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Humans are extremely sensitive to the smell of vanilla. So much so that its actually kinda crazy. If a gas tanker of vanilla extract crashed and spilled on the road it would make THE ENTIRE PLANET smell like vanilla/Disney world </s> | On a semi-unrelated note that's probably not worth a post of it's own, how does "smell" in the ocean work? Like, according to google sharks can smell blood from 100 meters away. But are they really smelling it from 100 meters away, or did the current just carry the blood a distance of 100m from it's source? If the current was flowing away from the shark would this not stop it being able to smell it from just a few meters away? </s> | <s>[INST] Do certain smells travel farther than others? Sometimes, when someone is cooking in the opposite side of the house, I smell only certain ingredients. Then, in the kitchen I can smell all the ingredients. The initial ingredient I could smell from farther away is not more prominent than the others. [/INST] |
Mechanical agitation is the engineering term. </s> | Piece of shit is usually accurate </s> | <s>[INST] Is there an official term for a thing which starts to work after you hit it? [/INST] |
Part of the purpose of exit polls is as a safeguard against tampering with election results. If you go into the polls, vote for candidate A, and only talk with your family and friends about who they voted for, then it might not seem weird if they announce candidate B won in a landslide. However, if 80% of people in exit polls report voting for candidate A, then a landslide victory of candidate B looks a whole lot fishier. </s> | I think it should be noted that "...major news organizations have agreed not to release any exit poll data that could characterize the outcome of a race before all of the polls in that state have closed." </s> | <s>[INST] CMV: Media outlets sharing exit polls hurts democracy. My opinion: Media outlets that share poll results, especially exit polls, during any stage of voting (i.e. early voting or on election night) hampers democracy. Broadcasting exit poll results harms democracy by demoralizing those whose candidates or parties are polling behind, and by incentivizing laziness or inaction in those whose candidates or parties are polling ahead. For both groups, the introduction of this impartial information can have a chilling effect on democracy, and the practice should be more heavily regulated. [/INST] |
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Plo Koon. In Legends, he regularly used "Force Judgement" which fundamentally is a lightside version of Force Lightning. Instead of the power being derived from hatred, it comes from a strong sense of duty and justice. As others have said, the Jedi Council prohibited this technique because it was so close to the dark side version of the power, however, Koon had an "exploratory exception" which basically said that he could use it at his discretion as long as he recorded it as part of an ongoing study on it </s> | I'll toss in that force lightning is usually portrayed in the films less as an electrical attack and more of a "ray of agony." Luke doesn't go into cardiac arrest or suffer burn scarring from fighting the Emperor, he just goes through horrible, horrible pain. Notably, it didn't short-circuit his hand either. </s> | <s>[INST] [Star Wars] Why didn't any Jedi bother learning force lightning or some variation of it during the Clone Wars? Fighting armies of droids, that would seem to be pretty useful. And in KOTOR/KOTOR II, there were non darkside abilities to disable and destroy droids with force lightning, so why didn't the Jedi even try doing that? [/INST] |
I think the main idea is that the whole is more than the sum of their parts, but if you want to go stone by stone then you need time to make the effect instant and permanent, and mind to understand the intricacy of what he wanted to do, so the snap doesn't go all monkey paw on him. </s> | Time to make the effect happen quickly and at the same time across the universe, Mind to interperet his desired effect accurately </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] Why did Thanos need all 6 infinity stones for the snap? I'm able to justify power, space, soul, and reality. Power: used to kill Space: so he doesn't have to be near everyone to kill them Soul: to detect all forms of life (as he did when Dr Strange made clones of himself) Reality: to be able to snap with a metal glove on Why would he need the time and mind stones? [/INST] |
No. You most certainly have a smell. The thing is, your nerves get 'tired' of signaling the same thing over and over. Stare really hard at one spot on your monitor for a bit, then look at something white. You'll see a negative image of what you were looking at. This is because the nerves sending you the color signals got tired, and now their opposites are sending more powerful signals. The same thing happens with your sense of hearing, smell and even touch. So since you are CONSTANTLY smelling what comes out of your lungs, you won't be getting that signal. </s> | My husband who's a paramedic says lungs actually have a very distinct smell and that you can smell it when intubating a patient or whatever procedure it was he was telling me about. He said it smells kinda gross. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why on earth can you smeel things by inhaling but not exhaling? Are my lungs odorless? [/INST] |
I remember being 10 or 12 and messing around with a Lego brand RC car when I announced to my dad that I’d be an engineer. That said, I’m an EE now and have often had imposter syndrome due to my lack of any sort of hobbyist electronics tinkering. I don’t think it makes me a worse engineer. I did theater (from acting all the way to directing) for the end of HS and through most of college. If you tinker all day *and* all night you’ll probably get pretty sick of it. Childhood tinkering is a good indicator but I don’t really think it’s the norm or a necessity </s> | I’m an artist making a living as an engineer. About 60% on my colleges have artistic hobbies. However, I did tinker. </s> | <s>[INST] Any engineers here who didn’t “tinker” as a kid? (or were more artsy and less math loving?) I’m just wondering how true these stereotypes are, or if it isn’t the majority after all? [/INST] |
Unanimous decision, do not stab a already dead chicken </s> | I mean regardless of whether it works or not, she should follow her given instructions. It's what she's paid to do </s> | <s>[INST] Is it a bad idea to stab Chicken Strips to cook faster in a deep fryer? Currently my girlfriend is working a new job at a fancy Pub at a country club! I'm excited for her but today her manager who is a questionable cook asked her to stop stabbing chicken strips as the oil gets inside and ruins the chicken. My girlfriend saids she not only does this to cook them faster, but that it also cooks and gets the chicken tender in her opinion. She tends to stab the chicken during the cooking process, while it's sitting in the basket. Should she stop doing this? Or is her questionable manager just wrong? One of his reasons for not doing this is so that they have consistent chicken strips coming out of the kitchen. What should she do as she takes pride in being a good cook? To stab or not to stab? [/INST] |
Judging by the Darth Plagueis novel, Palpatine used the title as an ironic inside joke with himself. He killed his master after slowly pushing him into a state of irrelevancy and doing it while Plagueis was drunk and passed out on the sofa essentially. Like, a sarcastic "Yes he was ever-so *Wise*". </s> | Darth Andeddu the Immortal. Darth Sion the Pained. Darth Nihilus, the Hungry. Darth Traya, the Betrayer. </s> | <s>[INST] [Star Wars] If Darth Plagueis "The Wise" were an official Sith title, what would have been the official titles for the other Sith lords that we've seen? [/INST] |
Something nobody has mentioned- the F and J keys on keyboards have little dimples to help you position your fingers for typing. If you used ESDF you would be constantly touching that little dimple which some might find distracting. </s> | The WASD came from when games begun to be multiplayer and one player already used the arrow keys. It was to give both player most space without bumping into each other. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: how did the WASD keys become the norm for movement on pc games? Couldnt it have been ESDF or some other set of keys? [/INST] |
Predator honor dictates that they use the same weapons as those they kill. Their prey uaw camouflage. Their prey use ranged weapons. There is still a sense of the sport hunter about them, but they aren't shooting wolves from helicopters. </s> | I think you're underselling humans here. We have seen, on multiple occasions, Predators killed by humans. You call Arnold killing a single Predator an impressive feat, I call it proof the Predators are endangering their lives in these hunts. </s> | <s>[INST] [Predator] Do the Predators ever hunt anything that would actually be impressive? As in something more physically or technically capable than themselves? When you think about it, it's not very impressive that Predators hunt humans since they often are completely invisible and use a high powered energy weapon. It's like playing a video game with cheat codes on and then feeling badass about it. Arnold killing a single Predator is a far more impressive feat than all the humans the Predator killed in the first movie since the Predator so clearly outmatched the humans. So do the Predators ever actually hunt any worthy prey? Like something far more physically imposing than themselves or a race that's more dangerous or advanced? [/INST] |
That depends on what one means by criticising Islam like Nietzsche did Christianity. I guess there are some parallels between Nietzsche and Al-Ma'arri, e.g. ideas on the lack of inherent meaning and a contempt for religious dogma. But there are stark differences as well: I don't think Nietzsche was explicitly anti-natalist (the idea that procreation is immoral), and as far as I know Nietzsche never argued for something akin to Al-Ma'arri's proto-veganism. </s> | As a history teacher, I thought of Zaki al-Arsuzi, the main philosopher behind the Ba'athist Movement. He outlined a pan-Arab nationalism based on socialism and similar to Nietzsche's idea of "Europeans." At least, that is how I used to teach it back during the Gulf War. </s> | <s>[INST] Is there a “Muslim Nietzsche”? That is, a philosopher who grew up in a Muslim society and criticized Muslim values like Nietzsche criticized Christian values? [/INST] |
They always look like angel statues. Their image is their power </s> | At the crash of the Byzantium, a hive of them was discovered because they were hiding in a mass graveyard of a species with two heads, while the statues only have one. </s> | <s>[INST] [Doctor Who] Do Weeping Angels only look like angels to blend in on Earth or do they always look like angel statues? [/INST] |
I get some satisfaction from what I do. Makes me feel useful. But it's just a job. I wouldn't do it for free and I can't wait to retire and not have to work anymore. It's an added benefit that I don't hate the work that I do, but it's still work. </s> | Yes and I would say it's a healthy outlook. </s> | <s>[INST] Is it okay to just think about your engineering job as an actual job that pays the bills but nothing more? Growing up, sure I was interested in engineering and I still am but I have also started to find other things interesting such as photography and traveling. I see the job that I have as a way to pay the bills and enjoy a bit on the side. Reading some of the posts or the comments on this subreddit about how people are extremely passionate about their job/engineering interests and I find it hard to relate to such content. Is that normal? I'd like to know different opinions and perspectives. Thank you. [/INST] |
Fuck singing, I wanna hear Supermans blast beat. Get Batman on vocals and the flash on guitar and you´ve got the greatest Death Metal band ever. </s> | How do you think he beat Darkseid? </s> | <s>[INST] [DC comics] With superman's ability to manipulate his throat muscles, wouldn't this mean he could have been the greatest singer of all tine? [/INST] |
Well, a simple reason is that we want x^a times x^b to be x^(a+b). So: x^1 is x. x^(-1) is 1/x. What is x times 1/x? It's 1. But that's also x^1 times x^(-1) = x^(1 + -1) = x^(0). A somewhat more formal approach is to think of x^0 as an empty product. You're not multiplying anything, which is the same as multiplying by 1. Or to extend your logic from the OP: > It kinda doesn't make sense > x\*1 = x > x\*2 = x + x > x\*3 = x + x + x So in this case, x\*0 is the empty sum, which is the same as not adding anything, which is the same as adding 0. (And of course, x \* 0 is in fact 0.) </s> | I think that best way to see it, is to just halve the power and see where it gets you. 2^4 = 16 2^2 = 4 2^1 = 2 2^(1/2) = 1.414 2^(1/4) = 1.189 2^(1/8) = 1.091 . . . 2^(1/1000) = 1.001 The value is approaching 1 If you then flip it over to negative exponent (-1/1000, -1/8, -1/4 …) you will see it continues past 1 into smaller values. Making 0 exponent undefined would leave an undefined value in otherwise continuous function. </s> | <s>[INST] eli5: why is x⁰ = 1 instead of non-existent? It kinda doesn't make sense. x¹= x x² = x\*x x³= x\*x\*x etc... and even with negative numbers you're still multiplying the number by itself like (x)-² = 1/x² = 1/(x\*x) [/INST] |
He needs a lawyer and a therapist. </s> | He'll likely be offered bail. Whether or not he can afford it remains to be seen. Your friend will be charged with some fun crimes, I'm sure. That is creepy as fuck. </s> | <s>[INST] If a mechanic has a crush on a customer and he puts a GPS tracker on her car and then gets caught a week later and the customer is a cop who arrested his friends before but he didn't know that, what could happen to him? The location is Florida. Asking for my friend. He had no idea she was a cop even. He just got arrested for the first time in his life and we're wondering what will happen and if he'll get bail. [/INST] |
Hopefully the baby didn't get any of his dumbass genes. Seems like he watched a little too much Seinfeld and CSI and not enough Forensic Files. </s> | Filing a false police report is a crime--felony--so yeah. Plus whatever else they can find to charge him if they're irate over the whole 'wasting time of law enforcement and health workers' thing. </s> | <s>[INST] Idiot BIL tricked his pregnant ex into eating poppyseeds and then told the hospital and the cops she uses drugs [TN] It was proven after the birth and initial (false) positive that she doesn't use drugs and what the reason for the positive test was. There's evidence from the searches made from his tablet and recorded phone calls he made to her after the initial false positive. He did it because he wanted full custody and didn't want her fighting him on it. He has lost all custody and visitation rights to the baby for now and the police are involved. Is this something he could get jail for? My husband and I can't believe he did this. I'm hoping he'll face consequences, we're in Tennessee. [/INST] |
This is fraud and you should report this realtor to his licensing body. Do not do this unless you like lenders coming after you for participating in fraud. </s> | A family member gifted me money for a down payment on my first home and just FYI they look into those very closely. In your case it's fraud and there's a good chance they will find it. </s> | <s>[INST] My brother is trying to buy a house and wants to wire me $8,000 so that I can "gift" it to him for the downpayment. I am skeptical about this transaction. (IL and FL) He has a friend who is a realtor and that's where the money is coming from. My brother told me something about how the money has to come from a family member. I feel like something about this is off. Can't the realtor just give him the money and does it really have to come from family? Is any of this legal? [/INST] |
From a surgeon's perspective, the thymus becomes much smaller in size and less relevant in function. The adenoids are nearly gone in most adults, and tonsils also start to shrink after about age 10. Broadly, organs become less important in some cases due to birth, in some cases due to development (most of these shrink long before birth), development and degeneration. The right aortic arch is a classic embryologic change, the foramen ovale and umbilical arteries and veins are classic birth related. Thymus, tonsils, adenoids and hair (in bald men) are classics as well. Eggs in women are probably the best example of ongoing downward trend. Hearing and hair cells in the elderly is another example. </s> | Growth plates start shrinking after the first growth spurt, and then seal off after the teenage growth spurt. I suppose ovary egg numbers decrease after birth (after menarche, really). But idk if the actual size of the organ is affected by puberty/early aging. Not absolute size, but percentage of bone marrow as fat increases with age. A common rule of thumb for pathologists is approx 1% marrow fat per age. </s> | <s>[INST] As the human body goes from being an infant to an adult, are there any organs or body parts that become smaller instead of larger? [/INST] |
That all cultures progress from hunter-gatherer to agricultural to industrial. There were maritime peoples in North and Mesoamerica that developed agriculture for industrial purposes (e.g. growing plants for fibers for nets) before they used it for sustenance purposes. I always found that fascinating. </s> | Colours. Colour identification/labelling is not universal so some cultures see blue and green as the same. Medieval descriptions of green seas is also people seeing blue and calling it green. </s> | <s>[INST] What do People think is Universal To humanity but isn’t. [/INST] |
They are someone who is just smart enough and motivated enough to be able to use the softwares, and make the drawings, and complete tasks up to the minimum requirements... but they really have no idea what they are doing in the abstract sense. They don't actually understand the concepts on a fundamental level, and therefore they will often submit results that make no sense or use bad assumptions or what have you. </s> | A lack of creativity, inability to communicate effectively, unwillingness to compromise or change direction, can’t distinguish between the important and the trivial, doesn’t follow through on tasks, doesn’t ask for help, doesn’t take initiative. </s> | <s>[INST] What makes a mediocre engineer mediocre? Was it lack of professionalism, incompetence with engineering fundamentals, etc.? How common are they? Could you provide some examples. [/INST] |
It's more of a philosophical concept that you don't "belong" to a government because you never voluntarily signed the social contract. They believe you need to opt-in to social rules and regulations of a country, and since they didn't, cannot be morally bound to them. Unfortunately for your friend, the entire premise ends there at being a philosophical thought experiment. Anybody that tries to exercise this logic in reality usually ends up learning that Governments aren't inclined to respect the idea that you can just sort of declare yourself exempt from rule. Regardless of moral right or wrong, you can't really evade laws just by pretending they don't exist. </s> | I envision a taser in your friend's future. </s> | <s>[INST] My buddy thinks he's on a do not detain list and cops can't detain him because he's a sovereign citizen. Is there such thing? [/INST] |
I think it's gross to blow your nose at the table, so I usually just wipe/blot right under my nose with the napkin. No idea if that's what you're supposed to do, but nobody has ever said anything to me </s> | Finally my etiquette/modeling classes can comein handy. *copying nigel* IF YOU ARE FORCED TO EAT SPICY FOOD AND YOU START TO HAVE A "RUNNY NOSE": You must ONLY dab at your nose with the napkin as it is used to wipe away any excess food from your skin. IF you must "Blow" your nose excuse yourself and do so in the powder room. </s> | <s>[INST] What's the proper dining etiquette for when you're eating spicy food and snot starts pouring out of your face? Can I use the fancy cloth napkin to blow my nose repeatedly until I finish eating? I was always taught that it's rude to blow your nose at the table. But so is having snot pour out of your nose into the delicious food you're trying to eat. Have chefs ever considered providing tissues and like a waste bin with a lid at the table? You designed the food. You know what it's going to do. Are you just fucking with us? Help us out. [/INST] |
Here's a similar question: Will one injection of heroin hurt for an ex heroin addict? </s> | When you say "Even alcohol free would not help her cravings," this concerns me a lot. My suggestion would be to have an alcohol free Christmas if your mother since your mother is considered an alcoholic. It's very hard to stop at 1 drink and you wouldn't want to start a family fight over alcohol. </s> | <s>[INST] Alcohol induced dementia... will one drink hurt? 71F 47kg 157cm, alcohol induced dementia. Smoker. Has been alcohol free for 6months+. My mum is in a dementia care facility, she's spending Christmas day with us. Can she have one beer or wine on Christmas day? Looks like it'll be a scorcher here in NZ and others are saying one beer or wine will be OK. I'm reluctant and want christmas day to be alcohol free so she wont see us drinking. Even alcohol free would not help her cravings?? She has no access to alcohol at her facility. [/INST] |
Yes it won't taste as good, yes the parmesan will help a bit, no a mere 1/4tsp of salt isn't worth putting in the water. </s> | The salt's purpose is flavour and does not affect texture, so it's not needed in the water since you have so little. Save your salt in case you need to sprinkle it on the plated result if the cheese does not provide enough saltiness. </s> | <s>[INST] When boiling pasta, is salt only for flavor, or does it affect the texture as well? Somehow I am all out of salt. I want to boil some pasta and put parmesan, butter, and lemon juice on it. Parmesan is pretty salty, so I'm hoping it'll taste fine, but will not adding salt to the water affect the pasta in other ways? Is there any substitute? I technically have about a 1/4 tsp of salt but would rather save it. Thanks! [/INST] |
Field botany. Crunchy types. "GMO's are the devil, gluten is evil, Braden went dairy free and raw vegan in the same weekend. We're doing homeopathy for my son's ear ache. Who wants rainforest friendly granola?" </s> | History of science: a lot of aggressive atheists who think that Carl Sagan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Richard Dawkins are leading scholars, and that science is some sort of special, removed form of knowledge. </s> | <s>[INST] What type of cranks does your discipline attract? I'm in religious studies and just got an email from someone letting me know his bizarre theories about the Bible. [/INST] |
For me, silence is deafening and feels unnatural. Even in the country, in a quiet place there is always some noise. A cricket, a frog, the breeze through grass, a bird chirping... there's always something. I personally sleep with the tv on as it helps me to distract myself into sleep. If I don't have some sort of noise around me, I think too much too easily, and then I can't relax. I also have issues from childhood trauma that mean I find complete darkness and silence at night frightening. I'm sure the reason is unique for everyone... </s> | I always go to sleep with re runs of old shows playing (cheers, friends, Frasier and a few actiony ones too ). It's not really a "calming" thing so much as a distracting thing. I've seen every episode of those shows so many times, that even with the screen covered or off i can picture what's happening by the sounds/dialogue. It's kinda like falling asleep watching tv, but it's in my head and there's no light from the screen to keep me up. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why does background noise seem to calm some people? For example keeping the tv on when not even watching it when trying to sleep. [/INST] |
As texasslapshot said, 1 = on and 0 = off. To expand a little this is done with either light pulses (in the case of fiber optics) or electrical signals (in the case of copper core wires, like ethernet cables). At the beginning of each frame (chunks of data) there is a series of alternating signals (10101010101010) to establish a tact of how fast the signals come, so that the receiving end can establish whether two identical signals following one another (11 or 00) are actually two separate signals, rather than the same signal for a longer period of time. </s> | 1 = on; 0 = off. Light pulses are sent through the reflective fiber optics cables, and the device reads the on/off as binary data. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How is data actually transferred through cables? How are the 1s and 0s moved from one end to the other? [/INST] |
It takes a long time to review, research and write an answer to a question, but in the meantime I suggest taking the opportunity and looking through the many posts on /r/AskHistorians that can help you understand the topic at hand a bit better. For example, /u/freedmanspatrol wrote about the “moderate” views towards slavery in Antebellum USA and /u/sowser explained what it was like to be the human “cargo”, as well as talking about consumer campaigns to boycott slave-made products. Until an answer on the level of depth we want to see is posted, I highly suggest reading through these to get a better picture of the past. </s> | Also, could this be social commentary from or as a nod to Alexandre Dumas being a black man in the western world during slavery times? </s> | <s>[INST] Jack Sparrow from 'Pirates of the Caribbean' once quoted "People aren't cargo, mate" and Porthos from BBC's 'The Musketeers' once quoted "A man is not a commodity." Did anyone between the 1600s - 1800s ever had a perspective like this on the transatlantic slave trade? [/INST] |
Very. He is one of the people smart enough to create a super virus to wipe out humanity or turn them into monsters. Of course he will fail at the last moment due to the Avengers or Fantastic 4, and John Jonah Jameson will be hailed as the Hero who's vigilance stopped the monstrosity known as Spiderman. </s> | When Doc Ok took over Peter's body because he was dying, didn't Ok almost shit himself when he realized that Spiderman was holding way back and could have destroyed him at any time? </s> | <s>[INST] [The Amazing Spider Man] what if Spider-Man one day became evil, how much of a threat can he actually become to the rest of the marvel universe? I'm talking about a fully grown and experience Peter Parker [/INST] |
Had to teach a 7:45am lab last semester. Also couldn't have food or drink in the classroom, so that means no coffee. It was the worst. </s> | It’s not popular. A few of my colleagues like it, some teach then because it works for their schedule (commuting, kids, etc) but most of us hate it and avoid when possible. But most of the time, to fit in classes and not have conflict, someone has to do it. So we all take turns and deal with it. But it makes me personally have low tolerance for student complaints about the time, since I’m having to deal with it too. </s> | <s>[INST] Professors of reddit, do you enjoy teaching 8AM classes? Do y'all enjoy teaching 8AM classes? Do you professors get to choose your teaching schedule or does the department, college, or school decide for you? [/INST] |
You learned in a controlled environment where your teachers gave you new material when they felt you *were* ready. The "Dork" risked his life, and had to *be* ready. Believe it or not, change changes people. Plus, delving into ancient tombs and fighting other mages is an *excellent* way to find old spell scrolls you can copy into your book. </s> | Survivorship bias- ask around for how many people knew first level wizards who went away for adventures and are now being picked out a dragons teeth. When you're thrown to the wolves, there's a very small chance you'll have to get really good and a much higher chance an orc will decapitate you. Sadly, stories are only told of the former. </s> | <s>[INST] [DnD] I'm first in my wizarding school and this dork who could barely cast a cantrip took a summer job with a bunch of adventure types and came back and is now the most powerful wizard in the city what gives? [/INST] |
He sounds like an idiot. "Estoppel" is one of those words that people who have just started learning about the law like to throw around, usually with a hilarious misunderstanding of what the word actually means. It's like when a high school student takes their first-ever logic class, and suddenly everything on Reddit is a straw man. Unless there's a lot more to the story, you're fine. If you're actually sued, which is unlikely, make sure you respond. EDIT: Estoppel and mens rea. I don't know what it is about those two but hopefully your ex will try to combine them both with "straw man" in an actual legal proceeding at some point. </s> | As a side note: if he sends you ANYTHING from the law office, especially on the lawyer's letterhead, be sure to contact the lawyer and let them know he is using their letterhead. If it's legit, they will be aware of it. If he is throwing his weight around, he probably will be unemployed shortly after. </s> | <s>[INST] Ex boyfriend is threatening to sue me for breaking up. He keeps throwing around "ESTOPPEL". He also works in a law office. This is in San Diego. I know you can practically sue anyone for any reason, but what can this actually turn into, am I going to be dragged into court for ending a bad relationship? [/INST] |
He'd probably ignore you unless you were actively irritating him. Once he did the Snap he seemed to have lost a lot of his aggression. </s> | Thanos didn't even fight back when someone tried to kill him. Worse that's going to happen is if people get to annoying he'll just go somewhere else. Someone like Thanos is going to have more than one retirement planet. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU:Endgame] Could you just turn up and visit thanos or set up a tent? Could I just turn up in my spaceship and visited at Thaoses happy hippy herb planet for some camping outside his house would he be pissed and kick up a fuss? [/INST] |
Level 4 aerospace engineer. Undergrad in aerospace, master in systems engineering. 10 years, mountain west United States. About 130k Biggest advice, "you have to move on to move up" your current employer will give you those 3-5 percent raises and 8-10 percent promotions. The large pay bumps require moving sadly. </s> | Did you try searching this sub? There's already a huge list being created for q1 2021. </s> | <s>[INST] Would anyone like to share their salary and to help others negotiate for more? Discussing wages is the best way to empower employees to argue for more. If you could share your salary, discipline, years of experience, industry, and rough location it would help inform others too. I’ll start: $89,000/yr, ME, ~5 years, electric utility, Central Florida, USA. I’d love to see this become a regular topic, but I’m genuinely curious to see where other users are at. [/INST] |
They receive a shipment or delivery of them every couple of days which is economical for them due to the amount of avocados they serve daily </s> | Let them JUST ripen and when they are perfect, not too soft, submerge the whole avocado in water and put it in the fridge. This should keep it fresh for a couple of weeks. </s> | <s>[INST] How to keep a supply of Avocado that is always ready to eat How do restaurants do it? I'm hoping to have fresh avocado ever day, not when 1 of my 5 avocados are ready to eat next Tuesday. [/INST] |
Steve wasn’t racist back then. Steve doesn’t like bullies. To him, racism is the apotheosis of bullying. He was raised in an environment that stresses a common brotherhood of mankind, and those lessons sink in to a second generation Irish immigrant art student who was partially crippled from polio. Bucky read The Hobbit when it first came out in 1937. Steve had a copy of Their Eyes Were Watching God from the same year. </s> | The last two years(?) of his life were spent fighting with a racially integrated strike team (Howling Commandos) co-led by a woman, against a foe who espoused racial purity (thus, if the bad guys are racist, racism is probably bad). As others have said, Steve is a “good person” as well as a non-conformist, so he’s not going to fall in with the jerks at the PX making racist and sexist jokes anyhow. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] Captain America was raised in the 1930's. He woke up 70 years later and immediately began taking orders from a Black man. How has none of the racism of his time influenced him, as far as we see? [/INST] |
Talk to ebay, show tracking of you sending him the item, tracking of item return they sent, conversation to buyer. Ebay doesn't appreciate these types of scams. And don't want to loose their sellers to other platforms (like amazon). As you are talking to ebay open a ticket to paypal and let them know you are having ebay investigate the situation and they can put a stop payment to the refund. This is one of the problems with the selling platform being different from the money platform. </s> | If the return shipment ever arrived, make sure to take a non cut vedio recording of you receiving the shipment and opening it. You never know if he really returned the items or sent you something else. Good luck. </s> | <s>[INST] International buyer purchased item valued @ over $4K from me via eBay and requested a full refund. Buyer was told to return items to me. Over a month later I still haven’t received my items and tracking info he provided takes me nowhere. PayPal has released money to him. What the hell do I do? [/INST] |
You know what modern car has distinctive looks and is easily identifiable? PT Cruiser. They sold a million of them in the first five years, yet (or maybe because of that) Reddit loves to shit on it. It's an automotive punchline, despite being immensely popular and profitable for Chrysler. Truth is, distinctive designs don't age gracefully at first. The Plymouth Superbird and Dodge Charger Daytona are big time auction stars now, but dealers back in the day couldn't get rid of them, and it wasn't unheard of for dealers to remove the wing and nose and sell them as Road Runners and Charger 500s. DistinctI've cars exist today, like the Nissan Cube and the Fiat 500 family, but they are largely stigmatized by car snobs. Occasionally a maker will design something that becomes widely accepted, and then everyone else will copy it. </s> | Am I the only one here who thinks modern cars have distinctive looks and are easily identifiable? </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why do cars from the 70's and earlier all have distinctive looks and are easily identifiable while modern cars all mostly look the same? [/INST] |
Bullseye once threw a playing card through a plate glass penthouse apartment window hard enough to only leave a clean, card sized slot in the glass and kill the person on the other side. So probably him </s> | the main difference is that bullseye has an actual superpower that makes him accurate, while Hawkeye is 100% a "normal" human. Bullseye has the better feats, but he's also extremely reliant on his ability. </s> | <s>[INST] [Marvel] Who is more accurate, Bullseye or Hawkeye? I’ve seen many people state that Bullseye has more ridiculous accuracy feats, but I haven’t really checked Hawkeye’s top tier feats out. Is Bullseye legitimately more accurate than Clint, or is Hawkeye just as accurate, but his morality and preference for a bow prevents him from pulling off the same feats as Bullseye? I’m aware that Ultimate Hawkeye has looser morals than the 616 version. After all, the 616 version of Hawkeye vocalized his beliefs on the sanctity of human life in Solo Avengers issue 8 (I believe, haven’t read Solo Avengers in a while). I’m referring to both the comics and the MCU versions. Any versions, really. [/INST] |
Where Thor is from leadership requires personal strength. Odin is the strongest and he's the leader, Thor is the next strongest and he's next in line. Laufey and Surtur as also personally very powerful. Watch his fight with Tony, Thor slowly ramps up his attacks testing the Earthican's limits. He starts at level one, simple hammer throw, goes up to level 2 Lightning bolt, Level 3 getting up close and personal. Tony is able to handle all of that. Then Cap shows up and gives Tony orders and tells him to stop and Tony listens. In Thor's mind Cap is more powerful then Tony so he can go to level 4 jumping hammer strike. </s> | Two oddly dressed people are trying to stop him ‘arrest’ and retrieve his criminal brother. Ironman has already shown he can go toe-to-toe against him (to an extent) so no real reason to think this other oddly dressed fellow is any different. Plus, this is still the somewhat arrogant and cocky Thor so, sure, why not risk squishing this bad guy getting in his way. </s> | <s>[INST] [Avengers, 2012] Was Thor really going to squish Captain America just for telling him to put the hammer down? I mean, he knows enough about humans to have no reason to expect Cap to survive when he swung at him. [/INST] |
My father-in-law gave up engineering after being laid off a couple years ago. He now coaches fencing and draws and writes semi-erotic, ultra-violent graphic novels. </s> | I'm presently employed as a strategy consultant. Aside from earning 2x what I earned as an engineer, it really sucks. I spend hours doing an analysis, and sharing it with an exec for them to ask stupid questions and then decide they are going to do what they wanted to do anyway because their egos are too fragile to actually listen to data-based recommendations. My job is an exercise in convincing people that the right thing was their idea all along. Leaving engineering was selling my soul for $$$ and now my skills are too outdated to go back. </s> | <s>[INST] Engineers who bailed on engineering, what do you do now? And are you guys happier? [/INST] |
They're obsessed with Nixon cause he's president, and he's not president cause people liked him, its because he aggressively courted the robot vote. They don't care about Woodstock at all. Mobsters really never change all that much. Watergate is in talks because Nixon is president. Star Trek was outlawed. Gary Gygax was in the year 1999, not 3000. Hawking is still around and still smart. What B movies? ​ Soap Operas never really change. </s> | Why are people obsessed with the Old West, World War II, Medieval Ages, etc? Cuz it's a trend. </s> | <s>[INST] [Futurama] Why in the year 3,000 is New New York so obsessed with the culture, language and history of 1960's America? ( Events that from it's perspective took place well over a thousand years ago..... ) Nixon. Woodstock. Little Italy Mobsters. Watergate. Star Trek. D&D Guy. Hawking. B Movies. Soap Operas. [/INST] |
Gaslight them into being an adopted child of his and brutally train them to do his bidding </s> | I doubt it would matter to him. He was surrounded by supplicants for who knows how long and I'm sure he's already heard it all </s> | <s>[INST] [Avengers: Endgame] If someone had walked up to Thanos on his farm planet and thanked him for ending half of the universe, how would he react? [/INST] |
Larger animals have a slower metabolism, which means they require less energy to function. Food is not abundant in the abyss, therefore deep sea species evolved to become larger. Another reason is that the larger a body is, the smaller their surface to volume ratio is. What that means is that the bigger they are, the less surface there is for their body heat to escape, making them again more adapted to survive with reduced access to food. Nature World Facts' video on Deep Sea Gigantism </s> | The ocean also has big animals because they're not fighting against gravity to hold themselves up. Big land animals have to dedicate more work into moving about, which limits how big they can get. Whales, sharks and giant squid don't need to bother with strong legs. </s> | <s>[INST] Eli5: why do the biggest animals seem to come from the deepest part of the ocean? Giant squid, or sharks... Is it myths of being afraid of the unknown depths or is there a scientific reason like pressure or abundance of food? [/INST] |
If your garlic has green in the middle of the clove it has sprouted. If it's very small, it's usually fine but once it really starts growing the clove will be very bitter. </s> | I'm confident that the difference between a finished dish with the sprout removed vs. sprout intact is negligible, but the main thing to remember about the presence of green sprouts is that all of that sprouting takes time and energy (sugar) so if you have a sprout inside then it means your garlic has probably been sitting too long and so the entire clove won't be as fresh and bright and sweet-tasting anymore. </s> | <s>[INST] Why should I remove the green vein from a clove of garlic? Some recipes call for it, and others do not. Seems like a big waste of time, imo. [/INST] |
First of all: We don't know if the materials needed to build these even exist on Earth, let alone in Norway. Secondly: The Asgardians are still recovering from the destruction of Asgard and the attack by Thanos, so they prioritize building shelter and creating supply routes over unnecessary pomp. </s> | I dunno, if Earth blows up and we have to crash on a planet of cavemen I think we won’t have any MRI machines no matter how many electricians made it through Manufacturing isn’t just a matter of having the right talented people, it’s having infrastructure built up over years, decades, or centuries EDIT: I mean, we like giving Tony credit for building stuff with boxes of scraps, but he was still working with computers, missile components, metallurgical equipment, and a bunch of stuff looted from his own company. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] Why didn't Asgard rebuild to some modicum of its former glory in the 5 years since coming to Earth - was there no one left who knew the intricacies of things like Soul Forges, anti-grav chariots, and the Rainbow Bridge? [/INST] |
The 0.01% form spores or slime layers that are resistant to alcohols and detergents that are in the wipes. The purpose of the chemicals is to destroy bacterial cell walls. However, if the germ has a protective layer, it can remain on surfaces until it enters a more favorable environment. Not to mention, when the cleaners *do* kill bacteria, the cell remains still remain on surfaces after being broken apart, so there is still a possibility of triggering immune systems even though the bacteria can't actively grow. C. diff is one particular organism that is rampant in hospitals for this reason (that and the patients are already ~~immuno-compromised~~ deprived of protective gut flora due to antibiotic therapy). That's why healthcare workers have to physically wash their hands by scrubbing for a period of time, and not just use hand sanitizers/cleaners. </s> | There's also the minimum infective dose to take into consideration. Let's say you're about to eat a sandwich and you've just washed your hands. If it takes 40 E. coli to infect you and washing your hands killed all but 10, you're likely to not be infected. </s> | <s>[INST] What happens to the 0.01% of bacteria that isnt killed by wipes/cleaners? Are they injured or disabled? ​ [/INST] |
Sometimes mechanical forces are used to break open bacteria in laboratories. Depending on the application two common techniques are the French press (same name but not for making coffee) which forces bacteria through a tiny valve killing them with shear forces or a sonicator which uses intense sound waves to kind of shake them apart. </s> | I think the other comments address your first question well, but I wanted to add that it is possible to use mechanical forces to kill bacteria. It's been discovered relatively recently that some insects use a purely mechanical system of nanostructures to kill surface bacteria without having to rely on chemicals or other methods (article, and original source). </s> | <s>[INST] Can you kill bacteria just by pressing fingers against each other? How does daily life's mechanical forces interact with microorganisms? [/INST] |
It takes a shit ton of energy to boil off water compared to just browning the surface of the food. It's way more efficient and consistent to dry it before it gets in the pan than to lose all that heat. </s> | It depends on how you want the end result to look and taste. If you are roasting a chicken and want nice golden skin, it should be dry going into the oven. For other applications like putting meat or veggies into stew it won't matter as much. Any added moisture, however, can affect the process. Water on veg when frying can create some nasty splashes. Extra moisture in a dish can change the texture or increase the bake time. </s> | <s>[INST] Why do most recipes talk about drying the chicken or veggies before cooking them? Does it matter? Isn’t the water just going to flash off quick once it gets into heat anyways? I’ve heard it can matter with things like beef and pork, but I don’t really cook with those. [/INST] |
That's fake news. Superman should stick to saving people instead of trying to convince everyone of his paranoid delusions about Luthor. </s> | To answer the actual question, Luthor sold America on him being a changed man. He helped defend against Doomsday, helped defend against the four Supermen after the real one died, and he funded the rebuilding of all of Gotham after it was destroyed in an earthquake. He also got REAL good at hiding any tracks leading from his shady dealings to himself, so all the public saw was Lex Luthor, former villain turned philanthropist, hero, and modern day saint. And people love a story about redemption. Superman could have ended Luthors campaign in two seconds if he had just said people shouldnt be fooled and Luthor hadnt changed, but he figured Superman wasnt ethically justified in interfering in an election, and he only got one vote. </s> | <s>[INST] [DC] How does Lex Luthor managed to be elected President of the United States when he's a convicted felon who have on multiple counts killed thousands in his attempts to discredit Superman and on occasion world domination? [/INST] |
at 3 months in, what are you doing (or not doing) that would warrant a PIP? unless you’re skipping work every other day or something obvious or egregious like that, i can’t see a reason for a PIP other than to lay the foundation to fire you. </s> | Probably </s> | <s>[INST] Does a PIP mean I’m getting fired I just started a new job about 3 months ago and have been written up and now put on a PIP. Does that mean im getting fired? [/INST] |
Explain like I'm five years old: can noise cancelling headphones mess with my hearing? I mean, that signal being pushed into my ears over time. Especially as someone who suffers from tinnitus. </s> | Noise isolating is like using insulation to keep your house warm. Noise canceling is like adding a heat source to the house. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old:Noise Isolating headphones vs Noise Cancelling I see lots of headphones that are Noise Cancelling or Noise Isolating. What's the difference and how do they work? [/INST] |
Lime marmalade lol </s> | Has anybody tried to salt cure limes like they do lemons in north African cuisines? ​ Ninja edit, added lemons to a bad sentence. </s> | <s>[INST] Instacart gave me 50 pounds of limes instead of 5 pounds... what the hell do I do with 50 pounds of limes? I've already donated a bunch and gave a bunch away. I'm planning on making a bunch of lime-themed cocktails, but... jeez. Ceviche? [/INST] |
You would learn what it feels like to be locked in a room for 30 days. </s> | Yeah, seems really obvious you can. I don't know what 137 squared is, but could totally work it out over a month. </s> | <s>[INST] Can you gain knowledge without interaction with the environment. If you were locked in a room for 30 days with nothing but your own thoughts could you come out knowing something you did not know before just by thinking [/INST] |
Taking brain samples is something that is possible but also very very much not something anyone wants to do casually </s> | ADHD isn't caused by lower levels of dopamine. Neuroscientists believe it's caused by physiological changes in generalized grey matter or the Frontal Lobe, negatively impacting Executive Function. (Executive function impacts your ability to prioritize and to filter out distracting input, among other things. This is why those with ADHD, especially a diagnosis of ADHD-Primarily Inattentive, have difficulty focusing and are distracted easily. Their brains do not filter out distracting or unimportant input.) This is also why someone with ADHD can take Adderall or another similar stimulant and fall asleep, while neurotypicals usually cannot. The medication stimulates the functionality of their Executive Functions, allowing them to filter out input that would usually inhibit sleep. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: If ADHD is caused by having a lower baseline dopamine level, why is it so hard to diagnose? Can't we just measure dopamine levels? [/INST] |
"Remember that guy that killed your dad? No biggie but I totally threw him out a window" then they drink space beers together without removing their helmets. </s> | Vader invited them to dinner, so a few minutes. Also, this is such a robot chicken sketch waiting to happen. </s> | <s>[INST] [Star Wars] How long were Vader and Boba Fett in the Bespin dining room waiting for Han and Leia? What did they do to pass the time? [/INST] |
AFAIK, they used to x-ray diamond miners to see if they were smuggling them in their stomach. Pat-downs at the very least. </s> | In addition to what others have said, you can apply this to almost any business. Inventory tracking makes it harder, but it’s not that difficult for people that know the systems. I think the real answer is that a steady income is typically worth more than whatever you steal if you get caught and lose your job. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How do mine owners prevent workers from stealing high value items after they're mined? [/INST] |
Ok but for real, if they are to keep people away from the dangerous parts of the escalator, why did they invent them as something extremely fun to touch and jam your shoes into? </s> | They're to discourage you from standing too close to the sides where you or a piece of clothing could potentially get caught in the escalator. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old What do the brush type things on the side of escalators do So on most escaltors on the side near your feet there are these brush looking things that stretch along the escalator and ive never known what purpose they actually serve. [/INST] |
It’s easy to blame one vigilante rather than entire abstract institutions. </s> | In universe the only people that really do that are the villains themselves, and more often than not it’s just them making excuses to justify their own craziness. In general the only villain you can really say is a genuine response to Batman is the Joker, everyone else was already nuts to begin with, or we’re going to go nuts because of something other than Batman. </s> | <s>[INST] [DC] Why do people tend to blame Batman for the villains that repeatedly escape and commit crimes instead of the government that's supposed to be the ones to ensure they stay imprisoned? [/INST] |
It’s to do with the shape of the mould an ease of getting the metal out. Needing the curved sides to release for the mould easier, theres more chance of the metal being stuck in a mould that’s cube shaped. Also, the metal cools better in this shape, cools a lot more evenly resulting in a smaller chance of cracks etc forming. </s> | Whenever you pour something into a mold to solidify, you have to worry about getting it out again, and that's much easier when the walls are at an angle like \\___/. That's also why molds for cakes or ice cubes are often shaped that way. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why are metals smelted into the ingot shape? Would it not be better to just make then into cubes, so they would stack better? [/INST] |
Get *really* into D&D and become a DM. That way, you'll have a hard time thinking about academia because you'll be too busy world building and annoying people with all the "cool lore" that means nothing to anyone but you, not even your players. Or, ya know, other hobbies. I guess. </s> | I just had a major surgery and the medication they give to ensure you don’t form memories is fat soluble. So I’m a week out and still wouldn’t be able to give an undergrad mechanics lecture, let alone explain my research. So I guess what I’m saying is go get an organ removed. Or at least take the drugs. </s> | <s>[INST] How do you turn off the “academic” portion of your brain and just be a normal person? I’m always “on” and it’s not helping my relationships. Or is this just an occupational hazard? [/INST] |
I would add: Restaurants buy large joint or whole proteins, like a rib rack, whole leg, whole fish etc. So it's effective to get a stock done after butchering the protein. Usually the in-house butcher will clean and save the bones or frames for fumet or stock. Best to soak the bones in cold salt water to purge the blood first. The Saucier will have his entremitier get the mirepoix done per the recipe where femur and neck bones may be ordered for the stock recipe. After the initial turn of the stock, never a fume, a remouladge, not remoulade, will be done to concentrate and will go 2 to 3 days depending. At this point it can be reduced for a dark stock as a base for say bordelaise or clarified with a "raft" for consumme. </s> | Former line cook here with several years of experience cooking at the Michelin level (mainly French and also scandanavian and peruvian, all michelin-rated). For nearly everything that required stock, we would use chicken stock, which was made from scratch every day. Chicken stock (or labeled as "CHX stock") is light enough to elevate many dishes, stews and sauces, and not heavy enough to overpower them. That's not to say that other stocks are inferior (dashi, beef stock, etc.); chicken stock is just more versatile and cheaper to produce. Dashi is extremely easy to make, but is trickier to use in western cooking, unless you are doing fusion </s> | <s>[INST] What stock do chefs use? Do kitchens generally make their own stock? Or do they buy it in, if so what do they buy? I'm UK based [/INST] |
There are lots of great answers already. Back in the 1990s I lived in Pakistan, was friends with a guy who worked to avoid drug smuggling into the U.K., and was lucky to get a permit to travel into the tribal territories almost up to the Afghan border. 1 The opium poppy grows well in bad conditions. Better than other other cash or subsidence crops, and the Afghan climate is harsh; arid, cold winters hot summers. 2 The transport out of the area is hard, you need something high value and low weight because the infrastructure is poor and thieving and banditry high. 3 Incentives to get farmers using other crops have a high failure rate. The grants and subsidies, funds for fertilisers and modernising farming techniques get skimmed so badly that they rarely get to the farmers that need them. </s> | They're grown pretty extensively in Tasmania, Australia. The fields are surrounded by powered fences and everything is heavily regulated. There are massive fines for entering the fields. That said, they grow next to highways and look cool af. A friend used to be an inspector. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old If poppies can grow all over the world, why is it that opium production is so heavily concentrated in Afghanistan? [/INST] |
Well, for one thing, the Hulk probably wouldn't have fit. It's also likely that Tony/Rocket decided to keep their Gauntlet as close to Thanos' as possible, since they have no real concept for which of its design elements were aesthetic and which were fundamental. I'm of the opinion that adding "more suit" wouldn't really have helped. The stones' damage seems more in line with the "power has a price" maxim than any kind of proportionate power blowback from the stones. But either way, when it comes to damage there's a point where it's sort of binary. You either survive or you don't. The idea of both Gauntlets wasn't to offset the final damage; it was to make sure the wielder actually lived long enough to snap. </s> | The suit (aside from its gauntlet) didn't protect Tony at all. To wield the power directly it must course through you - we can see it passing through his veins - and thus external armour is of no relevance only your own personal toughness and willpower. Hence why normal usage of the stones is to put them in tools of some sort where they perform a specific purpose, because most people cannot survive an infinity stone. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] Did the suit help lessen the damage of the Gauntlet when Tony Snapped? If so, then wouldn’t it been less bad on Hulk if he wore the Hulkbuster suit when he did it? [/INST] |
Engineering management & Project Management =/= Corporate Strategy, which is what the strategy consulting companies do. (as a Mech E who works in corporate strategy). </s> | Because I didn’t want to </s> | <s>[INST] If most senior engineers end up in management, why don’t all grads just go to consulting? Just as the title says really. Everyone in my company who’s senior just ends up doing project management all day. It seems the money is like 3x what you can make in engineering at places like pwc and McKinsey. If this just where you’re going to end up, why not just start at a consultancy? [/INST] |
Usually the suppliers have cad models of standard parts you can get from them </s> | My primary CAD Library is mcmaster-carr (though we have moved towards using a server-based SolidWorks Toolbox for fasteners and it has greatly sped things up) My secondary CAD library is misumi. My backup library is 3DContentCentral Short of that, I either ask the manufacturer/supplier directly or make it myself. </s> | <s>[INST] Engineers, what library do you use for the pieces you need in a cad design or do you make every part? [/INST] |
The meat from one chicken can feed a human for maybe a day if that's all you eat. All the food that was fed to that chicken over it's entire life could feed a human for several weeks. It's very inefficient to grow food to feed the chicken and then eat the chicken. </s> | This is just thermodynamics. It takes around 5kg of plant material to make 1kg of beef, so you might as well just eat the 5kg of plant material yourself and cut out the middle-man. Additionally, meat-production is notoriously terrible for the environment, as huge swaths of valuable ecosystems (like the Amazon Rain-forest) must be cleared to make room for grazing fields **and** plantations for animal-feed. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How is eating meat bad for the environment? I am meeting an increasing amount of people who say that they are vegetarian for environmental reasons. How does eating meat negatively impact the environment? [/INST] |
"We joke because we're woke" </s> | I'm pretty sure they use "Your laughter is what we're after" at the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor in Disney World, the premise of which takes place after the events of the movie. </s> | <s>[INST] [Monsters, Inc.] What is the slogan of Monsters, Inc. after they switch to telling jokes to kids instead of scaring them? Before, their slogan was 'We scare because we care', but they don't scare anymore. What would they change it to that is just as catchy? 'We're comedic because you all need it' doesn't roll off the tongue nearly as well. [/INST] |
Doctor Wong: Sorcerer Deluxe, the movie that we need and deserve. </s> | Given that the eye was gone I don't think so. Wong was probably the most senior sorcerer. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] Was there a replacement Sorcerer Supreme after The Snap? Was there an interim SS during the 5 years after the initial snap? Did Strange come back and immediately get recrowned as SS? I can only imagine that would piss off the other guy a little bit if that is what happened. [/INST] |
I hope I'm not breaking any rules here, but r/askhistorians gets this question from time to time. They have an FAQ section about it here. </s> | The scientific community (including Ben Franklin) thought of electric current as some sort of invisible fluid. "Positive" objects possessed a surplus of this fluid and negative bodies didn't posses "enough fluid" to be "balanced." </s> | <s>[INST] We encounter static electricity all the time and it's not shocking (sorry) because we know what's going on, but what on earth did people think was happening before we understood electricity? [/INST] |
The whole premise of Johnny Bravo is that he's stuck in the past. Once you get to know him he might be a nice guy, but his whole Elvis/greaser persona from the 50s doesn't really leave a big impression on present day women, as we see in the show. It's funny cause Johnny (90s) is partially influenced by the Fonz (70s), who in turn was already a parody of the 50s greaser stereotypes. </s> | According to the creators, Johnny actually *does* get girls from time to time. We just don't *see* him do so on-screen unless it's a weird situation (e.g. Carol the antelope girl, Fluffy the werewolf woman, and Becky the moose in witness protection) or if something *other* than Johnny being a jackass stops it from going any further (e.g. being freed from his incarceration in a women's prison right as *all* the other inmates were throwing themselves at him, the aforementioned werewolf turns into an annoying little bald man who likes stamps every Wednesday, Heather the spy has to wipe all memory of her from his brain, etc.). </s> | <s>[INST] [Johnny Bravo] What does Johnny Bravo do to get rejected almost all the time? So, the guy's good looking, pretty cool, and is extremely confident. Not only that but he loves his mom and has been there for Suzy and Carl. On the times where he did get dates (with Carol the antelopse, the werewolf girl, and especially Heather) he's shown that he can be a good boyfriend when given the chance. [/INST] |
I actually worked on microchips used by a major manufacturer for this. They were not shorting out the mic. They were using the DC component one of the lines to draw power for a tiny chip mounted behind the headphone line buttons, and when a button is pressed, the button-side chip sends a high frequency signal back down the audio line which is detected by another chip in the phone. The high frequency is well above human hearing limits, like in the 100KHz range. Different buttons send different tones. When those tones are detected by the chip in the phone it sends the requests to be processed by the phone processor. </s> | The remote sends a signal up the microphone line by shorting (or partially shorting) it to ground ever so briefly. Just a few milliseconds so it won't be noticeable in your conversation, while still detectable by the phone. Different buttons short the mic in different patterns. link </s> | <s>[INST] How do third party headphones with volume control and play/pause buttons send a signal to my phone through a headphone jack? I assume there's an industry standard, and if so who is the governing body to make that decision? [/INST] |
-Landfill resource recovery (that I am aware of) -Commercially viable Nuclear Fusion (again, that I am aware of) </s> | High speed rail in the US. Could connect the east coast i think very easily. </s> | <s>[INST] What are some global megaprojects that we are currently not doing? Either because they are too expensive, too futuristic or because of political or other reasons. For example a space elevator, ..? Any suggestions on where I can find information on this subject would be helpful too. [/INST] |
Natural gas needs a mixture of between 5 and 15% concentration in air to be flammable. Pure gas isn’t flammable. </s> | Things flow from high pressure to low pressure. The burner has a nozzle in it, so the gas at the point of flame is at a lower pressure, and the burning gas can’t flow backward to the higher pressure. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: what prevents the flame on a gas stove from igniting the gas that’s in the supply line and blowing everything up? [/INST] |
there is a famous story of a tiger that tracked down a human hunter that had taken one of his kills and murdered the guy in his cabin. Lay in wait and murdered him. Elephants too have displayed vicious behavior with immature males forming packs and terrorizing small animals in nature perserves. eventually large adult males were brought in and the behavior stopped </s> | Foxes will go on killing sprees in chicken coops but only take one or two. Leopards will apparently do the same in ostrich farms. Not sure if it counts as sport hunting since there's no evidence it's premeditated rather than just a blood frenzy </s> | <s>[INST] Are there any predators that hunt for sport rather than for food? Well, my question is pretty much all there is to it. Since humans hunt for sport besides for food, so there must be some other apex predator so advanced that it doesn't need to hunt for food all the time and can actually hunt for sport. [/INST] |
Tatooine may be a desert, but it's far from a lifeless wasteland. (aside from places literally named wastes) We've seen examples of countless animal life forms living in the desert, so it stands to reason that extremely hardly plants can also scrape out a viable survival strategy. After Boba's time with the tuskens, he knew where and how to look for sources of firewood. </s> | Tatooine seems to have a lot of under-sand ecology - supporting everything from small plants like the Black Melons all the way up to gigafauna like the Sarlaccs and Krait Dragon(s) - so perhaps the wood being burnt was harvested from subterranean roots and vines and such... There's also the tree that Boba - presumably like the Tuskens - obtained the material for his staff from. Assuming all the various tribes source their weapons in similar fashion, there would have to be more than one of those (trees)... And, of course, Tatooine sees a fair bit of interstellar traffic, so perhaps wood - not unlike water - is traded as a precious commodity... </s> | <s>[INST] [Star Wars: Boba Fett] so every night scene on Tatooine, they sit or cook by a campfire. Tatooine is a barren wasteland. Where do they got all the wood from? Wouldn't wood be more valuable than simply using to burn? [/INST] |
They are no more or less imaginary than regular ("real") numbers, that was just a bad naming choice. All that it means is you can't mix them with regular numbers. Like you can't add 3 real + 2 imaginary = 5 something. 3 + 2i must always remain separate components. The real number and the complex number are in different mathematical dimensions. Because of this property, complex numbers are useful when calculating two properties that are mathematically related, but cannot be substituted for one another - like electricity and magnetism. You can have 5 electricity and 3 magnetism from a wire (which could be represented as 5+3i), but saying you have 8 electromagnetism is invalid. You could also just write the maths with electricity and magnetism as separate numbers, but it hides the fact that when one changes so does the other. </s> | The device that you are using right now, applies complex numbers all the time. Computer graphics take advantage of quaternions which are an extension of complex numbers. Similarly, those are also used in image processing. Any device that handles sound, or transmits data over the network (radio, phones, wifi) need complex numbers. Signal processing (Fourier transformation) relies a lot on complex numbers. I wish we could somehow rename them and not call them imaginary ever again. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: What is the use/need of complex numbers in real life if they are imaginary? [/INST] |
Nowadays you can’t really be an engineer without the degree. Sure some people with software certs get into software engineering but that’s about it Edit: and I will say that is super hard to get into software with only certs, all these tik tokers will try to make you think otherwise </s> | For legal reasons, I can't call myself an engineer, but I work alongside them and get paid the same. I do manufacturing, focusing on machining and hydraulic sub-assembly processes. Was a machinist for ~15 years before I made the jump, and I do have a degree - just not in engineering. </s> | <s>[INST] Engineers who didnt go to college, what kind of engineer are you? Just wondering if there are those here who didnt attend college or dropped out and was still able to land an engineering job? Thanx. [/INST] |
As an embedded software / FPGA design engineer with a CompE masters and over 10 years experience, I can say that I’ve always had my pick of projects and pay is solid. I get hit up all the time by contacts looking to hire a good firmware engineer and my company has been looking for another one for over a year. We are a relatively rare breed and I can say it’s a rewarding field and you get to work on cool shit. </s> | Communication and not being a asshole same as every other field </s> | <s>[INST] In the engineering or software field, what expertise is the highest sought after or in-demand? I see a lot of the same "what area of engineering makes the most money" questions, which seems mainly dependent on location and sometimes doesn't factor in total comp. So I was thinking maybe a better way to frame the question is what engineering/technical skill has the highest demand with the lowest "supply"? [/INST] |
8 weeks is standard at 6 weeks they have alot to learn from mom and siblings still. </s> | In Sweden kittens have to be 12 weeks by law to be separated from the mother. 6 weeks is too early! </s> | <s>[INST] Is six weeks old enough to give away kittens? I worry I may have made a mistake. Two days ago I gave away six kittens at six weeks old, under the guidance of my mother who had raised more litters than I have. I really should have done my research beforehand but I looked it up just now and I'm getting wildly varying results about when they're old enough. Will the kittens be ok? [/INST] |
This has been one of the best questions asked in this sub in a long time! </s> | Well, when I visited our German plat, they had beer in the cafeteria. We certainly did not. heh. </s> | <s>[INST] Engineers who worked on both sides of the Atlantic, what differences struck you most? [/INST] |
Generally they're measuring by two different techniques. First is dry bulb. That's what the temperature is, with no regard to other factors. The second is wet bulb. This takes into account humidity and wind chill. Both of these are important because in high temperatures, a high humidity doesn't allow sweat to work as well. So it will feel hotter than it is. Conversely on the other end, if there's wind, it will blow away any warmth on the surface of your skin, making sure you feel every bit of the cold. </s> | Guys, I don't think OP is asking why wind and humidity make us colder. They want to know how people are able to put a number on 'feels like', since a thermometer can't feel the effects of wind chill like a human. </s> | <s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: There’s the temp and then the “feels like” temp. If they are different, how does a thermometer read the real temp and not what it feels like, since it feels like the feels like temp? I know this title sounds crazy but I don’t know how to phrase my question better [/INST] |
Who meets up with a stranger for sex with a wallet with 350 in it? I get uncomfortable with more than 40 in my wallet. I'm thinking scam. </s> | Sounds like she's trying to get you to give her $350. Wallets don't disappear like that. </s> | <s>[INST] I had a tinder girl I just met stay the night. She lost her wallet at my house with $350 in it. We've looked everywhere she wants to call cops what do I do? We've looked absolutely everywhere. We are the only 2 people in the house but we think my puppy snatched it and hid it somwehere. It's a big house and Idk what to do. Would I be accused of theft in this case? I can't afford court or to pay back $350. What do we do?? How does this look in the eyes of the law? All her bank cards and ID's are in to so she can't get into her accounts when she has bills to pay. [/INST] |
Its a convection oven with a high powered fan. It works by wycking the moisture off the surface of food, crisping it up. If you dont already have convection in your stove, get a toaster oven with convection features instead. </s> | You wanna know why I like mine? Because I can use it in the summer without turning my tiny ass house into a fucking hot hell hole. I have a standard ass non convection gas range that heats the whole house up, and when it’s already hot as shit and my toddler will only eat fries and nuggets for dinner... YUP totally worth it. I also use mine for rotisserie chickens. But I got the instant pot air vortex. I think it come down to, it’s worth it if you’re going to use it. </s> | <s>[INST] Is an air fryer really worth buying? How is it different from an oven? I have a really nice oven, that’s why I’m hesitant to buy an air fryer. How is an oven different from an air fryer? [/INST] |
Sounds like the other person is the one making sure nothing goes wrong. </s> | This person is afraid that YOU may scam them. This is a very safe place to exchange. </s> | <s>[INST] Some weird requests for a laptop purchase I'm going to buy a laptop for 1200 dollars with my dad. The person selling it has requested that we meet in a police station lobby and will only take cash. Is there any way that this can legally go wrong. [/INST] |
Odin is *the* All-Father. But Odin is *a* Skyfather, which is basically the leader of what humans would call a pantheon. On the celestial tier list, they rank below Galactus and above Thanos (by himself) Most Skyfathers, in addition to their powers, have their own self-created power which they can harness; Odinforce would be the most known, but all of them have one. Generally, I would say a Skyfather is the highest-powered entity that haven't always existed in the Universe, and can, with enough effort, be killed. </s> | Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure All-Father is essentially just a title held by Odin as the father of many gods and the Ruler of the 9 Realms. To become one I imagine you'd have to be of Odin's lineage and ascend to the throne, the powers gained would simply be those of the ruler of the 9 Realms. I believe it was the Odin Force that allowed him to hold Thanos back but I could be wrong, I'm not a huge reader of Thor's comics. </s> | <s>[INST] [MCU] So Odin is an Allfather, and I've been told that Odin being an Allfather held off Thanos from the nine realms for the most part. What is an Allfather, from what do they derive their powers, and how do I become one? [/INST] |
It's not jobs. It's you. You stop bringing your work home. ​ That said, do try to pick jobs that minimize overtime. ​ I'm in the medical field doing failure analysis and we aren't allowed to bring our work home (cause it's all biohazards). </s> | Design and production here (oil & gas). Just don’t take your work home with you. It’ll still be there in the morning exactly where you left it. The other half of it is self confidence. Everyone assumes their manager is breathing down their neck to get work done. This is not the case 9/10 times. Go your own pace and keep a healthy mind. This will ensure the work you do is of a quality level. When the time comes to leave work at the end of the day, pack up and go home. Your papers/files/people will be there in the morning. </s> | <s>[INST] Mechanical Engineers: Jobs where you don't take work home with you? I've had this "crazy" dream that I'd like to have an engineering job where the work (thus stress) does not follow me home. That is, once you get home, your time is your own. All work (or almost all work) is done at the workplace. If anyone has a job like this in engineering, please share what you do and what industry you work in. [/INST] |
The Rogues would go after anyone who (deliberately) killed one of the Flashes. They actually did do that once (after he had escaped the fate-worse-than-death Wally had initially set up for him). </s> | Norman Osborn tried to destroy everything Doctor Octopus built when the latter had hijacked Spider-Man’s body and he pretty much has nothing to live for outside of fighting Peter, so probably him. </s> | <s>[INST] [DC/Marvel] What other supervillains would avenge their heroes if they were killed, like how Joker will kill anyone who kills Batman? [/INST] |
You sound stressed, OP. Why not relax with a cold, refreshing can of Nozz-A-La cola? Nozz-A-La's crisp, classic taste is the perfect way to forget about your troubles. Nozz-A-La: Slide me another Nozzie! Now with less sugar. </s> | He was entirely used to people talking about products and services they enjoy, but what was incongruous was that they were having a very tense emotional conversation and she was saying it, rather than it being an aside in normal conversation </s> | <s>[INST] [Truman Show] Why did Truman think his wife's product placement talk was out of the ordinary if that should have been the norm? Product placement is how "The Truman Show" keeps it's revenue to support such a large show, they have potentially hundreds or thousands of sponsors. We see everyone talking with product placement language and doing ads in the middle of the sentences all the time, and we can assume that's how it's been the entirety of the show's run, so why did Truman freak out when his wife had an ad in the middle of a sentence? That should be completely normal, even the timing of it would seem normal for someone who's had that type of talk all the time. [/INST] |
They might not tell you, but it's not a faux pas to ask. Go ahead. </s> | I give away a recipe anytime someone asks. That being said, I don’t scale anything so sometimes it’s for 22qts (dressing, soup...) I always figured that any housewife that I give it to is not going to do all the work of scaling it down and if they do then they deserve it. I believe in sharing, plus I can just rework it to be even better lol. </s> | <s>[INST] Would it be bad etiquette to ask a restaurant for a recipe? There have been times where I’ve gone to restaurants and had some amazing dishes and being an avid home cook I want to recreate them at home since I can’t afford to eat out a lot. So today I was trying to recreate a parm crusted chicken dish from a restaurant that serves it with a killer pan sauce or gravy. I can’t come close to getting the sauce to taste right. Would it be rude to ask for a recipe for a sauce like that? I’m pretty anxious around people and don’t want to commit a faux pas if that is looked down upon in the restaurant industry. [/INST] |
My optimistic take? Vader is at first angry. But then he senses you really had to shit and laughs for the first time in 20 years. This causes him to realize he has been a right dick. He then decides to go throw the Emperor down that reactor shaft even sooner. </s> | There's no way you'd send him to the ground. He's a mechanical monstrosity. With his suit and all his cybernetics he's probably a few weight classes higher than even the bulkiest stormtrooper. I doubt he would even stop to acknowledge that you fell, and he certainly wouldn't bother to help you up or reprimand you for being careless, enforcing discipline in the rank-and-file is a job for the lower ranking officers. He was moving with purpose, and he has somewhere to be, thus no time to be interrupted with such trivialities. </s> | <s>[INST] [Star Wars] I'm a stormtrooper. While running to the bathroom, I turn a corner and bowl right into Lord Vader, sending both of us to the ground. What happens now? [/INST] |
Your grandmother has damages, and the neighbor should be responsible for those damages. You should get value for not only the flowers themselves, but the labor involved as well. Find a reputable landscaping company and get them to give an estimate for how much it would cost to recreate things as they were. Once you have that quote, now you have something for a demand letter and can decide whether small claims would work or a traditional civil suit. Can also file a police report for the destruction of property. </s> | Location is important She can sue him for the cost of recreating that area/garden </s> | <s>[INST] My grandmother and I made a small nature area on her property by transplanting many flowers and other plants and letting it grow. The neighbor decided he didn't like that and mowed it all down when she wasn't home, is there anything we can do about this? [/INST] |
There's an 'omicron-level' mutant from a non-canon x-men story whose power is erasing people, places, things etc. from reality and being the only person who can remember those things, or restore them at will. I can't remember her name off the top of my head, but she's from the same story as 'blows-up-once-and-then-dies' boy? Anyways, she doesn't beat him in terms of physical strength but she's probably able to delete him from the world if he doesn't speedblitz, and failing that, just delete all yellow sun radiation from reality. </s> | Superboy Prime. He retconned reality by throwing a super tantrum and punched a hole through reality. Took 2 full grown Supermen to beat him. </s> | <s>[INST] [Comics] Are there any obscure superhero characters like Superman who Dwarf him tremendously in terms of strength and powers? Like while it's a 50/50 chance with Superman vs Darkseid fight, this other character would slap him into a KO in a minute tops. [/INST] |
He drank from the grail. He is I M M O R T A L </s> | The US government would probably take his real body upon death to study it, since he’s done so much remarkable stuff and is definitely on their radar. They’d probably donate his “body” (the fake or reproduction) to a museum or some memorial to cover it all up. </s> | <s>[INST] [Indiana Jones] After dying of extremely old age, would Indy want his remains to be studied/displayed in a museum? He drank from the grail and survived the fridge after all... got the idea from white hat guy obsessed with Coronado lol. [/INST] |
This is obviously wildly speculative but a long time ago my step mother suddenly found herself hating foods she'd previously loved. A year later she died from pancreatic cancer. If you have other symptoms that concern you or that you can't explain please see a doctor for a checkup </s> | COVID probably since you did say you had it and a few months development is not unheard of for long-COVID symptoms, but also, are you pregnant? Pregnancy can also heavily affect smell/taste beyond the stereotypical "ma cravings" thing. </s> | <s>[INST] The taste of certain food items has completely changed for me. Has this ever happened to you? Any ideas on what caused it? I’ve noticed over the last few months that the taste and smell of certain food items has completely changed for me. It’s hard to describe the sensation of taste sometimes, but I know my brain is telling me different things when eating certain things. I think I’ve narrowed it down to things I cook or sauté primarily in olive oil. Green peppers and onions when sautéed in olive oil taste and smell completely different than they did before. When I cook eggs in olive oil, they also taste different. The smell has changed as well. Has this every happened to any of you? Any idea on the cause? Thanks! [/INST] |
Lots of newly unemployed people (especially those just a few years out of undergrad) returned to school for masters degrees, which led my university to expand its professional degree programs, though that expansion didn’t happen until 2010 or 2011. ETA: this was at a large R1. Probably a very different story at smaller schools, slacs, etc. </s> | We got totally wiped out. It was the fucking apocalypse. Hiring dropped to zero. Everywhere. Overnight. The market was fucking flooded as people permanently on the margins got downsized out. Postdocs were cancelled outright. Teaching only options dried up. A large spike in PhDs were just being awarded between 2002-2012 and essentially none of them got jobs anywhere. Check that scissor deviation after 2008. It was a fucking bloodbath and we really haven't recovered. </s> | <s>[INST] How did the 2008 economic crisis affect academia? Since we might very soon enter an economic crisis due to corona virus, I’m curious about how academia would change. [/INST] |
You do nothing. Innocent until proven guilty but if a student is facing such serious charges, it’s doubtful they will be enrolled for the semester, it’s unlikely they will have time or resources to work on a dissertation, and it’s not your responsibility to determine guilt or innocence. </s> | Very cynical viewpoint here, but this question feels like a Murdoch journo fishing. If it's not, honest apologies. Personally, I would refer or let the whole thing slide into the uni's legal/compliance/,code of conduct area and keep working. </s> | <s>[INST] You're the advisor to a PhD student who has been arrested on 4 counts of 1st degree murder. What do you do? I'm obviously referring to the suspect that has been arrested on felony charges in the Idaho murders, while a PhD student in criminology. Was thinking about his advisor and what do you do in such cases, innocent until proven guilty and all that. [/INST] |
There is a difference between packaged chicken and open chicken. Packaged foods have been enclosed in a near sterile environment that all but prevents bacteria from getting on the food and creating problems. The moment you open the package all bets are off because new bacteria can come from the tools you use to handle the food, surfaces it touches, and even the air. That 2 day number is likely related to after opening the package, past the sell by date, in the warmest fridge. </s> | Supermarkets use Modified Atmosphere Packaging which extends shelf life by using a mixture of gases like nitrogen and carbon dioxide for poultry. They also have those liquid absorbing mats to reduce spoilage. </s> | <s>[INST] FDA says raw chicken lasts 2 days in the fridge. When I buy chicken, it as a 'sell by date' that's 7 days from now. I'm confused. There's no difference between the fridge at the supermarket and my fridge.. so I don't get this. If FDA says raw chicken lasts 2 days in the fridge, why does raw chicken have ~7 day sell by dates on the package? Maybe I'm dumb. Please help. [/INST] |
Subsets and Splits