What is the Call sign of the Frequency 106.9 the X?
CREATE TABLE table_8648 ( "Frequency" text, "Call sign" text, "Branding" text, "Format" text, "Owner" text )
SELECT "Call sign" FROM table_8648 WHERE "Branding" = '106.9 the x'
What is the democratic coalation when together we can do more is sergio castro ( pc )?
CREATE TABLE table_28761 ( "Dist." real, "Democratic Coalition" text, "Alliance" text, "Together We Can Do More" text, "Independent Regional Force" text, "Independents" text )
SELECT "Democratic Coalition" FROM table_28761 WHERE "Together We Can Do More" = 'Sergio Castro ( PC )'
Which film or series was nominated in the category of best fansite?
CREATE TABLE table_name_2 ( film_or_series VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, category VARCHAR )
SELECT film_or_series FROM table_name_2 WHERE result = "nominated" AND category = "best fansite"
What was the result in Illinois 7?
CREATE TABLE table_1341453_15 ( results VARCHAR, district VARCHAR )
SELECT results FROM table_1341453_15 WHERE district = "Illinois 7"
What was the result in the game broadcast on the Big East Network?
CREATE TABLE table_29046 ( "Date" text, "Time" text, "Visiting team" text, "Home team" text, "Site" text, "Broadcast" text, "Result" text, "Attendance" real )
SELECT "Result" FROM table_29046 WHERE "Broadcast" = 'Big East Network'
what is the county when the latitude is more than 48.581299, ansi code is more than 1037103 and the geo id is 3801985060?
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 ( county VARCHAR, geo_id VARCHAR, latitude VARCHAR, ansi_code VARCHAR )
SELECT county FROM table_name_74 WHERE latitude > 48.581299 AND ansi_code > 1037103 AND geo_id = 3801985060
Which Name has Apparent Magnitude smaller than 11.4, and R.A. (J2000) of 04h17m35.8s?
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 ( name VARCHAR, apparent_magnitude VARCHAR, ra___j2000__ VARCHAR )
SELECT name FROM table_name_75 WHERE apparent_magnitude < 11.4 AND ra___j2000__ = "04h17m35.8s"
tell me the number of times he finished above 10th place .
CREATE TABLE table_204_609 ( id number, "year" number, "car" number, "start" number, "qual" number, "rank" number, "finish" number, "laps" number, "led" number, "retired" text )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_204_609 WHERE "finish" < 10
Which season has a Result of 6 9?
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 ( season VARCHAR, result VARCHAR )
SELECT season FROM table_name_71 WHERE result = "6–9"
What is the against when the opposing team is Italy?
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( against VARCHAR, opposing_teams VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(against) FROM table_name_54 WHERE opposing_teams = "italy"
In the circuit Showevent Olympiastadion M nchen, where the winning driver is Bruno Spengler, what is the pole position?
CREATE TABLE table_26267607_2 ( pole_position VARCHAR, winning_driver VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR )
SELECT pole_position FROM table_26267607_2 WHERE winning_driver = "Bruno Spengler" AND circuit = "Showevent Olympiastadion München"
Tell me the opponents for runner-up and surface of grass
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 ( opponents_in_the_final VARCHAR, outcome VARCHAR, surface VARCHAR )
SELECT opponents_in_the_final FROM table_name_27 WHERE outcome = "runner-up" AND surface = "grass"
What is the scientific pitch when the Helmholtz pitch is D?
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 ( scientific_pitch VARCHAR, helmholtz_pitch VARCHAR )
SELECT scientific_pitch FROM table_name_33 WHERE helmholtz_pitch = "d"
What is the highest number of bronze medals of west germany, which has more than 0 golds?
CREATE TABLE table_66006 ( "Rank" text, "Nation" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real )
SELECT MAX("Bronze") FROM table_66006 WHERE "Nation" = 'west germany' AND "Gold" > '0'
How much Distance has Notes of north end terminus of ar 155?
CREATE TABLE table_64575 ( "County" text, "Location" text, "Distance" real, "Total" real, "Notes" text )
SELECT SUM("Distance") FROM table_64575 WHERE "Notes" = 'north end terminus of ar 155'
Where was the 05/09/1973 venue?
CREATE TABLE table_name_63 ( venue VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT venue FROM table_name_63 WHERE date = "05/09/1973"
What are the minimum and maximum vote percents of elections?
CREATE TABLE election ( election_id number, representative_id number, date text, votes number, vote_percent number, seats number, place number ) CREATE TABLE representative ( representative_id number, name text, state text, party text, lifespan text )
SELECT MIN(vote_percent), MAX(vote_percent) FROM election
What was the average year for a coin that had a mintage smaller than 10,000?
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 ( year INTEGER, mintage INTEGER )
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_13 WHERE mintage < 10 OFFSET 000
Name what succeeded by for foam
CREATE TABLE table_1398 ( "Headphone Model" text, "Headphone Class" text, "Sensitivity (dB)" text, "Impedance (Ohms)" real, "Driver-matched dB" text, "Construction" text, "Earpads" text, "Termination" text, "Succeeded by" text )
SELECT "Succeeded by" FROM table_1398 WHERE "Earpads" = 'Foam'
What Gold has a Silver greater than 30 and a Total less than 107?
CREATE TABLE table_69599 ( "Event" text, "Gold" real, "Silver" real, "Bronze" real, "Total" real, "Ranking" text )
SELECT "Gold" FROM table_69599 WHERE "Silver" > '30' AND "Total" < '107'
What was the least attendance when the time was 3:15?
CREATE TABLE table_name_10 ( attendance INTEGER, time VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(attendance) FROM table_name_10 WHERE time = "3:15"
What is the highest Average, when Goals is '34', and when Matches is less than 37?
CREATE TABLE table_78961 ( "Goalkeeper" text, "Goals" real, "Matches" real, "Average" real, "Team" text )
SELECT MAX("Average") FROM table_78961 WHERE "Goals" = '34' AND "Matches" < '37'
How many picks did Mike Zaher have?
CREATE TABLE table_5199 ( "Pick #" real, "MLS Team" text, "Player" text, "Position" text, "Affiliation" text )
SELECT SUM("Pick #") FROM table_5199 WHERE "Player" = 'mike zaher'
who is at the top out of the riders ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_166 ( id number, "pos" text, "no" number, "rider" text, "manufacturer" text, "laps" number, "time" text, "grid" number, "points" number )
SELECT "rider" FROM table_203_166 ORDER BY "pos" LIMIT 1
How many car numbers were recorded when the time/retired is +4.0019?
CREATE TABLE table_17319931_1 ( car_no VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(car_no) FROM table_17319931_1 WHERE time_retired = "+4.0019"
In what award show was Bad Girls nominated for Best Loved Drama in 2002?
CREATE TABLE table_name_53 ( award_show VARCHAR, category VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT award_show FROM table_name_53 WHERE category = "best loved drama" AND year = 2002
Which state spent the most revenue towards schools and whats the state average score
CREATE TABLE ndecoreexcel_math_grade8 ( year number, state text, all_students text, average_scale_score number ) CREATE TABLE finrev_fed_17 ( state_code number, idcensus number, school_district text, nces_id text, yr_data number, t_fed_rev number, c14 number, c25 number ) CREATE TABLE finrev_fed_key_17 ( state_code number, state text, #_records text )
SELECT T2.state, T3.average_scale_score FROM finrev_fed_key_17 AS T2 JOIN finrev_fed_17 AS T1 ON T1.state_code = T2.state_code JOIN ndecoreexcel_math_grade8 AS T3 ON T2.state = T3.state GROUP BY T2.state ORDER BY SUM(T1.t_fed_rev) DESC LIMIT 1
Find the average age of journalists working on different role type, show the result with a bar chart.
CREATE TABLE journalist ( journalist_ID int, Name text, Nationality text, Age text, Years_working int ) CREATE TABLE news_report ( journalist_ID int, Event_ID int, Work_Type text ) CREATE TABLE event ( Event_ID int, Date text, Venue text, Name text, Event_Attendance int )
SELECT Work_Type, AVG(t1.Age) FROM journalist AS t1 JOIN news_report AS t2 ON t1.journalist_ID = t2.journalist_ID GROUP BY t2.Work_Type
For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, draw a bar chart about the distribution of name and the sum of revenue , and group by attribute name, could you show in desc by the X-axis?
CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL ) CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER )
SELECT T2.Name, T2.Revenue FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T2.Name ORDER BY T2.Name DESC
What is the record for the game that has a loss of Johnson (5-6)?
CREATE TABLE table_10794 ( "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Loss" text, "Attendance" real, "Record" text )
SELECT "Record" FROM table_10794 WHERE "Loss" = 'johnson (5-6)'
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 ( winner VARCHAR, fifth VARCHAR )
SELECT winner FROM table_name_97 WHERE fifth = "joss stone"
What batting team played in Chittagong in 2003?
CREATE TABLE table_8802 ( "Runs" text, "Wicket" text, "Batting partners" text, "Batting team" text, "Fielding team" text, "Venue" text, "Season" text )
SELECT "Batting team" FROM table_8802 WHERE "Venue" = 'chittagong' AND "Season" = '2003'
With a works number of 40864 for the builder of Baldwin Locomotive Works, the number listed is?
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 ( number VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR, works_number VARCHAR )
SELECT number FROM table_name_15 WHERE builder = "baldwin locomotive works" AND works_number = 40864
which rider completed all 21 laps of the 2008 malaysian motorcycle grand prixwith the longest time ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_166 ( id number, "pos" text, "no" number, "rider" text, "manufacturer" text, "laps" number, "time" text, "grid" number, "points" number )
SELECT "rider" FROM table_203_166 WHERE "laps" = 21 ORDER BY "pos" DESC LIMIT 1
Show the name and date for each race and its track name.
CREATE TABLE race ( race_id number, name text, class text, date text, track_id text ) CREATE TABLE track ( track_id number, name text, location text, seating number, year_opened number )
SELECT,, FROM race AS T1 JOIN track AS T2 ON T1.track_id = T2.track_id
What is the date of the game where Collingwood was the home team?
CREATE TABLE table_32563 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_32563 WHERE "Home team" = 'collingwood'
Loses of 2, and a Pos. smaller than 2 had how many highest matches?
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 ( matches INTEGER, loses VARCHAR, pos VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(matches) FROM table_name_75 WHERE loses = 2 AND pos < 2
what is the name of first visitor on this chart ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_557 ( id number, "#" number, "date" text, "visitor" text, "score" text, "home" text, "record" text, "pts" number )
SELECT "visitor" FROM table_204_557 WHERE id = 1
How many overalls has 1 combined and 24 downhills?
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 ( overall VARCHAR, combined VARCHAR, downhill VARCHAR )
SELECT overall FROM table_name_9 WHERE combined = "1" AND downhill = "24"
What is Type, when Works Number is 75823?
CREATE TABLE table_44379 ( "Number" text, "Builder" text, "Type" text, "Date" text, "Works number" text )
SELECT "Type" FROM table_44379 WHERE "Works number" = '75823'
which Construction is named heng-hai?
CREATE TABLE table_64821 ( "Name (pinyin)" text, "Name (Wade Giles)" text, "Characters" text, "Type" text, "Construction" text )
SELECT "Construction" FROM table_64821 WHERE "Name (Wade Giles)" = 'heng-hai'
What is the number of finish of the Qual of 159.384?
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 ( finish VARCHAR, qual VARCHAR )
SELECT finish FROM table_name_11 WHERE qual = "159.384"
patients with type ii diabetes
CREATE TABLE table_train_192 ( "id" int, "hemoglobin_a1c_hba1c" float, "renal_disease" bool, "diabetic" string, "fasting_plasma_glucose" int, "NOUSE" float )
SELECT * FROM table_train_192 WHERE diabetic = 'ii'
what is the sum of points when lost is less than 10, name is vfl denklingen and position is higher than 2?
CREATE TABLE table_8631 ( "Position" real, "Name" text, "Played" real, "Drawn" real, "Lost" real, "Points" real )
SELECT SUM("Points") FROM table_8631 WHERE "Lost" < '10' AND "Name" = 'vfl denklingen' AND "Position" > '2'
what is the number of menteri besar that served 4 or more years ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_668 ( id number, "#" number, "menteri besar" text, "took office" text, "left office" text, "party" text )
SELECT COUNT("menteri besar") FROM table_204_668 WHERE "left office" - "took office" >= 4
l'inganno innocente premiered in 1701 . what was the previous title released ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_104 ( id number, "title" text, "genre" text, "sub\u00addivisions" text, "libretto" text, "premiere date" text, "place, theatre" text, "notes" text )
SELECT "title" FROM table_204_104 WHERE "premiere date" < (SELECT "premiere date" FROM table_204_104 WHERE "title" = "l'inganno innocente") ORDER BY "premiere date" DESC LIMIT 1
Which Against is the highest one that has a Team of flamengo, and a Lost smaller than 1?
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 ( against INTEGER, team VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(against) FROM table_name_95 WHERE team = "flamengo" AND lost < 1
What is the coaster name that was opened in 1978, and have wooden track?
CREATE TABLE table_63766 ( "Coaster Name" text, "Park" text, "Location" text, "Track" text, "Builder" text, "Year Opened" text )
SELECT "Coaster Name" FROM table_63766 WHERE "Year Opened" = '1978' AND "Track" = 'wooden'
Name the record when the visitor is mavericks
CREATE TABLE table_11820 ( "Date" text, "Visitor" text, "Score" text, "Home" text, "Leading scorer" text, "Attendance" real, "Record" text )
SELECT "Record" FROM table_11820 WHERE "Visitor" = 'mavericks'
Name the year for open cup did not qualify and national final
CREATE TABLE table_27750 ( "Year" real, "Division" real, "League" text, "Regular Season" text, "Playoffs" text, "Open Cup" text )
SELECT COUNT("Year") FROM table_27750 WHERE "Open Cup" = 'Did not qualify' AND "Playoffs" = 'National Final'
what's the district with party being republican and elected being 1998
CREATE TABLE table_13833770_3 ( district VARCHAR, party VARCHAR, elected VARCHAR )
SELECT district FROM table_13833770_3 WHERE party = "Republican" AND elected = 1998
What Average Pick # has an Overall of 296?
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 ( pick__number INTEGER, overall VARCHAR )
SELECT AVG(pick__number) FROM table_name_8 WHERE overall = 296
was hot love released before run to me ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_742 ( id number, "release date" text, "single title" text, "uk singles chart\nposition" number, "french\ncharts" number, "german\ncharts" number, "irish\ncharts" number, "various" text )
SELECT (SELECT "release date" FROM table_204_742 WHERE "single title" = '"hot love"') < (SELECT "release date" FROM table_204_742 WHERE "single title" = '"run to me"')
Which rank is the most common among captains?
CREATE TABLE ship ( ship_id number, name text, type text, built_year number, class text, flag text ) CREATE TABLE captain ( captain_id number, name text, ship_id number, age text, class text, rank text )
Show me about the correlation between School_ID and ACC_Percent , and group by attribute All_Road in a scatter chart.
CREATE TABLE university ( School_ID int, School text, Location text, Founded real, Affiliation text, Enrollment real, Nickname text, Primary_conference text ) CREATE TABLE basketball_match ( Team_ID int, School_ID int, Team_Name text, ACC_Regular_Season text, ACC_Percent text, ACC_Home text, ACC_Road text, All_Games text, All_Games_Percent int, All_Home text, All_Road text, All_Neutral text )
SELECT School_ID, ACC_Percent FROM basketball_match GROUP BY All_Road
Find the number of people whose age is greater than all engineers.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person WHERE age > (SELECT MAX(age) FROM Person WHERE job = 'engineer')
What is the average tonnage of the ship named proletarij?
CREATE TABLE table_76361 ( "Date" text, "Name of ship" text, "Flag" text, "Tonnage" real, "Fate" text )
SELECT AVG("Tonnage") FROM table_76361 WHERE "Name of ship" = 'proletarij'
Show all locations and the total number of platforms for all train stations in each location in a bar chart, sort by the Location in ascending.
CREATE TABLE train ( Train_ID int, Name text, Time text, Service text ) CREATE TABLE train_station ( Train_ID int, Station_ID int ) CREATE TABLE station ( Station_ID int, Name text, Annual_entry_exit real, Annual_interchanges real, Total_Passengers real, Location text, Main_Services text, Number_of_Platforms int )
SELECT Location, SUM(Number_of_Platforms) FROM station GROUP BY Location ORDER BY Location
What is the hioghest amount of silver medals for a nation ranked higher than 19 and less than 2 gold medals?
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 ( silver INTEGER, rank VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(silver) FROM table_name_75 WHERE rank = "19" AND gold < 2
what is the location attendance when the high assists is by ramon sessions (8) on march 30?
CREATE TABLE table_47368 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "Location Attendance" FROM table_47368 WHERE "High assists" = 'ramon sessions (8)' AND "Date" = 'march 30'
What is the largest capacity for a stadium?
CREATE TABLE table_25129482_1 ( capacity INTEGER )
SELECT MAX(capacity) FROM table_25129482_1
The Europe listing of 117 0 (8) belongs to what league?
CREATE TABLE table_68719 ( "Name" text, "Years" text, "League" text, "FA Cup" text, "League Cup" text, "Europe" text, "Other [C ]" text, "Total" text )
SELECT "League" FROM table_68719 WHERE "Europe" = '117 0 (8)'
On which date was a game played at Junction Oval?
CREATE TABLE table_78271 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_78271 WHERE "Venue" = 'junction oval'
What is the largest lost stat when the difference is - 19?
CREATE TABLE table_7372 ( "Position" real, "Team" text, "Points" real, "Played" real, "Drawn" real, "Lost" real, "Against" real, "Difference" text )
SELECT MAX("Lost") FROM table_7372 WHERE "Difference" = '- 19'
Who is the home team when Preston North End is the away team?
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 ( home_team VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR )
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_89 WHERE away_team = "preston north end"
Which Catalog has a Region of Canada and a Format of cd/dvd?
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 ( catalog VARCHAR, region VARCHAR, format VARCHAR )
SELECT catalog FROM table_name_61 WHERE region = "canada" AND format = "cd/dvd"
Can you tell me the sum of Money ($) that has the Score of 69-72-67-71=279, and the Player of loren roberts?
CREATE TABLE table_12086 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "To par" text, "Money ( $ )" real )
SELECT SUM("Money ( $ )") FROM table_12086 WHERE "Score" = '69-72-67-71=279' AND "Player" = 'loren roberts'
Who is the h.s. principal during 1973-1974?
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 ( hs_principal VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT hs_principal FROM table_name_81 WHERE year = "1973-1974"
What was the score on 1/10/1974?
CREATE TABLE table_79682 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Score" text, "Record" text )
SELECT "Score" FROM table_79682 WHERE "Date" = '1/10/1974'
What is the type of the player whose transfer fee was 20m?
CREATE TABLE table_72485 ( "N" real, "P" text, "Name" text, "EU" text, "Country" text, "Age" real, "Type" text, "Moving from" text, "Transfer window" text, "Ends" text, "Transfer fee" text, "Source" text )
SELECT "Type" FROM table_72485 WHERE "Transfer fee" = '€20M'
How tall is the structure built in 1907?
CREATE TABLE table_59946 ( "Rank" text, "Name" text, "Height ft (m)" text, "Floors" real, "Year" real )
SELECT "Height ft (m)" FROM table_59946 WHERE "Year" = '1907'
What station is affiliated with kmgh-tv?
CREATE TABLE table_1847523_2 ( affiliation VARCHAR, station VARCHAR )
SELECT affiliation FROM table_1847523_2 WHERE station = "KMGH-TV"
For which production company did Sam Mccarthy produce?
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 ( production_company VARCHAR, producer_s_ VARCHAR )
SELECT production_company FROM table_name_61 WHERE producer_s_ = "sam mccarthy"
Who received 6,131 televotes?
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 ( televote_points VARCHAR, televotes VARCHAR )
SELECT televote_points FROM table_name_1 WHERE televotes = "6,131"
For the attribute Team_Name and ACC_Percent, show their proportion by a pie chart.
CREATE TABLE university ( School_ID int, School text, Location text, Founded real, Affiliation text, Enrollment real, Nickname text, Primary_conference text ) CREATE TABLE basketball_match ( Team_ID int, School_ID int, Team_Name text, ACC_Regular_Season text, ACC_Percent text, ACC_Home text, ACC_Road text, All_Games text, All_Games_Percent int, All_Home text, All_Road text, All_Neutral text )
SELECT Team_Name, ACC_Percent FROM basketball_match
How much is the crowd attending at colonial stadium where Hawthorn plays?
CREATE TABLE table_48035 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Ground" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Crowd" FROM table_48035 WHERE "Ground" = 'colonial stadium' AND "Home team" = 'hawthorn'
What's the railway number of a D(rebuild) class?
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 ( railway_number_s_ VARCHAR, class VARCHAR )
SELECT railway_number_s_ FROM table_name_28 WHERE class = "d(rebuild)"
What is the average 1st place with a Rank that is larger than 10?
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 ( rank INTEGER )
SELECT AVG(1 AS st_place) FROM table_name_26 WHERE rank > 10
Which Giro di Lombardia has a Paris Roubaix of servais knaven ( ned )?
CREATE TABLE table_62553 ( "Year" real, "Milan \u2013 San Remo" text, "Tour of Flanders" text, "Paris\u2013Roubaix" text, "Li\u00e8ge\u2013Bastogne\u2013Li\u00e8ge" text, "Giro di Lombardia" text )
SELECT "Giro di Lombardia" FROM table_62553 WHERE "Paris\u2013Roubaix" = 'servais knaven ( ned )'
which spans had a drop of 0?
CREATE TABLE table_51348 ( "Player" text, "Span" text, "Start" text, "Tries" text, "Conv" text, "Pens" text, "Drop" text )
SELECT "Span" FROM table_51348 WHERE "Drop" = '0'
What is he archive for the episode with a run time of 24:05?
CREATE TABLE table_2102714_1 ( archive VARCHAR, run_time VARCHAR )
SELECT archive FROM table_2102714_1 WHERE run_time = "24:05"
What is the player from England's score?
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 ( score VARCHAR, country VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_98 WHERE country = "england"
Which 2007 has a 2008 of 0 / 4?
CREATE TABLE table_36098 ( "Tournament" text, "1998" text, "1999" text, "2001" text, "2002" text, "2003" text, "2004" text, "2005" text, "2006" text, "2007" text, "2008" text, "2009" text, "2010" text, "2011" text, "2012" text, "Career SR" text, "Career Win-Loss" text )
SELECT "2007" FROM table_36098 WHERE "2008" = '0 / 4'
What is the composition with an artist of Henry Purdy, a year smaller than 2002, and a mint more than 1,998?
CREATE TABLE table_54149 ( "Year" real, "Artist" text, "Composition" text, "Mintage" real, "Issue Price" text )
SELECT "Composition" FROM table_54149 WHERE "Year" < '2002' AND "Mintage" > '1,998' AND "Artist" = 'henry purdy'
What is the score of the game on November 10, 2006?
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 ( score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_17 WHERE date = "november 10, 2006"
What is the lowest population for the area that has a density of 36.7?
CREATE TABLE table_42839 ( "Name" text, "Seat" text, "Population (2011)" real, "Area (km 2 )" real, "Density (inhabitants/km 2 )" real )
SELECT MIN("Population (2011)") FROM table_42839 WHERE "Density (inhabitants/km 2 )" = '36.7'
hba1c of 6.5 to 8
CREATE TABLE table_train_233 ( "id" int, "serum_bicarbonate" int, "language" string, "hemoglobin_a1c_hba1c" float, "creatinine_clearance_cl" float, "admission_blood_glucose" int, "urine_albumin" int, "ketoacidosis" bool, "age" float, "NOUSE" float )
SELECT * FROM table_train_233 WHERE hemoglobin_a1c_hba1c >= 6.5 AND hemoglobin_a1c_hba1c <= 8
only opponent to defeat mocho cota in 1994
CREATE TABLE table_204_373 ( id number, "wager" text, "winner" text, "loser" text, "location" text, "date" text )
SELECT "winner" FROM table_204_373 WHERE "loser" = 'mocho cota' AND "date" = 1994
What is the district with the result mac collins (r) unopposed?
CREATE TABLE table_27021001_1 ( district VARCHAR, result VARCHAR )
SELECT district FROM table_27021001_1 WHERE result = "Mac Collins (R) unopposed"
What date had a versus of source:
CREATE TABLE table_54709 ( "Catches" text, "Player" text, "Versus" text, "Venue" text, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_54709 WHERE "Versus" = 'source:'
For those products with a price between 60 and 120, give me the comparison about manufacturer over the name , and show by the names from high to low please.
CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL )
SELECT Name, Manufacturer FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 60 AND 120 ORDER BY Name DESC
Which terminations correspond with headphone model SR80I?
CREATE TABLE table_20477 ( "Headphone Model" text, "Headphone Class" text, "Driver-matched dB" text, "Construction" text, "Earpads" text, "Termination" text, "US MSRP" text )
SELECT "Termination" FROM table_20477 WHERE "Headphone Model" = 'SR80i'
Who won with the fastest lap of daijiro hiura on March 29?
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 ( race_winner VARCHAR, fastest_lap VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT race_winner FROM table_name_97 WHERE fastest_lap = "daijiro hiura" AND date = "march 29"
For those products with a price between 60 and 120, give me the comparison about manufacturer over the name , and rank x axis from low to high order.
CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL )
SELECT Name, Manufacturer FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 60 AND 120 ORDER BY Name
What is the lowest ends lost when the stolen ends for is less than 13, and stolten ends against is 6?
CREATE TABLE table_47260 ( "Country" text, "Skip" text, "Ends Won" real, "Ends Lost" real, "Blank Ends F/A" text, "Stolen Ends For" real, "Stolen Ends Against" real, "Shot %" real )
SELECT MIN("Ends Lost") FROM table_47260 WHERE "Stolen Ends For" < '13' AND "Stolen Ends Against" = '6'
What was the qualifying score of the competition whose final score was 12.200?
CREATE TABLE table_27421 ( "Year" real, "Competition Description" text, "Location" text, "Apparatus" text, "Rank-Final" real, "Score-Final" text, "Rank-Qualifying" real, "Score-Qualifying" text )
SELECT "Score-Qualifying" FROM table_27421 WHERE "Score-Final" = '12.200'
Who made the challenge in the Australian Grand Prix?
CREATE TABLE table_27744 ( "Rd." text, "Event" text, "Circuit" text, "City / State" text, "Date" text, "Championship" text, "Challenge" text, "Production" text )
SELECT "Challenge" FROM table_27744 WHERE "Event" = 'Australian Grand Prix'
How many Attendances have a Score of 4 5? Question 4
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 ( attendance INTEGER, score VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(attendance) FROM table_name_88 WHERE score = "4 – 5"
What is 2007, when 2003 is 1R?
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 ( Id VARCHAR )
SELECT 2007 FROM table_name_54 WHERE 2003 = "1r"
What is the average Worst score for Mario Lopez as the Best dancer and Tango as the Dance?
CREATE TABLE table_33270 ( "Dance" text, "Best dancer" text, "Best score" real, "Worst dancer" text, "Worst score" real )
SELECT AVG("Worst score") FROM table_33270 WHERE "Best dancer" = 'mario lopez' AND "Dance" = 'tango'