Ing . Fortino Morales End To End Management TEL Directo : ( 52-55 ) 10-42-27-20 TEL Oficina : ( 52-55 ) 53-95-89-38 ( 52-55 ) 53-95-73-09
Daryl Burchfield v. Industrial Chemicals Inc. . 8/10/2011 2:11 cv NUM Proctor ( Southern ) Employment discrimination and contract . The plaintiff says he was fired after he complained about the defendant 's " unlawful employment practices " and he claims the defendant has not paid him his entire severance package . Paid < URL oadId = NUM > download Barry V Frederick The Frederick Firm _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Mark M. Lawson Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5311 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5668 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Thanks George . ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Taylor , III , George M. Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 5:54 PM To : Miller , Zachary Subject : FW : Decatur ALF -- Bruce Ryals suit Should have copied you on this . _____ From : Taylor , III , George M. Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 5:26 PM To : ' EMAIL Cc : Lucas , Mike Subject : FW : Decatur ALF -- Bruce Ryals suit This is the latest on the lawsuit we were going to file for Skip Deupree . I ' ll keep you posted . _____ From : Skip Deupree [] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 5:21 PM To : Taylor , III , George M. Subject : RE : Decatur ALF -- Bruce Ryals suit I agree with you . Leave it alone until he moves . John Lynch at Lawson knows every part of this dispute so we will defer to John as to disclosure . It is no more than a threatened contract action . It can occur before closing ( disclosure ) or NUM years from now . Lets leave it alone . From : Taylor , III , George M. [] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 5:10 PM To : Skip Deupree Cc : EMAIL Joy P Deupree ; Elliott , David ; Lang , Janet Subject : Decatur ALF -- Bruce Ryals suit The question is whether to lay low and hope that he does n't file the arbitration or proceed with suit and make him defend it in Jefferson County . If we thought he was going to file for sure , there would be no reason not to go ahead and file our suit . If there is a chance he wo n't , I would prefer to wait . A filed arbitration ( or a law suit filed by us , for that matter ) , would likely require disclosure to the bond purchaser . In any event , there is no law that would permit an out-of-state ( unlicensed ) broker to file a lien on Alabama property . I would defer to Chix on whether the filing of an arbitration action or suit would threaten closing . _____ From : Skip Deupree [] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 4:48 PM To : Taylor , III , George M. Cc : EMAIL ' Joy P Deupree ' Subject : Bruce Ryals suit George , I still have not been served for arbitration by Bruce Ryals . What do you think our move should be . Can he gum up closing ? I know that he can not file lien on property we donâ ?? t own until redemption . Thanks
Zachary Miller Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5250 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5615 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
To Barry Rubin : Just a note to say it was my pleasure meeting with you at the Streeterville Chamber Summer Event . I am also getting in touch with you to see if you can forward my information to anyone you know that can use my personal concierge services . Please see below , a brief summary of the what I offer . " YOU RANG ! Personal Concierge Service We help you plan your events , run your errands , make travel arrangements , provide temp office/graphic design help , organize your home , and assist you in clothing , home or gift shopping . We free up your time and lend a helping hand , saving you time on things you do n't want to do or have the time for . We service Lincoln Park , Gold Coast , Old Town and River North in Chicago . " I believe that networking , especially in these times , is key to obtaining a new client or project . I will also keep you in mind for anyone that I run into needing your graphic imaging services . As I may have mentioned , I was an art director/designer/production artist for the majority of my career life and am currently branching out providing more and varied services . Sincerely ,
Melinny Weyland 312-951-8082
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Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5300 Cell : ( 205 ) 616-9988 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5681 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
( See attached file : 568630017_Top_TB_070511 . pdf ) ( See attached file : 568630057_Bottom_TB_070511 . pdf ) Please consider the environment before printing e-mails or attachments . Veuillez penser à l’environnement avant d’imprimer les courriels ou les pièces jointes . Disclaimer : This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed , and may contain information which is privileged , confidential , proprietary or exempt from disclosure under applicable law . If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient , you are strictly prohibited from disclosing , distributing , copying or in any way using this message . If you have received this communication in error , please notify the sender , and destroy and delete any copies you may have received .
Iris Yu Senior Fund Accountant , Investment Fund Services CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Phone : ( 416 ) 643-5624 Fax : (416)643-5774 Email :
I would just hold tight on Sher Paul Singh for now . Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Coulter , Benjamin Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 4:43 PM To : Hayslip , Victor ; Hitson , Brent D. Subject : FW : Retaining Dr. Sher Paul Singh Any thoughts on what we want to do or not do with Dr. Singh ? Given that the case is stayed and there is no telling when we will get an order on our motion to dismiss and new scheduling order , I assume that we will probably just want to do nothing with Dr. S for the time being . Ben Coulter Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : EMAIL [] Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 3:39 PM To : Coulter , Benjamin Subject : Retaining Dr. Sher Paul Singh Dear Ben , The records I can access show that we have not received the signed referral agreement or retainer for your expert . Please check on what is holding them up so you can send them to us and start working with the expert . If you have any questions , or need a copy of the agreement , please do let me know . Many thanks . Best regards , Mike ------------------------------------------------ Michael P. Stern Director , Case Management Westlaw Round Table Group , A Division of Thomson Reuters Phone : NUM EMAIL URL
Brent D. Hitson Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5391 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5649 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Thanks Tom . Good point . Yes , while we want to promote TN , our professional obligations require us to help clients wherever it best suits their needs , which includes Vermont , South Carolina , Kentucky , Montana , and yes even in Cayman and Bermuda . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Potter , Tom Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:24 PM To : Doherty , Kevin M. ; Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives I 'd add that while the new legislation makes TN particularly favorable to captive-formation , Kevin 's expertise and experience encompasses many different states ( and I 'm sure , even countries ) of domicile , so he can help out your clients no matter where they ' re located . TKPIII Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM American Center NUM West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee NUM < URL > URL From : Doherty , Kevin M. Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:22 PM To : Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives Mike , I focus on captives extensively . Please also note that TN just passed new captive insurance legislation earlier this year ( with my drafting assistance ) , and the newly formed TN Captive Insurance Association , Inc. . ( TCIA ) , of which I am President and Chairman , will be having its inaugural conference on Dec. . NUM - NUM , NUM , here in Nashville . To find out more information on this , you can go to URL . Please encourage anyone you speak with to check out this website . Thanks for inquiring , and I would be happy to discuss captives with anyone at any time . Kevin Kevin M. Doherty Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM American Center NUM West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee NUM < URL > URL Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Lucas , Mike Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:16 PM To : Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives Thanks . Kevin Doherty . Michael L. Lucas Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lucas , Mike Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:04 PM To : FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : Insurance captives Who in the firm structures captives for clients ? Thanks . Michael L. Lucas Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Kevin M. Doherty Attorney at Law Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3211 Cell : ( 615 ) 974-2587 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3311 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < >
This is all that I have found on Econet on the Avista account From : Breznicky , Eric Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 12:55 PM To : Stephenson , Robert Cc : Miles , Roy Subject : FW : Avista Ecolab Invoice Importance : High Rob , Can you please pull up Avista 's SDR 's on Econet and see what the last SDR date was ? I have no idea when we picked up the equipment . Thank you , Eric Breznicky HOSPITALITY / HEALTHCARE DISTRICT SALES MANAGER / NORTH CAROLINA , INSTITUTIONAL ECOLAB NUM NORTHCROSS CENTER COURT , SUITE N HUNTERSVILLE , NC NUM T NUM NUM NUM M NUM NUM NUM E EMAIL From : Pamela Johnson [] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 11:27 AM To : Breznicky , Eric ; Cool , Chad ; Breznicky , Ronald Subject : Avista Ecolab Invoice Importance : High Please see attached letter regarding outstanding invoice # NUM for the Avista . We appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter . You may contact me with any questions . Best Regards , Pamela Pamela M. Johnson Administrative Coordinator Ally Management , Inc. . Association Managing Agent Phone NUM Fax NUM Email EMAIL
I understand . Keep your flight and get home . Thank you for your offer . You are now on my â € œGoodâ € ? list , Noah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This communication contains privileged and confidential information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient , please contact the sender immediately . You are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this communication or part of it is strictly prohibited ; delete this message and all copies and backups thereof From : Taylor , III , George M. [] Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 6:41 PM To : Noah Breakstone Cc : Lang , Janet Subject : Conference Call Tomorrow Noah , Looks like I am going to be in the air tomorrow during the call and will not be able to participate . Might be best to bring me and District counsel back into the discussions once you go through NUM round with Lennar . If you feel strongly that I need to be present for the call , let me know and I will rearrange flights , but as you know , I am in Arkansas , and do n't like it here . George George M. Taylor III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Noah Breakstone | Principal | BTI | Main 305.441.2117 | Direct 786.693.6553 | 200 South Park Road | Suite 301 | Hollywood , FL 33021
Always Low CLE Prices EARN NUM WEST VIRGINIA ETHICS MCLE CREDITS : " Conflicts Of Interest : The Basic Rules " - NUM Version This approved ethics course is available Online at URL < URL > AND on Audio CD/DVD at URL < URL > . West Virginia attorneys may earn NUM ( NUM ) of their required NUM MCLE credits - including ALL NUM credits in ETHICS , SUBSTANCE ABUSE , BIAS and/or LAW OFFICE MANAGEMENT - with all NUM ( NUM ) of our incredibly inexpensive formats : CD-ROM , DVD and CD ( URL ) < URL > , and ONLINE COURSES ( URL ) < URL > < URL ons/1-year-Unlimited - Access-to-All-Courses . html > < URL ons/1yearUnlimitedAccessToAllCourses . html?id = DxGYSqcN > < URL ons/1yearUnlimitedAccessToAllCourses . html?id = 2R9HkxkT > ONLINE ON-DEMAND COURSES ( URL ) < URL > Take individual courses for $ NUM per credit or consider our cost-effective subscription options . In a hurry ? You may start taking your online courses immediately upon purchasing your subscription OR individual courses . * < URL ons/1-year-Unlimited - Access-to-All-Courses . html > NUM Unlimited Use Subscription : For ONLY $ NUM , take as many online MCLE courses as you wish for NUM year from the date you buy the subscription including those added during that NUM period . All courses are included in our subscription offerings - no exceptions . < URL ons/Any7CreditsFor1Year . html?id = pEeyaGGF > < URL ons/Any7CreditsFor1Year . html > < URL ons/Any7CreditsFor1Year . html > < URL ons/Any7CreditsFor1Year . html > * < URL ons/Any7CreditsFor1Year . html?id = Y9usJEZN > NUM Subscription : For ONLY $ NUM , take any NUM credits of our online MCLE courses for NUM year from the date of purchase . * You can buy NUM ( NUM ) of these subscriptions and earn up to NUM credits for only $ NUM ! Make The Most Of Your Subscription * Need MCLE in multiple states ? See ( URL ) < URL > for a list of states in which our courses are approved and the number of credits that state allows to be earned via online courses . SINGLE USERS : CD-ROM PACKAGES < URL > ( URL ) These audio CD-ROM Packages are for those West Virginia attorneys who are unable to take advantage of our " Share And Save Money " Program for Multiple Users , which is described below . Consider these prices : * NUM West Virginia Package and NUM West Virginia Package - only $ NUM ! MULTIPLE USERS : DVD/CD COURSES NUM % SALE < URL > ( URL ) Get the savings of a webinar but the convenience of both audio or video courses . Our unique " Share And Save Money " Program allows unlimited use at NO additional cost of all our West Virginia MCLE recorded audio CD and DVD courses . Example : You purchase the audio CDs of our NUM " Conflicts of Interest : The Basic Rules " for $ NUM and share it with just NUM other West Virginia lawyers . The per credit cost per attorney is only $ NUM ! Take advantage of the < URL > NUM % SALE on our Audio CD and DVD Bundles ! ALSO AVAILABLE : ONLINE FORMS FOR ATTORNEYS ( URL ) < URL & utm_campaign = 20100616ILCLEForms > Fully-editable legal forms save attorneys valuable drafting time . POPULAR FORMS INCLUDE : Qualified Subchapter S Trust < URL > Inter Vivos QTIP Trust < URL > Beneficiary Designation Form : Primary Beneficiary : A Credit Shelter Trust < URL rimary-beneficiary-a-credit-shelter-trust-1-page . html > Your form ( s ) are immediately emailed to you upon purchase for your fully-editable and unlimited use . Thank you , To be removed from this contact list please < URL EMAIL & el = ca > CLICK HERE to unsubscribe . Click here for a timely response to your question ( s ) . < > National Law Foundation PO Box NUM Montchanin , DE NUM
Harold F. Measley , Jr. . Executive Director National Law Foundation < > ( online courses ) < > ( self-study materials ) ( online legal forms for attorneys )
Title search ordered from Magic City Titke - Lynn Bailey Charlie _____ From : " Hayslip , Victor " < EMAIL > Date : Thu , NUM Sep NUM 10:52:55 NUM To : < EMAIL > ; < EMAIL > Cc : Rawls , Bruce A. < EMAIL > Subject : Douglas Trust Charlie & Bert , I see where Bruce has sent you a draft of the operating agreement to review . I am back in town and will also review . Bert , as a reminder , Gilbert was going to order the title search on the properties and also get with Guy Martin about distributions from the mother 's estate . I just wanted to make sure everything was moving forward contemporaneously . Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Charles H. Moses III Moses & Moses PC 205 967-0901 Office 205 949-0950 Direct 205 960-3110 Cell
Sorry for the confusion . We ' re available at 1:00 pm EDT today as well - just wanted to confirm . From : " Taylor , III , George M. " < EMAIL > To : " David G Yu " < EMAIL > Date : 10/10/2011 11:05 AM Subject : RE : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet _____ If you ca n't make it at 1:00 , we ' ll just have to try for tomorrow morning , given Kevin 's availability . Is there a good time for you in the morning ? _____ From : David G Yu [ < >] Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 9:52 AM To : Taylor , III , George M. Subject : RE : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet George , We can do 3:00 pm this afternoon but did you just send an invite for 1:00 pm EDT ? Seems like Kevin is available until 2:00 pm EDT . - David From : " Taylor , III , George M. " < EMAIL > To : " David G Yu " < EMAIL > Cc : < EMAIL > , < EMAIL > , " Lang , Janet " < EMAIL > , " Kevin Lund " < EMAIL > , " Solomon , Marc " < EMAIL > , " Robert Prince " < EMAIL > Date : 10/10/2011 10:46 AM Subject : RE : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet _____ How about 3:00 eastern this afternoon ? I am out town but can break from my meeting to participate . _____ From : David G Yu [ < >] Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 9:16 AM To : Taylor , III , George M. Cc : EMAIL EMAIL Lang , Janet ; Kevin Lund ; Solomon , Marc ; Robert Prince Subject : RE : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet Any chance we can have a call Monday afternoon or Tuesday a.m. ? Julie Garella just called and noted that the final term sheet still needs to reviewed by Sheron 's legal counsel and is supposed to be executed on Fri , NUM . From : " Taylor , III , George M. " < EMAIL > To : " David G Yu " < EMAIL > Cc : < EMAIL > , " Lang , Janet " < EMAIL > , " Kevin Lund " < EMAIL > , " Solomon , Marc " < EMAIL > , " Robert Prince " < EMAIL > , < EMAIL > Date : 10/07/2011 06:03 PM Subject : RE : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet _____ I ' ll send an invitation around for Tuesday afternoon . _____ From : David G Yu [ < >] Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 5:01 PM To : Taylor , III , George M. Cc : ' EMAIL Lang , Janet ; ' Kevin Lund ' ; Solomon , Marc ; ' Robert Prince ' ; EMAIL Subject : Re : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet Can we have a call on Monday or Tuesday to review the term sheet and Jim 's liquidity forecast ? Thanks . From : " Taylor , III , George M. " < EMAIL > To : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > , ' Kevin Lund ' < EMAIL > , " ' EMAIL " < EMAIL > , ' Robert Prince ' < EMAIL > Cc : " Solomon , Marc " < EMAIL > , " Lang , Janet " < EMAIL > , " Taylor , III , George M. " < EMAIL > Date : 10/07/2011 05:37 PM Subject : Perry-Uniontown -- Sheron Term Sheet Sent by : " Lang , Janet " < EMAIL > _____ Enclosed is a revised draft of the Term Sheet reflecting the discussions that have occurred since our last conference call . NUM copies are enclosed , NUM of which is marked to show changes from the last draft . Please let me have your comments . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . [ attachment " DOCS - # NUM . DOC " deleted by David G Yu/Inv/MetLife / US ] [ attachment " DOCS - # NUM . DOC " deleted by David G Yu/Inv/MetLife / US ] The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is for the intended addressee only . Any unauthorized use , dissemination of the information , or copying of this message is prohibited . If you are not the intended addressee , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message . The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is for the intended addressee only . Any unauthorized use , dissemination of the information , or copying of this message is prohibited . If you are not the intended addressee , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message . The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is for the intended addressee only . Any unauthorized use , dissemination of the information , or copying of this message is prohibited . If you are not the intended addressee , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message . The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is for the intended addressee only . Any unauthorized use , dissemination of the information , or copying of this message is prohibited . If you are not the intended addressee , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message .
George M. Taylor III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5254 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5711 Cell : ( 205 ) 999-3339 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Mike , Do we have availability on the 85CP Rail for Order # NUM , through Tangle Ridge or Great Plains ? If not , can you assist me with purchasing this requirement from Westcan for delivery to Prince George ? Thanks !
Chris Erhart Sales Manager North American Rail Products PO Box 159 Argyle , MB R0C 0B0 Phone : ( 780 ) 916-1349 Fax : ( 204 ) 467-2171 Email :
Sounds like a plan . Thank you ! From : Emily Hughes [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:07 PM To : Anne Hill Cc : Timothy McGuire ; Ashli Jarrett Subject : RE : July NUM Journal ad Hi Anne – I ’m so sorry that the ad ran with incorrect verbiage in the Journal today . When we told the Journal to pick up the men ’s special ad , we did n’t think about the verbiage referring to June . In the future , I think that all of us ( JMG , GHS , and Carolina Aesthetics ) should be responsible for double checking the verbiage in the ads so that this does n’t happen again . We ( JMG ) keep an electronic file of every ad that runs , so the next time , we have a pick up , we will send you the ad in question for approval . We ’ve also talked to the Journal and requested that they double check the ads for us as well so that this does n’t happen again . Let us know if this works for you . Thanks ! emily hughes media manager jackson marketing group , inc. . NUM task industrial court • greenville , sc NUM ( NUM ) NUM ( direct ) • ( NUM ) NUM ( fax ) URL From : Anne Hill [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 8:50 AM To : Ashli Jarrett ; Emily Hughes Cc : ' Timothy McGuire ' Subject : RE : July NUM Journal ad Good morning everyone ! Question … . I saw our ad in the Journal today and of course it was the repeat of the men ’s special we ran a couple of weeks ago .
Anne M. Hill Medical Spa Manager Carolina Aesthetics 920 Woodruff Rd. . Greenville , SC 29607 ( 864 ) 233-8088 ( 864 ) 546-6434 direct
Hey Shelly , I ' ve been working with Pete to collect the remaining gear from the spring season in order to prepare for the Fall season plus next fiscal year . The following coaches still need to return their bags : NUM . T-ball - Reinhardt NUM . T-ball Cubs - ? ( formerly Fontaine ) NUM . A-ball Red Sox - Noriega NUM . AAA Mets - Pestana NUM . AAA Phillies - Hesse NUM . Majors A 's - Gomez NUM . Majors D-Backs - Rottler NUM . Majors Giants - Pearce I will be at Quito today from NUM till NUM and again tomorrow at NUM . Could you please notify these coaches and have them contact me to confirm which time and day they will return their bags ? Thanks ! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups " Quitoll Board of Directors " group . To post to this group , send email to EMAIL . To unsubscribe from this group , send email to EMAIL . For more options , visit this group at URL .
Gary Hovey 214 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road Los Gatos , Ca . 95030 Mobile : ( 408 ) 857-9317 Office : ( 408 ) 335-1483 Fax : ( 408 ) 399-7283 Email : Website : License # 01156633
Conference call Monday July NUM : Local Audio/Video Broadcast & Revenue pursuits Hello everyone , There has been some good progress this week since our call on Monday - thanks to all who took the time to share their update ... Please join me in congratulating Jim Jenkins and Denny Keeners for securing our NUM signed rights agreement . On behalf of Winnsboro / Herald Independent , we have a NUM exclusive agreement with Fairfield Central High School . So , we are officially open for business as a live broadcaster !! Hard not to get excited about the sound of that ... - Paul -- From : Paul Rector Sent : Thu 7/7/2011 4:02 PM To : Joe Craig ; Gary Lawrence ; Lynn L. McLamb ; Rick Bacon ; David Perkins ; Thomas Lester ; Abby Cavenaugh ; Jules Molenda ; Shannon Justice ; Barbara Marshall-Anderson ; Jim Jenkins ; Gaither Perry ; Wendy Welker ; Lola Nash ; Josh Byers ; Morgan Petty ; Ron Mix ; Denny Koenders ; Lonnie Adamson ; Sammy Lopez ; John Clark ; Angie Alexander ; Pat R. Lay ; Pat Cheek ; Nathan DiBagno ; Curt Vincent ; Roland Foiles ; Roland L. Foiles ; Sandra Hurley ; Shannon Fenner ; Chris Allen ; Dan Taylor ; Hope Green ; Cliff Clark Cc : Michael Bush Subject : Conference call Monday July NUM : Local Audio/Video Broadcast & Revenue pursuits Innovators , Please join a conference call with Michael & I on Monday July NUM @ NUM . You are invited because you are my POC for the pursuit of a local broadcast partnership and its Total Tailgate revenue sibling ... There has been a flurry of activity across the company these past few days - officially only NUM of you have presented the terms of the Rights agreement but I anticipate that number has doubled , even tripled . So , with a tight window between executing the agreement , then monetizing it so it can be implemented , please join Michael and I for a conference call Monday July NUM @ NUM EST. . . Use the following call-in info to join : Call : NUM Code : NUM Please do not wait for the call to continue to keep me posted on all your progress ... You are moving the company forward , congrats !! - Paul NUM
Paul D. Rector Director - Customer Development Heartland Publications , LLC ( e ) ( p ) 203.858.8951 ( f ) 860.664.1085
Dear Ms Janis Brischke , I am pleased to advise that your Service Request to perform Sim Swaps + Add $ NUM Data Packs to mobile numbers - NUM and NUM has been completed . - NUM Sim - 738545193P Pin - NUM Puk - NUM Data Pack = $ NUM - NUM Sim - 738545326P Pin - NUM Puk - NUM Data Pack = $ NUM If we can be of any further assistance to your Business do not hesitate to contact us . Best Regards , OAID342695 . MPID42795 .
Katie Chapman Service Executive TELSTRA BUSINESS CENTRE - BRISBANE WEST P : 1300665515 | F : 1300 887 698 | E :
Hi Stone , This is the new opportunity we were discussing yesterday . Please share with Dr. Webster and let me know if doable . Please note , the turnaround time for feasibility completion is short . Let me know . Thanks , Susan From : Kasperitis , Tracy [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 7:37 AM To : Susan Rice Subject : Feasibility study in Herniated Lumbar Disc Dear Susan , Please note this has a really , really fast turn-around time . I ’ll be able to accept documents as late as early Tuesday morning . PharmaNet is preparing to conduct a research study in the treatment of herniated lumbar disc . The study is a phase NUM , multi-center , randomized , double-blind , placebo-controlled , single ascending dose study . Please find enclosed : - Blinded study synopsis for review - Blinded Feasibility questionnaire which is designed to provide us information to assess your potential participation in the study . Please complete and return the attached questionnaire to Tracy Kasperitis via fax at NUM or EMAIL by July NUM , NUM . Your information is valuable to us and your response will be recorded in our list of potential investigators .
Susan L. Rice Vice President Thievon-Wright Consulting Group 1908 Park Avenue South Plainfield , NJ 07080 Tel : 908-244-6449 Fax : 908-756-1122 email :
Lani , I believe that it would be the current Market Mix with action items to address the short fall in the specific segments . From : Lani Baird Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 10:26 AM To : P.J. Gonzales Subject : Question For the GM Bible , what are they looking for when they say , ‘ Market Segmentation & Planning ’ ? Thanks ! Sincerely , Lani Baird Director of National Sales GF Management Direct : ( NUM ) NUM x NUM Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL < > GF Management Hotel Portfolio < URL > WHERE AM I THIS WEEK ? I 'm at my office in Philadelphia , PA , headquarters of GF Hotels , NUM of the largest & most successful hotel management companies in the country . We manage over NUM hotels throughout the US & are represented in over NUM states . Looking for a location for your next meeting or event ? Need a place for your travelers to stay ? Please visit our portfolio GF HOTELS < URL > .
P.J. Gonzales Vice President - Sales & Marketing GF Management 903 Dulaney Valley Road Towson , MD 21204 Direct Line : 443.921.2317 Mobile : 484.477.6380 Email : Website :
From : Job Posting Leads [ EMAIL On Behalf Of Roy Hibberd Sent : Tuesday , March NUM , NUM 5:21 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Job-Posting-Leads ] FW : New Retained Executive Search Maureen , Could you please post this CFO position on our jobs email list ? I have no other details . Thanks , Roy From : Ron E. Bates [] Sent : Tuesday , March NUM , NUM 5:01 PM To : Roy Hibberd Subject : New Retained Executive Search Roy Executive Advantage Group , Inc. . has recently been exclusively retained by our client Advanced Photonix , Inc. . to conduct a retained executive search for a Chief Financial Officer . We ' ve showcased this new retained executive search in the following search specific website : < URL > URL On the search specific website 's - The Position Profile - page there is a link to - download the Detailed Position Spec . If you are aware of a stellar candidate that would excel in this role based on the brief position description below please have them send their resume to me , Ron E. Bates , Managing Principal , Executive Advantage Group , Inc. . ( Quickest/Best Contact is by Email : EMAIL <,%20Inc.%20-%20CFO%20-%20Retained%20Search&body=Please%20remember%20to%20attach%20your%20resume%20with%20your%20response . > , slowest contact method is by direct dial : NUM ) . * Chief Financial Officer : The ideal CFO candidate possesses NUM years of Finance and Accounting execution experience which includes NUM years of Finance and Accounting management experience ideally at companies ranging from pre-IPO to + $ NUM in revenue . The candidate must possess Technology Industry experience . Semiconductor , or Component and/or Subsystem Manufacturing Industry Experience is not required , but would be considered a plus . Candidate ideally possesses a NUM College or University program certificate ; and NUM years public company related experience and/or training ; or equivalent combination of education and experience . CPA or CFA certification strongly preferred . The candidate must have specific manufacturing cost accounting , tax and SEC public accounting experience to also include public reporting , accelerated filing , and emerging SEC regulations experience . Candidate should be knowledgeable about how to allocate overhead across Division P&L s and product lines ; knowledgeable about tax credits for investment research ( SBIR ) is a plus . Executive Advantage Group , Inc. . - Experts in Mission Critical Search Solutions : I look forward to your response . Sincerely , Ron E. Bates Managing Principal Executive Advantage Group Direct : NUM EMAIL <,%20Inc.%20-%20CFO%20-%20Retained%20Search&body=Please%20remember%20to%20attach%20your%20resume%20with%20your%20response . > Executive-Advantage . com < URL > [ Human Resources - White Paper ] < URL > Keys to Succession : Planning , Talent Acquisition , Development , and Deployment Silicon Valley Offices - NUM Oakmead Parkway , Suite NUM , Sunnyvale , CA NUM - Direct : NUM Pacific Northwest Offices - NUM SW Benchview Terrace , Portland , OR NUM - Direct : NUM Cambridge , MA : NUM • Chicago , IL : NUM • Portland , OR : NUM • Silicon Valley , CA : NUM Executive Advantage Group , Inc. . Experts in Mission Critical Retained Search To submit your preferred contact information - go here < URL > To permanently opt-out from all future mailings , go here < URL > or send an email to : EMAIL with the address : EMAIL in the subject line . This document is provided for information only . This information is not a promise or guarantee nor is the accuracy of any information generated after this item is published guaranteed . This document is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind , express or implied , including but not limited to service provider . Advertisement . DISCLAIMER : This e-mail is sent in compliance with strict anti-abuse regulations , and is in compliance as long as there is a way to be removed . URL This message is intended only for the named recipient ( s ) above and may contain information that is privileged , confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law . If you have received this message in error , or are not the named recipient ( s ) , please immediately notify the sender and destroy this message . Privacy Statement : This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended for the use of the intended recipient ( s ) only . If you have received this email in error , please notify the sender immediately and then delete it . If you are not the intended recipient , you are notified that disclosing , copying , distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited . Virus Warning : We have taken reasonable precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses , but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message . We can not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses . Content : Employees are expressly required not to make defamatory statements and not to infringe copyright or any other legal right by email communications . Any such communication is outside the scope of the employment of the individual concerned and the company will not accept any liability for such communication .
Roy W. Hibberd CFE SVP , Corporate Secretary and General Counsel DFGLogo_300dpi Dollar Financial Group , Inc. . 1436 Lancaster Ave. Suite 300 Berwyn , PA 19312 ( o ) 610-640-6411 ( c ) 610-864-7051
Hi All , As you already know Lou had to reschedule for after Wednesday . He had to go out of town . I am trying to get some times for Thursday . Would NUM think in the morning work for you on Thursday 9:00 or 9:30 ? If not how does your day look after lunch ? Sorry we had to reschedule . Transwestern is the NUM real estate services firm to be named ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence partner . From : Pam Gibbons [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:15 PM To : Todd Shugarman ; Bill Wanatosky Cc : Steve Papermaster ; Brian Rossi ; George Carbonell Subject : RE : NUM Rockville Pike Has this been rescheduled ? Pam Gibbons Vice President of Operations NUM Title & Escrow , Inc NUM West Gude Drive Suite NUM Rockville , MD NUM NUM NUM ext NUM URL From : Todd Shugarman [] Sent : Wednesday , July NUM , NUM 12:53 PM To : Bill Wanatosky Cc : Steve Papermaster ; Pam Gibbons ; Brian Rossi ; George Carbonell Subject : Re : NUM Rockville Pike Bill , We would be interested in meeting with Lou and the CFO at the property . We would be available next Monday or Thursday the NUM or NUM . Please let us know if either day works for your client . Thank you Todd On Fri , Jul NUM , NUM at 2:32 PM , Bill Wanatosky < EMAIL > wrote : Hi Steve , We have been interacting with the CFO of the entity which owns NUM Rockville Pike . We have also had discussions with Lou Glickfield who is the ultimate decision maker . He would like to sit down with you next week to discuss leasing the office space at NUM Rockville Pike . At this meeting you will be able to address all of your concerns and hopefully come to an agreement on these issues . Please provide us with a few dates and times you are available to meet next week . If you do not want to meet please let us know that also . Thanks Bill Wanatosky Assistant Vice President TRANSWESTERN NUM Rockledge Drive Suite NUM Bethesda , Md. . NUM Phone NUM | Fax NUM URL Transwestern is the NUM real estate services firm to be named ENERGY STAR Sustained Excellence partner . -- Todd Shugarman NUM EMAIL
Bill Wanatosky Assistant Vice President TRANSWESTERN 6700 Rockledge Drive Suite 400-A Bethesda , Md. . 20817 Phone 301-896-9054 | Fax 301-571-0903
Ok , You need this today or before Monday ? From : Neel Inamdar Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:35 PM To : Lorena Bustos Subject : Fw : Justification for Exceptional Performance Hi Please also send me the language we need to use for the manager status ? I will incorporate some of that here . Thanks Neel Inamdar Fund Manager Verde Ventures Conservation International Email : EMAIL Skype : inamdar1 From : Ines Castro Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 02:26 PM To : Neel Inamdar Subject : RE : Justification for Exceptional Performance Today would be ideal , as it is the due date . Otherwise , I plan to complete the worksheet on Monday . Can you do it by then ? Inês From : Neel Inamdar Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:25 PM To : Ines Castro ; Lorena Bustos Subject : Re : Justification for Exceptional Performance Sure - when do you need this by ? Neel Inamdar Fund Manager Verde Ventures Conservation International Email : EMAIL Skype : inamdar1 From : Ines Castro Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 01:59 PM To : Lorena Bustos ; Neel Inamdar Subject : Justification for Exceptional Performance Hi Neel and Lorena ,
Lorena Garcia-Bustos Program Coordinator Verde Ventures Conservation International 2011 Crystal Drive Suite 500 Arlington VA 22202 703-341-2605 skype : lorebuu
Good morning , Please be advised that the FCAI Current ( Express ) cube is now ready on the Polk FTP site . Regards ,
Linda Packham VFACTS Production Manager R.L. Polk Australia Pty Ltd T : 03 8866 6111 | F : 03 8866 6199 E : | W :
Hola Marina , la verdad que el anuncio estaba tan completo que ni me preocupé en preguntarte , pero quisiera saber en qué piso está el departamento . Desde ya , gracias . Saludos cordiales
Less your NUM % of course Kind regards , Please visit our website to download our new map URL From : Kobus Nortje [] Sent : NUM July NUM 03:37 PM To : ' Clive Ackerman ' ; ' Sarimah Saaya Gammatec ' Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Hi Clive The price for a TSI pigtail to Aseana will be : $ NUM I would suggest that we just make sure that this is a TSi pigtail , did not see him mention it . Kind regards , Kobus Nortje Sales Representative - International GAMMATEC NDT SUPPLIES ( PTY ) LTD Head Office Building Vision NUM Industrial Park Steel Road Peacehaven Vereeniging Tel : NUM NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM Please visit our website to download our new map URL From : Clive Ackerman [] Sent : NUM July NUM 10:57 AM To : ' Kobus Nortje ' ; ' Sarimah Saaya Gammatec ' Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Hi Kobus Please send me the price so that I can quote Applied for the pigtail as below . Kind Regards Clive Ackerman Managing Drector GAMMATEC ASEANA NDT SUPPLIES SDN . BHD. . Lot NUM , Ground Floor Jalan PJS NUM Bandar Sunway NUM Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia Tel : NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM Mobile : NUM Please visit our website : URL From : Kobus Nortje [] Sent : Monday , NUM July , NUM 2:03 PM To : ' Sarimah Saaya Gammatec ' Cc : ' Clive Ackerman ' Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Hi Sarimah Further to the correspondence , please be advised that you will have to quote Applied for a pigtail . The attached document he sent mentions a empty container . Regards Kind regards , Kobus Nortje Sales Representative - International GAMMATEC NDT SUPPLIES ( PTY ) LTD Head Office Building Vision NUM Industrial Park Steel Road Peacehaven Vereeniging Tel : NUM NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM Please visit our website to download our new map URL From : Applied Engineering [] Sent : NUM July NUM 08:28 AM To : Sarimah Saaya Gammatec Cc : Clive Ackerman Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Dear Sir , Please refer to our below correspondance regarding order of M/s Heavy Mechanical Complex-3 , Taxila ( HMC-3 ) and Proforma Invoice No . TI1076/05/11 dated : NUM . We have been received Purchase Order No . HMC-3 / PUR/3210/2010 NUM dated : NUM from HMC-3 for supply of 100Ci Ir-192 Sealed Gamma Ray Source Type G-6 . The PO enclosed herewith for your perusal and doing the needful . You are therefore requested to please confirm your acceptance of PO and arrange supply of required source at earliest . We shall be highly obliged if you please confirm your acceptance at earliest for onward submission to HMC-3 , Taxila . Should you need any clarification , please contact . Best Regards M.Zubair Lodhi , Manager ( Admin ) Applied Engineering , Plot No . NUM , NUM Floor , Anum Centre , DOHS , Thandi Sarak , Hyderabad-71000 Phones : NUM NUM Fax : NUM From : EMAIL To : EMAIL CC : EMAIL Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Date : Thu , NUM Jun NUM 11:37:37 NUM Dear Ms Sarimah , Thank you very much for providing PI . You are requested to please advise on the following : NUM ) Break-up of Carriage Charges i.e. USD NUM . NUM ) Airport of Shipment . NUM ) Warranty / Guarantee Period . NUM ) Vlidity of Offer upto NUM June , NUM . NUM ) Name of Manufacturer is MDS Nordion , please confirm NUM ) Acceptance for payment after receipt of Original Shiiping Documents at HMC-3 , Taxila . Kindly respond at earliest . Best Regards M.Zubair Lodhi , Manager ( Admin ) Applied Engineering , Plot No . NUM , NUM Floor , Anum Centre , DOHS , Thandi Sarak , Hyderabad-71000 Phones : NUM NUM Fax : NUM From : EMAIL To : EMAIL CC : EMAIL Subject : RE : Quotation for Gamma Ray Source ( HMC-Gammatec ) Date : Wed , NUM Jun NUM 16:50:00 NUM Dear Mr. Zubair , As requested , please find attached our proforma invoice for your kind perusal . Kindly take note , I have issued NUM set of proforma invoice as I ’m not sure whether the PI should be to Applied or HMC . Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information or assistance . Thank you . Kind regards , Sarimah Sa’aya ASEANA Administrator Tel : NUM NUM NUM Gammatec Aseana NDT Supplies Sdn Bhd Lot NUM , Ground Floor , Jalan PJS NUM , Bandar Sunway NUM Petaling Jaya , Selangor Malaysia Tel : NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM : EMAIL Visit our website at :
Kobus Nortje Sales Representative - International GAMMATEC NDT SUPPLIES ( PTY ) LTD Head Office Building Vision 21 Industrial Park Steel Road Peacehaven Vereeniging Tel : +27 16 423 7731 Fax : +27 16 423 1743
Out of Office AutoReply : frank grillo has added your contact with gwabbit NOTE : NEW CELL NUMBER NUM No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/17/11
Éttoré J. Zuccarelli Executive Director , Photography Disney ABC Television Group 500 South Buena Vista Street Suite 8172 Burbank , CA 91521 818-468-3000 - Cell 818-460-7475 - Office 818-460-6010 - Fax AIM : ettorejz624
Hi Parents , 5:00 Warm-ups / 6:00 game at Paterson Use Eastside Park in Paterson for GPS . Simple Directions ( GPS will take you a little differently ) : Route NUM West becomes Broadway thru Fair Lawn Cross over River Route NUM south under Route NUM ( field show up on right ) about half mile turn right on Overlook Ave. Right on E. Park Drive into Eastside Park follow signs to Larry Doby Field . Parking will be a challenge , I hear .
Scott A. Muller 118 John Street Ridgewood , NJ 07450 H 201-444-4544 W 888-968-5537 C 201-970-6592
I need to download the timeclock on your phone . Please make sure you stop by next week to see me . We have to get these done so we can schedule our training class . Thanks ! Have a great weekend ! Have a wonderful day ,
Alison Parrish SAF Technologies , Inc. . 704-844-0955 Ext. . 10
Sent it o me bring it on Confidentiality : This email and files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed . The contents are privileged . Any unauthorized access , disclosure , use or copying is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful . If you have received this email in error please notify the originator . Baron Developments ( UK ) Ltd. . Co. . Registration No . NUM
Rafal Szczypek Design Department < > BARON DEVELOPMENTS ( UK ) LTD Manhattan House Manhattan Business Park Westgate , Ealing W5 1UP < > Phone : 0208 810 4040 Fax : 0208 810 4045
Shrikant , Can you please send me a packing list of what is ready to be shipped for Anzie ? I need it today . Thank you .
Brad Sacks Sara Blaine Jewelry 770.650.0999 - Office 678-701-8018 - Direct ( USA ) 514-449-4688 - Direct ( Canada )
This should get me up to date bar this past week which I will do on Monday . --
Richard Bale Web Developer | Leap T +44 ( 0 ) 1726 75551 This month 's newsletter : Leap , 140 Alexandra Road , St Austell , Cornwall , PL25 4QJ
Hi Renea : Following up on my voicemail , I wanted to point out that in the bays along the perimeter there the wall space for wall mounted computers is available only on the side walls i.e. clinical staff will potentially have their backs to the patient . A cart will provide more flexibility in this area . Hope this helps clarify , Marie The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied , modified , retransmitted , or used for any purpose except with Stantec 's written authorization . If you are not the intended recipient , please delete all copies and notify us immediately . ü Please consider the environment before printing this email . [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 11:48 AM To : EMAIL EMAIL Cc : EMAIL EMAIL Chung , Marie-Noelle ; EMAIL EMAIL Subject : Computers for ASC HI Janet and Dawn , Can you let us know your computer preference for the NUM chair bays ( in orange ) ? Computers can be mounted or on carts ; and do you want NUM per bay ? To confirm the other NUM areas - - In red ( pre-op holding ) will be computers mounted , NUM per bay . - In green ( post-op holding ) will be computer carts , mirrored every NUM bays , NUM cart per bay . Let me know . Thanks . Renea [ IMAGE ] Renea Rowan , MHA NOVA Executive Consultant Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Phone : ( NUM ) NUM NOTICE TO RECIPIENT : If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail , you are prohibited from sharing , copying , or otherwise using or disclosing its contents . If you have received this e-mail in error , please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and permanently delete this e-mail and any
Marie-Noelle Chung Design Coordinator Stantec Ph : ( 415 ) 281-5479 < >
listo ya se envió muestra a laboratorio se le entrego ala analista ADRIANA GUADALUPE en espera de su reevaluación saludos . De : Carlos Humberto Tamborrel Cerecedo Enviado el : vie 15/07/2011 12:00 Para : Raul Niaves Horecny ; Miguel Gonzalez Toscano Asunto : RE : FAVOR DE ENVIAR PALLET Este material ya fue entregado . Saludos . De : Raul Niaves Horecny Enviado el : viernes , NUM de julio de NUM 09:45 a.m. Para : Carlos Humberto Tamborrel Cerecedo ; Miguel Gonzalez Toscano Asunto : FAVOR DE ENVIAR PALLET CARLOS : Favor de enviar este pallet a la metalizadora NUM y entregárselo a Miguel Gonzales Toscano por favor MIGUEL : Hay que sacar capas al rollo y enviar muestra para reevaluar “ DO ” favor de anotarse en la bitácora de entrega de muestras y me confirma a que analista se la entrego por este medio . De : Fabiola Sobrevilla Najera Enviado el : viernes , NUM de julio de NUM 06:42 a.m. Para : Operador de Metalización Altamira ; Operador de Corte Secundario Altamira ; Raul Niaves Horecny CC : Analista de Aseguramiento de la Calidad Altamira ; Maria de los Angeles Cano Juarez ; Marcelo Tabare Martinez Illoldi Asunto : CS15AAAJUP NO LIBRE Buen día , Se coloca en estado NO LIBRE el rollo siguiente por presentar Densidad Óptica Baja F/E : cod rollo D.O. MIN ESPECIF . CS15AAAJUP NUM NUM Corte Metalizado : Favor de traer nueva muestra para su medición . Saludos y gracias !! Fabiola Sobrevilla Nájera .
Gwabbit Please explain regards
Raka Itana Managing Director Sec 477 Lot 10 , Tarpot Rd 4 Mile , P O Box 34 , Port Moresby , Ph : 311 3206 Fax : 311 2872 : Mobile : DCel : 7270 1463 BMobile : 7685 072 Email :
To view this email as a web page , click here . < URL > NITA Notes Newsletter < URL > September NUM Letter from the President Dear Victor , John Baker < URL > Throughout NUM NITA has continued its commitment to bring advocacy training to law schools throughout the United States . In addition to publishing case files , problem series , and advocacy text books for law school curriculum , NITA also provides programming and teaching support . Learning-by-Doing in Law Schools In March , NITA conducted an intensive pre-trial and trial skills course for NUM - and NUM law students at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law . NUM students watched faculty demonstrations , performed the skills , and received individual and group critique from the faculty . The scope of the intensive program , designed by Senior Director of Education , Custom Programs , and Curriculum Development Terre Rushton followed the same deposition-to-trial model that NITA faculty developed for our public and custom programming . The University of Pennsylvania will offer the NITA program again in NUM . Annual Tournament of Champions Next month , NITA and LexisNexis will once again co-sponsor the Tournament of Champions invitational law school trial competition . Since NUM , NITA has sponsored the tournament that invites NUM schools to compete based on their NUM performance record at the National Trial Competition and the AAJ ( ATLA ) National Student Trial Advocacy Competition . St. Johnâ € ™ s University Law School is host of this yearâ € ™ s Tournament of Champions . The law schools participating in the NUM competition are Suffolk , Syracuse , Duquesne , Maryland , Baylor , Kentucky , Chicago Kent , Washington Univ , Stanford , Colorado , Stetson , Cumberland , Loyola Chicago , Northwestern , Wisconsin , and St Johnâ € ™ s. Teacher Training Programs Trial skills professors and trial practice adjuncts learn the NITA method by attending NUM of NUM public NITA Teacher Training programs held each year . The next scheduled Teacher Training program will be offered November NUM , NUM in San Francisco . If you havenâ € ™ t attended this program , itâ € ™ s highly recommend you do . For information on registration < URL > visit us online NITA plans to continue its work within law schools next year and for many years to come . Given that close to NUM % of law schools rely on NITA publications and many graduates will come to know NITA programming later in their careers , we feel the relationship between NITA and academia is an ever important NUM . Thanks to all who help us in our commitment . Sincerely , John Baker Signature < URL > _____ Custom Programs : A Fitzpatrick , Cella , Harper & Scinto Feature In a single year NITA works with more than NUM law firms and government agencies to conduct close to NUM custom programs . These custom programs are based on the NITA methodology and case files , but they are tailored to the specific needs of the firm . Of these NUM firms and organizations , a few have integrated a NITA curriculum . In other words , they donâ € ™ t just occasionally hold a custom training inside their firm walls . These firms hold regular NITA-style trainings and have committed to bettering their associatesâ € ™ skills through learning by doing . Fitzpatrick , Cella , Harper & Scinto in New York City is NUM of those firms . Kristen Ramos , Director of Human Resources and Professional Development at Fitzpatrick , is responsible for coordinating all custom programs and works closely with both the Fitzpatrick faculty and NITA faculty that teach at the programs . ( Each program has a total of NUM faculty , NUM from Fitzpatrick and NUM from NITA . ) A team of Fitzpatrick and NITA faculty â € œWorking with NITA faculty is wonderful , â € ? Kristen said . â € œOver the years weâ € ™ ve developed a relationship and now work very well together.â € ? NITA faculty Hon. Mindy Solomon and Mike Dale often teach at the programs and have done so since Fitzpatrick began their regular custom programming in NUM . â € œInitially I worried that Mindy and Mike might wear thin if they came back too often , â € ? said Nick Cannella , a Fitzpatrick Partner and Chairman of the firmâ € ™ s Management Committee . â € œBut theyâ € ™ re back year after year , and theyâ € ™ re amazing . Our associates ask for them , because they are so good.â € ? Itâ € ™ s not only Fitzpatrick that has benefited faculty-wise . Several Fitzpatrick associates and partners have become NITA faculty and teach at public NITA programs . Those attorneys include partners Ha Kung Wong and Josh Rothman . Annual custom programming Kristen explained that over time Fitzpatrick has refined its schedule , so that associates know what training to expect each year . She said the associates very much look forward to the programs . â € œThe associates always say itâ € ™ s a great program , â € ? she said . â € œThey especially enjoy the critique sessions , and the biggest comment I hear is , â € ˜can we have more training this year?â € ™ . â € ? The custom programs at Fitzpatrick begin with a Fact Investigation training for summer associates and continue every year with a different program until the associateâ € ™ s NUM year at the firm when they attend a NUM and a half day Advanced Trial Advocacy program that ends with a mock trial . The firm also makes a practice of sending some senior associates to the National Session held every summer in Colorado . A worthwhile investment Many large firms like Fitzpatrick have moved away from time-intensive training programs , because of the cost , time out of the office for the associates , and the high turnover rates of associates . When asked why Fitzpatrick has not cut back on trainings Nick explained : â € œWe recognize that weâ € ™ re going to lose some people for whom we dedicated these resources , but we choose to look at it differently : Weâ € ™ ve made the associates who stay more valuable to our clients , sooner.â € ? Nick is the self-professed spiritual leader of the NITA programming at Fitzpatrick . He attended the National Session over NUM years ago and became a strong believer in the effectiveness of the NITA learning-by-doing right away . Upon joining Fitzpatrick in NUM , he immediately encouraged the firm to send associates to NITA programs and later to conduct its own custom NITA programs . â € œEverybody here knows that I am a long-time NITA fan , â € ? said Nick . â € œI go to every NUM of our in-house NITA sessions at some point , and I often teach the ethics portion of the trial and advanced trial programs due to my experience on New Yorkâ € ™ s disciplinary committee.â € ? Fitzpatrickâ € ™ s commitment to NITA training has had evident benefits to the firmâ € ™ s success . In addition to being a recruiting tool for its summer associates and a retention tool for its young associates , the training pays dividends because the attorneys become more useful to clients , as Nick mentioned . Mike Dale recognizes the advancements in the associates as well . â € œI canâ € ™ t be sure if itâ € ™ s the work theyâ € ™ re doing in the firm or if itâ € ™ s NITA trainingâ € ” itâ € ™ s probably bothâ € ” but we teach the same associates year after year , and it is clear that they retain the skills we teach them , â € ? said Mike . â € œItâ € ™ s also obvious that the partners want to see their associates get better . Itâ € ™ s impressive , especially because this is an intellectual property firm . The associates are not political science majors ; they have math , chemistry , and computer degrees . Itâ € ™ s crystal clear that Fitzpatrick has a philosophy for making better lawyers , and they do.â € ? Judge Mindy Solomon echoed Mikeâ € ™ s sentiment . â € œBecause of the relationship we developed with the firm , I have the ability to push the lawyers a little bit harder in every program , â € ? she said . â € œIn fact , Iâ € ™ m now teaching alongside partners who I previously taught when they were associates . You only want the participants to be better , and at Fitzpatrick we get to see that happen NUM hand.â € ? _____ < URL > NITAâ € ™ s NUM Anniversary celebration set : Chicago On Thursday , October NUM , NITA will hold the last party in its yearlong anniversary celebration . In downtown Chicago , graciously hosted by Jenner & Block LLP , NITA will have a gathering of program participants , faculty , authors , board members and anyone else interested in learning more about the organization . For more information on attending or sponsoring this event contact Daniel McHugh at EMAIL . October NUM NUM 5:30 -7:30 pm Jenner & Block LLP NUM N. Clark St. Chicago , IL _____ Check Out the National Session Photos < URL > Visit the NITA Facebook page to see photos from this yearâ € ™ s National Session . Youâ € ™ ll find more than NUM images of the programs and reception . Feel free to tag your own images and comment . _____ Join Hon. Jim Carrigan for a Fireside Chat The Colorado Bar Association is inviting everyone to attend an intimate conversation with the Hon. Jim Carrigan on October NUM . Judge Carrigan has a long list of legal accomplishments here in Colorado , and he is NUM of the NITA founders and continues to be a NITA supporter . The event will take place at the CBA facilities ; you can attend live or watch via the web . For details of the event visit the < URL > CBA website . _____ Professional Announcements If you have a professional announcement that you would like to see published in NITA Notes , please email your press release or other information to Sara Lancaster at EMAIL . In This Issue September NUM Letter from the President Custom Programs : A Fitzpatrick , Cella , Harper & Scinto Feature NITA 's NUM Anniversary Celebration : Chicago National Session Photos Join Hon. Jim Carrigan for a Fireside Chat Professional Announcements Contact NITA < URL > NITA Logo < URL > URL NUM NUM NUM Street , Suite NUM Boulder , CO NUM The Docket Trial Advocacy < URL > NUM / NUM - Building Trial Skills : Mid-Central < URL > Indianapolis , IN < URL > NUM / NUM - Building Trial Skills : Pacific < URL > San Diego , CA < URL > NUM NUM - Building Trial Skills : Mid-Atlantic < URL > Philadelphia , PA < URL > NUM / NUM - DC Advanced Advocates < URL > Washington , DC Advocacy Teacher Training < URL > NUM / NUM - Teacher Training < URL > San Francisco , CA Deposition Skills < URL > NUM / NUM - Deposition Skills : Western < URL > Berkeley , CA < URL > NUM - Deposing the Expert Witness < URL > Berkeley , CA < URL > NUM / NUM - Deposition Skills : Florida < URL > Fort Lauderdale , FL < URL > NUM / NUM - Deposition Skills : Mid-Central < URL > Indianapolis , IN < URL > NUM / NUM - Deposition Skills : NYC < URL > New York , NY < URL > NUM / NUM - Deposition Skills : Arizona < URL > Phoenix , AZ Specialty Programs NUM / NUM - The Articulate Advocate < URL > Boulder , CO < URL > NUM / NUM - Writing Persuasive Briefs < URL > Boulder , CO < URL > Featured Program : Deposition Skills : New York City < URL > From November NUM through November NUM attorneys will practice and perfect how best to conduct a deposition . Relying on NITAâ € ™ s refined funnel method , participants will learn to elicit helpful answers , test theories , deal with difficult opposing counsel , and much more < URL > see a complete list of skills taught here . The program is taught by Elizabeth Sher , Mark Risk , Marcia Levy , and other popular NITA faculty and is held at New York Law School in New York Cityâ € ™ s Tribeca neighborhood . < URL > Learn more or sign up on the NITA website . Featured Publication - Garcia v. Vertex Manufacturing Company A new edition of Garcia v. Vertex Manufacturing Company by William S. Bailey and Frederick C. Moss is now available . These case files work well in familiarizing students with electronic exhibits , sequential photo studies , and computer generated stills and animations to make a visual impact in the courtroom . The format also makes expert witnesses much more compelling when they are able to " show and tell " during testimony . Learn more about Garcia v. Vertex Manufacturing Company < URL > About NITA Notes NITA Notes is published to < URL > URL and sent by e-mail to more than NUM NITA supporters and alumni each month . To subscribe to the newsletter or to view archived issues of NITA Notes , visit < URL > URL . If you have story ideas or would like us to publish a professional announcement about you or your legal organization , contact NITA Notes editor , Sara Lancaster , at < > EMAIL . Connect With NITA Online Like the NITA Facebook page , become a colleague on LinkedIn , follow us on Twitter , or even watch our videos on YouTube ! We invite you to participate and share your advocacy experiences with the entire NITA community through social media . While there are postings of upcoming programs and other events on our social media sites , all publication purchases and program registrations are completed by calling NUM or visiting < URL > URL . < URL > Facebook < URL > LinkedIn < URL > Twitter < URL > YouTube This email was sent to : EMAIL This email was sent by : National Institute for Trial Advocacy NUM NUM Street Boulder , CO , NUM , USA We respect your right to privacy - view our policy < URL > Manage Subscriptions < URL > | Update Profile < URL > | NUM Unsubscribe < URL > < URL >
John Baker NITA President & Public Programs Education Director
See emails below . Meet with KGK Synergize Inc. , at : NBJ Summit July NUM , Dana Point , CA Sign-up here to receive important clinical trial tips and news from KGK Synergize ! ************************************************************************* The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material . Any review , re-transmission , dissemination or other use of , or taking of any action in reliance upon , this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited . If you received this in error , please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer . ************************************************************************* From : vijaya juturu [] Sent : June NUM , NUM 8:40 PM To : Laurie Guthrie Subject : Re : Follow Up Laurie Thank you . I am not aware of press release . I will check with christina . Have you done any skin cosmoceutical studies . Please send me abstracts . Your information will be helpful . I would also like to know whether you have pediatrician and gynecologist . Please send me more details on cosmoceuticals related studies you did before and currently . Vijaya On Mon , Jun NUM , NUM at 9:33 AM , Laurie Guthrie < EMAIL > wrote : Dear Dr. Juturu , Thank you for your response . Yes we have great capabilities in this area ! We use VISIO technology which allows us to photograph a specific area of skin so we can see what is happening to it over time . We can look at parameters like pigmentation , UV damage , pore size , wrinkle depth and crow ’s feet to name a few . It takes high resolution pictures which are incorporated into the final reports . Here is a link if you are not familiar with the technology
Laurie Guthrie MLA/T Manager , Marketing & Sales KGK Synergize Inc. . Suite 1440 , One London Place 255 Queens Avenue London , ON N6A 5R8 T :519 -438 -9374 Ext. 222 F :519 -438 -8314
Testifying Experts ' Fees . It 's consistent with what we ' re paying for testifying experts in other accounting malpractice cases , yes ( and in some cases , much cheaper ) . We negotiated it down and negotiated the cap -- which they ' ve hit , so the rest of the way is no further charge . Burr Investment in the Case . As Jim and I have discussed in the past , there 's a good bit of time logged on the case that 's really " training " time for the paralegals and associates involved here who never have worked on a case like this before . I thought it better to use this case to train them , instead of having to write off time on matters chargeable to clients . Status/Potential Recovery . Per the prior updates I ' ve sent , we ' ve defeated LBMC 's NUM separate summary judgment motions , with the Court adopting the magistrate 's report and recommendation on the last NUM just last week . That means all of our claims , including punitive damages , are cleared to go to jury trial . The Court last week continued the trial from this Dec. . to June , NUM . Our damages claim , before punitives , is about $ 5MM , which is the amount of LBMC 's coverage ( unless they ' re able to stack -- doubtful ) . We have a mediation scheduled for Nov. . NUM . TKPIII From : Lowery , Jim Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 11:12 AM To : Potter , Tom ; Contingent Cc : FINANCE_COMMITTEE Subject : RE : Large check for CM # NUM so accountants are now more valuable than lawyers ? I ' ve known it for a while but the national trend seems to be catching on more quickly than I thought . Seriously , who would have thought CPA 's in Jacksonville , FL could charge higher rates than lawyers in virtually every city where we have offices . We always get gouged on lit support work . Is this their best rate ? Also , our investment in this case is getting rather large . Any guess as to our best case recovery ? Thanks . James W. Lowery , Jr. . Chief Operating Officer Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Potter , Tom Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 11:04 AM To : Lowery , Jim ; Contingent Cc : FINANCE_COMMITTEE Subject : RE : Large check for CM # NUM We negotiated the rate down already and it 's capped through trial . Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM American Center NUM West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee NUM < URL > URL From : Lowery , Jim Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 10:58 AM To : Contingent Cc : FINANCE_COMMITTEE ; Potter , Tom Subject : FW : Large check for CM # NUM Can we negotiate the rates down ? Their rates are higher than most of our effective rates , and it does n't appear as though they understand the Burr concept of " willy nilly " write downs . Please advise re : payment . Thanks . James W. Lowery , Jr. . Chief Operating Officer Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Smith , Denise Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 10:41 AM To : Lowery , Jim ; Casaday , Jordan Subject : FW : Large check for CM # NUM Jim , this is for a contingency case in Nashville - Murphy vs Lattimore . These accountants ( Buttner Hammock ) have bills for $ NUM to be paid in NUM installments per Tom Potter and John Nefflen . Outstanding disbursement wip is $ NUM . Total wip $ NUM . Please let us know if you know of a reason why we should not pay ; otherwise , Jordan can put in line for payment . Thanks . Denise S. Smith Director Accounting Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Casaday , Jordan Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 10:20 AM To : Smith , Denise Subject : Large check for CM # NUM Are you ok with this to be printed . Tom Potter approved it . There is NUM in WIP for this CM # . There will be NUM of these check for a total of NUM ish .
Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3231 Cell : ( 504 ) 914-7066 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3331 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < >
Dr. Rodrigo Boa Tarde Mesmo essa diferença sendo entre a transacao da Socimel com a Independencia ? Mesmo assim cade a DRB pagar ? E ainda , isso e porque existe a escritura ou conforme a LEI , pois penso que , apesar da escritura ser clara a legislacao tambem e clara quando ao fato de termos que pagar laudemio pela transacao da Independencia com a Socimel ? ( Pois isso e um absurdo no nosso entendimento ) Sds , ----- Original Message ----- From : Antonio Ribas Bernardo To : Diego - DRB TRADING Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:08 PM Subject : Fwd : Documentos Iniciar mensagem reenviada : De : rodrigo-romano < EMAIL > Data : NUM de julho de NUM 12h32min0s GMT-03 NUM Para : Antonio Ribas Bernardo < EMAIL > Assunto : Re : Documentos Ribas , bom dia . A escritura nao deixa duvidas de que todos os valores de laudemio e aforamento e quaisquer outros impostos , sej apelo valor toal seja pela diferença , cabem : NUM ) À DRB se decorrentes da venda efetuada em NUM , ou seja , se o valor que esta sendo cobrado em juizo se refere a este periodo , inclusive na transaçao de compra e venda , o valor tem que ser pago pela DRB ( e a escritura fala ainda no item B da pagina NUM que é exclusivo da DRB ) ; NUM ) À Independencia se decorrentes do contrato anterior pelo qual adquiriu o imovel por aproximadamente NUM mil reais . Nao ha qualquer margem para dicussao fora disso . Att , Rodrigo Romano Moreira Em 15/07/2011 11:58 , Antonio Ribas Bernardo < EMAIL > escreveu : Favor verificar folha NUM verso item quatro clausula do laudemio se da p / ficar a responsabilidade so p / eles . Abç
Diego Bernardo CEO DRB TRADING TEL. . 11-4133-0433 TEL. . 11-4688-1207 CEL . 11-9953-5115
Great . Thanks Best Regards Sent on Blackberry Device ----- Original Message ----- From : Andres , Sonny To : Kennedy , Jake Cc : King , Christopher ; Heine , Joffrey Sent : Thu Jul NUM 15:33:41 NUM Subject : RE : Eng/French documents Sir , Reports are being submitted in French since June NUM . I admit we started off with English but changes were made to satisfy the contract provisions . We even change and keep on changing the format of the Daily Operations Report based on the requirement of SENELEC . We have the Control Room Operators at site helping us with the translation . Saggol is assisting sometimes also . Best Regards Sonny F. Andres Power Plant Manager Cap De Biches , Senegal Office : Mobile : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM ________________________________________ From : Kennedy , Jake Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 6:02 PM To : King , Christopher ; Andres , Sonny Cc : Thompson , Jim ; Bolanos , Holmes Subject : Eng/French documents I met with A. Ngom our prime contact at APIX earlier . This meeting was primarily to do with Kounoune . However he addressed the following regarding Cap des Biches also - NUM . SENELEC are complaining because the reporting documents are only in English . They require all official communications to be in French . We may need to look at hiring a Translator to write these . NUM . SENELEC are also seriously unhappy with the Protection settings problems . This has been ongoing . Jim and Holmes are aware of the issue . This must be resolved within the next week . The frustration level is high amongst the Protection people at SENELEC . I suggest Holmes and or GERS return to solve . These are OPPS issues . I am merely passing on the message . Thanks . Best Regards Jake Kennedy NUM NUM APR Energy , LLC Sent on Blackberry Device
Jake Kennedy +19046623786 +353872413113 APR Energy , LLC
I have a meeting at 2:00 , so I may be late . Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Haney , Barbara Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 11:37 AM To : Kent , Ashby ; Bouchillon , Kathryn ; Ward , Erin ; Garrison , Edwin ; Stieglitz , Graham ; Jones , Kwende ; Robinson , Billie Subject : Bryan and Ailie Glover 's Baby Shower Do each of you have time to have a short meeting to discuss Bryan 's baby shower around 2:30 this afternoon ? Let me know and I will reserve a conference room . Barb Haney Legal Secretary to Paul O'Hearn , Brad Baldwin and Ryan Thompson Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Kathryn Yarbrough Bouchillon Attorney at Law Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4280 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 817-3244 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < >
Attached are the current Rolling & Casting Schedule and the Orderbuddy , which is updated to reflect July pricing . Thank you for your business ! Save Paper - Do you really need to print this e-mail ? CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail contains privileged and confidential information which is the property of Nucor-Yamato Steel Co. , intended only for the use of the intended recipient ( s ) . Unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited . If you are not an intended recipient , please immediately notify Nucor-Yamato Steel Co. . and destroy any copies of this email . Receipt of this e-mail shall not be deemed a waiver by Nucor-Yamato Steel Co. . of any privilege or the confidential nature of the information . ~
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The Brainy Brands Company , Inc. . TBBC NUM SOOOOO WHAT TO DO ???? NUM ( NUM % ) Real-Time OTC-BBO NUM x NUM ( NUM x NUM ) Trade Time 3:38 PM ET Trade Summary Previous Close NUM Open NUM Daily Range NUM - NUM wk Range NUM - NUM Volume NUM
Barry Schwartz Cell : 416-518-8788
This message has been archived . View the original item URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EEView the original item ________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by Attachments : 2009_07_02 Jefferson County lawyers ask Alabama Supreme Court to dismiss order blocking cuts to URL ( NUM KB ) URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EE & AttachmentId = 12009_07_02 Jefferson County lawyers ask Alabama Supreme Court to dismiss order blocking cuts to URL 2009_07_06 JOEY KENNEDY -- The Views poll Jefferson County Sheriff 's Department budget URL ( NUM KB ) URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EE & AttachmentId = 22009_07_06 JOEY KENNEDY -- The Views poll Jefferson County Sheriff 's Department budget URL 2009_07_05 OUR VIEW Talk of bailout and county manager wo n't solve Jefferson County 's financial crisis . The Alabama Legislature must URL ( NUM KB ) URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EE & AttachmentId = 32009_07_05 OUR VIEW Talk of bailout and county manager wo n't solve Jefferson County 's financial crisis . The Alabama Legislature must URL 2009_07_05 Archibald Corruption , apathy insult the URL ( NUM KB ) URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EE & AttachmentId = 42009_07_05 Archibald Corruption , apathy insult the URL URL ( NUM KB ) URL d = 140C5FE7FE5B7524E9565D2CE6E9071331110000dc1-symarch2site01 . URL & Sa vesetId = NUM ~ NUM ~ NUM ~ 628DE98345AC4C58BDD2EF03348 03EE & AttachmentId = 5emailsig . jpg
Michael Carl Ivey , CP , CBA Certified Senior Paralegal Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5380 Cell : ( 205 ) 451-3309 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 714-6859 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
I have attached the revised HOA information sheet . Thanks ,
Amy D. Norman Regent Homes , Inc 2125 Southend Drive , Suite 353 Charlotte , NC 28203 Office : ( 704 ) 377-3676 x 21 Fax : ( 704 ) 377-3464 Email :
You ' re invited to join us in the break room at 3:00 p.m. today for cake , ice cream , and sorbet to celebrate August birthdays ! See you there ! ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Amber B. Holloman Human Resources Clerk Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5268 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5661 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
From : Barbara Richardson [] Sent : Friday , May NUM , NUM 7:02 PM To : EMAIL Subject : Neighborhood Activity Report From Prudential Real Estate Dear David , Whether you ' re thinking about listing your home for sale or you ' re just interested in what 's happening in your neighborhood , I can provide you with the information you need . I ' ll let you know , through a complete report , what 's going on in your neighborhood : like how many people have searched for a home like yours , how many new listings have come on the market , and how many listings have changed status or price . I invite you to view a specialized report < URL > about real estate activity in your area based on your home address . You can view the report anytime you like . I ' ll send you these reminder emails periodically so you do n't miss a thing . Sincerely , If you prefer not to receive this Neighborhood Activity Report on Riders Run , Newtown Square , PA NUM , please unsubscribe < URL > . If your home is currently for sale , this is not a solicitation . < URL > Realtor Secure Logo
Barbara Richardson Prudential Fox & Roach , REALTORSR Devon , PA 19333 Office : 610 213 4388 Company Cell : 610 651 2700
I will not ( thanks ) . _____ From : Garnham , Caroline Sent : Wednesday , October NUM , NUM 8:16 AM To : Latta , Forrest ; Browning , John Subject : Lunch for the Marketing Committee Meeting Today at 11:30 Hi , There is a Marketing Committee Meeting today at 11:30 . Please let me know whether you plan on attending and what you would like from the attached menu . Thanks ! _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Caroline Garnham Receptionist Direct : ( 251 ) 345-8200 Main : ( 251 ) 344-5151 Fax : ( 251 ) 344-9696 11 North Water Street Suite 22200 Mobile , Alabama 36602 < >
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Robert H. Rutherford Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5286 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5704 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
< URL EMAIL a = & & & NUM & & & URL > ExecuNet ? Connecting Leaders Since NUM If you ca n't read this e-mail properly , please review online at URL < URL EMAIL a = & & & NUM & & & URL > < URL > < URL > November NUM , NUM It 's not every day that NUM receives a letter with the word , " armamentarium " in it , and even though I contextually understood it , I have to admit I had to check URL for an accurate definition . It is " the aggregate of equipment , methods , and techniques available to NUM for carrying out NUM 's duties , " and the executive who wrote the letter said , " ExecuNet was a comprehensive source of tools and information that provided me with the armamentarium to get through a very difficult and challenging period in my career . " This got me thinking about the array of instruments needed to be well-armed in job search and lifelong career management . Reliance on just NUM thing can make the journey longer and more difficult . Our members usually tell us it 's a combination of a wide and well-used network ; high-quality relationships ; strategic project management ; introspection ; research and market trend information ; and a well-crafted and customizable résumé ? not necessarily in that order . Last week John Nimesheim , executive vice president , Slayton Search Partners , outlined the components that should be incorporated into any executive 's emotional armamentarium during his presentation to a large online audience of ExecuNet members , " The NUM Ps to Your Next Job Search : " NUM . Positive : Do n't let your emotions get the best of you and be willing to learn from others who can help . < URL > NUM . Proactive : " Leadership candidates with the best sense for the transferability of their skills/experience to new industry environments are in the best position to surface new career opportunities , " noted Nimeshein . < URL > NUM . Passionate : Show others you still love what you do , or demonstrate passion for where you 'd next like to be . < URL > NUM . Patient : " In order to make a move in this environment , you have to demonstrate flexibility and adopt a long-range view . That 's how your performance will be measured ? not in the short-term , " advised Nimeshein . < URL > NUM . Persistent : Keep the momentum ; follow your strategic plan ; and remember how today 's environment reinforces the idea of building your network during better economic times . What 's going on in your executive world ? Are you confident about NUM or preparing for shaky times ? Let us know in this short survey < URL EMAIL a = & & & NUM & & & URL NUM > . Robyn Greenspan < URL > < URL > < URL > < URL > Executive Insider < URL > Career Tips , Articles , Trends & Resources ? Every NUM Weeks In This Issue < URL > A. Thought For The Week < URL > B. Softening in Executive Job Market Demands Proactive Career Management < URL > C. Save Your Career , Start a Blog < URL > D. Making an Industry Transition < URL > E. Finding Executive Jobs in the Current Economy : How to Change Your Strategy Now < URL > Join ExecuNet And get targeted job listings , knowledge and networking connections < URL EMAIL a = & & & NUM & & & URL > Join ExecuNet now for exclusive executive jobs and tools for executive job search < URL >
Robyn Greenspan Editor-in-Chief ExecuNet 295 Westport Avenue Norwalk , CT 06851 800.637.3126
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