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Kalyan Varma writes: | Kalyan Varma writes: |
1992 Swedish football Division 1 | Division 1 i fotboll 1992 |
to staff from the 1C display at KRI-2004, the game created such a favorable impression upon Mr. Hall and Mr. Romero that the pair had to be removed from the demonstration by force. The game was released in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by distributor, Daedalic Entertainment, in July 2010. In September 2015, the game was released on Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store. Gameplay The game revolves around navigating a main character named Dude from the third-person perspective about a secret landscape under his bed in search of a lost slipper. The game is in 2D and consists of a number of puzzles centered on using items collected and interacting with the 45 other NPCs. There is no dialogue in the game and the difficulty often derives from trying to determine why a character behaves in the way it does. Solutions to the puzzles are often illogical, in keeping with the atmosphere of the game which has been described as psychedelic. Reception Critical reception of Full Pipe has been mixed. Adventure Gamers' Jack Allin scored the Steam version of | Steam in 2006. According to staff from the 1C display at KRI-2004, the game created such a favorable impression upon Mr. Hall and Mr. Romero that the pair had to be removed from the demonstration by force. The game was released in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland by distributor, Daedalic Entertainment, in July 2010. In September 2015, the game was released on Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store. Gameplay The game revolves around navigating a main character named Dude from the third-person perspective about a secret landscape under his bed in search of a lost slipper. The game is in 2D and consists of a number of puzzles centered on using items collected and interacting with the 45 other NPCs. There is |
Bash: How to leave a process running even after it's user logs out | How to prevent a background process from being stopped after closing SSH client in Linux |
Her inauguration was attended by Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, chair of PaVEM and was widely covered in the Dutch media. | Ihre Einsetzung fand in Anwesenheit von Prinzessin Máxima der Niederlande, der Vorsitzenden des PaVEM, statt, und wurde breit in den niederländischen Medien berichtet. |
Religious Jews from all sectors of society (including both Haredim and Religious Zionists) held a mass protest against the Supreme Court under his Presidency, after the Supreme Court ruled that in cases of divorce the Israeli religious courts of law are required to decide property disputes according to the law of the Knesset rather than according to the Halakha. | Релігійні євреї з усіх сфер суспільства (включаючи харедім та релігійний сіонізм) провели масовий протест проти Верховного суду під його головуванням після того, як Верховний суд ухвалив, що у справах про розлучення ізраїльським релігійним судам необхідно вирішувати майнові суперечки відповідно до законів Кнесету, а не відповідно до Галахи. |
Save command output as environment variables | How can I make environment variables "exported" in a shell script stick around? |
It is a stressful period and mortality is high among breeding toads. | Paljunemise aeg on väga stressirohke ja suremus on paljuneda tahtvate kärnkonnade seas kõrge. |
He made his Bollywood debut in 1992 with Deewana. | Hizo su debut en Bollywood en 1992 con Deewana. |
HC08's are fully code-compatible with their predecessors, the Motorola 68HC05. | تتوافق HC08 تماما مع أسلافهم، وموتورولا 68HC05. |
A new party of the same name, which seeks to carry on the tradition of the original PPS, was established by left-wing opposition figures such as Jan Józef Lipski in 1987. | Een nieuwe partij onder dezelfde naam, die de traditie van de originele PPS wil verderzetten, is opgericht door mensen uit de linkse oppositie zoals Jan Józef Lipski in 1987. |
C. V. Kumar | சி. வி. குமார் |
Michael Pattinson | ميخائيل باتيسون |
of Technology. He was a member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. Selected works Østraat (1916) Steinvikholmen (1917) Trondheims historie (1906,1927) Det Norske Studentersamfunds historie (1913) Olavsbilder i middelalderen (1930) References 1877 births 1945 deaths Writers | son of Fredrik Meltzer Wallem and Louise Adelaide Barbe. His father was a fisheries inspector. He studied archeology and art history at the University of Kristiania. His thesis (dr.philos. 1910) treated Icelandic churches of the Middle Ages. In 1916 he wrote a book on the first hundred years of the Norwegian Students' Society. From 1911–1920 he worked at |
CPA only appears to be toxic in high concentrations. | O CPA é tóxico apenas em altas concentrações. |
Sho Kosugi | Shō Kosugi |
Remove "Category Archives: title" at the top of a category page | Remove "Category:", "Tag:", "Author:" from the_archive_title |
Ashley Cole has been linked with a move away from the Serie A giants .
The former Chelsea left back has not played in Roma's last four games .
Roma boss Rudi Garcia is keen on keeping hold of Cole . | Roma boss Rudi Garcia has rubbished claims suggesting he has fallen out with former Chelsea left back Ashley Cole. Cole has been linked with a move away from the club after finding games hard to come by at the Stadio Olimpico. The 33-year-old, who joined the Serie A giants on a free transfer at the end of last season, has not featured in Roma's last four games despite Garcia insisting Cole is an 'important player'. Roma boss Rudi Garcia insists he has not fallen out with former Premier League star Ashley Cole . Cole has found games hard to come by since swapping Chelsea for Roma in the summer . Garcia, speaking to reporters ahead of Roma's league match against Genoa on Sunday, said: 'I have no problem whatsoever with Cole. 'He remains an important player for us. 'But Jose Holebas is also playing well and helping the team.' Roma will be hoping to bounce back from their midweek Champions League defeat against Manchester City when they travel to Genoa to try to close the gap on Juventus. The 33-year-old left back will be hoping to face Genoa on Sunday afternoon . |
Four of the seven hatch and become kings who occupy four of Raja Ampat's biggest islands whilst the other three become a ghost, a woman, and a stone. | Из четырех яиц вышли короли, которые стали править на четырех крупнейших островах Раджа Ампат, а три других яйца превратились в призрак, женщину и камень. |
Can you do it alone? | Можеш ли да го направиш сам? |
This garden is mentioned by Dara Shikoh, the grandson of Jahangir, in his work Sakinat al-Auliya, as one of the places where the Saint Hazrat Mian Mir used to sit. | Este jardín es mencionado por Dara Shikoh, el nieto del emperador Jahangir, en su obra Sakinat al-Auliya, como uno de los lugares donde el Santo Hazrat Mian Mir se sentaba. |
In August 1933, he joined a new organisation, the Jungvolk, a precursor to the Hitler Youth. | W sierpniu 1933 roku dołączył do nowej organizacji, Jungvolk, która była prekursorem Hitlerjugend. |
Yom Tov: prohibitions on major Jewish holidays that are different from the prohibitions of Sabbath 5. | Yom Tov: proibições relacionadas às Festividades judaicas que diferem das proibições relacionadas ao shabat. |
After his death he was found to have been in possession of highly significant historical files and documents that had apparently gone missing for decades from the Royal Greenwich Observatory, including the "Neptune file". | Después de su muerte se averiguó que había tenido en posesión archivos históricos y documentos sumamente importantes (hasta un total de 105 kilos) que aparentemente habían desaparecido durante décadas del Real Observatorio de Greenwich, incluyendo el «archivo de Neptuno». Durante su vida siempre negó haberse llevado los documentos o tenerlos en su posesión. |
Nigeria. References Places in Oron Nation Villages in Akwa | state in Nigeria. References Places in Oron Nation Villages in Akwa Ibom |
Patricroft | پتریکرافت |
authorities who are MVRD members. The number of directors coming from each local authority is determined by population, and the number of votes allocated to each director further helps proportionally represent the population distribution of the region. Each board director is also an elected official of one of the local authorities, with the exception of the elected representative for Electoral Area A (which has no council). As of 2017, the organization had about 1,500 employees. The current organizational structure shows ten departments reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer: Human Resources & Corporate Services; External Relations; Financial Services; Legal Services & Aboriginal Relations; Board & Information Services; Liquid Waste Services; Parks & Housing Services; Planning & Environment; Solid Waste Services; and Water Services. Administrative role The principal function of Metro Vancouver is to administer resources and services which are common across the metropolitan area. The Metro Vancouver Board has defined its strategic priorities for 2015 through 2018 in its Board Strategic Plan. The organization categorizes its work into action areas as described in the following subsections. However, 84% of the organization's budget is spent in three of those areas - the three utilities (water, liquid waste, solid waste). Metro Vancouver's commitments and its members' commitments to each action area are outlined in eight board-approved management plans as referenced below. Water Metro Vancouver's water utility is committed to the goals and strategies in the Drinking Water Management Plan, as approved by the board. The three goals are to: Provide clean, safe drinking water Ensure the sustainable use of water resources Ensure the efficient supply of water As noted, there are four legal entities that operate under the name Metro Vancouver: the GVWD, the GVS&DD, the MVRD and MVHC. The GVWD provides tap water to a land area covering more than 2,600 km² with all of the water coming from three sources: the Capilano reservoir, the Seymour reservoir and the Coquitlam reservoir. Metro Vancouver controls the Cleveland Dam on the Capilano reservoir, which supplies 40 percent of the district's water. Liquid waste Metro Vancouver operates and maintains the liquid waste facility, which includes managing "the network of trunk sewers, pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants that connect with municipal sewer systems". Throughout operations, the organization is committed to protecting public health and the environment, and recovering as much resources (energy, nutrients, etc.) as possible out of the waste stream. The liquid waste utility is committed to the goals and strategies in the Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management plan, as approved by the board. The three goals are to: Protect public health and the environment Use liquid waste as a resource Effective, affordable and collaborative management Solid waste Metro Vancouver's solid waste utility is committed to the goals and strategies in the Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management plan, as approved by the board. The four goals are to: Minimize waste generation Maximize reuse, recycling and material recovery Recover energy from the waste stream after material recycling Dispose of all waste in landfill after material recycling and energy recovery One initiative of the organization was the Ashcroft Manor Ranch Mega-Landfill Proposal in Ashcroft, British Columbia, in the Thompson Country of the British Columbia Interior, as there is no more room in the Lower Mainland for Metro Vancouver's garbage. A similar project nearby adjacent to the town of Cache Creek, British Columbia has almost reached capacity. Environmental concerns about the area's sensitive shrub-steppe climate and ecology are strong, while Highland Valley Copper, near Logan Lake, has offered the use of its mine-pit instead. Other MVRD landfill locations serving the regional district in the past have been in the Fraser Mills area, between the Trans-Canada Highway and the Fraser, and at Port Mann, beneath the south foot of the Port Mann Bridge. Housing Metro Vancouver owns and manages housing complexes throughout the region via the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC); it also forms policy on homelessness and affordable housing for the region. The MVHC's board-approved goals, as outlined in the Affordable Housing Strategy, are to: Expand the supply and diversity of housing to meet a variety of needs Expand the rental supply and balance preservation of existing stock with redevelopment while supporting existing tenants Meet housing demand estimates for very low and low income earners Increase the rental housing supply along the frequent transit network End homelessness in the region The MVHC's sole shareholder is the Metro Vancouver Regional District. The number of directors of the housing corporation is 13. Regional planning Metro Vancouver works in collaboration with its members to achieve a shared vision of livability across the generations, as laid out in the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), which was approved by the board in 2011, replacing the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LRSP). Th RGS requires each | recovery One initiative of the organization was the Ashcroft Manor Ranch Mega-Landfill Proposal in Ashcroft, British Columbia, in the Thompson Country of the British Columbia Interior, as there is no more room in the Lower Mainland for Metro Vancouver's garbage. A similar project nearby adjacent to the town of Cache Creek, British Columbia has almost reached capacity. Environmental concerns about the area's sensitive shrub-steppe climate and ecology are strong, while Highland Valley Copper, near Logan Lake, has offered the use of its mine-pit instead. Other MVRD landfill locations serving the regional district in the past have been in the Fraser Mills area, between the Trans-Canada Highway and the Fraser, and at Port Mann, beneath the south foot of the Port Mann Bridge. Housing Metro Vancouver owns and manages housing complexes throughout the region via the Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC); it also forms policy on homelessness and affordable housing for the region. The MVHC's board-approved goals, as outlined in the Affordable Housing Strategy, are to: Expand the supply and diversity of housing to meet a variety of needs Expand the rental supply and balance preservation of existing stock with redevelopment while supporting existing tenants Meet housing demand estimates for very low and low income earners Increase the rental housing supply along the frequent transit network End homelessness in the region The MVHC's sole shareholder is the Metro Vancouver Regional District. The number of directors of the housing corporation is 13. Regional planning Metro Vancouver works in collaboration with its members to achieve a shared vision of livability across the generations, as laid out in the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), which was approved by the board in 2011, replacing the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LRSP). Th RGS requires each member local authority to provide a Regional Context Statement to "demonstrate to the Metro Vancouver Board how its Official Community Plan Supports the RGS." The five goals of the RGS are to: Create a compact urban area Support a sustainable economy Protect the environment and respond to climate change impacts Develop complete communities Support sustainable transportation choices Regional planning also includes planning and policy-making in agriculture and the food industry. The organization is committed to the goals and strategies in the Regional Food System Strategy, as approved by the board. The goals are to: Increase capacity to produce food close to home Improve the financial viability of the food sector Have people make healthy and sustainable food choices Provide everyone with access to healthy, culturally diverse and affordable food Maintain a food system consistent with ecological health In 2018, the organization's board also adopted the Ecological Health Framework, which encapsulates Metro Vancouver’s collective efforts around ecological health and provides guiding principles, goals, and strategies to help achieve the vision of a "beautiful, healthy, and resilient environment for current and future generations." The goals are: Goal 1: Build ecological resilience and minimize impacts Goal 2: Protect natural areas and conserve ecosystem services Goal 3: Nurture nature within communities Air quality The organization runs programs and set policy to protect public health and the environment with respect to air quality, improve visual air quality and minimize the region's contribution to climate change. The organization is committed to the goals and strategies in the Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan, as approved by the board. The three goals are to: Protect public health and the environment Improve visual air quality Minimize the region's contribution to global climate change Regional parks The parks department of Metro Vancouver oversees the development and maintenance of |
Layla and Sami began to fight bitterly. | Leyla ve Sami acıi bir biçimde kavga etmeye başladılar. |
Alexander Kapp (German educator and editor) | Капп, Александр |
Most likely Marchetto's work was first, although he was well aware of the French practice – which, like most innovations in music before the 20th century, was only discussed in writing years after the actual musical innovation took place. | El treball de Marchetto segurament fos el primer en el temps, encara que ell coneixia perfectament la pràctica francesa que, com la major part d'innovacions musicals anteriors al segle XX, només passaven a ser discutides als documents anys després que les mencionades innovacions musicals es donessin en la pràctica. |
The Queen Louise League was politically very close to far-right German parties of the time, like the German National People's Party (DNVP) and also the Stahlhelm paramilitary organization from its establishment. | كانت رابطة الملكة لويز قريبة جدُا من الأحزاب الألمانية اليمينية المتطرفة في ذلك الوقت، مثل حزب الشعب الوطني الألماني (DNVP) وأيضًا منظمة ستالهيلم شبه العسكرية منذ إنشائها. |
While we're doing that, though, we're looking for the bodies. | Όμως, ενώ το κάνουμε αυτό, αναζητούμε τα πτώματα. |
are hydrangeas good for pollinators? | friendly as the flowers are all sterile - showy to our eyes but with no floral resources of pollen or nectar to bees. The fertile flowers of hydrangeas are small and insignificant and not as showy to our eyes but are heavily frequented by bees. |
is soaking feet in epsom salt good for plantar fasciitis? | While there's no conclusive evidence that epsom salt baths or foot soaks are detrimental to plantar fasciitis, there's also no real body of evidence that epsom salt baths are significantly more effective that a regular bath or soak. |
Chad Connelly | تشاد كونلي |
campaign against Salghurids and assisted Jalal-al-din Khwarezmshah in his struggle against the Mongols. Another Hazaraspid ruler Takla, accompanied Hulagu on his march to Baghdad, but deserted because of the murder of the last caliph. He was eventually caught and executed on Hulagu's order. Yusuf Shah I received Ilkhan Abaqa's confirmation of his rule and added Khuzestan, Kuhgiluya, Firuzan (near Isfahan) and Golpayegan to his domain. Afrasiab I attempted to extend his control to the coast of Persian Gulf but faced stiff opposition from the Mongols who defeated his army at Kuhrud near Kashan. He was reinstated by Ilkhan Gaykhatu but was executed by Gazan in October 1296. The capital of Hazaraspids was located at Idaj located in present-day northern Khuzestan. Yusuf Shah | 1424, the Timurid ruler Shahrukh Mirza overthrew the last Hazaraspid ruler Ghiyath al-Din thereby ended the dynasty. Maintaining their rule throughout the Seljuk, Mongol and somewhat into the Timurid era, the Hazaraspids played a part in the preservation of the Persian identity during foreign rule. Rulers Abu Tahir ibn Muhammad (r. 1115–1153) Yusuf Shah I (r.1153-1023) Malik Hazarasp (r. 1204–1248) Imad al-Din ibn Hazarasp (r. 1248–1251) Nusrat al-Din (r. 1252–1257) Takla (r. 1257–1259) Shams al-Din Alp Arghun (r. 1259-1274) Yusuf Shah I (r. 1274–1288) Afrasiab I (r. 1288–1296) Nusrat al-Din Ahmad (r. 1296–1330) Rukn al-Din Yusuf Shah II (r. 1330–1340) Muzaffar al-Din Afrasiab II (r. 1340–1355) Shams al-Din Pashang (r. 1355–1378) Malik Pir Ahmad (r. 1378–1408) Abu Sa'id (r. 1408–1417) Shah Husayn (r. 1417–1424) Ghiyath al-Din (r. 1424) See also List of |
are cuban cigars duty free? | You can now bring in 100 cigars or $800 worth into the US. ... It is in fact legal to bring Cuban cigars into the US from a foreign country. The first 100 cigars are duty free in the US. |
Considering the pace of hydropower development in Nepal (Out of 83,000 MW potential, only 705 MW hydropower has been generated throughout the country till the end of 12th national plan viz. | Glede na tempo razvoja hidroenergije v Nepalu (od 83.000 MW potenciala, je bilo le 705 MW hidroelektrarn zgrajenih po vsej državi do konca 12. nacionalnega načrta "vizija 2009 / 10-2011/12"). |
what does the word graininess mean? | it would resemble the texture of sand... not smooth or silky. |
Book of Meera Stories; English Edition Publishers, 2002 (Omnibus volume, with stories 1 to 6) Hari's Train Journey; English Edition Publishers, 2002 Hari is Bored; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera at the Puppet Show; Amazon Kindle, 2004 A Very Special Birthday; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera Goes Swimming; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera Goes to the Dentist; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meena Goes Away; Amazon Kindle, 2004 The Crow and the Eagle, illustrated by Taposhi Ghoshal; Scholastic India, 2006 The Frog and the Ox, illustrated by Sonal Panse; Scholastic India, 2006 The Foolish Crow, illustrated by Neeta Gangopadhyaya; Scholastic India, 2006 The Donkey and the Load of Salt, illustrated by Shilpa Ranade; Scholastic India, 2006 Aesop's Fables; Scholastic India, 2007 (Omnibus volume) कौआ चला चील बनने, चित्रांकन तापोशी घोशाल; Scholastic India, 2006 मेंढक और बैल की कहानी, चित्रांकन सोनल पानसे, Scholastic India, 2006 मूर्ख कौआ, चित्रांकन नीता गंगोपाध्याय, Scholastic India, 2006 फेरीवाले का गधा, चित्रांकन शिल्पा रानडे, Scholastic India, 2006 White Tiger; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2006 Gautam Buddha: The Lord of Wisdom; Puffin Lives, Penguin Books India, 2011 Mathemagic Book 1: Numbers, Numbers Everywhere; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2012 Mathemagic Book 2: The Most Powerful Number of Them All; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2013 The Garden of the Djinn; Rupa Publications, India, 2013 Verghese Kurien: The Milkman of India; Scholastic Great Lives, Scholastic India, 2014 Sachin Tendulkar: The Little Master; Scholastic Great Lives, Scholastic India, 2015 She has co-edited the following anthology of short stories with South African writer, Zukiswa Wanner: Behind The Shadows: Contemporary Stories from Africa and Asia, 2012 Film Script Granny’s Monster Machines, April 2013, a bilingual Bengali-English film, created in association with Pop Up Festival | Publishers, 2002 Meera Gets Lost; English Edition Publishers, 2002 Meera Goes Shopping; English Edition Publishers, 2002 Meera and the Surprise Pet; English Edition Publishers, 2002 Rohini's Book of Meera Stories; English Edition Publishers, 2002 (Omnibus volume, with stories 1 to 6) Hari's Train Journey; English Edition Publishers, 2002 Hari is Bored; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera at the Puppet Show; Amazon Kindle, 2004 A Very Special Birthday; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera Goes Swimming; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meera Goes to the Dentist; Amazon Kindle, 2004 Meena Goes Away; Amazon Kindle, 2004 The Crow and the Eagle, illustrated by Taposhi Ghoshal; Scholastic India, 2006 The Frog and the Ox, illustrated by Sonal Panse; Scholastic India, 2006 The Foolish Crow, illustrated by Neeta Gangopadhyaya; Scholastic India, 2006 The Donkey and the Load of Salt, illustrated by Shilpa Ranade; Scholastic India, 2006 Aesop's Fables; Scholastic India, 2007 (Omnibus volume) कौआ चला चील बनने, चित्रांकन तापोशी घोशाल; Scholastic India, 2006 मेंढक और बैल की कहानी, चित्रांकन सोनल पानसे, Scholastic India, 2006 मूर्ख कौआ, चित्रांकन नीता गंगोपाध्याय, Scholastic India, 2006 फेरीवाले का गधा, चित्रांकन शिल्पा रानडे, Scholastic India, 2006 White Tiger; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2006 Gautam Buddha: The Lord of Wisdom; Puffin Lives, Penguin Books India, 2011 Mathemagic Book 1: Numbers, Numbers Everywhere; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2012 Mathemagic Book 2: The Most Powerful Number of Them All; Puffin, Penguin Books India, 2013 The Garden of the Djinn; Rupa Publications, India, 2013 Verghese Kurien: The Milkman of India; Scholastic Great Lives, Scholastic India, 2014 Sachin Tendulkar: The Little Master; Scholastic Great Lives, Scholastic India, 2015 She has co-edited the following anthology of short stories with South African writer, Zukiswa Wanner: Behind The Shadows: Contemporary Stories from Africa and Asia, 2012 Film Script Granny’s Monster Machines, April 2013, a bilingual Bengali-English film, created in association with Pop Up Festival of Stories and Chocolate Films. The film is available on Youtube. References External links Story website Living people 1963 births Jadavpur |
We still have a lot to discuss. | Nous avons encore beaucoup de choses à discuter. |
club would go out of business before long. And Hull's league form was steadily deteriorating to the point that relegation to the Conference was looking a real possibility – which surely would have meant the death of the club. The 1997–98 season would prove to be arguably the worst in the club's history, with the club earning just 41 points; any other season this would almost certainly have seen Hull relegated to the Football Conference, but Brighton and Hove Albion and Doncaster Rovers both had unbelievably poor campaigns, and instead it was Doncaster who were relegated, with Hull recording their lowest ever finish in 22nd place. Lloyd stepped down as chairman that summer and was replaced by Nick Buchanan, while Hateley departed in November 1998 to be replaced by 34-year-old veteran player Warren Joyce, who steered the club to safety after being anchored to the foot of the table – Hull City fans refer to this season as "The Great Escape". After this feat, Joyce was perhaps unlucky to be replaced in April 2000 by the experienced Brian Little. Little breathed new life into Hull and managed to get good results out of the players, despite briefly being locked out of Boothferry Park by the bailiffs and with liquidation looking a real possibility. Hull qualified for the Division Three playoffs in 2000–01, and lost in the semi finals. But things could have been much worse – at least the Hull City fans still had a football club to support. A boardroom takeover had eased the club's precarious financial situation and all fears of closure were banished – had the club been relegated to the Conference the previous season, it is extremely unlikely that this takeover would have taken place. The Tigers on their way up New Chairman Adam Pearson ploughed funds into the club, allowing Little to rebuild the team with the aim of immediate promotion. Hull occupied the Division Three promotion and playoff places for much of the 2001–02 season, but Little was sacked two months before the end of the season and Hull slipped to 11th under his successor Jan Mølby. Hull began the 2002–03 season as most people's favourites for promotion from Division Three, but a terrible start to the season saw relegation look more likely than promotion and Molby was sacked in October as the Tigers languished fifth from bottom in the league. Peter Taylor was named as Hull's new manager and in December 2002, just weeks after his appointment, Hull relocated to the impressive new 25,400-seat Kingston Communications Stadium after 56 years at Boothferry Park. After this move, Hull's attendances were some of the best in the division but their results were rarely this impressive and they were unable to finish above 13th place in the final table. Hull's new stadium was one of the most impressive stadiums outside the Premier League and it has helped influence an upturn in Hull's fortunes after a decade of misery. The two seasons which followed the opening of the new stadium were hugely successful. Hull were Division Three runners-up in 2003–04 and League One runners-up in 2004–05 – back-to-back promotions – which took them into the Championship, the second tier of English football. 2005–06 was hardly the most exciting season in the history of Hull City football club; it was more a season of consolidation after two successive promotions. Hull finished 18th in the final table – a comfortable 10 points clear of relegation and their highest league finish for 16 years. 2006 and onwards Championship struggles The successful stint at Hull City saw Peter Taylor's name linked with the Charlton Athletic manager's job before it was given to Iain Dowie. On 13 June 2006, Peter Taylor left Hull to take up the job vacated by Dowie at Crystal Palace, a club at which he had enjoyed considerable success as a player. Phil Parkinson was confirmed as his replacement on 29 June 2006, with Hull paying Colchester (with whom Parkinson was still under contract) £400,000 compensation. Phil Brown, who had recently departed his job as manager of Derby County, joined the club as Parkinson's assistant. Defender Leon Cort became Hull's first million-pound player when he followed Peter Taylor to Crystal Palace for a fee of £1,250,000. Parkinson wasted no time in spending the majority of this money on strengthening the City squad in readiness for the 2006–07 season. Chairman Adam Pearson has stated his ambition to take Hull into the top flight for the first time in their history – and he believed Phil Parkinson was the manager to do it. However, their dismal start to the 2006–07 season was hardly the form of a team attempting to gain promotion, and on 4 December 2006 Parkinson was sacked as manager with Hull in the relegation zone, despite having spent over £2 million on players. Parkinson had achieved two notable firsts, under his management Hull City won for the first time ever on live television and also won a penalty shoot-out for the first time. Phil Brown was appointed as caretaker manager, and by 4 January 2007 Hull had moved out of the relegation zone and Brown was rewarded with a contract as their new manager until at least the end of the season. Hull's Championship game against Sunderland AFC on 17 March 2007 at the Stadium of light saw an attendance of 38,448, a record to a Hull City game since they visited Stamford Bridge on 14 May 1977. Hull City all but secured their place in the Championship next season with a 1–0 victory away at Cardiff City, on 28 April 2007. This left them 3 points clear of Leeds United, the only side with a chance of overtaking them, but with a vastly superior goal difference this was only a mathematical possibility. This crucial goal was scored by Dean Windass, who had rejoined his hometown club on loan from Bradford City. By 4 May, due to a lack of any realistic chance of them remaining in the Championship, Leeds went into administration and in doing so received the 10-point penalty such a move incurs. This deduction left Leeds at the bottom of the championship on 36 points, securing Hull's place in the Championship for the 2007–08 season. Championship success That summer saw Adam Pearson move on, declaring that he felt he had taken the club as far as he could and new investment would be required to progress further. He sold the club to a consortium headed by new Chairman Paul Duffen and severed his ties with the club, eventually taking over as Chairman of Derby County. Under Duffen and manager Phil Brown Hull City improved greatly on their relegation battle of 2006–07 and qualified for the play-offs after finishing the season in third place. They beat Watford 6–1 on aggregate in the semi-finals and played Bristol City in the final on 24 May 2008, which Hull won 1–0 at Wembley Stadium, with Hull native Dean Windass scoring the winning goal. Their ascent from the bottom division of the English football league to the top in just five seasons is the third fastest ever. Premier League football The 2008–09 season saw the Tigers play in the Premier League with home games at the KC Stadium. Hull City sold out all 20,500 season tickets. Hull have released four of their players: David Livermore, Jay-Jay Okocha, Frank Belt and Brewster Frizzell. Despite being one of the favourites for relegation, they began life in the Premier League in great form, beating Fulham 2–1 on the opening day in their first ever top flight fixture. With only one defeat in their opening nine games, Hull City found themselves (temporarily) joint top of the table, third on goal difference, following a 3–0 victory over West Bromwich Albion – ten years previously they had been bottom of tier four of the league. Hull City's form never replicated the highs of the early autumn, winning only two more games over the remainder of the season. Despite the drop in form and slow slide down the table, Hull City went into the final game of the season in 17th place and above the drop zone. They ultimately lost the game against Manchester United 0–1, however Newcastle United and Middlesbrough also lost their games against Aston Villa and West Ham respectively, thus securing a second Premier League season for Hull City. On 10 June 2009, Hull City were officially announced as part of the Barclays Asia Trophy 2009. In this 4-team tournament Hull City competed against two English sides, Tottenham Hotspur and West Ham United, as well local side Beijing Guoan, who they beat 5–4 on a penalty shoot out after a 1–1 draw. On 31 July 2009, Hull City faced Tottenham Hotspur in the final of the Barclays Asia Trophy and were defeated 3–0. On 6 August 2009, Hull City acquired American international striker Jozy Altidore on loan from Spanish side Villarreal, with an option to buy him after the 2009–10 season. On 29 October 2009 chairman Paul Duffen resigned his position with the club and was replaced by former chairman Adam Pearson on 2 November 2009 and on 15 March 2010 manager Phil Brown was relieved of his duties after a run of four defeats left Hull in the relegation zone. Brown's replacement was former Crystal Palace and Charlton boss, Iain Dowie and the appointment was met with some disbelief by supporters who were hoping for a "bigger name" replacement. Dowie's first move as manager was to bring Tim Flowers and Steve Wigley onto his backroom staff, with former Hull City manager Brian Horton joining Phil Brown on gardening leave. Return to the Football League Hull City's relegation from the Premier League was confirmed on 3 May 2010, after a 2–2 draw at Wigan Athletic. On 3 June, season tickets for the club's 2010–11 season in the Football League Championship went on general release sale. After relegation, the club handed over their share on Friday, 4 June. Phil Brown's contract as manager was confirmed ended on 7 June 2010, and the search for his replacement was to continue past mid-June as the club confirmed that Iain Dowie would ultimately not be retained in a managerial capacity. Nigel Pearson was confirmed as the new manager on 29 June, lured from Leicester City in part by the Championship ambitions of the Tigers. Perceived lack of support at the Midlands club and permission to bring along staffers Craig Shakespeare and Steve Walsh from the Foxes helped seal the deal. On 10 November 2010, it was announced that father and son Assem Allam and Ehab Allam were to take over Hull City in a deal worth £150 million. Return to the Premier League under Steve Bruce On Saturday 4 May 2013 it was confirmed Hull City would return to the Premier League after a dramatic 2–2 draw against Cardiff City on the final day of the season after fellow promotion challengers Watford lost 2–1 against Leeds United at home. In the 2013–14 season they achieved their highest ever | Day game against Rotherham United, and exceeding that for the FA Cup 6th round tie with Manchester United; the attendance of 55,019 still remains a record today. Yo-yoing between the second and third tiers of English football, Hull City had promotion seasons from the third to the second division again in 1959 and 1966, winning the third division championship in that latter season. Still, however, top flight football eluded the club. They came close several times in the early 1970s under the player-management of Terry Neill, but were not able to secure promotion before Neill left to join Tottenham Hotspur in 1974. Another player-manager, John Kaye succeeded Neill, but the club's form slowly deteriorated over the following years, eventually culminating in a disastrous 1977–78 season that saw four men (Kaye, Bobby Collins, Wilf McGuinness, and Ken Houghton) take charge of the team on its way to being relegated in bottom place. The following season saw Hull struggle for consistency, before recovering well in the second half of the season to finish a respectable 8th place. This form was not carried forward into the 1979–80 season, however, and manager Ken Houghton was sacked in December 1979 after a two-month winless run left them near the bottom of the table. Wales manager Mike Smith was recruited to take over, and a strong end to the season saw Hull avoid relegation by a single point. This just staved off the inevitable, however, and a thoroughly disastrous 1980–81 season saw the club finish bottom again, resulting in their first-ever relegation to the fourth tier. Two relegations in three years had a dire effect on the club's finances, which in turn helped lead to a dismal start to their first season in Division Four. An upturn in form later in the season saw them finish in 8th place, but it wasn't enough to save Smith's job, and he was made redundant two months before the season ended. The low ebb saw the arrival of unlikely looking saviours in the form of a chairman (Don Robinson) and manager (Colin Appleton) from the footballing outpost of Scarborough F.C. Promotion to Division Three followed in 1983, with a young team featuring the likes of future England international Brian Marwood, future England manager Steve McClaren, fearsome centre-forward Billy Whitehurst, and the prolific goal-scorer Les Mutrie. When Hull City missed out on promotion by 1 goal the following season, Appleton left to manage Swansea City. Hull City reached the Second Division in 1985 under new player-manager Brian Horton, and again nearly earned a second successive promotion, this time finishing in 6th place. The two following seasons saw Hull only able to record mid-table finishes, however, and Horton was controversially sacked shortly before the end of the 1987–88 season. Former Leeds United manager Eddie Gray replaced Horton, but was himself sacked at the end of the following season, following a disastrous run that saw them win only one of their last twenty games. 1989-90 proved another very inconsistent season, with Colin Appleton returning for a second stint as manager, only to resign after just five months, following the club's worst-ever start to a league campaign. Stan Ternent took over from Appleton, and oversaw a remarkable upswing in form that saw the team manage a respectable 14th-place finish. This proved a false dawn, however, and Hull's start to the 1990–91 season was almost as bad as the previous one, including a humiliating 7-0 thrashing by West Ham. Ternent was sacked shortly after the turn of the year with the club well adrift at the bottom of the table, with Terry Dolan replacing him. Despite an initial upturn in form after Dolan's appointment, and there being only two relegation spots that year due to league restructuring, it proved too little, too late, and Hull were relegated back to the Third Division, the beginning of what would prove a 14-year absence from the second tier. Striving to survive: 1990s Hull finished 14th in the Third Division in 1991–92, meaning that they would be competing in the new Football League Division Two. In their first season in the rebranded division, Hull narrowly avoided another relegation but the board kept faith in Dolan and over the next two seasons they achieved secure mid table finishes. But terrible form in 1995–96 condemned Hull to relegation to Division Three. Dolan was fired by new chairman David Lloyd after Hull failed to get anywhere near the top of Division Three in 1996–97, with former England international Mark Hateley taking over the manager's job. By this stage, financial problems were taking their toll on the Tigers and it was starting to look as though the club would go out of business before long. And Hull's league form was steadily deteriorating to the point that relegation to the Conference was looking a real possibility – which surely would have meant the death of the club. The 1997–98 season would prove to be arguably the worst in the club's history, with the club earning just 41 points; any other season this would almost certainly have seen Hull relegated to the Football Conference, but Brighton and Hove Albion and Doncaster Rovers both had unbelievably poor campaigns, and instead it was Doncaster who were relegated, with Hull recording their lowest ever finish in 22nd place. Lloyd stepped down as chairman that summer and was replaced by Nick Buchanan, while Hateley departed in November 1998 to be replaced by 34-year-old veteran player Warren Joyce, who steered the club to safety after being anchored to the foot of the table – Hull City fans refer to this season as "The Great Escape". After this feat, Joyce was perhaps unlucky to be replaced in April 2000 by the experienced Brian Little. Little breathed new life into Hull and managed to get good results out of the players, despite briefly being locked out of Boothferry Park by the bailiffs and with liquidation looking a real possibility. Hull qualified for the Division Three playoffs in 2000–01, and lost in the semi finals. But things could have been much worse – at least the Hull City fans still had a football club to support. A boardroom takeover had eased the club's precarious financial situation and all fears of closure were banished – had the club been relegated to the Conference the previous season, it is extremely unlikely that this takeover would have taken place. The Tigers on their way up New Chairman Adam Pearson ploughed funds into the club, allowing Little to rebuild the team with the aim of immediate promotion. Hull occupied the Division Three promotion and playoff places for much of the |
what are the characteristics of a perfect competition? | The four key characteristics of perfect competition are: (1) a large number of small firms, (2) identical products sold by all firms, (3) perfect resource mobility or the freedom of entry into and exit out of the industry, and (4) perfect knowledge of prices and technology. |
attended Yreka High School and Cal State Sacramento. In 1988, he played collegiate summer baseball with the Brewster Whitecaps of the Cape Cod Baseball League. He was selected by the Angels in the 4th round of the 1989 MLB Draft. See also List of second generation MLB players References External links 1968 births Living people People from Yreka, California | Baseball League. He was selected by the Angels in the 4th round of the 1989 MLB Draft. See also List of second generation MLB players References External links 1968 births Living people People from Yreka, California Baseball players from California American expatriate baseball players in Canada Major League Baseball pitchers Sacramento State Hornets baseball players Brewster Whitecaps players California |
Children up to the age of ten are sent to such facilities by court order in cases where municipalities and social services find it necessary to remove them from harmful surroundings. | Les enfants jusqu'à l'âge de dix ans sont envoyés dans ces établissements par ordonnance du tribunal dans les cas où les municipalités et les services sociaux jugent nécessaire de les éloigner d'un environnement dangereux. |
Roy Keane did not shake Jose Mourinho's hand at Stamford Bridge .
With Chelsea leading 3-0, Mourinho left before full-time .
Portuguese manager tried to shake hands with Aston Villa bosses .
Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert and assistant Keane both refused . | Kenny Dalglish says Roy Keane was right not to shake Jose Mourinho's hand before the end of Chelsea's win over Aston Villa. With just minutes remaining and his side 3-0 ahead at Stamford Bridge, the Chelsea boss headed for the exit and attempted to shake hands with Villa boss Paul Lambert and assistant Keane. Both snubbed Mourinho's handshake request with Lambert pointing to his watch, suggesting that the Portuguese manager would have to wait until full-time. Villa assistant Roy Keane (left) was in no mood to shake Jose Mourinho's hand before the game finished . Aston Villa manager Paul Lambert also refused to shake Mourinho's hand at Stamford Bridge . Lambert couldn't understand why Mourinho was leaving the pitch before full-time . Dalglish told the Mirror: 'I probably wouldn’t have shaken his hand, either, if I had been in the same situation as the former United skipper.' The former Liverpool forward added: 'Mourinho is at the top of the tree at the moment. You can get away with a lot of things when you’re in his position. 'But maybe he should remember the old adage about being nice to people on the way up because you might need them on the way down.' |
Trichonephila clavipes | Nephila clavipes |
what is the difference between a pulse and legume? | A legume refers to any plant from the Fabaceae family that would include its leaves, stems, and pods. A pulse is the edible seed from a legume plant. Pulses include beans, lentils, and peas. For example, a pea pod is a legume, but the pea inside the pod is the pulse. |
average house cost in pinehurst nc | (10,589). The average home price in Pinehurst is $234,700, which is 2.5% higher than the average sold price in Pinehurst ($229,000) . The average home price per square foot in Pinehurst is $98 and about 3% of all homes in Pinehurst sold in the last 6 months. |
are ikea ovens any good? | Ikea ovens impressed in our tests. Likewise, Ikea offer quality options when it comes to cooktops across their gas, ceramic and induction ranges. Our experts were impressed by their performance for their modest prices, and two models scored a CHOICE Recommendation after rating higher than 80% overall. |
Mission: Impossible – Fallout | ミッション:インポッシブル/フォールアウト |
But it seems that a new name and new existence does little to change the way things are in that part of the world. I’m seeing reports of more than 3000 people killed in South Sudan last week in ethnic violence, that forced thousands of others to flee – although ‘fleeing’ seems to what the people in part of the original Sudan have been doing for decades - these kind of mass killings or massacres seem able to be perpetuated despite the presence of United Nations personnel, South Sudanese army,. etc With the report that this is the worst outbreak of ethnic violence in the new nation since it split from Sudan in July, seems to be the indication that such violence is an ongoing activity . | إنها أحداث تذكرنا تماما أنه بالرغم من الاستقلال، فإن الحالات الطارئة الحادة مازالت موجودة في جنوب السودان، فيما تبقى القدرة على الاستجابة الإنسانية أولوية هامة في هذه المنطقة". |
pope of the Catholic Church. Croatian–Bulgarian War: Emperor Samuel launches a military campaign against the Kingdom of Croatia to prevent an alliance between the Serbian principality and the Byzantines. He seizes Dyrrachium (modern-day Durrës in Albania) and advances along the Dalmatian coast. The Bulgarian army is forced to withdraw into Croatian hinterlands (now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina), after the Siege of Zadar. Fall – Otto III makes Rome the administrative capital of the Holy Roman Empire and begins the construction of his imperial palace on the Palatine Hill. He restores the ancient Roman Senate to its position of prominence and adopts the title of "Emperor of the Romans". To this Otto adds the apostolic devotion formula servus Jesu Christi ('Servant of Jesus Christ'). Winter – King Robert II (the Pious) is excommunicated by Gregory V. For reasons of consanguinity, his second marriage to Bertha of Burgundy is not accepted by the Catholic Church. Arabian Empire Battle of Ghazni: The Afghan prince Mahmud defeats his younger brother Ismail (the ruling emir of the Ghaznavid Dynasty) in battle. He places Ismail for the rest of his life in comfortable captivity – and expands the realm of his late father, Sebuktigin, into the Punjab in northwestern India. Summer – Revolt of Tyre: The city of Tyre (modern Lebanon) is stormed by forces of the Fatimid Caliphate. A Byzantine squadron attempts to reinforce but is repulsed by the Fatimid navy. The defenders are massacred or taken captive to Egypt. The Byzantine captives are executed. July 19 – Battle of Apamea: Byzantine forces under governor (doux) Damian Dalassenos besiege the fortress city of Apamea for control over northern Syria. The Fatimids send a relief army from Damascus – and defeat the Byzantines, Dalassenos is killed by a Kurdish officer in battle. Japan Byōdō-in Temple (located in | mutilated – his ears, nose and tongue cut off and his eyes are gouged out. Crescentius surrenders at his stronghold and is beheaded. Otto reinstates his cousin, Gregory V, as pope of the Catholic Church. Croatian–Bulgarian War: Emperor Samuel launches a military campaign against the Kingdom of Croatia to prevent an alliance between the Serbian principality and the Byzantines. He seizes Dyrrachium (modern-day Durrës in Albania) and advances along the Dalmatian coast. The Bulgarian army is forced to withdraw into Croatian hinterlands (now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina), after the Siege of Zadar. Fall – Otto III makes Rome the administrative capital of the Holy Roman Empire and begins the construction of his imperial palace on the Palatine Hill. He restores the ancient Roman Senate to its position of prominence and adopts the title of "Emperor of the Romans". To this Otto adds the apostolic devotion formula servus Jesu Christi ('Servant of Jesus Christ'). Winter – King Robert II (the Pious) is excommunicated by Gregory V. For reasons of consanguinity, his second marriage to Bertha of Burgundy is not accepted by the Catholic Church. Arabian Empire Battle of Ghazni: The Afghan prince Mahmud defeats his younger brother Ismail (the ruling emir of the Ghaznavid Dynasty) in battle. He places |
what do you need to open a bank account td? | ['Location of your local branch.', 'The name of, the routing number of, and the account number at the institution you will use to fund the Opening Deposit of your new account(s).', 'Your Social Security number.', "Your driver's license number."] |
using a balsa core, with wooden trim. It is a cat-rigged schooner, with carbon-fiber conventional booms and two free-standing carbon-fiber masts. It has an aft cockpit and a low-mounted pilothouse forward of the cockpit. It features a raked stem, a slightly reverse transom, a skeg-mounted rudder controlled by a wheel and a fixed fin keel. The pilothouse has a second wheel for steering. The design displaces and carries of ballast. The boat has a draft of with the standard keel fitted. The boat is fitted with a British Perkins Engines for docking and maneuvering. The fuel tank holds and the fresh water tank has a capacity of . The design has sleeping accommodations for six people. It has a private, aft, double cabin, under the cockpit, accessed from the pilothouse, a double settee berth in the pilothouse and a double "V"-berth in the bow cabin. | sinks. There are two separate heads, one just aft of the bow cabin on the starboard side, opposite the galley and another in the aft cabin on the port side. The forward head includes a molded fiberglass shower. Ventilation is provided by two opening ports in the aft cabin and four hatches, located over the bow cabin, the forward head, the galley and the main cabin. All sail controls are led to the cockpit which includes two winches and sheet stoppers. The halyards, the reefing lines and the boom vang for the aft mast are all controlled from the cockpit. Operational history In a 1994 review Richard Sherwood wrote, "this cruiser was designed to offer the advantages of a schooner but with improved windward sailing characteristics. Since there is no forestay it cannot sag, and upwind performance is improved. The pilothouse is very low and does not block vision from the cockpit." See also List of sailing boat types Related development Freedom 39 Similar sailboats Baltic 40 Cal 39 Cal 39 Mark II Cal 39 (Hunt/O'Day) Corbin 39 |
occurs in high-elevation wet forests, over 900 m asl. It is also sometimes met with in coffee and mixed fruit orchards and plantations in this region. Type locality = "Heavy forest on the Sirumullay hills, near Dindigul, at 4000–5000 feet elevation". Description Dorsum yellowish with small dark brown spots, the yellow scales dark-edged. A yellow streak on the labials, continuing along each side of the neck. Ventrum dark brown with yellow spots or yellow short crossbars. Ventral surface of tail yellow. The largest of the type specimens is 35.5 cm (14 inches) in total length. Dorsal scales in 19 rows behind the head, in 17 rows at midbody. Ventrals 156–168; subcaudals 5–10. Snout acutely pointed. Rostral laterally compressed, about two fifths the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above much longer than its distance from the frontal. Nasals in contact with each other behind the rostral. Frontal longer than broad. Eye very small, not half the length of the ocular shield. Diameter of the body 26 to 32 times in the total length. Ventrals twice as broad as the contiguous scales. Tail obliquely truncate, flat dorsally, with strongly pluricarinate scales. Terminal scute with a transverse ridge and | yellow spots or yellow short crossbars. Ventral surface of tail yellow. The largest of the type specimens is 35.5 cm (14 inches) in total length. Dorsal scales in 19 rows behind the head, in 17 rows at midbody. Ventrals 156–168; subcaudals 5–10. Snout acutely pointed. Rostral laterally compressed, about two fifths the length of the shielded part of the head, the portion visible from above much longer than its distance from the frontal. Nasals in contact with each other behind the rostral. Frontal longer than broad. Eye very small, not half the length of the ocular shield. Diameter of the body 26 to 32 times in the total length. Ventrals twice as broad as the contiguous scales. Tail obliquely truncate, flat dorsally, with strongly pluricarinate scales. Terminal scute with a transverse ridge and two points. Habits A poorly-known snake, not |
Pa Qaleh Rural District | دهستان پاقلعه |
Atatürk Centennial was declared in 1981 by United Nations and UNESCO. | Die Atatürk-Hundertjahrfeier wurde im Jahre 1981 von den Vereinten Nationen und der UNESCO ausgerufen. |
In May 2010, Air France–KLM announced increased losses (€1.56 billion for the year to 31 March 2010), and warned that the 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull had caused a further €160 million loss in the current financial year. | Τον Μάιο του 2010, η Air France-KLM ανακοίνωσε αυξημένες ζημίες (1,56 δισ. Ευρώ για το έτος έως 31 Μαρτίου 2010) και προειδοποίησε ότι οι εκρήξεις του Eyjafjallajökull το 2010 προκάλεσαν απώλειες ύψους 160 εκατ. Ευρώ κατά το τρέχον οικονομικό έτος. |
On November 12 , 2012 , Sundin was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame , alongside Joe Sakic , Adam Oates and Pavel Bure . | On November 12 , 2012 , Sundin along with Joe Sakic , Adam Oates and Pavel Bure was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame . |
huineng | huìnéng |
politician. She is also known for her candidacy for the presidency of Bolivia in the 2009 general election, in which she finished fifth. Biography Ana María Flores was born on 29 July 1952 in the city of Sucre, Bolivia. Her primary and secondary schooling took place in her hometown. She continued her higher education, traveling to the United States to study civil engineering at Trinity College. She also married a U.S. citizen. A few years after their marriage, Flores was widowed with two daughters. During her working life, Flores devoted herself entirely to the business of the mining equipment and construction company Whenhell, of which she was general manager and owner from age 27, from 1979 to 1984. She was also a representative of the companies Renardet Ingenieurs from 1984 to 1992, Santi Consulting from 1990 to 1997, and Iberinsa from 1992 to 1998. Flores was also owner of the investment group Cristal from 1995 until its end in 2002. Political life At age 50, Flores was invited by Manfred Reyes Villa's New Republican Force to participate in the elections, where she won the position of senator for La Paz Department in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly. However she left the party after the gas conflict in 2003, during the second government of president Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada (2002–2003). During this time, Flores joined the "Transversal Group", a | of Sucre, Bolivia. Her primary and secondary schooling took place in her hometown. She continued her higher education, traveling to the United States to study civil engineering at Trinity College. She also married a U.S. citizen. A few years after their marriage, Flores was widowed with two daughters. During her working life, Flores devoted herself entirely to the business of the mining equipment and construction company Whenhell, of which she was general manager and owner from age 27, from 1979 to 1984. She was also a representative of the companies Renardet Ingenieurs from 1984 to 1992, Santi Consulting from 1990 to 1997, and Iberinsa from 1992 to 1998. Flores was also owner of the investment group Cristal from 1995 until its end in 2002. Political life At age 50, Flores was invited by Manfred Reyes Villa's New Republican Force to participate in the elections, where she won the position of senator for La Paz Department in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly. However she left the party after the gas |
O'Connor of NextGen called the Japanese import "A game so dull and listless that it almost defines the concept of duff launch software." In Japan, Famitsu gave it a score of 22 out of 40. References External links 2000 video games Extreme sports | a video game developed by Toka and published by Idea Factory and Midas Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 2 in 2000-2001. Reception The game received unfavorable reviews according |
approximately east-south-east of the state capital Kuching. Neighbouring settlements include: Kampung Seteman northwest Kampung Jagong east Kampung Sabang north | north Kampung Tegelam southwest Kampung Sageng east Kampung Lintang east Simunjan east Kampung Ponggor south Kampung Sungai Jong east Kampung Panagan west References |
Finnian wrote a rule for his monks, also a penitential code. | Finnian scrisse una regola per i suoi monaci e un codice di penitenza. |
seasons for the New York Giants. References 1914 births 1976 deaths American football tackles Baylor Bears football players | "Ox" Parry (November 17, 1914 – March 2, 1976) was a professional American football tackle who played three seasons for the New York Giants. |
what was the purpose of sherman's famous march to the sea? | But the way to the sea was not open; Sherman still had to contend with the Confederate army of Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood. So Sherman proposed to split his Union force, taking 62,000 of his best troops on a destructive march, while Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas used the remainder to contain Hood. |
The jewels are removed on the authority of the Lord Chamberlain, head of the Royal Household, exercised by his deputy the Comptroller of the Lord Chamberlain's Office. | As jóias são removidas sob a autoridade do Lorde Chamberlain, chefe da Casa Real, exercido por seu vice, o Controlador do Gabinete do Lorde Chamberlain. |
who is ufpls suitable for? | What is an UFPLS? From 6 April 2015, if a client wants to access some or all of their money purchase pensions savings without designating funds as available for drawdown or buying an annuity (or scheme pension), then UFPLS is one way to do this (provided that this option is allowed under the contract). |
Driving a truck isn't easy. | Lkw fahren ist nicht leicht. |
Name the best NBA player who is not african american and from the U.S.? | LOL good luck finding ONE!!! |
Ernest W. Gibson Jr. | Ernest William Gibson |
In most constitutional monarchies, however, members of a royal family perform certain public, social, or ceremonial functions, but refrain from any involvement in electoral politics or the actual governance of the country. | U većini ustavnih monarhija, ipak, članovi kraljevske obitelji provode određene javne, socijalne ili ceremonijalne funkcije, ali se uzdržavaju od bilo kakvog uplitanja u izbornu politiku ili stvarno vođenje zemlje. |
In his study, he also made topographical charts, estimating the heights of the mountains. | Në studimet e tij paraqiti edhe grafike topografike, duke vlerësuar lartësitë e maleve. |
how emily ratajkowski became famous? | Emily Ratajkowski, a look back at her career timeline. The 27-year-old model and actress rose to fame thanks to a sexy music video. But before becoming the girl from Robin Thicke's “Blurred Lines” video, she launched her own modeling career. At 14 years old, Ratajkowski was discovered and signed to Ford Models. |
Broward County is a county located in the U.S. state of Florida . | Broward County is a county in the U.S. state of Florida . |
the Australian National University (ANU) College of Asia and the Pacific. References Events in Sabah Events in Sarawak International conferences | Borneo Heritage Foundation, an organisation set up by Jeffrey Kitingan, and the Australian National University (ANU) College of Asia |
How can I tell my boyfriends best friend to politely "take a hike"? | yes but if you truly think that he is going to go away, you are mistakeing, friends will never go away, regardless of how long oyu have been together. Start setting up his friend so that way he will get attached to another girl and slowly start to hang out with her and get away from your activities. Also you can always double.......... but guys love their friends and will always have them around, just be careful because if a guy senses that you are tired of his friends he might start to tire of you.....just a thought!! |
The Renault Tracer is a bus produced by Renault from 1991 to 2001 . | The Renault Tracer ( R332A ) is a class of buses produced by the bus division of Renault Trucks from 1991 to 2001 . |
A US missile strike targeting a compound killed five militants in a Pakistani tribal region near the Afghan border, security officials said, updating an earlier toll of four. | US missile strike kills five militants in pakistan |
Jordan: Made in Israel · Global Voices | Jordanie : des toges « Made in Israël » créent la polémique |
Yet one of the delights of the city is that it is not simply a collection of heartless historic facades. | Being more than a simple collection of historic facades is a positive element of the city. |
include political, financial, corporate and others. Entries are arranged in reverse chronological order by year. The year is the one in which the alleged scam was first | Malaysia since independence. These include political, financial, corporate and others. Entries are arranged in reverse chronological order |
what is the difference between xbox 360 models? | The Slim Xbox 360 features a 250 Gig hard drive. The Elite generally has a 120 Gig while the Arcade has no hard drive. The Xbox 360 Slim is several inches smaller and thinner than either the Elite 360 or the Arcade. 360 Slim features larger venting areas along the sides. |
Golden Hour (album) | Golden Hour |
"Green Moon Rising: Islam Is Spreading In Melanesia". | Green Moon Rising: Islam Is Spreading In Melanesia (англ.). |
that can cause tidelines to form: Where one body of water is sinking beneath or riding over top of the surface layer of another body of water (somewhat similar in mechanics to subduction of the earth plates at continental margins). These types of tidelines are often | A tideline refers to where two currents in the ocean converge. Driftwood, floating seaweed, foam, and other floating debris may accumulate, forming sinuous lines called tidelines (although they generally have nothing to do with the tide). There |
Abdullah Al-Khaibari was replaced by Sultan Al-Ghanam on 7 January 2019 due to injury. | Abdullah Al-Khaibari fue reemplazado por Sultan Al-Ghanam el 7 de enero de 2019 debido a una lesión. |
Is it good to keep on dividing india into smaller states? | Would India be better if it divided up into smaller manageable independent states? |
Samuel King, the original owner of the site. References Unincorporated communities in Dade County, Missouri Unincorporated | Missouri. History A post office called Kings Point was established in 1848, and remained in operation until 1909. The community was |
how long does it take to get a fighter torso? | With proper knowledge of the minigame and a good team, you can obtain a Fighter Torso in as quickly as 60 minutes. You can even pay for leeches through clans like Leech BA to get your torso hassle-free. However, the general answer is roughly 4-6 hours if you are inexperienced with the minigame. |
how much does it cost to rent an exotic car from enterprise? | The standard wheelbase Escalade is $300/day and the GLS is $250/day. |
if the Vikings visited North America why weren't there any old world animals present there before other Europeans got there centuries later? | The Vinland Saga does mention that at least one bull and one cow was brought to *Leifsbuthir* (L'Anse aux Meadows). The bull is said to have terrified the *skraelings* when it burst out of its pen during a trade visit. But there are two basic reasons there was, so far as we can tell now, no lasting impact. First, the nature of the trips to what is now Newfoundland was not to live long term. Most scholars (Birgitta Wallace for sure, though this is just from what I've heard her say at lectures) would agree that the goal was to find resources and return to Greenland. So, what was brought there was generally brought back, if it wasn't consumed along the way. The point was to collect more stuff, not leave anything behind. Second, the trips involved relatively few people and, accordingly, very few animals. Even if some animals *were* accidentally introduced, there would not have been a viable population for them to survive long term. |
So what you are looking at here has completely changed my life, I mean totally changed my life. | Vidite! Ono što sada gledate potpuno je promenilo moj život, mislim skroz mi je promenilo život. |
is bha and aha safe for pregnancy? | Now, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) are a bit trickier to navigate during pregnancy. Salicylic acid is a BHA, so best to avoid it. Glycolic acid, which is an AHA, is considered safe to use in lower concentrations, but you can always use a product containing lactic acid instead. |
news. She also became dedicated late reporter for the 10 O'Clock News under the editorship of Sir Craig Oliver Her work also appeared on the BBC News Channel and BBC World News. Being trilingual (she speaks Italian, English and French), Baldini has been sent to Italy to report on major news stories for BBC News, including the death of the Pope John Paul II, the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake, the trial concerning the Murder of Meredith Kercher, the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the Costa Concordia incident. In 2004, Otis Ferry tried to contact Baldini before he and his friends raided the House of Commons in support of the hunting debates. Baldini's British grandfather was a British Ambassador Horace Phillips (diplomat) References External links Q&A at TV Newsroom Year of birth missing (living people) Living | attended St. Helen's School and then Haileybury College, Hertford. After graduating in modern languages from Exeter University with a 2:1, she did a Post Graduate Diploma in Broadcast Journalism at Falmouth College of Arts. Career On graduation she worked for London-based rolling news radio station News Direct 97.3FM, she then moved to satellite channel EuroNews, and then Five News. She then moved to the BBC, first as a reporter to BBC Breakfast then to the One O'clock news. She also became dedicated late reporter for the 10 O'Clock News under the editorship of Sir Craig Oliver Her work also |
how to change your background on your hp laptop? | Right-click the desktop background, then select Personalize. Click Desktop Background to open the settings window. To change the desktop image, select one of the standard backgrounds, or click Browse and navigate to a picture stored on the computer. |
Tom is still working in Boston. | Том всё ещё работает в Бостоне. |
According to Long, "the importance of Heraclitus to later Stoics is evident most plainly in Marcus Aurelius." | Longa "význam Hérakleita pro pozdější stoiky je nejjasněji patrný u Marca Aurelia." |
into a column of young soldiers on a parade, killing dozens. The accident is reported as being attributed to Turčinović's alcohol dependency. Soon after the accident, the Yugoslavian staff were expelled from the DRC and the Jastrebs were abandoned along with the Galebs. MiG-21s and Mi-24s, which were awaiting assembly by Russian or Ukrainian technicians at Gbadolite, were also abandoned and can still be seen on the ramp at Gbadolite (2013). Bosnia and Herzegovina Six J-21 Jastrebs of the Republika Srpska Air Force were engaged by USAF F-16s during Operation Deny Flight for violating the NATO-enforced no-fly-zone, in what is known as the Banja Luka incident. The USAF claimed 4 J-21s shot down by F-16s, while the Serbs claimed 5 Jastrebs as lost. The discrepancy likely stems from a damaged Jastreb crashing near the airfield after the F-16s had departed. On November 15, during the Battle of the Dalmatian Channels, at 9:28 a.m. three Yugoslav Air Force J-21 Jastrebs flew low over Brač and Šolta; minutes later, two were reportedly shot down by anti-aircraft artillery. Six Yugoslav jets were sortied against targets on Brač and Šolta. Variants J-21 Jastreb Single-seat ground-attack, reconnaissance aircraft. J-21E Jastreb Export version of the J-1. RJ-21 Jastreb Single-seat tactical reconnaissance aircraft. RJ-21E Jastreb Export version of the RJ-1. NJ-21Two-seat advanced flying trainer / weapons trainer / light ground attack aircraft. | cells and the retracted main undercarriage which retracts inwards, giving the Jastreb a wide track and imbuing it with excellent ground handling characteristics. The levered undercarriage legs and relatively low pressure tyres allow the Jastreb to operate from un-prepared strips or rough surfaced airfields. Compared to the Galeb, the Jastreb has a strengthened structure, allowing more weapons to be carried, including three Browning AN/M3 machine guns with 135 rpg, mounted in the nose of the aircraft. As well as the nose-mounted guns, the Jastreb is able to carry up to on under-wing pylons, two inner pylons having a capacity of for bombs, rocket launchers and additional tanks, while the six outer pylons can carry VRZ-157 rockets. Operational history The J-21 entered service with the JRV (Yugoslavian Air Force) on 31 December 1968, with very few, if any, remaining in service. First Congo War According to some reports, France and Yugoslavia supported Mobutu's government during the First Congo War. Namely, Yugoslavia agreed to deliver three J-21 and a single G-2 aircraft, as well as four MiG-21PFMs, while three Mi-24s were purchased from |
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