1 value
[ -9.57, 667, -240.806 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 239 m, up 64 mm, forward 667 m, right 957 cm, down 187 cm
[ 0, 0.05, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 73 cm, backward 68 cm
[ -0.93, 0, 0.11 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 930 mm, up 11 cm
[ 8.198, -0.452, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 702 mm, left 181 cm, left 709 cm, backward 452 mm
[ 0, -0.552, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 552 mm
[ 0, 1.441, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 124 cm, forward 201 mm
[ 899, 0, -0.42 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 129 cm, down 53 cm, left 899 m, down 118 cm
[ -810, -8.949, 998 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 998 m, right 810 m, backward 983 cm, forward 881 mm
[ 0, 0, -0.268 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 268 mm
[ 4.888, 0, 656.286 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 238 mm, down 714 mm, up 657 m, left 465 cm
[ -0.692, -881, 621 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 881 m, up 621 m, right 692 mm
[ 0, -426.307, -0.149 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 770 cm, down 879 mm, backward 435 m, forward 993 mm, up 73 cm
[ 0, -859.82, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 655 cm, backward 866 m, backward 37 cm
[ -481.11, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 189 cm, right 483 m
[ -0.988, -692.757, -2.52 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 252 cm, backward 692 m, backward 757 mm, right 988 mm
[ 0, 0, 12.76 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 946 cm, up 330 cm
[ 0, 0, 2.91 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 291 cm
[ -2.1, 0, -0.931 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 78 mm, down 853 mm, right 210 cm
[ -5.07, 0, 0.101 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 507 cm, up 101 mm
[ -74, 0, 1102 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 895 m, up 207 m, right 74 m
[ 6.734, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 348 mm, right 127 cm, right 798 mm, left 915 cm
[ 0, 0, 6 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 6 m
[ -103.474, 0, -0.773 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 205 m, right 474 mm, down 773 mm, left 102 m
[ 0, 709.29, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 629 cm, forward 703 m
[ -0.955, -719, -8.31 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 719 m, right 185 mm, right 770 mm, down 831 cm
[ 0, 0, -4.402 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 348 cm, down 836 cm, up 478 mm
[ 45, -305, -7.29 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 305 m, down 729 cm, left 45 m
[ 11.56, 37.861, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 44 m, forward 441 mm, left 340 cm, left 816 cm, backward 658 cm
[ 0, 6.942, -318 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 318 m, forward 671 cm, forward 232 mm
[ 0, 0, 8.36 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 836 cm
[ 204, 0, 539 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 204 m, up 539 m
[ 833, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 833 m
[ 0.28, -9.32, 5.99 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 932 cm, left 280 mm, up 599 cm
[ 0, 0, -0.315 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 315 mm
[ 276, 0, 457.61 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 276 m, up 61 cm, up 457 m
[ 0, 0, 0.044 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 44 mm
[ -0.643, 0.55, -584.994 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 593 m, forward 55 cm, right 643 mm, up 816 mm, up 719 cm
[ -649, 0, 958.27 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 673 cm, right 649 m, up 965 m
[ 3.126, 8.196, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 746 mm, left 428 cm, forward 306 mm, right 408 mm, forward 789 cm
[ 6.93, -0.927, 0.607 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 726 cm, right 33 cm, backward 927 mm, up 607 mm
[ 0, -230, 62.599 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 62 m, up 599 mm, backward 230 m
[ 962, 0.434, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 434 mm, left 962 m
[ 0, -0.692, -1.72 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 172 cm, backward 692 mm
[ 0, 413, -17.83 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 413 m, down 15 m, down 302 cm, up 19 cm
[ 9.004, 0, 97 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 97 m, right 916 mm, left 992 cm
[ 2.79, 788.99, -519 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 788 m, left 279 cm, down 519 m, forward 99 cm
[ 0, -0.96, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 96 cm
[ 0, 8.65, -74.837 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 163 mm, forward 865 cm, down 75 m
[ 5.46, -0.669, 5.39 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 539 cm, left 546 cm, backward 669 mm
[ 470, 0, 11.19 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 410 m, up 976 cm, left 880 m, up 143 cm
[ 0, -214, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 636 m, backward 850 m
[ 0, 466.513, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 487 mm, forward 467 m
[ 0, -307, -0.414 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 759 mm, backward 307 m, up 345 mm
[ 0, 0, 8.03 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 803 cm
[ 214.09, 0.205, 253 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 90 mm, left 214 m, forward 205 mm, up 253 m
[ 0, 0, 7.04 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 704 cm
[ 0, 0, 836.82 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 478 cm, up 841 m, down 896 cm
[ -0.55, -0.793, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 793 mm, right 55 cm
[ 2.34, 477, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 234 cm, forward 477 m
[ 0.071, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 71 mm
[ 1.16, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 116 cm
[ 0, 0, 670 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 670 m
[ 0.457, 236, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 234 mm, left 223 mm, backward 101 m, forward 337 m
[ 0, 0, 267 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 267 m
[ -344, -0.756, 659.35 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 344 m, up 654 m, up 535 cm, backward 756 mm
[ 238.83, -0.44, -0.474 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 983 cm, backward 440 mm, left 229 m, down 474 mm
[ -5.67, 6.72, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 497 cm, forward 994 mm, forward 756 mm, right 567 cm
[ -474.26, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 740 mm, right 475 m
[ 0.317, 0, 2.17 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 559 mm, right 242 mm, up 217 cm
[ -0.435, 0, 0.609 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 435 mm, up 609 mm
[ -7.86, 0.624, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 624 mm, right 186 cm, right 600 cm
[ 0, -374, -35.139 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 450 mm, down 989 mm, backward 374 m, down 70 cm, down 33 m
[ 707.051, -0.365, -79.91 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 87 m, right 949 mm, left 708 m, up 709 cm, backward 365 mm
[ -4.21, -556.6, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 564 m, forward 740 cm, right 421 cm
[ -0.123, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 123 mm
[ -157, -744, 0.76 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 878 cm, forward 147 m, backward 891 m, right 157 m, down 802 cm
[ -687.93, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 678 m, right 993 cm
[ 0, -0.962, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 962 mm
[ 0, -9.17, -2.82 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 917 cm, down 282 cm
[ 0, -487, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 487 m
[ 0, 0, 7.5 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 750 cm
[ 770, 0.922, 0.143 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 143 mm, forward 922 mm, left 770 m
[ 816, 0, 329 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 329 m, left 816 m
[ -7.01, 0, 5.67 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 567 cm, right 701 cm
[ 0, 0.123, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 123 mm
[ 512, 421, 0.114 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 512 m, up 114 mm, forward 421 m
[ -0.057, -5.25, 6.853 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 57 mm, up 668 cm, backward 17 cm, up 173 mm, backward 508 cm
[ 0, -802.42, 9.371 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 9 mm, backward 794 m, backward 842 cm, up 938 cm
[ -879.908, 0, -620.82 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
down 82 cm, down 620 m, right 877 m, left 2 mm, right 291 cm
[ 0, -0.768, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
backward 768 mm
[ -13, 0, 3.59 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 981 cm, up 359 cm, right 319 cm
[ 445, 143, 3.559 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 63 m, forward 143 m, up 539 mm, left 382 m, up 302 cm
[ 0.82, 0.378, 6.36 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 378 mm, up 636 cm, left 820 mm
[ 0.84, 285, 589.359 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
forward 285 m, left 840 mm, down 343 m, up 932 m, up 359 mm
[ 0, 0, 547 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
up 547 m
[ 0.622, -0.925, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 622 mm, backward 925 mm
[ 0.64, 0, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 640 mm
[ 7.56, 0, -0.777 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
left 756 cm, down 777 mm
[ -0.704, 0.035, 0 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 704 mm, forward 35 mm
[ 384.692, 772, -251 ]
You are located in a 3d space (x,y,z) at the coordinates (0,0,0). The distance between coordinates is given in meters. You must determine the coordinates of your new position according to a series of directions.
right 238 mm, down 251 m, left 380 m, forward 772 m, left 493 cm