Rosalind Gill,Christina Scharff
This volume brings together twenty original essays on the changes and continuities in gender relations and intersecting politics of sexuality, race, class and location. The book is located in debates about contemporary culture at a moment of rapid technological change, global interconnectedness and the growing cultural dominance of neoliberalism and postfeminism. The collection traverses disciplines, spaces and approaches. It is marked by an extraordinarily wide focus, ranging from analyses of celebrity magazines and makeover shows to examinations of the experiences of young female migrants, 'mail order brides' and young women who repudiate feminism. The contributions are united by their attempts to think through the ways in which experiences and representations of femininity are changing in the twenty-first century. Are we seeing new femininities? Are neoliberalism and postfeminism constructing new identities and subjectivities? What kinds of analytic tools and cultural politics are needed to critically engage with the current moment? This book will be of interest to everyone studying gender, media or cultural studies.
New Femininities: Postfeminism, Neoliberalism and Subjectivity
Ladislas Farago
“Rich in humor, confidence men, and charm."—, ,New York Times, , Known for his best-selling military histories, Ladislas Farago also wrote a witty tribute to his homeland, ,Strictly from Hungary,. Noting that Hungary has produced some of the world's most renowned artists, scientists, and financiers as well as its share of world-class con-artists, charlatans, and rakes, Farago sets out to explain just how one tiny country can be responsible for so much talent, both good and bad. Using stories from his days as a struggling writer in the bustling café scenes of Budapest and New York City, Farago demonstrates the Hungarian knack for remaining irrepressible and optimistic even in the face of catastrophe. Here we meet Zoltan, a fellow Bohemian who presents his astonished benefactor with a play "about nothing," a theme later made famous by another writer of Hungarian descent, Jerry Seinfeld. Farago also introduces us to "Baby Kiss," a vivacious Hungarian beauty queen, and the story of how she ended up in Fort Worth, Texas; Orkeny, a double agent for America at the height of the Cold War who "spiced up" his reports to keep everyone happy, and the author's own experience getting mustered into the supposedly non-existent Royal Hungarian Army. Farago's reminiscence validates what most Hungarians believe: that Hungary is the center of the world and that everyone has some connection to the land of the Magyars. In that spirit, Farago learns that George Washington himself was "strictly from Hungary." This edition is introduced by the author's son, who shows that the same vibrant spirit described by his father remains the hallmark of the Hungarian temperament.
Strictly from Hungary
Albert Spear Hitchcock
Volume 1 of the basic study of American grasses, both indigenous and escapes, cultivated and wild. Over 1400 species. Full descriptions, information. Total in set: over 1100 maps, illustrations. "A definitive work." — ,American Reference Books Annual,.
Reference,Field Guides
Manual of the Grasses of the United States, Volume One
Harun Yahya
Miracle in the Ant
Bjarne Riis,Lars Steen Pedersen
,Bjarne Riis - engang Danmarks største sportsstjerne, siden udskældt dopingsynder og i dag ejer af et af verdens bedste cykelhold. I biografien Riis fortæller Bjarne Riis for første gang hele sin personlige historie om alt det, ingen vidste og ikke måtte få at vide, koste hvad det ville., ,Det er en barsk og ærlig beretning om en svær barndom, kampen for at overleve i professionel cykelsport, skilsmissen, dopingmisbruget, de private op- og nedture og om faldet fra tinderne, som var uundgåeligt, men som også satte livet i et nyt perspektiv. Riis er et enestående indblik bag kulisserne i professionel cykelsport med de store sejre, nederlagene, konflikterne, løgnene, og det er beretningen om en mand, der havde modet til at sætte sig mål og var parat til at gøre alt for at nå det.,Skrevet i samarbejde med Lars Steen Pedersen, forfatteren bag Stig Tøftings bestsellerbiografi.
Edwin Lefèvre,Roger Lowenstein
First published in 1923, "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" is the most widely read, highly recommended investment book ever. Generations of readers have found that it has more to teach them about markets and people than years of experience. This is a timeless tale that will enrich your life--and your portfolio.
Economics,Finance,Business,Nonfiction,Economics,Biography,History,Currency,Money,Autobiography,Memoir,Finance,Personal Finance,Buisness
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Hamid Ziarati
«Dice che solo lui conosce i ghiribizzi delle sue rose, solo lui capisce, dal colore dei petali, di quale attenzione hanno bisogno. Le annaffia ogni giorno, e tiene più puliti quei cespugli che le sue unghie, sempre sporche di grasso. Usa un oliatore a becco lungo per concimarle alla base e una pistola per la verniciatura contro i parassiti. Quel giardino è il suo paese dei balocchi, dove tornare a essere un bambino che gioca a fare il meccanico delle rose».,Il protagonista di questo libro si nasconde letteralmente tra le righe. Abita non più di una frase del primo capitolo, e negli altri fa la sua comparsa a tempo debito. Eppure al centro del romanzo c'è lui: il protagonista assente, che proprio restando ai margini delle vite degli altri acquista una paradossale centralità.,La sua storia è raccontata attraverso le storie delle persone che sono state importanti per lui, nell'Iran dagli anni Venti ai giorni nostri: il padre, il cugino, la moglie, la figlia, una donna amata.,Chinandosi su ognuno di questi personaggi, e narrando le loro vicende come se fosse sulla loro spalla, l'autore riesce a farci entrare in profondità nelle tante vite che formano una vita, e un mondo. ,Akbar - che vive in un paese ai bordi del deserto dove si estrae la migliore essenza delle rose di Persia - è un capofamiglia religioso e rispettato e trova un modo tutto suo per rimediare ai torti del destino che gli ha rubato un figlio.,Khodadad è appena un ragazzino quando fugge di casa in cerca di se stesso, nei giorni dell'anniversario del martirio dell'Imam Hossein e dei suoi settantadue seguaci.,Donya ha conosciuto la felicità e la disperazione, prima di andare in sposa a un uomo che ha il doppio dei suoi anni. ,Mahtab stava per laurearsi in medicina e iniziare una nuova vita, quando è incappata nei Guardiani della Rivoluzione.,Laleh ha il nome d'un fiore - quello del martirio - e forse è una «pazza d'amore»: è lei, dal letto di un ospedale, in un lucido delirio, a tirare inconsapevolmente i fili di tutte le storie, e a restituire il volto contraddittorio del suo amato, il meccanico delle rose.,Il quadro dunque è compiuto. Ma chi è al centro di quel quadro? L'uomo che dà il titolo al libro ha creduto - come tutti - di essere protagonista della sua vita, ed è stato una comparsa in quella degli altri. ,Quel che è certo è che sullo sfondo, dietro le tante figure, resta un Paese riconoscibilissimo ma mai nominato, per rispetto di chi - vivendo nei suoi confini - non può nominarlo.
Il meccanico delle rose
Michael S. Sanders
From Here,You Can't See Paris, is a sweet, leisurely exploration of the life of Les Arques (population 159), a hilltop village in a remote corner of France, untouched by the modern era. It is a story of a dying village's struggle to survive, of a dead artist whose legacy began its rebirth, and of chef Jacques Ratier and his wife, Noëlle, whose bustling restaurant—the village's sole business—has helped ensure its future. ,The author set out to explore the inner workings of a French restaurant kitchen but ended up stumbling onto a wider, much richer world. Whether uncovering the darker secrets of making foie gras, hearing a chef confess his doubts about the Michelin star system, or absorbing the lore of the land around a farmhouse kitchen table after a boar hunt, Michael Sanders learned that life in Les Arques was anything but sleepy. Through the eyes of the author and his family, the reader enters this world, discovers its still-vibrant traditions of food, cooking, and rural living, and comes to know the village's history, sharing along the way an American family's adventures as they find their way in a place that is sometimes lonely, often wondrous, and always fascinating.
Travel,Cultural,France,Nonfiction,Food and Drink,Food,Autobiography,Memoir,Food and Drink,Food Writing,Food and Drink,Culinary,Food and Drink,Cooking,Cultural,Food and Drink,Foodie
From Here, You Can't See Paris: Seasons of a French Village and Its Restaurant
Greg McDonnell
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, the five states featured in this spectacular collection, once boasted nearly 45,000 route-miles of railroad within their boundaries.Photographs by the author and many other talented rail photographers capture the essence and the spirit of railroading in America's heartland.
Heartland (Nebraska)
Kaoru Mori,森 薫
Secrets are revealed when Emma makes a return visit to London. Behind William's upstanding exterior, he is still despondent over losing Emma. His sister's friend Eleanor is doing everything she can to insinuate herself into his life-- perhaps on a permanent basis! As for Emma, she is on her way back to London to accompany the mysterious Mrs. Trollop to an important social event-- an event that holds come shocking surprises!
Sequential Art,Manga,Historical,Historical Fiction,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Romance,Historical,Sequential Art,Comics,Fiction,Young Adult,Manga,Seinen,Historical,Victorian
Emma, Vol. 04
Patricia Fara
An Entertainment for Angels, rather than for Men, one observer called electricity, and it proved to be the most significant scientific discovery of the Enlightenment. Lecturers attracted huge audiences who marveled at sparkling fountains, flaming drinks, pirouetting dancers, and electrified boys. Flamboyant experimenters made chains of soldiers leap into the air, while wealthy women titillated their admirers with a sensational electric kiss. Optimists predicted that this strange power of nature would cure illnesses, improve crop production, even bring the dead back to life. ,An Entertainment for Angels, tells the story of how electricity charged the eighteenth-century imagination. With contemporary illustrations and engaging prose, Patricia Fara vividly portrays the struggles to understand the unusual and exciting effects that electrical experiments were producing.,One of the heroes of the story is Benjamin Franklin, renowned on both sides of the Atlantic as an expert on electricity, who introduced lightning rods to protect tall buildings, pioneered techniques to treat paralyzed patients, and developed one of the most successful explanations of this mysterious phenomenon. Others include Luigi Galvani, whose electrical research on frogs and animals makes for grisly reading but led to the discovery of direct current electricity; and Alessandro Volta, who--with Napoleon's enthusiastic support--became one of Europe's leading scientific practitioners and invented the world's first battery.
Nonfiction,Science,History Of Science,Science,History
An Entertainment for Angels: Electricity in the Enlightenment
James Naremore
This book is a critical study of Stanley Kubrick's career, beginning with his earliest feature, ,Fear and Desire, (1953), and ending with his posthumous production of ,A.I., Artificial Intelligence, (2001). This book argues that in several respects Kubrick was one of the cinema's last modernists.
Culture,Film,Nonfiction,Media Tie In,Biography
On Kubrick
James Naremore
"Film noir" evokes memories of stylish, cynical, black-&-white movies from the 40s & 50s--melodramas about private eyes, femmes fatales, criminal gangs & lovers on the run. ,More Than Night, discusses such pictures. It also shows that the central term is more complex & paradoxical than realized. Film noir refers both to an important cinematic legacy & to an idea projected onto the past. This wide-ranging cultural history offers an original approach to the subject, as well as new production information & commentary on scores of films, including ,Double Indemnity,, ,The Third Man,, & ,Out of the Past,, & such neo-noirs as ,Chinatown,, ,Pulp Fiction, & ,Devil in a Blue Dress,. Naremore discusses film noir as a term in criticism; as an expression of artistic modernism; as a symptom of Hollywood censorship & politics in the 40s; as a market strategy; as an evolving style; as a cinema about race & nationality & as an idea that circulates across all information technologies. This interdisciplinary book has valuable things to say not only about film & tv, but also about modern literature, the fine arts & popular culture in general. In a field where much of what's published is superficial & derivative, this work is certain to be received as a definitive treatment.
Culture,Film,Nonfiction,Mystery,Noir,Media Tie In,History,Textbooks,Academic,School
More than Night: Film Noir in its Contexts
Karen Hesse
Nyle's life with her grandmother on their Vermont sheep farm advances rhythmically through the seasons until the night of the accident at the Cookshire nuclear power plant. Without warning, Nyle's modest world fills with protective masks, evacuations, contaminated food, disruptions, and mistrust.,Nyle adjusts to the changes. As long as the fallout continues blowing to the East, Nyle, Gran, and the farm can go on. But into this uncertain haven stumble Ezra Trent and his mother, "refugees" from the heart of the accident, who take temporary shelter in the back bedroom of Nyle's house.,The back bedroom is the dying room: It took her mother when Nyle was six; it stole away her grandfather just two years ago. Now Ezra is back there and Nyle doesn't want to open her heart to him. Too many times she's let people in, only to have them desert her.,Karen Hesse's voice and vision are grounded in truth; she takes on a nearly unharnessable subject, contains it, and makes it resonate with honesty. Part love story, part coming of age, this is a tour de force by a gifted writer.
Young Adult,Fiction,Realistic Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Childrens,Middle Grade,Childrens,Science Fiction,Young Adult,Teen,Childrens,Juvenile,Academic,Read For School
Phoenix Rising
N.D. Wilson
Before he wrote the bestselling, ,100 Cupboards trilogy and Ashtown Burials series,,, N. D. Wilson delighted readers with his first unforgettable action-adventure story of survival. . . . , ,Thomas Hammond has always lived next to Leepike Ridge, but he never imagined he might end up lost beneath it! The night Tom’s schoolteacher comes to dinner and asks Tom’s mother to marry him, Tom slips out of the house and escapes down a nearby stream on a floating slab of packing foam. The night and stars lull Tom to sleep, and when he wakes, he has ridden his foam raft all the way to the ridge, where the stream dives underground. Flung over rapids and tossed through chasms, Tom finally hits shore, sore but alive. What Tom finds under Leepike Ridge—a dog, a flashlight, a castaway, a tomb, and buried treasure—will answer questions he hadn’t known to ask, and change his life forever. Now, if only he can find his way home again. . . .
Fiction,Adventure,Childrens,Middle Grade,Childrens,Young Adult,Adventure,Survival,Mystery,Action,Childrens,Juvenile,Realistic Fiction
Leepike Ridge
Connie Bruck
During the 1980s, Michael Milken at Drexel Burnham Lambert was the Billionaire Junk Bond King. He invented such things as "the highly confident letter" (I'm highly confident that I can raise the money you need to buy company X) and "the blind pool" (Here's a billion dollars: let us help you buy a company), and he financed the biggest corporate raiders--men like Carl Icahn and Ronald Perelman.,And then, on September 7, 1988, things changed. The Securities and Exchange Commission charged Milken and Drexel Burnham Lambert with insider trading and stock fraud. Waiting in the wings was the US District Attorney, who wanted to file criminal and racketeering charges. What motivated Milken in his drive for power and money? Did Drexel Burnham Lambert condone the breaking of laws? ,The Predators' Ball ,dramatically captures American business history in the making, uncovering the philosophy of greed that has dominated Wall Street in the 1980s.
Business,Economics,Finance,Nonfiction,Economics,History,Crime,True Crime,Buisness,Biography,Law,Mystery,Crime
The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junk Bond Raiders
Retha M. Warnicke
"Scholars now have Warnicke to use as their chief one volume study of Mary",Julian Goodare, ,University of Edinburgh,In this biography of one of the most intriguing figures of early modern European history, Retha Warnicke, widely regarded as a leading historian on Tudor queenship, offers a fresh interpretation of the life of Mary Stuart, popularly known as Mary Queen of Scots.,Setting Mary's life within the context of the cultural and intellectual climate of the time and bringing to life the realities of being a female monarch in the sixteenth century, Warnicke also examines Mary's three marriages, her constant ill health and her role in numerous plots and conspiracies. Placing Mary within the context of early modern gender relations, Warnicke reveals the challenges that faced her and the forces that worked to destroy her.,This highly readable and fascinating study will pour fresh light on the much-debated life of a central figure of the sixteenth century, providing a new interpretation of Mary Stuart's impact on politics, gender and nationhood in the Tudor era.
History,Nonfiction,Biography,English History,Tudor Period,Cultural,Scotland
Mary Queen of Scots
Lev Grossman
Return to Fillory in the riveting sequel to The New York Times bestseller and literary phenomenon of 2009--,The Magicians,.,The Magicians, was praised as a triumph by readers and critics of both mainstream and fantasy literature. Now Grossman takes us back to Fillory, where the Brakebills graduates have fled the sorrows of the mundane world, only to face terrifying new challenges.,Quentin and his friends are now the kings and queens of Fillory, but the days and nights of royal luxury are starting to pall. After a morning hunt takes a sinister turn, Quentin and his old friend Julia charter a magical sailing ship and set out on an errand to the wild outer reaches of their kingdom. Their pleasure cruise becomes an adventure when the two are unceremoniously dumped back into the last place Quentin ever wants to see: his parent's house in Chesterton, Massachusetts. And only the black, twisted magic that Julia learned on the streets can save them.,The Magician King, is a grand voyage into the dark, glittering heart of magic, an epic quest for the Harry Potter generation. It also introduces a powerful new voice, that of Julia, whose angry genius is thrilling. Once again Grossman proves that he is the cutting edge of literary fantasy.
Fantasy,Fiction,Fantasy,Magic,Fantasy,Urban Fantasy,Young Adult,Science Fiction Fantasy,Audiobook,Adventure,Adult,Childrens
The Magician King
Frederic H. Martini,Judi L. Nath
Frederic ("Ric") Martini, joined by accomplished educator, award-winning teacher, and co-author Judi Nath, has substantially revised Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology to make the Ninth Edition the most readable and visually effective edition to date. New Spotlight figures integrate brief text and visuals for easy reading. This package contains: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Ninth Edition
Science,Textbooks,Reference,Medical,Academic,School,Science,Biology,Nonfiction,Health,Medicine,Academic,Read For School,Education
Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology
Elisabetta Drudi,T. Paci
Fashion drawings are the primary means of visualising ideas and concepts in costume and fashion design. To give an accurate impression of what is in a designer's mind it is vital to master the rules of figure drawing as well as grasp stylisation and exaggeration techniques that let you add individuality and style. This new edition of FIGURE DRAWING FOR FASHION DESIGN - fully revised, updated and greatly expanded - offers a concise, topic by topic guide to acquiring and perfecting these skills, concentrating on the female form. The coverage provided means that this book is ideal both for those who want to apply themselves professionally to fashion design, and for all enthusiasts of drawing the human body. 352 pages, more than 1.500 illustrations, 4 chapters: 1) Drawing the female figure - a very comprehensive course in drawing all parts of the female body, 2) The figure in fashion - teaches you how to draw specifically for fashion design and presentation, 3) Fashion design - provides and introduction into what is required to design and draw new collections and 4) Garment drawing and design - what you need to know to make accurate technical drawings of whole garments, details, trimmings, etc.
Figure Drawing for Fashion Design
Hermann Hesse,James Wright
On May 2, 1919, Hesse wrote to Romain Rolland: "I have had to bear a very heavy burden in my personal life in recent years. Now I am about to go to Ticino once again, to live for a while as a hermit in nature and in my work." In 1920, after settling in the Ticino mountain village of Montagnola, he published Wandering, a love letter to this magic-garden world that can be read as a meditation on his attempt to begin a new life. His pure prose, his heartfelt lyricism, and his love for the old earth, for its blessings that renew themselves, all sing in this serene book. ,The first German edition of Wandering included facsimiles of fourteen watercolor landscapes. Hesse's painting had blossomed in the southern countryside and he even toyed with the idea "that I might still succeed in escaping literature entirely and making a living at the more appealing trade of painter." Unfortunately, his original pictures for Wandering have disappeared; this edition reproduces in black-and-white the full-color reproductions of the 1920 edition.
Poetry,Fiction,Philosophy,European Literature,German Literature,Literature,Classics,Travel,Short Stories,Cultural,Germany,Travel,Walking
Discovery Institute
There are a lot of false urban legends promoted in academia about intelligent design (ID). They often start with myths promoted by misinformed critiques in scientific journals, court rulings, or even talks by activists at scientific conferences. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for this misinformation to then be passed down to college students, who may know very little about ID and lack the resources to correct their professors' misinformed and misplaced attacks on ID. Not anymore.,If you're a college student, recently gone back to school and expecting to hear a lot of anti-ID views from your professors, we're pleased to present this "Back to School Guide" for students.,The guide contains suggestions for helpful pro-ID books, articles, and websites for students to read when investigating the issue. Additionally, it contains "Answers to Your Professor's Most Common Misinformed Objections to Intelligent Design." Nine answers are given to common but false arguments against ID like "Intelligent Design Proponents Don't Conduct or Publish Scientific Research" or "Intelligent Design Is a Science Stopper" or "Intelligent Design Has Been Refuted by the Overwhelming Evidence for Neo-Darwinian Evolution."
Pseudoscience,Intelligent Design,Science,Nonfiction
The College Student's Back to School Guide to Intelligent Design
Kurt Cobb
In this romantic thriller Cassie Young is a rising star at a prestigious energy consulting firm when she discovers secret files that reveal the truth about the world's oil supplies; and, it's not good news. Soon, she finds herself locked in a game of cat and mouse that places her career and ultimately her life on the line. After reading her story, you'll never think quite the same way about filling your gas tank. Cassie's transformation from one of the firm's true believers into a worried skeptic begins when she meets Victor Chernov, a former oil trader. Contrary to the public pronouncements of her firm and many official agencies, Victor says the world may start running dangerously short of oil the lifeblood of modern society within only a few years. In her search for the truth, Cassie uncovers evidence that convinces her Victor is right. But that evidence now makes her a target for those who desperately want to keep an unknowing world in the dark. A startling reinterpretation of contemporary events, Prelude follows Cassie to the Canadian tar sands; to the heart of Houston, the energy city; to an offshore drilling platform; and to the streets and suites of Washington, D.C. in a journey that unlocks the mysteries of a substance that the world cannot do without.
Pier Vittorio Aureli
Architectural form reconsidered in light of a unitary conception of architecture and the city.,In ,The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture,, Pier Vittorio Aureli proposes that a sharpened formal consciousness in architecture is a precondition for political, cultural, and social engagement with the city. Aureli uses the term absolute not in the conventional sense of "pure," but to denote something that is resolutely itself after being separated from its other. In the pursuit of the possibility of an absolute architecture, the other is the space of the city, its extensive organization, and its government. Politics is agonism through separation and confrontation; the very condition of architectural form is to separate and be separated. Through its act of separation and being separated, architecture reveals at once the essence of the city and the essence of itself as political form: the city as the composition of (separate) parts. Aureli revisits the work of four architects whose projects were advanced through the making of architectural form but whose concern was the city at large: Andrea Palladio, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Etienne Louis-Boull'e, and Oswald Mathias Ungers. The work of these architects, Aureli argues, addressed the transformations of the modern city and its urban implications through the elaboration of specific and strategic architectural forms. Their projects for the city do not take the form of an overall plan but are expressed as an "archipelago" of site-specific interventions.
Architecture,Philosophy,Theory,Nonfiction,Cities,Urbanism,European Literature,Italian Literature,Art,History
The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture
Paul Raeburn
An illustrated account of the history of exploration of the planet Mars incorporating photographs taken from the Pathfinder and Global Surveyor space missions.
Mars: Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet
Linda Rios Brook
As the final installment in the series that began with Lucifer’s Flood, Linda Rios Brook’s The Redeemer finds ancient language expert Samantha Yale translating a final batch of ancient scrolls written by a fallen angel. This volume of writings covers the demon’s eyewitness accounts of biblical events that cover the life of Jesus. In the process we also discover the mysterious Mr. Wonk’s true identity and learn an amazing secret that Samantha has been keeping.,This is a story about rebellion and consequences. It is about demonic strategy to disrupt and destroy the people of God. But ultimately it is a story about the unrelenting love, grace, mercy, and determination of a sovereign God in pursuit of His errant children., 
Christian Fiction,Christian,Fiction,Biblical Fiction
The Redeemer
David Eckelberry,Richard Baker
Welcome to the future's edge with this first campaign setting for the Alternity science fiction roleplaying game. This full-color volume hurls players into the 26th century with a galaxy of nonstop action, epic adventure, and astounding far-future technology. Faster-than-light travel, strange alien species, exotic planets on the far reaches of explored space, and other elements of classic space opera dominate this setting.
Games,Gaming,Games,Role Playing Games,Sports and Games,Games
Star Drive Campaign Setting
Real Academia Española
Diccionario de la lengua española
Amy Asbury
There comes a time in every girl's life, where she has to choose good or choose bad. Amy Asbury chose bad, hands down. Good meant wallflowers, secretaries and subservient wives. Bad meant power- and a possible escape from a life of secrets. ,At twelve years old she was trying to make sense of a drug-addicted father and his disturbing behavior. By fifteen she was dealing with horrendous depression, blackouts and rape. At sixteen she was in a mental institution for suicidal tendencies and violent behavior. She knew she could never be normal. The only place for a girl like her was Hollywood.,This is a true story of the social ascent (and eventual decline) of a girl in the Sunset Strip music scene of the early 1990's. From crazy parties to glittered junkies and man-eating strippers, Amy has chronicled what life was like back in the days of excess and debauchery. It is not just a fascinating look into an amusing time in pop culture, but also details the mindset of a young woman trying to find confidence and self-worth in a life full of pain and chaos. ,The party came screeching to a halt when the Grunge movement took over and heroin became more prominent. How far off track can a person go before it's too late?
Autobiography,Memoir,Nonfiction,Mental Health,Mental Illness,Music,Young Adult,Coming Of Age,Biography,Psychology,Biography,Autobiography,Sex Work,Strippers
The Sunset Strip Diaries
Timothy B. Brown
Games,Role Playing Games,Fantasy,Role Playing Games,Dungeons and Dragons,Sports and Games,Games,Games,Gaming
Dark Sun: Campaign Setting
Steve Miller,William W. Connors
Add a touch of horror to your AD&D game with this medieval Gothic setting Vampires, werewolves, forbidding castles, and ghosts of all kinds inhabit the Demiplane of Dread. ,Features new rules for creating heroes native to the domains, adapting magic to the demiplane, and dealing with fear and horror checks when the characters experience the true terror that dominates the Ravenloft "RM" campaign.,Night is Falling. The Mists are Rising,Embrace the Darkness.,Enter the dark and macabre world of Ravenloft.,But beware -,once you begin to walk among the mists and shadows,,you can never leave.,Domains of Dread is the core rulebook for the second edition of the award-winning RAVENLOFT campaign setting - the original fantasy horror role-playing game. ,Within the pages of this book, players and Dungeon Masters will discover the darkest secrets of the Land of the Mists, including many never-before-seen features:,Detailed guidelines on designing anything from short-term horror adventures to long-running campaigns of twisted terror.,Complete rules for generating player characters native to the Demiplane of Dread.,Four new character classes specifically designed for use in RAVENLOFT campaigns - the avenger, the anchorite, the gypsy, and the arcanist!,An all-new player character race - the half-Vistani!,Updated and expanded descriptions of the Demiplane and the foul lords who rule its tortured domains!,Revised fear, horror, and madness checks to enhance the terror.,New rules for power checks, plus thirteen detailed steps that lead from grace to absolute corruption!,Summary of content:,1: The Demiplane of Dread: general description of Ravenloft, as well as a history and theories about the nature of the dark powers, and an overview of the technological levels in Ravenloft (from Stone Age to Renaissance),2: Domains of the Core,3: Islands of Terror (Bluetspur, G´Henna, I´Cath, Kalidnay, Nosos, Odiare, Souragne and Vorostokov),4: Clusters (Amber Wastes (Har'Akir, Sebua and Pharazia), Zherisia (Paridon and Timor), the Burning Peaks (Vecna and Kas's domains) and Pockets (Davion, The House of Lament, The Nightmare Lands and Scaena),5: Secret Societies - short chapter on nine secret societies - Keepers of the Black Feather, Green Hand, Circle, Church of Ezra, Vistani, Carnival, Kargatane, Fraternity of Shadows, Unholy Order of the rave),6: Fear, Horror, and Madness rules,7: Powers Checks rules,8: The Path of the Priest - changes in the priest class,9: The Way of the Wizard - changes for wizards.,10: Mazes of the Mind - changes for psionics,11: Forged of Darkness - changes for magical items,12: The Whispered Evil - curses.,13: Tenets of Terror - discussion about the general nature of Ravenloft adventures and campaigns,Appendix: ability scores, character races, character classes (some new: Avengers (paladins), Arcanist (wizards), Anchorites (priest of Ezra), gypsy (bard)
Games,Role Playing Games,Role Playing Games,Dungeons and Dragons,Games,Gaming,Fantasy,Horror,Sports and Games,Games,Fiction
Domains of Dread: Ravenloft Campaign:
Jeff Grubb,Bruce Nesmith,David Zeb Cook
Inside You'll Discover a "King's Ransom" in Castles and Accessories!,EXPLORE THREE SPECTACULAR CASTLES...,* "Darkhold" in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting: Towering stronghold of the nefarious Black Network.,* "Drungar" in the DRAGONLANCE setting: Bastion of defense against Thenol's undead armies.,* "Hart" in the GREYHAWK setting: A paladin's shing, star-shaped fortress.,See each castle brought to life in its own dramatic full-color poster, a full-color map, plus a 48-page book describing the fortress and all the scheming characters who live there.,FIGHT BATTLES AT THE CASTLE WALLS...,Experience the thrill of conquest with:,* Huge BATTLESYSTEM scenarios for each castle,* A complete war on the Drungar Frontier,* New and expanded siege, sorcery, and campaign rules for the BATTLESYSTEM miniatures game,BUILD A FORTRESS!,Construct key parts of Hart, Drungar, and Darkhold - or build your own fortress with these ADVENTURE FOLD-UP pieces:,* Over 40 towers, buildings, and walls,* Over 60 accessories, including battlements, doors, windows, arrow slits, rooftops, and drawbridges,* Over 40 "Tools of War," from fieldworks and siege towers to ballistae and a catapult,* Over 80 floorplan aids, including 2-D markers for corridors, stairwells, and more,This message is brought to you by "Affordable Castles," a halfling contractor's firm in the Heartlands. See inside for details.
Games,Gaming,Role Playing Games,Dungeons and Dragons,Dungeons and Dragons,Dragonlance,Games,Role Playing Games,Fantasy,Sports and Games,Games
Castles (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons)
Donna Alward
After a hard day's ranching, Wyatt Black wants to kick back with a cold beer. But when he steps onto his porch, he has unexpected company - his tiny abandoned niece!,Against her better judgment, Wyatt's neighbor Elli Marchuk agrees to help him for a few days,Elli soon falls in love with baby Darcy, but it's the child's grouchy, gorgeous protector who's got her head over heels....
Romance,Westerns,Contemporary,Harlequin,Harlequin Romance,Category Romance,Harlequin,Romance,Western Romance,Adult,Romance,Category Romance,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Romance,M F Romance
Proud Rancher, Precious Bundle
Lewis V. Thomas
Turkish is the primary language of some thirty million people. Anyone concerned with current social, political, and cultural developments in Turkey knows that a practical understanding of the basic patterns of modern Turkish is an invaluable skill that until now has been difficult to attain without extensive training.,This superb grammar and exercise text, used successfully for years in Princeton University, enables English-speaking students — in and out of the classroom — to gain a quick and thorough understanding of modern Turkish. In a carefully arranged sequence of 23 lessons, Lewis V. Thomas, late Professor of Oriental Studies at Princeton, presents thorough coverage that allows the student to begin to use the basic patterns of modern Turkish without time-consuming and expensive private instruction.,The method of instruction was devised after an extensive analysis of results in Princeton classrooms, and relies on exercises at the end of each lesson to test the student's grasp of the material. Beginning with the alphabet and numbers, Professor Thomas offers clear, concise coverage of articles, adjectives and nouns, common infinitives, personal pronouns, and elementary verbs. As the student's comprehension of basic elements develops, further lessons deal with more complicated subjects such as the possessive construction, past general verbs, postpositions, the partitive, progressive verb forms, and abbreviating verb forms. A complete Turkish-English glossary translates new vocabulary occurring in the exercises.,Norman Itzkowitz, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, has skillfully made the necessary revisions and additions to complete Professor Thomas' work. For anyone who needs to communicate in this important and influential language, Professor Thomas' proven course, now in an inexpensive paperback edition, is the most effective method available.
Elementary Turkish
Peter Woll
As it has since its first edition, this reader provides a strong, balanced blend of classics that illustrate and amplify important concepts in American government, along with extremely current readings and cases drawn from today's literature.
American Government: Readings and Cases
Antonia Fraser
She was the quintessential queen: statuesque, regal, dazzlingly beautiful. Her royal birth gave her claim to the thrones of two nations; her marriage to the young French dauphin promised to place a third glorious crown on her noble head. Instead, Mary Stuart became the victim of her own impulsive heart, scandalizing her world with a foolish passion that would lead to abduction, rape, and even murder. Betrayed by those she most trusted, she would be lured into a deadly game of power, only to lose to her envious and unforgiving cousin, Elizabeth I. Here is her story, a queen who lost a throne for love, a monarch pampered and adored even as she was led to her beheading, the unforgettable woman who became a legend for all time.
History,Biography,Nonfiction,Cultural,Scotland,Historical,European Literature,British Literature,Biography Memoir,English History,Tudor Period,Literature,16th Century,Womens
Mary Queen of Scots
Audrey Terras
Graph theory meets number theory in this stimulating book. Ihara zeta functions of finite graphs are reciprocals of polynomials, sometimes in several variables. Analogies abound with number-theoretic functions such as Riemann/Dedekind zeta functions. For example, there is a Riemann hypothesis (which may be false) and prime number theorem for graphs. Explicit constructions of graph coverings use Galois theory to generalize Cayley and Schreier graphs. Then non-isomorphic simple graphs with the same zeta are produced, showing you cannot hear the shape of a graph. The spectra of matrices such as the adjacency and edge adjacency matrices of a graph are essential to the plot of this book, which makes connections with quantum chaos and random matrix theory, plus expander/Ramanujan graphs of interest in computer science. Pitched at beginning graduate students, the book will also appeal to researchers. Many well-chosen illustrations and diagrams, and exercises throughout, theoretical and computer-based.
Zeta Functions of Graphs
Rick H. Hoyle,Charles M. Judd
RESEARCH METHODS IN SOCIAL RELATIONS offers a compelling, problem-focused perspective on social science methods. The authors discuss the influence of personal and cultural values on which questions are asked, how they are asked, and how they are addressed in the opening chapter and use this perspective in discussions of specific methods throughout the book. This focus on the importance of conscience and conviction in research on social behavior is a unique and enduring feature of this new Seventh Edition. Ideal for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this Seventh Edition covers all the major research methods used by social scientists, with special attention devoted to methods that are well-suited to the study of real world social problems. Most of the examples drawn from the published literature or developed specifically for the book concern a social problem for which social science research is relevant. Your students will see how social science research can be used to address questions such as: To what factors can the escalation of violence in schools be attributed? Why, in the midst of an AIDS epidemic to people engage in risky sexual behavior? Can ethnic prejudice be reduced? As in previous editions, the heart of the book is detailed coverage of a broad array of research methods, ranging from tightly controlled laboratory experimentation to nonintrusive observation of people in theier natural environments.
Research Methods in Social Relations
Peter Kump
The former National Director of Education for Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics. presents his do-it-yourself program for increasing reading speed and boosting comprehension. This program distills fundamental principles and skills chat can be learned at home with the help of the drills and exercises provided. And because it lets readers choose their own materials and set their own pace, it's the ideal method for busy people juggling a full schedule.,Peter Kump,, a rapid reading expert, has been Director of Peter Kump Reading Consultants for over twenty years. He has taught rapid reading to White House staff, corporate groups, and individuals. He lives in New York City.
Nonfiction,Self Help,Productivity,Self Help,Personal Development,Education,Reference,Psychology,Unfinished,Science,How To
Breakthrough Rapid Reading
Michael Alan Nelson,Christopher Posseni
There is an Old One sleeping that will hear … THE CALLING!,After a series of horrific events, four strangers are left searching for answers to their personal tragedies. But as they struggle to make sense of these terrible occurrences, they are brought together by the discovery of a dark scheme that threatens the existence of everything they have ever known. An unspeakable evil is about to be unleashed onto the world. An evil known only as...Cthulhu.
Horror,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Sequential Art,Comics,Horror,Lovecraftian,Graphic Novels Comics,Lovecraftian,Cthulhu Mythos,Comics,Comic Book,Fiction
The Calling: Cthulhu Chronicles
Elise Schebler Roberts,Helen Kelley,Sandra Dallas,Jean Ray Laury,Ami Simms,Patricia Grady Cox,Alex Anderson,Jennifer Chiaverini
The story of the American quilt is the story of America itself, stitching together the history, hopes, and heartaches of a nation. From colonial to pioneer quilts, Civil War to Victorian crazy quilts, Depression-era quilts to quilts of the present day, this American craft speaks volumes about the changing world around us and the lives of the quilt makers who have pieced it together. ,The largest, most comprehensive history of American quilts ever published, ,The Quilt, explores the evolution of quilting in America. It shows, in vivid colors and patterns, how African American, Amish, Hawaiian, Hmong, and Native American quilts celebrate cultural identity, and how quilts connect us to one another through quilting bees and other community groups.,Author Elise Schebler Roberts also goes beyond the historical nature of quilts to cover current efforts at quilt preservation, with discussions of museums, collecting and appraising, and state documentation projects. Her book features an encyclopedia of favorite quilt styles, detailing the stories behind applique quilts, crazy quilts, art quilts, scrap quilts, sampler quilts, and whole-cloth quilts, as well as traditional patchwork patterns like the Nine Patch, Log Cabin, and Double Wedding Ring. ,The Quilt, is gloriously illustrated with more than 200 full-color photographs of classic collectible quilts, close-up detail shots, current and historical photos of quilters, and vintage quilting memorabilia such as pattern booklets, advertisements, posters, postcards, and more.
The Quilt: A History and Celebration of an American Art Form
Peter Spier
This wordless picture book captures the beauty and wonder of a brother and sister's joyous experiences in the rain. Come along as they explore their neighborhood, splash through puddles, see where the animals hide, and make footprints in the mud. From the first small drops of rain to the clear blue sky of a bright new morning, "Peter Spier's Rain" will delight parents and children again and again.
Childrens,Picture Books,Childrens,Fiction,Adventure,Environment,Nature,Family,Kids,Academic,School,Childrens,1st Grade,Childrens,Pre K
Peter Spier's Rain
Amy Erdman Farrell
One of Choice's Significant University Press Titles for Undergraduates, 2010-2011,To be fat hasn't always occasioned the level of hysteria that this condition receives today and indeed was once considered an admirable trait. ,Fat Shame: Stigma and the Fat Body in American Culture, explores this arc, from veneration to shame, examining the historic roots of our contemporary anxiety about fatness. Tracing the cultural denigration of fatness to the mid 19th century, Amy Farrell argues that the stigma associated with a fat body preceded any health concerns about a large body size. Firmly in place by the time the diet industry began to flourish in the 1920s, the development of fat stigma was related not only to cultural anxieties that emerged during the modern period related to consumer excess, but, even more profoundly, to prevailing ideas about race, civilization and evolution. For 19th and early 20th century thinkers, fatness was a key marker of inferiority, of an uncivilized, barbaric, and primitive body. This idea--that fatness is a sign of a primitive person--endures today, fueling both our $60 billion -war on fat- and our cultural distress over the -obesity epidemic.- Farrell draws on a wide array of sources, including political cartoons, popular literature, postcards, advertisements, and physicians' manuals, to explore the link between our historic denigration of fatness and our contemporary concern over obesity. Her work sheds particular light on feminisms' fraught relationship to fatness. From the white suffragists of the early 20th century to contemporary public figures like Oprah Winfrey, Monica Lewinsky, and even the Obama family, Farrell explores the ways that those who seek to shed stigmatized identities--whether of gender, race, ethnicity or class--often take part in weight reduction schemes and fat mockery in order to validate themselves as -civilized.- In sharp contrast to these narratives of fat shame are the ideas of contemporary fat activists, whose articulation of a new vision of the body Farrell explores in depth. This book is significant for anyone concerned about the contemporary -war on fat- and the ways that notions of the -civilized body- continue to legitimate discrimination and cultural oppression.
Nonfiction,Feminism,Fat,Fat Studies,Sociology,History,Health,Fat,Health,Politics,Fat,Fat Acceptance,Social Movements,Social Justice
Fat Shame: Stigma and the Fat Body in American Culture
So Hee Park
Sin mengetahui perjanjian rahasia antara Hyo Rin dan Yul dan memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hubungannya dengan Hyo Rin. Namun Yul bertindak lebih jauh dengan mengancam Chae Kyeong untuk pergi bersamanya atau Tahta Putra Mahkota taruhannya. Apakah Sin bisa mendapatkan Chae Kyeong kembali?
Sequential Art,Manga,Manga,Manhwa,Romance,Manga,Shojo,Comics Manga,Sequential Art,Komik,Historical,Drama,Humor,Comedy,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels
Goong, Palace Story, Volume 21
Marv Wolfman,George Pérez,Curt Swan,Romeo Tanghal,Various
The first 16 issues of the groundbreaking 1980s NEW TEEN TITANS is now collected in a handsome omnibus edition.In 1980, writer Marv Wolfman and artist George Perez introduced a timeless team including Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Cyborg, Changeling, Raven and Starfire – young heroes with great powers and strong personalities who learned their way in the world through the strength of their friendship and the adventures they shared. Don’t miss the first appearances of some of the team’s biggest foes including Deathstroke and Trigon, as well as a confrontation with the Justice League of America and Doom Patrol foes The Brotherhood of Evil.
Sequential Art,Comics,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Superheroes,Dc Comics,Comics,Comic Book,Comics,Superheroes,Graphic Novels Comics,Literature,American
The New Teen Titans Omnibus, Vol. 1
Mary Bywater Cross
Between 1840 and 1870, a quarter of a million Americans crossed the continent to Oregon and California in what was considered one of the great migrations of modern times…Thousands of women arrived in the Northwest by way of the Oregon Trail. This migration or "leave-taking" would consume the longest time and widest distance for these nineteenth-century women to establish new homes for themselves and their loved ones.",- from the book,This beautifully illustrated volume recounts the stories of the women who traveled the Oregon Trail. Includes their reasons for traveling west and the hardships that they encountered. Index and bibliography.
Treasures in the Trunk: Quilts of the Oregon Trail
Charles A. Goodrum
Photographs and text comprise an expert tour of the holdings of the Library of Congress.
Nonfiction,Reference,History,Writing,Books About Books
Treasures Of The Library Of Congress
Alison Weir
On the night of 10 February 1567 an explosion devastated the Edinburgh residence of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. The noise was heard as far away as Holyrood Palace, where Queen Mary was attending a wedding masque. Those arriving at the scene of devastation found, in the garden, the naked corpses of Darnley and his valet. Neither had died in the explosion, but both bodies bore marks of strangulation.,It was clear that they had been murdered and the house destroyed in an attempt to obliterate the evidence. Darnley was not a popular king-consort, but he was regarded by many as having a valid claim to the English throne. For this reason Elizabeth I had opposed his family's longstanding wish to marry him to Mary Stuart, who herself claimed to be the rightful queen of England.,Alison Weir's investigation of Darnley's murder is set against one of the most dramatic periods in British history. Her conclusions shed a brilliant new light on the actions and motives of the conspirators and, in particular, the extent of Mary's own involvement.
History,Nonfiction,Biography,Historical,Cultural,Scotland,English History,Tudor Period,European Literature,British Literature,Crime,True Crime,Literature,16th Century,History,European History
Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley
Akio Morita,Edwin M. Reingold,Mitsuko Shimomura
The outspoken Chariman of the Sony Corporation candidly discusses the rise of Sony, his own extraordinary career as one of the most successful businessmen of our time, and his views on the U.S., Japan, and the world economy.
Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony
Mercedes Lackey
The magic continues in "New York Times" bestselling author Mercedes Lackey's enchanting new story from the Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms series. A beauty must battle some beasts before she rescues her prince.,The eldest daughter is often doomed in fairy tales. But Bella—Isabella Beauchamps, daughter of a wealthy merchant—vows to escape the usual pitfalls.,Anxious to avoid the traditional path, Bella dons a red cloak and ventures into the forbidden forest to consult with "Granny," the local wisewoman. But on the way home she's attacked by a wolf—who turns out to be a cursed nobleman. Secluded in his castle, Bella is torn between her family and this strange man who creates marvelous inventions and makes her laugh—when he isn't howling at the moon.,Bella knows all too well that breaking spells is never easy. But a determined beauty, a wizard (after all, he's only an occasional werewolf) and a little Godmotherly interference might just be able to bring about a happy ending.
Fantasy,Romance,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Fiction,Fantasy,Magic,Fairy Tales,Beauty and The Beast,Shapeshifters,Werewolves,Adult,Science Fiction Fantasy,Retellings
Beauty and the Werewolf
James Lee Burke
Sheriff Hackberry Holland patrols a small Southwest Texas border town with a deep and abiding respect for the citizens in his care. Still mourning the loss of his cherished wife and locked in a perilous almost-romance with his deputy, Pam Tibbs, a woman many decades his junior, Hackberry feeds off the deeds of evil men to keep his own demons at bay. When alcoholic ex-boxer Danny Boy Lorca witnesses a man tortured to death in the desert and reports it, Hack's investigation leads to the home of Anton Ling, a regal, mysterious Chinese woman whom the locals refer to as La Magdalena and who is known for sheltering illegals. Ling denies having seen the victim or the perpetrators, but there is something in her steely demeanor and aristocratic beauty that compels Hackberry to return to her home again and again as the investigation unfolds. Could it be that the sheriff is so taken in by this creature who reminds him of his deceased wife that he would ignore the possibility that she is just as dangerous as the men she harbors?,The danger in the desert increases tenfold with the return of serial murderer Preacher Jack Collins, whom "The New York Times "called "one of Burke's most inspired villains." Presumed dead at the close of "Rain Gods," Preacher Jack has reemerged with a calm, single-minded zeal for killing that is more terrifying than the muzzle flash of his signature machine gun. But this time he and Sheriff Holland have a common enemy.,Praised by Joyce Carol Oates for "the luminosity of his writerly voice," James Lee Burke returns with his most allegorical novel to date, illuminating vital issues of our time--immigration, energy, religious freedom--with the rich atmosphere and devastatingly flawed, authentic characters that readers have come to celebrate during the five decades of his brilliant career.
Mystery,Fiction,Thriller,Mystery,Crime,Audiobook,Suspense,Thriller,Mystery Thriller,Westerns,Mystery,Detective,Literature,American
Feast Day of Fools
Diane Stein
Learn how to create a sacred space and use ritual for empowerment in everyday life, with this classic from Diane Stein.
Spirituality,Religion,Paganism,Witchcraft,Religion,Wicca,Nonfiction,Occult,Magick,Feminism,Womens Studies,Religion,Goddess
Casting the Circle: A Women's Book of Ritual
Diane Stein
A step-by-step guide to hands-on and psychic healing, this comprehensive book presents a complete program of soul development for self-healing, healing with others, and Earth healing. Advanced skills include healing karma and past lives, soul retrieval, releasing entities and spirit attachments, and understanding and aiding the death process.
Self Help
Psychic Healing With Spirit Guides and Angels
Peter J. Gomes
"The Bible and the social and moral consequences that derive from its interpretation are all too important to be left in the hands of the pious or the experts, and too significant to be ignored and trivialized by the uninformed and indifferent.
The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
Tim Gardom,Angela Milner
For 160 million years, dinosaurs were the most successful and diverse creatures to dominate the Earth. This book is based on the world-famous fossil collections and permanent Angela Milner is Head of Fossil Vertebrates at The Natural History Museum.
Animals,Dinosaurs,Science,Science,Natural History
The Natural History Museum Book Of Dinosaurs
Charnell Havens,Vera Marie Badertscher
Finally, here is the first complete biography of the important Navajo painter, Quincy Tahoma (1917-1956). Over 260 beautiful full color images of his paintings complement the dramatic story told of his life and career as one of the best artists of his generation. Tahoma's life journey includes early adoption, recognition of his unique talent, and a meteoric rise to fame in the Santa Fe art world followed by alcoholism. Following research into spotty records, the authors completed this compelling true story through oral histories from over 50 people, most of whom knew Tahoma personally. This book includes his work from his formative years discovering art at the Santa Fe Indian School to his winning the coveted Philbrook Award. The paintings display the range of the artist's considerable talents, from the tranquil scene of a napping baby antelope to action-packed buffalo hunts. Many of the pieces shown in the book have never before been seen in public.
Quincy Tahoma: The Life and Legacy of a Navajo Artist
Marcia Starck
Covers rituals for women who are interested in a feminist spiritual path, following the woman's life cycle from puberty to death.
Women's Medicine Ways: Cross Cultural Rites Of Passage
Marcia Starck
Earth Mother Astrology
Gregory S. Paul
This is a large format field guide to the true dinosaurs, the Tetrapoda, which are divided into five groups. It covers more than 600 species with full treatment of every terrestrial species.
Dinosaurs: A Field Guide
Nigel Rees
Graffiti 4
Errol Selkirk,Benny Kandler
Briefly traces the development of computers, tells how they work, and looks at modern microcomputer computer applications.
Computers for Beginners
Eric Solomon
The Faded Banners: Memorable Writings of the Civil War
David Kitson
BLADE RUNNER meets THE MATRIX in this gripping thriller with an incredible twist.,When Ex-DEMON pilot Jon Carlson meets beautiful humanitarian Rachel, it's a match made in HEAVEN. Literally, because Rachel's an ANGEL. She's also an AI controlled android of immense power and capability. ,As Jon finds himself drawn into the world of these enigmatic creations of mankind, he unknowingly becomes involved in a program to create autonomous superweapons intended to fight the next war.
Science Fiction,Fiction,Romance,Business,Amazon,Science Fiction,Cyberpunk,Artificial Intelligence,Fantasy,Science Fiction Fantasy
Turing Evolved
Marcia Starck
Healing With Astrology offers an original and eclectic approach to medical astrology. Medicine Woman and medical astrologer Marcia Starck tells how to use horoscopes to reveal significant relationships between psychological states and physical ailments and how to use these insights to enhance mental and physical well-being.Drawing on her extensive work as an astrologer and healer, Starck provides detailed descriptions of the correspondence between the planetary cycles and an incredible range of healing systems -- vitamin therapy, herbs, music, color, crystals, gemstones, flower remedies, aromatherapy, and unification rituals. Starck's fresh and original approach offers us the opportunity to reunite the healing wisdom of the Goddess tradition with our own celestial guideposts -- the planets and the stars as they appear in our birth charts. Instructive case histories are included.
Healing With Astrology
Marcia Starck,Gynne Stern
The Dark Goddess: Dancing With The Shadow
Dipesh Chakrabarty
First published in 2000, Dipesh Chakrabarty's influential ,Provincializing Europe, addresses the mythical figure of Europe that is often taken to be the original site of modernity in many histories of capitalist transition in non-Western countries. This imaginary Europe, Dipesh Chakrabarty argues, is built into the social sciences. The very idea of historicizing carries with it some peculiarly European assumptions about disenchanted space, secular time, and sovereignty. Measured against such mythical standards, capitalist transition in the third world has often seemed either incomplete or lacking. ,Provincializing Europe, proposes that every case of transition to capitalism is a case of translation as well--a translation of existing worlds and their thought--categories into the categories and self-understandings of capitalist modernity. Now featuring a new preface in which Chakrabarty responds to his critics, this book globalizes European thought by exploring how it may be renewed both for and from the margins.
History,Nonfiction,Philosophy,Philosophy,Theory,Academic,Politics,Literature,Post Colonial,Anthropology,Sociology,Cultural,India
Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference - New Edition
Bahá'u'lláh,Bahá'í Publishing,Abd al-Rahman
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
The Seven Valleys Revealed by Bahaullah, at Bagdad, in Answer to Questions Asked by Shiek Abdur Rahman ..
Margaret Barker
Sister Rebecca Manson and her fiancé Chris had planned to work in Paris to save money for their marriage, but when Chris broke his leg, Rebecca still took up her post at St. Catherine’s Clinic. This brought her into close contact with widowed Dr. Patrick Delan, who began rapidly to make Rebecca think again about Chris, but Patrick himself seemed to be deeply committed to Florence Maruin and her two small children. The ties that bound them seemed unbreakable, which didn’t leave much hope for Rebecca...
For Love's Sake Only
Brian Morton,Richard Cook
The Penguin Guide to Jazz Recordings, is firmly established as the world's leading guide to recorded jazz, a mine of fascinating information and a source of insightful - often wittily trenchant - criticism. This is something rather different: Brian Morton (who taught American history at UEA) has picked out the 1000 best recordings that all jazz fans should have and shows how they tell the history of the music and with it the history of the twentieth century. He has completely revised his and Richard Cook's entries and reassessed each artist's entry for this book. The result is an endlessly browsable companion that will prove required reading for aficionados and jazz novices alike., , ,'It's the kind of book that you'll yank off the shelf to look up a quick fact and still be reading two hours later' ,Fortune, , ,'Part jazz history, part jazz ,Karma Sutra, with Cook and Morton as the knowledgeable, urbane, wise and witty guides ... This is one of the great books of recorded jazz; the other guides don't come close' ,Irish Times
The Penguin Jazz Guide: The History of the Music in the 1000 Best Albums
Rhonda Nelson
Former ranger Seth McCutcheon is a man of his word. Leave the military at the request of his dying mother? Check. Join the super-elite Ranger Security? Definitely. Provide a security detail at a high-society wedding? Hell, why not?,Go undercover as the wedding planner's boyfriend? Uhh, well....,But once Seth sets eyes on sexy Penelope Hart, he knows he's a goner. If Penelope wants a fake fling, he's her man. Especially if it comes with all the sensual benefits.,But they can't spend all their time in bed, as much as they'd like to. Somebody is threatening to sabotage the ceremony. If Seth doesn't discover the culprit, Penelope's business will be ruined.,Seth is going to need all the luck he can get if he's going to save the day and get the girl. Then again, they don't call him Wild Card for nothing....
Romance,Harlequin,Harlequin Blaze,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Contemporary,Category Romance,Harlequin,War,Military Fiction,Romance,Category Romance
The Wild Card
Grant Morrison
From one of the most acclaimed and profound writers in the world of comics comes a thrilling and provocative exploration of humankind’s great modern myth: the superhero, ,The first superhero comic ever published, ,Action Comics no. 1, in 1938, introduced the world to something both unprecedented and timeless: Superman, a caped god for the modern age. In a matter of years, the skies of the imaginary world were filled with strange mutants, aliens, and vigilantes: Batman, Wonder Woman, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and the X-Men—the list of names as familiar as our own. In less than a century, they’ve gone from not existing at all to being everywhere we look: on our movie and television screens, in our videogames and dreams. But what are they trying to tell us?,For Grant Morrison, arguably the greatest of contemporary chroniclers of the “superworld,” these heroes are powerful archetypes whose ongoing, decades-spanning story arcs reflect and predict the course of human existence: Through them we tell the story of ourselves, our troubled history, and our starry aspirations. In this exhilarating work of a lifetime, Morrison draws on art, science, mythology, and his own astonishing journeys through this shadow universe to provide the first true history of the superhero—why they matter, why they will always be with us, and what they tell us about who we are . . . and what we may yet become.
Nonfiction,Sequential Art,Comics,History,Biography,Comics,Superheroes,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Culture,Pop Culture,Autobiography,Memoir,Philosophy,Cultural
Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human
Tony Reinke,C.J. Mahaney
Whether books are your addiction or your phobia, Lit! offers up solid advice to help you think about reading in fresh ways.,With all the practical suggestions built on a firm gospel foundation, this book will help you flourish in the essential skills necessary for a balanced reading diet of Scripture, serious works of theology, and moving devotional works, but without overlooking the importance of how-to books from expert practitioners, the storytelling genius of historians, and rich novels written by skilled artists of fiction.,Literature scholar Leland Ryken calls Lit! “a triumph of scholarship,” but mostly it’s a practical and unpretentious book about the most urgent skills you need to enjoy a luminously literate life in honor of God.
Christian,Nonfiction,Religion,Theology,Christian,Christian Living,Religion,Christianity,Writing,Books About Books,Religion,Faith,Literature,Education,Language,Writing
Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books
Christopher McIntosh
This classic study of the French magician Eliphas Levi and the occult revival in France is at last available again after being out of print and highly sought after for many years. Its central focus is Levi himself (1810-1875), would-be priest, revolutionary socialist, utopian visionary, artist, poet and, above all, author of a number of seminal books on magic and occultism. It is largely thanks to Levi, for example, that the Tarot is so widely used today as a divinatory method and a system of esoteric symbolism. The magicians of the Golden Dawn were strongly influenced by him, and Aleister Crowley even believed himself to be Levi's reincarnation. The book is not only about Levi, however, but also covers the era of which he was a part and the remarkable figures who preceded and followed him - the esoteric Freemasons and Illuminati of the late 18th century, and later figures such as the Rosicrucian magus Josephin Peladan, the occultist Papus (Gerard Encausse), the Counter-Pope Eugene Vintras, and the writer J.-K. Huysmans, whose work drew strongly on occult themes. These people were avatars of a set of traditions which are now seen as an important part of the western heritage and which are gaining increasing attention in the academy. Christopher McIntosh's vivid account of this richly fascinating era in the history of occultism remains as fresh and compelling as ever.
Eliphas Lévi and the French Occult Revival
Erica Vetsch
Quench your craving for good fiction with this wonderfully written Old West adventure. Hoping to leave the shadows of her shady yesteryears behind, Adeline Reid is focusing on her photography career. But when her ex-boyfriend’s compatriot in crime shows up in Dodge City her entire past is threatened by exposure. Can Addie keep her secrets while helping to catch a killer? Deputy Miles Carr’s investigation into a shopkeeper’s murder leads him to Addie’s door. Will his attraction to this female photographer keep him from catching the true culprit? Or will Addie lead him off course in more ways than one?
Christian Fiction,Historical,Romance,Historical,Historical Fiction,Christian,Romance,Historical Romance,Fiction,Christian Fiction,Christian Historical Fiction,Westerns,Romance,Christian Romance
A Bride's Portrait of Dodge City, Kansas
Kelly Eileen Hake
Welcome to Hope Falls where three enterprising young females are accepting applications for husbands-for-hire. With one woman already snagged, Lacey Lyman is one of only two remaining. No one really catches her eye until a handsome hunter arrives. Will Lacey find a way to bag her prey? Determined to investigate why Hope Falls's mine collapsed, Chase Dunstan poses as a potential husband and a hunter, giving him the perfect excuse to poke around inside and outside of town. If only he could get the chatterbox Lacey Lyman off his trail. Can he keep his cover while solving the mystery of the mine?
Christian Fiction,Romance,Romance,Christian Romance,Historical,Westerns,Romance,Historical Romance,Christian,Historical,Historical Fiction,Fiction,Christian Fiction,Christian Historical Fiction
Tall, Dark, and Determined
MaryLu Tyndall
You’ll be gasping for air in this seafaring romance by popular author and Christy Award nominee MaryLu Tyndall. Baltimore’s Cassandra Channing will do anything to provide for her family—even if it means hiring the town rogue as a privateer. Luke Heaton is a handsome rake with a tortured past who is blackmailed by the British into selling supplies to their ships just off the coast. Cassandra and Luke’s worlds collide as they are drawn into danger, secrets, romance, and war. But when the British begin to bombard Fort McHenry, how long can they protect their love—and each other?
Christian Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Romance,Historical,Christian,Romance,Historical Romance,Romance,Christian Romance,Christian Fiction,Christian Historical Fiction,Historical,Regency,Fiction
Surrender the Dawn
Ronie Kendig
A 2012 Christy Award Winner.,  Embark upon a danger-laden mission within the pages of Ronie Kendig’s riveting ,Wolfsbane,. Demolitions expert Danielle Roark thought escaping from a brutal Venezuelan general was a challenge. Now she’s charged with espionage and returned to the jungle where a new nightmare begins. Will Dani survive or become just another political pawn destined to be lost forever? Former Green Beret Canyon Metcalfe is disgusted with the suits on Capitol Hill. Still wrestling with the memories of a mission gone bad, he and Nightshade launch a mission to find Dani. Can Canyon rescue Dani, armed with nothing but raw courage?
Christian Fiction,Christian,Suspense,Contemporary,Romance,War,Military Fiction,Fiction,Romance,Romantic Suspense,Thriller,Action
E. Jane Gay,Frederick E. Hoxie,Joan T. Mark
In 1889 the U.S. government sent the anthropologist Alice Fletcher to Idaho to allot the Nez Perce Reservation. She was accompanied by E. Jane Gay, who served as cook, housekeeper, photographer, and general factotum. In this collection of her letters, Gay describes in sprightly fashion their encounters with feuding agents, hostile white squatters, and a Nez Perce tribe divided over and puzzled by this latest government program.
With the Nez Perces: Alice Fletcher in the Field, 1889-92
Tom Ang
In the fast-changing world of digital photography, no other publisher/author partnership has been as successful at keeping up with current trends and developments as DK and Tom Ang. DK's richly illustrative design and Tom's clear writing and direction blend together to produce a strong combination of practical instruction with visual inspiration., ,Digital Photography Essentials , ,provides just that combination for those wishing to develop and consolidate their skills-both technical and creative-whatever their level of expertise. It covers the basics of photography, different ways to approach a subject, how to develop projects, and image manipulation. In addition, Tom advises on printing techniques and shows you ways in which you can share your pictures with a wider audience via the internet. Throughout the book there are troubleshooting tips, image comparisons and analyzes to help you understand what makes a picture work, and inspiring assignments to follow.,There is also a useful buyer's guide to cameras, lenses, and accessories. With its fresh, contemporary design, beautiful images, and jargon-free yet highly practical text, the book is a totally new, up-to-the-minute guide to digital photography.
Digital Photography Essentials
Alan Brinkley,Sean Wilentz
The young president who brought vigor and glamour to the White House while he confronted cold war crises abroad and calls for social change at home,John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a new kind of president. He redefined how Americans came to see the nation's chief executive. He was forty-three when he was inaugurated in 1961—the youngest man ever elected to the office—and he personified what he called the "New Frontier" as the United States entered the 1960s.,But as Alan Brinkley shows in this incisive and lively assessment, the reality of Kennedy's achievements was much more complex than the legend. His brief presidency encountered significant failures—among them the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which cast its shadow on nearly every national-security decision that followed. But Kennedy also had successes, among them the Cuban Missile Crisis and his belated but powerful stand against segregation.,Kennedy seemed to live on a knife's edge, moving from one crisis to another—Cuba, Laos, Berlin, Vietnam, Mississippi, Georgia, and Alabama. His controversial public life mirrored his hidden private life. He took risks that would seem reckless and even foolhardy when they emerged from secrecy years later. ,John F. Kennedy's life, and his violent and sudden death, reshaped our view of the presidency. Brinkley gives us a full picture of the man, his times, and his enduring legacy.
Politics,Presidents,History,Biography,Nonfiction,North American Hi...,American History,Politics,Presidents,Us Presidents,Literature,American
John F. Kennedy
Mark Walden
HIGHER INSTITUTE OF VILLAINOUS EDUCATION,Otto Malpense may only be thirteen years old, but so far he has managed to run the orphanage where he lives, and he has come up with a plan clever enough to trick the most powerful man in the country. He is the perfect candidate to become the world's next supervillain.,That is why he ends up at H.I.V.E., handpicked to become a member of the incoming class. The students have been kidnapped and brought to a secluded island inside a seemingly active volcano, where the school has resided for decades. All the kids are elite; they are the most athletic, the most technically advanced, and the smartest in the country. Inside the cavernous marble rooms, floodlit hangars, and steel doors, the students are enrolled in Villainy Studies and Stealth and Evasion 101. But what Otto soon comes to realize is that this is a six-year program, and leaving is not an option.,With the help of his new friends: an athletic martial-arts expert; a world-famous, beautiful diamond thief; and a spunky computer genius -- the only other people who seem to want to leave -- can Otto achieve what has never been done before and break out of H.I.V.E.?
Young Adult,Science Fiction,Adventure,Fantasy,Fiction,Action,Childrens,Childrens,Middle Grade,Mystery,Spy Thriller,Espionage
H.I.V.E. Higher Institute of Villainous Education
John Peacock
In the 1960s, "youth" was the watchword. Skirts became shorter and shorter until in 1965 they culminated in the mini. The gap between stocking top and skirt hem made tights essential, and the quintessential little-girl look of the sixties was born: neat, uncluttered, flat-chested, and long-legged. By the last years of the decade hems were dropping again and the influence of the hippie movement was beginning to be felt in both women's and men's wear, bringing with it bright colors and psychedelic patterns.,John Peacock's Fashion Sourcebooks are destined to become an indispensable part of the library of any fashion enthusiast, historian, or collector, and are sure to provide inspiration to any designer or student working in the performing arts.
Fashion Sourcebooks: The 1960s
John Peacock
Fashion Sourcebooks is a series of beautifully illustrated paperbacks presenting the costume drawings of John Peacock. The series charts the development of women's and men's clothing from 1900 onwards, with a volume devoted to the fashions of each decade.Fashion of the 1940s divides into two parts: pre-New Look and post-New Look. The first period was dominated by the Second World War, when rationing and shortages affected the design of clothes. Women's garments had a somewhat military, functional appearance, with wide shoulders, straight below-the-knee skirts, and a minimum of decoration. In 1947 Christian Dior's New Look brought a romantic revival: Narrow, rounded shoulders, lightly padded hips, and voluminous, billowing skirts introduced a new era of femininity and extravagance.
Fashion Sourcebooks: The 1940s
John Peacock
Here, in more than 1,000 full-color illustrations, is the unrivaled sourcebook of fashion in the Western world - spanning forty centuries from ancient Egyptian robes to today's latest Parisian designs. ,The Chronicle of Western Fashion, records the astonishing variety of ways in which the human form can be adorned - from the relative simplicity of the classical world, to the elaborate social distinctions implicit in the clothing of the Middle Ages, through the exotic richness of the Renaissance, on to the changing conventions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the vibrant diversity of twentieth-century fashion. ,John Peacock's meticulous color drawings are based on a lifetime of extensive research. Organized chronologically, the drawings are accompanied by detailed descriptions of each figure, including the individual items of dress shown and the fabric, cut, pattern, and color that have been used in each instance. The vast range of clothing reveals not only national characteristics but also social divisions: young and old, rich and poor, countryfolk and town dwellers, clergy and tradesmen, royalty and commoners. A fully illustrated glossary explains technical terms and features a wide range of hats, hair decorations, gloves, and other accessories.,The Chronicle of Western Fashion, is the indispensable reference work on its subject. No student, amateur, or professional designer, costume or fashion enthusiast, collector or social historian will want to be without it.
Chronicle of Western Fashion
Caitlín Matthews
Richly illustrated with original artwork and intricate Celtic designs, this kit holds the key to unlocking the wisdom of distant ancestors. The ,Celtic Wisdom Oracle, includes a deck of 40 cards representing spiritual ancestors, clans, and powerful archetypes, plus an 80-page book that explains in detail how to interpret them. Draw a single card for immediate guidance or lay out spreads of between three and eight cards for more in-depth readings.
The Celtic Wisdom Oracle: Oracle Cards for Ancestral Wisdom and Guidance
Karen Wynn Fonstad,Stephen R. Donaldson
Companion guide for Stephen R. Donaldson's celebrated Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. Brings out every detail of the geography of the Land in graphics and text, as documented by an experienced cartographer and fantasy reader.
The Atlas of the Land: A Complete Guide to the Strange and Magical Land of Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
John C. Hull
Again, ,John Hull, has done a great job revising and updating this best-selling book. Changes in the fifth edition include: , A new chapter on credit derivatives (Chapter 21). New! Business Snapshots highlight real-world situations and relevant issues. The first six chapters have been -reorganized to better meet the needs of students and .instructors. A new release of the Excel-based software, DerivaGem, is included with each text. , A useful Solutions Manual/Study Guide, which includes the worked-out answers to the "Questions and Problems" sections of each chapter, can be purchased separately (ISBN: 0-13-144570-7).
Economics,Finance,Economics,Nonfiction,Business,Textbooks,Reference,Science,Mathematics,Currency,Money,Academic,Computer Science,Technical
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives
Dan Heisman
A Guide to Chess Improvement, features the very best of Dan Heisman’s multi-award winning chess column ,Novice Nook,, which has run for the past ten years at the popular website This book is full of valuable instruction, insight and practical advice on a wide range of key subjects: general improvement, thought processes, planning and strategy, tactics, endgame play, technique, time management and much more besides.,Heisman has thoroughly revised, expanded and updated his work to produce an easy-to-navigate guide. He has also included brand new and exclusive columns. Any player from beginner to expert who is serious about improving their chess should read this book!,*An essential guide to chess improvement,*Covers in depth all the key areas of chess,*Written by a distinguished chess instructor
A Guide to Chess Improvement: The Best of Novice Nook
John C. Hull
Solutions Manual for Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Sixth Edition by John Hull
Students Solutions Manual for Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Sixth Edition
Ema Tōyama,Ema Tōyama
After the sudden disappearance of Black Rabbit from her blog, a series of surprises continues to shake up Hikage's world. What if someone you met online turned out to be someone you knew in real life? In this volume, Hikage, Hinata, and Teru overcome jealousy and betrayal, and together learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and forgiveness.,This bundles features volumes 3,4,5.
Sequential Art,Manga,Romance,Manga,Shojo,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Young Adult,Realistic Fiction,Slice Of Life,Contemporary,Sequential Art,Comics,Cultural,Japan,Academic,School
I Am Here! Omnibus Vol. 02
Virginia Sorensen,Charles Geer
An Amish girl, Esther feels like "one black bird against the sky" in her plain clothes. So when she's forced to attend public school she's terrified. She fears the new world she must enter, fears the way she sticks out next to other kids, and--most of all--fears she may do what her brother did: run away and join the sinful but great wide world she's only just discovering.
Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Amish,Childrens,Young Adult,Academic,School,Childrens,Middle Grade,Childrens,Chapter Books,Christian Fiction,Academic,Read For School
Plain Girl
Vincent van Gogh,H. Anna Suh
Now in paperback, this beautiful and important collection of more than 150 of Van Gogh's letters paired with more than 250 works of art  ,Vincent Van Gogh wrote hundreds of letters to his brother Theo as well as to family members and fellow artists including Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard. In many of them he described, in painstaking detail and beautiful prose, the progress of his work. ,Van Gogh's Letters, presents more than 150 of these stirring letters, excerpted and newly translated, and set side-by-side with the art it describes, including sketches, drawings, and paintings. The result is an elegantly rendered collection that allows us to see the world through the eyes of one of the greatest artists of all time. ,Previously published in hardcover as ,Vincent van Gogh: A Self-Portrait in, Art and Letters
Art,Nonfiction,Biography,Art,Art History,Art,Visual Art,History
Van Gogh's Letters: The Mind of the Artist in Paintings, Drawings, and Words, 1875-1890
Virginia Sorensen
 When A Little Lower than the Angels appeared in 1942, its author and recent Brigham Young University graduate Virginia Sorensen was overwhelmed by the positive national attention. Clifton Fadiman, writing for The New Yorker, noted how “convincingly [she] explores . . . the tragic, comic, and grotesque problems of plural marriage.”Set in Nauvoo, Illinois, she tells the story of a single family, a woman and her Mormon husband, loosely based on her in-laws’ family history from the period and augmented by on-site research. The novel preceded the first scholarly treatment of Nauvoo by three years.,As an outsider, Sorensen’s protagonist is puzzled by the city’s mysteries. Gradually, however, she discovers that a neighbor’s obsession with the LDS prophet is due to her polygamous marriage to him. Even so, Mercy Baker cannot foresee the complications that her own baptism will bring.
Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Religion
A Little Lower than the Angels
Roger Welsch
Humorist, tractor guy, and aspiring sex therapist Roger Welsch offers up the vital information men need to walk that fine line between a happy life with your significant other and a couple of sheds full of well-oiled machinery. Learn the ins and outs of the Great Tractor Road Trip, Boswell Flick's Dating Guidelines, the magic of tools, the religion of tractors, and the secrets of Women's School. This revealing and fun-filled guide is guaranteed to transform even the most thickheaded variety of the Common Gearheaded Male into a swooning Romeo!
Love, Sex and Tractors
Liesl Gibson,Dan Andreasen,Laurie Frankel
Home sewers love to dress the children in their lives in garments they have hand-crafted. No one understands this better than Liesl Gibson, who is both a mom and the founder of Oliver + S, a sewing pattern company known for its contemporary yet classically sensible kids’ designs, its precise, easy-to-follow instructions, and its charming paper doll–inspired packaging. In ,Oliver + S Little Things to Sew,, you’ll find 20 acessories for children, such as a hat with bear ears, scarf, vest, tutu, art smock, backpack, and quilt—all impeccably photographed by Laurie Frankel. The book includes two full-size pattern sheets and, as an added bonus, two cardstock paper dolls that can be dressed with “clothing” cut from the book’s jacket—a little something extra to keep young ones occupied while grownups stitch new items for their wardrobes! ,Praise for ,Oliver + S Little Thigns to Sew:,“Making a bucket hat probably isn’t on anyone’s bucket list, but maybe it should be. The reversible bucket hat in the book ,Oliver + S Little Things to Sew, (STC Craft, 2011) is classic, cute and comfortable. And author Liesl Gibson maintains that making it is a treat for grown-ups as well as the young recipients.” —Holly Ramer, Associated Press  
Oliver + S Little Things to Sew: 20 Classic Accessories and Toys for Children
Eça de Queirós,Margaret Jull Costa
Eça de Queirs's novel is a lurid satire of clerical corruption in a town in Portugal during a period before and after the 1871 Paris Commune.,"Young, virile Father Amaro arrives in Leira and is taken in as a lodger by São Joaneira. Her budding, devout, dewy-lipped daughter Amélia is soon lusted after by the young priest. What ensues is a secret love affair amidst a host of compelling minor characters: Canon Dias, a priest, glutton, and Sao Joaneira's lover; Dona Maria da Assuncao, a wealthy widow with a roomful of religious relics, agog at any hint of sex; Joao Eduardo, repressed atheist, free-thinker, and suitor to Amelia. Eca's incisive critique flies like a shattering mirror, jabbing everything from the hypocrisy of a rich and powerful Church, to the provincialism of Portuguese society of the time.,Haunting, The Crime of Father Amaro is the ghost of a forgotten religion of tolerance, wisdom, and equality. Margaret Jull Costa has rendered an exquisite translation and provides an informative introduction to a story that truly spans all ages." "The Crime of Father Amaro inspired a series of magnificent paintings by the Portuguese artist Paula Rego, one of which graces the cover of this edition. The novel was also made into a controversial film, El Crimen del Padre Amaro by Mexican director Carlos Carrera in 2002."--BOOK JACKET.
Classics,Fiction,Cultural,Portugal,European Literature,Portuguese Literature,Romance,Literature,Novels,Historical,Historical Fiction,Mystery,Crime,Literature,19th Century
The Crime of Father Amaro
Margaret Campbell Barnes
The only loves Mary had known were the affection she bore her father and the passion she felt for the lovely Isle of Wight. But young Mary's quiet, protected life soon changed as she was thrust into the raging core of civil war. When Cavalier King Charles fled to her remote isle from Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans, expecting to find Carisbrooke Castle a refuge from the Roundheads, he ran straight into the arms of betrayal ... and into the depths of Mary's unawakened young heart. Almost overnight, this charming servant girl becomes a woman, more beautiful than ever, made confident, seductive, and wise by love. Almost overnight, she stood at the center of the intrigues, dangers, and high passions surrounding this controversial Stuart and his dynasty ...,The moving, tragic story of Charles I, the last absolute monarch of England, during his imprisonment in Carisbrooke Castle on the Isle of Wight. Richly drawn and inspired by the New York Times bestselling author's own experience living on the Isle of Wight, this dramatic retelling brings to life the cavalier king whom Cromwell deposed. But even more fascinating than the account of royal hopes and misfortunes is the tale of a charming servant girl who is as romantic and tender in love as she is bold and resourceful in plotting the king's escape.
Historical,Historical Fiction,Historical,European Literature,British Literature,Fiction,Literature,17th Century,Adult Fiction,Romance
Mary of Carisbrooke
Neal D. Barnard
Whether your taste buds call for a touch of the Mediterranean, a Latin American flavor, or a down-home American breakfast, it's all in this unmatched collection of quick, delightful, and wonderfully healthy recipes.
Food and Drink,Cookbooks,Food and Drink,Vegetarian,Food and Drink,Vegan
The Best in the World: Fast, Healthful Recipes from Exclusive and Out-Of-The Way Restaurants
Jane Costello
Abby Rogers has been on health kicks before - they involve eating one blueberry muffin for breakfast instead of two. When she's encouraged to join her fitness-fanatic best friend's running club - by none other than its gorgeous new captain - she finds a mysterious compulsion to exercise.
Womens Fiction,Chick Lit,Romance,Contemporary,Fiction,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Adult,Humor,European Literature,British Literature,Audiobook,Novels
Girl on the Run
Beata Grant
Women played major roles in the history of Buddhist China, but given the paucity of the remaining records, their voices have all but faded. In ,Daughters of Emptiness,, Beata Grant renders a great service by recovering and translating the enchanting verse - by turns assertive, observant, devout - of forty-eight nuns from sixteen centuries of imperial China. This selection of poems, along with the brief biographical accounts that accompany them, affords readers a glimpse into the extraordinary diversity and sometimes startling richness of these women's lives.,A sample poem for this stunning collection:,The sequence of seasons naturally pushes forward,,Suddenly I am startled by the ending of the year.,Lifting my eyes I catch sight of the winter crows,,Calling mournfully as if wanting to complain.,The sunlight is cold rather than gentle,,Spreading over the four corners like a cloud.,A cold wind blows fitfully in from the north,,Its sad whistling filling courtyards and houses.,Head raised, I gaze in the direction of Spring,,But Spring pays no attention to me at all.,Time a galloping colt glimpsed through a crack,,The tap [of Death] at the door has its predestined time.,How should I not know, one who has left the world,,And for whom floating clouds are already familiar?,In the garden there grows a rosary-plum tree:,Whose sworn friendship makes it possible to endure.,- Chan Master Jingnuo
Daughters of Emptiness: Poems of Chinese Buddhist Nuns