Left (Primary anatomical coordinate) Spatial Concept which is laterality of skin patch of left upper chest
Structure of trabecula carnea of left ventricle (Anatomical set) Anatomical set which is sib in isa Set of oblique fibers of pyloric sphincter
Antibodies (Functional Immunologic Units) Immunologic Factor which is suffix of Centromere Ab:PrThr:Pt:Body fld:Ord:IA
oligodeoxyribonucleotide (Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide) Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide which is mapped from 5-FdUrd-P-FdCydOct
ALCOHOL 70 mL in 100 mL TOPICAL LIQUID [DailyGard Hand Sanitizer Squeeze hose] (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has inactive ingredient 2,2',2''-nitrilotris(ethanol)
Self-harm behavior management (Behavior management) Procedure with a clinical finding focus which has focus Self abuse
Hostility/aggression (Classification) Classification which has member Antisocial personality disorder NEC
Physician - Plastic Surgery (Professional or Occupational Group) something which is specialty of Nerve palsy microsurg graft
brain vessels (Blood Vessel) Cardiovascular system subdivision which is finding site of Other cerebral haemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound, with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness
Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm (Upper arm part) Branch of posterior branch of axillary nerve which has entire anatomy structure Superior lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
Organ tree trunk (Anatomical morphological organ part) Anatomical morphological organ part which is sib in isa Neck of organ
Nerve and nerve root disorders (Disease or Syndrome) something which classifies Lumbosacral plexus disorders
papain/urea/chlorophyllin 405,900 unit/gram-10 %-0.5 % TOPICAL SPRAY, NON-AEROSOL (Clinical Drug) something which has dose form SPRAY, NON-AEROSOL
Blood group antibody Hartley (Immunologic Factor) something which is a Independent low incidence blood group antibody, NOS
GELEOPHYSIC DYSPLASIA 2 (Disease or Syndrome) something which has manifestation toe-walking gait
zinc oxide (Inorganic Chemical) something which is active moiety of MENTHOL 0.15 g in 100 g / ZINC OXIDE 1 g in 100 g TOPICAL POWDER [Lucky Supersoft Medicated Body Triple Action]
3-methyluridine (Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide) Nucleic Acid, Nucleoside, or Nucleotide which is mapped to uridine
Other non-OR therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) Operation on musculoskeletal system which classifies Medical and Surgical @ Muscles @ Removal @ Lower Muscle @ Percutaneous @ Other Device @ No Qualifier
Erectile dysfunction (Male internal genital organ) Mental disorders which classifies Male erectile disturbance due to general medical condition
Patchy to diffuse macrovesicular steatosis (Liver) Liver which is manifestation of Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase deficiency
Metallic smell (Finding) something which is member of Taste and smell disorders
acetaminophen 250 MG / aspirin 250 MG / caffeine 65 MG Oral Tablet (Clinical Drug) aspirin Oral Product which has inactive ingredient stearic acid
Genomics Data Commons Terminology (Terminology Subset) something which is subset includes concept FIGO Stage IIIC2
Clobetasol Propionate 0.5 MG/ML Topical Cream (Clobetasol propionate topical preparation) clobetasol which has inactive ingredient Glyceryl monostearate
0.3 ML bemiparin sodium 22500 UNT/ML Prefilled Syringe (Bemiparin only product in parenteral dose form) Clinical Drug which has dose form Injectable solution
Epstein-Barr EA-R antibody measurement (Procedure to identify antibody) Procedure to identify antibody which has causative agent Epstein-Barr virus
D&C Yellow NO. 10 (Quinoline dye) Allergen.miscellaneous which is inactive ingredient of Labetalol Hydrochloride 300mg Oral tablet
Stone Red (Dyes) something which is inactive ingredient of capecitabine 150 MG Oral Tablet
Multiple Pregnancy (Normal pregnancy and/or delivery) Finding of quantity of pregnancy which classifies Continuing pregnancy after intrauterine death of one fetus or more, unspecified trimester, fetus 5
Increased insulin level (Protein level - finding) Finding of hormone level which is member of Hypoglycaemia
blood increase pressure (Hypomagnesemia Severity) Hypercalcemia Severity which is associated finding of O/E - BP reading very high
Syndecan-1-Mediated Signaling Pathway (Functional Concept) something which is pathway has gene element SDC1 wt Allele
santonin (Lactones) Sesquiterpenes, Eudesmane which is active moiety of DRYOPTERIS FILIX-MAS ROOT 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / FRANGULA PURSHIANA BARK 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / WORMWOOD 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / HORSE CHESTNUT 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / ARSENIC TRIOXIDE 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / BAPTISIA TINCTORIA ROOT 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / COPPER 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / IPECAC 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM SPORE 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / MERCURY 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / STRYCHNOS NUX-VOMICA SEED 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / PULSATILLA VULGARIS 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / KRAMERIA LAPPACEA ROOT 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / TOXICODENDRON PUBESCENS LEAF 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / SCHOENOCAULON OFFICINALE SEED 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / SANTONIN 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / SILICON DIOXIDE 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / TEUCRIUM MARUM 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / JUGLANS REGIA LEAF 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / ARTEMISIA CINA FLOWER 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / PUNICA GRANATUM ROOT BARK 3 [hp X] in 1 mL ORAL LIQUID [Parasite Detox]
Fluoroscopy (Evaluation procedure) Radiographic imaging - action which is method of Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with hemodynamic evaluation
Systemic lupus erythematosus (Classification) something which has member Drug psychosis, unspecified
Haematological tumours of unspecified malignancy (Classification) Classification which has member Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of histiocytic and mast cells
Cellular Expansion (Cell Growth Processes) something which is biological process involves gene product EC
Embolectomy or thrombectomy, with or without catheter; carotid, subclavian or innominate artery, by neck incision (Embolectomy or thrombectomy, with or without catheter) Embolectomy or thrombectomy, with or without catheter which has procedure site Chest>Brachiocephalic artery
Nom (Quantitative Concept) Quantitative Concept which is scale of HSV Stl Cult
Revision of prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented humeral component (Operation on shoulder joint) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which has method Inserted
1 ML Etanercept 50 MG/ML Auto-Injector (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which consists of etanercept 50 MG/ML
Left pulmonary artery (Chest>Pulmonary arteries) Left pulmonary arterial tree which is sib in part of Nodus mediastinale posteriore lymphaticus sinister
Trunk of vagus nerve (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) something which is procedure site of TV+D - Trunc vagotomy + drain
Transplantation of aberrant renal artery (procedure) [Ambiguous] (Transplantation of abdominal artery) Transplantation of tissue of pelvic region which is a Repair of artery, NOS
Speckled calcifications in end part of the middle bone of the ring finger (Anatomical Abnormality) Anatomical Abnormality which is a Stippling of the epiphyses of the 4th finger
Injection of thrombin for percutaneous treatment of pseudoaneurysm of upper extremity (Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure) something which is clinician form of Injection procedures (eg, thrombin) for percutaneous treatment of extremity pseudoaneurysm
Sys.mean/Sys 2 DOP (Clinical Attribute) Clinical Attribute which has system Circulatory system.XXX
Microbiology procedure (Services in Pathology and Laboratory) Microbiology and serology tests NEC which is class of Foot and mouth disease virus serotype:Prid:Pt:Tiss:Nom:IA
0.5 ML Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant LP2086 A05 protein variant antigen 0.12 MG/ML / Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant LP2086 B01 protein variant antigen 0.12 MG/ML Prefilled Syringe (Clinical Drug) Clinical Drug which has ingredients Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant LP2086 A05 protein variant antigen / Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant LP2086 B01 protein variant antigen
og feeding tube (Feeding tube) something which is a TUBES,FEEDING
Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of crack cocaine (Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use) something which is a Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use
Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale - Short Form (Clinical or Research Assessment Questionnaire) Intellectual Product which is subset includes concept Have Hair Loss
Poisoning by lower plant (Non-human disorder by body site) something which is a Toxic effect from eating berries and other plants
Neglect and abandonment (Korean Standard Classification of Disease Version 5) Neglect and abandonment by unspecified person which is causative agent of neglected children
Urate crystals (Crystal - human material) Crystal Structure which is component of Deprecated Sodium urate crystals [Presence] in Urine sediment by Light microscopy
Human leucocyte antigen HLA-A antigen (Immunologic Factor) Immunologic Factor which is mapped from HLA-A*3601 antigen
Finding (SNOMED Clinical Terms, Spanish Language Edition) Conceptual Entity which is property of I have swelling as a result of surgery in the past 7D:Finding:7 days:^Patient:Ordinal:FACIT
Revision of cerebroventricular shunt NEC (Revision of cerebral ventricular shunt) Revision of cerebral ventricular shunt which has direct device Prosthetic implant, NOS
Recurrent Hairy Cell Leukemia (Neoplastic Process) Recurrent Lymphoproliferative Disorder which is member of Haematological malignant tumours
Fibrin degradation products abnormal (Finding) Finding which is classified as Fibrin degradation product concentrations increased above normal
6-mycolyl-6'-acetyltrehalose (Organic Chemical) something which is mapped to Cord Factors
Structure of splenic branch of splenic artery (Structure of branch of splenic artery) Branch of splenic artery which is sib in isa Structure of arcuate artery of kidney
Topical Cream Dose Form (Cutaneous dose form) Biomedical or Dental Material which is a Topical Dosage Form
chlorophyllin copper complex 0.025 MG/ML / sodium propionate 10 MG/ML Topical Solution (Clinical Drug) something which consists of chlorophyllin copper complex 0.025 MG/ML
variant of unknown significance (Finding) Variation which is phenotype of NAPB, SER160TER
Yersinia pestis (Y [Preparations]) Bacterium which is component of prosthetic skeletal device Gram stain Yersinia pestis
Neonatal cyanosis, NOS (Neonatal and infancy disorder) Respiration Disorders which is member of Neonatal disorders
Helianthemum nummularium flower extract (generic drug products begining with the letter H) generic drug products begining with the letter H which is active moiety of ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / APIS MELLIFERA 12 [hp X] in 1 mL / ARNICA MONTANA 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / ARSENIC TRIOXIDE 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / ATROPA BELLADONNA 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / BELLIS PERENNIS 12 [hp X] in 1 mL / BRYONIA ALBA ROOT 12 [hp X] in 1 mL / CALENDULA OFFICINALIS FLOWERING TOP 9 [hp X] in 1 mL / MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA 8 [hp X] in 1 mL / PRUNUS CERASIFERA FLOWER 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / CLEMATIS VITALBA FLOWER 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / CITRULLUS COLOCYNTHIS FRUIT PULP 8 [hp X] in 1 mL / SOLANUM DULCAMARA WHOLE 8 [hp X] in 1 mL / ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 6 [hp X] in 1 mL / ECHINACEA PURPUREA 6 [hp X] in 1 mL / EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM FLOWERING TOP 8 [hp X] in 1 mL / FERROSOFERRIC PHOSPHATE 15 [hp X] in 1 mL / HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA ROOT BARK/STEM BARK 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / HISTAMINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE 12 [hp X] in 1 mL / HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 6 [hp X] in 1 mL / IMPATIENS GLANDULIFERA FLOWER 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / TOXICODENDRON PUBESCENS LEAF 12 [hp X] in 1 mL / HELIANTHEMUM NUMMULARIUM FLOWER 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM FLOWERING TOP 30 [hp X] in 1 mL / SULFUR 9 [hp C] in 1 mL / COMFREY ROOT 3 [hp X] in 1 mL / VERATRUM ALBUM ROOT 30 [hp X] in 1 mL SUBLINGUAL SOLUTION [B01 ACUTE RESCUE]
Hypodontia and nail dysgenesis (Disorder of soft tissue of body cavity) something which occurs in Congenital
Bbs1 protein, mouse (Biologically Active Substance) something which is mapped to Microtubule-Associated Proteins
Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Topical application Lotion [OXY-10] (benzoyl peroxide) Benzoyl peroxide 10% which has inactive ingredient carboxymethylcellulose sodium
poly(methyl methacrylate; 450000 MW) (P [Preparations]) something which is inactive ingredient of OCTINOXATE 0.0664 g in 1 g / OXYBENZONE 0.0151 g in 1 g TOPICAL LIPSTICK [Esika Hydracolor 2 In 1 Highly Moisturizing And Coloring Spf 25 (NARANJA PRIMAVERA) - ORANGE]
Raphanus sativus Ab.IgG.RAST class:PrThr:Pt:Ser:Ord (Raphanus sativus Ab.IgG.RAST class | Serum | Allergy) Clinical Attribute which has multipart Ab Ser
Blood ACTH (Pituitary analyses anterior) something which classifies Corticotropin measurement
Cell to cell relationship, characterized by focal cell contact (CELL TO CELL RELATIONSHIPS AND EXTRACELLULAR STRUCTURES) Body Space or Junction which is part of Cells
Cholestma mid ear/mstoid (Disorder of both middle ear and mastoid) Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid which has finding site middle ear
Stress fracture of neck of femur (Femoral Neck Fractures) Injury or Poisoning which is a Stress fracture of femur
Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound (Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury) Pathologic Function which is member of Haemorrhage terms (excl laboratory terms)
Enzalutamide 40 mg oral capsule (Enzalutamide only product in oral dose form) something which has dose form Oral Capsule
Congenital anomaly of iris (Eye) Iris finding which has finding site Nervous system structure
Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth (Neoplastic Process) Primary malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth which is a Primary malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract
Hormone radioimmunoassay (Laboratory Procedure) Miscellaneous Panels which has component Immunologic Factors
O/E - no macules (O/E - Rash absent) something which has finding context Known absent
Hand knitter (Knitter) something which is a Knitter
Acute renal papillary necrosis with renal failure (Kidney Failure, Acute) something which is member of Hypovolaemic shock conditions
Adenoma AND/OR adenocarcinoma (Epithelioma) Epithelioma which is associated morphology of Trichoadenoma
active extension of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe of left foot (active range of motion of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe of left foot) active range of motion of distal interphalangeal joint of fifth toe of left foot which has laterality left side
Fluoroquinolone antiinfectives, ophthalmologic (Pharmacologic Substance) Organic Chemical which has member besifloxacin
Glaucoma (Classification) something which has member Disorder, Optic Disc
skin biopsy of vulvar region on both sides (Diagnostic Procedure) Diagnostic Procedure which has laterality Bilateral
ear pierced (Finding) procedure; for purpose other than remedying health state which is moved to Extension Namespace {1000000}
Function (Observable entity) Observable entity which is interpreted by Wife committed adultery
benzoyl peroxide 0.08 MG/MG Topical Gel (Keratolytic Agents) something which has inactive ingredient stearyl alcohol
Chemosurgery - action (Destructive procedure) Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure which is method of FACE PEELING CHEM
EFW from Hadlock 1991 (Clinical Attribute) Clinical Attribute which has multipart Body weight Fetus US.estimated
Ben tumor of frenum lip (Benign tumor of labial mucosa) Benign neoplasm of the lip which has associated morphology Tumour, uncertain whether benign or malignant
dimethicone (silicones) silicones which is inactive ingredient of Titanium Dioxide 0.05 g in 1 g TOPICAL POWDER [LBEL EFFET PARFAIT DUAL-USE COMPACT YOUTHFUL LOOKING SKIN SPF7]
Drug Combinations (Pharmaceutical Preparations) Pharmacologic Substance which is mapped from bismuth aluminate, fennel, frangula bark, liquorice, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate drug combination
Set of dental branches of infra-orbital artery (Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component) Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component which is sib in isa Artery, Mammary