subchapter place administrative burdens on the District of Puerto Rico, ranging from the requirement that courts deposit collected fees to the credit of the United States, 48 U.S.C. § 868, to the demand that all judicial officials be citizens of the United States, 48 U.S.C. § 874. Thus, Congress' placement of the English language requirement alongside these statutorily-mandated court responsibilities evinces an intent to place an independent duty on courts to ensure that all evidence is presented in English. 18 Finally, given how obvious Jones Act violations are, there is no need for contemporaneous party objections. In the instant case, for example, the court knew that foreign language evidence was being presented without translation: approximately 180 Spanish tapes were played in open court throughout four days of trial without translation.and remand his case for a new trial.13 B. Toro-Santiago's Sufficiency Challenge 42 Toro-Santiago also challenges the sufficiency of the evidence upon which his conviction rests. Like Hernández, Toro-Santiago argues that the government failed to establish his active participation in the drug conspiracy. 43 After reviewing the English language evidence presented against the appellant, we again find that there is sufficient evidence in the English language record to sustain Toro-Santiago's conviction. First, Agent Cases testified to several telephone conversations that Toro-Santiago had with co-defendant Naranjo-Rosa in which they discussed their drug trafficking activities, using terms such as "hydraulic oil" and "bits" to refer to drugs and "madera" to refer to money. Second, Special Agent Harold Clouse testified that the notebooks seized from Toro-Santiago's residence contained notations "in the format of those that would
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be kept by an illegitimate heroin distribution network." Lastly, cooperating witnesses Daniel Sánchez-Ortiz and Alberto Negrón-Constantino testified that they purchased drugs from Toro-Santiago during the period of the charged conspiracy. 44 Drawing all legitimate inferences in favor of the prosecution, the evidence establishes that Toro-Santiago was an active member of the drug conspiracy who was familiar with its coded drug references, kept records of its dealings, and furthered its purpose by selling drugs to two of the government's witnesses. See Aponte-Suarez, 905 F.2d at 490 ("A conspiratorial agreement may be proven by circumstantial evidence, and the plan may be inferred from a development and collation of circumstances." (internal citations omitted)). 45 We therefore find sufficient evidence in the English language record to sustain Toro-Santiago's conviction; however, in order to actually affirm appellant'spin joints, mechanically in series, between the common closing operating member and the movable contact rods of certain of the interrupters, and PA1 (b) the natural closing bias force on the movable contact rods of such interrupters which results from the pressure differential across the usual bellows of each such interrupter. When the contacts of the interrupter are open, the above condition (b) results in the clearances in the pin joints being located on the common-operating-member side of the pin joints. But near the end of the closing operation, when the contacts first touch and wipe-spring force is developed on each contact rod, the loading on the contact rod reverses, causing the pins of the pin joints to shift in their bearings to the opposite side of the bearings.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
to do this and what challenges remain. Participants included Larry Adams (Mindshare), Josh Chasin (comScore), Rob Holmes (Comcast), Chuck Parker (Brightcove), Katie Seitz (Tremor), with moderator Jeff Lanctot (Mixpo). The traditional narrative around online/over-the-top video is that it will incent cord-cutting and cord-nevering. But now, in a twist, instead of a looming battle between OTT and pay-TV, it could well be that we're on the brink of a new era of cooperation between the two, which could have profound implications for everyone in the video ecosystem. Stepping back for a moment, pay-TV operators have always been in the business of improving the delivery of available video and packaging it into bundles. Initially operators distributed broadcast channels and then in the 70's and 80's, with the advent of satellite delivery, operatorsbegan bundling "cable" channels as well (e.g. ESPN, MTV, CNN, USA, etc.). As I explained earlier this week, the success of is riding on 3 key market trends, the shift from linear TV style viewing to anywhere/anytime/any device viewing, the democratization of video production and distribution which has led to a plethora of online originals, and the influence of technology in the ad buying/selling process. AOL is seeking to capitalize on all this through's programmatic platform. Meanwhile Tremor Video, whose stock has had a bumpy start since the company went public in early July, posted a strong 2nd quarter, with revenue growing by 41% year-over-year. As CEO Bill Day explained on the earnings call, key to this was a focus on premium performance-based in-stream video advertising, which grew
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Tremor Video, after spending 9 years at Meredith Corp, most recently as SVP of Digital. Meredith has been among the most active magazine publishers with video through its Meredith Video Studios business. The unit creates original video that is syndicated to YouTube and other online outlets along with VOD, and provides videos to Meredith's numerous magazines' online properties. Tremor Video announced earlier today that in June it served 98.3% of its in-stream video ads in players that were 400 pixels or bigger. Tremor has found that the bigger-sized players drive double the engagement rate and also boost completion rates for ads. Based on its own analytics, Tremor found that for ads appearing in 400-500 pixel players, 62% of viewers watched to completion and for ads appearing in a 500-700is now available for brands and agencies to license for use with any 3rd party ad server, ad network or publisher. Tremor unveiled Video Hub in May and since then over 200 brands and agencies have used it with Tremor's own ad server on its ad network as the company finished up development. Anthony Risicato, Tremor's GM for Video Hub told me last week that reactions from these early users have been positive and they've been eager to expand their use of Video Hub to also track and measure the effectiveness of non-Tremor elements of their video ad campaigns. At the ELEVATE conference on Tuesday a number of our partners made product and partnership announcements which I mentioned were coming in a teaser last Friday. Each helps move the
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Check Out Modern Bathroom Design For Your Home. Modern bathrooms create a simplistic and clean feeling. In order to design your modern bathroom make sure to utilize geometric shapes and patterns, clean lines, minimal colors and mid-century furniture. Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos The Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos is one of the important part in your home. Because the living room used to greet anyone visiting your home, then it is certainly a Small Living Room Design. Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos The Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos is one of the important part in your home. Because the living room used to greet anyone visiting your home, then it is certainly a Small Living Room Design. decorating small living room ideas- living room furniture ideas for small spaces Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos The Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos is one of the important part in your home. Because the living room used to greet anyone visiting your home, then it is certainly a Small Living Room Design. Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos The Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos is one of the important part in your home. Because the living room used to greet anyone visiting your home, then it is certainly a Small Living Room Design. Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos The Small Living Room Design Ideas And Photos is one of the important part in your home. Because the living room used to greet anyone visiting your home,
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This information was published under the title Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems, National Research Council, 1992, National Academy Press, Washington DC.Neem Skin Salve 1 oz 30 ml Neem has also been the subject of a major book originally published under the auspices of the Neem Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to informing the public about the uses of neem, and now re-issued in an updated edition by Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, under the title: Neem: The Ultimate Herb by John Conrick. The author has compiled an extensive list of research studies and scientific reports done on various potential benefits of neem. Neem Skin Salve 1 oz 30 ml The NeemAura Product Line: NeemAura recognized the value of neem as an herbal ingredient of extreme benefit both applied topicallyindicate that Neem supports the structure and function of the immune system. Again, while generally outside the scope of our product line, it is interesting to once again note the wide-ranging benefit of neem and how it is now being recognized throughout the world, and confirmed by scientific studies.Neem Skin Salve 1 oz 30 ml Those interested in learning more about neem and its uses might start with some of the current literature on the subject as follows: The National Research Council, organized by the National Academy of Sciences, and acting under a grant from the Agency for International Development, compiled an extensive body of research on the many incredible beneficial uses of Neem. This information was published under the title Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems, National
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Research Council, 1992, National Academy Press, Washington DC.Neem Skin Salve 1 oz 30 ml Neem has also been the subject of a major book originally published under the auspices of the Neem Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to informing the public about the uses of neem, and now re-issued in an updated edition by Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, under the title: Neem: The Ultimate Herb by John Conrick. The author has compiled an extensive list of research studies and scientific reports done on various potential benefits of neem. Neem Skin Salve 1 oz 30 ml The NeemAura Product Line: NeemAura recognized the value of neem as an herbal ingredient of extreme benefit both applied topically and taken internally. As a result, extensive research was done to develop the most effectiveintensive moisturizing mask that promises to revitalize skin the next morning as if skin has had a "restful sleep". It also contains a few skin technologies like "Sleep-Tox" which makes skin appear rested and radiant and Sleepscent which is meant to relax the mind upon smelling. I don't know about the Sleep Tox, but the scent of this mask was certainly comforting. There really isn't too much I can say about a Chanel polish so I will let the photos speak for themselves! Emeraude is one of five polishes released as part of Chanel's Summer 2016 collection and was the ONE that I really had to have. Though the shimmer is subtle, the colour reminded me of a jewel glinting in the sun.
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Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer's Association, the BrightFocus Foundation, the Rainwater Foundation Tau Consortium, the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, the Cure Alzheimer's Fund, and the tau SILK Consortium (AbbVie, Biogen, and Eli Lilly and Co.). Funding for clinical trials not related to this research include the National Institutes of Health, the Alzheimer's Association, Eli Lilly and Co., Hoffman La-Roche, Janssen, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, the GHR Foundation, and an anonymous foundation. RJB also receives research funding from the DIAN Pharma Consortium (AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Biogen, Eisai, Eli Lilly and Co., Hoffman La-Roche, Janssen, Pfizer, and Sanofi). RJB has received honoraria from Janssen and Pfizer as a speaker and from Merck and Pfizer as an advisory board member. Washington University, RJB, and DMH have equity ownership interest in C2N Diagnostics andTips & News Orlando Sanford International Airport's Name Can Confuse Tourists Going to Orlando Despite its name, this small airport is not even in Orlando—it's in the town of Sanford, population 59,000, and is twice as far from Walt Disney World as Orlando International. By Jason Cochran advertisement A small airport an hour away from Walt Disney World has trademarked its name to associate itself with the tourist powerhouse of Orlando—and it can cause confusion when theme park visitors book airfare. Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB) is actually closer to Daytona Beach (about 40 miles) than Walt Disney World (50 miles), but that hasn't stopped officials from filing a trademark with the U.S. Patent Office to cement the word "Orlando" into the airport's name so that it can get a piece of the estimated
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68 million visits to Orlando annually. Partly because of that name, online booking engines are returning results for the airport during searches for Orlando. Frank Kruppenbacher, the chair of the board that oversees the main airport, Orlando International, is well aware of the confusion. "When you put in 'Orlando Airport,' to have that pop up and create massive confusion, there's a problem with that," he told a local news program. Some customers who think they're flying to the main airport for Orlando, Orlando International (MCO), which is just 23 miles east of Disney and the only airport served by Disney's Magical Express coaches, actually wind up somewhere else—at SFB, in a quiet patch of Florida between Orlando and the Atlantic Coast, twice as far from the attractions. Sanford Airport is easy tonot familiar with Florida's geography, there's no way to realize during the ticket booking process that the word "Sanford" refers to the outlying town you'll be flying to, and not the name of some forgotten aviator or dignitary who was honored by having the main airport named for them. MCO's board has also gone after the similarly renamed Orlando Melbourne International Airport on similar grounds, although there are apparently fewer reports of passenger confusion there. SFB has seen its traffic grow steadily, year-on-year, since 2011. Competition with MCO has been cutthroat—many European vacation companies and Icelandair used to fly to Sanford, but switched after MCO slashed landing fees to attract them to the more popular airfield. The smaller airport has had to be creative to keep its operations healthy.
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The Elk Grove Police Department on Wednesday released a video, hoping the public can help identify a suspect in a stabbing during a fight last month near a busy intersection in broad daylight. The stabbing occurred about 5 p.m. on Feb. 27 near the intersection of Calvine Road and Elk Grove Florin Road, about a mile east of Highway 99. Officers were called to the area for a report of two people fighting in the road. Elk Grove police said the video of the fight and the stabbing was captured on a witness’ cell phone. Police officials edited the video and released it on Facebook, which does not show the stabbing. Click to resize The video shows one person in a white shirt momentarily running away before getting in a white car,while another person in a black vest and black helmet picks up something from the street and gets on a motorcycle. The suspect stabbed the victim during the fight, according to police. The victim, who suffered non-life-threatening injuries, was taken to a local hospital by a relative. Police said the suspect drove away on a motorcycle after the stabbing. Police described the stabbing suspect as a white man wearing a black helmet, a black vest, blue jeans and black shoes. Detectives ask anyone with information regarding this stabbing to call 916-478-8043. Tips also can be sent via text message by entering CRIMES followed by TIP732 and the message.
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into 3 clades. Clade B includes, in addition to Tacaribe and Amapari viruses, the Category A human pathogenic viruses Junín (Argentine hemorrhagic fever), Machupo (Bolivian hemorrhagic fever), Guanarito (Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever), and Sabiá (Brazilian hemorrhagic fever). These Category A viruses are capable of causing severe and often fatal hemorrhagic fever disease in humans. Rodents are the natural host of arenaviruses, although Tacaribe virus is found in bats. The arenaviruses characteristically produce chronic viremic infections in their natural host,15 which in turn shed virus in their urine and feces, ultimately infecting humans in close contact with these infected materials either by aerosol or direct contact with skin abrasions or cuts. The natural history of the human disease is determined by the pathogenicity of the virus, its geographical distribution, the habitatas we expect to win this case ultimately. The case stemmed from the media company’s decision to publish an edited sex tape showing the former wrestler having sex with Heather Clem, the ex-wife of shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge Clem. At the crux of the trial was the disputed news value of the tape: Gawker Media alleged its publication of the tape was protected by the First Amendment given its perceived newsworthiness; Hogan’s legal team argued that the tape unjustly pried into his personal life. The jury rendered its verdict just hours after closing arguments concluded Friday afternoon. In the runup to the trial, Denton told The New York Times and others that a sizable judgment in Hogan’s favor could deal a financially crippling blow to the Manhattan-based media company.
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Damaged Bradford County wellhead is replaced HARRISBURG -- Workers were able to replace a damaged wellhead on a Bradford County gas well last night, following last week's blowout and wastewater spill. Officials from Chesapeake Energy, who operate the Leroy Township drilling site, announced the completed repairs Monday night. The malfunctioning wellhead was part of the cause of last week's accident, according to Chesapeake. » Follow the Post-Gazette's coverage of the Marcellus Shale on Twitter at @pipelinePG A website for ongoing coverage, resources, comments and more. While briny wastewater spilled into a nearby creek tributary during the early hours of the incident, both the company and state Department of Environmental Protection have reported no significant impacts so far. DEP officials said yesterday that they did not have results yet from last week's waterHis symptoms improved over the next two weeks with medical management, and at discharge his MRS was 3. Two patients developed minor strokes. One was a 56-year-old female who had central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) of the right eye post stenting and over three weeks her vision improved, but not to the baseline MRS of 1. The second patient was a male who developed behavioral disturbances lasting for three days after stenting and an MRI showed a new infarct in the anterior thalamus. Within a week his symptoms resolved and at discharge his MRS was 2. ###### Angiographic analysis
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Central" ] }
Back European Go Congress 2017 By Lorenz Trippel | News | 27.11.2016 11:51| Views: 25902 | Comments: 172 Thanks for all the work which was done preparing these proposals in such a short time. We feel very sorry that the congress in Turkey didn't work out and hope the organizing team will reapply to hold this event in the future! You can check out the proposals: Oberhof (Germany) Update (1st Dec 2016): Following the recommendation of the EGF board the turkish organizing committee stepped back last week. In the meantime the EGF board managed to find two alternatives one from Germany (Oberhof) and one from Russia (Sochi). The board decided to give the congress 2017 to Russia, Sochi.Thanks for all the work which was done preparing these proposals in such aPair-go untill they won by acclamation. The EGF just broke its word again (ike at 3rd Congres in Poly business with Russian and Chinese 'maffias'le. They are complletely unreliabe. We need to take example from Italy, where normal players and foreigners re in the healtFederatonwhih organises Summer and Wnter schle, uools. The same guys who run the EGD as volunteers. Reliable, unlike EGF board. Hist time to organis a free championship b just by most experienc organisers, like me Tobias and a few more. Best EGC's were 2007, whichI organised fro m PL for a year bhind this Simons back and 2007. InGoningen I wasn't chief of Bulletins, so it wasn;t perect :( I work at an open EC at WinterGo location nrNijmegn, or perhpdsat the university there. You will hee
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# 129 01.12.2016 16:52 @Burkhard: In Summer, the Turkish organiser asked the AGM about thier opinion on running an EGC 2017 in Turkey. There was no formal vote, but every representative made a short statement. The majority encouraged Kerem to do it, so he walked away and carried on with his organisation. With the political situation getting not really better in Turkey and with a very short list of registrations, about two weeks ago Kerem then again contacted the EGF, asking whether it still would be a good idea to have it in Turkey. This time, the board reacted and took the congress back. So it is not quite true to say the EGF took it back from Turkey agianst their will. It was helpful at the time thatcountry members in the dark. The board eventually broke a decision of the general assembly without even communicating with its members. Second the constitution of the EGF foresees the following (Article 3.4, §2). "The Executive Committee shall decide on all matters not otherwise reserved to another body of the EGF. In an emergency situation, the Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds majority of votes cast, pass resolutions, which are normally the prerogatives of the General Meeting, unless such decision is expressly excluded in these bylaws or in the regulations of the EGF. In such cases, the members shall be notified promptly of these measures. If a majority of the members eligible to vote, responding within thirty days of the date of the notice, signifies its disapproval, the measure shall
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and that they have been in constant contact with the board. However we observe that the board has not communicated on it during the months that followed the Saint-Petersburg congress until the decision to change the host country was already made. This leads to the conclusion that the board of the EGF intentionally kept all country members in the dark. The board eventually broke a decision of the general assembly without even communicating with its members.Second the constitution of the EGF foresees the following (Article 3.4, §2). "The Executive Committee shall decide on all matters not otherwise reserved to another body of the EGF. In an emergency situation, the Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds majority of votes cast, pass resolutions, which are normally the prerogatives of the25-54, and was up 86 percent in average total viewers during the daypart. The average impressions for April 2016 (Nielsen Live + Same Day data): · Prime time (Mon-Sun): 858,000 total viewers / 223,000 A25-54 · Total Day (Mon-Sun): 497,000 total viewers / 133,000 A25-54 The network’s signature morning news program, Morning Joe, averaged 560,000 total viewers and 157,000 adults 25-54 in April. The 560,000 total viewer average is a 58 percent bump from April 2015. Meet the Press Daily was up 110 percent in adults 25-54 and up 34 percent in total viewers from its April 2015 averages. Hardball with Chris Matthews delivered a 918,000 total viewer average in April, a year-over-year improvement of 35 percent. MSNBC also had experienced improved ratings in Monday – Friday prime
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time. The network was up 138 percent from the previous April in adults 25-54, undoubtedly aided by six town halls the network aired during the month. If we take Monday-Sunday prime time into account, the network averaged 858,000 total viewers (up 68 percent year-over-year) and 223,000 adults 25-54 (up 83 percent year-over-year). All in with Chris Hayes was up 111 percent in adults 25-54 and up 61 percent in total viewers from April 2015. The Rachel Maddow Show had a strong month as well, up 127 percent in the demo and up 65 percent in total viewers from April 2015. The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell hauled in a 981,000 total viewer average, an 81 percent improvement from its total viewer average in April 2015 (543,000). Here’s theAfter a certain satirical phenomenon went off the air in 2014 for "مايصحش كده" reasons, the industry was a comedic wasteland that was left clambering to fill the gap in its wake, but to disappointingly underwhelming results. However, Arab nationals now have a reason to temporarily look up from their phone screens on Saturday nights, because OSN is now bringing us the Arabic version of the legendary and iconic Saturday Night Live. SNL, which has been on air since 1975, has for decades been a cornerstone of American pop culture and the launching vessel of dozens of mega successful comedians, including the likes of Will Ferrell, Chris Rock, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Tina Fey. The SNL Arabia Team The team is nothing less than an army of creative and hardworking cast and
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whole production process of their American counterpart at the original SNL's studios in New York City. Photo via Shadi Alfons Amr Salama (Director) The show’s directing efforts are in the hands of none other than the screenwriter, auteur and all-round critics’ darling, Amr Salama. Known for heavier feats such as Asmaa and Zayy El Naharda, he has also played with lighter material such as Sone3 Fi Masr and the socially-biting Lamo’akhza. "I thought it will enrich my experience as a director," Salama shared on what working on SNL is like. "But it did more than just that. It taught me what it's like to be an "Entertainer". Like Michael Jackson, he was not just a singer or a dancer, he was an entertainer. It's way more fulfilling to learn how to fullyof Axis of Evil, for his sharp observational comedy akin to a more sardonic Jerry Seinfeld. Azmy then pulled a David Copperfield and disappeared from the stage and went back to his main profession as artist and illustrator. The comeback of the reluctantly successful comedian is definitely something to look forward to -- we're waiting to see his analysis of the absurdity of Egyptian life and culture. Sherif Naguib (Writer) Sherif Naguib is a talented screenwriter who's been around the showbiz block, with an impressive resume that includes writing stints in super quotable hits such as La Taragou3 W La Esteslam. Photo via Amr Salama Amr Sokkar, Ahmed Kamel & Ahmed Saad (Writers) The Facebook wunderkinds have conquered social media and soared into the biz, with Sokkar and Kamel having already contributed to
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use restrictions on the tested implementations or otherwise. Licenses containing such limitations do not meet the requirements of the JSPA, the agreement under which the JCP operates, and violate the expectations of the Java community that JCP specs can be openly implemented.” 10. Only a couple of months later, in April of 2009, Oracle Corp. announced that it would be acquiring Sun (renamed Oracle America after the acquisition was completed in January of 2010). Since that time, and directly contrary to Oracle Corp.’s public actions and statements, as well as its own proposals as an executive member of the JCP, Oracle Corp. and Sun (now Oracle America) have ignored the open source community’s requests to fully open-source the Java platform. B. The Open Handset Alliance and Development ofthe Android Platform 11. The Android Platform (“Android”) is a freely-distributed, open-source software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key mobile applications. Android was released in 2007 by a group of seventy-eight technology and mobile companies known as the Open Handset Alliance (“OHA”) who have come together to accelerate innovation in mobile devices and offer consumers a richer, less expensive, and better mobile experience. The members of the OHA, which include Google, mobile operators, handset manufacturers, semiconductor companies, software companies and commercialization companies, are each strongly committed to greater openness in the mobile ecosystem. 12. The OHA believes that an open platform – a platform that provides equal access to any who would choose to develop software for the platform – is essential
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Android was first released in November of 2007, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz confirmed this fact, congratulating Android and stating that “needless to say, Google and the Open Handset Alliance just strapped another set of rockets to the community’s momentum – and to the vision defining opportunity across our (and other) planets.” 22. The success of the Android platform is due in large part to its open nature, which benefits the entire open source community of consumers, developers, manufacturers, and mobile operators. Android’s permissive open source license allows developers and manufacturers to innovate rapidly under their own terms while simultaneously protecting their proprietary intellectual property, if so desired. Because Android provides open and comprehensive access to handset capabilities and developer tools, developers experience increased productivity and are better ableWofford to present 'True West' in theatre faculty showcase SPARTANBURG, S.C. - Wofford Theatre's upcoming production of "True West" is as much a tribute to the playwright, the late Sam Shepard, as it is a valuable educational experience for students. "True West," opening Wednesday, Feb. 28, is the inaugural professional production in the Sallenger Sisters Black Box Theatre in the Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Center for the Arts. Performances will be held at 8 nightly through Saturday, March 3, with a 2 p.m. matinee on Saturday as well. The play also will be Wofford's inaugural faculty showcase, starring Dr. Mark Ferguson, the Department of Theatre's chairman and director of Wofford Theatre, and Daniel Day, assistant professor of theatre. Daniel Murray, department chair of acting/movement at the South Carolina Governor's School for the
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celebrating his work. The other is bound up with the mission of the theatre department to constantly improve the student learning experience through whatever means possible." Ferguson says he and Day were closer to the ages of the characters of Austin and Lee as Shepard wrote them when Day first suggested, shortly after he arrived at Wofford in 2010, that the play would be "a good fit for us." "It was less about our ages and genders than that 'True West' nailed the bullseye of our departmental mission to produce works that ask exciting and troubling questions about the nature and purpose of human existence," Ferguson adds. "It just took eight years - and the playwright's death - for the pieces to fall into place." Murray considers the production asort of destiny, saying he and Day - "classmate, fellow actor, director, theatre founder, colleague" - are "artistic brothers." "The idea was that Dan and Mark, who also have a kind of simpatico born of hard work and mutual passions, would embody Lee and Austin, and Wofford Theatre students would be elemental to the cast and production team, learning the old-fashioned way through apprenticeship to masters of the craft," Murray adds. "Our aims are simple, but not easy," he says. "We are responsible for giving voice and soul to these characters. We embrace their fears and shortcomings and madness and absurdity, never commenting on them or judging them, but rather revealing them … and ourselves through them. We trust that they have something to say to us about us all
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something great. We revel in this chance to bring Sam Shepard's work to the Wofford community." Students are in key positions in the professional-level production, Ferguson adds. "Stage management, the design and production team, the run crew and the cast are populated with current theatre majors, all of whom are getting the intense 'front row' experience of working on a show like this one. Beyond that, all of the students in the department, and at the college, will have a chance to witness two of their professors, who regularly ask so much of them on stage and in the classroom, 'put their money where their mouths are,' so to speak." Sam Shepard, an actor and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, died in the summer of 2017 at the age of 73; thecause was complications of Lou Gehrig's Disease. The New York Times classified him as "one of the most important and influential writers of his generation, (specializing) in capturing the darker sides of American family life." Shephard wrote more than 55 plays - his last, "A Particle of Dread," had its premiere in 2014 - acted in more than 50 films and had more than a dozen roles on television. He also was the author of several prose works, including "Cruising Paradise" and the memoir "Motel Chronicles." Though he received critical acclaim almost from the beginning of his career, and his work has been staged throughout the world, he was never a mainstream commercial playwright. Discounted ticket prices are available through online sales at $3 for students, $10 for faculty/staff
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Trout Point Lodge of Nova Scotia is pleased to announce that it will be featured in a new international cookbook celebrating the 25th anniversary of Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH). Over 215 hotels are featured in this enticing culinary manual. Trout Point will be the only hotel representing Canada. The recipe submitted by the Lodge's chef/proprietors Vaughn Perret & Charles Leary, and accepted by the British editorial team in charge of the project features local Nova Scotia ingredients, prominently lobster and scallops. "Scallop and lobster ravigote with asparagus & organic quinoa" appears alongside an illustrtive photo of the dish. Printed to the highest standards in full colour, the glossy Small Luxury Cookbook will be bound in hard covers, and distributed through all participating hotels to their guests. Tensof thousands of SLH Club Members will also receive copies. The Small Luxury Cookbook will be unveiled at the SLH International Conference later this month in Marbella, Spain. Trout Point Lodge has been a member of the prestigious boutique hotel group since 2011. The cookbook will also have a directory of all participating hotel restaurants. In 2014, Trout Point Lodge was named among the World's Best Restaurant Hotels by the Five Star Alliance. Trout Point Lodge of Nova Scotia will be the world's first certified Starlight Hotel, a distinction given by the Starlight Foundation headquartered at the Canaries Astrophysics Institute in Spain. The Starlight Initiative is backed by UNESCO, the International Astronomical Union, and other international organizations. "We believe it is fair to give special consideration," wrote Foundation Managing Director Luis Martinez,
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to "establishments whose owners have been pioneers in promoting a Starlight Destination in their area." Located in a particularly dark night-time zone of southwest Nova Scotia, Trout Point has developed astro-tourism offerings, including having a permanent astronomer on staff, over the past four years. This year the Lodge added a 16'x16' star gazing platform and new telescopes, including a solar telescope for daytime use. The Lodge lies adjacent to the vast Tobeatic Wilderness Area at the confluence of the Tusket and Napier Rivers. To be certified as a Starlight Hotel, Trout Point had to submit an extensive application and data on sky quality. Lodge proprietors Vaughan Perret and Charles Leary have spearheaded the effort by a local non-profit society to have the region surrounding Trout Point declared a Starlight Reserve andwe attach so much importance to building a network of establishments which are qualified and accredited as 'Starlight Rural Hotels and Houses', beginning with the most representative." Perret and Leary have worked tirelessly to gain support for the project from the Nova Scotia Tourism Agency, the Southwest Nova Tourism Task Team, the Nova Scotia Department of Environment, Acadia First Nation, and the Municipalities of Argyle, Clare, and Yarmouth. This region of Nova Scotia has a pronounced lack of light pollution, lending it some of the darkest and clearest skies for astronomical observation in North America. About Trout Point Lodge & The Starlight FoundationFounded in 2000, Trout Point Lodge lies immediately adjacent to the Tobeatic Wilderness Area. Rated 5 stars by Canada Select, the Lodge is also a member of Small Luxury
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Hotels of the World. The web site is The Starlight Foundation is the body in charge of the operational management of the Starlight Initiative, providing human resources and means for its development and promotion. The Starlight Initiative was launched in 2007 from a proposal of the IAC supported by UNESCO - MaB Programme, UNWTO, IAU, and other international conventions such as UNEP-CMS, SCBD, and Ramsar Convention, and is designed as an international action in defense of the values associated with the night sky and the general right to observe the stars. The final aim of this Initiative is to promote the importance of clear skies for the humankind, emphasizing and introducing the value of this endangered heritage for science, education, culture, technological development, nature conservation, and tourism. The web1982 by the Forest Agency of Japan. It has now become a recognized relaxation and/or stress management activity there. The New York Times reported that one scientific study " included data on 280 healthy people in Japan, where visiting nature parks for therapeutic effect has become a popular practice called ' Shinrin-yoku,' or 'forest bathing.' On one day, some people were instructed to walk through a forest or wooded area for a few hours, while others walked through a city area. On the second day, they traded places. The scientists found that being among plants produced 'lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, and lower blood pressure,' among other things." Governor-General Award winning author Marq DeVilliers described the forest at Trout Point for the Globe & Mail: This is pristine
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The president of the United States is mounting a concerted effort to shame a private employee and even get her fired — all because she criticized the president. The latest came from President Donald Trump’s Twitter account, in which he blamed ESPN host Jemele Hill for the network’s rating drops. That came after ESPN suspended Hill — apparently for tweets in which she criticized Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones for saying that he wouldn’t let any player “who disrespects the flag” on the field, forcing the team to take a stance against the NFL protests over racial injustice and police brutality. With Jemele Hill at the mike, it is no wonder ESPN ratings have "tanked," in fact, tanked so badly it is the talk of the industry! — Donald J.Virginia, causing chaos in the small city — and even a death after a neo-Nazi ran his car into a crowd of counterprotesters. After the protests, Trump suggested that “both sides” were equally to blame for the violence, drawing a false equivalency between white supremacists — one of whom, again, literally killed someone — and the anti-racism protesters. This is what Hill was referencing in her initial tweets. And her blunt language has apparently infuriated the president so much that he’s still tweeting about it weeks later. How ESPN and Jemele Hill became the White House’s latest targets As with many of Trump’s feuds, this goes back to Twitter. Last month, Hill argued in a series of tweets that Trump was a white supremacist who had surrounded himself with and empowered
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October 9, 2017 Like many things on Twitter, though, Trump is embroiled in this. Trump has repeatedly spoken out against the NFL protests, recently praising Jones for his stance against the demonstrations. The protests are about police brutality and racial injustice, but Trump has mischaracterized them as disrespectful of the flag, military, and country because, as part of the demonstrations, players refuse to stand for the national anthem. Even as other major events, including North Korea and the hurricane in Puerto Rico, have gone on around him, Trump has continued tweeting against the NFL protests. That Trump is so loud about NFL protests over racial injustice yet was so ambivalent about white supremacist protests in Charlottesville only speaks to Hill’s original point: It sure looks like the president is atOne of the UK's best-known scientists, Professor James Lovelock, says only a catastrophe will prompt the world to tackle the threat of climate change. He says the global climate treaty, the Kyoto Protocol, is simply an attempt to appease a self-regulating Earth system. Professor Lovelock thinks the Earth's attempts to restore its equilibrium may eliminate civilisation and most humans. He wants a rapid end to the destruction of natural habitats, which he says are key to planetary climate and chemistry. We are at war with the Earth itself. We are Gaia's target now Professor James Lovelock Professor Lovelock won acclaim for developing the Gaia Hypothesis, which suggests the Earth functions as a single organism which maintains the conditions necessary for its survival. His latest comments were made at a conference at Dartington Hall in Devon.
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Mike Flanagan is all set to return with yet another horror masterpiece. His new work, The Haunting Of Hill House Season 2, is almost ready to be at the screens again. The cast and crew have finally wrapped up the shoot of the second installment. When can we watch new episodes? Here’s everything to know. The Haunting of Hill House debuted on Netflix back in October 2018. The series soon became one of the best creations in the genre of all time. Hence, due to its immense popularity, the streamer confirmed that the show would return for a second round. However, being an anthology series, the sequel would not feature the Crain family again. We will move out of the Hill House into another haunted mansion this year. The HauntingOf Hill House Season 2: Production Wrap! The debut season of Netflix’s popular anthology worked really well for the audience and critics alike. In fact, the series turned out to be a huge commercial success for the streaming platform. Hence, the streamer took no time to sign in Flanagan again. The renewal was announced back in early-2019. Filming for the installment began right after, and actors were signed in to play certain roles. On February 23, 2020, Mike Flanagan officially announced the production wrap of ‘the Haunting Of Hill House Season 2. In a tweet, the show creator thanked and congratulated the cast and crew and the filmmakers who came on board to make this season. The sequel is currently under pre-production now and will soon hit at the screens. That’s
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a wrap on THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR. Congratulations to the cast and crew, the familiar faces and the new, and congratulations to the filmmakers who came on board to make this season their own. — Mike Flanagan (@flanaganfilm) February 21, 2020 What Is Season 2 About? The second season of The Haunting Of Hill House will move on from the plot of the first season. It will now center around another haunted mansion this time. The story of the new installment will be loosely based on the 1898 horror novella The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. Henceforth, Season 2 of the show is titled “The Haunting Of Bly Manor” instead. The story of the second chapter will focus upon a governess who is hired to take care oftwo kids. The three of them experience paranormal things while living in the Bly Manor. However, Mike Flanagan intends to take inspiration from Henry James’ other works as well. The great author has some of the best works in the horror genre of all time. Hence, aside from The Turn Of The Screw, fans will get to see a few references from James’ other piece of works as well. The Haunting Of Bly Manor: Cast Members The second season of Netflix’s popular horror anthology will bring back a few fine actors from its debut season. The Haunting Of Bly Manor will feature talented actress Victoria Pedretti in the lead role. She was previously seen as Nellie Crain on Season 1. This time around, Pedretti will play the central character of
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and Amelia Eve will be seen playing crucial characters. Moreover, popular actor Rahul Kohli is set to play a lead role in The Haunting Of Hill House Season 2. The Haunting Of Hill House Season 2: Release Date Netflix is yet to announce the official release date of the popular series. However, according to speculations, The Haunting Of Hill House Season 2 may premiere sometime around Halloween this year. As of now, an October 2020 premiere date is highly likely. Although since the filming is already under the wrap, new episodes may arrive earlier than we expect. Currently, fans will have to wait for formal confirmation from the streamer. Hence, we promise to update this section as soon as the news arrives.threatens to destroy Israel. The Iranian leadership funds and arms terrorists who have murdered Americans and Israelis alike. And it has waged a campaign of intimidation and persecution against its own people. Last June, Iranians marching silently were beaten with batons; political prisoners were rounded up and abused; and absurd and false accusations were leveled against the United States, Israel, and the West. People everywhere were horrified by the video of a young woman killed in the street. The Iranian leadership is denying its people rights that are universal to all human beings — including the right to speak freely, to assemble without fear; the right to the equal administration of justice, and to express your views without facing retribution. Fine, as far as it goes. But what are
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speech, as limited as it was in the discussion of Iran, as opposed to graph after graph on the unsustainability of the status quo with regard to the Palestinians, was a puzzler. Unlike the president’s mute reaction to the June 12 stolen election and the brutal aftermath, Hillary made a convincing case that, yes, the regime is a very bad actor. She pronounced: Elements in Iran’s government have become a menace, both to their own people and in the region. Iran’s president foments anti-Semitism, denies the Holocaust, and threatens to destroy Israel. The Iranian leadership funds and arms terrorists who have murdered Americans and Israelis alike. And it has waged a campaign of intimidation and persecution against its own people. Last June, Iranians marching silently were beaten with batons;is interesting as well. It is not as if there were no trace of Fatah in all this. From the New York Times: Dozens of Palestinian students from the youth division of Fatah, the mainstream party led by President Mahmoud Abbas, gathered here on Thursday to dedicate a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history. . . To Israelis, hailing Ms. Mughrabi as a heroine and a martyr is an act that glorifies terrorism. But, underscoring the chasm between Israeli and Palestinian perceptions, the Fatah representatives described Ms. Mughrabi as a courageous fighter who held a proud place in Palestinian history. Defiant, they insisted that they would not let Israel dictate the names of Palestinian streets and
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Later this week the council is expected to vote on four resolutions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One resolution affirms the Palestinian right to self determination. A second initiates the creation of an independent committee to monitor compliance by Israel and the Palestinians with the Goldstone Report call for both parties to hold independent transparent investigations into human rights abuses during Israel’s military incursion in Gaza in January 2009 and the Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli citizens. Two other resolutions accuse Israel of a host of human rights abuses against Palestinians and take it to task for continued settlement building, including east Jerusalem. Hillary today waxed lyrical about standing with Israel and declared: “The United States has also led the fight in international institutions against anti-Semitism and efforts to challenge Israel’s legitimacy.either,” said Israel’s ambassador to the UN in Geneva. Roni Leshno Yaar. He spoke during a day-long debate about Israel’s actions in the West Bank and Gaza. Later this week the council is expected to vote on four resolutions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One resolution affirms the Palestinian right to self determination. A second initiates the creation of an independent committee to monitor compliance by Israel and the Palestinians with the Goldstone Report call for both parties to hold independent transparent investigations into human rights abuses during Israel’s military incursion in Gaza in January 2009 and the Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli citizens. Two other resolutions accuse Israel of a host of human rights abuses against Palestinians and take it to task for continued settlement building, including east Jerusalem. Hillary today waxed
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because AIPAC can put 7,500 in a room? She says it is the shared values of democracy and freedom and common aspirations for our children and our children’s children. She says her defense of Israel is more than a policy issue but a “personal commitment that will never waver.” She continues in this vein, telling stories of her travels as well as a moving anecdote about a medic she met, who was subsequently killed. This strikes me as a personal accounting of her own attachment and relationship with Israel, a sort of personal defense of her own pro-Israel bona fides. Did the recent criticism sting? She continues now with her defense of Obama, reminding the group that she had vouched for him when the primary ended in 2008. Stonegovern for long without the vast center of the American electorate. Obama has now ceded that to his political opponents. John, the opponents are wasting no time with the legal challenges. In my e-mail box bright and early is a message from the Virginia attorney general (a conservative swept into office on a wave of anti-Obama sentiment): The Office of the Attorney General of Virginia will move forward with our lawsuit against the federal government and its unconstitutional overreach of its authority with the passage of the federal health care bill. We will file our complaint with the court as soon as the president signs it into law. With this law, the federal government will force citizens to buy health insurance, claiming it has the authority to do so because of
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most far-reaching pieces of social legislation in our history. For President Obama to be able to have resurrected it in the midst of enormous public opposition and deep concerns among Democrats, especially in the aftermath of the Massachusetts Senate race in late January, is politically quite impressive. When he was being told to pare down his plan, Obama instead doubled down and, in terms of winning passage of his signature domestic initiative, he won. As a result, the media coverage will be overwhelmingly favorable to Obama and Democrats. Among the political class, he instantaneously goes from being seen as a weak president to being seen as a strong president, from inept to imposing. Barack Obama has certainly left his stamp on history. Some thoughts on the meaning of thepassage of yesterday’s health-care bill. 1. It is without question a landmark bill, among the most far-reaching pieces of social legislation in our history. For President Obama to be able to have resurrected it in the midst of enormous public opposition and deep concerns among Democrats, especially in the aftermath of the Massachusetts Senate race in late January, is politically quite impressive. When he was being told to pare down his plan, Obama instead doubled down and, in terms of winning passage of his signature domestic initiative, he won. As a result, the media coverage will be overwhelmingly favorable to Obama and Democrats. Among the political class, he instantaneously goes from being seen as a weak president to being seen as a strong president, from inept to imposing. Barack
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view of Iran’s rulers in 2003. They had every reason in the world to hate Saddam Hussein more than anyone else in the world. His army killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians in an eight-year war he started less than a year after Ayatollah Khomeini became Supreme Leader. (Israel, meanwhile, has never fought a war with Iran and hasn’t killed any Iranians.) Yet the United States earned no points whatsoever for taking out their most dangerous enemy and placing their Shia co-religionists in the saddle in Baghdad. There are, of course, millions of Arabs and Iranians who detest the Khomeinist-led resistance bloc and feel threatened by it, including about half of Palestinians. Most are less ideologically severe, and some have already made peace with Israel. Perhaps the Obama administrationFive questions ahead of Community Shield Premier League champions Chelsea face FA Cup holders Arsenal in the Community Shield at Wembley on Sunday. Here AFP Sport looks at five key questions ahead of the annual curtain raiser to the English top-flight season:community shield Pressure on Wenger As the rain lashed down on the Emirates Stadium and Arsene Wenger found himself confronted by a furious fan, it was easy to believe the clock had been turned back four months to a season the Arsenal manager would love to forget. In fact, it was a pre-season friendly against Benfica in July and the aforementioned Arsenal supporter keen to vent his frustrations on Wenger didn’t seem placated by his side’s 5-2 victory. Divisions run deep at the Emirates over Wenger’s lack of success in
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his combination of poise and predatory finishing ignites his side’s title defence. Lacazette leads the line With the future of unsettled Gunners forward Alexis Sanchez still up in the air, Wenger needed to make a statement of intent and he did so by breaking Arsenal’s transfer record to sign France striker Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon for £52 million. Lacazette hit 37 goals in 45 games last season and has bagged at least 20 Ligue 1 goals in each of the last three years. The 26-year-old netted on his first appearance at the Emirates Stadium in pre-season, but Wenger admitted it might take a while for his new recruit to adapt to the unique demands of the Premier League. Conte eyes boost Frustrated by Chelsea’s failure to land his top transfer targets, Conteis in need of a restorative victory over Arsenal as he looks for signs his team are still hungry for success after winning the Premier League. Missing out on Lukaku, Leonardo Bonucci and Alex Sandro has put Conte in an anxious mood, judging by his prediction that he faces the most “difficult” season of his career. Manchester City, Manchester United and Liverpool have all spent big money on new signings. Conte has paid over £100 million on three players, but his squad, which faces the extra challenge of the Champions League this season, is painfully short of strength in depth now Costa is exiled and Eden Hazard and new recruit Tiemoue Bakayoko are injured. Three’s company A 3-0 defeat against Arsenal last season was the catalyst for Chelsea’s title triumph
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as Conte responded to that setback by switching to a three-man defence. The tactical tinkering paid rich dividends for Chelsea, but Conte added Roma defender Antonio Rudiger to the mix in the close-season. Ironically, it was an identical change by Wenger that revived Arsenal’s fortunes in the closing weeks of last season, climaxing in an FA Cup final win over Chelsea. Conte has promised to stick with the same system, while Wenger has been experimenting with using midfielders Mohamed Elneny and Ainsley Maitland-Niles in his back three in pre-season. Analysing those areas will provide a fascinating insight into both managers’ plans for the new season.citizenship for young adults brought to the US illegally as children. This had consequences at the border, ICE and other US immigration officials say. After DACA was announced, “suddenly we had tens of thousands of kids getting thrown across the border,” said Chris Crane, the head of National ICE Council, a union that represents 7,600 ICE officers. Others argue economics contributed to the surge. By no coincidence, the ICE union and the Border Patrol union were among the few federal government agency unions to endorse Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Crane, a vocal critic of presidential immigration policies for years, said then that “America has been lied to about every aspect of immigration in the United States,” and only Trump can “put politics aside to fix the problem.” Trump’s
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an American?” As the country gears up for midterm elections in November that could determine how history remembers the Trump presidency, the agency’s name has become a rallying cry for both the left and the right. “We are going to be introducing a wave of change,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who at 28 is set to become the youngest-ever member of the US Congress, promised a cheering crowd at a billiard hall in the Bronx during a celebration of her surprise election in June. For Ocasio-Cortez and a growing number of Democrats, a key part of that wave is abolishing ICE. Boston City Council member Ayanna Pressley, who is running for a Massachusetts Congressional seat in November, suggests defunding ICE entirely, and putting anti-terror functions somewhere else. Kirsten Gillibrand, the New Yorkborder patrol agent who was quietly named ICE’s new director on June 30. His appointment could bring some needed calm, long-time immigration experts across the political spectrum say—but using the agency to inflame voters ahead of the November midterms may be too politically valuable right now for anyone in Washington to let him do it. Correction (July 8): This article originally stated the INS was part of the Department of Labor; it worked closely with the Department of Labor but was part of the Department of Justice
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sections each spaced 120xc2x0 electrically apart, wherein each section comprises: a main winding having a neutral end, a central tap and an output end, wherein the neutral end is connected to a floating neutral point, wherein the central tap is connected to one phase of a three-phase power source, and wherein the output end is a phase of the wye-connected autotransformer; and a pair of phase shift windings, wherein one end of each phase shift winding is connected to the central tap of the main winding and wherein an other end of each phase shift winding is a phase of the wye-connected autotransformer that is phase shifted +/xe2x88x9240xc2x0 electrically from the output end, wherein each main winding has a same first number and a same second number ofRival Koreas set for first official talks in over two years June 08, 2013|Reuters (Lee Jae Won Reuters, ) SEOUL (Reuters) - North and South Korea will meet for working-level discussions at a border village on Sunday, South Korea's Unification Ministry said, in what will be the first official talks between the rivals in more than two years. Tensions on the Korean peninsula have eased in the past month, having run high for several weeks after the United Nations toughened sanctions against North Korea following its third nuclear test in February. In another sign of easing tensions, the North reopened a Red Cross hotline with South Korea on Friday. Sunday's talks will set the mood for a ministerial level meeting scheduled for next week. The two Koreas have not held talks since February 2011. Pyongyang
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agreed on Saturday to the South's proposal to meet at the Panmunjom truce village, two days after it had proposed discussions to normalize commercial projects, including a shuttered joint industrial zone. In early April, North Korea withdrew its 53,000 workers at the Kaesong Industrial Zone and suspended operations. South Korea pulled out all of its workers from the zone in early May. After Pyongyang first proposed talks this week, Seoul responded by inviting the North to cabinet level talks on June 12 in Seoul as a way to discuss a range of issues including commercial projects and families split during the 1950-53 Korean War. The weekend talks come as Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama have begun their summit meeting on Friday in California. During the meeting, theCHICAGO, IL, October 6, 2009 --/WORLD-WIRE/-- Anti-aging skin products are known as cosmeceuticals, as they overlap the distinction between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. These products are the fastest growing sales sector of the entire cosmetics industry, and are widely marketed as being safe. But Cancer Prevention Coalition Chairman Dr. Samuel S. Epstein warns that altering the physical structure of skin with chemicals to look more youthful comes at a hidden price to the skin, and even more so to overall health. The term cosmeceutical, applied to anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams, was first adopted by the cosmetics industry in 1984. It was developed as a way to avoid subjecting the industry’s claims to the authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The idea was to create a new category of
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of children born in the UK between September 2000 and January 2002. Infants who were alive and living in the UK at age 9 months were identified from child benefit registers. Disproportionately stratified sampling at electoral ward level ensured adequate representation of disadvantaged and ethnic minority areas.\[[@pone.0213435.ref010]\] The first survey contact took place when the cohort child was around 9-months of age, when information was collected on 18,819 children (72% of those approached) through interviews in the home with the main (usually the mother) and partner respondents. Five further home interviews have been administered to date, at ages three, five, seven, 11 and 14 years. At each survey, information has been collected on demographic, social, and health factors related to the child and their family. At the age sevenCategory Archives: Cab fare calculator Post navigation Taxi scams or being ripped by taxi drivers is something that every one must have experienced some time in their lives. There are several ways in which the taxi drivers rip their customers including taking a long time to cover a short distance, charging arbitrarily or changing the figures of the taxi meter. It is not that there aren’t any honest drivers, but the deed of some drivers has brought a bad name to the entire community. The instances of taxi scams usually occur in places of tourist interests where many tourists converge. Taxi drivers are aware that the said person is new to the town and therefore, applies any of the tricks to dupe the customers. He may tamper with the taxi meter,
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answers yet. ON Wednesday 7th of January after evening prayers a loud noise was heard in the sky followed by the sighting of an intense large light heading from the west above the Al-Qasim region east of Saudi Arabia’s capital city Riyadh. Many locals had seen meteors prior to this but claimed this one did not fit the typical description at all: it was a blue green colour and was shooting out green lasers. One witness Khalid commented ‘No one has ever seen anything like it. I looked at the pictures, and the bright blue light falling in the sky eerily looked similar to the "supposed" meteor shower caught by a police dash camera in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I have the video of that event below. There are other (supernatural) beings besides(CNN) In his "I Have a Dream" speech, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. called out, "We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream." Fifty-six years later, a torrent of floodwater tore down part of a "segregation wall" in Arlington, Virginia. Ted Bloss, who lives next to the wall in the city's High View Park neighborhood, captured images Monday of high waters carrying away bricks from the wall originally built to divide white and black neighborhoods. "I've talked to people who've been here 50, 60, 70 years, and they all said nothing like this has ever happened here," Bloss said. The wall dates to the 1930s The "segregation wall" went up in segments in the 1930s to separate white-owned homes in High View Park
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from homes in a neighborhood to the south, according to a booklet from the Arlington County Department of Community Planning, Housing and Development that explores African American history in the county. The patchwork of separate fences and walls eventually formed a continuous barrier between white and black portions of the city. After schools were integrated, parents petitioned to remove part of the wall in order to make it easier for kids to walk to school. But much of it remained. "The remnants of this wall symbolize Arlington's history of segregation," the department says. It was used to educate people about the past Bloss said that he and his neighbors, from both races, have mixed feelings about the destruction of the segregation wall. With portions removed to facilitate foot traffic and as history marched forward,the wall had become more of an educational tool than a racist barrier. Bloss said historical walking-tour groups often stopped to see the wall. It was a way to teach people about what Jim Crow racism looked like and felt like. The county erected a historical marker at one end of the wall, explaining to passersby why and when it had been constructed. Bloss has been talking to neighbors, and some have mentioned rebuilding the wall -- for education. "Opinions are split about what to do next," he said. "It was viewed as an important part of history to remember."
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series, where 18 was the best return. In that series, Marcus Harris and Cameron Bancroft partnered Warner at the top, as all three struggled against the English quicks and seaming ball. But back at home against a Pakistan attack struggling to make the ball move, Warner and Burns showed their prowess at the top. The former was dominant on the front foot; he punished Pakistan through the covers every time they overpitched and pulled with power as his innings went on. In his first Test back on home soil since the ball-tampering affair, he scored more runs and faced more balls (265) than he did in the entire Ashes. He survived a life on 56, edging exciting debutant Naseem Shah behind, only for replays to show the quick had oversteppedand Warner was called back. He was also close to being run out on 93, making his crease by just centimetres to beat a Yasir Shah direct hit. Burns was a little more nervy early before finding his groove. He bottom-edged a cut shot off his first ball but it didn’t carry to wicketkeeper Muhammad Rizwan. But he grew with confidence as the day went on, hooking and driving Naseem and dominating spinner Iftikhar Ahmed, both down the ground and on the sweep. Eventually, a sweep brought about his downfall, gloving one back onto his own stumps from Yasir just three shy of his century. Regardless, Burns’ combination with Warner is believed to have been part of the reason for his recall. Friday’s partnership is their fourth century stand in 10
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innings together, and they average more than 50 as a combination. At the Gabba, their record is even stronger, with their 620 runs combined in three innings at the ground the most productive of any pairing in history. Pakistan toiled away with their No 1 bowler Muhammad Abbas watching on from the sideline, controversially overlooked. Only 16-year-old Naseem offered any spark as he regularly topped 145kph, but the visitors struggled to build pressure around him as their fielding also fell apart.The City of Edinburgh will be the first to host an international promotion event of Rotterdam's innovative cultural policies for enforcing the participation of artists in heightening a city's competitiveness and securing social peace on the local level. The essay 'Neo-Liberalism with Dutch Characteristics: The Big Fix-Up of the Netherlands and the Practice of Embedded Cultural Activism' is published in the book volume 'Culture and Contestation in the New Century'. Read more about the Kanunnik Triest Square (designed by architects De Vylder Vinck Taillieu) in the Caritas psychiatric centre (Melle) and how it results from a participative process with psychiatrists, managers, staff, and patients. The question to what extent urban interferences influence social behavior has been much debated ever since urban planning was considered a profession. This matter of influence gets
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Strategies for Playing as well as Winning the Lottery – Lottery For Maryland The lotto is still one of the best means to flourish and rid you off financial difficulties for a while, but if managed well, you can wave farewell to monetary worries forever. Statistically, at the very least half the grownups in the United States have played the state lotto game and also 65% of them are routine buyers of the lotto tickets. In the UK, 15 to 45 million tickets are cost each Lotto draw, officially called The National Lotto game. This is a huge variety of players all looking to win the large payment. However, couple of people scratch the lucky numbers, as well as it is a gambling game. If you are an ardent playerpeople that do not have the numbers throw their ticket and call it quits. Unbeknownst to lots of, there are second-chance games that could turn around your day. A lot of state lottos have these second-chance games, and the numbers you hold that did not win the lottery might be the winning numbers in the second chance game. Make sure that when you acquire the ticket; enlist for the second possibility video game of the lotto game as well as you might be well on your means to handsome payday. Lottery For Maryland You win rewards in arbitrary drawings, and also the tickets are only available within a specified period. Some illustrations, take place more often relying on the lottery video game you are playing, and also the cash
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even more money to acquire tickets that could obtain you a couple of big dollars. The best time is to buy the tickets in the 4th week of the month compared with the first week. Conclusion. As seen over, winning the lotto game is not practically betting, as many individuals would certainly have you think. It is a video game of method whether you win by cheating or trick, however the goal is to win. People like Richard Lustig as well as Joan Ginther have actually made use of methods to win several payouts, and also they have combined their victories and also end up being millionaires. When playing the lottery, have the mind of a winner, considering that it will certainly be available in handy when investing your reward. WinningA ‘beacon of Christ’s mercy,’ St. Faustina Church breaks ground in Fulshear A ‘beacon of Christ’s mercy,’ St. Faustina Church breaks ground in Fulshear 11/24/2015 FULSHEAR — The newest parish in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston recently took another major step in its journey. On Nov. 8, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo joined members of the faith community of St. Faustina Catholic Church for a groundbreaking ceremony of their new church building. The permanent site of St. Faustina is located on FM 1093 just east of the main entrance of Cross Creek Ranch subdivision. The new church building is estimated to open in late 2016. “As we at St. Faustina parish today are beginning to build our house, we build it on the rock of our confession of Jesus Christ, and in light of St. Faustina
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elected, serving as MP for Dunbartonshire West until 1983 and then for the successor seat, Dumbarton, until 1987. He won at five general elections, although his seat was not always particularly safe, particularly in the two general elections of 1974: his majority was reduced to just over 1,800 votes by the Scottish National Party at the October 1974 general election. As a Member of Parliament, his focus was firmly on the interests of his constituency and constituents. Throughout his time in parliament, he took a keen interest in the Scotch whisky industry, which was the key employer in the constituency. The nuclear base at Faslane was also in his constituency, and his constituents were also affected by the decline of the shipbuilding industry on the Lower Clyde. Although aformation, the method comprising sealing a first section of the wellbore from the remainder of the wellbore by arranging a primary seal assembly in the wellbore, the first section containing a first body of fluid and being located between the primary seal assembly and the wellbore bottom; pressurising the first body of fluid so as to fracture the earth formation surrounding the first section; sealing a second section of the wellbore from the remainder of the wellbore by arranging a secondary seal assembly in the wellbore uphole the primary seal assembly, the second section containing a second body of fluid and being located between the secondary seal assembly and the primary seal assembly; supporting the primary seal assembly by a first support member extending between the primary seal assembly and the wellbore
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
little bit darker. The color is a yellow pigment that is somewhat transparent, despite its dark tint. The color is named after the gamboge tree, which is known for its yellow resin. The color comes from Cambodia, where in the 12th century painters would use the color as a watercolor paint. Besides being used as a watercolor, the color has also been used as a varnish for wood. Gamboge as a color started to spread, and in the 17th century made its way to Europe, where it was first used in the English language in 1634. Source: Peter Zavislak. 8. Fallow Sounds like a word you’d hear out of someone with a heavy Southern accent. Maybe something like “Fallow me right over yonder.” Fortunately, fallow is a word. In fact,it is one of the oldest color names to ever exist in the English language. Though not a considered a “pretty” color by some, the pale brown is named after the color many would see when looking into fallow fields as well as the soil, which was often sandy. The word fallow, to express the color, was first recorded in 1000. It is said that the color is also known in South African and Indian cultures as Ravi brown. 7. Razzmatazz Not the liquor; nor the song, nor the television series, razzmatazz is red-pink color that was invented by Crayola in 1993, and was first found in the Big Box of 96. The color is said to be one very similar to rose, which is found directly in the middle
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Blount, Pats run over Colts The 113-kg back had four touchdown runs and New England kept Andrew Luck from a second straight comeback victory, beating the Indianapolis Colts 43-22 on Saturday night. Blount scored on three 2-yard runs in the first half, then burst through the right side of the line and rambled 73 yards into the end zone in the second half, where he placed the ball gently on the ground made soggy by a game-long rain. He finished with 166 yards on 24 carries. On the next series, Luck threw his third interception and the Patriots capitalized with Stevan Ridley’s second touchdown run, a 1-yarder that finished the scoring with 11:12 left. The Patriots (13-4) will face the winner of the game Sunday between the Broncos and Chargers. It willtalking about it.” Steven Hauschka added three field goals in blustery conditions and the top-seeded Seahawks advanced to the NFC title game for the second time. They will host San Francisco or Carolina next Sunday after last reaching the conference title game in the 2005 playoffs. Seattle shut out the Saints in the first half, got Lynch’s first 100-yard game since Week 10 of the regular season and received a spark from the brief return of Percy Harvin before he left with a concussion. Lynch scored on a 15-yard run in the first half and capped the victory with a 31-yard scoring run with 2:40 left.
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The Saskatchewan Roughriders have announced international quarterback Darian Durant has agreed to a new contract for the 2016 season. As per team policy, financial details of the contract were not released. Durant is set to enter his 11th season with the Green and White after originally signing with the team as a free agent in 2006. The 33-year-old University of North Carolina product will enter 2016 among the franchise leaders in all statistical passing categories. His 24,668 passing yards and 135 touchdowns each rank third among the Riders all-time leaders – while also putting him inside the top 25 all-time CFL leaders in both categories. Through 98 career starts, Durant has collected 54 wins, 43 losses and one tie while being named a West Division All-Star in 2009 and 2013. Hedoor barred their entry. I might have asked, "Why had the landlord not given my grandparents more time to clear their debt?" But I did not ask. The thought of the furniture left out in the front yard made a deep impression on my mind. It was the image of a home turned inside out, its intimacy smashed, its innards spewed. How terrible they must have looked, those useless lamps and long bare table legs and the embarrassing tea-colored letters in a half-open desk drawer. The scene felt so vivid that it made my eyes smart. My father was born in 1954, the year that followed Queen Elizabeth's coronation. My grandparents' expulsion from their home happened ten years later—in the midst of the swinging sixties, the decade of "peace and
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shelves. Meanwhile, Dutch police arrested five men and seized more than a tonne of cocaine hidden in a shipment of whisky from Jamaica. With a street value of some 30m euros, the 1,100kg of cocaine was the largest Dutch seizure of drugs from the Caribbean island, Reuters reported. Nappies and seafood The plantain bananas had arrived at a Madrid wholesale fruit and vegetable market from the south-east port of Sagunto last week, destined for supermarkets in the Madrid area. Lidl destroyed thousands of bananas after the discovery Bananas were removed from shelves of the Lidl supermarkets in the capital, and a tonne of the fruit had been destroyed, said a spokesman for the German company. "It's the first time that this has happened to Lidl in Spain -Reports from Papua New Guinea suggest more than 50 asylum seekers being held in a prison on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island could be transferred to Port Moresby's notorious Bomana Prison this weekend. The newspaper, The National, quotes a government source saying the immigration minister, Rimbink Pato, last month signed instruments to allow Bomana and other prisons to be relocation residences for Australia's asylum seekers awaiting refugee status determinations. At least 50 asylum seekers were detained when guards broke through a barricade at Australia's asylum seeker detention centre in Manus on Monday. Photo: RNZI / Johnny Blades It's not known on what charges the asylum seekers are being held. Bomana is Papua New Guinea's main maximum security prison which houses the country's most violent criminals and some convicted politicians. Meanwhile, Australia's Green Party says
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Site in 1992 Mount Siguniang ( "Sku Mountain"; formerly , a transcription), the highest point of the Qionglai Mountains, on the border between Xiaojin County (; Tibetan: ) and Wenchuan County. References Further reading A. Gruschke: The Cultural Monuments of Tibet’s Outer Provinces: Amdo - Volume 2. The Gansu and Sichuan Parts of Amdo, White Lotus Press, Bangkok 2001. Tsering Shakya: The Dragon in the Land of Snows. A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947, London 1999, External links Aba, China - Official website of Prefectural Government Category:Autonomous prefectures of the People's Republic of China Category:Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Category:Tibetan autonomous prefectureson May 19, 2009. House Bill 4772 (Exempt Employment Relations Commission from Open Meetings Act) to exempt meetings of the Michigan Employment Relations Commission from the Open Meetings Act, which requires all meetings of a public body to be open to the public. The MERC is empowered to issue authoritative rulings and orders that deem the actions of one side or the other in a labor dispute to be unfair labor practices prohibited by the state's labor law. House Bill 4795 (Prohibit personal identifying information in certain court orders) to prohibit “orders of filiation” and related paternity suit court documents from containing personal identifying information other than a person's name and address, with some exceptions. “Personal identifying information” includes a person's telephone number, driver license or state personal identification card
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
A shooting near Washington, DC that injured at least five would have been a “massacre” if not for the Capitol Police, a senator who witnessed the incident has claimed. Republican Senator Rand Paul was participating in a routine congressional baseball team practise in a Washington, DC suburb when he heard a single, isolated shot. The Senator, who was sitting in the batting cage, said he initially thought little of it. Over the next several minutes, however, Mr Paul said he saw and heard approximately 50 to 60 more shots fired across the field. A lone gunman had descended on the practise, carrying what appeared to be a semi-automatic rifle. Huddled in the batting cage, Mr Paul said he noticed Senate Majority Whip Steve Scalise had been shot. The senator said Mr Scalise,who had been playing second base, was “shot but moving” and "trying to drag himself through the dirt out into the outfield”. Mr Scalise was later removed from the field and is in stable condition at George Washington University hospital. Virginia Shooting Show all 20 1 /20 Virginia Shooting Virginia Shooting House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and others were shot Wednesday at a congressional baseball practice, officials said AP Virginia Shooting Police and emergency personnel are seen near the scene where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot during a Congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting A man receives medical attention from first responders on the scene following a shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, US EPA Virginia Shooting The Republican House majority whip Steve Scalise and
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at least four others have been shot shot at a congressional baseball game practice session, according to media report EPA Virginia Shooting Police close a street near the scene of a shooting in Alexandria, Virginia EPA Virginia Shooting Police close a street near the scene of a shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, USA EPA Virginia Shooting The Republican House majority whip Steve Scalise and at least four others have been shot shot at a congressional baseball game practice session, according to media reports EPA Virginia Shooting First responders on the scene following a shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, USA EPA Virginia Shooting Alexandria, Va. Police Chief Michael Brown speaks about the shooting in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Mich. talks on the phone while walking past adamaged vehicle at a shooting scene where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of La. was shot at a Congressional baseball practice AP Virginia Shooting A Capitol Hill Police officer walks past an automobile with the driver's window damaged at the scene of a shooting in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, R-Tenn. is seen near the scene of a shooting in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting A Capitol Hill Police officer stands his post at the entrance to the House of Representatives on Capitol Hill in Washington AP Virginia Shooting Law enforcement officers investigate the scene of a shooting near a baseball field in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting An Alexandria, Va. police officer tapes off an area near the YMCA after a shooting in Alexandria,
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Va AP Virginia Shooting Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. walks toward media gathered at the scene of a shooting at a baseball field in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting The baseball field that is the scene of a shooting in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting Law enforcement officers gather near a shooting scene at baseball field in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas and other members of the Republican Congressional softball team, stand behind police tape of the scene of a multiple shooting in Alexandria, Va AP Virginia Shooting Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala. meets with reporters in Alexandria, Va AP Mr Paul said the majority whip’s presence was likely one of the reasons the rest of the team – which includes 25 Republican members of Congress andHirayama disease, a rare cause of posture related cord compression: a case report from radiological perspective. Hirayama Disease is a disease of young adults lying in the age group between twenty to thirty years. It is an extremely uncommon disorder. Its other synonyms are juvenile muscular atrophy of the distal upper extremity (JMADUE) or monomelic amyotrophy (MMA). A previously healthy 25-year-old man presented with gradually increasing weakness in both hands for the past few years. There was neither history of trauma nor family history of neuromuscular disease. MRI was advised. Routine cervical sagittal MR images (Non-flexion or extension) revealed cord flattening and atrophy at C5 to C7 levels.There was evidence of syrinx. Flexion MRI was performed later on. Midline sagittal T1- and T2-weighted images of the cervical spine showed
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
of Jared Milrad In addition, Jared is also getting ready to release of his brand new short film “Office Party” (due out online in December). “Office Party” tells the story of Tom (Josh Trant ) and Jack (Jared Milrad ), two co-workers who, tired of the same old corporate routine, plan a forgettable surprise. The short is intended to raise awareness about the urgent public health epidemic of gun violence and mental illness in the United States. It is an urgent reminder of the danger that lurks just beneath the surface, with more than 33,000 people killed every year by gun violence in the United States. Ultimately, Jared Milrad’s goal is to build a world that is more engaged in public service, more committed to our shared humanity, and more consciousCops: Delaware Water Gap man wanted after child porn found on computer Tuesday Nov 20, 2012 at 4:50 PMNov 20, 2012 at 4:52 PM Authorities are looking for a Delaware Water Gap man on whose computer child pornography allegedly was found last week. Detectives with the Monroe County District Attorney's Office said James Vincent Lamb, 54, is aware of the allegations and that he may have fled the area to avoid arrest. Authorities are looking for a Delaware Water Gap man on whose computer child pornography allegedly was found last week. Detectives with the Monroe County District Attorney's Office said James Vincent Lamb, 54, is aware of the allegations and that he may have fled the area to avoid arrest. An affidavit gives the following account: Lamb owned and had exclusive use of a Compaq
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Presario CQ60 laptop computer. His wife on Nov. 13 used the laptop, intending to review his computer usage, and found photos of children, some as young as 8, engaged in prohibited sexual acts. Lamb's wife contacted and brought the laptop to county detectives, who obtained a search warrant and found 86 photos and one video showing child porn. The files were contained within several different directories, including the Yahoo! Instant Messenger PhotoSharing cache, and the “Pictures” folder for the default and public users. The PhotoSharing cache is a folder created automatically by the Yahoo! Instant Messenger software upon receiving a picture sent by another user through that software. Detectives found several photos in the PhotoSharing and “Pictures” folders on Lamb's computer, indicating he had received the photos from another Yahoo! InstantVisit and click on the location you will be visiting. The San Diego History Center is funded in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture and by the County of San Diego. The History Center is a member of the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership and the San Diego Museum Council. The History Center is also a Smithsonian Affiliate.
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a claim]"). 17 In Simpson, the gasoline retailers assumed virtually all the obligations of ownership of the gasoline in their possession, including the need to insure the gasoline against losses. 377 U.S. at 14, 84 S.Ct. 1051. Under the terms of the consignment agreement, the oil company retained legal title to the gasoline until it was sold, but almost none of the obligations associated with such title. Id. The bald legal title was the only evidence of an "agency" relationship between the parties; all other factors pointed to the conclusion that the gasoline was actually sold to the retailer. It was on the basis of its retention of legal title that the oil company asserted its power to determine the retail price of the gasoline and to terminate its contractThe JPML transferred Ceh to the Southern District of Florida by order filed March 5, 2003 for coordinated or consolidated proceedings. The district court then consolidated the cases and ordered that the Day complaint was to serve as the operative complaint for purposes of the multidistrict litigation. Later, on August 18, 2003, plaintiffs Day and Boyle from the Day action filed a second overlapping antitrust action, also in the Southern District of Florida, captioned Boyle v. Shoen, No. 03-80773-CV, 2003 WL 23809175 (S.D.Fla.) ("Boyle"). The Boyle complaint added additional defendants. The district court consolidated Boyle with the existing multidistrict action. The allegations in the three complaints that are relevant to this appeal, specifically those regarding agency, are identical. 2 The district court's November 21 order also dismissed actions brought
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
a rigid frame with a height and a width. The rigid frame is repositionably located on a floor. The rigid frame includes at least two vertical members having attachment sites extending along a portion of the vertical length of each of the vertical members. The attachment sites are configured to provide the selective mounting of the furniture units thereto. The partition panel includes an electrical power raceway operably connected to the electrical power outlets and accessible from the exterior of the panel partition. A support member is detachably secured to the attachment sites, and has a horizontal length extending between the two vertical members. The support member is vertically repositionable at selected heights on the partition panel. The partition system also includes an electrical power outlet housing assemblydetachably supported by the support member. The housing is repositionable along a substantial portion of the horizontal length of the support member. The electrical power outlet housing is operably connectable to the electrical power raceway whereby electrical power is supplied to the electrical power outlet housing assembly from the electrical power raceway. These and other features, advantages, and objects of the present invention will be further understood and appreciated by those skilled in the art by reference to the following specification, claims, and appended drawings.
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Reading about it and watching a few minutes online did, indeed, make me miss the brief period of footlights and greasepaint from my own youth. I would have loved to have been involved in anything this interesting for a production in high school, and while we didn't stick to kiddie-stuff, I was often disappointed we weren't tackling material I might have had more interest in actually performing. It is true that I, myself, tried my hand at acting in high school. Nothing as elaborate as bringing in a popular indie rock star, but we did several shows a year. We had auditions and rehearsals before school ever started, and usually ran two shows before the winter break, tucked a musical in there, had a spring show and maybe another.LanguageCert, along with Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca, were extremely excited to join the XXVIII ASELE Congress, which was held in Tarragona, Spain, on 6-9 September 2017. Attended by over 300 professionals from all over the world, whose main objective is to disseminate the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, ASELE Congress is one of the main events in the Spanish Language Teaching calendar, aiming to offer a unique opportunity to delegates to meet leading specialists and exchange ideas. During the event, the representative of Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca, Professor Marta García, presented the features and benefits of the LanguageCert USAL esPro BULATS tests. Participants had also the chance to meet in person with our LanguageCert Business Development Manager in Spain, Lucía Nicolás, and
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The economics of pharmaceutical supply in Tanzania. This paper analyzes the patterns of purchasing, distribution, and utilization of pharmaceuticals currently found in Tanzania, an underdeveloped country in Africa. Like other nations in the Third World, Tanzania offers the prospect of a rapidly expanding market for the multinational pharmaceutical industry. However, this market has been to a large extent developed by the intense promotional activities of the drug companies themselves. In addition to normal marketing methods, these companies indulge in techniques which would be neither acceptable nor legal in developed countries. As a result, expensive proprietary drugs are overpurchased and overprescribed, mainly in the large urban hospitals, with consequent deprivation of other health care facilities, particularly those for the rural peasants who form the majority of the population. The activitiesbefore herself. Every time during a meal, she would always serve others before she began eating. Her smile and selflessness earned the hearts of many friends from across the globe. However, as of April 27th, the comforting light radiating from within her had to suddenly be put out.At the beginning of April, she went in for an MRI checkup when the doctors discovered multiple tumors and a life-threatening sized tumor on the surface of her brain. She was suddenly admitted and by the next day, she had to undergo brain surgery. At the time, I was still unaware of her past with cancer. As you may expect, the news was incredibly overwhelming and stressful for me since I am only 17 and my father passed away when I
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was 9. In a matter of a day, I had to suddenly take on the role of becoming my mom's caretaker as well as balance the stress as a senior in high school.After the surgery, my mother's recovery was quite quick and she was almost immediately discharged. However, after a week, I noticed her health had dropped dramatically. She got weaker by the day and soon had bits of confusion. It got to the point where she even forgot how to eat or sit up on her own so I rushed her back the ER. The doctors told me she had a lot of swelling from the residual tumors in her brain and they gave her steroids to reduce the swelling. Her symptoms did get slightly better butI felt as though she was still not ready to be sent home. The hospital she stayed at said from a medical standpoint that she was ready despite my objections to their decision. By the next morning, she fell into a deep coma and was pronounced brain dead the following day.The rest of my family and I had to rush and gather all her friends and family to see her for the last time. At this moment, I am in utter shock and pain from everything that happened in the course of a month. My heart is torn at how quickly my mom has left the world but I wish that with your donations, my family and I could organize a funeral beautiful enough to honor the angel
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advocates for Israel. So much for justice and compassion. I disapprove of Giraldi’s broadbrush prejudicial attack, but the Times is still evading the criticism that Walt and Mearsheimer issued 11 years ago, thanks to the internet, and that continues to haunt the organized Jewish community: To what extent was the Iraq war pushed by neoconservative Jews who were concerned about Israel’s security. Joe Klein raised the Jewish neoconservative issue years ago and was pilloried for doing so: The fact that a great many Jewish neoconservatives–people like Joe Lieberman and the crowd over at Commentary–plumped for this war, and now for an even more foolish assault on Iran, raised the question of pided loyalties: using U.S. military power, U.S. lives and money, to make the world safe for Israel. And yes: American Jews wereMSNBC's Martin Bashir pulled out the Book of Mormon to condemn Mitt Romney on Thursday, arguing that the GOP candidate is on his way to hell. Bashir alleged that Romney has lied three times in recent days, speaking about Ted Nugent's endorsement, unemployment under President Obama and a "vast left-wing conspiracy" in the media. "It doesn’t matter how many times he hears the truth, Mitt Romney prefers to tell lies," Bashir blasted. He repeatedly referred to Romney as "Mitt the Mendacious." Then, he wondered how Romney would be punished for lying, and whipped out the religious text of Romney's faith. “In Section 63, in verse 17 of the Doctrine and Covenants of the Mormon Church we find this: ‘All liars, and whosoever loveth and and maketh a lie, and the whoremonger, and
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life where he was looking for his next challenge. But he didn’t want to it to just be another company that he was starting, make a bunch more money. He wanted to do something that would make a difference in the world. But what exactly would that be. He didn’t know. And then, he came across this book. Evan: I read a book by a guy named Felix Rohatyn, one of the lions of Wall Street. The guy who saved New York City from bankruptcy back in the 70s. He wrote this book called Bold Endeavors and the book was a call for the US to set up an infrastructure bank. And his idea was that only government was big enough to really do infrastructure, at scale, and thatin the classroom. Alex: So, right now in America what percentage of schools have access to broadband Internet. Evan: About 88 percent of schools and roughly 88 percent of the 46 million students in public school districts have the key components of good Internet access. Alex: And when we started, when you started this company how many students had access to broadband. Evan: In 2013 only 4 million students had access to high speed broadband in their classrooms and that was less than 10 percent of the 46 million public school students in the country. Alex: We went from 4 million students having access to 40. And that's that's almost 90 percent of students in America now. And it's basically all because of you. Evan: Well I wouldn't say it's all because of me. Alex:
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relied, of course, on the absurdly idealistic notion that once a small number of elites had taken over all power in the name of the people, they'd voluntarily cede it.) One of the points of 1984, though, is the danger of "perpetual war for perpetual peace" -- essentially, Oceania and Eurasia in the novel were in a state of war that had no obvious ending condition, a Cold War with actual battles. By maintaining a "war footing" in perpetuity, Big Brother had the pretext for reducing civil liberties, encouraging nationalism (as distinct from patriotism), concentrating power, stifling dissent -- the dystopia in the book is taking all these things, none of which are intrinsically unthinkable in times of war, and taking them to their extreme. In some ways, heLast updated on .From the section Football Harry Redknapp resigned as QPR boss in January 2015 - his last managerial role Ex-Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp is in talks about a coaching role with Derby County for the rest of the season. The 69-year-old will work alongside head coach Darren Wassall, who is keen to bring in someone with experience to help their Championship promotion push. The Rams are six points adrift of an automatic promotion place. Chief executive Sam Rush told BBC Radio Derby: "Darren felt he needed some more senior coaching support, someone who has been there and done it." Derby sacked head coach Paul Clement last month and appointed Wassall until the end of the season. Wassall replaced Clement with the Rams just five points off top spot in the table, but they
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have lost three of his seven games in charge. Saturday's 3-3 draw against Rotherham - after conceding three goals in the final seven minutes - means Derby are now 13 points behind leaders Burnley and have played a game more than second-placed Middlesbrough. Former West Ham, Portsmouth and Southampton boss Redknapp has been out of work since leaving QPR in January 2015. Rush said talks with Redknapp would continue on Monday evening. He added: "Harry came to the training ground and met Darren and myself. We had a discussion and are looking at bringing him in in an advisory role. "It was Darren's idea. It is a short-term coaching role to provide support for the rest of the season. It is a defined time for the next eight weeks or so." Darren Wassall made98 league appearances for Derby County as a player Former West Ham winger Redknapp began his managerial career with Bournemouth in 1983. He spent nine years with the Cherries and then seven years with the Hammers from 1994. Since then, he has twice managed Portsmouth, winning the FA Cup in 2008, and has also been in charge at Southampton, Spurs and most recently QPR. He guided Tottenham into Champions League for the first time. Redknapp was strongly tipped to take over as England manager following Fabio Capello's departure after Euro 2012, but the Football Association chose Roy Hodgson.
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UNITED NATIONS, March 26 (UPI) -- Claims for asylum, prompted by events in Syria and Iraq, increased by 45 percent in 2014, the United Nations refugee agency reported Thursday. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) report, "Asylum Trends 2014," indicated 866,000 applications for asylum were filed in industrialized countries, up from 596,000 in 2013. Germany had the most with 173,000, followed by the United States, Turkey, Sweden and Italy. The top five countries received 60 percent of the world's claims, and the 150,000 applications from Syria accounted for one-fifth of all claims. The asylum claims in the United States were mostly from Mexico and Central America. The figures are the highest since 1992, when the Bosnian conflict motivated refugee requests for asylum. "Our response has to be justas generous now as it was then – providing access to asylum, resettlement opportunities and other forms of protection for the people fleeing these terrible conflicts," said UNCHR Commissioner António Guterres. "In the 1990s, the Balkan wars created hundreds of thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers. Many of them found refuge in industrialized countries in Europe, North America and elsewhere. Today, the surge in armed conflicts around the world presents us with similar challenges, in particular the dramatic situation in Syria." The report also noted the number of Ukrainian citizens seeking asylum increased from 1,400 in 2013 to 15,700 in 2014.
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year significantly affected fungal diversity and richness but not the phylogenetic diversity. These results are only partly in line with our first hypothesis that fungal endophyte diversity and community composition differ among the investigated grass species and between the sampling years. We further observed grass species-specific responses of fungal endophytes towards management regimes, which supports our second hypothesis. However, the interaction of grass species and management practices explained only 36% and 34% of the variance in the dataset in 2010 and 2011, respectively, indicating that other factors than those investigated are important drivers of fungal endophyte communities in the grass species analysed in this study. Contrary to our third hypothesis that putative life strategies of fungal endophytes are determined by grass species and management practices, grass species hadthree transactions as to which there is shown probable liability on the part of Williams and other corporate officers on account of such dealings in the amounts of $418,000, $289,000 and $3,425,000 respectively. The petition filed by the committee of preferred stockholders and supported by the Reeve Committee points out many other transactions as to which liability on the part of Williams and other officers and directors is asserted either on account of dealings had with the corporation or on account of losses sustained as a result of manipulations in which they were engaged. The Securities and Exchange Commission points out eight transactions, in addition to three reported by the trustees, which it says should be thoroughly investigated. It appears that the investigation made by the trustees as the
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basis of their report was confined to an examination of the debtor corporation's books with the aid of a former employee of debtor, who had acted as proxy for Williams and had represented his interests at corporate meetings, to an examination not under oath of some of its former officers and directors, and to a study of certain evidence with respect to its dealings taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a basis for remedial legislation. There was no examination of the books of affiliated corporations with which dealings had been had by debtor, nor was there any examination of Williams or other officers of the corporation under oath for the purpose of establishing a basis of liability. There was not even a demand on Williams thaton him and he becomes ordinary," Gruden said. "We will take the bad with the good and hopefully great comes out of it." Rookie running back Giovani Bernard has shown an early ability to produce highlight-level plays. Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images Through nine games, Bernard has been pretty great for the Bengals. A fantasy football hero, the yard-piling, touchdown-gaining first-year back has put countless smiles on the faces of general managers of fictitious Internet teams. A big-play threat who already has three edge-of-your-seat type scores, Bernard has left many a Bengals fan's jaw dropped after his more memorable runs this season. It's all been enough for people from here to South Florida to Chapel Hill, N.C., to request he be given the ball more and more and more. They shouldn't hold their breath, though. "People
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thing is when your number is called to take advantage of it and that's the one thing Gio has done every time his number has been called so far." As much as Bernard wanted to celebrate his Barry Sanders-esque touchdown run that got the Bengals back in last week's game, he couldn't. The play may have been a big one, but it still was part of a loss. There weren't the "oohs" and "ahhs" in the running backs' meeting room earlier this week that there may have been had the result on the scoreboard been reversed. "The biggest thing for a running back is getting into the end zone, no matter how you have to do it," Bernard said. If that means running backwards for 6 yards and reversing field andTretioscincus oriximinensis Tretioscincus oriximinensis, the Oriximina lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Gymnophthalmidae. It is found in Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia. References Category:Tretioscincus Category:Reptiles of Brazil Category:Reptiles of Colombia Category:Reptiles of Venezuela Category:Reptiles described in 1995 Category:Taxa named by Teresa C.S. Ávila-Pires
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The televised contest between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence was quickly forgotten as the presidential nominees aimed fire at each other on the campaign trail The vice-presidential debate left few traces on Wednesday as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton returned to center stage. The televised contest between Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia and Indiana governor Mike Pence was quickly forgotten as Trump and Clinton aimed fire on each other. Tuesday night’s debate, which had the lowest ratings of any such matchup since Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman’s encounter in 2000, focused entirely on the top of the ticket, and that continued as memories quickly faded of Pence and Kaine’s face-off in Farmville, Virginia. 'That's my first so-called choice': Trump takes credit for Pence's debate success Read more In front of an energeticAs shown in FIG. 52, a conventional extruding gun 10a used for extruding a sealing material or the like from a tubular bag includes an extruding rod 28 having a pressing plate 42 at its leading end, a main body portion 14 which moves forward the extruding rod 28 by the action of a hand-operated means such as a lever 22, (or an electric-powered means), a tubular cylinder 16a which is removably mounted on the front side of the main body 14, and a nozzle 98 which is removably mounted on the leading end of the cylinder 16a via a nozzle mounting cap 96 The extruding gun 10a is designed such that a tubular bag accommodated within the cylinder 16a is pressed by the pressing plate 42 being
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moved forward along with the pressing rod 28 so that the sealing material or the like filled in the tubular bag is extruded from the nozzle 98. This conventional type of the extruding gun is disclosed, for instance, in Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication Nos. 4-279458, 5-301064, etc. This conventional extruding gun 10a for the tubular bag is used in the following manner. First of all, the nozzle 98 is removed from the cylinder 16a. The tubular bag is inserted into the cylinder 16a through the leading end portion of the cylinder 16a in a state that the extruding rod 28 is pulled rearward of the main body portion. After the leading end of the tubular bag is opened with scissors or the like, the nozzle 98 is mounted onthe cylinder 16a. The setting of the tubular bag to the extruding gun 10a is completed in this manner. With the operation of the lever 22 of the main body portion 24, the extruding rod 28 is moved forward so that the pressing plate 42 mounted on the leading end of the extruding rod 28 presses the sealing material or the like together with the tubular bag, whereby the sealing material or the like filled in the tubular bag is extruded from the nozzle 98. This extruding gun 10a requires the installation of the tubular cylinder 16a, and thus has a disadvantage of an increased cost in comparison with an extruding gun described later in which a holding base is installed. Further, in this extruding gun 10a, when the extruding
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the other end and thus all of the sealing material or the like filled therein is discharged and used up, the empty container is discarded as it is. In a case of the tubular bag, if all of the sealing material or the like filled therein is discharged, the tubular bag is in a squashed state, and then discarded in this state. Upon comparing the tubular bag with the cartridge container, the manufacturing cost of the tubular bag is lower than that of the cartridge container, and with respect to waste disposal, the cartridge container is bulky, whereas the tubular bag is convenient from the viewpoints of transportation and processing since the tubular bag is compactly squashed. The environmental contamination due to discarded wastes is a current world-wide problem.The amount of the discarded wastes of the tubular bags is remarkably smaller than that of the cartridge container, and thus the tubular bag is preferable from this point. As noted above, the tubular bag is inexpensive, and advantageous from the viewpoint of the disposal thereof in comparison with the cartridge container, but the problem resides in that the tubular bag requires a special type of the extruding gun for extruding the contents from the tubular bag. In view of the above-noted problems, the present applicant already proposed an extruding mechanism for a tubular bag and a method of extruding contents in a tubular bag, which enable the effective use of the tubular bag with a usual extruding gun for a cartridge container instead of the special type of the
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body 83 is slidably inserted is first prepared at the rear end opening portion of the cylinder body 82. In a state where the rear end of the cylinder body 82 is placed on the holding base 16 of the extruding gun 10, a tubular bag F is inserted into the inside of the cylinder body 82 through the front end opening portion of the cylinder body 83, and the leading end portion of the tubular bag F is cut and opened with scissors or the like. In general, in this opening work, the leading end caulking portion K, which is caulked with the use of a caulking member such as an aluminum wire or the like, remains attached to the leading end from the viewpoints of avoidingmechanism for the tubular bag, when the cylindrical member is set on the holding base of the extruding gun, the cylindrical member is necessarily set on the holding base in a state where the cylindrical member is brought into contact with the inner surface of a head adapter fixed to the stationary holding plate. In order to facilitate the insertion and attachment of the cylindrical member, a contact member such as an annular flange is generally provided on the inner surface of the head adapter. The presence of this type of the annular flange or the like requires the cylindrical member to be inserted into and attached to the contact member such as the annular flange in a state where it is held in parallel with the holding
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base as much as possible, and from a state in which it is spaced from the contact member such as the annular flange. Therefore, the operation of inserting the cylindrical member into the contact member such as the annular flange while setting the cylindrical member in the horizontal state as much as possible is troublesome. Further, the length of the holding member of the extruding gun must be set to be considerably longer than the length of the cylindrical member and thus the cost of the material is inevitably increased, and the extruding gun is inconvenient in handling. Taking the above-noted problems into consideration, the present applicant proposed a novel extruding mechanism for a tubular bag, wherein the inner surface of the head adapter is turned obliquely upward, sonew proposal as the present patent application. A first object of the present invention is to provide an extruding mechanism for a tubular bag and a method of extruding contents of a tubular bag, wherein a sealing material or the like is extruded and discharged from a tubular bag with the use of an extruding gun for a cartridge container so that it becomes unnecessary to additionally purchase an extruding gun for the tubular bag if the extruding gun for the cartridge container is possessed, it becomes possible to continuously use a cylindrical member made up of a cylinder body and a piston body so that it is sufficient to discard only the used up tubular bag in the same manner as the extruding gun for the tubular bag,
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surface of a head adapter can be turned obliquely upward to make it remarkably easy to insert and attach a cylindrical member to the inner surface of the head adapter and set the cylindrical member on a holding base as well as to make it possible to set the length of the holding base close to the length of the cylindrical member to save the material cost and manufacture the extruding gun with the entire length shortened to facilitate the handling thereof, and by which the biting of the film of the tubular bag is effectively prevented to make it possible to efficiently use the tubular bag, and the narrowing and the clogging of the flow path of a through discharge passage by a caulking portion of theat one focus of an elliptical trough and the painted surface at the other focus, with flat reflectors at the ends of the trough. This type of trough reflector produces an uneven light distribution along the painted surface beneath the length of the lamp. Especially there is a lower intensity at the ends of the illuminated painted surface. This is a disadvantage because, for instance, in order to produce the intensity needed at the ends, the intensity at the center of the illuminated painted surface must be higher than necessary. A second disadvantage arises because the flat ends of the elliptical trough reflectors both trap a significant fraction of the light between the flat ends and scatters the remaining incident light, with only a small fraction contributing to the
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as of today, the LS-218 is the big daddy of them all. If I was amazed by the performance of the Zero SR, just imagine what this Lightning bike could do with three times the horsepower and two-thirds more torque. The fact that it was nearly 17 hours away from me on an aeroplane was immaterial; Mohammed would come to the mountain. Even once I landed in the USA, it was difficult to line up a time to chat with Richard Hatfield, Lightning's founder and CEO. The company is small at the moment, there's only 10 employees in its San Carlos factory space a few blocks down from where Elon Musk started Tesla. So Hatfield is fairly hands-on with production even as he runs the business and Lightning's racingprogram. I was rapt and relieved when he and his wife Jojo agreed to sacrifice their Sunday afternoon to show me around the facility, sit down for an interview and throw me the keys for a ride on the LS-218. The Lightning LS-218: finish and detail on the bike are superb (Photo: Loz Blain/ The LS-218 is even better looking in the flesh than in photos. The bike's designer Glynn Kerr is known as well for his design critique columns as he is for actually designing motorcycles, so it's fantastic to watch him walk the walk with a totally new brand and blank slate. It's a stunner. The bike's hand-wrapped carbon fiber bodywork shimmers in metallic blue and silver, sleek lines running back from its eight projector headlights, over the broad
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This is a collection of papers by numerous critics on different aspects of Shaw's play. Briggs, Asa. A Social History of England, Weidenfeld and Nicolson (London), 1994. A study of English society from antiquity to the present, tins books contains a lengthy chapter on the Victorian and early Edwardian eras. Gainor, J. Ellen Shaw's Daughters: Dramatic and Narrative Constructions of Gender, University of Michigan Press, 1991 This is a study of women in Shaw's plays, focusing on the conception of womanhood in Victorian culture and the Image of the daughter in Shaw's plays.of the Bankruptcy Code for liquidation of The Henry & Wright Corporation (H & W1), an Ohio corporation which had previously filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition. As a part of the liquidation process, the trustee filed a complaint on November 8, 1982, to sell the assets of H & W1. The trustee retained the services of an appraiser and appointed Rosen & Company as auctioneer for the sale of the personal property of H & W1. At an auction held on December 14, 1982, PSI of South Carolina made a bid of $25,000. The auctioneer reported this to the trustee who, in turn, reported to the court that the tangible assets of H & W1 were sold for $25,000, but that no bids
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the auction sale. The sale was conducted in a room where the assets were stored, which also was the same building that housed assets of Progress Corporation. After the H & W1 sale, the auctioneer, Stanley Rosen, went on to conduct the sale of the Progress Corporation assets. After the sales, Rosen or someone from his office notified the Trustee of the results of the sales. The Trustee based his report to the Court on this oral report received from Rosen's Office. The usual policy is to note that there was no bid for good will and trade name since these are often sold separately or abandoned. The initial report from Rosen's office to the Trustee usually is made telephonically; a& W1, which was conducted in another area of the same premises by the same auction company. At the Progress Corporation auction the assets were first offered in bulk. Then the trade name was offered. There were no bids for these items so the assets were sold piecemeal. The Progress Corporation assets sale took three to four hours. (Id.). 34 The auctioneer, Rosen, testified that his usual procedure was for him or his office to report the results of an auction telephonically to the Trustee, probably late the same afternoon. The telephonic report on the H & W1 sale indicated that there were no bids for the good will and trade name of the Debtor. A written report ensued on the same date
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By Naomi Wolf The opinions expressed are her own. With the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, New York City has abruptly become the scene of two very different official approaches to investigating sex-crime cases, one traditional and one new. The new approach so far appears to be reserved for Strauss-Kahn alone. Consider the first case: the ongoing trial of two police officers, Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata, charged in the rape of a 27-year-old Manhattan woman. She was drunk, and, after helping her to enter her apartment, Moreno and Mata allegedly made a false emergency call so that they could return to her. At that point, the woman says, she woke periodically out of her intoxicated state to find herself being raped, face down,strip-searched daily. Their entire case has followed the usual timetable of many months, as evidence was gathered, testimony compiled and arguments made. Then there is the Strauss-Kahn approach. After a chambermaid reportedly told her supervisor at the elegant Sofitel hotel that she had been sexually assaulted, the suspect was immediately tracked down, escorted off a plane just before its departure, and arrested. High-ranking detectives, not lowly officers, were dispatched to the crime scene. The DNA evidence was sequenced within hours, not the normal eight or nine days. By the end of the day’s news cycle, New York City police spokespeople had made uncharacteristic and shockingly premature statements supporting the credibility of the victim’s narrative — before an investigation was complete. The accused was handcuffed and escorted before television cameras —
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A Million Miles to Earth: USC Instruments Find a Place in the Sun by Eric Mankin, courtesy of USC News Service A USC-designed and -built instrument installed in a solar observatory space vehicle is giving scientists long-sought, accurate values for a key component in the Earth's energy diet. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), launched Dec. 2, 1995, contains a sophisticated package designed to measure the flux of extreme ultraviolet light (EUV) and X-rays produced by the sun, as well as energetic particles. A schematic of SOHO's "halo orbit." The orbit is designed to allow SOHO to observe the sun continuously, without ever passing into the Earth's shadow. SOHO's unique, stable observation position -- 1 million miles from Earth-sun line at a "Lagrange point" where the pulls of the Earth and sun balance -- allows uninterrupted solar observations. "We have observed a27-day modulation of the solar flux associated with the rotation period of the sun," said solar astronomer Darrell L. Judge, under whose direction one of the key solar EUV-monitoring instruments on the spacecraft, the CELIAS/SEM, was built. "Such variability is only observable through continuous monitoring of the sun, such as SOHO provides." The instruments's name is an acronym for Charge, Element and Isotope Analysis System/ Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Monitor. The EUV spectrum is blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, making ground-based measurements impossible. Scientists have previously measured the flux of this radiation either by suborbital rockets rising briefly above the atmosphere, or by satellites that pass behind the Earth and thus out of view of the sun for part of their orbits. "SOHO permits the accumulation of an around-the-clock database over an extended period of time," impossible with the earlier platforms, Judge noted. The CELIAS/SEM, first
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absorption in the upper atmosphere "produces heating, ionization, and excitation of atomic and molecular species, thus leading to complex chemical and transport processes in the affected atmospheric regions," according to a report on the experiment presented in June, 1996, at a solar workshop. A complete paper on the results will appear soon in the Journal of Solar Physics. Scientists have attempted to model both planetary and solar atmosphere processes, but definitive tests of the models depend on more accurate measurements of the EUV flux than have so far been available. The SOHO project is being carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as a cooperative effort. Other institutions involved in the CELIAS/SEM observations on board the SOHO spacecraft include the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy, theBraunschweig Technical University and the Physikalish-Technishe Bundesanstalt, all of Germany; the University of Bern, Switzerland; University of New Hampshire; University of Maryland; University of Arizona; JPL; the Institute for Space Physics in Moscow; and the Physics Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Maryland.
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bed (or wishing I were in bed). As much I would have loved to stay there all weekend, I dragged myself out of bed early this morning to go to the Market in Wolfville. (all these photos were taken on the appropriate day except for the bed which I took this morning before going shopping) Archives Categories Aurora’s Links Support Me on Patreon! About Aurora Lee is an Administrative Assistant in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada. She’s a Geek Girl and enjoys travelling and writing in addition to being a photographer. At the moment, Aurora's focus is architectural and abstract photography and she has appeared in several exhibitions. This was the home for her 365 projects. Now it serves as a replacement for Twitpic - part tumbler, part instagram.Frozen Fever 2015 ActionAdventureAnimation Info: Parental Guide for all the movies will be republished soon. Thank you for understanding! Synopsis It's Anna's birthday and Elsa plans to throw her the perfect surprise party with the help of Kristoff and Olaf. However, after planning the huge party and as Anna is being led on a "party treasure hunt," Elsa finds that she has caught a cold. She starts sneezing and produces a group of small, cute snow people, much like Olaf, with each sneeze. After some near-misses, a very exhausted Elsa finally makes it with Anna to the courtyard where the party has been arranged. It is a big hit, and at last Anna manages to convince Elsa into letting her to lead her to bed and take care of her. Meanwhile, Olaf has
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taken the tiny snow creatures under his wing and takes them to Elsa's ice castle with the help of Kristoff. It's Anna's birthday and Elsa plans to throw her the perfect surprise party with the help of Kristoff and Olaf. However, after planning the huge party and as Anna is being led on a "party treasure hunt," Elsa finds that she has caught a cold. She starts sneezing and produces a group of small, cute snow people, much like Olaf, with each sneeze. After some near-misses, a very exhausted Elsa finally makes it with Anna to the courtyard where the party has been arranged. It is a big hit, and at last Anna manages to convince Elsa into letting her to lead her to bed and take care ofin it this spring, then both this short and Cinderella is the right pick for you. But if don't like/hate Frozen, then some of you might be redeemed to this or just enter the theater when Cinderella starts. Reviewed by n/a9 / 10 Beloved characters in their best form Preceding "Cinderella" in its theatrical release is "Frozen Fever," a short film revolving around the characters from the hit Disney film "Frozen." The short involves Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) and her friends Hans, Sven the moose, and Olaf the snowman (Josh Gad) preparing a surprise party for her younger sister Anna (Kristen Bell). Elsa, however, has a cold, where every sneeze produces several tiny little snowmen, sort of resembling Olaf, but she persists on, taking her sister through all of the little decorative zones she has set up for her before taking
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weeks of unexplained murders, the ominous unknown killer is still on the rise. After little evidence has been found, a young boy states that he survived one of the killer's attacks and bravely tells his story."I had a bad dream and I woke up in the middle of the night," says the boy, "I saw that for some reason the window was open, even though I remember it being closed before I went to bed. I got up and shut it once more. Afterwards, I simply crawled under my covers and tried to get back to sleep. That's when I had a strange feeling, like someone was watching me. I looked up, and nearly jumped out of my bed. There, in the little ray of light, illuminating fromand plopped down on his bed. He sat there looking at his ceiling when suddenly, he got a weird feeling. Not so much a pain, but... a weird feeling. He dismissed it as just some random feeling. He heard his mother call him down to get his stuff, and he walked down to get it.The next day, Jeff walked down stairs to get breakfast and got ready for school. As he sat there, eating his breakfast, he once again got that feeling. This time it was stronger. It gave him a slight tugging pain, but he once again dismissed it. As he and Liu finished breakfast, they walked down to the bus stop. They sat there waiting for the bus, and then, all of a sudden, some kid
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on a skateboard jumped over them, only inches above their laps. They both jumped back in surprise. "Hey, what the hell?"The kid landed and turned back to them. He kicked his skate board up and caught it with his hands. The kid seems to be about twelve; one year younger than Jeff. He wears a Aeropostale shirt and ripped blue jeans."Well, well, well. It looks like we got some new meat." Suddenly, two other kids appeared. One was super skinny and the other was huge. "Well, since you're new here, I'd like to introduce ourselves, over there is Keith." Jeff and Liu looked over to the skinny kid. He had a dopey face that you would expect a sidekick to have. "And he's Troy." They looked over atdown. Jeff ignored him and walked up to the kid."Listen here you little punk, give back my bro's wallet or else." Randy put the wallet in his pocket and pulled out his own knife."Oh? And what will you do?" Just as he finished the sentence, Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid's wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rushed Jeff, but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground. Keith lashed out at him, but Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm. Keith dropped his knife and fell to the ground screaming. Troy rushd him too, but Jeff didn't even need the knife. He
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just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over. Liu could do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff."Jeff how'd you?" that was all he said. They saw the bus coming and knew they'd be blamed for the whole thing. So they started running as fast as they could. As they ran, they looked back and saw the bus driver rushing over to Randy and the others. As Jeff and Liu made it to school, they didn't dare tell what happened. All they did was sit and listen. Liu just thought of that as his brother beating up a few kids, but Jeff knew it was more. It was something, scary. As he got that feeling he felt howpowerful it was, the urge to just, hurt someone. He didn't like how it sounded, but he couldn't help feeling happy. He felt that strange feeling go away, and stay away for the entire day of school. Even as he walked home due to the whole thing near the bus stop, and how now he probably wouldn't be taking the bus anymore, he felt happy. When he got home his parents asked him how his day was, and he said, in a somewhat ominous voice, "It was a wonderful day." Next morning, he heard a knock at his front door. He walked down to find two police officers at the door, his mother looking back at him with an angry look."Jeff, these officers tell me that you attacked
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it, since it was him who beat up all the kids."Sir, was me. I was the one who beat up the kids. Liu tried to hold me back, but he couldn't stop me." The cop looked at his partner and they both nod."Well kid, looks like a year in Juvy...""Wait!" says Liu. They all looked up to see him holding a knife. The officers pulled their guns and locked them on Liu."It was me, I beat up those little punks. Have the marks to prove it." He lifted up his sleeves to reveal cuts and bruises, as if he was in a struggle."Son, just put the knife down," said the officer. Liu held up the knife and dropped it to the ground. He put his hands upwalked his father inside to break the bad news to him as Jeff wept in the driveway. After an hour or so Jeff walked back in to the house, seeing that his parents were both shocked, sad, and disappointed. He couldn't look at them. He couldn't see how they thought of Liu when it was his fault. He just went to sleep, trying to get the whole thing off his mind. Two days went by, with no word from Liu at JDC. No friends to hang out with. Nothing but sadness and guilt. That is until Saturday, when Jeff is woke up by his mother, with a happy, sunshiny face."Jeff, it's the day." she said as she opened up the curtains and let light flood into his room."What,
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what's today?" asked Jeff as he stirs awake."Why, it's Billy's party." He was now fully awake."Mom, you're joking, right? You don't expect me to go to some kid's party after..." There was a long pause."Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed." Jeff's mother walked out of the room and downstairs to get ready herself. He fought himself to get up. He picked out a random shirt and pair of jeans and walked down stairs. He saw his mother and father all dressed up; his mother in a dress and his father in a suit. He thought, why they would ever wear such fancy clothes to a kid's party?"Son, is that all yourFinally he found a white hoodie and put it on."You're wearing that?" they both said. His mother looked at her watch. "Oh, no time to change. Let's just go." She said as she herded Jeff and his father out the door. They crossed the street over to Barbara and Billy's house. They knocked on the door and at it appeared that Barbara, just like his parents, way over-dressed. As they walked inside all Jeff could see were adults, no kids."The kids are out in the yard. Jeff, how about you go and meet some of them?" said Barbara.Jeff walked outside to a yard full of kids. They were running around in weird cowboy costumes and shooting each other with plastic guns. He might as well be standing in
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a Toys R Us. Suddenly a kid came up to him and handed him a toy gun and hat."Hey. Wanna pway?" he said."Ah, no kid. I'm way too old for this stuff." The kid looked at him with that weird puppydog face."Pwease?" said the kid. "Fine," said Jeff. He put on the hat and started to pretend shoot at the kids. At first he thought it was totally ridiculous, but then he started to actually have fun. It might not have been super cool, but it was the first time he had done something that took his mind off of Liu. So he played with the kids for a while, until he heard a noise. A weird rolling noise. Then it hit him. Randy, Troy, and Keith allrose to their feet. Kids were screaming and parents were running out of the house. Troy and Keith both pulled guns out of their pockets."No one interrupts or guts will fly!" they said. Randy pulled a knife on Jeff and stabbed it into his shoulder.Jeff screamed and fell to his knees. Randy started kicking him in the face. After three kicks Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stood up and walked towards the back door. Troy grabbed him."Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough
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Randy as he runs at Jeff. That's when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill. He grabs Randy and pile drives him to the ground. He gets on top of him and punches him straight in the heart. The punch causes Randy's heart to stop. As Randy gasps for breath. Jeff hammers down on him. Punch after punch, blood gushes from Randy's body, until he takes one final breath, and dies.Everyone is looking at Jeff now. The parents, the crying kids, even Troy and Keith. Although they easily break from their gaze and point their guns at Jeff. Jeff see's the guns trained on him and runs for the stairs. As he runs Troyand Keith let out fire on him, each shot missing. Jeff runs up the stairs. He hears Troy and Keith follow up behind. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though, and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed him into the wall. A thing of bleach fell down on top of him from the top shelf. It
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burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith's head. As he lay there, bleeding to death, he let out an ominous smile."What's so funny?" asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. "What's funny," he said, "Is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol." Jeff's eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him, the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him, the bleach bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it wasno use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That's when he passed out.When Jeff woke he had a cast wrapped around his face. He couldn't see anything, but he felt a cast on his shoulder, and stitches all over his body. He tried to stand up, but he realized that there was some tube in his arm, and when he tried to get up it fell out, and a nurse rushed in."I don't think you can get out of bed just
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Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed. His family were all there to see it, what he would look like. As the doctors unwrapped the bandages from Jeff's face everyone was on the edge of their seats. They waited until the last bandage holding the cover over his face was almost removed."Let's hope for the best," said the doctor. He quickly pulls the cloth; letting the rest fall from Jeff's face.Jeff's mother screams at the sight of his face. Liu and Jeff's dad stare awe-struck at his face."What? What happened to my face?" Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. Hisface.'s horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror."Jeff," said Liu, "It's not that bad....""Not that bad?" said Jeff," It's perfect!" His family were equally surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably His parents noticed that his left eye and hand were twitching."Uh... Jeff, are you okay?""Okay? I've never felt more happy! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa, look at me. This face goes perfectly with me!" He couldn't stop laughing. He stroked his face feeling it. Looking at it
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in the mirror. What caused this? Well, you may recall that when Jeff was fighting Randy something in his mind, his sanity, snapped. Now he was left as a crazy killing machine, that is, his parents didn't know."Doctor," said Jeff's mom, "Is my son... alright, you know. In the head?""Oh yes, this behavior is typical for patients that have taken very large amounts of pain killers. If his behavior doesn't change in a few weeks, bring him back here, and we'll give him a psychological test.""Oh thank you doctor." Jeff's mother went over to Jeff." Jeff, sweety. It's time to go."Jeff looks away from the mirror, his face still formed into a crazy smile. "Kay mommy, ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaa!" his mother took him by the shoulder and tookhim to get his clothes."This is what came in," said the lady at the desk. Jeff's mom looked down to see the black dress pants and white hoodie her son wore. Now they were clean of blood and now stitched together. Jeff's mother led him to his room and made him put his clothes on. Then they left, not knowing that this was their final day of life.Later that night, Jeff's mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom. It sounded as if someone was crying. She slowly walked over to see what it was. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks."Jeff, what are you doing?" asked his mother.Jeff looked over
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That's the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else, so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber, he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff's grip."Shhhhhhh," Jeff said. "Just go to sleep." Why? Because every Halloween I put a cardboard box at my bus stop that has a bunch of Kindergartners and have a tape recorder in it telling a scary story while Icards – and regardless of where the money is stored – in a United States financial institution or an offshore bank – we will trace the funds. IRS Criminal Investigation will vigorously investigate and recommend prosecution against the owners and operators of these illegal enterprises to the fullest extent possible.” According to the two count indictments and the affidavit filed in support of the seizure warrants, ThrillX, a registered company in British Columbia, Canada, with offices in Vancouver, Canada and San Jose, Costa Rica, is a software solutions provider producing online sports book and casino software. BMX Entertainment, based in Limassol, Cyprus, operates six websites that offer online sports betting services. The indictments allege that the defendants own and manage illegal gambling businesses involving online sports betting. The affidavit alleges
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that Homeland Security Investigations in Baltimore, Maryland opened an undercover payment processor business, called Linwood Payment Solutions. Linwood allowed undercover agents to gain person-to-person contact with top managers of gambling organizations to discuss the Internet gambling business, to negotiate contracts and terms of the processing, and to handle the intricate movement and processing of collection and payment data from the gambling organizations to the banks. The affidavit alleges that on November 12, 2009, a Maryland-based online gambler and cooperating informant confirmed that he/she frequented gambling sites, opened accounts and gambled in Maryland. The gambler agreed to set up online gambling accounts and was provided $500 to place bets on gambling websites. The gambler created an account on a BetEd website and placed several bets. On March 30, 2010, BetEdused Linwood to wire transfer $100 in winnings to the gambler’s bank account. Linwood allegedly processed gambling transactions since 2009 for BetEd, K23 and other gambling organizations using banks located in Guam and Charlotte, North Carolina. According to the affidavit, between December 2009 and January 2011, Linwood processed over 300,000 transactions worth more than $33 million, including transactions for individuals in Maryland. Between February 2010 and March 2011 alone, BetEd directed Linwood to wire transfer over $2.5 million of collected gambling proceeds to bank accounts in Panama; and between February 2011 and April 2011, K23 directed Linwood to wire transfer over $91,000 of gambling proceeds to bank accounts in Portugal and Malta. The indictments and affidavit seek the forfeiture of the bank accounts used to process the gambling transactions, as
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identities, the scope of their portfolios, and connections with other patent-holders. The White House also wants the USPTO to train examiners to cut down on overly broad patent claims, educate small inventors about how to deal with patent trolls, and expand its outreach to inventors to help develop policies and laws. In addition, the administration ordered a review of the U.S. International Trade Commission, which has the ability to ban imports of goods deemed to infringe on patents. Patent-holding companies are increasingly taking their claims to the ITC, and the White House would like their enforcement decisions to be made more transparent and efficient. The Obama administration has made patent reform a priority, passing the first major overhaul of the patent system since 1952. That 2011 bill allowed the USPTO toThese reforms, along with legislation implemented in October last year, are set to revolutionise the way the 28-year-old law works and give effect to commitments made by former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, in the lead up to the 2007 election. Professor McMillan told The Sydney Morning Herald in an interview last month that the new reforms would ‘transform government,’ because they created a new emphasis on ‘pro-disclosure.’ Queensland Information Commissioner, Julie Kinross, agrees with McMillan’s sentiments for what the new reforms should bring, but says their implementation at a Federal level may not be as smooth as first thought, as the new Gillard Government is ‘un-tested.’ ‘You need a very strong political leadership that really shows and tells the bureaucracy that this is how it expects and how it wants the
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‘this doesn’t affect me.’ You need a senior government leader within the executive of government driving these reforms.’ While it is uncertain as to how the Prime Minister or Government will perform with the new reforms, Ms Kinross believes a positive sign that FoI reform could bring about a new era of transparency and openness in government was seen when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was education minister. ‘In her role as education minister, Ms Gillard showed the required leadership with the My Schools website, which was significant reform in openning up an area of information that would otherwise stay closed,’ Ms Kinross explains. ‘The Prime Minister showed leadership on reform and transparency in the face of pressures from certain areas of society. Yet her leadership and her government’s leadership are stillto keep it together, sabotaging her grade and her one chance at a meaningful relationship. It takes a hard truth from her only friend before Amy realises that she has to come to terms with her past, before she destroys her future. ‘Look, I have to go. Can we talk about this later?’ Dad was asking Mum. Joe had shut the door behind him, and it was a good thing he did too, because when Dad had finished speaking, Mum picked up an empty bottle of Grey Goose vodka and threw it at his head. She missed, missed by a mile, but that didn’t stop the bottle hitting the wall behind him and shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. ‘Jesus!’ Dad exclaimed. He turned around, surveying the damage. ‘Oh, look what
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Elijah Wood recived one of the One Ring props and Sting Frodo’s sword Elijah Wood was cast as Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, the first installment of director Peter Jackson’s adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s novel. His most hotly anticipated project, the 2001 film gave Wood top billing as Baggins, alongside a cast that included Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Orlando Bloom, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee, Sean Bean, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Viggo Mortensen, and John Rhys-Davies. The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand for over a year, and before the cast left the country, Jackson gave Wood two gifts: one of the One Ring props used on the set and Sting, Frodo’s sword. He wasalso given a pair of prosthetic “hobbit feet” which were worn during filming. In 2002, Wood lent his voice to the direct-to-video release of The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina. The second part of Peter Jackson’s trilogy was also released, titled The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. In 2003, he starred in the direct-to-video movie All I Want (also titled Try Seventeen), with The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King unveiled that December, sweeping the 76th Academy Awards in early 2004.
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in the name of Carl R. Kreider, and entitled "Electric Brake Construction"; 3,757,264 issued Sept. 4, 1973 in the name of Leroy K. Grove, and entitled "Electromagnet Operating Arm Retaining Means in a Vehicle Brake Structure"; 3,757,903 issued Sept. 11, 1973 in the name of Cletus McLane, and entitled "Electric Brake"; 3,760,909 issued Sept. 25, 1973 in the name of Leroy K. Grove, and entitled "Electromagnet for Brakes and Clutches"; 3,765,517 issued Oct. 16, 1973 in the name of Leroy King Grove, and entitled "Electric Brake Armature"; 4,014,412 issued Mar. 29, 1977 in the name of David L. Swanson, and entitled "Electrically Controlled Brake with Improved Anti-Rotation Bracket for Magnet". The constructions illustrated in the aforenoted patents generally include an aperture in the electromagnet through which a projection ofand financial costs have contributed to controversy around the issue. The authors then examine in detail the major policy responses of states to asylum, grouping them into four main categories: measures aiming to prevent access to state territory, measures to deter arrivals, measures to limit stay, and measures to manage arrival. Moving then to explore the efficacy of these measures, the authors consider the utility of policy making from the viewpoints of states, asylum seekers and refugees, and international society. The article concludes with the presentation of four new directions in which policies could move in order better to square the professed interests of Western states with the needs of refugees for protection. 17 December 2013 17 December 2013 In recent years states across the world have boosted their legal and institutional
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