15 values
""" =================================================================== Decision Tree Regression =================================================================== A 1D regression with decision tree. The :ref:`decision trees <tree>` is used to fit a sine curve with addition noisy observation. As a result, it learns local linear regressions approximating the sine curve. We can see that if the maximum depth of the tree (controlled by the `max_depth` parameter) is set too high, the decision trees learn too fine details of the training data and learn from the noise, i.e. they overfit. """ print(__doc__) # Import the necessary modules and libraries import numpy as np from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create a random dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.sort(5 * rng.rand(80, 1), axis=0) y = np.sin(X).ravel() y[::5] += 3 * (0.5 - rng.rand(16)) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2) regr_2 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=5), y), y) # Predict X_test = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis] y_1 = regr_1.predict(X_test) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X_test) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(X, y, c="k", label="data") plt.plot(X_test, y_1, c="g", label="max_depth=2", linewidth=2) plt.plot(X_test, y_2, c="r", label="max_depth=5", linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
# Author: Virgile Fritsch <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from . import MinCovDet from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_array from ..utils.validation import _deprecate_positional_args from ..metrics import accuracy_score from ..base import OutlierMixin class EllipticEnvelope(OutlierMixin, MinCovDet): """An object for detecting outliers in a Gaussian distributed dataset. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <outlier_detection>`. Parameters ---------- store_precision : bool, default=True Specify if the estimated precision is stored. assume_centered : bool, default=False If True, the support of robust location and covariance estimates is computed, and a covariance estimate is recomputed from it, without centering the data. Useful to work with data whose mean is significantly equal to zero but is not exactly zero. If False, the robust location and covariance are directly computed with the FastMCD algorithm without additional treatment. support_fraction : float, default=None The proportion of points to be included in the support of the raw MCD estimate. If None, the minimum value of support_fraction will be used within the algorithm: `[n_sample + n_features + 1] / 2`. Range is (0, 1). contamination : float, default=0.1 The amount of contamination of the data set, i.e. the proportion of outliers in the data set. Range is (0, 0.5). random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Determines the pseudo random number generator for shuffling the data. Pass an int for reproducible results across multiple function calls. See :term: `Glossary <random_state>`. Attributes ---------- location_ : ndarray of shape (n_features,) Estimated robust location covariance_ : ndarray of shape (n_features, n_features) Estimated robust covariance matrix precision_ : ndarray of shape (n_features, n_features) Estimated pseudo inverse matrix. (stored only if store_precision is True) support_ : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) A mask of the observations that have been used to compute the robust estimates of location and shape. offset_ : float Offset used to define the decision function from the raw scores. We have the relation: ``decision_function = score_samples - offset_``. The offset depends on the contamination parameter and is defined in such a way we obtain the expected number of outliers (samples with decision function < 0) in training. .. versionadded:: 0.20 raw_location_ : ndarray of shape (n_features,) The raw robust estimated location before correction and re-weighting. raw_covariance_ : ndarray of shape (n_features, n_features) The raw robust estimated covariance before correction and re-weighting. raw_support_ : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) A mask of the observations that have been used to compute the raw robust estimates of location and shape, before correction and re-weighting. dist_ : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Mahalanobis distances of the training set (on which :meth:`fit` is called) observations. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope >>> true_cov = np.array([[.8, .3], ... [.3, .4]]) >>> X = np.random.RandomState(0).multivariate_normal(mean=[0, 0], ... cov=true_cov, ... size=500) >>> cov = EllipticEnvelope(random_state=0).fit(X) >>> # predict returns 1 for an inlier and -1 for an outlier >>> cov.predict([[0, 0], ... [3, 3]]) array([ 1, -1]) >>> cov.covariance_ array([[0.7411..., 0.2535...], [0.2535..., 0.3053...]]) >>> cov.location_ array([0.0813... , 0.0427...]) See Also -------- EmpiricalCovariance, MinCovDet Notes ----- Outlier detection from covariance estimation may break or not perform well in high-dimensional settings. In particular, one will always take care to work with ``n_samples > n_features ** 2``. References ---------- .. [1] Rousseeuw, P.J., Van Driessen, K. "A fast algorithm for the minimum covariance determinant estimator" Technometrics 41(3), 212 (1999) """ @_deprecate_positional_args def __init__(self, *, store_precision=True, assume_centered=False, support_fraction=None, contamination=0.1, random_state=None): super().__init__( store_precision=store_precision, assume_centered=assume_centered, support_fraction=support_fraction, random_state=random_state) self.contamination = contamination def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the EllipticEnvelope model. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. """ super().fit(X) self.offset_ = np.percentile(-self.dist_, 100. * self.contamination) return self def decision_function(self, X): """Compute the decision function of the given observations. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data matrix. Returns ------- decision : ndarray of shape (n_samples, ) Decision function of the samples. It is equal to the shifted Mahalanobis distances. The threshold for being an outlier is 0, which ensures a compatibility with other outlier detection algorithms. """ check_is_fitted(self) negative_mahal_dist = self.score_samples(X) return negative_mahal_dist - self.offset_ def score_samples(self, X): """Compute the negative Mahalanobis distances. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data matrix. Returns ------- negative_mahal_distances : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Opposite of the Mahalanobis distances. """ check_is_fitted(self) return -self.mahalanobis(X) def predict(self, X): """ Predict the labels (1 inlier, -1 outlier) of X according to the fitted model. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data matrix. Returns ------- is_inlier : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Returns -1 for anomalies/outliers and +1 for inliers. """ X = check_array(X) is_inlier = np.full(X.shape[0], -1, dtype=int) values = self.decision_function(X) is_inlier[values >= 0] = 1 return is_inlier def score(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Returns the mean accuracy on the given test data and labels. In multi-label classification, this is the subset accuracy which is a harsh metric since you require for each sample that each label set be correctly predicted. Parameters ---------- X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Test samples. y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) True labels for X. sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Sample weights. Returns ------- score : float Mean accuracy of self.predict(X) w.r.t. y. """ return accuracy_score(y, self.predict(X), sample_weight=sample_weight)
'''This script demonstrates how to build a variational autoencoder with Keras. #Reference - Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes From: ''' from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import norm from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Lambda from keras.models import Model from keras import backend as K from keras import metrics from keras.datasets import mnist batch_size = 100 original_dim = 784 latent_dim = 2 intermediate_dim = 256 epochs = 50 epsilon_std = 1.0 x = Input(shape=(original_dim,)) h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(x) z_mean = Dense(latent_dim)(h) z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim)(h) def sampling(args): z_mean, z_log_var = args epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(K.shape(z_mean)[0], latent_dim), mean=0., stddev=epsilon_std) return z_mean + K.exp(z_log_var / 2) * epsilon # note that "output_shape" isn't necessary with the TensorFlow backend z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim,))([z_mean, z_log_var]) # we instantiate these layers separately so as to reuse them later decoder_h = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu') decoder_mean = Dense(original_dim, activation='sigmoid') h_decoded = decoder_h(z) x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(h_decoded) # instantiate VAE model vae = Model(x, x_decoded_mean) # Compute VAE loss def vae_loss(x, x_decoded_mean): xent_loss = original_dim * metrics.binary_crossentropy(x, x_decoded_mean) kl_loss = - 0.5 * K.mean(1 + z_log_var - K.square(z_mean) - K.exp(z_log_var), axis=-1) return xent_loss + kl_loss # vae_loss = K.mean(xent_loss + kl_loss) #vae.add_loss(vae_loss) #model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=[metrics.categorical_accuracy] ) vae.compile(loss=vae_loss, optimizer='rmsprop', metrics=None ) vae.summary() # train the VAE on MNIST digits (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255. x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255. x_train = x_train.reshape((len(x_train),[1:]))) x_test = x_test.reshape((len(x_test),[1:]))), x_train, shuffle=True, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(x_test, x_test)) # build a model to project inputs on the latent space encoder = Model(x, z_mean) # display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space x_test_encoded = encoder.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plt.scatter(x_test_encoded[:, 0], x_test_encoded[:, 1], c=y_test) plt.colorbar() # build a digit generator that can sample from the learned distribution decoder_input = Input(shape=(latent_dim,)) _h_decoded = decoder_h(decoder_input) _x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(_h_decoded) generator = Model(decoder_input, _x_decoded_mean) # display a 2D manifold of the digits n = 15 # figure with 15x15 digits digit_size = 28 figure = np.zeros((digit_size * n, digit_size * n)) # linearly spaced coordinates on the unit square were transformed through the inverse CDF (ppf) of the Gaussian # to produce values of the latent variables z, since the prior of the latent space is Gaussian grid_x = norm.ppf(np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, n)) grid_y = norm.ppf(np.linspace(0.05, 0.95, n)) for i, yi in enumerate(grid_x): for j, xi in enumerate(grid_y): z_sample = np.array([[xi, yi]]) x_decoded = generator.predict(z_sample) digit = x_decoded[0].reshape(digit_size, digit_size) figure[i * digit_size: (i + 1) * digit_size, j * digit_size: (j + 1) * digit_size] = digit plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(figure, cmap='Greys_r')
#!/usr/bin/python3 '''''' from canvasapi import Canvas from canvas_config import * import pandas as pd from itertools import chain from math import isnan '''Course id is in your url{Course_ID}''' COURSE_ID = 254 ASSIGN_ID = 3049 '''This script generates csv for groupsets where each group has only one row. It adds rubriks parts to a column name so TA's can mark their name and if they are done with the question. The rest of the students that have the assignment but are not a group or/and have not submitted are also put in afterwards at the end of the file''' def main(): canvas = Canvas(API_URL, API_KEY) # First, retrieve the Course object course = canvas.get_course(COURSE_ID) group_cats_lis = course.list_group_categories() print(*group_cats_lis,sep="\n") g_cat_id = int(input("Enter the (number) of the group category you want to generate: ")) g_cat = [i for i in group_cats_lis if g_cat_id ==] rm_nosubs = input("Do you want to remove those who have not submitted? (y/n): ") sec_params = {"include[]":["students"]} sections = course.list_sections(**sec_params) csv_name = "Assign_" + str(ASSIGN_ID) # "This is changed dynamicly to the groupset name" max_group_cnt = 0 all_rows = [] if g_cat: g_cat = g_cat[-1] csv_name += "_" + print("Getting students in groups") groups = g_cat.list_groups() for g in groups: if g.members_count == 0: continue user_details = [] users = g.list_users() for user in users: sec_name = find_sections(sections, guser_row = [, int(, sec_name] user_details.extend(guser_row) max_group_cnt = int(max(max_group_cnt,int(len(user_details) / 3))) group_details = [, int(,, int(] group_details.extend(user_details) all_rows.append(group_details) else: print("No id was found for Group Category number:", int(g_cat_id)) answer = input("Do you wish to continue getting the students for the assignment? (y/n): ") if answer != "y": exit(1) header_cols = ['Student', 'Student_ID','StudentSection'] # If there are groups with students in them then we want to add the extra headers # So this script will also work if you have only an empty groupset and only individuals if all_rows: extra_st_cols = list(chain.from_iterable(("Student"+str(i),"Student"+str(i)+"_ID","Student"+str(i)+"Section") for i in range(2,max_group_cnt+1))) group_cols = ['GroupSet', 'GroupSetID', 'Group', 'GroupID'] header_cols[0:0] = group_cols header_cols.extend(extra_st_cols) df = pd.DataFrame(all_rows, columns=header_cols) '''Beginning of getting rubrik ''' set_rubrik_headers(course, df) '''End of getting rubrik ''' '''Beginning of adding students that have the assignment but are not in a group and also finding their sections''' print("Adding rest of students that have this assignment") params = {"include[]": ["user"]} subs = course.list_submissions(ASSIGN_ID,**params) id_cols = [x for x in header_cols if "_ID" in x] for sub in subs: boomap = [] for idc in id_cols: boomap.extend([df[idc].isin([sub.user_id]).any()]) if idc == id_cols[-1]: if not any(boomap): #print("Adding:", sub.user['name'], sub.user_id) sec_name = find_sections(sections, sub.user_id) df = df.append({'Student':sub.user['name'],'Student_ID':int(sub.user_id),'StudentSection': sec_name},ignore_index=True) # Doing this afterwards simply because we only need it for one student in the row set_submission_date(subs, df) if rm_nosubs == 'y': print("Removing students/groups that have not submitted") df = df.drop(df[df['SubmittedAt'] == "Nothing submitted"].index) csv_name += ".csv" all_id_cols = [x for x in header_cols if "ID" in x] # Changing the types of the ID columns so the csv does not have any extra zeroes for the ids no matter if european or usa sheet for col in all_id_cols: df[col] = df[col].apply(float_to_str_no_decimal) df.to_csv(csv_name, index_label = 'Nr', float_format='%.2f', sep=',', decimal=".") print("Successfully created CSV:", csv_name) def find_sections(sections, user_id): sec_name = "" # Student can be listed in many sections so need to check all for sec in sections: for st in sec.students: if st['id'] == user_id: sec_name += "/" + if sec_name != "" else return sec_name def set_rubrik_headers(course, df): assign = course.get_assignment(ASSIGN_ID) try: if assign.rubric is not None: print("Getting rubrik for assignment:", # This is for VERK's and REIR color coding of TA's and completed assignment status for crit in assign.rubric: col = crit['description'] + "(" + str(crit['points']) + "/" + str(assign.points_possible) + ")" df[col] = "" df[crit['description']+"x"] = "" print("Added rubrik for assignment: ", else: print("No rubrik found for assignment:", except AttributeError: print("No rubric for this assignment", def set_submission_date(subs, df): # Resetting it just in case, and because we are using .loc df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df["SubmittedAt"] = "" df["Grade"] = "" for i in range(0,df.shape[0]): st_id = df.loc[i, "Student_ID"] for sub in subs: if sub.user_id == st_id: df.loc[i,"Grade"] = sub.score if sub.score != None else float(0) df.loc[i,"SubmittedAt"] = "Nothing submitted" if sub.submitted_at == None else sub.submitted_at def float_to_str_no_decimal(val): return "" if isnan(val) else "%d" % val if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Created on 2015/08/24 @author: Jimmy Liu @group : waditu @contact: """ import pandas as pd import os from tushare.stock import cons as ct BK = 'bk' def set_token(token): df = pd.DataFrame([token], columns=['token']) df.to_csv(ct.TOKEN_F_P, index=False) def get_token(): if os.path.exists(ct.TOKEN_F_P): df = pd.read_csv(ct.TOKEN_F_P) return str(df.ix[0]['token']) else: print(ct.TOKEN_ERR_MSG) return None def set_broker(broker='', user='', passwd=''): df = pd.DataFrame([[broker, user, passwd]], columns=['broker', 'user', 'passwd'], dtype=object) if os.path.exists(BK): all = pd.read_csv(BK, dtype=object) if (all[ == broker]['user']).any(): all = all[ != broker] all = all.append(df, ignore_index=True) all.to_csv(BK, index=False) else: df.to_csv(BK, index=False) def get_broker(broker=''): if os.path.exists(BK): df = pd.read_csv(BK, dtype=object) if broker == '': return df else: return df[ == broker] else: return None def remove_broker(): os.remove(BK)
"""Lite version of scipy.linalg. Notes ----- This module is a lite version of the module in SciPy which contains high-level Python interface to the LAPACK library. The lite version only accesses the following LAPACK functions: dgesv, zgesv, dgeev, zgeev, dgesdd, zgesdd, dgelsd, zgelsd, dsyevd, zheevd, dgetrf, zgetrf, dpotrf, zpotrf, dgeqrf, zgeqrf, zungqr, dorgqr. """ __all__ = ['matrix_power', 'solve', 'tensorsolve', 'tensorinv', 'inv', 'cholesky', 'eigvals', 'eigvalsh', 'pinv', 'slogdet', 'det', 'svd', 'eig', 'eigh','lstsq', 'norm', 'qr', 'cond', 'matrix_rank', 'LinAlgError'] import sys from numpy.core import array, asarray, zeros, empty, transpose, \ intc, single, double, csingle, cdouble, inexact, complexfloating, \ newaxis, ravel, all, Inf, dot, add, multiply, identity, sqrt, \ maximum, flatnonzero, diagonal, arange, fastCopyAndTranspose, sum, \ isfinite, size, finfo, absolute, log, exp from numpy.lib import triu from numpy.linalg import lapack_lite from numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix import matrix_power from numpy.compat import asbytes # For Python2/3 compatibility _N = asbytes('N') _V = asbytes('V') _A = asbytes('A') _S = asbytes('S') _L = asbytes('L') fortran_int = intc # Error object class LinAlgError(Exception): """ Generic Python-exception-derived object raised by linalg functions. General purpose exception class, derived from Python's exception.Exception class, programmatically raised in linalg functions when a Linear Algebra-related condition would prevent further correct execution of the function. Parameters ---------- None Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> LA.inv(np.zeros((2,2))) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 350, in inv return wrap(solve(a, identity(a.shape[0], dtype=a.dtype))) File "", line 249, in solve raise LinAlgError, 'Singular matrix' numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix """ pass def _makearray(a): new = asarray(a) wrap = getattr(a, "__array_prepare__", new.__array_wrap__) return new, wrap def isComplexType(t): return issubclass(t, complexfloating) _real_types_map = {single : single, double : double, csingle : single, cdouble : double} _complex_types_map = {single : csingle, double : cdouble, csingle : csingle, cdouble : cdouble} def _realType(t, default=double): return _real_types_map.get(t, default) def _complexType(t, default=cdouble): return _complex_types_map.get(t, default) def _linalgRealType(t): """Cast the type t to either double or cdouble.""" return double _complex_types_map = {single : csingle, double : cdouble, csingle : csingle, cdouble : cdouble} def _commonType(*arrays): # in lite version, use higher precision (always double or cdouble) result_type = single is_complex = False for a in arrays: if issubclass(a.dtype.type, inexact): if isComplexType(a.dtype.type): is_complex = True rt = _realType(a.dtype.type, default=None) if rt is None: # unsupported inexact scalar raise TypeError("array type %s is unsupported in linalg" % (,)) else: rt = double if rt is double: result_type = double if is_complex: t = cdouble result_type = _complex_types_map[result_type] else: t = double return t, result_type # _fastCopyAndTranpose assumes the input is 2D (as all the calls in here are). _fastCT = fastCopyAndTranspose def _to_native_byte_order(*arrays): ret = [] for arr in arrays: if arr.dtype.byteorder not in ('=', '|'): ret.append(asarray(arr, dtype=arr.dtype.newbyteorder('='))) else: ret.append(arr) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret def _fastCopyAndTranspose(type, *arrays): cast_arrays = () for a in arrays: if a.dtype.type is type: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (_fastCT(a),) else: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (_fastCT(a.astype(type)),) if len(cast_arrays) == 1: return cast_arrays[0] else: return cast_arrays def _assertRank2(*arrays): for a in arrays: if len(a.shape) != 2: raise LinAlgError, '%d-dimensional array given. Array must be \ two-dimensional' % len(a.shape) def _assertSquareness(*arrays): for a in arrays: if max(a.shape) != min(a.shape): raise LinAlgError, 'Array must be square' def _assertFinite(*arrays): for a in arrays: if not (isfinite(a).all()): raise LinAlgError, "Array must not contain infs or NaNs" def _assertNonEmpty(*arrays): for a in arrays: if size(a) == 0: raise LinAlgError("Arrays cannot be empty") # Linear equations def tensorsolve(a, b, axes=None): """ Solve the tensor equation ``a x = b`` for x. It is assumed that all indices of `x` are summed over in the product, together with the rightmost indices of `a`, as is done in, for example, ``tensordot(a, x, axes=len(b.shape))``. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Coefficient tensor, of shape ``b.shape + Q``. `Q`, a tuple, equals the shape of that sub-tensor of `a` consisting of the appropriate number of its rightmost indices, and must be such that ``prod(Q) == prod(b.shape)`` (in which sense `a` is said to be 'square'). b : array_like Right-hand tensor, which can be of any shape. axes : tuple of ints, optional Axes in `a` to reorder to the right, before inversion. If None (default), no reordering is done. Returns ------- x : ndarray, shape Q Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not 'square' (in the above sense). See Also -------- tensordot, tensorinv Examples -------- >>> a = np.eye(2*3*4) >>> a.shape = (2*3, 4, 2, 3, 4) >>> b = np.random.randn(2*3, 4) >>> x = np.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b) >>> x.shape (2, 3, 4) >>> np.allclose(np.tensordot(a, x, axes=3), b) True """ a,wrap = _makearray(a) b = asarray(b) an = a.ndim if axes is not None: allaxes = range(0, an) for k in axes: allaxes.remove(k) allaxes.insert(an, k) a = a.transpose(allaxes) oldshape = a.shape[-(an-b.ndim):] prod = 1 for k in oldshape: prod *= k a = a.reshape(-1, prod) b = b.ravel() res = wrap(solve(a, b)) res.shape = oldshape return res def solve(a, b): """ Solve a linear matrix equation, or system of linear scalar equations. Computes the "exact" solution, `x`, of the well-determined, i.e., full rank, linear matrix equation `ax = b`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) Coefficient matrix. b : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, N) Ordinate or "dependent variable" values. Returns ------- x : ndarray, shape (M,) or (M, N) depending on b Solution to the system a x = b Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not square. Notes ----- `solve` is a wrapper for the LAPACK routines `dgesv`_ and `zgesv`_, the former being used if `a` is real-valued, the latter if it is complex-valued. The solution to the system of linear equations is computed using an LU decomposition [1]_ with partial pivoting and row interchanges. .. _dgesv: .. _zgesv: `a` must be square and of full-rank, i.e., all rows (or, equivalently, columns) must be linearly independent; if either is not true, use `lstsq` for the least-squares best "solution" of the system/equation. References ---------- .. [1] G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 22. Examples -------- Solve the system of equations ``3 * x0 + x1 = 9`` and ``x0 + 2 * x1 = 8``: >>> a = np.array([[3,1], [1,2]]) >>> b = np.array([9,8]) >>> x = np.linalg.solve(a, b) >>> x array([ 2., 3.]) Check that the solution is correct: >>> (, x) == b).all() True """ a, _ = _makearray(a) b, wrap = _makearray(b) one_eq = len(b.shape) == 1 if one_eq: b = b[:, newaxis] _assertRank2(a, b) _assertSquareness(a) n_eq = a.shape[0] n_rhs = b.shape[1] if n_eq != b.shape[0]: raise LinAlgError, 'Incompatible dimensions' t, result_t = _commonType(a, b) # lapack_routine = _findLapackRoutine('gesv', t) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgesv else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgesv a, b = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a, b) a, b = _to_native_byte_order(a, b) pivots = zeros(n_eq, fortran_int) results = lapack_routine(n_eq, n_rhs, a, n_eq, pivots, b, n_eq, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Singular matrix' if one_eq: return wrap(b.ravel().astype(result_t)) else: return wrap(b.transpose().astype(result_t)) def tensorinv(a, ind=2): """ Compute the 'inverse' of an N-dimensional array. The result is an inverse for `a` relative to the tensordot operation ``tensordot(a, b, ind)``, i. e., up to floating-point accuracy, ``tensordot(tensorinv(a), a, ind)`` is the "identity" tensor for the tensordot operation. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Tensor to 'invert'. Its shape must be 'square', i. e., ``prod(a.shape[:ind]) == prod(a.shape[ind:])``. ind : int, optional Number of first indices that are involved in the inverse sum. Must be a positive integer, default is 2. Returns ------- b : ndarray `a`'s tensordot inverse, shape ``a.shape[:ind] + a.shape[ind:]``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not 'square' (in the above sense). See Also -------- tensordot, tensorsolve Examples -------- >>> a = np.eye(4*6) >>> a.shape = (4, 6, 8, 3) >>> ainv = np.linalg.tensorinv(a, ind=2) >>> ainv.shape (8, 3, 4, 6) >>> b = np.random.randn(4, 6) >>> np.allclose(np.tensordot(ainv, b), np.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)) True >>> a = np.eye(4*6) >>> a.shape = (24, 8, 3) >>> ainv = np.linalg.tensorinv(a, ind=1) >>> ainv.shape (8, 3, 24) >>> b = np.random.randn(24) >>> np.allclose(np.tensordot(ainv, b, 1), np.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)) True """ a = asarray(a) oldshape = a.shape prod = 1 if ind > 0: invshape = oldshape[ind:] + oldshape[:ind] for k in oldshape[ind:]: prod *= k else: raise ValueError, "Invalid ind argument." a = a.reshape(prod, -1) ia = inv(a) return ia.reshape(*invshape) # Matrix inversion def inv(a): """ Compute the (multiplicative) inverse of a matrix. Given a square matrix `a`, return the matrix `ainv` satisfying ``dot(a, ainv) = dot(ainv, a) = eye(a.shape[0])``. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) Matrix to be inverted. Returns ------- ainv : ndarray or matrix, shape (M, M) (Multiplicative) inverse of the matrix `a`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not square. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> a = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]) >>> ainv = LA.inv(a) >>> np.allclose(, ainv), np.eye(2)) True >>> np.allclose(, a), np.eye(2)) True If a is a matrix object, then the return value is a matrix as well: >>> ainv = LA.inv(np.matrix(a)) >>> ainv matrix([[-2. , 1. ], [ 1.5, -0.5]]) """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) return wrap(solve(a, identity(a.shape[0], dtype=a.dtype))) # Cholesky decomposition def cholesky(a): """ Cholesky decomposition. Return the Cholesky decomposition, `L * L.H`, of the square matrix `a`, where `L` is lower-triangular and .H is the conjugate transpose operator (which is the ordinary transpose if `a` is real-valued). `a` must be Hermitian (symmetric if real-valued) and positive-definite. Only `L` is actually returned. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) Hermitian (symmetric if all elements are real), positive-definite input matrix. Returns ------- L : ndarray, or matrix object if `a` is, shape (M, M) Lower-triangular Cholesky factor of a. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the decomposition fails, for example, if `a` is not positive-definite. Notes ----- The Cholesky decomposition is often used as a fast way of solving .. math:: A \\mathbf{x} = \\mathbf{b} (when `A` is both Hermitian/symmetric and positive-definite). First, we solve for :math:`\\mathbf{y}` in .. math:: L \\mathbf{y} = \\mathbf{b}, and then for :math:`\\mathbf{x}` in .. math:: L.H \\mathbf{x} = \\mathbf{y}. Examples -------- >>> A = np.array([[1,-2j],[2j,5]]) >>> A array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> L = np.linalg.cholesky(A) >>> L array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [ 0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) >>>, L.T.conj()) # verify that L * L.H = A array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> A = [[1,-2j],[2j,5]] # what happens if A is only array_like? >>> np.linalg.cholesky(A) # an ndarray object is returned array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [ 0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) >>> # But a matrix object is returned if A is a matrix object >>> LA.cholesky(np.matrix(A)) matrix([[ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [ 0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) m = a.shape[0] n = a.shape[1] if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zpotrf else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dpotrf results = lapack_routine(_L, n, a, m, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Matrix is not positive definite - \ Cholesky decomposition cannot be computed' s = triu(a, k=0).transpose() if (s.dtype != result_t): s = s.astype(result_t) return wrap(s) # QR decompostion def qr(a, mode='full'): """ Compute the qr factorization of a matrix. Factor the matrix `a` as *qr*, where `q` is orthonormal and `r` is upper-triangular. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Matrix to be factored, of shape (M, N). mode : {'full', 'r', 'economic'}, optional Specifies the values to be returned. 'full' is the default. Economic mode is slightly faster then 'r' mode if only `r` is needed. Returns ------- q : ndarray of float or complex, optional The orthonormal matrix, of shape (M, K). Only returned if ``mode='full'``. r : ndarray of float or complex, optional The upper-triangular matrix, of shape (K, N) with K = min(M, N). Only returned when ``mode='full'`` or ``mode='r'``. a2 : ndarray of float or complex, optional Array of shape (M, N), only returned when ``mode='economic``'. The diagonal and the upper triangle of `a2` contains `r`, while the rest of the matrix is undefined. Raises ------ LinAlgError If factoring fails. Notes ----- This is an interface to the LAPACK routines dgeqrf, zgeqrf, dorgqr, and zungqr. For more information on the qr factorization, see for example: Subclasses of `ndarray` are preserved, so if `a` is of type `matrix`, all the return values will be matrices too. Examples -------- >>> a = np.random.randn(9, 6) >>> q, r = np.linalg.qr(a) >>> np.allclose(a,, r)) # a does equal qr True >>> r2 = np.linalg.qr(a, mode='r') >>> r3 = np.linalg.qr(a, mode='economic') >>> np.allclose(r, r2) # mode='r' returns the same r as mode='full' True >>> # But only triu parts are guaranteed equal when mode='economic' >>> np.allclose(r, np.triu(r3[:6,:6], k=0)) True Example illustrating a common use of `qr`: solving of least squares problems What are the least-squares-best `m` and `y0` in ``y = y0 + mx`` for the following data: {(0,1), (1,0), (1,2), (2,1)}. (Graph the points and you'll see that it should be y0 = 0, m = 1.) The answer is provided by solving the over-determined matrix equation ``Ax = b``, where:: A = array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) x = array([[y0], [m]]) b = array([[1], [0], [2], [1]]) If A = qr such that q is orthonormal (which is always possible via Gram-Schmidt), then ``x = inv(r) * (q.T) * b``. (In numpy practice, however, we simply use `lstsq`.) >>> A = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> A array([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> b = np.array([1, 0, 2, 1]) >>> q, r = LA.qr(A) >>> p =, b) >>>, p) array([ 1.1e-16, 1.0e+00]) """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) m, n = a.shape t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) mn = min(m, n) tau = zeros((mn,), t) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeqrf routine_name = 'zgeqrf' else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeqrf routine_name = 'dgeqrf' # calculate optimal size of work data 'work' lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, m, tau, work, -1, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError, '%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info']) # do qr decomposition lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, m, tau, work, lwork, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError, '%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info']) # economic mode. Isn't actually economic. if mode[0] == 'e': if t != result_t : a = a.astype(result_t) return a.T # generate r r = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:,:mn]) for i in range(mn): r[i,:i].fill(0.0) # 'r'-mode, that is, calculate only r if mode[0] == 'r': return r # from here on: build orthonormal matrix q from a if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zungqr routine_name = 'zungqr' else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dorgqr routine_name = 'dorgqr' # determine optimal lwork lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, mn, mn, a, m, tau, work, -1, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError, '%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info']) # compute q lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, mn, mn, a, m, tau, work, lwork, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError, '%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info']) q = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:mn,:]) return wrap(q), wrap(r) # Eigenvalues def eigvals(a): """ Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix. Main difference between `eigvals` and `eig`: the eigenvectors aren't returned. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) A complex- or real-valued matrix whose eigenvalues will be computed. Returns ------- w : ndarray, shape (M,) The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity. They are not necessarily ordered, nor are they necessarily real for real matrices. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays. eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/Hermitian arrays. Notes ----- This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev that sets those routines' flags to return only the eigenvalues of general real and complex arrays, respectively. Examples -------- Illustration, using the fact that the eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix are its diagonal elements, that multiplying a matrix on the left by an orthogonal matrix, `Q`, and on the right by `Q.T` (the transpose of `Q`), preserves the eigenvalues of the "middle" matrix. In other words, if `Q` is orthogonal, then ``Q * A * Q.T`` has the same eigenvalues as ``A``: >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> x = np.random.random() >>> Q = np.array([[np.cos(x), -np.sin(x)], [np.sin(x), np.cos(x)]]) >>> LA.norm(Q[0, :]), LA.norm(Q[1, :]),[0, :],Q[1, :]) (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) Now multiply a diagonal matrix by Q on one side and by Q.T on the other: >>> D = np.diag((-1,1)) >>> LA.eigvals(D) array([-1., 1.]) >>> A =, D) >>> A =, Q.T) >>> LA.eigvals(A) array([ 1., -1.]) """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) _assertFinite(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) n = a.shape[0] dummy = zeros((1,), t) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev w = zeros((n,), t) rwork = zeros((n,), real_t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _N, n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, -1, rwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _N, n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, lwork, rwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev wr = zeros((n,), t) wi = zeros((n,), t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _N, n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, -1, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _N, n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, dummy, 1, work, lwork, 0) if all(wi == 0.): w = wr result_t = _realType(result_t) else: w = wr+1j*wi result_t = _complexType(result_t) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge' return w.astype(result_t) def eigvalsh(a, UPLO='L'): """ Compute the eigenvalues of a Hermitian or real symmetric matrix. Main difference from eigh: the eigenvectors are not computed. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) A complex- or real-valued matrix whose eigenvalues are to be computed. UPLO : {'L', 'U'}, optional Specifies whether the calculation is done with the lower triangular part of `a` ('L', default) or the upper triangular part ('U'). Returns ------- w : ndarray, shape (M,) The eigenvalues, not necessarily ordered, each repeated according to its multiplicity. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric/Hermitian arrays. eigvals : eigenvalues of general real or complex arrays. eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general real or complex arrays. Notes ----- This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dsyevd and zheevd that sets those routines' flags to return only the eigenvalues of real symmetric and complex Hermitian arrays, respectively. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> a = np.array([[1, -2j], [2j, 5]]) >>> LA.eigvalsh(a) array([ 0.17157288+0.j, 5.82842712+0.j]) """ UPLO = asbytes(UPLO) a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) n = a.shape[0] liwork = 5*n+3 iwork = zeros((liwork,), fortran_int) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zheevd w = zeros((n,), real_t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) lrwork = 1 rwork = zeros((lrwork,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(_N, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, -1, rwork, -1, iwork, liwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) lrwork = int(rwork[0]) rwork = zeros((lrwork,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(_N, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, iwork, liwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dsyevd w = zeros((n,), t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, -1, iwork, liwork, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge' return w.astype(result_t) def _convertarray(a): t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCT(a.astype(t)) return a, t, result_t # Eigenvectors def eig(a): """ Compute the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a square array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) A square array of real or complex elements. Returns ------- w : ndarray, shape (M,) The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity. The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered, nor are they necessarily real for real arrays (though for real arrays complex-valued eigenvalues should occur in conjugate pairs). v : ndarray, shape (M, M) The normalized (unit "length") eigenvectors, such that the column ``v[:,i]`` is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigvalsh : eigenvalues of a symmetric or Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) array. eigvals : eigenvalues of a non-symmetric array. Notes ----- This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dgeev and zgeev which compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of, respectively, general real- and complex-valued square arrays. The number `w` is an eigenvalue of `a` if there exists a vector `v` such that ``dot(a,v) = w * v``. Thus, the arrays `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equations ``dot(a[i,:], v[i]) = w[i] * v[:,i]`` for :math:`i \\in \\{0,...,M-1\\}`. The array `v` of eigenvectors may not be of maximum rank, that is, some of the columns may be linearly dependent, although round-off error may obscure that fact. If the eigenvalues are all different, then theoretically the eigenvectors are linearly independent. Likewise, the (complex-valued) matrix of eigenvectors `v` is unitary if the matrix `a` is normal, i.e., if ``dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a)``, where `a.H` denotes the conjugate transpose of `a`. Finally, it is emphasized that `v` consists of the *right* (as in right-hand side) eigenvectors of `a`. A vector `y` satisfying ``dot(y.T, a) = z * y.T`` for some number `z` is called a *left* eigenvector of `a`, and, in general, the left and right eigenvectors of a matrix are not necessarily the (perhaps conjugate) transposes of each other. References ---------- G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, Various pp. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA (Almost) trivial example with real e-values and e-vectors. >>> w, v = LA.eig(np.diag((1, 2, 3))) >>> w; v array([ 1., 2., 3.]) array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) Real matrix possessing complex e-values and e-vectors; note that the e-values are complex conjugates of each other. >>> w, v = LA.eig(np.array([[1, -1], [1, 1]])) >>> w; v array([ 1. + 1.j, 1. - 1.j]) array([[ 0.70710678+0.j , 0.70710678+0.j ], [ 0.00000000-0.70710678j, 0.00000000+0.70710678j]]) Complex-valued matrix with real e-values (but complex-valued e-vectors); note that a.conj().T = a, i.e., a is Hermitian. >>> a = np.array([[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]]) >>> w, v = LA.eig(a) >>> w; v array([ 2.00000000e+00+0.j, 5.98651912e-36+0.j]) # i.e., {2, 0} array([[ 0.00000000+0.70710678j, 0.70710678+0.j ], [ 0.70710678+0.j , 0.00000000+0.70710678j]]) Be careful about round-off error! >>> a = np.array([[1 + 1e-9, 0], [0, 1 - 1e-9]]) >>> # Theor. e-values are 1 +/- 1e-9 >>> w, v = LA.eig(a) >>> w; v array([ 1., 1.]) array([[ 1., 0.], [ 0., 1.]]) """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) _assertFinite(a) a, t, result_t = _convertarray(a) # convert to double or cdouble type a = _to_native_byte_order(a) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) n = a.shape[0] dummy = zeros((1,), t) if isComplexType(t): # Complex routines take different arguments lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeev w = zeros((n,), t) v = zeros((n, n), t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) rwork = zeros((2*n,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _V, n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work, -1, rwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _V, n, a, n, w, dummy, 1, v, n, work, lwork, rwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeev wr = zeros((n,), t) wi = zeros((n,), t) vr = zeros((n, n), t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _V, n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n, work, -1, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_N, _V, n, a, n, wr, wi, dummy, 1, vr, n, work, lwork, 0) if all(wi == 0.0): w = wr v = vr result_t = _realType(result_t) else: w = wr+1j*wi v = array(vr, w.dtype) ind = flatnonzero(wi != 0.0) # indices of complex e-vals for i in range(len(ind)//2): v[ind[2*i]] = vr[ind[2*i]] + 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]] v[ind[2*i+1]] = vr[ind[2*i]] - 1j*vr[ind[2*i+1]] result_t = _complexType(result_t) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge' vt = v.transpose().astype(result_t) return w.astype(result_t), wrap(vt) def eigh(a, UPLO='L'): """ Return the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian or symmetric matrix. Returns two objects, a 1-D array containing the eigenvalues of `a`, and a 2-D square array or matrix (depending on the input type) of the corresponding eigenvectors (in columns). Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) A complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix. UPLO : {'L', 'U'}, optional Specifies whether the calculation is done with the lower triangular part of `a` ('L', default) or the upper triangular part ('U'). Returns ------- w : ndarray, shape (M,) The eigenvalues, not necessarily ordered. v : ndarray, or matrix object if `a` is, shape (M, M) The column ``v[:, i]`` is the normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays. eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays. eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric arrays. Notes ----- This is a simple interface to the LAPACK routines dsyevd and zheevd, which compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric and complex Hermitian arrays, respectively. The eigenvalues of real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrices are always real. [1]_ The array `v` of (column) eigenvectors is unitary and `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equations ``dot(a, v[:, i]) = w[i] * v[:, i]``. References ---------- .. [1] G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 222. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> a = np.array([[1, -2j], [2j, 5]]) >>> a array([[ 1.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> w, v = LA.eigh(a) >>> w; v array([ 0.17157288, 5.82842712]) array([[-0.92387953+0.j , -0.38268343+0.j ], [ 0.00000000+0.38268343j, 0.00000000-0.92387953j]]) >>>, v[:, 0]) - w[0] * v[:, 0] # verify 1st e-val/vec pair array([2.77555756e-17 + 0.j, 0. + 1.38777878e-16j]) >>>, v[:, 1]) - w[1] * v[:, 1] # verify 2nd e-val/vec pair array([ 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) >>> A = np.matrix(a) # what happens if input is a matrix object >>> A matrix([[ 1.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> w, v = LA.eigh(A) >>> w; v array([ 0.17157288, 5.82842712]) matrix([[-0.92387953+0.j , -0.38268343+0.j ], [ 0.00000000+0.38268343j, 0.00000000-0.92387953j]]) """ UPLO = asbytes(UPLO) a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) n = a.shape[0] liwork = 5*n+3 iwork = zeros((liwork,), fortran_int) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zheevd w = zeros((n,), real_t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) lrwork = 1 rwork = zeros((lrwork,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(_V, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, -1, rwork, -1, iwork, liwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) lrwork = int(rwork[0]) rwork = zeros((lrwork,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(_V, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, lwork, rwork, lrwork, iwork, liwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dsyevd w = zeros((n,), t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_V, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, -1, iwork, liwork, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(_V, UPLO, n, a, n, w, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'Eigenvalues did not converge' at = a.transpose().astype(result_t) return w.astype(_realType(result_t)), wrap(at) # Singular value decomposition def svd(a, full_matrices=1, compute_uv=1): """ Singular Value Decomposition. Factors the matrix `a` as ``u * np.diag(s) * v``, where `u` and `v` are unitary and `s` is a 1-d array of `a`'s singular values. Parameters ---------- a : array_like A real or complex matrix of shape (`M`, `N`) . full_matrices : bool, optional If True (default), `u` and `v` have the shapes (`M`, `M`) and (`N`, `N`), respectively. Otherwise, the shapes are (`M`, `K`) and (`K`, `N`), respectively, where `K` = min(`M`, `N`). compute_uv : bool, optional Whether or not to compute `u` and `v` in addition to `s`. True by default. Returns ------- u : ndarray Unitary matrix. The shape of `u` is (`M`, `M`) or (`M`, `K`) depending on value of ``full_matrices``. s : ndarray The singular values, sorted so that ``s[i] >= s[i+1]``. `s` is a 1-d array of length min(`M`, `N`). v : ndarray Unitary matrix of shape (`N`, `N`) or (`K`, `N`), depending on ``full_matrices``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If SVD computation does not converge. Notes ----- The SVD is commonly written as ``a = U S V.H``. The `v` returned by this function is ``V.H`` and ``u = U``. If ``U`` is a unitary matrix, it means that it satisfies ``U.H = inv(U)``. The rows of `v` are the eigenvectors of ``a.H a``. The columns of `u` are the eigenvectors of ``a a.H``. For row ``i`` in `v` and column ``i`` in `u`, the corresponding eigenvalue is ``s[i]**2``. If `a` is a `matrix` object (as opposed to an `ndarray`), then so are all the return values. Examples -------- >>> a = np.random.randn(9, 6) + 1j*np.random.randn(9, 6) Reconstruction based on full SVD: >>> U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=True) >>> U.shape, V.shape, s.shape ((9, 6), (6, 6), (6,)) >>> S = np.zeros((9, 6), dtype=complex) >>> S[:6, :6] = np.diag(s) >>> np.allclose(a,,, V))) True Reconstruction based on reduced SVD: >>> U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False) >>> U.shape, V.shape, s.shape ((9, 6), (6, 6), (6,)) >>> S = np.diag(s) >>> np.allclose(a,,, V))) True """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertNonEmpty(a) m, n = a.shape t, result_t = _commonType(a) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) s = zeros((min(n, m),), real_t) if compute_uv: if full_matrices: nu = m nvt = n option = _A else: nu = min(n, m) nvt = min(n, m) option = _S u = zeros((nu, m), t) vt = zeros((n, nvt), t) else: option = _N nu = 1 nvt = 1 u = empty((1, 1), t) vt = empty((1, 1), t) iwork = zeros((8*min(m, n),), fortran_int) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgesdd rwork = zeros((5*min(m, n)*min(m, n) + 5*min(m, n),), real_t) lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(option, m, n, a, m, s, u, m, vt, nvt, work, -1, rwork, iwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(option, m, n, a, m, s, u, m, vt, nvt, work, lwork, rwork, iwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgesdd lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(option, m, n, a, m, s, u, m, vt, nvt, work, -1, iwork, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(option, m, n, a, m, s, u, m, vt, nvt, work, lwork, iwork, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'SVD did not converge' s = s.astype(_realType(result_t)) if compute_uv: u = u.transpose().astype(result_t) vt = vt.transpose().astype(result_t) return wrap(u), s, wrap(vt) else: return s def cond(x, p=None): """ Compute the condition number of a matrix. This function is capable of returning the condition number using one of seven different norms, depending on the value of `p` (see Parameters below). Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (M, N) The matrix whose condition number is sought. p : {None, 1, -1, 2, -2, inf, -inf, 'fro'}, optional Order of the norm: ===== ============================ p norm for matrices ===== ============================ None 2-norm, computed directly using the ``SVD`` 'fro' Frobenius norm inf max(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) -inf min(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) 1 max(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) -1 min(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) 2 2-norm (largest sing. value) -2 smallest singular value ===== ============================ inf means the numpy.inf object, and the Frobenius norm is the root-of-sum-of-squares norm. Returns ------- c : {float, inf} The condition number of the matrix. May be infinite. See Also -------- numpy.linalg.linalg.norm Notes ----- The condition number of `x` is defined as the norm of `x` times the norm of the inverse of `x` [1]_; the norm can be the usual L2-norm (root-of-sum-of-squares) or one of a number of other matrix norms. References ---------- .. [1] G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 285. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> a = np.array([[1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) >>> a array([[ 1, 0, -1], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 1, 0, 1]]) >>> LA.cond(a) 1.4142135623730951 >>> LA.cond(a, 'fro') 3.1622776601683795 >>> LA.cond(a, np.inf) 2.0 >>> LA.cond(a, -np.inf) 1.0 >>> LA.cond(a, 1) 2.0 >>> LA.cond(a, -1) 1.0 >>> LA.cond(a, 2) 1.4142135623730951 >>> LA.cond(a, -2) 0.70710678118654746 >>> min(LA.svd(a, compute_uv=0))*min(LA.svd(LA.inv(a), compute_uv=0)) 0.70710678118654746 """ x = asarray(x) # in case we have a matrix if p is None: s = svd(x,compute_uv=False) return s[0]/s[-1] else: return norm(x,p)*norm(inv(x),p) def matrix_rank(M, tol=None): """ Return matrix rank of array using SVD method Rank of the array is the number of SVD singular values of the array that are greater than `tol`. Parameters ---------- M : array_like array of <=2 dimensions tol : {None, float} threshold below which SVD values are considered zero. If `tol` is None, and ``S`` is an array with singular values for `M`, and ``eps`` is the epsilon value for datatype of ``S``, then `tol` is set to ``S.max() * eps``. Notes ----- Golub and van Loan [1]_ define "numerical rank deficiency" as using tol=eps*S[0] (where S[0] is the maximum singular value and thus the 2-norm of the matrix). This is one definition of rank deficiency, and the one we use here. When floating point roundoff is the main concern, then "numerical rank deficiency" is a reasonable choice. In some cases you may prefer other definitions. The most useful measure of the tolerance depends on the operations you intend to use on your matrix. For example, if your data come from uncertain measurements with uncertainties greater than floating point epsilon, choosing a tolerance near that uncertainty may be preferable. The tolerance may be absolute if the uncertainties are absolute rather than relative. References ---------- .. [1] G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, *Matrix Computations*. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Examples -------- >>> matrix_rank(np.eye(4)) # Full rank matrix 4 >>> I=np.eye(4); I[-1,-1] = 0. # rank deficient matrix >>> matrix_rank(I) 3 >>> matrix_rank(np.ones((4,))) # 1 dimension - rank 1 unless all 0 1 >>> matrix_rank(np.zeros((4,))) 0 """ M = asarray(M) if M.ndim > 2: raise TypeError('array should have 2 or fewer dimensions') if M.ndim < 2: return int(not all(M==0)) S = svd(M, compute_uv=False) if tol is None: tol = S.max() * finfo(S.dtype).eps return sum(S > tol) # Generalized inverse def pinv(a, rcond=1e-15 ): """ Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of a matrix. Calculate the generalized inverse of a matrix using its singular-value decomposition (SVD) and including all *large* singular values. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, N) Matrix to be pseudo-inverted. rcond : float Cutoff for small singular values. Singular values smaller (in modulus) than `rcond` * largest_singular_value (again, in modulus) are set to zero. Returns ------- B : ndarray, shape (N, M) The pseudo-inverse of `a`. If `a` is a `matrix` instance, then so is `B`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the SVD computation does not converge. Notes ----- The pseudo-inverse of a matrix A, denoted :math:`A^+`, is defined as: "the matrix that 'solves' [the least-squares problem] :math:`Ax = b`," i.e., if :math:`\\bar{x}` is said solution, then :math:`A^+` is that matrix such that :math:`\\bar{x} = A^+b`. It can be shown that if :math:`Q_1 \\Sigma Q_2^T = A` is the singular value decomposition of A, then :math:`A^+ = Q_2 \\Sigma^+ Q_1^T`, where :math:`Q_{1,2}` are orthogonal matrices, :math:`\\Sigma` is a diagonal matrix consisting of A's so-called singular values, (followed, typically, by zeros), and then :math:`\\Sigma^+` is simply the diagonal matrix consisting of the reciprocals of A's singular values (again, followed by zeros). [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pp. 139-142. Examples -------- The following example checks that ``a * a+ * a == a`` and ``a+ * a * a+ == a+``: >>> a = np.random.randn(9, 6) >>> B = np.linalg.pinv(a) >>> np.allclose(a,,, a))) True >>> np.allclose(B,,, B))) True """ a, wrap = _makearray(a) _assertNonEmpty(a) a = a.conjugate() u, s, vt = svd(a, 0) m = u.shape[0] n = vt.shape[1] cutoff = rcond*maximum.reduce(s) for i in range(min(n, m)): if s[i] > cutoff: s[i] = 1./s[i] else: s[i] = 0.; res = dot(transpose(vt), multiply(s[:, newaxis],transpose(u))) return wrap(res) # Determinant def slogdet(a): """ Compute the sign and (natural) logarithm of the determinant of an array. If an array has a very small or very large determinant, than a call to `det` may overflow or underflow. This routine is more robust against such issues, because it computes the logarithm of the determinant rather than the determinant itself. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) Input array. Returns ------- sign : float or complex A number representing the sign of the determinant. For a real matrix, this is 1, 0, or -1. For a complex matrix, this is a complex number with absolute value 1 (i.e., it is on the unit circle), or else 0. logdet : float The natural log of the absolute value of the determinant. If the determinant is zero, then `sign` will be 0 and `logdet` will be -Inf. In all cases, the determinant is equal to `sign * np.exp(logdet)`. Notes ----- The determinant is computed via LU factorization using the LAPACK routine z/dgetrf. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0. Examples -------- The determinant of a 2-D array [[a, b], [c, d]] is ad - bc: >>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> (sign, logdet) = np.linalg.slogdet(a) >>> (sign, logdet) (-1, 0.69314718055994529) >>> sign * np.exp(logdet) -2.0 This routine succeeds where ordinary `det` does not: >>> np.linalg.det(np.eye(500) * 0.1) 0.0 >>> np.linalg.slogdet(np.eye(500) * 0.1) (1, -1151.2925464970228) See Also -------- det """ a = asarray(a) _assertRank2(a) _assertSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) n = a.shape[0] if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgetrf else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgetrf pivots = zeros((n,), fortran_int) results = lapack_routine(n, n, a, n, pivots, 0) info = results['info'] if (info < 0): raise TypeError, "Illegal input to Fortran routine" elif (info > 0): return (t(0.0), _realType(t)(-Inf)) sign = 1. - 2. * (add.reduce(pivots != arange(1, n + 1)) % 2) d = diagonal(a) absd = absolute(d) sign *= multiply.reduce(d / absd) log(absd, absd) logdet = add.reduce(absd, axis=-1) return sign, logdet def det(a): """ Compute the determinant of an array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, M) Input array. Returns ------- det : ndarray Determinant of `a`. Notes ----- The determinant is computed via LU factorization using the LAPACK routine z/dgetrf. Examples -------- The determinant of a 2-D array [[a, b], [c, d]] is ad - bc: >>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> np.linalg.det(a) -2.0 See Also -------- slogdet : Another way to representing the determinant, more suitable for large matrices where underflow/overflow may occur. """ sign, logdet = slogdet(a) return sign * exp(logdet) # Linear Least Squares def lstsq(a, b, rcond=-1): """ Return the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation. Solves the equation `a x = b` by computing a vector `x` that minimizes the Euclidean 2-norm `|| b - a x ||^2`. The equation may be under-, well-, or over- determined (i.e., the number of linearly independent rows of `a` can be less than, equal to, or greater than its number of linearly independent columns). If `a` is square and of full rank, then `x` (but for round-off error) is the "exact" solution of the equation. Parameters ---------- a : array_like, shape (M, N) "Coefficient" matrix. b : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, K) Ordinate or "dependent variable" values. If `b` is two-dimensional, the least-squares solution is calculated for each of the `K` columns of `b`. rcond : float, optional Cut-off ratio for small singular values of `a`. Singular values are set to zero if they are smaller than `rcond` times the largest singular value of `a`. Returns ------- x : ndarray, shape (N,) or (N, K) Least-squares solution. The shape of `x` depends on the shape of `b`. residues : ndarray, shape (), (1,), or (K,) Sums of residues; squared Euclidean 2-norm for each column in ``b - a*x``. If the rank of `a` is < N or > M, this is an empty array. If `b` is 1-dimensional, this is a (1,) shape array. Otherwise the shape is (K,). rank : int Rank of matrix `a`. s : ndarray, shape (min(M,N),) Singular values of `a`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If computation does not converge. Notes ----- If `b` is a matrix, then all array results are returned as matrices. Examples -------- Fit a line, ``y = mx + c``, through some noisy data-points: >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> y = np.array([-1, 0.2, 0.9, 2.1]) By examining the coefficients, we see that the line should have a gradient of roughly 1 and cut the y-axis at, more or less, -1. We can rewrite the line equation as ``y = Ap``, where ``A = [[x 1]]`` and ``p = [[m], [c]]``. Now use `lstsq` to solve for `p`: >>> A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T >>> A array([[ 0., 1.], [ 1., 1.], [ 2., 1.], [ 3., 1.]]) >>> m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] >>> print m, c 1.0 -0.95 Plot the data along with the fitted line: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label='Original data', markersize=10) >>> plt.plot(x, m*x + c, 'r', label='Fitted line') >>> plt.legend() >>> """ import math a, _ = _makearray(a) b, wrap = _makearray(b) is_1d = len(b.shape) == 1 if is_1d: b = b[:, newaxis] _assertRank2(a, b) m = a.shape[0] n = a.shape[1] n_rhs = b.shape[1] ldb = max(n, m) if m != b.shape[0]: raise LinAlgError, 'Incompatible dimensions' t, result_t = _commonType(a, b) result_real_t = _realType(result_t) real_t = _linalgRealType(t) bstar = zeros((ldb, n_rhs), t) bstar[:b.shape[0],:n_rhs] = b.copy() a, bstar = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a, bstar) a, bstar = _to_native_byte_order(a, bstar) s = zeros((min(m, n),), real_t) nlvl = max( 0, int( math.log( float(min(m, n))/2. ) ) + 1 ) iwork = zeros((3*min(m, n)*nlvl+11*min(m, n),), fortran_int) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgelsd lwork = 1 rwork = zeros((lwork,), real_t) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar, ldb, s, rcond, 0, work, -1, rwork, iwork, 0) lwork = int(abs(work[0])) rwork = zeros((lwork,), real_t) a_real = zeros((m, n), real_t) bstar_real = zeros((ldb, n_rhs,), real_t) results = lapack_lite.dgelsd(m, n, n_rhs, a_real, m, bstar_real, ldb, s, rcond, 0, rwork, -1, iwork, 0) lrwork = int(rwork[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) rwork = zeros((lrwork,), real_t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar, ldb, s, rcond, 0, work, lwork, rwork, iwork, 0) else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgelsd lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar, ldb, s, rcond, 0, work, -1, iwork, 0) lwork = int(work[0]) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, n_rhs, a, m, bstar, ldb, s, rcond, 0, work, lwork, iwork, 0) if results['info'] > 0: raise LinAlgError, 'SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares' resids = array([], result_real_t) if is_1d: x = array(ravel(bstar)[:n], dtype=result_t, copy=True) if results['rank'] == n and m > n: if isComplexType(t): resids = array([sum(abs(ravel(bstar)[n:])**2)], dtype=result_real_t) else: resids = array([sum((ravel(bstar)[n:])**2)], dtype=result_real_t) else: x = array(transpose(bstar)[:n,:], dtype=result_t, copy=True) if results['rank'] == n and m > n: if isComplexType(t): resids = sum(abs(transpose(bstar)[n:,:])**2, axis=0).astype( result_real_t) else: resids = sum((transpose(bstar)[n:,:])**2, axis=0).astype( result_real_t) st = s[:min(n, m)].copy().astype(result_real_t) return wrap(x), wrap(resids), results['rank'], st def norm(x, ord=None): """ Matrix or vector norm. This function is able to return one of seven different matrix norms, or one of an infinite number of vector norms (described below), depending on the value of the ``ord`` parameter. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, N) Input array. ord : {non-zero int, inf, -inf, 'fro'}, optional Order of the norm (see table under ``Notes``). inf means numpy's `inf` object. Returns ------- n : float Norm of the matrix or vector. Notes ----- For values of ``ord <= 0``, the result is, strictly speaking, not a mathematical 'norm', but it may still be useful for various numerical purposes. The following norms can be calculated: ===== ============================ ========================== ord norm for matrices norm for vectors ===== ============================ ========================== None Frobenius norm 2-norm 'fro' Frobenius norm -- inf max(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) max(abs(x)) -inf min(sum(abs(x), axis=1)) min(abs(x)) 0 -- sum(x != 0) 1 max(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) as below -1 min(sum(abs(x), axis=0)) as below 2 2-norm (largest sing. value) as below -2 smallest singular value as below other -- sum(abs(x)**ord)**(1./ord) ===== ============================ ========================== The Frobenius norm is given by [1]_: :math:`||A||_F = [\\sum_{i,j} abs(a_{i,j})^2]^{1/2}` References ---------- .. [1] G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, *Matrix Computations*, Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, pg. 15 Examples -------- >>> from numpy import linalg as LA >>> a = np.arange(9) - 4 >>> a array([-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> b = a.reshape((3, 3)) >>> b array([[-4, -3, -2], [-1, 0, 1], [ 2, 3, 4]]) >>> LA.norm(a) 7.745966692414834 >>> LA.norm(b) 7.745966692414834 >>> LA.norm(b, 'fro') 7.745966692414834 >>> LA.norm(a, np.inf) 4 >>> LA.norm(b, np.inf) 9 >>> LA.norm(a, -np.inf) 0 >>> LA.norm(b, -np.inf) 2 >>> LA.norm(a, 1) 20 >>> LA.norm(b, 1) 7 >>> LA.norm(a, -1) -4.6566128774142013e-010 >>> LA.norm(b, -1) 6 >>> LA.norm(a, 2) 7.745966692414834 >>> LA.norm(b, 2) 7.3484692283495345 >>> LA.norm(a, -2) nan >>> LA.norm(b, -2) 1.8570331885190563e-016 >>> LA.norm(a, 3) 5.8480354764257312 >>> LA.norm(a, -3) nan """ x = asarray(x) if ord is None: # check the default case first and handle it immediately return sqrt(add.reduce((x.conj() * x).ravel().real)) nd = x.ndim if nd == 1: if ord == Inf: return abs(x).max() elif ord == -Inf: return abs(x).min() elif ord == 0: return (x != 0).sum() # Zero norm elif ord == 1: return abs(x).sum() # special case for speedup elif ord == 2: return sqrt(((x.conj()*x).real).sum()) # special case for speedup else: try: ord + 1 except TypeError: raise ValueError, "Invalid norm order for vectors." return ((abs(x)**ord).sum())**(1.0/ord) elif nd == 2: if ord == 2: return svd(x, compute_uv=0).max() elif ord == -2: return svd(x, compute_uv=0).min() elif ord == 1: return abs(x).sum(axis=0).max() elif ord == Inf: return abs(x).sum(axis=1).max() elif ord == -1: return abs(x).sum(axis=0).min() elif ord == -Inf: return abs(x).sum(axis=1).min() elif ord in ['fro','f']: return sqrt(add.reduce((x.conj() * x).real.ravel())) else: raise ValueError, "Invalid norm order for matrices." else: raise ValueError, "Improper number of dimensions to norm."
import sys from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises_regexp from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import _joint_probabilities from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import _joint_probabilities_nn from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import _kl_divergence from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import _kl_divergence_bh from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import _gradient_descent from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import trustworthiness from sklearn.manifold.t_sne import TSNE from sklearn.manifold import _barnes_hut_tsne from sklearn.manifold._utils import _binary_search_perplexity from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from scipy.optimize import check_grad from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances def test_gradient_descent_stops(): # Test stopping conditions of gradient descent. class ObjectiveSmallGradient: def __init__(self): = -1 def __call__(self, _): += 1 return (10 - / 10.0, np.array([1e-5]) def flat_function(_): return 0.0, np.ones(1) # Gradient norm old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: _, error, it = _gradient_descent( ObjectiveSmallGradient(), np.zeros(1), 0, n_iter=100, n_iter_without_progress=100, momentum=0.0, learning_rate=0.0, min_gain=0.0, min_grad_norm=1e-5, min_error_diff=0.0, verbose=2) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert_equal(error, 1.0) assert_equal(it, 0) assert("gradient norm" in out) # Error difference old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: _, error, it = _gradient_descent( ObjectiveSmallGradient(), np.zeros(1), 0, n_iter=100, n_iter_without_progress=100, momentum=0.0, learning_rate=0.0, min_gain=0.0, min_grad_norm=0.0, min_error_diff=0.2, verbose=2) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert_equal(error, 0.9) assert_equal(it, 1) assert("error difference" in out) # Maximum number of iterations without improvement old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: _, error, it = _gradient_descent( flat_function, np.zeros(1), 0, n_iter=100, n_iter_without_progress=10, momentum=0.0, learning_rate=0.0, min_gain=0.0, min_grad_norm=0.0, min_error_diff=-1.0, verbose=2) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert_equal(error, 0.0) assert_equal(it, 11) assert("did not make any progress" in out) # Maximum number of iterations old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: _, error, it = _gradient_descent( ObjectiveSmallGradient(), np.zeros(1), 0, n_iter=11, n_iter_without_progress=100, momentum=0.0, learning_rate=0.0, min_gain=0.0, min_grad_norm=0.0, min_error_diff=0.0, verbose=2) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert_equal(error, 0.0) assert_equal(it, 10) assert("Iteration 10" in out) def test_binary_search(): # Test if the binary search finds Gaussians with desired perplexity. random_state = check_random_state(0) distances = random_state.randn(50, 2).astype(np.float32) # Distances shouldn't be negative distances = np.abs( np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0.0) desired_perplexity = 25.0 P = _binary_search_perplexity(distances, None, desired_perplexity, verbose=0) P = np.maximum(P, np.finfo(np.double).eps) mean_perplexity = np.mean([np.exp(-np.sum(P[i] * np.log(P[i]))) for i in range(P.shape[0])]) assert_almost_equal(mean_perplexity, desired_perplexity, decimal=3) def test_binary_search_neighbors(): # Binary perplexity search approximation. # Should be approximately equal to the slow method when we use # all points as neighbors. n_samples = 500 desired_perplexity = 25.0 random_state = check_random_state(0) distances = random_state.randn(n_samples, 2).astype(np.float32) # Distances shouldn't be negative distances = np.abs( np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0.0) P1 = _binary_search_perplexity(distances, None, desired_perplexity, verbose=0) # Test that when we use all the neighbors the results are identical k = n_samples neighbors_nn = np.argsort(distances, axis=1)[:, :k].astype(np.int64) P2 = _binary_search_perplexity(distances, neighbors_nn, desired_perplexity, verbose=0) assert_array_almost_equal(P1, P2, decimal=4) # Test that the highest P_ij are the same when few neighbors are used for k in np.linspace(80, n_samples, 10): k = int(k) topn = k * 10 # check the top 10 *k entries out of k * k entries neighbors_nn = np.argsort(distances, axis=1)[:, :k].astype(np.int64) P2k = _binary_search_perplexity(distances, neighbors_nn, desired_perplexity, verbose=0) idx = np.argsort(P1.ravel())[::-1] P1top = P1.ravel()[idx][:topn] P2top = P2k.ravel()[idx][:topn] assert_array_almost_equal(P1top, P2top, decimal=2) def test_binary_perplexity_stability(): # Binary perplexity search should be stable. # The binary_search_perplexity had a bug wherein the P array # was uninitialized, leading to sporadically failing tests. k = 10 n_samples = 100 random_state = check_random_state(0) distances = random_state.randn(n_samples, 2).astype(np.float32) # Distances shouldn't be negative distances = np.abs( np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0.0) last_P = None neighbors_nn = np.argsort(distances, axis=1)[:, :k].astype(np.int64) for _ in range(100): P = _binary_search_perplexity(distances.copy(), neighbors_nn.copy(), 3, verbose=0) P1 = _joint_probabilities_nn(distances, neighbors_nn, 3, verbose=0) if last_P is None: last_P = P last_P1 = P1 else: assert_array_almost_equal(P, last_P, decimal=4) assert_array_almost_equal(P1, last_P1, decimal=4) def test_gradient(): # Test gradient of Kullback-Leibler divergence. random_state = check_random_state(0) n_samples = 50 n_features = 2 n_components = 2 alpha = 1.0 distances = random_state.randn(n_samples, n_features).astype(np.float32) distances = np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0.0) X_embedded = random_state.randn(n_samples, n_components) P = _joint_probabilities(distances, desired_perplexity=25.0, verbose=0) def fun(params): return _kl_divergence(params, P, alpha, n_samples, n_components)[0] def grad(params): return _kl_divergence(params, P, alpha, n_samples, n_components)[1] assert_almost_equal(check_grad(fun, grad, X_embedded.ravel()), 0.0, decimal=5) def test_trustworthiness(): # Test trustworthiness score. random_state = check_random_state(0) # Affine transformation X = random_state.randn(100, 2) assert_equal(trustworthiness(X, 5.0 + X / 10.0), 1.0) # Randomly shuffled X = np.arange(100).reshape(-1, 1) X_embedded = X.copy() random_state.shuffle(X_embedded) assert_less(trustworthiness(X, X_embedded), 0.6) # Completely different X = np.arange(5).reshape(-1, 1) X_embedded = np.array([[0], [2], [4], [1], [3]]) assert_almost_equal(trustworthiness(X, X_embedded, n_neighbors=1), 0.2) def test_preserve_trustworthiness_approximately(): # Nearest neighbors should be preserved approximately. random_state = check_random_state(0) # The Barnes-Hut approximation uses a different method to estimate # P_ij using only a number of nearest neighbors instead of all # points (so that k = 3 * perplexity). As a result we set the # perplexity=5, so that the number of neighbors is 5%. n_components = 2 methods = ['exact', 'barnes_hut'] X = random_state.randn(100, n_components).astype(np.float32) for init in ('random', 'pca'): for method in methods: tsne = TSNE(n_components=n_components, perplexity=50, learning_rate=100.0, init=init, random_state=0, method=method) X_embedded = tsne.fit_transform(X) T = trustworthiness(X, X_embedded, n_neighbors=1) assert_almost_equal(T, 1.0, decimal=1) def test_optimization_minimizes_kl_divergence(): """t-SNE should give a lower KL divergence with more iterations.""" random_state = check_random_state(0) X, _ = make_blobs(n_features=3, random_state=random_state) kl_divergences = [] for n_iter in [200, 250, 300]: tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=10, learning_rate=100.0, n_iter=n_iter, random_state=0) tsne.fit_transform(X) kl_divergences.append(tsne.kl_divergence_) assert_less_equal(kl_divergences[1], kl_divergences[0]) assert_less_equal(kl_divergences[2], kl_divergences[1]) def test_fit_csr_matrix(): # X can be a sparse matrix. random_state = check_random_state(0) X = random_state.randn(100, 2) X[(np.random.randint(0, 100, 50), np.random.randint(0, 2, 50))] = 0.0 X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=10, learning_rate=100.0, random_state=0, method='exact') X_embedded = tsne.fit_transform(X_csr) assert_almost_equal(trustworthiness(X_csr, X_embedded, n_neighbors=1), 1.0, decimal=1) def test_preserve_trustworthiness_approximately_with_precomputed_distances(): # Nearest neighbors should be preserved approximately. random_state = check_random_state(0) X = random_state.randn(100, 2) D = squareform(pdist(X), "sqeuclidean") tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=2, learning_rate=100.0, metric="precomputed", random_state=0, verbose=0) X_embedded = tsne.fit_transform(D) assert_almost_equal(trustworthiness(D, X_embedded, n_neighbors=1, precomputed=True), 1.0, decimal=1) def test_early_exaggeration_too_small(): # Early exaggeration factor must be >= 1. tsne = TSNE(early_exaggeration=0.99) assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "early_exaggeration .*", tsne.fit_transform, np.array([[0.0]])) def test_too_few_iterations(): # Number of gradient descent iterations must be at least 200. tsne = TSNE(n_iter=199) assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "n_iter .*", tsne.fit_transform, np.array([[0.0]])) def test_non_square_precomputed_distances(): # Precomputed distance matrices must be square matrices. tsne = TSNE(metric="precomputed") assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, ".* square distance matrix", tsne.fit_transform, np.array([[0.0], [1.0]])) def test_init_not_available(): # 'init' must be 'pca', 'random', or numpy array. m = "'init' must be 'pca', 'random', or a numpy array" assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, m, TSNE, init="not available") def test_init_ndarray(): # Initialize TSNE with ndarray and test fit tsne = TSNE(init=np.zeros((100, 2))) X_embedded = tsne.fit_transform(np.ones((100, 5))) assert_array_equal(np.zeros((100, 2)), X_embedded) def test_init_ndarray_precomputed(): # Initialize TSNE with ndarray and metric 'precomputed' # Make sure no FutureWarning is thrown from _fit tsne = TSNE(init=np.zeros((100, 2)), metric="precomputed"), 100))) def test_distance_not_available(): # 'metric' must be valid. tsne = TSNE(metric="not available") assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "Unknown metric not available.*", tsne.fit_transform, np.array([[0.0], [1.0]])) def test_pca_initialization_not_compatible_with_precomputed_kernel(): # Precomputed distance matrices must be square matrices. tsne = TSNE(metric="precomputed", init="pca") assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "The parameter init=\"pca\" cannot be " "used with metric=\"precomputed\".", tsne.fit_transform, np.array([[0.0], [1.0]])) def test_answer_gradient_two_points(): # Test the tree with only a single set of children. # # These tests & answers have been checked against the reference # implementation by LvdM. pos_input = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]) pos_output = np.array([[-4.961291e-05, -1.072243e-04], [9.259460e-05, 2.702024e-04]]) neighbors = np.array([[1], [0]]) grad_output = np.array([[-2.37012478e-05, -6.29044398e-05], [2.37012478e-05, 6.29044398e-05]]) _run_answer_test(pos_input, pos_output, neighbors, grad_output) def test_answer_gradient_four_points(): # Four points tests the tree with multiple levels of children. # # These tests & answers have been checked against the reference # implementation by LvdM. pos_input = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [5.0, 2.0], [7.3, 2.2]]) pos_output = np.array([[6.080564e-05, -7.120823e-05], [-1.718945e-04, -4.000536e-05], [-2.271720e-04, 8.663310e-05], [-1.032577e-04, -3.582033e-05]]) neighbors = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 3], [1, 0, 3], [1, 2, 0]]) grad_output = np.array([[5.81128448e-05, -7.78033454e-06], [-5.81526851e-05, 7.80976444e-06], [4.24275173e-08, -3.69569698e-08], [-2.58720939e-09, 7.52706374e-09]]) _run_answer_test(pos_input, pos_output, neighbors, grad_output) def test_skip_num_points_gradient(): # Test the kwargs option skip_num_points. # # Skip num points should make it such that the Barnes_hut gradient # is not calculated for indices below skip_num_point. # Aside from skip_num_points=2 and the first two gradient rows # being set to zero, these data points are the same as in # test_answer_gradient_four_points() pos_input = np.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [5.0, 2.0], [7.3, 2.2]]) pos_output = np.array([[6.080564e-05, -7.120823e-05], [-1.718945e-04, -4.000536e-05], [-2.271720e-04, 8.663310e-05], [-1.032577e-04, -3.582033e-05]]) neighbors = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 2, 3], [1, 0, 3], [1, 2, 0]]) grad_output = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [4.24275173e-08, -3.69569698e-08], [-2.58720939e-09, 7.52706374e-09]]) _run_answer_test(pos_input, pos_output, neighbors, grad_output, False, 0.1, 2) def _run_answer_test(pos_input, pos_output, neighbors, grad_output, verbose=False, perplexity=0.1, skip_num_points=0): distances = pairwise_distances(pos_input).astype(np.float32) args = distances, perplexity, verbose pos_output = pos_output.astype(np.float32) neighbors = neighbors.astype(np.int64) pij_input = _joint_probabilities(*args) pij_input = squareform(pij_input).astype(np.float32) grad_bh = np.zeros(pos_output.shape, dtype=np.float32) _barnes_hut_tsne.gradient(pij_input, pos_output, neighbors, grad_bh, 0.5, 2, 1, skip_num_points=0) assert_array_almost_equal(grad_bh, grad_output, decimal=4) def test_verbose(): # Verbose options write to stdout. random_state = check_random_state(0) tsne = TSNE(verbose=2) X = random_state.randn(5, 2) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: tsne.fit_transform(X) finally: out = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout assert("[t-SNE]" in out) assert("Computing pairwise distances" in out) assert("Computed conditional probabilities" in out) assert("Mean sigma" in out) assert("Finished" in out) assert("early exaggeration" in out) assert("Finished" in out) def test_chebyshev_metric(): # t-SNE should allow metrics that cannot be squared (issue #3526). random_state = check_random_state(0) tsne = TSNE(metric="chebyshev") X = random_state.randn(5, 2) tsne.fit_transform(X) def test_reduction_to_one_component(): # t-SNE should allow reduction to one component (issue #4154). random_state = check_random_state(0) tsne = TSNE(n_components=1) X = random_state.randn(5, 2) X_embedded = assert(np.all(np.isfinite(X_embedded))) def test_no_sparse_on_barnes_hut(): # No sparse matrices allowed on Barnes-Hut. random_state = check_random_state(0) X = random_state.randn(100, 2) X[(np.random.randint(0, 100, 50), np.random.randint(0, 2, 50))] = 0.0 X_csr = sp.csr_matrix(X) tsne = TSNE(n_iter=199, method='barnes_hut') assert_raises_regexp(TypeError, "A sparse matrix was.*", tsne.fit_transform, X_csr) def test_64bit(): # Ensure 64bit arrays are handled correctly. random_state = check_random_state(0) methods = ['barnes_hut', 'exact'] for method in methods: for dt in [np.float32, np.float64]: X = random_state.randn(100, 2).astype(dt) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=2, learning_rate=100.0, random_state=0, method=method) tsne.fit_transform(X) def test_barnes_hut_angle(): # When Barnes-Hut's angle=0 this corresponds to the exact method. angle = 0.0 perplexity = 10 n_samples = 100 for n_components in [2, 3]: n_features = 5 degrees_of_freedom = float(n_components - 1.0) random_state = check_random_state(0) distances = random_state.randn(n_samples, n_features) distances = distances.astype(np.float32) distances = np.fill_diagonal(distances, 0.0) params = random_state.randn(n_samples, n_components) P = _joint_probabilities(distances, perplexity, False) kl, gradex = _kl_divergence(params, P, degrees_of_freedom, n_samples, n_components) k = n_samples - 1 bt = BallTree(distances) distances_nn, neighbors_nn = bt.query(distances, k=k + 1) neighbors_nn = neighbors_nn[:, 1:] Pbh = _joint_probabilities_nn(distances, neighbors_nn, perplexity, False) kl, gradbh = _kl_divergence_bh(params, Pbh, neighbors_nn, degrees_of_freedom, n_samples, n_components, angle=angle, skip_num_points=0, verbose=False) assert_array_almost_equal(Pbh, P, decimal=5) assert_array_almost_equal(gradex, gradbh, decimal=5) def test_quadtree_similar_point(): # Introduce a point into a quad tree where a similar point already exists. # Test will hang if it doesn't complete. Xs = [] # check the case where points are actually different Xs.append(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are the same on X axis Xs.append(np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 3.0]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are arbitrarily close on X axis Xs.append(np.array([[1.00001, 2.0], [1.00002, 3.0]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are the same on Y axis Xs.append(np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 2.0]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are arbitrarily close on Y axis Xs.append(np.array([[1.0, 2.00001], [3.0, 2.00002]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are arbitrarily close on both axes Xs.append(np.array([[1.00001, 2.00001], [1.00002, 2.00002]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are arbitrarily close on both axes # close to machine epsilon - x axis Xs.append(np.array([[1, 0.0003817754041], [2, 0.0003817753750]], dtype=np.float32)) # check the case where points are arbitrarily close on both axes # close to machine epsilon - y axis Xs.append(np.array([[0.0003817754041, 1.0], [0.0003817753750, 2.0]], dtype=np.float32)) for X in Xs: counts = np.zeros(3, dtype='int64') _barnes_hut_tsne.check_quadtree(X, counts) m = "Tree consistency failed: unexpected number of points at root node" assert_equal(counts[0], counts[1], m) m = "Tree consistency failed: unexpected number of points on the tree" assert_equal(counts[0], counts[2], m) def test_index_offset(): # Make sure translating between 1D and N-D indices are preserved assert_equal(_barnes_hut_tsne.test_index2offset(), 1) assert_equal(_barnes_hut_tsne.test_index_offset(), 1)
"""Graphical example illustrating improvement of convergence of KMeans when cluster centers are initialized by KMeans++ algorithm. In this example, 4 vertices of a rectangle are chosen: (0,0) (0,100) (10,0) (10,100). There are 500 points normally distributed about each vertex. Therefore, the ideal cluster centers for k=2 are the global minima ie (5,0) (5,100). Written (W) 2014 Parijat Mazumdar """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import shogun as sg k = 2 num = 500 d1 = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(1, num), 10. * np.random.randn(1, num)), 0) d2 = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(1, num), 10. * np.random.randn(1, num)), 0) + np.array([[10.], [0.]]) d3 = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(1, num), 10. * np.random.randn(1, num)), 0) + np.array([[0.], [100.]]) d4 = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(1, num), 10. * np.random.randn(1, num)), 0) + np.array([[10.], [100.]]) traindata = np.concatenate((d1, d2, d3, d4), 1) feat_train = sg.create_features(traindata) distance = sg.create_distance('EuclideanDistance') distance.init(feat_train, feat_train) kmeans = sg.create_machine('KMeans', k=k, distance=distance, kmeanspp=True) kmeans.train() centerspp = kmeans.get('cluster_centers') radipp = kmeans.get('radiuses') kmeans = sg.create_machine('KMeans', k=k, distance=distance) kmeans.train() centers = kmeans.get('cluster_centers') radi = kmeans.get('radiuses') plt.figure('KMeans with KMeans++') plt.plot(d1[0], d1[1], 'rx') plt.plot(d2[0], d2[1], 'bx') plt.plot(d3[0], d3[1], 'gx') plt.plot(d4[0], d4[1], 'cx') plt.plot(centerspp[0, :], centerspp[1, :], 'ko') for i in range(k): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) plt.plot(radipp[i] * np.cos(t) + centerspp[0, i], radipp[i] * np.sin(t) + centerspp[1, i], 'k-') plt.figure('KMeans without KMeans++') plt.plot(d1[0], d1[1], 'rx') plt.plot(d2[0], d2[1], 'bx') plt.plot(d3[0], d3[1], 'gx') plt.plot(d4[0], d4[1], 'cx') plt.plot(centers[0, :], centers[1, :], 'ko') for i in range(k): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) plt.plot(radi[i] * np.cos(t) + centers[0, i], radi[i] * np.sin(t) + centers[1, i], 'k-')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import hamming, triang, blackmanharris import sys, os, functools, time sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../software/models/')) import sineModel as SM import stft as STFT import utilFunctions as UF plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 6)) plt.subplot(211) (fs, x) = UF.wavread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../sounds/carnatic.wav')) x1 = x[4.35*fs:] w = np.blackman(1301) N = 2048 H = 250 t = -70 minSineDur = .02 maxnSines = 150 freqDevOffset = 20 freqDevSlope = 0.02 mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, w, N, H) tfreq, tmag, tphase = SM.sineModelAnal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, maxnSines, minSineDur, freqDevOffset, freqDevSlope) maxplotfreq = 3000.0 maxplotbin = int(N*maxplotfreq/fs) numFrames = int(mX[:,0].size) frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs) binFreq = np.arange(maxplotbin+1)*float(fs)/N plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mX[:,:maxplotbin+1])) plt.autoscale(tight=True) tracks = tfreq*np.less(tfreq, maxplotfreq) tracks[tracks<=0] = np.nan plt.plot(frmTime, tracks, color='k', lw=1.5) plt.autoscale(tight=True) plt.title('mX + sine frequencies (carnatic.wav)') plt.subplot(212) (fs, x) = UF.wavread(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../sounds/vignesh.wav')) w = np.blackman(1101) N = 2048 H = 250 t = -90 minSineDur = .1 maxnSines = 200 freqDevOffset = 20 freqDevSlope = 0.02 mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, w, N, H) tfreq, tmag, tphase = SM.sineModelAnal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, maxnSines, minSineDur, freqDevOffset, freqDevSlope) maxplotfreq = 3000.0 maxplotbin = int(N*maxplotfreq/fs) numFrames = int(mX[:,0].size) frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs) binFreq = np.arange(maxplotbin+1)*float(fs)/N plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mX[:,:maxplotbin+1])) plt.autoscale(tight=True) tracks = tfreq*np.less(tfreq, maxplotfreq) tracks[tracks<=0] = np.nan plt.plot(frmTime, tracks, color='k', lw=1.5) plt.autoscale(tight=True) plt.title('mX + sine frequencies (vignesh.wav)') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('monophonic-polyphonic.png')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ascii -*- """ - GUI element: frame that displays signal""" import Tkinter as Tk import matplotlib from Queue import LifoQueue from gui_signalPlotter import GuiSignalPlotter from gui_signalProcessor import GuiSignalProcessor from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure as Mat_figure matplotlib.use('Tkagg') class WindowSignal(Tk.Frame): """In this frame the signal extracted from the video stream is shown""" def __init__(self, parent, tk_root, thread, cam, statusbar, video_display): global root self.root = tk_root # Store camera object self.cameraInstance = cam # Store statusbar object self.statusbar = statusbar # Store video display object self.video_display = video_display # Create GUI self.__create_gui() def __create_gui(self): # Add subplots self.figure = Mat_figure(figsize=(5, 3), dpi=100) self.subplotTop = self.figure.add_subplot(211) self.subplotBottom = self.figure.add_subplot(212) # Add labels self.subplotTop.set_xlabel('Frames') self.subplotBottom.set_xlabel('Hz') # Change font size matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) # Create canvas self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, master=self.root) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1) # We store the data that is interchanged from GuiSignalProcessor to GuiSignalPlotter in a queue self.dataQueue = LifoQueue() # Create thread that displays signal self.signalPlotThread = GuiSignalPlotter(self.root, self.cameraInstance, self.figure, self.canvas, self.subplotTop, self.subplotBottom, self.statusbar, self.video_display, self.dataQueue) # Create thread that processes signal self.signalProcessorThread = GuiSignalProcessor(self.root, self.cameraInstance, self.figure, self.canvas, self.subplotTop, self.subplotBottom, self.statusbar, self.video_display, self.dataQueue) # Start both threads self.signalPlotThread.start() self.signalProcessorThread.start() def get_signal_processor(self): return self.signalProcessorThread def get_signal_plotter(self): return self.signalPlotThread def clear(self): self.figure.clf() def closeThreads(self): """Closes signal plotting and processing threads""" self.signalPlotThread.close_signal_plotter_thread() self.signalProcessorThread.close_signal_processor_thread()
import matplotlib.colors cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),)} greys_linear = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('greys_linear', cdict) # always have trouble with the brightness values # Alex's custom colormaps cdict_BlueA = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.25, 0.094, 0.094),(0.67, 0.353, 0.353),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.25, 0.137, 0.137),(0.67, 0.537, 0.537),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.25, 0.2, 0.2),(0.67, 0.749, 0.749),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} # little brighter version of BlueA cdict_BlueAb = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.22, 0.094, 0.094),(0.60, 0.353, 0.353),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.22, 0.137, 0.137),(0.60, 0.537, 0.537),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.22, 0.2, 0.2),(0.60, 0.749, 0.749),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} cdict_BlueA2 = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.25, 0.055, 0.055),(0.67, 0.212, 0.212),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.25, 0.106, 0.106),(0.67, 0.455, 0.455),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),(0.25, 0.231, 0.231),(0.67, 0.749, 0.749),(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} BlueA = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueA', cdict_BlueA) BlueAb = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueAb', cdict_BlueAb) BlueA2 = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueA2', cdict_BlueA2)
""" =================================================================== Decision Tree Regression =================================================================== A 1D regression with decision tree. The :ref:`decision trees <tree>` is used to fit a sine curve with addition noisy observation. As a result, it learns local linear regressions approximating the sine curve. We can see that if the maximum depth of the tree (controlled by the `max_depth` parameter) is set too high, the decision trees learn too fine details of the training data and learn from the noise, i.e. they overfit. """ print(__doc__) # Import the necessary modules and libraries import numpy as np from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create a random dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.sort(5 * rng.rand(80, 1), axis=0) y = np.sin(X).ravel() y[::5] += 3 * (0.5 - rng.rand(16)) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2) regr_2 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=5), y), y) # Predict X_test = np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis] y_1 = regr_1.predict(X_test) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X_test) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(X, y, c="k", label="data") plt.plot(X_test, y_1, c="g", label="max_depth=2", linewidth=2) plt.plot(X_test, y_2, c="r", label="max_depth=5", linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
# from pyrates.utility.grid_search import ClusterWorkerTemplate import os from pandas import DataFrame from pyrates.utility import grid_search, welch import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy class MinimalWorker(ClusterWorkerTemplate): def worker_postprocessing(self, **kwargs): self.processed_results = DataFrame(data=None, columns=self.results.columns) for idx, data in self.results.iteritems(): self.processed_results.loc[:, idx] = data * 1e3 self.processed_results.index = self.results.index * 1e-3 class ExtendedWorker(MinimalWorker): def worker_gs(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs_tmp = deepcopy(kwargs) conditions = kwargs_tmp.pop('conditions') model_vars = kwargs_tmp.pop('model_vars') param_grid = kwargs_tmp.pop('param_grid') results, gene_ids = [], param_grid.index for c_dict in conditions: for key in model_vars: if key in c_dict and type(c_dict[key]) is float: c_dict[key] = np.zeros((param_grid.shape[0],)) + c_dict[key] elif key in param_grid: c_dict[key] = param_grid[key] param_grid_tmp = DataFrame.from_dict(c_dict) f = terminate_at_threshold f.terminal = True r, self.result_map, sim_time = grid_search(*args, param_grid=param_grid_tmp, events=f, **deepcopy(kwargs_tmp)) r = r.droplevel(2, axis=1) if any(r.values[-1, :] > 10.0): invalid_genes = [] for id in param_grid.index: if r.loc[r.index[-1], ('r_e', f'circuit_{id}')] > 10.0 or \ r.loc[r.index[-1], ('r_i', f'circuit_{id}')] > 10.0: invalid_genes.append(id) param_grid.drop(index=id, inplace=True) kwargs['param_grid'] = param_grid sim_time = self.worker_gs(*args, **kwargs) for r in self.results: for id in invalid_genes: r[('r_e', f'circuit_{id}')] = np.zeros((r.shape[0],)) + 1e6 r[('r_i', f'circuit_{id}')] = np.zeros((r.shape[0],)) + 1e6 return sim_time else: results.append(r) self.results = results return sim_time def worker_postprocessing(self, **kwargs): kwargs_tmp = kwargs.copy() param_grid = kwargs_tmp.pop('param_grid') freq_targets = kwargs_tmp.pop('freq_targets') targets = kwargs_tmp.pop('y') self.processed_results = DataFrame(data=None, columns=['fitness', 'frequency', 'power', 'r_e', 'r_i']) # calculate fitness for gene_id in param_grid.index: outputs, freq, pow = [], [], [] for i, r in enumerate(self.results): r = r * 1e3 r.index = r.index * 1e-3 cutoff = r.index[-1]*0.1 mean_re = np.mean(r['r_e'][f'circuit_{gene_id}'].loc[cutoff:]) mean_ri = np.mean(r['r_i'][f'circuit_{gene_id}'].loc[cutoff:]) outputs.append([mean_re, mean_ri]) tmin = 0.0 if i == 4 else cutoff psds, freqs = welch(r['r_i'][f'circuit_{gene_id}'], tmin=tmin, fmin=5.0, fmax=200.0) freq.append(freqs) pow.append(psds) dist1 = fitness(outputs, targets) dist2 = analyze_oscillations(freq_targets, freq, pow) idx = np.argmax(pow[-1][0]) r = self.results[0] cutoff = r.index[-1]*0.1 self.processed_results.loc[gene_id, 'fitness'] = dist1+dist2 self.processed_results.loc[gene_id, 'frequency'] = freq[-1][idx] self.processed_results.loc[gene_id, 'power'] = pow[-1][0][idx] self.processed_results.loc[gene_id, 'r_e'] = np.mean(r['r_e'][f'circuit_{gene_id}'].loc[cutoff:])*1e3 self.processed_results.loc[gene_id, 'r_i'] = np.mean(r['r_i'][f'circuit_{gene_id}'].loc[cutoff:])*1e3 def fitness(y, t): y = np.asarray(y).flatten() t = np.asarray(t).flatten() diff = np.asarray([0.0 if np.isnan(t_tmp) else y_tmp - t_tmp for y_tmp, t_tmp in zip(y, t)]) return np.sqrt(np.mean(diff**2)) def analyze_oscillations(freq_targets, freqs, pows): dist = [] for i, (t, f, p) in enumerate(zip(freq_targets, freqs, pows)): if type(t) is list: f_tmp = f[np.argmax(p)] dist.append(f_tmp) if f_tmp < t[0]: freq_targets[i] = t[0] elif f_tmp > t[1]: freq_targets[i] = t[1] else: freq_targets[i] = f_tmp elif np.isnan(t): dist.append(0.0) elif t: f_tmp = f[np.argmax(p)] dist.append(f_tmp) else: p_tmp = np.max(p) dist.append(p_tmp) return fitness(dist, freq_targets) def terminate_at_threshold(t, y, *args): threshold = 10000.0 return np.sqrt(np.mean(y**2)) - threshold if __name__ == "__main__": cgs_worker = ExtendedWorker() #cgs_worker.worker_init() cgs_worker.worker_init( config_file="/nobackup/spanien1/rgast/PycharmProjects/BrainNetworks/BasalGanglia/stn_gpe_optimization3/Config/DefaultConfig_0.yaml", subgrid="/nobackup/spanien1/rgast/PycharmProjects/BrainNetworks/BasalGanglia/stn_gpe_optimization3/Grids/Subgrids/DefaultGrid_14/spanien/spanien_Subgrid_0.h5", result_file="~/my_result.h5", build_dir=os.getcwd() )
""" ImageViewer class for viewing and interacting with images. """ import numpy as np from ... import io, img_as_float from ...util.dtype import dtype_range from ...exposure import rescale_intensity from ..qt import QtWidgets, Qt, Signal from ..widgets import Slider from ..utils import (dialogs, init_qtapp, figimage, start_qtapp, update_axes_image) from ..utils.canvas import BlitManager, EventManager from ..plugins.base import Plugin __all__ = ['ImageViewer', 'CollectionViewer'] def mpl_image_to_rgba(mpl_image): """Return RGB image from the given matplotlib image object. Each image in a matplotlib figure has its own colormap and normalization function. Return RGBA (RGB + alpha channel) image with float dtype. Parameters ---------- mpl_image : matplotlib.image.AxesImage object The image being converted. Returns ------- img : array of float, shape (M, N, 4) An image of float values in [0, 1]. """ image = mpl_image.get_array() if image.ndim == 2: input_range = (mpl_image.norm.vmin, mpl_image.norm.vmax) image = rescale_intensity(image, in_range=input_range) # cmap complains on bool arrays image = mpl_image.cmap(img_as_float(image)) elif image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3: # add alpha channel if it's missing image = np.dstack((image, np.ones_like(image))) return img_as_float(image) class ImageViewer(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): """Viewer for displaying images. This viewer is a simple container object that holds a Matplotlib axes for showing images. `ImageViewer` doesn't subclass the Matplotlib axes (or figure) because of the high probability of name collisions. Subclasses and plugins will likely extend the `update_image` method to add custom overlays or filter the displayed image. Parameters ---------- image : array Image being viewed. Attributes ---------- canvas, fig, ax : Matplotlib canvas, figure, and axes Matplotlib canvas, figure, and axes used to display image. image : array Image being viewed. Setting this value will update the displayed frame. original_image : array Plugins typically operate on (but don't change) the *original* image. plugins : list List of attached plugins. Examples -------- >>> from skimage import data >>> image = data.coins() >>> viewer = ImageViewer(image) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ dock_areas = {'top': Qt.TopDockWidgetArea, 'bottom': Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, 'left': Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, 'right': Qt.RightDockWidgetArea} # Signal that the original image has been changed original_image_changed = Signal(np.ndarray) def __init__(self, image, useblit=True): # Start main loop init_qtapp() super(ImageViewer, self).__init__() #TODO: Add ImageViewer to window manager self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("Image Viewer") self.file_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu('&File', self) self.file_menu.addAction('Open file', self.open_file, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_O) self.file_menu.addAction('Save to file', self.save_to_file, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_S) self.file_menu.addAction('Quit', self.close, Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q) self.menuBar().addMenu(self.file_menu) self.main_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) if isinstance(image, Plugin): plugin = image image = plugin.filtered_image plugin.image_changed.connect(self._update_original_image) # When plugin is started, start plugin._started.connect(self._show) self.fig, = figimage(image) self.canvas = self.fig.canvas self.canvas.setParent(self) self._tools = [] self.useblit = useblit if useblit: self._blit_manager = BlitManager( self._event_manager = EventManager( self._image_plot =[0] self._update_original_image(image) self.plugins = [] self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.main_widget) self.layout.addWidget(self.canvas) status_bar = self.statusBar() self.status_message = status_bar.showMessage sb_size = status_bar.sizeHint() cs_size = self.canvas.sizeHint() self.resize(cs_size.width(), cs_size.height() + sb_size.height()) self.connect_event('motion_notify_event', self._update_status_bar) def __add__(self, plugin): """Add plugin to ImageViewer""" plugin.attach(self) self.original_image_changed.connect(plugin._update_original_image) if plugin.dock: location = self.dock_areas[plugin.dock] dock_location = Qt.DockWidgetArea(location) dock = QtWidgets.QDockWidget() dock.setWidget(plugin) dock.setWindowTitle( self.addDockWidget(dock_location, dock) horiz = (self.dock_areas['left'], self.dock_areas['right']) dimension = 'width' if location in horiz else 'height' self._add_widget_size(plugin, dimension=dimension) return self def _add_widget_size(self, widget, dimension='width'): widget_size = widget.sizeHint() viewer_size = self.frameGeometry() dx = dy = 0 if dimension == 'width': dx = widget_size.width() elif dimension == 'height': dy = widget_size.height() w = viewer_size.width() h = viewer_size.height() self.resize(w + dx, h + dy) def open_file(self, filename=None): """Open image file and display in viewer.""" if filename is None: filename = dialogs.open_file_dialog() if filename is None: return image = io.imread(filename) self._update_original_image(image) def update_image(self, image): """Update displayed image. This method can be overridden or extended in subclasses and plugins to react to image changes. """ self._update_original_image(image) def _update_original_image(self, image): self.original_image = image # update saved image self.image = image.copy() # update displayed image self.original_image_changed.emit(image) def save_to_file(self, filename=None): """Save current image to file. The current behavior is not ideal: It saves the image displayed on screen, so all images will be converted to RGB, and the image size is not preserved (resizing the viewer window will alter the size of the saved image). """ if filename is None: filename = dialogs.save_file_dialog() if filename is None: return if len( == 1: io.imsave(filename, self.image) else: underlay = mpl_image_to_rgba([0]) overlay = mpl_image_to_rgba([1]) alpha = overlay[:, :, 3] # alpha can be set by channel of array or by a scalar value. # Prefer the alpha channel, but fall back to scalar value. if np.all(alpha == 1): alpha = np.ones_like(alpha) *[1].get_alpha() alpha = alpha[:, :, np.newaxis] composite = (overlay[:, :, :3] * alpha + underlay[:, :, :3] * (1 - alpha)) io.imsave(filename, composite) def closeEvent(self, event): self.close() def _show(self, x=0): self.move(x, 0) for p in self.plugins: super(ImageViewer, self).show() self.activateWindow() self.raise_() def show(self, main_window=True): """Show ImageViewer and attached plugins. This behaves much like `` and ``. """ self._show() if main_window: start_qtapp() return [p.output() for p in self.plugins] def redraw(self): if self.useblit: self._blit_manager.redraw() else: self.canvas.draw_idle() @property def image(self): return self._img @image.setter def image(self, image): self._img = image update_axes_image(self._image_plot, image) # update display (otherwise image doesn't fill the canvas) h, w = image.shape[:2], w), 0) # update color range clim = dtype_range[image.dtype.type] if clim[0] < 0 and image.min() >= 0: clim = (0, clim[1]) self._image_plot.set_clim(clim) if self.useblit: self._blit_manager.background = None self.redraw() def reset_image(self): self.image = self.original_image.copy() def connect_event(self, event, callback): """Connect callback function to matplotlib event and return id.""" cid = self.canvas.mpl_connect(event, callback) return cid def disconnect_event(self, callback_id): """Disconnect callback by its id (returned by `connect_event`).""" self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(callback_id) def _update_status_bar(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.inaxes.get_navigate(): self.status_message(self._format_coord(event.xdata, event.ydata)) else: self.status_message('') def add_tool(self, tool): if self.useblit: self._blit_manager.add_artists(tool.artists) self._tools.append(tool) self._event_manager.attach(tool) def remove_tool(self, tool): if tool not in self._tools: return if self.useblit: self._blit_manager.remove_artists(tool.artists) self._tools.remove(tool) self._event_manager.detach(tool) def _format_coord(self, x, y): # callback function to format coordinate display in status bar x = int(x + 0.5) y = int(y + 0.5) try: return "%4s @ [%4s, %4s]" % (self.image[y, x], x, y) except IndexError: return "" class CollectionViewer(ImageViewer): """Viewer for displaying image collections. Select the displayed frame of the image collection using the slider or with the following keyboard shortcuts: left/right arrows Previous/next image in collection. number keys, 0--9 0% to 90% of collection. For example, "5" goes to the image in the middle (i.e. 50%) of the collection. home/end keys First/last image in collection. Parameters ---------- image_collection : list of images List of images to be displayed. update_on : {'move' | 'release'} Control whether image is updated on slide or release of the image slider. Using 'on_release' will give smoother behavior when displaying large images or when writing a plugin/subclass that requires heavy computation. """ def __init__(self, image_collection, update_on='move', **kwargs): self.image_collection = image_collection self.index = 0 self.num_images = len(self.image_collection) first_image = image_collection[0] super(CollectionViewer, self).__init__(first_image) slider_kws = dict(value=0, low=0, high=self.num_images - 1) slider_kws['update_on'] = update_on slider_kws['callback'] = self.update_index slider_kws['value_type'] = 'int' self.slider = Slider('frame', **slider_kws) self.layout.addWidget(self.slider) #TODO: Adjust height to accomodate slider; the following doesn't work # s_size = self.slider.sizeHint() # cs_size = self.canvas.sizeHint() # self.resize(cs_size.width(), cs_size.height() + s_size.height()) def update_index(self, name, index): """Select image on display using index into image collection.""" index = int(round(index)) if index == self.index: return # clip index value to collection limits index = max(index, 0) index = min(index, self.num_images - 1) self.index = index self.slider.val = index self.update_image(self.image_collection[index]) def keyPressEvent(self, event): if type(event) == QtWidgets.QKeyEvent: key = event.key() # Number keys (code: 0 = key 48, 9 = key 57) move to deciles if 48 <= key < 58: index = 0.1 * int(key - 48) * self.num_images self.update_index('', index) event.accept() else: event.ignore() else: event.ignore()
""" Testing for the bagging ensemble module (sklearn.ensemble.bagging). """ # Author: Gilles Louppe # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier, DummyRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, ParameterGrid from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier, BaggingRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron, LogisticRegression from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier, KNeighborsRegressor from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.svm import SVC, SVR from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_boston, load_iris, make_hastie_10_2 from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix rng = check_random_state(0) # also load the iris dataset # and randomly permute it iris = load_iris() perm = rng.permutation( =[perm] =[perm] # also load the boston dataset # and randomly permute it boston = load_boston() perm = rng.permutation( =[perm] =[perm] def test_classification(): # Check classification for various parameter settings. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) grid = ParameterGrid({"max_samples": [0.5, 1.0], "max_features": [1, 2, 4], "bootstrap": [True, False], "bootstrap_features": [True, False]}) for base_estimator in [None, DummyClassifier(), Perceptron(), DecisionTreeClassifier(), KNeighborsClassifier(), SVC()]: for params in grid: BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=base_estimator, random_state=rng, **params).fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_test) def test_sparse_classification(): # Check classification for various parameter settings on sparse input. class CustomSVC(SVC): """SVC variant that records the nature of the training set""" def fit(self, X, y): super(CustomSVC, self).fit(X, y) self.data_type_ = type(X) return self rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) parameter_sets = [ {"max_samples": 0.5, "max_features": 2, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_samples": 1.0, "max_features": 4, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_features": 2, "bootstrap": False, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_samples": 0.5, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": False}, ] for sparse_format in [csc_matrix, csr_matrix]: X_train_sparse = sparse_format(X_train) X_test_sparse = sparse_format(X_test) for params in parameter_sets: for f in ['predict', 'predict_proba', 'predict_log_proba', 'decision_function']: # Trained on sparse format sparse_classifier = BaggingClassifier( base_estimator=CustomSVC(decision_function_shape='ovr'), random_state=1, **params ).fit(X_train_sparse, y_train) sparse_results = getattr(sparse_classifier, f)(X_test_sparse) # Trained on dense format dense_classifier = BaggingClassifier( base_estimator=CustomSVC(decision_function_shape='ovr'), random_state=1, **params ).fit(X_train, y_train) dense_results = getattr(dense_classifier, f)(X_test) assert_array_equal(sparse_results, dense_results) sparse_type = type(X_train_sparse) types = [i.data_type_ for i in sparse_classifier.estimators_] assert all([t == sparse_type for t in types]) def test_regression(): # Check regression for various parameter settings. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split([:50],[:50], random_state=rng) grid = ParameterGrid({"max_samples": [0.5, 1.0], "max_features": [0.5, 1.0], "bootstrap": [True, False], "bootstrap_features": [True, False]}) for base_estimator in [None, DummyRegressor(), DecisionTreeRegressor(), KNeighborsRegressor(), SVR()]: for params in grid: BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=base_estimator, random_state=rng, **params).fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_test) def test_sparse_regression(): # Check regression for various parameter settings on sparse input. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split([:50],[:50], random_state=rng) class CustomSVR(SVR): """SVC variant that records the nature of the training set""" def fit(self, X, y): super(CustomSVR, self).fit(X, y) self.data_type_ = type(X) return self parameter_sets = [ {"max_samples": 0.5, "max_features": 2, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_samples": 1.0, "max_features": 4, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_features": 2, "bootstrap": False, "bootstrap_features": True}, {"max_samples": 0.5, "bootstrap": True, "bootstrap_features": False}, ] for sparse_format in [csc_matrix, csr_matrix]: X_train_sparse = sparse_format(X_train) X_test_sparse = sparse_format(X_test) for params in parameter_sets: # Trained on sparse format sparse_classifier = BaggingRegressor( base_estimator=CustomSVR(), random_state=1, **params ).fit(X_train_sparse, y_train) sparse_results = sparse_classifier.predict(X_test_sparse) # Trained on dense format dense_results = BaggingRegressor( base_estimator=CustomSVR(), random_state=1, **params ).fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_test) sparse_type = type(X_train_sparse) types = [i.data_type_ for i in sparse_classifier.estimators_] assert_array_equal(sparse_results, dense_results) assert all([t == sparse_type for t in types]) assert_array_equal(sparse_results, dense_results) def test_bootstrap_samples(): # Test that bootstrapping samples generate non-perfect base estimators. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) base_estimator = DecisionTreeRegressor().fit(X_train, y_train) # without bootstrap, all trees are perfect on the training set ensemble = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), max_samples=1.0, bootstrap=False, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_equal(base_estimator.score(X_train, y_train), ensemble.score(X_train, y_train)) # with bootstrap, trees are no longer perfect on the training set ensemble = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), max_samples=1.0, bootstrap=True, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_greater(base_estimator.score(X_train, y_train), ensemble.score(X_train, y_train)) def test_bootstrap_features(): # Test that bootstrapping features may generate duplicate features. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), max_features=1.0, bootstrap_features=False, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) for features in ensemble.estimators_features_: assert_equal([1], np.unique(features).shape[0]) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), max_features=1.0, bootstrap_features=True, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) for features in ensemble.estimators_features_: assert_greater([1], np.unique(features).shape[0]) def test_probability(): # Predict probabilities. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): # Normal case ensemble = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(), random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(ensemble.predict_proba(X_test), axis=1), np.ones(len(X_test))) assert_array_almost_equal(ensemble.predict_proba(X_test), np.exp(ensemble.predict_log_proba(X_test))) # Degenerate case, where some classes are missing ensemble = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=LogisticRegression(), random_state=rng, max_samples=5).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(ensemble.predict_proba(X_test), axis=1), np.ones(len(X_test))) assert_array_almost_equal(ensemble.predict_proba(X_test), np.exp(ensemble.predict_log_proba(X_test))) def test_oob_score_classification(): # Check that oob prediction is a good estimation of the generalization # error. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) for base_estimator in [DecisionTreeClassifier(), SVC()]: clf = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=base_estimator, n_estimators=100, bootstrap=True, oob_score=True, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) test_score = clf.score(X_test, y_test) assert_less(abs(test_score - clf.oob_score_), 0.1) # Test with few estimators assert_warns(UserWarning, BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=base_estimator, n_estimators=1, bootstrap=True, oob_score=True, random_state=rng).fit, X_train, y_train) def test_oob_score_regression(): # Check that oob prediction is a good estimation of the generalization # error. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) clf = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_estimators=50, bootstrap=True, oob_score=True, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) test_score = clf.score(X_test, y_test) assert_less(abs(test_score - clf.oob_score_), 0.1) # Test with few estimators assert_warns(UserWarning, BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_estimators=1, bootstrap=True, oob_score=True, random_state=rng).fit, X_train, y_train) def test_single_estimator(): # Check singleton ensembles. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) clf1 = BaggingRegressor(base_estimator=KNeighborsRegressor(), n_estimators=1, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_features=False, random_state=rng).fit(X_train, y_train) clf2 = KNeighborsRegressor().fit(X_train, y_train) assert_array_equal(clf1.predict(X_test), clf2.predict(X_test)) def test_error(): # Test that it gives proper exception on deficient input. X, y =, base = DecisionTreeClassifier() # Test max_samples assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_samples=-1).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_samples=0.0).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_samples=2.0).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_samples=1000).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_samples="foobar").fit, X, y) # Test max_features assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_features=-1).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_features=0.0).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_features=2.0).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_features=5).fit, X, y) assert_raises(ValueError, BaggingClassifier(base, max_features="foobar").fit, X, y) # Test support of decision_function assert_false(hasattr(BaggingClassifier(base).fit(X, y), 'decision_function')) def test_parallel_classification(): # Check parallel classification. rng = check_random_state(0) # Classification X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) # predict_proba ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=1) y1 = ensemble.predict_proba(X_test) ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=2) y2 = ensemble.predict_proba(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y2) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(), n_jobs=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) y3 = ensemble.predict_proba(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y3) # decision_function ensemble = BaggingClassifier(SVC(decision_function_shape='ovr'), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=1) decisions1 = ensemble.decision_function(X_test) ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=2) decisions2 = ensemble.decision_function(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(decisions1, decisions2) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(SVC(decision_function_shape='ovr'), n_jobs=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) decisions3 = ensemble.decision_function(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(decisions1, decisions3) def test_parallel_regression(): # Check parallel regression. rng = check_random_state(0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=1) y1 = ensemble.predict(X_test) ensemble.set_params(n_jobs=2) y2 = ensemble.predict(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y2) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_jobs=1, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) y3 = ensemble.predict(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y3) def test_gridsearch(): # Check that bagging ensembles can be grid-searched. # Transform iris into a binary classification task X, y =, y[y == 2] = 1 # Grid search with scoring based on decision_function parameters = {'n_estimators': (1, 2), 'base_estimator__C': (1, 2)} GridSearchCV(BaggingClassifier(SVC()), parameters, scoring="roc_auc").fit(X, y) def test_base_estimator(): # Check base_estimator and its default values. rng = check_random_state(0) # Classification X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(None, n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, DecisionTreeClassifier)) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, DecisionTreeClassifier)) ensemble = BaggingClassifier(Perceptron(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, Perceptron)) # Regression X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, random_state=rng) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(None, n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, DecisionTreeRegressor)) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, DecisionTreeRegressor)) ensemble = BaggingRegressor(SVR(), n_jobs=3, random_state=0).fit(X_train, y_train) assert_true(isinstance(ensemble.base_estimator_, SVR)) def test_bagging_with_pipeline(): estimator = BaggingClassifier(make_pipeline(SelectKBest(k=1), DecisionTreeClassifier()), max_features=2), class DummyZeroEstimator(BaseEstimator): def fit(self, X, y): self.classes_ = np.unique(y) return self def predict(self, X): return self.classes_[np.zeros(X.shape[0], dtype=int)] def test_bagging_sample_weight_unsupported_but_passed(): estimator = BaggingClassifier(DummyZeroEstimator()) rng = check_random_state(0), assert_raises(ValueError,,,, sample_weight=rng.randint(10, size=([0]))) def test_warm_start(random_state=42): # Test if fitting incrementally with warm start gives a forest of the # right size and the same results as a normal fit. X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=20, random_state=1) clf_ws = None for n_estimators in [5, 10]: if clf_ws is None: clf_ws = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators, random_state=random_state, warm_start=True) else: clf_ws.set_params(n_estimators=n_estimators), y) assert_equal(len(clf_ws), n_estimators) clf_no_ws = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=random_state, warm_start=False), y) assert_equal(set([tree.random_state for tree in clf_ws]), set([tree.random_state for tree in clf_no_ws])) def test_warm_start_smaller_n_estimators(): # Test if warm start'ed second fit with smaller n_estimators raises error. X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=20, random_state=1) clf = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=5, warm_start=True), y) clf.set_params(n_estimators=4) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) def test_warm_start_equal_n_estimators(): # Test that nothing happens when fitting without increasing n_estimators X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=20, random_state=1) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=43) clf = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=5, warm_start=True, random_state=83), y_train) y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) # modify X to nonsense values, this should not change anything X_train += 1. assert_warns_message(UserWarning, "Warm-start fitting without increasing n_estimators does not",, X_train, y_train) assert_array_equal(y_pred, clf.predict(X_test)) def test_warm_start_equivalence(): # warm started classifier with 5+5 estimators should be equivalent to # one classifier with 10 estimators X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=20, random_state=1) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=43) clf_ws = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=5, warm_start=True, random_state=3141), y_train) clf_ws.set_params(n_estimators=10), y_train) y1 = clf_ws.predict(X_test) clf = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=10, warm_start=False, random_state=3141), y_train) y2 = clf.predict(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(y1, y2) def test_warm_start_with_oob_score_fails(): # Check using oob_score and warm_start simultaneously fails X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=20, random_state=1) clf = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=5, warm_start=True, oob_score=True) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) def test_oob_score_removed_on_warm_start(): X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=2000, random_state=1) clf = BaggingClassifier(n_estimators=50, oob_score=True), y) clf.set_params(warm_start=True, oob_score=False, n_estimators=100), y) assert_raises(AttributeError, getattr, clf, "oob_score_")
Allocation model/
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Deployment model for distributed gasifiers # Jose Daniel Lara from __future__ import division from pyomo.environ import * import googlemaps import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Replace the API key below with a valid API key. gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='AIzaSyAh2PIcLDrPecSSR36z2UNubqphdHwIw7M') model = ConcreteModel() # Load data from files. biomass_file = open('sources.dat', 'r') biomass_list = biomass_file.close() substation_file = open('destinations.dat', 'r') substation_list = substation_file.close() # Data for the piecewise approximation # What are the units? Are they generator size (kW) and total cost ($/kW)? size = [1, 2, 3, 5, 10] cost = [4000, 6500, 7500, 9300, 13000] # A more "python" style way of specifying this data is with tuples: # unit_cost_data = [(size_mw, unit_cost_d_per_mw), ...] unit_cost_data = [ (1, 4000), (2, 6500), (3, 7500), (5, 9300), (10, 13000) ] # The x and y are two parts of a single record. The tuple-based list # ensures that each record is complete. Iteration would proceed like so: # for (size, cost) in unit_cost_data: # print(size, cost) # Conventions for naming model components: # SETS_ALL_CAPS # VarsCamelCase # params_pothole_case # Constraints_Words_Capitalized_With_Underscores # Define sets and initialize them from data above. model.SOURCES = Set(initialize=biomass_list, doc='Location of Biomass sources') model.SUBSTATIONS = Set(initialize=substation_list, doc='Location of Substations') model.ROUTES = Set(dimen=2, doc='Allows routes from sources to sinks', initialize=lambda mdl: (mdl.SOURCES * mdl.SUBSTATIONS)) model.PW = Set(initialize=range(1, len(size) + 1), doc='Set for the PW approx') # Define Parameters # Cost related parameters model.installation_cost_var = Param(initialize=150, doc='Variable installation cost per kW') model.installation_cost_fix = Param(initialize=5000, doc='Fixed cost of installing in the site') model.om_cost_fix = Param(initialize=100, doc='Fixed cost of operation per installed kW') model.om_cost_var = Param(initialize=40, doc='Variable cost of operation per installed kW') model.biomass_cost = Param(model.SOURCES, initialize={'Seattle, WA, USA': 12, 'San Diego, CA, USA': 32, 'memphis': 20, 'portland': 22, 'salt-lake-city': 23, 'washington-dc': 25}, doc='Cost of biomass per ton') model.transport_cost = Param(initialize=25, doc='Freight in dollars per ton per km') model.fit_tariff = Param(model.SUBSTATIONS, initialize={'New York, NY, USA': 1, 'Chicago, IL, USA': 2.4, 'Topeka, KY, USA': 1.5, 'boston': 1.4, 'dallas': 1.65, 'kansas-cty': 1.65, 'los-angeles': 1.0}, doc='Payment FIT $/kWh') # Limits related parameters model.source_biomass_max = Param(model.SOURCES, initialize={'Seattle, WA, USA': 2350, 'San Diego, CA, USA': 2600, 'memphis': 1200, 'portland': 2000, 'salt-lake-city': 2100, 'washington-dc': 2500}, doc='Capacity of supply in tons') model.max_capacity = Param(initialize=1000, doc='Max installation per site kW') model.min_capacity = Param(initialize=100, doc='Min installation per site kW') # Operational parameters model.heat_rate = Param(initialize=0.8333, doc='Heat rate kWh/Kg') model.capacity_factor = Param(initialize=0.85, doc='Gasifier capacity factor') # Distances from googleAPI, matrx_distance is a dictionary, first it extends # the biomass list to include the substations for the distance calculations matrx_distance = gmaps.distance_matrix(biomass_list, substation_list, mode="driving") # Extract distances from the google maps API results distance_table = {} for (bio_idx, biomass_source) in enumerate(biomass_list): for (sub_idx, substation_dest) in enumerate(substation_list): distance_table[biomass_source, substation_dest] = 0.001 * ( matrx_distance['rows'][bio_idx]['elements'][sub_idx]['distance']['value']) model.distances = Param(model.ROUTES, initialize=distance_table, doc='Distance in km') def calculate_lines(x, y): """ Calculate lines to connect a series of points, given matching vectors of x,y coordinates. This only makes sense for monotolically increasing values. This function does not perform a data integrity check. """ slope_list = {} intercept_list = {} for i in range(0, len(x) - 1): slope_list[i+1] = (y[i] - y[i+1]) / (x[i] - x[i+1]) intercept_list[i+1] = y[i+1] - slope_list[i+1] * x[i+1] return slope_list, intercept_list install_cost_slope, install_cost_intercept = calculate_lines(size, cost) # Add meaningful doc for the components below. model.install_cost_slope = Param(model.PW, initialize=install_cost_slope, doc='PW c_i') model.install_cost_intercept = Param(model.PW, initialize=install_cost_intercept, doc='PW d_i') # Define variables # Generator Variables model.CapInstalled = Var(model.SUBSTATIONS, within=NonNegativeReals, doc='Installed Capacity kW') model.InstallorNot = Var(model.SUBSTATIONS, within=Binary, doc='Decision to install or not') model.BiomassTransported = Var(model.ROUTES, within=NonNegativeReals, doc='Biomass shipment quantities in tons') # What is z_i ? model.z_i = Var(model.SUBSTATIONS, within=NonNegativeReals, doc='Variable for PW of installation cost') # Define contraints # Here b is the index for sources and s the index for substations # This set of constraints define the energy balances in the system # It is confusing & potentially problematic that your function for the # constraint is named identically to the constraint itself. A standard # Pyomo convention is to use the suffix "_rule", like Subs_Nodal_Balance_rule. def Subs_Nodal_Balance(mdl, s): # The units don't make sense here unless you include a time duration # on the left side # Left side: kW * %_cap_factor -> kW # Right side: kWh/kg * kg -> kWh # kW != kWh return mdl.CapInstalled[s] * mdl.capacity_factor == ( sum(mdl.heat_rate * mdl.BiomassTransported[b, s] for b in mdl.SOURCES)) # This logic will be buggy if your routes don't connect every biomass # sources to every substation. There are multiple ways to address this # one of which is to iterate over the list of routes and filter it to # suppliers of this substation. # for (b, s2) in mdl.ROUTES if s == s2 # You could also process the routes in advance and have an indexed set of # suppliers for each substation_dest that you could access like so: # for b in mdl.BIOMASS_SUPPLIERS[s] # You could also define BiomassTransported[] for every combination of # biomass source & substation, then constrain ones that lack routes to be 0. model.Subs_Nodal_Balance = Constraint(model.SUBSTATIONS, rule=Subs_Nodal_Balance, doc='Energy Balance at the substation') def Sources_Nodal_Limit(mdl, b): return sum(mdl.BiomassTransported[b, s] for s in model.SUBSTATIONS) <= ( model.source_biomass_max[b]) # This logic will be buggy if routes don't connect everything. See note above. model.Sources_Nodal_Limit = Constraint(model.SOURCES, rule=Sources_Nodal_Limit, doc='Limit of biomass supply at source') # This set of constraints define the limits to the power at the substation def Install_Decision_Max(mdl, s): return mdl.CapInstalled[s] <= mdl.InstallorNot[s] * mdl.max_capacity model.Install_Decision_Max = Constraint( model.SUBSTATIONS, rule=Install_Decision_Max, doc='Limit the maximum installed capacity and bind the continuous decision to the binary InstallorNot variable.') def Install_Decision_Min(mdl, s): return mdl.min_capacity * mdl.InstallorNot[s] <= mdl.CapInstalled[s] model.Install_Decision_Min = Constraint(model.SUBSTATIONS, rule=Install_Decision_Min, doc='Installed capacity must exceed the minimum threshold.') # This set of constraints define the piece-wise linear approximation of # installation cost def Pw_Install_Cost(mdl, s): # Logic is confusing! You accept substation s as an argument, then # ignore that value and iterate over all substations. # The for loops below will always return values for the first substation # & the first line segment .. calling return inside a loop will exit the loop. for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS: for p in mdl.PW: return mdl.z_i[s] == (mdl.install_cost_slope[p] * mdl.CapInstalled[s] + mdl.install_cost_intercept[p]) model.Pw_Install_Cost = Constraint(model.SUBSTATIONS, rule=Pw_Install_Cost, doc='PW constraint') # Define Objective Function. def objective_rule(mdl): return ( # Capacity costs sum(mdl.z_i[s] for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS) # O&M costs (variable & fixed) + sum((mdl.om_cost_fix + mdl.capacity_factor * mdl.om_cost_var) * mdl.CapInstalled[s] for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS) # The next line is buggy; uses same om_cost_fix param as previous line, but # units don't cancel out: $/kw-installed * [unitless binary value] != $ + sum((model.om_cost_fix) * mdl.InstallorNot[s] for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS) # Transportation costs + sum(mdl.distances[r] * model.BiomassTransported[r] for r in mdl.ROUTES) # Biomass acquisition costs. These will be buggy if routes aren't the # entire cross product. See note in Subs_Nodal_Balance. # Why are these costs subtracted instead of added? - sum(mdl.biomass_cost[b] * sum(mdl.BiomassTransported[b, s] for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS) for b in mdl.SOURCES) # Gross profits (per month?) - sum(mdl.fit_tariff[s] * mdl.CapInstalled[s] * mdl.capacity_factor * 30 * 24 for s in mdl.SUBSTATIONS) ) # Rename objective to be more descriptive. Maybe "net_profits" model.objective = Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=minimize, doc='Define objective function') # Display of the output # # plt.plot(size, cost) # def pyomo_postprocess(options=None, instance=None, results=None): model.CapInstalled.display() model.BiomassTransported.display() # This is an optional code path that allows the script to be run outside of # pyomo command-line. For example: python if __name__ == '__main__': # This emulates what the pyomo command-line tools does from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory import pyomo.environ opt = SolverFactory("gurobi") results = opt.solve(model, tee=True) # sends results to stdout results.write() print("\nDisplaying Solution\n" + '-' * 60) pyomo_postprocess(None, None, results)
import unittest import sys import numpy as np from sklearn.mixture import DPGMM, VBGMM from sklearn.mixture.dpgmm import log_normalize from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_less, assert_equal from sklearn.mixture.tests.test_gmm import GMMTester from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO np.seterr(all='warn') def test_class_weights(): # check that the class weights are updated # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50) # get indices of components that are used: indices = np.unique(dpgmm.predict(X)) active = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.bool) active[indices] = True # used components are important assert_array_less(.1, dpgmm.weights_[active]) # others are not assert_array_less(dpgmm.weights_[~active], .05) def test_verbose_boolean(): # checks that the output for the verbose output is the same # for the flag values '1' and 'True' # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm_bool = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=True) dpgmm_int = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: # generate output with the boolean flag verbose_output = sys.stdout bool_output = verbose_output.readline() # generate output with the int flag verbose_output = sys.stdout int_output = verbose_output.readline() assert_equal(bool_output, int_output) finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_first_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_second_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=2) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_log_normalize(): v = np.array([0.1, 0.8, 0.01, 0.09]) a = np.log(2 * v) assert np.allclose(v, log_normalize(a), rtol=0.01) def do_model(self, **kwds): return VBGMM(verbose=False, **kwds) class DPGMMTester(GMMTester): model = DPGMM do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestDPGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class VBGMMTester(GMMTester): model = do_model do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestVBGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp
from numpy import * from random import choice from dopamine.agents.valuebased.estimator import Estimator from dopamine.fapprox import LWPRFA from matplotlib import pyplot as plt class FAEstimator(Estimator): conditions = {'discreteStates':False, 'discreteActions':True} def __init__(self, stateDim, actionNum, faClass=LWPRFA, ordered=False): """ initialize with the state dimension and number of actions. """ self.stateDim = stateDim self.actionNum = actionNum self.faClass = faClass self.ordered = ordered self.fas = [] # create memory for ordered estimator if self.ordered: self.memory = [] # define training and target array self.reset() def getBestAction(self, state): """ returns the action with maximal value in the given state. if several actions have the same value, pick one at random. """ state = state.flatten() values = array([self.getValue(state, array([a])) for a in range(self.actionNum)]) maxvalues = where(values == values.max())[0] if len(maxvalues) > 0: action = array([choice(maxvalues)]) else: # this should not happen, but it does in rare cases, return the first action action = array([0]) return action def getValue(self, state, action): """ returns the value of the given (state,action) pair as float. """ action = int(action.item()) if self.ordered and (action in self.memory): return -inf state = state.flatten() return self.fas[action].predict(state).item() def updateValue(self, state, action, value): state = state.flatten() self.fas[int(action.item())].update(state, value) def reset(self): """ clear collected training set. """ # special case to clean up lwpr models that were pickled if self.faClass == LWPRFA: for fa in self.fas: fa._cleanup() self.fas = [self.faClass(self.stateDim, 1) for i in range(self.actionNum)] def train(self): """ train individual models for each actions seperately. """ for a in range(self.actionNum): self.fas[a].train() def rememberAction(self, action): if self.ordered: self.memory.append(int(action.item())) def resetMemory(self): if self.ordered: self.memory = []
#!/usr/bin/env python """Usage: [OPTIONS...] H5FILE... Produces TBD Options: -h Display this help message and exit -o OUTSUFFIX Save the output file PLOT.OUTSUFFIX instead of displaying File H5FILE should have been produced by the perfect_summary application. """ from __future__ import division, print_function import collections import getopt import h5py import logging import math import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import sys matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True # Some of the labels used in the plotting routines require \mathscr # Jump through some extra hoops to make sure we don't introduce # duplicates into the preamble. def unique_append(l, v): if v not in l: l.append(v) unique_append(matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'], r'\usepackage[charter]{mathdesign}') # Prepare a logger to produce messages logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s %(message)s') l = logging.getLogger(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]) class Bunch(dict): "An implementation of the Bunch pattern." def __init__(self, **kw): dict.__init__(self, kw) self.__dict__ = self def maybe_assume_uncorrelated(data, keyAB, keyA, keyB=None, warn=True): """ If "AB" is not in dictionary data then assume Cov(A,B) = 0 implying E[AB] = E[A] * E[B]. This is obviously not ideal from a rigor perspective and therefore warnings are emitted whenever warn is True. """ if keyAB in data: pass elif keyB is None: data[keyAB] = data[keyA]**2 l.warn("Estimated unknown %s by neglecting higher moment of %s" % (keyAB, keyA)) else: data[keyAB] = data[keyA] * data[keyB] l.warn("Estimated unknown %s by assuming %s and %s are uncorrelated" % (keyAB, keyA, keyB)) class Data(object): """ Storage of data loaded and computed from a single summary file. When enforceSymmetry is True and the file represents channel data, the upper and lower halves of the channel are assumed to be symmetric causing the profile data to be averaged. """ # FIXME Correct symmetry enforcement for antisymmetric quantities def __init__(self, filename, enforceSymmetry=False): "Prepare averaged information and derived quantities from a filename" # Load file and prepare scalar and vector storage locations # Automatically unpack a variety of data mapping it into Bunches self.file = h5py.File(filename, 'r') self.y = self.file['y'][()] self.code = Bunch(alpha = self.file['alpha'][0], beta = self.file['beta' ][0], gamma = self.file['gamma'][0], Ma = self.file['Ma' ][0], Re = self.file['Re' ][0], Pr = self.file['Pr' ][0]) self.htdelta = self.file['htdelta'][0] # Additionally, "bl.*" or "chan.*" is mapped into self.*. = Bunch() # From "mu" attribute of bar_* self.bulk = Bunch() # Populated after construction self.rms = Bunch() # Populated after construction self.local = Bunch() # Populated after construction self.lower = Bunch() # From lower_* self.sigma = Bunch() # From "mu_sigma" attribute of bar_* self.tilde = Bunch() # Populated after construction self.tke = Bunch() # Populated after construction self.upper = Bunch() # From upper_* self.weight = Bunch() # From *_weights for k, v in self.file.iteritems(): if k.startswith("bar_"): [k[4:]] = v.attrs["mu"] self.sigma[k[4:]] = v.attrs["mu_sigma"] elif k.startswith("bulk_"): self.bulk[k[5:]] = v[0] elif k.startswith("lower_"): self.lower[k[6:]] = v[()] elif k.startswith("upper_"): self.upper[k[6:]] = v[()] elif k.endswith("_weights"): self.weight[k[:-8]] = v[()] elif k.startswith("bl."): self.__dict__[k[3:]] = Bunch( **{a:b[0] for a,b in v.attrs.items()}) elif k.startswith("chan."): self.__dict__[k[5:]] = Bunch( **{a:b[0] for a,b in v.attrs.items()}) # Employ symmetry assumptions, if requested and applicable # to improve mean estimates and associated uncertainties. # Based upon # X ~ N(\mu_x, \sigma_x^2) # Y ~ N(\mu_y, \sigma_y^2) # Z = a X + b Y # ~ N(a \mu_x + b \mu_y, a^2 \sigma_x^2 + b^2 \sigma_y^2) # implying # std(Z) = sqrt(std(x)**2 + std(y)**2) / 2 # which leads to the computations below. # Notice self.file is NOT adjusted, only mean profile information, # and also that the domain is not truncated to only the lower half. if self.htdelta >= 0 and enforceSymmetry: for k, v in[k] = (v + np.flipud(v)) / 2 for k, v in self.sigma.iteritems(): self.sigma[k] = np.sqrt(v**2 + np.flipud(v)**2) / 2 self.enforceSymmetry = True else: self.enforceSymmetry = False # Compute scaling information per the incoming data, including... if "visc" in self.__dict__ and "wall" in self.__dict__: # ...classical incompressible plus units and... = Bunch() = self.visc.u_tau = (self.wall.rho*self.y* / *self.code.Re) # ...variable density star units per Huang et al JFM 1995 # (Beware this does weird things on the upper channel half) = Bunch() = np.sqrt(self.visc.tau_w / = (*self.y* / *self.code.Re) else: l.warn("Star and plus unit computations not performed" " because /{bl,chan}.{visc,wall} not found") # Compute a whole mess of derived information, if possible try: from perfect_decl import pointwise pointwise(self.code.gamma, self.code.Ma, self.code.Re, self.code.Pr, self.y,, self.rms, self.tilde, self.local, self.tke) except ImportError: l.warn("Pointwise computations not performed" " because module 'perfect_decl' not found") # FIXME Correct symmetry enforcement for antisymmetric quantities def esterrcov(self, *keys): """ Produce an y-dependent empirical covariance matrix for the given keys returning squared standard errors from self.sigma on the diagonal. """ # Check incoming arguments if not keys: raise ValueError("One or more keys must be provided") for k in keys: if k not in self.sigma: raise KeyError("Key %s not in sigma" % k) if "bar_"+k not in self.file: raise KeyError("Key %s not in sigma" % "bar_"+k) # Preallocate space to pack incoming data and store results ex = self.file["bar_"+k] nt, ny = ex.shape nv = len(keys) out = np.empty((nv, nv, ny), dtype=ex.dtype, order='C') dat = np.empty((nv, nt), dtype=ex.dtype, order='C') # Process each y location in turn... for j in xrange(ny): # ...pack temporal trace into dat buffer # (if needed averaging with the opposite channel half) for i, key in enumerate(keys): dat[i, :] = self.file["bar_"+key][:,j] if self.enforceSymmetry: for i, key in enumerate(keys): dat[i, :] += self.file["bar_"+key][:,ny-1-j] dat /= 2 # ...obtain correlation matrix with unit diagonal t = np.corrcoef(dat, bias=1) # ...scale correlation by squared standard error # to obtain a covariance matrix. for i, key in enumerate(keys): t[i,:] *= self.sigma[key][j] t[:,i] *= self.sigma[key][j] # ...and store the result into out out[:, :, j] = t return out def plot_profiles(data, fbottom=None, ftop=None, **fig_kw): """ Plot mean primitive profiles, their RMS fluctuations, and uncertainties. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=('all' if (data.htdelta >= 0) else False), squeeze=False, **fig_kw) bar, tilde, sigma, star =, data.tilde, data.sigma, # Change our x axes slightly depending on channel versus boundary layer if data.htdelta >= 0: x = star.y xl = None else: x = data.y/data.thick.delta99 xl = r"$y/\delta_{99}$" ######################################################################### # Build dictionary of means and list of standard errors for upper row m = collections.OrderedDict() s = [] m[r"$\bar{\rho}$"] = bar.rho s.append(sigma.rho) m[r"$\bar{u}$" ] = bar.u s.append(sigma.u) m[r"$\bar{T}$"] = bar.T s.append(sigma.T) m[r"$\bar{\mu}$"] = s.append( # Plot upper left subfigure for k, v in m.iteritems(): ax[0][0].plot(x, v, label=k) if xl: ax[0][0].set_xlabel(xl) ax[0][0].set_ylabel(r"$\mu$") # Plot upper right subfigure for k, v in m.iteritems(): ax[0][1].semilogy(x, s.pop(0)/v, label=k) if xl: ax[0][1].set_xlabel(xl) ax[0][1].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_\mu / \mu$") if fbottom: ax[0][1].set_ylim(bottom=fbottom) if ftop: ax[0][1].set_ylim(top=ftop) ######################################################################### # Build dictionary of means and standard errors for lower row # Variance expressions from postproc/ -d perfect.decl m.clear() del s[:] m[r"$\widetilde{u^{\prime\prime{}2}}$"] = tilde.upp_upp cov = data.esterrcov("rho", "rho_u", "rho_u_u") s.append( cov[0,0,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u - 2*bar.rho_u**2)**2/bar.rho**6) + cov[0,1,:] * (4*(bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u - 2*bar.rho_u**2)*bar.rho_u/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,2,:] * (2*(-bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u + 2*bar.rho_u**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,1,:] * (4*bar.rho_u**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,2,:] * (-4*bar.rho_u/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,2,:] * (bar.rho**(-2)) ) m[r"$\widetilde{v^{\prime\prime{}2}}$"] = tilde.vpp_vpp cov = data.esterrcov("rho", "rho_v", "rho_v_v") s.append( cov[0,0,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v - 2*bar.rho_v**2)**2/bar.rho**6) + cov[0,1,:] * (4*(bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v - 2*bar.rho_v**2)*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,2,:] * (2*(-bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v + 2*bar.rho_v**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,1,:] * (4*bar.rho_v**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,2,:] * (-4*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,2,:] * (bar.rho**(-2)) ) m[r"$\widetilde{w^{\prime\prime{}2}}$"] = tilde.wpp_wpp cov = data.esterrcov("rho", "rho_w", "rho_w_w") s.append( cov[0,0,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_w**2)**2/bar.rho**6) + cov[0,1,:] * (4*(bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_w**2)*bar.rho_w/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,2,:] * (2*(-bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w + 2*bar.rho_w**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,1,:] * (4*bar.rho_w**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,2,:] * (-4*bar.rho_w/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,2,:] * (bar.rho**(-2)) ) m[r"$\widetilde{u^{\prime\prime}v^{\prime\prime}}$"] = tilde.upp_vpp cov = data.esterrcov("rho", "rho_u", "rho_u_v", "rho_v") s.append( cov[0,0,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_v - 2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v)**2/bar.rho**6) + cov[0,1,:] * (2*(bar.rho*bar.rho_u_v - 2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v)*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,2,:] * (2*(-bar.rho*bar.rho_u_v + 2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v)/bar.rho**4) + cov[0,3,:] * (2*(bar.rho*bar.rho_u_v - 2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v)*bar.rho_u/bar.rho**5) + cov[1,1,:] * (bar.rho_v**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,2,:] * (-2*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**3) + cov[1,3,:] * (2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**4) + cov[2,2,:] * (bar.rho**(-2)) + cov[2,3,:] * (-2*bar.rho_u/bar.rho**3) + cov[3,3,:] * (bar.rho_u**2/bar.rho**4) ) m[r"$k$"] = tilde.k cov = data.esterrcov("rho", "rho_u", "rho_u_u", "rho_v", "rho_v_v", "rho_w", "rho_w_w") s.append( + cov[0,0,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u + bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v + bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_u**2 - 2*bar.rho_v**2 - 2*bar.rho_w**2)**2/(4*bar.rho**6)) + cov[0,1,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u + bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v + bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_u**2 - 2*bar.rho_v**2 - 2*bar.rho_w**2)*bar.rho_u/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,2,:] * ((-bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w/2 + bar.rho_u**2 + bar.rho_v**2 + bar.rho_w**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[0,3,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u + bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v + bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_u**2 - 2*bar.rho_v**2 - 2*bar.rho_w**2)*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,4,:] * ((-bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w/2 + bar.rho_u**2 + bar.rho_v**2 + bar.rho_w**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[0,5,:] * ((bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u + bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v + bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w - 2*bar.rho_u**2 - 2*bar.rho_v**2 - 2*bar.rho_w**2)*bar.rho_w/bar.rho**5) + cov[0,6,:] * ((-bar.rho*bar.rho_u_u/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_v_v/2 - bar.rho*bar.rho_w_w/2 + bar.rho_u**2 + bar.rho_v**2 + bar.rho_w**2)/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,1,:] * (bar.rho_u**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,2,:] * (-bar.rho_u/bar.rho**3) + cov[1,3,:] * (2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_v/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,4,:] * (-bar.rho_u/bar.rho**3) + cov[1,5,:] * (2*bar.rho_u*bar.rho_w/bar.rho**4) + cov[1,6,:] * (-bar.rho_u/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,2,:] * (1/(4*bar.rho**2)) + cov[2,3,:] * (-bar.rho_v/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,4,:] * (1/(2*bar.rho**2)) + cov[2,5,:] * (-bar.rho_w/bar.rho**3) + cov[2,6,:] * (1/(2*bar.rho**2)) + cov[3,3,:] * (bar.rho_v**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[3,4,:] * (-bar.rho_v/bar.rho**3) + cov[3,5,:] * (2*bar.rho_v*bar.rho_w/bar.rho**4) + cov[3,6,:] * (-bar.rho_v/bar.rho**3) + cov[4,4,:] * (1/(4*bar.rho**2)) + cov[4,5,:] * (-bar.rho_w/bar.rho**3) + cov[4,6,:] * (1/(2*bar.rho**2)) + cov[5,5,:] * (bar.rho_w**2/bar.rho**4) + cov[5,6,:] * (-bar.rho_w/bar.rho**3) + cov[6,6,:] * (1/(4*bar.rho**2)) ) # Plot lower left subfigure (includes normalization) for k, v in m.iteritems(): ax[1][0].plot(star.y, v / star.u**2, label=k) ax[1][0].set_xlabel(r"$y^\ast$") ax[1][0].set_ylabel(r"$\mu / u_\tau^{\ast{}2}$") # Plot lower right subfigure (includes normalization) for k, v in m.iteritems(): ax[1][1].semilogy(star.y, np.sqrt(s.pop(0))/np.abs(v), label=k) ax[1][1].set_xlabel(r"$y^\ast$") ax[1][1].set_ylabel(r"$\sigma_\mu / \left|\mu\right|$") if fbottom: ax[1][1].set_ylim(bottom=fbottom) if ftop: ax[1][1].set_ylim(top=ftop) if data.htdelta >= 0: # Truncate at half channel width ax[0][0].set_xlim(right=np.median(star.y)) ax[0][1].set_xlim(right=np.median(star.y)) ax[1][0].set_xlim(right=np.median(star.y)) ax[1][1].set_xlim(right=np.median(star.y)) # Add legends on rightmost images ax[0][1].legend(frameon=False, loc='best') ax[1][1].legend(frameon=False, loc='best') else: # Truncate at boundary layer thickness ax[0][0].set_xlim(right=1.0) ax[0][1].set_xlim(right=1.0) ax[1][0].set_xlim(right=star.y[np.argmax(data.y/data.thick.delta99 >= 1.0)]) ax[1][1].set_xlim(right=star.y[np.argmax(data.y/data.thick.delta99 >= 1.0)]) # Add legends on leftmost images ax[0][0].legend(frameon=False, loc='best') ax[1][0].legend(frameon=False, loc='best') return fig # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' # TODO Add a show_residual option like plot_rho, plot_rho_u, etc. def plot_tke(data, y=None, vert=1, thresh=None, merge_pflux=False, ax=None, **plotargs): """ Plot TKE budgets from data permitting rescaling and thresholding. If thresh is not None, it is taken as the fraction of maximum production used as a cutoff for suppressing lines. Positive thresh retains only lines with maxima above that value while negative thresh retains only lines with maxima below that value. Guarini et al 2000 used 25. Regardless, identically zero curves are always suppressed. If merge_pflux is True, these two pressure-related flux terms \bar{p}\nabla\cdot\overline{u''}/\mbox{Ma}^2$ -\nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}\widetilde{T''u''}/\gamma/\mbox{Ma}^2$ are reported as a single curve. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Plotting cutoff based on magnitude of the production term. max_production = np.max(np.abs(vert * data.tke.production)) def pthresh(y, q, *args, **kwargs): max_q = np.max(np.abs(q)) if max_q == 0: pass # Always suppress identically zero data elif thresh is None: return ax.plot(y, q, *args, **kwargs) elif thresh >= 0: if max_q >= max_production / +thresh: return ax.plot(y, q, *args, **kwargs) elif thresh < 0: if max_q < max_production / -thresh: return ax.plot(y, q, *args, **kwargs) else: assert False, "Sanity error" # Produce plots in order of most to least likely to exceed thresh # This causes any repeated linetypes to be fairly simple to distinguish # Likely to exceed threshold but we will check anyway pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.production, label=r"$- \bar{\rho}\widetilde{u''\otimes{}u''}:\nabla\tilde{u}$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.dissipation, label=r"$- \bar{\rho}\epsilon / \mbox{Re}$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.transport, label=r"$- \nabla\cdot \bar{\rho} \widetilde{{u''}^{2}u''} / 2$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.diffusion, label=r"$\nabla\cdot \overline{\tau{}u''}/\mbox{Re}$", **plotargs) # Conceivable that these will not exceed the threshold # Permit two different ways to view the pressure terms per merge_pflux if merge_pflux: pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.pmassflux + vert * data.tke.pheatflux, label=r"$\left(" r"\bar{p}\nabla\cdot\overline{u''}" r"-\nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}\widetilde{T''u''}/\gamma" r"\right)/\mbox{Ma}^2$", **plotargs) # Pressure dilatation appears inside conditional to preserve ordering pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.pdilatation, label=r"$\overline{p' \nabla\cdot{}u''}/\mbox{Ma}^2$", **plotargs) else: pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.pmassflux, label=r"$\bar{p}\nabla\cdot\overline{u''}/\mbox{Ma}^2$", **plotargs) # Pressure dilatation appears inside conditional to preserve ordering pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.pdilatation, label=r"$\overline{p' \nabla\cdot{}u''}/\mbox{Ma}^2$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.pheatflux, label=r"$-\nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}\widetilde{T''u''}/\gamma/\mbox{Ma}^2$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.convection, label=r"$- \nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}k\tilde{u}$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * (data.tke.forcing + data.tke.constraint), label=r"$\overline{f\cdot{}u''}$", **plotargs) pthresh(y, vert * data.tke.slowgrowth, label=r"$\overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho{}u}\cdot{}u''}$", **plotargs) return ax.figure # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' def plot_rho(data, y=None, vert=1, show_residual=False, ax=None, **plotargs): """ Plot density budgets from data permitting rescaling. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Gather all pointwise quantities into a label -> value dictionary curves = collections.OrderedDict() # See perfect.decl for more background curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}\tilde{u}$"] = ( - ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho}}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{C}_{\rho}}$"] = ( + ) # Produce the plot for nontrivial quantities if show_residual: residual = np.zeros_like(y) for key, val in curves.iteritems(): if show_residual: residual += val if np.abs(val).max() > 0: ax.plot(y, vert * val, label=key, **plotargs) if show_residual: ax.plot(y, vert * residual, 'k:', label="Residual") return ax.figure # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' def plot_rho_u(data, y=None, vert=1, ax=None, show_residual=False, **plotargs): """ Plot streamwise momentum budgets from data permitting rescaling. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Gather all pointwise quantities into a label -> value dictionary curves = collections.OrderedDict() # See perfect.decl for more background curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left.\tilde{u}\otimes\bar{\rho}\tilde{u}\right.$"] = ( - data.tilde.v* -*data.tilde.v__y ) curves[r"$- \frac{1}{\textrm{Ma}^2}\nabla{}\bar{p}$"] = ( - np.zeros_like(y) / data.code.Ma**2 ) curves[r"$ \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\tau}/\textrm{Re} \right.$"] = ( + / data.code.Re ) curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\rho} \widetilde{u''\otimes{}u''} \right.$"] = ( -*data.tilde.upp_vpp__y - data.tilde.upp_vpp* ) curves[r"$ \bar{f}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{C}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) # Produce the plot for nontrivial quantities if show_residual: residual = np.zeros_like(y) for key, val in curves.iteritems(): if show_residual: residual += val if np.abs(val).max() > 0: ax.plot(y, vert * val, label=key, **plotargs) if show_residual: ax.plot(y, vert * residual, 'k:', label="Residual") return ax.figure # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' def plot_rho_v(data, y=None, vert=1, ax=None, show_residual=False, **plotargs): """ Plot wall-normal momentum budgets from data permitting rescaling. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Gather all pointwise quantities into a label -> value dictionary curves = collections.OrderedDict() # See perfect.decl for more background curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left.\tilde{u}\otimes\bar{\rho}\tilde{u}\right.$"] = ( - data.tilde.v* -*data.tilde.v__y ) curves[r"$- \frac{1}{\textrm{Ma}^2}\nabla{}\bar{p}$"] = ( - / data.code.Ma**2 ) curves[r"$ \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\tau}/\textrm{Re} \right.$"] = ( + / data.code.Re ) curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\rho} \widetilde{u''\otimes{}u''} \right.$"] = ( -*data.tilde.vpp_vpp__y - data.tilde.vpp_vpp* ) curves[r"$ \bar{f}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{C}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) # Produce the plot for nontrivial quantities if show_residual: residual = np.zeros_like(y) for key, val in curves.iteritems(): if show_residual: residual += val if np.abs(val).max() > 0: ax.plot(y, vert * val, label=key, **plotargs) if show_residual: ax.plot(y, vert * residual, 'k:', label="Residual") return ax.figure # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' def plot_rho_w(data, y=None, vert=1, ax=None, show_residual=False, **plotargs): """ Plot spanwise momentum budgets from data permitting rescaling. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Gather all pointwise quantities into a label -> value dictionary curves = collections.OrderedDict() # See perfect.decl for more background curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left.\tilde{u}\otimes\bar{\rho}\tilde{u}\right.$"] = ( - data.tilde.v* -*data.tilde.v__y ) curves[r"$- \frac{1}{\textrm{Ma}^2}\nabla{}\bar{p}$"] = ( - np.zeros_like(y) / data.code.Ma**2 ) curves[r"$ \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\tau}/\textrm{Re} \right.$"] = ( + / data.code.Re ) curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\rho} \widetilde{u''\otimes{}u''} \right.$"] = ( -*data.tilde.vpp_wpp__y - data.tilde.vpp_wpp* ) curves[r"$ \bar{f}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{C}_{\rho{}u}}$"] = ( + ) # Produce the plot for nontrivial quantities if show_residual: residual = np.zeros_like(y) for key, val in curves.iteritems(): if show_residual: residual += val if np.abs(val).max() > 0: ax.plot(y, vert * val, label=key, **plotargs) if show_residual: ax.plot(y, vert * residual, 'k:', label="Residual") return ax.figure # TODO Smooth per B-splines using ' from scipy.interpolate import interp1d' def plot_rho_E(data, y=None, vert=1, ax=None, show_residual=False, **plotargs): """ Plot total energy budgets from data permitting rescaling. """ # Get a new axis if one was not supplied if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Plot along y unless requested otherwise if y is None: y = data.y # Gather all pointwise quantities into a label -> value dictionary curves = collections.OrderedDict() # See perfect.decl for more background curves[r"$- \nabla\cdot\bar{\rho}\tilde{H}\tilde{u}$"] = ( -*data.tilde.H__y - data.tilde.H* ) curves[r"$ \textrm{Ma}^{2} \nabla\cdot\left. \frac{\bar{\tau} \tilde{u}}{\textrm{Re}} \right.$"] = ( + (data.code.Ma**2/data.code.Re)*( data.tilde.u* +*data.tilde.u__y + data.tilde.v* +*data.tilde.v__y + data.tilde.w* +*data.tilde.w__y ) ) curves[r"$- \textrm{Ma}^{2} \nabla\cdot\left( \bar{\rho} \widetilde{u''\otimes{}u''} \right) \tilde{u}$"] = ( - (data.code.Ma**2)*(*data.tilde.upp_vpp__y+data.tilde.upp_vpp* +*data.tilde.vpp_vpp__y+data.tilde.vpp_vpp* +*data.tilde.vpp_wpp__y+data.tilde.vpp_wpp* ) ) curves[r"$- \frac{1}{2}\textrm{Ma}^{2} \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\rho}\widetilde{{u''}^{2}u''} \right.$"] = ( - (data.code.Ma*data.code.Ma/2)*(*data.tilde.upp2vpp__y + data.tilde.upp2vpp* ) ) curves[r"$ \textrm{Ma}^{2} \nabla\cdot\left. \frac{\overline{\tau{}u''}}{\textrm{Re}} \right.$"] = ( + (data.code.Ma*data.code.Ma/data.code.Re)*( ) ) curves[r"$ \frac{1}{\gamma-1} \nabla\cdot\left. \frac{ \bar{\mu} \widetilde{\nabla{}T} }{\textrm{Re}\textrm{Pr}} \right.$"] = ( + (* +*data.tilde.nu__y ) / ((data.code.gamma-1)*data.code.Re*data.code.Pr) ) curves[r"$ \frac{1}{\gamma-1} \nabla\cdot\left. \frac{ \bar{\rho} \widetilde{\nu'' \left(\nabla{}T\right)''} } { \textrm{Re}\textrm{Pr} } \right.$"] = ( + (*data.tilde.nupp_gradyTpp__y + data.tilde.nupp_gradyTpp* ) / ((data.code.gamma-1)*data.code.Re*data.code.Pr) ) curves[r"$- \frac{1}{\gamma-1} \nabla\cdot\left. \bar{\rho} \widetilde{T''u''} \right.$"] = ( - (*data.tilde.Tpp_vpp__y + data.tilde.Tpp_vpp* ) / (data.code.gamma-1) ) curves[r"$ \textrm{Ma}^{2} \bar{f}\cdot\tilde{u}$"] = ( + data.code.Ma*data.code.Ma*(*data.tilde.u +*data.tilde.v +*data.tilde.w) ) curves[r"$ \textrm{Ma}^{2} \overline{f\cdot{}u''}$"] = ( + data.code.Ma*data.code.Ma* ) curves[r"$ \bar{q}_b$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{S}_{\rho{}E}}$"] = ( + ) curves[r"$ \overline{\mathscr{C}_{\rho{}E}}$"] = ( + ) # Produce the plot for nontrivial quantities if show_residual: residual = np.zeros_like(y) for key, val in curves.iteritems(): if show_residual: residual += val if np.abs(val).max() > 0: ax.plot(y, vert * val, label=key, **plotargs) if show_residual: ax.plot(y, vert * residual, 'k:', label="Residual") return ax.figure def traceframe(grepkey, fnames, zerotime=False): """ Build a DataFrame from data within possibly many state.dat, qoi.dat, or bc.dat files using the 4th column 't' as the index. Logging level, time since binary launch, and time step number information is omitted. If zerotime is True, time will be shifted so the first time index is zero. """ r = pd.DataFrame() for fname in fnames: f = os.popen('grep "%s" %s' % (grepkey, fname)) t = pd.read_table(f, index_col=3, sep=r"\s*") t = t.drop(t.columns[0:2]+t.columns[3:4], axis=1) r = r.combine_first(t) # Based on # Inplace=True would be nice but it isn't available in older Pandas if zerotime: t = r.reset_index() t.t -= t.t[0] r = t.set_index(['t']) return r # I wanted the newer matplotlib LogLocator so I stole it. C'est dommage. class LogLocator(ticker.Locator): """ Determine the tick locations for log axes """ def __init__(self, base=10.0, subs=[1.0], numdecs=4, numticks=15): """ place ticks on the location= base**i*subs[j] """ self.base(base) self.subs(subs) self.numticks = numticks self.numdecs = numdecs def base(self, base): """ set the base of the log scaling (major tick every base**i, i integer) """ self._base = base + 0.0 def subs(self, subs): """ set the minor ticks the log scaling every base**i*subs[j] """ if subs is None: self._subs = None # autosub else: self._subs = np.asarray(subs) + 0.0 def __call__(self): 'Return the locations of the ticks' vmin, vmax = self.axis.get_view_interval() return self.tick_values(vmin, vmax) def tick_values(self, vmin, vmax): b = self._base # dummy axis has no axes attribute if hasattr(self.axis, 'axes') and == 'polar': vmax = math.ceil(math.log(vmax) / math.log(b)) decades = np.arange(vmax - self.numdecs, vmax) ticklocs = b ** decades return ticklocs if vmin <= 0.0: if self.axis is not None: vmin = self.axis.get_minpos() if vmin <= 0.0 or not np.isfinite(vmin): raise ValueError( "Data has no positive values, and therefore can not be " "log-scaled.") vmin = math.log(vmin) / math.log(b) vmax = math.log(vmax) / math.log(b) if vmax < vmin: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin numdec = math.floor(vmax) - math.ceil(vmin) if self._subs is None: # autosub if numdec > 10: subs = np.array([1.0]) elif numdec > 6: subs = np.arange(2.0, b, 2.0) else: subs = np.arange(2.0, b) else: subs = self._subs stride = 1 while numdec / stride + 1 > self.numticks: stride += 1 decades = np.arange(math.floor(vmin) - stride, math.ceil(vmax) + 2 * stride, stride) if hasattr(self, '_transform'): ticklocs = self._transform.inverted().transform(decades) if len(subs) > 1 or (len(subs == 1) and subs[0] != 1.0): ticklocs = np.ravel(np.outer(subs, ticklocs)) else: if len(subs) > 1 or (len(subs == 1) and subs[0] != 1.0): ticklocs = [] for decadeStart in b ** decades: ticklocs.extend(subs * decadeStart) else: ticklocs = b ** decades return self.raise_if_exceeds(np.asarray(ticklocs)) def view_limits(self, vmin, vmax): 'Try to choose the view limits intelligently' b = self._base if vmax < vmin: vmin, vmax = vmax, vmin if == 'polar': vmax = math.ceil(math.log(vmax) / math.log(b)) vmin = b ** (vmax - self.numdecs) return vmin, vmax minpos = self.axis.get_minpos() if minpos <= 0 or not np.isfinite(minpos): raise ValueError( "Data has no positive values, and therefore can not be " "log-scaled.") if vmin <= minpos: vmin = minpos if not is_decade(vmin, self._base): vmin = decade_down(vmin, self._base) if not is_decade(vmax, self._base): vmax = decade_up(vmax, self._base) if vmin == vmax: vmin = decade_down(vmin, self._base) vmax = decade_up(vmax, self._base) result = mtransforms.nonsingular(vmin, vmax) return result # TODO Split into two plots-- scenario tracking vs relaminarization # TODO Add Re_\tau as a precursor to fluctuation collapse def plot_relaminarization(dnames, Re_theta=None, Ma_e=None, ratio_T=None, v_wallplus=None, p_ex=None, delta99=None, zerotime=False, **kwargs): """ Prepare a relaminarization study plot given job directories dnames. If provided, Ma_e, p_ex, etc. are used to plot target values. """ # Load the data from various source files pbulk = traceframe('prod.bulk', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) pg = traceframe('', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) qoi = traceframe('bl.qoi', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) Re = traceframe('bl.Re', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) thick = traceframe('bl.thick', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) visc = traceframe('bl.visc', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) famax = traceframe('favre.amax', (s+"/qoi.dat" for s in dnames), zerotime) # Produce a relaminarization summary figure fig = plt.figure(**kwargs) # ax = fig.add_subplot(911) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(Re.index, Re['Re_delta2'].values) if Re_theta: ax.hlines(Re_theta, qoi.index.min(), qoi.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mbox{Re}_{\theta}$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(912) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(qoi.index, qoi['Ma_e'].values) if Ma_e: ax.hlines(Ma_e, qoi.index.min(), qoi.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mbox{Ma}_{e}$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(913) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(qoi.index, qoi['ratio_T'].values) if ratio_T: ax.hlines(ratio_T, qoi.index.min(), qoi.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$T_e/T_w$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(914) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(visc.index, visc['v_wallplus'].values) if v_wallplus: ax.hlines(v_wallplus, visc.index.min(), visc.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$v_w^+$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(915) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(pg.index, pg['p_ex'].values) if p_ex: ax.hlines(p_ex, pg.index.min(), pg.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$p^\ast_{e,\xi}$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(916) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(thick.index, thick['delta99'].values) if delta99: ax.hlines(delta99, thick.index.min(), thick.index.max(), 'r', '-.') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta_{99}$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(4)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(917) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(pbulk.index, pbulk['total'].values) ax.set_ylabel("Integrated\n" #r"$\overline{\rho u'' \otimes{} u''}:\nabla\tilde{u}$", "production", multialignment='center') if np.log10(pbulk['total'].values.max() / pbulk['total'].values.min()) > 1: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(numticks=3)) else: ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(3)) if ax.get_ylim()[0] < 1e-9: ax.set_ylim(bottom=1e-9) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(918) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['uu'].values)) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['uv'].values)) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['uw'].values)) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['vv'].values)) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['vw'].values)) ax.plot(famax.index, np.abs(famax['ww'].values)) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel("max\n" r"$\left|\widetilde{u_i''u_j''}\right|$", multialignment='center') if ax.get_ylim()[0] < 1e-8: ax.set_ylim(bottom=1e-8) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(LogLocator(numticks=3)) ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax = fig.add_subplot(919) ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) ax.plot(visc.index, visc['cf'].values) ax.set_ylabel(r'$c_f$') ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator( 4)) # ax.set_xlabel(r'Nondimensional time $t\,u_0 / l_0$') # for ax in fig.axes: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MaxNLocator(10)) ax.margins(0.025, 0.08) # fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.10) return fig class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def main(argv=None): # Permit interactive use if argv is None: argv = sys.argv # Parse and check incoming command line arguments outsuffix = None try: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "h", ["help"]) except getopt.error as msg: raise Usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print(__doc__) return 0 elif o == "-o": outsuffix = a except Usage as err: print(err.msg, file=sys.stderr) return 2 # Push interactive mode off (in case we get used from IPython) was_interactive = plt.isinteractive() plt.interactive(False) # If not saving, then display. if not outsuffix: # Pop interactive mode plt.interactive(was_interactive) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import os import shutil import tempfile import warnings import nose import numpy from pickle import loads from pickle import dumps from sklearn.datasets import get_data_home from sklearn.datasets import clear_data_home from sklearn.datasets import load_files from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_images from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_image from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes from sklearn.datasets import load_linnerud from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.datasets import load_boston from sklearn.datasets.base import Bunch from sklearn.externals.six import b, u from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises DATA_HOME = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="scikit_learn_data_home_test_") LOAD_FILES_ROOT = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="scikit_learn_load_files_test_") TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1 = "" TEST_CATEGORY_DIR2 = "" def _remove_dir(path): if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) def teardown_module(): """Test fixture (clean up) run once after all tests of this module""" for path in [DATA_HOME, LOAD_FILES_ROOT]: _remove_dir(path) def setup_load_files(): global TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1 global TEST_CATEGORY_DIR2 TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1 = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=LOAD_FILES_ROOT) TEST_CATEGORY_DIR2 = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=LOAD_FILES_ROOT) sample_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1, delete=False) sample_file.write(b("Hello World!\n")) sample_file.close() def teardown_load_files(): _remove_dir(TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1) _remove_dir(TEST_CATEGORY_DIR2) def test_data_home(): # get_data_home will point to a pre-existing folder data_home = get_data_home(data_home=DATA_HOME) assert_equal(data_home, DATA_HOME) assert_true(os.path.exists(data_home)) # clear_data_home will delete both the content and the folder it-self clear_data_home(data_home=data_home) assert_false(os.path.exists(data_home)) # if the folder is missing it will be created again data_home = get_data_home(data_home=DATA_HOME) assert_true(os.path.exists(data_home)) def test_default_empty_load_files(): res = load_files(LOAD_FILES_ROOT) assert_equal(len(res.filenames), 0) assert_equal(len(res.target_names), 0) assert_equal(res.DESCR, None), teardown_load_files) def test_default_load_files(): res = load_files(LOAD_FILES_ROOT) assert_equal(len(res.filenames), 1) assert_equal(len(res.target_names), 2) assert_equal(res.DESCR, None) assert_equal(, [b("Hello World!\n")]), teardown_load_files) def test_load_files_w_categories_desc_and_encoding(): category = os.path.abspath(TEST_CATEGORY_DIR1).split('/').pop() res = load_files(LOAD_FILES_ROOT, description="test", categories=category, encoding="utf-8") assert_equal(len(res.filenames), 1) assert_equal(len(res.target_names), 1) assert_equal(res.DESCR, "test") assert_equal(, [u("Hello World!\n")]), teardown_load_files) def test_load_files_wo_load_content(): res = load_files(LOAD_FILES_ROOT, load_content=False) assert_equal(len(res.filenames), 1) assert_equal(len(res.target_names), 2) assert_equal(res.DESCR, None) assert_equal(res.get('data'), None) def test_load_sample_images(): try: res = load_sample_images() assert_equal(len(res.images), 2) assert_equal(len(res.filenames), 2) assert_true(res.DESCR) except ImportError: warnings.warn("Could not load sample images, PIL is not available.") def test_load_digits(): digits = load_digits() assert_equal(, (1797, 64)) assert_equal(numpy.unique(, 10) def test_load_digits_n_class_lt_10(): digits = load_digits(9) assert_equal(, (1617, 64)) assert_equal(numpy.unique(, 9) def test_load_sample_image(): try: china = load_sample_image('china.jpg') assert_equal(china.dtype, 'uint8') assert_equal(china.shape, (427, 640, 3)) except ImportError: warnings.warn("Could not load sample images, PIL is not available.") def test_load_missing_sample_image_error(): have_PIL = True try: try: from scipy.misc import imread except ImportError: from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread except ImportError: have_PIL = False if have_PIL: assert_raises(AttributeError, load_sample_image, 'blop.jpg') else: warnings.warn("Could not load sample images, PIL is not available.") def test_load_diabetes(): res = load_diabetes() assert_equal(, (442, 10)) assert_true(, 442) def test_load_linnerud(): res = load_linnerud() assert_equal(, (20, 3)) assert_equal(, (20, 3)) assert_equal(len(res.target_names), 3) assert_true(res.DESCR) def test_load_iris(): res = load_iris() assert_equal(, (150, 4)) assert_equal(, 150) assert_equal(res.target_names.size, 3) assert_true(res.DESCR) def test_load_boston(): res = load_boston() assert_equal(, (506, 13)) assert_equal(, 506) assert_equal(res.feature_names.size, 13) assert_true(res.DESCR) def test_loads_dumps_bunch(): bunch = Bunch(x="x") bunch_from_pkl = loads(dumps(bunch)) bunch_from_pkl.x = "y" assert_equal(bunch_from_pkl['x'], bunch_from_pkl.x)
Probabilités/Loi de probabilité/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os def poisson_theta_mle(d): """ Computes the Maximum Likelihood Estimate for a given 1D training dataset from a Poisson distribution. """ return sum(d) / len(d) import math def likelihood_poisson(x, lam): """ Computes the class-conditional probability for an univariate Poisson distribution """ if x // 1 != x: likelihood = 0 else: likelihood = math.e**(-lam) * lam**(x) / math.factorial(x) return likelihood # Drawing training data import numpy as np true_param = 1.0 poisson_data = np.random.poisson(lam=true_param, size=100) mle_poiss = poisson_theta_mle(poisson_data) print('MLE:', mle_poiss) # Plot Probability Density Function from matplotlib import pyplot as plt x_range = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1) y_true = [likelihood_poisson(x, true_param) for x in x_range] y_mle = [likelihood_poisson(x, mle_poiss) for x in x_range] plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) plt.plot(x_range, y_true, lw=2, alpha=0.5, linestyle='--', label='true parameter ($\lambda={}$)'.format(true_param)) plt.plot(x_range, y_mle, lw=2, alpha=0.5, label='MLE ($\lambda={}$)'.format(mle_poiss)) plt.title( 'Poisson probability density function for the true and estimated parameters') plt.ylabel('p(x|theta)') plt.xlim([-1, 5]) plt.xlabel('random variable x') plt.legend() os.system("pause")
from pandas import Timestamp, Timedelta from import normalize_date class FutureChain(object): """ Allows users to look up future contracts. Parameters ---------- asset_finder : AssetFinder An AssetFinder for future contract lookups, in particular the AssetFinder of the TradingAlgorithm instance. get_datetime : function A function that returns the simulation datetime, in particular the get_datetime method of the TradingAlgorithm instance. root_symbol : str The root symbol of a future chain. as_of_date : pandas.Timestamp, optional Date at which the chain determination is rooted. I.e. the existing contract whose notice date is first after this date is the primary contract, etc. If not provided, the current simulation date is used as the as_of_date. Attributes ---------- root_symbol : str The root symbol of the future chain. as_of_date The current as-of date of this future chain. Methods ------- as_of(dt) offset(time_delta) Raises ------ RootSymbolNotFound Raised when the FutureChain is initialized with a root symbol for which a future chain could not be found. """ def __init__(self, asset_finder, get_datetime, root_symbol, as_of_date=None): self.root_symbol = root_symbol # Reference to the algo's AssetFinder for contract lookups self._asset_finder = asset_finder # Reference to the algo's get_datetime to know the current dt self._algorithm_get_datetime = get_datetime # If an as_of_date is provided, self._as_of_date uses that # value, otherwise None. This attribute backs the as_of_date property. if as_of_date: self._as_of_date = normalize_date(as_of_date) else: self._as_of_date = None # Attribute to cache the most up-to-date chain, and the dt when it was # last updated. self._current_chain = [] self._last_updated = None # Get the initial chain, since self._last_updated is None. self._maybe_update_current_chain() def __repr__(self): # NOTE: The string returned cannot be used to instantiate this # exact FutureChain, since we don't want to display the asset # finder and get_datetime function to the user. if self._as_of_date: return "FutureChain(root_symbol='%s', as_of_date='%s')" % ( self.root_symbol, self.as_of_date) else: return "FutureChain(root_symbol='%s')" % self.root_symbol def _get_datetime(self): """ Returns the normalized simulation datetime. Returns ------- pandas.Timestamp The normalized datetime of FutureChain's TradingAlgorithm. """ return normalize_date( Timestamp(self._algorithm_get_datetime(), tz='UTC') ) @property def as_of_date(self): """ The current as-of date of this future chain. Returns ------- pandas.Timestamp The user-provided as_of_date if given, otherwise the current datetime of the simulation. """ if self._as_of_date is not None: return self._as_of_date else: return self._get_datetime() def _maybe_update_current_chain(self): """ Updates the current chain if it's out of date, then returns it. Returns ------- list The up-to-date current chain, a list of Future objects. """ dt = self._get_datetime() if (self._last_updated is None) or (self._last_updated != dt): self._current_chain = self._asset_finder.lookup_future_chain( self.root_symbol, self.as_of_date, dt ) self._last_updated = dt return self._current_chain def __getitem__(self, key): return self._maybe_update_current_chain()[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._maybe_update_current_chain()) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._maybe_update_current_chain()) def as_of(self, dt): """ Get the future chain for this root symbol as of a specific date. Parameters ---------- dt : datetime.datetime or pandas.Timestamp or str, optional The as_of_date for the new chain. Returns ------- FutureChain """ return FutureChain( asset_finder=self._asset_finder, get_datetime=self._algorithm_get_datetime, root_symbol=self.root_symbol, as_of_date=dt ) def offset(self, time_delta): """ Get the future chain for this root symbol with a given offset from the current as_of_date. Parameters ---------- time_delta : datetime.timedelta or pandas.Timedelta or str The offset from the current as_of_date for the new chain. Returns ------- FutureChain """ return self.as_of(self.as_of_date + Timedelta(time_delta))
# standard modules import ast import utils import json # third-party modules import pandas as pd class DB(object): def __init__(self): self._groups = utils.SafeDict() #: Plane data as calculated by :func:`iago.Analyser.Analyser.dynamic_plane` self.planes = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'name': ('Plane name', None), 'normal_x': ('Normal vector: x component', None), 'normal_y': ('Normal vector: y component', None), 'normal_z': ('Normal vector: z component', None), 'support_x': ('Support point: x component', 'angstrom'), 'support_y': ('Support point: y component', 'angstrom'), 'support_z': ('Support point: z component', 'angstrom'), }) #: Atom-atom distance data as calculated by :func:`iago.Analyser.Analyser.dynamic_distance` self.distances = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'name': ('Distance set name', None), 'atom1': ('First atom index', None), 'atom2': ('Second atom index', None), 'dist': ('Distance', 'angstrom') }) #: Atom-plane distance data as calculated by :func:`iago.Analyser.Analyser.dynamic_distance` self.planedistances = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'name': ('Distance set name', None), 'plane': ('Plane name', None), 'atom1': ('First atom index', None), 'dist': ('Distance', 'angstrom') }) self.energies = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'total': ('Total energy', 'hartree'), 'conserved': ('Conserved quantity', 'hartree'), 'coreself': ('Core-Self energy', 'hartree'), 'corehamiltonian': ('Core Hamiltonian', 'hartree'), 'hartree': ('Hartree energy', 'hartree'), 'xc': ('Exchange-Correlation energy', 'hartree'), 'hfx': ('Hartree-Fock Exchange energy', 'hartree'), 'dispersion': ('Dispersion energy', 'hartree'), 'potential': ('Potential energy', 'hartree'), 'kinetic': ('Kinetic energy', 'hartree'), 'drift': ('Energy drift per atom', 'kelvin') }) self.cells = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'a': ('First cell length', 'angstrom'), 'b': ('Second cell length', 'angstrom'), 'c': ('Third cell length', 'angstrom'), 'alpha': ('First cell angle', 'degrees'), 'beta': ('Second cell angle', 'degrees'), 'gamma': ('Third cell angle', 'degrees'), 'volume': ('Cell volume', 'angstrom**3'), }) self.ensembles = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'temperature': ('Temperature', 'kelvin'), 'pressure': ('Pressure', 'bar'), }) self.meta = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'iasd': ('Integrated absolute spin density', None), 's2': ('Determinant S**2', None), 'scfcycles': ('Number of SCF cycles', None), 'otcycles': ('Number of outer SCF cycles', None), 'globaleri': ('Number of ERI evaluated', None) }) self.points = utils.annotated_data_frame({ 'run': ('Run', None), 'frame': ('Frame number', None), 'name': ('Point set name', None), 'x': ('X position', 'angstrom'), 'y': ('Y position', 'angstrom'), 'z': ('Z position', 'angstrom'), 'fractional_x': ('Fractional x position', None), 'fractional_y': ('Fractional y position', None), 'fractional_z': ('Fractional z position', None), }) self.input = utils.Map() self.output = pd.DataFrame() self._data_tables = 'meta ensembles cells energies'.split() self._stock_tables = 'planes distances planedistances points'.split() @staticmethod def _transfer_missing_units(origin, destination, columns): for column in columns: destination._iago_units[column] = origin._iago_units[column] destination._iago_comments[column] = origin._iago_comments[column] def assign_output_columns(self): for table in self._data_tables: overlap = (set(self.output.columns) & set(self.__dict__[table].columns)) - set(['run', 'frame']) if len(overlap) == 0: continue newtable = self.__dict__[table].append(self.output[['run', 'frame'] + list(overlap)]) DB._transfer_missing_units(self.__dict__[table], newtable, ['run', 'frame'] + list(overlap)) self.__dict__[table] = newtable self.output.drop(list(overlap), inplace=True, axis=1) @property def groups(self): """ Known static atom groups. :return: Dictionary with group names as key, list of 0-based atom indices as value. """ return self._groups def write(self, fh, format='hdf5'): """ Writes the database to disk or stream. :param fh: File handle or filename. :param format: File format. Either hdf5 or json. """ format = format.lower() if format == 'json': self._write_json(fh) elif format == 'hdf5': self._write_hdf5(fh) else: raise ValueError('No such format supported: %s' % format) def _write_hdf5(self, fh): """ Writes the database as hdf5 to disk. :param fh: File handle or filename.""" hdf = pd.HDFStore(fh, mode='a') hdf.put('groups', self.groups.to_dataframe()) for table in self._stock_tables: hdf.put(table, getattr(self, table)) hdf.put('%s_meta' % table, pd.DataFrame.from_dict(getattr(self, table).annotations_to_dict())) # String properties sdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'labels': ['input', ], 'values': [str(self.input), ]}) hdf.put('strings', sdf) hdf.put('output', self.output) # data tables for table in self._data_tables: hdf.put(table, getattr(self, table)) hdf.put('%s_meta' % table, pd.DataFrame.from_dict(getattr(self, table).annotations_to_dict())) # finalise hdf.close() def _write_json(self, fh): """ Writes the database as json to disk. :param fh: File handle or filename.""" if not hasattr(fh, 'write'): fh = open(fh, 'w') data = dict() # groups data['groups'] = self.groups for table in self._stock_tables: data[table] = getattr(self, table).to_dict('list') data['%s-meta' % table] = getattr(self, table).annotations_to_dict() # input / output data['input'] = self.input data['output'] = self.output.to_dict('list') # data['output-meta'] = self.output.annotations_to_dict() # data tables for table in self._data_tables: data[table] = self.__dict__[table].to_dict('list') data[table + '-meta'] = self.__dict__[table].annotations_to_dict() # finalise fh.write(json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'))) def read(self, handle=None, name=None, format='json'): """ Reads the database from disk or stream. :param handle: File handle. Either `handle` or `name` has to be specified. :param name: File name. Either `handle` or `name` has to be specified. :param format: Either JSON or HDF5. """ if handle is None and name is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to read specified.') if format == 'json': if handle is None: handle = open(name) self._read_json(handle) elif format == 'hdf5': self._read_hdf5(name) else: raise ValueError('No such format supported: %s' % format) def _read_hdf5(self, filename): """ Reads the HDF5 database from disk. :param fh: File handle or filename. """ hdf = pd.HDFStore(filename, mode='r') self._groups = utils.SafeDict.from_dataframe(hdf.get('groups')) for table in self._stock_tables: pdt = hdf.get(table) meta = hdf.get('%s_meta' % table).to_dict(orient='list') setattr(self, table, utils.annotated_data_frame(meta, pdt)) # String properties sdf = hdf.get('strings') #.to_dict(orient='list') input = sdf[sdf['labels']=='input']['values'].values[0] self.input = utils.Map(ast.literal_eval(input)) self.output = hdf.get('output') # data tables for table in self._data_tables: pdt = hdf.get(table) meta = hdf.get('%s_meta' % table).to_dict(orient='list') setattr(self, table, utils.annotated_data_frame(meta, pdt)) # finalise hdf.close() def _read_json(self, fh): """ Reads the JSON database from disk or stream. :param fh: File handle or filename. """ data = json.load(fh) # groups try: self._groups = utils.SafeDict(data['groups']) except KeyError: pass # planes try: self.planes = utils.annotated_data_frame(data['planes-meta'], data['planes']) except KeyError: pass # distances try: self.distances = utils.annotated_data_frame(data['distances-meta'], data['distances']) except KeyError: pass try: self.planedistances = utils.annotated_data_frame(data['planedistances-meta'], data['planedistances']) except KeyError: pass # points try: self.points = utils.annotated_data_frame(data['points-meta'], data['points']) except KeyError: pass # input / output try: self.input = utils.Map(data['input']) except KeyError: pass # self.output = utils.AnnotatedDataFrame(data['output-meta'], data['output']) try: self.output = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data['output']) except KeyError: pass # data tables for table in self._data_tables: try: self.__dict__[table] = utils.annotated_data_frame(data[table + '-meta'], data[table]) except KeyError: pass # cleanup fh.close() def monitor(self, quantity): for table in self._data_tables: tobj = self.__dict__[table] if quantity in tobj.columns: # keep dependency local to this function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(tobj['frame'], tobj[quantity]) unit = tobj.explain(quantity).Unit.values[0] if unit == 'No unit available.': unit = 'n/a' label = '%s in %s' % (tobj.explain(quantity).Comment.values[0], unit) plt.ylabel(label) plt.xlabel('Frame') return raise ValueError('No such quantity.')
#! usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import time import argparse import collections import matplotlib import os # Force matplotlib to not use any Xwindows backend. matplotlib.use('Agg') parser= argparse.ArgumentParser(description='some basic statistics of fastq file') parser.add_argument('input',type=str, help = 'input fastq - must given') parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir',type=str,default='./',help='outfile file directory, default is ./') args=parser.parse_args() ISOTIMEFORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %X' def ASCIItoquality33(ch): return ord(ch)-33 #def ASCIItoquality64(ch): # return ord(cd)-64 def basicStat(filename): baseCount = collections.Counter() # count how many ATCGN or other abnormal in sequece with open (filename,'r') as f: row=0 baseNum=0 read_length=0 for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if row%4 == 1: if read_length == 0: n=len(line) #min length of reads m=len(line) #max length of reads #read_length=len(line) read_length=[n,m] #gc = [0] * (read_length+20) # get stastistic of gc content cross read at every base postion. std ~ 20bp #gc_len=[0] * (read_length + 20) gc=[[0]*2 for l in range(read_length[1]+20)] #gc[count_gc,count_base] quality=[0]*60 baseNum+=len(line) baseCount.update(line) # update counter for every read read_length[0]=len(line) if len(line) < read_length[0] else read_length[0] read_length[1]=len(line) if len(line) > read_length[1] else read_length[1] for i in range(len(line)): gc[i][1]+=1 if line[i] == 'G' or line[i] == 'C': gc[i][0]+=1 if row%4 == 3: # quanlity stastistic for q in line: quality[ASCIItoquality33(q)]+=1 # default is phred33 row+=1 # after perform +1 , row equal the number of lines have been read. GC_content = (baseCount['G'] + baseCount['C'])*100/baseNum fh = open(os.path.join(args.outdir,'Stat.out'),'w') #output file print('>>Total sequece:%d'%(row/4),file = fh) print('>>Read length:%d-%d'%(read_length[0],read_length[1]), file=fh) print('>>Total Base:%d'%baseNum , file = fh) print('>>Readable:%.2fGb\t%.2fMb'%((baseNum/10e9),(baseNum/10e6)), file = fh) print('>>Base Composition:', file = fh) for i in baseCount: print(i+":%d"%baseCount[i], file = fh) print('>>GC content:%.2f'%GC_content + '%', file = fh) #fh2 = open(args.outfile,'w+') gc_per_base=[0]*read_length[1] print('\n>>GC content across per base:', file = fh) for i in range(read_length[1]): gc_per_base[i] = gc[i][0]/gc[i][1] # total line divide 4 equal number of reads. print('%d\t%.2f'%((i+1),(gc_per_base[i]*100))+'%', file = fh) return gc_per_base,read_length, filename,quality ########## main function ################# print("start time:" + time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT,time.localtime())) gc,read_length ,filename,quality= basicStat(args.input) #print(quality) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(gc) plt.xlim(0,read_length[1]) plt.ylim(0.2,0.8) plt.xlabel('Per base') plt.ylabel('GC%') plt.title('GC content across all bases in '+ filename) plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.outdir,'GC.png')) plt.figure() x=np.arange(len(quality)),quality,alpha= .5, color='g') plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.outdir,'hist.png')) n,bins,patches=plt.hist(quality,) print("end time:" + time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT,time.localtime()))
""" Helpers for embarrassingly parallel code. """ # Author: Gael Varoquaux < gael dot varoquaux at normalesup dot org > # Copyright: 2010, Gael Varoquaux # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import os import sys import gc import warnings from math import sqrt import functools import time import threading import itertools from numbers import Integral try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle from ._multiprocessing_helpers import mp if mp is not None: from .pool import MemmapingPool from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from .format_stack import format_exc, format_outer_frames from .logger import Logger, short_format_time from .my_exceptions import TransportableException, _mk_exception from .disk import memstr_to_kbytes from ._compat import _basestring VALID_BACKENDS = ['multiprocessing', 'threading'] # Environment variables to protect against bad situations when nesting JOBLIB_SPAWNED_PROCESS = "__JOBLIB_SPAWNED_PARALLEL__" # In seconds, should be big enough to hide multiprocessing dispatching # overhead. # This settings was found by running benchmarks/ # with various parameters on various platforms. MIN_IDEAL_BATCH_DURATION = .2 # Should not be too high to avoid stragglers: long jobs running alone # on a single worker while other workers have no work to process any more. MAX_IDEAL_BATCH_DURATION = 2 # Under Python 3.4+ use the 'forkserver' start method by default: this makes it # possible to avoid crashing 3rd party libraries that manage an internal thread # pool that does not tolerate forking if hasattr(mp, 'get_start_method'): method = os.environ.get('JOBLIB_START_METHOD') if (method is None and mp.get_start_method() == 'fork' and 'forkserver' in mp.get_all_start_methods()): method = 'forkserver' DEFAULT_MP_CONTEXT = mp.get_context(method=method) else: DEFAULT_MP_CONTEXT = None class BatchedCalls(object): """Wrap a sequence of (func, args, kwargs) tuples as a single callable""" def __init__(self, iterator_slice): self.items = list(iterator_slice) self._size = len(self.items) def __call__(self): return [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in self.items] def __len__(self): return self._size ############################################################################### # CPU count that works also when multiprocessing has been disabled via # the JOBLIB_MULTIPROCESSING environment variable def cpu_count(): """ Return the number of CPUs. """ if mp is None: return 1 return mp.cpu_count() ############################################################################### # For verbosity def _verbosity_filter(index, verbose): """ Returns False for indices increasingly apart, the distance depending on the value of verbose. We use a lag increasing as the square of index """ if not verbose: return True elif verbose > 10: return False if index == 0: return False verbose = .5 * (11 - verbose) ** 2 scale = sqrt(index / verbose) next_scale = sqrt((index + 1) / verbose) return (int(next_scale) == int(scale)) ############################################################################### class WorkerInterrupt(Exception): """ An exception that is not KeyboardInterrupt to allow subprocesses to be interrupted. """ pass ############################################################################### class SafeFunction(object): """ Wraps a function to make it exception with full traceback in their representation. Useful for parallel computing with multiprocessing, for which exceptions cannot be captured. """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return self.func(*args, **kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: # We capture the KeyboardInterrupt and reraise it as # something different, as multiprocessing does not # interrupt processing for a KeyboardInterrupt raise WorkerInterrupt() except: e_type, e_value, e_tb = sys.exc_info() text = format_exc(e_type, e_value, e_tb, context=10, tb_offset=1) if issubclass(e_type, TransportableException): raise else: raise TransportableException(text, e_type) ############################################################################### def delayed(function, check_pickle=True): """Decorator used to capture the arguments of a function. Pass `check_pickle=False` when: - performing a possibly repeated check is too costly and has been done already once outside of the call to delayed. - when used in conjunction `Parallel(backend='threading')`. """ # Try to pickle the input function, to catch the problems early when # using with multiprocessing: if check_pickle: pickle.dumps(function) def delayed_function(*args, **kwargs): return function, args, kwargs try: delayed_function = functools.wraps(function)(delayed_function) except AttributeError: " functools.wraps fails on some callable objects " return delayed_function ############################################################################### class ImmediateComputeBatch(object): """Sequential computation of a batch of tasks. This replicates the async computation API but actually does not delay the computations when joblib.Parallel runs in sequential mode. """ def __init__(self, batch): # Don't delay the application, to avoid keeping the input # arguments in memory self.results = batch() def get(self): return self.results ############################################################################### class BatchCompletionCallBack(object): """Callback used by joblib.Parallel's multiprocessing backend. This callable is executed by the parent process whenever a worker process has returned the results of a batch of tasks. It is used for progress reporting, to update estimate of the batch processing duration and to schedule the next batch of tasks to be processed. """ def __init__(self, dispatch_timestamp, batch_size, parallel): self.dispatch_timestamp = dispatch_timestamp self.batch_size = batch_size self.parallel = parallel def __call__(self, out): self.parallel.n_completed_tasks += self.batch_size this_batch_duration = time.time() - self.dispatch_timestamp if (self.parallel.batch_size == 'auto' and self.batch_size == self.parallel._effective_batch_size): # Update the smoothed streaming estimate of the duration of a batch # from dispatch to completion old_duration = self.parallel._smoothed_batch_duration if old_duration == 0: # First record of duration for this batch size after the last # reset. new_duration = this_batch_duration else: # Update the exponentially weighted average of the duration of # batch for the current effective size. new_duration = 0.8 * old_duration + 0.2 * this_batch_duration self.parallel._smoothed_batch_duration = new_duration self.parallel.print_progress() if self.parallel._original_iterator is not None: self.parallel.dispatch_next() ############################################################################### class Parallel(Logger): ''' Helper class for readable parallel mapping. Parameters ----------- n_jobs: int, default: 1 The maximum number of concurrently running jobs, such as the number of Python worker processes when backend="multiprocessing" or the size of the thread-pool when backend="threading". If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. backend: str or None, default: 'multiprocessing' Specify the parallelization backend implementation. Supported backends are: - "multiprocessing" used by default, can induce some communication and memory overhead when exchanging input and output data with the with the worker Python processes. - "threading" is a very low-overhead backend but it suffers from the Python Global Interpreter Lock if the called function relies a lot on Python objects. "threading" is mostly useful when the execution bottleneck is a compiled extension that explicitly releases the GIL (for instance a Cython loop wrapped in a "with nogil" block or an expensive call to a library such as NumPy). verbose: int, optional The verbosity level: if non zero, progress messages are printed. Above 50, the output is sent to stdout. The frequency of the messages increases with the verbosity level. If it more than 10, all iterations are reported. pre_dispatch: {'all', integer, or expression, as in '3*n_jobs'} The number of batches (of tasks) to be pre-dispatched. Default is '2*n_jobs'. When batch_size="auto" this is reasonable default and the multiprocessing workers shoud never starve. batch_size: int or 'auto', default: 'auto' The number of atomic tasks to dispatch at once to each worker. When individual evaluations are very fast, multiprocessing can be slower than sequential computation because of the overhead. Batching fast computations together can mitigate this. The ``'auto'`` strategy keeps track of the time it takes for a batch to complete, and dynamically adjusts the batch size to keep the time on the order of half a second, using a heuristic. The initial batch size is 1. ``batch_size="auto"`` with ``backend="threading"`` will dispatch batches of a single task at a time as the threading backend has very little overhead and using larger batch size has not proved to bring any gain in that case. temp_folder: str, optional Folder to be used by the pool for memmaping large arrays for sharing memory with worker processes. If None, this will try in order: - a folder pointed by the JOBLIB_TEMP_FOLDER environment variable, - /dev/shm if the folder exists and is writable: this is a RAMdisk filesystem available by default on modern Linux distributions, - the default system temporary folder that can be overridden with TMP, TMPDIR or TEMP environment variables, typically /tmp under Unix operating systems. Only active when backend="multiprocessing". max_nbytes int, str, or None, optional, 1M by default Threshold on the size of arrays passed to the workers that triggers automated memory mapping in temp_folder. Can be an int in Bytes, or a human-readable string, e.g., '1M' for 1 megabyte. Use None to disable memmaping of large arrays. Only active when backend="multiprocessing". Notes ----- This object uses the multiprocessing module to compute in parallel the application of a function to many different arguments. The main functionality it brings in addition to using the raw multiprocessing API are (see examples for details): * More readable code, in particular since it avoids constructing list of arguments. * Easier debugging: - informative tracebacks even when the error happens on the client side - using 'n_jobs=1' enables to turn off parallel computing for debugging without changing the codepath - early capture of pickling errors * An optional progress meter. * Interruption of multiprocesses jobs with 'Ctrl-C' * Flexible pickling control for the communication to and from the worker processes. * Ability to use shared memory efficiently with worker processes for large numpy-based datastructures. Examples -------- A simple example: >>> from math import sqrt >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(sqrt)(i**2) for i in range(10)) [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0] Reshaping the output when the function has several return values: >>> from math import modf >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> r = Parallel(n_jobs=1)(delayed(modf)(i/2.) for i in range(10)) >>> res, i = zip(*r) >>> res (0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5) >>> i (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0) The progress meter: the higher the value of `verbose`, the more messages:: >>> from time import sleep >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> r = Parallel(n_jobs=2, verbose=5)(delayed(sleep)(.1) for _ in range(10)) #doctest: +SKIP [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 1 out of 10 | elapsed: 0.1s remaining: 0.9s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 3 out of 10 | elapsed: 0.2s remaining: 0.5s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 6 out of 10 | elapsed: 0.3s remaining: 0.2s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 9 out of 10 | elapsed: 0.5s remaining: 0.1s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 10 out of 10 | elapsed: 0.5s finished Traceback example, note how the line of the error is indicated as well as the values of the parameter passed to the function that triggered the exception, even though the traceback happens in the child process:: >>> from heapq import nlargest >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(nlargest)(2, n) for n in (range(4), 'abcde', 3)) #doctest: +SKIP #... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-process traceback: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Mon Nov 12 11:37:46 2012 PID: 12934 Python 2.7.3: /usr/bin/python ........................................................................... /usr/lib/python2.7/heapq.pyc in nlargest(n=2, iterable=3, key=None) 419 if n >= size: 420 return sorted(iterable, key=key, reverse=True)[:n] 421 422 # When key is none, use simpler decoration 423 if key is None: --> 424 it = izip(iterable, count(0,-1)) # decorate 425 result = _nlargest(n, it) 426 return map(itemgetter(0), result) # undecorate 427 428 # General case, slowest method TypeError: izip argument #1 must support iteration ___________________________________________________________________________ Using pre_dispatch in a producer/consumer situation, where the data is generated on the fly. Note how the producer is first called a 3 times before the parallel loop is initiated, and then called to generate new data on the fly. In this case the total number of iterations cannot be reported in the progress messages:: >>> from math import sqrt >>> from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed >>> def producer(): ... for i in range(6): ... print('Produced %s' % i) ... yield i >>> out = Parallel(n_jobs=2, verbose=100, pre_dispatch='1.5*n_jobs')( ... delayed(sqrt)(i) for i in producer()) #doctest: +SKIP Produced 0 Produced 1 Produced 2 [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 1 jobs | elapsed: 0.0s Produced 3 [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 2 jobs | elapsed: 0.0s Produced 4 [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 3 jobs | elapsed: 0.0s Produced 5 [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 4 jobs | elapsed: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 5 out of 6 | elapsed: 0.0s remaining: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done 6 out of 6 | elapsed: 0.0s finished ''' def __init__(self, n_jobs=1, backend='multiprocessing', verbose=0, pre_dispatch='2 * n_jobs', batch_size='auto', temp_folder=None, max_nbytes='1M', mmap_mode='r'): self.verbose = verbose self._mp_context = DEFAULT_MP_CONTEXT if backend is None: # `backend=None` was supported in 0.8.2 with this effect backend = "multiprocessing" elif hasattr(backend, 'Pool') and hasattr(backend, 'Lock'): # Make it possible to pass a custom multiprocessing context as # backend to change the start method to forkserver or spawn or # preload modules on the forkserver helper process. self._mp_context = backend backend = "multiprocessing" if backend not in VALID_BACKENDS: raise ValueError("Invalid backend: %s, expected one of %r" % (backend, VALID_BACKENDS)) self.backend = backend self.n_jobs = n_jobs if (batch_size == 'auto' or isinstance(batch_size, Integral) and batch_size > 0): self.batch_size = batch_size else: raise ValueError( "batch_size must be 'auto' or a positive integer, got: %r" % batch_size) self.pre_dispatch = pre_dispatch self._temp_folder = temp_folder if isinstance(max_nbytes, _basestring): self._max_nbytes = 1024 * memstr_to_kbytes(max_nbytes) else: self._max_nbytes = max_nbytes self._mmap_mode = mmap_mode # Not starting the pool in the __init__ is a design decision, to be # able to close it ASAP, and not burden the user with closing it # unless they choose to use the context manager API with a with block. self._pool = None self._output = None self._jobs = list() self._managed_pool = False # This lock is used coordinate the main thread of this process with # the async callback thread of our the pool. self._lock = threading.Lock() def __enter__(self): self._managed_pool = True self._initialize_pool() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._terminate_pool() self._managed_pool = False def _effective_n_jobs(self): n_jobs = self.n_jobs if n_jobs == 0: raise ValueError('n_jobs == 0 in Parallel has no meaning') elif mp is None or n_jobs is None: # multiprocessing is not available or disabled, fallback # to sequential mode return 1 elif n_jobs < 0: n_jobs = max(mp.cpu_count() + 1 + n_jobs, 1) return n_jobs def _initialize_pool(self): """Build a process or thread pool and return the number of workers""" n_jobs = self._effective_n_jobs() # The list of exceptions that we will capture self.exceptions = [TransportableException] if n_jobs == 1: # Sequential mode: do not use a pool instance to avoid any # useless dispatching overhead self._pool = None elif self.backend == 'threading': self._pool = ThreadPool(n_jobs) elif self.backend == 'multiprocessing': if mp.current_process().daemon: # Daemonic processes cannot have children self._pool = None warnings.warn( 'Multiprocessing-backed parallel loops cannot be nested,' ' setting n_jobs=1', stacklevel=3) return 1 elif threading.current_thread().name != 'MainThread': # Prevent posix fork inside in non-main posix threads self._pool = None warnings.warn( 'Multiprocessing backed parallel loops cannot be nested' ' below threads, setting n_jobs=1', stacklevel=3) return 1 else: already_forked = int(os.environ.get(JOBLIB_SPAWNED_PROCESS, 0)) if already_forked: raise ImportError('[joblib] Attempting to do parallel computing ' 'without protecting your import on a system that does ' 'not support forking. To use parallel-computing in a ' 'script, you must protect your main loop using "if ' "__name__ == '__main__'" '". Please see the joblib documentation on Parallel ' 'for more information' ) # Set an environment variable to avoid infinite loops os.environ[JOBLIB_SPAWNED_PROCESS] = '1' # Make sure to free as much memory as possible before forking gc.collect() poolargs = dict( max_nbytes=self._max_nbytes, mmap_mode=self._mmap_mode, temp_folder=self._temp_folder, verbose=max(0, self.verbose - 50), context_id=0, # the pool is used only for one call ) if self._mp_context is not None: # Use Python 3.4+ multiprocessing context isolation poolargs['context'] = self._mp_context self._pool = MemmapingPool(n_jobs, **poolargs) # We are using multiprocessing, we also want to capture # KeyboardInterrupts self.exceptions.extend([KeyboardInterrupt, WorkerInterrupt]) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported backend: %s" % self.backend) return n_jobs def _terminate_pool(self): if self._pool is not None: self._pool.close() self._pool.terminate() # terminate does a join() self._pool = None if self.backend == 'multiprocessing': os.environ.pop(JOBLIB_SPAWNED_PROCESS, 0) def _dispatch(self, batch): """Queue the batch for computing, with or without multiprocessing WARNING: this method is not thread-safe: it should be only called indirectly via dispatch_one_batch. """ # If job.get() catches an exception, it closes the queue: if self._aborting: return if self._pool is None: job = ImmediateComputeBatch(batch) self._jobs.append(job) self.n_dispatched_batches += 1 self.n_dispatched_tasks += len(batch) self.n_completed_tasks += len(batch) if not _verbosity_filter(self.n_dispatched_batches, self.verbose): self._print('Done %3i tasks | elapsed: %s', (self.n_completed_tasks, short_format_time(time.time() - self._start_time) )) else: dispatch_timestamp = time.time() cb = BatchCompletionCallBack(dispatch_timestamp, len(batch), self) job = self._pool.apply_async(SafeFunction(batch), callback=cb) self._jobs.append(job) self.n_dispatched_tasks += len(batch) self.n_dispatched_batches += 1 def dispatch_next(self): """Dispatch more data for parallel processing This method is meant to be called concurrently by the multiprocessing callback. We rely on the thread-safety of dispatch_one_batch to protect against concurrent consumption of the unprotected iterator. """ if not self.dispatch_one_batch(self._original_iterator): self._iterating = False self._original_iterator = None def dispatch_one_batch(self, iterator): """Prefetch the tasks for the next batch and dispatch them. The effective size of the batch is computed here. If there are no more jobs to dispatch, return False, else return True. The iterator consumption and dispatching is protected by the same lock so calling this function should be thread safe. """ if self.batch_size == 'auto' and self.backend == 'threading': # Batching is never beneficial with the threading backend batch_size = 1 elif self.batch_size == 'auto': old_batch_size = self._effective_batch_size batch_duration = self._smoothed_batch_duration if (batch_duration > 0 and batch_duration < MIN_IDEAL_BATCH_DURATION): # The current batch size is too small: the duration of the # processing of a batch of task is not large enough to hide # the scheduling overhead. ideal_batch_size = int( old_batch_size * MIN_IDEAL_BATCH_DURATION / batch_duration) # Multiply by two to limit oscilations between min and max. batch_size = max(2 * ideal_batch_size, 1) self._effective_batch_size = batch_size if self.verbose >= 10: self._print("Batch computation too fast (%.4fs.) " "Setting batch_size=%d.", ( batch_duration, batch_size)) elif (batch_duration > MAX_IDEAL_BATCH_DURATION and old_batch_size >= 2): # The current batch size is too big. If we schedule overly long # running batches some CPUs might wait with nothing left to do # while a couple of CPUs a left processing a few long running # batches. Better reduce the batch size a bit to limit the # likelihood of scheduling such stragglers. self._effective_batch_size = batch_size = old_batch_size // 2 if self.verbose >= 10: self._print("Batch computation too slow (%.2fs.) " "Setting batch_size=%d.", ( batch_duration, batch_size)) else: # No batch size adjustment batch_size = old_batch_size if batch_size != old_batch_size: # Reset estimation of the smoothed mean batch duration: this # estimate is updated in the multiprocessing apply_async # CallBack as long as the batch_size is constant. Therefore # we need to reset the estimate whenever we re-tune the batch # size. self._smoothed_batch_duration = 0 else: # Fixed batch size strategy batch_size = self.batch_size with self._lock: tasks = BatchedCalls(itertools.islice(iterator, batch_size)) if not tasks: # No more tasks available in the iterator: tell caller to stop. return False else: self._dispatch(tasks) return True def _print(self, msg, msg_args): """Display the message on stout or stderr depending on verbosity""" # XXX: Not using the logger framework: need to # learn to use logger better. if not self.verbose: return if self.verbose < 50: writer = sys.stderr.write else: writer = sys.stdout.write msg = msg % msg_args writer('[%s]: %s\n' % (self, msg)) def print_progress(self): """Display the process of the parallel execution only a fraction of time, controlled by self.verbose. """ if not self.verbose: return elapsed_time = time.time() - self._start_time # This is heuristic code to print only 'verbose' times a messages # The challenge is that we may not know the queue length if self._original_iterator: if _verbosity_filter(self.n_dispatched_batches, self.verbose): return self._print('Done %3i tasks | elapsed: %s', (self.n_completed_tasks, short_format_time(elapsed_time), )) else: index = self.n_dispatched_batches # We are finished dispatching total_tasks = self.n_dispatched_tasks # We always display the first loop if not index == 0: # Display depending on the number of remaining items # A message as soon as we finish dispatching, cursor is 0 cursor = (total_tasks - index + 1 - self._pre_dispatch_amount) frequency = (total_tasks // self.verbose) + 1 is_last_item = (index + 1 == total_tasks) if (is_last_item or cursor % frequency): return remaining_time = (elapsed_time / (index + 1) * (self.n_dispatched_tasks - index - 1.)) self._print('Done %3i out of %3i | elapsed: %s remaining: %s', (index + 1, total_tasks, short_format_time(elapsed_time), short_format_time(remaining_time), )) def retrieve(self): self._output = list() while self._iterating or len(self._jobs) > 0: if len(self._jobs) == 0: # Wait for an async callback to dispatch new jobs time.sleep(0.01) continue # We need to be careful: the job list can be filling up as # we empty it and Python list are not thread-safe by default hence # the use of the lock with self._lock: job = self._jobs.pop(0) try: self._output.extend(job.get()) except tuple(self.exceptions) as exception: # Stop dispatching any new job in the async callback thread self._aborting = True if isinstance(exception, TransportableException): # Capture exception to add information on the local # stack in addition to the distant stack this_report = format_outer_frames(context=10, stack_start=1) report = """Multiprocessing exception: %s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub-process traceback: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- %s""" % (this_report, exception.message) # Convert this to a JoblibException exception_type = _mk_exception(exception.etype)[0] exception = exception_type(report) # Kill remaining running processes without waiting for # the results as we will raise the exception we got back # to the caller instead of returning any result. with self._lock: self._terminate_pool() if self._managed_pool: # In case we had to terminate a managed pool, let # us start a new one to ensure that subsequent calls # to __call__ on the same Parallel instance will get # a working pool as they expect. self._initialize_pool() raise exception def __call__(self, iterable): if self._jobs: raise ValueError('This Parallel instance is already running') # A flag used to abort the dispatching of jobs in case an # exception is found self._aborting = False if not self._managed_pool: n_jobs = self._initialize_pool() else: n_jobs = self._effective_n_jobs() if self.batch_size == 'auto': self._effective_batch_size = 1 iterator = iter(iterable) pre_dispatch = self.pre_dispatch if pre_dispatch == 'all' or n_jobs == 1: # prevent further dispatch via multiprocessing callback thread self._original_iterator = None self._pre_dispatch_amount = 0 else: self._original_iterator = iterator if hasattr(pre_dispatch, 'endswith'): pre_dispatch = eval(pre_dispatch) self._pre_dispatch_amount = pre_dispatch = int(pre_dispatch) # The main thread will consume the first pre_dispatch items and # the remaining items will later be lazily dispatched by async # callbacks upon task completions. iterator = itertools.islice(iterator, pre_dispatch) self._start_time = time.time() self.n_dispatched_batches = 0 self.n_dispatched_tasks = 0 self.n_completed_tasks = 0 self._smoothed_batch_duration = 0.0 try: self._iterating = True while self.dispatch_one_batch(iterator): pass if pre_dispatch == "all" or n_jobs == 1: # The iterable was consumed all at once by the above for loop. # No need to wait for async callbacks to trigger to # consumption. self._iterating = False self.retrieve() # Make sure that we get a last message telling us we are done elapsed_time = time.time() - self._start_time self._print('Done %3i out of %3i | elapsed: %s finished', (len(self._output), len(self._output), short_format_time(elapsed_time))) finally: if not self._managed_pool: self._terminate_pool() self._jobs = list() output = self._output self._output = None return output def __repr__(self): return '%s(n_jobs=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.n_jobs)
""" ================================================= Pixel importances with a parallel forest of trees ================================================= This example shows the use of forests of trees to evaluate the importance of the pixels in an image classification task (faces). The hotter the pixel, the more important. The code below also illustrates how the construction and the computation of the predictions can be parallelized within multiple jobs. """ print(__doc__) from time import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import fetch_olivetti_faces from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier # Number of cores to use to perform parallel fitting of the forest model n_jobs = 1 # Load the faces dataset data = fetch_olivetti_faces() X = data.images.reshape((len(data.images), -1)) y = mask = y < 5 # Limit to 5 classes X = X[mask] y = y[mask] # Build a forest and compute the pixel importances print("Fitting ExtraTreesClassifier on faces data with %d cores..." % n_jobs) t0 = time() forest = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=1000, max_features=128, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=0), y) print("done in %0.3fs" % (time() - t0)) importances = forest.feature_importances_ importances = importances.reshape(data.images[0].shape) # Plot pixel importances plt.matshow(importances, plt.title("Pixel importances with forests of trees")
import os.path as osp from collections import defaultdict import itertools as it import logging from warnings import warn from wepy.reporter.dashboard import ResamplerDashboardSection import numpy as np import pandas as pd from tabulate import tabulate class WExploreDashboardSection(ResamplerDashboardSection): RESAMPLER_SECTION_TEMPLATE = \ """ Resampling Algorithm: {{ name }} Parameters: - Max Number of Regions: {{ max_n_regions }} - Max Region Sizes: {{ max_region_sizes }} Number of Regions per level: {{ regions_per_level }} ** Walker Assignments {{ walker_table }} ** Region Hierarchy Defined Regions with the number of child regions per parent region: {{ region_hierarchy }} ** Leaf Region Table {{ leaf_region_table }} ** WExplore Log {{ wexplore_log }} """ def __init__(self, resampler=None, max_n_regions=None, max_region_sizes=None, **kwargs ): if 'name' not in kwargs: kwargs['name'] = 'WExploreResampler' super().__init__(resampler=resampler, max_n_regions=max_n_regions, max_region_sizes=max_region_sizes, **kwargs ) if resampler is not None: self.max_n_regions = resampler.max_n_regions self.max_region_sizes = resampler.max_region_sizes else: assert max_n_regions is not None, \ "If a resampler is not given must give parameters: max_n_regions" assert max_region_sizes is not None, \ "If a resampler is not given must give parameters: max_n_regions" self.max_n_regions = max_n_regions self.max_region_sizes = max_region_sizes self.n_levels = len(self.max_n_regions) # updatables self.root_region = () init_leaf_region = tuple([0 for i in range(self.n_levels)]) self.region_ids = [init_leaf_region] self.regions_per_level = [] self.children_per_region = {} # resampling self.walker_assignments = [] self.walker_image_distances = [] self.curr_region_probabilities = defaultdict(int) self.curr_region_counts = defaultdict(int) #wexplore self.branch_records = [] def _leaf_regions_to_all_regions(self, region_ids): # make a set of all the regions starting with the root region regions = set([self.root_region]) for region_id in region_ids: for i in range(len(region_id)): regions.add(region_id[0:i+1]) regions = list(regions) regions.sort() return regions def update_values(self, **kwargs): # the region assignments for walkers assignments = [] walker_weights = [walker.weight for walker in kwargs['new_walkers']] # re-initialize the current weights dictionary self.curr_region_probabilities = defaultdict(int) self.curr_region_counts = defaultdict(int) for walker_record in kwargs['resampling_data']: assignment = tuple(walker_record['region_assignment']) walker_idx = walker_record['walker_idx'][0] assignments.append((walker_idx, assignment)) # calculate the probabilities and counts of the regions # given the current distribution of walkers self.curr_region_probabilities[assignment] += walker_weights[walker_idx] self.curr_region_counts[assignment] += 1 # sort them to get the walker indices in the right order assignments.sort() # then just get the assignment since it is sorted self.walker_assignments = [assignment for walker, assignment in assignments] # add to the records for region creation in WExplore for resampler_record in kwargs['resampler_data']: # get the values new_leaf_id = tuple(resampler_record['new_leaf_id']) branching_level = resampler_record['branching_level'][0] walker_image_distance = resampler_record['distance'][0] # add the new leaf id to the list of regions in the order they were created self.region_ids.append(new_leaf_id) # make a new record for a branching event which is: # (region_id, level branching occurred, distance of walker that triggered the branching) branch_record = (new_leaf_id, branching_level, walker_image_distance) # save it in the records self.branch_records.append(branch_record) # count the number of child regions each region has self.children_per_region = {} all_regions = self._leaf_regions_to_all_regions(self.region_ids) for region_id in all_regions: # if its a leaf region it has no children if len(region_id) == self.n_levels: self.children_per_region[region_id] = 0 # all others we cound how many children it has else: # get all regions that have this one as a root children_idxs = set() for poss_child_id in all_regions: # get the root at the level of this region for the child poss_child_root = poss_child_id[0:len(region_id)] # if the root is the same we keep it without # counting children below the next level, but we skip the same region if (poss_child_root == region_id) and (poss_child_id != region_id): child_idx = poss_child_id[len(region_id)] children_idxs.add(child_idx) # count the children of this region self.children_per_region[region_id] = len(children_idxs) # count the number of regions at each level self.regions_per_level = [0 for i in range(self.n_levels)] for region_id, n_children in self.children_per_region.items(): level = len(region_id) # skip the leaves if level == self.n_levels: continue self.regions_per_level[level] += n_children def gen_fields(self, **kwargs): fields = super().gen_fields(**kwargs) regions = self._leaf_regions_to_all_regions(self.region_ids) region_children = [self.children_per_region[region] for region in regions] region_children_pairs = it.chain(*zip(regions, region_children)) region_hierarchy = '\n'.join( ['{} {}' for i in range(len(regions))] ).format(*region_children_pairs) # make a table for the regions region_table_colnames = ('region', 'n_walkers', 'curr_weight') region_table_d = {} region_table_d['region'] = self.region_ids region_table_d['n_walkers'] = [self.curr_region_counts[region] for region in self.region_ids] region_table_d['curr_weight'] = [self.curr_region_probabilities[region] for region in self.region_ids] leaf_region_table_df = pd.DataFrame(region_table_d, columns=region_table_colnames) leaf_region_table_df.set_index('region', drop=True) leaf_region_table_str = tabulate(leaf_region_table_df, headers=leaf_region_table_df.columns, tablefmt='orgtbl') # log of branching events branching_table_colnames = ('new_leaf_id', 'branching_level', 'trigger_distance') branching_table_df = pd.DataFrame(self.branch_records, columns=branching_table_colnames) branching_table_str = tabulate(branching_table_df, headers=branching_table_df.columns, tablefmt='orgtbl') ## walker weights walker_weights = [walker.weight for walker in kwargs['new_walkers']] # make the table of walkers using pandas, using the order here walker_table_colnames = ('weight', 'assignment') walker_table_d = {} walker_table_d['weight'] = walker_weights walker_table_d['assignment'] = self.walker_assignments walker_table_df = pd.DataFrame(walker_table_d, columns=walker_table_colnames) walker_table_str = tabulate(walker_table_df, headers=walker_table_df, tablefmt='orgtbl') new_fields = { 'max_n_regions' : self.max_n_regions, 'max_region_sizes' : self.max_region_sizes, 'regions_per_level' : self.regions_per_level, 'region_hierarchy' : region_hierarchy, 'leaf_region_table' : leaf_region_table_str, 'wexplore_log' : branching_table_str, 'walker_table' : walker_table_str } fields.update(new_fields) return fields
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see <>. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection import icosahedron as ico import grid fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_xlim3d(-2, 2) ax.set_ylim3d(-2, 2) ax.set_zlim3d(-2, 2) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') ax.invert_zaxis() ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_aspect('equal') added_polygons = set() added_sections = set() def polygons(polygons): for p in polygons: polygon(p) def polygon(polygon): added_polygons.add(polygon) def section(s): added_sections.add(s) def sections(sections): for s in sections: section(s) def show(subtriangles=False): polygons = [] facecolors = [] triangles_indexes = set() subtriangle_facecolors = ( '#CCCCCC', '#CCE5FF', '#E5FFCC', '#FFCCCC', ) if added_sections: subtriangles = True for p in added_polygons: try: i = ico.triangles.index(p) except ValueError: polygons.append(p) continue if subtriangles: sections(range(i * 4, i * 4 + 4)) else: triangles_indexes.add(i) polygons.append(p) facecolors.append('#DDDDDD') for s in added_sections: triangles_indexes.add(int(s / 4)) subtriangle_index = s % 4 polygons.append(grid.section_triangle(s)) facecolors.append(subtriangle_facecolors[subtriangle_index]) ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection( polygons, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors="#777777", )) for i in triangles_indexes: t = ico.triangles[i] mx = my = mz = 0 for x, y, z in t: mx += x my += y mz += z ax.text(mx / 2.6, my / 2.6, mz / 2.6, i, color='#444444') if subtriangles: ax.legend( handles=tuple( mpatches.Patch(color=c, label='Sub-triangle #%d' % i) for i, c in enumerate(subtriangle_facecolors) ), )
""" ============================================== L1 Penalty and Sparsity in Logistic Regression ============================================== Comparison of the sparsity (percentage of zero coefficients) of solutions when L1 and L2 penalty are used for different values of C. We can see that large values of C give more freedom to the model. Conversely, smaller values of C constrain the model more. In the L1 penalty case, this leads to sparser solutions. We classify 8x8 images of digits into two classes: 0-4 against 5-9. The visualization shows coefficients of the models for varying C. """ print(__doc__) # Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <> # Mathieu Blondel <> # Andreas Mueller <> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler digits = datasets.load_digits() X, y =, X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) # classify small against large digits y = (y > 4).astype( # Set regularization parameter for i, C in enumerate((100, 1, 0.01)): # turn down tolerance for short training time clf_l1_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty='l1', tol=0.01) clf_l2_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty='l2', tol=0.01), y), y) coef_l1_LR = clf_l1_LR.coef_.ravel() coef_l2_LR = clf_l2_LR.coef_.ravel() # coef_l1_LR contains zeros due to the # L1 sparsity inducing norm sparsity_l1_LR = np.mean(coef_l1_LR == 0) * 100 sparsity_l2_LR = np.mean(coef_l2_LR == 0) * 100 print("C=%.2f" % C) print("Sparsity with L1 penalty: %.2f%%" % sparsity_l1_LR) print("score with L1 penalty: %.4f" % clf_l1_LR.score(X, y)) print("Sparsity with L2 penalty: %.2f%%" % sparsity_l2_LR) print("score with L2 penalty: %.4f" % clf_l2_LR.score(X, y)) l1_plot = plt.subplot(3, 2, 2 * i + 1) l2_plot = plt.subplot(3, 2, 2 * (i + 1)) if i == 0: l1_plot.set_title("L1 penalty") l2_plot.set_title("L2 penalty") l1_plot.imshow(np.abs(coef_l1_LR.reshape(8, 8)), interpolation='nearest', cmap='binary', vmax=1, vmin=0) l2_plot.imshow(np.abs(coef_l2_LR.reshape(8, 8)), interpolation='nearest', cmap='binary', vmax=1, vmin=0) plt.text(-8, 3, "C = %.2f" % C) l1_plot.set_xticks(()) l1_plot.set_yticks(()) l2_plot.set_xticks(()) l2_plot.set_yticks(())
""" ========================== Decoding source space data ========================== Decoding, a.k.a MVPA or supervised machine learning applied to MEG data in source space on the left cortical surface. Here f-test feature selection is employed to confine the classification to the potentially relevant features. The classifier then is trained to selected features of epochs in source space. """ # Author: Denis A. Engemann <> # Alexandre Gramfort <> # # License: BSD (3-clause) import mne import os import numpy as np from mne import io from mne.datasets import sample from mne.minimum_norm import apply_inverse_epochs, read_inverse_operator print(__doc__) data_path = sample.data_path() fname_fwd = data_path + 'MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-fwd.fif' fname_evoked = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-ave.fif' subjects_dir = data_path + '/subjects' subject = os.environ['SUBJECT'] = subjects_dir + '/sample' os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = subjects_dir ############################################################################### # Set parameters raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif' event_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif' fname_cov = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-cov.fif' label_names = 'Aud-rh', 'Vis-rh' fname_inv = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-meg-inv.fif' tmin, tmax = -0.2, 0.5 event_id = dict(aud_r=2, vis_r=4) # load contra-lateral conditions # Setup for reading the raw data raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.filter(2, None) # replace baselining with high-pass events = mne.read_events(event_fname) # Set up pick list: MEG - bad channels (modify to your needs)['bads'] += ['MEG 2443'] # mark bads picks = mne.pick_types(, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True, eog=True, exclude='bads') # Read epochs epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, reject=dict(grad=4000e-13, eog=150e-6), decim=5) # decimate to save memory and increase speed epochs.equalize_event_counts(list(event_id.keys())) epochs_list = [epochs[k] for k in event_id] # Compute inverse solution snr = 3.0 lambda2 = 1.0 / snr ** 2 method = "dSPM" # use dSPM method (could also be MNE or sLORETA) n_times = len(epochs.times) n_vertices = 3732 n_epochs = len( # Load data and compute inverse solution and stcs for each epoch. noise_cov = mne.read_cov(fname_cov) inverse_operator = read_inverse_operator(fname_inv) X = np.zeros([n_epochs, n_vertices, n_times]) # to save memory, we'll load and transform our epochs step by step. for condition_count, ep in zip([0, n_epochs // 2], epochs_list): stcs = apply_inverse_epochs(ep, inverse_operator, lambda2, method, pick_ori="normal", # saves us memory return_generator=True) for jj, stc in enumerate(stcs): X[condition_count + jj] = stc.lh_data ############################################################################### # Decoding in sensor space using a linear SVM # Make arrays X and y such that : # X is 3d with X.shape[0] is the total number of epochs to classify # y is filled with integers coding for the class to predict # We must have X.shape[0] equal to y.shape[0] # we know the first half belongs to the first class, the second one y = np.repeat([0, 1], len(X) / 2) # belongs to the second class X = X.reshape(n_epochs, n_vertices * n_times) # we have to normalize the data before supplying them to our classifier X -= X.mean(axis=0) X /= X.std(axis=0) # prepare classifier from sklearn.svm import SVC # noqa from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit # noqa # Define a monte-carlo cross-validation generator (reduce variance): n_splits = 10 clf = SVC(C=1, kernel='linear') cv = ShuffleSplit(len(X), n_splits, test_size=0.2) # setup feature selection and classification pipeline from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif # noqa from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline # noqa # we will use an ANOVA f-test to preselect relevant spatio-temporal units feature_selection = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=500) # take the best 500 # to make life easier we will create a pipeline object anova_svc = Pipeline([('anova', feature_selection), ('svc', clf)]) # initialize score and feature weights result arrays scores = np.zeros(n_splits) feature_weights = np.zeros([n_vertices, n_times]) # hold on, this may take a moment for ii, (train, test) in enumerate(cv):[train], y[train]) y_pred = anova_svc.predict(X[test]) y_test = y[test] scores[ii] = np.sum(y_pred == y_test) / float(len(y_test)) feature_weights += feature_selection.inverse_transform(clf.coef_) \ .reshape(n_vertices, n_times) print('Average prediction accuracy: %0.3f | standard deviation: %0.3f' % (scores.mean(), scores.std())) # prepare feature weights for visualization feature_weights /= (ii + 1) # create average weights # create mask to avoid division error feature_weights =, feature_weights == 0) # normalize scores for visualization purposes feature_weights /= feature_weights.std(axis=1)[:, None] feature_weights -= feature_weights.mean(axis=1)[:, None] # unmask, take absolute values, emulate f-value scale feature_weights = np.abs( * 10 vertices = [stc.lh_vertno, np.array([], int)] # empty array for right hemi stc_feat = mne.SourceEstimate(feature_weights, vertices=vertices, tmin=stc.tmin, tstep=stc.tstep, subject='sample') brain = stc_feat.plot(views=['lat'], transparent=True, initial_time=0.1, time_unit='s')
#!/usr/bin/env python """ pfn tracking real target """ from pf_network import * import rospy import numpy as np from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseArray as PA from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped as PS from soft_arm.srv import * from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud as PC from geometry_msgs.msg import Point import pickle from simulator import Sim import matplotlib.pyplot as plt np.random.seed(0) tf.set_random_seed(0) MAX_EPISODES = 1 MAX_EP_STEPS = 200 X_OFFSET = 0.0917 Y_OFFSET = -0.4439 Z_OFFSET = 0.039 S_DIM = 3 A_DIM = 3 A_BOUND = 10.0 TRAIN_POINT = 2000 MEMORY_NUM = 2000 class Trainer(object): def __init__(self): """ Initializing DDPG """ self.sim = Sim() self.pfn = PFN(a_dim=A_DIM, s_dim=S_DIM, batch_size=8, memory_capacity=MEMORY_NUM, lr=0.001, bound=A_BOUND) self.ep_reward = 0.0 self.current_action = np.array([.0, .0, .0]) self.done = True # if the episode is done self.reward_record = list() self.ep_record = list() self.fig = plt.gcf() self.fig.canvas.draw() print("Initialized PFN") """ Setting communication""" self.pc = PC() self.pc.header.frame_id = 'world' = rospy.Publisher('normalized_state', PC, queue_size=10) self.pub1 = rospy.Publisher('state', PC, queue_size=10) self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('Robot_1/pose', PS, self.callback, queue_size=1) rospy.wait_for_service('airpress_control', timeout=5) self.target_PS = PS() self.action_V3 = Vector3() self.updated = False # if s is updated self.got_target = False print("Initialized communication") """ Reading targets """ """ The data should be w.r.t origin by base position """ self.ends = pickle.load(open('./data/targets.p', 'rb')) self.x_offset = X_OFFSET self.y_offset = Y_OFFSET self.z_offset = Z_OFFSET self.sample_target() print("Read target data") #self.pfn.restore_momery() self.pfn.restore_model('model_pfn') memory_ep = np.ones((MAX_EP_STEPS, 3 + 3 + 1 + 1)) * -100 self.current_ep = 0 self.current_step = 0 while not (rospy.is_shutdown()): self.updated = False while (not self.updated) & (not rospy.is_shutdown()): rospy.sleep(0.1) real_target = self.real_target.copy() s = self.normalize_state(real_target) action, act_var = self.pfn.choose_action2(s) self.action_V3.x, self.action_V3.y, self.action_V3.z \ = action[0], action[1], action[2] self.run_action(self.action_V3) print '\n' #rospy.sleep(1.0) ''' if self.current_ep < MAX_EPISODES: if self.current_step < MAX_EP_STEPS: #rospy.sleep(0.5) s = self.normalize_state( #print 'x' #print s action, prob = self.pfn.choose_action(s) s_ = self.sim.update_pose(action)[-1,:] self.compute_reward(, s_) #print action #print self.pfn.raw_action(s) #print #print s_ #print np.linalg.norm( - s_) #print self.reward transition = np.hstack((, action, self.reward, prob)) memory_ep[self.current_step] = transition self.current_step += 1 state = np.array([s_,]) self.pub_state(state) if self.pfn.pointer > TRAIN_POINT: self.pfn.learn() else: best_i = np.argsort(memory_ep[:,-2])[-1] best_action = memory_ep[best_i,3:6] best_s_ = self.sim.update_pose(best_action)[-1, :] best_distance = np.linalg.norm( - best_s_) """ #best action print '*' j = np.argsort(memory_ep[:,-2])[0] print memory_ep[best_i, :] print memory_ep[j, :] print best_s_ print print best_action print best_distance """ self.current_step = 0 mean_action, act_var = self.pfn.choose_action2(s) mean_s_ = self.sim.update_pose(mean_action)[-1, :] mean_distance = np.linalg.norm(mean_s_ - target_action,w = self.compute_weighted_action(memory_ep) s_ = self.sim.update_pose(target_action)[-1,:] target_distance = np.linalg.norm(s_ - self.compute_reward(, s_) self.pfn.store_transition(s, target_action, mean_distance, np.var(w)) self.pfn.store_transition(s, best_action, best_distance, w[best_i]) self.current_ep += 1 self.sample_target() memory_ep = np.ones((MAX_EP_STEPS, 3 + 3 + 1 + 1)) * -100 if self.current_ep% 10 ==0: self.reward_record.append(mean_distance) self.ep_record.append(self.current_ep) plt.plot(self.ep_record, self.reward_record) plt.ylim([0.0, 0.1]) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.savefig('learning.png') print('\n') #print s print('Episode:', self.current_ep) print("Mean Action:") print mean_action print("Mean Distance:") print mean_distance print("Action Variance:") print act_var print("Target Action:") print target_action print("Target Distance:") print target_distance print("Weights Variance:") print np.var(w) print('*' * 40) self.pfn.save_model() self.pfn.save_memory() else: s = self.normalize_state( action, act_var = self.pfn.choose_action2(s) s_ = self.sim.update_pose(action)[-1,:] self.compute_reward(, s_) print("Mean Action:") print action print("Action Variance:") print act_var print("Distance: %f" % np.linalg.norm( print("Reward: %f" % self.reward) print '\n' state = np.array([s_,]) self.pub_state(state) rospy.sleep(1) self.sample_target() ''' def callback(self, ps): x = ps.pose.position.x - self.x_offset y = ps.pose.position.y - self.y_offset z = ps.pose.position.z - self.z_offset self.real_target = np.array([x,y,z]) self.updated = True def run_action(self,control): try: print control client = rospy.ServiceProxy('airpress_control', OneSeg) resp = client(control) return resp.status except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e def compute_weighted_action(self, memory_ep): sum = np.sum(memory_ep[:,-2]) + 1e-6 try: w = memory_ep[:,-2]/sum except: print("Sum %f" % sum) print w target_action = np.average(memory_ep[:,S_DIM:S_DIM+A_DIM], axis=0, weights=w) return target_action, w def sample_target(self): = self.ends[np.random.randint(self.ends.shape[0])] def compute_reward(self,end,target): error = target - end self.reward = 20**(-np.log2(2.5*np.linalg.norm(error))) #print np.linalg.norm(error) def pub_state(self, state): pts = list() for i in range(state.shape[0]): pt = Point() pt.x = state[i,0] pt.y = state[i,1] pt.z = state[i,2] pts.append(pt) self.pc.points = pts pts = list() for i in range(state.shape[0]): pt = Point() pt.x = state[i, 0] / 10.0 pt.y = state[i, 1] / 10.0 pt.z = state[i, 2] / 35.0 + 0.42 pts.append(pt) self.pc.points = pts self.pub1.publish(self.pc) def normalize_state(self,state): offset = np.array([0,0,0.42]) scaler = np.array([10,10,35]) s = state - offset s = np.multiply(s, scaler) return s def calculate_dist(self, state): offset = np.array([0, 0, 0.42]) scaler = np.array([10, 10, 35]) s = np.multiply(state,1.0/scaler) s += offset return np.linalg.norm(s) if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('trainer',anonymous=True) trainer = Trainer() print("Shutting down ROS node trainer")
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """A more advanced example, of building an RNN-based time series model.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from os import path import numpy import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib.timeseries.python.timeseries import estimators as ts_estimators from tensorflow.contrib.timeseries.python.timeseries import model as ts_model try: import matplotlib # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top matplotlib.use("TkAgg") # Need Tk for interactive plots. from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top HAS_MATPLOTLIB = True except ImportError: # Plotting requires matplotlib, but the unit test running this code may # execute in an environment without it (i.e. matplotlib is not a build # dependency). We'd still like to test the TensorFlow-dependent parts of this # example. HAS_MATPLOTLIB = False _MODULE_PATH = path.dirname(__file__) _DATA_FILE = path.join(_MODULE_PATH, "data/multivariate_periods.csv") class _LSTMModel(ts_model.SequentialTimeSeriesModel): """A time series model-building example using an RNNCell.""" def __init__(self, num_units, num_features, dtype=tf.float32): """Initialize/configure the model object. Note that we do not start graph building here. Rather, this object is a configurable factory for TensorFlow graphs which are run by an Estimator. Args: num_units: The number of units in the model's LSTMCell. num_features: The dimensionality of the time series (features per timestep). dtype: The floating point data type to use. """ super(_LSTMModel, self).__init__( # Pre-register the metrics we'll be outputting (just a mean here). train_output_names=["mean"], predict_output_names=["mean"], num_features=num_features, dtype=dtype) self._num_units = num_units # Filled in by initialize_graph() self._lstm_cell = None self._lstm_cell_run = None self._predict_from_lstm_output = None def initialize_graph(self, input_statistics): """Save templates for components, which can then be used repeatedly. This method is called every time a new graph is created. It's safe to start adding ops to the current default graph here, but the graph should be constructed from scratch. Args: input_statistics: A math_utils.InputStatistics object. """ super(_LSTMModel, self).initialize_graph(input_statistics=input_statistics) self._lstm_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_units=self._num_units) # Create templates so we don't have to worry about variable reuse. self._lstm_cell_run = tf.make_template( name_="lstm_cell", func_=self._lstm_cell, create_scope_now_=True) # Transforms LSTM output into mean predictions. self._predict_from_lstm_output = tf.make_template( name_="predict_from_lstm_output", func_= lambda inputs: tf.layers.dense(inputs=inputs, units=self.num_features), create_scope_now_=True) def get_start_state(self): """Return initial state for the time series model.""" return ( # Keeps track of the time associated with this state for error checking. tf.zeros([], dtype=tf.int64), # The previous observation or prediction. tf.zeros([self.num_features], dtype=self.dtype), # The state of the RNNCell (batch dimension removed since this parent # class will broadcast). [tf.squeeze(state_element, axis=0) for state_element in self._lstm_cell.zero_state(batch_size=1, dtype=self.dtype)]) def _filtering_step(self, current_times, current_values, state, predictions): """Update model state based on observations. Note that we don't do much here aside from computing a loss. In this case it's easier to update the RNN state in _prediction_step, since that covers running the RNN both on observations (from this method) and our own predictions. This distinction can be important for probabilistic models, where repeatedly predicting without filtering should lead to low-confidence predictions. Args: current_times: A [batch size] integer Tensor. current_values: A [batch size, self.num_features] floating point Tensor with new observations. state: The model's state tuple. predictions: The output of the previous `_prediction_step`. Returns: A tuple of new state and a predictions dictionary updated to include a loss (note that we could also return other measures of goodness of fit, although only "loss" will be optimized). """ state_from_time, prediction, lstm_state = state with tf.control_dependencies( [tf.assert_equal(current_times, state_from_time)]): # Subtract the mean and divide by the variance of the series. Slightly # more efficient if done for a whole window (using the normalize_features # argument to SequentialTimeSeriesModel). transformed_values = self._scale_data(current_values) # Use mean squared error across features for the loss. predictions["loss"] = tf.reduce_mean( (prediction - transformed_values) ** 2, axis=-1) # Keep track of the new observation in model state. It won't be run # through the LSTM until the next _imputation_step. new_state_tuple = (current_times, transformed_values, lstm_state) return (new_state_tuple, predictions) def _prediction_step(self, current_times, state): """Advance the RNN state using a previous observation or prediction.""" _, previous_observation_or_prediction, lstm_state = state lstm_output, new_lstm_state = self._lstm_cell_run( inputs=previous_observation_or_prediction, state=lstm_state) next_prediction = self._predict_from_lstm_output(lstm_output) new_state_tuple = (current_times, next_prediction, new_lstm_state) return new_state_tuple, {"mean": self._scale_back_data(next_prediction)} def _imputation_step(self, current_times, state): """Advance model state across a gap.""" # Does not do anything special if we're jumping across a gap. More advanced # models, especially probabilistic ones, would want a special case that # depends on the gap size. return state def _exogenous_input_step( self, current_times, current_exogenous_regressors, state): """Update model state based on exogenous regressors.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Exogenous inputs are not implemented for this example.") def train_and_predict(csv_file_name=_DATA_FILE, training_steps=200): """Train and predict using a custom time series model.""" # Construct an Estimator from our LSTM model. estimator = ts_estimators.TimeSeriesRegressor( model=_LSTMModel(num_features=5, num_units=128), optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001)) reader = tf.contrib.timeseries.CSVReader( csv_file_name, column_names=((tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES,) + (tf.contrib.timeseries.TrainEvalFeatures.VALUES,) * 5)) train_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.RandomWindowInputFn( reader, batch_size=4, window_size=32) estimator.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=training_steps) evaluation_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.WholeDatasetInputFn(reader) evaluation = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=evaluation_input_fn, steps=1) # Predict starting after the evaluation (predictions,) = tuple(estimator.predict( input_fn=tf.contrib.timeseries.predict_continuation_input_fn( evaluation, steps=100))) times = evaluation["times"][0] observed = evaluation["observed"][0, :, :] predicted_mean = numpy.squeeze(numpy.concatenate( [evaluation["mean"][0], predictions["mean"]], axis=0)) all_times = numpy.concatenate([times, predictions["times"]], axis=0) return times, observed, all_times, predicted_mean def main(unused_argv): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError( "Please install matplotlib to generate a plot from this example.") (observed_times, observations, all_times, predictions) = train_and_predict() pyplot.axvline(99, linestyle="dotted") observed_lines = pyplot.plot( observed_times, observations, label="Observed", color="k") predicted_lines = pyplot.plot( all_times, predictions, label="Predicted", color="b") pyplot.legend(handles=[observed_lines[0], predicted_lines[0]], loc="upper left") if __name__ == "__main__":
""" ================================================== Explicit feature map approximation for RBF kernels ================================================== An example illustrating the approximation of the feature map of an RBF kernel. .. currentmodule:: sklearn.kernel_approximation It shows how to use :class:`RBFSampler` and :class:`Nystroem` to approximate the feature map of an RBF kernel for classification with an SVM on the digits dataset. Results using a linear SVM in the original space, a linear SVM using the approximate mappings and using a kernelized SVM are compared. Timings and accuracy for varying amounts of Monte Carlo samplings (in the case of :class:`RBFSampler`, which uses random Fourier features) and different sized subsets of the training set (for :class:`Nystroem`) for the approximate mapping are shown. Please note that the dataset here is not large enough to show the benefits of kernel approximation, as the exact SVM is still reasonably fast. Sampling more dimensions clearly leads to better classification results, but comes at a greater cost. This means there is a tradeoff between runtime and accuracy, given by the parameter n_components. Note that solving the Linear SVM and also the approximate kernel SVM could be greatly accelerated by using stochastic gradient descent via :class:`sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier`. This is not easily possible for the case of the kernelized SVM. The second plot visualized the decision surfaces of the RBF kernel SVM and the linear SVM with approximate kernel maps. The plot shows decision surfaces of the classifiers projected onto the first two principal components of the data. This visualization should be taken with a grain of salt since it is just an interesting slice through the decision surface in 64 dimensions. In particular note that a datapoint (represented as a dot) does not necessarily be classified into the region it is lying in, since it will not lie on the plane that the first two principal components span. The usage of :class:`RBFSampler` and :class:`Nystroem` is described in detail in :ref:`kernel_approximation`. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Gael Varoquaux <gael dot varoquaux at normalesup dot org> # Andreas Mueller <> # License: BSD 3 clause # Standard scientific Python imports import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from time import time # Import datasets, classifiers and performance metrics from sklearn import datasets, svm, pipeline from sklearn.kernel_approximation import (RBFSampler, Nystroem) from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # The digits dataset digits = datasets.load_digits(n_class=9) # To apply an classifier on this data, we need to flatten the image, to # turn the data in a (samples, feature) matrix: n_samples = len( data = / 16. data -= data.mean(axis=0) # We learn the digits on the first half of the digits data_train, targets_train = data[:n_samples / 2],[:n_samples / 2] # Now predict the value of the digit on the second half: data_test, targets_test = data[n_samples / 2:],[n_samples / 2:] #data_test = scaler.transform(data_test) # Create a classifier: a support vector classifier kernel_svm = svm.SVC(gamma=.2) linear_svm = svm.LinearSVC() # create pipeline from kernel approximation # and linear svm feature_map_fourier = RBFSampler(gamma=.2, random_state=1) feature_map_nystroem = Nystroem(gamma=.2, random_state=1) fourier_approx_svm = pipeline.Pipeline([("feature_map", feature_map_fourier), ("svm", svm.LinearSVC())]) nystroem_approx_svm = pipeline.Pipeline([("feature_map", feature_map_nystroem), ("svm", svm.LinearSVC())]) # fit and predict using linear and kernel svm: kernel_svm_time = time(), targets_train) kernel_svm_score = kernel_svm.score(data_test, targets_test) kernel_svm_time = time() - kernel_svm_time linear_svm_time = time(), targets_train) linear_svm_score = linear_svm.score(data_test, targets_test) linear_svm_time = time() - linear_svm_time sample_sizes = 30 * np.arange(1, 10) fourier_scores = [] nystroem_scores = [] fourier_times = [] nystroem_times = [] for D in sample_sizes: fourier_approx_svm.set_params(feature_map__n_components=D) nystroem_approx_svm.set_params(feature_map__n_components=D) start = time(), targets_train) nystroem_times.append(time() - start) start = time(), targets_train) fourier_times.append(time() - start) fourier_score = fourier_approx_svm.score(data_test, targets_test) nystroem_score = nystroem_approx_svm.score(data_test, targets_test) nystroem_scores.append(nystroem_score) fourier_scores.append(fourier_score) # plot the results: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) accuracy = plt.subplot(211) # second y axis for timeings timescale = plt.subplot(212) accuracy.plot(sample_sizes, nystroem_scores, label="Nystroem approx. kernel") timescale.plot(sample_sizes, nystroem_times, '--', label='Nystroem approx. kernel') accuracy.plot(sample_sizes, fourier_scores, label="Fourier approx. kernel") timescale.plot(sample_sizes, fourier_times, '--', label='Fourier approx. kernel') # horizontal lines for exact rbf and linear kernels: accuracy.plot([sample_sizes[0], sample_sizes[-1]], [linear_svm_score, linear_svm_score], label="linear svm") timescale.plot([sample_sizes[0], sample_sizes[-1]], [linear_svm_time, linear_svm_time], '--', label='linear svm') accuracy.plot([sample_sizes[0], sample_sizes[-1]], [kernel_svm_score, kernel_svm_score], label="rbf svm") timescale.plot([sample_sizes[0], sample_sizes[-1]], [kernel_svm_time, kernel_svm_time], '--', label='rbf svm') # vertical line for dataset dimensionality = 64 accuracy.plot([64, 64], [0.7, 1], label="n_features") # legends and labels accuracy.set_title("Classification accuracy") timescale.set_title("Training times") accuracy.set_xlim(sample_sizes[0], sample_sizes[-1]) accuracy.set_xticks(()) accuracy.set_ylim(np.min(fourier_scores), 1) timescale.set_xlabel("Sampling steps = transformed feature dimension") accuracy.set_ylabel("Classification accuracy") timescale.set_ylabel("Training time in seconds") accuracy.legend(loc='best') timescale.legend(loc='best') # visualize the decision surface, projected down to the first # two principal components of the dataset pca = PCA(n_components=8).fit(data_train) X = pca.transform(data_train) # Gemerate grid along first two principal components multiples = np.arange(-2, 2, 0.1) # steps along first component first = multiples[:, np.newaxis] * pca.components_[0, :] # steps along second component second = multiples[:, np.newaxis] * pca.components_[1, :] # combine grid = first[np.newaxis, :, :] + second[:, np.newaxis, :] flat_grid = grid.reshape(-1, data.shape[1]) # title for the plots titles = ['SVC with rbf kernel', 'SVC (linear kernel)\n with Fourier rbf feature map\n' 'n_components=100', 'SVC (linear kernel)\n with Nystroem rbf feature map\n' 'n_components=100'] plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) # predict and plot for i, clf in enumerate((kernel_svm, nystroem_approx_svm, fourier_approx_svm)): # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1) Z = clf.predict(flat_grid) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(grid.shape[:-1]) plt.contourf(multiples, multiples, Z, plt.axis('off') # Plot also the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=targets_train, plt.title(titles[i]) plt.tight_layout()
""" Define some """ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import range from builtins import object from copy import deepcopy as copy import numpy as n import numpy as np import dashi as d import pylab as p import matplotlib.ticker from hepbasestack.colors import get_color_palette #from .colors import get_color_palette from .canvases import YStackedCanvas from ..utils import Logger from ..utils import flatten from .. import fitting as fit d.visual() ############################################### def create_arrow(ax, x_0, y_0, dx, dy, length,\ width = .1, shape="right",\ fc="k", ec="k",\ alpha=1., log=False): """ Create an arrow object for plots. This is typically a large arrow, which can used to indicate a region in the plot which is excluded by a cut. Args: ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot): The axes where the arrow will be attached to x_0 (float): x-origin of the arrow y_0 (float): y-origin of the arrow dx (float): x length of the arrow dy (float): y length of the arrow length (float): additional scaling parameter to scale the length of the arrow Keyword Args: width (float): thickness of arrow shape (str): either "full", "left" or "right" fc (str): facecolor ec (str): edgecolor alpha (float): 0 -1 alpha value of the arrow log (bool): I for logscale, the proportions of the arrow will be adjusted accorginly. Returns: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot """ head_starts_at_zero = False head_width = width*5 head_length = length*0.1 if log: # slightly bigger arrow head_width = width*6 head_length = length*0.2 arrow_params={'length_includes_head':False,\ 'shape':shape,\ 'head_starts_at_zero':head_starts_at_zero} arr = ax.arrow(x_0, y_0, dx*length,\ dy*length, fc=fc, ec=ec,\ alpha=alpha, width=width,\ head_width=head_width,\ head_length=head_length,\ **arrow_params) return ax ############################################### def meshgrid(xs, ys): """ Create x and y data for matplotlib pcolormesh and similar plotting functions. Args: xs (np.ndarray): 1d x bins ys (np.ndarray): 2d y bins Returns: tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): 2d X and 2d Y matrices as well as a placeholder for the Z array """ xlen = len(xs) ylen = len(ys) allx, ally = [], [] # prepare xs for __ in range(ylen): allx.append(xs) allx = np.array(allx) allx = allx.T # prepare ys for __ in range(xlen): ally.append(ys) ally = np.array(ally) zs = np.zeros([xlen, ylen]) return allx, ally, zs ############################################### def line_plot(quantities, bins=None, xlabel='', add_ratio=None, ratiolabel='', colors=None, figure_factory=None): """ Args: quantities: Keyword Args: bins: xlabel: add_ratio (tuple): (["data1"],["data2"]) ratiolabel (str): colors: figure_factory (callable): Factory function returning matplotolib.Figure Returns: """ # FIXME XXX under development raise NotImplementedError if add_ratio is not None: canvas = YStackedCanvas(subplot_yheights=(0.2, 0.7), space_between_plots=0.0) ax0 = canvas.select_axes(-1) data = np.array(quantities[add_ratio[0]]) / np.array(quantities[add_ratio[1]]) data = data * 100 thebins = np.array(bins[add_ratio[0]]) bin_size = abs(thebins[1] - thebins[0]) / 2 * np.ones(len(thebins)) thebins = thebins + bin_size ax0.plot(thebins, data, color='gray') ax0.scatter(thebins, data, marker='o', s=50, color='gray') ax0.grid(1) ax0.set_ylabel(ratiolabel) ax0.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax = canvas.select_axes(0) lgax = ax0 else: if figure_factory is None: fig = p.figure() else: fig = figure_factory() ax = fig.gca() lgax = ax for reconame in quantities: thebins = np.array(bins[reconame]) bin_size = abs(thebins[1] - thebins[0]) / 2 * np.ones(len(thebins)) thebins = thebins + bin_size label = reconame.replace('-', '') if colors is not None: ax.plot(thebins, quantities[reconame], label=label, color=colors[reconame]) ax.scatter(thebins, quantities[reconame], marker='o', s=50, c=colors[reconame]) else: ax.plot(thebins, quantities[reconame], label=label) ax.scatter(thebins, quantities[reconame], marker='o', s=50) legend_kwargs = {'bbox_to_anchor': [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.102],'loc': 3, 'frameon': False, 'ncol': 2, 'borderaxespad': 0, 'mode': 'expand', 'handlelength': 2, 'numpoints': 1 } if len(quantities.keys()) == 3: legend_kwargs['ncol'] = 3 ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylabel('$\\cos(\\Psi)$') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) sb.despine() if add_ratio: ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax0.spines['left'].set_visible(False) legend_kwargs['bbox_to_anchor'] = [0, 1.3, 1.0, 0.102] ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) p.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2) return canvas.figure ax.legend(**legend_kwargs) return fig ############################################### def gaussian_model_fit(data, startparams=(0,0.2), fitrange=((None,None), (None,None)), fig=None, norm=True, bins=80, xlabel='$\\theta_{{rec}} - \\theta_{{true}}$'): """ A plot with a gaussian fitted to data. A histogram of the data will be created and a gaussian will be fitted, with 68 and 95 percentiles indicated in the plot. Args: data (array-like) : input data with a (preferably) gaussian distribution Keyword Args: startparams (tuple) : a set of startparams of the gaussian fit. If only mu/sigma are given, then the plot will be normalized fig (matplotlib.Figure) : pre-created figure to draw the plot in bins (array-like or int) : bins for the underliying histogram fitrange (tuple(min, max): min-max range for the gaussian fit xlabel (str) : label for the x-axes """ if len(startparams) == 3: tofit = lambda x,mean,sigma,amp : amp*fit.gauss(x,mean,sigma) else: tofit = fit.gauss mod = fit.Model(tofit, startparams=startparams) mod.add_data(data, create_distribution=True, bins=bins, normalize=norm) limits = [] notempty = False for k in fitrange: thislimit = [] for j in k: if j is None: continue else: notempty = True thislimit.append(j) limits.append(tuple(thislimit)) limits = tuple(limits) print (limits) if notempty: mod.fit_to_data(limits=limits) else: mod.fit_to_data() thecolors = get_color_palette() fig = mod.plot_result(log=False, xlabel=xlabel, add_parameter_text=( ('$\\mu$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 0), ('$\\sigma$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 1)), datacolor=thecolors[3], modelcolor=thecolors[3], histostyle='line', model_alpha=0.7, fig=fig) ax = fig.gca() ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1 * max( upper68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + mod.distribution.stats.std lower68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - mod.distribution.stats.std lower95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std upper95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std ax.axvspan(lower68, upper68, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.7, ec='none') ax.axvspan(lower95, upper95, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.3, ec='none') ax.text(lower68 * 0.9, max( * 0.98, '68\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) ax.text(lower95 * 0.9, max( * 0.85, '95\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) return (mod, fig) ############################################### def gaussian_fwhm_fit(data, startparams=(0,0.2,1),\ fitrange=((None,None), (None,None), (None, None)),\ fig=None,\ bins=80,\ xlabel='$\\theta_{{rec}} - \\theta_{{true}}$'): """ A plot with a gaussian fitted to data. A histogram of the data will be created and a gaussian will be fitted, with 68 and 95 percentiles indicated in the plot. The gaussian will be in a form so that the fwhm can be read directly from it. The "width" parameter of the gaussian is NOT the standard deviation, but FWHM! Args: data (array-like) : input data with a (preferably) gaussian distribution Keyword Args: startparams (tuple) : a set of startparams of the gaussian fit. It is a 3 parameter fit with mu, fwhm and amplitude fitrange (tuple) : if desired, the fit can be restrained. One tuple of (min, max) per parameter fig (matplotlib.Figure) : pre-created figure to draw the plot in bins (array-like or int) : bins for the underliying histogram xlabel (str) : label for the x-axes """ mod = fit.Model(fit.fwhm_gauss, startparams=startparams) mod.add_data(data, create_distribution=True, bins=bins, normalize=False) limits = [] notempty = False for k in fitrange: thislimit = [] for j in k: if j is None: continue else: notempty = True thislimit.append(j) limits.append(tuple(thislimit)) limits = tuple(limits) print (limits) if notempty: mod.fit_to_data(limits=limits) else: mod.fit_to_data() thecolors = get_color_palette() fig = mod.plot_result(log=False, xlabel=xlabel, add_parameter_text=( ('$\\mu$& {:4.2e}\\\\', 0), ('FWHM& {:4.2e}\\\\', 1), ('AMP& {:4.2e}\\\\',2)), datacolor=thecolors[3], modelcolor=thecolors[3], histostyle='line', model_alpha=0.7, fig=fig) ax = fig.gca() ax.grid(1) ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1 * max( upper68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + mod.distribution.stats.std lower68 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - mod.distribution.stats.std lower95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean - 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std upper95 = mod.distribution.stats.mean + 2 * mod.distribution.stats.std ax.axvspan(lower68, upper68, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.7, ec='none') ax.axvspan(lower95, upper95, facecolor=thecolors[8], alpha=0.3, ec='none') ax.text(lower68 * 0.9, max( * 0.98, '68\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) ax.text(lower95 * 0.9, max( * 0.85, '95\\%', color=thecolors[3], fontsize=20) return (mod, fig) ############################################### class VariableDistributionPlot(object): """ A plot which shows the distribution of a certain variable. Cuts can be indicated with lines and arrows. This class defines (and somehow enforces) a certain style. """ def __init__(self, cuts=None,\ color_palette="dark",\ bins=None,\ xlabel=None): """ Keyword Args: bins (array-like): desired binning, if None use default cuts (HErmes.selection.cut.Cut): conditions applied to the dataset. the cut will not be performed, but visualized instead with a line and a arrow indicatng the cutted region color_palette (str): use this palette for the plotting xlabel (str): descriptive string for x-label """ self.histograms = {} self.histratios = {} self.cumuls = {} self.plotratio = False self.plotcumul = False self.canvas = None if (xlabel is None): self.label = '' else: self.label = xlabel = '' self.bins = bins if cuts is None: cuts = [] self.cuts = cuts if isinstance(color_palette, str): self.color_palette = get_color_palette(color_palette) else: self.color_palette = color_palette self.plot_options = dict() def add_cuts(self, cut): """ Add a cut to the the plot which can be indicated by an arrow Args: cuts (HErmes.selection.cuts.Cut): Returns: None """ self.cuts.append(cut) def add_data(self, variable_data,\ name, bins=None,\ weights=None, label=''): """ Histogram the added data and store internally Args: name (string): the name of a category variable_data (array): the actual data Keyword Args: bins (array): histogram binning weights (array): weights for the histogram label (str): A label for the data when plotted """ if bins is None: bins = self.bins if weights is None: self.histograms[name] = d.factory.hist1d(variable_data, bins) else: Logger.debug(f"Found {len(weights)} weights and {len(variable_data)} data points") assert len(weights) == len(variable_data),\ f"Mismatch between len(weights) {len(weights)} and len(variable_data) {len(variable_data)}" self.histograms[name] = d.factory.hist1d(variable_data, bins, weights=weights) self.label = label = name def add_variable(self, category, variable_name, external_weights=None, transform=None): """ Convenience interface if data is sorted in categories already Args: category (HErmese.variables.category.Category): Get variable from this category variable_name (string): The name of the variable Keyword Args: external_weights (np.ndarray): Supply an array for weighting. This will OVERIDE ANY INTERNAL WEIGHTING MECHANISM and use the supplied weights. transform (callable): Apply transformation todata """ if category.plot_options: self.plot_options[] = copy(category.plot_options) if self.bins is None: self.bins = category.vardict[variable_name].bins = variable_name if external_weights is None: Logger.warning("Internal weighting mechanism is broken at the moment, FIXME!") #weights = category.weights #if len(weights) == 0: # weights = None weights = None else: weights = external_weights if transform is None: transform = lambda x : x data = category.get(variable_name) #print (variable_name) #print (data) #print (data[0]) # FIXME: check this # check pandas series and # numpy array difference # FIMXME: values was as_matrix before - adapt changes in requirements.txt try: data = data.values except: pass # hack for applying the weights if hasattr(data[0],"__iter__"): if weights is not None: Logger.warning("Multi array data for {} de tected. Trying to apply weights".format(variable_name)) tmpweights = np.array([weights[i]*np.ones(len(data[i])) for i in range(len(data))]) Logger.warning("Weights broken, assuming flatten as transformation") weights = flatten(tmpweights) self.add_data(transform(data),\,\ self.bins, weights=weights,\ label=category.vardict[variable_name].label) def add_cumul(self, name): """ Add a cumulative distribution to the plot Args: name (str): the name of the category """ assert name in self.histograms, "Need to add data first" self.cumuls[name] = self.histograms[name].normalized() def indicate_cut(self, ax, arrow=True): """ If cuts are given, indicate them by lines Args: ax (pylab.axes): axes to draw on """ vmin, vmax = ax.get_ylim() hmin, hmax = ax.get_xlim() for cut in self.cuts: for name, (operator, value) in cut: # there might be more than one # cut which should be # drawn on this plot # so go through ALL of them. if name != continue Logger.debug('Found cut! {0} on {1}'.format(name,value)) width = vmax/50. # create a line a cut position ax.vlines(value, ymin=vmin, ymax=vmax, linestyle=':') length = (hmax - hmin)*0.1 # mark part of the plot as "forbidden" # and create arrow if desired if operator in ('>','>='): shape = 'right' ax.axvspan(value, hmax,\ facecolor=self.color_palette["prohibited"],\ alpha=0.5) else: shape = 'left' ax.axvspan(hmin, value,\ facecolor=self.color_palette["prohibited"],\ alpha=0.5) if arrow: ax = create_arrow(ax, value, vmax*0.1,\ -1., 0, length, width=width,\ shape=shape, log=True) def add_ratio(self, nominator, denominator,\ total_ratio=None, total_ratio_errors=None, \ log=False, label="data/$\Sigma$ bg"): """ Add a ratio plot to the canvas Args: nominator (list or str): name(s) of the categorie(s) which will be the nominator in the ratio denominator (list or str): name(s) of the categorie(s) which will be the nominator in the ratio Keyword Args: total_ratio (bool): Indicate the total ratio with a line in the plot total_ratio_errors (bool): Draw error region around total ratio log (bool): draw ratio plot in log-scale label (str): y-label for the ratio plot """ if not isinstance(nominator, list): nominator = [nominator] if not isinstance(denominator, list): denominator = [denominator] name = "".join(nominator) + "_" + "".join(denominator) first_nominator = nominator.pop() nominator_hist = self.histograms[first_nominator] nominator_ws = self.histograms[first_nominator].stats.weightsum for name in nominator: nominator_hist += self.histograms[name] nominator_ws += self.histograms[name].stats.weightsum first_denominator = denominator.pop() denominator_hist = self.histograms[first_denominator] denominator_ws = self.histograms[first_denominator].stats.weightsum for name in denominator: denominator_hist += self.histograms[name] denominator_ws += self.histograms[name].stats.weightsum nominator_hist.normalized() denominator_hist.normalized() ratio = d.histfuncs.histratio(nominator_hist, denominator_hist,\ log=False, ylabel=label) if total_ratio is None: total_ratio = nominator_ws/denominator_ws"Calculated scalar ratio of {:4.2f} from histos".format(total_ratio)) #ratio.y[ratio.y > 0] = ratio.y[ratio.y > 0] + total_ratio -1 self.histratios[name] = (ratio, total_ratio, total_ratio_errors,\ label) return name def _draw_distribution(self, ax, name, log=True,\ cumulative=False, normalized=False, ylabel="rate/bin [1/s]"): """ Paint the histograms! Args: Keyword Args: normalized (bool): draw by number of events normalized distribution log (bool): Use a logarithmic scale for the y-axis cumulative (bool): Show a cumulative distribution normalized (bool): normalize by number of entries ylable (str): shown label on y-axis """ try: cfg = copy(self.plot_options[name]) except KeyError: Logger.warning("No plot configuration available for {}".format(name)) cfg = {"histotype": "line", "label": name, "linestyle" : {"color": "k", "linewidth": 3 } } log = False if "linestyle" in cfg: color = cfg["linestyle"].pop('color') if isinstance(color, int): color = self.color_palette[color] if 'scatterstyle' in cfg: scattercolor = cfg["scatterstyle"].pop('color') if isinstance(scattercolor,int): scattercolor = self.color_palette[scattercolor] if cumulative: histograms = self.cumuls log = False else: histograms = self.histograms if normalized and not cumulative: histograms[name] = histograms[name].normalized() if cfg['histotype'] == 'scatter': histograms[name].scatter(log=log,cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"],\ color=scattercolor, **cfg["scatterstyle"]) elif cfg['histotype'] == "line": # apply th alpha only to the "fill" setting linecfg = copy(cfg["linestyle"]) if "alpha" in linecfg: linecfg.pop("alpha") linecfg["filled"] = False if "filled" in cfg["linestyle"]: histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **linecfg) histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=None, color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) else: histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) elif cfg['histotype'] == "overlay": histograms[name].line(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ label=cfg["label"], color=color,\ **cfg["linestyle"]) histograms[name].scatter(log=log, cumulative=cumulative,\ color=scattercolor,\ **cfg["scatterstyle"]) if cumulative: ax.set_ylabel('fraction') else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) def _draw_histratio(self, name, axes, ylim=(0.1,2.5)): """ Plot one of the ratios Returns: tuple (float,float) : the min and max of the ratio """ ratio,total_ratio,total_ratio_errors,label = self.histratios[name] ratio.scatter(c="k", marker="o", markersize=3) axes.hlines(total_ratio,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle="--") if total_ratio_errors is not None: axes.hlines(total_ratio + total_ratio_errors,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle=":") axes.hlines(total_ratio - total_ratio_errors,axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],linestyle=":") xs = n.linspace(axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],200) axes.fill_between(xs,total_ratio - total_ratio_errors,\ total_ratio + total_ratio_errors,\ facecolor="grey", alpha=0.3) #axes.set_ylim(ylim) axes.set_ylabel(label) axes.grid(1) if not ratio.y is None: if not ratio.yerr is None: ymin = min(ratio.y - ratio.yerr) ymax = max(ratio.y + ratio.yerr) ymin -= (0.1*ymin) ymax += (0.1*ymax) return ymin, ymax else: ymin = min(ratio.y) ymax = max(ration.y) ymin -= (0.1*ymin) ymax += (0.1*ymax) return ymin, ymax else: return 0,0 def _locate_axes(self, combined_cumul, combined_ratio, combined_distro): axes_locator = [] if self.cumuls: if combined_cumul: axes_locator.append((0, "c")) else: axes_locator += [(x,"c") for x in range(len(self.cumuls))] if self.histratios: if combined_ratio: if axes_locator: axes_locator.append((axes_locator[-1] + 1,"r")) else: axes_locator.append((0,"r")) else: if axes_locator: axes_locator +=[(x+ len(axes_locator),"r") for x in range(len(self.histratios))] if self.histograms: if combined_distro: if axes_locator: axes_locator.append((axes_locator[-1] + 1,"h")) else: axes_locator.append((0,"h")) else: if axes_locator: axes_locator +=[(x+ len(axes_locator),"h") for x in range(len(self.histograms))] return axes_locator def plot(self, axes_locator=((0, "c",.2), (1, "r",.2), (2, "h",.5)),\ combined_distro=True,\ combined_ratio=True,\ combined_cumul=True, normalized=True, style="classic",\ log=True, legendwidth = 1.5, ylabel="rate/bin [1/s]", figure_factory=None, zoomin=False, adjust_ticks=lambda x : x): """ Create the plot Keyword Args: axes_locator (tuple): A specialized tuple defining where the axes should be located in the plot tuple has the following form: ( (PLOTA), (PLOTB), ...) where PLOTA is a tuple itself of the form (int, str, int) describing (plotnumber, plottype, height of the axes in the figure) plottype can be either: "c" - cumulative "r" - ratio "h" - histogram combined_distro: combined_ratio: combined_cumul: log (bool): style (str): Apply a simple style to the plot. Options are "modern" or "classic" normalized (bool): figure_factor (fcn): Must return a matplotlib figure, use for custom formatting zoomin (bool): If True, select the yrange in a way that the interesting part of the histogram is shown. Caution is needed, since this might lead to an overinterpretation of fluctuations. adjust_ticks (fcn): A function, applied on a matplotlib axes which will set the proper axis ticks Returns: """"Found {len(self.histograms)} distributions")"Found {len(self.histratios)} ratios")"Found {len(self.cumuls)} cumulative distributions") if not axes_locator: axes_locator = self._locate_axes(combined_cumul,\ combined_ratio,\ combined_distro) # calculate the amount of needed axes # assert len(axes_locator) == len(heights), "Need to specify exactly as many heights as plots you want to have" heights = [k[2] for k in axes_locator] self.canvas = YStackedCanvas(subplot_yheights=heights,\ figure_factory=figure_factory) cu_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "c"] h_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "h"] r_axes = [x for x in axes_locator if x[1] == "r"] maxheights = [] minheights = [] for ax in cu_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_cumul: for k in list(self.cumuls.keys()): self._draw_distribution(cur_ax, k, cumulative=True,log=log, ylabel=ylabel) break else: k = self.cumuls[list(self.cumuls.keys())[ax[0]]] self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,cumulative=True,log=log, ylabel=ylabel) for ax in r_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_ratio: for k in list(self.histratios.keys()): ymin, ymax = self._draw_histratio(k,cur_ax) ymin -= (ymin*0.1) ymax += (ymax*0.1) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) # FIXME: good tick spacing #major_tick_space = 1 #minor_tick_space = 0.1 ## in case there are too many ticks #nticks = float(ymax - ymin)/major_tick_space #while nticks > 4: # major_tick_space += 1 ##if ymax - ymin < 1: ## major_tick_space = #cur_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(minor_tick_space)) break else: k = self.histratios[list(self.histratios.keys())[ax[0]]] ymin, ymax = self._draw_histratio(k,cur_ax) ymin -= (ymin*0.1) ymax += (ymax*0.1) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) for ax in h_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) if combined_distro: for k in list(self.histograms.keys()): Logger.debug("drawing..{}".format(k)) self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,k,log=log, normalized=normalized, ylabel=ylabel) break else: k = self.histograms[list(self.histograms.keys())[ax[0]]] ymax, ymin = self._draw_distribution(cur_ax,k,log=log, normalized=normalized, ylabel=ylabel) cur_ax.set_ylim(ymin=ymin - 0.1*ymin,ymax=1.1*ymax) cur_ax.grid(True) lgax = self.canvas.select_axes(-1) # most upper one ncol = 2 if len(self.histograms) <= 4 else 3 if style == "classic": # draw the legend in the box above the plot legend_kwargs = {"bbox_to_anchor": [0., 1.0, 1., .102], "loc": 3, "frameon": True, "ncol": ncol, "framealpha": 1., "borderaxespad": 0, "mode": "expand", "handlelength": 2, "numpoints": 1} lg = lgax.legend(**legend_kwargs) if lg is not None: lg.get_frame().set_linewidth(legendwidth) lg.get_frame().set_edgecolor("k") else: Logger.warning("Can not set legendwidth!") if style == "modern": # be more casual lgax.legend() # plot the cuts if self.cuts: for ax in h_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) self.indicate_cut(cur_ax, arrow=True) for ax in r_axes + cu_axes: cur_ax = self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]) self.indicate_cut(cur_ax, arrow=False) # cleanup leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange = self.optimal_plotrange_histo(self.histograms.values()) if minplotrange == maxplotrange: Logger.debug("Detected histogram with most likely a single bin!") Logger.debug("Adjusting plotrange") else: if zoomin: figure_span = maxplotrange - minplotrange minplotrange -= (figure_span*0.1) maxplotrange += (figure_span*0.1) else: # start at zero and show the boring part minplotrange = 0 maxplotrange += (maxplotrange*0.1) if log: maxplotrange = 10**(np.log10(maxplotrange) + 1) if maxplotrange < 1: minplotrange -= (minplotrange*0.01) else: minplotrange = 0 # will be switched to symlog by default for ax in h_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_ylim(ymin=minplotrange, ymax=maxplotrange) self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) if log: if maxplotrange < 1: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_yscale("log") else: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_yscale("symlog") for ax in cu_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) for ax in r_axes: self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).set_xlim(xmin=leftplotedge, xmax=rightplotedge) self.canvas.eliminate_lower_yticks() # set the label on the lowest axes self.canvas.axes[0].set_xlabel(self.label) minor_tick_space = self.canvas.axes[0].xaxis.get_ticklocs() minor_tick_space = (minor_tick_space[1] - minor_tick_space[0])/10. if minor_tick_space < 0.1: Logger.debug("Adjusting for small numbers in tick spacing, tickspace detectected {}".format(minor_tick_space)) minor_tick_space = 0.1 self.canvas.axes[0].xaxis.set_minor_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(minor_tick_space)) for x in self.canvas.axes[1:]: p.setp(x.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) p.setp(x.get_xticklines(), visible=False) x.xaxis.set_tick_params(which="both",\ length=0,\ width=0,\ bottom=False,\ labelbottom=False) for x in self.canvas.figure.axes: x.spines["right"].set_visible(True) adjust_ticks(x) for ax in h_axes: #self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain', axis="y") self.canvas.select_axes(ax[0]).get_yaxis().get_offset_text().set_x(-0.1) if ((len(h_axes) == 1) and (style == "modern")): self.canvas.select_axes(-1).spines["top"].set_visible(False) self.canvas.select_axes(-1).spines["right"].set_visible(False) @staticmethod def optimal_plotrange_histo(histograms): """ Get most suitable x and y limits for a bunc of histograms Args: histograms (list(d.factory.hist1d)): The histograms in question Returns: tuple (float, float, float, float): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax """ leftplotedge = n.inf rightplotedge = -n.inf minplotrange = n.inf maxplotrange = -n.inf for h in histograms: if not h.bincontent.any(): continue if h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][0] < leftplotedge: leftplotedge = h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][0] leftplotedge -= h.binwidths[0] if h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][-1] > rightplotedge: rightplotedge = h.bincenters[h.bincontent > 0][-1] rightplotedge += h.binwidths[0] if min(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) < minplotrange: minplotrange = min(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) if max(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0]) > maxplotrange: maxplotrange = max(h.bincontent[h.bincontent > 0])"Estimated plotrange of xmin {} , xmax {}, ymin {}, ymax {}".format(leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange)) return leftplotedge, rightplotedge, minplotrange, maxplotrange def add_legend(self, **kwargs): """ Add a legend to the plot. If no kwargs are passed, use some reasonable default. Keyword Args: will be passed to pylab.legend """ if not kwargs: kwargs = {"bbox_to_anchor": (0.,1.0, 1., .102),\ "loc" : 3, "ncol" :3,\ "mode": "expand",\ "framealpha": 1,\ "borderaxespad": 0.,\ "handlelength": 2,\ "numpoints": 1} self.canvas.global_legend(**kwargs) # ####################################################### # # def error_distribution_plot(h, # xlabel = r"$\log(E_{rec}/E_{ref})$", # name = "E", # median = False): # """ # # # Args: # h: # xlabel: # name: # median: # # Returns: # # """ # par = HistoFitter(h, Gauss) # fig = p.figure(figsize=(6,4),dpi=350) # ax = fig.gca() # if not median: ax.plot(h.bincenters, Gauss(par,h.bincenters),color="k",lw=2) # h.line(filled=True,color="k",lw=2,fc="grey",alpha=.5)#hatch="//") # h.line(color="k",lw=2) # ax.grid(1) # ax.set_ylim(ymax=1.1*max(h.bincontent)) # ax.set_xlim(xmin=h.bincenters[0],xmax=h.bincenters[-1]) # ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # ax.set_ylabel("Normalized bincount") # if median: ax.vlines(h.stats.median,0,1.1*max(h.bincontent),linestyles="dashed") # textstr ="Gaussian fit:\n" # textstr += "$\mu$ = " + "%4.3f" %par[1] + "\n" + "$\sigma$ = " + "%4.2f" %par[2] # if median: # textstr = "Median:\n %4.3f" %h.stats.median # CreateTextbox(ax,textstr,boxstyle="square",xcoord=.65,fontsize=16,alpha=.9) # #Thesisize(ax) # #print h.bincontent[h.bincenters > -.1][h.bincenters < .1].cumsum()[-1] # # #ChisquareTest(h,Gauss(par,h.bincenters),xmin=-.001,xmax=.001) # #savename = Multisavefig(plotdir_stat,"parameter-reso-" + name,3,orientation="portrait",pad_inches=.3,bbox_inches="tight")[0]#pad_inches=.5,bbox_inche s="tight")[0] # return fig # # #################################################### # # def HistoFitter(histo,func,startmean=0,startsigma=.2): # # def error(p,x,y): # return n.sqrt((func(p,x) - y)**2) # # #print histo.bincontent.std() # histo.stats.mean # p0 = [max(histo.bincontent),histo.stats.mean,histo.stats.var] # output = optimize.leastsq(error,p0,args=(histo.bincenters,histo.bincontent),full_output=1) # par = output[0] # covar = output[1] # rchisquare = scipy.stats.chisquare(1*histo.bincontent,f_exp=(1*func(par,histo.bincenters)))[0]/(1*(len(histo.bincenters) -len(par))) # #print par,covar # #print "chisquare/ndof",rchisquare # #print histo.bincontent[:10], func(par,histo.bincenters)[:10] # #print "ks2_samp", scipy.stats.ks_2samp(histo.bincontent,func(par,histo.bincenters)) # return par # # ##################################################### # # def create_textbox(ax, textstr, boxstyle="round",\ # facecolor="white", alpha=.7,\ # xcoord=0.05, ycoord=0.95, fontsize=14): # """ # Create a textbox on a given axis # # Args: # ax: # textstr: # boxstyle: # facecolor: # alpha: # xcoord: # ycoord: # fontsize: # # Returns: # the given ax object # """ # props = dict(boxstyle=boxstyle, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) # # place a text box in upper left in axes coords # ax.text(xcoord, ycoord, textstr,\ # transform=ax.transAxes,\ # fontsize=fontsize,\ # verticalalignment='top', bbox=props) # return ax # # ###################################################### # # def ChisquareTest(histo, fit, xmin=-.2, xmax=.2, ndof=3): # data = histo.bincontent[histo.bincenters > xmin][histo.bincenters < xmax] # fit = fit[histo.bincenters > xmin][histo.bincenters < xmax] # #print data,fit # print (scipy.stats.chisquare(data,f_exp=fit)[0]/(len(fit) - ndof)) # print (scipy.stats.ks_2samp(data,fit)) # print (scipy.stats.anderson(data))
from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import inv, svd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from abel.rbasex import _bs_rbasex Rmax = 40 # SVD for 0th-order inverse Abel transform P, = _bs_rbasex(Rmax, 0, False) A = inv(P.T) V, s, UT = svd(A) # setup x axis def setx(): plt.xlim((0, Rmax)) plt.xticks([0, 1/4 * Rmax, 1/2 * Rmax, 3/4 * Rmax, Rmax], ['$0$', '', '', '', '$r_{\\rm max}$']) # plot i-th +- 0, 1 singular vectors def plotu(i, title): plt.title('$\\mathbf{v}_i,\\quad i = ' + title + '$') i = int(i) plt.plot(V[:, i - 1], '#DD0000') plt.plot(V[:, i], '#00AA00') plt.plot(V[:, i + 1], '#0000FF') setx() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), frameon=False) # singular values plt.subplot(321) plt.title('$\\sigma_i$') plt.plot(s, 'k') setx() plt.ylim(bottom=0) # vectors near 0 plt.subplot(322) plotu(1, '0, 1, 2') # vectors near 1/4 plt.subplot(323) plotu(1/4 * Rmax, '\\frac{1}{4} r_{\\rm max} \\pm 0, 1') # vectors near middle plt.subplot(324) plotu(1/2 * Rmax, '\\frac{1}{2} r_{\\rm max} \\pm 0, 1') # vectors near 3/4 plt.subplot(325) plotu(3/4 * Rmax, '\\frac{3}{4} r_{\\rm max} \\pm 0, 1') # vectors near end plt.subplot(326) plotu(Rmax - 1, 'r_{\\rm max} - 2, 1, 0') plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig('rbasex-SVD.svg')
import unittest import sys import numpy as np from sklearn.mixture import DPGMM, VBGMM from sklearn.mixture.dpgmm import log_normalize from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_less, assert_equal from sklearn.mixture.tests.test_gmm import GMMTester from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO np.seterr(all='warn') def test_class_weights(): # check that the class weights are updated # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50) # get indices of components that are used: indices = np.unique(dpgmm.predict(X)) active = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.bool) active[indices] = True # used components are important assert_array_less(.1, dpgmm.weights_[active]) # others are not assert_array_less(dpgmm.weights_[~active], .05) def test_verbose_boolean(): # checks that the output for the verbose output is the same # for the flag values '1' and 'True' # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm_bool = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=True) dpgmm_int = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: # generate output with the boolean flag verbose_output = sys.stdout bool_output = verbose_output.readline() # generate output with the int flag verbose_output = sys.stdout int_output = verbose_output.readline() assert_equal(bool_output, int_output) finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_first_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_second_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=2) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_log_normalize(): v = np.array([0.1, 0.8, 0.01, 0.09]) a = np.log(2 * v) assert np.allclose(v, log_normalize(a), rtol=0.01) def do_model(self, **kwds): return VBGMM(verbose=False, **kwds) class DPGMMTester(GMMTester): model = DPGMM do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestDPGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class VBGMMTester(GMMTester): model = do_model do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestVBGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp
"""This test for the LFW require medium-size data dowloading and processing If the data has not been already downloaded by running the examples, the tests won't run (skipped). If the test are run, the first execution will be long (typically a bit more than a couple of minutes) but as the dataset loader is leveraging joblib, successive runs will be fast (less than 200ms). """ import random import os import shutil import tempfile import numpy as np from sklearn.externals import six try: try: from scipy.misc import imsave except ImportError: from scipy.misc.pilutil import imsave except ImportError: imsave = None from sklearn.datasets import load_lfw_pairs from sklearn.datasets import load_lfw_people from sklearn.datasets import fetch_lfw_pairs from sklearn.datasets import fetch_lfw_people from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message from sklearn.utils.testing import SkipTest from sklearn.utils.testing import raises SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="scikit_learn_lfw_test_") SCIKIT_LEARN_EMPTY_DATA = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="scikit_learn_empty_test_") LFW_HOME = os.path.join(SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, 'lfw_home') FAKE_NAMES = [ 'Abdelatif_Smith', 'Abhati_Kepler', 'Camara_Alvaro', 'Chen_Dupont', 'John_Lee', 'Lin_Bauman', 'Onur_Lopez', ] def setup_module(): """Test fixture run once and common to all tests of this module""" if imsave is None: raise SkipTest("PIL not installed.") if not os.path.exists(LFW_HOME): os.makedirs(LFW_HOME) random_state = random.Random(42) np_rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # generate some random jpeg files for each person counts = {} for name in FAKE_NAMES: folder_name = os.path.join(LFW_HOME, 'lfw_funneled', name) if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) n_faces = np_rng.randint(1, 5) counts[name] = n_faces for i in range(n_faces): file_path = os.path.join(folder_name, name + '_%04d.jpg' % i) uniface = np_rng.randint(0, 255, size=(250, 250, 3)) try: imsave(file_path, uniface) except ImportError: raise SkipTest("PIL not installed") # add some random file pollution to test robustness with open(os.path.join(LFW_HOME, 'lfw_funneled', '.test.swp'), 'wb') as f: f.write(six.b('Text file to be ignored by the dataset loader.')) # generate some pairing metadata files using the same format as LFW with open(os.path.join(LFW_HOME, 'pairsDevTrain.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(six.b("10\n")) more_than_two = [name for name, count in six.iteritems(counts) if count >= 2] for i in range(5): name = random_state.choice(more_than_two) first, second = random_state.sample(range(counts[name]), 2) f.write(six.b('%s\t%d\t%d\n' % (name, first, second))) for i in range(5): first_name, second_name = random_state.sample(FAKE_NAMES, 2) first_index = random_state.choice(np.arange(counts[first_name])) second_index = random_state.choice(np.arange(counts[second_name])) f.write(six.b('%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\n' % (first_name, first_index, second_name, second_index))) with open(os.path.join(LFW_HOME, 'pairsDevTest.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(six.b("Fake place holder that won't be tested")) with open(os.path.join(LFW_HOME, 'pairs.txt'), 'wb') as f: f.write(six.b("Fake place holder that won't be tested")) def teardown_module(): """Test fixture (clean up) run once after all tests of this module""" if os.path.isdir(SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA): shutil.rmtree(SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA) if os.path.isdir(SCIKIT_LEARN_EMPTY_DATA): shutil.rmtree(SCIKIT_LEARN_EMPTY_DATA) @raises(IOError) def test_load_empty_lfw_people(): fetch_lfw_people(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_EMPTY_DATA, download_if_missing=False) def test_load_lfw_people_deprecation(): msg = ("Function 'load_lfw_people' has been deprecated in 0.17 and will be " "removed in 0.19." "Use fetch_lfw_people(download_if_missing=False) instead.") assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg, load_lfw_people, data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA) def test_load_fake_lfw_people(): lfw_people = fetch_lfw_people(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, min_faces_per_person=3, download_if_missing=False) # The data is croped around the center as a rectangular bounding box # arounthe the face. Colors are converted to gray levels: assert_equal(lfw_people.images.shape, (10, 62, 47)) assert_equal(, (10, 2914)) # the target is array of person integer ids assert_array_equal(, [2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2]) # names of the persons can be found using the target_names array expected_classes = ['Abdelatif Smith', 'Abhati Kepler', 'Onur Lopez'] assert_array_equal(lfw_people.target_names, expected_classes) # It is possible to ask for the original data without any croping or color # conversion and not limit on the number of picture per person lfw_people = fetch_lfw_people(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, resize=None, slice_=None, color=True, download_if_missing=False) assert_equal(lfw_people.images.shape, (17, 250, 250, 3)) # the ids and class names are the same as previously assert_array_equal(, [0, 0, 1, 6, 5, 6, 3, 6, 0, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2]) assert_array_equal(lfw_people.target_names, ['Abdelatif Smith', 'Abhati Kepler', 'Camara Alvaro', 'Chen Dupont', 'John Lee', 'Lin Bauman', 'Onur Lopez']) @raises(ValueError) def test_load_fake_lfw_people_too_restrictive(): fetch_lfw_people(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, min_faces_per_person=100, download_if_missing=False) @raises(IOError) def test_load_empty_lfw_pairs(): fetch_lfw_pairs(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_EMPTY_DATA, download_if_missing=False) def test_load_lfw_pairs_deprecation(): msg = ("Function 'load_lfw_pairs' has been deprecated in 0.17 and will be " "removed in 0.19." "Use fetch_lfw_pairs(download_if_missing=False) instead.") assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg, load_lfw_pairs, data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA) def test_load_fake_lfw_pairs(): lfw_pairs_train = fetch_lfw_pairs(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, download_if_missing=False) # The data is croped around the center as a rectangular bounding box # arounthe the face. Colors are converted to gray levels: assert_equal(lfw_pairs_train.pairs.shape, (10, 2, 62, 47)) # the target is whether the person is the same or not assert_array_equal(, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # names of the persons can be found using the target_names array expected_classes = ['Different persons', 'Same person'] assert_array_equal(lfw_pairs_train.target_names, expected_classes) # It is possible to ask for the original data without any croping or color # conversion lfw_pairs_train = fetch_lfw_pairs(data_home=SCIKIT_LEARN_DATA, resize=None, slice_=None, color=True, download_if_missing=False) assert_equal(lfw_pairs_train.pairs.shape, (10, 2, 250, 250, 3)) # the ids and class names are the same as previously assert_array_equal(, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) assert_array_equal(lfw_pairs_train.target_names, expected_classes)
""" ========================= Multi-dimensional scaling ========================= An illustration of the metric and non-metric MDS on generated noisy data. The reconstructed points using the metric MDS and non metric MDS are slightly shifted to avoid overlapping. """ # Author: Nelle Varoquaux <> # License: BSD print(__doc__) import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection from sklearn import manifold from sklearn.metrics import euclidean_distances from sklearn.decomposition import PCA n_samples = 20 seed = np.random.RandomState(seed=3) X_true = seed.randint(0, 20, 2 * n_samples).astype(np.float) X_true = X_true.reshape((n_samples, 2)) # Center the data X_true -= X_true.mean() similarities = euclidean_distances(X_true) # Add noise to the similarities noise = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_samples) noise = noise + noise.T noise[np.arange(noise.shape[0]), np.arange(noise.shape[0])] = 0 similarities += noise mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=2, max_iter=3000, eps=1e-9, random_state=seed, dissimilarity="precomputed", n_jobs=1) pos = nmds = manifold.MDS(n_components=2, metric=False, max_iter=3000, eps=1e-12, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=seed, n_jobs=1, n_init=1) npos = nmds.fit_transform(similarities, init=pos) # Rescale the data pos *= np.sqrt((X_true ** 2).sum()) / np.sqrt((pos ** 2).sum()) npos *= np.sqrt((X_true ** 2).sum()) / np.sqrt((npos ** 2).sum()) # Rotate the data clf = PCA(n_components=2) X_true = clf.fit_transform(X_true) pos = clf.fit_transform(pos) npos = clf.fit_transform(npos) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = plt.axes([0., 0., 1., 1.]) s = 100 plt.scatter(X_true[:, 0], X_true[:, 1], color='navy', s=s, lw=0, label='True Position') plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], color='turquoise', s=s, lw=0, label='MDS') plt.scatter(npos[:, 0], npos[:, 1], color='darkorange', s=s, lw=0, label='NMDS') plt.legend(scatterpoints=1, loc='best', shadow=False) similarities = similarities.max() / similarities * 100 similarities[np.isinf(similarities)] = 0 # Plot the edges start_idx, end_idx = np.where(pos) # a sequence of (*line0*, *line1*, *line2*), where:: # linen = (x0, y0), (x1, y1), ... (xm, ym) segments = [[X_true[i, :], X_true[j, :]] for i in range(len(pos)) for j in range(len(pos))] values = np.abs(similarities) lc = LineCollection(segments, zorder=0,, norm=plt.Normalize(0, values.max())) lc.set_array(similarities.flatten()) lc.set_linewidths(0.5 * np.ones(len(segments))) ax.add_collection(lc)
from __future__ import division import pylab as pl import numpy as np import pandas as pd class tctGibbs: #initialization # inputs: def __init__(self,cro=76,cbu=20,cwo=4,talup=120,tallow=90, tdisup=80,tdislow=40,tturup=100,tturlow=60,tarrup=420, tarrlow=300,tsupup=180,tsuplow=60,sizemin=100,sizeroom=2000, sizebldg=10000,sizemax=3000000, upA=0.047,lowA=0.0029,upalph=2,lowalph=1): #observed bin values self.cro = cro #contained to room self.cbu = cbu #contained to building self.cwo = cwo #contained to world #specify constraints on the fixed parameters self.talup = talup # upper bound on t_alarm self.tallow = tallow # lower bound on t_alarm self.tdisup = tdisup # upper bound on t_dispatch self.tdislow = tdislow # lower bound on t_dispatch self.tturup = tturup # upper bound on t_turnout self.tturlow = tturlow # lower bound on t_turnout self.tarrup = tarrup # upper bound on t_arrival self.tarrlow = tarrlow # lower bound on t_arrival self.tsupup = tsupup # upper bound on t_suppression self.tsuplow = tsuplow # lower bound on t_suppression #specify expected fire sizes for spread behavior (kW) self.sizemin = sizemin #natively set to 0.01 to avoid numerical singularities on lower bound self.sizeroom = sizeroom #threshold for binning a fire into contained to room self.sizebldg = sizebldg #threshold on binning a fire into contained to building self.sizemax = sizemax #reasonable physical threshold for a structure fire #Note: value of 3,000,000 taken from FDS prediction #of peak HRR for WTC 1 fire on 9/11, from NCSTAR 1-5 #Figure 6-30 #specify original bounds on A and alpha self.upA = upA self.lowA = lowA self.upalph = upalph self.lowalph = lowalph #calculate total number of fires self.n_fires=cro+cbu+cwo #instantiate initial draws for A and alpha self.ARoom=np.random.uniform(lowA,upA) self.ABldg=np.random.uniform(lowA,upA) self.ABeyond=np.random.uniform(lowA,upA) self.alphRoom=np.random.uniform(lowalph,upalph) self.alphBldg=np.random.uniform(lowalph,upalph) self.alphBeyond=np.random.uniform(lowalph,upalph) #instantiate variables for tcor fires self.tcorRoom = 0 self.tcorBldg = 0 self.tcorBeyond = 0 #create initial containers for all of the task time variables self.tal = np.random.uniform(tallow,talup) # upper bound on t_alarm self.tdis = np.random.uniform(tdislow,tdisup) # upper bound on t_dispatch self.ttur = np.random.uniform(tturlow,tturup) # upper bound on t_turnout self.tarr = np.random.uniform(tarrlow,tarrup)# upper bound on t_arrival self.tsup = np.random.uniform(tsuplow,tsupup) # upper bound on t_suppression self.tfiretasks = self.tal+self.tdis+self.ttur+self.tarr+self.tsup #Create draw functions for the Gibbs sampler #Draw new values for fire department timing def draw_tfiretasks(self): self.tal = np.random.uniform(self.tallow,self.talup) # upper bound on t_alarm self.tdis = np.random.uniform(self.tdislow,self.tdisup) # upper bound on t_dispatch self.ttur = np.random.uniform(self.tturlow,self.tturup) # upper bound on t_turnout self.tarr = np.random.uniform(self.tarrlow,self.tarrup)# upper bound on t_arrival self.tsup = np.random.uniform(self.tsuplow,self.tsupup) # upper bound on t_suppression self.tfiretasks = self.tal+self.tdis+self.ttur+self.tarr+self.tsup #Draw the tcor values for relevant fires #Inputs: relevant Qmin and Qmax thresholds and current A and alph values def draw_tcor(self,Qmin,Qmax,A,alph): lowtcor = (Qmin/A)**(1/alph)-self.tfiretasks uptcor = (Qmax/A)**(1/alph)-self.tfiretasks return np.random.uniform(lowtcor,uptcor) #Draw the A values for relevant fires #Inputs: relevant Qmin and Qmax thresholds and current tcor and alph values def draw_A(self,Qmin,Qmax,tcor,alph): lowA = (Qmin)/(max(tcor+self.tfiretasks,0.0001)**(alph)) upA = min((Qmax)/(max(tcor+self.tfiretasks,0.0001)**(alph)), Qmin/self.tfiretasks**2) #return np.random.uniform(max(lowA,self.lowA),min(upA,self.upA)) return np.random.uniform(lowA,upA) #Draw the tcor values for room fires #Inputs: relevant Qmin and Qmax thresholds and current tcor and A values def draw_alph(self,Qmin,Qmax,tcor,A): lowalph = (pl.log(Qmin)-pl.log(A))/pl.log(max(tcor+self.tfiretasks,0.0001)) upalph = (pl.log(Qmax)-pl.log(A))/pl.log(max(tcor+self.tfiretasks,0.0001)) if(upalph < self.lowalph): upalph = self.lowalph #return np.random.uniform(max(self.lowalph,lowalph),min(self.upalph,upalph)) #return np.random.uniform(self.lowalph,self.upalph) return self.upalph #Gibbs sampling function def fireGibbs(self,n_iter,burn,thin,Qmin,Qmax,tcor,A,alph): print 'fireGibbs called' n_store = int(np.ceil((n_iter-burn))/thin+0.00001) gibbstcor = np.full(n_store,-1) gibbsA = np.full(n_store,-1) gibbsalph = np.full(n_store,-1) s = 0 for i in range(0,n_iter): self.draw_tfiretasks() A = self.draw_A(Qmin,Qmax,tcor,alph) tcor = self.draw_tcor(Qmin,Qmax,A,alph) alph = self.draw_alph(Qmin,Qmax,tcor,A) if(i >= burn and i%thin==0): gibbstcor[s] = tcor gibbsA[s] = A gibbsalph[s] = alph s = s+1 return(gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph) #output storage function def gibbs_store(self,gibbsoutputlist,filenameoutputlist): for i in range(0,len(gibbsoutputlist)): f=open('raw_output/'+filenameoutputlist[i],'wb') np.savetxt(f,gibbsoutputlist[i],delimiter=',') f.close() #Main class running function def runGibbs(self,n_iter=1000,burn=500,thin=5): #Run room fires first and output gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph = self.fireGibbs(n_iter,burn,thin,self.sizemin, self.sizeroom,self.tcorRoom, self.ARoom,self.alphRoom) #store output self.gibbs_store([gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph],['tcorRoom.csv', 'ARoom.csv','alphRoom.csv']) #Run building fires next and output gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph = self.fireGibbs(n_iter,burn,thin,self.sizeroom, self.sizebldg,self.tcorBldg, self.ABldg,self.alphBldg) #store output self.gibbs_store([gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph],['tcorBldg.csv', 'ABldg.csv','alphBldg.csv']) #Run beyond building fires last and output gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph = self.fireGibbs(n_iter,burn,thin,self.sizebldg, self.sizemax,self.tcorBeyond, self.ABeyond,self.alphBeyond) #store output self.gibbs_store([gibbstcor,gibbsA,gibbsalph],['tcorBeyond.csv', 'ABeyond.csv','alphBeyond.csv']) test = tctGibbs() test.runGibbs(100000,100,10)
# LICENSE: Simplified BSD import warnings import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from scipy.linalg import eigh, eig from scipy.sparse.linalg import lobpcg, eigs, eigsh from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state from .validation import check_array EIGEN_SOLVERS = ['auto', 'dense', 'arpack', 'lobpcg'] BAD_EIGEN_SOLVERS = {} AMG_KWDS = ['strength', 'aggregate', 'smooth', 'max_levels', 'max_coarse'] try: from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver PYAMG_LOADED = True EIGEN_SOLVERS.append('amg') except ImportError: PYAMG_LOADED = False BAD_EIGEN_SOLVERS['amg'] = """The eigen_solver was set to 'amg', but pyamg is not available. Please either install pyamg or use another method.""" def check_eigen_solver(eigen_solver, solver_kwds, size=None, nvec=None): """Check that the selected eigensolver is valid Parameters ---------- eigen_solver : string string value to validate size, nvec : int (optional) if both provided, use the specified problem size and number of vectors to determine the optimal method to use with eigen_solver='auto' Returns ------- eigen_solver : string The eigen solver. This only differs from the input if eigen_solver == 'auto' and `size` is specified. """ if eigen_solver in BAD_EIGEN_SOLVERS: raise ValueError(BAD_EIGEN_SOLVERS[eigen_solver]) elif eigen_solver not in EIGEN_SOLVERS: raise ValueError("Unrecognized eigen_solver: '{0}'." "Should be one of: {1}".format(eigen_solver, EIGEN_SOLVERS)) if size is not None and nvec is not None: # do some checks of the eigensolver if eigen_solver == 'lobpcg' and size < 5 * nvec + 1: warnings.warn("lobpcg does not perform well with small matrices or " "with large numbers of vectors. Switching to 'dense'") eigen_solver = 'dense' solver_kwds = None elif eigen_solver == 'auto': if size > 200 and nvec < 10: if PYAMG_LOADED: eigen_solver = 'amg' solver_kwds = None else: eigen_solver = 'arpack' solver_kwds = None else: eigen_solver = 'dense' solver_kwds = None return eigen_solver, solver_kwds def _is_symmetric(M, tol = 1e-8): if sparse.isspmatrix(M): conditions = np.abs((M - M.T).data) < tol else: conditions = np.abs((M - M.T)) < tol return(np.all(conditions)) def eigen_decomposition(G, n_components=8, eigen_solver='auto', random_state=None, drop_first=True, largest=True, solver_kwds=None): """ Function to compute the eigendecomposition of a square matrix. Parameters ---------- G : array_like or sparse matrix The square matrix for which to compute the eigen-decomposition. n_components : integer, optional The number of eigenvectors to return eigen_solver : {'auto', 'dense', 'arpack', 'lobpcg', or 'amg'} 'auto' : attempt to choose the best method for input data (default) 'dense' : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue decomposition. For this method, M must be an array or matrix type. This method should be avoided for large problems. 'arpack' : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode. For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix, or general linear operator. Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems. It is best to try several random seeds in order to check results. 'lobpcg' : Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method. A preconditioned eigensolver for large symmetric positive definite (SPD) generalized eigenproblems. 'amg' : Algebraic Multigrid solver (requires ``pyamg`` to be installed) It can be faster on very large, sparse problems, but may also lead to instabilities. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) A pseudo random number generator used for the initialization of the lobpcg eigen vectors decomposition when eigen_solver == 'amg'. By default, arpack is used. solver_kwds : any additional keyword arguments to pass to the selected eigen_solver Returns ------- lambdas, diffusion_map : eigenvalues, eigenvectors """ n_nodes = G.shape[0] if drop_first: n_components = n_components + 1 eigen_solver, solver_kwds = check_eigen_solver(eigen_solver, solver_kwds, size=n_nodes, nvec=n_components) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # Convert G to best type for eigendecomposition if sparse.issparse(G): if G.getformat() is not 'csr': G.tocsr() G = G.astype(np.float) # Check for symmetry is_symmetric = _is_symmetric(G) # Try Eigen Methods: if eigen_solver == 'arpack': # This matches the internal initial state used by ARPACK v0 = random_state.uniform(-1, 1, G.shape[0]) if is_symmetric: if largest: which = 'LM' else: which = 'SM' lambdas, diffusion_map = eigsh(G, k=n_components, which=which, v0=v0,**(solver_kwds or {})) else: if largest: which = 'LR' else: which = 'SR' lambdas, diffusion_map = eigs(G, k=n_components, which=which, **(solver_kwds or {})) lambdas = np.real(lambdas) diffusion_map = np.real(diffusion_map) elif eigen_solver == 'amg': # separate amg & lobpcg keywords: if solver_kwds is not None: amg_kwds = {} lobpcg_kwds = solver_kwds.copy() for kwd in AMG_KWDS: if kwd in solver_kwds.keys(): amg_kwds[kwd] = solver_kwds[kwd] del lobpcg_kwds[kwd] else: amg_kwds = None lobpcg_kwds = None if not is_symmetric: raise ValueError("lobpcg requires symmetric matrices.") if not sparse.issparse(G): warnings.warn("AMG works better for sparse matrices") # Use AMG to get a preconditioner and speed up the eigenvalue problem. ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(check_array(G, accept_sparse = ['csr']),**(amg_kwds or {})) M = ml.aspreconditioner() n_find = min(n_nodes, 5 + 2*n_components) X = random_state.rand(n_nodes, n_find) X[:, 0] = (G.diagonal()).ravel() lambdas, diffusion_map = lobpcg(G, X, M=M, largest=largest,**(lobpcg_kwds or {})) sort_order = np.argsort(lambdas) if largest: lambdas = lambdas[sort_order[::-1]] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, sort_order[::-1]] else: lambdas = lambdas[sort_order] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, sort_order] lambdas = lambdas[:n_components] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, :n_components] elif eigen_solver == "lobpcg": if not is_symmetric: raise ValueError("lobpcg requires symmetric matrices.") n_find = min(n_nodes, 5 + 2*n_components) X = random_state.rand(n_nodes, n_find) lambdas, diffusion_map = lobpcg(G, X, largest=largest,**(solver_kwds or {})) sort_order = np.argsort(lambdas) if largest: lambdas = lambdas[sort_order[::-1]] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, sort_order[::-1]] else: lambdas = lambdas[sort_order] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, sort_order] lambdas = lambdas[:n_components] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, :n_components] elif eigen_solver == 'dense': if sparse.isspmatrix(G): G = G.todense() if is_symmetric: lambdas, diffusion_map = eigh(G,**(solver_kwds or {})) else: lambdas, diffusion_map = eig(G,**(solver_kwds or {})) sort_index = np.argsort(lambdas) lambdas = lambdas[sort_index] diffusion_map[:,sort_index] if largest:# eigh always returns eigenvalues in ascending order lambdas = lambdas[::-1] # reverse order the e-values diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, ::-1] # reverse order the vectors lambdas = lambdas[:n_components] diffusion_map = diffusion_map[:, :n_components] return (lambdas, diffusion_map) def null_space(M, k, k_skip=1, eigen_solver='arpack', random_state=None, solver_kwds=None): """ Find the null space of a matrix M: eigenvectors associated with 0 eigenvalues Parameters ---------- M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator} Input covariance matrix: should be symmetric positive semi-definite k : integer Number of eigenvalues/vectors to return k_skip : integer, optional Number of low eigenvalues to skip. eigen_solver : {'auto', 'dense', 'arpack', 'lobpcg', or 'amg'} 'auto' : algorithm will attempt to choose the best method for input data 'dense' : use standard dense matrix operations for the eigenvalue decomposition. For this method, M must be an array or matrix type. This method should be avoided for large problems. 'arpack' : use arnoldi iteration in shift-invert mode. For this method, M may be a dense matrix, sparse matrix, or general linear operator. Warning: ARPACK can be unstable for some problems. It is best to try several random seeds in order to check results. 'lobpcg' : Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method. A preconditioned eigensolver for large symmetric positive definite (SPD) generalized eigenproblems. 'amg' : AMG requires pyamg to be installed. It can be faster on very large, sparse problems, but may also lead to instabilities. random_state: numpy.RandomState or int, optional The generator or seed used to determine the starting vector for arpack iterations. Defaults to numpy.random. solver_kwds : any additional keyword arguments to pass to the selected eigen_solver Returns ------- null_space : estimated k vectors of the null space error : estimated error (sum of eigenvalues) Notes ----- dense solver key words: see for symmetric problems and for non symmetric problems. arpack sovler key words: see for symmetric problems and for non symmetric problems. lobpcg solver keywords: see amg solver keywords: see (Note amg solver uses lobpcg and also accepts lobpcg keywords) """ eigen_solver, solver_kwds = check_eigen_solver(eigen_solver, solver_kwds, size=M.shape[0], nvec=k + k_skip) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if eigen_solver == 'arpack': # This matches the internal initial state used by ARPACK v0 = random_state.uniform(-1, 1, M.shape[0]) try: eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigsh(M, k + k_skip, sigma=0.0, v0=v0,**(solver_kwds or {})) except RuntimeError as msg: raise ValueError("Error in determining null-space with ARPACK. " "Error message: '%s'. " "Note that method='arpack' can fail when the " "weight matrix is singular or otherwise " "ill-behaved. method='dense' is recommended. " "See online documentation for more information." % msg) return eigen_vectors[:, k_skip:], np.sum(eigen_values[k_skip:]) elif eigen_solver == 'dense': if hasattr(M, 'toarray'): M = M.toarray() eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigh(M, eigvals=(0, k+k_skip),overwrite_a=True, **(solver_kwds or {})) index = np.argsort(np.abs(eigen_values)) eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors[:, index] eigen_values = eigen_values[index] return eigen_vectors[:, k_skip:k+1], np.sum(eigen_values[k_skip:k+1]) # eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigh( # M, eigvals=(k_skip, k + k_skip - 1), overwrite_a=True) # index = np.argsort(np.abs(eigen_values)) # return eigen_vectors[:, index], np.sum(eigen_values) elif (eigen_solver == 'amg' or eigen_solver == 'lobpcg'): # M should be positive semi-definite. Add 1 to make it pos. def. try: M = sparse.identity(M.shape[0]) + M n_components = min(k + k_skip + 10, M.shape[0]) eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigen_decomposition(M, n_components, eigen_solver = eigen_solver, drop_first = False, largest = False, random_state=random_state, solver_kwds=solver_kwds) eigen_values = eigen_values -1 index = np.argsort(np.abs(eigen_values)) eigen_values = eigen_values[index] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors[:, index] return eigen_vectors[:, k_skip:k+1], np.sum(eigen_values[k_skip:k+1]) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # try again with bigger increase warnings.warn("LOBPCG failed the first time. Increasing Pos Def adjustment.") M = 2.0*sparse.identity(M.shape[0]) + M n_components = min(k + k_skip + 10, M.shape[0]) eigen_values, eigen_vectors = eigen_decomposition(M, n_components, eigen_solver = eigen_solver, drop_first = False, largest = False, random_state=random_state, solver_kwds=solver_kwds) eigen_values = eigen_values - 2 index = np.argsort(np.abs(eigen_values)) eigen_values = eigen_values[index] eigen_vectors = eigen_vectors[:, index] return eigen_vectors[:, k_skip:k+1], np.sum(eigen_values[k_skip:k+1]) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized eigen_solver '%s'" % eigen_solver)
import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_sample_weight from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raise_message from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns def test_compute_class_weight(): # Test (and demo) compute_class_weight. y = np.asarray([2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]) classes = np.unique(y) cw = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_almost_equal(cw.sum(), classes.shape) assert_true(cw[0] < cw[1] < cw[2]) cw = compute_class_weight("balanced", classes, y) # total effect of samples is preserved class_counts = np.bincount(y)[2:] assert_almost_equal(, class_counts), y.shape[0]) assert_true(cw[0] < cw[1] < cw[2]) def test_compute_class_weight_not_present(): # Raise error when y does not contain all class labels classes = np.arange(4) y = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_class_weight, "balanced", classes, y) # Raise error when y has items not in classes classes = np.arange(2) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_class_weight, "balanced", classes, y) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_class_weight, {0: 1., 1: 2.}, classes, y) def test_compute_class_weight_dict(): classes = np.arange(3) class_weights = {0: 1.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 3.0} y = np.asarray([0, 0, 1, 2]) cw = compute_class_weight(class_weights, classes, y) # When the user specifies class weights, compute_class_weights should just # return them. assert_array_almost_equal(np.asarray([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), cw) # When a class weight is specified that isn't in classes, a ValueError # should get raised msg = 'Class label 4 not present.' class_weights = {0: 1.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 3.0, 4: 1.5} assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, compute_class_weight, class_weights, classes, y) msg = 'Class label -1 not present.' class_weights = {-1: 5.0, 0: 1.0, 1: 2.0, 2: 3.0} assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, compute_class_weight, class_weights, classes, y) def test_compute_class_weight_invariance(): # Test that results with class_weight="balanced" is invariant wrt # class imbalance if the number of samples is identical. # The test uses a balanced two class dataset with 100 datapoints. # It creates three versions, one where class 1 is duplicated # resulting in 150 points of class 1 and 50 of class 0, # one where there are 50 points in class 1 and 150 in class 0, # and one where there are 100 points of each class (this one is balanced # again). # With balancing class weights, all three should give the same model. X, y = make_blobs(centers=2, random_state=0) # create dataset where class 1 is duplicated twice X_1 = np.vstack([X] + [X[y == 1]] * 2) y_1 = np.hstack([y] + [y[y == 1]] * 2) # create dataset where class 0 is duplicated twice X_0 = np.vstack([X] + [X[y == 0]] * 2) y_0 = np.hstack([y] + [y[y == 0]] * 2) # duplicate everything X_ = np.vstack([X] * 2) y_ = np.hstack([y] * 2) # results should be identical logreg1 = LogisticRegression(class_weight="balanced").fit(X_1, y_1) logreg0 = LogisticRegression(class_weight="balanced").fit(X_0, y_0) logreg = LogisticRegression(class_weight="balanced").fit(X_, y_) assert_array_almost_equal(logreg1.coef_, logreg0.coef_) assert_array_almost_equal(logreg.coef_, logreg0.coef_) def test_compute_class_weight_auto_negative(): # Test compute_class_weight when labels are negative # Test with balanced class labels. classes = np.array([-2, -1, 0]) y = np.asarray([-1, -1, 0, 0, -2, -2]) cw = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_almost_equal(cw.sum(), classes.shape) assert_equal(len(cw), len(classes)) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, np.array([1., 1., 1.])) cw = compute_class_weight("balanced", classes, y) assert_equal(len(cw), len(classes)) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, np.array([1., 1., 1.])) # Test with unbalanced class labels. y = np.asarray([-1, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2]) cw = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_almost_equal(cw.sum(), classes.shape) assert_equal(len(cw), len(classes)) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, np.array([0.545, 1.636, 0.818]), decimal=3) cw = compute_class_weight("balanced", classes, y) assert_equal(len(cw), len(classes)) class_counts = np.bincount(y + 2) assert_almost_equal(, class_counts), y.shape[0]) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, [2. / 3, 2., 1.]) def test_compute_class_weight_auto_unordered(): # Test compute_class_weight when classes are unordered classes = np.array([1, 0, 3]) y = np.asarray([1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3]) cw = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_class_weight, "auto", classes, y) assert_almost_equal(cw.sum(), classes.shape) assert_equal(len(cw), len(classes)) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, np.array([1.636, 0.818, 0.545]), decimal=3) cw = compute_class_weight("balanced", classes, y) class_counts = np.bincount(y)[classes] assert_almost_equal(, class_counts), y.shape[0]) assert_array_almost_equal(cw, [2., 1., 2. / 3]) def test_compute_sample_weight(): # Test (and demo) compute_sample_weight. # Test with balanced classes y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with user-defined weights sample_weight = compute_sample_weight({1: 2, 2: 1}, y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [2., 2., 2., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with column vector of balanced classes y = np.asarray([[1], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with unbalanced classes y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) expected_auto = np.asarray([.6, .6, .6, .6, .6, .6, 1.8]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_auto) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y) expected_balanced = np.array([0.7777, 0.7777, 0.7777, 0.7777, 0.7777, 0.7777, 2.3333]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_balanced, decimal=4) # Test with `None` weights sample_weight = compute_sample_weight(None, y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with multi-output of balanced classes y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with multi-output with user-defined weights y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight([{1: 2, 2: 1}, {0: 1, 1: 2}], y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.]) # Test with multi-output of unbalanced classes y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1], [3, -1]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_auto ** 2) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_balanced ** 2, decimal=3) def test_compute_sample_weight_with_subsample(): # Test compute_sample_weight with subsamples specified. # Test with balanced classes and all samples present y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with column vector of balanced classes and all samples present y = np.asarray([[1], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Test with a subsample y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y, range(4)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [.5, .5, .5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, range(4)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [2. / 3, 2. / 3, 2. / 3, 2., 2., 2.]) # Test with a bootstrap subsample y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) expected_auto = np.asarray([1 / 3., 1 / 3., 1 / 3., 5 / 3., 5 / 3., 5 / 3.]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_auto) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) expected_balanced = np.asarray([0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 3., 3., 3.]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_balanced) # Test with a bootstrap subsample for multi-output y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_auto ** 2) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3]) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, expected_balanced ** 2) # Test with a missing class y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.]) # Test with a missing class for multi-output y = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 2]]) sample_weight = assert_warns(DeprecationWarning, compute_sample_weight, "auto", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.]) sample_weight = compute_sample_weight("balanced", y, range(6)) assert_array_almost_equal(sample_weight, [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.]) def test_compute_sample_weight_errors(): # Test compute_sample_weight raises errors expected. # Invalid preset string y = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]) y_ = np.asarray([[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 1]]) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, "ni", y) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, "ni", y, range(4)) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, "ni", y_) assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, "ni", y_, range(4)) # Not "auto" for subsample assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, {1: 2, 2: 1}, y, range(4)) # Not a list or preset for multi-output assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, {1: 2, 2: 1}, y_) # Incorrect length list for multi-output assert_raises(ValueError, compute_sample_weight, [{1: 2, 2: 1}], y_)
''' user interface for viewing/editing photon optics layouts ''' from numpy import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, log, array, random, sign from numpy.linalg import norm import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.integrate as integrate #import matplotlib.animation as animation from ocelot.optics.elements import * from ocelot.optics.wave import * def init_plots(views, geo): scene = Scene() scene.views = views scene.fig = plt.figure() nviews = len(views) = ['']*nviews scene.profile_im = {} for iview in range(nviews): view_id = nviews*100 + 10 + iview + 1[iview] = scene.fig.add_subplot(view_id, autoscale_on=True) if views[iview] == 'geometry:x' or views[iview] == 'geometry:y': projection_name = views[iview].split(':')[1] plot_geometry([iview], geo, projection_name)[iview].grid()[iview].set_title(projection_name) if views[iview].startswith('detectors'): if views[iview].startswith('detectors:'): id = views[iview].split(':')[1] for obj in geo(): if obj.__class__ == Detector: print('adding view for detector: ',[iview].set_title('detector:' + id) scene.profile_im[id] =[iview] #scene.profile_im[id] =[iview].imshow(obj.matrix.transpose(), cmap='gist_heat',interpolation='none',extent=[0,1,0,1], vmin=0, vmax=10) return scene def plot_geometry(ax, geo, proj='y'): debug("plotting geometry ", proj) if proj == 'y': idx = 1 if proj == 'x': idx = 0 for o in geo(): if o.__class__ == Mirror: ang = - np.arctan2([idx] ,[2]) - pi #print 'ang=', ang z1 = o.r[2] - o.size[idx] * sin(ang) z2 = o.r[2] z3 = o.r[2] + o.size[idx] * sin(ang) y1 = -o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] + o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) y2 = o.r[idx] y3 = o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] - o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) li, = ax.plot([z1,z2,z3], [y1,y2,y3], 'b-', lw=3) y_bnd = np.linspace(y1,y3, 100) z_bnd = np.linspace(z1, z3, 100) for z,y in zip(z_bnd[5::10],y_bnd[5::10]): tick_size = o.size[2] ax.plot([z,z-tick_size*np.sign([2])], [y,y-(y_bnd[5] - y_bnd[0])], 'b-', lw=2) if o.__class__ == EllipticMirror: #TODO; replace with generic rotation ang = - np.arctan2([idx] ,[2]) - pi #print 'ang=', ang z1 = o.r[2] - o.size[idx] * sin(ang) z2 = o.r[2] z3 = o.r[2] + o.size[idx] * sin(ang) y1 = -o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] + o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) y2 = o.r[idx] y3 = o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] - o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) #li, = ax.plot([z1,z2,z3], [y1,y2,y3], color="#aa00ff", lw=3) phi_max = np.arcsin(o.size[idx]/o.a[0]) #y_bnd = np.linspace(y1,y3, 100) phi_bnd = np.linspace(-phi_max, phi_max, 100) z_bnd = np.zeros_like(phi_bnd) y_bnd = np.zeros_like(phi_bnd) for i in range( len(phi_bnd) ): z_bnd[i] = o.r[2] + o.a[0]*sin(phi_bnd[i]) y_bnd[i] = o.r[idx] + o.a[1] - o.a[1]*cos(phi_bnd[i]) #for z,y in zip(z_bnd[5:-10:10],y_bnd[5:-10:10]): n_step = 2 for i in np.arange(0,len(z_bnd) - n_step ,n_step): tick_size = o.size[2] #ax.plot([z,z-tick_size*np.sign([2])], [y,y-(y_bnd[5] - y_bnd[0])], 'b-', lw=2) ax.plot([z_bnd[i],z_bnd[i+n_step]], [y_bnd[i],y_bnd[i+n_step]], color="#aa00ff", lw=3) if o.__class__ == ParabolicMirror: y_bnd = np.linspace(-o.size[idx], o.size[idx], 100) z_bnd = o.r[2] - o.a[1] * y_bnd**2 #print y_bnd, z_bnd li, = ax.plot(z_bnd, y_bnd, 'b-', lw=3) for z,y in zip(z_bnd[5::10],y_bnd[5::10]): ax.plot([z,z-1.0*np.sign([2])], [y,y-(y_bnd[5] - y_bnd[0])], 'b-', lw=2) if o.__class__ == Lense: y_bnd = np.linspace(-o.D/2,o.D/2,100) z_bnd1 = (o.r[2]-o.s1) + (o.s1 / (o.D/2)**2 ) * y_bnd**2 z_bnd2 = (o.r[2]+o.s2) - (o.s2 / (o.D/2)**2 ) * y_bnd**2 li, = ax.plot(z_bnd1, y_bnd, 'r-', lw=3) li, = ax.plot(z_bnd2, y_bnd, 'r-', lw=3) if o.__class__ == Aperture: li, = ax.plot([o.r[2],o.r[2]], [o.r[idx] + o.d[idx],o.r[idx] + o.size[idx]], color='#000000', lw=3) li, = ax.plot([o.r[2],o.r[2]], [o.r[idx] -o.d[idx],o.r[idx] - o.size[idx]], color='#000000', lw=3) if o.__class__ == Crystal: li, = ax.plot([o.r[2],o.r[2]], [o.r[idx] - o.size[idx], o.r[idx] + o.size[idx]], color='#999999', lw=3) if o.__class__ == Grating: debug("plotting grating") #TODO; replace with generic rotation ang = - np.arctan2([idx] ,[2]) - pi #print 'ang=', ang z1 = o.r[2] - o.size[idx] * sin(ang) z2 = o.r[2] z3 = o.r[2] + o.size[idx] * sin(ang) y1 = -o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] + o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) y2 = o.r[idx] y3 = o.size[idx] + o.r[idx] - o.size[idx]*(1-cos(ang)) li, = ax.plot([z1,z2,z3], [y1,y2,y3], color="#AA3377", lw=3) y_bnd = np.linspace(y1,y3, 100) z_bnd = np.linspace(z1, z3, 100) dy = max(abs(y3-y1), abs(z3-z1)) / 20 dz = dy for z,y in zip(z_bnd[5::10],y_bnd[5::10]): ax.plot([z-dz,z,z+dz], [y,y+dy, y], color="#AA3377", lw=2) zmax = np.max([ x.r[2] + x.size[2] for x in geo]) zmin = np.min([x.r[2] - x.size[2] for x in geo]) ymax = np.max( [x.r[1] + x.size[1] for x in geo]) ymin = np.min( [ x.r[1] - x.size[1] for x in geo]) z_margin = (zmax - zmin)*0.1 y_margin = (ymax - ymin)*0.1 #print zmin, zmax, z_margin, ymin, ymax, y_margin #ax.set_xlim(zmin-z_margin,zmax+z_margin) #ax.set_ylim(ymin-y_margin,ymax+y_margin) def plot_rays(ax, rays, proj='x', alpha=0.4): for r in rays: debug('plotting ray!', r.r0[0], r.k[0], r.s[0]) for i in range(len(r.r0)): debug('-->', r.r0[i], r.k[i], r.s[i]) if proj == 'x': ax.plot([r.r0[i][2], r.r0[i][2] + r.k[i][2]*r.s[i] ], [r.r0[i][0], r.r0[i][0] + r.k[i][0]*r.s[i] ], color='#006600', lw=1, alpha=alpha ) if proj == 'y': ax.plot([r.r0[i][2], r.r0[i][2] + r.k[i][2]*r.s[i] ], [r.r0[i][1], r.r0[i][1] + r.k[i][1]*r.s[i] ], color='#006600', lw=1, alpha=alpha )
import collections import itertools as it import operator import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .core import ( DataFrame, Series, aca, map_partitions, new_dd_object, no_default, split_out_on_index, _extract_meta, ) from .methods import drop_columns, concat from .shuffle import shuffle from .utils import ( make_meta, insert_meta_param_description, raise_on_meta_error, is_series_like, is_dataframe_like, ) from ..base import tokenize from ..utils import derived_from, M, funcname, itemgetter from ..highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph # ############################################# # # GroupBy implementation notes # # Dask groupby supports reductions, i.e., mean, sum and alike, and apply. The # former do not shuffle the data and are efficiently implemented as tree # reductions. The latter is implemented by shuffling the underlying partiitons # such that all items of a group can be found in the same parititon. # # The argument to ``.groupby``, the index, can be a ``str``, ``dd.DataFrame``, # ``dd.Series``, or a list thereof. In operations on the grouped object, the # divisions of the the grouped object and the items of index have to align. # Currently, there is no support to shuffle the index values as part of the # groupby operation. Therefore, the alignment has to be guaranteed by the # caller. # # To operate on matching partitions, most groupby operations exploit the # corresponding support in ``apply_concat_apply``. Specifically, this function # operates on matching partitions of frame-like objects passed as varargs. # # After the initial chunk step, the passed index is implicitly passed along to # subsequent operations as the index of the partitions. Groupby operations on # the individual partitions can then access the index via the ``levels`` # parameter of the ``groupby`` function. The correct argument is determined by # the ``_determine_levels`` function. # # To minimize overhead, series in an index that were obtained by getitem on the # object to group are not passed as series to the various operations, but as # columnn keys. This transformation is implemented as ``_normalize_index``. # # ############################################# def _determine_levels(index): """Determine the correct levels argument to groupby. """ if isinstance(index, (tuple, list)) and len(index) > 1: return list(range(len(index))) else: return 0 def _normalize_index(df, index): """Replace series with column names in an index wherever possible. """ if not isinstance(df, DataFrame): return index elif isinstance(index, list): return [_normalize_index(df, col) for col in index] elif ( is_series_like(index) and in df.columns and index._name == df[]._name ): return elif ( isinstance(index, DataFrame) and set(index.columns).issubset(df.columns) and index._name == df[index.columns]._name ): return list(index.columns) else: return index def _maybe_slice(grouped, columns): """ Slice columns if grouped is pd.DataFrameGroupBy """ # FIXME: update with better groupby object detection (i.e.: ngroups, get_group) if "groupby" in type(grouped).__name__.lower(): if columns is not None: if isinstance(columns, (tuple, list, set, pd.Index)): columns = list(columns) return grouped[columns] return grouped def _is_aligned(df, by): """Check if `df` and `by` have aligned indices""" if is_series_like(by) or is_dataframe_like(by): return df.index.equals(by.index) elif isinstance(by, (list, tuple)): return all(_is_aligned(df, i) for i in by) else: return True def _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, **kwargs): """Groupby, but raise if df and `by` key are unaligned. Pandas supports grouping by a column that doesn't align with the input frame/series/index. However, the reindexing does not seem to be threadsafe, and can result in incorrect results. Since grouping by an unaligned key is generally a bad idea, we just error loudly in dask. For more information see pandas GH issue #15244 and Dask GH issue #1876.""" by = kwargs.get("by", None) if by is not None and not _is_aligned(df, by): msg = ( "Grouping by an unaligned index is unsafe and unsupported.\n" "This can be caused by filtering only one of the object or\n" "grouping key. For example, the following works in pandas,\n" "but not in dask:\n" "\n" "df[ < 0].groupby(\n" "\n" "This can be avoided by either filtering beforehand, or\n" "passing in the name of the column instead:\n" "\n" "df2 = df[ < 0]\n" "df2.groupby(\n" "# or\n" "df[ < 0].groupby('bar')\n" "\n" "For more information see dask GH issue #1876." ) raise ValueError(msg) elif by is not None and len(by): # since we're coming through apply, `by` will be a tuple. # Pandas treats tuples as a single key, and lists as multiple keys # We want multiple keys if isinstance(by, str): by = [by] kwargs.update(by=list(by)) return df.groupby(**kwargs) def _groupby_slice_apply( df, grouper, key, func, *args, group_keys=True, dropna=None, **kwargs ): # No need to use raise if unaligned here - this is only called after # shuffling, which makes everything aligned already dropna = {"dropna": dropna} if dropna is not None else {} g = df.groupby(grouper, group_keys=group_keys, **dropna) if key: g = g[key] return g.apply(func, *args, **kwargs) def _groupby_slice_transform( df, grouper, key, func, *args, group_keys=True, dropna=None, **kwargs ): # No need to use raise if unaligned here - this is only called after # shuffling, which makes everything aligned already dropna = {"dropna": dropna} if dropna is not None else {} g = df.groupby(grouper, group_keys=group_keys, **dropna) if key: g = g[key] # Cannot call transform on an empty dataframe if len(df) == 0: return g.apply(func, *args, **kwargs) return g.transform(func, *args, **kwargs) def _groupby_get_group(df, by_key, get_key, columns): # SeriesGroupBy may pass df which includes group key grouped = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=by_key) if get_key in grouped.groups: if is_dataframe_like(df): grouped = grouped[columns] return grouped.get_group(get_key) else: # to create empty DataFrame/Series, which has the same # dtype as the original if is_dataframe_like(df): # may be SeriesGroupBy df = df[columns] return df.iloc[0:0] ############################################################### # Aggregation ############################################################### class Aggregation(object): """User defined groupby-aggregation. This class allows users to define their own custom aggregation in terms of operations on Pandas dataframes in a map-reduce style. You need to specify what operation to do on each chunk of data, how to combine those chunks of data together, and then how to finalize the result. See :ref:`dataframe.groupby.aggregate` for more. Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the aggregation. It should be unique, since intermediate result will be identified by this name. chunk : callable a function that will be called with the grouped column of each partition. It can either return a single series or a tuple of series. The index has to be equal to the groups. agg : callable a function that will be called to aggregate the results of each chunk. Again the argument(s) will be grouped series. If ``chunk`` returned a tuple, ``agg`` will be called with all of them as individual positional arguments. finalize : callable an optional finalizer that will be called with the results from the aggregation. Examples -------- We could implement ``sum`` as follows: >>> custom_sum = dd.Aggregation( ... name='custom_sum', ... chunk=lambda s: s.sum(), ... agg=lambda s0: s0.sum() ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> df.groupby('g').agg(custom_sum) # doctest: +SKIP We can implement ``mean`` as follows: >>> custom_mean = dd.Aggregation( ... name='custom_mean', ... chunk=lambda s: (s.count(), s.sum()), ... agg=lambda count, sum: (count.sum(), sum.sum()), ... finalize=lambda count, sum: sum / count, ... ) # doctest: +SKIP >>> df.groupby('g').agg(custom_mean) # doctest: +SKIP Though of course, both of these are built-in and so you don't need to implement them yourself. """ def __init__(self, name, chunk, agg, finalize=None): self.chunk = chunk self.agg = agg self.finalize = finalize self.__name__ = name def _groupby_aggregate( df, aggfunc=None, levels=None, dropna=None, sort=False, **kwargs ): dropna = {"dropna": dropna} if dropna is not None else {} return aggfunc(df.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort, **dropna), **kwargs) def _apply_chunk(df, *index, dropna=None, **kwargs): func = kwargs.pop("chunk") columns = kwargs.pop("columns") dropna = {"dropna": dropna} if dropna is not None else {} g = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=index, **dropna) if is_series_like(df) or columns is None: return func(g, **kwargs) else: if isinstance(columns, (tuple, list, set, pd.Index)): columns = list(columns) return func(g[columns], **kwargs) def _var_chunk(df, *index): if is_series_like(df): df = df.to_frame() df = df.copy() g = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=index) x = g.sum() n = g[x.columns].count().rename(columns=lambda c: (c, "-count")) cols = x.columns df[cols] = df[cols] ** 2 g2 = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=index) x2 = g2.sum().rename(columns=lambda c: (c, "-x2")) return concat([x, x2, n], axis=1) def _var_combine(g, levels, sort=False): return g.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort).sum() def _var_agg(g, levels, ddof, sort=False): g = g.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort).sum() nc = len(g.columns) x = g[g.columns[: nc // 3]] # chunks columns are tuples (value, name), so we just keep the value part x2 = g[g.columns[nc // 3 : 2 * nc // 3]].rename(columns=lambda c: c[0]) n = g[g.columns[-nc // 3 :]].rename(columns=lambda c: c[0]) # TODO: replace with _finalize_var? result = x2 - x ** 2 / n div = n - ddof div[div < 0] = 0 result /= div result[(n - ddof) == 0] = np.nan assert is_dataframe_like(result) result[result < 0] = 0 # avoid rounding errors that take us to zero return result def _cov_combine(g, levels): return g def _cov_finalizer(df, cols, std=False): vals = [] num_elements = len(list(it.product(cols, repeat=2))) num_cols = len(cols) vals = list(range(num_elements)) col_idx_mapping = dict(zip(cols, range(num_cols))) for i, j in it.combinations_with_replacement(df[cols].columns, 2): x = col_idx_mapping[i] y = col_idx_mapping[j] idx = x + num_cols * y mul_col = "%s%s" % (i, j) ni = df["%s-count" % i] nj = df["%s-count" % j] n = np.sqrt(ni * nj) div = n - 1 div[div < 0] = 0 val = (df[mul_col] - df[i] * df[j] / n).values[0] / div.values[0] if std: ii = "%s%s" % (i, i) jj = "%s%s" % (j, j) std_val_i = (df[ii] - (df[i] ** 2) / ni).values[0] / div.values[0] std_val_j = (df[jj] - (df[j] ** 2) / nj).values[0] / div.values[0] val = val / np.sqrt(std_val_i * std_val_j) vals[idx] = val if i != j: idx = num_cols * x + y vals[idx] = val level_1 = cols index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([level_1, level_1]) return pd.Series(vals, index=index) def _mul_cols(df, cols): """Internal function to be used with apply to multiply each column in a dataframe by every other column a b c -> a*a, a*b, b*b, b*c, c*c """ _df = type(df)() for i, j in it.combinations_with_replacement(cols, 2): col = "%s%s" % (i, j) _df[col] = df[i] * df[j] return _df def _cov_chunk(df, *index): """Covariance Chunk Logic Parameters ---------- df : Pandas.DataFrame std : bool, optional When std=True we are calculating with Correlation Returns ------- tuple Processed X, Multipled Cols, """ if is_series_like(df): df = df.to_frame() df = df.copy() # mapping columns to str(numerical) values allows us to easily handle # arbitrary column names (numbers, string, empty strings) col_mapping = collections.OrderedDict() for i, c in enumerate(df.columns): col_mapping[c] = str(i) df = df.rename(columns=col_mapping) cols = df._get_numeric_data().columns # when grouping by external series don't exclude columns is_mask = any(is_series_like(s) for s in index) if not is_mask: index = [col_mapping[k] for k in index] cols = cols.drop(np.array(index)) g = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=index) x = g.sum() level = len(index) mul = g.apply(_mul_cols, cols=cols).reset_index(level=level, drop=True) n = g[x.columns].count().rename(columns=lambda c: "{}-count".format(c)) return (x, mul, n, col_mapping) def _cov_agg(_t, levels, ddof, std=False, sort=False): sums = [] muls = [] counts = [] # sometime we get a series back from concat combiner t = list(_t) cols = t[0][0].columns for x, mul, n, col_mapping in t: sums.append(x) muls.append(mul) counts.append(n) col_mapping = col_mapping total_sums = concat(sums).groupby(level=levels, sort=sort).sum() total_muls = concat(muls).groupby(level=levels, sort=sort).sum() total_counts = concat(counts).groupby(level=levels).sum() result = ( concat([total_sums, total_muls, total_counts], axis=1) .groupby(level=levels) .apply(_cov_finalizer, cols=cols, std=std) ) inv_col_mapping = {v: k for k, v in col_mapping.items()} idx_vals = result.index.names idx_mapping = list() # when index is None we probably have selected a particular column # df.groupby('a')[['b']].cov() if len(idx_vals) == 1 and all(n is None for n in idx_vals): idx_vals = list(set(inv_col_mapping.keys()) - set(total_sums.columns)) for idx, val in enumerate(idx_vals): idx_name = inv_col_mapping.get(val, val) idx_mapping.append(idx_name) if len(result.columns.levels[0]) < len(col_mapping): # removing index from col_mapping (produces incorrect multiindexes) try: col_mapping.pop(idx_name) except KeyError: # when slicing the col_map will not have the index pass keys = list(col_mapping.keys()) for level in range(len(result.columns.levels)): result.columns.set_levels(keys, level=level, inplace=True) result.index.set_names(idx_mapping, inplace=True) # stacking can lead to a sorted index s_result = result.stack(dropna=False) assert is_dataframe_like(s_result) return s_result ############################################################### # nunique ############################################################### def _nunique_df_chunk(df, *index, **kwargs): levels = kwargs.pop("levels") name = kwargs.pop("name") g = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, by=index) if len(df) > 0: grouped = g[[name]].apply(M.drop_duplicates) # we set the index here to force a possibly duplicate index # for our reduce step if isinstance(levels, list): grouped.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [grouped.index.get_level_values(level=level) for level in levels] ) else: grouped.index = grouped.index.get_level_values(level=levels) else: # Manually create empty version, since groupby-apply for empty frame # results in df with no columns grouped = g[[name]].nunique() grouped = grouped.astype(df.dtypes[grouped.columns].to_dict()) return grouped def _drop_duplicates_rename(df): # Avoid duplicate index labels in a groupby().apply() context # # names = [None] * df.index.nlevels return df.drop_duplicates().rename_axis(names, copy=False) def _nunique_df_combine(df, levels, sort=False): result = df.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort).apply(_drop_duplicates_rename) if isinstance(levels, list): result.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [result.index.get_level_values(level=level) for level in levels] ) else: result.index = result.index.get_level_values(level=levels) return result def _nunique_df_aggregate(df, levels, name, sort=False): return df.groupby(level=levels, sort=sort)[name].nunique() def _nunique_series_chunk(df, *index, **_ignored_): # convert series to data frame, then hand over to dataframe code path assert is_series_like(df) df = df.to_frame() kwargs = dict(name=df.columns[0], levels=_determine_levels(index)) return _nunique_df_chunk(df, *index, **kwargs) ############################################################### # Aggregate support # # Aggregate is implemented as: # # 1. group-by-aggregate all partitions into intermediate values # 2. collect all partitions into a single partition # 3. group-by-aggregate the result into intermediate values # 4. transform all intermediate values into the result # # In Step 1 and 3 the dataframe is grouped on the same columns. # ############################################################### def _make_agg_id(func, column): return "{!s}-{!s}-{}".format(func, column, tokenize(func, column)) def _normalize_spec(spec, non_group_columns): """ Return a list of ``(result_column, func, input_column)`` tuples. Spec can be - a function - a list of functions - a dictionary that maps input-columns to functions - a dictionary that maps input-columns to a lists of functions - a dictionary that maps input-columns to a dictionaries that map output-columns to functions. The non-group columns are a list of all column names that are not used in the groupby operation. Usually, the result columns are mutli-level names, returned as tuples. If only a single function is supplied or dictionary mapping columns to single functions, simple names are returned as strings (see the first two examples below). Examples -------- >>> _normalize_spec('mean', ['a', 'b', 'c']) [('a', 'mean', 'a'), ('b', 'mean', 'b'), ('c', 'mean', 'c')] >>> spec = collections.OrderedDict([('a', 'mean'), ('b', 'count')]) >>> _normalize_spec(spec, ['a', 'b', 'c']) [('a', 'mean', 'a'), ('b', 'count', 'b')] >>> _normalize_spec(['var', 'mean'], ['a', 'b', 'c']) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(('a', 'var'), 'var', 'a'), (('a', 'mean'), 'mean', 'a'), \ (('b', 'var'), 'var', 'b'), (('b', 'mean'), 'mean', 'b'), \ (('c', 'var'), 'var', 'c'), (('c', 'mean'), 'mean', 'c')] >>> spec = collections.OrderedDict([('a', 'mean'), ('b', ['sum', 'count'])]) >>> _normalize_spec(spec, ['a', 'b', 'c']) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(('a', 'mean'), 'mean', 'a'), (('b', 'sum'), 'sum', 'b'), \ (('b', 'count'), 'count', 'b')] >>> spec = collections.OrderedDict() >>> spec['a'] = ['mean', 'size'] >>> spec['b'] = collections.OrderedDict([('e', 'count'), ('f', 'var')]) >>> _normalize_spec(spec, ['a', 'b', 'c']) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(('a', 'mean'), 'mean', 'a'), (('a', 'size'), 'size', 'a'), \ (('b', 'e'), 'count', 'b'), (('b', 'f'), 'var', 'b')] """ if not isinstance(spec, dict): spec = collections.OrderedDict(zip(non_group_columns, it.repeat(spec))) res = [] if isinstance(spec, dict): for input_column, subspec in spec.items(): if isinstance(subspec, dict): res.extend( ((input_column, result_column), func, input_column) for result_column, func in subspec.items() ) else: if not isinstance(subspec, list): subspec = [subspec] res.extend( ((input_column, funcname(func)), func, input_column) for func in subspec ) else: raise ValueError("unsupported agg spec of type {}".format(type(spec))) compounds = (list, tuple, dict) use_flat_columns = not any( isinstance(subspec, compounds) for subspec in spec.values() ) if use_flat_columns: res = [(input_col, func, input_col) for (_, func, input_col) in res] return res def _build_agg_args(spec): """ Create transformation functions for a normalized aggregate spec. Parameters ---------- spec: a list of (result-column, aggregation-function, input-column) triples. To work with all arugment forms understood by pandas use ``_normalize_spec`` to normalize the argment before passing it on to ``_build_agg_args``. Returns ------- chunk_funcs: a list of (intermediate-column, function, keyword) triples that are applied on grouped chunks of the initial dataframe. agg_funcs: a list of (intermediate-column, functions, keword) triples that are applied on the grouped concatination of the preprocessed chunks. finalizers: a list of (result-column, function, keyword) triples that are applied after the ``agg_funcs``. They are used to create final results from intermediate representations. """ known_np_funcs = {np.min: "min", np.max: "max"} # check that there are no name conflicts for a single input column by_name = {} for _, func, input_column in spec: key = funcname(known_np_funcs.get(func, func)), input_column by_name.setdefault(key, []).append((func, input_column)) for funcs in by_name.values(): if len(funcs) != 1: raise ValueError("conflicting aggregation functions: {}".format(funcs)) chunks = {} aggs = {} finalizers = [] for (result_column, func, input_column) in spec: if not isinstance(func, Aggregation): func = funcname(known_np_funcs.get(func, func)) impls = _build_agg_args_single(result_column, func, input_column) # overwrite existing result-columns, generate intermediates only once for spec in impls["chunk_funcs"]: chunks[spec[0]] = spec for spec in impls["aggregate_funcs"]: aggs[spec[0]] = spec finalizers.append(impls["finalizer"]) chunks = sorted(chunks.values()) aggs = sorted(aggs.values()) return chunks, aggs, finalizers def _build_agg_args_single(result_column, func, input_column): simple_impl = { "sum": (M.sum, M.sum), "min": (M.min, M.min), "max": (M.max, M.max), "count": (M.count, M.sum), "size": (M.size, M.sum), "first": (M.first, M.first), "last": (M.last, M.last), "prod": (,, } if func in simple_impl.keys(): return _build_agg_args_simple( result_column, func, input_column, simple_impl[func] ) elif func == "var": return _build_agg_args_var(result_column, func, input_column) elif func == "std": return _build_agg_args_std(result_column, func, input_column) elif func == "mean": return _build_agg_args_mean(result_column, func, input_column) elif isinstance(func, Aggregation): return _build_agg_args_custom(result_column, func, input_column) else: raise ValueError("unknown aggregate {}".format(func)) def _build_agg_args_simple(result_column, func, input_column, impl_pair): intermediate = _make_agg_id(func, input_column) chunk_impl, agg_impl = impl_pair return dict( chunk_funcs=[ ( intermediate, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=input_column, func=chunk_impl), ) ], aggregate_funcs=[ ( intermediate, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=intermediate, func=agg_impl), ) ], finalizer=(result_column, itemgetter(intermediate), dict()), ) def _build_agg_args_var(result_column, func, input_column): int_sum = _make_agg_id("sum", input_column) int_sum2 = _make_agg_id("sum2", input_column) int_count = _make_agg_id("count", input_column) return dict( chunk_funcs=[ (int_sum, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=input_column, func=M.sum)), (int_count, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=input_column, func=M.count)), (int_sum2, _compute_sum_of_squares, dict(column=input_column)), ], aggregate_funcs=[ (col, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=col, func=M.sum)) for col in (int_sum, int_count, int_sum2) ], finalizer=( result_column, _finalize_var, dict(sum_column=int_sum, count_column=int_count, sum2_column=int_sum2), ), ) def _build_agg_args_std(result_column, func, input_column): impls = _build_agg_args_var(result_column, func, input_column) result_column, _, kwargs = impls["finalizer"] impls["finalizer"] = (result_column, _finalize_std, kwargs) return impls def _build_agg_args_mean(result_column, func, input_column): int_sum = _make_agg_id("sum", input_column) int_count = _make_agg_id("count", input_column) return dict( chunk_funcs=[ (int_sum, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=input_column, func=M.sum)), (int_count, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=input_column, func=M.count)), ], aggregate_funcs=[ (col, _apply_func_to_column, dict(column=col, func=M.sum)) for col in (int_sum, int_count) ], finalizer=( result_column, _finalize_mean, dict(sum_column=int_sum, count_column=int_count), ), ) def _build_agg_args_custom(result_column, func, input_column): col = _make_agg_id(funcname(func), input_column) if func.finalize is None: finalizer = (result_column, operator.itemgetter(col), dict()) else: finalizer = ( result_column, _apply_func_to_columns, dict(func=func.finalize, prefix=col), ) return dict( chunk_funcs=[ (col, _apply_func_to_column, dict(func=func.chunk, column=input_column)) ], aggregate_funcs=[ (col, _apply_func_to_columns, dict(func=func.agg, prefix=col)) ], finalizer=finalizer, ) def _groupby_apply_funcs(df, *index, **kwargs): """ Group a dataframe and apply multiple aggregation functions. Parameters ---------- df: pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to work on. index: list of groupers If given, they are added to the keyword arguments as the ``by`` argument. funcs: list of result-colum, function, keywordargument triples The list of functions that are applied on the grouped data frame. Has to be passed as a keyword argument. kwargs: All keyword arguments, but ``funcs``, are passed verbatim to the groupby operation of the dataframe Returns ------- aggregated: the aggregated dataframe. """ if len(index): # since we're coming through apply, `by` will be a tuple. # Pandas treats tuples as a single key, and lists as multiple keys # We want multiple keys kwargs.update(by=list(index)) funcs = kwargs.pop("funcs") grouped = _groupby_raise_unaligned(df, **kwargs) result = collections.OrderedDict() for result_column, func, func_kwargs in funcs: r = func(grouped, **func_kwargs) if isinstance(r, tuple): for idx, s in enumerate(r): result["{}-{}".format(result_column, idx)] = s else: result[result_column] = r if is_dataframe_like(df): return type(df)(result) else: # Get the DataFrame type of this Series object return type(df.head(0).to_frame())(result) def _compute_sum_of_squares(grouped, column): # Note: CuDF cannot use `groupby.apply`. # Need to unpack groupby to compute sum of squares if hasattr(grouped, "grouper"): keys = grouped.grouper else: # Handle CuDF groupby object (different from pandas) keys = grouped.grouping.keys df = grouped.obj[column].pow(2) if column else grouped.obj.pow(2) return df.groupby(keys).sum() def _agg_finalize(df, aggregate_funcs, finalize_funcs, level, sort=False): # finish the final aggregation level df = _groupby_apply_funcs(df, funcs=aggregate_funcs, level=level, sort=sort) # and finalize the result result = collections.OrderedDict() for result_column, func, kwargs in finalize_funcs: result[result_column] = func(df, **kwargs) return type(df)(result) def _apply_func_to_column(df_like, column, func): if column is None: return func(df_like) return func(df_like[column]) def _apply_func_to_columns(df_like, prefix, func): if is_dataframe_like(df_like): columns = df_like.columns else: # handle GroupBy objects columns = df_like._selected_obj.columns columns = sorted(col for col in columns if col.startswith(prefix)) columns = [df_like[col] for col in columns] return func(*columns) def _finalize_mean(df, sum_column, count_column): return df[sum_column] / df[count_column] def _finalize_var(df, count_column, sum_column, sum2_column, ddof=1): n = df[count_column] x = df[sum_column] x2 = df[sum2_column] result = x2 - x ** 2 / n div = n - ddof div[div < 0] = 0 result /= div result[(n - ddof) == 0] = np.nan return result def _finalize_std(df, count_column, sum_column, sum2_column, ddof=1): result = _finalize_var(df, count_column, sum_column, sum2_column, ddof) return np.sqrt(result) def _cum_agg_aligned(part, cum_last, index, columns, func, initial): align = cum_last.reindex(part.set_index(index).index, fill_value=initial) align.index = part.index return func(part[columns], align) def _cum_agg_filled(a, b, func, initial): union = a.index.union(b.index) return func( a.reindex(union, fill_value=initial), b.reindex(union, fill_value=initial), fill_value=initial, ) def _cumcount_aggregate(a, b, fill_value=None): return a.add(b, fill_value=fill_value) + 1 class _GroupBy(object): """ Superclass for DataFrameGroupBy and SeriesGroupBy Parameters ---------- obj: DataFrame or Series DataFrame or Series to be grouped by: str, list or Series The key for grouping slice: str, list The slice keys applied to GroupBy result group_keys: bool Passed to pandas.DataFrame.groupby() dropna: bool Whether to drop null values from groupby index sort: bool, defult None Passed along to aggregation methods. If allowed, the output aggregation will have sorted keys. """ def __init__( self, df, by=None, slice=None, group_keys=True, dropna=None, sort=None ): assert isinstance(df, (DataFrame, Series)) self.group_keys = group_keys self.obj = df # grouping key passed via groupby method self.index = _normalize_index(df, by) self.sort = sort if isinstance(self.index, list): do_index_partition_align = all( item.npartitions == df.npartitions if isinstance(item, Series) else True for item in self.index ) elif isinstance(self.index, Series): do_index_partition_align = df.npartitions == self.index.npartitions else: do_index_partition_align = True if not do_index_partition_align: raise NotImplementedError( "The grouped object and index of the " "groupby must have the same divisions." ) # slicing key applied to _GroupBy instance self._slice = slice if isinstance(self.index, list): index_meta = [ item._meta if isinstance(item, Series) else item for item in self.index ] elif isinstance(self.index, Series): index_meta = self.index._meta else: index_meta = self.index self.dropna = {} if dropna is not None: self.dropna["dropna"] = dropna self._meta = self.obj._meta.groupby( index_meta, group_keys=group_keys, **self.dropna ) @property def _meta_nonempty(self): """ Return a pd.DataFrameGroupBy / pd.SeriesGroupBy which contains sample data. """ sample = self.obj._meta_nonempty if isinstance(self.index, list): index_meta = [ item._meta_nonempty if isinstance(item, Series) else item for item in self.index ] elif isinstance(self.index, Series): index_meta = self.index._meta_nonempty else: index_meta = self.index grouped = sample.groupby(index_meta, group_keys=self.group_keys, **self.dropna) return _maybe_slice(grouped, self._slice) def _aca_agg( self, token, func, aggfunc=None, split_every=None, split_out=1, chunk_kwargs={}, aggregate_kwargs={}, ): if aggfunc is None: aggfunc = func meta = func(self._meta_nonempty) columns = if is_series_like(meta) else meta.columns token = self._token_prefix + token levels = _determine_levels(self.index) return aca( [self.obj, self.index] if not isinstance(self.index, list) else [self.obj] + self.index, chunk=_apply_chunk, chunk_kwargs=dict( chunk=func, columns=columns, **chunk_kwargs, **self.dropna ), aggregate=_groupby_aggregate, meta=meta, token=token, split_every=split_every, aggregate_kwargs=dict( aggfunc=aggfunc, levels=levels, **aggregate_kwargs, **self.dropna ), split_out=split_out, split_out_setup=split_out_on_index, sort=self.sort, ) def _cum_agg(self, token, chunk, aggregate, initial): """ Wrapper for cumulative groupby operation """ meta = chunk(self._meta) columns = if is_series_like(meta) else meta.columns index = self.index if isinstance(self.index, list) else [self.index] name = self._token_prefix + token name_part = name + "-map" name_last = name + "-take-last" name_cum = name + "-cum-last" # cumulate each partitions cumpart_raw = map_partitions( _apply_chunk, self.obj, *index, chunk=chunk, columns=columns, token=name_part, meta=meta, **self.dropna ) cumpart_raw_frame = ( cumpart_raw.to_frame() if is_series_like(meta) else cumpart_raw ) cumpart_ext = cumpart_raw_frame.assign( **{ i: self.obj[i] if np.isscalar(i) and i in self.obj.columns else self.obj.index for i in index } ) # Use pd.Grouper objects to specify that we are grouping by columns. # Otherwise, pandas will throw an ambiguity warning if the # DataFrame's index (self.obj.index) was included in the grouping # specification (self.index). See pandas #14432 index_groupers = [pd.Grouper(key=ind) for ind in index] cumlast = map_partitions( _apply_chunk, cumpart_ext, *index_groupers, columns=0 if columns is None else columns, chunk=M.last, meta=meta, token=name_last, **self.dropna ) # aggregate cumulated partitions and its previous last element _hash = tokenize(self, token, chunk, aggregate, initial) name += "-" + _hash name_cum += "-" + _hash dask = {} dask[(name, 0)] = (cumpart_raw._name, 0) for i in range(1, self.obj.npartitions): # store each cumulative step to graph to reduce computation if i == 1: dask[(name_cum, i)] = (cumlast._name, i - 1) else: # aggregate with previous cumulation results dask[(name_cum, i)] = ( _cum_agg_filled, (name_cum, i - 1), (cumlast._name, i - 1), aggregate, initial, ) dask[(name, i)] = ( _cum_agg_aligned, (cumpart_ext._name, i), (name_cum, i), index, 0 if columns is None else columns, aggregate, initial, ) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections( name, dask, dependencies=[cumpart_raw, cumpart_ext, cumlast] ) return new_dd_object(graph, name, chunk(self._meta), self.obj.divisions) def _shuffle(self, meta): df = self.obj if isinstance(self.obj, Series): # Temporarily convert series to dataframe for shuffle df = df.to_frame("__series__") convert_back_to_series = True else: convert_back_to_series = False if isinstance(self.index, DataFrame): # add index columns to dataframe df2 = df.assign( **{"_index_" + c: self.index[c] for c in self.index.columns} ) index = self.index elif isinstance(self.index, Series): df2 = df.assign(_index=self.index) index = self.index else: df2 = df index = df._select_columns_or_index(self.index) df3 = shuffle(df2, index) # shuffle dataframe and index if isinstance(self.index, DataFrame): # extract index from dataframe cols = ["_index_" + c for c in self.index.columns] index2 = df3[cols] if is_dataframe_like(meta): df4 = df3.map_partitions(drop_columns, cols, meta.columns.dtype) else: df4 = df3.drop(cols, axis=1) elif isinstance(self.index, Series): index2 = df3["_index"] = if is_dataframe_like(meta): df4 = df3.map_partitions(drop_columns, "_index", meta.columns.dtype) else: df4 = df3.drop("_index", axis=1) else: df4 = df3 index2 = self.index if convert_back_to_series: df4 = df4["__series__"].rename( return df4, index2 @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def cumsum(self, axis=0): if axis: return self.obj.cumsum(axis=axis) else: return self._cum_agg("cumsum", chunk=M.cumsum, aggregate=M.add, initial=0) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def cumprod(self, axis=0): if axis: return self.obj.cumprod(axis=axis) else: return self._cum_agg("cumprod", chunk=M.cumprod, aggregate=M.mul, initial=1) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def cumcount(self, axis=None): return self._cum_agg( "cumcount", chunk=M.cumcount, aggregate=_cumcount_aggregate, initial=-1 ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def sum(self, split_every=None, split_out=1, min_count=None): result = self._aca_agg( token="sum", func=M.sum, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) if min_count: return result.where(self.count() >= min_count, other=np.NaN) else: return result @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def prod(self, split_every=None, split_out=1, min_count=None): result = self._aca_agg( token="prod",, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) if min_count: return result.where(self.count() >= min_count, other=np.NaN) else: return result @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def min(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="min", func=M.min, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def max(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="max", func=M.max, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) @derived_from(pd.DataFrame) def idxmin(self, split_every=None, split_out=1, axis=None, skipna=True): return self._aca_agg( token="idxmin", func=M.idxmin, aggfunc=M.first, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, chunk_kwargs=dict(skipna=skipna), ) @derived_from(pd.DataFrame) def idxmax(self, split_every=None, split_out=1, axis=None, skipna=True): return self._aca_agg( token="idxmax", func=M.idxmax, aggfunc=M.first, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, chunk_kwargs=dict(skipna=skipna), ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def count(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="count", func=M.count, aggfunc=M.sum, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def mean(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): s = self.sum(split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out) c = self.count(split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out) if is_dataframe_like(s): c = c[s.columns] return s / c @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def size(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="size", func=M.size, aggfunc=M.sum, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def var(self, ddof=1, split_every=None, split_out=1): levels = _determine_levels(self.index) result = aca( [self.obj, self.index] if not isinstance(self.index, list) else [self.obj] + self.index, chunk=_var_chunk, aggregate=_var_agg, combine=_var_combine, token=self._token_prefix + "var", aggregate_kwargs={"ddof": ddof, "levels": levels}, combine_kwargs={"levels": levels}, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, split_out_setup=split_out_on_index, sort=self.sort, ) if isinstance(self.obj, Series): result = result[result.columns[0]] if self._slice: result = result[self._slice] return result @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def std(self, ddof=1, split_every=None, split_out=1): v = self.var(ddof, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out) result = map_partitions(np.sqrt, v, meta=v) return result @derived_from(pd.DataFrame) def corr(self, ddof=1, split_every=None, split_out=1): """Groupby correlation: corr(X, Y) = cov(X, Y) / (std_x * std_y) """ return self.cov(split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, std=True) @derived_from(pd.DataFrame) def cov(self, ddof=1, split_every=None, split_out=1, std=False): """Groupby covariance is accomplished by 1. Computing intermediate values for sum, count, and the product of all columns: a b c -> a*a, a*b, b*b, b*c, c*c. 2. The values are then aggregated and the final covariance value is calculated: cov(X, Y) = X*Y - Xbar * Ybar When `std` is True calculate Correlation """ levels = _determine_levels(self.index) is_mask = any(is_series_like(s) for s in self.index) if self._slice: if is_mask: self.obj = self.obj[self._slice] else: sliced_plus = list(self._slice) + list(self.index) self.obj = self.obj[sliced_plus] result = aca( [self.obj, self.index] if not isinstance(self.index, list) else [self.obj] + self.index, chunk=_cov_chunk, aggregate=_cov_agg, combine=_cov_combine, token=self._token_prefix + "cov", aggregate_kwargs={"ddof": ddof, "levels": levels, "std": std}, combine_kwargs={"levels": levels}, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, split_out_setup=split_out_on_index, sort=self.sort, ) if isinstance(self.obj, Series): result = result[result.columns[0]] if self._slice: result = result[self._slice] return result @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def first(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="first", func=M.first, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def last(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="last", func=M.last, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.GroupBy) def get_group(self, key): token = self._token_prefix + "get_group" meta = self._meta.obj if is_dataframe_like(meta) and self._slice is not None: meta = meta[self._slice] columns = meta.columns if is_dataframe_like(meta) else return map_partitions( _groupby_get_group, self.obj, self.index, key, columns, meta=meta, token=token, ) def aggregate(self, arg, split_every, split_out=1): if isinstance(self.obj, DataFrame): if isinstance(self.index, tuple) or np.isscalar(self.index): group_columns = {self.index} elif isinstance(self.index, list): group_columns = { i for i in self.index if isinstance(i, tuple) or np.isscalar(i) } else: group_columns = set() if self._slice: # pandas doesn't exclude the grouping column in a SeriesGroupBy # like df.groupby('a')['a'].agg(...) non_group_columns = self._slice if not isinstance(non_group_columns, list): non_group_columns = [non_group_columns] else: # NOTE: this step relies on the index normalization to replace # series with their name in an index. non_group_columns = [ col for col in self.obj.columns if col not in group_columns ] spec = _normalize_spec(arg, non_group_columns) elif isinstance(self.obj, Series): if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, dict)): # implementation detail: if self.obj is a series, a pseudo column # None is used to denote the series itself. This pseudo column is # removed from the result columns before passing the spec along. spec = _normalize_spec({None: arg}, []) spec = [ (result_column, func, input_column) for ((_, result_column), func, input_column) in spec ] else: spec = _normalize_spec({None: arg}, []) spec = [ (, func, input_column) for (_, func, input_column) in spec ] else: raise ValueError("aggregate on unknown object {}".format(self.obj)) chunk_funcs, aggregate_funcs, finalizers = _build_agg_args(spec) if isinstance(self.index, (tuple, list)) and len(self.index) > 1: levels = list(range(len(self.index))) else: levels = 0 if not isinstance(self.index, list): chunk_args = [self.obj, self.index] else: chunk_args = [self.obj] + self.index return aca( chunk_args, chunk=_groupby_apply_funcs, chunk_kwargs=dict(funcs=chunk_funcs), combine=_groupby_apply_funcs, combine_kwargs=dict(funcs=aggregate_funcs, level=levels), aggregate=_agg_finalize, aggregate_kwargs=dict( aggregate_funcs=aggregate_funcs, finalize_funcs=finalizers, level=levels ), token="aggregate", split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, split_out_setup=split_out_on_index, sort=self.sort, ) @insert_meta_param_description(pad=12) def apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Parallel version of pandas GroupBy.apply This mimics the pandas version except for the following: 1. If the grouper does not align with the index then this causes a full shuffle. The order of rows within each group may not be preserved. 2. Dask's GroupBy.apply is not appropriate for aggregations. For custom aggregations, use :class:`dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation`. .. warning:: Pandas' groupby-apply can be used to to apply arbitrary functions, including aggregations that result in one row per group. Dask's groupby-apply will apply ``func`` once to each partition-group pair, so when ``func`` is a reduction you'll end up with one row per partition-group pair. To apply a custom aggregation with Dask, use :class:`dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation`. Parameters ---------- func: function Function to apply args, kwargs : Scalar, Delayed or object Arguments and keywords to pass to the function. $META Returns ------- applied : Series or DataFrame depending on columns keyword """ meta = kwargs.get("meta", no_default) if meta is no_default: with raise_on_meta_error( "groupby.apply({0})".format(funcname(func)), udf=True ): meta_args, meta_kwargs = _extract_meta((args, kwargs), nonempty=True) meta = self._meta_nonempty.apply(func, *meta_args, **meta_kwargs) msg = ( "`meta` is not specified, inferred from partial data. " "Please provide `meta` if the result is unexpected.\n" " Before: .apply(func)\n" " After: .apply(func, meta={'x': 'f8', 'y': 'f8'}) for dataframe result\n" " or: .apply(func, meta=('x', 'f8')) for series result" ) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) meta = make_meta(meta) # Validate self.index if isinstance(self.index, list) and any( isinstance(item, Series) for item in self.index ): raise NotImplementedError( "groupby-apply with a multiple Series is currently not supported" ) df = self.obj should_shuffle = not ( df.known_divisions and df._contains_index_name(self.index) ) if should_shuffle: df2, index = self._shuffle(meta) else: df2 = df index = self.index # Perform embarrassingly parallel groupby-apply kwargs["meta"] = meta df3 = map_partitions( _groupby_slice_apply, df2, index, self._slice, func, token=funcname(func), *args, group_keys=self.group_keys, **self.dropna, **kwargs ) return df3 @insert_meta_param_description(pad=12) def transform(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Parallel version of pandas GroupBy.transform This mimics the pandas version except for the following: 1. If the grouper does not align with the index then this causes a full shuffle. The order of rows within each group may not be preserved. 2. Dask's GroupBy.transform is not appropriate for aggregations. For custom aggregations, use :class:`dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation`. .. warning:: Pandas' groupby-transform can be used to to apply arbitrary functions, including aggregations that result in one row per group. Dask's groupby-transform will apply ``func`` once to each partition-group pair, so when ``func`` is a reduction you'll end up with one row per partition-group pair. To apply a custom aggregation with Dask, use :class:`dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation`. Parameters ---------- func: function Function to apply args, kwargs : Scalar, Delayed or object Arguments and keywords to pass to the function. $META Returns ------- applied : Series or DataFrame depending on columns keyword """ meta = kwargs.get("meta", no_default) if meta is no_default: with raise_on_meta_error( "groupby.transform({0})".format(funcname(func)), udf=True ): meta_args, meta_kwargs = _extract_meta((args, kwargs), nonempty=True) meta = self._meta_nonempty.transform(func, *meta_args, **meta_kwargs) msg = ( "`meta` is not specified, inferred from partial data. " "Please provide `meta` if the result is unexpected.\n" " Before: .transform(func)\n" " After: .transform(func, meta={'x': 'f8', 'y': 'f8'}) for dataframe result\n" " or: .transform(func, meta=('x', 'f8')) for series result" ) warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2) meta = make_meta(meta) # Validate self.index if isinstance(self.index, list) and any( isinstance(item, Series) for item in self.index ): raise NotImplementedError( "groupby-transform with a multiple Series is currently not supported" ) df = self.obj should_shuffle = not ( df.known_divisions and df._contains_index_name(self.index) ) if should_shuffle: df2, index = self._shuffle(meta) else: df2 = df index = self.index # Perform embarrassingly parallel groupby-transform kwargs["meta"] = meta df3 = map_partitions( _groupby_slice_transform, df2, index, self._slice, func, token=funcname(func), *args, group_keys=self.group_keys, **self.dropna, **kwargs ) return df3 class DataFrameGroupBy(_GroupBy): _token_prefix = "dataframe-groupby-" def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, list): g = DataFrameGroupBy( self.obj, by=self.index, slice=key, sort=self.sort, **self.dropna ) else: g = SeriesGroupBy( self.obj, by=self.index, slice=key, sort=self.sort, **self.dropna ) # error is raised from pandas g._meta = g._meta[key] return g def __dir__(self): return sorted( set( dir(type(self)) + list(self.__dict__) + list(filter(M.isidentifier, self.obj.columns)) ) ) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError as e: raise AttributeError(e) from e @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy) def aggregate(self, arg, split_every=None, split_out=1): if arg == "size": return self.size() return super(DataFrameGroupBy, self).aggregate( arg, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy) def agg(self, arg, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self.aggregate(arg, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out) class SeriesGroupBy(_GroupBy): _token_prefix = "series-groupby-" def __init__(self, df, by=None, slice=None, **kwargs): # for any non series object, raise pandas-compat error message if isinstance(df, Series): if isinstance(by, Series): pass elif isinstance(by, list): if len(by) == 0: raise ValueError("No group keys passed!") non_series_items = [item for item in by if not isinstance(item, Series)] # raise error from pandas, if applicable df._meta.groupby(non_series_items) else: # raise error from pandas, if applicable df._meta.groupby(by) super(SeriesGroupBy, self).__init__(df, by=by, slice=slice, **kwargs) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy) def nunique(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): name = levels = _determine_levels(self.index) if isinstance(self.obj, DataFrame): chunk = _nunique_df_chunk else: chunk = _nunique_series_chunk return aca( [self.obj, self.index] if not isinstance(self.index, list) else [self.obj] + self.index, chunk=chunk, aggregate=_nunique_df_aggregate, combine=_nunique_df_combine, token="series-groupby-nunique", chunk_kwargs={"levels": levels, "name": name}, aggregate_kwargs={"levels": levels, "name": name}, combine_kwargs={"levels": levels}, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, split_out_setup=split_out_on_index, sort=self.sort, ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy) def aggregate(self, arg, split_every=None, split_out=1): result = super(SeriesGroupBy, self).aggregate( arg, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out ) if self._slice: result = result[self._slice] if not isinstance(arg, (list, dict)) and isinstance(result, DataFrame): result = result[result.columns[0]] return result @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy) def agg(self, arg, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self.aggregate(arg, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy) def value_counts(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): return self._aca_agg( token="value_counts", func=M.value_counts, aggfunc=_value_counts_aggregate, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, ) @derived_from(pd.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy) def unique(self, split_every=None, split_out=1): name = return self._aca_agg( token="unique", func=M.unique, aggfunc=_unique_aggregate, aggregate_kwargs={"name": name}, split_every=split_every, split_out=split_out, ) def _unique_aggregate(series_gb, name=None): ret = pd.Series({k: v.explode().unique() for k, v in series_gb}, name=name) ret.index.names = series_gb.obj.index.names return ret def _value_counts_aggregate(series_gb): to_concat = {k: v.sum(level=1) for k, v in series_gb} names = list(series_gb.obj.index.names) return pd.Series(pd.concat(to_concat, names=names))
######################################################### # # # HYBRID GENETIC ALGORITHM (24.05.2016) # # # # R. Lahoz-Beltra # # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND # # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # # AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # # THE SOFWTARE CAN BE USED BY ANYONE SOLELY FOR THE # # PURPOSES OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. # # # ######################################################### import math import random import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ######################################################### # ALGORITHM PARAMETERS # ######################################################### N=50 # Define here the population size Genome=4 # Define here the chromosome length generation_max= 650 # Define here the maximum number of # generations/iterations ######################################################### # VARIABLES ALGORITHM # ######################################################### popSize=N+1 genomeLength=Genome+1 top_bottom=3 QuBitZero = np.array([[1], [0]]) QuBitOne = np.array([[0], [1]]) AlphaBeta = np.empty([top_bottom]) fitness = np.empty([popSize]) probability = np.empty([popSize]) # qpv: quantum chromosome (or population vector, QPV) qpv = np.empty([popSize, genomeLength, top_bottom]) nqpv = np.empty([popSize, genomeLength, top_bottom]) # chromosome: classical chromosome chromosome = np.empty([popSize, genomeLength], child1 = np.empty([popSize, genomeLength, top_bottom]) child2 = np.empty([popSize, genomeLength, top_bottom]) best_chrom = np.empty([generation_max]) # Initialization global variables theta=0; iteration=0; the_best_chrom=0; generation=0; ######################################################### # QUANTUM POPULATION INITIALIZATION # ######################################################### def Init_population(): # Hadamard gate r2=math.sqrt(2.0) h=np.array([[1/r2, 1/r2],[1/r2,-1/r2]]) # Rotation Q-gate theta=0; rot =np.empty([2,2]) # Initial population array (individual x chromosome) i=1; j=1; for i in range(1,popSize): for j in range(1,genomeLength): theta=np.random.uniform(0,1)*90 theta=math.radians(theta) rot[0,0]=math.cos(theta); rot[0,1]=-math.sin(theta); rot[1,0]=math.sin(theta); rot[1,1]=math.cos(theta); AlphaBeta[0]=rot[0,0]*(h[0][0]*QuBitZero[0])+rot[0,1]*(h[0][1]*QuBitZero[1]) AlphaBeta[1]=rot[1,0]*(h[1][0]*QuBitZero[0])+rot[1,1]*(h[1][1]*QuBitZero[1]) # alpha squared qpv[i,j,0]=np.around(2*pow(AlphaBeta[0],2),2) # beta squared qpv[i,j,1]=np.around(2*pow(AlphaBeta[1],2),2) ######################################################### # SHOW QUANTUM POPULATION # ######################################################### def Show_population(): i=1; j=1; for i in range(1,popSize): print() print() print("qpv = ",i," : ") print() for j in range(1,genomeLength): print(qpv[i, j, 0],end="") print(" ",end="") print() for j in range(1,genomeLength): print(qpv[i, j, 1],end="") print(" ",end="") print() ########################################################## # MAKE A MEASURE # ########################################################## # p_alpha: probability of finding qubit in alpha state def Measure(p_alpha): for i in range(1,popSize): print() for j in range(1,genomeLength): if p_alpha<=qpv[i, j, 0]: chromosome[i,j]=0 else: chromosome[i,j]=1 print(chromosome[i,j]," ",end="") print() print() ######################################################### # FITNESS EVALUATION # ######################################################### def Fitness_evaluation(generation): i=1; j=1; fitness_total=0; sum_sqr=0; fitness_average=0; variance=0; for i in range(1,popSize): fitness[i]=0 ######################################################### # Define your problem in this section. For instance: # # # # Let f(x)=abs(x-5/2+sin(x)) be a function that takes # # values in the range 0<=x<=15. Within this range f(x) # # has a maximum value at x=11 (binary is equal to 1011) # ######################################################### for i in range(1,popSize): x=0; for j in range(1,genomeLength): # translate from binary to decimal value x=x+chromosome[i,j]*pow(2,genomeLength-j-1) # replaces the value of x in the function f(x) y= np.fabs((x-5)/(2+np.sin(x))) # the fitness value is calculated below: # (Note that in this example is multiplied # by a scale value, e.g. 100) fitness[i]=y*100 ######################################################### print("fitness = ",i," ",fitness[i]) fitness_total=fitness_total+fitness[i] fitness_average=fitness_total/N i=1; while i<=N: sum_sqr=sum_sqr+pow(fitness[i]-fitness_average,2) i=i+1 variance=sum_sqr/N if variance<=1.0e-4: variance=0.0 # Best chromosome selection the_best_chrom=0; fitness_max=fitness[1]; for i in range(1,popSize): if fitness[i]>=fitness_max: fitness_max=fitness[i] the_best_chrom=i best_chrom[generation]=the_best_chrom # Statistical output f = open("output.dat", "a") f.write(str(generation)+" "+str(fitness_average)+"\n") f.write(" \n") f.close() print("Population size = ", popSize - 1) print("mean fitness = ",fitness_average) print("variance = ",variance," Std. deviation = ",math.sqrt(variance)) print("fitness max = ",best_chrom[generation]) print("fitness sum = ",fitness_total) ######################################################### # QUANTUM ROTATION GATE # ######################################################### def rotation(): rot =np.empty([2,2]) # Lookup table of the rotation angle for i in range(1,popSize): for j in range(1,genomeLength): if fitness[i]<fitness[best_chrom[generation]]: # if chromosome[i,j]==0 and chromosome[best_chrom[generation],j]==0: if chromosome[i,j]==0 and chromosome[best_chrom[generation],j]==1: # Define the rotation angle: delta_theta (e.g. 0.0785398163) delta_theta=0.0785398163 rot[0,0]=math.cos(delta_theta); rot[0,1]=-math.sin(delta_theta); rot[1,0]=math.sin(delta_theta); rot[1,1]=math.cos(delta_theta); nqpv[i,j,0]=(rot[0,0]*qpv[i,j,0])+(rot[0,1]*qpv[i,j,1]) nqpv[i,j,1]=(rot[1,0]*qpv[i,j,0])+(rot[1,1]*qpv[i,j,1]) qpv[i,j,0]=round(nqpv[i,j,0],2) qpv[i,j,1]=round(1-nqpv[i,j,0],2) if chromosome[i,j]==1 and chromosome[best_chrom[generation],j]==0: # Define the rotation angle: delta_theta (e.g. -0.0785398163) delta_theta=-0.0785398163 rot[0,0]=math.cos(delta_theta); rot[0,1]=-math.sin(delta_theta); rot[1,0]=math.sin(delta_theta); rot[1,1]=math.cos(delta_theta); nqpv[i,j,0]=(rot[0,0]*qpv[i,j,0])+(rot[0,1]*qpv[i,j,1]) nqpv[i,j,1]=(rot[1,0]*qpv[i,j,0])+(rot[1,1]*qpv[i,j,1]) qpv[i,j,0]=round(nqpv[i,j,0],2) qpv[i,j,1]=round(1-nqpv[i,j,0],2) # if chromosome[i,j]==1 and chromosome[best_chrom[generation],j]==1: ######################################################### # X-PAULI QUANTUM MUTATION GATE # ######################################################### # pop_mutation_rate: mutation rate in the population # mutation_rate: probability of a mutation of a bit def mutation(pop_mutation_rate, mutation_rate): for i in range(1,popSize): up=np.random.random_integers(100) up=up/100 if up<=pop_mutation_rate: for j in range(1,genomeLength): um=np.random.random_integers(100) um=um/100 if um<=mutation_rate: nqpv[i,j,0]=qpv[i,j,1] nqpv[i,j,1]=qpv[i,j,0] else: nqpv[i,j,0]=qpv[i,j,0] nqpv[i,j,1]=qpv[i,j,1] else: for j in range(1,genomeLength): nqpv[i,j,0]=qpv[i,j,0] nqpv[i,j,1]=qpv[i,j,1] for i in range(1,popSize): for j in range(1,genomeLength): qpv[i,j,0]=nqpv[i,j,0] qpv[i,j,1]=nqpv[i,j,1] ######################################################### # TOURNAMENT SELECTION OPERATOR # ######################################################### def select_p_tournament(): u1=0; u2=0; parent=99; while (u1==0 and u2==0): u1=np.random.random_integers(popSize-1) u2=np.random.random_integers(popSize-1) if fitness[u1]<=fitness[u2]: parent=u1 else: parent=u2 return parent ######################################################### # ONE-POINT CROSSOVER OPERATOR # ######################################################### # crossover_rate: setup crossover rate def mating(crossover_rate): j=0; crossover_point=0; parent1=select_p_tournament() parent2=select_p_tournament() if random.random()<=crossover_rate: crossover_point=np.random.random_integers(genomeLength-2) j=1; while (j<=genomeLength-2): if j<=crossover_point: child1[parent1,j,0]=round(qpv[parent1,j,0],2) child1[parent1,j,1]=round(qpv[parent1,j,1],2) child2[parent2,j,0]=round(qpv[parent2,j,0],2) child2[parent2,j,1]=round(qpv[parent2,j,1],2) else: child1[parent1,j,0]=round(qpv[parent2,j,0],2) child1[parent1,j,1]=round(qpv[parent2,j,1],2) child2[parent2,j,0]=round(qpv[parent1,j,0],2) child2[parent2,j,1]=round(qpv[parent1,j,1],2) j=j+1 j=1 for j in range(1,genomeLength): qpv[parent1,j,0]=child1[parent1,j,0] qpv[parent1,j,1]=child1[parent1,j,1] qpv[parent2,j,0]=child2[parent2,j,0] qpv[parent2,j,1]=child2[parent2,j,1] def crossover(crossover_rate): c=1; while (c<=N): mating(crossover_rate) c=c+1 ######################################################### # PERFORMANCE GRAPH # ######################################################### # Read the Docs in def plot_Output(): data = np.loadtxt('output.dat') # plot the first column as x, and second column as y x=data[:,0] y=data[:,1] plt.plot(x,y) plt.xlabel('Generation') plt.ylabel('Fitness average') plt.xlim(0.0, 550.0) ######################################################### # # # MAIN PROGRAM # # # ######################################################### def Q_Hybrid(): generation=0 print("============== GENERATION: ",generation," =========================== ") print() Init_population() Show_population() Measure(0.5) Fitness_evaluation(generation) while (generation<generation_max-1): print("The best of generation [",generation,"] ", best_chrom[generation]) print() print("============== GENERATION: ",generation+1," =========================== ") print() rotation() crossover(0.75) mutation(0.0,0.001) generation=generation+1 Measure(0.5) Fitness_evaluation(generation) print ("""HYBRID GENETIC ALGORITHM""") input("Press Enter to continue...") Q_Hybrid() plot_Output()
# This code is supporting material for the book # Building Machine Learning Systems with Python # by Willi Richert and Luis Pedro Coelho # published by PACKT Publishing # # It is made available under the MIT License from __future__ import print_function try: import nltk.corpus except ImportError: print("nltk not found") print("please install it") raise from scipy.spatial import distance import numpy as np from gensim import corpora, models import sklearn.datasets import nltk.stem from collections import defaultdict english_stemmer = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer('english') stopwords = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')) stopwords.update(['from:', 'subject:', 'writes:', 'writes']) class DirectText(corpora.textcorpus.TextCorpus): def get_texts(self): return self.input def __len__(self): return len(self.input) try: dataset = sklearn.datasets.load_mlcomp("20news-18828", "train", mlcomp_root='./data') except: print("Newsgroup data not found.") print("Please download from") print("And expand the zip into the subdirectory data/") print() print() raise otexts = texts = texts = [t.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') for t in texts] texts = [t.split() for t in texts] texts = [map(lambda w: w.lower(), t) for t in texts] texts = [filter(lambda s: not len(set("+-.?!()>@012345689") & set(s)), t) for t in texts] texts = [filter(lambda s: (len(s) > 3) and (s not in stopwords), t) for t in texts] texts = [map(english_stemmer.stem, t) for t in texts] usage = defaultdict(int) for t in texts: for w in set(t): usage[w] += 1 limit = len(texts) / 10 too_common = [w for w in usage if usage[w] > limit] too_common = set(too_common) texts = [filter(lambda s: s not in too_common, t) for t in texts] corpus = DirectText(texts) dictionary = corpus.dictionary try: dictionary['computer'] except: pass model = models.ldamodel.LdaModel( corpus, num_topics=100, id2word=dictionary.id2token) thetas = np.zeros((len(texts), 100)) for i, c in enumerate(corpus): for ti, v in model[c]: thetas[i, ti] += v distances = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(thetas)) large = distances.max() + 1 for i in xrange(len(distances)): distances[i, i] = large print(otexts[1]) print() print() print() print(otexts[distances[1].argmin()])
__author__ = '' from gurobipy import * import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os from pandas import concat from filesearcher import filesearcher def process(frequencies_file): stdmean = pd.read_csv('./5StopsCentroids/Output/StdAndMean.csv') os.chdir('./7FLM/') TS = np.genfromtxt('./Input/demand.csv', dtype=None, delimiter=',') costmatrix = np.genfromtxt('./Input/DistanceStopsToCustomers.csv', dtype=None, delimiter=',') objectivemat = [] PPS = range(len(costmatrix)) Solution = pd.DataFrame(index=PPS, columns=range(len(costmatrix))) Solution = Solution.fillna(0) for k in range(1, len(costmatrix) + 1): # Facility location model (FLM) m = Model('FLM1.1') # Parking spots (max) PS = k # initialize objective function obj = 0 # Potential parking stops # Actual stops Potspot = [] # Create decision variables for i in PPS: Potspot.append(m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="Chosen_Spots%d" % i)) transport = [] for i in PPS: transport.append([]) for j in range(len(TS)): transport[i].append(m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name="Trans%d.%d" % (i, j))) m.modelSense = GRB.MINIMIZE m.update() # Objective function for i in PPS: for j in range(len(TS)): obj = TS[j] * costmatrix[i][j] * transport[i][j] + obj m.setObjective(obj) # Constrains for j in range(len(TS)): m.addConstr(quicksum((transport[i][j] for i in PPS)) >= 1, name="Next_spot%d" % j) for i in PPS: for j in range(len(TS)): m.addConstr((transport[i][j] - Potspot[i]) <= 0, "Link%d.%d" % (i, j)) for i in PPS: m.addConstr((Potspot[i] - quicksum(transport[i][j] for j in range(len(TS)))) <= 0, "Link%d.%d" % (i, j)) m.addConstr(quicksum(Potspot[i] for i in PPS) == PS, "Max_spots%d") m.optimize() m.getObjective() objectivemat.append(m.objVal) for i in PPS: Solution[k - 1][i] = Potspot[i].x print(k, i) # m.write('FLM1.11.lp') if k == len(costmatrix): clients = [] dropsize = [] droppercl = [] durpercl = [] for i in PPS: clients.append(0) dropsize.append(0) droppercl.append(0) durpercl.append(0) for j in range(len(TS)): dropsize[i] = TS[j] * transport[i][j].x + dropsize[i] clients[i] = clients[i] + transport[i][j].x droppercl[i] = dropsize[i] / clients[i] durpercl[i] = stdmean.Mean[i] / clients[i] filesearcher() codes = pd.read_csv(frequencies_file) Solution.columns = ['p' + str(i) for i in range(len(costmatrix))] os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) centr = pd.read_csv('./6DistanceMatrices/Input/Centroids.csv') coords = centr[['latitud', 'longitud']] result = concat([Solution, coords], axis=1) dropsize = pd.DataFrame(dropsize) droppercl = pd.DataFrame(droppercl) clients = pd.DataFrame(clients) durpercl = pd.DataFrame(durpercl) stopsdataset = concat([coords, stdmean, dropsize, droppercl, clients, durpercl,], axis=1) stopsdataset.columns = ['latitud', 'longitud', 'sigma', 'mean_duration', 'drop_size_per_number_of_clientes', 'dropsize_per_stop', 'clientes', 'duration_per_number_of_clients'] pd.DataFrame(result).to_csv( "./8Optimization/Input/SolutionFLM2.csv") # , header=['p'+str(i) for i in range(len(costmatrix)), 'latitud', 'longitud']) pd.DataFrame(result).to_csv("./Km2Datasets/Scenario/Km2Solution.csv") pd.DataFrame(stopsdataset).to_csv('./Km2Datasets/Stops/Km2Stops.csv', index=False) def main(argv): input = "input.csv" output = "output.csv" polygon_file_name = "polygon.csv" client_file_name = "clients.csv" distance_stops_to_stops = "distance_stops_to_stops.csv" time_stops_to_stops = "time_stops_to_stops.csv" distance_stops_to_customers = "distance_stops_to_customers.csv" time_stops_to_customer = "time_stops_to_customer.csv" hash_name = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(24)) hash_name += ".csv" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:o:p:t:v:x:y:z:", ["centroids=", "output=", "polygon=", "clients=", "distance_stops_to_stops=", "time_stops_to_stops=", "distance_stops_to_customers=", "time_stops_to_customers="]) except getopt.GetoptError, e: sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-c", "--centroids"): input = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): output = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--polygon"): polygon_file_name = arg elif opt in ("-y", "--distance_stops_to_customers"): distance_stops_to_customers = arg time_stops_to_customer = arg create_depot(input, polygon_file_name, hash_name) process(distance_stops_to_customers) os.remove(hash_name) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst # This file defines the AngleFormatterLocator class which is a class that # provides both a method for a formatter and one for a locator, for a given # label spacing. The advantage of keeping the two connected is that we need to # make sure that the formatter can correctly represent the spacing requested and # vice versa. For example, a format of dd:mm cannot work with a tick spacing # that is not a multiple of one arcminute. import re import warnings import numpy as np from matplotlib import rcParams from astropy import units as u from astropy.units import UnitsError from astropy.coordinates import Angle DMS_RE = re.compile('^dd(:mm(:ss(.(s)+)?)?)?$') HMS_RE = re.compile('^hh(:mm(:ss(.(s)+)?)?)?$') DDEC_RE = re.compile('^d(.(d)+)?$') DMIN_RE = re.compile('^m(.(m)+)?$') DSEC_RE = re.compile('^s(.(s)+)?$') SCAL_RE = re.compile('^x(.(x)+)?$') # Units with custom representations - see the note where it is used inside # AngleFormatterLocator.formatter for more details. CUSTOM_UNITS = { u.def_unit('custom_degree',, format={'generic': '\xb0', 'latex': r'^\circ', 'unicode': '°'}), u.arcmin: u.def_unit('custom_arcmin', represents=u.arcmin, format={'generic': "'", 'latex': r'^\prime', 'unicode': '′'}), u.arcsec: u.def_unit('custom_arcsec', represents=u.arcsec, format={'generic': '"', 'latex': r'^{\prime\prime}', 'unicode': '″'}), u.hourangle: u.def_unit('custom_hourangle', represents=u.hourangle, format={'generic': 'h', 'latex': r'^{\mathrm{h}}', 'unicode': r'$\mathregular{^h}$'})} class BaseFormatterLocator: """ A joint formatter/locator """ def __init__(self, values=None, number=None, spacing=None, format=None, unit=None, format_unit=None): if len([x for x in (values, number, spacing) if x is None]) < 2: raise ValueError("At most one of values/number/spacing can be specifed") self._unit = unit self._format_unit = format_unit or unit if values is not None: self.values = values elif number is not None: self.number = number elif spacing is not None: self.spacing = spacing else: self.number = 5 self.format = format @property def values(self): return self._values @values.setter def values(self, values): if not isinstance(values, u.Quantity) or (not values.ndim == 1): raise TypeError("values should be an astropy.units.Quantity array") if not values.unit.is_equivalent(self._unit): raise UnitsError("value should be in units compatible with " "coordinate units ({}) but found {}".format(self._unit, values.unit)) self._number = None self._spacing = None self._values = values @property def number(self): return self._number @number.setter def number(self, number): self._number = number self._spacing = None self._values = None @property def spacing(self): return self._spacing @spacing.setter def spacing(self, spacing): self._number = None self._spacing = spacing self._values = None def minor_locator(self, spacing, frequency, value_min, value_max): if self.values is not None: return [] * self._unit minor_spacing = spacing.value / frequency values = self._locate_values(value_min, value_max, minor_spacing) index = np.where((values % frequency) == 0) index = index[0][0] values = np.delete(values, np.s_[index::frequency]) return values * minor_spacing * self._unit @property def format_unit(self): return self._format_unit @format_unit.setter def format_unit(self, unit): self._format_unit = u.Unit(unit) @staticmethod def _locate_values(value_min, value_max, spacing): imin = np.ceil(value_min / spacing) imax = np.floor(value_max / spacing) values = np.arange(imin, imax + 1, dtype=int) return values class AngleFormatterLocator(BaseFormatterLocator): """ A joint formatter/locator """ def __init__(self, values=None, number=None, spacing=None, format=None, unit=None, decimal=None, format_unit=None, show_decimal_unit=True): if unit is None: unit = if format_unit is None: format_unit = unit if format_unit not in (, u.hourangle, u.hour): if decimal is False: raise UnitsError("Units should be degrees or hours when using non-decimal (sexagesimal) mode") self._decimal = decimal self._sep = None self.show_decimal_unit = show_decimal_unit super().__init__(values=values, number=number, spacing=spacing, format=format, unit=unit, format_unit=format_unit) @property def decimal(self): decimal = self._decimal if self.format_unit not in (, u.hourangle, u.hour): if self._decimal is None: decimal = True elif self._decimal is False: raise UnitsError("Units should be degrees or hours when using non-decimal (sexagesimal) mode") elif self._decimal is None: decimal = False return decimal @decimal.setter def decimal(self, value): self._decimal = value @property def spacing(self): return self._spacing @spacing.setter def spacing(self, spacing): if spacing is not None and (not isinstance(spacing, u.Quantity) or spacing.unit.physical_type != 'angle'): raise TypeError("spacing should be an astropy.units.Quantity " "instance with units of angle") self._number = None self._spacing = spacing self._values = None @property def sep(self): return self._sep @sep.setter def sep(self, separator): self._sep = separator @property def format(self): return self._format @format.setter def format(self, value): self._format = value if value is None: return if DMS_RE.match(value) is not None: self._decimal = False self._format_unit = if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 self._fields = 3 else: self._precision = 0 self._fields = value.count(':') + 1 elif HMS_RE.match(value) is not None: self._decimal = False self._format_unit = u.hourangle if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 self._fields = 3 else: self._precision = 0 self._fields = value.count(':') + 1 elif DDEC_RE.match(value) is not None: self._decimal = True self._format_unit = self._fields = 1 if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 else: self._precision = 0 elif DMIN_RE.match(value) is not None: self._decimal = True self._format_unit = u.arcmin self._fields = 1 if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 else: self._precision = 0 elif DSEC_RE.match(value) is not None: self._decimal = True self._format_unit = u.arcsec self._fields = 1 if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 else: self._precision = 0 else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {value}") if self.spacing is not None and self.spacing < self.base_spacing: warnings.warn("Spacing is too small - resetting spacing to match format") self.spacing = self.base_spacing if self.spacing is not None: ratio = (self.spacing / self.base_spacing).decompose().value remainder = ratio - np.round(ratio) if abs(remainder) > 1.e-10: warnings.warn("Spacing is not a multiple of base spacing - resetting spacing to match format") self.spacing = self.base_spacing * max(1, round(ratio)) @property def base_spacing(self): if self.decimal: spacing = self._format_unit / (10. ** self._precision) else: if self._fields == 1: spacing = 1. * elif self._fields == 2: spacing = 1. * u.arcmin elif self._fields == 3: if self._precision == 0: spacing = 1. * u.arcsec else: spacing = u.arcsec / (10. ** self._precision) if self._format_unit is u.hourangle: spacing *= 15 return spacing def locator(self, value_min, value_max): if self.values is not None: # values were manually specified return self.values, 1.1 * u.arcsec else: # In the special case where value_min is the same as value_max, we # don't locate any ticks. This can occur for example when taking a # slice for a cube (along the dimension sliced). We return a # non-zero spacing in case the caller needs to format a single # coordinate, e.g. for mousover. if value_min == value_max: return [] * self._unit, 1 * u.arcsec if self.spacing is not None: # spacing was manually specified spacing_value = self.spacing.to_value(self._unit) elif self.number is not None: # number of ticks was specified, work out optimal spacing # first compute the exact spacing dv = abs(float(value_max - value_min)) / self.number * self._unit if self.format is not None and dv < self.base_spacing: # if the spacing is less than the minimum spacing allowed by the format, simply # use the format precision instead. spacing_value = self.base_spacing.to_value(self._unit) else: # otherwise we clip to the nearest 'sensible' spacing if self.decimal: from .utils import select_step_scalar spacing_value = select_step_scalar(dv.to_value(self._format_unit)) * else: if self._format_unit is from .utils import select_step_degree spacing_value = select_step_degree(dv).to_value(self._unit) else: from .utils import select_step_hour spacing_value = select_step_hour(dv).to_value(self._unit) # We now find the interval values as multiples of the spacing and # generate the tick positions from this. values = self._locate_values(value_min, value_max, spacing_value) return values * spacing_value * self._unit, spacing_value * self._unit def formatter(self, values, spacing, format='auto'): if not isinstance(values, u.Quantity) and values is not None: raise TypeError("values should be a Quantities array") if len(values) > 0: decimal = self.decimal unit = self._format_unit if unit is u.hour: unit = u.hourangle if self.format is None: if decimal: # Here we assume the spacing can be arbitrary, so for example # 1.000223 degrees, in which case we don't want to have a # format that rounds to degrees. So we find the number of # decimal places we get from representing the spacing as a # string in the desired units. The easiest way to find # the smallest number of decimal places required is to # format the number as a decimal float and strip any zeros # from the end. We do this rather than just trusting e.g. # str() because str(15.) == 15.0. We format using 10 decimal # places by default before stripping the zeros since this # corresponds to a resolution of less than a microarcecond, # which should be sufficient. spacing = spacing.to_value(unit) fields = 0 precision = len(f"{spacing:.10f}".replace('0', ' ').strip().split('.', 1)[1]) else: spacing = spacing.to_value(unit / 3600) if spacing >= 3600: fields = 1 precision = 0 elif spacing >= 60: fields = 2 precision = 0 elif spacing >= 1: fields = 3 precision = 0 else: fields = 3 precision = -int(np.floor(np.log10(spacing))) else: fields = self._fields precision = self._precision is_latex = format == 'latex' or (format == 'auto' and rcParams['text.usetex']) if decimal: # At the moment, the Angle class doesn't have a consistent way # to always convert angles to strings in decimal form with # symbols for units (instead of e.g 3arcsec). So as a workaround # we take advantage of the fact that Angle.to_string converts # the unit to a string manually when decimal=False and the unit # is not strictly or u.hourangle if self.show_decimal_unit: decimal = False sep = 'fromunit' if is_latex: fmt = 'latex' else: if unit is u.hourangle: fmt = 'unicode' else: fmt = None unit = CUSTOM_UNITS.get(unit, unit) else: sep = None fmt = None elif self.sep is not None: sep = self.sep fmt = None else: sep = 'fromunit' if unit == if is_latex: fmt = 'latex' else: sep = ('\xb0', "'", '"') fmt = None else: if format == 'ascii': fmt = None elif is_latex: fmt = 'latex' else: # Here we still use LaTeX but this is for Matplotlib's # LaTeX engine - we can't use fmt='latex' as this # doesn't produce LaTeX output that respects the fonts. sep = (r'$\mathregular{^h}$', r'$\mathregular{^m}$', r'$\mathregular{^s}$') fmt = None angles = Angle(values) string = angles.to_string(unit=unit, precision=precision, decimal=decimal, fields=fields, sep=sep, format=fmt).tolist() return string else: return [] class ScalarFormatterLocator(BaseFormatterLocator): """ A joint formatter/locator """ def __init__(self, values=None, number=None, spacing=None, format=None, unit=None, format_unit=None): if unit is not None: unit = unit format_unit = format_unit or unit elif spacing is not None: unit = spacing.unit format_unit = format_unit or spacing.unit elif values is not None: unit = values.unit format_unit = format_unit or values.unit super().__init__(values=values, number=number, spacing=spacing, format=format, unit=unit, format_unit=format_unit) @property def spacing(self): return self._spacing @spacing.setter def spacing(self, spacing): if spacing is not None and not isinstance(spacing, u.Quantity): raise TypeError("spacing should be an astropy.units.Quantity instance") self._number = None self._spacing = spacing self._values = None @property def format(self): return self._format @format.setter def format(self, value): self._format = value if value is None: return if SCAL_RE.match(value) is not None: if '.' in value: self._precision = len(value) - value.index('.') - 1 else: self._precision = 0 if self.spacing is not None and self.spacing < self.base_spacing: warnings.warn("Spacing is too small - resetting spacing to match format") self.spacing = self.base_spacing if self.spacing is not None: ratio = (self.spacing / self.base_spacing).decompose().value remainder = ratio - np.round(ratio) if abs(remainder) > 1.e-10: warnings.warn("Spacing is not a multiple of base spacing - resetting spacing to match format") self.spacing = self.base_spacing * max(1, round(ratio)) elif not value.startswith('%'): raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: {value}") @property def base_spacing(self): return self._format_unit / (10. ** self._precision) def locator(self, value_min, value_max): if self.values is not None: # values were manually specified return self.values, 1.1 * self._unit else: # In the special case where value_min is the same as value_max, we # don't locate any ticks. This can occur for example when taking a # slice for a cube (along the dimension sliced). if value_min == value_max: return [] * self._unit, 0 * self._unit if self.spacing is not None: # spacing was manually specified spacing = self.spacing.to_value(self._unit) elif self.number is not None: # number of ticks was specified, work out optimal spacing # first compute the exact spacing dv = abs(float(value_max - value_min)) / self.number * self._unit if self.format is not None and (not self.format.startswith('%')) and dv < self.base_spacing: # if the spacing is less than the minimum spacing allowed by the format, simply # use the format precision instead. spacing = self.base_spacing.to_value(self._unit) else: from .utils import select_step_scalar spacing = select_step_scalar(dv.to_value(self._format_unit)) * # We now find the interval values as multiples of the spacing and # generate the tick positions from this values = self._locate_values(value_min, value_max, spacing) return values * spacing * self._unit, spacing * self._unit def formatter(self, values, spacing, format='auto'): if len(values) > 0: if self.format is None: if spacing.value < 1.: precision = -int(np.floor(np.log10(spacing.value))) else: precision = 0 elif self.format.startswith('%'): return [(self.format % x.value) for x in values] else: precision = self._precision return [("{0:." + str(precision) + "f}").format(x.to_value(self._format_unit)) for x in values] else: return []
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sys import os from sklearn.externals import joblib scriptpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../' sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(scriptpath)) import utils def time_features_enricher(dataset): """ Feature engineering on time related fields :param dataset: train/test dataset """ dataset['date_time_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset.date_time, format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') dataset['date_time_dow'] = dataset.date_time_dt.dt.dayofweek dataset['date_time_hour'] = dataset.date_time_dt.dt.hour dataset['date_time_month'] = dataset.date_time_dt.dt.month dataset.loc[dataset.srch_ci == '2161-10-00', 'srch_ci'] = '2016-01-20' #handle one error format case in test set dataset['srch_ci_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset.srch_ci, format = '%Y-%m-%d') dataset['srch_ci_dow'] = dataset.srch_ci_dt.dt.dayofweek dataset['srch_ci_month'] = dataset.srch_ci_dt.dt.month dataset['srch_co_dt'] = pd.to_datetime(dataset.srch_co, format = '%Y-%m-%d') dataset['srch_co_dow'] = dataset.srch_co_dt.dt.dayofweek dataset['srch_co_month'] = dataset.srch_co_dt.dt.month dataset['booking_window'] = (dataset['srch_ci_dt'] - dataset['date_time_dt'])/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') dataset['booking_window'].fillna(1000, inplace=True) dataset['booking_window'] = map(int, dataset['booking_window']) dataset['length_of_stay'] = (dataset['srch_co_dt'] - dataset['srch_ci_dt'])/np.timedelta64(1, 'D') def gen_top_one_hot_encoding(row, field_name, top_vals): """ The helper function for gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column for one row :param row: the result instance to be filled :param field_name: the categorical field name :return: the one hot encoding features """ encoding = np.empty(len(top_vals)) encoding.fill(0) encoding[top_vals==row[field_name]] = 1 return pd.Series(encoding) def gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, field_name, top_vals): """ Generate top 10 categorical one hot encoding for one field :param dataset: train/test dataset :param field_name: the categorical field name :param top_vals: the top vals selected for one hot encoding :return: the one hot encoding features for the field """ encoding = dataset.apply(lambda row: gen_top_one_hot_encoding(row, field_name, np.array(top_vals)), axis=1) top_vals_str = map(str, top_vals) encoding.columns = map('_'.join, zip([field_name] * len(top_vals), top_vals_str)) return encoding def gen_all_top_one_hot_encoding_columns(dataset): """ Generate top 10 categorical one hot encoding columns, based on the analysis shown in the reports/figures/report.html :param dataset: train/test dataset :return: the one hot encoding features for all the categorical fields """ site_name_top_vals = [2, 11, 37, 24, 34, 8, 13, 23, 17, 28] site_name_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'site_name', site_name_top_vals) posa_continent_top_vals = [3, 1, 2, 4, 0] posa_continent_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'posa_continent', posa_continent_top_vals) user_location_country_top_vals = [66, 205, 69, 3, 77, 46, 1, 215, 133, 68] user_location_country_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'user_location_country', user_location_country_top_vals) user_location_region_top_vals = [174, 354, 348, 442, 220, 462, 155, 135, 50, 258] user_location_region_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'user_location_region', user_location_region_top_vals) channel_top_vals = [9, 10, 0, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8] channel_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'channel', channel_top_vals) srch_destination_type_id_top_vals = [1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 8, 7, 9, 0] srch_destination_type_id_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'srch_destination_type_id', srch_destination_type_id_top_vals) hotel_continent_top_vals = [2, 6, 3, 4, 0, 5, 1] hotel_continent_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'hotel_continent', hotel_continent_top_vals) hotel_country_top_vals = [50, 198, 70, 105, 8, 204, 77, 144, 106, 63] hotel_country_encoding = gen_top_one_hot_encoding_column(dataset, 'hotel_country', hotel_country_top_vals) return site_name_encoding, posa_continent_encoding, user_location_country_encoding, user_location_region_encoding, \ channel_encoding, srch_destination_type_id_encoding, hotel_continent_encoding, hotel_country_encoding def fill_na_features(dataset): """ Fill the remaining missing values :param dataset: train/test dataset """ dataset.fillna(-1, inplace=True) ############################################################# #################### train dataset #################### ############################################################# train = utils.load_train('baseline') train_is_booking = train[train.is_booking == 1] train_is_booking.reset_index(inplace = True) train_is_booking.is_copy = False del train print 'generate train time features...' time_features_enricher(train_is_booking) print 'generate train one hot encoding features...' site_name_encoding, posa_continent_encoding, user_location_country_encoding, user_location_region_encoding, \ channel_encoding, srch_destination_type_id_encoding, hotel_continent_encoding, hotel_country_encoding = \ gen_all_top_one_hot_encoding_columns(train_is_booking) print 'fill train na features...' fill_na_features(train_is_booking) print 'concat all train baseline features...' train_is_booking_features = pd.concat([train_is_booking[['hotel_cluster', 'date_time', 'orig_destination_distance', \ 'is_mobile', 'is_package', 'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt', 'srch_rm_cnt', \ 'date_time_dow', 'date_time_hour', 'date_time_month', 'srch_ci_dow', 'srch_ci_month', \ 'srch_co_dow', 'srch_co_month', 'booking_window', 'length_of_stay']], \ site_name_encoding, posa_continent_encoding, user_location_country_encoding, user_location_region_encoding, \ channel_encoding, srch_destination_type_id_encoding, hotel_continent_encoding, hotel_country_encoding], axis=1) train_is_booking_features.to_csv(utils.processed_data_path + '_'.join(['train_is_booking_baseline', 'year', utils.train_year]) + '.csv', header=True, index=False) del train_is_booking ############################################################# #################### test dataset #################### ############################################################# test = utils.load_test('baseline') print 'generate test time features...' time_features_enricher(test) print 'generate test one hot encoding features...' site_name_encoding, posa_continent_encoding, user_location_country_encoding, user_location_region_encoding, \ channel_encoding, srch_destination_type_id_encoding, hotel_continent_encoding, hotel_country_encoding = \ gen_all_top_one_hot_encoding_columns(test) print 'fill test na features...' fill_na_features(test) print 'concat all test baseline features...' test_features = pd.concat([test[['date_time', 'orig_destination_distance', \ 'is_mobile', 'is_package', 'srch_adults_cnt', 'srch_children_cnt', 'srch_rm_cnt', \ 'date_time_dow', 'date_time_hour', 'date_time_month', 'srch_ci_dow', 'srch_ci_month', \ 'srch_co_dow', 'srch_co_month', 'booking_window', 'length_of_stay']], \ site_name_encoding, posa_continent_encoding, user_location_country_encoding, user_location_region_encoding, \ channel_encoding, srch_destination_type_id_encoding, hotel_continent_encoding, hotel_country_encoding], axis=1) test_features.to_csv(utils.processed_data_path + '_'.join(['test_baseline', 'year', utils.train_year]) + '.csv', header=True, index=False)
""" ==================================================================== Plot the decision surfaces of ensembles of trees on the iris dataset ==================================================================== Plot the decision surfaces of forests of randomized trees trained on pairs of features of the iris dataset. This plot compares the decision surfaces learned by a decision tree classifier (first column), by a random forest classifier (second column), by an extra- trees classifier (third column) and by an AdaBoost classifier (fourth column). In the first row, the classifiers are built using the sepal width and the sepal length features only, on the second row using the petal length and sepal length only, and on the third row using the petal width and the petal length only. In descending order of quality, when trained (outside of this example) on all 4 features using 30 estimators and scored using 10 fold cross validation, we see:: ExtraTreesClassifier() # 0.95 score RandomForestClassifier() # 0.94 score AdaBoost(DecisionTree(max_depth=3)) # 0.94 score DecisionTree(max_depth=None) # 0.94 score Increasing `max_depth` for AdaBoost lowers the standard deviation of the scores (but the average score does not improve). See the console's output for further details about each model. In this example you might try to: 1) vary the ``max_depth`` for the ``DecisionTreeClassifier`` and ``AdaBoostClassifier``, perhaps try ``max_depth=3`` for the ``DecisionTreeClassifier`` or ``max_depth=None`` for ``AdaBoostClassifier`` 2) vary ``n_estimators`` It is worth noting that RandomForests and ExtraTrees can be fitted in parallel on many cores as each tree is built independently of the others. AdaBoost's samples are built sequentially and so do not use multiple cores. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import clone from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.ensemble import (RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier) from sklearn.externals.six.moves import xrange from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier # Parameters n_classes = 3 n_estimators = 30 plot_colors = "ryb" cmap = plot_step = 0.02 # fine step width for decision surface contours plot_step_coarser = 0.5 # step widths for coarse classifier guesses RANDOM_SEED = 13 # fix the seed on each iteration # Load data iris = load_iris() plot_idx = 1 models = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=None), RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators), ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=n_estimators), AdaBoostClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3), n_estimators=n_estimators)] for pair in ([0, 1], [0, 2], [2, 3]): for model in models: # We only take the two corresponding features X =[:, pair] y = # Shuffle idx = np.arange(X.shape[0]) np.random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) np.random.shuffle(idx) X = X[idx] y = y[idx] # Standardize mean = X.mean(axis=0) std = X.std(axis=0) X = (X - mean) / std # Train clf = clone(model) clf =, y) scores = clf.score(X, y) # Create a title for each column and the console by using str() and # slicing away useless parts of the string model_title = str(type(model)).split(".")[-1][:-2][:-len("Classifier")] model_details = model_title if hasattr(model, "estimators_"): model_details += " with {} estimators".format(len(model.estimators_)) print( model_details + " with features", pair, "has a score of", scores ) plt.subplot(3, 4, plot_idx) if plot_idx <= len(models): # Add a title at the top of each column plt.title(model_title) # Now plot the decision boundary using a fine mesh as input to a # filled contour plot x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step), np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step)) # Plot either a single DecisionTreeClassifier or alpha blend the # decision surfaces of the ensemble of classifiers if isinstance(model, DecisionTreeClassifier): Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap) else: # Choose alpha blend level with respect to the number of estimators # that are in use (noting that AdaBoost can use fewer estimators # than its maximum if it achieves a good enough fit early on) estimator_alpha = 1.0 / len(model.estimators_) for tree in model.estimators_: Z = tree.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, alpha=estimator_alpha, cmap=cmap) # Build a coarser grid to plot a set of ensemble classifications # to show how these are different to what we see in the decision # surfaces. These points are regularly space and do not have a black outline xx_coarser, yy_coarser = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, plot_step_coarser), np.arange(y_min, y_max, plot_step_coarser)) Z_points_coarser = model.predict(np.c_[xx_coarser.ravel(), yy_coarser.ravel()]).reshape(xx_coarser.shape) cs_points = plt.scatter(xx_coarser, yy_coarser, s=15, c=Z_points_coarser, cmap=cmap, edgecolors="none") # Plot the training points, these are clustered together and have a # black outline for i, c in zip(xrange(n_classes), plot_colors): idx = np.where(y == i) plt.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], c=c, label=iris.target_names[i], cmap=cmap) plot_idx += 1 # move on to the next plot in sequence plt.suptitle("Classifiers on feature subsets of the Iris dataset") plt.axis("tight")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # $Id: 3326 2011-06-17 23:56:38Z jhill $ # # This file is part of the BCPy2000 framework, a Python framework for # implementing modules that run on top of the BCI2000 <> # platform, for the purpose of realtime biosignal processing. # Copyright (C) 2007-11 Jeremy Hill, Thomas Schreiner, # Christian Puzicha, Jason Farquhar # # # # The BCPy2000 framework is free software: you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY # without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # import os import sys import struct import time try: import numpy except: pass __all__ = ['ListDatFiles', 'bcistream', 'ParseState', 'ParseParam', 'ReadPrmFile', 'FormatPrmList', 'unescape'] class DatFileError(Exception): pass def nsorted(x, width=20): import re return zip(*sorted(zip([re.sub('[0-9]+', lambda m:, '0'), xi) for xi in x], x)))[1] def ListDatFiles(d='.'): return nsorted([os.path.realpath(os.path.join(d, f)) for f in os.listdir(d) if f.lower().endswith('.dat')]) class bcistream(object): def __init__(self, filename, ind=-1): import numpy if os.path.isdir(filename): filename = ListDatFiles(filename)[ind] sys.stderr.write("file at index %d is %s\n" % (ind, filename)) self.filename = filename self.headerlen = 0 self.stateveclen = 0 self.nchan = 0 self.bytesperchannel = 0 self.bytesperframe = 0 self.framefmt = '' self.unpacksig = '' self.unpackstates = '' self.paramdefs = {} self.statedefs = {} self.samplingfreq_hz = 0 self.gains = None self.offsets = None self.params = {} self.file = open(self.filename, 'r') self.readHeader() self.file.close() self.bytesperframe = self.nchan * self.bytesperchannel \ + self.stateveclen self.gains = self.params.get('SourceChGain') if self.gains is not None: self.gains = numpy.array([float(x) for x in self.gains], dtype=numpy.float32) self.gains.shape = (self.nchan, 1) self.offsets = self.params.get('SourceChOffset') if self.offsets is not None: self.offsets = numpy.array([float(x) for x in self.offsets], dtype=numpy.float32) self.offsets.shape = (self.nchan, 1) for k, v in self.statedefs.items(): startbyte = int(v['bytePos']) startbit = int(v['bitPos']) nbits = int(v['length']) nbytes = (startbit+nbits) / 8 if (startbit+nbits) % 8: nbytes += 1 extrabits = nbytes * 8 - nbits - startbit startmask = 255 & (255 << startbit) endmask = 255 & (255 >> extrabits) div = (1 << startbit) v['slice'] = slice(startbyte, startbyte + nbytes) v['mask'] = numpy.array([255]*nbytes, dtype=numpy.uint8) v['mask'][0] &= startmask v['mask'][-1] &= endmask v['mask'].shape = (nbytes, 1) v['mult'] = numpy.asmatrix( 256.0 ** numpy.arange(nbytes, dtype=numpy.float64) / float(div)) self.statedefs[k] = v def open(self): if self.file.closed: self.file = open(self.filename, 'rb') def close(self): if not self.file.closed: self.file.close() def __str__(self): nsamp = self.samples() s = ["<%s.%s instance at 0x%08X>" % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, id(self))] s.append('file ' + self.filename.replace('\\', '/')) d = self.datestamp if not isinstance(d, basestring): d = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(self.datestamp)) s.append('recorded ' + d) s.append('%d samples @ %gHz = %s' % (nsamp, self.samplingfreq_hz, self.sample2time(nsamp),)) s.append('%d channels, total %.3g MB' % (self.nchan, self.datasize()/1024.0**2,) ) if not self.file.closed: s.append('open for reading at sample %d (%s)' % (self.tell(), self.sample2time(self.tell()),) ) return '\n '.join(s) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def channels(self): return self.nchan def samplingrate(self): return self.samplingfreq_hz def datasize(self): return os.stat(self.filename)[6] - self.headerlen def samples(self): return self.datasize() / self.bytesperframe def readHeader(self): line = self.file.readline().split() k = [x.rstrip('=') for x in line[::2]] v = line[1::2] self.headline = dict(zip(k, v)) if len(self.headline) == 0: raise ValueError('Empty header line, perhaps it has already been read?') self.headerlen = int(self.headline['HeaderLen']) self.nchan = int(self.headline['SourceCh']) self.stateveclen = int(self.headline['StatevectorLen']) fmtstr = self.headline.get('DataFormat', 'int16') fmt = {'int16': 'h', 'int32': 'l', 'float32': 'f'}.get(fmtstr) if fmt is None: raise DatFileError('unrecognized DataFormat "%s"' % fmtstr) self.bytesperchannel = struct.calcsize(fmt) self.framefmt = fmt * self.nchan + 'B' * self.stateveclen self.unpacksig = fmt * self.nchan + 'x' * self.stateveclen self.unpackstates = 'x' * self.bytesperchannel * self.nchan + 'B' * self.stateveclen line = self.file.readline() if line.strip() != '[ State Vector Definition ]': raise DatFileError('failed to find state vector definition section where expected') while True: line = self.file.readline() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '[': break rec = ParseState(line) name = rec.pop('name') self.statedefs[name] = rec if line.strip() != '[ Parameter Definition ]': raise DatFileError('failed to find parameter definition section where expected') while True: line = self.file.readline() if self.file.tell() >= self.headerlen: break rec = ParseParam(line) name = rec.pop('name') self.paramdefs[name] = rec self.params[name] = rec.get('scaled', rec['val']) self.samplingfreq_hz = float(str(self.params['SamplingRate']).rstrip('Hz')) def fixdate(d): try: import datetime d = time.mktime(time.strptime(d, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')) except: pass else: return d try: import datetime d = time.mktime(time.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')) except: pass else: return d return d self.datestamp = fixdate(self.params.get('StorageTime')) def read(self, nsamp=1, apply_gains=True): if nsamp == -1: nsamp = self.samples() - self.tell() if nsamp == 'all': self.rewind() nsamp = self.samples() if isinstance(nsamp, str): nsamp = self.time2sample(nsamp) raw =*nsamp) nsamp = len(raw) / self.bytesperframe sig = numpy.zeros((self.nchan, nsamp), dtype=numpy.float32) rawstates = numpy.zeros((self.stateveclen, nsamp), dtype=numpy.uint8) S1 = struct.Struct('<' + self.framefmt[:self.nchan]) n1 = S1.size S2 = struct.Struct('<' + self.framefmt[self.nchan:]) n2 = S2.size xT = sig.T rT = rawstates.T start = 0 for i in range(nsamp): mid = start + n1 end = mid + n2 # multiple calls to precompiled Struct.unpack seem to be better than xT[i].flat = S1.unpack(raw[start:mid]) # a single call to struct.unpack('ffffff...bbb') on the whole data rT[i].flat = S2.unpack(raw[mid:end]) # since time efficiency is <= and the latter caused *massive* memory leaks on the apple's python 2.6.1 (snow leopard 64-bit) start = end if apply_gains: if self.gains is not None: sig *= self.gains if self.offsets is not None: sig += self.offsets sig = numpy.asmatrix(sig) return sig, rawstates def decode(self, nsamp=1, states='all', apply_gains=True): sig, rawstates =, apply_gains=apply_gains) states, statenames = {}, states if statenames == 'all': statenames = self.statedefs.keys() for statename in statenames: sd = self.statedefs[statename] states[statename] = numpy.array( sd['mult'] * numpy.asmatrix(rawstates[sd['slice'], :] & sd['mask']), dtype=numpy.int32) return sig, states def tell(self): if self.file.closed: raise IOError('dat file is closed') return (self.file.tell() - self.headerlen) / self.bytesperframe def seek(self, value, wrt='bof'): if self.file.closed: raise IOError('dat file is closed') if isinstance(value, str): value = self.time2sample(value) if wrt in ('bof', -1): wrt = 0 elif wrt in ('eof', +1): wrt = self.samples() elif wrt in ('cof', 0): wrt = self.tell() else: raise IOError('unknown origin "%s"' % str(wrt)) value = min(self.samples(), max(0, value + wrt)) * self.bytesperframe + self.headerlen) def rewind(self): def time2sample(self, value): t = value.split(':') if len(t) > 3: raise DatFileError('too many colons in timestamp "%s"' % value) t.reverse() t = [float(x) for x in t] + [0]*(3-len(t)) t = t[0] + 60.0 * t[1] + 3600.0 * t[2] return int(round(t * self.samplingfreq_hz)) def sample2time(self, value): msecs = round(1000.0 * float(value) / self.samplingfreq_hz) secs, msecs = divmod(int(msecs), 1000) mins, secs = divmod(int(secs), 60) hours, mins = divmod(int(mins), 60) return '%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d' % (hours,mins,secs,msecs) def msec2samples(self, msec): if msec is None: return None return numpy.round(self.samplingfreq_hz * msec / 1000.0) def samples2msec(self, samples): if samples is None: return None return numpy.round(1000.0 * samples / self.samplingfreq_hz) def plotstates(self, states): # TODO: choose which states to plot labels = states.keys() v = numpy.matrix(numpy.concatenate(states.values(), axis=0), dtype=numpy.float32) ntraces, nsamp = v.shape # v = v - numpy.min(v,1) sc = numpy.max(v, 1) sc[numpy.where(sc == 0.0)] = 1.0 v = v / sc offsets = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.arange(1.0, ntraces+1.0)).A v = v.T.A * -0.7 + offsets t = numpy.matrix(range(nsamp), dtype=numpy.float32).T.A / self.samplingfreq_hz pylab = load_pylab() pylab.cla() ax = pylab.gca() h = pylab.plot(t, v) ax.set_xlim(0, nsamp/self.samplingfreq_hz) ax.set_yticks(offsets.flatten()) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) ax.set_ylim(ntraces+1, 0) ax.grid(True) pylab.draw() return h # TODO: plot subsets of channels which don't necessarily correspond to ChannelNames param def plotsig(self, sig, fac=3.0): ntraces, nsamp = sig.shape labels = self.params.get('ChannelNames', '') if len(labels) == 0: labels = [str(x) for x in range(1, ntraces+1)] v = numpy.asmatrix(sig).T v = v - numpy.median(v, axis=0) offsets = numpy.asmatrix(numpy.arange(-1.0, ntraces + 1.0)) offsets = offsets.A * max(v.A.std(axis=0)) * fac v = v.A + offsets[:, 1:-1] t = numpy.matrix(range(nsamp), dtype=numpy.float32).T.A / self.samplingfreq_hz pylab = load_pylab() pylab.cla() ax = pylab.gca() h = pylab.plot(t, v) ax.set_xlim(0, nsamp/self.samplingfreq_hz) ax.set_yticks(offsets.flatten()[1:-1]) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) ax.set_ylim(offsets.flatten()[-1], offsets.flatten()[0]) ax.grid(True) pylab.draw() return h def unescape(s): # unfortunately there are two slight difference between the BCI2000 standard and urllib.unquote # here's one (empty string) if s in ['%', '%0', '%00']: return '' out = '' s = list(s) while len(s): c = s.pop(0) if c == '%': c = ''.join(s[:2]) if c.startswith('%'): # here's the other ('%%' maps to '%') out += '%' s = s[1:] else: try: c = int(c, 16) except: pass else: out += chr(c) s = s[2:] else: out += c return out def ParseState(state): state = state.split() return { 'name': state[0], 'length': int(state[1]), 'startVal': int(state[2]), 'bytePos': int(state[3]), 'bitPos': int(state[4]) } def ReadPrmFile(f): open_here = isinstance(f, str) if open_here: f = open(f) p = [ParseParam(line) for line in f.readlines() if len(line.strip())] if open_here: f.close() return p def ParseParam(param): param = param.strip().split('//', 1) comment = '' if len(param) > 1: comment = param[1].strip() param = param[0].split() category = [unescape(x) for x in param.pop(0).split(':')] param = [unescape(x) for x in param] category += [''] * (3-len(category)) # this shouldn't happen, but some modules seem to register parameters with the string '::' inside one of the category elements. Let's assume this only happens in the third element if len(category) > 3: category = category[:2] + [':'.join(category[2:])] datatype = param.pop(0) name = param.pop(0).rstrip('=') rec = { 'name': name, 'comment': comment, 'category': category, 'type': datatype, 'defaultVal': '', 'minVal': '', 'maxVal': '', } scaled = None if datatype in ('int', 'float'): datatypestr = datatype datatype = {'float': float, 'int': int}.get(datatype) val = param[0] unscaled, units, scaled = DecodeUnits(val, datatype) if isinstance(unscaled, (str, type(None))): sys.stderr.write('WARNING: failed to interpret "%s" as type %s in parameter "%s"\n' % (val, datatypestr, name)) rec.update({ 'valstr': val, 'val': unscaled, 'units': units, }) elif datatype in ('string', 'variant'): val = param.pop(0) rec.update({ 'valstr': val, 'val': val, }) elif datatype.endswith('list'): valtype = datatype[:-4] valtypestr = valtype valtype = {'float': float, 'int': int, '': str, 'string': str, 'variant': str}.get(valtype, valtype) if isinstance(valtype, str): raise DatFileError('Unknown list type "%s"' % valtype) numel, labels, labelstr = ParseDim(param) val = param[:numel] valstr = ' '.join(filter(len, [labelstr]+val)) if valtype == str: unscaled = val units = [''] * len(val) else: val = [DecodeUnits(x, valtype) for x in val] if len(val): unscaled, units, scaled = zip(*val) else: unscaled, units, scaled = [], [], [] for u, v in zip(unscaled, val): if isinstance(u, (str, type(None))): print('WARNING: failed to interpret "%s" as type %s in parameter "%s"' % (v, valtypestr, name)) rec.update({ 'valstr': valstr, 'valtype': valtype, 'len': numel, 'val': unscaled, 'units': units, }) elif datatype.endswith('matrix'): valtype = datatype[:-6] valtype = {'float': float, 'int' :int, '': str, 'string': str, 'variant': str}.get(valtype, valtype) if isinstance(valtype, str): raise DatFileError('Unknown matrix type "%s"' % valtype) nrows, rowlabels, rowlabelstr = ParseDim(param) ncols, collabels, collabelstr = ParseDim(param) valstr = ' '.join(filter(len, [rowlabelstr, collabelstr] + param[:nrows * ncols])) val = [] for i in range(nrows): val.append([]) for j in range(ncols): val[-1].append(param.pop(0)) rec.update({ 'valstr': valstr, 'valtype': valtype, 'val': val, 'shape': (nrows, ncols), 'dimlabels': (rowlabels, collabels), }) else: print("unsupported parameter type", datatype) rec.update({ 'valstr': ' '.join(param), 'val': param, }) param.reverse() if len(param): rec['maxVal'] = param.pop(0) if len(param): rec['minVal'] = param.pop(0) if len(param): rec['defaultVal'] = param.pop(0) if scaled is None: rec['scaled'] = rec['val'] else: rec['scaled'] = scaled return rec def ParseDim(param): extent = param.pop(0) labels = [] if extent == '{': while True: p = param.pop(0) if p == '}': break labels.append(p) extent = len(labels) labelstr = ' '.join(['{'] + labels + ['}']) else: labelstr = extent extent = int(extent) labels = [str(x) for x in range(1,extent+1)] return extent, labels, labelstr def DecodeUnits(s, datatype=float): if s.lower().startswith('0x'): return int(s, 16), None, None units = '' while len(s) and not s[-1] in '0123456789.': units = s[-1] + units s = s[:-1] if len(s) == 0: return None, None, None try: unscaled = datatype(s) except: try: unscaled = float(s) except: return s, None, None scaled = unscaled * { 'hz': 1, 'khz': 1000, 'mhz': 1000000, 'muv': 1, 'mv': 1000, 'v': 1000000, 'musec': 0.001, 'msec': 1, 'sec': 1000, 'min': 60000, 'ms': 1, 's': 1000, }.get(units.lower(), 1) return unscaled, units, scaled def FormatPrmList(p, sort=False): max_element_width = 6 max_value_width = 20 max_treat_string_as_number = 1 def escape(s): s = s.replace('%', '%%') s = s.replace(' ', '%20') if len(s) == 0: s = '%' return s def FormatDimLabels(p): dl = p.get('dimlabels', None) if dl is None: if isinstance(p['val'], (tuple, list)): return ['', str(len(p['val']))] else: return ['', ''] sh = p['shape'] dl = list(dl) for i in range(len(dl)): if len(dl[i]): t = ' '.join([escape(x) for x in dl[i]]) td = ' '.join([str(j+1) for j in range(len(dl[i]))]) if t == td: dl[i] = str(len(dl[i])) else: dl[i] = '{ ' + t + ' }' else: dl[i] = str(sh[i]) return dl def FormatVal(p): if isinstance(p, dict): p = p['val'] if isinstance(p, (tuple,list)): return ' '.join([FormatVal(x) for x in p]) return escape(str(p)) vv = [] pp = [{} for i in range(len(p))] for i in range(len(p)): pp[i]['category'] = ':'.join([x for x in p[i]['category'] if len(x.strip())]) pp[i]['type'] = p[i]['type'] pp[i]['name'] = p[i]['name'] + '=' pp[i]['rows'], pp[i]['cols'] = FormatDimLabels(p[i]) v = FormatVal(p[i]).split() if len(v) == 0: v = ['%'] pp[i]['val'] = range(len(vv), len(vv)+len(v)) vv += v pp[i]['comment'] = '// ' + p[i]['comment'] align = [len(v) <= max_element_width for v in vv] numalign = [len(v) <= max_treat_string_as_number or v[0] in '+-.0123456789' for v in vv] n = [(vv[i]+' ').replace('.', ' ').index(' ') * int(align[i] and numalign[i]) for i in range(len(vv))] maxn = max(n) for i in range(len(vv)): if align[i] and numalign[i]: vv[i] = ' ' * (maxn-n[i]) + vv[i] if align[i]: n[i] = len(vv[i]) maxn = max(n) for i in range(len(vv)): if align[i] and numalign[i]: vv[i] = vv[i].ljust(maxn, ' ') elif align[i]: vv[i] = vv[i].rjust(maxn, ' ') for i in range(len(pp)): pp[i]['val'] = ' '.join([vv[j] for j in pp[i]['val']]) align = [len(pp[i]['val']) <= max_value_width for i in range(len(pp))] maxn = max([0]+[len(pp[i]['val']) for i in range(len(pp)) if align[i]]) for i in range(len(pp)): if align[i]: pp[i]['val'] = pp[i]['val'].ljust(maxn, ' ') for x in pp[0].keys(): n = [len(pp[i][x]) for i in range(len(pp))] n = max(n) for i in range(len(pp)): if x in ['rows', 'cols']: pp[i][x] = pp[i][x].rjust(n, ' ') elif x not in ['comment', 'val']: pp[i][x] = pp[i][x].ljust(n, ' ') if x not in ['rows', 'cols', 'category']: pp[i][x] = ' ' + pp[i][x] if sort: pp = sorted(pp, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp((x['category'], x['name']), (y['category'],y['name']))) fields = 'category type name rows cols val comment'.split() for i in range(len(pp)): pp[i] = ' '.join([pp[i][x] for x in fields]) return pp def load_pylab(): try: import matplotlib if 'matplotlib.backends' not in sys.modules: matplotlib.interactive(True) import pylab return pylab except: print(__name__, "module failed to import pylab: plotting methods will not work")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.markers as mmarkers import pandas as pd import numpy as np from cycler import cycler from .spec import SPEC def _determine_col_name(agg_shelf, shelf): if 'bin' in agg_shelf and agg_shelf.bin: agg_coll = '{}_{}_bin'.format(, shelf) else: agg_coll = return agg_coll def _vl_line(ax, encoding, data, pl_kw): return ax.plot(,, data=data, **pl_kw) def _vl_area(ax, encoding, data, pl_kw): ln, = ax.plot(,, data=data, **pl_kw) area = ax.fill_between(,, data=data, **pl_kw) return ln, area def _vl_point(ax, encoding, data, pl_kw): pl_kw.setdefault('linestyle', 'none') if 'shape' in encoding: data_itr = _do_shape(encoding.shape, data) else: data_itr = [((None, data), {'marker': 'o'})] lns = [] for (k, df), sty in data_itr: sty_dict = {} sty_dict.update(pl_kw) sty_dict.update(sty) ln = ax.plot(,, data=df, **sty_dict) lns.extend(ln) return lns def _vl_bar(ax, encoding, data, pl_kw): return,, data=data, **pl_kw) def _do_shape(shape, data): """Sort out how to do shape Given an encoding + a possibly reduced DataFrame, return an iterator of (gb_key, DataFrame), style kwarg """ filled = shape.filled shapes = mmarkers.MarkerStyle.filled_markers if not filled: shapes = shapes + ('x', '4', '3', '+', '2', '1') cyl = cycler('marker', shapes) if shape.type == 'Q': dig_data, bin_edges = _digitize_col(shape, data) data['{}_shape_bin'.format(] = dig_data fill = 'full' if filled else 'none' cyl *= cycler('fillstyle', (fill, )) gb = data.groupby( for df, sty in zip(gb, cyl): yield df, sty def _do_aggregate(encoding, data, agg_key, by_keys): agg_shelf = getattr(encoding, agg_key) agg_coll = _determine_col_name(agg_shelf, agg_key) agg_method = getattr(encoding, agg_key).aggregate binned = data[agg_coll].groupby(by_keys) agg_func_name = _AGG_MAP[agg_method] data = getattr(binned, agg_func_name)().reset_index() return data def _do_binning(vls, data, bin_key, plot_kwargs): encoding = vls.encoding shelf = getattr(encoding, bin_key) dig, bin_edges = _digitize_col(shelf, data) data['{}_{}_bin'.format(, bin_key)] = dig if vls.marktype == 'bar': plot_kwargs['width'] = np.mean(np.diff(bin_edges)) * .9 plot_kwargs['align'] = 'center' return data def _digitize_col(bin_encoding, data): x_name = d_min, d_max = data[x_name].min(), data[x_name].max() bin_count = bin_encoding.bin if isinstance(bin_count, bool): bin_count = 3 bin_count = int(bin_count) # add one to bin count as we are generating edges here bin_edges = np.linspace(d_min, d_max, bin_count + 1, endpoint=True) centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1]) / 2 dig = np.digitize(data[x_name], bin_edges, right=True) - 1 valid_mask = (-1 < dig) * (dig < len(centers)) ret = np.zeros_like(dig, dtype='float') ret[valid_mask] = centers[dig[valid_mask]] ret[~valid_mask] = np.nan return ret, bin_edges def render(vls, data=None): """Render a vega-lite spec using matplotlib Parameters ---------- vls : dict A dictionary complying with the vega-lite spec Returns ------- fig : Figure The figure created ax_list : list The list of axes created arts : dict Dictionary keyed on Axes of the artists created """ plot_kwargs = {} encoding = vls.encoding if data is None: data = data = pd.DataFrame(data) shelves = ('row', 'col', 'shape', 'size', 'color', 'y', 'x') # TODO these seem to be missing from the # 'detail', 'text') used_cols = list(set(getattr(encoding, k).name for k in shelves if k in encoding)) data = data[used_cols] x_binned = 'bin' in encoding.x and encoding.x.bin y_binned = 'bin' in encoding.y and encoding.y.bin if x_binned and y_binned: raise NotImplementedError("Double binning not done yet") for sh in shelves: if sh not in encoding: continue shelf = getattr(encoding, sh) if 'bin' in shelf and shelf.bin: data = _do_binning(vls, data, sh, plot_kwargs) data = data.dropna() plot_func = _MARK_DISPATCHER[vls.marktype] has_row = 'row' in encoding has_col = 'col' in encoding ax_map = {} ax_list = None if has_col and has_row: # sort out the names with respect to binning col_name = _determine_col_name(encoding.col, 'col') row_name = _determine_col_name(encoding.row, 'row') row_labels = data[row_name].unique() col_labels = data[col_name].unique() grid_keys = [(_['row'], _['col']) for _ in (cycler('row', row_labels) * cycler('col', col_labels))] col_num, row_num = len(col_labels), len(row_labels) facet_iter = data.groupby([row_name, col_name]) elif has_col: col_name = _determine_col_name(encoding.col, 'col') col_labels = data[col_name].unique() col_num, row_num = len(col_labels), 1 fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(col_num, row_num, sharex=True, sharey=True) grid_keys = list(col_labels) facet_iter = data.groupby(col_name) elif has_row: row_name = _determine_col_name(encoding.row, 'row') row_labels = data[row_name].unique() col_num, row_num = 1, len(row_labels) grid_keys = list(row_labels) facet_iter = data.groupby(row_name) else: grid_keys = [None, ] col_num, row_num = 1, 1 def _inner(): yield None, data facet_iter = _inner() fig, ax_list = plt.subplots(row_num, col_num, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False) for k, ax in zip(grid_keys, ax_list.ravel()): ax_map[k] = ax ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler('color', 'k')) if 'x' in encoding and ax.rowNum == row_num - 1: ax.set_xlabel( if 'y' in encoding and ax.colNum == 0: ax.set_ylabel( rets = {} for k, df in facet_iter: ax = ax_map[k] _r = plot_func(ax, encoding, df, plot_kwargs) rets[k] = _r if k: ax.set_title(repr(k)) return rets, ax_map _MARK_DISPATCHER = {'area': _vl_area, # fill below line 'bar': _vl_bar, # bar 'circle': None, # ?? 'line': _vl_line, # line 'point': _vl_point, # scatter 'square': None, # ?? 'text': None, # ?? 'tick': None} # ?? _AGG_MAP = {"avg": 'mean', "sum": 'sum', "min": 'min', "max": 'max', "count": 'count'}
""" Fourier Aliasing ================ Here, we show that we can view the Fourier transform as an infinitely repeat set of replicates (aliases, *s.t.* :math:`Ш(\nu/t_{dw})*\tilde{f}(\nu)`) and view any of those aliases (of width :math:`SW=1/t_{dw}`) that we choose. """ # from JF noteobok sec:fourier_aliasing_test from pylab import * from pyspecdata import * from pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift import _get_ft_dt fl = figlist_var() t = r_[-10:10:512j] t -= t[argmin(abs(t))] # to be sure that an index exactly equals zero data = nddata(empty_like(t,dtype = complex128),[-1],['t']).setaxis('t',t) data.set_units('t','s') # set the units to s, which are automatically converted to Hz upon FT sigma = 1.0 data = data.fromaxis('t',lambda x: complex128(exp(-x**2/2./sigma**2))) test_non_integral = False data.ft('t',shift = test_non_integral)# this is required for the non-integral shift! print(data.other_info) print("is it safe?",data.get_ft_prop('t',['freq','not','aliased']))'ft') fl.plot(data, alpha=0.5) fl.plot(data.runcopy(imag), alpha=0.5) expand_x() expand_y() print("what is the initial desired startpoint?",data.get_prop("FT_start_time")) # default_plot_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.3, lw=2, mew=2, ms=8, marker='o', ls='none') print("-----------------------") print("starting standard") forplot = data.copy() # keep and re-use the gaussian print("what is the initial desired startpoint?",forplot.get_prop("FT_start_time")) forplot.ift('t') #forplot = forplot['t':(-2,2)] t_start = forplot.getaxis('t')[0]'ift') fl.plot(forplot,label = '$t_{start}$: standard %0.2fs'%t_start,**default_plot_kwargs) if test_non_integral:'ift -- non-integral') fl.plot(forplot,label = '$t_{start}$: standard %0.2fs'%t_start,**default_plot_kwargs) #fl.plot(forplot.runcopy(imag),label = 'I: standard',**default_plot_kwargs) dt = diff(forplot.getaxis('t')[r_[0,1]]).item() print("and what is the actual first t index (t_start) after I ift?: ", end=' ') print("t_start is",t_start,"and dt is",dt) symbols = iter(['d','x','s','o']) for this_integer in [2,-250,1000]: print("-----------------------") print("starting integral shift for",this_integer) forplot = data.copy() # keep and re-use the gaussian print("what is the initial desired startpoint?",forplot.get_ft_prop('t',"start_time")) new_startpoint = t_start + this_integer * dt print("now, I try to reset the startpoint to",new_startpoint) print("my dt",dt,"_get_ft_dt",_get_ft_dt(data,'t')) forplot.ft_clear_startpoints('t',t = new_startpoint,f = 'current') print("is it safe?",data.get_ft_prop('t',['freq','not','aliased']))'ift') forplot.ift('t') print("And the actual t startpoint after ift? ",forplot.getaxis('t')[0]) print("the difference between the two?",forplot.getaxis('t')[0] - forplot.get_ft_prop('t',"start_time")) default_plot_kwargs['marker'] = next(symbols) fl.plot(forplot,label = '$t_{start}$: shifted by %0.0fpts $\\rightarrow$ %0.2fs'%(this_integer,new_startpoint),**default_plot_kwargs) print("-----------------------") #fl.plot(forplot.runcopy(imag),label = 'I: integral shifted',**default_plot_kwargs) expand_x() expand_y() if test_non_integral: symbols = iter(['d','x','s','o']) for this_float in [0.5,0.25,10.75]: print("-----------------------") print("starting non-integral shift for",this_float) forplot = data.copy() # keep and re-use the gaussian print("what is the initial desired startpoint?",forplot.get_ft_prop('t',"start_time")) print("is it safe?",data.get_ft_prop('t',['freq','not','aliased'])) new_startpoint = t_start + this_float * dt print("now, I try to reset the startpoint to",new_startpoint) forplot.ft_clear_startpoints('t',t = new_startpoint,f = 'current')'ift -- non-integral') print("is it safe?",data.get_ft_prop('t',['freq','not','aliased'])) forplot.ift('t') print("And the actual t startpoint after ift? ",forplot.getaxis('t')[0]) print("the difference between the two?",forplot.getaxis('t')[0] - forplot.get_ft_prop('t',"start_time")) default_plot_kwargs['marker'] = next(symbols) default_plot_kwargs['markersize'] = 10.0 fl.plot(forplot,label = '$t_{start}$: shifted by %0.0fpts $\\rightarrow$ %0.2fs'%(this_float,new_startpoint),**default_plot_kwargs) #fl.plot(forplot.runcopy(imag),label = 'I: integral shifted',**default_plot_kwargs) #{{{ these are manually set for a nice view of the peak of the gaussian xlim(-1,1) ylim(0.9,1.04) #}}}'interpolation_test_150824.pdf')
#!/usr/bin/env python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2016--, tax-credit development team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import numpy as np from seaborn import violinplot, heatmap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import (kruskal, linregress, mannwhitneyu, wilcoxon, ttest_ind, ttest_rel) from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests from skbio.diversity import beta_diversity from skbio.stats.ordination import pcoa from skbio.stats.distance import anosim from biom import load_table from glob import glob from os.path import join, split from itertools import combinations from IPython.display import display, Markdown from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file from bokeh.models import (HoverTool, WheelZoomTool, PanTool, ResetTool, SaveTool, ColumnDataSource) from import output_notebook def lmplot_from_data_frame(df, x, y, group_by=None, style_theme="whitegrid", regress=False, hue=None, color_palette=None): '''Make seaborn lmplot from pandas dataframe. df: pandas.DataFrame x: str x axis variable y: str y axis variable group_by: str df variable to use for separating plot panels with FacetGrid style_theme: str seaborn plot style theme ''' sns.set_style(style_theme) lm = sns.lmplot(x, y, col=group_by, data=df, ci=None, size=5, scatter_kws={"s": 50, "alpha": 1}, sharey=True, hue=hue, palette=color_palette) if regress is True: try: reg = calculate_linear_regress(df, x, y, group_by) except ValueError: reg = calculate_linear_regress(df, x, y, hue) else: reg = None return lm, reg def pointplot_from_data_frame(df, x_axis, y_vars, group_by, color_by, color_palette, style_theme="whitegrid", plot_type=sns.pointplot): '''Generate seaborn pointplot from pandas dataframe. df = pandas.DataFrame x_axis = x axis variable y_vars = LIST of variables to use for plotting y axis group_by = df variable to use for separating plot panels with FacetGrid color_by = df variable on which to plot and color subgroups within data color_palette = color palette to use for plotting. Either a dict mapping color_by groups to colors, or a named seaborn palette. style_theme = seaborn plot style theme plot_type = allows switching to other plot types, but this is untested ''' grid = dict() sns.set_style(style_theme) for y_var in y_vars: grid[y_var] = sns.FacetGrid(df, col=group_by, hue=color_by, palette=color_palette) grid[y_var] = grid[y_var].map( sns.pointplot, x_axis, y_var, marker="o", ms=4) return grid def heatmap_from_data_frame(df, metric, rows=["Method", "Parameters"], cols=["Dataset"], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='Reds'): """Generate heatmap of specified metric by (method, parameter) x dataset df: pandas.DataFrame rows: list df column names to use for categorizing heatmap rows cols: list df column names to use for categorizing heatmap rows metric: str metric to plot in the heatmap """ df = df.pivot_table(index=rows, columns=cols, values=metric) df.sort_index() height = len(df.index) * 0.35 width = len(df.columns) * 1 ax = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) ax = heatmap(df, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0, square=True, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_title(metric, fontsize=20) return ax def boxplot_from_data_frame(df, group_by="Method", metric="Precision", hue=None, y_min=0.0, y_max=1.0, plotf=violinplot, color='grey', color_palette=None, label_rotation=45): """Generate boxplot or violinplot of metric by group To generate boxplots instead of violin plots, pass plotf=seaborn.boxplot hue, color variables all pass directly to equivalently named variables in seaborn.violinplot(). group_by = "x" metric = "y" """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") ax = violinplot(x=group_by, y=metric, hue=hue, data=df, color=color, palette=color_palette, order=sorted(df[group_by].unique())) ax.set_ylim(bottom=y_min, top=y_max) ax.set_ylabel(metric) ax.set_xlabel(group_by) for lab in ax.get_xticklabels(): lab.set_rotation(label_rotation) return ax def calculate_linear_regress(df, x, y, group_by): '''Calculate slope, intercept from series of lines df: pandas.DataFrame x: str x axis variable y: str y axis variable group_by: str df variable to use for separating data subsets ''' results = [] for group in df[group_by].unique(): df_mod = df[df[group_by] == group] slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(df_mod[x], df_mod[y]) results.append((group, slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err)) result = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=[group_by, "Slope", "Intercept", "R", "P-val", "Std Error"]) return result def per_level_kruskal_wallis(df, y_vars, group_by, dataset_col='Dataset', level_name="level", levelrange=range(1, 7), alpha=0.05, pval_correction='fdr_bh'): '''Test whether 2+ population medians are different. Due to the assumption that H has a chi square distribution, the number of samples in each group must not be too small. A typical rule is that each sample must have at least 5 measurements. df = pandas.DataFrame y_vars = LIST of variables (df column names) to test group_by = df variable to use for separating subgroups to compare dataset_col = df variable to use for separating individual datasets to test level_name = df variable name that specifies taxonomic level levelrange = range of taxonomic levels to test. alpha = level of alpha significance for test pval_correction = type of p-value correction to use ''' dataset_list = [] p_list = [] for dataset in df[dataset_col].unique(): df1 = df[df[dataset_col] == dataset] for var in y_vars: dataset_list.append((dataset, var)) for level in levelrange: level_subset = df1[level_name] == level # group data by groups group_list = [] for group in df1[group_by].unique(): group_data = df1[group_by] == group group_results = df1[level_subset & group_data][var] group_list.append(group_results) # kruskal-wallis tests try: h_stat, p_val = kruskal(*group_list, nan_policy='omit') # default to p=1.0 if all values = 0 # this is not technically correct, from the standpoint of p-val # correction below makes p-vals very slightly less significant # than they should be except ValueError: h_stat, p_val = ('na', 1) # noqa p_list.append(p_val) # correct p-values rej, pval_corr, alphas, alphab = multipletests(np.array(p_list), alpha=alpha, method=pval_correction) range_len = len([i for i in levelrange]) results = [(dataset_list[i][0], dataset_list[i][1], *[pval_corr[i * range_len + n] for n in range(0, range_len)]) for i in range(0, len(dataset_list))] result = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=[dataset_col, "Variable", *[n for n in levelrange]]) return result def seek_tables(expected_results_dir, table_fn='merged_table.biom'): '''Find and deliver merged biom tables''' table_fps = glob(join(expected_results_dir, '*', '*', table_fn)) for table in table_fps: reference_dir, _ = split(table) dataset_dir, reference_id = split(reference_dir) _, dataset_id = split(dataset_dir) yield table, dataset_id, reference_id def batch_beta_diversity(expected_results_dir, method="braycurtis", permutations=99, col='method', dim=2, colormap={'expected': 'red', 'rdp': 'seagreen', 'sortmerna': 'gray', 'uclust': 'blue', 'blast': 'purple'}): '''Find merged biom tables and run beta_diversity_through_plots''' for table, dataset_id, reference_id in seek_tables(expected_results_dir): display(Markdown('## {0} {1}'.format(dataset_id, reference_id))) s, r, pc, dm = beta_diversity_pcoa(table, method=method, col=col, permutations=permutations, dim=dim, colormap=colormap) sns.plt.clf() def make_distance_matrix(biom_fp, method="braycurtis"): '''biom.Table --> skbio.DistanceMatrix''' table = load_table(biom_fp) # extract sample metadata from table, put in df table_md = {s_id: dict(table.metadata(s_id)) for s_id in table.ids()} s_md = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table_md, orient='index') # extract data from table and multiply, assuming that table contains # relative abundances (which cause beta_diversity to fail) table_data = [[int(num * 100000) for num in] for s_id in table.ids()] # beta diversity dm = beta_diversity(method, table_data, table.ids()) return dm, s_md def beta_diversity_pcoa(biom_fp, method="braycurtis", permutations=99, dim=2, col='method', colormap={'expected': 'red', 'rdp': 'seagreen', 'sortmerna': 'gray', 'uclust': 'blue', 'blast': 'purple'}): '''From biom table, compute Bray-Curtis distance; generate PCoA plot; and calculate adonis differences. biom_fp: path Path to biom.Table containing sample metadata. method: str skbio.Diversity method to use for ordination. permutations: int Number of permutations to perform for anosim tests. dim: int Number of dimensions to plot. Currently supports only 2-3 dimensions. col: str metadata name to use for distinguishing groups for anosim tests and pcoa plots. colormap: dict map groups names (must be group names in col) to colors used for plots. ''' dm, s_md = make_distance_matrix(biom_fp, method=method) # pcoa pc = pcoa(dm) # anosim tests results = anosim(dm, s_md, column=col, permutations=permutations) print('R = ', results['test statistic'], '; P = ', results['p-value']) if dim == 2: # bokeh pcoa plots pc123 = pc.samples.ix[:, ["PC1", "PC2", "PC3"]] smd_merge = s_md.merge(pc123, left_index=True, right_index=True) smd_merge['Color'] = [colormap[x] for x in smd_merge['method']] title = smd_merge['reference'][0] labels = ['PC {0} ({1:.2f})'.format(d + 1, pc.proportion_explained[d]) for d in range(0, 2)] circle_plot_from_dataframe(smd_merge, "PC1", "PC2", title, columns=["method", "sample_id", "params"], color="Color", labels=labels) else: # skbio pcoa plots pcoa_plot_skbio(pc, s_md, col='method') return s_md, results, pc, dm def circle_plot_from_dataframe(df, x, y, title=None, color="Color", columns=["method", "sample_id", "params"], labels=None, plot_width=400, plot_height=400, fill_alpha=0.2, size=10, output_fn=None): '''Make bokeh circle plot from dataframe, use df columns for hover tool. df: pandas.DataFrame Containing all sample data, including color categories. x: str df category to use for x-axis coordinates. y: str df category to use for y-axis coordinates. title: str Title to print above plot. color: str df category to use for coloring data points. columns: list df categories to add as hovertool metadata. labels: list Axis labels for x and y axes. If none, default to column names. output_fn: path Filepath for output file. Defaults to None. Other parameters feed directly to bokeh.plotting. ''' if labels is None: labels = [x, y] source = ColumnDataSource(df) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[(c, '@' + c) for c in columns]) TOOLS = [hover, WheelZoomTool(), PanTool(), ResetTool(), SaveTool()] fig = figure(title=title, tools=TOOLS, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height) # Set asix labels fig.xaxis.axis_label = labels[0] fig.yaxis.axis_label = labels[1] # Plot x and y axes, y, source=source, color=color, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, size=size) if output_fn is not None: output_file(output_fn) output_notebook() show(fig) def pcoa_plot_skbio(pc, s_md, col='method'): '''Input principal coordinates, display figure. pc: skbio.OrdinationResults Sample coordinates. s_md: pandas.DataFrame Sample metadata. col: str Category in s_md to use for coloring groups. ''' # make labels for PCoA plot pcl = ['PC {0} ({1:.2f})'.format(d + 1, pc.proportion_explained[d]) for d in range(0, 3)] fig = pc.plot(s_md, col, axis_labels=(pcl[0], pcl[1], pcl[2]), cmap='jet', s=50) fig def average_distance_boxplots(expected_results_dir, group_by="method", standard='expected', metric="distance", params='params', beta="braycurtis", reference_filter=True, reference_col='reference', references=['gg_13_8_otus', 'unite_20.11.2016_clean_fullITS'], paired=True, use_best=True, parametric=True, plotf=violinplot, label_rotation=45, color_palette=None, y_min=0.0, y_max=1.0, color=None, hue=None): '''Distance boxplots that aggregate and average results across multiple mock community datasets. reference_filter: bool Filter by reference dataset to only include specific references in results? reference_col: str df column header containing reference set information. references: list List of strings containing names of reference datasets to include. paired: bool Perform paired or unpaired comparisons? parametric: bool Perform parametric or non-parametric statistical tests? use_best: bool Compare average distance distributions across all methods (False) or only the best parameter configuration for each method? (True) ''' box = dict() best = dict() # Aggregate all distance matrix data archive = pd.DataFrame() for table, dataset_id, reference_id in seek_tables(expected_results_dir): dm, sample_md = make_distance_matrix(table, method=beta) per_method = per_method_distance(dm, sample_md, group_by=group_by, standard=standard, metric=metric) archive = pd.concat([archive, per_method]) # filter out auxiliary reference database results if reference_filter is True: archive = archive[archive[reference_col].isin(references)] # plot results for each reference db separately for reference in archive[reference_col].unique(): display(Markdown('## {0}'.format(reference))) archive_subset = archive[archive[reference_col] == reference] # for each method find best average method/parameter config if use_best: best[reference], param_report = isolate_top_params( archive_subset, group_by, params, metric) # display(pd.DataFrame(param_report, columns=[group_by, params])) method_rank = _show_method_rank( best[reference], group_by, params, metric, [group_by, params, metric], ascending=False) else: best[reference] = archive_subset results = per_method_pairwise_tests(best[reference], group_by=group_by, metric=metric, paired=paired, parametric=parametric) box[reference] = boxplot_from_data_frame( best[reference], group_by=group_by, color=color, hue=hue, y_min=None, y_max=None, plotf=plotf, label_rotation=label_rotation, metric=metric, color_palette=color_palette) if use_best: box[reference] = _add_significance_to_boxplots( results, method_rank, box[reference], method='method') sns.plt.clf() display(results) return box, best def _add_significance_to_boxplots(pairwise, rankings, ax, method='Method'): x_labels = [a.get_text() for a in ax.get_xticklabels()] methods = [m for m in rankings[method]] ranks = [] # iterate range instead of methods, so that we can use pop for comparisons # against shrinking list of methods methods_copy = methods.copy() for n in range(len(methods_copy)): method = methods_copy.pop(0) inner_rank = {method} for other_method in methods_copy: if method in pairwise.index.levels[0] and \ other_method in pairwise.loc[method].index: if pairwise.loc[method].loc[other_method]['FDR P'] > 0.05: inner_rank.add(other_method) elif other_method in pairwise.index.levels[0] and \ method in pairwise.loc[other_method].index: if pairwise.loc[other_method].loc[method]['FDR P'] > 0.05: inner_rank.add(other_method) # only add new set of equalities if it contains unique items if len(ranks) == 0 or not inner_rank.issubset(ranks[-1]): ranks.append(inner_rank) # provide unique letters for each significance group letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' sig_groups = {} for method in methods: sig_groups[method] = [] for rank, letter in zip(ranks, letters): if method in rank: sig_groups[method].append(letter) sig_groups[method] = ''.join(sig_groups[method]) # add significance labels above plot pos = range(len(x_labels)) for tick, label in zip(pos, x_labels): ax.text(tick, ax.get_ybound()[1], sig_groups[label], size='medium', horizontalalignment='center', color='k', weight='semibold') return ax def _show_method_rank(best, group_by, params, metric, display_fields, ascending=False): '''Find the best param configuration for each method and show those configs, along with the parameters and metric scores. ''' avg_best = best.groupby([group_by, params]).mean().reset_index() avg_best_sorted = avg_best.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=ascending) method_rank = avg_best_sorted.ix[:, display_fields] display(method_rank) return method_rank def fastlane_boxplots(expected_results_dir, group_by="method", standard='expected', metric="distance", hue=None, plotf=violinplot, label_rotation=45, y_min=0.0, y_max=1.0, color=None, beta="braycurtis"): '''per_method_boxplots for those who don't have time to wait.''' for table, dataset_id, reference_id in seek_tables(expected_results_dir): display(Markdown('## {0} {1}'.format(dataset_id, reference_id))) dm, sample_md = make_distance_matrix(table, method=beta) per_method_boxplots(dm, sample_md, group_by=group_by, metric=metric, standard=standard, hue=hue, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, plotf=plotf, color=color, label_rotation=label_rotation) def per_method_boxplots(dm, sample_md, group_by="method", standard='expected', metric="distance", hue=None, y_min=0.0, y_max=1.0, plotf=violinplot, label_rotation=45, color=None, color_palette=None): '''Generate distance boxplots and Mann-Whitney U tests on distance matrix. dm: skbio.DistanceMatrix sample_md: pandas.DataFrame containing sample metadata group_by: str df category to use for grouping samples standard: str group name in group_by category to which all other groups are compared. metric: str name of distance column in output. To generate boxplots instead of violin plots, pass plotf=seaborn.boxplot hue, color variables all pass directly to equivalently named variables in seaborn.violinplot(). ''' box = dict() within_between = within_between_category_distance(dm, sample_md, 'method') per_method = per_method_distance(dm, sample_md, group_by=group_by, standard=standard, metric=metric) for d, g, s in [(within_between, 'Comparison', '1: Within- vs. Between-'), (per_method, group_by, '2: Pairwise ')]: display(Markdown('## Comparison {0} Distance'.format(s + group_by))) box[g] = boxplot_from_data_frame( d, group_by=g, color=color, metric=metric, y_min=None, y_max=None, hue=hue, plotf=plotf, label_rotation=label_rotation, color_palette=color_palette) results = per_method_pairwise_tests(d, group_by=g, metric=metric) sns.plt.clf() display(results) return box def per_method_distance(dm, md, group_by='method', standard='expected', metric='distance', sample='sample_id'): '''Compile list of distances between groups of samples in distance matrix. returns dataframe of distances and group metadata. dm: skbio.DistanceMatrix md: pandas.DataFrame containing sample metadata group_by: str df category to use for grouping samples standard: str group name in group_by category to which all other groups are compared. metric: str name of distance column in output. sample: str df category containing sample_id names. ''' results = [] expected = md[md[group_by] == standard] observed = md[md[group_by] != standard] for group in observed[group_by].unique(): group_md = observed[observed[group_by] == group] for i in list(expected.index.values): for j in list(group_md.index.values): if group_md.loc[j][sample] == expected.loc[i][sample]: results.append((*[n for n in group_md.loc[j]], dm[i, j])) return pd.DataFrame(results, columns=[*[n for n in md.columns.values], metric]) def within_between_category_distance(dm, md, md_category, distance='distance'): '''Compile list of distances between groups of samples and within groups of samples. dm: skbio.DistanceMatrix md: pandas.DataFrame containing sample metadata md_category: str df category to use for grouping samples ''' distances = [] for i, sample_id1 in enumerate(dm.ids): sample_md1 = md[md_category][sample_id1] for sample_id2 in dm.ids[:i]: sample_md2 = md[md_category][sample_id2] if sample_md1 == sample_md2: comp = 'within' group = sample_md1 else: comp = 'between' group = sample_md1 + '_' + sample_md2 distances.append((comp, group, dm[sample_id1, sample_id2])) return pd.DataFrame(distances, columns=["Comparison", md_category, distance]) def per_method_pairwise_tests(df, group_by='method', metric='distance', paired=False, parametric=True): '''Perform mann whitney U tests between group distance distributions, followed by FDR correction. Returns pandas dataframe of p-values. df: pandas.DataFrame results from per_method_distance() group_by: str df category to use for grouping samples metric: str df category to use as variable for comparison. paired: bool Perform Wilcoxon signed rank test instead of Mann Whitney U. df must be ordered such that paired samples will appear in same order in subset dataframes when df is subset by term f[df[group_by] == a[0]][metric]. ''' pvals = [] groups = [group for group in df[group_by].unique()] combos = [a for a in combinations(groups, 2)] for a in combos: try: if paired is False and parametric is False: u, p = mannwhitneyu(df[df[group_by] == a[0]][metric], df[df[group_by] == a[1]][metric], alternative='two-sided') elif paired is False and parametric is True: u, p = ttest_ind(df[df[group_by] == a[0]][metric], df[df[group_by] == a[1]][metric], nan_policy='raise') elif paired is True and parametric is False: u, p = wilcoxon(df[df[group_by] == a[0]][metric], df[df[group_by] == a[1]][metric]) else: u, p = ttest_rel(df[df[group_by] == a[0]][metric], df[df[group_by] == a[1]][metric], nan_policy='raise') except ValueError: # default to p=1.0 if all values = 0 # this is not technically correct, from the standpoint of p-val # correction below makes p-vals very slightly less significant # than they should be u, p = 0.0, 1.0 pvals.append((a[0], a[1], u, p)) result = pd.DataFrame(pvals, columns=["Method A", "Method B", "stat", "P"]) result.set_index(['Method A', 'Method B'], inplace=True) try: result['FDR P'] = multipletests(result['P'], method='fdr_bh')[1] except ZeroDivisionError: pass return result def isolate_top_params(df, group_by="Method", params="Parameters", metric="F-measure", ascending=True): '''For each method in df, find top params for each method and filter df to contain only those parameters. df: pandas df group_by: str df category name to use for segregating groups from which top param is chosen. params: str df category name indicating parameters column. ''' best = pd.DataFrame() param_report = [] for group in df[group_by].unique(): subset = df[df[group_by] == group] avg = subset.groupby(params).mean().reset_index() sorted_avg = avg.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=ascending) top_param = sorted_avg.reset_index()[params][0] param_report.append((group, top_param)) best = pd.concat([best, subset[subset[params] == top_param]]) return best, param_report def rank_optimized_method_performance_by_dataset(df, dataset="Dataset", method="Method", params="Parameters", metric="F-measure", level="Level", level_range=range(5, 7), display_fields=["Method", "Parameters", "Precision", "Recall", "F-measure"], ascending=False, paired=True, parametric=True, hue=None, y_min=0.0, y_max=1.0, plotf=violinplot, label_rotation=45, color=None, color_palette=None): '''Rank the performance of methods using optimized parameter configuration within each dataset in dataframe. Optimal methods are computed from the mean performance of each method/param configuration across all datasets in df. df: pandas df dataset: str df category to use for grouping samples (by dataset) method: str df category to use for grouping samples (by method); these groups are compared in plots and pairwise statistical testing. params: str df category containing parameter configurations for each method. Best method configurations are computed by grouping method groups on this category value, then finding the best average metric value. metric: str df category containing metric to use for ranking and statistical comparisons between method groups. level: str df category containing taxonomic level information. level_range: range Perform plotting and testing at each level in range. display_fields: list List of columns in df to display in results. ascending: bool Rank methods my metric score in ascending or descending order? paired: bool Perform paired statistical test? See per_method_pairwise_tests() parametric: bool Perform parametric statistical test? See per_method_pairwise_tests() To generate boxplots instead of violin plots, pass plotf=seaborn.boxplot hue, color variables all pass directly to equivalently named variables in seaborn.violinplot(). See boxplot_from_data_frame() for more information. ''' box = dict() for d in df[dataset].unique(): for lv in level_range: display(Markdown("## {0} level {1}".format(d, lv))) df_l = df[df[level] == lv] best, param_report = isolate_top_params(df_l[df_l[dataset] == d], method, params, metric, ascending=ascending) method_rank = _show_method_rank( best, method, params, metric, display_fields, ascending=ascending) results = per_method_pairwise_tests(best, group_by=method, metric=metric, paired=paired, parametric=parametric) display(results) box[d] = boxplot_from_data_frame( best, group_by=method, color=color, metric=metric, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, label_rotation=label_rotation, hue=hue, plotf=plotf, color_palette=color_palette) box[d] = _add_significance_to_boxplots( results, method_rank, box[d]) return box
'''Adaptation of the UJI dataset for the "sequential" version of the problem, rather than the rasterized Dataset from ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import json class Dataset: def __init__(self, vocab, points, breaks, masks, labels): self.vocab = vocab self.points = points self.breaks = breaks self.masks = masks self.labels = labels def find(self, char): label = int(np.where(self.vocab == char)[0]) return np.where(self.labels == label)[0] def show(self, indices=None, limit=64): plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) indices = list(range(limit) if indices is None else indices) dim = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(indices)))) for plot_index, index in enumerate(indices): plt.subplot(dim, dim, plot_index+1) plt.plot(*zip(*self.points[index, self.masks[index]])) ends = self.masks[index] & ( self.breaks[index] | np.roll(self.breaks[index], -1)) plt.plot(*zip(*self.points[index, ends]), '.') plt.title('%d : %s' % (index, self.vocab[self.labels[index]])) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.gca().axis('off') @classmethod def load(cls, path, max_length=200): '''Read the dataset from a JSONlines file.''' with open(path) as f: data = [json.loads(line) for line in f] vocab = np.array(sorted(set(d['target'] for d in data))) char_to_index = {ch: n for n, ch in enumerate(vocab)} labels = np.array([char_to_index[d['target']] for d in data], dtype=np.int32) nsamples = min(max_length, max( sum(len(stroke) for stroke in d['strokes']) for d in data)) points = np.zeros((len(data), nsamples, 2), dtype=np.float32) breaks = np.zeros((len(data), nsamples), dtype=np.bool) masks = np.zeros((len(data), nsamples), dtype=np.bool) for n, d in enumerate(data): stroke = np.concatenate(d['strokes'])[:nsamples] points[n, :len(stroke)] = stroke masks[n, :len(stroke)] = True all_breaks = np.cumsum([len(stroke) for stroke in d['strokes']]) breaks[n, all_breaks[all_breaks < nsamples]] = True return cls(vocab=vocab, points=points, breaks=breaks, masks=masks, labels=labels)
import os from setuptools import setup def read(fname): """ Utility function to read the README file. Used for the long_description. It's nice, because now 1) we have a top level README file and 2) it's easier to type in the README file than to put a raw string in below ... :param fname: :return: """ return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read() setup( name='stat arb toolbox', version='0.1', author='Christophe', author_email='', description='investigating mean reversion on ETFs.', license='BSD', keywords='mean reversion systematic trading', packages=['statsmodelsext', 'mktdata', 'mktdatadb', 'statsext', 'bollinger'], long_description=read(''), install_requires=[ 'pandas', 'pytz', 'numpy', 'statsmodels', 'matplotlib', 'Quandl', 'scipy', 'xlsxwriter'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Topic :: Utilities', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', ], )
""" Test the fastica algorithm. """ import itertools import warnings import numpy as np from scipy import stats from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA, fastica, PCA from sklearn.decomposition.fastica_ import _gs_decorrelation from sklearn.externals.six import moves def center_and_norm(x, axis=-1): """ Centers and norms x **in place** Parameters ----------- x: ndarray Array with an axis of observations (statistical units) measured on random variables. axis: int, optional Axis along which the mean and variance are calculated. """ x = np.rollaxis(x, axis) x -= x.mean(axis=0) x /= x.std(axis=0) def test_gs(): # Test gram schmidt orthonormalization # generate a random orthogonal matrix rng = np.random.RandomState(0) W, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(rng.randn(10, 10)) w = rng.randn(10) _gs_decorrelation(w, W, 10) assert_less((w ** 2).sum(), 1.e-10) w = rng.randn(10) u = _gs_decorrelation(w, W, 5) tmp =, W.T) assert_less((tmp[:5] ** 2).sum(), 1.e-10) def test_fastica_simple(add_noise=False): # Test the FastICA algorithm on very simple data. rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # scipy.stats uses the global RNG: np.random.seed(0) n_samples = 1000 # Generate two sources: s1 = (2 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 100, n_samples)) > 0) - 1 s2 = stats.t.rvs(1, size=n_samples) s = np.c_[s1, s2].T center_and_norm(s) s1, s2 = s # Mixing angle phi = 0.6 mixing = np.array([[np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)], [np.sin(phi), -np.cos(phi)]]) m =, s) if add_noise: m += 0.1 * rng.randn(2, 1000) center_and_norm(m) # function as fun arg def g_test(x): return x ** 3, (3 * x ** 2).mean(axis=-1) algos = ['parallel', 'deflation'] nls = ['logcosh', 'exp', 'cube', g_test] whitening = [True, False] for algo, nl, whiten in itertools.product(algos, nls, whitening): if whiten: k_, mixing_, s_ = fastica(m.T, fun=nl, algorithm=algo) assert_raises(ValueError, fastica, m.T, fun=np.tanh, algorithm=algo) else: X = PCA(n_components=2, whiten=True).fit_transform(m.T) k_, mixing_, s_ = fastica(X, fun=nl, algorithm=algo, whiten=False) assert_raises(ValueError, fastica, X, fun=np.tanh, algorithm=algo) s_ = s_.T # Check that the mixing model described in the docstring holds: if whiten: assert_almost_equal(s_,, k_), m)) center_and_norm(s_) s1_, s2_ = s_ # Check to see if the sources have been estimated # in the wrong order if abs(, s2)) > abs(, s1)): s2_, s1_ = s_ s1_ *= np.sign(, s1)) s2_ *= np.sign(, s2)) # Check that we have estimated the original sources if not add_noise: assert_almost_equal(, s1) / n_samples, 1, decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(, s2) / n_samples, 1, decimal=2) else: assert_almost_equal(, s1) / n_samples, 1, decimal=1) assert_almost_equal(, s2) / n_samples, 1, decimal=1) # Test FastICA class _, _, sources_fun = fastica(m.T, fun=nl, algorithm=algo, random_state=0) ica = FastICA(fun=nl, algorithm=algo, random_state=0) sources = ica.fit_transform(m.T) assert_equal(ica.components_.shape, (2, 2)) assert_equal(sources.shape, (1000, 2)) assert_array_almost_equal(sources_fun, sources) assert_array_almost_equal(sources, ica.transform(m.T)) assert_equal(ica.mixing_.shape, (2, 2)) for fn in [np.tanh, "exp(-.5(x^2))"]: ica = FastICA(fun=fn, algorithm=algo, random_state=0) assert_raises(ValueError,, m.T) assert_raises(TypeError, FastICA(fun=moves.xrange(10)).fit, m.T) def test_fastica_nowhiten(): m = [[0, 1], [1, 0]] # test for issue #697 ica = FastICA(n_components=1, whiten=False, random_state=0) assert_warns(UserWarning,, m) assert_true(hasattr(ica, 'mixing_')) def test_non_square_fastica(add_noise=False): # Test the FastICA algorithm on very simple data. rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 1000 # Generate two sources: t = np.linspace(0, 100, n_samples) s1 = np.sin(t) s2 = np.ceil(np.sin(np.pi * t)) s = np.c_[s1, s2].T center_and_norm(s) s1, s2 = s # Mixing matrix mixing = rng.randn(6, 2) m =, s) if add_noise: m += 0.1 * rng.randn(6, n_samples) center_and_norm(m) k_, mixing_, s_ = fastica(m.T, n_components=2, random_state=rng) s_ = s_.T # Check that the mixing model described in the docstring holds: assert_almost_equal(s_,, k_), m)) center_and_norm(s_) s1_, s2_ = s_ # Check to see if the sources have been estimated # in the wrong order if abs(, s2)) > abs(, s1)): s2_, s1_ = s_ s1_ *= np.sign(, s1)) s2_ *= np.sign(, s2)) # Check that we have estimated the original sources if not add_noise: assert_almost_equal(, s1) / n_samples, 1, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(, s2) / n_samples, 1, decimal=3) def test_fit_transform(): # Test FastICA.fit_transform rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.random_sample((100, 10)) for whiten, n_components in [[True, 5], [False, None]]: n_components_ = (n_components if n_components is not None else X.shape[1]) ica = FastICA(n_components=n_components, whiten=whiten, random_state=0) Xt = ica.fit_transform(X) assert_equal(ica.components_.shape, (n_components_, 10)) assert_equal(Xt.shape, (100, n_components_)) ica = FastICA(n_components=n_components, whiten=whiten, random_state=0) assert_equal(ica.components_.shape, (n_components_, 10)) Xt2 = ica.transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(Xt, Xt2) def test_inverse_transform(): # Test FastICA.inverse_transform n_features = 10 n_samples = 100 n1, n2 = 5, 10 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.random_sample((n_samples, n_features)) expected = {(True, n1): (n_features, n1), (True, n2): (n_features, n2), (False, n1): (n_features, n2), (False, n2): (n_features, n2)} for whiten in [True, False]: for n_components in [n1, n2]: n_components_ = (n_components if n_components is not None else X.shape[1]) ica = FastICA(n_components=n_components, random_state=rng, whiten=whiten) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # catch "n_components ignored" warning Xt = ica.fit_transform(X) expected_shape = expected[(whiten, n_components_)] assert_equal(ica.mixing_.shape, expected_shape) X2 = ica.inverse_transform(Xt) assert_equal(X.shape, X2.shape) # reversibility test in non-reduction case if n_components == X.shape[1]: assert_array_almost_equal(X, X2)
import json, sys, argparse import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from utils import get_precision_recall, fscore, average_fscore def _parse_results(r): r = r.strip().split(",") return [x for x in r if len(x) > 0] def _label(num_part): if num_part == 1: label = "MinHash LSH" else: label = "LSH Ensemble ({})".format(num_part) return label if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("query_results") parser.add_argument("ground_truth_results") parser.add_argument("--asym-query-results") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) df = pd.read_csv(args.query_results, converters={"results": _parse_results}) df_groundtruth = pd.read_csv(args.ground_truth_results, converters={"results": _parse_results}) df_groundtruth["has_result"] = [len(r) > 0 for r in df_groundtruth["results"]] df_groundtruth = df_groundtruth[df_groundtruth["has_result"]] df = pd.merge(df, df_groundtruth, on=["query_key", "threshold"], suffixes=("", "_ground_truth")) prs = [get_precision_recall(result, ground_truth) for result, ground_truth in \ zip(df["results"], df["results_ground_truth"])] df["precision"] = [p for p, _ in prs] df["recall"] = [r for _, r in prs] df["fscore"] = [fscore(*pr) for pr in prs] #df["query_time_lshensemble"] = df["probe_time"] + df["process_time"] df["query_time_lshensemble"] = df["probe_time"] if args.asym_query_results is not None: df_asym = pd.read_csv(args.asym_query_results, converters={"results": _parse_results}) df = pd.merge(df, df_asym, on=["query_key", "threshold"], suffixes=("", "_asym")) prs = [get_precision_recall(result, ground_truth) for result, ground_truth in \ zip(df["results_asym"], df["results_ground_truth"])] df["precision_asym"] = [p for p, _ in prs] df["recall_asym"] = [r for _, r in prs] df["fscore_asym"] = [fscore(*pr) for pr in prs] #df["query_time_asym"] = df["probe_time_asym"] + df["process_time_asym"] df["query_time_asym"] = df["probe_time_asym"] thresholds = sorted(list(set(df["threshold"]))) num_perms = sorted(list(set(df["num_perm"]))) num_parts = sorted(list(set(df["num_part"]))) for i, num_perm in enumerate(num_perms): # Plot precisions for j, num_part in enumerate(num_parts): sub = df[(df["num_part"] == num_part) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") precisions = sub["precision"].mean() stds = sub["precision"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, precisions, "^-", label=_label(num_part)) #plt.fill_between(thresholds, precisions-stds, precisions+stds, # alpha=0.2) if "precision_asym" in df: sub = df[(df["num_part"] == 1) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") precisions = sub["precision_asym"].mean() stds = sub["precision_asym"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, precisions, "s-", label="Asym Minhash LSH") #plt.fill_between(thresholds, precisions-stds, precisions+stds, # alpha=0.2) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlabel("Thresholds") plt.ylabel("Average Precisions") plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.savefig("lshensemble_num_perm_{}_precision.png".format(num_perm)) plt.close() # Plot recalls for j, num_part in enumerate(num_parts): sub = df[(df["num_part"] == num_part) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") recalls = sub["recall"].mean() stds = sub["recall"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, recalls, "^-", label=_label(num_part)) #plt.fill_between(thresholds, recalls-stds, recalls+stds, alpha=0.2) if "recall_asym" in df: sub = df[(df["num_part"] == 1) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") recalls = sub["recall_asym"].mean() stds = sub["recall_asym"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, recalls, "s-", label="Asym Minhash LSH") #plt.fill_between(thresholds, recalls-stds, recalls+stds, alpha=0.2) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlabel("Thresholds") plt.ylabel("Average Recalls") plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.savefig("lshensemble_num_perm_{}_recall.png".format(num_perm)) plt.close() # Plot fscores. for j, num_part in enumerate(num_parts): sub = df[(df["num_part"] == num_part) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") fscores = sub["fscore"].mean() stds = sub["fscore"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, fscores, "^-", label=_label(num_part)) #plt.fill_between(thresholds, fscores-stds, fscores+stds, alpha=0.2) if "fscore_asym" in df: sub = df[(df["num_part"] == 1) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") fscores = sub["fscore_asym"].mean() stds = sub["fscore_asym"].std() plt.plot(thresholds, fscores, "s-", label="Asym Minhash LSH") #plt.fill_between(thresholds, fscores-stds, fscores+stds, alpha=0.2) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlabel("Thresholds") plt.ylabel("Average F-Scores") plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.savefig("lshensemble_num_perm_{}_fscore.png".format(num_perm)) plt.close() # Plot query time. for num_part in num_parts: sub = df[(df["num_part"] == num_part) & (df["num_perm"] == num_perm)].\ groupby("threshold") t = sub["query_time_lshensemble"].quantile(0.9) plt.plot(thresholds, t, "^-", label=_label(num_part)) t = df_groundtruth.groupby("threshold")["query_time"].quantile(0.9) plt.plot(thresholds, t, "o-", label="Exact") plt.xlabel("Thresholds") plt.ylabel("90 Percentile Query Time (ms)") plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig("lshensemble_num_perm_{}_query_time.png".format(num_perm)) plt.close() # Output results # df = df.drop(columns=["results", "results_ground_truth", "results_asym"]) # df.to_csv("out.csv")
import importlib import pandas as pd import os from catalyst import run_algorithm from catalyst.constants import ALPHA_WARNING_MESSAGE from import get_pretty_stats, \ extract_transactions, set_print_settings, extract_orders from import clean_exchange_bundles, \ ingest_exchange_bundles from catalyst.testing.fixtures import WithLogger, CatalystTestCase from logbook import TestHandler, WARNING filter_algos = [ # '', '', '', # '', # '', # '', # '', ] class TestSuiteAlgo(WithLogger, CatalystTestCase): @staticmethod def analyze(context, perf): set_print_settings() transaction_df = extract_transactions(perf) print('the transactions:\n{}'.format(transaction_df)) orders_df = extract_orders(perf) print('the orders:\n{}'.format(orders_df)) stats = get_pretty_stats(perf, show_tail=False, num_rows=5) print('the stats:\n{}'.format(stats)) pass def test_run_examples(self): # folder = join('..', '..', '..', 'catalyst', 'examples') HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) folder = os.path.join(HERE, '..', '..', '..', 'catalyst', 'examples') files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, f))] algo_list = [] for filename in files: name = os.path.basename(filename) if filter_algos and name not in filter_algos: continue module_name = 'catalyst.examples.{}'.format( name.replace('.py', '') ) algo_list.append(module_name) exchanges = ['poloniex', 'bittrex', 'binance'] asset_name = 'btc_usdt' quote_currency = 'usdt' capital_base = 10000 data_freq = 'daily' start_date = pd.to_datetime('2017-10-01', utc=True) end_date = pd.to_datetime('2017-12-01', utc=True) for exchange_name in exchanges: ingest_exchange_bundles(exchange_name, data_freq, asset_name) for module_name in algo_list: algo = importlib.import_module(module_name) # namespace = module_name.replace('.', '_') log_catcher = TestHandler() with log_catcher: run_algorithm( capital_base=capital_base, data_frequency=data_freq, initialize=algo.initialize, handle_data=algo.handle_data, analyze=TestSuiteAlgo.analyze, exchange_name=exchange_name, algo_namespace='test_{}'.format(exchange_name), quote_currency=quote_currency, start=start_date, end=end_date, # output=out ) warnings = [record for record in log_catcher.records if record.level == WARNING] assert(len(warnings) == 1) assert (warnings[0].message == ALPHA_WARNING_MESSAGE) assert (not log_catcher.has_errors) assert (not log_catcher.has_criticals) clean_exchange_bundles(exchange_name, data_freq)
from networkit import * from networkit.dynamic import * from networkit.centrality import * import pandas as pd import random def removeAndAddEdges(G, nEdges, tabu=None): if nEdges > G.numberOfEdges() - tabu.numberOfEdges(): raise Error("G does not have enough edges") # select random edges for removal removed = set() while len(removed) < nEdges: (u, v) = G.randomEdge() if not tabu.hasEdge(u, v) and not ((u,v) in removed or (v,u) in removed): # exclude all edges in the tabu graph removed.add((u, v)) print (removed) # build event streams removeStream = [] for (u, v) in removed: removeStream.append(GraphEvent(GraphEvent.EDGE_REMOVAL, u, v, 0)) addStream = [] for (u, v) in removed: addStream.append(GraphEvent(GraphEvent.EDGE_ADDITION, u, v, 1.0)) return (removeStream, addStream) def setRandomWeights(G, mu, sigma): """ Add random weights, normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma """ for (u, v) in G.edges(): w = random.normalvariate(mu, sigma) G.setWeight(u, v, w) return G def test(G, nEdges, batchSize, epsilon, delta, size): # find a set of nEdges to remove from G T = graph.SpanningForest(G).generate() (removeStream, addStream) = removeAndAddEdges(G, nEdges, tabu=T) # remove the edges from G updater = dynamic.GraphUpdater(G) updater.update(removeStream) # run the algorithms on the inital graph bc = Betweenness(G) print("Running bc") dynBc = DynBetweenness(G, True) print("Running dyn bc with predecessors") apprBc = ApproxBetweenness(G, epsilon, delta) print("Running approx bc") dynApprBc = DynApproxBetweenness(G, epsilon, delta, True) print("Running dyn approx bc with predecessors") # apply the batches nExperiments = nEdges // batchSize timesBc = [] timesDynBc = [] timesApprBc = [] timesDynApprBc = [] scoresBc = [] scoresApprBc = [] for i in range(nExperiments): batch = addStream[i*batchSize : (i+1)*batchSize] # add the edges of batch to the graph totalTime = 0.0 for j in range(0, batchSize): updater.update([batch[j]]) # update the betweenness with the dynamic exact algorithm t = stopwatch.Timer() dynBc.update(batch[j]) totalTime += t.stop() timesDynBc.append(totalTime) # update the betweenness with the static exact algorithm t = stopwatch.Timer() x = t.stop() timesBc.append(x) print("Exact BC") print(x) print("Speedup Dyn BC (with preds)") print(x/totalTime) # update the betweenness with the static approximated algorithm t = stopwatch.Timer() x = t.stop() timesApprBc.append(x) print("ApprBC") print(x) # update the betweenness with the dynamic approximated algorithm t = stopwatch.Timer() dynApprBc.update(batch) y = t.stop() timesDynApprBc.append(y) print("Speedup DynApprBC (with preds)") print(x/y) bcNormalized = [ k/(size*(size-1)) for k in bc.scores()] scoresBc.append(bcNormalized) scoresApprBc.append(dynApprBc.scores()) a = pd.Series(timesBc) b = pd.Series(timesDynBc) c = pd.Series(timesApprBc) d = pd.Series(timesDynApprBc) df1 = pd.DataFrame({"Static exact bc": a, "Dynamic exact bc" : b, "Static approx bc" : c, "Dynamic approx bc" : d}) dic2 = {} for experiment in range(nExperiments): a = pd.Series(scoresBc[experiment]) b = pd.Series(scoresApprBc[experiment]) dic2["Exact scores (exp. "+str(experiment)+")"] = a dic2["Approx scores (exp. "+str(experiment)+")"] = b df2 = pd.DataFrame(dic2) return df1, df2 if __name__ == "__main__": setNumberOfThreads(1) size = 20000 for i in range(11): batchSize = 2**i G = generators.DorogovtsevMendesGenerator(size).generate() cc = properties.ConnectedComponents(G) if (cc.numberOfComponents() == 1) : nEdges = batchSize * 10 epsilon = 0.05 delta = 0.1 (df1, df2) = test(G, nEdges, batchSize, epsilon, delta, size) df1.to_csv("results/times_unweighted_size_"+str(size)+"_batch_"+str(batchSize)+".csv") df2.to_csv("results/scores_unweighted_size_"+str(size)+"_batch_"+str(batchSize)+".csv") else: print("The generated graph is not connected.")
""" Classes for interpolating values. """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import __all__ = ['interp1d', 'interp2d', 'spline', 'spleval', 'splmake', 'spltopp', 'ppform', 'lagrange', 'PPoly', 'BPoly', 'NdPPoly', 'RegularGridInterpolator', 'interpn'] import itertools import warnings import functools import operator import numpy as np from numpy import (array, transpose, searchsorted, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, dot, ravel, poly1d, asarray, intp) import scipy.linalg import scipy.special as spec from scipy.special import comb from scipy._lib.six import xrange, integer_types, string_types from . import fitpack from . import dfitpack from . import _fitpack from .polyint import _Interpolator1D from . import _ppoly from .fitpack2 import RectBivariateSpline from .interpnd import _ndim_coords_from_arrays from ._bsplines import make_interp_spline, BSpline def prod(x): """Product of a list of numbers; ~40x faster vs for Python tuples""" if len(x) == 0: return 1 return functools.reduce(operator.mul, x) def lagrange(x, w): """ Return a Lagrange interpolating polynomial. Given two 1-D arrays `x` and `w,` returns the Lagrange interpolating polynomial through the points ``(x, w)``. Warning: This implementation is numerically unstable. Do not expect to be able to use more than about 20 points even if they are chosen optimally. Parameters ---------- x : array_like `x` represents the x-coordinates of a set of datapoints. w : array_like `w` represents the y-coordinates of a set of datapoints, i.e. f(`x`). Returns ------- lagrange : numpy.poly1d instance The Lagrange interpolating polynomial. """ M = len(x) p = poly1d(0.0) for j in xrange(M): pt = poly1d(w[j]) for k in xrange(M): if k == j: continue fac = x[j]-x[k] pt *= poly1d([1.0, -x[k]])/fac p += pt return p # !! Need to find argument for keeping initialize. If it isn't # !! found, get rid of it! class interp2d(object): """ interp2d(x, y, z, kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=nan) Interpolate over a 2-D grid. `x`, `y` and `z` are arrays of values used to approximate some function f: ``z = f(x, y)``. This class returns a function whose call method uses spline interpolation to find the value of new points. If `x` and `y` represent a regular grid, consider using RectBivariateSpline. Note that calling `interp2d` with NaNs present in input values results in undefined behaviour. Methods ------- __call__ Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like Arrays defining the data point coordinates. If the points lie on a regular grid, `x` can specify the column coordinates and `y` the row coordinates, for example:: >>> x = [0,1,2]; y = [0,3]; z = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]] Otherwise, `x` and `y` must specify the full coordinates for each point, for example:: >>> x = [0,1,2,0,1,2]; y = [0,0,0,3,3,3]; z = [1,2,3,4,5,6] If `x` and `y` are multi-dimensional, they are flattened before use. z : array_like The values of the function to interpolate at the data points. If `z` is a multi-dimensional array, it is flattened before use. The length of a flattened `z` array is either len(`x`)*len(`y`) if `x` and `y` specify the column and row coordinates or ``len(z) == len(x) == len(y)`` if `x` and `y` specify coordinates for each point. kind : {'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic'}, optional The kind of spline interpolation to use. Default is 'linear'. copy : bool, optional If True, the class makes internal copies of x, y and z. If False, references may be used. The default is to copy. bounds_error : bool, optional If True, when interpolated values are requested outside of the domain of the input data (x,y), a ValueError is raised. If False, then `fill_value` is used. fill_value : number, optional If provided, the value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If omitted (None), values outside the domain are extrapolated. See Also -------- RectBivariateSpline : Much faster 2D interpolation if your input data is on a grid bisplrep, bisplev : Spline interpolation based on FITPACK BivariateSpline : a more recent wrapper of the FITPACK routines interp1d : one dimension version of this function Notes ----- The minimum number of data points required along the interpolation axis is ``(k+1)**2``, with k=1 for linear, k=3 for cubic and k=5 for quintic interpolation. The interpolator is constructed by `bisplrep`, with a smoothing factor of 0. If more control over smoothing is needed, `bisplrep` should be used directly. Examples -------- Construct a 2-D grid and interpolate on it: >>> from scipy import interpolate >>> x = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25) >>> y = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 0.25) >>> xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) >>> z = np.sin(xx**2+yy**2) >>> f = interpolate.interp2d(x, y, z, kind='cubic') Now use the obtained interpolation function and plot the result: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> xnew = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 1e-2) >>> ynew = np.arange(-5.01, 5.01, 1e-2) >>> znew = f(xnew, ynew) >>> plt.plot(x, z[0, :], 'ro-', xnew, znew[0, :], 'b-') >>> """ def __init__(self, x, y, z, kind='linear', copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None): x = ravel(x) y = ravel(y) z = asarray(z) rectangular_grid = (z.size == len(x) * len(y)) if rectangular_grid: if z.ndim == 2: if z.shape != (len(y), len(x)): raise ValueError("When on a regular grid with x.size = m " "and y.size = n, if z.ndim == 2, then z " "must have shape (n, m)") if not np.all(x[1:] >= x[:-1]): j = np.argsort(x) x = x[j] z = z[:, j] if not np.all(y[1:] >= y[:-1]): j = np.argsort(y) y = y[j] z = z[j, :] z = ravel(z.T) else: z = ravel(z) if len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError( "x and y must have equal lengths for non rectangular grid") if len(z) != len(x): raise ValueError( "Invalid length for input z for non rectangular grid") try: kx = ky = {'linear': 1, 'cubic': 3, 'quintic': 5}[kind] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolation type.") if not rectangular_grid: # TODO: surfit is really not meant for interpolation! self.tck = fitpack.bisplrep(x, y, z, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.0) else: nx, tx, ny, ty, c, fp, ier = dfitpack.regrid_smth( x, y, z, None, None, None, None, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=0.0) self.tck = (tx[:nx], ty[:ny], c[:(nx - kx - 1) * (ny - ky - 1)], kx, ky) self.bounds_error = bounds_error self.fill_value = fill_value self.x, self.y, self.z = [array(a, copy=copy) for a in (x, y, z)] self.x_min, self.x_max = np.amin(x), np.amax(x) self.y_min, self.y_max = np.amin(y), np.amax(y) def __call__(self, x, y, dx=0, dy=0, assume_sorted=False): """Interpolate the function. Parameters ---------- x : 1D array x-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate. y : 1D array y-coordinates of the mesh on which to interpolate. dx : int >= 0, < kx Order of partial derivatives in x. dy : int >= 0, < ky Order of partial derivatives in y. assume_sorted : bool, optional If False, values of `x` and `y` can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, `x` and `y` have to be arrays of monotonically increasing values. Returns ------- z : 2D array with shape (len(y), len(x)) The interpolated values. """ x = atleast_1d(x) y = atleast_1d(y) if x.ndim != 1 or y.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("x and y should both be 1-D arrays") if not assume_sorted: x = np.sort(x) y = np.sort(y) if self.bounds_error or self.fill_value is not None: out_of_bounds_x = (x < self.x_min) | (x > self.x_max) out_of_bounds_y = (y < self.y_min) | (y > self.y_max) any_out_of_bounds_x = np.any(out_of_bounds_x) any_out_of_bounds_y = np.any(out_of_bounds_y) if self.bounds_error and (any_out_of_bounds_x or any_out_of_bounds_y): raise ValueError("Values out of range; x must be in %r, y in %r" % ((self.x_min, self.x_max), (self.y_min, self.y_max))) z = fitpack.bisplev(x, y, self.tck, dx, dy) z = atleast_2d(z) z = transpose(z) if self.fill_value is not None: if any_out_of_bounds_x: z[:, out_of_bounds_x] = self.fill_value if any_out_of_bounds_y: z[out_of_bounds_y, :] = self.fill_value if len(z) == 1: z = z[0] return array(z) def _check_broadcast_up_to(arr_from, shape_to, name): """Helper to check that arr_from broadcasts up to shape_to""" shape_from = arr_from.shape if len(shape_to) >= len(shape_from): for t, f in zip(shape_to[::-1], shape_from[::-1]): if f != 1 and f != t: break else: # all checks pass, do the upcasting that we need later if arr_from.size != 1 and arr_from.shape != shape_to: arr_from = np.ones(shape_to, arr_from.dtype) * arr_from return arr_from.ravel() # at least one check failed raise ValueError('%s argument must be able to broadcast up ' 'to shape %s but had shape %s' % (name, shape_to, shape_from)) def _do_extrapolate(fill_value): """Helper to check if fill_value == "extrapolate" without warnings""" return (isinstance(fill_value, string_types) and fill_value == 'extrapolate') class interp1d(_Interpolator1D): """ Interpolate a 1-D function. `x` and `y` are arrays of values used to approximate some function f: ``y = f(x)``. This class returns a function whose call method uses interpolation to find the value of new points. Note that calling `interp1d` with NaNs present in input values results in undefined behaviour. Parameters ---------- x : (N,) array_like A 1-D array of real values. y : (...,N,...) array_like A N-D array of real values. The length of `y` along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of `x`. kind : str or int, optional Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic' where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. Default is 'linear'. axis : int, optional Specifies the axis of `y` along which to interpolate. Interpolation defaults to the last axis of `y`. copy : bool, optional If True, the class makes internal copies of x and y. If False, references to `x` and `y` are used. The default is to copy. bounds_error : bool, optional If True, a ValueError is raised any time interpolation is attempted on a value outside of the range of x (where extrapolation is necessary). If False, out of bounds values are assigned `fill_value`. By default, an error is raised unless `fill_value="extrapolate"`. fill_value : array-like or (array-like, array_like) or "extrapolate", optional - if a ndarray (or float), this value will be used to fill in for requested points outside of the data range. If not provided, then the default is NaN. The array-like must broadcast properly to the dimensions of the non-interpolation axes. - If a two-element tuple, then the first element is used as a fill value for ``x_new < x[0]`` and the second element is used for ``x_new > x[-1]``. Anything that is not a 2-element tuple (e.g., list or ndarray, regardless of shape) is taken to be a single array-like argument meant to be used for both bounds as ``below, above = fill_value, fill_value``. .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 - If "extrapolate", then points outside the data range will be extrapolated. .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 assume_sorted : bool, optional If False, values of `x` can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, `x` has to be an array of monotonically increasing values. Methods ------- __call__ See Also -------- splrep, splev Spline interpolation/smoothing based on FITPACK. UnivariateSpline : An object-oriented wrapper of the FITPACK routines. interp2d : 2-D interpolation Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from scipy import interpolate >>> x = np.arange(0, 10) >>> y = np.exp(-x/3.0) >>> f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y) >>> xnew = np.arange(0, 9, 0.1) >>> ynew = f(xnew) # use interpolation function returned by `interp1d` >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, ynew, '-') >>> """ def __init__(self, x, y, kind='linear', axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=None, fill_value=np.nan, assume_sorted=False): """ Initialize a 1D linear interpolation class.""" _Interpolator1D.__init__(self, x, y, axis=axis) self.bounds_error = bounds_error # used by fill_value setter self.copy = copy if kind in ['zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic']: order = {'nearest': 0, 'zero': 0, 'slinear': 1, 'quadratic': 2, 'cubic': 3}[kind] kind = 'spline' elif isinstance(kind, int): order = kind kind = 'spline' elif kind not in ('linear', 'nearest'): raise NotImplementedError("%s is unsupported: Use fitpack " "routines for other types." % kind) x = array(x, copy=self.copy) y = array(y, copy=self.copy) if not assume_sorted: ind = np.argsort(x) x = x[ind] y = np.take(y, ind, axis=axis) if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("the x array must have exactly one dimension.") if y.ndim == 0: raise ValueError("the y array must have at least one dimension.") # Force-cast y to a floating-point type, if it's not yet one if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, np.inexact): y = y.astype(np.float_) # Backward compatibility self.axis = axis % y.ndim # Interpolation goes internally along the first axis self.y = y self._y = self._reshape_yi(self.y) self.x = x del y, x # clean up namespace to prevent misuse; use attributes self._kind = kind self.fill_value = fill_value # calls the setter, can modify bounds_err # Adjust to interpolation kind; store reference to *unbound* # interpolation methods, in order to avoid circular references to self # stored in the bound instance methods, and therefore delayed garbage # collection. See: if kind in ('linear', 'nearest'): # Make a "view" of the y array that is rotated to the interpolation # axis. minval = 2 if kind == 'nearest': # Do division before addition to prevent possible integer # overflow self.x_bds = self.x / 2.0 self.x_bds = self.x_bds[1:] + self.x_bds[:-1] self._call = self.__class__._call_nearest else: # Check if we can delegate to numpy.interp (2x-10x faster). cond = self.x.dtype == np.float_ and self.y.dtype == np.float_ cond = cond and self.y.ndim == 1 cond = cond and not _do_extrapolate(fill_value) if cond: self._call = self.__class__._call_linear_np else: self._call = self.__class__._call_linear else: minval = order + 1 rewrite_nan = False xx, yy = self.x, self._y if order > 1: # Quadratic or cubic spline. If input contains even a single # nan, then the output is all nans. We cannot just feed data # with nans to make_interp_spline because it calls LAPACK. # So, we make up a bogus x and y with no nans and use it # to get the correct shape of the output, which we then fill # with nans. # For slinear or zero order spline, we just pass nans through. if np.isnan(self.x).any(): xx = np.linspace(min(self.x), max(self.x), len(self.x)) rewrite_nan = True if np.isnan(self._y).any(): yy = np.ones_like(self._y) rewrite_nan = True self._spline = make_interp_spline(xx, yy, k=order, check_finite=False) if rewrite_nan: self._call = self.__class__._call_nan_spline else: self._call = self.__class__._call_spline if len(self.x) < minval: raise ValueError("x and y arrays must have at " "least %d entries" % minval) @property def fill_value(self): # backwards compat: mimic a public attribute return self._fill_value_orig @fill_value.setter def fill_value(self, fill_value): # extrapolation only works for nearest neighbor and linear methods if _do_extrapolate(fill_value): if self.bounds_error: raise ValueError("Cannot extrapolate and raise " "at the same time.") self.bounds_error = False self._extrapolate = True else: broadcast_shape = (self.y.shape[:self.axis] + self.y.shape[self.axis + 1:]) if len(broadcast_shape) == 0: broadcast_shape = (1,) # it's either a pair (_below_range, _above_range) or a single value # for both above and below range if isinstance(fill_value, tuple) and len(fill_value) == 2: below_above = [np.asarray(fill_value[0]), np.asarray(fill_value[1])] names = ('fill_value (below)', 'fill_value (above)') for ii in range(2): below_above[ii] = _check_broadcast_up_to( below_above[ii], broadcast_shape, names[ii]) else: fill_value = np.asarray(fill_value) below_above = [_check_broadcast_up_to( fill_value, broadcast_shape, 'fill_value')] * 2 self._fill_value_below, self._fill_value_above = below_above self._extrapolate = False if self.bounds_error is None: self.bounds_error = True # backwards compat: fill_value was a public attr; make it writeable self._fill_value_orig = fill_value def _call_linear_np(self, x_new): # Note that out-of-bounds values are taken care of in self._evaluate return np.interp(x_new, self.x, self.y) def _call_linear(self, x_new): # 2. Find where in the orignal data, the values to interpolate # would be inserted. # Note: If x_new[n] == x[m], then m is returned by searchsorted. x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x, x_new) # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of # self.x indices and at least 1. Removes mis-interpolation # of x_new[n] = x[0] x_new_indices = x_new_indices.clip(1, len(self.x)-1).astype(int) # 4. Calculate the slope of regions that each x_new value falls in. lo = x_new_indices - 1 hi = x_new_indices x_lo = self.x[lo] x_hi = self.x[hi] y_lo = self._y[lo] y_hi = self._y[hi] # Note that the following two expressions rely on the specifics of the # broadcasting semantics. slope = (y_hi - y_lo) / (x_hi - x_lo)[:, None] # 5. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new. y_new = slope*(x_new - x_lo)[:, None] + y_lo return y_new def _call_nearest(self, x_new): """ Find nearest neighbour interpolated y_new = f(x_new).""" # 2. Find where in the averaged data the values to interpolate # would be inserted. # Note: use side='left' (right) to searchsorted() to define the # halfway point to be nearest to the left (right) neighbour x_new_indices = searchsorted(self.x_bds, x_new, side='left') # 3. Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of x indices. x_new_indices = x_new_indices.clip(0, len(self.x)-1).astype(intp) # 4. Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new. y_new = self._y[x_new_indices] return y_new def _call_spline(self, x_new): return self._spline(x_new) def _call_nan_spline(self, x_new): out = self._spline(x_new) out[...] = np.nan return out def _evaluate(self, x_new): # 1. Handle values in x_new that are outside of x. Throw error, # or return a list of mask array indicating the outofbounds values. # The behavior is set by the bounds_error variable. x_new = asarray(x_new) y_new = self._call(self, x_new) if not self._extrapolate: below_bounds, above_bounds = self._check_bounds(x_new) if len(y_new) > 0: # Note fill_value must be broadcast up to the proper size # and flattened to work here y_new[below_bounds] = self._fill_value_below y_new[above_bounds] = self._fill_value_above return y_new def _check_bounds(self, x_new): """Check the inputs for being in the bounds of the interpolated data. Parameters ---------- x_new : array Returns ------- out_of_bounds : bool array The mask on x_new of values that are out of the bounds. """ # If self.bounds_error is True, we raise an error if any x_new values # fall outside the range of x. Otherwise, we return an array indicating # which values are outside the boundary region. below_bounds = x_new < self.x[0] above_bounds = x_new > self.x[-1] # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds if self.bounds_error and below_bounds.any(): raise ValueError("A value in x_new is below the interpolation " "range.") if self.bounds_error and above_bounds.any(): raise ValueError("A value in x_new is above the interpolation " "range.") # !! Should we emit a warning if some values are out of bounds? # !! matlab does not. return below_bounds, above_bounds class _PPolyBase(object): """Base class for piecewise polynomials.""" __slots__ = ('c', 'x', 'extrapolate', 'axis') def __init__(self, c, x, extrapolate=None, axis=0): self.c = np.asarray(c) self.x = np.ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=np.float64) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = True elif extrapolate != 'periodic': extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) self.extrapolate = extrapolate if self.c.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("Coefficients array must be at least " "2-dimensional.") if not (0 <= axis < self.c.ndim - 1): raise ValueError("axis=%s must be between 0 and %s" % (axis, self.c.ndim-1)) self.axis = axis if axis != 0: # roll the interpolation axis to be the first one in self.c # More specifically, the target shape for self.c is (k, m, ...), # and axis !=0 means that we have c.shape (..., k, m, ...) # ^ # axis # So we roll two of them. self.c = np.rollaxis(self.c, axis+1) self.c = np.rollaxis(self.c, axis+1) if self.x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("x must be 1-dimensional") if self.x.size < 2: raise ValueError("at least 2 breakpoints are needed") if self.c.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("c must have at least 2 dimensions") if self.c.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("polynomial must be at least of order 0") if self.c.shape[1] != self.x.size-1: raise ValueError("number of coefficients != len(x)-1") dx = np.diff(self.x) if not (np.all(dx >= 0) or np.all(dx <= 0)): raise ValueError("`x` must be strictly increasing or decreasing.") dtype = self._get_dtype(self.c.dtype) self.c = np.ascontiguousarray(self.c, dtype=dtype) def _get_dtype(self, dtype): if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating) \ or np.issubdtype(self.c.dtype, np.complexfloating): return np.complex_ else: return np.float_ @classmethod def construct_fast(cls, c, x, extrapolate=None, axis=0): """ Construct the piecewise polynomial without making checks. Takes the same parameters as the constructor. Input arguments `c` and `x` must be arrays of the correct shape and type. The `c` array can only be of dtypes float and complex, and `x` array must have dtype float. """ self = object.__new__(cls) self.c = c self.x = x self.axis = axis if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = True self.extrapolate = extrapolate return self def _ensure_c_contiguous(self): """ c and x may be modified by the user. The Cython code expects that they are C contiguous. """ if not self.x.flags.c_contiguous: self.x = self.x.copy() if not self.c.flags.c_contiguous: self.c = self.c.copy() def extend(self, c, x, right=None): """ Add additional breakpoints and coefficients to the polynomial. Parameters ---------- c : ndarray, size (k, m, ...) Additional coefficients for polynomials in intervals. Note that the first additional interval will be formed using one of the `self.x` end points. x : ndarray, size (m,) Additional breakpoints. Must be sorted in the same order as `self.x` and either to the right or to the left of the current breakpoints. right Deprecated argument. Has no effect. .. deprecated:: 0.19 """ if right is not None: warnings.warn("`right` is deprecated and will be removed.") c = np.asarray(c) x = np.asarray(x) if c.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("invalid dimensions for c") if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("invalid dimensions for x") if x.shape[0] != c.shape[1]: raise ValueError("x and c have incompatible sizes") if c.shape[2:] != self.c.shape[2:] or c.ndim != self.c.ndim: raise ValueError("c and self.c have incompatible shapes") if c.size == 0: return dx = np.diff(x) if not (np.all(dx >= 0) or np.all(dx <= 0)): raise ValueError("`x` is not sorted.") if self.x[-1] >= self.x[0]: if not x[-1] >= x[0]: raise ValueError("`x` is in the different order " "than `self.x`.") if x[0] >= self.x[-1]: action = 'append' elif x[-1] <= self.x[0]: action = 'prepend' else: raise ValueError("`x` is neither on the left or on the right " "from `self.x`.") else: if not x[-1] <= x[0]: raise ValueError("`x` is in the different order " "than `self.x`.") if x[0] <= self.x[-1]: action = 'append' elif x[-1] >= self.x[0]: action = 'prepend' else: raise ValueError("`x` is neither on the left or on the right " "from `self.x`.") dtype = self._get_dtype(c.dtype) k2 = max(c.shape[0], self.c.shape[0]) c2 = np.zeros((k2, self.c.shape[1] + c.shape[1]) + self.c.shape[2:], dtype=dtype) if action == 'append': c2[k2-self.c.shape[0]:, :self.c.shape[1]] = self.c c2[k2-c.shape[0]:, self.c.shape[1]:] = c self.x = np.r_[self.x, x] elif action == 'prepend': c2[k2-self.c.shape[0]:, :c.shape[1]] = c c2[k2-c.shape[0]:, c.shape[1]:] = self.c self.x = np.r_[x, self.x] self.c = c2 def __call__(self, x, nu=0, extrapolate=None): """ Evaluate the piecewise polynomial or its derivative. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Points to evaluate the interpolant at. nu : int, optional Order of derivative to evaluate. Must be non-negative. extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`. Returns ------- y : array_like Interpolated values. Shape is determined by replacing the interpolation axis in the original array with the shape of x. Notes ----- Derivatives are evaluated piecewise for each polynomial segment, even if the polynomial is not differentiable at the breakpoints. The polynomial intervals are considered half-open, ``[a, b)``, except for the last interval which is closed ``[a, b]``. """ if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate x = np.asarray(x) x_shape, x_ndim = x.shape, x.ndim x = np.ascontiguousarray(x.ravel(), dtype=np.float_) # With periodic extrapolation we map x to the segment # [self.x[0], self.x[-1]]. if extrapolate == 'periodic': x = self.x[0] + (x - self.x[0]) % (self.x[-1] - self.x[0]) extrapolate = False out = np.empty((len(x), prod(self.c.shape[2:])), dtype=self.c.dtype) self._ensure_c_contiguous() self._evaluate(x, nu, extrapolate, out) out = out.reshape(x_shape + self.c.shape[2:]) if self.axis != 0: # transpose to move the calculated values to the interpolation axis l = list(range(out.ndim)) l = l[x_ndim:x_ndim+self.axis] + l[:x_ndim] + l[x_ndim+self.axis:] out = out.transpose(l) return out class PPoly(_PPolyBase): """ Piecewise polynomial in terms of coefficients and breakpoints The polynomial between ``x[i]`` and ``x[i + 1]`` is written in the local power basis:: S = sum(c[m, i] * (xp - x[i])**(k-m) for m in range(k+1)) where ``k`` is the degree of the polynomial. Parameters ---------- c : ndarray, shape (k, m, ...) Polynomial coefficients, order `k` and `m` intervals x : ndarray, shape (m+1,) Polynomial breakpoints. Must be sorted in either increasing or decreasing order. extrapolate : bool or 'periodic', optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. axis : int, optional Interpolation axis. Default is zero. Attributes ---------- x : ndarray Breakpoints. c : ndarray Coefficients of the polynomials. They are reshaped to a 3-dimensional array with the last dimension representing the trailing dimensions of the original coefficient array. axis : int Interpolation axis. Methods ------- __call__ derivative antiderivative integrate solve roots extend from_spline from_bernstein_basis construct_fast See also -------- BPoly : piecewise polynomials in the Bernstein basis Notes ----- High-order polynomials in the power basis can be numerically unstable. Precision problems can start to appear for orders larger than 20-30. """ def _evaluate(self, x, nu, extrapolate, out): _ppoly.evaluate(self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, x, nu, bool(extrapolate), out) def derivative(self, nu=1): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the derivative. Parameters ---------- nu : int, optional Order of derivative to evaluate. Default is 1, i.e. compute the first derivative. If negative, the antiderivative is returned. Returns ------- pp : PPoly Piecewise polynomial of order k2 = k - n representing the derivative of this polynomial. Notes ----- Derivatives are evaluated piecewise for each polynomial segment, even if the polynomial is not differentiable at the breakpoints. The polynomial intervals are considered half-open, ``[a, b)``, except for the last interval which is closed ``[a, b]``. """ if nu < 0: return self.antiderivative(-nu) # reduce order if nu == 0: c2 = self.c.copy() else: c2 = self.c[:-nu, :].copy() if c2.shape[0] == 0: # derivative of order 0 is zero c2 = np.zeros((1,) + c2.shape[1:], dtype=c2.dtype) # multiply by the correct rising factorials factor = spec.poch(np.arange(c2.shape[0], 0, -1), nu) c2 *= factor[(slice(None),) + (None,)*(c2.ndim-1)] # construct a compatible polynomial return self.construct_fast(c2, self.x, self.extrapolate, self.axis) def antiderivative(self, nu=1): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the antiderivative. Antiderivative is also the indefinite integral of the function, and derivative is its inverse operation. Parameters ---------- nu : int, optional Order of antiderivative to evaluate. Default is 1, i.e. compute the first integral. If negative, the derivative is returned. Returns ------- pp : PPoly Piecewise polynomial of order k2 = k + n representing the antiderivative of this polynomial. Notes ----- The antiderivative returned by this function is continuous and continuously differentiable to order n-1, up to floating point rounding error. If antiderivative is computed and ``self.extrapolate='periodic'``, it will be set to False for the returned instance. This is done because the antiderivative is no longer periodic and its correct evaluation outside of the initially given x interval is difficult. """ if nu <= 0: return self.derivative(-nu) c = np.zeros((self.c.shape[0] + nu, self.c.shape[1]) + self.c.shape[2:], dtype=self.c.dtype) c[:-nu] = self.c # divide by the correct rising factorials factor = spec.poch(np.arange(self.c.shape[0], 0, -1), nu) c[:-nu] /= factor[(slice(None),) + (None,)*(c.ndim-1)] # fix continuity of added degrees of freedom self._ensure_c_contiguous() _ppoly.fix_continuity(c.reshape(c.shape[0], c.shape[1], -1), self.x, nu - 1) if self.extrapolate == 'periodic': extrapolate = False else: extrapolate = self.extrapolate # construct a compatible polynomial return self.construct_fast(c, self.x, extrapolate, self.axis) def integrate(self, a, b, extrapolate=None): """ Compute a definite integral over a piecewise polynomial. Parameters ---------- a : float Lower integration bound b : float Upper integration bound extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`. Returns ------- ig : array_like Definite integral of the piecewise polynomial over [a, b] """ if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate # Swap integration bounds if needed sign = 1 if b < a: a, b = b, a sign = -1 range_int = np.empty((prod(self.c.shape[2:]),), dtype=self.c.dtype) self._ensure_c_contiguous() # Compute the integral. if extrapolate == 'periodic': # Split the integral into the part over period (can be several # of them) and the remaining part. xs, xe = self.x[0], self.x[-1] period = xe - xs interval = b - a n_periods, left = divmod(interval, period) if n_periods > 0: _ppoly.integrate( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, xs, xe, False, out=range_int) range_int *= n_periods else: range_int.fill(0) # Map a to [xs, xe], b is always a + left. a = xs + (a - xs) % period b = a + left # If b <= xe then we need to integrate over [a, b], otherwise # over [a, xe] and from xs to what is remained. remainder_int = np.empty_like(range_int) if b <= xe: _ppoly.integrate( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, a, b, False, out=remainder_int) range_int += remainder_int else: _ppoly.integrate( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, a, xe, False, out=remainder_int) range_int += remainder_int _ppoly.integrate( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, xs, xs + left + a - xe, False, out=remainder_int) range_int += remainder_int else: _ppoly.integrate( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, a, b, bool(extrapolate), out=range_int) # Return range_int *= sign return range_int.reshape(self.c.shape[2:]) def solve(self, y=0., discontinuity=True, extrapolate=None): """ Find real solutions of the the equation ``pp(x) == y``. Parameters ---------- y : float, optional Right-hand side. Default is zero. discontinuity : bool, optional Whether to report sign changes across discontinuities at breakpoints as roots. extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional If bool, determines whether to return roots from the polynomial extrapolated based on first and last intervals, 'periodic' works the same as False. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`. Returns ------- roots : ndarray Roots of the polynomial(s). If the PPoly object describes multiple polynomials, the return value is an object array whose each element is an ndarray containing the roots. Notes ----- This routine works only on real-valued polynomials. If the piecewise polynomial contains sections that are identically zero, the root list will contain the start point of the corresponding interval, followed by a ``nan`` value. If the polynomial is discontinuous across a breakpoint, and there is a sign change across the breakpoint, this is reported if the `discont` parameter is True. Examples -------- Finding roots of ``[x**2 - 1, (x - 1)**2]`` defined on intervals ``[-2, 1], [1, 2]``: >>> from scipy.interpolate import PPoly >>> pp = PPoly(np.array([[1, -4, 3], [1, 0, 0]]).T, [-2, 1, 2]) >>> pp.roots() array([-1., 1.]) """ if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate self._ensure_c_contiguous() if np.issubdtype(self.c.dtype, np.complexfloating): raise ValueError("Root finding is only for " "real-valued polynomials") y = float(y) r = _ppoly.real_roots(self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, y, bool(discontinuity), bool(extrapolate)) if self.c.ndim == 2: return r[0] else: r2 = np.empty(prod(self.c.shape[2:]), dtype=object) # this for-loop is equivalent to ``r2[...] = r``, but that's broken # in numpy 1.6.0 for ii, root in enumerate(r): r2[ii] = root return r2.reshape(self.c.shape[2:]) def roots(self, discontinuity=True, extrapolate=None): """ Find real roots of the the piecewise polynomial. Parameters ---------- discontinuity : bool, optional Whether to report sign changes across discontinuities at breakpoints as roots. extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional If bool, determines whether to return roots from the polynomial extrapolated based on first and last intervals, 'periodic' works the same as False. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`. Returns ------- roots : ndarray Roots of the polynomial(s). If the PPoly object describes multiple polynomials, the return value is an object array whose each element is an ndarray containing the roots. See Also -------- PPoly.solve """ return self.solve(0, discontinuity, extrapolate) @classmethod def from_spline(cls, tck, extrapolate=None): """ Construct a piecewise polynomial from a spline Parameters ---------- tck A spline, as returned by `splrep` or a BSpline object. extrapolate : bool or 'periodic', optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. """ if isinstance(tck, BSpline): t, c, k = tck.tck if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = tck.extrapolate else: t, c, k = tck cvals = np.empty((k + 1, len(t)-1), dtype=c.dtype) for m in xrange(k, -1, -1): y = fitpack.splev(t[:-1], tck, der=m) cvals[k - m, :] = y/spec.gamma(m+1) return cls.construct_fast(cvals, t, extrapolate) @classmethod def from_bernstein_basis(cls, bp, extrapolate=None): """ Construct a piecewise polynomial in the power basis from a polynomial in Bernstein basis. Parameters ---------- bp : BPoly A Bernstein basis polynomial, as created by BPoly extrapolate : bool or 'periodic', optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. """ dx = np.diff(bp.x) k = bp.c.shape[0] - 1 # polynomial order rest = (None,)*(bp.c.ndim-2) c = np.zeros_like(bp.c) for a in range(k+1): factor = (-1)**a * comb(k, a) * bp.c[a] for s in range(a, k+1): val = comb(k-a, s-a) * (-1)**s c[k-s] += factor * val / dx[(slice(None),)+rest]**s if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = bp.extrapolate return cls.construct_fast(c, bp.x, extrapolate, bp.axis) class BPoly(_PPolyBase): """Piecewise polynomial in terms of coefficients and breakpoints. The polynomial between ``x[i]`` and ``x[i + 1]`` is written in the Bernstein polynomial basis:: S = sum(c[a, i] * b(a, k; x) for a in range(k+1)), where ``k`` is the degree of the polynomial, and:: b(a, k; x) = binom(k, a) * t**a * (1 - t)**(k - a), with ``t = (x - x[i]) / (x[i+1] - x[i])`` and ``binom`` is the binomial coefficient. Parameters ---------- c : ndarray, shape (k, m, ...) Polynomial coefficients, order `k` and `m` intervals x : ndarray, shape (m+1,) Polynomial breakpoints. Must be sorted in either increasing or decreasing order. extrapolate : bool, optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. axis : int, optional Interpolation axis. Default is zero. Attributes ---------- x : ndarray Breakpoints. c : ndarray Coefficients of the polynomials. They are reshaped to a 3-dimensional array with the last dimension representing the trailing dimensions of the original coefficient array. axis : int Interpolation axis. Methods ------- __call__ extend derivative antiderivative integrate construct_fast from_power_basis from_derivatives See also -------- PPoly : piecewise polynomials in the power basis Notes ----- Properties of Bernstein polynomials are well documented in the literature. Here's a non-exhaustive list: .. [1] .. [2] Kenneth I. Joy, Bernstein polynomials, .. [3] E. H. Doha, A. H. Bhrawy, and M. A. Saker, Boundary Value Problems, vol 2011, article ID 829546, :doi:`10.1155/2011/829543`. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.interpolate import BPoly >>> x = [0, 1] >>> c = [[1], [2], [3]] >>> bp = BPoly(c, x) This creates a 2nd order polynomial .. math:: B(x) = 1 \\times b_{0, 2}(x) + 2 \\times b_{1, 2}(x) + 3 \\times b_{2, 2}(x) \\\\ = 1 \\times (1-x)^2 + 2 \\times 2 x (1 - x) + 3 \\times x^2 """ def _evaluate(self, x, nu, extrapolate, out): _ppoly.evaluate_bernstein( self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[0], self.c.shape[1], -1), self.x, x, nu, bool(extrapolate), out) def derivative(self, nu=1): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the derivative. Parameters ---------- nu : int, optional Order of derivative to evaluate. Default is 1, i.e. compute the first derivative. If negative, the antiderivative is returned. Returns ------- bp : BPoly Piecewise polynomial of order k - nu representing the derivative of this polynomial. """ if nu < 0: return self.antiderivative(-nu) if nu > 1: bp = self for k in range(nu): bp = bp.derivative() return bp # reduce order if nu == 0: c2 = self.c.copy() else: # For a polynomial # B(x) = \sum_{a=0}^{k} c_a b_{a, k}(x), # we use the fact that # b'_{a, k} = k ( b_{a-1, k-1} - b_{a, k-1} ), # which leads to # B'(x) = \sum_{a=0}^{k-1} (c_{a+1} - c_a) b_{a, k-1} # # finally, for an interval [y, y + dy] with dy != 1, # we need to correct for an extra power of dy rest = (None,)*(self.c.ndim-2) k = self.c.shape[0] - 1 dx = np.diff(self.x)[(None, slice(None))+rest] c2 = k * np.diff(self.c, axis=0) / dx if c2.shape[0] == 0: # derivative of order 0 is zero c2 = np.zeros((1,) + c2.shape[1:], dtype=c2.dtype) # construct a compatible polynomial return self.construct_fast(c2, self.x, self.extrapolate, self.axis) def antiderivative(self, nu=1): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the antiderivative. Parameters ---------- nu : int, optional Order of antiderivative to evaluate. Default is 1, i.e. compute the first integral. If negative, the derivative is returned. Returns ------- bp : BPoly Piecewise polynomial of order k + nu representing the antiderivative of this polynomial. Notes ----- If antiderivative is computed and ``self.extrapolate='periodic'``, it will be set to False for the returned instance. This is done because the antiderivative is no longer periodic and its correct evaluation outside of the initially given x interval is difficult. """ if nu <= 0: return self.derivative(-nu) if nu > 1: bp = self for k in range(nu): bp = bp.antiderivative() return bp # Construct the indefinite integrals on individual intervals c, x = self.c, self.x k = c.shape[0] c2 = np.zeros((k+1,) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype) c2[1:, ...] = np.cumsum(c, axis=0) / k delta = x[1:] - x[:-1] c2 *= delta[(None, slice(None)) + (None,)*(c.ndim-2)] # Now fix continuity: on the very first interval, take the integration # constant to be zero; on an interval [x_j, x_{j+1}) with j>0, # the integration constant is then equal to the jump of the `bp` at x_j. # The latter is given by the coefficient of B_{n+1, n+1} # *on the previous interval* (other B. polynomials are zero at the # breakpoint). Finally, use the fact that BPs form a partition of unity. c2[:,1:] += np.cumsum(c2[k, :], axis=0)[:-1] if self.extrapolate == 'periodic': extrapolate = False else: extrapolate = self.extrapolate return self.construct_fast(c2, x, extrapolate, axis=self.axis) def integrate(self, a, b, extrapolate=None): """ Compute a definite integral over a piecewise polynomial. Parameters ---------- a : float Lower integration bound b : float Upper integration bound extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional Whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`. Returns ------- array_like Definite integral of the piecewise polynomial over [a, b] """ # XXX: can probably use instead the fact that # \int_0^{1} B_{j, n}(x) \dx = 1/(n+1) ib = self.antiderivative() if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate # ib.extrapolate shouldn't be 'periodic', it is converted to # False for 'periodic. in antiderivative() call. if extrapolate != 'periodic': ib.extrapolate = extrapolate if extrapolate == 'periodic': # Split the integral into the part over period (can be several # of them) and the remaining part. # For simplicity and clarity convert to a <= b case. if a <= b: sign = 1 else: a, b = b, a sign = -1 xs, xe = self.x[0], self.x[-1] period = xe - xs interval = b - a n_periods, left = divmod(interval, period) res = n_periods * (ib(xe) - ib(xs)) # Map a and b to [xs, xe]. a = xs + (a - xs) % period b = a + left # If b <= xe then we need to integrate over [a, b], otherwise # over [a, xe] and from xs to what is remained. if b <= xe: res += ib(b) - ib(a) else: res += ib(xe) - ib(a) + ib(xs + left + a - xe) - ib(xs) return sign * res else: return ib(b) - ib(a) def extend(self, c, x, right=None): k = max(self.c.shape[0], c.shape[0]) self.c = self._raise_degree(self.c, k - self.c.shape[0]) c = self._raise_degree(c, k - c.shape[0]) return _PPolyBase.extend(self, c, x, right) extend.__doc__ = _PPolyBase.extend.__doc__ @classmethod def from_power_basis(cls, pp, extrapolate=None): """ Construct a piecewise polynomial in Bernstein basis from a power basis polynomial. Parameters ---------- pp : PPoly A piecewise polynomial in the power basis extrapolate : bool or 'periodic', optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. """ dx = np.diff(pp.x) k = pp.c.shape[0] - 1 # polynomial order rest = (None,)*(pp.c.ndim-2) c = np.zeros_like(pp.c) for a in range(k+1): factor = pp.c[a] / comb(k, k-a) * dx[(slice(None),)+rest]**(k-a) for j in range(k-a, k+1): c[j] += factor * comb(j, k-a) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = pp.extrapolate return cls.construct_fast(c, pp.x, extrapolate, pp.axis) @classmethod def from_derivatives(cls, xi, yi, orders=None, extrapolate=None): """Construct a piecewise polynomial in the Bernstein basis, compatible with the specified values and derivatives at breakpoints. Parameters ---------- xi : array_like sorted 1D array of x-coordinates yi : array_like or list of array_likes ``yi[i][j]`` is the ``j``-th derivative known at ``xi[i]`` orders : None or int or array_like of ints. Default: None. Specifies the degree of local polynomials. If not None, some derivatives are ignored. extrapolate : bool or 'periodic', optional If bool, determines whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. If 'periodic', periodic extrapolation is used. Default is True. Notes ----- If ``k`` derivatives are specified at a breakpoint ``x``, the constructed polynomial is exactly ``k`` times continuously differentiable at ``x``, unless the ``order`` is provided explicitly. In the latter case, the smoothness of the polynomial at the breakpoint is controlled by the ``order``. Deduces the number of derivatives to match at each end from ``order`` and the number of derivatives available. If possible it uses the same number of derivatives from each end; if the number is odd it tries to take the extra one from y2. In any case if not enough derivatives are available at one end or another it draws enough to make up the total from the other end. If the order is too high and not enough derivatives are available, an exception is raised. Examples -------- >>> from scipy.interpolate import BPoly >>> BPoly.from_derivatives([0, 1], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) Creates a polynomial `f(x)` of degree 3, defined on `[0, 1]` such that `f(0) = 1, df/dx(0) = 2, f(1) = 3, df/dx(1) = 4` >>> BPoly.from_derivatives([0, 1, 2], [[0, 1], [0], [2]]) Creates a piecewise polynomial `f(x)`, such that `f(0) = f(1) = 0`, `f(2) = 2`, and `df/dx(0) = 1`. Based on the number of derivatives provided, the order of the local polynomials is 2 on `[0, 1]` and 1 on `[1, 2]`. Notice that no restriction is imposed on the derivatives at `x = 1` and `x = 2`. Indeed, the explicit form of the polynomial is:: f(x) = | x * (1 - x), 0 <= x < 1 | 2 * (x - 1), 1 <= x <= 2 So that f'(1-0) = -1 and f'(1+0) = 2 """ xi = np.asarray(xi) if len(xi) != len(yi): raise ValueError("xi and yi need to have the same length") if np.any(xi[1:] - xi[:1] <= 0): raise ValueError("x coordinates are not in increasing order") # number of intervals m = len(xi) - 1 # global poly order is k-1, local orders are <=k and can vary try: k = max(len(yi[i]) + len(yi[i+1]) for i in range(m)) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Using a 1D array for y? Please .reshape(-1, 1).") if orders is None: orders = [None] * m else: if isinstance(orders, (integer_types, np.integer)): orders = [orders] * m k = max(k, max(orders)) if any(o <= 0 for o in orders): raise ValueError("Orders must be positive.") c = [] for i in range(m): y1, y2 = yi[i], yi[i+1] if orders[i] is None: n1, n2 = len(y1), len(y2) else: n = orders[i]+1 n1 = min(n//2, len(y1)) n2 = min(n - n1, len(y2)) n1 = min(n - n2, len(y2)) if n1+n2 != n: mesg = ("Point %g has %d derivatives, point %g" " has %d derivatives, but order %d requested" % ( xi[i], len(y1), xi[i+1], len(y2), orders[i])) raise ValueError(mesg) if not (n1 <= len(y1) and n2 <= len(y2)): raise ValueError("`order` input incompatible with" " length y1 or y2.") b = BPoly._construct_from_derivatives(xi[i], xi[i+1], y1[:n1], y2[:n2]) if len(b) < k: b = BPoly._raise_degree(b, k - len(b)) c.append(b) c = np.asarray(c) return cls(c.swapaxes(0, 1), xi, extrapolate) @staticmethod def _construct_from_derivatives(xa, xb, ya, yb): r"""Compute the coefficients of a polynomial in the Bernstein basis given the values and derivatives at the edges. Return the coefficients of a polynomial in the Bernstein basis defined on `[xa, xb]` and having the values and derivatives at the endpoints ``xa`` and ``xb`` as specified by ``ya`` and ``yb``. The polynomial constructed is of the minimal possible degree, i.e., if the lengths of ``ya`` and ``yb`` are ``na`` and ``nb``, the degree of the polynomial is ``na + nb - 1``. Parameters ---------- xa : float Left-hand end point of the interval xb : float Right-hand end point of the interval ya : array_like Derivatives at ``xa``. ``ya[0]`` is the value of the function, and ``ya[i]`` for ``i > 0`` is the value of the ``i``-th derivative. yb : array_like Derivatives at ``xb``. Returns ------- array coefficient array of a polynomial having specified derivatives Notes ----- This uses several facts from life of Bernstein basis functions. First of all, .. math:: b'_{a, n} = n (b_{a-1, n-1} - b_{a, n-1}) If B(x) is a linear combination of the form .. math:: B(x) = \sum_{a=0}^{n} c_a b_{a, n}, then :math: B'(x) = n \sum_{a=0}^{n-1} (c_{a+1} - c_{a}) b_{a, n-1}. Iterating the latter one, one finds for the q-th derivative .. math:: B^{q}(x) = n!/(n-q)! \sum_{a=0}^{n-q} Q_a b_{a, n-q}, with .. math:: Q_a = \sum_{j=0}^{q} (-)^{j+q} comb(q, j) c_{j+a} This way, only `a=0` contributes to :math: `B^{q}(x = xa)`, and `c_q` are found one by one by iterating `q = 0, ..., na`. At `x = xb` it's the same with `a = n - q`. """ ya, yb = np.asarray(ya), np.asarray(yb) if ya.shape[1:] != yb.shape[1:]: raise ValueError('ya and yb have incompatible dimensions.') dta, dtb = ya.dtype, yb.dtype if (np.issubdtype(dta, np.complexfloating) or np.issubdtype(dtb, np.complexfloating)): dt = np.complex_ else: dt = np.float_ na, nb = len(ya), len(yb) n = na + nb c = np.empty((na+nb,) + ya.shape[1:], dtype=dt) # compute coefficients of a polynomial degree na+nb-1 # walk left-to-right for q in range(0, na): c[q] = ya[q] / spec.poch(n - q, q) * (xb - xa)**q for j in range(0, q): c[q] -= (-1)**(j+q) * comb(q, j) * c[j] # now walk right-to-left for q in range(0, nb): c[-q-1] = yb[q] / spec.poch(n - q, q) * (-1)**q * (xb - xa)**q for j in range(0, q): c[-q-1] -= (-1)**(j+1) * comb(q, j+1) * c[-q+j] return c @staticmethod def _raise_degree(c, d): r"""Raise a degree of a polynomial in the Bernstein basis. Given the coefficients of a polynomial degree `k`, return (the coefficients of) the equivalent polynomial of degree `k+d`. Parameters ---------- c : array_like coefficient array, 1D d : integer Returns ------- array coefficient array, 1D array of length `c.shape[0] + d` Notes ----- This uses the fact that a Bernstein polynomial `b_{a, k}` can be identically represented as a linear combination of polynomials of a higher degree `k+d`: .. math:: b_{a, k} = comb(k, a) \sum_{j=0}^{d} b_{a+j, k+d} \ comb(d, j) / comb(k+d, a+j) """ if d == 0: return c k = c.shape[0] - 1 out = np.zeros((c.shape[0] + d,) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype) for a in range(c.shape[0]): f = c[a] * comb(k, a) for j in range(d+1): out[a+j] += f * comb(d, j) / comb(k+d, a+j) return out class NdPPoly(object): """ Piecewise tensor product polynomial The value at point `xp = (x', y', z', ...)` is evaluated by first computing the interval indices `i` such that:: x[0][i[0]] <= x' < x[0][i[0]+1] x[1][i[1]] <= y' < x[1][i[1]+1] ... and then computing:: S = sum(c[k0-m0-1,...,kn-mn-1,i[0],...,i[n]] * (xp[0] - x[0][i[0]])**m0 * ... * (xp[n] - x[n][i[n]])**mn for m0 in range(k[0]+1) ... for mn in range(k[n]+1)) where ``k[j]`` is the degree of the polynomial in dimension j. This representation is the piecewise multivariate power basis. Parameters ---------- c : ndarray, shape (k0, ..., kn, m0, ..., mn, ...) Polynomial coefficients, with polynomial order `kj` and `mj+1` intervals for each dimension `j`. x : ndim-tuple of ndarrays, shapes (mj+1,) Polynomial breakpoints for each dimension. These must be sorted in increasing order. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. Default: True. Attributes ---------- x : tuple of ndarrays Breakpoints. c : ndarray Coefficients of the polynomials. Methods ------- __call__ construct_fast See also -------- PPoly : piecewise polynomials in 1D Notes ----- High-order polynomials in the power basis can be numerically unstable. """ def __init__(self, c, x, extrapolate=None): self.x = tuple(np.ascontiguousarray(v, dtype=np.float64) for v in x) self.c = np.asarray(c) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = True self.extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) ndim = len(self.x) if any(v.ndim != 1 for v in self.x): raise ValueError("x arrays must all be 1-dimensional") if any(v.size < 2 for v in self.x): raise ValueError("x arrays must all contain at least 2 points") if c.ndim < 2*ndim: raise ValueError("c must have at least 2*len(x) dimensions") if any(np.any(v[1:] - v[:-1] < 0) for v in self.x): raise ValueError("x-coordinates are not in increasing order") if any(a != b.size - 1 for a, b in zip(c.shape[ndim:2*ndim], self.x)): raise ValueError("x and c do not agree on the number of intervals") dtype = self._get_dtype(self.c.dtype) self.c = np.ascontiguousarray(self.c, dtype=dtype) @classmethod def construct_fast(cls, c, x, extrapolate=None): """ Construct the piecewise polynomial without making checks. Takes the same parameters as the constructor. Input arguments `c` and `x` must be arrays of the correct shape and type. The `c` array can only be of dtypes float and complex, and `x` array must have dtype float. """ self = object.__new__(cls) self.c = c self.x = x if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = True self.extrapolate = extrapolate return self def _get_dtype(self, dtype): if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating) \ or np.issubdtype(self.c.dtype, np.complexfloating): return np.complex_ else: return np.float_ def _ensure_c_contiguous(self): if not self.c.flags.c_contiguous: self.c = self.c.copy() if not isinstance(self.x, tuple): self.x = tuple(self.x) def __call__(self, x, nu=None, extrapolate=None): """ Evaluate the piecewise polynomial or its derivative Parameters ---------- x : array-like Points to evaluate the interpolant at. nu : tuple, optional Orders of derivatives to evaluate. Each must be non-negative. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. Returns ------- y : array-like Interpolated values. Shape is determined by replacing the interpolation axis in the original array with the shape of x. Notes ----- Derivatives are evaluated piecewise for each polynomial segment, even if the polynomial is not differentiable at the breakpoints. The polynomial intervals are considered half-open, ``[a, b)``, except for the last interval which is closed ``[a, b]``. """ if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate else: extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) ndim = len(self.x) x = _ndim_coords_from_arrays(x) x_shape = x.shape x = np.ascontiguousarray(x.reshape(-1, x.shape[-1]), dtype=np.float_) if nu is None: nu = np.zeros((ndim,), dtype=np.intc) else: nu = np.asarray(nu, dtype=np.intc) if nu.ndim != 1 or nu.shape[0] != ndim: raise ValueError("invalid number of derivative orders nu") dim1 = prod(self.c.shape[:ndim]) dim2 = prod(self.c.shape[ndim:2*ndim]) dim3 = prod(self.c.shape[2*ndim:]) ks = np.array(self.c.shape[:ndim], dtype=np.intc) out = np.empty((x.shape[0], dim3), dtype=self.c.dtype) self._ensure_c_contiguous() _ppoly.evaluate_nd(self.c.reshape(dim1, dim2, dim3), self.x, ks, x, nu, bool(extrapolate), out) return out.reshape(x_shape[:-1] + self.c.shape[2*ndim:]) def _derivative_inplace(self, nu, axis): """ Compute 1D derivative along a selected dimension in-place May result to non-contiguous c array. """ if nu < 0: return self._antiderivative_inplace(-nu, axis) ndim = len(self.x) axis = axis % ndim # reduce order if nu == 0: # noop return else: sl = [slice(None)]*ndim sl[axis] = slice(None, -nu, None) c2 = self.c[sl] if c2.shape[axis] == 0: # derivative of order 0 is zero shp = list(c2.shape) shp[axis] = 1 c2 = np.zeros(shp, dtype=c2.dtype) # multiply by the correct rising factorials factor = spec.poch(np.arange(c2.shape[axis], 0, -1), nu) sl = [None]*c2.ndim sl[axis] = slice(None) c2 *= factor[sl] self.c = c2 def _antiderivative_inplace(self, nu, axis): """ Compute 1D antiderivative along a selected dimension May result to non-contiguous c array. """ if nu <= 0: return self._derivative_inplace(-nu, axis) ndim = len(self.x) axis = axis % ndim perm = list(range(ndim)) perm[0], perm[axis] = perm[axis], perm[0] perm = perm + list(range(ndim, self.c.ndim)) c = self.c.transpose(perm) c2 = np.zeros((c.shape[0] + nu,) + c.shape[1:], dtype=c.dtype) c2[:-nu] = c # divide by the correct rising factorials factor = spec.poch(np.arange(c.shape[0], 0, -1), nu) c2[:-nu] /= factor[(slice(None),) + (None,)*(c.ndim-1)] # fix continuity of added degrees of freedom perm2 = list(range(c2.ndim)) perm2[1], perm2[ndim+axis] = perm2[ndim+axis], perm2[1] c2 = c2.transpose(perm2) c2 = c2.copy() _ppoly.fix_continuity(c2.reshape(c2.shape[0], c2.shape[1], -1), self.x[axis], nu-1) c2 = c2.transpose(perm2) c2 = c2.transpose(perm) # Done self.c = c2 def derivative(self, nu): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the derivative. Parameters ---------- nu : ndim-tuple of int Order of derivatives to evaluate for each dimension. If negative, the antiderivative is returned. Returns ------- pp : NdPPoly Piecewise polynomial of orders (k[0] - nu[0], ..., k[n] - nu[n]) representing the derivative of this polynomial. Notes ----- Derivatives are evaluated piecewise for each polynomial segment, even if the polynomial is not differentiable at the breakpoints. The polynomial intervals in each dimension are considered half-open, ``[a, b)``, except for the last interval which is closed ``[a, b]``. """ p = self.construct_fast(self.c.copy(), self.x, self.extrapolate) for axis, n in enumerate(nu): p._derivative_inplace(n, axis) p._ensure_c_contiguous() return p def antiderivative(self, nu): """ Construct a new piecewise polynomial representing the antiderivative. Antiderivative is also the indefinite integral of the function, and derivative is its inverse operation. Parameters ---------- nu : ndim-tuple of int Order of derivatives to evaluate for each dimension. If negative, the derivative is returned. Returns ------- pp : PPoly Piecewise polynomial of order k2 = k + n representing the antiderivative of this polynomial. Notes ----- The antiderivative returned by this function is continuous and continuously differentiable to order n-1, up to floating point rounding error. """ p = self.construct_fast(self.c.copy(), self.x, self.extrapolate) for axis, n in enumerate(nu): p._antiderivative_inplace(n, axis) p._ensure_c_contiguous() return p def integrate_1d(self, a, b, axis, extrapolate=None): r""" Compute NdPPoly representation for one dimensional definite integral The result is a piecewise polynomial representing the integral: .. math:: p(y, z, ...) = \int_a^b dx\, p(x, y, z, ...) where the dimension integrated over is specified with the `axis` parameter. Parameters ---------- a, b : float Lower and upper bound for integration. axis : int Dimension over which to compute the 1D integrals extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. Returns ------- ig : NdPPoly or array-like Definite integral of the piecewise polynomial over [a, b]. If the polynomial was 1-dimensional, an array is returned, otherwise, an NdPPoly object. """ if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate else: extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) ndim = len(self.x) axis = int(axis) % ndim # reuse 1D integration routines c = self.c swap = list(range(c.ndim)) swap.insert(0, swap[axis]) del swap[axis + 1] swap.insert(1, swap[ndim + axis]) del swap[ndim + axis + 1] c = c.transpose(swap) p = PPoly.construct_fast(c.reshape(c.shape[0], c.shape[1], -1), self.x[axis], extrapolate=extrapolate) out = p.integrate(a, b, extrapolate=extrapolate) # Construct result if ndim == 1: return out.reshape(c.shape[2:]) else: c = out.reshape(c.shape[2:]) x = self.x[:axis] + self.x[axis+1:] return self.construct_fast(c, x, extrapolate=extrapolate) def integrate(self, ranges, extrapolate=None): """ Compute a definite integral over a piecewise polynomial. Parameters ---------- ranges : ndim-tuple of 2-tuples float Sequence of lower and upper bounds for each dimension, ``[(a[0], b[0]), ..., (a[ndim-1], b[ndim-1])]`` extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate to out-of-bounds points based on first and last intervals, or to return NaNs. Returns ------- ig : array_like Definite integral of the piecewise polynomial over [a[0], b[0]] x ... x [a[ndim-1], b[ndim-1]] """ ndim = len(self.x) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate else: extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) if not hasattr(ranges, '__len__') or len(ranges) != ndim: raise ValueError("Range not a sequence of correct length") self._ensure_c_contiguous() # Reuse 1D integration routine c = self.c for n, (a, b) in enumerate(ranges): swap = list(range(c.ndim)) swap.insert(1, swap[ndim - n]) del swap[ndim - n + 1] c = c.transpose(swap) p = PPoly.construct_fast(c, self.x[n], extrapolate=extrapolate) out = p.integrate(a, b, extrapolate=extrapolate) c = out.reshape(c.shape[2:]) return c class RegularGridInterpolator(object): """ Interpolation on a regular grid in arbitrary dimensions The data must be defined on a regular grid; the grid spacing however may be uneven. Linear and nearest-neighbour interpolation are supported. After setting up the interpolator object, the interpolation method (*linear* or *nearest*) may be chosen at each evaluation. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of ndarray of float, with shapes (m1, ), ..., (mn, ) The points defining the regular grid in n dimensions. values : array_like, shape (m1, ..., mn, ...) The data on the regular grid in n dimensions. method : str, optional The method of interpolation to perform. Supported are "linear" and "nearest". This parameter will become the default for the object's ``__call__`` method. Default is "linear". bounds_error : bool, optional If True, when interpolated values are requested outside of the domain of the input data, a ValueError is raised. If False, then `fill_value` is used. fill_value : number, optional If provided, the value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. Methods ------- __call__ Notes ----- Contrary to LinearNDInterpolator and NearestNDInterpolator, this class avoids expensive triangulation of the input data by taking advantage of the regular grid structure. .. versionadded:: 0.14 Examples -------- Evaluate a simple example function on the points of a 3D grid: >>> from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator >>> def f(x, y, z): ... return 2 * x**3 + 3 * y**2 - z >>> x = np.linspace(1, 4, 11) >>> y = np.linspace(4, 7, 22) >>> z = np.linspace(7, 9, 33) >>> data = f(*np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij', sparse=True)) ``data`` is now a 3D array with ``data[i,j,k] = f(x[i], y[j], z[k])``. Next, define an interpolating function from this data: >>> my_interpolating_function = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y, z), data) Evaluate the interpolating function at the two points ``(x,y,z) = (2.1, 6.2, 8.3)`` and ``(3.3, 5.2, 7.1)``: >>> pts = np.array([[2.1, 6.2, 8.3], [3.3, 5.2, 7.1]]) >>> my_interpolating_function(pts) array([ 125.80469388, 146.30069388]) which is indeed a close approximation to ``[f(2.1, 6.2, 8.3), f(3.3, 5.2, 7.1)]``. See also -------- NearestNDInterpolator : Nearest neighbour interpolation on unstructured data in N dimensions LinearNDInterpolator : Piecewise linear interpolant on unstructured data in N dimensions References ---------- .. [1] Python package *regulargrid* by Johannes Buchner, see .. [2] Trilinear interpolation. (2013, January 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 27 Feb 2013 01:28. .. [3] Weiser, Alan, and Sergio E. Zarantonello. "A note on piecewise linear and multilinear table interpolation in many dimensions." MATH. COMPUT. 50.181 (1988): 189-196. """ # this class is based on code originally programmed by Johannes Buchner, # see def __init__(self, points, values, method="linear", bounds_error=True, fill_value=np.nan): if method not in ["linear", "nearest"]: raise ValueError("Method '%s' is not defined" % method) self.method = method self.bounds_error = bounds_error if not hasattr(values, 'ndim'): # allow reasonable duck-typed values values = np.asarray(values) if len(points) > values.ndim: raise ValueError("There are %d point arrays, but values has %d " "dimensions" % (len(points), values.ndim)) if hasattr(values, 'dtype') and hasattr(values, 'astype'): if not np.issubdtype(values.dtype, np.inexact): values = values.astype(float) self.fill_value = fill_value if fill_value is not None: fill_value_dtype = np.asarray(fill_value).dtype if (hasattr(values, 'dtype') and not np.can_cast(fill_value_dtype, values.dtype, casting='same_kind')): raise ValueError("fill_value must be either 'None' or " "of a type compatible with values") for i, p in enumerate(points): if not np.all(np.diff(p) > 0.): raise ValueError("The points in dimension %d must be strictly " "ascending" % i) if not np.asarray(p).ndim == 1: raise ValueError("The points in dimension %d must be " "1-dimensional" % i) if not values.shape[i] == len(p): raise ValueError("There are %d points and %d values in " "dimension %d" % (len(p), values.shape[i], i)) self.grid = tuple([np.asarray(p) for p in points]) self.values = values def __call__(self, xi, method=None): """ Interpolation at coordinates Parameters ---------- xi : ndarray of shape (..., ndim) The coordinates to sample the gridded data at method : str The method of interpolation to perform. Supported are "linear" and "nearest". """ method = self.method if method is None else method if method not in ["linear", "nearest"]: raise ValueError("Method '%s' is not defined" % method) ndim = len(self.grid) xi = _ndim_coords_from_arrays(xi, ndim=ndim) if xi.shape[-1] != len(self.grid): raise ValueError("The requested sample points xi have dimension " "%d, but this RegularGridInterpolator has " "dimension %d" % (xi.shape[1], ndim)) xi_shape = xi.shape xi = xi.reshape(-1, xi_shape[-1]) if self.bounds_error: for i, p in enumerate(xi.T): if not np.logical_and(np.all(self.grid[i][0] <= p), np.all(p <= self.grid[i][-1])): raise ValueError("One of the requested xi is out of bounds " "in dimension %d" % i) indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds = self._find_indices(xi.T) if method == "linear": result = self._evaluate_linear(indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds) elif method == "nearest": result = self._evaluate_nearest(indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds) if not self.bounds_error and self.fill_value is not None: result[out_of_bounds] = self.fill_value return result.reshape(xi_shape[:-1] + self.values.shape[ndim:]) def _evaluate_linear(self, indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds): # slice for broadcasting over trailing dimensions in self.values vslice = (slice(None),) + (None,)*(self.values.ndim - len(indices)) # find relevant values # each i and i+1 represents a edge edges = itertools.product(*[[i, i + 1] for i in indices]) values = 0. for edge_indices in edges: weight = 1. for ei, i, yi in zip(edge_indices, indices, norm_distances): weight *= np.where(ei == i, 1 - yi, yi) values += np.asarray(self.values[edge_indices]) * weight[vslice] return values def _evaluate_nearest(self, indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds): idx_res = [] for i, yi in zip(indices, norm_distances): idx_res.append(np.where(yi <= .5, i, i + 1)) return self.values[idx_res] def _find_indices(self, xi): # find relevant edges between which xi are situated indices = [] # compute distance to lower edge in unity units norm_distances = [] # check for out of bounds xi out_of_bounds = np.zeros((xi.shape[1]), dtype=bool) # iterate through dimensions for x, grid in zip(xi, self.grid): i = np.searchsorted(grid, x) - 1 i[i < 0] = 0 i[i > grid.size - 2] = grid.size - 2 indices.append(i) norm_distances.append((x - grid[i]) / (grid[i + 1] - grid[i])) if not self.bounds_error: out_of_bounds += x < grid[0] out_of_bounds += x > grid[-1] return indices, norm_distances, out_of_bounds def interpn(points, values, xi, method="linear", bounds_error=True, fill_value=np.nan): """ Multidimensional interpolation on regular grids. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of ndarray of float, with shapes (m1, ), ..., (mn, ) The points defining the regular grid in n dimensions. values : array_like, shape (m1, ..., mn, ...) The data on the regular grid in n dimensions. xi : ndarray of shape (..., ndim) The coordinates to sample the gridded data at method : str, optional The method of interpolation to perform. Supported are "linear" and "nearest", and "splinef2d". "splinef2d" is only supported for 2-dimensional data. bounds_error : bool, optional If True, when interpolated values are requested outside of the domain of the input data, a ValueError is raised. If False, then `fill_value` is used. fill_value : number, optional If provided, the value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated. Extrapolation is not supported by method "splinef2d". Returns ------- values_x : ndarray, shape xi.shape[:-1] + values.shape[ndim:] Interpolated values at input coordinates. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.14 See also -------- NearestNDInterpolator : Nearest neighbour interpolation on unstructured data in N dimensions LinearNDInterpolator : Piecewise linear interpolant on unstructured data in N dimensions RegularGridInterpolator : Linear and nearest-neighbor Interpolation on a regular grid in arbitrary dimensions RectBivariateSpline : Bivariate spline approximation over a rectangular mesh """ # sanity check 'method' kwarg if method not in ["linear", "nearest", "splinef2d"]: raise ValueError("interpn only understands the methods 'linear', " "'nearest', and 'splinef2d'. You provided %s." % method) if not hasattr(values, 'ndim'): values = np.asarray(values) ndim = values.ndim if ndim > 2 and method == "splinef2d": raise ValueError("The method spline2fd can only be used for " "2-dimensional input data") if not bounds_error and fill_value is None and method == "splinef2d": raise ValueError("The method spline2fd does not support extrapolation.") # sanity check consistency of input dimensions if len(points) > ndim: raise ValueError("There are %d point arrays, but values has %d " "dimensions" % (len(points), ndim)) if len(points) != ndim and method == 'splinef2d': raise ValueError("The method spline2fd can only be used for " "scalar data with one point per coordinate") # sanity check input grid for i, p in enumerate(points): if not np.all(np.diff(p) > 0.): raise ValueError("The points in dimension %d must be strictly " "ascending" % i) if not np.asarray(p).ndim == 1: raise ValueError("The points in dimension %d must be " "1-dimensional" % i) if not values.shape[i] == len(p): raise ValueError("There are %d points and %d values in " "dimension %d" % (len(p), values.shape[i], i)) grid = tuple([np.asarray(p) for p in points]) # sanity check requested xi xi = _ndim_coords_from_arrays(xi, ndim=len(grid)) if xi.shape[-1] != len(grid): raise ValueError("The requested sample points xi have dimension " "%d, but this RegularGridInterpolator has " "dimension %d" % (xi.shape[1], len(grid))) for i, p in enumerate(xi.T): if bounds_error and not np.logical_and(np.all(grid[i][0] <= p), np.all(p <= grid[i][-1])): raise ValueError("One of the requested xi is out of bounds " "in dimension %d" % i) # perform interpolation if method == "linear": interp = RegularGridInterpolator(points, values, method="linear", bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value) return interp(xi) elif method == "nearest": interp = RegularGridInterpolator(points, values, method="nearest", bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value) return interp(xi) elif method == "splinef2d": xi_shape = xi.shape xi = xi.reshape(-1, xi.shape[-1]) # RectBivariateSpline doesn't support fill_value; we need to wrap here idx_valid = np.all((grid[0][0] <= xi[:, 0], xi[:, 0] <= grid[0][-1], grid[1][0] <= xi[:, 1], xi[:, 1] <= grid[1][-1]), axis=0) result = np.empty_like(xi[:, 0]) # make a copy of values for RectBivariateSpline interp = RectBivariateSpline(points[0], points[1], values[:]) result[idx_valid] = interp.ev(xi[idx_valid, 0], xi[idx_valid, 1]) result[np.logical_not(idx_valid)] = fill_value return result.reshape(xi_shape[:-1]) # backward compatibility wrapper class ppform(PPoly): """ Deprecated piecewise polynomial class. New code should use the `PPoly` class instead. """ def __init__(self, coeffs, breaks, fill=0.0, sort=False): warnings.warn("ppform is deprecated -- use PPoly instead", category=DeprecationWarning) if sort: breaks = np.sort(breaks) else: breaks = np.asarray(breaks) PPoly.__init__(self, coeffs, breaks) self.coeffs = self.c self.breaks = self.x self.K = self.coeffs.shape[0] self.fill = fill self.a = self.breaks[0] self.b = self.breaks[-1] def __call__(self, x): return PPoly.__call__(self, x, 0, False) def _evaluate(self, x, nu, extrapolate, out): PPoly._evaluate(self, x, nu, extrapolate, out) out[~((x >= self.a) & (x <= self.b))] = self.fill return out @classmethod def fromspline(cls, xk, cvals, order, fill=0.0): # Note: this spline representation is incompatible with FITPACK N = len(xk)-1 sivals = np.empty((order+1, N), dtype=float) for m in xrange(order, -1, -1): fact = spec.gamma(m+1) res = _fitpack._bspleval(xk[:-1], xk, cvals, order, m) res /= fact sivals[order-m, :] = res return cls(sivals, xk, fill=fill) # The 3 private functions below can be called by splmake(). def _dot0(a, b): """Similar to, but sum over last axis of a and 1st axis of b""" if b.ndim <= 2: return dot(a, b) else: axes = list(range(b.ndim)) axes.insert(-1, 0) axes.pop(0) return dot(a, b.transpose(axes)) def _find_smoothest(xk, yk, order, conds=None, B=None): # construct Bmatrix, and Jmatrix # e = J*c # minimize norm(e,2) given B*c=yk # if desired B can be given # conds is ignored N = len(xk)-1 K = order if B is None: B = _fitpack._bsplmat(order, xk) J = _fitpack._bspldismat(order, xk) u, s, vh = scipy.linalg.svd(B) ind = K-1 V2 = vh[-ind:,:].T V1 = vh[:-ind,:].T A = dot(J.T,J) tmp = dot(V2.T,A) Q = dot(tmp,V2) p = scipy.linalg.solve(Q, tmp) tmp = dot(V2,p) tmp = np.eye(N+K) - tmp tmp = dot(tmp,V1) tmp = dot(tmp,np.diag(1.0/s)) tmp = dot(tmp,u.T) return _dot0(tmp, yk) # conds is a tuple of an array and a vector # giving the left-hand and the right-hand side # of the additional equations to add to B def _find_user(xk, yk, order, conds, B): lh = conds[0] rh = conds[1] B = np.concatenate((B, lh), axis=0) w = np.concatenate((yk, rh), axis=0) M, N = B.shape if (M > N): raise ValueError("over-specification of conditions") elif (M < N): return _find_smoothest(xk, yk, order, None, B) else: return scipy.linalg.solve(B, w) # Remove the 3 private functions above as well when removing splmake @np.deprecate(message="splmake is deprecated in scipy 0.19.0, " "use make_interp_spline instead.") def splmake(xk, yk, order=3, kind='smoothest', conds=None): """ Return a representation of a spline given data-points at internal knots Parameters ---------- xk : array_like The input array of x values of rank 1 yk : array_like The input array of y values of rank N. `yk` can be an N-d array to represent more than one curve, through the same `xk` points. The first dimension is assumed to be the interpolating dimension and is the same length of `xk`. order : int, optional Order of the spline kind : str, optional Can be 'smoothest', 'not_a_knot', 'fixed', 'clamped', 'natural', 'periodic', 'symmetric', 'user', 'mixed' and it is ignored if order < 2 conds : optional Conds Returns ------- splmake : tuple Return a (`xk`, `cvals`, `k`) representation of a spline given data-points where the (internal) knots are at the data-points. """ yk = np.asanyarray(yk) order = int(order) if order < 0: raise ValueError("order must not be negative") if order == 0: return xk, yk[:-1], order elif order == 1: return xk, yk, order try: func = eval('_find_%s' % kind) except: raise NotImplementedError # the constraint matrix B = _fitpack._bsplmat(order, xk) coefs = func(xk, yk, order, conds, B) return xk, coefs, order @np.deprecate(message="spleval is deprecated in scipy 0.19.0, " "use BSpline instead.") def spleval(xck, xnew, deriv=0): """ Evaluate a fixed spline represented by the given tuple at the new x-values The `xj` values are the interior knot points. The approximation region is `xj[0]` to `xj[-1]`. If N+1 is the length of `xj`, then `cvals` should have length N+k where `k` is the order of the spline. Parameters ---------- (xj, cvals, k) : tuple Parameters that define the fixed spline xj : array_like Interior knot points cvals : array_like Curvature k : int Order of the spline xnew : array_like Locations to calculate spline deriv : int Deriv Returns ------- spleval : ndarray If `cvals` represents more than one curve (`cvals.ndim` > 1) and/or `xnew` is N-d, then the result is `xnew.shape` + `cvals.shape[1:]` providing the interpolation of multiple curves. Notes ----- Internally, an additional `k`-1 knot points are added on either side of the spline. """ (xj, cvals, k) = xck oldshape = np.shape(xnew) xx = np.ravel(xnew) sh = cvals.shape[1:] res = np.empty(xx.shape + sh, dtype=cvals.dtype) for index in np.ndindex(*sh): sl = (slice(None),) + index if issubclass(cvals.dtype.type, np.complexfloating): res[sl].real = _fitpack._bspleval(xx,xj, cvals.real[sl], k, deriv) res[sl].imag = _fitpack._bspleval(xx,xj, cvals.imag[sl], k, deriv) else: res[sl] = _fitpack._bspleval(xx, xj, cvals[sl], k, deriv) res.shape = oldshape + sh return res @np.deprecate(message="spltopp is deprecated in scipy 0.19.0, " "use PPoly.from_spline instead.") def spltopp(xk, cvals, k): """Return a piece-wise polynomial object from a fixed-spline tuple.""" return ppform.fromspline(xk, cvals, k) @np.deprecate(message="spline is deprecated in scipy 0.19.0, " "use Bspline class instead.") def spline(xk, yk, xnew, order=3, kind='smoothest', conds=None): """ Interpolate a curve at new points using a spline fit Parameters ---------- xk, yk : array_like The x and y values that define the curve. xnew : array_like The x values where spline should estimate the y values. order : int Default is 3. kind : string One of {'smoothest'} conds : Don't know Don't know Returns ------- spline : ndarray An array of y values; the spline evaluated at the positions `xnew`. """ return spleval(splmake(xk, yk, order=order, kind=kind, conds=conds), xnew)
import helper import json import pandas as pd import mpld3 import numpy as np import requests import factor_analysis import visualizations from datetime import timedelta, datetime from netwin_analysis import netwin_analysis from sqlalchemy import create_engine from generateresponsefromrequest import get_intent_entity_from_watson from query_parameters import query_parameters from translation_dictionaries import * # Read password from external file with open('passwords.json') as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) DATABASE_HOST = '' DATABASE_PORT = '5432' DATABASE_NAME = 'ohdimqey' DATABASE_USER = 'ohdimqey' DATABASE_PASSWORD = data['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] # Connect to database database_string = 'postgres://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format(DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_NAME) engine = create_engine(database_string) main_factors = ['bank', 'zone', 'clublevel', 'area'] specific_factors = ['club_level', 'area', 'game_title', 'manufacturer', 'stand', 'zone', 'bank'] # dataframes = {} def impute_period(query_params, error_checking = False): ''' Checks to see if a period is specified in query parameters object. If none is specified, this function imputes a period by looking at the range in the query parameters object. The imputed range is then put into the sql_period attribute of the query params object. Input: query_params -- query parameters object error_checking (bool) -- whether to print to console Output: query_params with imputed period ''' # Check to see if a period is specified, if not impute period based on range if not query_params.period: period = None time_range = query_params.stop - query_params.start if time_range > timedelta(hours = 23, minutes = 59, seconds = 59): # Range is greater than a day if time_range > timedelta(days = 6, hours = 23, minutes = 59, seconds = 59): # Range is greater than a week if time_range > timedelta(days = 31, hours = 23, minutes = 59, seconds = 59): # Range is greater than a month if time_range > timedelta(days = 364, hours = 23, minutes = 59, seconds = 59): # Range is greater than a year # Segment by months period = 'monthly' else: # Range is less than a year # Segment by weeks period = 'weekly' else: # Range is less than a month # Segment by days period = 'daily' else: # Range is less than week # Segment by hour period = 'hourly' else: # Segment by minute period = 'by_minute' # Add imputed period query_params.sql_period = translation_dictionary[period] # Check to see if we need more granularity for time factor if query_params.time_factor: if query_params.time_factor == 'top minute': if query_params.sql_period in ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour']: query_params.sql_period = 'minute' if query_params.time_factor == 'top hour': if query_params.sql_period in ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day']: query_params.sql_period = 'hour' if query_params.time_factor == 'top day': if query_params.sql_period in ['year', 'month', 'week']: query_params.sql_period = 'day' if query_params.time_factor == 'top week': if query_params.sql_period in ['year', 'month']: query_params.sql_period = 'week' if query_params.time_factor == 'top month': if query_params.sql_period in ['year']: query_params.sql_period = 'month' return query_params def get_data_from_nl_query(nl_query, error_checking = False): ''' Input: nl_query (str) -- this is a natural language query i.e. what is my revenue today Returns df (dataframe) -- this is a pandas dataframe that contains a table which will be used for visualization query_params (query_parameters object) -- this is an object holding everything we need to know about the query ''' # Get JSON Watson conversations response to natual language query response = get_intent_entity_from_watson(nl_query, error_checking = False) # Transform JSON Watson conversations response to query parameters object query_params = query_parameters() query_params.generate_query_params_from_response(nl_query, response, error_checking = error_checking) # Add main factors if query_params.intent == 'machine_performance': pass else: query_params.sql_factors += main_factors # Impute period if needed query_params = impute_period(query_params) # Generate SQL query query_params.generate_sql_query(error_checking = error_checking) # Get SQL query string from query parameters object sql_query = query_params.sql_string if error_checking: print query_params # Place SQL results into DataFrame df = helper.get_sql_data(sql_query, engine) if error_checking: print df.head() return df, query_params def main(query, error_checking = False): ''' Args: query (str): this is the natural language input string Returns: plot1 (unicode): this is the html, css, javascript to render the mpld3 plot mainfactors (list): this is a list of tuples where each element is three items - the metric, the direction, and the percent change plot2 (unicode): this is the html, css, javascript to render the mpld3 plot derivedmetrics (list): this is a list of tuples where each element is three items - the metric, the direction, and the percent change aggregate_statistics (dict) -- dictionary of aggregate statistics to display on dashboard ''' # Pull down data from database df, query_params = get_data_from_nl_query(query, error_checking = error_checking) # Decide what to do based on query parameters """ # Metric self.metric = None # Factor(s) self.factors = [] # Range self.start = datetime.strptime('2015-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') self.stop = datetime.strptime('2015-01-02', '%Y-%m-%d') # Period self.period = None # Ordering self.ordering = 'date' # Aggregate Statistic self.statistic = None # Specific Factors self.club_level = None self.area = None self.game_title = None self.manufacturer = None self.stand = None = None = None """ # All queries will have a metric and range (if none provided we will infer) # M: always included (if not infer) # F: indicates multi-line graph or multi-dimensional histogram # SF: indicates filtering # R: always included (if not infer) # P: indicates which materialized view to pull from, if missing indicates a # single value answer should be provided # O: indicates histogram # S: # Dictionary to hold calculated metrics metrics = {} print query_params # Check if we want to do net win analysis if query_params.intent == 'netwin_analysis': return netwin_analysis(df, query_params, engine) # Determine metrics and graph type to build if query_params.ordering == 'date' and query_params.intent != 'machine_performance': # Line graph # Find factor we need to aggregate on (currently supports only single factor) if query_params.factors: factor = translation_dictionary.get(query_params.factors[0], query_params.factors[0]) else: factor = None df_1 = helper.sum_by_time(df, factor) # Calculate number of days query_params.num_days = len(df_1.tmstmp.unique()) * query_params.days_per_interval # Calculate metric total we are interested in if factor: # Multiple factor total_metric_for_specific_factors = df_1.groupby(['factor'], as_index = False).sum() for index, row in total_metric_for_specific_factors.iterrows(): # Calculate metric PUPD metric_per_day_name = "{} for {}".format(human_readable_translation[query_params.sql_metric], human_readable_translation[row['factor']]) metrics[metric_per_day_name] = round(row.metric / (query_params.num_days * query_params.num_machines), 3) else: # Single total total_metric = df_1['metric'].sum() # Calculate metric PUPD metric_per_day_name = "{}".format(human_readable_translation[query_params.sql_metric]) metrics[metric_per_day_name] = round(total_metric / (query_params.num_days * query_params.num_machines), 3) # Calculate PUPD for each metric df_1 = helper.calculate_pupd(df_1, query_params) # Round to 3 decimal places df_1 = df_1.round(3) # Make Plot text = 'hello' plot1 = visualizations.makeplot('line', df_1, query_params, metrics) else: # Bar plot # Find factor (currently supports one factor) if query_params.factors: factor = translation_dictionary.get(query_params.factors[0], query_params.factors[0]) else: # Defaults to clublevel factor = 'clublevel' if query_params.time_factor: factor = query_params.time_factor # Find top specific factors for given factor df_1 = helper.find_top_specific_factors(df, factor, query_params) # Calculate PUPD for each metric if query_params.show_as_pupd: df_1 = helper.calculate_pupd(df_1, query_params) # Find metrics to display if query_params.ordering == 'best' or query_params.intent == 'machine_performance': best = df_1.iloc[-1]['factor'] metric_for_best = df_1.iloc[-1]['metric'] metric_string = 'Best {} is {} with {}'.format(human_readable_translation.get(factor, factor), human_readable_translation.get(best, best), human_readable_translation.get(query_params.sql_metric, query_params.sql_metric)) metrics[metric_string] = round(metric_for_best, 3) else: worst = df_1.iloc[0]['factor'] metric_for_worst = df_1.iloc[0]['metric'] metric_string = 'Worst {} is {} with {}'.format(human_readable_translation.get(factor), human_readable_translation.get(worst, worst), human_readable_translation.get(query_params.sql_metric, query_params.sql_metric)) metrics[metric_string] = round(metric_for_worst, 3) # Round decimals to 3 places df_1 = df_1.round(3) # Filter most important df_1 = df_1.iloc[-15:,:] df_1 = df_1.reset_index(drop = True) # Make plot text = 'hello' plot1 = visualizations.makeplot('hbar', df_1, query_params, metrics) ''' Upper right chart ''' if query_params.metric == 'netwins' or query_params.intent == 'machine_performance': if query_params.ordering != 'date' or query_params.intent == 'machine_performance': print df_1 print len(df_1) mainfactors = [] if len(df_1) <= 15: for i in xrange(1, len(df_1) + 1): mainfactors.append((df_1.iloc[-i]['factor'], '', helper.convert_money_to_string(df_1.iloc[-i]['metric']))) else: for i in xrange(1,16): mainfactors.append((df_1.iloc[-i]['factor'], '', helper.convert_money_to_string(df_1.iloc[-i]['metric']))) table_metrics = [('Net Win PUPD')] else: # Calculate the main factors driving change in metric mainfactors_df = factor_analysis.get_main_factors(df) mainfactors = factor_analysis.translate_mainfactors_df_into_list(mainfactors_df) table_metrics = [('Total Net Win')] else: table_metrics = None mainfactors = None ''' Bottom left plot ''' # Find the top factor from mainfactors if query_params.ordering != 'date' or query_params.intent == 'machine_performance': plot2 = '' else: # Make plot 2 # specific_factor = mainfactors[0][0] # if specific_factor[:4] == 'AREA': # factor = 'area' # elif specific_factor[:4] == 'BANK': # factor = 'bank' # elif specific_factor[:4] == 'ZONE': # factor = 'zone' # else: # factor = 'clublevel' # # df_1 = helper.filter_by_specific_factor(df, factor, specific_factor) # print df_1.head() # text = 'hello' # plot2 = visualizations.makeplot('line', df_1, query_params, text) plot2 = '' ''' Bottom right chart ''' derivedmetrics = factor_analysis.create_derivedmetrics() # derivedmetrics = None return plot1, None, mainfactors, derivedmetrics, None, metrics, table_metrics, None, None, None, None if __name__ == "__main__": query = 'how are my machines doing january' query = 'how are my machines doing january' query = 'what is my net win' main(query, error_checking = False)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Author : Saimadhu # Date: 19-March-2017 # About: Implementing Logistic Regression Classifier to predict to whom the voter will vote. # Required Python Packages import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pdb import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go # import plotly.plotly as py # from plotly.graph_objs import * py.sign_in('dataaspirant', 'RhJdlA1OsXsTjcRA0Kka') from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import metrics # Files DATA_SET_PATH = "../Inputs/anes_dataset.csv" def dataset_headers(dataset): """ To get the dataset header names :param dataset: loaded dataset into pandas DataFrame :return: list of header names """ return list(dataset.columns.values) def unique_observations(dataset, header, method=1): """ To get unique observations in the loaded pandas DataFrame column :param dataset: :param header: :param method: Method to perform the unique (default method=1 for pandas and method=0 for numpy ) :return: """ try: if method == 0: # With Numpy observations = np.unique(dataset[[header]]) elif method == 1: # With Pandas observations = pd.unique(dataset[header].values.ravel()) else: observations = None print "Wrong method type, Use 1 for pandas and 0 for numpy" except Exception as e: observations = None print "Error: {error_msg} /n Please check the inputs once..!".format(error_msg=e.message) return observations def feature_target_frequency_relation(dataset, f_t_headers): """ To get the frequency relation between targets and the unique feature observations :param dataset: :param f_t_headers: feature and target header :return: feature unique observations dictionary of frequency count dictionary """ feature_unique_observations = unique_observations(dataset, f_t_headers[0]) unique_targets = unique_observations(dataset, f_t_headers[1]) frequencies = {} for feature in feature_unique_observations: frequencies[feature] = {unique_targets[0]: len( dataset[(dataset[f_t_headers[0]] == feature) & (dataset[f_t_headers[1]] == unique_targets[0])]), unique_targets[1]: len( dataset[(dataset[f_t_headers[0]] == feature) & (dataset[f_t_headers[1]] == unique_targets[1])])} return frequencies def feature_target_histogram(feature_target_frequencies, feature_header): """ :param feature_target_frequencies: :param feature_header: :return: """ keys = feature_target_frequencies.keys() y0 = [feature_target_frequencies[key][0] for key in keys] y1 = [feature_target_frequencies[key][1] for key in keys] trace1 = go.Bar( x=keys, y=y0, name='Clinton' ) trace2 = go.Bar( x=keys, y=y1, name='Dole' ) data = [trace1, trace2] layout = go.Layout( barmode='group', title='Feature :: ' + feature_header + ' Clinton Vs Dole votes Frequency', xaxis=dict(title="Feature :: " + feature_header + " classes"), yaxis=dict(title="Votes Frequency") ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename=feature_header + ' - Target - Histogram') py.image.save_as(fig, filename=feature_header + '_Target_Histogram.png') def train_logistic_regression(train_x, train_y): """ Training logistic regression model with train dataset features(train_x) and target(train_y) :param train_x: :param train_y: :return: """ logistic_regression_model = LogisticRegression(), train_y) return logistic_regression_model def model_accuracy(trained_model, features, targets): """ Get the accuracy score of the model :param trained_model: :param features: :param targets: :return: """ accuracy_score = trained_model.score(features, targets) return accuracy_score def main(): """ Logistic Regression classifier main :return: """ # Load the data set for training and testing the logistic regression classifier dataset = pd.read_csv(DATA_SET_PATH) print "Number of Observations :: ", len(dataset) # Get the first observation print dataset.head() headers = dataset_headers(dataset) print "Data set headers :: {headers}".format(headers=headers) training_features = ['TVnews', 'PID', 'age', 'educ', 'income'] target = 'vote' # Train , Test data split train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(dataset[training_features], dataset[target], train_size=0.7) print "train_x size :: ", train_x.shape print "train_y size :: ", train_y.shape print "test_x size :: ", test_x.shape print "test_y size :: ", test_y.shape print "edu_target_frequencies :: ", feature_target_frequency_relation(dataset, [training_features[3], target]) for feature in training_features: feature_target_frequencies = feature_target_frequency_relation(dataset, [feature, target]) feature_target_histogram(feature_target_frequencies, feature) # Training Logistic regression model trained_logistic_regression_model = train_logistic_regression(train_x, train_y) train_accuracy = model_accuracy(trained_logistic_regression_model, train_x, train_y) # Testing the logistic regression model test_accuracy = model_accuracy(trained_logistic_regression_model, test_x, test_y) print "Train Accuracy :: ", train_accuracy print "Test Accuracy :: ", test_accuracy if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy numpy.random.seed(40) tt = numpy.genfromtxt('../../data/toy/swissroll_color.dat',unpack=True).T X = numpy.genfromtxt('../../data/toy/swissroll.dat',unpack=True).T N = X.shape[1] converters = [] from shogun import LocallyLinearEmbedding lle = LocallyLinearEmbedding() lle.set_k(9) converters.append((lle, "LLE with k=%d" % lle.get_k())) from shogun import MultidimensionalScaling mds = MultidimensionalScaling() converters.append((mds, "Classic MDS")) lmds = MultidimensionalScaling() lmds.set_landmark(True) lmds.set_landmark_number(20) converters.append((lmds,"Landmark MDS with %d landmarks" % lmds.get_landmark_number())) from shogun import Isomap cisomap = Isomap() cisomap.set_k(9) converters.append((cisomap,"Isomap with k=%d" % cisomap.get_k())) from shogun import DiffusionMaps from shogun import GaussianKernel dm = DiffusionMaps() dm.set_t(2) dm.set_width(1000.0) converters.append((dm,"Diffusion Maps with t=%d, sigma=%.1f" % (dm.get_t(),dm.get_width()))) from shogun import HessianLocallyLinearEmbedding hlle = HessianLocallyLinearEmbedding() hlle.set_k(6) converters.append((hlle,"Hessian LLE with k=%d" % (hlle.get_k()))) from shogun import LocalTangentSpaceAlignment ltsa = LocalTangentSpaceAlignment() ltsa.set_k(6) converters.append((ltsa,"LTSA with k=%d" % (ltsa.get_k()))) from shogun import LaplacianEigenmaps le = LaplacianEigenmaps() le.set_k(20) le.set_tau(100.0) converters.append((le,"Laplacian Eigenmaps with k=%d, tau=%d" % (le.get_k(),le.get_tau()))) import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = plt.figure() new_mpl = False try: swiss_roll_fig = fig.add_subplot(3,3,1, projection='3d') new_mpl = True except: figure = plt.figure() swiss_roll_fig = Axes3D(figure) swiss_roll_fig.scatter(X[0], X[1], X[2], s=10, c=tt, swiss_roll_fig._axis3don = False plt.suptitle('Swissroll embedding',fontsize=9) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) from shogun import RealFeatures for (i, (converter, label)) in enumerate(converters): X = numpy.genfromtxt('../../data/toy/swissroll.dat',unpack=True).T features = RealFeatures(X) converter.set_target_dim(2) converter.parallel.set_num_threads(1) new_feats = converter.embed(features).get_feature_matrix() if not new_mpl: embedding_subplot = fig.add_subplot(4,2,i+1) else: embedding_subplot = fig.add_subplot(3,3,i+2) embedding_subplot.scatter(new_feats[0],new_feats[1], c=tt, plt.axis('tight') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) plt.title(label,fontsize=9) print converter.get_name(), 'done'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests the 'read_fwf' function in This test suite is independent of the others because the engine is set to 'python-fwf' internally. """ from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.compat as compat from pandas.compat import BytesIO, StringIO import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame import pandas.util.testing as tm from import EmptyDataError, read_csv, read_fwf class TestFwfParsing(object): def test_fwf(self): data_expected = """\ 2011,58,360.242940,149.910199,11950.7 2011,59,444.953632,166.985655,11788.4 2011,60,364.136849,183.628767,11806.2 2011,61,413.836124,184.375703,11916.8 2011,62,502.953953,173.237159,12468.3 """ expected = read_csv(StringIO(data_expected), engine='python', header=None) data1 = """\ 201158 360.242940 149.910199 11950.7 201159 444.953632 166.985655 11788.4 201160 364.136849 183.628767 11806.2 201161 413.836124 184.375703 11916.8 201162 502.953953 173.237159 12468.3 """ colspecs = [(0, 4), (4, 8), (8, 20), (21, 33), (34, 43)] df = read_fwf(StringIO(data1), colspecs=colspecs, header=None) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) data2 = """\ 2011 58 360.242940 149.910199 11950.7 2011 59 444.953632 166.985655 11788.4 2011 60 364.136849 183.628767 11806.2 2011 61 413.836124 184.375703 11916.8 2011 62 502.953953 173.237159 12468.3 """ df = read_fwf(StringIO(data2), widths=[5, 5, 13, 13, 7], header=None) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) # From Thomas Kluyver: apparently some non-space filler characters can # be seen, this is supported by specifying the 'delimiter' character: # data3 = """\ 201158~~~~360.242940~~~149.910199~~~11950.7 201159~~~~444.953632~~~166.985655~~~11788.4 201160~~~~364.136849~~~183.628767~~~11806.2 201161~~~~413.836124~~~184.375703~~~11916.8 201162~~~~502.953953~~~173.237159~~~12468.3 """ df = read_fwf( StringIO(data3), colspecs=colspecs, delimiter='~', header=None) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "must specify only one of"): read_fwf(StringIO(data3), colspecs=colspecs, widths=[6, 10, 10, 7]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Must specify either"): read_fwf(StringIO(data3), colspecs=None, widths=None) def test_BytesIO_input(self): if not compat.PY3: pytest.skip( "Bytes-related test - only needs to work on Python 3") result = read_fwf(BytesIO("שלום\nשלום".encode('utf8')), widths=[ 2, 2], encoding='utf8') expected = DataFrame([["של", "ום"]], columns=["של", "ום"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_fwf_colspecs_is_list_or_tuple(self): data = """index,A,B,C,D foo,2,3,4,5 bar,7,8,9,10 baz,12,13,14,15 qux,12,13,14,15 foo2,12,13,14,15 bar2,12,13,14,15 """ with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'column specifications must ' 'be a list or tuple.+'):, {'a': 1}, ',', '#') def test_fwf_colspecs_is_list_or_tuple_of_two_element_tuples(self): data = """index,A,B,C,D foo,2,3,4,5 bar,7,8,9,10 baz,12,13,14,15 qux,12,13,14,15 foo2,12,13,14,15 bar2,12,13,14,15 """ with tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'Each column specification ' 'must be.+'): read_fwf(StringIO(data), [('a', 1)]) def test_fwf_colspecs_None(self): # GH 7079 data = """\ 123456 456789 """ colspecs = [(0, 3), (3, None)] result = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs, header=None) expected = DataFrame([[123, 456], [456, 789]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) colspecs = [(None, 3), (3, 6)] result = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs, header=None) expected = DataFrame([[123, 456], [456, 789]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) colspecs = [(0, None), (3, None)] result = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs, header=None) expected = DataFrame([[123456, 456], [456789, 789]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) colspecs = [(None, None), (3, 6)] result = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs, header=None) expected = DataFrame([[123456, 456], [456789, 789]]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_fwf_regression(self): # GH 3594 # turns out 'T060' is parsable as a datetime slice! tzlist = [1, 10, 20, 30, 60, 80, 100] ntz = len(tzlist) tcolspecs = [16] + [8] * ntz tcolnames = ['SST'] + ["T%03d" % z for z in tzlist[1:]] data = """ 2009164202000 9.5403 9.4105 8.6571 7.8372 6.0612 5.8843 5.5192 2009164203000 9.5435 9.2010 8.6167 7.8176 6.0804 5.8728 5.4869 2009164204000 9.5873 9.1326 8.4694 7.5889 6.0422 5.8526 5.4657 2009164205000 9.5810 9.0896 8.4009 7.4652 6.0322 5.8189 5.4379 2009164210000 9.6034 9.0897 8.3822 7.4905 6.0908 5.7904 5.4039 """ df = read_fwf(StringIO(data), index_col=0, header=None, names=tcolnames, widths=tcolspecs, parse_dates=True, date_parser=lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y%j%H%M%S')) for c in df.columns: res = df.loc[:, c] assert len(res) def test_fwf_for_uint8(self): data = """1421302965.213420 PRI=3 PGN=0xef00 DST=0x17 SRC=0x28 04 154 00 00 00 00 00 127 1421302964.226776 PRI=6 PGN=0xf002 SRC=0x47 243 00 00 255 247 00 00 71""" # noqa df = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=[(0, 17), (25, 26), (33, 37), (49, 51), (58, 62), (63, 1000)], names=['time', 'pri', 'pgn', 'dst', 'src', 'data'], converters={ 'pgn': lambda x: int(x, 16), 'src': lambda x: int(x, 16), 'dst': lambda x: int(x, 16), 'data': lambda x: len(x.split(' '))}) expected = DataFrame([[1421302965.213420, 3, 61184, 23, 40, 8], [1421302964.226776, 6, 61442, None, 71, 8]], columns=["time", "pri", "pgn", "dst", "src", "data"]) expected["dst"] = expected["dst"].astype(object) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_fwf_compression(self): try: import gzip import bz2 except ImportError: pytest.skip("Need gzip and bz2 to run this test") data = """1111111111 2222222222 3333333333""".strip() widths = [5, 5] names = ['one', 'two'] expected = read_fwf(StringIO(data), widths=widths, names=names) if compat.PY3: data = bytes(data, encoding='utf-8') comps = [('gzip', gzip.GzipFile), ('bz2', bz2.BZ2File)] for comp_name, compresser in comps: with tm.ensure_clean() as path: tmp = compresser(path, mode='wb') tmp.write(data) tmp.close() result = read_fwf(path, widths=widths, names=names, compression=comp_name) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_comment_fwf(self): data = """ 1 2. 4 #hello world 5 NaN 10.0 """ expected = np.array([[1, 2., 4], [5, np.nan, 10.]]) df = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=[(0, 3), (4, 9), (9, 25)], comment='#') tm.assert_almost_equal(df.values, expected) def test_1000_fwf(self): data = """ 1 2,334.0 5 10 13 10. """ expected = np.array([[1, 2334., 5], [10, 13, 10]]) df = read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=[(0, 3), (3, 11), (12, 16)], thousands=',') tm.assert_almost_equal(df.values, expected) def test_bool_header_arg(self): # see gh-6114 data = """\ MyColumn a b a b""" for arg in [True, False]: with pytest.raises(TypeError): read_fwf(StringIO(data), header=arg) def test_full_file(self): # File with all values test = """index A B C 2000-01-03T00:00:00 0.980268513777 3 foo 2000-01-04T00:00:00 1.04791624281 -4 bar 2000-01-05T00:00:00 0.498580885705 73 baz 2000-01-06T00:00:00 1.12020151869 1 foo 2000-01-07T00:00:00 0.487094399463 0 bar 2000-01-10T00:00:00 0.836648671666 2 baz 2000-01-11T00:00:00 0.157160753327 34 foo""" colspecs = ((0, 19), (21, 35), (38, 40), (42, 45)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test))) def test_full_file_with_missing(self): # File with missing values test = """index A B C 2000-01-03T00:00:00 0.980268513777 3 foo 2000-01-04T00:00:00 1.04791624281 -4 bar 0.498580885705 73 baz 2000-01-06T00:00:00 1.12020151869 1 foo 2000-01-07T00:00:00 0 bar 2000-01-10T00:00:00 0.836648671666 2 baz 34""" colspecs = ((0, 19), (21, 35), (38, 40), (42, 45)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test))) def test_full_file_with_spaces(self): # File with spaces in columns test = """ Account Name Balance CreditLimit AccountCreated 101 Keanu Reeves 9315.45 10000.00 1/17/1998 312 Gerard Butler 90.00 1000.00 8/6/2003 868 Jennifer Love Hewitt 0 17000.00 5/25/1985 761 Jada Pinkett-Smith 49654.87 100000.00 12/5/2006 317 Bill Murray 789.65 5000.00 2/5/2007 """.strip('\r\n') colspecs = ((0, 7), (8, 28), (30, 38), (42, 53), (56, 70)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test))) def test_full_file_with_spaces_and_missing(self): # File with spaces and missing values in columns test = """ Account Name Balance CreditLimit AccountCreated 101 10000.00 1/17/1998 312 Gerard Butler 90.00 1000.00 8/6/2003 868 5/25/1985 761 Jada Pinkett-Smith 49654.87 100000.00 12/5/2006 317 Bill Murray 789.65 """.strip('\r\n') colspecs = ((0, 7), (8, 28), (30, 38), (42, 53), (56, 70)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test))) def test_messed_up_data(self): # Completely messed up file test = """ Account Name Balance Credit Limit Account Created 101 10000.00 1/17/1998 312 Gerard Butler 90.00 1000.00 761 Jada Pinkett-Smith 49654.87 100000.00 12/5/2006 317 Bill Murray 789.65 """.strip('\r\n') colspecs = ((2, 10), (15, 33), (37, 45), (49, 61), (64, 79)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test))) def test_multiple_delimiters(self): test = r""" col1~~~~~col2 col3++++++++++++++++++col4 ~~22.....11.0+++foo~~~~~~~~~~Keanu Reeves 33+++122.33\\\bar.........Gerard Butler ++44~~~~12.01 baz~~Jennifer Love Hewitt ~~55 11+++foo++++Jada Pinkett-Smith ..66++++++.03~~~bar Bill Murray """.strip('\r\n') colspecs = ((0, 4), (7, 13), (15, 19), (21, 41)) expected = read_fwf(StringIO(test), colspecs=colspecs, delimiter=' +~.\\') tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf(StringIO(test), delimiter=' +~.\\')) def test_variable_width_unicode(self): if not compat.PY3: pytest.skip( 'Bytes-related test - only needs to work on Python 3') test = """ שלום שלום ום שלל של ום """.strip('\r\n') expected = read_fwf(BytesIO(test.encode('utf8')), colspecs=[(0, 4), (5, 9)], header=None, encoding='utf8') tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf( BytesIO(test.encode('utf8')), header=None, encoding='utf8')) def test_dtype(self): data = """ a b c 1 2 3.2 3 4 5.2 """ colspecs = [(0, 5), (5, 10), (10, None)] result = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs) expected = pd.DataFrame({ 'a': [1, 3], 'b': [2, 4], 'c': [3.2, 5.2]}, columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) expected['a'] = expected['a'].astype('float64') expected['b'] = expected['b'].astype(str) expected['c'] = expected['c'].astype('int32') result = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(data), colspecs=colspecs, dtype={'a': 'float64', 'b': str, 'c': 'int32'}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_skiprows_inference(self): # GH11256 test = """ Text contained in the file header DataCol1 DataCol2 0.0 1.0 101.6 956.1 """.strip() expected = read_csv(StringIO(test), skiprows=2, delim_whitespace=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf( StringIO(test), skiprows=2)) def test_skiprows_by_index_inference(self): test = """ To be skipped Not To Be Skipped Once more to be skipped 123 34 8 123 456 78 9 456 """.strip() expected = read_csv(StringIO(test), skiprows=[0, 2], delim_whitespace=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, read_fwf( StringIO(test), skiprows=[0, 2])) def test_skiprows_inference_empty(self): test = """ AA BBB C 12 345 6 78 901 2 """.strip() with pytest.raises(EmptyDataError): read_fwf(StringIO(test), skiprows=3) def test_whitespace_preservation(self): # Addresses Issue #16772 data_expected = """ a ,bbb cc,dd """ expected = read_csv(StringIO(data_expected), header=None) test_data = """ a bbb ccdd """ result = read_fwf(StringIO(test_data), widths=[3, 3], header=None, skiprows=[0], delimiter="\n\t") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_default_delimiter(self): data_expected = """ a,bbb cc,dd""" expected = read_csv(StringIO(data_expected), header=None) test_data = """ a \tbbb cc\tdd """ result = read_fwf(StringIO(test_data), widths=[3, 3], header=None, skiprows=[0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
from setuptools import setup from setuptools.dist import Distribution from distutils import util import sys NAME = 'pykep' VERSION = '@pykep_VERSION@' DESCRIPTION = 'Basic space flight mechanics computations mostly based on perturbed Keplerian dynamics' LONG_DESCRIPTION = 'pykep is a scientific library providing basic space flight mechanics computations mostly based on perturbed Keplerian dynamics.' URL = '' AUTHOR = 'Dario Izzo' AUTHOR_EMAIL = '' LICENSE = 'GPLv3+/LGPL3+' INSTALL_REQUIRES = [ 'numba', 'numpy', 'matplotlib', 'pygmo', 'pygmo_plugins_nonfree', 'scipy', 'sklearn', ] CLASSIFIERS = [ # How mature is this project? Common values are # 3 - Alpha # 4 - Beta # 5 - Production/Stable 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+)', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3' ] KEYWORDS = 'space keplerian math physics interplanetary' PLATFORMS = ['Unix', 'Windows', 'OSX'] class BinaryDistribution(Distribution): def has_ext_modules(foo): return True # Setup the list of external dlls and other data files. import os.path PYKEP_UTIL_FILES = ['gravity_models/*/*txt'] if == 'nt': mingw_wheel_libs = 'mingw_wheel_libs_python{}{}.txt'.format( sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) l = open(mingw_wheel_libs, 'r').readlines() DLL_LIST = [os.path.basename(_[:-1]) for _ in l] PACKAGE_DATA = { 'pykep.core': ['core.pyd'] + DLL_LIST, 'pykep.planet': ['planet.pyd'], 'pykep.sims_flanagan': ['sims_flanagan.pyd'], 'pykep.util': ['util.pyd'] + PYKEP_UTIL_FILES } else: PACKAGE_DATA = { 'pykep.core': [''], 'pykep.planet': [''], 'pykep.sims_flanagan': [''], 'pykep.util': [''] + PYKEP_UTIL_FILES } setup(name=NAME, version=VERSION, description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, url=URL, author=AUTHOR, author_email=AUTHOR_EMAIL, license=LICENSE, classifiers=CLASSIFIERS, keywords=KEYWORDS, platforms=PLATFORMS, install_requires=INSTALL_REQUIRES, packages=['pykep', 'pykep.core', 'pykep.examples', 'pykep.orbit_plots', 'pykep.phasing', 'pykep.planet', 'pykep.sims_flanagan', 'pykep.pontryagin', 'pykep.trajopt', 'pykep.trajopt.gym', 'pykep.util'], # Include pre-compiled extension package_data=PACKAGE_DATA, distclass=BinaryDistribution)
# # Copyright (C) 2013,2014 The ESPResSo project # # This file is part of ESPResSo. # # ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # from __future__ import print_function import espressomd from espressomd import code_info from espressomd import thermostat from espressomd import interactions from espressomd import electrostatics import sys import numpy as np try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle import os print(code_info.features()) # Seed ############################################################# np.random.seed(42) # System parameters ############################################################# system = espressomd.System() system.time_step = 0.01 = 0.4 system.box_l = [100, 100, 100] system.periodicity = [1,1,1] system.thermostat.set_langevin(kT=1.0, gamma=1.0) # system.cell_system.set_n_square(use_verlet_lists=False) system.cell_system.max_num_cells = 2744 # Non-bonded interactions ############################################################### # WCA between monomers system.non_bonded_inter[0, 0].lennard_jones.set_params( epsilon=1, sigma=1, cutoff=2**(1. / 6), shift="auto") # WCA counterions - polymer system.non_bonded_inter[0, 1].lennard_jones.set_params( epsilon=1, sigma=1, cutoff=2**(1. / 6), shift="auto") # WCA coions - polymer system.non_bonded_inter[0, 2].lennard_jones.set_params( epsilon=1, sigma=1, cutoff=2**(1. / 6), shift="auto") # WCA between ions system.non_bonded_inter[1, 2].lennard_jones.set_params( epsilon=1, sigma=1, cutoff=2**(1. / 6), shift="auto") # Bonded interactions ################################################################ # fene = interactions.FeneBond(k=10, d_r_max=2) # system.bonded_inter.add(fene) harmonic = interactions.HarmonicBond(k=10, r_0=2) harmonicangle = interactions.Angle_Harmonic(bend=10, phi0=np.pi) system.bonded_inter.add(harmonic) system.bonded_inter.add(harmonicangle) # Create Monomer beads and bonds ######################################################################################### n_monomers = 20 init_polymer_pos=np.dstack((np.arange(n_monomers),np.zeros(n_monomers),np.zeros(n_monomers)))[0]+np.array([system.box_l[0]/2-n_monomers/2, system.box_l[1]/2, system.box_l[2]/2]) system.part.add(pos=init_polymer_pos) system.part[:-1].add_bond((harmonic, np.arange(n_monomers)[1:])) system.part[1:-1].add_bond((harmonicangle, np.arange(n_monomers)[:-2], np.arange(n_monomers)[2:])) # Particle creation with loops: # for i in range(n_monomers): # if i > 0: # system.part[i].add_bond((harmonic, i - 1)) # for i in range(1,n_monomers-1): # system.part[i].add_bond((harmonicangle,i - 1, i + 1)) system.part[:n_monomers].q = -np.ones(n_monomers) # Create counterions ################################################################### system.part.add(pos=np.random.random((n_monomers,3)) * system.box_l, q=1, type=1) # Create ions ############################################################### n_ions = 100 system.part.add(pos=np.random.random((n_ions,3)) * system.box_l, q=np.hstack((np.ones(n_ions/2),-np.ones(n_ions/2))), type=np.array(np.hstack((np.ones(n_ions/2),2*np.ones(n_ions/2))),dtype=int)) # Sign charges to particles after the particle creation: # system.part[2*n_monomers:2*n_monomers+n_ions/2] = np.ones(n_ions/2) # system.part[2*n_monomers+n_ions/2:] = -np.ones(n_ions/2) print("types:", system.part[:].type) print("") print("Q_tot:", np.sum(system.part[:].q)) ############################################################# # Warmup # ############################################################# system.non_bonded_inter.set_force_cap(10) for i in range(1000): sys.stdout.write("\rWarmup: %03i"%i) sys.stdout.flush() system.non_bonded_inter.set_force_cap(10*i) system.non_bonded_inter.set_force_cap(0) print("\nWarmup finished!\n") ############################################################# # Sampling # ############################################################# # # Activate electostatic with checkpoint example ############################################################# read_checkpoint = False # Load checkpointed p3m class if os.path.isfile("p3m_checkpoint") and read_checkpoint == True: print("reading p3m from file") p3m = pickle.load(open("p3m_checkpoint","r")) else: p3m = electrostatics.P3M(bjerrum_length=1.0, accuracy=1e-2) print("Tuning P3M") system.actors.add(p3m) # Checkpoint AFTER tuning (adding method to actors) pickle.dump(p3m,open("p3m_checkpoint","w"),-1) print("P3M parameter:\n") p3m_params = p3m.get_params() for key in list(p3m_params.keys()): print("{} = {}".format(key, p3m_params[key])) print(system.actors) # Apply external Force ############################################################# n_part = len(system.part) system.part[:].ext_force = np.dstack((system.part[:].q * np.ones(n_part), np.zeros(n_part), np.zeros(n_part)))[0] # print(system.part[:].ext_force) # Activate LB ############################################################ # lbf = lb.LBF(dens=1, tau=0.01, visc=1, fric=1, agrid=1) # system.actors.add(lbf) # Data arrays v_list = [] pos_list = [] # Sampling Loop for i in range(4000): sys.stdout.write("\rSampling: %04i"%i) sys.stdout.flush() v_list.append(system.part[:n_monomers].v) pos_list.append(system.part[:n_monomers].pos) # other observales: print("\nSampling finished!\n") # Data evaluation ############################################################ # Convert data to numpy arrays # shape = [time_step, monomer, coordinate]! v_list = np.array(v_list) pos_list = np.array(pos_list) # Calculate COM and COM velocity COM = pos_list.sum(axis=1)/n_monomers COM_v = (COM[1:] - COM[:-1])/system.time_step # Calculate the Mobility mu = v/E ################################## mu = COM_v.mean()/1.0 print("MOBILITY", mu) # Calculate the Persistence length # fits better for longer sampling ################################## # this calculation method requires # numpy 1.10 or higher if float(np.version.version.split(".")[1]) >= 10: from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from numpy.linalg import norm # First get bond vectors bond_vec = pos_list[:,1:,:] - pos_list[:,:-1,:] bond_abs = norm(bond_vec, axis=2, keepdims=True) bond_abs_avg = bond_abs.mean(axis=0)[:,0] c_length = bond_abs_avg for i in range(1,len(bond_abs_avg)): c_length[i] += c_length[i-1] bv_norm = bond_vec / bond_abs bv_zero = np.empty_like(bv_norm) for i in range(bv_zero.shape[1]): bv_zero[:,i,:] = bv_norm[:,0,:] # Calculate <cos(theta)> cos_theta = (bv_zero*bv_norm).sum(axis=2).mean(axis=0) def decay(x,lp): return np.exp(-x/lp) fit,_ = curve_fit(decay, c_length, cos_theta) print(c_length.shape, cos_theta.shape) print("PERSISTENCE LENGTH", fit[0]) # Plot Results ############################################################ import matplotlib.pyplot as pp direction = ["x", "y", "z"] fig1=pp.figure() ax=fig1.add_subplot(111) for i in range(3): ax.plot(COM[:-500,i], label="COM pos %s" %direction[i]) ax.legend(loc="best") ax.set_xlabel("time_step") ax.set_ylabel("r") fig2=pp.figure() ax=fig2.add_subplot(111) for i in range(3): ax.plot(COM_v[:-500,i], label="COM v %s" %direction[i]) ax.legend(loc="best") ax.set_xlabel("time_step") ax.set_ylabel("v") if float(np.version.version.split(".")[1]) >= 10: fig3=pp.figure() ax=fig3.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(c_length, cos_theta, label="sim data") ax.plot(c_length, decay(c_length, fit[0]), label="fit") ax.legend(loc="best") ax.set_xlabel("contour length") ax.set_ylabel("<cos(theta)>") print("\nJob finished!\n")
""" ===================================================================== Decision boundary of label propagation versus SVM on the Iris dataset ===================================================================== Comparison for decision boundary generated on iris dataset between Label Propagation and SVM. This demonstrates Label Propagation learning a good boundary even with a small amount of labeled data. """ print(__doc__) # Authors: Clay Woolam <> # Licence: BSD import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets from sklearn import svm from sklearn.semi_supervised import label_propagation rng = np.random.RandomState(0) iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] y = # step size in the mesh h = .02 y_30 = np.copy(y) y_30[rng.rand(len(y)) < 0.3] = -1 y_50 = np.copy(y) y_50[rng.rand(len(y)) < 0.5] = -1 # we create an instance of SVM and fit out data. We do not scale our # data since we want to plot the support vectors ls30 = (label_propagation.LabelSpreading().fit(X, y_30), y_30) ls50 = (label_propagation.LabelSpreading().fit(X, y_50), y_50) ls100 = (label_propagation.LabelSpreading().fit(X, y), y) rbf_svc = (svm.SVC(kernel='rbf').fit(X, y), y) # create a mesh to plot in x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) # title for the plots titles = ['Label Spreading 30% data', 'Label Spreading 50% data', 'Label Spreading 100% data', 'SVC with rbf kernel'] color_map = {-1: (1, 1, 1), 0: (0, 0, .9), 1: (1, 0, 0), 2: (.8, .6, 0)} for i, (clf, y_train) in enumerate((ls30, ls50, ls100, rbf_svc)): # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, plt.axis('off') # Plot also the training points colors = [color_map[y] for y in y_train] plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=colors, plt.title(titles[i]) plt.text(.90, 0, "Unlabeled points are colored white")
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from __future__ import print_function import sys import warnings if sys.version >= '3': basestring = unicode = str from pyspark import since from pyspark.rdd import ignore_unicode_prefix from pyspark.sql.session import _monkey_patch_RDD, SparkSession from pyspark.sql.dataframe import DataFrame from pyspark.sql.readwriter import DataFrameReader from pyspark.sql.streaming import DataStreamReader from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType, Row, StringType from pyspark.sql.utils import install_exception_handler __all__ = ["SQLContext", "HiveContext", "UDFRegistration"] class SQLContext(object): """The entry point for working with structured data (rows and columns) in Spark, in Spark 1.x. As of Spark 2.0, this is replaced by :class:`SparkSession`. However, we are keeping the class here for backward compatibility. A SQLContext can be used create :class:`DataFrame`, register :class:`DataFrame` as tables, execute SQL over tables, cache tables, and read parquet files. :param sparkContext: The :class:`SparkContext` backing this SQLContext. :param sparkSession: The :class:`SparkSession` around which this SQLContext wraps. :param jsqlContext: An optional JVM Scala SQLContext. If set, we do not instantiate a new SQLContext in the JVM, instead we make all calls to this object. """ _instantiatedContext = None @ignore_unicode_prefix def __init__(self, sparkContext, sparkSession=None, jsqlContext=None): """Creates a new SQLContext. >>> from datetime import datetime >>> sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) >>> allTypes = sc.parallelize([Row(i=1, s="string", d=1.0, l=1, ... b=True, list=[1, 2, 3], dict={"s": 0}, row=Row(a=1), ... time=datetime(2014, 8, 1, 14, 1, 5))]) >>> df = allTypes.toDF() >>> df.createOrReplaceTempView("allTypes") >>> sqlContext.sql('select i+1, d+1, not b, list[1], dict["s"], time, row.a ' ... 'from allTypes where b and i > 0').collect() [Row((i + CAST(1 AS BIGINT))=2, (d + CAST(1 AS DOUBLE))=2.0, (NOT b)=False, list[1]=2, \ dict[s]=0, time=datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 1, 14, 1, 5), a=1)] >>> x: (x.i, x.s, x.d, x.l, x.b, x.time, x.row.a, x.list)).collect() [(1, u'string', 1.0, 1, True, datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 1, 14, 1, 5), 1, [1, 2, 3])] """ self._sc = sparkContext self._jsc = self._sc._jsc self._jvm = self._sc._jvm if sparkSession is None: sparkSession = SparkSession(sparkContext) if jsqlContext is None: jsqlContext = sparkSession._jwrapped self.sparkSession = sparkSession self._jsqlContext = jsqlContext _monkey_patch_RDD(self.sparkSession) install_exception_handler() if SQLContext._instantiatedContext is None: SQLContext._instantiatedContext = self @property def _ssql_ctx(self): """Accessor for the JVM Spark SQL context. Subclasses can override this property to provide their own JVM Contexts. """ return self._jsqlContext @classmethod @since(1.6) def getOrCreate(cls, sc): """ Get the existing SQLContext or create a new one with given SparkContext. :param sc: SparkContext """ if cls._instantiatedContext is None: jsqlContext = sc._jvm.SQLContext.getOrCreate( sparkSession = SparkSession(sc, jsqlContext.sparkSession()) cls(sc, sparkSession, jsqlContext) return cls._instantiatedContext @since(1.6) def newSession(self): """ Returns a new SQLContext as new session, that has separate SQLConf, registered temporary views and UDFs, but shared SparkContext and table cache. """ return self.__class__(self._sc, self.sparkSession.newSession()) @since(1.3) def setConf(self, key, value): """Sets the given Spark SQL configuration property. """ self.sparkSession.conf.set(key, value) @ignore_unicode_prefix @since(1.3) def getConf(self, key, defaultValue=None): """Returns the value of Spark SQL configuration property for the given key. If the key is not set and defaultValue is not None, return defaultValue. If the key is not set and defaultValue is None, return the system default value. >>> sqlContext.getConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions") u'200' >>> sqlContext.getConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", u"10") u'10' >>> sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", u"50") >>> sqlContext.getConf("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", u"10") u'50' """ return self.sparkSession.conf.get(key, defaultValue) @property @since("1.3.1") def udf(self): """Returns a :class:`UDFRegistration` for UDF registration. :return: :class:`UDFRegistration` """ return UDFRegistration(self) @since(1.4) def range(self, start, end=None, step=1, numPartitions=None): """ Create a :class:`DataFrame` with single :class:`pyspark.sql.types.LongType` column named ``id``, containing elements in a range from ``start`` to ``end`` (exclusive) with step value ``step``. :param start: the start value :param end: the end value (exclusive) :param step: the incremental step (default: 1) :param numPartitions: the number of partitions of the DataFrame :return: :class:`DataFrame` >>> sqlContext.range(1, 7, 2).collect() [Row(id=1), Row(id=3), Row(id=5)] If only one argument is specified, it will be used as the end value. >>> sqlContext.range(3).collect() [Row(id=0), Row(id=1), Row(id=2)] """ return self.sparkSession.range(start, end, step, numPartitions) @ignore_unicode_prefix @since(1.2) def registerFunction(self, name, f, returnType=StringType()): """Registers a python function (including lambda function) as a UDF so it can be used in SQL statements. In addition to a name and the function itself, the return type can be optionally specified. When the return type is not given it default to a string and conversion will automatically be done. For any other return type, the produced object must match the specified type. :param name: name of the UDF :param f: python function :param returnType: a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object >>> sqlContext.registerFunction("stringLengthString", lambda x: len(x)) >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT stringLengthString('test')").collect() [Row(stringLengthString(test)=u'4')] >>> from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType >>> sqlContext.registerFunction("stringLengthInt", lambda x: len(x), IntegerType()) >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT stringLengthInt('test')").collect() [Row(stringLengthInt(test)=4)] >>> from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType >>> sqlContext.udf.register("stringLengthInt", lambda x: len(x), IntegerType()) >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT stringLengthInt('test')").collect() [Row(stringLengthInt(test)=4)] """ self.sparkSession.catalog.registerFunction(name, f, returnType) @ignore_unicode_prefix @since(2.1) def registerJavaFunction(self, name, javaClassName, returnType=None): """Register a java UDF so it can be used in SQL statements. In addition to a name and the function itself, the return type can be optionally specified. When the return type is not specified we would infer it via reflection. :param name: name of the UDF :param javaClassName: fully qualified name of java class :param returnType: a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` object >>> sqlContext.registerJavaFunction("javaStringLength", ... "", IntegerType()) >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT javaStringLength('test')").collect() [Row(UDF(test)=4)] >>> sqlContext.registerJavaFunction("javaStringLength2", ... "") >>> sqlContext.sql("SELECT javaStringLength2('test')").collect() [Row(UDF(test)=4)] """ jdt = None if returnType is not None: jdt = self.sparkSession._jsparkSession.parseDataType(returnType.json()) self.sparkSession._jsparkSession.udf().registerJava(name, javaClassName, jdt) # TODO(andrew): delete this once we refactor things to take in SparkSession def _inferSchema(self, rdd, samplingRatio=None): """ Infer schema from an RDD of Row or tuple. :param rdd: an RDD of Row or tuple :param samplingRatio: sampling ratio, or no sampling (default) :return: :class:`pyspark.sql.types.StructType` """ return self.sparkSession._inferSchema(rdd, samplingRatio) @since(1.3) @ignore_unicode_prefix def createDataFrame(self, data, schema=None, samplingRatio=None, verifySchema=True): """ Creates a :class:`DataFrame` from an :class:`RDD`, a list or a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. When ``schema`` is a list of column names, the type of each column will be inferred from ``data``. When ``schema`` is ``None``, it will try to infer the schema (column names and types) from ``data``, which should be an RDD of :class:`Row`, or :class:`namedtuple`, or :class:`dict`. When ``schema`` is :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or a datatype string it must match the real data, or an exception will be thrown at runtime. If the given schema is not :class:`pyspark.sql.types.StructType`, it will be wrapped into a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.StructType` as its only field, and the field name will be "value", each record will also be wrapped into a tuple, which can be converted to row later. If schema inference is needed, ``samplingRatio`` is used to determined the ratio of rows used for schema inference. The first row will be used if ``samplingRatio`` is ``None``. :param data: an RDD of any kind of SQL data representation(e.g. :class:`Row`, :class:`tuple`, ``int``, ``boolean``, etc.), or :class:`list`, or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. :param schema: a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or a datatype string or a list of column names, default is None. The data type string format equals to :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType.simpleString`, except that top level struct type can omit the ``struct<>`` and atomic types use ``typeName()`` as their format, e.g. use ``byte`` instead of ``tinyint`` for :class:`pyspark.sql.types.ByteType`. We can also use ``int`` as a short name for :class:`pyspark.sql.types.IntegerType`. :param samplingRatio: the sample ratio of rows used for inferring :param verifySchema: verify data types of every row against schema. :return: :class:`DataFrame` .. versionchanged:: 2.0 The ``schema`` parameter can be a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.DataType` or a datatype string after 2.0. If it's not a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.StructType`, it will be wrapped into a :class:`pyspark.sql.types.StructType` and each record will also be wrapped into a tuple. .. versionchanged:: 2.1 Added verifySchema. >>> l = [('Alice', 1)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(l).collect() [Row(_1=u'Alice', _2=1)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(l, ['name', 'age']).collect() [Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)] >>> d = [{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 1}] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(d).collect() [Row(age=1, name=u'Alice')] >>> rdd = sc.parallelize(l) >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).collect() [Row(_1=u'Alice', _2=1)] >>> df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, ['name', 'age']) >>> df.collect() [Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)] >>> from pyspark.sql import Row >>> Person = Row('name', 'age') >>> person = r: Person(*r)) >>> df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(person) >>> df2.collect() [Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)] >>> from pyspark.sql.types import * >>> schema = StructType([ ... StructField("name", StringType(), True), ... StructField("age", IntegerType(), True)]) >>> df3 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema) >>> df3.collect() [Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(df.toPandas()).collect() # doctest: +SKIP [Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas.DataFrame([[1, 2]])).collect() # doctest: +SKIP [Row(0=1, 1=2)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, "a: string, b: int").collect() [Row(a=u'Alice', b=1)] >>> rdd = row: row[1]) >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, "int").collect() [Row(value=1)] >>> sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, "boolean").collect() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... Py4JJavaError: ... """ return self.sparkSession.createDataFrame(data, schema, samplingRatio, verifySchema) @since(1.3) def registerDataFrameAsTable(self, df, tableName): """Registers the given :class:`DataFrame` as a temporary table in the catalog. Temporary tables exist only during the lifetime of this instance of :class:`SQLContext`. >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") """ df.createOrReplaceTempView(tableName) @since(1.6) def dropTempTable(self, tableName): """ Remove the temp table from catalog. >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") >>> sqlContext.dropTempTable("table1") """ self.sparkSession.catalog.dropTempView(tableName) @since(1.3) def createExternalTable(self, tableName, path=None, source=None, schema=None, **options): """Creates an external table based on the dataset in a data source. It returns the DataFrame associated with the external table. The data source is specified by the ``source`` and a set of ``options``. If ``source`` is not specified, the default data source configured by ``spark.sql.sources.default`` will be used. Optionally, a schema can be provided as the schema of the returned :class:`DataFrame` and created external table. :return: :class:`DataFrame` """ return self.sparkSession.catalog.createExternalTable( tableName, path, source, schema, **options) @ignore_unicode_prefix @since(1.0) def sql(self, sqlQuery): """Returns a :class:`DataFrame` representing the result of the given query. :return: :class:`DataFrame` >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") >>> df2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT field1 AS f1, field2 as f2 from table1") >>> df2.collect() [Row(f1=1, f2=u'row1'), Row(f1=2, f2=u'row2'), Row(f1=3, f2=u'row3')] """ return self.sparkSession.sql(sqlQuery) @since(1.0) def table(self, tableName): """Returns the specified table as a :class:`DataFrame`. :return: :class:`DataFrame` >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") >>> df2 = sqlContext.table("table1") >>> sorted(df.collect()) == sorted(df2.collect()) True """ return self.sparkSession.table(tableName) @ignore_unicode_prefix @since(1.3) def tables(self, dbName=None): """Returns a :class:`DataFrame` containing names of tables in the given database. If ``dbName`` is not specified, the current database will be used. The returned DataFrame has two columns: ``tableName`` and ``isTemporary`` (a column with :class:`BooleanType` indicating if a table is a temporary one or not). :param dbName: string, name of the database to use. :return: :class:`DataFrame` >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") >>> df2 = sqlContext.tables() >>> df2.filter("tableName = 'table1'").first() Row(database=u'', tableName=u'table1', isTemporary=True) """ if dbName is None: return DataFrame(self._ssql_ctx.tables(), self) else: return DataFrame(self._ssql_ctx.tables(dbName), self) @since(1.3) def tableNames(self, dbName=None): """Returns a list of names of tables in the database ``dbName``. :param dbName: string, name of the database to use. Default to the current database. :return: list of table names, in string >>> sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, "table1") >>> "table1" in sqlContext.tableNames() True >>> "table1" in sqlContext.tableNames("default") True """ if dbName is None: return [name for name in self._ssql_ctx.tableNames()] else: return [name for name in self._ssql_ctx.tableNames(dbName)] @since(1.0) def cacheTable(self, tableName): """Caches the specified table in-memory.""" self._ssql_ctx.cacheTable(tableName) @since(1.0) def uncacheTable(self, tableName): """Removes the specified table from the in-memory cache.""" self._ssql_ctx.uncacheTable(tableName) @since(1.3) def clearCache(self): """Removes all cached tables from the in-memory cache. """ self._ssql_ctx.clearCache() @property @since(1.4) def read(self): """ Returns a :class:`DataFrameReader` that can be used to read data in as a :class:`DataFrame`. :return: :class:`DataFrameReader` """ return DataFrameReader(self) @property @since(2.0) def readStream(self): """ Returns a :class:`DataStreamReader` that can be used to read data streams as a streaming :class:`DataFrame`. .. note:: Experimental. :return: :class:`DataStreamReader` >>> text_sdf = sqlContext.readStream.text(tempfile.mkdtemp()) >>> text_sdf.isStreaming True """ return DataStreamReader(self) @property @since(2.0) def streams(self): """Returns a :class:`StreamingQueryManager` that allows managing all the :class:`StreamingQuery` StreamingQueries active on `this` context. .. note:: Experimental. """ from pyspark.sql.streaming import StreamingQueryManager return StreamingQueryManager(self._ssql_ctx.streams()) class HiveContext(SQLContext): """A variant of Spark SQL that integrates with data stored in Hive. Configuration for Hive is read from ``hive-site.xml`` on the classpath. It supports running both SQL and HiveQL commands. :param sparkContext: The SparkContext to wrap. :param jhiveContext: An optional JVM Scala HiveContext. If set, we do not instantiate a new :class:`HiveContext` in the JVM, instead we make all calls to this object. .. note:: Deprecated in 2.0.0. Use SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate(). """ def __init__(self, sparkContext, jhiveContext=None): warnings.warn( "HiveContext is deprecated in Spark 2.0.0. Please use " + "SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() instead.", DeprecationWarning) if jhiveContext is None: sparkSession = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() else: sparkSession = SparkSession(sparkContext, jhiveContext.sparkSession()) SQLContext.__init__(self, sparkContext, sparkSession, jhiveContext) @classmethod def _createForTesting(cls, sparkContext): """(Internal use only) Create a new HiveContext for testing. All test code that touches HiveContext *must* go through this method. Otherwise, you may end up launching multiple derby instances and encounter with incredibly confusing error messages. """ jsc = jtestHive =, False) return cls(sparkContext, jtestHive) def refreshTable(self, tableName): """Invalidate and refresh all the cached the metadata of the given table. For performance reasons, Spark SQL or the external data source library it uses might cache certain metadata about a table, such as the location of blocks. When those change outside of Spark SQL, users should call this function to invalidate the cache. """ self._ssql_ctx.refreshTable(tableName) class UDFRegistration(object): """Wrapper for user-defined function registration.""" def __init__(self, sqlContext): self.sqlContext = sqlContext def register(self, name, f, returnType=StringType()): return self.sqlContext.registerFunction(name, f, returnType) register.__doc__ = SQLContext.registerFunction.__doc__ def _test(): import os import doctest import tempfile from pyspark.context import SparkContext from pyspark.sql import Row, SQLContext import pyspark.sql.context os.chdir(os.environ["SPARK_HOME"]) globs = pyspark.sql.context.__dict__.copy() sc = SparkContext('local[4]', 'PythonTest') globs['tempfile'] = tempfile globs['os'] = os globs['sc'] = sc globs['sqlContext'] = SQLContext(sc) globs['rdd'] = rdd = sc.parallelize( [Row(field1=1, field2="row1"), Row(field1=2, field2="row2"), Row(field1=3, field2="row3")] ) globs['df'] = rdd.toDF() jsonStrings = [ '{"field1": 1, "field2": "row1", "field3":{"field4":11}}', '{"field1" : 2, "field3":{"field4":22, "field5": [10, 11]},' '"field6":[{"field7": "row2"}]}', '{"field1" : null, "field2": "row3", ' '"field3":{"field4":33, "field5": []}}' ] globs['jsonStrings'] = jsonStrings globs['json'] = sc.parallelize(jsonStrings) (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod( pyspark.sql.context, globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) globs['sc'].stop() if failure_count: exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": _test()
r""" ===================================================================== The Johnson-Lindenstrauss bound for embedding with random projections ===================================================================== The `Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma`_ states that any high dimensional dataset can be randomly projected into a lower dimensional Euclidean space while controlling the distortion in the pairwise distances. .. _`Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma`: Theoretical bounds ================== The distortion introduced by a random projection `p` is asserted by the fact that `p` is defining an eps-embedding with good probability as defined by: .. math:: (1 - eps) \|u - v\|^2 < \|p(u) - p(v)\|^2 < (1 + eps) \|u - v\|^2 Where u and v are any rows taken from a dataset of shape [n_samples, n_features] and p is a projection by a random Gaussian N(0, 1) matrix with shape [n_components, n_features] (or a sparse Achlioptas matrix). The minimum number of components to guarantees the eps-embedding is given by: .. math:: n\_components >= 4 log(n\_samples) / (eps^2 / 2 - eps^3 / 3) The first plot shows that with an increasing number of samples ``n_samples``, the minimal number of dimensions ``n_components`` increased logarithmically in order to guarantee an ``eps``-embedding. The second plot shows that an increase of the admissible distortion ``eps`` allows to reduce drastically the minimal number of dimensions ``n_components`` for a given number of samples ``n_samples`` Empirical validation ==================== We validate the above bounds on the the digits dataset or on the 20 newsgroups text document (TF-IDF word frequencies) dataset: - for the digits dataset, some 8x8 gray level pixels data for 500 handwritten digits pictures are randomly projected to spaces for various larger number of dimensions ``n_components``. - for the 20 newsgroups dataset some 500 documents with 100k features in total are projected using a sparse random matrix to smaller euclidean spaces with various values for the target number of dimensions ``n_components``. The default dataset is the digits dataset. To run the example on the twenty newsgroups dataset, pass the --twenty-newsgroups command line argument to this script. For each value of ``n_components``, we plot: - 2D distribution of sample pairs with pairwise distances in original and projected spaces as x and y axis respectively. - 1D histogram of the ratio of those distances (projected / original). We can see that for low values of ``n_components`` the distribution is wide with many distorted pairs and a skewed distribution (due to the hard limit of zero ratio on the left as distances are always positives) while for larger values of n_components the distortion is controlled and the distances are well preserved by the random projection. Remarks ======= According to the JL lemma, projecting 500 samples without too much distortion will require at least several thousands dimensions, irrespective of the number of features of the original dataset. Hence using random projections on the digits dataset which only has 64 features in the input space does not make sense: it does not allow for dimensionality reduction in this case. On the twenty newsgroups on the other hand the dimensionality can be decreased from 56436 down to 10000 while reasonably preserving pairwise distances. """ print(__doc__) import sys from time import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.random_projection import johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim from sklearn.random_projection import SparseRandomProjection from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances # Part 1: plot the theoretical dependency between n_components_min and # n_samples # range of admissible distortions eps_range = np.linspace(0.1, 0.99, 5) colors =, 1.0, len(eps_range))) # range of number of samples (observation) to embed n_samples_range = np.logspace(1, 9, 9) plt.figure() for eps, color in zip(eps_range, colors): min_n_components = johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim(n_samples_range, eps=eps) plt.loglog(n_samples_range, min_n_components, color=color) plt.legend(["eps = %0.1f" % eps for eps in eps_range], loc="lower right") plt.xlabel("Number of observations to eps-embed") plt.ylabel("Minimum number of dimensions") plt.title("Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_samples vs n_components") # range of admissible distortions eps_range = np.linspace(0.01, 0.99, 100) # range of number of samples (observation) to embed n_samples_range = np.logspace(2, 6, 5) colors =, 1.0, len(n_samples_range))) plt.figure() for n_samples, color in zip(n_samples_range, colors): min_n_components = johnson_lindenstrauss_min_dim(n_samples, eps=eps_range) plt.semilogy(eps_range, min_n_components, color=color) plt.legend(["n_samples = %d" % n for n in n_samples_range], loc="upper right") plt.xlabel("Distortion eps") plt.ylabel("Minimum number of dimensions") plt.title("Johnson-Lindenstrauss bounds:\nn_components vs eps") # Part 2: perform sparse random projection of some digits images which are # quite low dimensional and dense or documents of the 20 newsgroups dataset # which is both high dimensional and sparse if '--twenty-newsgroups' in sys.argv: # Need an internet connection hence not enabled by default data = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized().data[:500] else: data = load_digits().data[:500] n_samples, n_features = data.shape print("Embedding %d samples with dim %d using various random projections" % (n_samples, n_features)) n_components_range = np.array([300, 1000, 10000]) dists = euclidean_distances(data, squared=True).ravel() # select only non-identical samples pairs nonzero = dists != 0 dists = dists[nonzero] for n_components in n_components_range: t0 = time() rp = SparseRandomProjection(n_components=n_components) projected_data = rp.fit_transform(data) print("Projected %d samples from %d to %d in %0.3fs" % (n_samples, n_features, n_components, time() - t0)) if hasattr(rp, 'components_'): n_bytes = n_bytes += rp.components_.indices.nbytes print("Random matrix with size: %0.3fMB" % (n_bytes / 1e6)) projected_dists = euclidean_distances( projected_data, squared=True).ravel()[nonzero] plt.figure() plt.hexbin(dists, projected_dists, gridsize=100, plt.xlabel("Pairwise squared distances in original space") plt.ylabel("Pairwise squared distances in projected space") plt.title("Pairwise distances distribution for n_components=%d" % n_components) cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label('Sample pairs counts') rates = projected_dists / dists print("Mean distances rate: %0.2f (%0.2f)" % (np.mean(rates), np.std(rates))) plt.figure() plt.hist(rates, bins=50, normed=True, range=(0., 2.)) plt.xlabel("Squared distances rate: projected / original") plt.ylabel("Distribution of samples pairs") plt.title("Histogram of pairwise distance rates for n_components=%d" % n_components) # TODO: compute the expected value of eps and add them to the previous plot # as vertical lines / region
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. #!/usr/bin/env python # =================================== # file: # =================================== import inspect import json import logging import os import signal import subprocess import sys import traceback import csv import time import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import namedtuple import numpy from pyh import * import kafka_system_test_utils import system_test_utils logger = logging.getLogger("namedLogger") thisClassName = '(metrics)' d = {'name_of_class': thisClassName} attributeNameToNameInReportedFileMap = { 'Min': 'min', 'Max': 'max', 'Mean': 'mean', '50thPercentile': 'median', 'StdDev': 'stddev', '95thPercentile': '95%', '99thPercentile': '99%', '999thPercentile': '99.9%', 'Count': 'count', 'OneMinuteRate': '1 min rate', 'MeanRate': 'mean rate', 'FiveMinuteRate': '5 min rate', 'FifteenMinuteRate': '15 min rate', 'Value': 'value' } def getCSVFileNameFromMetricsMbeanName(mbeanName): return mbeanName.replace(":type=", ".").replace(",name=", ".") + ".csv" def read_metrics_definition(metricsFile): metricsFileData = open(metricsFile, "r").read() metricsJsonData = json.loads(metricsFileData) allDashboards = metricsJsonData['dashboards'] allGraphs = [] for dashboard in allDashboards: dashboardName = dashboard['name'] graphs = dashboard['graphs'] for graph in graphs: bean = graph['bean_name'] allGraphs.append(graph) attributes = graph['attributes'] #print "Filtering on attributes " + attributes return allGraphs def get_dashboard_definition(metricsFile, role): metricsFileData = open(metricsFile, "r").read() metricsJsonData = json.loads(metricsFileData) allDashboards = metricsJsonData['dashboards'] dashboardsForRole = [] for dashboard in allDashboards: if dashboard['role'] == role: dashboardsForRole.append(dashboard) return dashboardsForRole def ensure_valid_headers(headers, attributes): if headers[0] != "# time": raise Exception("First column should be time") for header in headers: logger.debug(header, extra=d) # there should be exactly one column with a name that matches attributes try: attributeColumnIndex = headers.index(attributes) return attributeColumnIndex except ValueError as ve: #print "#### attributes : ", attributes #print "#### headers : ", headers raise Exception("There should be exactly one column that matches attribute: {0} in".format(attributes) + " headers: {0}".format(",".join(headers))) def plot_graphs(inputCsvFiles, labels, title, xLabel, yLabel, attribute, outputGraphFile): if not inputCsvFiles: return # create empty plot fig=plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) ax=fig.add_subplot(111) labelx = -0.3 # axes coords ax.set_xlabel(xLabel) ax.set_ylabel(yLabel) ax.grid() #ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(labelx, 0.5) Coordinates = namedtuple("Coordinates", 'x y') plots = [] coordinates = [] # read data for all files, organize by label in a dict for fileAndLabel in zip(inputCsvFiles, labels): inputCsvFile = fileAndLabel[0] label = fileAndLabel[1] csv_reader = list(csv.reader(open(inputCsvFile, "rb"))) x,y = [],[] xticks_labels = [] try: # read first line as the headers headers = csv_reader.pop(0) attributeColumnIndex = ensure_valid_headers(headers, attributeNameToNameInReportedFileMap[attribute]) logger.debug("Column index for attribute {0} is {1}".format(attribute, attributeColumnIndex), extra=d) start_time = (int)(os.path.getctime(inputCsvFile) * 1000) int(csv_reader[0][0]) for line in csv_reader: if(len(line) == 0): continue yVal = float(line[attributeColumnIndex]) xVal = int(line[0]) y.append(yVal) epoch= start_time + int(line[0]) x.append(xVal) xticks_labels.append(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(epoch))) coordinates.append(Coordinates(xVal, yVal)) p1 = ax.plot(x,y) plots.append(p1) except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR while plotting data for {0}: {1}".format(inputCsvFile, e), extra=d) traceback.print_exc() # find xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax from all csv files xmin = min(map(lambda coord: coord.x, coordinates)) xmax = max(map(lambda coord: coord.x, coordinates)) ymin = min(map(lambda coord: coord.y, coordinates)) ymax = max(map(lambda coord: coord.y, coordinates)) # set x and y axes limits plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) # set ticks accordingly xticks = numpy.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.2*xmax) # yticks = numpy.arange(ymin, ymax) plt.xticks(xticks,xticks_labels,rotation=17) # plt.yticks(yticks) plt.legend(plots,labels, loc=2) plt.title(title) plt.savefig(outputGraphFile) def draw_all_graphs(metricsDescriptionFile, testcaseEnv, clusterConfig): # go through each role and plot graphs for the role's metrics roles = set(map(lambda config: config['role'], clusterConfig)) for role in roles: dashboards = get_dashboard_definition(metricsDescriptionFile, role) entities = kafka_system_test_utils.get_entities_for_role(clusterConfig, role) for dashboard in dashboards: graphs = dashboard['graphs'] # draw each graph for all entities draw_graph_for_role(graphs, entities, role, testcaseEnv) def draw_graph_for_role(graphs, entities, role, testcaseEnv): for graph in graphs: graphName = graph['graph_name'] yLabel = graph['y_label'] inputCsvFiles = [] graphLegendLabels = [] for entity in entities: entityMetricsDir = kafka_system_test_utils.get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entity['entity_id'], "metrics") entityMetricCsvFile = entityMetricsDir + "/" + getCSVFileNameFromMetricsMbeanName(graph['bean_name']) if(not os.path.exists(entityMetricCsvFile)): logger.warn("The file {0} does not exist for plotting".format(entityMetricCsvFile), extra=d) else: inputCsvFiles.append(entityMetricCsvFile) graphLegendLabels.append(role + "-" + entity['entity_id']) # print "Plotting graph for metric {0} on entity {1}".format(graph['graph_name'], entity['entity_id']) try: # plot one graph per mbean attribute labels = graph['y_label'].split(',') fullyQualifiedAttributeNames = map(lambda attribute: graph['bean_name'] + ':' + attribute, graph['attributes'].split(',')) attributes = graph['attributes'].split(',') for labelAndAttribute in zip(labels, fullyQualifiedAttributeNames, attributes): outputGraphFile = testcaseEnv.testCaseDashboardsDir + "/" + role + "/" + labelAndAttribute[1] + ".svg" plot_graphs(inputCsvFiles, graphLegendLabels, graph['graph_name'] + '-' + labelAndAttribute[2], "time", labelAndAttribute[0], labelAndAttribute[2], outputGraphFile) # print "Finished plotting graph for metric {0} on entity {1}".format(graph['graph_name'], entity['entity_id']) except Exception as e: logger.error("ERROR while plotting graph {0}: {1}".format(outputGraphFile, e), extra=d) traceback.print_exc() def build_all_dashboards(metricsDefinitionFile, testcaseDashboardsDir, clusterConfig): metricsHtmlFile = testcaseDashboardsDir + "/metrics.html" centralDashboard = PyH('Kafka Metrics Dashboard') centralDashboard << h1('Kafka Metrics Dashboard', cl='center') roles = set(map(lambda config: config['role'], clusterConfig)) for role in roles: entities = kafka_system_test_utils.get_entities_for_role(clusterConfig, role) dashboardPagePath = build_dashboard_for_role(metricsDefinitionFile, role, entities, testcaseDashboardsDir) centralDashboard << a(role, href = dashboardPagePath) centralDashboard << br() centralDashboard.printOut(metricsHtmlFile) def build_dashboard_for_role(metricsDefinitionFile, role, entities, testcaseDashboardsDir): # build all dashboards for the input entity's based on its role. It can be one of kafka, zookeeper, producer # consumer dashboards = get_dashboard_definition(metricsDefinitionFile, role) entityDashboard = PyH('Kafka Metrics Dashboard for ' + role) entityDashboard << h1('Kafka Metrics Dashboard for ' + role, cl='center') entityDashboardHtml = testcaseDashboardsDir + "/" + role + "-dashboards.html" for dashboard in dashboards: # place the graph svg files in this dashboard allGraphs = dashboard['graphs'] for graph in allGraphs: attributes = map(lambda attribute: graph['bean_name'] + ':' + attribute, graph['attributes'].split(',')) for attribute in attributes: graphFileLocation = testcaseDashboardsDir + "/" + role + "/" + attribute + ".svg" entityDashboard << embed(src = graphFileLocation, type = "image/svg+xml") entityDashboard.printOut(entityDashboardHtml) return entityDashboardHtml def start_metrics_collection(jmxHost, jmxPort, role, entityId, systemTestEnv, testcaseEnv):"starting metrics collection on jmx port : " + jmxPort, extra=d) jmxUrl = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://" + jmxHost + ":" + jmxPort + "/jmxrmi" clusterConfig = systemTestEnv.clusterEntityConfigDictList metricsDefinitionFile = systemTestEnv.METRICS_PATHNAME entityMetricsDir = kafka_system_test_utils.get_testcase_config_log_dir_pathname(testcaseEnv, role, entityId, "metrics") dashboardsForRole = get_dashboard_definition(metricsDefinitionFile, role) mbeansForRole = get_mbeans_for_role(dashboardsForRole) kafkaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfig, "entity_id", entityId, "kafka_home") javaHome = system_test_utils.get_data_by_lookup_keyval(clusterConfig, "entity_id", entityId, "java_home") for mbean in mbeansForRole: outputCsvFile = entityMetricsDir + "/" + mbean + ".csv" startMetricsCmdList = ["ssh " + jmxHost, "'JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome, "JMX_PORT= " + kafkaHome + "/bin/", "--jmx-url " + jmxUrl, "--object-name " + mbean + " 1> ", outputCsvFile + " & echo pid:$! > ", entityMetricsDir + "/entity_pid'"] startMetricsCommand = " ".join(startMetricsCmdList) logger.debug("executing command: [" + startMetricsCommand + "]", extra=d) system_test_utils.async_sys_call(startMetricsCommand) time.sleep(1) pidCmdStr = "ssh " + jmxHost + " 'cat " + entityMetricsDir + "/entity_pid' 2> /dev/null" logger.debug("executing command: [" + pidCmdStr + "]", extra=d) subproc = system_test_utils.sys_call_return_subproc(pidCmdStr) # keep track of JMX ppid in a dictionary of entity_id to list of JMX ppid # testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict: # key: entity_id # val: list of JMX ppid associated to that entity_id # { 1: [1234, 1235, 1236], 2: [2234, 2235, 2236], ... } for line in subproc.stdout.readlines(): line = line.rstrip('\n') logger.debug("line: [" + line + "]", extra=d) if line.startswith("pid"): logger.debug("found pid line: [" + line + "]", extra=d) tokens = line.split(':') thisPid = tokens[1] if entityId not in testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict: testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict[entityId] = [] testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict[entityId].append(thisPid) #print "\n#### testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict ", testcaseEnv.entityJmxParentPidDict, "\n" def stop_metrics_collection(jmxHost, jmxPort):"stopping metrics collection on " + jmxHost + ":" + jmxPort, extra=d) system_test_utils.sys_call("ps -ef | grep JmxTool | grep -v grep | grep " + jmxPort + " | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9") def get_mbeans_for_role(dashboardsForRole): graphs = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda dashboard: dashboard['graphs'], dashboardsForRole)) return set(map(lambda metric: metric['bean_name'], graphs))
import wekeypedia import nltk import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from collections import defaultdict from multiprocessing import Pool as ThreadPool import codecs import json ignore_list = "{}()[]<>./,;\"':!?&#" lemmatizer = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer() stemmer = nltk.stem.porter.PorterStemmer() # page = "Michel Maffesoli" # page = "Love" # page = "War" page = "Wisdom" p = wekeypedia.WikipediaPage() p.fetch_from_api_title(page) added = defaultdict(dict) deleted = defaultdict(dict) inflections = {} inflections["added"] = defaultdict(set) inflections["deleted"] = defaultdict(set) def get_revs(): revisions = p.get_revisions_list() return revisions def red(r): a = r[0] d = r[1] i = r[2] for s in ["added" , "deleted"]: for w in i[s]: inflections[s][w] |= i[s][w] for w, c in a: if not("count" in added[w]): added[w]["count"] = 0 added[w]["count"] += c added[w]["inflections"] = ", ".join(list(inflections["added"][w])) for w, c in d: if not("count" in deleted[w]): deleted[w]["count"] = 0 deleted[w]["count"] += c deleted[w]["inflections"] = ", ".join(list(inflections["deleted"][w])) def normalize(word): # old = word word = word.lower() word = stemmer.stem_word(word) word = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) # print word return word def count(a, sentence, which): for w in nltk.word_tokenize(sentence): old = w w = normalize(w) if not(w in ignore_list): inflections[which][w] = inflections[which][w] | set([ old ]) a[w] += 1 def rev_diff(revid): ad = defaultdict(int) de = defaultdict(int) d = p.get_diff(revid) # bug with Ethics#462124891 if d == False: return ({},{}, { "added": [], "deleted": [] }) d = BeautifulSoup(d, 'html.parser') # check additions of block addedlines = d.find_all("td", "diff-addedline") for tag in addedlines: inner = tag.find_all("ins") # check that there is no inner addition if len(inner) == 0: count(ad, tag.get_text(), "added") ins_tags = d.find_all("ins") for txt in map(lambda x: x.get_text(), ins_tags): count(ad, txt, "added") deletedline = d.find_all("td", "diff-deletedline") for tag in deletedline: inner = tag.find_all("del") if len(inner) == 0: count(de, tag.get_text(), "deleted") del_tags = d.find_all("del") for txt in map(lambda x: x.get_text(), del_tags): count(de, txt, "deleted") print("%s %s|%s" % (revid, "+"*len(ad), "-"*len(de))) return (ad.items(),de.items(), { "added":inflections["added"], "deleted":inflections["deleted"] }) def write_revdif(revid): data = p.get_diff_full(revid) name = "data/%s/%s.json" % (page, revid) data = data["query"]["pages"][list(data["query"]["pages"].keys())[0]] if "diff" in data["revisions"][0]: data = data["revisions"][0] print revid with, "w", "utf-8-sig") as f: json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) # print len(rev_list) # print p.get_diff(rev_list[0]["revid"]) # print [ x["revid"] for x in rev_list ] # print rev_diff(462124891) # exit() rev_list = get_revs() pool = ThreadPool(4) #result =, [ x["revid"] for x in rev_list ]), [ x["revid"] for x in rev_list ]) # for r in rev_list: # rev_id = r["revid"] # # pool.apply_async( rev_diff, args=(rev_id, ), callback=red ) # red(rev_diff(rev_id)) pool.close() pool.join() exit() print "## reduce results" for r in result: red(r) # print added print "## save consolidated data" #df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(added, orient="index") df1 = pd.DataFrame([ [ x[1]["count"], x[1]["inflections"] ] for x in added.iteritems() ], index=added.keys()) df1.columns = [ 'count', 'inflections'] df1.to_csv("added.csv", encoding="utf8") #df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(deleted, orient="index") df2 = pd.DataFrame([ [ x[1]["count"], x[1]["inflections"] ] for x in deleted.iteritems() ], index=deleted.keys()) df2.columns = ['count', 'inflections'] df2.to_csv("deleted.csv", encoding="utf8")
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy import pandas import warnings from scipy.special import expit, logit from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone from sklearn.utils.validation import column_or_1d from ..utils import check_sample_weight, get_columns_in_df __author__ = 'Alex Rogozhnikov' def check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight, allow_none_weights=True, allow_multiple_targets=False): if allow_multiple_targets: y = numpy.array(y) else: y = column_or_1d(y) if allow_none_weights and sample_weight is None: # checking only X, y if len(X) != len(y): raise ValueError('Different size of X: {} and y: {}'.format(X.shape, y.shape)) return X, y, None if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = numpy.ones(len(y), dtype=float) sample_weight = column_or_1d(sample_weight) assert sum(numpy.isnan(sample_weight)) == 0, "Weight contains nan, this format isn't supported" if not (len(X) == len(y) == len(sample_weight)): message = 'Different sizes of X: {}, y: {} and sample_weight: {}' raise ValueError(message.format(X.shape, y.shape, sample_weight.shape)) return X, y, sample_weight def score_to_proba(score): proba = numpy.zeros([len(score), 2]) proba[:, 1] = expit(score) proba[:, 0] = 1 - proba[:, 1] return proba def proba_to_two_dimensions(probability): proba = numpy.zeros([len(probability), 2]) proba[:, 1] = probability proba[:, 0] = 1 - proba[:, 1] return proba def proba_to_score(proba): assert proba.shape[1] == 2, 'Converting proba to score is possible only for two-class classification' proba = proba / proba.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) score = logit(proba[:, 1]) return score def normalize_weights(y, sample_weight, per_class=True): """Returns normalized weights with average = 1. :param y: answers :param sample_weight: original weights (can not be None) :param per_class: if True """ sample_weight = check_sample_weight(y, sample_weight=sample_weight) if per_class: sample_weight = sample_weight.copy() for label in numpy.unique(y): sample_weight[y == label] /= numpy.mean(sample_weight[y == label]) return sample_weight else: return sample_weight / numpy.mean(sample_weight) def _get_features(features, X, allow_nans=False): """ Get data with necessary features :param list[str] features: features :param pandas.DataFrame X: train dataset :return: pandas.DataFrame with used features, features """ new_features = features if isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray): X = pandas.DataFrame(X, columns=['Feature_%d' % index for index in range(X.shape[1])]) else: assert isinstance(X, pandas.DataFrame), 'Support only numpy.ndarray and pandas.DataFrame' if features is None: new_features = list(X.columns) X_features = X elif list(X.columns) == list(features): X_features = X else: # assert set(self.features).issubset(set(X.columns)), "Data doesn't contain all training features" # X_features = X.ix[:, self.features] X_features = get_columns_in_df(X, features) if not allow_nans: # check column-by-column in order not to create copy of whole DataFrame for column in X_features.columns: assert numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(X_features[column])), "Does not support NaN: " + str(column) return X_features, new_features class IdentityTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Identity transformer is a very neat technology: it in a constant, reproducible manner makes nothing with input, though may convert it to some provided dtype """ def __init__(self, dtype='float32'): self.dtype = dtype def fit(self, X, y, **kwargs): return self def transform(self, X): if self.dtype is None: return X else: return numpy.array(X, dtype=self.dtype) def check_scaler(scaler): """ Used in neural networks. To unify usage in different neural networks. :param scaler: scaler :type scaler: str or False or TransformerMixin :return: TransformerMixin, scaler """ from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler transformers = { 'standard': StandardScaler(), 'minmax': MinMaxScaler(), 'identity': IdentityTransformer(), False: IdentityTransformer() } if scaler in transformers.keys(): return transformers[scaler] else: if not isinstance(scaler, TransformerMixin): warnings.warn("Passed scaler wasn't derived from TransformerMixin.") return clone(scaler) def one_hot_transform(y, n_classes=None, dtype='float32'): """ For neural networks, this function needed only in training. Classes in 'y' should be [0, 1, 2, .. n_classes -1] """ if n_classes is None: n_classes = numpy.max(y) + 1 target = numpy.zeros([len(y), n_classes], dtype=dtype) target[numpy.arange(len(y)), y] = 1 return target def remove_first_line(string): """ Returns the copy of string without first line (needed for descriptions which differ in one line) :param string: initial string :return: copy of string without first line """ return '\n'.join(string.split('\n')[1:])
""" Data structures for sparse float data. Life is made simpler by dealing only with float64 data """ from __future__ import division # pylint: disable=E1101,E1103,W0231,E0202 import warnings from pandas.compat import lmap from pandas import compat import numpy as np from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import isna, notna from pandas.core.dtypes.cast import maybe_upcast, find_common_type from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ensure_platform_int, is_scipy_sparse from pandas.compat.numpy import function as nv from pandas.core.index import Index, MultiIndex, ensure_index from pandas.core.series import Series from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame, extract_index, _prep_ndarray import pandas.core.algorithms as algos from pandas.core.internals import (BlockManager, create_block_manager_from_arrays) import pandas.core.generic as generic from pandas.core.arrays.sparse import SparseArray, SparseDtype from pandas.core.sparse.series import SparseSeries from pandas._libs.sparse import BlockIndex, get_blocks from pandas.util._decorators import Appender import pandas.core.ops as ops import pandas.core.common as com import pandas.core.indexes.base as ibase _shared_doc_kwargs = dict(klass='SparseDataFrame') class SparseDataFrame(DataFrame): """ DataFrame containing sparse floating point data in the form of SparseSeries objects Parameters ---------- data : same types as can be passed to DataFrame or scipy.sparse.spmatrix .. versionchanged :: 0.23.0 If data is a dict, argument order is maintained for Python 3.6 and later. index : array-like, optional column : array-like, optional default_kind : {'block', 'integer'}, default 'block' Default sparse kind for converting Series to SparseSeries. Will not override SparseSeries passed into constructor default_fill_value : float Default fill_value for converting Series to SparseSeries (default: nan). Will not override SparseSeries passed in. """ _subtyp = 'sparse_frame' def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, default_kind=None, default_fill_value=None, dtype=None, copy=False): # pick up the defaults from the Sparse structures if isinstance(data, SparseDataFrame): if index is None: index = data.index if columns is None: columns = data.columns if default_fill_value is None: default_fill_value = data.default_fill_value if default_kind is None: default_kind = data.default_kind elif isinstance(data, (SparseSeries, SparseArray)): if index is None: index = data.index if default_fill_value is None: default_fill_value = data.fill_value if columns is None and hasattr(data, 'name'): columns = [] if columns is None: raise Exception("cannot pass a series w/o a name or columns") data = {columns[0]: data} if default_fill_value is None: default_fill_value = np.nan if default_kind is None: default_kind = 'block' self._default_kind = default_kind self._default_fill_value = default_fill_value if is_scipy_sparse(data): mgr = self._init_spmatrix(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype, fill_value=default_fill_value) elif isinstance(data, dict): mgr = self._init_dict(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)): mgr = self._init_matrix(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(data, SparseDataFrame): mgr = self._init_mgr(data._data, dict(index=index, columns=columns), dtype=dtype, copy=copy) elif isinstance(data, DataFrame): mgr = self._init_dict(data, data.index, data.columns, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(data, Series): mgr = self._init_dict(data.to_frame(), data.index, columns=None, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(data, BlockManager): mgr = self._init_mgr(data, axes=dict(index=index, columns=columns), dtype=dtype, copy=copy) elif data is None: data = DataFrame() if index is None: index = Index([]) else: index = ensure_index(index) if columns is None: columns = Index([]) else: for c in columns: data[c] = SparseArray(np.nan, index=index, kind=self._default_kind, fill_value=self._default_fill_value) mgr = to_manager(data, columns, index) if dtype is not None: mgr = mgr.astype(dtype) else: msg = ('SparseDataFrame called with unknown type "{data_type}" ' 'for data argument') raise TypeError(msg.format(data_type=type(data).__name__)) generic.NDFrame.__init__(self, mgr) @property def _constructor(self): return SparseDataFrame _constructor_sliced = SparseSeries def _init_dict(self, data, index, columns, dtype=None): # pre-filter out columns if we passed it if columns is not None: columns = ensure_index(columns) data = {k: v for k, v in compat.iteritems(data) if k in columns} else: keys = com.dict_keys_to_ordered_list(data) columns = Index(keys) if index is None: index = extract_index(list(data.values())) def sp_maker(x): return SparseArray(x, kind=self._default_kind, fill_value=self._default_fill_value, copy=True, dtype=dtype) sdict = {} for k, v in compat.iteritems(data): if isinstance(v, Series): # Force alignment, no copy necessary if not v.index.equals(index): v = v.reindex(index) if not isinstance(v, SparseSeries): v = sp_maker(v.values) elif isinstance(v, SparseArray): v = v.copy() else: if isinstance(v, dict): v = [v.get(i, np.nan) for i in index] v = sp_maker(v) if index is not None and len(v) != len(index): msg = "Length of passed values is {}, index implies {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(len(v), len(index))) sdict[k] = v if len(columns.difference(sdict)): # TODO: figure out how to handle this case, all nan's? # add in any other columns we want to have (completeness) nan_arr = np.empty(len(index), dtype='float64') nan_arr.fill(np.nan) nan_arr = SparseArray(nan_arr, kind=self._default_kind, fill_value=self._default_fill_value, copy=False) sdict.update((c, nan_arr) for c in columns if c not in sdict) return to_manager(sdict, columns, index) def _init_matrix(self, data, index, columns, dtype=None): """ Init self from ndarray or list of lists """ data = _prep_ndarray(data, copy=False) index, columns = self._prep_index(data, index, columns) data = {idx: data[:, i] for i, idx in enumerate(columns)} return self._init_dict(data, index, columns, dtype) def _init_spmatrix(self, data, index, columns, dtype=None, fill_value=None): """ Init self from scipy.sparse matrix """ index, columns = self._prep_index(data, index, columns) data = data.tocoo() N = len(index) # Construct a dict of SparseSeries sdict = {} values = Series(, index=data.row, copy=False) for col, rowvals in values.groupby(data.col): # get_blocks expects int32 row indices in sorted order rowvals = rowvals.sort_index() rows = rowvals.index.values.astype(np.int32) blocs, blens = get_blocks(rows) sdict[columns[col]] = SparseSeries( rowvals.values, index=index, fill_value=fill_value, sparse_index=BlockIndex(N, blocs, blens)) # Add any columns that were empty and thus not grouped on above sdict.update({column: SparseSeries(index=index, fill_value=fill_value, sparse_index=BlockIndex(N, [], [])) for column in columns if column not in sdict}) return self._init_dict(sdict, index, columns, dtype) def _prep_index(self, data, index, columns): N, K = data.shape if index is None: index = ibase.default_index(N) if columns is None: columns = ibase.default_index(K) if len(columns) != K: raise ValueError('Column length mismatch: {columns} vs. {K}' .format(columns=len(columns), K=K)) if len(index) != N: raise ValueError('Index length mismatch: {index} vs. {N}' .format(index=len(index), N=N)) return index, columns def to_coo(self): """ Return the contents of the frame as a sparse SciPy COO matrix. .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 Returns ------- coo_matrix : scipy.sparse.spmatrix If the caller is heterogeneous and contains booleans or objects, the result will be of dtype=object. See Notes. Notes ----- The dtype will be the lowest-common-denominator type (implicit upcasting); that is to say if the dtypes (even of numeric types) are mixed, the one that accommodates all will be chosen. e.g. If the dtypes are float16 and float32, dtype will be upcast to float32. By numpy.find_common_type convention, mixing int64 and and uint64 will result in a float64 dtype. """ try: from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix except ImportError: raise ImportError('Scipy is not installed') dtype = find_common_type(self.dtypes) if isinstance(dtype, SparseDtype): dtype = dtype.subtype cols, rows, datas = [], [], [] for col, name in enumerate(self): s = self[name] row = s.sp_index.to_int_index().indices cols.append(np.repeat(col, len(row))) rows.append(row) datas.append(s.sp_values.astype(dtype, copy=False)) cols = np.concatenate(cols) rows = np.concatenate(rows) datas = np.concatenate(datas) return coo_matrix((datas, (rows, cols)), shape=self.shape) def __array_wrap__(self, result): return self._constructor( result, index=self.index, columns=self.columns, default_kind=self._default_kind, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value).__finalize__(self) def __getstate__(self): # pickling return dict(_typ=self._typ, _subtyp=self._subtyp, _data=self._data, _default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value, _default_kind=self._default_kind) def _unpickle_sparse_frame_compat(self, state): """ original pickle format """ series, cols, idx, fv, kind = state if not isinstance(cols, Index): # pragma: no cover from import _unpickle_array columns = _unpickle_array(cols) else: columns = cols if not isinstance(idx, Index): # pragma: no cover from import _unpickle_array index = _unpickle_array(idx) else: index = idx series_dict = DataFrame() for col, (sp_index, sp_values) in compat.iteritems(series): series_dict[col] = SparseSeries(sp_values, sparse_index=sp_index, fill_value=fv) self._data = to_manager(series_dict, columns, index) self._default_fill_value = fv self._default_kind = kind def to_dense(self): """ Convert to dense DataFrame Returns ------- df : DataFrame """ data = {k: v.to_dense() for k, v in compat.iteritems(self)} return DataFrame(data, index=self.index, columns=self.columns) def _apply_columns(self, func): """ get new SparseDataFrame applying func to each columns """ new_data = {} for col, series in compat.iteritems(self): new_data[col] = func(series) return self._constructor( data=new_data, index=self.index, columns=self.columns, default_fill_value=self.default_fill_value).__finalize__(self) def astype(self, dtype): return self._apply_columns(lambda x: x.astype(dtype)) def copy(self, deep=True): """ Make a copy of this SparseDataFrame """ result = super(SparseDataFrame, self).copy(deep=deep) result._default_fill_value = self._default_fill_value result._default_kind = self._default_kind return result @property def default_fill_value(self): return self._default_fill_value @property def default_kind(self): return self._default_kind @property def density(self): """ Ratio of non-sparse points to total (dense) data points represented in the frame """ tot_nonsparse = sum(ser.sp_index.npoints for _, ser in compat.iteritems(self)) tot = len(self.index) * len(self.columns) return tot_nonsparse / float(tot) def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, axis=0, inplace=False, limit=None, downcast=None): new_self = super(SparseDataFrame, self).fillna(value=value, method=method, axis=axis, inplace=inplace, limit=limit, downcast=downcast) if not inplace: self = new_self # set the fill value if we are filling as a scalar with nothing special # going on if (value is not None and value == value and method is None and limit is None): self._default_fill_value = value if not inplace: return self # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Support different internal representation of SparseDataFrame def _sanitize_column(self, key, value, **kwargs): """ Creates a new SparseArray from the input value. Parameters ---------- key : object value : scalar, Series, or array-like kwargs : dict Returns ------- sanitized_column : SparseArray """ def sp_maker(x, index=None): return SparseArray(x, index=index, fill_value=self._default_fill_value, kind=self._default_kind) if isinstance(value, SparseSeries): clean = value.reindex(self.index).as_sparse_array( fill_value=self._default_fill_value, kind=self._default_kind) elif isinstance(value, SparseArray): if len(value) != len(self.index): raise AssertionError('Length of values does not match ' 'length of index') clean = value elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): if isinstance(value, Series): clean = value.reindex(self.index) if not isinstance(value, SparseSeries): clean = sp_maker(clean) else: if len(value) != len(self.index): raise AssertionError('Length of values does not match ' 'length of index') clean = sp_maker(value) # Scalar else: clean = sp_maker(value, self.index) # always return a SparseArray! return clean def get_value(self, index, col, takeable=False): """ Quickly retrieve single value at passed column and index .. deprecated:: 0.21.0 Please use .at[] or .iat[] accessors. Parameters ---------- index : row label col : column label takeable : interpret the index/col as indexers, default False Returns ------- value : scalar value """ warnings.warn("get_value is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release. Please use " ".at[] or .iat[] accessors instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._get_value(index, col, takeable=takeable) def _get_value(self, index, col, takeable=False): if takeable is True: series = self._iget_item_cache(col) else: series = self._get_item_cache(col) return series._get_value(index, takeable=takeable) _get_value.__doc__ = get_value.__doc__ def set_value(self, index, col, value, takeable=False): """ Put single value at passed column and index .. deprecated:: 0.21.0 Please use .at[] or .iat[] accessors. Parameters ---------- index : row label col : column label value : scalar value takeable : interpret the index/col as indexers, default False Notes ----- This method *always* returns a new object. It is currently not particularly efficient (and potentially very expensive) but is provided for API compatibility with DataFrame Returns ------- frame : DataFrame """ warnings.warn("set_value is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future release. Please use " ".at[] or .iat[] accessors instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._set_value(index, col, value, takeable=takeable) def _set_value(self, index, col, value, takeable=False): dense = self.to_dense()._set_value( index, col, value, takeable=takeable) return dense.to_sparse(kind=self._default_kind, fill_value=self._default_fill_value) _set_value.__doc__ = set_value.__doc__ def _slice(self, slobj, axis=0, kind=None): if axis == 0: new_index = self.index[slobj] new_columns = self.columns else: new_index = self.index new_columns = self.columns[slobj] return self.reindex(index=new_index, columns=new_columns) def xs(self, key, axis=0, copy=False): """ Returns a row (cross-section) from the SparseDataFrame as a Series object. Parameters ---------- key : some index contained in the index Returns ------- xs : Series """ if axis == 1: data = self[key] return data i = self.index.get_loc(key) data = self.take([i]).get_values()[0] return Series(data, index=self.columns) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arithmetic-related methods def _combine_frame(self, other, func, fill_value=None, level=None): this, other = self.align(other, join='outer', level=level, copy=False) new_index, new_columns = this.index, this.columns if level is not None: raise NotImplementedError("'level' argument is not supported") if self.empty and other.empty: return self._constructor(index=new_index).__finalize__(self) new_data = {} if fill_value is not None: # TODO: be a bit more intelligent here for col in new_columns: if col in this and col in other: dleft = this[col].to_dense() dright = other[col].to_dense() result = dleft._binop(dright, func, fill_value=fill_value) result = result.to_sparse(fill_value=this[col].fill_value) new_data[col] = result else: for col in new_columns: if col in this and col in other: new_data[col] = func(this[col], other[col]) # if the fill values are the same use them? or use a valid one new_fill_value = None other_fill_value = getattr(other, 'default_fill_value', np.nan) if self.default_fill_value == other_fill_value: new_fill_value = self.default_fill_value elif np.isnan(self.default_fill_value) and not np.isnan( other_fill_value): new_fill_value = other_fill_value elif not np.isnan(self.default_fill_value) and np.isnan( other_fill_value): new_fill_value = self.default_fill_value return self._constructor(data=new_data, index=new_index, columns=new_columns, default_fill_value=new_fill_value ).__finalize__(self) def _combine_match_index(self, other, func, level=None): new_data = {} if level is not None: raise NotImplementedError("'level' argument is not supported") new_index = self.index.union(other.index) this = self if self.index is not new_index: this = self.reindex(new_index) if other.index is not new_index: other = other.reindex(new_index) for col, series in compat.iteritems(this): new_data[col] = func(series.values, other.values) # fill_value is a function of our operator if isna(other.fill_value) or isna(self.default_fill_value): fill_value = np.nan else: fill_value = func(np.float64(self.default_fill_value), np.float64(other.fill_value)) return self._constructor( new_data, index=new_index, columns=self.columns, default_fill_value=fill_value).__finalize__(self) def _combine_match_columns(self, other, func, level=None): # patched version of DataFrame._combine_match_columns to account for # NumPy circumventing __rsub__ with float64 types, e.g.: 3.0 - series, # where 3.0 is numpy.float64 and series is a SparseSeries. Still # possible for this to happen, which is bothersome if level is not None: raise NotImplementedError("'level' argument is not supported") new_data = {} union = intersection = self.columns if not union.equals(other.index): union = other.index.union(self.columns) intersection = other.index.intersection(self.columns) for col in intersection: new_data[col] = func(self[col], float(other[col])) return self._constructor( new_data, index=self.index, columns=union, default_fill_value=self.default_fill_value).__finalize__(self) def _combine_const(self, other, func, errors='raise'): return self._apply_columns(lambda x: func(x, other)) def _reindex_index(self, index, method, copy, level, fill_value=np.nan, limit=None, takeable=False): if level is not None: raise TypeError('Reindex by level not supported for sparse') if self.index.equals(index): if copy: return self.copy() else: return self if len(self.index) == 0: return self._constructor( index=index, columns=self.columns).__finalize__(self) indexer = self.index.get_indexer(index, method, limit=limit) indexer = ensure_platform_int(indexer) mask = indexer == -1 need_mask = mask.any() new_series = {} for col, series in self.iteritems(): if mask.all(): continue values = series.values # .take returns SparseArray new = values.take(indexer) if need_mask: new = new.values # convert integer to float if necessary. need to do a lot # more than that, handle boolean etc also new, fill_value = maybe_upcast(new, fill_value=fill_value) np.putmask(new, mask, fill_value) new_series[col] = new return self._constructor( new_series, index=index, columns=self.columns, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value).__finalize__(self) def _reindex_columns(self, columns, method, copy, level, fill_value=None, limit=None, takeable=False): if level is not None: raise TypeError('Reindex by level not supported for sparse') if notna(fill_value): raise NotImplementedError("'fill_value' argument is not supported") if limit: raise NotImplementedError("'limit' argument is not supported") if method is not None: raise NotImplementedError("'method' argument is not supported") # TODO: fill value handling sdict = {k: v for k, v in compat.iteritems(self) if k in columns} return self._constructor( sdict, index=self.index, columns=columns, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value).__finalize__(self) def _reindex_with_indexers(self, reindexers, method=None, fill_value=None, limit=None, copy=False, allow_dups=False): if method is not None or limit is not None: raise NotImplementedError("cannot reindex with a method or limit " "with sparse") if fill_value is None: fill_value = np.nan reindexers = {self._get_axis_number(a): val for (a, val) in compat.iteritems(reindexers)} index, row_indexer = reindexers.get(0, (None, None)) columns, col_indexer = reindexers.get(1, (None, None)) if columns is None: columns = self.columns new_arrays = {} for col in columns: if col not in self: continue if row_indexer is not None: new_arrays[col] = algos.take_1d(self[col].get_values(), row_indexer, fill_value=fill_value) else: new_arrays[col] = self[col] return self._constructor(new_arrays, index=index, columns=columns).__finalize__(self) def _join_compat(self, other, on=None, how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix='', sort=False): if on is not None: raise NotImplementedError("'on' keyword parameter is not yet " "implemented") return self._join_index(other, how, lsuffix, rsuffix) def _join_index(self, other, how, lsuffix, rsuffix): if isinstance(other, Series): if is None: raise ValueError('Other Series must have a name') other = SparseDataFrame( { other}, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value) join_index = self.index.join(other.index, how=how) this = self.reindex(join_index) other = other.reindex(join_index) this, other = this._maybe_rename_join(other, lsuffix, rsuffix) from pandas import concat return concat([this, other], axis=1, verify_integrity=True) def _maybe_rename_join(self, other, lsuffix, rsuffix): to_rename = self.columns.intersection(other.columns) if len(to_rename) > 0: if not lsuffix and not rsuffix: raise ValueError('columns overlap but no suffix specified: ' '{to_rename}'.format(to_rename=to_rename)) def lrenamer(x): if x in to_rename: return '{x}{lsuffix}'.format(x=x, lsuffix=lsuffix) return x def rrenamer(x): if x in to_rename: return '{x}{rsuffix}'.format(x=x, rsuffix=rsuffix) return x this = self.rename(columns=lrenamer) other = other.rename(columns=rrenamer) else: this = self return this, other def transpose(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a DataFrame with the rows/columns switched. """ nv.validate_transpose(args, kwargs) return self._constructor( self.values.T, index=self.columns, columns=self.index, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value, default_kind=self._default_kind).__finalize__(self) T = property(transpose) @Appender(DataFrame.count.__doc__) def count(self, axis=0, **kwds): if axis is None: axis = self._stat_axis_number return self.apply(lambda x: x.count(), axis=axis) def cumsum(self, axis=0, *args, **kwargs): """ Return SparseDataFrame of cumulative sums over requested axis. Parameters ---------- axis : {0, 1} 0 for row-wise, 1 for column-wise Returns ------- y : SparseDataFrame """ nv.validate_cumsum(args, kwargs) if axis is None: axis = self._stat_axis_number return self.apply(lambda x: x.cumsum(), axis=axis) @Appender(generic._shared_docs['isna'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def isna(self): return self._apply_columns(lambda x: x.isna()) isnull = isna @Appender(generic._shared_docs['notna'] % _shared_doc_kwargs) def notna(self): return self._apply_columns(lambda x: x.notna()) notnull = notna def apply(self, func, axis=0, broadcast=None, reduce=None, result_type=None): """ Analogous to DataFrame.apply, for SparseDataFrame Parameters ---------- func : function Function to apply to each column axis : {0, 1, 'index', 'columns'} broadcast : bool, default False For aggregation functions, return object of same size with values propagated .. deprecated:: 0.23.0 This argument will be removed in a future version, replaced by result_type='broadcast'. reduce : boolean or None, default None Try to apply reduction procedures. If the DataFrame is empty, apply will use reduce to determine whether the result should be a Series or a DataFrame. If reduce is None (the default), apply's return value will be guessed by calling func an empty Series (note: while guessing, exceptions raised by func will be ignored). If reduce is True a Series will always be returned, and if False a DataFrame will always be returned. .. deprecated:: 0.23.0 This argument will be removed in a future version, replaced by result_type='reduce'. result_type : {'expand', 'reduce', 'broadcast, None} These only act when axis=1 {columns}: * 'expand' : list-like results will be turned into columns. * 'reduce' : return a Series if possible rather than expanding list-like results. This is the opposite to 'expand'. * 'broadcast' : results will be broadcast to the original shape of the frame, the original index & columns will be retained. The default behaviour (None) depends on the return value of the applied function: list-like results will be returned as a Series of those. However if the apply function returns a Series these are expanded to columns. .. versionadded:: 0.23.0 Returns ------- applied : Series or SparseDataFrame """ if not len(self.columns): return self axis = self._get_axis_number(axis) if isinstance(func, np.ufunc): new_series = {} for k, v in compat.iteritems(self): applied = func(v) applied.fill_value = func(v.fill_value) new_series[k] = applied return self._constructor( new_series, index=self.index, columns=self.columns, default_fill_value=self._default_fill_value, default_kind=self._default_kind).__finalize__(self) from pandas.core.apply import frame_apply op = frame_apply(self, func=func, axis=axis, reduce=reduce, broadcast=broadcast, result_type=result_type) return op.get_result() def applymap(self, func): """ Apply a function to a DataFrame that is intended to operate elementwise, i.e. like doing map(func, series) for each series in the DataFrame Parameters ---------- func : function Python function, returns a single value from a single value Returns ------- applied : DataFrame """ return self.apply(lambda x: lmap(func, x)) def to_manager(sdf, columns, index): """ create and return the block manager from a dataframe of series, columns, index """ # from BlockManager perspective axes = [ensure_index(columns), ensure_index(index)] return create_block_manager_from_arrays( [sdf[c] for c in columns], columns, axes) def stack_sparse_frame(frame): """ Only makes sense when fill_value is NaN """ lengths = [s.sp_index.npoints for _, s in compat.iteritems(frame)] nobs = sum(lengths) # this is pretty fast minor_labels = np.repeat(np.arange(len(frame.columns)), lengths) inds_to_concat = [] vals_to_concat = [] # TODO: Figure out whether this can be reached. # I think this currently can't be reached because you can't build a # SparseDataFrame with a non-np.NaN fill value (fails earlier). for _, series in compat.iteritems(frame): if not np.isnan(series.fill_value): raise TypeError('This routine assumes NaN fill value') int_index = series.sp_index.to_int_index() inds_to_concat.append(int_index.indices) vals_to_concat.append(series.sp_values) major_labels = np.concatenate(inds_to_concat) stacked_values = np.concatenate(vals_to_concat) index = MultiIndex(levels=[frame.index, frame.columns], labels=[major_labels, minor_labels], verify_integrity=False) lp = DataFrame(stacked_values.reshape((nobs, 1)), index=index, columns=['foo']) return lp.sort_index(level=0) def homogenize(series_dict): """ Conform a set of SparseSeries (with NaN fill_value) to a common SparseIndex corresponding to the locations where they all have data Parameters ---------- series_dict : dict or DataFrame Notes ----- Using the dumbest algorithm I could think of. Should put some more thought into this Returns ------- homogenized : dict of SparseSeries """ index = None need_reindex = False for _, series in compat.iteritems(series_dict): if not np.isnan(series.fill_value): raise TypeError('this method is only valid with NaN fill values') if index is None: index = series.sp_index elif not series.sp_index.equals(index): need_reindex = True index = index.intersect(series.sp_index) if need_reindex: output = {} for name, series in compat.iteritems(series_dict): if not series.sp_index.equals(index): series = series.sparse_reindex(index) output[name] = series else: output = series_dict return output # use unaccelerated ops for sparse objects ops.add_flex_arithmetic_methods(SparseDataFrame) ops.add_special_arithmetic_methods(SparseDataFrame)
""" #;+ #; NAME: #; spec_widgets #; Version 1.0 #; #; PURPOSE: #; Module for Spectroscopy widgets with QT #; 12-Dec-2014 by JXP #;- #;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals # Import libraries import numpy as np import os, sys, imp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar # Matplotlib Figure object from matplotlib.figure import Figure from astropy.table.table import Table from astropy import constants as const from astropy import units as u from astropy.units import Quantity u.def_unit(['mAA', 'milliAngstrom'], 0.001 * u.AA, namespace=globals()) # mA from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty from specutils.spectrum1d import Spectrum1D from linetools.spectra import io as lsi from linetools.spectralline import AbsLine from linetools.lists.linelist import LineList from xastropy import stats as xstats from xastropy.xutils import xdebug as xdb from xastropy import xutils from xastropy.plotting import utils as xputils from xastropy.igm.abs_sys import abssys_utils as xiaa from xastropy.igm.abs_sys.lls_utils import LLSSystem from xastropy.xguis import utils as xguiu xa_path = imp.find_module('xastropy')[1] # class ExamineSpecWidget # class PlotLinesWidget class ExamineSpecWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget to plot a spectrum and interactively fiddle about. Akin to XIDL/ 12-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, ispec, parent=None, status=None, llist=None, abs_sys=None, norm=True, second_file=None, zsys=None): ''' spec = Spectrum1D ''' super(ExamineSpecWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Spectrum spec, spec_fil = read_spec(ispec, second_file=second_file) self.orig_spec = spec # For smoothing self.spec = self.orig_spec # Abs Systems if abs_sys is None: self.abs_sys = [] else: self.abs_sys = abs_sys self.norm = norm self.psdict = {} # Dict for spectra plotting self.adict = {} # Dict for analysis self.init_spec() self.xval = None # Used with velplt # Status Bar? if not status is None: self.statusBar = status # Line List? if llist is None: self.llist = {'Plot': False, 'List': 'None', 'z': 0.} else: self.llist = llist # zsys if not zsys is None: self.llist['z'] = zsys # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. # 5x4 inches, 100 dots-per-inch # self.dpi = 150 # 150 self.fig = Figure((8.0, 4.0), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setFocusPolicy( QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus ) self.canvas.setFocus() self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) # Make two plots = self.fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) self.setLayout(vbox) # # Draw on init self.on_draw() # Setup the spectrum plotting info def init_spec(self): #xy min/max xmin = np.min(self.spec.dispersion).value xmax = np.max(self.spec.dispersion).value ymed = np.median(self.spec.flux).value ymin = 0. - 0.1*ymed ymax = ymed * 1.5 # #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() self.psdict['xmnx'] = np.array([xmin,xmax]) self.psdict['ymnx'] = [ymin,ymax] self.psdict['sv_xy'] = [ [xmin,xmax], [ymin,ymax] ] self.psdict['nav'] = navigate(0,0,init=True) # Analysis dict self.adict['flg'] = 0 # Column density flag # Main Driver def on_key(self,event): flg = -1 ## NAVIGATING if event.key in self.psdict['nav']: flg = navigate(self.psdict,event) ## DOUBLETS if event.key in ['C','M','X','4','8','B']: # Set left wave = set_doublet(self, event) #print('wave = {:g},{:g}'.format(wave[0], wave[1])) [wave[0],wave[0]], self.psdict['ymnx'], '--', color='red') [wave[1],wave[1]], self.psdict['ymnx'], '--', color='red') flg = 2 # Layer ## SMOOTH if event.key == 'S': self.spec = self.spec.box_smooth(2) flg = 1 if event.key == 'U': self.spec = self.orig_spec flg = 1 ## Lya Profiles if event.key in ['D', 'R']: # Set NHI if event.key == 'D': NHI = 20.3 elif event.key == 'R': NHI = 19.0 zlya = event.xdata/1215.6701 - 1. self.llist['z'] = zlya # Generate Lya profile lya_line = AbsLine(1215.6701*u.AA) lya_line.z = zlya lya_line.attrib['N'] = NHI lya_line.attrib['b'] = 30. self.lya_line = xspec.voigt.voigt_model(self.spec.dispersion, lya_line, Npix=3.) self.adict['flg'] = 4 flg = 1 ## ANALYSIS: EW, AODM column density if event.key in ['N', 'E', '$']: # If column check for line list #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() if (event.key in ['N','E']) & (self.llist['List'] == 'None'): print('xspec: Choose a Line list first!') try: self.statusBar().showMessage('Choose a Line list first!') except AttributeError: pass self.adict['flg'] = 0 return flg = 1 if self.adict['flg'] == 0: self.adict['wv_1'] = event.xdata # wavelength self.adict['C_1'] = event.ydata # continuum self.adict['flg'] = 1 # Plot dot else: self.adict['wv_2'] = event.xdata # wavelength self.adict['C_2'] = event.ydata # continuum self.adict['flg'] = 2 # Ready to plot + print # Sort em + make arrays #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() iwv = np.array(sorted([self.adict['wv_1'], self.adict['wv_2']])) * self.spec.wcs.unit ic = np.array(sorted([self.adict['C_1'], self.adict['C_2']])) # Calculate the continuum (linear fit) param = np.polyfit(iwv, ic, 1) cfunc = np.poly1d(param) self.spec.conti = cfunc(self.spec.dispersion) if event.key == '$': # Simple stats pix = self.spec.pix_minmax(iwv)[0] mean = np.mean(self.spec.flux[pix]) median = np.median(self.spec.flux[pix]) stdv = np.std(self.spec.flux[pix]-self.spec.conti[pix]) S2N = median / stdv mssg = 'Mean={:g}, Median={:g}, S/N={:g}'.format(mean,median,S2N) else: # Find the spectral line (or request it!) rng_wrest = iwv / (self.llist['z']+1) #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() gdl = np.where( (self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest-rng_wrest[0]) * (self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest-rng_wrest[1]) < 0.)[0] if len(gdl) == 1: wrest = self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest[gdl[0]] else: if len(gdl) == 0: # Search through them all gdl = np.arange(len(self.llist[self.llist['List']])) sel_widg = SelectLineWidget(self.llist[self.llist['List']]._data[gdl]) sel_widg.exec_() line = sel_widg.line #wrest = float(line.split('::')[1].lstrip()) quant = line.split('::')[1].lstrip() spltw = quant.split(' ') wrest = Quantity(float(spltw[0]), unit=spltw[1]) # Units if not hasattr(wrest,'unit'): # Assume Ang wrest = wrest * u.AA # Generate the Spectral Line aline = AbsLine(wrest,linelist=self.llist[self.llist['List']]) aline.attrib['z'] = self.llist['z'] aline.analy['spec'] = self.spec # AODM if event.key == 'N': # Calculate the velocity limits and load-up aline.analy['vlim'] ='km/s') * ( ( iwv/(1+self.llist['z']) - wrest) / wrest ) # AODM #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() aline.measure_aodm() mssg = 'Using '+ aline.__repr__() mssg = mssg + ' :: logN = {:g} +/- {:g}'.format( aline.attrib['logN'], aline.attrib['sig_logN']) elif event.key == 'E': #EW aline.analy['wvlim'] = iwv aline.measure_restew() mssg = 'Using '+ aline.__repr__() mssg = mssg + ' :: Rest EW = {:g} +/- {:g}'.format( aline.attrib['EW'].to(mAA), aline.attrib['sigEW'].to(mAA)) # Display values try: self.statusBar().showMessage(mssg) except AttributeError: pass print(mssg) #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() ## Velocity plot if event.key == 'v': flg = 0 from xastropy.xguis import spec_guis as xsgui z=self.llist['z'] # Check for a match in existing list and use it if so if len(self.abs_sys) > 0: zabs = np.array([abs_sys.zabs for abs_sys in self.abs_sys]) mt = np.where( np.abs(zabs-z) < 1e-4)[0] else: mt = [] if len(mt) == 1: ini_abs_sys = self.abs_sys[mt[0]] outfil = ini_abs_sys.absid_file self.vplt_flg = 0 # Old one print('Using existing ID file {:s}'.format(outfil)) else: ini_abs_sys = None outfil = None self.vplt_flg = 1 # New one # Outfil if outfil is None: i0 = self.spec.filename.rfind('/') i1 = self.spec.filename.rfind('.') if i0 < 0: path = './ID_LINES/' else: path = self.spec.filename[0:i0]+'/ID_LINES/' outfil = path + self.spec.filename[i0+1:i1]+'_z'+'{:.4f}'.format(z)+'_id.fits' xutils.files.ensure_dir(outfil) self.outfil = outfil #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() # Launch gui = xsgui.XVelPltGui(self.spec, z=z, outfil=outfil, llist=self.llist, abs_sys=ini_abs_sys, norm=self.norm, sel_wv=self.xval*self.spec.wcs.unit) gui.exec_() if gui.flg_quit == 0: # Quit without saving (i.e. discarded) self.vplt_flg = 0 else: # Push to Abs_Sys if len(mt) == 1: self.abs_sys[mt[0]] = gui.abs_sys else: self.abs_sys.append(gui.abs_sys) print('Adding new abs system') # Redraw flg=1 # Dummy keys if event.key in ['shift', 'control', 'shift+super', 'super+shift']: flg = 0 # Draw if flg==1: # Default is not to redraw self.on_draw() elif flg==2: # Layer (no clear) self.on_draw(replot=False) elif flg==-1: # Layer (no clear) try: self.statusBar().showMessage('Not a valid key! {:s}'.format(event.key)) except AttributeError: pass # Click of main mouse button def on_click(self,event): try: print('button={:d}, x={:f}, y={:f}, xdata={:f}, ydata={:f}'.format( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) except ValueError: print('Out of bounds') return if event.button == 1: # Draw line self.xval = event.xdata [event.xdata,event.xdata], self.psdict['ymnx'], ':', color='green') self.on_draw(replot=False) # Print values try: self.statusBar().showMessage('x,y = {:f}, {:f}'.format(event.xdata,event.ydata)) except AttributeError: return # ###### def on_draw(self, replot=True): """ Redraws the spectrum """ # if replot is True:, self.spec.flux, 'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') try:, self.spec.sig, 'r:') except ValueError: pass'Wavelength')'Flux') # Spectral lines? if self.llist['Plot'] is True: ylbl = self.psdict['ymnx'][1]-0.2*(self.psdict['ymnx'][1]-self.psdict['ymnx'][0]) z = self.llist['z'] wvobs = np.array((1+z) * self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest) gdwv = np.where( (wvobs > self.psdict['xmnx'][0]) & (wvobs < self.psdict['xmnx'][1]))[0] for kk in range(len(gdwv)): jj = gdwv[kk] wrest = self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest[jj].value lbl = self.llist[self.llist['List']].name[jj] # Plot*np.array([z+1,z+1]), self.psdict['ymnx'], 'b--') # Label*(z+1), ylbl, lbl, color='blue', rotation=90., size='small') # Abs Sys? if not self.abs_sys is None: ylbl = self.psdict['ymnx'][0]+0.2*(self.psdict['ymnx'][1]-self.psdict['ymnx'][0]) clrs = ['red', 'green', 'cyan', 'orange', 'gray', 'purple']*10 for abs_sys in self.abs_sys: ii = self.abs_sys.index(abs_sys) kwrest = np.array(abs_sys.lines.keys()) wvobs = kwrest * (abs_sys.zabs+1) * u.AA gdwv = np.where( ((wvobs.value+5) > self.psdict['xmnx'][0]) & # Buffer for region ((wvobs.value-5) < self.psdict['xmnx'][1]))[0] for kk in range(len(gdwv)): jj = gdwv[kk] if abs_sys.lines[kwrest[jj]].analy['do_analysis'] == 0: continue # Paint spectrum red wvlim = wvobs[jj]*(1 + abs_sys.lines[kwrest[jj]].analy['vlim']/'km/s')) pix = np.where( (self.spec.dispersion > wvlim[0]) & (self.spec.dispersion < wvlim[1]))[0][pix], self.spec.flux[pix], '-',drawstyle='steps-mid', color=clrs[ii]) # Label lbl = abs_sys.lines[kwrest[jj]].analy['IONNM']+' z={:g}'.format(abs_sys.zabs)[jj].value, ylbl, lbl, color=clrs[ii], rotation=90., size='x-small') # Analysis? EW, Column if self.adict['flg'] == 1:['wv_1'], self.adict['C_1'], 'go') elif self.adict['flg'] == 2:[self.adict['wv_1'], self.adict['wv_2']], [self.adict['C_1'], self.adict['C_2']], 'g--', marker='o') self.adict['flg'] = 0 # Lya line? if self.adict['flg'] == 4: #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook(), self.lya_line.flux, color='green') # Reset window limits['xmnx'])['ymnx']) # Draw self.canvas.draw() # Notes on usage def help_notes(): doublets = [ 'Doublets --------', 'C: CIV', 'M: MgII', 'O: OVI', '8: NeVIII', 'B: Lyb/Lya' ] analysis = [ 'Analysis --------', 'N/N: Column density (AODM)', 'E/E: EW (boxcar)', '$/$: stats on spectrum' ] # ##### class PlotLinesWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget to set up spectral lines for plotting 13-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, parent=None, status=None, init_llist=None, init_z=None): ''' ''' super(PlotLinesWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Initialize if not status is None: self.statusBar = status if init_z is None: init_z = 0. # Create a dialog window for redshift z_label = QtGui.QLabel('z=') self.zbox = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.zbox.z_frmt = '{:.7f}' self.zbox.setText(self.zbox.z_frmt.format(init_z)) self.zbox.setMinimumWidth(50) self.connect(self.zbox, QtCore.SIGNAL('editingFinished ()'), self.setz) # Create the line list self.lists = ['None', 'ISM', 'Strong', 'H2'] #'grb.lst', 'dla.lst', 'lls.lst', 'subLLS.lst', # 'lyman.lst', 'Dlyman.lst', 'gal_vac.lst', 'ne8.lst', # 'lowz_ovi.lst', 'casbah.lst', 'H2.lst'] list_label = QtGui.QLabel('Line Lists:') self.llist_widget = QtGui.QListWidget(self) for ilist in self.lists: self.llist_widget.addItem(ilist) self.llist_widget.setCurrentRow(0) self.llist_widget.currentItemChanged.connect(self.on_list_change) self.llist_widget.setMaximumHeight(100) # Input line list? if init_llist is None: self.llist = {} # Dict for the line lists self.llist['Plot'] = False self.llist['z'] = 0. self.llist['List'] = 'None' else: # Fill it all up and select self.llist = init_llist if not init_llist['List'] in self.lists: self.lists.append(init_llist['List']) self.llist_widget.addItem(init_llist['List']) self.llist_widget.setCurrentRow(len(self.lists)-1) else: idx = self.lists.index(init_llist['List']) self.llist_widget.setCurrentRow(idx) try: self.zbox.setText(self.zbox.z_frmt.format(init_llist['z'])) except KeyError: pass # Layout vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(z_label) vbox.addWidget(self.zbox) vbox.addWidget(list_label) vbox.addWidget(self.llist_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) self.setMaximumHeight(200) def on_list_change(self,curr,prev): llist = str(curr.text()) # Print try: self.statusBar().showMessage('You chose: {:s}'.format(llist)) except AttributeError: print('You chose: {:s}'.format(curr.text())) #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() self.llist = set_llist(llist,in_dict=self.llist) # Try to draw if self.llist['Plot'] is True: try: self.spec_widg.on_draw() except AttributeError: return def setz(self): sstr = unicode(self.zbox.text()) try: self.llist['z'] = float(sstr) except ValueError: try: self.statusBar().showMessage('ERROR: z Input must be a float! Try again..') except AttributeError: print('ERROR: z Input must be a float! Try again..') self.zbox.setText(self.zbox.z_frmt.format(self.llist['z'])) return # Report try: self.statusBar().showMessage('z = {:g}'.format(self.llist['z'])) except AttributeError: print('z = {:g}'.format(self.llist['z'])) # Try to draw try: self.spec_widg.on_draw() except AttributeError: return # ##### class SelectLineWidget(QtGui.QDialog): ''' Widget to select a spectral line inp: string or dict or Table Input line list 15-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, inp, parent=None): ''' ''' super(SelectLineWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Line list Table if isinstance(inp,Table): lines = inp else: raise ValueError('SelectLineWidget: Wrong type of input') self.resize(250, 800) # Create the line list line_label = QtGui.QLabel('Lines:') self.lines_widget = QtGui.QListWidget(self) self.lines_widget.addItem('None') self.lines_widget.setCurrentRow(0) #xdb.set_trace() # Loop on lines (could put a preferred list first) # Sort srt = np.argsort(lines['wrest']) for ii in srt: self.lines_widget.addItem('{:s} :: {:.4f}'.format(lines['name'][ii], lines['wrest'][ii])) self.lines_widget.currentItemChanged.connect(self.on_list_change) #self.scrollArea = QtGui.QScrollArea() # Quit qbtn = QtGui.QPushButton('Quit', self) qbtn.clicked.connect(self.close) # Layout vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(line_label) vbox.addWidget(self.lines_widget) vbox.addWidget(qbtn) self.setLayout(vbox) def on_list_change(self,curr,prev): self.line = str(curr.text()) # Print print('You chose: {:s}'.format(curr.text())) # ##### class SelectedLinesWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget to show and enable lines to be selected inp: LineList Input LineList 24-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, inp, parent=None, init_select=None, plot_widget=None): ''' ''' super(SelectedLinesWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Line list Table if isinstance(inp,LineList): self.lines = inp._data self.llst = inp elif isinstance(inp,Table): raise ValueError('SelectedLineWidget: DEPRECATED') else: raise ValueError('SelectedLineWidget: Wrong type of input') self.plot_widget = plot_widget # Create the line list line_label = QtGui.QLabel('Lines:') self.lines_widget = QtGui.QListWidget(self) self.lines_widget.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) # Initialize list self.item_flg = 0 self.init_list() # Initial selection if init_select is None: self.selected = [0] else: self.selected = init_select for iselect in self.selected: self.lines_widget.item(iselect).setSelected(True) self.lines_widget.scrollToItem( self.lines_widget.item( self.selected[0] ) ) # Events #self.lines_widget.itemClicked.connect(self.on_list_change) self.lines_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_item_change) # Layout vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(line_label) vbox.addWidget(self.lines_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) def init_list(self): nlin = len(self.lines['wrest']) for ii in range(nlin): self.lines_widget.addItem('{:s} :: {:.3f}'.format(self.lines['name'][ii], self.lines['wrest'][ii].value)) def on_item_change(self): #,item): # For big changes if self.item_flg == 1: return all_items = [self.lines_widget.item(ii) for ii in range(self.lines_widget.count())] sel_items = self.lines_widget.selectedItems() self.selected = [all_items.index(isel) for isel in sel_items] self.selected.sort() #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() # Update llist try: self.plot_widget.llist['show_line'] = self.selected except AttributeError: return else: self.plot_widget.on_draw() def on_list_change(self,lines): # Clear self.item_flg = 1 self.lines_widget.clear() # Initialize self.lines = lines self.init_list() #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() # Set selected for iselect in self.selected: self.lines_widget.item(iselect).setSelected(True) self.lines_widget.scrollToItem( self.lines_widget.item( self.selected[0] ) ) self.item_flg = 0 # ##### class AbsSysWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget to organize AbsSys along a given sightline Parameters: ----------- abssys_list: List String list of abssys files 16-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, abssys_list, parent=None): ''' ''' super(AbsSysWidget, self).__init__(parent) #if not status is None: # self.statusBar = status self.abssys_list = abssys_list # Create the line list list_label = QtGui.QLabel('Abs Systems:') self.abslist_widget = QtGui.QListWidget(self) self.abslist_widget.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.abslist_widget.addItem('None') #self.abslist_widget.addItem('Test') # Lists self.abs_sys = [] self.items = [] self.all_items = [] self.all_abssys = [] for abssys_fil in self.abssys_list: self.all_abssys.append(LLS_System.from_absid_fil(abssys_fil)) self.add_item(abssys_fil) self.abslist_widget.setCurrentRow(0) self.abslist_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_list_change) # Layout vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(list_label) # Buttons buttons = QtGui.QWidget() self.refine_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Refine', self) #self.refine_button.clicked.connect(self.refine) # CONNECTS TO A PARENT reload_btn = QtGui.QPushButton('Reload', self) reload_btn.clicked.connect(self.reload) hbox1 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox1.addWidget(self.refine_button) hbox1.addWidget(reload_btn) buttons.setLayout(hbox1) vbox.addWidget(buttons) vbox.addWidget(self.abslist_widget) self.setLayout(vbox) # ## def on_list_change(self): items = self.abslist_widget.selectedItems() # Empty the list #self.abs_sys = [] if len(self.abs_sys) > 0: for ii in range(len(self.abs_sys)-1,-1,-1): self.abs_sys.pop(ii) # Load up abs_sys (as need be) new_items = [] for item in items: txt = item.text() # Dummy if txt == 'None': continue print('Including {:s} in the list'.format(txt)) # Using LLS for now. Might change to generic new_items.append(txt) ii = self.all_items.index(txt) self.abs_sys.append(self.all_abssys[ii]) # Pass back self.items = new_items #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() def add_fil(self,abssys_fil): self.abssys_list.append( abssys_fil ) self.add_item(abssys_fil) def add_item(self,abssys_fil): ipos0 = abssys_fil.rfind('/') + 1 ipos1 = abssys_fil.rfind('.fits') self.all_items.append( abssys_fil[ipos0:ipos1] ) self.abslist_widget.addItem(abssys_fil[ipos0:ipos1] ) def reload(self): print('AbsSysWidget: Reloading systems..') self.all_abssys = [] for abssys_fil in self.abssys_list: self.all_abssys.append(LLS_System.from_absid_fil(abssys_fil)) #self.add_item(abssys_fil) self.on_list_change() # ###################### class VelPlotWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget for a velocity plot with interaction. 19-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, ispec, z=None, parent=None, llist=None, norm=True, vmnx=[-300., 300.]*, abs_sys=None): ''' spec = Spectrum1D Norm: Bool (False) Normalized spectrum? abs_sys: AbsSystem Absorption system class ''' #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() super(VelPlotWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Initialize spec, spec_fil = read_spec(ispec) self.spec = spec self.spec_fil = spec_fil self.z = z self.vmnx = vmnx self.norm = norm # Abs_System self.abs_sys = abs_sys if self.abs_sys is None: self.abs_sys = xiaa.GenericAbsSystem() self.abs_sys.zabs = self.z else: self.z = self.abs_sys.zabs # Line list if llist is None: try: lwrest = [iline.wrest for iline in self.abs_sys.lines] except AttributeError: lwrest = None if not lwrest is None: llist = set_llist(lwrest) # Not sure this is working.. self.psdict = {} # Dict for spectra plotting self.psdict['xmnx'] = self.vmnx.value self.psdict['ymnx'] = [-0.1, 1.1] self.psdict['nav'] = navigate(0,0,init=True) # Status Bar? #if not status is None: # self.statusBar = status # Line List if llist is None: self.llist = set_llist('Strong') else: self.llist = llist self.llist['z'] = self.z # Indexing for line plotting self.idx_line = 0 self.init_lines() # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. # self.dpi = 150 self.fig = Figure((8.0, 4.0), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setFocusPolicy( QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus ) self.canvas.setFocus() self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) # Sub_plots self.sub_xy = [3,4] self.fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0, wspace=0.1) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) self.setLayout(vbox) # Draw on init self.on_draw() # Load them up for display def init_lines(self): wvmin = np.min(self.spec.dispersion) wvmax = np.max(self.spec.dispersion) # wrest = self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest wvobs = (1+self.z) * wrest gdlin = np.where( (wvobs > wvmin) & (wvobs < wvmax) )[0] self.llist['show_line'] = gdlin # Update/generate lines [will not update] for idx in gdlin: self.generate_line((self.z,wrest[idx])) def generate_line(self,inp): ''' Generate a new line, if it doesn't exist Parameters: ---------- inp: tuple (z,wrest) ''' # Generate? if self.abs_sys.grab_line(inp) is None: newline = AbsLine(inp[1],linelist=self.llist[self.llist['List']]) print('VelPlot: Generating line {:g}'.format(inp[1])) newline.analy['vlim'] = self.vmnx/2. newline.analy['do_analysis'] = 2 # Init to ok # Spec file if self.spec_fil is not None: newline.analy['datafile'] = self.spec_fil # Append self.abs_sys.lines.append(newline) # Key stroke def on_key(self,event): # Init rescale = True fig_clear = False wrest = None flg = 0 sv_idx = self.idx_line ## Change rows/columns if event.key == 'k': self.sub_xy[0] = max(0, self.sub_xy[0]-1) if event.key == 'K': self.sub_xy[0] = self.sub_xy[0]+1 if event.key == 'c': self.sub_xy[1] = max(0, self.sub_xy[1]-1) if event.key == 'C': self.sub_xy[1] = max(0, self.sub_xy[1]+1) ## NAVIGATING if event.key in self.psdict['nav']: flg = navigate(self.psdict,event) if event.key == '-': self.idx_line = max(0, self.idx_line-self.sub_xy[0]*self.sub_xy[1]) # Min=0 if self.idx_line == sv_idx: print('Edge of list') if event.key == '=': self.idx_line = min(len(self.llist['show_line'])-self.sub_xy[0]*self.sub_xy[1], self.idx_line + self.sub_xy[0]*self.sub_xy[1]) if self.idx_line == sv_idx: print('Edge of list') ## Reset z if event.key == 'z': from astropy.relativity import velocities newz = velocities.z_from_v(self.z, event.xdata) self.z = newz self.abs_sys.zabs = newz # Drawing self.psdict['xmnx'] = self.vmnx # Single line command if event.key in ['1','2','B','U','L','N','V','A', 'x', 'X']: try: wrest = event.inaxes.get_gid() except AttributeError: return else: absline = self.abs_sys.grab_line((self.z,wrest)) kwrest = wrest.value ## Velocity limits unit = if event.key == '1': absline.analy['vlim'][0] = event.xdata*unit if event.key == '2': #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() absline.analy['vlim'][1] = event.xdata*unit if event.key == '!': for iline in self.abs_sys.lines: iline.analy['vlim'][0] = event.xdata*unit if event.key == '@': for iline in self.abs_sys.lines: iline.analy['vlim'][1] = event.xdata*unit ## Line type if event.key == 'A': # Add to lines self.generate_line((self.z,wrest)) if event.key == 'x': # Remove line if self.abs_sys.remove_line((self.z,wrest)): print('VelPlot: Removed line {:g}'.format(wrest)) if event.key == 'X': # Remove all lines # Double check gui = xguiu.WarningWidg('About to remove all lines. \n Continue??') gui.exec_() if gui.ans is False: return # self.abs_sys.lines = [] # Flush?? if event.key == 'B': # Toggle blend try: feye = absline.analy['flg_eye'] except KeyError: feye = 0 feye = (feye + 1) % 2 absline.analy['flg_eye'] = feye if event.key == 'N': # Toggle NG try: fanly = absline.analy['do_analysis'] except KeyError: fanly = 2 if fanly == 0: fanly = 2 # Not using 1 anymore.. else: fanly = 0 absline.analy['do_analysis'] = fanly if event.key == 'V': # Normal absline.analy['flg_limit'] = 1 if event.key == 'L': # Lower limit absline.analy['flg_limit'] = 2 if event.key == 'U': # Upper limit absline.analy['flg_limit'] = 3 # AODM plot if event.key == ':': # # Grab good lines from xastropy.xguis import spec_guis as xsgui gdl = [iline.wrest for iline in self.abs_sys.lines if iline.analy['do_analysis'] > 0] # Launch AODM if len(gdl) > 0: gui = xsgui.XAODMGui(self.spec, self.z, gdl, vmnx=self.vmnx, norm=self.norm) gui.exec_() else: print('VelPlot.AODM: No good lines to plot') #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() if not wrest is None: # Single window flg = 3 if event.key in ['c','C','k','K','W','!', '@', '=', '-', 'X', 'z','R']: # Redraw all flg = 1 if event.key in ['Y']: rescale = False if event.key in ['k','c','C','K', 'R']: fig_clear = True if flg==1: # Default is not to redraw self.on_draw(rescale=rescale, fig_clear=fig_clear) elif flg==2: # Layer (no clear) self.on_draw(replot=False, rescale=rescale) elif flg==3: # Layer (no clear) self.on_draw(in_wrest=wrest, rescale=rescale) # Click of main mouse button def on_click(self,event): try: print('button={:d}, x={:f}, y={:f}, xdata={:f}, ydata={:f}'.format( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) except ValueError: return if event.button == 1: # Draw line [event.xdata,event.xdata], self.psdict['ymnx'], ':', color='green') self.on_draw(replot=False) # Print values try: self.statusBar().showMessage('x,y = {:f}, {:f}'.format(event.xdata,event.ydata)) except AttributeError: return def on_draw(self, replot=True, in_wrest=None, rescale=True, fig_clear=False): """ Redraws the figure """ # if replot is True: if fig_clear: self.fig.clf() # Loop on windows all_idx = self.llist['show_line'] nplt = self.sub_xy[0]*self.sub_xy[1] if len(all_idx) <= nplt: self.idx_line = 0 subp = np.arange(nplt) + 1 subp_idx = np.hstack(subp.reshape(self.sub_xy[0],self.sub_xy[1]).T) for jj in range(min(nplt, len(all_idx))): try: idx = all_idx[jj+self.idx_line] except IndexError: continue # Likely too few lines # Grab line #wvobs = np.array((1+self.z) * self.llist[self.llist['List']]['wrest'][idx]) wrest = self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest[idx] # * # self.llist[self.llist['List']].wrest.unit) kwrest = wrest.value # For the Dict #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() # Single window? if not in_wrest is None: if np.abs(wrest-in_wrest) > (1e-3*u.AA): continue # Generate plot = self.fig.add_subplot(self.sub_xy[0],self.sub_xy[1], subp_idx[jj]) #print('Plotting {:g}, {:d}'.format(wrest,subp_idx[jj])) # Zero line [0., 0.], [-1e9, 1e9], ':', color='gray') # Velocity wvobs = (1+self.z) * wrest velo = (self.spec.dispersion/wvobs - 1.)*'km/s').value # Plot, self.spec.flux, 'k-',drawstyle='steps-mid') # GID for referencing # Labels #if jj >= (self.sub_xy[0]-1)*(self.sub_xy[1]): if ((jj+1) % self.sub_xy[0]) == 0:'Relative Velocity (km/s)') else:[]) #if ((jj+1) // 2 == 0) & (jj < self.sub_xy[0]): #'Relative Flux') #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() lbl = self.llist[self.llist['List']].name[idx], 0.05, lbl, color='blue',, size='x-small', ha='left') # Reset window limits['xmnx']) # Rescale? if (rescale is True) & (self.norm is False): gdp = np.where( (velo > self.psdict['xmnx'][0]) & (velo < self.psdict['xmnx'][1]))[0] if len(gdp) > 5: per = xstats.basic.perc(self.spec.flux[gdp]), 1.1*per[1])) else:['ymnx']) else:['ymnx']) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(,6.) # Abs_Sys: Color the lines if not self.abs_sys is None: absline = self.abs_sys.grab_line((self.z,wrest)) if absline is None: break #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() try: vlim = absline.analy['vlim'].value #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() except KeyError: continue # Color coding clr = 'black' try: # .clm style flag = absline.analy['FLAGS'][0] except KeyError: flag = None else: if flag <= 1: # Standard detection clr = 'green' elif flag in [2,3]: clr = 'blue' elif flag in [4,5]: clr = 'purple' # ABS ID try: # NG? flagA = absline.analy['do_analysis'] except KeyError: flagA = None else: if (flagA>0) & (clr == 'black'): clr = 'green' try: # Limit? flagL = absline.analy['flg_limit'] except KeyError: flagL = None else: if flagL == 2: clr = 'blue' if flagL == 3: clr = 'purple' try: # Blends? flagE = absline.analy['flg_eye'] except KeyError: flagE = None else: if flagE == 1: clr = 'orange' if flagA == 0: clr = 'red' pix = np.where( (velo > vlim[0]) & (velo < vlim[1]))[0][pix], self.spec.flux[pix], '-', drawstyle='steps-mid', color=clr) # Draw self.canvas.draw() # ###################### class AODMWidget(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Widget for comparing tau_AODM profiles 19-Dec-2014 by JXP ''' def __init__(self, spec, z, wrest, parent=None, vmnx=[-300., 300.]*, norm=True, linelist=None): ''' spec = Spectrum1D ''' super(AODMWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Initialize self.spec = spec self.norm = norm self.z = z self.vmnx = vmnx self.wrest = wrest # Expecting (requires) units self.lines = [] if linelist is None: self.linelist = LineList('ISM') for iwrest in self.wrest: self.lines.append(AbsLine(iwrest),linelist=self.linelist) self.psdict = {} # Dict for spectra plotting self.psdict['xmnx'] = self.vmnx self.psdict['ymnx'] = [-0.1, 1.1] self.psdict['nav'] = navigate(0,0,init=True) # Create the mpl Figure and FigCanvas objects. # self.dpi = 150 self.fig = Figure((8.0, 4.0), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setParent(self) self.canvas.setFocusPolicy( QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus ) self.canvas.setFocus() self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key) self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.canvas) self.setLayout(vbox) # Draw on init self.on_draw() # Key stroke def on_key(self,event): # Init rescale = True flg = 0 ## NAVIGATING if event.key in self.psdict['nav']: flg = navigate(self.psdict,event) if event.key in ['b','t','W','Z','Y','l','r']: rescale = False self.on_draw(rescale=rescale) # Click of main mouse button def on_click(self,event): return # DO NOTHING FOR NOW try: print('button={:d}, x={:f}, y={:f}, xdata={:f}, ydata={:f}'.format( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) except ValueError: return if event.button == 1: # Draw line [event.xdata,event.xdata], self.psdict['ymnx'], ':', color='green') self.on_draw() # Print values try: self.statusBar().showMessage('x,y = {:f}, {:f}'.format(event.xdata,event.ydata)) except AttributeError: return def on_draw(self, rescale=True): """ Redraws the figure """ # = self.fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ymx = 0. for ii,iwrest in enumerate(self.wrest): # Velocity wvobs = (1+self.z) * iwrest velo = (self.spec.dispersion/wvobs - 1.)*'km/s').value gdp = np.where((velo > self.psdict['xmnx'][0]) & (velo < self.psdict['xmnx'][1]))[0] # Normalize? if self.norm is False: per = xstats.basic.perc(self.spec.flux[gdp]) fsplice = per[1] / self.spec.flux[gdp] else: fsplice = 1./ self.spec.flux[gdp] # AODM cst = (10.**14.5761)/(self.lines[ii].atomic['fval']*iwrest.value) Naodm = np.log(fsplice)*cst ymx = max(ymx,np.max(Naodm)) # Plot line, =[gdp], Naodm, '-', drawstyle='steps-mid') # Labels lbl = '{:g}'.format(iwrest) clr = plt.getp(line, 'color'), 1.-(0.05+0.05*ii), lbl, color=clr,, size='small', ha='left')'Relative Velocity (km/s)')'N(AODM)') # Zero line [0., 0.], [-1e29, 1e29], ':', color='gray') # Reset window limits['xmnx']) if rescale: self.psdict['ymnx'] = [0.05*ymx, ymx*1.1] #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook()['ymnx']) # Draw self.canvas.draw() # ###### # Plot Doublet def set_doublet(iself,event): ''' Set z and plot doublet ''' wv_dict = {'C': (1548.195, 1550.770, 'CIV'), 'M': (2796.352, 2803.531, 'MgII'), '4': (1393.755, 1402.770, 'SiIV'), 'X': (1031.9261, 1037.6167, 'OVI'), '8': (770.409, 780.324, 'NeVIII'), 'B': (1025.4433, 1215.6701, 'Lyba')} wrest = wv_dict[event.key] # Set z iself.zabs = event.xdata/wrest[0] - 1. try: iself.statusBar().showMessage('z = {:g} for {:s}'.format(iself.zabs, wrest[2])) except AttributeError: print('z = {:g} for {:s}'.format(iself.zabs, wrest[2])) return np.array(wrest[0:2])*(1.+iself.zabs) # ###### # Navigate def navigate(psdict,event,init=False): ''' Method to Navigate spectrum init: (False) Initialize Just pass back valid key strokes ''' # Initalize if init is True: return ['l','r','b','t','T','i','I', 'o','O', '[',']','W','Z', 'Y', '{', '}'] # if (not isinstance(event.xdata,float)) or (not isinstance(event.ydata,float)): print('Navigate: You entered the {:s} key out of bounds'.format(event.key)) return 0 if event.key == 'l': # Set left psdict['xmnx'][0] = event.xdata elif event.key == 'r': # Set Right psdict['xmnx'][1] = event.xdata elif event.key == 'b': # Set Bottom psdict['ymnx'][0] = event.ydata elif event.key == 't': # Set Top psdict['ymnx'][1] = event.ydata elif event.key == 'T': # Set Top to 1.1 psdict['ymnx'][1] = 1.1 elif event.key == 'i': # Zoom in (and center) deltx = (psdict['xmnx'][1]-psdict['xmnx'][0])/4. psdict['xmnx'] = [event.xdata-deltx, event.xdata+deltx] elif event.key == 'I': # Zoom in (and center) deltx = (psdict['xmnx'][1]-psdict['xmnx'][0])/16. psdict['xmnx'] = [event.xdata-deltx, event.xdata+deltx] elif event.key == 'o': # Zoom in (and center) deltx = psdict['xmnx'][1]-psdict['xmnx'][0] psdict['xmnx'] = [event.xdata-deltx, event.xdata+deltx] elif event.key == 'O': # Zoom in (and center) deltx = psdict['xmnx'][1]-psdict['xmnx'][0] psdict['xmnx'] = [event.xdata-2*deltx, event.xdata+2*deltx] elif event.key == 'Y': # Zoom in (and center) delty = psdict['ymnx'][1]-psdict['ymnx'][0] psdict['ymnx'] = [event.ydata-delty, event.ydata+delty] elif event.key in ['[',']','{','}']: # Pan center = (psdict['xmnx'][1]+psdict['xmnx'][0])/2. deltx = (psdict['xmnx'][1]-psdict['xmnx'][0])/2. if event.key == '[': new_center = center - deltx elif event.key == ']': new_center = center + deltx elif event.key == '{': new_center = center - 4*deltx elif event.key == '}': new_center = center + 4*deltx psdict['xmnx'] = [new_center-deltx, new_center+deltx] elif event.key == 'W': # Reset the Window psdict['xmnx'] = psdict['sv_xy'][0] psdict['ymnx'] = psdict['sv_xy'][1] elif event.key == 'Z': # Zero psdict['ymnx'][0] = 0. else: if not (event.key in ['shift']): rstr = 'Key {:s} not supported.'.format(event.key) print(rstr) return 0 return 1 # ###### # def set_llist(llist,in_dict=None): ''' Method to set a line list dict for the Widgets ''' from linetools.lists.linelist import LineList if in_dict is None: in_dict = {} if type(llist) in [str,unicode]: # Set line list from a file in_dict['List'] = llist if llist == 'None': in_dict['Plot'] = False else: in_dict['Plot'] = True # Load? if not (llist in in_dict): #line_file = xa_path+'/data/spec_lines/'+llist #llist_cls = xspec.abs_line.Abs_Line_List(llist) llist_cls = LineList(llist) in_dict[llist] = llist_cls elif isinstance(llist,list): # Set from a list of wrest from astropy.table import Column in_dict['List'] = 'input.lst' in_dict['Plot'] = True # Fill llist.sort() tmp_dict = {} # Parse from grb.lst llist_cls = LineList('ISM', gd_lines=llist) in_dict['input.lst'] = llist_cls ''' line_file = xa_path+'/data/spec_lines/grb.lst' llist_cls = xspec.abs_line.Abs_Line_List(line_file) adict = # Fill names = [] fval = [] for wrest in llist: mt = np.where(np.abs(wrest-adict['wrest']) < 1e-3)[0] if len(mt) != 1: raise ValueError('Problem!') names.append(adict['name'][mt][0]) fval.append(adict['fval'][mt][0]) # Set #QtCore.pyqtRemoveInputHook() #xdb.set_trace() #QtCore.pyqtRestoreInputHook() # Generate a Table col0 = Column(np.array(llist), name='wrest', unit=u.AA) # Assumed Angstroms col1 = Column(np.array(names), name='name') col2 = Column(np.array(fval), name='fval') in_dict['input.lst'] = Table( (col0,col1,col2) ) ''' # Return return in_dict # Read spectrum, pass back it and spec_file name def read_spec(ispec, second_file=None): # if isinstance(ispec,str) or isinstance(ispec,unicode): spec_fil = ispec spec = lsi.readspec(spec_fil) # Second file? if not second_file is None: spec2 = lsi.readspec(second_file) if spec2.sig is None: spec2.sig = np.zeros(spec.flux.size) # Scale for convenience of plotting xper1 = xstats.basic.perc(spec.flux, per=0.9) xper2 = xstats.basic.perc(spec2.flux, per=0.9) scl = xper1[1]/xper2[1] # Stitch together wave3 = np.append(spec.dispersion, spec2.dispersion) flux3 = np.append(spec.flux, spec2.flux*scl) sig3 = np.append(spec.sig, spec2.sig*scl) spec3 = Spectrum1D.from_array(wave3, flux3, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(sig3)) # Overwrite spec = spec3 spec.filename = spec_fil else: spec = ispec # Assuming Spectrum1D spec_fil = spec.filename # Grab from Spectrum1D # Return return spec, spec_fil # ################ # TESTING if __name__ == "__main__": from xastropy import spec as xspec if len(sys.argv) == 1: # flg_tst = 0 flg_tst += 2**0 # ExamineSpecWidget #flg_tst += 2**1 # PlotLinesWidget #flg_tst += 2**2 # SelectLineWidget #flg_tst += 2**3 # AbsSysWidget #flg_tst += 2**4 # VelPltWidget #flg_tst += 2**5 # SelectedLinesWidget #flg_tst += 2**6 # AODMWidget else: flg_tst = int(sys.argv[1]) # ExamineSpec if (flg_tst % 2) == 1: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) spec_fil = '/u/xavier/Keck/HIRES/RedData/PH957/PH957_f.fits' spec = lsi.readspec(spec_fil) app.setApplicationName('XSpec') main = ExamineSpecWidget(spec) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # PltLineWidget if (flg_tst % 2**2) >= 2**1: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('PltLine') main = PlotLinesWidget() sys.exit(app.exec_()) # SelectLineWidget if (flg_tst % 2**3) >= 2**2: orig = False llist_cls = LineList('ISM') app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('SelectLine') main = SelectLineWidget(llist_cls._data) app.exec_() print(main.line) # Another test quant = main.line.split('::')[1].lstrip() spltw = quant.split(' ') wrest = Quantity(float(spltw[0]), unit=spltw[1]) print(wrest) sys.exit() # AbsSys Widget if (flg_tst % 2**4) >= 2**3: abs_fil = '/Users/xavier/paper/LLS/Optical/Data/Analysis/MAGE/SDSSJ1004+0018_z2.746_id.fits' abs_fil2 = '/Users/xavier/paper/LLS/Optical/Data/Analysis/MAGE/SDSSJ2319-1040_z2.675_id.fits' app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('AbsSys') main = AbsSysWidget([abs_fil,abs_fil2]) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # VelPlt Widget if (flg_tst % 2**5) >= 2**4: specf = 0 if specf == 0: # PH957 DLA # Spectrum spec_fil = '/u/xavier/Keck/HIRES/RedData/PH957/PH957_f.fits' spec = lsi.readspec(spec_fil) # Abs_sys abs_sys = xiaa.GenericAbsSystem() abs_sys.clm_fil = '/Users/xavier/DLA/Abund/PH957.z2309.clm' abs_sys.get_ions(skip_ions=True, fill_lines=True) abs_sys.zabs = abs_sys.clm_analy.zsys elif specf == 1: # UM184 LLS # Spectrum spec_fil = '/Users/xavier/PROGETTI/LLSZ3/data/normalize/UM184_nF.fits' spec = lsi.readspec(spec_fil) # Abs_sys abs_fil = '/Users/xavier/paper/LLS/Optical/Data/Analysis/MAGE/UM184_z2.930_id.fits' abs_sys = xiaa.GenericAbsSystem() abs_sys.parse_absid_file(abs_fil) # Launch app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('VelPlot') main = VelPlotWidget(spec, abs_sys=abs_sys) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # SelectedLines Widget if (flg_tst % 2**6) >= 2**5: print('Test: SelectedLines Widget') llist = set_llist('ISM') # Launch app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('SelectedLines') main = SelectedLinesWidget(llist['ISM'])#._data) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # AODM Widget if (flg_tst % 2**7) >= 2**6: spec_fil = '/Users/xavier/PROGETTI/LLSZ3/data/normalize/UM184_nF.fits' spec = lsi.readspec(spec_fil) z=2.96916 lines = np.array([1548.195, 1550.770]) * u.AA # Launch app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setApplicationName('AODM') main = AODMWidget(spec, z, lines) sys.exit(app.exec_())
import warnings import numpy as np from .base import _fit_liblinear, BaseSVC, BaseLibSVM from ..base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from ..linear_model.base import LinearClassifierMixin, SparseCoefMixin, \ LinearModel from ..feature_selection.from_model import _LearntSelectorMixin from ..utils import check_X_y from ..utils.validation import _num_samples from ..utils.multiclass import check_classification_targets class LinearSVC(BaseEstimator, LinearClassifierMixin, _LearntSelectorMixin, SparseCoefMixin): """Linear Support Vector Classification. Similar to SVC with parameter kernel='linear', but implemented in terms of liblinear rather than libsvm, so it has more flexibility in the choice of penalties and loss functions and should scale better to large numbers of samples. This class supports both dense and sparse input and the multiclass support is handled according to a one-vs-the-rest scheme. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_classification>`. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional (default=1.0) Penalty parameter C of the error term. loss : string, 'hinge' or 'squared_hinge' (default='squared_hinge') Specifies the loss function. 'hinge' is the standard SVM loss (used e.g. by the SVC class) while 'squared_hinge' is the square of the hinge loss. penalty : string, 'l1' or 'l2' (default='l2') Specifies the norm used in the penalization. The 'l2' penalty is the standard used in SVC. The 'l1' leads to ``coef_`` vectors that are sparse. dual : bool, (default=True) Select the algorithm to either solve the dual or primal optimization problem. Prefer dual=False when n_samples > n_features. tol : float, optional (default=1e-4) Tolerance for stopping criteria. multi_class: string, 'ovr' or 'crammer_singer' (default='ovr') Determines the multi-class strategy if `y` contains more than two classes. ``"ovr"`` trains n_classes one-vs-rest classifiers, while ``"crammer_singer"`` optimizes a joint objective over all classes. While `crammer_singer` is interesting from a theoretical perspective as it is consistent, it is seldom used in practice as it rarely leads to better accuracy and is more expensive to compute. If ``"crammer_singer"`` is chosen, the options loss, penalty and dual will be ignored. fit_intercept : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be already centered). intercept_scaling : float, optional (default=1) When self.fit_intercept is True, instance vector x becomes ``[x, self.intercept_scaling]``, i.e. a "synthetic" feature with constant value equals to intercept_scaling is appended to the instance vector. The intercept becomes intercept_scaling * synthetic feature weight Note! the synthetic feature weight is subject to l1/l2 regularization as all other features. To lessen the effect of regularization on synthetic feature weight (and therefore on the intercept) intercept_scaling has to be increased. class_weight : {dict, 'balanced'}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to ``class_weight[i]*C`` for SVC. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` verbose : int, (default=0) Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in liblinear that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default=None) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. max_iter : int, (default=1000) The maximum number of iterations to be run. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] if n_classes == 2 else [n_classes, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. ``coef_`` is a readonly property derived from ``raw_coef_`` that follows the internal memory layout of liblinear. intercept_ : array, shape = [1] if n_classes == 2 else [n_classes] Constants in decision function. Notes ----- The underlying C implementation uses a random number generator to select features when fitting the model. It is thus not uncommon to have slightly different results for the same input data. If that happens, try with a smaller ``tol`` parameter. The underlying implementation, liblinear, uses a sparse internal representation for the data that will incur a memory copy. Predict output may not match that of standalone liblinear in certain cases. See :ref:`differences from liblinear <liblinear_differences>` in the narrative documentation. References ---------- `LIBLINEAR: A Library for Large Linear Classification <>`__ See also -------- SVC Implementation of Support Vector Machine classifier using libsvm: the kernel can be non-linear but its SMO algorithm does not scale to large number of samples as LinearSVC does. Furthermore SVC multi-class mode is implemented using one vs one scheme while LinearSVC uses one vs the rest. It is possible to implement one vs the rest with SVC by using the :class:`sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier` wrapper. Finally SVC can fit dense data without memory copy if the input is C-contiguous. Sparse data will still incur memory copy though. sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier SGDClassifier can optimize the same cost function as LinearSVC by adjusting the penalty and loss parameters. In addition it requires less memory, allows incremental (online) learning, and implements various loss functions and regularization regimes. """ def __init__(self, penalty='l2', loss='squared_hinge', dual=True, tol=1e-4, C=1.0, multi_class='ovr', fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, class_weight=None, verbose=0, random_state=None, max_iter=1000): self.dual = dual self.tol = tol self.C = C self.multi_class = multi_class self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.intercept_scaling = intercept_scaling self.class_weight = class_weight self.verbose = verbose self.random_state = random_state self.max_iter = max_iter self.penalty = penalty self.loss = loss def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target vector relative to X Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ # FIXME Remove l1/l2 support in 1.0 ----------------------------------- loss_l = self.loss.lower() msg = ("loss='%s' has been deprecated in favor of " "loss='%s' as of 0.16. Backward compatibility" " for the loss='%s' will be removed in %s") # FIXME change loss_l --> self.loss after 0.18 if loss_l in ('l1', 'l2'): old_loss = self.loss self.loss = {'l1': 'hinge', 'l2': 'squared_hinge'}.get(loss_l) warnings.warn(msg % (old_loss, self.loss, old_loss, '1.0'), DeprecationWarning) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.C < 0: raise ValueError("Penalty term must be positive; got (C=%r)" % self.C) X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") check_classification_targets(y) self.classes_ = np.unique(y) self.coef_, self.intercept_, self.n_iter_ = _fit_liblinear( X, y, self.C, self.fit_intercept, self.intercept_scaling, self.class_weight, self.penalty, self.dual, self.verbose, self.max_iter, self.tol, self.random_state, self.multi_class, self.loss) if self.multi_class == "crammer_singer" and len(self.classes_) == 2: self.coef_ = (self.coef_[1] - self.coef_[0]).reshape(1, -1) if self.fit_intercept: intercept = self.intercept_[1] - self.intercept_[0] self.intercept_ = np.array([intercept]) return self class LinearSVR(LinearModel, RegressorMixin): """Linear Support Vector Regression. Similar to SVR with parameter kernel='linear', but implemented in terms of liblinear rather than libsvm, so it has more flexibility in the choice of penalties and loss functions and should scale better to large numbers of samples. This class supports both dense and sparse input. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_regression>`. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional (default=1.0) Penalty parameter C of the error term. The penalty is a squared l2 penalty. The bigger this parameter, the less regularization is used. loss : string, 'epsilon_insensitive' or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' (default='epsilon_insensitive') Specifies the loss function. 'l1' is the epsilon-insensitive loss (standard SVR) while 'l2' is the squared epsilon-insensitive loss. epsilon : float, optional (default=0.1) Epsilon parameter in the epsilon-insensitive loss function. Note that the value of this parameter depends on the scale of the target variable y. If unsure, set ``epsilon=0``. dual : bool, (default=True) Select the algorithm to either solve the dual or primal optimization problem. Prefer dual=False when n_samples > n_features. tol : float, optional (default=1e-4) Tolerance for stopping criteria. fit_intercept : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (i.e. data is expected to be already centered). intercept_scaling : float, optional (default=1) When self.fit_intercept is True, instance vector x becomes [x, self.intercept_scaling], i.e. a "synthetic" feature with constant value equals to intercept_scaling is appended to the instance vector. The intercept becomes intercept_scaling * synthetic feature weight Note! the synthetic feature weight is subject to l1/l2 regularization as all other features. To lessen the effect of regularization on synthetic feature weight (and therefore on the intercept) intercept_scaling has to be increased. verbose : int, (default=0) Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in liblinear that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default=None) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. max_iter : int, (default=1000) The maximum number of iterations to be run. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] if n_classes == 2 else [n_classes, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is a readonly property derived from `raw_coef_` that follows the internal memory layout of liblinear. intercept_ : array, shape = [1] if n_classes == 2 else [n_classes] Constants in decision function. See also -------- LinearSVC Implementation of Support Vector Machine classifier using the same library as this class (liblinear). SVR Implementation of Support Vector Machine regression using libsvm: the kernel can be non-linear but its SMO algorithm does not scale to large number of samples as LinearSVC does. sklearn.linear_model.SGDRegressor SGDRegressor can optimize the same cost function as LinearSVR by adjusting the penalty and loss parameters. In addition it requires less memory, allows incremental (online) learning, and implements various loss functions and regularization regimes. """ def __init__(self, epsilon=0.0, tol=1e-4, C=1.0, loss='epsilon_insensitive', fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1., dual=True, verbose=0, random_state=None, max_iter=1000): self.tol = tol self.C = C self.epsilon = epsilon self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.intercept_scaling = intercept_scaling self.verbose = verbose self.random_state = random_state self.max_iter = max_iter self.dual = dual self.loss = loss def fit(self, X, y): """Fit the model according to the given training data. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target vector relative to X Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ # FIXME Remove l1/l2 support in 1.0 ----------------------------------- loss_l = self.loss.lower() msg = ("loss='%s' has been deprecated in favor of " "loss='%s' as of 0.16. Backward compatibility" " for the loss='%s' will be removed in %s") # FIXME change loss_l --> self.loss after 0.18 if loss_l in ('l1', 'l2'): old_loss = self.loss self.loss = {'l1': 'epsilon_insensitive', 'l2': 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' }.get(loss_l) warnings.warn(msg % (old_loss, self.loss, old_loss, '1.0'), DeprecationWarning) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.C < 0: raise ValueError("Penalty term must be positive; got (C=%r)" % self.C) X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") penalty = 'l2' # SVR only accepts l2 penalty self.coef_, self.intercept_, self.n_iter_ = _fit_liblinear( X, y, self.C, self.fit_intercept, self.intercept_scaling, None, penalty, self.dual, self.verbose, self.max_iter, self.tol, self.random_state, loss=self.loss, epsilon=self.epsilon) self.coef_ = self.coef_.ravel() return self class SVC(BaseSVC): """C-Support Vector Classification. The implementation is based on libsvm. The fit time complexity is more than quadratic with the number of samples which makes it hard to scale to dataset with more than a couple of 10000 samples. The multiclass support is handled according to a one-vs-one scheme. For details on the precise mathematical formulation of the provided kernel functions and how `gamma`, `coef0` and `degree` affect each other, see the corresponding section in the narrative documentation: :ref:`svm_kernels`. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_classification>`. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional (default=1.0) Penalty parameter C of the error term. kernel : string, optional (default='rbf') Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable. If none is given, 'rbf' will be used. If a callable is given it is used to pre-compute the kernel matrix from data matrices; that matrix should be an array of shape ``(n_samples, n_samples)``. degree : int, optional (default=3) Degree of the polynomial kernel function ('poly'). Ignored by all other kernels. gamma : float, optional (default='auto') Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. If gamma is 'auto' then 1/n_features will be used instead. coef0 : float, optional (default=0.0) Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. probability : boolean, optional (default=False) Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior to calling `fit`, and will slow down that method. shrinking : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. tol : float, optional (default=1e-3) Tolerance for stopping criterion. cache_size : float, optional Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). class_weight : {dict, 'balanced'}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to class_weight[i]*C for SVC. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` verbose : bool, default: False Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. max_iter : int, optional (default=-1) Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit. decision_function_shape : 'ovo', 'ovr' or None, default=None Whether to return a one-vs-rest ('ovr') decision function of shape (n_samples, n_classes) as all other classifiers, or the original one-vs-one ('ovo') decision function of libsvm which has shape (n_samples, n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2). The default of None will currently behave as 'ovo' for backward compatibility and raise a deprecation warning, but will change 'ovr' in 0.18. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *decision_function_shape='ovr'* is recommended. .. versionchanged:: 0.17 Deprecated *decision_function_shape='ovo' and None*. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data for probability estimation. Attributes ---------- support_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV] Indices of support vectors. support_vectors_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV, n_features] Support vectors. n_support_ : array-like, dtype=int32, shape = [n_class] Number of support vectors for each class. dual_coef_ : array, shape = [n_class-1, n_SV] Coefficients of the support vector in the decision function. For multiclass, coefficient for all 1-vs-1 classifiers. The layout of the coefficients in the multiclass case is somewhat non-trivial. See the section about multi-class classification in the SVM section of the User Guide for details. coef_ : array, shape = [n_class-1, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is a readonly property derived from `dual_coef_` and `support_vectors_`. intercept_ : array, shape = [n_class * (n_class-1) / 2] Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) >>> from sklearn.svm import SVC >>> clf = SVC() >>>, y) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, decision_function_shape=None, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) >>> print(clf.predict([[-0.8, -1]])) [1] See also -------- SVR Support Vector Machine for Regression implemented using libsvm. LinearSVC Scalable Linear Support Vector Machine for classification implemented using liblinear. Check the See also section of LinearSVC for more comparison element. """ def __init__(self, C=1.0, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=False, tol=1e-3, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, verbose=False, max_iter=-1, decision_function_shape=None, random_state=None): super(SVC, self).__init__( impl='c_svc', kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, tol=tol, C=C, nu=0., shrinking=shrinking, probability=probability, cache_size=cache_size, class_weight=class_weight, verbose=verbose, max_iter=max_iter, decision_function_shape=decision_function_shape, random_state=random_state) class NuSVC(BaseSVC): """Nu-Support Vector Classification. Similar to SVC but uses a parameter to control the number of support vectors. The implementation is based on libsvm. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_classification>`. Parameters ---------- nu : float, optional (default=0.5) An upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. Should be in the interval (0, 1]. kernel : string, optional (default='rbf') Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable. If none is given, 'rbf' will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix. degree : int, optional (default=3) Degree of the polynomial kernel function ('poly'). Ignored by all other kernels. gamma : float, optional (default='auto') Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. If gamma is 'auto' then 1/n_features will be used instead. coef0 : float, optional (default=0.0) Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. probability : boolean, optional (default=False) Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior to calling `fit`, and will slow down that method. shrinking : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. tol : float, optional (default=1e-3) Tolerance for stopping criterion. cache_size : float, optional Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). class_weight : {dict, 'auto'}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to class_weight[i]*C for SVC. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'auto' mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies. verbose : bool, default: False Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. max_iter : int, optional (default=-1) Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit. decision_function_shape : 'ovo', 'ovr' or None, default=None Whether to return a one-vs-rest ('ovr') decision function of shape (n_samples, n_classes) as all other classifiers, or the original one-vs-one ('ovo') decision function of libsvm which has shape (n_samples, n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2). The default of None will currently behave as 'ovo' for backward compatibility and raise a deprecation warning, but will change 'ovr' in 0.18. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *decision_function_shape='ovr'* is recommended. .. versionchanged:: 0.17 Deprecated *decision_function_shape='ovo' and None*. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data for probability estimation. Attributes ---------- support_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV] Indices of support vectors. support_vectors_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV, n_features] Support vectors. n_support_ : array-like, dtype=int32, shape = [n_class] Number of support vectors for each class. dual_coef_ : array, shape = [n_class-1, n_SV] Coefficients of the support vector in the decision function. For multiclass, coefficient for all 1-vs-1 classifiers. The layout of the coefficients in the multiclass case is somewhat non-trivial. See the section about multi-class classification in the SVM section of the User Guide for details. coef_ : array, shape = [n_class-1, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is readonly property derived from `dual_coef_` and `support_vectors_`. intercept_ : array, shape = [n_class * (n_class-1) / 2] Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) >>> from sklearn.svm import NuSVC >>> clf = NuSVC() >>>, y) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE NuSVC(cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0, decision_function_shape=None, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, nu=0.5, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) >>> print(clf.predict([[-0.8, -1]])) [1] See also -------- SVC Support Vector Machine for classification using libsvm. LinearSVC Scalable linear Support Vector Machine for classification using liblinear. """ def __init__(self, nu=0.5, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, probability=False, tol=1e-3, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, verbose=False, max_iter=-1, decision_function_shape=None, random_state=None): super(NuSVC, self).__init__( impl='nu_svc', kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, tol=tol, C=0., nu=nu, shrinking=shrinking, probability=probability, cache_size=cache_size, class_weight=class_weight, verbose=verbose, max_iter=max_iter, decision_function_shape=decision_function_shape, random_state=random_state) class SVR(BaseLibSVM, RegressorMixin): """Epsilon-Support Vector Regression. The free parameters in the model are C and epsilon. The implementation is based on libsvm. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_regression>`. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional (default=1.0) Penalty parameter C of the error term. epsilon : float, optional (default=0.1) Epsilon in the epsilon-SVR model. It specifies the epsilon-tube within which no penalty is associated in the training loss function with points predicted within a distance epsilon from the actual value. kernel : string, optional (default='rbf') Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable. If none is given, 'rbf' will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix. degree : int, optional (default=3) Degree of the polynomial kernel function ('poly'). Ignored by all other kernels. gamma : float, optional (default='auto') Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. If gamma is 'auto' then 1/n_features will be used instead. coef0 : float, optional (default=0.0) Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. shrinking : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. tol : float, optional (default=1e-3) Tolerance for stopping criterion. cache_size : float, optional Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). verbose : bool, default: False Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. max_iter : int, optional (default=-1) Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit. Attributes ---------- support_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV] Indices of support vectors. support_vectors_ : array-like, shape = [nSV, n_features] Support vectors. dual_coef_ : array, shape = [1, n_SV] Coefficients of the support vector in the decision function. coef_ : array, shape = [1, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is readonly property derived from `dual_coef_` and `support_vectors_`. intercept_ : array, shape = [1] Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.svm import SVR >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = SVR(C=1.0, epsilon=0.2) >>>, y) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SVR(C=1.0, cache_size=200, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.2, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) See also -------- NuSVR Support Vector Machine for regression implemented using libsvm using a parameter to control the number of support vectors. LinearSVR Scalable Linear Support Vector Machine for regression implemented using liblinear. """ def __init__(self, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, tol=1e-3, C=1.0, epsilon=0.1, shrinking=True, cache_size=200, verbose=False, max_iter=-1): super(SVR, self).__init__( 'epsilon_svr', kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, tol=tol, C=C, nu=0., epsilon=epsilon, verbose=verbose, shrinking=shrinking, probability=False, cache_size=cache_size, class_weight=None, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=None) class NuSVR(BaseLibSVM, RegressorMixin): """Nu Support Vector Regression. Similar to NuSVC, for regression, uses a parameter nu to control the number of support vectors. However, unlike NuSVC, where nu replaces C, here nu replaces the parameter epsilon of epsilon-SVR. The implementation is based on libsvm. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_regression>`. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional (default=1.0) Penalty parameter C of the error term. nu : float, optional An upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. Should be in the interval (0, 1]. By default 0.5 will be taken. kernel : string, optional (default='rbf') Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable. If none is given, 'rbf' will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix. degree : int, optional (default=3) Degree of the polynomial kernel function ('poly'). Ignored by all other kernels. gamma : float, optional (default='auto') Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. If gamma is 'auto' then 1/n_features will be used instead. coef0 : float, optional (default=0.0) Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. shrinking : boolean, optional (default=True) Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. tol : float, optional (default=1e-3) Tolerance for stopping criterion. cache_size : float, optional Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). verbose : bool, default: False Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. max_iter : int, optional (default=-1) Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit. Attributes ---------- support_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV] Indices of support vectors. support_vectors_ : array-like, shape = [nSV, n_features] Support vectors. dual_coef_ : array, shape = [1, n_SV] Coefficients of the support vector in the decision function. coef_ : array, shape = [1, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is readonly property derived from `dual_coef_` and `support_vectors_`. intercept_ : array, shape = [1] Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.svm import NuSVR >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = NuSVR(C=1.0, nu=0.1) >>>, y) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE NuSVR(C=1.0, cache_size=200, coef0=0.0, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, nu=0.1, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) See also -------- NuSVC Support Vector Machine for classification implemented with libsvm with a parameter to control the number of support vectors. SVR epsilon Support Vector Machine for regression implemented with libsvm. """ def __init__(self, nu=0.5, C=1.0, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, shrinking=True, tol=1e-3, cache_size=200, verbose=False, max_iter=-1): super(NuSVR, self).__init__( 'nu_svr', kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, tol=tol, C=C, nu=nu, epsilon=0., shrinking=shrinking, probability=False, cache_size=cache_size, class_weight=None, verbose=verbose, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=None) class OneClassSVM(BaseLibSVM): """Unsupervised Outlier Detection. Estimate the support of a high-dimensional distribution. The implementation is based on libsvm. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <svm_outlier_detection>`. Parameters ---------- kernel : string, optional (default='rbf') Specifies the kernel type to be used in the algorithm. It must be one of 'linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid', 'precomputed' or a callable. If none is given, 'rbf' will be used. If a callable is given it is used to precompute the kernel matrix. nu : float, optional An upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. Should be in the interval (0, 1]. By default 0.5 will be taken. degree : int, optional (default=3) Degree of the polynomial kernel function ('poly'). Ignored by all other kernels. gamma : float, optional (default='auto') Kernel coefficient for 'rbf', 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. If gamma is 'auto' then 1/n_features will be used instead. coef0 : float, optional (default=0.0) Independent term in kernel function. It is only significant in 'poly' and 'sigmoid'. tol : float, optional Tolerance for stopping criterion. shrinking : boolean, optional Whether to use the shrinking heuristic. cache_size : float, optional Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). verbose : bool, default: False Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context. max_iter : int, optional (default=-1) Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data for probability estimation. Attributes ---------- support_ : array-like, shape = [n_SV] Indices of support vectors. support_vectors_ : array-like, shape = [nSV, n_features] Support vectors. dual_coef_ : array, shape = [n_classes-1, n_SV] Coefficients of the support vectors in the decision function. coef_ : array, shape = [n_classes-1, n_features] Weights assigned to the features (coefficients in the primal problem). This is only available in the case of a linear kernel. `coef_` is readonly property derived from `dual_coef_` and `support_vectors_` intercept_ : array, shape = [n_classes-1] Constants in decision function. """ def __init__(self, kernel='rbf', degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, tol=1e-3, nu=0.5, shrinking=True, cache_size=200, verbose=False, max_iter=-1, random_state=None): super(OneClassSVM, self).__init__( 'one_class', kernel, degree, gamma, coef0, tol, 0., nu, 0., shrinking, False, cache_size, None, verbose, max_iter, random_state) def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None, **params): """ Detects the soft boundary of the set of samples X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Set of samples, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Per-sample weights. Rescale C per sample. Higher weights force the classifier to put more emphasis on these points. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. Notes ----- If X is not a C-ordered contiguous array it is copied. """ super(OneClassSVM, self).fit(X, np.ones(_num_samples(X)), sample_weight=sample_weight, **params) return self def decision_function(self, X): """Distance of the samples X to the separating hyperplane. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Returns the decision function of the samples. """ dec = self._decision_function(X) return dec
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Jan 03 20:20 2016 @author: Stella Psomadaki Command line executable to remove duplicates. Only one folder per run. This module takes a laz, las file and removes duplicate points in the (x,y) dimensions. This is an important preprocessing step because the IOT does not allow duplicates in the index. """ import numpy as np from pandas import DataFrame import time from laspy.file import File import os from pointcloud.reader import readFileLaspy from pointcloud.utils import getFiles import sys, getopt def removeDuplicate(file): """Removes duplicate points based on X, Y coordinates Returns a numpy array""" df = DataFrame(np.vstack((file.x, file.y, file.z)).transpose(), columns=['X', 'Y', 'Z']) df.drop_duplicates(subset=['X','Y'], inplace=True) return df.values def writeFile(directory,name,header,coords): """Write a laz file using laspy and numpy arrays""" output = File(directory + name, mode = "w", header=header) output.x = coords[0] output.y = coords[1] output.z = coords[2] output.close() def checkDirectory(directory): """ Checks if the specified directory exists, and otherwise it creates it""" try: os.makedirs(directory) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise def lasDuplicateFree(directory, output): """ Takes a directory with las [laz] files and an output directory Returns las, [laz] files free from duplicates""" files = getFiles(directory,['laz'],True) checkDirectory(output) for file in files: print file fh = readFileLaspy(file) writeFile(output,file[file.rfind('\\')+1:],fh.header,removeDuplicate(fh).transpose()) def main(argv): inputdir = '' outputdir = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:", ["help", "input=", "output="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ' -i <inputDirectory> -o <outputDirectory>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): print argv[0] +' -i <inputDirectory> -o <outputDirectory>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--input"): inputdir = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--output"): outputdir = arg lasDuplicateFree(inputdir, outputdir) if __name__ =="__main__": start = time.time() main(sys.argv[1:]) end = time.time() print "Finished in ", end - start #Example run: python -i D:\ -o D:\output\
#!/usr/bin/env python import pytest import numpy as np import sklearn.datasets as datasets import sklearn.manifold as manifold import pandas_ml as pdml import pandas_ml.util.testing as tm class TestManifold(tm.TestCase): def test_objectmapper(self): df = pdml.ModelFrame([]) self.assertIs(df.manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding, manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding) self.assertIs(df.manifold.Isomap, manifold.Isomap) self.assertIs(df.manifold.MDS, manifold.MDS) self.assertIs(df.manifold.SpectralEmbedding, manifold.SpectralEmbedding) self.assertIs(df.manifold.TSNE, manifold.TSNE) def test_locally_linear_embedding(self): iris = datasets.load_iris() df = pdml.ModelFrame(iris) result = df.manifold.locally_linear_embedding(3, 3) expected = manifold.locally_linear_embedding(, 3, 3) self.assertEqual(len(result), 2) self.assertIsInstance(result[0], pdml.ModelFrame) tm.assert_index_equal(result[0].index, df.index) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result[0].values, expected[0]) self.assertEqual(result[1], expected[1]) def test_spectral_embedding(self): N = 10 m = np.random.random_integers(50, 200, size=(N, N)) m = (m + m.T) / 2 df = pdml.ModelFrame(m) self.assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(, m) result = df.manifold.spectral_embedding(random_state=self.random_state) expected = manifold.spectral_embedding(m, random_state=self.random_state) self.assertIsInstance(result, pdml.ModelFrame) tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, df.index) # signs can be inversed self.assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(np.abs(, np.abs(expected)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ['Isomap']) def test_Isomap(self, algo): iris = datasets.load_iris() df = pdml.ModelFrame(iris) mod1 = getattr(df.manifold, algo)() mod2 = getattr(manifold, algo)() result = df.transform(mod1) expected = mod2.transform( self.assertIsInstance(result, pdml.ModelFrame) tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, df.index) self.assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ['MDS']) def test_MDS(self, algo): iris = datasets.load_iris() df = pdml.ModelFrame(iris) mod1 = getattr(df.manifold, algo)(random_state=self.random_state) mod2 = getattr(manifold, algo)(random_state=self.random_state) result = df.fit_transform(mod1) expected = mod2.fit_transform( self.assertIsInstance(result, pdml.ModelFrame) tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, df.index) self.assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("algo", ['TSNE']) def test_TSNE(self, algo): digits = datasets.load_digits() df = pdml.ModelFrame(digits) mod1 = getattr(df.manifold, algo)(n_components=2, random_state=self.random_state) mod2 = getattr(manifold, algo)(n_components=2, random_state=self.random_state) # np.random.seed(1) result = df.fit_transform(mod1) # np.random.seed(1) expected = mod2.fit_transform( self.assertIsInstance(result, pdml.ModelFrame) tm.assert_index_equal(result.index, df.index) self.assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(, expected.shape)
#! /usr/bin/env python import sys from aubio import fvec, source, pvoc, filterbank from numpy import vstack, zeros win_s = 512 # fft size hop_s = win_s / 4 # hop size if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage: %s <filename> [samplerate]" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] samplerate = 0 if len( sys.argv ) > 2: samplerate = int(sys.argv[2]) s = source(filename, samplerate, hop_s) samplerate = s.samplerate pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s) f = filterbank(40, win_s) f.set_mel_coeffs_slaney(samplerate) energies = zeros((40,)) o = {} total_frames = 0 downsample = 2 while True: samples, read = s() fftgrain = pv(samples) new_energies = f(fftgrain) print '%f' % (total_frames / float(samplerate) ), print ' '.join(['%f' % b for b in new_energies]) energies = vstack( [energies, new_energies] ) total_frames += read if read < hop_s: break if 1: print "done computing, now plotting" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from demo_waveform_plot import get_waveform_plot from demo_waveform_plot import set_xlabels_sample2time fig = plt.figure() plt.rc('lines',linewidth='.8') wave = plt.axes([0.1, 0.75, 0.8, 0.19]) get_waveform_plot(filename, samplerate, block_size = hop_s, ax = wave ) wave.yaxis.set_visible(False) wave.xaxis.set_visible(False) n_plots = len(energies.T) all_desc_times = [ x * hop_s for x in range(len(energies)) ] for i, band in enumerate(energies.T): ax = plt.axes ( [0.1, 0.75 - ((i+1) * 0.65 / n_plots), 0.8, 0.65 / n_plots], sharex = wave ) ax.plot(all_desc_times, band, '-', label = 'band %d' % i) #ax.set_ylabel(method, rotation = 0) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax.axis(xmax = all_desc_times[-1], xmin = all_desc_times[0]) ax.annotate('band %d' % i, xy=(-10, 0), xycoords='axes points', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', size = 'xx-small', ) set_xlabels_sample2time( ax, all_desc_times[-1], samplerate) #plt.ylabel('spectral descriptor value') ax.xaxis.set_visible(True)
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import spline from scipy.optimize import minimize import numpy as np from scipy.misc import imread,imsave from skimage.draw import line from primitive import image_error import os import skimage.feature import skimage.color import scipy.ndimage.morphology def line_clipped(r0, c0, r1, c1, shape): ln = line(r0, c0, r1, c1) lngood = [ (ln[i] >= 0) & (ln[i] < shape[i]) for i in range(len(shape)) ] lngood = lngood[0] & lngood[1] return [ v[lngood] for v in ln ] class SplinePrimitive(object): def __init__(self, dims=2): = [] self.vs = [] self.coeffs = [] self.dims = 2 def add_point(self, p, v): self.vs.append(v) return if len( > 1: self.coeffs.append(spline.cubic_spline_coeffs([-2], self.vs[-2],[-1], self.vs[-1])) def set_point(self, i, p, v):[i] = p self.vs[i] = v return if i < 0: i += len( if i > 0: self.coeffs[i-1] = spline.cubic_spline_coeffs([i-1], self.vs[i-1],[i], self.vs[i]) if i < (len( - 1): self.coeffs[i] = spline.cubic_spline_coeffs([i], self.vs[i],[i+1], self.vs[i+1]) def add_random_point(self): s = np.random.choice([-1,1], size=(self.dims,)) self.add_point(np.random.random(self.dims), s*np.sqrt(np.random.random(self.dims))) def randomize_endpoint(self): s = np.random.choice([-1,1], size=(self.dims,)) self.set_point(-1, np.random.random(self.dims), s*np.sqrt(np.random.random(self.dims))) def mutate_endpoint(self, d): self.set_point(-1, np.random.randn(self.dims)*d + 1, np.random.randn(self.dims)*d + 1) def remove_endpoint(self): del[-1] del self.vs[-1] return if len(self.coeffs): del self.coeffs[-1] def render(self, im, segs=20): import scipy.interpolate t0 = np.linspace(0, 1, len( t1 = np.linspace(0, 1, len(*segs) try: xx = np.array([ scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t0, [ p[0] for p in ], kind='cubic')(t1), scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t0, [ p[1] for p in ], kind='cubic')(t1) ]) except Exception as e: print( raise # xx = spline.cubic_spline(segs, coeffs_list=self.coeffs) for i in range(self.dims): xx[i] *= im.shape[i] xx = xx.astype(int) im.fill(0) for i in range(xx.shape[1]-1): ln = line_clipped(xx[0,i],xx[1,i],xx[0,i+1],xx[1,i+1],im.shape) im[ln] = 1 return im def mutate(self, d): spl = SplinePrimitive() for i in range(len( spl.add_point([i] * (np.random.randn(self.dims)*d + 1), self.vs[i] * (np.random.randn(self.dims)*d + 1)) return spl @classmethod def random(dims=2): spl = SplinePrimitive(dims) spl.add_random_point() spl.add_random_point() spl.add_random_point() spl.add_random_point() return spl def gradient_image(im, sqr=False, norm_pct=95): im = im.astype(float) if len(im.shape) == 2: gx, gy = np.gradient(im) else: gx, gy = np.gradient(im, axis=[0,1]) gx = gx.max(axis=2) gy = gy.max(axis=2) gmag = gx*gx + gy*gy if sqr: gmag = np.sqrt(gmag) if norm_pct is not None: v = np.percentile(gmag[:], 95) return gmag / v else: return gmag def canny_dist_image(im, sigma): gim = skimage.feature.canny(skimage.color.rgb2gray(im).astype(float), sigma=sigma).astype(float) gim = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(1.0-gim) return 1.0 / (gim + 1.0) def curveopt(im, N_pts=100, N_init=1000, N_rand=1000): #gim = gradient_image(im) gim = canny_dist_image(im, 2) buf = np.zeros_like(gim) yield gim best_spl = None best_error = float("inf")#image_error(buf,gim) # pick a good starting point for i in range(N_init): spl = SplinePrimitive.random() spl.render(buf) err = image_error(buf,gim) if err < best_error: best_error = err best_spl = spl for i in range(N_rand): new_spl = best_spl.mutate(.1) new_spl.render(buf) err = image_error(buf,gim) if err < best_error: best_error = err best_spl = new_spl best_spl.render(buf) best_error = image_error(buf,gim) yield buf # add new points for i in range(N_pts): best_p = None best_v = None best_spl.add_random_point() for j in range(N_init): best_spl.randomize_endpoint() best_spl.render(buf) err = image_error(buf,gim) if err < best_error: best_error = err best_p =[-1].copy() best_v = best_spl.vs[-1].copy() for j in range(N_rand): best_spl.mutate_endpoint(.1) best_spl.render(buf) err = image_error(buf,gim) if err < best_error: best_error = err best_p =[-1].copy() best_v = best_spl.vs[-1].copy() if best_p is not None: best_spl.set_point(-1, best_p, best_v) best_spl.render(buf) yield buf def main(): im = imread("kermit.jpg") savedir = "/mnt/c/Users/davidf/workspace/curveopt/" for i, cim in enumerate(curveopt(im, N_pts=200, N_init=5000, N_rand=5000)): print(i) savepath = os.path.join(savedir, "test_%05d.jpg" % i) imsave(savepath, 1.0 - cim.clip(0,1)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
####################################################################### # # # Copyright 2015 Max Planck Institute # # for Dynamics and Self-Organization # # # # This file is part of bfps. # # # # bfps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, # # or (at your option) any later version. # # # # bfps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with bfps. If not, see <> # # # # Contact: # # # ####################################################################### import numpy as np import h5py from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from base import * def convergence_test( opt, code_launch_routine, init_vorticity = None, code_class = bfps.NavierStokes): opt.simname = 'N{0:0>4}_0'.format(opt.n) clist = [] clist.append(code_launch_routine( opt, vorticity_field = init_vorticity, dt = 0.04, code_class = code_class)) clist[0].compute_statistics() opt.initialize = True dtlist = [] errlist = [] for i in range(1, 5): dtlist.append(clist[-1].parameters['dt']*clist[-1].statistics['vel_max'] / (2*np.pi / clist[-1].parameters['nx'])) opt.simname = 'N{0:0>4}_{1}'.format(opt.n, i) init_vorticity = np.fromfile( os.path.join(clist[0].work_dir, clist[0].simname + '_cvorticity_i00000'), dtype = clist[0].dtype) opt.niter_todo *= 2 opt.niter_stat *= 2 clist.append(code_launch_routine( opt, dt = clist[0].parameters['dt']/(2**i), vorticity_field = init_vorticity, code_class = code_class, tracer_state_file = h5py.File(os.path.join(clist[0].work_dir, clist[0].simname + '.h5'), 'r'))) clist[-1].compute_statistics() converter = bfps.fluid_converter(fluid_precision = opt.precision) converter.write_src() converter.set_host_info({'type' : 'pc'}) for c in clist: converter.work_dir = c.work_dir converter.simname = c.simname + '_converter' for key in converter.parameters.keys(): if key in c.parameters.keys(): converter.parameters[key] = c.parameters[key] converter.parameters['fluid_name'] = c.simname converter.write_par() ncpu = 2) f1 = np.fromfile(os.path.join(clist[0].work_dir, clist[0].simname + '_rvelocity_i{0:0>5x}'.format(clist[0].parameters['niter_todo'])), dtype = clist[0].dtype) for i in range(1, len(clist)): f2 = np.fromfile(os.path.join(clist[i].work_dir, clist[i].simname + '_rvelocity_i{0:0>5x}'.format(clist[i].parameters['niter_todo'])), dtype = clist[i].dtype) errlist.append(np.max(np.abs(f1 - f2)) / np.max(f1)) f1 = f2 fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(111) a.plot(dtlist, errlist, marker = '.') a.plot(dtlist, np.array(dtlist), dashes = (1, 1)) a.plot(dtlist, np.array(dtlist)**2, dashes = (2, 2)) a.set_xscale('log') a.set_yscale('log') a.set_xlabel('$\\|u\\|_\\infty \\frac{\\Delta t}{\\Delta x}$') fig.savefig('vel_err_vs_dt_{0}.pdf'.format(opt.precision)) return None if __name__ == '__main__': opt = parser.parse_args( ['-n', '32', '--run', '--initialize', '--ncpu', '2', '--nparticles', '1000', '--niter_todo', '16', '--precision', 'single', '--wd', 'data/single'] + sys.argv[1:]) convergence_test(opt, launch)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt theta = np.arange(-np.pi,np.pi,0.01) S_rr = -5./4.*np.sin(theta/2)+3./4.*np.sin(3*theta/2) S_ss = -3./4.*np.sin(theta/2)-3./4.*np.sin(3*theta/2) S_sr = 1./4.*np.cos(theta/2)+3./4.*np.cos(3*theta/2) pressure = -2.*np.sin(theta/2)/3 sigma_rr, = plt.plot(theta,S_rr,"b",label='$\sigma_{rr}$',linestyle='-') sigma_tt, = plt.plot(theta,S_ss,"ro",label='$\sigma_{\\theta\\theta}$',linestyle='-') sigma_rt, = plt.plot(theta,S_sr,"g",label='$\sigma_{r\\theta}$',linestyle='-') sigma_pressure, = plt.plot(theta,pressure,"k",label='pressure',linestyle='--') plt.legend() plt.axis([-np.pi,np.pi,-2.5,2.5]) plt.xlabel('theta (rad)') plt.ylabel('theta dependent part') plt.title('Mode II crack tip field') plt.grid(True) # find the local maxima m = (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(S_ss)))<0).nonzero()[0]+1 n = (np.diff(np.sign(np.diff(S_ss)))>0).nonzero()[0]+1 max_x_norm = theta[m] max_y_norm = S_ss[m] min_x_norm = theta[n] min_y_norm= S_ss[n] # Adding anotations plt.annotate('local maxima normal stress \napproximately %d degree'%(max_x_norm/np.pi*180), xy =(max_x_norm, max_y_norm), xytext=(max_x_norm+0.5, max_y_norm+0.7), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1), ) plt.annotate('local macima normal stress \napproximately %d degree'%(min_x_norm/np.pi*180-1), xy =(min_x_norm, min_y_norm), xytext=(min_x_norm-0.5, min_y_norm-0.7), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1), ) # plt.annotate('max pressure', xy =(max_x_pressure, max_y_pressure), xytext=(max_x_pressure+1, max_y_pressure+0.5), # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1), # ) plt.savefig("test.png")
'''Example to illustrate Quantile Regression Author: Josef Perktold ''' import numpy as np from statsmodels.compat.python import zip import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.regression.quantile_regression import QuantReg sige = 5 nobs, k_vars = 500, 5 x = np.random.randn(nobs, k_vars) #x[:,0] = 1 y = x.sum(1) + sige * (np.random.randn(nobs)/2 + 1)**3 p = 0.5 exog = np.column_stack((np.ones(nobs), x)) res_qr = QuantReg(y, exog).fit(p) res_qr2 = QuantReg(y, exog).fit(0.25) res_qr3 = QuantReg(y, exog).fit(0.75) res_ols = sm.OLS(y, exog).fit() ##print 'ols ', res_ols.params ##print '0.25', res_qr2 ##print '0.5 ', res_qr ##print '0.75', res_qr3 params = [res_ols.params, res_qr2.params, res_qr.params, res_qr3.params] labels = ['ols', 'qr 0.25', 'qr 0.5', 'qr 0.75'] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #sortidx = np.argsort(y) fitted_ols =, params[0]) sortidx = np.argsort(fitted_ols) x_sorted = res_ols.model.exog[sortidx] fitted_ols =, params[0]) plt.figure() plt.plot(y[sortidx], 'o', alpha=0.75) for lab, beta in zip(['ols', 'qr 0.25', 'qr 0.5', 'qr 0.75'], params): print('%-8s'%lab, np.round(beta, 4)) fitted =, beta) lw = 2 if lab == 'ols' else 1 plt.plot(fitted, lw=lw, label=lab) plt.legend()
#!/usr/bin/python import cv2 import sys import csv import numpy as np from math import cos,sin import math import SimpleITK as sitk import argparse from glob import glob from sklearn import cluster from sklearn import neighbors from sklearn import svm from sklearn.externals import joblib from joblib import Parallel, delayed from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles ###################################################################### def is_in_ellipse( (x,y), ((xe,ye),(we,he),theta)): theta = theta / 180 * np.pi u = cos(theta)*(x-xe)+ sin(theta)*(y-ye) v = -sin(theta)*(x-xe)+cos(theta)*(y-ye) # # # if theta < -45: # tmp = we # we = he # he = we a = we/2 b = he/2 return (u/a)**2 + (v/b)**2 <= 1 def process_file( raw_file, ga, coordinates, size, classifier, N, NEW_SAMPLING, DEBUG=False ): X = [] Y = [] ofd_model = np.array([ -4.97315445e-03, 3.19846853e-01, -2.60839214e+00, 2.62679565e+01]) OFD = 0 for k in range(4): OFD += ofd_model[3-k]*ga**k OFD /= NEW_SAMPLING mser = cv2.MSER( _delta=5, _min_area=60, _max_area=14400, _max_variation=0.15, _min_diversity=.1, _max_evolution=200, _area_threshold=1.01, _min_margin=0.003, _edge_blur_size=5) sift = cv2.SIFT( nfeatures=0, nOctaveLayers=3, contrastThreshold=0.04, edgeThreshold=10, sigma=0.8) siftExtractor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create("SIFT") coordinates = np.array(map(float,coordinates.split(',')),dtype='float') size = np.array(map(float,size.split(',')),dtype='float') sitk_img = sitk.ReadImage( raw_file ) raw_spacing = sitk_img.GetSpacing() ## Resample resample = sitk.ResampleImageFilter() resample.SetOutputDirection(sitk_img.GetDirection()) resample.SetOutputOrigin(sitk_img.GetOrigin()) resample.SetOutputSpacing([NEW_SAMPLING,NEW_SAMPLING,raw_spacing[2]]) resample.SetSize([int(sitk_img.GetSize()[0]*raw_spacing[0]/NEW_SAMPLING), int(sitk_img.GetSize()[1]*raw_spacing[1]/NEW_SAMPLING), sitk_img.GetSize()[2]]) sitk_img = resample.Execute(sitk_img) # Adjust coordinates and size box = coordinates * np.array([1.0,raw_spacing[1]/NEW_SAMPLING,raw_spacing[0]/NEW_SAMPLING],dtype='float') box_size = size * np.array([1.0,raw_spacing[1]/NEW_SAMPLING,raw_spacing[0]/NEW_SAMPLING],dtype='float') z0,y0,x0 = box.astype('int') d0,h0,w0 = box_size.astype('int') brain_center = (x0 + w0/2, y0 + h0/2) data = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( sitk_img ).astype("float") ## Contrast-stretch with saturation q = mquantiles(data.flatten(),[0.01,0.99]) data[data<q[0]] = q[0] data[data>q[1]] = q[1] data -= data.min() data /= data.max() data *= 255 data = data.astype('uint8') for z in range(data.shape[0]): contours = mser.detect(data[z,:,:]) keypoints = sift.detect(data[z,:,:]) if keypoints is None or len(keypoints) == 0: continue (keypoints, descriptors) = siftExtractor.compute(data[z,:,:],keypoints) for i,c in enumerate(contours): hist = np.zeros(N, dtype='float') ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(np.array(map(lambda x:[x], c),dtype='int32')) # filter by size if ( ellipse[1][0] > OFD or ellipse[1][1] > OFD or ellipse[1][0] < 0.5*OFD or ellipse[1][1] < 0.5*OFD ) : continue # filter by eccentricity # if math.sqrt(1-(np.min(ellipse[1])/np.max(ellipse[1]))**2) > 0.75: # continue distance = math.sqrt((ellipse[0][0]-brain_center[0])**2 +(ellipse[0][1]-brain_center[1])**2) if max(w0,h0)/2 >= distance >= min(w0,h0)/8: continue for k,d in zip(keypoints,descriptors): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): c = classifier.kneighbors(d, return_distance=False) hist[c] += 1 # Normalize histogram norm = np.linalg.norm(hist) if norm > 0: hist /= norm if distance > max(w0,h0)/4: if DEBUG: print 0 X.append(hist) Y.append(0) else: if distance < min(w0,h0)/8 and z0 + d0/8 <= z <= z0+7*d0/8: if DEBUG: print 1 X.append(hist) Y.append(1) else: continue if DEBUG: img_color = cv2.cvtColor( data[z,:,:], ) cv2.ellipse( img_color, (ellipse[0], (ellipse[1][0],ellipse[1][1]), ellipse[2]) , (0,0,255)) for k_id,k in enumerate(keypoints): if is_in_ellipse(,ellipse): if Y[-1] == 1: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,255,0), -1) else: img_color, (int([0]),int([1])), 2, (0,0,255), -1) cv2.imwrite("/tmp/"+str(z) + '_' +str(i) +'_'+str(k_id)+".png",img_color) # cv2.imshow("show",img_color) # cv2.waitKey(0) return X,Y ###################################################################### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Learn MSER classifier using SIFT BOW.' ) parser.add_argument( '--training_patients' ) parser.add_argument( '--original_folder' ) parser.add_argument( '--ga_file' ) parser.add_argument( '--clean_brainboxes' ) parser.add_argument( '--new_sampling', type=float ) parser.add_argument( '--vocabulary' ) parser.add_argument( '--output' ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action="store_true", default=False ) args = parser.parse_args() vocabulary = open(args.vocabulary, 'rb') voca = np.load(vocabulary) classifier = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(1) N = voca.shape[0] f = open( args.training_patients, "r" ) patients = [] for p in f: patients.append(p.rstrip()) f.close() reader = csv.reader( open( args.ga_file, "rb"), delimiter=" " ) all_ga = {} for patient_id, ga in reader: all_ga[patient_id] = float(ga) reader = csv.reader( open( args.clean_brainboxes, "r" ), delimiter='\t' ) training_patients = [] for patient_id, raw_file, cl, coordinates, size in reader: if patient_id not in patients: print "Skipping testing patient: " + patient_id continue training_patients.append((args.original_folder + '/' + raw_file,all_ga[patient_id],coordinates, size)) XY = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(process_file)(raw_file,ga,coordinates, size, classifier,N,args.new_sampling,args.debug) for raw_file,ga,coordinates, size in training_patients ) print len(XY) X = [] Y = [] for x,y in XY: X.extend(x) Y.extend(y) print "RATIO = ", np.sum(Y), len(Y) X = np.array(X,dtype='float') Y = np.array(Y,dtype='float') # svc = svm.SVC() svc = svm.LinearSVC(dual=False,), Y) print svc.score(X, Y) joblib.dump(svc, args.output)
#!/usr/bin/env python from keras.layers import Input, Dense from keras.models import Model import os os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" # see issue #152 os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1" # this is the size of our encoded representations encoding_dim = 32 # 32 floats -> compression of factor 24.5, assuming the input is 784 floats # this is our input placeholder input_img = Input(shape=(784,)) # "encoded" is the encoded representation of the input encoded = Dense(encoding_dim, activation='relu')(input_img) # "decoded" is the lossy reconstruction of the input decoded = Dense(784, activation='sigmoid')(encoded) # this model maps an input to its reconstruction autoencoder = Model(input_img, decoded) # this model maps an input to its encoded representation encoder = Model(input_img, encoded) # create a placeholder for an encoded (32-dimensional) input encoded_input = Input(shape=(encoding_dim,)) # retrieve the last layer of the autoencoder model decoder_layer = autoencoder.layers[-1] # create the decoder model decoder = Model(encoded_input, decoder_layer(encoded_input)) autoencoder.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss='binary_crossentropy') # load data from keras.datasets import mnist import numpy as np (x_train, _), (x_test, _) = mnist.load_data() x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255. x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255. x_train = x_train.reshape((len(x_train),[1:]))) x_test = x_test.reshape((len(x_test),[1:]))) print x_train.shape print x_test.shape, x_train, epochs=50, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, validation_data=(x_test, x_test)) # encode and decode some digits # note that we take them from the *test* set encoded_imgs = encoder.predict(x_test) decoded_imgs = decoder.predict(encoded_imgs) # use Matplotlib (don't ask) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 10 # how many digits we will display plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) for i in range(n): # display original ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1) plt.imshow(x_test[i].reshape(28, 28)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # display reconstruction ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1 + n) plt.imshow(decoded_imgs[i].reshape(28, 28)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.savefig('fig1.png') ## ------------ Sparsity constraints ----------- ## from keras import regularizers encoding_dim = 32 input_img = Input(shape=(784,)) # add a Dense layer with a L1 activity regularizer encoded = Dense(encoding_dim, activation='relu', activity_regularizer=regularizers.l1(10e-5))(input_img) decoded = Dense(784, activation='sigmoid')(encoded) autoencoder = Model(input_img, decoded) autoencoder.compile(optimizer='adadelta', loss='binary_crossentropy'), x_train, epochs=50, batch_size=256, shuffle=True, validation_data=(x_test, x_test)) # this model maps an input to its encoded representation encoder = Model(input_img, encoded) decoder_layer = autoencoder.layers[-1] # create the decoder model decoder = Model(encoded_input, decoder_layer(encoded_input)) # encode and decode some digits # note that we take them from the *test* set encoded_imgs = encoder.predict(x_test) decoded_imgs = decoder.predict(encoded_imgs) # use Matplotlib (don't ask) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 10 # how many digits we will display plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) for i in range(n): # display original ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1) plt.imshow(x_test[i].reshape(28, 28)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # display reconstruction ax = plt.subplot(2, n, i + 1 + n) plt.imshow(decoded_imgs[i].reshape(28, 28)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.savefig('fig2.png')
r""" ======================================= Robust vs Empirical covariance estimate ======================================= The usual covariance maximum likelihood estimate is very sensitive to the presence of outliers in the data set. In such a case, it would be better to use a robust estimator of covariance to guarantee that the estimation is resistant to "erroneous" observations in the data set. Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator ---------------------------------------- The Minimum Covariance Determinant estimator is a robust, high-breakdown point (i.e. it can be used to estimate the covariance matrix of highly contaminated datasets, up to :math:`\frac{n_\text{samples} - n_\text{features}-1}{2}` outliers) estimator of covariance. The idea is to find :math:`\frac{n_\text{samples} + n_\text{features}+1}{2}` observations whose empirical covariance has the smallest determinant, yielding a "pure" subset of observations from which to compute standards estimates of location and covariance. After a correction step aiming at compensating the fact that the estimates were learned from only a portion of the initial data, we end up with robust estimates of the data set location and covariance. The Minimum Covariance Determinant estimator (MCD) has been introduced by P.J.Rousseuw in [1]_. Evaluation ---------- In this example, we compare the estimation errors that are made when using various types of location and covariance estimates on contaminated Gaussian distributed data sets: - The mean and the empirical covariance of the full dataset, which break down as soon as there are outliers in the data set - The robust MCD, that has a low error provided :math:`n_\text{samples} > 5n_\text{features}` - The mean and the empirical covariance of the observations that are known to be good ones. This can be considered as a "perfect" MCD estimation, so one can trust our implementation by comparing to this case. References ---------- .. [1] P. J. Rousseeuw. Least median of squares regression. Journal of American Statistical Ass., 79:871, 1984. .. [2] Johanna Hardin, David M Rocke. The distribution of robust distances. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. December 1, 2005, 14(4): 928-946. .. [3] Zoubir A., Koivunen V., Chakhchoukh Y. and Muma M. (2012). Robust estimation in signal processing: A tutorial-style treatment of fundamental concepts. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 29(4), 61-80. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.font_manager from sklearn.covariance import EmpiricalCovariance, MinCovDet # example settings n_samples = 80 n_features = 5 repeat = 10 range_n_outliers = np.concatenate( (np.linspace(0, n_samples / 8, 5), np.linspace(n_samples / 8, n_samples / 2, 5)[1:-1])) # definition of arrays to store results err_loc_mcd = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) err_cov_mcd = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) err_loc_emp_full = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) err_cov_emp_full = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) err_loc_emp_pure = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) err_cov_emp_pure = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat)) # computation for i, n_outliers in enumerate(range_n_outliers): for j in range(repeat): rng = np.random.RandomState(i * j) # generate data X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) # add some outliers outliers_index = rng.permutation(n_samples)[:n_outliers] outliers_offset = 10. * \ (np.random.randint(2, size=(n_outliers, n_features)) - 0.5) X[outliers_index] += outliers_offset inliers_mask = np.ones(n_samples).astype(bool) inliers_mask[outliers_index] = False # fit a Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) robust estimator to data mcd = MinCovDet().fit(X) # compare raw robust estimates with the true location and covariance err_loc_mcd[i, j] = np.sum(mcd.location_ ** 2) err_cov_mcd[i, j] = mcd.error_norm(np.eye(n_features)) # compare estimators learned from the full data set with true # parameters err_loc_emp_full[i, j] = np.sum(X.mean(0) ** 2) err_cov_emp_full[i, j] = EmpiricalCovariance().fit(X).error_norm( np.eye(n_features)) # compare with an empirical covariance learned from a pure data set # (i.e. "perfect" mcd) pure_X = X[inliers_mask] pure_location = pure_X.mean(0) pure_emp_cov = EmpiricalCovariance().fit(pure_X) err_loc_emp_pure[i, j] = np.sum(pure_location ** 2) err_cov_emp_pure[i, j] = pure_emp_cov.error_norm(np.eye(n_features)) # Display results font_prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=11) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) lw = 2 plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_mcd.mean(1), yerr=err_loc_mcd.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat), label="Robust location", lw=lw, color='m') plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_emp_full.mean(1), yerr=err_loc_emp_full.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat), label="Full data set mean", lw=lw, color='green') plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_emp_pure.mean(1), yerr=err_loc_emp_pure.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat), label="Pure data set mean", lw=lw, color='black') plt.title("Influence of outliers on the location estimation") plt.ylabel(r"Error ($||\mu - \hat{\mu}||_2^2$)") plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop=font_prop) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) x_size = range_n_outliers.size plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_cov_mcd.mean(1), yerr=err_cov_mcd.std(1), label="Robust covariance (mcd)", color='m') plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers[:(x_size / 5 + 1)], err_cov_emp_full.mean(1)[:(x_size / 5 + 1)], yerr=err_cov_emp_full.std(1)[:(x_size / 5 + 1)], label="Full data set empirical covariance", color='green') plt.plot(range_n_outliers[(x_size / 5):(x_size / 2 - 1)], err_cov_emp_full.mean(1)[(x_size / 5):(x_size / 2 - 1)], color='green', ls='--') plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_cov_emp_pure.mean(1), yerr=err_cov_emp_pure.std(1), label="Pure data set empirical covariance", color='black') plt.title("Influence of outliers on the covariance estimation") plt.xlabel("Amount of contamination (%)") plt.ylabel("RMSE") plt.legend(loc="upper center", prop=font_prop)
07 - MCMC results/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import Gedi as gedi import numpy as np; #np.random.seed(13042017) import matplotlib.pylab as pl; pl.close("all") from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator import astropy.table as Table from time import time import sys #sys.path.append(...\Emcee) import emcee print print 'It has began.' print ############################################################################### #number of spots ijk=21 #walkers percentage=0.01 #Defining what's supose to run: 1 runs/0 doesn't day_1=1 daydecay_1=1 daydecaygap_1=1 day_4=1 daydecay_4=1 daydecaygap_4=1 ############################################################################### for ijk in range(1,21): #file to use soap_file='output_spots{0}'.format(ijk) #data of spots on the 2 hemispheres samples_amp=[[0,0], \ [30,40],[30,40],[10,20],[65,75],[80,90], \ [10,20],[15,25],[50,60],[55,65],[75,85], \ [30,40],[40,50],[55,65],[45,55],[60,70], \ [45,55],[60,70],[65,75],[30,40],[75,85], \ [80,90],[115,125],[45,55],[65,75],[65,75], \ [55,65],[75,85],[75,85],[105,115],[55,165], \ [95,105],[75,85],[165,175],[95,105],[120,130], \ [75,85],[85,95],[170,180],[145,155],[125,135]] #kernel data amplitude= np.random.uniform(samples_amp[ijk][0],samples_amp[ijk][1])#amplitude l1= np.random.uniform(0.5,1.0)#lenght scale l2= np.random.uniform(0.5,1.0)#lenght scale period= np.random.uniform(24,26)#period whitenoise= np.random.uniform(0.1,1.0)#amplitude of the white noise ##### FILE #################################################################### if day_1 ==1: f=open("{0}_1day_normal.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot= rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot= np.array(spot) spot= spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal= np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into a measurement per day spots_info= [] for i in np.arange(0,399,4): spots_info.append(spotfinal[i]*1000) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_info))) y= np.array(spots_info+yerr) t= np.array(range(1,101)) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_1day_normal.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: pass ##### FILE #################################################################### if daydecay_1==1: f=open("{0}_1day_decay.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot= rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot= np.array(spot) spot= spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal= np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into a measurement per day spots_info= [] for i in np.arange(0,399,4): spots_info.append(spotfinal[i]*1000) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_info))) y= np.array(spots_info+yerr) decay=np.linspace(1,0.5,len(y)) y=[n*m for n,m in zip(y,decay)] y=np.array(y) t= np.array(range(1,101)) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_1day_decay.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: pass ##### FILE #################################################################### if daydecaygap_1==1: f=open("{0}_1day_decaygap.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot= rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot= np.array(spot) spot= spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal= np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into a measurement per day spots_info= [] for i in np.arange(0,399,4): spots_info.append(spotfinal[i]*1000) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_info))) y0= np.array(spots_info+yerr) decay=np.linspace(1,0.5,len(y0)) y0=[n*m for n,m in zip(y0,decay)] #new t and y t1= range(1,30) t2= range(60,101) t=np.array(t1+t2) y=[] yerr1=[] for i,e in enumerate(t): y.append(y0[e-1]) yerr1.append(yerr[e-1]) yerr=np.array(yerr1) y=np.array(y) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_1day_decaygap.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() print 'It finished for 1 measurement a day.' print else: pass ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ##### FILE #################################################################### if day_4==1: f=open("{0}_4days_normal.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot=rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot=np.array(spot) spot=spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal=np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into just 30 measurments spots_yy=[] for ii in np.arange(4,401,4): a=(spotfinal[ii-4]+spotfinal[ii-3]+spotfinal[ii-2]+spotfinal[ii-1])*1000/4. spots_yy.append(a) spots_data=[] for j in np.arange(1,100,3.3): spots_data.append(spots_yy[int(round(j))]) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_data))) y=np.array(spots_data + yerr) t=range(1,31) t=np.array([4*n for n in t]) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_4days_normal.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: pass ##### FILE #################################################################### if daydecay_4==1: f=open("{0}_4days_decay.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot=rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot=np.array(spot) spot=spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal=np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into just 30 measurments spots_yy=[] for ii in np.arange(4,401,4): a=(spotfinal[ii-4]+spotfinal[ii-3]+spotfinal[ii-2]+spotfinal[ii-1])*1000/4. spots_yy.append(a) spots_data=[] for j in np.arange(1,100,3.3): spots_data.append(spots_yy[int(round(j))]) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_data))) y=np.array(spots_data + yerr) decay=np.linspace(1,0.5,len(y)) y0=[n*m for n,m in zip(y,decay)] t=range(1,31) t=np.array([4*n for n in t]) y=np.array(y0) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_4days_decay.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: pass ##### FILE #################################################################### if daydecaygap_4==1: f=open("{0}_4days_decaygap.txt".format(soap_file),"w") sys.stdout = f start=time() ############################################################################### print print '> Preparing data.' print print 'Loading {0}.rdb file.'.format(soap_file) print #data from .rdb file rdb_data='{0}.rdb'.format(soap_file),format='ascii') spot=rdb_data['RV_tot'][1:101] spot=np.array(spot) spot=spot.astype('Float64') spotfinal=np.concatenate((spot,spot,spot,spot),axis=0) #to organize the data into just 30 measurments spots_yy=[] for ii in np.arange(4,401,4): a=(spotfinal[ii-4]+spotfinal[ii-3]+spotfinal[ii-2]+spotfinal[ii-1])*1000/4. spots_yy.append(a) spots_data=[] for j in np.arange(1,100,3.3): spots_data.append(spots_yy[int(round(j))]) yerr= np.array(0.5*np.random.randn(len(spots_data))) y=np.array(spots_data + yerr) decay=np.linspace(1,0.5,len(y)) y0=[n*m for n,m in zip(y,decay)] t0=range(1,31) t0=np.array([4*n for n in t0]) y0=np.array(y0) #new t and y y=[] yerr1=[] t=[] for i in range(0,10): t.append(t0[i]) y.append(y0[i]) yerr1.append(yerr[i]) for i in range(18,30): t.append(t0[i]) y.append(y0[i]) yerr1.append(yerr[i]) yerr=np.array(yerr1) y=np.array(y) t=np.array(t) #pl.figure('data') #pl.plot(t,y,'*') #pl.close('data') print "Done." print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing kernel.' print kernel=gedi.kernel.QuasiPeriodic(amplitude,l1,l2,period) +\ gedi.kernel.WhiteNoise(whitenoise) print 'Kernel =', kernel print print 'Likelihood =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Gradients =', gedi.kernel_likelihood.gradient_likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) print print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing mcmc.' print def lnprob(p): global kernel # Trivial improper prior: uniform in the log. if np.any((-10 > p) + (p > 10)): return -np.inf lnprior = 0.0 # Update the kernel and compute the lnlikelihood. params=np.exp(p) kernel=gedi.kernel_optimization.new_kernel(kernel,params) new_likelihood=gedi.kernel_likelihood.likelihood(kernel,t,y,yerr) return lnprior + new_likelihood # Set up the sampler. nwalkers, ndim = 10, len( sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob) # Initialize the walkers. initial_walk=[percentage*np.log(n) for n in] #initial_walk=1e-4 p0 = [np.log( + initial_walk * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)] print "Running burn-in" print p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print "Running production chain" print sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 2000) print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing graphics.' print fig, axes = pl.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 9)) axes[0].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 0]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].set_ylabel("$theta$") axes[1].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 1]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].set_ylabel("$l1$") axes[2].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 2]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[2].set_ylabel("$l2$") axes[3].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 3]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[3].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[3].set_ylabel("$P$") axes[4].plot(np.exp(sampler.chain[:, :, 4]).T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[4].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[4].set_ylabel("$WN$") axes[4].set_xlabel("step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig('{0}_4days_decaygap.png'.format(soap_file)) pl.close('all') print 'Done.' print ############################################################################### print '> Preparing solution.' print # Compute the quantiles. burnin = 50 samples = sampler.chain[:, burnin:, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) samples[:, 0] = np.exp(samples[:, 0]) #amplitude samples[:, 1] = np.exp(samples[:, 1]) #lenght scale 1 samples[:, 2] = np.exp(samples[:, 2]) #lenght scale 2 samples[:, 3] = np.exp(samples[:, 3]) #period samples[:, 4] = np.exp(samples[:, 4]) #white noise theta_mcmc,l_mcmc,l2_mcmc,p_mcmc,wn_mcmc = map(lambda v: (v[1], v[2]-v[1], v[1]-v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16, 50, 84], axis=0))) print 'theta = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(theta_mcmc) print 'l1 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l_mcmc) print 'l2 = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(l2_mcmc) print 'period = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(p_mcmc) print 'white noise = {0[0]} +{0[1]} -{0[2]}'.format(wn_mcmc) print tempo=(time() - start) print 'Everything took', tempo,'s' print print 'Done.' print sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ f.close() else: pass print 'It is over.' print
""" ================================= Compare BIRCH and MiniBatchKMeans ================================= This example compares the timing of Birch (with and without the global clustering step) and MiniBatchKMeans on a synthetic dataset having 100,000 samples and 2 features generated using make_blobs. If ``n_clusters`` is set to None, the data is reduced from 100,000 samples to a set of 158 clusters. This can be viewed as a preprocessing step before the final (global) clustering step that further reduces these 158 clusters to 100 clusters. """ # Authors: Manoj Kumar < # Alexandre Gramfort <> # License: BSD 3 clause print(__doc__) from itertools import cycle from time import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as colors from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.cluster import Birch, MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs # Generate centers for the blobs so that it forms a 10 X 10 grid. xx = np.linspace(-22, 22, 10) yy = np.linspace(-22, 22, 10) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) n_centres = np.hstack((np.ravel(xx)[:, np.newaxis], np.ravel(yy)[:, np.newaxis])) # Generate blobs to do a comparison between MiniBatchKMeans and Birch. X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=100000, centers=n_centres, random_state=0) # Use all colors that matplotlib provides by default. colors_ = cycle(colors.cnames.keys()) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.04, right=0.98, bottom=0.1, top=0.9) # Compute clustering with Birch with and without the final clustering step # and plot. birch_models = [Birch(threshold=1.7, n_clusters=None), Birch(threshold=1.7, n_clusters=100)] final_step = ['without global clustering', 'with global clustering'] for ind, (birch_model, info) in enumerate(zip(birch_models, final_step)): t = time() time_ = time() - t print("Birch %s as the final step took %0.2f seconds" % ( info, (time() - t))) # Plot result labels = birch_model.labels_ centroids = birch_model.subcluster_centers_ n_clusters = np.unique(labels).size print("n_clusters : %d" % n_clusters) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, ind + 1) for this_centroid, k, col in zip(centroids, range(n_clusters), colors_): mask = labels == k ax.plot(X[mask, 0], X[mask, 1], 'w', markerfacecolor=col, marker='.') if birch_model.n_clusters is None: ax.plot(this_centroid[0], this_centroid[1], '+', markerfacecolor=col, markeredgecolor='k', markersize=5) ax.set_ylim([-25, 25]) ax.set_xlim([-25, 25]) ax.set_autoscaley_on(False) ax.set_title('Birch %s' % info) # Compute clustering with MiniBatchKMeans. mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=100, batch_size=100, n_init=10, max_no_improvement=10, verbose=0, random_state=0) t0 = time() t_mini_batch = time() - t0 print("Time taken to run MiniBatchKMeans %0.2f seconds" % t_mini_batch) mbk_means_labels_unique = np.unique(mbk.labels_) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) for this_centroid, k, col in zip(mbk.cluster_centers_, range(n_clusters), colors_): mask = mbk.labels_ == k ax.plot(X[mask, 0], X[mask, 1], 'w', markerfacecolor=col, marker='.') ax.plot(this_centroid[0], this_centroid[1], '+', markeredgecolor='k', markersize=5) ax.set_xlim([-25, 25]) ax.set_ylim([-25, 25]) ax.set_title("MiniBatchKMeans") ax.set_autoscaley_on(False)
""" Testing for Support Vector Machine module (sklearn.svm) TODO: remove hard coded numerical results when possible """ import numpy as np import itertools from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal from scipy import sparse from import assert_raises, assert_true, assert_equal, assert_false from sklearn.base import ChangedBehaviorWarning from sklearn import svm, linear_model, datasets, metrics, base from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, make_blobs from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.utils import ConvergenceWarning from sklearn.utils.validation import NotFittedError from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater, assert_in, assert_less from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises_regexp, assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message, assert_raise_message from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings # toy sample X = [[-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1]] Y = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2] T = [[-1, -1], [2, 2], [3, 2]] true_result = [1, 2, 2] # also load the iris dataset iris = datasets.load_iris() rng = check_random_state(42) perm = rng.permutation( =[perm] =[perm] def test_libsvm_parameters(): # Test parameters on classes that make use of libsvm. clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(X, Y) assert_array_equal(clf.dual_coef_, [[-0.25, .25]]) assert_array_equal(clf.support_, [1, 3]) assert_array_equal(clf.support_vectors_, (X[1], X[3])) assert_array_equal(clf.intercept_, [0.]) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(X), Y) def test_libsvm_iris(): # Check consistency on dataset iris. # shuffle the dataset so that labels are not ordered for k in ('linear', 'rbf'): clf = svm.SVC(kernel=k).fit(, assert_greater(np.mean(clf.predict( ==, 0.9) assert_array_equal(clf.classes_, np.sort(clf.classes_)) # check also the low-level API model =, pred = svm.libsvm.predict(, *model) assert_greater(np.mean(pred ==, .95) model =,, kernel='linear') pred = svm.libsvm.predict(, *model, kernel='linear') assert_greater(np.mean(pred ==, .95) pred = svm.libsvm.cross_validation(,, 5, kernel='linear', random_seed=0) assert_greater(np.mean(pred ==, .95) # If random_seed >= 0, the libsvm rng is seeded (by calling `srand`), hence # we should get deteriministic results (assuming that there is no other # thread calling this wrapper calling `srand` concurrently). pred2 = svm.libsvm.cross_validation(,, 5, kernel='linear', random_seed=0) assert_array_equal(pred, pred2) def test_single_sample_1d(): # Test whether SVCs work on a single sample given as a 1-d array clf = svm.SVC().fit(X, Y) clf.predict(X[0]) clf = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0).fit(X, Y) clf.predict(X[0]) def test_precomputed(): # SVC with a precomputed kernel. # We test it with a toy dataset and with iris. clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed') # Gram matrix for train data (square matrix) # (we use just a linear kernel) K =, np.array(X).T), Y) # Gram matrix for test data (rectangular matrix) KT =, np.array(X).T) pred = clf.predict(KT) assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, KT.T) assert_array_equal(clf.dual_coef_, [[-0.25, .25]]) assert_array_equal(clf.support_, [1, 3]) assert_array_equal(clf.intercept_, [0]) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.support_, [1, 3]) assert_array_equal(pred, true_result) # Gram matrix for test data but compute KT[i,j] # for support vectors j only. KT = np.zeros_like(KT) for i in range(len(T)): for j in clf.support_: KT[i, j] =[i], X[j]) pred = clf.predict(KT) assert_array_equal(pred, true_result) # same as before, but using a callable function instead of the kernel # matrix. kernel is just a linear kernel kfunc = lambda x, y:, y.T) clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kfunc), Y) pred = clf.predict(T) assert_array_equal(clf.dual_coef_, [[-0.25, .25]]) assert_array_equal(clf.intercept_, [0]) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.support_, [1, 3]) assert_array_equal(pred, true_result) # test a precomputed kernel with the iris dataset # and check parameters against a linear SVC clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed') clf2 = svm.SVC(kernel='linear') K =,,, pred = clf.predict(K) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.support_, clf2.support_) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, clf2.dual_coef_) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.intercept_, clf2.intercept_) assert_almost_equal(np.mean(pred ==, .99, decimal=2) # Gram matrix for test data but compute KT[i,j] # for support vectors j only. K = np.zeros_like(K) for i in range(len( for j in clf.support_: K[i, j] =[i],[j]) pred = clf.predict(K) assert_almost_equal(np.mean(pred ==, .99, decimal=2) clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kfunc), assert_almost_equal(np.mean(pred ==, .99, decimal=2) def test_svr(): # Test Support Vector Regression diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() for clf in (svm.NuSVR(kernel='linear', nu=.4, C=1.0), svm.NuSVR(kernel='linear', nu=.4, C=10.), svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=10.), svm.LinearSVR(C=10.), svm.LinearSVR(C=10.), ):, assert_greater(clf.score(,, 0.02) # non-regression test; previously, BaseLibSVM would check that # len(np.unique(y)) < 2, which must only be done for SVC svm.SVR().fit(, np.ones(len( svm.LinearSVR().fit(, np.ones(len( def test_linearsvr(): # check that SVR(kernel='linear') and LinearSVC() give # comparable results diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() lsvr = svm.LinearSVR(C=1e3).fit(, score1 = lsvr.score(, svr = svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=1e3).fit(, score2 = svr.score(, assert np.linalg.norm(lsvr.coef_ - svr.coef_) / np.linalg.norm(svr.coef_) < .1 assert np.abs(score1 - score2) < 0.1 def test_svr_errors(): X = [[0.0], [1.0]] y = [0.0, 0.5] # Bad kernel clf = svm.SVR(kernel=lambda x, y: np.array([[1.0]])), y) assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, X) def test_oneclass(): # Test OneClassSVM clf = svm.OneClassSVM() pred = clf.predict(T) assert_array_almost_equal(pred, [-1, -1, -1]) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.intercept_, [-1.008], decimal=3) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.dual_coef_, [[0.632, 0.233, 0.633, 0.234, 0.632, 0.633]], decimal=3) assert_raises(ValueError, lambda: clf.coef_) def test_oneclass_decision_function(): # Test OneClassSVM decision function clf = svm.OneClassSVM() rnd = check_random_state(2) # Generate train data X = 0.3 * rnd.randn(100, 2) X_train = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2] # Generate some regular novel observations X = 0.3 * rnd.randn(20, 2) X_test = np.r_[X + 2, X - 2] # Generate some abnormal novel observations X_outliers = rnd.uniform(low=-4, high=4, size=(20, 2)) # fit the model clf = svm.OneClassSVM(nu=0.1, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.1) # predict things y_pred_test = clf.predict(X_test) assert_greater(np.mean(y_pred_test == 1), .9) y_pred_outliers = clf.predict(X_outliers) assert_greater(np.mean(y_pred_outliers == -1), .9) dec_func_test = clf.decision_function(X_test) assert_array_equal((dec_func_test > 0).ravel(), y_pred_test == 1) dec_func_outliers = clf.decision_function(X_outliers) assert_array_equal((dec_func_outliers > 0).ravel(), y_pred_outliers == 1) def test_tweak_params(): # Make sure some tweaking of parameters works. # We change clf.dual_coef_ at run time and expect .predict() to change # accordingly. Notice that this is not trivial since it involves a lot # of C/Python copying in the libsvm bindings. # The success of this test ensures that the mapping between libsvm and # the python classifier is complete. clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=1.0), Y) assert_array_equal(clf.dual_coef_, [[-.25, .25]]) assert_array_equal(clf.predict([[-.1, -.1]]), [1]) clf._dual_coef_ = np.array([[.0, 1.]]) assert_array_equal(clf.predict([[-.1, -.1]]), [2]) def test_probability(): # Predict probabilities using SVC # This uses cross validation, so we use a slightly bigger testing set. for clf in (svm.SVC(probability=True, random_state=0, C=1.0), svm.NuSVC(probability=True, random_state=0)):, prob_predict = clf.predict_proba( assert_array_almost_equal( np.sum(prob_predict, 1), np.ones([0])) assert_true(np.mean(np.argmax(prob_predict, 1) == clf.predict( > 0.9) assert_almost_equal(clf.predict_proba(, np.exp(clf.predict_log_proba(, 8) def test_decision_function(): # Test decision_function # Sanity check, test that decision_function implemented in python # returns the same as the one in libsvm # multi class: clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.1, decision_function_shape='ovo').fit(, dec =, clf.coef_.T) + clf.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(dec, clf.decision_function( # binary:, Y) dec =, clf.coef_.T) + clf.intercept_ prediction = clf.predict(X) assert_array_almost_equal(dec.ravel(), clf.decision_function(X)) assert_array_almost_equal( prediction, clf.classes_[(clf.decision_function(X) > 0).astype(]) expected = np.array([-1., -0.66, -1., 0.66, 1., 1.]) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.decision_function(X), expected, 2) # kernel binary: clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=1, decision_function_shape='ovo'), Y) rbfs = rbf_kernel(X, clf.support_vectors_, gamma=clf.gamma) dec =, clf.dual_coef_.T) + clf.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(dec.ravel(), clf.decision_function(X)) def test_decision_function_shape(): # check that decision_function_shape='ovr' gives # correct shape and is consistent with predict clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.1, decision_function_shape='ovr').fit(, dec = clf.decision_function( assert_equal(dec.shape, (len(, 3)) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(, np.argmax(dec, axis=1)) # with five classes: X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=80, centers=5, random_state=0) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0) clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.1, decision_function_shape='ovr').fit(X_train, y_train) dec = clf.decision_function(X_test) assert_equal(dec.shape, (len(X_test), 5)) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(X_test), np.argmax(dec, axis=1)) # check shape of ovo_decition_function=True clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.1, decision_function_shape='ovo').fit(X_train, y_train) dec = clf.decision_function(X_train) assert_equal(dec.shape, (len(X_train), 10)) # check deprecation warning clf.decision_function_shape = None msg = "change the shape of the decision function" dec = assert_warns_message(ChangedBehaviorWarning, msg, clf.decision_function, X_train) assert_equal(dec.shape, (len(X_train), 10)) def test_svr_decision_function(): # Test SVR's decision_function # Sanity check, test that decision_function implemented in python # returns the same as the one in libsvm X = y = # linear kernel reg = svm.SVR(kernel='linear', C=0.1).fit(X, y) dec =, reg.coef_.T) + reg.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(dec.ravel(), reg.decision_function(X).ravel()) # rbf kernel reg = svm.SVR(kernel='rbf', gamma=1).fit(X, y) rbfs = rbf_kernel(X, reg.support_vectors_, gamma=reg.gamma) dec =, reg.dual_coef_.T) + reg.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(dec.ravel(), reg.decision_function(X).ravel()) def test_weight(): # Test class weights clf = svm.SVC(class_weight={1: 0.1}) # we give a small weights to class 1, Y) # so all predicted values belong to class 2 assert_array_almost_equal(clf.predict(X), [2] * 6) X_, y_ = make_classification(n_samples=200, n_features=10, weights=[0.833, 0.167], random_state=2) for clf in (linear_model.LogisticRegression(), svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0), svm.SVC()): clf.set_params(class_weight={0: .1, 1: 10})[:100], y_[:100]) y_pred = clf.predict(X_[100:]) assert_true(f1_score(y_[100:], y_pred) > .3) def test_sample_weights(): # Test weights on individual samples # TODO: check on NuSVR, OneClass, etc. clf = svm.SVC(), Y) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(X[2]), [1.]) sample_weight = [.1] * 3 + [10] * 3, Y, sample_weight=sample_weight) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(X[2]), [2.]) # test that rescaling all samples is the same as changing C clf = svm.SVC(), Y) dual_coef_no_weight = clf.dual_coef_ clf.set_params(C=100), Y, sample_weight=np.repeat(0.01, len(X))) assert_array_almost_equal(dual_coef_no_weight, clf.dual_coef_) def test_auto_weight(): # Test class weights for imbalanced data from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # We take as dataset the two-dimensional projection of iris so # that it is not separable and remove half of predictors from # class 1. # We add one to the targets as a non-regression test: class_weight="balanced" # used to work only when the labels where a range [0..K). from sklearn.utils import compute_class_weight X, y =[:, :2], + 1 unbalanced = np.delete(np.arange(y.size), np.where(y > 2)[0][::2]) classes = np.unique(y[unbalanced]) class_weights = compute_class_weight('balanced', classes, y[unbalanced]) assert_true(np.argmax(class_weights) == 2) for clf in (svm.SVC(kernel='linear'), svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0), LogisticRegression()): # check that score is better when class='balanced' is set. y_pred =[unbalanced], y[unbalanced]).predict(X) clf.set_params(class_weight='balanced') y_pred_balanced =[unbalanced], y[unbalanced],).predict(X) assert_true(metrics.f1_score(y, y_pred, average='weighted') <= metrics.f1_score(y, y_pred_balanced, average='weighted')) def test_bad_input(): # Test that it gives proper exception on deficient input # impossible value of C assert_raises(ValueError, svm.SVC(C=-1).fit, X, Y) # impossible value of nu clf = svm.NuSVC(nu=0.0) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, Y) Y2 = Y[:-1] # wrong dimensions for labels assert_raises(ValueError,, X, Y2) # Test with arrays that are non-contiguous. for clf in (svm.SVC(), svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0)): Xf = np.asfortranarray(X) assert_false(Xf.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']) yf = np.ascontiguousarray(np.tile(Y, (2, 1)).T) yf = yf[:, -1] assert_false(yf.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']) assert_false(yf.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']), yf) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result) # error for precomputed kernelsx clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed') assert_raises(ValueError,, X, Y) # sample_weight bad dimensions clf = svm.SVC() assert_raises(ValueError,, X, Y, sample_weight=range(len(X) - 1)) # predict with sparse input when trained with dense clf = svm.SVC().fit(X, Y) assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, sparse.lil_matrix(X)) Xt = np.array(X).T, Xt), Y) assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, X) clf = svm.SVC(), Y) assert_raises(ValueError, clf.predict, Xt) def test_sparse_precomputed(): clf = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed') sparse_gram = sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) try:, [0, 1]) assert not "reached" except TypeError as e: assert_in("Sparse precomputed", str(e)) def test_linearsvc_parameters(): # Test possible parameter combinations in LinearSVC # Generate list of possible parameter combinations losses = ['hinge', 'squared_hinge', 'logistic_regression', 'foo'] penalties, duals = ['l1', 'l2', 'bar'], [True, False] X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5, n_features=5) for loss, penalty, dual in itertools.product(losses, penalties, duals): clf = svm.LinearSVC(penalty=penalty, loss=loss, dual=dual) if ((loss, penalty) == ('hinge', 'l1') or (loss, penalty, dual) == ('hinge', 'l2', False) or (penalty, dual) == ('l1', True) or loss == 'foo' or penalty == 'bar'): assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, "Unsupported set of arguments.*penalty='%s.*" "loss='%s.*dual=%s" % (penalty, loss, dual),, X, y) else:, y) # Incorrect loss value - test if explicit error message is raised assert_raises_regexp(ValueError, ".*loss='l3' is not supported.*", svm.LinearSVC(loss="l3").fit, X, y) # FIXME remove in 1.0 def test_linearsvx_loss_penalty_deprecations(): X, y = [[0.0], [1.0]], [0, 1] msg = ("loss='%s' has been deprecated in favor of " "loss='%s' as of 0.16. Backward compatibility" " for the %s will be removed in %s") # LinearSVC # loss l1/L1 --> hinge assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("l1", "hinge", "loss='l1'", "1.0"), svm.LinearSVC(loss="l1").fit, X, y) # loss l2/L2 --> squared_hinge assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("L2", "squared_hinge", "loss='L2'", "1.0"), svm.LinearSVC(loss="L2").fit, X, y) # LinearSVR # loss l1/L1 --> epsilon_insensitive assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("L1", "epsilon_insensitive", "loss='L1'", "1.0"), svm.LinearSVR(loss="L1").fit, X, y) # loss l2/L2 --> squared_epsilon_insensitive assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("l2", "squared_epsilon_insensitive", "loss='l2'", "1.0"), svm.LinearSVR(loss="l2").fit, X, y) # FIXME remove in 0.18 def test_linear_svx_uppercase_loss_penalty(): # Check if Upper case notation is supported by _fit_liblinear # which is called by fit X, y = [[0.0], [1.0]], [0, 1] msg = ("loss='%s' has been deprecated in favor of " "loss='%s' as of 0.16. Backward compatibility" " for the uppercase notation will be removed in %s") # loss SQUARED_hinge --> squared_hinge assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("SQUARED_hinge", "squared_hinge", "0.18"), svm.LinearSVC(loss="SQUARED_hinge").fit, X, y) # penalty L2 --> l2 assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg.replace("loss", "penalty") % ("L2", "l2", "0.18"), svm.LinearSVC(penalty="L2").fit, X, y) # loss EPSILON_INSENSITIVE --> epsilon_insensitive assert_warns_message(DeprecationWarning, msg % ("EPSILON_INSENSITIVE", "epsilon_insensitive", "0.18"), svm.LinearSVR(loss="EPSILON_INSENSITIVE").fit, X, y) def test_linearsvc(): # Test basic routines using LinearSVC clf = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0).fit(X, Y) # by default should have intercept assert_true(clf.fit_intercept) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.intercept_, [0], decimal=3) # the same with l1 penalty clf = svm.LinearSVC(penalty='l1', loss='squared_hinge', dual=False, random_state=0).fit(X, Y) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result) # l2 penalty with dual formulation clf = svm.LinearSVC(penalty='l2', dual=True, random_state=0).fit(X, Y) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result) # l2 penalty, l1 loss clf = svm.LinearSVC(penalty='l2', loss='hinge', dual=True, random_state=0), Y) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result) # test also decision function dec = clf.decision_function(T) res = (dec > 0).astype( + 1 assert_array_equal(res, true_result) def test_linearsvc_crammer_singer(): # Test LinearSVC with crammer_singer multi-class svm ovr_clf = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0).fit(, cs_clf = svm.LinearSVC(multi_class='crammer_singer', random_state=0), # similar prediction for ovr and crammer-singer: assert_true((ovr_clf.predict( == cs_clf.predict( > .9) # classifiers shouldn't be the same assert_true((ovr_clf.coef_ != cs_clf.coef_).all()) # test decision function assert_array_equal(cs_clf.predict(, np.argmax(cs_clf.decision_function(, axis=1)) dec_func =, cs_clf.coef_.T) + cs_clf.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(dec_func, cs_clf.decision_function( def test_crammer_singer_binary(): # Test Crammer-Singer formulation in the binary case X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, random_state=0) for fit_intercept in (True, False): acc = svm.LinearSVC(fit_intercept=fit_intercept, multi_class="crammer_singer", random_state=0).fit(X, y).score(X, y) assert_greater(acc, 0.9) def test_linearsvc_iris(): # Test that LinearSVC gives plausible predictions on the iris dataset # Also, test symbolic class names (classes_). target = iris.target_names[] clf = svm.LinearSVC(random_state=0).fit(, target) assert_equal(set(clf.classes_), set(iris.target_names)) assert_greater(np.mean(clf.predict( == target), 0.8) dec = clf.decision_function( pred = iris.target_names[np.argmax(dec, 1)] assert_array_equal(pred, clf.predict( def test_dense_liblinear_intercept_handling(classifier=svm.LinearSVC): # Test that dense liblinear honours intercept_scaling param X = [[2, 1], [3, 1], [1, 3], [2, 3]] y = [0, 0, 1, 1] clf = classifier(fit_intercept=True, penalty='l1', loss='squared_hinge', dual=False, C=4, tol=1e-7, random_state=0) assert_true(clf.intercept_scaling == 1, clf.intercept_scaling) assert_true(clf.fit_intercept) # when intercept_scaling is low the intercept value is highly "penalized" # by regularization clf.intercept_scaling = 1, y) assert_almost_equal(clf.intercept_, 0, decimal=5) # when intercept_scaling is sufficiently high, the intercept value # is not affected by regularization clf.intercept_scaling = 100, y) intercept1 = clf.intercept_ assert_less(intercept1, -1) # when intercept_scaling is sufficiently high, the intercept value # doesn't depend on intercept_scaling value clf.intercept_scaling = 1000, y) intercept2 = clf.intercept_ assert_array_almost_equal(intercept1, intercept2, decimal=2) def test_liblinear_set_coef(): # multi-class case clf = svm.LinearSVC().fit(, values = clf.decision_function( clf.coef_ = clf.coef_.copy() clf.intercept_ = clf.intercept_.copy() values2 = clf.decision_function( assert_array_almost_equal(values, values2) # binary-class case X = [[2, 1], [3, 1], [1, 3], [2, 3]] y = [0, 0, 1, 1] clf = svm.LinearSVC().fit(X, y) values = clf.decision_function(X) clf.coef_ = clf.coef_.copy() clf.intercept_ = clf.intercept_.copy() values2 = clf.decision_function(X) assert_array_equal(values, values2) def test_immutable_coef_property(): # Check that primal coef modification are not silently ignored svms = [ svm.SVC(kernel='linear').fit(,, svm.NuSVC(kernel='linear').fit(,, svm.SVR(kernel='linear').fit(,, svm.NuSVR(kernel='linear').fit(,, svm.OneClassSVM(kernel='linear').fit(, ] for clf in svms: assert_raises(AttributeError, clf.__setattr__, 'coef_', np.arange(3)) assert_raises((RuntimeError, ValueError), clf.coef_.__setitem__, (0, 0), 0) def test_linearsvc_verbose(): # stdout: redirect import os stdout = os.dup(1) # save original stdout os.dup2(os.pipe()[1], 1) # replace it # actual call clf = svm.LinearSVC(verbose=1), Y) # stdout: restore os.dup2(stdout, 1) # restore original stdout def test_svc_clone_with_callable_kernel(): # create SVM with callable linear kernel, check that results are the same # as with built-in linear kernel svm_callable = svm.SVC(kernel=lambda x, y:, y.T), probability=True, random_state=0, decision_function_shape='ovr') # clone for checking clonability with lambda functions.. svm_cloned = base.clone(svm_callable), svm_builtin = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, random_state=0, decision_function_shape='ovr'), assert_array_almost_equal(svm_cloned.dual_coef_, svm_builtin.dual_coef_) assert_array_almost_equal(svm_cloned.intercept_, svm_builtin.intercept_) assert_array_equal(svm_cloned.predict(, svm_builtin.predict( assert_array_almost_equal(svm_cloned.predict_proba(, svm_builtin.predict_proba(, decimal=4) assert_array_almost_equal(svm_cloned.decision_function(, svm_builtin.decision_function( def test_svc_bad_kernel(): svc = svm.SVC(kernel=lambda x, y: x) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, Y) def test_timeout(): a = svm.SVC(kernel=lambda x, y:, y.T), probability=True, random_state=0, max_iter=1) assert_warns(ConvergenceWarning,, X, Y) def test_unfitted(): X = "foo!" # input validation not required when SVM not fitted clf = svm.SVC() assert_raises_regexp(Exception, r".*\bSVC\b.*\bnot\b.*\bfitted\b", clf.predict, X) clf = svm.NuSVR() assert_raises_regexp(Exception, r".*\bNuSVR\b.*\bnot\b.*\bfitted\b", clf.predict, X) # ignore convergence warnings from max_iter=1 @ignore_warnings def test_consistent_proba(): a = svm.SVC(probability=True, max_iter=1, random_state=0) proba_1 =, Y).predict_proba(X) a = svm.SVC(probability=True, max_iter=1, random_state=0) proba_2 =, Y).predict_proba(X) assert_array_almost_equal(proba_1, proba_2) def test_linear_svc_convergence_warnings(): # Test that warnings are raised if model does not converge lsvc = svm.LinearSVC(max_iter=2, verbose=1) assert_warns(ConvergenceWarning,, X, Y) assert_equal(lsvc.n_iter_, 2) def test_svr_coef_sign(): # Test that SVR(kernel="linear") has coef_ with the right sign. # Non-regression test for #2933. X = np.random.RandomState(21).randn(10, 3) y = np.random.RandomState(12).randn(10) for svr in [svm.SVR(kernel='linear'), svm.NuSVR(kernel='linear'), svm.LinearSVR()]:, y) assert_array_almost_equal(svr.predict(X),, svr.coef_.ravel()) + svr.intercept_) def test_linear_svc_intercept_scaling(): # Test that the right error message is thrown when intercept_scaling <= 0 for i in [-1, 0]: lsvc = svm.LinearSVC(intercept_scaling=i) msg = ('Intercept scaling is %r but needs to be greater than 0.' ' To disable fitting an intercept,' ' set fit_intercept=False.' % lsvc.intercept_scaling) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, Y) def test_lsvc_intercept_scaling_zero(): # Test that intercept_scaling is ignored when fit_intercept is False lsvc = svm.LinearSVC(fit_intercept=False), Y) assert_equal(lsvc.intercept_, 0.) def test_hasattr_predict_proba(): # Method must be (un)available before or after fit, switched by # `probability` param G = svm.SVC(probability=True) assert_true(hasattr(G, 'predict_proba')), assert_true(hasattr(G, 'predict_proba')) G = svm.SVC(probability=False) assert_false(hasattr(G, 'predict_proba')), assert_false(hasattr(G, 'predict_proba')) # Switching to `probability=True` after fitting should make # predict_proba available, but calling it must not work: G.probability = True assert_true(hasattr(G, 'predict_proba')) msg = "predict_proba is not available when fitted with probability=False" assert_raise_message(NotFittedError, msg, G.predict_proba,
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Functions to draw various pygimli matrices with matplotlib.""" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pygimli as pg def drawSparseMatrix(ax, mat, **kwargs): """Draw a view of a matrix into the axes. Parameters ---------- ax : mpl axis instance, optional Axis instance where the matrix will be plotted. mat: pg.matrix.SparseMatrix or pg.matrix.SparseMapMatrix Returns ------- mpl.lines.line2d Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.viewer.mpl import drawSparseMatrix >>> A = pg.randn((10,10), seed=0) >>> SM = pg.core.SparseMapMatrix() >>> for i in range(10): ... SM.setVal(i, i, 5.0) >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = pg.plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True) >>> _ = drawSparseMatrix(ax1, A, colOffset=5, rowOffset=5, color='blue') >>> _ = drawSparseMatrix(ax2, SM, color='green') """ row = kwargs.pop('rowOffset', 0) col = kwargs.pop('colOffset', 0) color = kwargs.pop('color', None) mat = pg.utils.sparseMatrix2coo(mat) mat.row += row mat.col += col gci = ax.spy(mat, color=color) ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True) return gci def drawBlockMatrix(ax, mat, **kwargs): """Draw a view of a matrix into the axes. Arguments --------- ax : mpl axis instance, optional Axis instance where the matrix will be plotted. mat: pg.Matrix.BlockMatrix Keyword Arguments ----------------- spy: bool [False] Draw all matrix entries instead of colored blocks Returns ------- ax: Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pygimli as pg >>> I = pg.matrix.IdentityMatrix(10) >>> SM = pg.matrix.SparseMapMatrix() >>> for i in range(10): ... SM.setVal(i, 10 - i, 5.0) ... SM.setVal(i, i, 5.0) >>> B = pg.matrix.BlockMatrix() >>> B.add(I, 0, 0) 0 >>> B.add(SM, 10, 10) 1 >>> print(B) pg.matrix.BlockMatrix of size 20 x 21 consisting of 2 submatrices. >>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = pg.plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) >>> _ =, ax=ax1) >>> _ =, spy=True, ax=ax2) """ if kwargs.pop('spy', False): gci = [] ids = pg.unique([e.matrixID for e in mat.entries()]) cMap ="Set3", len(ids)) for e in mat.entries(): mid = e.matrixID mati = mat.mat(mid) if isinstance(mati, pg.core.IdentityMatrix): mati = np.eye(mati.size()) gci.append(drawSparseMatrix(ax, mati, rowOffset=e.rowStart, colOffset=e.colStart, color=cMap(mid))) return gci, None else: plcs = [] for e in mat.entries(): mid = e.matrixID widthy = mat.mat(mid).rows() - 0.1 # to make sure non-matrix regions are not connected in the plot widthx = mat.mat(mid).cols() - 0.1 plc = pg.meshtools.createRectangle([e.colStart, e.rowStart], [e.colStart + widthx, e.rowStart + widthy], marker=mid) plcs.append(plc) bm = pg.meshtools.mergePLC(plcs) gci, cBar = pg.viewer.mpl.drawPLC(ax, bm, fitView=False) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_top() cBar.set_label("Matrix ID") if len(mat.entries()) > 10: gci.set_cmap("viridis") return gci, cBar
import os import pickle import csv import re import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, log_loss from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV if __name__ == "__main__": # create a matrix of features (X) and a vector of class labels (y) X = [] y = [] with open(os.getcwd() + '/train.csv', 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for i, row in enumerate(reader): if i == 0: pass else: date ="([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})", row[0]).groups() date = [int(x) for x in date] time ="([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", row[0]).groups() time = [int(x) for x in time] category_string = row[1] dayofweek_string = row[3] pddistrict_string = row[4] longitude = float(row[7]) latitude = float(row[8]) X_row = date + time + [longitude, latitude, \ dayofweek_string, pddistrict_string] y_label = category_string X.append(X_row) y.append(y_label) # one-hot encoding for dayofweek and pddistrict vars dayofweek_set = set() pddistrict_set = set() for row in X: dayofweek_set.add(row[-2]) pddistrict_set.add(row[-1]) dayofweek_dict = {item: i for i, item in enumerate(dayofweek_set)} pddistrict_dict = {item: i for i, item in enumerate(pddistrict_set)} num_unique_dayofweek = len(dayofweek_dict) num_unique_pddistrict = len(pddistrict_dict) for i, row in enumerate(X): encoded_dayofweek = [0]*num_unique_dayofweek encoded_pddistrict = [0]*num_unique_pddistrict current_dayofweek = row[-2] current_pddistrict = row[-1] encoded_dayofweek[dayofweek_dict[current_dayofweek]] = 1 encoded_pddistrict[pddistrict_dict[current_pddistrict]] = 1 X[i] = row[:-2] + encoded_dayofweek + encoded_pddistrict # label binarization category_set = set() for label in y: category_set.add(label) category_dict = {item: i for i, item in enumerate(sorted(category_set))} num_unique_category = len(category_dict) for i, label in enumerate(y): y[i] = category_dict[label] # ranges for cross validation parameters (I know this is only 1 # combination, checking more would require more than my 8GB RAM :/ n_estimators_range = [i for i in range(20,22,40)] max_features_range = [i for i in range(3,5,2)] # does CV and fits the best model param_grid = {'n_estimators': n_estimators_range, 'max_features': max_features_range} rfc = RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 2, n_jobs = -1) clf = GridSearchCV(rfc, param_grid = param_grid, scoring = make_scorer(log_loss, greater_is_better = False, needs_proba = True), refit = True, cv = 4) trained_clf =, y) # you can pickle the best CV estimator if you want #pickle.dump(trained_clf.best_estimator_, open("trainedclassifier.p", "wb")) # plot a CV log loss plot scores = [-1*x[1] for x in trained_clf.grid_scores_] scores = np.array(scores).reshape(len(max_features_range), len(n_estimators_range)) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12), dpi = 400) plt.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest', plt.xlabel('n_estimators') plt.ylabel('max_features') plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(np.arange(len(n_estimators_range)), n_estimators_range, rotation=0) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(max_features_range)), max_features_range) plt.figtext(.5,.96,'4-Fold CV Accuracy', fontsize = 25, ha = 'center') plt.figtext(.5,.94, "Best Performance:" + str(-1*trained_clf.best_score_), fontsize = 15, ha = 'center') plt.figtext(.5,.92, "Best Parameters:" + str(trained_clf.best_params_), fontsize = 15, ha = 'center') plt.savefig("CV_plot.png") # create a matrix of features (X_test) for unlabeled test data X_test = [] with open(os.getcwd() + '/test.csv', 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile) for i, row in enumerate(reader): if i == 0: pass else: date ="([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})", row[1]).groups() # date is of the form [year, month, day] date = [int(x) for x in date] time ="([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", row[1]).groups() # time is of the form [hour, minute, second] time = [int(x) for x in time] dayofweek_string = row[2] pddistrict_string = row[3] longitude = float(row[5]) latitude = float(row[6]) X_row = date + time + [longitude, latitude, \ dayofweek_string, pddistrict_string] X_test.append(X_row) # one-hot encoding from existing dicts for i, row in enumerate(X_test): encoded_dayofweek = [0]*num_unique_dayofweek encoded_pddistrict = [0]*num_unique_pddistrict current_dayofweek = row[-2] current_pddistrict = row[-1] try: encoded_dayofweek[dayofweek_dict[current_dayofweek]] = 1 except KeyError: encoded_dayofweek[0] = 1 try: encoded_pddistrict[pddistrict_dict[current_pddistrict]] = 1 except KeyError: encoded_pddistrict[0] = 1 X_test[i] = row[:-2] + encoded_dayofweek + encoded_pddistrict # write predicted probabilities to file num_classes = trained_clf.best_estimator_.n_classes_ predicted_probas = trained_clf.predict_proba(X_test) with open(os.getcwd() + '/submit.csv', 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(["Id"] + sorted(category_set)) for i, prediction in enumerate(predicted_probas): writer.writerow([i] + prediction.tolist())
import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import aplpy import numpy as np from astLib import astCoords files='./../august_2012/new_astrometry/coords/' gc = aplpy.FITSFigure( './../august_2012/sdss_imaging/c354p41+0p27/', north=True, figsize=(5,5)) gc.show_grayscale(stretch='log') gc.recenter(354.4155423, 0.2713716, radius=3/60.) gc.show_circles(354.4155423, 0.2713716, radius=2.3/60.) gc.set_auto_refresh(False) fibers = np.loadtxt(files+'c354p41+0p27_NE_D1_coords.txt', dtype='str') for ra, dec in zip(fibers[:,1], fibers[:,2]): x=astCoords.hms2decimal(ra,':') y=astCoords.dms2decimal(dec,':') gc.show_circles(x,y,2/3600.,color='black') fibers = np.loadtxt(files+'c354p41+0p27_NW_D1_coords.txt', dtype='str') for ra, dec in zip(fibers[:,1], fibers[:,2]): x=astCoords.hms2decimal(ra,':') y=astCoords.dms2decimal(dec,':') gc.show_circles(x,y,2/3600.,color='#348abd') fibers = np.loadtxt(files+'c354p41+0p27_SW_D1_coords.txt', dtype='str') for ra, dec in zip(fibers[:,1], fibers[:,2]): x=astCoords.hms2decimal(ra,':') y=astCoords.dms2decimal(dec,':') gc.show_circles(x,y,2/3600.,color='#467821') fibers = np.loadtxt(files+'c354p41+0p27_SE_D1_coords.txt', dtype='str') for ra, dec in zip(fibers[:,1], fibers[:,2]): x=astCoords.hms2decimal(ra,':') y=astCoords.dms2decimal(dec,':') gc.show_circles(x,y,2/3600.,color='#7a68a6') gc.hide_tick_labels() gc.hide_axis_labels() gc.ticks.hide() gc.set_theme('publication') gc.refresh()'pointing.pdf')
""" The :mod:`sklearn.pipeline` module implements utilities to build a composite estimator, as a chain of transforms and estimators. """ # Author: Edouard Duchesnay # Gael Varoquaux # Virgile Fritsch # Alexandre Gramfort # Lars Buitinck # Licence: BSD from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from .base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from .externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed from .externals import six from .utils import tosequence from .utils.metaestimators import if_delegate_has_method from .externals.six import iteritems __all__ = ['Pipeline', 'FeatureUnion'] class Pipeline(BaseEstimator): """Pipeline of transforms with a final estimator. Sequentially apply a list of transforms and a final estimator. Intermediate steps of the pipeline must be 'transforms', that is, they must implement fit and transform methods. The final estimator only needs to implement fit. The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be cross-validated together while setting different parameters. For this, it enables setting parameters of the various steps using their names and the parameter name separated by a '__', as in the example below. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <pipeline>`. Parameters ---------- steps : list List of (name, transform) tuples (implementing fit/transform) that are chained, in the order in which they are chained, with the last object an estimator. Attributes ---------- named_steps : dict Read-only attribute to access any step parameter by user given name. Keys are step names and values are steps parameters. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import svm >>> from sklearn.datasets import samples_generator >>> from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest >>> from sklearn.feature_selection import f_regression >>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline >>> # generate some data to play with >>> X, y = samples_generator.make_classification( ... n_informative=5, n_redundant=0, random_state=42) >>> # ANOVA SVM-C >>> anova_filter = SelectKBest(f_regression, k=5) >>> clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear') >>> anova_svm = Pipeline([('anova', anova_filter), ('svc', clf)]) >>> # You can set the parameters using the names issued >>> # For instance, fit using a k of 10 in the SelectKBest >>> # and a parameter 'C' of the svm >>> anova_svm.set_params(anova__k=10, svc__C=.1).fit(X, y) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Pipeline(steps=[...]) >>> prediction = anova_svm.predict(X) >>> anova_svm.score(X, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.77... >>> # getting the selected features chosen by anova_filter >>> anova_svm.named_steps['anova'].get_support() ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([ True, True, True, False, False, True, False, True, True, True, False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, True], dtype=bool) """ # BaseEstimator interface def __init__(self, steps): names, estimators = zip(*steps) if len(dict(steps)) != len(steps): raise ValueError("Provided step names are not unique: %s" % (names,)) # shallow copy of steps self.steps = tosequence(steps) transforms = estimators[:-1] estimator = estimators[-1] for t in transforms: if (not (hasattr(t, "fit") or hasattr(t, "fit_transform")) or not hasattr(t, "transform")): raise TypeError("All intermediate steps of the chain should " "be transforms and implement fit and transform" " '%s' (type %s) doesn't)" % (t, type(t))) if not hasattr(estimator, "fit"): raise TypeError("Last step of chain should implement fit " "'%s' (type %s) doesn't)" % (estimator, type(estimator))) @property def _estimator_type(self): return self.steps[-1][1]._estimator_type def get_params(self, deep=True): if not deep: return super(Pipeline, self).get_params(deep=False) else: out = self.named_steps for name, step in six.iteritems(self.named_steps): for key, value in six.iteritems(step.get_params(deep=True)): out['%s__%s' % (name, key)] = value out.update(super(Pipeline, self).get_params(deep=False)) return out @property def named_steps(self): return dict(self.steps) @property def _final_estimator(self): return self.steps[-1][1] # Estimator interface def _pre_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): fit_params_steps = dict((step, {}) for step, _ in self.steps) for pname, pval in six.iteritems(fit_params): step, param = pname.split('__', 1) fit_params_steps[step][param] = pval Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: if hasattr(transform, "fit_transform"): Xt = transform.fit_transform(Xt, y, **fit_params_steps[name]) else: Xt =, y, **fit_params_steps[name]) \ .transform(Xt) return Xt, fit_params_steps[self.steps[-1][0]] def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit all the transforms one after the other and transform the data, then fit the transformed data using the final estimator. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. """ Xt, fit_params = self._pre_transform(X, y, **fit_params) self.steps[-1][-1].fit(Xt, y, **fit_params) return self def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit all the transforms one after the other and transform the data, then use fit_transform on transformed data using the final estimator. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. """ Xt, fit_params = self._pre_transform(X, y, **fit_params) if hasattr(self.steps[-1][-1], 'fit_transform'): return self.steps[-1][-1].fit_transform(Xt, y, **fit_params) else: return self.steps[-1][-1].fit(Xt, y, **fit_params).transform(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict(self, X): """Applies transforms to the data, and the predict method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements predict. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def fit_predict(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Applies fit_predict of last step in pipeline after transforms. Applies fit_transforms of a pipeline to the data, followed by the fit_predict method of the final estimator in the pipeline. Valid only if the final estimator implements fit_predict. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Training data. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Training targets. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. """ Xt, fit_params = self._pre_transform(X, y, **fit_params) return self.steps[-1][-1].fit_predict(Xt, y, **fit_params) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict_proba(self, X): """Applies transforms to the data, and the predict_proba method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements predict_proba. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict_proba(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def decision_function(self, X): """Applies transforms to the data, and the decision_function method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements decision_function. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].decision_function(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def predict_log_proba(self, X): """Applies transforms to the data, and the predict_log_proba method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements predict_log_proba. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].predict_log_proba(Xt) @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def transform(self, X): """Applies transforms to the data, and the transform method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements transform. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to predict on. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return Xt @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def inverse_transform(self, X): """Applies inverse transform to the data. Starts with the last step of the pipeline and applies ``inverse_transform`` in inverse order of the pipeline steps. Valid only if all steps of the pipeline implement inverse_transform. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to inverse transform. Must fulfill output requirements of the last step of the pipeline. """ if X.ndim == 1: X = X[None, :] Xt = X for name, step in self.steps[::-1]: Xt = step.inverse_transform(Xt) return Xt @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='_final_estimator') def score(self, X, y=None): """Applies transforms to the data, and the score method of the final estimator. Valid only if the final estimator implements score. Parameters ---------- X : iterable Data to score. Must fulfill input requirements of first step of the pipeline. y : iterable, default=None Targets used for scoring. Must fulfill label requirements for all steps of the pipeline. """ Xt = X for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]: Xt = transform.transform(Xt) return self.steps[-1][-1].score(Xt, y) @property def classes_(self): return self.steps[-1][-1].classes_ @property def _pairwise(self): # check if first estimator expects pairwise input return getattr(self.steps[0][1], '_pairwise', False) def _name_estimators(estimators): """Generate names for estimators.""" names = [type(estimator).__name__.lower() for estimator in estimators] namecount = defaultdict(int) for est, name in zip(estimators, names): namecount[name] += 1 for k, v in list(six.iteritems(namecount)): if v == 1: del namecount[k] for i in reversed(range(len(estimators))): name = names[i] if name in namecount: names[i] += "-%d" % namecount[name] namecount[name] -= 1 return list(zip(names, estimators)) def make_pipeline(*steps): """Construct a Pipeline from the given estimators. This is a shorthand for the Pipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, they will be given names automatically based on their types. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB >>> from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), GaussianNB()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(copy=True, with_mean=True, with_std=True)), ('gaussiannb', GaussianNB())]) Returns ------- p : Pipeline """ return Pipeline(_name_estimators(steps)) def _fit_one_transformer(transformer, X, y): return, y) def _transform_one(transformer, name, X, transformer_weights): if transformer_weights is not None and name in transformer_weights: # if we have a weight for this transformer, muliply output return transformer.transform(X) * transformer_weights[name] return transformer.transform(X) def _fit_transform_one(transformer, name, X, y, transformer_weights, **fit_params): if transformer_weights is not None and name in transformer_weights: # if we have a weight for this transformer, muliply output if hasattr(transformer, 'fit_transform'): X_transformed = transformer.fit_transform(X, y, **fit_params) return X_transformed * transformer_weights[name], transformer else: X_transformed =, y, **fit_params).transform(X) return X_transformed * transformer_weights[name], transformer if hasattr(transformer, 'fit_transform'): X_transformed = transformer.fit_transform(X, y, **fit_params) return X_transformed, transformer else: X_transformed =, y, **fit_params).transform(X) return X_transformed, transformer class FeatureUnion(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """Concatenates results of multiple transformer objects. This estimator applies a list of transformer objects in parallel to the input data, then concatenates the results. This is useful to combine several feature extraction mechanisms into a single transformer. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <feature_union>`. Parameters ---------- transformer_list: list of (string, transformer) tuples List of transformer objects to be applied to the data. The first half of each tuple is the name of the transformer. n_jobs: int, optional Number of jobs to run in parallel (default 1). transformer_weights: dict, optional Multiplicative weights for features per transformer. Keys are transformer names, values the weights. """ def __init__(self, transformer_list, n_jobs=1, transformer_weights=None): self.transformer_list = transformer_list self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.transformer_weights = transformer_weights def get_feature_names(self): """Get feature names from all transformers. Returns ------- feature_names : list of strings Names of the features produced by transform. """ feature_names = [] for name, trans in self.transformer_list: if not hasattr(trans, 'get_feature_names'): raise AttributeError("Transformer %s does not provide" " get_feature_names." % str(name)) feature_names.extend([name + "__" + f for f in trans.get_feature_names()]) return feature_names def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit all transformers using X. Parameters ---------- X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data, used to fit transformers. """ transformers = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_fit_one_transformer)(trans, X, y) for name, trans in self.transformer_list) self._update_transformer_list(transformers) return self def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Fit all transformers using X, transform the data and concatenate results. Parameters ---------- X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data to be transformed. Returns ------- X_t : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, sum_n_components) hstack of results of transformers. sum_n_components is the sum of n_components (output dimension) over transformers. """ result = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_fit_transform_one)(trans, name, X, y, self.transformer_weights, **fit_params) for name, trans in self.transformer_list) Xs, transformers = zip(*result) self._update_transformer_list(transformers) if any(sparse.issparse(f) for f in Xs): Xs = sparse.hstack(Xs).tocsr() else: Xs = np.hstack(Xs) return Xs def transform(self, X): """Transform X separately by each transformer, concatenate results. Parameters ---------- X : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data to be transformed. Returns ------- X_t : array-like or sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, sum_n_components) hstack of results of transformers. sum_n_components is the sum of n_components (output dimension) over transformers. """ Xs = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( delayed(_transform_one)(trans, name, X, self.transformer_weights) for name, trans in self.transformer_list) if any(sparse.issparse(f) for f in Xs): Xs = sparse.hstack(Xs).tocsr() else: Xs = np.hstack(Xs) return Xs def get_params(self, deep=True): if not deep: return super(FeatureUnion, self).get_params(deep=False) else: out = dict(self.transformer_list) for name, trans in self.transformer_list: for key, value in iteritems(trans.get_params(deep=True)): out['%s__%s' % (name, key)] = value out.update(super(FeatureUnion, self).get_params(deep=False)) return out def _update_transformer_list(self, transformers): self.transformer_list[:] = [ (name, new) for ((name, old), new) in zip(self.transformer_list, transformers) ] # XXX it would be nice to have a keyword-only n_jobs argument to this function, # but that's not allowed in Python 2.x. def make_union(*transformers): """Construct a FeatureUnion from the given transformers. This is a shorthand for the FeatureUnion constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the transformers. Instead, they will be given names automatically based on their types. It also does not allow weighting. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, TruncatedSVD >>> make_union(PCA(), TruncatedSVD()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE FeatureUnion(n_jobs=1, transformer_list=[('pca', PCA(copy=True, n_components=None, whiten=False)), ('truncatedsvd', TruncatedSVD(algorithm='randomized', n_components=2, n_iter=5, random_state=None, tol=0.0))], transformer_weights=None) Returns ------- f : FeatureUnion """ return FeatureUnion(_name_estimators(transformers))
from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import SimpleITK as sitk from skimage import io from skimage import data from preprocess import dicomparser # def get_imageData(ct_file): ct = dicomparser.DicomParser(filename=ct_file) print ct.GetSeriesInfo() imageData = ct.GetImageData() return imageData def read_images(fileList): image_dict = dict() rescalFilt = sitk.RescaleIntensityImageFilter() rescalFilt.SetOutputMaximum(1) rescalFilt.SetOutputMinimum(0) for path in fileList: info = get_imageData(path) image = rescalFilt.Execute(sitk.Cast(sitk.ReadImage(path), sitk.sitkFloat32)) image_dict[info["position"][2]] = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image) return image_dict def read_series(dir): reader = sitk.ImageSeriesReader() series_list = reader.GetGDCMSeriesIDs(dir) for series_id in series_list: dicom_names = reader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(dir, series_id) if len(dicom_names) > 1: break reader.SetFileNames(dicom_names) image = reader.Execute() return image def read_image(path): #read dicom data = sitk.ReadImage(path, sitk.sitkFloat32) filter = sitk.RescaleIntensityImageFilter() data = filter.Execute(data,0,1) nda = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(data) (d, w, h)=nda.shape image = nda.reshape((d,w,h)).transpose(1, 2, 0) return image def dict2vol(imageDict): list = sorted(imageDict.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[0]) (d, w, h) = list[0][1].shape data = np.zeros((len(list), w, h)) for i in range(len(list)): data[i,:,:] = list[i][1] image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(data) return image def convertNumpyData(img, volSize, dstRes, method=sitk.sitkLinear): # we rotate the image according to its transformation using the direction and according to the final spacing we want factor = np.asarray(img.GetSpacing()) / [dstRes[0], dstRes[1], dstRes[2]] factorSize = np.asarray(img.GetSize() * factor, dtype=float) newSize = np.max([factorSize, volSize], axis=0) newSize = newSize.astype(dtype=int) T = sitk.AffineTransform(3) T.SetMatrix(img.GetDirection()) resampler = sitk.ResampleImageFilter() resampler.SetReferenceImage(img) resampler.SetOutputSpacing([dstRes[0], dstRes[1], dstRes[2]]) resampler.SetSize(newSize) resampler.SetInterpolator(method) ''' if params['normDir']: resampler.SetTransform(T.GetInverse()) ''' imgResampled = resampler.Execute(img) imgCentroid = np.asarray(newSize, dtype=float) / 2.0 imgStartPx = (imgCentroid - volSize / 2.0).astype(dtype=int) regionExtractor = sitk.RegionOfInterestImageFilter() regionExtractor.SetSize(list(volSize.astype(dtype=int))) regionExtractor.SetIndex(list(imgStartPx)) imgResampledCropped = regionExtractor.Execute(imgResampled) ret = np.transpose(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(imgResampledCropped).astype(dtype=float), [2, 1, 0]) return ret def sitk_show(nda, title=None, margin=0.0, dpi=40): figsize = (1 + margin) * nda.shape[0] / dpi, (1 + margin) * nda.shape[1] / dpi extent = (0, nda.shape[1], nda.shape[0], 0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([margin, margin, 1 - 2 * margin, 1 - 2 * margin]) for k in range(0, nda.shape[2]): print "printing slice " + str(k) ax.imshow(np.squeeze(nda[:, :, k]),cmap ='gray', extent=extent, interpolation=None) plt.draw() #plt.pause(1) plt.waitforbuttonpress() if __name__ == "__main__": path = "../Dataset/V13265" ct_list = [path +"/"+ f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and f.startswith('CT')] ''' for file in ct_list: get_imageData(file) ''' read_series(path) ''' ct_list = [path + f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f)) and f.startswith('CT')] images = read_images(ct_list) image = dict2vol(images) volSize = np.asarray([128,128,64],dtype=int) dstRes = np.asarray([1,1,5],dtype=float) data = convertNumpyData(image,volSize,dstRes) print data.shape '''
""" ============================= Species distribution modeling ============================= Modeling species' geographic distributions is an important problem in conservation biology. In this example we model the geographic distribution of two south american mammals given past observations and 14 environmental variables. Since we have only positive examples (there are no unsuccessful observations), we cast this problem as a density estimation problem and use the `OneClassSVM` provided by the package `sklearn.svm` as our modeling tool. The dataset is provided by Phillips et. al. (2006). If available, the example uses `basemap <>`_ to plot the coast lines and national boundaries of South America. The two species are: - `"Bradypus variegatus" <>`_ , the Brown-throated Sloth. - `"Microryzomys minutus" <>`_ , also known as the Forest Small Rice Rat, a rodent that lives in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. References ---------- * `"Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions" <>`_ S. J. Phillips, R. P. Anderson, R. E. Schapire - Ecological Modelling, 190:231-259, 2006. """ # Authors: Peter Prettenhofer <> # Jake Vanderplas <> # # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from time import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets.base import Bunch from sklearn.datasets import fetch_species_distributions from sklearn.datasets.species_distributions import construct_grids from sklearn import svm, metrics # if basemap is available, we'll use it. # otherwise, we'll improvise later... try: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap basemap = True except ImportError: basemap = False print(__doc__) def create_species_bunch(species_name, train, test, coverages, xgrid, ygrid): """Create a bunch with information about a particular organism This will use the test/train record arrays to extract the data specific to the given species name. """ bunch = Bunch(name=' '.join(species_name.split("_")[:2])) species_name = species_name.encode('ascii') points = dict(test=test, train=train) for label, pts in points.items(): # choose points associated with the desired species pts = pts[pts['species'] == species_name] bunch['pts_%s' % label] = pts # determine coverage values for each of the training & testing points ix = np.searchsorted(xgrid, pts['dd long']) iy = np.searchsorted(ygrid, pts['dd lat']) bunch['cov_%s' % label] = coverages[:, -iy, ix].T return bunch def plot_species_distribution(species=("bradypus_variegatus_0", "microryzomys_minutus_0")): """ Plot the species distribution. """ if len(species) > 2: print("Note: when more than two species are provided," " only the first two will be used") t0 = time() # Load the compressed data data = fetch_species_distributions() # Set up the data grid xgrid, ygrid = construct_grids(data) # The grid in x,y coordinates X, Y = np.meshgrid(xgrid, ygrid[::-1]) # create a bunch for each species BV_bunch = create_species_bunch(species[0], data.train, data.test, data.coverages, xgrid, ygrid) MM_bunch = create_species_bunch(species[1], data.train, data.test, data.coverages, xgrid, ygrid) # background points (grid coordinates) for evaluation np.random.seed(13) background_points = np.c_[np.random.randint(low=0, high=data.Ny, size=10000), np.random.randint(low=0, high=data.Nx, size=10000)].T # We'll make use of the fact that coverages[6] has measurements at all # land points. This will help us decide between land and water. land_reference = data.coverages[6] # Fit, predict, and plot for each species. for i, species in enumerate([BV_bunch, MM_bunch]): print("_" * 80) print("Modeling distribution of species '%s'" % # Standardize features mean = species.cov_train.mean(axis=0) std = species.cov_train.std(axis=0) train_cover_std = (species.cov_train - mean) / std # Fit OneClassSVM print(" - fit OneClassSVM ... ", end='') clf = svm.OneClassSVM(nu=0.1, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.5) print("done.") # Plot map of South America plt.subplot(1, 2, i + 1) if basemap: print(" - plot coastlines using basemap") m = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=Y.min(), urcrnrlat=Y.max(), llcrnrlon=X.min(), urcrnrlon=X.max(), resolution='c') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() else: print(" - plot coastlines from coverage") plt.contour(X, Y, land_reference, levels=[-9999], colors="k", linestyles="solid") plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) print(" - predict species distribution") # Predict species distribution using the training data Z = np.ones((data.Ny, data.Nx), dtype=np.float64) # We'll predict only for the land points. idx = np.where(land_reference > -9999) coverages_land = data.coverages[:, idx[0], idx[1]].T pred = clf.decision_function((coverages_land - mean) / std)[:, 0] Z *= pred.min() Z[idx[0], idx[1]] = pred levels = np.linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), 25) Z[land_reference == -9999] = -9999 # plot contours of the prediction plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=levels, plt.colorbar(format='%.2f') # scatter training/testing points plt.scatter(species.pts_train['dd long'], species.pts_train['dd lat'], s=2 ** 2, c='black', marker='^', label='train') plt.scatter(species.pts_test['dd long'], species.pts_test['dd lat'], s=2 ** 2, c='black', marker='x', label='test') plt.legend() plt.title( plt.axis('equal') # Compute AUC with regards to background points pred_background = Z[background_points[0], background_points[1]] pred_test = clf.decision_function((species.cov_test - mean) / std)[:, 0] scores = np.r_[pred_test, pred_background] y = np.r_[np.ones(pred_test.shape), np.zeros(pred_background.shape)] fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y, scores) roc_auc = metrics.auc(fpr, tpr) plt.text(-35, -70, "AUC: %.3f" % roc_auc, ha="right") print("\n Area under the ROC curve : %f" % roc_auc) print("\ntime elapsed: %.2fs" % (time() - t0)) plot_species_distribution()
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' This illustrates the use of transforms.offset_copy to make a transform that positions a drawing element such as a text string at a specified offset in screen coordinates (dots or inches) relative to a location given in any coordinates. Every Artist--the mpl class from which classes such as Text and Line are derived--has a transform that can be set when the Artist is created, such as by the corresponding pylab command. By default this is usually the Axes.transData transform, going from data units to screen dots. We can use the offset_copy function to make a modified copy of this transform, where the modification consists of an offset. ''' import pylab as P from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy X = P.arange(7) Y = X**2 fig = P.figure(figsize=(5,10)) ax = P.subplot(2,1,1) # If we want the same offset for each text instance, # we only need to make one transform. To get the # transform argument to offset_copy, we need to make the axes # first; the subplot command above is one way to do this. transOffset = offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=fig, x = 0.05, y=0.10, units='inches') for x, y in zip(X, Y): P.plot((x,),(y,), 'ro') P.text(x, y, '%d, %d' % (int(x),int(y)), transform=transOffset) # offset_copy works for polar plots also. ax = P.subplot(2,1,2, polar=True) transOffset = offset_copy(ax.transData, fig=fig, y = 6, units='dots') for x, y in zip(X, Y): P.polar((x,),(y,), 'ro') P.text(x, y, '%d, %d' % (int(x),int(y)), transform=transOffset, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom')
""" Fit a line based on parameters output from a grid of RADEX models """ import numpy as np from pyspeckit.mpfit import mpfit from .. import units from . import fitter,model import matplotlib.cbook as mpcb import copy try: import as pyfits except ImportError: import pyfits class radex_model(object): def __init__(self, xarr, grid_vwidth=1.0, grid_vwidth_scale=False, texgrid=None, taugrid=None, hdr=None, path_to_texgrid='', path_to_taugrid='', temperature_gridnumber=3, debug=False, verbose=False, modelfunc=None, **kwargs): """ Use a grid of RADEX-computed models to make a model line spectrum The RADEX models have to be available somewhere. OR they can be passed as arrays. If as arrays, the form should be: texgrid = ((minfreq1,maxfreq1,texgrid1),(minfreq2,maxfreq2,texgrid2)) xarr must be a SpectroscopicAxis instance xoff_v, width are both in km/s. With is 'sigma' grid_vwidth is the velocity assumed when computing the grid in km/s this is important because tau = modeltau / width (see, e.g., Draine 2011 textbook pgs 219-230) grid_vwidth_scale is True or False: False for LVG, True for Sphere A modelfunc must be specified. Model functions should take an xarr and a series of keyword arguments corresponding to the line parameters (Tex, tau, xoff_v, and width (gaussian sigma, not FWHM)) """ self.modelfunc = modelfunc if self.modelfunc is None: raise ValueError("Must specify a spectral model function. See class help for form.") if texgrid is None and taugrid is None: if path_to_texgrid == '' or path_to_taugrid=='': raise IOError("Must specify model grids to use.") else: self.taugrid = [pyfits.getdata(path_to_taugrid)] self.texgrid = [pyfits.getdata(path_to_texgrid)] hdr = pyfits.getheader(path_to_taugrid) self.yinds,self.xinds = np.indices(self.taugrid[0].shape[1:]) self.densityarr = (xinds+hdr['CRPIX1']-1)*hdr['CD1_1']+hdr['CRVAL1'] # log density self.columnarr = (yinds+hdr['CRPIX2']-1)*hdr['CD2_2']+hdr['CRVAL2'] # log column self.minfreq = (4.8,) self.maxfreq = (5.0,) elif len(taugrid)==len(texgrid) and hdr is not None: self.minfreq,self.maxfreq,self.texgrid = zip(*texgrid) self.minfreq,self.maxfreq,self.taugrid = zip(*taugrid) self.yinds,self.xinds = np.indices(self.taugrid[0].shape[1:]) self.densityarr = (xinds+hdr['CRPIX1']-1)*hdr['CD1_1']+hdr['CRVAL1'] # log density self.columnarr = (yinds+hdr['CRPIX2']-1)*hdr['CD2_2']+hdr['CRVAL2'] # log column else: raise Exception # Convert X-units to frequency in GHz self.xarr = copy.copy(xarr) self.xarr.convert_to_unit('Hz', quiet=True) #tau = modelgrid.line_params_2D(gridval1,gridval2,densityarr,columnarr,taugrid[temperature_gridnumber,:,:]) #tex = modelgrid.line_params_2D(gridval1,gridval2,densityarr,columnarr,texgrid[temperature_gridnumber,:,:]) if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() def __call__(self, density=4, column=13, xoff_v=0.0, width=1.0,): self.gridval1 = np.interp(density, self.densityarr[0,:], xinds[0,:]) self.gridval2 = np.interp(column, self.columnarr[:,0], yinds[:,0]) if np.isnan(gridval1) or np.isnan(gridval2): raise ValueError("Invalid column/density") if scipyOK: tau = [scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(tg[temperature_gridnumber,:,:],np.array([[self.gridval2],[self.gridval1]]),order=1) for tg in self.taugrid] tex = [scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(tg[temperature_gridnumber,:,:],np.array([[self.gridval2],[self.gridval1]]),order=1) for tg in self.texgrid] else: raise ImportError("Couldn't import scipy, therefore cannot interpolate") if verbose: print "density %20.12g column %20.12g: tau %20.12g tex %20.12g" % (density, column, tau, tex) if debug: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return self.modelfunc(self.xarr,Tex=self.tex,tau=tau,xoff_v=xoff_v,width=width,**kwargs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sys from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft, fftshift import math sys.path.append('../../../software/models/') import utilFunctions as UF import dftModel as DF (fs, x) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/soprano-E4.wav') w = np.hamming(511) N = 512 pin = 5000 hM1 = int(math.floor((w.size+1)/2)) hM2 = int(math.floor(w.size/2)) fftbuffer = np.zeros(N) x1 = x[pin-hM1:pin+hM2] xw = x1*w fftbuffer[:hM1] = xw[hM2:] fftbuffer[N-hM2:] = xw[:hM2] X = fftshift(fft(fftbuffer)) mX = 20 * np.log10(abs(X)) pX = np.unwrap(np.angle(X)) plt.figure(1, figsize=(9.5, 7)) plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(np.arange(-hM1, hM2), x1, lw=1.5) plt.axis([-hM1, hM2, min(x1), max(x1)]) plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.title('x (soprano-E4.wav)') plt.subplot(3,1,2) plt.plot(np.arange(-N/2,N/2), mX, 'r', lw=1.5) plt.axis([-N/2,N/2,-48,max(mX)]) plt.title ('mX = 20*log10(abs(X))') plt.ylabel('amplitude (dB)') plt.subplot(3,1,3) plt.plot(np.arange(-N/2,N/2), pX, 'c', lw=1.5) plt.axis([-N/2,N/2,min(pX),max(pX)]) plt.title ('pX = unwrap(angle(X))') plt.ylabel('phase (radians)') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('symmetry.png')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import sys import re import pickle from io import open import numpy as np from sklearn.semi_supervised import LabelPropagation as lp from roman import romanNumeralPattern from normalise.detect import mod_path from normalise.tagger import tagify, is_digbased, acr_pattern from normalise.class_NUMB import gen_frame from normalise.splitter import split, retagify from import meas_dict, meas_dict_pl from import abbrev_dict from import element_dict with open('{}/data/wordlist.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as file: wordlist = pickle.load(file) with open('{}/data/NSW_dict.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as file: NSWs = pickle.load(file) with open('{}/data/word_tokenized.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as file: word_tokenized = pickle.load(file) with open('{}/data/word_tokenized_lowered.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as f: word_tokenized_lowered = pickle.load(f) with open('{}/data/clf_ALPHA.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as file: clf_ALPHA = pickle.load(file) with open('{}/data/names.pickle'.format(mod_path), mode='rb') as file: names_lower = pickle.load(file) if __name__ == "__main__": tagged = tagify(NSWs, verbose=False) ALPHA_dict = {ind: (nsw, tag) for ind, (nsw, tag) in tagged.items() if tag == 'ALPHA'} SPLT_dict = {ind: (nsw, tag) for ind, (nsw, tag) in tagged.items() if tag == 'SPLT'} splitted = split(SPLT_dict, verbose=False) retagged = retagify(splitted, verbose=False) retagged_ALPHA_dict = {ind: (nsw, tag) for ind, (nsw, tag) in retagged.items() if tag == 'SPLT-ALPHA'} ALPHA_dict.update(retagged_ALPHA_dict) ALPHAs_context = [] for item in ALPHA_dict.items(): if item[0] < 1206200: for word in gen_frame(item, word_tokenized): ALPHAs_context.append(' {} '.format(word)) third_ALPHA_dict = {} count = 0 for item in ALPHA_dict.items(): count += 1 if count % 3 == 0: third_ALPHA_dict.update((item,)) ampm = ['am', 'pm', 'AM', 'PM', 'a.m.', 'p.m.', 'A.M.', 'P.M.', 'pm.', 'am.'] adbc = ['AD', 'A.D.', 'ad', 'a.d.', 'BC', 'B.C.', 'bc', 'B.C.'] def run_clfALPHA(dic, text, verbose=True, user_abbrevs={}): """Train classifier on training data, return dictionary with added tag. dic: dictionary entry where key is index of word in orig text, value is a tuple with the nsw and the tag (ALPHA, NUMB, SPLT-, MISC). The dictionary returned has the same entries with the tuple extended with a more specific number tag assigned to it by the classifier. """ clf = clf_ALPHA int_tag_dict = { 1: 'EXPN', 2: 'LSEQ', 3: 'WDLK', } out = {} for (ind, (nsw, tag)) in dic.items(): if verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r{} of {} classified".format(len(out), len(dic))) sys.stdout.flush() if romanNumeralPattern.match(nsw) and gen_frame((ind, (nsw, tag)), text)[1].lower() in names_lower: out.update({ind: (nsw, 'NUMB', 'NORD')}) elif nsw in user_abbrevs: out.update({ind: (nsw, 'ALPHA', 'EXPN')}) else: pred_int = int(clf.predict(gen_featuresetsALPHA({ind: (nsw, tag)}, text))) ntag = int_tag_dict[pred_int] out.update({ind: (nsw, tag, ntag)}) if verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r{} of {} classified".format(len(out), len(dic))) sys.stdout.flush() print("\n") return out def gen_featuresetsALPHA(tagged_dict, text): """Return an array for features for each item in the input dict.""" return np.array([give_featuresALPHA(item, text) for item in tagged_dict.items()], dtype=float) def give_featuresALPHA(item, text): """Return a list of features for a dictionary item.""" ind, nsw, tag = item[0], item[1][0], item[1][1] context = gen_frame(item, text) out = [ ] out.extend(seed_features(item, context)) """out.extend(in_features(nsw))""" return out def seed_features(item, context): """Return a list of features equivalent to those used in the seedset.""" ind, nsw, tag = item[0], item[1][0], item[1][1] out = [ nsw in ['Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Mr', 'Mrs'], nsw in ['i.e.', 'ie.', 'e.g.', 'eg.'], nsw.endswith('.') and nsw.istitle() and not acr_pattern.match(nsw), (nsw.isupper() and is_cons(nsw) and not (nsw in meas_dict and is_digbased(context[1])) and not acr_pattern.match(nsw)), (nsw in meas_dict or nsw in meas_dict_pl) and is_digbased(context[1]), (nsw in ampm or nsw in adbc) and is_digbased(context[1]), (nsw.istitle() and nsw.isalpha() and len(nsw) > 3 and not is_cons(nsw)), (((nsw.startswith("O'") or nsw.startswith("D'")) and nsw[2:].istitle()) or (nsw.endswith("s'") and nsw[:-2].istitle()) or (nsw.endswith("'s") and nsw[:-2].istitle())), (not (nsw.isupper() or nsw.endswith('s') and nsw[:-1].isupper()) and (nsw.lower() in wordlist or (nsw[:-1].lower() in wordlist and nsw.endswith('s'))) and nsw not in ampm), triple_rep(nsw) and len(nsw) > 3, bool(acr_pattern.match(nsw) and nsw not in meas_dict), nsw.isalpha() and nsw.islower() and len(nsw) > 3, nsw.endswith('s') and nsw[:-1].isupper(), nsw in element_dict, nsw.isalpha and nsw.islower() and len(nsw) > 2, nsw.lower() in abbrev_dict or nsw in ['St.', 'st.', 'St'] ] return out def gen_seed(dic, text): """Return a list of the (integer) labels assigned to the seedset.""" seedset = [] for ind, (nsw, tag) in dic.items(): seedset.append(seed((ind, (nsw, tag)), text)) return seedset def gen_feats_and_seed(dic, text): """Return a tuple of arrays - the first of features, the second, labels.""" seedset = [] featset = [] for ind, (nsw, tag) in dic.items(): seedset.append(seed((ind, (nsw, tag)), text)) featset.append(give_featuresALPHA((ind, (nsw, tag)), text)) return (np.array(featset, dtype=int), np.array(seedset)) def fit_clf(dic, text): """Fit a Label Propogation classifier to the input dictionary.""" model = lp(tol=0.01) X, y = gen_feats_and_seed(dic, text), y) return model def fit_and_store_clf(dic, text): """fit a Label Propogation classifier, and store in clf_ALPHA.pickle""" clf = fit_clf(dic, text) with open('{}/data/clf_ALPHA.pickle'.format(mod_path), 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(clf, file, protocol=2) def seed(dict_tup, text): """Assign a seedset label to the input tuple. Generate seeds for the seedset by assigning integer labels to obvious cases. Where there is no obvious case, '-1' is returned. """ ind, nsw, tag = dict_tup[0], dict_tup[1][0], dict_tup[1][1] context = gen_frame((ind, (nsw, tag)), text) if nsw in ['Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Mr', 'Mrs']: return 3 elif nsw in ['i.e.', 'ie.', 'e.g.', 'eg.']: return 2 elif nsw.endswith('.') and nsw.istitle() and not acr_pattern.match(nsw): return 1 elif nsw.lower() in abbrev_dict or nsw in ['St.', 'st.', 'St']: return 1 elif (nsw.isupper() and is_cons(nsw) and not (nsw in meas_dict and is_digbased(context[1]))): return 2 elif nsw.endswith('s') and nsw[:-1].isupper(): return 2 elif (nsw in meas_dict or nsw in meas_dict_pl) and is_digbased(context[1]): return 1 elif (nsw in ampm or nsw in adbc) and is_digbased(context[1]): return 2 elif nsw.istitle() and nsw.isalpha() and len(nsw) > 3 and not is_cons(nsw): return 3 elif (((nsw.startswith("O'") or nsw.startswith("D'")) and nsw[2:].istitle()) or (nsw.endswith("s'") and nsw[:-2].istitle())): return 3 elif nsw in element_dict: return 1 elif (not (nsw.isupper() or nsw.endswith('s') and nsw[:-1].isupper()) and (nsw.lower() in wordlist or (nsw[:-1].lower() in wordlist and nsw.endswith('s'))) and nsw not in ampm): return 3 elif triple_rep(nsw) and len(nsw) > 3: return 3 elif nsw.isalpha() and nsw.islower() and len(nsw) > 3: return 3 elif acr_pattern.match(nsw) and nsw not in meas_dict: return 2 elif len(nsw) == 1: return 2 elif nsw.isalpha and nsw.islower() and len(nsw) > 2: return 3 else: return -1 def is_cons(w): """Return True if no vowels in w.""" for lt in w: if lt in ['A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']: return False return True def triple_rep(w): """Return 'True' if w has a letter repeated 3 times consecutively.""" for i in range(len(w) - 2): if w[i] == w[i + 1] and w[i] == w[i + 2] and w[i].isalpha(): return True return False
"""Benchmarks of Lasso regularization path computation using Lars and CD The input data is mostly low rank but is a fat infinite tail. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import gc import sys from time import time import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import lars_path from sklearn.linear_model import lasso_path from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_regression def compute_bench(samples_range, features_range): it = 0 results = defaultdict(lambda: []) max_it = len(samples_range) * len(features_range) for n_samples in samples_range: for n_features in features_range: it += 1 print('====================') print('Iteration %03d of %03d' % (it, max_it)) print('====================') dataset_kwargs = { 'n_samples': n_samples, 'n_features': n_features, 'n_informative': n_features / 10, 'effective_rank': min(n_samples, n_features) / 10, #'effective_rank': None, 'bias': 0.0, } print("n_samples: %d" % n_samples) print("n_features: %d" % n_features) X, y = make_regression(**dataset_kwargs) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lars_path (with Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() G =, X) # precomputed Gram matrix Xy =, y) lars_path(X, y, Xy=Xy, Gram=G, method='lasso') delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lars_path (with Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lars_path (without Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lars_path(X, y, method='lasso') delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lars_path (without Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lasso_path (with Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lasso_path(X, y, precompute=True) delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lasso_path (with Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lasso_path (without Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lasso_path(X, y, precompute=False) delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lasso_path (without Gram)'].append(delta) return results if __name__ == '__main__': from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d # register the 3d projection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt samples_range = np.linspace(10, 2000, 5).astype( features_range = np.linspace(10, 2000, 5).astype( results = compute_bench(samples_range, features_range) max_time = max(max(t) for t in results.values()) fig = plt.figure('scikit-learn Lasso path benchmark results') i = 1 for c, (label, timings) in zip('bcry', sorted(results.items())): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i, projection='3d') X, Y = np.meshgrid(samples_range, features_range) Z = np.asarray(timings).reshape(samples_range.shape[0], features_range.shape[0]) # plot the actual surface ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z.T, cstride=1, rstride=1, color=c, alpha=0.8) # dummy point plot to stick the legend to since surface plot do not # support legends (yet?) #ax.plot([1], [1], [1], color=c, label=label) ax.set_xlabel('n_samples') ax.set_ylabel('n_features') ax.set_zlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_zlim3d(0.0, max_time * 1.1) ax.set_title(label) #ax.legend() i += 1
# coding=utf-8 """ Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import numpy import os import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA import logging import naarad.naarad_constants as CONSTANTS logger = logging.getLogger('naarad.graphing.matplotlib') def convert_to_mdate(date_str): mdate = mdates.epoch2num(int(date_str) / 1000) return mdate # MPL-WA-07 # matplotlib does not rotate colors correctly when using multiple y axes. This method fills in that gap. def get_current_color(index): return CONSTANTS.COLOR_PALETTE[index % len(CONSTANTS.COLOR_PALETTE)] def get_graph_metadata(plots): height = 0 width = 0 title = '' for plot in plots: if plot.graph_height > height: height = plot.graph_height if plot.graph_width > width: width = plot.graph_width if title == '': title = plot.graph_title elif title != plot.graph_title: title = title + ',' + plot.graph_title return height / 80, width / 80, title def curate_plot_list(plots): delete_nodes = [] for plot in plots: if os.path.exists(plot.input_csv): if not os.path.getsize(plot.input_csv): logger.warning("%s file is empty. No plot corresponding to this file will be generated", plot.input_csv) delete_nodes.append(plot) else: logger.warning("%s file does not exist. No plot corresponding to this file will be generated", plot.input_csv) delete_nodes.append(plot) for node in delete_nodes: plots.remove(node) return plots def highlight_region(plt, start_x, end_x): """ Highlight a region on the chart between the specified start and end x-co-ordinates. param pyplot plt: matplotlibk pyplot which contains the charts to be highlighted param string start_x : epoch time millis param string end_x : epoch time millis """ start_x = convert_to_mdate(start_x) end_x = convert_to_mdate(end_x) plt.axvspan(start_x, end_x, color=CONSTANTS.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, alpha=CONSTANTS.HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA) def graph_data(list_of_plots, output_directory, resource_path, output_filename): plots = curate_plot_list(list_of_plots) plot_count = len(plots) if plot_count == 0: return False, None graph_height, graph_width, graph_title = get_graph_metadata(list_of_plots) current_plot_count = 0 fig, axis = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(graph_width, graph_height) if plot_count < 2: fig.subplots_adjust(left=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_LEFT_OFFSET, bottom=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_BOTTOM_OFFSET, right=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_RIGHT_OFFSET) else: fig.subplots_adjust(left=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_LEFT_OFFSET, bottom=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_BOTTOM_OFFSET, right=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_RIGHT_OFFSET - CONSTANTS.Y_AXIS_OFFSET * (plot_count - 2)) current_axis = axis for plot in plots: current_plot_count += 1'Processing: ' + plot.input_csv + ' [ ' + output_filename + ' ]') timestamp, yval = numpy.loadtxt(plot.input_csv, unpack=True, delimiter=',', converters={0: convert_to_mdate}) maximum_yvalue = numpy.amax(yval) * (1.0 + CONSTANTS.ZOOM_FACTOR * current_plot_count) minimum_yvalue = numpy.amin(yval) * (1.0 - CONSTANTS.ZOOM_FACTOR * current_plot_count) if current_plot_count == 0: current_axis.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if current_plot_count > 1: current_axis = axis.twinx() current_axis.yaxis.grid(False) # Set right y-axis for additional plots current_axis.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') # Offset the right y axis to avoid overlap current_axis.spines['right'].set_position(('axes', 1 + CONSTANTS.Y_AXIS_OFFSET * (current_plot_count - 2))) current_axis.spines['right'].set_smart_bounds(False) current_axis.spines['right'].set_color(get_current_color(current_plot_count)) current_axis.set_frame_on(True) current_axis.patch.set_visible(False) current_axis.set_ylabel(plot.y_label, color=get_current_color(current_plot_count), fontsize=CONSTANTS.Y_LABEL_FONTSIZE) current_axis.set_ylim([minimum_yvalue, maximum_yvalue]) if plot.graph_type == 'line': current_axis.plot_date(x=timestamp, y=yval, linestyle='-', marker=None, color=get_current_color(current_plot_count)) else: current_axis.plot_date(x=timestamp, y=yval, marker='.', color=get_current_color(current_plot_count)) y_ticks = current_axis.get_yticklabels() for y_tick in y_ticks: y_tick.set_color(get_current_color(current_plot_count)) y_tick.set_fontsize(CONSTANTS.Y_TICKS_FONTSIZE) for x_tick in current_axis.get_xticklabels(): x_tick.set_fontsize(CONSTANTS.X_TICKS_FONTSIZE) if plot.highlight_regions is not None: for region in plot.highlight_regions: highlight_region(plt, str(region.start_timestamp), str(region.end_timestamp)) axis.yaxis.grid(True) axis.xaxis.grid(True) axis.set_title(graph_title) axis.set_xlabel('Time') x_date_format = mdates.DateFormatter(CONSTANTS.X_TICKS_DATEFORMAT) axis.xaxis.set_major_formatter(x_date_format) plot_file_name = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + ".png") fig.savefig(plot_file_name) plt.close() # Create html fragment to be used for creation of the report with open(os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + '.div'), 'w') as div_file: div_file.write('<a name="' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name).replace(".png", "").replace(".diff", "") + '"></a><div class="col-md-12"><img src="' + resource_path + '/' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '" id="' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '" width="100%" height="auto"/></div><div class="col-md-12"><p align="center"><strong>' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '</strong></p></div><hr />') return True, os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + '.div') def graph_data_on_the_same_graph(list_of_plots, output_directory, resource_path, output_filename): """ graph_data_on_the_same_graph: put a list of plots on the same graph: currently it supports CDF """ maximum_yvalue = -float('inf') minimum_yvalue = float('inf') plots = curate_plot_list(list_of_plots) plot_count = len(plots) if plot_count == 0: return False, None graph_height, graph_width, graph_title = get_graph_metadata(plots) current_plot_count = 0 fig, axis = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(graph_width, graph_height) if plot_count < 2: fig.subplots_adjust(left=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_LEFT_OFFSET, bottom=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_BOTTOM_OFFSET, right=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_RIGHT_OFFSET) else: fig.subplots_adjust(left=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_LEFT_OFFSET, bottom=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_BOTTOM_OFFSET, right=CONSTANTS.SUBPLOT_RIGHT_OFFSET - CONSTANTS.Y_AXIS_OFFSET * (plot_count - 2)) # Generate each plot on the graph for plot in plots: current_plot_count += 1'Processing: ' + plot.input_csv + ' [ ' + output_filename + ' ]') xval, yval = numpy.loadtxt(plot.input_csv, unpack=True, delimiter=',') axis.plot(xval, yval, linestyle='-', marker=None, color=get_current_color(current_plot_count), label=plot.plot_label) axis.legend() maximum_yvalue = max(maximum_yvalue, numpy.amax(yval) * (1.0 + CONSTANTS.ZOOM_FACTOR * current_plot_count)) minimum_yvalue = min(minimum_yvalue, numpy.amin(yval) * (1.0 - CONSTANTS.ZOOM_FACTOR * current_plot_count)) # Set properties of the plots axis.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') axis.set_xlabel(plots[0].x_label) axis.set_ylabel(plots[0].y_label, fontsize=CONSTANTS.Y_LABEL_FONTSIZE) axis.set_ylim([minimum_yvalue, maximum_yvalue]) axis.yaxis.grid(True) axis.xaxis.grid(True) axis.set_title(graph_title) plot_file_name = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + ".png") fig.savefig(plot_file_name) plt.close() # Create html fragment to be used for creation of the report with open(os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + '.div'), 'w') as div_file: div_file.write('<a name="' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name).replace(".png", "").replace(".diff", "") + '"></a><div class="col-md-12"><img src="' + resource_path + '/' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '" id="' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '" width="100%" height="auto"/></div><div class="col-md-12"><p align=center>' + os.path.basename(plot_file_name) + '<br/></p></div>') return True, os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename + '.div')