What is Goals, when Assists is greater than 28, and when Player is Steve Walker?
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 ( goals VARCHAR, assists VARCHAR, player VARCHAR )
SELECT goals FROM table_name_89 WHERE assists > 28 AND player = "steve walker"
What is the 2007 value with 2r in 2011 and 2r in 2008?
CREATE TABLE table_68651 ( "Tournament" text, "2003" text, "2007" text, "2008" text, "2009" text, "2011" text )
SELECT "2007" FROM table_68651 WHERE "2011" = '2r' AND "2008" = '2r'
did they place better in 1987/88 or 1993/94 ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_35 ( id number, "season" text, "tier" number, "division" text, "place" text )
SELECT "season" FROM table_204_35 WHERE "season" IN ('1987/88', '1993/94') ORDER BY "place" LIMIT 1
Which Team has a Time of 1:14.51.73?
CREATE TABLE table_5892 ( "Rank" real, "Rider" text, "Team" text, "Speed" text, "Time" text )
SELECT "Team" FROM table_5892 WHERE "Time" = '1:14.51.73'
What is the title of the episode directed by Linda Mendoza?
CREATE TABLE table_27768 ( "Series #" real, "Season #" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air date" text, "Production code" real, "U.S. viewers (millions)" text )
SELECT "Title" FROM table_27768 WHERE "Directed by" = 'Linda Mendoza'
Show all distinct region names ordered by their labels.
CREATE TABLE region ( region_name VARCHAR, Label VARCHAR )
SELECT DISTINCT region_name FROM region ORDER BY Label
What's the lowest average for a swimsuit over 6.89, evening gown over 7.76, and an interview over 8.57 in illinois?
CREATE TABLE table_55734 ( "State" text, "Interview" real, "Swimsuit" real, "Evening gown" real, "Average" real )
SELECT MIN("Average") FROM table_55734 WHERE "Swimsuit" > '6.89' AND "Evening gown" > '7.76' AND "State" = 'illinois' AND "Interview" > '8.57'
which surface was played on the least ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_127 ( id number, "outcome" text, "no." number, "date" text, "tournament" text, "surface" text, "opponent" text, "score" text )
SELECT "surface" FROM table_204_127 GROUP BY "surface" ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
Return a bar chart about the distribution of meter_600 and ID , list in asc by the names please.
CREATE TABLE event ( ID int, Name text, Stadium_ID int, Year text ) CREATE TABLE swimmer ( ID int, name text, Nationality text, meter_100 real, meter_200 text, meter_300 text, meter_400 text, meter_500 text, meter_600 text, meter_700 text, Time text ) CREATE TABLE stadium ( ID int, name text, Capacity int, City text, Country text, Opening_year int ) CREATE TABLE record ( ID int, Result text, Swimmer_ID int, Event_ID int )
SELECT meter_600, ID FROM swimmer ORDER BY meter_600
how many members of estonia 's men 's national volleyball team were born in 1988 ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_116 ( id number, "no." number, "player" text, "birth date" text, "weight" number, "height" number, "position" text, "current club" text )
SELECT COUNT("player") FROM table_203_116 WHERE "birth date" = 1988
what episode number had 11.73 million viewers?
CREATE TABLE table_24689168_5 ( episode VARCHAR, viewers__millions_ VARCHAR )
SELECT episode FROM table_24689168_5 WHERE viewers__millions_ = "11.73"
What is the latest year for the distinguished performance?
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 ( year INTEGER, category VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_70 WHERE category = "distinguished performance"
What was the lead margin when Nixon had 48% and reporting was done by Rasmussen Reports?
CREATE TABLE table_51069 ( "Poll Source" text, "Dates administered" text, "Democrat: Jay Nixon" text, "Republican: Kenny Hulshof" text, "Lead Margin" real )
SELECT COUNT("Lead Margin") FROM table_51069 WHERE "Democrat: Jay Nixon" = '48%' AND "Poll Source" = 'rasmussen reports'
What is the lowest rank?
CREATE TABLE table_2126 ( "Rank" real, "Couple" text, "Judges" real, "Public" real, "Total" real, "Vote percentage" text, "Result" text )
SELECT MIN("Rank") FROM table_2126
What were the reasons that venues closed in the 1990s?
CREATE TABLE table_43486 ( "Venue" text, "Location" text, "Environment" text, "Closed" text, "Reason" text )
SELECT "Reason" FROM table_43486 WHERE "Closed" = '1990s'
Where was the match on 10/11/2001 against 15?
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 ( venue VARCHAR, against VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT venue FROM table_name_3 WHERE against = 15 AND date = "10/11/2001"
Where Bolton Wanderers is the home team, who is the away team?
CREATE TABLE table_41721 ( "Tie no" text, "Home team" text, "Score" text, "Away team" text, "Date" text, "Attendance" text )
SELECT "Away team" FROM table_41721 WHERE "Home team" = 'bolton wanderers'
What tournament is in Arizona?
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 ( tournament VARCHAR, location VARCHAR )
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_70 WHERE location = "arizona"
Which vocal type has the band mate with first name 'Solveig' played the most?
CREATE TABLE vocals ( bandmate VARCHAR ) CREATE TABLE band ( id VARCHAR )
SELECT TYPE FROM vocals AS T1 JOIN band AS T2 ON T1.bandmate = WHERE firstname = "Solveig" GROUP BY TYPE ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Which date has a week larger than 14?
CREATE TABLE table_31800 ( "Week" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text, "Venue" text, "Attendance" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_31800 WHERE "Week" > '14'
On what type of land (public or private) do more wildfires occur?
CREATE TABLE fires ( fire_year number, discovery_date number, discovery_doy number, discovery_time text, stat_cause_code number, stat_cause_descr text, cont_date text, cont_doy text, cont_time text, fire_size number, fire_size_class text, latitude number, longitude number, owner_code number, owner_descr text, state text, county text, fips_code text, fips_name text )
SELECT owner_descr FROM fires GROUP BY owner_descr ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Who is the replaced by when the date of vacancy is 27 december 2010?
CREATE TABLE table_29232 ( "Team" text, "Outgoing manager" text, "Manner of departure" text, "Date of vacancy" text, "Replaced by" text, "Date of appointment" text )
SELECT "Replaced by" FROM table_29232 WHERE "Date of vacancy" = '27 December 2010'
What is the margin of victory for PGA Championship?
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 ( margin_of_victory VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR )
SELECT margin_of_victory FROM table_name_25 WHERE tournament = "pga championship"
Which complex used the Soyuz (r) launcher to facilitate 14 orbital flights?
CREATE TABLE table_59941 ( "Spaceport" text, "Launch complex" text, "Launcher" text, "Spacecraft" text, "Flights" text, "Years" text )
SELECT "Launch complex" FROM table_59941 WHERE "Launcher" = 'soyuz (r)' AND "Flights" = '14 orbital'
How many Total that has a FA Trophy of 0 and a Player of charlie butler?
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 ( total VARCHAR, fa_trophy VARCHAR, player VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(total) FROM table_name_99 WHERE fa_trophy = 0 AND player = "charlie butler"
How many artists do we have?
CREATE TABLE exhibition ( exhibition_id number, year number, theme text, artist_id number, ticket_price number ) CREATE TABLE artist ( artist_id number, name text, country text, year_join number, age number ) CREATE TABLE exhibition_record ( exhibition_id number, date text, attendance number )
Who had highest assists at the game against Houston?
CREATE TABLE table_27700530_11 ( high_assists VARCHAR, team VARCHAR )
SELECT high_assists FROM table_27700530_11 WHERE team = "Houston"
Find the name of the ships that have more than one captain.
CREATE TABLE ship ( name VARCHAR, ship_id VARCHAR ) CREATE TABLE captain ( ship_id VARCHAR )
SELECT FROM ship AS t1 JOIN captain AS t2 ON t1.ship_id = t2.ship_id GROUP BY t2.ship_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
What is the original team that was Hired by Trump (5-19-2005)?
CREATE TABLE table_14782 ( "Candidate" text, "Background" text, "Original Team" text, "Hometown" text, "Result" text )
SELECT "Original Team" FROM table_14782 WHERE "Result" = 'hired by trump (5-19-2005)'
How many tournament titles for iowa state with 3 total titles?
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 ( tournament INTEGER, total VARCHAR, team VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(tournament) FROM table_name_90 WHERE total = 3 AND team = "iowa state"
When is the lane less than 5 and is named gnes kov cs?
CREATE TABLE table_14392 ( "Rank" real, "Lane" real, "Name" text, "Nationality" text, "Time" text )
SELECT "Time" FROM table_14392 WHERE "Lane" < '5' AND "Name" = 'ágnes kovács'
How many settings where there for episode 29 of the season?
CREATE TABLE table_10413597_5 ( setting VARCHAR, no_in_series VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(setting) FROM table_10413597_5 WHERE no_in_series = 29
What is the lowest Games, when Name is Jeremiah Massey, and when Points is less than 340?
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 ( games INTEGER, name VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(games) FROM table_name_91 WHERE name = "jeremiah massey" AND points < 340
Name the written by for prod code being 206
CREATE TABLE table_25748 ( "#" text, "Original title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air dates" text, "Prod. code" real )
SELECT "Written by" FROM table_25748 WHERE "Prod. code" = '206'
Venue of klfa stadium, cheras, and a Score of 3-3 had what competition?
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 ( competition VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR, score VARCHAR )
SELECT competition FROM table_name_71 WHERE venue = "klfa stadium, cheras" AND score = "3-3"
What Tournament had a Winning score of 6 (73-68-72-69=282)?
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 ( tournament VARCHAR, winning_score VARCHAR )
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_49 WHERE winning_score = –6(73 - 68 - 72 - 69 = 282)
What did the home team score at Princes Park?
CREATE TABLE table_53393 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Home team score" FROM table_53393 WHERE "Venue" = 'princes park'
How many high rebound catagories are listed for game number 5?
CREATE TABLE table_22871239_5 ( high_rebounds VARCHAR, _number VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(high_rebounds) FROM table_22871239_5 WHERE _number = 5
what name was in the last construction year ?
CREATE TABLE table_204_980 ( id number, "name" text, "type" text, "elevation\n(ground station)" number, "elevation\n(mountain station)" number, "slope length" number, "capacity\n(persons/hour)" number, "construction year" number )
SELECT "name" FROM table_204_980 ORDER BY "construction year" DESC LIMIT 1
our lady of the assumption catholic church started the same year as what church ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_387 ( id number, "parish est" number, "church" text, "city" text, "current bldg begun" number, "weekly collections" text, "notes" number )
SELECT "church" FROM table_203_387 WHERE "church" <> 'our lady of the assumption catholic church' AND "current bldg begun" = (SELECT "current bldg begun" FROM table_203_387 WHERE "church" = 'our lady of the assumption catholic church')
What Band's Power (W) is 400 or less?
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 ( band INTEGER, power__w_ INTEGER )
SELECT MAX(band) FROM table_name_33 WHERE power__w_ > 400
What position was the player who was drafted by the Washington Capitals?
CREATE TABLE table_2850912_10 ( position VARCHAR, nhl_team VARCHAR )
SELECT position FROM table_2850912_10 WHERE nhl_team = "Washington Capitals"
Who directed the totle 'tjockare n vatten'?
CREATE TABLE table_20709 ( "Number in series" real, "Broadcast Order" text, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original airdate" text, "Production Code" real )
SELECT "Directed by" FROM table_20709 WHERE "Title" = 'Tjockare än vatten'
Which opponent has a Record of 4-5?
CREATE TABLE table_name_31 ( opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR )
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_31 WHERE record = "4-5"
Who is the club that has 30 points?
CREATE TABLE table_13564637_5 ( club VARCHAR, points VARCHAR )
SELECT club FROM table_13564637_5 WHERE points = "30"
What is Name, when Authors are Kammerer & Sidor?
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 ( name VARCHAR, authors VARCHAR )
SELECT name FROM table_name_51 WHERE authors = "kammerer & sidor"
What date was the game played at Punt Road Oval?
CREATE TABLE table_53058 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_53058 WHERE "Venue" = 'punt road oval'
What lane number was Hungary and had a heat of 4?
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 ( lane VARCHAR, heat VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(lane) FROM table_name_22 WHERE heat = 4 AND nationality = "hungary"
On which date was the game where the home teams score was 22.15 (147), and the away teams score was 9.8 (62)
CREATE TABLE table_53520 ( "Home team" text, "Home team score" text, "Away team" text, "Away team score" text, "Venue" text, "Crowd" real, "Date" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_53520 WHERE "Home team score" = '22.15 (147)' AND "Away team score" = '9.8 (62)'
What is the for the f136fb engine?
CREATE TABLE table_14101 ( "Engine" text, "Displacement" text, "Years" text, "Usage" text, "Power" text )
SELECT "Usage" FROM table_14101 WHERE "Engine" = 'f136fb'
What callsign has commenced operations in 2011?
CREATE TABLE table_42237 ( "AIRLINE" text, "AIRLINE (in Arabic)" text, "ICAO" text, "CALLSIGN" text, "COMMENCED OPERATIONS" real )
When was andrea g miz the opponent?
CREATE TABLE table_55487 ( "Outcome" text, "Date" text, "Tournament" text, "Surface" text, "Opponent" text, "Score" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_55487 WHERE "Opponent" = 'andrea gámiz'
What is the maximum number of points against when the team has more than 0 losses and plays fewer than 6 games?
CREATE TABLE table_name_18 ( against INTEGER, lost VARCHAR, played VARCHAR )
SELECT MAX(against) FROM table_name_18 WHERE lost > 0 AND played < 6
Which Score has a To Par of 1?
CREATE TABLE table_59052 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" real, "To Par" text )
SELECT MIN("Score") FROM table_59052 WHERE "To Par" = '–1'
what is the home city for the stadion src mladost?
CREATE TABLE table_44912 ( "Team" text, "Manager" text, "Home city" text, "Stadium" text, "Capacity" real )
SELECT "Home city" FROM table_44912 WHERE "Stadium" = 'stadion src mladost'
How many games had a tied less 15 with goals against being fewer than 186?
CREATE TABLE table_name_41 ( games VARCHAR, tied VARCHAR, goals_against VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(games) FROM table_name_41 WHERE tied < 15 AND goals_against < 186
What date has 2006 fifa world cup qualification as the competition, and alamodome, san antonio, united States as the venue?
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 ( date VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR )
SELECT date FROM table_name_40 WHERE competition = "2006 fifa world cup qualification" AND venue = "alamodome, san antonio, united states"
What is Poll Source, when Democrat: Carl Levin is 61%?
CREATE TABLE table_44558 ( "Poll Source" text, "Dates administered" text, "Democrat: Carl Levin" text, "Republican: Jack Hoogendyk" text, "Lead Margin" real )
SELECT "Poll Source" FROM table_44558 WHERE "Democrat: Carl Levin" = '61%'
Who directed 'hey now hey now perry'S girlfriend's back'?
CREATE TABLE table_3099 ( "No." real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air date" text, "Production code" text, "U.S. viewers (million)" text )
SELECT "Directed by" FROM table_3099 WHERE "Title" = 'Hey Now Hey Now Perry''s Girlfriend''s Back'
What is the highest year named for the name Tie Fluctus?
CREATE TABLE table_21081 ( "Name" text, "Latitude" text, "Longitude" text, "Diameter (km)" text, "Year named" real, "Name origin" text )
SELECT MAX("Year named") FROM table_21081 WHERE "Name" = 'Tie Fluctus'
How many rooms cost more than 120, for each different decor Plot them as bar chart, and list by the Y from low to high.
CREATE TABLE Rooms ( RoomId TEXT, roomName TEXT, beds INTEGER, bedType TEXT, maxOccupancy INTEGER, basePrice INTEGER, decor TEXT ) CREATE TABLE Reservations ( Code INTEGER, Room TEXT, CheckIn TEXT, CheckOut TEXT, Rate REAL, LastName TEXT, FirstName TEXT, Adults INTEGER, Kids INTEGER )
SELECT decor, COUNT(*) FROM Rooms WHERE basePrice > 120 GROUP BY decor ORDER BY COUNT(*)
What is the total number of Super Cup, when Title Playoff is '0', when Total is greater than 9, and when League is less than 11?
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 ( super_cup VARCHAR, league VARCHAR, title_playoff VARCHAR, total VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(super_cup) FROM table_name_97 WHERE title_playoff = 0 AND total > 9 AND league < 11
what's the 4th day with 3rd day being bumped by downing
CREATE TABLE table_670 ( "Year" real, "Finish position" text, "1st day" text, "2nd day" text, "3rd day" text, "4th Day" text )
SELECT "4th Day" FROM table_670 WHERE "3rd day" = 'bumped by Downing'
what is the total amount of times the frankfurt marathon occurred ?
CREATE TABLE table_203_270 ( id number, "year" number, "competition" text, "venue" text, "position" text, "event" text, "notes" text )
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_203_270 WHERE "competition" = 'frankfurt marathon'
What was the home team's score at Corio Oval?
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 ( home_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR )
SELECT home_team AS score FROM table_name_20 WHERE venue = "corio oval"
What engine has an output of ps (kw; hp) @4700 rpm?
CREATE TABLE table_60251 ( "Name" text, "Volume" text, "Engine" text, "Fuel" text, "Output" text, "Torque" text, "Engine ID code(s)" text, "0\u2013100km/h,s" real, "Top speed" text, "Years" text )
SELECT "Engine" FROM table_60251 WHERE "Output" = 'ps (kw; hp) @4700 rpm'
Which location has the top amount of 'Drugs' crime conducted?
CREATE TABLE greatermanchestercrime ( crimeid text, crimets time, location text, lsoa text, type text, outcome text )
SELECT location FROM greatermanchestercrime WHERE type LIKE "%Drug%" GROUP BY location ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the release date for Ben 10: Alien Force Volume 9 on DVD?
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 ( release_date VARCHAR, dvd_title VARCHAR )
SELECT release_date FROM table_name_22 WHERE dvd_title = "ben 10: alien force volume 9"
Who are the UK co-presenters that have Joe Swash as a co-presenter and Russell Kane as a comedian?
CREATE TABLE table_19282 ( "Series" text, "Main presenter" text, "Co-presenter" text, "Comedian" text, "UK co-presenter" text )
SELECT COUNT("UK co-presenter") FROM table_19282 WHERE "Co-presenter" = 'Joe Swash' AND "Comedian" = 'Russell Kane'
Which Lungchang has a Halang of , and a Rera of o ?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 ( lungchang VARCHAR, halang VARCHAR, rera VARCHAR )
SELECT lungchang FROM table_name_85 WHERE halang = "ʒɯ²" AND rera = "ʒo²"
What is the highest rank for a 6:52.70 time and notes of sa/b?
CREATE TABLE table_63789 ( "Rank" real, "Athlete" text, "Country" text, "Time" text, "Notes" text )
SELECT MAX("Rank") FROM table_63789 WHERE "Notes" = 'sa/b' AND "Time" = '6:52.70'
How many Tries against has a Try diff of 17 and Points for smaller than 80?
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 ( tries_against VARCHAR, try_diff VARCHAR, points_for VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(tries_against) FROM table_name_30 WHERE try_diff = "–17" AND points_for < 80
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 ( date_s__administered VARCHAR, joe_sestak__d_ VARCHAR, margin_of_error VARCHAR )
SELECT date_s__administered FROM table_name_49 WHERE joe_sestak__d_ = "46%" AND margin_of_error = "± 3.0%"
When divisional semifinals are the playoffs what is the year?
CREATE TABLE table_23374 ( "Year" text, "Division" text, "League" text, "Regular Season" text, "Playoffs" text, "Open Cup" text )
SELECT "Year" FROM table_23374 WHERE "Playoffs" = 'Divisional Semifinals'
How many different FSB are there for the 7140N model?
CREATE TABLE table_29207 ( "Model" text, "Speed (GHz)" text, "L2 Cache (MB)" real, "L3 Cache (MB)" real, "FSB (MHz)" real, "TDP (W)" real )
SELECT COUNT("FSB (MHz)") FROM table_29207 WHERE "Model" = '7140N'
How many gold medals were won in 1970?
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 ( gold VARCHAR, year VARCHAR )
SELECT gold FROM table_name_61 WHERE year = "1970"
What is the capacity at the nop aquatic centre, established after 1929?
CREATE TABLE table_51578 ( "Club" text, "Leagues" text, "Venue" text, "Location" text, "Capacity" real, "Established" real )
SELECT COUNT("Capacity") FROM table_51578 WHERE "Venue" = 'nop aquatic centre' AND "Established" > '1929'
What is the rank of Israel?
CREATE TABLE table_65026 ( "Rank" real, "Athletes" text, "Country" text, "Time" text, "Notes" text )
SELECT MAX("Rank") FROM table_65026 WHERE "Country" = 'israel'
Who was the winner of the mechelen > mechelen route?
CREATE TABLE table_60903 ( "Stage" text, "Route" text, "Distance" text, "Date" text, "Winner" text )
SELECT "Winner" FROM table_60903 WHERE "Route" = 'mechelen > mechelen'
Name the horsepower for VIN code of h and engine for 351-2v cleveland v8
CREATE TABLE table_4338 ( "Engine" text, "Horsepower" text, "Torque" text, "Carburetor" text, "Compression Ratio" text, "Bore & Stroke" text, "VIN Code" text )
SELECT "Horsepower" FROM table_4338 WHERE "VIN Code" = 'h' AND "Engine" = '351-2v cleveland v8'
What was the record for the date of June 14?
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 ( record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR )
SELECT record FROM table_name_84 WHERE date = "june 14"
Who were the runners-up in the game that was won by Cork City F.C. on 10/05/1998?
CREATE TABLE table_47613 ( "Date" text, "Competition" text, "Winners" text, "Score" text, "Runners-up" text )
SELECT "Runners-up" FROM table_47613 WHERE "Winners" = 'cork city f.c.' AND "Date" = '10/05/1998'
Which score has a prize of $400?
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 ( score VARCHAR, money___$__ VARCHAR )
SELECT score FROM table_name_77 WHERE money___$__ = 400
Which city had a gross revenue in 2011 of $739,578?
CREATE TABLE table_67516 ( "Venue" text, "City" text, "State" text, "Tickets Sold / Available" text, "Gross Revenue (1982)" text, "Gross Revenue (2011)" text )
SELECT "City" FROM table_67516 WHERE "Gross Revenue (2011)" = '$739,578'
How many people attended the game when Larry Hughes(33) was the leading scorer and cleveland was visiting?
CREATE TABLE table_35910 ( "Date" text, "Visitor" text, "Score" text, "Home" text, "Leading scorer" text, "Attendance" real, "Record" text )
SELECT SUM("Attendance") FROM table_35910 WHERE "Visitor" = 'cleveland' AND "Leading scorer" = 'larry hughes(33)'
What is the release Date for the Region in New Zealand ?
CREATE TABLE table_39389 ( "Region" text, "Date" text, "Label" text, "Format" text, "Catalogue" text )
SELECT "Date" FROM table_39389 WHERE "Region" = 'new zealand'
What class is the dodge dealers grand prix?
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 ( class VARCHAR, race VARCHAR )
SELECT class FROM table_name_23 WHERE race = "the dodge dealers grand prix"
What was the result of the home game against Derby County?
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 ( win_draw_lose VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR, team VARCHAR )
SELECT win_draw_lose FROM table_name_71 WHERE venue = "home" AND team = "derby county"
For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, give me the comparison about the sum of price over the founder , and group by attribute founder by a bar chart, show y-axis in descending order.
CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL ) CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER )
SELECT Founder, SUM(Price) FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY Founder ORDER BY SUM(Price) DESC
Frequency MHz of 88.7 had what average erp w?
CREATE TABLE table_75601 ( "Call sign" text, "Frequency MHz" real, "City of license" text, "ERP W" real, "Class" text, "FCC info" text )
SELECT AVG("ERP W") FROM table_75601 WHERE "Frequency MHz" = '88.7'
What was the Loss when the Record was 50-54?
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 ( loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR )
SELECT loss FROM table_name_46 WHERE record = "50-54"
What inclination has a semimajor axis of 20 au?
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 ( inclination VARCHAR, semimajor_axis___au__ VARCHAR )
SELECT inclination FROM table_name_16 WHERE semimajor_axis___au__ = "20 au"
Show the race class and number of races in each class with a bar chart.
CREATE TABLE race ( Race_ID int, Name text, Class text, Date text, Track_ID text ) CREATE TABLE track ( Track_ID int, Name text, Location text, Seating real, Year_Opened real )
What is the name of the school in Lucas ?
CREATE TABLE table_25987797_1 ( location VARCHAR, school VARCHAR )
SELECT location FROM table_25987797_1 WHERE school = "Lucas"
What is the smallest finish time for a race where start was less than 3, buick was the manufacturer, and the race was held after 1978?
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 ( finish INTEGER, start VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, manufacturer VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(finish) FROM table_name_45 WHERE year > 1978 AND manufacturer = "buick" AND start < 3
What was the Opponent in Week 9?
CREATE TABLE table_8317 ( "Week" real, "Date" text, "Opponent" text, "Result" text, "Attendance" text )
SELECT "Opponent" FROM table_8317 WHERE "Week" = '9'
How many different matchup/results appear in San Diego, California?
CREATE TABLE table_23718905_6 ( matchup_results VARCHAR, city VARCHAR )
SELECT COUNT(matchup_results) FROM table_23718905_6 WHERE city = "San Diego, California"
What is the lowest game for a record of 32-12-3?
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 ( game INTEGER, record VARCHAR )
SELECT MIN(game) FROM table_name_48 WHERE record = "32-12-3"
at what location is the last flew on 11 june 2000
CREATE TABLE table_1997759_1 ( location VARCHAR, last_flew VARCHAR )
SELECT location FROM table_1997759_1 WHERE last_flew = "11 June 2000"
List the names of gymnasts in ascending order by their heights.
CREATE TABLE people ( people_id number, name text, age number, height number, hometown text ) CREATE TABLE gymnast ( gymnast_id number, floor_exercise_points number, pommel_horse_points number, rings_points number, vault_points number, parallel_bars_points number, horizontal_bar_points number, total_points number )
SELECT FROM gymnast AS T1 JOIN people AS T2 ON T1.gymnast_id = T2.people_id ORDER BY T2.height