stringlengths 10
| abstract
stringlengths 12
| keyphrases
stringlengths 2
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assignment | The Brief Case Study Delta Engineering manufacture a range of fabricated and machined products to serve the automotive, industry and employ robotics and material handling machinery in this high-tech environment. They are a Small to Medium Enterprise employing some 150 personnel, turning over appro 12 million and you are the New Engineering manager responsible for all aspects of engineering on site including machine maintenance, technology innovation and building maintenance. The Director of the company has challenged you to head up a programme of change, to improve all areas of site performance, to include machine downtime, improve product quality and solve issues with new product development. There is low morale in the company with many believing the changes delivered so far and the cu... | brief case studi delta engin, new engin manag, medium enterpris, materi handl machineri, assign, new product develop, high-tech environ, compani, engin, machin mainten |
Looking for some short information videos for a service. | The service is Scalp Micropigmentation, it is a hair tattoo that creates a shaved hair look. I have some photo we can use I would like some simple graphics created to explain the tattoo process and outcome. Including captions I am looking for a basic one and someone to do more in the future. | scalp micropigment, short inform video, hair look, servic, tattoo process, hair, simpl graphic, photo, caption, futur |
Digital Mockups with Logo | Hi All, I need this Products Images improved. I have the exact product. I can also send you my images to use. I just need the blue to be white and include my Logo and some Words/Images. A total of 8 Mockups. | digit mockup, product imag, logo, imag, mockup, word, exact product, blue, total |
Documentation | it is an document project where two therapy which are suitable should be applied in the case study. i will provide the case study. | case studi, document, document project, therapi |
Google knowledge panel | Hi, I am looking for someone to create a Google knowledge panel for a UK based website. Thank You | googl knowledg panel, websit, uk |
Setup and configure newrelic monitoring | We are looking for someone who can help us to setup Newrelic for our envoirment. We have 3 different envoirmements all linux servers beside one windows server. We would like to setup and config so the envoirment is like following. Monitoring of the workload for the server Monitoring of the application status on the application servers. Monitoring the webbsite, network and db and so on. We want different dashboards for the envoirments Envoirment 1, 2, 3 And the alarms shall be configured based on what envoirment that warn or send alarms. We also want it "feed" our atlasian/jira status page. | newrel monitor, envoir, newrel, alarm, server monitor, setup, monitor, envoir envoir, window server, applic server |
Microsoft excel - NPV | Microsoft Excel NPV Calculation | microsoft excel npv calcul, microsoft excel, npv |
Creation of sticker | Hello, This is the sticker we originally have that will be applied on our wood heaters product in the store. We think black theme is not good for us anymore since colors of logo and catalogue in lighter colors. You need to do: 1) Add the logo somewhere on the sticker 2) Change instead of 10 years guarantee to 10 Year Guarantee 3) Change the colors to orange colors like a catalogue colors. | sticker, creation, year guarante, color, wood heater product, logo, chang, store, black theme, catalogu color |
Plugin for ebay | I would like to know how much it would cost to build a plugin. The plugin would move products from eBay to a woo-commerce website using an API. Just wondering how easy it would be to make this. Thank you | plugin, ebay, api, product, woo-commerc websit |
Ebay launching | I need help launching my product in ebay. I already have the product listing ready. ( attached) Please send a proposal to manage the account for 2 weeks. | ebay launch, product, ebay, help, propos, account, week |
python fast api stripe onboarding | i am making food delivery, and i need onboard my customer(restaurants) to stripe so they can pay me every month and when someone order something the money need to go to restaurants stripe account. i and want it build in react frontend and python fast api requirements: 1: onboardning customer(resturants)to stripe(custom) 2: make Subscription to customer(resturants) 200kr every monnth and 2500kr one time payment to a start 3: and when user buy something() the money need to go to the resturant where the user has bought the food 4: refund | fast api stripe onboard, restaur stripe account, fast api requir, python, money, food deliveri, user, subscript, react frontend, customer(resturants)to stripe(custom |
Unreal engine to help me create uproject to upload assets on marketplace | Need someone to help me create uproject to upload assets on marketplace. To format the assets the correct way so its not declined. | unreal engin, asset, uproject, marketplac, correct way |
Experienced onlyfans chatter -- 2 | Looking for experienced onlyfans chatter Chatters will be provided training, and a 1 week trial. After the 1 week trial, they will be given a raise if you pass the trial round. | experienc onlyfan chatter chatter, experienc onlyfan chatter, week trial, trial round, train, rais |
Global business strategy and environment. | Discuss Vodafone and how it has demonstrated considerable international expansion initiatives. Review the organization's strategy, expansion activities, and business growth over the past ten years (approximately) and discuss the following 1. Do you think their selection of international locations/countries was appropriate for their product/service? Justify your answer based on suitable analysis and critical review 2. How did they approach the issue of product diversification or standardization? Establish your answer with the relevant argument Suggest and discuss using some business frameworks and things such as PESTEL analysis. You should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of global business environment, concept of demand-supply and market attractiveness frameworks. Compe... | consider intern expans initi, discuss vodafon, global busi strategi, expans activ, global busi environ, busi growth, intern locat, pestel analysi, answer, strategi |
CPC Improvement of website | Hello Looking for website google cpc improvement Let me know who can provide me better back links and who can handle cpc | websit googl cpc improv, cpc improv, cpc, websit, link |
Draw anime styled art using a certain tool | You have to use drawing tool on to draw an anime styled painting. The art has to include an anime girl as you can see in the examples. Otherwise you're free on what you draw. After drawing the painting you have to click "Preview and Share" button and send the link. | certain tool, anim, art, style paint, anim girl, tool, preview, share, paint, exampl |
Microservices API on Azure Functions | I have a mobile application an eCommerce app and would need a developer to work on Azure functions web apis on a Microservices based architecture style | azur function web api, microservic api, azur function, architectur style, mobil applic, ecommerc app, microservic, develop |
Very easy copy and paste documents into a different format | Copy the text from a given website (download documents) and rearrange into a slightly different format. Most is copy and paste, but some is input. It is only the table elements in documents. | differ format, easi copi, document, download document, past, copi, text, websit, tabl element |
Crayboo socks | I’m starting a sock company that only sells solid color socks made out of bamboo . Bamboo is a Performance textile that wicks moisture , and incredible softness it’s the best textile for sock Manufacturing in my opinion . So wrap your mind Around this the socks are going to be packaged in A box that looks like a 8 pack of crayons see pic’s Difference is it’s going to be 6 pairs of socks in the box and there going to be in whatever the hottest Color’s are for the season. winter crews ,spring 1/4 Crews mixed with ankle socks , Summer no looks With ankle , and fall mixed with crew 1/4 crew and ankle remember no print solid colors only the packaging and and logo are more important then the product it’s going to be sold at gift boutiques Around America | crayboo sock, sock manufactur, solid color sock, perform textil, bamboo, sock, sock compani, box, ankl, crew |
Help setup contact form for wordpress site | I need two contact forms setup for my Wordpress site. The forms are already there I just need them to work. | wordpress site, contact form, contact form setup, form |
URBAN VARSITY BADGE | I am looking for someone to design an Urban Varsity College Style Circle design that can be used as an EMBOSSED sweatshirt or Hoodie design. It will also be used as a Tshirt design. DETAILS: The design needs to be made in a CIRCLE, HALF CIRCLE or Some type of BADGE style and it must contain this information. 1. STATUHS DENIM COMPANY or STATUHS DENIM (Brand name) 2. EST. 1972 (Established year. This can be in numeric or roman numerals-MCMLXXII) 3. EVERYONE DESERVES A STATUHS (Slogan) In addition, The Theme of the design can be one of these 3 themes: A. STATUHS UNIVERSITY OF HUSTLE B. STATUHS ACADEMY OF FASHION C. STATUHS DESIGNERS CLUB Lastly, the main letters most be a BOLD type font. Some inspiration ideas have been attached | urban varsiti colleg style circl design, urban varsiti badg, statuh denim compani, badg style, half circl, hoodi design, emboss sweatshirt, statuh denim, tshirt design, fashion c. statuh design club |
build me a website for my company | I want to make a website for my music distribution company. I need my website is cleaned responsive and well designed as an international brand. reference websites ( ) | websit, music distribut compani, compani, refer websit, intern brand |
School campaign | We are hiring members for our marketing team We are offering 4 months of part time work which can easily done side by side of your daily routine Basically we are giving good rewards on every new student joined our school Also we will provide proper training and materials needed for marketing against daily reports and data collected by the person | school campaign, market team, good reward, new student, proper train, daili routin, daili report, school, person, market |
Rédaction, relecture 12 | La correction d'orthographe et de faute grammaticales. Rédaction et relecture. | rédaction, faut grammatical, rédaction et relectur, la correct d'orthograph |
Looking for a server with an interface for rtsp streaming | Hi I am interested in a server for streaming rtsp to the website. In the meantime I am only interested in something ready with a neat interface - open source. And of course you will also install it... and configure what is needed | rtsp stream, server, rtsp, neat interfac, interfac, websit, meantim, open sourc, cours |
Java web application JEE6 | At phase 1, develop the client-side interface in such a way that could access the system via web browser while the system administrators should access the system via a java application. [5 marks] Ensure that the following tasks are properly provided: [25 marks] For student users 1. After a successful login process the student should be able to view all his groups. The members, groups and associated resource ids are, previously saved as JSON file(s) in the server, should be retrieved and displayed. For system administrators: 1. After a successful login process, system administrator should be able to view all available groups. 2. System administrator should be able to add, delete or modify groups and their members and resources. 3. System administrator should be able to search for groups... | java web applic jee6, system administr, java applic, group, web browser, system, success login process, mark, member, json file( |
Street Media | Life and political views from a street prospective | street media, polit view, life, street |
Leads Generation Expert Neede | Hi everyone We need Someone who can find leads about Social Media Marketing Experts in USA.... All of those must have their own websites...... | gener expert need, social media market expert, usa, lead, own websit |
I need a photoshop expert | Looking to photoshop a persob out of the picture the guy on the right out of the picture | photoshop expert, pictur, persob, guy, right |
Business card design | I am running a crypto currency exchange house in dubai. My company name is AlmansooriGCC. I will provide my logo below | busi card design, crypto currenc exchang hous, almansoorigcc, dubai, logo, compani name |
need Someone to get leads | Hi everyone We need Someone who can find leads about Social Media Marketing Experts in USA.... All of those must have their own websites...... | social media market expert, lead, usa, own websit |
I need a document writer | I need to make job chart. It means i need to match job duties with my qualification. | document writer, job chart, job duti, qualif |
Digital Mockups with Logo | Hi All, I need this Products Images improved. I have the exact product. I can also send you my images to use. I just need the blue to be white and include my Logo and some Words/Images. A total of 8 Mockups. | digit mockup, product imag, logo, imag, mockup, word, exact product, blue, total |
Marketing Report: Evaluation of international market opportunities | Evaluation of international market opportunities You should: - provide a clear rationale for marketing a selected SME product/service in one international markets (excluding the UK and US market) - set clear criteria for selecting a target market in chosen country - develop a sales strategy in chosen target market - determine appropriate market entry strategies 1 Select a company or a brand First you may choose a company, a brand or a service offering on which to focus your efforts. You have a choice of Sandeman Events, The Berkeley Partnership LLP or Retrouvai. 2 The decision to internationalise Should the company go international or not? What are the competencies of the firm and how should they be utilised internationally? You need to first define your chosen company&rsqu... | intern market opportun, market report, berkeley partnership llp, appropri market entri strategi, target market, evalu, sandeman event, sme product, compani, intern market |
Create packaging tags and storing data in database. | Hi. I would like to create a database either in MS Access or excel. (I prefer Access). And i want the front end to be VB.net or other application | packag tag, databas, data, access, excel, ms access, front end, other applic |
Need expert in Angelist venture account management | Requirement: 1. Create & Manage client account 2. Form entity and stay complied on Platform 3. Plan for Start up fundraising, including business planning, branding and all. (subject to approval prior launch) with no limitations of industry. 4. Candidates need to Provide strategy to review before dive in 5. Manage the account as a Project manager and report accordingly 6. Payment to be discussed further with the right candidate only. | angelist ventur account manag, manag client account, expert, platform, start, account, project manag, requir, entiti, fundrais |
looking for wordpress (woocommerce) expert | Dear freelancers! I am looking for a wordpress & wocommerce new freelancer for a my project. Please apply if you are a new freelancer and start right away. Cheers! | woocommerc, expert, dear freelanc, new freelanc, wordpress, cheer, project |
logo design | i need a logo designer who can design best car logos for me | logo design, best car logo |
Mininet Project Performance Evaluation | Full description for project can be find here - | mininet project perform evalu, project, full descript |
Company’s t-shirt | Picture of some skeletons on a work boat with the crane driving pilings | compani, t-shirt, pictur, crane drive pile, skeleton, work boat |
Build me a data base of orders | Urgent requirement of Data base operator for entries of 5400 order in excel sheet Including (Customers name,email,contact,adress,order date,desciption,amount,id). Time duration for completion is 35days. First Payment on completion of 50% work left on completing all work after checking project... | data base oper, data base, excel sheet includ, order, urgent requir, order date, complet, time durat, entri, email |
looking for wordpress (woocommerce) expert | Dear freelancers! I am looking for a wordpress & wocommerce expert for a my project. Please apply if you are expert and start right away. Cheers! | woocommerc, expert, dear freelanc, wordpress, cheer, project, wocommerc expert |
translate 4000 words from English to Arabic | Hi, I have a book written in English that needs to be translated into Hebrew. I don't want to use Google Translate or any other translation software. If you think you can help with this task, please apply. Skills: Translation, Arabic Translator, English (US) Translator, English (UK) Translator, Portuguese Translator, French Spanish translation | english, googl translat, arab translat, french spanish translat, portugues translat, translat, word, hebrew, arab, book |
Help Debugging A React Native App | I need urgent help from an experienced React Native developer. The problem: I need to access device's camera from inside a WebView component. (react-native-webview) * Possible long-term collaboration. - Please bid only if you are sure you can do it. ------------------------------------- More details: export default class MyApp extends Component { render() { return ( <WebView source={{ uri: 'file:// URI to a local webpage' }} originWhitelist={['*']} allowFileAccess={true} allow... /> ) } in the local HTML file: return ( <Camera ... | react nativ app, nativ develop, experienc react, webview compon, camera, urgent help, webview, possibl long-term collabor, compon, uri |
Ethereum node sync issues | Ethereum full node syncing slowly and litenode doesnt get synced. Need someone who can fix the issue quickly. Should have hands on experience on Geth Nodes and handlh Beacon ETH chain. | ethereum node sync issu, geth node, handlh beacon eth chain, ethereum, litenod, issu, hand, experi, full node |
Android App | android app for my college to maintain the attendance, notes and all student data | android app, student data, app, colleg, attend, note |
Need data scrapper NSE | Need an experienced data scrapper from NSE option Data and feed the values real time to trade automation software, realtime data alrert from Chartink and feed them to trade automation with tradetron. help in logic building with the prebuilt Algo in tradetron. Good experience in sharemarket related filed is preferred | data scrapper nse, nse option data, experienc data scrapper, realtim data alrert, tradetron, prebuilt algo, chartink, autom softwar, real time, autom |
Build me a website for a blog | Build me a website for a blog, must have good eye for design, and copy a website that i will share. Quick project. | websit, blog, good eye, quick project, design |
epaykart.com | we want create new one | null |
Draw anime (DBZ) peeker style pin | I need a designer for peeker style anime pins .. I’ll show you an example .. then I will give you the character to draw and the features I want .. whoever win will be my designer for the foreseeable future.. The first two pictures I uploaded is the character “SSR” Trunks and how he looks in the peeker style design .. I need the highest quality.. the next set of two pictures is Goku SSGSS x100 kaioken .. I need the aura included in the peeker .. it needs to be just as he is in the show and the picture I showed you w the SSGSS aura and kaioken aura. Winner will be my new designer and get paid $25 | peeker style anim pin, peeker style pin, goku ssgss x100, peeker style design, ssgss aura, dbz, kaioken aura, design, charact, pictur |
Build me a website for a blog | Build me a website for a blog, must have good eye for design, and copy a website that i will share. Quick project. | websit, blog, good eye, quick project, design |
epaykart.com | we want create new one | null |
Mexican Woman Voice Over | Hello! We are doing a short film about mexico and we are looking for a Mexican Woman to do the voice over. Paid - Low budget. It’s a short text (Budget: €30 - €250 EUR, Jobs: Audio Production, Audio Services, English (US) Translator, Music, Voice Talent) Visit | mexican woman, mexican woman voic over, voic talent, audio product, audio servic, low budget, voic, eur, job, english |
Need Some AGENT FORM MES PRIVATE LIMITED | Need Some AGENT FORM MES PRIVATE | privat limit, me privat, agent, me |
Wordpress Microsoft | Wordpress Microsoft official project | wordpress microsoft, offici project |
Video Editor for YouTube Channel | We are a YouTube Automation company, and we are looking for a talented, hard-working and experienced Video Editor to join our team. We are looking for MULTIPLE experienced candidates for a sports channel (cricket preferred), Similar channels to these: We are looking for a long-term collaboration, on a project basis in the beginning, and eventually, if we are a good fit we would also have the full-time/retainer must have also have an understanding of the YouTube . Looking forward to working with you! | video editor, youtub autom compani, youtub channel, sport channel, similar channel, youtub, multipl, experienc candid, long-term collabor, project basi |
Video Editor for AE Content | Looking for an experienced video editor who is familiar with AE content. Send me your portfolio and prices, please and Thank you! | experienc video editor, video editor, portfolio, price, ae content |
Chrome OS as VM in 200 PCS in emergency | You have to create installation/ VM package to run Chrome OS in Windows 7/ 10 OS. For more details.... Contact adschudheer@gmail<.>com | pc, emerg, chrome, window, contact, vm packag, chrome os, more detail, vm, os |
English to Turkish | That’s the project you have 5days to submit your project offer, 76 pages Font type: Garamond Size: 14 Line spacing: 1.5 | garamond size, page font type, turkish, line space, project offer, project |
VULCANEXUS ROS 2 Hypervisor Docker RTOS Linux for ROBOT PROGRAMMING | Hello Im need a knowledgable person to help with to programming a robot with four wheels. The person will need to help with configuring the linux operating system with ROS 2 and other things that could be needed. I have decided that I want to work with ROS 2 but I need to decide the best way to configure it. What are the things that I need to use so that I have a good system in the end? For example I found that Vulcanexus has an already done a ROS 2 stack. Is this good way to go? What is its advantages and disadvantages? Is there a better way to go? Which ROS 2 version is good to use? How can I add Real time operating system (RTOS) to the robot system? Other thoughts can be will it be good to use Hypervisor and Docker. Is there any other things that is good to have? Please do not ... | hypervisor docker rto linux, ro, robot program, vulcanexu ro, robot system, linux oper system, robot, hypervisor, docker, rto |
Want Online Video Editor for my channel VaGi | Hi Everyone, I am Akash i am looking for one more Video Editor for permanent editing . Everyday 4 videos it's a big project. Visit Channel for better understanding - Budget 1 Lacs- 4 Lacs Payment type- Advance Location perference - worldwide | onlin video editor, channel vagi, advanc locat perfer, lac payment, more video editor, akash, perman edit, budget, lacs-, channel |
Looking for Website Designer for My Youtube Channel | Hi to all website developer, i am looking for a website developer for my youtube channel Visit Youtube channel for better understanding - Regards, Akash | youtub channel visit youtub channel, websit design, youtub channel, websit develop, better understand, regard |
digital and processing and learning machine | Hi i need person who very good in this subject And good writing | learn machin, digit, process, good write, person, subject |
Processing work items according to appropriate regulatory guidelines | Looking for freelancers to Process work items according to appropriate regulatory guidelines. Review files and interpret the data to enter into our company's database. Completion of daily content writing pre-processor exceptions and weekly SEO copywriting pre-processor exceptions. | appropri regulatori guidelin, process work item, weekli seo, pre-processor except, review file, freelanc, complet, data, compani, databas |
Standardise look and feel of presentation slide deck | A slide deck has been prepared but is currently looks very rough and in draft form. It needs to be standardised and improved upon to ensure that it looks to be of high quality and acceptable for presentation. Should include appropriate graphics. The content is technical and pharmaceutical. | present slide deck, slide deck, draft form, present, high qualiti, appropri graphic, content, pharmaceut |
Build us a Web site | Hello, freelancers. I need our web site. Our web site must use react for frontend and golang for backend. And I have no sample or base project. And I need logo design, animation for our web site. And number of page is 5~6 pages, about as, Payment management, Blog, Landing, List of thing. Thanks. | web site, blog, land, list, payment manag, freelanc, react, frontend, golang, backend |
Pre- and post-sales customer service Polish and English (remote from home) | We are looking for a cool, positive person to work with us, our partners and customers. A person who is not afraid of challenges and technology. Duties will include: - contacting clients (also in English) via email, LinkedIn, Facebook and chat - invoicing existing customers - contacting web portals to post articles - assisting in adding advertisements Requirements: - well spoken and written polish and english - experience in sales (preferably online) - proficient computer skills - availability minimum 4h a day Monday to Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. Welcome: - experience in marketing or recruitment - basic knowledge of SEO | post-sal custom servic polish, english, pre-, home, custom, posit person, advertis requir, day monday, experi, polish |
Freelance Proofreader | Our ideal candidate is meticulous in reviewing copy, noting errors such as punctuation, spelling, and word usage and You must communicate effectively with the writers and other staff to ensure documents meet all company guidelines. | freelanc proofread, ideal candid, word usag, compani guidelin, copi, error, punctuat, spell, writer, document |
Project for Bojan | This is the project for Bojan Full stack position | bojan, project, full stack posit |
Proof read and editor magazine | In search for an proofreader and editor for a new magazine that launches online soon. More details will continue during interview | proof, editor magazin, new magazin, editor, interview, search, proofread, more detail |
build me logo and branding | I would like someone to build me a Branding for a Dental clinic. we don;t want to any tooth involed in the name or in the branding design. | dental clinic, brand, logo, tooth, design, name |
Synchronize sound with text. | We need someone to listen to a talking book and synchronize the audio with the text of the book. The project involves downloading the program Dolphin Publisher, opening one of our talking books in the program, listening through the book and synchronizing the audio with the sentences of the book. The total amount of recorded audio to be synchronized is 33:38 hours. It is possible to do this work while listening at 2x normal speed. The expected work time to to this is less than 20 hours. The language of the audio and text is English Ideally you have some experience with basic audio production. The results will be proof-listened afterwards before payment is made. | program dolphin publish, book, audio, text, sound, hour, basic audio product, program, english, work time |
Animated video for whatsapp | Need a video with our logo for a WhatsApp status. We will provide the voice over. Want tree roots sprouting below the logo when we say “ we set down roots” and a few small trees and flowers to sprout at the side of the logo when we say “ more talmidim flocked” and then at the end when we say “ help us grow” I want a huge tree behind the logo and next to it to sprout. Like a blooming forest. | anim video, whatsapp statu, logo, whatsapp, sprout, video, voic, root, flower, end |
Forward Tradingview Alerts to Node-Red Server | I want the "post" buy-sell alerts from Tradingview to come to the node-red server. I want the Node-Red server to have SSL and admin-password protection. Waiting for your offers. | forward tradingview alert, node-r server, buy-sel alert, tradingview, ssl, admin-password protect, offer |
Do you wear SAREE? Share Your Real Life experiences then. | Do you wear sarees? have you tried it draping below the navel OR a low-waist drape? In order to know different saree draping styles and real-life experiences, I would like to hear some feedback on your saree draping style as well as your experiences while on saree when you wear it below your navel. Please don't bid and waste your time without reading the above description and you are not open-minded to share these stories. Please Note: I need you to answer a few questions before I will hire you, this is just to verify that you have experience with sarees. Thank you! | real life, sare, differ sare, navel, real-lif experi, low-waist drape, experi, order, style, feedback |
Need someone who can do IT recruiting | Need someone who can do IT recruiting. | it |
ranch brand | Hi there, I have a drawing of what we would like, I would love for the it to look essentially the same as drawn, just with symmetrical sizing and on a format that we can use to be uploaded into CNC machines ect.. | ranch brand, cnc machin ect, symmetr size, draw, format |
Ads on 6 products | Hi there, I need 6 separate video ads made on a list of 6 separate products. You will need to skim the internet for some videos and compile them into a gripping Advertisement video that will want people to buy the item. I would need them in both Vertical format for Tik Tok and Landscape format for Facebook. It would be great if it could also have the generic Tik Tok voice in it as well. Please let me know if you can do this then I will provide you with the link to the 6 products | tik tok, separ video ad, product, advertis video, separ product, gener tik tok voic, vertic format, landscap format, ad, facebook |
Running all entry accounts through the company's database to determine accurate documentations | Looking for a freelancer to Run all data accounts through the our company's database, Related analyzer to determine that the documents are well done and arranged correctly. and all informations have been considered to be assured accurate.. | entri account, accur document, compani, databas, freelanc, data, analyz, document, inform |
SEO Expert for Amazon Affiliate Website | Hello we are looking for SEO expert who can manage our Amazon Affiliate Website . we need content also proper keyword research for it . our main focuse to genrate income from site where already published some articles please bid only if you already dealing with some amazon websites i may ask you some questions if you failed to answer i will reject i wil be paying monthly base you have to clearify what you will do in budget you gives me | amazon affili websit, seo expert, amazon websit, proper keyword research, main focus, monthli base, content, incom, site, articl |
Build us a logo | Hi everyone. We're opening an online company. We need a quality logo for our company and appropriate for social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. You'll find an attached PDF file where you'll find some logo samples, you have to download those samples and you have to ensure that you're qualified for our project. We wish all participants good luck and thank you for your efforts. | pdf file, instagram, facebook, twitter, youtub, onlin compani, logo sampl, qualiti logo, logo, compani |
Video Editor For Short Form Videos -- 2 | I am looking for a video editor to edit short form videos for Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube shorts. The type of videos are short vertical styled tutorials that range from 30 seconds - 1.5 minutes. | short form video, video editor, instagram reel, youtub short, tiktok, video, type, tutori, second, minut |
I need some one who have good experience in Wordpress development | I want a feature in my word press website where i can share the private document with my clients. Their mus be functionality in the back-end where admin can create a folder for client can assign folder to a particular client. all the file share in that folder only visible to that user while i want a Folder name like" All " where i can share the documents which are available to all. | wordpress develop, good experi, folder, word press websit, privat document, file share, featur, client, particular client, mu |
Telegram Bot Project | I will need to copy content from restricted channel and forward the content with some edits to different users each user will have a different customized text. | telegram bot project, content, restrict channel, differ user, edit, user, text |
Make a benchmark | I need to make a search index with 4-5 world famous research centers By searching in international research centers / institutes, fill in a table of 5 columns as follows: 1- The name of the institute and its website 2- Only one line about the most important things in the vision and mission 3- A summary of the two most important objectives 4- The research fields/programs it implements 5- The most famous laboratories / computers for data processing and the most important application used for it | famou research center, intern research center, import thing, import object, import applic, research field, famou laboratori, search index, data process, benchmark |
resolv error wordpress woocomerce website | Hi , i have am website with wordpress , with an ecomerce theme , the website has some error, i want someone who can resolve that, thx | wordpress woocomerc websit, resolv error, websit, ecomerc theme, wordpress, error, thx |
Proof Read and Editor for Magazine Articles | In search for an proofreader and editor for a new magazine that launches online soon. More details will continue during interview. | proof read, magazin articl, editor, new magazin, search, proofread, interview, more detail |
Youtube Video Promotions | Need to promote my YT channel to increase viewing hours and subscriber database. | youtub video promot, subscrib databas, hour, yt channel |
Sweets Pastry | Hello, I’m looking for a graphic designer to design for me a menu that looks more like a catalogue, a high quality menu for a sweets brand. And beside that I need to 3D modelling for a kiosk in a mall for the same purpose (sweets). | sweet pastri, high qualiti menu, sweet brand, graphic design, sweet, menu, catalogu, model, kiosk, mall |
erp enhancement | erp on dot net front end, sql server backend... need a freelancer developer to work remotely | erp enhanc, sql server backend, freelanc develop, dot, net front end |
MEP Layout | Electrical and plumbing , Water management & sanitation , harvesting , layout . | mep layout, water manag, layout, plumb, sanit, harvest |
Qualified Accountant - CA / ACCA Urgnet | Looking for qualified & Experienced Accountant who can do for me one job thanks | acca urgnet, experienc account, qualifi account, job thank, ca |
Mexican Woman Voice Over | Hello! We are doing a short film about mexico and we are looking for a Mexican Woman to do the voice over. Paid - Low budget. It’s a short text | mexican woman, mexican woman voic over, voic, low budget, mexico, short text, short film |
VGSA Logo redesign. | We want to rebrand our logo. We are a youth sports organization. I have attached our current logo so you can see the colors, fonts etc. We would like a new fresh look. | vgsa logo redesign, youth sport organ, current logo, logo, color, font, new fresh look |
presentation | a simple yet extraordinary powerpoint presentation about "fake news". | extraordinari powerpoint present, fake news, present |
Wordpress Website- see example for guidelines | This is the example, I want it to look similar. It should just be a relatively simple/basic Wordpress website- I already have the Domain, Hosting, Wordpress access. | basic wordpress website-, wordpress website-, exampl, guidelin, wordpress access, domain, host |
Cleningcompany website | I need a simple website for a cleaning company. It is important that we have a booking form where the customer can place their order and pay directly. | cleningcompani websit, simpl websit, compani, book form, custom, order |
Type a book | copy typing and editing need urgently | book, edit |
DataScrapping NSE | Need an experienced data scrapper from NSE option Data and feed the values real time to trade automation software, realtime data alrert from Chartink and feed them to trade automation with tradetron. help in logic building with the prebuilt Algo in tradetron. Good experience in sharemarket related filed is preferred Skills required | datascrap nse, nse option data, tradetron, experienc data scrapper, realtim data alrert, chartink, prebuilt algo, autom softwar, skill, real time |
Subsets and Splits