--- |
license: mit |
--- |
# SoAyBench |
> by WangYC |
We've based SoAyBench creation on AMiner. To really understand how well LLMs can use SoAPI, we need to make AMiner's basic SoAPIs available for LLMs to use. We also need a test set made up of academic (question, solution, answer) triplets for checking how they're doing. The tricky part is, academic data keeps changing fast – stuff like info on scholars and their publications. So, keeping a test set with fixed answers is tough. |
To tackle this, what we've done is clone AMiner's SoAPIs as they were at a certain moment (Sep 15th 2023). This way, we've got a static version of the service. From there, we create a matching test set that doesn't change. |
[toc] |
## Dataset Overview |
You can find 44 jsonl files in SoAyBench. |
Each of the jsonl file contains 18 lines. |
Each line is a query-answer data like : |
```json |
{ |
"Query": "Query in Chinese", |
"Query_en": "Query in English", |
"Answer": "Answer to the Query", |
"Base_Question_zh": "Template query in Chinese", |
"Base_Question_en": "Template query in English", |
"Inputs": "Information which serves as the inputs of the APIs", |
"Outputs": "The key of the answer at the API's response", |
"Entity_Information": "Information that is filled into the template query" |
} |
``` |
For example: |
```json |
{ |
"Query": "Mutual Information领域的Jean Barbier的代表作的pdf链接是?", |
"Query_en": "What is the PDF link of the representative work of Jean Barbier in Mutual Information field?", |
"Answer": "//static.aminer.cn/misc/pdf/NIPS/2018/5b3d98cc17c44a510f801b5c.pdf", "Base_Question_zh": "XX领域的XXX的代表作的pdf链接是?", |
"Base_Question_en": "What is the PDF link of the representative work of XXX in XX field?", |
"Inputs": "name, interest", |
"Outputs": "pdf_link", |
"Entity_Information": |
{ |
"name": "Jean Barbier", |
"organization": "International Centre for Theoretical Physics", |
"interest": "Mutual Information" |
} |
} |
``` |
## How to use AMiner APIs that is included in SoAyBench? |
In addition to providing a substantial amount of QA data, SoAyBench also includes a set of SoAPI services, encompassing a total of 7 APIs from AMiner. SoAy has filtered and wrapped the input and output of the original APIs into 7 functions. |
You can find this details in https://github.com/RUCKBReasoning/SoAy/model.py |
You can try all these APIs with SoAy/api_test.py |
```python |
class aminer_soay: |
def __init__(self): |
self.addr = 'https://soay.aminer.cn/' |
def searchPersonComp(self, **kwargs): |
personList = [] |
addr = self.addr + 'searchPerson' |
headers = { |
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' |
} |
searchKeyWordList = [] |
if 'name' in kwargs: |
searchKeyWordList.append({ |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 4, |
"keyword": kwargs['name'], |
"advanced": True, |
"needTranslate": True |
}) |
if 'interest' in kwargs: |
searchKeyWordList.append({ |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 2, |
"keyword": kwargs['interest'], |
"advanced": True, |
"needTranslate": True |
}) |
if 'organization' in kwargs: |
searchKeyWordList.append({ |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 5, |
"keyword": kwargs['organization'], |
"advanced": True, |
"needTranslate": True |
}) |
json_content = json.dumps({ |
"sort": [{'asc': False, 'field' : 'n_citation'}], |
"searchKeyWordList": searchKeyWordList, |
"needDetails" : True |
}) |
response = requests.post( |
url=addr, |
headers = headers, |
data = json_content |
) |
result = response.json() |
for each in result['data']['hitList']: |
# print(each) |
try: |
personList.append( |
{ |
'person_id' : each['id'], |
'name' : each['name'], |
'interests' : [each['interests'][i]['t'] for i in range(min(len(each['interests']), 10))], |
# 'nation': each['nation'], |
'num_citation' : each['ncitation'], |
'num_pubs': each['npubs'], |
'organization' : each['contact']['affiliation'] |
} |
) |
except: |
continue |
return personList |
def searchPublication(self, publication_info): |
addr = self.addr + 'searchPublication' |
pubList = [] |
headers = { |
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' |
} |
json_content = json.dumps({ |
"query" : publication_info, |
'needDetails' : True, |
'page' : 0, |
'size' : 10, |
"sort": [{'asc': False, 'field' : 'n_citation'}], |
}) |
response = requests.post( |
url=addr, |
headers = headers, |
data = json_content |
) |
result = response.json() |
for each in result['data']['hitList']: |
try: |
pubList.append({ |
'pub_id' : each['id'], |
'title' : each['title'], |
'year' : each['year'] |
}) |
except: |
continue |
return pubList |
def getPublication(self, pub_id): |
addr = self.addr + 'getPublication' |
addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = pub_id) |
# addr = addr + '?AppCode=' + self.appcode + '&id=' + id |
response = requests.get(url = addr) |
result = response.json()['data'][0]['pub'] |
info_dict = {} |
try: |
info_dict['abstract'] = result['abstract'] |
except: |
info_dict['abstract'] = 'paper abstract' |
author_list = [] |
for each in result['authors']: |
try: |
author_list.append({'person_id' : each['id'], 'name' : each['name']}) |
except: |
continue |
if author_list != []: |
info_dict['author_list'] = author_list |
try: |
info_dict['num_citation'] = result['num_citation'] |
except: |
pass |
try: |
info_dict['year'] = result['year'] |
except: |
pass |
try: |
info_dict['pdf_link'] = result['pdf'] |
except: |
pass |
try: |
info_dict['venue'] = result['venue'] |
except: |
pass |
return info_dict |
def getPersonInterest(self, person_id): |
addr = self.addr + 'getPersonInterest' |
addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id) |
# addr = addr + '?AppCode=' + self.appcode + '&id=' + id |
response = requests.get(url = addr) |
try: |
result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['data']['data'] |
except: |
return [] |
interest_list = [result[i]['t'] for i in range(len(result))] |
return interest_list |
def getCoauthors(self, person_id): |
addr = self.addr + 'getCoauthors' |
addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id) |
response = requests.get(url=addr) |
result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['crs'] |
coauthorsList = [] |
for each in result: |
try: |
coauthorsList.append({ |
'person_id' : each['id'], |
'name' : each['name'], |
'relation' : each['relation'] |
}) |
except: |
continue |
# coauthorsList = [{'person_id' : result[i]['id'], 'relation' : result[i]['relation']} for i in range(min(len(result), 10))] |
return coauthorsList |
def getPersonPubs(self, person_id): |
addr = self.addr + 'getPersonPubs' |
addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id, offset = 0, size = 10, order = 'citation') |
response = requests.get(url=addr) |
result = response.json()['data'][0]['data']['pubs'] |
pub_list = [] |
for each in result: |
try: |
pub_list.append({ |
# 'abstract' : result[i]['abstract'], |
'pub_id' : each['id'], |
'title' : each['title'], |
'num_citation' : each['ncitation'], |
'year' : each['year'], |
'authors_name_list' : [each['authors'][j]['name']for j in range(len(each['authors']))] |
}) |
except: |
continue |
return pub_list |
def getPersonBasicInfo(self, person_id): |
addr = self.addr + 'getPersonBasicInfo' |
addr = wrapUrlParameter(addr, id = person_id) |
response = requests.get(url=addr) |
result = response.json()['data'][0]['data'] |
# print(response) |
info_dic = { |
'person_id' : person_id, |
'name' : result['name'], |
'gender' : result['gender'], |
'organization' : result['aff'], |
'position' : result['position'], |
'bio' : result['bio'], |
'education_experience' : result['edu'], |
'email' : result['email'] |
# 'ncitation' : result['num_citation'] |
} |
return info_dic |
``` |
## Original Service |
We list all the original AMiner APIs below, which you can use to create new applications. |
### searchPerson |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/searchPerson |
**Method:** POST |
**Description:** |
Examples: |
1.Basic Searching |
``` |
{ |
"query": "jiawei han", |
"needDetails": true, |
"page": 0, |
"size": 10 |
} |
``` |
2.Complecated Searching |
``` |
{ |
"searchKeyWordList": [ |
{ |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 5, |
"keyword": "University of Illinois at Urbanan", |
"advanced": true |
}, |
{ |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 4, |
"keyword": "jiawei han", |
"advanced": true |
} |
], |
"filters": [ |
{ |
"boolOperator": "3", |
"type": "term", |
"field": "gender", |
"value": "male" |
} |
], |
"page": 0, |
"size": 10, |
"needDetails": true, |
"aggregations": [ |
{ |
"field": "gender", |
"type": "terms", |
"size": 2 |
}, |
{ |
"field": "nation", |
"type": "terms", |
"size": 10 |
}, |
{ |
"field": "lang", |
"type": "terms", |
"size": 10 |
}, |
{ |
"field": "h_index", |
"type": "range", |
"rangeList": [ |
{ |
"from": 0, |
"to": 10 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 11, |
"to": 20 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 21, |
"to": 30 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 31, |
"to": 40 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 41, |
"to": 50 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 51, |
"to": 60 |
}, |
{ |
"from": 61, |
"to": 99999 |
} |
], |
"size": 1 |
} |
] |
} |
``` |
#### Parameters |
**Headers** |
| Name | Value | Necessary | Example | Note | |
| ------------ | ---------------- | --------- | ------- | ---- | |
| Content-Type | application/json | Y | | | |
**Body** |
| Name | Type | Necessary | Default | Note | Others | |
| --------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | |
| aggregations | object [] | N | | 聚合配置 | item type: object | |
| ├─ field | string | N | | 属性: h_index-h指数; lang-语言; nation-国家和地区; gender-性别; | | |
| ├─ order | object | N | | 聚合排序参数(termstype,filed不为_key及_count时为要排序的子聚合的路径) | | |
| ├─ asc | boolean | Y | | 升序排序 | | |
| ├─ field | string | Y | | 字段 | | |
| ├─ rangeList | object [] | N | | 分段列表(rangtype) | item type: object | |
| ├─ from | number | N | | 起始,gte | | |
| ├─ to | number | N | | 截止,lte | | |
| ├─ size | number | N | | 聚合结果大小(termstype) | | |
| ├─ subAggregationList | object [] | N | | 子聚合参数列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ type | string | N | | type(terms,range,max,min,avg) | | |
| filters | object [] | N | | 过滤配置 | item type: object | |
| ├─ boolOperator | number | N | | bool操作type: 0-must;(参与分数计算,如无特殊需求,不推荐使用) 1-should; 2-mustNot; 3-filter;(不参与分数计算,推荐) | | |
| ├─ field | string | N | | 过滤字段: h_index-h指数; lang-语言; nation-国家和地区; gender-性别; | | |
| ├─ rangeOperator | string | N | | 判断符(rangetype使用:gt-大于;gte-大于等于;lt-小于;lte-小于等于;eq-等于) | | |
| ├─ type | string | N | | type: term-关键词过滤; terms-多关键词过滤; range-数值范围过滤; | | |
| ├─ value | object | N | | 过滤值 | | |
| ├─ valueList | string [] | N | | 多关键词过滤列表(termstype使用) | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| needDetails | boolean | N | | 查询属性 | | |
| page | number | N | | 分页(起始页为0) | | |
| query | string | N | | 通用查询词 | | |
| searchKeyWordList | object [] | N | | 高级搜索词列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ advanced | boolean | N | | 是否高级搜索 | | |
| ├─ fieldMap | object | N | | 字段映射及字段权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ keyword | string | Y | | 关键词 | | |
| ├─ language | number | N | | 词语言(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ needTranslate | boolean | N | | 是否翻译(非必填,默认为false) | | |
| ├─ operate | number | Y | | 搜索运算type: 0-并且; 1-或者; 2-且非; | | |
| ├─ segmentationWord | boolean | N | | 是否分词(非必填,默认为false) | | |
| ├─ userInput | boolean | N | | 是否用户输入(非必填,默认为true) | | |
| ├─ weight | number | N | | 词权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ wordType | number | Y | | 词type: 0-术语; 4-作者; 5-组织; | | |
| size | number | Y | | 页长(最小为1) | | |
| sort | object [] | N | | 排序 | item type: object | |
| ├─ asc | boolean | Y | | 升序排序 | | |
| ├─ field | string | Y | | 字段: h_index-h指数; activity-学术活跃度; rising_star-领域新星; n_citation-引用数; n_pubs-论文数; | | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| ----------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | |
| code | number | Y | | 错误码 | | |
| success | boolean | Y | | 接口成功信息 | | |
| data | object | Y | | Return | | |
| ├─ hitList | object [] | N | | 命中列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ id | string | Y | | id | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | 英文姓名 | | |
| ├─ nameZh | string | N | | 中文姓名 | | |
| ├─ gender | string | N | | 性别 | | |
| ├─ org | string | N | | 组织 | | |
| ├─ orgZh | string | N | | 中文组织 | | |
| ├─ interests | string [] | N | | 研究兴趣 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ avatar | string | N | | 头像 | | |
| ├─ language | string | N | | 语言( "chinese" "english" "french" "german" "greek" "japanese" "unknown" "korean" "indian" "hindi" "italian" "spanish" "dutch" "russian" "swedish" "arabic" "portuguese" "hebrew" "bengali" "turkish") | | |
| ├─ location | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ nation | string | N | | 国家或地区 | | |
| ├─ activity | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ contact | object | N | | 人为标注信息 | | |
| ├─ gindex | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ hindex | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ npubs | number | N | | 论文数 | | |
| ├─ ncitation | number | N | | 引用数 | | |
| ├─ hitsTotal | number | N | | 命中数 | | |
| ├─ aggregationMap | object | N | | 聚合信息 | | |
| msg | string | Y | | 接口成功说明 | | |
### searchPublication |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/searchPublication |
**Method:** POST |
**Description:** |
Examples: |
1.Basic Searching |
``` |
{ |
"query": "data mining", |
"needDetails": true, |
"page": 0, |
"size": 10 |
} |
``` |
2.Complecated Searching |
``` |
{ |
"needDetails": true, |
"page": 0, |
"size": 20, |
"aggregations": [ |
{ |
"field": "keywords.keyword", |
"size": 20, |
"type": "terms" |
}, |
{ |
"field": "authors.orgid", |
"size": 20, |
"type": "terms" |
}, |
{ |
"field": "year", |
"size": 100, |
"type": "terms" |
} |
], |
"filters": [ |
{ |
"boolOperator": 3, |
"type": "term", |
"value": "data structure", |
"field": "keywords.keyword" |
} |
], |
"searchKeyWordList": [ |
{ |
"advanced": true, |
"keyword": "jiawei han", |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 4 |
}, |
{ |
"advanced": true, |
"keyword": "Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation", |
"operate": "0", |
"wordType": 1 |
} |
] |
} |
``` |
#### Parameters |
**Headers** |
| name | 参数值 | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ------------ | ---------------- | --------- | -------- | ----- | |
| Content-Type | application/json | Y | | | |
**Body** |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| --------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | |
| aggregations | object [] | N | | 聚合配置 | item type: object | |
| ├─ field | string | N | | 属性: keywords.keyword-关键词; authors.orgid-作者机构id; year-发表年份; | | |
| ├─ order | object | N | | 聚合排序参数(termstype,filed不为_key及_count时为要排序的子聚合的路径) | | |
| ├─ asc | boolean | Y | | 升序排序 | | |
| ├─ field | string | Y | | 字段 | | |
| ├─ rangeList | object [] | N | | 分段列表(rangtype) | item type: object | |
| ├─ from | number | N | | 起始,gte | | |
| ├─ to | number | N | | 截止,lte | | |
| ├─ size | number | N | | 聚合结果大小(termstype) | | |
| ├─ subAggregationList | object [] | N | | 子聚合参数列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ type | string | N | | type(terms,range,max,min,avg) | | |
| filters | object [] | N | | 过滤配置 | item type: object | |
| ├─ boolOperator | number | N | | bool操作type: 0-must;(参与分数计算,且与should互斥,如无特殊需求,不推荐使用) 1-should; 2-mustNot; 3-filter;(不参与分数计算,推荐) | | |
| ├─ field | string | N | | 过滤字段: keywords.keyword-关键词; authors.orgid-作者机构id; year-发表年份; | | |
| ├─ rangeOperator | string | N | | 判断符(rangetype使用:gt-大于;gte-大于等于;lt-小于;lte-小于等于;eq-等于) | | |
| ├─ type | string | N | | type: term-关键词过滤; terms-多关键词过滤; range-数值范围过滤; | | |
| ├─ value | object | N | | 过滤值 | | |
| ├─ valueList | string [] | N | | 多关键词过滤列表(termstype使用) | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| needDetails | boolean | N | | 查询属性 | | |
| page | number | Y | | 分页(起始页为0) | | |
| query | string | N | | 通用查询词 | | |
| searchKeyWordList | object [] | N | | 高级搜索词列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ advanced | boolean | N | | 是否高级搜索 | | |
| ├─ fieldMap | object | N | | 字段映射及字段权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ keyword | string | Y | | 关键词 | | |
| ├─ language | number | N | | 词语言(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ needTranslate | boolean | N | | 是否翻译(非必填,默认为false) | | |
| ├─ operate | number | Y | | 搜索运算type: 0-并且; 1-或者; 2-且非; | | |
| ├─ segmentationWord | boolean | N | | 是否分词(非必填,默认为false) | | |
| ├─ userInput | boolean | N | | 是否用户输入(非必填,默认为true) | | |
| ├─ weight | number | N | | 词权重(如无特殊需求,参数请勿添加此字段) | | |
| ├─ wordType | number | Y | | 词type: 0-术语; 1-标题; 2-关键词; 3-摘要; 4-作者; 5-组织; 6-期刊; | | |
| size | number | Y | | 页长(最小为1) | | |
| sort | object [] | N | | 排序 | item type: object | |
| ├─ asc | boolean | Y | | 升序排序 | | |
| ├─ field | string | Y | | 字段: year-发表年份; n_citation-引用数; | | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| ----------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | |
| code | number | Y | | 错误码 | | |
| success | boolean | Y | | 接口成功信息 | | |
| data | object | Y | | Return | | |
| ├─ hitList | object [] | N | | 结果列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ id | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ title | string | N | | 论文标题 | | |
| ├─ titleZh | string | N | | 中文标题 | | |
| ├─ authors | string [] | N | | 作者 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ language | string | N | | 语言 | | |
| ├─ year | number | N | | 发表年份 | | |
| ├─ pdf | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ doi | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ issn | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ isbn | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ pubAbstract | string | N | | 摘要 | | |
| ├─ pubAbstractZh | string | N | | 中文摘要 | | |
| ├─ url | string [] | N | | | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ keywords | string [] | N | | 关键词 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ keywordsZh | string [] | N | | 中文关键词 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ venue | object | N | | 期刊 | | |
| ├─ _id | string | N | | 期刊id | | |
| ├─ raw | string | N | | 期刊name | | |
| ├─ pageStart | string | N | | 起始页 | | |
| ├─ pageEnd | string | N | | 截止页 | | |
| ├─ pageString | string | N | | 起始页截止页字符串表示 | | |
| ├─ volume | string | N | | 期刊卷册号 | | |
| ├─ createDate | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ ncitation | number | N | | 引用量 | | |
| ├─ hitsTotal | number | N | | 命中数量 | | |
| ├─ aggregationMap | object | N | | 聚合信息 | | |
| msg | string | Y | | 接口成功信息 | | |
### getPublication |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/getPublication |
**Method:** GET |
**Description:** |
#### Parameters |
**Query** |
| name | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ---- | --------- | -------- | ----- | |
| id | 是 | | | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| --------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------ | ----------------- | |
| data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ cited_pubs | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ total | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ meta | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ context | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ times | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ d | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ n | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ s | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ pub | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ abstract | string | N | | 摘要 | | |
| ├─ authors | object [] | N | | 作者列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ name | string | Y | | 作者姓名 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | 作者id | | |
| ├─ org | string | N | | 作者机构 | | |
| ├─ orgid | string | N | | 机构id | | |
| ├─ orgs | string [] | N | | | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ create_time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ doi | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ hashs | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ h1 | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ h3 | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ id | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ issn | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ keywords | string [] | N | | 关键词 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ lang | string | N | | 语言 | | |
| ├─ num_citation | number | N | | 引用量 | | |
| ├─ pages | object | N | | 发表期刊所在页码 | | |
| ├─ end | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ start | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ title | string | Y | | 论文标题 | | |
| ├─ pdf | string | N | | pdf文件链接 | | |
| ├─ update_times | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ u_v_t | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ u_a_t | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ u_c_t | string | N | | 创建时间 | | |
| ├─ urls | string [] | N | | 原文url | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ venue | object | N | | 期刊信息(未对齐实体信息) | | |
| ├─ info | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ issue | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ volume | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ venue_hhb_id | string | N | | 期刊id | | |
| ├─ versions | object [] | N | | 合并版本信息 | item type: object | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ sid | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ src | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ vsid | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ year | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ year | number | N | | 发表年份 | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |
| ├─ total_ref | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ total_sim | number | N | | | | |
### getPersonBasicInfo |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/getPersonBasicInfo |
**Method:** GET |
**Description:** |
学者个人基础信息 |
#### Parameters |
**Query** |
| name | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ---- | --------- | -------- | ------ | |
| id | Y | | 学者ID | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| -------------------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------- | |
| data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ data | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ aff | string | N | | 机构 | | |
| ├─ aff_details | object | N | | 机构信息 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | 机构ID | | |
| ├─ name_en | string | N | | 机构英文name | | |
| ├─ name_zh | string | N | | 机构中文name | | |
| ├─ aff_zh | string | N | | 机构(中文) | | |
| ├─ bio | string | N | | 个人简介 | | |
| ├─ edu | string | N | | 教育经历 | | |
| ├─ email | string | N | | 邮箱 | | |
| ├─ first_paper_time | number | N | | 第一篇论文时间 | | |
| ├─ gender | string | N | | 性别 | | |
| ├─ geo_info | object | N | | 流动信息 | | |
| ├─ administrative_division | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ country | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ en0 | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ en1 | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ en2 | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ formatted_address | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ geo | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ lat | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ lng | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ org_id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ homepage | string | N | | 个人主页 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ labels | string [] | N | | 标签 | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ language | string | N | | 语言 | | |
| ├─ links | object | N | | 个人主页链接 | | |
| ├─ gs | object | N | | GoogleScholar个人主页 | | |
| ├─ creator | string | N | | 标注人员 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ type | string | N | | 连接type | | |
| ├─ url | string | N | | 个人主页url | | |
| ├─ resource | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ resource_link | object [] | N | | 个人主页链接 | item type: object | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | 连接type:hp(个人主页),dblp(dblp主页) | | |
| ├─ url | string | N | | 主页连接 | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | 姓名 | | |
| ├─ name_zh | string | N | | 中文姓名 | | |
| ├─ position | string | N | | 职称 | | |
| ├─ position_zh | string | N | | 职称(中文) | | |
| ├─ work_details | object | N | | 工作经历 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ name_en | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ name_zh | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ works | string | N | | 工作经历 | | |
| ├─ meta | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ context | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |
### getPersonlnterest |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/getPersonlnterest |
**Method:** GET |
#### Parameters |
**Query** |
| name | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ------- | --------- | ------------------------ | ---------- | |
| id | Y | 53f46a3edabfaee43ed05f08 | 学者id | |
| is_year | N | true | 按年份分组 | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| ---------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ---------- | ----------------- | |
| data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ data | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ data | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ n | number | Y | | 兴趣程度 | | |
| ├─ t | string | Y | | 领域关键词 | | |
| ├─ year | array [] | Y | | 年份 | item type: array | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ edited | boolean | N | | | | |
| ├─ num | number | N | | | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |
| ├─ meta | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ context | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |
### getCoauthors |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/getCoauthors |
**Method:** GET |
**Description:** |
学者网络关系 |
#### Parameters |
**Query** |
| name | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ---- | --------- | -------- | ------ | |
| id | 是 | | 学者ID | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| ----------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ---------------- | ----------------- | |
| data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ data | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ crs | object [] | N | | 关联学者列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ id | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ name | string | Y | | 姓名 | | |
| ├─ relation | string | Y | | 学者关系 | | |
| ├─ w | number | Y | | 关系紧密度 | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | 学者姓名 | | |
| ├─ name_zh | string | N | | 学者姓名(中文) | | |
| ├─ meta | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ context | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |
### getPersonPubs |
#### Information |
**Path:** /soay.aminer.cn/getPersonPubs |
**Method:** GET |
**Description:** |
学者论文信息 |
#### Parameters |
**Query** |
| name | necessary | examples | notes | |
| ------ | --------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- | |
| id | Y | | 学者id | |
| offset | Y | | 偏移量 | |
| size | Y | | 每次获取条目数量 | |
| order | N | citation | 排序方式,支持year和citation,未传默认为year, | |
#### Return |
| name | type | necessary | default | notes | Other Information | |
| -------------- | --------- | --------- | ------- | ------------ | ----------------- | |
| data | object [] | N | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ data | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ gindex | number | N | | g-index | | |
| ├─ hindex | number | N | | h-index | | |
| ├─ id | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ name | string | N | | 姓名 | | |
| ├─ name_zh | string | N | | 姓名(中文) | | |
| ├─ ncitation | number | N | | 论文引用量 | | |
| ├─ npubs | number | N | | 论文数 | | |
| ├─ pubs | object [] | N | | 论文列表 | item type: object | |
| ├─ abstract | string | Y | | 摘要 | | |
| ├─ id | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ link | string [] | Y | | | item type: string | |
| ├─ | | N | | | | |
| ├─ ncitation | number | Y | | 引用量 | | |
| ├─ title | string | Y | | 标题 | | |
| ├─ venue | string | Y | | 期刊 | | |
| ├─ year | number | Y | | 年份 | | |
| ├─ source_link | object [] | Y | | | item type: object | |
| ├─ desc | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ link | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ peek | string | Y | | | | |
| ├─ meta | object | N | | | | |
| ├─ context | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ time | string | N | | | | |
| ├─ succeed | boolean | N | | | | |