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[Video] The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic Movie Official Trailer
The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic
Cinedigm has unveiled official trailer for The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic (2023). Jaakko and Sirpa have never met face to face but used to talk on the phone every day. When he heard about her declining health, he decides to go meet her in another city. Watch official trailer now!
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2001's intermission plays for several seconds with just the hushed mechanical hum/sussuration of the Discovery (and probably HAL's cooling system), continuing over from the HAL POV shot Part 1 ended on. This feels quite avant-garde.
A nice, ominous Ligeti drone carries us through the entr'acte, and then we're abruptly in an extra-vehicular wide shot with astronaut Poole leaving the Discovery in his repair pod. Kubrick doesn't try to reorient us. As often in this film, he jumps ahead as far as he can and lets us catch up through our own thought processes.And HAL goes murderous, using Poole's own pod to snip his air-tube. Great use of sudden silence as Kubes jumps in, straight down the line to the pod, showing HAL's cyclopean sunset of an eye staring out of it. Astute visual storytelling. The abrupt enlarging cuts (about four of them, I think?) remind me of the bomb that's about to explode in Hitchcock's SABOTAGE. Poole's rapid movements as he asphyxiates are all the scarier for occurring in the eerie silence of space. ASTONISHING that other space movies don't use the lack of sound as a positive effect.
Watch Keir Dullea's movements as he goes to the rescue, and we can tell he's meant to be in zero-G with grips shoes for traction. So that settles it: only the big rotating hamster wheel in the Discovery's frontal globe has gravity.
In his haste, he forgets his space helmet. What would HAL have done if he'd brought it along? Apart from the pods and maybe the airlocks, he's helpless, a brain in a box. But right now, he seems to have his opponent in check.
Also, a rule that is never explained but seems to be important: though HAL can take over a pod while it's unoccupied, he can't override the pilot's manual control. So Dullea-as-Bowman is able to retrieve Poole's corpse. Which allows the next stuff to happen. Meanwhile, very quietly, without any fuss, HAL kills the sleeping crewmembers. VERY funny conversation between Bowman and HAL. HAL periodically adopts the snooty tone of a teacher scolding a recalcitrant child. "I think we both know what the problem is." The dialogue is blackly comic, and enhanced by the shots, which show a small round spacecraft talking to — negotiating with — a big long one. I love the projections on Keir Dullea's chiselled features, especially this one. No REAL reason why they should happen, file under "visual interest," but they pass by our defenses without a struggle. The monitors and lights in the pod MIGHT have that effect.
What Bowman does now may not be exactly possible/scientifically accurate. Kubrick has been ridiculously careful to set up the EXPLOSIVE BOLTS that can open the back of the pod all at once. So that's fine. The air rushing from the pod cannons Bowman into the Discovery airlock. But he doesn't explode like the guys in OUTPOST. Douglas Adams produces a "fact" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy about how long a human can survive in the vacuum of space, but in reality I believe the amount of time you can survive is none time. Now, since Bowman is wearing a space suit sans helmet round his body, maybe he's protected from having his lungs explode. And only his head will freeze. But look: Keir Dullea is holding his breath. His little cheeks are puffed out. Well, I think either he'd be forced to exhale or else those cheeks would pop like soap bubbles. But he might be able to survive a few seconds of airless, empty lungs and a freezing head as the airlock closes and repressurizes. And it's a gripping, convincing sequence. The tension is such that you can't call 2001 an unemotional film.
Always interesting when the control freak director goes wobbly and handheld, though I'm posi-sure he's operating the camera himself. (US union rules might have forbade this, but in the UK things were looser in this one respect.) Dave, now helmeted (a dissolve disposes of the question of whether HAL has voided the ship's atmosphere) goes in for the kill.
HAL's brain is composed of numerous perspex slabs — like mini see-thru monoliths — which haven't dated at all because who knows how they work? Whereas earlier, HAL had popped a punch card out a slot, which seems a little embarrassing now.
Poor HAL! I remember as a kid finding his slurring voice hilarious, and I still do, but as one gets less callous with age, I also get a big charge of pathos from the scene. "My mind is going. I can feel it. There can be no question about it." And he reverts to childhood: the song was part of a demonstration he gave shortly after activation.
Interesting choice by Dullea — and I want to give him credit for it BEING a choice, not just his sculpted inexpressiveness. He plays the scene tense, and there's an undercurrent of anger, but then the anger goes away. He doesn't perform sympathy for us, like he feels sorry for HAL, but the removal of the anger tells us that he does. A bit.
EXTREMELY bold use of repetition. Very few human characters in films have had their death scenes lingered on so lovingly.
I had a friend whose Mac would say "My mind is going," in Douglas Rain's voice whenever he powered it down. Then Dr. Heywood Floyd pops onto a screen for plot reasons. No obvious reason why it happens now — no reason why HAL's termination should activate the autoplay function, since mission control never anticipated that HAL *would* be deactivated. 2001 only appears rational and precise: Kubrick and Clarke play fast and loose whenever it suits their purposes.
Clarke always felt it was a shame that the film never made clear why HAL went crazy: it's all mission control's fault. Not because they didn't program him with Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, but because they told him to lie. This would appear to be the moment when Kubrick expects us to figure that out, but all we're told is that only HAL knew the purpose of the mission. All this to keep the Russkies from knowing about the Jupiter signal.
But Floyd's appearance does add a weird blast of mental energy to the plot, despite his trademark laid-back manner. It's a big AH-HAH! for the audience since for the first time it's confirmed that the Jupiter mission does have some connection with the previous part of the film. Remember, we know the ape-man and Clavius sequences had a narrative link because the monolith was in both. But for its entire duration until now, the Discovery mission has been some random astronauts and their fun-loving onboard computer off on a spree. We didn't know the whining noise on the Moon was a message, a beacon, pointing to Jupiter. We do now. What next? |
Q: Update Stripe Credit Card with Coffeescript I finally figured out how to implement Stripes Monthly Billing using this tutorial
Currently my Submit Button for both my #new_subscription form and edit form creates and sends credit card data to Stripe.
But for some reason I keep getting this error when I update the Credit Card
can't convert Symbol into String
app/controllers/subscriptions_controller.rb:38:in `update'
Question: Is this error due to the coffeescript, or is my update_card method in my model causing this problem?
<%= form_for @subscription, :html => { :id => "update_card" } do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<%= f.hidden_field :plan_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :user_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :stripe_card_token %>
<h4>Change Credit Card</h4>
<div class="field">
<%= label_tag :card_number, "Credit Card Number" %>
<%= text_field_tag :card_number, nil, name: nil %>
<div class="field">
<%= label_tag :card_code, "Security Code on Card (CVV)" %>
<%= text_field_tag :card_code, nil, name: nil %>
<div class="field">
<%= label_tag :card_month, "Card Expiration" %>
<%= select_month nil, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: "card_month"} %>
<%= select_year nil, {start_year: Date.today.year, end_year: Date.today.year+15}, {name: nil, id: "card_year"} %>
<%= f.submit "Change Credit Card", :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
jQuery ->
###That part is working great in the coffee script.
subscription =
setupForm: ->
$('#new_subscription').submit ->
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', true)
if $('#card_number').length
processCard: ->
card =
{number: $('#card_number').val(),
cvc: $('#card_code').val(),
expMonth: $('#card_month').val(),
expYear: $('#card_year').val()}
Stripe.createToken(card, subscription.handleStripeResponse)
handleStripeResponse: (status, response) ->
if status == 200
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', false)
###This is the Coffee for my Edit Form..
changecard =
setupForm: ->
$('#update_card').submit ->
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', true)
if $('#card_number').length
processCard: ->
card =
{number: $('#card_number').val(),
cvc: $('#card_code').val(),
expMonth: $('#card_month').val(),
expYear: $('#card_year').val()}
Stripe.createToken(card, changecard.handleStripeResponse)
handleStripeResponse: (status, response) ->
if status == 200
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', false)
class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :plan_id, :user_id, :email, :stripe_customer_token, :last_4_digits,
:card_token, :card_name, :exp_month, :exp_year, :stripe_card_token
attr_accessor :stripe_card_token
def update_card(attrs)
customer = Stripe::Customer.retrieve(stripe_customer_token)
customer.email = "myemail@gmail.com"
customer.description = "Subscription"
###This is being used for the credit card data
customer.card = attrs[:stripe_card_token]
rescue Stripe::StripeError => e
logger.error "Stripe Error: " + e.message
errors.add :base, "#{e.message}."
class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
def update
@subscription = current_user.subscription
### I use the method update_card to update the customer's card
if @subscription.update_card
redirect_to edit_subscription_path,
flash[:success] = 'Credit Card was Succesfully Updated.'
flash.alert = 'Unable to update card.'
render :edit
Reference: Stripe Reference for Ruby
Started PUT "/subscriptions/5" for at 2014-01-30 16:23:20 -0800
Processing by SubscriptionsController#update as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"ehyUD17CbH7MMOe98s+Kqkh+wGghntWkG4OpoqbnQaA=",
"subscription"=>{"plan_id"=>"1", "user_id"=>"1",
"stripe_card_token"=>"tok_103PJj26f8kAprmwvAtoZFRq"}, "id"=>"5"}
User Load (0.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
WHERE "users"."remember_token" = 'xEeu1X6IK9gUAsna9b6Mow'
Subscription Load (0.5ms) SELECT "subscriptions".*
FROM "subscriptions" WHERE "subscriptions"."user_id" = 1 LIMIT 1
Redirected to
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1283ms
TypeError (can't convert Symbol into String):
app/controllers/subscriptions_controller.rb:38:in `update'
A: You're calling update_card with params as the argument:
and update_card is expecting :stripe_card_token in params:
def update_card(params)
customer.card = params[:stripe_card_token]
but there is no params[:stripe_card_token], the token is in params[:subscription][:stripe_card_token]:
Parameters: {
"subscription"=>{ ... "stripe_card_token"=>"tok_103PCo26f8kAprmwHCPjZ6T5"},
That params structure also matches your form's structure:
<%= form_for @subscription, :html => { :id => "update_card" } do |f| %>
<%= f.hidden_field :stripe_card_token %>
The form_for @subscription will set up the form to use subscription[X] for field X so that hidden_field will have name="subscription[stripe_card_token]" in the HTML and that translates to params[:subscription][:stripe_card_token] in the controller.
Perhaps you mean to say:
You also have a stray call to @subscription.update_card without any arguments. Your whole controller method should probably look more like this:
def update
@subscription = current_user.subscription
if @subscription.update_card(params[:subscription])
redirect_to edit_subscription_path, :success => 'Updated Card.'
flash.alert = 'Unable to update card.'
render :edit
A: I think its typo, you have written 'subscription.processCard()' instead of 'changecard.processCard()'
changecard =
setupForm: ->
$('#update_card').submit ->
$('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', true)
if $('#card_number').length
Born and raised in Hampshire County, Judy graduated from Hampshire High School and Potomac State College. Licensed for over 25 years and consistently a member of the "million-dollar club," , she was the 2006 Realtor of the Year for the Potomac Highlands region. Judy is married and the proud mother of two sons. For more information, please visit her website at www.judyclowerhomes.com. |
« Church Diversity Sucks: Why Diversity Matters
5 Ways to Market Your Church Through a Fundraiser »
Church Diversity: Sunday the Most Segregated Day of the Week
June 27, 2011 by Kevin D. Hendricks
When nearly every sporting event, shopping mall, and entertainment center in the U.S. is racially diverse and the church is not we have a problem. The church is still living in a pre-Civil Rights world of segregation. Only 7.5% of churches are considered racially diverse, meaning no single racial group makes up more than 80% of the congregation.
"The biggest problem is that we don't see that as a problem," said Chris Rice, coauthor of More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel.
Enter the much-anticipated new book by Scott Williams, Church Diversity: Sunday the Most Segregated Day of the Week. I first heard about Williams in 2009 when he uttered the words "church diversity sucks" during the Nines Conference. I couldn't help but smile. Great topic, great title (though I did discourage him from using that as the title of his book).
Williams confronts the elephant of diversity in the room of the church with humor, passion and grace. He includes examples that show us how it's done (and not done). He shows us how the business world is light years ahead (something he illustrates for us in a guest post) and gives us examples of churches that are doing it right and how worship leaders are addressing diversity.
Diversity as Welcome Mat
For communicators it really hits home when Williams talks about how diversity acts as a welcome sign to visitors. People coming to church to have enough to feel uncomfortable about, we don't need to make it worse by making them feel alone due to a lack of diversity. Seeing someone who looks like you instantly communicates that you belong. If you don't understand that I'd guess you're in the racial majority at your church and have little experience being on the other side. It's a small thing, but it makes a big difference.
I saw it in my 2-year-old son when we went camping with a group from church and he was mesmerized by two visiting boys who looked like him. Milo kept saying, "Our hair is same!" and flashing that dimpled smile. I hadn't put much thought into it, but Milo clearly noticed that most people in our predominantly white church don't have hair like his tight, springy African curls.
Martin Luther King Jr. on Church Diversity
The most poignant section of the book is an excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr. that rewrites Paul's letter to the Romans as if it were written to Americans in the 1950s. Again, you'd think we've come along way in 50 years, but the sad reality is that while the rest of society is confronting these issues and moving on the church is stubbornly refusing.
Intentionally Diverse
Perhaps the biggest lesson from Williams' book is that church diversity has to be an intentional effort. First you have to recognize that it's a problem and then you have to decide to take direct action to correct it. Thankfully Williams has a lot of good advice.
Grab a copy of Williams' book and begin tackling the question of diversity in your church. An easy way to start is to begin acknowledging the issue. Church Diversity Week in January is a good first step.
In the end church diversity moves us closer to God's ideal and the kind of diversity we'll see in heaven when every tribe and nation will come together before the throne of God. It'd be nice if we had a little practice before then.
Church Diversity Sucks: Why Diversity Matters by Scott Williams
Buy Church Diversity on Amazon: Paperback / Kindle
4 Responses to "Church Diversity: Sunday the Most Segregated Day of the Week"
Our small parish is one of the minority, it seems. On a given Sunday, the regulars at mass include people from several continents. One of the 2 Sunday masses is in English, the other in Spanish (helps to have a bilingual priest); Major celebrations are bilingual.
So what do we do? We attempt to integrate the gifts of the different cultures — not create 2 churches in one building.
Our parish is small, but we have had baptisms officiated in Vietnamese in addition to English and Spanish. Our music includes traditional hymns, contemporary and praise songs, black spirituals and music from the latino/spanish tradition.
But most of all, this parish is welcoming to all.
I think the important word here is "culture", because what really divides most churches isn't the race of the congregation, but the culture of the majority and how it is reflected in their worship (and even in the message, often catering to issues that are most pertinent in that culture). People often seek out a worship experience (and thusly, a church) that most reflects the culture they identify with. Sure, there's a part of everyone that feels more comfortable when "these people look like me", but I would submit that someone would stick out much more by singing, dancing, jumping up and down, waving hands, and shouting "Hallelujah" at a mellow, mild-mannered worship service than they would simply by being in the racial minority. It's an issue of "culture of worship" that is obviously informed by societal cultures, which of course in turn tend to historically trend along racial lines. It's not simply homogeny of skin color on Sundays.
If the neighborhood a church is in is not racially diverse, is it surprising that a church within it is not?
That's just it, Bryan. You find racial segregation in most churches even in diverse communities. It is freaky stuff if you ever go visiting churches from time to time. There is almost always a majority race.
When I went to Hawaii, I fell in love with this church that just radiated love. I remember trying to pick out what type of church it was, but I couldn't do so. There were too many colors there. I still miss it.
Church Diversity, Church Diversity Week, Diversity, Martin Luther King Jr., Scott Williams
Diversity Poll Results
Church Diversity Week
Church Diversity Sucks: Why Diversity Matters
The Diversity Filter
Sunday Morning Segregation |
Let $F$ be a totally real field, $K$ a CM-field which is abelian over $F$, $S$ a finite set of places of $F$.
We assume that
\item $S$ contains all infinite places of $F$, all places of $F$ lying above a rational prime $p$, and all ramified places in $K/F$.
\item Let $\mathfrak p$ be the prime ideal corresponding to the $p$-adic topology on $F$. (Hence $\mathfrak p \in S$.)
Then $\mathfrak p$ splits completely in $K/F$.
For $\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(K/F)$, we consider the partial zeta function
\zeta_S(s,\tau):=\sum_{(\frac{K/F}{\mathfrak a})=\tau,\ (\mathfrak a,S)=1}N\mathfrak a^{-s}.
Here $\mathfrak a$ runs over all integral ideals of $F$, relatively prime to any finite places in $S$,
whose image under the Artin symbol $(\frac{K/F}{*})$ is equal to $\tau$.
The series converges for $\Re(s)>1$, has a meromorphic continuation to the whole $s$-plane, and is analytic at $s=0$.
Moreover, under our assumption, we see that
\item There exists the $p$-adic interpolation function $\zeta_{p,S}(s,\tau)$ of $\zeta_S(s,\tau)$.
\item $\mathrm{ord}_{s=0}\zeta_S(s,\tau),\mathrm{ord}_{s=0}\zeta_{p,S}(s,\tau) \geq 1$.
\item There exist a natural number $W$, a $\mathfrak p$-unit $u$ of $K$, which satisfy
\begin{align} \label{GSu}
\log |u^\tau|_\mathfrak P=-W\zeta_S'(0,\tau) \quad (\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(K/F)).
Here $\mathfrak P$ denotes the prime ideal corresponding to the $p$-adic topology on $K$, $|x|_\mathfrak P:=N\mathfrak P^{-\mathrm{ord}_\mathfrak Px}$.
Gross conjectured the following $p$-adic analogue of the rank $1$ abelian Stark conjecture:
\begin{cnj}[{\cite[Conjecture 3.13]{Gr}}] \label{GSc}
Let $u$ be a $\mathfrak p$-unit characterized by {\rm (\ref{GSu})} up to roots of unity. Then we have
\log_p N_{K_\mathfrak P/\mathbb Q_p}(u^\tau)=-W\zeta_{p,S}(0,\tau).
Dasgupta-Darmon-Pollack \cite{DDP} proved a large part of Conjecture \ref{GSc}.
Yoshida and the author, and independently Dasgupta formulated refinements of Conjecture \ref{GSc}:
Let $\mathfrak f$ be an integral ideal of a totally real field $F$ satisfying $\mathfrak p\nmid \mathfrak f$,
$H_\mathfrak f$ the narrow ray class field modulo $\mathfrak f$,
$H$ the maximal subfield of $H_\mathfrak f$ where $\mathfrak p$ splits completely.
Yoshida and the author \cite{KY1} essentially constructed the invariant $Y_p(\tau)$ (Definition \ref{Yp})
for $\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$ by using $p$-adic $\log$ multiple gamma functions.
Then \cite[Conjecture A$'$]{KY1} states that $\log_p u^\tau$ (without $N_{K_\mathfrak P/\mathbb Q_p}$) can be expressed by $Y_p(\tau)$.
On the other hand, Dasgupta constructed the invariant $u_T(\mathfrak b ,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ (Definition \ref{ueta}-(iv))
by using the multiplicative integration for $p$-adic measures associated with Shintani's multiple zeta functions.
Then \cite[Conjecture 3.21]{Da} states that a modified version of $u^\tau$ can be expressed by $u_T(\mathfrak b ,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$.
In \cite[Remark 2]{Ka3}, the author announced the following relation between these refinements.
\begin{thm*}[Theorem \ref{main}]
Let $\eta$ be a ``good'' prime ideal in the sense of {\rm Definition \ref{assump}}.
We put $T:=\{\eta\}$.
Then we have
\log_p(u_\eta(\mathfrak b ,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f))
=-Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b}))
+N\eta\,Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b \eta^{-1}})).
In particular, we see that two refinements are consistent
(roughly speaking, \cite[Conjecture 3.21]{Da} is a further refinement of \cite[Conjecture A$'$]{KY1} by $\ker \log_p$).
The aim of this paper is to prove this Theorem.
Let us explain the outline of this paper.
In \S 2, we introduce Shintani's technique of cone decompositions.
We obtain a suitable fundamental domain of $F\otimes \mathbb R_+/E_{\mathfrak f,+}$,
where $F\otimes \mathbb R_+$ denotes the totally positive part of $F\otimes \mathbb R$,
$E_{\mathfrak f,+}$ is a subgroup of the group of all totally positive units.
We need such fundamental domains in order to construct both of the invariants $Y_p$, $u_T$.
In \S 3, we recall the definition and some properties of $Y_p$, which is essentially defined in \cite{KY1} and slightly modified in \cite{Ka3}.
The classical or $p$-adic $\log$ multiple gamma function is defined as the derivative values at $a=0$ of
the classical or $p$-adic Barnes' multiple zeta function, respectively.
Then the invariant $Y_p(\tau,\iota)$ is defined in Definition \ref{Yp}, as a finite sum of the ``difference'' of $p$-adic $\log$ multiple gamma functions
and classical $\log$ multiple gamma functions.
Conjecture \ref{KYc} predicts exact values of $Y_p(\tau,\iota)$.
In \S 4, we also recall some results in \cite{Da}.
Dasgupta introduced $p$-adic measures $\nu_T(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ associated with special values of Shintani's multiple zeta functions,
and defined $u_T(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$
as the multiplicative integration $\times\hspace{-0.9em}\int_{\mathbf O}x\ d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,x)$ with certain correction terms.
Dasgupta formulated a conjecture (Conjecture \ref{Dc}) on properties of $u_T(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$.
In \S 5, we state and prove the main result (Theorem \ref{main}) which gives an explicit relation
between $Y_p(\tau,\mathrm{id})$ and $\log_p(u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f))$.
Then we will see that Conjectures \ref{KYc}, \ref{Dc} are consistent in the sense of Corollary \ref{crlofmain}.
The key observation is Lemma \ref{key}: Dasgupta's $p$-adic measure $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ is originally associated with
Shintani's multiple zeta functions.
By this Lemma, we can relate $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ to Barnes' multiple zeta functions and $p$-adic analogues
as in Lemma \ref{intzeta}.
\section{Shintani domains}
Let $F$ be a totally real field of degree $n$, $\mathcal O_F$ the ring of integers of $F$, $\mathfrak f$ an integral ideal of $F$.
We denote by $F_+$ the set of all totally positive elements in $F$ and put $\mathcal O_{F,+}:=\mathcal O_F \cap F_+$,
$E_+:=\mathcal O_F^\times \cap F_+$.
We consider subgroups of $E_+$ of the following form:
E_{\mathfrak f,+}:=\{\epsilon \in E_+ \mid \epsilon \equiv 1 \bmod \mathfrak f\}.
We identify
F \otimes \mathbb R = \mathbb R^n, \quad \sum_{i=1}^k a_i \otimes b_i \mapsto (\sum_{i=1}^k\iota(a_i)b_i)_{\iota \in \mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)},
where $\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)$ denotes the set of all real embeddings of $F$.
In particular, the totally positive part
F \otimes \mathbb R_+:=\mathbb R_{+}^n
has a meaning. On the right-hand side, $\mathbb R_{+}$ denotes the set of all positive real numbers.
Let $v_1,\dots,v_r \in \mathcal O_F$ be linearly independent. Then we define the cone with basis $\bm v:=(v_1,\dots,v_r)$ as
C(\bm v):=\{\bm t \,{}^t \bm v \in F\otimes \mathbb R \mid \bm t \in \mathbb R_{+}^r\}.
Here we $\bm t \,{}^t \bm v$ denotes the inner product.
\item We call a subset $D \subset F \otimes \mathbb R_+$ is a Shintani set if it can be expressed as a finite disjoint union of cones:
D=\coprod_{i \in J} C(\bm v_j) \quad (|J|<\infty,\ \bm v_j \in \mathcal O_{F,+}^{r(j)},\ r(j) \in \mathbb N).
\item We consider the natural action $E_{\mathfrak f,+} \curvearrowright F \otimes \mathbb R_+$, $u(a\otimes b):=(ua)\otimes b$.
We call a Shintani set $D$ a Shintani domain $\bmod E_{\mathfrak f,+}$ if it is a fundamental domain of $ F \otimes \mathbb R_+/E_{\mathfrak f,+}$:
F \otimes \mathbb R_+=\coprod_{\epsilon \in E_{\mathfrak f,+}} \epsilon D.
When $\mathfrak f=(1)$, we write $\bmod E_+$ instead of $\bmod E_{(1),+}$.
Shintani \cite[Proposition 4]{Sh} showed that there always exists a Shintani domain.
\section{$p$-adic $\log$ multiple gamma functions}
We recall the definition and some properties of the symbol $Y_p$ defined in \cite{KY1}, \cite{Ka3}.
We denote by $\mathbb R_{+}$ the set of all positive real numbers.
Let $z \in \mathbb R_{+}$, $\bm v \in \mathbb R_{+}^r$.
Barnes' multiple zeta function is defined as
\zeta(s,\bm v,z):=\sum_{\bm m \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r} (z+\bm m\,{}^t\bm v)^{-s}.
This series converges for $\Re(s) >r$, has a meromorphic continuation to the whole $s$-plane, and is analytic at $s=0$.
Then Barnes' multiple gamma function is defined as
\Gamma(z,\bm v):=\exp\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\zeta(s,\bm v,z)|_{s=0}\right).
Note that this definition is modified from that given by Barnes.
For the proof and details, see \cite[Chap I, \S 1]{Yo}.
Throughout this paper, we regard each number field as a subfield of $\overline{\mathbb Q}$,
and fix two embeddings $\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C$, $\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C_p$.
Here $\mathbb C_p$ denotes the $p$-adic completion of the algebraic closure of $\mathbb Q_p$.
We denote by $\mu_{(p)}$ the group of all roots of unity of prime-to-$p$ order.
Let $\mathrm{ord}_p\colon \mathbb C_p^\times \rightarrow \mathbb Q$, $\theta_p \colon \mathbb C_p^\times \rightarrow \mu_{(p)}$ be unique group homomorphisms
\begin{align} \label{ordtheta}
|p^{-\mathrm{ord}_p(z)}\theta_p(z)^{-1}z|_p<1 \quad (z \in \mathbb C_p^\times).
Let $z \in \overline{\mathbb Q}$, $\bm v \in (\overline{\mathbb Q}^\times)^r$.
We assume that
&z \in \mathbb R_{+},\ \bm v \in \mathbb R_{+}^r \text{ via the embedding }\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C, \notag \\
&\mathrm{ord}_p(z) < \mathrm{ord}_p(v_1),\dots,\mathrm{ord}_p(v_r) \text{ via the embedding }\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C_p. \label{cond}
Then we denote by $\zeta_p(s,\bm v,z)$ $(s \in \mathbb Z_p-\{1,2,\dots,r\})$ the $p$-adic multiple zeta function characterized by
\begin{align} \label{interpolation}
\zeta_p(-m,\bm v,z)=p^{-\mathrm{ord}_p(z)m}\theta_p(z)^{-m}\zeta(-m,\bm v,z) \quad (m \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}).
We define the $p$-adic $\log$ multiple gamma function as
L\Gamma_p(z,\bm v):=\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\zeta_p(s,\bm v,z)|_{s=0}.
The construction of $\zeta_p(s,\bm v,z)$ is due to Cassou-Nogu\`es \cite{CN1}.
The author defined and studied $L\Gamma_p(z,\bm v)$ in \cite{Ka1}.
See \cite[\S 2]{Ka3} for a short survey.
Let $F$ be a totally real field, $\mathfrak f$ an integral ideal,
$D=\coprod_{j \in J}C(\bm v_j)$ $(\bm v_j \in \mathcal O_{F,+}^{r(j)})$ a Shintani domain $\bmod E_+$.
We denote by $\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)$ {\rm (}resp.\ $\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb C_p)${\rm)} the set of all embeddings of $F$ into $\mathbb R$ {\rm(}resp.\ $\mathbb C_p${\rm )}.
Since we fixed embeddings $\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C$, $\overline{\mathbb Q} \hookrightarrow \mathbb C_p$, we may identify
\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)=\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb C_p).
\item We denote by $C_\mathfrak f$ the narrow ideal class group modulo $\mathfrak f$,
by $H_\mathfrak f$ the narrow ray class field modulo $\mathfrak f$.
In particular, the Artin map induces
C_\mathfrak f \cong \mathrm{Gal}(H_\mathfrak f/F).
\item Let $\pi \colon C_\mathfrak f \rightarrow C_{(1)}$ be the natural projection.
For each $c \in C_\mathfrak f$, we take an integral ideal $\mathfrak a_c$ satisfying
\mathfrak a_c\mathfrak f \in \pi(c).
\item For $c \in C_\mathfrak f$, $\bm v \in \mathcal O_F^r$, we put
R(c,\bm v):=R(c,\bm v,\mathfrak a_c):=\{\bm x \in (\mathbb Q\cap (0,1])^r \mid \mathcal O_F \supset (\bm x\,{}^t\bm v) \mathfrak a_c\mathfrak f\in c\}.
\item For $c \in C_\mathfrak f$, $\iota \in \mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)$, we define
G(c,\iota):=G(c,\iota,D,\mathfrak a_c):=\sum_{j \in J} \sum_{\bm x \in R(c,\bm v_j)} \log \Gamma(\iota(\bm x \,{}^t \bm v_j), \iota(\bm v_j)).
\item For $\iota \in \mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)$ $(=\mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb C_p))$, we put
\mathfrak p_\iota:=\{z \in \mathcal O_F \mid |\iota(z)|_p<1\}.
Note that the prime ideal $\iota(\mathfrak p_\iota)$ corresponds to the $p$-adic topology on $\iota(F) \subset \mathbb C_p$.
\item Assume that $\mathfrak p_\iota \mid \mathfrak f$. For $c \in C_\mathfrak f$, $\iota \in \mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R)$, we define
G_p(c,\iota):=G_p(c,\iota,D,\mathfrak a_c):=\sum_{j \in J} \sum_{\bm x \in R(c,\bm v_j)} L\Gamma_p(\iota(\bm x \,{}^t \bm v_j), \iota(\bm v_j)).
Note that $(\iota(\bm x \,{}^t \bm v_j), \iota(\bm v_j))$ satisfies the assumption {\rm (\ref{cond})} whenever $\mathfrak p_\iota \mid \mathfrak f$, $\bm x \in R(c,\bm v_j)$.
The following map $[\ ]_p$ is well-defined by \cite[Lemma 5.1]{KY1}.
We denote by $\overline{\mathbb Q} \log_p \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times$ {\rm (}resp.\ $\overline{\mathbb Q} \log \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times${\rm )} the $\overline{\mathbb Q}$-subspace of $\mathbb C_p$ {\rm (}resp.\ $\mathbb C${\rm )}
generated by $\log_p b$ {\rm (}resp.\ $\pi$, $\log b${\rm )} with $b \in \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times$.
We define a $\overline{\mathbb Q}$-linear map $[\ ]_p$ by
[\ ]_p \colon \overline{\mathbb Q} \log \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times \rightarrow \overline{\mathbb Q} \log_p \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times, \quad a\log b \mapsto a\log_p b, \quad a\pi \mapsto 0\quad (a,b \in \overline{\mathbb Q},\ b\neq 0).
Let $H$ be an intermediate field of $H_\mathfrak f/F$,
$\mathfrak q$ a prime ideal of $F$, relatively prime to $\mathfrak f$, splitting completely in $H/F$.
Then we have
\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak q},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=\tau}G(c,\iota) \in \overline{\mathbb Q}\log \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times \quad (\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)).
Here $c$ runs over all ideal classes whose images under the composite map
$C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak q} \rightarrow C_\mathfrak f \rightarrow \mathrm{Gal}(H_\mathfrak f/F) \rightarrow \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$ is equal to $\tau$.
We put $W(c,\iota):=W(\iota(c))$ in \cite[(4.3)]{KY1}, $V(c,\iota):=V(\iota(c))$ in \cite[(1.6)]{KY1}, and $X(c,\iota):=G(c,\iota)+W(c,\iota)+V(c,\iota)$.
Here we consider the ideal class group $C_{\iota(\mathfrak f)}$ of $\iota(F)$ modulo $\iota(\mathfrak f)$.
Then $\iota(c)$ denotes the image of $c\in C_\mathfrak f$ in $C_{\iota(\mathfrak f)}$ under the natural map.
By the definition \cite[(4.3)]{KY1} and \cite[Appendix I, Theorem]{KY2}, we have $W(c,\iota),V(c,\iota) \in \overline{\mathbb Q}\log \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times$.
Moreover \cite[Lemma 5.5]{KY1} states that
\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak q}} \chi_\mathfrak q(c) X(c,\iota) \in \overline{\mathbb Q}\log \overline{\mathbb Q}^\times \quad (\chi \in \hat C_\mathfrak f,\ \chi([\mathfrak q])=1).
Here $\chi_\mathfrak q$, $[\mathfrak q]$ denote the composite map $C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak q} \rightarrow C_\mathfrak f \stackrel{\chi}\rightarrow \mathbb C^\times$,
the ideal class $\in C_\mathfrak f$ of $\mathfrak q$, respectively.
Therefore, when $H$ is the fixed subfield under $(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak q})$, it follows from the orthogonality of characters.
The general case follows from this case immediately.
\begin{dfn} \label{Yp}
Let $H$ be an intermediate field of $H_\mathfrak f/F$.
Assume that $\mathfrak p_\iota \nmid \mathfrak f$ and that $\mathfrak p_\iota$ splits completely in $H/F$.
Then we define
Y_p(\tau,\iota):=\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p_\iota},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=\tau}G_p(c,\iota)-[\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p_\iota},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=\tau}G(c,\iota)]_p
\quad (\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)).
When $\iota=\mathrm{id}$, we drop the symbol $\iota$: $Y_p(\tau):=Y_p(\tau,\mathrm{id})$.
By \cite[Proposition 5.6]{KY1} (and the orthogonality of characters),
we see that $Y_p(\tau,\iota)$ depends only on $H,\mathfrak f,\tau,\iota$, not on $D$, $\mathfrak a_c$'s.
We formulated a conjecture \cite[Conjecture A$'$]{KY1}, which is equivalent to the following Conjecture \ref{KYc} by \cite[Proposition 6-(ii)]{Ka3}.
\begin{cnj} \label{KYc}
Let $H_\mathfrak f/H/F$ be as above: we assume that
$\mathfrak p_\iota$ does not divide $\mathfrak f$, splits completely in $H/F$.
We take a lift $\tilde\iota\colon H\rightarrow \mathbb C_p$ of $\iota\colon F\rightarrow \mathbb C_p$
and put $\mathfrak p_{H,\tilde\iota}:=\{z\in \mathcal O_H \mid |\tilde\iota(z)|_p<1\}$.
Let $\alpha_{H,\tilde\iota}$ be a generator of the principal ideal $\mathfrak p_{H,\tilde\iota}^{h_H}$, where $h_H$ denotes the class number.
Then we have
Y_p(\tau,\iota)=\frac{-1}{h_H}\sum_{c\in C_\mathfrak f}\zeta(0,c^{-1})\log_p \tilde\iota\left(\alpha_{H,\tilde\iota}^{\tau \mathrm{Art}(c)}\right).
Roughly speaking, the above conjecture states a relation between
the ratios $[$ $p$-adic multiple gamma functions $:$ multiple gamma functions $]$ and Stark units associated with the finite place $\mathfrak p_\iota$.
We also studied a relation between the same ratios and Stark units associated with real places in {\rm \cite{Ka3}}.
We found a more significant relation
between the ratios $[$ $p$-adic gamma function $:$ gamma function $]$ and cyclotomic units in {\rm \cite{Ka2}}.
We rewrite the definition of $Y_p$ for later use.
\begin{dfn} \label{zetaR}
Let $R$ be a subset of $F_+$.
We assume that $R$ can be expressed in the following form:
R=\coprod_{i=1}^k\{(\bm x_i+\bm m) \,{}^t \bm v_i \mid \bm m \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^{r_i}\} \quad (\bm x_i \in \mathbb Q_+^{r_i},\ \bm v_i \in F_+^{r_i}).
\item We define
\zeta_\iota(s,R)&:=\sum_{z \in R} \iota(z)^{-s}:=\sum_{i=1}^k \zeta(s,\iota(\bm v_i),\iota(\bm x_i \,{}^t \bm v_i)), \\
L\Gamma_\iota(R)&:=\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\zeta_\iota(s,R)|_{s=0}=\sum_{i=1}^k \log \Gamma(\iota(\bm x_i \,{}^t \bm v_i),\iota(\bm v_i)).
\item Additionally we assume that each $(\iota(\bm x_i \,{}^t \bm v_i),\iota(\bm v_i))$ satisfies {\rm (\ref{cond})}.
Then there exists the $p$-adic interpolation function
\zeta_{\iota,p}(s,R):= \sum_{i=1}^k \zeta_p(s,\iota(\bm v_i),\iota(\bm x_i \,{}^t \bm v_i))
of $\zeta_{\iota}(s,R)$. We define
L\Gamma_{\iota,p}(R):=\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\zeta_{\iota,p}(s,R)|_{s=0}=\sum_{i=1}^k L\Gamma_p(\iota(\bm x_i \,{}^t \bm v_i),\iota(\bm v_i)).
When $\iota=\mathrm{id}$, we drop the symbol $\iota$.
It follows that, for any Shintani domain $D$ $\bmod E_+$ and for any integral ideals $\mathfrak a_c$ satisfying $\mathfrak a_c\mathfrak f \in \pi(c)$, we have
\begin{align} \label{rewrite}
Y_p(\tau,\iota)=\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p_\iota},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=\tau}L\Gamma_{\iota,p}(R_c)
-[\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p_\iota},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=\tau}L\Gamma_\iota(R_c)]_p,
where we put $R_c:=\{z \in D \mid \mathcal O_F \supset z \mathfrak a_c \mathfrak f\mathfrak p_\iota \in c\}$.
We will use the following properties of the classical or $p$-adic multiple gamma functions in the proof of Theorem \ref{main}.
\begin{prp} \label{eZ}
\item Let $R$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{zetaR}-(i)}, $\alpha \in F_+$. Then we have
L\Gamma_\iota(R)-L\Gamma_\iota(\alpha R)=\zeta_\iota(0,R)\log \iota(\alpha).
\item Let $R$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{zetaR}-(ii)}, $\alpha \in F_+$. Then we have
L\Gamma_{\iota,p}(R)-L\Gamma_{\iota,p}(\alpha R)=\zeta_\iota(0,R)\log_p \iota(\alpha).
The assertions follow from $\zeta_\iota(s,\alpha R)=\iota(\alpha)^{-s}\zeta_\iota(s,R)$ immediately.
We also recall Shintani's multiple zeta functions in {\rm \cite[(1.1)]{Sh}} which we need in subsequent sections.
\begin{dfn} \label{Sz}
\item Let $A=(a_{ij})$ be an $(l\times r)$-matrix with $a_{ij} \in \mathbb R_{+}$, $\bm x \in \mathbb R_{+}^r$, $\bm \chi=(\chi_1,\dots,\chi_r) \in (\mathbb C^\times)^r$ with
$|\chi_i|\leq 1$. Then Shintani's multiple zeta function is defined as
\zeta(s,A,\bm x,\bm \chi):=\sum_{(m_1,\dots,m_r) \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r} \left(\prod_{j=1}^r\chi_j^{m_j}\right)\left(\prod_{i=1}^l \left(\sum_{j=1}^ra_{ij}(m_j+x_j)\right)\right)^{-s}.
This series converges for $\Re(s)>\frac{r}{l}$, has a meromorphic continuation to the whole $s$-plane, is analytic at $s=0$.
\item Let $\bm x$, $\bm \chi$ be as in {\rm (i)}. For $\bm v=(v_1,\dots,v_r) \in F_+^r$, we consider two kinds of Shintani's multiple zeta functions:
\item Shintani's multiple zeta function with $l=1$:
\zeta(s,\bm v,\bm x,\bm \chi)=\sum_{(m_1,\dots,m_r) \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r}\left(\prod_{j=1}^r\chi_j^{m_j}\right)\left(\sum_{j=1}^r v_j(m_j+x_j)\right)^{-s}.
Here we consider $v_i \in F_+ \stackrel{\mathrm{id}}\hookrightarrow \mathbb R_{+}$.
\item Let $A$ be the $(n\times r)$-matrix whose raw vectors are $\iota(\bm v_i)$ $(\iota \in \mathrm{Hom}(F,\mathbb R),\ n:=[F:\mathbb Q])$. Then we put
\zeta_N(s,\bm v,\bm x,\bm \chi):=\zeta(s,A,\bm x,\bm \chi)
=\sum_{(m_1,\dots,m_r) \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r}\left(\prod_{j=1}^r\chi_j^{m_j}\right)N\left(\sum_{j=1}^r v_j(m_j+x_j)\right)^{-s}.
\item Let $R$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{zetaR}-(i)}. We define
\zeta_N(s,R):=\sum_{z \in R} N z^{-s}:=\sum_{i=1}^k \zeta_N(s,\bm v_i,\bm x_i,(1,\dots,1)).
\section{$p$-adic measures associated with zeta values}
We consider the following two kinds of integration.
Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$, $O$ the ring of integers of $K$, $P$ the maximal ideal of $O$.
\item We say $\nu$ is a $p$-adic measure on $O$ if for each open compact subset $U \subset O$,
it takes the value $\nu(U)\in K$ satisfying
\item $\nu(U\coprod U')=\nu(U)+\nu(U')$ for disjoint open compact subsets $U,U'$.
\item $|\nu(U)|_p$'s are bounded.
We say a $p$-adic measure $\nu$ is a $\mathbb Z$-valued measure if $\nu(U) \in \mathbb Z$.
\item Let $\nu$ be a $p$-adic measure, $f\colon O\rightarrow O$ a continuous map. We define
\int_Of(x)d\nu(x):=\lim_{\leftarrow}\sum_{\overline a \in O/P^m}\nu(f^{-1}(a+P^m))f(a) \in \lim_{\leftarrow} O/P^m=O.
\item Let $\nu$ be a $\mathbb Z$-valued measure, $f\colon (O-P^e) \rightarrow (O-P^e)$ a continuous map $(e \in \mathbb N)$. We define
\times\hspace{-1.1em}\int_{O-P^e}f(x)d\nu(x):=\lim_{\leftarrow}\prod_{\overline a\in (O-P^e)/(1+P^m)}f(a)^{\nu(f^{-1}(a+P^m))} \in O.
We recall the setting in \cite{Da}.
Let $F$ be a totally real field of degree $n$, $\mathfrak f$ an integral ideal of $F$,
$\mathfrak p:=\mathfrak p_{\mathrm{id}}$ the prime ideal corresponding to the $p$-adic topology on $F$ induced by
$\mathrm{id}\colon F \hookrightarrow \mathbb C_p$.
We assume that $\mathfrak p \nmid \mathfrak f$.
\begin{dfn}[{\cite[Definitions 3.8, 3.9]{Da}}]
Let $\eta$ be a prime ideal of $F$.
\item We say $\eta$ is good for a cone $C(v_1,\dots,v_r)$ if $v_i \in \mathcal O_F-\eta$ and if $N\eta$ is a rational prime (i.e., the residue degree $=1$).
\item We say $\eta$ is good for a Shintani set $D$ if it can be expressed as a finite disjoint union of cones for which $\eta$ is good.
\begin{dfn}[{\cite[Definitions 3.13, 3.16, Conjecture 3.21]{Da}}] \label{assump}
We take an element $\pi \in \mathcal O_{F,+}$, a prime ideal $\eta$, a Shintani domain $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ $\bmod E_{\mathfrak f,+}$
satisfying the following conditions.
\item Let $e$ be the order of $\mathfrak p$ in $C_\mathfrak f$.
We fix a generator $\pi \in \mathfrak p^e$ satisfying $\pi\in \mathcal O_{F,+}$, $\pi \equiv 1 \bmod \mathfrak f$.
\item $N\eta \geq n+2$ and $(N\eta,\mathfrak f \mathfrak p)=1$.
\item The residue degree of $\eta$ $=1$ and the ramification degree of $\eta$ $\leq N\eta-2$.
\item $\eta$ is ``simultaneously'' good for $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ in the following sense:
There exist vectors $\bm v_j \in (\mathcal O_{F,+}- \eta)^{r(j)}$,
units $\epsilon_j\in E_{\mathfrak f,+}$ $(j\in J',\ |J'|<\infty)$ satisfying
\mathcal D_\mathfrak f=\coprod_{j\in J'} C(\bm v_j),
\quad \pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f=\coprod_{j\in J'} \epsilon_j C(\bm v_j).
Dasgupta {\rm \cite{Da}} took a suitable set $T$ of prime ideals instead of one prime ideal $\eta$. In this article, we assume that $|T|=1$ for simplicity.
We denote by $F_\mathfrak p,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$ the completion of $F$ at $\mathfrak p$,
the ring of integers of $F_\mathfrak p$ respectively.
\begin{dfn}[{\cite[Definitions 3.13, 3.17]{Da}}] \label{ueta}
Let $\pi,\eta,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{assump}},
$\mathfrak b$ a fractional ideal of $F$ relatively prime to $\mathfrak f \mathfrak pN\eta$.
We put
F^\times_\mathfrak f:=\{z\in F^\times\mid z\equiv 1\ {\bmod}^*\ \mathfrak f\}.
\item For an open compact subset $\mathcal U \subset \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$, a Shintani set $D$, we put
\nu(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)
&:=\zeta_N(0,F^\times_\mathfrak f\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap D\cap\mathcal U), \\
\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)&:=
\nu(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)-N\eta \nu(\mathfrak b\eta^{-1},\mathcal D,\mathcal U).
Here $\zeta_N(s,R)$ is defined in {\rm Definition \ref{Sz}}.
By {\rm \cite[Proposition 3.12]{Da}} we see that
\item When $\eta$ is good for $D$, we have $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U) \in \mathbb Z[N\eta^{-1}]$.
\item When $\eta$ is good for $D$ and $N\eta \geq n +2$, we have $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U) \in \mathbb Z$.
\item Assume that $\eta$ is good for $D$ and that $\eta \nmid p$.
We define a $p$-adic measure $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D)$ on $\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$ by
\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D)(\mathcal U):=\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U).
Under the assumption of {\rm Definition \ref{assump}}, $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ is a $\mathbb Z$-valued measure.
\item For $\tau\in \mathrm{Gal}(H_\mathfrak f/F)$, we put
\zeta_\mathfrak f(s,\tau)&
:=\sum_{\mathfrak a\subset\mathcal O_F,\ (\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak a})=\tau,\ (\mathfrak{a,f})=1} N\mathfrak a^{-s}, \\
\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(s,\tau)&:=\zeta_\mathfrak f(s,\tau)
-N\eta^{1-s}\zeta_\mathfrak f(s,\tau (\tfrac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\eta^{-1}} )).
Here $H_\mathfrak f$ denotes the narrow ray class field modulo $\mathfrak f$.
\item We define
\epsilon_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\pi)&:=\prod_{\epsilon\in E_{\mathfrak f,+}}
\epsilon^{\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\epsilon\mathcal D_\mathfrak f\cap\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})} \in E_{\mathfrak f,+}, \\
u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)&:=
\epsilon_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\pi)
\pi^{\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(0,(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak b}))}
\times\hspace{-1.1em}\int_{\mathbf O}x\ d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,x)\in F_\mathfrak p^\times,
where $\mathbf O:=\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}-\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$.
The product in the first line is actually a finite product
since $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\epsilon\mathcal D_\mathfrak f\cap\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})=0$
for all but finite $\epsilon\in E_{\mathfrak f,+}$.
\begin{cnj}[{\cite[Conjecture 3.21]{Da}}] \label{Dc}
Let $\pi,\eta,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{assump}},
$H$ the fixed subfield of $H_\mathfrak f$ under $(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak p})$.
\item Let $\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$.
For a fractional ideal $\mathfrak b$ relatively prime to $\mathfrak f \mathfrak pN\eta$ satisfying $(\frac{H/F}{\mathfrak b})=\tau$, we put
u_\eta(\tau):=u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f).
Then $u_\eta(\tau)$ depends only on $\mathfrak f,\tau,\eta$, not on the choices of $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\mathfrak b$.
\item For any $\tau \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$, $u_\eta(\tau)$ is a $\mathfrak p$-unit of $H$ satisfying $u_\eta(\tau)\equiv 1 \bmod \eta$.
\item For any $\tau,\tau' \in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$, we have $u_\eta(\tau\tau')=u_\eta(\tau)^{\tau'}$.
\section{The main results}
We keep the notation in the previous sections:
Let $F$ be a totally real field of degree $n$, $H_\mathfrak f$ the narrow ray class field modulo $\mathfrak f$.
We assume that the prime ideal $\mathfrak p$ corresponding to the $p$-adic topology on $F$ does not divide $\mathfrak f$.
Let $H$ be the fixed subfield of $H_\mathfrak f$ under $(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak p})$.
For $\tau\in \mathrm{Gal}(H/F)$, let $Y_p(\tau):=Y_p(\tau,\mathrm{id})$ be as in Definition \ref{Yp}.
For a fractional ideal $\mathfrak b$ relatively prime to $\mathfrak f \mathfrak pN\eta$,
let $u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)$ be as in Definition \ref{ueta}-(iv).
\begin{thm} \label{main}
We have
\log_p(u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f))
=-Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b}))
+N\eta\,Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b\eta^{-1}})) .
\begin{crl} \label{crlofmain}
{\rm Conjecture \ref{KYc}} implies
u_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f)^{h_H}
\equiv \prod_{\sigma\in\mathrm{Gal}(H/F)}\alpha_H^{\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(0,\sigma^{-1}) (\frac{H/F}{\mathfrak b}) \sigma}\bmod \ker\log_p,
where $\mathfrak p_H$, $h_H$, $\alpha_H$ are the prime ideal of $H$ corresponding to the $p$-adic topology on $H$,
the class number of $H$, a generator of $\mathfrak p_H^{h_H}$.
We prepare some Lemmas in order prove this Theorem.
\begin{lmm}[{\cite[Th\'eor\`eme 13]{CN2}}] \label{CN}
Let $\bm v \in F_+^r$, $z\in F_+$, $\bm \xi=(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_r)$ with $\xi_i$ roots of unity, $\neq 1$.
For $k\in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}$, we have
\zeta_N(-k,\bm v,z,\bm \xi)
&=\sum_{\bm m=(m_1,\dots,m_r)\in \mathbb N^r}\frac{\sum_{\bm l=(l_1,\dots,l_r),\ 1\leq l_i\leq m_i}
\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}N(z-\bm l\,{}^t \bm v)^k}{(\bm 1-\bm \xi)^{\bm m}}, \\
\zeta(-k,\bm v,z,\bm \xi)
&=\sum_{\bm m=(m_1,\dots,m_r)\in \mathbb N^r}\frac{\sum_{\bm l=(l_1,\dots,l_r),\ 1\leq l_i\leq m_i}
\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}(z-\bm l\,{}^t \bm v)^k}{(\bm 1-\bm \xi)^{\bm m}}.
Here we put $(\bm 1-\bm \xi)^{\bm m}:=\prod_{i=1}^{r}(1-\xi_i)^{m_i}$,
$\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}:=\prod_{i=1}^r\left((-1)^{l_i-1}\binom{m_i-1}{l_i-1}\right)$
with the binomial coefficient $\binom{m_i-1}{l_i-1}$.
The sum over $\bm m$ is actually a finite sum since we have
$\sum_{\bm l}\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}N(z-\bm l\,{}^t\bm v)^k
=\sum_{\bm l}\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}(z-\bm l\,{}^t\bm v)^k=0$
if $m_i$ is large enough.
\begin{lmm} \label{key}
Let $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)$ be as in {\rm Definition \ref{ueta}-(i)}.
Assume that $\eta$ is good for $D$. Then we have
\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)
=\zeta(0,F^\times_\mathfrak f\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap D\cap\mathcal U)
-N\eta\,\zeta(0,F^\times_\mathfrak f\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\eta\cap D\cap\mathcal U).
It is enough to show the statement when
\item $D$ is a cone $C(\bm v)$ with $\bm v=(v_1,\dots,v_r)$, $v_i \in \mathcal O_F-\eta$.
\item $\mathcal U$ is of the form $a+\mathfrak p^m \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$ ($m \in \mathbb N$, $a \in \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$).
Put $R:=F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap C(\bm v) \cap(a+\mathfrak p^m \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})$.
By definition we have
\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,C(\bm v),a+\mathfrak p^m \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
&=\zeta_N(0,R)-N\eta\,\zeta_N(0,\{z\in R \mid \mathrm{ord}_\eta z>0\}) \notag \\
&=[\sum_{z\in R}Nz^{-s}-N\eta \sum_{z\in R,\ \mathrm{ord}_\eta z>0}Nz^{-s}]_{s=0}. \label{eq1}
Let $L$ be a positive integer satisfying $L\in \mathfrak f\mathfrak p^m\mathfrak b^{-1}$, $(\eta,L)=1$.
Then we have
\sum_{z\in R}Nz^{-s}&=\sum_{\bm x\in R_a}\sum_{\bm m \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r}N( (\bm x+\bm m)\,{}^t (L\bm v))^{-s}, \\
R_a&:=\{\bm x \in (\mathbb Q\cap (0,1])^r \mid
\bm x\,{}^t (L\bm v) \in F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1} \cap(a+\mathfrak p^m \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})\}.
Since $N\eta$ is a rational prime, the following homomorphism is a surjection.
\mathbb Z\rightarrow \mathbb Z/N\eta \cong \mathcal O_F/\eta
\cong {\mathcal O_F}_{(\eta)}/\eta{\mathcal O_F}_{(\eta)}.
Here we denote the localization of $\mathcal O_F$ at $\eta$ by ${\mathcal O_F}_{(\eta)}$.
Hence for each $\bm x\in R_a$, there exists an integer $n_{\bm x}$ satisfying
$\bm x\,{}^t\bm v \equiv n_{\bm x} \bmod \eta{\mathcal O_F}_{(\eta)}$.
Similarly we take $n_i$ satisfying $Lv_i \equiv n_i \bmod \eta{\mathcal O_F}_{(\eta)}$ and put $\bm n_{L\bm v}:=(n_1,\dots,n_r)$.
Then the following are equivalent:
\mathrm{ord}_\eta ((\bm x+\bm m)\,{}^t (L\bm v))>0 \Leftrightarrow n_{\bm x}+\bm m\,{}^t \bm n_{L\bm v} \equiv 0 \bmod N\eta.
Let $\zeta$ be a primitive $N\eta$th root of unity. We put $\xi_{\bm x}:=\zeta^{n_{\bm x}}$, $\xi_i:=\zeta^{n_i}$, $\bm \xi_{L\bm v}:=(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_r)$.
Note that $\xi_i\neq 1$ for any $i$.
Then we have
\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}(\xi_{\bm x}\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^{\bm m})^\lambda=
-1 & (\mathrm{ord}_\eta ((\bm x+\bm m)\,{}^t (L\bm v))=0), \\
N\eta-1 & (\mathrm{ord}_\eta ((\bm x+\bm m)\,{}^t (L\bm v))>0).
Here we put $\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^{\bm m}:=\prod_{i=1}^r \xi_i^{m_i}$.
It follows that
\sum_{\bm x \in R_a}\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}\xi_{\bm x}^\lambda \zeta_N(s,L\bm v,\bm x,\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda )&=
\sum_{\bm x \in R_a}\sum_{\bm m \in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^r}\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}
(\xi_{\bm x}\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^{\bm m})^\lambda N((\bm x+\bm m)\,{}^t (L\bm v))^{-s} \notag \\
&=-\sum_{z\in R}Nz^{-s}+N\eta \sum_{z\in Z,\ \mathrm{ord}_\eta z>0}Nz ^{-s}. \label{eq2}
Similarly we obtain
\sum_{\bm x \in R_a}\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}\xi_{\bm x}^\lambda \zeta(s,L\bm v,\bm x,\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda )
&=-\sum_{z\in R}z^{-s}+N\eta \sum_{z\in Z,\ \mathrm{ord}_\eta z>0}z ^{-s} \notag \\
&=\zeta(s,R)-N\eta\,\zeta(s,\{z\in R \mid \mathrm{ord}_\eta z>0\}). \label{eq3}
By Lemma \ref{CN}, we have for $\bm x \in R_a$
\zeta_N(0,L\bm v,\bm x,\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda )=\zeta(0,L\bm v,\bm x,\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda ). \label{eq4}
Then the assertion follows from (\ref{eq1}), (\ref{eq2}), (\ref{eq3}), (\ref{eq4}).
Dasgupta's $p$-adic integration $\int d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,x)$ is originally associated with
special values of multiple zeta functions ``with the norm'' $\zeta_N(\cdots)$.
By the above Lemma, we can rewrite it in terms of special values of multiple zeta functions ``without the norm'' $\zeta(\cdots)$.
This observation is one of the main discoveries in this paper.
\begin{lmm} \label{intzeta}
Let $\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)$, $\mathbf O=\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}-\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$
be as in {\rm Definition \ref{ueta}}.
Assume that $\eta$ is good for $D$.
Then we have for $k\in \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}$, $s \in \mathbb Z_p$
\int_{\mathbf O}x^k d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b, D,x)
&=\zeta(-k,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap D \cap \mathbf O)
-N\eta\,\zeta(-k,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\eta\cap D \cap\mathbf O), \notag \\
\int_{\mathbf O}\langle x\rangle^{-s} d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b, D,x)
&=\zeta_p(s,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap D \cap \mathbf O)
-N\eta\,\zeta_p(s,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\eta\cap D \cap\mathbf O). \label{pmzitopm}
Here we put $\langle x\rangle:=p^{-\mathrm{ord}_p x}\theta_p(x)^{-1}x$ by using $\mathrm{ord}_p,\theta_p$ in {\rm (\ref{ordtheta})}.
It is enough to show the statement when $D=C(\bm v)$ with $\bm v=(v_1,\dots,v_r)$, $v_i \in \mathcal O_F-\eta$.
By definition we can write
\int_{\mathbf O}x^k d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b, C(\bm v),x)
=\lim_{\leftarrow }\sum_{\overline a\in \mathbf O/(1+\mathfrak p^m\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})}
a^k\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,C(\bm v),a(1+\mathfrak p^m\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})).
By Lemmas \ref{CN}, \ref{key}, we have
a^k\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,C(\bm v),a(1+\mathfrak p^m\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}))
=-\sum_{\bm m\in \mathbb N^r}\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}\sum_{\bm x \in R_a}
\frac{\xi_{\bm x}^\lambda \sum_{1\leq l_i \leq m_i}\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}a^k}{(\bm 1-\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda)^{\bm m}},
where $L,R_a,\xi_{\bm x},\bm \xi_{L\bm v}$ are as in the proof of Lemma \ref{key}.
On the other hand, by Lemma \ref{CN} again, we obtain
&\zeta(-k,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap C(\bm v)\cap\mathbf O)
-N\eta\,\zeta(-k,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\eta\cap C(\bm v)\cap\mathbf O) \\
&=-\sum_{\overline a \in \mathbf O/(1+\mathfrak p^m\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})}\sum_{\bm x \in R_a}
\sum_{\bm m \in \mathbb N^r}\sum_{\lambda=1}^{N\eta-1}\frac{\xi_{\bm x}^\lambda \sum_{1\leq l_i \leq m_i}
\begin{Bmatrix}\bm m\\\bm l\end{Bmatrix}((\bm x-\bm l)\,{}^t (L\bm v))^k}{(\bm 1-\bm \xi_{L\bm v}^\lambda )^{\bm m}}.
By definition, we see that $L\in \mathfrak p^m$, $\bm x\,{}^t (L\bm v) \equiv a \bmod \mathfrak p^m\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$ for $\bm x \in R_a$.
It follows that
a ^k \equiv ((\bm x-\bm l)\,{}^t (L\bm v))^k \bmod \mathfrak p^m \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p} \quad (\bm x \in R_a),
Hence the first assertion is clear.
The second assertion follows from the $p$-adic interpolation property (\ref{interpolation}).
\begin{proof}[Proof of {\rm Theorem \ref{main}}]
For a fractional ideal $\mathfrak b$, a Shintani set $D$, an open compact subset $\mathcal U \subset \mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$, and for $*=\emptyset,p$,
we put
L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)&:=L\Gamma_*(F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap D\cap\mathcal U), \\
L\Gamma_{\eta,*} (\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)
&:=L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b,D,\mathcal U)-N\eta\,L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b\eta^{-1},D,\mathcal U)
whenever each function is well-defined.
It suffices to show the following three equalities:
\log_p(\epsilon_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\pi)
\pi^{\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(0,(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak b}))})
&=[L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O)]_p, \label{Cl1} \\
\log_p(\times\hspace{-1.1em}\int_{\mathbf O}x\ d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,x))
&=-L\Gamma_{\eta,p}(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O), \label{Cl2} \\
L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O)-[L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O)]_p
&=Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b})). \label{Cl3}
Let $\bm v_j$, $\epsilon_j$ ($j \in J'$) be as in Definition \ref{assump}-(iv).
Since $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f,\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ are fundamental domains of $F\otimes \mathbb R_+/E_{\mathfrak f,+}$,
we see that
\epsilon\mathcal D_\mathfrak f\cap\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f =\coprod_{j \in J',\ \epsilon_j =\epsilon} \epsilon_j C(\bm v_j)
\quad (\epsilon \in E_{\mathfrak f,+})
Namely we have
\epsilon_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\pi)=
\prod_{j\in J'}\epsilon_j ^{\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\epsilon_jC(\bm v_j),\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})}.
By Lemma \ref{key}, we can write
&\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\epsilon_jC(\bm v_j),\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}) \\
&=\zeta(0,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\epsilon_j C(\bm v_j)\cap\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})-
N\eta\,\zeta(0,F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\eta\cap\epsilon_j C(\bm v_j)\cap
\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}).
Therefore by Proposition \ref{eZ}-(i) we obtain
\begin{align} \label{lg1}
\log_p(\epsilon_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\pi))
&=[\sum_{j\in J'}L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,C(\bm v_j),\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
-\sum_{j\in J'}L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\epsilon_jC(\bm v_j) ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})]_p \notag \\
&=[L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
-L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})]_p.
We easily see that
\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(0,(\tfrac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak b}))
&=\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}), \\
\pi(F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f \cap\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
&=F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\pi\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\mathcal D_\mathfrak f \cap\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}.
Hence, by Proposition \ref{eZ}-(i) again, we get
\begin{align} \label{lg2}
\log_p(\pi^{\zeta_{\mathfrak f,\eta}(0,(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak b}))})
=[L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\pi^{-1}\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
-L\Gamma_\eta (\pi^{-1}\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})]_p.
$(F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\mathcal D_\mathfrak f \cap\mathbf O)
\coprod (F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\pi\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\mathcal D_\mathfrak f \cap\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
=F^\times_\mathfrak f \cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\mathcal D_\mathfrak f \cap\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}$,
we have
\begin{align} \label{lg3}
L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O)
=L\Gamma_\eta (\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p})
-L\Gamma_\eta (\pi^{-1}\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\pi\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}).
Then the assertion (\ref{Cl1}) follows from (\ref{lg1}), (\ref{lg2}), (\ref{lg3}).
Next, differentiating (\ref{pmzitopm}) at $s=0$, we obtain
-\int_{\mathbf O}\log_p x\, d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,x)
=L\Gamma_{\eta,p}(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O).
By definition, we have $\log_p(\times\hspace{-0.9em}\int_{\mathbf O}x\ d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,x))
=\int_{\mathbf O}\log_p x\, d\nu_\eta(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,x)$. Hence the assertion (\ref{Cl2}) is clear.
Finally we prove (\ref{Cl3}). Let $D$ be a Shintani domain $\bmod E_+$.
For each $c \in C_{\mathfrak f \mathfrak p}$, we take an integral ideal $\mathfrak a_c$ satisfying $\mathfrak a_c\mathfrak f \in \pi(c)$,
and put $R_c:=\{z \in D \mid \mathcal O_F \supset z \mathfrak a_c \mathfrak f\mathfrak p \in c\}$. By (\ref{rewrite}) we can write
Y_p((\tfrac{H/F}{\mathfrak b}))=\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=(\frac{H/F}{\mathfrak b})}L\Gamma_p(R_c)
-[\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=(\frac{H/F}{\mathfrak b})}L\Gamma(R_c)]_p.
Since $H$ is the fixed subfield under $(\frac{H_\mathfrak f/F}{\mathfrak p})$,
we may replace
\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \mathrm{Art}(\overline c)|_H=(\frac{H/F}{\mathfrak b})}\cdots=
\sum_{k=0}^{e-1}\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]}\cdots,
where $\overline c$ denotes the image under $C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p}\rightarrow C_\mathfrak f$,
$[\mathfrak a]$ denotes the ideal class in $C_\mathfrak f$ of a fractional ideal $\mathfrak a$.
On the other hand, we can write for $*=\emptyset,p$
L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathbf O)=
\sum_{k=0}^{e-1}L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times).
Therefore it suffices to show that we have for each $k$
&(\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]}L\Gamma_p(R_c))
-L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times) \notag \\
&=[(\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]}L\Gamma(R_c))
-L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)]_p. \label{Cl32}
We fix $k$. Whenever $\overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]$, $\pi(c) \in C_{(1)}$ is constant,
so we may put $\mathfrak a_c$ to be a fixed integral ideal $\mathfrak a_0$.
Then we have
\coprod_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]}R_c=
\{z \in (\mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p)^{-1} \cap D
\mid (z \mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p, \mathfrak f\mathfrak p)=1,\ [z\mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p]= [\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]
\text{ in } C_\mathfrak f\}.
Let $\alpha_0 \in F_+$ be a generator of the principal ideal $(\mathfrak a_0\mathfrak f\mathfrak p)(\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k})^{-1}$.
Then the following are equivalent:
$[z\mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p]= [\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}] \Leftrightarrow [(z\alpha_0)]=[(1)]
\Leftrightarrow \exists \epsilon \in E_+$ s.t.\ $z\epsilon\alpha_0 \equiv 1 \bmod \mathfrak f$.
Hence, taking a representative set $E_0$ of $E_+/E_{\mathfrak f ,+}$, we can write
&\{z \in (\mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p)^{-1} \cap D
\mid (z \mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p, \mathfrak f\mathfrak p)=1,\ [z\mathfrak a_0 \mathfrak f\mathfrak p]= [\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]
\text{ in } C_\mathfrak f\} \\
&=\coprod_{\epsilon \in E_0}(\epsilon\alpha_0)^{-1}
(F_\mathfrak f ^\times\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\epsilon\alpha_0D\cap \mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times).
Namely we have for $*=\emptyset,p$
\sum_{c \in C_{\mathfrak f\mathfrak p},\ \overline c=[\mathfrak b\mathfrak p^{-k}]}L\Gamma_*(R_c)
=\sum_{\epsilon \in E_0}L\Gamma_*((\epsilon\alpha_0)^{-1}
(F_\mathfrak f ^\times\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\epsilon\alpha_0D\cap \mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)). \label{YpR0}
On the other hand, $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ':=\coprod_{\epsilon \in E_0} \epsilon\alpha_0 D$ becomes another Shintani domain $\bmod E_{\mathfrak f,+}$,
and we can write for $*=\emptyset,p$
\begin{align} \label{R0lg}
L\Gamma_*(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ',\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)=\sum_{\epsilon \in E_0}
L\Gamma_*(F_\mathfrak f ^\times\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap\epsilon\alpha_0D\cap \mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times).
Then the assertion (\ref{Cl32}), replacing $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ with $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f'$, follows from (\ref{YpR0}), (\ref{R0lg})
and Proposition \ref{eZ}.
We conclude the proof of (\ref{Cl3}) by showing that
L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)
-L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ',\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)
=[L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ,\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)
-L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,\mathcal D_\mathfrak f ',\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)]_p.
Note that the independence on the choice of $\mathcal D_\mathfrak f$ is also discussed in \cite[\S 5.2]{Da} under certain conditions.
Similarly to \cite[Chap.\ III, Lemma 3.13]{Yo},
we see that there exist cones $C(\bm v_j)$ and units $u_j \in E_{\mathfrak f,+}$ ($j\in J''$) which satisfy
\mathcal D_\mathfrak f =\coprod_{j\in J''} C(\bm v_j),\quad
\mathcal D_\mathfrak f '=\coprod_{j\in J''} u_jC(\bm v_j).
Therefore it suffices to show that
&L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,C(\bm v_j),\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)
-L\Gamma_p(\mathfrak b,u_jC(\bm v_j),\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times) \\
&=[L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,C(\bm v_j),\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)
-L\Gamma(\mathfrak b,u_jC(\bm v_j),\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)]_p.
It follows from Proposition \ref{eZ}
since $F_\mathfrak f ^\times\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap u_jC(\bm v_j)\cap\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times
=u_j(F_\mathfrak f ^\times\cap\mathfrak b^{-1}\cap C(\bm v_j)\cap\mathfrak p^k\mathcal O_{F_\mathfrak p}^\times)$.
Welcome to the Summer Swim League 2015!
Meet Results are below! Thanks everyone for such a great swim meet!
Please click to read the phone calls that have been sent out since our program began June 8th.
Thanks to all that signed up for the Hubbard Community Pool Summer Swim League! Below you will find information that will keep you posted and up to date on how the program is going! Please check back frequently to see updates and changes to the practice schedule! |
Cypress Introduces Programmable System on Chip(TM) (PSoC(TM)) in Tiny 4 x 4 mm Package
New Chip Delivers Extensive Analog and Digital Integration for Space-Constrained Applications Such as Fan Controllers and Battery Chargers
SAN JOSE, CA., April 27, 2005 -Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE: CY) today announced production shipments of its smallest and least expensive Programmable System-on-Chip(TM) (PSoC(TM)) mixed-signal array. In addition to four configurable analog blocks and four configurable digital blocks, the CY8C21x23 device provides four Kbytes of flash memory for program storage and 256 bytes of SRAM for data, making it ideal for a variety of consumer and industrial control applications such as fan controllers; battery chargers; security sensors and control; large sensor arrays, and smart temperature, pressure and flow sensors.
"The CY8C21x23 delivers PSoC's well-known analog and digital functionality and flexibility in a very small package and at an aggressive price point," said John McDonald, PSoC marketing director for Cypress. "This solution extends our range of value-priced options, offering designers the ability to differentiate end products in a variety of high-volume applications."
The CY8C21x23's analog and digital blocks can be configured as 8-bit timers, counters and pulse-width modulators (PWMs). For example, the new device can integrate a full-duplex UART, I2C, SPI, and two 10-bit ADCs. This reduces overall device count and board size, lowers BOM cost, and improves system quality and reliability.
The CY8C21x23 is available in 8- and16-pin SOIC, 20-pin SSOP, and 24-pin 4x4 MLF packages. It operates between 2.4V and 5.25V and from -40 to 85 degrees C. The product is in production and the 8-pin SOIC device is priced starting at $0.55 each in 10,000-unit quantities. A high-resolution photo can be downloaded at www.cypress.com/CY8C21X23photo.
About the PSoC Family
PSoC devices are configurable mixed signal arrays that integrate a fast 8-bit microcontroller with many peripheral functions typically found in an embedded design." PSoC devices provide the advantages of an ASIC without the ASIC NRE or turn-around time. A single PSoC device can integrate as many as 100 peripheral functions with a microcontroller, saving customers design time, board space, power consumption. Customers can save from 5 cents to as much as $10 in system costs. Easy to use development tools enable designers to select configurable library elements to provide analog functions such as amplifiers, ADCs, DACs, filters and comparators and digital functions such as timers, counters, PWMs, SPI and UARTs. The PSoC family's analog features include rail-to-rail inputs, programmable gain amplifiers and up to 14-bit ADCs with exceptionally low noise, input leakage and voltage offset. PSoC devices include up to 32KB of Flash memory, 2KB of SRAM, an 8x8 multiplier with 32-bit accumulator, power and sleep monitoring circuits, and hardware I2C communications.
All PSoC devices are dynamically reconfigurable, enabling designers to create new system functions on-the-fly. Designers can achieve more than 120 percent utilization of the die in many cases, by reconfiguring the same silicon for different functions at different times. In the automotive PSoC LIN bus reference design, the same digital blocks are reconfigured four times to support the different LIN communication modes; in doing so, these blocks consume less than 10 percent of PSoC hardware resources and less than 10 percent of the PSoC MCU cycles.
Software and Support
PSoC Designer(TM), the traditional software development environment for PSoC, is a full-featured, GUI-based design tool suite that enables the user to configure design-in silicon with simple point and click options. With PSoC Designer, users can code the MCU in either C or assembly language; and debug the design using sophisticated features such as event triggers and multiple break points, while single-stepping through code in C or assembly or a mix of the two.
In March of this year, Cypress introduced PSoC Express(TM), the first development tool that allows microcontroller-based design development without Assembly language or C programming. By operating at a higher level of abstraction and removing required firmware development, PSoC Express enables designs to be created, simulated and programmed to targeted PSoC devices in hours or days instead of weeks or months. PSoC Express includes an application generation engine and includes an input/output device catalog and communication protocols like I2C and RS232, all of which are combined visually by the designer to build custom solutions. Both PSoC Express and PSoC Designer can be downloaded free of charge from the Cypress web site at www.cypress.com/psocexpress.
The new CY3215-DK Professional Class Development Kit includes a tiny high-speed in-circuit USB 2.0 based emulator with a large trace buffer, which seamlessly integrates with PSoC Designer and the user's development board." The development kit includes everything necessary to complete a design with the PSoC family of ICs. The tools are designed for ease of use, to support all the advanced PSoC packages and to keep the cost of development to a minimum while providing all the features found in tools that cost $2,500 or more. The CY3215-DK is priced at $599 (suggested resale).
About Cypress
Cypress solutions are at the heart of any system that is built to perform: consumer, computation, data communications, automotive, industrial, and solar power. Leveraging a strong commitment to customer service and performance-based process and manufacturing expertise, Cypress's product portfolio includes a broad selection of wired and wireless USB devices, CMOS image sensors, timing solutions, network search engines, specialty memories, high-bandwidth synchronous and micropower memory products, optical solutions, and reconfigurable mixed-signal arrays. Cypress stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CY. More information about the company is available online at www.cypress.com.
Cypress and the Cypress logo are registered trademarks, and "Programmable System of Chip," PSoC, PSoC Designer and PSoC Express are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Lexus revealed the all-new 2013 RX 350 F Sport at the 2012 New York International Auto Show.
The Lexus RX 350 F Sport features an eight-speed automatic transmission, F Sport-tuned suspension, distinctive sport front bumper and mesh grille, 19-inch split five-spoke wheels in a Dark Graphite finish, and high-class interior enhancements.
The Lexus RX 350 F Sport mixes a 3.5-liter V6 engine with an eight-speed automatic transmission for an output of 270 horsepower at 6,200 rpm. The F Sport suspension offers securer shocks and springs for a more appealing driving experience. The 8-speed automatic transmission with paddle shifters, permits for additional driver input, while increasing fuel efficiency. The RX F Sport will be fully prepared with 19-inch split five-spoke wheels with 235/55R/19 tires.
The RX F Sport features an exceptional interior design management with perforated black leather-trimmed seats, center console, door armrests and aluminum pedals. |
LONG BEACH, California – At the 29th annual Excellence in Construction© Awards at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) convention in Long Beach, CA, Austin Commercial was twice recognized by ABC, receiving both the National Safety Excellence Award and the National Diversity Excellence Award.
The National Safety Excellence Award recognizes companies that exhibit a continued commitment to jobsite safety and whose safety performance and programs are judged to be exemplary by ABC's National Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Committee. Austin Commercial's top Core Value is Safety, reflected in being a multi-year winner of this award, and celebrating their safest year to date in 2018.
Winners were selected from ABC member firms that achieved Diamond, Platinum and Gold status in ABC's Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) in 2018. During the process, entrants were judged on self-evaluation scores, lost workday case rates, total recordable incident rates, leading indicator use, process and program innovations, and interviews with company principals.
The National Diversity Excellence Award recognizes ABC members that display exemplary diversity leadership in their workforce, supply chain, and community with best-in-class recruitment policies, retention practices, education, and mentoring programs. Through Austin's commitment to diversity, the company received the National Diversity Excellence award in the General Contractor over $33 million category.
Winners were selected by industry partners and ABC's Diversity Committee, which supports the association's strategic goal to continually grow and deliver value to a diverse and inclusive workforce. The committee, formed to better reach underrepresented communities within the construction sector, provides leadership and direction to promote diversity as an empowering competitive advantage through education, awareness, and business practices.
Austin Commercial is one of the largest, most diversified builders in the United States, nationally recognized for exceptional safety, comprehensive diversity-inclusion programs, and innovative construction solutions. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, its 10 regional offices serve the following markets: advanced technology, aviation, corporate offices, healthcare, hospitality, mission critical, mixed-use retail and residential, public assembly and sports, and university. As part of Austin Industries, 100% owned by its 6,000 employees, it is guided by its core values of Safety, Service, Integrity, and Employee-Ownership. We Are Austin. For more information, visit www.austin-ind.com. |
There are some effective ways to keep stink bugs from getting into your home and to control them once they do get inside. How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs A professional exterminator can be your first line of � how to grow tea tree from cuttings How To Keep Bugs Away Naturally Posted by: Cooper Pest - Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Natural pest repellents are EPA registered Natural Compound-based Products used to avoid interactions with common insects such as ticks and mosquitoes.
Vacuuming also helps get rid of stink bugs naturally at home. Those who do not want to touch the bugs on their own. You can simply use a vacuum cleaner to keep them away from your house. However, you must change the vacuum sack and remove it immediately so that the stink bugs do not stay in the vacuum cleaner.
There are plenty of actions you can take to help keep stinkbugs out from your own home and premises. However, probably the best thing that can be done is without a doubt prevention.
About Stink Bug Traps. Stink bug traps rely on using things that will attract the stink bugs to the traps, like a scent, pheromone, or light. Most stink bug traps are also sticky, so the stink bugs get stuck to the surface.
Plant it or spread it around your garden, flower beds and windows to keep stink bugs away. Wasps are a natural predator of stink bugs. Plant wildflowers to attract wasps who will then, in turn, eat stink bugs.
If there�s a stink bug infestation near your home, the bugs will soon come your way. If you know about stink bug problems in your area, bug-proof your home right away to prevent an invasion. |
1 of 1 Isleton Children's Area CHILDREN FICTION Roy, R.
1 of 1 Rancho Cordova Moving Up CHILDREN FICTION Roy, R.
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In the tenth book of the Calendar Mysteries, an early chapter-book mystery series featuring the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries detectives, there's a haunted house in Green Lawn! It's Halloween, and the Shangri-la Hotel has been transformed into a haunted house, complete with an ogre out front. Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy are ready for some scary fun, but then they notice that none of the kids who have gone in the hotel have come back out. What's happening to them? Ghosts and witches and ogres aren't real . . . right? |
Clocks L8627-022_slider.JPG
When do the clocks change?
Home Discover Explore by theme When do the clocks go forward in 2020?
When do the clocks go forward in 2020?
Marking the start of British Summer Time, the clocks 'spring forward' in March, meaning we'll lose an hour's sleep
In spring 2020 the clocks go forward on 29 March at 1am
On the last Sunday of March the clocks 'spring forward': they go forward by one hour. There may still be a chill in the air but this marks the beginning of British Summer Time (BST).
When do the clocks go back?
Find out more about British Summer Time
Will I lose or gain an hour?
Unfortunately, the spring forward means that we lose an hour in bed.
Why do the clocks go forward?
The clocks go back for the summer because of a campaign at the beginning of the 20th Century to change the clocks during the summer months to avoid wasting time in the morning. It meant we could use more valuable hours of daylight.
Why do the clocks change on the weekend?
This pattern of change was chosen because it occurs on a Saturday night/Sunday morning and would be the least disruptive option for schools and businesses. To maximise the benefit of having extra daylight, it matches the warmest and longest days of the year.
An easy way to remember which way the clocks change is to think 'Spring forward' and 'fall back'.
Summer Solstice Sunrise over Stonehenge
Will my phone automatically update the time?
Most devices with internet connection, such as smart phones, should automatically update themselves. However, watches and clocks in cars and kitchens, for example, won't change automatically so make sure you are ready to wind forward.
History of daylight saving
1784 - Benjamin Franklin first suggested the idea of daylight saving time in a whimsical article.
1907 - An Englishman and keen horse rider, William Willett campaigned to advance clocks in spring and summer and return them in the autumn. His rather complicated plan was to advance clocks by 80 minutes, in 4 separate moves of 20 mins each.
1908 - The House of Commons rejected a Bill to advance the clocks by one hour during the spring and summer months.
1916 - The Summer Time Act was passed, ordaining that for a certain period during the year legal time should be one hour in advance of GMT. Double summer time (GMT + 2 hours) was used during the Second World War.
Find out more about the history of British Summer Time and daylight saving time in the UK and around the world
"What happens during the lost hour?"
The Lost Hour © Andrew Whyte
Andrew Whyte's photo The Lost Hour was shortlisted for the Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year . He was inspired by the relationship between human methods of marking time (such as BST) and astronomical phenomena:
"I set out to explore what actually happens during that hour when the clocks "spring forward" to begin British Summer Time. With time so intrinsically linked to celestial activity, a one-hour star trail seemed the perfect metaphor.
I worked out my placement and posture within the frame and could faintly hear the click of the first camera's shutter, which gave me a reference for freezing my movement.
Back home, I merged 120 sky frames in StarStaX and layered that onto the RAW-processed foreground. As for the original question: what happens during the lost hour? The world keeps turning, just like before."
The Royal Observatory Greenwich, home of time
Stand on the historic Meridian Line and see Harrison's ground-breaking time keepers.
Harrison's marine timekeeper H4
Visit the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. Home of Greenwich Mean Time...
British Summer Time (BST) and Daylight Saving
What is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - and why does it matter?
Stand on the Prime Meridian Line
Discover John Harrison's iconic marine timekeepers |
Q: Mask / Obfuscate sensitive data in azure application insights in ASP.NET APIs We want to log the requests and responses to azure application insights for our apis, but with the control to not log or mask if we have sensitive data in them, like passwords. Can't seem to find anything from azure to do that.
Market Bistro is located in the heart of the market town of King's Lynn, directly opposite the beautiful King's Lynn Minister church and a short stroll from the Great Ouse river. This likeable neighbourhood restaurant is operated by husband and wife team Lucy and Richard Golding and their Head Chef Brandon Allison. The tastefully decorated dining room with attractive period features, also has al fresco dining on their terrace in warmer months.
Seasonality, alongside traceable and sustainable sources is paramount when it comes to first-class local ingredients for Market Bistro's menu, with everything made fresh in house. To start you might go with Richard's cure, smoked salmon, confit fennel, vinegar slaw paired with walnut bread or bacon, egg, mushrooms, truffle custard, sauté mushrooms, and crispy bacon. Main courses offer hickory smoked redpoll beef blade steak, heritage tomatoes, cress and chips or fish pie, skipper scheme white fish, organic salmon and whole grain mustard mash top. When it comes to desserts there are scrumptious offerings in the shape of pistachio cake, custard and chocolate ice cream or maybe choose a selection of cheese from award-winning producer Catherine Temple.
There's a well thought out wine list to complement the food, cocktails, local cordials and juices. |
Jannike Taylor, founder of Lakes and Lambs.
Meet the rural entrepreneurs proving you can start up anywhere
Some of the UK's most rural start-up entrepreneurs reveal the joys and challenges of setting up a remote business...
The Bridge Lodge: A wild idea
Angus Birditt and Lilly Hedley launched their own small, seasonal food company whilst studying at Oxford Brookes University.
The pair came up with the idea after paying a visit to Lilly's family in Erbistock, near Wrexham, where they spent an afternoon foraging for wild garlic in the woods.
When they returned to Lilly's family home, they began making pesto out of their pickings and after realising how delicious it was, they thought 'why don't we make this to sell?'
As they were both studying at the time, Angus (History of Art) and Lilly (History), they spent hours outside of their study time researching how to go about launching a food business.
Lilly recalls: "We wanted to learn more about food production, food hygiene, and setting up a business of our own, so we took part in many courses to get qualified before setting up the business."
Setting up the company just over a year ago, the pair decided to name the business 'The Bridge Lodge,' paying homage to the old lodge house nestled in the woodland where they would source their ingredients.
As the company specialises in creating products using fresh and wild ingredients foraged from the surrounding woodland on the family estate – setting up the business anywhere else was always out of the question. However, the pair were soon to discover that setting up a business in rural North Wales would have its challenges.
Lilly adds: "We set up the business in North Wales as that is where I'm originally from, and all of the wild ingredients we use can be picked right on our door step, so for us the business wouldn't really work as anywhere else!
"However, being such a rural business, we are very far away from cities and large towns, which can be difficult as a lot of our potential clients and customers are based in urban areas. This also makes it quite hard to distribute to places further field, we really are located in the middle of nowhere!"
Despite this, the pair were able to overcome these challenges thanks to the strong entrepreneurial ecosystem surrounding them – and Lilly is quick to point out that there are just as many benefits as there are challenges that come with setting up a rural business.
"There are a lot of benefits to being a rural business!" She added. "Being in Wales we are very fortunate to have lots of support from the Welsh Government's 'Food & Drink Sector'.
"They have been so helpful with many things, including introducing us to brilliant contacts, setting up networking classes, and inviting us to take part in showcasing our products with Food and Drink Wales at various trade shows and events.
"Also, being a rural business is a huge part of our brand. Our customers in general really love the backstory of our products. The fact that it is all handpicked and handmade in small batches, situated in the beautiful valleys of North Wales they seem to really engage with."
Lakes and Lambs: Practical fashion for the countryside
Another entrepreneur proving you can set up a business anywhere is Jannike Taylor, founder of the aptly named Lakes and Lambs.
Taylor launched the business from her home in Cumbria just over a year ago in a bid to design and sell her own unique outdoor boilersuits for children.
The overalls are designed for children playing outside all year round and are inspired by the countryside and lifestyle around her.
She told BQ: "I live on a small sheep farm in rural Cumbria along with my husband who has an agricultural contracting business.
"As a mother of three young children I always encourage them to be outside and play freely, but the washing was endless!
"Even in dry weather they would still have dusty mucky knees, but waterproofs weren't suitable for the time of year.
"I wanted to get them boilersuits, like my husband wears on the farm, but I struggled to find any that were small enough or had the desired design features.
"So, I set about designing my own from scratch, with children, and indeed parents, in mind."
Setting up the business in Cumbria was a no-brainer, given it was where she lived, however it did have it had its challenges.
As she recalls: "[One of the biggest challenges has been] making connections with other people and businesses.
"Our location, and indeed having young children and livestock, makes it difficult to travel and meet with our partners and network with other businesses.
"We are forced to do more via email and phone and it sometimes takes longer to research and meet the right people.
"In particular it took us a long time to find the right manufacturers."
But, being based in the bucolic Cumbrian countryside also has its advantages.
Taylor adds: "There is so much inspiration all around you; the landscape and the wonderful people and businesses within it. Travelling to work through beautiful countryside is refreshing and aids creativity.
"We also make sure our brand reflects our farming lifestyle and the countryside we live in, it's what we know and so needs to be part of our company's identity. There are also some incredible rural businesses in Cumbria who inspire us every day.
"The company has grown well over our first year. We have developed a wide customer base and have been recognised in a number of national awards for our products; something we are immensely proud of.
"The company is still in its infancy and going forward we will be working on increasing our brand awareness as well as developing a new product line."
Craine Communications: Connecting rural businesses across Scotland
Scottish entrepreneur Stuart Craine isn't only showing how to set up a successful rural business but is also helping others do the same.
He launched his eponymous telecoms engineering company Craine Communications last year in a bid to provide a solution to the lack of independent telecoms companies in the general Argyll area.
Stuart said: "My family was the main reason I started the business. Just two weeks after my youngest child was born, I had been working away from home every day during the working week.
"Five years later I knew I had to find another way of earning and being closer to home. Starting this allowed me to be involved with the daily routine of my wife and kids which is really important to me.
"The second reason was seeing the number of households and businesses seriously struggling to get a decent internet connection in my area.
"Working on the Broadband Delivery UK contract, on behalf of BT, sent me all over Scotland and the UK and I felt I had built up enough of a skill set to allow me the confidence to go it alone.
"Working on a part time basis for various community owned wireless internet networks based in Fort William and Skye, I found a new method of broadband delivery.
"After a slow start and a few setbacks, I created my own wireless network called Back of Beyond Broadband, which now has nearly 60 users with more added weekly."
For Stuart, it was quite challenging promoting the business at the start as after working away for so long, he had lost touch with a lot of the local community.
He recalls: "Initially the difficulty I faced with the business and network was the geography along with the local land owners.
"Not being a known face in the area meant I lacked the necessary word of mouth to get regular business and a foot in the door with the ideal land locations.
"After around six months of cost price work though things started to improve and word of my plans started to get out amongst the wider population.
"Once BoB Broadband went live (after a 10 month wait for BT Openreach Fibre connection) things quickly snowballed for the better, with land owners approaching me to get connected."
The gamble of launching BoB is now really starting to pay off for Stuart and he has ambitious plans for the future.
Craine's services are now used by internet providers Skyenet and Locheilnet and have already connected over 100 new connections for Locheilnet with a 100% customer satisfaction rate.
The company is now hoping to develop a skilled workforce, drive rural digital development and empower small communities and existing businesses well into the future.
He concluded: "Going forward I will be looking to take on at least two new employees in order to cope with the demand.
"I also have two new fibre connections about to be connected in areas in Argyll which are in desperate need of good, affordable internet.
"This will be the start of the many other project areas I have planned for the near future, all without public funding.
"The rural areas will be concentrated on first with a view to have a presence in the Scottish cities too eventually."
ICT & Communications |
We will be open for applications in December 2015, for study commencing September 2016.
Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged Black, Coloured or Indian students.
Please note that Canon Collins Trust does not currently fund PhD study in the UK; however we act as a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships. For more information, click here.
We will open for application on Friday 29 January 2015. Please read the guidelines carefully before applying.
Applicants must apply to their chosen university separately and awards are conditional on the applicant being offered a place at the relevant university.
If you are eligible, you might consider applying for a Kader Asmal Fellowship to study for a Masters Degree in Ireland. |
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Pre-primary level includes early childhood, day care and grade 0.
Primary School includes basic primary education for 1 to 6 graders.
Low secondary school includes education for 7 to 9 graders.
High school includes general and professional department. |
Ferð að gamla bænum í Laufási og hann og kirkjan skoðuð. Bærinn er einn best varðveitti torfbær landsins. Ath. aðgangseyrir ekki innifalinn.
Visit the old farmhouse at Laufás. Laufás is one of the Iceland's best-preserved turf homes built in 1865 an now a museum. Walk through this museum will give you an idea of what it was like to live in Iceland in the 17th century. Please notice that entrance fee is not included.
Goðafoss er einn þekktast foss landsins bæði vegna fegurðar og þátt sin í sögu þjóðarinnar.
Goðafoss waterfall is one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland not only for its beauty, but also for its part in Icelandic history.
Goðafoss er einn þekktast foss landsins bæði vegna fegurðar og þátt sin í sögu þjóðarinnar. Haldið að gamla bænum í Laufási og hann og kirkjan skoðuð. Bærinn er einn best varðveitti torfbær landsins. Ath. aðgangseyrir ekki innifalinn.
Goðfoss waterfall is one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland not only for its beauty, but also for its part in Icelandic history. Visit to the old farmhouse at Laufás. Laufás is one of Iceland's best-preserved turf homes built in 1865 an now a museum. Walk through this museum will give you an idea of what it was like to live in Iceland in the 17th century. Please notice that entrance fee is not included. |
Based at the Centre for Food Policy at City, University of London, the Food Research Collaboration focuses on the Centre for Food Policy's goal of achieving a more integrated and inclusive food system. We do this through bringing together academics across disciplines and Civil Society Organisations across sectors to produce, share and use the evidence-based knowledge needed to achieve integrated and inclusive food policy in the UK.
We produced a Briefing Paper looking at the theory and practice of collaboration between civil society organisations and academics. It gives a good background to what we are about and what we are trying to achieve.
Our current work focuses on achieving three specific outcomes: producing recommendations for changes to UK food policy post-Brexit; rethinking UK food governance; and providing evidence-based practical guidance to driving local progress on sustainable food.
Through providing independent, inter-disciplinary evidence and education the Centre for Food Policy works to advance integrated and inclusive food policies that provide solutions to major food system challenges.
The vision of the Centre for Food Policy is a world where food policy is improving the wellbeing of people and planet, everywhere. Food policy is looked through an inter-disciplinary, food systems lens that brings together different problems, sectors, institutions and issues from agriculture to nutrition, labour to public health, politics to economics and cooking to culture. The food system dots are joined, from farm to fork, boat to throat and gate to plate.
The Centre has several strategic priorities that work toward developing integrated food policies that take into account the interconnections in the food system and its duty to enable nutrition, and meet health, environmental, social and economic goals. |
1000 full colour mugs for ?1. 5 VAT per mug,?all in price. Price includes origination & carriage.
The Industry's best'selling ceramic mug. Is available with direct'screen print or a full colour process. 100% dishwasher proof. A promotional product that is sure to be kept. Many colour options available including white, black, red, midnight blue and yellow. |
Created by Hong Kong based Keith Lam, Seth Hon and Alex Lai, "Cycling Wheel" is an installation and performance that borrows the concept of Marcel Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel and re-imagines it as a dynamic and interactive performative instrument, transforming its mechanics into sound and light. The performance took place on October 7th 2017 at Nuit Blanche Taipei / Taiwan.
↑ Unit01 user interface created in Processing and running on a Mac Book Pro.
Technical setup includes tailor made control panel software created with Processing, and three different units, each controlling music, light beam and led strips. Unit00 (music) includes a Mac Book Pro, Korg nanoKONTROL2 – Slider, Arduino Leonardo, DMX Controller, DMX Decoder, UNIT00 Software, Ableton Live and MOTU Audio Interface. Unit01 (light beam) includes also a Mac Book Pro, Korg slider, DMX controller and decoder, Arduino Uno and UNIT01 Software. Unit02 (led strips) runs a Raspberry Pi, DMX Controller, DMX Decoder and UNIT20 Software.
Credits: Keith Lam, Seth Hon (Artist, Creative Coding), Keith Lam (Music), Keith Lam, Seth Hon, Alex Lai (Performance), Vision Tech (H.K.) Ltd (Lighting Equipment), Karl Ma (Project Manager) with special thanks to Hippo Yim, Nuit Blanche Taipei and Dimension Plus. |
China will 'take off the gloves' if Trump continues on Taiwan
Submitted by webadmin on Senin, 16 Jan 2017 - 20:10
KONFRONTASI-China will "take off the gloves" and take strong action if U.S. President-elect Donald Trump continues to provoke Beijing over Taiwan once he assumes office, two leading state-run newspapers said on Monday.
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal published on Friday, Trump said the "One China" policy was up for negotiation. China's foreign ministry, in response, said "One China" was the foundation of China-U.S. ties and was non-negotiable.
Trump broke with decades of precedent last month by taking a congratulatory telephone call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, angering Beijing which sees Taiwan as part of China.
"If Trump is determined to use this gambit in taking office, a period of fierce, damaging interactions will be unavoidable, as Beijing will have no choice but to take off the gloves," the English-language China Daily said.
The Global Times, an influential state-run tabloid, echoed the China Daily, saying Beijing would take "strong countermeasures" against Trump's attempt to "impair" the "One China" principle.
"The Chinese mainland will be prompted to speed up Taiwan reunification and mercilessly combat those who advocate Taiwan's independence," the paper said in an editorial.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the United States was clearly aware of China's position on "One China".
"Any person should understand that in this world there are certain things that cannot be traded or bought and sold," she told a daily news briefing.
"The One China principle is the precondition and political basis for any country having relations with China."
Hua added, "If anyone attempts to damage the One China principle or if they are under the illusion they can use this as a bargaining chip, they will be opposed by the Chinese government and people.
"In the end it will be like lifting a rock to drop it on one's own feet," she said, without elaborating.
The Global Times said Trump's endorsement of Taiwan was merely a ploy to further his administration's short term interests, adding: "Taiwan may be sacrificed as a result of this despicable strategy."
"If you do not beat them until they are bloody and bruised, then they will not retreat," Yang Yizhou, deputy head of China's government-run All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, told an academic meeting on cross-straits relations in Beijing on Saturday.
Taiwan independence must "pay a cost" for every step forward taken, "we must use bloodstained facts to show them that the road is blocked," Yang said, according to a Monday report on the meeting by the official People's Daily Overseas Edition.
The United States, which switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979, has acknowledged the Chinese position that there is only "One China" and that Taiwan is part of it.
The China Daily said Beijing's relatively measured response to Trump's comments in the Wall Street Journal "can only come from a genuine, sincere wish that the less-than-desirable, yet by-and-large manageable, big picture of China-U.S. relations will not be derailed before Trump even enters office".
But China should not count on the assumption that Trump's Taiwan moves are "a pre-inauguration bluff, and instead be prepared for him to continue backing his bet".
"It may be costly. But it will prove a worthy price to pay to make the next U.S. president aware of the special sensitivity, and serious consequences of his Taiwan game," said the national daily.[mr/reuters]
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Q: jquery $.Post response not loading into div I'm trying to write a form that when a user submits clicks submit, ajax adds data to a div below the form.
I've made the html form and without any jquery you can submit the form using POST and the corresponding php on the server spits out a small XML document with the answer.
What I dont know what to do is to get jquery to place the data from the XML document into html tags inside the div.
The returned XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The html form looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#url_shorten_form").submit( function () {
return false;
<!-- Home -->
<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<div id="header" data-theme="a" data-role="header" class="header">
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<!-- Form to shorten URL -->
<form id="url_shorten_form" action="" method="POST" class="url_shorten_form">
<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="long_url">
<label for="long_url">URL To Shorten</label>
<input name="long_url" id="long_url" placeholder="http://www.reallylongurl.com" value="" type="text">
<div data-role="fieldcontain" class="qr_generate">
<label for="qr_generate">Generate QR Code?</label>
<select name="qr_generate" id="qr_generate" data-theme="" data-role="slider" data-mini="true">
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<input form="url_shorten_form" id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit">
<!-- Response displaying new short url and QR Code if required -->
<div id="result" data-theme="a" class="result">
This Text to be replaced
I dont understand what I need to do to get the XML parsed and then presented into the div 'result'
Many thanks,
A: You can extract elements from the XML by creating a JQuery object with it. E.g. to create a link:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#url_shorten_form").submit( function () {
var shortLink = $(data).find("shortlink").text();
var longLink = $(data).find("longlink").text();
var link=$("<a></a>").attr("href",shortLink).text(longLink);
return false;
14 Dreamlike, Snug, And Romantic Winter Hideaways In Scotland
Winter is coming, so why not hibernate in a snug AF log cabin with a hot tub, sauna, and all the whisky you can drink until spring?
Hilary Mitchell
1. Dovecot Cottage, Edinburgh
This heavenly wee stone cottage used to be home to hundreds of pigeons (the owners have cleaned it since then, thankfully). The Dovecot is hidden at the end of a rose garden, and the bedroom is filled with glowing lights, which sit in the stone recesses above the bed – originally nesting boxes for the birds.
2. Mountain Bear Lodge, Aviemore, Highlands
You'd be forgiven for thinking this snowy log cabin is in the wilds of Alaska, but it's actually nestled in the heart of the beautiful Cairngorm mountains, a popular destination for skiers. After a long day on the slopes, you can retire to your lavish lodge and wallow in the outdoor hot tub until it's time to do it all again.
3. Blue Reef Cottages, Scarista, Isle of Harris
These stunning, turf-roofed eco-cottages are hidden away near the remote village of Scarista. They blend perfectly into the landscape and they each have their own sauna and jacuzzi, as well as wood-burning stoves to keep you perfectly warm.
4. Roulotte Retreat, Melrose, Scottish Borders
Roulotte Retreat is a unique campsite near the pretty town of Melrose. It's home to seven roulottes: dainty French gypsy caravans that each have their own theme. This wagon is called Karlotta, and her colours are Moroccan-influenced with purples, reds, and golds.
5. Knoydart House, Inverie, Highland
Or, if you want to treat yo' self, you could stay in this large loch-side lodge on the Knoydart Peninsula, a remote part of Scotland that's accessible only by boat. You can warm yourself in the hot tub, or snuggle up in one of the four-poster king-size beds. Bliss.
6. Natural Retreats, John O'Groats, Caithness
These colourful lodges in the northernmost town in the mainland British isles are a reminder that modern buildings can be cosy too. They each have a wood-burning stove, incredible sea views (you can often spot killer whales from your window), and underfloor heating to keep you nice and snug.
7. Croft 103, Durness, Sutherland
The most stressful decision you'll have to make if you stay in this awesome, modern eco-hideout in the far north of Scotland is whether to take a hot bath inside...or outside. Both baths have a view of the serene waters of Loch Eriboll, which sounds like something out of The Lord of the Rings, frankly.
8. The Gypsy Palace, Kirk Yetholm, Scottish Borders
If you're looking for a cosy retreat that won't break the bank, how about this adorable AF little cottage in the Scottish Borders, which sits in a tranquil, picturesque valley in the Cheviot Hills? It's the perfect base for a spot of hiking (if you can manage to tear yourself away from the cheerful stove, hot tea, and thick wool blankets).
9. The Broch, Borve Lodge Estate, Isle of Harris
Brochs are ancient, stone-walled hollow towers that were originally built in the Iron Age, and possibly used for defensive purposes. In contrast, this modern broch was purpose-built as a snug luxury retreat, with a vast oval bath, several wood-burning stoves, and views across the sylvan, tree-covered Borve Valley.
10. Mary's Thatched Cottages, Elgol, Isle of Skye
For a dose of extremely traditional Scottish charm, you can't beat these lovingly restored blackhouses on the Isle of Skye. Each one has different features (and cute names like Màiri, Seonag, and Padraig), but they're all cosy as hell and have thick stone walls and staggering views across to the majestic Black Cuillin hills.
11. Stucktaymore, Killin, Perthshire
Stucktaymore is a stunning Victorian hunting lodge in Killin, the gateway to the Scottish Highlands. It's stylish and opulent, and has more open fireplaces than you can shake a stick at, not to mention thick rugs, exposed beams and stonework, views across Loch Tay, and a huge Aga in the kitchen. Mmm, toasty.
12. Finnish Grillikota, Isle of Lewis
Everyone knows that small buildings are easy to keep warm, and that's doubly true of this sauna-like grillikota, which means "barbecue hut" in Finnish, as they're built around an open fire. You can cook yourself delicious food on the open grill, wrap yourself up in furs, then gaze out across the turbulent Hebridean sea while eating a kebab.
13. Innis-a-Chro Croft Cottages, Kyle of Lochalsh, Ross-shire
These two lovely cottages are the best possible places to hide from the fierce winter winds. The beds are topped with thick throws and handcrafted woollen cushions. Their huge, modern windows are double glazed, too, so you can enjoy dramatic views of the Munro fells and pretty Glen Lichd without feeling the slightest chill (unless you put ice in your whisky, of course).
14. Eagle Brae, Inverness-shire
Twitter: @EagleBrae
Facebook: EagleBrae
Last but not least, we have the truly fantastical Eagle Brae, a collection of handmade wooden cabins beside the fairytale-like Glen Strathfarrar. Each cabin has a roof made with wildflowers, and they're filled with hand-carved wooden panels featuring stags, Celtic knotwork, and Pictish motifs. It's like being in Narnia, basically.
Can you think of anywhere better to celebrate 2016 finally coming to an end? |
"You're Daily Dose of Oklahoma County incarcerations"
Over 20,000 people are arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail every year. JailBlotter.com can deliver all of them to your business email inbox every day.
Are you an attorney, domestic/substance abuse counselor, private investigator, bail bondsman, collection agency, law enforcement, own a DUI related business, member of the media or just a professional in need of convenient daily access to the Oklahoma County jail blotter and the names and addresses of individuals recently arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County jail?
Do you own/manager rental property and you need to know if one of your tenants has been arrested for a serious crime?
Do you have a desire to know within 24-hours if your child, spouse, relative, etc. has been booked into the Oklahoma County Jail?
If you answered "yes" then JailBlotter.com is the solution you've been looking for.
1. Daily Subscription: We do all the work for you. We collect the Oklahoma County Jail blotter every day and then forward it to your email in-box each morning - Monday through Friday, rain or shine.
This service is ideal for anyone who has a need to contact individuals who have been recently arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail. This highly targeted marketing is invaluable to attorneys, DUI schools, DUI related services, social services, counselors, media outlets, collection agencies, law enforcement agencies, private investigators, etc.
2. Lease Alert®: Do you own or manage rental property? Regardless if you have 1 tenant or 1,000 you know the importance of a responsible tenant and the expense of a bad one. Sure you did a background check when they applied for a lease, but what have they been up to since then? Many landlords are adding a "no criminal offense" clause to their lease. Our Lease Alert® service is an invaluable tool that alerts you within 24-hours if one of your tenants is arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County Jail. Is one of your tenants a drug dealer, thief, peeping tom, or worse? With Lease Alert® you can identify a potential problem tenant and be alerted to a rental unit that may be a target for a break-in as a result of the tenant's incarceration. Additionally, your other tenants can be reassured you take their safety seriously when they know you are up-to-date on what's going on with the people living in your community.
3. Name Monitoring: Our name monitoring service does just that, we monitor one or more names and notify you within 24-hours if the individual is arrested and booked into the Oklahoma County jail. This service is perfect for parents, spouses and employers.
Has your college age child gotten themselves into trouble? Was your spouse arrested in a prostitution sting? Has your ex wife/husband been arrested for a crime that could endanger a child you share custody with? Are you an employer that has a need to know if your employees are arrested for drug, alcohol, theft or sexual assault charges? -- If you answered "yes" then JailBlotter.com is your solution. |
"Would you rather be buried or cremated?" is a question some of us are asked more frequently than "Want to get it on?" so I've been reflecting on it. The problem was less about the how than the what. The truth is I want to stick around, which isn't always an option. The closest one gets is being the last one standing on "American Idol."
In a recent special, Barbara Walters and other A-listers who'd had open heart surgery -- David Letterman, Charlie Rose, Bill Clinton and Regis Philbin -- admitted the experience had forced them to confront their mortality and recognize that the good table reserved for them will one day be on the other side, where Elaine Kaufman has probably edged out St. Peter and is directing traffic.
It's clear that we're all going to die and can't take our Sleep Number beds with us. Though I have friends who've been diagnosed with control issues, I'm the only one who's created her own cremation urn. To future generations, I won't be reduced to "beloved daughter, sister, wife, mother" (and perhaps "bubby"), as they will see photos of me on a beautiful mosaic urn -- beaming at our son's graduations, admiring a Buddhist temple and hiking in Costa Rica (with nothing to suggest that I turned back after four minutes). I embedded only flattering photos and used our dinnerware so the pattern, if not my face, will be familiar to our son.
With the growing popularity of cremation, it was clear that others would be excited to have an urn like this. Though it aired decades ago, I've never forgotten the memorable Barney's commercial (when Barney and the writer of the ad, Steve Gordon, were going strong). Young boys sitting on a stoop were answering the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Each kid took his turn, expressing a lofty aspiration. The spot ended with Barney shrugging, "I don't know, but they're all going to need clothes."
That brings me to my online mosaic art boutique (www.sybilsage.com), where along with other functional art, there are now urns, the Et URN ity and Pet URN ity. These are done on a commission basis. The client chooses the colors and provides photos that I re-size and mount onto clear glass, integrating them as well as other personal items (a business card, final Twitter update, signature, etc.) onto a metal urn. They can be ordered in advance by those who demand photo approval, or when needed.
Seeing what I'd done, a friend gasped, "Those urns are to die for!!" |
Sarasota, FL (View All Cities)
Sarasota County
941 (Area Code Map)
ZIP code 34236 is located in central Florida and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly higher than average population density.
The people living in ZIP code 34236 are primarily white. The number of seniors is extremely large while the number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is small. There are also an extremely large number of single adults and an extremely small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 34236 ZIP code is extremely small compared to other areas of the country.
3,521 people per sq mi
Male 188 149 155 173 278 322 272 243 293 328 370 461 488 537 469 366 354 414
Female 164 162 123 166 243 300 233 233 257 322 431 489 568 588 505 437 531 782
Total 352 311 278 339 521 622 505 476 550 650 801 950 1,056 1,125 974 803 885 1,196
Under 5 188 164 352
5-9 149 162 311
10-14 155 123 278
60-64 488 568 1,056
85 Plus 414 782 1,196
10,761 86.8%
759 6.1%
Owner 24 95 186 416 822 1,010 821 510
Renter 200 443 388 429 427 382 336 304
Total 224 538 574 845 1,249 1,392 1,157 814
65-74 1,010 382 1,392
85 Plus 510 304 814
486 7%
Male 38 37 38 35 34 28 37 28 22 26 31 31 33 34 24 37 27 43 42 49
Female 34 47 30 26 38 30 25 31 38 24 18 23 33 25 27 49 35 24 31 38
Total 72 84 68 61 72 58 62 59 60 50 49 54 66 59 51 86 62 67 73 87
ZIP code 34236 has a large percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more nursing homes nearby.
The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Homes in ZIP code 34236 were primarily built in the 2000s or the 1970s. Looking at 34236 real estate data, the median home value of $515,000 is extremely high compared to the rest of the country. It is also high compared to nearby ZIP codes. So you are less likely to find inexpensive homes in 34236. Rentals in 34236 are most commonly 2 bedrooms. The rent for 2 bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities. 1 bedrooms are also common and rent for $300-$499/month. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 34236 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.
The median household income of $54,877 is compared to the rest of the country. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. While money isn't everything, ZIP code 34236 may not be as nice as other parts of town.
As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. If you are a person that likes walking or biking to work, it will be a comfort for you to know that 34236 has a well above average number of people who do not use a vehicle to commute. Instead of a commute, a higher percentage of people in 34236 are able to work from home than most places in the nation. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. More commuters in 34236 get to experience these short commute times than most other ZIP codes. It is very uncommon, compared to the rest of the US, for employees to have to travel more than 45 minutes to their place of employment.
For more information, see Sarasota, FL transportation.
2,657 74.9%
The area has some of the highest percentages of people who attended college of any ZIP.
98 17.9%
ZIP Code 34236 is in the following school districts: Sarasota School District and Private. There are 5 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 34236.
Download a List of High Schools
Download a List of Elementary Schools
Sarasota School of Arts/Sciences
Grade Level: Middle/Elementary
District: Sarasota School District
Sarasota Military Academy
801 N Orange Ave
Grade Level: High/Secondary
Generation Harvest Inc.
1680 Fruitville Rd. Ste. 300-campus
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Private
Achievement Center (the)
1999 Lincoln Dr Ste 201
Westcoast School for Human Development
403 N Washington Blvd |
Q: How to do a very complicated integral involving trig functions? I am trying to do this complicated integral:
$$\int\limits_0^{2\pi}\frac{(t-c-\pi)(2 \cos(t-b) \sin(t-b) \cos(t-c) \sin(t-c)-2 \sin(t-b) \sin(t-c)+2 \cos(t-b)^2 \cos(t-c)^2-(\cos(t-c)+\cos(t-b))^2+2)}{(\cos(t-c)-\cos(t-b))^3 \sin(t-c)} dt$$
What makes it complicated is some of the values are shifted by $b$ and some by $c$.
Any ideas how to proceed from here? Do you think it is possible to solve this to get an answer in terms of $b$ and $c$ ? What method should I use? Or at least turn it into a nicer looking integral!
Ronald Reagan did not blink at fighting communism in Grenada and in Central America. But funding of anti-Communist rebels in Nicaragua would lead to the worst scandal of his administration. The secret and rogue operation, under the direction of the National Security Council's Oliver North, used the proceeds from weapon sales to Iran to fund the anti-communist Contras in Nicaragua -- despite a congressional ban on such funding.
The president's closest aides maintain that Reagan did not fully know, and only reluctantly came to accept, the circumstances in what became known as the Iran-Contra affair.
"First of all, you had the Iranian initiative, which (was) a means of trying to communicate with moderate leaders within the Iranian government, to try to get their help to locate in Lebanon some of our hostages taken by the Hezbollah. At the same time, we had the support in Central America of the freedom fighters who were seeking to restore democratic government in Nicaragua."
While Reagan publicly called the Iran-Contra affair "a mistake," it is unclear if he understood the depth of the problem.
"I know that (Reagan) could see, when he talked about (Iran-Contra) publicly the American people didn't accept what he said. He always felt that, 'I'll try to do the right thing and even if it's controversial, I can explain it. And if it's the right thing the American people will wind up supporting it.' And here came this case, and he could see that people weren't buying it. And that hurt." |
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5 1 2 standard cone crusher . 2 ft cone crusher cs for sale used - YouTube. Overall Height of. Bowl Assembly. 2186mm. (7' 2-1/16"). HP Series Cone Crushers - Higher Profitability. ... 2016 2 ft cone crusher cs for sale used sale used cone crusher cs 2ft of dimensions . simons cone crusher liner for sale simons cone Process Crusher.
Jul 20, 2016 . 2 ft cone crusher cs for sale used sale used cone crusher cs 2ft england now we supply in excess of 130. 2ft China Crushers belgian-press.be. CS 2ft cone crusher for sale. sale cone crusher 2 ft cs in uk. used 2ft china crusher for sale jrndelhi. used cone rock crusher florida themetroparkhotel. |
Show me what I'm afraid to admit.
I'm lost, chasing what I can't have.
Guide me to a place where peace resides.
Everyone sees what they want.
When the world goes dark brighten my perspective.
Old ways and new fears got me second guessing.
Show me the lies we love.
False future fears are really nothing at all.
I won't be blinded by a nameless existence.
Show me the light in my heart, mind and soul.
Be that dream I can touch.
Sometimes I find myself in the littlest moments, saying or doing something, and I smile to myself thinking "This feels right, this is what I should be doing".
What's left to find when you've lost your way?
What's left to find when you've lost it all? |
This product is a unique and interesting eight light chandelier. It uses eight candle style lights, each with a maximum wattage of 60w, to light up a room and give it a spark of personality and serious character.
The design of this product is reminiscent of the medeival period, consisting of a simple ring from which the eight candles extend. The entire fixture is set in an old bronze finish and suspended from a ceiling mount by a series of chains. This light could aptly fit a wide variety of styles of decor, from informal to semiformal settings. It is sure to win you compliments from your guests! |
I finally got to dive into The Black Lily, and for what it's worth I'm a big fan of this particular author. The Vessel Trilogy is off the chain, anyway getting back to TBL. It's about vampires of course, and you know how I love my vamps.
The premise is there is a blood madness going around, and infecting vampires to go on killing sprees with humans. While I appreciate the quick and prompt explanation with the madness, we didn't get to see much of it happening. One particular scene did hash it out, but that was about it.
As for the "love" trope, we have Marius who is the prince and Arabelle. I was a little disappointed in the development of the relationship. It's fast. Like uber fast. One minute she was going to kill him, then the next time they were together, BAM instant attraction. The book could have been a little more than it was, and I feel like I was rushed through the whole thing, and didn't get to enjoy it. If you like fast paced PNR, you might give this a try. However, it just wasn't for me.
Thanks for review Anjee, I love vampires also! |
The prequel to the global phenomenon The Da Vinci Code.
Series: Robert Langdon
Hive Kobo Amazon Apple Books Blackwells
'Blockbuster perfection.' New York Times
'A heart-racing thriller.' San Francisco Chronicle
CERN Institute, Switzerland: a world-renowned scientist is found brutally murdered with a mysterious symbol seared onto his chest.
The Vatican, Rome: the College of Cardinals assembles to elect a new pope. Somewhere beneath them, an unstoppable bomb of terrifying power relentlessly counts down to oblivion.
A breath-taking race against time: Harvard professor Robert Langdon must decipher a labyrinthine trail of ancient symbols if he is to defeat those responsible - the Illuminati, a secret brotherhood presumed extinct for nearly four hundred years, reborn to continue their deadly vendetta against their most hated enemy: the Catholic Church.
Readers love Angels and Demons
***** 'An absolute thrilling ride from start to finish.'
***** 'If you like mystery, action and thrills; this is the book for you.'
***** 'Utterly gripping. I couldn't put it down!'
A no-holds-barred, pull-out-all-the-stops, breathless tangle of a thriller...A heck of a good read
A breathless, real-time adventure...Exciting, fast-paced, with an unusually high IQ
Intrigue and menace mingle in one of the finest mysteries I've ever read. An amazing tale with enigma piled on secrets stacked on riddles
Dan Brown has built a world that is rich in fascinating detail, and I could not get enough of it. Mr Brown, I am your fan
Inferno - Illustrated and Enhanced Edition
Dan Brown's Robert Langdon Series
The Lost Symbol
Inferno - Illustrated Edition
Dan Brown is the bestselling author of Digital Fortress, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol and most recently, Inferno. Three of his Robert Langdon novels have been adapted for the screen by Ron Howard, starring Tom Hanks. They have all been international blockbusters. His new Robert Langdon novel, Origin is out now. Dan Brown is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he has taught English and Creative Writing. He lives in New England.
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Journey back to where we first meet Robert Langdon, when he was woken up by a mysterious phonecall and thrust into a countdown to oblivion and faced with the re-emergence of an ancient secret society
Transworld unveils the cover for Dan Brown's Origin
5 things you need to know about Dan Brown's Origin
There is nothing we love more than getting stuck into a new adventure. Here's what we can tell you about Dan Brown's latest thriller, Origin... |
A pair of New York-based insurance companies recently reminded salons, day spas and tattoo parlors throughout the country to consider their insurance coverage.
The companies, which work with this industry, said these types of enterprises are wise to consider property, professional liability, general liability and umbrella liability, which will cover these businesses that offer services such as body and ear piercings, tattoo and permanent makeup applications, facials, massage, electrolysis, hair cutting and coloring, tanning, and manicures and pedicures.
According to the Baraboo News Republic, a news source based in Wisconsin, there are certain standards many tattoo shops have to abide by, which make it even more important that they are covered by an insurance policy.
Mark Detter, a tattoo parlor owner, told the news source he often works on clients who have had bad experience at other parlors, which in some cases exposed them to health hazards or injured clients. While insurance coverage is certainly not a means of protection for illegal operations, because tattooing does present certain unavoidable risks, operators should be sure their insurance coverage is up to date and meets their needs. |
My newest client offers an amazing + positive inspiration to us all to "Rock it Forward!" 100% of all profits from the sale of her bracelets and other goods goes directly to The Project Grace Foundation. The Project Grace Foundation supports innovative advancements in education, advocacy and independence for the neuro developmentally diverse population.
Be sure to visit The Project Grace Foundation website, and Like their Facebook page. |
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Symptoms of Tinnitus
Written by MIM101 on February 20, 2018 . Posted in Articles
The Typical Symptoms, Possible Causes, and Effective Management of Tinnitus
Although almost everyone reading this article will have experienced one of the most common symptoms of tinnitus on at least one occasion, in the vast majority of cases, it will have been an experience that was temporary and one which persisted, at most, for just two or perhaps three days. Most frequently described as a ringing sensation in the ears, it often affects people who happen to be in close proximity to some exceptionally loud noise, such as a gunshot. This can induce a kind of acoustic shock that presents as the characteristic ringing noise. The sound is purely subjective in nature and will not be heard by a doctor when examining the ears of an affected party.
In practice, the ringing sound is just one of the symptoms of tinnitus. Anyone who may have been exposed to some sudden loud noise and been affected by this phantom ringing will invariably have noticed that, in parallel, their hearing also became rather muffled. Fortunately, this too would have been a temporary impairment, and like the ringing, it would have gradually faded.
Experience has shown that this rather annoying ringing sensation in one's ears is almost always accompanied by some degree of hearing loss, even though it may not yet be sufficiently marked to be evident to the individual in question. It does suggest, however, that anyone who consistently displays the symptoms of tinnitus would probably be wise to make an appointment to see audiologist for a hearing test.
It may come as a surprise to learn that many of those affected are plagued by sounds other than ringing. Clicking, buzzing, whooshing, and whistling are a few of the more mundane alternative phantom noises that have been reported, while some subjects have even revealed that they hear music or voices. Whatever the noise, if it is persistent but not overly loud, it can still prove to be an annoying distraction on occasions and becomes more apparent during quiet periods. When they are both persistent and intense, however, the symptoms of tinnitus can be extremely debilitating, and can interfere with concentration and sleep patterns. In severe cases where the condition is not being managed, over time, these debilities can eventually result in severe depression.
Among the possible explanations that have been proposed for these phantom noises, and one that may best explain their association with deafness is that these sounds may arise as a result of damage to the sensitive hair cells that line the cochlea in the inner ear. Typical of noise-induced hearing loss, the damaged hair cells release certain reactive chemicals that are thought to provoke an anomalous response in the hearing centres of the brain, hence the inappropriate and wholly subjective ringing, buzzing, and whistling sounds that comprise the symptoms of tinnitus.
Whatever the source of these noises, their effects are, at best, a nuisance and at worst, can prevent those affected from enjoying a normal life. It must be said that, to date, researchers have failed to come up with a cure for this condition. Despite this, however, there are now a number of options that have proved to be highly successful in helping affected individuals to cope with these persistent phantom noises.
As stated earlier, the symptoms of tinnitus tend to become more noticeable when ambient noise levels are minimal. It therefore follows that the reverse is true and that other noises could provide the means with which to attenuate them. Interestingly, where there is overt loss of audition, the enriched sound environment provided by a hearing aid will often be enough to mask these internal noises. In a similar fashion, white noise has been applied in a variety of ways to provide subjects with a coping mechanism that has proved to be highly effective. Those who wear a hearing aid may be able to adapt it for this purpose or acquire a model with this facility built-in.
For those who may not possess or require an assisted hearing device, the white noise needed to alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus can be provided with the help of a smartphone and a downloadable app. Alternatively, various collections of suitable sounds are available on CD and can be played through a speaker system.
Among the nation's foremost experts in the field of audiology and assisted hearing, the healthcare professionals at your nearest Ear Institute clinic are eminently qualified to advise you on the most appropriate way to manage your phantom noises.
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If you are a small business owner or a freelancer, you probably process a lot of PDFs. Be it invoices, estimates or even contract documents, almost everything is sent in PDFs these days.
As the number of PDFs increase, managing them becomes a hassle. Here are some tips to help you supercharge your workflow.
OCR is a great technology that processes your scanned or downloaded PDFs and makes the text recognizable. This can be especially useful for indexing pages you scan with your scanner. FreeOCR is a free utility for Windows that does just that.
It is a lightweight application which goes though your PDFs, analyzes its content and turns the non selectable text in the image/PDF form to normal text you can work on.
Foxit Reader is a free PDF reader for Windows but it can do a lot more than read PDFs. Foxit's interface looks dangerously close to the Microsoft Office suite but if we look at the brighter side, Office users will feel right at home. You can create a document in MS Word/Excel just like you do now but instead of using MS's built-in exporting tool you could use Foxit's much improved option instead.
Important Note: Foxit Reader has been bundling adware (read annoying toolbars) on and off, with its product. So keep a close eye on the installation steps and make sure to select the custom installation mode instead of the default one.
If you have Foxit Reader installed, you should see the PDF options in your Office programs conveniently located in the ribbon menu. If you are looking for a more native approach to creating PDFs, Foxit is a must try. You can also use Foxit to annotate and highlight PDF files.
Google Drive gives you 15 GB of storage for free which you can expand by paying a yearly fee. 15 GB will be enough for most of us. Why would you even want to upload your PDFs to Google Drive, you ask? Well, the same reason why you back up stuff to cloud. Having a copy online always makes sense.
And with Drive, you can do a lot more than just backing up PDFs. Google Drive's folder management system means all your PDFs can be filed in a systematic manner which will reduce retrieval time later on. You could also quickly attach them to your email in Gmail when you need to email a PDF to someone. Gmail's excellent attachment feature ensures that a recipient never has to leave the browser if just wants to take a look at an attachment.
Google Drive supports OCR. Which means will save your OCR'd PDF files and let you search from it directly.
To enable this feature click the Settings icon from your Google Drive page, then go into Upload Settings and check the option that says Convert text from Uploaded PDF and image file. Now every PDF file you upload will be scanned and converted to searchable format.
Now that all your scanned PDFs are OCR'd and uploaded to one central location, it can be put to some good use. You can use Google Drive to not only search PDFs by the title but also by the text within them.
So if you don't remember the name of the PDF file you are looking for but you vaguely remember its content, Google Drive can surely help you out.
Alternative:Evernote provides similar (and enhanced) functionality but it is only available for Evernote Premium users. If you are one of them, I cannot recommend using Evernote for saving and indexing your PDFs highly enough. As Evernote is a desktop application, searching takes a lot less time and recent updates to Evernote search have made it really powerful. If you are willing to pay for a service to manage your PDF files, you should definitely look into Evernote. |
We welcome your interest in studying architecture, urban design, and computational design at the School of Architecture (SoA) at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte. We are devoted to engaging students in an energetic study of how architecture and design affects - and stimulates - our daily lives.
We welcome your interest in studying architecture, urban design, and computational design at the School of Architecture (SoA) at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte. We are devoted to engaging students in an energetic study of how architecture and design affects - and stimulates - our daily lives. The School of Architecture is recognized for the outstanding quality of our faculty and students, our commitment to outreach and community involvement, and the quality and extent of resources offered through our labs, studios, and classrooms – both at UNC Charlotte's main campus, and the Center City Building in Uptown Charlotte. |
Farrah Abraham: Flat Broke and Facing Multiple Lawsuits?!
By Author Tyler Johnson at Jan 09, 2019 • Category Farrah Abraham
Last year, fans rejoiced at the news that Farrah Abraham had entered the world of celebrity boxing.
Finally, some lucky soul would get to do what millions of Teen Mom OG fans wanted to do for years.
We're talking, of course, about punching Farrah's lights out.
Predictably, however, when the time came to step into the ring and put her money where her mouth is, Farrah backed out.
Now, the people who lost a whole lot of money on the fight are coming to Farrah to recoup their losses.
Farrah seemed serious about squaring off against fellow reality star Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander of Flavor of Love fame.
She posted seemingly non-stop training photos and gave the impression that this was no mere publicity stunt.
Unusual Attire
Of course, looking back, it's evident that many of her training pics and videos were more about Farrah flaunting her assets than preparing for an actual boxing match.
In any event, when the time came to step into the ring, Farrah backed out, citing a million bogus reasons that mostly had to do with the promoter failing to meet her many diva demands.
Always Unreliable
Farrah was a no-show in Atlantic City on November 10. She was replaced at the last minute by one of the stars of VH1's Mob Wives, but the event wasn't nearly as profitable as it was supposed to be.
Now, Farrah is being sued by promoter Damon Feldman in the amount of $12,000.
No Backing Out This Time
Farrah is scheduled to appear in court alongside Feldman on January 30.
Unfortunately for Feldman (and fans of bizarre courtroom drama everywhere), Farrah's subpoena has been marked as "undeliverable," as no one can track the former Teen Mom OG star down.,
Not in the Know
Hilariously, it seems Farrah may not even be aware of the lawsuit.
"False" News
"He did not sue me," Farrah responded when asked about Feldman's legal action. "This is false news."
There was a time, of course, when 12 grand would have been chump change to Farrah. That's no longer the case.
Lack of Representation
In fact, Farrah doesn't even have a lawyer on retainer these days (as most celebs do), because she never paid the guy.
Winning Streak
Just one week after she bailed on the boxing match, Farrah's attorney sued her for the amount of $2,577, alleging that she had failed to pay her most recent bill.
Beverly Hills Brawl
That fee stemmed from Farrah's alleged assault against an employee at the Beverly Hills Hotel, for which she very nearly went to prison.
Drama Everywhere
And that's not the only legal drama in Farrah's life lately.
The lawyer also helped Farrah to obtain a temporary restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Simon Saran.
Queen of the Courtroom
The attorney will reportedly attempt to recoup those lost fees in a separate lawsuit which has yet to be filed.
Keeping Mum
As usual, Farrah is refusing to talk about the uglier side of her business dealings.
But whether she likes it or not, this is all soon to play out in front of a judge.
Jenelle Evans Totally Denies David Eason Assault, Claims She Was Just Drunk and Fell in a …
Jessa Duggar: Pregnant with Baby #3!!!!! |
The very latest in literary news from Taiwan, Chile and Uzbekistan!
Stuck in a literary rut? Our editors-at-large are back with up-to-the-minute recommendations for new translations, current literary festivals and exhibitions, and even an award-winning film!
In this second month of 2019, I would like to highlight some recent and forthcoming translations of Chilean poetry, since there have been several superb late-2018 publications and some exciting works slated to appear in 2019. |
During meetings with fans, François Schuiten often draws a dedication in their album. This page shows a collection of dedication drawings by François Schuiten.
If you have a dedication by Schuiten in your album we are happy to receive a scan or image of the drawing. You can contact us via this form.
You can click on the thumbnails to see the full image. |
Lilypad 0.11.0 controller value "?"
I was playing fine with my Nintendo switch controller.
Until when I tried disc swapping in Monster Rancher 4 then the game freezes and crash.
When I rebooted the game, it couldn't read my Left switch controller.
It consider it as connected but the values are all "?" and not "0.0000".
My Right controller has no problem tho.
P.S. My computer sense all key in both Left&Right Controller.
P.S.S. Tried reconnecting multiple times.
Questionmark means device along with inputs is not available, anyway I pushed a new update that replaced the questionmark with "N/A", that should make it a bit easier to know what the status is. |
California News in Brief
By Mercury News | themerc@bayareanewsgroup.com |
Packaged diced onions
may pose health risk
State health officials Thursday warned consumers not to eat certain brands of diced yellow onions that could be contaminated with potentially deadly Listeria bacteria.
The onions are sold by an Oxnard distributor to stores and restaurants in six Western states.
Gills Onions was voluntarily recalling 45,500 pounds that were sold to restaurants and Trader Joe's stores in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.
The onions on sale at Trade Joe's are in 10-ounce, resealable plastic pouches and carry the Trader Joe's brand name. Officials said consumers should avoid packages with the lot code 2017-R22 1956D with a best-used-by date of June 16, 2007, on the back.
Restaurant and other food service operators should look for cartons containing four, five-pound bags of Gills Onions brand or Sysco Natural brand onions.
California public health officer Mark Horton said no illnesses had been reported.
Voluntary guidelines
issued to help clean air
Air managers in the San Joaquin Valley issued a list of voluntary guidelines Thursday aimed at cleaning up the valley's smog-laden air before 2023, the year the local air district will need to prove the polluted region meets federal air quality standards.
The unofficial measures issued Thursday – none of which are immediately enforceable – propose to explore new technology, green building tactics and incentives to replace polluting vehicles to curb ozone pollution before then.
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District will earmark about $40 million this year for incentives and will direct 20 district staffers to work part time on the fast-track proposal, officials said.
Last week state regulators approved a plan asking the federal government for an extra 11 years to bring the farming region in line with federal ozone laws, moving the cleanup deadline from 2012 until 2023 to avoid significant cuts in federal transportation funds.
Court: Man can't recoup
money in support case
A Torrance man cannot be reimbursed for thousands of dollars he was forced to pay to support a child he did not father, an appeals court ruled.
State laws do not allow Taron James to demand repayment of the money he supplied before a DNA test confirmed that the child of a former girlfriend was someone else's, the state 2nd District Court of Appeal said in a ruling published Tuesday.
James, 38, said he will appeal to the state Supreme Court.
James said he has been in "financial hell" since the case began.
James was with the Navy in the Persian Gulf in 1992 when his former girlfriend gave birth to a son and claimed he was the father.
The mother later sought child support and in 1996 Los Angeles County forced James to begin paying $121 a month to its child support unit.
A DNA test in 2001 proved that he was not the father and he was allowed to stop making payments.
From Mercury News wire services |
Tag: Kevin Pollak
$29.98 Blu-ray, $39.99 UHD BD;
Rated 'R' for bloody violence.
Voices of Justin Hartley, Anson Mount, Laura Bailey, Zach Callison, Brian T. Delaney, Brandon Micheal Hall, Edwin Hodge, Oliver Hudson, Gillian Jacobs, Yuri Lowenthal, Derek Phillips, Kevin Pollak, Anika Noni Rose, Reid Scott, Faran Tahir, Fred Tatasciore, Janet Varney.
While comic book superheroes have been likened to a modern form of mythology, stories about the characters tend to be constrained by a desire for them to inhabit a reality that for the most part mirrors our own.
This needs stems mostly from the nature of a recurring medium that allows the storytelling to remain topical to the times. Rather than exploring how the heroes could use their powers to impact problems on a global scale, most stories tend toward the heroes fighting evil counterparts of themselves, the supervillains, whose defeat allows humanity to continue along its own course while giving the heroes something to do.
Occasionally, though, the writers of these stories do explore how such characters could change the world if they were real, usually in the form of one-off adventures outside of ongoing continuity.
Marvel famously did this on a regular basis with the "What If…?" comics that were adapted into the Disney+ animated series. DC Comics did something similar with its "Elseworlds" branding, which had been preceded decades earlier by the "imaginary story" that put its characters in situations that didn't have to return to the status quo for the next month.
Along those lines, Injustice asks what if the superpowered heroes of DC Comics decided to impose their own sense of justice upon the world.
The animated movie is based on the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us and its comic book tie-ins, the plot serving essentially as an excuse for a versus game that allowed various DC heroes to fight each other "Mortal Kombat" style.
The hero at the center of the story of Injustice is Superman, who learns Lois is pregnant with his child. Before he can celebrate, however, the Joker unleashes a scheme that involves tricking Superman into killing Lois and setting of a nuclear bomb that destroys Metropolis.
Consumed by the grief of losing his true love, Superman (voiced by Justin Hartley) and declares his intentions to impose order on the world so that such acts of evil can never happen again. Giving into his anger, Superman begins a killing spree against the Justice League's enemies, anointing himself the world's judge, jury and executioner and setting him down the path of tyranny. His change in philosophy fractures this Justice League, with some joining him on his new mission, while others, led by Batman (Anson Mount) vow to stop him.
The ensuing conflict is brutal, as the film earns its 'R' rating with bloody fight sequences that yield a high body count of heroes that normally couldn't be killed off so casually.
Fans of the Injustice games and comics have voiced misgivings over the way the movie omitted many storylines and changed others while cramming as much as it could into a 78-minute running time. Those who are able to engage the film on its own merits, however, might find it to be an engaging superhero allegory that speaks to the heated political times in which we live.
The story plays into an underlying debate over security vs. freedom that has some obvious real-world parallels. At various points in the story, Superman decides to implement covert surveillance on all of humanity, while demanding an extreme version of gun control.
While the film isn't afraid to go dark, it's not without its lighter side and the occasional moment of levity. One highlight is the pairing of Harley Quinn (Gillian Jacobs) with Green Arrow (Reid Scott) in an oddly effecting partnership.
The Blu-ray includes one featurette, the half-hour "Adventures in Storytelling: Injustice — Crisis and Conflict," a roundtable discussion of some of the films' creators talking about the source material and the different themes explored by the story.
Also included is the two-part "Injustice for All" two-part episode of the "Justice League" animated series that originally aired in 2002.
Author John LatchemPosted on November 1, 2021 November 1, 2021 Categories ReviewsTags Anika Noni Rose, Animated Movies, Anson Mount, Brandon Micheal Hall, Brian T. Delaney, DC Comics, DC Universe, Derek Phillips, Edwin Hodge, Faran Tahir, Fred Tatasciore, Gillian Jacobs, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Janet Varney, Justin Hartley, Kevin Pollak, Laura Bailey, Oliver Hudson, Reid Scott, Superhero Movies, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Yuri Lowenthal, Zach CallisonLeave a comment on Injustice
Mixed Martial Arts Story 'Notorious Nick' Coming to Digital Rental Aug. 6, DVD and Digital Purchase Aug. 17
The underdog mixed martial arts story Notorious Nick will be available in select theaters and for digital rental Aug. 6, and on DVD and for digital purchase Aug. 17 from Lionsgate.
Cody Christian (TV's "All American" and "Teen Wolf") stars in the underdog tale based on a true story. In the film, even though he was born with a partial left arm, Nick Newell (Christian) dreams of being a fighter. After wrestling in high school, Nick becomes a fierce competitor when his best friend Abi introduces him to mixed martial arts. Suddenly, a tragedy provides Nick with an unexpected opportunity.
From a producer of Bloodsport, Kickboxer and Death Warrant, the film also stars Barry Livingston, Elisabeth Röhm (American Hustle) and Kevin Pollak (The Usual Suspects).
Author Stephanie PrangePosted on July 7, 2021 July 7, 2021 Categories Digital, Downloads, DVD/Blu-ray Disc, News, Product News, Theatrical, VODTags Barry Livingston, Cody Christian, Digital Purchase, Digital Rental, DVD, Elisabeth Röhm, EST, Kevin Pollak, Lionsgate, Mixed Martial Arts, VODLeave a comment on Mixed Martial Arts Story 'Notorious Nick' Coming to Digital Rental Aug. 6, DVD and Digital Purchase Aug. 17
Street Date 2/12/19;
Sony Pictures;
Box Office $2 million;
$30.99 DVD, $34.99 Blu-ray;
Rated 'R' for language including some sexual references.
Stars Hugh Jackman, Vera Farmiga, J.K. Simmons, Alfred Molina, Sara Paxton, Mamoudou Athie, Spencer Garrett, Ari Graynor, Kaitlyn Dever, Steve Zissis, Bill Burr, Mike Judge, Kevin Pollak, Tommy Dewey, Molly Ephraim, Josh Brener.
The bright future of a rising political star runs smack into the maxim that "a lot can happen in three weeks" in director Jason Reitman's exploration of the relationship between politics and media.
The Front Runner isn't much of a political movie, in that it doesn't overtly deviate into policy debates. Nor does it lay out any easy answers or preach to the audience what to think.
The docudrama relates the brief campaign of former Colorado senator Gary Hart (Hugh Jackman) for the presidential election of 1988, when he was considered the most likely nominee upon entering the race in April 1987.
Hart had come close to becoming the Democrats' presidential nominee in 1984 and was considered a favorite for securing the spot for 1988. However, dogged by rumors of womanizing, Hart challenged a Washington Post reporter to follow him around, claiming anyone who did so would be "very bored." Subsequently, a team from the Miami Herald decided to do just that after receiving an anonymous tip that Hart was having an affair was planning to host the girl in Washington, D.C.
When the Herald reported that Hart had been seen at his home with a potential campaign worker named Donna Rice (Sara Paxton), the story exploded, though Hart denied having any inappropriate relationship.
Hart bristled at the notion that the public and the media should have any interest in a politician's private life, but the exposure took a toll on his family, and within a week his political career was over (save for a brief return to the presidential race in December 1987, which the movie doesn't get into, and some appointments during the Obama administration).
Reitman, who co-wrote the screenplay with journalist Matt Bai and political operative Jay Carson, describes the event as a defining moment of tabloid journalism swerving into politics, fueled by the expansion of telecommunications technology and the rise of the 24-hour news cycle.
In the past, members of the media had made an almost tacit agreement to ignore the infidelities of the politicians they covered. But at some point, notions of character and morality began to intertwine with notions of policy and perceptions of leadership, shining an ever-wider spotlight on the personal lives of those seeking the public trust.
As relayed in the bonus materials, in Reitman's eyes, the Hart incident serves to presage a modern media environment in which every scrap of social media will be scoured, every statement dredged up and over-analyzed, and every stone unturned in an effort to extract a partisan toll.
In terms of framing the story, then, Reitman asks two competing questions: "what is important?" versus "what is entertaining?" Accordingly, he constructs almost every scene to give the audience more than one thing to focus on, putting it on the viewer to decide what is more important to the story, and how it reflects the overall message of the film.
But in leaving so much for the audience to decide, The Front Runner ends up as more of a conversation starter than a definitive statement on the issue.
Fortunately, the regular trappings of cinema on hand make for an otherwise entertaining movie. The performances are spot on, and Reitman does a nice job handling an all-star cast whose orbs of influence only occasionally intersect.
Likewise, Reitman deftly captures the feel of the 1980s with some subtle camerawork that reinforces the costumes and set design in evoking the mood of the period. In particular, Reitman notes, is his insistence on letting the rawness of the film as a medium speak for itself, and not to clean up the image using modern computer editing.
The Blu-ray includes an audio commentary with Reitman, producer Helen Estabrook, production designer Steve Saklad, costume designer Danny Glocker and cinematographer Eric Steelberg, in which they delve into all the techniques and artistic touches they layered into the film.
There's also a 15-minute featurette called "The Unmaking of a Candidate" that touches on the making of the film and the themes it's exploring.
There are also three deleted scenes, including a slightly alternate opening sequence, that run about four-and-a-half minutes.
Author John LatchemPosted on February 8, 2019 February 14, 2019 Categories ReviewsTags Alfred Molina, Ari Graynor, Bill Burr, Docudramas, Donna Rice, Gary Hart, Hugh Jackman, J.K. Simmons, Jason Reitman, Josh Brener, Kaitlyn Dever, Kevin Pollak, Mamoudou Athie, Mike Judge, Molly Ephraim, Political Movies, Sara Paxton, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Spencer Garrett, Steve Zissis, The Front Runner, Tommy Dewey, Vera FarmigaLeave a comment on The Front Runner |
Предлагаем вашему вниманию подборку английских "съедобных" идиом. Для наглядности приведены примеры использования.
After the sleep, I was again full of beans.
Mary is nuts about cats.
A piece of cake – что-то простое, элементарное; проще пареной репы.
I was afraid of the test, but it was a piece of cake.
We'll have to butter Dad up before we tell him the news about the broken car.
Bread and butter – средства к существованию.
Teaching is my bread and butter.
Elizabeth passed all of his exams. He is such an egg head!
Sometimes I like watching cheesy films because I don't need to think.
David is the boss of the whole sales and marketing department. He is a big cheese.
Bring home the bacon – зарабатывать на жизнь.
My husband has had to bring home the bacon alone ever since I broke my leg.
Cool as a cucumber – расслабленный, спокойный.
I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to USA.
Marta is such a couch potato. She just sits around all day watching television!
Cream of the crop – лучший в своем роде.
Yesterday John bought DVD with the cream of the crop of this season's movies.
Tom ran the race even though he was injured. He is a real tough cookie!
Helen is the captain of the netball team. She is the top banana!
Apple of one's eye – чей-то любимчик.
Baby Emily is the apple of her father's eye.
Nick is a real bad apple. He always causes trouble at work.
Sell like hot cakes – расходятся как горячие пирожки.
The new iPhone 6 Plus sells like hot cakes.
Timmy said that Bob's hat was silly. It's just sour grapes!
Mark bought a car that broke down straight away! Luckily she was protected by lemon law.
Make one's mouth water – слюнки текут.
The restaurant is supposed to be wonderful and every time that I see the menu it makes my mouth water.
sugar daddy – спонсор, богатый пожилой поклонник молодой женщины. |
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Mover font is free for personal use only. Thanks very much to Floral Studio. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on Fontjedi. |
Over at Logic Colony, Krishna talks about one secret to creating great stuff: creating a lot of stuff. Inspired by the parable of the clay pots he's set his sights on one post a day.
Clay, setting sights, targets; clay pigeons. Clay Pigeon is a quick, graphical summary of a posting schedule. How did he do? Pretty well.
How have I done? Interesting. How have you done?
The dates are optional. Specify either or both if you'd like to look at posts since, or up to, a certain date. Requested feeds are then polled daily to gather longer-term statistics. |
Home News Building CREE's wood & concrete urban architecture arrives in U.S.
CREE's wood & concrete urban architecture arrives in U.S.
Madison E. Rowe
There's an award-winning timber/concrete technology in Austria – that hopes to revolutionize the construction industry around the world.
CREE is the creator of a hybrid technology that enables architects to design stunning tall wood buildings up to 30 storeys high. They can be erected as quickly as a storey a day…
And the company has announced it has opened up operations in San Francisco.
Known as the LifeCycle Tower (LCT) system, CREE's innovation is a slab and post wood design method that requires up to 50% shorter construction time compared to reinforced concrete and steel construction. The LCT system also requires 39% fewer resources over the lifespan of a building and takes advantage of engineered timber products.
By combining wood and concrete together, the LCT system substantially reduces the amount of concrete used in the building, resulting in a lighter structure, with a smaller foundation and up to 90% lower CO2 emissions. Currently, the firm has two buildings established in Austria, with several North American proposals in the works.
This innovative tall wood design system will be on exhibit at GreebBuild 2012 in San Francisco, November 14-15.
"San Francisco is a great place for us," said Michael Zangerl, CEO of CREE Buildings. "Here we are surrounded by the cleantech and sustainable ecosystems, as well as some of the finest architecture firms in the country. Tall wood buildings are the future of sustainable urban development. We are excited to provide cities with this cutting edge design expertise and local timber industries with new markets for their products."
Related: China Unveils The Umut, A Wooden Electric Car
The CREE LifeCycle Tower is a building system which uses prefabricated components manufactured to an architect's exact specifications. The wall facades are made from glue-laminate posts, while the floor slabs are constructed from a hybrid of glue-laminate posts and concrete. While these components are manufactured off-site, the foundation of a building is laid and the structural elevator shaft core is erected. This core, made out of either steel and concrete or wood, stiffens the building and provides a frame from which the walls and floors can hang. The slabs and posts are assembled by interconnecting the preset pins and holes of the components. With this skeleton structure, architects can design a wide variety of layouts and exterior skins, to create dramatic and sustainable buildings.
"Often people think that a system's approach to building construction hinders architectural design, and leads to modular, boxy, uninspired buildings," said Nabih Tahan, Chief Sustainable Officer of CREE Buildings. "However, the CREE LCT system involves only the components of the building structure. This allows for outstanding architectural freedom on the look and feel of the building. Our LCT ONE and the IZM Montafon building look completely different, yet they are built from the same basic components."
CREE's first building is its global headquarters in Dornbirn, Austria called the LCT ONE. Built to a passive house standard, the eight-storey pilot project was erected in eight days after the foundation was finished.
The company's second building is the Illwerke Zentrum Montafon (IZM) Montafon building in Montafon, Austria. Currently under construction, this is CREE's first commissioned project and is set to be one of the largest tall wood commercial buildings in Europe.
Related: Save the Trees & Recycle Moving Boxes - Infographic
CREE says the LCT buildings are highly durable, fire and earthquake safe, and conform to local building codes. At the end of their lives, the building materials can be efficiently reused, recycled or converted into bioenergy.
Madison is a journalist/media consultant currently working in Toronto.
Unique Eco-Friendly Building Materials for Green Home Construction
Accoya Wood: A Great Sustainable Building Material
What You Can (and Shouldn't!) Burn in Your Fireplace
Talga to Make Conductive Concrete That Will Charge EVs as They Drive
3D Printed Houses to Spring Up in Eindhoven
10 Reasons Why Natural Stone is an Eco-Friendly Building Material
Tips on Salvaging Hardwood Floors
The Guide to Sourcing Eco-Friendly & Recycled Wood |
For Pam, fashion jewelry is a passion that is infectious for many reasons. Years ago a chance meeting over the internet with a man in china called Hunter was to be the turning point. Bonsny Jewelry is in the business of being unique.
China was a real eye opener for the owner of Bonsny Jewelry. Was it frightening? She had her daughter Becky as chaperone. Becky works on the coffee bar in the restaurant. Check out Pams website.
Looking for a personal gift for a female friend couldn't be easier. There must be 2000 choices of bracelets, necklaces and bangles not to mention purses and other interesting items. To make your choice easier just ask your friend her favorite animal. Having this information will help you choose a gift very quickly.
When you visit the garden centre be sure to peep in Pams shop and explore all those unique pieces of jewelry. |
Palace Treat For Foundation Kids
Saturday 21 Jan 2017 01:21PM
Pic by John Patrick Fletcher
A group of budding young snooker fans invited by the Paul Hunter Foundation enjoyed a special treat today before the Dafabet Masters semi-finals got underway.
Paul Hunter's father Alan led the group centre stage and he received the iconic trophy from snooker legend Steve Davis. The trophy has been named the Paul Hunter Trophy for the first time this year in memory of the three-time Masters champion who died in 2006.
The Paul Hunter Foundation celebrated ten years of delivering snooker across the UK in October 2016. The Foundation has had donated and raised over £550,000 in its lifetime.
The money has been used to achieve the foundation's objectives set out by the Charities commission.
• PHF has delivered 580 live road shows to over 10,000 children
• PHF has operated in over 160 different communities in the UK
• PHF has targeted deprived areas giving away 2750 cased cues.
• PHF has worked in all communities reducing anti–social behaviour.
Police forces have quoted a 63% reduction of first time entrants into the
Criminal justice, saving huge amounts of tax payers money (source: Accrington)
• PHF has relocated and installed 12 full size snooker tables into the
community or schools and repaired over 100 tables.
• PHF has supported budding young snooker players in Germany and Poland, and is actively helping introduce teaching into the school curriculum in Poland.
• PHF has introduced many disabled players to snooker and actively supported their national competitions.
The Foundation would like to thank everyone (far too many to mention) involved over the past ten years for the support, enthusiasm and dedication in undertaking Paul's wishes that his charity would make a difference to their lives by getting able bodied, disadvantaged and disabled youngsters off the streets of the UK to play snooker. The renaming of the Masters Trophy will ensure that Paul's legacy and achievements both as a player and through the Foundation will live on.
Here is a poem written by Kevin Flaherty who is the grandfather of two of the children who attend the PHF sessions in Menstone, Ilkley in West Yorkshire
Three times the supreme master of his game
Forever now, that trophy bears his name
A shining star, bestowed with fragile frame
Dimmed to a flicker, then extinguished flame.
The grass roots of his legacy
Nurtured by our pool of tears
The seeds of growth, his prodigy
Foundation for the future years.
Investing his ambition in the young
His trust became the vision that he'd seen
His values and his image living on
Reflecting all he was – and could have been.
The baton passed on to this generation
Inspired, fired, by his firm Foundation
Triumph snatched and borne out of disaster
A phoenix risen from the ashes of the Master
Paul Hunter Classic Draw And Format
Paul Hunter Foundation Golf Day |
The West End Branch Library, 151 Cambridge St., will host Dr. Can-Do Science at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, March 11.
Children will join Dr. Can-Do Science to discover the quality of how water molecules stick together, by experimenting with eyedroppers, paintbrushes and food coloring.
Admission is free. Call 617-523-3957 for more details.
King's Chapel, corner of School and Tremont streets, will present Jamie Monck in concert at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12.
Guitarist Monck will play selections by Bach, de Fossa and Piazzolla.
The Boston Athenaeum, 10½ Beacon St., will host an up close tour "Artists as Inventors, Inventors as Artists" at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 13.
Samuel Morse, the artist who painted the Athenaeum's portrait of James Monroe, invented the electric telegraph. George M. Dexter, one of the architects of the Athenaeum's home on Beacon Street, invented a new way to heat buildings. Docent Scott Guthery will explore the interaction of art and science as illustrated in patents granted to Athenaeum artists and members during this 30-minute tour.
Reservations are recommended, as space is limited, at www.bostonathenaeum.org or by calling 617-227-0270.
The Nichols House Museum, 55 Mount Vernon St., will present "A Night at the Opera" from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 14.
This rare opportunity offers attendees the chance to not only experience the museum's beautiful turn-of-the-century parlor at night but also to enjoy an operatic performance set to the dramatic backdrop of Flemish tapestries and Japanese urns. The evening's performance will celebrate Metropolitan Opera singer Louise Homer (1871-1947), a gifted and popular opera singer who in 1902 performed in the very same room.
Operatic singer Jacqueline Novikov will perform five arias from Homer's repertoire. A champagne reception will follow the performance.
Tickets are $40 for members and $45 for non-members, and are available by calling 617-227-6993 or online at www.nicholshousemuseum.org.
Vilna Shul and the Museum of African American History will host "Behind the Scenes of Modern Love: The Podcast" at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 15 at the Museum, 46 Joy St.
Younger members of the community are invited to a lay-lead Kabbalat Shabbat services and dinner. Jessica Alpert, managing producer of podcasts at WBUR, including "Modern Love," "Kind World" and "Last Seen," will be the guest speaker.
The West End Branch Library, 151 Cambridge St, will offer story time with the Boston Ballet from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March 18.
Call 617-523-3957 for further details.
The Freedom Trail Foundation is offering new 90-minute walking tours celebrating four centuries of women who changed history at 12:45 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, now through March 31. The tours will leave from the visitor information center on Boston Common, 139 Tremont St.
Led by 18th century costumed guides, the tours will feature tales of the early religious rebellions of Anne Hutchinson, patriotic actions of Abigail Adams and Mercy Otis Warren, the abolitionist movements of Harriet Beecher Stowe and Harriet Tubman, writings of Phillis Wheatley and Louisa May Alcott and speeches of birth control advocate Margaret Sanger and suffragette Susan B. Anthony, with visits to places where they lived, where their works were published and where they were laid to rest.
Further information can be found at www.thefreedomtrail.org or by calling 617-357-8300. |
Published on March 19, 2015, by JazzWeek in Latest Jazz Chart.
At number No. 1 this week on the JazzWeek Jazz Chart is Jacky Terrasson Take This! (impulse!) Most added (+23) is Marcus Miller Afrodeezia (Blue Note). Highest debut is Kevin Eubanks & Stanley Jordan Duets (Mack Avenue). Biggest spincrease (+123 spins) is Steve Turre Spiritman (Smoke Sessions). Most reported (60 stations) is Eddie Henderson Collective Portrait (Smoke Sessions).
Comments Off on March 23: Terrasson is No. 1. |
I had just gotten out of the shower and had started to get ready for a day of classes. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, about a week into my sophomore year of college at SNHU. In a week or two I was planning to join the college radio station. I had just started working my work study job for the second year in a row. Just one week in and it felt like I never left college.
At home, I would watch the morning news while getting ready. However, we didn't have a TV yet, as that was coming up that weekend when my roommate's dad visits. So my routine was still out of sync with my new reality of college.
As I was getting dressed, I happened to hear the soft ding of my computer receiving an instant message. I look over and it was from my friend Rico. I remember asking myself why he was sending me an IM this early…quite unlike him.
Then my heart stopped. It was about 9:05 am.
I had to read his IM again. Then three more times, each slower then the last. My mind was switching into overtime, as I typed as fast as I could. A second plane just hit the World Trade Center? SECOND PLANE? There was a first?
I quickly fired up my web browser and tried to hit any news site I could think of. CNN, MSNBC, FOX, BBC…all of them were taking minutes to load or were timing out. Instantly these web sites must had gotten 100-200 million hits in seconds, vaporizing them into dust.
I quickly told him I would be back and ran to the lounge on my dorm floor. Flipped on the TV and saw the burning towers. Stunned silence on my part.
A friend on my floor was walking by and asked what I was watching. I couldn't speak and just motioned him over. He watched for a few seconds and let out a couple f-bombs in disbelief. He then ran out to find out who was around.
Within minutes we had a group of college students in the room.
I watched for a few moments, stunned at what I saw. I knew instantly that it had to be terrorism. One tower would be an accident. Two intentional.
I walked out of the room, somehow finished getting ready, and ran to the cafeteria. On the way there, I called my mom, as millions in the country were probably doing at that moment. She had heard the news too. I filled her in what I knew and she likewise, then we decided to call later.
I entered the cafeteria and was greeted with a group of 30 or 40 people just standing, watching the TV which had been switched from the Campus TV channel to CNN. I somehow managed to buy food, but I could barely eat it while I watched the TV, numb.
The rest of the day was a blur. I had a professor who had the nerve of having a class, despite what was going on. Of course it was a lab class, so no one did work…all we did was hit refresh on whatever news site had an ounce of bandwidth available for a text version of their headlines.
Five years later, I cannot think about how amazing the period right after 9/11 was. The heroics of those people directly involved that day. The thousands of American flags I saw while driving around.
I salute those we lost that day and those who risked their lives to save others. No one will ever be forgotten. |
Tonight's one-off reading event of Men in White at The Neighborhood Playhouse Theatre by the ReGroup Theatre provides a 21st-century audience a solid and respectful and enthusiastic partially-staged reading that illustrates that issues of class and need and social welfare still burn bright in the United States of America. Calls for socialized medicine first articulated almost 80 years ago brought sardonic laughter — we have so far to go to achieve medical resources that are, in the words of one character, "subsidized by the community." It is true that we no longer live in a society where a woman's right to an abortion is restricted by law nor is it this restriction part of a doctor's oath intoned in a heart-stopping sequence here as physicians prepare for an emergency hysterectomy: "nor shall I give to a woman an abortive remedy". But the right is in jeopardy in many jurisdictions. We today can smile at dialog which indicates the limits of medicine in 1933 (no heart transplants, septic shock etc.) yet one of the points of this universal story is that what isn't known today will be known tomorrow, as medicine evolves, and knowledge is cumulative.
Dr. Leo Hochberg (Ronald Rand) has the research lab and the experience that all the medical interns (all male in this 1933 piece) respect; Dr. Levine (Logan James Hall) returns to the old training ground and we learn that he gave up his family money for love when he married a gentile girl some years before; Dr. Greg Ferguson (Pete McElligot) is our hero, our current intern who has to choose between the love of a fun-loving rich girl Laura Hudson (Emily Ciotti), his time-consuming career dream working in Dr. Hochberg's lab, and the student nurse Barbara Dennin (Dana Panepinto) with whom he dallies at the end of Act I. Along the path of these soap opera plot points we have class conflicts, politics, religion, and the role of socialized medicine. Our hero Greg Ferguson also repeats his own father's dying words to him: "Above all else is humanity." And a sizable cast of nurses, doctors, trustees, and patients fills out the stage and the stories.
This is not a drama with a light touch, but it is worth hearing and reading and knowing, and it holds in it the voice of America. Nicely done, ReGroup Theatre Company. Nicely done. |
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I have been shopping at Comic Book World since 1984. There is no other shop for comics, collectibles, and games for my money. Paul and his crew have always been there with a helpful recommendation, and do their best to obtain the top product in the area.
Best place to get your books . Love the mom and pop feel this place has.
It's almost impossible for me to drive to Cincinnati without visiting Comic Book World. They're also my first stop at any comic book convention I visit. Great selection, great service.
Bring me more Pop Rocks and Dr. Pepper. Prepare to bathe my monkeys.
Best comic shop around. Bought my first comic here Spawn #1 in 1992 and my Walking Dead #1 2003. Great on current and past releases on just about anything but best of all it's the great family atmosphere okay great family-owned shop. Will always be a returned customer. |
Rio Highlights: U.S. Megastars Shine Bright — Phelps, Ledecky, Biles
Greg Myre
At 31, Michael Phelps became the oldest swimmer to win an individual event. Katie Ledecky won her second race in Rio. And Simone Biles led the U.S. gymnastics team to a win of historic proportions.
Michael Phelps Wins 25th Olympic Medal; He And Katie Ledecky Add To Gold Totals
Katie Ledecky won a gold medal in the women's 200-meter freestyle at Rio's Summer Olympics on Tuesday, in a race that was close — but not as close as the one Michael Phelps swam.
The Olympic Storylines You Absolutely Need To Know
You can't follow everything in Rio, but you want to catch the highlights. Here's a guide to the American athletes and events likely to produce the most memorable performances. |
North Korea: Trump Putting Us on Terrorist Sponsor List Is "Impudent Provocation"
Trump returned North Korea to its old position on the list of state sponsors of terrorism on Monday. This would allow the U.S. to put further sanctions on the hermit nation.
"As long as the U.S. continues with its anti-[Democratic People's Republic of Korea] hostile policy, our deterrence will be further strengthened," said a North Korean official.
"The U.S. will be held entirely accountable for all the consequences to be entailed by its impudent provocation to the DPRK," he added.
North Korea had been removed from the aforementioned list in 2008 by George W. Bush, who did so in order to prevent North Korea from continuing its nuclear missile program.
These arguments were bolstered in recent years by the alleged hack of Sony Pictures in 2014 and the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, half brother to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in 2017 — the latter of which was called an "act of terrorism" by South Korea soon afterward.
This statement from North Korea is just another move in the ongoing war of words between Pyongyang and Washington over North Korea's continued insistence they continue their nuclear missile program, which has antagonized the U.S. and its allies through various missile tests and threats.
However, North Korea's antagonism has earned ire from even its closest ally, China, which has begun slowly turning its back on the communist nation. This includes China's leader, Xi Jinping, throwing some choice insults at North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. |
Touring Bangladesh will start their New Zealand tour with the warm-up match against New Zealand XI at the Bert Sutcliffe Oval, Lincoln. The visitors will indulge in 3 ODIs and 3 Tests starting from February 13 till March 20.
Test specialists Shadman Islam and Mominul Haque will team up with Shafiul Islam and Mohammad Mithun along with other players to form the BCB XI. Bangladesh hasn't played an ODI since mid-December and with the World Cup just a couple of months away, the tour comes as a perfect opportunity for Bangladesh to prepare themselves.
The Tiger's last ODI assignment was against Windies when they registered 2-1 series win in the home conditions. However, the conditions in New Zealand will be completely opposite of the one they are coming off. Also, the fact that Bangladesh has never won an international game against Kiwis in their home conditions makes it intriguing.
On the other side, the hosts are currently stuck in the T20I series against the Men in Blue – India. The three-match T20I series rests as 1-1 with the series decider scheduled to be played tomorrow at Seddon Park, Hamilton. Kiwis were outplayed in the ODI series by 1-4 but have looked convincingly better in the shortest format.
Stay connected for more BAN vs NZ-XI team news.
The probable BAN vs NZ-XI playing 11 is listed below.
The visitors are coming after a successful BPL 2019 instinct.
Tamim Iqbal, Mushfiqur Rahim, Sabbir Rahman were amongst the top run-getters for their sides.
Note: This BAN vs NZ-XI Dream11 Prediction is based on news sourced from various sources. We suggest you pick your playing 11 from the squad listed above basis BAN vs NZ-XI team news. Kindly revisit before the deadline to get the final update of the BAN vs NZ-XI Dream11 Prediction. Also, hit the bell icon on the bottom right side of your screen to get all the latest Dream11 Prediction updates. |
Star Race Cars is the OEM provider of parts for the Star Mazda / Pro Formula car. Our parts have 22 years of experience in their design and manufacturing. We not only provide the best fitting part, but also the lightest, and strongest for the Star Mazda / Pro Formula cars.
We also understand that quality is the most important part of the purchasing decision, but not the only one. We also offer the most "bang for the buck" in pricing. With our parts requiring no extra fitting time, and lasting longer, it's hard to beat us.
Paddle Shift System from Motec Coming for 2016 Season. Also, we have posted more car resources like the Oil Line Routing Diagrams.
Now back in stock are the Left Front Uprights and all electrical harnesses. |
The Masterplan of Geelong Lutheran College was designed to respond closely to enrolment growth and to the Colleges' individualised curriculum, which focused on the local coastal environment and on innovation in learning. Brand Architects have since implemented seven stages, including specialist facilities for science, art, materials technology and design as well as a new administration building, which have now seen the Colleges' enrolments grow to over 500. The final Masterplan will see the full College develop through to an overall enrolment of 1,350 students. At least five more stages of Masterplan implementation are scheduled to occur over the next 10 years.
The most recent stage is a new Middle School building that contains a number of flexible teaching rooms and specialist spaces. This building provides a new benchmark for facilities at the College and showcases their focus on collaborative learning.
As the site is on a heavy slope, the use of 3D modelling software has been particularly useful in allowing the community to envisage the design concepts from early in the process. |
Requesting READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in your manifest allows access to all public directories on external storage, which might be more access than what your app needs.
Using the Storage Access Framework usually makes your user pick directories via a system UI, which is unnecessary if your app always accesses the same external directory.
Android 7.0 provides a simplified API to access common external storage directories.
Use the StorageManager class to get the appropriate StorageVolume instance. Then, create an intent by calling the StorageVolume.createAccessIntent() method of that instance. Use this intent to access external storage directories. To get a list of all available volumes, including removable media volumes, use StorageManager.getStorageVolumes().
If you have information about a specific file, use StorageManager.getStorageVolume(File) to get the StorageVolume that contains the file. Call createAccessIntent() on this StorageVolume to access the external storage directory for the file.
On secondary volumes, such as external SD cards, pass in null when calling createAccessIntent() to request access to the entire volume, instead of a specific directory. createAccessIntent() returns null if you pass in null to the primary volume, or if you pass in an invalid directory name.
Figure 1. An application requesting access to the Pictures directory.
If the user grants access, the system calls your onActivityResult() override with a result code of RESULT_OK, and intent data that contains the URI. Use the provided URI to access directory information, similar to using URIs returned by the Storage Access Framework.
If the user doesn't grant access, the system calls your onActivityResult() override with a result code of RESULT_CANCELED, and null intent data.
Getting access to a specific external directory also gains access to subdirectories within that directory.
Where possible, persist the external directory access URI so you don't have to repeatedly ask the user for access. Once the user has granted access, call getContentResolver() and with the returned ContentResolver call takePersistableUriPermission() with the directory access URI. The system will persist the URI and subsequent access requests will return RESULT_OK and not show confirmation UI to the user.
Figure 1. An application making a second request for access to removable media.
If the user selects Don't ask again and denies the request, all future requests for the given directory from your app will be automatically denied, and no request UI will be presented to the user. |
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Montclair Soccer: MKA tops Newark Academy, reaches sectional final
Andrew Garda
Andrew Garda Published: November 8, 2018
MKA senior captain Seth Kaplan, center, helped the Cougars defeat Newark Academy Monday.
by Andrew Garda
The Montclair Kimberley Academy boys soccer team is headed to the NJSIAA North Jersey, Non-Public B finals, to be played Thursday afternoon at Passaic County Tech Institute.
MKA, which was the third seeded team, will then face fourth-seeded Gill St. Bernard in the game, which set to kick off at 5 p.m. It will be the third year in a row the Cougars have made it to the finals.
"It's a good achievement, obviously," said head coach Rob Leather. "But at the same time we lost both those games 1-0."
Before they could start thinking about Thursday, they had to overcome Newark Academy on the road on Monday.
"It was a very tight game. Conditions were tough, it was wet and windy," Leather said. "I think that affected both teams. We were a little passive in the first half, and conceded a goal from a set piece. It was a fairly even game, but I felt like we came out pretty slow."
Leather said, at halftime he and his coaching staff tried to fire up their team.
"I don't think we ever panicked in the game, and they actually told me to come down at halftime, which was funny. We encouraged them to be a little more confident, to play with more intensity, more desire," he said.
It worked, as the Cougars scored just 30 seconds into the second half.
"It changed the complexion. Our confidence levels went up and I think Newark Academy started to panic a little bit," Leather said. "And then we got two other goals from set pieces, which was nice. Newark Academy had a kid sent off with 15 to 20 minutes to go and that made it really difficult for them."
Looking ahead to the finals, Leather knows that if they are to change their fortunes and come away with their first win in three tries, they cannot come out slow again. To that end, he's going to lean on his leadership, which did well against Newark Academy.
"Will Horn did a great job, even as a sophomore," Leather said. "His leadership has been superb. And Seth [Kaplan] and Dylan [Ladda] definitely settle people's nerves. And I think the team has a lot of confidence, they don't panic if they go a goal down. I thought Andrew [Garofalo] was very composed in goal, which sets the tone for the rest of the team in front of him. So, the leadership has been excellent."
Filed Under: Andrew Garofalo, Dylan Ladda, MKA Cougars, Montclair Kimberley Academy, NJSIAA Non-Public B, Rob Leather, Seth Kaplan
Categories: Montclair Kimberley Academy, sports |
"I met the love of my life on a beach halfway around the world"
On this January 18, 2003, it was summer in Byron Bay, Australia. The sun is shining and Gianna Mazzeo, 27, enjoys its rays while cooling off in the Pacific Ocean. Coming out of the water, she notices a group of men playing soccer further up the beach. His eyes fall on one of the players. "I found him extremely beautiful," she recalls. The young woman, who resides in Melbourne, is on vacation in Byron Bay with two friends.
Sebastián Rodriguez: who is this former terrorist, legendary athlete of the Paralympic Games?
Great white shark turns poor surfer into his Christmas meal
The seaside town of New South Wales is a destination known for its surf breaks, orange sunsets, laid-back vibe, great food and lively beach bars. But right now, what interests our siren is this young man she has just noticed. She doesn't take her eyes off him. And he feels her gaze. "We exchanged a smile. And he came to talk to me," says Gianna. The handsome kid's name is Sebastian Guggenberger, he's 28, is German and came to Australia for a semester at the University of Sydney as part of his engineering studies.
On a hike, Sebastian asks eight-month-pregnant Gianna to marry him
"Talking with a girl on a beach was not my habit, but when she smiled at me, it was stronger than me, I had to talk to her," he says. It's love at first sight. The same evening, everyone meets at the beach bar. The following days, they walk the coastal paths and scour the bars with a view of the ocean in the evening. They don't want to leave each other anymore. Gianna quits her job and goes to live in Laberweinting, Germany with the one who capsized her heart. In 2005, Gianna got pregnant.
Eight months later, despite the proximity of childbirth, Sebastian takes his sweetheart for a hike in Tegensee, Bavaria, in southern Germany. "And when we got to the top, I asked her to marry me," said the young man. A year later, they celebrated their family wedding in the beautiful surroundings of Bali. The couple have since had two more children, and this summer the happy parents will take Alan, 15, Thomas, 12, and Ursulla, 10, to Byron Bay to celebrate their Crystal Wedding Anniversary as a family. Beware of your travels and your summer loves, they can transform your life!
Gianna Mazzeo and Sebastian Guggenberger © FACEBOOK GIANNA MAZZEO
News People / Testimonial / "I met the love of my life on a beach halfway around the world" |
Jamar Walker: Residents in shock after 15-year-old stabbed to death
Teenager from Handsworth died in Raglan Road, Smethwick
Jasbir Authi
Fatal stabbing in Raglan Road, Smethwick
Residents have spoken of their shock after a teenage boy who was stabbed to death in Smethwick was named as Jamar Walker .
Police are continuing to investigate after Jamar, aged 15, was discovered with knife wounds in Raglan Road, Smethwick at 2.20am on Sunday.
The teenager from Handsworth was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries and later died.
A post mortem revealed the fatal wound was a stab to his upper leg.
A 17-year-old youth was stabbed in his lower back and was treated at hospital before being released.
A cordon outside the Puffing Billy pub and a side car park was lifted at 11.10am on Monday but the nightspot remained shut.
Resident Majid Ali, 44, a taxi driver, said: "I came back from work at four or 5am on Saturday and I saw it all ribboned off.
"There were two police cars, later on I found that a 15-year-old had got stabbed. It doesn't make me feel safe."
Rolf Schwarz, 53, a web designer who lives nearby, said: "The area isn't so bad, you do not hear anything like that happening. I'm quite shocked. Sometimes, you hear kids walking around at night but not trouble."
Factory worker, Ansar Mahmood, 47, said: "The police told me that someone had died. It's bad. 15-years-old is so young. It's scary."
The scene is opposite Cape Hill Medical Centre and a short walk from Unett Street playing area. Det Insp Warren Hines, of West Midlands Police CID, said: "We are continuing to investigate what happened during the early hours of Sunday morning in Raglan Road.
"It is believed there was some sort of fracas in the street which led to one teenager tragically losing his life and another being injured.
"Enquiries are on-going, we are looking at CCTV and forensic investigations are taking place at the scene.
"I would urge anyone who was around the Raglan Road area at the time please get in touch. If you have any information about what took place please call me on 101".
Handsworth and Soho |
CareFair.com - It seems cosmetics companies are competing these days to see which big celeb they can snag to help promote their products. Japanese beauty company Cle de Peau Beaute recently signed Mama Mia star Amanda Seyfried to be its new celebrity spokesperson according to reports online. The actress, who named Maybelline Great Lash among her favorite makeup products in the past will now have new top picks.
Amanda Seyfried Cast as Sophie in Mamma Mia! Film?
Broadway World - The Internet Movie Database credits Mean Girls star Amanda Seyfried as having been cast as bride-to-be Sophie in the upcoming film version of Mamma Mia!.
Seyfried would be joining the previously announced Meryl Streep as Donna and Pierce Brosnan as Sam Carmichael.
Best known for playing the role of ditzy Karen Smith in Mean Girls, Seyfried's other film credits include Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, Alpha Dog, American Gun and Nine Lives. Her TV credits include "Veronica Mars," "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," and "Big Love," on which she plays Sarah Henrickson. |
I am sharing this post as part of a collaboration with Bloggin' Mamas and The Hometown All Stars. I received books and other items in exchange for my participation. All opinions expressed are my own.
I love that the Hometown All Stars book series is made to inspire kids to get outdoors and play more. Outdoor life is a part of our every day and I couldn't imagine my son actually wanting to sit indoors all day long. He loves sports and the outdoors. This is a great book series to teach kids more about the variety of sports and get them excited about outdoor play.
Of course, anything baseball related will be a favorite for my son. He loves everything about baseball. It is wonderful that they teach it to be fun while learning valuable techniques.
This is a great way to make batting more fun for kids so they can be confident enough to swing the bat. Some kids get so nervous when they get up to bat that it can be really tough for them. I love that they make this about them having their own 'magic' bat.
The Hometown All Stars is sponsoring a prize pack valued at $150, which includes a $50 Barnes & Noble gitfcard, a series of books, and other promotional items.
I would love to read Magic Bat Day with my grandson!
I don't have anything in mind at the moment due to Christmas and to-do lists. However, I would read anything Stephen King.
My grandkids would really enjoy this. |
Showing posts from August 24, 2016
HUD and HHS Jointly Release Youth Specific FAQs for Coordinated Entry
Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . HUD and HHS Jointly Release Youth Specific FAQs for Coordinated Entry The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announce the publication of jointly developed answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the development and implementation of coordinated entry processes specific to working with runaway and homeless youth populations. At HUD's direction, Continuums of Care (CoCs) across the country have been implementing coordinated entry processes designed to prioritize individuals,
SAMHSA News: Healing in Hawaii — The Role of Culture in Addiction Recovery
August 24, 2016 Subscribe A quarterly roundup of articles from SAMHSA's continuously updated newsletter. Healing in Hawaii — The Role of Culture in Addiction Recovery Learn how funding from SAMHSA's Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant program supports Native Hawaiians and others with addiction recovery strategies that integrate cultural practices. Promoting New Trauma-Informed Programs in Hawaiian Schools Transformational efforts are underway in Hawaii to establish an integrated and coordinated trauma-informed program in schools that promotes safety, wellness, and resilience for children. Rob and Nick Reiner Honored With Others at Voice A
Starting Tomorrow: SAMHSA National Advisory Council Meetings
CMHS National Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern Time Discussions will include the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) Director's report; a budget update; discussion on Improving Inpatient Care and Family Caregiver Challenges and Solutions. See Agenda and call-in information for CMHS National Advisory Council Meeting » Register Online CSAT National Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Eastern Time Discussions of SAMHSA's role regarding treatment quality issues, reimbursement strategies for peer services, and a budget update. See Agenda and call-in information for CSAT National Advisory Council Meeting » Register Online Tribal Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Eastern Time Discussions will include updates on the Tribal Technical Advisory Com |
Everyone drops the hoop! It's part of learning, the creative process and an inevitable problem you will face when performing, whether it's on a stage or just trying to show off some moves to friends after a few drinks!! This workshop will teach you how to pick up the hoop in ways that'll make it seem like you dropped it on purpose. Easy starts, kick ups, springs, spins, wedgies and even a few more acrobatic variations! Turn your 'fails' into your best tricks!
This one hoop workshop will cover loads of ways of ducking in and out of the hoop! From the waist, from the elbows, from the hands, vertical and horizontal variations ?
We will learn lots of easy but visually effective folding techniques that add a different dimension to your twin hooping. There's some trickier variations for those that need them too. We'll also be covering different ways to fold the hoop into the 'ocho' 8 position and also how to step through the two hoops in all sorts of fun ways.
Workshop specifically about finding your PERSONAL tricks/combos/flow with 2 hoops. |
Otis R. Taylor Jr. Oct. 25, 2017 Updated: Oct. 25, 2017 6 a.m.
The security gate into the intake and release area at the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, California, on Thurs. Aug. 4, 2016. Alameda County is considering severing ties with their private health services contractor Corizon Health Inc.
Seventy inmates at the county jail in Oakland refused to eat last week.
They went on a hunger strike to demand improvements to their living conditions. Their top demand: Ending 23-hour solitary confinement at the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility.
Inmates in Alameda County get isolated for violating jail rules, but single-cell confinement is also used to protect inmates who might be targeted by other inmates — and for inmates who are a threat to themselves.
The county jailers prefer "administrative segregation" to solitary confinement, a term that invokes images of dark, windowless and soundproof concrete cells, with a squat toilet that's nothing more than a crude hole cut into the floor. That's not what isolation is like at Glenn Dyer.
Sgt. Ray Kelly of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office told me the segregation units have windows, and inmates can talk and play cards and dominoes with each other through their cell doors. They also pass notes and food, Kelly said.
Still, the inmates are locked in their individual cells for 23 hours a day because each inmate gets an hour outside their cell. Because inmates can't be disturbed by law from 10 p.m.-5 a.m., there are only 17 hours a day to rotate inmates in and out of their cells.
The Glenn Dyer inmates want more time outside — and an end to indefinite isolation.
A lot of inmates are cloistered this way because they pose a violent risk to staff, according to Kelly. The rationale is that if the inmates were placed into the general population, assaults would go up.
The most dangerous and the most high-profile inmates — think celebrities, former cops and child molesters and rapists — are isolated.
"By our policy and for officer safety and inmate safety, they can't have physical contact," Kelly said.
Inmates at the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, which has more than 2,000 inmates, had planned to join the protest over the weekend. And that's why county jail officials stepped in. Protocol requires daily monitoring of inmates who refuse to eat, no matter how many.
"It was going to be taxing on us, because we would've had to individually monitor each striking person," Kelly said.
According to Kelly, officials negotiated with the strike leader, an isolated inmate at Glenn Dyer.
The inmates agreed to suspend the strike Friday night in exchange for the jail officials agreeing to review the policies.
Some of the 70 inmates who claimed to be on hunger strike did refuse jail food, but they still ate snacks purchased at the jail's commissary, Kelly told me. He said that the sheriff's office would look at policies to see if adjustments can be made to improve quality-of-life issues.
But the inmates shouldn't expect much to change.
"I don't think you're going to see a lot of concessions by our jail, because I think our jail does what it's supposed to do, and it does it right," he said.
I know what you're probably thinking: Why should you care about how jail inmates are treated? Some human rights organizations have argued that solitary confinement is torture because it deprives inmates of physical contact. And the psychological damage not only affects inmates, it also touches their families whose contact is significantly limited when their loved ones are in solitary cells.
Marlene Sanchez, associate director of Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, an organization that advocates for young people affected by the criminal justice system, said solitary confinement is abusive and dehumanizing, and that prisoners still deserve to be treated with dignity. |
A füvön élő zsákosmoly (Coleophora ornatipennella) a valódi lepkék (Glossata) alrendjébe tartozó zsákhordó molyfélék (Coleophoridae) családjába tartozó 182, hazánkban is honos faj egyike.
Elterjedése, élőhelye
Európában és Kis-Ázsiában honos faj, hazánkban mindenfelé megtalálható.
Szárnyait sárga alapon sötétszürke harántcsíkok élénkítik. A szárny fesztávolsága 18–24 mm.
Életciklusa valószínűleg kétéves. A lepkék nappal repülnek, hosszú időn át (májustól augusztusig), és különféle lágyszárúakon táplálkoznak. A polifág hernyók a gyepszintben élnek, fiatal korukban árvacsalánféléken (Labiatae), majd idősebb korukban pázsitfűfélékre (Gramineae) térnek át.
Külső hivatkozások
Zsákhordó molyfélék
Magyarország lepkéi |
Which Mattress Foundation Is Best For Me?
You have many different choices when buying any type of mattress foundation or bed frame for your new bed, no matter what mattress type it is. Lots of options make it even more important to go into the shopping process with at least a small game plan. At Mount Pleasant Mattresses, we like to consider four factors when choosing which bed frame is best for you, and for other people living in the Charleston area or anywhere else in the United States.
How much does the bed foundation cost? What is your budget? You can pay $5,000+ for top adjustable bases, or under $200 for many box springs.
How do you want your new bed frame to function? Do you want to be able to kick your feet up at night, or is a flat frame okay for your needs?
If you'll only be sleeping in the bed for a year or two, a long-lasting and durable mattress foundation may not be completely necessary!
Are aesthetics important to you? If you care about how a bed base looks, you will have different purchasing options than if you do not.
An Urban Woods platform bed, made from sustainably sourced materials.
A solid, low-profile mattress foundation that's beautiful by modern design standards, the platform bed supports any type of mattress without the need for a box spring or metal rail system.
Though platform-style bed frames are mostly popular because of their looks, their features are equally beneficial to sleepers looking for the best mattress foundation for their bedroom.
Platform beds are highly ventilated because they're only one flat piece of solid wood. Increased ventilation helps keep your mattress cooler at night, which is important when choosing a foundation if you "sleep hot" at night.
Functionality is also a major factor for a platform bed buyer because many models come with built in drawers and accessories that will help save space in your bedroom.
Unlike cheaper foundation systems (like metal rails with a box spring) and even equally-priced adjustable bases, quality platform beds are generally made by hand using hard woods so they can be more difficult to find and purchase. Shipping lead times also tend to be longer than more accessible foundations.
By their very design, the platform bed can only lay in one position-- flat. If you want a premium foundation that can move around and elevate your head and feet, then we suggest buying an adjustable bed base.
Unlike cheaper foundation systems (like metal rails with a box spring), platform beds are more expensive than other mattress foundation alternatives, making them a premium choice.
Who makes the best platform beds? Top manufacturers include Astoria, Urban Woods, All Modern, and Zipcode Design. Astoria is known for elegant, solid wood options while Urban Woods out of California creates sleek platform beds from sustainably-sourced wood.
Additionally, designer Wade Logan creates upholstered platform beds that have a much different look than those made by Urban Woods, Astoria, or All Modern.
The most functional mattress foundation on the market today, adjustable bases are the luxurious choice for sleepers looking to take their bedroom to the next level. The most popular feature of adjustable beds (and where they get their name) is the ability to change your sleep position with the touch of a button. Elevating your head, feet, or both to watch television or relieve pain is simple!
Some adjustable bases can rise up to wake you up in the morning, and though this is a small benefit to buying an adjustable bed frame, it's a sign of what other features the functional bedroom furniture has in store for new sleepers.
How do adjustable bases match the nightly needs of any type of sleeper?
Raise your whole torso and upper-body up to read or watch TV in bed.
Tilt your head up while sleeping to help with snoring problems using anti-snore features.
Elevate your feet to relax after a tough day's work, or rigorous exercise.
Massage your body-- because why not? Everyone loves a great massage, especially when it's free!
Big furniture items with lots of parts (like adjustables) can be difficult to move and assemble. If "easy setup" is important to you and you want an adjustable bed, then you should consider a "white glove" delivery service. Many companies will set the bed up for you if you select this option.
Like any type of electronics, there's always a risk your adjustable base will malfunction due to old-age or electrical factors that fall your direct control. Simple foundations like platform beds are less likely to 'break' than beds with moving parts.
In recent years, adjustable bed frames have considerably decreased in price and as a result, have become more affordable for many shoppers.
They're still more costly than something like a box spring and metal rail combination, but if you're willing to sacrifice 'luxurious' features like massage and 'zero-gravity', there are many affordable adjustable bases on the market nowadays in comparison to 10-15 years ago!
For premium models, adjustable frames are priced in a similar range to platform bed setups.
The top two adjustable bed manufacturing companies in the United States are Reverie and Leggett & Platt.
Many mattress manufacturers (like Casper, Ghost Beds, and other bed-in-a-box sellers) offer "white label" bases that are manufactured and assembled outside of America and have almost identical features when compared to each other.
If you want a name-brand with a reliable warranty attached, we suggest you go with either Leggett & Platt or Reverie.
Combining the affordability of a box spring set with many features of a platform bed, "ready to assemble" wood slat bed frames are the best bang for your buck if you want a great mattress foundation that will improve your sleep without the high price tag.
"Assembly required" isn't the most exciting phrase to hear, but when it comes to getting a good bed foundation at an reasonable price-point, you'll be happy you took an hour to assemble your wood foundation.
Wood slat foundations are the best value in the mattress foundation category of bedding products. Ventilation is fantastic, much like the breathability of platform beds. If the foundation is made with high-quality wood, it will be extremely durable and will last you much longer than any metal rail and box spring on the market.
If you don't want to spend an hour or so putting together your new bed foundation, then you should stay away from a wood slat foundation. The assembly generally isn't too difficult, but "assembly required" is considered a strong downside for many shoppers.
Wood slat foundations are less expensive than adjustable power bases and platform beds, but more costly than boxspring and metal rail systems.
There are a handful of wood foundations available for sale on Amazon and Wayfair marketplaces. On Amazon, Zinus Sleep is a highly rated company for wood mattress foundations.
If you're looking to buy directly from a mattress store in Mount Pleasant, then you should consider Sleeping Organic's wood foundation because it is made in Charleston South Carolina with sustainably-sourced white pine wood.
A metal rail bed frame by Signature Sleep.
Metal rail frames are a no-frills, cheap mattress foundation that many big-box mattress stores include for free, or for very cheap, with the purchase of a new mattress. They're typically used in combination with a box spring, though with some models it is possible to use them alone.
If you're on a tight budget, a metal rail foundation system is a cheap way to raise your mattress off the ground without draining your bank account. Because this foundation type is not expensive, they're easy to find and purchase in most mattress stores and showrooms around Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and the rest of the United States.
These frames generally come in no more than 10 separate metal pieces, so assembly is quicker than putting together any adjustable bases or platform beds (though some assembly still is required before it's ready so sleep on).
When you're buying a cheap piece of furniture, you know it's not going to be the highest quality. The same is true with metal bed frames. They're meant to have a short lifespan, much like the mattresses they are sold with.
Metal mattress frames are not durable. You can expect your frame to last a maximum of 8 years, with many lasting closer to 5 years if they are moved often.
If you're buying a metal bed foundation locally, make sure you read the weight limits included with the product's manual. These items are cheaply made, so if you and your partner are over the limit, you may be in for a wild ride when you first jump on the bed.
Bed frames made with metal rails are amongst the cheapest mattress foundations on the market today. If you're buying an affordable mattress from a big box store like Mattress Firm, you may even be able to get one of these foundations included with your mattress completely free.
At this time, we do not recommend a metal bed frame and box spring combination because it does not provide enough ventilation to keep your mattress cool at night. For this reason, we have not researched which metal rail manufacturer is the "best," but if you must purchase this type of foundation, then Signature Sleep has high rating on Amazon.
A basic box spring made by Zinus Sleep.
Box springs can be used in combination with a metal rail system to add slight ventilation and raise your bed off the ground, or used by themselves. They're extremely cheap and note recommended if you're investing in a high-quality memory foam, latex, or memory foam & latex hybrid mattress.
Boxsprings are abundant on the market because many sleepers think they're a requirement when purchasing a new mattress. For this reason, they're extremely easy to find locally and from online marketplaces like Amazon and Wayfair.
One of the only benefits of choosing a box spring and metal rail instead of a box spring alternative is cost. It's going to be the cheapest option for bed frames out there today, and will be into the future.
Why should you choose something other than a box spring to put your mattress on at night?
Box springs are made from toxic fabrics and materials that will seep into your bedding and affect the air quality of your bedroom as you sleep and spend time in bed.
Box springs are not breathable, so if you currently sleep on one and you "sleep hot" at night, then the box spring may be to blame! Because of this lack of ventilation, the box spring is famous for trapping in moisture and thus, causing mold and mildew buildup in hard-to-see areas near your bed.
Box springs are incredibly cheap products because they're manufactured in bulk with fabrics and materials that are not eco-friendly.
If you're buying a cheap mattress from a store like Costco, Sears, or Mattress Firm, then you may be able to get a box spring (as well as a metal rail system) included for free with your mattress. This combination will be 'good enough' if you're buying a cheap mattress you only need for a few years, but if you're investing in a long-term bed, then you should stay away from this option.
Mount Pleasant Mattresses & Foundations does not recommend sleeping on a box spring setup, even if it's used with a metal rail system.
These combinations do not provide adequate ventilation and as a result, can cause mold and mildew growth in warm climates like Charleston, SC and the many other warmer regions of the United States.
If, however, you are completely sold on needing a box spring and simply cannot live without one, then check out Zinus Sleep's box spring on Amazon because at a glance, it has positive reviews.
Want mattress foundation discounts + local deals? |
Contact: babosteam@gmail.com
Dubai: defeat in singles
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - FEBRUARY 17: Timea Babos of Hungary plays a shot in her match against Alize Cornet of France during day one of the WTA Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships at Dubai Tennis Stadium on February 17, 2019 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (Photo by Francois Nel/Getty Images)
17/02/2019 – Cornet was better with a break in both sets.
Alizé Cornet (French)-Tímea Babos (Hungarian) 6:4, 6:3
The match lasted 1 hour and 27 minutes in Dubai.
At the very beginning of the 47-minute opening act, the World No51 Cornet hold her own game from 15-40, which later proved to be decisive. The two players did not reach a break point until 5:4, when unfortunately the ice broke.
Timi reached for a game point from 30-40, but eventually her opponent won the game and the set.
In the second set, Cornet broke to 15 after 2:1, and then led to 4:1. Timi then won her opponent's serve int he sevent game from 40-15. Unfortunately, Cornet was superior, broke to 0, and then won her own game to 15.
Timi and Kristina Mladenovic was seeded first in doubles, so the Hungarian-French pair will not play in the opening round.
Official Page of Tímea Babos.
The statements, photos, videos, information on this website can be used with clear indication of the source.
WTA Tournament Schedule
WTA Personal Page
BMW Wallis
© 2020 Babos Tímea. All Rights Reserved. |
These products are typically created using metal stamping machines and processes.
There are three main types of metal washers: plain, spring, and locking washers.
A plain washer usually takes on the role of distributing a load, as described above. Spreading the load from a fastener over a larger area helps prevent damage to the fastened surfaces. Plain washers can also be used as spacers between the fastening head and other surfaces.
Spring washers, on the other hand, are specifically manufactured to prevent fasteners from loosening due to vibrations. Locking springs are designed to prevent fasteners from unscrewing and thus loosening. Most locking washers are also spring washers. Each of these categories of washers contains many other different kinds of washers which are more specifically designed for particular applications.
Metal stamping is the primary method for manufacturing the majority of washer types. While it is possible to order custom washers, most applications do not require special or unique washers. For this reason, metal stamping companies are able to efficiently manufacture large quantities of washers very quickly.
Due to the speed and volume of washer production, washer manufacturers can also create a large variety of standard washers with varying inner and outer diameters.
The metal stamping process also allows washers to be created from a multitude of different materials. Washers are most commonly manufactured from steel or stainless steel but can also be made from aluminum, brass, cobber, iron, zinc, and titanium. Therefore, customers can easily find cost-effective standard washers for essentially any application.
Metal Washers Metal washers are devices used primarily to distribute the load of a fastener over a greater surface area. Most washers are disk-shaped metal plates with a hole through the middle to allow a fastener like a bolt or screw to pass through. |
Giant fam Brooklyn Shanti has released the feel good summer track for 2011, he flows in Bengali for this one and it fits the beat perfectly. He's on a love kick and there's nothing wrong with that as we need more of it in this world. This is the first single off his 2011 all Bengali EP and kicks off the summer with that Caribbean flavor that will have everyone swaying like the palm trees while he talks about beauty and finding love. Big ups to Thornato of Cumba Mela for producing this track! If you want to check out the lyrics go to his bandcamp page or when purchased check the lyrics section on your iTunes. |
Residents normally exiting or entering Hoboken through the south portion of the City are strongly urged to use public transportation or travel through the north end. During commuting hours, the Hoboken Police Department will have 20 officers in the area to direct traffic along with additional officers from the Hudson County Sheriff's Office and Jersey City Police Department to direct traffic on the Jersey City side of the area.
around for Monday. Hoboken, the home of Seinfeld hair tragedy.
Update: 11:19 am: United Water and emergency personnel continue to investigate the large water main break in Hoboken and will remain on site until repairs can be made. Water pressure could potentially be restored to Hoboken in several hours.
Additionally, United Water is advising that as a precaution, Hoboken residents should boil their water for at least one minute for the following: drinking, cooking, or baking, making ice cubes, taking medication, brushing teeth, washing food, mixing baby formula or food, mixing juices or drinks, feeding pets, and all other consumption. Water does not have to be boiled for the following activities: showering, washing dishes or clothes.
The City of Hoboken announced an advisory of a major water main break affecting Hoboken.
The major break impacts the city at the Jersey City-Hoboken border on the southern end of town.
United Water crews are en route to Hoboken to make the repairs.
Talking Ed Note: Yet another vestige from the days of corruption. This one under the Russo Administration. Son Mikie will be upset this is pointed out but United Water scored one sweet deal at the Mile Square City's expense and infrastructure improvements were worth zilch in a deal.
The City needed money (when doesn't it). And there was a constant need for booze, blow and babes in nearby motels too. Whatta ya gonna do.
We pay the piper. No matter what an Old Guard cleric tells you, the Old Guard is never the answer.
The downtown water break bordering Jersey City as seen here in a reader submitted photo.
There's hope to have water restored in Hoboken later Sunday but it remains to be seen. |
Packaging Incorporated is no ordinary packaging distributor, and that's exactly why we've been around for almost sixty years! With every piece of product equipment, tool, roll of stretch film, coil of strap or fastener we sell, you get solid application knowledge and unmatched service to support how you do business.
Our capabilities go far beyond providing you with great products! Our valuable services include packaging reviews & demos, tool and equipment repair and modification, a national account program, sales services and more.
Check out all our value added services. |
Book Review and Giveaway – A Mother's Goodbye – Kate Hewitt – Blog Tour*!
Description: 'My arms ache with the need to reach and hold my precious child, and then to never let go. But I can't. I know I can't.' Heather is devastated. There's no way she can keep her baby. She can barely pay the bills as it is. But when she meets Grace, a wealthy, single … Continue reading Book Review and Giveaway – A Mother's Goodbye – Kate Hewitt – Blog Tour*! |
Q: Docker - Run Command After Container Loads - Visual Studio I'm trying to figure out how to startup a Docker command immediately after a container loads without putting it inside the dockerfile.
In Visual Studio, I tried in the debug settings placing it inside the "Docker Run Arguments" as "-it update-ca-certificates".
On the docker run command, it's not placing these at the end, and instead placing it in the middle.
I have no control over the generated command from Visual Studio. Looking for suggestions.
docker run -dt -v "C:\Users\username\vsdbg\vs2017u5:/remote_debugger:rw" -v "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\UserSecrets:/root/.microsoft/usersecrets:ro" -v "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ASP.NET\Https:/root/.aspnet/https:ro" -v "C:\Users\username\source\repos\BestAPI\ExchangeRates\ExchangeRates.API:/app" -v "C:\Users\username\source\repos\BestAPI\ExchangeRates:/src/" -v "C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -v "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder:/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages" -e "ASPNETCORE_LOGGING__CONSOLE__DISABLECOLORS=true" -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80" -e "DOTNET_USE_POLLING_FILE_WATCHER=1" -e "NUGET_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -e "NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES=/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages;/root/.nuget/fallbackpackages2" -P --name ExchangeRates.API -v "C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin:/amb/tns" -it update-ca-certificates --entrypoint tail exchangeratesapi:dev -f /dev/null
Q: Loading huge data to browser by Javascript, then make XML request I need to send XML request which contains values and content of files obtained by filling HTML form. There are 5 files, some of them have aprox. 70 MB or more. So I'm using some function in javascript, that loads the contents of the files and another one which assemble XML request and send it.
The problem is: after I hit the button for loading the files, the browser crashes (but I can open this files by browser - and it's ok). Files are too large, so browser can't handle with it.
Any ideas where the problem is? And how to deal with it? I thought It might be in timeout, but really don't know...
Function for loading the files:
function getFile1Content() {
var file = document.getElementById("file_zdr").files[0];
if (file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
reader.onloadend = function (evt) {
fileContent1 = evt.target.result;
console.log("FC1 " + fileContent1)
reader.onerror = function (evt) {
console.log("ERROR FC1");
Thanks for ideas!
A: How things work is browsers send requests for servers to do all the heavy work. So basically you send a request for the server to do this and return that so the user can use the data.
What it seems like is going on to me here is that you're just trying to load to many files. Why is the browser opening the files? Are you sending them to the server? Or are you searching through them? Either way, working with multiple large files using your browser isn't ever a good idea.
If you're trying to search through the files: You should send your files to a server, using a file upload form, <form><input accept="*" type="upload"></form> and have the server save them temporarily, search through them after they have been sent, and return what you were trying to show the user.
I willing to help you work this out!
There are times when there is no relief from the immigration consequences of a person's criminal history except for what is known as post conviction relief, or PCR. This involves going to the criminal court and seeking to reopen the case.
Expungement is a form of post conviction relief, but it does normally remove the immigration consequences of a crime. Post conviction relief in the immigration context can be very complicated. If a conviction is not vacated in the correct way, then the immigration consequence of the conviction may remain. Special care needs to be taken before pursuing post conviction relief, because the result of reopening a case is that the defendant may again face the original charge – even if they have already completed their sentence!
Post conviction relief is subject to time and other limits, and it may not always be possible, but it should be explored whenever a criminal conviction stands in the way of an immigration benefit. |
SMS105 TMA2 Questions and Solutions : ………….. is aimed at calculating or predicting what is likely going to happen in the future.
……………………….. is aimed at calculating or predicting what is likely going to happen in the future.
Previous Previous post: SMS105 TMA2 Questions and Solutions : ……….is the ability to solve problems in ways that will benefit the organization.
Next Next post: SMS105 TMA2 Questions and Solutions : …………………… is defined as the design of a desired future and of effective and efficient way of bringing it about. |
We're delighted to announce that Shine Childcare has been nominated in the Nursery Training and Development Award in the annual NMT Nursery Awards!
The awards are now in their 15th year and each year celebrate the best nursery workers and nurseries across the UK. This is a way to recognise and reward excellence in the nursery sector at all levels both through a physical award to mark their achievements, and a great night out for all the finalists. After all the nominations have been put forward, the candidates are whittled down, shortlists are created and the finalists are invited to an incredible gala night – and we can't wait.
On November 25th, all of the finalists will meet at the Hilton London Metropole for a glamorous evening hosted by the renowned adventurer, presenter and writer, Ben Fogle.
"We haven't sought any recognition for our efforts in the past so this is a new adventure for us. Becoming a finalist at the first attempt has been a real surprise and is in itself a great achievement! We believe what sets us apart from our peers is our continuous strive for improvement in every area of our business, from the bespoke in-house training and career development program for each and every member of staff to the outstanding standards of care and education we provide to the children.
Whoever the final winners are, it's such an honour for Shine Childcare to have been nominated in any capacity, and this is just the start! As Shine Childcare grows further and continues to build its prestigious reputation, you might see our name popping up again in these awards lists as well as others! |
Abstract for TR-146
Bioassay of Nithiazide for Possible Carcinogenicity
CASRN: 139-94-6
Chemical Formula: C6H8N4O3S
Synonyms/Common Names: N-ethyl-N'-(5-nitro-2-thiazolyl)urea; 1-ethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-thiazolyl)urea
Report Date: 1979
Nithiazide, an antiprotozal compound used in veterinary medicine, was selected for bioassay by the National Cancer Institute because of its use and possible persistence in the tissues and eggs of animals raised for human consumption.
The bioassay of nithiazide for possible carcinogenicity was conducted using Fischer 344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Nithiazide was administered in the diet, at either of two concentrations, to groups of 50 male and 50 female animals of each species. The high and low concentrations of nithiazide utilized were, respectively, 1,250 and 625 ppm for rats and 5,000 and 2,500 ppm for mice. Dosed rats received feed containing nithiazide for 38 weeks, and as a result of a shortage of nithiazide, the animals were not fed the dosed feed for the next 9 weeks. The dosed feed diet was then resumed and continued for 56 weeks, after which time a 1-week observation period followed. Dosed mice received feed containing nithiazide for 61 weeks and, due to a shortage of nithiazide, the animals were not fed dosed feed for the next 9 weeks. The dosed feed diet was then resumed and continued for 33 weeks, followed by a 1-week observation period. Twenty animals of each sex and species were placed on test as controls.
In both species, adequate numbers of animals survived sufficiently long to be at risk from late-developing tumors. There was no significant positive association between dosage and mortality for either rats or mice. Compound-related mean body weight depression occurred in both sexes of each species.
Statistically significant incidences of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas were found in high dose male mice but not in female mice. Although the increased incidences of these tumors in dosed female mice were not statistically significant, the evidence presented was strongly suggestive of carcinogenicity to the liver in female B6C3F1 mice. Statistically significant increased incidences of a combination of mammary and skin fibroadenomas and cystadenomas NOS were found in the high dose female rats. No unusual tumors were observed in either species.
Under the conditions of this bioassay, nithiazide was carcinogenic in male and probably female B6C3F1 mice, causing a combination of hepatocellular carcinomas and hepatocellular adenomas. Nithiazide was also carcinogenic in female Fischer 344 rats, causing an increase in the incidence of mammary neoplasms. The compound was not carcinogenic in male Fischer 344 rats.
Nithiazide: Target Organs and Levels of Evidence for TR-146
Levels of Evidence of Carcinogenicity:
Sex Species
Female Rats: Positive
Male Mice: Positive
Female Mice: Equivocal
Web page last updated onLast updated Oct. 17, 2022 |
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#BlackLivesMatter, Black Lives Matter, Diversity, National Parks, Podcast, Public Land, Unhidden / 18.02.2022
Exploring Mammoth Cave~ An Interview National Park Ranger Jerry Bransford
Long before the National Park Service was established, the geological site commonly known as Mammoth Cave in the state of Kentucky was a popular tourist attraction. Open to the public for guided tours beginning in 1830's this massive labyrinth of underground caverns and tunnels was first explored by enslaved people whose legacy of stewardship spans more than 5 generations. A Black man named Stephen Bishop lead much of the earliest explorations of the cave system and named many of the most prominent features. An expert on the largest...
Commentary, Diversity, Outdoor Retailer / 07.02.2022
Show Me The Money! BIPOCs In Business Need Outdoor Industry Investment
When she arrived at the Denver Convention Center, Brittney Coleman had that fierce look of determination, like a woman ready to take on the world. Though even she would admit that while attending the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in 2021 as the CEO of a new company, her outward appearance of self-confidence concealed more than a little fear and a since of intimidation. But she wasn't about to let that get in her way. "I flew in on a cheap flight, stayed with a friend and walked the...
Commentary, Environmental Journalism, Outdoor Retailer, Special Events, Winter / 01.02.2022
Onward and Upward ~ An Opinion Piece for the OR Daily
Despite a surge of COVID-19 infections that are sweeping the nation, the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market is happening as scheduled. Though the annual Snow Show typically welcomes attendees and exhibitors from around the world by the tens of thousands, the risk of exposure to the Omicron variant has persuaded many companies, entrepreneurs and athletes to stay at home. As I watched a skeleton crew of personnel assemble a handful of display booths on set-up day, it was hard not to wonder if I was witnessing the slow and...
Books, Diversity, Nelson Institute, The Joy Trip Reading Project, Ultra Running / 04.01.2022
A Beautiful Work in Progress ~ A Discussion with Author Mirna Valerio
Mirna Valerio is a native of Brooklyn, NY, a former educator and cross-country coach, ultramarathoner, newish cyclist and skier, and author. Mirna's athletic story has been featured in the WSJ, Runner's World, on NBC Nightly News, CNN, and in the viral REI-produced documentary short, The Mirnavator. Her writing has been featured in Women's Running Magazine, Self Magazine Online, Outside Online, and Runner's World Magazine. In 2018 she was chosen as a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, and in early 2020 appeared on the Kelly Clarkson Show and...
#BlackLivesMatter, Black In National Parks Week, Black Lives Matter, Capitol Christmas Tree, Deserts, Diversity, National Forests, National Geographic, National Monuments, National Parks, On Assignment, Public Land, Unhidden, Yosemite / 27.12.2021
A Trail Blazer Unhidden
A few weeks ago, I received a detailed message from my friend and colleague Shelton Johnson. As an interpretive ranger at Yosemite National Park, he expressed to me his concern for the continued preservation of the stories he shares about the U.S. citizens of African descent who protected and patrolled these public lands more than a century ago, the famed Buffalo Soldiers."I'll be retiring in a few years, and I'm currently the only permanent African American National Park Ranger in the Sierra Nevada which includes both Yosemite and...
#BlackLivesMatter, Banff, Black Lives Matter, Charitable Giving, Diversity, Ice Age Trail, The Arctic, Through-Hiking, Winter / 13.12.2021
The Matthew Henson Polar Explorer Scholarship
In partnership with Polar Explorers, an Illinois-based guiding company, the Joy Trip Project is proud to announce the first recipients of the Matthew Henson Scholarship! Emily Ford and Stephen Scott have been awarded free tuition to attend a five-day introduction to a winter travel training course in the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area of Northern Minnesota. To honor the legacy of the great innovator of Arctic exploration and winter adventure, this program aims to inspire people of color - in particular, emerging outdoor guides or people with current or... |
September 16, 2014updated 30 Jul 2021 1:29pm
Chongqing: The city with a special pedestrian lane for phone users
By City Monitor Staff
So the Chinese city of Chongqing has divided one of its sidewalks into two lanes. One, decorated with a glyph of a phone, is for those who are distracted by their little black screen; the other, which shows a phone struck through, is for everybody else.
The thinking is that phone users walk more slowly and aren't concentrating, so should be segregated to spare them of the danger of meeting anyone coming from the opposite direction. Here's the lane in action:
Image: Xinhua.
All this has caused outrage. The BBC reported that the new sidewalk "attracted ridicule" on Chinese social networking sites, with one user suggesting that a traffic lane "especially for drunk drivers" would be an equally sensible idea. There are, however, a few caveats.
First, as Quartz pointed out, the sidewalk isn't on a real street – it's a 50m (!) stretch of walkway in a theme park, presumably also home to other innovative transport solutions like Barbie trams and pirate ships.
There's also the fact that a similar sidewalk was set up in Washington DC earlier this year as part of a reality TV show. The result? Most people ignored it. It was in place for a single day.
So if you clicked on this, desperate to know whether this move symbolises a fresh attempt to demonise those helplessly addicted to texting, Twitter, or Candy Crush saga, then the answer is almost certainly no. Text everyone you know and tell them the good news.
City Monitor Staff
Reporting and insights on design, urban policy and real estate. |
Lonesome Stone Natural Fiber Mill: The Beast, a limited edition fiber blend. Once it's gone, it's gone.
Wildflower Fiber/Plain and Fancy: This Texas yarn company has great knitting and weaving yarn.
Woodland Woolies: Wonderful bunny stuff, finished goods, yarn, beautiful batts.
Rocky Mountain Natural Colored Sheep Breeders Association If you want to start from the beginning, this is the place to buy a fleece from knowledgeable folk.
Reminder: Cricket Club this Thursday, October 20th at Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins, in Boulder, 6:30-8:30.
I'll be bringing a bunch of plain weave sampls to share. See you there. |
Construction sites can be dangerous places, and the large materials and complex equipment used can cause incredibly serious injuries to workers or others who are using or visiting the location. Workers injured on the job may be eligible to receive workers' compensation, and they may also be able to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit.
If you have been injured at a construction site, it is important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine your best options for recovering compensation for your damages. A skilled lawyer can demonstrate liability for your injuries and advocate for your interests throughout the legal process.
Failure to follow safety procedures.
Failure to provide the proper protective equipment for workers.
Defective or improperly secured ladders or scaffolding, which can lead to fall injuries.
Car accidents in road construction areas.
Collapsed walls, structures, or trenches.
Repetitive motion when lifting objects or using equipment such as jackhammers.
Defective or dangerous equipment, machinery, or tools.
Workers are usually eligible for workers' compensation if they are injured while working, even if they were at fault for their own injuries. A victim may also be able to seek compensation for injuries caused by someone else's negligence by filing a personal injury lawsuit. Liable parties may include an employer who did not inform employees about potential hazards, a subcontractor who did not take steps to protect workers' safety when maintaining equipment, or the manufacturer of defective products or parts used at a construction site.
If you have suffered an injury at a construction site, a personal injury lawyer can assist in recovering compensation for the damages you have suffered, including the costs of medical care and rehabilitation, wages lost because of missed work, impairment to your ability to earn an income, and the pain and suffering you have experienced. An attorney can identify negligent parties and demonstrate liability for your injuries, working to ensure that you have the financial resources you need as you work to make a recovery. |
Director Shane Black certainly has a lot on his plate these days. Not only is his latest film, THE NICE GUYS, set to hit theater soon, but he already has two big properties ready to follow that one up. The first is THE PREDATOR, a film that's set to revitalize the long-dormant franchise. Also on the horizon is a film chronicling the adventures of the decades-old pulp hero, Doc Savage.
Here's what Black had to say about THE PREDATOR when asked if the sort of "macho" culture that it came out of was still relevant in todays' world.
When asked if the title of the film, THE PREDATOR, refers to a specific Predator.
Black then went on to re-iterate the timeline of the franchise, and how it applies to Arnold Schwarzenegger's potential involvement.
"Well, all I can really say is it's set present day, so that kind of lets out the one where they travel to other worlds. I think that was the Robert Rodriguez one. We can maybe do some pre-lapping […] but it's set in 2018.
Black also had plenty of comments in regards to DOC SAVAGE.
With that in mind, Black also made it very clear that he wouldn't contemporize the character.
So when would Black want to set the film?
Which of these projects interest you more? Let us know in the comments down below! |
Q: Очень долгая загрузка данных У меня есть сайт на yii2. Там есть дерево категорий, которое раскрывается. При раскрытии отправляется ajax запрос, который подгружает подкатегории. Проблема в том, что подгрузка идет очень долго, минуты 2-3, хотя дебагер показывает меньше 100ms. Не могу понять в чем проблема. Система - Debian, apache+nginx работают в связке, база - mysql
P.S. Запросы тоже исполняются быстро, как минимум так пишет дебагер. Так же прикладываю скрин - скрин
You are here: Home News Archive Parish News - January 2019
Parish News - January 2019
The Parish Council is eager to replace some of the play equipment on the recreation ground and we need your help to obtain a grant to fund this.
The view in the village is that the most important thing is to have some new multiplay equipment, with a slide, steps, climbing frame and other features. In addition, the roundabout is a favourite but we would like to replace its panels with ones made from material which is durable and does not rot and then need to be replaced.
We do not have enough funds to pay for this project but we can obtain a grant for it. One of the main factors used to decide whether we get the grant is if there is a strong desire in the community for the project. Please write to me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it saying what a good idea you think it is to improve our play facilities and how they would then get much more use. The more people who write, the greater the chance of us getting the grant.
There is more information about what we are proposing on the village website so please look there for more details.
There is a new planning application to build a house at Upper Farm in Denton (P18/S3750/FUL). The Parish Council is opposed to this because they regard it as overdevelopment of the site (there have recently been two other barn conversions there), the scale of the proposed dwelling is excessive, it is partly being built on green belt land and the road leading to it is unsuited to the increase in traffic. Also, the Parish Council wants there to be an insistence that the lane is repaired when the construction has been completed.
The District Council has published their local plan explaining proposed developments up to 2034. There will be a large amount of new housing, some of it at several sites on the green belt, and possible development because of the Oxford-Cambridge expressway. You can see the local plan and comment on it at the District Council's website.
Mike Mount
Denton Hill Closed 9th March
Morland House Surgery News - December 2022
Parish News - November 2022
From the Vicar - December 2022
From the Parish Council Chairman - December 2022
From the Vicar - October 2022
From the Parish Council Chairman - October 2022
Morland House Surgery News - October 2022
Parish News - October 2022
Parish News - September 2022
From the Vicar - September 2022
Parish News - August 2022
From the Parish Council Chairman - September 2022
From the Vicar - July 2022 |
Anorak News | In praising Simon Schama The Observer falsely portrays Mary Beard as bitter and 'cheap'
In praising Simon Schama The Observer falsely portrays Mary Beard as bitter and 'cheap'
by Anorak | 29th, September 2013
IN 2010, Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, said of Simon Schama, the BBC's go-to history man:
Declaration of interest: I dont know Prof Schama well, but what I know I like a lot. He is smart, clever, engaging and not — so far as I have any experience — remotely ill-willed. A great cook, a great dinner companion, a wonderful writer and an acute historian.
True. But do we want him advising Mr Gove on the History Curriculum in British schools?
I think not. Actually, what we really need is a group of intelligent British school teachers, calling on all kinds of historical talent outside school, wherever it may be found.
So what's wrong with Schama?
Well, this is celebrity culture at its most meretricious — Gove playing to the populist gallery. The fact that Schama is smart and has made some good television programmes does not mean that he is the best person (if reports are right) to head up the new drive to revitalise British history.
Schama long ago decided to make his (day job) career in the United States — which gives him maybe a usefully external perspective on the British system, but also means that he is necessarily out of touch with the stresses, strains and demands of what is going on in British schools right now. That makes him an excellent person to consult, but not to head up the new policy.
.. I dont know how much Prof S is getting paid, if at all (and for his sake I hope he has a nice fee). But whatever it is, I am sure that it is less than what it would cost to bring 15 History teachers, plus a few outside "experts", together for a couple of days… costing up the travel, board and lodging, etc.
Prof Schama is not only glitzy, but also cheap. And appointing him to whatever "job" he now has is also an insult to History teachers here.
And here's what the Observer's Andrew Anthony wrote today:
The liberal left like to think that he belongs to them and the liberal right think that he's one of theirs." This uncertainty was highlighted when he took up an advisory role to Michael Gove, as the education secretary set about reforming the teaching of history in schools. Schama was in agreement with Gove that history had lost its binding thread and become a series of unrelated greatest hits – the Tudors, the Nazis etc.
In 2010, he said that the way that the subject was taught threatened to cut "the cord of our national memory", explaining that "chronology is very important".
His fear, he wrote, was that unless children could be won over to history, "their imagination will be held hostage in the cage of the eternal now".
Never one to remain in her own cage, Mary Beard, the Cambridge classicist, suggested Schama's role was "an insult to history teachers" and dismissed the man himself as "not only glitzy, but also cheap".
No. That's not what she said at all.
Posted: 29th, September 2013 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink |
The Aussie invasion continues - and the trickle could soon become a deluge.
Sutherland resident Michael Dickson has become the latest Australian to star in the rich NFL and predicts plenty more AFL and NRL players will venture to the US.
Dickson has become a sensation as the Seattle Seahawks punter. And he reckons he won't be the last.
Former Cronulla and Queensland fullback Val Holmes is training in America for a shot at the big time after Jarryd Hayne successfully represented the San Francisco 49ers.
"I feel a lot of Australians could end up being very successful in the NFL," Dickson told The Daly Telegraph.
"It almost seems a little too hard because of all the paper work, visas and then going over there and figuring it all out. But once you're there…there have been a few before me but hopefully many more to come after me.
"We definitely grow a lot of talented athletes in this country and I think we could do really well in the United States. Australians have that bit of grit in them.
"If they tap in at a young age and learn the rules more, understand the fundamentals, there could definitely be a lot of Australian guys going over and being successful in the NFL.
"I have no doubt about that."
Another Australian to crack the NFL big time was Colin Scotts, who played for St Louis Cardinals back in 1987.
Scotts has agreed more AFL and NFL players will have a shot at NFL.
"I cannot see it stopping," Scotts said. "We're the only country in the world where we teach kicking and it all comes naturally.
"Punting, drop kicks, all natural. No-one else does that. I really believe in 10 years, you'll see 80 to 90 per cent of punters in the NFL being Australian.
"We are just revolutionising kicking. It used to be about hang time, now they're got direction, accuracy, the kickers can run because of their AFL background.
"They can do all kinds of things. They can throw the ball. They bring a lot more than what kickers used to bring. It's exciting for us to watch." |
Abortion ruling thrusts companies into divisive arena
by June 25, 2022 067
Anne D'innocenzio And Haleluya Hadero
Jun 25, 2022 • 30 minutes ago • 6 minute read • Join the conversation
The Supreme Court's decision to end the nation's constitutional protections for abortion has catapulted businesses of all types into the most divisive corner of politics.
Some companies that stayed silent last month — when a draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to Politico — spoke up for the first time Friday, including The Walt Disney Company, which said it will reimburse employees who must travel out of state to get an abortion.
Facebook parent Meta, American Express, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs also said they would cover employee travel costs while others like Apple, Starbucks, Lyft and Yelp reiterated previous announcements taking similar action. Outdoor clothing maker Patagonia went so far as to post on LinkedIn Friday that it would provide "training and bail for those who peacefully protest for reproductive justice" and time off to vote.
But of the dozens of big businesses that The Associated Press reached out to Friday, many like McDonald's, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Tyson and Marriott did not respond. Arkansas-based Walmart — the nation's largest employer with a good portion of its stores in states that will immediately trigger abortion bans following the Friday's Supreme Court ruling — also kept quiet.
Meanwhile, the Business Roundtable, an organization that represents some of the nation's most powerful companies, said it "does not have a position on the merits of the case."
A lot is at stake for companies, many of which have publicly pledged to promote women's equality and advancement in the workplace. For those in states with restrictive abortion laws, they could now face big challenges in attracting college-educated workers who can easily move around.
Luis von Ahn, the CEO of the language app Duolingo, sent a tweet Friday aimed at lawmakers in Pennsylvania, where the company is headquartered: "If PA makes abortion illegal, we won't be able to attract talent and we'll have to grow our offices elsewhere."
The ruling and the coming patchwork of abortion bans also threatens the technology boom in places like Austin, Texas as companies like Dell — which was already becoming more flexible to remote work because of the tight labor market — struggle to recruit newly minted tech graduates to their corporate hubs, said Steven Pedigo, a professor who studies economic development at the University of Texas at Austin.
"Rather than stay in Austin, do you go to New York or Seattle or the Bay Area? I think that's a real possibility," Pedigo said. "It becomes much more challenging, particularly when you're looking at a young, progressive workforce, which is what technology workers tend to be."
Emily M. Dickens, chief of staff and head of government affairs for the Society for Human Resource Management, said that nearly a quarter of organizations in a recent poll agreed that offering a health savings account to cover travel for reproductive care in another state will enhance their ability to compete for talent. But how these policies interact with state laws is unclear, and employers should be aware of "the legal risks involved."
Dickens noted that companies that use third-party administrator to process claims on their behalf — typically big employers — are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act rather than state law. But companies that have to buy their own health insurance for their employees — typically small businesses — are subject to state regulations and have less flexibility in designing benefits.
Offering to cover travel expenses could also make companies a target for anti-abortion lawmakers. In March, Texas State Representative Briscoe Cain, a Republican, sent a cease-and-desist letter to Citigroup, saying he would propose legislation barring localities in the state from doing business with any company that provides travel benefits for employees seeking abortions.
In his concurring opinion released Friday, Justice Brett Kavanaugh suggested it would be unconstitutional for a state to bar residents from traveling to another state to get an abortion.
"In my view, the answer is no based on the constitutional right to interstate travel," Kavanaugh wrote.
But a corporation's right to fund what would be an illegal act in another state is still questionable, argues Teresa Collett, a law professor at the University of St. Thomas.
"That's not an interstate commerce question, per se," she said. "So you'd need the right plaintiff."
Meanwhile, tech companies are facing tough questions about what they'll do if some of their millions of customers in the U.S. are prosecuted for having an abortion. Services like Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft routinely hand over digital data sought by law enforcement agencies pursuing criminal investigations. That's raised concerns from privacy advocates about enforcers of abortion laws tapping into period apps, phone location data and other sensitive online health information.
A letter Friday from four Democrats in Congress called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the phone-tracking practices of Google and Apple, warning that location identifiers used for advertising could fall into the hands of prosecutors or bounty hunters looking "to hunt down women who have obtained or are seeking an abortion."
The Supreme Court ruling comes at a time when companies have become increasingly reliant on women to fill jobs, and especially as they face a nationwide labor shortage. Women now account for nearly 50% of the U.S. workforce, up dramatically from 37.5% in 1970 — three years before the Supreme Court ruled abortions to be legal in Roe vs. Wade — according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Denied access to abortion could hit low-income workers the hardest because they're typically in jobs with fewer protections and that are also demanding, from loading groceries onto store shelves to working as a health aide.
"As a direct result of this ruling, more women will be forced to choose between paying their rent or traveling long distances to receive safe abortion care," said Mary Kay Henry, international president of the Service Employees International Union, which represents nearly 2 million janitors, health care workers and teachers in the U.S. "Working women are already struggling in poverty-wage jobs without paid leave and many are also shouldering the caregiving responsibilities for their families, typically unpaid."
Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants told The Associated Press that the ruling was "devastating."
"It cuts to the core of all the work that our union has done for 75 years," she said. "This decision is not about whether or not someone supports abortion. That's the distraction … This is about whether or not we respect the rights of women to determine their own future."
Maurice Schweitzer, a professor at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, said the handful of companies are taking a stand on the court's ruling because their customers and employees are expecting them to speak out.
"We're in this moment in time where we're expecting corporate leaders to also be leaders in the political sphere," he said. "A lot of employees expect to work in companies that not only pay them well, but whose values are aligned with theirs."
But the vast majority of executives will likely avoid the thorny topic and focus on things like inflation or supply chain disruptions, he said.
That, too, comes with risks.
"They can either support travel for out-of-state care and risk lawsuits and the ire of local politicians, or they can not include this coverage and risk the ire of employees," Schweitzer said.
AP business writers Matt O'Brien in Providence, Rhode Island; Dee-Ann Durbin in Detroit; Barbara Ortutay in San Francisco; David Koenig in Dallas and Ken Sweet in New York contributed to the story.
Follow Anne D'Innocenzio: http://twitter.com/ADInnocenzio
Follow Haleluya Hadero: http://twitter.com/masayett
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FTC Increases HSR Notification Threshold To $111.4 Million For 2023 And Implements...
"Shocked But Not Surprised": Shopify Hikes Prices By 34 Percent
FTC Increases HSR Notification Threshold To $111.4 Million For 2023 And Implements Significant HSR Filing Fees Changes – Antitrust, EU Competition |
Who will be offered Intermediate care services?
Intermediate care services are provided to people, usually older people, after they have left hospital or when they are at risk of being admitted to hospital. Intermediate Care is a programme of care provided for a limited period of time to assist a person to maintain or regain the ability to live independently.
Intermediate Care Services can be provided in your own home, in a care home setting and in community hospital settings. Wiltshire Council is working closely with the Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group to develop intermediate care services that help people to live as independently as possible.
Intermediate Care services are provided for short periods of time for a maximum of six weeks. Intermediate care services are free for the maximum of six weeks.
Access to Intermediate Care Services.
Intermediate Care services are available to people who are at risk of being admitted to hospital or need help to regain levels of independence after an episode of hospital care.
Help to avoid going into hospital unnecessarily.
Help to be as independent as possible after a stay in hospital.
Intermediate Care services will not be means tested and will be free to the customer for a period of up to six weeks.
What Intermediate Care services are available in Wiltshire?
Wiltshire Council is currently working with the Wiltshire CCG to develop a range of coordinated Integrated Care services. The following services are currently available.
This service provides care and support for people in the event of an unplanned situation such as a carer needing urgent hospital care. This service supports people for up to seventy two hours and is available at any time, day or night. The support is provided to ensure you are safe at home while more comprehensive assessments are completed.
Bed based services are provided in care homes and community hospitals to provide a period of support during which people are helped to develop the independence required to return home.
These services are made up of a combination of social care support and health therapies and may include help for people to live independently and more specialist services such as physios or occupational therapy.
Either your GP or Adult Social Care Advice and Contact Team. |
Die Luzerner Pensionskasse (LUPK) mit Sitz in Luzern ist eine selbständige Schweizer Vorsorgeeinrichtung. Sie versichert das Personal des Kantons, von Gemeinden, von Institutionen, die öffentliche Aufgaben erfüllen, sowie die Mitarbeitenden der ihr angeschlossenen Arbeitgeber im Rahmen der 2. Säule.
Die Luzerner Pensionskasse ging im Jahr 2000 aus dem Zusammenschluss der Kantonalen Pensionskasse Luzern und der Lehrerpensionskasse des Kantons Luzern hervor und ist eine öffentlich-rechtliche Anstalt mit eigener Rechtspersönlichkeit. Per Ende Juni 2022 waren ihr 68 Arbeitgebende mit insgesamt 26 400 aktiv Versicherten und 8700 Rentnerinnen und Rentner angeschlossen. Die Vermögensanlagen beliefen sich auf 9,1 Milliarden Schweizer Franken.
Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen bilden das Bundesgesetz über die berufliche Alters-, Hinterlassenen- und Invalidenvorsorge (BVG), das Bundesgesetz über die Freizügigkeit in der beruflichen Alters-, Hinterlassenen- und Invalidenvorsorge (Freizügigkeitsgesetz, FZG), die dazugehörigen Verordnungen sowie das Reglement der Luzerner Pensionskasse.
Oberstes Führungsorgan der Luzerner Pensionskasse ist der zwölfköpfige Vorstand. Dieser setzt sich aus sechs Arbeitgeber- sowie aus sechs Arbeitnehmervertretern zusammen und wird vom Regierungsrat des Kantons Luzern bzw. von der Versammlung der Versicherten jeweils für eine Amtsperiode von vier Jahren gewählt. Das operative Tagesgeschäft wird von der Geschäftsleitung geführt. Diese setzt sich zusammen aus dem Geschäftsführer und den Leitern Versicherung, Finanzen, Wertschriftenanlagen und Immobilien. Die Organisation beschäftigt 41 Mitarbeitende.
Die Luzerner Pensionskasse wurde Anfang 2019 als erste Pensionskasse der Schweiz vom unabhängigen Beratungs- und Forschungsunternehmen FE fundinfo (vormals CSSP/yourSRI) für eine vergleichsweise niedrige CO2-Intensität ihrer Wertschriftenanlagen zertifiziert. Im Jahr 2020 wurde den Aktien- und Obligationenanlagen der LUPK eine überdurchschnittlich hohe ESG-Bewertung bescheinigt. Anfang 2021 hat die LUPK die Nachhaltigkeitsprüfung ihres Portfolios erneut erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die Aktien und Unternehmensobligationen der LUPK wiesen eine um 41 % geringere CO2-Intensität auf als ihre marktüblichen Benchmarks. Im Februar 2022 erhielt die LUPK die Bestätigung, dass ihre Anlagen ein um 6 % besseres ESG-Rating aufweisen als die marktüblichen Benchmarks.
Website der Luzerner Pensionskasse
Eintrag der Luzerner Pensionskasse (LUPK) im Handelsregister des Kantons Luzern
Pensionskasse (Schweiz)
Unternehmen (Kanton Luzern)
Unternehmen (Luzern) |
or A poet who wanted to be a painter?
Sohrab Sepehri was born in Kashan in October 1928. From the way he describes Kashan in his poems one would think it is heaven on earth. He talks about Kashan with warmth, love, and delight. The Kashan he describes is nothing like the actual city that lies on the borders of the Great Central Desert of Iran.
Sohrab spent his childhood in Kashan. After completing the secondary school, he was employed in various state departments such as the Ministry of Education and the National Iranian Oil Co. Later, he continued his studies in the School of Fine Arts where, in 1953, he was awarded a BA and the First Class Medal for Arts.
Before being a poet Sohrab was a painter who worked passionately, endlessly and intensely. While on a visit to the USA, he wrote a letter to a friend from New York, saying that he painted "because there is still space available for painting on the walls of the world. So let us work; we must work... I paint; painting is one of the hardest tasks. It's so hard it 'skins' you alive. I read poems; I paint..."
Elsewhere he points out that his family - his father in particular - were artists and in love with arts.
My mother jumped up from sleep.
And call out, "O you whose baskets are full of dreams!"
To a blind man I will say, "How enchanting the garden is!"
And cry out, "Dews, dews, dews"
A passer-by will say, "It is indeed a dark night"
"A caravan is arriving with a load of smile"
I will tell the snake: "The frog is so glorious!"
People are so affable there!
And their cows produce abundant milk!
What a glorious village it must be!
May its alleyways overflow with music!
What a scent of grass lay over Gulestaneh!
"How green I am today!
And how alert my body!
What if Sorrow creeps down the mountain?!"
Who is behind the trees?
A voice keeps calling me from afar"
The collection known as the Eight Books reveals the evolutionary journey that Sohrab went through during his life. It seems that he came to this world too late but still with enough energy to shed light on the world at large.
Sohrab was a painter by profession and has left remarkable works of art but even so he is better known by Iranians for his poetry than for his paintings though some experts consider him a far better painter than poet.
In the end Sohrab showed that he knew the art of dying as well as painting and poetry, as he indicates by quoting TS Eliot at the beginning of one of his poems: "I should be glad of another death." When, in 1980, suffering from leukemia, he awaited death, poetry filled his empty days and all he asked from all those who wished to visit him was not to disturb his solitude.
The fragile china of my solitude!
He is no longer with us but his memory persists stronger than ever, particularly among the younger generations, one generation after another.
- The translations of the poems remain exactly as originally translated. |
The Most important Meeting in History!
This site has a brilliant list of things (with links to reports in media such as the BBC and Reuters) caused by global warming — according to the alarmists that is, of course. And all on 0.006 degrees centigrade per year! |
Subsets and Splits