Charlie Keiper Project Coordinator Shick USA Ph : ( 816 ) 861-9728 Fax : ( 816 ) 448-0928
Ron The PDI has been opened but they still ca n’t see it , that is Chuck and Wes , I will log and issue and see if we ca n’t get this rectified . But Silvana is printing it off and giving it to Chuck . From : Ron Johnson Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 2:35 PM To : Lee Miah ; Dorann Cairns Cc : Chuck Johnson Subject : RE : NUM P21027450 KAL TIRE Chuck ? Ron Johnson Sales Manager Western Region SMS Equipment Inc NUM Telegraph Trail Surrey , BC V4N 4H1 Phone : NUM Fax : NUM Cell : NUM Email : EMAIL URL From : Lee Miah Sent : July NUM , NUM 2:32 PM To : Dorann Cairns ; Ron Johnson Cc : Chuck Johnson Subject : RE : NUM P21027450 KAL TIRE Hi , Kal Tire can not install until Friday a.m ( NUM ) Chuck please confirm for Kal tire that this unit is high enough off the ground to install tires ? I do not know why they are asking this as they have done this many times for us right ? Cheers , Lee Lee Miah Service Manager SMS Equipment Inc Surrey , BC V4N 4H1 Phone : NUM Fax : NUM Cell : NUM Email : EMAIL URL From : Dorann Cairns Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 2:17 PM To : Ron Johnson Cc : Lee Miah ; Chuck Johnson Subject : NUM P21027450 KAL TIRE Ron : I have spoken to Ben from Yokohama , they will be delivering the tires tomorrow and I have also spoken with Lee and he is
Hi David , The docs for closing were signed by the seller this morning and were overnighted to title today . We should be all set for the closing tomorrow . See you at 5:30 .
Don Newton RE/MAX Alliance Phone : ( 303 ) 981-5417 Fax : ( 303 ) 595-5347 email : website :
Today at roughly 11:15 am employee reported rib pain to Neil Rissler ( safety ) . Neil brought him to the office and Sandy is investigating to get an idea of exactly what is wrong . A more indepth email will follow when we get more details .
Kelle Heming Project Engineer Helix Electric Santa Teresa Solar Field 702-580-2246
Please ensure this message gets to all therapists and that that complete the training by Monday NUM , thanks ----- Forwarded by John Levene/Milwaukee/HS / Concentra on 07/15/2011 12:50 PM ----- Teresa Lewis/Dallas/HS / Concentra 07/15/2011 12:27 PM To Adam Pehr/Harrisburg/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Benjamin Jobgen/Des Moines/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Brian Murphy/Durham/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Carol Adler/Detroit/HS/Concentra@Concentra, David Burstedt/San Antonio/HS/Concentra@Concentra, David Diener/Detroit/HS/Concentra@Concentra, David E Massing/HS/Concentra@CONCENTRA, David Perez/Bay Area/HS/Concentra@Concentra, David Wilsey/Richmond/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Emelda Santos/Atlanta/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Gil Webb/Phoenix/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Greg Dick/Atlanta/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Jason Wentworth/Chicago/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Jessica Chiluk/Austin/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Jessica Swanson/Tulsa/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Jim Dickbernd/Des Moines/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Jim Waugh/Houston/HS/Concentra@Concentra, John Imundi/Arizona/HS/Concentra@Concentra, John Levene/Milwaukee/HS / Concentra , Jonathan Bray/Rhode Island/HS/Concentra@CONCENTRA, Kelly Reed/Los Angeles/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Kevin Sauers/Lancaster/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Kristin Kelley/Pittsburgh/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Kurt Hookstra/Kansas City/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Lee Davimes/Chicago/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Mark Glover/Detroit/HS / Concentra , Mark Lowry/Detroit/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Mary Melillo/St . Louis/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Michael Stapp/Dallas/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Michele Thompson/Barre/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Neetu Trivedi/Atlanta/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Norman Sinreich/Cleveland/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Patrick Morrissey/Albuquerque/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Patrick Simpson/Nashville/HS/Concentra@Concentra, Peter Deziel/Atlanta/HS / Conc
John Levene PT DPT OCS CMT MS VP Therapy Services , National DCE Office 262 814 2505 Cell 262 442 4273 Fax 262 814 0603 2455 N. 124th St Brookfield , WI 53005
Hi Brian , This is a test of the hyperlink problem , this is only a test . The following was typed in from scratch : Thanks , David
Dr. David Hollingsworth , M.D. , Ph.D. , FAAC CTO and Chief Medical Officer gwabbit , LLC 1 Somewhere Lane , apt . 206 Philadelphia , PA 19073 USA Office : 484-420-4497 ext. . 2220 Fax : 484-420-4498 Home : 484-420-4496 Mobile : 609-351-1950 Pager : 123-456-7890 Email : URL :
From : Members - All GPSEG Members [ EMAIL On Behalf Of Robert Madonna Sent : Sunday , April NUM , NUM 7:19 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Members ] Going for the Gray Going for the Gray Although older workers have suffered through downsizing and slow hiring , a new breed of employer is focused on capitalizing on their expertise and experience . By Jared Shelly Dale Sweere has a simple philosophy about making hires at Stanley Consultants : " We see gray hair and we see opportunity . " Older workers often take less time to get up to speed and " pay a quicker dividend " than younger employees at the Muscatine , Iowa-based engineering , environmental and construction-services provider . Perhaps that 's why NUM of the NUM worldwide employees at Stanley Consultants are NUM or older and the company has been included on AARP 's Best Employers for Workers Over NUM list every year from NUM to NUM . " We welcome the older worker . There are a lot of employers today , unfortunately , that see some gray hair and they ' re not as excited about hiring you , " says Sweere , director of HR . " We are quite the opposite . When we see someone with a lot of experience and a variety of different things they ' ve worked on , we get excited . " Sweere 's philosophy is surely different than the norm -- it 's no secret that older workers have had trouble keeping their jobs or finding new ones since the recession began . The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in January ( the most recent numbers as of press time ) that the unemployment rate for workers over NUM is NUM percent , close to the all-time high for that demographic ( NUM percent , in August NUM . ) Let 's face it : Employers often think mature workers are too expensive , difficult to train , quick to leave for a better job or retirement , or prone to become ineffective as they age . But some experts and employers believe those are not only myths , but border on age discrimination . Jacqueline A. Berrien , chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , echoed that sentiment while addressing the Senate last May . " Negative stereotypes about older workers remain deeply entrenched . These stereotypes include unwarranted assumptions that older workers are more costly , harder to train , less adaptable , less motivated , less flexible , more resistant to change and less energetic than younger employees , " she said . " These negative age-based stereotypes have little basis in fact . " But a new breed of employer has emerged to buck the trend , believing that now is the time to make recruiting and retaining mature workers a top priority so they can capitalize on their experiences and expertise . Some are posting to niche job boards aimed at seniors , while others are increasing retirement offerings and emphasizing benefits programs to retain older talent . Golden Opportunity The amount of unemployed or underemployed older workers provides a " golden opportunity " for companies to hire experienced , highly skilled people at a fraction of the cost , says Tim Driver , CEO of URL , a site featuring job listings and career advice for the older workforce . " When they are given the opportunity to work in an environment that welcomes them , they will be willing to take slight haircuts on pay , " says Driver . Jackie Greaner , talent management and organizational alignment North America practice leader at Towers Watson , says older employees will work cheaper because they ' re likely to take jobs below their skill level . " I think [ companies ] can get very talented , qualified individuals who have the ability to operate a couple levels above where they are , " she says , " and , by definition , you ' re bringing them in at a level that 's less expensive . " And they bring plenty of good qualities . Older workers can provide companies with strong project-management skills , experience , maturity and wisdom -- without looking for career advancement , says Greaner . They 'd rather have stability . Another benefit for companies is that older workers tend to have a more traditional approach to working . " They ' ll work longer hours , commit more personal time to work , are typically very reliable , and have a lot of experience , wisdom and judgment they bring to roles , " she says . But before companies can take advantage , age bias must be addressed . And Carleen MacKay , co-founder of AgelessInAmerica , says that starts with recruiters . " A lot of HR recruiters are pretty young , so when they see someone who is maybe their parents ' age , there is a natural assumption [ about that person ] that is n't true , " says MacKay , NUM . NUM of those assumptions is that older workers will not stay with their employers for long periods of time -- they ' ll quit when they find a better job , or they ' ll retire . But the BLS reports that the median tenure ( at their current job ) for workers NUM to NUM years of age is NUM years , while workers NUM to NUM stay just NUM years . Stanley Consultants ' Sweere reports that workers who are NUM and over had an average tenure of NUM years at the company , far exceeding the average tenure for all employees -- NUM years . " That knowledge , that experience is very beneficial to us and , oftentimes , [ our employee 's longevity ] is what gets us the next job with our client , " says Sweere . Companies hoping to attract older workers in the current economic climate should consider offering a phased-retirement program , since it has emerged time and time again as a top attractor of that age group , she says . " That 's a big way to retain and re-motivate , " says MacKay . Businesses should also think about bringing in older talent on a contingency basis -- something more and more companies are doing these days , she says . " If you ' re not needed full-time , they ' re not going to hire you full-time , " says MacKay . " I think [ contingency work is ] kind of exciting if you plan it correctly . " She also calls for companies to change where they recruit . " We go looking for the same people in the same places , " she says , " but there are places where the mature workers have their own little niche . " In addition to URL , there are other job boards designed for the NUM workforce , including Workforce50 . com . Gene Burnard , publisher of Workforce50 , says his website and others like it attract seniors by presenting information and advice on the employment market , interviewing and , of course , job ads . " The older workforce is the most underutilized talent pool in the nation , " says Burnard , who operates his site from Boston . Many older workers are " desperate " to gain employment , says Sweere , meaning companies can probably get their experience and expertise for cheap ; however , companies still believe they tend to cost more in terms of healthcare and higher salaries . " Companies will not hire them because they can hire people out of school much cheaper and disregard the talent that 's there , " says Burnard . " Companies have an obligation to make a profit for their owners ' stakeholders ... they do n't really have an obligation to be on a social campaign ... but we feel older workers bring a lot to that equation . " " Expertise is Expertise -- At Any Age " Cornell University makes such an effort to recruit and retain older workers that it was the No . NUM company on the AARP 's Best Employers for Workers Over NUM in NUM and NUM . In NUM , NUM percent of Cornell 's NUM non-faculty workers at the Ithaca , N.Y. , campus were over the age of NUM , compared to NUM percent in NUM , according to Mary Opperman , Cornell 's vice president of human resources . The university is particularly attractive to older workers because it focuses on keeping turnover low ( the average length of service is NUM years , says Opperman ) . " I would say we rely on constancy of service . . . . In so doing , people will grow their careers and stay here for a period of time . We really rely on that , " she says . It 's not just the work that attracts older employees , but also the benefits available after retirement . At Cornell , retirees have access to medical benefits similar to those offered to current employees . Upon retirement , they also automatically become members of the Cornell Retiree Association , providing opportunities for them to stay active through volunteer or paid employment at the school or in the surrounding community . " These are all ways we try to stay together as a community , learning from our retirees and also keeping their expertise as part of the Cornell community , " she says . " Expertise does n't stop at some age , expertise is expertise -- and our community of Cornell and our broader community of Tompkins County and Ithaca need it . " But could a focus on hiring and retaining older workers create a clog in the talent pipeline because younger workers might not have the opportunity for upward movement ? At Cornell , Opperman knows there is a tendency for competition between younger and older workers , and admits there 's no easy solution . " Losses occur at all ages because [ some ] career aspirations that people have ca n't be met here . I think the difficulty of blending individual needs with organizational needs exists and will continue to exist as long as the workforce demands outstrip the workplace capacity , " says Opperman . " It 's important that we try as best we can to minimize the generational conflicts around that because I do n't think the answer is to create generational competition . " Stanley Consultants has certainly dealt with that issue as well . Sweere says his company has even lost employees who thought they did n't have a chance to move up professionally . " With the longevity that we have in the organization , some of those opportunities do n't come around very often , " says Sweere . To counter that , the company moves employees laterally and internationally to offer them experience . That helps ease any tension , says Sweere . Either way , the company 's focus on attracting and holding onto older workers is still well worth it , he says . NUM way to attract and retain older employees is to emphasize a company mission that mature workers can latch on to , as HR executives at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association currently do . Based in Arlington , Va. , the NRECA is a membership organization to not-for-profit electric cooperatives around the country , and Vice President of Human Resources Paul Hvidding says older workers identify with the organization 's mission of helping rural populations . " People feel like they ' re making a contribution to society generally and making a contribution to communities that are underserved , rural communities that do n't have the same quality of life , " says Hvidding . " I think people who are disenchanted by the big corporation existence get really enthused about our mission and the people we are serving and the contact with our members . They ' re really salt-of-the-earth people and thankful for everything we do for them . " The NRECA capitalizes on that message in an effort to recruit and retain talented older workers . The company also mentions its mission in job postings and on its career site . The company also made the AARP 's list in NUM , and NUM percent of its NUM workers are over NUM . There are even NUM employees over the age of NUM , and around NUM are between NUM and NUM , says Hvidding . " People tend to stay , " he says . " They ' re engaged , happy , productive and getting the satisfaction they want . "
Robert M. Madonna Principal and EVP Sales & Marketing McCoy Enterprises Cell : 610-220-1355
I donâ ?? t know what I was thinking . I am on a plane to Kansas City at NUM PM tomorrow . Can we do it in the morning . Neil From : Dolive , Devin [] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 12:55 PM To : EMAIL Cc : Hayslip , Victor Subject : RE : Alabama Securities Commission : tomorrow 's planning call Great -- Vic and I will call you then , and I will go ahead and circulate an Outlook calendar entry . Is NUM the best number to reach you at tomorrow , or would it better for us to try your cell ? Best regards , Devin _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : EMAIL [] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 11:46 AM To : Dolive , Devin Subject : Re : Alabama Securities Commission : tomorrow 's planning call Works for me Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry _____ From : " Dolive , Devin " < EMAIL > Date : Mon , NUM Aug NUM 11:37:03 NUM To : < EMAIL > Cc : Hayslip , Victor < EMAIL > Subject : Alabama Securities Commission : tomorrow 's planning call Neil , What does your calendar look like at 3:00 Eastern/2 NUM Central tomorrow , August NUM , for our call to discuss strategy for Thursday 's " informal " meeting between counsel with the Alabama Securities Commission ? Best regards , Devin Devin C. Dolive Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Devin C. Dolive Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5332 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5630 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Mark , Please find attached a notification letter regarding a price increase to Dynic 's wax thermal transfer ribbons . If you have any questions or concerns , please contact Dynic Customer Service at NUM ( NUM ) . Thank you . Sincerely ,
Mindy Nyberg Marketing Manager 4750 NE Dawson Creek Dr. Hillsboro , OR 97124 503-693-1070 fax 503-648-1185 email : website :
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From : Carrie Clayton < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 18:32:00 NUM To : Jason Habel < EMAIL > Subject : RE : Bare Pool NUM I need a phone number . Thanks , Carrie Carrie Clayton │ Coordinator | VIP Services The Light Group │ ( NUM x NUM │ NUM NUM S. Rainbow Ste. NUM Las Vegas , NV NUM EMAIL │ URL From : Bare Vip Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 10:50 AM To : Carrie Clayton Subject : FW : Bare Pool NUM From : Jason Habel Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 10:49:45 AM ( UTC-08 NUM ) Pacific Time ( US & Canada ) To : BareIC Cc : James Scott Subject : Fwd : Bare Pool NUM Begin forwarded message : From : " James Scott " < EMAIL > Date : July NUM , NUM 10:47:51 AM PDT To : " Jason Hable " < EMAIL > Subject : Bare Pool NUM Reply-To : EMAIL Barry Butler NUM min f and b VIP bed Mirage NUM PPL NUM man NUM women Bare Pool Saturday James W Scott NUM mypin : 25F64960 email : EMAIL -
Jason Habel Vice President Legion Marketing (702)287-9657
Remember to summarize the points you made on our phone call ! The Wells Fargo home equity line was made to both Lyn and I ! See if you took the tax deduction for the home equity line on our personal return or did the LLC take the deduction ? Thanks , Allan To ensure compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations , any tax advice contained in this email was not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code . Please note that all trade orders are not accepted and are not acted upon by email , facsimile , voicemail , or with unlicensed personnel . All orders must be communicated personally to your representative . In accordance with industry regulations , all messages are retained and are subject to monitoring . Securities and advisory services offered through Financial Telesis Inc. . Member FINRA/SIPC . Chappelle Consulting Group and Financial Telesis Inc. . are not affiliated companies . This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee ( s ) . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any reading , dissemination , distribution , copying , forwarding or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof . _____ From : Rucker Taylor [] Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 9:25 AM To : Allan Chappelle Subject : RE : Lyn 's Suit GOOD MORNING HAD JUST SAT DOWN TO REVIEW THE INFORMATION WHEN THIS CAMEâ ? ¦ . . WILL BE BACK AT YOU BEFORE YOUR MEETING WITH ANY AMMUNITION TO BE FOUNDâ ? ¦ â ? ¦ AGAIN SHORTLYâ ? ¦ . . RTT From : Allan Chappelle [] Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 9:12 AM To : Rucker Taylor Cc : Hayslip , Victor Subject : Lyn 's Suit Rucker , I am meeting with Vic Hayslip at NUM pm this afternoon to plan our answer to lyn 's lawsuit . Can you have your analysis done by then ? I have noticed that she has breached the warrenties that the LLC had sufficient reserves to cover the deposits and taxes at closing so Vic will need that info . Also , he will need the accounting fees you have and anticipate charging because of these breaches and the info you are gathering about her " note " which is another breach because the agreement asks for attachments of any know obligations . We are going to counterclaim to recover all of these damages . Allan Allan J. Chappelle President , Chappelle Consulting Group NUM Reese Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , AL NUM Office : ( NUM ) NUM ext 101I Fax : ( NUM ) NUM I Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL To ensure compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations , any tax advice contained in this email was not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code . Please note that all trade orders are not accepted and are not acted upon by email , facsimile , voicemail , or with unlicensed personnel . All orders must be communicated personally to your representative . In accordance with industry regulations , all messages are retained and are subject to monitoring . Securities and advisory services offered through Financial Telesis Inc. . Member FINRA/SIPC . Chappelle Consulting Group and Financial Telesis Inc. . are not affiliated companies . This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee ( s ) . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any reading , dissemination , distribution , copying , forwarding or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof . _____ Pursuant to Circular NUM promulgated by the Internal Revenue Service , if this email or any attachment hereto , contains advice concerning any federal tax issue or submission , please be advised that it is not intended or written to be used and it can not be used by the recipient or any other person for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code . The information contained in this transmittal is legally privileged and confidential ; it is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution , or use of this information is strictly prohibited . If you have received this communication in error , please contact us immediately at the telephone number or e-mail address set forth above and destroy all copies of the original message . Although this transmittal is believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system in which it is received , it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free ; HB&K accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use .
Allan J. Chappelle President , Chappelle Consulting Group 1747 Reese Street , Suite 215 Birmingham , AL 35209 Office : ( 205 ) 871-5900 ext 101I Fax : ( 205 ) 871-5904 I Mobile : ( 205 ) 410-5533
I ’m kinda new to these new forms but it looks like you are selling mag locks for NUM installed ?? which is about NUM short of normal -------------------------------
Jon Gettman Director of Operations Security Equipment , Inc. . 13505 C St | Omaha NE 68144 Direct : 402-778-3727 | Toll Free : 800-279-3667
That will be just fine . Regards ,
Sara Patalita General Reference Librarian Allen County Public Library 900 Library Plaza Fort Wayne , IN 46801-2270 Phone 260.421.1252
Ok . I left a message for the BOM . Hopefully will be able to set up the mediation today or tom . CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The contents of this message may be a confidential attorney-client communication , confidential attorney work product , or a confidential communication of proprietary information . If you are not the intended recipient , please destroy and notify the sender . From : Hayslip , Victor [] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 1:45 PM To : RAFTERMAN , ALAN Cc : Nesmith , Kip Subject : RE : Rhodes v. Bruton - mediation Alan , Matt Bruton ( the FA in this case ) is good for all the dates for mediating this matter listed below . Kip sent you the CAM . Just let me know if a Wells Corp. . representative is available and we will get things scheduled . Of course , we would want to talk facts and authority with you beforehand . Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Borgmann , Vincent [] On Behalf Of RAFTERMAN , ALAN Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 11:17 AM To : Hayslip , Victor Subject : RE : Rhodes v. Bruton - mediation Vic , Alan in out of the office , but wanted me to pass along to you that he will be available telephonically for the dates of September NUM and NUM . He doesnâ ?? t feel that he needs to attend unless you think it would be beneficial . Please give me a call with any questions at NUM . Thanks ! Vince CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The contents of this message may be a confidential attorney/client communication , confidential attorney work product , or a confidential communication of proprietary information . If you are not the intended recipient of this message , please delete this message , destroy any hard copies , and notify the sender immediately . From : Hayslip , Victor [] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 8:16 AM To : RAFTERMAN , ALAN Cc : Nesmith , Kip Subject : FW : Rhodes v. Bruton - mediation Alan , I have been talking with plaintiffs counsel about potential mediation dates and mediators . I received the email below providing dates in late Sept & Oct. . Can you see if any of these fit your schedule and let me know . He also indicates a mediator he would like to use who has his office in Bentonville . I have reviewed his bio and he appears very qualified ... his firm appears to do nothing but mediations and you have probably heard of them ( ADR , Inc. . ) Please let me know your schedule and we will get things set . You have received the case assessment memo and are aware of the weaknesses we have identified . We can also discuss the case again whenever it is good for you . Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Joe Ramsey [] Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 3:57 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Cc : Lance Cox Subject : Rhodes v. Bruton - mediation Vic : Here are some available dates for the end of September and early October . September : NUM , NUM , and NUM . October : NUM , and NUM . As discussed , I intend on using Bob Hornberger with ADR , Inc. . ( URL ) . They have an office in Bentonville , which is about NUM miles north of Fayetteville . Our office here in Fayetteville can also accommodate a mediation . Once we can get NUM or NUM dates down , I will contact ADR . Thank you . Joe Joseph A. Ramsey Cox , Cox & Estes , PLLC Arvest Bank Plaza P.O. Box NUM NUM N. East Ave. , Ste. NUM Fayetteville , AR NUM ( NUM ) NUM ( tel. . ) ( NUM ( fax ) < URL > URL
Alan S. Rafterman , Esq. . Senior Counsel One North Jefferson Avenue , 10th Floor St. Louis , MO 63102 MAC H0004-101 Phone : ( 314 ) 955-2087 Fax : ( 314 ) 955-6999
Hello , I am Marina Marder 's assistant . She would like you to fill out the rental application and fax it back to NUM . Thank you . I will also send you the pictures of both places .
Sara Gordon Office Manager Direct :702 -580 -3868
Good Morning , As some of you may have already noticed upon logging in today , there is a new network drive connected to your machine ( L :) . If you do n't see this within My Computer or Windows Explorer it will be available the next time you log off/on . This drive allows you quick/easy access in transferring data * to LitSupport personnel for analysis and/or processing . Within the L : drive is a new data import folder titled : L : \ New < file : / / / L : / New % 20Project % 20Data > Project Data . Please copy ** any electronic data up into NUM of the following subfolders such as : CaseMap Summation Trial Director MISC Then contact EMAIL with the data 's location for further assistance . * Please note that if volume of data is too great ( multiple discs and/or large external drive ) contact EMAIL NUM as we may need the media sent to Birmingham via interoffice for processing rather than copied . ** Also please note that this is merely a temporary repository for your data and not long term storage . Place only a copy of the data here and retain any original email , attachments and/or media such as DVDs , CDs , flashdrives , external drives for your reference . Once data is in process LitSupport will remove and/or delete from the uploaded location . Should you have any questions and or issues please do n't hesitate to contact EMAIL . Thank you ! _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( i ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( ii ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Joseph Michael Dipiazza Technology Support Specialist Direct : 205.458.5287 Main : 205.251.3000 Fax : 205.458.5100 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Hi Anthony , Martha would like to interview you for competition # NUM Technician ( Alternative Format Production and Testing Centre ) . Interview will take place next Wednesday July NUM , NUM in the morning , please give me a phone call to set up a time . Thanks Donna NUM This e-mail contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the individual or entity named in the message . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any review , dissemination , distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited . If this communication was received in error , please notify the sender by e-mail immediately , and delete and destroy the original message .
Donna James Operational Support Accessible Learning Services Mohawk College , Fennell Campus , Room A011A P.O. Box 2034 , Hamilton , ON L8N 3T2 P : 905.575.2331 F : 905.575.2752
----- Original Message ----- From : Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 12:47 PM To : Baker , Judy ; Taylor , III , George M. Subject : PUV - Bankruptcy Documents Attached should be the documents you need from the bankruptcy case . If the title company needs anything else , let me know . Thanks , Marc _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Marc Solomon Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5281 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5733 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
_____ From : Stieglitz , Graham Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 4:54 PM To : ' Mills , John ' Subject : RE : Offer for Teaford Company assets Importance : High Sorry as I ' ve been running around all day - getting this thing taken care of . I have been in contact with Trustee who should be touching base with you shortly . The Bank is on-board subject to a few conditions ( none of which impact your client 's offer or timeline ) . If you do n't hear from Cathy & Michael in the next half-hour please let me know . Best , _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Mills , John [] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 10:48 AM To : Stieglitz , Graham Subject : FW : Offer for Teaford Company assets Importance : High Graham : To follow up the voice mail I left for you this morning , please see the email string below . Best , John < URL 53240e68 > < URL > < URL > < URL > John W. Mills , III Partner EMAIL Barnes & Thornburg LLP ATLANTA OFFICE Prominence in Buckhead NUM Piedmont Road , N.E. , Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM LOS ANGELES OFFICE NUM Century Park East NUM Floor Los Angeles , California NUM Atlanta Phone : ( NUM ) NUM Los Angeles Phone : ( NUM ) NUM Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM URL < URL > _____ From : Watkins , John Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 10:44 AM To : Watkins , John ; ' EMAIL Cc : Mills , John ; Smith , Scott Subject : RE : Offer for Teaford Company assets Importance : High Mike : It is nearly another week later and still no answer . Mr. Dieffenbacher is coming over this week and will certainly be reviewing the progress ( or , as the case may be , lack of progress ) with this transaction , and , if necessary , other available options . As you and I have discussed on the phone , if we are able to proceed , it is possible that Dieffenbacher , Inc. . could offer some assistance to the Trustee regarding temporary space for assets not purchased , and might be able to render some assistance regarding wrapping up details of Teaford projects that might facilitate payment . It is also possible that Dieffenbacher would be interested in acquiring some additional assets . However , we did not begin this process without realizing that we might not succeed in acquiring the Teaford assets , and we do have other options . Every day that goes by ( and many have gone by since we made our original offer ) makes the other options more of a possibility . We feel that we have acted in complete good faith , but no NUM seems to want to work with us . I should mention that the current $ NUM offer is at the edge of our comfort zone . We went there without a lot of haggling and now we are feeling rebuffed . I can not guarantee that offer will remain on the table . I may get a call at any time directing me to pull it . Please do whatever it takes to get me a decision today . John John L. Watkins Partner Barnes & Thornburg LLP Prominence in Buckhead Suite NUM NUM Piedmont Road , N.E. Atlanta , Georgia NUM ( NUM ) NUM ( main ) ( NUM ) NUM ( direct ) LinkedIn Profile : URL _____ From : Watkins , John Sent : Tuesday , September NUM , NUM 7:29 PM To : ' EMAIL Cc : Mills , John ; Smith , Scott Subject : Re : Offer for Teaford Company assets Mike : I 'm having a hard time explaining to my client the lack of action when we were asked to act quickly , did so , and need to close by NUM if we are going forward . We are burning daylight . Please advise . Thanks . John ------------------------------------------------------ Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld ------------------------------------------------------ _____ From : Watkins , John To : Michael Lamberth < EMAIL > Cc : Mills , John ; Smith , Scott Sent : Mon Sep NUM 15:20:30 NUM Subject : Offer for Teaford Company assets Mike : Following up on our call , Dieffenbacher felt that its initial offer was fair , based on the nature of the hard assets , the lack of patents , trademarks , etc. . Nevertheless , to get this done , we are prepared to split the difference and increase the offer to $ NUM . Ms. Scarver said she had some issues with the LOI and wanted to go directly to an APA . We are prepared to propose a draft as soon as we agree on a number , and I assume we will be able to work out any non-monetary issues . John and Scott are ready to work with you and Cathy on those issues . The NUM item that is extremely important in order to maintain the value of the assets ( and our interest in purchasing them ) is an understanding that everyone will make every effort to close by NUM . Call me if there are questions . John < URL 98e43fd5 > < URL > < URL > John L. Watkins Partner EMAIL Barnes & Thornburg LLP Prominence in Buckhead Suite NUM NUM Piedmont Road , N.E. Atlanta , Georgia NUM Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main Office : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This email and any attachments are for the exclusive and confidential use of the intended recipient . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , distribute or take action in reliance upon this message . If you have received this in error , please notify us immediately by return email and promptly delete this message and its attachments from your computer system . We do not waive attorney-client or work product privilege by the transmission of this message . TAX ADVICE NOTICE : Tax advice , if any , contained in this e-mail does not constitute a " reliance opinion " as defined in IRS Circular NUM and may not be used to establish reasonable reliance on the opinion of counsel for the purpose of avoiding the penalty imposed by Section 6662A of the Internal Revenue Code . The firm provides reliance opinions only in formal opinion letters containing the signature of a partner .
Graham H. Stieglitz Attorney at Law Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4316 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 214-7923 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < >
Bill , here you go . Anthony
Anthony White Maintenance Supervisor S-37 Management 847-437-4320 Direct 847-439-8520 Fax 847-331-1211 Cell
Attached please find the prescription card for Max Hayslip which his dad has requested I send to you . If you have any other questions or requests , please let us know . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Cathy G. Abbott Legal Secretary for Vic Hayslip , Brent D. Hitson , William J. Long and Ben Coulter Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5433 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 458-5100 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
----- Original Message ----- From : Nortje , Linda M E To : EMAIL ; EMAIL ; EMAIL Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 5:18 PM Subject : Re : VEHICLES BOOKINGS No attachment ... Linda Nortje Sent via my BlackBerry Wireless Handset From : Balan - Spyke Logistics [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 03:59 PM To : Nortje , Linda M E ; Niren - Spyke Logistics < EMAIL > ; LOgan M - Spyke Logistics < EMAIL > Subject : VEHICLES BOOKINGS Hi Linda Please book the following to load for Richards Bay tks BALAN RAJOO Tel : NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM Cell : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM * E-mail : EMAIL This e-mail and its attachments , if any , are subject to the ArcelorMittal South Africa Limited e-mail disclaimer which is available on our website at URL or from our Information Technology Department at EMAIL
BALAN RAJOO Tel : 031-7016724 Fax : 031-7018345 086 668 6510 Cell : +27 82 052 73 27 * E-mail :
rmpHTMLEdit Bolas , te podes quedar en el molde que yo lo sigo ? Gracias ! De : Pablo Wabnik [] Enviado el : viernes , NUM de julio de NUM 15:03 Para : Lucas Defferrari CC : Sergio Herrera O. Asunto : Re : TICs NUM NUM de Agosto Hilton Buenos Aires Sergio se los haces llegar por favor . Gracias From : Lucas Defferrari < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 13:53:44 NUM To : EMAIL < EMAIL > ReplyTo : Lucas Defferrari < EMAIL > Cc : EMAIL < EMAIL > Subject : Re : TICs NUM NUM de Agosto Hilton Buenos Aires Me podras enviar los documentos en ingles ? Enviado desde mi BlackBerry de Movistar ( URL ) From : Pablo Wabnik < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 11:23:36 NUM To : Lucas Defferrari < EMAIL > ReplyTo : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > Cc : EMAIL < EMAIL > Subject : TICs NUM NUM de Agosto Hilton Buenos Aires Lucas , un placer la charla que mantuvimos hoy por la manana . Tal cual acordamos qui te adjunto toda la informacion del TICs para que puedas evaluarla y espero se suban pronto . Te voy a dejar en contacto con Sergio Herrera uno de nuestro ejecutivos senior quien es el responsable de vuestra cuenta y de esta forma hablan o combinan una reunion para la semana que viene en tu oficina . Si tuvieras alguna duda en el dia de hoy me podes llamar o nos consultas por mail . Saludos y buen fin de semana . Pablo Wabnik Director Comercial Reed Exhibitions Argentina Av . de Mayo NUM 5º Piso ( C1084AAB ) Buenos Aires T : NUM I F : NUM Movil : NUM mailto : EMAIL I URL NOTICE : The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by Convergys Corporation for the use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged or otherwise confidential . If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error , please delete it from your system without copying or forwarding it , and notify the sender of the error by reply email or by telephone ( collect ) , so that the sender 's address records can be corrected .
Pablo Wabnik Director Comercial Reed Exhibitions Argentina Av . de Mayo 605 5º Piso ( C1084AAB ) Buenos Aires T : 5411-4343-7020 F : 5411-4334-4833 Movil : 54911-155-459-0054
fyi From : Par Gustafsson [] Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 12:11 PM To : Cooper Thurber ( NUM ) Subject : Litigation guidelines Cooper : Following our conversation I tried to find the E-mail to Vic with our guidelines but was unable to locate it . I have attached a copy of the guidelines to this E-mail for your reference . Par < URL > NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND DAMAGE DISCLAIMER : The information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may be privileged . If you are not the intended recipient , please destroy this message , delete any copies held on your systems and notify the sender immediately . You should not retain , copy , nor disclose all or any part of its content to any other person . This e-mail and any attachment ( s ) are believed to be free from virus . However it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus free . We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising in any way from the receipt , opening or use of this e-mail and any attachment ( s ) .
Par Gustafsson | Technical Claims Manager American Safety Claims Services , Inc. . 100 Galleria Pkwy , Suite 700 Atlanta , GA 30339 P. 770-485-4311 I F. 678-385-9115 I Toll free 800-388-3647
Hi Gary , We got a call from Josh ( Magnetecs Owner ) – he said they have a presentation on Tuesday and need to have our quote for the meeting . He requested that we have the quote to him Monday night latest . Please see what you can do to get this done by then – Josh is not reasonable and will hold this against us if we can not do it . Give me a call if there is anything I can do to help . Thanks ,
Wally Logan Bearing Engineers , Inc. . 27 Argonaut Aliso Viejo , CA 92656 949-586-7442 X6451 ( Main ) 949-586-7786 ( Fax ) 714-309-8552 ( Mobile )
Necesitamos la especificacion del LED . From : EMAIL [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 01:38 PM To : Willy Fiallo Subject : Consulta por control de LEDs Willy , como estas ? Que tipo de interface se necesita para dimerizar LEDs con un Grafik Eye ? El cliente aun no compro las luces y quiero saber si con Lutron se pueden dimerizar facilmente Saludos Daniel Husni Gerente de Ventas EMAIL Av . Díaz Vélez NUM | C1200AAC Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | Argentina Tel. . NUM NUM | Fax . NUM NUM URL
Willy Fiallo - Lutron Electronics Ph : 610.282.6369 Cell : 610.392.9237
So , this would n't work for me since I do n't use outlook . Only mike does . " the really happy person is the NUM who can enjoy the scenery when on a detour . " _____ From : gwabbit update [] Sent : Wednesday , March NUM , NUM 9:09 AM To : Seibert , Nikki Subject : Michael Postorino has added your contact with gwabbit gwabbitR Gwab Report Mar NUM These gwabbit users have added you to their address books : . Michael Postorino < > _____ What 's gwabbit ? gwabbit is an Add-in for Microsoft Outlook and the BlackBerry that finds , gwabs and adds contacts from your emails to your Outlook address book with a single mouse click ! How can I gwab gwabbit ? Simple ! Just go to URL New ! A limited-time free version of gwabbit for BlackBerry can be downloaded from BlackBerry 's App World URL ( note : this link can only be used with your BlackBerry SmartPhone . ) _____ What People are Saying " Head-slappingly simple solution to a grating problem " - Business Week " Top business apps - NUM " - INC. . Winner - CES Mobile Apps Showdown NUM " NUM killer Outlook add-ons for office workers " - CNet " Top NUM BlackBerry Products and Services " - ComputerWorld _____ C NUM gwabbit , LLC . The gwabbit logo is a trademark of gwabbit , LLC . The gwabbit word mark is a registered trademark of gwabbit , LLC . Microsoft Outlook is a registered trademark of Microsoft corporation in the United States and/or other countries . The Trademark BlackBerry is owned by Research In Motion Limited and is registered in the United States and may be pending or registered in other countries . gwabbit , LLC is not endorsed , sponsored , affiliated with or otherwise authorized by Research In Motion Limited . gwabbit respects your privacy . If you would prefer not to be alerted when a colleague or friend adds your contact to their address book using gwabbit , click here < URL > . You will not receive further emails from gwabbit
Nikki Ann Seibert Billing Specialist/Police-EMS 435 Hamilton St Rm 110 Allentown PA 18101 610/435 -5929
John & Melanie : Attached is the price change form . As soon as I get that back , I ' ll introduce to MLS . I am thinking the exterior of your home shoots best in the morning hours . I have time this Thursday and Friday morning to take pics . Will that work for you ? Best
Lee Ross Prudential Carolinas Realty 110 Oakwood Drive # 110 Winston-Salem NC 27103 ( o ) 336-760-7286 ( m ) 336-416-9337 ( f ) 336-714-6288 ( e )
Thanks Tom . Good point . Yes , while we want to promote TN , our professional obligations require us to help clients wherever it best suits their needs , which includes Vermont , South Carolina , Kentucky , Montana , and yes even in Cayman and Bermuda . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Potter , Tom Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:24 PM To : Doherty , Kevin M. ; Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives I 'd add that while the new legislation makes TN particularly favorable to captive-formation , Kevin 's expertise and experience encompasses many different states ( and I 'm sure , even countries ) of domicile , so he can help out your clients no matter where they ' re located . TKPIII Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM American Center NUM West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee NUM < URL > URL From : Doherty , Kevin M. Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:22 PM To : Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives Mike , I focus on captives extensively . Please also note that TN just passed new captive insurance legislation earlier this year ( with my drafting assistance ) , and the newly formed TN Captive Insurance Association , Inc. . ( TCIA ) , of which I am President and Chairman , will be having its inaugural conference on Dec. . NUM - NUM , NUM , here in Nashville . To find out more information on this , you can go to URL . Please encourage anyone you speak with to check out this website . Thanks for inquiring , and I would be happy to discuss captives with anyone at any time . Kevin Kevin M. Doherty Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM American Center NUM West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee NUM < URL > URL Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Lucas , Mike Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:16 PM To : Lucas , Mike ; FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : RE : Insurance captives Thanks . Kevin Doherty . Michael L. Lucas Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lucas , Mike Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 2:04 PM To : FIRM-ATTORNEY Subject : Insurance captives Who in the firm structures captives for clients ? Thanks . Michael L. Lucas Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Kevin M. Doherty Attorney at Law Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3211 Cell : ( 615 ) 974-2587 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3311 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < >
This message ( including any attachments ) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose , and is protected by law . If you are not the intended recipient , you should delete this message . Any disclosure , copying , or distribution of this message , or the taking of any action based on it , is strictly prohibited .
Kandis Boeschling Specialist , Process Assurance and Compliance Asurion Houston TX Voice (713)830-1607 Work Mobile (954)635-7368
Chris pls send this over to Sri Lanka office for booking of NUM container . Have them call and make arrangements ASAP . No time do it or I would . Or Jon can if u r too busy . Thanks . ________________________________ From : Purchasing - US Cargo Control < EMAIL > To : Katie Bailey Sent : Fri Jul NUM 11:23:14 NUM Subject : RE : Phoenix/Clickstop - Freight Forwarding Katie , This is the company in Sri Lanka we need the container picked up at . The factory said that it is ready for pickup right now . The products on the container will be natural rubber & EPDM tarp strap , and rubber mover bands . Please let me know if you need anything else . I have e-mailed our sales contact ( Nishantha e-mail EMAIL ) letting him know someone with Phoenix will be contacting them for pickup . Thank you , Ben Rechkemmer Senior Sales and Purchasing Specialist Clickstop , Inc. . NUM Blue Creek Drive | Urbana IA | NUM [ p ] NUM [ c ] NUM Web Site < URL > | Twitter < URL > | Facebook < URL > From : Katie Bailey [] Sent : Thursday , July NUM ,
Katie Bailey Sales Executive Phoenix International Freight Services Minneapolis Office 917 Lone Oak Road suite 1000 Eagan Minn 55121 Off ph 651-454-6894 ext 13202 Off fax 651-454-6832 Cell 612-968-8439
Friday : A NUM percent chance of rain and thunderstorms . Partly sunny , with a high near NUM . Friday night : A NUM percent chance of rain and thunderstorms . Mostly cloudy , with a low around NUM
Ted A. Mills Assistant District Attorney Direct : ( 205 ) 497-8623 Main : ( 205 ) 497-8610 Fax : ( 205 ) 497-8603 Jefferson County District Attorney 's Office Tenth Judicial Circuit - Bessemer Division 1851 Second Avenue North , Suite 110 Bessemer , Alabama 35020
I do n't know him , sorry _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Joseph , Joe Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 4:36 PM To : Taylor , III , George M. ; Dowd , David Subject : David Turner , Regions CFO Do either of you happen to know David Turner 's phone number ? He is listed by George in BurrConnect and I seem to recall that he might be involved in the Scouts . Thanks , Joe
David D. Dowd III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5293 Cell : ( 205 ) 907-0830 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5629 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
________________________________ From : Thomas Burke [] Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 10:38 AM To : Laura Hinson Cc : Michael Goedecke Subject : Client support number Laura , Here is the number for client support : NUM NUM NUM . Best , Tom URL Cloud Services for Business URL j2 | eFax | eVoice | FuseMail | Campaigner | KeepItSafe | Onebox This email , its contents and attachments contain information from j2 Global Communications , Inc. . and/or its affiliates which may be privileged , confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure . The information is intended to be for the addressee ( s ) only . If you are not an addressee , any disclosure , copy , distribution , or use of the contents of this message is prohibited . If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the original message and any copies . ( c ) NUM j2 Global Communications , Inc. . All rights reserved . eFax , eVoice , Campaigner , FuseMail , KeepItSafe , and Onebox are registered trademarks of j2 Global Communications , Inc. . and its affiliates .
Tom Burke < > < > < > < > Product Sales Specialist Global Corporate Solutions Direct :310 -258 -6902 Cell : 310-334-9030
All , I appreciate your help with obtaining a waiver from Fannie Mae . I hope they will appreciate that they have become a Burr " client " through the side door , as a result of our representation of other financial institutions . In the meantime , as promised , I am attaching the conflicts check that came back when we added the new ( non-FNMA ) parties to the system this week . You will see that FNMA shows up as adverse in several matters , including this NUM , which has been open since NUM . FNMA only shows up as a client in a closed file that was last billed in early NUM . I cleared that NUM with Mike Hall or Reid when we were engaged by Mr. Zherka in the latter part of NUM . If it had not been for Ashby 's calling it to my attention , I would not have thought that we had a conflict in my defense of this new part of Mr. Zherka 's disputes with FNMA . I also see that Vic is representing plaintiffs who are also adverse to FNMA in a current matter on this report . There may be something different about that case , but I am copying Vic , so we can clear up all these issues at the same time . Larry _____________________ _____ From : Kent , Ashby Sent : Friday , August NUM , NUM 2:54 PM To : Ahern III , Lawrence R. ; Chiles , John ; Manley , Reid Subject : FW : FNMA Conflict Waiver Template Gentlemen : Following our call this afternoon , I spoke with my FNMA contact Wayne Young about the procedure for obtaining a conflict waiver from FNMA . He provided me with the attached Conflict Waiver Form , and said that it would need to be directed to Amy Barry in FNMA 's D.C. office ( address information provided below ) . Please review the attached at your convenience , and let me know how you wish to proceed and how I can be of assistance . Thanks in advance . Ashby L. Kent Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Young , Wayne ( Contractor ) [] Sent : Friday , August NUM , NUM 3:44 PM To : Kent , Ashby Subject : Ashby , Attached is Fannie Mae 's conflict waiver request template . You will need to complete the request and submit it to Amy Barry in our D.C. office . She is Chief of Staff of Legal Administration . Fannie Mae NUM Wisconsin Avenue , N.W. Washington , DC NUM NUM EMAIL Wayne C. Young Attorney Fannie Mae International Plaza II NUM Dallas Parkway Suite NUM Dallas , Texas NUM ph - NUM This e-mail and its attachments are confidential and solely for the intended addressee ( s ) . Do not share or use them without Fannie Maeâ ?? s approval . If received in error , contact the sender and delete them .
Lawrence R. Ahern , III Burr & Forman LLP w < blocked : : > 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , TN 37203 Direct : 615-724-3210 Fax : 615-724-3310 Cell : 615-579-2542 Main : 615-724-3200 Assistant : Linda B. Hulsey Direct : 615-724-3224 Fax : 615-724-3324
From : Members - All GPSEG Members [ EMAIL On Behalf Of Bill Dowling Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 12:45 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Members ] Supply Chain and Operations Meeting Tuesday October NUM 5:30 - 8:30 pm : ADDITIONAL SEATS have been added ! Due to overwhelming response we have opened up an additional NUM seats for this important presentation . Registrations will close shortly so that we can provide final numbers to the meeting planners . Register Now = > URL Best Regards , Bill Dowling Supply Chain and Operations Subgroup Chair GPSEG - " Networking for Life " From : Bill Dowling [] Sent : Sunday , October NUM , NUM 4:14 PM To : ' EMAIL Subject : Supply Chain and Operations Meeting Tuesday October NUM 5:30 - 8:30 pm : Only NUM Seats remaining register now if you plan to attend ! We are down to NUM remaining seats for this important presentation . Please register now if you plan to attend ! CEO ’s , Financial Executives , Private Equity Investors , Technology Executives , Operations Executives and Supply Chain Executives : These are times of Extreme Change . The need for collective , rather than sequential , risk management is vital to tackle today ’s conditions through collaboration on a new scale - necessary for survival . You will benefit from attending : Stopped in Your Tracks ! The Impact of Supply Chain Risk on Share Price , Insurance and Performance Register Now = > URL Risk is a part of doing business yet few companies fully understand the extent of risk they face today when it comes to their Supply Chains . Recent events over the past year have shown how disruptions can affect a company ’s ability to sustain operations and meet their Customer ’s expectations . Fewer alternatives exist today for emergency supply chain recovery actions . Are your risk models and evaluation up to date ? Are you taking the right steps to mitigate risk ? Are you missing something that could devastate your business ? “ To address order cycle time reductions , greater demand variability , and better supply chain visibility , executives are looking to restructure the IT underpinnings of their supply chains and , in particular , take advantage of new collaborative computing architecture and technologies . Companies are moving to the cloud and investing in Business Analytics ( Business Intelligence ) . ” Recent IBM study Special considerations have been made to enable us to offer a reduced cost of $ NUM to members ( $ NUM for guests ) , but you must sign up now to secure your registration while seats are still available . Register Now = > URL Cocktail Reception , Dinner meeting and Presentation beginning at 5:30 pm . The Crowne Plaza King of Prussia . Speakers : Bill McBeath , Managing Director , ImpactFactor and Ann Grackin , CEO , ChainLink Research , Newton , Massachusetts - recognized global authorities on Supply Chain Resiliency . ChainLink Research is NUM of the most widely respected Research and Advisory firms in Supply Chain today : ChainLink leads the market in its research coverage of virtual business models that are driving the next generation of networked supply chain architectures . These networks span multiple industries — as such our research is applicable across verticals such as High Tech , Retail , Consumer Goods , Logistics , Defense , Pharmaceutical , and Process . Source : URL Name : Bill McBeath Topic : Supply Chain Resilency Bill McBeath - Managing Director , Founding Partner - ImpactFactor Bill McBeath is cofounder of ImpactFactor , a supply chain risk measurement and analytics company . Mr. McBeath also cofounded ChainLink Research , the leading supply chain research firm . He has more than NUM years of experience in a variety of roles as a business and technology researcher and consultant , high tech executive , product manager , and software architect . As a researcher , Mr. McBeath has interviewed hundreds of leaders and surveyed thousands of companies on supply chain related practices , processes , and solutions . NUM areas of particular focus : - Risk Management - Mr. McBeath pioneered the concept and elements of supply chain resilience during the past decade . Led the creation of ImpactFactor 's Supply Chain Risk model , used to monitor , manage , and prioritize risks and mitigation investments . - Sourcing and Procurement - Extensive research with the world 's best run companies about their next generation of best practices , management of supplier risk and performance , practical implementation challenges , and use of technology . Mr. McBeath was also Managing Director at Marsh , creating and leading their Supply Chain Risk Research group . Before co-founding ChainLink Research , Mr. McBeath was Managing Director of Emerging Technologies at Benchmarking Partners/Surgency , where he formulated and executed successful go-to-market strategies for dozens of startups and established firms . Prior to that he was Director of Server and Networking Development at NEC Computer Systems . Mr. McBeath is a popular speaker , having delivered keynote addresses and led panel discussions at many industry conferences . Name : Ann Grackin Topic : Supply Chain Resilency For more than NUM decades Ann Grackin has been on the frontline of Supply Chain Management . As CEO of ChainLink Research , Ms. Grackin and her team have advised their clients on innovation and transformation , achieving dramatic improvements in business performance . From growth and market share , improvements in working capital , to the development of risk and compliance frameworks for today 's global enterprises , ChainLink supports a total view of success for their clients . Before starting ChainLink , Ms. Grackin was Managing Direct of Supply Chain Risk , at Marsh and McLennan , where she led the global consulting practice . Her stellar career in research and advisory services was started as a Foundation Partner at Benchmarking Partners and then continued , leading as Vice President of Supply Chain Strategy at AMR Research . Ms. Grackin is a popular speaker and respected writer . The brief , ChainLink 's online magazine , where she serves as Editor-in-Chief , has attracted over NUM readers.She has been featured in Forbes , Information Week , The Boston Globe , The San Francisco Chronicle , Supply Chain Management Review , Managing Automation , Supply Chain Brain , CIO Magazine , various RFID publications , and many other media and conference events . Register Now = > URL
Bill Dowling 302.354.3968
Buenas Tardes Antonio : Espero te encuentres bien . Estamos analizando la posibilidad de aumentar la capacidad de GLP de la terminal , para lo cual quisiera me ayudaras en lo siguiente : Cotizar tanques aéreos de NUM gls y NUM gls ( nuevos y usados ) Ver la posibilidad de cotizar los mismos tamaños pero soterrados . Los tanques tienen que venir con sus accesorios . ( válvulas , varillas de medición , etc. ) . El costo debe incluir flete hasta Panamá . En los correos anteriores no me pudieron ayudar con el tema de los tanques soterrados , quisiera saber ¿ si no han vendido este tipo de diseño o no conocen del mismo ? Si son tanques usados , que garantía tuviéramos con los mismos . Te agradecería todo el apoyo que me pudieras brindar con respecto a este tema . Saludos , From : Javier De Gracia - Petroport , S.A. Sent : Friday , June NUM , NUM 10:52 AM To : Antonio Rodas ; Gabriel Aldama Cc : Miguel Sugaste Subject : Re : Tanques soterrados Panama Buenos Días Antonio : La verdad que una lastima no haber podido encontrar ninguna información sobre tanques soterrados . La empresa esta presupuestando NUM tanques de NUM gls , mi intención era mostrarle a mis jefes la alternativa del diseño de soterrar . Creo que ya cotizaron con el diseño tradicional . Gracias por el apoyo . Saludos , Javier From : Antonio Rodas Sent : Wednesday , June NUM , NUM 8:51 AM To : Javier De Gracia - Petroport , S.A. ; Gabriel Aldama Cc : Miguel Sugaste Subject : Tanques soterrados Panama Estimado Gabriel buenos dias Tu valiosa aportacion y comentarios ayudara demasiado a nuestro amigo Javier de Gracia . Por favor ayudanos con tu experiencia Gracias Antonio Rodas Gerente de Ventas Exportacion From : Javier De Gracia - Petroport , S.A. [] Sent : Sábado , NUM de Mayo de NUM 11:27 a.m. To : Antonio Rodas ; Gabriel Aldama Cc : Miguel Sugaste Subject : Re :
Ing . Javier De Gracia Gerente de Operaciones Petroport S.A. Tel. . ( 507 ) 433-1538 Fax ( 507 ) 433-1433 Cel . ( 507 ) 6612-4453 e-mail :
Joe , Here is something I was going to email over to school contacts that we have on the books and also hit up schools around here to offer meeting room space . Thoughts and improvements are always welcomeJ Thanks ! Visit our other properties in New Mexico , Utah , and Arizona : URL
Sarah R. Miller Director of Sales Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Phoenix Downtown 620 North Sixth Street Phoenix , AZ 85004 Office Ph : ( 602 ) 452-2020 x 406 Fax : ( 602 ) 252-2909 " Great Hotels , Guests Love "               
Hey momma ! havent talked to you today . how are things there ? i would facetime but im laying in bed about to take a nap bc we went out last night and i didnt go to bed until like NUM but the construction on our building . . which is right next to my head . . started working at NUM . . so i didnt get enough sleep !! On Thu , Jun NUM , NUM at 3:46 PM , Mills , Gail < EMAIL > wrote : Allison , see below from your sweet Uncle Alan ! ----- Original Message ----- From : Alan Livingston [] Sent : Thursday , June NUM , NUM 8:44 AM To : Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Update Please forward this message to Allison . I do n't have her email address . Allison : The construction of the Duomo began in the NUM 's and the design called for a large dome . At the time construction started , no NUM knew how such a large dome could possibly be constructed . They started work anyway and the Duomo was finished , but with no dome . The city sponsored a competition for ideas on how the dome could be built so that the Duomo would be complete . A Florentine named Brunelleschi ( ? ) traveled to Rome to see the dome at the Pantheon . The ancient Romans had built a large dome there , but nobody understood how they did it . Brunelleschi got permission from the Pope to cut a hole into the Pantheon 's dome and he discovered that there were actually NUM domes , NUM within the other . He took this information and figured out how the Romans had built the dome . He then won the competition to build the dome at the Duomo out of the red bricks which make it so lovely today . It is still the largest masonry dome ever built . The small hole he cut into the Pantheon dome is still there , visible from the interior of the Pantheon . When you are in Rome , be sure to notice this when you visit the Pantheon . Alan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- This is a transmission from the law firm of Lee & McInish , P.C. and may contain information which is privileged , confidential , and protected by the attorney-client or attorney work product privileges . If you are not the addressee , note that any disclosure , distribution , or use of the contents of this message is prohibited . If you receive this transmission in error , please destroy and delete from any computer and notify us immediately at our telephone number ( NUM ) NUM . The contact information is only for the purpose of contacting the sender and does not constitute the signature of the sender nor does it indicate the acceptance or agreement of the sender to the contents hereof . ----- Original Message ----- From : Mills , Gail [] Sent : Thursday , June NUM , NUM 8:21 AM To : Alan Livingston Subject : RE : Update I think her blog is entertaining for sure . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM Burr & Forman LLP NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL ________________________________ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . ----- Original Message ----- From : Alan Livingston [] Sent : Thursday , June NUM , NUM 8:18 AM To : Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Update Cute puppy ! We have enjoyed following Allison 's trip on her blog . A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Alan C. Livingston e-mail : EMAIL Lee & McInish , P.C. Post Office Box NUM ( NUM ) NUM West Main Street ( NUM ) Dothan , Alabama ( NUM ) NUM ( writer 's direct line ) ( NUM ) NUM ( NUM ) NUM ( facsimile ) URL This is a transmission from the law firm of Lee & McInish , P.C. and may contain information which is privileged , confidential , and protected by the attorney-client or attorney work product privileges . If you are not the addressee , note that any disclosure , distribution , or use of the contents of this message is prohibited . If you receive this transmission in error , please destroy and delete from any computer and notify us immediately at our telephone number ( NUM ) NUM . The contact information is only for the purpose of contacting the sender and does not constitute the signature of the sender nor does it indicate the acceptance or agreement of the sender to the contents hereof . ----- Original Message ----- From : Mills , Gail [] Sent : Thursday , June NUM , NUM 8:10 AM To : Alan Livingston ; Susan Livingston ; EMAIL EMAIL Subject : Update Current picture of Abbey 's puppy , got her NUM set of shots yesterday . She is a disaster at house training , thank goodness she is so cute . Abbey works this weekend so Ted and I are going to take her to the lake with us . She loves Gracie and Preston , but they will have nothing much to do with her . She jumps all over Gracie 's head and tugs and chews on her ears and Gracies just stands there , like in a stupor , but when she tries it with Preston , and let 's her know in a hurry that he is n't gon na play with her . Allison is off to France for the weekend with another tour group called " Florence for Fun , " there are NUM of them going from their UA group . I am nervous as a cat about it , but it is a tour group designed just for students abroad for weekend trips , NUM total in the group , very structured schedule with tour guides , I will be glad when she is on the train back to Florence . She is having a good time , we talk every day by Facetime and many emails .
Alan C. Livingston e-mail : Lee & McInish , P.C. Post Office Box 1665 ( 36302 ) 238 West Main Street ( 36301 ) Dothan , Alabama ( 334 ) 836-1021 ( writer 's direct line ) ( 334 ) 792-4156 ( 334 ) 794-8342 ( facsimile )
What ’ll it do in the ¼ mile ? Email Confidentiality Statement : This message and accompanying documents are covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. NUM , and contain information intended for the specified individual ( s ) only . This information is confidential . If you are not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review , dissemination , copying , or the taking of any action based on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited . If you have received this communication in error , please notify us immediately by E-mail , and delete the original message . From : Lester Vohs Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:26 PM To : Louis Chilson ; Marlin McGowin ; Bill Sinclair Subject : Appreciation Gentlemen , I would like to extend my team ’s appreciation and my personal appreciation for your efforts to revive our mule . It will help us carry out our mission more effective and efficiently . Sean has already used it and noticed a NUM % improvement . Thanks again , Lester Lester D. Vohs Director of Information and Communications Services Osawatomie State Hospital / Rainbow Mental Health Facility Office ( NUM ) NUM Cell ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL Email Confidentiality Statement : This message
Bill Sinclair Director of Safety and Environment Osawatomie State Hospital and Rainbow Mental Health Facility Office : 913.755.7324 Fax : 913-755-7127
As deep as our relationships are in the banking community across our footprint it could be that you know someone on the list below ( even though in Nashville ) . Take a quick look and use this as an opportunity to reach out to them in recognition of their achievement . _____ From : Barnes , Paula Sent : Wednesday , July NUM , NUM 10:38 AM To : Ahern III , Lawrence R. ; Arnold , Lindsey ; Barnes , Paula ; Broemel , W. Davidson ; Delawalla , Faisal ; Doherty , Kevin M. ; Haltom , James ; Houston IV , David W. ; Marsh , Darlene T. ; Nefflen , John ; Peters , Alisa ; Potter , Tom Cc : Meszaros , Erin Subject : URL 's NUM Best in Banking There is a good opportunity here to reach out and touch those you know on this list . Also , congratulations to Karen Ahern on being recognized ! The NUM < URL > Best in Banking Nashvilleâ € ™ s leaders in lending bring experience , insight [ From the July/August edition of Nashville Post magazine ] Published July NUM , NUM by Geert De Lombaerde Itâ € ™ s been more than a decade since the landmark sale of NUM American to the former AmSouth deprived Nashville of its last veritable big-bank headquarters . But most of the bankers in that deal and other mergers from the past NUM decades didnâ € ™ t leave town . Instead , the diffusion of their talents over the years has helped nurture a new generation of hometown institutions and helped fuel the growth plans of new regional players . With this inaugural Best in Banking list , we shine the light on a group held in high esteem by their peers and active at a range of local lenders . Most are pretty visible around town , while others fall into the category of well-kept industry secrets . In approaching this list , we looked to highlight the work of NUM categories of bankers : the top executives running institutions as well as the industry specialists in charge of dedicated teams or on the front lines themselves . Dozens of conversations with area bankers and people who work with them yielded a list of almost NUM names . Following extensive whittling and weighing , the NUM people below represent our take on Nashvilleâ € ™ s Best in Banking for NUM . Don Abel President and CEO NUM NUM , Tennessee Mississippi native who rose to lead Middle Tennessee region for former National Bank of Commerce . Moved to NUM NUM in â € ™ NUM as commercial banking chief and was promoted NUM years ago when Dan Hogan assumed multi-state responsibilities . Has aggressively recruited talent , especially in health care and mortgage . Chairman-elect of Nashville Downtown Partnership . Karen Ahern Director , National Healthcare Group NUM NUM Responsible for leading lending team with national reach . Joined NUM NUM in November NUM from SunTrust Robinson Humphrey and also headed up health care finance at National City . In NUM became NUM finance professional elected to Nashville Health Care Council board . Lori Badgett Vice President City National Key part of team leading California-based City Nationalâ € ™ s Music Row charge . Previously spent NUM years at SunTrustâ € ™ s sports and entertainment group as protà © gà © e of the late Brian Williams . NUM MBA graduate of Belmont music business program and NUM president of Leadership Music . Sam Ballesteros Senior Vice President SunTrust Veteran of the old NUM American fraternity and regarded as NUM of the top special assets bankers in the Nashville area . Work has regional scope . John Barton Executive Vice President Regions Top of the list when it comes to Nashville health care bankers . Heads up $ NUM NUM Regions group focused on hospitals , middle-market providers and medical office buildings . NUM years ago jumped to Regions after spending almost entire career at SunTrust . Sam Belk Senior Vice President , Regional Vice President Wells Fargo Oversees commercial banking for Wells in Tennessee and northern Mississippi , focusing on middle-market deals . Launched local office in NUM , leaving Bank of America after NUM years and predating Wellsâ € ™ buyout of SouthTrust by several years . Oversaw NUM opening of Louisville office . Pat Campbell Senior Vice President SunTrust Has since NUM led SunTrustâ € ™ s not-for-profit and government banking group , with the former taking up about NUM percent of business . Started with SunTrust in NUM as teller and worked in both personal and commercial banking departments during the â € ™ 90s . Vanderbilt math major and member of bankâ € ™ s Regional Leadership Council . Wallace ' Buzz ' Carter Executive Vice President Bank of Nashville Moved early this year from downtown neighbor FirstBank to newly created director of commercial banking post that oversees Bank of Nashvilleâ € ™ s mid-market , business banking , private-client and treasury management operations . Had been commercial business line manager at FirstBank since late NUM . Randall Clemons Chairman and CEO Wilson Bank & Trust Low-key but effective leader of $ NUM NUM community bank that has made Wilson County a fortress by controlling NUM percent of deposits . Has skated cautiously through the recession with relatively few problems , made inroads into Rutherford and begun building Gallatin presence . Ron Cox Senior Vice President Avenue Ohio-born bluegrass banjo player and former road musician who played with Conway Twitty and was Curb Music Publishing staff writer . Helped launch Avenue in NUM and now oversees bankâ € ™ s music and entertainment group , which has amassed about $ NUM NUM in assets . Ernie Felts Executive Vice President NUM Tennessee Longtime fixture in area commercial real estate banking who also has held top roles at Bank of America , U.S. Bank and Regions . Joined NUM Tennessee from Regions in the spring of NUM to lead NUM team focused on office , retail and other projects . Director of The Housing Fund . Bill Goodman Senior Vice President Avenue Senior relationship manager for commercial real estate who has more than NUM years of local lending experience . Helped open Avenueâ € ™ s doors in NUM after NUM years at Regions Bank and more than NUM at the former NUM American . Brad Greer Senior Vice President CapStar Grandson of Herschel Greer and former oil jobber who joined CapStar from Regions during its early-2008 organizational stage . Managed accounts with than $ NUM NUM as Regions senior VP and has helped CapStarâ € ™ s core C&I book grow to more than $ NUM NUM in less than NUM years . Jerry Hampton Financial advisor Pinnacle Charter Pinnacle employee with more than NUM years of experience . Trucking and real estate specialist who during tenure at former NUM American was credit analyst , CRE division manager and special assets manager , among others . Lisa Harless Senior Vice President Regions Nashvilleâ € ™ s most visible sports and entertainment banker thanks in part to multi-year advertising campaign . Works with clients on estate planning , retirement planning , investment management , education planning and personal insurance and oversees daily operations of Regionâ € ™ s Entertainment and Sports Division in Nashville . Andrew Kintz Senior Vice President SunTrust Managing director of SunTrustâ € ™ s Music Row operation as well as Atlantaâ € ™ s sports and entertainment group . Has been with bank for almost NUM years , working up from commercial and wealth management units , and took over top spot once held by the late Brian Williams NUM years ago . Kevin Lavender Senior Vice President NUM NUM Former Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions commissioner who joined NUM NUM in NUM as head of corporate health care lending . Promoted in early NUM to oversee international and large corporate finance in addition to national health care finance . Co-founder of MediSphere Health Partners who began career as group VP of corporate healthcare lending at SunTrust . Dale Maxfield Senior Vice President NUM Tennessee Special assets veteran who joined NUM Tennessee from NUM NUM and also has worked at Bank of America . Scope of work extends well beyond Middle Tennessee and includes chunk of national legacy mortgage assets NUM Tennessee has been scrubbing during retrenchment to more state-focused footprint . Jim McCann Senior Vice President Avenue Residential mortgage veteran has been in the business for almost NUM decades and is former president of both the Nashville and Tennessee Mortgage Bankers associations . Leads NUM team that has grown Avenueâ € ™ s mortgage book to $ NUM NUM and accounted for a NUM of bankâ € ™ s loan growth since end of NUM . Rob McNeilly Chairman , President and CEO SunTrust , Nashville Tapped in mid-2005 to succeed Woody Woodring as regional boss of SunTrustâ € ™ s NUM operations . Joined SunTrust in NUM , rose through organization to lead bankâ € ™ s operations in Alabama before coming to Nashville in NUM . Looking to rebuild after several high-profile departures and deposit share slippage in recent years . John Reynolds Vice President NUM NUM Combat-decorated Air Force fighter pilot , former Envoy controller and KPMG audit staffer . Joined NUM NUM in NUM as commercial real estate sales manager for Tennessee and works with regional , national and international developers . Doyle Rippee Middle Tennessee Regional President NUM Tennessee â € œConsummate professionalâ € ? and onetime Bank of America Tennessee president who has helped breathe new life into NUM Tennesseeâ € ™ s local operations . Bank added NUM basis points in deposit market share in his NUM year after joining from Regions , where he led corporate banking . Was key to building up Morgan Keeganâ € ™ s area business in the early 2000s before being promoted to corporate spot at parent Regions in â € ™ NUM . Ron Samuels Chairman , President and CEO Avenue Former regional leader for Union Planters and Regions Bank who in NUM began building $ NUM NUM investor base for Avenue . Guided bank to NUM quarterly profit inside NUM years and now oversees asset base of more than $ NUM NUM . Part of consortium that refinanced Predatorsâ € ™ debt in early NUM . Jim Schmitz Middle Tennessee Area Executive Regions Executive VP leading the local charge for Middle Tennessee market leader , which last year posted NUM deposit share growth since late-2006 merger with AmSouth . Named to current post in NUM after holding same role in North Florida . Previously worked in commercial real estate sales and mortgage areas . John Stein Tennessee President Bank of America Local mainstay of more than NUM years who also heads up bankâ € ™ s national for-profit health care team . Oversaw $ NUM NUM deposit boost in â € ™ NUM € ™ NUM that gave BofA its biggest share since NUM . Veteran of commercial , trade finance and international banking who took over current post in early NUM . Tony Thompson Executive Vice President NUM Tennessee Bankâ € ™ s top business banking exec who relinquished regional presidency NUM months ago to refocus on commercial lending in Davidson and Williamson counties . Funded loans from his group have doubled since in large part by focusing on health care and public finance work . Avid UT fan who moved here from East Tennessee in NUM . Claire Tucker President and CEO CapStar Was city president for FirstBank before raising more than $ NUM NUM â € ” in part from the Frist and Turner families â € ” to launch CapStar just as the recession was gathering speed . Led CapStar to NUM quarterly profit early this year on back of strong loan growth and squeaky-clean credit quality . Former NUM American exec who worked her way up the ladder from trainee . Terry Turner President and CEO Pinnacle The face of Nashvilleâ € ™ s new homegrown banks and tireless trumpeter of his teamâ € ™ s ability to take business from regional lenders . Led launch of Pinnacle in NUM after exiting NUM American and has grown bank to $ NUM NUM in assets here and in Knoxville . Has mostly digested bad loans from acquisitions of Cavalry and Mid-America and steered Pinnacle into what NUM analyst recently called â € œan undeniable trend of improving profitability.â € ? Ken Webb Chief Lending Officer CapStar Has played point on CapStarâ € ™ s strong loan growth , which has pushed bankâ € ™ s book to more than $ NUM NUM in less than NUM years , with commercial real estate and traditional C&I leading the way . Longtime NUM Tennessee business strategy exec widely respected not just for experience but also as gentleman banker . Ed White Senior Lending Officer Pinnacle Executive Vice President who leads Pinnacleâ € ™ s client advisory group . Former city president for NUM American who during NUM career has migrated between commercial , retail and private banking in NUM states . Seen as cool head key to Pinnacleâ € ™ s recent rebound from credit quality issues . ALABAMA â € ¢ FLORIDA â € ¢ GEORGIA â € ¢ MISSISSIPPI â € ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Paula K. Barnes Legal Administrator Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3220 Cell : ( 615 ) 210-7210 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3320 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < >
The latest edition of the newsletter is now available . To view the newsletter , please point your internet browser to URL . Please submit information or announcements to be included in upcoming newsletters to EMAIL . If you have any difficulty viewing the newsletter , please contact Jeff Whitcomb at EMAIL .
Judge John L. Carroll Dean and Ethel P. Malugen Professor of Law Cumberland School of Law Samford University 205.726.2704
That works . Would you like me to call your office ? _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Beth Burns [] Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 1:15 PM To : Long , William Cc : Hayslip , Victor Subject : RE : Arnold - Claimants ' Request To Produce Would 3:30 ( et ) work for you ? If so , Gene and I will call you . thanks Beth Burns SVP & Director of Compliance Financial Management Services Phone : NUM Fax : NUM EMAIL Products and Services offered by SSI : are NOT FDIC insured may lose value no bank guarantee >> > " Long , William " < EMAIL > 10/6/2011 1:17 PM >> > Beth , I 'm free the rest of today and most of tomorrow , so please just let me know what works best for you . J. William Jacob Long IV Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Beth Burns [] Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 11:51 AM To : Long , William Cc : Hayslip , Victor Subject : Re : Arnold - Claimants ' Request To Produce Hi J , Hope all is well . Would you have anytime later this afternoon or tomorrow to discuss the request ? ( If so , just let me know and I will ask Heather to coordinate a call . ) We want to ensure that we understand each item before beginning production . Thanks Beth Burns SVP & Director of Compliance Financial Management Services Phone : NUM Fax : NUM EMAIL Products and Services offered by SSI : are NOT FDIC insured may lose value no bank guarantee >> > " Long , William " < EMAIL > 10/5/2011 4:36 PM >> > Beth , Attached are the Arnolds ' NUM request for production to Synovus . I will prepare Synovus ' objections/responses , and I believe we have already produced most of the responsive documentation to a majority of the requests . However , and out of an abundance of caution , we will need to confirm that we have already produced ( or at least provided to to Burr Forman ) all responsive documentation to Request Nos . NUM , NUM , NUM ( within reason ) , NUM , NUM , NUM , NUM , and NUM . I will also need to get the information responsive to the Information Request Nos . NUM . Our goal is produce the documentation by the end of this month , but let me know if you or your office needs any additional time . Thanks . J. Long William Jacob Long IV Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ _____ NOTICE : This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary , and/or privileged material . Unless you are the intended addressee , any review , reliance , dissemination , distribution , copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you received this in error , please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers . Email sent through the Internet is not secure . Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers , PIN numbers , passwords , Social Security Numbers , Account numbers , or other important and confidential information . _____ NOTICE : This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary , and/or privileged material . Unless you are the intended addressee , any review , reliance , dissemination , distribution , copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you received this in error , please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers . Email sent through the Internet is not secure . Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers , PIN numbers , passwords , Social Security Numbers , Account numbers , or other important and confidential information .
William Jacob Long IV Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5445 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5730 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Dear Anna , As per your phone conversation with Tracy , the address for Bella ’s for the invitations are : NUM Rivonia Road , Cnr Rivonia & Protea Rd. , Chiselhurston Sandton , Johannesburg Gauteng Directions : From the M1 , take the Corlett Drive turnoff ( M30 ) South . Turn left into Oxford Road , follow the road ( turning into Rovinia Road ) into Chislehurston . I have also included more images below . Thanks and kind regards ,
Jo-Ann Smit Positive Dialogue Communications Senior Account Executive Ph : +27 21 486 8158 Mobile : 082 388 9817
Rose McFarland Technology Assistant | Information Technology RAINIER TITLE 100 % Locally Owned and Operated 253 471.8310 PHONE 206 679.2877 CELL 425 329.2122 FAX 3560 Bridgeport Way # 2E ; University Place , WA
Guys It is important you take your time with ALL paper work . This will help Denni complete for invoice , so make sure you take your time when completing your FSR ’s and paper trail . As I mentioned before doing your paper once the job is completed keeps it fresh and will avoid errors that she will have to continually ask you about . Example ; · Make sure parts numbers , LSD ( make sure this is correct all the time as when this gets entered into the data base an A before the fisrt digit or after it will create another location ) so any deviation form the original will cause issues when trying to collect history on a drive , contact name , phone number , W. Order numbers and 2Z ’s from Layne are correct on the FSR . · When you write your story please get to the point of what was completed for service . Do n’t need to know ; drove to location or operator called these are just examples of unnecessary comments . This would save her to short-form whatever is on the FSR , so be complete and help me out . There is only so much room allotted on the invoice for comments . Understand she does n’t know Tangleflags from West Hazel to Buzzard so help her out with all customer work completed in Sask . As they now have an East/Central and West Area . Just make a note where the location is located ( E , C or W will work ) when completing an FSR for Husky Sask . . TX . * Correct me if I ’m wrong , is it not OLT protocol to remain on lease to ensure no problems occur after we have completed our work , if we are not currently doing it , let ’s make it a rule moving forward ??? Help her out and me so she does n’t get frustrated please ! She is doing an excellent job so far and a real treat to sit next to . Regards ,
Dave Lloyd Sales/Service Manager Oil Lift Technology Inc. . Site # 10 Reinhart Industrial Park P.O. Box 10854 Lloydminster , Alberta T9V 3B1 780-214-4190 780-875-6830
The bottom your email notes Philly . ----- Original Message ----- From : Lani Baird To : P.J. Gonzales Sent : Fri Jul NUM 14:47:53 NUM Subject : Re : Question No Tampa . ----- Original Message ----- From : P.J. Gonzales To : Lani Baird Sent : Fri Jul NUM 14:47:04 NUM Subject : Re : Question Are you in Philly today ? P.J. Gonzales Vice President - Sales & Marketing GF Management NUM Dulaney Valley Road Towson , MD NUM Mobile : NUM Office : NUM Email : EMAIL ________________________________ From : Lani Baird To : P.J. Gonzales Sent : Fri Jul NUM 10:25:32 NUM Subject : Question For the GM Bible , what are they looking for when they say , ‘ Market Segmentation & Planning ’ ? Thanks ! Sincerely , Lani Baird Director of National Sales GF Management Direct : ( NUM ) NUM x NUM Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL < > GF Management Hotel Portfolio < URL > WHERE AM I THIS WEEK ? I 'm at my office in Philadelphia , PA , headquarters of GF Hotels , NUM of the largest & most successful hotel management companies in the country . We manage over NUM hotels throughout the US & are represented in over NUM states . Looking for a location for your next meeting or event ? Need a place for your travelers to stay ? Please visit our portfolio GF HOTELS < URL > .
P.J. Gonzales Vice President - Sales & Marketing GF Management 903 Dulaney Valley Road Towson , MD 21402 Mobile : 484.477.6380 Office : 443.921.2317 Email :
Mr. Moore , We acknowledge your representation of Mr. Thackerson . Attached is a copy of the NUM report , wage history , compensation payment summary and an invoice for medical records . As requested , we have scheduled your client a follow-up appointment with Gadsden Orthopaedics . The appointment is scheduled for Tuesday July NUM , NUM at 3:15 p.m. at the Gadsden office with Dr. Hartzog . Please notify your client of this appointment . Dr. Haller retired . Therefore , Dr. Hartzog will be taking over care . Dr. Hartzog originally treated your client for this injury then began treating with Dr. Haller while Dr. Hartzog was out on medical leave . If you have any questions or need additional information , please feel free to call . From : George Moore [] Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 11:25 AM To : Casey Self Subject : Thackerson , Timothy ( Work Comp ) Ms. Self , We represent Timothy Thackerson in connection with his WC injury on November NUM , NUM . Please send us a copy of the NUM Report of injury , NUM week wage history prior to the injury , medical records to date & a listing of dates & amounts of TTD paid . Also please set up a an appointment with Dr. Haller . Very truly yours , George Allen Moore Johnston , Moore & Thompson Attorneys-at-Law NUM Meridian St. , Suite NUM Huntsville , AL NUM ( NUM )
Casey Self Claims Examiner Employer 's Claim Management Inc. . P.O. Box 5614 Montgomery , AL 36103 T : ( 334 ) 277-9395 , W : ( 800 ) 392-1551 , F : ( 334 ) 277-2134
Mrs. Brown : McCurdy , the seller 's attorney , is having a difficult time locating your wired in earnest money deposit for $ NUM . Are you able to provide some detailed info to them in regards to this so that they are able to locate it asap ? Jocelyn : An attorney was telling me that we had a hard time locating a wire in this same situation in the past , taking like NUM days to locate with our bank . You can possibly provide them the attached wire information/confirmation from their funds to close to try and search between your accounting department and bank and see if you can locate it better , but tell them that it was from Canada and this may have put the funds into some other holding pattern . Thanks all ! OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED ! PLEASE SEE OUR NEW ADDRESS LISTED BELOW . Effective immediately , we are no longer accepting certified funds as a form of payment from sellers or from buyers in all-cash closings . We ask that arrangements be made in advance to have funds from these parties wired to us for the closing . From : Joan Brown [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 12:00 PM To : Leigh Sun Subject : RE : Brown wire is here yipee ! Just FYI RE : Daisy Trail closing tomorrow ( buyer mail away ) I 'd also appreciate a response soon on the utilities - I need to be assured that there are no arrears that I ' ll " inherit " when purchasing the home . If you ' ve already confirmed there are none , pls let me know - otherwise , pls provide the contact information and I ' ll follow up accordingly . thanks Joan From : Leigh Sun [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 9:48 AM To : Joan Brown Cc : Dan Caserto ; EMAIL Subject : RE : Brown wire is here yipee ! Just FYI RE : Daisy Trail closing tomorrow ( buyer mail away ) Thanks Joan , you are absolutely correct about the taxes as the NUM
Melissa Samaniego on behalf of Leigh Sun Closing Secretary Morris | Hardwick | Schneider 2720 Mall of Georgia Blvd Suite 101 Buford , GA 30519 Phone - 678-252-1230 Fax - 678-252-1231
When I cut the deal with Shakespeare he asked about parking and I said I would check with you . Are we prepared to reimburse him for some/all of his parking costs or is that a bad precedent ? Lets discuss Sent from my iPad
Rick Shannon 403-606-1203
The original design had the gas for the pool coming from the meter location at the Hilton Garden Inn . Was this revised at some point ? From : Scott Weston [] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 6:25 AM To : EMAIL Brian Kalab ; Shane Fitzpatrick Cc : Faizel Kassam ; Amir Molavi Subject : RE : Gas Meter at HWS as shown on P-113 Dale , This issue is serious as we had NUM ’ at that drive lane and then City Fire allowed us to reduce to NUM ’ . We actually only have NUM ’ now with required curb and fence due to the block wall . The meter issue will drop this to about NUM ’ Drive lane … … PLZ respond Today Thanks G. Scott Weston CM/Supt . Kassam Construction Cell NUM From : Scott Weston Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 2:20 PM To : EMAIL Brian Kalab ; ' Shane Fitzpatrick ' Cc : Faizel Kassam ; Amir Molavi Subject : Gas Meter at HWS as shown on P-113 Dale and Shane , There is going to be a challenge with where the current GAS Meter from PSE is shown on P-113 for HWS . This will be a large meter or manifold as we are also serving the Pool from here for HGI . The Meter as it is shown is in the Drive Lane on the ramp at west side-just prior to NUM Building bump out . Here are the challenges . NUM .
Shane Fitzpatrick , CPD ATP Engineering Inc. . 2200 SE Oak Grove Blvd. . Milwaukie , OR 97267 Ph : 503-794-0434 Fax : 503-794-0435 Cell : 503-780-3106