I do LOVE my Katy Evans books!! MANWHORE +1 was a wonderful and very satisfying sequel to the first book in the series, Manwhore! I loved the very modern and witty yet very sexy story. This book picks up right after the conclusion to MANWHORE. Rachel has publicly embarrassed her boyfriend Malcolm Saint and is in deep despair of ever repairing their relationship. Katy Evans writes a beautifully flowing yet very fast-paced and verrrrry sexy story here as we experience the deep heartache that Rachel feels. "This is what I've been waiting for, for four weeks. This is what I wanted when I left a thousand messages on his phones and what I wanted when I wrote a thousand others that I left unsent. To see him. For him to want to see me." There's plenty of office drama, too, as Rachel's dream job seems to be in jeopardy due to a bidding war over the ownership of the company where she works. One of the things I love about this author is that her heroes, no matter how tortured, always have the ability the love deeply and Saint is no exception. Despite his reputation, he really cares deeply for Rachel and their scenes together are perfect. I definitely recommend this series if you love a contemporary, witty, and passionate story with a great cast of supporting players. I also loved that there might be another story here for Gina and Tahoe? Things seem to be pointing in that direction and I would love to read more about them! I can't wait to see what's next for Rachel and Saint and am anxiously awaiting Ms. Manwhore! (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1045, 2079, 2293, 2026, 17870, 6473, 2808, 999, 999, 2158, 2860, 16892, 1009, 1015, 2001, 1037, 6919, 1998, 2200, 17087, 8297, 2000, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1999, 1996, 2186, 1010, 2158, 2860, 16892, 999, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2200, 2715, 1998, 25591, 2664, 2200, 7916, 2466, 1012, 2023, 2338, 11214, 2039, 2157, 2044, 1996, 7091, 2000, 2158, 2860, 16892, 1012, 5586, 2038, 7271, 10339, 2014, 6898, 8861, 3002, 1998, 2003, 1999, 2784, 13905, 1997, 2412, 26296, 2037, 3276, 1012, 17870, 6473, 7009, 1037, 17950, 8577, 2664, 2200, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1998, 2310, 12171, 12171, 2854, 7916, 2466, 2182, 2004, 2057, 3325, 1996, 2784, 2540, 15395, 2008, 5586, 5683, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2003, 2054, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2042, 3403, 2005, 1010, 2005, 2176, 3134, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2054, 1045, 2359, 2043, 1045, 2187, 1037, 4595, 7696, 2006, 2010, 11640, 1998, 2054, 1045, 2359, 2043, 1045, 2626, 1037, 4595, 2500, 2008, 1045, 2187, 4895, 5054, 2102, 1012, 2000, 2156, 2032, 1012, 2005, 2032, 2000, 2215, 2000, 2156, 2033, 1012, 1000, 2045, 1005, 1055, 7564, 1997, 2436, 3689, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2004, 5586, 1005, 1055, 3959, 3105, 3849, 2000, 2022, 1999, 26604, 2349, 2000, 1037, 17534, 2162, 2058, 1996, 6095, 1997, 1996, 2194, 2073, 2016, 2573, 1012, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2477, 1045, 2293, 2055, 2023, 3166, 2003, 2008, 2014, 7348, 1010, 2053, 3043, 2129, 12364, 1010, 2467, 2031, 1996, 3754, 1996, 2293, 6171, 1998, 3002, 2003, 2053, 6453, 1012, 2750, 2010, 5891, 1010, 2002, 2428, 14977, 6171, 2005, 5586, 1998, 2037, 5019, 2362, 2024, 3819, 1012, 1045, 5791, 16755, 2023, 2186, 2065, 2017, 2293, 1037, 3824, 1010, 25591, 1010, 1998, 13459, 2466, 2007, 1037, 2307, 3459, 1997, 4637, 2867, 1012, 1045, 2036, 3866, 2008, 2045, 2453, 2022, 2178, 2466, 2182, 2005, 17508, 1998, 11937, 14490, 1029, 2477, 4025, 2000, 2022, 7302, 1999, 2008, 3257, 1998, 1045, 2052, 2293, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2055, 2068, 999, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 2156, 2054, 1005, 1055, 2279, 2005, 5586, 1998, 3002, 1998, 2572, 23403, 15497, 5796, 1012, 2158, 2860, 16892, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 STARS!! "Dragging my hand over my face, I pull my phone back out and try to focus on the man I need to beat. And I think of that nice girl who doesn't want to be nice. A girl who wants to be unforgettable and doesn't realize, she already is." MAVERICK!!!! I think I'm in LOVE. Katy Evans has created a gorgeous, sensitive beast of a man. Another legend is born. Legend is the kind of Katy Evans book that I love, filled with passion, emotion, tons of sexy times and a deep emotional connection between the two main characters. This book goes back to the roots of the series, an lonely underdog fighting against the world, and a sweet, kind woman who is swept away by his passion. Maverick "the Avenger" Cage is an outcast in the underground fighting world. But he knows he can be the best if only someone would give him a chance and train with him. The best he can do is a down-and-out trainer named Oz. Reese is Remy's wife Brooke's cousin, and is traveling with them on the fighting circuit while taking care of their son, Racer. She is a loner, shy, and never thinks someone like Maverick would be interested in her. "I wanted to be understood, and I wanted to be known. And I wanted to be loved." I LOVE a good underdog story and Legend fits the bill perfectly. There are no over-the-top characters here, just two people who are searching for something that they never had. And when Maverick and Reese get together, WOW!!!! Hello, new favorite book boyfriend!! "Don't go after her if you don't think you can deserve her." He hits me again and I block, then jab him. He eases back and prowls around. So do I. "Deserve her first. Then go after her." Reese and Maverick have a forbidden romance at first, because Maverick is in training to ultimately fight Remington "Riptide" Tate and challenge him for the championship. And nothing will stand in his way. But the truth comes out and Reese must decide whose corner she is really in. There's no question that Maverick is all hers, and he is the kind of man that knows when he has found the woman for him. I loved that Reese is not perfect, and the author makes sure to point out her insecurities. This is the kind of book that Katy Evans does best, filled with fierce warmth, hotness and a brute of a hero with a heart of gold. Maverick is EVERYTHING. I adored Legend and it is the perfect entry in the REAL series of books. Favorite quote: "He doesn't say a word to me, but I can feel him. He's all I feel. Everywhere. (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 11920, 2026, 2192, 2058, 2026, 2227, 1010, 1045, 4139, 2026, 3042, 2067, 2041, 1998, 3046, 2000, 3579, 2006, 1996, 2158, 1045, 2342, 2000, 3786, 1012, 1998, 1045, 2228, 1997, 2008, 3835, 2611, 2040, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 2022, 3835, 1012, 1037, 2611, 2040, 4122, 2000, 2022, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 1998, 2987, 1005, 1056, 5382, 1010, 2016, 2525, 2003, 1012, 1000, 27187, 999, 999, 999, 999, 1045, 2228, 1045, 1005, 1049, 1999, 2293, 1012, 17870, 6473, 2038, 2580, 1037, 9882, 1010, 7591, 6841, 1997, 1037, 2158, 1012, 2178, 5722, 2003, 2141, 1012, 5722, 2003, 1996, 2785, 1997, 17870, 6473, 2338, 2008, 1045, 2293, 1010, 3561, 2007, 6896, 1010, 7603, 1010, 6197, 1997, 7916, 2335, 1998, 1037, 2784, 6832, 4434, 2090, 1996, 2048, 2364, 3494, 1012, 2023, 2338, 3632, 2067, 2000, 1996, 6147, 1997, 1996, 2186, 1010, 2019, 9479, 2104, 16168, 3554, 2114, 1996, 2088, 1010, 1998, 1037, 4086, 1010, 2785, 2450, 2040, 2003, 7260, 2185, 2011, 2010, 6896, 1012, 27187, 1000, 1996, 24896, 2099, 1000, 7980, 2003, 2019, 2041, 10526, 1999, 1996, 5230, 3554, 2088, 1012, 2021, 2002, 4282, 2002, 2064, 2022, 1996, 2190, 2065, 2069, 2619, 2052, 2507, 2032, 1037, 3382, 1998, 3345, 2007, 2032, 1012, 1996, 2190, 2002, 2064, 2079, 2003, 1037, 2091, 1011, 1998, 1011, 2041, 10365, 2315, 11472, 1012, 15883, 2003, 22712, 1005, 1055, 2564, 11535, 1005, 1055, 5542, 1010, 1998, 2003, 7118, 2007, 2068, 2006, 1996, 3554, 4984, 2096, 2635, 2729, 1997, 2037, 2365, 1010, 14878, 1012, 2016, 2003, 1037, 10459, 2099, 1010, 11004, 1010, 1998, 2196, 6732, 2619, 2066, 27187, 2052, 2022, 4699, 1999, 2014, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2359, 2000, 2022, 5319, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2359, 2000, 2022, 2124, 1012, 1998, 1045, 2359, 2000, 2022, 3866, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2293, 1037, 2204, 2104, 16168, 2466, 1998, 5722, 16142, 1996, 3021, 6669, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2053, 2058, 1011, 1996, 1011, 2327, 3494, 2182, 1010, 2074, 2048, 2111, 2040, 2024, 6575, 2005, 2242, 2008, 2027, 2196, 2018, 1012, 1998, 2043, 27187, 1998, 15883, 2131, 2362, 1010, 10166, 999, 999, 999, 999, 7592, 1010, 2047, 5440, 2338, 6898, 999, 999, 1000, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2175, 2044, 2014, 2065, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2228, 2017, 2064, 10107, 2014, 1012, 1000, 2002, 4978, 2033, 2153, 1998, 1045, 3796, 1010, 2059, 14855, 2497, 2032, 1012, 2002, 7496, 2015, 2067, 1998, 4013, 13668, 2015, 2105, 1012, 2061, 2079, 1045, 1012, 1000, 10107, 2014, 2034, 1012, 2059, 2175, 2044, 2014, 1012, 1000, 15883, 1998, 27187, 2031, 1037, 10386, 7472, 2012, 2034, 1010, 2138, 27187, 2003, 1999, 2731, 2000, 4821, 2954, 25282, 1000, 10973, 3775, 3207, 1000, 9902, 1998, 4119, 2032, 2005, 1996, 2528, 1012, 1998, 2498, 2097, 3233, 1999, 2010, 2126, 1012, 2021, 1996, 3606, 3310, 2041, 1998, 15883, 2442, 5630, 3005, 3420, 2016, 2003, 2428, 1999, 1012, 2045, 1005, 1055, 2053, 3160, 2008, 27187, 2003, 2035, 5106, 1010, 1998, 2002, 2003, 1996, 2785, 1997, 2158, 2008, 4282, 2043, 2002, 2038, 2179, 1996, 2450, 2005, 2032, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2008, 15883, 2003, 2025, 3819, 1010, 1998, 1996, 3166, 3084, 2469, 2000, 2391, 2041, 2014, 102 ]
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4.5 sexy-Alpha stars!! Harper Sloan keeps getting better and better! I loved this book! The author has created more characters to fall in love with. Cohen and Dani are absolutely irresistible and their story was steamy, emotional, passionate and beautiful. This story has the perfect blend of sexy, heart-warming, funny and tension. I read this book in one sitting and really feel that it is one of Harper's best books. Dani is a sweet girl and knows from an early age that Cohen is her man. The problem is her overprotective Alpha father kept her almost locked away and she never thought that Cohen saw her as anything but the best friend's little sister. I loved that she really was honest with Cohen, she didn't try and hide her feelings. That was a refreshing twist for me. Cohen is another gorgeous, sexy Alpha as only Harper Sloan can create. He is brave, loving and will do anything to protect his girl. He never forgot Dani or gave up on them, even when he was in the middle of combat. "Right in the middle of that Hell-on-earth chaos, I would hear her words trail through my thoughts right when I needed an extra push of strength or, God forbid, hope. I think that was the moment that I realized the enormity of it and that confession whispered all those years ago. Right or wrong, whatever it is between us would always be bigger than I understand. It's something that was so unexpected-- that feeling, craving, desire, to make her mine. It's something I've almost felt guilty about over the years." Unexpected Fate is a thrilling, totally sexy story filled with family, love and emotion. I highly recommend it for all fans of Harper Sloan and for anyone who loves a fast-paced, steamy story. This story has a fabulous and satisfying ending and I can't wait for more books in this series! (ARC received from the the author in return for an honest review)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 7916, 1011, 6541, 3340, 999, 999, 8500, 19024, 7906, 2893, 2488, 1998, 2488, 999, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 999, 1996, 3166, 2038, 2580, 2062, 3494, 2000, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 1012, 9946, 1998, 19522, 2024, 7078, 27149, 1998, 2037, 2466, 2001, 5492, 2100, 1010, 6832, 1010, 13459, 1998, 3376, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2038, 1996, 3819, 12586, 1997, 7916, 1010, 2540, 1011, 12959, 1010, 6057, 1998, 6980, 1012, 1045, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1998, 2428, 2514, 2008, 2009, 2003, 2028, 1997, 8500, 1005, 1055, 2190, 2808, 1012, 19522, 2003, 1037, 4086, 2611, 1998, 4282, 2013, 2019, 2220, 2287, 2008, 9946, 2003, 2014, 2158, 1012, 1996, 3291, 2003, 2014, 2058, 21572, 26557, 6024, 6541, 2269, 2921, 2014, 2471, 5299, 2185, 1998, 2016, 2196, 2245, 2008, 9946, 2387, 2014, 2004, 2505, 2021, 1996, 2190, 2767, 1005, 1055, 2210, 2905, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2008, 2016, 2428, 2001, 7481, 2007, 9946, 1010, 2016, 2134, 1005, 1056, 3046, 1998, 5342, 2014, 5346, 1012, 2008, 2001, 1037, 27150, 9792, 2005, 2033, 1012, 9946, 2003, 2178, 9882, 1010, 7916, 6541, 2004, 2069, 8500, 19024, 2064, 3443, 1012, 2002, 2003, 9191, 1010, 8295, 1998, 2097, 2079, 2505, 2000, 4047, 2010, 2611, 1012, 2002, 2196, 9471, 19522, 2030, 2435, 2039, 2006, 2068, 1010, 2130, 2043, 2002, 2001, 1999, 1996, 2690, 1997, 4337, 1012, 1000, 2157, 1999, 1996, 2690, 1997, 2008, 3109, 1011, 2006, 1011, 3011, 8488, 1010, 1045, 2052, 2963, 2014, 2616, 4446, 2083, 2026, 4301, 2157, 2043, 1045, 2734, 2019, 4469, 5245, 1997, 3997, 2030, 1010, 2643, 27206, 1010, 3246, 1012, 1045, 2228, 2008, 2001, 1996, 2617, 2008, 1045, 3651, 1996, 4372, 2953, 16383, 1997, 2009, 1998, 2008, 12633, 3990, 2035, 2216, 2086, 3283, 1012, 2157, 2030, 3308, 1010, 3649, 2009, 2003, 2090, 2149, 2052, 2467, 2022, 7046, 2084, 1045, 3305, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2242, 2008, 2001, 2061, 9223, 1011, 1011, 2008, 3110, 1010, 26369, 1010, 4792, 1010, 2000, 2191, 2014, 3067, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2242, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2471, 2371, 5905, 2055, 2058, 1996, 2086, 1012, 1000, 9223, 6580, 2003, 1037, 26162, 1010, 6135, 7916, 2466, 3561, 2007, 2155, 1010, 2293, 1998, 7603, 1012, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2009, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 8500, 19024, 1998, 2005, 3087, 2040, 7459, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 5492, 2100, 2466, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2038, 1037, 18783, 1998, 17087, 4566, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2062, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 999, 1006, 8115, 2363, 2013, 1996, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 - 5 Sexy - Sweet Stars!! Hello, Elle Kennedy! Thank you for this perfect blend of sexy, sweet and funny! The Deal is a palate cleanser, the kind of book that is a refreshing change of pace from dark, angsty, over-emotional stories. Even if you are not usually a fan of college romances, take a chance on The Deal, you won't be disappointed. Hannah is a smart, hard-working, self-sufficient music major, talented and unfortunately very closed off to any sort of interpersonal relationships. Garrett is a hockey player (Hello!! New favorite sport!), and a "player" in every other sense of the word. He is required to maintain a certain GPA to play on the team and for this, he needs a top-notch tutor for one of his classes. Enter Hannah. Excerpt that she absolutely refuses to have anything to do with Garrett. There is so much more to Garrett than meets the eye. I loved how he slowly breaks down Hannah's resistance and she discovers, to her total surprise, that he is actually an incredibly decent and yes, very irresistible guy. The Deal is a wonderfully layered story, with the characters getting to know one another and slowly developing a bond. There are no contrived situations here or over-the-top plot developments. The story is pure gold and I absolutely loved every single word of it! (There was only one "oops" moment in this story which hopefully won't reappear in The Mistake - American college students don't use "meters" to describe measurements - they would use feet.) There are also fabulous supporting characters here and I can't wait for their stories. Elle Kennedy has become a new favorite of mine and I look forward to reading more from her. Here are some of my favorite quotes from The Deal: I have to say, this is the first time a girl's been worried about getting caught in my bedroom. Normally they strut out like they've just bagged Brad Pitt. Hannah takes a breath. "We studied. We watched TV. I went home late. That's what happened. Got it?" I fight back laughter. "As you wish." "Did you really just Princess Bride me?" "Did you really just use Princess Bride as a verb?" She glowers. ************** I burst into the locker room and -- Penises! Sweet Jesus. Penises everywhere. Horror slams into me as I register what I'm seeing. Oh God. I've stumbled onto a penis convention. Big penises and small penises and fat penises and penis-shaped penises. It doesn't matter which direction I move my head because everywhere I look I see penises. (ARC provided with thanks for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1019, 7916, 1011, 4086, 3340, 999, 999, 7592, 1010, 15317, 5817, 999, 4067, 2017, 2005, 2023, 3819, 12586, 1997, 7916, 1010, 4086, 1998, 6057, 999, 1996, 3066, 2003, 1037, 14412, 3686, 4550, 8043, 1010, 1996, 2785, 1997, 2338, 2008, 2003, 1037, 27150, 2689, 1997, 6393, 2013, 2601, 1010, 17076, 21756, 1010, 2058, 1011, 6832, 3441, 1012, 2130, 2065, 2017, 2024, 2025, 2788, 1037, 5470, 1997, 2267, 7472, 2015, 1010, 2202, 1037, 3382, 2006, 1996, 3066, 1010, 2017, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2022, 9364, 1012, 8410, 2003, 1037, 6047, 1010, 2524, 1011, 2551, 1010, 2969, 1011, 7182, 2189, 2350, 1010, 10904, 1998, 6854, 2200, 2701, 2125, 2000, 2151, 4066, 1997, 6970, 28823, 6550, 1012, 9674, 2003, 1037, 3873, 2447, 1006, 7592, 999, 999, 2047, 5440, 4368, 999, 1007, 1010, 1998, 1037, 1000, 2447, 1000, 1999, 2296, 2060, 3168, 1997, 1996, 2773, 1012, 2002, 2003, 3223, 2000, 5441, 1037, 3056, 14246, 2050, 2000, 2377, 2006, 1996, 2136, 1998, 2005, 2023, 1010, 2002, 3791, 1037, 2327, 1011, 18624, 14924, 2005, 2028, 1997, 2010, 4280, 1012, 4607, 8410, 1012, 28142, 2008, 2016, 7078, 10220, 2000, 2031, 2505, 2000, 2079, 2007, 9674, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2061, 2172, 2062, 2000, 9674, 2084, 6010, 1996, 3239, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2129, 2002, 3254, 7807, 2091, 8410, 1005, 1055, 5012, 1998, 2016, 9418, 1010, 2000, 2014, 2561, 4474, 1010, 2008, 2002, 2003, 2941, 2019, 11757, 11519, 1998, 2748, 1010, 2200, 27149, 3124, 1012, 1996, 3066, 2003, 1037, 6919, 2135, 21323, 2466, 1010, 2007, 1996, 3494, 2893, 2000, 2113, 2028, 2178, 1998, 3254, 4975, 1037, 5416, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2053, 9530, 18886, 7178, 8146, 2182, 2030, 2058, 1011, 1996, 1011, 2327, 5436, 8973, 1012, 1996, 2466, 2003, 5760, 2751, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2296, 2309, 2773, 1997, 2009, 999, 1006, 2045, 2001, 2069, 2028, 1000, 1051, 11923, 1000, 2617, 1999, 2023, 2466, 2029, 11504, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2128, 29098, 14644, 1999, 1996, 6707, 1011, 2137, 2267, 2493, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2224, 1000, 5563, 1000, 2000, 6235, 11702, 1011, 2027, 2052, 2224, 2519, 1012, 1007, 2045, 2024, 2036, 18783, 4637, 3494, 2182, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2037, 3441, 1012, 15317, 5817, 2038, 2468, 1037, 2047, 5440, 1997, 3067, 1998, 1045, 2298, 2830, 2000, 3752, 2062, 2013, 2014, 1012, 2182, 2024, 2070, 1997, 2026, 5440, 16614, 2013, 1996, 3066, 1024, 1045, 2031, 2000, 2360, 1010, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2034, 2051, 1037, 2611, 1005, 1055, 2042, 5191, 2055, 2893, 3236, 1999, 2026, 5010, 1012, 5373, 2027, 2358, 22134, 2041, 2066, 2027, 1005, 2310, 2074, 4524, 5999, 8226, 15091, 1012, 8410, 3138, 1037, 3052, 1012, 1000, 2057, 3273, 1012, 2057, 3427, 2694, 1012, 1045, 2253, 2188, 2397, 1012, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2054, 3047, 1012, 2288, 2009, 1029, 1000, 1045, 2954, 2067, 7239, 1012, 1000, 2004, 2017, 4299, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2106, 2017, 2428, 2074, 4615, 8959, 2033, 1029, 1000, 1000, 2106, 2017, 2428, 2074, 2224, 4615, 8959, 2004, 1037, 12034, 1029, 1000, 2016, 8652, 2545, 1012, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1008, 1045, 6532, 2046, 1996, 12625, 2282, 1998, 1011, 102 ]
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4.5 heart-pounding stars!! Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint is quite the sexy alpha!! I need more, asap. I know there is much more to Saint than meets the eye. This is one of Katy's best books. Full review to come closer to release day!
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 2540, 1011, 9836, 3340, 999, 999, 8861, 7648, 8475, 6307, 3002, 2003, 3243, 1996, 7916, 6541, 999, 999, 1045, 2342, 2062, 1010, 17306, 2361, 1012, 1045, 2113, 2045, 2003, 2172, 2062, 2000, 3002, 2084, 6010, 1996, 3239, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2028, 1997, 17870, 1005, 1055, 2190, 2808, 1012, 2440, 3319, 2000, 2272, 3553, 2000, 2713, 2154, 999, 102 ]
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4.5 - 5 stars!! I absolutely loved this passionate and moody story and I need closure on Kes and Aimee's story, like, yesterday! I can't stop thinking about these characters. This is one of those very broody, very memorable stories that really gets under your skin. The first half of this book completely swept me away and immersed me into the small-town, Midwestern setting. Kestrel and Aimee had a simmering, sizzling attraction that grew from their close friendship as children. Kes, a bruised and battered soul, found something in Aimee that he could cling to and that would give him a glimmer of hope in his stolen youth. Kes was put to work in a traveling carnival at a young age, and while Aimee sees the carnival as a magical, almost mystical lifestyle, Kes sees the much harsher side of "carnie" life. His carnival returns to her small town each summer for 2 weeks, and their unlikely friendship blossoms over the years into a sexy, heated, full-blown relationship. "Fate was against us. Screw that! Kes was moody and difficult, brilliant and beautiful. He scared me and protected me." Years pass, and finally Kes and Aimee might have the chance as adults to explore their searing and unbreakable bond. Kes has becom a star within the fair circuit, with women throwing themselves at him, as they did when he was younger. Aimee is a schoolteacher, living a safe and plain existence in a town in New England. What will happen when they are reunited? "He was everything i wasn't, but somehow, together, there was a synergy, an alignment, something that just made sense." The first half of this book literlly blew me away! I could not put it down. The tone changed slightly in the second half but yet I am still 100% invested in this story and I cannot wait to see what the author has in store for these characters in the next book! Please note that this is book #1 in a series with somewhat of a sudden ending but I highly recommend it. Prepare to fall in love with Kes! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2023, 13459, 1998, 14434, 2466, 1998, 1045, 2342, 8503, 2006, 17710, 2015, 1998, 23551, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1010, 2066, 1010, 7483, 999, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2644, 3241, 2055, 2122, 3494, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2216, 2200, 25565, 2100, 1010, 2200, 13432, 3441, 2008, 2428, 4152, 2104, 2115, 3096, 1012, 1996, 2034, 2431, 1997, 2023, 2338, 3294, 7260, 2033, 2185, 1998, 26275, 2033, 2046, 1996, 2235, 1011, 2237, 1010, 13608, 11795, 4292, 1012, 17710, 26877, 1998, 23551, 2018, 1037, 21934, 27851, 1010, 9033, 20838, 8432, 2008, 3473, 2013, 2037, 2485, 6860, 2004, 2336, 1012, 17710, 2015, 1010, 1037, 18618, 1998, 17548, 3969, 1010, 2179, 2242, 1999, 23551, 2008, 2002, 2071, 18856, 2075, 2000, 1998, 2008, 2052, 2507, 2032, 1037, 1043, 17960, 5017, 1997, 3246, 1999, 2010, 7376, 3360, 1012, 17710, 2015, 2001, 2404, 2000, 2147, 1999, 1037, 7118, 11485, 2012, 1037, 2402, 2287, 1010, 1998, 2096, 23551, 5927, 1996, 11485, 2004, 1037, 8687, 1010, 2471, 17529, 9580, 1010, 17710, 2015, 5927, 1996, 2172, 8401, 2121, 2217, 1997, 1000, 2482, 8034, 1000, 2166, 1012, 2010, 11485, 5651, 2000, 2014, 2235, 2237, 2169, 2621, 2005, 1016, 3134, 1010, 1998, 2037, 9832, 6860, 28766, 2058, 1996, 2086, 2046, 1037, 7916, 1010, 9685, 1010, 2440, 1011, 10676, 3276, 1012, 1000, 6580, 2001, 2114, 2149, 1012, 11224, 2008, 999, 17710, 2015, 2001, 14434, 1998, 3697, 1010, 8235, 1998, 3376, 1012, 2002, 6015, 2033, 1998, 5123, 2033, 1012, 1000, 2086, 3413, 1010, 1998, 2633, 17710, 2015, 1998, 23551, 2453, 2031, 1996, 3382, 2004, 6001, 2000, 8849, 2037, 25764, 1998, 4895, 23890, 3085, 5416, 1012, 17710, 2015, 2038, 2022, 9006, 1037, 2732, 2306, 1996, 4189, 4984, 1010, 2007, 2308, 6886, 3209, 2012, 2032, 1010, 2004, 2027, 2106, 2043, 2002, 2001, 3920, 1012, 23551, 2003, 1037, 2082, 24741, 1010, 2542, 1037, 3647, 1998, 5810, 4598, 1999, 1037, 2237, 1999, 2047, 2563, 1012, 2054, 2097, 4148, 2043, 2027, 2024, 11653, 1029, 1000, 2002, 2001, 2673, 1045, 2347, 1005, 1056, 1010, 2021, 5064, 1010, 2362, 1010, 2045, 2001, 1037, 19962, 24395, 1010, 2019, 12139, 1010, 2242, 2008, 2074, 2081, 3168, 1012, 1000, 1996, 2034, 2431, 1997, 2023, 2338, 23675, 9215, 8682, 2033, 2185, 999, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2009, 2091, 1012, 1996, 4309, 2904, 3621, 1999, 1996, 2117, 2431, 2021, 2664, 1045, 2572, 2145, 2531, 1003, 11241, 1999, 2023, 2466, 1998, 1045, 3685, 3524, 2000, 2156, 2054, 1996, 3166, 2038, 1999, 3573, 2005, 2122, 3494, 1999, 1996, 2279, 2338, 999, 3531, 3602, 2008, 2023, 2003, 2338, 1001, 1015, 1999, 1037, 2186, 2007, 5399, 1997, 1037, 5573, 4566, 2021, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2009, 1012, 7374, 2000, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 17710, 2015, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 STARS What an amazing story!! Lust, sex, chemistry and tons of action fill Mel and Painter's story. Never a dull moment here and the sex is OFF. THE. CHARTS. There's lots of MC goodness, because there is a fantastic epilogue PLUS other treats in store for readers of Reaper's Fall!! I ADORE Joanna Wylde's writing. She writes MC romance with a certain excitement but also realism that is absolutely addictive. Every one of her men is rough, sexy and real. Reaper's Fall is Painter and Melanie's story and uses one of my favorite tropes, the lovers-to-enemies theme. Their early contact is really limited to just letters while Painter is in prison. The build-up is slow and delicious and when they break apart, as you know that they will, it is emotional and heartbreaking and fiery. I literally devour every book by Joanna Wylde and Reaper's Fall was no different. Although the characters from previous books appear here, this book can abaolutely be read as a standalone but I LOVED seeing all of my "old friends". These books are rouch, they are messy, there is not always hearts and flowers. Melanie doesn't always make the right decisions but what I love about Ms W writing is that her characters are always trying to better themselves, and Melanie is no different. And Painter makes no apologies for who he is, and when he and Melanie get together, it is pure heat and emotion. Melanie is very stubborn and rebels against the MC. The actions of the club members are not sugar-coated here but that makes Melanie and Painter's journey that much more bittersweet. And did I mention there's plenty of humor here to balance out the raw passion and emotion and incredibly steamy sex?? "If I had to fall in love with an asshole, at least he was a hot asshole." I will read every single book that Joanna Wylde writes. Every story from Ms. Wylde delivers the goods. And, as an added bonus here, there is a FANTASTIC Epilogue!! I can't wait for the next book from this fabulous author. Favorite Quote: "I still wanted better for her. Someone nice, who'd work a steady job, maybe take her to Hawaii every other year. Wash her car on Saturday mornings. Unfortunately, every time I tried to picture the guy, he was dead at my feet." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 2054, 2019, 6429, 2466, 999, 999, 11516, 1010, 3348, 1010, 6370, 1998, 6197, 1997, 2895, 6039, 11463, 1998, 5276, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1012, 2196, 1037, 10634, 2617, 2182, 1998, 1996, 3348, 2003, 2125, 1012, 1996, 1012, 6093, 1012, 2045, 1005, 1055, 7167, 1997, 11338, 15003, 1010, 2138, 2045, 2003, 1037, 10392, 24297, 4606, 2060, 18452, 1999, 3573, 2005, 8141, 1997, 19559, 1005, 1055, 2991, 999, 999, 1045, 4748, 5686, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1012, 2016, 7009, 11338, 7472, 2007, 1037, 3056, 8277, 2021, 2036, 15650, 2008, 2003, 7078, 26855, 3512, 1012, 2296, 2028, 1997, 2014, 2273, 2003, 5931, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2613, 1012, 19559, 1005, 1055, 2991, 2003, 5276, 1998, 13286, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1998, 3594, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 19817, 17635, 2015, 1010, 1996, 10205, 1011, 2000, 1011, 6716, 4323, 1012, 2037, 2220, 3967, 2003, 2428, 3132, 2000, 2074, 4144, 2096, 5276, 2003, 1999, 3827, 1012, 1996, 3857, 1011, 2039, 2003, 4030, 1998, 12090, 1998, 2043, 2027, 3338, 4237, 1010, 2004, 2017, 2113, 2008, 2027, 2097, 1010, 2009, 2003, 6832, 1998, 27724, 2075, 1998, 15443, 1012, 1045, 6719, 16475, 8162, 2296, 2338, 2011, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1998, 19559, 1005, 1055, 2991, 2001, 2053, 2367, 1012, 2348, 1996, 3494, 2013, 3025, 2808, 3711, 2182, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2064, 19557, 4747, 10421, 2135, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 2021, 1045, 3866, 3773, 2035, 1997, 2026, 1000, 2214, 2814, 1000, 1012, 2122, 2808, 2024, 20996, 10875, 1010, 2027, 2024, 18307, 1010, 2045, 2003, 2025, 2467, 8072, 1998, 4870, 1012, 13286, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2467, 2191, 1996, 2157, 6567, 2021, 2054, 1045, 2293, 2055, 5796, 1059, 3015, 2003, 2008, 2014, 3494, 2024, 2467, 2667, 2000, 2488, 3209, 1010, 1998, 13286, 2003, 2053, 2367, 1012, 1998, 5276, 3084, 2053, 25380, 2005, 2040, 2002, 2003, 1010, 1998, 2043, 2002, 1998, 13286, 2131, 2362, 1010, 2009, 2003, 5760, 3684, 1998, 7603, 1012, 13286, 2003, 2200, 14205, 1998, 8431, 2114, 1996, 11338, 1012, 1996, 4506, 1997, 1996, 2252, 2372, 2024, 2025, 5699, 1011, 15026, 2182, 2021, 2008, 3084, 13286, 1998, 5276, 1005, 1055, 4990, 2008, 2172, 2062, 8618, 26760, 15558, 1012, 1998, 2106, 1045, 5254, 2045, 1005, 1055, 7564, 1997, 8562, 2182, 2000, 5703, 2041, 1996, 6315, 6896, 1998, 7603, 1998, 11757, 5492, 2100, 3348, 1029, 1029, 1000, 2065, 1045, 2018, 2000, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2019, 22052, 1010, 2012, 2560, 2002, 2001, 1037, 2980, 22052, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2097, 3191, 2296, 2309, 2338, 2008, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 7009, 1012, 2296, 2466, 2013, 5796, 1012, 1059, 8516, 3207, 18058, 1996, 5350, 1012, 1998, 1010, 2004, 2019, 2794, 6781, 2182, 1010, 2045, 2003, 1037, 10392, 24297, 999, 999, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2338, 2013, 2023, 18783, 3166, 1012, 5440, 14686, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2145, 2359, 2488, 2005, 2014, 1012, 2619, 3835, 1010, 2040, 1005, 1040, 2147, 1037, 6706, 3105, 1010, 2672, 2202, 2014, 2000, 7359, 2296, 2060, 2095, 1012, 9378, 2014, 2482, 2006, 5095, 16956, 1012, 6854, 1010, 2296, 2051, 1045, 2699, 2000, 3861, 1996, 3124, 1010, 2002, 2001, 2757, 2012, 2026, 2519, 1012, 1000, 102 ]
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There is nothing like the thrill of a new MC book from Joanna Wylde. Her characters feel real and each book is raw, sexy and fresh. Silver Bastard is no different, it is a thrill-ride from beginning to end. I fell in love with the two main characters and I absolutely adored Becca, she is a kick-ass heroine who is fighting for a better life and does so with humor and strength. We first met Puck in Reapers Stand and now it is five years later as Puck is out of prison after taking the fall for his MC. His first night of freedom and he meets Becca, in an awkward situation that turns ugly very fast. Puck is a stand-up guy and he basically saves Becca's life. Several years later, Becca is living in a small town in Northern Idaho, working and attending school. She is only 21 but is much older than her years. Becca knows that Puck is not the right guys for her, she has been trying to avoid trouble since she left home 5 years before. But the problem is that Puck can't stay away from Becca and feels protective of her in every sense. They fight, they argue, they battle, but this book is so filled with humor and fast-paced action that the classic "will-they-won't they" feels fresh and new and exciting. I couldn't put this book down! Silver Bastard is one of my favorite Joanna Wylde books and I have read them all. Puck can't stay away from Becca and he is an Alpha MC biker so... you can guess where things lead. Joanna Wylde's incredibly steamy scenes between Puck and Becca and the fantastic storyline kept me hooked from the very beginning. I can't say enough about her writing and her MC books. Although there are many serious and dark issues raised in this book, our hero and heroine eventually get their HEA (of course) and the funny and witty dialogue provided a welcome relief from all the drama. I love all Joanna Wylde's characters and I was excited to see some other characters introduced here. As usual, I can't wait for her next book. If you love great writing with tons of steamy scenes and some rough and gritty drama, then you will love Silver Bastard. Favorite Quote: (because this perfectly captured Puck and Becca): "We've been in a relationship for five years now," Puck said, his voice hard. 'It wasn't normal, it wasn't exclusive... Hell, I don't know what the fuck it was, but we both know that's the truth. Whatever's between us, it's been there since the first night we met." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 2045, 2003, 2498, 2066, 1996, 16959, 1997, 1037, 2047, 11338, 2338, 2013, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1012, 2014, 3494, 2514, 2613, 1998, 2169, 2338, 2003, 6315, 1010, 7916, 1998, 4840, 1012, 3165, 8444, 2003, 2053, 2367, 1010, 2009, 2003, 1037, 16959, 1011, 4536, 2013, 2927, 2000, 2203, 1012, 1045, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 1996, 2048, 2364, 3494, 1998, 1045, 7078, 28456, 22140, 1010, 2016, 2003, 1037, 5926, 1011, 4632, 18869, 2040, 2003, 3554, 2005, 1037, 2488, 2166, 1998, 2515, 2061, 2007, 8562, 1998, 3997, 1012, 2057, 2034, 2777, 22900, 1999, 27733, 3233, 1998, 2085, 2009, 2003, 2274, 2086, 2101, 2004, 22900, 2003, 2041, 1997, 3827, 2044, 2635, 1996, 2991, 2005, 2010, 11338, 1012, 2010, 2034, 2305, 1997, 4071, 1998, 2002, 6010, 22140, 1010, 1999, 2019, 9596, 3663, 2008, 4332, 9200, 2200, 3435, 1012, 22900, 2003, 1037, 3233, 1011, 2039, 3124, 1998, 2002, 10468, 13169, 22140, 1005, 1055, 2166, 1012, 2195, 2086, 2101, 1010, 22140, 2003, 2542, 1999, 1037, 2235, 2237, 1999, 2642, 9795, 1010, 2551, 1998, 7052, 2082, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2069, 2538, 2021, 2003, 2172, 3080, 2084, 2014, 2086, 1012, 22140, 4282, 2008, 22900, 2003, 2025, 1996, 2157, 4364, 2005, 2014, 1010, 2016, 2038, 2042, 2667, 2000, 4468, 4390, 2144, 2016, 2187, 2188, 1019, 2086, 2077, 1012, 2021, 1996, 3291, 2003, 2008, 22900, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2994, 2185, 2013, 22140, 1998, 5683, 9474, 1997, 2014, 1999, 2296, 3168, 1012, 2027, 2954, 1010, 2027, 7475, 1010, 2027, 2645, 1010, 2021, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2061, 3561, 2007, 8562, 1998, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2895, 2008, 1996, 4438, 1000, 2097, 1011, 2027, 1011, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2027, 1000, 5683, 4840, 1998, 2047, 1998, 10990, 1012, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 2404, 2023, 2338, 2091, 999, 3165, 8444, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 2808, 1998, 1045, 2031, 3191, 2068, 2035, 1012, 22900, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2994, 2185, 2013, 22140, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2019, 6541, 11338, 28988, 2061, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2017, 2064, 3984, 2073, 2477, 2599, 1012, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1005, 1055, 11757, 5492, 2100, 5019, 2090, 22900, 1998, 22140, 1998, 1996, 10392, 9994, 2921, 2033, 13322, 2013, 1996, 2200, 2927, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2360, 2438, 2055, 2014, 3015, 1998, 2014, 11338, 2808, 1012, 2348, 2045, 2024, 2116, 3809, 1998, 2601, 3314, 2992, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2256, 5394, 1998, 18869, 2776, 2131, 2037, 2002, 2050, 1006, 1997, 2607, 1007, 1998, 1996, 6057, 1998, 25591, 7982, 3024, 1037, 6160, 4335, 2013, 2035, 1996, 3689, 1012, 1045, 2293, 2035, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1005, 1055, 3494, 1998, 1045, 2001, 7568, 2000, 2156, 2070, 2060, 3494, 3107, 2182, 1012, 2004, 5156, 1010, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2014, 2279, 2338, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2293, 2307, 3015, 2007, 6197, 1997, 5492, 2100, 5019, 1998, 2070, 5931, 1998, 24842, 3723, 3689, 1010, 2059, 2017, 2097, 2293, 3165, 8444, 1012, 5440, 14686, 1024, 1006, 2138, 2023, 6669, 4110, 22900, 1998, 22140, 1007, 1024, 1000, 2057, 1005, 2310, 2042, 1999, 1037, 3276, 2005, 2274, 2086, 2085, 1010, 1000, 22900, 2056, 1010, 2010, 2376, 2524, 1012, 1005, 2009, 2347, 1005, 1056, 3671, 1010, 2009, 102 ]
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do not read much paranormal romance but I highly recommend this book! The characters and the story won me over. Mitch and Frederick are twins and both alpha wolves. Mitch stayed in their area, even after his brother found a mate and even though he accepted that he would forever be alone. Frederick and Simon meet by chance and once again, Cardeno C.'s incredibly loving, warm and sweet style took over to give these two the full life they had both been missing. Blue Mountain is a fairly short story, but is a wonderful, sweet addition to the author's work. Although Simon and Frederick are only really together towards the end of the story, the story and the characters really mesh perfectly together and I loved the direction the story took. I absolutely adored the narrator of this audiobook, even though I liked him best as the voice for Frederick and Mitch. I would like to hear Sean Crisden again as the narrator in future audiobooks. I highly recommend this story and the audio book for any reader of the m/m genre, even those new to the shapeshifter genre. Thank you, Cardeno C. for broadening my reading horizons once again! (A complimentary copy of the audiobook was provided in exchange for an honest review.)
[ 101, 2079, 2025, 3191, 2172, 20725, 7472, 2021, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2023, 2338, 999, 1996, 3494, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2180, 2033, 2058, 1012, 11857, 1998, 5406, 2024, 8178, 1998, 2119, 6541, 8588, 1012, 11857, 4370, 1999, 2037, 2181, 1010, 2130, 2044, 2010, 2567, 2179, 1037, 6775, 1998, 2130, 2295, 2002, 3970, 2008, 2002, 2052, 5091, 2022, 2894, 1012, 5406, 1998, 4079, 3113, 2011, 3382, 1998, 2320, 2153, 1010, 4003, 16515, 1039, 1012, 1005, 1055, 11757, 8295, 1010, 4010, 1998, 4086, 2806, 2165, 2058, 2000, 2507, 2122, 2048, 1996, 2440, 2166, 2027, 2018, 2119, 2042, 4394, 1012, 2630, 3137, 2003, 1037, 7199, 2460, 2466, 1010, 2021, 2003, 1037, 6919, 1010, 4086, 2804, 2000, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 2147, 1012, 2348, 4079, 1998, 5406, 2024, 2069, 2428, 2362, 2875, 1996, 2203, 1997, 1996, 2466, 1010, 1996, 2466, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2428, 20437, 6669, 2362, 1998, 1045, 3866, 1996, 3257, 1996, 2466, 2165, 1012, 1045, 7078, 28456, 1996, 11185, 1997, 2023, 5746, 8654, 1010, 2130, 2295, 1045, 4669, 2032, 2190, 2004, 1996, 2376, 2005, 5406, 1998, 11857, 1012, 1045, 2052, 2066, 2000, 2963, 5977, 13675, 2483, 4181, 2153, 2004, 1996, 11185, 1999, 2925, 5746, 17470, 1012, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2023, 2466, 1998, 1996, 5746, 2338, 2005, 2151, 8068, 1997, 1996, 1049, 1013, 1049, 6907, 1010, 2130, 2216, 2047, 2000, 1996, 10466, 4048, 6199, 2121, 6907, 1012, 4067, 2017, 1010, 4003, 16515, 1039, 1012, 2005, 5041, 7406, 2026, 3752, 24484, 2320, 2153, 999, 1006, 1037, 19394, 5649, 6100, 1997, 1996, 5746, 8654, 2001, 3024, 1999, 3863, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 Stars!! Swoon!!! Ladies and gentleman, meet Gray Grayson and prepare to fall in LOVE!! THE FRIEND ZONE is a super-funny, very steamy, and very romantic sports romance that I absolutely adored. It can be read as a standalone although two characters from The Hook-Up make appearances here. If you are looking for a fast-paced, clever story, then THE FRIEND ZONE is for you. I think one of my favorite quotes of the year so far has to be from this book: "I'm trying to commiserate, you noodle. Because the itching was torture when it grew back. And do not get me started on the pain of waxing. I was certain that evil woman had ripped my lady lips off." "Lady lips? Oh Christ." His gleeful laughter echoes through the stadium. "This is so not funny," I protest, my hands on my hips as his abs clench--which, unf--and he cracks up. "It was the worst pain of my life. And I've broken my arm in two places." Lady lips! I love it! But the story is great and the supporting characters all vital to the story and just as interesting as Gray and Ivy. Ivy has vowed never to do casual hook-ups, especially with an athlete. Her sports-agent father's lifestyle turned her off to that. And Gray isn't interested in a monogamous relationship, until of course, he meets Ivy. This book is extremely clever and the author creates a real and meaningful friendship between Ivy and Gray. Their relationship is believable, sweet and honest, and so their eventual sexy times did not feel rushed at all, but instead felt like a perfectly natural progression of their growing passion. And speaking of sex, did I mention that Gray is irresistible? Yep, perfect boyfriend material. The nighttime stadium scene? I died a little. He's an intelligent and incredibly gifted athlete with a bright future ahead if only he can withstand his sorry excuse for a family. "To me it's a cathedral. I sit here and I feel calm, centered. And yet it's like all the energy of games past remains, coursing through my veins, and I can't wait for the next game." These two are meant for each other, it's just that they don't quite realize it at the beginning: "His forearm tenses, and I find him staring at me with wide eyes. Pain resides there, and a sort of longing too. I recognize it in myself -- that need to have someone understand how empty life can feel, as if you're the only one in your universe. Gray holds my gaze for another second then clears his throat. "Shit, Mac, you're going to have me bawling like a baby soon." He gives me a lopsided smile." Ivy and Gray care deeply for each other; they both had sad and lonely lives when they were younger, some of which has spilled over into their young adult lives and which has brought them closer together. But never fear, the author watches over your heart and doesn't let anything too painful happen to it. Gray falls for ivy, despite his surprise at the depth of his feelings for her. It was actually quite beautiful to watch his feelings unfold "And that strange dichotomy is my Ivy. Insane planner mixed with a free spirit who goes with the flow. A surge of affection hits me, and I sink further into the pillows." Lest I forget to rave about the sexy times, they are HAWT!! Take one 6'6'' football player who weighs well over 200 pounds, with a drop-dead body and a very sensitive and loving soul and you have the recipe for PERFECT sex! And they both like to act out fantasies. THUD. There are some very serious and sensitive moments in The Friend Zone, but they are handled with sensitivity and grace by the author. And the Epilogue was perfect! Not completely unexpected but tender and loving nonetheless.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 25430, 7828, 999, 999, 999, 6456, 1998, 10170, 1010, 3113, 3897, 17556, 1998, 7374, 2000, 2991, 1999, 2293, 999, 999, 1996, 2767, 4224, 2003, 1037, 3565, 1011, 6057, 1010, 2200, 5492, 2100, 1010, 1998, 2200, 6298, 2998, 7472, 2008, 1045, 7078, 28456, 1012, 2009, 2064, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 2348, 2048, 3494, 2013, 1996, 8103, 1011, 2039, 2191, 3922, 2182, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2024, 2559, 2005, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 12266, 2466, 1010, 2059, 1996, 2767, 4224, 2003, 2005, 2017, 1012, 1045, 2228, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 16614, 1997, 1996, 2095, 2061, 2521, 2038, 2000, 2022, 2013, 2023, 2338, 1024, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2667, 2000, 4012, 28732, 11657, 1010, 2017, 2053, 26156, 1012, 2138, 1996, 2009, 8450, 2001, 8639, 2043, 2009, 3473, 2067, 1012, 1998, 2079, 2025, 2131, 2033, 2318, 2006, 1996, 3255, 1997, 13844, 2075, 1012, 1045, 2001, 3056, 2008, 4763, 2450, 2018, 9157, 2026, 3203, 2970, 2125, 1012, 1000, 1000, 3203, 2970, 1029, 2821, 4828, 1012, 1000, 2010, 18874, 3993, 7239, 17659, 2083, 1996, 3346, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2003, 2061, 2025, 6057, 1010, 1000, 1045, 6186, 1010, 2026, 2398, 2006, 2026, 6700, 2004, 2010, 14689, 26753, 1011, 1011, 2029, 1010, 4895, 2546, 1011, 1011, 1998, 2002, 15288, 2039, 1012, 1000, 2009, 2001, 1996, 5409, 3255, 1997, 2026, 2166, 1012, 1998, 1045, 1005, 2310, 3714, 2026, 2849, 1999, 2048, 3182, 1012, 1000, 3203, 2970, 999, 1045, 2293, 2009, 999, 2021, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2307, 1998, 1996, 4637, 3494, 2035, 8995, 2000, 1996, 2466, 1998, 2074, 2004, 5875, 2004, 3897, 1998, 7768, 1012, 7768, 2038, 18152, 2196, 2000, 2079, 10017, 8103, 1011, 11139, 1010, 2926, 2007, 2019, 8258, 1012, 2014, 2998, 1011, 4005, 2269, 1005, 1055, 9580, 2357, 2014, 2125, 2000, 2008, 1012, 1998, 3897, 3475, 1005, 1056, 4699, 1999, 1037, 18847, 22864, 3560, 3276, 1010, 2127, 1997, 2607, 1010, 2002, 6010, 7768, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 5186, 12266, 1998, 1996, 3166, 9005, 1037, 2613, 1998, 15902, 6860, 2090, 7768, 1998, 3897, 1012, 2037, 3276, 2003, 19337, 2666, 12423, 1010, 4086, 1998, 7481, 1010, 1998, 2061, 2037, 9523, 7916, 2335, 2106, 2025, 2514, 6760, 2012, 2035, 1010, 2021, 2612, 2371, 2066, 1037, 6669, 3019, 14967, 1997, 2037, 3652, 6896, 1012, 1998, 4092, 1997, 3348, 1010, 2106, 1045, 5254, 2008, 3897, 2003, 27149, 1029, 15624, 1010, 3819, 6898, 3430, 1012, 1996, 26031, 3346, 3496, 1029, 1045, 2351, 1037, 2210, 1012, 2002, 1005, 1055, 2019, 9414, 1998, 11757, 12785, 8258, 2007, 1037, 4408, 2925, 3805, 2065, 2069, 2002, 2064, 19319, 2010, 3374, 8016, 2005, 1037, 2155, 1012, 1000, 2000, 2033, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1037, 5040, 1012, 1045, 4133, 2182, 1998, 1045, 2514, 5475, 1010, 8857, 1012, 1998, 2664, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2066, 2035, 1996, 2943, 1997, 2399, 2627, 3464, 1010, 2522, 9236, 2075, 2083, 2026, 9607, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2208, 1012, 1000, 2122, 2048, 2024, 3214, 2005, 2169, 2060, 1010, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2074, 2008, 2027, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3243, 5382, 2009, 2012, 1996, 2927, 1024, 1000, 2010, 16148, 9049, 2015, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2424, 2032, 102 ]
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3.5 - 4 Stars Reviewed by Cathy: Pucked is a witty story about Violet, who has a super funny and very inappropriate mother and a whore of a stepbrother who plays for the the NHL. So she has stayed away from hockey players until she meets Alex, the captain of the Rangers. All that goes out the widow. The writing is funny and light and the sex is great. There is no angst or heavy themes in this book. It is raunchy, funny and filled with tons of sexy times. If you're a fan of sports romance, you'll love this book - Pucked is the perfect, fast-paced summer read! (ARC provided by the author with thanks.)
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1018, 3340, 8182, 2011, 18305, 1024, 22900, 2098, 2003, 1037, 25591, 2466, 2055, 8766, 1010, 2040, 2038, 1037, 3565, 6057, 1998, 2200, 15884, 2388, 1998, 1037, 17219, 1997, 1037, 3357, 12618, 12399, 2040, 3248, 2005, 1996, 1996, 7097, 1012, 2061, 2016, 2038, 4370, 2185, 2013, 3873, 2867, 2127, 2016, 6010, 4074, 1010, 1996, 2952, 1997, 1996, 7181, 1012, 2035, 2008, 3632, 2041, 1996, 7794, 1012, 1996, 3015, 2003, 6057, 1998, 2422, 1998, 1996, 3348, 2003, 2307, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 17076, 3367, 2030, 3082, 6991, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2009, 2003, 10958, 4609, 11714, 1010, 6057, 1998, 3561, 2007, 6197, 1997, 7916, 2335, 1012, 2065, 2017, 1005, 2128, 1037, 5470, 1997, 2998, 7472, 1010, 2017, 1005, 2222, 2293, 2023, 2338, 1011, 22900, 2098, 2003, 1996, 3819, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2621, 3191, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 2007, 4283, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Always You is a surprisingly good, second-chance romance that is modern, witty, steamy and filled with believable characters. This is a great debut from Stephanie Rose! I loved the story and absolutely loved the plot. This is an emotional story that grabbed me from the first page. Samantha is stuck in a loveless and heartless marriage and re-connects via Facebook with Lucas, her former college advisor. It is clear from the outset that Sam is with the wrong guy in more ways than one. Her husband Marc is an absentee husband and father. Lucas is wonderful to Sam and her daughter Bella, and Lucas and Bella's relationship makes up much of the heart of this story, it is just amazing. Lucas is, well, irresistible. He is smart, uber-sexy, respectful and H-O-T. Just what Sam needs. And when things with Marc take a nasty turn, Lucas is right there with Sam, supporting her emotionally, and ready to love Bella and Sam forever. Lucas is an amazing character and a perfect book boyfriend!! There are some really romantic scenes in Always You that touched me and melted my heart. As you can probably see, Sam was married when she first reconnects with Lucas but trust me, Marc is a horrible person who needed to be dealt with. Sam just didn't have to courage to act until Lucas came into the picture. There is lots of sexy time and sweet and sexy texting between our Hero and heroine. This book was surprisingly hot, very readable and enjoyable for all fans of steamy contemporary romance. The last scenes in the book were especially touching. I highly recommend this book for romance fans who like some steam to go along with their HEA. (ARC provided by the author with thanks.)
[ 101, 2467, 2017, 2003, 1037, 10889, 2204, 1010, 2117, 1011, 3382, 7472, 2008, 2003, 2715, 1010, 25591, 1010, 5492, 2100, 1998, 3561, 2007, 19337, 2666, 12423, 3494, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2307, 2834, 2013, 11496, 3123, 999, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2466, 1998, 7078, 3866, 1996, 5436, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2019, 6832, 2466, 2008, 4046, 2033, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 1012, 11415, 2003, 5881, 1999, 1037, 2293, 3238, 1998, 2540, 3238, 3510, 1998, 2128, 1011, 8539, 3081, 9130, 2007, 6326, 1010, 2014, 2280, 2267, 8619, 1012, 2009, 2003, 3154, 2013, 1996, 26674, 2008, 3520, 2003, 2007, 1996, 3308, 3124, 1999, 2062, 3971, 2084, 2028, 1012, 2014, 3129, 7871, 2003, 2019, 9962, 4402, 3129, 1998, 2269, 1012, 6326, 2003, 6919, 2000, 3520, 1998, 2014, 2684, 12101, 1010, 1998, 6326, 1998, 12101, 1005, 1055, 3276, 3084, 2039, 2172, 1997, 1996, 2540, 1997, 2023, 2466, 1010, 2009, 2003, 2074, 6429, 1012, 6326, 2003, 1010, 2092, 1010, 27149, 1012, 2002, 2003, 6047, 1010, 19169, 1011, 7916, 1010, 26438, 1998, 1044, 1011, 1051, 1011, 1056, 1012, 2074, 2054, 3520, 3791, 1012, 1998, 2043, 2477, 2007, 7871, 2202, 1037, 11808, 2735, 1010, 6326, 2003, 2157, 2045, 2007, 3520, 1010, 4637, 2014, 14868, 1010, 1998, 3201, 2000, 2293, 12101, 1998, 3520, 5091, 1012, 6326, 2003, 2019, 6429, 2839, 1998, 1037, 3819, 2338, 6898, 999, 999, 2045, 2024, 2070, 2428, 6298, 5019, 1999, 2467, 2017, 2008, 5028, 2033, 1998, 12501, 2026, 2540, 1012, 2004, 2017, 2064, 2763, 2156, 1010, 3520, 2001, 2496, 2043, 2016, 2034, 28667, 18256, 16649, 2007, 6326, 2021, 3404, 2033, 1010, 7871, 2003, 1037, 9202, 2711, 2040, 2734, 2000, 2022, 9411, 2007, 1012, 3520, 2074, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2031, 2000, 8424, 2000, 2552, 2127, 6326, 2234, 2046, 1996, 3861, 1012, 2045, 2003, 7167, 1997, 7916, 2051, 1998, 4086, 1998, 7916, 3793, 2075, 2090, 2256, 5394, 1998, 18869, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2001, 10889, 2980, 1010, 2200, 3191, 3085, 1998, 22249, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 5492, 2100, 3824, 7472, 1012, 1996, 2197, 5019, 1999, 1996, 2338, 2020, 2926, 7244, 1012, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2023, 2338, 2005, 7472, 4599, 2040, 2066, 2070, 5492, 2000, 2175, 2247, 2007, 2037, 2002, 2050, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 2007, 4283, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 Stars!! Silas and Charlie's epic journey continues! I'm a huge fan of this series and Part 2 did not disappoint! Another fantastically thrilling and creative story from Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. "Never forget, Charlie. Never stop." NEVER NEVER PART TWO is another completely gripping and thrilling story that continues literally from where Part One left off. The characters continue to enthrall and the plot continues to thicken in the second installment of this very strange tale. Ms. Hoover and Ms. Fisher are two of my favorite authors so it is no surprise that I loved this book and read it in just one sitting. The feeling of disorientation continued in this story and I could not wait to see where Silas and Charlie's journey would go. Alas... more questions are raised and only a few answers are revealed. To me, this is not a paranormal story even though there are elements of what might be the supernatural here. I was very surprised by the turn of events here and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next story. We again have both POVs, which flowed perfectly and added to my enjoyment of the book. Leave it to these two authors to both grip my heartstrings with Silas and Charlie's story, and leave me feeling like I stepped off a roller-coaster ride, all at the same time. As you can see, these books are not standalones but if you like a twisty, thrilling, beautifully-written story, then don't miss Never Never. I absolutely adore this series and need the conclusion, like, NOW!!
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 18553, 1998, 4918, 1005, 1055, 8680, 4990, 4247, 999, 1045, 1005, 1049, 1037, 4121, 5470, 1997, 2023, 2186, 1998, 2112, 1016, 2106, 2025, 4487, 3736, 9397, 25785, 999, 2178, 10392, 3973, 26162, 1998, 5541, 2466, 2013, 28385, 17443, 1998, 16985, 18143, 8731, 1012, 1000, 2196, 5293, 1010, 4918, 1012, 2196, 2644, 1012, 1000, 2196, 2196, 2112, 2048, 2003, 2178, 3294, 13940, 1998, 26162, 2466, 2008, 4247, 6719, 2013, 2073, 2112, 2028, 2187, 2125, 1012, 1996, 3494, 3613, 2000, 4372, 2705, 7941, 2140, 1998, 1996, 5436, 4247, 2000, 4317, 2368, 1999, 1996, 2117, 18932, 1997, 2023, 2200, 4326, 6925, 1012, 5796, 1012, 17443, 1998, 5796, 1012, 8731, 2024, 2048, 1997, 2026, 5440, 6048, 2061, 2009, 2003, 2053, 4474, 2008, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 1998, 3191, 2009, 1999, 2074, 2028, 3564, 1012, 1996, 3110, 1997, 4487, 21748, 11638, 3370, 2506, 1999, 2023, 2466, 1998, 1045, 2071, 2025, 3524, 2000, 2156, 2073, 18553, 1998, 4918, 1005, 1055, 4990, 2052, 2175, 1012, 21862, 2015, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2062, 3980, 2024, 2992, 1998, 2069, 1037, 2261, 6998, 2024, 3936, 1012, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 20725, 2466, 2130, 2295, 2045, 2024, 3787, 1997, 2054, 2453, 2022, 1996, 11189, 2182, 1012, 1045, 2001, 2200, 4527, 2011, 1996, 2735, 1997, 2824, 2182, 1998, 1045, 3685, 3524, 2000, 2131, 2026, 2398, 2006, 1996, 2279, 2466, 1012, 2057, 2153, 2031, 2119, 13433, 15088, 1010, 2029, 13230, 6669, 1998, 2794, 2000, 2026, 20195, 1997, 1996, 2338, 1012, 2681, 2009, 2000, 2122, 2048, 6048, 2000, 2119, 6218, 2026, 8072, 18886, 3070, 2015, 2007, 18553, 1998, 4918, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1010, 1998, 2681, 2033, 3110, 2066, 1045, 3706, 2125, 1037, 11220, 1011, 16817, 4536, 1010, 2035, 2012, 1996, 2168, 2051, 1012, 2004, 2017, 2064, 2156, 1010, 2122, 2808, 2024, 2025, 26609, 2015, 2021, 2065, 2017, 2066, 1037, 9792, 2100, 1010, 26162, 1010, 17950, 1011, 2517, 2466, 1010, 2059, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2196, 2196, 1012, 1045, 7078, 4748, 5686, 2023, 2186, 1998, 2342, 1996, 7091, 1010, 2066, 1010, 2085, 999, 999, 102 ]
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"Someone once told me that there is no such thing as bad people. We're all just people who sometimes do bad things. That stuck with me, because it's so true. We've all got a little bit of good and evil in us." IT ENDS WITH US is one of THE most important books you'll read this year, maybe ever. It is absolutely stunning. There are very few books that I recommend to my daughter to read but this book is one of them. This story should be read by every woman, husband, boyfriend, son and brother because it contains one of the most powerful messages I have ever experienced. On the surface this book is the story of Lily, who has escaped to Boston from the small town she grew up in. Smart and driven, she opens her own shop and meets Ryle, a funny, handsome and brilliant surgeon. Revealing anything more about this book would do a tremendous disservice to the perfect way that Colleen Hoover has told this story. It builds slowly, bit by bit, to a painful and inevitable conclusion that took my breath away. As with all Colleen Hoover's books, IT ENDS WITH US is a stunner, magnificently written and absolutely unputdownable. My heart almost stopped in several places. It's that good!! Do yourself a favor and read this book - you will never forget it. "Fifteen seconds. That's all it takes to completely change everything about a person. Fifteen seconds that we'll never get back." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1000, 2619, 2320, 2409, 2033, 2008, 2045, 2003, 2053, 2107, 2518, 2004, 2919, 2111, 1012, 2057, 1005, 2128, 2035, 2074, 2111, 2040, 2823, 2079, 2919, 2477, 1012, 2008, 5881, 2007, 2033, 1010, 2138, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2061, 2995, 1012, 2057, 1005, 2310, 2035, 2288, 1037, 2210, 2978, 1997, 2204, 1998, 4763, 1999, 2149, 1012, 1000, 2009, 4515, 2007, 2149, 2003, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2087, 2590, 2808, 2017, 1005, 2222, 3191, 2023, 2095, 1010, 2672, 2412, 1012, 2009, 2003, 7078, 14726, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2200, 2261, 2808, 2008, 1045, 16755, 2000, 2026, 2684, 2000, 3191, 2021, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2068, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2323, 2022, 3191, 2011, 2296, 2450, 1010, 3129, 1010, 6898, 1010, 2365, 1998, 2567, 2138, 2009, 3397, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2087, 3928, 7696, 1045, 2031, 2412, 5281, 1012, 2006, 1996, 3302, 2023, 2338, 2003, 1996, 2466, 1997, 7094, 1010, 2040, 2038, 6376, 2000, 3731, 2013, 1996, 2235, 2237, 2016, 3473, 2039, 1999, 1012, 6047, 1998, 5533, 1010, 2016, 7480, 2014, 2219, 4497, 1998, 6010, 29431, 2571, 1010, 1037, 6057, 1010, 8502, 1998, 8235, 9431, 1012, 8669, 2505, 2062, 2055, 2023, 2338, 2052, 2079, 1037, 14388, 4487, 18116, 7903, 2063, 2000, 1996, 3819, 2126, 2008, 28385, 17443, 2038, 2409, 2023, 2466, 1012, 2009, 16473, 3254, 1010, 2978, 2011, 2978, 1010, 2000, 1037, 9145, 1998, 13418, 7091, 2008, 2165, 2026, 3052, 2185, 1012, 2004, 2007, 2035, 28385, 17443, 1005, 1055, 2808, 1010, 2009, 4515, 2007, 2149, 2003, 1037, 24646, 10087, 2099, 1010, 12047, 2135, 2517, 1998, 7078, 4895, 18780, 7698, 3085, 1012, 2026, 2540, 2471, 3030, 1999, 2195, 3182, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2008, 2204, 999, 999, 2079, 4426, 1037, 5684, 1998, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1011, 2017, 2097, 2196, 5293, 2009, 1012, 1000, 5417, 3823, 1012, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2035, 2009, 3138, 2000, 3294, 2689, 2673, 2055, 1037, 2711, 1012, 5417, 3823, 2008, 2057, 1005, 2222, 2196, 2131, 2067, 1012, 1000, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4 1/2 I-LOVE-LINDEN STARS!! I love a sweet, sexy, hot and romantic story, and The Pact is all this and more! Add a charismatic and irresistible Scotsman? YES, PLEASE! Karina Halle hits another home run with this incredibly engaging and modern tale of dating, love and romance. This is a fun, fast-paced and very enjoyable read and a little bit of a different type of book for this author. And I loved every word. Linden and Stephanie are two incredibly engaging characters, both very endearing and sometimes maddening and in the end, just plain human, with all the insecurities, longings and sometimes-dysfunctional relationships that most of us deal with into our adulthood. These two are best friends, but also find each other irresistible. But they are terrified of ruing their close friendship by becoming involved romantically. So, they make a pact. At Linden's suggestion, they agree at age 25 that if they are not married by the age of 30, then they will marry each other. Sounds like a good idea, no? But the problem is that no one else can measure up to the other during all the years in between. At times, I just wanted to scream, "Get together already!!" "I sip my drink and can't help but feel the slightest bit relieved. In five years, all the dating and the strife could be over. In five years, there's the tiniest possibility that I could marry my best friend." Linden is hot hot hot and the kind of guy that every girl swoons over. He can't seem to fully give himself to anyone and of course, is madly in love with Stephanie. She, however, is not quite sure if he was just kidding about the pact, but she, too, can't seem to find true love, either. "I want to tell her all the filthy things I think about, be real, raw and unfiltered. I want to make her cheeks flush from my dirty mouth and her body with desire." Oh, yes, Linden is a dirty talker. Will they finally see through their stubborn resolve and give in to the feelings they have for each other? Things seem to come to a head during a camping weekend and they both seem to finally see the light. Finally! But will they be able to withstand all the outside forces and their own insecurities to be able to really make their incredible bond last? The Pact has one of the most romantic and heart-pounding endings I have ever read. I was alternately swooning and crying. Karina Halle has written a perfect contemporary romance - it has a believable and relatable hero and heroine, modern settings, real-life problems and lots and lots of incredibly steamy, off-the-charts sex!! Issues with friendships, dating, jobs, family -- this book has it all. I loved this book and fell in love with Linden. Highly recommended for all fans of modern romance! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review)
[ 101, 1018, 1015, 1013, 1016, 1045, 1011, 2293, 1011, 22066, 3340, 999, 999, 1045, 2293, 1037, 4086, 1010, 7916, 1010, 2980, 1998, 6298, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1996, 14790, 2003, 2035, 2023, 1998, 2062, 999, 5587, 1037, 23916, 1998, 27149, 12196, 2386, 1029, 2748, 1010, 3531, 999, 24537, 2050, 19769, 4978, 2178, 2188, 2448, 2007, 2023, 11757, 11973, 1998, 2715, 6925, 1997, 5306, 1010, 2293, 1998, 7472, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 4569, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1998, 2200, 22249, 3191, 1998, 1037, 2210, 2978, 1997, 1037, 2367, 2828, 1997, 2338, 2005, 2023, 3166, 1012, 1998, 1045, 3866, 2296, 2773, 1012, 22066, 1998, 11496, 2024, 2048, 11757, 11973, 3494, 1010, 2119, 2200, 2203, 27242, 1998, 2823, 24890, 2075, 1998, 1999, 1996, 2203, 1010, 2074, 5810, 2529, 1010, 2007, 2035, 1996, 16021, 8586, 29366, 1010, 15752, 2015, 1998, 2823, 1011, 28466, 2389, 6550, 2008, 2087, 1997, 2149, 3066, 2007, 2046, 2256, 20480, 1012, 2122, 2048, 2024, 2190, 2814, 1010, 2021, 2036, 2424, 2169, 2060, 27149, 1012, 2021, 2027, 2024, 10215, 1997, 10083, 2290, 2037, 2485, 6860, 2011, 3352, 2920, 6298, 3973, 1012, 2061, 1010, 2027, 2191, 1037, 14790, 1012, 2012, 22066, 1005, 1055, 10293, 1010, 2027, 5993, 2012, 2287, 2423, 2008, 2065, 2027, 2024, 2025, 2496, 2011, 1996, 2287, 1997, 2382, 1010, 2059, 2027, 2097, 5914, 2169, 2060, 1012, 4165, 2066, 1037, 2204, 2801, 1010, 2053, 1029, 2021, 1996, 3291, 2003, 2008, 2053, 2028, 2842, 2064, 5468, 2039, 2000, 1996, 2060, 2076, 2035, 1996, 2086, 1999, 2090, 1012, 2012, 2335, 1010, 1045, 2074, 2359, 2000, 6978, 1010, 1000, 2131, 2362, 2525, 999, 999, 1000, 1000, 1045, 10668, 2026, 4392, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2393, 2021, 2514, 1996, 15989, 2978, 7653, 1012, 1999, 2274, 2086, 1010, 2035, 1996, 5306, 1998, 1996, 27865, 2071, 2022, 2058, 1012, 1999, 2274, 2086, 1010, 2045, 1005, 1055, 1996, 9543, 10458, 6061, 2008, 1045, 2071, 5914, 2026, 2190, 2767, 1012, 1000, 22066, 2003, 2980, 2980, 2980, 1998, 1996, 2785, 1997, 3124, 2008, 2296, 2611, 25430, 27174, 2058, 1012, 2002, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4025, 2000, 3929, 2507, 2370, 2000, 3087, 1998, 1997, 2607, 1010, 2003, 29179, 1999, 2293, 2007, 11496, 1012, 2016, 1010, 2174, 1010, 2003, 2025, 3243, 2469, 2065, 2002, 2001, 2074, 12489, 2055, 1996, 14790, 1010, 2021, 2016, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4025, 2000, 2424, 2995, 2293, 1010, 2593, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2215, 2000, 2425, 2014, 2035, 1996, 18294, 2477, 1045, 2228, 2055, 1010, 2022, 2613, 1010, 6315, 1998, 4895, 8873, 21928, 2098, 1012, 1045, 2215, 2000, 2191, 2014, 6029, 13862, 2013, 2026, 6530, 2677, 1998, 2014, 2303, 2007, 4792, 1012, 1000, 2821, 1010, 2748, 1010, 22066, 2003, 1037, 6530, 2831, 2121, 1012, 2097, 2027, 2633, 2156, 2083, 2037, 14205, 10663, 1998, 2507, 1999, 2000, 1996, 5346, 2027, 2031, 2005, 2169, 2060, 1029, 2477, 4025, 2000, 2272, 2000, 1037, 2132, 2076, 1037, 13215, 5353, 1998, 2027, 2119, 4025, 2000, 2633, 2156, 1996, 2422, 1012, 2633, 999, 2021, 2097, 2027, 2022, 2583, 2000, 19319, 2035, 1996, 2648, 2749, 1998, 2037, 2219, 16021, 8586, 29366, 2000, 2022, 2583, 2000, 2428, 2191, 2037, 9788, 5416, 2197, 1029, 1996, 14790, 2038, 102 ]
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ARC provided by the author for an honest review.) 4 - 4.5 Stars!! I absolutely loved Fighting Silence! Till Page is a memorable character that I won't soon forget! Struggling against dirt-poor poverty, absentee parents and an inevitable loss of his hearing, this book pulled at my heartstrings and thrilled me from beginning to end. Till is a fighter, taking care of his younger brothers to keep them out of the social services system. His only bright spot in an otherwise dismal existence is his neighbor Eliza Reynolds, who he spends every minute with after school, but who he completely ignores during the day. She is just a gorgeous person, inside and out, and Till is frightened of ruining their relationship with sex, so... they spend part of the book battling their attraction to each other. "Eliza was a crier. She pretended that it was only when she was mad. That was bullshit though. She cried every time the wind blew north. Happy, sad, angry--it didn't matter. I loved it when she happy cried. I laughed when she angry cried. I was gutted when she sad cried. I'd held her through all of them. But her reaction that night was extraordinary. I guessed my present was pretty extraordinary too though." Eliza is sensitive but strong. I loved that about her character! This is not a typical fighter story, it is fresh and new and make no mistake, Till and "Doodle" BURN up the pages when they get together. This story is told in alternating POV's and flashes forward in time but Aly Martinez does an amazing job with the alternating voices. This is a story of true devotion, fighting for happiness and fighting for the right to love and be loved. Sounds sappy, but this book is so much more! I loved it! "Till and I both knew we had a strange relationship. It was more than a friendship, but there wasn't romance or sex. There was definitely love though. Immeasurable amounts of it. I knew that Till had this grand fantasy about me. But what he didn't realized was all that he gave me in return. He was the only thing I'd ever had that I honestly thought I couldn't live without. Till Page was my soulmate on every level."
[ 101, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 1018, 1011, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 1045, 7078, 3866, 3554, 4223, 999, 6229, 3931, 2003, 1037, 13432, 2839, 2008, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 999, 8084, 2114, 6900, 1011, 3532, 5635, 1010, 9962, 4402, 3008, 1998, 2019, 13418, 3279, 1997, 2010, 4994, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2766, 2012, 2026, 8072, 18886, 3070, 2015, 1998, 16082, 2033, 2013, 2927, 2000, 2203, 1012, 6229, 2003, 1037, 4959, 1010, 2635, 2729, 1997, 2010, 3920, 3428, 2000, 2562, 2068, 2041, 1997, 1996, 2591, 2578, 2291, 1012, 2010, 2069, 4408, 3962, 1999, 2019, 4728, 4487, 26212, 2140, 4598, 2003, 2010, 11429, 13234, 9579, 1010, 2040, 2002, 15970, 2296, 3371, 2007, 2044, 2082, 1010, 2021, 2040, 2002, 3294, 26663, 2076, 1996, 2154, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2074, 1037, 9882, 2711, 1010, 2503, 1998, 2041, 1010, 1998, 6229, 2003, 10363, 1997, 27853, 2037, 3276, 2007, 3348, 1010, 2061, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2027, 5247, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2338, 17773, 2037, 8432, 2000, 2169, 2060, 1012, 1000, 13234, 2001, 1037, 13675, 3771, 1012, 2016, 14688, 2008, 2009, 2001, 2069, 2043, 2016, 2001, 5506, 1012, 2008, 2001, 14636, 2295, 1012, 2016, 6639, 2296, 2051, 1996, 3612, 8682, 2167, 1012, 3407, 1010, 6517, 1010, 4854, 1011, 1011, 2009, 2134, 1005, 1056, 3043, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2009, 2043, 2016, 3407, 6639, 1012, 1045, 4191, 2043, 2016, 4854, 6639, 1012, 1045, 2001, 9535, 3064, 2043, 2016, 6517, 6639, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1040, 2218, 2014, 2083, 2035, 1997, 2068, 1012, 2021, 2014, 4668, 2008, 2305, 2001, 9313, 1012, 1045, 11445, 2026, 2556, 2001, 3492, 9313, 2205, 2295, 1012, 1000, 13234, 2003, 7591, 2021, 2844, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2008, 2055, 2014, 2839, 999, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 5171, 4959, 2466, 1010, 2009, 2003, 4840, 1998, 2047, 1998, 2191, 2053, 6707, 1010, 6229, 1998, 1000, 20160, 10362, 1000, 6402, 2039, 1996, 5530, 2043, 2027, 2131, 2362, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2409, 1999, 15122, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1998, 16121, 2830, 1999, 2051, 2021, 2632, 2100, 10337, 2515, 2019, 6429, 3105, 2007, 1996, 15122, 5755, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2466, 1997, 2995, 13347, 1010, 3554, 2005, 8404, 1998, 3554, 2005, 1996, 2157, 2000, 2293, 1998, 2022, 3866, 1012, 4165, 20066, 7685, 1010, 2021, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2061, 2172, 2062, 999, 1045, 3866, 2009, 999, 1000, 6229, 1998, 1045, 2119, 2354, 2057, 2018, 1037, 4326, 3276, 1012, 2009, 2001, 2062, 2084, 1037, 6860, 1010, 2021, 2045, 2347, 1005, 1056, 7472, 2030, 3348, 1012, 2045, 2001, 5791, 2293, 2295, 1012, 10047, 4168, 28329, 8310, 1997, 2009, 1012, 1045, 2354, 2008, 6229, 2018, 2023, 2882, 5913, 2055, 2033, 1012, 2021, 2054, 2002, 2134, 1005, 1056, 3651, 2001, 2035, 2008, 2002, 2435, 2033, 1999, 2709, 1012, 2002, 2001, 1996, 2069, 2518, 1045, 1005, 1040, 2412, 2018, 2008, 1045, 9826, 2245, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 2444, 2302, 1012, 6229, 3931, 2001, 2026, 3969, 8585, 2006, 2296, 2504, 1012, 1000, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! This was my first book by Monica Murphy and it was brilliant! It exceeded all expectations and I am anxiously awaiting the next book in this series. Sexy, adult, erotic, this book has it all. Owning Violet introduces us to three sisters "born to wealth, raised to succeed, ready to love, destined to make waves." As the daughters of the scion of a world-famous fragrance company (it brought Estee Lauder to mind), Violet and her sisters are all very different but all intimately entwined with the future of their family's company. Violet at first seems like a push-over and a doormat, her boyfriend almost openly cheats on her but she looks the other way, all in the name of the company. But I found her to be a compelling character, driven, eager to love and be loved, and above all, very ambitious. This book literally has it all: highly erotic sex scenes, an Alpha male and lots and lots of edge-of-your seat drama. Ryder is a sexy bad-boy co-worker who rose above his rough past to work in corporate America. Violet may appear to have it all, but she experienced a terrible trauma that is still haunting her to this day. While we might first see her as nothing more than a pawn in a rather sick game between Ryder and Pilar, a scheming woman who wants to bring her down, she is much, much more that that. Violet is no pawn and slowly begins to realize that the sexual relationship she has with Ryder might be much, much more and she must find her inner strength to beat Pilar at her own game. Owning Violet is an adult, erotic, steamy book and I loved the story and the amazingly intense scenes with her and Ryder. He is hot as hell, damaged, sexy, smart and ambitious. The steam factor was just genius. All in all, I loved this book and can't wait to read more from this author. I recommend this for anyone who loves a sexually-charged, fast-paced storyline with some very memorable characters. (*ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 2023, 2001, 2026, 2034, 2338, 2011, 9018, 7104, 1998, 2009, 2001, 8235, 999, 2009, 14872, 2035, 10908, 1998, 1045, 2572, 23403, 15497, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 7916, 1010, 4639, 1010, 14253, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2038, 2009, 2035, 1012, 19273, 8766, 13999, 2149, 2000, 2093, 5208, 1000, 2141, 2000, 7177, 1010, 2992, 2000, 9510, 1010, 3201, 2000, 2293, 1010, 16036, 2000, 2191, 5975, 1012, 1000, 2004, 1996, 5727, 1997, 1996, 16596, 2239, 1997, 1037, 2088, 1011, 3297, 24980, 2194, 1006, 2009, 2716, 28517, 2063, 21602, 2099, 2000, 2568, 1007, 1010, 8766, 1998, 2014, 5208, 2024, 2035, 2200, 2367, 2021, 2035, 29024, 4372, 21077, 2007, 1996, 2925, 1997, 2037, 2155, 1005, 1055, 2194, 1012, 8766, 2012, 2034, 3849, 2066, 1037, 5245, 1011, 2058, 1998, 1037, 2341, 18900, 1010, 2014, 6898, 2471, 10132, 21910, 2015, 2006, 2014, 2021, 2016, 3504, 1996, 2060, 2126, 1010, 2035, 1999, 1996, 2171, 1997, 1996, 2194, 1012, 2021, 1045, 2179, 2014, 2000, 2022, 1037, 17075, 2839, 1010, 5533, 1010, 9461, 2000, 2293, 1998, 2022, 3866, 1010, 1998, 2682, 2035, 1010, 2200, 12479, 1012, 2023, 2338, 6719, 2038, 2009, 2035, 1024, 3811, 14253, 3348, 5019, 1010, 2019, 6541, 3287, 1998, 7167, 1998, 7167, 1997, 3341, 1011, 1997, 1011, 2115, 2835, 3689, 1012, 11731, 2003, 1037, 7916, 2919, 1011, 2879, 2522, 1011, 7309, 2040, 3123, 2682, 2010, 5931, 2627, 2000, 2147, 1999, 5971, 2637, 1012, 8766, 2089, 3711, 2000, 2031, 2009, 2035, 1010, 2021, 2016, 5281, 1037, 6659, 12603, 2008, 2003, 2145, 20161, 2014, 2000, 2023, 2154, 1012, 2096, 2057, 2453, 2034, 2156, 2014, 2004, 2498, 2062, 2084, 1037, 19175, 1999, 1037, 2738, 5305, 2208, 2090, 11731, 1998, 14255, 8017, 1010, 1037, 8040, 29122, 2075, 2450, 2040, 4122, 2000, 3288, 2014, 2091, 1010, 2016, 2003, 2172, 1010, 2172, 2062, 2008, 2008, 1012, 8766, 2003, 2053, 19175, 1998, 3254, 4269, 2000, 5382, 2008, 1996, 4424, 3276, 2016, 2038, 2007, 11731, 2453, 2022, 2172, 1010, 2172, 2062, 1998, 2016, 2442, 2424, 2014, 5110, 3997, 2000, 3786, 14255, 8017, 2012, 2014, 2219, 2208, 1012, 19273, 8766, 2003, 2019, 4639, 1010, 14253, 1010, 5492, 2100, 2338, 1998, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2466, 1998, 1996, 29350, 6387, 5019, 2007, 2014, 1998, 11731, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2980, 2004, 3109, 1010, 5591, 1010, 7916, 1010, 6047, 1998, 12479, 1012, 1996, 5492, 5387, 2001, 2074, 11067, 1012, 2035, 1999, 2035, 1010, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2013, 2023, 3166, 1012, 1045, 16755, 2023, 2005, 3087, 2040, 7459, 1037, 12581, 1011, 5338, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 9994, 2007, 2070, 2200, 13432, 3494, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 STUNNING STARS!! "You make hell feel like heaven, Blaire." WOW!!!! This series is one of the most readable series out there. Mia Asher is why I read contemporary romance. From the first page to the every last word, I was hooked, invested in the story and emotionally connected to the characters. If you have read the first book, EASY VIRTUE, then you know that Blaire is then between two men, Ronan and Lawrence. Who will win her heart? Will either of them? Tonight I let a man f* my brains out so he could eradicate a different man from my heart. I've done it before but, this time, it didn't work. Ronan was everywhere. In every kiss and every touch. He still is. Ronan and Lawrence. Two irresistible men, both owning part of Blaire's heart, but in different ways. I can't decide which one I loved more, the author did an outstanding job creating two men who both stole my heart. Although Blaire and Lawrence's relationship was originally based on an arrangement for sex only, he became someone who Blaire could really fall in love with. But there's Ronan, always Ronan, on her mind and in her heart. Ronan has become embittered, jaded and filled with hate for Blaire. But the fantastic way in which the author tells the story here in multiple POV's had me racing through the story to see where it would end up. I did not want poor Ronan to be so bitter! He tries to erase Blaire from his mind but she is always there. When my lips touch hers , she closes her eyes and gives in to the kiss. I don't. I can't. And I f*king hate myself for it because even though I'm kissing this woman, it's Blaire who I taste. I absolutely LOVED the conclusion to this story. It is rare for me to love a sequel as much as the first book but SWEETEST VENOM is pure gold. I applaud Mia Asher for the ending she gave to her characters here and dare I even hope that there could be more books with some of these characters? I will never forget Blaire, Ronan and Lawrence. "There's the stubborn streak that I love so much. But be careful or it will be your downfall." (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 14726, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 2017, 2191, 3109, 2514, 2066, 6014, 1010, 10503, 2063, 1012, 1000, 10166, 999, 999, 999, 999, 2023, 2186, 2003, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2087, 3191, 3085, 2186, 2041, 2045, 1012, 8764, 17243, 2003, 2339, 1045, 3191, 3824, 7472, 1012, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 2000, 1996, 2296, 2197, 2773, 1010, 1045, 2001, 13322, 1010, 11241, 1999, 1996, 2466, 1998, 14868, 4198, 2000, 1996, 3494, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2031, 3191, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1010, 3733, 11870, 1010, 2059, 2017, 2113, 2008, 10503, 2063, 2003, 2059, 2090, 2048, 2273, 1010, 18633, 1998, 5623, 1012, 2040, 2097, 2663, 2014, 2540, 1029, 2097, 2593, 1997, 2068, 1029, 3892, 1045, 2292, 1037, 2158, 1042, 1008, 2026, 14332, 2041, 2061, 2002, 2071, 3690, 16467, 1037, 2367, 2158, 2013, 2026, 2540, 1012, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2589, 2009, 2077, 2021, 1010, 2023, 2051, 1010, 2009, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2147, 1012, 18633, 2001, 7249, 1012, 1999, 2296, 3610, 1998, 2296, 3543, 1012, 2002, 2145, 2003, 1012, 18633, 1998, 5623, 1012, 2048, 27149, 2273, 1010, 2119, 19273, 2112, 1997, 10503, 2063, 1005, 1055, 2540, 1010, 2021, 1999, 2367, 3971, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 5630, 2029, 2028, 1045, 3866, 2062, 1010, 1996, 3166, 2106, 2019, 5151, 3105, 4526, 2048, 2273, 2040, 2119, 10312, 2026, 2540, 1012, 2348, 10503, 2063, 1998, 5623, 1005, 1055, 3276, 2001, 2761, 2241, 2006, 2019, 6512, 2005, 3348, 2069, 1010, 2002, 2150, 2619, 2040, 10503, 2063, 2071, 2428, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 1012, 2021, 2045, 1005, 1055, 18633, 1010, 2467, 18633, 1010, 2006, 2014, 2568, 1998, 1999, 2014, 2540, 1012, 18633, 2038, 2468, 7861, 16313, 14050, 1010, 12323, 2094, 1998, 3561, 2007, 5223, 2005, 10503, 2063, 1012, 2021, 1996, 10392, 2126, 1999, 2029, 1996, 3166, 4136, 1996, 2466, 2182, 1999, 3674, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 2018, 2033, 3868, 2083, 1996, 2466, 2000, 2156, 2073, 2009, 2052, 2203, 2039, 1012, 1045, 2106, 2025, 2215, 3532, 18633, 2000, 2022, 2061, 8618, 999, 2002, 5363, 2000, 22505, 10503, 2063, 2013, 2010, 2568, 2021, 2016, 2003, 2467, 2045, 1012, 2043, 2026, 2970, 3543, 5106, 1010, 2016, 14572, 2014, 2159, 1998, 3957, 1999, 2000, 1996, 3610, 1012, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 1012, 1998, 1045, 1042, 1008, 2332, 5223, 2870, 2005, 2009, 2138, 2130, 2295, 1045, 1005, 1049, 7618, 2023, 2450, 1010, 2009, 1005, 1055, 10503, 2063, 2040, 1045, 5510, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 1996, 7091, 2000, 2023, 2466, 1012, 2009, 2003, 4678, 2005, 2033, 2000, 2293, 1037, 8297, 2004, 2172, 2004, 1996, 2034, 2338, 2021, 4086, 4355, 15779, 2003, 5760, 2751, 1012, 1045, 10439, 17298, 2094, 8764, 17243, 2005, 1996, 4566, 2016, 2435, 2000, 2014, 3494, 2182, 1998, 8108, 1045, 2130, 3246, 2008, 2045, 2071, 2022, 2062, 2808, 2007, 2070, 1997, 2122, 3494, 1029, 1045, 2097, 2196, 5293, 10503, 2063, 1010, 18633, 1998, 5623, 1012, 1000, 2045, 1005, 1055, 1996, 14205, 9039, 2008, 1045, 2293, 2061, 2172, 1012, 2021, 2022, 6176, 2030, 2009, 2097, 2022, 2115, 22252, 1012, 1000, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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"Loving or warring, it always felt good with her. Although loving was better, because I got to sleep over." Fantastic addition to Tate and Jared's story! Full review to come.
[ 101, 1000, 8295, 2030, 28509, 1010, 2009, 2467, 2371, 2204, 2007, 2014, 1012, 2348, 8295, 2001, 2488, 1010, 2138, 1045, 2288, 2000, 3637, 2058, 1012, 1000, 10392, 2804, 2000, 9902, 1998, 8334, 1005, 1055, 2466, 999, 2440, 3319, 2000, 2272, 1012, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
"Life happened, and then happened some more, and kept happening until you were so caught up in life itself that you forgot to actually live it." What a raw, beautiful and unflinching look into the world of the one percenters! This is NOT a pretty story - it is filled with lust and mayhem and violence - but it perfectly tells the story of Eva's parents, Preacher and Wheels (Debbie). This is one of my top favorite series EVER and I highly recommend reading the books in order. BUT you can read the first book right away to get a flavor for Madeline Sheehan's writing. Preacher lived an entire lifetime before we ever met Eva as a young child in 'Undeniable.' His life was hard. But he was a survivor. "Prison had been a painful wake-up call for Preacher. It had taken the man he'd been, beaten the holy hell out of him, flushed him down the shitter, and sputtered and spit him back out a ravaged and shameful shell." Preacher met Debbie on the road. She, too, was a survivor and did what she had to do to get by on the streets. Madeline Sheehan took two very damaged and hardened souls and created something beautiful which is why I absolutely love her writing style. The book is told as a flashback as Preacher lays dying in the hospital. He is finally telling his story to his beloved daughter Eva. But everything I thought I knew about Preacher and Debbie was wrong! Preacher's tale is heartbreaking but I could not put this book down. I had to see it thought to the end. Preacher was in the biker life no matter what. Loyal and true to his family and biker brothers no matter what, he was a Demon through and through. "According to the law and the state of New York, he was indeed a free man. But in reality, he wasn't free at all. He belonged to the Silver Demons body and soul, for better or worse. And if he stayed on this path, this wasn't going to be the last time he went to prison." Heart-wrenching and gritty, 'Undeserving' is nonetheless an incredibly readable story. It must be experienced. Madeline Sheehan does not write hearts-and-flowers stories. But her biker romances are must-reads. While this wasn't as raw as 'Undeniable', it is still one of the best examples of this genre. I can't wait for more books from Ms. Sheehan. She is one of my auto-buy authors. Favorite quote: "I noticed you." Debbie's eyes darted back inside the cart, colliding with Preacher's. I noticed you. Those three words took flight, finding and nudging awake long hidden places inside of her.
[ 101, 1000, 2166, 3047, 1010, 1998, 2059, 3047, 2070, 2062, 1010, 1998, 2921, 6230, 2127, 2017, 2020, 2061, 3236, 2039, 1999, 2166, 2993, 2008, 2017, 9471, 2000, 2941, 2444, 2009, 1012, 1000, 2054, 1037, 6315, 1010, 3376, 1998, 4895, 10258, 2378, 8450, 2298, 2046, 1996, 2088, 1997, 1996, 2028, 3867, 2545, 999, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 3492, 2466, 1011, 2009, 2003, 3561, 2007, 11516, 1998, 26865, 1998, 4808, 1011, 2021, 2009, 6669, 4136, 1996, 2466, 1997, 9345, 1005, 1055, 3008, 1010, 14512, 1998, 7787, 1006, 16391, 1007, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2327, 5440, 2186, 2412, 1998, 1045, 3811, 16755, 3752, 1996, 2808, 1999, 2344, 1012, 2021, 2017, 2064, 3191, 1996, 2034, 2338, 2157, 2185, 2000, 2131, 1037, 14894, 2005, 16974, 2016, 24660, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1012, 14512, 2973, 2019, 2972, 6480, 2077, 2057, 2412, 2777, 9345, 2004, 1037, 2402, 2775, 1999, 1005, 6151, 19825, 3468, 1012, 1005, 2010, 2166, 2001, 2524, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2001, 1037, 12084, 1012, 1000, 3827, 2018, 2042, 1037, 9145, 5256, 1011, 2039, 2655, 2005, 14512, 1012, 2009, 2018, 2579, 1996, 2158, 2002, 1005, 1040, 2042, 1010, 7854, 1996, 4151, 3109, 2041, 1997, 2032, 1010, 12953, 2032, 2091, 1996, 4485, 3334, 1010, 1998, 11867, 23128, 1998, 13183, 2032, 2067, 2041, 1037, 25537, 1998, 9467, 3993, 5806, 1012, 1000, 14512, 2777, 16391, 2006, 1996, 2346, 1012, 2016, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2001, 1037, 12084, 1998, 2106, 2054, 2016, 2018, 2000, 2079, 2000, 2131, 2011, 2006, 1996, 4534, 1012, 16974, 2016, 24660, 2165, 2048, 2200, 5591, 1998, 15015, 9293, 1998, 2580, 2242, 3376, 2029, 2003, 2339, 1045, 7078, 2293, 2014, 3015, 2806, 1012, 1996, 2338, 2003, 2409, 2004, 1037, 21907, 2004, 14512, 19764, 5996, 1999, 1996, 2902, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2633, 4129, 2010, 2466, 2000, 2010, 11419, 2684, 9345, 1012, 2021, 2673, 1045, 2245, 1045, 2354, 2055, 14512, 1998, 16391, 2001, 3308, 999, 14512, 1005, 1055, 6925, 2003, 27724, 2075, 2021, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2023, 2338, 2091, 1012, 1045, 2018, 2000, 2156, 2009, 2245, 2000, 1996, 2203, 1012, 14512, 2001, 1999, 1996, 28988, 2166, 2053, 3043, 2054, 1012, 8884, 1998, 2995, 2000, 2010, 2155, 1998, 28988, 3428, 2053, 3043, 2054, 1010, 2002, 2001, 1037, 5698, 2083, 1998, 2083, 1012, 1000, 2429, 2000, 1996, 2375, 1998, 1996, 2110, 1997, 2047, 2259, 1010, 2002, 2001, 5262, 1037, 2489, 2158, 1012, 2021, 1999, 4507, 1010, 2002, 2347, 1005, 1056, 2489, 2012, 2035, 1012, 2002, 6272, 2000, 1996, 3165, 7942, 2303, 1998, 3969, 1010, 2005, 2488, 2030, 4788, 1012, 1998, 2065, 2002, 4370, 2006, 2023, 4130, 1010, 2023, 2347, 1005, 1056, 2183, 2000, 2022, 1996, 2197, 2051, 2002, 2253, 2000, 3827, 1012, 1000, 2540, 1011, 16255, 8450, 1998, 24842, 3723, 1010, 1005, 6151, 6810, 2099, 6455, 1005, 2003, 9690, 2019, 11757, 3191, 3085, 2466, 1012, 2009, 2442, 2022, 5281, 1012, 16974, 2016, 24660, 2515, 2025, 4339, 8072, 1011, 1998, 1011, 4870, 3441, 1012, 2021, 2014, 28988, 7472, 2015, 2024, 2442, 1011, 9631, 1012, 2096, 2023, 2347, 1005, 1056, 2004, 6315, 2004, 1005, 6151, 19825, 3468, 1005, 1010, 2009, 2003, 2145, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2190, 4973, 1997, 2023, 6907, 1012, 1045, 2064, 102 ]
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3.5 stars! Abbi Glines' books are a guilty pleasure for me. I love the Southern charm, the sexy boys, and the beautiful, sweet girls. When You're Back is the second book in Reese and Mase's story and other characters from my other favorite books all make appearances here. I loved River "Captain" Kipling! This guy is SEXY and broody. He is a bit mysterious and I am really looking forward to reading more about him! "I can change your world, too, sweetheart. But I'll wait my turn." We also have Mase's cousin Aida here who gives the cold shoulder to sweet, loving Reese. I really liked how Reese blossomed in this book and how loving and devoted Mase is to her. He is one of my favorite of Abbi Glines' characters and he is definitely book boyfriend material. Their scenes are touching, sexy and sweet, just what I expect from the Rosemary Beach series. I liked this book and recommend it if you are looking for a sexy, quick summertime read!
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 11113, 5638, 1043, 12735, 1005, 2808, 2024, 1037, 5905, 5165, 2005, 2033, 1012, 1045, 2293, 1996, 2670, 11084, 1010, 1996, 7916, 3337, 1010, 1998, 1996, 3376, 1010, 4086, 3057, 1012, 2043, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2067, 2003, 1996, 2117, 2338, 1999, 15883, 1998, 16137, 2063, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1998, 2060, 3494, 2013, 2026, 2060, 5440, 2808, 2035, 2191, 3922, 2182, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2314, 1000, 2952, 1000, 11382, 14353, 999, 2023, 3124, 2003, 7916, 1998, 25565, 2100, 1012, 2002, 2003, 1037, 2978, 8075, 1998, 1045, 2572, 2428, 2559, 2830, 2000, 3752, 2062, 2055, 2032, 999, 1000, 1045, 2064, 2689, 2115, 2088, 1010, 2205, 1010, 12074, 1012, 2021, 1045, 1005, 2222, 3524, 2026, 2735, 1012, 1000, 2057, 2036, 2031, 16137, 2063, 1005, 1055, 5542, 4681, 2050, 2182, 2040, 3957, 1996, 3147, 3244, 2000, 4086, 1010, 8295, 15883, 1012, 1045, 2428, 4669, 2129, 15883, 20593, 2098, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2129, 8295, 1998, 7422, 16137, 2063, 2003, 2000, 2014, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 1997, 11113, 5638, 1043, 12735, 1005, 3494, 1998, 2002, 2003, 5791, 2338, 6898, 3430, 1012, 2037, 5019, 2024, 7244, 1010, 7916, 1998, 4086, 1010, 2074, 2054, 1045, 5987, 2013, 1996, 18040, 3509, 2186, 1012, 1045, 4669, 2023, 2338, 1998, 16755, 2009, 2065, 2017, 2024, 2559, 2005, 1037, 7916, 1010, 4248, 2621, 7292, 3191, 999, 102 ]
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Crying!! From laughter. This book would make a great movie! Alice Clayton writes funny. sexy, adult romantic comedies. There's plenty of steam and always just the right amount of emotional tension to deliver a good, light, satisfying read. Mai Tai'd Up is the story of Chloe and Lucas. This is a standalone and although Chloe was mentioned in Screwdrivered, you do not need to read the previous books! You can dive right in, and you will enjoy the story. Chloe is a "runaway bride" and realizes that she was not in love with her fiancee. Much to the horror of her very proper family, she picks up and moves away to begin a whole new chapter in her life. Her passion is reuse animals and she opens a rescue center for pit bulls. And that brings her to the handsome veterinarian in town, Lucas. The two begin a flirtation and and Chloe really begins to fall for Lucas. I mean, who wouldn't? A sexy vet? Hello! I loved their scenes together, and their relationship was a slow-build. There is one thing that Lucas can't stand, and when he finds out about Chloe's almost-trip to the altar, things blow up. I absolutely loved how independent and feisty Chloe was. She is no wallflower! She's smart and no pushover. Often heroines can be kind of a door mat but not Chloe. And there are plenty of really funny moments in this book to go along with the swoon-y romance. Overall I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a fresh, fun and breezy read. Alice Clayton really knows how to deliver a well-written, well-paced story. Oh, and this is a great book for dog lovers! Favorite quote: Here's the thing about an enormous penis. They don't just live in romance novels ... "Pardon me?" he finally said, his hands frozen on my hips, his lips halfway down my neck. "Sorry. Actually, not sorry. Actually, congratulations." I pointed down. "This is kind of amazing." He threw his head back and laughed out loud. (*ARC provided by the publisher with thanks.)
[ 101, 6933, 999, 999, 2013, 7239, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2052, 2191, 1037, 2307, 3185, 999, 5650, 11811, 7009, 6057, 1012, 7916, 1010, 4639, 6298, 22092, 1012, 2045, 1005, 1055, 7564, 1997, 5492, 1998, 2467, 2074, 1996, 2157, 3815, 1997, 6832, 6980, 2000, 8116, 1037, 2204, 1010, 2422, 1010, 17087, 3191, 1012, 14736, 13843, 1005, 1040, 2039, 2003, 1996, 2466, 1997, 9318, 1998, 6326, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 26609, 1998, 2348, 9318, 2001, 3855, 1999, 11224, 23663, 5596, 1010, 2017, 2079, 2025, 2342, 2000, 3191, 1996, 3025, 2808, 999, 2017, 2064, 11529, 2157, 1999, 1010, 1998, 2017, 2097, 5959, 1996, 2466, 1012, 9318, 2003, 1037, 1000, 19050, 8959, 1000, 1998, 10919, 2008, 2016, 2001, 2025, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2014, 19455, 1012, 2172, 2000, 1996, 5469, 1997, 2014, 2200, 5372, 2155, 1010, 2016, 11214, 2039, 1998, 5829, 2185, 2000, 4088, 1037, 2878, 2047, 3127, 1999, 2014, 2166, 1012, 2014, 6896, 2003, 2128, 8557, 4176, 1998, 2016, 7480, 1037, 5343, 2415, 2005, 6770, 12065, 1012, 1998, 2008, 7545, 2014, 2000, 1996, 8502, 29525, 26052, 6862, 1999, 2237, 1010, 6326, 1012, 1996, 2048, 4088, 1037, 27978, 3370, 1998, 1998, 9318, 2428, 4269, 2000, 2991, 2005, 6326, 1012, 1045, 2812, 1010, 2040, 2876, 1005, 1056, 1029, 1037, 7916, 29525, 1029, 7592, 999, 1045, 3866, 2037, 5019, 2362, 1010, 1998, 2037, 3276, 2001, 1037, 4030, 1011, 3857, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2028, 2518, 2008, 6326, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3233, 1010, 1998, 2043, 2002, 4858, 2041, 2055, 9318, 1005, 1055, 2471, 1011, 4440, 2000, 1996, 9216, 1010, 2477, 6271, 2039, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2129, 2981, 1998, 24664, 21756, 9318, 2001, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2053, 2813, 14156, 999, 2016, 1005, 1055, 6047, 1998, 2053, 5245, 7840, 1012, 2411, 18869, 2015, 2064, 2022, 2785, 1997, 1037, 2341, 13523, 2021, 2025, 9318, 1012, 1998, 2045, 2024, 7564, 1997, 2428, 6057, 5312, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2000, 2175, 2247, 2007, 1996, 25430, 7828, 1011, 1061, 7472, 1012, 3452, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2023, 2338, 2005, 3087, 2559, 2005, 1037, 4840, 1010, 4569, 1998, 21986, 9096, 3191, 1012, 5650, 11811, 2428, 4282, 2129, 2000, 8116, 1037, 2092, 1011, 2517, 1010, 2092, 1011, 13823, 2466, 1012, 2821, 1010, 1998, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2307, 2338, 2005, 3899, 10205, 999, 5440, 14686, 1024, 2182, 1005, 1055, 1996, 2518, 2055, 2019, 8216, 19085, 1012, 2027, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2074, 2444, 1999, 7472, 6002, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1000, 14933, 2033, 1029, 1000, 2002, 2633, 2056, 1010, 2010, 2398, 7708, 2006, 2026, 6700, 1010, 2010, 2970, 8576, 2091, 2026, 3300, 1012, 1000, 3374, 1012, 2941, 1010, 2025, 3374, 1012, 2941, 1010, 23156, 1012, 1000, 1045, 4197, 2091, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2003, 2785, 1997, 6429, 1012, 1000, 2002, 4711, 2010, 2132, 2067, 1998, 4191, 2041, 5189, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 2007, 4283, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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6 STARS!!! Brilliant!! It took me a while to gather my thoughts on this story. I don't even know what to say about this book other than it was fan-freaking-tastic. Beth Flynn is a master storyteller. Let me stop right here and say that if you have not read Nine Minutes, you must must must read that book before starting this one. OUT OF TIME is filled with spoilers as well as a huge cast of characters that will have your head spinning if you have not yet read the first book. The events that occur in OOT are absolutely mind-boggling. Cathy and I both thought we knew where this story would go, but believe me, even in our wildest imaginations, we never could have guessed the twists and turns that occurred in this book. We are both huge Grizz fans. I loved him even more after reading the flashback scenes and learning about this childhood (such as it was.) His devotion/obsession with Ginny was more fully explained and the use of flashbacks was perfection. A word about that: Cathy is a tough reader, almost impossible to please, and she LOVED this book! She actually called it "perfect"! And that word sums up Beth Flynn's storytelling ability. Every character in Out of Time is essential, there are no throwaway scenes, and absolutely no unnecessary drama. Make no mistake, this book is violent, it is gritty but it is unbelievable gripping, intense and sexy. My heart broke several times over while reading this story. And while I am a GFFL (Grizz Fan for Life!), Beth Flynn did an amazing job with Grunt's character. His love for Ginny is endless. This is the kind of book that must be savored, re--read and discussed. There is that much going on. And the world of MC's is not in any way sugar-coated yet the story is immensely readable and unforgettable. At the core of this series is the love Grizz has for Ginny. It is unending. OUT OF TIME is without question one of the best books we have read this year. This series is a must-read. Don't miss out. "The only truth you ever need to know is that my love for you is real and will never go away. And everything I've done, no matter how it looks, is so you could be protected. I never wanted to be without you, but it's not my choice now."
[ 101, 1020, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 8235, 999, 999, 2009, 2165, 2033, 1037, 2096, 2000, 8587, 2026, 4301, 2006, 2023, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2130, 2113, 2054, 2000, 2360, 2055, 2023, 2338, 2060, 2084, 2009, 2001, 5470, 1011, 13847, 1011, 11937, 10074, 1012, 7014, 13259, 2003, 1037, 3040, 2466, 23567, 2121, 1012, 2292, 2033, 2644, 2157, 2182, 1998, 2360, 2008, 2065, 2017, 2031, 2025, 3191, 3157, 2781, 1010, 2017, 2442, 2442, 2442, 3191, 2008, 2338, 2077, 3225, 2023, 2028, 1012, 2041, 1997, 2051, 2003, 3561, 2007, 27594, 2545, 2004, 2092, 2004, 1037, 4121, 3459, 1997, 3494, 2008, 2097, 2031, 2115, 2132, 9419, 2065, 2017, 2031, 2025, 2664, 3191, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1012, 1996, 2824, 2008, 5258, 1999, 1051, 4140, 2024, 7078, 2568, 1011, 22132, 18483, 1012, 18305, 1998, 1045, 2119, 2245, 2057, 2354, 2073, 2023, 2466, 2052, 2175, 1010, 2021, 2903, 2033, 1010, 2130, 1999, 2256, 18575, 3367, 9647, 2015, 1010, 2057, 2196, 2071, 2031, 11445, 1996, 21438, 1998, 4332, 2008, 4158, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2057, 2024, 2119, 4121, 24665, 10993, 2480, 4599, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2032, 2130, 2062, 2044, 3752, 1996, 21907, 5019, 1998, 4083, 2055, 2023, 5593, 1006, 2107, 2004, 2009, 2001, 1012, 1007, 2010, 13347, 1013, 17418, 2007, 18353, 4890, 2001, 2062, 3929, 4541, 1998, 1996, 2224, 1997, 28945, 2001, 15401, 1012, 1037, 2773, 2055, 2008, 1024, 18305, 2003, 1037, 7823, 8068, 1010, 2471, 5263, 2000, 3531, 1010, 1998, 2016, 3866, 2023, 2338, 999, 2016, 2941, 2170, 2009, 1000, 3819, 1000, 999, 1998, 2008, 2773, 20571, 2039, 7014, 13259, 1005, 1055, 20957, 3754, 1012, 2296, 2839, 1999, 2041, 1997, 2051, 2003, 6827, 1010, 2045, 2024, 2053, 5466, 9497, 5019, 1010, 1998, 7078, 2053, 14203, 3689, 1012, 2191, 2053, 6707, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2003, 6355, 1010, 2009, 2003, 24842, 3723, 2021, 2009, 2003, 23653, 13940, 1010, 6387, 1998, 7916, 1012, 2026, 2540, 3631, 2195, 2335, 2058, 2096, 3752, 2023, 2466, 1012, 1998, 2096, 1045, 2572, 1037, 1043, 4246, 2140, 1006, 24665, 10993, 2480, 5470, 2005, 2166, 999, 1007, 1010, 7014, 13259, 2106, 2019, 6429, 3105, 2007, 20696, 1005, 1055, 2839, 1012, 2010, 2293, 2005, 18353, 4890, 2003, 10866, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2785, 1997, 2338, 2008, 2442, 2022, 7842, 14550, 2098, 1010, 2128, 1011, 1011, 3191, 1998, 6936, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2008, 2172, 2183, 2006, 1012, 1998, 1996, 2088, 1997, 11338, 1005, 1055, 2003, 2025, 1999, 2151, 2126, 5699, 1011, 15026, 2664, 1996, 2466, 2003, 24256, 3191, 3085, 1998, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 1012, 2012, 1996, 4563, 1997, 2023, 2186, 2003, 1996, 2293, 24665, 10993, 2480, 2038, 2005, 18353, 4890, 1012, 2009, 2003, 16655, 15683, 1012, 2041, 1997, 2051, 2003, 2302, 3160, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2190, 2808, 2057, 2031, 3191, 2023, 2095, 1012, 2023, 2186, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2041, 1012, 1000, 1996, 2069, 3606, 2017, 2412, 2342, 2000, 2113, 2003, 2008, 2026, 2293, 2005, 2017, 2003, 2613, 1998, 2097, 2196, 2175, 2185, 1012, 1998, 2673, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2589, 1010, 2053, 3043, 2129, 2009, 3504, 1010, 2003, 2061, 2017, 2071, 2022, 5123, 1012, 1045, 2196, 2359, 2000, 2022, 2302, 102 ]
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Tiffany Reisz's writing is pure perfection. Her books are among my all-time favorites and The King was an absolute delight to read, from beginning to end. I have always loved Kingsley Edge so I couldn't wait to read an entire book about him! And once again, the author completely captivated and enthralled me. "He thought of nothing, remembered nothing, but felt everything." This book mainly tells the story of Kingsley's relationship with Soren but there are plenty of other characters making an appearance in this book. Of course, I am addicted to Kingsley and Soren so their scenes together are completely mind-blowing and absolutely satisfying. This is a very adult and sophisticated book, the prose is gorgeous and the dialogue is pure genius. Even though I though I know Kingsley's story, the author provides plenty of delicious surprises along the way. I LOVED this book!!! It's sexy, funny, incredibly dramatic and gut-wrenching and completely amazing. I did miss Nora, she is not really the focus of The King but she plays a pivotal role nonetheless. The focus here is on Kingsley and his story. I adored the author's snappy banter, smart storyline and very topical themes. "What's your poison?" the bartender asked, and Kinglsey answered, "Blonds." The King is a must-read!! You will lose yourself in this book. I miss Kingsley already! (*ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 14381, 24964, 17112, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2003, 5760, 15401, 1012, 2014, 2808, 2024, 2426, 2026, 2035, 1011, 2051, 20672, 1998, 1996, 2332, 2001, 2019, 7619, 12208, 2000, 3191, 1010, 2013, 2927, 2000, 2203, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2467, 3866, 22819, 3341, 2061, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2019, 2972, 2338, 2055, 2032, 999, 1998, 2320, 2153, 1010, 1996, 3166, 3294, 14408, 21967, 1998, 4372, 2705, 7941, 3709, 2033, 1012, 1000, 2002, 2245, 1997, 2498, 1010, 4622, 2498, 1010, 2021, 2371, 2673, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2338, 3701, 4136, 1996, 2466, 1997, 22819, 1005, 1055, 3276, 2007, 14699, 2078, 2021, 2045, 2024, 7564, 1997, 2060, 3494, 2437, 2019, 3311, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1997, 2607, 1010, 1045, 2572, 23042, 2000, 22819, 1998, 14699, 2078, 2061, 2037, 5019, 2362, 2024, 3294, 2568, 1011, 11221, 1998, 7078, 17087, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2200, 4639, 1998, 12138, 2338, 1010, 1996, 12388, 2003, 9882, 1998, 1996, 7982, 2003, 5760, 11067, 1012, 2130, 2295, 1045, 2295, 1045, 2113, 22819, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1010, 1996, 3166, 3640, 7564, 1997, 12090, 20096, 2247, 1996, 2126, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 999, 999, 999, 2009, 1005, 1055, 7916, 1010, 6057, 1010, 11757, 6918, 1998, 9535, 1011, 16255, 8450, 1998, 3294, 6429, 1012, 1045, 2106, 3335, 12306, 1010, 2016, 2003, 2025, 2428, 1996, 3579, 1997, 1996, 2332, 2021, 2016, 3248, 1037, 20369, 2535, 9690, 1012, 1996, 3579, 2182, 2003, 2006, 22819, 1998, 2010, 2466, 1012, 1045, 28456, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 10245, 7685, 7221, 3334, 1010, 6047, 9994, 1998, 2200, 25665, 6991, 1012, 1000, 2054, 1005, 1055, 2115, 9947, 1029, 1000, 1996, 15812, 2356, 1010, 1998, 2332, 4877, 3240, 4660, 1010, 1000, 8855, 2015, 1012, 1000, 1996, 2332, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 999, 999, 2017, 2097, 4558, 4426, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1045, 3335, 22819, 2525, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! Maybe Not is the funny, sexy and un-put-downable story of Warren and Bridgette and their sometimes rocky and always passionate road from enemies to lovers. This is a novella spin-off of MAYBE SOMEDAY and must, must, must be read after MAYBE SOMEDAY, which by the way is one of my all-time favorites and is not to be missed. There is a major spoiler in this story that will take away a bit from your enjoyment of Maybe Someday if you are a first-time reader. Once again, Colleen delivers a fresh, perfectly-written, intense and witty storyline that kept me reading well into the night. Warren can't stand his new roommate Bridgette at first, but their constant bickering, fighting and pranking quickly turns into something more: "Oh, my God. I'm obsessed. I'm like a stalker. I am a stalker." "She's so confusing, She's so frustrating. She's so damn unpredictable. She's nothing I've ever wanted in a girl. And absolutely everything I need." I'm kinda obsessed with Colleen's characters and Maybe Not is no excerption. The dialogue and the story are flawless and remind me once again why I will read anything this woman writes. Oh, and there's also plenty of steam in this one to please every romance reader. Enjoy!
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 2672, 2025, 2003, 1996, 6057, 1010, 7916, 1998, 4895, 1011, 2404, 1011, 2091, 3085, 2466, 1997, 6031, 1998, 19218, 2618, 1998, 2037, 2823, 6857, 1998, 2467, 13459, 2346, 2013, 6716, 2000, 10205, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 20674, 6714, 1011, 2125, 1997, 2672, 13834, 1998, 2442, 1010, 2442, 1010, 2442, 2022, 3191, 2044, 2672, 13834, 1010, 2029, 2011, 1996, 2126, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2035, 1011, 2051, 20672, 1998, 2003, 2025, 2000, 2022, 4771, 1012, 2045, 2003, 1037, 2350, 27594, 2121, 1999, 2023, 2466, 2008, 2097, 2202, 2185, 1037, 2978, 2013, 2115, 20195, 1997, 2672, 13834, 2065, 2017, 2024, 1037, 2034, 1011, 2051, 8068, 1012, 2320, 2153, 1010, 28385, 18058, 1037, 4840, 1010, 6669, 1011, 2517, 1010, 6387, 1998, 25591, 9994, 2008, 2921, 2033, 3752, 2092, 2046, 1996, 2305, 1012, 6031, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3233, 2010, 2047, 18328, 19218, 2618, 2012, 2034, 1010, 2021, 2037, 5377, 12170, 9102, 2075, 1010, 3554, 1998, 26418, 2075, 2855, 4332, 2046, 2242, 2062, 1024, 1000, 2821, 1010, 2026, 2643, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 15896, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2066, 1037, 23883, 1012, 1045, 2572, 1037, 23883, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2016, 1005, 1055, 2061, 16801, 1010, 2016, 1005, 1055, 2061, 25198, 1012, 2016, 1005, 1055, 2061, 4365, 21446, 1012, 2016, 1005, 1055, 2498, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2412, 2359, 1999, 1037, 2611, 1012, 1998, 7078, 2673, 1045, 2342, 1012, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1049, 17704, 15896, 2007, 28385, 1005, 1055, 3494, 1998, 2672, 2025, 2003, 2053, 28142, 3258, 1012, 1996, 7982, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2024, 27503, 1998, 10825, 2033, 2320, 2153, 2339, 1045, 2097, 3191, 2505, 2023, 2450, 7009, 1012, 2821, 1010, 1998, 2045, 1005, 1055, 2036, 7564, 1997, 5492, 1999, 2023, 2028, 2000, 3531, 2296, 7472, 8068, 1012, 5959, 999, 102 ]
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I can't quite put into words the beauty, heartbreak, emotions and sensuality of this book. Of course, Leah Raeder has a gift with words, that was evident from Unteachable and Black Iris. But Cam Girl took so many twists and turns that my head (and my heart) were left reeling. A book about love, acceptance, sexuality and I think also friendship and loyalty, Cam Girl is one of my favorite books of the year. There is a rawness to Ms. Raeder's writing that is addictive and very real and very challenging. Vada and Ellis kept me constantly guessing, constantly on edge and ultimately, left me with a much deeper understanding of the human condition. Vada is an artist who has become unable to draw like she had in the past. She is forced to drop out of grad school. But she never stops thinking like an artist and seeing the world through a artist's eyes. "Art is an imperfect impression of the world. As the self is an imperfect impression of the soul." This story is about losing love, finding love and learning to love yourself. I highlighted so many parts of this book, that I can't possibly pick out my favorite quotes! Vada and Ellis' journey was suspenseful, sexy and breathtaking, and I'm not revealing more of the plot other than to say read the blurb, and then dive right into this fabulous, sexy and beautifully written book. Ms. Raeder's prose is lyrical and her words come alive on the page. "My love is savage and rapacious. It isn't content to the touch. It wants to be inside, crawl into the marrow, caress each vein until the cells are all mixed up and there is no you and me anymore, no secrets or shadows sliding between our skin." Be prepared to be challenged. Cam Girl is not your everyday story. It is filled with unforgettable characters and a story I won't soon forget. Another must-read from Leah Raeder.
[ 101, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3243, 2404, 2046, 2616, 1996, 5053, 1010, 27724, 1010, 6699, 1998, 18753, 3012, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1997, 2607, 1010, 14188, 14786, 4063, 2038, 1037, 5592, 2007, 2616, 1010, 2008, 2001, 10358, 2013, 4895, 27058, 7507, 3468, 1998, 2304, 11173, 1012, 2021, 11503, 2611, 2165, 2061, 2116, 21438, 1998, 4332, 2008, 2026, 2132, 1006, 1998, 2026, 2540, 1007, 2020, 2187, 28515, 1012, 1037, 2338, 2055, 2293, 1010, 9920, 1010, 13798, 1998, 1045, 2228, 2036, 6860, 1998, 9721, 1010, 11503, 2611, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2808, 1997, 1996, 2095, 1012, 2045, 2003, 1037, 6315, 2791, 2000, 5796, 1012, 14786, 4063, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2008, 2003, 26855, 3512, 1998, 2200, 2613, 1998, 2200, 10368, 1012, 12436, 2850, 1998, 8547, 2921, 2033, 7887, 16986, 1010, 7887, 2006, 3341, 1998, 4821, 1010, 2187, 2033, 2007, 1037, 2172, 6748, 4824, 1997, 1996, 2529, 4650, 1012, 12436, 2850, 2003, 2019, 3063, 2040, 2038, 2468, 4039, 2000, 4009, 2066, 2016, 2018, 1999, 1996, 2627, 1012, 2016, 2003, 3140, 2000, 4530, 2041, 1997, 24665, 4215, 2082, 1012, 2021, 2016, 2196, 6762, 3241, 2066, 2019, 3063, 1998, 3773, 1996, 2088, 2083, 1037, 3063, 1005, 1055, 2159, 1012, 1000, 2396, 2003, 2019, 29238, 8605, 1997, 1996, 2088, 1012, 2004, 1996, 2969, 2003, 2019, 29238, 8605, 1997, 1996, 3969, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2055, 3974, 2293, 1010, 4531, 2293, 1998, 4083, 2000, 2293, 4426, 1012, 1045, 11548, 2061, 2116, 3033, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2008, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4298, 4060, 2041, 2026, 5440, 16614, 999, 12436, 2850, 1998, 8547, 1005, 4990, 2001, 23873, 3993, 1010, 7916, 1998, 3052, 17904, 1010, 1998, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2025, 8669, 2062, 1997, 1996, 5436, 2060, 2084, 2000, 2360, 3191, 1996, 14819, 2497, 1010, 1998, 2059, 11529, 2157, 2046, 2023, 18783, 1010, 7916, 1998, 17950, 2517, 2338, 1012, 5796, 1012, 14786, 4063, 1005, 1055, 12388, 2003, 16376, 1998, 2014, 2616, 2272, 4142, 2006, 1996, 3931, 1012, 1000, 2026, 2293, 2003, 9576, 1998, 9680, 20113, 1012, 2009, 3475, 1005, 1056, 4180, 2000, 1996, 3543, 1012, 2009, 4122, 2000, 2022, 2503, 1010, 13529, 2046, 1996, 24960, 1010, 21753, 2169, 12818, 2127, 1996, 4442, 2024, 2035, 3816, 2039, 1998, 2045, 2003, 2053, 2017, 1998, 2033, 4902, 1010, 2053, 7800, 2030, 6281, 8058, 2090, 2256, 3096, 1012, 1000, 2022, 4810, 2000, 2022, 8315, 1012, 11503, 2611, 2003, 2025, 2115, 10126, 2466, 1012, 2009, 2003, 3561, 2007, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 3494, 1998, 1037, 2466, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 1012, 2178, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2013, 14188, 14786, 4063, 1012, 102 ]
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3.5 Stars!! Tessa and Luke. They absolutely can't stand each other...but really they are perfect for each other! All I Want is the second book in the Alabama Summer series and can be read as a standalone although it is recommended that you read Book #1 first. I have not read the first book and I still loved this second installment in the series. The sex is HOT, the attraction undeniable and the story fast-apced and gripping! Tessa and Luke are two incredibly stubborn people who just can't seem to stop torturing each other. Tessa broke up with Luke for what she thought was good reason (if a little misguided) and while he can't forgive her, he also can't seem to stay away from her, either. I'm a sucker for a hot Alpha in a uniform and Luke is one protective, sexy cop. He has a very, very painful family life, one that he hides from Tessa, much to her dismay. Despite her initial resentment of Luke, and jealousy over his random hook-ups, she really wants to be there for him emotionally. Much of this book is spent with these two fighting and then having scorching hot sex. J. Daniels can really write a super-hot, sexy and fast-paced read that will keep you very entertained. This book is as lighthearted as some of her other books but it is very enjoyable and I recommend it for fans of second-chance romance and super-hot, sexy, Southern Alphas who won't take no for an answer! And not to fear, these two have a HEA, even after all of their emotional ups and downs. And I can't wait for the next book in this series, Reed! Bring it on!
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 13167, 1998, 5355, 1012, 2027, 7078, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3233, 2169, 2060, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2021, 2428, 2027, 2024, 3819, 2005, 2169, 2060, 999, 2035, 1045, 2215, 2003, 1996, 2117, 2338, 1999, 1996, 6041, 2621, 2186, 1998, 2064, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 2348, 2009, 2003, 6749, 2008, 2017, 3191, 2338, 1001, 1015, 2034, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2025, 3191, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1998, 1045, 2145, 3866, 2023, 2117, 18932, 1999, 1996, 2186, 1012, 1996, 3348, 2003, 2980, 1010, 1996, 8432, 6151, 19825, 3468, 1998, 1996, 2466, 3435, 1011, 9706, 11788, 1998, 13940, 999, 13167, 1998, 5355, 2024, 2048, 11757, 14205, 2111, 2040, 2074, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4025, 2000, 2644, 17153, 16037, 2169, 2060, 1012, 13167, 3631, 2039, 2007, 5355, 2005, 2054, 2016, 2245, 2001, 2204, 3114, 1006, 2065, 1037, 2210, 28616, 28582, 2094, 1007, 1998, 2096, 2002, 2064, 1005, 1056, 9641, 2014, 1010, 2002, 2036, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4025, 2000, 2994, 2185, 2013, 2014, 1010, 2593, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 1037, 26476, 2005, 1037, 2980, 6541, 1999, 1037, 6375, 1998, 5355, 2003, 2028, 9474, 1010, 7916, 8872, 1012, 2002, 2038, 1037, 2200, 1010, 2200, 9145, 2155, 2166, 1010, 2028, 2008, 2002, 17382, 2013, 13167, 1010, 2172, 2000, 2014, 20006, 1012, 2750, 2014, 3988, 20234, 1997, 5355, 1010, 1998, 14225, 2058, 2010, 6721, 8103, 1011, 11139, 1010, 2016, 2428, 4122, 2000, 2022, 2045, 2005, 2032, 14868, 1012, 2172, 1997, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2985, 2007, 2122, 2048, 3554, 1998, 2059, 2383, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 3348, 1012, 1046, 1012, 13196, 2064, 2428, 4339, 1037, 3565, 1011, 2980, 1010, 7916, 1998, 3435, 1011, 13823, 3191, 2008, 2097, 2562, 2017, 2200, 21474, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2004, 2422, 27693, 2004, 2070, 1997, 2014, 2060, 2808, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2200, 22249, 1998, 1045, 16755, 2009, 2005, 4599, 1997, 2117, 1011, 3382, 7472, 1998, 3565, 1011, 2980, 1010, 7916, 1010, 2670, 6541, 2015, 2040, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2202, 2053, 2005, 2019, 3437, 999, 1998, 2025, 2000, 3571, 1010, 2122, 2048, 2031, 1037, 2002, 2050, 1010, 2130, 2044, 2035, 1997, 2037, 6832, 11139, 1998, 12482, 1012, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1010, 7305, 999, 3288, 2009, 2006, 999, 102 ]
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I can't say much about this book because I don't want to give the plot away but I was completely and totally immersed once again in the world of the Weavers and the Hawks!! This book has a little bit of a different tone to it than the previous books because there are lots of questions that are answered. This series is EPIC!! (And I would LOVE to see it made into a mini-series.) I'm in denial that there is only one more book left in this series! I don't know how Ms. Winters dreams up these plots, but I'm glad she has such an incredibly vivid imagination and I can't wait for the next book in the Weaver/Hawk family saga.
[ 101, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2360, 2172, 2055, 2023, 2338, 2138, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 2507, 1996, 5436, 2185, 2021, 1045, 2001, 3294, 1998, 6135, 26275, 2320, 2153, 1999, 1996, 2088, 1997, 1996, 14077, 2015, 1998, 1996, 12505, 999, 999, 2023, 2338, 2038, 1037, 2210, 2978, 1997, 1037, 2367, 4309, 2000, 2009, 2084, 1996, 3025, 2808, 2138, 2045, 2024, 7167, 1997, 3980, 2008, 2024, 4660, 1012, 2023, 2186, 2003, 8680, 999, 999, 1006, 1998, 1045, 2052, 2293, 2000, 2156, 2009, 2081, 2046, 1037, 7163, 1011, 2186, 1012, 1007, 1045, 1005, 1049, 1999, 14920, 2008, 2045, 2003, 2069, 2028, 2062, 2338, 2187, 1999, 2023, 2186, 999, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2113, 2129, 5796, 1012, 12214, 5544, 2039, 2122, 14811, 1010, 2021, 1045, 1005, 1049, 5580, 2016, 2038, 2107, 2019, 11757, 14954, 9647, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 1996, 14077, 1013, 9881, 2155, 12312, 1012, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
5 DARK AND SEXY STARS!!! Pepper Winters has created yet another richly woven story in Final Debt, along with even more backstory and fantastic insight into the series' characters. It is difficult for me to adequately describe my feelings about this book and the characters, first because I've read early copies of almost every one of them and second because Jethro and Nila are two of my favorite main characters. It is hard to say the word "hero" in the same sentence as Jethro because of the dark nature of this series, but trust me, he truly becomes the man he is meant to be in Final Debt. And the Epilogue? Pure gold. I was completely and utterly satisfied with the way the author concluded this series. My emotions were all over the place while reading this last book and the Epilogue. At times I was fearful that the worst would happen, and at other times I was hoping against hope that Nila and Jethro would overcome all of the dark forces that conspired against them. To say this book is an emotional roller coaster is an understatement. The historical-romance-themed tone of this series again shines through in this book and I am THRILLED at the announcement of a related book about William Hawk! The only thing that would make me happier is if these books were made into a movie or television series. Expect LOTS of surprises in this incredibly satisfying conclusion to the Indebted Series. My heart is breaking a little at saying goodbye to Jethro and Nila.
[ 101, 1019, 2601, 1998, 7916, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 11565, 12214, 2038, 2580, 2664, 2178, 26502, 17374, 2466, 1999, 2345, 7016, 1010, 2247, 2007, 2130, 2062, 10457, 7062, 1998, 10392, 12369, 2046, 1996, 2186, 1005, 3494, 1012, 2009, 2003, 3697, 2005, 2033, 2000, 23613, 6235, 2026, 5346, 2055, 2023, 2338, 1998, 1996, 3494, 1010, 2034, 2138, 1045, 1005, 2310, 3191, 2220, 4809, 1997, 2471, 2296, 2028, 1997, 2068, 1998, 2117, 2138, 6892, 8093, 2080, 1998, 9152, 2721, 2024, 2048, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2364, 3494, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2524, 2000, 2360, 1996, 2773, 1000, 5394, 1000, 1999, 1996, 2168, 6251, 2004, 6892, 8093, 2080, 2138, 1997, 1996, 2601, 3267, 1997, 2023, 2186, 1010, 2021, 3404, 2033, 1010, 2002, 5621, 4150, 1996, 2158, 2002, 2003, 3214, 2000, 2022, 1999, 2345, 7016, 1012, 1998, 1996, 24297, 1029, 5760, 2751, 1012, 1045, 2001, 3294, 1998, 12580, 8510, 2007, 1996, 2126, 1996, 3166, 5531, 2023, 2186, 1012, 2026, 6699, 2020, 2035, 2058, 1996, 2173, 2096, 3752, 2023, 2197, 2338, 1998, 1996, 24297, 1012, 2012, 2335, 1045, 2001, 19725, 2008, 1996, 5409, 2052, 4148, 1010, 1998, 2012, 2060, 2335, 1045, 2001, 5327, 2114, 3246, 2008, 9152, 2721, 1998, 6892, 8093, 2080, 2052, 9462, 2035, 1997, 1996, 2601, 2749, 2008, 9530, 13102, 27559, 2114, 2068, 1012, 2000, 2360, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2019, 6832, 11220, 16817, 2003, 2019, 2104, 9153, 18532, 4765, 1012, 1996, 3439, 1011, 7472, 1011, 11773, 4309, 1997, 2023, 2186, 2153, 12342, 2015, 2083, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 1045, 2572, 16082, 2012, 1996, 8874, 1997, 1037, 3141, 2338, 2055, 2520, 9881, 999, 1996, 2069, 2518, 2008, 2052, 2191, 2033, 19366, 2003, 2065, 2122, 2808, 2020, 2081, 2046, 1037, 3185, 2030, 2547, 2186, 1012, 5987, 7167, 1997, 20096, 1999, 2023, 11757, 17087, 7091, 2000, 1996, 27427, 15878, 3064, 2186, 1012, 2026, 2540, 2003, 4911, 1037, 2210, 2012, 3038, 9119, 2000, 6892, 8093, 2080, 1998, 9152, 2721, 1012, 102 ]
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Having read and loved Incandescent, I couldn't wait to read Affliction, the second book in the Knight's Rebels MC series. Affliction was a but of a surprise, having a much more emotional story than the first book in the series. This book can absolutely be read as a standalone, although the characters are first introduced in Book One and some of the plot might be a little spoiler-ish. Sy is angry, gruff, and hard-edged, having suffered a very, very painful loss several years before. He spends the first part of the book acting like a complete jerk towards our heroine Holly, and at times I almost felt like the author was making him into a lost cause. Holly is spirited and outgoing and we first meet her in Book One. She meets Sy when her best friend becomes involved with the Club President. Holly, too, has spiraled into a very dark place and Sy is drawn to her and knows that he can help her overcome her emotional scars. I grew to love Sy while reading this book and absolutely adored the protective way he treated Holly. While this story might seem like it is dark and very emotional, the sex scenes are off the charts hot and very, very steamy. And, there is actually a beautiful love story here and a lovely message about forgiveness, acceptance and letting go of the past. All in all, this is a great story for all fans of MC romance. I can't wait to read more from this author! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 2383, 3191, 1998, 3866, 27523, 13629, 27654, 1010, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 21358, 29301, 3258, 1010, 1996, 2117, 2338, 1999, 1996, 5000, 1005, 1055, 8431, 11338, 2186, 1012, 21358, 29301, 3258, 2001, 1037, 2021, 1997, 1037, 4474, 1010, 2383, 1037, 2172, 2062, 6832, 2466, 2084, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1999, 1996, 2186, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2064, 7078, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 1010, 2348, 1996, 3494, 2024, 2034, 3107, 1999, 2338, 2028, 1998, 2070, 1997, 1996, 5436, 2453, 2022, 1037, 2210, 27594, 2121, 1011, 2003, 2232, 1012, 25353, 2003, 4854, 1010, 27038, 1010, 1998, 2524, 1011, 13011, 1010, 2383, 4265, 1037, 2200, 1010, 2200, 9145, 3279, 2195, 2086, 2077, 1012, 2002, 15970, 1996, 2034, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2338, 3772, 2066, 1037, 3143, 12181, 2875, 2256, 18869, 9079, 1010, 1998, 2012, 2335, 1045, 2471, 2371, 2066, 1996, 3166, 2001, 2437, 2032, 2046, 1037, 2439, 3426, 1012, 9079, 2003, 24462, 1998, 22011, 1998, 2057, 2034, 3113, 2014, 1999, 2338, 2028, 1012, 2016, 6010, 25353, 2043, 2014, 2190, 2767, 4150, 2920, 2007, 1996, 2252, 2343, 1012, 9079, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2038, 12313, 2098, 2046, 1037, 2200, 2601, 2173, 1998, 25353, 2003, 4567, 2000, 2014, 1998, 4282, 2008, 2002, 2064, 2393, 2014, 9462, 2014, 6832, 13521, 1012, 1045, 3473, 2000, 2293, 25353, 2096, 3752, 2023, 2338, 1998, 7078, 28456, 1996, 9474, 2126, 2002, 5845, 9079, 1012, 2096, 2023, 2466, 2453, 4025, 2066, 2009, 2003, 2601, 1998, 2200, 6832, 1010, 1996, 3348, 5019, 2024, 2125, 1996, 6093, 2980, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 5492, 2100, 1012, 1998, 1010, 2045, 2003, 2941, 1037, 3376, 2293, 2466, 2182, 1998, 1037, 8403, 4471, 2055, 17213, 1010, 9920, 1998, 5599, 2175, 1997, 1996, 2627, 1012, 2035, 1999, 2035, 1010, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2307, 2466, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 11338, 7472, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2013, 2023, 3166, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Tessa Bailey is THE undisputed queen of dirty-talkers! Loved Bowen and Sera. Risking It All is sexy, hot and has a thriller aspect to it! I loved the whole undercover cop story and my word, Bowen is HOT!! And that's saying a lot for a TB hero. He is right up there with the dirtiest-talking alphas EVER. This story is fact-paced, action-filled and has tons and tons of heat, tension and sexy times. TB's books literally melt your Kindle and Risking It All is one of her hottest books ever. Favorite quote in the book: "We both know it's only a matter of time before I'm pounding the purity right out of you." RIA is a passionate mix of romance and action and I highly recommend it for all fans of Ms. Tessa Bailey!! (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 13167, 8925, 2003, 1996, 6151, 2483, 29462, 3035, 1997, 6530, 1011, 2831, 2545, 999, 3866, 16208, 1998, 26358, 1012, 26875, 2009, 2035, 2003, 7916, 1010, 2980, 1998, 2038, 1037, 10874, 7814, 2000, 2009, 999, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2878, 16382, 8872, 2466, 1998, 2026, 2773, 1010, 16208, 2003, 2980, 999, 999, 1998, 2008, 1005, 1055, 3038, 1037, 2843, 2005, 1037, 26419, 5394, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2157, 2039, 2045, 2007, 1996, 6900, 10458, 1011, 3331, 6541, 2015, 2412, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2755, 1011, 13823, 1010, 2895, 1011, 3561, 1998, 2038, 6197, 1998, 6197, 1997, 3684, 1010, 6980, 1998, 7916, 2335, 1012, 26419, 1005, 1055, 2808, 6719, 14899, 2115, 2785, 2571, 1998, 26875, 2009, 2035, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2014, 20930, 2808, 2412, 1012, 5440, 14686, 1999, 1996, 2338, 1024, 1000, 2057, 2119, 2113, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2069, 1037, 3043, 1997, 2051, 2077, 1045, 1005, 1049, 9836, 1996, 18433, 2157, 2041, 1997, 2017, 1012, 1000, 15544, 2050, 2003, 1037, 13459, 4666, 1997, 7472, 1998, 2895, 1998, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2009, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 5796, 1012, 13167, 8925, 999, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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An unblinking, unvarnished look inside the brutal life of a 70's MC gang. A perfect story with incredibly detailed references to South Florida in the 1970's. An ending that will take your breath away. Let the author stalking begin!
[ 101, 2019, 4895, 16558, 29377, 1010, 4895, 10755, 28357, 2298, 2503, 1996, 12077, 2166, 1997, 1037, 3963, 1005, 1055, 11338, 6080, 1012, 1037, 3819, 2466, 2007, 11757, 6851, 7604, 2000, 2148, 3516, 1999, 1996, 3359, 1005, 1055, 1012, 2019, 4566, 2008, 2097, 2202, 2115, 3052, 2185, 1012, 2292, 1996, 3166, 20070, 4088, 999, 102 ]
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4 - 4.5 Sexy Stars!! Delicious!!! DARK WILD NIGHT is a very sexy, very readable, fast-paced story about two friends who want to move out of the dreaded friend zone. I had forgotten how incredibly HOT and sexy Christina Lauren's stories can be!! OLIVER!! Christina Lauren's stories are a book-crack addiction that I don't intend to give up! I didn't think I could love a couple any more than the other couples in this series but I was wrong. Oliver is sexy, sweet, romantic, and totally sensual and loving on top of it all!! No asshole-y-ness here, just a sexy-sweet, feel-good romance. I absolutely fell in love with Lola, she's a total geek and totally adorable. These two are the only ones of their group of friends who didn't stay married after the shenanigans in Las Vegas. But they are close friends who don't want to ruin a good thing by becoming involved romantically. Even though I knew what was ultimately in store for these two, it still didn't put a damper on my enjoyment of this lushly-written yet totally modern story. Oliver and Lola are two of the most "real" characters to date in this series. Lola is consumed with her work and Oliver backs off when she needs space. There is no unnecessary drama here, just two people who care deeply for each other, have smoking-hot chemistry but who have insecurities just like the rest of us. "I don't think I've ever loved anyone quite like this. In this sort of giddy, obliterating game-changing way. Where I can see myself with her for the rest of my life..." I feel in love with Oliver and can't wait for more yumminess from this awesome writing duo. (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1011, 1018, 1012, 1019, 7916, 3340, 999, 999, 12090, 999, 999, 999, 2601, 3748, 2305, 2003, 1037, 2200, 7916, 1010, 2200, 3191, 3085, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2466, 2055, 2048, 2814, 2040, 2215, 2000, 2693, 2041, 1997, 1996, 14436, 2098, 2767, 4224, 1012, 1045, 2018, 6404, 2129, 11757, 2980, 1998, 7916, 12657, 10294, 1005, 1055, 3441, 2064, 2022, 999, 999, 6291, 999, 999, 12657, 10294, 1005, 1055, 3441, 2024, 1037, 2338, 1011, 8579, 13449, 2008, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 13566, 2000, 2507, 2039, 999, 1045, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2228, 1045, 2071, 2293, 1037, 3232, 2151, 2062, 2084, 1996, 2060, 6062, 1999, 2023, 2186, 2021, 1045, 2001, 3308, 1012, 6291, 2003, 7916, 1010, 4086, 1010, 6298, 1010, 1998, 6135, 18753, 1998, 8295, 2006, 2327, 1997, 2009, 2035, 999, 999, 2053, 22052, 1011, 1061, 1011, 23384, 2182, 1010, 2074, 1037, 7916, 1011, 4086, 1010, 2514, 1011, 2204, 7472, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 15137, 1010, 2016, 1005, 1055, 1037, 2561, 29294, 1998, 6135, 23677, 1012, 2122, 2048, 2024, 1996, 2069, 3924, 1997, 2037, 2177, 1997, 2814, 2040, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2994, 2496, 2044, 1996, 21882, 7088, 5289, 2015, 1999, 5869, 7136, 1012, 2021, 2027, 2024, 2485, 2814, 2040, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 10083, 1037, 2204, 2518, 2011, 3352, 2920, 6298, 3973, 1012, 2130, 2295, 1045, 2354, 2054, 2001, 4821, 1999, 3573, 2005, 2122, 2048, 1010, 2009, 2145, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2404, 1037, 10620, 2121, 2006, 2026, 20195, 1997, 2023, 16299, 2135, 1011, 2517, 2664, 6135, 2715, 2466, 1012, 6291, 1998, 15137, 2024, 2048, 1997, 1996, 2087, 1000, 2613, 1000, 3494, 2000, 3058, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 15137, 2003, 10202, 2007, 2014, 2147, 1998, 6291, 10457, 2125, 2043, 2016, 3791, 2686, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 14203, 3689, 2182, 1010, 2074, 2048, 2111, 2040, 2729, 6171, 2005, 2169, 2060, 1010, 2031, 9422, 1011, 2980, 6370, 2021, 2040, 2031, 16021, 8586, 29366, 2074, 2066, 1996, 2717, 1997, 2149, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2228, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2412, 3866, 3087, 3243, 2066, 2023, 1012, 1999, 2023, 4066, 1997, 21025, 14968, 1010, 27885, 22779, 15172, 2208, 1011, 5278, 2126, 1012, 2073, 1045, 2064, 2156, 2870, 2007, 2014, 2005, 1996, 2717, 1997, 2026, 2166, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2514, 1999, 2293, 2007, 6291, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2062, 9805, 7382, 9961, 2013, 2023, 12476, 3015, 6829, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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What a fresh and surprising story! Deliciously awkward, funny and sexy, Beautiful Secret is a fabulous addition to Christina Lauren's fantastic series of books. Niall Stella is irresistible!! He is stunning, sexy and smart, but he is definitely inexperienced when it comes to love, and his lack of self-confidence makes this book really different and very, very endearing. Ruby is hilarious and the cast of supporting characters is of course fabulous and make for lots of snappy banter. You will adore this book if you are a fan of Christina Lauren, and even if you've never read any of their books, this book definitely can be read as a standalone. Super-hot, funny and very fast-paced, Beautiful Secret hits all the high notes and is definitely a must-read!! (Thanks to the publisher for an ARC.)
[ 101, 2054, 1037, 4840, 1998, 11341, 2466, 999, 12090, 2135, 9596, 1010, 6057, 1998, 7916, 1010, 3376, 3595, 2003, 1037, 18783, 2804, 2000, 12657, 10294, 1005, 1055, 10392, 2186, 1997, 2808, 1012, 21889, 11894, 2003, 27149, 999, 999, 2002, 2003, 14726, 1010, 7916, 1998, 6047, 1010, 2021, 2002, 2003, 5791, 26252, 2043, 2009, 3310, 2000, 2293, 1010, 1998, 2010, 3768, 1997, 2969, 1011, 7023, 3084, 2023, 2338, 2428, 2367, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2203, 27242, 1012, 10090, 2003, 26316, 1998, 1996, 3459, 1997, 4637, 3494, 2003, 1997, 2607, 18783, 1998, 2191, 2005, 7167, 1997, 10245, 7685, 7221, 3334, 1012, 2017, 2097, 4748, 5686, 2023, 2338, 2065, 2017, 2024, 1037, 5470, 1997, 12657, 10294, 1010, 1998, 2130, 2065, 2017, 1005, 2310, 2196, 3191, 2151, 1997, 2037, 2808, 1010, 2023, 2338, 5791, 2064, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 1012, 3565, 1011, 2980, 1010, 6057, 1998, 2200, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 3376, 3595, 4978, 2035, 1996, 2152, 3964, 1998, 2003, 5791, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 999, 999, 1006, 4283, 2000, 1996, 6674, 2005, 2019, 8115, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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An unblinking, unvarnished look inside the brutal life of a 70's MC gang. A perfect stroy with incredibly detailed referenced to South Florida in the 1970's. An ending that will take your breath away. Let the author stalking begin!
[ 101, 2019, 4895, 16558, 29377, 1010, 4895, 10755, 28357, 2298, 2503, 1996, 12077, 2166, 1997, 1037, 3963, 1005, 1055, 11338, 6080, 1012, 1037, 3819, 2358, 13238, 2007, 11757, 6851, 14964, 2000, 2148, 3516, 1999, 1996, 3359, 1005, 1055, 1012, 2019, 4566, 2008, 2097, 2202, 2115, 3052, 2185, 1012, 2292, 1996, 3166, 20070, 4088, 999, 102 ]
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4.5 - 5 stars!! TIGHT is another unexpected, gripping, very sexy story from Alessandra Torre. It is best that you don't read much about this book before going in, so that you can read it with a fresh eye. The plot is nothing that I expected and delivered a thrilling, one-two punch that came out of left field! On its surface, the story is a contemporary erotic romance between Riley and Brett. They meet while she is attending a bachelorette party and like most books by Ms. Torre, there are other factors at play here that are lurking just below the surface. The chemistry between the two is undeniable, the sexy times are off the charts, and the action is heart-stopping and fast-paced. This is not a light-hearted book, it takes very dark turns but if you stick with this book you will be rewarded with a very satisfying ending. Riley is a very strong heroine and Brett is unforgettable. And talk about the steam factor! SWOON! Tight is a fairly quick read, mostly because you won't be able to put it down. It does not contain huge twists but it does deliver an absolutely fantastic story with a very strong heroine and a totally swoon-worthy Alpha hero. Don't miss this one!!
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 4389, 2003, 2178, 9223, 1010, 13940, 1010, 2200, 7916, 2466, 2013, 15669, 11488, 17670, 22047, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2190, 2008, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3191, 2172, 2055, 2023, 2338, 2077, 2183, 1999, 1010, 2061, 2008, 2017, 2064, 3191, 2009, 2007, 1037, 4840, 3239, 1012, 1996, 5436, 2003, 2498, 2008, 1045, 3517, 1998, 5359, 1037, 26162, 1010, 2028, 1011, 2048, 8595, 2008, 2234, 2041, 1997, 2187, 2492, 999, 2006, 2049, 3302, 1010, 1996, 2466, 2003, 1037, 3824, 14253, 7472, 2090, 7546, 1998, 12049, 1012, 2027, 3113, 2096, 2016, 2003, 7052, 1037, 5065, 7585, 2283, 1998, 2066, 2087, 2808, 2011, 5796, 1012, 22047, 1010, 2045, 2024, 2060, 5876, 2012, 2377, 2182, 2008, 2024, 24261, 2074, 2917, 1996, 3302, 1012, 1996, 6370, 2090, 1996, 2048, 2003, 6151, 19825, 3468, 1010, 1996, 7916, 2335, 2024, 2125, 1996, 6093, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2895, 2003, 2540, 1011, 7458, 1998, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 2422, 1011, 18627, 2338, 1010, 2009, 3138, 2200, 2601, 4332, 2021, 2065, 2017, 6293, 2007, 2023, 2338, 2017, 2097, 2022, 14610, 2007, 1037, 2200, 17087, 4566, 1012, 7546, 2003, 1037, 2200, 2844, 18869, 1998, 12049, 2003, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 1012, 1998, 2831, 2055, 1996, 5492, 5387, 999, 25430, 7828, 999, 4389, 2003, 1037, 7199, 4248, 3191, 1010, 3262, 2138, 2017, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2022, 2583, 2000, 2404, 2009, 2091, 1012, 2009, 2515, 2025, 5383, 4121, 21438, 2021, 2009, 2515, 8116, 2019, 7078, 10392, 2466, 2007, 1037, 2200, 2844, 18869, 1998, 1037, 6135, 25430, 7828, 1011, 11007, 6541, 5394, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2023, 2028, 999, 999, 102 ]
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Get ready to be enthralled by the next part of Nila and Jet's story! There are scenes of intense passion, heartbreaking deceit, frightening and truly evil characters, and heart-stopping action. There's almost a historical vibe to this book, but it is most definitely a contemporary, sexy and very erotic story. I am literally on pins and needles waiting for the next installment. I need more Jethro!!
[ 101, 2131, 3201, 2000, 2022, 4372, 2705, 7941, 3709, 2011, 1996, 2279, 2112, 1997, 9152, 2721, 1998, 6892, 1005, 1055, 2466, 999, 2045, 2024, 5019, 1997, 6387, 6896, 1010, 27724, 2075, 11703, 20175, 1010, 17115, 1998, 5621, 4763, 3494, 1010, 1998, 2540, 1011, 7458, 2895, 1012, 2045, 1005, 1055, 2471, 1037, 3439, 21209, 2000, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2087, 5791, 1037, 3824, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2200, 14253, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2572, 6719, 2006, 16300, 1998, 17044, 3403, 2005, 1996, 2279, 18932, 1012, 1045, 2342, 2062, 6892, 8093, 2080, 999, 999, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
4.5 stars!! Pam Godwin is at the top of my list of favorite authors. Her dark and thrilling stories are among my most treasured books so I was absolutely thrilled to read a copy of Dirty Ties. I loved the crime/thriller/revenge twists in this story. As with all of Ms. Godwin's books, the characters are engaging, the story is twisted, and the steam factor is completely off the charts. Kaci is highly educated, hard working and a loyal wife to Collin. Their unconventional marriage has led to a lonely life for Kaci and she is desperately seeking the intimacy that is missing from with her husband. Her fascination with the underground racing circuit in Chicago leads her to the mysterious "Evader", a man who has plenty of secrets himself. These two become enmeshed in a dangerous game that will certainly leave one the of them broken. I love how Ms. Godwin always writes very strong heroines who aren't afraid to go after what they want. Her women are determined, smart and driven, and Kaci is no different. She might have met her match with a sexy man she meets one night, and these two together were absolute magic! "She was a wild card, and that fucking terrified me." Lightening up this dark and sexy story are some humorous moments which were a welcome relief from the intense storyline. I especially loved Kaci and Collin's interactions and Kaci's internal debates, especially when it came to the hot new guy she meets: "What about me?" The possessive hand on my thigh clenched. "Are you interested?" Oh, let me count the ways. And each one led to heartbreak." There were lots of twists and turns in this one! Loved the story. Dirty Ties is another great book from Pam Godwin! (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 14089, 2643, 10105, 2003, 2012, 1996, 2327, 1997, 2026, 2862, 1997, 5440, 6048, 1012, 2014, 2601, 1998, 26162, 3441, 2024, 2426, 2026, 2087, 8813, 2094, 2808, 2061, 1045, 2001, 7078, 16082, 2000, 3191, 1037, 6100, 1997, 6530, 7208, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 4126, 1013, 10874, 1013, 7195, 21438, 1999, 2023, 2466, 1012, 2004, 2007, 2035, 1997, 5796, 1012, 2643, 10105, 1005, 1055, 2808, 1010, 1996, 3494, 2024, 11973, 1010, 1996, 2466, 2003, 6389, 1010, 1998, 1996, 5492, 5387, 2003, 3294, 2125, 1996, 6093, 1012, 10556, 6895, 2003, 3811, 5161, 1010, 2524, 2551, 1998, 1037, 8884, 2564, 2000, 22180, 1012, 2037, 23693, 3510, 2038, 2419, 2000, 1037, 9479, 2166, 2005, 10556, 6895, 1998, 2016, 2003, 9652, 6224, 1996, 20893, 2008, 2003, 4394, 2013, 2007, 2014, 3129, 1012, 2014, 18987, 2007, 1996, 5230, 3868, 4984, 1999, 3190, 5260, 2014, 2000, 1996, 8075, 1000, 26399, 2099, 1000, 1010, 1037, 2158, 2040, 2038, 7564, 1997, 7800, 2370, 1012, 2122, 2048, 2468, 4372, 7834, 9072, 1999, 1037, 4795, 2208, 2008, 2097, 5121, 2681, 2028, 1996, 1997, 2068, 3714, 1012, 1045, 2293, 2129, 5796, 1012, 2643, 10105, 2467, 7009, 2200, 2844, 18869, 2015, 2040, 4995, 1005, 1056, 4452, 2000, 2175, 2044, 2054, 2027, 2215, 1012, 2014, 2308, 2024, 4340, 1010, 6047, 1998, 5533, 1010, 1998, 10556, 6895, 2003, 2053, 2367, 1012, 2016, 2453, 2031, 2777, 2014, 2674, 2007, 1037, 7916, 2158, 2016, 6010, 2028, 2305, 1010, 1998, 2122, 2048, 2362, 2020, 7619, 3894, 999, 1000, 2016, 2001, 1037, 3748, 4003, 1010, 1998, 2008, 8239, 10215, 2033, 1012, 1000, 2422, 7406, 2039, 2023, 2601, 1998, 7916, 2466, 2024, 2070, 14742, 5312, 2029, 2020, 1037, 6160, 4335, 2013, 1996, 6387, 9994, 1012, 1045, 2926, 3866, 10556, 6895, 1998, 22180, 1005, 1055, 10266, 1998, 10556, 6895, 1005, 1055, 4722, 14379, 1010, 2926, 2043, 2009, 2234, 2000, 1996, 2980, 2047, 3124, 2016, 6010, 1024, 1000, 2054, 2055, 2033, 1029, 1000, 1996, 22105, 2192, 2006, 2026, 10120, 8555, 1012, 1000, 2024, 2017, 4699, 1029, 1000, 2821, 1010, 2292, 2033, 4175, 1996, 3971, 1012, 1998, 2169, 2028, 2419, 2000, 27724, 1012, 1000, 2045, 2020, 7167, 1997, 21438, 1998, 4332, 1999, 2023, 2028, 999, 3866, 1996, 2466, 1012, 6530, 7208, 2003, 2178, 2307, 2338, 2013, 14089, 2643, 10105, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! I read The Hurricane in one sitting and was completely surprised by this fantastic debut book!! This story went way beyond my expectations and I absolutely fell in love with Cormac O'Connell. This book is not a standard fighter romance, but instead takes its time developing the characters, their relationships and the secondary characters in this story. I loved it all! And I especially loved the British flavor to this book. While this book has PLENTY of steam and sexy times, Emily and Cormac's relationship is not just based on sex - they start off slowly as friends, because she is literally scared of her own shadow and frightened of a relationship with a man. Emily McCarthy is sweet, quite, smart and anti-social. It takes Cormac, to me a gentle giant, to slowly bring her out of her shell. "Safe is boring." Emily is hard-working and paying her own way through University. She doesn't want to fall for Cormac but he takes things gradually, and vows to protect her no matter what. Eventually she learns to trust him and to let herself actually feel something for another person. "He was the loud to my quiet, the confidence to my shyness, the rage to my pain. Separately, we were broken and alone. Together, we were blissfully happy and complete and every time that we made love was a celebration." There is plenty of tension in this fast-paced story and I adored the secondary characters as well. The Hurricane is a stellar debut novel and I cannot wait to read more from this author!! (ARC provided in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 1045, 3191, 1996, 7064, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1998, 2001, 3294, 4527, 2011, 2023, 10392, 2834, 2338, 999, 999, 2023, 2466, 2253, 2126, 3458, 2026, 10908, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2522, 17830, 2278, 1051, 1005, 17199, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2025, 1037, 3115, 4959, 7472, 1010, 2021, 2612, 3138, 2049, 2051, 4975, 1996, 3494, 1010, 2037, 6550, 1998, 1996, 3905, 3494, 1999, 2023, 2466, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2009, 2035, 999, 1998, 1045, 2926, 3866, 1996, 2329, 14894, 2000, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2096, 2023, 2338, 2038, 7564, 1997, 5492, 1998, 7916, 2335, 1010, 6253, 1998, 2522, 17830, 2278, 1005, 1055, 3276, 2003, 2025, 2074, 2241, 2006, 3348, 1011, 2027, 2707, 2125, 3254, 2004, 2814, 1010, 2138, 2016, 2003, 6719, 6015, 1997, 2014, 2219, 5192, 1998, 10363, 1997, 1037, 3276, 2007, 1037, 2158, 1012, 6253, 12584, 2003, 4086, 1010, 3243, 1010, 6047, 1998, 3424, 1011, 2591, 1012, 2009, 3138, 2522, 17830, 2278, 1010, 2000, 2033, 1037, 7132, 5016, 1010, 2000, 3254, 3288, 2014, 2041, 1997, 2014, 5806, 1012, 1000, 3647, 2003, 11771, 1012, 1000, 6253, 2003, 2524, 1011, 2551, 1998, 7079, 2014, 2219, 2126, 2083, 2118, 1012, 2016, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 2991, 2005, 2522, 17830, 2278, 2021, 2002, 3138, 2477, 6360, 1010, 1998, 16495, 2000, 4047, 2014, 2053, 3043, 2054, 1012, 2776, 2016, 10229, 2000, 3404, 2032, 1998, 2000, 2292, 2841, 2941, 2514, 2242, 2005, 2178, 2711, 1012, 1000, 2002, 2001, 1996, 5189, 2000, 2026, 4251, 1010, 1996, 7023, 2000, 2026, 11004, 2791, 1010, 1996, 7385, 2000, 2026, 3255, 1012, 10329, 1010, 2057, 2020, 3714, 1998, 2894, 1012, 2362, 1010, 2057, 2020, 13670, 7699, 3407, 1998, 3143, 1998, 2296, 2051, 2008, 2057, 2081, 2293, 2001, 1037, 7401, 1012, 1000, 2045, 2003, 7564, 1997, 6980, 1999, 2023, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2466, 1998, 1045, 28456, 1996, 3905, 3494, 2004, 2092, 1012, 1996, 7064, 2003, 1037, 17227, 2834, 3117, 1998, 1045, 3685, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2013, 2023, 3166, 999, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! LOVED this one. And the ending...what??! Great story, could not put this one down. Highly recommended.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 3866, 2023, 2028, 1012, 1998, 1996, 4566, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2054, 1029, 1029, 999, 2307, 2466, 1010, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2023, 2028, 2091, 1012, 3811, 6749, 1012, 102 ]
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4.5 - 5 hot and wild stars!! How I love the writing duo of K.A. Merikan. I will read anything that these two write. And Tooth, OMG, I know he's gay, but I think he might be my new book boyfriend!! He's bearded, huge, tough and unexpectedly tender with Lucifer. But don't even ask where he got the nickname of Tooth! Although this is the second book in a series, the books can be read as standalones. In The Devil's Ride, Tooth is ordered to protect the Club President's son and at first, it is a painful, unwanted chore. Luci is a brat and very out of the closet, very different than Tooth. But he is crazy about Tooth, even if a little scared of him, and even acts out so that Tooth will "punish" him. Although I absolutely adored the smexy times between these two, and they are SCORCHING HOT, I also loved the gritty and very violent look inside MC life. This is not a sugar-coated story at all. I loved the underlying story about a crime the MC is trying to solve. (Not for the faint of heart!) I absolutely adored the slow-burn of Tooth and Luci's relationship. It made their love scenes together all the sweeter. And did I mention that K.A. Merikan can write some of the most erotic sex scenes out there? You will need a cold shower after reading The Devil's Ride!! I couldn't put this book down and I literally can't wait for the next book in this series. (*ARC provided by the authors in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1019, 2980, 1998, 3748, 3340, 999, 999, 2129, 1045, 2293, 1996, 3015, 6829, 1997, 1047, 1012, 1037, 1012, 21442, 7556, 2078, 1012, 1045, 2097, 3191, 2505, 2008, 2122, 2048, 4339, 1012, 1998, 11868, 1010, 18168, 2290, 1010, 1045, 2113, 2002, 1005, 1055, 5637, 1010, 2021, 1045, 2228, 2002, 2453, 2022, 2026, 2047, 2338, 6898, 999, 999, 2002, 1005, 1055, 23905, 1010, 4121, 1010, 7823, 1998, 14153, 8616, 2007, 24184, 1012, 2021, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2130, 3198, 2073, 2002, 2288, 1996, 8367, 1997, 11868, 999, 2348, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2117, 2338, 1999, 1037, 2186, 1010, 1996, 2808, 2064, 2022, 3191, 2004, 26609, 2015, 1012, 1999, 1996, 6548, 1005, 1055, 4536, 1010, 11868, 2003, 3641, 2000, 4047, 1996, 2252, 2343, 1005, 1055, 2365, 1998, 2012, 2034, 1010, 2009, 2003, 1037, 9145, 1010, 18162, 16480, 2890, 1012, 12776, 2072, 2003, 1037, 28557, 1998, 2200, 2041, 1997, 1996, 9346, 1010, 2200, 2367, 2084, 11868, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2003, 4689, 2055, 11868, 1010, 2130, 2065, 1037, 2210, 6015, 1997, 2032, 1010, 1998, 2130, 4490, 2041, 2061, 2008, 11868, 2097, 1000, 16385, 1000, 2032, 1012, 2348, 1045, 7078, 28456, 1996, 15488, 10288, 2100, 2335, 2090, 2122, 2048, 1010, 1998, 2027, 2024, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 1010, 1045, 2036, 3866, 1996, 24842, 3723, 1998, 2200, 6355, 2298, 2503, 11338, 2166, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 5699, 1011, 15026, 2466, 2012, 2035, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 10318, 2466, 2055, 1037, 4126, 1996, 11338, 2003, 2667, 2000, 9611, 1012, 1006, 2025, 2005, 1996, 8143, 1997, 2540, 999, 1007, 1045, 7078, 28456, 1996, 4030, 1011, 6402, 1997, 11868, 1998, 12776, 2072, 1005, 1055, 3276, 1012, 2009, 2081, 2037, 2293, 5019, 2362, 2035, 1996, 4086, 2121, 1012, 1998, 2106, 1045, 5254, 2008, 1047, 1012, 1037, 1012, 21442, 7556, 2078, 2064, 4339, 2070, 1997, 1996, 2087, 14253, 3348, 5019, 2041, 2045, 1029, 2017, 2097, 2342, 1037, 3147, 6457, 2044, 3752, 1996, 6548, 1005, 1055, 4536, 999, 999, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 2404, 2023, 2338, 2091, 1998, 1045, 6719, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6048, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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3.5 - 4 Stars!! I enjoyed this hockey book a lot and recommend it for anyone who likes a good, hot sports story with a lot of heart. Alex is an incredibly gifted hockey player who comes from an abusive background which is now affecting his game and his relationship with his teammates. As part of a penalty, he is required to volunteer at a local drug-abuse prevention program alongside the beautiful and selfless Sutton. She is different from the hockey groupies who throw themselves at him, but at first he is a total jerk to her. No matter. Sutton sees the wounded person inside and they begin to fall for each other, even as he tries to push her away emotionally. "I've been a prick far longer than I've been charming. You're seeing a new side to me, but you know the old is bound to come out." "We all have days when our monsters come out, Alex. You're not going to scare me off if I see yours." Sutton is feisty and educated and sees through Alex's B.S. She, too, comes from a dysfunctional family but unlike Alex, she has a positive outlook and is very close to her family. Will she be able to bring out the best in Alex and help him overcome his past demons? This book has more layers than a typical sports romance story and the characters really grew on me. I loved the hockey scenes and the steam factor between these two is AMAZING. I have one tiny issue with this story, and I have found that it is not just unique to this book. Why can't a heroine be on birth control because she doesn't want to get pregnant? Why does it have to be to regulate her periods? This did not affect my enjoyment of the book, I am just surprised to see this recur over and over again in books. Overall, I really like the author's writing style. Alex is a sweetly sexy story with a heroine who is no pushover. It is a quick, romantic read with a VERY satisfactory conclusion. I actually found myself tearing up near the end! I also LOVED the other team members and I know they will have some great stories, too. (*ARC provided in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1018, 3340, 999, 999, 1045, 5632, 2023, 3873, 2338, 1037, 2843, 1998, 16755, 2009, 2005, 3087, 2040, 7777, 1037, 2204, 1010, 2980, 2998, 2466, 2007, 1037, 2843, 1997, 2540, 1012, 4074, 2003, 2019, 11757, 12785, 3873, 2447, 2040, 3310, 2013, 2019, 20676, 4281, 2029, 2003, 2085, 12473, 2010, 2208, 1998, 2010, 3276, 2007, 2010, 13220, 1012, 2004, 2112, 1997, 1037, 6531, 1010, 2002, 2003, 3223, 2000, 6951, 2012, 1037, 2334, 4319, 1011, 6905, 9740, 2565, 4077, 1996, 3376, 1998, 2969, 3238, 11175, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2367, 2013, 1996, 3873, 2177, 3111, 2040, 5466, 3209, 2012, 2032, 1010, 2021, 2012, 2034, 2002, 2003, 1037, 2561, 12181, 2000, 2014, 1012, 2053, 3043, 1012, 11175, 5927, 1996, 5303, 2711, 2503, 1998, 2027, 4088, 2000, 2991, 2005, 2169, 2060, 1010, 2130, 2004, 2002, 5363, 2000, 5245, 2014, 2185, 14868, 1012, 1000, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2042, 1037, 24858, 2521, 2936, 2084, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2042, 11951, 1012, 2017, 1005, 2128, 3773, 1037, 2047, 2217, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2021, 2017, 2113, 1996, 2214, 2003, 5391, 2000, 2272, 2041, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2057, 2035, 2031, 2420, 2043, 2256, 9219, 2272, 2041, 1010, 4074, 1012, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2025, 2183, 2000, 12665, 2033, 2125, 2065, 1045, 2156, 6737, 1012, 1000, 11175, 2003, 24664, 21756, 1998, 5161, 1998, 5927, 2083, 4074, 1005, 1055, 1038, 1012, 1055, 1012, 2016, 1010, 2205, 1010, 3310, 2013, 1037, 28466, 2389, 2155, 2021, 4406, 4074, 1010, 2016, 2038, 1037, 3893, 17680, 1998, 2003, 2200, 2485, 2000, 2014, 2155, 1012, 2097, 2016, 2022, 2583, 2000, 3288, 2041, 1996, 2190, 1999, 4074, 1998, 2393, 2032, 9462, 2010, 2627, 7942, 1029, 2023, 2338, 2038, 2062, 9014, 2084, 1037, 5171, 2998, 7472, 2466, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2428, 3473, 2006, 2033, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 3873, 5019, 1998, 1996, 5492, 5387, 2090, 2122, 2048, 2003, 6429, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2028, 4714, 3277, 2007, 2023, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2031, 2179, 2008, 2009, 2003, 2025, 2074, 4310, 2000, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2339, 2064, 1005, 1056, 1037, 18869, 2022, 2006, 4182, 2491, 2138, 2016, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 2131, 6875, 1029, 2339, 2515, 2009, 2031, 2000, 2022, 2000, 15176, 2014, 6993, 1029, 2023, 2106, 2025, 7461, 2026, 20195, 1997, 1996, 2338, 1010, 1045, 2572, 2074, 4527, 2000, 2156, 2023, 28667, 3126, 2058, 1998, 2058, 2153, 1999, 2808, 1012, 3452, 1010, 1045, 2428, 2066, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2806, 1012, 4074, 2003, 1037, 22557, 7916, 2466, 2007, 1037, 18869, 2040, 2003, 2053, 5245, 7840, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1037, 4248, 1010, 6298, 3191, 2007, 1037, 2200, 23045, 7091, 1012, 1045, 2941, 2179, 2870, 13311, 2039, 2379, 1996, 2203, 999, 1045, 2036, 3866, 1996, 2060, 2136, 2372, 1998, 1045, 2113, 2027, 2097, 2031, 2070, 2307, 3441, 1010, 2205, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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What do you get when you mix Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher together? A thrilling, fast-paced, GRIPPING and memorable story called Never Never. If you have ever read anything written by Colleen Hoover, you know you are getting rich characters, an unforgettable plot and just all around amazing stories. And Tarryn Fisher has an imagination that can't be rivaled! Ever read her The Love Me With Lies series? Amazing. And Never Never ranks right up there with these writers' best books. From the first words of this book, I was left feeling like someone pulled the rug out from under me. This overall feeling of disorientation is vital to the story, and the authors pulled it off with great success. I sympathized with the characters, felt their confusion, and could not stop turning the pages! This isn't exactly a paranormal story, and I cannot wait to see where the story goes. This review is brief because this book is best read without knowing too much about the plot. It is highly imaginative, inventive and very, very different. Don't miss this one!! (SIGNED giveaway at http://www.thebookbellas.com) (*ARC provided by the authors in return for an honest review)
[ 101, 2054, 2079, 2017, 2131, 2043, 2017, 4666, 28385, 17443, 1998, 16985, 18143, 8731, 2362, 1029, 1037, 26162, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 13940, 1998, 13432, 2466, 2170, 2196, 2196, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2031, 2412, 3191, 2505, 2517, 2011, 28385, 17443, 1010, 2017, 2113, 2017, 2024, 2893, 4138, 3494, 1010, 2019, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 5436, 1998, 2074, 2035, 2105, 6429, 3441, 1012, 1998, 16985, 18143, 8731, 2038, 2019, 9647, 2008, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2022, 6538, 2098, 999, 2412, 3191, 2014, 1996, 2293, 2033, 2007, 3658, 2186, 1029, 6429, 1012, 1998, 2196, 2196, 6938, 2157, 2039, 2045, 2007, 2122, 4898, 1005, 2190, 2808, 1012, 2013, 1996, 2034, 2616, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1010, 1045, 2001, 2187, 3110, 2066, 2619, 2766, 1996, 20452, 2041, 2013, 2104, 2033, 1012, 2023, 3452, 3110, 1997, 4487, 21748, 11638, 3370, 2003, 8995, 2000, 1996, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1996, 6048, 2766, 2009, 2125, 2007, 2307, 3112, 1012, 1045, 25353, 8737, 25457, 5422, 2007, 1996, 3494, 1010, 2371, 2037, 6724, 1010, 1998, 2071, 2025, 2644, 3810, 1996, 5530, 999, 2023, 3475, 1005, 1056, 3599, 1037, 20725, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1045, 3685, 3524, 2000, 2156, 2073, 1996, 2466, 3632, 1012, 2023, 3319, 2003, 4766, 2138, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2190, 3191, 2302, 4209, 2205, 2172, 2055, 1996, 5436, 1012, 2009, 2003, 3811, 28575, 1010, 1999, 15338, 3512, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2367, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2023, 2028, 999, 999, 1006, 2772, 2507, 9497, 2012, 8299, 1024, 1013, 1013, 7479, 1012, 1996, 8654, 21700, 2015, 1012, 4012, 1007, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6048, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1007, 102 ]
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5 Compelling, Un-put-down-able Stars!! "I'd discovered sex at a really young age, completely by happenstance, and like music, it had touched a nerve with me. I still craved that feeling, that closeness, and I sought it out as often as I could. I wasn't picky about who I slept with--older, younger, attractive, homely, mothers, girlfriends, wives. Who they were didn't matter to me, I only cared that they were interested. That probably wasn't the best thing to admit, but it was the truth. Sex was a release for me. It made me feel like a part of something bigger than myself, made me feel connected to the world around me. And I needed to feel that way. My life was full of empty spaces." And so begins this unexpectedly sexy and compelling book told from Kellan Kyle's POV. Forget that you think you know Kellan and Kiera's story, Thoughtful is a fresh and emotional story and is an absolute must-read!! This book is a tribute to the fantastic talent that is S.C. Stephens. Kellan's voice is very male, very original and very, very sexy! My heart once again ached for him as we were given a peak inside his head and inside his heart. This story gives us insight into Kellan and Kiera's undeniable attraction, the heartache they both experienced and some amazing sexy times between the two of them. It is painful but compelling and I could not put this book down. "For a brief second, I wondered what she really thought about me. Did she know anything about me besides my name and that I was in a band? Did she realize I screamed my heart out in my lyrics? Did she understand that my life left me feeling vacant inside? That I was so fucking lonely I almost couldn't stand myself? Would she want to know any of that? Or was the fact that I was a "rock star" enough for her? Like it was for all the other girls I'd slept with." I absolutely loved the music scenes and they are an integral part of this book. I literally swooned all over again reading Thoughtful. "When it was time for us to go play, a familiar feeling washed over me--anxiousness mixed with peace. As I walked up the steps to the stage worn with use, I felt the remnants of who I was melting off me. Onstage, none of my worries touched me. It was like I was a different person. Like I was acting, and yet I was being more truthful than I ever was off the stage. I bled my heart out while I was performing, not that many people truly noticed; they were too busy enjoying the showmanship to dig beneath the surface of the words. There was safety in the scrutiny, anonymity in the spotlight. I felt invincible up there. Just me and my guitar." The loneliness, the pain of first love...it is all here and more. Thoughtful is a must-read and I applaud the author for giving us an amazingly fresh and new look at the irresistible Kellan Kyle. Thoughtful is must-read! Enjoy!
[ 101, 1019, 17075, 1010, 4895, 1011, 2404, 1011, 2091, 1011, 2583, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1040, 3603, 3348, 2012, 1037, 2428, 2402, 2287, 1010, 3294, 2011, 6433, 26897, 1010, 1998, 2066, 2189, 1010, 2009, 2018, 5028, 1037, 9113, 2007, 2033, 1012, 1045, 2145, 25155, 2008, 3110, 1010, 2008, 28398, 1010, 1998, 1045, 4912, 2009, 2041, 2004, 2411, 2004, 1045, 2071, 1012, 1045, 2347, 1005, 1056, 4060, 2100, 2055, 2040, 1045, 7771, 2007, 1011, 1011, 3080, 1010, 3920, 1010, 8702, 1010, 2188, 2135, 1010, 10756, 1010, 27408, 1010, 10403, 1012, 2040, 2027, 2020, 2134, 1005, 1056, 3043, 2000, 2033, 1010, 1045, 2069, 8725, 2008, 2027, 2020, 4699, 1012, 2008, 2763, 2347, 1005, 1056, 1996, 2190, 2518, 2000, 6449, 1010, 2021, 2009, 2001, 1996, 3606, 1012, 3348, 2001, 1037, 2713, 2005, 2033, 1012, 2009, 2081, 2033, 2514, 2066, 1037, 2112, 1997, 2242, 7046, 2084, 2870, 1010, 2081, 2033, 2514, 4198, 2000, 1996, 2088, 2105, 2033, 1012, 1998, 1045, 2734, 2000, 2514, 2008, 2126, 1012, 2026, 2166, 2001, 2440, 1997, 4064, 7258, 1012, 1000, 1998, 2061, 4269, 2023, 14153, 7916, 1998, 17075, 2338, 2409, 2013, 19697, 7648, 1005, 1055, 13433, 2615, 1012, 5293, 2008, 2017, 2228, 2017, 2113, 19697, 1998, 11382, 6906, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1010, 16465, 2003, 1037, 4840, 1998, 6832, 2466, 1998, 2003, 2019, 7619, 2442, 1011, 3191, 999, 999, 2023, 2338, 2003, 1037, 7050, 2000, 1996, 10392, 5848, 2008, 2003, 1055, 1012, 1039, 1012, 15037, 1012, 19697, 1005, 1055, 2376, 2003, 2200, 3287, 1010, 2200, 2434, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 7916, 999, 2026, 2540, 2320, 2153, 15043, 2005, 2032, 2004, 2057, 2020, 2445, 1037, 4672, 2503, 2010, 2132, 1998, 2503, 2010, 2540, 1012, 2023, 2466, 3957, 2149, 12369, 2046, 19697, 1998, 11382, 6906, 1005, 1055, 6151, 19825, 3468, 8432, 1010, 1996, 2540, 15395, 2027, 2119, 5281, 1998, 2070, 6429, 7916, 2335, 2090, 1996, 2048, 1997, 2068, 1012, 2009, 2003, 9145, 2021, 17075, 1998, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2023, 2338, 2091, 1012, 1000, 2005, 1037, 4766, 2117, 1010, 1045, 4999, 2054, 2016, 2428, 2245, 2055, 2033, 1012, 2106, 2016, 2113, 2505, 2055, 2033, 4661, 2026, 2171, 1998, 2008, 1045, 2001, 1999, 1037, 2316, 1029, 2106, 2016, 5382, 1045, 7210, 2026, 2540, 2041, 1999, 2026, 4581, 1029, 2106, 2016, 3305, 2008, 2026, 2166, 2187, 2033, 3110, 10030, 2503, 1029, 2008, 1045, 2001, 2061, 8239, 9479, 1045, 2471, 2481, 1005, 1056, 3233, 2870, 1029, 2052, 2016, 2215, 2000, 2113, 2151, 1997, 2008, 1029, 2030, 2001, 1996, 2755, 2008, 1045, 2001, 1037, 1000, 2600, 2732, 1000, 2438, 2005, 2014, 1029, 2066, 2009, 2001, 2005, 2035, 1996, 2060, 3057, 1045, 1005, 1040, 7771, 2007, 1012, 1000, 1045, 7078, 3866, 1996, 2189, 5019, 1998, 2027, 2024, 2019, 9897, 2112, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1045, 6719, 25430, 7828, 2098, 2035, 2058, 2153, 3752, 16465, 1012, 1000, 2043, 2009, 2001, 2051, 2005, 2149, 2000, 2175, 2377, 1010, 1037, 5220, 3110, 8871, 2058, 2033, 1011, 1011, 11480, 2791, 3816, 2007, 3521, 1012, 2004, 1045, 2939, 2039, 1996, 4084, 2000, 1996, 2754, 6247, 2007, 2224, 1010, 1045, 2371, 1996, 11270, 1997, 2040, 1045, 2001, 13721, 2125, 2033, 1012, 23542, 102 ]
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4.5 - 5 STARS "This is hardly love." "Then it's hardly lust." "Then we'll just call it us." ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!! TURBULENCE was perfectly DIRTY, funny and smart. I could not put it down. There are books that fulfill a certain reading mood, and this juicy story was just what I needed. I totally connected with Gillian and Jake, and more importantly, FELT their connection, too. The chapter headings in this book are priceless and the story line was incredibly creative. Just when I thought the author was taking a predictable path, the plot veered off into unexpected territory. Our hero Jake is cold, distant and sarcastic, but boy can he fuck. He is a MACHINE. He has a woman waiting in every city. When our heroine Gillian meets him, they both agree to a strictly-sex arrangement. But of course you know that one of them is going to fall hard and get their heart broken. But it's what happens along the way that makes for a yummy, delicious, insanely addictive story. And oh my God, the sex in this book is burning hot. I mean this is totally NSFW, reading-under-the-covers kind of sex. "We'll always be fucking, Gillian" He smiled, biting my lip before tossing me onto the bed. "That's the best part of us." This book would have been 5 stars for me except for some minor details. It might seem clever to name characters after real authors, but to me, it cheapens the story. Many readers will recognize one of the main characters in this book but again, that detail lessened the impact of the story to me. Finally, proofreading would have helped to correct certain inconsistencies in the story. BUT overall, I adored this book and completely devoured it!! I highly recommend TURBULENCE and can't wait for more from this author! "You're still my anomaly, Gillian," he said softly. "You always will be."
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1019, 3340, 1000, 2023, 2003, 6684, 2293, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2059, 2009, 1005, 1055, 6684, 11516, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2059, 2057, 1005, 2222, 2074, 2655, 2009, 2149, 1012, 1000, 7078, 18783, 999, 999, 999, 29083, 2001, 6669, 6530, 1010, 6057, 1998, 6047, 1012, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2009, 2091, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2808, 2008, 13883, 1037, 3056, 3752, 6888, 1010, 1998, 2023, 28900, 2466, 2001, 2074, 2054, 1045, 2734, 1012, 1045, 6135, 4198, 2007, 22358, 1998, 5180, 1010, 1998, 2062, 14780, 1010, 2371, 2037, 4434, 1010, 2205, 1012, 1996, 3127, 5825, 2015, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2024, 3976, 3238, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2240, 2001, 11757, 5541, 1012, 2074, 2043, 1045, 2245, 1996, 3166, 2001, 2635, 1037, 21425, 4130, 1010, 1996, 5436, 2310, 6850, 2125, 2046, 9223, 3700, 1012, 2256, 5394, 5180, 2003, 3147, 1010, 6802, 1998, 22473, 1010, 2021, 2879, 2064, 2002, 6616, 1012, 2002, 2003, 1037, 3698, 1012, 2002, 2038, 1037, 2450, 3403, 1999, 2296, 2103, 1012, 2043, 2256, 18869, 22358, 6010, 2032, 1010, 2027, 2119, 5993, 2000, 1037, 9975, 1011, 3348, 6512, 1012, 2021, 1997, 2607, 2017, 2113, 2008, 2028, 1997, 2068, 2003, 2183, 2000, 2991, 2524, 1998, 2131, 2037, 2540, 3714, 1012, 2021, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2054, 6433, 2247, 1996, 2126, 2008, 3084, 2005, 1037, 9805, 18879, 1010, 12090, 1010, 9577, 2135, 26855, 3512, 2466, 1012, 1998, 2821, 2026, 2643, 1010, 1996, 3348, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2003, 5255, 2980, 1012, 1045, 2812, 2023, 2003, 6135, 24978, 2546, 2860, 1010, 3752, 1011, 2104, 1011, 1996, 1011, 4472, 2785, 1997, 3348, 1012, 1000, 2057, 1005, 2222, 2467, 2022, 8239, 1010, 22358, 1000, 2002, 3281, 1010, 12344, 2026, 5423, 2077, 15021, 2033, 3031, 1996, 2793, 1012, 1000, 2008, 1005, 1055, 1996, 2190, 2112, 1997, 2149, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2338, 2052, 2031, 2042, 1019, 3340, 2005, 2033, 3272, 2005, 2070, 3576, 4751, 1012, 2009, 2453, 4025, 12266, 2000, 2171, 3494, 2044, 2613, 6048, 1010, 2021, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2009, 10036, 6132, 1996, 2466, 1012, 2116, 8141, 2097, 6807, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2364, 3494, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2021, 2153, 1010, 2008, 6987, 2625, 6675, 1996, 4254, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2000, 2033, 1012, 2633, 1010, 6947, 16416, 4667, 2052, 2031, 3271, 2000, 6149, 3056, 4297, 5644, 27870, 14767, 1999, 1996, 2466, 1012, 2021, 3452, 1010, 1045, 28456, 2023, 2338, 1998, 3294, 16475, 16777, 2009, 999, 999, 1045, 3811, 16755, 29083, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2062, 2013, 2023, 3166, 999, 1000, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2145, 2026, 28685, 1010, 22358, 1010, 1000, 2002, 2056, 5238, 1012, 1000, 2017, 2467, 2097, 2022, 1012, 1000, 102 ]
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PURE PERFECTION!! I could read only Kristen Ashley books and be very happy. RIDE STEADY is another slam-dunk winner from the Queen of Alphas, with a story that ripped my heart out and characters that I won't soon forget. Joker might be one Ms. Ashley's most unforgettable Alphas ever, a man who rose from a painful and loveless childhood to become a patched-in Brother of the Chaos MC. Chaos became his family, and the MC recognized the fire burning in Joker that would serve the club well. "He was at the shop window, empty pockets, face pressed to the glass, starin' at what he wanted but couldn't have. I'll wager, to survive, he's banked that fire. We gotta help him direct it and make sure if it flares bright, it doesn't burn him out." Carissa Teodoro's life becomes entwined with Joker's, as the two former high school classmates meet again years later. Let me just say that this book is so incredibly gripping and heartbreaking and sexy, that I am tempted to re-read it to experience these feelings all over again! She was once the golden girl who had it all, and he was the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Their story spans years and that is what I love about Ms. Ashley's writing: there is no Insta-love here, instead, our hero and heroine have a shared history that adds a depth and richness to this book. "Yeah, Carrie," he answered. "It's you. It's always been you. It'll always be you. Fuckin' always." Joker is a sexy, bad-ass Alpha biker that has zero interest in relationships, or in real friendships for that matter, since he has a hard time opening up to anyone about his feelings or his past. That is what makes his relationship with Carrie so poignant: this is a man who is so closed off and afraid of emotional bonds that he has been alone (and lonely) most of his life. Carrie draws his out just by being herself. She is going through a messy and painful divorce, has a baby, is struggling to make ends meet and has a ton of emotional baggage. She is not perfect but she is open to love and gives her heart unconditionally to Joker. "Rule," he stated instantaneously. His strange word made me blink at the lockers. "Sorry?" "Rule. You can't be like that on the phone. You can only be like that when I can kiss you." I lifted a hand and pressed it to the cold steel of my locker, leaning into it because my knees suddenly wouldn't support me. "You hear me?" he asked. "Yes, Joker." OH. EM. GEE!! *SWOON* I can't say enough about Ride Steady. Plus some of my favorite bad-ass Alphas from Ms. Ashley's other books make appearances here! Dead. There is also a sneak peek at the next Chaos book at the end of Ride Steady and it sounds amazing. Joker and Carissa's story is beautiful, thrilling and passionate. Ride Steady is a must-read! Favorite quotes: "Butterfly, you're cute all the time, cuter some times more than others, and it's fucked up because right now you're bein' a pain in the ass and this is one of those times that you're cuter. But you gotta get this so you can get over it. My old man doesn't exist for me. I left him and that life behind, and I don't want it back in any way it can come back." "We are who cares about us." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 5760, 15401, 999, 999, 1045, 2071, 3191, 2069, 22435, 9321, 2808, 1998, 2022, 2200, 3407, 1012, 4536, 6706, 2003, 2178, 9555, 1011, 24654, 2243, 3453, 2013, 1996, 3035, 1997, 6541, 2015, 1010, 2007, 1037, 2466, 2008, 9157, 2026, 2540, 2041, 1998, 3494, 2008, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 1012, 19318, 2453, 2022, 2028, 5796, 1012, 9321, 1005, 1055, 2087, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 6541, 2015, 2412, 1010, 1037, 2158, 2040, 3123, 2013, 1037, 9145, 1998, 2293, 3238, 5593, 2000, 2468, 1037, 8983, 2098, 1011, 1999, 2567, 1997, 1996, 8488, 11338, 1012, 8488, 2150, 2010, 2155, 1010, 1998, 1996, 11338, 3858, 1996, 2543, 5255, 1999, 19318, 2008, 2052, 3710, 1996, 2252, 2092, 1012, 1000, 2002, 2001, 2012, 1996, 4497, 3332, 1010, 4064, 10306, 1010, 2227, 4508, 2000, 1996, 3221, 1010, 2732, 2378, 1005, 2012, 2054, 2002, 2359, 2021, 2481, 1005, 1056, 2031, 1012, 1045, 1005, 2222, 11897, 2099, 1010, 2000, 5788, 1010, 2002, 1005, 1055, 2924, 2098, 2008, 2543, 1012, 2057, 10657, 2393, 2032, 3622, 2009, 1998, 2191, 2469, 2065, 2009, 17748, 2015, 4408, 1010, 2009, 2987, 1005, 1056, 6402, 2032, 2041, 1012, 1000, 2482, 21205, 8915, 7716, 14604, 1005, 1055, 2166, 4150, 4372, 21077, 2007, 19318, 1005, 1055, 1010, 2004, 1996, 2048, 2280, 2152, 2082, 19846, 3113, 2153, 2086, 2101, 1012, 2292, 2033, 2074, 2360, 2008, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2061, 11757, 13940, 1998, 27724, 2075, 1998, 7916, 1010, 2008, 1045, 2572, 16312, 2000, 2128, 1011, 3191, 2009, 2000, 3325, 2122, 5346, 2035, 2058, 2153, 999, 2016, 2001, 2320, 1996, 3585, 2611, 2040, 2018, 2009, 2035, 1010, 1998, 2002, 2001, 1996, 2879, 2013, 1996, 3308, 2217, 1997, 1996, 3162, 1012, 2037, 2466, 14798, 2086, 1998, 2008, 2003, 2054, 1045, 2293, 2055, 5796, 1012, 9321, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1024, 2045, 2003, 2053, 16021, 2696, 1011, 2293, 2182, 1010, 2612, 1010, 2256, 5394, 1998, 18869, 2031, 1037, 4207, 2381, 2008, 9909, 1037, 5995, 1998, 4138, 2791, 2000, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1000, 3398, 1010, 13223, 1010, 1000, 2002, 4660, 1012, 1000, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2017, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2467, 2042, 2017, 1012, 2009, 1005, 2222, 2467, 2022, 2017, 1012, 6616, 2378, 1005, 2467, 1012, 1000, 19318, 2003, 1037, 7916, 1010, 2919, 1011, 4632, 6541, 28988, 2008, 2038, 5717, 3037, 1999, 6550, 1010, 2030, 1999, 2613, 28956, 2005, 2008, 3043, 1010, 2144, 2002, 2038, 1037, 2524, 2051, 3098, 2039, 2000, 3087, 2055, 2010, 5346, 2030, 2010, 2627, 1012, 2008, 2003, 2054, 3084, 2010, 3276, 2007, 13223, 2061, 13433, 25593, 1024, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2158, 2040, 2003, 2061, 2701, 2125, 1998, 4452, 1997, 6832, 9547, 2008, 2002, 2038, 2042, 2894, 1006, 1998, 9479, 1007, 2087, 1997, 2010, 2166, 1012, 13223, 9891, 2010, 2041, 2074, 2011, 2108, 2841, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2183, 2083, 1037, 18307, 1998, 9145, 8179, 1010, 2038, 1037, 3336, 1010, 2003, 8084, 2000, 2191, 4515, 3113, 1998, 2038, 1037, 10228, 1997, 6832, 20220, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2025, 3819, 2021, 2016, 2003, 2330, 2000, 2293, 1998, 3957, 2014, 2540, 4895, 8663, 27064, 2135, 2000, 19318, 1012, 1000, 3627, 1010, 1000, 2002, 3090, 7107, 17191, 2135, 1012, 2010, 4326, 2773, 2081, 2033, 12373, 2012, 102 ]
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Locke is the last book in the Corps Security Series. Although each book can be read as a standalone, the series is fantastic and you really get a sense of the strong camaraderie and history between the characters if you read the series. It is hard to say goodbye to these beloved characters but Harper Sloan does in in style with Locke. Locke has a horrible relationship with his family as does Emmy, each in a different way. They both suffer terrible emotional (and physical) abuse. Locke has been convinced by his family that he is worthless, evil, bad, etc., so it is no wonder that he believes he has nothing to offer anyone, let alone Emmy. Emmy has always loved Locke and when these two finally get together, it's the usual hot and fiery Corps-Security, bad-ass Alpha way! Locke won't let anyone or anything harm his Emmy and she helps him finally confront his own personal demons. This is a fast-paced, really sexy and hot read. I love this series and fell in love with all the Corps Security men. Locke's family felt a little over the top to me, almost cartoonish in their behavior but other than that, I loved this book and highly recommend it. (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 18343, 2003, 1996, 2197, 2338, 1999, 1996, 3650, 3036, 2186, 1012, 2348, 2169, 2338, 2064, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 1010, 1996, 2186, 2003, 10392, 1998, 2017, 2428, 2131, 1037, 3168, 1997, 1996, 2844, 11503, 5400, 4063, 2666, 1998, 2381, 2090, 1996, 3494, 2065, 2017, 3191, 1996, 2186, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2524, 2000, 2360, 9119, 2000, 2122, 11419, 3494, 2021, 8500, 19024, 2515, 1999, 1999, 2806, 2007, 18343, 1012, 18343, 2038, 1037, 9202, 3276, 2007, 2010, 2155, 2004, 2515, 10096, 1010, 2169, 1999, 1037, 2367, 2126, 1012, 2027, 2119, 9015, 6659, 6832, 1006, 1998, 3558, 1007, 6905, 1012, 18343, 2038, 2042, 6427, 2011, 2010, 2155, 2008, 2002, 2003, 22692, 1010, 4763, 1010, 2919, 1010, 4385, 1012, 1010, 2061, 2009, 2003, 2053, 4687, 2008, 2002, 7164, 2002, 2038, 2498, 2000, 3749, 3087, 1010, 2292, 2894, 10096, 1012, 10096, 2038, 2467, 3866, 18343, 1998, 2043, 2122, 2048, 2633, 2131, 2362, 1010, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1996, 5156, 2980, 1998, 15443, 3650, 1011, 3036, 1010, 2919, 1011, 4632, 6541, 2126, 999, 18343, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2292, 3087, 2030, 2505, 7386, 2010, 10096, 1998, 2016, 7126, 2032, 2633, 14323, 2010, 2219, 3167, 7942, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 2428, 7916, 1998, 2980, 3191, 1012, 1045, 2293, 2023, 2186, 1998, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2035, 1996, 3650, 3036, 2273, 1012, 18343, 1005, 1055, 2155, 2371, 1037, 2210, 2058, 1996, 2327, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2471, 9476, 4509, 1999, 2037, 5248, 2021, 2060, 2084, 2008, 1010, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 1998, 3811, 16755, 2009, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Skye Warren is my go-to author for dark, sexy, richly-written erotica. Annika Martin is a new author to me and now I want to read all of her books, too! As with all of Skye's books, the hero Grayson (yes, he is a hero to me) is darkly sexy, dangerous, forbidden and completely overpowering. He knows his power and attraction and he uses it against those weaker than him. Unfortunately it is a survival skill he learned at a very young age. Abigail meets him in prison when she is picked to teach a writing course to the inmates. But very quickly she realizes that Grayson is dangerously attractive, untrustworthy and dishonest. Or is he? This book literally kept be turning the pages until the middle of the night. There is no right and wrong in this book, only two extremely damaged and vulnerable people who quickly become the target of a massive manhunt. Prisoner takes one thrilling turn after another, and Abigail, who fought Grayson with all her might, slowly realizes that all is not as it seems. I loved Abigail's bravery in the face of absolute and complete danger. At first it seems as though Grayson would just as soon kill her than f*** her. But as with all for Skye's books (and I will assume Annika's books as well), this intensely sexual man is struggling with his own inner demons. Grayson makes no apologies for his actions. But will he and Abby survive all of the forces out to destroy them. I couldn't put this book down. The prose is perfect and the story thrilling, sexy and even tender and heartbreaking at times. It is told in alternating point-of-views which gives great insight into Grayson's motivations. I was devastated to see this story end and I can only hope that the authors intend to write more stories including Grayson's crew. I absolutely loved Prisoner. It is gritty, raw, sexy, very layered and nuanced. Highly recommended.
[ 101, 16590, 6031, 2003, 2026, 2175, 1011, 2000, 3166, 2005, 2601, 1010, 7916, 1010, 26502, 1011, 2517, 14253, 2050, 1012, 5754, 7556, 3235, 2003, 1037, 2047, 3166, 2000, 2033, 1998, 2085, 1045, 2215, 2000, 3191, 2035, 1997, 2014, 2808, 1010, 2205, 999, 2004, 2007, 2035, 1997, 16590, 1005, 1055, 2808, 1010, 1996, 5394, 17556, 1006, 2748, 1010, 2002, 2003, 1037, 5394, 2000, 2033, 1007, 2003, 27148, 7916, 1010, 4795, 1010, 10386, 1998, 3294, 2058, 23948, 1012, 2002, 4282, 2010, 2373, 1998, 8432, 1998, 2002, 3594, 2009, 2114, 2216, 15863, 2084, 2032, 1012, 6854, 2009, 2003, 1037, 7691, 8066, 2002, 4342, 2012, 1037, 2200, 2402, 2287, 1012, 15983, 6010, 2032, 1999, 3827, 2043, 2016, 2003, 3856, 2000, 6570, 1037, 3015, 2607, 2000, 1996, 13187, 1012, 2021, 2200, 2855, 2016, 10919, 2008, 17556, 2003, 20754, 8702, 1010, 4895, 24669, 13966, 1998, 9841, 21821, 2102, 1012, 2030, 2003, 2002, 1029, 2023, 2338, 6719, 2921, 2022, 3810, 1996, 5530, 2127, 1996, 2690, 1997, 1996, 2305, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 2157, 1998, 3308, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2069, 2048, 5186, 5591, 1998, 8211, 2111, 2040, 2855, 2468, 1996, 4539, 1997, 1037, 5294, 2158, 17157, 2102, 1012, 7267, 3138, 2028, 26162, 2735, 2044, 2178, 1010, 1998, 15983, 1010, 2040, 4061, 17556, 2007, 2035, 2014, 2453, 1010, 3254, 10919, 2008, 2035, 2003, 2025, 2004, 2009, 3849, 1012, 1045, 3866, 15983, 1005, 1055, 16534, 1999, 1996, 2227, 1997, 7619, 1998, 3143, 5473, 1012, 2012, 2034, 2009, 3849, 2004, 2295, 17556, 2052, 2074, 2004, 2574, 3102, 2014, 2084, 1042, 1008, 1008, 1008, 2014, 1012, 2021, 2004, 2007, 2035, 2005, 16590, 1005, 1055, 2808, 1006, 1998, 1045, 2097, 7868, 5754, 7556, 1005, 1055, 2808, 2004, 2092, 1007, 1010, 2023, 20531, 4424, 2158, 2003, 8084, 2007, 2010, 2219, 5110, 7942, 1012, 17556, 3084, 2053, 25380, 2005, 2010, 4506, 1012, 2021, 2097, 2002, 1998, 9460, 5788, 2035, 1997, 1996, 2749, 2041, 2000, 6033, 2068, 1012, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 2404, 2023, 2338, 2091, 1012, 1996, 12388, 2003, 3819, 1998, 1996, 2466, 26162, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2130, 8616, 1998, 27724, 2075, 2012, 2335, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2409, 1999, 15122, 2391, 1011, 1997, 1011, 5328, 2029, 3957, 2307, 12369, 2046, 17556, 1005, 1055, 14354, 2015, 1012, 1045, 2001, 13879, 2000, 2156, 2023, 2466, 2203, 1998, 1045, 2064, 2069, 3246, 2008, 1996, 6048, 13566, 2000, 4339, 2062, 3441, 2164, 17556, 1005, 1055, 3626, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 7267, 1012, 2009, 2003, 24842, 3723, 1010, 6315, 1010, 7916, 1010, 2200, 21323, 1998, 16371, 6651, 2094, 1012, 3811, 6749, 1012, 102 ]
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4.5 stars! Wow. This book will stay with me for a very long time. Full review to come.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 10166, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2097, 2994, 2007, 2033, 2005, 1037, 2200, 2146, 2051, 1012, 2440, 3319, 2000, 2272, 1012, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
6 STARS!!! "...the problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don't want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates." Every word, every line of this book is PERFECT. I have never been so creeped out, or laughed so hard. I'm obsessed with Joe Goldberg! Joe is obsessed with Beck. But I mean, hack into her email, stalk her every move kind of obsessed. And he is sick. Very, very sick. But that doesn't stop Caroline Kepnes from making him one of the funniest, creepiest, saddest, meanest and kindest characters of all time. He just wants Beck to love him. And that is no easy feat. Beck is at once smart, self-involved, funny, cruel and naive, but Joe is very, very determined. "You are a woman and I am a man and we belong in the dark together and you smell good, pure. I like that." This is not a romance but it is without a doubt one of the most memorable books I have ever read. Just when you think Joe has sunk to a new low, he goes even lower. He is perverted and weird and I am obsessed with him!! This book is filled with absolutely unforgettable characters. And the jokes about New York City living are the best. As is the sarcastic, witty and biting commentary on modern life in general. I highlighted practically the entire book. I can't recommend YOU highly enough. It is a weird, wild ride.
[ 101, 1020, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 1000, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1996, 3291, 2007, 2808, 2003, 2008, 2027, 2203, 1012, 2027, 23199, 2017, 1012, 2027, 3659, 2037, 3456, 2000, 2017, 1998, 4139, 2017, 2503, 1012, 1998, 2017, 2175, 2784, 1998, 2681, 2115, 13689, 1998, 2115, 7208, 2000, 1996, 2088, 2012, 1996, 2341, 1998, 2017, 2066, 2009, 2503, 1998, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2005, 2115, 13689, 2030, 2115, 7208, 1998, 2059, 1010, 1996, 2338, 9345, 17822, 8520, 1012, 1000, 2296, 2773, 1010, 2296, 2240, 1997, 2023, 2338, 2003, 3819, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2196, 2042, 2061, 19815, 2098, 2041, 1010, 2030, 4191, 2061, 2524, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 15896, 2007, 3533, 18522, 999, 3533, 2003, 15896, 2007, 10272, 1012, 2021, 1045, 2812, 1010, 20578, 2046, 2014, 10373, 1010, 23899, 2014, 2296, 2693, 2785, 1997, 15896, 1012, 1998, 2002, 2003, 5305, 1012, 2200, 1010, 2200, 5305, 1012, 2021, 2008, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2644, 7981, 17710, 2361, 5267, 2013, 2437, 2032, 2028, 1997, 1996, 4569, 15580, 2102, 1010, 19815, 10458, 1010, 6517, 6155, 2102, 1010, 2812, 4355, 1998, 2785, 4355, 3494, 1997, 2035, 2051, 1012, 2002, 2074, 4122, 10272, 2000, 2293, 2032, 1012, 1998, 2008, 2003, 2053, 3733, 8658, 1012, 10272, 2003, 2012, 2320, 6047, 1010, 2969, 1011, 2920, 1010, 6057, 1010, 10311, 1998, 15743, 1010, 2021, 3533, 2003, 2200, 1010, 2200, 4340, 1012, 1000, 2017, 2024, 1037, 2450, 1998, 1045, 2572, 1037, 2158, 1998, 2057, 7141, 1999, 1996, 2601, 2362, 1998, 2017, 5437, 2204, 1010, 5760, 1012, 1045, 2066, 2008, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 7472, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2302, 1037, 4797, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2087, 13432, 2808, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 2074, 2043, 2017, 2228, 3533, 2038, 10417, 2000, 1037, 2047, 2659, 1010, 2002, 3632, 2130, 2896, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2566, 26686, 1998, 6881, 1998, 1045, 2572, 15896, 2007, 2032, 999, 999, 2023, 2338, 2003, 3561, 2007, 7078, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 3494, 1012, 1998, 1996, 13198, 2055, 2047, 2259, 2103, 2542, 2024, 1996, 2190, 1012, 2004, 2003, 1996, 22473, 1010, 25591, 1998, 12344, 8570, 2006, 2715, 2166, 1999, 2236, 1012, 1045, 11548, 8134, 1996, 2972, 2338, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 16755, 2017, 3811, 2438, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1037, 6881, 1010, 3748, 4536, 1012, 102 ]
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4.5 Deliciously Thrilling Stars!! "He had the manners of a gentlemen all wrapped up in the cutthroat harshness of a criminal." Just...WOW!! I am a huge fan of Pepper Winters and RUIN & RULE is another dark, action-packed and twisted tale from this incredibly talented writer. If you're a fan of MC books, then you add this one to your must-read list!! It has it all, a strong, beautiful and spirited heroine, a tortured, complicated hero, tons of action and lots and lots of complicated plot twists and turns. PURE IN THOUGHTS AND VENGEANCE. CORRUPT IN ALL THINGS THAT MATTER, and the symbolism of what he stood for. Biker. I was on pins and needles from the first page of this book. I experienced the disorientation of our heroine, Sarah/Cleo, as she woke to the horrific reality of being held captive by a vicious MC gang. She feels a glimmer of recognition when she sees Arthur "Kill" Killian, but from where? When? I kept turning the pages to find the answers. Does Kill know her? Why is he so ruthless? There are so many to this story! Sarah/Cleo has lost her memory and her only clues to her past are tiny flashes of memories that come to her fleetingly. She feels a connection to Kill, but why? "I'm no one. And no one would've helped me. In my world--you survive or you die. You don't rely on others to make sure you do either one. It's the very first fucking lesson you learn." The pain in his voice notched around my heart, squeezing. I loved the small glimpses from Kill's POV. This book is a fantastic bundle of delicious mysteries all wrapped up in a sexy, dangerous biker package. Despite his hardened demeanor, Kill slowly allows himself to feel something for our heroine, all the while knowing his feelings could be the end of him. For the first time in my godforsaken life, I felt... felt something instead of the cold hatred of vengeance. It gave me strength all while making me weak. I wanted more. Therefore, I had to stop. Before she destroyed me--just like all the rest. Pepper Winters made me feel sorry for Kill, despite his outwardly vicious demeanor. This was a man who had suffered terribly and been horribly mistreated. But by whom? Many answers are revealed but I am definitely craving more. "I'd been spoon-fed lies all my life. I'd become a master at smelling untruths. And the woman currently residing in my home--the woman who'd healed me -- smelled terrifyingly toxic. A scent that made me want to run with one heartbeat and then fuck her with the next. She made me face things I was no longer strong enough to face. She made me look past her scam and crave." RUIN & RULE is told through a series of flashbacks interwoven with the present-day story. Pepper Winters is the mistress of a gripping and intense story and this one is no exception. Just when I though I knew what the outcome would be, she proved me wrong. RUIN & RULE is also a STUNNINGLY beautiful love story and succeeds as a romance on every level. There is a twist at the end and I cannot wait to get the next chapter in Kill and Cleo's story!! (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 12090, 2135, 26162, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 2002, 2018, 1996, 14632, 1997, 1037, 11218, 2035, 5058, 2039, 1999, 1996, 3013, 2705, 3217, 4017, 8401, 2791, 1997, 1037, 4735, 1012, 1000, 2074, 1012, 1012, 1012, 10166, 999, 999, 1045, 2572, 1037, 4121, 5470, 1997, 11565, 12214, 1998, 10083, 1004, 3627, 2003, 2178, 2601, 1010, 2895, 1011, 8966, 1998, 6389, 6925, 2013, 2023, 11757, 10904, 3213, 1012, 2065, 2017, 1005, 2128, 1037, 5470, 1997, 11338, 2808, 1010, 2059, 2017, 5587, 2023, 2028, 2000, 2115, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2862, 999, 999, 2009, 2038, 2009, 2035, 1010, 1037, 2844, 1010, 3376, 1998, 24462, 18869, 1010, 1037, 12364, 1010, 8552, 5394, 1010, 6197, 1997, 2895, 1998, 7167, 1998, 7167, 1997, 8552, 5436, 21438, 1998, 4332, 1012, 5760, 1999, 4301, 1998, 14096, 1012, 13593, 1999, 2035, 2477, 2008, 3043, 1010, 1998, 1996, 22050, 1997, 2054, 2002, 2768, 2005, 1012, 28988, 1012, 1045, 2001, 2006, 16300, 1998, 17044, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1045, 5281, 1996, 4487, 21748, 11638, 3370, 1997, 2256, 18869, 1010, 4532, 1013, 18856, 8780, 1010, 2004, 2016, 8271, 2000, 1996, 23512, 4507, 1997, 2108, 2218, 12481, 2011, 1037, 13925, 11338, 6080, 1012, 2016, 5683, 1037, 1043, 17960, 5017, 1997, 5038, 2043, 2016, 5927, 4300, 1000, 3102, 1000, 3102, 2937, 1010, 2021, 2013, 2073, 1029, 2043, 1029, 1045, 2921, 3810, 1996, 5530, 2000, 2424, 1996, 6998, 1012, 2515, 3102, 2113, 2014, 1029, 2339, 2003, 2002, 2061, 18101, 1029, 2045, 2024, 2061, 2116, 2000, 2023, 2466, 999, 4532, 1013, 18856, 8780, 2038, 2439, 2014, 3638, 1998, 2014, 2069, 15774, 2000, 2014, 2627, 2024, 4714, 16121, 1997, 5758, 2008, 2272, 2000, 2014, 25085, 2135, 1012, 2016, 5683, 1037, 4434, 2000, 3102, 1010, 2021, 2339, 1029, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2053, 2028, 1012, 1998, 2053, 2028, 2052, 1005, 2310, 3271, 2033, 1012, 1999, 2026, 2088, 1011, 1011, 2017, 5788, 2030, 2017, 3280, 1012, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 11160, 2006, 2500, 2000, 2191, 2469, 2017, 2079, 2593, 2028, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1996, 2200, 2034, 8239, 10800, 2017, 4553, 1012, 1000, 1996, 3255, 1999, 2010, 2376, 18624, 2098, 2105, 2026, 2540, 1010, 15328, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2235, 12185, 2015, 2013, 3102, 1005, 1055, 13433, 2615, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 1037, 10392, 14012, 1997, 12090, 15572, 2035, 5058, 2039, 1999, 1037, 7916, 1010, 4795, 28988, 7427, 1012, 2750, 2010, 15015, 21745, 1010, 3102, 3254, 4473, 2370, 2000, 2514, 2242, 2005, 2256, 18869, 1010, 2035, 1996, 2096, 4209, 2010, 5346, 2071, 2022, 1996, 2203, 1997, 2032, 1012, 2005, 1996, 2034, 2051, 1999, 2026, 2643, 29278, 3736, 7520, 2166, 1010, 1045, 2371, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2371, 2242, 2612, 1997, 1996, 3147, 11150, 1997, 14096, 1012, 2009, 2435, 2033, 3997, 2035, 2096, 2437, 2033, 5410, 1012, 1045, 2359, 2062, 1012, 3568, 1010, 1045, 2018, 2000, 2644, 1012, 2077, 2016, 3908, 2033, 1011, 1011, 2074, 2066, 2035, 1996, 2717, 1012, 11565, 12214, 2081, 2033, 2514, 3374, 2005, 3102, 1010, 2750, 2010, 15436, 2135, 13925, 21745, 1012, 2023, 2001, 1037, 2158, 2040, 2018, 4265, 16668, 1998, 2042, 27762, 11094, 29313, 2094, 1012, 2021, 2011, 3183, 1029, 2116, 102 ]
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Debt is one of the darkest, most erotic books I have ever read. This story is not for the faint of heart so heed the warnings, but if you are ready for a stunning, thrilling, twisted and emotional story, then Debt is for you. A suspenseful and revenge-filled tale, Debt had me on the edge of my seat from the first page. I highlighted so much of this book that I could fill this review with amazing passages but read it for yourself and experience this fantastic and sexy story. I have never read a book by Nina Jones and she absolutely blew me away by this story. "This man is my stalker, my terrorizer, my lover." Told in flashbacks and in alternating POV's, Debt is a story about Tax Draconi, who has come to settle an old debt from Mia Tibbett. He at first appears to be filled with hate, revenge and basically, with pure evil. His actions throughout much of the book are absolutely unforgivable. But the author is an absolute genius at making me actually love Tax and empathize with him. The scenes with Mia are beyond explicit. Tax brings new meaning to the phrase "dirty talker". "It's what I do when it comes to women. I can't give them affection, or love, or intimacy. That all died in me long ago. So I give what I can: Relief. Pleasure. Abandon." The focus of his plan is Mia, who remains mostly clueless about why Tax hates her so much, but still finds herself powerless under his erotic spell. He owns her, body and soul. She realizes that he has ruined her for other men and despite his evil ways, she still feels compelled to try to break through his wicked exterior. "Is it possible Tax could be everything I need in a man? He has the fire that burns me and awakens me. That was the thing I had been looking for, and it is so uniquely hard to find." The trauma that Tax and his twin sister Jude suffered at a young age is hinted at throughout the story and when finally revealed, sheds light on his behavior and Jude's thirst for revenge against Mia as well. This book might shock you but the story flows and the characters are unforgettable. I found a few minor inconsistencies with the story which in no way took away from my enjoyment of this dark, sexy. erotic, dark and fantastic story. I was distraught that Debt ended and I am waiting not-so-patiently for more from Ms. Nina G. Jones! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 7016, 2003, 2028, 1997, 1996, 23036, 1010, 2087, 14253, 2808, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2025, 2005, 1996, 8143, 1997, 2540, 2061, 18235, 2094, 1996, 16234, 1010, 2021, 2065, 2017, 2024, 3201, 2005, 1037, 14726, 1010, 26162, 1010, 6389, 1998, 6832, 2466, 1010, 2059, 7016, 2003, 2005, 2017, 1012, 1037, 23873, 3993, 1998, 7195, 1011, 3561, 6925, 1010, 7016, 2018, 2033, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1997, 2026, 2835, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 1012, 1045, 11548, 2061, 2172, 1997, 2023, 2338, 2008, 1045, 2071, 6039, 2023, 3319, 2007, 6429, 13768, 2021, 3191, 2009, 2005, 4426, 1998, 3325, 2023, 10392, 1998, 7916, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2196, 3191, 1037, 2338, 2011, 9401, 3557, 1998, 2016, 7078, 8682, 2033, 2185, 2011, 2023, 2466, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2158, 2003, 2026, 23883, 1010, 2026, 7404, 17629, 1010, 2026, 7089, 1012, 1000, 2409, 1999, 28945, 1998, 1999, 15122, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1010, 7016, 2003, 1037, 2466, 2055, 4171, 2852, 22684, 3490, 1010, 2040, 2038, 2272, 2000, 7392, 2019, 2214, 7016, 2013, 8764, 14841, 19473, 4779, 1012, 2002, 2012, 2034, 3544, 2000, 2022, 3561, 2007, 5223, 1010, 7195, 1998, 10468, 1010, 2007, 5760, 4763, 1012, 2010, 4506, 2802, 2172, 1997, 1996, 2338, 2024, 7078, 4895, 29278, 5856, 12423, 1012, 2021, 1996, 3166, 2003, 2019, 7619, 11067, 2012, 2437, 2033, 2941, 2293, 4171, 1998, 7861, 15069, 4697, 2007, 2032, 1012, 1996, 5019, 2007, 8764, 2024, 3458, 13216, 1012, 4171, 7545, 2047, 3574, 2000, 1996, 7655, 1000, 6530, 2831, 2121, 1000, 1012, 1000, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2054, 1045, 2079, 2043, 2009, 3310, 2000, 2308, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2507, 2068, 12242, 1010, 2030, 2293, 1010, 2030, 20893, 1012, 2008, 2035, 2351, 1999, 2033, 2146, 3283, 1012, 2061, 1045, 2507, 2054, 1045, 2064, 1024, 4335, 1012, 5165, 1012, 10824, 1012, 1000, 1996, 3579, 1997, 2010, 2933, 2003, 8764, 1010, 2040, 3464, 3262, 9789, 3238, 2055, 2339, 4171, 16424, 2014, 2061, 2172, 1010, 2021, 2145, 4858, 2841, 25192, 2104, 2010, 14253, 6297, 1012, 2002, 8617, 2014, 1010, 2303, 1998, 3969, 1012, 2016, 10919, 2008, 2002, 2038, 9868, 2014, 2005, 2060, 2273, 1998, 2750, 2010, 4763, 3971, 1010, 2016, 2145, 5683, 15055, 2000, 3046, 2000, 3338, 2083, 2010, 10433, 8829, 1012, 1000, 2003, 2009, 2825, 4171, 2071, 2022, 2673, 1045, 2342, 1999, 1037, 2158, 1029, 2002, 2038, 1996, 2543, 2008, 7641, 2033, 1998, 8300, 3619, 2033, 1012, 2008, 2001, 1996, 2518, 1045, 2018, 2042, 2559, 2005, 1010, 1998, 2009, 2003, 2061, 20640, 2524, 2000, 2424, 1012, 1000, 1996, 12603, 2008, 4171, 1998, 2010, 5519, 2905, 12582, 4265, 2012, 1037, 2402, 2287, 2003, 21795, 2012, 2802, 1996, 2466, 1998, 2043, 2633, 3936, 1010, 25999, 2422, 2006, 2010, 5248, 1998, 12582, 1005, 1055, 21810, 2005, 7195, 2114, 8764, 2004, 2092, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2453, 5213, 2017, 2021, 1996, 2466, 6223, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2024, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 1012, 1045, 2179, 1037, 2261, 3576, 4297, 5644, 27870, 14767, 2007, 1996, 2466, 2029, 1999, 2053, 2126, 2165, 2185, 2013, 2026, 20195, 1997, 2023, 2601, 1010, 7916, 1012, 14253, 1010, 2601, 1998, 10392, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2001, 25348, 2008, 7016, 3092, 1998, 102 ]
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What a passionate and intense love story!! Broken Juliet is THE perfect ending to Cassie and Ethan's epic journey. I loved this book because it mixes both love and heartbreak seamlessly. I was so wrapped up in Cassie and Ethan's grand love story that I was thrown completely off-balance (just like Cassie!) when things would go wrong. And I loved every single minute of it!! The author once again switched between both past and present here, and while the back-and-forth can be jarring in some books, it worked perfectly here. Broken Juliet picks up literally right where Bad Romeo ended. Ethan has broken Cassie's heart more than once and he is begging her for another chance. Cassie has finally moved on with her life and cannot believe that Ethan has finally changed and is open to really love her. One of the many, many things that I loved about this book is that it mixes in plenty of humor with the heartbreak and passion. Cassie is tentatively letting Ethan back into her life but she is trying her best to move slowly so her heart doesn't get trampled once again. Her inner monologue can be hilarious: "I can't drive. Is it cool for me to sleep on the couch?" No. Get out before I mount you. Broken Juliet is a heart-pounding, passionate love story above all else. Leisa's writing is flawless and the chemistry between her two main characters absolutely off the charts. I was so connected with Ethan and Cassie that I was on the edge of my seat reading this book. And when Ethan gives Cassie his journals to read? Perfection. Cassie finally understands what was going on inside Ethan's head when he left her in drama school years before. These two share a passion and a love that is undeniable and absolutely breathtaking: "This man represents so many things to me. He was my first true friend. My first love. First lover. The master of more pleasure than I knew existed, and the architect of more heartache than I thought I could endure." I also really loved the behind-the-scenes look into the world of theatre. I appreciated the author's insights into the world of stage actors and the acting process. Some of my favorite scenes take place when Ethan and Cassie are in drama school, these are soul-baring, painful and beautiful passages to read. I can't recommend this series highly enough and I am totally addicted to Ethan Holt!! Both books are out now, so get reading! 4.5 passionate and heart-pounding stars!! Favorite quotes: The thing about developing an addiction is that it happens so quietly, you don't know how much trouble you're in until it's too late. It tiptoes through the rooms of your mind and body, gently inserting hooks and strings into every cell, until you don't know where you end and it begins. And untangling that web is nearly impossible. This is more than lust. It's even more than love. It's imperative. Mindless, bloody-minded need. I can't kiss him deep enough, or hold him close enough. (ARC provided by the publisher with thanks.)
[ 101, 2054, 1037, 13459, 1998, 6387, 2293, 2466, 999, 999, 3714, 13707, 2003, 1996, 3819, 4566, 2000, 8869, 1998, 6066, 1005, 1055, 8680, 4990, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 2138, 2009, 21109, 2119, 2293, 1998, 27724, 25180, 10895, 1012, 1045, 2001, 2061, 5058, 2039, 1999, 8869, 1998, 6066, 1005, 1055, 2882, 2293, 2466, 2008, 1045, 2001, 6908, 3294, 2125, 1011, 5703, 1006, 2074, 2066, 8869, 999, 1007, 2043, 2477, 2052, 2175, 3308, 1012, 1998, 1045, 3866, 2296, 2309, 3371, 1997, 2009, 999, 999, 1996, 3166, 2320, 2153, 7237, 2090, 2119, 2627, 1998, 2556, 2182, 1010, 1998, 2096, 1996, 2067, 1011, 1998, 1011, 5743, 2064, 2022, 15723, 4892, 1999, 2070, 2808, 1010, 2009, 2499, 6669, 2182, 1012, 3714, 13707, 11214, 2039, 6719, 2157, 2073, 2919, 12390, 3092, 1012, 6066, 2038, 3714, 8869, 1005, 1055, 2540, 2062, 2084, 2320, 1998, 2002, 2003, 12858, 2014, 2005, 2178, 3382, 1012, 8869, 2038, 2633, 2333, 2006, 2007, 2014, 2166, 1998, 3685, 2903, 2008, 6066, 2038, 2633, 2904, 1998, 2003, 2330, 2000, 2428, 2293, 2014, 1012, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2116, 1010, 2116, 2477, 2008, 1045, 3866, 2055, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2008, 2009, 21109, 1999, 7564, 1997, 8562, 2007, 1996, 27724, 1998, 6896, 1012, 8869, 2003, 19325, 5599, 6066, 2067, 2046, 2014, 2166, 2021, 2016, 2003, 2667, 2014, 2190, 2000, 2693, 3254, 2061, 2014, 2540, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2131, 12517, 21132, 2320, 2153, 1012, 2014, 5110, 18847, 24277, 2064, 2022, 26316, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3298, 1012, 2003, 2009, 4658, 2005, 2033, 2000, 3637, 2006, 1996, 6411, 1029, 1000, 2053, 1012, 2131, 2041, 2077, 1045, 4057, 2017, 1012, 3714, 13707, 2003, 1037, 2540, 1011, 9836, 1010, 13459, 2293, 2466, 2682, 2035, 2842, 1012, 26947, 3736, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2003, 27503, 1998, 1996, 6370, 2090, 2014, 2048, 2364, 3494, 7078, 2125, 1996, 6093, 1012, 1045, 2001, 2061, 4198, 2007, 6066, 1998, 8869, 2008, 1045, 2001, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1997, 2026, 2835, 3752, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1998, 2043, 6066, 3957, 8869, 2010, 9263, 2000, 3191, 1029, 15401, 1012, 8869, 2633, 19821, 2054, 2001, 2183, 2006, 2503, 6066, 1005, 1055, 2132, 2043, 2002, 2187, 2014, 1999, 3689, 2082, 2086, 2077, 1012, 2122, 2048, 3745, 1037, 6896, 1998, 1037, 2293, 2008, 2003, 6151, 19825, 3468, 1998, 7078, 3052, 17904, 1024, 1000, 2023, 2158, 5836, 2061, 2116, 2477, 2000, 2033, 1012, 2002, 2001, 2026, 2034, 2995, 2767, 1012, 2026, 2034, 2293, 1012, 2034, 7089, 1012, 1996, 3040, 1997, 2062, 5165, 2084, 1045, 2354, 5839, 1010, 1998, 1996, 4944, 1997, 2062, 2540, 15395, 2084, 1045, 2245, 1045, 2071, 18094, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2036, 2428, 3866, 1996, 2369, 1011, 1996, 1011, 5019, 2298, 2046, 1996, 2088, 1997, 3004, 1012, 1045, 12315, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 20062, 2046, 1996, 2088, 1997, 2754, 5889, 1998, 1996, 3772, 2832, 1012, 2070, 1997, 2026, 5440, 5019, 2202, 2173, 2043, 6066, 1998, 8869, 2024, 1999, 3689, 2082, 1010, 2122, 2024, 3969, 1011, 22466, 3070, 1010, 9145, 1998, 3376, 13768, 2000, 3191, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 16755, 2023, 2186, 3811, 2438, 1998, 1045, 2572, 6135, 23042, 2000, 6066, 12621, 999, 999, 2119, 2808, 2024, 2041, 2085, 1010, 2061, 102 ]
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5 perfect stars!!! Well. Where do I begin? Bad Romeo is one of my favorite books of the year. It is the perfect blend of coming-of-age, intense longing, heartache, friendship and first love. The story is told in a mix of present-day and flashbacks which can be confusing but work perfectly here. Ethan Holt is the classic bad-boy, who smashed Cassie Taylor's heart when they were drama students. Flash-forward to present day, when they are both cast as the leads in a Broadway play. Told from Cassie's point of view, the book follows their completely tortured, angst-filled relationship. But don't be scared away: this book is raunchy, laugh-out-loud funny and will keep you turning the pages to see what will happen next. Can Cassie work with Ethan again after what he did to her in the past? She can't seem to stay away from him and Leisa Rayven gives a wonderful, slow-build story that kept me reading until the wee hours of the night. I was fascinated by the behind-the-scenes look at the theatre world and the sometimes-painful description of the acting process. And even though this is a New Adult novel, it is incredibly sexy and steamy and filled with just the right blend of longing and sexual release. And Cassie, what a fantastic heroine! She's smart, tough-on-the-outside but very vulnerable, and funny as hell. I fell in love with Ethan Holt and even though he was portrayed as a jerk, felt sympathetic towards him because of his tortured past. I can't say enough about this book!! After I finished this book, I was fascinated to read that it originally began as fan fiction. How did I not know this? I am now officially addicted to this series and this author. I highlighted practically the entire book. The ending was perfection and I am literally counting the days until the next book, Broken Juliet!! (*ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1019, 3819, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 2092, 1012, 2073, 2079, 1045, 4088, 1029, 2919, 12390, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2808, 1997, 1996, 2095, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1996, 3819, 12586, 1997, 2746, 1011, 1997, 1011, 2287, 1010, 6387, 15752, 1010, 2540, 15395, 1010, 6860, 1998, 2034, 2293, 1012, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2409, 1999, 1037, 4666, 1997, 2556, 1011, 2154, 1998, 28945, 2029, 2064, 2022, 16801, 2021, 2147, 6669, 2182, 1012, 6066, 12621, 2003, 1996, 4438, 2919, 1011, 2879, 1010, 2040, 14368, 8869, 4202, 1005, 1055, 2540, 2043, 2027, 2020, 3689, 2493, 1012, 5956, 1011, 2830, 2000, 2556, 2154, 1010, 2043, 2027, 2024, 2119, 3459, 2004, 1996, 5260, 1999, 1037, 5934, 2377, 1012, 2409, 2013, 8869, 1005, 1055, 2391, 1997, 3193, 1010, 1996, 2338, 4076, 2037, 3294, 12364, 1010, 17076, 3367, 1011, 3561, 3276, 1012, 2021, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2022, 6015, 2185, 1024, 2023, 2338, 2003, 10958, 4609, 11714, 1010, 4756, 1011, 2041, 1011, 5189, 6057, 1998, 2097, 2562, 2017, 3810, 1996, 5530, 2000, 2156, 2054, 2097, 4148, 2279, 1012, 2064, 8869, 2147, 2007, 6066, 2153, 2044, 2054, 2002, 2106, 2000, 2014, 1999, 1996, 2627, 1029, 2016, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4025, 2000, 2994, 2185, 2013, 2032, 1998, 26947, 3736, 4097, 8159, 3957, 1037, 6919, 1010, 4030, 1011, 3857, 2466, 2008, 2921, 2033, 3752, 2127, 1996, 16776, 2847, 1997, 1996, 2305, 1012, 1045, 2001, 15677, 2011, 1996, 2369, 1011, 1996, 1011, 5019, 2298, 2012, 1996, 3004, 2088, 1998, 1996, 2823, 1011, 9145, 6412, 1997, 1996, 3772, 2832, 1012, 1998, 2130, 2295, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2047, 4639, 3117, 1010, 2009, 2003, 11757, 7916, 1998, 5492, 2100, 1998, 3561, 2007, 2074, 1996, 2157, 12586, 1997, 15752, 1998, 4424, 2713, 1012, 1998, 8869, 1010, 2054, 1037, 10392, 18869, 999, 2016, 1005, 1055, 6047, 1010, 7823, 1011, 2006, 1011, 1996, 1011, 2648, 2021, 2200, 8211, 1010, 1998, 6057, 2004, 3109, 1012, 1045, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 6066, 12621, 1998, 2130, 2295, 2002, 2001, 6791, 2004, 1037, 12181, 1010, 2371, 13026, 2875, 2032, 2138, 1997, 2010, 12364, 2627, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2360, 2438, 2055, 2023, 2338, 999, 999, 2044, 1045, 2736, 2023, 2338, 1010, 1045, 2001, 15677, 2000, 3191, 2008, 2009, 2761, 2211, 2004, 5470, 4349, 1012, 2129, 2106, 1045, 2025, 2113, 2023, 1029, 1045, 2572, 2085, 3985, 23042, 2000, 2023, 2186, 1998, 2023, 3166, 1012, 1045, 11548, 8134, 1996, 2972, 2338, 1012, 1996, 4566, 2001, 15401, 1998, 1045, 2572, 6719, 10320, 1996, 2420, 2127, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1010, 3714, 13707, 999, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! Looking for a different kind of story, but one with scorching hot sex scenes and a strong heroine? Read Uncivilized now! I was completely unprepared to fall in love with Zach but I did and I miss him already. There are some books that merely recite one sex scene after another, with no emotional connection between the characters and writing that fails to connect the reader with the characters. Well, not Uncivilized. Ms. Bennett has written a sensitive, interesting, very different story with absolutely memorable characters that will stay with me for a long time. Zach at first comes across as a somewhat cold, savage man who will never become acclimated to the modern world. But is that such a bad thing? As the story progresses, Moira becomes more willing to bend towards Zach's way of life and his belief system. And this man is HOT HOT HOT. The book's sex scenes are absolutely among the most gorgeous, lush and loving scenes I have ever read. This book could have been a cliche but it's most definitely not. I loved the world created by Ms. Bennett and I highly recommend Uncivilized. Enjoy! And have a freezer nearby! (*ARC provided by the author in return for a honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 2559, 2005, 1037, 2367, 2785, 1997, 2466, 1010, 2021, 2028, 2007, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 3348, 5019, 1998, 1037, 2844, 18869, 1029, 3191, 4895, 6895, 21661, 5422, 2085, 999, 1045, 2001, 3294, 4895, 28139, 19362, 2098, 2000, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 12397, 2021, 1045, 2106, 1998, 1045, 3335, 2032, 2525, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2070, 2808, 2008, 6414, 28667, 4221, 2028, 3348, 3496, 2044, 2178, 1010, 2007, 2053, 6832, 4434, 2090, 1996, 3494, 1998, 3015, 2008, 11896, 2000, 7532, 1996, 8068, 2007, 1996, 3494, 1012, 2092, 1010, 2025, 4895, 6895, 21661, 5422, 1012, 5796, 1012, 8076, 2038, 2517, 1037, 7591, 1010, 5875, 1010, 2200, 2367, 2466, 2007, 7078, 13432, 3494, 2008, 2097, 2994, 2007, 2033, 2005, 1037, 2146, 2051, 1012, 12397, 2012, 2034, 3310, 2408, 2004, 1037, 5399, 3147, 1010, 9576, 2158, 2040, 2097, 2196, 2468, 16222, 17960, 4383, 2000, 1996, 2715, 2088, 1012, 2021, 2003, 2008, 2107, 1037, 2919, 2518, 1029, 2004, 1996, 2466, 22901, 1010, 25175, 2527, 4150, 2062, 5627, 2000, 8815, 2875, 12397, 1005, 1055, 2126, 1997, 2166, 1998, 2010, 6772, 2291, 1012, 1998, 2023, 2158, 2003, 2980, 2980, 2980, 1012, 1996, 2338, 1005, 1055, 3348, 5019, 2024, 7078, 2426, 1996, 2087, 9882, 1010, 16299, 1998, 8295, 5019, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2071, 2031, 2042, 1037, 18856, 17322, 2021, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2087, 5791, 2025, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2088, 2580, 2011, 5796, 1012, 8076, 1998, 1045, 3811, 16755, 4895, 6895, 21661, 5422, 1012, 5959, 999, 1998, 2031, 1037, 13184, 2099, 3518, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 1037, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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3 1/2 stars!! Dark. Dark. Dark. Those were my first thoughts upon finishing Raze. I love a good dark and gritty romance and Raze fits the bill. This book is filled with intense drama and brutal scenes of torture so be warned. I have a very strong threshold for dark reads, but there was an extra element that didn't quite sit well with me. That being said, this book has an incredibly creative storyline and some hot, steamy, passionate and over-the-top sex scenes that are alone worth reading the book for. This story is told in flashbacks. Raze was brutally ripped from his home as a teenager and subjected to all kinds of physical and mental abuse at the hands of an underground fighting ring. He loses his memories of his family and his childhood and literally turns into a fighting machine, bent on revenge against the monster who put him away. These scenes in the underground are difficult, tough and gritty. Raze has the vaguest memories of a girl who is Kisa, the daughter of a New York Russsian mobster. She, too, is condemned to a live of confinement as the fiancee of Alik, a sadisitic, brutal and controlling fighter. The stage is set for her past and her present to collide. Will she able to save Raze from almost-certain death? Will Raze ever remember Kisa, the only girl he ever loved? "I've seen too many bad things with these eyes. This, I will feel in my heart." There are scenes of incredible beauty in this book along with scenes so brutal they are difficult to get through. But all in all, this story kept me turning the pages to see where these characters' journeys would take them. I was cheering for Kisa to stand up to Alik and rooting for Raze to be able to find the peace he so desperately needed. If you like gritty fighter stories, then Raze is the book for you!
[ 101, 1017, 1015, 1013, 1016, 3340, 999, 999, 2601, 1012, 2601, 1012, 2601, 1012, 2216, 2020, 2026, 2034, 4301, 2588, 5131, 10958, 4371, 1012, 1045, 2293, 1037, 2204, 2601, 1998, 24842, 3723, 7472, 1998, 10958, 4371, 16142, 1996, 3021, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 3561, 2007, 6387, 3689, 1998, 12077, 5019, 1997, 8639, 2061, 2022, 7420, 1012, 1045, 2031, 1037, 2200, 2844, 11207, 2005, 2601, 9631, 1010, 2021, 2045, 2001, 2019, 4469, 5783, 2008, 2134, 1005, 1056, 3243, 4133, 2092, 2007, 2033, 1012, 2008, 2108, 2056, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2038, 2019, 11757, 5541, 9994, 1998, 2070, 2980, 1010, 5492, 2100, 1010, 13459, 1998, 2058, 1011, 1996, 1011, 2327, 3348, 5019, 2008, 2024, 2894, 4276, 3752, 1996, 2338, 2005, 1012, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2409, 1999, 28945, 1012, 10958, 4371, 2001, 23197, 9157, 2013, 2010, 2188, 2004, 1037, 10563, 1998, 13532, 2000, 2035, 7957, 1997, 3558, 1998, 5177, 6905, 2012, 1996, 2398, 1997, 2019, 5230, 3554, 3614, 1012, 2002, 12386, 2010, 5758, 1997, 2010, 2155, 1998, 2010, 5593, 1998, 6719, 4332, 2046, 1037, 3554, 3698, 1010, 6260, 2006, 7195, 2114, 1996, 6071, 2040, 2404, 2032, 2185, 1012, 2122, 5019, 1999, 1996, 5230, 2024, 3697, 1010, 7823, 1998, 24842, 3723, 1012, 10958, 4371, 2038, 1996, 13727, 3367, 5758, 1997, 1037, 2611, 2040, 2003, 11382, 3736, 1010, 1996, 2684, 1997, 1037, 2047, 2259, 18072, 17043, 11240, 6238, 1012, 2016, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2003, 10033, 2000, 1037, 2444, 1997, 21551, 2004, 1996, 19455, 1997, 4862, 2243, 1010, 1037, 6517, 17417, 4588, 1010, 12077, 1998, 9756, 4959, 1012, 1996, 2754, 2003, 2275, 2005, 2014, 2627, 1998, 2014, 2556, 2000, 8902, 24198, 1012, 2097, 2016, 2583, 2000, 3828, 10958, 4371, 2013, 2471, 1011, 3056, 2331, 1029, 2097, 10958, 4371, 2412, 3342, 11382, 3736, 1010, 1996, 2069, 2611, 2002, 2412, 3866, 1029, 1000, 1045, 1005, 2310, 2464, 2205, 2116, 2919, 2477, 2007, 2122, 2159, 1012, 2023, 1010, 1045, 2097, 2514, 1999, 2026, 2540, 1012, 1000, 2045, 2024, 5019, 1997, 9788, 5053, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2247, 2007, 5019, 2061, 12077, 2027, 2024, 3697, 2000, 2131, 2083, 1012, 2021, 2035, 1999, 2035, 1010, 2023, 2466, 2921, 2033, 3810, 1996, 5530, 2000, 2156, 2073, 2122, 3494, 1005, 19147, 2052, 2202, 2068, 1012, 1045, 2001, 24867, 2005, 11382, 3736, 2000, 3233, 2039, 2000, 4862, 2243, 1998, 7117, 2075, 2005, 10958, 4371, 2000, 2022, 2583, 2000, 2424, 1996, 3521, 2002, 2061, 9652, 2734, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2066, 24842, 3723, 4959, 3441, 1010, 2059, 10958, 4371, 2003, 1996, 2338, 2005, 2017, 999, 102 ]
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Whatever you think you know about this book, you're wrong!! Filled with THE most amazing plot twists and gorgeous moments, November 9 literally took my breath away, This book is on my favorites lists, not just of 2015 but of all time. It is absolutely unforgettable!! I read this book in one sitting and was absolutely devastated when it ended!! The writing is so perfect, the story is so creative and the characters are so vivid that I felt like a piece of me was missing was I finished this book. I felt like I knew Ben and Fallon personally, that's how expressive Colleen Hoover's writing is. Fallon is damaged goods, growing up in Hollywood and having survived both emotional and physical trauma when she and Ben meet. "One of the things I always try to remind myself is that everyone has scars," she says. "A lot of them even worse than mine. The only difference is that mine are visible and most people's aren't." Fallon and Ben are only teenagers when they first meet, literally on the eve of her big move to New York City. Could what Fallon feels for Ben be real and lasting? Only time will tell, as they make a pact to meet only once a year until she turns 23. No contact, no social media stalking, nothing, until their annual "dates". Fallon believes that this is the only way for her to be mature enough and self-reliant enough to be in a relationship with Ben. She is determined not to lose herself in a man. But oh so much can happen in the time in between, and as the story unfolds from the past to the present, I began to realize what this book was really about. My heart broke for both Fallon and for Ben, and I was completely taken aback by the path this story took. There are SO many memorable moments in this book, and they all took my breath away. Imagine think you have met your soul mate, only to see them once a year for the next few years! I wanted to scream at Fallon and Ben to grab onto their love and never let it go. "Please say yes. Please tell me you aren't finished falling in love with me yet." Don't miss November 9!! It is yet another flawless book from Colleen Hoover. (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 3649, 2017, 2228, 2017, 2113, 2055, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2017, 1005, 2128, 3308, 999, 999, 3561, 2007, 1996, 2087, 6429, 5436, 21438, 1998, 9882, 5312, 1010, 2281, 1023, 6719, 2165, 2026, 3052, 2185, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2006, 2026, 20672, 7201, 1010, 2025, 2074, 1997, 2325, 2021, 1997, 2035, 2051, 1012, 2009, 2003, 7078, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 999, 999, 1045, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1998, 2001, 7078, 13879, 2043, 2009, 3092, 999, 999, 1996, 3015, 2003, 2061, 3819, 1010, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2061, 5541, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2024, 2061, 14954, 2008, 1045, 2371, 2066, 1037, 3538, 1997, 2033, 2001, 4394, 2001, 1045, 2736, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1045, 2371, 2066, 1045, 2354, 3841, 1998, 16443, 7714, 1010, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2129, 22570, 28385, 17443, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2003, 1012, 16443, 2003, 5591, 5350, 1010, 3652, 2039, 1999, 5365, 1998, 2383, 5175, 2119, 6832, 1998, 3558, 12603, 2043, 2016, 1998, 3841, 3113, 1012, 1000, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2477, 1045, 2467, 3046, 2000, 10825, 2870, 2003, 2008, 3071, 2038, 13521, 1010, 1000, 2016, 2758, 1012, 1000, 1037, 2843, 1997, 2068, 2130, 4788, 2084, 3067, 1012, 1996, 2069, 4489, 2003, 2008, 3067, 2024, 5710, 1998, 2087, 2111, 1005, 1055, 4995, 1005, 1056, 1012, 1000, 16443, 1998, 3841, 2024, 2069, 12908, 2043, 2027, 2034, 3113, 1010, 6719, 2006, 1996, 6574, 1997, 2014, 2502, 2693, 2000, 2047, 2259, 2103, 1012, 2071, 2054, 16443, 5683, 2005, 3841, 2022, 2613, 1998, 9879, 1029, 2069, 2051, 2097, 2425, 1010, 2004, 2027, 2191, 1037, 14790, 2000, 3113, 2069, 2320, 1037, 2095, 2127, 2016, 4332, 2603, 1012, 2053, 3967, 1010, 2053, 2591, 2865, 20070, 1010, 2498, 1010, 2127, 2037, 3296, 1000, 5246, 1000, 1012, 16443, 7164, 2008, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2069, 2126, 2005, 2014, 2000, 2022, 9677, 2438, 1998, 2969, 1011, 2128, 15204, 2102, 2438, 2000, 2022, 1999, 1037, 3276, 2007, 3841, 1012, 2016, 2003, 4340, 2025, 2000, 4558, 2841, 1999, 1037, 2158, 1012, 2021, 2821, 2061, 2172, 2064, 4148, 1999, 1996, 2051, 1999, 2090, 1010, 1998, 2004, 1996, 2466, 4895, 10371, 2015, 2013, 1996, 2627, 2000, 1996, 2556, 1010, 1045, 2211, 2000, 5382, 2054, 2023, 2338, 2001, 2428, 2055, 1012, 2026, 2540, 3631, 2005, 2119, 16443, 1998, 2005, 3841, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2001, 3294, 2579, 26575, 2011, 1996, 4130, 2023, 2466, 2165, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2061, 2116, 13432, 5312, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1010, 1998, 2027, 2035, 2165, 2026, 3052, 2185, 1012, 5674, 2228, 2017, 2031, 2777, 2115, 3969, 6775, 1010, 2069, 2000, 2156, 2068, 2320, 1037, 2095, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2261, 2086, 999, 1045, 2359, 2000, 6978, 2012, 16443, 1998, 3841, 2000, 6723, 3031, 2037, 2293, 1998, 2196, 2292, 2009, 2175, 1012, 1000, 3531, 2360, 2748, 1012, 3531, 2425, 2033, 2017, 4995, 1005, 1056, 2736, 4634, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2033, 2664, 1012, 1000, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2281, 1023, 999, 999, 2009, 2003, 2664, 2178, 27503, 2338, 2013, 28385, 17443, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! Holy hotness! The minute I saw Aleks Voinov's name in the acknowledgements, I knew I would LOVE this book, and I was right! His epic work Special Forces is one of my favorite books. Please heed the author warnings about Guns N' Boys, this is a dirrrrrrrty, homoerotic, violent crime thriller. But wow, what a ride! This book grabbed me from the first page an did not let go. Seth is the son of a crime lord and is rescued and secreted home by the irresistibly sexy, dangerous and dominant Domenico. The two were childhood friends but hadn't seen or spoken to each other in years. "Domenico was the human equivalent of his motorbike. Fast and dangerous, yet impossible to resist taking a ride on, even at the risk of getting hurt." This book is a fast-paced, super-sexy, graphic and very intense story of two men in a forbidden relationship. Seth and Dom could not be more different, but yet find themselves drawn to each other. They must hide their relationship, and the underlying tension between these two had me on the edge of my seat. There is a fantastic surprise for fans of the Dark Souls series!! Even if you haven't read the series, you will love the character of Sylvio. Guns N' Boys is a super-hot, incredibly well-written, steamy thriller. If you want to move outside your comfort zone and you love M/M books, then I highly recommend Guns n' Boys. There will be more books in this series and I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment! For an EXCERPT and GIVEAWAY, go here --> The Book Bellas
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 4151, 2980, 2791, 999, 1996, 3371, 1045, 2387, 15669, 5705, 29536, 5740, 2615, 1005, 1055, 2171, 1999, 1996, 13399, 8163, 1010, 1045, 2354, 1045, 2052, 2293, 2023, 2338, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2001, 2157, 999, 2010, 8680, 2147, 2569, 2749, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2808, 1012, 3531, 18235, 2094, 1996, 3166, 16234, 2055, 4409, 1050, 1005, 3337, 1010, 2023, 2003, 1037, 16101, 12171, 12171, 12171, 3723, 1010, 24004, 10624, 4588, 1010, 6355, 4126, 10874, 1012, 2021, 10166, 1010, 2054, 1037, 4536, 999, 2023, 2338, 4046, 2033, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 2019, 2106, 2025, 2292, 2175, 1012, 6662, 2003, 1996, 2365, 1997, 1037, 4126, 2935, 1998, 2003, 10148, 1998, 3595, 2098, 2188, 2011, 1996, 20868, 6072, 2923, 17296, 7916, 1010, 4795, 1998, 7444, 18638, 1012, 1996, 2048, 2020, 5593, 2814, 2021, 2910, 1005, 1056, 2464, 2030, 5287, 2000, 2169, 2060, 1999, 2086, 1012, 1000, 18638, 2001, 1996, 2529, 5662, 1997, 2010, 5013, 5638, 3489, 1012, 3435, 1998, 4795, 1010, 2664, 5263, 2000, 9507, 2635, 1037, 4536, 2006, 1010, 2130, 2012, 1996, 3891, 1997, 2893, 3480, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2338, 2003, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 3565, 1011, 7916, 1010, 8425, 1998, 2200, 6387, 2466, 1997, 2048, 2273, 1999, 1037, 10386, 3276, 1012, 6662, 1998, 14383, 2071, 2025, 2022, 2062, 2367, 1010, 2021, 2664, 2424, 3209, 4567, 2000, 2169, 2060, 1012, 2027, 2442, 5342, 2037, 3276, 1010, 1998, 1996, 10318, 6980, 2090, 2122, 2048, 2018, 2033, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1997, 2026, 2835, 1012, 2045, 2003, 1037, 10392, 4474, 2005, 4599, 1997, 1996, 2601, 9293, 2186, 999, 999, 2130, 2065, 2017, 4033, 1005, 1056, 3191, 1996, 2186, 1010, 2017, 2097, 2293, 1996, 2839, 1997, 25353, 2140, 25500, 1012, 4409, 1050, 1005, 3337, 2003, 1037, 3565, 1011, 2980, 1010, 11757, 2092, 1011, 2517, 1010, 5492, 2100, 10874, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2215, 2000, 2693, 2648, 2115, 7216, 4224, 1998, 2017, 2293, 1049, 1013, 1049, 2808, 1010, 2059, 1045, 3811, 16755, 4409, 1050, 1005, 3337, 1012, 2045, 2097, 2022, 2062, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3685, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 18932, 999, 2005, 2019, 28142, 1998, 2507, 9497, 1010, 2175, 2182, 1011, 1011, 1028, 1996, 2338, 12101, 2015, 102 ]
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3.5 - 4 stars!! Review to follow for blog tour.
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 1011, 1018, 3340, 999, 999, 3319, 2000, 3582, 2005, 9927, 2778, 1012, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
4.5 Stars!! WHOA!! Ricochet was un-putdownable!! Very, very dark, violent and sexy. Loved the fast-paced story. Great book for dark romance fans. Told in dual POV's, Ricochet pulled me in from the first page and was one of those books that I could not put down. The storyline is very fresh, very original and very, very violent and dark. Which I totally loved. Nick is hell-bent on the revenge of his family's violent death and Aubree is a pawn in his scheme. But she is trapped in a hellish world of her own, in a marriage to a sadistic, powerful man from whom she is all to relieved to escape. Even before Nick abducts her, Aubree is fascinated with a mysterious masked man who warns Detroit's ruling elite that the city's criminal element is coming down: "I'd become obsessed with him just the same. Behind that mask was a mastermind of the most notorious computer hacks the city had ever known. His bold threats, his willingness to take on my psychopathic husband, had turned him into my own personal fantasy. Is Nick the same, myserious dark avenger? Ricochet is not your average dark-romance kidnap story. Nick is cruel to Aubree but she slowly becomes obsessed with him, and he with her. Even though she started out as just a faceless pawn in his game. "I'd fallen in lust with a complete stranger, strictly on the basis that he happened to scare the shit out of my husband. Aubree sees the hurt and pain behind Nick's rage and he slowly realizes that Aubree has suffered as well: "I saw darkness in her beauty, and she saw beauty in my darkness. Yin and yang. Black and white. Beauty and scars; fury and forgiveness. She should've been my nemesis, but in her, I found something I didn't know I was looking for." The law of the streets rule in this book and the action is gritty and unrelenting. And there is a HUGE twist at the end that I did not see coming. Ricochet is a great fast-paced, emotional, gritty and VERY sexy read that I highly recommend.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 23281, 999, 999, 7043, 20318, 2001, 4895, 1011, 2404, 7698, 3085, 999, 999, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2601, 1010, 6355, 1998, 7916, 1012, 3866, 1996, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2466, 1012, 2307, 2338, 2005, 2601, 7472, 4599, 1012, 2409, 1999, 7037, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1010, 7043, 20318, 2766, 2033, 1999, 2013, 1996, 2034, 3931, 1998, 2001, 2028, 1997, 2216, 2808, 2008, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2091, 1012, 1996, 9994, 2003, 2200, 4840, 1010, 2200, 2434, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 6355, 1998, 2601, 1012, 2029, 1045, 6135, 3866, 1012, 4172, 2003, 3109, 1011, 6260, 2006, 1996, 7195, 1997, 2010, 2155, 1005, 1055, 6355, 2331, 1998, 8740, 13578, 2063, 2003, 1037, 19175, 1999, 2010, 5679, 1012, 2021, 2016, 2003, 7567, 1999, 1037, 3109, 4509, 2088, 1997, 2014, 2219, 1010, 1999, 1037, 3510, 2000, 1037, 6517, 6553, 1010, 3928, 2158, 2013, 3183, 2016, 2003, 2035, 2000, 7653, 2000, 4019, 1012, 2130, 2077, 4172, 19935, 14194, 3215, 2014, 1010, 8740, 13578, 2063, 2003, 15677, 2007, 1037, 8075, 16520, 2158, 2040, 19428, 5626, 1005, 1055, 6996, 7069, 2008, 1996, 2103, 1005, 1055, 4735, 5783, 2003, 2746, 2091, 1024, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1040, 2468, 15896, 2007, 2032, 2074, 1996, 2168, 1012, 2369, 2008, 7308, 2001, 1037, 3040, 23356, 1997, 1996, 2087, 12536, 3274, 20578, 2015, 1996, 2103, 2018, 2412, 2124, 1012, 2010, 7782, 8767, 1010, 2010, 19732, 2000, 2202, 2006, 2026, 18224, 25940, 3129, 1010, 2018, 2357, 2032, 2046, 2026, 2219, 3167, 5913, 1012, 2003, 4172, 1996, 2168, 1010, 2026, 8043, 6313, 2601, 24896, 2099, 1029, 7043, 20318, 2003, 2025, 2115, 2779, 2601, 1011, 7472, 22590, 2466, 1012, 4172, 2003, 10311, 2000, 8740, 13578, 2063, 2021, 2016, 3254, 4150, 15896, 2007, 2032, 1010, 1998, 2002, 2007, 2014, 1012, 2130, 2295, 2016, 2318, 2041, 2004, 2074, 1037, 2227, 3238, 19175, 1999, 2010, 2208, 1012, 1000, 1045, 1005, 1040, 5357, 1999, 11516, 2007, 1037, 3143, 7985, 1010, 9975, 2006, 1996, 3978, 2008, 2002, 3047, 2000, 12665, 1996, 4485, 2041, 1997, 2026, 3129, 1012, 8740, 13578, 2063, 5927, 1996, 3480, 1998, 3255, 2369, 4172, 1005, 1055, 7385, 1998, 2002, 3254, 10919, 2008, 8740, 13578, 2063, 2038, 4265, 2004, 2092, 1024, 1000, 1045, 2387, 4768, 1999, 2014, 5053, 1010, 1998, 2016, 2387, 5053, 1999, 2026, 4768, 1012, 18208, 1998, 8675, 1012, 2304, 1998, 2317, 1012, 5053, 1998, 13521, 1025, 8111, 1998, 17213, 1012, 2016, 2323, 1005, 2310, 2042, 2026, 21363, 1010, 2021, 1999, 2014, 1010, 1045, 2179, 2242, 1045, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2113, 1045, 2001, 2559, 2005, 1012, 1000, 1996, 2375, 1997, 1996, 4534, 3627, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 1996, 2895, 2003, 24842, 3723, 1998, 4895, 16570, 26951, 1012, 1998, 2045, 2003, 1037, 4121, 9792, 2012, 1996, 2203, 2008, 1045, 2106, 2025, 2156, 2746, 1012, 7043, 20318, 2003, 1037, 2307, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 6832, 1010, 24842, 3723, 1998, 2200, 7916, 3191, 2008, 1045, 3811, 16755, 1012, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!!! Cathy and I read this book together which has become a rarity lately! We both loved this book and found it to be a beautifully written, heartfelt story filled with amazing and memorable characters. And Gus, hello!! What an amazing guy!! Perfect. He's loyal, sexy, honest, hard-working and always there for Kate. This book tackles some very sensitive subjects so this will be a completely spoiler-free review. Kate is very funny, tough on the outside, and gives a lesson in what's important in life to just about everyone she meets. Cathy is not a huge fan of mature young adult novels and even she loved this one! "Katie didn't just look on the bright side, she lived there." And let's not forget Keller. We loved Kate with Keller! Once their slow-build relationship picked up steam, they were irresistible together. The alternating POV's told in the form of diary entries worked great in this book and really gave great insight into each of the character's state of mind. Keller grew emotionally and matured over the course of the story which was a beautiful thing to see. "Just when you think you know someone, they change. Or you change. Or maybe you both change. And that changes everything." I loved the book and would have really adored more steamy scenes between Keller and Kate. Cathy would have liked a little deeper exploration into the music scene. But we both loved Bright Side and think that Ms. Holden is an amazingly talented writer. There are many secrets in this book and you will really enjoy it much more if you don't know what they are. This book will make you laugh, cry and and get lost in the story. Don't miss this one. And we are doing a happy dance because it looks like Gus will be getting his own story next year! SQUEEE!! "DO EPIC"
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 18305, 1998, 1045, 3191, 2023, 2338, 2362, 2029, 2038, 2468, 1037, 10958, 15780, 9906, 999, 2057, 2119, 3866, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2179, 2009, 2000, 2022, 1037, 17950, 2517, 1010, 2540, 26675, 2466, 3561, 2007, 6429, 1998, 13432, 3494, 1012, 1998, 12670, 1010, 7592, 999, 999, 2054, 2019, 6429, 3124, 999, 999, 3819, 1012, 2002, 1005, 1055, 8884, 1010, 7916, 1010, 7481, 1010, 2524, 1011, 2551, 1998, 2467, 2045, 2005, 5736, 1012, 2023, 2338, 10455, 2070, 2200, 7591, 5739, 2061, 2023, 2097, 2022, 1037, 3294, 27594, 2121, 1011, 2489, 3319, 1012, 5736, 2003, 2200, 6057, 1010, 7823, 2006, 1996, 2648, 1010, 1998, 3957, 1037, 10800, 1999, 2054, 1005, 1055, 2590, 1999, 2166, 2000, 2074, 2055, 3071, 2016, 6010, 1012, 18305, 2003, 2025, 1037, 4121, 5470, 1997, 9677, 2402, 4639, 6002, 1998, 2130, 2016, 3866, 2023, 2028, 999, 1000, 9734, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2074, 2298, 2006, 1996, 4408, 2217, 1010, 2016, 2973, 2045, 1012, 1000, 1998, 2292, 1005, 1055, 2025, 5293, 16155, 1012, 2057, 3866, 5736, 2007, 16155, 999, 2320, 2037, 4030, 1011, 3857, 3276, 3856, 2039, 5492, 1010, 2027, 2020, 27149, 2362, 1012, 1996, 15122, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 2409, 1999, 1996, 2433, 1997, 9708, 10445, 2499, 2307, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2428, 2435, 2307, 12369, 2046, 2169, 1997, 1996, 2839, 1005, 1055, 2110, 1997, 2568, 1012, 16155, 3473, 14868, 1998, 9677, 2094, 2058, 1996, 2607, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2029, 2001, 1037, 3376, 2518, 2000, 2156, 1012, 1000, 2074, 2043, 2017, 2228, 2017, 2113, 2619, 1010, 2027, 2689, 1012, 2030, 2017, 2689, 1012, 2030, 2672, 2017, 2119, 2689, 1012, 1998, 2008, 3431, 2673, 1012, 1000, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2338, 1998, 2052, 2031, 2428, 28456, 2062, 5492, 2100, 5019, 2090, 16155, 1998, 5736, 1012, 18305, 2052, 2031, 4669, 1037, 2210, 6748, 8993, 2046, 1996, 2189, 3496, 1012, 2021, 2057, 2119, 3866, 4408, 2217, 1998, 2228, 2008, 5796, 1012, 9988, 2003, 2019, 29350, 10904, 3213, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2116, 7800, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2017, 2097, 2428, 5959, 2009, 2172, 2062, 2065, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2113, 2054, 2027, 2024, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2097, 2191, 2017, 4756, 1010, 5390, 1998, 1998, 2131, 2439, 1999, 1996, 2466, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2023, 2028, 1012, 1998, 2057, 2024, 2725, 1037, 3407, 3153, 2138, 2009, 3504, 2066, 12670, 2097, 2022, 2893, 2010, 2219, 2466, 2279, 2095, 999, 5490, 5657, 4402, 999, 999, 1000, 2079, 8680, 1000, 102 ]
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Dark. Sexxxxxy. Incredibly hypnotic. Jethro is complex, dangerous and absolutely irresistible! Pepper Winters has woven a tale of deception, lust, danger and thrills, and the story keeps getting better and better. If you like getting lost in a book, I can't think of a better series than this one. These characters have totally gotten under my skin and I won't soon forget them. An absolute must-read!
[ 101, 2601, 1012, 3348, 20348, 20348, 2100, 1012, 11757, 28322, 1012, 6892, 8093, 2080, 2003, 3375, 1010, 4795, 1998, 7078, 27149, 999, 11565, 12214, 2038, 17374, 1037, 6925, 1997, 17575, 1010, 11516, 1010, 5473, 1998, 16959, 2015, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2466, 7906, 2893, 2488, 1998, 2488, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2066, 2893, 2439, 1999, 1037, 2338, 1010, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2228, 1997, 1037, 2488, 2186, 2084, 2023, 2028, 1012, 2122, 3494, 2031, 6135, 5407, 2104, 2026, 3096, 1998, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 2068, 1012, 2019, 7619, 2442, 1011, 3191, 999, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
4.5 Stars!! Sexy and totally addictive. Sustained is written in the unique Emma Chase style that I love! Ms. Chase "returns to her roots" in this super-sexy and funny story with lots of heart. Ms. Chase really nails the male POV in SUSTAINED and she had me literally laughing out loud at Jake's inner monologue. He's a player, never letting his one-night stands stay past their first cup of morning coffee, and acting quite happy about the way his life is arranged. "If you're my date, stick to what will turn you on. I'm not a therapist or Prince Charming - and I don't pretend to be." Until Chelsea and her brood of six come crashing into his well-structured life, Jake never dreamed he'd be remotely interested in a relationship, let alone a ready-made family of six. Now I am not usually a fan of kids in my romance books. I have two big ones and let's just say I prefer a little escapism in my reading. But Ms. Chase makes the kids here such an integral part of the story that they were a delight to experience. There's no ridiculous babble or baby-talk but there are some tough scenes about raising teens, bullying and even just trying to find a moment alone with your significant other in the middle of chaos. But SUSTAINED is at its best when Jake does the talking (or thinking!). Before he meets Chelsea, really all he wants is a warm body and some meaningless sex. A brief dry spell at the beginning of the story led to some of my favorite quotes: "...You and Hanna are going to be monogamous for a while." My eyes squint, 'cause I have no idea what he's saying. "Hanna who?" He waves his palm. "Hanna Hand." Emma Chase writes some of best male POV's I have ever read. I absolutely loved how Jake evolved in this book from a callous playboy to a guy who realizes what's important in life. This book is expertly written, with a beautiful story, tons of steam and witty, fast-paced dialogue. Highly recommended!! Favorite quote: She frowns back. "And you sound like you don't respect philosophy very much." "All philosophical questions can be answered with one concise statement." Chelsea refills her glass. "Which is?" "'Who gives a fuck?'" She laughs, and it's an amazing sound. (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 7916, 1998, 6135, 26855, 3512, 1012, 8760, 2003, 2517, 1999, 1996, 4310, 5616, 5252, 2806, 2008, 1045, 2293, 999, 5796, 1012, 5252, 1000, 5651, 2000, 2014, 6147, 1000, 1999, 2023, 3565, 1011, 7916, 1998, 6057, 2466, 2007, 7167, 1997, 2540, 1012, 5796, 1012, 5252, 2428, 10063, 1996, 3287, 13433, 2615, 1999, 8760, 1998, 2016, 2018, 2033, 6719, 5870, 2041, 5189, 2012, 5180, 1005, 1055, 5110, 18847, 24277, 1012, 2002, 1005, 1055, 1037, 2447, 1010, 2196, 5599, 2010, 2028, 1011, 2305, 4832, 2994, 2627, 2037, 2034, 2452, 1997, 2851, 4157, 1010, 1998, 3772, 3243, 3407, 2055, 1996, 2126, 2010, 2166, 2003, 5412, 1012, 1000, 2065, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2026, 3058, 1010, 6293, 2000, 2054, 2097, 2735, 2017, 2006, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2025, 1037, 19294, 2030, 3159, 11951, 1011, 1998, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 9811, 2000, 2022, 1012, 1000, 2127, 9295, 1998, 2014, 25565, 1997, 2416, 2272, 12894, 2046, 2010, 2092, 1011, 14336, 2166, 1010, 5180, 2196, 13830, 2002, 1005, 1040, 2022, 19512, 4699, 1999, 1037, 3276, 1010, 2292, 2894, 1037, 3201, 1011, 2081, 2155, 1997, 2416, 1012, 2085, 1045, 2572, 2025, 2788, 1037, 5470, 1997, 4268, 1999, 2026, 7472, 2808, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2048, 2502, 3924, 1998, 2292, 1005, 1055, 2074, 2360, 1045, 9544, 1037, 2210, 9686, 17695, 2964, 1999, 2026, 3752, 1012, 2021, 5796, 1012, 5252, 3084, 1996, 4268, 2182, 2107, 2019, 9897, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2008, 2027, 2020, 1037, 12208, 2000, 3325, 1012, 2045, 1005, 1055, 2053, 9951, 8670, 11362, 2030, 3336, 1011, 2831, 2021, 2045, 2024, 2070, 7823, 5019, 2055, 6274, 13496, 1010, 18917, 1998, 2130, 2074, 2667, 2000, 2424, 1037, 2617, 2894, 2007, 2115, 3278, 2060, 1999, 1996, 2690, 1997, 8488, 1012, 2021, 8760, 2003, 2012, 2049, 2190, 2043, 5180, 2515, 1996, 3331, 1006, 2030, 3241, 999, 1007, 1012, 2077, 2002, 6010, 9295, 1010, 2428, 2035, 2002, 4122, 2003, 1037, 4010, 2303, 1998, 2070, 25120, 3348, 1012, 1037, 4766, 4318, 6297, 2012, 1996, 2927, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2419, 2000, 2070, 1997, 2026, 5440, 16614, 1024, 1000, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2017, 1998, 10579, 2024, 2183, 2000, 2022, 18847, 22864, 3560, 2005, 1037, 2096, 1012, 1000, 2026, 2159, 5490, 20023, 2102, 1010, 1005, 3426, 1045, 2031, 2053, 2801, 2054, 2002, 1005, 1055, 3038, 1012, 1000, 10579, 2040, 1029, 1000, 2002, 5975, 2010, 5340, 1012, 1000, 10579, 2192, 1012, 1000, 5616, 5252, 7009, 2070, 1997, 2190, 3287, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2129, 5180, 7964, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2013, 1037, 2655, 3560, 18286, 2000, 1037, 3124, 2040, 10919, 2054, 1005, 1055, 2590, 1999, 2166, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 6739, 2135, 2517, 1010, 2007, 1037, 3376, 2466, 1010, 6197, 1997, 5492, 1998, 25591, 1010, 3435, 1011, 13823, 7982, 1012, 3811, 6749, 999, 999, 5440, 14686, 1024, 2016, 29303, 2067, 1012, 1000, 1998, 2017, 2614, 2066, 2017, 2123, 1005, 1056, 4847, 4695, 2200, 2172, 1012, 1000, 1000, 2035, 9569, 3980, 2064, 2022, 4660, 2007, 2028, 9530, 18380, 4861, 1012, 1000, 9295, 25416, 8591, 2015, 2014, 3221, 1012, 1000, 2029, 2003, 1029, 1000, 1000, 1005, 2040, 3957, 1037, 102 ]
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"We shy away from the things that hurt us - that have hurt us in the past. That's what scars are for. They protect the wounds. Cover them with thick, numb tissue so we'll never have to fell that same pain again. The bottom of my stump is one big, hard callus" I absolutely adore Emma Chase! She is back with another super-sexy, witty and warm-hearted story that made me laugh at loud and tear up a bit. Brent and Kennedy's story is sexy, funny, and completely endearing. Brent won me over and once again, Ms. Chase shows her skills at writing the male POV. Brent Mason is a top lawyer and is totally surprised to see Kennedy Randolph again after many years. She was a sweet and nerdy girl who has now blossomed into a beautiful swan, who is also gorgeous, smart and his adversary in the courtroom. Irresistible Brent sleeps around (a LOT) but never forgot his first love. Kennedy and Brent now face off in court in a high-profile case which added lots of opportunities for these two to really let the sparks fly. But it's the supporting cast of characters as well as the witty banter between these two that are central to this story. An interesting twist to the story is that Brent lost his leg in a childhood accident. He doesn't let this slow him down in ANY area of his life. This was a refreshing change of pace in an otherwise funny and sexy contemporary romance story. Kennedy is scared of getting involved with Brent after all these years and the flashbacks to her teenage years, when she was bullied at school, are very poignant and form a stark contrast to the smart, successful attorney she is now. But Brent will stop at nothing to show Kennedy that she is the love of his life, and he is one determined guy! "...I collapse on top of her, my bones turned to Jell-o. When the aftershocks eventually ebb, she laughs. That tinkling, magical laugh that sings of contentment and tugs up my own lips in a responding smile. Now that - that is how you start a f-cking trial." Emma Chase's fans will eat this one up! Ms. Chase keeps up her winning streak with Appealed, a great entry in the Legal Briefs series. "Commitment isn't always a burden, Brent. It can also be the source of unimaginable joy and satisfaction." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1000, 2057, 11004, 2185, 2013, 1996, 2477, 2008, 3480, 2149, 1011, 2008, 2031, 3480, 2149, 1999, 1996, 2627, 1012, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2054, 13521, 2024, 2005, 1012, 2027, 4047, 1996, 8710, 1012, 3104, 2068, 2007, 4317, 1010, 15903, 8153, 2061, 2057, 1005, 2222, 2196, 2031, 2000, 3062, 2008, 2168, 3255, 2153, 1012, 1996, 3953, 1997, 2026, 22475, 2003, 2028, 2502, 1010, 2524, 2655, 2271, 1000, 1045, 7078, 4748, 5686, 5616, 5252, 999, 2016, 2003, 2067, 2007, 2178, 3565, 1011, 7916, 1010, 25591, 1998, 4010, 1011, 18627, 2466, 2008, 2081, 2033, 4756, 2012, 5189, 1998, 7697, 2039, 1037, 2978, 1012, 12895, 1998, 5817, 1005, 1055, 2466, 2003, 7916, 1010, 6057, 1010, 1998, 3294, 2203, 27242, 1012, 12895, 2180, 2033, 2058, 1998, 2320, 2153, 1010, 5796, 1012, 5252, 3065, 2014, 4813, 2012, 3015, 1996, 3287, 13433, 2615, 1012, 12895, 6701, 2003, 1037, 2327, 5160, 1998, 2003, 6135, 4527, 2000, 2156, 5817, 13031, 2153, 2044, 2116, 2086, 1012, 2016, 2001, 1037, 4086, 1998, 11265, 17460, 2611, 2040, 2038, 2085, 20593, 2098, 2046, 1037, 3376, 10677, 1010, 2040, 2003, 2036, 9882, 1010, 6047, 1998, 2010, 27248, 1999, 1996, 20747, 1012, 27149, 12895, 25126, 2105, 1006, 1037, 2843, 1007, 2021, 2196, 9471, 2010, 2034, 2293, 1012, 5817, 1998, 12895, 2085, 2227, 2125, 1999, 2457, 1999, 1037, 2152, 1011, 6337, 2553, 2029, 2794, 7167, 1997, 6695, 2005, 2122, 2048, 2000, 2428, 2292, 1996, 12300, 4875, 1012, 2021, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1996, 4637, 3459, 1997, 3494, 2004, 2092, 2004, 1996, 25591, 7221, 3334, 2090, 2122, 2048, 2008, 2024, 2430, 2000, 2023, 2466, 1012, 2019, 5875, 9792, 2000, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2008, 12895, 2439, 2010, 4190, 1999, 1037, 5593, 4926, 1012, 2002, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2292, 2023, 4030, 2032, 2091, 1999, 2151, 2181, 1997, 2010, 2166, 1012, 2023, 2001, 1037, 27150, 2689, 1997, 6393, 1999, 2019, 4728, 6057, 1998, 7916, 3824, 7472, 2466, 1012, 5817, 2003, 6015, 1997, 2893, 2920, 2007, 12895, 2044, 2035, 2122, 2086, 1998, 1996, 28945, 2000, 2014, 9454, 2086, 1010, 2043, 2016, 2001, 7087, 6340, 2012, 2082, 1010, 2024, 2200, 13433, 25593, 1998, 2433, 1037, 9762, 5688, 2000, 1996, 6047, 1010, 3144, 4905, 2016, 2003, 2085, 1012, 2021, 12895, 2097, 2644, 2012, 2498, 2000, 2265, 5817, 2008, 2016, 2003, 1996, 2293, 1997, 2010, 2166, 1010, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2028, 4340, 3124, 999, 1000, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1045, 7859, 2006, 2327, 1997, 2014, 1010, 2026, 5944, 2357, 2000, 15333, 3363, 1011, 1051, 1012, 2043, 1996, 2044, 22231, 10603, 2776, 1041, 10322, 1010, 2016, 11680, 1012, 2008, 9543, 20260, 1010, 8687, 4756, 2008, 10955, 1997, 4180, 3672, 1998, 29306, 2039, 2026, 2219, 2970, 1999, 1037, 14120, 2868, 1012, 2085, 2008, 1011, 2008, 2003, 2129, 2017, 2707, 1037, 1042, 1011, 23616, 2075, 3979, 1012, 1000, 5616, 5252, 1005, 1055, 4599, 2097, 4521, 2023, 2028, 2039, 999, 5796, 1012, 5252, 7906, 2039, 2014, 3045, 9039, 2007, 12068, 1010, 1037, 2307, 4443, 1999, 1996, 3423, 28760, 2186, 1012, 1000, 8426, 3475, 1005, 1056, 2467, 1037, 10859, 1010, 12895, 1012, 2009, 2064, 2036, 2022, 1996, 3120, 1997, 4895, 9581, 20876, 3468, 6569, 1998, 9967, 1012, 1000, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 102 ]
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3 - 3.5 Stars Emma Chase is one of my favorite authors but this story just did not click with me. I am in the minority on this one so you should defintely give this one a try! Lots of readers LOVE Stanton. A few inconsistencies in the timeline interfered with my enjoyment of the book and I found some of characters to be Southern stereotypes. I also didn't really feel the emotional connection between Stanton and Sofia. I absolutely adore this talented author and will always read her books! Ms. Chase has a very funny way with her male characters which I love. Definitely looking forward to the next books in this series. (ARC provided by the publisher with thanks.)
[ 101, 1017, 1011, 1017, 1012, 1019, 3340, 5616, 5252, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 6048, 2021, 2023, 2466, 2074, 2106, 2025, 11562, 2007, 2033, 1012, 1045, 2572, 1999, 1996, 7162, 2006, 2023, 2028, 2061, 2017, 2323, 13366, 18447, 26006, 2507, 2023, 2028, 1037, 3046, 999, 7167, 1997, 8141, 2293, 15845, 1012, 1037, 2261, 4297, 5644, 27870, 14767, 1999, 1996, 17060, 28976, 2007, 2026, 20195, 1997, 1996, 2338, 1998, 1045, 2179, 2070, 1997, 3494, 2000, 2022, 2670, 22807, 1012, 1045, 2036, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2428, 2514, 1996, 6832, 4434, 2090, 15845, 1998, 8755, 1012, 1045, 7078, 4748, 5686, 2023, 10904, 3166, 1998, 2097, 2467, 3191, 2014, 2808, 999, 5796, 1012, 5252, 2038, 1037, 2200, 6057, 2126, 2007, 2014, 3287, 3494, 2029, 1045, 2293, 1012, 5791, 2559, 2830, 2000, 1996, 2279, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 2007, 4283, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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6 stars!! Magnificent and heart-stopping. This was my first reaction upon finishing Finding Eden, the continuation of Calder and Eden's story from Becoming Calder. Mia Sheridan has become one of my go-to favorite authors for creative story lines, heart-stopping emotion, and beautiful, glorious, sexy and REAL love scenes. This will be a short review because both books should be read together and contain so many twists and turns, they are best read without knowing too much detail. Just know that the author answers all questions left open at the end of Becoming Calder, and delivers an incredibly satisfying conclusion for these two amazing characters. Calder and Eden take an incredible journey and Ms. Sheridan lets you experience every heart-stopping second of it. Both books taken together are about staying strong, staying true to yourself even when everyone around you tells you something different, and overcoming incredible obstacles to find your one true love. This isn't all hearts and flowers; there are some really steamy sex scenes along with some very brutal scenes of psychological and physical abuse. But the author really knows how to bring an epic love story to a wonderful conclusion and Finding Eden does all of that and more. "And we'll spend as much time as we need just escaping from the world. That's our plan because I swear to you, my beautiful, sweet love, everyone deserves a love story that doesn't hurt." In the end, Finding Eden is a story about forgiveness and learning to love yourself no matter what has happened to you in the past. Run, don't walk, to pick up a copy of both Becoming Calder and Finding Eden. Your life will be all the better for having read these books. Favorite Quote (well, one of many!): "We have to figure out how to forgive, not for the people who wronged us, but for us. We can't keep bitterness attached to our hearts because eventually, it might become part of us--so deeply ingrained we can't work it back out. I think we have to focus on the beauty we've been given in this life, and make that the thing that defines us." (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1020, 3340, 999, 999, 12047, 1998, 2540, 1011, 7458, 1012, 2023, 2001, 2026, 2034, 4668, 2588, 5131, 4531, 10267, 1010, 1996, 13633, 1997, 19347, 1998, 10267, 1005, 1055, 2466, 2013, 3352, 19347, 1012, 8764, 13243, 2038, 2468, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2175, 1011, 2000, 5440, 6048, 2005, 5541, 2466, 3210, 1010, 2540, 1011, 7458, 7603, 1010, 1998, 3376, 1010, 14013, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2613, 2293, 5019, 1012, 2023, 2097, 2022, 1037, 2460, 3319, 2138, 2119, 2808, 2323, 2022, 3191, 2362, 1998, 5383, 2061, 2116, 21438, 1998, 4332, 1010, 2027, 2024, 2190, 3191, 2302, 4209, 2205, 2172, 6987, 1012, 2074, 2113, 2008, 1996, 3166, 6998, 2035, 3980, 2187, 2330, 2012, 1996, 2203, 1997, 3352, 19347, 1010, 1998, 18058, 2019, 11757, 17087, 7091, 2005, 2122, 2048, 6429, 3494, 1012, 19347, 1998, 10267, 2202, 2019, 9788, 4990, 1998, 5796, 1012, 13243, 11082, 2017, 3325, 2296, 2540, 1011, 7458, 2117, 1997, 2009, 1012, 2119, 2808, 2579, 2362, 2024, 2055, 6595, 2844, 1010, 6595, 2995, 2000, 4426, 2130, 2043, 3071, 2105, 2017, 4136, 2017, 2242, 2367, 1010, 1998, 27363, 9788, 15314, 2000, 2424, 2115, 2028, 2995, 2293, 1012, 2023, 3475, 1005, 1056, 2035, 8072, 1998, 4870, 1025, 2045, 2024, 2070, 2428, 5492, 2100, 3348, 5019, 2247, 2007, 2070, 2200, 12077, 5019, 1997, 8317, 1998, 3558, 6905, 1012, 2021, 1996, 3166, 2428, 4282, 2129, 2000, 3288, 2019, 8680, 2293, 2466, 2000, 1037, 6919, 7091, 1998, 4531, 10267, 2515, 2035, 1997, 2008, 1998, 2062, 1012, 1000, 1998, 2057, 1005, 2222, 5247, 2004, 2172, 2051, 2004, 2057, 2342, 2074, 13002, 2013, 1996, 2088, 1012, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2256, 2933, 2138, 1045, 8415, 2000, 2017, 1010, 2026, 3376, 1010, 4086, 2293, 1010, 3071, 17210, 1037, 2293, 2466, 2008, 2987, 1005, 1056, 3480, 1012, 1000, 1999, 1996, 2203, 1010, 4531, 10267, 2003, 1037, 2466, 2055, 17213, 1998, 4083, 2000, 2293, 4426, 2053, 3043, 2054, 2038, 3047, 2000, 2017, 1999, 1996, 2627, 1012, 2448, 1010, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3328, 1010, 2000, 4060, 2039, 1037, 6100, 1997, 2119, 3352, 19347, 1998, 4531, 10267, 1012, 2115, 2166, 2097, 2022, 2035, 1996, 2488, 2005, 2383, 3191, 2122, 2808, 1012, 5440, 14686, 1006, 2092, 1010, 2028, 1997, 2116, 999, 1007, 1024, 1000, 2057, 2031, 2000, 3275, 2041, 2129, 2000, 9641, 1010, 2025, 2005, 1996, 2111, 2040, 3308, 2098, 2149, 1010, 2021, 2005, 2149, 1012, 2057, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2562, 22364, 4987, 2000, 2256, 8072, 2138, 2776, 1010, 2009, 2453, 2468, 2112, 1997, 2149, 1011, 1011, 2061, 6171, 13749, 27361, 2057, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2147, 2009, 2067, 2041, 1012, 1045, 2228, 2057, 2031, 2000, 3579, 2006, 1996, 5053, 2057, 1005, 2310, 2042, 2445, 1999, 2023, 2166, 1010, 1998, 2191, 2008, 1996, 2518, 2008, 11859, 2149, 1012, 1000, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Many readers loved this book but it just wasn't for me. I am a fan of dark romance, dark erotica, romantic thrillers, the whole nine yards so the darker elements were fine for me but I just didn't connect with the main characters. I definitely suggest giving this book a try because the story has a lot of promise but there were just too many character and plot inconsistencies for me to become invested in the story. I will read the author's other books because they sound very interesting and readers whose opinion I trust have really loved her writing.
[ 101, 2116, 8141, 3866, 2023, 2338, 2021, 2009, 2074, 2347, 1005, 1056, 2005, 2033, 1012, 1045, 2572, 1037, 5470, 1997, 2601, 7472, 1010, 2601, 14253, 2050, 1010, 6298, 10874, 2015, 1010, 1996, 2878, 3157, 4210, 2061, 1996, 9904, 3787, 2020, 2986, 2005, 2033, 2021, 1045, 2074, 2134, 1005, 1056, 7532, 2007, 1996, 2364, 3494, 1012, 1045, 5791, 6592, 3228, 2023, 2338, 1037, 3046, 2138, 1996, 2466, 2038, 1037, 2843, 1997, 4872, 2021, 2045, 2020, 2074, 2205, 2116, 2839, 1998, 5436, 4297, 5644, 27870, 14767, 2005, 2033, 2000, 2468, 11241, 1999, 1996, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2097, 3191, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 2060, 2808, 2138, 2027, 2614, 2200, 5875, 1998, 8141, 3005, 5448, 1045, 3404, 2031, 2428, 3866, 2014, 3015, 1012, 102 ]
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I loved this book!! Pure enjoyment!! Love the humor, sexiness and behind-the-scenes look into the pop music business. Brooklyn and Jason are forced to write and record a song together, but there's one tiny roadblock in their way - he can't stand her and she feels the same way about him! Jason is a broody, folksy musician whereas Brooklyn is a "pop princess". But she actually writes all of her own songs and is really a very warm, smart, funny, sarcastic woman who is lonely and wants to really experience love, not just write about it. Jason only sees the stereotype and is very judgmental toward her at first. The Duet is very funny, witty, sexy and just plain un-put-downable. The author makes tons of pop culture references and give the reader lots of sneak peeks inside the business of producing popular music. The banter between Jason and Brooklyn is absolutely priceless and the story never sinks into sentimentality but instead stays fresh, modern and very, very witty. Jason and Brooklyn begin a no-strings-attached sexual relationship which of course turns into much more for Brooklyn. I absolutely loved the sexy times between these two and I loved watching Jason's douche-y, "asshole-ian" (no, not a word!) facade slowly change. But he is hiding a whopper of a secret and I was sitting on the edge of my seat to see how this would play out. The Duet is for sure a romantic comedy but it is much more. It is about accepting who you are, being true to yourself, always being honest and the importance of keeping your heart open to love. I love R.S. Grey and am totally excited to see that Brooklyn's sister Cammie, a brilliant architecture student, will be getting her own story with Grayson, one of Brooklyn's best friends! Bring it on!!
[ 101, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 999, 999, 5760, 20195, 999, 999, 2293, 1996, 8562, 1010, 3348, 9961, 1998, 2369, 1011, 1996, 1011, 5019, 2298, 2046, 1996, 3769, 2189, 2449, 1012, 6613, 1998, 4463, 2024, 3140, 2000, 4339, 1998, 2501, 1037, 2299, 2362, 1010, 2021, 2045, 1005, 1055, 2028, 4714, 2346, 23467, 1999, 2037, 2126, 1011, 2002, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3233, 2014, 1998, 2016, 5683, 1996, 2168, 2126, 2055, 2032, 999, 4463, 2003, 1037, 25565, 2100, 1010, 12455, 2100, 5455, 6168, 6613, 2003, 1037, 1000, 3769, 4615, 1000, 1012, 2021, 2016, 2941, 7009, 2035, 1997, 2014, 2219, 2774, 1998, 2003, 2428, 1037, 2200, 4010, 1010, 6047, 1010, 6057, 1010, 22473, 2450, 2040, 2003, 9479, 1998, 4122, 2000, 2428, 3325, 2293, 1010, 2025, 2074, 4339, 2055, 2009, 1012, 4463, 2069, 5927, 1996, 12991, 13874, 1998, 2003, 2200, 8689, 2389, 2646, 2014, 2012, 2034, 1012, 1996, 11979, 2003, 2200, 6057, 1010, 25591, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2074, 5810, 4895, 1011, 2404, 1011, 2091, 3085, 1012, 1996, 3166, 3084, 6197, 1997, 3769, 3226, 7604, 1998, 2507, 1996, 8068, 7167, 1997, 13583, 19043, 2015, 2503, 1996, 2449, 1997, 5155, 2759, 2189, 1012, 1996, 7221, 3334, 2090, 4463, 1998, 6613, 2003, 7078, 3976, 3238, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2196, 23462, 2046, 23069, 3012, 2021, 2612, 12237, 4840, 1010, 2715, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 25591, 1012, 4463, 1998, 6613, 4088, 1037, 2053, 1011, 7817, 1011, 4987, 4424, 3276, 2029, 1997, 2607, 4332, 2046, 2172, 2062, 2005, 6613, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 1996, 7916, 2335, 2090, 2122, 2048, 1998, 1045, 3866, 3666, 4463, 1005, 1055, 2079, 19140, 1011, 1061, 1010, 1000, 22052, 1011, 4775, 1000, 1006, 2053, 1010, 2025, 1037, 2773, 999, 1007, 8508, 3254, 2689, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2003, 6318, 1037, 2040, 18620, 1997, 1037, 3595, 1998, 1045, 2001, 3564, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1997, 2026, 2835, 2000, 2156, 2129, 2023, 2052, 2377, 2041, 1012, 1996, 11979, 2003, 2005, 2469, 1037, 6298, 4038, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2172, 2062, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2055, 10564, 2040, 2017, 2024, 1010, 2108, 2995, 2000, 4426, 1010, 2467, 2108, 7481, 1998, 1996, 5197, 1997, 4363, 2115, 2540, 2330, 2000, 2293, 1012, 1045, 2293, 1054, 1012, 1055, 1012, 4462, 1998, 2572, 6135, 7568, 2000, 2156, 2008, 6613, 1005, 1055, 2905, 11503, 9856, 1010, 1037, 8235, 4294, 3076, 1010, 2097, 2022, 2893, 2014, 2219, 2466, 2007, 17556, 1010, 2028, 1997, 6613, 1005, 1055, 2190, 2814, 999, 3288, 2009, 2006, 999, 999, 102 ]
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Great conclusion to Andrew and Aubrey's story in this surprisingly well-written installment. The emotions in the third installment of RD were deeper and the story was more detailed than the first two books in this series. I loved the characters. If you can suspend disbelief about working in a law firm, then you will love this series. Much of the legal part of the story was accurate enough, which was very refreshing. This series is a great, fairly fast read, filled with characters you love and characters you love to hate. Looking forward to much more from Whitney G.!!
[ 101, 2307, 7091, 2000, 4080, 1998, 18961, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1999, 2023, 10889, 2092, 1011, 2517, 18932, 1012, 1996, 6699, 1999, 1996, 2353, 18932, 1997, 16428, 2020, 6748, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2001, 2062, 6851, 2084, 1996, 2034, 2048, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 3494, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2064, 28324, 12537, 2055, 2551, 1999, 1037, 2375, 3813, 1010, 2059, 2017, 2097, 2293, 2023, 2186, 1012, 2172, 1997, 1996, 3423, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2001, 8321, 2438, 1010, 2029, 2001, 2200, 27150, 1012, 2023, 2186, 2003, 1037, 2307, 1010, 7199, 3435, 3191, 1010, 3561, 2007, 3494, 2017, 2293, 1998, 3494, 2017, 2293, 2000, 5223, 1012, 2559, 2830, 2000, 2172, 2062, 2013, 9809, 1043, 1012, 999, 999, 102 ]
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I love books that give an alternate POV so Killer Queen was just the right story for me. You can absolutely read this as a standalone - but L.H. Cosway is such a talented writer that you should give Painted Faces a try, too. Nicholas is such a memorable and haunting character that I will always remember him. Beautiful, sexy, sensitive, angry and loving -- he is all these things and more. "I like to think of myself as a wonderful and unique snowflake." Killer Queen is basically Nicholas' POV along with some additional scenes. You really gain a lot of insight into Nicholas' character in this book and the Epilogue is absolutely fantastic. This is a very, very unique story - definitely not your standard contemporary romance - and it will change the way you look at gender and sexuality and men and women. I also loved the added touch of song lyrics at the beginning of each chapter to really match the tone of the story. I love L.H. Cosway's writing and have every one of her books on my Kindle. Can't wait to read more by this incredibly gifted author. (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1045, 2293, 2808, 2008, 2507, 2019, 6585, 13433, 2615, 2061, 6359, 3035, 2001, 2074, 1996, 2157, 2466, 2005, 2033, 1012, 2017, 2064, 7078, 3191, 2023, 2004, 1037, 26609, 1011, 2021, 1048, 1012, 1044, 1012, 2522, 26760, 4710, 2003, 2107, 1037, 10904, 3213, 2008, 2017, 2323, 2507, 4993, 5344, 1037, 3046, 1010, 2205, 1012, 6141, 2003, 2107, 1037, 13432, 1998, 20161, 2839, 2008, 1045, 2097, 2467, 3342, 2032, 1012, 3376, 1010, 7916, 1010, 7591, 1010, 4854, 1998, 8295, 1011, 1011, 2002, 2003, 2035, 2122, 2477, 1998, 2062, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2066, 2000, 2228, 1997, 2870, 2004, 1037, 6919, 1998, 4310, 4586, 10258, 13808, 1012, 1000, 6359, 3035, 2003, 10468, 6141, 1005, 13433, 2615, 2247, 2007, 2070, 3176, 5019, 1012, 2017, 2428, 5114, 1037, 2843, 1997, 12369, 2046, 6141, 1005, 2839, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 1996, 24297, 2003, 7078, 10392, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2200, 1010, 2200, 4310, 2466, 1011, 5791, 2025, 2115, 3115, 3824, 7472, 1011, 1998, 2009, 2097, 2689, 1996, 2126, 2017, 2298, 2012, 5907, 1998, 13798, 1998, 2273, 1998, 2308, 1012, 1045, 2036, 3866, 1996, 2794, 3543, 1997, 2299, 4581, 2012, 1996, 2927, 1997, 2169, 3127, 2000, 2428, 2674, 1996, 4309, 1997, 1996, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2293, 1048, 1012, 1044, 1012, 2522, 26760, 4710, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1998, 2031, 2296, 2028, 1997, 2014, 2808, 2006, 2026, 2785, 2571, 1012, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2011, 2023, 11757, 12785, 3166, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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3.5 Stars Kate McCarthy is a favorite author of mine but surprisingly this book just did not do it for me. Although the book features a very strong heroine and and a talented but tortured hero, which I loved, the plot of this book fell flat for me and the so-called scandal was absolutely not scandalous in my eyes at all. Lots of readers fell in love with this book so definitely give this one a try and judge for yourself. I adore Kate McCarthy (Redemption is one of my top favorites) and look forward to her next book!
[ 101, 1017, 1012, 1019, 3340, 5736, 12584, 2003, 1037, 5440, 3166, 1997, 3067, 2021, 10889, 2023, 2338, 2074, 2106, 2025, 2079, 2009, 2005, 2033, 1012, 2348, 1996, 2338, 2838, 1037, 2200, 2844, 18869, 1998, 1998, 1037, 10904, 2021, 12364, 5394, 1010, 2029, 1045, 3866, 1010, 1996, 5436, 1997, 2023, 2338, 3062, 4257, 2005, 2033, 1998, 1996, 2061, 1011, 2170, 9446, 2001, 7078, 2025, 9446, 3560, 1999, 2026, 2159, 2012, 2035, 1012, 7167, 1997, 8141, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 2023, 2338, 2061, 5791, 2507, 2023, 2028, 1037, 3046, 1998, 3648, 2005, 4426, 1012, 1045, 4748, 5686, 5736, 12584, 1006, 18434, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2327, 20672, 1007, 1998, 2298, 2830, 2000, 2014, 2279, 2338, 999, 102 ]
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5 stars!!! "I squeezed him tight, because I already had what I wanted. Him. This. Us. Unfortunately, fantasies are for children and I was a grown woman. I should've known it wouldn't last." We are HUGE fans of Joanna Wylde's Reapers' Motorcycle Club series and Reaper's Stand might be our favorite book in the series so far! And that's saying a lot because each of these books are fantastic. But Picnic's story is grittier, edgier, meaner...and hello, we love that he is a bit older and has certainly lived a rough life. He has sex with loads of women since the death of his beloved wife, won't be tied down, but then meets London, who is a strong, independent woman. She has lots of burdens to bear and tries to make a go of things with out Picnic's help, but when these two get together...WOW. He's bad-ass, tough, sexy but funny and this story is one you just can't put down. "Just let me be strong for you for a minute, okay?" He said softly. "You've held on for a long time, sweetheart. Nobody can say you haven't been strong. But it's been a hell of a night, so why don't you let me hold you and help you right now, okay?" We found this book to be incredibly hot and sexy and much darker than most of the other books in this series. We absolutely loved these two together and Reaper's Stand is one of our favorite MC stories. It is violent but it is also real and the funny moments add some much-needed levity to the tense storyline. And the tease at the end...oh my lord!! The author gives us a peek at the next book in a new series and we cannot WAIT!! *ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review*
[ 101, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 1000, 1045, 7757, 2032, 4389, 1010, 2138, 1045, 2525, 2018, 2054, 1045, 2359, 1012, 2032, 1012, 2023, 1012, 2149, 1012, 6854, 1010, 21233, 2024, 2005, 2336, 1998, 1045, 2001, 1037, 4961, 2450, 1012, 1045, 2323, 1005, 2310, 2124, 2009, 2876, 1005, 1056, 2197, 1012, 1000, 2057, 2024, 4121, 4599, 1997, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1005, 1055, 27733, 1005, 9055, 2252, 2186, 1998, 19559, 1005, 1055, 3233, 2453, 2022, 2256, 5440, 2338, 1999, 1996, 2186, 2061, 2521, 999, 1998, 2008, 1005, 1055, 3038, 1037, 2843, 2138, 2169, 1997, 2122, 2808, 2024, 10392, 1012, 2021, 12695, 1005, 1055, 2466, 2003, 24842, 17579, 1010, 3968, 11239, 2099, 1010, 2812, 2121, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1998, 7592, 1010, 2057, 2293, 2008, 2002, 2003, 1037, 2978, 3080, 1998, 2038, 5121, 2973, 1037, 5931, 2166, 1012, 2002, 2038, 3348, 2007, 15665, 1997, 2308, 2144, 1996, 2331, 1997, 2010, 11419, 2564, 1010, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2022, 5079, 2091, 1010, 2021, 2059, 6010, 2414, 1010, 2040, 2003, 1037, 2844, 1010, 2981, 2450, 1012, 2016, 2038, 7167, 1997, 10859, 2015, 2000, 4562, 1998, 5363, 2000, 2191, 1037, 2175, 1997, 2477, 2007, 2041, 12695, 1005, 1055, 2393, 1010, 2021, 2043, 2122, 2048, 2131, 2362, 1012, 1012, 1012, 10166, 1012, 2002, 1005, 1055, 2919, 1011, 4632, 1010, 7823, 1010, 7916, 2021, 6057, 1998, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2028, 2017, 2074, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2404, 2091, 1012, 1000, 2074, 2292, 2033, 2022, 2844, 2005, 2017, 2005, 1037, 3371, 1010, 3100, 1029, 1000, 2002, 2056, 5238, 1012, 1000, 2017, 1005, 2310, 2218, 2006, 2005, 1037, 2146, 2051, 1010, 12074, 1012, 6343, 2064, 2360, 2017, 4033, 1005, 1056, 2042, 2844, 1012, 2021, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2042, 1037, 3109, 1997, 1037, 2305, 1010, 2061, 2339, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2017, 2292, 2033, 2907, 2017, 1998, 2393, 2017, 2157, 2085, 1010, 3100, 1029, 1000, 2057, 2179, 2023, 2338, 2000, 2022, 11757, 2980, 1998, 7916, 1998, 2172, 9904, 2084, 2087, 1997, 1996, 2060, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 2057, 7078, 3866, 2122, 2048, 2362, 1998, 19559, 1005, 1055, 3233, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2256, 5440, 11338, 3441, 1012, 2009, 2003, 6355, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2036, 2613, 1998, 1996, 6057, 5312, 5587, 2070, 2172, 1011, 2734, 11902, 3723, 2000, 1996, 9049, 9994, 1012, 1998, 1996, 18381, 2012, 1996, 2203, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2821, 2026, 2935, 999, 999, 1996, 3166, 3957, 2149, 1037, 19043, 2012, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 1037, 2047, 2186, 1998, 2057, 3685, 3524, 999, 999, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 6674, 1999, 3863, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1008, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! Delicious M/M contemporary romance with absolutely fantastic, VERY Alpha protagonists. Review to follow shortly.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 12090, 1049, 1013, 1049, 3824, 7472, 2007, 7078, 10392, 1010, 2200, 6541, 21989, 1012, 3319, 2000, 3582, 3859, 1012, 102 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
Stepbrother Dearest is, to put it simply, one of my favorite books this year. I am trying to avoid using the word epic here as it has been overused a bit, but this story took me on an incredible journey that left me nothing short of anxious, elated, enchanted and drained. Penelope Ward is hands down one of my favorite authors and this book is an absolute must read. The story follows Greta and Elec who are step-siblings. But like all of Ms. Ward's books, there are many layers and nuances to this book and nothing is quite as it seems. "I won't give you exactly the same thing...but I can give you more. Okay? I can give you better. It may be one night, but I will make every second count." Although Elec is her stepbrother, I really didn't feel that Greta's love for him was forbidden. You will have to read the book and judge for yourself on that one. What I did feel was the incredible sexual tension, emotion, surprise, and yes, even humor in Ms. Ward's writing. "Nowadays, every single guy seemed to pale in comparison to Elec on the physical attraction meter. I wanted to crush that meter with a sledgehammer." Greta is smart, quirky, funny and compassionate. Elec is angry, cocky, sexy and irresistible. Slowly but surely, Greta begins to see behind his angry facade and they eventually form a deep bond. "... I thought about how ironic it was that this guy who'd done nothing but try to chase me away and intimidate me was the one person in the world I felt like I wanted to protect." But this is only in the first part of the book! In true Penelope Ward style, STEPBROTHER DEAREST is a richly woven tale that spans many years. The characters grow, move on, and the story almost loops back on itself. No spoilers here, just read this sexy, funny, emotional and fascinating story for yourself. And be prepared to have your heart stolen by Elec. (*ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 3357, 12618, 12399, 6203, 4355, 2003, 1010, 2000, 2404, 2009, 3432, 1010, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2808, 2023, 2095, 1012, 1045, 2572, 2667, 2000, 4468, 2478, 1996, 2773, 8680, 2182, 2004, 2009, 2038, 2042, 2058, 13901, 1037, 2978, 1010, 2021, 2023, 2466, 2165, 2033, 2006, 2019, 9788, 4990, 2008, 2187, 2033, 2498, 2460, 1997, 11480, 1010, 3449, 4383, 1010, 22454, 1998, 11055, 1012, 18641, 4829, 2003, 2398, 2091, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 6048, 1998, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2019, 7619, 2442, 3191, 1012, 1996, 2466, 4076, 26111, 1998, 3449, 8586, 2040, 2024, 3357, 1011, 9504, 1012, 2021, 2066, 2035, 1997, 5796, 1012, 4829, 1005, 1055, 2808, 1010, 2045, 2024, 2116, 9014, 1998, 16371, 26755, 2000, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2498, 2003, 3243, 2004, 2009, 3849, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2507, 2017, 3599, 1996, 2168, 2518, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2021, 1045, 2064, 2507, 2017, 2062, 1012, 3100, 1029, 1045, 2064, 2507, 2017, 2488, 1012, 2009, 2089, 2022, 2028, 2305, 1010, 2021, 1045, 2097, 2191, 2296, 2117, 4175, 1012, 1000, 2348, 3449, 8586, 2003, 2014, 3357, 12618, 12399, 1010, 1045, 2428, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2514, 2008, 26111, 1005, 1055, 2293, 2005, 2032, 2001, 10386, 1012, 2017, 2097, 2031, 2000, 3191, 1996, 2338, 1998, 3648, 2005, 4426, 2006, 2008, 2028, 1012, 2054, 1045, 2106, 2514, 2001, 1996, 9788, 4424, 6980, 1010, 7603, 1010, 4474, 1010, 1998, 2748, 1010, 2130, 8562, 1999, 5796, 1012, 4829, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1012, 1000, 13367, 1010, 2296, 2309, 3124, 2790, 2000, 5122, 1999, 7831, 2000, 3449, 8586, 2006, 1996, 3558, 8432, 8316, 1012, 1045, 2359, 2000, 10188, 2008, 8316, 2007, 1037, 22889, 24225, 19742, 1012, 1000, 26111, 2003, 6047, 1010, 21864, 15952, 1010, 6057, 1998, 29353, 1012, 3449, 8586, 2003, 4854, 1010, 24995, 1010, 7916, 1998, 27149, 1012, 3254, 2021, 7543, 1010, 26111, 4269, 2000, 2156, 2369, 2010, 4854, 8508, 1998, 2027, 2776, 2433, 1037, 2784, 5416, 1012, 1000, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1045, 2245, 2055, 2129, 19313, 2009, 2001, 2008, 2023, 3124, 2040, 1005, 1040, 2589, 2498, 2021, 3046, 2000, 5252, 2033, 2185, 1998, 20014, 27605, 13701, 2033, 2001, 1996, 2028, 2711, 1999, 1996, 2088, 1045, 2371, 2066, 1045, 2359, 2000, 4047, 1012, 1000, 2021, 2023, 2003, 2069, 1999, 1996, 2034, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2338, 999, 1999, 2995, 18641, 4829, 2806, 1010, 3357, 12618, 12399, 6203, 4355, 2003, 1037, 26502, 17374, 6925, 2008, 14798, 2116, 2086, 1012, 1996, 3494, 4982, 1010, 2693, 2006, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2466, 2471, 15932, 2067, 2006, 2993, 1012, 2053, 27594, 2545, 2182, 1010, 2074, 3191, 2023, 7916, 1010, 6057, 1010, 6832, 1998, 17160, 2466, 2005, 4426, 1012, 1998, 2022, 4810, 2000, 2031, 2115, 2540, 7376, 2011, 3449, 8586, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 19045, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 scorching hot stars!! This was my first book by Nalini Singh and it is a passionate, emotional, sexy and fulfilling story. I loved this book! The writing is incredibly sexy, beginning right from almost the first page when sexy-as-hell rock god Fox meets the shy librarian Molly at a party. It might sound cliched but the story is so well written, and the characters so well-developed, that I was drawn in immediately. Molly has her reasons for staying out of the spotlight so a good part of the book is spent with her anquishing over stepping into the public arena with a world-famous musician. But she is powerless to resist Fox, a man who knows what he wants and goes after it. This book is fast-paced and takes the reader around the globe to New Zealand, Australia and California. And the supporting characters are fantastic, from Molly's best friend Charlotte to all of the other band members. Can't wait to read more about all these characters. This was a wonderful story and the sex is incredibly HOT!! The book also created the oh-so-important emotional connection between the main characters. I also absolutely fell in love with Fox! This story is a must-read and is a great begninning to a new series. Highly recommended to all fans of contemporary romance.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 3340, 999, 999, 2023, 2001, 2026, 2034, 2338, 2011, 6583, 22153, 5960, 1998, 2009, 2003, 1037, 13459, 1010, 6832, 1010, 7916, 1998, 21570, 2466, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 999, 1996, 3015, 2003, 11757, 7916, 1010, 2927, 2157, 2013, 2471, 1996, 2034, 3931, 2043, 7916, 1011, 2004, 1011, 3109, 2600, 2643, 4419, 6010, 1996, 11004, 13850, 9618, 2012, 1037, 2283, 1012, 2009, 2453, 2614, 18856, 17322, 2094, 2021, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2061, 2092, 2517, 1010, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2061, 2092, 1011, 2764, 1010, 2008, 1045, 2001, 4567, 1999, 3202, 1012, 9618, 2038, 2014, 4436, 2005, 6595, 2041, 1997, 1996, 17763, 2061, 1037, 2204, 2112, 1997, 1996, 2338, 2003, 2985, 2007, 2014, 2019, 15549, 12227, 2058, 9085, 2046, 1996, 2270, 5196, 2007, 1037, 2088, 1011, 3297, 5455, 1012, 2021, 2016, 2003, 25192, 2000, 9507, 4419, 1010, 1037, 2158, 2040, 4282, 2054, 2002, 4122, 1998, 3632, 2044, 2009, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1998, 3138, 1996, 8068, 2105, 1996, 7595, 2000, 2047, 3414, 1010, 2660, 1998, 2662, 1012, 1998, 1996, 4637, 3494, 2024, 10392, 1010, 2013, 9618, 1005, 1055, 2190, 2767, 5904, 2000, 2035, 1997, 1996, 2060, 2316, 2372, 1012, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2055, 2035, 2122, 3494, 1012, 2023, 2001, 1037, 6919, 2466, 1998, 1996, 3348, 2003, 11757, 2980, 999, 999, 1996, 2338, 2036, 2580, 1996, 2821, 1011, 2061, 1011, 2590, 6832, 4434, 2090, 1996, 2364, 3494, 1012, 1045, 2036, 7078, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 4419, 999, 2023, 2466, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 1998, 2003, 1037, 2307, 11693, 11483, 5582, 2000, 1037, 2047, 2186, 1012, 3811, 6749, 2000, 2035, 4599, 1997, 3824, 7472, 1012, 102 ]
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WHOA!! What a ride! Fantastic story. To say it is unexpected is an understatement. Stayed up all night to finish. READ THIS BOOK! These were my first thoughts upon finishing this book, an ARC of which was graciously provided by the author. Why was I on her ARC list? No clue. But I thank her from the bottom of my heart. This is an original story, with well-written, fully-developed characters, and clever twists and turns which forged a connection between the book and myself. Am I gushing? Yes. Because there are SO many books today that have cookie-cutter plots with cliche characters, I find it incredibly refreshing to come across a story like Black Lies. There is no plot or character discussion here. Read the synopsis. That's all you need. Was this a 100% perfect story? No. But it is absolutely one of the best books I have read this year and I applaud Ms. Torre for her story. (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 23281, 999, 999, 2054, 1037, 4536, 999, 10392, 2466, 1012, 2000, 2360, 2009, 2003, 9223, 2003, 2019, 2104, 9153, 18532, 4765, 1012, 4370, 2039, 2035, 2305, 2000, 3926, 1012, 3191, 2023, 2338, 999, 2122, 2020, 2026, 2034, 4301, 2588, 5131, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2019, 8115, 1997, 2029, 2001, 24665, 20113, 2135, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1012, 2339, 2001, 1045, 2006, 2014, 8115, 2862, 1029, 2053, 9789, 1012, 2021, 1045, 4067, 2014, 2013, 1996, 3953, 1997, 2026, 2540, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2019, 2434, 2466, 1010, 2007, 2092, 1011, 2517, 1010, 3929, 1011, 2764, 3494, 1010, 1998, 12266, 21438, 1998, 4332, 2029, 16158, 1037, 4434, 2090, 1996, 2338, 1998, 2870, 1012, 2572, 1045, 12670, 12053, 1029, 2748, 1012, 2138, 2045, 2024, 2061, 2116, 2808, 2651, 2008, 2031, 17387, 1011, 16343, 14811, 2007, 18856, 17322, 3494, 1010, 1045, 2424, 2009, 11757, 27150, 2000, 2272, 2408, 1037, 2466, 2066, 2304, 3658, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 5436, 2030, 2839, 6594, 2182, 1012, 3191, 1996, 19962, 22599, 1012, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2035, 2017, 2342, 1012, 2001, 2023, 1037, 2531, 1003, 3819, 2466, 1029, 2053, 1012, 2021, 2009, 2003, 7078, 2028, 1997, 1996, 2190, 2808, 1045, 2031, 3191, 2023, 2095, 1998, 1045, 10439, 17298, 2094, 5796, 1012, 22047, 2005, 2014, 2466, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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5 thrilling stars!!! Gritty. Raw. Suspenseful. SEXY. Come take a wild ride through the author's City of Angels, and enjoy every second of the hot and thrilling rollercoaster ride. Antonio and Theresa got under my skin and I can't wait for even more of their story. Ruin begins shortly after Spin ended. Theresa has become incredibly determined and strong and will do anything, ANYTHING, to protect and stay with Antonio. But he is lethal, dangerous and also determined to keep Theresa out of harm's way. Not an easy feat when the mafia is out ot get you and no one is to be trusted. Theresa is still close to her family and Antonio "Spin" is acutely aware of that. But he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even when the things quite literally start to spin out of control. He tries to keep her isolated but she will have none of that and his carefully-crafted plans begin to quickly unravel and escalate to an incredibly satisfying conclusion. This is an action-packed, super-hot and sexy story. The writing is gorgeous and spare. There are no flowery words, no gushing declarations in the world of Antonio Spinelli. But surprisingly, there is humor, which provides a welcome relief from the near-constant state of tension and almost primal sexual urges. Spin loves Theresa in his own way, and they are both completely obsessed with each other and cannot stay apart. "You're from a different world , but you smell like home to me. I haven't been to Napoli in ten years, but whenever you're near me, I smell olive flowers. My heart gets sick with thirst, and the water is poison." I can't stop thinking about Spin and Theresa. C.D. Reiss has become one of my favorite writers and I absolutely cannot wait for the next installment in this series. (*ARC reviewed from NetGalley.)
[ 101, 1019, 26162, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 24842, 3723, 1012, 6315, 1012, 23873, 3993, 1012, 7916, 1012, 2272, 2202, 1037, 3748, 4536, 2083, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 2103, 1997, 7048, 1010, 1998, 5959, 2296, 2117, 1997, 1996, 2980, 1998, 26162, 11220, 3597, 24268, 4536, 1012, 4980, 1998, 14781, 2288, 2104, 2026, 3096, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 2130, 2062, 1997, 2037, 2466, 1012, 10083, 4269, 3859, 2044, 6714, 3092, 1012, 14781, 2038, 2468, 11757, 4340, 1998, 2844, 1998, 2097, 2079, 2505, 1010, 2505, 1010, 2000, 4047, 1998, 2994, 2007, 4980, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2003, 12765, 1010, 4795, 1998, 2036, 4340, 2000, 2562, 14781, 2041, 1997, 7386, 1005, 1055, 2126, 1012, 2025, 2019, 3733, 8658, 2043, 1996, 13897, 2003, 2041, 27178, 2131, 2017, 1998, 2053, 2028, 2003, 2000, 2022, 9480, 1012, 14781, 2003, 2145, 2485, 2000, 2014, 2155, 1998, 4980, 1000, 6714, 1000, 2003, 11325, 2135, 5204, 1997, 2008, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2097, 2079, 3649, 2009, 3138, 2000, 2562, 2014, 3647, 1010, 2130, 2043, 1996, 2477, 3243, 6719, 2707, 2000, 6714, 2041, 1997, 2491, 1012, 2002, 5363, 2000, 2562, 2014, 7275, 2021, 2016, 2097, 2031, 3904, 1997, 2008, 1998, 2010, 5362, 1011, 19275, 3488, 4088, 2000, 2855, 4895, 22401, 2140, 1998, 9686, 25015, 2618, 2000, 2019, 11757, 17087, 7091, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2019, 2895, 1011, 8966, 1010, 3565, 1011, 2980, 1998, 7916, 2466, 1012, 1996, 3015, 2003, 9882, 1998, 8622, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2053, 6546, 2100, 2616, 1010, 2053, 12670, 12053, 8170, 2015, 1999, 1996, 2088, 1997, 4980, 8560, 6894, 1012, 2021, 10889, 1010, 2045, 2003, 8562, 1010, 2029, 3640, 1037, 6160, 4335, 2013, 1996, 2379, 1011, 5377, 2110, 1997, 6980, 1998, 2471, 22289, 4424, 23876, 1012, 6714, 7459, 14781, 1999, 2010, 2219, 2126, 1010, 1998, 2027, 2024, 2119, 3294, 15896, 2007, 2169, 2060, 1998, 3685, 2994, 4237, 1012, 1000, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2013, 1037, 2367, 2088, 1010, 2021, 2017, 5437, 2066, 2188, 2000, 2033, 1012, 1045, 4033, 1005, 1056, 2042, 2000, 29485, 1999, 2702, 2086, 1010, 2021, 7188, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2379, 2033, 1010, 1045, 5437, 9724, 4870, 1012, 2026, 2540, 4152, 5305, 2007, 21810, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2300, 2003, 9947, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2644, 3241, 2055, 6714, 1998, 14781, 1012, 1039, 1012, 1040, 1012, 24964, 4757, 2038, 2468, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 4898, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3685, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 18932, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 8182, 2013, 5658, 22263, 3240, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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LOVED IT!!! Refreshingly funny, sweet and sexy! The Stage Dive series is one of my favorite series and Lead is an absolute delight. Sexy, refreshingly funny and smart, Lead not only features the achingly beautiful Jimmy, it also introduces us to the fabulous Lena, who in my opinion could be every woman's new best friend. Honest, funny and real, Kylie Scott has written a completely relatable heroine who at times broke my heart and other times had me laughing at loud. Lena knew that Jimmy would be her Achilles heel almost from the get-go when she is hired to be his assistant and sobriety companion. "Whatever else he might be, Jimmy Ferris was special and complicated, beautiful and beastly, all rolled into one. A natural-born performer." Lena struggles to fit in to the rest of the band dynamics and all the sexy couples of the Stage Dive family. She is tenacious, hilarious and completely turned on and attracted to Jimmy, but the real Jimmy, not the rock-star persona. "My heroin was six-foot-one and gorgeous as sin." Lena has had her share of heartache, and is afraid that Jimmy will steal her heart away while she is working as his assistant and stomp on it in the process. I absolutely loved how strong Lena was and how she really stayed true to herself and did not try to hide her true feelings for Jimmy. Will these two get their happy ending that they so desperately deserve? "Love was truly one of life's mysteries. That it could f@@@ you five ways to Sunday and still remain so utterly perplexing and unknown was kind of impressive. I guess." Lead is a fabulous summer read and Kylie Scott is one of my favorite writers. Enjoy Lead, you will fall in love with Jimmy!! (*ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 3866, 2009, 999, 999, 999, 27150, 2135, 6057, 1010, 4086, 1998, 7916, 999, 1996, 2754, 11529, 2186, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2186, 1998, 2599, 2003, 2019, 7619, 12208, 1012, 7916, 1010, 27150, 2135, 6057, 1998, 6047, 1010, 2599, 2025, 2069, 2838, 1996, 14750, 2135, 3376, 5261, 1010, 2009, 2036, 13999, 2149, 2000, 1996, 18783, 14229, 1010, 2040, 1999, 2026, 5448, 2071, 2022, 2296, 2450, 1005, 1055, 2047, 2190, 2767, 1012, 7481, 1010, 6057, 1998, 2613, 1010, 9008, 3660, 2038, 2517, 1037, 3294, 2128, 20051, 3085, 18869, 2040, 2012, 2335, 3631, 2026, 2540, 1998, 2060, 2335, 2018, 2033, 5870, 2012, 5189, 1012, 14229, 2354, 2008, 5261, 2052, 2022, 2014, 23167, 12073, 2471, 2013, 1996, 2131, 1011, 2175, 2043, 2016, 2003, 5086, 2000, 2022, 2010, 3353, 1998, 17540, 27840, 7452, 1012, 1000, 3649, 2842, 2002, 2453, 2022, 1010, 5261, 23202, 2001, 2569, 1998, 8552, 1010, 3376, 1998, 6841, 2135, 1010, 2035, 4565, 2046, 2028, 1012, 1037, 3019, 1011, 2141, 9256, 1012, 1000, 14229, 11785, 2000, 4906, 1999, 2000, 1996, 2717, 1997, 1996, 2316, 10949, 1998, 2035, 1996, 7916, 6062, 1997, 1996, 2754, 11529, 2155, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2702, 20113, 1010, 26316, 1998, 3294, 2357, 2006, 1998, 6296, 2000, 5261, 1010, 2021, 1996, 2613, 5261, 1010, 2025, 1996, 2600, 1011, 2732, 16115, 1012, 1000, 2026, 19690, 2001, 2416, 1011, 3329, 1011, 2028, 1998, 9882, 2004, 8254, 1012, 1000, 14229, 2038, 2018, 2014, 3745, 1997, 2540, 15395, 1010, 1998, 2003, 4452, 2008, 5261, 2097, 8954, 2014, 2540, 2185, 2096, 2016, 2003, 2551, 2004, 2010, 3353, 1998, 2358, 25377, 2006, 2009, 1999, 1996, 2832, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2129, 2844, 14229, 2001, 1998, 2129, 2016, 2428, 4370, 2995, 2000, 2841, 1998, 2106, 2025, 3046, 2000, 5342, 2014, 2995, 5346, 2005, 5261, 1012, 2097, 2122, 2048, 2131, 2037, 3407, 4566, 2008, 2027, 2061, 9652, 10107, 1029, 1000, 2293, 2001, 5621, 2028, 1997, 2166, 1005, 1055, 15572, 1012, 2008, 2009, 2071, 1042, 1030, 1030, 1030, 2017, 2274, 3971, 2000, 4465, 1998, 2145, 3961, 2061, 12580, 2566, 19386, 2075, 1998, 4242, 2001, 2785, 1997, 8052, 1012, 1045, 3984, 1012, 1000, 2599, 2003, 1037, 18783, 2621, 3191, 1998, 9008, 3660, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 4898, 1012, 5959, 2599, 1010, 2017, 2097, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 5261, 999, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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I LOVED this funny, sexy romance from Amber L. Johnson! The story is fresh and creative and I absolutely fell in love with Andrew. What starts off as cute storyline turns into a lovely, sweet and very, very funny story about overworked Gwen, who is struggling to manage raising two young children on her own, and Andrew, a wealthy, seemingly carefree guy, who must get a job and really wants to become responsible and self-sufficient and please his cold and distant father. Eight Days a Week is a fantastic "lighter" read, with an unexpected storyline and interesting characters. My heart ached for Andrew; he has spent his life trying to please his parents and live up to his "perfect" older sister. He sees his chance at redemption when he becomes "manny" for Gwen's young family and actually finds something he is very good at. The children love him and of course, he is madly attracted to Gwen. But they both decide not to pursue their insane chemistry for the sake of the children, because what would happen if they broke up? Will these two be able to love each other and keep their new family together? I adore Amber Johnson's writing style and was laughing out loud as well as totally swooning many times during this book. The sexy times are HOT and Andrew really has it all: looks, brains and talent. What woman wouldn't fall for him? I loved this book and highly recommend it for all fans of sexy, funny contemporary romance.
[ 101, 1045, 3866, 2023, 6057, 1010, 7916, 7472, 2013, 8994, 1048, 1012, 3779, 999, 1996, 2466, 2003, 4840, 1998, 5541, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 4080, 1012, 2054, 4627, 2125, 2004, 10140, 9994, 4332, 2046, 1037, 8403, 1010, 4086, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 6057, 2466, 2055, 2058, 6198, 2098, 11697, 1010, 2040, 2003, 8084, 2000, 6133, 6274, 2048, 2402, 2336, 2006, 2014, 2219, 1010, 1998, 4080, 1010, 1037, 7272, 1010, 9428, 2729, 23301, 3124, 1010, 2040, 2442, 2131, 1037, 3105, 1998, 2428, 4122, 2000, 2468, 3625, 1998, 2969, 1011, 7182, 1998, 3531, 2010, 3147, 1998, 6802, 2269, 1012, 2809, 2420, 1037, 2733, 2003, 1037, 10392, 1000, 9442, 1000, 3191, 1010, 2007, 2019, 9223, 9994, 1998, 5875, 3494, 1012, 2026, 2540, 15043, 2005, 4080, 1025, 2002, 2038, 2985, 2010, 2166, 2667, 2000, 3531, 2010, 3008, 1998, 2444, 2039, 2000, 2010, 1000, 3819, 1000, 3080, 2905, 1012, 2002, 5927, 2010, 3382, 2012, 18434, 2043, 2002, 4150, 1000, 16320, 1000, 2005, 11697, 1005, 1055, 2402, 2155, 1998, 2941, 4858, 2242, 2002, 2003, 2200, 2204, 2012, 1012, 1996, 2336, 2293, 2032, 1998, 1997, 2607, 1010, 2002, 2003, 29179, 6296, 2000, 11697, 1012, 2021, 2027, 2119, 5630, 2025, 2000, 7323, 2037, 9577, 6370, 2005, 1996, 8739, 1997, 1996, 2336, 1010, 2138, 2054, 2052, 4148, 2065, 2027, 3631, 2039, 1029, 2097, 2122, 2048, 2022, 2583, 2000, 2293, 2169, 2060, 1998, 2562, 2037, 2047, 2155, 2362, 1029, 1045, 4748, 5686, 8994, 3779, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2806, 1998, 2001, 5870, 2041, 5189, 2004, 2092, 2004, 6135, 25430, 7828, 2075, 2116, 2335, 2076, 2023, 2338, 1012, 1996, 7916, 2335, 2024, 2980, 1998, 4080, 2428, 2038, 2009, 2035, 1024, 3504, 1010, 14332, 1998, 5848, 1012, 2054, 2450, 2876, 1005, 1056, 2991, 2005, 2032, 1029, 1045, 3866, 2023, 2338, 1998, 3811, 16755, 2009, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 7916, 1010, 6057, 3824, 7472, 1012, 102 ]
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First, I was very pleasantly suprised at the steam factor in this book! And Thomas Maddox is a memorable character, that's for sure. I really liked the romantic suspense aspect of this story, and I really admire the author for writing a strong female character. Oh look, it's okay to be a workaholic and be a professional! I am on board with female characters who are not just window-dressing or who do nothing but sorrt of flit around the story. But I digress. Liis and Thomas do connect early on, but it really works in this book. Jamie can really write a steamy hot sex scene and I can't wait to read more of this from her!Liis is smart but she is pretty insecure in her personal life. I'd gone from feeling sexy and desired to an embarassingly eager, cheap score. Liis and Thomas must later work together as FBI agents and this aspect of the story was very fast-paced and interesting. Liis, like Thomas, is devoted to her work which has not left much time for a personal life. "Ah. You're married to the job. Betty Bureau." Thomas is a total hard-ass and has a notorious reputation for being impossible to work for. Will he soften for Liis? I loved seeing the other Maddox brothers make an appearance here, but make no mistake, this was Thomas' story through and through. This book is fast-paced, sexy, very romantic and a must-read for Jamie McGuire fans. Favorite quote: "You can love someone without wanting to be with them. Just like you can want to be with someone before you love then." (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 2034, 1010, 1045, 2001, 2200, 27726, 10514, 18098, 5084, 2012, 1996, 5492, 5387, 1999, 2023, 2338, 999, 1998, 2726, 22730, 2003, 1037, 13432, 2839, 1010, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2005, 2469, 1012, 1045, 2428, 4669, 1996, 6298, 23873, 7814, 1997, 2023, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2428, 19837, 1996, 3166, 2005, 3015, 1037, 2844, 2931, 2839, 1012, 2821, 2298, 1010, 2009, 1005, 1055, 3100, 2000, 2022, 1037, 2147, 4430, 23518, 1998, 2022, 1037, 2658, 999, 1045, 2572, 2006, 2604, 2007, 2931, 3494, 2040, 2024, 2025, 2074, 3332, 1011, 11225, 2030, 2040, 2079, 2498, 2021, 2061, 12171, 2102, 1997, 13109, 4183, 2105, 1996, 2466, 1012, 2021, 1045, 10667, 8303, 1012, 5622, 2483, 1998, 2726, 2079, 7532, 2220, 2006, 1010, 2021, 2009, 2428, 2573, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 6175, 2064, 2428, 4339, 1037, 5492, 2100, 2980, 3348, 3496, 1998, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 1997, 2023, 2013, 2014, 999, 5622, 2483, 2003, 6047, 2021, 2016, 2003, 3492, 16021, 29150, 1999, 2014, 3167, 2166, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1040, 2908, 2013, 3110, 7916, 1998, 9059, 2000, 2019, 7861, 20709, 18965, 2135, 9461, 1010, 10036, 3556, 1012, 5622, 2483, 1998, 2726, 2442, 2101, 2147, 2362, 2004, 8495, 6074, 1998, 2023, 7814, 1997, 1996, 2466, 2001, 2200, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1998, 5875, 1012, 5622, 2483, 1010, 2066, 2726, 1010, 2003, 7422, 2000, 2014, 2147, 2029, 2038, 2025, 2187, 2172, 2051, 2005, 1037, 3167, 2166, 1012, 1000, 6289, 1012, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2496, 2000, 1996, 3105, 1012, 9306, 4879, 1012, 1000, 2726, 2003, 1037, 2561, 2524, 1011, 4632, 1998, 2038, 1037, 12536, 5891, 2005, 2108, 5263, 2000, 2147, 2005, 1012, 2097, 2002, 3730, 2368, 2005, 5622, 2483, 1029, 1045, 3866, 3773, 1996, 2060, 22730, 3428, 2191, 2019, 3311, 2182, 1010, 2021, 2191, 2053, 6707, 1010, 2023, 2001, 2726, 1005, 2466, 2083, 1998, 2083, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 7916, 1010, 2200, 6298, 1998, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2005, 6175, 23872, 4599, 1012, 5440, 14686, 1024, 1000, 2017, 2064, 2293, 2619, 2302, 5782, 2000, 2022, 2007, 2068, 1012, 2074, 2066, 2017, 2064, 2215, 2000, 2022, 2007, 2619, 2077, 2017, 2293, 2059, 1012, 1000, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 pounding-hot stars!! Seriously thrilling and addictive. This is the first book I have read by this writing duo and it certainly won't be the last! This is a gritty, thrilling and addictive story. Please note the series name - SEX and MAYHEM, and there's plenty of both! This is a M/M Motorcycle Club book with a twist: Stitch, is a closeted gay biker. His MC is seriously homophobic and he is not out to his ex-wife or to his family. This guy is sex on a stick and and when he meets the sexy and alluring Zak, all bets are off. Zak is a tattoo artist and is completely out. They have explosive chemistry and these sex scenes are absolutely among the top 5 hottest scenes I have ever read. What begins as a sex-only relationship gradually builds into something more. Stitch grows as a character and little by little comes face to face with his own sexuality. "I had a bad night. All I wanted was to come home to you." Stitch and Zak have an intensely passionate relationship but Stitch still will not admit that he is gay. He imposes secrets and restrictions on Zak and Zak quite naturally rebels and much sex and mayhem ensues. I found this book to be incredibly gripping and the writing style fast-paced, gritty and intensely sexual. Make no mistake, this book is incredibly violent and graphic. It is also filled with what I found to be highly erotic m/m sex and irresistible characters. I absolutely loved this very dark and emotional story and can't wait to read more from these authors! (*ARC received from the authors in return for an honest review)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 9836, 1011, 2980, 3340, 999, 999, 5667, 26162, 1998, 26855, 3512, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1045, 2031, 3191, 2011, 2023, 3015, 6829, 1998, 2009, 5121, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2022, 1996, 2197, 999, 2023, 2003, 1037, 24842, 3723, 1010, 26162, 1998, 26855, 3512, 2466, 1012, 3531, 3602, 1996, 2186, 2171, 1011, 3348, 1998, 26865, 1010, 1998, 2045, 1005, 1055, 7564, 1997, 2119, 999, 2023, 2003, 1037, 1049, 1013, 1049, 9055, 2252, 2338, 2007, 1037, 9792, 1024, 26035, 1010, 2003, 1037, 9346, 2098, 5637, 28988, 1012, 2010, 11338, 2003, 5667, 24004, 20200, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2025, 2041, 2000, 2010, 4654, 1011, 2564, 2030, 2000, 2010, 2155, 1012, 2023, 3124, 2003, 3348, 2006, 1037, 6293, 1998, 1998, 2043, 2002, 6010, 1996, 7916, 1998, 2035, 12228, 23564, 2243, 1010, 2035, 29475, 2024, 2125, 1012, 23564, 2243, 2003, 1037, 11660, 3063, 1998, 2003, 3294, 2041, 1012, 2027, 2031, 11355, 6370, 1998, 2122, 3348, 5019, 2024, 7078, 2426, 1996, 2327, 1019, 20930, 5019, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 2054, 4269, 2004, 1037, 3348, 1011, 2069, 3276, 6360, 16473, 2046, 2242, 2062, 1012, 26035, 7502, 2004, 1037, 2839, 1998, 2210, 2011, 2210, 3310, 2227, 2000, 2227, 2007, 2010, 2219, 13798, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2018, 1037, 2919, 2305, 1012, 2035, 1045, 2359, 2001, 2000, 2272, 2188, 2000, 2017, 1012, 1000, 26035, 1998, 23564, 2243, 2031, 2019, 20531, 13459, 3276, 2021, 26035, 2145, 2097, 2025, 6449, 2008, 2002, 2003, 5637, 1012, 2002, 17607, 2015, 7800, 1998, 9259, 2006, 23564, 2243, 1998, 23564, 2243, 3243, 8100, 8431, 1998, 2172, 3348, 1998, 26865, 4372, 6342, 2229, 1012, 1045, 2179, 2023, 2338, 2000, 2022, 11757, 13940, 1998, 1996, 3015, 2806, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 24842, 3723, 1998, 20531, 4424, 1012, 2191, 2053, 6707, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2003, 11757, 6355, 1998, 8425, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2036, 3561, 2007, 2054, 1045, 2179, 2000, 2022, 3811, 14253, 1049, 1013, 1049, 3348, 1998, 27149, 3494, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2023, 2200, 2601, 1998, 6832, 2466, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2013, 2122, 6048, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 2363, 2013, 1996, 6048, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1007, 102 ]
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Suspenseful doesn't even begin to describe this book. DO NOT DISTURB is a thrilling, dark, sexy and fast-paced story with a twist! If you are looking for a dark, smart and erotic story, then DO NOT DISTURB is the book for you. This book is the sequel to THE GIRL IN 6E, a fantastic and surprising story which I recommend that you read immediately!! The author continues the story of Deanna in DO NOT DISTURB and her story is intertwined with another character who might, just might, be as dark and disturbed as she is. But where Deanna tries her best to keep her dark nature hidden away and under control (barely), this new character does not. He is plain evil. The author has done a masterful job at building suspense and anticipation in this book and the plot twists are fantastic. This is a smart and twisted book and definitely NOT for the faint of heart. Deanna is faced with danger here in the form of an unhappy client. Will he outsmart the brilliant Deanna and pierce the layers of protection she has built of around her? Will Deanna finally find some semblance of normalcy with the sexy and understanding Jeremy? Once again, the author writes a brilliant story that answers all these questions without talking down to the reader and without coming to any false conclusions. The tensions are high and the sexy times are brilliantly erotic. I haven't stopped thinking about these characters! I amy dying (well, not literally) for another book in this series!! Don't miss DO NOT DISTURB, it is a must-read book that will keep you on the edge of your seat!! Favorite quote: "Life is never a precious as when it is threatened." (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 23873, 3993, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2130, 4088, 2000, 6235, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2079, 2025, 22995, 2003, 1037, 26162, 1010, 2601, 1010, 7916, 1998, 3435, 1011, 13823, 2466, 2007, 1037, 9792, 999, 2065, 2017, 2024, 2559, 2005, 1037, 2601, 1010, 6047, 1998, 14253, 2466, 1010, 2059, 2079, 2025, 22995, 2003, 1996, 2338, 2005, 2017, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 1996, 8297, 2000, 1996, 2611, 1999, 1020, 2063, 1010, 1037, 10392, 1998, 11341, 2466, 2029, 1045, 16755, 2008, 2017, 3191, 3202, 999, 999, 1996, 3166, 4247, 1996, 2466, 1997, 4670, 2532, 1999, 2079, 2025, 22995, 1998, 2014, 2466, 2003, 6970, 21077, 2007, 2178, 2839, 2040, 2453, 1010, 2074, 2453, 1010, 2022, 2004, 2601, 1998, 12491, 2004, 2016, 2003, 1012, 2021, 2073, 4670, 2532, 5363, 2014, 2190, 2000, 2562, 2014, 2601, 3267, 5023, 2185, 1998, 2104, 2491, 1006, 4510, 1007, 1010, 2023, 2047, 2839, 2515, 2025, 1012, 2002, 2003, 5810, 4763, 1012, 1996, 3166, 2038, 2589, 1037, 3040, 3993, 3105, 2012, 2311, 23873, 1998, 11162, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1998, 1996, 5436, 21438, 2024, 10392, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 6047, 1998, 6389, 2338, 1998, 5791, 2025, 2005, 1996, 8143, 1997, 2540, 1012, 4670, 2532, 2003, 4320, 2007, 5473, 2182, 1999, 1996, 2433, 1997, 2019, 12511, 7396, 1012, 2097, 2002, 21100, 22345, 1996, 8235, 4670, 2532, 1998, 9267, 1996, 9014, 1997, 3860, 2016, 2038, 2328, 1997, 2105, 2014, 1029, 2097, 4670, 2532, 2633, 2424, 2070, 7367, 14905, 23078, 1997, 3671, 5666, 2007, 1996, 7916, 1998, 4824, 7441, 1029, 2320, 2153, 1010, 1996, 3166, 7009, 1037, 8235, 2466, 2008, 6998, 2035, 2122, 3980, 2302, 3331, 2091, 2000, 1996, 8068, 1998, 2302, 2746, 2000, 2151, 6270, 15306, 1012, 1996, 13136, 2024, 2152, 1998, 1996, 7916, 2335, 2024, 8235, 2135, 14253, 1012, 1045, 4033, 1005, 1056, 3030, 3241, 2055, 2122, 3494, 999, 1045, 6864, 5996, 1006, 2092, 1010, 2025, 6719, 1007, 2005, 2178, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 999, 999, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2079, 2025, 22995, 1010, 2009, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2338, 2008, 2097, 2562, 2017, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1997, 2115, 2835, 999, 999, 5440, 14686, 1024, 1000, 2166, 2003, 2196, 1037, 9062, 2004, 2043, 2009, 2003, 5561, 1012, 1000, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Wow! Break the Sky is a brilliant, rich and SCORCHING hot storm of a story that will make new fans of Nina Lane. Kelsey and Archer were seen in the earlier Spiral of Bliss books but you do NOT have to read those books first (although they are fantastic and I highly recommend reading them NOW!!) One of my favorite couples, Dean and Liv, make an appearance here but the center of this amazing book is the stormy relationship between Kelsey and Archer. "I swallowed to ease the dryness in my throat. 'Do you always let fate decisions for you?' 'Fate makes better decisions than I do.' " Archer has always been a screw-up, an angry (and rightfully so), rootless man, drifting from job to job and never able to commit to much. He rides into the town of Mirror Lake already a changed man but his brother Dean only sees the old Archer, the addict and the womanizer. Enter Kelsey, the tightly-wound meteorology professor who needs to let go a little, and who knows that Archer is everything she should avoid. "He could push me to my limits and protect me the entire time." Kelsey and Archer immediately strike a "deal", agreeing to a temporary relationship while he is visiting with Dean and Liv. Suffice it to say, they both get more than they bargained for and both learn to see behind the other's facade and get to what's real and honest. All of this plays out against the almost-fairytale-like setting of Mirror Lake, which adds a very special magic to this incredibly sexy and adult story. I must say that I absolutely love how Nina Lane can write about the world of college academics on the one hand and then turn around give us one of the dirtiest-talking characters EVER! (Phone sex, hello!) Archer is all man, commanding, bossy and completely honest with Kelsey. I found their relationship to be completely real and perfectly developed. I also loved the way Archer and Dean's relationship grew throughout this story, and the way Archer really matured and came to terms with his past. BREAK THE SKY is tender, sexy, funny and incredibly satisfying. Another must-read from Ms. Nina Lane! *ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
[ 101, 10166, 999, 3338, 1996, 3712, 2003, 1037, 8235, 1010, 4138, 1998, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 4040, 1997, 1037, 2466, 2008, 2097, 2191, 2047, 4599, 1997, 9401, 4644, 1012, 21004, 1998, 11024, 2020, 2464, 1999, 1996, 3041, 12313, 1997, 13670, 2808, 2021, 2017, 2079, 2025, 2031, 2000, 3191, 2216, 2808, 2034, 1006, 2348, 2027, 2024, 10392, 1998, 1045, 3811, 16755, 3752, 2068, 2085, 999, 999, 1007, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 6062, 1010, 4670, 1998, 22135, 1010, 2191, 2019, 3311, 2182, 2021, 1996, 2415, 1997, 2023, 6429, 2338, 2003, 1996, 24166, 3276, 2090, 21004, 1998, 11024, 1012, 1000, 1045, 7351, 2000, 7496, 1996, 4318, 2791, 1999, 2026, 3759, 1012, 1005, 2079, 2017, 2467, 2292, 6580, 6567, 2005, 2017, 1029, 1005, 1005, 6580, 3084, 2488, 6567, 2084, 1045, 2079, 1012, 1005, 1000, 11024, 2038, 2467, 2042, 1037, 11224, 1011, 2039, 1010, 2019, 4854, 1006, 1998, 27167, 2135, 2061, 1007, 1010, 7117, 3238, 2158, 1010, 15013, 2013, 3105, 2000, 3105, 1998, 2196, 2583, 2000, 10797, 2000, 2172, 1012, 2002, 12271, 2046, 1996, 2237, 1997, 5259, 2697, 2525, 1037, 2904, 2158, 2021, 2010, 2567, 4670, 2069, 5927, 1996, 2214, 11024, 1010, 1996, 26855, 1998, 1996, 2450, 17629, 1012, 4607, 21004, 1010, 1996, 7371, 1011, 6357, 23879, 6779, 2934, 2040, 3791, 2000, 2292, 2175, 1037, 2210, 1010, 1998, 2040, 4282, 2008, 11024, 2003, 2673, 2016, 2323, 4468, 1012, 1000, 2002, 2071, 5245, 2033, 2000, 2026, 6537, 1998, 4047, 2033, 1996, 2972, 2051, 1012, 1000, 21004, 1998, 11024, 3202, 4894, 1037, 1000, 3066, 1000, 1010, 16191, 2000, 1037, 5741, 3276, 2096, 2002, 2003, 5873, 2007, 4670, 1998, 22135, 1012, 10514, 26989, 3401, 2009, 2000, 2360, 1010, 2027, 2119, 2131, 2062, 2084, 2027, 17113, 2098, 2005, 1998, 2119, 4553, 2000, 2156, 2369, 1996, 2060, 1005, 1055, 8508, 1998, 2131, 2000, 2054, 1005, 1055, 2613, 1998, 7481, 1012, 2035, 1997, 2023, 3248, 2041, 2114, 1996, 2471, 1011, 8867, 22059, 1011, 2066, 4292, 1997, 5259, 2697, 1010, 2029, 9909, 1037, 2200, 2569, 3894, 2000, 2023, 11757, 7916, 1998, 4639, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2442, 2360, 2008, 1045, 7078, 2293, 2129, 9401, 4644, 2064, 4339, 2055, 1996, 2088, 1997, 2267, 15032, 2006, 1996, 2028, 2192, 1998, 2059, 2735, 2105, 2507, 2149, 2028, 1997, 1996, 6900, 10458, 1011, 3331, 3494, 2412, 999, 1006, 3042, 3348, 1010, 7592, 999, 1007, 11024, 2003, 2035, 2158, 1010, 7991, 1010, 5795, 2100, 1998, 3294, 7481, 2007, 21004, 1012, 1045, 2179, 2037, 3276, 2000, 2022, 3294, 2613, 1998, 6669, 2764, 1012, 1045, 2036, 3866, 1996, 2126, 11024, 1998, 4670, 1005, 1055, 3276, 3473, 2802, 2023, 2466, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2126, 11024, 2428, 9677, 2094, 1998, 2234, 2000, 3408, 2007, 2010, 2627, 1012, 3338, 1996, 3712, 2003, 8616, 1010, 7916, 1010, 6057, 1998, 11757, 17087, 1012, 2178, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2013, 5796, 1012, 9401, 4644, 999, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 3863, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1008, 102 ]
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Super hot! This is my first book by Sawyer Bennett and I absolutely loved it! Sugar on the Edge reminds me why I love reading contemporary romance. It has emotion, perfect pacing, a lovely locale (the Outer Banks of North Carolina), a character-driven story and BLAZING hot sex. Gavin and Savannah are memorable, real and totally drew me into their story. I have not read the other books in the Last Call series so I can tell you that this one can absolutely be read as a standalone, but now that I have sampled Ms. Bennett's writing, I will read them. There are other characters from the previous books but they are fully-written characters and I did not feel as though I was lost at all. Gavin is in a lot of emotional pain and moves to North Carolina to finish writing a manuscript. He's sexy, British and has a very dark side. Savannah seems at first to be his total opposite - sweet, hard-working, yet smart and a little sassy. I literally read this book in one sitting and recommend it as a perfect read if you want a hot, sexy, funny, exciting and emotional story. I highly recommend Sugar on the Edge and am adding Ms. Bennett's other books to my TBR list immediately. Enjoy! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 3565, 2980, 999, 2023, 2003, 2026, 2034, 2338, 2011, 13975, 8076, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2009, 999, 5699, 2006, 1996, 3341, 15537, 2033, 2339, 1045, 2293, 3752, 3824, 7472, 1012, 2009, 2038, 7603, 1010, 3819, 15732, 1010, 1037, 8403, 2334, 2063, 1006, 1996, 6058, 5085, 1997, 2167, 3792, 1007, 1010, 1037, 2839, 1011, 5533, 2466, 1998, 17162, 2980, 3348, 1012, 9448, 1998, 10891, 2024, 13432, 1010, 2613, 1998, 6135, 3881, 2033, 2046, 2037, 2466, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2025, 3191, 1996, 2060, 2808, 1999, 1996, 2197, 2655, 2186, 2061, 1045, 2064, 2425, 2017, 2008, 2023, 2028, 2064, 7078, 2022, 3191, 2004, 1037, 26609, 1010, 2021, 2085, 2008, 1045, 2031, 18925, 5796, 1012, 8076, 1005, 1055, 3015, 1010, 1045, 2097, 3191, 2068, 1012, 2045, 2024, 2060, 3494, 2013, 1996, 3025, 2808, 2021, 2027, 2024, 3929, 1011, 2517, 3494, 1998, 1045, 2106, 2025, 2514, 2004, 2295, 1045, 2001, 2439, 2012, 2035, 1012, 9448, 2003, 1999, 1037, 2843, 1997, 6832, 3255, 1998, 5829, 2000, 2167, 3792, 2000, 3926, 3015, 1037, 8356, 1012, 2002, 1005, 1055, 7916, 1010, 2329, 1998, 2038, 1037, 2200, 2601, 2217, 1012, 10891, 3849, 2012, 2034, 2000, 2022, 2010, 2561, 4500, 1011, 4086, 1010, 2524, 1011, 2551, 1010, 2664, 6047, 1998, 1037, 2210, 21871, 6508, 1012, 1045, 6719, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1998, 16755, 2009, 2004, 1037, 3819, 3191, 2065, 2017, 2215, 1037, 2980, 1010, 7916, 1010, 6057, 1010, 10990, 1998, 6832, 2466, 1012, 1045, 3811, 16755, 5699, 2006, 1996, 3341, 1998, 2572, 5815, 5796, 1012, 8076, 1005, 1055, 2060, 2808, 2000, 2026, 26419, 2099, 2862, 3202, 1012, 5959, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 Stars! Colleen Hoover is a must-read author for me. I always adore her books, the stories, the emotions, the characters, and Confess was no different. This book is pure magic, from the opening chapter to the very end. Confess is an intricately woven tale from beginning to end, where all of the characters are somehow connected and where everything is slowly revealed, little by little. I absolutely fell in love with Owen. He is a gifted artist but has some very rocky relationships in his life. I just knew that I would grow to love him even though he seemed like he made some questionable choices early on in the book. Owen and Auburn are both very, very complicated characters and my heart nearly broke for Auburn and her situation. I could not put this story down and read it in practically one sitting. "I love you so much." His voice is breathless and full of fear. "I'll love you forever. Even when I can't." My tears fall harder at his words. "And I'll love you forever. Even when I shouldn't." You should read this book without any spoilers because the plot is very clever and there are surprises thrown in along the way. I love the creative plot and the paintings throughout the book are just magnificent. They tie into the story perfectly. I will confess that my ARC copy did not have the paintings so I bought a Kindle copy and I am so glad that I did. The paintings are haunting and very revealing. Even though this is a romantic story with some very emotional situations, there are definitely moments of humor which I greatly appreciated! Confess is another must-read from one of my absolute favorite authors. It is a beautiful story about the power of trust and love and I didn't want Owen and Auburn's story to end. Enjoy!
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 28385, 17443, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 3166, 2005, 2033, 1012, 1045, 2467, 4748, 5686, 2014, 2808, 1010, 1996, 3441, 1010, 1996, 6699, 1010, 1996, 3494, 1010, 1998, 18766, 2001, 2053, 2367, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 5760, 3894, 1010, 2013, 1996, 3098, 3127, 2000, 1996, 2200, 2203, 1012, 18766, 2003, 2019, 17796, 2135, 17374, 6925, 2013, 2927, 2000, 2203, 1010, 2073, 2035, 1997, 1996, 3494, 2024, 5064, 4198, 1998, 2073, 2673, 2003, 3254, 3936, 1010, 2210, 2011, 2210, 1012, 1045, 7078, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 7291, 1012, 2002, 2003, 1037, 12785, 3063, 2021, 2038, 2070, 2200, 6857, 6550, 1999, 2010, 2166, 1012, 1045, 2074, 2354, 2008, 1045, 2052, 4982, 2000, 2293, 2032, 2130, 2295, 2002, 2790, 2066, 2002, 2081, 2070, 21068, 9804, 2220, 2006, 1999, 1996, 2338, 1012, 7291, 1998, 12704, 2024, 2119, 2200, 1010, 2200, 8552, 3494, 1998, 2026, 2540, 3053, 3631, 2005, 12704, 1998, 2014, 3663, 1012, 1045, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2023, 2466, 2091, 1998, 3191, 2009, 1999, 8134, 2028, 3564, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2293, 2017, 2061, 2172, 1012, 1000, 2010, 2376, 2003, 16701, 1998, 2440, 1997, 3571, 1012, 1000, 1045, 1005, 2222, 2293, 2017, 5091, 1012, 2130, 2043, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 1012, 1000, 2026, 4000, 2991, 6211, 2012, 2010, 2616, 1012, 1000, 1998, 1045, 1005, 2222, 2293, 2017, 5091, 1012, 2130, 2043, 1045, 5807, 1005, 1056, 1012, 1000, 2017, 2323, 3191, 2023, 2338, 2302, 2151, 27594, 2545, 2138, 1996, 5436, 2003, 2200, 12266, 1998, 2045, 2024, 20096, 6908, 1999, 2247, 1996, 2126, 1012, 1045, 2293, 1996, 5541, 5436, 1998, 1996, 5265, 2802, 1996, 2338, 2024, 2074, 12047, 1012, 2027, 5495, 2046, 1996, 2466, 6669, 1012, 1045, 2097, 18766, 2008, 2026, 8115, 6100, 2106, 2025, 2031, 1996, 5265, 2061, 1045, 4149, 1037, 2785, 2571, 6100, 1998, 1045, 2572, 2061, 5580, 2008, 1045, 2106, 1012, 1996, 5265, 2024, 20161, 1998, 2200, 8669, 1012, 2130, 2295, 2023, 2003, 1037, 6298, 2466, 2007, 2070, 2200, 6832, 8146, 1010, 2045, 2024, 5791, 5312, 1997, 8562, 2029, 1045, 6551, 12315, 999, 18766, 2003, 2178, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2013, 2028, 1997, 2026, 7619, 5440, 6048, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1037, 3376, 2466, 2055, 1996, 2373, 1997, 3404, 1998, 2293, 1998, 1045, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2215, 7291, 1998, 12704, 1005, 1055, 2466, 2000, 2203, 1012, 5959, 999, 102 ]
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4 frothy and delicious stars!! Loved this swoony, very romantic story!! I absolutely love Melanie Harlow's Frenched Series! The heroines are strong, witty, sexy and very relatable. Coco is thrown together with her ex, Nick, a well-known chef who broke her heart years before. She has never really gotten over him and it seems that even though he broke up with her, he isn't over her, either. Melanie French writes sexy heroes who have a heart of gold, a strong romantic streak and who aren't afraid of strong women. The sex scenes in this book are UBER-hot and sweetly romantic at the same time. Sometimes you need a sexy, light and super-romantic book in between some of the darker, heavier reads, and Forked fits the bill perfectly. Put Nick and Coco on your reading menu, you won't be disappointed! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review)
[ 101, 1018, 10424, 14573, 2100, 1998, 12090, 3340, 999, 999, 3866, 2023, 25430, 7828, 2100, 1010, 2200, 6298, 2466, 999, 999, 1045, 7078, 2293, 13286, 22545, 1005, 1055, 2413, 2098, 2186, 999, 1996, 18869, 2015, 2024, 2844, 1010, 25591, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2200, 2128, 20051, 3085, 1012, 25033, 2003, 6908, 2362, 2007, 2014, 4654, 1010, 4172, 1010, 1037, 2092, 1011, 2124, 10026, 2040, 3631, 2014, 2540, 2086, 2077, 1012, 2016, 2038, 2196, 2428, 5407, 2058, 2032, 1998, 2009, 3849, 2008, 2130, 2295, 2002, 3631, 2039, 2007, 2014, 1010, 2002, 3475, 1005, 1056, 2058, 2014, 1010, 2593, 1012, 13286, 2413, 7009, 7916, 7348, 2040, 2031, 1037, 2540, 1997, 2751, 1010, 1037, 2844, 6298, 9039, 1998, 2040, 4995, 1005, 1056, 4452, 1997, 2844, 2308, 1012, 1996, 3348, 5019, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2024, 19169, 1011, 2980, 1998, 22557, 6298, 2012, 1996, 2168, 2051, 1012, 2823, 2017, 2342, 1037, 7916, 1010, 2422, 1998, 3565, 1011, 6298, 2338, 1999, 2090, 2070, 1997, 1996, 9904, 1010, 11907, 9631, 1010, 1998, 9292, 2098, 16142, 1996, 3021, 6669, 1012, 2404, 4172, 1998, 25033, 2006, 2115, 3752, 12183, 1010, 2017, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2022, 9364, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1007, 102 ]
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My Hunger is book number 3.2 in the INSIDE OUT Series by Lisa Renee Jones. (This is a novella that should be read as part of the fantastic Inside Out series and is not a stand alone.) We absolutely LOVE this incredibly original series and it remains one of our favorite series - it's original, thrilling, sexy and very addictive. A must-read. As for My Hunger, we see Mark dealing with the traumatic events surrounding Rebecca's disappearance as well as his mother's illness. He is still deeply affected by Rebecca but is now drawn to Crystal Smith, one of his top employees. I have always loved Mark and his controlling ways. He is attempting to become Master to Crystal but she is very different from his other submissives. Will he be able to fight their overwhelming attraction? I loved their banter and sexual tension and Lisa Renee Jones is such a talented writer that she only makes me want more from Mark's POV. He is one of my favorite characters from the series. This is a fairly quick, very sexy read, and I highly recommend it. Enjoy! * ARC provided by the author for an honest review *
[ 101, 2026, 9012, 2003, 2338, 2193, 1017, 1012, 1016, 1999, 1996, 2503, 2041, 2186, 2011, 7059, 17400, 3557, 1012, 1006, 2023, 2003, 1037, 20674, 2008, 2323, 2022, 3191, 2004, 2112, 1997, 1996, 10392, 2503, 2041, 2186, 1998, 2003, 2025, 1037, 3233, 2894, 1012, 1007, 2057, 7078, 2293, 2023, 11757, 2434, 2186, 1998, 2009, 3464, 2028, 1997, 2256, 5440, 2186, 1011, 2009, 1005, 1055, 2434, 1010, 26162, 1010, 7916, 1998, 2200, 26855, 3512, 1012, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 1012, 2004, 2005, 2026, 9012, 1010, 2057, 2156, 2928, 7149, 2007, 1996, 19686, 2824, 4193, 9423, 1005, 1055, 13406, 2004, 2092, 2004, 2010, 2388, 1005, 1055, 7355, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2145, 6171, 5360, 2011, 9423, 2021, 2003, 2085, 4567, 2000, 6121, 3044, 1010, 2028, 1997, 2010, 2327, 5126, 1012, 1045, 2031, 2467, 3866, 2928, 1998, 2010, 9756, 3971, 1012, 2002, 2003, 7161, 2000, 2468, 3040, 2000, 6121, 2021, 2016, 2003, 2200, 2367, 2013, 2010, 2060, 4942, 27876, 2015, 1012, 2097, 2002, 2022, 2583, 2000, 2954, 2037, 10827, 8432, 1029, 1045, 3866, 2037, 7221, 3334, 1998, 4424, 6980, 1998, 7059, 17400, 3557, 2003, 2107, 1037, 10904, 3213, 2008, 2016, 2069, 3084, 2033, 2215, 2062, 2013, 2928, 1005, 1055, 13433, 2615, 1012, 2002, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 3494, 2013, 1996, 2186, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 7199, 4248, 1010, 2200, 7916, 3191, 1010, 1998, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2009, 1012, 5959, 999, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1008, 102 ]
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5++++ stars!!! Once in a while, a book comes along that absolutely throws you for a loop and knocks your socks off and I'm happy to say LOCK & KEY is one of those books. A story about a 42-year-old heroine who has sacrificed her whole life to the One-Eyed Jacks MC, LOCK & KEY is hot, sexy, thrilling, perfectly written and filled with characters that I won't soon forget. Grace and Lock meet right at the beginning of the story and sparks fly. They are both damaged and not looking to connect with another human being on any kind of meaningful level. They spend an incredibly HOT night together ((hello, ice cube scene!!), thinking they'll never see each other again, but boy, are they dead wrong. I fell in love with Lock, he is one bad-ass biker but he knows a good thing is right in front of him. The problem is, will he realize what a treasure Grace is before she slips away? "I had my dream on my hands and in my mouth, and I never fucking realized." This story is perfectly told in both a combination of flashbacks and alternating POVs. The book unfolds like a flower petal, layer by layer peeled away until the reader is left incredibly satisfied at the end. This is a long and meaty book, filled with plenty of drama and scorching hot sex scenes, but I literally could not put it down until the very end. Ms. Porter has created a world of memorable characters, Alpha bikers, strong and feisty women and a solid story that will stay with me for a long time to come. I highlighted half the book but instead I am "borrowing" the author's teasers. This is an original and very creative story so I don't want to give any of the plot away. Add Lock & Key to your TBR list immediately! This is a must-read book for all fans of strong writing, characters with backbone and beautiful stories about the importance of family and second-chance love. Ms. Porter deserves a place among Joanna Wylde, Madeline Sheehan and dare I say Ms. Kristen Ashley with her absolutely incredible debut MC romance book. Go meet Grace and Lock. I know you will be as captivated as I was. (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1019, 1009, 1009, 1009, 1009, 3340, 999, 999, 999, 2320, 1999, 1037, 2096, 1010, 1037, 2338, 3310, 2247, 2008, 7078, 11618, 2017, 2005, 1037, 7077, 1998, 21145, 2115, 14829, 2125, 1998, 1045, 1005, 1049, 3407, 2000, 2360, 5843, 1004, 3145, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2216, 2808, 1012, 1037, 2466, 2055, 1037, 4413, 1011, 2095, 1011, 2214, 18869, 2040, 2038, 20268, 2014, 2878, 2166, 2000, 1996, 2028, 1011, 7168, 2990, 2015, 11338, 1010, 5843, 1004, 3145, 2003, 2980, 1010, 7916, 1010, 26162, 1010, 6669, 2517, 1998, 3561, 2007, 3494, 2008, 1045, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 1012, 4519, 1998, 5843, 3113, 2157, 2012, 1996, 2927, 1997, 1996, 2466, 1998, 12300, 4875, 1012, 2027, 2024, 2119, 5591, 1998, 2025, 2559, 2000, 7532, 2007, 2178, 2529, 2108, 2006, 2151, 2785, 1997, 15902, 2504, 1012, 2027, 5247, 2019, 11757, 2980, 2305, 2362, 1006, 1006, 7592, 1010, 3256, 14291, 3496, 999, 999, 1007, 1010, 3241, 2027, 1005, 2222, 2196, 2156, 2169, 2060, 2153, 1010, 2021, 2879, 1010, 2024, 2027, 2757, 3308, 1012, 1045, 3062, 1999, 2293, 2007, 5843, 1010, 2002, 2003, 2028, 2919, 1011, 4632, 28988, 2021, 2002, 4282, 1037, 2204, 2518, 2003, 2157, 1999, 2392, 1997, 2032, 1012, 1996, 3291, 2003, 1010, 2097, 2002, 5382, 2054, 1037, 8813, 4519, 2003, 2077, 2016, 17433, 2185, 1029, 1000, 1045, 2018, 2026, 3959, 2006, 2026, 2398, 1998, 1999, 2026, 2677, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2196, 8239, 3651, 1012, 1000, 2023, 2466, 2003, 6669, 2409, 1999, 2119, 1037, 5257, 1997, 28945, 1998, 15122, 13433, 15088, 1012, 1996, 2338, 4895, 10371, 2015, 2066, 1037, 6546, 9004, 2389, 1010, 6741, 2011, 6741, 20956, 2185, 2127, 1996, 8068, 2003, 2187, 11757, 8510, 2012, 1996, 2203, 1012, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2146, 1998, 6240, 2100, 2338, 1010, 3561, 2007, 7564, 1997, 3689, 1998, 8040, 2953, 8450, 2980, 3348, 5019, 1010, 2021, 1045, 6719, 2071, 2025, 2404, 2009, 2091, 2127, 1996, 2200, 2203, 1012, 5796, 1012, 8716, 2038, 2580, 1037, 2088, 1997, 13432, 3494, 1010, 6541, 28988, 2015, 1010, 2844, 1998, 24664, 21756, 2308, 1998, 1037, 5024, 2466, 2008, 2097, 2994, 2007, 2033, 2005, 1037, 2146, 2051, 2000, 2272, 1012, 1045, 11548, 2431, 1996, 2338, 2021, 2612, 1045, 2572, 1000, 23733, 1000, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 27071, 2015, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2019, 2434, 1998, 2200, 5541, 2466, 2061, 1045, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 2507, 2151, 1997, 1996, 5436, 2185, 1012, 5587, 5843, 1004, 3145, 2000, 2115, 26419, 2099, 2862, 3202, 999, 2023, 2003, 1037, 2442, 1011, 3191, 2338, 2005, 2035, 4599, 1997, 2844, 3015, 1010, 3494, 2007, 21505, 1998, 3376, 3441, 2055, 1996, 5197, 1997, 2155, 1998, 2117, 1011, 3382, 2293, 1012, 5796, 1012, 8716, 17210, 1037, 2173, 2426, 15730, 1059, 8516, 3207, 1010, 16974, 2016, 24660, 1998, 8108, 1045, 2360, 5796, 1012, 22435, 9321, 2007, 2014, 7078, 9788, 2834, 11338, 7472, 2338, 1012, 2175, 3113, 4519, 1998, 5843, 1012, 1045, 2113, 2017, 2097, 2022, 2004, 14408, 21967, 2004, 1045, 2001, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4 beautiful stars!! "Why the war paint, Pix?" "Because I can't stand the girl underneath," she whispered "Why the tattoos?" Lexi asked "Because I can't bear seeing the scars of my past." Tillie Cole is a very gifted writer and this story is fascinating, heartbreaking, beautiful, funny, tender and wonderfully written. This is not exactly your typical jock-meets-Goth-girl story, it is much richer and more nuanced than that, and I really recommend you give this book a try. You do not need to have read the other books in the series (I did not but I plan to read them now) to follow Lexi and Austin's story. Austin is the star player on the University of Alabama's football team, and Lexi is part of the cheerleading squad. But he is also a tattooed, former gang member struggling to break free from his past. She, too, has her own painful struggles that are handled with incredible sensitivity and care by Tillie Cole. There were many times during this book that I was afraid something terrible would happen to Austin or Lexi, and I read the story with my heart pounding. Austin is a beautiful boy inside and out and showed great compassion and caring for others, all hidden beneath his tattooed, tough-guy exterior. Lexi struggles to keep it together, even as all others see is an offbeat but talented cheerleader on a very tough college squad. Sweet Fall is very much about not judging a book by its cover and not expecting others to conform to your idea of of "perfect". Acceptance, of both yourself and of others, is the message I took from this story and I applaud the author for writing about a very difficult and painful subject. I highly recommend Sweet Fall and I can guarantee you will fall in love with Austin Carillo! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 3376, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 2339, 1996, 2162, 6773, 1010, 14255, 2595, 1029, 1000, 1000, 2138, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3233, 1996, 2611, 7650, 1010, 1000, 2016, 3990, 1000, 2339, 1996, 18395, 1029, 1000, 16105, 2356, 1000, 2138, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 4562, 3773, 1996, 13521, 1997, 2026, 2627, 1012, 1000, 6229, 2666, 5624, 2003, 1037, 2200, 12785, 3213, 1998, 2023, 2466, 2003, 17160, 1010, 27724, 2075, 1010, 3376, 1010, 6057, 1010, 8616, 1998, 6919, 2135, 2517, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2025, 3599, 2115, 5171, 23407, 1011, 6010, 1011, 25976, 1011, 2611, 2466, 1010, 2009, 2003, 2172, 26108, 1998, 2062, 16371, 6651, 2094, 2084, 2008, 1010, 1998, 1045, 2428, 16755, 2017, 2507, 2023, 2338, 1037, 3046, 1012, 2017, 2079, 2025, 2342, 2000, 2031, 3191, 1996, 2060, 2808, 1999, 1996, 2186, 1006, 1045, 2106, 2025, 2021, 1045, 2933, 2000, 3191, 2068, 2085, 1007, 2000, 3582, 16105, 1998, 5899, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1012, 5899, 2003, 1996, 2732, 2447, 2006, 1996, 2118, 1997, 6041, 1005, 1055, 2374, 2136, 1010, 1998, 16105, 2003, 2112, 1997, 1996, 25721, 4686, 1012, 2021, 2002, 2003, 2036, 1037, 26464, 1010, 2280, 6080, 2266, 8084, 2000, 3338, 2489, 2013, 2010, 2627, 1012, 2016, 1010, 2205, 1010, 2038, 2014, 2219, 9145, 11785, 2008, 2024, 8971, 2007, 9788, 14639, 1998, 2729, 2011, 6229, 2666, 5624, 1012, 2045, 2020, 2116, 2335, 2076, 2023, 2338, 2008, 1045, 2001, 4452, 2242, 6659, 2052, 4148, 2000, 5899, 2030, 16105, 1010, 1998, 1045, 3191, 1996, 2466, 2007, 2026, 2540, 9836, 1012, 5899, 2003, 1037, 3376, 2879, 2503, 1998, 2041, 1998, 3662, 2307, 15398, 1998, 11922, 2005, 2500, 1010, 2035, 5023, 4218, 2010, 26464, 1010, 7823, 1011, 3124, 8829, 1012, 16105, 11785, 2000, 2562, 2009, 2362, 1010, 2130, 2004, 2035, 2500, 2156, 2003, 2019, 2125, 19442, 2021, 10904, 15138, 19000, 2006, 1037, 2200, 7823, 2267, 4686, 1012, 4086, 2991, 2003, 2200, 2172, 2055, 2025, 13325, 1037, 2338, 2011, 2049, 3104, 1998, 2025, 8074, 2500, 2000, 23758, 2000, 2115, 2801, 1997, 1997, 1000, 3819, 1000, 1012, 9920, 1010, 1997, 2119, 4426, 1998, 1997, 2500, 1010, 2003, 1996, 4471, 1045, 2165, 2013, 2023, 2466, 1998, 1045, 10439, 17298, 2094, 1996, 3166, 2005, 3015, 2055, 1037, 2200, 3697, 1998, 9145, 3395, 1012, 1045, 3811, 16755, 4086, 2991, 1998, 1045, 2064, 11302, 2017, 2097, 2991, 1999, 2293, 2007, 5899, 2482, 10486, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Vanquish was not at all what I expected and is a painfully beautiful story of the redemptive power of love and devotion. Yes, I LOVE Van, and for those of you who have read Deliver, you know that he is twisted, really f*ed up and obsessively, possessively in love with Liv. He seemed BAD through and through but I knew better! I couldn't wait to read his story because I knew there was much more to him. Vanquish totally blew me away. It is really a story of two painfully lonely people who really only want to connect with another human being on the most basic of levels. But this being a Pam Godwin story, well, you get two very effed up people, tons of mind-blowing sex, and lots of danger thrown into the mix. Pam Godwin's writing is pure perfection. There is no insta-connection, the emotions are real and the sexual chemistry is explosive. This book has it all. And Amber broke my heart. I am a huge Pam Godwin fan and I will devour every book she writes. Vanquish is raw, gritty, beautiful, suspenseful, sexy and painful. What more could you possibly ask for?
[ 101, 3158, 15549, 4095, 2001, 2025, 2012, 2035, 2054, 1045, 3517, 1998, 2003, 1037, 16267, 3376, 2466, 1997, 1996, 2417, 6633, 24971, 2373, 1997, 2293, 1998, 13347, 1012, 2748, 1010, 1045, 2293, 3158, 1010, 1998, 2005, 2216, 1997, 2017, 2040, 2031, 3191, 8116, 1010, 2017, 2113, 2008, 2002, 2003, 6389, 1010, 2428, 1042, 1008, 3968, 2039, 1998, 27885, 8583, 12742, 2135, 1010, 22105, 2135, 1999, 2293, 2007, 22135, 1012, 2002, 2790, 2919, 2083, 1998, 2083, 2021, 1045, 2354, 2488, 999, 1045, 2481, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2010, 2466, 2138, 1045, 2354, 2045, 2001, 2172, 2062, 2000, 2032, 1012, 3158, 15549, 4095, 6135, 8682, 2033, 2185, 1012, 2009, 2003, 2428, 1037, 2466, 1997, 2048, 16267, 9479, 2111, 2040, 2428, 2069, 2215, 2000, 7532, 2007, 2178, 2529, 2108, 2006, 1996, 2087, 3937, 1997, 3798, 1012, 2021, 2023, 2108, 1037, 14089, 2643, 10105, 2466, 1010, 2092, 1010, 2017, 2131, 2048, 2200, 1041, 15388, 2039, 2111, 1010, 6197, 1997, 2568, 1011, 11221, 3348, 1010, 1998, 7167, 1997, 5473, 6908, 2046, 1996, 4666, 1012, 14089, 2643, 10105, 1005, 1055, 3015, 2003, 5760, 15401, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 16021, 2696, 1011, 4434, 1010, 1996, 6699, 2024, 2613, 1998, 1996, 4424, 6370, 2003, 11355, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2038, 2009, 2035, 1012, 1998, 8994, 3631, 2026, 2540, 1012, 1045, 2572, 1037, 4121, 14089, 2643, 10105, 5470, 1998, 1045, 2097, 16475, 8162, 2296, 2338, 2016, 7009, 1012, 3158, 15549, 4095, 2003, 6315, 1010, 24842, 3723, 1010, 3376, 1010, 23873, 3993, 1010, 7916, 1998, 9145, 1012, 2054, 2062, 2071, 2017, 4298, 3198, 2005, 1029, 102 ]
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What an adult, sexy and witty story! Alice Clayton writes very realistic and humorous banter between Simon and Caroline and I laughed out loud through many parts of this book. An added plus is the incredible chemistry between these two and the sexy times are absolutely hot and very satisfying! This story is about real-life, Simon and Caroline have real-world professions and work hard just like lots of outer couples to make their passionate relationship work. Jobs, friends, family, and yes, even all-seeing Clive all intervene into their blissful existence. I loved the way Simon and Caroline's relationship grows in this book. They learn more about each other and their witty banter is funny and realistic. Caroline has to make some tough decisions this book but all is done with good grace and humor. There is no over-the-top drama or contrived situations. But Simon is absolutely still gorgeous, sexy, romantic and swoon-wrothy and can still sweep Caroline off her feet. I also loved all of the supporting characters, and Simon and Caroline's friends play a major role in Rusty Nailed. I can't wait to read more about them in upcoming books in this series. Rusty Nailed is everything you expect from Alice Clayton: intelligent, witty dialogue; steamy chemistry; and true love and caring not only between Simon and Caroline, but between all of their friends. I can't wait for Screwdrivered! (ARC provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 2054, 2019, 4639, 1010, 7916, 1998, 25591, 2466, 999, 5650, 11811, 7009, 2200, 12689, 1998, 14742, 7221, 3334, 2090, 4079, 1998, 7981, 1998, 1045, 4191, 2041, 5189, 2083, 2116, 3033, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2019, 2794, 4606, 2003, 1996, 9788, 6370, 2090, 2122, 2048, 1998, 1996, 7916, 2335, 2024, 7078, 2980, 1998, 2200, 17087, 999, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2055, 2613, 1011, 2166, 1010, 4079, 1998, 7981, 2031, 2613, 1011, 2088, 22797, 1998, 2147, 2524, 2074, 2066, 7167, 1997, 6058, 6062, 2000, 2191, 2037, 13459, 3276, 2147, 1012, 5841, 1010, 2814, 1010, 2155, 1010, 1998, 2748, 1010, 2130, 2035, 1011, 3773, 14675, 2035, 18793, 2046, 2037, 13670, 3993, 4598, 1012, 1045, 3866, 1996, 2126, 4079, 1998, 7981, 1005, 1055, 3276, 7502, 1999, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2027, 4553, 2062, 2055, 2169, 2060, 1998, 2037, 25591, 7221, 3334, 2003, 6057, 1998, 12689, 1012, 7981, 2038, 2000, 2191, 2070, 7823, 6567, 2023, 2338, 2021, 2035, 2003, 2589, 2007, 2204, 4519, 1998, 8562, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2053, 2058, 1011, 1996, 1011, 2327, 3689, 2030, 9530, 18886, 7178, 8146, 1012, 2021, 4079, 2003, 7078, 2145, 9882, 1010, 7916, 1010, 6298, 1998, 25430, 7828, 1011, 23277, 14573, 2100, 1998, 2064, 2145, 11740, 7981, 2125, 2014, 2519, 1012, 1045, 2036, 3866, 2035, 1997, 1996, 4637, 3494, 1010, 1998, 4079, 1998, 7981, 1005, 1055, 2814, 2377, 1037, 2350, 2535, 1999, 13174, 26304, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2055, 2068, 1999, 9046, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 13174, 26304, 2003, 2673, 2017, 5987, 2013, 5650, 11811, 1024, 9414, 1010, 25591, 7982, 1025, 5492, 2100, 6370, 1025, 1998, 2995, 2293, 1998, 11922, 2025, 2069, 2090, 4079, 1998, 7981, 1010, 2021, 2090, 2035, 1997, 2037, 2814, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 11224, 23663, 5596, 999, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 6674, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Vi Keeland is a favorite author of mine and I was excited to read her young adult romance written with Dylan Scott. Both sweet and sexy at the same time, Left Behind is a wonderful story of loss, strength, emotion and first love. The story is very engaging and the characters are very real. Nikki and Zack's story totally drew me in, and once I started, I read this book in one sitting. Told in alternating POV's, which actually become one story, Left Behind tells the story of Nikki, who relocates to California after the death of her mother. Having lived a very lonely and sad life, she is apprehensive about starting over. But Nikki is very strong because she had to grow up at an early age. She doesn't want anyone's pity and just wants to be a normal teenager. To her eyes, Zack lives an almost-perfect life, with a stable family and seemingly happy home life. But Zack has faced a terrible tragedy and is dealing with it in his own way. Angry and guilt-stricken, he is confused over his feelings for Nikki. There is a twist to this story that wasn't really a surprise, but I was literally holding my breath through most of this book, hoping against hope that nothing would come between Nikki and Zack! The authors really hit a home run with Zack. He took my breath away! Zack is one incredibly sweet, romantic and sexy guy. I loved Zack and Nikki together. I also love how this book dealt with some very adult subjects in a very sensitive way. This book contained just the right mix of sexy romance and emotion. Combined with the inventive story, it is great young adult book. (*ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.)
[ 101, 6819, 19602, 5685, 2003, 1037, 5440, 3166, 1997, 3067, 1998, 1045, 2001, 7568, 2000, 3191, 2014, 2402, 4639, 7472, 2517, 2007, 7758, 3660, 1012, 2119, 4086, 1998, 7916, 2012, 1996, 2168, 2051, 1010, 2187, 2369, 2003, 1037, 6919, 2466, 1997, 3279, 1010, 3997, 1010, 7603, 1998, 2034, 2293, 1012, 1996, 2466, 2003, 2200, 11973, 1998, 1996, 3494, 2024, 2200, 2613, 1012, 14470, 1998, 13658, 1005, 1055, 2466, 6135, 3881, 2033, 1999, 1010, 1998, 2320, 1045, 2318, 1010, 1045, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1012, 2409, 1999, 15122, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1010, 2029, 2941, 2468, 2028, 2466, 1010, 2187, 2369, 4136, 1996, 2466, 1997, 14470, 1010, 2040, 20102, 2015, 2000, 2662, 2044, 1996, 2331, 1997, 2014, 2388, 1012, 2383, 2973, 1037, 2200, 9479, 1998, 6517, 2166, 1010, 2016, 2003, 10439, 2890, 10222, 12742, 2055, 3225, 2058, 1012, 2021, 14470, 2003, 2200, 2844, 2138, 2016, 2018, 2000, 4982, 2039, 2012, 2019, 2220, 2287, 1012, 2016, 2987, 1005, 1056, 2215, 3087, 1005, 1055, 12063, 1998, 2074, 4122, 2000, 2022, 1037, 3671, 10563, 1012, 2000, 2014, 2159, 1010, 13658, 3268, 2019, 2471, 1011, 3819, 2166, 1010, 2007, 1037, 6540, 2155, 1998, 9428, 3407, 2188, 2166, 1012, 2021, 13658, 2038, 4320, 1037, 6659, 10576, 1998, 2003, 7149, 2007, 2009, 1999, 2010, 2219, 2126, 1012, 4854, 1998, 8056, 1011, 16654, 1010, 2002, 2003, 5457, 2058, 2010, 5346, 2005, 14470, 1012, 2045, 2003, 1037, 9792, 2000, 2023, 2466, 2008, 2347, 1005, 1056, 2428, 1037, 4474, 1010, 2021, 1045, 2001, 6719, 3173, 2026, 3052, 2083, 2087, 1997, 2023, 2338, 1010, 5327, 2114, 3246, 2008, 2498, 2052, 2272, 2090, 14470, 1998, 13658, 999, 1996, 6048, 2428, 2718, 1037, 2188, 2448, 2007, 13658, 1012, 2002, 2165, 2026, 3052, 2185, 999, 13658, 2003, 2028, 11757, 4086, 1010, 6298, 1998, 7916, 3124, 1012, 1045, 3866, 13658, 1998, 14470, 2362, 1012, 1045, 2036, 2293, 2129, 2023, 2338, 9411, 2007, 2070, 2200, 4639, 5739, 1999, 1037, 2200, 7591, 2126, 1012, 2023, 2338, 4838, 2074, 1996, 2157, 4666, 1997, 7916, 7472, 1998, 7603, 1012, 4117, 2007, 1996, 1999, 15338, 3512, 2466, 1010, 2009, 2003, 2307, 2402, 4639, 2338, 1012, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 3863, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Each relationship was its own mess full of faults and flaws, fighting every damn day to be worthy. What a perfectly dark ending to one of my favorite dark romance series! I read for escape and Monsters in the Dark offers just that. Pepper Winters has created a dark, sexy and highly erotic series with two unforgettable characters. Tess and Q are both damaged, flawed and perfectly matched for each other. I adore this series and read this intense story almost in one sitting. Q was born into darkness, but he'd never baptized me in his blackest desires. And because of that, I could implicitly say he spoke the truth. No matter what he did to me, he would never truly harm me. Told in dual POV's, this book is very, very dark and offers some BDSM along with the highly unusual relationship between Tess and Q. Having settled into married life, Q is hiding something from Tess that he fears will break them apart. But Tess is strong, brave and absolutely devoted to Q. She will let nothing and no one come between them! We come alive when we're together with no cages or locks between us. Q is fascinating and irresistible. I love him!! JE SUIS A TOI is a very graphic story but it is truly Pepper Winters at her best. I'm very sad to see this series end but looking forward to what is next from this author! Favorite quote: "I loved her. I adored her. I didn't want to hurt her. Lies. I did want to hurt her. And she wanted me to. That was ultimate freedom."
[ 101, 2169, 3276, 2001, 2049, 2219, 6752, 2440, 1997, 19399, 1998, 21407, 1010, 3554, 2296, 4365, 2154, 2000, 2022, 11007, 1012, 2054, 1037, 6669, 2601, 4566, 2000, 2028, 1997, 2026, 5440, 2601, 7472, 2186, 999, 1045, 3191, 2005, 4019, 1998, 9219, 1999, 1996, 2601, 4107, 2074, 2008, 1012, 11565, 12214, 2038, 2580, 1037, 2601, 1010, 7916, 1998, 3811, 14253, 2186, 2007, 2048, 4895, 29278, 18150, 10880, 3494, 1012, 15540, 1998, 1053, 2024, 2119, 5591, 1010, 25077, 1998, 6669, 10349, 2005, 2169, 2060, 1012, 1045, 4748, 5686, 2023, 2186, 1998, 3191, 2023, 6387, 2466, 2471, 1999, 2028, 3564, 1012, 1053, 2001, 2141, 2046, 4768, 1010, 2021, 2002, 1005, 1040, 2196, 19775, 2033, 1999, 2010, 2304, 4355, 14714, 1012, 1998, 2138, 1997, 2008, 1010, 1045, 2071, 24655, 2135, 2360, 2002, 3764, 1996, 3606, 1012, 2053, 3043, 2054, 2002, 2106, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2002, 2052, 2196, 5621, 7386, 2033, 1012, 2409, 1999, 7037, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1010, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2601, 1998, 4107, 2070, 1038, 5104, 2213, 2247, 2007, 1996, 3811, 5866, 3276, 2090, 15540, 1998, 1053, 1012, 2383, 3876, 2046, 2496, 2166, 1010, 1053, 2003, 6318, 2242, 2013, 15540, 2008, 2002, 10069, 2097, 3338, 2068, 4237, 1012, 2021, 15540, 2003, 2844, 1010, 9191, 1998, 7078, 7422, 2000, 1053, 1012, 2016, 2097, 2292, 2498, 1998, 2053, 2028, 2272, 2090, 2068, 999, 2057, 2272, 4142, 2043, 2057, 1005, 2128, 2362, 2007, 2053, 27157, 2030, 11223, 2090, 2149, 1012, 1053, 2003, 17160, 1998, 27149, 1012, 1045, 2293, 2032, 999, 999, 15333, 24086, 2015, 1037, 2000, 2072, 2003, 1037, 2200, 8425, 2466, 2021, 2009, 2003, 5621, 11565, 12214, 2012, 2014, 2190, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2200, 6517, 2000, 2156, 2023, 2186, 2203, 2021, 2559, 2830, 2000, 2054, 2003, 2279, 2013, 2023, 3166, 999, 5440, 14686, 1024, 1000, 1045, 3866, 2014, 1012, 1045, 28456, 2014, 1012, 1045, 2134, 1005, 1056, 2215, 2000, 3480, 2014, 1012, 3658, 1012, 1045, 2106, 2215, 2000, 3480, 2014, 1012, 1998, 2016, 2359, 2033, 2000, 1012, 2008, 2001, 7209, 4071, 1012, 1000, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! Hot and sweet and funny. This was my first book by Cardeno C. and I absolutely loved it! This story is told in the very clever way of Chase/Charlie looking back over time and telling his story through the format of looking through a photo album of his life. I adored this. The story itself is a beautifully-written mix of humor, pain, steam and sweetness. I can't wait to read more from this author. Charlie/Chase has always been true to himself, which has not been easy for other men in his life. I loved his honesty! Although the book is told from three different POV's, it is really Charlie who is the main character in this story. Scott is his first love and their story is hot, sweet and heartbreaking. Scott moves away abruptly but remains the love of Charlie's life. Years later, Charlie meets Adan and thinks that maybe he could love again. The way these three eventually come together is both surprising and totally hot. The character development is fantastic and the writing, to me, almost flawless. I love reading how these three souls ultimately find a way to create a life that's right for them. If you are in any kind of book slump, read this book. It's a page-turner and completely addictive.
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 2980, 1998, 4086, 1998, 6057, 1012, 2023, 2001, 2026, 2034, 2338, 2011, 4003, 16515, 1039, 1012, 1998, 1045, 7078, 3866, 2009, 999, 2023, 2466, 2003, 2409, 1999, 1996, 2200, 12266, 2126, 1997, 5252, 1013, 4918, 2559, 2067, 2058, 2051, 1998, 4129, 2010, 2466, 2083, 1996, 4289, 1997, 2559, 2083, 1037, 6302, 2201, 1997, 2010, 2166, 1012, 1045, 28456, 2023, 1012, 1996, 2466, 2993, 2003, 1037, 17950, 1011, 2517, 4666, 1997, 8562, 1010, 3255, 1010, 5492, 1998, 23210, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2000, 3191, 2062, 2013, 2023, 3166, 1012, 4918, 1013, 5252, 2038, 2467, 2042, 2995, 2000, 2370, 1010, 2029, 2038, 2025, 2042, 3733, 2005, 2060, 2273, 1999, 2010, 2166, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2010, 16718, 999, 2348, 1996, 2338, 2003, 2409, 2013, 2093, 2367, 13433, 2615, 1005, 1055, 1010, 2009, 2003, 2428, 4918, 2040, 2003, 1996, 2364, 2839, 1999, 2023, 2466, 1012, 3660, 2003, 2010, 2034, 2293, 1998, 2037, 2466, 2003, 2980, 1010, 4086, 1998, 27724, 2075, 1012, 3660, 5829, 2185, 9225, 2021, 3464, 1996, 2293, 1997, 4918, 1005, 1055, 2166, 1012, 2086, 2101, 1010, 4918, 6010, 15262, 2078, 1998, 6732, 2008, 2672, 2002, 2071, 2293, 2153, 1012, 1996, 2126, 2122, 2093, 2776, 2272, 2362, 2003, 2119, 11341, 1998, 6135, 2980, 1012, 1996, 2839, 2458, 2003, 10392, 1998, 1996, 3015, 1010, 2000, 2033, 1010, 2471, 27503, 1012, 1045, 2293, 3752, 2129, 2122, 2093, 9293, 4821, 2424, 1037, 2126, 2000, 3443, 1037, 2166, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2157, 2005, 2068, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2024, 1999, 2151, 2785, 1997, 2338, 28702, 1010, 3191, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2009, 1005, 1055, 1037, 3931, 1011, 6769, 1998, 3294, 26855, 3512, 1012, 102 ]
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"If you kiss like that when you're not into it, I'd love to see how you kiss when you are." LOVE Nix!! I read a lot of biker books so I was totally surprised when I finished Incandescent and loved it! Kadence is a schoolteacher and never expects to fall for the oh-so-hot Nix who is the parent of one of her students. He is a bad-ass biker with a heart of gold, trying his best to parent his son Z with a no-good ex-wife who is always causing problems. Kadence has dealt with a lot of past pain (both physical and emotional) and the last thing she expects is to fall for Nix. But the man is persistent and can't stay away from the sexy teacher. "I haven't been able to get you out of my mind, woman. Your attitude, your body, from the moment I had you on the back of my bike, I knew I was in trouble. You feel it too, Kadence. I know you do. Stop denyin' it." These two have tons of chemistry but there are some obstacles in their way. For one thing, Nix is the parent of Kadence's student, and the school has a no-dating policy between parents and teachers. Add to that one crazy ex-wife, and an even crazier (and more dangerous) ex of Kadence's and you have lots of fast-paced drama and totally HOT sexy times. This book takes dirty-talking to a new level, and River Savage has quite the talent at writing absolutely SIZZLING sex scenes! This is a fast-paced, hot biker romance with a lot of heart. I loved Kadence and Nix and adored how Nix got Kadence to open up to him. "I want this man. Want everything he was doing to me, and then more." River Savage is an incredibly talented writer and I look forward to reading the next books in this series! (*ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1000, 2065, 2017, 3610, 2066, 2008, 2043, 2017, 1005, 2128, 2025, 2046, 2009, 1010, 1045, 1005, 1040, 2293, 2000, 2156, 2129, 2017, 3610, 2043, 2017, 2024, 1012, 1000, 2293, 23330, 999, 999, 1045, 3191, 1037, 2843, 1997, 28988, 2808, 2061, 1045, 2001, 6135, 4527, 2043, 1045, 2736, 27523, 13629, 27654, 1998, 3866, 2009, 999, 26159, 5897, 2003, 1037, 2082, 24741, 1998, 2196, 24273, 2000, 2991, 2005, 1996, 2821, 1011, 2061, 1011, 2980, 23330, 2040, 2003, 1996, 6687, 1997, 2028, 1997, 2014, 2493, 1012, 2002, 2003, 1037, 2919, 1011, 4632, 28988, 2007, 1037, 2540, 1997, 2751, 1010, 2667, 2010, 2190, 2000, 6687, 2010, 2365, 1062, 2007, 1037, 2053, 1011, 2204, 4654, 1011, 2564, 2040, 2003, 2467, 4786, 3471, 1012, 26159, 5897, 2038, 9411, 2007, 1037, 2843, 1997, 2627, 3255, 1006, 2119, 3558, 1998, 6832, 1007, 1998, 1996, 2197, 2518, 2016, 24273, 2003, 2000, 2991, 2005, 23330, 1012, 2021, 1996, 2158, 2003, 14516, 1998, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2994, 2185, 2013, 1996, 7916, 3836, 1012, 1000, 1045, 4033, 1005, 1056, 2042, 2583, 2000, 2131, 2017, 2041, 1997, 2026, 2568, 1010, 2450, 1012, 2115, 7729, 1010, 2115, 2303, 1010, 2013, 1996, 2617, 1045, 2018, 2017, 2006, 1996, 2067, 1997, 2026, 7997, 1010, 1045, 2354, 1045, 2001, 1999, 4390, 1012, 2017, 2514, 2009, 2205, 1010, 26159, 5897, 1012, 1045, 2113, 2017, 2079, 1012, 2644, 9772, 2378, 1005, 2009, 1012, 1000, 2122, 2048, 2031, 6197, 1997, 6370, 2021, 2045, 2024, 2070, 15314, 1999, 2037, 2126, 1012, 2005, 2028, 2518, 1010, 23330, 2003, 1996, 6687, 1997, 26159, 5897, 1005, 1055, 3076, 1010, 1998, 1996, 2082, 2038, 1037, 2053, 1011, 5306, 3343, 2090, 3008, 1998, 5089, 1012, 5587, 2000, 2008, 2028, 4689, 4654, 1011, 2564, 1010, 1998, 2019, 2130, 13675, 16103, 2121, 1006, 1998, 2062, 4795, 1007, 4654, 1997, 26159, 5897, 1005, 1055, 1998, 2017, 2031, 7167, 1997, 3435, 1011, 13823, 3689, 1998, 6135, 2980, 7916, 2335, 1012, 2023, 2338, 3138, 6530, 1011, 3331, 2000, 1037, 2047, 2504, 1010, 1998, 2314, 9576, 2038, 3243, 1996, 5848, 2012, 3015, 7078, 9033, 20838, 3348, 5019, 999, 2023, 2003, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 2980, 28988, 7472, 2007, 1037, 2843, 1997, 2540, 1012, 1045, 3866, 26159, 5897, 1998, 23330, 1998, 28456, 2129, 23330, 2288, 26159, 5897, 2000, 2330, 2039, 2000, 2032, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2215, 2023, 2158, 1012, 2215, 2673, 2002, 2001, 2725, 2000, 2033, 1010, 1998, 2059, 2062, 1012, 1000, 2314, 9576, 2003, 2019, 11757, 10904, 3213, 1998, 1045, 2298, 2830, 2000, 3752, 1996, 2279, 2808, 1999, 2023, 2186, 999, 1006, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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4.5 stars!! "Come in. Sit anywhere but on the bed. Don't look cute, don't get undressed, and don't touch my underwear." I really loved the latest book in the Wild Seasons series! It is very, very funny, had really hot scenes and a wonderful storyline. Harlow is a funny, smart-ass, modern and smart heroine. Finn is another nuanced, sexy and loving leading man created by this fabulous writing duo. This is not a cliched contemporary romance story but instead has some very serious themes woven into the story. Harlow and Finn have lots of miscommunications throughout the story but their scenes together are fantastic and their chemistry feels real and genuine and never forced. I truly thought that the authors could not top the first book in this series but Harlow and Finn are every bit as addictive as the characters from Sweet Filthy Boy. These two are at opposite ends of the spectrum personality-wise but their banter and sexy times are hilarious and very, very hot. Don't miss this book. It is a wonderful, passionate and very funny read with lots and lots of heart. Can't wait for the next book in this series, Dark Wild Night, which will give us Lola and Oliver's story and is scheduled for release in 2015! (Thanks to the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 1018, 1012, 1019, 3340, 999, 999, 1000, 2272, 1999, 1012, 4133, 5973, 2021, 2006, 1996, 2793, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2298, 10140, 1010, 2123, 1005, 1056, 2131, 6151, 16119, 1010, 1998, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3543, 2026, 14236, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2428, 3866, 1996, 6745, 2338, 1999, 1996, 3748, 3692, 2186, 999, 2009, 2003, 2200, 1010, 2200, 6057, 1010, 2018, 2428, 2980, 5019, 1998, 1037, 6919, 9994, 1012, 22545, 2003, 1037, 6057, 1010, 6047, 1011, 4632, 1010, 2715, 1998, 6047, 18869, 1012, 9303, 2003, 2178, 16371, 6651, 2094, 1010, 7916, 1998, 8295, 2877, 2158, 2580, 2011, 2023, 18783, 3015, 6829, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2025, 1037, 18856, 17322, 2094, 3824, 7472, 2466, 2021, 2612, 2038, 2070, 2200, 3809, 6991, 17374, 2046, 1996, 2466, 1012, 22545, 1998, 9303, 2031, 7167, 1997, 28616, 9006, 23041, 21261, 2015, 2802, 1996, 2466, 2021, 2037, 5019, 2362, 2024, 10392, 1998, 2037, 6370, 5683, 2613, 1998, 10218, 1998, 2196, 3140, 1012, 1045, 5621, 2245, 2008, 1996, 6048, 2071, 2025, 2327, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 2021, 22545, 1998, 9303, 2024, 2296, 2978, 2004, 26855, 3512, 2004, 1996, 3494, 2013, 4086, 18294, 2879, 1012, 2122, 2048, 2024, 2012, 4500, 4515, 1997, 1996, 8674, 6180, 1011, 7968, 2021, 2037, 7221, 3334, 1998, 7916, 2335, 2024, 26316, 1998, 2200, 1010, 2200, 2980, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2009, 2003, 1037, 6919, 1010, 13459, 1998, 2200, 6057, 3191, 2007, 7167, 1998, 7167, 1997, 2540, 1012, 2064, 1005, 1056, 3524, 2005, 1996, 2279, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1010, 2601, 3748, 2305, 1010, 2029, 2097, 2507, 2149, 15137, 1998, 6291, 1005, 1055, 2466, 1998, 2003, 5115, 2005, 2713, 1999, 2325, 999, 1006, 4283, 2000, 1996, 6674, 2005, 2019, 8115, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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Deviant, dark and delicious!! I need more Fiona and Deacon as soon as possible. Full review to follow.
[ 101, 14386, 4630, 1010, 2601, 1998, 12090, 999, 999, 1045, 2342, 2062, 13073, 1998, 14845, 2004, 2574, 2004, 2825, 1012, 2440, 3319, 2000, 3582, 1012, 102 ]
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OMG!!! Expect even MORE surprises and twists from E.K. Blair!!! Never in a million years did I see these developments coming. A tense thriller but with the deep, unbreakable love between Declan and Elizabeth at the center of the story. "I never gave up on life because of him I kept going because of him" Hush is the last installment in the very dark story of characters that I will not soon forget. If you have waited until all the books are out in this series, well, wait no more! I highly recommend this highly imaginative and incredibly twisted series. All of the hype surrounding these books is very well-deserved, in my opinion. Nina/Elizabeth, Declan, Bennett, Pike...I grew to care deeply about each and every one. I will never forget this conclusion to this series. While I am saddended that this is the end of the series, I cannot wait to see what E.K. Blair dreams up next. If you have read the first two books, you know that Elizabeth has lived through unimaginable suffering. BANG, the first book in this series, is one of my top favorite books ever. The emotions, the thrills and the incredible darkness in that book left me reeling. The characters have come full circle here, and although the author certainly stays true to the dark nature of the series, the ending was perfect for these characters. "We are monsters and lovers, animals and killers, but nothing can extinguish what we have when we're together." As I was coming to the ending of HUSH, I thought, "Where is the author going with this? There are only a few more pages left! GAH!!" E.K. Blair never takes the easy way out and she remained fiercely honest to each of her characters in this series. Sympathies will be challenged and emotions will be tested in HUSH. I am being vague because there is an incredibly risky and very surprising conclusion to this series and it must be experienced first-hand while reading, without knowing any spoilers. Don't skip to the end!! It has been days since I finished this book and these characters are still filling my head and my heart. Don't miss HUSH and don't miss the BLACK LOTUS Series. You won't soon forget these stories. "The ugliest parts of you are your darkest. And trust me when I tell you that I want to love all of your darkest parts." (ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review.)
[ 101, 18168, 2290, 999, 999, 999, 5987, 2130, 2062, 20096, 1998, 21438, 2013, 1041, 1012, 1047, 1012, 10503, 999, 999, 999, 2196, 1999, 1037, 2454, 2086, 2106, 1045, 2156, 2122, 8973, 2746, 1012, 1037, 9049, 10874, 2021, 2007, 1996, 2784, 1010, 4895, 23890, 3085, 2293, 2090, 16494, 1998, 3870, 2012, 1996, 2415, 1997, 1996, 2466, 1012, 1000, 1045, 2196, 2435, 2039, 2006, 2166, 2138, 1997, 2032, 1045, 2921, 2183, 2138, 1997, 2032, 1000, 20261, 2003, 1996, 2197, 18932, 1999, 1996, 2200, 2601, 2466, 1997, 3494, 2008, 1045, 2097, 2025, 2574, 5293, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2031, 4741, 2127, 2035, 1996, 2808, 2024, 2041, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1010, 2092, 1010, 3524, 2053, 2062, 999, 1045, 3811, 16755, 2023, 3811, 28575, 1998, 11757, 6389, 2186, 1012, 2035, 1997, 1996, 1044, 18863, 4193, 2122, 2808, 2003, 2200, 2092, 1011, 10849, 1010, 1999, 2026, 5448, 1012, 9401, 1013, 3870, 1010, 16494, 1010, 8076, 1010, 12694, 1012, 1012, 1012, 1045, 3473, 2000, 2729, 6171, 2055, 2169, 1998, 2296, 2028, 1012, 1045, 2097, 2196, 5293, 2023, 7091, 2000, 2023, 2186, 1012, 2096, 1045, 2572, 6517, 4181, 5732, 2008, 2023, 2003, 1996, 2203, 1997, 1996, 2186, 1010, 1045, 3685, 3524, 2000, 2156, 2054, 1041, 1012, 1047, 1012, 10503, 5544, 2039, 2279, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2031, 3191, 1996, 2034, 2048, 2808, 1010, 2017, 2113, 2008, 3870, 2038, 2973, 2083, 4895, 9581, 20876, 3468, 6114, 1012, 9748, 1010, 1996, 2034, 2338, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1010, 2003, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2327, 5440, 2808, 2412, 1012, 1996, 6699, 1010, 1996, 16959, 2015, 1998, 1996, 9788, 4768, 1999, 2008, 2338, 2187, 2033, 28515, 1012, 1996, 3494, 2031, 2272, 2440, 4418, 2182, 1010, 1998, 2348, 1996, 3166, 5121, 12237, 2995, 2000, 1996, 2601, 3267, 1997, 1996, 2186, 1010, 1996, 4566, 2001, 3819, 2005, 2122, 3494, 1012, 1000, 2057, 2024, 9219, 1998, 10205, 1010, 4176, 1998, 15978, 1010, 2021, 2498, 2064, 4654, 3436, 27020, 2232, 2054, 2057, 2031, 2043, 2057, 1005, 2128, 2362, 1012, 1000, 2004, 1045, 2001, 2746, 2000, 1996, 4566, 1997, 20261, 1010, 1045, 2245, 1010, 1000, 2073, 2003, 1996, 3166, 2183, 2007, 2023, 1029, 2045, 2024, 2069, 1037, 2261, 2062, 5530, 2187, 999, 11721, 2232, 999, 999, 1000, 1041, 1012, 1047, 1012, 10503, 2196, 3138, 1996, 3733, 2126, 2041, 1998, 2016, 2815, 16265, 7481, 2000, 2169, 1997, 2014, 3494, 1999, 2023, 2186, 1012, 25353, 8737, 25457, 2229, 2097, 2022, 8315, 1998, 6699, 2097, 2022, 7718, 1999, 20261, 1012, 1045, 2572, 2108, 13727, 2138, 2045, 2003, 2019, 11757, 19188, 1998, 2200, 11341, 7091, 2000, 2023, 2186, 1998, 2009, 2442, 2022, 5281, 2034, 1011, 2192, 2096, 3752, 1010, 2302, 4209, 2151, 27594, 2545, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 13558, 2000, 1996, 2203, 999, 999, 2009, 2038, 2042, 2420, 2144, 1045, 2736, 2023, 2338, 1998, 2122, 3494, 2024, 2145, 8110, 2026, 2132, 1998, 2026, 2540, 1012, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 20261, 1998, 2123, 1005, 1056, 3335, 1996, 2304, 13030, 2186, 1012, 2017, 2180, 1005, 1056, 2574, 5293, 2122, 3441, 1012, 1000, 1996, 1057, 25394, 4355, 3033, 1997, 2017, 2024, 2115, 23036, 1012, 1998, 3404, 2033, 2043, 1045, 2425, 2017, 2008, 1045, 2215, 2000, 2293, 2035, 1997, 2115, 102 ]
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OMG WHAT DID I JUST READ??! This review is totally spoiler-free so you will just have to go in to ECHO completely blind. That being said, this is without a doubt one of my top books so far this year. If you have read BANG, you know that things ended quite abruptly. Anything I say here about any of the characters that appeared in BANG might give the plot of ECHO away, so...if you like dark, twisty, psychosexual thrillers, than ECHO should be at the top of your must-read lists. And yes, I was up all night reading this one. E.K. Blair is an enormously gifted writer and I will read anything this woman writes. I cannot describe what goes on in ECHO other than to say, "READ THIS BOOK!!" You will be thrilled, heartsick, turned on, and excited all at once. Your emotions will run rampant after reading this book. If you thought you knew the characters at all in BANG, trust me, you are wrong. "Did you know it was possible to have feelings with no emotions? You can, and I'm proof of it." Well, that's about all I can say, folks. I can't really describe what ECHO is, so please make sure you grab this one as soon as it is released on May 12th. You will be once again immersed in a dark and twisty world of E.K. Blair. And that's a great place to be. (ARC provided by the author with thanks.)
[ 101, 18168, 2290, 2054, 2106, 1045, 2074, 3191, 1029, 1029, 999, 2023, 3319, 2003, 6135, 27594, 2121, 1011, 2489, 2061, 2017, 2097, 2074, 2031, 2000, 2175, 1999, 2000, 9052, 3294, 6397, 1012, 2008, 2108, 2056, 1010, 2023, 2003, 2302, 1037, 4797, 2028, 1997, 2026, 2327, 2808, 2061, 2521, 2023, 2095, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2031, 3191, 9748, 1010, 2017, 2113, 2008, 2477, 3092, 3243, 9225, 1012, 2505, 1045, 2360, 2182, 2055, 2151, 1997, 1996, 3494, 2008, 2596, 1999, 9748, 2453, 2507, 1996, 5436, 1997, 9052, 2185, 1010, 2061, 1012, 1012, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2066, 2601, 1010, 9792, 2100, 1010, 18224, 3366, 2595, 8787, 10874, 2015, 1010, 2084, 9052, 2323, 2022, 2012, 1996, 2327, 1997, 2115, 2442, 1011, 3191, 7201, 1012, 1998, 2748, 1010, 1045, 2001, 2039, 2035, 2305, 3752, 2023, 2028, 1012, 1041, 1012, 1047, 1012, 10503, 2003, 2019, 8216, 2135, 12785, 3213, 1998, 1045, 2097, 3191, 2505, 2023, 2450, 7009, 1012, 1045, 3685, 6235, 2054, 3632, 2006, 1999, 9052, 2060, 2084, 2000, 2360, 1010, 1000, 3191, 2023, 2338, 999, 999, 1000, 2017, 2097, 2022, 16082, 1010, 8072, 6799, 1010, 2357, 2006, 1010, 1998, 7568, 2035, 2012, 2320, 1012, 2115, 6699, 2097, 2448, 25883, 2044, 3752, 2023, 2338, 1012, 2065, 2017, 2245, 2017, 2354, 1996, 3494, 2012, 2035, 1999, 9748, 1010, 3404, 2033, 1010, 2017, 2024, 3308, 1012, 1000, 2106, 2017, 2113, 2009, 2001, 2825, 2000, 2031, 5346, 2007, 2053, 6699, 1029, 2017, 2064, 1010, 1998, 1045, 1005, 1049, 6947, 1997, 2009, 1012, 1000, 2092, 1010, 2008, 1005, 1055, 2055, 2035, 1045, 2064, 2360, 1010, 12455, 1012, 1045, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2428, 6235, 2054, 9052, 2003, 1010, 2061, 3531, 2191, 2469, 2017, 6723, 2023, 2028, 2004, 2574, 2004, 2009, 2003, 2207, 2006, 2089, 5940, 1012, 2017, 2097, 2022, 2320, 2153, 26275, 1999, 1037, 2601, 1998, 9792, 2100, 2088, 1997, 1041, 1012, 1047, 1012, 10503, 1012, 1998, 2008, 1005, 1055, 1037, 2307, 2173, 2000, 2022, 1012, 1006, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 2007, 4283, 1012, 1007, 102 ]
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I really liked this book, it is funny, dirty, and is the kind of book that you can't look away from. The author's warning caught my attention, there is a TON of swearing in this book but it is also really funny and not at all what I expected. This is not your typical high school drama, Bronagh and Dominic fight like cats and dogs which is kind of like their foreplay. She is also feisty, likable, curses all the time, and has some body issues. I loved her! The relationship between the two main characters is unpredictable and fresh. I also absolutely loved all the Slater Brothers and look forward to reading more about their exploits. This book is written in Irish dialect which the author explains right out of the box. I enjoyed it but it might be a little much for some readers to digest. This book is also hilarious and contains more F words than I think any book I have ever read. Dominic has some very endearing characters and totally hot sex scenes. I guarantee this book is different from any book you have read so far this year! Give it a try if you love strong heroines and gorgeous, Alpha fighters. There is also a ton of action, making this a fast-paced, sexy and funny read. I'm looking forward to reading more from Ms. Casey! *ARC provided by the author in return for an honest review*
[ 101, 1045, 2428, 4669, 2023, 2338, 1010, 2009, 2003, 6057, 1010, 6530, 1010, 1998, 2003, 1996, 2785, 1997, 2338, 2008, 2017, 2064, 1005, 1056, 2298, 2185, 2013, 1012, 1996, 3166, 1005, 1055, 5432, 3236, 2026, 3086, 1010, 2045, 2003, 1037, 10228, 1997, 25082, 1999, 2023, 2338, 2021, 2009, 2003, 2036, 2428, 6057, 1998, 2025, 2012, 2035, 2054, 1045, 3517, 1012, 2023, 2003, 2025, 2115, 5171, 2152, 2082, 3689, 1010, 22953, 2532, 5603, 1998, 11282, 2954, 2066, 8870, 1998, 6077, 2029, 2003, 2785, 1997, 2066, 2037, 18921, 13068, 1012, 2016, 2003, 2036, 24664, 21756, 1010, 5622, 2912, 3468, 1010, 23897, 2035, 1996, 2051, 1010, 1998, 2038, 2070, 2303, 3314, 1012, 1045, 3866, 2014, 999, 1996, 3276, 2090, 1996, 2048, 2364, 3494, 2003, 21446, 1998, 4840, 1012, 1045, 2036, 7078, 3866, 2035, 1996, 17916, 3428, 1998, 2298, 2830, 2000, 3752, 2062, 2055, 2037, 20397, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2517, 1999, 3493, 9329, 2029, 1996, 3166, 7607, 2157, 2041, 1997, 1996, 3482, 1012, 1045, 5632, 2009, 2021, 2009, 2453, 2022, 1037, 2210, 2172, 2005, 2070, 8141, 2000, 17886, 1012, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2036, 26316, 1998, 3397, 2062, 1042, 2616, 2084, 1045, 2228, 2151, 2338, 1045, 2031, 2412, 3191, 1012, 11282, 2038, 2070, 2200, 2203, 27242, 3494, 1998, 6135, 2980, 3348, 5019, 1012, 1045, 11302, 2023, 2338, 2003, 2367, 2013, 2151, 2338, 2017, 2031, 3191, 2061, 2521, 2023, 2095, 999, 2507, 2009, 1037, 3046, 2065, 2017, 2293, 2844, 18869, 2015, 1998, 9882, 1010, 6541, 7299, 1012, 2045, 2003, 2036, 1037, 10228, 1997, 2895, 1010, 2437, 2023, 1037, 3435, 1011, 13823, 1010, 7916, 1998, 6057, 3191, 1012, 1045, 1005, 1049, 2559, 2830, 2000, 3752, 2062, 2013, 5796, 1012, 9036, 999, 1008, 8115, 3024, 2011, 1996, 3166, 1999, 2709, 2005, 2019, 7481, 3319, 1008, 102 ]
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