Complete Segal spaces arising from simplicial categories
In this paper, we compare several functors which take simplicial categories or model categories to complete Segal spaces, which are particularly nice simplicial spaces which, like simplicial categories, can be considered to be models for homotopy theories. We then give a characterization, up to weak equivalence, of complete Segal spaces arising from these functors.
Semiclassical scattering amplitude at the maximum point of the potential
We compute the scattering amplitude for Schr\"odinger operators at a critical energy level, corresponding to the maximum point of the potential. We follow the wrok of Robert and Tamura, '89, using Isozaki and Kitada's representation formula for the scattering amplitude, together with results from Bony, Fujiie, Ramond and Zerzeri '06 in order to analyze the contribution of trapped trajectories.
Riggings of locally compact abelian groups
We obtain a set of generalized eigenvectors that provides a generalized spectral decomposition for a given unitary representation of a commutative, locally compact topological group. These generalized eigenvectors are functionals belonging to the dual space of a rigging on the space of square integrable functions on the character group. These riggings are obtained through suitable spectral measure spaces.
The LIL for $U$-statistics in Hilbert spaces
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the (bounded) law of the iterated logarithm for $U$-statistics in Hilbert spaces. As a tool we also develop moment and tail estimates for canonical Hilbert-space valued $U$-statistics of arbitrary order, which are of independent interest.
Circulating Current States in Bilayer Fermionic and Bosonic Systems
It is shown that fermionic polar molecules or atoms in a bilayer optical lattice can undergo the transition to a state with circulating currents, which spontaneously breaks the time reversal symmetry. Estimates of relevant temperature scales are given and experimental signatures of the circulating current phase are identified. Related phenomena in bosonic and spin systems with ring exchange are discussed.
Possible polarisation and spin dependent aspects of quantum gravity
We argue that quantum gravity theories that carry a Lie algebraic modification of the Poincare' and Heisenberg algebras inevitably provide inhomogeneities that may serve as seeds for cosmological structure formation. Furthermore, in this class of theories one must expect a strong polarisation and spin dependence of various quantum-gravity effects.
Two center multipole expansion method: application to macromolecular systems
We propose a new theoretical method for the calculation of the interaction energy between macromolecular systems at large distances. The method provides a linear scaling of the computing time with the system size and is considered as an alternative to the well known fast multipole method. Its efficiency, accuracy and applicability to macromolecular systems is analyzed and discussed in detail.
Spectral averaging for trace compatible operators
In this note the notions of trace compatible operators and infinitesimal spectral flow are introduced. We define the spectral shift function as the integral of infinitesimal spectral flow. It is proved that the spectral shift function thus defined is absolutely continuous and Krein's formula is established. Some examples of trace compatible affine spaces of operators are given.
Gravitating Global k-monopole
A gravitating global k-monopole produces a tiny gravitational field outside the core in addition to a solid angular deficit in the k-field theory. As a new feature, the gravitational field can be attractive or repulsive depending on the non-canonical kinetic term.
Pair production with neutrinos in an intense background magnetic field
We present a detailed calculation of the electron-positron production rate using neutrinos in an intense background magnetic field. The computation is done for the process nu -> nu e- e+ (where nu can be nu_e, nu_mu, or nu_tau) within the framework of the Standard Model. Results are given for various combinations of Landau-levels over a range of possible incoming neutrino energies and magnetic field strengths.
Theoretical Aspects of the SOM Algorithm
The SOM algorithm is very astonishing. On the one hand, it is very simple to write down and to simulate, its practical properties are clear and easy to observe. But, on the other hand, its theoretical properties still remain without proof in the general case, despite the great efforts of several authors. In this paper, we pass in review the last results and provide some conjectures for the future work.
Retract rationality and Noether's problem
Let K be any field and G be a finite group. We will prove that, if K is any field, p an odd prime number, and G is a non-abelian group of exponent p with |G|=p^3 or p^4 satisfying [K(\zeta_p):K] <= 2, then K(G) is rational over K. We will also show that K(G) is retract rational if G belongs to a much larger class of p-groups. In particular, generic G-polynomials of G-Galois extensions exist for these groups.
Noether's problem for some p-groups
Let K be any field and G be a finite group. Noether's problem asks whether the fixed field is rational (=purely transcendental) over K. We will prove that if G is a non-abelian p-group of order p^n containing a cyclic subgroup of index p and K is any field containing a primitive p^{n-2}-th root of unity, then K(G) is rational over K.
The canonical volume of threefolds of general type with $\chi<1$
We prove that the canonical volume $K^3\geq {1/30}$ for all projective 3-folds of general type with $\chi(\mathcal{O})\leq 0$. This bound is sharp.
Dynamical Equilibrium, trajectories study in an economical system. The case of the labor market
The paper deals with the study of labor market dynamics, and aims to characterize its equilibriums and possible trajectories. The theoretical background is the theory of the segmented labor market. The main idea is that this theory is well adapted to interpret the observed trajectories, due to the heterogeneity of the work situations.
Borromean Entanglement Revisited
An interesting analogy between quantum entangled states and topological links was suggested by Aravind. In particular, he emphasized a connection between the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state and the Borromean rings. However, he made the connection in a way that depends on the choice of measurement basis. We reconsider it in a basis-independent way by using the reduced density matrix.
One-parameter families of functions in the Pick class
In the one-parameter family of power-law maps of the form $f_a(x)=-|x|^{\alpha}+a,$ $\alpha >1,$ we give examples of mutually related dynamically determined quantities, depending on the parameter $a$, such that one is a Pick function of the following one. These Pick functions are extendable by reflection through the $(1,+\infty)$ half-axis and have completely monotone derivatives there.
The homology of the Steinberg variety and Weyl group coinvariants
Let G be a complex, connected, reductive algebraic group with Weyl group W and Steinberg variety Z. We show that the graded Borel-Moore homology of Z is isomorphic to the smash product of the coinvariant algebra of W and the group algebra of W.
Inhomogeneous color superconductivity and the cooling of compact stars
In this talk I discuss the inhomogeneous (LOFF) color superconductive phases of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In particular, I show the effect of a core of LOFF phase on the cooling of a compact star.
Wormholes in the accelerating universe
We discuss different arguments that have been raised against the viability of the big trip process, reaching the conclusions that this process can actually occur by accretion of phantom energy onto the wormholes and that it is stable and might occur in the global context of a multiverse model. We finally argue that the big trip does not contradict any holographic bounds on entropy and information.
The Invar Tensor Package
The Invar package is introduced, a fast manipulator of generic scalar polynomial expressions formed from the Riemann tensor of a four-dimensional metric-compatible connection. The package can maximally simplify any polynomial containing tensor products of up to seven Riemann tensors within seconds. It has been implemented both in Mathematica and Maple algebraic systems.
Another Riemann-Farey Computation
Another approach to constructing an upper bound for the Riemann-Farey sum is described.
Fractional Generalization of Kac Integral
Generalization of the Kac integral and Kac method for paths measure based on the Levy distribution has been used to derive fractional diffusion equation. Application to nonlinear fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation is discussed.
Generalized Smirnov statistics and the distribution of prime factors
We apply recent bounds of the author (math.PR/0609224) for generalized Smirnov statistics to the distribution of integers whose prime factors satisfy certain systems of inequalities.
Le module dendriforme sur le groupe cyclique
The structure of anticyclic operad on the Dendriform operad defines in particular a matrix of finite order acting on the vector space spanned by planar binary trees. We compute its characteristic polynomial and propose a (compatible) conjecture for the characteristic polynomial of the Coxeter transformation for the Tamari lattice, which is mostly a square root of this matrix.
A Way to Dynamically Overcome the Cosmological Constant Problem
The Cosmological Constant problem can be solved once we require that the full standard Einstein Hilbert lagrangian, gravity plus matter, is multiplied by a total derivative. We analyze such a picture writing the total derivative as the covariant gradient of a new vector field (b_mu). The dynamics of this b_mu field can play a key role in the explanation of the present cosmological acceleration of the Universe.
Energy Functionals for the Parabolic Monge-Ampere Equation
We introduce certain energy functionals to the complex Monge-Ampere equation over a bounded domain with inhomogeneous boundary condition, and use these functionals to show the convergence of the solution to the parabolic Monge-Ampere equation.
Compatible Actions and Cohomology of Crystallographic Groups
We compute the cohomology of crystallographic groups with holonomy of prime order. As an application we compute the group of gerbes associated to many six--dimensional toroidal orbifolds arising in string theory.
Comment on Electroweak Higgs as a Pseudo-Goldstone Boson of Broken Scale Invariance
The first model of Foot, Kobakhidze and Volkas described in their work in arXiv:0704.1165 [hep-ph] is a tailored version of our model on broken scale invariance in the standard model presented in hep-th/0403039.
Radiation from Kinetic Poynting Flux Acceleration
We derive analytic formulas for the power output and critical frequency of radiation by electrons accelerated by relativistic kinetic Poynting flux, and validate these results with Particle-In-Cell plasma simulations. We find that the in-situ radiation power output and critical frequency are much below those predicted by the classical synchrotron formulae. We discuss potential astrophysical applications of these results.
Weak type radial convolution operators on free group
Radial convolution operators on free groups with nonnegative kernel of weak type $(2,2)$ and of restricted weak type $(2,2)$ are characterized. Estimates of weak type $(p,p)$ are obtained as well for $1<p<2.$
Analycity and smoothing effect for the coupled system of equations of Korteweg - de Vries type with a single point singularity
We study that a solution of the initial value problem associated for the coupled system of equations of Korteweg - de Vries type which appears as a model to describe the strong interaction of weakly nonlinear long waves, has analyticity in time and smoothing effect up to real analyticity if the initial data only has a single point singularity at $x=0.$
Smoothing properties for the higher order nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with constant coefficients
We study local and global existence and smoothing properties for the initial value problem associated to a higher order nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with constant coefficients which appears as a model for propagation of pulse in optical fiber.
Parameter estimation for power-law distributions by maximum likelihood methods
Distributions following a power-law are an ubiquitous phenomenon. Methods for determining the exponent of a power-law tail by graphical means are often used in practice but are intrinsically unreliable. Maximum likelihood estimators for the exponent are a mathematically sound alternative to graphical methods.
The Weil representation and Hecke operators for vector valued modular forms
We define Hecke operators on vector valued modular forms transforming with the Weil representation associated to a discriminant form. We describe the properties of the corresponding algebra of Hecke operators and study the action on modular forms.
On the energy spectrum of the one-dimensional Klein-Gordon Oscillator
In the present article, we describe a method of introducing the harmonic potential into the Klein-Gordon equation, leading to genuine bound states. The eigenfunctions and eigenenergies are worked out explicitly.
New versions of Schur-Weyl duality
After reviewing classical Schur-Weyl duality, we present some other contexts which enjoy similar features, relating to Brauer algebras and classical groups.
Lower bounds in some power sum problems
We study the power sum problem max_{v=1,...,m} | sum_{k=1}^n z_k^v | and by using features of Fejer kernels we give new lower bounds in the case of unimodular complex numbers z_k and m cn^2 for constants c>1.
Coloring ordinals by reals
We study combinatorial principles we call Homogeneity Principle HP(\kappa) and Injectivity Principle IP(\kappa,\lambda) for regular \kappa>\aleph_1 and \lambda\leq\kappa which are formulated in terms of coloring the ordinals <\kappa by reals.
Axioms for a local Reidemeister trace in fixed point and coincidence theory on differentiable manifolds
We give axioms which characterize the local Reidemeister trace for orientable differentiable manifolds. The local Reidemeister trace in fixed point theory is already known, and we provide both uniqueness and existence results for the local Reidemeister trace in coincidence theory.
On (n+2)-dimensional n-Lie algebras
I show that an (n+2)-dimensional n-Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field must have a subalgeba of codimension 1.
Non-Associativity of Lorentz Transformation and Associative Reflection Symmetric Transformation
Each of the two moving observers observes the relative velocity of the other. The two velocities should be equal and opposite. We have shown that this relativistic requirement is not fulfilled by Lorentz transformation. We have also shown that the reason is that Lorentz transformation is not associative. Reciprocal symmetric transformation is associative and fulfills relativistic requirements.
Jamming dynamics in grain mixtures : An extended hydrodynamic approach
We study jamming in granular mixtures from the novel point of view of extended hydrodynamics. Using a hard sphere binary mixture model we predict that a few large grains are expected to get caged more effectively in a matrix of small grains compared to a few small grains in a matrix of larger ones. A similar effect has been experimentally seen in the context of colloidal mixtures.
Causal vs. Analytic constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings
We derive one loop constraints on the anomalous quartic gauge couplings using a general non-forward dispersion relation for the elastic scattering amplitude of two longitudinally polarized vector bosons. We compare this result with another one derived by the assumption that the underlying theory satisfies the causality principle of Special Relativity and show that this latter is more constraining.
Non-linear electromagnetic response of graphene
It is shown that the massless energy spectrum of electrons and holes in graphene leads to the strongly non-linear electromagnetic response of this system. We predict that the graphene layer, irradiated by electromagnetic waves, emits radiation at higher frequency harmonics and can work as a frequency multiplier. The operating frequency of the graphene frequency multiplier can lie in a broad range from microwaves to the infrared.
Bone Cancer Rates in Dinosaurs Compared with Modern Vertebrates
Data on the prevalence of bone cancer in dinosaurs is available from past radiological examination of preserved bones. We statistically test this data for consistency with rates extrapolated from information on bone cancer in modern vertebrates, and find that there is no evidence of a different rate. Thus, this test provides no support for a possible role of ionizing radiation in the K-T extinction event.
Finite Representations of the braid group commutator subgroup
We study the representations of the commutator subgroup K_{n} of the braid group B_{n} into a finite group . This is done through a symbolic dynamical system. Some experimental results enable us to compute the number of subgroups of K_{n} of a given (finite) index, and, as a by-product, to recover the well known fact that every representation of K_{n} into S_{r}, with n > r, must be trivial.
Solutions of certain fractional kinetic equations and a fractional diffusion equation
In view of the usefulness and importance of the kinetic equation in certain physical problems, the authors derive the explicit solution of a fractional kinetic equation of general character, that unifies and extends earlier results. Further, an alternative shorter method based on a result developed by the authors is given to derive the solution of a fractional diffusion equation.
Addendum: A Classification of Plane Symmetric Kinematic Self-similar Solutions
In our recent paper, we classified plane symmetric kinematic self-similar perfect fluid and dust solutions of the second, zeroth and infinite kinds. However, we have missed some solutions during the process. In this short communication, we add up those missing solutions. We have found a total of seven solutions, out of which five turn out to be independent and cannot be found in the earlier paper
Identities for number series and their reciprocals: Dirac delta function approach
Dirac delta function (delta-distribution) approach can be used as efficient method to derive identities for number series and their reciprocals. Applying this method, a simple proof for identity relating prime counting function (pi-function) and logarithmic integral (Li-function) can be obtained.
The Chow ring of the moduli space and its related homogeneous space of bundles on P^2 with charge 1
For an algebraically closed field K with ch K \not = 2, we determine the Chow ring of the moduli space of holomorphic bundles on a projective plane with the structure group SO(n,K) and half the first Pontryagin index being equal to 1, each of which is trivial on a fixed line and has a fixed holomorphic trivialization there.
Additional Explanatory Notes on the Analytic Proof of the Finite Generation of the Canonical Ring
This set of notes provides some additional explanatory material on the analytic proof of the finite generation of the canonical ring for a compact complex algebraic manifold of general type.
Quadratic centers defining elliptic surfaces
Let $X$ be a quadratic vector field with a center whose generic orbits are algebraic curves of genus one. To each $X$ we associate an elliptic surface (a smooth complex compact surface which is a genus one fibration). We give the list of all such vector fields and determine the corresponding elliptic surfaces.
Search for exclusive events using the dijet mass fraction at the Tevatron
In this paper, we discuss the observation of exclusive events using the dijet mass fraction as measured by the CDF collaboration at the Tevatron. We compare the data to pomeron exchange inspired models as well as Soft color interaction ones. We also provide the prediction on dijet mass fraction at the LHC using both exclusive and inclusive diffractive events.
Entanglement Cost for Sequences of Arbitrary Quantum States
The entanglement cost of arbitrary sequences of bipartite states is shown to be expressible as the minimization of a conditional spectral entropy rate over sequences of separable extensions of the states in the sequence. The expression is shown to reduce to the regularized entanglement of formation when the n-th state in the sequence consists of n copies of a single bipartite state.
Growth rates for geometric complexities and counting functions in polygonal billiards
We introduce a new method for estimating the growth of various quantities arising in dynamical systems. We apply our method to polygonal billiards on surfaces of constant curvature. For instance, we obtain power bounds of degree two plus epsilon in length for the number of billiard orbits between almost all pairs of points in a planar polygon.
The Jumping Phenomenon of Hodge Numbers
Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, consider a small deformation $\phi: \mathcal{X} \to B$ of $X$, the dimension of the Dolbeault cohomology groups $H^q(X_t,\Omega_{X_t}^p)$ may vary under this defromation. This paper will study such phenomenons by studying the obstructions to deform a class in $H^q(X,\Omega_X^p)$ with the parameter $t$ and get the formula for the obstructions.
V-cycle optimal convergence for DCT-III matrices
The paper analyzes a two-grid and a multigrid method for matrices belonging to the DCT-III algebra and generated by a polynomial symbol. The aim is to prove that the convergence rate of the considered multigrid method (V-cycle) is constant independent of the size of the given matrix. Numerical examples from differential and integral equations are considered to illustrate the claimed convergence properties.
Characterization of Closed Vector Fields in Finsler Geometry
The $\pi$-exterior derivative ${\o}d$, which is the Finslerian generalization of the (usual) exterior derivative $d$ of Riemannian geometry, is defined. The notion of a ${\o}d$-closed vector field is introduced and investigated. Various characterizations of ${\o}d$-closed vector fields are established. Some results concerning ${\o}d$-closed vector fields in relation to certain special Finsler spaces are obtained.
Yukawa's Pion, Low-Energy QCD and Nuclear Chiral Dynamics
A survey is given of the evolution from Yukawa's early work, via the understanding of the pion as a Nambu-Goldstone boson of spontaneously broken chiral symmetry in QCD, to modern developments in the theory of the nucleus based on the chiral effective field theory representing QCD in its low-energy limit.
On Virasoro Constraints for Orbifold Gromov-Witten Theory
Virasoro constraints for orbifold Gromov-Witten theory are described. These constraints are applied to the degree zreo, genus zero orbifold Gromov-Witten potentials of the weighted projective stacks $\mathbb{P}(1,N)$, $\mathbb{P}(1,1,N)$ and $\mathbb{P}(1,1,1,N)$ to obtain formulas of descendant cyclic Hurwitz-Hodge integrals.
The author replies
I respond to the Bernard et al. comment on my letter ``Chiral anomalies and rooted staggered fermions.''
On a new version of the Ito's formula for the stochastic heat equation
We derive an It\^o's-type formula for the one dimensional stochastic heat equation driven by a space-time white noise. The proof is based on elementary properties of the $\mathcal{S}$-transform and on the explicit representation of the solution process. We also discuss the relationship with other versions of this It\^o's-type formula existing in literature.
A Note on Sums of Powers
We improve a result of Bennett concerning certain sequences involving sums of powers of positive integers.
Quantum teleportation with atoms: quantum process tomography
The performance of a quantum teleportation algorithm implemented on an ion trap quantum computer is investigated. First the algorithm is analyzed in terms of the teleportation fidelity of six input states evenly distributed over the Bloch sphere. Furthermore, a quantum process tomography of the teleportation algorithm is carried out which provides almost complete knowledge about the algorithm.
Hyperbolic Balance Laws with a Non Local Source
This paper is devoted to hyperbolic systems of balance laws with non local source terms. The existence, uniqueness and Lipschitz dependence proved here comprise previous results in the literature and can be applied to physical models, such as Euler system for a radiating gas and Rosenau regularization of the Chapman-Enskog expansion.
The Quantum Interference Computer: an experimental proposal
An experiment is proposed to test the interference aspect of the Quantum Interference Computer approach
Vacuum as a less hostile environment to entanglement
We derive sufficient conditions for infinite-dimensional systems whose entanglement is not completely lost in a finite time during its decoherence by a passive interaction with local vacuum environments. The sufficient conditions allow us to clarify a class of bipartite entangled states which preserve their entanglement or, in other words, are tolerant against decoherence in a vacuum. We also discuss such a class for entangled qubits.
Non-Viability of a Counter-Argument to Bell's Theorem
It is demonstrated that a recently suggested model for the EPR-Bohm spin experiment, based on Clifford algebra valued local variables and observables, runs into very serious difficulties and can therefore not be taken as constituting a viable counter-example to Bell's theorem.
Bi-Lipschitz geometry of weighted homogeneous surface singularities
We show that a weighted homogeneous complex surface singularity is metrically conical (i.e., bi-Lipschitz equivalent to a metric cone) only if its two lowest weights are equal. We also give an example of a pair of weighted homogeneous complex surface singularities that are topologically equivalent but not bi-Lipschitz equivalent.
The No-Boundary Probability for the Universe starting at the top of the hill
We use the Hartle-Hawking No-Boundary Proposal to make a comparison between the probabilities of the universe starting near, and at, the top of a hill in the effective potential. In the context of top-down cosmology, our calculation finds that the universe doesn't start at the top.
A biased view of symplectic cohomology
These are lecture notes from my talks at the "Current Developments in Mathematics" conference (Harvard, 2006). They cover a variety of topics involving symplectic cohomology. In particular, a discussion of (algorithmic) classification issues in symplectic and contact topology is included.
Symmetry properties of the nodal superconductor PrOs4Sb12
We present a theoretical study of the superconducting gap function in PrOs4Sb12 using a symmetry-based approach. A three-component order parameter in the triplet channel best describes superconductivity. The gap function is non-degenerate and the lower branch has four cusp nodes at unusual points of the Fermi surface, which lead to power law behaviours in the density of states, specific heat and nuclear spin relaxation rate.
Three-manifolds of positive Ricci curvature and convex weakly umbilic boundary
In this paper we consider three-manifolds with weakly umbilic boundary (the Second Fundamental form of the boundary is a constant multiple of the metric). We show that if the initial manifold has positive Ricci curvature and the boundary is convex (nonnegative Second Fundamental form), its metric can be deformed via the Ricci flow to a metric of constant curvature and totally geodesic boundary.
Comment on ``Analysis of Floquet formulation of time-dependent density-functional theory'' [Chem. Phys. Lett. {\bf 433} (2006), 204]
We discuss the relationship between modern time-dependent density functional theory and earlier time-periodic versions, and why the criticisms in a recent paper (Chem. Phys. Lett. {\bf 433} (2006) 204) of our earlier analysis (Chem. Phys. Lett. {\bf 359} (2002) 237) are incorrect.
The SLOCC invariant and the residual entanglement for n-qubits
In this paper, we find the invariant for $n$-qubits and propose the residual entanglement for $n$-qubits by means of the invariant. Thus, we establish a relation between SLOCC entanglement and the residual entanglement. The invariant and the residual entanglement can be used for SLOCC entanglement classification for $n$-qubits.
On the energy equality for weak solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations
We prove that the energy equality holds for weak solutions of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in the functional class $L^3([0,T);V^{5/6})$, where $V^{5/6}$ is the domain of the fractional power of the Stokes operator $A^{5/12}$.
Discrete quantum Fourier transform in coupled semiconductor double quantum dot molecules
In this Letter, we present a physical scheme for implementing the discrete quantum Fourier transform in a coupled semiconductor double quantum dot system. The main controlled-R gate operation can be decomposed into many simple and feasible unitary transformations. The current scheme would be a useful step towards the realization of complex quantum algorithms in the quantum dot system.
Estimation of Bond Percolation Thresholds on the Archimedean Lattices
We give accurate estimates for the bond percolation critical probabilities on seven Archimedean lattices, for which the critical probabilities are unknown, using an algorithm of Newman and Ziff.
A Remark on Compact Minimal Surfaces in $S^5$ with Non-Negative Gaussian Curvature
In this paper we classify compact minimal surfaces in $S^5$ with non-negative Gaussian curvature using the notion of a contact angle.
Zig Zag symmetry in AdS/CFT duality
The validity of the Bianchi identity, which is intimately connected with the zig zag symmetry, is established, for piecewise continuous contours, in the context of Polakov's gauge field-string connection in the large 'tHooft coupling limit, according to which the chromoelectric `string' propagates in five dimensions with its ends attached on a Wilson loop in four dimensions. An explicit check in the wavy line approximation is presented.
Associated Graded Algebras and Coalgebras
We investigate the notion of associated graded coalgebra (algebra) of a bialgebra with respect to a subbialgebra (quotient bialgebra) and characterize those which are bialgebras of type one in the framework of abelian braided monoidal categories.
We outline a relationship between conformal field theories and spectral problems of ordinary differential equations, and discuss its generalisation to models related to classical Lie algebras.
The Jumping Phenomenon of the Dimensions of Cohomology Groups of Tangent Sheaf
Let $X$ be a compact complex manifold, consider a small deformation $\phi: \mathcal{X} \to B$ of $X$, the dimensions of the cohomology groups of tangent sheaf $H^q(X_t,\mathcal{T}_{X_t})$ may vary under this deformation. This paper will study such phenomenons by studying the obstructions to deform a class in $H^q(X,\mathcal{T}_X)$ with the parameter $t$ and get the formula for the obstructions.
Conformal Structures in Noncommutative Geometry
It is well-known that a compact Riemannian spin manifold can be reconstructed from its canonical spectral triple which consists of the algebra of smooth functions, the Hilbert space of square integrable spinors and the Dirac operator. It seems to be a folklore fact that the metric can be reconstructed up to conformal equivalence if one replaces the Dirac operator D by sign(D). We give a precise formulation and proof of this fact.
Nonadditive quantum error-correcting code
We report the first nonadditive quantum error-correcting code, namely, a $((9,12,3))$ code which is a 12-dimensional subspace within a 9-qubit Hilbert space, that outperforms the optimal stabilizer code of the same length by encoding more levels while correcting arbitrary single-qubit errors.
L-theory of groups with unstable derived series
In this short note we prove that the Farrell-Jones Fibered Isomorphism Conjecture in L-theory, after inverting 2, is true for a group whose some derived subgroup is free.
An algebraic proof of Gabrielov's theorem about analytic homomorphisms in any characteristic
The proof of proposition 3.6 is not correct
On action of the Virasoro algebra on the space of univalent functions
We obtain explicit expressions for differential operators defining the action of the Virasoro algebra on the space of univalent functions. We also obtain an explicit Taylor decomposition for Schwarzian derivative and a formula for the Grunsky coefficients.
Comment on "Liquids on Topologically Nanopatterned Surfaces"
Comment on "Liquids on Topologically Nanopatterned Surfaces" by O. Gang et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 217801 (2005). See also an erratum published by O. Gang et al (Phys Rev Lett, to appear)
Free pre-Lie algebras are free as Lie algebras
We prove that free pre-Lie algebras, when considered as Lie algebras, are free. Working in the category of S-modules, we define a natural filtration on the space of generators. We also relate the symmetric group action on generators with the structure of the anticyclic PreLie operad.
Charmed Meson Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Charmed meson production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is investigated in the color dipole formalism. The transverse momentum distributions are calculated. We find good agreement with the H1 data using a hard fragmentation function.
Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian for Left-right Symmetric Models
The complete list of electroweak chiral Lagrangian up to order of p4 for left-right symmetric models with a neutral light higgs is provided. The connection of these operators to left and right gauge boson mixings and masses is made and their contribution to conventional generalized electroweak chiral Lagrangian with a neutral light higgs included in is estimated.
Metal and molecule cooling in simulations of structure formation
This submission has been withdrawn by arXiv administrators because it is a duplicate of 0704.2182.
Casimir Friction I: Friction of a vacuum on a spinning dielectric
We introduce the concept of Casimir friction, i.e. friction due to quantum fluctuations. In this first article we describe the calculation of a constant torque, arising from the scattering of quantum fluctuations, on a dielectric rotating in an electromagnetic vacuum.
Braneworld Cosmology
A brief review of the field of braneworld cosmology, from its inception with the large extra dimension scenario, to aspects of cosmology in warped extra dimensions, including the RS-I and RS-II models, braneworld inflation, the Goldberger-Wise mechanism, mirage cosmology, the radion-induced phase transition in RS-I, possible gravity wave signals, and the DGP model.
Equilibrium states for interval maps: the potential $-t\log |Df|$
Let $f:I \to I$ be a $C^2$ multimodal interval map satisfying polynomial growth of the derivatives along critical orbits. We prove the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the potential $\phi_t:x\mapsto -t\log|Df(x)|$ for $t$ close to 1, and also that the pressure function $t \mapsto P(\phi_t)$ is analytic on an appropriate interval near $t = 1$.
Factor Analysis and Alternating Minimization
In this paper we make a first attempt at understanding how to build an optimal approximate normal factor analysis model. The criterion we have chosen to evaluate the distance between different models is the I-divergence between the corresponding normal laws. The algorithm that we propose for the construction of the best approximation is of an the alternating minimization kind.
The Picard group of $M_{1,1}$
We compute the Picard group of the moduli stack of elliptic curves and its canonical compactification over general base schemes.
Pomeranchuk instability: symmetry breaking and experimental signatures
We discuss the emergence of symmetry-breaking {\it via} the Pomeranchuk instability from interactions that respect the underlying point-group symmetry. We use a variational mean-field theory to consider a 2D continuum and a square lattice. We describe two experimental signatures: a symmetry-breaking pattern of Friedel oscillations around an impurity; and a structural transition.