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arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 130 | 1992-1998 | 3/15/98 | F | A | I am serving on the county commission with Ken who is an attorney friend, and others. They are deciding where to put the new courthouse. I am sick and my mind is still too fogged up to decide. I am thinking about resigning because I can't understand any of the information. | 1MKA, 2ISA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 131 | 1992-1998 | 3/15/98 | F | A | I am at the home of friends, Ted and Nan. It seems I am staying there. Someone comes and I am showing them all the rooms. There is a music room and a room which is Nan's shop where she has small size clothing. I say I didn't know you had this shop and she says "I've always had it." | 2JKA, 1MKA, 1ISA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 132 | 1992-1998 | 3/18/98 | F | A | Dreamed about purple grape juice. | null | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 133 | 1992-1998 | 3/19/98 | F | A | I am at a party and want to go with some guy I know. The party is at my house. I am going to wear a certain blue dress. I am going to go but my husband comes home. I clean up from the party and am washing clothes and hanging them on the line when the guy comes back. I shake my head no. (He is driving a pickup truck). My husband says he sees the guy go around the block in the truck and is suspicious. I don't see the guy in the pickup again and continue washing clothes and I think it would be a better idea to wash clothes at night and hang them so they will be dry in the morning. It is summer in the dream and I do not know who the guy in the pickup is. | 1MKA, 1MKA | AP 1MKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 134 | 1992-1998 | 3/20/98 | F | A | I am at the home of Ozzie, a male friend from childhood. His house is a second floor apartment with a deck. Lisa, my sister-in-law, is moving in to an apartment there. I am envious because I thought I would get to move into an apartment first. Lisa has tons of Christmas stuff she is moving in. She tells me she has bad news - that my mother is in the hospital because she was nervous from an accident with the car. | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1FKA | AP 1FKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 135 | 1992-1998 | 3/23/98 | F | A | I am at the home of Aunt Genevieve, who raised my father. Later I am at my mother's and I am outside in the snow. I fall over the edge of a hill and can barely get up. Then I am in snow and try to call for help but can't make enough noise. I am struggling to make noise and can hear people looking for me but I am sinking in the snow. I am afraid they will find my body in the spring. | 1FKA, 1MKA, 2JSA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 136 | 1992-1998 | 3/25/98 | F | A | My friend, Bull (who has cancer) and his son, Don (who died recently) and another boy, probably my son, are sleeping at our house. They are all kids. I know Don is dead and we have to get the body out. Bull seems to be dead also. I am calling Bull by his real name, Paul which I never normally do. His eyes are blank but then he comes out of it and seems to be in a fog but he gets well. | 1MKA, 1MKA, 1MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 137 | 1992-1998 | 3/26/98 | F | A | My parents, myself and some other kids have moved to a Mansard style house. I am single and a young adult. I want to have my own apartment but realize I have to live at home because of finances, at least for awhile. There is a nice attic with a tall ceiling and all the junk is up there. I tell my mother I am going to fix an office for myself there and get all the old books sorted out so I can have them where I can find them for research. Lot of old clothes are there also, but I will get those cleaned up too. | 2JKA, 2JSA, 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 138 | 1992-1998 | 3/26/98 | F | A | My friend Alice and I are in a house that is directly on dark black water. She has a job with a circus and has to go to work soon but wants to swim. She is in the water and I kick something of hers off the dock by accident. I think it is a shoe but don't know for sure. I am hoping whatever it was was mind and not hers. She doesn't seem too upset. Also a pair of her panties, white, sheer bikinis, blows off and sinks and she is not upset about that either. A lot of people are swimming in this dark back water and we don't know what the bottom is like. I remain on the dock. | 1FKA, 2JSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 139 | 1992-1998 | 3/27/98 | F | A | I am watching a spooky movie and there is a scary man at the "Holaway Hotel" . I leave to go home and get caught in a snowstorm and when I can't go any further, which seems to be near the Central School, the grade school in my hometown, I get out and find myself at the "Holaway Hotel". I am asking a man who he is and then I wake up. | 1MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 140 | 1992-1998 | 3/31/98 | F | A | I am in a city and there is something about a TV show. I am driving on the highway and see a little old trailer and wonder why it is in such a nice neighborhood. I turn the TV on and realize this is like a movie set. On the TV a man and woman are arguing about her not cleaning up the place, which is clean. She is baking cookies with red jelly on top and they look good. I see the place again and need to go back but I am going too fast to turn around. I can't slow down. I then go backwards down the highway and nearly collide with another car and the people glare at me. Finally I get slowed down and begin to drive back to the trailer. | 2JSA, 1FSA, 2JSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 141 | 1992-1998 | 4/5/98 | F | A | I am downtown in my town collecting news. I talk to a priest, then stop at a store. A clerk is crying about a death, apparently of a child in a van. There was something defective in the van and the child died. The child belonged to a woman who was going to be married. Something about the grandmother being difficult. The clerk says she doesn't know how the couple can get married now. I pick up the obituary and am anxious to get back to the office and read it. The office is in my hometown - not my town now - and the office is an alley. I am going down the alley and am now in a red truck. I scrape a gas truck which is parked on my left. It begins to move and passes through a garage. I park my truck and check the scrape. I didn't make much noise but there is a huge scrape on the right front fender of the red truck. I am anxious to eat a lunch I bought at a restaurant in my town but I hear a noise and I know the runaway truck has hit someone. I see a man and tell him I hit the truck but it wasn't in park. I think about telling him the truck was already moving and hit me but I figure they can tell by the scrape on my truck who hit who first. | 1MOA, 1FOA, 1FSC, 1MSA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 142 | 1992-1998 | 4/5/98 | F | A | I am in the basement of a house near a staircase. Some man is coming down the stairs and collapses. He releases, as people do upon death, and I get feces all over my hands. It is full of worms. The worms get under my skin on my hands and I am trying to pull them out. | 1MSA, 2ANI | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 143 | 1992-1998 | 4/8/98 | F | A | I go to my aunt's house and she is in the kitchen by a mirror getting dressed. She says she is going out with the girls. She is a widow and is very young in the dream (she is actually in her 80s) . She has medium length dark hair, is wearing high heels and a white skirt with blue dots and she has a green patterned top that doesn't match the skirt. | 1FKA, 2FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 144 | 1992-1998 | 4/18/98 | F | A | A local banker and his family are babysitting our kids after school. My mother, husband and everyone is disgusted with me. I am talking to my mother on the phone and I am disconnected as my sister-in-law comes in the door. Then I am reconnected and all is okay. My youngest daughter is doing most of the work. I finally get home. She is taking care of the banker's youngest daughter who is a year old. My daughter is worn out. We walk up the hill in my hometown. There are red and yellow roses free for the taking lined along the side of the road and there are also some flowers for sale. I pick the free ones. My daughter is up ahead, trying to keep up with the baby. The baby almost gets hit. This causes an accident and the car rolls over into my aunt and uncle's yard. I tell my uncle. My daughter lies down and I have to do mouth to mouth on her because she is worn out and is dying. I revive her and decide I have to stop working. | 1MOA, 2JKA, 1FKA, 1FKA, 1FKC, 1MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA, 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 145 | 1992-1998 | 4/28/98 | F | A | I am on a train with my husband and son who is a baby in the dream. There are bunks and my son is jumping on the top bunk. There are also horses and sometimes the horses can get at him. I often have to call my husband to help me get my son out of the way of the horses. Sometimes I hand my son down to my husband. Sometimes my husband reaches up and helps him down. At one point my husband says, "don't you ever say thank you?" I realize I hadn't. I just expected him to help. | 1MKA, 1MKC, 2ANI | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 146 | 1992-1998 | 5/1/98 | F | A | I am with a friend who is a lesbian and we are at a bar and have been drinking. I am acting stupid. Later I am at a church and the friend and two other women are among the crowd. Some woman I don't know tells me she saw me last night and I was disgusting. She either thinks I am a lesbian or I assume she thinks this because of whom I am with. I tell the friend I feel bad about being told I was disgusting. She suggests counseling in an indirect w ay and next thing I know a male minister is there to see me. We try to find a room to go to but can't. In one room there is an old woman. Another is just a closet but I can't get there because furniture is blocking my way. There is also something about a house set in a hillside and a crooked foundation. | 1MKA, 2FSA, 1FSA, 1MOA, 1FSA, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 147 | 1992-1998 | 5/7/98 | F | A | There is an outdoor party at my house. My parents and other people are there. My hair is in curlers. My oldest son is laying on a couch and an old blue pickup, driven by an older man, drives up onto the couch. I am not sure if my son's arm or hip is broken but find out it is his left arm. When he stands up the shoulder is about where the elbow should be. I go to get the license number. It looks like 3563 but I don't get the letters. I call the emergency room. A lady there thinks I am her relative and she is not happy. Then she realizes I am a patient and it is okay. My son says this is a permanent disability and I say I know. My father has stabilized it with a yellow towel under the arm. I go to call the police but can't get to it for some reason. | 2JKA, 1MKA, 1MSA, 1FSA, 1MOA, 2MOA | AN 1MKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 148 | 1992-1998 | 5/13/98 | F | A | I go somewhere and leave my youngest children, a boy and girl, alone. When I get back I don't look for the girl right away and realize later that she is gone. I look all over outside. The land is kind of swampy. I look under a train. I remember she was wearing a blue net top. She comes back but I am not sure it is her. I take her to a local styling salon to get her hair done and tell the stylist to give her a different hair do because she is different and I need to get used to different. | 2JSC, 1FSA, 1MOA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 149 | 1992-1998 | 5/18/98 | F | A | I am in a sheltered place having a picnic. A friend, who is a therapist, another woman, my father and brother are there. The place is like a picnic area with a roof over it. Someone gives me a picture of my father alone and of him and his brother together. It is a nice picture and looks like it came from a certain local print shop. My father is working hard and seems unhappy. There is some kind of oven there and he is trying to get the top off it. My brother decides to help him and my father gets into the oven and goes back to being dead. | 1FKA, 1FSA, 1MKA, 1ISA | SD 1FKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 150 | 1992-1998 | 5/18/98 | F | A | I am driving an old car like a model T and I can't see through the cloudy windshield. | null | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 151 | 1992-1998 | 5/20/98 | F | A | I am an observer in this dream. Some kids in the high school steal money and hide it in a certain place. They come back for a reunion and know where it is. One needs it for a child's operation and takes it all. The rest let him get by with it. All of these kids are now upstanding citizens and are worried about this coming out, but it doesn't. | 2JKA, 1MSA, 1ISC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 152 | 1992-1998 | 5/24/98 | F | A | I am in a place where I am watching TV and the announcer is talking about a girl who has a six month old baby and doesn't want it. He says "watch this" . The girl tosses the baby from an old blue car, something like Uncle John's old Chevy only blue. Someone gets the baby, which is a girl, and it is screaming. Its mouth seems exaggerated. I assume the woman who picks up the baby is the grandmother. Next I am in an underground place and some kind of Godzilla monster is picking up people and squishing them in its hands. At one point a woman says she has some type of cancer an is giving a urine sample. The monster picks her up, makes a face at the smell of the urine, and then squishes her. The urine was in some kind of little square container attached to a surgery table. Next I am on my way out of this underground place and it gets me. I am like I am in a seizure and can't breathe or talk but I tell it I'm not going. My husband is there and I am trying to say "I'll go with you, Bob (my husband)." I keep saying no to the monster and finally my husband takes me and we are able to get out. | 1MOA, 1FSC, 5MPA, 2JSA, 1FSA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 153 | 1992-1998 | 5/28/98 | F | A | I am looking at Woman's World Magazine. I and two other women and a man have been nominated for some award. I am writing a letter to explain why we deserve this | 2FSA, 1MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 154 | 1992-1998 | 5/28/98 | F | A | I am outside at my mother's house in a garden and a lot of the stuff in the garden has become overgrown and dead and I am cleaning it up. Some stuff is in hanging baskets. | 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 155 | 1992-1998 | 6/4/98 | F | A | I am at the home of a friend, Roseann. She is upset about her husband's death. (He actually is dead.) But in the dream he is in the house. Someone is using dynamite on the house an we have to go to a stairwell in the basement. I ask Brad (her husband) for a shirt because I am naked. I tell him I go like this at home all the time and he says that's okay, it's in the privacy of your own home. There is also something about a little girl in the house with stomach problems and she needs CPR. I run into the same girl later and the principal of our local high school is there and explains there is something wrong with her stomach and this often happens. Later I see her on a corner at a crossroads at a parade and I do CPR. I can see her stomach through her mouth and it has backed up almost to her mouth. I am thinking about calling an ambulance and I wake up. | 1FKA, 1MKA, 1ISC, 1FKC, 1FKA, 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 156 | 1992-1998 | 6/4/98 | F | A | I am walking through the town next to my hometown with my son who is a small child in the dream. WE come to the bank which has been turned into a restaurant. It is very busy. A lady with a dress shop across the street asks if I think it will affect her business. Her place looks nice and I say no. We continue down the hill to my hometown. I notice my son's eyes are very blue but later realize they are really hazel, therefore I must have had my oldest son, and not the younger one, with me. At some point I also stop at a kindergarten class. I get to my hometown and realize my son is missing. I go back looking for him. He is not at the school and I think by now he must have found his way home, but I wonder if he hasn't what then? | 1MKC, 1FSA, 1MKC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 157 | 1992-1998 | 6/6/98 | F | A | My husband and I go to our apartment on the second floor of a building in the town next to my hometown. One of three sisters who lived in our neighborhood is there with another girl and two guys. They remain at the table. My husband and I are still single and are planning to move to this apartment. He is acting strange and wants to talk about me cheating on him. I get the impression he wants to call off the wedding but he doesn't say that. We talk all night. I tell him the only thing that bothers me about him is his drinking. He gets so crabby. He agrees that is a problem. We look at the clock and it is 7:30 a.m. I know I am in big trouble because my parents will think we've been "shacking up". Then I remember we have witnesses because the other people are there. AS we get up to go I realize I am not wearing a blouse - just a bra. I can't keep the straps up but this seems very normal. Not a problem. I also notice Barbara, the mother of the neighbor girl, as she stands up. She is wearing seamed nylons. We start down the stairs with Barbara in front. | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1FSA, 2MSA, 1FKA, 2JKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 158 | 1992-1998 | 6/6/98 | F | A | Something about going to the home of Darlene and Dick (friends) and a woman there deceiving us. The woman takes my mother's glasses and my mother can't see. Then my mother disappears. My mother is very frail in the dream, almost like my sister-in-law who has cerebral palsy. I make the woman a deal that if I heal her scleroderma with my hands (Reiki) she will tell me where my mother is. I tell her it will be hard to love her but I must love her for this to work. I do feel pity for the woman. I begin and as I do my mother comes in the door with two people. She is her normal self and is wearing her glasses and is happy. | 2FKA, 1FSA, 1FKA, 2ISA, 1FKA | SD D, HA 1FKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 159 | 1992-1998 | 6/11/98 | F | A | My husband and I are riding in a royal blue sports car. Two men are in a car behind. He says or does something to anger them and they follow us. We come to a bridge, cross it and drive directly into a store that deals with car parts or cars. He tells the woman there that he needs to hide because of these men. One woman seems to know the men and agrees they are bad and dangerous. Another has a card she shows me, like a greeting card. She says she needs some help from me because she has some health problem. I am wearing only a nightgown and am concerned about how I will walk home. | 1MKA, 1FSA, 1FSA, 1FSA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 160 | 1992-1998 | 6/12/98 | F | A | I am at home and standing on the patio outside our hot tub. Two people are in the tub and one man puts his hands on my "parts". I can't say anything because if I do people will notice. I see some people in my neighbor's yard. One is a woman and one is a large man and there are others. I think something about the woman being the sister of someone, maybe the sister of the man in the tub. Suddenly the man next door turns into a monster and attacks the girl. He is like a big gorilla. She runs next door to my house and I know I have to risk someone seeing the man with his hand on my "parts" to get a gun. There is so much excitement no one seems to notice and the man in the tub, who seemed to be a threatening figure, doesn't mind because I am able to keep the monster away. | 2JSA, 1MSA, 2JSA, 1FSA, 7MSA, 8CZZ | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 161 | 1992-1998 | 6/12/98 | F | A | A man and I are looking for something or someone. At first we are outdoors. Then we move inside what appears to be a large garage. We observe what I think is the biggest frog I have ever seen. He doesn't think it is that big. We are naked and lying on the floor. Some other people show up and I ask one of the women to get my robe so I can get up and go to the bathroom. | 1MSA, 1ANI, 2ISA, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 162 | 1992-1998 | 6/12/98 | F | A | My mother and I are patients in an asthma hospital. My cousin, Joan, and my aunt, Sarah, are there. We meet a lesbian couple I met there before and I introduce them to Joan. The woman says she loves all white sisterhood. It seems she is Native American. My mother goes somewhere. I find a room, like a kitchen, and am going to take food and then remember I'm not at home. Jeanne, my sister-in-law who has cerebral palsy, is also there and I am trying to ask two women who are volunteers to help Jeanne with crafts but they don't seem to hear me. Sarah has two bandaged ankles. My mother says my dad needs to get a bus soon to go home. I start back to our room but get lost. | 1FKA, 1FKA, 1FKA, 1FKA, 2FSA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 163 | 1992-1998 | 6/12/98 | F | A | It is a snowy day in my hometown. There are accidents all over. I am driving on the highway and see a truck go up a ramp and over the edge of the bank. Where the road turns to my mother's house, a new turn has been made, but I have to go back and take the old one as I can't get through the new one. In another part of the dream, I am going to different places trying to get a haircut. Then I am at work in the newspaper where I used to work and there is a lunch counter. I need to write an article about myself riding a horse. I thought the article was to be about a cowboy entertainer. AT the lunch counter I get a huge roll and as I am trying to write I go back for a huge piece of cake that has one layer of chocolate and one of white. It is a very tall cake. | 1FKA, 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 164 | 1992-1998 | 6/15/98 | F | A | I am in my grandmother's house. I have been exercising and get a bad pain in my right arm and it moves to the left arm and across the bottom of my chest. My sons are gone. I don't know where they are but think they are at a nearby lake. I get the impression they are in a pickup and the truck is grey but I don't actually see it. I need to get to the hospital and have no car. I go to my Aunt Sarah's house next door and Roger, my cousin, is there. He says he can't help. I decide to walk across the field to the hospital but the pain is getting worse and I am afraid I won't make it. I wake up in pain, but it is not as bad as it was in the dream. I did not know I was dreaming | 2MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA, 1FKA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 165 | 1992-1998 | 6/21/98 | F | A | Lee, a prominent businessman in my hometown, is dying of cancer. He is in a bleacher in his bed in a glassed in area where people can see him but no one but his family stops. I think this is bad after all he has done for the community. I want to stop but my husband won't let me. Some phrase comes to mind. Someone says it but I can't remember it when I wake up. The grandstand is by his store so he can watch people shopping. | 1MKA, 2JSA, 1MKA, 1ISA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 166 | 1992-1998 | 6/23/98 | F | A | My oldest son is going to school in the town next to my hometown. I rent an apartment for him in a building where all the students will live. Then I realize he can live at home and I cancel. My friend Alice shows up and needs an apartment for weekends. I tell her I'll check on the one my son gave up. Maybe she can get it. There is also something about a baby putting all kinds of things into its mouth. I find them and take them out but am not sure if he swallowed some alphabet letters and he isn't sure either. | 1MKA, 2JKA, 1FKA, 1ISC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 167 | 1992-1998 | 6/25/98 | F | A | I am living at my grandmother's and am single but I just had two babies, a boy and a girl. They are not twins. WE are in a field sitting on a hill. My grandmother, Uncle John and I, and Kevin, my old boyfriend, comes to visit. Kevin gives me a kiss and I cut it real short. He asks when he will get a longer one and I say not with all these people. After they go in I give him a long kiss and decide to feed the babies. (The babies are not his. I don't know whose they are.) I go to feed them and they look unhealthy like they have not been fed. I cover them up because they look cold and try to feed both at once. Just then some children come and want to see the babies. | 1FKA, 1MKA, 1MKA, 2JSC, 2JSC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 168 | 1992-1998 | 6/26/98 | F | A | I am at my mother's and have to get back to school but there is so much to do. I am late. Clean clothes are all over the place. I finally get ready to leave and Annie, a neighbor woman, comes in and another woman is with her. I tell them about some dishes I like and they say everyone where they work just signed up for a set. There are two patterns. One is an Irish set and the other has a burgundy design. I leave for school. It is 1:20 p.m. I figure I'll make it to the next class at 2 p.m. | 1FKA, 1FKA, 1FSA, 2JKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 169 | 1992-1998 | 6/27/98 | F | A | I am young, probably in my teens, and am working at the newspaper in my hometown where I used to be the editor. I have worked all day. It is about midnight and I am ready to go home. We put the paper on a flat elevator and raise it to the ceiling so vandals will not be able to get it while it is waiting for someone to take it to the printer. My old boyfriend and some boys are there and it is Halloween. Some other girls are there also. The boys want to scare us and freeze themselves so they look like they are dead. My boyfriend does that and I am very upset. At some point here the scene changes and we are in a house and he comes in frozen and scares me but he turns out to be okay. Also I hit him because I am angry about something. He is upset about that and I am afraid we may never make up. | 1MKA, 2MSA, 2FSA, 1MKA | AP D, AN D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 170 | 1992-1998 | 6/29/98 | F | A | I am playing with Barbie Dolls (and in reality I hate Barbie dolls!) Men dolls are coming home from war and I am giving them each a bath and dressing them in clean clothes. | 6FPA, 2MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 171 | 1992-1998 | 7/1/98 | F | A | I hire my brother and Ron (a co-worker) to build an addition on a small house near my Aunts. Ron goes ahead and makes it look like an airplane and it appears it actually will be able to fly. I am not happy at first but then I like the idea only I am concerned my brother will be upset and also I am worried about how to pay for it. I decide to pay Ron $100 a month. He seems happy as he just wants to do it. A lot of people come to see it. I plan an open house with refreshments for when it is done. My husband's former employer is there and some young woman and we talk about the expense of flying an experimental aircraft but I heard of some way to do it cheaper. There is also something about a woman serving Thanksgiving dinner. A little boy comes to her house (which is my airplane house) and she has him stay for dinner after calling his mother. I come upon this because I am driving a car and they are doing something on the walk outside and I stop just sort of hitting them. | 1MKA, 1MKA, 2JSA, 1FKA, 1FSA, 1MSC | AP D, AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 172 | 1992-1998 | 7/3/98 | F | A | My son, daughter and I are driving around town looking at all the nice Halloween decorations. Then my daughter is in a contest like a race. A classmate of my son's has a daughter who is also racing and some adults are in the race. One woman appears to be naked but when I look again she is all dressed in gray. We go through a series of buildings downtown including bars where there is a lot of smoke. At the theater we enter at the top and there is a steep stairs. My son makes about three jumps to the bottom. I walk. The stairway is curved at the top and bottom. We get outside and my son is having an asthma attack and is lying in a puddle of cold water. I put snow on his chest and he says it helps. No one seems to notice we are having trouble. | 1FKA, 1FKA, 1FKA, 2JSA, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 173 | 1992-1998 | 7/4/98 | F | A | A neighbor's house is on fire and we are living next door. We are in a hurry to get downtown as my daughter is somewhere else and wants a diet drink of some kind. she is in a hotel or something and can't get home. I can't find anything but black and white film and have trouble loading that. Then there is a problem that the fire is in the back of the house and won't make a good picture, but I find out the back is actually the front. The owner had it build that way on the lot. People are in our house. I am glad the house is burning because some Christians were going to buy it and they wouldn't let some other person who really wanted and needed it to have it. I never quite make it to take the picture because of one problem after another. | 1FKA, 1FKA, 2JSA, 1ISA, 1ISA | HA D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 174 | 1992-1998 | 7/6/98 | F | A | I am with an older woman friend near my hometown and we are in a restroom. The Governor is there fixing his hair. I recognize him and ask if he is the governor. He says yes, but he is referring to his wife as Nancy which is not her right name, and he says they just took a little trip to get away. He asks how I knew him. My friend and I are on our way home and the light on the car goes out. She panics and gets up and stands facing backward. I tell her it is okay. She knows this road. Just slow down and soon her eyes will adjust and she'll be able to see. | 1FKA, 1MPA, 1FKA | AP 1FKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 175 | 1992-1998 | 8/9/98 | F | A | Some message about sleeping with is not always about sex. Sometimes it is about sympathy. | 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 176 | 1992-1998 | 8/10/98 | F | A | I just got out of car with my son and daughter and I put groceries away and go for a walk in a mountainous area. My son is putting a swing set in place and can't get it to stay. Then he is able to fix it. Just as that happens my daughter is coming to see me, slips and slides. I tell her to grab something to hang on to. She gets a short branch and I go to help her. I reach for her hand but my wrists are very weak and I'm afraid I won't be able to pull her up. | 1MKA, 1FKA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 177 | 1992-1998 | 8/11/98 | F | A | I'm looking at the one puny pumpkin I have grown and thinking it doesn't amount to much. Then a voice from behind me says, "but look over the hill." I look over the hill and below me are hundreds of beautiful orange pumpkins growing all over the place. | 1ISA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 178 | 1992-1998 | 8/12/98 | F | A | A pilot friend has died and I am going to the airport for his memorial. I'm supposed to get film to someone regarding his death. My Avon lady is a pilot and my son is a passenger in her plane. For some reason the plane must be started before I deliver the film. My instructions are to run up to the plane and hand them the film at takeoff. They leave and I forget. When I remember again it is too late. I can't find them. I am in one part of the airport and find My husband and a woman in a booth, like a restaurant booth. Both of them are sitting on the same side. I try to explain what happened and they aren't angry but they aren't interested in the explanation. | 1MKA, 1FSA, 1MKA, 1MKA, 1FSA, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 179 | 1992-1998 | 8/12/98 | F | A | Something about taking a picture of Chris and Jane, two co-workers, to illustrate a story, but they are both sad. I can't remember what Chris is doing but Jane, who is her mother-in- law, is having a candybar and the cutline on the photo is to say something about her having a mid afternoon snack for energy. I learn that Bryce, who is Jane's son and Chris's ex husband, is not sending Jane rent money, but Chris doesn't know this. Jane is punishing Chris in some way for this but Chris is unaware of what is actually going on and is puzzled by Jane's behavior. | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA | SD 1FKA+1MKA, CO 1MKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 180 | 1992-1998 | 8/21/98 | F | A | I am at some kind of show about old things. There are large pens where balloons are landing. Something about a baby in Rio de Janeiro and a green curtain. | 1ISC, 1ISC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 181 | 1992-1998 | 8/21/98 | F | A | I am at an inn over 100 years old. Across the street are some people and one of them is a woman who claims she was Alford Packer. (Packer was tried for cannibalism in the early history of a western state.) I get her to come into the Inn and I'm trying to interview her. My parents are there and so is my husband. He is making it difficult for me to interview the woman because he keeps putting her down. | 2JSA, 1FSA, 2JKA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 182 | 1992-1998 | 8/21/98 | F | A | I am doing a group hypnosis in a church, probably the church I attended as a child. We have moved the pews so they are in a diagonal line. People are laying in the pews to be hypnotized and I am upstairs in the choir loft looking down on them. I can't seem to get started because of interruptions. Two girls are there talking about prom dresses. One is pregnant. The other girl is one I thought would be more likely to get pregnant than the one who is. A pink prom dress is hanging on a door. The pews get wet, like from rain, and have to be dried off and we start all over again. Then the priest comes in and doesn't say anything about the hypnosis but I feel he is going to say something so I order everyone to straighten out the pews. The experiment is over. | 2JSA, 2FSA, 1MOA, 1MOA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 183 | 1992-1998 | 8/16/98 | F | A | I am in a tall building where I have an apartment. A friend, who is a therapist, lives there. she has a bee hive. Something happens that she has to move the hive and heater across the room. The heater looks like a plastic gallon milk bottle and it is behind her head on the wall, like a pillow. My son becomes sensitive to bees, although he has not been stung. I tell the therapist if she needs hot water she can get it from me. I dream I am getting cramps in my lower leg. | 1FKA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 184 | 1992-1998 | 8/16/98 | F | A | I am working all night to get a picture of second graders. They are on a balcony. I am on the floor, but I never seem to get the picture. | 2ISC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 185 | 1992-1998 | 8/17/98 | F | A | I am in a convent getting a schedule of events, only the convent is more like a beauty shop. I meet Sister Rosita and learn she is the one I had in grade school and hated. I thank her and tell her she is the reason I now have a Ph.D. I tell her she was so mean I was going to show her I wouldn't live up to her bad predictions about me. She is now nice and doesn't seem as old as she did then and we part friends. | 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 186 | 1992-1998 | 8/22/98 | F | A | I am lost in "New Mexico City" with a woman whom I think is my sister, and with my son and daughter, who are children. We are in an old, dirty neighborhood and I get separated from them. I hope they stay together. I had to use a dirty old mission bathroom and I am scared. I get knocked down and a little boy tries to help me, then pinches my breast and runs. There is a beautiful old castle where they give tours. Also signs advertising a chili contest and souvenirs picturing past winners. I am trying to work my way back to where the others are and nothing looks familiar. I have to get back to go to the airport or get on a ship. There is also something in the dream about needing protein. | 1FSA, 1MSC, 1MSC, 2JSA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 187 | 1992-1998 | 8/23/98 | F | A | I am working at the emergency room in the hospital and someone asks me to work Saturday for his wife. I say I can't because I have to take a picture for the paper. He says he thought I was off and I say I thought so to. Just then a young child spills something and is burned on his face. I tell the male nurse to get the cold water and someone in the background says, "cold water? That's not new. It causes TB." I say my skills have deteriorated and the nurse keeps buttering me up, especially in front of my husband, as though I am a hero even though I said to do the wrong thing. I say you just want me to work Saturday. I'm thinking now that I've done with my dissertation I should work one day a week at the hospital. | 1MSA, 1MSC, 1FOA, 1ISA, 1MKA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 188 | 1992-1998 | 8/23/98 | F | A | A nurrom the last dream hires me to cater a belated Christmas party for a handicapped client of hers. I agree but nothing goes right. I can't find my recipes, can't decide on a main dish, then it seems like there was a break and we are all living near an airport and a huge plane with a red, white and blue cross on it hovers above the house. I hide under a table. Finally it goes. Then my daughter goes outside to cross country ski and is pushed down a railroad track by a big plane. Some people are hit by a bomb or something and I can see my daughter check and then do CPR. I still can't get this party going. The house is a mess. | 1FOA, 1IKA, 1FKA, 2JSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 189 | 1992-1998 | 8/25/98 | F | A | My cousin, Jane, and I are playing some kind of game like Frisbee. She is hit just slightly on top her head with the object and becomes very ill. I am trying to heal her with Reiki but it is not working. It feels like her head has been caved in on the top. | 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 190 | 1992-1998 | 8/25/98 | F | A | Ken, a man I work with, is getting married. (He actually is married already). It is a horseback wedding and he is wearing Spanish style clothing and a red satin shirt. The bride is not around. | 1MKA, 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 191 | 1992-1998 | 8/26/98 | F | A | I and another person and "my little brother" are walking on the old cemetery road in my hometown. It is spring or summer but it is cold out and we can see only a few people at the lake. A man is at the bottom of the hill cutting branches with some kind of cutter and we are afraid of him. We are trying to figure out addresses when suddenly my brother disappears. We suspect the man did something with him. Then I discover a hole at the end of the road. I reach down and the hole is so deep I can't touch anything but air. I know he can't be breathing as there is dirty, oily water in the hole. I have my friend reach but he or she (not sure which) can't reach either. | 1ISA, 1MSC, 1MSA, 1MOA | AP 1FKA+D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 192 | 1992-1998 | 8/28/98 | F | A | I am in a play but I forget my lines. I go to the wings which are to the audience, and sit there amongst a bunch of junk and watch the rest of to play. When I get home my husband has been drinking. There is something about a violin and he is wearing a yellow suit. I get ready to leave. The kids are home and they are small but I'm not concerned about them. I try to get an outfit to wear to work the next day before I leave. We are living in a beautiful, many storied, elegant house with a curved, carpeted stairs. My husband is sitting on the stairs and I have to walk around him. He says something derogatory about me and the kids say "you never say that about Grandma" and he mimics them. | 2JSA, 1MKA, 2JSC | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 193 | 1992-1998 | 8/29/98 | F | A | I'm at work but it is more like a high school classroom. I am called into the hall and am talking to someone when I see my old boyfriend, from high school days, and another man. I say I didn't see you. He said he has been there. There is something about needing to write an assignment on the Eisenhower era. It is late and the building is closed and I can't get the names of people in a band that has something to do with the story. There are three men involved. Then I go to another classroom and find someone who give me the names. After that I go to a party and my boyfriend is not there but it seems I have gone with him to this party. Some teacher who is like my editor wants more information on the story about the Eisenhower era. I am not talking directly to him about it but I am telling some woman that I was so tired I didn't get to do as much as I should and I was anxious to get to the party. There was a lot more detail but I can't remember it. | 1MKA, 1MKA, 2MSA, 1FOA, 1FOA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 194 | 1992-1998 | 8/30/98 | F | A | I am at a house in a nearby town for an aromatherapy session when a bobcat gets into the house. There is another pet animal there also. I tried to keep the bobcat out but it pushed open the door. I got on the table and it got on the table too and started eating. I call my son to see if he is interested in trapping the bobcat. I have to wait for a commercial on the telephone before I can talk to him. He isn't sure if he can do it but he comes and I tell him to be sure and just live trap it. It doesn't seem to be much of a danger to me. | 1ANI, 1ANI, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 195 | 1992-1998 | 8/31/98 | F | A | I am in the town next to my hometown and I am standing on the corner of First street complaining to Laura, a co- worker, about ny nose. She says I should have done something about it when I was growing up. She says she had scoliosis and wore a brace. I have to blow my nose and don't want to do it there. I get on my bike to ride back to a park on the Rice Lake Road. I ride all the way through this town and into the next town and suddenly I am in an alley full of junk and I have to turn around and come back. As I come out of the alley I see a well dressed woman comforting a small child who has fallen. She appears to be home on her lunch hour. | 1FKA, 1ISC, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 196 | 1992-1998 | 9/1/98 | F | A | I am at a party at my boss's house and he announces he is cutting back on all his businesses until the kids grow up. Everyone is teary eyed. I say this is a very good idea as our kids were grown up before we know it. | 1MKA, 2JSA | SD 2JKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 197 | 1992-1998 | 9/2/98 | F | A | I get called to a house on an ambulance call but the man is already dead. Instead of driving back in the ambulance, I take a car and am driving very fast and reckless even though I don't intend to. Then I am in an airplane and it lands short of the runway. Next I am telling our new editor, "I almost crashed a plane Friday." thinking it will impress him. He asks how and I tell him I came up short of the runway. He is not impressed. He just acts like that is an ordinary happening and keeps on working. | 1MSA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 198 | 1992-1998 | 9/3/98 | F | A | I am at the fairgrounds in my hometown. People are all over carving stuff of stone. I go up a ladder to a second story and a woman there is even carving a cradle of stone. There is some type of art show they are getting ready for. Also a book has been published with several different stories by people but there is nothing of mine in the book. I don't know any of these people except one man. | 2JSA, 1FSA, 1MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 199 | 1992-1998 | 9/4/98 | F | A | I am visiting in my hometown. The roads are slippery and it is hard to get around. I want a donut and I find it hard to get to that street. As I am there I am coming out the door when one of the Lewis boys (neighbors) comes to the door. He is wearing an overcoat but I can see he has been cut off at the knees. I want to ask about it but decide to ask my mother instead. After he is gone we are making our way on very slippery streets to the office supply store at the newspaper where I used to work so I can buy an account book and one other item I can't remember. I ask my mother what happened to the Lewis boy and she motions for me to be quiet until we are far enough away so he can't hear us. We get to the back door in the alley and I wake up. I only hear it was something about his grandfather and he got some kind of transplant from the grandfather who is now dead. | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 200 | 1992-1998 | 9/5/98 | F | A | I am with my friend Jeannie at the school which I attended (and hated) as a child. It is wet out, like in the spring. I see a sandy place where my son has written his name. I start to write "Mom" in the sand to surprise him. I tell my friend as I am writing that my son will wonder how it got there. Then he sees me and comes over. I ask him if I can kiss him and he acts embarrassed so I don't. | 1FKA, 1MKA | AP 1MKA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 201 | 1992-1998 | 9/6/98 | F | A | I am not sure where I am but I am both taking and giving some kind of written test. There are two sets to this test and one set must be done on red paper with gold letters. I never actually get to do the test though. It keeps getting stalled. | null | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 202 | 1992-1998 | 9/7/98 | F | A | I visit my friend, Marianne, in the hospital several times and each time we have to clear and re-arrange her room as it is always a mess. The floor is partly linoleum and partly carpet and it is almost impossible to arrange the room to keep the bed on the carpet. It seems like the room is more like a house and the linoleum part is the kitchen part. Marianne gets out of the hospital but still has the bed in a big vehicle. We are driving home and get so tired we pull into a yard to sleep. The owner, a woman, comes out and we follow her inside. My neighbor boy comes over to have the woman do something with an injury he has to his stomach. He also has a black eye and there is a little hole under the eye. I ask what happened and he says he doesn't remember. The woman's husband doesn't seem to mind that we are staying at their house. | 1FKA, 1FSA, 1MKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 203 | 1992-1998 | 9/9/98 | F | A | I am a teenager but it seems to be before the time when I actually was a teen. I am in an area like a worship grounds. It has a circle of flat stones set around in the woods like small altars. I am with a boy (whom I never actually met until after I was married and had several children.) But in the dream we are dating and I am debating whether to have sex with him. It is not a sexual dream, however. I am just debating the question. At a point I decide to do this as payment for something but then change my mind. We are then talking about marriage and someone mentions this is inconsiderate because his mother would have to travel over 100 miles. The setting is in northern New Mexico. I know this because someone says so, but it is not a place I have ever been in reality. The rocks look more like tree stumps. | 1MKA, 1ISA, 1FSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 204 | 1992-1998 | 9/13/98 | F | A | It is lunch hour and I am in high school. I go for lunch at the First Lutheran Church in my hometown and there meet my two daughters. My oldest daughter is pregnant and all bloated and sick and says she didn't tell me because she didn't want me to worry. I want to get back to school. I am afraid I won't graduate if I miss any more school. But the church has now become a house that is actually a car and there is no driver. I am in the back seat and I struggle to get over the front to set up a seat to drive. My pregnant daughter doesn't seem concerned. Neither does my other daughter. Then I want a cup of tea and I go to the front of the car/house. Some girls have rented the front part and have decorated it for Christmas. I ask for water for tea. One of the girls looks in the freezer for the water. | 2FKA, 1FKA, 2FSA, 1FSA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 205 | 1992-1998 | 9/14/98 | F | A | I feel like I am watching TV in this dream. A man is angry at someone and puts poison in a swimming pool. This poison is absorbed through the skin. | 1MSA, 1ISA | AN 1MSA |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 206 | 1992-1998 | 9/14/98 | F | A | I am visiting one neighbor and remember I am supposed to visit my other neighbors, Pat and Steve, that night. (Pat and Steve are actually deceased). They invited me long ago. I go to their house and ask, was I supposed to come here tonight? Steve says no and it is obvious he forgot. He and Pat are in very bad physical shape, and look like the people on the movie "The Night of the Living Dead." He is trying to feed her and his head is transparent. There is also a third person there in the same bad shape. I tell him I'm going to call the nursing home and he says no, they will be okay. I go to the refrigerator to get something for them and find part of a bottle of white grape juice and I am going to warm it. Then he comes out and still looks bad but is apparently healthy and goes into another room where he has guests and a party is going on. | 1FKA, 1MKA, 1ISA, 2ISA, 2JSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 207 | 1992-1998 | 9/14/98 | F | A | I am at the home of Karen, my best friend in high school. We are washing clothes on the main floor and she has lots of geraniums that are in the way. She is trying to get them upstairs so I can wash clothes. There are two measures of soap in every load so we have more soap than we need. | 1FKA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 208 | 1992-1998 | 9/17/98 | F | A | Neighbors from my hometown come back from Hawaii with a snake for me. It is a beautiful green snake and it looks like a boa I remember from a book on snakes, but this is called a strawberry snake. It is mildly poisonous. I am not afraid of snakes but after awhile this one starts making me uncomfortable and I give it to my son. He enjoys it for awhile. Then it bites me on my finger while I am in bed and I make him get rid of it. He shows me the receipt for the snake and food. | 2JKA, 1ANI, 1MKA | AP D |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 209 | 1992-1998 | 9/17/98 | F | A | I am at a place which looks like the Great Sand Dunes National Monument. I am with my husband and other people, mostly men, are there. A male co-worker gets stuck in a Model A on one of the dunes and some man says "he's going to have to stay there until winter." I say he can't because then I will have to do all the work. | 1MKA, 2MSA, 1MKA, 1MSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 210 | 1992-1998 | 9/19/98 | F | A | I am driving somewhere in my car and talking with my dad on a cell phone. The car conks out and I have to pull over to the left side of the road. My dad seems to be blaming me for something. The place where I pull over is a prison and I have to get help there. Someone takes me inside and we go up a lot of stairs. I can look out over water from a tower in the prison and I see another part of the prison, which looks like Alcatraz, out in the water on a rock. Then the prison turns into a nursing home and some of the women are senile. They are wearing robes and slippers. A little girl is with me. We get to the top of the tower and look down and there are kids swimming in dirty, dark water and I know the water is very deep. I tell the little girl "don't ever ask to swim in that pool!" Everyone smiles as if they understand. | 1MKA, 1ISA, 2FSA, 1FSC, 2JSA | null |
arlie | Arlie: a middle-aged woman | 211 | 1992-1998 | 9/19/98 | F | A | I am on a trip with my extended family - parents, several relatives, my own husband and children. I am returning to my hometown. We stay in a town about 100 miles away and are happy to have one more day of vacation. Then we have to come back. When we get back to my hometown there is a lot of snow and we have to walk a long ways. Just as we arrive at our house there is a lot more snow and we can't get to the house but there is a step ladder and it appears if we climb over the ladder we can get to the house. I go over the ladder and see we are still blocked off on the other side. My daughter, who is a small child in the dream, and some other people are on the other side of the ladder. I reach down to pick my daughter up and find there is smoke coming from her boots. I realize spontaneous combustion has occurred and her toes have burned off. They are all black and charred, but she does not seem to be hurting and isn't even crying. From my position at the top of the ladder I can also see someone in my family is checking the mailbox on the side of the house, but there is no mail. I know there will be no mail there because the right mailbox is on the front of the house. | 2JKA, 1FKC, 2JSA, 1IKC | HA 1FKA+D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0000 | 1960-1997 | 1960-05-03 | F | YA | I had the neatest dream about Blake, me, Reta and Bill E. | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0001 | 1960-1997 | 1960-05-04 | F | YA | I had another neat dream about Blake. | 1MKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0002 | 1960-1997 | 1960-07-16 | F | YA | I had a dream that Nate came back and I felt just as I had used to! | 1MKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0003 | 1960-1997 | 1960-08-04 | F | YA | For the second night in a row, I dreamed of Jon. He was trying to make an impression on me. He embarrassed me! Then I dreamed that Reta and I saw Blake in a restaurant and we went in and had a coke. Some kids were dancing and I was wishing Blake would ask me. He did. We bopped all over. When it was done, we sat down. He said, "Your hair's messed up." I said, "Oh, dear, not again" (He had his arm around me). He bent to me and said, "Yes-let's mess up a mustache" and then he kissed me. The kiss was so real! Then I dreamed that Nate came home. I met him in S City at the bus depot. He was 6 feet tall and all muscles. He grabbed my hands and then threw his arms around me and kissed me,(All these dreams were when I was fast asleep). [BL] | 1MKA, 1FKA, 1MKA, 2JSA, 1MKA | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0004 | 1960-1997 | 1960-12-02 | F | YA | I Didn't dream as last night before I woke up! I dreamed both Mitch and Darryl loved me. | 1MKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0005 | 1960-1997 | 1961-11-25 | F | YA | I had a funny dream. I had to choose between Darryl and Jon. Jon was real sweet but Darryl won out. Real psychological! | 1MKA, 1MKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0006 | 1960-1997 | 1963-??-?? | F | YA | I had a Salvador Dali dream where I am in the VW bus with my parents and fire balls fall from the sky and land all around us like bombs. Things are melted on the desert landscape. It's out of proportion, with perspective lines off to a distant point. | 1MPA, 2JKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0007 | 1960-1997 | 1964-??-?? | F | YA | A red faced devil comes to me and is trying to hurt me very badly. I beg him to stop but he persists. I agonized with the pain and agonized that I don't want to hurt him, but I must. I force his head into an oven where the devil face gets redder and more inflamed with pain and heat. He screams with agony. I feel sick to my stomach with the horror of it all. | 1ANI | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0008 | 1960-1997 | 1966-??-?? | F | YA | I dreamt that Dovre was drowning in a raging body of water. I'm standing on the road/bridge next to her. I am looking down at her. There's rain and storm all around us, raging. I know I must dive in and save her but I'm afraid to because to do so will be my certain death. I walk on, leaving her to drown, feeling sick about it. | 1FKA | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0009 | 1960-1997 | 1968-??-?? | F | YA | A series of dreams about raging water, but I seem to be unafraid. One dream was me in a small boat going down a huge raging river, the water boiling up all around me and I am having a good time, enjoying the beauty of it all. Another dream involved a huge roiling waterfall. I think it is beautiful. | null | HA D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0010 | 1960-1997 | 1969-??-?? | F | YA | I woke from a nap unable to remember who I am or anything about anything. It was a very intense and frightening moment (in duplex in C City). | null | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0011 | 1960-1997 | 1969-??-?? | F | YA | I was sleeping and became aware of trying to wake up. I tried to open my eyes and look at the celery green paint on the bedroom wall. Then I became aware of two invisible spirits standing at the foot of my bed (also in duplex in C City). I was afraid and then they let me know, telepathically, they mean no harm. After a while, I wake up. | 2ISA | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0012 | 1960-1997 | 1974-01-05 | F | YA | Sex dreams. Warm body. Woke up. No one there. | null | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0013 | 1960-1997 | 1974-01-14 | F | YA | Loud dreams. I dreamed I bought a huge yarn shop somewhere in (state). It had a factory in the basement. The previous owners were evil. A big riot started. Acid, fire, terrible things. My sister Lydia appears in my dreams a lot lately. Sometimes she's my child. | 2ISA, 1FKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0014 | 1960-1997 | 1974-01-16 | F | YA | Dreams! I dreamt Fur understood my wanting to talk to Herman. I dreamt I went to the bank to pay my loan. There was lots of paperwork I had to surmount. I had Paulina; she messed her diapers. All kinds of detail hassles. | 1MKA, 1MKA, 1FKA | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0015 | 1960-1997 | 1974-01-17 | F | YA | Dreamt of IVs. Lots of waterfalls. | null | null |
b | Barb Sanders | 0016 | 1960-1997 | 1974-03-16 | F | YA | I had a horrible dream. Howard was in a coffin. I yelled and screamed at his mom that it was all her fault. I kicked myself that I hadn't waited to become a widow rather than a divorcee in order to get the insurance. I woke up feeling miserable, the dream was so icky. [BL] | 1MKA, 1FKA | AP D |
b | Barb Sanders | 0017 | 1960-1997 | 1974-03-23 | F | YA | Last night, I had many dreams. I woke up afraid Dwight would shoot me. I think all my fears have gone underground and they're surfacing in the night. | 1MKA | AP D |
Subsets and Splits