stringlengths 20
Create a new note with body 'Followed up with Jane Doe. She's interested in the deal and will get back to us by next week.' |
Create a new note with body 'Sent the contract to the client for review' |
Create a new note with body 'What is going on in this world?' and owner id 325420860 |
Create a new note with content 'basic receptionist training for Pam' and owner id 325420860 and timestamp Mon Oct 30 2023 09:49:42 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) |
Create a new task with body 'Follow up with Jane Doe next week', title 'Follow up with Jane Doe' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new task with body 'Follow up with the client for Velcro Belt Opp', due date 'next week' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new task with body 'Follow up with the client for Velcro Belt Opp', title 'Follow up with client' and owner 325420860 |
Create a new task with body 'Paperwork is pending. Engage the legal and operations team to hash out all the contracts.', subject 'Engage legal and operations team' for current user |
Create a new task with body 'Talk to Jim' for current user and timestamp {today} |
Create a new task with title 'Complete L2 Stabilization for Thor 1.0 release', content 'Finish the L2 stabilization for Thor 1.0 release by 2024-01-25T19:10:29', type 'General', status 'Not Started', priority 'High', due date '2024-01-25T19:10:29' |
Create a note with content 'basic receptionist training for Pam' |
Create a note with content 'basic receptionist training' |
Delete deal 12340423712 |
Delete the note with id 41956133234 |
Find all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed and have a close date between 2024-02-04T12:33:31 and 2024-02-10T12:33:31 |
Find all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed and last modified before Fri Sep 29 2023 23:38:45 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) |
Find all deals owned by owner 12345 |
Find all tasks assigned to owner 293768978 |
List all the changes to deal 15918935132 with properties amount, closedate, dealstage, dealname |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed and do not have a close date |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed and have a value above $4000, limit 10 |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed, closing this year, limit 5 |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed, sort by last modified date descending |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860 that are not closed, sort by most urgent |
Search all deals assigned to owner 325420860, sort by revenue descending, limit by 1 (include deal id) |
Search all deals assigned to owner 514721115 that are in presentation scheduled stage |
Search all deals not in 'closedwon' or 'closedlost' and not in null status, sort by dealstage |
Search all deals with 'closedlost' stage, created this year (include amount) |
Search all deals with a lost stage createdate between Sat Jan 01 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) and Fri Dec 31 2023 23:59:59 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) (include dealname,amount) |
Search all deals with close date between {first of next month} and {last of next month} (include amount) |
Search all deals with closedwon stage, created between January 2023 and December 2023, (include amount) |
Search all deals with closedwon stage, created between January 2023 and March 2023, include amount (limit by 100) |
Search all deals with name 'Existence Deal' where amount is null(include deal id) |
Search all deals with Subscription in their name |
Search all deals with the lost stage createdate between Jan 1 2023 and Dec 31 2023 (include dealname, amount) |
Search all deals, sort by dealstage |
Search all notes assigned to owner 315865881 that were created this month |
Search all notes associated with the contact 251551 (include body, owner id, timestamp) |
Search all notes associated with the contact 251551 (include content, timestamp) |
Search all notes with associated deal 15766985492 (include note body, creation date) |
Search all notes with associated deal 15860461964 (include note body, creation date, note title) |
Search all tasks assigned to owner 325420860 with status 'NOT_STARTED' |
Search all tasks assigned to owner 514721115 that are in pending stage, limit by 3 |
Search all tasks associated with contact 251551 |
Search all tasks associated with the contact 252301 (include subject, body, owner id, creation date) |
Search all tasks with subject containing 'Follow up' |
Search deals belonging to owner 293768978 createdate between '2023-02-01' and '2023-04-30' (include amount) |
Search deals with the earliest close date (include close date) |
Search for the contact with name 'Kingsley Graham' |
Search opportunity with id 15872054087 (include amount) |
Search tasks associated with the deal with id 15766985492 |
Search tasks with the associated deal 15841663862 |
Search tasks with the associated deal id 15798447767 |
Search tasks with the associated deal id 15843597996 (include subject, body, owner id, creation date) |
Search tasks with the associated opportunity 15766985491 |
Search the companies associated with the contact 252301 |
Search the company associated with the deal 15766985492 |
Search the company possibly named 'Dunder Mifflin' |
Search the company possibly named 'Sunlover' (include name, number of employees, owner id) |
Search the contact with firstname Jane and lastname Doe |
Search the contact with id 249101 (include firstname, lastname, email) |
Search the contact with id 251851 (include firstname, lastname, email) |
Search the contacts associated with the company 17779690843 |
Search the contacts associated with the deal 15766985492 |
Search the deal named 'Jenga blocks' (include closedate, dealstage) |
Search the deal named 'Lakka Bakka' (include deal id, amount) |
Search the deal named 'Mattermost' (include deal body, amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal named 'Zoozzy Deal' assigned to owner 325420860 (include amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 12340470665 (include dealname, owner id, amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15766985492 (include deal body, amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15766985492 (include owner id) |
Search the deal with id 15841663862 |
Search the deal with id 15841663862 (include amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15843597996 |
Search the deal with id 15843597996 (include amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15844260480 (include amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15844333203 (include amount, dealstage) |
Search the deal with id 15918922247 (include body, close date) |
Search the deal with name 'bistro' (include dealname, amount, dealstage) |
Search the deals with ids 15915875210, 15919342750, 15910226320 (include dealname) |
Search the deals with possible names Bardnia Deal OR Oblo Infra Deal (include amount, dealname), sort amount descending |
Search the opportunity with id 15766985492 |
Search the task with id 40331146377 (include task body, task subject, owner id) |
Update the amount of the deal to $3500 for deal 12340423712 |
Update the contact 252051 with lifecyclestage 'lead' |
Update the contact email to 'janedoe@example.com' for contact 252251 |
Update the contact email to 'johndoe@example.com' for contact 252251 |
Update the deal 16771990124 with priority 'high' |
Update the deal stage to 'Contract Sent', amount to 25000 for deal 15682040124 |
Update the deal type for deal 16777498029 to 'existing business' |
Update the deal with id 12340470665 close date to 2023-12-20 |
Update the deal with id 15766985492 amount to 6000 |
Update the deal with id 15846051091 stage to Qualified to buy |
Update the deal with id 16771990124 with priority 'high' |
Update the opportunity with id 15766985492 name to 'Jenga Tower Blocks' |
Update the task with id 40028769410 status to 'completed' |
Update the task with id 40028993574 name to 'Task for Shival - Updated' |
Update the task with id 41855968901 subject to 'feed monkeyes' |
Update the task with id 41855968901 subject to 'feed orangutans' |