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90,499 | et dixit Saul ad puerum suum optimus sermo tuus veni eamus et ierunt in civitatem in qua erat vir Dei | And Saul said to his servant: Thy word is very good, come let us go. And they went into the city, where the man of God was. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
67,066 | Reliqua, quo altiora erunt, ad perpendiculum videntur oportere conlocari. | Higher openings should have perpendicular sides. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_4.json |
88,996 | numquid non iste est Ezechias qui destruxit excelsa illius et altaria et praecepit Iudae et Hierusalem dicens coram altari uno adorabitis et in ipso conburetis incensum | Is it not this same Ezechias, that hath destroyed his high places, and his altars, and commanded Juda and Jerusalem, saying: You shall worship before one altar, and upon it you shall burn incense? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
59,432 | M. Iuventius Thalna consul, collega Ti. Gracchi consulis iterum, cum in Corsica, quam nuper subegerat, sacrificaret, receptis litteris decretas ei a senatu supplicationes nuntiantibus, intento illas animo legens caligine <ob>orta ante foculum collapsus, mortuus humi iacuit. | Consul M. Juventius Thalna, colleague of Ti. Gracchus, Consul for the second time, was at sacrifice in Corsica, which he had recently conquered, when he received a letter informing him that the senate had decreed a Thanksgiving in his honour. As he read it with absorption, darkness overcame him; collapsing before the brazier, he lay dead on the ground. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book9.json |
40,693 | aspirare viro propioremque addere Martem haud ausum cuiquam: laxo ceu belua campo incessebatur tutis ex agmine telis. | None dared to challenge him or fight him at close quarters: like a wild beast in the open plain, he was assailed by missiles thrown from a safe distance by the host. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book5.json |
32,493 | Quin validioris occupas gratiam dedisque te, utcumque cesserit, meliorem fortunam deditus quam hostis habiturus? Alienum habes regnum, quo facilius eo careas. | Why do you not hasten to gain the favour of the stronger and give yourself up, since however it may turn out, you will have better fortune in having surrendered than you will have as his enemy? You are holding the kingdom of another, hence it will be easier to do without it. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book7.json |
96,318 | et conturbavit eos Dominus a facie Israhel contrivitque plaga magna in Gabaon ac persecutus est per viam ascensus Bethoron et percussit usque Azeca et Maceda | And the Lord troubled them, at the sight of Israel: and he slew them with a great slaughter, in Gabaon, and pursued them by the way of the ascent to Bethoron, and cut them off all the way to Azeca and Maceda. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
68,574 | duos etiam cherubin ex auro ductili quos posuit ex utraque parte propitiatorii | Two cherubims also of beaten gold, which he set on the two sides of the propitiatory: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
18,007 | Murtam nigram arfacito in umbra. | Dry out black myrtle in the shade, | final_alignments\Cato_Agriculture.json |
36,957 | forte accidit, ut deversorio, cui ipse successerat, quaedam femina non minus censu quam moribus idonea vicinaretur, cuius filia infantiae iam temporibus emensis necdum tamen nubilibus annis appropinquabat. | It chanced that near the lodging where he had taken up residence there lived a certain lady as attractive in character as in income, whose daughter though past childhood was still a good way short of the marriageable age. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book7.json |
83,121 | ne abstrahatur in viis illius mens tua neque decipiaris semitis eius | Let not thy mind be drawn away in her ways: neither be thou deceived with her paths. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
19,266 | Qui cum mihi mos notus esset cumque e via languerem et mihimet displicerem, misi pro amicitia qui hoc ei diceret. | Knowing the custom and feeling weak and out of sorts from my journey, I sent a message to that effect to Antonius in keeping with our friendship. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_1.json |
79,151 | et aedificaverunt excelsa Thofeth qui est in valle filii Ennom ut incenderent filios suos et filias suas igni quae non praecepi nec cogitavi in corde meo | And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Ennom, to burn their sons, and their daughters in the fire: which I commanded not, nor thought on in my heart. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
44,198 | Atque hic ingenti Capaneus Mavortis amore excitus et longam pridem indignantia pacem corda tumens (huic ampla quidem de sanguine prisco nobilitas; sed enim ipse manu praegressus avorum facta, diu tuto superum contemptor et aequi impatiens largusque animae, modo suaserit ira),. | Capaneus was spurred by mighty love of Mars, his swelling breast had long protested lengthy peace. Ample nobility was his from ancient blood, but he himself had outstripped the doughty deeds of his forbears. Long had he despised the High Ones with impunity, impatient of justice and prodigal of life if anger urged. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book3.json |
19,127 | nulla fides ullo fuit umquam foedere tanta, quanta in amore tuo ex parte reperta meast. | No faithfulness in any bond was ever such as has been found on my part in my love for you. | final_alignments\Catullus_Poems.json |
19,578 | Quamquam habet secum Lucium fratrem, carissimum populo Romano civem, cuius desiderium ferre diutius civitas non potest. | True, he has his brother Lucius with him, the favorite citizen of the Roman people; the community cannot bear to be without him much longer. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_10.json |
98,039 | stringet super eum manus suas et sibilabit super illum intuens locum eius | He shall clasp his hands upon him, and shall hiss at him, beholding his place. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
13,282 | Vide igitur ne opinionem populi sequentes quiddam valde inopinabile confecerimus. | See then whether we have not reached a most surprising conclusion by following the opinion of common folk. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book4.json |
40,263 | nec pestis lapsus simplex; abscisa relinquunt membra gelu, fractosque asper rigor amputat artus. | Nor is a fall the only danger; for men leave arms and legs behind, severed by the frost, and the cruel cold cuts off the limbs already broken. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book3.json |
53,669 | Neque enim pretio ulla res dei constat. | for nothing that is Gods goes for a price. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
29,919 | hic Christus nobis Deus adfuit et mera virtus, illic lascivum, Campania fertilis, hostem deliciae vicere tuae; non Iuppiter acrem protexit Fabium, sed iuvit amoena Tarentus, quae dedit inlecebris domitum calcare tyrannum. | In this case Christ our God and sheer valour were on our side; in that, it was thy voluptuous delights, fertile Campania, that overcame our licentious enemy; it was not Jupiter who protected the bold Fabius, but the charms of Tarentum that aided him, enabling him to trample on a tyrant who was already subdued by her allurements. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Reply_to_Symmachus_Book2.json |
3,606 | Horret mens reminisci, quo iustitio humilitati tot rerum apices visebantur, et praecipue consulares, post scipiones et trabeas et fastorum monumenta mundana. | My mind shrinks from recalling, during that suspension of justice, how many men of the highest rank, especially ex-consuls, after having carried the staves of honour and worn purple robes, and having their names made known to all the world in the Roman calendar, were seen exposed to humiliation. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book29.json |
92,705 | abiit itaque Hierobbaal filius Ioas et habitavit in domo sua | So Jerobaal, the son of Joas, went and dwelt in his own house: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
52,988 | Uxorem iam pudicam maritus iam non zelotypus eiecit, filium iam subiectum pater retro patiens abdicavit, servum iam fidelem dominus olim mitis ab oculis relegavit; ut quisque hoc nomine emendatur, offendit. | The wife is chaste now; but the husband has ceased to be jealous, and has turned her out. The son is now submissive; but the father, who used to bear with his ways, has disinherited him. The slave is faithful now; but the master, once so gentle, has banished him from his sight. As sure as a man is reformed by the name, he gives offence. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
62,220 | At Cytherea novas artes, nova pectore versat consilia, ut faciem mutatus et ora Cupido pro dulci Ascanio veniat, donisque furentem incendat reginam atque ossibus implicet ignem: quippe domum timet ambiguam Tyriosque bilinguis;. | But the Cytherean revolves in her breast new wiles, new schemes; how Cupid, changed in face and form, may come in the stead of sweet Ascanius, and by his gifts kindle the queen to madness and send the flame into her very marrow. In truth, she fears the uncertain house and double-tongued Tyrians; | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book1.json |
68,560 | verti me alio vidique sub sole nec velocium esse cursum nec fortium bellum nec sapientium panem nec doctorum divitias nec artificum gratiam sed tempus casumque in omnibus | I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skilful: but time and chance in all. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
71,880 | cassiae autem quingentos siclos in pondere sanctuarii olei de olivetis mensuram hin | And of cassia five hundred sicles by the weight of the sanctuary, of oil of olives the measure hin: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
28,923 | caecus adest oculis iam Christi ex ore retectis seque luto et nitidis lucem sumpsisse fluentis clamat, et auctorem stupefacta per oppidamonstrat, auctorem lucis largitoremque dierum, non dedignatum medicae purgamen aquai corpore sub proprio monstrare errantibus aegris. | The blind man appears, his eyes now by Christs mouth opened, crying aloud that he has received the light by means of clay and the shining waters, and declaring the author of his cure through the astonished towns, who is the author of light and giver of day, who did not disdain to show forth the cleansing virtue of healing water in his own body to suffering sinners. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Divinity_Of_Christ.json |
92,155 | dixit autem Petrus Anania cur temptavit Satanas cor tuum mentiri te Spiritui Sancto et fraudare de pretio agri | But Peter said: Ananias, why hath Satan tempted thy heart, that thou shouldst lie to the Holy Ghost and by fraud keep part of the price of the land? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
62,297 | Massicus aerata princeps secat aequora Tigri, sub quo mille manus iuvenum, qui moenia Clusi quique urbem liquere Cosas, quis tela sagittae gorytique leves umeris et letifer arcus. | At their head Massicus cleaves the waters in the bronze-plated Tiger; under him is a band of a thousand youths, who have left the walls of Clusium and the city of Cosae; their weapons are arrows, light quivers on the shoulders, and deadly bows. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book10.json |
38,280 | hostis adire si parat, obstructas praebete cadavere portas et ferro purgate nefas; hic denique solus eluerit sanguis maculatas crimine mentes. | If Hannibal tries to enter, block the gates against him with corpsesb and wipe out your guilt by the sword. That bloodshed, and nothing else, will wash away the stain with which your hearts are polluted. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book11.json |
80,496 | surrexitque Moses et abiit ad Dathan et Abiram et sequentibus eum senioribus Israhel | And Moses arose, and went to Dathan and Abiron: and the ancients of Israel following him, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
84,574 | nos scimus quia Mosi locutus est Deus hunc autem nescimus unde sit | We know that God spoke to Moses: but as to this man, we know not from whence he is. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
17,977 | Postea lentim oleo perfricato, sinito arescat. | then rub the lentils with oil, allow them to dry, | final_alignments\Cato_Agriculture.json |
1,546 | Et Persae aggerum altitudine iam in sublime porrecta, machinaeque ingentis horrore perculsi, quam minores quoque sequebantur, omnes exurere vi maxima nitebantur, et assidue malleolos atque incendiaria tela torquentes, laborabant in cassum, ea re quod umectis coriis et centonibus erant opertae materiae plures, aliae unctae alumine diligenter, ut ignis in eas laberetur innoxius. | The Persians, too, when the height of the mounds had already become great, stricken with horror of the huge ram, which other smaller ones followed, all strove with might and main to set fire to them, constantly hurling firebrands and blazing darts. But their efforts were vain, for the reason that the greater part of the timbers were covered with wetted hides and rags, while in other places they had been carefully coated with alum, so that the fire fell on them without effect. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book20.json |
91,824 | domus autem quam aedificabat rex Salomon Domino habebat sexaginta cubitos in longitudine et viginti cubitos in latitudine et triginta cubitos in altitudine | And the house, which king Solomon built to the Lord, was threescore cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and thirty cubits in height. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
85,159 | at ille statim abstersit pulverem de facie sua et cognovit eum rex Israhel quod esset de prophetis | But he forthwith wiped off the dust from his face, and the king of Israel knew him, that he was one of the prophets. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
16,047 | Hunc ex proximis unus iacentem transgressus eodem illo munere fungebatur; | One of those next him stepped over him as he lay, and discharged the same office | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book7.json |
50,331 | paucissima in tam numerosa gente adulteria, quorum poena praesens et maritis permissa:. | adulteries are very few for the number of the people. Punishment is prompt and is the husbands prerogative: | final_alignments\Tacitus_Germania.json |
42,073 | dum vagor aspectu visusque per omnia duco calcabam necopinus opes. | As I wandered agaze and cast my eyes over it all, I suddenly found myself treading wealth. | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book1.json |
55,508 | Dat procul interea toto pater aequore signum Phorcys et immanes intorto murice phocas contrahit antra petens; simul et Massylus et una Lyctius et Calabris redit armentarius arvis. | Meanwhile from far away old Phorcys gives a signal over all the deep, and making for his cave gathers his huge shell-encrusted seals together; at the same time Massylian and Lyctian herdsmen, and they of Calabria, are returning from the fields. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book3.json |
16,264 | His praeficit fratrem Eporedorigis bellumque inferri Allobrogibus iubet. | He sets over them the brother of Eporedirix, and orders him to wage war against the Allobroges | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book7.json |
20,693 | Non enim fortasse satis quae diiunctius dicuntur intellegis. | Perhaps you dont quite understand a logical dilemma. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
62,564 | nec veni, nisi fata locum sedemque dedissent, nec bellum cum gente gero; rex nostra reliquit hospitia et Turni potius se credidit armis. | I would not have come, had not fate assigned me here a place and home, nor do I wage war with your people: it is your king who forsook our alliance and preferred to trust himself to Turnus sword. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book11.json |
40,816 | iamque propinquantum tacitus penetravit in artus horror, et occulto riguerunt frigore membra. | But as we drew near, an unspoken dread came over us, and a mysterious chill paralysed our limbs. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book6.json |
41,803 | sic segnes heroes eunt campumque patentem, qui medius portus celsamque interiacet urbem, alterno sermone terunt; prior occupat acer Tydides: Qua nunc verum ratione paramus scrutari? namque ambiguo sub pectore pridem verso, quid imbelles thyrsos mercatus et aera urbibus in mediis Baccheaque terga mitrasque huc tuleris varioque aspersas nebridas auro? hisne gravem Priamo Phrygibusque armabis Achillem? Illi subridens Ithacus paulum ore remisso: Haec tibi, virginea modo si Lycomedis in aula est fraude latens, ultro confessum in proelia ducent Peliden; tu cuncta citus de puppe memento ferre, ubi tempus erit, clipeumque his iungere donis, qui pulcher signis auroque asperrimus astat; | Even so the heroes walk slowly and pass in converse the open plain that lies between the harbour and the lofty town. Tydeus lively son begins the dialogue: How do we now set about probing the truth? For I have long been pondering in perplexity why you bought in the towns these unwarlike wands and cymbals and Bacchic hides and headbands and fawnskins variously sprayed with gold. Will you arm Achilles, bane to Priam and Troy, with these? The Ithacans face relaxed a little and he answers him with a smile: These, look you, will draw Peleus son to the war, freely confessing, if indeed he is fraudulently hiding in Lycomedes virgin hall. You must be sure to bring them all quickly from the boat when the time comes and to add a shield to these gifts, standing beautified with reliefs and rough with much gold | final_alignments\Statius_Achilleid.json |
57,417 | cuius voluntati nullo obviam ire audente solus Scaevola de hac re interrogatus sententiam dicere noluit. | None dared oppose his will except only Scaevola, who when the question was put to him refused to give an opinion. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book3.json |
70,557 | cognovit enim Dominus omnem scientiam et inspexit in signum aevi adnuntians quae praeterierunt et quae superventura sunt revelans vestigia occultorum | For the Lord knoweth all knowledge, and hath beheld the signs of the world, he declareth the things that are past, and the things that are to come, and revealeth the traces of hidden things. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
92,800 | maledictus qui accipit munera ut percutiat animam sanguinis innocentis et dicet omnis populus amen | Cursed be he that taketh gifts, to slay an innocent person: and all the people shall say: Amen. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
88,689 | trans Iordanem in terra Moab coepitque Moses explanare legem et dicere | Beyond the Jordan in the land of Moab. And Moses began to expound the law, and to say: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
14,429 | Itaque copias reducere coepit. | And so he proceeded to withdraw his forces. | final_alignments\Caesar_Alexandrian.json |
80,435 | ipse vocabatur Helimelech uxor eius Noemi e duobus filiis alter Maalon et alter Chellion Ephrathei de Bethleem Iuda ingressique regionem moabitidem morabantur ibi | He was named Elimelech, and his wife Noemi: and his two sons, the one Mahalon, and the other Chelion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem Juda. And entering into the country of Moab, they abode there. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
45,282 | it maestus genua aegra trahens hastamque sequentem, vulneribus ceu mille gravis totosque per artus saucius: absistunt socii monstrantque gementes. | Sadly he walks, dragging feeble knees and trailing spear as though heavy with a thousand hurts and wounded in every limb; his comrades stand aloof and point at him with groans. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book9.json |
8,414 | existimant enim, cum ea, quae ad grates agendas pertinebant, summatim et tenuiore filo, sicut dicitur, deducta libaverim, aliqua me etiam de maiestatis tuae laudibus debere perstringere. | They think that now that I have touched on every topic which has reference to my Thanksgiving'however summarily, or, as our poet says, spun out with meagre thread' I am bound to touch upon the praises of your Majesty. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Thanksgiving.json |
95,505 | et omnes montes qui in sarculo sarientur non veniet illuc terror spinarum et veprium et erit in pascua bovis et in conculcationem pecoris | And as for the hills that shall be raked with a rake, the fear of thorns and briers shall not come thither, but they shall be for the ox to feed on, and the lesser cattle to tread upon. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
40,680 | it medius ferroque ruens densissima latum pandit iter. | He rode through their midst, making a wide passage and hewing down with his sword the ranks where they were thickest. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book5.json |
20,226 | 'Cn. Pompeius ipse' O nos turpis, si quidem Cn. Pompeium imitati sumus! | 'Gnaeus Pompeius himself' We are disgraced indeed if we have made Gnaeus Pompeius our model! | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_13.json |
58,470 | cuius furtivum egressum servus ab eo vinculorum poena coercitus, inexpiabilique litterarum nota per summam oris contumeliam inustus, curiosis speculatus oculis ac vestigia huc atque illuc errantia benivolo studio subsecutus, lateri voluntarius comes arrepsit. | He had a slave whom he had put in chains and branded with inexpiable letters on the face to his extreme indignity. This slave watched his furtive egress with curious eyes and, following his masters wandering footsteps with benevolent eagerness, crept up to his side as his voluntary companion. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book6.json |
43,960 | tunc donis Argia nitet vilesque sororis ornatus sacro praeculta supervenit auro. | Now Argia shines with the gift, outdoing her sisters paltry gauds with superior splendour of accursed gold. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book2.json |
2,292 | Qui tripertitus navigabilis per omnes est rivos, insulasque circumfluens, et arva cultorum industria diligentius rigans, vomeri et gignendis arbustis habilia facit. | The last-named divides into three branches, all of which are navigable, forms several islands, and often thoroughly waters the fields through the diligence of the farmers, and prepares them for the ploughshare and for tree-culture. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book23.json |
6,175 | Martius antiqui primordia protulit anni. | The month of Mars brought in the opening of the old-style year. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Eclogues.json |
26,630 | voces resolvit icta Pytho numine: Audite, gentes, Delii monitus dei: pietatem colite, vota superis reddite; patriam, parentes, natos, castas coniuges defendite armis, hostem ferro pellite; amicos sublevate, miseris parcite; bonis favete, subdolis ite obviam;. | Smitten by the divine spirit, the Pythian shrine breaks into words: Hearken, ye nations, unto the counsel of the Delian god. Cherish loyalty to God and kin, pay your vows to the gods on high; defend with arms your native land, your parents, your children, and your chaste wives, and drive off the enemy with the sword; give a helping hand to friends; spare those who are wretched; take the side of good men, and oppose the secret plotter; | final_alignments\Phaedrus_Fables_Book5.json |
16,151 | Hac re cognita Caesar mittit complures equitum turmas; eis de media nocte imperat, ut paulo tumultuosius omnibus locis vagarentur. | Caesar, on being informed of this circumstance, sends several troops of horse to the place immediately after midnight; he orders them to range in every quarter with more tumult than usual. | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book7.json |
98,848 | et magnificetur nomen tuum usque in sempiternum atque dicatur Dominus exercituum Deus super Israhel et domus servi tui David erit stabilita coram Domino | That thy name may be magnified for ever, and it may be said: The Lord of hosts is God over Israel. And the house of thy servant David shall be established before the Lord. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
21,222 | Kalendis Iuniis cum in senatum, ut erat constitutum, venire vellemus, metu perterriti repente diffugimus. | On the first of June, when we wished to enter the senate as it had been arranged, we took sudden flight in terror. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
59,593 | Agrius, Tu, inquit, tibicen non solum adimis domino pecus, sed etiam servis peculium, quibus domini dant ut pascant, atque etiam leges colonicas tollis, in quibus scribimus, colonus in agro surculario ne capra natum pascat; quas etiam astrologia in caelum recepit, non longe ab tauro. | You and your piping, retorted Agrius, are not only robbing the master of his flock and the slaves of their peculium'the grazing which their master allows them'but you are even abrogating the homestead laws, among which we find one reciting that the settler may not graze a young orchard with the offspring of the she-goat, a race which astrology, too, has placed in the heavens, not far from the Bull. | final_alignments\Varro_Agriculture_Book1.json |
85,080 | factum est autem cum turbae inruerent in eum ut audirent verbum Dei et ipse stabat secus stagnum Gennesareth | And it came to pass, that when the multitudes pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Genesareth, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
97,558 | hesterni quippe sumus et ignoramus quoniam sicut umbra dies nostri sunt super terram | For we are but of yesterday, and are ignorant that our days upon earth are but a shadow | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
91,319 | sed et his tamquam hominibus pepercisti et misisti antecessores exercitus tui vespas ut illos paulatim exterminarent | Yet even those thou sparedst as men, and didst send wasps forerunners of thy host, to destroy them by little and little. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
49,767 | Sorori eius Sanciae aqua atque igni interdictum accusante Q. Pomponio | His sister Sancia was banned from fire and water, the accuser being Quintus Pomponius: | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book6.json |
39,514 | Audito pariter populorum in regna duorum advenisse duces, qui tota mole laborent disceptentque armis, terrarum uter imperet orbi, celsus mente Syphax acciri in tecta benigne imperat et tanto regni se tollit honore. | When Syphax heard that the generals of two great nations had come at the same time to his capital'nations which were at war and striving with might and main to decide which of them should rule the world'his heart was lifted up. He ordered that the strangers should be welcomed to his palace; and the respect shown to his power made him swell with pride. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book16.json |
78,726 | et non egerunt paenitentiam ab homicidiis suis neque a veneficiis suis neque a fornicatione sua neque a furtis suis | Neither did they penance from their murders nor from their sorceries nor from their fornication nor from their thefts. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
2,895 | Haec egisse ideo efficaciter fertur, quod Iuliani promotus arbitrio, agentis etiam tum per Syrias, in itinere unum amiserat oculum, suspicatusque artibus se nefariis appetitum, iusto quidem sed inusitato dolore, haec et alia magna quaeritabat industria. | In this work he is said to have shown special activity for the following reason, namely, that after his appointment by authority of Julian, when he was still living in Syria, he had lost one eye on the way, and suspecting that he had been attacked by wicked arts, with justifiable but extraordinary resentment he tracked out these and other crimes with great energy. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book26.json |
28,838 | intonat antistes Domini fuge, callide serpens, exue te membris, et spiras solve latentes. | The priest of the Lord thunders: Away, cunning serpent! Quit his body, and undo thy hidden coils. | final_alignments\Prudentius_Divinity_Of_Christ.json |
40,144 | congeminat sonitus rupti violentia caeli imbriferamque hiemem permixta grandine torquet. | And the fury of the bursting heavens redoubled the noise and discharged a storm of rain mixed with hail. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book3.json |
20,675 | Ergo ego sceleratus appellor a te quem tu suspicatum aliquid suspicaris; | So then: you call me a criminal because you suspect that I suspected something, | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
71,005 | qui plantat autem et qui rigat unum sunt unusquisque autem propriam mercedem accipiet secundum suum laborem | Now he that planteth and he that watereth, are one. And every man shall receive his own reward, according to his own labour. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
64,207 | Deiphobus contra: ne saevi, magna sacerdos; discedam, explebo numerum reddarque tenebris. | In reply Deiphobus said: Be not angry, great priestess; I will go my way; I will make the count complete and return to the darkness. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book6.json |
18,658 | adde huc plumipedas volatilesque, ventorumque simul require cursum, quos iunctos, Cameri, mihi dicares: | add to these the feather-footed gods and the winged, and with them call for the swiftness of the winds;' | final_alignments\Catullus_Poems.json |
35,660 | unde te etiam par fuerit privilegio consiliorum praefecturae, in quae participanda deposceris, antiquati honoris perniciter sarcire dispendium, ne, si extra praerogativam consiliarii in concilium veneris, solas vicariorum vices egisse videare. | So it will be the proper course for you also to repair promptly the loss of your expired office by accepting the earnest invitation addressed to you to occupy the favoured position of Counsellor to the Prefect; for if you come to the Council without the special standing of a counsellor you will be looked upon only as one who has acted as deputy vicarius. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book1.json |
3,414 | Ex his quidam cum salutari pectoribus oppositis coeperint, osculanda capita in modum taurorum minacium obliquantes, adulatoribus offerunt genua savianda, vel manus, id illis sufficere ad beate vivendum existimantes, et abundare omni cultu humanitatis peregrinum putantes, cuius forte etiam gratia sunt obligati, interrogatum, quibus thermis utatur aut aquis, aut ad quam successerit domum. | Some of these men, when one begins to salute them breast to breast, like menacing bulls turn to one side their heads, where they should be kissed, and offer their flatterers their knees to kiss or their hands, thinking that quite enough to ensure them a happy life; and they believe that a stranger is given an abundance of all the duties of courtesy, even though the great men may perhaps be under obligation to him, if he is asked what hot baths or waters he uses, or at what house he has been put up. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book28.json |
55,987 | ibant et geminis aequantes cornibus alas Balloniti comitumque celer mutator equorum Moesus et ingentis frenator Sarmata conti. | There also marched the Balloniti, whose bow-tips twain give speed that matches wings, and the Moesian changing nimbly from steed to companion steed, and the Sarmatian who puts a rein upon his huge lance. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book6.json |
85,104 | et confestim surgens coram illis tulit in quo iacebat et abiit in domum suam magnificans Deum | And immediately rising up before them, he took up the bed on which he lay: and he went away to his own house, glorifying God. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
94,423 | et praeco personuit in universo exercitu antequam sol occumberet dicens unusquisque revertatur in civitatem et in terram suam | And the herald proclaimed through all the army, before the sun set, saying: Let every man return to his own city, and to his own country. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
18,451 | quod me non movet aestimatione, verumst mnemosynum mei sodalis. | which does not concern me for what it is worth, but because it is a keepsake from my old friend; | final_alignments\Catullus_Poems.json |
62,125 | imperium Dido Tyria regit urbe profecta, germanum fugiens. | Dido wields the sceptre'Dido, who, fleeing from her brother, came from the city of Tyre. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book1.json |
96,941 | cessavitque David rex persequi Absalom eo quod consolatus esset super Amnon interitu | And king David ceased to pursue after Absalom, because he was comforted concerning the death of Ammon. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
84,705 | si enim custodieritis mandata quae ego praecipio vobis et feceritis ea ut diligatis Dominum Deum vestrum et ambuletis in omnibus viis eius adherentes ei | For if you keep the commandments which I command you, and do them, to love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, cleaving unto him, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
76,993 | egressus inde fixit tabernaculum trans turrem Gregis | Departing thence, he pitched his tent beyond the Flock tower. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
95,739 | respice ad me et miserere mei da fortitudinem tuam servo tuo et salva filium ancillae tuae | respice in me et miserere mei da imperium tuum puero tuo et salvum fac filium ancillae tuae | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
79,581 | qui sedet super gyrum terrae et habitatores eius sunt quasi lucustae qui extendit velut nihilum caelos et expandit eos sicut tabernaculum ad inhabitandum | It is he that sitteth upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
87,453 | clama ne cesses quasi tuba exalta vocem tuam et adnuntia populo meo scelera eorum et domui Iacob peccata eorum | Cry, cease not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their wicked doings, and the house of Jacob their sins. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
46,470 | Causae variae traduntur: alii taedio novae curae semel placita pro aeternis serva-visse; quidam invidia, ne plures fruerentur; sunt qui existiment, ut callidum eius ingenium, ita anxium iudicium; neque enim eminentis virtutes sectabatur, et rursum vitia oderat: ex optimis periculum sibi, a pessimis dedecus publicum metuebat. | Various reasons are given. Some hold it was the weary dislike of recurring trouble which caused him to treat a decision once framed as eternally valid; others that he grudged to see too many men enjoying preferment; while there are those who believe that as his intellect was shrewd so his judgment was hesitant; for, on the one hand, he did not seek out pre-eminent virtue, and, on the other, he detested vice: the best he feared as a private danger, the worst as a public scandal. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book1.json |
53,730 | Qui enim semel aeternum iudicium destinavit post saeculi finem, non praecipitat discretionem, quae est condicio iudicii, ante saeculi finem. | For He who has ordained eternal judgement once for all after the end of the world does not hasten to make that separation (which is the essence of the judgement) before the end of the world. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
61,751 | Qui natus obscurissimis initiis parum habebat summa accepisse et proximus a Cn. Pompeio ipsoque Caesare equestris ordinis consul creatus esse, nisi in id ascendisset, e quo infra se et Caesarem videret et rem publicam. | This man, sprung from the most obscure origin, was not satisfied with having received the highest honours in the state, and to have been the first man of equestrian rank after Gnaeus Pompey and Caesarb himself to be elected consul, but aspired to mount to a height where he might see both Caesar and the republic at his feet. | final_alignments\Velleius_Paterculus_Compendium.json |
94,814 | et tradidit illos Dominus in manu Iabin regis Chanaan qui regnavit in Asor habuitque ducem exercitus sui nomine Sisaram ipse autem habitabat in Aroseth gentium | And the Lord delivered them up into the hands of Jabin, king of Chanaan, who reigned in Asor: and he had a general of his army named Sisara, and he dwelt in Haroseth of the Gentiles. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |