acknowledgement of the press release, and allowing the Clinton camp to edit a portion of it. It's an on-the-record press response about the the immediately preceeding Secretary, OF COURSE they're going to let them review for accuracy (and correct any errors) and give them the professional courtesy of a heads up. Every department in every administration would have done the exact same thing.
hilarious to actually hear obama call someone 'unqualified' Thank you. Finally, someone in this thread said it. Trump has as much experience as Obama did in 2008. Funny how we soon forget.
Very fishy pulling out of conference? Fishy, but not for the reason outlined in this article at all. Like the other accusers, she's got zero proof unlike the 33,000+ Clinton emails.
True Pundit reporting the same. http://truepundit.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/ I tried submitting that link, apparently already submitted, tho i didn't see it. Truly sickening
Murder has gone up bigly this year. Especially in the black areas. Just look at Chicago. Trump is right. Black on Black murder doesn't matter to the left. They aren't people, just votes.
How people can actually believe Clinton will change anything is beyond me. She has shown time and time again she is for the interests of her backers and the status quo. How deluded would you have to be to back her, thinking she will "remake" America? Exactly. This sub is a fucking joke this woman is the farthest thing from progressive and once she has the chair all promises will be off. Fucking delusional to believe this monster.
Well what was he supposed to do, i mean, the guy did bumped into his girlfriend. I would say the dude was very careful, since he only hit him once. It's very unfortunate that the man died, but you need to defend yourself and your own. Ask yourselves what would you do if some dude passed you and your girl on the street and bumped her on the way. GOOD point
and yet 4 years ago we were still told that Romney was both racist and sexist. All the white supremacists supported Romney, so something must have been wrong with him, right? The far left has had their hand in this process too. That's part of why I didn't support Senator Sanders. They've cried wolf for a decade and a half - and now that the wolf is here, their cries fall on deaf ears. I say this as a committed, life long liberal.
It made perfect sense? More people liked Bernie and most major news networks completely disregarded him, so of fucking course its going to be only alt media sites. But yes pretend it was all Breitbart and that the primary support for Sanders made no sense... Anything to keep the narrative all conservatives are evil and dumb.
I don't even like trump and these comments are so cringe worthy. Down vote me to hell now. trump is pretty pro cop so using this guy as a representative is kind of desperate
trump is pretty pro cop so using this guy as a representative is kind of desperate I think both sides are pretty desperate at this point...and only going to get worse.
It is a [hoax started by a sleezy former tv producer](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow), unlike the FBI's criminal investigation of Clinton. The frequency of these outlandish stories has dramatically increased as Clinton gets further and further behind in the polls. Shhh...Just upvote it, it shows how ridiculous and desperate /r/politics is.
yep! In Wiki Leaks it said Obama still holds contempt for Hillary and is jealous of Bill, so I wonder if he ever got over it... Wikileaks is full of trash and russian bullshit
wikileaks reveals that SNL asked approval from Hillary campaign for their sketch. Thats too low. Edit: I stand corrected this is not true. wikileaks only reveals close ties with SNL creator and Hillary campaign. That's honestly embarrassing. They obviously wouldn't have gone ahead with the sketch if Hillary had said no.
She's losing ground everywhere, to Donald Trump, the man who is responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened now and will ever happen in the future. Also Nazis. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? [EDIT: TO THE BOTTOM, JUST LIKE HILLARY'S POLLING NUMBERS! MAYBE THIS WILL HELP HER] She is a corrupt, power obsessive liar, that will do and say anything to be elected?
It sounds like the FBI agents know something we don't know, and Comey is trying to hide it. Bingo. The people who know the most about HRC will not vote for her. Why should we?
Won't need NV with PA or Michigan. Anyway, those numbers are misleading and Clinton is still lagging Obama from 2012. Not good numbers for her either. Election day turnout can and should put Trump over the top. That's what I'm trying to tell the lemmings on twitter. So what if she's winning EV in NC etc. IT'S WORSE THAN 2012 WHICH HE LOST! The Dems are worried, Obama flying everywhere playing the race card. Desperation. I can't see PA, but Michigan is the wild card which will put him over. NH is red along with ME2.
Oh so now the left is going to devolve into conspiracy theories?? The meltdown is highly entertaining. Hillary is under FBI investigation, but here's a completely unproven and unsupported theory that Trump might hear about the investigation from the FBI. If its true the author is making the argument that hearing about an investigation is worse than having committed the crimes that got Hillary investigated in the first place.
I do wonder: why is there such a large number of Trump signs stolen and vandalized this election? It's just not cool. Because liberals are entitled children than think they have the right to destroy someone's property if it offends them.
Fucking insane line of thought they have going on. Well I'll be downvoted to oblivion for posting that in this subreddit obviously. Its still true though. Committing a crime and being under investigation for it is worse than being told about it.
Or perhaps Clinton's many shady dealings is what has gotten her into trouble with the FBI. /r/politics can't believe that their mummy can do anything wrong
That's what he said. Kind of walked himself into a corner there
Yeah.. its a bizarre caricature, not even sure why people think this is a good thing Agreed. Maybe supportive sexism is a thing.
Out of control because they're now investigating Hillary? Funny. Guy in the article wants to know why they aren't investigating 'Trump's discriminatory housing policicies in the 1970s' rather than a very recent, repeated, massive, national security breach by a Secretary of State standing for President?! We are dealing with simpletons here, and they fully control the media.
It's nice that one of the candidates will have a civil relationship with Russia. Edit: Shill downvotes. Wow. Just pathetic. Lol this place is amazing, where people are getting downvoted for not wanting WW3
lol twitter.com/wikileaks you have no ground to stand on. Yep! But according to democrats, these wikileaks are just false. Same thing with the latest release of Podesta emails. Fake!! Godforbid there be anything bad about our queen hillary!
Yeah, I don't agree.. just because they said 'government' means absolutely nothing. Those rogue princes are technically part of the government, it could just be shorthand, or towing the party line. This is hardly a smoking gun. Disappointed yet again. Wikileaks definitely sold out. I'm just curious to who
It's not a disscussion board, it an echo chamber for the current majority opinion. > ~~majority~~ paid opinion.
At this point, if you need a source to tell you Hillary Clinton is a criminal, you're higher than I am. No one gets investigated by the FBI this many times because they think she's innocent. Innocent people don't get investigated by the FBI twice. Her husband was investigated for being a pedophile. That's a fact, the FBI documents on the FBIVault twitter prove that. Read them yourself. You can either accept that she's a criminal, or bury your head in the sand and play the fool. But it's a fact that she's been covering for a pedophile for at least 30 years now and she's let many pedophiles out of jail. Are you okay with child trafficking? Do yourself a favor and google "Laura Silsby Hillary Clinton", you won't see that on the Clinton News Network you sir, are a hero and a patriot. and awfully brave to make this post on r/polinton
you sir, are a hero and a patriot. and awfully brave to make this post on r/polinton Thanks man. I don't care who people are voting for but I feel like it's the people's right to know that one of the candidates is being investigated for sex crimes involving children. Don't care who you are, that kind of stuff is sick and not okay and needs to be known about prior to casting a vote. I'm legitimately going to feel sorry for people that cast a vote on a child sex trafficker when this turns out to be true. I wish this info had come out earlier so people knew what they were getting themselves into. You just can't defend child sex trafficking.
The corruption runs deep on both sides. You're ruining the "Trump is Hitler and HRC is a sweet old grandma" circlejerk /r/politics has turned into for the past 9 months for mysterious reasons we're not allowed to talk about.
Doesn't Sanders endorse Clinton? How is this "Way of the Bern"? Sorry for the down votes you have but this is subreddit is a campaign run by Trump supporters who are trying to recruit Bernie's voters who are disaffected by Clinton. This is not a pro-Bernie subreddit at all, in fact, they hate him viciously for backing Clinton. Just tellin the truth. I await my downvotes
She wants a lot of things. She wants all of your things. Like your money, land, guns, and freedom.
"assault" oh come on... It's almost as if both sides are being just as petty as each other. It's about point scoring.
It's almost as if both sides are being just as petty as each other. It's about point scoring. Don't care what side you're on, but assault is just the wrong word to use
That'll really be what the world needs if Trump wins. A smug asshole who knew it all along! It's sad because these Bernie or Bust folks won't be immune to the conservative Supreme Court rulings that will oppress them and their children. But they told us so!
You misspelled Hillary Clinton, fam. Got you covered. I know right! Like Hillary is some beacon of honesty. This sub has gotten hilarious since The FBI reopened their criminal investigation against Hillary.
How can you possibly call them trigger happy when no shots are fired? The same way he called him a madman for no reason. He's a delusional extremist.
Can you give me a video of a guy being kicked out of a trump ralley being beaten? No... the closest they can get is a couple homeless Creamer Cronies getting paid to cause disruptions at Trump rallies.
A vote for stein is a vote for Clinton A vote for Stein is a vote for Trump.
Doesn't Bill Clinton have a black son that he ignores and denies is his? Also, Baron is only 10, and this allegedly happened 20 years ago, so the timeline doesn't add up. Simple version: Baron would have to be >20 years old to be considered an anchor baby if this happened, which I doubt given the dishonesty in the press e.g. the fake rape case.
Finally alleged voter fraud that goes against the left, are you guys ready for voter ID now? Edit: hopefully everyone who replied to me will read this so I don't have to reply 12 times. If she committed voter fraud through the mail, doesn't that tell us there is a problem with the mail in vote system that would allow you to commit voter fraud? Voter ID is racist because something something racism.
I'm asking this honestly; why does it matter? It doesn't. Qatar gave them $1 million, the U.K. gave $11.2 million but that's not a headline.
I'm not even a Trump supporter but I find myself constantly having to defend him due to the vast amount mindless idiocy surrounding the people around here. Exactly this im not voting and i know trumps not qualified but Hillary isnt either. Hillary is everything we beleive bad politicians are but I never see Democrats admit it so I post for Trump.
Except this week's Pew poll shows that it's Clinton voters that are unable to respect Trump voters and not vice versa. The Right doesn't have a lock on hate. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/01/its-harder-for-clinton-supporters-to-respect-trump-backers-than-vice-versa/ Shhhhhh! Your ruining the narrative.
I hope whoever is running this sub goes to jail with Hillary. You shouldn't try this hard to manipulate people just for selfish gains. F you for taking advantage of this great country you're slowly but surely ruining. We can dream. MAGA
Isn't Clinton a criminal? Edit: bernie was the right choice, no doubt about that. but even i can see he was extorted by hillary. For those of you saying I have no recourse because im from a country that voted for abbott? well truth be told, i voted for labor consecutively and you guys have the opportunity to learn from australia's mistake yet choose to vote in the same two faced cunts that'll promise anything to win the election. Edit 2: She's a criminal technically or not technically. Go love your corrupt politician. John Podesta is hillary's campaign chairman. Cheese Pizza is slang for child pornography https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 Lots of red flags here - 'very respectful and amicable' & 'sassier than others?' 480 likely means ages 4, 8 and 10 attachment likely a front. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26263 New Life of Children's Refuge should be a legitimate charity right? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741 10 missionaries charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3539 Frankly, your hero is very greasy. These are just the ones leaked so far. I bet you havent even looked into this and have just championed her because she's a female and blah blah. Sssshhhhh, they don't like bringing up her obvious flaws here...
To the people up-voting this garbage, did you actually read the article? No, they didnt, and that's why this is hilarious. They just instantly assume it's trump supporters gang raping women. It's proving the articles point and it's great
after all this corruption and all these leaks regarding the DNC, you think Republicans are shitting on the democratic process? Impressive. These people have their heads buried in the sand. They really still think this is about political teams and republicans VS democrats. Unbelievably sad that people are willing to accept government corruption and incompetence because it comes from people who claim to be on their side about some social issues.
Lol can we just call enough trump spam r/hillaryclintonPt2? I'm no Trump supporter, but these posts are just pro Hillary horseshit. THANK YOU
They often argue here that states with carry laws requiring no training are ok Like the socialist hellhole nown as Bernie Sanders's Vermont?
Isn't Clinton a criminal? Edit: bernie was the right choice, no doubt about that. but even i can see he was extorted by hillary. For those of you saying I have no recourse because im from a country that voted for abbott? well truth be told, i voted for labor consecutively and you guys have the opportunity to learn from australia's mistake yet choose to vote in the same two faced cunts that'll promise anything to win the election. Edit 2: She's a criminal technically or not technically. Go love your corrupt politician. John Podesta is hillary's campaign chairman. Cheese Pizza is slang for child pornography https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 Lots of red flags here - 'very respectful and amicable' & 'sassier than others?' 480 likely means ages 4, 8 and 10 attachment likely a front. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26263 New Life of Children's Refuge should be a legitimate charity right? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741 10 missionaries charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3539 Frankly, your hero is very greasy. These are just the ones leaked so far. I bet you havent even looked into this and have just championed her because she's a female and blah blah. Technically no. But she has championed mass murder through her foreign policy. This makes her orders of magnitude worse than your run of the mill convicted felon. She is right up there with Madeleine Albright (famous for her 500 k dead Iraqi children was worth it comment) in the true femme fatale category. Such people are the most dangerous and despicable sorts you can produce. I wonder if these sociopaths are born, or simply bred in washington over time.
Isn't Clinton a criminal? Edit: bernie was the right choice, no doubt about that. but even i can see he was extorted by hillary. For those of you saying I have no recourse because im from a country that voted for abbott? well truth be told, i voted for labor consecutively and you guys have the opportunity to learn from australia's mistake yet choose to vote in the same two faced cunts that'll promise anything to win the election. Edit 2: She's a criminal technically or not technically. Go love your corrupt politician. John Podesta is hillary's campaign chairman. Cheese Pizza is slang for child pornography https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 Lots of red flags here - 'very respectful and amicable' & 'sassier than others?' 480 likely means ages 4, 8 and 10 attachment likely a front. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26263 New Life of Children's Refuge should be a legitimate charity right? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741 10 missionaries charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3539 Frankly, your hero is very greasy. These are just the ones leaked so far. I bet you havent even looked into this and have just championed her because she's a female and blah blah. Yes buddy. Yes she is, and she's going to end up in jail. All the people downvoting you are just blind to it because the FBI didn't actually charge her, which we're now learning was more of a mistake than we thought
Isn't Clinton a criminal? Edit: bernie was the right choice, no doubt about that. but even i can see he was extorted by hillary. For those of you saying I have no recourse because im from a country that voted for abbott? well truth be told, i voted for labor consecutively and you guys have the opportunity to learn from australia's mistake yet choose to vote in the same two faced cunts that'll promise anything to win the election. Edit 2: She's a criminal technically or not technically. Go love your corrupt politician. John Podesta is hillary's campaign chairman. Cheese Pizza is slang for child pornography https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 Lots of red flags here - 'very respectful and amicable' & 'sassier than others?' 480 likely means ages 4, 8 and 10 attachment likely a front. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26263 New Life of Children's Refuge should be a legitimate charity right? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741 10 missionaries charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3539 Frankly, your hero is very greasy. These are just the ones leaked so far. I bet you havent even looked into this and have just championed her because she's a female and blah blah. She is but this place is mostly Hillary fanboys not anti-trumpers like I had assumed.
Isn't Clinton a criminal? Edit: bernie was the right choice, no doubt about that. but even i can see he was extorted by hillary. For those of you saying I have no recourse because im from a country that voted for abbott? well truth be told, i voted for labor consecutively and you guys have the opportunity to learn from australia's mistake yet choose to vote in the same two faced cunts that'll promise anything to win the election. Edit 2: She's a criminal technically or not technically. Go love your corrupt politician. John Podesta is hillary's campaign chairman. Cheese Pizza is slang for child pornography https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32795 Lots of red flags here - 'very respectful and amicable' & 'sassier than others?' 480 likely means ages 4, 8 and 10 attachment likely a front. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26263 New Life of Children's Refuge should be a legitimate charity right? https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741 10 missionaries charged with child abduction and criminal association crimes https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3539 Frankly, your hero is very greasy. These are just the ones leaked so far. I bet you havent even looked into this and have just championed her because she's a female and blah blah. Nah she just defended a rapist and laughed about traumatizing the victim, that's totally legal.
Bill Maher is blanketly generalizing 26.8% of the American electorate. I'm an atheist and guys like him are one the reasons I no longer lean left. The saddest thing about this is Bill is probably one of the more reasonable liberals. The left has just gone so far off the deep end. Desperation is palpable as it sets in that Brexit is coming to a city near you.
FBI leaks took down the corrupt Republican Nixon administration. These latest FBI leaks will take down the corrupt Democrat Clinton campaign. Quit whining and pretending this is partisan. If the left didn't want the FBI to intervene in the election, they should not have nominated someone under an FBI investigation which was publically disclosed. It's really that simple. If the left spent half as much time electing a proper candidate like Bernie Sanders as they do complaining about our police officers, they would not be in this mess. What I don't get is why this leak is a big deal but there is an email from a top DoJ official literally telling the Clinton campaign that they are being investigated and dems are cool with that.
>Trump’s Winning Map Is Unclear Not really. This map is so obvious to me that I'm having a hard time imagining the election going any differently: http://www.270towin.com/maps/KjepR If by some miracle, Clinton wins New Hampshire (Trump has momentum going in to Tuesday), then Trump still wins. Trump is going to win PA and probably MI and it's going to be the biggest political upset right up next to Brexit.
> And then he comes out and insults our generals, saying their dumb They aren't dumb, just have their heads up their asses and full of themselves. Most of the Iraq War was about as tactically sound as Mussolini in Greece (which is, not HORRIBLE, but pretty bad) and would have gone so much worse if we didn't have vastly superior military tech. I like how people are downvoting me calling out our (mostly former) generals for being bad at their jobs, when they haven't done their jobs well since the 90's (and even then only in a couple minor things). The US hasn't had an efficient military command since WW2. Korea, Vietnam, both times in Iraq and Afghanistan were HORRIBLY inefficient. Our generals are more politican and bureaucrat than general anymore, and that hamstrings the military. Just as it did the Romans, and the British Empire, and most massive military empires in history. Military logistics are difficult, and military tactics and strategy take very keen minds, very focused. When their jobs become less about commanding soldiers and more about kow-towing to politicians, inefficiency is guarantee.
Qatar and Saudi Arabia are US allies and they donated money to Bush just the same. Listen here. People who hate Clinton don't want to hear facts and things that don't support their hate. It's either fuck Clinton or fuck you. Get it??!?!😷😷 Edit: well the Clinton haters don't like being called out either. Hahha
Not in the least. I'm more curious what's going to happen to this sub after trumps landslide victor. Probably 4 years of Russian conspiracy rigged election posts I supose No the money will stop flowing to the bots. This sub is damaged goods. I just come here to laugh at the comments.
Another rowdy Hillary supporter; enjoy jail also. He'll still be able to vote. Democrats need a strong felon turnout. Their only hope is to drive the turnout of the scumbags and miscreants who make up their voter base. How much did this attempted assassin get from Soros/Democrat Party?
Knowing Hillary, probably staged. It's human nature to run or flinch if something is charging at you. Her not flinching defies science and logic I was just about to comment the same. Instinct tells you to block, duck, move when defending against a threat. If none of those happened it's most likely because it was expected. Thus most likely staged.
I was just about to comment the same. Instinct tells you to block, duck, move when defending against a threat. If none of those happened it's most likely because it was expected. Thus most likely staged. Or she's a robot...
Yeah that's very realistic. If you ACTUALLY think that is what will happen, see a psychiatrist, jesus christ. I don't think you've factored in 911. If it's revealed that Israel did 911, that would result in a huge shift in the status quo. 911 was a cheap magic trick, the Israelis blew holes in the WTC using explosives, then used CG to add planes to the footage taken of the explosions. A Pentagon employee crawled through the hole and saw no evidence of a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIy9hjB3DGk Major General Stubblebine confirms that the wreckage at the pentagon is consistent with a missile and not a plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc1ql4TfCZw This WTC witness insists it was a bomb, no plane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq1-BCeNcm0 These firemen said they counted 3 explosions. The Police/FBI are reported to have attributed this to vans with explosives in the WTC basement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfxkcBmZfK0 You can also see raw footage (ie. not altered to show a CG plane) that shows the missile impacting the WTC (no plane): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wF74zTLjNg You can see a comparison showing the NBC footage showing no plane was digitally altered to show a plane (as well as adjust the colors to make the buildings appeared white and sky blue for increased psychological impact): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPKq2K2dh6k The altered footage in some cases is obviously fake, for example tiling smoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkzfKRe0gbc But what wasn't CG was the explosions and the plane cutout shape they created. You can see those small explosions here (6 minute mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT1z90BB8E4&feature=endscreen&NR=1 The cutting charges were planted by Israeli Mossad posing as art students who rented a whole floor and got construction permits at the site, and made a temporary balcony. They even made a book about their "art" - which showed them standing next to boxes and boxes of explosives fuses in the WTC! http://winteractionables.com/?p=25207 Mossad agents filmed the missile impacts/explosions (to add CG planes later and pass on to media) and later went up to the roof to plant radio jamming devices. They were arrested and this is documented by the FBI. There was traces of explosives in their van and they were set up filming BEFORE the attack: https://www.scribd.com/collections/4010452/9-11-The-Dancing-Israelis-FBI-report Let me stress that again, the FBI arrested dancing Israelis on 911, not muslims. They refused to take lie detector tests for months, and when they did, they failed. So much of that FBI report is redacted, proof positive of guilt. They needed to fake plane impacts because a real plane would be shredded by the WTC like cheese through a grater. That's why when the Transasia plane collided with a taxi, the wing broke off, and the taxi wasn't sliced in half at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ29Zr7wWnw According to a WTC architect in a 80s interview, the impact of a plane (300 tonnes) is nothing compared to the 13,000 tonnes of force trying to push the WTC over simply because of its enormous surface area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E15GbdVaV-Q WTC project management engineer atttests the buildings could survive multiple plane impacts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fQlC2AIWrY The WTC designers did a study for 600mph-1 impact which showed the towers would easily withstand the 911 attack. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/design.html Someone planted an engine (though wrong make) to further the plane deception: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/34o4y0/911_engine_that_shot_out_of_the_south_tower_was/ Essentially the media got punked by Israel, because journalists just report what they're told. You can see another example of newscasters being fooled by a movie set into thinking it's a real plane accident. At the 7 minute mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wozTHxykDwQ The larger 911 plan required the destruction of the Washington bridge and Lincoln tunnel. That would take out the fiber optic cables linked to stock market/banking, markets would have crashed and there would be martial law introduced. You can see this TV report on the other Israeli vans that were intercepted, one of them exploded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmpWe2Rhi_I Israeli companies moved out of the building months before the attack. Israelis in America were warned in advance through an Israeli messaging service: http://www.haaretz.com/odigo-says-workers-were-warned-of-attack-1.70579 Hundreds of Israelis were flown out of America, despite a flight ban, to avoid them being arrested by the FBI, including the "art students": http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/1387069/US-arrests-200-young-Israelis-in-spying-investigation.html Israel is the almost only country that benefited from the September 11 th attacks. In the words of Netanyahu, "it's good for Israel". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUbTe50UUgM
Its a shame he was already ousted as a paid shill. Otherwise he would be credible. Yup, his name came up in the wikileaks leaked emails. Don't know in what context, but it's interesting.
I won't be surprised if this turns out to be a Dem set-up, or if it doesn't. He was paid by Hillary or Mcmullin so sad
Trump has been consistently rising in the poll. Looks like it's over for the Clinton campaign. It's been over from the start. The people were yearning for a candidate like Trump, and are willing to forget his flaws as long as he shuts his mouth. And that's what he's done these past two weeks.
It's been over from the start. The people were yearning for a candidate like Trump, and are willing to forget his flaws as long as he shuts his mouth. And that's what he's done these past two weeks. Yeah. Trump is a once in a lifetime candidate and voters who aren't very young know that such a chance probably won't come around again.
This is such bollocks. Has everyone suddenly forgotten how often the phrase, 'enemies of the people' is actually used? Quite often. Not only by the bloody Nazi's (AHHHHHHH YOU'RE A NAZI!) but by plenty of politicians and commentators all over the world. sssshhhh you're on /r/ukpolitics get on the "Everyone I disagree with is Nazis!" train or face their wrath! Honestly though it reminds me of how they called "luegenpresse" a "Nazi word" because some Trump supporters use it, even though it has been used since the 19th century, but they don't let that get in the way of a good story do they!
Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, and BRAD WOODHOUSE, have been caught using this term on video to describe their strategy of sneaking people into and outside or Trump rallies so that networks like CNN can tell the story about how they were kicked out. They also admitted to paying for riots like the one in Chicago, and the road blockade in AZ. Well it figures out would show up on reddit by Democrats trying to push some false narrative against Trump. I mean look, it's happening right here in these comments. It's unfortunate that this happened to this guy, people should agree to that. Due to video and leaked emails it has been shown that the Democrats were the ones to incite violence at Trump rallies. Yet on reddit, they still have this idea that Trump rallies are violent. They're not. It is 100% of people for like Trump, or Clinton as well. But FFS start doing it with your own thoughts, not those pushed by a group of people with agenda they are trying to push.
Personality concerns like when Clinton said she only talks to white people? For all downvoters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTUL7eXuMmE
What - you're claiming trump knew there was no gun? This is the reality Liberals live in. lol.
Transgenders??? There are only 2 genders
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/update-trump-attacker-birddogging-hillary-mentioned-wikileaks/ Yep This will be conveniently overlooked or dismissed by the majority reading this thread. The truth hurts.
No he wasn't. Some autists found his name on wikileaks. He's a bird dogger: http://magafeed.com/austin-crites-is-a-birddogger-for-hillary-family-may-be-tied-to-voter-fraud/ One of those shitty paid DNC operatives hired to cause trouble. This is factually correct, I just wish you had linked to a less partisan domain name so people wouldn't write it off.
That wouldn't be treason. You realize there is an actual legal meaning to the word, which tells you what the elements of the crime would be. don't bother to engage that guy's 3 month old account. He will delete it all anyway in about 60 hours when she loses https://www.reddit.com/user/ItsJustAJokeLol So much work, so little time remaining No point in even debating or treating them seriously. Just have fun with them
Fine, but negative racial sentiment wasn't nearly the thing the author is making it out to be in the Kentucky coal fields. People want jobs and a path to success through work. Full stop. This isn't new. It's always been this way. It's literally the American dream. The Democratic Party in Kentucky abandoned this idea and GOP resentment politics filled in the gaps. UBI is a non starter. Once we go there with our current trade policies we'll see businesses continue to leave our shores and hide money overseas until the tax base collapses. Work and the tax money that brings is the only way forward. Exactly. People like to demonize the Jim Crow Era South, but the truth is that it provided its citizens a path to success through work, whereas modern liberals seem intent on destroying jobs through technological "disruption" of a harmonious social order.
Is that a real question? Okay, I'm gonna just go ahead and assume that you are actually being serious and from your point of view, you think Clinton has done nothing wrong. So let's start with this. These four people have resigned/lost their jobs in connection to Clinton and because they were caught doing various things that don't quite align with the democratic process via leaks. * Donna Brazile. * Debbie Wasserman Schultz. * Scott Foval. * Robert Creamer. That aside, here are things we know Clinton has done. * Deleted emails under subpoena issued by Congress. * Elected to defend a rapist she knew was guilty. (She wasn't a public defender at the time, just took the case as a favor...and laughed about it) * Voted for the war in Iraq * Lied about Benghazi * Set up a private email server that was likely breached by multiple foreign agents * Just today it was leaked that she let her personal maid handle classified information (maid had no security clearance to handle information) * Clinton has accepted millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, while admitting that they funded ISIS and played a role in 9/11 * Her husband met with Lynch in secret on a private tarmac a day before the first decision regarding her investigation * Said in a leaked private speech that she will always be against the legalization of marijuana * Said that she wants a no-fly zone in Syria (probably to start a proxy war) * Has a campaign chair that attends Spirit Cooking events where people consume blood mixed with breast milk and semen. The list goes on....
It's almost like we need evidence of a crime to convict in this country. Edit: For the downvoters who are referening the NY Post article, actually read it. They throw around the word confidential, but every actual document referenced in the article that the maid saw was confidential or sensitive. Not secret or classified. It's almost like you need to commit a crime to be convicted in this country.
Won't this just have a better outcome for Trump? He's been preaching that the system is corrupt and how Clinton is above the law, and now Comey says there should be no charges, again. People notice these things. > People notice these things. No, they don't People are stupid, and they deserve what they're about to get
Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion, friend. Yeah, I don't expect any rational counter-arguments to these demonstrable facts.
The sub was overrun by a paid group. Theres a reason why this isnt a default sub anymore. That is correct. The record shows it clearly.
Fuck's sake. I personally find it utterly nauseating that Clinton will not be punished for trying to evade legally mandated public accountability by deleting all of those emails in the first place - that **itself** should be a jailable offense. EDIT: For those downvoting, *please* explain which part you disagree with. some people are above the law
It gives him more attention we love it It just shows how triggered the tolerant left can get lmfao
I still think at least Director Comey handled it is well as anyone could under the circumstances. Wrong again, counselor. Any reasonable prosecutor would have taken that case. Hell, if he need me to volunteer I would have loved to do this case. So would ever other criminal attorney I know.
Or maybe she didn't break the law Pretty salty in here, its like people don't understand the difference between lying and "I thought I didn't have any classified info, I was wrong".
What is another plausible explanation as too why Hillary set up the private server? I cant think of any besides her skirting FOIA requests. Incompetence of the highest degree. In all of this she did not prioritize national security even once. Selfishness of the highest degree. She did it for her personal convenience, in part so she could use an insecure blackberry. Arrogance of the highest degree. She did not think the rules had to apply to her. Dementia of the highest degree. "I can't recall."
She should have submitted this case to a grand jury in July and let them (23-36 citizens) decide if there is a case or not. That is how our system works. You have to admit This was a miscarriage of justice, no matter how you plan on voting. 100% agreed. Let one of the other prosecutors conduct the grand jury. Poltics. Protecting all involved. Sick.
Wikileaks is not the originator of their leaks. All leaks are provided to them by outside sources. If you want RNC/Trump info to be leaked go find it yourself and give it to them. Seth Rich was the dnc staffer that leaked these. Unfortunately we can't talk to him about it......he's , um, unavailable for comment.
He went to a trump rally and started chanting Hillary. Dude they touched his wheelchair. /s "Protester gets kicked out, supporters unhappy"
He went to a trump rally and started chanting Hillary. Yeah, I honestly don't know what they were expecting. TBH, I think they might have actually held back because of his disability.
Not correct. Prosecutors are independent of law enforcement and do not have to follow their determination in either direction. It is called prosecutorial discretion and it can be exercised to do the exact opposite of what the FBI or police think should be done. Amazing how the one correct and dead on balls accurate comment gets voted down to dog shit. Authority: Licensed Attorney sitting back and laughing at the ignorance here.
Oh good i thought i was the only one lol This subreddit is a failed attempt at rallying against Trump, they'll all be moving to Canada on Wednesday
This subreddit is a failed attempt at rallying against Trump, they'll all be moving to Canada on Wednesday Weird that if you look at this sub's [metrics](http://redditmetrics.com/r/the_meltdown) the sub count has increased by exactly the same amount everyday. Probably just a coincidence that Correct the Record operates on reddit.
Do you seriously think that Clinton or Obama EVER had control over their Twitter account? I would be shocked if Clinton's every tweet wasn't heavily tested in focus groups and private polling before being published. I think it's pretty refreshing to have a politician that is actually speaking his mind all the time. I usually can't listen to politicians speak for more than a few minutes before I stop paying attention because it's all just phony platitudes crafted to offend as few people as possible.
You people who sit on new and upvote anything pro Hillary and downvote anything pro Trump played yourselves. You turned off so many people from supporting Hillary with your blatant bias and censorship. No one believes anything that comes out of this sub anymore. I second this, getting a negative 136 for posting an alternate opinion on here, is the single most ridiculous thing I've ever witnessed on Reddit.
Obama nor Hillary control their accounts either, it's like having no arms and laughing at someone for losing theirs. Not sure why you're being downvoted... well I kind of do, because you posted an opinion in this sub that doesn't go with the Clinton circlejerk. But you're spot on. He's also been tweeting everyday, so I'm not sure why this article is even posted here. (well, again, I do... to try and make Trump look bad)
Not sure why you're being downvoted... well I kind of do, because you posted an opinion in this sub that doesn't go with the Clinton circlejerk. But you're spot on. He's also been tweeting everyday, so I'm not sure why this article is even posted here. (well, again, I do... to try and make Trump look bad) it's pretty much an echo chamber in here. Any reasoning that goes against the grain will get downvoted here but that doesn't stop me from making a rational opinion. For the record I'm not voting for either candidate. I find this whole election season to be polarizing for voters.
He is a long way off from being perfect and Sanders should be the next President of the USA if not for being cheated out of it. Hillary Clinton is by far the most disgusting option for being President in the history of the country. If trump cannot be president, Hillary cannot be dogcatcher. Write in Sanders if you must but he doesn't have a shot in hell. I'd be OK with trump stepping down if Hillary turns herself in to jail. Pence will make a good president. Kaine will make a mediocre dogcatcher