stringlengths 5
| input
stringlengths 482
| response
stringlengths 4
what is the daily maximum of arterial bp [systolic] for patient 1205 since 1347 days ago? | CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
) | SELECT MAX(chartevents.valuenum) FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 1205)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [systolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') AND DATETIME(chartevents.charttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1347 day') GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y-%m-%d', chartevents.charttime) |
what is the minimum total hospital cost which involves c1-c4 fx-cl/cord inj nos since 2105? | CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
) | SELECT MIN(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT SUM(cost.cost) AS c1 FROM cost WHERE cost.hadm_id IN (SELECT diagnoses_icd.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'c1-c4 fx-cl/cord inj nos')) AND STRFTIME('%y', cost.chargetime) >= '2105' GROUP BY cost.hadm_id) AS t1 |
how many days are passed since the last time patient 027-85328 stayed in ward 996 on the current hospital encounter? | CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
) | SELECT 1 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', patient.unitadmittime)) FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '027-85328' AND patient.wardid = 996 AND patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.unitadmittime DESC LIMIT 1 |
what are the average daily number of patients diagnosed with s/p vascular bypass since 5 years ago? | CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
) | SELECT AVG(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT diagnosis.patientunitstayid) AS c1 FROM diagnosis WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 's/p vascular bypass' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-5 year') GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y-%m-%d', diagnosis.diagnosistime)) AS t1 |
Find coincident activity between two users. | CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
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TargetRepChange number
Id number,
UserId number,
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Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
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LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Score number,
Text text,
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UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
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ApprovalModeratorId number,
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DeactivationModeratorId number
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PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
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UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
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ApprovalDate time,
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Id number,
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
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CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
PostId number,
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UserId number,
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) | WITH Interesting(UserId) AS (SELECT 342852 UNION ALL SELECT 57611) SELECT PostId = p.Id, QuestionId = COALESCE(a.Id, p.Id), AnswerId = CASE WHEN p.PostTypeId = 2 THEN p.Id ELSE NULL END FROM Posts AS p LEFT JOIN Posts AS a ON p.PostTypeId = 2 AND p.ParentId = a.Id WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Interesting AS i WHERE p.OwnerUserId = i.UserId) OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Interesting AS i WHERE a.OwnerUserId = i.UserId) |
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'WASHINGTON' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
how did patient 6990 enter the hospital for the last time? | CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
) | SELECT admissions.admission_type FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 6990 ORDER BY admissions.admittime DESC LIMIT 1 |
count the number of patients who have been diagnosed with hyperpotassemia, who did not come back to the hospital within the same month in 2100. | CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
) | SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hyperpotassemia') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2100') AS t1) - (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t2.subject_id) FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'hyperpotassemia') AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2100') AS t2 JOIN admissions ON t2.subject_id = admissions.subject_id WHERE t2.charttime < admissions.admittime AND STRFTIME('%y', admissions.admittime) = '2100' AND DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(admissions.admittime, 'start of month')) |
what are the two year survival probability of a patient diagnosed with rupture of artery? | CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
) | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patients.dod IS NULL THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patients.dod) - STRFTIME('%j', t2.charttime) > 2 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t1.subject_id, t1.charttime FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'rupture of artery') GROUP BY admissions.subject_id HAVING MIN(diagnoses_icd.charttime) = diagnoses_icd.charttime) AS t1 WHERE STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', t1.charttime) > 2 * 365) AS t2 JOIN patients ON t2.subject_id = patients.subject_id |
Search for posts with specific tag. | CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
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Name text
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what were the four most common drugs prescribed to patients aged 20s during the same hospital visit after they had been diagnosed with fx lumbar vertebra-close this year? | CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
) | SELECT t3.drug FROM (SELECT t2.drug, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'fx lumbar vertebra-close') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, prescriptions.drug, prescriptions.startdate, admissions.hadm_id FROM prescriptions JOIN admissions ON prescriptions.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE admissions.age BETWEEN 20 AND 29 AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.startdate AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.drug) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 4 |
what tests are the three most frequently ordered lab tests since 2101? | CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
) | SELECT t1.labname FROM (SELECT lab.labname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM lab WHERE STRFTIME('%y', lab.labresulttime) >= '2101' GROUP BY lab.labname) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 3 |
what is the top five most common procedures that followed in the same hospital encounter for patients who received mechanical ventilation - pressure controlled until 2104? | CREATE TABLE cost (
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
) | SELECT t3.treatmentname FROM (SELECT t2.treatmentname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'mechanical ventilation - pressure controlled' AND STRFTIME('%y', treatment.treatmenttime) <= '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmentname, treatment.treatmenttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE STRFTIME('%y', treatment.treatmenttime) <= '2104') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.treatmenttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid GROUP BY t2.treatmentname) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 5 |
Who are the instructors for the hardware courses ? | CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
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program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
course_id int,
area varchar
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
) | SELECT DISTINCT FROM instructor INNER JOIN offering_instructor ON offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id INNER JOIN course_offering ON offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id INNER JOIN area ON course_offering.course_id = area.course_id WHERE area.area LIKE '%hardware%' |
what is the first procedure that patient 13837 received when they came to the hospital first time? | CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
) | SELECT d_icd_procedures.short_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.icd9_code IN (SELECT procedures_icd.icd9_code FROM procedures_icd WHERE procedures_icd.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 13837 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime LIMIT 1) ORDER BY procedures_icd.charttime LIMIT 1) |
list the top three most frequent diagnoses that a patient was diagnosed with in the same month after receiving vaccination nec in 2104. | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
) | SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'vaccination nec') AND STRFTIME('%y', procedures_icd.charttime) = '2104') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2104') AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
what's the first weight of patient 031-21970 in their last hospital encounter? | CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
) | SELECT patient.admissionweight FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '031-21970' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1) AND NOT patient.admissionweight IS NULL ORDER BY patient.unitadmittime LIMIT 1 |
since 1 year ago, what was the minimum monthly number of patients diagnosed with pressure ulcer,stage nos? | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
) | SELECT MIN(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT diagnoses_icd.hadm_id) AS c1 FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'pressure ulcer,stage nos') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1 year') GROUP BY STRFTIME('%y-%m', diagnoses_icd.charttime)) AS t1 |
Tags Without Excerpt or Wiki (unbalanced). | CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
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Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
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Name text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
Name text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
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) | SELECT c.TagName, c.CountPosts AS "Number of Posts", e.Body AS "Excerpt", w.Body AS "Wiki" FROM (SELECT t.TagName, t.ExcerptPostId, t.WikiPostId, COUNT(*) AS CountPosts FROM Tags AS t LEFT OUTER JOIN TagSynonyms AS s ON (t.TagName = s.SourceTagName) INNER JOIN PostTags AS p ON (p.TagId = t.Id) WHERE s.ApprovalDate IS NULL GROUP BY t.TagName, t.ExcerptPostId, t.WikiPostId) AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN Posts AS e ON (c.ExcerptPostId = e.Id) LEFT OUTER JOIN Posts AS w ON (c.WikiPostId = w.Id) WHERE (LENGTH(LTRIM(RTRIM(e.Body))) != 0 AND LENGTH(LTRIM(RTRIM(w.Body))) = 0) OR (LENGTH(LTRIM(RTRIM(e.Body))) = 0 AND LENGTH(LTRIM(RTRIM(w.Body))) != 0) ORDER BY c.CountPosts DESC, c.TagName |
Show the number of accounts for each customer in a bar chart grouping by customer's first name, and list names in asc order. | CREATE TABLE Products (
product_id INTEGER,
parent_product_id INTEGER,
production_type_code VARCHAR(15),
unit_price DECIMAL(19,4),
product_name VARCHAR(80),
product_color VARCHAR(20),
product_size VARCHAR(20)
order_id INTEGER,
customer_id INTEGER,
date_order_placed DATETIME,
order_details VARCHAR(255)
invoice_number INTEGER,
order_id INTEGER,
invoice_date DATETIME
CREATE TABLE Product_Categories (
production_type_code VARCHAR(15),
product_type_description VARCHAR(80),
vat_rating DECIMAL(19,4)
CREATE TABLE Order_Items (
order_item_id INTEGER,
order_id INTEGER,
product_id INTEGER,
product_quantity VARCHAR(50),
other_order_item_details VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE Customers (
customer_id INTEGER,
customer_first_name VARCHAR(50),
customer_middle_initial VARCHAR(1),
customer_last_name VARCHAR(50),
gender VARCHAR(1),
email_address VARCHAR(255),
login_name VARCHAR(80),
login_password VARCHAR(20),
phone_number VARCHAR(255),
town_city VARCHAR(50),
state_county_province VARCHAR(50),
country VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TABLE Invoice_Line_Items (
order_item_id INTEGER,
invoice_number INTEGER,
product_id INTEGER,
product_title VARCHAR(80),
product_quantity VARCHAR(50),
product_price DECIMAL(19,4),
derived_product_cost DECIMAL(19,4),
derived_vat_payable DECIMAL(19,4),
derived_total_cost DECIMAL(19,4)
CREATE TABLE Financial_Transactions (
transaction_id INTEGER,
account_id INTEGER,
invoice_number INTEGER,
transaction_type VARCHAR(15),
transaction_date DATETIME,
transaction_amount DECIMAL(19,4),
transaction_comment VARCHAR(255),
other_transaction_details VARCHAR(255)
account_id INTEGER,
customer_id INTEGER,
date_account_opened DATETIME,
account_name VARCHAR(50),
other_account_details VARCHAR(255)
) | SELECT customer_first_name, COUNT(*) FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id GROUP BY T1.customer_id ORDER BY customer_first_name |
among patients who were prescribed haldol after they had been diagnosed with third spacing show me the three year survival rate. | CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
) | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN patient.hospitaldischargestatus = 'alive' THEN 1 WHEN STRFTIME('%j', patient.hospitaldischargetime) - STRFTIME('%j', t4.diagnosistime) > 3 * 365 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT t2.uniquepid, t2.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT t1.uniquepid, t1.diagnosistime FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'third spacing' GROUP BY patient.uniquepid HAVING MIN(diagnosis.diagnosistime) = diagnosis.diagnosistime) AS t1) AS t2 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = 'haldol') AS t3 ON t2.uniquepid = t3.uniquepid WHERE t2.diagnosistime < t3.drugstarttime) AS t4 JOIN patient ON t4.uniquepid = patient.uniquepid |
Write a query that will return the Website URL for the User called Mat Mannion.. | CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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ClassId number,
Name text,
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CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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TargetRepChange number
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Text text,
ContentLicense text
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
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) | SELECT b.Text, b.CreationDate FROM Users AS a INNER JOIN Comments AS b ON a.Id = b.UserId WHERE a.DisplayName = 'Mat Mannion' ORDER BY b.CreationDate DESC |
Largest gap in score between question and answer. | CREATE TABLE PostLinks (
Id number,
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Text text,
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Tags text,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
) | SELECT q.Id AS "post_link", a.Id AS "post_link", q.Score, a.Score, a.Score - q.Score AS gap FROM Posts AS q INNER JOIN (SELECT Id, ParentId, Score, PostTypeId, OwnerUserId FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 2) AS a ON q.Id = a.ParentId INNER JOIN Users AS u ON u.Id = a.OwnerUserId WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1 AND (a.Score > q.Score) ORDER BY (a.Score - q.Score) DESC |
Frequency of anonymous suggested edits. Returns the cumulative number of suggested edits that were submitted by anonymous users over the past NumberOfEdits suggested edits. If the anonymous suggestion rate was constant at x%, then the graph would show a straight line at slope 100x (e.g. if all edit suggestions were anonymous, a straight line with slope 1). | CREATE TABLE FlagTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
PostId number,
TagId number
) | SELECT 'post_link', Score, NumEdits FROM (SELECT p.Id AS "post_link", p.Score AS Score, COUNT(ph.UserId) AS NumEdits FROM Posts AS p, PostHistory AS ph WHERE p.Id = ph.PostId AND p.Score >= 100 AND ph.UserId != p.OwnerUserId GROUP BY p.Id, p.Score) AS Y WHERE NumEdits >= 10 |
what are the hospitals admission times of patient 008-186 last year? | CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
) | SELECT patient.hospitaladmittime FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '008-186' AND DATETIME(patient.hospitaladmittime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') |
count the number of patients who received a electrolyte administration - intravenous procedure during the same month following a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome since 3 years ago. | CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
) | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'acute coronary syndrome' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'electrolyte administration - intravenous' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year')) AS t2 WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.treatmenttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.treatmenttime, 'start of month') |
What hour of the day I post the most answers. | CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
Name text
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
) | SELECT TIME_TO_STR(p.CreationDate, '%h'), COUNT(*) FROM Posts AS p WHERE p.OwnerUserId = @UserId AND p.PostTypeId = 2 GROUP BY TIME_TO_STR(p.CreationDate, '%h') |
highest rated answers since a date. | CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
TagId number
) | SELECT A.* FROM Posts AS A INNER JOIN Posts AS Q ON A.ParentId = Q.Id INNER JOIN PostTags AS PT ON Q.Id = PT.PostId INNER JOIN Tags AS T ON PT.TagId = T.Id WHERE A.PostTypeId = 2 AND Q.PostTypeId = 1 AND A.Score >= 80 AND A.CreationDate >= CAST('2017-10-01' AS DATETIME) AND T.TagName = 'r' ORDER BY A.Score DESC |
when patient 79919 was prescribed 0.9% sodium chloride first time in 06/last year. | CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
) | SELECT prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 79919) AND prescriptions.drug = '0.9% sodium chloride' AND DATETIME(prescriptions.startdate, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') AND STRFTIME('%m', prescriptions.startdate) = '06' ORDER BY prescriptions.startdate LIMIT 1 |
what was the first thing patient 55360 got diagnosed with in 2105? | CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
) | SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT diagnoses_icd.icd9_code FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE diagnoses_icd.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 55360) AND STRFTIME('%y', diagnoses_icd.charttime) = '2105' ORDER BY diagnoses_icd.charttime LIMIT 1) |
select count (*) from Posts. | CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts |
since 5 years ago, what are the top three most frequent diagnoses patients were given in the same hospital encounter after receiving exc/dest hrt lesion open? | CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
) | SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.short_title FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code IN (SELECT t3.icd9_code FROM (SELECT t2.icd9_code, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, procedures_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM procedures_icd JOIN admissions ON procedures_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE procedures_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_procedures.icd9_code FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.short_title = 'exc/dest hrt lesion open') AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-5 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.icd9_code, diagnoses_icd.charttime, admissions.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-5 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND t1.hadm_id = t2.hadm_id GROUP BY t2.icd9_code) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
what are patient 012-169's gender? | CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
) | SELECT DISTINCT patient.gender FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '012-169' |
Number of questions with just [database]. | CREATE TABLE Votes (
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
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Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PostTags AS pt JOIN (SELECT PostId, COUNT(*) AS ct FROM PostTags AS p GROUP BY PostId HAVING COUNT(*) = 1) AS db ON pt.PostId = db.PostId WHERE TagId = 30 |
when did patient 016-12011 last take an intake on 12/31/last year? | CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
) | SELECT intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime FROM intakeoutput WHERE intakeoutput.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-12011')) AND intakeoutput.cellpath LIKE '%intake%' AND DATETIME(intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') AND STRFTIME('%m-%d', intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime) = '12-31' ORDER BY intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime DESC LIMIT 1 |
what was the top four of the most frequent procedures until 2 years ago? | CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
) | SELECT t1.treatmentname FROM (SELECT treatment.treatmentname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM treatment WHERE DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-2 year') GROUP BY treatment.treatmentname) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 4 |
Find all actors from Austin born after 1980 | CREATE TABLE writer (
wid int,
gender text,
name text,
nationality text,
birth_city text,
birth_year int
CREATE TABLE written_by (
id int,
msid int,
wid int
CREATE TABLE director (
did int,
gender text,
name text,
nationality text,
birth_city text,
birth_year int
CREATE TABLE company (
id int,
name text,
country_code varchar
CREATE TABLE classification (
id int,
msid int,
gid int
CREATE TABLE tv_series (
sid int,
title text,
release_year int,
num_of_seasons int,
num_of_episodes int,
title_aka text,
budget text
mid int,
title text,
release_year int,
title_aka text,
budget text
gid int,
genre text
CREATE TABLE keyword (
id int,
keyword text
CREATE TABLE directed_by (
id int,
msid int,
did int
id int,
msid int,
kid int
CREATE TABLE made_by (
id int,
msid int,
pid int
id int,
msid int,
aid int,
role text
aid int,
gender text,
name text,
nationality text,
birth_city text,
birth_year int
CREATE TABLE copyright (
id int,
msid int,
cid int
CREATE TABLE producer (
pid int,
gender text,
name text,
nationality text,
birth_city text,
birth_year int
) | SELECT name FROM actor WHERE birth_city = 'Austin' AND birth_year > 1980 |
Get country tags and their frequency. | CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
PostId number,
TagId number
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Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
) | SELECT Tags.TagName, COUNT(PostTags.TagId) AS no FROM PostTags, Tags WHERE Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId AND TagName = 'france' GROUP BY TagName ORDER BY no DESC |
Count of posts edited by two users. | CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
) | SELECT Week, '22', '17163', '17702', '13438' FROM (SELECT DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0, CreationDate), 0) AS "week", c.UserId, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM Comments AS c WHERE c.UserId IN (22, 17163, 17702, 13438) AND YEAR(c.CreationDate) >= 2016 GROUP BY DATEADD(WEEK, DATEDIFF(WEEK, 0, CreationDate), 0), c.UserId) AS src PIVOT(MAX(Count) FOR UserId IN ('22', '17163', '17702', '13438')) AS piv ORDER BY 'week' DESC |
How many of my edits have been rolled back?. Lists all of your posts where someone else performed a rollback after your edit.
There could be some false positives here, where someone edited after you and the rollback just reverted their changes (and not yours). | CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
) | SELECT DISTINCT edits.PostId AS "post_link", edits.Comment AS "edit_comment", edits.CreationDate AS "edit_date", rollbacks.Comment AS "rollback_comment", rollbacks.CreationDate AS "rollback_date" FROM PostHistory AS edits INNER JOIN PostHistory AS rollbacks ON edits.PostId = rollbacks.PostId AND rollbacks.CreationDate > edits.CreationDate WHERE edits.PostHistoryTypeId IN (4, 5, 6) AND rollbacks.PostHistoryTypeId IN (7, 8, 9) AND edits.UserId = '##UserId?117549##' AND rollbacks.UserId != '##UserId?117549##' |
My unaccepted answers with non-zero probability of acceptance. | CREATE TABLE Posts (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
) | SELECT Q.Id AS "post_link" FROM Posts AS Q INNER JOIN Posts AS A ON (Q.Id = A.ParentId) INNER JOIN Users AS U ON (Q.OwnerUserId = U.Id) WHERE Q.PostTypeId = 1 AND A.PostTypeId = 2 AND A.OwnerUserId = @UserId AND Q.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND Q.ClosedDate IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT A2.Id FROM Posts AS A2 WHERE A2.PostTypeId = 2 AND A2.ParentId = Q.Id AND A2.Id != A.Id AND A2.Score > A.Score) AND U.LastAccessDate >= DATEADD(DAY, '##ActivityThreshold##', Q.CreationDate) ORDER BY A.CreationDate |
Return the average price for each product type by a pie chart. | CREATE TABLE Order_Items (
order_item_id INTEGER,
order_id INTEGER,
product_id INTEGER
product_id INTEGER,
product_type_code VARCHAR(10),
product_name VARCHAR(80),
product_price DECIMAL(19,4)
CREATE TABLE Customer_Addresses (
customer_id INTEGER,
address_id INTEGER,
date_from DATETIME,
date_to DATETIME
CREATE TABLE Department_Stores (
dept_store_id INTEGER,
dept_store_chain_id INTEGER,
store_name VARCHAR(80),
store_address VARCHAR(255),
store_phone VARCHAR(80),
store_email VARCHAR(80)
CREATE TABLE Product_Suppliers (
product_id INTEGER,
supplier_id INTEGER,
date_supplied_from DATETIME,
date_supplied_to DATETIME,
total_amount_purchased VARCHAR(80),
total_value_purchased DECIMAL(19,4)
CREATE TABLE Staff_Department_Assignments (
staff_id INTEGER,
department_id INTEGER,
date_assigned_from DATETIME,
job_title_code VARCHAR(10),
date_assigned_to DATETIME
staff_id INTEGER,
staff_gender VARCHAR(1),
staff_name VARCHAR(80)
CREATE TABLE Departments (
department_id INTEGER,
dept_store_id INTEGER,
department_name VARCHAR(80)
CREATE TABLE Supplier_Addresses (
supplier_id INTEGER,
address_id INTEGER,
date_from DATETIME,
date_to DATETIME
CREATE TABLE Customer_Orders (
order_id INTEGER,
customer_id INTEGER,
order_status_code VARCHAR(10),
order_date DATETIME
CREATE TABLE Department_Store_Chain (
dept_store_chain_id INTEGER,
dept_store_chain_name VARCHAR(80)
CREATE TABLE Customers (
customer_id INTEGER,
payment_method_code VARCHAR(10),
customer_code VARCHAR(20),
customer_name VARCHAR(80),
customer_address VARCHAR(255),
customer_phone VARCHAR(80),
customer_email VARCHAR(80)
CREATE TABLE Addresses (
address_id INTEGER,
address_details VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE Suppliers (
supplier_id INTEGER,
supplier_name VARCHAR(80),
supplier_phone VARCHAR(80)
) | SELECT product_type_code, AVG(product_price) FROM Products GROUP BY product_type_code |
For the MDE program requirement , who teaches courses that fulfill it ? | CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
course_id int,
area varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
) | SELECT DISTINCT FROM instructor INNER JOIN offering_instructor ON offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id INNER JOIN course_offering ON offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course_offering.course_id INNER JOIN program ON program.program_id = program_course.program_id WHERE LIKE '%MDE%' |
Number of users on SO. | CREATE TABLE PostLinks (
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
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CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
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Description text
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MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
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CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Text text,
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Name text
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PostId number,
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Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
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Name text
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WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
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EmailHash text,
AccountId number
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Name text,
Date time,
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Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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WikiPostId number
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Id number,
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UserId number,
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TargetRepChange number
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
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Comment text
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
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DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users |
what was the last time patient 78086 was prescribed medication? | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
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row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
) | SELECT prescriptions.startdate FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 78086) ORDER BY prescriptions.startdate DESC LIMIT 1 |
Get Question's Tag Data related Python. | CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
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Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
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TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
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LastAutoRename time,
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PostId number,
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Text text,
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UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
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UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
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TargetRepChange number
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RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
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Text text,
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WebsiteUrl text,
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AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
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ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
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Date time,
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LastActivityDate time,
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CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
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Name text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
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ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
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Score number,
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LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
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AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
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VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
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Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
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) | SELECT questions.PyPostId AS Python_Questions FROM (SELECT p_tags.PostId AS PyPostId FROM Tags AS tag INNER JOIN PostTags AS p_tags ON tag.Id = p_tags.TagId INNER JOIN Posts AS posts ON Posts.Id = p_tags.PostId WHERE TagName = 'python') AS questions INNER JOIN Posts AS post ON questions.PyPostId = post.Id WHERE CreationDate < '2018-02-01' AND CreationDate > '2018-01-01' |
when did patient 12775 first got the minimum of heart rate yesterday? | CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
) | SELECT chartevents.charttime FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 12775)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'heart rate' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') AND DATETIME(chartevents.charttime, 'start of day') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of day', '-1 day') ORDER BY chartevents.valuenum, chartevents.charttime LIMIT 1 |
Top 50 users from Rajkot. | CREATE TABLE Users (
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
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Id number,
Name text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
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OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
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Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
) | SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS "#", Id AS "user_link", Reputation FROM Users WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%pune%' OR UPPER(Location) LIKE '%PUNE' ORDER BY Reputation DESC LIMIT 500 |
what flights are available from DALLAS FORT WORTH to ATLANTA | CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_stop (
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
) | SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'DALLAS FORT WORTH' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
what is the minimum amount of hospital cost that includes macrophages until 2103? | CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
) | SELECT MIN(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT SUM(cost.cost) AS c1 FROM cost WHERE cost.hadm_id IN (SELECT labevents.hadm_id FROM labevents WHERE labevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_labitems.itemid FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.label = 'macrophages')) AND STRFTIME('%y', cost.chargetime) <= '2103' GROUP BY cost.hadm_id) AS t1 |
Users in Valencia sorted by reputation. | CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
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UserId number,
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Comment text,
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BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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) | SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS "#", Id AS "user_link", Reputation FROM Users WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%valencia%' OR UPPER(Location) LIKE '%VLC' ORDER BY Reputation DESC |
Number of edits per question.. | CREATE TABLE Posts (
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PostId number,
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) | SELECT p.Id, p.Id AS "post_link", (SELECT COUNT(ph.Id) FROM PostHistory AS ph WHERE (ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 4 OR ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 5) AND ph.PostId = 1 AND (ph.UserId IS NULL OR ph.UserId != (SELECT ph2.UserId FROM PostHistory AS ph2 WHERE ph2.PostId = ph.PostId AND ph2.PostHistoryTypeId = 1))) FROM Posts AS p WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 |
what are the flights on tuesday 10 1 from ATLANTA to BALTIMORE | CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_stop (
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, date_day, days, flight WHERE (CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'BALTIMORE' AND date_day.day_number = 1 AND date_day.month_number = 10 AND date_day.year = 1991 AND days.day_name = date_day.day_name AND flight.flight_days = days.days_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code) AND CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'ATLANTA' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code |
how many hours has passed since the first time patient 95892 got a base excess lab test in their current hospital encounter? | CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
) | SELECT 24 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', labevents.charttime)) FROM labevents WHERE labevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_labitems.itemid FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.label = 'base excess') AND labevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 95892 AND admissions.dischtime IS NULL) ORDER BY labevents.charttime LIMIT 1 |
show me the flights to DAL | CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE flight_stop (
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
) | SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport, airport_service, city, flight WHERE airport.airport_code = 'DAL' AND city.city_code = airport_service.city_code AND flight.from_airport = airport_service.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = airport.airport_code |
Do you know whether SLAVIC 490 is hard ? | CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
course_id int,
area varchar
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0, program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE course.department = 'SLAVIC' AND course.number = 490 AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id AND program_course.workload > 3 |
had patient 016-1459's systemicdiastolic been normal. | CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM vitalperiodic WHERE vitalperiodic.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '016-1459')) AND vitalperiodic.systemicdiastolic BETWEEN diastolic_bp_lower AND diastolic_bp_upper AND NOT vitalperiodic.systemicdiastolic IS NULL |
Top 100 questions by tags in the last year (sorted by viewcount). | CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
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Predefined boolean,
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OwnerDisplayName text,
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LastEditorDisplayName text,
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LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
Id number,
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ContentLicense text
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Id number,
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Id number,
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RelatedPostId number,
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PostId number,
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Date time,
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AcceptedAnswerId number,
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OwnerDisplayName text,
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LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
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AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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ReviewTaskId number,
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RevisionGUID other
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SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
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) | SELECT Id, Title, CreationDate, Tags, ClosedDate, FavoriteCount, ViewCount, Score FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND Tags LIKE '%##TagName1##%' AND Tags LIKE '%##TagName2##%' AND NOT Tags LIKE '%##ExcludedTag##%' AND Posts.CreationDate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - 365 ORDER BY ViewCount DESC, FavoriteCount DESC, Score DESC LIMIT 100 |
what was the name of procedure, that patient 43959 was first received in this year? | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
) | SELECT d_icd_procedures.short_title FROM d_icd_procedures WHERE d_icd_procedures.icd9_code IN (SELECT procedures_icd.icd9_code FROM procedures_icd WHERE procedures_icd.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 43959) AND DATETIME(procedures_icd.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') ORDER BY procedures_icd.charttime LIMIT 1) |
What is the section after 11:00 A.M. that is in ECON 183 ? | CREATE TABLE jobs (
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
course_id int,
area varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT course_offering.end_time, course_offering.section_number, course_offering.start_time FROM course, course_offering, semester WHERE course_offering.start_time > '11:00' AND course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'ECON' AND course.number = 183 AND semester.semester = 'WN' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2016 |
Who are the professors teaching PHYSED 336 in the Summer 2020 semester ? | CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
course_id int,
area varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
) | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT instructor.instructor_id) FROM course, course_offering, instructor, offering_instructor, semester WHERE course.course_id = course_offering.course_id AND course.department = 'PHYSED' AND course.number = 336 AND offering_instructor.instructor_id = instructor.instructor_id AND offering_instructor.offering_id = course_offering.offering_id AND semester.semester = 'Summer' AND semester.semester_id = course_offering.semester AND semester.year = 2020 |
how many patients were prescribed 10 ml vial : calcium chloride 10 % iv soln during the same month after the diagnosis of sinus tachycardia, since 4 years ago? | CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
) | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'sinus tachycardia' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-4 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE medication.drugname = '10 ml vial : calcium chloride 10 % iv soln' AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-4 year')) AS t2 WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t1.diagnosistime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime, 'start of month') |
did patient 75658 have any results from the microbiology of the sputum a year before? | CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM microbiologyevents WHERE microbiologyevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 75658) AND microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc = 'sputum' AND DATETIME(microbiologyevents.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') |
count the number of patients who received insulin - continuous infusion in the same hospital encounter after their respiratory arrest was diagnosed during this year. | CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
) | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t1.uniquepid) FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, diagnosis.diagnosistime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM diagnosis JOIN patient ON diagnosis.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE diagnosis.diagnosisname = 'respiratory arrest' AND DATETIME(diagnosis.diagnosistime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime, patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE treatment.treatmentname = 'insulin - continuous infusion' AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 WHERE t1.diagnosistime < t2.treatmenttime AND t1.patienthealthsystemstayid = t2.patienthealthsystemstayid |
count the number of times patient 13806 had left arm drainage output since 152 months ago. | CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM outputevents WHERE outputevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 13806)) AND outputevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'left arm drainage' AND d_items.linksto = 'outputevents') AND DATETIME(outputevents.charttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-152 month') |
The Other requirement is satisfied by which courses in Experimental Philosophy ? | CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
course_id int,
area varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT course.department,, course.number FROM course INNER JOIN area ON course.course_id = area.course_id INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id WHERE (area.area LIKE '%Experimental Philosophy%' OR course.description LIKE '%Experimental Philosophy%' OR LIKE '%Experimental Philosophy%') AND program_course.category LIKE '%Other%' |
tell me the name of the drug which patient 010-1155 was prescribed within 2 days after receiving a oxygen therapy (40% to 60%) - 50-60% procedure since 03/2105? | CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
) | SELECT t2.drugname FROM (SELECT patient.uniquepid, treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment JOIN patient ON treatment.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '010-1155') AND treatment.treatmentname = 'oxygen therapy (40% to 60%) - 50-60%' AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', treatment.treatmenttime) >= '2105-03') AS t1 JOIN (SELECT patient.uniquepid, medication.drugname, medication.drugstarttime FROM medication JOIN patient ON medication.patientunitstayid = patient.patientunitstayid WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '010-1155') AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', medication.drugstarttime) >= '2105-03') AS t2 ON t1.uniquepid = t2.uniquepid WHERE t1.treatmenttime < t2.drugstarttime AND DATETIME(t2.drugstarttime) BETWEEN DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime) AND DATETIME(t1.treatmenttime, '+2 day') |
had there been a microbiology test done until 35 months ago for patient 46330? | CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM microbiologyevents WHERE microbiologyevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 46330) AND DATETIME(microbiologyevents.charttime) <= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-35 month') |
how many days have it been since patient 006-195316's last prescription of furosemide 40 mg tab in the current hospital visit? | CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
) | SELECT 1 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', medication.drugstarttime)) FROM medication WHERE medication.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '006-195316') AND patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL) AND medication.drugname = 'furosemide 40 mg tab' ORDER BY medication.drugstarttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
when was patient 65582 tested for magnesium for the last time this month? | CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
) | SELECT labevents.charttime FROM labevents WHERE labevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_labitems.itemid FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.label = 'magnesium') AND labevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 65582) AND DATETIME(labevents.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month') ORDER BY labevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
Number of questions where Accepted Answer < Top voted answer and Accepted Answer > 3. | CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
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CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
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ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
Id number,
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ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
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Id number,
Name text
Id number,
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text,
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
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Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
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Name text,
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Id number,
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BountyAmount number
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
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DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
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RejectionDate time,
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Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
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ContentLicense text
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
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OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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Id number,
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Description text,
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Id number,
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) | SELECT COUNT(p.Id) FROM Posts AS p, Posts AS a WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND NOT p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND a.Id = p.AcceptedAnswerId AND (SELECT MAX(Score) FROM Posts AS q WHERE q.ParentId = p.Id) > a.Score AND a.Score > 3 |
how much is the minimum hospital cost with aut neuropthy in oth dis during this year? | CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
) | SELECT MIN(t1.c1) FROM (SELECT SUM(cost.cost) AS c1 FROM cost WHERE cost.hadm_id IN (SELECT diagnoses_icd.hadm_id FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'aut neuropthy in oth dis')) AND DATETIME(cost.chargetime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') GROUP BY cost.hadm_id) AS t1 |
show flights from DENVER to OAKLAND | CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_stop (
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
) | SELECT DISTINCT flight.flight_id FROM airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_0, airport_service AS AIRPORT_SERVICE_1, city AS CITY_0, city AS CITY_1, flight WHERE CITY_0.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.city_code AND CITY_0.city_name = 'DENVER' AND CITY_1.city_code = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.city_code AND CITY_1.city_name = 'OAKLAND' AND flight.from_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_0.airport_code AND flight.to_airport = AIRPORT_SERVICE_1.airport_code |
Which Advanced Portuguese courses have 8 credits , can you show me ? | CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
CREATE TABLE program_requirement (
program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
course_id int,
area varchar
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
) | SELECT DISTINCT department, name, number FROM course WHERE (description LIKE '%Advanced Portuguese%' OR name LIKE '%Advanced Portuguese%') AND credits = 8 |
when was the last time that patient 013-9305 received a procedure in the previous year? | CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
) | SELECT treatment.treatmenttime FROM treatment WHERE treatment.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '013-9305')) AND DATETIME(treatment.treatmenttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') ORDER BY treatment.treatmenttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
Top 50 users from Turkey. | CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
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MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
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CreationDate time,
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Id number,
Name text,
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Id number,
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LinkTypeId number
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AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
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Name text,
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ContentLicense text
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Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
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DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
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PostId number,
CreationDate time,
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Comment text,
Text text,
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) | SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS "#", Id AS "user_link", Reputation, Location FROM Users WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE '%turkey' ORDER BY Reputation DESC LIMIT 50 |
Which one is easier EECS 532 or EECS 481 ? | CREATE TABLE course_offering (
offering_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
section_number int,
start_time time,
end_time time,
monday varchar,
tuesday varchar,
wednesday varchar,
thursday varchar,
friday varchar,
saturday varchar,
sunday varchar,
has_final_project varchar,
has_final_exam varchar,
textbook varchar,
class_address varchar,
allow_audit varchar
CREATE TABLE program_course (
program_id int,
course_id int,
workload int,
category varchar
CREATE TABLE instructor (
instructor_id int,
name varchar,
uniqname varchar
campus_job_id int,
student_id int,
location varchar
CREATE TABLE student_record (
student_id int,
course_id int,
semester int,
grade varchar,
how varchar,
transfer_source varchar,
earn_credit varchar,
repeat_term varchar,
test_id varchar
CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite (
pre_course_id int,
course_id int
CREATE TABLE program (
program_id int,
name varchar,
college varchar,
introduction varchar
CREATE TABLE requirement (
requirement_id int,
requirement varchar,
college varchar
job_id int,
job_title varchar,
description varchar,
requirement varchar,
city varchar,
state varchar,
country varchar,
zip int
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count (
course_id int,
clear_grading int,
pop_quiz int,
group_projects int,
inspirational int,
long_lectures int,
extra_credit int,
few_tests int,
good_feedback int,
tough_tests int,
heavy_papers int,
cares_for_students int,
heavy_assignments int,
respected int,
participation int,
heavy_reading int,
tough_grader int,
hilarious int,
would_take_again int,
good_lecture int,
no_skip int
CREATE TABLE student (
student_id int,
lastname varchar,
firstname varchar,
program_id int,
declare_major varchar,
total_credit int,
total_gpa float,
entered_as varchar,
admit_term int,
predicted_graduation_semester int,
degree varchar,
minor varchar,
internship varchar
CREATE TABLE comment_instructor (
instructor_id int,
student_id int,
score int,
comment_text varchar
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program_id int,
category varchar,
min_credit int,
additional_req varchar
course_id int,
name varchar,
department varchar,
number varchar,
credits varchar,
advisory_requirement varchar,
enforced_requirement varchar,
description varchar,
num_semesters int,
num_enrolled int,
has_discussion varchar,
has_lab varchar,
has_projects varchar,
has_exams varchar,
num_reviews int,
clarity_score int,
easiness_score int,
helpfulness_score int
CREATE TABLE semester (
semester_id int,
semester varchar,
year int
course_offering_id int,
student_id int
CREATE TABLE offering_instructor (
offering_instructor_id int,
offering_id int,
instructor_id int
course_id int,
area varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT course.number FROM course INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id WHERE (course.number = 532 OR course.number = 481) AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 INNER JOIN course AS COURSEalias1 ON PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.course_id = COURSEalias1.course_id WHERE (COURSEalias1.number = 532 OR COURSEalias1.number = 481) AND COURSEalias1.department = 'EECS') |
what are the three most commonly ordered laboratory tests for patients who were previously diagnosed with abdmnal pain oth spcf st in the same month, this year? | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
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row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
) | SELECT d_labitems.label FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.itemid IN (SELECT t3.itemid FROM (SELECT t2.itemid, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM (SELECT admissions.subject_id, diagnoses_icd.charttime FROM diagnoses_icd JOIN admissions ON diagnoses_icd.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses_icd.icd9_code = (SELECT d_icd_diagnoses.icd9_code FROM d_icd_diagnoses WHERE d_icd_diagnoses.short_title = 'abdmnal pain oth spcf st') AND DATETIME(diagnoses_icd.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t1 JOIN (SELECT admissions.subject_id, labevents.itemid, labevents.charttime FROM labevents JOIN admissions ON labevents.hadm_id = admissions.hadm_id WHERE DATETIME(labevents.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year')) AS t2 ON t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id WHERE t1.charttime < t2.charttime AND DATETIME(t1.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(t2.charttime, 'start of month') GROUP BY t2.itemid) AS t3 WHERE t3.c1 <= 3) |
Count of New Questions and Answers Since a Specified Year. | CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
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Id number,
Name text
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LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
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CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
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CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
) | SELECT YEAR(CreationDate) AS "year", MONTH(CreationDate) AS "month", SUM(CASE WHEN Posts.PostTypeId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS QuestionCount, SUM(CASE WHEN Posts.PostTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AnswerCount FROM Posts WHERE YEAR(CreationDate) >= 2014 GROUP BY YEAR(CreationDate), MONTH(CreationDate) ORDER BY YEAR(CreationDate), MONTH(CreationDate) |
since 1804 days ago, had patient 007-16517 excreted any urine count? | CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM intakeoutput WHERE intakeoutput.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '007-16517')) AND intakeoutput.cellpath LIKE '%output%' AND intakeoutput.celllabel = 'urine count' AND DATETIME(intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-1804 day') |
did magnesium sulfate, hydralazine, or ns have been prescribed for patient 80555 in 12/2105? | CREATE TABLE cost (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM prescriptions WHERE prescriptions.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 80555) AND prescriptions.drug IN ('magnesium sulfate', 'hydralazine', 'ns') AND STRFTIME('%y-%m', prescriptions.startdate) = '2105-12' |
Tags by # of unanswered count. | CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
TagId number
) | SELECT t.TagName, COUNT(DISTINCT (p.Id)) FROM Tags AS t INNER JOIN PostTags AS pt ON t.Id = pt.TagId INNER JOIN Posts AS p ON p.Id = pt.PostId AND p.PostTypeId = 1 GROUP BY t.TagName ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT (p.Id)) DESC |
until 2104 what are the four most commonly ordered medications for patients of age 60 or above? | CREATE TABLE cost (
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
) | SELECT t1.drugname FROM (SELECT medication.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM medication WHERE medication.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.age >= 60) AND STRFTIME('%y', medication.drugstarttime) <= '2104' GROUP BY medication.drugname) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 4 |
Illuminator badge users by reputation. | CREATE TABLE PostTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
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Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
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Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
PostId number,
TagId number
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Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
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Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
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Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
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Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
) | SELECT b.UserId AS "user_link", u.Reputation, b.Date FROM Badges AS b LEFT JOIN Users AS u ON u.Id = b.UserId WHERE b.Name = 'Illuminator' ORDER BY u.Reputation, u.DisplayName |
50 most viewed questions on 2015-03-08 on Ask Ubuntu. | CREATE TABLE Users (
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
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Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
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Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
PostId number,
TagId number
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
Name text
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Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
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Id number,
Name text,
Description text
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Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
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Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
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Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
) | SELECT * FROM Posts, PostTypes WHERE Posts.PostTypeId = PostTypes.Id AND PostTypes.Id = 1 AND Posts.CreationDate BETWEEN '2015-03-08 00:00:00' AND '2015-03-08 23:59:59' ORDER BY Posts.ViewCount DESC LIMIT 50 |
show me what fare codes symbols stand for | CREATE TABLE flight_leg (
flight_id int,
leg_number int,
leg_flight int
CREATE TABLE date_day (
month_number int,
day_number int,
year int,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE food_service (
meal_code text,
meal_number int,
compartment text,
meal_description varchar
CREATE TABLE time_interval (
period text,
begin_time int,
end_time int
city_code varchar,
city_name varchar,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar
CREATE TABLE class_of_service (
booking_class varchar,
rank int,
class_description text
CREATE TABLE airline (
airline_code varchar,
airline_name text,
note text
aircraft_code_sequence text,
airline_code varchar,
airline_flight text,
arrival_time int,
connections int,
departure_time int,
dual_carrier text,
flight_days text,
flight_id int,
flight_number int,
from_airport varchar,
meal_code text,
stops int,
time_elapsed int,
to_airport varchar
CREATE TABLE flight_fare (
flight_id int,
fare_id int
CREATE TABLE aircraft (
aircraft_code varchar,
aircraft_description varchar,
manufacturer varchar,
basic_type varchar,
engines int,
propulsion varchar,
wide_body varchar,
wing_span int,
length int,
weight int,
capacity int,
pay_load int,
cruising_speed int,
range_miles int,
pressurized varchar
CREATE TABLE ground_service (
city_code text,
airport_code text,
transport_type text,
ground_fare int
CREATE TABLE compartment_class (
compartment varchar,
class_type varchar
CREATE TABLE airport (
airport_code varchar,
airport_name text,
airport_location text,
state_code varchar,
country_name varchar,
time_zone_code varchar,
minimum_connect_time int
CREATE TABLE dual_carrier (
main_airline varchar,
low_flight_number int,
high_flight_number int,
dual_airline varchar,
service_name text
days_code varchar,
day_name varchar
CREATE TABLE restriction (
restriction_code text,
advance_purchase int,
stopovers text,
saturday_stay_required text,
minimum_stay int,
maximum_stay int,
application text,
no_discounts text
fare_id int,
from_airport varchar,
to_airport varchar,
fare_basis_code text,
fare_airline text,
restriction_code text,
one_direction_cost int,
round_trip_cost int,
round_trip_required varchar
CREATE TABLE fare_basis (
fare_basis_code text,
booking_class text,
class_type text,
premium text,
economy text,
discounted text,
night text,
season text,
basis_days text
CREATE TABLE flight_stop (
flight_id int,
stop_number int,
stop_days text,
stop_airport text,
arrival_time int,
arrival_airline text,
arrival_flight_number int,
departure_time int,
departure_airline text,
departure_flight_number int,
stop_time int
CREATE TABLE code_description (
code varchar,
description text
month_number int,
month_name text
CREATE TABLE time_zone (
time_zone_code text,
time_zone_name text,
hours_from_gmt int
CREATE TABLE airport_service (
city_code varchar,
airport_code varchar,
miles_distant int,
direction varchar,
minutes_distant int
state_code text,
state_name text,
country_name text
CREATE TABLE equipment_sequence (
aircraft_code_sequence varchar,
aircraft_code varchar
) | SELECT DISTINCT fare_basis_code FROM fare_basis |
what diagnosis did patient 025-53910 receive last? | CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
) | SELECT diagnosis.diagnosisname FROM diagnosis WHERE diagnosis.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '025-53910')) ORDER BY diagnosis.diagnosistime DESC LIMIT 1 |
how much patient 28775 weighs during the last hospital encounter for the last time? | CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
) | SELECT chartevents.valuenum FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 28775 AND NOT admissions.dischtime IS NULL ORDER BY admissions.admittime DESC LIMIT 1)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'admit wt' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
when patient 005-73237 did get a lab test the last time during the previous month? | CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
) | SELECT lab.labresulttime FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '005-73237')) AND DATETIME(lab.labresulttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month') ORDER BY lab.labresulttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
how many hours have elapsed since the first time that patient 032-9230 stayed in their current hospital visit in ward 1068? | CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
) | SELECT 24 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', patient.unitadmittime)) FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '032-9230' AND patient.wardid = 1068 AND patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.unitadmittime LIMIT 1 |
what was the percentile of 7.49 in the ph lab test with the same age of patient 035-1391 in the last hospital encounter? | CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
) | SELECT DISTINCT t1.c1 FROM (SELECT lab.labresult, PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY lab.labresult) AS c1 FROM lab WHERE lab.labname = 'ph' AND lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.age = (SELECT patient.age FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '035-1391' AND NOT patient.hospitaldischargetime IS NULL ORDER BY patient.hospitaladmittime DESC LIMIT 1))) AS t1 WHERE t1.labresult = 7.49 |
when did patient 006-99708 first receive a lab test in 02/this year? | CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
) | SELECT lab.labresulttime FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '006-99708')) AND DATETIME(lab.labresulttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND STRFTIME('%m', lab.labresulttime) = '02' ORDER BY lab.labresulttime LIMIT 1 |
My Profiles Across Stack Exchange. | CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
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CreationDate time,
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Comment text
Id number,
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Site Info: Score - Post Count. | CREATE TABLE Users (
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what was the total quantity of output that patient 007-1517 had until 03/09/2104? | CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
) | SELECT SUM(intakeoutput.cellvaluenumeric) FROM intakeoutput WHERE intakeoutput.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '007-1517')) AND intakeoutput.cellpath LIKE '%output%' AND STRFTIME('%y-%m-%d', intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime) <= '2104-03-09' |
Who claims to be from Greenland?. | CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
) | SELECT Id AS "user_link" FROM Users WHERE Location = 'Greenland' |
what was the name of the output, which patient 005-18714 had last on 07/21/last year? | CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
) | SELECT intakeoutput.celllabel FROM intakeoutput WHERE intakeoutput.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '005-18714')) AND intakeoutput.cellpath LIKE '%output%' AND DATETIME(intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') AND STRFTIME('%m-%d', intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime) = '07-21' ORDER BY intakeoutput.intakeoutputtime DESC LIMIT 1 |
Ratio of reputation estimated by votes got, vs. real reputation. We calculate the rep of the users by counting only the up/down/accept votes (so: no bounty, edits, -100 for rudeness, 1 rep limit, community owned posts, -1 for answer downs, no rep for most deleted posts, and no rep for self-answer accepts). Then we see the distribution, how this estimated reputation relates to the real reputation of the users. | CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text,
PostTypeId number
Id number,
UserId number,
Name text,
Date time,
Class number,
TagBased boolean
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks (
Id number,
ReviewTaskTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ReviewTaskStateId number,
PostId number,
SuggestedEditId number,
CompletedByReviewTaskId number
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted (
Id number,
PostTypeId number,
AcceptedAnswerId number,
ParentId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
Score number,
ViewCount number,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
OwnerDisplayName text,
LastEditorUserId number,
LastEditorDisplayName text,
LastEditDate time,
LastActivityDate time,
Title text,
Tags text,
AnswerCount number,
CommentCount number,
FavoriteCount number,
ClosedDate time,
CommunityOwnedDate time,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes (
Id number,
Name text
CREATE TABLE PostFeedback (
Id number,
PostId number,
IsAnonymous boolean,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time
Id number,
CreationDate time,
PostId number,
RelatedPostId number,
LinkTypeId number
CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults (
Id number,
ReviewTaskId number,
ReviewTaskResultTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
RejectionReasonId number,
Comment text
PostId number,
TagId number
Id number,
Reputation number,
CreationDate time,
DisplayName text,
LastAccessDate time,
WebsiteUrl text,
Location text,
AboutMe text,
Views number,
UpVotes number,
DownVotes number,
ProfileImageUrl text,
EmailHash text,
AccountId number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes (
Id number,
SuggestedEditId number,
UserId number,
VoteTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
TargetUserId number,
TargetRepChange number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE PostHistory (
Id number,
PostHistoryTypeId number,
PostId number,
RevisionGUID other,
CreationDate time,
UserId number,
UserDisplayName text,
Comment text,
Text text,
ContentLicense text
CREATE TABLE PendingFlags (
Id number,
FlagTypeId number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
CloseReasonTypeId number,
CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number,
DuplicateOfQuestionId number,
BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text
CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms (
Id number,
SourceTagName text,
TargetTagName text,
CreationDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
AutoRenameCount number,
LastAutoRename time,
Score number,
ApprovedByUserId number,
ApprovalDate time
Id number,
Name text
Id number,
PostId number,
Score number,
Text text,
CreationDate time,
UserDisplayName text,
UserId number,
ContentLicense text
Id number,
TagName text,
Count number,
ExcerptPostId number,
WikiPostId number
CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes (
Id number,
ClassId number,
Name text,
Body text,
IsHidden boolean,
Predefined boolean,
PostNoticeDurationId number
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
Id number,
PostId number,
VoteTypeId number,
UserId number,
CreationDate time,
BountyAmount number
CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits (
Id number,
PostId number,
CreationDate time,
ApprovalDate time,
RejectionDate time,
OwnerUserId number,
Comment text,
Text text,
Title text,
Tags text,
RevisionGUID other
CREATE TABLE PostNotices (
Id number,
PostId number,
PostNoticeTypeId number,
CreationDate time,
DeletionDate time,
ExpiryDate time,
Body text,
OwnerUserId number,
DeletionUserId number
CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates (
Id number,
Name text,
Description text
CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes (
Id number,
IsUniversal boolean,
InputTitle text,
MarkdownInputGuidance text,
MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text,
MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text,
MarkdownConcensusDescription text,
CreationDate time,
CreationModeratorId number,
ApprovalDate time,
ApprovalModeratorId number,
DeactivationDate time,
DeactivationModeratorId number
) | WITH VoteRep AS (SELECT 1 AS VoteTypeId, 15 AS Rep UNION SELECT 2, 10 UNION SELECT 3, -2), Raw AS (SELECT Users.Id, 1.0 * SUM(VoteRep.Rep) / MIN(Users.Reputation) AS EstRep, MIN(Users.Reputation) AS Reputation FROM Users, Posts, Votes, VoteRep WHERE Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id AND Votes.PostId = Posts.Id AND Votes.VoteTypeId = VoteRep.VoteTypeId GROUP BY Users.Id), Raw2 AS (SELECT Id, 1.0 * EstRep / Reputation AS RatioRaw FROM Raw) SELECT FLOOR(RatioRaw / 0.01) * 0.01 AS Ratio, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM Raw2 GROUP BY RatioRaw / 0.01 ORDER BY Ratio |
calculate the number of times patient 030-6898 received the bedside glucose test test since 3 years ago. | CREATE TABLE treatment (
treatmentid number,
patientunitstayid number,
treatmentname text,
treatmenttime time
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput (
intakeoutputid number,
patientunitstayid number,
cellpath text,
celllabel text,
cellvaluenumeric number,
intakeoutputtime time
CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic (
vitalperiodicid number,
patientunitstayid number,
temperature number,
sao2 number,
heartrate number,
respiration number,
systemicsystolic number,
systemicdiastolic number,
systemicmean number,
observationtime time
CREATE TABLE diagnosis (
diagnosisid number,
patientunitstayid number,
diagnosisname text,
diagnosistime time,
icd9code text
costid number,
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
eventtype text,
eventid number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE allergy (
allergyid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
allergyname text,
allergytime time
CREATE TABLE patient (
uniquepid text,
patienthealthsystemstayid number,
patientunitstayid number,
gender text,
age text,
ethnicity text,
hospitalid number,
wardid number,
admissionheight number,
admissionweight number,
dischargeweight number,
hospitaladmittime time,
hospitaladmitsource text,
unitadmittime time,
unitdischargetime time,
hospitaldischargetime time,
hospitaldischargestatus text
labid number,
patientunitstayid number,
labname text,
labresult number,
labresulttime time
CREATE TABLE microlab (
microlabid number,
patientunitstayid number,
culturesite text,
organism text,
culturetakentime time
CREATE TABLE medication (
medicationid number,
patientunitstayid number,
drugname text,
dosage text,
routeadmin text,
drugstarttime time,
drugstoptime time
) | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lab WHERE lab.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '030-6898')) AND lab.labname = 'bedside glucose' AND DATETIME(lab.labresulttime) >= DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), '-3 year') |
was there any organism detected in the last blood (toxo) test of patient 57050 this month? | CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
amount number
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
event_type text,
event_id number,
chargetime time,
cost number
CREATE TABLE patients (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
gender text,
dob time,
dod time
CREATE TABLE transfers (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
eventtype text,
careunit text,
wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE chartevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
charttime time,
spec_type_desc text,
org_name text
CREATE TABLE outputevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
charttime time,
itemid number,
value number
CREATE TABLE labevents (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
itemid number,
charttime time,
valuenum number,
valueuom text
CREATE TABLE prescriptions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
startdate time,
enddate time,
drug text,
dose_val_rx text,
dose_unit_rx text,
route text
CREATE TABLE icustays (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icustay_id number,
first_careunit text,
last_careunit text,
first_wardid number,
last_wardid number,
intime time,
outtime time
CREATE TABLE d_items (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text,
linksto text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE admissions (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
admittime time,
dischtime time,
admission_type text,
admission_location text,
discharge_location text,
insurance text,
language text,
marital_status text,
ethnicity text,
age number
CREATE TABLE procedures_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
CREATE TABLE d_labitems (
row_id number,
itemid number,
label text
CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses (
row_id number,
icd9_code text,
short_title text,
long_title text
CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd (
row_id number,
subject_id number,
hadm_id number,
icd9_code text,
charttime time
) | SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM microbiologyevents WHERE microbiologyevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 57050) AND microbiologyevents.spec_type_desc = 'blood (toxo)' AND NOT microbiologyevents.org_name IS NULL AND DATETIME(microbiologyevents.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-0 month') ORDER BY microbiologyevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1 |
Subsets and Splits