stringlengths 4
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stringlengths 4
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n aanklaer wat nie borg teenstaan nie in sekere aan gewese sake moet hul redes op rekord plaas.
| a prosecutor who does not oppose bail in designated cases must have their reasons placed on record.
| 0.762009 | 2,731 |
jong beroepsmense is geleenthede in infrastruktuurontwikkeling, gesondheidsorg, omgewingsbewaring en n aantal ander sektore, gegun.
| young professionals have been given opportunities in infrastructure development, healthcare, environmental conservation and a number of other sectors.
| 0.901984 | 2,146 |
deur in ’n omgewing groot te word waar sy deur swak infrastruktuur omring was, is magwaza gemotiveer om nuwe maniere te vind om haar gemeenskap op te hef.
| growing up surrounded by poor infrastructure motivated magwaza to explore new ways to uplift her community.
| 0.867618 | 804 |
ek was dikwels om mediese redes afwesig van skool en ek kon nie aan enige sportsoorte deelneem nie.
| i was frequently absent from school for medical reasons and could not take part in sports.
| 0.843642 | 1,751 |
een so n begunstigde is die 36jarige phindile ngcoya van richmond in kwazulunatal.
| one such beneficiary is 36yearold phindile ngcoya from richmond in kwazulunatal.
| 0.95865 | 3,645 |
indien die oorledene nie n gade, nasate, ouers of ouers se nasate agterlaat nie, erf die naaste bloed verwant die hele boedel.
| if the deceased does not leave a spouse, descendants, parents or parents’ descendants, the nearest blood relation will inherit the entire estate.
| 0.814839 | 2,454 |
bind die toutjies agter jou kop vas, of as jy rekkies gebruik, maak seker dat die rekkies die masker styf vashou.5.
| tie the strings behind your head, or if you are using elastic bands, make sure these are tight.5.
| 0.831598 | 502 |
bouwerk aan tydelike wonings vir die geaffekteerde gesinne het begin en staatsgrond en grond is in kwazulunatal geïdentifiseer vir moontlike hervestiging.
| work has started to build temporary residences for affected families on stateowned land parcels have been identified in kwazulunatal for possible resettlement.
| 0.792937 | 3,119 |
| natis.
| 1 | 3,104 |
"ek het die sanw gemagtig om meer personeel, waterstoringen watersuiweringsvoorraad en ingenieurspanne in te bring om te help met die herstel van elektrisiteit en watertoevoer," het hy gesê.
| "i have authorised the sandf to bring in more personnel, water storage and purification supplies and engineering teams to assist with electricity and water restoration," he said government departments at national and provincial levels; municipalities; nongovernmental organisations and businesses have been distributing basic relief materials such as food, blankets, mattresses, clothing, chronic medication, toiletries and cooking utensils.
| 0.791961 | 2,977 |
daar word gesê dat stigma tisering aangehits word deur die vrees om die siekte te kry en n gebrek aan begrip.
| it is said that this stigmatisation is driven by fear of con tracting the disease and lack of understanding.
| 0.884611 | 779 |
"besluite moet baie vinnig geneem word en jy moet op jou voete kan dink.
| "decisions have to be made quickly and you have to think on your feet.
| 0.879582 | 1,863 |
dit beteken dat doelwitte gestel moet word wat: spesifiek is meetbaar is uitvoerbaar is relevant is tydsgebonde is.
| this means setting goals that are: specific measurable achievable relevant timebound.
| 0.846301 | 200 |
dit is onwettig en dit is gevaarlik.
| it is criminal and it is dangerous.
| 0.857493 | 2,182 |
produced and ready for collection: the card will be ready for collection in 21 days.
| however, due to the high number of cards being processed, the rtmc advises you to wait 35 days before going to collect.
| 0.660081 | 3,099 |
sterker soe’s moet ekonomiese groei en transformasie aandryf vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika se onder nemings in staats besit (soe’s) word op die voorgrond al jare lank merendeels met staatskaping, finan siële wanbestuur en onbe kwaamheid vereenselwig.
| soes must drive economic growth and transformation vukuzenzele unnamed for some years now, south africa’s stateowned enterprises (soes) have mostly been associated in the public eye with state capture, financial mismanagement and inefficiency.
| 0.849734 | 2,088 |
"wat nog onseker is, is dat ons wetenskaplikes vir ons sê dat n nuwe vlaag gaan kom deur n nuwe variant met die naam pi, wat meer aansteeklik en weerstandig is sal moet wees, maar op hierdie stadium is dit nog net bevestig dat dit wat dominant is, subvariante van omikron, genaamd b.4 en b.5, is" sê phaahla.
| "what is still uncertain is that our scientists tell us that a new wave will come through a new variant nicknamed pi, which will need to be more transmissible and escape immunity.
| 0.795897 | 3,065 |
dit is n bewys van ons toewyding om kor rupsie uit te roei.
| this is proof of our commitment to root out corruption.
| 0.742685 | 2,278 |
ons moet as landsburgers saamwerk om die druk op die nasionale netwerk te verminder.
| we must come together as citizens to alleviate the pressure on the national grid.
| 0.862845 | 3,561 |
"ek is eendag winkel toe om eiers te koop en sien toe die eiers is baie duur.
| "one day i went to the shop to buy eggs and found the eggs to be very expensive so i decided to buy 10 egglaying chickens so we could get eggs for the house," she says.
| 0.770185 | 1,796 |
ons het dieselfde hier gedoen, maar ons inperking het 'n baie betreurenswaardige foutlyn in ons samelewing onthul, wat aandui hoe uiterste armoede, ongelykheid en werkloosheid die struktuur van ons gemeenskappe uitmekaar skeur.
| we have done the same in our country, but our lockdown has revealed a very sad fault line in our society that reveals how grinding poverty, inequality and unemployment is tearing the fabric of our communities apart.
| 0.903557 | 378 |
hulle is meer geneig om in die organe voor te kom, lyk anders onder n mikroskoop en reageer meer gunstig op behandeling", sê seegers.
| they tend to occur in the organs of the body, look different under the microscope and respond more favourably to treatment, says seegers.
| 0.898051 | 2,336 |
| smmesa.
| 0.714675 | 418 |
"in die vroeë stadium van swangerskap word ’n 12tot 13week ultrasoniese skan dering aanbeveel.
| "in the early stages of pregnancy, a 1213 week ultrasound scan is advised.
| 0.842315 | 1,698 |
en ons moet erken dat die voorsiening van ondersteuning aan die land se kwesbaarste burgers in die dae en weke wat hierop gevolg het, stadiger was as wat dit moes wees, en dat sekere probleme oor die hoof gesien is.
| and we must acknowledge that in the days and weeks that have followed, the provision of support to our country’s most vulnerable citizens has been slower than required, and that lapses have occurred.
| 0.826901 | 391 |
ons is verlig dat daar geen lewensverlies was nie en dat niemand in die brand beseer is nie.
| we are relieved that there was no loss of life and that noone was injured in the fire.
| 0.780258 | 2,640 |
dit is veral van belang gegewe die huidige beperkings op staatsfinansies.
| this is particularly important at a time when public finances are limited.
| 0.776037 | 1,522 |
| gov.
| 1 | 1,162 |
munisipale en provinsiale regerings werk nou saam met nasionale departemente en agentskappe om mense in staat te stel om hulle lewens weer op te bou en die plaaslike ekonomie weer aan die gang te kry.
| municipal and provincial governments have been working closely with national departments and agencies to enable people to rebuild their lives and to get local economic activity back on track.
| 0.864644 | 3,134 |
vir suidafrika, soos ook vir die meeste lande regoor die wêreld, gaan die jaar 2021 vol uitdagings wees.
| for south africa, as for most countries around the world, the year 2021 will be extremely challenging.
| 0.882966 | 1,495 |
destyds het hy hom daartoe verbind dat indien die soe bewyse sou vind dat kriminele oortreding plaasgevind het, die bewyse aan die nasionale vervolgingsgesag (nvg) oorhandig sou word.
| at the time, he gave his commitment that if the siu found evidence that a criminal offence had been committed, it would be obliged to refer the evidence to the national prosecuting authority (npa).
| 0.833088 | 2,695 |
"landbou en die land bouwaardeketting kan en moet landelike ekonomieë transformeer," het president ramaphosa gesê.
| agriculture and the agriculture value chain can and must transform rural economies," said president ramaphosa.
| 0.88782 | 2,027 |
die hofvoorbereidingsbeampte sal beskikbaar wees om die klaer by die hof en regdeur die verhoor, by te staan.
| the court preparation officer will be available to support the complainant at court and throughout the trial.
| 0.720567 | 1,152 |
ons het ook 'n spesiale covid19 maats kaplike noodverligtingstoe lae ingestel, wat tot dusver ses miljoen mense bereik het.
| we rolled out a special coronavirus disease (covid19) social relief of distress grant, which has reached some six million people to date.
| 0.800375 | 1,367 |
asidi bespoedig skoolinfrastruktuur more matshediso nkululeko ralo primêre skool is n goeie voorbeeld van die positiewe uitkomste wat bereik kan word wanneer die gemeenskap en regering saamwerk.
| asidi fast tracks school infrastructure more matshediso nkululeko ralo primary school is a good example of how positive results can be achieved when communities and government work together.
| 0.944885 | 2,568 |
bou n nasie wat omgee vir kinders vukuzenzele unnamed geagte me desuidafrika ners, daar is n gesegde in baie afrikakulture wat stel dat dit n ge meenskap vat om n kind groot te maak.
| building a nation that cares for children vukuzenzele unnamed there is a proverb common to many african cultures which says that it takes a village to raise a child.
| 0.804203 | 64 |
dit sluit in die vestiging van ‘n nasionale roetebestuursnetwerk, sa jeug, wat dit makliker moet maak vir jong mense om geleenthede raak te sien en te benut, en om aktiewe ondersteuning te kry om roetes na die arbeidsmark te betree.
| this includes the establishment of a national pathway management network, sa youth, to make it easier for young people to view and access opportunities and receive active support to find pathways into the labour market.
| 0.881106 | 2,062 |
mense met gestremdhede: sms ‘help’ na 31531 vrouemishandelinghulplyn: 0800 150 150 childline suidafrika: 0800 055 555 sapd crime stop: 0860 10111 of sms 32211 gggvverwante klagtes (sapd): 0800 333 177/ complaintsnodalpoint@saps.
| persons with disabilities: sms ‘help’ to 31531 women abuse helpline: 0800 150 150 childline south africa: 0800 055 555 saps crime stop: 0860 10111 or sms 32211 gbvfrelated service complaints (saps): 0800 333 177/complaintsnodalpoint@saps.
| 0.972867 | 1,180 |
toe dié natuurramp hulle getref het, was daar besorgdheid dat die owerhede nie die kapasiteit of die wil het om doeltreffend en gepas te reageer op die verskriklike situasie waarin die mense wat alles verloor het, hulle bevind nie.
| when this natural disaster struck, there was some concern that authorities had neither the capacity nor the will to respond efficiently and effectively to the dire situation of those who had lost everything.
| 0.892991 | 3,112 |
asemhalingshigiëne vir die dra van materiaalgesigmaskers materiaalgesigmaskers word as deel van asemhalingshigiëne of reëls aanbeveel, wat onder meer bepaal dat jy in jou gebuigde elmboog of n snesie moet hoes of nies.
| cloth facemask respiratory hygienecloth facemasks are recommended as part of respiratory hygiene or etiquette which also includes coughing and sneezing into a bent elbow or a tissue.
| 0.821483 | 492 |
daar kan geen groter foltering wees as dié van ouers wie se kinders by hulle huil omdat hulle nie kos het nie, maar hulle het niks om te gee nie.
| there can be no greater anguish than that of a parent whose children cry out to them for food, but they have none to give.
| 0.854203 | 379 |
l leerders behoort hul bloot stelling en deelname aan sosiale media te beperk, aangesien kosbare studie tyd verlore gaan en dit die aandag van hul studies aftrek.
| learners should limit social media consumption, as it wastes study time and is a major distraction.
| 0.802915 | 2,235 |
om hulle reusetaak te kan uitvoer, het hulle nie net ons ondersteuning nodig nie, maar hulle moet ook beskerm word deurdat persoonlike beskermende toerusting (pbt) aan hulle voorsien word.
| for them to do their herculean work they need our support as well as protection through the provision of personal protective equipment (ppe).
| 0.787106 | 763 |
ons het ons misdaadbestrydings kapasiteit verbeter deur die totstandkoming van die verbindingsentrum wat verskeie wetstoepassingsagentskappe bymekaar bring om inligting te deel en die ondersoek en vervolging van misdaad te koördineer.
| we have improved our crimefighting capacity through the establishment of the fusion centre, which brings together various lawenforcement agencies to share information and coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crime.
| 0.873525 | 2,264 |
jong boer ontvang covid19steun silusapho nyanda 'n opkomende ooskaapse boer is een van die begunstigdes van die regering se koronavirusverligtingsfonds.
| young farmer receives covid19 support vukuzenzele unnamed nomagcinandile suduka (27) is growing her family’s legacy and wealth by investing in agriculture.
| 0.789011 | 791 |
"die maandelikse toelaag wat ek van nsfas ontvang, stel my ook in staat om met 'n vol maag te gaan slaap en te studeer," sê hy.
| "in addition, the monthly allowance i receive from nsfas enables me to sleep and study on a full stomach," he says.
| 0.898666 | 1,076 |
om ons frontliniewerkers te beskerm, het ons miljoene artikels persoonlike beskermende toerusting by hospitale, klinieke en skole regdeur die land aangekoop en afgelewer.
| we have procured and delivered millions of items of personal protective equipment to hospitals, clinics and schools across the country to protect our frontline workers.
| 0.798563 | 878 |
ons sal getrou bly aan die waardes van verdraagsaamheid en respek wat ons as 'n volk definieer.
| we will remain faithful to the values of tolerance and respect that define us as a people.
| 0.90742 | 337 |
"n hernude nasionale jeugdiens sal in volgende jaar [2023] sy eerste kohort van 50 000 jongmense werf en geleenthede vir jongmense skep om by te dra tot hul gemeenskappe en hul vaardighede, en hul aanstelbaarheid te ontwikkel."
| "a revitalised national youth service will recruit its first cohort of 50 000 young people during the next year [2023], creating opportunities for young people to contribute to their communities, develop their skills and grow their employability."
| 0.867119 | 2,767 |
ons buitelandse beleidspri oriteite is streeksintegrasie op politieke en ekonomiese gebied, die ontwikkeling van afrika, multilaterale betrok kenheid en die bevordering van demokrasie, vrede en menseregte.
| our foreign policy priorities are regional political and economic integration, pursing african development, multilateral engagement and the promotion of democracy, peace and human rights.
| 0.878605 | 2,343 |
die kos was lekker — selfs lekkerder as by die huis.
| the food was nice – even nicer than at home.
| 0.84799 | 1,016 |
hulle besluit dikwels dat dit die beste besluit is om seks uit te stel totdat hulle ouer is, meer verantwoordelik is, in n stabiele verhouding is met een maat en n werk het.
| they often decide that delaying having sex until they are older, more responsible, in a stable relationship with one partner and have a job, is the best thing to do.
| 0.866548 | 1,275 |
die wydverspreide publieke woede is heeltemal te verstane.
| the widespread public anger is wholly justified.
| 0.836167 | 3,533 |
die tempo waarteen die virus versprei en die aantal mense wat uiteindelik die virus gaan opdoen, sal egter bepaal word deur wat ons nou doen.
| however, the speed with which the virus spreads and the number of people who are ultimately infected will be determined by what we do now.
| 0.88616 | 455 |
die volgende skemas is beskikbaar vir kwalifiserende entrepreneurs: ondersteuningsprogram vir kleinskaalse bakkerye en lekkergoedmakers ondersteuningsprogram vir motorvoertuigherstelwerk en werktuig kundiges (asook klein en onafhanklike motorvoertuigonderdeelwinkels en informele motorvoertuig entrepreneurs) slaghuisonder steuningsprogram ondersteuningsprogram vir klere, leer en tekstiel ondersteuningsprogram vir persoonlike sorg ondersteuningsprogram vir spazawinkels ondersteuningsprogram vir tshisanyama en gekookte kosom te registreer, besoek smmesa.
| the following schemes are available for qualifying entrepreneurs: smallscale bakeries and confectioneries support programme autobody repairs and mechanics support programme (as well as small and independent autospares shops and informal automotive entrepreneurs) butcheries support programme clothing, leather and textiles support programme personal care support programme spazashop support programme tshisanyama and cooked food support programme registration can be done on smmesa.
| 0.927818 | 3,342 |
alles was betaal en ek kon net op my studies fokus," sê sy.
| i had everything paid for, all i had to do was focus on my studies," she says.
| 0.831598 | 815 |
dit is duidelik dat, soos wat die stryd teen korrupsie momentum bou, ons drin gend ons huidige benadering tot nie slegs die beskerming van getuies nie, maar ook die beskerming van oopvlekkers in die algemeen moet hersien.
| it is clear that as the fight against corruption gathers momentum, we need to urgently review our current approach not only to witness protection, but also to the broader protection of whistleblowers.
| 0.844747 | 2,317 |
vir meer inligting oor covid19, besoek die nasionale instituut vir oordraagbare siektes se webwerf by www.
| for more information about covid19, visit the national institute for communicable diseases’ website at www.
| 0.886659 | 995 |
die grondwet van die republiek van suidafrika, 1961 was vir twee dekades die wetlike dryfkrag agter die onderdrukking van byna 90% van die suidafrikaanse bevolking.
| for two decades, the republic of south africa constitution act of 1961 was the legal impetus for the repression of nearly 90% of the south african population.
| 0.877454 | 1,981 |
dit is ook belangrik dat jy jou finansies noukeurig beplan.
| in addition, it is important that you plan your finances carefully.
| 0.839812 | 201 |
talle jongmense wil hul eie ondernemings begin.
| many young people want to start their own businesses.
| 0.818018 | 161 |
toe die organisasie vir afrikaeenheid in 1963 gestig is, het lidstate die saadjies van samewerking en solidariteit in navolging van ‘n beter lewe vir al die mense van afrika gesaai.
| they affirmed that african unity was paramount if the welfare and wellbeing of africa’s people was to be assured.
| 0.654184 | 1,579 |
veiligheid en sekuriteit sal versterk word deur die werwing van 12 000 polisiepersoneel en die hervestiging van gemeenskapspolisiëringsforums.
| safety and security will be strengthened through the recruitment of 12 000 police personnel and the reestablishment of community policing forums.
| 0.923478 | 2,777 |
as jy nie n gade het nie en slegs kinders agterlaat, erf hulle die boedel in gelyke dele.
| if you don’t have a spouse and are only survived by your children, they will inherit the estate in equal shares.
| 0.73565 | 2,449 |
die aansienlike energie van ons jeug moet, net soos wat hulle die stryd vir geslagsgelykheid in hoër onderwys aangedurf het, ook vir die stryd vir gelyke toegang tot gesondheidsorg, die transformasie van grondeienaarskap en, die belangrikste, vir geslagsgeregtigheid, aangewend word.
| just as they took up the struggle for equality in higher education, the considerable energies of our youth must also be brought to bear to fight for equitable access to health care, for the transformation of land ownership and, most importantly, for gender justice.
| 0.855162 | 702 |
die volstrekte meerderheid van suidafrikaners het begryp dat dit noodsaaklik was om hul daaglikse doen en late en aktiwiteite te beperk en die maatreëls wat in plek gestel is, te gehoorsaam — natuurlik was daar n paar uitsonderings.
| certainly there were exceptions, but the vast majority of south africans understood the need for restrictions on their movement and activities, and complied with the regulations that we had to put in place.
| 0.720895 | 1,500 |
wat parool betref, moet n klaer of familielid van n oorlede slagoffer n voorlegging aan die paroolraad kan lewer.
| when it comes to parole, a complainant or a relative of a deceased victim must be able to make representation to the parole board.
| 0.776049 | 1,129 |
dit behels verreikende wetgewende hervorming, ondersteuning aan oorlewendes deur die beskikbaarstelling van verkragtingtoetsstelle (rape kits) asook sielkundige en maatskaplike dienste by polisiestasies, die stigting van n gggvfonds en die ondersteuningsnetwerk van thuthuzelaen khuseleka sorgsentrums.
| this includes farreaching legislative reform, support to survivors through the provision of evidence kits at police stations and psychosocial services, the establishment of a genderbased violence and femicide fund and supporting the network of thuthuzela and khuseleka care centres.
| 0.879539 | 2,613 |
n voorbeeld is die samewerking tussen transnetvragspoor en die sapd om die diefstal van infrastruk tuur en spoorlynsabotasie te bekamp.
| an example is the colla boration between transnet freight rail and the saps to combat infrastructure theft and line sabotage.
| 0.879238 | 3,461 |
"een van my vriende was tuis in kwarantyn en hy het gesukkel om op sy eie reg te kom.
| "one of my friends was in quarantine at home and he struggled to recover on his own.
| 0.835861 | 1,021 |
veeartse behandel diere se beserings en siektes op dieselfde wyse as wat n dokter gesondheidsorg aan mense verskaf.
| veterinarians treat animals’ injuries and illnesses, similar to how a doctor provides health treatment for people.
| 0.828521 | 3,073 |
met die lesse wat uit verlede junie se onrus geleer is in gedagte, is ons besig om te werk aan die verbetering van samewerking tussen wetstoepassingsagentskappe en die private sekuriteitsbedryf in die stryd teen misdaad.
| drawing on the lessons of last july’s unrest, we are working to improve cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the private security industry in the fight against crime.
| 0.849619 | 3,459 |
die kans is dan ook kleiner dat jy die virus aan iemand anders sal oordra.
| you are then less likely to pass the virus on to someone else.
| 0.848402 | 1,585 |
kubersekuriteitsdeskundi ges van die wetenskaplike en nywerheidsnavorsingsraad (wnnr) sê dat kuberaf knouery uiters skadelik vir kinders is en kan lei tot depressie, hartseer, woede, frustrasie, angs en vrees.
| cyber security experts from the council for scientific and industrial research (csir) say cyberbullying is extremely harmful to children and can lead to depression, sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety and fear.
| 0.907025 | 1,955 |
swart eienaarskap van jsegelyste maatskappye was aan die einde van apartheid minder as 1%.
| at the end of apartheid, black ownership of jselisted companies was less than 1 percent.
| 0.790388 | 3,152 |
hierdie blootlegging van die aard, omvang en diepte van staatskaping het nie agter geslote deure plaasgevind nie, maar is oor die hele land uitgesaai.
| this exposure of the nature, extent and depth of state capture did not take place behind closed doors, but was broadcast to the entire country.
| 0.878692 | 2,253 |
n egskeiding is wanneer n huwelik amptelik in n geregshof beëindig word.
| a divorce is when a marriage is officially ended in a court of law.
| 0.789391 | 34 |
as n samelewing, het ons die gemeenskaplike verantwoordelikheid om die stigmatisering van mense wat die koronavirus het, met wortel en tak uit te roei.
| as a society, we have a collective responsibility to stamp out the stig matisation of people infected with the coronavirus.
| 0.825051 | 775 |
suidafrikaansgebore dr. patrick soonshiong, wat in suidafrika gebore is, en sy maatskappy nantworks het onlangs n ambisieuse inisiatief aangekondig om kapasiteit vir gevorderde gesondheidsorg in afrika tot stand te bring.
| south africanborn dr patrick soonshiong and his company nantworks recently announced an ambitious initiative to build capacity for advanced health care in africa.
| 0.945081 | 2,556 |
ons het in 2020 die mul tidissiplinêre fusiesentrum gestig as n operasionele spilpunt om prioriteits finansiële misdaad aan te spreek, insluitend korrupsie.
| in 2020, we established a multidisciplinary fusion centre as an operational hub to address priority financial crimes, including corruption.
| 0.894546 | 3,499 |
vir diegene wat nie toegang tot rekenaars, drukkers en die internet het nie, word gedrukte studiemateriaal deur die dbo aan hulle gestuur.
| people with a computer but no internet or data, may request a cd with all the study material, which will be mailed to them.
| 0.789122 | 1,478 |
in teenstelling wat deur sommige antiimmigrasiegroepe en individue beweer word, word misdaad deur beide swart en wit, mans en vrouens, landsburgers en buitelanders gepleeg.
| contrary to what is claimed by some antiimmigration groupings and individuals, the perpetrators of crime are both black and white, male and female, foreigner and citizen.
| 0.907567 | 3,003 |
planne word omgeskakel na aksie en verbintenisse word weerspieël in werkskepping en geleenthede.
| plans are being converted to action and commitments are being reflected in jobs and opportunities.
| 0.810245 | 1,390 |
daarbenewens het die spesiale kovid19 maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelaag tesame met meer breedvoerige bestaande maatskaplike toelaes n lewenslyn aan behoeftige individue en gesinne gebied.
| in addition, the special covid19 social relief of distress grant and broadening access to existing social grants provided lifelines to indigent individuals and families.
| 0.827892 | 2,139 |
deur die loop van agt maan de en met die ondersteuning van ons maatskaplike ven note het ons 'n omvattende stel maatreëls ingestel om die sosiale en ekonomiese impak van die pandemie te beperk.
| over the course of eight months and with the support of our social partners, we rolled out a comprehensive set of measures to limit the social and economic impact of the pandemic.
| 0.875294 | 1,363 |
as staatsinstellings goed bestuur word en doeltref fend funksioneer, as hulle geloofwaardigheid en billikheid in hulle sake demonstreer, dra dit by tot verhoogde vlakke van vertroue in die regering.
| when state institutions are wellrun and efficient, when they demonstrate credibility and fairness in their operations, this contributes to increasing levels of trust in government.
| 0.868871 | 2,945 |
sedert die bekendstelling van die nasionale strategiese plan om geslagsgeweld en vrouemoord te bekamp (nsp) in 2020, was daar verskeie ingrypings om op ggg te reageer.
| since the launch of the national strategic plan to combat genderbased violence and femicide (nsp) in 2020, there have been a several interventions to respond to gbv.
| 0.897185 | 2,612 |
emazulwini bied n sewegangvaste spyskaart wat elke seisoen verander.
| emazulwini offers a sevencourse set menu, which changes each season.
| 0.722263 | 3,417 |
ons maak "terugwipfinansiering" meer toeganklik vir klein besighede deur die herontwerp van die lening waarborgskema wat ons in die vroeë maande van die kovid19pandemie bekend gestel het.
| through the redesign of the loan guarantee scheme that we introduced in the early months of the covid19 pandemic, we are making ‘bounce back’ finance more accessible for small businesses.
| 0.768177 | 2,824 |
jong mense het nog altyd die voortou geneem in sosiale verset van die antioutoritêre optogte in latynsamerika in die laat 1950’s tot die betogings regoor afrika in die laat 1960’s.
| young people have always been at the forefront of social protest, from the antiauthoritarian protests in latin america in the late 1950s, to the protests across africa in the late 1960s.
| 0.872529 | 2,041 |
hierdie be sprekings moet plaasvind met die wil om oplossings te vind.
| these engagements need to be conducted in a spirit of seeking solutions.
| 0.760064 | 241 |
ons het ‘n reeks addisionele maatreëls in plek gestel om geleenthede te skep, vaardigheidsontwikkeling te verbeter, jong entrepreneurs te ondersteun en jong mense in staat te stel om ten volle by die ekonomie in te skakel.
| we have launched a range of additional measures to create opportunities, enhance skills development, support young entrepreneurs and enable the full participation of young people in the economy.
| 0.908454 | 2,061 |
die bricsvennote het saamgestem dat ontwikke lende lande hulp nodig het om die vn se volhoubare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te bereik, en dat skenkerlande hulle verantwoordelikhede in dié verband moet nakom.
| the brics partners agreed that developing countries need assistance to achieve the un sustainable development goals, and that donor countries should honour their commitments in this regard.
| 0.834017 | 2,363 |
al hoe meer staatsamptenare het ook teruggekeer werk toe ooreenkomstig die bepalings van die wet op beroepsgesondheid en veiligheid, en die riglyne van die departement van staatsdiens en ad ministrasie in samewerking met al die ander regeringsdepartemente.
| more public servants have also returned to work in accordance with provisions of the occupational health and safety act and as guided by the department of public service and administration, working together with all other departments in government.
| 0.838974 | 600 |
dit sal ook die kapasiteit van departemente ontwik kel om amptenare wat aan wangedrag skuldig bevind word, te dissiplineer.
| it will also build the capacity of departments to discipline officials found guilty of misconduct.
| 0.766517 | 2,435 |
ons gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat daar geen tekort aan werk is wat gedoen moet word om die magdom maatskaplike probleme in ons samelewing op te los nie.
| we are working from the premise that there is no shortage of work to be done to address the many social problems in our society.
| 0.821158 | 1,297 |
boitumelo tlhapane, n voorligtingsielkundige aan die inklusiewe onderwyseen heid (ieu) van die vrystaatse onderwysdepartement, sê dat dit verstaanbaar is dat leerders angstig en depressief kan voel in hierdie moeilike tye.
| counselling psychologist boitumelo tlhapane, who works for the inclusive education unit at the free state department of education, says feeling anxious or depressed during these trying times is understandable.
| 0.878648 | 2,214 |
thabang primary school het met die louere weggestap by die toekennings weens harde werk en toewyding van sy sbl, bestuurspan en funksionele nsvpkomitee, sê.
| thabang primary school took top honours at the awards due to the hard work and commitment of its sgb, management team and functional nsnp com mittee, says sejake.
| 0.873804 | 2,888 |
ons salueer die veerkragtigheid van elke jong persoon wat hulle deel doen om hierdie land op te bou en te ontwikkel.
| we salute the resilience of every young person playing their part to build and develop this country.
| 0.897416 | 2,068 |
die afgelope paar weke, namate ons voorbereidings getref het om terug te keer skool toe, het ons uitgebreide en gedetailleerde gesprekke met al die rolspelers in die onderwyssektor gevoer.
| in the last few weeks, as we have prepared to return to school, we have had extensive and detailed discussions with all roleplayers in the education sphere.
| 0.876091 | 646 |
Subsets and Splits