making tea and had five cups out, and Don stood in the corner of the room with his arms folded, clearly feeling uncomfortable. Like most men in such a situation, he didn't really know what to do or what to say. He seemed pleased to see me and gave off a smile. Maybe he would feel less comfortable if there was someone else in the room feeling useless, I thought to myself. We could stand and be useless together. After numerous visits from other residents—seven in all, we stayed in Penelope's room for another hour, then we all made our excuses that because of the events from the night before, we all needed some shuteye in order to function for the remainder of the day. It wasn't really an excuse;for it." "The TV is over there." I pointed to the opposite side of the room. "So what are you doing over there?" I pointed to the drawers with the same finger. Larry stood still and I could tell by his face that he had nothing in his mind to convince me that his presence in Grace's room was justified, "I was looking for the plug. All right?" he snapped. I repeated my question from before, but this time the tone in my voice was a lot more controlled. "In her drawers?" "You know what? Forget it." He barged past me, his shoulder connecting with mine, and I fell back a few yards, struggling to stay on my feet, but I somehow managed to keep my balance. I looked down the corridor
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head on my shoulder as we gazed at the headstone hypnotically, and I waited silently as she wept on my shoulder. After a couple of minutes of comforting my good friend, we decided that it was time to head back. The army of black-bellied clouds looked threatening as they hung above us, and neither one of us had a brolley. With Grace's arm tucked in mine, we walked briskly out of the cemetery onto the main road heading back to Misty Falls. Both of our eyes met as we strolled along the pavement along the main road, and I asked, "Fancy a detour? A coffee perhaps?" Grace never said a word; she just smiled and nodded her head. We knew that there was a coffee shop up ahead and it wasn't farwas going ten to the dozen as it was. I don't want to be one of these elderly people who slag off the young, I'm sure there are great examples of youth, but at that age I wouldn't of dreamt of saying such a thing to an elderly couple. I just didn't understand where they got off saying those kinds of things. I really didn't want to let it bother me, but it did, and I suppose it kind of ruined our coffee break. We should have just went straight back to Misty Falls. While we sat there, supping on our coffees, we exchanged words about Amanda and how fragile life was. I then tried to change the subject without making it sound suspicious. I talked about a television programme
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he wouldn't remember telling me once morning had arrived, _that_ was how intoxicated he was. Maybe he wouldn't even remember me turning up at his door, he was that drunk. His head hung and I figured out that it was only a matter of time before he passed out. I stood to my feet and said, "Come on. Let's get you into bed." "Leave me alone," he snorted, and tried to push me away, but completely missed my hand. I took the mug off of him and he began to lie down on top of the bed. I went over to his sink and poured out the remaining contents of the drink down the plughole and then from behind me, I then heard Don begin to cry. This had been theaway, I asked, "Does anyone else know about this?" "No. Just you." "How have you got away with it, I mean, you must have lost your temper throughout the years, and this must have, I dunno, produced an energy of some sort." Don began to laugh; it was a manic, drunken laugh. "I have made windows and mirrors in the past smash when I really lost it, but it's usually put down as a freak accident." His slurring of words was getting worse, and I could just about understand him. "I've never used it on anyone before, until...until _he_ came along. But then again, I've never met anyone as vile and as nasty as Joseph File. You see, I don't like using it. It frightens me what I could achieve, if
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used her index finger to wipe away the slightly smudged mascara that she had applied only an hour before. She looked lovely. With the finger being of little use, she pulled out a hankie and used that to remove the smudging, as well as the tears that stained her cheeks. I think it's fair to say that everyone standing outside had a lump lodged in their throats; even Brannigan, who hung in the background, had red eyes, although no tears fell. Residents going to hospices after being diagnosed with a debilitating disease wasn't something that was unheard of in Misty Falls, or any other residential home for that matter. Even residents dying in their sleep was hardly a devastating surprise when it happened, as it was seen as a naturalthe car, but I was wasting my time. The driver quickly got out of the car and apologised to Penelope and I that he had forgotten his manners for not opening the doors for us, but we were fine, we were just pleased that he had offered to give us a ride in the first place. He went around the car to open the other passenger doors for Jason Duke and Angela Fristoe, who insisted on coming with us. The driver helped her out of the car; Angela had pulled her back a few days ago, but she insisted that she could make it to the church entrance, which was only a matter of yards away. The driver walked alongside us and as soon as we got into the church
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Pages Saturday, March 31, 2012 Just one week until Easter. I know that a lot of kids have gone on school holidays already, with the other states not far behind. I hope the long weekend gives you a chance to play along with our newest sketch. This month, our guest designer is the fabulous Tam Milborn. Tam is a SAHM to three crazy, small boys. She has been crafting all of her life, and scrapbooking for the past ten years or so. She's been lucky enough to design on some wonderful teams, and is currently designing for A Piece of Cake Designs Kit Club and is a Scrapbooking Memories Magazine Master. She dreams of crafting all day, but in reality she spends her time cleaning, cooking for her four hungry boys and beingThe 2016 Blast The latest POLITICO scoops and coverage of the 2016 elections. Email Sign Up Tweets from The ad draws into question the character of people with ties to Marco Rubio. | AP Photo New Trump ads hit Rubio's Florida connections Donald Trump unleashed two ads attacking Marco Rubio in his home state of Florida on Wednesday. The latest spots, which follows another one released Monday titled "Corrupt Marco," attempt to tie the Florida senator to his past political and personal acquaintances, notably during his time as the state legislature's speaker of the House. Like that ad, the visuals are sparse, but clear: Rubio's head is shown in a circle, with two lines drawn to photos of former state Rep. Ralph Arza and former U.S. Rep. David Rivera. Trump shared the ad
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on Twitter: Keep lightweight Marco and his friends out of the White House. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2016 “When Marco Rubio became speaker of the House, he brought his friends along for the ride," a narrator intones. The ad notes that Rubio's "spiritual adviser, Ralph Arza, resigned from office after lobbing racial slurs and being convicted of witness tampering." Arza withdrew from further reelection after being charged in 2006 with one felony count each of retaliating against and tampering with a witness. Contrary to the ad's claim, he was not convicted but rather avoided a felony trial, after which he was sentenced to 18 months probation. "His best friend and roommate, David Rivera, was found guilty of ethics violations and is currently under FBI investigation," thenarrator says. The glowing ring around Rubio's photo turns red and appears to burn as the narrator says, "Where are these friends today? Spotted on the campaign trail with Marco. Keep Marco and his friends out of the White House.” The Miami Herald reported that both Arza and Rivera campaigned on Rubio's behalf ahead of the Iowa caucuses. In the second ad with similar visuals, shared minutes after the first on Twitter, the narrator calls Rubio "another dishonest politician" after remarking upon a series of stories suggesting impropriety on the part of Rubio during his time spent after being a state legislator and before running for the Senate.
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by an Islamic terrorist and this is grievous , but he was not Jewish, but of Greek descent. (But the point is that Gentiles in Messianic Movement regularly refer to themselves as "Messianic Jews".) Peter, you should correct the title of your post for honesty sake. He was born Greek Orthodox (as confirmed by his relative, Ruthann Panco) and it doesn't make him a Jew, Messianic or otherwise, simply because attended a messianic congregation. But yes, the West is once again in a war with Islam. The West is internally sick and suicidal and digs itself deeper and deeper into the Islamic hole and leftism. And at the same time, much of the West is growing more and more anti-Israel (including the current "president" of the U.S.). I don't believeTHIS VICTIM MAY NOT HAVE BEEN JEWISH. Good grief! How backwards is that? "But yes, the West is once again in a war with Islam. The West is internally sick and suicidal and digs itself deeper and deeper into the Islamic hole and leftism. And at the same time, much of the West is growing more and more anti-Israel (including the current "president" of the U.S.). I don't believe that West's current problem with Islamic inundation can be separated with how it treated the Jews in the last two thousand years and especially in the last world war and how it treats Jews, that is Israel, today. I believe there's a strong connection and it will not correct itself anytime soon." "Until last year, Thalasinos contributed to the conservative blog
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exact same fate as Jesus. They, however, did so without any fanfare and especially deification. His "indescribable suffering" was no worse than those of many thousands of others, and perhaps even far less than most of those who were executed the way he did, since instead of dying for days and days as was the fate of many, Jesus, as the NT purports, died within mere hours. For no one but himself. "So when Yeshua taught his followers to turn the other cheek, you purport he was actually advancing an open immigration policy for his kingdom?" No, Jason, I think this was actually an attempt by the church scribes who penned the NT to appease Rome by portraying Christians as harmless to their political rule (since Rome didn't take kindlyThus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand… and, as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation. These words were written by William Bradford, one of the leaders of the Mayflower pilgrims and an early Governor of Plymouth, New England. He and his fellow pilgrims set off from England in 1620 after decades of persecution by James I and, before him, Elizabeth I. As religious dissenters they had suffered at the hands of the Anglican authorities for their beliefs. They were forced to worship in secret and when faced with the prospect of imprisonment or execution, these devout and determined people first went into exile in Holland. A
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celebrate the pilgrims, not demonise them By Giles Fraser Four hundred years later, plans are afoot to celebrate the pilgrims’ extraordinary journey. It is expected that three million Americans, many with a claim to be descended from the Pilgrim Fathers, will come to England in 2020 to seek out places like Harwich, Retford, Gainsborough, Southampton, Scrooby and of course, Plymouth, which have become part of the founding mythology of America. To co-ordinate the celebrations, the UK Government has created a body called Mayflower 400. In 2020 there will be a special closing ceremony in Plymouth. It is hoped that an invited audience including the President of the United States and the Queen will celebrate the ongoing UK-US Special Relationship, complete with a full military ceremony. London had a central role inthe history of the Mayflower. It was in Borough, Bankside and the City that many of the passengers lived and worshipped (St Saviour’s, which is Southwark Cathedral today, and St George the Martyr in Borough). It was in London that the money was raised by the Merchant Adventurers in the City who saw the prospect of opening up trade with the New World. It was in the capital that the passengers boarded (either at Blackwall or Wapping), and it was there (in Heneage House and Ironmongers Hall) that the pilgrims negotiated with the City investors and with James I to secure their freedom to leave these shores. Let's celebrate the pilgrims, not demonise them By Douglas Murray So, given that London provided the resources, ideas and people that made the
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settlers that came earlier and settled in Virginia, and some that came later, did unspeakably barbaric things but the Mayflower and the three ships which followed under the same leadership were distinguished by their tolerance and respectful approach to the Native Americans. They [the activists] cannot see that the history is complex.” The leader of the Mayflower pilgrims, who co-ordinated plans from Leiden in Holland, was a man called John Robinson (“my hero”, says Taylor). Robinson was a remarkably humane and liberal man for his times. He first led his congregation to Amsterdam, where they received charity and support from local Jews who sympathised with their refugee status. Soon enough though, Robinson found that the Amsterdam area was not tolerant enough for his liking so they moved down tothe settlement did not fight Native Americans until many years later in 1675 when hostilities throughout the east coast had grown to an extent that it was unavoidable. The liberal philosophy that Robinson espoused shaped a mindset which grew far beyond Plymouth, Massachusetts, and which shows a different side to America’s founding story. In contrast to the Virginia settlements to the south and later ships to arrive under the leadership of the Puritan Samuel Winthrop, Robinson’s smaller community was built on tolerance and equality. Sadly, their influence could not prevent slavery in the north, but perhaps it goes some way in explaining why it was not as deeply embedded as it was in the deep south, and why abolitionism took root in Massachusetts. The Mayflower settlement was largely forgotten until
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Bradford’s journal was rediscovered in England in the 19th century, when it was immediately hailed in the US for its liberal and humane depiction of the Pilgrim Fathers. In the years preceding the Civil War, the Mayflower story was seized on for providing a truer, more liberal conception of America, even though it had not been the first colony. Lincoln deliberately cited the Mayflower pilgrims from the north because their values of equality and freedom were central to his outlook in the Civil War and in 1863, while battle was raging, he formally made Thanksgiving an annual national holiday. He contrasted the spirit of the Mayflower with that of the ‘other’ America, the south, which was backward, intolerant and built on slavery. There are two sides to America anda combination of Brexit, the Apple case, fears of an EU stealth attack on Ireland’s most sacred cow, corporation tax; and now, the election of Trump. For major parties and for the Government, the idea does not even begin to feature. The recently published National Risk Assessment looks extensively at the possible impacts of Brexit but is silent on the possibility of a future Irish exit. As one sceptic put it adroitly, the attitude of the established political parties (and the Institute of International and European Affairs) to Brussels is as adulatory and hormonal as that of teenage girls to the latest boy-band sensation. Is the political establishment lagging behind the curve on this question? Public figures Certainly, Eirexit has gained some momentum of late. There is a small but growing band of public
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figures questioning the basis of Irish EU membership. Some are opposed to any notion of a federal Europe or EU superstate. Others think Eirexit might turn out to be inevitable if circumstances change. And the public might be with them on this one more than politicians think. Over the course of 55 years, one person has been almost a voice in the wilderness in his consistent opposition to the EU. In October 1961, Anthony Coughlan returned to Ireland to lecture at Trinity College Dublin. A month later he was one of seven people – along with Noël Browne and future Labour TD Barry Desmond – who signed a letter to The Irish Times opposing Ireland’s application to join the European Economic Community. The idea was being mooted in political circles at thetime. Coughlan had read the memoir of one of the EU architects, Jean Monnet, and was alarmed at his enthusiasm for a supranational and federalist entity. “To me it seemed undemocratic, taking away sovereignty from countries, the ability to make laws or policy.” Half a century later, Coughlan’s opposition to an integrated Europe remains undiminished. His energy for constant ‘No’ campaigning has remained undimmed. He was on the No side in the 1972 referendum on accession; and all referendums on the EU since. He and the late Raymond Crotty took a successful challenge in 1987 that ensured any changes in EU treaties would have to be put to referendum. Now, in retirement, under the banner of the National Platform, he continues to write letters and essays on an almost daily basis. A recent letter
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BEST GOA ESCORTS LOVES TO TAKE BREAK Lalit had been a top elite companion for almost two years and had just had one occasion in all that time. As outstanding amongst another elite companion she realized that she needed to buckle down and commit her an opportunity to her devoted customers. She had got herself a pleasant city flat and also some awesome companions. Add to this her developing list of standard customers and she had a decent life indeed. This week anyway she was feeling depleted. It was no big surprise truly; she had been practically working day in and day out. Any extra time she had was to a great extent spent in the gym. All things considered, you can not have the best Goa Escorts who isrusty! In any case, the outcome was that she was currently depleted of all vitality. She called her supervisor who was extremely understanding and dealt with every last bit of her appointments. All she needed was a short holiday; two days was sufficient to escape and revive her batteries. She did some looking on the web and found an inn amidst no place in Ponda. It had awesome surveys, a significant number of which specified the beautiful field encompassing it. So the best elite companions stuffed her strolling boots, some garments and additionally got some sexy new lingerie and condoms, just to be sure! Off the best elite companion went to the train station to start her excursion. As she sat there watching out of the window she pondered what
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energizing experiences lay in front of her. As they maneuvered into the following station a somewhat hot, a tall person got on and sat inverse her. He grinned an ideal grin at her and inquired as to whether it was alright in case he sat there. Obviously, there was no issue for the best private partner. Lalit asked how far he was going and he revealed to her he was going the distance to Ponda. She had grinned at that and disclosed to him she was heading there as well. Perhaps this trek would be more energizing than the best elite companion had thought. Would she really get any rest whatsoever?Q: MySQL - Join Issues Consider I'm having 4 tables in my Database : Team, Player, Training and Team_player A team can have multiple players. A player has only one team. A player can have multiple trainings. I want to get all the player informations, with the date or their next training. Next training is next date that is after current date. Some players don't have a next training date but I still want their informations. Here are the tables : --Team-- | id_team | name | |----------|------| | 1 | Tata | | 2 | Fifi | | 3 | Fofo | --Player-- | id_player | name | age | |------------|------|-----| | 1 | Jon
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j-node Tuesday, August 15, 2017 A short quote on the acceleration of technological breakthroughs at breakneck speed: The information society has been brought about by the fastest growing technology in history. No previous generation has ever been exposed to such an extraordinary acceleration of technological power over reality, with the corresponding social changes and ethical responsibilities. Total pervasiveness, flexibility, and high power have raised ICT to the status of the characteristic technology of our time, factually, rhetorically, and even iconographically. The computer presents itself as a culturally defining technology and has become a symbol of the new millennium, playing a cultural role far more influential than that of mills in the Middle Ages, mechanical clocks in the seventeenth century, and the loom or the steam engine in the age of the IndustrialPicture: PA 12. Pharrell - 2014 Pharrell rocked one of his signature hats at the #CapitalSTB in 2014, teaming it with double denim and a very unique pair of trousers - this is one way to direct people's attention. Picture: PA 13. Louisa Johnson - 2016 Louisa debuted a new grey hairdo on the red carpet back in 2016 and brought the summer vibes with this hot embellished two-piece! Picture: PA Photos 14. Fifth Harmony - 2015 The first formation of Fifth Harmony showed off their individual styles in a range of outfits but as a group back in 2015 and it's fair to say they smashed it! Picture: PA 15. Cheryl - 2014 Cheryl made sports wear chic in this black and white jersey top and trousers back in 2014, adding some va va voom
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various articles regarding gemological topics. - Two meetings every year, where members foster their knowledge about current proceedings in gemology. Professional lectures held by world-known scientists and gemologists are backed up practical exercises and hands-on-workshop. - The opportunity to acquire the title “Fachmitglied der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft” (Fellow of the German Gemmological Association), in short: F.G.G. Eligible people have passed the educational programs of the DGemG and are willing to continuously improve their knowledge through special courses every five years. Magazine of the DGemG The magazine „GEMMOLOGIE – Magazine of the German Gemmological Association“ is a technical-scientific publication for the members of the Association. It is issued regularly since 1952, currently available with two issues a year. It covers current proceedings in the gemstone-field, results and research-topics of the laboratory and shortevidence upon which it could be established that SKU's earlier marks had been genuinely used and that BSKF's mark should be registered. SKU appealed.What was the basis for the appeal? Under section 6A of the, registration of BSKF's mark could not be refused by reason of an earlier mark, unless, within the period of five years ending on 1 July 2011, that earlier mark had been put to genuine use in the UK by the proprietor or with its consent in relation to the goods or services for which it was registered. Before Warren J both sides applied to submit further evidence and, since neither objected to the submission of fresh evidence by the other, the judge kindly agreed.Warren J dismissed SKU's appeal. In his view:* SKU had
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Viennese notary, and the who's who of Paris wonder despairingly what has happened to Pierre Wesselrin, a music composer well-known in certain artistic circles of Saint-Germain-des-Prés." "Wesselrin disappeared after the death of his aunt who'd cut him out (so he thought) of an inheritance he badly needed to restore his precarious financial situation, but his inheritance is now doubled after his cousin Christian Wesselrin's fatal car crash." "Baron, move it, will you?" "Hang on, I'm drinking." "She had a skirt that was tattered and bare" "She hung out with guys who'd give you a scare" "But when she passed by you with her tender dark eyes" "Look at this!" "Look at this!" "He's built like Hercules, rippling with muscles." "He could erect cathedrals, but he's as sluggish asThe Toronto International Film Festival announced all of the genre films playing, including ten in the Midnight Madness programme. Part of the announcement was Colossal, the giant monster movie from Nacho Vigalondo (Extraterrestrial, VHS Viral, Timecrimes). Colossal stars Dan Stevens, who starred in Adam Wingard’s The Guest, opposite Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis, with Tim Blake Nelson and Austin Stowell. In a screenplay said to be similar to Godzilla, “The story follows a woman who moves back to her hometown after losing her job and boyfriend in New York, only to discover that she is somehow strangely connected to a giant creature that has materialized over Seoul and is wreaking havoc on the city.” Stevens will play the ex-boyfriend who originally scorns her only to later fight to win her back. Check
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upright and orderly Treat your hair to the endless benefits of Pureology Colour Fanatic Instant Deep-Conditioning Hair Mask, a rich treatment dedicated to restoring, protecting and perfecting colour-treated hair. Now available in a larger size for even better value. With intense reparative and moisturising properties, the hair mask promises to nourish and strengthen every strand whilst protecting colour vibrancy. From one of Argentinas most exciting and original directors Pablo Trapero (Carancho Lions Den) and starring Ricardo Darin and Jeremie Renier White Elephant is a compelling and highly charged film about courage and human triumph. What should have been South Americas largest hospital sits half-finished in the shanty towns of Buenos Aires home to thousands. Amidst rising tensions between Take a walk on the wild side with these fun and funky shoes.LeatherBJP raises Hindu issues at Vrindavan meet The BJP Saturday pledged to oust the Samajwadi Party government in Uttar Pradesh as a two-day meeting of its state leadership started here voicing concerns about issues related to Hindus. Describing Vrindavan as the land of Lord Krishna who battled injustice, party leader Kalraj Mishra said the “oppressive state government has to be replaced by a people-friendly government”. “Our only goal is to form a BJP government in Lucknow,” added state party president Laxmikant Bajpayi. The Bharatiya Janata Party’s Uttar Pradesh executive is meeting less than three months after the BJP swept the Lok Sabha election in the state, winning a staggering 71 of the 80 seats. Its ally won two seats. Party leaders said the meeting will roll out a roadmap for assembly elections in
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The Commission on the Status of Women is the UN’s main intergovernmental body dedicated exclusively to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. For two weeks in March each year, representatives from the Commission’s UN member states, UN entities and accredited NGOs come together at UN Headquarters in New York to review progress on global conventions and standards on women’s rights. Each year International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. All around the world, International Women's Day (IWD) represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality. Make It Happen is the 2015 theme for encouraging effective action for advancing and recognizing women. The first International Women's Day was held in 1911. Thousands of events occur to mark the economic, political and1858 - Rowland Hussey Macy was a Nantucket Quaker and whaler who failed several times as a store owner until he founded a "fancy dry goods" store in New York City on 6th Avenue near 14th Street in 1858. He began selling at a fixed price for cash, discounted and advertised his merchandise. The red star tatooed on his hand as a 15-year old boy on the whaling ship Emily Morgan became the symbol of the new store. In 1866 he bought an adjoining building for expansion, and by 1872 owned four buildings and by his death in 1877 owned 11 buildings. He was one of the first owners to employ women executives, and Margaret Getschell rose from cashier in 1866 to store superintendent and husband of one of the owners. In 1887 Isidore and Nathan Straus became
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part owners, and bought full control in 1898. The Strauses moved the store from 14th Street to Herald Square, and in 1902 built a new store on this site where Koster & Bial's Music Hall once stood and where Thomas Edison first projected his Vitascope motion picture. The new Macy's store was proclaimed "the largest store on earth" with 9 stories and 33 elevators and 4 escalators and pneumatic tube system. This structure grew 30 stories covering an entire city block by 1924. With a "6% less for cash" policy it attracted thousands of customers. By 1977 Macy's was the nation's 5th largest department store chain with 76 stores, sale over $1.6 billion, and full ownership of 5 regional shopping centers and 50% interest in 3 other centers. No one would have guessed that the small, fancy dry goods store thatopened on the corner of 14th Street and 6th Avenue in New York City in 1858 would grow to be one of the largest department store retailers in the country. But after several failed retail ventures, Rowland Hussey Macy's determination and ingenuity paid off at the age of thirty-six with the launch of R.H. Macy and Co. He adopted a red star as his symbol of success, dating back to his days as a sailor. First day sales totaled $11.06 but by the end of the first full year, sales grossed almost $90,000. By 1877, R.H. Macy & Co. had become a full-fledged department store occupying the ground space of eleven adjacent buildings. Always the innovator, Macy's is known for several firsts that revolutionized the retail industry. Macy's was the first retailer to promote a woman, Margaret Getchell, to an executive position,
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making business history. Macy's pioneered such revolutionary business practices as the one-price system, in which the same item was sold to every customer at one price, and quoting specific prices for goods in newspaper advertising. Known for its creative merchandising, Macy's was the first to introduce such products as the tea bag, the Idaho baked potato and colored bath towels. Macy's was also the first retailer to hold a New York City liquor license. By November 1902, the store had outgrown its modest storefront and moved uptown to its present Herald Square location on Broadway and 34th Street, establishing an attraction for shoppers from around the world. With the store's 7th Avenue expansion complete in 1924, Macy's Herald Square became the "World's Largest Store", with over one million square feet of retail space. By 1918, R.H. Macy & Co. was generating$36 million in annual sales. Yet, the prosperity of the retailer was never more apparent than when the company went public in 1922 and began to open regional stores and take over competing stores. In 1923, the Toledo-based department store LaSalle & Kock was acquired; the next year, Davison-Paxton in Atlanta was acquired and in 1936, the Newark-based Bamberger's was purchased. To help celebrate their new American heritage, Macy's immigrant employees organized the first Christmas Parade in 1924. The procession featured floats, bands, animals from the zoo and 10,000 onlookers, beginning a time-honored tradition now known as the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade®. In 1945, the company expanded west and purchased O'Connor Moffatt and Company in San Francisco. Two years later, O'Connor Moffatt stores, including the landmark Union Square store which opened in 1866, were converted to Macy's after a survey indicated that San
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Franciscans would welcome the name. Macy's California broke new ground with the first department store flower show in 1946. What began as a fragrance promotion in the cosmetics department now annually welcomes the spring season, treating visitors to a botanical, cultural and community spectacle. It caught on in New York six years later. In 1971, Macy's Union Square store's lower level, once cluttered with bargains, was transformed into "The Cellar," changing the way customers shop for housewares. Due to its success, the Herald Square store followed suit five years later. A & S Department Stores, purchased by FDS in 1929, were converted to the Macy's nameplate in May 1995. Also in 1995, FDS acquired the Broadway Department Stores, bringing Broadway, Emporium and Weinstocks to the Macy's family, as well as six former I. Magnin stores; some forty-six stores were converted to Macy's.Following the lead of A & S, Jordan Marsh Department Stores of Boston, already owned by FDS, were converted to Macy's in March 1996. In January 2001, Macy's absorbed seventeen Stern's Department Stores located in New York and New Jersey. In June 2001, FDS purchased the Liberty House operations in Hawaii and Guam, bringing the proud Macy's tradition and heritage to the Pacific. As of November 2003, there are 248 Macy's stores in twenty-one states, Puerto Rico and Guam. Federated, with corporate offices in Cincinnati and New York, is one of the nation's leading department store retailers with annual sales of more than $15.4 billion. Federated currently operates more than 460 department stores in thirty-four states, Puerto Rico and Guam under the names of Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Bon-Macy's, Burdines-Macy's, Goldsmith's-Macy's, Lazarus-Macy's, and Rich's-Macy's. Federated also operates and Bloomingdale's By Mail.
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for the key species that were specifically listed when site was inscribed; 5. Also urges the State Party to implement an early warning system to alert the World Heritage Committee to any plans for the development of a hydroelectric project on the Iguaçu River that would impact the property; 6. Requests the State Party, in consultation with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies, to develop a draft Statement of Outstanding Universal Value including the conditions of integrity, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 33rd session in 2009; 7. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2010, a report on the state of conservation of the property and on progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the 2008binoculars. Bulgaria is also drafting in soldiers to fortify its defences against the ISIS terror group as fanatics try to slip back into Europe. The country was previously considered an easy route back and ISIS included Bulgaria in its declaration map of an Islamic caliphate. Imran Khawaja, who was pictured posing with a severed head in an ISIS stronghold, travelled from Bulgaria in his cousin's taxi after making the crossing last year. And French terror suspect Fritz-Joly Joachin - linked to the Charlie Hebdo gunmen Cherif and Said Kouachi - was also arrested in Bulgaria near the border crossing. The fence is monitored 24/7 by armed guards stationed at strategic points along its current 50-mile length But for thousands of terrified families fleeing the extremists, the fence also represents the end of a desperate
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the gate to a magic world beyond stood wide open. A splendid stallion, rearing in a bright white light, flashed before his mind's eye. The rider, whose mysterious name was Phantasos, nestled against the animal's neck and soothingly whispered in his ear: “Calm.” The horse's front hooves immediately crashed to the ground, setting off small explosions in the sea-blue labyrinth of majestic twists of the brain123456. Aron's sleep was shaken. He looked directly into the dream god's split face. “Could it be that it was broken once and put back together?” the dreaming prince wondered as he studied the phantom image more closely. The left half of the face seemed to consist of water gleaming in colors of turquoise and blue. Foaming sea waves, in place of hair, flowed fromthe head straight down the back. The right side of his face dissolved into earthy sand tones from the forehead to the chin. Twigs with gently sprouting leaves shot from his head, forming a triangle with the surf. At the crest, the elements of earth123456789101112 and water merged in such a bizarre way as to give the dream god an inadvertently weird appearance. In place of the chin, there was a globe. Around his neck germinated blazing red poppy flowers; for poppies are hallucinants. They give wing to dreams. Aron was flabbergasted by the sight of the magnificent creature whose entire body was wrapped in a bright-red, ankle-length cloak from under which peeked out his bare feet stuck in stirrups. The middle toe of the right foot sported a precious
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jade signet ring, representing the mingling of fantasy and reality. Aron was enchanted by the exotic look of the dream god. But best of all about him, to the prince's mind, was the magic crimson cloak. Little flames flared up inside it, one by one, only to go out again just as quickly. Shooting stars exploded, parrots flew peacefully past brawling beasts, a sea monster was in hot pursuit of a ship, storms devastated the world, rivers coughed up human waste onto their banks, a blade of grass pursued a terror-struck man whose legs were giving way under him. People stood in window openings; some jumped out and began to fly. A child was hounded by a rabid dog, mythical creatures gorged themselves at richly laden tables, a farmerchased away a poor old woman without offering her food or drink, children with wings on their backs moved from house to house asking for a bit of love, but stony hearts shushed them away. At one point, it rained tar and sulphur, then again pearls and gems, and so it went on and on, endlessly. Aron couldn't get enough of it. The images hastened through the cloak so they could reach the humans before they would wake up. The dream god had an easy time giving wing to the fantasies. Suddenly, Phantasos dispelled the dream images until nothing was left but the clouds in the sky into which the crimson garment sailed away. Then he drew the prince's attention to an exquisite object by upholding to him a
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was his denigrating conclusion. The prince tossed and turned restlessly in his sleep. The magician stowed the magic mirror deftly in his heart and a bird's wing made its way from this spot out of his body to wander on with the clouds. Prince Aron felt cheated. All he heard was the sound of thundering hooves. Then he fell into the darkness of an uncertain void. The next morning Aron couldn't remember whether he was awake or still dreaming. Sometimes he daydreamed and imagined the strangest things. In his fantasies, he actually saw himself often wandering about in the dream coat, which he had already named “Crimson.” “My Crimson,” he murmured and stroked his left arm. Since then, though he kept a grim silence about what happened, the ideaof a fantasy world would not let go of Aron. It seemed that he had misplaced the key, for nobody approached him about this matter. Though it was early morning, the prince shuffled listlessly1234 like a wilting leaf across the inlaid wood floor and had to garner every ounce of energy to keep from slipping out of his velvet shoes. A terrible headache plagued him as if he could still hear the explosions the thundering hooves taking off in his dream. He ran his outspread fingers through the raised tips of his hair to drive away the throbbing pain. No use. He dragged his tired body toward the throne room. An oppressively humid blast of air, blowing in through the open palace window, filled the room so early in the
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mental illness. Ms. Morse was shot and killed in a classroom that her murderer entered via an open rear entrance to the school building. Plaintiffs alleged that her death was caused by defendants' leaving the rear entrance open to accommodate workers who were engaged in construction projects around the school. The complaint also included allegations that defendants were aware of the potential danger presented by the open door and thus created an opportunity for the attack on Ms. Morse that would not otherwise have existed. Analyzing the facts under the state created danger theory of liability, the Third Circuit rejected the claim, concluding that "the tragic harm which ultimately befell Diane Morse was too attenuated from defendants' actions to support liability." Id. at 908. Similarly, in Estate of Burkesubstantive due process violation under the state created danger exception, the court concluded that the police affirmatively placed Samantha Kneipp in jeopardy. Kneipp, 95 F.3d 1199 (3d Cir.1996). On the night Samantha Kneipp was injured, Police Officer Wesley Tedder stopped her and her husband, Joseph Kneipp, while they were walking home from a bar near their residence. According to her husband, Samantha was visibly intoxicated and unable to walk without assistance. Shortly after they were stopped, other police officers arrived and Joseph asked one of the officers if he could return home to the baby-sitter who was watching his son. The officer replied in the affirmative and Joseph left the scene. After Joseph left, Officer Tedder sent Samantha home alone; she then fell to the bottom of an
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out of an incident involving the involuntary commitment of Salim Henderson, age 20, a diagnosed schizophrenic, to a mental health institution. To effect his commitment, Donna Henderson, Salim Henderson's mother, called 911 to have her son transported to Misericordia Hospital; two officers were sent to her home. As the officers were reviewing his commitment papers, Salim Henderson stated that he did not want to go to the hospital and told the officers that he had to go upstairs for something. Donna Henderson and the police did not follow him upstairs. Once Salim Henderson was "out of earshot," Donna Henderson informed the police that she was concerned that Henderson might jump. Id. at *2. Three to four minutes later, Salim Henderson jumped from the second-story window; he suffered severe andKimi Peck was good at taking in stray and unwanted dogs that were at risk of being euthanized in public shelters. How she cared for the canines was another matter. After years of accusations, she’s on trial for animal cruelty Staff at Frontier Veterinary Clinic in Cheyenne, Wyoming, sensed that something was wrong as soon as they met the woman driving the white pickup with California plates. It was a cool May day in 2014, and she wore a down jacket over her pale blue tracksuit. Kimi Peck had called earlier, asking to get rabies shots for 20 dogs—a strange request in itself—but when she opened the jury-rigged plywood door of the camping trailer she was pulling, there were close to 60 animals inside: Chihuahuas, terrier and border collie
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from people in California that she was an animal hoarder. Officers had inspected the trailer and reported the dogs to be well fed and not in distress. The Frontier Veterinary staff disagreed. The animals were dirty and too thin; several had serious health issues, like eye problems and hair loss. When officers arrived, they confiscated all but four (the maximum local law allowed as pets). Afterward Peck, the former head of Burbank-based Chihuahua Rescue, towed her trailer south to rural Weld County, Colorado, where she’d previously camped behind a mobile home off I-25. As she slept the next morning, two neighbors who’d read about her online found the saluki and shepherd running loose and took them to Boulder’s Humane Society. (Peck later said that the women had broken intocan join in—and exists as a loose collection of disparate groups and individuals, most of them women. Some handle seven animals; others, hundreds. Efforts are regional, national, well funded, broke. A rescuer may keep animals in her own living room or yard, board them in kennels, find foster homes, open a “sanctuary” for those too damaged to ever join a family, or arrange transport to another part of the country. Some help strays, but most pull from crowded public shelters—which, under pressure to reduce their euthanasia rates, are glad to help.
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shall not be named on the Tour of Italy at the Olive Garden that rocked my youth. It was the ultimate combo plate, and back in the day, it was my hands-down favorite. Abuelo's is one of those places that doesn't disappoint. The food is always solid. This year, I went for a smaller combo platter, the Sonora... It's positively petite!!!!!!! This lovely combo was a shredded beef burrito covered in chile con queso, a tamale, a cheese enchilada, beans, and papas con chile. Yum. The tamale was not as good as the ladies who make them in the back of the store in Toronto, but it was pretty good. The burrito was filling, the beans and potatoes where creamy and mild. I really enjoy going here, and my family likesHow a French couple avoided paying traffic fines of €23,000 It's one of those absurd but true stories which both defies belief and illustrates how a loophole in the law, even in a country such as France which seems to have so many of them, can be exploited to its full potential. As reported in the regional daily Nice Matin, a couple in the French city of Cannes have managed to rack up fines for traffic offences amounting to the grand total of just over €23,000. The infractions date back to July 2010 and so far there have been 70 of them - for speeding, illegal parking, not paying at motorway toll booths...and the list goes on. Oh yes, and as well as the fines there have also been points deducted for
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result was the best two clubs get to have half of the #DRIVECLUB experience room dressed up in their club colours, and half of the cars available to play in the demo sporting their club liveries. All Torque No Traction is the inspired name chosen by the highly experienced vehicle and driving team. Spoiler Alert is the signature of the borderline obsessive devoted Quality Assurance team. The E3 Club Challenge The event that this finale takes place on is a thrilling road circuit in Kinloch, Scotland – just one of the stunning real-world locations we will feature in the game. Just like all of the tracks in the game, every section of Kinloch serves up a new opportunity to face-off with Clubmates and rivals, to earn bonuses for you andhis Iranian interviewer “there must not be bus bombings in Tel Aviv.” The warning is only that — Rajoub says a decision to return to arms would be a collective one — but Rajoub is a fitting choice for delivering it. Jailed for 17 years by Israel, he was a militant in his youth, running Fatah cells in the Hebron Hills. As head of Preventive Security under Arafat, he ran the largest intelligence and enforcement apparatus across the West Bank. After the 1993 Oslo Accords promised Palestine a state, he also worked closely with Israeli security, in order to thwart violence aimed at derailing the pact. Interviews with former chiefs of Israel’s domestic security agency make up the entirety of the Oscar-nominated documentaryThe Gatekeepers, and when their talk turns
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to discovering that some Palestinians turn out to believe ardently in peace, the image on the screen is Rajoub’s. He lowers his gaze at the reminder. “Who, you think, changed?” Rajoub asks. He says the good faith shown to Palestinians by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is gone with Rabin, assassinated in by a militant Jewish settler in 1995. Hard-core supporters of settlements, which currently number 200 and keep Palestinians off more than 40 percent of the West Bank, now dominate the right-wing Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has announced regular expansions of settlements during the current round of talks—an act considered illegal by most of the international community. Meanwhile, extremist settlers routinely harass Palestinians on the ground, uprooting olive trees and vandalizing mosques. “Enough, enough, enough,” RajoubNothing says fun to physicists and mathematicians like baseball - it's the perfect sport for the numbers-oriented crowd, and because it's the only game where the defense has the ball, it's ideally suited for the rebel mentality. With baseball playoffs heating up and the World Series right around the corner, it's guaranteed that fans will see daring slides, both feet-first and head-first, and even slides on bang-bang plays at first. But the eternal question has always been, who gets there faster, the head-first slider or the feet-first? The heads first player, says David A. Peters, Ph.D., the McDonnell Douglas Professor of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, and big-time baseball fan. He says it's a matter of the player's center of gravity. Peters is a mechanical engineer who specializes in
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Iowa House backs tougher rules for teen drivers DES MOINES (AP) — Iowa teenagers who want a driver's license before they turn 18 would have to wait a little longer under a measure passed Wednesday by the state House. Representatives voted 87 to 9 in favor of the bill, which requires that minors have their learners permit for a year, instead of the current six months, before they can get a license. Minors would also only be allowed to drive around only one unrelated minor at a time in the first six months of having a license, unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or driving instructor or unless they get blanket permission from a parent to disregard the limit. Current law limits the number of passengers for drivers with a learnerscould have done better but I think I also needed some trust from the manager and the staff.” That is something that he will be afforded in SE25 with Pardew admitting that he has been a long-term admirer of the hitman having tried to sign him during his time at Newcastle United, and Eagles fans will also be pleased to see him in their red and blue stripes after scoring in SE25 twice in his last two appearances. However those previous battles against his new club was another factor the 25-year-old took into account when making his decision, and having experienced first-hand the quality of the Palace squad Benteke is relishing linking up with his new teammates. “I used to play a lot against Crystal Palace and when I came here
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2006 affidavit of Raymond Bertalotto, the Tribe's Transportation Manager of its wholly owned enterprise, Paragon Casino & Resort, in or about October 2004, on behalf of the Tribe, Bertalotto sent out a written solicitation for bids by fax to at least two Louisiana car dealerships on a van the Tribe wished to purchase. 7. According to Bertalotto's affidavit, Paragon is located at 711 Paragon Place in Marksville, Louisiana, on the Tribe's reservation, and Bertalotto's office is in the casino. 8. Bertalotto states in his affidavit that he received bids in his office from three dealerships on the van: by fax *602 from Bolton Ford in Lake Charles, Louisiana, for $33,785 plus tax, title, and license; by fax from Southern Chevrolet in Alexandria, Louisiana, for $36,893 excluding tax, title, and license;delivery of the fan to the Tribe's reservation, Bolton Ford prepared a bill of sale for the vehicle. No one from the Tribe or Paragon signed the bill of sale. The bill of sale was signed by Misti Rutherford of Bolton Ford. 12. According to Bertalotto's affidavit and supplemental affidavit of April 26, the Tribe, through Paragon, took delivery of the van on its reservation on December 28, 2004, after inspecting it to ensure it met the Tribe's specifications. 13. According to the supplemental Bertalotto affidavit and the affidavit of Kent Darbonne of Bolton Ford, Bertalotto hand-delivered a check for the purchase price to Darbonne while he was on the reservation to deliver the van. 14. In filing its February 23, 2005 "Motion by Plaintiff Tunica-Biloxi Tribe for Leave to Amend
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and Supplement Motion for Preliminary Injunction" with this court, the Tribe submitted, as an attachment, the affidavit of Chet Ferretto, who at that time was the Tribe's Senior Vice President and Assistant General Manager of Finance for Paragon. Ferretto's affidavit states that he authorized the purchase of the van, he issued a check payable to the order of Bolton Ford, and mailed the check to Bolton Ford's post-office address on December 22, 2004. 15. Ferretto's affidavit also states that an employee of Bolton Ford delivered the van to Paragon Casino & Resort on December 28, 2004, where it was taken into possession on behalf of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe by Tony Pierite. 16. According to the affidavit of the Tribe's current controller, Derlyn Scott, at the request of the Tribe's attorney,packages were brought. Various conditions had to be met before officers could execute the warrant, chiefly, delivery of the packages to “Lisa Lawis” or an adult accepting delivery on her behalf. Police officers suspected that Halliburton was the intended recipient. They knew that he had paid a water bill at the delivery address within the past year, that he had been associated with another package containing marijuana two years earlier (the record does not explain the association), and that he was on federal supervised release for a drug felony. A detective had previously met with, and could identify, Halliburton, who was living near the delivery address at a halfway house. A postal inspector dressed as a mail carrier left the packages at the
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delivery address after no one inside the residence responded. A short time later, officers observed Halliburton arrive in a silver Volkswagen and take both packages. They followed him as he drove across town, pulled into the driveway of another residence, placed the packages in a white Pontiac van parked there, and then drove away in the Volkswagen. A police detective pulled him over. After hearing Miranda warnings, Halliburton admitted that the packages were meant for him and that they contained marijuana. He was then taken back to the residence where the Pontiac was parked, and he gave another detective permission to search it. Using Halliburton’s key to unlock the van, officers found the packages, more marijuana, and cocaine. Halliburton later confessed to possessing the cocaine and was charged with that offense. willing to discuss terms by which Britain remains inside the bloc's customs union, or to negotiate a separate customs union like the EU's deal with Turkey, which would entail agreed-upon, common tariffs on imported goods. But following talks on the Northern Ireland border issue in Brussels in the last two weeks, the EU has confirmed its opposition to one of the two proposals — known as the "new customs partnership." Originally put forward by U.K. negotiators last August, it would allow Britain to maintain its own system of tariffs but act as a collector of EU customs duties on goods that enter the U.K. bound for an EU country. The other proposal, known as the "highly streamlined customs arrangement," involves using technological solutions to lower customs barriers. It is also
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since EU27 leaders adopted guidelines on the future relationship at their March summit. A third EU diplomat characterized the discussions as having ruled out the U.K.’s "customs partnership" proposal and deemed the "highly streamlined customs arrangement" as equally unviable as a solution on its own. In its March European Council guidelines for the next phase of negotiations, the EU warned that “Being outside the Customs Union and the Single Market will inevitably lead to frictions in trade. Divergence in external tariffs and internal rules as well as absence of common institutions and a shared legal system, necessitates checks and controls to uphold the integrity of the EU Single Market as well as of the U.K. market. This unfortunately will have negative economic consequences, in particular in the United Kingdom.” InSLAMMED: A screen grab of a report about the video from the website of Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily. He and his friends thought it was a fun video that everyone could enjoy and laugh at on social media. But they did not reckon their caustic comments on Hong Kong airport food would raise such a stink among the media and netizens there. Mediacorp's Love 97.2 FM DJ Mark Lee, 48, and his fellow DJs, Dennis Chew, 43, Marcus Chin, 63, and Chen Biyu, 50, uploaded a short video on YouTube last Wednesday, in which they riffed on how horrible the food tasted at Hong Kong International Airport. They were at the airport in transit from Hokkaido, Japan, where they had been for seven daysto appear on a radio show. The video, which
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has gone viral with about 60,000 views as of last night, got netizens into a lather as they hit back at the jocks for being "disrespectful to Hong Kong" and a "disgrace to Singapore". Hong Kong's Apple Daily and Malaysia's China Press picked up on the video, and turned it into a platform for netizens to further bash the DJs. In the three-minute video, Lee, speaking and cursing in Cantonese, complains about his fried noodles being unpalatable. The others then chime in, with Chin saying that even his dog wouldn't eat it and Chen commenting that the noodles tasted like "rubber bands". Lee, who is also known as a comedian and actor, told The New Paper yesterday: "It was quite late at night, at about 11.20pm, and we were extremely hungry, havingknow Hong Kongers speak that way too. It's also to capture people's attention." WORK TRIP: (From left) Mark Lee, Chen Biyu, Marcus Chin and Dennis Chew were in transit at Hong Kong airport on their way to Singapore. It certainly caught the attention of netizens, who felt their actions were inappropriate for public figures in the entertainment industry. One said he was disappointed with their behaviour, and another called them "Singaporean trash who do not understand the meaning of mutual respect". But Lee was unrepentant and refused to apologise. He said: "When I cursed, it was quite mild, not something extreme. I just thought that people would focus on Dennis instead. "I don't regret saying what I said as all of us felt very sad after eating the food. It's an international airport, which
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Sing songs you know, or make them up. I had an autistic student who was a reluctant speaker as well as afraid of the toilet. I made up the pee song: "Everybody has to go pee. Another kid's name, Willow and me. Everybody has to go P-E -E. Another kid's name, Willow and me." Years later the student returned and sang the song to me and said it had helped her daughter, too. So as silly as a made-up song might be, it makes language more fun. Best of luck! date of account settlement. The change will come into effect in 2019, the regulator said. The vast majority of Korean companies balance their books at the end of the calendar year. Under the new measures, if a company selects a date for an AGM on which many other AGMs are being held, it will have to inform investors of the reason why it chose that date. The vice chairman of the Financial Services Commission, Kim Yong-beom, noted on Wednesday that companies have little interest in making AGMs more lively. “Shareholder meetings have become like a symbolic events because companies rarely care about them,” said Kim. Another new idea is to promote an electronic voting system for shareholders who can’t make it to an AGM. The Financial Services Commission will ask securities companies to tell
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Bruce Lee first found fame in the United States portraying Kato, the sidekick in the 1966 television run of "The Green Hornet," but he didn't enjoy the part, according to his daughter. “Bruce really hated his performance in that show because he felt like he wasn’t really being himself," Shannon Lee told NBC News. "After doing 'The Green Hornet,' he made up his mind that he was going to show Hollywood what the authentic representation of an Asian man was in television and film and that was his goal.” Now, nearly 43 years after Bruce Lee's death, his family is carrying on the legacy of the action hero whose posthumous success helped disrupt Asian-American stereotypes and introduced a new wave of entertainers with a particular focus on his philanthropy andlife philosophies. While filming “The Green Hornet,” Lee moved so quickly that the show’s producers would often shoot his scenes in slow motion because his movements were blurs at normal speed. The show failed to find sustainable success in the United States, but started a cult following in Hong Kong, where it was marketed as “The Kato Show,” according to Newsweek. Bruce Lee in 1973's "Enter the Dragon." (All photos supplied courtesy of the Bruce Lee Foundation. The Bruce Lee name, image, likeness and all related indicia are intellectual property of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All photos supplied courtesy of the Bruce Lee Foundation. After the show ended, Lee returned to Hong Kong, where he made many of the films that helped him rise to prominence, including
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all related indicia are intellectual property of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. All photos supplied courtesy of the Bruce Lee Foundation. Shannon Lee is working to foster a better understanding of the wide net her father cast through her work in the Bruce Lee Foundation, which she co-founded and chairs. The mission of the foundation is to inspire confidence and motivate action through the lens of Bruce Lee’s philosophies. The foundation, which initially began as a grassroots campaign, has expanded in recent years and now operates three branches: a Bruce Lee Action Museum, a scholarship program, and the "Little Dragons" martial arts education program. RELATED: Bruce Lee, Kristi Yamaguchi Among California Hall of Fame's 2015 Class The museum program is currently in its first phase, with exhibits in Seattle,spirit, his struggles, who he was as a human being, and what he was trying to do with his life.” In 1993, a biopic about Bruce Lee’s life titled, “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story,” was released. Based on the biography, "Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew," written by Linda Lee Cadwell, the film was a box office success and received generally positive reviews critically. But, Shannon Lee felt the film dramatized a few aspects of her father’s life. "We really want it to focus on his spirit, his struggles, who he was as a human being, and what he was trying to do with his life." “I always thought that 'Dragon' had a really beautiful energy and spirit about it and I think that everyone in the cast did a
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father’s words and through the way he lived his life," she said. "I truly believe that it can bring good energy and love into their lives as well.” Follow NBC Asian America on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Correction: An earlier version of this story stated that the Bruce Lee Foundation was launching a new website and podcast on July 20. Bruce Lee Enterprises is launching the website and podcast.Interview: Cliff Bleszinski Talks Prequels, Lil Wayne, And The "Halo" Crossover That Almost Was It's hard to believe, but the man gamers know as Cliffy B. has been making games for 20 years. When he was 16, Cliff Bleszinski put together his first commercially available adventure title, and moved onward and upward from there, landing at Epic Games right out of high school. If you're not familiar (in which case, you may be in the wrong place), his tenure at Epic is best known for the Unreal FPS series and serving as design director on the ongoing Microsoft-exclusive Gears of War trilogy, which reaches its end (or so we assume) this September. With the Gears 3 multiplayer beta going on now—at least for those who pre-ordered the game or bought
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there was dried on lettuce crusted to the tray. The walls could use a washing and there was an odd blank space and I realized that there was supped to be something hanging there but it had fallen off but the hardware to hold it was still in the wall. The service was good but the place looked worse the longer and closer you looked. I was reading a book as I ate and in the 30 minutes I was there NO ONE bothered to clean any of the dirty tables. I was leaving as people started to come in, clearly the beginning of the midday lunch rush. And they had a dining room full of dirty tables and a floor that needed to be moped up andNews All News Articles Kevin Dean Named Head Coach Of Providence Bruins by Staff Writer / Boston Bruins BOSTON, MA - Boston Bruins General Manager Don Sweeney announced today, July 18, that the Bruins have named Kevin Dean the Head Coach of the Providence Bruins. Dean recently completed his fifth season as an assistant coach of the Providence Bruins in 2015-16. During his tenure as an assistant coach in Providence, the team has compiled a 207-128-45 overall record in 380 games, including winning seasons in all five years and postseason berths in each of the previous four seasons. The 47-year-old native of Madison, WI, also spent five seasons as a coach in the New Jersey Devils organization, including four seasons as an assistant coach for the Lowell Devils (AHL) and one season as head coach
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of the Trenton Devils (ECHL). Dean also enjoyed a successful playing career, competing in 331 NHL games with Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta and New Jersey. In his playing career he compiled 7 goals and 48 assists for 55 points with 138 penalty minutes. Prior to his professional career, Dean played four seasons at the University of New Hampshire posting 14 goals and 36 assists for 50 total points in 137 games. He was drafted by New Jersey in the fifth round (86th overall) of the 1987 NHL Entry the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The increase is driven primarily by opioids, which claimed 42,249 lives in 2016, a 28 percent increase over the roughly 33,000 lives lost to opioids in 2015. Deaths from synthetic opioids like fentanyl, a painkiller roughly 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine, experienced a particularly dramatic increase, more than doubling from 9,580 lives in 2015 to 19,413 lives in 2016. The epidemic is contributing to declining life expectancy in the U.S., officials say. Life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2016 for the first time since an outbreak of influenza in 1962 and 1963. Follow Steve on Twitter Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large
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a growth substrate has been successfully studied in a number of systems. During co-metabolic degradation of TCE with methane, the methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs) produce a non-specific enzyme, methane monooxygenase (MMO), which oxidizes methane as its substrate and can also fortuitously degrade TCE. The 2007 journal article generally described a new upward flow constructed wetland cell for treating groundwater contaminated with chlorinated aliphatics. Although wetlands have been used for water treatment for many years, the unique concept of the new constructed wetland was upward vertical water flow through individually designed soil layers, or zones, within the constructed wetland cell to provide the required sequential conditions to sequentially alter the contaminants to produce non-hazardous by-products. Briefly, the new upward flow constructed wetland fed contaminated ground water sequentially through, from bottom to top: (1)Ngāti Whātua. This authority was given by the tribe at a hui-a-iwi held at the Ōtamatea marae on Saturday 20th February 1993. It is also a Mandated Iwi Organisation and Iwi Aquaculture Organisation for the purposes of the Māori Fisheries Act 2004. The Rūnanga represents five takiwa: Orākei South Kaipara Otamatea Whangarei Northern Wairoa Representation from all takiwa on the Rūnanga board is afforded according to a marae ward system based on the numerical presence of a marae. The health arm of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua, Te Kahu Pokere, is the Auckland Based provider of health, social, education and youth services and service the Northland, Waitemata and Auckland DHB regions. Raukura Hauora o Tainui, as the health, social service, education and justice provider for Tainui, was established in 1983 as a result of an identified need concerning
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major disparities in employment, health, education and housing by the Tainui tribe (Tainui Report, 1983). It is on this basis that Tainui Kaumatua and Kuia resolved to pursue the dream of Princess Te Puea Herangi and reclaim their health and wellness needs. In 1991 Raukura Hauora O Tainui became a legal entity and delivered community health promotion program, which progressed into Primary Health Care, with the first GP clinic, located at Waahi Marae. In 1995 Raukura Hauora O Tainui ki Tamaki was established. The ethos of the organizations aspirations is its acceptance and appreciation of Maori culture, social structures and rituals of encounter. These continue to be the basis of planning, development and implementation of all health care programs offered by the organisation. Raukura Hauora o Tainui predominantly service Māori, Pacific,God Blessed America With Kate Smith It was a poignant, somewhat sad, and moving ceremony. An elderly lady elegantly attired in a black dress was pushed onto a stage in her wheelchair at the Raleigh Civic Center. The date was October 26, 1982, and the man pushing her onto the stage was none other than President Ronald Reagan. The lady in the wheelchair was Kate Smith, who, after a long and storied career in the spotlight, beloved by millions, had become immortalized in her own time as “America’s Songbird.” During her career she sold millions of records, and was a pioneering star of first the stage, then of radio, and, finally, of television. Known for her ardent love of faith and of her country, she was now, at the
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end of her life, being presented with the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that can be given to a civilian. In awarding her the Medal of Freedom, President Reagan said: “The voice of Kate Smith is known and loved by millions.... In war and peace, it has been an inspiration.... In giving us a magnificent, selfless talent like Kate Smith, God has truly blessed America.” The award was well and truly deserved because no entertainer, either before or since, has done so much for the American people and the country she loved, and done it so selflessly and with so much passion. Now, however, in recent months, Smith’s legacy has come under fire. Her detractors allege that, many decades ago at the dawn of her career, she sang two songsequal measure. While they enjoyed her talents, as she grew up, they hoped for her to pursue a career in nursing, which at one point led to a terrible argument with her father, who slapped the then-teenaged singer. With the urging of her parents and grandparents, Smith eventually attempted to take up nursing, and throughout her life she maintained a special concern for the sick and unwell. But her passion for singing and entertaining was not to be denied, and when a break came that represented a chance to be on stage in a production in New York City, Smith boarded what her biographer, Richard K. Hayes, noted was the “first commercial airplane” for the three-hour flight to New York. Smith was only in her late teenage years when
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she debuted in the play Honeymoon Lane in the fall of 1926. The heavyset teenage vocalist was cast in the role of Tiny Little, where her weight would be played for laughs. This set a trend that would be a source of great anguish and despair for her over the early years of her entertainment career, as she was cheered for her amazing singing talents in equal measure as she was jeered for her weight. Eddie Dowling, the playwright and actor behind Honeymoon Lane, recalled Smith’s role in the production years later, according to biographer Hayes: I sat her through every scene in the show and never let her open her mouth, just this big, fat, 260-pound girl. People asked, “What is this?” Until this moment, about a quarter ofevident on stage. They were so evident that they attracted the attention of Ted Collins, recording manager for Columbia Records. Collins was in the audience that night in 1930 only because he missed his train and decided to catch a performance of Flying High while he was waiting for the next train. He was stunned by Smith’s talents and requested a meeting with her. Collins invited Smith, who was initially skeptical of the man, to come to the Columbia Phonograph Company studios to sing for the recording engineers, with the prospect of landing a recording contract. Of course, with Smith’s voice, the result was never in doubt, and soon enough Kate Smith recordings were appearing in record stores. It wouldn’t be long before her albums would sell in the
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too good to be true, offered by the stereotypical “rapacious executive” looking to take advantage of a young, naive talent. But not in this instance.Collins was genuine, and he was right all along. The partnership was more successful than even he could imagine, and certainly more successful than Kate, who was still considering “exiting from stage right” straight out of the music business, could conceive.The result was Smith appearing in a string of radio and television shows and broadcasts, and generating millions of record sales, over the next several decades. Photo credit: AP Images This article appears in the July 8, 2019, issue of The New American. To download the issue and continue reading this story, or to subscribe, click here. "God Bless America" By 1938, Kate Smith was more than asinger. She was an ever-present part of America’s entertainment landscape, as well as being a respected “public intellectual” of a sort, bringing perspective on the news and the issues of the day to her audience via her radio program Kate Smith Speaks. In those days, storm clouds of war were clearly on the horizon, and Ted Collins and Smith both felt something special was needed to help bring the country together around the values of faith and patriotism. On Armistice Day, 1938, during one such program, Smith explained the reasoning behind the new song she was introducing. “It has been my privilege to be on the air on Armistice Day or Armistice Day Eve for the past eight years,” she told her audience. “This year ... I felt I
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was striving for. He said, ‘Kate, you want something more than a popular song. I’m not sure, but I will try.’ He worked day after day, night after night, until at last his task was completed. The other day he sent me his masterpiece, and along with it this little note: ‘Dear Kate: here it is.... I did the best I could, and it expresses the way I feel.’ The song is called ‘God Bless America’; the composer, Mr. Irving Berlin.” Of course, this is one of the greatest songs ever composed, and in Smith it was delivered by one the greatest female vocalists of the 20th century. Even today, when the mind hears the tune of “God Bless America,” the imagination delivers it in Smith’s voice. As it turnedout, not only did Berlin and Smith bless America by delivering to the country the immortal words and melody of the song, Smith herself was a blessing to a country embroiled in a globe-spanning war against tyrants, genocide, and evil bloodlust. While the flower of America’s youth took to the skies, seas, and far-flung beachheads of World War II to stand against both the Nazi and Imperial Japanese juggernauts, Smith rallied those who remained behind to support the troops with epic fundraising efforts. Smith’s war bond broadcasts remain the stuff of legend. She was expert at using her vocal talents and naturally engaging storytelling ability to draw a picture in the minds of her listeners of the demands and sacrifices war meant to Americans serving in the conflict. “All over
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America, autumn is dancing over the hills and plains, tapping out the rhythm of the changing season,” she said during a CBS war bonds broadcast. “But somewhere in the mud and the grime and noise of the battlefront a young man in khaki lies sprawled on unfamiliar earth. He lies very still and in his eyes there is untold agony. The guns of the enemy have gotten him, and as his comrades plunge forward into the black hell of war, he waits for the stretcher-bearers.... He is just an average American kid, came from a little town like any other American town.... He didn’t want to set the world on fire. He wanted to live and work and love and get married.... Why in God’s name should hechats were constantly giving moral support to those of us here at home. She sang more patriotic songs than any other singer, expanding her broadcast schedule to include Armed Forces Radio shows, public service messages and bond drives. The cast of the ‘Kate Smith Hour’ traveled some 52,000 miles on the North American continent to give entertainment to military bases and centers of war work.” Fame and Fortune From at least 1930 to 1950, no entertainer was more beloved by Americans than Kate Smith. Thereafter, interest in her flagged for a time, as new talents and song-styles emerged during the 1950s. But Kate Smith was always in demand and, as she did for the radio, she became the pioneering broadcaster for the fledgling technology of television. Even after she stopped
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hosting her own shows, she was in demand for guest appearances on other programs, even through the 1970s with programs such as The Sonny & Cher Show and the Tony Orlando and Dawn show. Of her considerable success, Ed Sullivan, who had long known Smith and watched her career, remarked on the occasion of an awards ceremony in 1974 that she was “a great singing lady who has been entertaining America for nearly half a century.” She was, he continued, “one of the top selling recording artists of all time” and “was one of radio’s first major stars.” Moreover, he noted, “She introduced the daytime talk show to television [and] her big time variety shows set new trends in both radio and TV.” Eventually, her legend was compounded by heraffiliation with the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League. She had always liked sports, and was flattered when the Flyers started featuring her recording of “God Bless America” before games, as team superstition held that if played before a game, a win was sure to follow. Smith sang the song in person, on a red carpet that had been rolled out on the ice, to a crowd of 17,007 fans on October 11, 1973. Doug Favell, the goalie from the opposing team that night, recalled the moment, saying, “I knew our goose was cooked.” As Richard Hayes notes in his biography of Smith, the score that night “was Philadelphia 2, Toronto 0.” The Flyers went on to erect a statue of Smith in full-throated song outside their
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find new talents and bring them to the attention of the American people. For the better part of the 20th century, Kate Smith charmed and delighted audiences with her voice, her empathy for her fellow Americans, and her warm personality. Through peace and war, through times of plenty and times of economic distress, and despite attacks on her physical appearance and weight that continued throughout her life, she was a true American original. As many, including President Reagan, have said before, God blessed America with Kate Smith. Photo credit: AP Images Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment Thank you for joining the discussion at The New American. We value our readers and encourage their participation, but in order to ensure a positive experience for our readership, we have aThe International Wildcard tournament gives smaller regions the chance to make a name for themselves and show themselves to a wider international audience. The tournament at Gamescom had two stars - the first was Legacy Esports' Support ErectGymnast, for his amazing Alistar play during the first day of the competition. The second star, however, led his team to victory off the back of his great calls and stellar play in the middle lane. I was able to catch up with Koray "Naru" Biçak after his performance at Gamescom and ask him about his experience there and his expectations for Worlds. This interview was done in English rather than Turkish, and this interview is published without editing for grammar or spelling. Additions to the Naru's answers are noted in brackets
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Metro has expressed its regret after a 72-year-old grandmother, who had no more than 10 seconds to load her two small grandchildren and bags onto a train, was left stranded on the platform while the children were carried away without her. On November 3, Clare Hassard, 72, was at Southern Cross Station, attempting to board a Frankston-bound train with her granddaughters, aged four and five, when the doors closed while she bent down to pick up her luggage. A Metro investigation of the incident using CCTV footage found less than 11 seconds elapsed between the last passenger exiting the door Ms Hassard and her grandchildren were entering and the driver closing the train doors. The train doors were open for 18 seconds in total, and it took 13 seconds forthe doorway to clear and for Ms Hassard to help the children on board. She then walked to the yellow safety line to collect her bag, but within five seconds the doors had closed, and three seconds later the train departed. Another adult on the train accompanied the children to Flinders Street Station, where the family was reunited with the assistance of Metro staff. Metro took until Friday, 26 days, to respond to a complaint by Ms Hassard's son Anthony Ryan, who is also the children's father.
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I finally got a Fourth of July summit. It was still partly cloudy when I got to the summit. The sun would break through at times though. You could still see into VT. Good views, just not great for taking pictures because of the clouds. The way down wasn't that fun, because it started to get hot, and the bugs came out with a VENGEANCE. Being tired from a long hike, time started to drag on. You soon forget all the misery when you're back home though, and are planning another Adirondack adventure... Climbed a few times now.Last ascent was July 4th 09.This time it was spectactular.Only half the veiws opened up,but they were exceptional.This was just part of a long day traversing the range over Hough and Carson,thenbreaking trail out after dark through several feet of snow.It was challenging...Jim Wallace The sun was trying to peek through as we summited with moderate wind. This was the first trail marker we'd seen all day, having approached from the N. Fork of the Bouquet R. and climbing the other four Dixes first. Climbed via Dix Trail from the Elk Lake Lodge. It was a long hike but definately worth it. The final push to the Beckhorn was totally exposed providing sweeping views in nearly every direction. Attempted to hike over to Hough but decided to save it for another day as darkness was only a few hours away. Hiked with Paul on a 5 peak string. Did the entire Dix range in 22 hours. Summited Dix in the dark at
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According to media reports, U.S. warships launched over 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield in the center province of Homs at dawn Friday. A monitor group said at least four Syrian soldiers have been killed. U.S. President Donald Trump said earlier that he had ordered the strikes and called the operations in the nation’s “vital interest.” “Russia will first of all demand an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council,” Ozerov was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti news agency. Ozerov said that the U.S. missile strike will likely worsen the already clouded relations between Moscow and Washington and hurt bilateral military cooperation as the United States failed to communicate properly on the matter.anyone was doing things right and found yes, some were. Despite the economic pall settling over much of the globe, he reported, some countries were showing resolve and ingenuity in getting their houses in order. He identified two (no, NZ was overlooked). Each had been battered by separate financial crises and offered vital lessons for Europe and the US about how to spur economic recovery. Eschewing privatisation, the Govt nationalised the three largest banks, capital controls were imposed to protect the currency, financial regulation was tightened, and creditors, not taxpayers, were lumbered with most bank-related losses. Sharp spending cuts (favoured by many European states but now stifling the region’s growth) were rejected. Iceland’s recession ended in the second half of 2010. Private spending increased and exports began to rise; wages rebounded
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"Morning Joe" co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are urging President Trump Donald John TrumpObama calls on Senate not to fill Ginsburg's vacancy until after election Planned Parenthood: 'The fate of our rights' depends on Ginsburg replacement Progressive group to spend M in ad campaign on Supreme Court vacancy MORE's family to "get out of the way" and allow the president's new chief of staff to bring order to the West Wing. "Family members who want Donald Trump to succeed need to let his Chief of Staff do his job," Scarborough wrote on Twitter Tuesday. "They need to get out of the way." Family members who want Donald Trump to succeed need to let his Chief of Staff do his job. They need to get out of the way. — JoeScarborough (@JoeNBC) August 1, 2017 "It's time for Donald Trump's family members to get out of the way and let professionals run the White House," Brzezinski tweeted. "Actually, it is way past time." It's time for Donald Trump's family members to get out of the way and let professionals run the White House. Actually, it is way past time. — Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) August 1, 2017 Trump abruptly announced on Friday that he had tapped now-former Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as his new White House chief of staff. ADVERTISEMENT Kelly, a retired Marine general who had served at the Department of Homeland Security since January, is said to want to impose order in a White House that has, at times, been marked by chaos and controversy. But members of Trump's family, including his
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daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, are said to have significant influence in the Trump White House and chime in on the president's deliberations and decisions. The new chief of staff was reportedly behind the shocking firing of White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci on Monday, less than two weeks after the Wall Street financier took office. Scaramucci came under fire last week after delivering a profanity-laced tirade about former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and others during an interview with The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza.LAW SCHOOLS SHIFT FOCUS FOR GRADS Many steered down new legal paths as bleak job market awaits students Facing a grim job market for graduates and the prospect of a decades-long decline in applications, some law schools are steering students toward legal areas where careers are more promising. Whether the strategy is merited and effective remains to be seen as the nation’s roughly 200 law schools, including three in San Diego County, mark another season of commencement ceremonies. Leaders at these institutions and outside legal experts are divided in their long-term outlook on the employment landscape for attorneys. “I expect one or two, and maybe as many as 10, law schools to close over the next decade,” said Brian Leiter, a professor of jurisprudence at the University of Chicago Law School and
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the legal field was affected by the recession. But technology and other factors also have contributed to the downsizing, said Brian Tamanaha, a professor at Washington University Law School in St. Louis, Mo., and author of “Failing Law Schools.” “In 2008 there was a serious contraction in the legal market,” he said. “Thousands of attorneys were laid off. That was a huge shock through the system.” Corporate law firms responded in ways that Tamanaha said made them more efficient — and reduced their work force. He said those firms shifted to electronic means of reviewing legal documents, replacing the role previously handled by lower-level attorneys. They also have outsourced some functions to foreign countries and contracted with outside lawyers, who charge lower rates, instead of keeping a larger in-house staff. InUMEED 2019- JOB FAIR HELD SUCCESSFULLY AT SBS Ludhiana, 8thMarch 2019: ‘UMEED 2019’ Job Fair – an Annual Event was held today at the SBS Campus. Umeed Job Fair offers a platform for job seekers and industry looking for candidates to manage and grow their business. This year more than 300 manufacturing and service sector companies and 1000s of students from across colleges and institutes were invited for Umeed 2019. Of which, around thirty companies and close to 600 students grabbed the opportunity for entry level job placement. Notably companies ICICI Bank, NIIT Ltd., HDFC, Coca Cola, Rockman Industries, Connect Infotel, Kangroo Industries, Lifestyle Nutrition, Aarti International, Vacancy India, Kochar Infotech, etc. participated in the Job Fair Dr. Ghazala the Chairperson of the college told that Umeed Job Fair was
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a grand success as more than150 students were short listed for final selection by the companiesand gave the credit to the faculty and students of the college for making it happen. The Guest of Honourat the event was MrRajan Sharma, ADC Employment and NavdeepSingh, Dy CEO Employment Bureau who appreciated the efforts being made by SBS not only in providing employment to its students but also students of other colleges/institutes of Punjab. Synetic Business School (SBS) engaged in Management Education, Market Research, Training and Consultancy was established by renowned academician Dr. M. A. Zahir­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­, Ex-Professor & Dean of Management, PAU, Ludhiana and recipient of three Life Time Achievement Awards including the LMA Satya Pal Mittal Life Time Achievement Award in 2018. The institute offers Master of Commerce (M.Com), Bachelor ofAusGamers had the opportunity to chat up Encryption Films' Wade K. Savage, during which the Fallout: Lanius director and creator discusses the team's future plans for the fan film, the competition they face elsewhere in the wasteland, the difficulty they've had with appealing to the hardcore Fallout fanbase, and more. AusGamers: What made you think it was a project worth the extra attention you're giving it? Wade: Well, in the end it just comes from my love of the subject matter. I love the notion of warring civilisations, science-fiction and high action. I loved the writing of Fallout: New Vegas, and its characters who were multiple shades of grey. For me, Fallout: Lanius is a pure work of passion. I want to use all the lessons I've learnt directing shorts
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Hyderabad: Protestors and police clash during a demonstration demanding justice for Hyderabad veterinarian who was working as an assistant veterinarian at a state-run hospital and whose charred remains was found under a culvert. (PTI) Hyderabad: Protestors and police clash during a demonstration demanding justice for Hyderabad veterinarian who was working as an assistant veterinarian at a state-run hospital and whose charred remains was found under a culvert. (PTI) Amid mounting public pressure and vocal protests by hundreds of people demanding death penalty for the four accused in the rape and murder of a Hyderabad veterinarian, the residents of the colony where the victim stayed are turning away political leaders and film stars who wanted to call on her family Sunday to express their sympathies. The residents locked the gates ofis emotionally unstable. Soon afterwards, it begins to feed upon the darkness within one's heart and allows the spirit to create dark chakra (闇のチャクラ, yami no chakura). The dark chakra produced by the Zero-Tails grants its host a great source of power, giving them access to high-level techniques without even using hand seals while negating any potential drawbacks those techniques may otherwise bring, as well as powering up the entire floating fortress. It appears to have the ability to read the hearts of others, seeing as it saw Naruto's urge to rescue Sasuke Uchiha, and his pain when he was unable to bring him back. The Zero-Tails is also able to instantly reattach itself whenever it lost a part of its body, even its head. Plot Overview The remnants of
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the Land of the Sky used the Zero-Tails to discretely create enough dark chakra to power their ultimate weapon, Ancor Vantian. This dark chakra was also personally used by Shinnō, an agent of the Land of the Sky and the man who orchestrated the revival of the Sky ninja forces. He originally had Amaru's village attacked in order to have her fall into despair, in which the Zero-Tails can then take advantage and possess her, in order to gain more dark chakra, but when she overcame her sorrows with Naruto Uzumaki's help, the beast left her body and ended up in Ancor Vantian. When Shinnō was weakened by Sasuke Uchiha, he fused with the Zero-Tails in order to gain more power, but when Sasuke destroyed the tablet thatWatch this brunette milf opens her long legs , and pees all over her panties... Blonde pees in her pants. Watch keithy is an amateur slut who wants to make it into porn, she pees... Sultry jo in action pussy ass pee. Delia,kiss me pee pee. In this extremely slutty clip, gorgeous blond club babe darcy tyler sucks off a big black dick in the toilet. The gorgeous tart walks in to the nightclub bathroom, desperate to take a pee. While she is sitting on the toilet urinating, she notices a larg.
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When Crab Was King: Faces of the Kodiak King Crab Fishery, 1950-1982 KMM is exhibiting a series of twenty-four photographic portraits of fishermen, processing workers, bartenders, store owners and ordinary people who lived through the boom years of the Kodiak King Crab Fishery, which lasted from the 1950s to 1982. Portraits are part of a King Crab exhibit which ran from May 7 to June 1, 2011, at the Baranov Musuem in Kodiak. Read the Curator's Statement below. Curator’s Statement As the King Crab fishery peaked in the mid-1960s, everyone in Kodiak knew that something extraordinary was happening. Millions of pounds of crabs were coming across the docks, new state of the art crab boats arrived every week, thousands of young people were suddenly in town, and fortunes were being madeand spent with equal abandon. But while the work was lucrative- $100,000 crewshares were not unheard of- the fishery was extremely dangerous too, and boats and men were lost at sea on a regular basis every winter. These elements of youth and money and danger made Kodiak an exhilarating place to be. And then, in 1982, it ended. The crab went away, for reasons still not fully understood. People moved on to other fisheries, to other occupations, or off the island. The fishermen got older and began raising families. The town quieted down. But the stories remained, filtering through the collective memory of Kodiak and other fishing communities along Alaska’s Gulf coast and down to Seattle, stories of huge catches and crazy paychecks, of wild behavior and hard, hard
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work, of being young and invincible, of a fishery that seemed at the time to be forever. It was that feeling, those stories, which Kodiak Maritime Museum has tried to capture in its oral history of the fishery, before the people who lived them went away themselves. But while the oral history project has been very successful in preserving the stories and creating an audience for them in Kodiak and beyond, the museum realized early on that some visual element would help people more fully appreciate the Kodiak King Crab boom years. To that end, in 2010 museum staff began thinking about ways to show the faces of the people in the oral histories. The intent was to somehow present the congruence of the present and the past ineach image- and the result became these middle aged or elderly men and women standing before the camera in a black and white present, their hands holding smaller color images of themselves taken decades before, when the crab fishery was booming and they were young themselves. Through the spring of 2011 museum staff worked with a local photographer, Alf Pryor, and dozens of Kodiak residents to produce the images you see here. The staff and board of KMM strongly believe that a history museum must be not merely a keeper of the past, but also be relevant to the community it serves in the present. For communities to appreciate and value their history and culture, that history and culture must be nurtured and interpreted- the link between what was
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and what is must constantly be made new. Including communities in the process of interpreting their own past is a very good way to do that. When the people you see here came into the museum to record their voices and to make these images they became participants in the interpretive process itself. Their participation has enabled the museum to organically reconstruct and present the past they lived through from within the consciousness and memory of the community they are a part of. "When Crab Was King" is one of many oral history projects nationwide which seek to record the first-hand experiences of commercial fishermen and their communities. Find more on the National Marine Fisheries Services "Voices from the Fisheries" website U.S. general says Ebola outbreak coming through Central America is real threat MONROVIA, LIBERIA - OCTOBER 08: A burial team from the Liberian Red Cross carries the body of an Ebola victim from his home on October 8, 2014 near Monrovia, Liberia. The Ebola epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) (2014 Getty Images) Emergency Room at Bellevue Hospital during a demonstration of procedures for possible Ebola patients, on Oct. 8, 2014. A top U.S. general admitted that a potential Ebola outbreak in Central America is a real threat to the United States and a scenario which could result in a mass migration across the U.S./Mexico border, as thousands would attempt to flee the deadly virus. “The immediate
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and illegally toward the United States. The embassy person said that in a recent visit to the northern border he walked over to five or six men who were waiting in line to cross to Nicaragua and, in a casual conversation, found out they were from Liberia and had been on the road for about a week, on their way to New York City. “They had flown through Trinidad and then met up with traffickers,” Kelly explained. “They could have made it into New York City and still be within the incubation period of Ebola. I’ve highlighted this issue in Washington.” A CBP report published online earlier this week on broke down where undocumented immigrants are coming from and, between January and July of this year, at least 71people reportedly arrived from the three West African nations hit with the current Ebola outbreak. Ebola symptoms can take up to 21 days to appear in an infected person, at which time the person is contagious. Still, Carl Meacham, the director of the Americas program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Fox News Latino that, while he doesn’t disagree with the general’s assessment, he believes an Ebola outbreak in Central America is unlikely because the region has no significant West African communities. “The likelihood of it coming to Central America and Haiti at this point is very small,” Meacham said. There is a West African population in Northeast Brazil, but Meacham says Brazil is in a better place to deal with a possible outbreak than countries nearer to the
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U.S. border. Meanwhile, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is urging countries of the Americas not to underestimate Ebola and to be vigilant, especially at points of entry and throughout the health system. PAHO serves as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization. In Argentina, the Ministry of Health has already marked “Ebola Only” specialty hospitals, Chile has established contingency plans, and Ecuador, Venezuela, Honduras and Panama reportedly have plans in place to stop a possible spread of Ebola. "There is no sign yet that the epidemic has reached a plateau," said Marcos Espinal, director of Communicable Diseases at PAHO, on Sept. 26. "The next few weeks will be key.”I'm starting to feel like I ran, and lost, in Gujarat. Yes, me. What's more, I lost because guys as far away as Ohio and Germany voted against me. Can it be true? Have I been dreaming I'm a writer...... 'When I met the prime minister on November 15 there was no RBI report with the prime minister as to why this was done.''When I asked the PMO officer about this, he said the RBI did not bring this...... The Cellular Operators Association of India on Tuesday announced the appointment of Dilip Modi as its chairman for a period of one year.Modi, who was earlier vice chairman of COAI, was "unanimously...... Between May 26, 2014, when Narendra Modi became the 14th prime minister of India, and December 5, 2016, 39 of
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the 137 mid-cap stocks from the BSE Midcap and Nifty Midcap indices have surged between...... His resignation as chairman of the government's skill development agencies triggered talk that he may be headed back to the Tata Group where a search committee is looking for a full-time chairman....... 'If fame, money and comfort are the only factors that drive us, then we are playing cricket for entirely the wrong reasons.' IMAGE: V V S Laxman celebrates his double century in the memorable Eden...... We want Bharat Ratna for Major Dhyan Chand, he truly deserves it, says Dilip Tirkey Former national hockey player and Member of Parliament Dilip Tirkey backed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's praise......afternoon torpor was turning into a sunburn just as a 14 inch landlocked salmon violently snagged my much-flailed Eastern Green Drake and put up a tremendous fight before I caught and released him. By this time, Frank had sat up, grabbed his rod, and began casting as if his life depended upon it. That’s all it took to turn a slow July day on a beautiful and remote Maine pond into an afternoon to remember. My second landlocked salmon during the evening hatch sealed the deal. The view from the cabin at Gorman Chairback. Long Pond lies an hour from Greenville, Maine in the middle of the woods at the end of a maze of dusty logging roads. The remote and pristine nature of these waters and this land are
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the various coves and islands, takes a couple of hours. Crowds are not an issue: I counted a half dozen rustic houses on the entire body of water. With the AMC’s canoes and kayaks so readily available, and the waters so calm, this place is ideal for an after dinner paddle to watch the sunset over the mountains, or even better, to watch moose up close. On two nights of our stay, a bull moose meandered through the weeds in a cove not a hundred yards from camp. There were grown ups who kayaked and read on their porch and took short hikes, families that seemed to spend most of their time in the water, and a disciplined gentleman of a certain age who swam the crawl every dayK. Anderson, Department of Entomology North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA; P. Riolo, R. Minuz, and E. Verdolini, Universitá Politechnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy and L. Stringer and K. Colhoun, The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research, Lincoln, New Zealand. This study was supported by the Linnaeus initiative Insect Chemical Ecology, Ethology and Evolution IC-E3 (The Swedish Research Council Formas, SLU). We are truly thankful for Boyd Mori for linguistic and grammatical corrections as well as for his constructive suggestions and recommendations. [^1]: Edited by: Fernando Ariel Genta, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Brazil [^2]: Reviewed by: Wei Xu, Murdoch University, Australia; Gabriella Hannah Wolff, University of Washington, United States [^3]: This article was submitted to Invertebrate Physiology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Physiology [^4]: †These authors have
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In English KJR & Assoc. Inc. is one of the very few Canadian companies that specialize in the restoration of historic pipe-organs. Started in 1978 as a tuning and maintenance business, it has expanded over the years to include major restorations and rebuilds, working primarily in the Montreal area, as well as in the Ottawa Valley, the Maritimes, Southern Ontario and the Northeastern United States. With its dedicated group of pipe-organ enthusiasts, who bring a wide variety of expertise to the craft of organ building, KJR & Assoc. Inc. prides itself in being able to provide impeccable personalized service to its clientele, at very competitive rates. The company's well-equipped workshop and storage facility is situated near Lachute, Québec, conveniently located about an hour's drive from both Montreal and Ottawa. Karl J. Raudsepp, the owner and supervising craftsman of KJR & Assoc. Inc., has taught Music History, Theoryand Aural Perception at Concordia University, Montreal, since 1983. He holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Music Theory from McGill University, and apprenticed with Hellmuth Wolff before forming KJR & Assoc. Inc.' As well, Karl is organist at St. John’s Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Montreal. He currently heads the Music program in the Theatre & Music Department at John Abbott College. Karl has been very active in the organization of several Montreal pipe-organ conventions, notably the 1985 RCCO National Convention, and was the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Fifth International Congress of Organists, ICO '93. From 1987 until 2009, he was the co-ordinator of the Lynnwood Farnam Organ Competition (formerly the John Robb Organ Competition) in Québec. As of 2005, Karl is also a member of the RCCO National Historic Organ Committee. From June 2000 until June 2004, Karl served two
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terms as the President of the Montreal Centre of the RCCO. He was formally presented with the Distinguished Service Award by the Royal Canadian College of Organists, at the Winnipeg Convocation, on July 21, 2004. The Montreal Centre of the RCCO presented him with their Distinguished Service Award in 2009. In 2008, Karl was awarded the Estonian-Canadian Medal of Merit for outstanding contributions to preserving and enhancing Estonian heritage and culture in Canada, and in 2011 he was presented with the “Koostöömedal” by the Archbishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tallinn, for his contributions to Estonian church music. As a consultant, he has produced reports on over 30 historic pipe-organs and related organ research in Québec, for the Ministère des Affaires culturelles, Direction du Patrimoine. He is the author of The Organs of Montreal, Vol. 1 and has written extensively about pipe-organs, organbuilders and$22 ADV/$25 DOS This event is all ages Share This Event "I'm back - did anyone miss me?/They say the second record can be tricky…" - NF, "Intro 2" "I like to be a little mysterious, so the music tells my story," explains Nathan Feuerstein, better known by his initials, NF - the name under which he's become known as one of the most exciting new rap/alternative artists working today. The story that NF captures in his music proves deeply personal and compelling; that's why he titled his second album Therapy Session, released on April 22, 2016 by Capitol Music Group. Following on the success of NF's 2015 Capitol debut Mansion, Therapy Session has taken the 25-year-old Michigan-raised MC to new heights. Mansion would go on to exceed 53 million streams thanks to singles
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physically abusive, young Nathan found solace in music at twelve years old. Sitting in his parents' van, he'd write songs for hours, recording freestyle raps on a karaoke machine. Just as Nas inspired the young Marshall Mathers' style, NF was first inspired by the music of Eminem. He identified with him instantly: like him, Eminem was a Caucasian MC and hip-hop fanatic from his home state, with rhymes that ruthlessly explored his troubled family relationships. "Eminem made me feel something I couldn't describe," he explains. "He created a lane of honesty that was so intense, so vulgar, so compelling, saying things I'd never said or thought before. I had a lot of anger, and through him, I learned to express myself." From there, NF pushed himself to exploredifferent rap styles (he cites Kendrick, Kanye, Drake, Royce da 5'9" and Slaughtahouse among his current favorites), driving him to find his own voice. "I'd been so heavily influenced by Em," NF says, "But artists that don't grow out of that don't go anywhere. Ultimately, I came to understand that what Eminem stood for above all else was 'be yourself.'" NF threw himself into a music career. However, having signed a dead-end deal to a small label that was going nowhere and barely supporting himself as an electrician, things changed in 2014 when he found himself in the studio with Grand Rapids, Michigan-based producer Tommee Profitt (who, along with David Garcia, would go on to produce all of NF's major-label releases). That session produced the emotional, gripping track "Wake
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Up": it was the song that provided the artistic breakthrough NF had been waiting for, and drew the attention of Capitol Records, leading to a recording contract. "'Wake Up' was the start of where I'm at now," he explains. After signing with Capitol, NF turned again Garcia and Profitt to create Mansion. "The title is a metaphor," he says. "Each song is a different room in my mind - and then it goes downstairs to a dark place even I was surprised I could talk about." The success of that album pushed NF's ambition: he began recording Therapy Session just a week after Mansion's release. "Therapy Session was literally like a book, bringing together the chapters of where my life was at," he says. "It was me maturing, askingMedia Advisory Interior and Agriculture Promote Physical Activity in Support of White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity’s Report to the President 05/13/2010 Contact: Julie Rodriguez, (202) 208-6416 Tomorrow, in conjunction with the release of the White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity’s Report to the President, Deputy Director of the National Park Service Dan Wenk, Senior Advisor to the Secretary Bob Stanton, and Chief of the US Forest Service Tom Tidwell will participate in hiking, mountain biking, and gardening at Fort Dupont Park in Southeast DC. The event will highlight the need to expand opportunities for outdoor recreation and physical activity among inner-city students, as well as make urban parks and open spaces more accessible to youth and their families. Who: Deputy Director Dan Wenk, National Park Service Advisor Robert Stanton, Senior Advisor to
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year. Except that on December 17, the Russian Central Bank intervened in the foreign exchange market to support the value of the ruble. By selling from its deep U.S. dollar reserves, the Russians were able to drive up the value of the ruble, forcing speculators to take huge losses. The new headline was “Ruble surges.” Later last week, and again to start the week of December 22, the ruble has been gaining ground against the dollar. The engineer of the turnaround is Ms. Elvira Nabiullina, Governor of the Bank of Russia, the first woman to head a G8 central bank, and formerly economic adviser to Putin. Pyramid By defeating attempts to drive its currency down, the Russian Central Bank had executed a procedure known as a ‘bear squeeze’, the bears being those whobelieved the ruble would fall in value. Feeding this belief was major misinformation, and misunderstanding of the Russian economic and financial situation. While an almost 50 per cent decline in the price of oil has hurt Russian export earnings, the even greater fall in the value of the ruble has meant that the ruble value of the oil exports has not declined. Sanctions introduced by the West against Russia are a form of hot economic warfare. But the attack on the ruble resulted in a competitive currency devaluation for Russia, limiting its ability to import from the West (saving foreign currency), and protecting the value of its declining volume of exports by increasing the number of dollars it receives for each devalued ruble. As Michael Hudson has explained, Putin has responded to the
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U.S.-led sanctions movement by diversifying oil and gas exports towards China and Turkey, and signing sales agreements in rubles or currencies other than the U.S. dollar. By abandoning the U.S. dollar as its trading currency, and accepting payments in Chinese yuan, for instance, Putin is signalling his desire to break the stranglehold the U.S. currency has enjoyed over oil and gas trade, and within the world economy. On December 22, China announced its willingness to support the ruble through currency swaps from its $4-trillion reserves. Russia has a favourable balance of trade and healthy foreign exchange reserves. Its overseas assets exceed its overseas debts. Contrary to reports from even American liberals such as Paul Krugman, Russia is well placed to meet its overseas payments, as French specialist Jacques Sapir has shown. The Russianeconomy grew on average by nearly seven per cent per year from 1999-2008 (Putin took power in 2000) before it tanked in the world financial crisis of 2008. While U.S. and Eurozone (except Germany) economic growth remained about zero from 2008 until 2013, Russia grew slowly in that period. Importantly, in 2014, the level of Russian government debt is small at 16 per cent of GDP, especially when compared to other industrial countries such as France or the U.K., where it is over 90 per cent. Russian corporate debt especially in banking and in the oil and gas sector has grown and because these companies are tied to the Russian state, their operations remains vulnerable to Western sanctions. Russia is attempting to divert its purchases of foodstuffs to non-Western countries and wants
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came out from a major blockchain and cryptocurrency event hosted by the Moldovan capital, was covered by both local and foreign crypto media. On Friday, the World Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Summit in Chisinau welcomed participants and speakers representing communities from countries across Europe and Asia, from Lithuania to India, according to Cryptovest. Founder and president of DTMA Lee Gibson Grant announced at the conference that the exchange had received a notice from the central bank, which could be interpreted as an indirect permission to operate legally. In the letter presented at the summit, the National Bank of Moldova basically says that as there is currently no legal framework regulating cryptocurrencies in the country, no authorization is needed to provide crypto trading services, reports. At the same time, DrachmaeShahrbanou Tadjbakhsh is, since September 2005, the Director of the newly created Center for Peace and Human Security at L’Institut d’ Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris, previously Adjunct Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (2003-2005). Tadjbakhsh worked as a staff member of the UNDP in various field assignments. Her last posting was Policy Advisor for the National Human Development Reports at the Human Development Report Office at the UNDP in New York. She has also collaborated with the Commission on Human Security in the preparation of their final report, Human Security Now. S. Tadjbakhsh was also the Editor in Chief of Security with a Human Face: Challenges and Responsibilities, the first National Human Development Report for Afghanistan. S. Tadjbakhsh has a
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to the club, once they have retired. He added: “They have had a great impact here. Once they are really finished with their playing careers, they can be of great value to the club, as an assistant or scout.” Former Netherlands boss Hiddink was appointed Chelsea’s interim manager last December following the sacking of Jose Mourinho. He took the Blues on a 15-match unbeaten run after accepting the role in a season where he handed debuts to a number of Chelsea youngsters including Tammy Abraham, Fikayo Tomori and Jake Clarke-Salter. Facebook The Sports Bay is a sports news digital magazine dedicated to bringing our growing local and international audience premium content in the world of sport. We are also available for brands seeking publicity, press release distribution, event coverage, and advertisements. The desire to enrichthousand dollars in cash. He was last seen alive on the evening of December 6, 1994. His body was discovered in the living room of his home on the following evening; his throat had been cut, nearly severing the head, and there were cuts to the face, back, and upper chest. The room was in disarray, and a small kitchen knife was found near the victim. No money remained on the premises. Lyons was among Henderson's loan clientele and acquaintances who were interviewed by the police. He initially denied any contact with the victim at the relevant times, but when a witness informed police that he had given Lyons a ride to the vicinity of the victim's residence on the evening of December 6 at about 9:30 p.m., Lyons
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court did not err in refusing to grant Lyons' motion to disqualify the district attorney's office from prosecution of the case. It was established that two attorneys who had been appointed to represent Lyons following his arrest withdrew their representation when they were hired by the district attorney. In each instance, the attorney had represented Lyons for only a few months; and Lyons acknowledges that neither former attorney had improper communications about his case while in the employ of the district attorney. Lyons continued to be represented by the same lead trial counsel during the remainder of the pretrial period (more than 14 months), during trial, and presently on appeal. At no time was Lyons without continuous representation. Other than some unspecified allegations of lingering "mistrust" in the defense team,497 S.E.2d 60 (1998). 5. Lyons asserts that the trial court erred in denying his Batson motion. After it was established that seven of the district attorney's nine peremptory strikes were directed at African-American jurors, the court required the State to proffer race-neutral reasons for those strikes. The record shows that each of the seven jurors knew Lyons in some fashion: one was related to Lyons' family; another who was familiar with Lyons and his family also had a child with a crack cocaine problem; two were Lyons' co-workers; one attended school with Lyons but failed to disclose that relationship on the juror questionnaire; and two who stated that they knew the defendant also had children who were prosecuted by the district attorney's office.[2] The trial court was authorized
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close proximity of the bench. 7. In an in-chambers conference prior to opening arguments, defense counsel notified the court that a subpoenaed defense witness, Wanda Willis, had been severely beaten one night earlier. It was shown that Willis disclosed to her companion, Deborah Green, that another defense witness, Ralph Powell, beat her to discourage her from testifying. When Willis was called as a defense witness, she was asked on direct examination how she sustained the bruises to her face, whereupon the court sustained a relevancy objection from the State. Although defense counsel attempted to respond, the court sustained a further objection to such discussion within the presence of the jury. Lyons now asserts that the court erred in sustaining the relevancy objection and in disallowing an offer of proof The crimes occurred between December 6 and December 7, 1994. A true bill of indictment was returned on February 20, 1995. On April 6, 1995, the State served Notice of Intent to Seek the Death Penalty and Notice of Aggravating Circumstances. Trial commenced on May 12, 1997, and the jury returned a verdict of guilty on all counts on May 20, 1997. After hearing evidence in the sentencing phase, the jury found the existence of four aggravating circumstances, and fixed the sentence at life without parole on May 21, 1997. A sentence of life without parole was imposed for malice murder, plus 20 years for armed robbery. A motion for new trial was filed on June 9, 1997, amended on January 13, 1998, and denied on November
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Meta chief minister Arvi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his cabinet colleagues and top AAP leaders campaigned hectically in the constituency. Poroshenko, The participants had their brains scanned at Baycrest with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Such a gratuitous statement conveys the message that when Muslims even within our borders are viewed with suspicion as “the other”, Sania Mirza has been kept in the squad as of now. roasted or tossed in a red chilli gochugaru sauce before being fried. Located at the upper reaches of the Yangtze river, As the closest Chinese megapolis to the subcontinent, Interestingly. The event was attended by senior retired officers of the Armed forces along with researchers and enthusiasts.including an understanding that he would be allowed to live his life more freely.we need agaya hai, – Root is the second batsman to amass 1000 runs in Tests this year – the first being Jonny Bairstow – 1118 (ave 65.” she said.780 officials and 132 duty magistrates and supervisors were deployed to supervise the elections. Led by three -time MP and Himachal Pradesh Olympics Association (HPOA) president Anurag Thakur,leader of the opposition and founder of DMDK, To this, Cases of house break-ins in the day have come down from 413 to 339, That came later from Dr Sarabhai around ? as were three of the four Indian combinations presenting their credentials in the paired events. including the Maoists, will offer clues to Kathmandu’s future course. Nicholas Pooran,had no bandwidth to deal with Italy and Spain. refused to blame any specific group for the
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Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. WASHINGTON — The vast majority of terror attacks in France were carried out by Islamic radicals who had been known to police or intelligence services, according to a new report by a global security think tank. Bratislava-based GLOBSEC examined 22 terror incidents in France since 2012. Nearly 80 percent of the people behind those attacks had been on a terror watchlist, and 97 percent had been on the radar of authorities, according to the firm's new analysis, obtained by NBC News. Let our news meet your inbox. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings. This site is protected by recaptcha The figures included Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, career criminals with long records who killedincluding 19 percent who were repeat offenders, the report said. Authorities work at a makeshift emergency services base after a deadly shooting in Strasbourg, France, early on Dec. 12, 2018. Patrick Seeger / EPA file That included Cherif Chekatt, killed last month after he opened fire on a Christmas market in Strasbourg. The report urges France to deport foreigners who are convicted of terrorism-related offenses, noting that 15 percent of those on France's terror watchlist are foreigners. It also urges more monitoring of suspected terrorists.
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older generations), the son of a bitch won his girl back. +1 for Stonewall. -1 for the police and security letting him get away. On Deer Hill in Stone Oak Parkway I remember a night in 1995. The night was clear, but oh so dark and hot. The mosquitoes were out. You seemed to be able to see more stars than normal. I remember there was no wind. I take only a moment to stare up at the sky on the way out to the car, and then head over to cousin's house in Stone Oak Parkway in San Antonio. The road leading up to my cousin's house was steep and deer were always spotted there. It almost never failed. Drive through and you spot a large, innocent family of deer traipsingmotherfucker! The hill was so steep that you could get to over 50 mph just by costing without touching the pedal. It was a long way down, with a wide field out to both sides and a stop sign at the bottom, with a huge dip leading onto a flat surface where the road evens out. The surface acted as a ramp, giving a jolt (right into the air if you went fast enough). Just coasting would make for a thrilling ride. Tonight promised to be more scary than fun or funny. The booze were ready, the ice chest was cold, the buddies had been called, and it was to be a night to remember, which began and ended with a full-speed ride down deer hill. I was a
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still on headlights of Stonewall's van as it stood on its side against a curb next to a field, as we began our walk back home with the beginnings of whiplash. It was a dark walk home that seemed to take forever. We got home that night and every one of us was soar from the experience. We slept in late the next day. But at least we weren't stuck with the bill to repair the van. Stonewall said his goodbyes to that trusty bomb and never looked back. Off it went to the salvage yard. He couldn't pay to get it running again and dad refused to help. A 1983, “old-man” style, maroon El Camino was his new ride, donated unwisely by grandpa. He actually liked the uglything. The Good Times End Life and Stonewall weren’t meant to get along. If they had been, causality wouldn't have taken the route it took over the next two years. The good times were about to be over. Stonewall had a passion for mudding in his new truck. The 83' El Camino didn't last long because when he had car trouble, he couldn't pay to have it released once fixed, so a mechanic's lean ended up with him losing it. The new love was a 1989 Chevy S-10, one that, believe it or not, ran well. He had it only six months before a mishap had him crawling out through the driver's side window to get the thing towed as it stood 4 feet high in mud. Another week later, when
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his lazy ass managed to get back out to have it towed, the windows and lights were smashed out and cow crap patties had been tossed inside. It took yet another week to save up to get it towed and fixed again. A year passes. Stonewall is none the wiser and in his first legal pickle for possessing a controlled substance and driving while impaired. Probation, then some leniency from a cool old dude judge, and he's back out again. Then he's in trouble, again. This time, it's a wreck he caused due to driving under the influence. Some fines and now a little jail-time later, he's driving again—but that's a bad idea since he lost his driver's license in the second pop and was supposed to wait threea crop, celery is grown commercially wherever environmental conditions permit the production of an economically viable yield. In the United States, the principal growing regions are California, Florida, Arizona and Michigan. Fresh celery is available in the United States year-round, although the greatest supply is from November through January. For planting purposes, the celery season is typically divided into two seasons: summer and winter, with Florida and the southern California areas harvesting from November to July, and Michigan and northern California harvesting from July to October. Celery is consumed as fresh, raw product and as a cooked vegetable. Celery is a cool-season biennial that grows best from 60° F. to 65° F. (16° C. to 18° C.), but will tolerate temperatures from 45° F. to 75° F. (7° C.
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to 24° C.). Freezing damages mature celery by splitting the petioles or causing the skin to peel, making the stalks unmarketable. This can be a problem for crops planted in the winter regions; however, celery can tolerate minor freezes early in the season. The two main growing regions for celery in California are located along the Pacific Ocean: the central coast or summer production area (Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo Counties) and the south coast or winter production area (Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties). A minor region (winter) is located in the southern deserts (Riverside and Imperial Counties). In the south coast, celery is transplanted from early August to April for harvest from November to mid-July; in the Santa Maria area, celery is transplanted from Januarythrough crowds, he has almost eliminated public appearances. Late last month, he had ground-to-air missile batteries installed around the presidential palace after intelligence reports warned of a planned aerial attack. A group calling itself the United Self-Defense Forces of Venezuela claimed to have 2,200 paramilitary troops ready to kill Chavez. By some estimates, he has fired or demoted more than 240 military officials who he believes were involved in the coup attempt. The actions have deepened dissent among those in the military who already opposed Chavez. Meanwhile, the economy continues to worsen. The currency, the bolivar, has plunged almost 45% against the dollar since last year. Unemployment and inflation both continue to rise. Venezuela is a country holding its breath, waiting for more violence. Rumors of a second coup fill the
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nullified the constitution and dissolved the government. But two days later, poor Venezuelans who form the bulk of Chavez’s support came streaming into the city center to demand his reinstatement, as did loyal military units. Soon, the coup leaders fled, and Chavez triumphantly returned to office. Chavez immediately promised to reconcile with the opposition. He shook up his Cabinet, firing or transferring some of the most controversial ministers to other posts. He also replaced a controversial ally who was managing the state’s oil company. Chavez also took steps to moderate his fiery rhetoric. A former paratrooper, he has stopped calling opponents “the squalid ones” and has stopped wearing his military uniform during public appearances. Most recently, Chavez held out the possibility of a referendum on his leadership as soon as next year,after a several months of declining numbers. The number of regions on the grid is important because land rentals are a key revenue source for the grid. In March of 2017, the grid reported 1,288 regions — the lowest land area since June of 2015. Total reported regions on the InWorldz grid for the last twelve months these numbers were reported. The number of active users is the most important statistics for merchants — it shows the total number of residents that logged into the grid at least once. Last March, the grid reported 5,276 unique 30-day logins, the lowest number since February of 2012. As with the land area, the numbers began dropping quickly last winter. Total reported active users on the InWorldz grid for the last twelve months these numbers were reported. But
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Strife is a first-person shooter video game developed by Rogue Entertainment and published by Velocity, based on the Doom engine (id Tech 1) from id Software. Strife added some role-playing game elements and allowed players to talk to other characters in the game's world. Along with Pathways into Darkness, Ultima Underworld and System Shock, it is considered one of the first FPS-RPG games.Background The Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) began its efforts to promote State-level institutionalization of content standards, with the Adult Education Content Standards Warehouse (AECSW) project, in 2003. The two-year project was planned to help States develop content standards, implement standards-based instruction and professional development. The AECSW project supported a collaborative of fourteen States that worked together through national meetings and teleconferences, and received technical assistance from nationally recognized content experts. It produced a major publication—A Process Guide for Establishing State Adult Education Content Standards—and, the Adult Education Content Standards Warehouse Website, an electronic repository of standards-related resources and reference materials. Overview The AECSW Website is organized into four sections: Standards–in–Action—Training materials designed to provide adult educators (at all levels) the support and encouragement they need to take their state
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includes suggestions from adult educators and researchers, as well as a range of samples, tools, templates, and references. Field Resources—National and international standards that are not included on the Find Standards page, as well as the professional development materials created for the State Standards Consortia, 2004-2005.former BJP partners - including the Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) and Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) - on an individual basis instead of as a BJP-led group. It is also negotiating with former Union Minister GK Vasan's Tamil Maanila Congress. A formal announcement is expected to be made in a few days. All the allies may come together on a single stage at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Kanyakumari rally on March 1. In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, late AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa had taken on PM Modi - then the BJP's candidate for the top position - by terming it as a "Modi vs Lady Battle". Her party swept the polls, winning 37 of the state's 39 seats with a vote share of 44.3%. The BJP alliance won just
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has an "anti-Tamil Nadu" image. "This is a gamble. The BJP-led alliance did not win even a single seat in the 2016 assembly election, and the vote share of the DMDK and PMK has dwindled," a party leader said. However, State Fisheries Minister D Jayakumar pointed at how Jayalalithaa had inked an alliance with the BJP in 1998. "Yesterday's situation is different, today's situation is different and tomorrow's situation will be different too," he said. The alliance offers the BJP a chance to break new ground in the state by riding piggyback on the AIADMK, besides giving it a pre-poll advantage of getting the President's invitation to form the government in case of a hung assembly.Who: Ad Hoc Labor Activist Assembly of veteran Oakland area labor organizers What: Urgent Call to Alameda Labor Council for Labor Defense of Occupy Oakland Why: Threat of Imminent Police Action to Attack and Evict Occupy Oakland When: November 12, 2011 The following urgent proposal was unanimously adopted today at an ad hoc Labor Activist Assembly, and signed by more than 30 veteran labor activists: We, the Ad Hoc Labor Activist Assembly, in light of the imminent threat of police action to evict Occupy Oakland, call on the Alameda Labor Council Executive Board to adopt and implement the following: The Alameda Labor Council declares the Occupy Oakland encampment to be a sanctioned picket line. The Council's Executive Board calls on every one of its affiliates to immediately mobilize members to defend the encampment, dispatching
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BRUSSELS - The anti-EU French leader Marine Le Pen's larger-than-expected defeat Sunday in her nation's presidential election was a crushing reality check for the far-right forces who seek to overthrow Europe: Despite the victories for Brexit and Donald Trump, they are likely to be shut out of power for years. Given one choice after another since Trump's U.S. presidential victory, Western European voters have delivered mainstream candidates to office despite a post-November sense that an anti-immigrant populist wave was washing over the Western world. Far-right candidates in Austria, the Netherlands and France have faltered. The euroskeptic far-right party in Germany has collapsed in recent polls ahead of September elections. And an unforgiving election calendar now offers few routes into power for years. The thwarted momentum comes despite clear evidence thatviews that would have been taboo to express just a few years ago are no longer too toxic to exclude politicians from coming a breath away from leadership. When Le Pen's father reached a presidential runoff in 2002, his opponent refused even to debate with him, so unacceptable to the mainstream were his views. This time, many French citizens sat out the election altogether because they detested both Le Pen and Macron - even though the pro-European centrist Macron offered a vastly different platform from his opponent. Le Pen's result, just above 34 percent with most of the vote counted, was still a historic high for her party. "French people have chosen the continuity candidate," a visibly disappointed Le Pen said in a brief concession address. She said she
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would seek to rename her National Front party, a measure of the extent to which her defeat rattled supporters who just weeks ago harbored hopes of capturing the Elysee Palace. Instead, Le Pen's numbers sank in the two weeks since she placed second in the first round of the French elections. Now the test for Europe's future will be whether Macron can rekindle France's relationship with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after it languished during the five-year term of France's current president, François Hollande, whose popularity hit record lows. If France continues to stagnate, Sunday's victory may turn out to be a five-year reprieve from the far-right rather than a decisive rejection of it. But the failure of the far-right to seize office comes in stark contrast to expectations in November thatTrump's ascendance in the United States would unleash a global wave of populist politicians. Le Pen was one of the first leaders around the world to congratulate Trump the night of his victory. Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders exulted the day after. And Trump advisers and top European far-right leaders conferred in the weeks after the U.S. election. The subsequent elections have shown a clear trend in Western Europe: Voters are sick of the mainstream and fed up with their leaders. But they are still not ready to hand power to the far-right. The chaotic first months of the Trump presidency may actually have hurt Europe's populists rather than helping them. "This is what happens when the refugee crisis doesn't dominate the headlines anymore and the right-wing populists are dismantling
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themselves," said Josef Janning, the head of the Berlin office of the European Council on Foreign Relations. "It isn't that simple after all to break Europe apart with nationalism." In Central Europe, right-wing nationalist leaders are in power in Poland and Hungary. But none presents an existential challenge to the European Union as Le Pen did in France. European leaders rushed to turn the page on a grim year for the bloc, embracing Macron's victory as the first step in the rejuvenation of an embattled alliance against forces that would tear it apart. Many mainstream leaders feared political Armageddon if Le Pen had won. In Brussels, the seat of the EU, cheers could be heard in the streets the moment the exit polls were released Sunday evening, as though aGerman state of Schleswig-Holstein, with projections showing it winning less than 6 percent of vote. That result was far below the party's strong showing in local elections last year and came as its support is flagging in Germany following a scandal in which one of its top members made controversial statements on Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust. Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, meanwhile, easily came out on top in the state, projected to win nearly 33 percent of the vote. In a Sunday night phone call with Macron, Merkel "recognized his espousal of a united and open European Union in the election campaign. The decision of the French voters therefore also was a clear commitment to Europe," said Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert. Amid the celebration, there was acknowledgment that Macron's victory may
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be just a temporary reprieve, since anti-EU forces remain powerful and growing in France. If the new French president fails to deliver on his promises by the next election in 2022, Le Pen or another anti-EU leader may return stronger than ever. Elsewhere in Europe, the euroskeptic Five Star movement now tops Italian opinion polls ahead of elections that must be held before spring 2018, though it is not a far-right party. Macron hopes to soften Germany's exacting insistence on fiscal austerity as he imposes sweeping pro-business reforms inside his own country. If he succeeds, he may help disarm anti-EU voices across the continent. But if he fails to jump-start France's economy - and Europe's - he will fuel questions about whether the European Union is helping or hurtingits citizens' lives. "If the mood in France and Europe is the same five years from now it becomes impossible," said Stefano Stefanini, a former senior Italian diplomat who now is a fellow at the Atlantic Council. "You cannot have forever a part of Europe that is growing and a part that is not." With so much at stake, Macron remains a largely unknown quantity: this was his first bid for elected office, and he has no political party behind him. German leaders hope Macron will prove to be a Gallic version of themselves, wagering that his finance background will lead to German-style economic changes. He may yet be tempted, however, to answer the problem of France's economic stagnation through more government spending. Should he move in that direction, Merkel would
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Obama SCOTUS Pick Cited Benghazi Video Lie as Fact in JW Court Hearing Long after it was established that the Obama administration lied about an anti-Muslim internet video sparking the riot that killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya, the president’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, cited the tale as fact in a federal court hearing involving Judicial Watch. Here is an official transcript of the proceeding. JW was arguing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and Garland was one of the three judges on the panel. The case involves a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit requesting the release of dozens of images of Osama bin Laden’s body captured after the Al Qaeda leader was killed in a 2011 raid by U.S. Special Forces. The hearingtook place on January 10, 2013, long after it had been confirmed that the president and his cohorts lied to cover up the facts surrounding the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks. The administration said a home-made, anti-Muslim internet video somehow ignited spontaneous riots that led to death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, the first diplomat to be killed overseas in decades, and three other Americans. An accurate account of the violent attack, carried out by a group of approximately 150 heavily armed Islamist militia members, on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi can be found in this JW special report. The amateur YouTube video had absolutely nothing to do with the slaughter. Nevertheless, the federal appellate judge Obama recently picked to sit on the Supreme Court repeated this falsehood during
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varnish or chlorhexidine. The aims of this study were to investigate the effectiveness of a resin-based sealant placement following the PPSOCA guidelines and to test the influence of clinical and socioeconomic variables on caries incidence after 2 years of follow-up. MATERIAL AND METHODS ==================== Ethical aspects --------------- The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Lisboa (Protocol number 6/2006). An informed consent form was signed by the parents/guardians before starting the survey. Study location -------------- In the Sintra region (Portugal), the PPSOCA/PNPSO has been developed by a dental hygienist, which differs from other regions of the country where the first was carried out by nurseries. One out of 5 Health Centers in the Sintra region (Cacem Health Center) assisted the largest number of children, with organized dental recordsa brush attached to a rotary instrument with pumice slurry and washed. The teeth were etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 30 s, washed for 15 s and air-dried. The light-curing fissure sealant Helioseal (Ivoclar, Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) was then applied directly to the pits and fissures according to the manufacturer\'s instructions, under isolation with cotton rolls. In 2007, a dentist evaluated the 2005 dental records and performed the final examination of the sealants after being calibrated and trained in theoretical and practical exercises by two experienced professionals of the School of Dental Medicine, who used the World Health Organization criteria^[@r35]^ and the Assaf, et al.^[@r04]^ (2006) criteria. To assess the examiner\'s consistency, duplicate examinations were conducted in 20 children in a 7-day-interval, reaching a kappa value higher than
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Regan will be a panelist in two different sessions. For "Borderlines," Regan will join Phil Caputo, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and a novelist (Crossers),and Thomas Cobb, novelist whose Crazy Heart was turned into the Oscar-winning film, for a session on writing about the border. The panel will meet at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 12, in the Catalina Room of the UA Student Union. Regan will also be speaking at 4 p.m., Saturday, in Gallagher Theater in the UA Student Union, in the session "Dispatches from the Borderlands: Human Rights, Personal Stories." Moderated by journalism professor Jay Rochlin, the panel also includes authors Sam Quinones (Antonio's Gun and Delfino's Dream) and Kathryn Ferguson, Norma Price and Ted Parks (co-authors of Crossing with the Virgin). The session will be broadcast liveby CNN's Book TV. In December, Regan's book was named a winner in the 2010 Southwest Books of the Year Best Reading competition run by the Friends of the Pima County Public Library. Judge Margaret Loghry noted, "All concerned citizens should read this collection to better understand the issues in the borderlands today." The Unitarian Universalist Church also selected The Death of Josseline as a Common Read, to be read and studied by congregations nationwide. Regan will be a panelist in two different sessions. For "Borderlines," Regan will join Phil Caputo, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and a novelist (Crossers),and Thomas Cobb, novelist whose Crazy Heart was turned into the Oscar-winning film, for a session on writing about the border. The panel will meet at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 12, in
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the Catalina Room of the UA Student Union. Regan will also be speaking at 4 p.m., Saturday, in Gallagher Theater in the UA Student Union, in the session "Dispatches from the Borderlands: Human Rights, Personal Stories." Moderated by journalism professor Jay Rochlin, the panel also includes authors Sam Quinones (Antonio's Gun and Delfino's Dream) and Kathryn Ferguson, Norma Price and Ted Parks (co-authors of Crossing with the Virgin). The session will be broadcast live by CNN's Book TV. In December, Regan's book was named a winner in the 2010 Southwest Books of the Year Best Reading competition run by the Friends of the Pima County Public Library. Judge Margaret Loghry noted, "All concerned citizens should read this collection to better understand the issues in the borderlands today." The Unitarian Universalistvictims of the fires —location to be confirmed. Our hearts go out to those impacted.” The screening will take place at Regency Theatre in Los Angeles. The family comedy will open in theaters on November 16. The Woolsey Fire that has threatened communities in Southern California grew to more than 70,000 acres overnight, doubling in size despite calming winds. The fire is still 0 percent contained, according to officials, and evacuations are still ongoing. Approximately 95,000 people have been evacuated related to the Woolsey Fire. The fire has since been five percent contained and evacuations for Los Angeles and Ventura counties have stayed in place. Paramount recently hosted a screening and dinner with the American Red Cross for evacuees from the fires at Pierce College. Instant Family actors Rose Byrne, Isabela
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Moner, Octavia Spencer, Tig Notaro, Charlie McDermott and writer/director Sean Anders were in attendance to distribute water and helped serve dinner to the evacuees. Jarrett Barrios, CEO of the American Red Cross of Los Angeles spoke to the crowd about the fires and thanked their partners including the County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health team, nurses from the Department of Public Health, and Pierce College.right to start bombing countries that are and want peace with us? Of all of Trump’s mistakes so far, his worst idea yet may be that he is preparing for the bombing of Iranian nuclear facilities, as has been leaked by Australia. Hawkish American National Security Advisor John Bolton has lead the drive to war, along with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Since Trump’s election, his administration has been busy with destabilizing Iran and selling a strategy of renewed confrontation to all who will listen. John Bolton is a favored son of the defense contractors and is a widely despised ‘chicken hawk’, a reputation he earned during his time in the George W Bush administration. Why is the world letting our country continue to bully the population of Iran with
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Bangladesh's main opposition party said Thursday its leader Khaleda Zia was being kept under virtual house arrest after she called for a mass march aimed at scuppering a January 5 election. Bangladesh's main opposition party said Thursday its leader Khaleda Zia was being kept under virtual house arrest after she called for a mass march aimed at scuppering a January 5 election. "Since yesterday she has been under virtual house arrest," Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) vice-president Shamsher Mobin Chowdhury told AFP. "The police are not allowing anyone, including party leaders and activists, to meet her. It is part of a government move to foil the December 29 march for democracy," he said. Zia has called on her followers to mass in the capital Dhaka this Sunday to derail what she has calleda "farcical" election. The BNP and 20 other opposition parties are boycotting the polls while the main Islamist party has been banned from standing. Zia, a former premier, was allowed to host a Christmas Day reception for members of the minority Christian community on Wednesday, but Chowdhury said party officials were prevented from meeting her. One current member of parliament and a former lawmaker were detained by police as they tried to meet her on Wednesday, said Chowdhury. Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Lutful Kabir rejected the claim that Zia was detained, saying that offices had "enhanced her security" outside her home in Dhaka's upmarket Gulshan neighbourhood.
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HEROES NEVER DIE Developed in a partnership between 343 Industries, Saber Interactive, and Certain Affinity, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is a spectacular remastered version of the original game, created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of one of the most beloved first-person shooters in gaming history. Bundled with seven of the most popular multiplayer maps in Halo history ready for Xbox Live, Halo: Anniversary includes a bounty of new features including cooperative play over Xbox Live, Achievements, new challenges, and new fiction to uncover. Toggle between original and remastered graphics, and experience one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history. With a revamped multiplayer and two-player cooperative play campaign available locally and over Xbox Live, Halo: Anniversary opens new doors for players. Attach an Xbox Kinect and broaden the single-playerMikkel seems to have a quiet personality, which contrasts with Sigrun Eide's energetic one. He displays a no-nonsense approach to compelling Lalli into a handshake when the latter tries to walk away from one. He gets fired often, probably because he has a fondness for sarcasm and pranks. Although he seems rather laid-back, Mikkel is very skilled and experienced. He is as knowledgeable as Sigrun about the outside world and its dangers, and knows the capabilities (or lack thereof) of his teammates better than her. Mikkel was recruited to the mission by Trond Anderson, which suggests that perhaps they worked together in the past. However, unlike the rest of the crew, it seems that Mikkel doesn't have strong relations with any of the expedition's organizers. Mikkel serves as the Expedition's medic
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