Robert Stallman
A mysterious bear-like beast that is able to assume the form of a human being tries to learn how people live by adopting a human family.
The Captive
Luigi Pirandello,Italo Borzi,Maria Argenziano
E' questa, insieme a ,Sei personaggi in cerca di autore,, la più famosa opera teatrale di Pirandello. Terza della ,Trilogia del teatro nel teatro,, rappresenta i contrasti tra Attori e Regista, con il coinvolgimento del pubblico, durante la rappresentazione della novella di Pirandello "Leonora addio!", messa in scena come spettacolo a soggetto, cioè senza copione prestabilito. Il regista Hinkfuss la traduce in quadri e scene di smaccato gusto spettacolare, ma gli Attori rifiutano di assoggettarsi a lui e reclamano il primato della spontaneità sul freddo gioco scenico. Si sviluppa così una fitta polemica sulla regia del Novecento. Il dramma può procedere solo quando gli attori possono recitare liberamente, facendosi interpreti appassionati della drammatica trama.
Plays,European Literature,Italian Literature,Nobel Prize,Classics,Plays,Theatre,Drama
Questa sera si recita a soggetto
Yuan Zhou
Understanding How To Play Go
Paul Hattam,Alison Smeatham
The proliferation of special tests used in musculoskeletal examination has left the clinician with a vast array of physical tests at their disposal. ,Special Tests in Musculoskeletal Examination, is a handy one-stop guide with over 150 peripheral tests. The clinical context and evidence base is thoroughly explored and the addition of clinical tips and expert opinion will enable the clinician to select the most appropriate tests and interpret the results meaningfully.,Step-by-step description for each test,Clear photographic illustrations,'At a glance' presentation of the background evidence,Detailed clinical context,Comprehensive referencing of orthopaedic special tests,Clinical tips
Special Tests in Musculoskeletal Examination: An Evidence-Based Guide for Clinicians
Yuan Zhou
An AGA 7-Dan Explains His Handicap Games - Yuan Zhou is one of the strongest Go players in America. He received professional training for 3 years and an invited participant in North American tournaments five times from 1991 - 2001. This book contains 8 games played by Zhou in two tournaments. As a registered 7 dan the games from that tournament are presented first. Also included is one game in which Zhou was not one of the players. Our idea was to show what happens when White does not play in accordance with the principles Zhou layws out in the book. There are very few moves per diagram, making it easy to follow. Strategy and tactics of the games are made understandable, ever for players at a much lower level of strength. These commentaries offer a unique opportunity for all players to gain insight into the thinking of one of the strongest amateur players in the US. Any player's handicap game will benefit enormously from reading it.
How to Play Handicap Go
Joe Nickell
The ultimate guide to the quintessential Derby drink! A simple concoction -- bourbon, mint, sugar, and water -- the mint julep is legendary. Few people know its history and even fewer know how to properly mix this classic cocktail. Lighthearted, entertaining, and informative, The Kentucky Mint Julep explores the lore and legend of the Kentucky Derby's traditional tipple. Joe Nickell looks at the origins of the julep, offers a brief history of American whiskey and Kentucky bourbon, and shares some classic julep tales. Information on julep cups, tips on garnishing and serving, and reminiscences from the likes of Charles Dickens, Washington Irving, and General John Hunt Morgan give a fun, historic look at Kentucky's favorite drink. The book includes numerous recipes -- for classic juleps, modern variations, non-alcoholic versions, and the author's own thoroughly researched "perfect" mint julep. This delightful book is illustrated with historic photographs, a map of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, and more.
The Kentucky Mint Julep
John A. Livingston
Winner of the 1994 Governor General's Award "If you buy only one book this decade let it be Rogue Primate."- The Toronto Star (1994)
Rogue Primate: An Exploration of Human Domestication
Esther Zadock
Crocheted jewelry is bringing new zing to traditional bling! Using common yarn, a selection of beads, baubles and crystals, and just a few simple techniques, crocheters of every skill level can quickly produce uncommonly appealing designs. Color photographs accompany the instructions so every step in the creative process is easy to follow. More than 30 projects include an assortment of necklaces, bangles and bracelets, elegant ornaments for evenings out, and much more.
Creative Crochet Jewelry
Sara Seager
Over the past twenty years, astronomers have identified hundreds of extrasolar planets--planets orbiting stars other than the sun. Recent research in this burgeoning field has made it possible to observe and measure the atmospheres of these exoplanets. This is the first textbook to describe the basic physical processes--including radiative transfer, molecular absorption, and chemical processes--common to all planetary atmospheres, as well as the transit, eclipse, and thermal phase variation observations that are unique to exoplanets., In each chapter, Sara Seager offers a conceptual introduction, examples that combine the relevant physics equations with real data, and exercises. Topics range from foundational knowledge, such as the origin of atmospheric composition and planetary spectra, to more advanced concepts, such as solutions to the radiative transfer equation, polarization, and molecular and condensate opacities. Since planets vary widely in their atmospheric properties, Seager emphasizes the major physical processes that govern all planetary atmospheres., Moving from first principles to cutting-edge research, ,Exoplanet Atmospheres, is an ideal resource for students and researchers in astronomy and earth sciences, one that will help prepare them for the next generation of planetary science., The first textbook to describe exoplanet atmospheres, Illustrates concepts using examples grounded in real data, Provides a step-by-step guide to understanding the structure and emergent spectrum of a planetary atmosphere, Includes exercises for students
Exoplanet Atmospheres: Physical Processes
Tanith Lee
Book by Lee, Tanith
Fantasy,Horror,Fiction,Short Stories,Fantasy,Dark Fantasy,Gothic,Science Fiction Fantasy,Speculative Fiction,Science Fiction
The Book of the Beast
Stephanie James,Jayne Ann Krentz
Much More Than He Seemed...,Tabitha Graham thought she had found a soul mate when she rescued Dev Colter from a dangerous situation. She thought he was a kindred spirit: gentle, shy and in need of love. ,But Dev had a secret life that made him as dangerous as any of the fabulous, legendary beasts the bookstore owner had studied. When she fled from his sensual claim, his pursuit was relentless. Once he had tasted Tabitha, Dev had no intention of relinquishing his prey! ,Too late Tabitha discovered she had roused a sleeping dragon...,No matter what name she writes under, no one does romance better than Jayne Ann Krentz!
Romance,Contemporary,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Category Romance,Harlequin,Fiction,Romance,Category Romance
Fabulous Beast
Christopher diCarlo
In this witty, incisive guide to critical thinking the author provides you with the tools to allow you to question beliefs and assumptions held by those who claim to know what they’re talking about. These days there are many people whom we need to question: politicians, lawyers, doctors, teachers, clergy members, bankers, car salesmen, and your boss. This book will empower you with the ability to spot faulty reasoning and, by asking the right sorts of questions, hold people accountable not only for what they believe but how they behave. ,By using this book you’ll learn to analyze your own thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, and why you act on them (or don’t). This, in turn, will help you to understand why others might hold opposing views. And the best way to change our own or others’ behavior or attitudes is to gain greater clarity about underlying motives and thought processes. ,In a media-driven world of talking heads, gurus, urban legends, and hype, learning to think more clearly and critically, and helping others to do the same, is one of the most important things you can do.
How to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass: A Critical Thinker's Guide to Asking the Right Questions
Oscar Levant
A world class pianist, composer, television and film personality, Levant seemed to know everyone who was anyone. His career took him from the concert hall to Broadway and Hollywood, to radio and television, to drug addiction and the psychiatric ward of Mr Sinai hospital. Through a collection of anecdotal vignettes, Levant offers the reader a roller-coaster ride through the ups and downs of an often troubled, often brilliant artist and critic of the human condition, let loose on the uneasy ground where art and commerce overlap.
Autobiography,Memoir,Biography,Music,Nonfiction,Media Tie In,Biography,Autobiography,Biography Memoir
Memoirs of an Amnesiac
Sam Kashner,Nancy Schoenberger
Oscar Levant was the Amadeus of Hollywood, the Oscar Wilde of Broadway -- and the most wildly self-destructive personality ever to become a household name. An astonishingly gifted concert pianist, composer, film and stage presence, radio and television raconteur, insult wit, and bestselling author, Levant steered a maniacally masochistic course through seven glorious decades. His death in 1972, at the age of 65, left the entertainment community shocked -- largely with amazement that a four-pack-a-day smoker with a history of drug abuse and mental illness had lasted as long as Levant did. He made a national reputation for himself in the late '30s as a brash, brilliant 'expert' on radio's famed quiz show 'Information, Please!', and as a fine concert pianist and the premier interpreter of George Gershwin's concert works. He appeared in 13 films, usually as a best friend/'Oscar Levant' type. He played Gene Kelly's sidekick in 'An American in Paris' and a lovable hypochondriac in 'The Band Wagon, ' and in the film biography 'Rhapsody in Blue, ' he literally played himself: Oscar Levant, best friend to George Gershwin, a role he knew all too well. His hero worship of Gershwin stunted his confidence as a songwriter and a serious composer, though one of his pop songs, 'Blame It on My Youth, ' has become a standard, and Arnold Schoenberg, Aaron Copeland, and Virgil Thomson all thought Levant an immensely gifted composer. Levant's addiction to Demerol following a heart attack in the early '50s led to nearly a decade of drug dependency. Already hobbled by complex superstitions meant to ward off the terrors of performing, Levant was almost destroyed by his addictions. But his intense neurosisdidn't keep him from appearing on television to talk about it. His uncensored comments on 'The Jack Paar Show' and on his own local Los Angeles talk show made national news. "A Talent for Genius," the result of exhausting research and hundreds of hours of interviews, is a profoundly revelation.
A Talent for Genius: The Life and Times of Oscar Levant
Germano Celant
A groundbreaking work, edited by Germano Celant in collaboration with the artist and her New York studio, which enriches our knowledge of Louise Bourgeois. Over a long career she worked through most of the twentieth century's avant-garde artistic movements from abstraction to realism, yet always remained uniquely individual, powerfully inventive, and often at the forefront of contemporary art. She was one of the world’s most respected sculptors, best known for her public-space pieces, grand-scale sculptures of spiders so large they must rest outside. But beginning in the 1960s, she used her own clothing and that of her loved ones as components of her sculptures and designs: a reincarnation of her childhood and her past. Her art would expand into new realms in 2002 when she began to weave together scraps of iridescent-colored fabric, creating works that vary from figures of flowers to chromatic abstractions, constituting a repertoire of truly surprising interweaves. This set of images is collected here in its entirety for the first time, constituting the closest thing yet to a general catalog.
Art,Nonfiction,Art,Art Design
Louise Bourgeois The Fabric Works
Elaine Nicpon Marieb
Now in its Tenth Edition, Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology continues to set the standard for short-course A&P texts. Its dramatically updated art program, more streamlined presentation of material, and integration of chapter objectives will help you better visualize and understand the structure and function of the human body. Elaine Marieb's clear and friendly writing style emphasizes the relevance of anatomy & physiology to your life and future career. The book clarifies concepts, defines key terms, and offers just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage to make the content complete without being overwhelming. Elaine Marieb wrote this book specifically for the one-semester course and continues to carefully select a range of material that proves just right for the shorter course. New information on hot topics like the HPV Vaccine, Infantile Polycystic Kidney disease, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) draws students into the material. This package contains: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Tenth Edition
Essentials of Human Anatomy &Physiology
Richard Barber,Anne Riches
A dictionary? No, this is really an astonishing ark filled with beasts from a fabulous zoo far more varied and entertaining than anything from ordinary natural history. From Abaia and Abath to Ziz and Zu, from the microscopic Gigelorum that nests in a mite's ear to the giant serpent Jormungandor who encircles the whole globe, there are beasts from every corner of man's imagination: the light-hearted Fearsome Critters of lumberjack tales find a place alongside the Sirrush of Babylon and the Winged Bulls of Assyria. Some of the fabulous beasts turn out to be real creatures in disguise - a Cameleopard is a kind of glamourised giraffe -while others are almost, but not quite, human. Among the six hundred entries are some which are full-scale essays in their own right, as on Phoenix or Giants; and just in case it seems as though the authors dreamt up the entire book, there is a detailed list of books for the would-be hunter in this mythical jungle.
A Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts
David Howes
Goods are imbued with meanings and uses by their producers. When they are exported, they can act as a means of communication or domination. However, there is no guarantee that the intentions of the producer will be recognized, much less respected, by the consumer from another culture. Cross-Cultural Consumption is a fascinating guide to the cultural implications of the globalization of a consumer society. The chapters address topics ranging from the clothing of colonial subjects in South Africa and the rise of the hypermarket in Argentina, to the presentation of culture in international tourist hotels. Through their examination of cultural imperialism and cultural appropriation of the representation of otherness and identity, Howes and his contributors show how the increasingly global flow of goods and images challenges the very idea of the cultural border and creates new spaces for cultural invention. Marian Bredin, Concordia University, Constance Classen, Jean Comaroff, University of Chicago, Mary Crain, University of Barcelona, Carol Handrickson, Marlboro Colleg
Cross-Cultural Consumption: Global Markets, Local Realities
William Clayton,George D. Smith
William Clayton is best remembered today for his hymns, especially “Come, Come Ye Saints.” But as one of the earliest Latter-day Saint scribes, he made intellectual as well as artistic contributions to his church, and his records have been silently incorporated into official Mormon scripture and history. Of equal significance are his personal impressions of day-to-day activities, which describe a social and religious world largely unfamiliar to modern readers.In ministering to the sick, for instance, Clayton anointed with perfumed oil and rum. He performed baptisms to heal the sick. Church services, held irregularly, were referred to as “going to meeting” and seemed to be elective. He testifies of people speaking in tongues and of others “almost speaking in tongues.” When introduced to plural marriage, he was reluctant but eventually became one of its most enthusiastic proponents, marrying ten women and fathering forty-two children.,Since polygamy was initially secret, Clayton spent much of his time putting out the fires of innuendo and discontent. He caught his first plural wife rendezvousing with her former fiancé; later, when she became pregnant, her mother–his unaware mother-in-law–was so overwrought that she attempted suicide. Joseph Smith reassured him: “Just keep her at home and brook it and if they raise trouble about it and bring you before me I will give you an awful scourging and probably cut you off from the church and then I will set you ahead as good as ever.” Clayton was also the object of Emma Smith’s attentions, allegedly part of a jealous wife’s plan to make a cuckold of her errant husband.
An Intimate Chronicle: The Journals of William Clayton
Jason K. Stearns
At the heart of Africa is Congo, a country the size of Western Europe, bordering nine other nations, that since 1996 has been wracked by a brutal and unstaunchable war in which millions have died. And yet, despite its epic proportions, it has received little sustained media attention. In this deeply reported book, Jason Stearns vividly tells the story of this misunderstood conflict through the experiences of those who engineered and perpetrated it. He depicts village pastors who survived massacres, the child soldier assassin of President Kabila, a female Hutu activist who relives the hunting and methodical extermination of fellow refugees, and key architects of the war that became as great a disaster as--and was a direct consequence of--the genocide in neighboring Rwanda. Through their stories, he tries to understand why such mass violence made sense, and why stability has been so elusive.,Through their voices, and an astonishing wealth of knowledge and research, Stearns chronicles the political, social, and moral decay of the Congolese State.
History,Cultural,Africa,Nonfiction,War,Politics,Eastern Africa,Rwanda,War,Military Fiction,History,World History,Political Science,International Relations,Military,Military History
Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa
Lisa Sabin-Wilson
Learn how WordPress can help you create a unique, customized Web site, Once only a platform for bloggers, WordPress is gaining popularity as a tool for creating individualized Web sites. WordPress expert Lisa Sabin-Wilson makes it easy for anyone with a basic knowledge of the WordPress software to create a custom site using complimentary technologies including CSS, HTML, and PHP. This easy-to-follow, full-color guide helps you identify the tools and technologies you need to create the site you envision, build a user-friendly navigation system, select colors and layouts, work with existing WordPress themes, and even develop your own theme to personalize your site.,WordPress offers a versatile tool for building customized Web sites; this full-color book walks you through the process, explains the complimentary technologies involved, and shows you how to select colors, fonts, and themes Case studies illustrate the process and the effects that can be achieved Shows how to incorporate WordPress templates, graphic design principles, HTML, CSS, and PHP to build a truly one-of-a-kind Web site If you know how to use WordPress software to create a blog, ,WordPress Web Design For Dummies, will enable you to quickly and easily construct a unique Web site for your business, organization, or personal use.
Nonfiction,Business,Reference,Design,Website Design,Education,Science,Technology,Design
WordPress Web Design for Dummies
Karin Buckingham
Absolute Beginners Guide: Stringing Beaded Jewelry,, the first book in the Absolute Beginners Guide series, is a comprehensive introduction to stringing. Presented in a warm, reassuring tone, this book provides easy-to-follow instructions designed for someone who is just learning the craft. Readers feel informed, but not overwhelmed, by the explanation of the basic tools and supplies for beading, how to choose them in a bead store, and by suggestions for setting up a simple working area. The first projects are very easy, teaching stringing a repeating pattern and using graduated beads. Then it moves into more complex projects including using connectors and knotting techniques. This true introductory manual is written with friendliness and approachability.
The Absolute Beginners Guide: Stringing Beaded Jewelry
Janet Benge,Geoff Benge
God would indeed answer the prayer of the fiery, red-haired woman from Scotland. For 39 years, Mary Slessor would labor in love among the unreached, often treacherous, tribes of Africa's Calabar region. Braving sickness, danger, and death on all sides, Mary became the cherished "White Ma" to entire tribes. Her faith, steadfastness, and pioneering spirit brought her beloved adopted people their first brilliant, contrasting example of he life and freedom found in Jesus Christ. Mary Slessor's story in an ageless epic of a woman who would stop at nothing to reach the lost with the life-giving gospel of Christ. (1848-1915).,RUNNING TIME ⇒ 5hrs. and 6mins.,©2014 YWAM Publishing (P)2014 YWAM Publishing
Biography,Nonfiction,Christian,Academic,School,History,Childrens,Biography Memoir,Religion,Academic,Read For School,Religion,Christianity
Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar
Janet Benge,Geoff Benge
After becoming the most educated woman in the American South, Lottie Moon (1840-1912) spent thirty-nine years in China. As she watched her fellow missionaries fall to disease and exhaustion, she became just as dedicated to educating Christians about the often preventable tragedies of missionary life as she was to educating Chinese people about the Christian life. Today, an annual missionary offering taken in her name continues to enable countless others to give their all for the gospel.
Biography,Nonfiction,Christian,Cultural,China,Childrens,Religion,Christianity,Religion,Church,Church History,History,Historical
Lottie Moon: Giving Her All for China
Sophia Nikolaidou,Σοφία Νικολαΐδου
Δεκέμβριος 2008: Πορείες και συνθήματα. Μια μεγάλη φωτιά σε μια μεγάλη σχολή. Και μια φράση που εκτοξεύεται με δύναμη: Απόψε δεν έχουμε φίλους. Οκτώβριος 1981-1989: Ένας ανυποψίαστος -μα αποφασισμένος- ιστορικός ερευνά το απαγορευμένο θέμα των δωσίλογων και τις γερμανοφασιστικές οργανώσεις στην πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης. Από παντού, πέφτουν να τον φάνε. 1934-1944: Ναζιστική Γερμανία, κατεχόμενη Θεσσαλονίκη. Εβραίοι, Έλληνες, Γερμανοί. Μαυραγορίτες, κατηχητικά, φυλακές και συσσίτια. Προδότες και πατριώτες. Ένα μυθιστόρημα για τρεις γενιές Ελλήνων που προσπαθούν να ζήσουν τη ζωή τους, την ώρα που η Ιστορία δείχνει τα δόντια της. Γονείς και παιδιά, φοιτητές, μαθητές, πανεπιστημιακοί δάσκαλοι, μπακάληδες και αλάνια, γιαγιάδες και υπάλληλοι, συνδικαλιστές και ουδετερόφιλοι μαθαίνουν μια και καλή πως πρώτα κοιτάς πού χύθηκε το αίμα σου και ύστερα διαλέγεις πλευρά. Ποια είναι η σωστή και ποια η λάθος απόφαση, όταν ο κόσμος γύρω καίγεται; Πώς τσακίζεται η θεωρία στην πράξη; Και ποιος μας βεβαίωσε, παρακαλώ, πως αυτή η χώρα ποτέ δεν πεθαίνει;
Cultural,Greece,Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Literature,21st Century
Απόψε δεν έχουμε φίλους
Dean Ornish
The Ornish Diet has been named the "#1 best diet for heart disease" by ,U.S. News & World Report ,for seven consecutive years!,Dr. Dean Ornish is the first clinician to offer documented proof that heart disease can be halted, or even reversed, simply by changing your lifestyle. Based on his internationally acclaimed scientific study, which has now been ongoing for years, Dr. Ornish's program has yielded amazing results. Participants reduced or discontinued medications; they learned how to lower high blood pressure; their chest pain diminished or disappeared; they felt more energetic, happy, and calm; they lost weight while eating more; and blockages in coronary arteries were actually reduced.,In his breakthrough book, Dr. Ornish presents this and other dramatic evidence and guides you, step-by-step, through the extraordinary Opening Your Heart program, which is winning landmark approval from America's health insurers. The program takes you beyond the purely physical side of health care to include the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects so vital to healing. This book represents the best modern medicine has to offer. It can inspire you to open your heart to a longer, better, happier life.
Health,Nonfiction,Health,Nutrition,Food and Drink,Food,Science,Food and Drink,Cooking,Food and Drink,Cookbooks,Food and Drink,Diets,Food and Drink,Vegan
Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery
Cornelia Funke
A dragon. A boy. A journey. Firedrake, a brave young dragon, his loyal brownie friend Sorrel and a lonely boy called Ben are united as if by destiny. Together, they embark on a magical journey to find the legendary place where silver dragons can live in peace for ever. With only a curious map and the whispered memories of an old dragon to guide them, they fly across moonlit lands and seas to reach the highest mountains in the world. Along the way, they discover extraordinary new friends in unlikely places and a courage they never knew they had. Just as well, for the greatest enemy of all is never far behind them - a heartless monster from the past who's been waiting a very long time to destroy the last dragons on earth.
Fantasy,Fantasy,Dragons,Young Adult,Fiction,Childrens,Childrens,Middle Grade,Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Audiobook,Childrens,Juvenile
Dragon Rider
Maureen Wood
Can't get enough spooks, spirits, and specters? Now you'll never have to go a day without your ghoulish fix. This ghastly collection features some of the scariest stories of murder, revenge, and suicide ever told—and the spirits that haunt their resting place for all time. As a truly unique convention, each story directly relates to the specific day on which it's found. You'll find shocking stories of:,Sightings of the spectral SS Valencia that was lost at sea on January 22nd, 1906,The "Thirteen Lost Souls" trapped in the burning Jolema Building in Brazil on February 1st, 1974 seen roaming the new corridors and offices,The ghostly "mist of the Green Lady" in the oldest graveyard in Burlington, Connecticut, which she started haunting on April 12, 1800,Not for the faint of heart, this book delivers tales to terrify you every day of the year!
Horror,Fantasy,Paranormal,Horror,Ghost Stories,Fiction,Paranormal,Ghosts
A Ghost a Day: 365 True Tales of the Spectral, Supernatural, and…Just Plain Scary!
Andrew Harvard
Photo Illustrated
Mountain of Storms: The American Expeditions to Dhaulagiri, 1969 & 1973
Bead & Button Magazine
The Big Book of Beading Patterns, is the go-to compendium of patterns for all types of stitchers. Many pattern books focus solely on loomwork, but this book also includes popular stitches like peyote, brick, and square stitch in addition to loomwork. The gorgeous patterns here can be used to make beaded bracelets, amulets, tapestries, and more. Patterns are divided into chapters by topics like animals, flowers, holidays, and more. The best of Bead&Button’s patterns are showcased in this exciting compilation.
The Big Book of Beading Patterns: For Peyote Stitch, Square Stitch, Brick Stitch, and Loomwork Designs
Bead & Button Magazine
This book is the first in our ,Stitch Workshop, series. This book will concentrate solely on peyote stitch, explaining the basics of that stitch in detail and supplying plenty of projects for beaders to practice with. With 28 peyote stitch projects organized from beginner to advanced, this book has a wide audience for those who are just learning the stitch and those who are looking for more project ideas. All of the projects in this book are from ,Bead&Button, magazine.
Stitch Workshop: Peyote Stitch: Basic Techniques, Advanced Results
Bo Burlingham
The bestselling, award-winning classic on how maverick companies have passed up the growth treadmill to focus on gretness, now in a revised and updated tenth-anniversary edition., ,It has long been a business article of faith that great companies, by definition, constantly focus on maximizing their revenues year after year. Yet quietly, under the radar, a growing number of undeniably great compabnies have rejected the pressure of endless growth to focus on more satisfying business goals. ,Veteran journalist Bo Burlingham takes us deep inside fourteen of these remarkable comapnies that have chosen to march to their own drummer. He shows the leaders of these small giants recognized the full range of choices they had about the type of company they could create and made the choice to pursue greateness by placing other goals ahead of getting as big as possible as fast as possible. And he shows how we can all benefit by questioning the conventional definitions of business success."
Business,Nonfiction,Business,Entrepreneurship,Business,Management,Leadership,Buisness,Self Help,Audiobook,Economics,Finance,Economics
Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big
Gordon MacKenzie
Creativity is crucial to business success. But too often, even the most innovative organization quickly becomes a "giant hairball"--a tangled, impenetrable mass of rules, traditions, and systems, all based on what worked in the past--that exercises an inexorable pull into mediocrity. Gordon McKenzie worked at Hallmark Cards for thirty years, many of which he spent inspiring his colleagues to slip the bonds of Corporate Normalcy and rise to orbit--to a mode of dreaming, daring and doing above and beyond the rubber-stamp confines of the administrative mind-set. In his deeply funny book, exuberantly illustrated in full color, he shares the story of his own professional evolution, together with lessons on awakening and fostering creative genius.Originally self-published and already a business "cult classic", this personally empowering and entertaining look at the intersection between human creativity and the bottom line is now widely available to bookstores. It will be a must-read for any manager looking for new ways to invigorate employees, and any professional who wants to achieve his or her best, most self-expressive, most creative and fulfilling work.
Business,Nonfiction,Leadership,Business,Management,Self Help,Self Help,Personal Development,Autobiography,Memoir,Buisness,Humor,Art
Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace
Levi Bryant,Nick Srnicek,Martin Hägglund,Peter Hallward,Graham Harman,Adrian Johnston,François Laruelle,Bruno Latour,Quentin Meillassoux,Reza Negarestani,John Protevi,Steven Shaviro,Isabelle Stengers,Alberto Toscano,Slavoj Žižek,Alain Badiou,Ray Brassier,Nathan Brown,Gabriel Catren,Manuel DeLanda,Iain Hamilton Grant
Continental philosophy has entered a new period of ferment. The long deconstructionist era was followed with a period dominated by Deleuze, which has in turn evolved into a new situation still difficult to define. However, one common thread running through the new brand of continental positions is a renewed attention to materialist and realist options in philosophy. Among the leaders of the established generation, this new focus takes numerous forms. It might be hard to find many shared positions in the writings of Badiou, DeLanda, Laruelle, Latour, Stengers, and i ek, but what is missing from their positions is an obsession with the critique of written texts. All of them elaborate a positive ontology, despite the incompatibility of their results. Meanwhile, the new generation of continental thinkers is pushing these trends still further, as seen in currents ranging from transcendental materialism to the London-based speculative realism movement to new revivals of Derrida. As indicated by the title The Speculative Turn, the new currents of continental philosophy depart from the text-centered hermeneutic models of the past and engage in daring speculations about the nature of reality itself. This anthology assembles authors, of several generations and numerous nationalities, who will be at the centre of debate in continental philosophy for decades to come.
The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism
Linda Urban
A story about small acts of courage from the author of ,A Crooked Kind of Perfect.,Do not let a mop sit overnight in water. Fix things before they get too big for fixing., Custodial wisdom: Mattie Breen writes it all down. She has just one week to convince Uncle Potluck to take her on as his custodial apprentice at Mitchell P. Anderson Elementary School. One week until school starts and she has to be the new girl again. But if she can be Uncle Potluck’s apprentice, she’ll have important work to do during lunch and recess. Work that will keep her safely away from the other fifth graders. But when her custodial wisdom goes all wrong, Mattie’s plan comes crashing down. And only then does she begin to see how one small, brave act can lead to a friend who is hound dog true.
Realistic Fiction,Childrens,Middle Grade,Fiction,Childrens,Childrens,Juvenile,Family,Contemporary,Young Adult,Academic,School,Young Adult,Coming Of Age
Hound Dog True
Abigail Barnette
When Julien Auvrey promises to help his goddaughter snag a prince, he has no idea that the squalling infant he held in his arms nineteen years ago has turned into a beautiful young woman. Once he sees Joséphine, he knows that she’s just what the prince wants in a woman…and just the type of woman that Julien wants in his bed. But Julien is a life-long bachelor, and Joséphine deserves more than just a brief affair. With his help, she’ll blossom into a wife fit for the prince—in and out of the bedchamber.,Joséphine Thévenet wants nothing more than to be quit of her father’s crumbling house, her stepmother’s temper, and her two obnoxious stepsisters. Notorious seducer Julien Auvrey appeals to her desire for escape, and plenty of her other desires, as well. When etiquette lessons turn to carnal instruction, Joséphine fears she will lose her heart before she can win the prince.,Julien can’t deny the raw heat between him and Joséphine, but he also can’t deny the promise he made to her father. To possess Joséphine, Julien must betray his friend, and give up his own life of indulgence. Can he truly ask Joséphine to turn her back on the chance to be princess for nights of endless pleasure? Can he trust himself to love her as she deserves?
Romance,Adult Fiction,Erotica,Fantasy,Historical,Historical,Historical Fiction,Fiction,Erotica,Menage,Romance,Erotic Romance,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Romance,Historical Romance
Glass Slipper
Meg Meeker
The pressure on women today has pushed many American mothers to the breaking point. It feels as if “doing your best” is never enough to please everyone, and the demands mothers place on themselves are both impossible and unrealistic. Now Meg Meeker, M.D., critically acclaimed author of ,Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters,, puts her twenty-five years’ experience as a practicing pediatrician and counselor into a sound, sane approach to reshaping the frustrating, exhausting lives of so many moms.  ,Mothers are expected to do it all: raise superstar kids, look great, make good salaries, volunteer for everything, run errands, keep a perfect house, be the perfect wife. Single mothers often have even more demands—and less support. In this rallying cry for change, Dr. Meeker incorporates clinical data and her own experience raising four children to show why mothers suffer from the rising pressure to excel and the toll it takes on their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. Too many mothers are increasingly lonely, anxious, depressed, and unhappy with themselves, refusing to let themselves off the hook. Here, Dr. Meeker has identified the 10 most positive habits of mothers who are healthy, happy, and fulfilled. The key is to embrace a new perspective and create real joy and purpose by utilizing such core habits as,  , • making friends with those who know the meaning of friendship, • finding out what money can buy (and what it cannot), • lightening the overload—and doing less more often, • discovering faith and learning how to trust it, • taking some alone time and reviving yourself,  , Mothers, it’s time to view the unconditional trust that you see in your children’s eyes when they take your hand or find your face in a crowd as a mirror of your own wonder and worth. You are the light that shines in their lives, the beacon that guides them. By implementing the key strategies in Dr. Meeker’s book, you can be happy, hopeful, and a wonderful role model. You can teach your children to be the very best they can be—and isn’t that still the most precious reward of motherhood?
Parenting,Nonfiction,Self Help,Audiobook,Inspirational,Unfinished,Childrens,Adult,Relationships,Spirituality
The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity
Jennifer Close
Wickedly hilarious and utterly recognizable, ,Girls in White Dresses, tells the story of three women grappling with heartbreak and career change, family pressure and new love—all while suffering through an endless round of weddings and bridal showers.,Isabella, Mary, and Lauren feel like everyone they know is getting married. On Sunday after Sunday, at bridal shower after bridal shower, they coo over toasters, collect ribbons and wrapping paper, eat minuscule sandwiches and doll-sized cakes. They wear pastel dresses and drink champagne by the case, but amid the celebration these women have their own lives to contend with: Isabella is working at a mailing-list company, dizzy with the mixed signals of a boss who claims she’s on a diet but has Isabella file all morning if she forgets to bring her a chocolate muffin. Mary thinks she might cry with happiness when she finally meets a nice guy who loves his mother, only to realize he’ll never love Mary quite as much. And Lauren, a waitress at a Midtown bar, swears up and down she won’t fall for the sleazy bartender—a promise that his dirty blond curls and perfect vodka sodas make hard to keep. ,With a wry sense of humor, Jennifer Close brings us through those thrilling, bewildering, what-on-earth-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life years of early adulthood. These are the years when everyone else seems to have a plan, a great job, and an appropriate boyfriend, while Isabella has a blind date with a gay man, Mary has a crush on her boss, and Lauren has a goldfish named Willard. Through boozy family holidays and disastrous ski vacations, relationships lost to politics and relationships found in pet stores, ,Girls in White Dresses, pulls us deep inside the circle of these friends, perfectly capturing the wild frustrations and soaring joys of modern life.
Fiction,Womens Fiction,Chick Lit,Contemporary,Romance,Adult Fiction,Adult,Audiobook,Humor,Short Stories,Novels
Girls in White Dresses
Linda Lael Miller
Rough-and-tumble rodeo cowboy Brody Creed likes life on the move. Until a chance encounter with his long-estranged twin brother brings him “home,” for the first time in years. Suddenly Brody is in Creed territory—a rootless bad boy among family with deep ties to the land and each other. He’s half-ready to bolt when he meets a copper-haired beauty more restless than he is.,Carolyn Simmons is living a temporary life in Lonesome Bend, waiting to light out for the glamour of a metropolis. Then she falls for gorgeous Brody Creed, the opposite of everything she wants. But taming his wild heart might just become everything they both need…
Romance,Contemporary Romance,Contemporary,Westerns,Romance,Western Romance,Romance,Fiction,Novels,Audiobook,Adult,Animals,Horses
The Creed Legacy
Nancy Farmer
The year is A.D. 793; Jack and his sister have been kidnapped by Vikings and taken to the court of Ivar the Boneless and his terrifying half-troll wife; but things get even worse when Jack finds himself on a dangerous quest to find the magical Mimir's Well in a far-off land, with his sister's life forfeit if he fails.,Other threats include a willful mother Dragon, a giant spider, and a troll-boar with a surprising personality -- to say nothing of Ivar the Boneless and his wife, Queen Frith, a shape-shifting half-troll, and several eight foot tall, orange-haired, full-time trolls. But in stories by award-winner Nancy Farmer, appearances do deceive. She has never told a richer, funnier tale, nor offered more timeless encouragement to young seekers than "Just say no to pillaging."
Fantasy,Young Adult,Fantasy,Mythology,Fiction,Historical,Historical Fiction,Adventure,Childrens,Middle Grade,Historical,Childrens,Fantasy,Magic
The Sea of Trolls
Good Housekeeping
Healthful, nutritious, and most of all, delicious: with 155 mouthwatering recipes, Good Housekeeping shows you how easy it can be to put a meat-free meal on the table that everyone in the family will love.
Food and Drink,Cookbooks,Food and Drink,Food,Reference
Good Housekeeping: Vegetarian Meals: Meatless Recipes Everyone Will Love
Miguel Amorós
«La historia de nuestra guerra civil está llena de cuestiones cuya resolución objetiva es una necesidad para aquellos que luchan contra la destrucción del conocimiento histórico emprendido desde el poder, porque la liquidación de la memoria histórica asociada al proletariado significaría la eliminación de toda perspectiva revolucionaria. La figura de Durruti, en tanto que personificación de la revolución proletaria anarquista de 1936 concentró muchas de esas cuestiones, verdaderas heridas del movimiento libertario, que en su propio beneficio conviene mantener abiertas y hurgar en ellas. Si duelen, es signo de que sus ideas perviven. Esas ideas no tienen precio. Quienes trataron de venderlas, se vendieron sólo a sí mismos. El anarquismo o es radical o no es nada. Sin embargo en los tiempos del espectáculo y la cultura de masas el pasado vendría ser una mercancía moderna, consumible como cualquier otra. Un objeto cultural de entretenimiento asequible en cuadernos coleccionables, DVDs o series televisivas. La banda de historiadores de la universidad ya no tiene por función la falsificación o la ocultación del pasado como hacían los estalinistas sino su conversión en espectáculo. El primer paso de esa preparación para el consumo ha sido la museificación. La historia para la pandilla universitaria sería un enorme panteón de cadáveres a los que se podría despedazar y analizar como se haría con las momias de Egipto. La distancia que nos separa de ellos sería tan fabulosa que nada habría que temer. El punto de vista forense certificaría el lejano momento de la defunción y desplegaría un abanico de hipótesis a escoger. Ese aspecto "plural" es el marchamo de la mercancía ; en el espectáculo importa poco la moraleja. Se trabaja para el olvido pero de otra manera : si los historiadores estalinistas se servían del presente para reescribir el pasado, los actuales expertos de niversidad se sirven del pasado para mistificar el presente. La historia-espectáculo legitima la dominación como si ésta no tuviera que ver con aquél ; embalsamando cadáveres, el poder quiere mostrarse como el heredero legal de los vencidos y no como el vencedor de la víspera. Como buen usurpador, quiere que no se sepa que es un recién llegado, que su pasado es reciente, que prácticamente no tiene historia. Que está ahí porque nadie se decide a echarlo. Un buen ejemplo ha sido el "socialismo libertario" que hace unos años sacó de la chistera el presidente Zapatero. La mercantilización espectacular de la guerra civil correspondería a una pérdida total del sentido histórico en las masas, vacías y atemorizadas. No obstante dicha pérdida no es completa y por lo tanto, tiene remedio. Todavía la historia no es de quien la manipula. Durruti no ha muerto.»
Civil War,Spanish Civil War
Durruti en el laberinto
Christopher Chant
Lancaster: The History of Britain's Most Famous World War II Bomber
David R. Davis,Ben Galbraith
Chili's good, so is barbecue, but nothing's finer than ,FANDANGO STEW,!,No money? No problem! In this sunny, funny western-style take on the famous folktale “Stone Soup,” two penniless but wily vaqueros (cowboys) trick a whole town into cooking a giant pot of stew for everyone to share.,David Davis's deliciously colorful language and Ben Galbraith's delightful illustrations make this picture book a tasty confection.  , ,Key Selling Points:,A great read-aloud trickster tale,Award-winning author whose books have twice appeared on the Children's Choice Top 100 list,Offers a gentle message about sharing and community-building,About the Author,DAVID DAVIS,'s picture books include ,Texas Zeke and the Longhorn,, ,Librarian's Night Before Christmas,, and ,A Southern Child's Garden of Verses,. His ,Jazz Cats,, and ,Ten Redneck Babies, were both named to the Children's Choice Top 100 list. An active presenter at schools, conferences, and libraries, David lives in ,FORT WORTH, TEXAS,. Learn more about him at ,,., ,About the illustrator,BEN GALBRAITH, is author and illustrator of T,he Three Fishing Brothers Gruff,, praised by PW: “Working very much in the vein of Lane Smith, Galbraith produces a book both visually hip and handsome.” Ben lives in ,NEW ZEALAND,. Find out more at ,,.
Childrens,Picture Books,Childrens,Food and Drink,Food,Humor,Folklore,Folk Tales,Westerns,Fiction,Fairy Tales,Fractured Fairy Tales
Fandango Stew
Jan Brett
Treva's trouble with trolls begins when she climbs Mount Baldy with her dog Tuffi. The trolls who live there long for a dog, and they try to kidnap him. But Treva is brave and quick-thinking. She outwits one troll after another until she reaches the very top of the mountain, where five trolls are waiting--and they want her dog! From underground to mountain peak, Jan Brett's story is filled with adventure and eye-catching detail.
Childrens,Picture Books,Childrens,Holiday,Christmas,Fantasy,Animals,Fiction,Adventure,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Holiday,Kids
Trouble with Trolls
Michi Girl
If you haven't heard of Michi Girl, don't worry, she hasn't heard of you either. Part weather girl, part fashion commentator, Michi has spent the better part of a decade keeping the world up to date with what's hot and what's, well, just plain wrong. After her best-selling first book, Like I Give A Frock, Michi was asked to shed some light on the mysteries of fashion-speak. If you've ever wondered what a galloon is, or whether fatigues really are just exhausted clothes, then Michi has the answer. From A-Cups to Ze Bra, this is the cheat's definitive guide to fashion.
What on Earth Are You Wearing?: A Michipedia of Fashion
Erosa Knowles
Major Tyson Bradford had two mistresses- his family and his career. He loved them both. For the first time, the two were demanding his presence at the same time. He’d failed to secure his ailing eighty-year-old Aunt into his home. All the traditional methods failed to produce the results he needed.,Lynay's four-year-old son had severe asthma. Fear strangled her each time he fell gasping to breathe. Her minimum wage job barely kept up with his escalating medications costs. Medicaid only went so far. Her baby needed more help than she could provide. , Anne, her best friend suggested something unconventional, a contract marriage. Anne’s brother deployment would take place in less than a week. Desperate, Tyson and Lynay agree to a marriage that would meet both of their pressing needs. His only requirement: absolute fidelity during their marriage. Since Lynay hadn’t been sexually active since the birth of her son, she agreed.,Everyone got what they wanted, right? Wrong. Allison, Tyson’s ex-wife refused to accept not only their divorce of three years, but Tyson’s re-marriage as well. ,An uncommon path of destruction pummeled Tyson’s Achilles heel. Seeds of deception were sown, and ultimately led to the breakup of their marriage. ,But to a woman scorned, the breakdown of the faux marriage was simply gravy. She intended to teach him a lesson. Her ultimate vengeance: his total ruin.,In her hatred, she forgot one thing. She messed with his family. And nobody messed with his family, for long.
Romance,Interracial Romance,Romance,War,Military Fiction,Adult Fiction,Erotica,Contemporary,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Military Fiction,Military Romance,Romance,M F Romance,Adult
Special Forces
David Tipton
The most legendary captains of Starfleet get their due in this colleciton of one-shots! See how Captains Pike, Sulu, Harriman, and Jellico handle the responsibilites and challenges they face as Starfleet Captains.
Media Tie In,Star Trek,Sequential Art,Comics,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Science Fiction
Star Trek: Captain's Log
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
What Is The Church?
Colin Wilson,Damon Wilson
Popular culture has created a new thirst for supernatural knowledge and this comprehensive encyclopedia covers the entire spectrum of paranormal phenomena. From precognition and psychic detection to ghosts and demonic possession, authority Colin Wilson tells us everything we ever wanted to know about vampires, doppelgängers, witches, Odic forces, Atlantis, UFOs, crop circles, and more.
Supernatural: Your Guide Through the Unexplained, the Unearthly and the Unknown
Michael Blate
The Natural Healer's Acupressure Handbook
Sarah M. Eden
When Crispin, Lord Cavratt, thoroughly and scandalously kisses a serving woman in the garden of a country inn, he assumes the encounter will be of no consequence. But he couldn't be more mistaken--the maid is not only a lady of birth, she's the niece of a very large, exceptionally angry gentlemen, who claims Crispin has compromised his niece beyond redemption. The dismayed young lord has no choice but to marry Miss Catherine Thorndale, who lacks both money and refinement and assumes all men are as vicious as her guardian uncle.,Trapped between an unwanted marriage and a hasty annulment, which would leave his reputation tainted and Catherine's utterly ruined, Crispin begins guiding his wife's transformation from a socially petrified country girl to a lady of society. Their unfolding relationship reveals encouraging surprises for both of them, and privately each of them wonders if theirs may become a true marriage of the heart. But their hopes are dashed when forces conspire to split asunder what fate has granted. As a battle of wits escalates into a life-threatening confrontation, will it be possible for Crispin and Catherine to live happily ever after?
Romance,Historical,Regency,Historical,Historical Fiction,Romance,Historical Romance,Historical,Romance,Clean Romance,Fiction,Historical Romance,Regency Romance,Adult,Womens Fiction,Chick Lit
The Kiss of a Stranger
Johanna Sinisalo,Herbert Lomas
Everyone has their rough nights, but things have clearly taken a turn for the surreal when Angel, a young photographer, finds a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a young troll. Trolls are known in Scandinavian mythology as wild beasts like the werewolf, but this troll is just a small, wounded creature. Angel decides to offer it a safe haven for the night. In the morning Angel thinks he dreamed it all. But he finds the troll alive, well, and drinking from his toilet. What does one do with a troll in the city?,Angel begins researching frantically. Angel searches the Internet, folklore, nature journals, and newspaper clippings, but his research doesn't tell him that trolls exude pheromones that have a profound aphrodisiac effect on all those around him. As Angel's life changes beyond recognition, it becomes clear that the troll is familiar with the man's most forbidden feelings, and that it may take him across lines he never thought he'd cross. A novel of sparkling originality, Troll is a wry, peculiar, and beguiling story of nature and man's relationship to wild things, and of the dark power of the wildness in ourselves.
Fantasy,Fiction,European Literature,Finnish Literature,LGBT,Fantasy,Urban Fantasy,GLBT,Queer,Contemporary,Romance,Magical Realism,Novels
Troll: A Love Story
Carol K. Oyster,Jane E. Sloan,Mary Z. Stange
,Request a free 30-day online trial to this title at ,, ,The ,Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World ,looks at women today and delves into contexts of being female in the 21st century. The scope of the ,Encyclopedia ,focuses on women's status starting approximately in the year 2000 and going forward. From A-to-Z, this work covers the spectrum of defining women in the contemporary world.,Signed entries (with cross-references and recommended readings) cover the full range of issues in contemporary women's studies, with volumes including information relevant to the following academic disciplinary contexts: arts and media; business and economics; criminal justice; education; family studies; health; media; military; politics; science and technology; sports; religion; and women in different cultures and countries.
Encyclopedia Of Women In Today's World
Oliver Bowden,Andrew Holmes
Niccolo Polo, father of Marco, will finally reveal the story he has kept secret all his life—the story of Altair, one of the brotherhood's most extraordinary assassins.,Altair embarks on a formidable mission—one that takes him throughout the Holy Land and shows him the true meaning of the Assassin's Creed. To demonstrate his commitment, Altair must defeat nine deadly enemies, including Templar leader, Robert de Sable.,Altair's life story is told here for the first time: a journey that will change the course of history; his ongoing battle with the Templar conspiracy; a family life that is as tragic as it is shocking; and the ultimate betrayal of an old friend.
Fantasy,Historical,Historical Fiction,Fiction,Adventure,Historical,Games,Video Games,Science Fiction,Action,Novels,Sports and Games,Games
Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade
Lia Habel
Love can never die.,Love conquers all, so they say. But can Cupid’s arrow pierce the hearts of the living ,and, the dead - or rather, the ,undead,? Can a proper young Victorian lady find true love in the arms of a dashing zombie? ,The year is 2195. The place is New Victoria - a high-tech nation modeled on the manners, mores, and fashions of an antique era. A teenager in high society, Nora Dearly is far more interested in military history and her country’s political unrest than in tea parties and debutante balls. But after her beloved parents die, Nora is left at the mercy of her domineering aunt, a social-climbing spendthrift who has squandered the family fortune and now plans to marry her niece off for money. For Nora, no fate could be more horrible - until she’s nearly kidnapped by an army of walking corpses. ,But fate is just getting started with Nora. Catapulted from her world of drawing-room civility, she’s suddenly gunning down ravenous zombies alongside mysterious black-clad commandos and confronting “The Laz,” a fatal virus that raises the dead - and hell along with them. Hardly ideal circumstances. Then Nora meets Bram Griswold, a young soldier who is brave, handsome, noble . . . and dead. But as is the case with the rest of his special undead unit, luck and modern science have enabled Bram to hold on to his mind, his manners, and his body parts. And when his bond of trust with Nora turns to tenderness, there’s no turning back. Eventually, they know, the disease will win, separating the star-crossed lovers forever. But until then, beating or not, their hearts will have what they desire.,In ,Dearly, Departed,, romance meets walking-dead thriller, spawning a madly imaginative novel of rip-roaring adventure, spine-tingling suspense, and macabre comedy that forever redefines the concept of undying love.
Young Adult,Science Fiction,Steampunk,Horror,Zombies,Romance,Fantasy,Paranormal,Fantasy,Science Fiction,Dystopia,Science Fiction,Horror,Romance,Paranormal Romance
Dearly, Departed
Paula Morris
Welcome to York, England.,Mist lingers in the streets.,Narrow buildings cast long shadows.,This is the most haunted city in the world. . . .,Miranda Tennant arrives in York with a terrible, tragic secret. She is eager to lose herself amid the quaint cobblestones, hoping she won't run into the countless ghosts who supposedly roam the city. . . .,Then she meets Nick, an intense, dark-eyed boy who knows all of York's hidden places and histories. Miranda wonders if Nick is falling for her, but she is distracted by another boy — one even more handsome and mysterious than Nick. He lives in the house across from Miranda and seems desperate to send her some sort of message. Could this boy be one of York's haunted souls?,Soon, Miranda realizes that something dangerous — and deadly — is being planned. And she may have to face the darkest part of herself in order to unravel the mystery — and find redemption.
Young Adult,Fantasy,Paranormal,Paranormal,Ghosts,Mystery,Fantasy,Romance,Fantasy,Supernatural,Horror,Fiction,European Literature,British Literature
Dark Souls
Celia Haddon
Cats that insist on drinking from a tooth mug, cats that take their owners on (slow) walkies, cats with saggy tummy syndrome and cats that will only eat if their owners lie flat on the kitchen floor and say 'Yum yum yum' over the food bowl: these are some of the amusing dilemmas addressed by bestselling author Celia Haddon in this gem of a book.,Drawing on her years of experience as a pet agony aunt on the pages of the Daily Telegraph, the author has advice for fat cats, faddy cats, food weirdo cats - and their humans - in this charming, light-hearted and well informed book. She unravels the mysteries of cat behaviour and dispenses tips and advice to help readers make their cat very happy indeed. Underpinned by up-to-date scientific research, this book is full of real cat stories and true owner dilemmas. It adds up to indispensable reading for cat lovers everywhere.
Nonfiction,Animals,Cats,Animals,True Story
Cats Behaving Badly: Why Cats Do the Funny Things They Do
Ray Troll,David James Duncan,Bradford Matsen
For more than two decades, Ray Troll has been luring, hooking, and landing fans around the world with his zany, irreverent, and often surreal art. Featured in museums, galleries, and books, as well as on immensely popular T-shirts, his work—part natural history adventure and part underground comic—depicts beautiful and accurately drawn fish of all kinds, Northwest Coast totems, Freud and Darwin, fossils, resurrections of extinct animals, and much more. ,Rapture of the Deep ,collects some of Troll's best-known art along with many images never before published. The book makes powerful connections between biological diversity, the evolution of life on earth, and the careless habits of people. ,Rapture of the Deep ,celebrates Troll's vision with legendary works including "Spawn Till You Die," "Life's a Fish and Then You Fry," and "Bassackwards," in which fish use money, liquor, and literature as bait to lure humans. Troll's running commentary reveals the thought and inspiration behind his art. Writer Brad Matsen, Troll's longtime coconspirator, adds a lively introduction to the art and life of his "sole" brother.
Rapture of the Deep: The Art of Ray Troll
Patrik S. Schumacher
Take a theoretical approach to architecture with ,The Autopoiesis of Architecture,, which presents the topic as a discipline with its own unique logic. Architecture's conception of itself is addressed as well as its development within wider contemporary society. Author Patrik Schumacher offers innovative treatment that enriches architectural theory with a coordinated arsenal of concepts facilitating both detailed analysis and insightful comparisons with other domains, such as art, science and politics. He explores how the various modes of communication comprising architecture depend upon each other, combine, and form a unique subsystem of society that co-evolves with other important autopoietic subsystems like art, science, politics and the economy.,The first of two volumes that together present a comprehensive account of architecture's autopoiesis, this book elaborates the theory of architecture's autopoeisis in 8 parts, 50 sections and 200 chapters. Each of the 50 sections poses a thesis drawing a central message from the insights articulated within the respective section. The 200 chapters are gathering and sorting the accumulated intelligence of the discipline according to the new conceptual framework adopted, in order to catalyze and elaborate the new formulations and insights that are then encapsulated in the theses. However, while the theoretical work in the text of the chapters relies on the rigorous build up of a new theoretical language, the theses are written in ordinary language ? with the theoretical concepts placed in brackets. The full list of the 50 theses affords a convenient summary printed as appendix at the end of the book.,The second volume completes the analysis of the discourse and further proposes a new agenda for contemporary architecture in response to the challenges and opportunities that confront architectural design within the context of current societal and technological developments.
The Autopoiesis of Architecture, Volume I: A New Framework for Architecture
Jane Yolen,Adam Stemple
A wicked adventure—or deadly…,troll,ble.,For sixteen-year-old harpist prodigy Moira, the annual Dairy Princess event in Vanderby is just another lame publicity "op." Moira a dairy princess? Get real. Twelve girls have been selected to have their likeness carved in butter and displayed on the Trollholm Bridge. It's a Vanderby State Fair tradition that has been going on for, like, ever.,As far as Moira is concerned, the sooner it's over with the butter—er—better.,About the same time and not far away, three brothers—members of the sensationally popular teen boy band The Griffsons—are in the middle of a much needed road trip to relax from the pressures of their latest tour.,In a flash, however, the kids are suddenly transported to a strange and mystical wilderness where they find themselves in the middle of a deadly tug-of-war struggle between a magical fox named Fossegrim and the monstrous troll Aenmarr of Austraegir. At the heart of the feud is a battle for possession of a mysterious magical fiddle—and an ancient compact between Trollholm and the outer world.,Whatever. All Moira cares about is that eleven of her fellow princesses have been enchanted into a slumber and Moira needs to figure out a way to awaken them…and get home.,Unfortunately for Moira and the Griffsons, nothing in Trollholm is as it seems. Finding a way out of Trollholm may be a lot more difficult than they think.
Fantasy,Young Adult,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Music,Fiction,Fantasy,Urban Fantasy,Young Adult,Teen,Retellings,Fantasy,Magic,Fairy Tales,Fairy Tale Retellings
The Troll Bridge
Brian Bell
Some travelers love nothing better than to bathe in the sun. Others revel in immersing themselves in history and culture. Then there are those who are born to shop. We all know the type. In fact, we might ourselves be the type. There are some people for whom shopping is not a necessity but a sport. Insight Shopping Guides are a play book for the avid shopper who wants to level the playing field when he or she competes against natives for the best goods and deals the city has to offer. This series is for the discerning consumer who needs a little help navigating around an unfamiliar city. They are ideal shopping companions for travelers wanting lively, informative background material on the best shopping areas and reliable advice on finding the most reliable service.
Insight Guides: Ireland
Umut Sarıkaya
Uykusuz dergisi çizeri Umut Sarıkaya'nın beklenen karikatür kitabı çıktı.
Sequential Art,Comics,Asian Literature,Turkish Literature,Graphic Novels Comics
İşimdeyim Gücümdeyim
Benjamin A. Rifkin,Michael J. Ackerman
Praised by ,Nature, ("stunning"), the ,London Times, ("remarkable"), and the ,Guardian, ("mesmeric"), this lavishly illustrated book chronicles the remarkable history of anatomical illustration. Before the invention of photography, artists played an essential role in medical science, recording human anatomy in startlingly direct and often moving images. Over 400 years, beginning with Vesalius, they charted the main systems of the body, made precise studies of living organs, documented embryonic development, and described pathologies. ,Human Anatomy, includes portfolios of the work of 19 great anatomical artists, with concise biographies, and culminates with the Visible Human Project, which uses digital tools to visualize the human body.,Praise for ,Human Anatomy:,"From Leonardo da Vinci's exquisite pen-and-ink drawings of the human skeleton to the digital Visible Human Project in its three-dimensional glory, this fascinating book . . . documents more than 500 years of anatomical illustration in living color.", -Scientific American
Nonfiction,Art,Science,History,Health,Medicine,Science,History Of Science,Medical,Science,Biology,Reference,Anthropology
Human Anatomy: A Visual History from the Renaissance to the Digital Age
Mary Wollstonecraft
When two very poorly-brought-up girls are sent to their relative, Mrs. Mason, after the death of their mother, that woman attempts to reform them through story and conversation.
Short Stories,Nonfiction
Original Stories From Real Life; with Conversations, Calculated To Regulate the Affections and Form the Mind to Truth and Goodness
Tim Cresswell
This text introduces students of human geography to the fundamental concept of place, marrying everyday uses of the term with the complex theoretical debates that have grown up around it.,A short introduction to one of the most fundamental concepts in human geography Marries everyday uses of the term "place" with the more complex theoretical debates that have grown up around it Makes the debates intelligible to students, using familiar stories as a way into more abstract ideas Excerpts and discusses key papers on place by Doreen Massey and David Harvey Considers empirical examples of ways in which the concept of place has been used in research Teaching and learning aids include an annotated bibliography, lists of key readings and texts, a survey of web resources, suggested pedagogical resources and possible student projects
Science,Geography,Nonfiction,Reference,Research,Academic,Sociology,Space,Philosophy,Theory,Philosophy,Culture,Cultural Studies
Place: A Short Introduction
Josh Greenhut,Macky Pamintuan,Jeff Brown
Stanley’s not the only flat one!,When a flat skull is discovered in Africa, Stanley Lambchop decides to travel there with his brother, Arthur, and their father, George. Maybe studying the skull will give them clues to Stanley's flatness. But once in Africa, the Lambchops are in for more adventure than they bargained for. From lions to zebras to elephants, it's the safari of a lifetime!
Fiction,Childrens,Chapter Books,Childrens,Cultural,Africa,Adventure,Fantasy,Travel,Audiobook,Childrens,Middle Grade,Childrens,Juvenile
The African Safari Discovery
Lise Lunge-Larsen,Betsy Bowen
As tall as trees and as ancient and rugged as the Norwegian landscape from which they come, trolls are some of lore's most fascinating and varied creatures. Some live under bridges, others deep inside caves. They can carry their heads under their arms or hide their hearts inside wells. They can walk across oceans and fly over mountains. Trees and shrubs may grow from their heads, and their noses can be long enough to stir soup. There are troll hags, troll daughters, and elderly, shrunken trolls. Old or young, they are quarrelsome, ugly, and boastful, and they love to trick princesses and children. To defeat them, children must rely on the strengths of their humanity-persistence, kindness, pluck, and willingness to heed good advice
Fiction,Fantasy,Folklore,Childrens,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Childrens,Picture Books,Fantasy,Mythology,Childrens,Juvenile,European Literature,Scandinavian Literature
The Troll With No Heart in His Body and other Tales of Trolls, from Norway
Hassan II,Éric Laurent
نادراً ما يتحدث زعيم بهذا الوضوح والصراحة اللذين في هذا الكتاب، أما الأكثر ندرة فهو ذلك الشمول في ثنايا كتاب يعتبر غير عادي في زمن غير عادي لرجل غير عادي. والملك الحسن الثاني في هذه الحوارات يجول بالقارئ في المغرب حيث محمد الخامس، والاستقلال، والدستور، وابن بركة، وأوفقير.. الجزائر حيث بن بلة، وبومدين، والشاذلي بن جديد.. إلى فرنسا دوغول، وديستان، وميتران.. إلى مشرق فيصل، وفهد، وعبد الناصر، والأسد، والحسين، وعرفات.. إلى غرب نيكسون، وبوش، وكيندي وقبلهم روزفلت، وتشرشيل. كتاب مشوق وممتع ومفيد ويوثق في ذات الوقت للحقيقة والتاريخ، ويجيب على تساؤلات تقربنا أكثر من شخصية الملك الحسن الثاني، وتعرفنا على جوانب يكشف عنها لأول مرة. نظرة واقعية ذات بعد عالمي، تأخذ القارئ، أياً كان توجهه، مع فلسفة تجول في رحاب الكون.
Politics,Northern Africa,Morocco
ذاكرة ملك
Lindsey Kelk
A hilarious and romantic standalone novel from the bestselling author of the I Heart series,Rachel Summers loves a to-do list:,• Boyfriend,• Flat,• Great job,NOT on the list:,• Being dumped,Best friends Emelie and Matthew ride to her rescue with an entirely new kind of list – The Single Girl’s To-Do List. Rachel doesn’t know it, but it will take her on all kinds of wild adventures – and get her in some romantic pickles too. And then it won't be a case of what but who she decides to tick off…,• Mr. bendy yoga instructor,• Mr. teenage sweetheart,• Mr. persistent ex,• Mr. deeply unsuitable,The Single Girl’s To-Do List gives Rachel the perfect heartbreak cure – and proves love is out there if you’re willing to take a chance.
Womens Fiction,Chick Lit,Romance,Contemporary,Fiction,Adult,Humor,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Adult Fiction,Audiobook,Love
The Single Girl's To-Do List
Christophe Arleston,Olivier Vatine
Troy, le monde où chacun possède un pouvoir magique… Désormais séparée de Lanfeust après son départ tonitruant du palais de Xingdu, Cixi décide de regagner Eckmül par ses propres moyens. Embarquée sur un navire marchant, elle fait la connaissance d’un équipage singulier de pirates, composé de filles aussi belles que dangereuses. A bord, Cixi découvre le monde magique des mers, les rigueurs de la navigation et prouve si besoin était qu’elle n’est pas du genre à se laisser marcher dessus… Au terme d’une aventure pour le moins mouvementée en compagnie de ses nouvelles alliées, Cixi s’apprête finalement à rejoindre Eckmül sur le dos d’une bien étrange créature marine. Sur les murs de la cité, l’ombre ténébreuse ne va pas tarder à frapper ! Naturellement, de nombreux autres dangers attendent la célèbre héroïne…
Sequential Art,Bande Dessinée,Fantasy,Sequential Art,Comics
Le secret de Cixi, 2ème partie
David G. Hartwell,Kathryn Cramer,Bruce Sterling,Michael Swanwick,Eleanor Arnason,Geoffrey A. Landis,Robert Reed,Ken Wharton,Robert Sheckley,Charles Sheffield,Ursula K. Le Guin,Richard Chwedyk,Charles Stross,Terry Bisson,A.M. Dellamonica,Paul Di Filippo,J.R. Dunn,Carol Emshwiller,Neal Asher,Greg Egan,Robert Onopa,Jack Williamson,Gene Wolfe,Nancy Kress,Michael Moorcock
Brave New Worlds To Explore and ConquerThe astonishingly possible is once again showcased in a breathtaking volume of the best short form SF the past year had to offer. Contributed by some of the most revered and exciting voices in the genre -- and compiled by acclaimed editor and anthologist David G. Hartwell -- these stories of wonder and terror, astounding technologies and miraculous discovery, stretch the imagination into realms and universes never dreamed of before. Each tale is a dazzling gem, rocketing readers across light years and into unknown dimensions -- exploring the intricate cultures of alien races and the strange, secret workings of the human mind. And together they form an unparalleled whole -- a collection of luminous visions that shines more brightly than a newborn sun.,New tales from:,Nancy Kress,Ursula K. Le Guin,Greg Egan,Bruce Sterling,Michael Swanwick,Gene Wolfe,and many more
Science Fiction,Short Stories,Fiction,Anthologies,Speculative Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy
Year's Best SF 8
Chris Claremont,Chris Bachalo
In the wake of House of M, Marvel Girl's emotions are heating up Faced with a future she thought was destroyed, Marvel Girl will find out just what she's really made of Collects Uncanny X-Men #466-471.
Sequential Art,Comics,Superheroes,Marvel,Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Marvel,X Men,Comics,Superheroes,Graphic Novels Comics,Comics,Comic Book
Uncanny X-Men: The New Age, Volume 4: End of Greys
Joseph Bruchac,James Watling
To fourteen-year-old Samuel Russell, called "coward" for his peace-loving Quaker beliefs, the summer of 1777 is a time of fear. The British and the Patriots will soon meet in battle near his home in Saratoga, New York. The Quakers are in danger from roaming Indians and raiders—yet to fight back is not the Friends' way.,To Stands Straight, a young Abenaki Indian on a scouting mission for the British, all Americans are enemies, for they killed his mother and brother. But in a Quaker Meetinghouse he will come upon Americans unlike any he has ever seen. What will the encounter bring? Based on a real historical incident, this fast-paced and moving story is a powerful reminder that "the way of peace... can be walked by all human beings".
Historical,Historical Fiction,Fiction,Academic,School,Historical,Childrens,Childrens,Middle Grade,Young Adult,Native Americans,Childrens,Chapter Books,North American Hi...,American History
The Arrow Over the Door
Angela Melick
The life of an engineering student ain't easy! The brutal courseload, the caffeine-fueled study marathons, the social isolation from everyone but each other. These comics are an engineering student's comic observations about belligerent baristas, grade-grabbing geniuses, psychotic squirrels, addictive anime, impossible internships... and everything in between! The best-of collection from the popular webcomic "Wasted Talent".
Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Sequential Art,Comics,Sequential Art,Webcomic,Humor,Nonfiction,Graphic Novels Comics,Humor,Comedy
We Are The Engineers
Jake Page
In this riveting, action-packed alternate history, the Apaches forge their own bold nation and enter the world of racketeering and politics--all the while maintaining their traditional ways--as a new neighbor to a United States that will never be the same again . . .,In 1884 only one thing stood in the way of United States expansion: the Apaches. The U.S. Army believed it could easily defeat this ragtag band of savages who viewed one another more as rivals than allies. But one of those "savages" was a military genius: Juh, "He Who Sees Ahead." It was Juh's vision that persuaded the various tribal leaders to set aside their differences and work together, thus turning the disconnected bands of warring Apaches into the most cohesive fighting force the West had ever seen--and crushing the invading army. ,Thus was born Apacheria--the Apache Nation--and a world where Juh and his son, Little Spring, matched wits and weapons with a cast ranging from Teddy Roosevelt and Carrie Nation to Al Capone and J. Edgar Hoover. A world where it was best to stand with the Apaches, and never against them . . .
Science Fiction,Alternate History,Science Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy
Samantha Hines
Productivity for Librarians, is a guidebook that provides tips and tools for library workers for organizing, prioritizing, and managing time along with reducing stress. While targeted at librarians, author Samantha Hines’s straightforward advice is readily accessible to all library workers. Hines discusses ideas such as “motivation,” which includes having goals while achieving a balance between work and outside the workplace. She talks about how to best approach procrastination and time management in order to get the most out of your hours. Hines also shows the best ways to reach optimal productivity as her chapters discuss systems of, managing for, and sticking with, productivity. She concludes with a resource guide for continued learning about and exploration of productivity that can be applied to the reader’s individual circumstances.
Productivity for Librarians: How to get more done in less time
Joyce LeFever Kee,Evelyn R. Hayes,Linda E. McCuistion
This student study guide contains a variety of exercises specifically designed to reinforce content presented in the textbook. Chapter worksheets feature more than 1,800 study questions, 160 drug calculation and dosage problems, and case-based critical thinking exercises. Like the Kee text, the study guide features a strong nursing focus and comprehensive coverage of drug dosage calculations, including numerous sample drug labels.,Over 1,800 study questions reinforce textbook concepts and prepare you for the NCLEX(R) examination.,An extensive section of drug calculation problems helps you master important dosage calculation methods.,Case-based critical thinking exercises enhance your understanding of nursing responsibilities in drug therapy.,Sample drug labels familiarize you with the labels you will encounter in clinical practice.,A basic math review appendix provides a helpful review of key mathematics concepts. Answers for all exercises are included to facilitate self-study.,Thoroughly updated content corresponds to the Kee text, including a new chapter on medication safety.,Additional NCLEX(R) examination-style review questions reflect an increased focus on alternate item-format questions. Approximately 100 new prioritization activities provide practice in identifying key nursing actions.
Study Guide for Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach
Alfred Cobban
Historians and the Causes of the French Revolution
Brenda Novak
Virgil Skinner served fourteen years for a murder he didn't commit. He's finally been exonerated, but he can't escape the gang he joined in order to survive. They'll do ,anything, to keep him from telling what he knows. And if they can't get to Virgil they'll go after his sister and her kids.,The California Department of Corrections needs someone to infiltrate another gang, one that's taking control of the state's most notorious supermax. Virgil agrees to do it under an alias--in exchange for his sister's protection.,Chief Deputy Warden Peyton Adams is opposed to having Virgil in her prison. How will she protect him if things go bad? Besides, she's far too attracted to him; she might even be falling in love with him. That makes her all the more desperate to keep him safe--and it gives ,him, someone else to lose.
Romance,Romantic Suspense,Romance,Suspense,Mystery,Contemporary,Romance,Contemporary Romance,Adult,Thriller,Fiction,Thriller,Mystery Thriller
Caitlin O'Connell,Donna M. Jackson,Timothy Rodwell,Caitlin O'Connell Rodwell
In the sprawling African scrub desert of Etosha National Park, they call her "the mother of all elephants." Holding binoculars closely to her eyes, American scientist Caitlin O'Connell could not believe what she was seeing from these African elephants: as the mighty matriarch scanned the horizon, the other elephants followed suit, stopped mid-stride, and stood as still as statues. This observation would guide the scientist to a groundbreaking discovery about elephant communication: elephants actually listen with their limbs.
Nonfiction,Science,Animals,Childrens,Picture Books,Cultural,Africa,Childrens,Environment,Nature,Childrens,Middle Grade,Biography,Childrens,Juvenile
The Elephant Scientist
Paul R. Epstein,Dan Ferber,Jeffrey D. Sachs
Climate change is now doing far more harm than marooning polar bears on melting chunks of ice—it is damaging the health of people around the world. Brilliantly connecting stories of real people with cutting-edge scientific and medical information, ,Changing Planet, Changing Health, brings us to places like Mozambique, Honduras, and the United States for an eye-opening on-the-ground investigation of how climate change is altering patterns of disease. Written by a physician and world expert on climate and health and an award-winning science journalist, the book reveals the surprising links between global warming and cholera, malaria, lyme disease, asthma, and other health threats. In clear, accessible language, it also discusses topics including Climategate, cap-and-trade proposals, and the relationship between free markets and the climate crisis. Most importantly, ,Changing Planet, Changing Health, delivers a suite of innovative solutions for shaping a healthy global economic order in the twenty-first century.
Nonfiction,Science,Environment,Climate Change,Health
Changing Planet, Changing Health: How the Climate Crisis Threatens Our Health and What We Can Do about It
Susan Starr Sered
Religion is often denounced as one of the tools used by patriarchal societies to maintain the status quo, and especially to persuade women to accept subordinate roles. This does not explain, however, the existence of many religious groups in which women are both leaders and the majority of participants. How are these women's religions different from those dominated by men? What can we learn from them about the special ways in which women experience their unique reality? In this fascinating and pathbreaking work--the first comparative study of women's religions--Susan Starr Sered seeks answers to these compelling questions., Looking for common threads linking groups as diverse as the ancestral cults of the Black Caribs of Belize, Korean shamanism, Christian Science, and the Feminist Spirituality movement, Sered finds that motherhood and motherly concerns play a vital role in these female-dominated groups. Nurturing and concern for others are at the center, as are healing arts and ways of dealing with illness and the death of children. Religion not only enables women to find sacred meaning in their daily lives, from the preparation of food to caring for their families, but an offer intense and personal relationships with deities and spirits--often through ecstatic possession trance--as well as opportunities to celebrate and mourn with other women., By examining the shared experiences of women across great cultural divides, ,Priestess, Mother, Sacred Sister, offers a new understanding of the role gender plays in determining how individuals grapple with the ultimate questions of existence. In the process, it not only highlights the profound differences between men and women, but the equally important ways in which we are all alike.
Priestess, Mother, Sacred Sister: Religions Dominated by Women
Jacek Piekara
Oto on, inkwizytor i Sługa Boży, człowiek głębokiej wiary.,Oto dwie minipowieści, których bohaterem jest Mordimer Madderdin, pełen wiary i zapału młody inkwizytor.,Dlaczego bogaty kupiec pragnie utopić we wrzącej smole ubóstwianego synka? Dlaczego zacny patrycjusz w okrutny sposób zabija ukochaną żonę? Mordimer Madderdin musi wyjaśnić jaka siła popycha ludzi do czynienia bezrozumnego zła. ,Mordimer wpada w miłosne sidła zastawione przez śliczną i uroczą góralkę. Jak długo wytrzyma inkwizytor którego nazywa się „miodowym placuszkiem“ i „szafranową babeczką“? I jak długo wytrzyma, by kierowany świętym obowiązkiem, nie zajrzeć do szafy pełnej trupów?
Fantasy,European Literature,Polish Literature,Audiobook,Fiction,Fantasy,Dark Fantasy,Borrowed
Ja, inkwizytor. Dotyk zła
Leo Tolstoy,ليو تولستوي,سليم قبعين
كتاب يتحدث فيه الكاتب و الروائي الرائع الروسي تولستوي عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم. و يعبر عن إعجابه بأحاديث أعجب بها عن الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم. و بلغ عددها ما يقارب الـ 56 حديثاً. و في الكتاب يتحدث تولستوي عن نظرياته عن الحياة مع الفلاحين و عن الطبقى الغنية في روسيا.,للتحميل,,أو,
Religion,Nonfiction,Philosophy,Literature,Russian Literature,Religion,Islam,Literature,History,Biography Memoir
حكم النبي محمد
Matt Doeden
An overview of Central African Republic's geography and history, along with an exploration of the political, economic, and cultural landscape of this landlocked country in central Africa.
Central African Republic in Pictures (Visual Geography)
The Old Testament: King James Version
Thomas Keightley
A compendium of international fairy folklore.
Fantasy,Fantasy,Mythology,Folklore,Reference,Reference,Research,Fantasy,Fairy Tales,Paranormal,Fairies,Fairies,Fae,Fiction,Fantasy,Magic
The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People
عادل كامل
نشأ مليم يجول الحي بصحبة أبيه، بائع الجرائد ثم الزهور والمخدرات. حياة هانئة حرة قضاها مليم، إلى أن دخل أبوه السجن، فقرر مليم أن يزاول عملًا شريفًا. وعلى الرغم من نواياه الطيبة، انتهى مليم أيضًا وراء القضبان، بسبب سذاجة خالد، ابن الباشا، الثائر على أبيه ومجتمعه.,بعد الخروج من السجن يعمل مليم في «القلعة»، حيث تعيش خلية شيوعية متنوعة من الهامشيين والمنظرين، فتعود الحياة إلى خفتها، ويعود مليم إلى النصب البريء بمساعدة صديقته الرسامة. وعندما يلتقي مليم بخالد مجددًا، يستدرجه بحيلة إلى القلعة، فيغرم خالد بالرسامة وبوهم الحياة البوهيمية. لكن الأقدار ستؤدي بكل منهم إلى حيث لم يتوقع.,رواية ممتعة، تصور بسخرية لاذعة التمرد المزيف والثقافة الفارغة، وأحلام التغيير.,يلي الرواية نص نجيب محفوظ: «عادل كامل.. والحرافيش.. والأدب..»
Fiction,Northern Africa,Egypt,Classics,Cultural,Africa,Literature
مليم الأكبر
E.T. Leeds
Early Anglo Saxon Art And Archaeology: Being The Rhind Lectures Delivered In Edinburgh, 1935
Charles Thomas
Physical description; 144 p : ill(some col), 22cm. Subject; Church history — Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600. Church history — Middle Ages, 600-1500.
Britain And Ireland In Early Christian Times, A. D. 400 800
C.D. Payne
Six months in the life of the world's most dangerous teenager.,Youth in Revolt, is the journals of Nick Twisp, California's most precocious diarist, whose ongoing struggles to make sense out of high school, deal with his divorced parents, and lose his virginity result in his transformation from an unassuming fourteen-year-old to a modern youth in open revolt. ,As his family splinters, worlds collide, and the police block all routes out of town, Nick must cope with economic deprivation, homelessness, the gulag of the public schools, a competitive Type-A father, murderous canines (in triplicate), and an inconvenient hair trigger on his erectile response—all while vying ardently for the affections of the beauteous Sheeni Saunders, teenage goddess and ultimate intellectual goad.
Fiction,Young Adult,Humor,Young Adult,Coming Of Age,Humor,Comedy,Contemporary,Young Adult,Teen,Novels,Romance,Adult
Youth in Revolt: The Journals of Nick Twisp, Book One
David C. Smith,Richard L. Tierney
Fantasy,Heroic Fantasy,Sword and Sorcery
Star of Doom
C. Warren Hollister
Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest
Siân Echard
Geoffrey of Monmouth’s ,History of the Kings of Britain,, written in Latin, is one of the earliest sources for many of the legends we now associate with King Arthur and his knights. What is little known, however, is that the tradition of Arthur stories in Latin extended well beyond Geoffrey. This collection offers essays that highlight different aspects of that broader Latin Arthurian tradition.
The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature: The Development and Dissemination of the Arthurian Legend in Medieval Latin
Marianne E. Kalinke
In ,The Arthur of the North,, Marianne E. Kalinke offers the first book-length study of the Arthurian literature translated from French and Latin into Old Norse-Icelandic in the thirteenth century.  Preserved mostly in Icelandic manuscripts, in early modern times these Scandinavian Arthurian legends inspired the composition of narrative poems and chapbooks in Denmark, Iceland, and Norway, chiefly of the Tristan legend. The importation of Arthurian literature in the North, primarily French romances and lais, is indebted largely to the efforts of King Hákon Hákonarson (r. 1217–63) of Norway, who commissioned the translation of Thomas de Bretagne’s ,Tristan ,in 1226, and subsequently several Arthurian romances by Chrétien de Troyes and a number of Breton lais. Kalinke shows the transmission of foreign courtly literature in the non-courtly culture of Iceland, and the changes taken on in narrative and style as the tales made their way north.
The Arthur of the North: The Arthurian Legend in the Norse and Rus’ Realms
Janet Takahashi
We all have thoughts, feelings, and experiences that we want to preserve forever--and a journal makes the perfect keepsake. This inspiration-packed guide, with beautiful watercolor art throughout, offers a wealth of creative ideas for creating attractive journals from scratch as well as embellishing store-bought ones. The 21 creative projects range from a seasonal journal that features stunning handmade papers decorated with natural items (such as twigs and leaves) to a lovely book made from travel postcards that opens like a fan. Other exquisite suggestions include an accordion-style booklet for writing down all the must-remember things your kids say, a romantic journal, and a sweet little spiral-bound book for collecting favorite handed-down recipes.
Artful Journals: Making and Embellishing Memory Books, Garden Diaries & Travel Albums
Shigeru Mizuki
A landmark publishing event of one of Japan's most famous cartoonists,Shigeru Mizuki is the preeminent figure of ,Gekiga ,manga and one of the most famous working cartoonists in Japan today–a true living legend. ,Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths ,is his first book to be translated into English and is a semiautobiographical account of the desperate final weeks of a Japanese infantry unit at the end of WorldWar II. The soldiers are told that they must go into battle and die for the honor of their country, with certain execution facing them if they return alive. Mizuki was a soldier himself (he was severely injured and lost an arm) and uses his experiences to convey the devastating consequences and moral depravity of the war.,Mizuki's list of accolades and achievements is long and detailed. In Japan, the life of Mizuki and his wife has been made into an extremely popular television drama that airs daily. Mizuki is the recipient of many awards, including the Best AlbumAward for his book ,NonNonBa ,(to be published in 2012 by D+Q) and the Heritage Essential Award for ,Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths ,at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize Special Award, the Kyokujitsu Sho Decoration, the Shiju Hosho Decoration, and the KodanshaManga Award.His hometown of Sakaiminato honored him with Shigeru Mizuki Road—a street decorated with bronze statues of his ,Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro ,characters—and the Shigeru Mizuki International Cultural Center.
Sequential Art,Graphic Novels,Sequential Art,Manga,Sequential Art,Comics,History,Cultural,Japan,War,Nonfiction,War,World War II,Asian Literature,Japanese Literature,Historical
Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths
Tony Barnstone,Chou Ping
The ancient Chinese tradition of erotic poetry has been largely ignored in the west. Now, a vast continent of sensual verse is opened to us with this glorious collection spanning nearly three thousand years and including many poems never before translated into English. ,Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping have brought together poems about deep love and pure lust, enticement and seduction, ecstasy and disappointment. Here are poems that express need, hunger, grief, and longing—for husbands and wives and for concubines and lovers; poems by turns explicit or subtle, light-hearted or desperate, written from both men’s and women’s points of view. The editors have drawn on a wide range of sources from 600 BCE to the present, including highly literary poems, popular verse, and folk songs, as well as poems that appeared in ancient Daoist sex manuals, in classical novels of the Ming Dynasty, and in collections of erotic prints. The result is a dazzling array of voices that speak the universal language of desire.,For the first time, all the major works of this beloved writer are gathered together in one hardcover volume.
Poetry,Adult Fiction,Erotica,Cultural,China,Literature
Chinese Erotic Poems
Erik Oberg,Henry H. Ryffel,Franklin Day Jones
The 25th edition of the bible of the mechanical industries. The speeds and feeds section has been revised, updated and expanded to include new materials, more cutting tools, and tool life estimates. The welding section has been rewritten to incorporate recent developments, the numerical control section has been expanded and rearranged to facilitate use, and logarithm and trigonometry tables have been reinstated. New to this edition are sections on bolt tightening torques, motion control sections, ISO 9000, lasers, dividing heads, bandsaws (including speeds and feeds), electrical discharge machining, retaining rings, machinability of wood, and collets. In addition, all the practical information and data has been reviewed and updated where necessary.
Science,Engineering,Reference,Nonfiction,Computer Science,Technical,Science,Textbooks
Machinery's Handbook