigue and weakness | 9 | 13 | null | Hypertension | Peanuts | 8 | Food Poisoning | Take Home Care Measures |
42 | Female | Other | Suburban | Middle | skin rash | 5 | 26 | nausea | null | Dust | null | Allergic Reaction | null |
89 | null | Hispanic | Urban | Middle | fever and body aches | 1 | 13 | fever | Asthma | Penicillin | 8 | Migraine | Visit Doctor |
52 | Other | Other | Urban | Middle | blurry vision | 6 | 9 | muscle aches | Diabetes | null | 6 | Migraine | Go to Emergency |
59 | Female | African American | Urban | Low | fatigue and weakness | null | 27 | muscle aches | null | null | 5 | Hypertension | Visit Doctor |
36 | Female | Asian | Rural | Middle | fatigue and weakness | 2 | 8 | nausea | null | null | 1 | Anxiety | Go to Emergency |
26 | Other | African American | null | Low | sharp stomach pain | 7 | 24 | none | Asthma | Penicillin | 6 | Migraine | Go to Emergency |
79 | Other | Hispanic | Suburban | Middle | numbness in legs | 9 | 14 | nausea | Diabetes | Pollen | 9 | Migraine | null |
null | Male | Other | null | High | sharp stomach pain | 2 | 15 | fatigue | Hypertension | Dust | 1 | COVID-19 | Take Home Care Measures |
77 | Other | Caucasian | Urban | High | skin rash | 3 | 11 | fatigue | Asthma | Penicillin | 3 | Food Poisoning | Go to Emergency |
59 | Male | null | Suburban | Low | frequent urination | null | 13 | nausea | Hypertension | Dust | 2 | Common Cold | Take Home Care Measures |
26 | Male | Hispanic | Urban | Middle | nausea and vomiting | 6 | 1 | muscle aches | Asthma | null | 5 | Anxiety | Go to Emergency |
46 | null | Caucasian | Suburban | Middle | blurry vision | 7 | 1 | fatigue | null | null | 9 | Asthma | Take Home Care Measures |
89 | Male | Caucasian | Suburban | Middle | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 5 | 9 | none | Asthma | null | 4 | Muscle Strain | Take Home Care Measures |
68 | Other | Caucasian | Urban | Middle | sharp stomach pain | null | 28 | muscle aches | Hypertension | Peanuts | 6 | Gastroenteritis | Go to Emergency |
87 | Male | Other | Suburban | null | mild headache | 1 | 26 | fatigue | null | Pollen | 1 | Muscle Strain | Visit Doctor |
53 | Other | Caucasian | Suburban | Middle | skin rash | 5 | 2 | muscle aches | Asthma | null | 0 | Sinus Infection | Take Home Care Measures |
86 | Male | Other | Rural | Middle | mild headache | null | 9 | fever | Diabetes | Peanuts | 10 | Kidney Stones | Go to Emergency |
57 | null | Other | Suburban | Low | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 7 | 19 | none | null | Peanuts | 2 | Allergic Reaction | Visit Doctor |
60 | Other | Caucasian | Rural | High | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 4 | 22 | fever | Hypertension | Dust | 7 | Flu | Take Home Care Measures |
47 | Female | Caucasian | null | High | skin rash | null | 7 | fever | Diabetes | Penicillin | 8 | Arthritis | Visit Doctor |
58 | Female | Other | Rural | null | fatigue and weakness | null | 2 | none | Hypertension | Dust | 10 | Arthritis | Go to Emergency |
75 | Female | Other | Urban | High | fever and body aches | 1 | 30 | nausea | Asthma | Dust | 6 | Asthma | Visit Doctor |
53 | Other | Caucasian | Suburban | High | chest pain | 6 | 9 | fatigue | null | Penicillin | 8 | Food Poisoning | Visit Doctor |
60 | Other | Other | Suburban | Middle | sharp stomach pain | 4 | null | nausea | null | Peanuts | 7 | null | null |
34 | Male | Asian | Suburban | High | fever and body aches | 4 | 8 | nausea | Diabetes | Peanuts | 2 | Asthma | null |
null | null | null | Urban | High | joint pain and swelling | 8 | 18 | fatigue | Diabetes | Peanuts | 7 | null | Go to Emergency |
34 | Female | Other | Rural | Low | numbness in legs | 8 | null | null | null | Pollen | 10 | Diabetes | Go to Emergency |
78 | Female | Hispanic | Rural | High | chest pain | 1 | 11 | null | Diabetes | Peanuts | 9 | Gastroenteritis | null |
19 | Other | African American | Urban | Low | chest pain | 10 | 30 | nausea | Diabetes | null | 4 | Muscle Strain | Go to Emergency |
20 | Other | Other | Urban | Low | frequent urination | 1 | 9 | fatigue | Hypertension | null | 9 | Common Cold | Visit Doctor |
null | Female | African American | null | Low | back pain and muscle stiffness | null | 6 | nausea | null | null | 9 | Arthritis | Take Home Care Measures |
51 | Male | African American | Urban | High | nausea and vomiting | 9 | 8 | fatigue | Hypertension | null | 1 | null | Take Home Care Measures |
36 | Male | Asian | null | Middle | skin rash | 9 | 9 | fatigue | Asthma | Penicillin | 3 | Allergic Reaction | Take Home Care Measures |
null | Female | Caucasian | null | Middle | chest pain | 7 | 14 | fever | null | Dust | 9 | Asthma | Go to Emergency |
48 | Other | Other | Urban | Low | persistent cough and shortness of breath | 9 | 7 | fatigue | null | Pollen | 3 | null | Go to Emergency |
30 | Other | null | Suburban | Middle | mild headache | 1 | 19 | none | Diabetes | Dust | 0 | Flu | Visit Doctor |
90 | Other | Caucasian | Rural | Middle | severe dizziness | 3 | 3 | fatigue | null | null | 0 | Anxiety | null |
42 | Other | African American | null | High | chest pain | 5 | 5 | fever | null | Penicillin | 3 | Sinus Infection | Take Home Care Measures |
80 | null | Asian | Rural | Low | back pain and muscle stiffness | 1 | 8 | nausea | null | Penicillin | 9 | Migraine | Take Home Care Measures |
52 | Other | Other | Suburban | null | numbness in legs | 2 | 4 | fever | Hypertension | Penicillin | null | Muscle Strain | null |
59 | Other | Other | Rural | null | skin rash | 6 | 11 | fatigue | Asthma | Pollen | 9 | Diabetes | null |
62 | Other | Asian | Urban | High | sharp stomach pain | 7 | 14 | null | Diabetes | Peanuts | null | Allergic Reaction | Take Home Care Measures |
79 | null | Other | Urban | High | fatigue and weakness | 6 | 6 | null | null | null | 6 | Arthritis | Take Home Care Measures |
60 | Other | null | Suburban | High | joint pain and swelling | 10 | null | fatigue | null | Pollen | 5 | Common Cold | Go to Emergency |
38 | null | African American | Rural | High | blurry vision | 4 | 15 | fever | Hypertension | Penicillin | 6 | Migraine | Visit Doctor |
38 | Female | African American | Urban | Middle | nausea and vomiting | null | 9 | none | Asthma | Dust | 8 | Muscle Strain | null |
30 | Male | Caucasian | null | Middle | severe dizziness | 9 | 19 | none | Diabetes | Penicillin | 5 | Flu | Take Home Care Measures |
90 | Male | Caucasian | Rural | Low | skin rash | 9 | 27 | fever | null | Dust | 1 | COVID-19 | null |
51 | Female | Other | Rural | Middle | frequent urination | 5 | 7 | none | null | Pollen | 10 | Anxiety | null |
60 | null | African American | Urban | High | severe dizziness | 6 | 29 | nausea | Hypertension | Peanuts | 9 | Hypertension | null |
29 | Other | null | Rural | High | persistent cough and shortness of breath | 2 | 21 | fatigue | null | Peanuts | 5 | Sinus Infection | Visit Doctor |
36 | Male | Other | Suburban | Middle | back pain and muscle stiffness | null | 30 | none | Diabetes | Penicillin | 1 | Asthma | Take Home Care Measures |
null | Other | Caucasian | Suburban | Low | fever and body aches | 4 | 15 | nausea | null | Dust | 4 | Muscle Strain | Take Home Care Measures |
20 | Male | Other | Urban | Middle | fever and body aches | 8 | 26 | null | null | null | null | Hypertension | Visit Doctor |
89 | Other | Asian | Suburban | Middle | persistent cough and shortness of breath | 9 | 6 | none | null | Dust | 8 | Asthma | Take Home Care Measures |
32 | Male | Other | Rural | Low | nausea and vomiting | 7 | null | fever | Hypertension | Peanuts | 9 | COVID-19 | Visit Doctor |
27 | null | null | Rural | High | nausea and vomiting | null | 8 | fever | Asthma | Dust | 6 | Allergic Reaction | Visit Doctor |
57 | Male | African American | Rural | High | frequent urination | 6 | 4 | fatigue | Hypertension | null | 9 | Hypertension | Take Home Care Measures |
53 | Other | Caucasian | Urban | null | persistent cough and shortness of breath | 9 | 16 | null | Asthma | Penicillin | 0 | Kidney Stones | Take Home Care Measures |
53 | Female | null | Urban | Middle | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 10 | 9 | muscle aches | null | Penicillin | 9 | null | null |
64 | Female | Asian | Rural | Low | persistent cough and shortness of breath | 3 | 24 | fever | Asthma | Dust | null | Muscle Strain | Go to Emergency |
58 | Male | Other | Urban | High | frequent urination | 10 | 26 | muscle aches | null | Pollen | 0 | Flu | Visit Doctor |
81 | Female | Caucasian | Urban | Low | frequent urination | 3 | 29 | null | Diabetes | Dust | 1 | Asthma | Visit Doctor |
79 | Other | Caucasian | Rural | High | severe dizziness | 6 | 28 | nausea | null | Dust | 4 | Common Cold | Go to Emergency |
24 | null | Caucasian | Urban | Middle | joint pain and swelling | 10 | 26 | fever | null | Penicillin | 0 | Sinus Infection | Go to Emergency |
25 | Female | Hispanic | Urban | null | sharp stomach pain | 6 | 10 | fever | Asthma | Pollen | 5 | COVID-19 | Visit Doctor |
32 | Male | Other | Urban | Low | numbness in legs | 6 | 24 | none | null | null | 5 | Arthritis | Go to Emergency |
86 | Male | Hispanic | null | High | skin rash | 8 | 16 | none | null | Peanuts | 3 | Anxiety | Visit Doctor |
78 | Male | Hispanic | Rural | High | joint pain and swelling | 4 | 15 | fever | null | Peanuts | 10 | Asthma | Take Home Care Measures |
61 | Other | Asian | Rural | Middle | skin rash | 1 | 22 | fever | Asthma | Peanuts | 6 | COVID-19 | Go to Emergency |
71 | Male | Asian | Rural | High | skin rash | 10 | 22 | null | null | Peanuts | 8 | Flu | Go to Emergency |
32 | Other | African American | Rural | Low | fever and body aches | 8 | 1 | fever | Hypertension | null | 9 | Allergic Reaction | Visit Doctor |
26 | Female | Hispanic | Suburban | Low | mild headache | 2 | 23 | none | Hypertension | null | 5 | COVID-19 | Visit Doctor |
70 | Male | Asian | Rural | Middle | blurry vision | 8 | 23 | fatigue | null | Dust | 5 | Sinus Infection | Go to Emergency |
18 | Female | Other | Rural | Middle | blurry vision | 5 | 16 | fever | Hypertension | Peanuts | 5 | Arthritis | null |
60 | Male | Caucasian | Urban | null | chest pain | 8 | 23 | null | null | Penicillin | 3 | Food Poisoning | null |
34 | Other | null | null | Middle | sharp stomach pain | null | null | none | Diabetes | Pollen | 6 | Flu | null |
30 | Female | null | Suburban | Low | skin rash | null | 5 | fatigue | Hypertension | null | 1 | Sinus Infection | null |
null | Female | African American | null | null | fatigue and weakness | 8 | 25 | fatigue | null | Dust | 3 | Diabetes | Go to Emergency |
72 | null | Hispanic | Urban | Low | chest pain | 7 | 24 | fatigue | null | Peanuts | null | Migraine | null |
88 | Other | Asian | Rural | Middle | mild headache | 6 | 28 | fatigue | Diabetes | Peanuts | 2 | Muscle Strain | Visit Doctor |
38 | Male | Other | Urban | null | fatigue and weakness | null | 5 | none | Diabetes | null | 3 | null | null |
20 | Other | Asian | Rural | Low | blurry vision | 2 | 24 | nausea | null | Dust | 4 | COVID-19 | Take Home Care Measures |
23 | null | Caucasian | Urban | Low | mild headache | 9 | 25 | muscle aches | Diabetes | null | 1 | Arthritis | Go to Emergency |
71 | Other | African American | Rural | Low | sharp stomach pain | 1 | 30 | muscle aches | Diabetes | Penicillin | 1 | Gastroenteritis | Take Home Care Measures |
77 | null | Other | Rural | Low | joint pain and swelling | 8 | 20 | muscle aches | null | Dust | 4 | Flu | null |
24 | Female | Caucasian | Urban | Middle | severe dizziness | null | 25 | none | Hypertension | null | 9 | Muscle Strain | Take Home Care Measures |
34 | Male | African American | Urban | High | blurry vision | 10 | 27 | nausea | Diabetes | Penicillin | 4 | Diabetes | Take Home Care Measures |
71 | Male | Asian | Suburban | Middle | sore throat and difficulty swallowing | 9 | 7 | fever | null | Pollen | 8 | Anxiety | Go to Emergency |
90 | Male | null | Suburban | Middle | sharp stomach pain | 8 | 21 | nausea | null | Pollen | 4 | Allergic Reaction | Take Home Care Measures |
85 | Female | Asian | Suburban | High | severe dizziness | 4 | 3 | none | Hypertension | Pollen | 7 | Allergic Reaction | Visit Doctor |
51 | Male | Other | Suburban | Middle | numbness in legs | 9 | 17 | nausea | null | Penicillin | 8 | Flu | Visit Doctor |
63 | Male | Hispanic | Suburban | Middle | fever and body aches | null | null | fatigue | Diabetes | Penicillin | 1 | null | Take Home Care Measures |