license: mit
- text-classification
- ka
- 1M<n<10M
This repository contains all the datasets for the Georgian homonym disambiguation task.
For more specific details you can read my article
At this point I've considered only the homonym: "ბარი" and it's different grammatical forms obtaining 7522 sentences.
The "dataset.csv" includes:
- 763 sentences using "ბარი" as a "shovel" labaled with 0
- 1846 sentences using "ბარი" as a "lowland" labeld with 1
- 3320 sentences using "ბარი" as a "cafe" labeled with 2
- 1593 sentences where the homonym is used in a different context, labeled with 3 (Although these sentences could be further classified by the definitions of the homonyms, for this project I've ignored other usages).
The "full-homonym-sentences-ბარ.txt" includes the sentences which contain the homonym "ბარი" and it's various grammatical forms. These sentences were limited to a maximum length of 13 words, with the homonym positioned in the middle of each sentence.