15 values
import pandas as pd from collections import Counter import pandas as pd from sklearn import metrics import xgboost as xgb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def modelfit(alg, data, predictors, useTrainCV=True, cv_folds=5, early_stopping_rounds=50): ''' a variation of: ''' if useTrainCV: xgb_param = alg.get_xgb_params() xgtrain = xgb.DMatrix(data['x_train'][predictors], label=data['y_train']) cvresult =, xgtrain, num_boost_round=alg.get_params()['n_estimators'], nfold=cv_folds, metrics='auc', early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds) alg.set_params(n_estimators=cvresult.shape[0]) #Fit the algorithm on the data['x_train'][predictors], data['y_train'], eval_metric='auc') #Predict training set: dtrain_predictions = alg.predict(data['x_train'][predictors]) dtrain_predprob = alg.predict_proba(data['x_train'][predictors])[:,1] #Print model report: print ("\nModel Report") print ("Accuracy : %.4g" % metrics.accuracy_score(data['y_train'].values, dtrain_predictions)) print ("AUC Score (Train): %f" % metrics.roc_auc_score(data['y_train'], dtrain_predprob)) feat_imp = pd.Series(alg.booster().get_fscore()).sort_values(ascending=False) feat_imp[0:20].plot(kind='bar', title='Feature Importances') plt.ylabel('Feature Importance Score') return alg def openFriendDf(path): df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None) df.columns = ['UserIdFrom', 'UserIdTo'] #df.columns = ['UserId', 'UserIdTo','Timestamp','Type'] return df def openActivityDf(path): df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None) df.columns = ['UserId', 'UserIdTo','Timestamp','Type'] df['TweetId'] = df.index df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Timestamp'], unit='s') #print df['Timestamp'] print df.shape return df def extractTempFeatures(df): temp_f = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): t = row['Timestamp'] temp_f.append([, t.hour, t.minute, t.second]) temp_df = pd.DataFrame(temp_f, columns=['day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']) temp_df = pd.concat([df['TweetId'], temp_df], axis=1) print temp_df return temp_df def extractNumTweets(df): freqs_sent = Counter(df['UserId']) freqs_received = Counter(df['UserIdTo']) #print freqs fr_s = pd.DataFrame(freqs_sent.items(), columns=['UserId', 'Tweets_Sent']) fr_r = pd.DataFrame(freqs_received.items(), columns=['UserId', 'Tweets_Received']) #print fr_s #print fr_r result = pd.merge(fr_s, fr_r, on='UserId', how='outer') result = result.fillna(0) #print result #print result.shape return result def extractNumRe(df, a): freqs_sent = Counter(df['UserId']) freqs_received = Counter(df['UserIdTo']) #print freqs fr_s = pd.DataFrame(freqs_sent.items(), columns=['UserId', a[0]]) fr_r = pd.DataFrame(freqs_received.items(), columns=['UserId', a[1]]) #print fr_s #print fr_r result = pd.merge(fr_s, fr_r, on='UserId', how='outer') result = result.fillna(0) #print result #print result.shape return result def extractNumFriends(df): freqs_sent = Counter(df['UserIdFrom']) freqs_received = Counter(df['UserIdTo']) #print freqs fr_s = pd.DataFrame(freqs_sent.items(), columns=['UserId', 'Following']) fr_r = pd.DataFrame(freqs_received.items(), columns=['UserId', 'Followers']) #print fr_s #print fr_r result = pd.merge(fr_s, fr_r, on='UserId', how='outer') result = result.fillna(0) #print result #print result.shape return result def tweetsAggregate(df): dfa = df[df['Type']=='RE'] a = ['Tweets_Re', 'Tweets_Red'] num_re = extractNumRe(dfa, a) dfb = df[df['Type']=='RT'] b = ['Tweets_Rt', 'Tweets_Rtd'] num_rt = extractNumRe(dfb, b) dfc = df[df['Type']=='MT'] c = ['Tweets_Mt', 'Tweets_Mtd'] num_mt = extractNumRe(dfc, c) result = pd.merge(num_re, num_rt, on='UserId', how='outer') result = pd.merge(result, num_mt, on='UserId', how='outer') result = result.fillna(0) #print result return result def makeLabel(df): label = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): if row['Type'] == 'RE': label.append(1) else: label.append(0) labdf = pd.DataFrame(label, columns=['isRetweet']) labdf = pd.concat([df['TweetId'], labdf], axis=1) return labdf def extractFeatures(df1, df2): #calculate interaction graph features temp_df = extractTempFeatures(df1) tweets = tweetsAggregate(df1) num_mes = extractNumTweets(df1) interact = pd.merge(tweets, num_mes, on='UserId', how='outer') print interact #add temporal features df1 = pd.merge(df1, temp_df, on='TweetId', how='left') #calculate friendship graph features friendship = extractNumFriends(df2) print friendship #add interaction graph features df1 = pd.merge(df1, interact, on='UserId', how='left') #print interact #add friendship graph features result = pd.merge(df1, friendship, on='UserId', how='left') result = result.fillna(0) return result def getDataforML(): filename_activity = 'higgs-activity_time.txt' filename_social = 'higgs-social_network.edgelist' #open activity graph df1 = openActivityDf(filename_activity) #open a friendship graph df2 = openFriendDf(filename_social) #make a label label = makeLabel(df1) print label.mean() #extract features, merge them result = extractFeatures(df1, df2) #add label result = pd.merge(result, label, on='TweetId', how='outer') #print result y = result['isRetweet'] X = result.drop('isRetweet', 1) X = X.drop('Type', 1) X = X.drop('Timestamp', 1) print X ratio = y.value_counts() / float(y.size) print ('ratio of y: ', ratio) data = dict( x_train=X[0:500000], x_test=X[500001:563068], y_train=y[0:500000], y_test=y[500001:563068] ) print data['y_test'].mean() data['y_test'].to_csv('test_real.csv') return data def predict(data): xgbm = xgb.XGBClassifier( learning_rate=0.02, n_estimators=1500, max_depth=6, min_child_weight=1, gamma=0, subsample=0.9, colsample_bytree=0.85, objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=27) features = [x for x in data['x_train'].columns if x not in ['ID']] alg = modelfit(xgbm, data, features) dtrain_predprob = alg.predict_proba(data['x_test'][features])[:, 1] df = pd.DataFrame(dtrain_predprob, columns=['TARGET']) print (df['TARGET'].mean()) df_res = pd.concat([data['y_test'].astype(int), df], axis=1) df_res.to_csv('results.csv', index=False) def mergeFiles(): filename1 = 'test_real.csv' filename2 = 'results.csv' df1 = pd.read_csv(filename1) df1.columns = ['TweetId', 'isRetweet'] df2 = pd.read_csv(filename2) df2 = df2[0:len(df1)] df2 = df2.drop('isRetweet',1) print df1.head() print df2.head() print df1.shape print df2.shape df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) print df.head() print df.shape df = df.sort(['TARGET'], ascending=0) df.to_csv('final.csv') #data = getDataforML() #predict(data) #mergeFiles() filename_activity = 'higgs-activity_time.txt' df = pd.read_csv(filename_activity, delimiter=r"\s+", header=None) df.columns = ['UserId', 'UserIdTo','Timestamp','Type'] df['TweetId'] = df.index df = df.sort(['Timestamp', 'Type'], ascending=[1,0]) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) print df #TODO: remove dublicated rows where RE, RT, or MT at the same time #freqs = Counter(df['Timestamp']) #repeated = [] #for freq in freqs: #if freqs[freq] > 1: #repeated.append(freq) #print len(repeated) #df_dropped = df[df['Timestamp'] != repeated] #print df_dropped list_del = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): if index > 0 and df.ix['Timestamp'][index] == df.ix['Timestamp'][prev_index] and df.ix['Type'] <> 'RE': list_del.append(index) prev_index = index df = df.drop(df.index[list_del]) #print 'need to drop' print df
from statsmodels.compat.python import range import numpy as np def _make_index(prob,size): """ Returns a boolean index for given probabilities. Notes --------- prob = [.75,.25] means that there is a 75% chance of the first column being True and a 25% chance of the second column being True. The columns are mutually exclusive. """ rv = np.random.uniform(size=(size,1)) cumprob = np.cumsum(prob) return np.logical_and(np.r_[0,cumprob[:-1]] <= rv, rv < cumprob) def mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): """ Sample from a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> from scipy import stats >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> Y = mixture_rvs(prob, 5000, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], ... kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) idx = _make_index(prob,size) sample = np.empty(size) for i in range(len(prob)): sample_idx = idx[...,i] sample_size = sample_idx.sum() loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) sample[sample_idx] = dist[i].rvs(*args, **dict(loc=loc,scale=scale, size=sample_size)) return sample class MixtureDistribution(object): '''univariate mixture distribution for simple case for now (unbound support) does not yet inherit from scipy.stats.distributions adding pdf to mixture_rvs, some restrictions on broadcasting Currently it does not hold any state, all arguments included in each method. ''' #def __init__(self, prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): def rvs(self, prob, size, dist, kwargs=None): return mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, kwargs=kwargs) def pdf(self, x, prob, dist, kwargs=None): """ pdf a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Array containing locations where the PDF should be evaluated prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy import stats >>> from statsmodels.distributions.mixture_rvs import MixtureDistribution >>> x = np.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.01) >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> mixture = MixtureDistribution() >>> Y = mixture.pdf(x, prob, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], ... kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) for i in range(len(prob)): loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) if i == 0: #assume all broadcast the same as the first dist pdf_ = prob[i] * dist[i].pdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) else: pdf_ += prob[i] * dist[i].pdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) return pdf_ def cdf(self, x, prob, dist, kwargs=None): """ cdf of a mixture of distributions. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Array containing locations where the CDF should be evaluated prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions objects from scipy.stats. kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional A tuple of dicts. Each dict in kwargs can have keys loc, scale, and args to be passed to the respective distribution in dist. If not provided, the distribution defaults are used. Examples -------- Say we want 5000 random variables from mixture of normals with two distributions norm(-1,.5) and norm(1,.5) and we want to sample from the first with probability .75 and the second with probability .25. >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy import stats >>> from statsmodels.distributions.mixture_rvs import MixtureDistribution >>> x = np.arange(-4.0, 4.0, 0.01) >>> prob = [.75,.25] >>> mixture = MixtureDistribution() >>> Y = mixture.pdf(x, prob, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], ... kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.5))) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) for i in range(len(prob)): loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) if i == 0: #assume all broadcast the same as the first dist cdf_ = prob[i] * dist[i].cdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) else: cdf_ += prob[i] * dist[i].cdf(x, *args, loc=loc, scale=scale) return cdf_ def mv_mixture_rvs(prob, size, dist, nvars, **kwargs): """ Sample from a mixture of multivariate distributions. Parameters ---------- prob : array-like Probability of sampling from each distribution in dist size : int The length of the returned sample. dist : array-like An iterable of distributions instances with callable method rvs. nvargs : int dimension of the multivariate distribution, could be inferred instead kwargs : tuple of dicts, optional ignored Examples -------- Say we want 2000 random variables from mixture of normals with two multivariate normal distributions, and we want to sample from the first with probability .4 and the second with probability .6. import statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.mv_normal as mvd cov3 = np.array([[ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75], [ 0.5 , 1.5 , 0.6 ], [ 0.75, 0.6 , 2. ]]) mu = np.array([-1, 0.0, 2.0]) mu2 = np.array([4, 2.0, 2.0]) mvn3 = mvd.MVNormal(mu, cov3) mvn32 = mvd.MVNormal(mu2, cov3/2., 4) rvs = mix.mv_mixture_rvs([0.4, 0.6], 2000, [mvn3, mvn32], 3) """ if len(prob) != len(dist): raise ValueError("You must provide as many probabilities as distributions") if not np.allclose(np.sum(prob), 1): raise ValueError("prob does not sum to 1") if kwargs is None: kwargs = ({},)*len(prob) idx = _make_index(prob,size) sample = np.empty((size, nvars)) for i in range(len(prob)): sample_idx = idx[...,i] sample_size = sample_idx.sum() #loc = kwargs[i].get('loc',0) #scale = kwargs[i].get('scale',1) #args = kwargs[i].get('args',()) # use int to avoid numpy bug with np.random.multivariate_normal sample[sample_idx] = dist[i].rvs(size=int(sample_size)) return sample if __name__ == '__main__': from scipy import stats obs_dist = mixture_rvs([.25,.75], size=10000, dist=[stats.norm, stats.beta], kwargs=(dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=1,args=(1,.5)))) nobs = 10000 mix = MixtureDistribution() ## mrvs = mixture_rvs([1/3.,2/3.], size=nobs, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], ## kwargs = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.5),dict(loc=1,scale=.75))) mix_kwds = (dict(loc=-1,scale=.25),dict(loc=1,scale=.75)) mrvs = mix.rvs([1/3.,2/3.], size=nobs, dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) grid = np.linspace(-4,4, 100) mpdf = mix.pdf(grid, [1/3.,2/3.], dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) mcdf = mix.cdf(grid, [1/3.,2/3.], dist=[stats.norm, stats.norm], kwargs=mix_kwds) doplot = 1 if doplot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.hist(mrvs, bins=50, normed=True, color='red') plt.title('histogram of sample and pdf') plt.plot(grid, mpdf, lw=2, color='black') plt.figure() plt.hist(mrvs, bins=50, normed=True, cumulative=True, color='red') plt.title('histogram of sample and pdf') plt.plot(grid, mcdf, lw=2, color='black')
#!/usr/bin/env python """ ============================================= Joint feature selection with multi-task Lasso ============================================= The multi-task lasso allows to fit multiple regression problems jointly enforcing the selected features to be the same across tasks. This example simulates sequential measurements, each task is a time instant, and the relevant features vary in amplitude over time while being the same. The multi-task lasso imposes that features that are selected at one time point are select for all time point. This makes feature selection by the Lasso more stable. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Alexandre Gramfort <> # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import MultiTaskLasso, Lasso rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # Generate some 2D coefficients with sine waves with random frequency and phase n_samples, n_features, n_tasks = 100, 30, 40 n_relevant_features = 5 coef = np.zeros((n_tasks, n_features)) times = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_tasks) for k in range(n_relevant_features): coef[:, k] = np.sin((1. + rng.randn(1)) * times + 3 * rng.randn(1)) X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) Y =, coef.T) + rng.randn(n_samples, n_tasks) coef_lasso_ = np.array([Lasso(alpha=0.5).fit(X, y).coef_ for y in Y.T]) coef_multi_task_lasso_ = MultiTaskLasso(alpha=1.).fit(X, Y).coef_ ############################################################################### # Plot support and time series fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.spy(coef_lasso_) plt.xlabel('Feature') plt.ylabel('Time (or Task)') plt.text(10, 5, 'Lasso') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.spy(coef_multi_task_lasso_) plt.xlabel('Feature') plt.ylabel('Time (or Task)') plt.text(10, 5, 'MultiTaskLasso') fig.suptitle('Coefficient non-zero location') feature_to_plot = 0 plt.figure() lw = 2 plt.plot(coef[:, feature_to_plot], color='seagreen', linewidth=lw, label='Ground truth') plt.plot(coef_lasso_[:, feature_to_plot], color='cornflowerblue', linewidth=lw, label='Lasso') plt.plot(coef_multi_task_lasso_[:, feature_to_plot], color='gold', linewidth=lw, label='MultiTaskLasso') plt.legend(loc='upper center') plt.axis('tight') plt.ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
import json from os import path import warnings import numpy import six from chainer import reporter from chainer import serializer as serializer_module from import extension from import trigger as trigger_module try: from matplotlib import pyplot as plot _available = True except (ImportError, TypeError): _available = False def _check_available(): if not _available: warnings.warn('matplotlib is not installed on your environment, ' 'so nothing will be plotted at this time. ' 'Please install matplotlib to plot figures.\n\n' ' $ pip install matplotlib\n') class PlotReport(extension.Extension): """Trainer extension to output plots. This extension accumulates the observations of the trainer to :class:`~chainer.DictSummary` at a regular interval specified by a supplied trigger, and plot a graph with using them. There are two triggers to handle this extension. One is the trigger to invoke this extension, which is used to handle the timing of accumulating the results. It is set to ``1, 'iteration'`` by default. The other is the trigger to determine when to emit the result. When this trigger returns True, this extension appends the summary of accumulated values to the list of past summaries, and writes the list to the log file. Then, this extension makes a new fresh summary object which is used until the next time that the trigger fires. It also adds ``'epoch'`` and ``'iteration'`` entries to each result dictionary, which are the epoch and iteration counts at the output. .. warning:: If your environment needs to specify a backend of matplotlib explicitly, please call ``matplotlib.use`` before importing Chainer. For example: .. code-block:: python import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import chainer Then, once ```` is imported, ``matplotlib.use`` will have no effect. For the details, please see here: Args: y_keys (iterable of strs): Keys of values regarded as y. If this is None, nothing is output to the graph. x_key (str): Keys of values regarded as x. The default value is 'iteration'. trigger: Trigger that decides when to aggregate the result and output the values. This is distinct from the trigger of this extension itself. If it is a tuple in the form ``<int>, 'epoch'`` or ``<int>, 'iteration'``, it is passed to :class:`IntervalTrigger`. postprocess: Callback to postprocess the result dictionaries. Figure object, Axes object, and all plot data are passed to this callback in this order. This callback can modify the figure. file_name (str): Name of the figure file under the output directory. It can be a format string. marker (str): The marker used to plot the graph. Default is ``'x'``. If ``None`` is given, it draws with no markers. grid (bool): Set the axis grid on if True. Default is True. """ def __init__(self, y_keys, x_key='iteration', trigger=(1, 'epoch'), postprocess=None, file_name='plot.png', marker='x', grid=True): _check_available() self._x_key = x_key if isinstance(y_keys, str): y_keys = (y_keys,) self._y_keys = y_keys self._trigger = trigger_module.get_trigger(trigger) self._file_name = file_name self._marker = marker self._grid = grid self._postprocess = postprocess self._init_summary() self._data = {k: [] for k in y_keys} @staticmethod def available(): _check_available() return _available def __call__(self, trainer): if not _available: return keys = self._y_keys observation = trainer.observation summary = self._summary if keys is None: summary.add(observation) else: summary.add({k: observation[k] for k in keys if k in observation}) if self._trigger(trainer): stats = self._summary.compute_mean() stats_cpu = {} for name, value in six.iteritems(stats): stats_cpu[name] = float(value) # copy to CPU updater = trainer.updater stats_cpu['epoch'] = updater.epoch stats_cpu['iteration'] = updater.iteration x = stats_cpu[self._x_key] data = self._data for k in keys: if k in stats_cpu: data[k].append((x, stats_cpu[k])) f = plot.figure() a = f.add_subplot(111) a.set_xlabel(self._x_key) if self._grid: a.grid() for k in keys: xy = data[k] if len(xy) == 0: continue xy = numpy.array(xy) a.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], marker=self._marker, label=k) if a.has_data(): if self._postprocess is not None: self._postprocess(f, a, summary) l = a.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) f.savefig(path.join(trainer.out, self._file_name), bbox_extra_artists=(l,), bbox_inches='tight') plot.close() self._init_summary() def serialize(self, serializer): if isinstance(serializer, serializer_module.Serializer): serializer('_plot_{}'.format(self._file_name), json.dumps(self._data)) else: self._data = json.loads( serializer('_plot_{}'.format(self._file_name), '')) def _init_summary(self): self._summary = reporter.DictSummary()
""" ====================================== Decision Tree Regression with AdaBoost ====================================== A decision tree is boosted using the AdaBoost.R2 [1] algorithm on a 1D sinusoidal dataset with a small amount of Gaussian noise. 299 boosts (300 decision trees) is compared with a single decision tree regressor. As the number of boosts is increased the regressor can fit more detail. .. [1] H. Drucker, "Improving Regressors using Boosting Techniques", 1997. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Noel Dawe <> # # License: BSD 3 clause # importing necessary libraries import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostRegressor # Create the dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.linspace(0, 6, 100)[:, np.newaxis] y = np.sin(X).ravel() + np.sin(6 * X).ravel() + rng.normal(0, 0.1, X.shape[0]) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) regr_2 = AdaBoostRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4), n_estimators=300, random_state=rng), y), y) # Predict y_1 = regr_1.predict(X) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(X, y, c="k", label="training samples") plt.plot(X, y_1, c="g", label="n_estimators=1", linewidth=2) plt.plot(X, y_2, c="r", label="n_estimators=300", linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Boosted Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
""" ========================== DKI MultiTensor Simulation ========================== In this example we show how to simulate the diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) data of a single voxel. DKI captures information about the non-Gaussian properties of water diffusion which is a consequence of the existence of tissue barriers and compartments. In these simulations compartmental heterogeneity is taken into account by modeling different compartments for the intra- and extra-cellular media of two populations of fibers. These simulations are performed according to [RNH2015]_. We first import all relevant modules. """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from dipy.sims.voxel import (multi_tensor_dki, single_tensor) from import get_data from import read_bvals_bvecs from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table from dipy.reconst.dti import (decompose_tensor, from_lower_triangular) """ For the simulation we will need a GradientTable with the b-values and b-vectors. Here we use the GradientTable of the sample Dipy dataset 'small_64D'. """ fimg, fbvals, fbvecs = get_data('small_64D') bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbvals, fbvecs) """ DKI requires data from more than one non-zero b-value. Since the dataset 'small_64D' was acquired with one non-zero bvalue we artificialy produce a second non-zero b-value. """ bvals = np.concatenate((bvals, bvals * 2), axis=0) bvecs = np.concatenate((bvecs, bvecs), axis=0) """ The b-values and gradient directions are then converted to Dipy's GradientTable format. """ gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) """ In ``mevals`` we save the eigenvalues of each tensor. To simulate crossing fibers with two different media (representing intra and extra-cellular media), a total of four components have to be taken in to account (i.e. the first two compartments correspond to the intra and extra cellular media for the first fiber population while the others correspond to the media of the second fiber population) """ mevals = np.array([[0.00099, 0, 0], [0.00226, 0.00087, 0.00087], [0.00099, 0, 0], [0.00226, 0.00087, 0.00087]]) """ In ``angles`` we save in polar coordinates (:math:`\theta, \phi`) the principal axis of each compartment tensor. To simulate crossing fibers at 70 degrees the compartments of the first fiber are aligned to the x-axis while the compartments of the second fiber are aligned to the x-z plane with an angular deviation of 70 degrees from the first one. """ angles = [(90, 0), (90, 0), (20, 0), (20, 0)] """ In ``fractions`` we save the percentage of the contribution of each compartment, which is computed by multiplying the percentage of contribution of each fiber population and the water fraction of each different medium """ fie = 0.49 # intra axonal water fraction fractions = [fie*50, (1 - fie)*50, fie*50, (1 - fie)*50] """ Having defined the parameters for all tissue compartments, the elements of the diffusion tensor (dt), the elements of the kurtosis tensor (kt) and the DW signals simulated from the DKI model can be obtain using the function ``multi_tensor_dki``. """ signal_dki, dt, kt = multi_tensor_dki(gtab, mevals, S0=200, angles=angles, fractions=fractions, snr=None) """ We can also add rician noise with a specific SNR. """ signal_noisy, dt, kt = multi_tensor_dki(gtab, mevals, S0=200, angles=angles, fractions=fractions, snr=10) """ For comparison purposes, we also compute the DW signal if only the diffusion tensor components are taken into account. For this we use Dipy's function single_tensor which requires that dt is decomposed into its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. """ dt_evals, dt_evecs = decompose_tensor(from_lower_triangular(dt)) signal_dti = single_tensor(gtab, S0=200, evals=dt_evals, evecs=dt_evecs, snr=None) """ Finally, we can visualize the values of the different version of simulated signals for all assumed gradient directions and bvalues. """ plt.plot(signal_dti, label='noiseless dti') plt.plot(signal_dki, label='noiseless dki') plt.plot(signal_noisy, label='with noise') plt.legend() plt.savefig('simulated_dki_signal.png') """ .. figure:: simulated_dki_signal.png :align: center **Simulated signals obtain from the DTI and DKI models**. Non-Gaussian diffusion properties in tissues are responsible to smaller signal attenuations for larger bvalues when compared to signal attenuations from free gaussian water diffusion. This feature can be shown from the figure above, since signals simulated from the DKI models reveals larger DW signal intensities than the signals obtained only from the diffusion tensor components. References: [RNH2015] R. Neto Henriques et al., "Exploring the 3D geometry of the diffusion kurtosis tensor - Impact on the development of robust tractography procedures and novel biomarkers", NeuroImage (2015) 111, 85-99. """
""" =========================================================== Hierarchical clustering: structured vs unstructured ward =========================================================== Example builds a swiss roll dataset and runs hierarchical clustering on their position. For more information, see :ref:`hierarchical_clustering`. In a first step, the hierarchical clustering is performed without connectivity constraints on the structure and is solely based on distance, whereas in a second step the clustering is restricted to the k-Nearest Neighbors graph: it's a hierarchical clustering with structure prior. Some of the clusters learned without connectivity constraints do not respect the structure of the swiss roll and extend across different folds of the manifolds. On the opposite, when opposing connectivity constraints, the clusters form a nice parcellation of the swiss roll. """ # Authors : Vincent Michel, 2010 # Alexandre Gramfort, 2010 # Gael Varoquaux, 2010 # License: BSD 3 clause print(__doc__) import time as time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d as p3 from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_swiss_roll ############################################################################### # Generate data (swiss roll dataset) n_samples = 1500 noise = 0.05 X, _ = make_swiss_roll(n_samples, noise) # Make it thinner X[:, 1] *= .5 ############################################################################### # Compute clustering print("Compute unstructured hierarchical clustering...") st = time.time() ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=6, linkage='ward').fit(X) elapsed_time = time.time() - st label = ward.labels_ print("Elapsed time: %.2fs" % elapsed_time) print("Number of points: %i" % label.size) ############################################################################### # Plot result fig = plt.figure() ax = p3.Axes3D(fig) ax.view_init(7, -80) for l in np.unique(label): ax.plot3D(X[label == l, 0], X[label == l, 1], X[label == l, 2], 'o', / np.max(label + 1))) plt.title('Without connectivity constraints (time %.2fs)' % elapsed_time) ############################################################################### # Define the structure A of the data. Here a 10 nearest neighbors from sklearn.neighbors import kneighbors_graph connectivity = kneighbors_graph(X, n_neighbors=10, include_self=False) ############################################################################### # Compute clustering print("Compute structured hierarchical clustering...") st = time.time() ward = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=6, connectivity=connectivity, linkage='ward').fit(X) elapsed_time = time.time() - st label = ward.labels_ print("Elapsed time: %.2fs" % elapsed_time) print("Number of points: %i" % label.size) ############################################################################### # Plot result fig = plt.figure() ax = p3.Axes3D(fig) ax.view_init(7, -80) for l in np.unique(label): ax.plot3D(X[label == l, 0], X[label == l, 1], X[label == l, 2], 'o', / np.max(label + 1))) plt.title('With connectivity constraints (time %.2fs)' % elapsed_time)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Fracpete (pythonwekawrapper at gmail dot com) import os from setuptools import setup from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError def download_file(url, outfile): """ Downloads the file associated with the URL and saves it to the specified output file. Taken from here: :param url: the URL to download :type url: str :param outfile: the name of the output file :type outfile: str :returns: whether the download was successful :rtype: bool """ try: # Open the url f = urlopen(url) print("Downloading '" + url + "' to '" + outfile + "'") # Open our local file for writing with open(outfile, "wb") as local_file: local_file.write( # handle errors except HTTPError, e: print("HTTP Error: " + str(e.code) + " " + url) return False except URLError, e: print("URL Error: " + str(e.reason) + " " + url) return False return True def download_weka(): """ Downloads the monolithic Weka jar from if nececssary. """ url = "" outfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "python", "weka", "lib", "weka.jar") if not os.path.exists(outfile): if not download_file(url, outfile): print("Failed to download Weka jar '" + url + "' to '" + outfile + "'!") else: print("Download of Weka jar successful!") def ext_modules(): """ Initiates Weka jar download. """ download_weka() def _read(f): """ Reads in the content of the file. :param f: the file to read :type f: str :return: the content :rtype: str """ return open(f, 'rb').read() setup( name="python-weka-wrapper", description="Python wrapper for the Weka Machine Learning Workbench", long_description=( _read('DESCRIPTION.rst') + b'\n' + _read('CHANGES.rst')).decode('utf-8'), url="", classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence', 'Programming Language :: Python', ], license='GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)', package_dir={ '': 'python' }, packages=[ "weka", "weka.core", "weka.plot" ], package_data={ "weka": ["lib/*.jar"], }, include_package_data=True, version="0.3.2", author='Peter "fracpete" Reutemann', author_email='pythonwekawrapper at gmail dot com', install_requires=[ "javabridge>=1.0.11", "numpy" ], extras_require={ 'plots': ["matplotlib"], 'graphs': ["pygraphviz", "PIL"], }, ext_modules=ext_modules(), )
__author__ = "Kelly Chan" __date__ = "Sept 9 2014" __version__ = "1.0.0" import os import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding( "utf-8" ) import mechanize import cookielib import re import time import urllib import urllib2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas def openBrowser(): # Browser br = mechanize.Browser() # Cookie Jar cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() br.set_cookiejar(cj) # Browser options br.set_handle_equiv(True) #br.set_handle_gzip(True) br.set_handle_redirect(True) br.set_handle_referer(True) br.set_handle_robots(False) # Follows refresh 0 but not hangs on refresh > 0 br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) br.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1')] return br def getSoup(br, url): # Open url r = html = soup = BeautifulSoup(html) return soup def loadURLs(dataFile): urls = [] with open(dataFile, 'rb') as f: for line in f.readlines(): urls.append(line.strip()) return urls def getPages(soup): results = soup.find('span', attrs={'class': 'totalPages'}) if results: pages = int(results.get_text()) else: pages = 0 return pages def filterRE(results, pattern): return re.findall(re.compile(pattern), str(results)) def getProducts(content): products = [] links = [] results = content.find_all('h3', attrs={'class': 'productTitle'}) #print results #pattern1 = r"<a href=.*>([\d\w\u4e00-\u9fa5\s].*)</a>" pattern1 = r"<a href=.*>(.*)</a>" results1 = filterRE(results, pattern1) for result in results1: products.append(result.strip()) #print products pattern2 = r'<a href="(.*)" name=.*>' results2 = filterRE(results, pattern2) for result in results2: links.append(result.strip()) #print links return products, links def main(): outPath = "G:/vimFiles/freelance/20140903-eCatalog/src/outputs/" #fileName = "error-one-page.csv" fileName = "error-more-pages.csv" br = openBrowser() urls = loadURLs(outPath+fileName) for url in urls: soup = getSoup(br, url) content = soup.find('ul', attrs={'id': 'productResults'}) products, links = getProducts(content) if len(products) == len(links): data = pandas.DataFrame({'product': products, 'prodURL': links}) data['deptURL'] = url with open(outPath+"products-error-more-pages.csv", 'a') as f: data.to_csv(f, header=False) else: print url if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Implements a multitask graph convolutional classifier. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals __author__ = "Han Altae-Tran and Bharath Ramsundar" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Stanford University" __license__ = "MIT" import warnings import os import sys import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import sklearn.metrics import tempfile from import pad_features from import log from deepchem.models import Model from deepchem.nn.copy import Input from deepchem.nn.copy import Dense from deepchem.nn import model_ops # TODO(rbharath): Find a way to get rid of this import? from deepchem.models.tf_new_models.graph_topology import merge_dicts def get_loss_fn(final_loss): # Obtain appropriate loss function if final_loss == 'L2': def loss_fn(x, t): diff = tf.subtract(x, t) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(diff), 0) elif final_loss == 'weighted_L2': def loss_fn(x, t, w): diff = tf.subtract(x, t) weighted_diff = tf.multiply(diff, w) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(weighted_diff), 0) elif final_loss == 'L1': def loss_fn(x, t): diff = tf.subtract(x, t) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(diff), 0) elif final_loss == 'huber': def loss_fn(x, t): diff = tf.subtract(x, t) return tf.reduce_sum( tf.minimum(0.5 * tf.square(diff), huber_d * (tf.abs(diff) - 0.5 * huber_d)), 0) elif final_loss == 'cross_entropy': def loss_fn(x, t, w): costs = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x, labels=t) weighted_costs = tf.multiply(costs, w) return tf.reduce_sum(weighted_costs) elif final_loss == 'hinge': def loss_fn(x, t, w): t = tf.multiply(2.0, t) - 1 costs = tf.maximum(0.0, 1.0 - tf.multiply(t, x)) weighted_costs = tf.multiply(costs, w) return tf.reduce_sum(weighted_costs) return loss_fn class MultitaskGraphClassifier(Model): def __init__(self, model, n_tasks, n_feat, logdir=None, batch_size=50, final_loss='cross_entropy', learning_rate=.001, optimizer_type="adam", learning_rate_decay_time=1000, beta1=.9, beta2=.999, pad_batches=True, verbose=True): warnings.warn( "MultitaskGraphClassifier is deprecated. " "Will be removed in DeepChem 1.4.", DeprecationWarning) super(MultitaskGraphClassifier, self).__init__( model_dir=logdir, verbose=verbose) self.n_tasks = n_tasks self.final_loss = final_loss self.model = model self.sess = tf.Session(graph=self.model.graph) with self.model.graph.as_default(): # Extract model info self.batch_size = batch_size self.pad_batches = pad_batches # Get graph topology for x self.graph_topology = self.model.get_graph_topology() self.feat_dim = n_feat # Raw logit outputs self.logits = self.loss_op = self.add_training_loss(self.final_loss, self.logits) self.outputs = self.add_softmax(self.logits) self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.T = learning_rate_decay_time self.optimizer_type = optimizer_type self.optimizer_beta1 = beta1 self.optimizer_beta2 = beta2 # Set epsilon self.epsilon = 1e-7 self.add_optimizer() # Initialize self.init_fn = tf.global_variables_initializer() # Path to save checkpoint files, which matches the # replicated supervisor's default path. self._save_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'model.ckpt') def build(self): # Create target inputs self.label_placeholder = tf.placeholder( dtype='bool', shape=(None, self.n_tasks), name="label_placeholder") self.weight_placeholder = tf.placeholder( dtype='float32', shape=(None, self.n_tasks), name="weight_placholder") feat = self.model.return_outputs() ################################################################ DEBUG #print("multitask classifier") #print("feat") #print(feat) ################################################################ DEBUG output = model_ops.multitask_logits(feat, self.n_tasks) return output def add_optimizer(self): if self.optimizer_type == "adam": self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( self.learning_rate, beta1=self.optimizer_beta1, beta2=self.optimizer_beta2, epsilon=self.epsilon) else: raise ValueError("Optimizer type not recognized.") # Get train function self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.loss_op) def construct_feed_dict(self, X_b, y_b=None, w_b=None, training=True): """Get initial information about task normalization""" # TODO(rbharath): I believe this is total amount of data n_samples = len(X_b) if y_b is None: y_b = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_tasks)) if w_b is None: w_b = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_tasks)) targets_dict = {self.label_placeholder: y_b, self.weight_placeholder: w_b} # Get graph information atoms_dict = self.graph_topology.batch_to_feed_dict(X_b) # TODO (hraut->rhbarath): num_datapoints should be a vector, with ith element being # the number of labeled data points in target_i. This is to normalize each task # num_dat_dict = {self.num_datapoints_placeholder : self.} # Get other optimizer information # TODO(rbharath): Figure out how to handle phase appropriately feed_dict = merge_dicts([targets_dict, atoms_dict]) return feed_dict def add_training_loss(self, final_loss, logits): """Computes loss using logits.""" loss_fn = get_loss_fn(final_loss) # Get loss function task_losses = [] # label_placeholder of shape (batch_size, n_tasks). Split into n_tasks # tensors of shape (batch_size,) task_labels = tf.split( axis=1, num_or_size_splits=self.n_tasks, value=self.label_placeholder) task_weights = tf.split( axis=1, num_or_size_splits=self.n_tasks, value=self.weight_placeholder) for task in range(self.n_tasks): task_label_vector = task_labels[task] task_weight_vector = task_weights[task] # Convert the labels into one-hot vector encodings. one_hot_labels = tf.cast( tf.one_hot(tf.cast(tf.squeeze(task_label_vector), tf.int32), 2), tf.float32) # Since we use tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits note that we pass in # un-softmaxed logits rather than softmax outputs. task_loss = loss_fn(logits[task], one_hot_labels, task_weight_vector) task_losses.append(task_loss) # It's ok to divide by just the batch_size rather than the number of nonzero # examples (effect averages out) total_loss = tf.add_n(task_losses) total_loss = tf.math.divide(total_loss, self.batch_size) return total_loss def add_softmax(self, outputs): """Replace logits with softmax outputs.""" softmax = [] with tf.name_scope('inference'): for i, logits in enumerate(outputs): softmax.append(tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='softmax_%d' % i)) return softmax def fit(self, dataset, nb_epoch=10, max_checkpoints_to_keep=5, log_every_N_batches=50, checkpoint_interval=10, **kwargs): # Perform the optimization log("Training for %d epochs" % nb_epoch, self.verbose) # TODO(rbharath): Disabling saving for now to try to debug. for epoch in range(nb_epoch): log("Starting epoch %d" % epoch, self.verbose) for batch_num, (X_b, y_b, w_b, ids_b) in enumerate( dataset.iterbatches(self.batch_size, pad_batches=self.pad_batches)): if batch_num % log_every_N_batches == 0: log("On batch %d" % batch_num, self.verbose) self.train_op, feed_dict=self.construct_feed_dict(X_b, y_b, w_b)) def save(self): """ No-op since this model doesn't currently support saving... """ pass def predict(self, dataset, transformers=[], **kwargs): """Wraps predict to set batch_size/padding.""" return super(MultitaskGraphClassifier, self).predict( dataset, transformers, batch_size=self.batch_size) def predict_proba(self, dataset, transformers=[], n_classes=2, **kwargs): """Wraps predict_proba to set batch_size/padding.""" return super(MultitaskGraphClassifier, self).predict_proba( dataset, transformers, n_classes=n_classes, batch_size=self.batch_size) def predict_on_batch(self, X): """Return model output for the provided input. """ if self.pad_batches: X = pad_features(self.batch_size, X) # run eval data through the model n_tasks = self.n_tasks with self.sess.as_default(): feed_dict = self.construct_feed_dict(X) # Shape (n_samples, n_tasks) batch_outputs =, feed_dict=feed_dict) n_samples = len(X) outputs = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_tasks)) for task, output in enumerate(batch_outputs): outputs[:, task] = np.argmax(output, axis=1) return outputs def predict_proba_on_batch(self, X, n_classes=2): """Returns class probabilities on batch""" # run eval data through the model if self.pad_batches: X = pad_features(self.batch_size, X) n_tasks = self.n_tasks with self.sess.as_default(): feed_dict = self.construct_feed_dict(X) batch_outputs =, feed_dict=feed_dict) n_samples = len(X) outputs = np.zeros((n_samples, self.n_tasks, n_classes)) for task, output in enumerate(batch_outputs): outputs[:, task, :] = output return outputs def get_num_tasks(self): """Needed to use Model.predict() from superclass.""" return self.n_tasks
__author__ = 'shenojia' import pprint import re import sys import unittest import weakref import numpy as np from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec sys.path.insert(0, '..') from R12_36211.RE import RE from R12_36211.RG import RG from R12_36211.PRB import PRB from R12_36211.SUBFRAME import SUBFRAME from R12_36211.CRS import CRS from R12_36211.PBCH import PBCH from R12_36xxx.HighLayer import conf from R12_36xxx.ConstDefinition import * from R12_36xxx.TypesDefition import * class Test_SUBFRAME(unittest.TestCase): """ test different channels and signals """ @unittest.skip("test_subframeConstruct") def test_subframeConstruct(self): """ new a subframe :return: """ sf = SUBFRAME(0,0, SubFrameType('D')) crs = sf.crses[0] print(crs.res[0]().t) print(crs.res[0]().p) print(crs.res[0]().a) pass #@unittest.skip("test_plotPcfichInSubframe") def test_plotPcfichInSubframe(self): """ pcfich plot """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi=80) sf = SUBFRAME(0, 0, SubFrameType('D')) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2,left=0.1,right=0.9,wspace=0.01) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax0.add_patch(sf.slots[0].patch) ax1.add_patch(sf.slots[1].patch) sf.pcfich.patch.set_facecolor((0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) if sf.pcfich.n__s %2 == 0: ax0.add_patch(sf.pcfich.patch) else: ax1.add_patch(sf.pcfich.patch) ax0.autoscale_view() ax1.autoscale_view() @unittest.skip("test_plotPbchInSubframe") def test_plotPbchInSubframe(self): """ pbch plot """ fig = plt.figure() sf = SUBFRAME(0, 0, SubFrameType('D')) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2,left=0.1,right=0.9,wspace=0.01) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax0.add_patch(sf.slots[0].patch) ax1.add_patch(sf.slots[1].patch) sf.pbch.patch.set_facecolor((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) if sf.pbch.n__s %2 == 0: ax0.add_patch(sf.pbch.patch) else: ax1.add_patch(sf.pbch.patch) ax0.autoscale_view() ax1.autoscale_view() @unittest.skip("test_plotCrsInSubframe") def test_plotCrsInSubframe(self): """ Make a compund path -- Use CLOSEOPOLY and MOVETO for the different parts of the compound path """ fig = plt.figure() sf = SUBFRAME(0,0, SubFrameType('D')) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2,left=0.1,right=0.9,wspace=0.01) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax0.add_patch(sf.slots[0].patch) crs00 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,0)] crs00.patch.set_facecolor((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs00.patch) crs01 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,1)] crs01.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs01.patch) crs02 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,2)] crs02.patch.set_facecolor((0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs02.patch) crs03 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,3)] crs03.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs03.patch) ax1.add_patch(sf.slots[1].patch) crs10 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,0)] crs10.patch.set_facecolor((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs10.patch) crs11 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,1)] crs11.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs11.patch) crs12 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,2)] crs12.patch.set_facecolor((0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs12.patch) crs13 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,3)] crs13.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs13.patch) ax0.autoscale_view() ax1.autoscale_view() @unittest.skip("test_plotCrsInSubframe2") def test_plotCrsInSubframe2(self): """ crs test on a special frame """ fig = plt.figure() #TODO:high level parameter verif shall be done in a more elegant way. avoid too much misc checking inside #so user shall ensure all high level parameter setting shall be correct first sf = SUBFRAME(0,1, SubFrameType('S')) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,2,left=0.1,right=0.9,wspace=0.01) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) ax0.add_patch(sf.slots[0].patch) crs00 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,0)] crs00.patch.set_facecolor((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs00.patch) crs01 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,1)] crs01.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs01.patch) crs02 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,2)] crs02.patch.set_facecolor((0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs02.patch) crs03 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[0].n__s,3)] crs03.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) ax0.add_patch(crs03.patch) ax1.add_patch(sf.slots[1].patch) crs10 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,0)] crs10.patch.set_facecolor((0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs10.patch) crs11 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,1)] crs11.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs11.patch) crs12 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,2)] crs12.patch.set_facecolor((0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs12.patch) crs13 = sf.crses[(sf.slots[1].n__s,3)] crs13.patch.set_facecolor((1.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.5)) ax1.add_patch(crs13.patch) ax1.add_patch(sf.slots[1].patch) ax0.autoscale_view() ax1.autoscale_view() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import const def compare(y, y2, fs=const.DEFAULT_FS): """Take a ground truth and predicted sounds and show a plot comparing them. Generate a graph of how the sounds differ over time. Args: y (array): The ground truth sound. y2 (array): The predicted sound. fs (int, optional): Sampling frequency. """ x = np.linspace(0, y.size / fs, y.size) plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) plt.title('Waveform comparison') plt.plot(x, y2, 'r', linewidth=4.0) plt.plot(x, y, 'k--', linewidth=2.0) plt.xlim(0, 0.05) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Sound wave') running_average_n = 100 # Smooth out the error using a running average def running_average(arr): return np.convolve(arr, np.ones((running_average_n,)) / running_average_n, mode='valid') err = running_average((y - y2) ** 2) err_bad = running_average(y ** 2) # The error if y2 was a constant 0, for comparison plt.subplot(212) plt.title('Square error over time') plt.plot(err[::running_average_n], 'r') plt.plot(err_bad[::running_average_n], 'k') plt.axhline(0, color='black') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Square error') def show(y, fs=const.DEFAULT_FS): """Plot a sound. Args: y (array): The sound to plot. fs (int, optional): Sampling frequency. """ x = np.linspace(0, y.size / fs, y.size) plt.figure() plt.title('Waveform') plt.axhline(0, color='black') plt.plot(x, y, 'r', linewidth=2.0) plt.xlim(0, 0.05) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Sound wave') def heatmap(p, fs=const.DEFAULT_FS): """Plot a probability heatmap generated by a model. Args: p (array of shape [number of samples, 256]): The probabilities of each sample's values. fs (int, optional): Sampling frequency. """ plt.figure() plt.title('Probability heatmap') plt.imshow(p.T, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')
""" Gaussian Mixture Models. This implementation corresponds to frequentist (non-Bayesian) formulation of Gaussian Mixture Models. """ # Author: Ron Weiss <> # Fabian Pedregosa <> # Bertrand Thirion <> import warnings import numpy as np from scipy import linalg from time import time from ..base import BaseEstimator from ..utils import check_random_state, check_array from ..utils.extmath import logsumexp from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from .. import cluster from sklearn.externals.six.moves import zip EPS = np.finfo(float).eps def log_multivariate_normal_density(X, means, covars, covariance_type='diag'): """Compute the log probability under a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- X : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. means : array_like, shape (n_components, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional mean vectors for n_components Gaussians. Each row corresponds to a single mean vector. covars : array_like List of n_components covariance parameters for each Gaussian. The shape depends on `covariance_type`: (n_components, n_features) if 'spherical', (n_features, n_features) if 'tied', (n_components, n_features) if 'diag', (n_components, n_features, n_features) if 'full' covariance_type : string Type of the covariance parameters. Must be one of 'spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'. Defaults to 'diag'. Returns ------- lpr : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_components) Array containing the log probabilities of each data point in X under each of the n_components multivariate Gaussian distributions. """ log_multivariate_normal_density_dict = { 'spherical': _log_multivariate_normal_density_spherical, 'tied': _log_multivariate_normal_density_tied, 'diag': _log_multivariate_normal_density_diag, 'full': _log_multivariate_normal_density_full} return log_multivariate_normal_density_dict[covariance_type]( X, means, covars) def sample_gaussian(mean, covar, covariance_type='diag', n_samples=1, random_state=None): """Generate random samples from a Gaussian distribution. Parameters ---------- mean : array_like, shape (n_features,) Mean of the distribution. covar : array_like, optional Covariance of the distribution. The shape depends on `covariance_type`: scalar if 'spherical', (n_features) if 'diag', (n_features, n_features) if 'tied', or 'full' covariance_type : string, optional Type of the covariance parameters. Must be one of 'spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'. Defaults to 'diag'. n_samples : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- X : array, shape (n_features, n_samples) Randomly generated sample """ rng = check_random_state(random_state) n_dim = len(mean) rand = rng.randn(n_dim, n_samples) if n_samples == 1: rand.shape = (n_dim,) if covariance_type == 'spherical': rand *= np.sqrt(covar) elif covariance_type == 'diag': rand =, rand) else: s, U = linalg.eigh(covar) s.clip(0, out=s) # get rid of tiny negatives np.sqrt(s, out=s) U *= s rand =, rand) return (rand.T + mean).T class GMM(BaseEstimator): """Gaussian Mixture Model Representation of a Gaussian mixture model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a GMM distribution. Initializes parameters such that every mixture component has zero mean and identity covariance. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <gmm>`. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional Number of mixture components. Defaults to 1. covariance_type : string, optional String describing the type of covariance parameters to use. Must be one of 'spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'. Defaults to 'diag'. random_state: RandomState or an int seed (None by default) A random number generator instance min_covar : float, optional Floor on the diagonal of the covariance matrix to prevent overfitting. Defaults to 1e-3. tol : float, optional Convergence threshold. EM iterations will stop when average gain in log-likelihood is below this threshold. Defaults to 1e-3. n_iter : int, optional Number of EM iterations to perform. n_init : int, optional Number of initializations to perform. the best results is kept params : string, optional Controls which parameters are updated in the training process. Can contain any combination of 'w' for weights, 'm' for means, and 'c' for covars. Defaults to 'wmc'. init_params : string, optional Controls which parameters are updated in the initialization process. Can contain any combination of 'w' for weights, 'm' for means, and 'c' for covars. Defaults to 'wmc'. verbose : int, default: 0 Enable verbose output. If 1 then it always prints the current initialization and iteration step. If greater than 1 then it prints additionally the change and time needed for each step. Attributes ---------- weights_ : array, shape (`n_components`,) This attribute stores the mixing weights for each mixture component. means_ : array, shape (`n_components`, `n_features`) Mean parameters for each mixture component. covars_ : array Covariance parameters for each mixture component. The shape depends on `covariance_type`:: (n_components, n_features) if 'spherical', (n_features, n_features) if 'tied', (n_components, n_features) if 'diag', (n_components, n_features, n_features) if 'full' converged_ : bool True when convergence was reached in fit(), False otherwise. See Also -------- DPGMM : Infinite gaussian mixture model, using the dirichlet process, fit with a variational algorithm VBGMM : Finite gaussian mixture model fit with a variational algorithm, better for situations where there might be too little data to get a good estimate of the covariance matrix. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import mixture >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> g = mixture.GMM(n_components=2) >>> # Generate random observations with two modes centered on 0 >>> # and 10 to use for training. >>> obs = np.concatenate((np.random.randn(100, 1), ... 10 + np.random.randn(300, 1))) >>> # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE GMM(covariance_type='diag', init_params='wmc', min_covar=0.001, n_components=2, n_init=1, n_iter=100, params='wmc', random_state=None, thresh=None, tol=0.001, verbose=0) >>> np.round(g.weights_, 2) array([ 0.75, 0.25]) >>> np.round(g.means_, 2) array([[ 10.05], [ 0.06]]) >>> np.round(g.covars_, 2) #doctest: +SKIP array([[[ 1.02]], [[ 0.96]]]) >>> g.predict([[0], [2], [9], [10]]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([1, 1, 0, 0]...) >>> np.round(g.score([[0], [2], [9], [10]]), 2) array([-2.19, -4.58, -1.75, -1.21]) >>> # Refit the model on new data (initial parameters remain the >>> # same), this time with an even split between the two modes. >>> * [[0]] + 20 * [[10]]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE GMM(covariance_type='diag', init_params='wmc', min_covar=0.001, n_components=2, n_init=1, n_iter=100, params='wmc', random_state=None, thresh=None, tol=0.001, verbose=0) >>> np.round(g.weights_, 2) array([ 0.5, 0.5]) """ def __init__(self, n_components=1, covariance_type='diag', random_state=None, thresh=None, tol=1e-3, min_covar=1e-3, n_iter=100, n_init=1, params='wmc', init_params='wmc', verbose=0): if thresh is not None: warnings.warn("'thresh' has been replaced by 'tol' in 0.16 " " and will be removed in 0.18.", DeprecationWarning) self.n_components = n_components self.covariance_type = covariance_type self.thresh = thresh self.tol = tol self.min_covar = min_covar self.random_state = random_state self.n_iter = n_iter self.n_init = n_init self.params = params self.init_params = init_params self.verbose = verbose if covariance_type not in ['spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full']: raise ValueError('Invalid value for covariance_type: %s' % covariance_type) if n_init < 1: raise ValueError('GMM estimation requires at least one run') self.weights_ = np.ones(self.n_components) / self.n_components # flag to indicate exit status of fit() method: converged (True) or # n_iter reached (False) self.converged_ = False def _get_covars(self): """Covariance parameters for each mixture component. The shape depends on ``cvtype``:: (n_states, n_features) if 'spherical', (n_features, n_features) if 'tied', (n_states, n_features) if 'diag', (n_states, n_features, n_features) if 'full' """ if self.covariance_type == 'full': return self.covars_ elif self.covariance_type == 'diag': return [np.diag(cov) for cov in self.covars_] elif self.covariance_type == 'tied': return [self.covars_] * self.n_components elif self.covariance_type == 'spherical': return [np.diag(cov) for cov in self.covars_] def _set_covars(self, covars): """Provide values for covariance""" covars = np.asarray(covars) _validate_covars(covars, self.covariance_type, self.n_components) self.covars_ = covars def score_samples(self, X): """Return the per-sample likelihood of the data under the model. Compute the log probability of X under the model and return the posterior distribution (responsibilities) of each mixture component for each element of X. Parameters ---------- X: array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- logprob : array_like, shape (n_samples,) Log probabilities of each data point in X. responsibilities : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_components) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation """ check_is_fitted(self, 'means_') X = check_array(X) if X.ndim == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] if X.size == 0: return np.array([]), np.empty((0, self.n_components)) if X.shape[1] != self.means_.shape[1]: raise ValueError('The shape of X is not compatible with self') lpr = (log_multivariate_normal_density(X, self.means_, self.covars_, self.covariance_type) + np.log(self.weights_)) logprob = logsumexp(lpr, axis=1) responsibilities = np.exp(lpr - logprob[:, np.newaxis]) return logprob, responsibilities def score(self, X, y=None): """Compute the log probability under the model. Parameters ---------- X : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- logprob : array_like, shape (n_samples,) Log probabilities of each data point in X """ logprob, _ = self.score_samples(X) return logprob def predict(self, X): """Predict label for data. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Returns ------- C : array, shape = (n_samples,) component memberships """ logprob, responsibilities = self.score_samples(X) return responsibilities.argmax(axis=1) def predict_proba(self, X): """Predict posterior probability of data under each Gaussian in the model. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Returns ------- responsibilities : array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_components) Returns the probability of the sample for each Gaussian (state) in the model. """ logprob, responsibilities = self.score_samples(X) return responsibilities def sample(self, n_samples=1, random_state=None): """Generate random samples from the model. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int, optional Number of samples to generate. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- X : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features) List of samples """ check_is_fitted(self, 'means_') if random_state is None: random_state = self.random_state random_state = check_random_state(random_state) weight_cdf = np.cumsum(self.weights_) X = np.empty((n_samples, self.means_.shape[1])) rand = random_state.rand(n_samples) # decide which component to use for each sample comps = weight_cdf.searchsorted(rand) # for each component, generate all needed samples for comp in range(self.n_components): # occurrences of current component in X comp_in_X = (comp == comps) # number of those occurrences num_comp_in_X = comp_in_X.sum() if num_comp_in_X > 0: if self.covariance_type == 'tied': cv = self.covars_ elif self.covariance_type == 'spherical': cv = self.covars_[comp][0] else: cv = self.covars_[comp] X[comp_in_X] = sample_gaussian( self.means_[comp], cv, self.covariance_type, num_comp_in_X, random_state=random_state).T return X def fit_predict(self, X, y=None): """Fit and then predict labels for data. Warning: due to the final maximization step in the EM algorithm, with low iterations the prediction may not be 100% accurate Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Returns ------- C : array, shape = (n_samples,) component memberships """ return self._fit(X, y).argmax(axis=1) def _fit(self, X, y=None, do_prediction=False): """Estimate model parameters with the EM algorithm. A initialization step is performed before entering the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. If you want to avoid this step, set the keyword argument init_params to the empty string '' when creating the GMM object. Likewise, if you would like just to do an initialization, set n_iter=0. Parameters ---------- X : array_like, shape (n, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- responsibilities : array, shape (n_samples, n_components) Posterior probabilities of each mixture component for each observation. """ # initialization step X = check_array(X, dtype=np.float64, ensure_min_samples=2) if X.shape[0] < self.n_components: raise ValueError( 'GMM estimation with %s components, but got only %s samples' % (self.n_components, X.shape[0])) max_log_prob = -np.infty if self.verbose > 0: print('Expectation-maximization algorithm started.') for init in range(self.n_init): if self.verbose > 0: print('Initialization ' + str(init + 1)) start_init_time = time() if 'm' in self.init_params or not hasattr(self, 'means_'): self.means_ = cluster.KMeans( n_clusters=self.n_components, random_state=self.random_state).fit(X).cluster_centers_ if self.verbose > 1: print('\tMeans have been initialized.') if 'w' in self.init_params or not hasattr(self, 'weights_'): self.weights_ = np.tile(1.0 / self.n_components, self.n_components) if self.verbose > 1: print('\tWeights have been initialized.') if 'c' in self.init_params or not hasattr(self, 'covars_'): cv = np.cov(X.T) + self.min_covar * np.eye(X.shape[1]) if not cv.shape: cv.shape = (1, 1) self.covars_ = \ distribute_covar_matrix_to_match_covariance_type( cv, self.covariance_type, self.n_components) if self.verbose > 1: print('\tCovariance matrices have been initialized.') # EM algorithms current_log_likelihood = None # reset self.converged_ to False self.converged_ = False # this line should be removed when 'thresh' is removed in v0.18 tol = (self.tol if self.thresh is None else self.thresh / float(X.shape[0])) for i in range(self.n_iter): if self.verbose > 0: print('\tEM iteration ' + str(i + 1)) start_iter_time = time() prev_log_likelihood = current_log_likelihood # Expectation step log_likelihoods, responsibilities = self.score_samples(X) current_log_likelihood = log_likelihoods.mean() # Check for convergence. # (should compare to self.tol when deprecated 'thresh' is # removed in v0.18) if prev_log_likelihood is not None: change = abs(current_log_likelihood - prev_log_likelihood) if self.verbose > 1: print('\t\tChange: ' + str(change)) if change < tol: self.converged_ = True if self.verbose > 0: print('\t\tEM algorithm converged.') break # Maximization step self._do_mstep(X, responsibilities, self.params, self.min_covar) if self.verbose > 1: print('\t\tEM iteration ' + str(i + 1) + ' took {0:.5f}s'.format( time() - start_iter_time)) # if the results are better, keep it if self.n_iter: if current_log_likelihood > max_log_prob: max_log_prob = current_log_likelihood best_params = {'weights': self.weights_, 'means': self.means_, 'covars': self.covars_} if self.verbose > 1: print('\tBetter parameters were found.') if self.verbose > 1: print('\tInitialization ' + str(init + 1) + ' took {0:.5f}s'.format( time() - start_init_time)) # check the existence of an init param that was not subject to # likelihood computation issue. if np.isneginf(max_log_prob) and self.n_iter: raise RuntimeError( "EM algorithm was never able to compute a valid likelihood " + "given initial parameters. Try different init parameters " + "(or increasing n_init) or check for degenerate data.") if self.n_iter: self.covars_ = best_params['covars'] self.means_ = best_params['means'] self.weights_ = best_params['weights'] else: # self.n_iter == 0 occurs when using GMM within HMM # Need to make sure that there are responsibilities to output # Output zeros because it was just a quick initialization responsibilities = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_components)) return responsibilities def fit(self, X, y=None): """Estimate model parameters with the EM algorithm. A initialization step is performed before entering the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. If you want to avoid this step, set the keyword argument init_params to the empty string '' when creating the GMM object. Likewise, if you would like just to do an initialization, set n_iter=0. Parameters ---------- X : array_like, shape (n, n_features) List of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- self """ self._fit(X, y) return self def _do_mstep(self, X, responsibilities, params, min_covar=0): """ Perform the Mstep of the EM algorithm and return the class weights """ weights = responsibilities.sum(axis=0) weighted_X_sum =, X) inverse_weights = 1.0 / (weights[:, np.newaxis] + 10 * EPS) if 'w' in params: self.weights_ = (weights / (weights.sum() + 10 * EPS) + EPS) if 'm' in params: self.means_ = weighted_X_sum * inverse_weights if 'c' in params: covar_mstep_func = _covar_mstep_funcs[self.covariance_type] self.covars_ = covar_mstep_func( self, X, responsibilities, weighted_X_sum, inverse_weights, min_covar) return weights def _n_parameters(self): """Return the number of free parameters in the model.""" ndim = self.means_.shape[1] if self.covariance_type == 'full': cov_params = self.n_components * ndim * (ndim + 1) / 2. elif self.covariance_type == 'diag': cov_params = self.n_components * ndim elif self.covariance_type == 'tied': cov_params = ndim * (ndim + 1) / 2. elif self.covariance_type == 'spherical': cov_params = self.n_components mean_params = ndim * self.n_components return int(cov_params + mean_params + self.n_components - 1) def bic(self, X): """Bayesian information criterion for the current model fit and the proposed data Parameters ---------- X : array of shape(n_samples, n_dimensions) Returns ------- bic: float (the lower the better) """ return (-2 * self.score(X).sum() + self._n_parameters() * np.log(X.shape[0])) def aic(self, X): """Akaike information criterion for the current model fit and the proposed data Parameters ---------- X : array of shape(n_samples, n_dimensions) Returns ------- aic: float (the lower the better) """ return - 2 * self.score(X).sum() + 2 * self._n_parameters() ######################################################################### # some helper routines ######################################################################### def _log_multivariate_normal_density_diag(X, means, covars): """Compute Gaussian log-density at X for a diagonal model""" n_samples, n_dim = X.shape lpr = -0.5 * (n_dim * np.log(2 * np.pi) + np.sum(np.log(covars), 1) + np.sum((means ** 2) / covars, 1) - 2 *, (means / covars).T) + ** 2, (1.0 / covars).T)) return lpr def _log_multivariate_normal_density_spherical(X, means, covars): """Compute Gaussian log-density at X for a spherical model""" cv = covars.copy() if covars.ndim == 1: cv = cv[:, np.newaxis] if covars.shape[1] == 1: cv = np.tile(cv, (1, X.shape[-1])) return _log_multivariate_normal_density_diag(X, means, cv) def _log_multivariate_normal_density_tied(X, means, covars): """Compute Gaussian log-density at X for a tied model""" cv = np.tile(covars, (means.shape[0], 1, 1)) return _log_multivariate_normal_density_full(X, means, cv) def _log_multivariate_normal_density_full(X, means, covars, min_covar=1.e-7): """Log probability for full covariance matrices.""" n_samples, n_dim = X.shape nmix = len(means) log_prob = np.empty((n_samples, nmix)) for c, (mu, cv) in enumerate(zip(means, covars)): try: cv_chol = linalg.cholesky(cv, lower=True) except linalg.LinAlgError: # The model is most probably stuck in a component with too # few observations, we need to reinitialize this components try: cv_chol = linalg.cholesky(cv + min_covar * np.eye(n_dim), lower=True) except linalg.LinAlgError: raise ValueError("'covars' must be symmetric, " "positive-definite") cv_log_det = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(cv_chol))) cv_sol = linalg.solve_triangular(cv_chol, (X - mu).T, lower=True).T log_prob[:, c] = - .5 * (np.sum(cv_sol ** 2, axis=1) + n_dim * np.log(2 * np.pi) + cv_log_det) return log_prob def _validate_covars(covars, covariance_type, n_components): """Do basic checks on matrix covariance sizes and values """ from scipy import linalg if covariance_type == 'spherical': if len(covars) != n_components: raise ValueError("'spherical' covars have length n_components") elif np.any(covars <= 0): raise ValueError("'spherical' covars must be non-negative") elif covariance_type == 'tied': if covars.shape[0] != covars.shape[1]: raise ValueError("'tied' covars must have shape (n_dim, n_dim)") elif (not np.allclose(covars, covars.T) or np.any(linalg.eigvalsh(covars) <= 0)): raise ValueError("'tied' covars must be symmetric, " "positive-definite") elif covariance_type == 'diag': if len(covars.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("'diag' covars must have shape " "(n_components, n_dim)") elif np.any(covars <= 0): raise ValueError("'diag' covars must be non-negative") elif covariance_type == 'full': if len(covars.shape) != 3: raise ValueError("'full' covars must have shape " "(n_components, n_dim, n_dim)") elif covars.shape[1] != covars.shape[2]: raise ValueError("'full' covars must have shape " "(n_components, n_dim, n_dim)") for n, cv in enumerate(covars): if (not np.allclose(cv, cv.T) or np.any(linalg.eigvalsh(cv) <= 0)): raise ValueError("component %d of 'full' covars must be " "symmetric, positive-definite" % n) else: raise ValueError("covariance_type must be one of " + "'spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'") def distribute_covar_matrix_to_match_covariance_type( tied_cv, covariance_type, n_components): """Create all the covariance matrices from a given template""" if covariance_type == 'spherical': cv = np.tile(tied_cv.mean() * np.ones(tied_cv.shape[1]), (n_components, 1)) elif covariance_type == 'tied': cv = tied_cv elif covariance_type == 'diag': cv = np.tile(np.diag(tied_cv), (n_components, 1)) elif covariance_type == 'full': cv = np.tile(tied_cv, (n_components, 1, 1)) else: raise ValueError("covariance_type must be one of " + "'spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'") return cv def _covar_mstep_diag(gmm, X, responsibilities, weighted_X_sum, norm, min_covar): """Performing the covariance M step for diagonal cases""" avg_X2 =, X * X) * norm avg_means2 = gmm.means_ ** 2 avg_X_means = gmm.means_ * weighted_X_sum * norm return avg_X2 - 2 * avg_X_means + avg_means2 + min_covar def _covar_mstep_spherical(*args): """Performing the covariance M step for spherical cases""" cv = _covar_mstep_diag(*args) return np.tile(cv.mean(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], (1, cv.shape[1])) def _covar_mstep_full(gmm, X, responsibilities, weighted_X_sum, norm, min_covar): """Performing the covariance M step for full cases""" # Eq. 12 from K. Murphy, "Fitting a Conditional Linear Gaussian # Distribution" n_features = X.shape[1] cv = np.empty((gmm.n_components, n_features, n_features)) for c in range(gmm.n_components): post = responsibilities[:, c] mu = gmm.means_[c] diff = X - mu with np.errstate(under='ignore'): # Underflow Errors in doing post * X.T are not important avg_cv = * diff.T, diff) / (post.sum() + 10 * EPS) cv[c] = avg_cv + min_covar * np.eye(n_features) return cv def _covar_mstep_tied(gmm, X, responsibilities, weighted_X_sum, norm, min_covar): # Eq. 15 from K. Murphy, "Fitting a Conditional Linear Gaussian # Distribution" avg_X2 =, X) avg_means2 =, weighted_X_sum) out = avg_X2 - avg_means2 out *= 1. / X.shape[0] out.flat[::len(out) + 1] += min_covar return out _covar_mstep_funcs = {'spherical': _covar_mstep_spherical, 'diag': _covar_mstep_diag, 'tied': _covar_mstep_tied, 'full': _covar_mstep_full, }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest from warnings import catch_warnings import numpy as np from pandas import (Series, DataFrame, Index, Float64Index, Int64Index, RangeIndex) from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm ignore_ix = pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:\\n.ix:DeprecationWarning") class TestFloatIndexers(object): def check(self, result, original, indexer, getitem): """ comparator for results we need to take care if we are indexing on a Series or a frame """ if isinstance(original, Series): expected = original.iloc[indexer] else: if getitem: expected = original.iloc[:, indexer] else: expected = original.iloc[indexer] assert_almost_equal(result, expected) def test_scalar_error(self): # GH 4892 # float_indexers should raise exceptions # on appropriate Index types & accessors # this duplicates the code below # but is spefically testing for the error # message for index in [tm.makeStringIndex, tm.makeUnicodeIndex, tm.makeCategoricalIndex, tm.makeDateIndex, tm.makeTimedeltaIndex, tm.makePeriodIndex, tm.makeIntIndex, tm.makeRangeIndex]: i = index(5) s = Series(np.arange(len(i)), index=i) def f(): s.iloc[3.0] tm.assert_raises_regex(TypeError, 'Cannot index by location index', f) def f(): s.iloc[3.0] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) @ignore_ix def test_scalar_non_numeric(self): # GH 4892 # float_indexers should raise exceptions # on appropriate Index types & accessors for index in [tm.makeStringIndex, tm.makeUnicodeIndex, tm.makeCategoricalIndex, tm.makeDateIndex, tm.makeTimedeltaIndex, tm.makePeriodIndex]: i = index(5) for s in [Series( np.arange(len(i)), index=i), DataFrame( np.random.randn( len(i), len(i)), index=i, columns=i)]: # getting for idxr, getitem in [(lambda x: x.ix, False), (lambda x: x.iloc, False), (lambda x: x, True)]: def f(): with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s)[3.0] # gettitem on a DataFrame is a KeyError as it is indexing # via labels on the columns if getitem and isinstance(s, DataFrame): error = KeyError else: error = TypeError pytest.raises(error, f) # label based can be a TypeError or KeyError def f(): s.loc[3.0] if s.index.inferred_type in ['string', 'unicode', 'mixed']: error = KeyError else: error = TypeError pytest.raises(error, f) # contains assert 3.0 not in s # setting with a float fails with iloc def f(): s.iloc[3.0] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # setting with an indexer if s.index.inferred_type in ['categorical']: # Value or Type Error pass elif s.index.inferred_type in ['datetime64', 'timedelta64', 'period']: # these should prob work # and are inconsisten between series/dataframe ATM # for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, # lambda x: x]: # s2 = s.copy() # def f(): # idxr(s2)[3.0] = 0 # pytest.raises(TypeError, f) pass else: s2 = s.copy() s2.loc[3.0] = 10 assert s2.index.is_object() for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x]: s2 = s.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s2)[3.0] = 0 assert s2.index.is_object() # fallsback to position selection, series only s = Series(np.arange(len(i)), index=i) s[3] pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: s[3.0]) @ignore_ix def test_scalar_with_mixed(self): s2 = Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 'c']) s3 = Series([1, 2, 3], index=['a', 'b', 1.5]) # lookup in a pure string index # with an invalid indexer for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x, lambda x: x.iloc]: def f(): with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s2)[1.0] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s2.loc[1.0]) result = s2.loc['b'] expected = 2 assert result == expected # mixed index so we have label # indexing for idxr in [lambda x: x]: def f(): idxr(s3)[1.0] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) result = idxr(s3)[1] expected = 2 assert result == expected # mixed index so we have label # indexing for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix]: with catch_warnings(record=True): def f(): idxr(s3)[1.0] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) result = idxr(s3)[1] expected = 2 assert result == expected pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: s3.iloc[1.0]) pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s3.loc[1.0]) result = s3.loc[1.5] expected = 3 assert result == expected @ignore_ix def test_scalar_integer(self): # test how scalar float indexers work on int indexes # integer index for i in [Int64Index(range(5)), RangeIndex(5)]: for s in [Series(np.arange(len(i))), DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(i), len(i)), index=i, columns=i)]: # coerce to equal int for idxr, getitem in [(lambda x: x.ix, False), (lambda x: x.loc, False), (lambda x: x, True)]: with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s)[3.0] self.check(result, s, 3, getitem) # coerce to equal int for idxr, getitem in [(lambda x: x.ix, False), (lambda x: x.loc, False), (lambda x: x, True)]: if isinstance(s, Series): def compare(x, y): assert x == y expected = 100 else: compare = tm.assert_series_equal if getitem: expected = Series(100, index=range(len(s)), name=3) else: expected = Series(100., index=range(len(s)), name=3) s2 = s.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s2)[3.0] = 100 result = idxr(s2)[3.0] compare(result, expected) result = idxr(s2)[3] compare(result, expected) # contains # coerce to equal int assert 3.0 in s @ignore_ix def test_scalar_float(self): # scalar float indexers work on a float index index = Index(np.arange(5.)) for s in [Series(np.arange(len(index)), index=index), DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(index), len(index)), index=index, columns=index)]: # assert all operations except for iloc are ok indexer = index[3] for idxr, getitem in [(lambda x: x.ix, False), (lambda x: x.loc, False), (lambda x: x, True)]: # getting result = idxr(s)[indexer] self.check(result, s, 3, getitem) # setting s2 = s.copy() def f(): with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s2)[indexer] = expected with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s2)[indexer] self.check(result, s, 3, getitem) # random integer is a KeyError with catch_warnings(record=True): pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: idxr(s)[3.5]) # contains assert 3.0 in s # iloc succeeds with an integer expected = s.iloc[3] s2 = s.copy() s2.iloc[3] = expected result = s2.iloc[3] self.check(result, s, 3, False) # iloc raises with a float pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: s.iloc[3.0]) def g(): s2.iloc[3.0] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, g) @ignore_ix def test_slice_non_numeric(self): # GH 4892 # float_indexers should raise exceptions # on appropriate Index types & accessors for index in [tm.makeStringIndex, tm.makeUnicodeIndex, tm.makeDateIndex, tm.makeTimedeltaIndex, tm.makePeriodIndex]: index = index(5) for s in [Series(range(5), index=index), DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2), index=index)]: # getitem for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: def f(): s.iloc[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.iloc, lambda x: x]: def f(): with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s)[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # setitem for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: def f(): s.iloc[l] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.iloc, lambda x: x]: def f(): with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s)[l] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) @ignore_ix def test_slice_integer(self): # same as above, but for Integer based indexes # these coerce to a like integer # oob indicates if we are out of bounds # of positional indexing for index, oob in [(Int64Index(range(5)), False), (RangeIndex(5), False), (Int64Index(range(5)) + 10, True)]: # s is an in-range index s = Series(range(5), index=index) # getitem for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: for idxr in [lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.ix]: with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s)[l] # these are all label indexing # except getitem which is positional # empty if oob: indexer = slice(0, 0) else: indexer = slice(3, 5) self.check(result, s, indexer, False) # positional indexing def f(): s[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # getitem out-of-bounds for l in [slice(-6, 6), slice(-6.0, 6.0)]: for idxr in [lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.ix]: with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s)[l] # these are all label indexing # except getitem which is positional # empty if oob: indexer = slice(0, 0) else: indexer = slice(-6, 6) self.check(result, s, indexer, False) # positional indexing def f(): s[slice(-6.0, 6.0)] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # getitem odd floats for l, res1 in [(slice(2.5, 4), slice(3, 5)), (slice(2, 3.5), slice(2, 4)), (slice(2.5, 3.5), slice(3, 4))]: for idxr in [lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.ix]: with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s)[l] if oob: res = slice(0, 0) else: res = res1 self.check(result, s, res, False) # positional indexing def f(): s[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # setitem for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: for idxr in [lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x.ix]: sc = s.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(sc)[l] = 0 result = idxr(sc)[l].values.ravel() assert (result == 0).all() # positional indexing def f(): s[l] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) def test_integer_positional_indexing(self): """ make sure that we are raising on positional indexing w.r.t. an integer index """ s = Series(range(2, 6), index=range(2, 6)) result = s[2:4] expected = s.iloc[2:4] assert_series_equal(result, expected) for idxr in [lambda x: x, lambda x: x.iloc]: for l in [slice(2, 4.0), slice(2.0, 4), slice(2.0, 4.0)]: def f(): idxr(s)[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) @ignore_ix def test_slice_integer_frame_getitem(self): # similar to above, but on the getitem dim (of a DataFrame) for index in [Int64Index(range(5)), RangeIndex(5)]: s = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2), index=index) def f(idxr): # getitem for l in [slice(0.0, 1), slice(0, 1.0), slice(0.0, 1.0)]: result = idxr(s)[l] indexer = slice(0, 2) self.check(result, s, indexer, False) # positional indexing def f(): s[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # getitem out-of-bounds for l in [slice(-10, 10), slice(-10.0, 10.0)]: result = idxr(s)[l] self.check(result, s, slice(-10, 10), True) # positional indexing def f(): s[slice(-10.0, 10.0)] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # getitem odd floats for l, res in [(slice(0.5, 1), slice(1, 2)), (slice(0, 0.5), slice(0, 1)), (slice(0.5, 1.5), slice(1, 2))]: result = idxr(s)[l] self.check(result, s, res, False) # positional indexing def f(): s[l] pytest.raises(TypeError, f) # setitem for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: sc = s.copy() idxr(sc)[l] = 0 result = idxr(sc)[l].values.ravel() assert (result == 0).all() # positional indexing def f(): s[l] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, f) f(lambda x: x.loc) with catch_warnings(record=True): f(lambda x: x.ix) @ignore_ix def test_slice_float(self): # same as above, but for floats index = Index(np.arange(5.)) + 0.1 for s in [Series(range(5), index=index), DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 2), index=index)]: for l in [slice(3.0, 4), slice(3, 4.0), slice(3.0, 4.0)]: expected = s.iloc[3:4] for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x]: # getitem with catch_warnings(record=True): result = idxr(s)[l] if isinstance(s, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) else: tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # setitem s2 = s.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): idxr(s2)[l] = 0 result = idxr(s2)[l].values.ravel() assert (result == 0).all() def test_floating_index_doc_example(self): index = Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4.5, 5]) s = Series(range(5), index=index) assert s[3] == 2 assert s.loc[3] == 2 assert s.loc[3] == 2 assert s.iloc[3] == 3 def test_floating_misc(self): # related 236 # scalar/slicing of a float index s = Series(np.arange(5), index=np.arange(5) * 2.5, dtype=np.int64) # label based slicing result1 = s[1.0:3.0] result2 = s.loc[1.0:3.0] result3 = s.loc[1.0:3.0] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) # exact indexing when found result1 = s[5.0] result2 = s.loc[5.0] result3 = s.loc[5.0] assert result1 == result2 assert result1 == result3 result1 = s[5] result2 = s.loc[5] result3 = s.loc[5] assert result1 == result2 assert result1 == result3 assert s[5.0] == s[5] # value not found (and no fallbacking at all) # scalar integers pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s.loc[4]) pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s.loc[4]) pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s[4]) # fancy floats/integers create the correct entry (as nan) # fancy tests expected = Series([2, 0], index=Float64Index([5.0, 0.0])) for fancy_idx in [[5.0, 0.0], np.array([5.0, 0.0])]: # float assert_series_equal(s[fancy_idx], expected) assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected) assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected) expected = Series([2, 0], index=Index([5, 0], dtype='int64')) for fancy_idx in [[5, 0], np.array([5, 0])]: # int assert_series_equal(s[fancy_idx], expected) assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected) assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected) # all should return the same as we are slicing 'the same' result1 = s.loc[2:5] result2 = s.loc[2.0:5.0] result3 = s.loc[2.0:5] result4 = s.loc[2.1:5] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, result4) # previously this did fallback indexing result1 = s[2:5] result2 = s[2.0:5.0] result3 = s[2.0:5] result4 = s[2.1:5] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, result4) result1 = s.loc[2:5] result2 = s.loc[2.0:5.0] result3 = s.loc[2.0:5] result4 = s.loc[2.1:5] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, result4) # combined test result1 = s.loc[2:5] result2 = s.loc[2:5] result3 = s[2:5] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) # list selection result1 = s[[0.0, 5, 10]] result2 = s.loc[[0.0, 5, 10]] result3 = s.loc[[0.0, 5, 10]] result4 = s.iloc[[0, 2, 4]] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, result4) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result1 = s[[1.6, 5, 10]] with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result2 = s.loc[[1.6, 5, 10]] with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result3 = s.loc[[1.6, 5, 10]] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, Series( [np.nan, 2, 4], index=[1.6, 5, 10])) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result1 = s[[0, 1, 2]] with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result2 = s.loc[[0, 1, 2]] with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result3 = s.loc[[0, 1, 2]] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, Series( [0.0, np.nan, np.nan], index=[0, 1, 2])) result1 = s.loc[[2.5, 5]] result2 = s.loc[[2.5, 5]] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, Series([1, 2], index=[2.5, 5.0])) result1 = s[[2.5]] result2 = s.loc[[2.5]] result3 = s.loc[[2.5]] assert_series_equal(result1, result2) assert_series_equal(result1, result3) assert_series_equal(result1, Series([1], index=[2.5])) def test_floating_tuples(self): # see gh-13509 s = Series([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)], index=[0.0, 0.1, 0.2], name='foo') result = s[0.0] assert result == (1, 1) expected = Series([(1, 1), (2, 2)], index=[0.0, 0.0], name='foo') s = Series([(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)], index=[0.0, 0.0, 0.2], name='foo') result = s[0.0] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_float64index_slicing_bug(self): # GH 5557, related to slicing a float index ser = {256: 2321.0, 1: 78.0, 2: 2716.0, 3: 0.0, 4: 369.0, 5: 0.0, 6: 269.0, 7: 0.0, 8: 0.0, 9: 0.0, 10: 3536.0, 11: 0.0, 12: 24.0, 13: 0.0, 14: 931.0, 15: 0.0, 16: 101.0, 17: 78.0, 18: 9643.0, 19: 0.0, 20: 0.0, 21: 0.0, 22: 63761.0, 23: 0.0, 24: 446.0, 25: 0.0, 26: 34773.0, 27: 0.0, 28: 729.0, 29: 78.0, 30: 0.0, 31: 0.0, 32: 3374.0, 33: 0.0, 34: 1391.0, 35: 0.0, 36: 361.0, 37: 0.0, 38: 61808.0, 39: 0.0, 40: 0.0, 41: 0.0, 42: 6677.0, 43: 0.0, 44: 802.0, 45: 0.0, 46: 2691.0, 47: 0.0, 48: 3582.0, 49: 0.0, 50: 734.0, 51: 0.0, 52: 627.0, 53: 70.0, 54: 2584.0, 55: 0.0, 56: 324.0, 57: 0.0, 58: 605.0, 59: 0.0, 60: 0.0, 61: 0.0, 62: 3989.0, 63: 10.0, 64: 42.0, 65: 0.0, 66: 904.0, 67: 0.0, 68: 88.0, 69: 70.0, 70: 8172.0, 71: 0.0, 72: 0.0, 73: 0.0, 74: 64902.0, 75: 0.0, 76: 347.0, 77: 0.0, 78: 36605.0, 79: 0.0, 80: 379.0, 81: 70.0, 82: 0.0, 83: 0.0, 84: 3001.0, 85: 0.0, 86: 1630.0, 87: 7.0, 88: 364.0, 89: 0.0, 90: 67404.0, 91: 9.0, 92: 0.0, 93: 0.0, 94: 7685.0, 95: 0.0, 96: 1017.0, 97: 0.0, 98: 2831.0, 99: 0.0, 100: 2963.0, 101: 0.0, 102: 854.0, 103: 0.0, 104: 0.0, 105: 0.0, 106: 0.0, 107: 0.0, 108: 0.0, 109: 0.0, 110: 0.0, 111: 0.0, 112: 0.0, 113: 0.0, 114: 0.0, 115: 0.0, 116: 0.0, 117: 0.0, 118: 0.0, 119: 0.0, 120: 0.0, 121: 0.0, 122: 0.0, 123: 0.0, 124: 0.0, 125: 0.0, 126: 67744.0, 127: 22.0, 128: 264.0, 129: 0.0, 260: 197.0, 268: 0.0, 265: 0.0, 269: 0.0, 261: 0.0, 266: 1198.0, 267: 0.0, 262: 2629.0, 258: 775.0, 257: 0.0, 263: 0.0, 259: 0.0, 264: 163.0, 250: 10326.0, 251: 0.0, 252: 1228.0, 253: 0.0, 254: 2769.0, 255: 0.0} # smoke test for the repr s = Series(ser) result = s.value_counts() str(result)
from distutils.version import LooseVersion import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import xarray as xr from xarray.core import formatting_html as fh @pytest.fixture def dataarray(): return xr.DataArray(np.random.RandomState(0).randn(4, 6)) @pytest.fixture def dask_dataarray(dataarray): pytest.importorskip("dask") return dataarray.chunk() @pytest.fixture def multiindex(): mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [["a", "b"], [1, 2]], names=("level_1", "level_2") ) return xr.Dataset({}, {"x": mindex}) @pytest.fixture def dataset(): times = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", "2001-12-31", name="time") annual_cycle = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (times.dayofyear.values / 365.25 - 0.28)) base = 10 + 15 * annual_cycle.reshape(-1, 1) tmin_values = base + 3 * np.random.randn(annual_cycle.size, 3) tmax_values = base + 10 + 3 * np.random.randn(annual_cycle.size, 3) return xr.Dataset( { "tmin": (("time", "location"), tmin_values), "tmax": (("time", "location"), tmax_values), }, {"time": times, "location": ["<IA>", "IN", "IL"]}, attrs={"description": "Test data."}, ) def test_short_data_repr_html(dataarray): data_repr = fh.short_data_repr_html(dataarray) assert data_repr.startswith("<pre>array") def test_short_data_repr_html_non_str_keys(dataset): ds = dataset.assign({2: lambda x: x["tmin"]}) fh.dataset_repr(ds) def test_short_data_repr_html_dask(dask_dataarray): import dask if LooseVersion(dask.__version__) < "2.0.0": assert not hasattr(, "_repr_html_") data_repr = fh.short_data_repr_html(dask_dataarray) assert ( data_repr == "dask.array&lt;xarray-&lt;this-array&gt;, shape=(4, 6), dtype=float64, chunksize=(4, 6)&gt;" ) else: assert hasattr(, "_repr_html_") data_repr = fh.short_data_repr_html(dask_dataarray) assert data_repr == def test_format_dims_no_dims(): dims, coord_names = {}, [] formatted = fh.format_dims(dims, coord_names) assert formatted == "" def test_format_dims_unsafe_dim_name(): dims, coord_names = {"<x>": 3, "y": 2}, [] formatted = fh.format_dims(dims, coord_names) assert "&lt;x&gt;" in formatted def test_format_dims_non_index(): dims, coord_names = {"x": 3, "y": 2}, ["time"] formatted = fh.format_dims(dims, coord_names) assert "class='xr-has-index'" not in formatted def test_format_dims_index(): dims, coord_names = {"x": 3, "y": 2}, ["x"] formatted = fh.format_dims(dims, coord_names) assert "class='xr-has-index'" in formatted def test_summarize_attrs_with_unsafe_attr_name_and_value(): attrs = {"<x>": 3, "y": "<pd.DataFrame>"} formatted = fh.summarize_attrs(attrs) assert "<dt><span>&lt;x&gt; :</span></dt>" in formatted assert "<dt><span>y :</span></dt>" in formatted assert "<dd>3</dd>" in formatted assert "<dd>&lt;pd.DataFrame&gt;</dd>" in formatted def test_repr_of_dataarray(dataarray): formatted = fh.array_repr(dataarray) assert "dim_0" in formatted # has an expanded data section assert formatted.count("class='xr-array-in' type='checkbox' checked>") == 1 # coords and attrs don't have an items so they'll be be disabled and collapsed assert ( formatted.count("class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' disabled >") == 2 ) with xr.set_options(display_expand_data=False): formatted = fh.array_repr(dataarray) assert "dim_0" in formatted # has an expanded data section assert formatted.count("class='xr-array-in' type='checkbox' checked>") == 0 # coords and attrs don't have an items so they'll be be disabled and collapsed assert ( formatted.count("class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' disabled >") == 2 ) def test_summary_of_multiindex_coord(multiindex): idx = multiindex.x.variable.to_index_variable() formatted = fh._summarize_coord_multiindex("foo", idx) assert "(level_1, level_2)" in formatted assert "MultiIndex" in formatted assert "<span class='xr-has-index'>foo</span>" in formatted def test_repr_of_multiindex(multiindex): formatted = fh.dataset_repr(multiindex) assert "(x)" in formatted def test_repr_of_dataset(dataset): formatted = fh.dataset_repr(dataset) # coords, attrs, and data_vars are expanded assert ( formatted.count("class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked>") == 3 ) assert "&lt;U4" in formatted or "&gt;U4" in formatted assert "&lt;IA&gt;" in formatted with xr.set_options( display_expand_coords=False, display_expand_data_vars=False, display_expand_attrs=False, ): formatted = fh.dataset_repr(dataset) # coords, attrs, and data_vars are collapsed assert ( formatted.count("class='xr-section-summary-in' type='checkbox' checked>") == 0 ) assert "&lt;U4" in formatted or "&gt;U4" in formatted assert "&lt;IA&gt;" in formatted def test_repr_text_fallback(dataset): formatted = fh.dataset_repr(dataset) # Just test that the "pre" block used for fallback to plain text is present. assert "<pre class='xr-text-repr-fallback'>" in formatted def test_variable_repr_html(): v = xr.Variable(["time", "x"], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], {"foo": "bar"}) assert hasattr(v, "_repr_html_") with xr.set_options(display_style="html"): html = v._repr_html_().strip() # We don't do a complete string identity since # html output is probably subject to change, is long and... reasons. # Just test that something reasonable was produced. assert html.startswith("<div") and html.endswith("</div>") assert "xarray.Variable" in html def test_repr_of_nonstr_dataset(dataset): ds = dataset.copy() ds.attrs[1] = "Test value" ds[2] = ds["tmin"] formatted = fh.dataset_repr(ds) assert "<dt><span>1 :</span></dt><dd>Test value</dd>" in formatted assert "<div class='xr-var-name'><span>2</span>" in formatted def test_repr_of_nonstr_dataarray(dataarray): da = dataarray.rename(dim_0=15) da.attrs[1] = "value" formatted = fh.array_repr(da) assert "<dt><span>1 :</span></dt><dd>value</dd>" in formatted assert "<li><span>15</span>: 4</li>" in formatted def test_nonstr_variable_repr_html(): v = xr.Variable(["time", 10], [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], {22: "bar"}) assert hasattr(v, "_repr_html_") with xr.set_options(display_style="html"): html = v._repr_html_().strip() assert "<dt><span>22 :</span></dt><dd>bar</dd>" in html assert "<li><span>10</span>: 3</li></ul>" in html
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ 投资参考数据接口 Created on 2015/03/21 @author: Jimmy Liu @group : waditu @contact: """ from __future__ import division from tushare.stock import cons as ct from tushare.stock import ref_vars as rv from tushare.util import dateu as dt import pandas as pd import time import lxml.html from lxml import etree import re import json from pandas.compat import StringIO from tushare.util import dateu as du from tushare.util.netbase import Client try: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen, Request def profit_data(year=2014, top=25, retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取分配预案数据 Parameters -------- year:年份 top:取最新n条数据,默认取最近公布的25条 retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 returns ------- DataFrame code:股票代码 name:股票名称 year:分配年份 report_date:公布日期 divi:分红金额(每10股) shares:转增和送股数(每10股) """ if top <= 25: df, pages = _dist_cotent(year, 0, retry_count, pause) return df.head(top) elif top == 'all': ct._write_head() df, pages = _dist_cotent(year, 0, retry_count, pause) for idx in range(1,int(pages)): df = df.append(_dist_cotent(year, idx, retry_count, pause), ignore_index=True) return df else: if isinstance(top, int): ct._write_head() allPages = top/25+1 if top%25>0 else top/25 df, pages = _dist_cotent(year, 0, retry_count, pause) if int(allPages) < int(pages): pages = allPages for idx in range(1, int(pages)): df = df.append(_dist_cotent(year, idx, retry_count, pause), ignore_index=True) return df.head(top) else: print(ct.TOP_PARAS_MSG) def _fun_divi(x): if ct.PY3: reg = re.compile(r'分红(.*?)元', re.UNICODE) res = reg.findall(x) return 0 if len(res)<1 else float(res[0]) else: if isinstance(x, unicode): s1 = unicode('分红','utf-8') s2 = unicode('元','utf-8') reg = re.compile(r'%s(.*?)%s'%(s1, s2), re.UNICODE) res = reg.findall(x) return 0 if len(res)<1 else float(res[0]) else: return 0 def _fun_into(x): if ct.PY3: reg1 = re.compile(r'转增(.*?)股', re.UNICODE) reg2 = re.compile(r'送股(.*?)股', re.UNICODE) res1 = reg1.findall(x) res2 = reg2.findall(x) res1 = 0 if len(res1)<1 else float(res1[0]) res2 = 0 if len(res2)<1 else float(res2[0]) return res1 + res2 else: if isinstance(x, unicode): s1 = unicode('转增','utf-8') s2 = unicode('送股','utf-8') s3 = unicode('股','utf-8') reg1 = re.compile(r'%s(.*?)%s'%(s1, s3), re.UNICODE) reg2 = re.compile(r'%s(.*?)%s'%(s2, s3), re.UNICODE) res1 = reg1.findall(x) res2 = reg2.findall(x) res1 = 0 if len(res1)<1 else float(res1[0]) res2 = 0 if len(res2)<1 else float(res2[0]) return res1 + res2 else: return 0 def _dist_cotent(year, pageNo, retry_count, pause): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) try: if pageNo > 0: ct._write_console() html = lxml.html.parse(rv.DP_163_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['163'], ct.PAGES['163dp'], year, pageNo)) res = html.xpath('//div[@class=\"fn_rp_list\"]/table') if ct.PY3: sarr = [etree.tostring(node).decode('utf-8') for node in res] else: sarr = [etree.tostring(node) for node in res] sarr = ''.join(sarr) df = pd.read_html(sarr, skiprows=[0])[0] df = df.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1) df.columns = rv.DP_163_COLS df['divi'] = df['plan'].map(_fun_divi) df['shares'] = df['plan'].map(_fun_into) df = df.drop('plan', axis=1) df['code'] = df['code'].astype(object) df['code'] = df['code'].map(lambda x : str(x).zfill(6)) pages = [] if pageNo == 0: page = html.xpath('//div[@class=\"mod_pages\"]/a') if len(page)>1: asr = page[len(page)-2] pages = asr.xpath('text()') except Exception as e: print(e) else: if pageNo == 0: return df, pages[0] if len(pages)>0 else 0 else: return df raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def forecast_data(year, quarter): """ 获取业绩预告数据 Parameters -------- year:int 年度 e.g:2014 quarter:int 季度 :1、2、3、4,只能输入这4个季度 说明:由于是从网站获取的数据,需要一页页抓取,速度取决于您当前网络速度 Return -------- DataFrame code,代码 name,名称 type,业绩变动类型【预增、预亏等】 report_date,发布日期 pre_eps,上年同期每股收益 range,业绩变动范围 """ if ct._check_input(year, quarter) is True: ct._write_head() data = _get_forecast_data(year, quarter, 1, pd.DataFrame()) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=ct.FORECAST_COLS) df['code'] = df['code'].map(lambda x: str(x).zfill(6)) return df def _get_forecast_data(year, quarter, pageNo, dataArr): ct._write_console() try: html = lxml.html.parse(ct.FORECAST_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['vsf'], ct.PAGES['fd'], year, quarter, pageNo, ct.PAGE_NUM[1])) res = html.xpath("//table[@class=\"list_table\"]/tr") if ct.PY3: sarr = [etree.tostring(node).decode('utf-8') for node in res] else: sarr = [etree.tostring(node) for node in res] sarr = ''.join(sarr) sarr = sarr.replace('--', '0') sarr = '<table>%s</table>'%sarr df = pd.read_html(sarr)[0] df = df.drop([4, 5, 8], axis=1) df.columns = ct.FORECAST_COLS dataArr = dataArr.append(df, ignore_index=True) nextPage = html.xpath('//div[@class=\"pages\"]/a[last()]/@onclick') if len(nextPage)>0: pageNo = re.findall(r'\d+',nextPage[0])[0] return _get_forecast_data(year, quarter, pageNo, dataArr) else: return dataArr except Exception as e: print(e) def xsg_data(year=None, month=None, retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取限售股解禁数据 Parameters -------- year:年份,默认为当前年 month:解禁月份,默认为当前月 retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame code:股票代码 name:名称 date:解禁日期 count:解禁数量(万股) ratio:占总盘比率 """ year = dt.get_year() if year is None else year month = dt.get_month() if month is None else month for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) try: request = Request(rv.XSG_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['em'], ct.PAGES['emxsg'], year, month)) lines = urlopen(request, timeout = 10).read() lines = lines.decode('utf-8') if ct.PY3 else lines except Exception as e: print(e) else: da = lines[3:len(lines)-3] list = [] for row in da.split('","'): list.append([data for data in row.split(',')]) df = pd.DataFrame(list) df = df[[1, 3, 4, 5, 6]] for col in [5, 6]: df[col] = df[col].astype(float) df[5] = df[5]/10000 df[6] = df[6]*100 df[5] = df[5].map(ct.FORMAT) df[6] = df[6].map(ct.FORMAT) df.columns = rv.XSG_COLS return df raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def fund_holdings(year, quarter, retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取基金持股数据 Parameters -------- year:年份e.g 2014 quarter:季度(只能输入1,2,3,4这个四个数字) retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame code:股票代码 name:名称 date:报告日期 nums:基金家数 nlast:与上期相比(增加或减少了) count:基金持股数(万股) clast:与上期相比 amount:基金持股市值 ratio:占流通盘比率 """ start,end = rv.QUARTS_DIC[str(quarter)] if quarter == 1: start = start % str(year-1) end = end%year else: start, end = start%year, end%year ct._write_head() df, pages = _holding_cotent(start, end, 0, retry_count, pause) for idx in range(1, pages): df = df.append(_holding_cotent(start, end, idx, retry_count, pause), ignore_index=True) return df def _holding_cotent(start, end, pageNo, retry_count, pause): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) if pageNo>0: ct._write_console() try: request = Request(rv.FUND_HOLDS_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['163'], ct.PAGES['163fh'], ct.PAGES['163fh'], pageNo, start, end, _random(5))) lines = urlopen(request, timeout = 10).read() lines = lines.decode('utf-8') if ct.PY3 else lines lines = lines.replace('--', '0') lines = json.loads(lines) data = lines['list'] df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.drop(['CODE', 'ESYMBOL', 'EXCHANGE', 'NAME', 'RN', 'SHANGQIGUSHU', 'SHANGQISHIZHI', 'SHANGQISHULIANG'], axis=1) for col in ['GUSHU', 'GUSHUBIJIAO', 'SHIZHI', 'SCSTC27']: df[col] = df[col].astype(float) df['SCSTC27'] = df['SCSTC27']*100 df['GUSHU'] = df['GUSHU']/10000 df['GUSHUBIJIAO'] = df['GUSHUBIJIAO']/10000 df['SHIZHI'] = df['SHIZHI']/10000 df['GUSHU'] = df['GUSHU'].map(ct.FORMAT) df['GUSHUBIJIAO'] = df['GUSHUBIJIAO'].map(ct.FORMAT) df['SHIZHI'] = df['SHIZHI'].map(ct.FORMAT) df['SCSTC27'] = df['SCSTC27'].map(ct.FORMAT) df.columns = rv.FUND_HOLDS_COLS df = df[['code', 'name', 'date', 'nums', 'nlast', 'count', 'clast', 'amount', 'ratio']] except Exception as e: print(e) else: if pageNo == 0: return df, int(lines['pagecount']) else: return df raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def new_stocks(retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取新股上市数据 Parameters -------- retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame code:股票代码 name:名称 ipo_date:上网发行日期 issue_date:上市日期 amount:发行数量(万股) markets:上网发行数量(万股) price:发行价格(元) pe:发行市盈率 limit:个人申购上限(万股) funds:募集资金(亿元) ballot:网上中签率(%) """ data = pd.DataFrame() ct._write_head() df = _newstocks(data, 1, retry_count, pause) return df def _newstocks(data, pageNo, retry_count, pause): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) ct._write_console() try: html = lxml.html.parse(rv.NEW_STOCKS_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'],ct.DOMAINS['vsf'], ct.PAGES['newstock'], pageNo)) res = html.xpath('//table[@id=\"NewStockTable\"]/tr') if ct.PY3: sarr = [etree.tostring(node).decode('utf-8') for node in res] else: sarr = [etree.tostring(node) for node in res] sarr = ''.join(sarr) sarr = sarr.replace('<font color="red">*</font>', '') sarr = '<table>%s</table>'%sarr df = pd.read_html(StringIO(sarr), skiprows=[0, 1])[0] df = df.drop([df.columns[idx] for idx in [1, 12, 13, 14]], axis=1) df.columns = rv.NEW_STOCKS_COLS df['code'] = df['code'].map(lambda x : str(x).zfill(6)) res = html.xpath('//table[@class=\"table2\"]/tr[1]/td[1]/a/text()') tag = '下一页' if ct.PY3 else unicode('下一页', 'utf-8') hasNext = True if tag in res else False data = data.append(df, ignore_index=True) pageNo += 1 if hasNext: data = _newstocks(data, pageNo, retry_count, pause) except Exception as ex: print(ex) else: return data def sh_margins(start=None, end=None, retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取沪市融资融券数据列表 Parameters -------- start:string 开始日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 为空时取去年今日 end:string 结束日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 为空时取当前日期 retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame opDate:信用交易日期 rzye:本日融资余额(元) rzmre: 本日融资买入额(元) rqyl: 本日融券余量 rqylje: 本日融券余量金额(元) rqmcl: 本日融券卖出量 rzrqjyzl:本日融资融券余额(元) """ start = du.today_last_year() if start is None else start end = if end is None else end if du.diff_day(start, end) < 0: return None start, end = start.replace('-', ''), end.replace('-', '') data = pd.DataFrame() ct._write_head() df = _sh_hz(data, start=start, end=end, retry_count=retry_count, pause=pause) return df def _sh_hz(data, start=None, end=None, pageNo='', beginPage='', endPage='', retry_count=3, pause=0.001): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) ct._write_console() try: tail = rv.MAR_SH_HZ_TAIL_URL%(pageNo, beginPage, endPage) if pageNo == '': pageNo = 6 tail = '' else: pageNo += 5 beginPage = pageNo endPage = pageNo + 4 url = rv.MAR_SH_HZ_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['sseq'], ct.PAGES['qmd'], _random(5), start, end, tail, _random()) ref = rv.MAR_SH_HZ_REF_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['sse']) clt = Client(url, ref=ref, cookie=rv.MAR_SH_COOKIESTR) lines = clt.gvalue() lines = lines.decode('utf-8') if ct.PY3 else lines lines = lines[19:-1] lines = json.loads(lines) pagecount = int(lines['pageHelp'].get('pageCount')) datapage = int(pagecount/5+1 if pagecount%5>0 else pagecount/5) df = pd.DataFrame(lines['result'], columns=rv.MAR_SH_HZ_COLS) df['opDate'] = df['opDate'].map(lambda x: '%s-%s-%s'%(x[0:4], x[4:6], x[6:8])) data = data.append(df, ignore_index=True) if beginPage < datapage*5: data = _sh_hz(data, start=start, end=end, pageNo=pageNo, beginPage=beginPage, endPage=endPage, retry_count=retry_count, pause=pause) except Exception as e: print(e) else: return data raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def sh_margin_details(date='', symbol='', start='', end='', retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取沪市融资融券明细列表 Parameters -------- date:string 明细数据日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为空'' symbol:string 标的代码,6位数字e.g.600848,默认为空 start:string 开始日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为空'' end:string 结束日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为空'' retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame opDate:信用交易日期 stockCode:标的证券代码 securityAbbr:标的证券简称 rzye:本日融资余额(元) rzmre: 本日融资买入额(元) rzche:本日融资偿还额(元) rqyl: 本日融券余量 rqmcl: 本日融券卖出量 rqchl: 本日融券偿还量 """ date = date if date == '' else date.replace('-', '') start = start if start == '' else start.replace('-', '') end = end if end == '' else end.replace('-', '') if (start != '') & (end != ''): date = '' data = pd.DataFrame() ct._write_head() df = _sh_mx(data, date=date, start=start, end=end, symbol=symbol, retry_count=retry_count, pause=pause) return df def _sh_mx(data, date='', start='', end='', symbol='', pageNo='', beginPage='', endPage='', retry_count=3, pause=0.001): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) ct._write_console() try: tail = '&pageHelp.pageNo=%s&pageHelp.beginPage=%s&pageHelp.endPage=%s'%(pageNo, beginPage, endPage) if pageNo == '': pageNo = 6 tail = '' else: pageNo += 5 beginPage = pageNo endPage = pageNo + 4 ref = rv.MAR_SH_HZ_REF_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['sse']) clt = Client(rv.MAR_SH_MX_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['sseq'], ct.PAGES['qmd'], _random(5), date, symbol, start, end, tail, _random()), ref=ref, cookie=rv.MAR_SH_COOKIESTR) lines = clt.gvalue() lines = lines.decode('utf-8') if ct.PY3 else lines lines = lines[19:-1] lines = json.loads(lines) pagecount = int(lines['pageHelp'].get('pageCount')) datapage = int(pagecount/5+1 if pagecount%5>0 else pagecount/5) if pagecount == 0: return data if pageNo == 6: ct._write_tips(lines['pageHelp'].get('total')) df = pd.DataFrame(lines['result'], columns=rv.MAR_SH_MX_COLS) df['opDate'] = df['opDate'].map(lambda x: '%s-%s-%s'%(x[0:4], x[4:6], x[6:8])) data = data.append(df, ignore_index=True) if beginPage < datapage*5: data = _sh_mx(data, start=start, end=end, pageNo=pageNo, beginPage=beginPage, endPage=endPage, retry_count=retry_count, pause=pause) except Exception as e: print(e) else: return data raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def sz_margins(start=None, end=None, retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取深市融资融券数据列表 Parameters -------- start:string 开始日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为上一周的今天 end:string 结束日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为今日 retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame opDate:信用交易日期(index) rzmre: 融资买入额(元) rzye:融资余额(元) rqmcl: 融券卖出量 rqyl: 融券余量 rqye: 融券余量(元) rzrqye:融资融券余额(元) """ data = pd.DataFrame() if start is None and end is None: end = start = du.day_last_week() if start is None or end is None: ct._write_msg(rv.MAR_SZ_HZ_MSG2) return None try: date_range = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq='B') if len(date_range)>261: ct._write_msg(rv.MAR_SZ_HZ_MSG) else: ct._write_head() for date in date_range: data = data.append(_sz_hz(str(, retry_count, pause) ) except: ct._write_msg(ct.DATA_INPUT_ERROR_MSG) else: return data def _sz_hz(date='', retry_count=3, pause=0.001): for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) ct._write_console() try: request = Request(rv.MAR_SZ_HZ_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['szse'], ct.PAGES['szsefc'], date)) lines = urlopen(request, timeout = 10).read() if len(lines) <= 200: return pd.DataFrame() df = pd.read_html(lines, skiprows=[0])[0] df.columns = rv.MAR_SZ_HZ_COLS df['opDate'] = date except Exception as e: print(e) else: return df raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def sz_margin_details(date='', retry_count=3, pause=0.001): """ 获取深市融资融券明细列表 Parameters -------- date:string 明细数据日期 format:YYYY-MM-DD 默认为空'' retry_count : int, 默认 3 如遇网络等问题重复执行的次数 pause : int, 默认 0 重复请求数据过程中暂停的秒数,防止请求间隔时间太短出现的问题 Return ------ DataFrame opDate:信用交易日期 stockCode:标的证券代码 securityAbbr:标的证券简称 rzmre: 融资买入额(元) rzye:融资余额(元) rqmcl: 融券卖出量 rqyl: 融券余量 rqye: 融券余量(元) rzrqye:融资融券余额(元) """ for _ in range(retry_count): time.sleep(pause) try: request = Request(rv.MAR_SZ_MX_URL%(ct.P_TYPE['http'], ct.DOMAINS['szse'], ct.PAGES['szsefc'], date)) lines = urlopen(request, timeout = 10).read() if len(lines) <= 200: return pd.DataFrame() df = pd.read_html(lines, skiprows=[0])[0] df.columns = rv.MAR_SZ_MX_COLS df['stockCode'] = df['stockCode'].map(lambda x:str(x).zfill(6)) df['opDate'] = date except Exception as e: print(e) else: return df raise IOError(ct.NETWORK_URL_ERROR_MSG) def _random(n=13): from random import randint start = 10**(n-1) end = (10**n)-1 return str(randint(start, end))
import csv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches import matplotlib.path as path import matplotlib.dates as mdates from dateutil.parser import parse from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta # import urllib.request import pytz import codecs from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from scipy import optimize from scipy import asarray as ar,exp from scipy.integrate import quad import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fit Functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# def lbound(bound,par): return 1e4*np.sqrt(bound-par) + 1e-3*(bound-par) if (par<bound) else 0 def ubound(bound,par): return 1e4*np.sqrt(par-bound) + 1e-3*(par-bound) if (par>bound) else 0 def bound(bounds,par): return lbound(bounds[0],par) + ubound(bounds[1],par) def fixed(fix,par): return bound((fix,fix), par) def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma): return a*exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))+lbound(0,a)+lbound(0,sigma)+lbound(0,x0) def expo(x,a,slope): return a*exp(x*slope) # p = [a1,mean,sigma,a2,shift,slope,const] def gaus_plus_exp(x,p): return gaus(x,p[0],p[1],p[2])+expo(x,p[3],p[4]) # p = [a1,mean,sigma,slope,const] def gaus_plus_line(x,p): return gaus(x,p[0],p[1],p[2])+p[3]*x+p[4] def gaus_plus_const(x,p): return gaus(x,p[0],p[1],p[2])+p[3] def double_gaus_plus_exp(x,p): return gaus(x,p[0],p[1],p[2])+gaus(x,p[3],p[4],p[5])+expo(x,p[6],p[7]) def double_gaus_plus_line(x,p): return gaus(x,p[0],p[1],p[2])+gaus(x,p[3],p[4],p[5])+p[6]*x+p[7] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Process input data #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# def make_int(lst): #Makes all entries of a list an integer y = [] for i in lst: y.append(int(i)) return y def make_array(lst,low=10,high=1032): ''' Makes list into an array. Also splices out the irrelevant stuff for a spectra. Set lower and upper bound of required Data for each isotope from input CSV file. ''' z = np.asarray(make_int(lst[low:high])) return z def get_times(rows, number, n=1): ''' Get list of times for data: determines time as the midpoint between the upper and lower bounds in the integration window Arguments: - full list of inputs from data csv - number of days to collect data over - number of hours to integrate over Returns: - list of times ''' entries = 12*n days = (24/n) i = 0 counter = 0 times = [] while i < number*days: if counter < days: time_range = [] integration = rows[(i*entries)+1:((i+1)*entries)+1] for j in integration: time_range.append(parse(j[1])) times.append(time_range[int(len(time_range)/2)]) counter+=1 i+=1 else: print('finished', i) counter = 0 print('finished', i) counter = 0 return times def double_peak_finder(array,lower,upper): ''' Fits double gaussian + exponential to data within some window - fit is applied only to data within the upper/lower channel boundaries provided as inputs Arguments: - full array of data - lower and upper channel values for the fit window Returns: - list of fit parameters and list of parameter errors ''' points = ar(range(lower,upper)) peak = list(array[lower:upper]) counts = ar(peak) # Initialize fit parameters based on rough estimates of mean,sigma,amp,etc. # - mean estimated as center of fit window - set window accordingly # - double gaussian means shifted slightly in each direction # - gaussian amp and expo shift estimated based on counts at left edge # - expo slope determined using fit window boundaries nentries = len(points) mean = lower + (upper - lower)/2.0 slope = 2*(np.log(counts[-1])-np.log(counts[0]))/(points[-1]-points[0]) pinit = [counts[0]/5.0,mean-2,5.0,counts[0]/5.0,mean+2,5.0,counts[0],slope] # Currently using leastsq fit from scipy # - see scipy documentation for more information errfunc = lambda p, x, y: double_gaus_plus_exp(x,p) - y pfit,pcov,infodict,errmsg,success = \ optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(points,counts), \ full_output=1, epsfcn=0.0001) # Calculate fit parameter uncertainties using the covariance matrix # and the (fit - data) variance if (len(counts) > len(pinit)) and pcov is not None: s_sq = (errfunc(pfit, points, counts)**2).sum()/(len(counts)-len(pinit)) pcov = pcov * s_sq else: pcov = 0 error = [] for i in range(len(pfit)): try: # This conditional is bad!! # Artificially sets error to zero if it's too big - remove now! if np.absolute(pcov[i][i])**0.5 > np.absolute(pfit[i]): error.append( 0.00 ) else: error.append(np.absolute(pcov[i][i])**0.5) except: error.append( 0.00 ) pfit_leastsq = pfit perr_leastsq = np.array(error) return pfit_leastsq, perr_leastsq def peak_finder(array,lower,upper,count_offset): ''' Fits gaussian + exponential to data within some window - fit is applied only to data within the upper/lower channel boundaries provided as inputs Arguments: - full array of data - lower and upper channel values for the fit window - count_offset used to correct exponential fit parameter for the fact that the fit is not starting at the left edge of the spectrum Returns: - list of fit parameters and list of parameter errors ''' points = ar(range(lower,upper)) peak = list(array[lower:upper]) counts = ar(peak) # Initialize fit parameters based on rough estimates of mean,sigma,amp,etc. # - mean estimated as center of fit window - set window accordingly # - gaussian amp and expo shift estimated based on counts at left edge # - expo slope determined using fit window boundaries nentries = len(points) mean = lower + (upper - lower)/2.0 slope = 2*(np.log(counts[-1])-np.log(counts[0]))/(points[-1]-points[0]) pinit = [counts[0],mean,5.0,counts[0]*count_offset,slope] #print('Initial parameters: amp = {0}, mean = {1}, sigma = {2}, amp2 = {3}'.format(pinit[0],pinit[1],pinit[2],pinit[3])) # Currently using leastsq fit from scipy # - see scipy documentation for more information errfunc = lambda p, x, y: gaus_plus_exp(x,p)-y pfit,pcov,infodict,errmsg,success = \ optimize.leastsq(errfunc, pinit, args=(points,counts), \ full_output=1, epsfcn=0.0001) #print('after parameters: amp= {0}, mean ={1}, sigma = {2}, amp2 = {3}'.format(pfit[0],pfit[1],pfit[2],pfit[3])) # Calculate fit parameter uncertainties using the covariance matrix # and the (fit - data) variance if (len(counts) > len(pinit)) and pcov is not None: s_sq = (errfunc(pfit, points, counts)**2).sum()/(len(counts)-len(pinit)) pcov = pcov * s_sq else: pcov = 0 error = [] for i in range(len(pfit)): try: error.append(np.absolute(pcov[i][i])**0.5) except: error.append( 0.00 ) pfit_leastsq = pfit perr_leastsq = np.array(error) return pfit_leastsq, perr_leastsq def get_double_peaks(rows, number, n=1, lower_limit=480, upper_limit=600, make_plot = False): ''' Applies double gaussian + expo fits to all data over some range of time Arguments: - full list of csv data input rows - number of days to run over - number of hours to integrate each calculation over - lower,upper limits for fit windows - flag to plot each fit for diagnostics Returns: - list of means,sigmas,amps for second gaussian in fit - that's the Bi peak, so this is hard coded to work for a specific case - each entry in list includes the value and uncertainty ''' entries = 12*n days = (24/n) i = 0 counter = 0 means = [] sigmas = [] amps = [] while i < number*days: if counter < days: integration = rows[(i*entries)+1:((i+1)*entries)+1] array_lst = [] for j in integration: array_lst.append(make_array(j,12)) integrated = sum(array_lst) #print integrated fit_pars, fit_errs = double_peak_finder(integrated,lower_limit,upper_limit) mean = [fit_pars[1],fit_errs[1]] sigma = [fit_pars[2],fit_errs[2]] amp = [fit_pars[0],fit_errs[0]] if fit_pars[4] > fit_pars[1]: mean = [fit_pars[4],fit_errs[4]] sigma = [fit_pars[5],fit_errs[5]] amp = [fit_pars[3],fit_errs[3]] means.append(mean) sigmas.append(sigma) amps.append(amp) counter+=1 i+=1 if make_plot: fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Spectra integrated over a day') plt.xlabel('channels') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.xlim(1,1000) x = ar(range(0,len(integrated))) plt.plot(x,integrated,'b:',label='data') plt.plot(x,double_gaus_plus_exp(x,fit_pars),'ro:',label='fit') plt.legend() plt.yscale('log') else: counter = 0 counter = 0 return means, sigmas, amps def get_peaks(rows, number=1, n=1, lower_limit=480, upper_limit=600, make_plot = False,count_offset=100): ''' Applies double gaussian + expo fits to all data over some range of time Arguments: - full list of csv data input rows - number of days to run over - number of hours to integrate each calculation over - lower,upper limits for fit windows - flag to plot each fit for diagnostics - count offset correction to fit parameters based on peak position (peaks farther from the left edge of spectrum need bigger correction) Returns: - lists of means,sigmas,amps from all gaussian fits - each entry in list includes the value and uncertainty ''' entries = 12*n days = (24/n) print('making {} plots for each day'.format(days)) i = 0 counter = 0 means = [] sigmas = [] amps = [] while i < number*days: if counter < days: integration = rows[(i*entries)+1:((i+1)*entries)+1] array_lst = [] for j in integration: array_lst.append(make_array(j,12)) integrated = sum(array_lst) #print integrated fit_pars,fit_errs = peak_finder(integrated,lower_limit,upper_limit,count_offset) means.append([fit_pars[1],fit_errs[1]]) sigmas.append([fit_pars[2],fit_errs[2]]) amps.append([fit_pars[0],fit_errs[0]]) counter +=1 i+=1 if make_plot: fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Spectra integrated over a day') plt.xlabel('channels') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.xlim(1,500) #plt.ylim() x = ar(range(0,len(integrated))) plt.plot(x,integrated,'b:',label='data') plt.plot(x,gaus_plus_exp(x,fit_pars),'ro:',label='fit') plt.legend() plt.yscale('log') else: counter = 0 counter = 0 return means,sigmas,amps def get_peaks2(rows, number=1, n=1, lower_limit=900, upper_limit=1020, make_plot = False,count_offset=100): ''' This is for Tl-208 Applies gaussian + const fits to all data over some range of time Arguments: - full list of csv data input rows - number of days to run over - number of hours to integrate each calculation over - lower,upper limits for fit windows - flag to plot each fit for diagnostics - count offset correction to fit parameters based on peak position (peaks farther from the left edge of spectrum need bigger correction) Returns: - lists of means,sigmas,amps from all gaussian fits - each entry in list includes the value and uncertainty ''' entries = 12*n days = (24/n) print('making {} plots for each day'.format(days)) i = 0 counter = 0 means = [] sigmas = [] amps = [] while i < number*days: if counter < days: integration = rows[(i*entries)+1:((i+1)*entries)+1] array_lst = [] for j in integration: array_lst.append(make_array(j,12)) integrated = sum(array_lst) #print integrated fit_pars,fit_errs = peak_finder(integrated,lower_limit,upper_limit,count_offset) means.append([fit_pars[1],fit_errs[1]]) sigmas.append([fit_pars[2],fit_errs[2]]) amps.append([fit_pars[0],fit_errs[0]]) counter +=1 i+=1 if make_plot: fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Spectra integrated over a day') plt.xlabel('channels') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.xlim(1,1000) #plt.ylim() x = ar(range(0,len(integrated))) plt.plot(x,integrated,'b:',label='data') plt.plot(x,gaus_plus_const(x,fit_pars),'ro:',label='fit') plt.legend() plt.yscale('log') else: counter = 0 counter = 0 return means,sigmas,amps #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Methods for performing calculations on fit results #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# def get_mean(values): ''' Calculate the mean and sigma for some input array of data ''' mean = 0 var = 0 for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] > 1: mean += values[i] mean = mean/len(values) for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] > 1: var += (mean - values[i])**2 np.sum(values)/len(values) var = np.sqrt(var/len(values)) return mean, var def get_peak_counts(means,sigmas,amps): ''' Calculate the area under a gaussian curve (estimate of counts in that peak) Arguments: - list of guassian means - list of guassian widths - list of gaussian amplitudes Returns: - list of counts from resulting gaussian integrations ''' counts = [] for i in range(len(means)): count,err = quad(gaus,0,1000,args=(amps[i],means[i],sigmas[i])) counts.append(count) return counts def get_calibration(rows,ndays): ''' Specific method for getting the data calibration assuming Bi-214 is part of a double peak and fitting data integrated over a day not an hour Returns a single calibration constant ''' Bi_peaks, Bi_sigmas, Bi_amps = get_double_peaks(rows,ndays,24,240,320,True) K_peaks,K_errs = get_peaks(rows,ndays,24,440,640) Tl_peaks,Tl_errs = get_peaks2(rows,ndays,24,900,1020) print(Bi_peaks) print(K_peaks) print(Tl_peaks) Bi_mean, Bi_var = get_mean(np.asarray(Bi_peaks)) K_mean, K_var = get_mean(np.asarray(K_peaks)) Tl_mean, Tl_var = get_mean(np.asarray(Tl_peaks)) print('bizmuth peak channel = {}, potassium peak channel = {}, thallium peak channel= {}'.format(Bi_mean,K_mean,Tl_mean)) calibration_constant = (1460-609)/(K_mean - Bi_mean) print('keV/channel = {}'.format(calibration_constant)) return calibration_constant def spectrum_peaks_plotter(rows): ''' This method intergrates the input data from the CSV file, and make an estimated plot for each isotope peak, based on number of channels and the corresponding counts of each isotope ''' n=4 entries = 12*n integration = rows[1:entries+1] array_lst = [] for j in integration: array_lst.append(make_array(j,160,320)) integrated = sum(array_lst) Channels = range(0,len(integrated)) Counts = integrated plt.plot(Channels, Counts) plt.xlabel('Channels') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title('Bi-Peaks Identifier ') integration_1 = rows[1:entries+1] array_lst_1 = [] for i in integration_1: array_lst_1.append(make_array(i,540,640)) integrated_1 = sum(array_lst_1) Channels_1 = range(0,len(integrated_1)) Counts_1 = integrated_1 plt.plot(Channels_1, Counts_1) plt.xlabel('Channels') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title('K-Peak Identifier') integration_2 = rows[1:entries+1] array_lst_2 = [] for j in integration_2: array_lst_2.append(make_array(j,800,1022)) integrated_2 = sum(array_lst_2) Channels_2 = range(0,len(integrated_2)) Counts_2 = integrated_2 plt.plot(Channels_2, Counts_2) plt.xlabel('Channels') plt.ylabel('Counts') plt.title('Tl-Peak Identifier') def main(rows, times): # import data from weather station for all isotopes date = [] cpm = [] cpm_error = [] line = 0 # #url = '' # url = '' # print(url) # response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) # print(response) # rows = [] # # Reading file in python 3 # reader = csv.reader(codecs.iterdecode(response, 'utf-8')) # # for row in reader: # rows.append(row) # if line > 0: # date.append(parse(row[1])) # cpm.append(float(row[3])) # cpm_error.append(float(row[4])) # line += 1 #print 'collected data between ', date[0], ' and ', date[-1] # get_calibration(rows,5) #---------------------------------------------------------------------# # Get fit results for ndays integrating over nhours for each fit #---------------------------------------------------------------------# ndays = 7 nhours = 2 #times = get_times(rows,ndays,nhours) K_peaks, K_sigmas, K_amps = get_peaks(rows,ndays,nhours,540,640) Bi_peaks,Bi_sigmas,Bi_amps = get_double_peaks(rows,ndays,nhours,160,320) Bi_peaks,Bi_sigmas,Bi_amps = get_peaks(rows,ndays,nhours,164,324,False,1) Tl_peaks, Tl_sigmas, Tl_amps = get_peaks2(rows,ndays,nhours,900,1000) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Break apart mean,sigma,amp values and uncertainties #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# K_ch = np.asarray([i[0] for i in K_peaks]) K_ch_errs = np.asarray([i[1] for i in K_peaks]) K_sig = [i[0] for i in K_sigmas] K_A = [i[0] for i in K_amps] Bi_ch = np.asarray([i[0] for i in Bi_peaks]) Bi_ch_errs = np.asarray([i[1] for i in Bi_peaks]) Bi_sig = [i[0] for i in Bi_sigmas] Bi_A = [i[0] for i in Bi_amps] Tl_ch = np.asarray([i[0] for i in Tl_peaks]) Tl_ch_errs = np.asarray([i[1] for i in Tl_peaks]) Tl_sig = [i[0] for i in Tl_sigmas] Tl_A = [i[0] for i in Tl_amps] K_ch_ave = np.mean(K_ch) K_ch_var = np.sqrt(np.var(K_ch)) B_ch_ave = np.mean(Bi_ch) B_ch_var = np.sqrt(np.var(Bi_ch)) Tl_ch_ave = np.mean(Tl_ch) Tl_ch_var = np.sqrt(np.var(Tl_ch)) print('K-40 <channel> = {} +/- {}'.format(K_ch_ave,K_ch_var)) print('Bi-214 <channel> = {} +/- {}'.format(B_ch_ave,B_ch_var)) print('Tl-208 <channel> = {} +/- {}'.format(Tl_ch_ave,Tl_ch_var)) for i in range(len(K_ch)): if abs(K_ch[i]-K_ch_ave) > 3*K_ch_var: print('Bad K-40 fit: peak channel = {}'.format(K_ch[i])) if abs(Bi_ch[i]-B_ch_ave) > 3*B_ch_var: print('Bad Bi-214 fit: peak channel = {}'.format(Bi_ch[i])) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Get arrays of counts inside K-40, Bi-214,and Tl-208 peaks using fit results #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# K_counts = get_peak_counts(K_ch,K_sig,K_A) Bi_counts = get_peak_counts(Bi_ch,Bi_sig,Bi_A) Tl_counts= get_peak_counts(Tl_ch,Tl_sig,Tl_A) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Get array of calibration constants from resulting K-40 and Bi-214 means #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# calibs = (1460-609)/(K_ch - Bi_ch) calib_err = (1460-609)/(K_ch - Bi_ch)**2 \ *np.sqrt(Bi_ch_errs**2 + K_ch_errs**2) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Plots of everything we are interested in! #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('K-40 counts vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.ylim(0,1600) ax.plot(times,K_counts, 'ro') ax.errorbar(times,K_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(K_counts),fmt='ro',ecolor='r') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Bi-214 counts vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('counts') ax.plot(times,Bi_counts, 'ro') ax.errorbar(times,Bi_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(Bi_counts),fmt='ro',ecolor='r') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('1460 Center channel vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('1460 center channel') ax.plot(times,K_ch, 'ro') ax.errorbar(times,K_ch,yerr=K_ch_errs,fmt='ro',ecolor='r') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig,ax=plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Tl-208 count vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.ylim(0,1000) ax.plot(times,Tl_counts, 'ro') ax.errorbar(times,Tl_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(Tl_counts),fmt='ro',ecolor='r') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('609 Center channel vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('609 center channel') plt.ylim(B_ch_ave-10*B_ch_var,B_ch_ave+10*B_ch_var) ax.plot(times,Bi_ch, 'ro') ax.errorbar(times,Bi_ch,yerr=Bi_ch_errs,fmt='ro',ecolor='r') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.title('keV/channel vs Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('keV/channel') #plt.ylim(4.9,5.15) plt.ylim(4.6,6.0) ax.plot(times,calibs, 'bo') ax.errorbar(times,calibs,yerr=calib_err,fmt='bo',ecolor='b') fig.autofmt_xdate() # Finally: interested in how much the count rates vary for the two isotopes Bi_mean, Bi_var = get_mean(np.asarray(Bi_counts)) print('Bi-214 <N> = {} +/- {}'.format(Bi_mean,Bi_var)) K_mean, K_var = get_mean(np.asarray(K_counts)) print('K-40 <N> = {} +/- {}'.format(K_mean,K_var)) Tl_mean, Tl_var = get_mean(np.asarray(Tl_counts)) print('Tl-208 <N> = {} +/- {}'.format(Tl_mean,Tl_var)) #Plotting the the three Isotopes on same plot fig=plt.figure() #plt.plot_date(times,K_counts,'bo',label='k-40') plt.errorbar(times,K_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(K_counts),fmt='bo',ecolor='b',label='K-40') #plt.plot_date(times,Bi_counts,'ro',label='Bi-214') plt.errorbar(times,Bi_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(Bi_counts),fmt='ro',ecolor='r',label='Bi-214') #plt.plot_date(times,Tl_counts,'ko',label='Tl-208') plt.errorbar(times,Tl_counts,yerr=np.sqrt(Tl_counts),fmt='ko',ecolor='y',label='Tl-208') plt.ylim(0,1800) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('counts') plt.title('K-40,Bi-214,Tl-208 Counts vs Time') #plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 0.05)) plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.02), ncol=3, fancybox=True, shadow=False,numpoints=1) fig.autofmt_xdate() # Show all plots - add autosave? peaksplot= spectrum_peaks_plotter(rows)
#!/usr/bin/python # Author: Dongho Choi import os.path import datetime import math import time import sys import itertools import pandas as pd from urllib.parse import urlparse import numpy as np from math import log from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder # for SSH connection import pymysql.cursors # MySQL handling API from geopy.distance import vincenty import sys #sys.path.append("./configs/") sys.path.append("/Users/donghochoi/Documents/Work/Exploration_Study/Dissertation/Code/local/configs/") import server_config # (1) info2_server (2) exploration_db def find_domain(current_domain,df_distinct_visit_list): # Return -1 when no domain_query existing, otherwise the location for i in range(0, len(df_distinct_visit_list)): if current_domain == df_distinct_visit_list.iloc[i]['domain']: #print("if found same domain: i = {0}, domainID = {1}".format(i,df_distinct_visit_list.iloc[i]['domainID'])) return df_distinct_visit_list.iloc[i]['domainID'] return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": # READ DATA FROM SERVER #read_Data_from_Server() # Server connection server = SSHTunnelForwarder( (server_config.info2_server['host'], 22), ssh_username=server_config.info2_server['user'], ssh_password=server_config.info2_server['password'], remote_bind_address=('', 3306)) server.start() connection = pymysql.connect(host='', port=server.local_bind_port, user=server_config.exploration_db['user'], password=server_config.exploration_db['password'], db=server_config.exploration_db['database']) connection.autocommit(True) cursor = connection.cursor() print("MySQL connection established.") # Get pages_all table: importing all pages that participants visited. df_queries = pd.read_sql("SELECT userID,stageID,questionID,query FROM queries WHERE (userID!=5001)", con=connection) #df_pages_all = df_pages_all.rename(columns={'epochTime': 'localTimestamp'}) print("queries Table READ") print("Length of queries is ",len(df_queries)) # Get the participants list from the table of 'final_participants' df_participants = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM final_participants', con=connection) print("Participants Table READ") # READ AND FILL THE PARTICIPANTS LIST WITH COMBINATIONS participants_list = df_participants['userID'].tolist() num_participants = len(participants_list) # number of participants print('number of participants:{0}'.format(num_participants)) # url visit list for i in range(0, num_participants): # i - current userID #for i in range(0,1): current_userID = participants_list[i] print("Current User:",current_userID) df_user_queries = df_queries.loc[df_queries['userID']==current_userID] # select rows that contains this specific participant df_task1_queries = df_user_queries.loc[df_user_queries['stageID']==31] df_task2_queries = df_user_queries.loc[df_user_queries['stageID']==41] ###### TASK 1 ####### # number of questions that the person asked num_questions = df_task1_queries['questionID'].max() task1_query_list = [] for j in range(0, num_questions): df_question_queries = df_task1_queries.loc[df_task1_queries['questionID']==j+1] query_list = df_question_queries['query'].tolist() query_set = set(query_list) num_a = len(query_set) # check if queries that issued for previous questions are included. stacked_query_set = set(task1_query_list) query_set = query_set - stacked_query_set num_b = len(query_set) repeated_query = num_a-num_b if (repeated_query != 0): print("--------------- Query used in previous questions: {0} times".format(repeated_query)) num_query_issued = len(query_list)-repeated_query num_distinct_query_issued = len(query_set) print("in question {0}: {1} queries issued, and {2} distinct queries".format(j+1,num_query_issued,num_distinct_query_issued)) sql = "INSERT INTO user_task1_queries (userID,questionID,query_issued,distinct_query) VALUES (" + str(current_userID) + "," + str(j+1) + "," + str(num_query_issued) + "," + str(num_distinct_query_issued) + ");" print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) task1_query_list = list(set(task1_query_list + query_list)) ###### TASK 2 ###### task2_query_list = df_task2_queries['query'].tolist() task2_query_set = set(task2_query_list) num_c = len(task2_query_set) stacked_query_set = set(task1_query_list) task2_query_set = task2_query_set - stacked_query_set num_d = len(task2_query_set) task2_repeated_query = num_c-num_d if(task2_repeated_query != 0): print("------------ Query in task1 is revisited") num_task2_query_issued = len(task2_query_list) - task2_repeated_query num_task2_distinct_query_issued = len(task2_query_set) print("in task2: {0} queries issued, and {1} distinct queries".format(num_task2_query_issued,num_task2_distinct_query_issued)) sql = "INSERT INTO user_task2_queries (userID,query_issued,distinct_query_issued) VALUES (" + str(current_userID) + "," + str(num_task2_query_issued) + "," + str(num_task2_distinct_query_issued) + ");" print(sql) cursor.execute(sql) server.stop() print("End")
import os import datetime import abc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) class SeriesTransformer(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def transform(self, data): pass class SeriesBase(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, name, friendly_name=None): = name self._location = None self.friendly_name = friendly_name if friendly_name is not None else name def set_location(self, location): self._location = location def _read_values(self): files = [os.path.join(self._location, x) for x in os.listdir(self._location)] files.sort() values = None for f in files: fcontent = np.load(f) if values is None: values = fcontent continue values = np.vstack((values, fcontent)) return values @abc.abstractmethod def _get_data(self): pass def plot(self, axis, **kwargs): data = self._get_data() axis.plot(data, label=self.friendly_name, **kwargs) axis.legend() class RawSeries(SeriesBase): def _get_data(self): return self._read_values() def __init__(self, name, friendly_name=None): super().__init__(name, friendly_name) class RollingAverageSeries(SeriesBase): def __init__(self, name, friendly_name=None, window=50): super().__init__(name, friendly_name) self.window = window def _get_data(self): data = self._read_values() data = self._compute_rolling_average(data, self.window) return data def _compute_rolling_average(self, array, window): avgs = np.zeros_like(array) for i in range(avgs.shape[0]): avgs[i] = np.mean(array[i - window:i]) return avgs class MaxSeries(SeriesBase): def _get_data(self): data = self._read_values() data = self._compute_max(data) return data def __init__(self, name, friendly_name): super().__init__(name, friendly_name) def _compute_max(self, data): maxs = np.zeros_like(data) for i in range(maxs.shape[0]): maxs[i] = np.max(data[:i + 1]) return maxs class Plotter(object): def __init__(self, root_directory, shape=(1, 1)):"") self._root_directory = root_directory self._session_location = None self._session_datetime = None self._series_to_plot = [] self._series_locations = {} self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots(shape[0], shape[1]) def select_session(self): raise NotImplementedError() def select_latest_session(self): ls = [(x, os.path.join(self._root_directory, x)) for x in os.listdir(self._root_directory)] ls = filter(lambda x: os.path.isdir(x[1]), ls) parsed = [ (x[0], x[1], datetime.datetime.strptime(x[0], '%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S')) for x in ls ] parsed.sort(key=lambda x: x[2]) latest = parsed[-1] self._session_location = latest[1] self._session_datetime = latest[2] self._series_locations = self._get_collections(self._session_location) def _get_collections(self, root): ls = [(x, os.path.join(root, x)) for x in os.listdir(root)] ls = filter(lambda x: os.path.isdir(x[1]), ls) return dict(list(ls)) def append(self, series, axis=1): series.set_location(self._series_locations[]) self._series_to_plot.append((series, axis)) def plot(self): for s, axis in self._series_to_plot: s.plot(self.axes[axis]) def main(): root_dir = r'C:\p\github\Chiron\chiron\agents\monitor' p = Plotter(root_dir, shape=(2, 1)) p.select_latest_session() p.append(RollingAverageSeries('episode_reward', '10 avg reward', 10), 0) p.append(RollingAverageSeries('episode_reward', '50 avg reward', 50), 0) p.append(RollingAverageSeries('episode_reward', '100 avg reward', 100), 0) p.append(RollingAverageSeries('episode_reward', '200 avg reward', 200), 0) p.append(MaxSeries('episode_reward', 'max reward'), 0) p.append(RawSeries('epsilon', 'epsilon'), 1) p.plot() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Utilities for meta-estimators""" # Author: Joel Nothman # Andreas Mueller # License: BSD from operator import attrgetter from functools import update_wrapper __all__ = ['if_delegate_has_method'] class _IffHasAttrDescriptor(object): """Implements a conditional property using the descriptor protocol. Using this class to create a decorator will raise an ``AttributeError`` if the ``attribute_name`` is not present on the base object. This allows ducktyping of the decorated method based on ``attribute_name``. See for an explanation of descriptors. """ def __init__(self, fn, attribute_name): self.fn = fn self.get_attribute = attrgetter(attribute_name) # update the docstring of the descriptor update_wrapper(self, fn) def __get__(self, obj, type=None): # raise an AttributeError if the attribute is not present on the object if obj is not None: # delegate only on instances, not the classes. # this is to allow access to the docstrings. self.get_attribute(obj) # lambda, but not partial, allows help() to work with update_wrapper out = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.fn(obj, *args, **kwargs) # update the docstring of the returned function update_wrapper(out, self.fn) return out def if_delegate_has_method(delegate): """Create a decorator for methods that are delegated to a sub-estimator This enables ducktyping by hasattr returning True according to the sub-estimator. >>> from sklearn.utils.metaestimators import if_delegate_has_method >>> >>> >>> class MetaEst(object): ... def __init__(self, sub_est): ... self.sub_est = sub_est ... ... @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='sub_est') ... def predict(self, X): ... return self.sub_est.predict(X) ... >>> class HasPredict(object): ... def predict(self, X): ... return X.sum(axis=1) ... >>> class HasNoPredict(object): ... pass ... >>> hasattr(MetaEst(HasPredict()), 'predict') True >>> hasattr(MetaEst(HasNoPredict()), 'predict') False """ return lambda fn: _IffHasAttrDescriptor(fn, '%s.%s' % (delegate, fn.__name__))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable-msg=W0612,E1101 """ test fancy indexing & misc """ import pytest import weakref from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter from datetime import datetime from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_integer_dtype, is_float_dtype) from pandas.compat import range, lrange, lzip, StringIO import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.core.indexing import (_non_reducing_slice, _maybe_numeric_slice, validate_indices) from pandas import NaT, DataFrame, Index, Series, MultiIndex import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.compat import PY2 from pandas.tests.indexing.common import Base, _mklbl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Indexing test cases class TestFancy(Base): """ pure get/set item & fancy indexing """ def test_setitem_ndarray_1d(self): # GH5508 # len of indexer vs length of the 1d ndarray df = DataFrame(index=Index(lrange(1, 11))) df['foo'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64) df['bar'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.complex) # invalid def f(): df.loc[df.index[2:5], 'bar'] = np.array([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0]) pytest.raises(ValueError, f) # valid df.loc[df.index[2:6], 'bar'] = np.array([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0]) result = df.loc[df.index[2:6], 'bar'] expected = Series([2.33j, 1.23 + 0.1j, 2.2, 1.0], index=[3, 4, 5, 6], name='bar') tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # dtype getting changed? df = DataFrame(index=Index(lrange(1, 11))) df['foo'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64) df['bar'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.complex) def f(): df[2:5] = np.arange(1, 4) * 1j pytest.raises(ValueError, f) def test_inf_upcast(self): # GH 16957 # We should be able to use np.inf as a key # np.inf should cause an index to convert to float # Test with np.inf in rows df = DataFrame(columns=[0]) df.loc[1] = 1 df.loc[2] = 2 df.loc[np.inf] = 3 # make sure we can look up the value assert df.loc[np.inf, 0] == 3 result = df.index expected = pd.Float64Index([1, 2, np.inf]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # Test with np.inf in columns df = DataFrame() df.loc[0, 0] = 1 df.loc[1, 1] = 2 df.loc[0, np.inf] = 3 result = df.columns expected = pd.Float64Index([0, 1, np.inf]) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem_dtype_upcast(self): # GH3216 df = DataFrame([{"a": 1}, {"a": 3, "b": 2}]) df['c'] = np.nan assert df['c'].dtype == np.float64 df.loc[0, 'c'] = 'foo' expected = DataFrame([{"a": 1, "c": 'foo'}, {"a": 3, "b": 2, "c": np.nan}]) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) # GH10280 df = DataFrame(np.arange(6, dtype='int64').reshape(2, 3), index=list('ab'), columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) for val in [3.14, 'wxyz']: left = df.copy() left.loc['a', 'bar'] = val right = DataFrame([[0, val, 2], [3, 4, 5]], index=list('ab'), columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) assert is_integer_dtype(left['foo']) assert is_integer_dtype(left['baz']) left = DataFrame(np.arange(6, dtype='int64').reshape(2, 3) / 10.0, index=list('ab'), columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) left.loc['a', 'bar'] = 'wxyz' right = DataFrame([[0, 'wxyz', .2], [.3, .4, .5]], index=list('ab'), columns=['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) assert is_float_dtype(left['foo']) assert is_float_dtype(left['baz']) def test_dups_fancy_indexing(self): # GH 3455 from pandas.util.testing import makeCustomDataframe as mkdf df = mkdf(10, 3) df.columns = ['a', 'a', 'b'] result = df[['b', 'a']].columns expected = Index(['b', 'a', 'a']) tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # across dtypes df = DataFrame([[1, 2, 1., 2., 3., 'foo', 'bar']], columns=list('aaaaaaa')) df.head() str(df) result = DataFrame([[1, 2, 1., 2., 3., 'foo', 'bar']]) result.columns = list('aaaaaaa') # TODO(wesm): unused? df_v = df.iloc[:, 4] # noqa res_v = result.iloc[:, 4] # noqa tm.assert_frame_equal(df, result) # GH 3561, dups not in selected order df = DataFrame( {'test': [5, 7, 9, 11], 'test1': [4., 5, 6, 7], 'other': list('abcd')}, index=['A', 'A', 'B', 'C']) rows = ['C', 'B'] expected = DataFrame( {'test': [11, 9], 'test1': [7., 6], 'other': ['d', 'c']}, index=rows) result = df.loc[rows] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = df.loc[Index(rows)] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) rows = ['C', 'B', 'E'] expected = DataFrame( {'test': [11, 9, np.nan], 'test1': [7., 6, np.nan], 'other': ['d', 'c', np.nan]}, index=rows) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[rows] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # see GH5553, make sure we use the right indexer rows = ['F', 'G', 'H', 'C', 'B', 'E'] expected = DataFrame({'test': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 11, 9, np.nan], 'test1': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 7., 6, np.nan], 'other': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 'd', 'c', np.nan]}, index=rows) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[rows] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # List containing only missing label dfnu = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3), index=list('AABCD')) with pytest.raises(KeyError): dfnu.loc[['E']] # ToDo: check_index_type can be True after GH 11497 # GH 4619; duplicate indexer with missing label df = DataFrame({"A": [0, 1, 2]}) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[[0, 8, 0]] expected = DataFrame({"A": [0, np.nan, 0]}, index=[0, 8, 0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=False) df = DataFrame({"A": list('abc')}) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[[0, 8, 0]] expected = DataFrame({"A": ['a', np.nan, 'a']}, index=[0, 8, 0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=False) # non unique with non unique selector df = DataFrame({'test': [5, 7, 9, 11]}, index=['A', 'A', 'B', 'C']) expected = DataFrame( {'test': [5, 7, 5, 7, np.nan]}, index=['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'E']) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[['A', 'A', 'E']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.skipif(PY2, reason="GH-20770. Py2 unreliable warnings catching.") def test_dups_fancy_indexing2(self): # GH 5835 # dups on index and missing values df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(5, 5), columns=['A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A']) expected = pd.concat( [df.loc[:, ['A', 'B']], DataFrame(np.nan, columns=['C'], index=df.index)], axis=1) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = df.loc[:, ['A', 'B', 'C']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH 6504, multi-axis indexing df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(9, 2), index=[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], columns=['a', 'b']) expected = df.iloc[0:6] result = df.loc[[1, 2]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) expected = df result = df.loc[:, ['a', 'b']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) expected = df.iloc[0:6, :] result = df.loc[[1, 2], ['a', 'b']] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_indexing_mixed_frame_bug(self): # GH3492 df = DataFrame({'a': {1: 'aaa', 2: 'bbb', 3: 'ccc'}, 'b': {1: 111, 2: 222, 3: 333}}) # this works, new column is created correctly df['test'] = df['a'].apply(lambda x: '_' if x == 'aaa' else x) # this does not work, ie column test is not changed idx = df['test'] == '_' temp = df.loc[idx, 'a'].apply(lambda x: '-----' if x == 'aaa' else x) df.loc[idx, 'test'] = temp assert df.iloc[0, 2] == '-----' # if I look at df, then element [0,2] equals '_'. If instead I type # df.ix[idx,'test'], I get '-----', finally by typing df.iloc[0,2] I # get '_'. def test_multitype_list_index_access(self): # GH 10610 df = DataFrame(np.random.random((10, 5)), columns=["a"] + [20, 21, 22, 23]) with pytest.raises(KeyError): df[[22, 26, -8]] assert df[21].shape[0] == df.shape[0] def test_set_index_nan(self): # GH 3586 df = DataFrame({'PRuid': {17: 'nonQC', 18: 'nonQC', 19: 'nonQC', 20: '10', 21: '11', 22: '12', 23: '13', 24: '24', 25: '35', 26: '46', 27: '47', 28: '48', 29: '59', 30: '10'}, 'QC': {17: 0.0, 18: 0.0, 19: 0.0, 20: np.nan, 21: np.nan, 22: np.nan, 23: np.nan, 24: 1.0, 25: np.nan, 26: np.nan, 27: np.nan, 28: np.nan, 29: np.nan, 30: np.nan}, 'data': {17: 7.9544899999999998, 18: 8.0142609999999994, 19: 7.8591520000000008, 20: 0.86140349999999999, 21: 0.87853110000000001, 22: 0.8427041999999999, 23: 0.78587700000000005, 24: 0.73062459999999996, 25: 0.81668560000000001, 26: 0.81927080000000008, 27: 0.80705009999999999, 28: 0.81440240000000008, 29: 0.80140849999999997, 30: 0.81307740000000006}, 'year': {17: 2006, 18: 2007, 19: 2008, 20: 1985, 21: 1985, 22: 1985, 23: 1985, 24: 1985, 25: 1985, 26: 1985, 27: 1985, 28: 1985, 29: 1985, 30: 1986}}).reset_index() result = df.set_index(['year', 'PRuid', 'QC']).reset_index().reindex( columns=df.columns) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) def test_multi_nan_indexing(self): # GH 3588 df = DataFrame({"a": ['R1', 'R2', np.nan, 'R4'], 'b': ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"], "c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20]}) result = df.set_index(['a', 'b'], drop=False) expected = DataFrame({"a": ['R1', 'R2', np.nan, 'R4'], 'b': ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"], "c": [10, 15, np.nan, 20]}, index=[Index(['R1', 'R2', np.nan, 'R4'], name='a'), Index(['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4'], name='b')]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_multi_assign(self): # GH 3626, an assignment of a sub-df to a df df = DataFrame({'FC': ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], 'PF': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'col1': lrange(6), 'col2': lrange(6, 12)}) df.iloc[1, 0] = np.nan df2 = df.copy() mask = ~df2.FC.isna() cols = ['col1', 'col2'] dft = df2 * 2 dft.iloc[3, 3] = np.nan expected = DataFrame({'FC': ['a', np.nan, 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], 'PF': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'col1': Series([0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 10]), 'col2': [12, 7, 16, np.nan, 20, 22]}) # frame on rhs df2.loc[mask, cols] = dft.loc[mask, cols] tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, expected) df2.loc[mask, cols] = dft.loc[mask, cols] tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, expected) # with an ndarray on rhs # coerces to float64 because values has float64 dtype # GH 14001 expected = DataFrame({'FC': ['a', np.nan, 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], 'PF': [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 'col1': [0., 1., 4., 6., 8., 10.], 'col2': [12, 7, 16, np.nan, 20, 22]}) df2 = df.copy() df2.loc[mask, cols] = dft.loc[mask, cols].values tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, expected) df2.loc[mask, cols] = dft.loc[mask, cols].values tm.assert_frame_equal(df2, expected) # broadcasting on the rhs is required df = DataFrame(dict(A=[1, 2, 0, 0, 0], B=[0, 0, 0, 10, 11], C=[ 0, 0, 0, 10, 11], D=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7])) expected = df.copy() mask = expected['A'] == 0 for col in ['A', 'B']: expected.loc[mask, col] = df['D'] df.loc[df['A'] == 0, ['A', 'B']] = df['D'] tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_setitem_list(self): # GH 6043 # ix with a list df = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") df.ix[1, 0] = [1, 2, 3] df.ix[1, 0] = [1, 2] result = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") result.ix[1, 0] = [1, 2] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) # ix with an object class TO(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return "[{0}]".format(self.value) __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def view(self): return self df = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") df.ix[1, 0] = TO(1) df.ix[1, 0] = TO(2) result = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") result.ix[1, 0] = TO(2) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) # remains object dtype even after setting it back df = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") df.ix[1, 0] = TO(1) df.ix[1, 0] = np.nan result = DataFrame(index=[0, 1], columns=[0]) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) def test_string_slice(self): # GH 14424 # string indexing against datetimelike with object # dtype should properly raises KeyError df = DataFrame([1], Index([pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01')], dtype=object)) assert df.index.is_all_dates with pytest.raises(KeyError): df['2011'] with pytest.raises(KeyError): df.loc['2011', 0] df = DataFrame() assert not df.index.is_all_dates with pytest.raises(KeyError): df['2011'] with pytest.raises(KeyError): df.loc['2011', 0] def test_mi_access(self): # GH 4145 data = """h1 main h3 sub h5 0 a A 1 A1 1 1 b B 2 B1 2 2 c B 3 A1 3 3 d A 4 B2 4 4 e A 5 B2 5 5 f B 6 A2 6 """ df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep=r'\s+', index_col=0) df2 = df.set_index(['main', 'sub']).T.sort_index(1) index = Index(['h1', 'h3', 'h5']) columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('A', 'A1')], names=['main', 'sub']) expected = DataFrame([['a', 1, 1]], index=columns, columns=index).T result = df2.loc[:, ('A', 'A1')] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = df2[('A', 'A1')] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # GH 4146, not returning a block manager when selecting a unique index # from a duplicate index # as of 4879, this returns a Series (which is similar to what happens # with a non-unique) expected = Series(['a', 1, 1], index=['h1', 'h3', 'h5'], name='A1') result = df2['A']['A1'] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # selecting a non_unique from the 2nd level expected = DataFrame([['d', 4, 4], ['e', 5, 5]], index=Index(['B2', 'B2'], name='sub'), columns=['h1', 'h3', 'h5'], ).T result = df2['A']['B2'] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_astype_assignment(self): # GH4312 (iloc) df_orig = DataFrame([['1', '2', '3', '.4', 5, 6., 'foo']], columns=list('ABCDEFG')) df = df_orig.copy() df.iloc[:, 0:2] = df.iloc[:, 0:2].astype(np.int64) expected = DataFrame([[1, 2, '3', '.4', 5, 6., 'foo']], columns=list('ABCDEFG')) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = df_orig.copy() df.iloc[:, 0:2] = df.iloc[:, 0:2]._convert(datetime=True, numeric=True) expected = DataFrame([[1, 2, '3', '.4', 5, 6., 'foo']], columns=list('ABCDEFG')) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) # GH5702 (loc) df = df_orig.copy() df.loc[:, 'A'] = df.loc[:, 'A'].astype(np.int64) expected = DataFrame([[1, '2', '3', '.4', 5, 6., 'foo']], columns=list('ABCDEFG')) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = df_orig.copy() df.loc[:, ['B', 'C']] = df.loc[:, ['B', 'C']].astype(np.int64) expected = DataFrame([['1', 2, 3, '.4', 5, 6., 'foo']], columns=list('ABCDEFG')) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) # full replacements / no nans df = DataFrame({'A': [1., 2., 3., 4.]}) df.iloc[:, 0] = df['A'].astype(np.int64) expected = DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) df = DataFrame({'A': [1., 2., 3., 4.]}) df.loc[:, 'A'] = df['A'].astype(np.int64) expected = DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_astype_assignment_with_dups(self): # GH 4686 # assignment with dups that has a dtype change cols = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('A', '1'), ('B', '1'), ('A', '2')]) df = DataFrame(np.arange(3).reshape((1, 3)), columns=cols, dtype=object) index = df.index.copy() df['A'] = df['A'].astype(np.float64) tm.assert_index_equal(df.index, index) # TODO(wesm): unused variables # result = df.get_dtype_counts().sort_index() # expected = Series({'float64': 2, 'object': 1}).sort_index() @pytest.mark.parametrize("index,val", [ (Index([0, 1, 2]), 2), (Index([0, 1, '2']), '2'), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.inf, 4]), 4), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.nan, 4]), 4), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.inf]), np.inf), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.nan]), np.nan), ]) def test_index_contains(self, index, val): assert val in index @pytest.mark.parametrize("index,val", [ (Index([0, 1, 2]), '2'), (Index([0, 1, '2']), 2), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.inf]), 4), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.nan]), 4), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.inf]), np.nan), (Index([0, 1, 2, np.nan]), np.inf), # Checking if np.inf in Int64Index should not cause an OverflowError # Related to GH 16957 (pd.Int64Index([0, 1, 2]), np.inf), (pd.Int64Index([0, 1, 2]), np.nan), (pd.UInt64Index([0, 1, 2]), np.inf), (pd.UInt64Index([0, 1, 2]), np.nan), ]) def test_index_not_contains(self, index, val): assert val not in index @pytest.mark.parametrize("index,val", [ (Index([0, 1, '2']), 0), (Index([0, 1, '2']), '2'), ]) def test_mixed_index_contains(self, index, val): # GH 19860 assert val in index @pytest.mark.parametrize("index,val", [ (Index([0, 1, '2']), '1'), (Index([0, 1, '2']), 2), ]) def test_mixed_index_not_contains(self, index, val): # GH 19860 assert val not in index def test_contains_with_float_index(self): # GH#22085 integer_index = pd.Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3]) uinteger_index = pd.UInt64Index([0, 1, 2, 3]) float_index = pd.Float64Index([0.1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) for index in (integer_index, uinteger_index): assert 1.1 not in index assert 1.0 in index assert 1 in index assert 1.1 in float_index assert 1.0 not in float_index assert 1 not in float_index def test_index_type_coercion(self): with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") # GH 11836 # if we have an index type and set it with something that looks # to numpy like the same, but is actually, not # (e.g. setting with a float or string '0') # then we need to coerce to object # integer indexes for s in [Series(range(5)), Series(range(5), index=range(1, 6))]: assert s.index.is_integer() for indexer in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x]: s2 = s.copy() indexer(s2)[0.1] = 0 assert s2.index.is_floating() assert indexer(s2)[0.1] == 0 s2 = s.copy() indexer(s2)[0.0] = 0 exp = s.index if 0 not in s: exp = Index(s.index.tolist() + [0]) tm.assert_index_equal(s2.index, exp) s2 = s.copy() indexer(s2)['0'] = 0 assert s2.index.is_object() for s in [Series(range(5), index=np.arange(5.))]: assert s.index.is_floating() for idxr in [lambda x: x.ix, lambda x: x.loc, lambda x: x]: s2 = s.copy() idxr(s2)[0.1] = 0 assert s2.index.is_floating() assert idxr(s2)[0.1] == 0 s2 = s.copy() idxr(s2)[0.0] = 0 tm.assert_index_equal(s2.index, s.index) s2 = s.copy() idxr(s2)['0'] = 0 assert s2.index.is_object() class TestMisc(Base): def test_indexer_caching(self): # GH5727 # make sure that indexers are in the _internal_names_set n = 1000001 arrays = [lrange(n), lrange(n)] index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(lzip(*arrays)) s = Series(np.zeros(n), index=index) str(s) # setitem expected = Series(np.ones(n), index=index) s = Series(np.zeros(n), index=index) s[s == 0] = 1 tm.assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_float_index_to_mixed(self): df = DataFrame({0.0: np.random.rand(10), 1.0: np.random.rand(10)}) df['a'] = 10 tm.assert_frame_equal(DataFrame({0.0: df[0.0], 1.0: df[1.0], 'a': [10] * 10}), df) def test_float_index_non_scalar_assignment(self): df = DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4, 5]}, index=[1., 2., 3.]) df.loc[df.index[:2]] = 1 expected = DataFrame({'a': [1, 1, 3], 'b': [1, 1, 5]}, index=df.index) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, df) df = DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [3, 4, 5]}, index=[1., 2., 3.]) df2 = df.copy() df.loc[df.index] = df.loc[df.index] tm.assert_frame_equal(df, df2) def test_float_index_at_iat(self): s = Series([1, 2, 3], index=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) for el, item in s.iteritems(): assert[el] == item for i in range(len(s)): assert s.iat[i] == i + 1 def test_mixed_index_assignment(self): # GH 19860 s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2])['a'] = 11 assert s.iat[0] == 11[1] = 22 assert s.iat[3] == 22 def test_mixed_index_no_fallback(self): # GH 19860 s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2]) with pytest.raises(KeyError):[0] with pytest.raises(KeyError):[4] def test_rhs_alignment(self): # GH8258, tests that both rows & columns are aligned to what is # assigned to. covers both uniform data-type & multi-type cases def run_tests(df, rhs, right): # label, index, slice lbl_one, idx_one, slice_one = list('bcd'), [1, 2, 3], slice(1, 4) lbl_two, idx_two, slice_two = ['joe', 'jolie'], [1, 2], slice(1, 3) left = df.copy() left.loc[lbl_one, lbl_two] = rhs tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) left = df.copy() left.iloc[idx_one, idx_two] = rhs tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) left = df.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): # XXX: finer-filter here. simplefilter("ignore") left.ix[slice_one, slice_two] = rhs tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) left = df.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") left.ix[idx_one, idx_two] = rhs tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) left = df.copy() with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") left.ix[lbl_one, lbl_two] = rhs tm.assert_frame_equal(left, right) xs = np.arange(20).reshape(5, 4) cols = ['jim', 'joe', 'jolie', 'joline'] df = DataFrame(xs, columns=cols, index=list('abcde')) # right hand side; permute the indices and multiplpy by -2 rhs = -2 * df.iloc[3:0:-1, 2:0:-1] # expected `right` result; just multiply by -2 right = df.copy() right.iloc[1:4, 1:3] *= -2 # run tests with uniform dtypes run_tests(df, rhs, right) # make frames multi-type & re-run tests for frame in [df, rhs, right]: frame['joe'] = frame['joe'].astype('float64') frame['jolie'] = frame['jolie'].map('@{0}'.format) run_tests(df, rhs, right) def test_str_label_slicing_with_negative_step(self): SLC = pd.IndexSlice def assert_slices_equivalent(l_slc, i_slc): tm.assert_series_equal(s.loc[l_slc], s.iloc[i_slc]) if not idx.is_integer: # For integer indices, ix and plain getitem are position-based. tm.assert_series_equal(s[l_slc], s.iloc[i_slc]) tm.assert_series_equal(s.loc[l_slc], s.iloc[i_slc]) for idx in [_mklbl('A', 20), np.arange(20) + 100, np.linspace(100, 150, 20)]: idx = Index(idx) s = Series(np.arange(20), index=idx) assert_slices_equivalent(SLC[idx[9]::-1], SLC[9::-1]) assert_slices_equivalent(SLC[:idx[9]:-1], SLC[:8:-1]) assert_slices_equivalent(SLC[idx[13]:idx[9]:-1], SLC[13:8:-1]) assert_slices_equivalent(SLC[idx[9]:idx[13]:-1], SLC[:0]) def test_slice_with_zero_step_raises(self): s = Series(np.arange(20), index=_mklbl('A', 20)) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'slice step cannot be zero', lambda: s[::0]) tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'slice step cannot be zero', lambda: s.loc[::0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'slice step cannot be zero', lambda: s.ix[::0]) def test_indexing_assignment_dict_already_exists(self): df = DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 6], 'y': [2, 2, 8], 'z': [-5, 0, 5]}).set_index('z') expected = df.copy() rhs = dict(x=9, y=99) df.loc[5] = rhs expected.loc[5] = [9, 99] tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_indexing_dtypes_on_empty(self): # Check that .iloc and .ix return correct dtypes GH9983 df = DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': ['b', 'b2', 'b3']}) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") df2 = df.ix[[], :] assert df2.loc[:, 'a'].dtype == np.int64 tm.assert_series_equal(df2.loc[:, 'a'], df2.iloc[:, 0]) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") tm.assert_series_equal(df2.loc[:, 'a'], df2.ix[:, 0]) def test_range_in_series_indexing(self): # range can cause an indexing error # GH 11652 for x in [5, 999999, 1000000]: s = Series(index=range(x)) s.loc[range(1)] = 42 tm.assert_series_equal(s.loc[range(1)], Series(42.0, index=[0])) s.loc[range(2)] = 43 tm.assert_series_equal(s.loc[range(2)], Series(43.0, index=[0, 1])) def test_non_reducing_slice(self): df = DataFrame([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) slices = [ # pd.IndexSlice[:, :], pd.IndexSlice[:, 1], pd.IndexSlice[1, :], pd.IndexSlice[[1], [1]], pd.IndexSlice[1, [1]], pd.IndexSlice[[1], 1], pd.IndexSlice[1], pd.IndexSlice[1, 1], slice(None, None, None), [0, 1], np.array([0, 1]), Series([0, 1]) ] for slice_ in slices: tslice_ = _non_reducing_slice(slice_) assert isinstance(df.loc[tslice_], DataFrame) def test_list_slice(self): # like dataframe getitem slices = [['A'], Series(['A']), np.array(['A'])] df = DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': [3, 4]}, index=['A', 'B']) expected = pd.IndexSlice[:, ['A']] for subset in slices: result = _non_reducing_slice(subset) tm.assert_frame_equal(df.loc[result], df.loc[expected]) def test_maybe_numeric_slice(self): df = DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': ['c', 'd'], 'C': [True, False]}) result = _maybe_numeric_slice(df, slice_=None) expected = pd.IndexSlice[:, ['A']] assert result == expected result = _maybe_numeric_slice(df, None, include_bool=True) expected = pd.IndexSlice[:, ['A', 'C']] result = _maybe_numeric_slice(df, [1]) expected = [1] assert result == expected def test_partial_boolean_frame_indexing(self): # GH 17170 df = DataFrame(np.arange(9.).reshape(3, 3), index=list('abc'), columns=list('ABC')) index_df = DataFrame(1, index=list('ab'), columns=list('AB')) result = df[index_df.notnull()] expected = DataFrame(np.array([[0., 1., np.nan], [3., 4., np.nan], [np.nan] * 3]), index=list('abc'), columns=list('ABC')) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_no_reference_cycle(self): df = DataFrame({'a': [0, 1], 'b': [2, 3]}) for name in ('loc', 'iloc', 'at', 'iat'): getattr(df, name) with catch_warnings(record=True): simplefilter("ignore") getattr(df, 'ix') wr = weakref.ref(df) del df assert wr() is None class TestSeriesNoneCoercion(object): EXPECTED_RESULTS = [ # For numeric series, we should coerce to NaN. ([1, 2, 3], [np.nan, 2, 3]), ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [np.nan, 2.0, 3.0]), # For datetime series, we should coerce to NaT. ([datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)], [NaT, datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)]), # For objects, we should preserve the None value. (["foo", "bar", "baz"], [None, "bar", "baz"]), ] def test_coercion_with_setitem(self): for start_data, expected_result in self.EXPECTED_RESULTS: start_series = Series(start_data) start_series[0] = None expected_series = Series(expected_result) tm.assert_series_equal(start_series, expected_series) def test_coercion_with_loc_setitem(self): for start_data, expected_result in self.EXPECTED_RESULTS: start_series = Series(start_data) start_series.loc[0] = None expected_series = Series(expected_result) tm.assert_series_equal(start_series, expected_series) def test_coercion_with_setitem_and_series(self): for start_data, expected_result in self.EXPECTED_RESULTS: start_series = Series(start_data) start_series[start_series == start_series[0]] = None expected_series = Series(expected_result) tm.assert_series_equal(start_series, expected_series) def test_coercion_with_loc_and_series(self): for start_data, expected_result in self.EXPECTED_RESULTS: start_series = Series(start_data) start_series.loc[start_series == start_series[0]] = None expected_series = Series(expected_result) tm.assert_series_equal(start_series, expected_series) class TestDataframeNoneCoercion(object): EXPECTED_SINGLE_ROW_RESULTS = [ # For numeric series, we should coerce to NaN. ([1, 2, 3], [np.nan, 2, 3]), ([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [np.nan, 2.0, 3.0]), # For datetime series, we should coerce to NaT. ([datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)], [NaT, datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)]), # For objects, we should preserve the None value. (["foo", "bar", "baz"], [None, "bar", "baz"]), ] def test_coercion_with_loc(self): for start_data, expected_result, in self.EXPECTED_SINGLE_ROW_RESULTS: start_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': start_data}) start_dataframe.loc[0, ['foo']] = None expected_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': expected_result}) tm.assert_frame_equal(start_dataframe, expected_dataframe) def test_coercion_with_setitem_and_dataframe(self): for start_data, expected_result, in self.EXPECTED_SINGLE_ROW_RESULTS: start_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': start_data}) start_dataframe[start_dataframe['foo'] == start_dataframe['foo'][ 0]] = None expected_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': expected_result}) tm.assert_frame_equal(start_dataframe, expected_dataframe) def test_none_coercion_loc_and_dataframe(self): for start_data, expected_result, in self.EXPECTED_SINGLE_ROW_RESULTS: start_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': start_data}) start_dataframe.loc[start_dataframe['foo'] == start_dataframe[ 'foo'][0]] = None expected_dataframe = DataFrame({'foo': expected_result}) tm.assert_frame_equal(start_dataframe, expected_dataframe) def test_none_coercion_mixed_dtypes(self): start_dataframe = DataFrame({ 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 'c': [datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)], 'd': ['a', 'b', 'c'] }) start_dataframe.iloc[0] = None exp = DataFrame({'a': [np.nan, 2, 3], 'b': [np.nan, 2.0, 3.0], 'c': [NaT, datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)], 'd': [None, 'b', 'c']}) tm.assert_frame_equal(start_dataframe, exp) def test_validate_indices_ok(): indices = np.asarray([0, 1]) validate_indices(indices, 2) validate_indices(indices[:0], 0) validate_indices(np.array([-1, -1]), 0) def test_validate_indices_low(): indices = np.asarray([0, -2]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "'indices' contains"): validate_indices(indices, 2) def test_validate_indices_high(): indices = np.asarray([0, 1, 2]) with tm.assert_raises_regex(IndexError, "indices are out"): validate_indices(indices, 2) def test_validate_indices_empty(): with tm.assert_raises_regex(IndexError, "indices are out"): validate_indices(np.array([0, 1]), 0) def test_extension_array_cross_section(): # A cross-section of a homogeneous EA should be an EA df = pd.DataFrame({ "A": pd.core.arrays.integer_array([1, 2]), "B": pd.core.arrays.integer_array([3, 4]) }, index=['a', 'b']) expected = pd.Series(pd.core.arrays.integer_array([1, 3]), index=['A', 'B'], name='a') result = df.loc['a'] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = df.iloc[0] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_extension_array_cross_section_converts(): df = pd.DataFrame({ "A": pd.core.arrays.integer_array([1, 2]), "B": np.array([1, 2]), }, index=['a', 'b']) result = df.loc['a'] expected = pd.Series([1, 1], dtype=object, index=['A', 'B'], name='a') tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = df.iloc[0] tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
import sys sys.path.append('.') import sampyl as smp from sampyl.state import State from sampyl import np from sampyl.diagnostics import diagnostics import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # correlated gaussian log likelihood def logp(x, y): icov = np.linalg.inv(np.array([[1., .8], [.8, 1.]])) d = np.array([x, y]) return -.5 *, icov), d) logp_xy = lambda(th): logp(th[0], th[1]) # compare slice samplers, metropolis hastings, and the two variable # slice sampler ssamp = smp.Slice(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.} ) slice_trace = ssamp.sample(1000) met = smp.Metropolis(logp, start={'x': 4., 'y': 4.}) met_trace = met.sample(1000) bslice = smp.Slice(logp_xy, start={'th': np.array([4., 4.])}) btrace = bslice.sample(1000) # compute effective sample size based on autocorrelation slice_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(slice_trace.x) met_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf(met_trace.x) b_eff = diagnostics.compute_n_eff_acf([:,0]) print "Slice effective sample size: %2.2f"%slice_eff print "MH effective sample size: %2.2f"%met_eff print "two var slice effective sample size: %2.2f"%b_eff print " ----- " print "Slice sampler evals per sample: ", ssamp.evals_per_sample # graphically compare samples fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12,4)) axarr[0].scatter(slice_trace.x, slice_trace.y) axarr[0].set_title("Slice samples") axarr[1].scatter(met_trace.x, met_trace.y) axarr[1].set_title("MH samples") axarr[2].scatter([:,0],[:,1]) axarr[2].set_title("Two var Slice samples") for ax in axarr: ax.set_xlim((-4, 4)) ax.set_ylim((-4, 4))
""" Plot the power spectrum of LIGO ------------------------------- This compares the power spectrum computed using the raw FFT, and using Welch's method (i.e. overlapping window functions that reduce noise). The top panel shows the raw signal, which is the measurements of the change in baseline length. The bottom panel shows the raw and smoothed power spectrum, used by the LIGO team to characterize the noise of the detector. The particular data used here is the injected `Big Dog <>`_ event. """ # Author: Jake VanderPlas <> # License: BSD # The figure is an example from astroML: see import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from scipy import fftpack from matplotlib import mlab from astroML.datasets import fetch_LIGO_large #------------------------------------------------------------ # Fetch the LIGO hanford data data, dt = fetch_LIGO_large() # subset of the data to plot t0 = 646 T = 2 tplot = dt * np.arange(T * 4096) dplot = data[4096 * t0: 4096 * (t0 + T)] tplot = tplot[::10] dplot = dplot[::10] fmin = 40 fmax = 2060 #------------------------------------------------------------ # compute PSD using simple FFT N = len(data) df = 1. / (N * dt) PSD = abs(dt * fftpack.fft(data)[:N // 2]) ** 2 f = df * np.arange(N / 2) cutoff = ((f >= fmin) & (f <= fmax)) f = f[cutoff] PSD = PSD[cutoff] f = f[::100] PSD = PSD[::100] #------------------------------------------------------------ # compute PSD using Welch's method -- hanning window function PSDW2, fW2 = mlab.psd(data, NFFT=4096, Fs=1. / dt, window=mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=2048) dfW2 = fW2[1] - fW2[0] cutoff = (fW2 >= fmin) & (fW2 <= fmax) fW2 = fW2[cutoff] PSDW2 = PSDW2[cutoff] #------------------------------------------------------------ # Plot the data fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, top=0.9, hspace=0.3) # top panel: time series ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.plot(tplot, dplot, '-k') ax.set_xlabel('time (s)') ax.set_ylabel('$h(t)$') ax.set_ylim(-1.2E-18, 1.2E-18) # bottom panel: hanning window ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.loglog(f, PSD, '-', c='#AAAAAA') ax.loglog(fW2, PSDW2, '-k') ax.text(0.98, 0.95, "Hanning (cosine) window", ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlabel('frequency (Hz)') ax.set_ylabel(r'$PSD(f)$') ax.set_xlim(40, 2060) ax.set_ylim(1E-46, 1E-36) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.LogLocator(base=100))
"""This file contains code used in "Think Stats", by Allen B. Downey, available from Copyright 2014 Allen B. Downey License: GNU GPLv3 """ from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import pandas import hinc import thinkplot import thinkstats2 """This file contains a solution to an exercise in Think Stats: The distributions of wealth and income are sometimes modeled using lognormal and Pareto distributions. To see which is better, let's look at some data. The Current Population Survey (CPS) is joint effort of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau to study income and related variables. Data collected in 2013 is available from I downloaded hinc06.xls, which is an Excel spreadsheet with information about household income, and converted it to hinc06.csv, a CSV file you will find in the repository for this book. You will also find, which reads the CSV file. Extract the distribution of incomes from this dataset. Are any of the analytic distributions in this chapter a good model of the data? A solution to this exercise is in My solution generates three figures: 1) The CDF of income on a linear scale. 2) The CCDF on a log-log scale along with a Pareto model intended to match the tail behavior. 3) The CDF on a log-x scale along with a lognormal model chose to match the median and inter-quartile range. My conclusions based on these figures are: 1) The Pareto model is probably a reasonable choice for the top 10-20% of incomes. 2) The lognormal model captures the shape of the distribution better, but the data deviate substantially from the model. With different choices for sigma, you could match the upper or lower tail, but not both at the same time. In summary I would say that neither model captures the whole distribution, so you might have to 1) look for another analytic model, 2) choose one that captures the part of the distribution that is most relevent, or 3) avoid using an analytic model altogether. """ class SmoothCdf(thinkstats2.Cdf): """Represents a CDF based on calculated quantiles. """ def Render(self): """Because this CDF was not computed from a sample, it should not be rendered as a step function. """ return self.xs, def Prob(self, x): """Compute CDF(x), interpolating between known values. """ return np.interp(x, self.xs, def Value(self, p): """Compute inverse CDF(x), interpolating between probabilities. """ return np.interp(p,, self.xs) def MakeFigures(df): """Plots the CDF of income in several forms. """ xs, ps = df.income.values, cdf = SmoothCdf(xs, ps, label='data') cdf_log = SmoothCdf(np.log10(xs), ps, label='data') # linear plot thinkplot.Cdf(cdf) thinkplot.Save(root='hinc_linear', xlabel='household income', ylabel='CDF') # pareto plot # for the model I chose parameters by hand to fit the tail xs, ys = thinkstats2.RenderParetoCdf(xmin=55000, alpha=2.5, low=0, high=250000) thinkplot.Plot(xs, 1-ys, label='model', color='0.8') thinkplot.Cdf(cdf, complement=True) thinkplot.Save(root='hinc_pareto', xlabel='log10 household income', ylabel='CCDF', xscale='log', yscale='log') # lognormal plot # for the model I estimate mu and sigma using # percentile-based statistics median = cdf_log.Percentile(50) iqr = cdf_log.Percentile(75) - cdf_log.Percentile(25) std = iqr / 1.349 # choose std to match the upper tail std = 0.35 print(median, std) xs, ps = thinkstats2.RenderNormalCdf(median, std, low=3.5, high=5.5) thinkplot.Plot(xs, ps, label='model', color='0.8') thinkplot.Cdf(cdf_log) thinkplot.Save(root='hinc_normal', xlabel='log10 household income', ylabel='CDF') def main(): df = hinc.ReadData() MakeFigures(df) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
""" Utilities useful during the build. """ # author: Andy Mueller, Gael Varoquaux # license: BSD from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import HASH_FILE = 'cythonize.dat' DEFAULT_ROOT = 'sklearn' # WindowsError is not defined on unix systems try: WindowsError except NameError: WindowsError = None from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info def get_blas_info(): def atlas_not_found(blas_info_): def_macros = blas_info.get('define_macros', []) for x in def_macros: if x[0] == "NO_ATLAS_INFO": # if x[1] != 1 we should have lapack # how do we do that now? return True if x[0] == "ATLAS_INFO": if "None" in x[1]: # this one turned up on FreeBSD return True return False blas_info = get_info('blas_opt', 0) if (not blas_info) or atlas_not_found(blas_info): cblas_libs = ['cblas'] blas_info.pop('libraries', None) else: cblas_libs = blas_info.pop('libraries', []) return cblas_libs, blas_info
# yellowbrick.bestfit # Uses Scikit-Learn to compute a best fit function, then draws it in the plot. # # Author: Benjamin Bengfort # Created: Sun Jun 26 17:27:08 2016 -0400 # # Copyright (C) 2016 The sckit-yb developers # For license information, see LICENSE.txt # # ID: [56236f3] $ """ Uses Scikit-Learn to compute a best fit function, then draws it in the plot. """ ########################################################################## ## Imports ########################################################################## import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse from operator import itemgetter from import LINE_COLOR from yellowbrick.exceptions import YellowbrickValueError ########################################################################## ## Module Constants ########################################################################## # Names of the various estimator functions LINEAR = "linear" QUADRATIC = "quadratic" EXPONENTIAL = "exponential" LOG = "log" SELECT_BEST = "select_best" ########################################################################## ## Draw Line of Best Fit ########################################################################## def draw_best_fit(X, y, ax, estimator="linear", **kwargs): """ Uses Scikit-Learn to fit a model to X and y then uses the resulting model to predict the curve based on the X values. This curve is drawn to the ax (matplotlib axis) which must be passed as the third variable. The estimator function can be one of the following: - ``'linear'``: Uses OLS to fit the regression - ``'quadratic'``: Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2 - ``'exponential'``: Not implemented yet - ``'log'``: Not implemented yet - ``'select_best'``: Selects the best fit via MSE The remaining keyword arguments are passed to ax.plot to define and describe the line of best fit. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or DataFrame of shape n x m A matrix of n instances with m features y : ndarray or Series of length n An array or series of target or class values ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None The axis to plot the figure on. If None is passed in the current axes will be used (or generated if required). estimator : string, default: 'linear' The name of the estimator function used to draw the best fit line. The estimator can currently be one of linear, quadratic, exponential, log, or select_best. The select best method uses the minimum MSE to select the best fit line. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to the matplotlib plot function to style and label the line of best fit. By default, the standard line color is used unless the color keyword argument is passed in. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes The axes with the line drawn on it. """ # Estimators are the types of best fit lines that can be drawn. estimators = { LINEAR: fit_linear, # Uses OLS to fit the regression QUADRATIC: fit_quadratic, # Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2 EXPONENTIAL: fit_exponential, # Not implemented yet LOG: fit_log, # Not implemented yet SELECT_BEST: fit_select_best, # Selects the best fit via MSE } # Check to make sure that a correct estimator value was passed in. if estimator not in estimators: raise YellowbrickValueError( "'{}' not a valid type of estimator; choose from {}".format( estimator, ", ".join(estimators.keys()) ) ) # Then collect the estimator function from the mapping. estimator = estimators[estimator] # Ensure that X and y are the same length if len(X) != len(y): raise YellowbrickValueError( ( "X and y must have same length:" " X len {} doesn't match y len {}!" ).format(len(X), len(y)) ) # Ensure that X and y are np.arrays X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y) # Verify that X is a two dimensional array for Scikit-Learn esitmators # and that its dimensions are (n, 1) where n is the number of rows. if X.ndim < 2: X = X[:, np.newaxis] # Reshape X into the correct dimensions if X.ndim > 2: raise YellowbrickValueError( "X must be a (1,) or (n,1) dimensional array not {}".format(X.shape) ) # Verify that y is a (n,) dimensional array if y.ndim > 1: raise YellowbrickValueError( "y must be a (1,) dimensional array not {}".format(y.shape) ) # Uses the estimator to fit the data and get the model back. model = estimator(X, y) # Set the color if not passed in. if "c" not in kwargs and "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = LINE_COLOR # Get the current working axes ax = ax or plt.gca() # Plot line of best fit onto the axes that were passed in. # TODO: determine if xlim or X.min(), X.max() are better params xr = np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim(), num=100) ax.plot(xr, model.predict(xr[:, np.newaxis]), **kwargs) return ax ########################################################################## ## Estimator Functions ########################################################################## def fit_select_best(X, y): """ Selects the best fit of the estimators already implemented by choosing the model with the smallest mean square error metric for the trained values. """ models = [fit(X, y) for fit in [fit_linear, fit_quadratic]] errors = map(lambda model: mse(y, model.predict(X)), models) return min(zip(models, errors), key=itemgetter(1))[0] def fit_linear(X, y): """ Uses OLS to fit the regression. """ model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y) return model def fit_quadratic(X, y): """ Uses OLS with Polynomial order 2. """ model = make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(2), linear_model.LinearRegression()), y) return model def fit_exponential(X, y): """ Fits an exponential curve to the data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Exponential best fit lines are not implemented") def fit_log(X, y): """ Fit a logrithmic curve to the data. """ raise NotImplementedError("Logrithmic best fit lines are not implemented") ########################################################################## ## Draw 45 Degree Line ########################################################################## def draw_identity_line(ax=None, dynamic=True, **kwargs): """ Draws a 45 degree identity line such that y=x for all points within the given axes x and y limits. This function also registeres a callback so that as the figure is modified, the axes are updated and the line remains drawn correctly. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axes, default: None The axes to plot the figure on. If None is passed in the current axes will be used (or generated if required). dynamic : bool, default : True If the plot is dynamic, callbacks will be registered to update the identiy line as axes are changed. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to the matplotlib plot function to style the identity line. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib Axes The axes with the line drawn on it. Notes ----- .. seealso:: `StackOverflow discussion: Does matplotlib have a function for drawing diagonal lines in axis coordinates? <>`_ """ # Get the current working axes ax = ax or plt.gca() # Define the standard line color if "c" not in kwargs and "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = LINE_COLOR # Define the standard opacity if "alpha" not in kwargs: kwargs["alpha"] = 0.5 # Draw the identity line identity, = ax.plot([], [], **kwargs) # Define the callback def callback(ax): # Get the x and y limits on the axes xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() # Set the bounding range of the line data = (max(xlim[0], ylim[0]), min(xlim[1], ylim[1])) identity.set_data(data, data) # Register the callback and return callback(ax) if dynamic: ax.callbacks.connect("xlim_changed", callback) ax.callbacks.connect("ylim_changed", callback) return ax if __name__ == "__main__": import os import pandas as pd path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "examples", "data", "concrete.xls" ) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Could not find path for testing") xkey = "Fine Aggregate (component 7)(kg in a m^3 mixture)" ykey = "Coarse Aggregate (component 6)(kg in a m^3 mixture)" data = pd.read_excel(path) fig, axe = plt.subplots() axe.scatter(data[xkey], data[ykey]) draw_best_fit(data[xkey], data[ykey], axe, "select_best")
#!/usr/bin/python # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2016 Daily Actie # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Author: Quan Pan <> # License: MIT License # Create: 2016-12-02 # 0 --py:Success:: # 1 --py:Warning:: # 2 --py:Error:: # --py:Start\t['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+']:: # --py:End\t['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+']:: # --py:Test:: import os, sys, getopt, datetime import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=Warning) import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy import random random.seed(0.5) # from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler sys.path.append("..") from d3d_read_map import objfunCost from surrogate.base import Individual from surrogate.selection import selNSGA2, selTournamentDCD from surrogate.crossover import cxSimulatedBinaryBounded from surrogate.mutation import mutPolynomialBounded from surrogate.sampling import samRandom # from surrogate.sampling import samBeta, samUniform # from surrogate import benchmarks # from surrogate.estimator import ANNSurrogate from surrogate.estimator import delft3dWAQ from surrogate.files import jsonMOEA, decvarMOEA from hashlib import sha1 def main(argv): """ :param argv: :return: """ # icaseStart=1, icaseEnd=2 # taihuDir, caseName, varName, iseg, itime # blockDir, blockFname, inp00Fname, tempFname _Ngen = 0 _Ndim = 0 _Npop = 0 _Nobj = 0 _Ncon = 0 CXPB = 0.0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hg:d:p:o:c:x:",["gen=","dim=","pop=","obj=","con=","cxpb"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print sys.argv[0]+' -g <gen> -d <dim> -p <pop> -o <obj> -c <con> -x <cxpb>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): print sys.argv[0]+' -g <gen> -d <dim> -p <pop> -o <obj> -c <con> -x <cxpb>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-g", "--gen"): _Ngen = int(arg) elif opt in ("-d", "--dim"): _Ndim = int(arg) elif opt in ("-p", "--pop"): _Npop = int(arg) elif opt in ("-o", "--obj"): _Nobj = int(arg) elif opt in ("-c", "--con"): _Ncon = int(arg) elif opt in ("-x", "--cxpb"): CXPB = float(arg) print '--py:Start::['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+']' if _Ngen > 0 and _Ndim > 0 and _Npop > 0 and _Nobj > 0 and _Ncon >= 0 and CXPB >= 0.0: moeaLoop(_Ngen, _Ndim, _Npop, _Nobj, _Ncon, CXPB) else: print '--py:Error:: ' print '--py:End:: ['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+']' def meshgridMD(group=[], grids=[]): """ :param argv: :return: """ # irow = 0 # for ii in grids[0]: # for ij in grids[1]: # variable = [-9999 for x in range(Ndim)] # # variable[0] = ii # variable[1] = ij # # irow += 1 # print str(irow)+'\t'+'\t'.join(map(str, variable)) # # # variables.append(variable) ranges = [] index = [] for igrid in range(len(grids)): ranges.append([0, len(grids[igrid])]) from operator import mul operations=reduce(mul,(p[1]-p[0] for p in ranges))-1 result=[i[0] for i in ranges] # print result index.append([i for i in result]) pos=len(ranges)-1 increments=0 while increments < operations: if result[pos]==ranges[pos][1]-1: result[pos]=ranges[pos][0] pos-=1 else: result[pos]+=1 increments+=1 pos=len(ranges)-1 #increment the innermost loop # print result index.append([i for i in result]) value = [] variables = [] for irow in range(len(index)): # print str(irow) # print '\t['+'\t'.join(map(str,index[irow]))+']' value.append([grids[idim][igrid] for idim,igrid in enumerate(index[irow])]) # print '\t['+'\t'.join(map(str,value[irow]))+']' variables.append([]) for icol in group: variables[irow].append(value[irow][icol]) # print '\t['+'\t'.join(map(str,variables[irow]))+']' # print '\tvariables = [' # for irow in range(0,len(variables)-1): # print '\t\t['+','.join(map(str,variables[irow]))+'],' # irow = len(variables)-1 # print '\t\t['+','.join(map(str,variables[irow]))+']' # print '\t]' return index,value,variables def Population(numPop=4, numVar=10, estimator=delft3dWAQ, weights=(-1.0, -1.0)): """Population :param numPop: :param numVar: :param estimator: :param weights: :return: """ constraint = [] Individuals = [] variables = [] # group,grids,index,value,variables = [],[],[],[],[] # group = [ # 0,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,0,0,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5, # 0,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,0,0,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 # ] # grids = [ # [1.0], # [1.0], # [1.0], # [1.0], # [1.0], # [1.0] # ] # index,value,variables = meshgridMD(group,grids) for i in range(numPop): # variable = variables[0] # variable = variables[i] variable = samRandom(n=numVar) # variable = samBeta(a=0.1, b=0.1, size=numVar) # variable = samUniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=numVar).tolist() # print '--py:Test::\t[' + ','.join(map("{:.5f}".format, variable)) + '],' Individuals.append(Individual(estimator=estimator, variable=variable, constraint=constraint, weights=weights)) return Individuals def delwaq(caseDir, casePref, icaseStart=99999999, icaseEnd=99999999, icase=0): print '' print '--py:Start::['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+'] os.system('+str(icaseStart)+' '+str(icaseEnd)+'), icase: '+str(icase)+'' os.system('./ '+str(icaseStart)+' '+str(icaseEnd)+' '+caseDir+' '+casePref) caseName = casePref+"%08d" % icaseStart objfunFname = '/var/www/html/taihu'+'/'+caseDir+'/'+caseName+'/taihu_objfun.txt' with open(objfunFname, 'r') as objfunFref: # 20171110 before, without cost # [obj1, obj2, iseg, itime] = [float(elt.strip()) for elt in objfunFref.readline().split('\t')] # 20171110, with cost [obj1, obj2, obj3, iseg, itime] = [float(elt.strip()) for elt in objfunFref.readline().split('\t')] print '--py:End:: ['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+'] os.system('+str(obj1)+' '+str(obj2)+'), icase: '+str(icase)+'' print '' # 20171110 before, without cost # return obj1,obj2 # 20171110, with cost return obj1,obj2,obj3 def getSSD(scaler,variable,x_ssd_1,factor=0.5): numPop = len(variable) numVar = len(variable[0]) # sd = np.sum(np.std(variable, axis=1))/float(numPop) sd = np.sum(np.std(scaler.transform(variable), axis=1))/float(numPop) ssd = x_ssd_1[3]+factor*(sd-x_ssd_1[3]) s = ssd/x_ssd_1[3]*x_ssd_1[1] n = int(s*numPop) return [n,s,sd,ssd] def moeaLoop(_Ngen, _Ndim, _Npop, _Nobj, _Ncon, CXPB): # # --sh:[icaseStart = 1, icaseEnd = 2] => [t00000001, t00000002] # os.system('./ '+str(icaseStart)+' '+str(icaseEnd)) # # createdir "$casedir" # createD3Dinp "$blockdir" "$blockfname" "$decvarfname" "$inp00fname" "$tempfname" # copyfile "$decvarfname" "$casedir/taihu_decvvar.txt" # movefile "$tempfname" "$inpfname" # rundelwaq "$exedelwaqdir" "$casedir" "$inpfname" "$bloomfname" "$procfname" print '--py:MOEA:: Init moeaLoop('+str(_Ngen)+', '+str(_Ndim)+', '+str(_Npop)+', '+str(_Nobj)+', '+str(_Ncon)+', '+str(CXPB)+')' jsonFname = 'result/moea/taihu.json' varDir = 'deltemp' caseDir = 'result' casePref = 'moea' _INF = 1e-14 weights = (-1.0, -1.0) print '--py:MOEA:: Init estimator' estimator = delft3dWAQ # estimator = benchmarks.zdt3 # os.system('./ '+str(icaseStart)+' '+str(icaseEnd)) # print '--py:MOEA:: Init ANNSurrogate' # # import sklearn # # # print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__)) # # # surrogate = ANNSurrogate(algorithm='lbfgs', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(8), random_state=1) # surrogate = ANNSurrogate(algorithm='lbfgs', activation='relu', hidden_layer_sizes=(70), batch_size=10, random_state=5) # import cPickle as pickle # surrogate = pickle.load(open('/var/www/html/taihu/mlmodel/d3d_ann_moea.pkl', 'rb')) # #, Y_train) # # surrogate = ANNSurrogate(algorithm='sgd', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(8), random_state=1) # # surrogate.partial_fit(X_train, Y_train) """algorithm => solver""" """ 0.*.* init size of training dataset 1.*.* igen = 0 2.*.* igen in range[1, _Ngen] *.1.* initiate X 0 Xold_ind 1 Xnew_ind *.2.* predict 0 delwaq 1 ann 2 updated ann *.3.* set Y 0 Yold_obj 1 Ynew_obj *.4.* print 0 Xold_ind, Yold_obj 1 Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj """ """0.1.0""" Xold_ind, Yold_obj = np.zeros([_Npop, _Ndim]), np.zeros([_Npop, _Nobj]) """0.1.1 ANGA needs to initiate step: 1.1.1 and 1.3.1 """ # Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj = [], [] """0.1.2 ANGA needs to initiate step: 1.1.1 and 1.3.1 ANGA needs to be updated by new training dataset """ # Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj > [_Npop, _Ndim], [_Npop, _Nobj] Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj = [], [] # hash table # print(sha1(np.reshape([X for X in [0.1,0.2,0.3]],(1,-1))).hexdigest()) Htbl_Xnew_ind, Htbl_Ynew_obj = [], [] ipop_new = 0 X_n0, X_S0, X_SD0, X_SSD0 = _Npop, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 """objtype: 12.obj12; 13.obj13; 23.obj23""" if _Nobj == 1: weights = (-1.0, -1.0) objtype = 1 # objtype = 2 # objtype = 3 elif _Nobj == 2: weights = (-1.0, -1.0) # objtype = 12 # objtype = 13 objtype = 23 elif _Nobj == 3: weights = (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) objtype = 123 else: weights = (-1.0, -1.0) objtype = 12 # print str(objtype) # TODO NSGA2-0 initiate igen = 0 print '\n' print '--py:MOEA:: ['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+'] Gen: ' + str(igen) population = Population(numPop=_Npop, numVar=_Ndim, estimator=estimator, weights=weights) ioDecVarFile = decvarMOEA(varDir=varDir, casePref=casePref, numVar=_Ndim, numPop=_Npop, numCon=_Ncon, numObj=_Nobj, numGen=_Ngen) ioResultFile = jsonMOEA(fileName=jsonFname, numVar=_Ndim, numPop=_Npop, numCon=_Ncon, numObj=_Nobj, numGen=_Ngen) ioResultFile.writeHeader() # TODO NSGA2-1 delwaq or ann print '--py:MOEA::\tDecision Variable' ioDecVarFile.writeHeader(igen=igen) icaseStart = ioDecVarFile.icase + 1 for ipop in range(_Npop): """1.1.0-initiate training dataset: Xold_ind""" Xold_ind[ipop] = [deepcopy(X) for X in population[ipop].variable] # TODO 20170203 test set ipop == 0 : DecVar = 0.0 # if ipop == 0: # Xold_ind[ipop] = Xold_ind[ipop]*0.0 ioDecVarFile.writeDecVar(variable=Xold_ind[ipop], ipop=ipop) ioDecVarFile.writeEnd() icaseEnd = ioDecVarFile.icase # print '--py:MOEA:: icase\tStart['+str(_Npop)+'*'+str(igen)+'+1]: '+str(icaseStart)+'\tEnd['+str(_Npop)+'*('+str(igen)+'+1)]: '+str(icaseEnd) print '--py:MOEA::\tFitness Variable' for ipop in range(_Npop): issm = icaseStart+ipop iesm = icaseStart+ipop # print str(ipop)+'\t==========' """1.2.0-predict by delwaq with cost""" obj1,obj2,obj3 = delwaq(caseDir=caseDir, casePref=casePref, icaseStart=issm, icaseEnd=iesm, icase=ipop) """1.2.1-predict by ann and calculate cost""" # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(np.reshape(Xold_ind[ipop],(1,-1)))[0]] # obj3 = objfunCost("deltemp/moea%08i.txt" % issm) """1.3.0-set training dataset: Yold_obj""" if objtype==1: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1]] if objtype==2: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2]] if objtype==3: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj3]] if objtype==12: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj2]] if objtype==13: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj3]] if objtype==23: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2,obj3]] if objtype==123: population[ipop].fitness.values = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1, obj2,obj3]] Yold_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in population[ipop].fitness.values] """1.4.0-print result training dataset: Xold_ind, Yold_obj""" # print '\tXold_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xold_ind[ipop])) + ']' \ # + '\n\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xold_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\n\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xold_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\n\tYold_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Yold_obj[ipop])) + ']' # # TODO ANGA-1.0 initiation, NSGA2_igen=0 # print '--py:ANGA::\tDecision Variable' # X_scaler = StandardScaler() # # X_scaler = MinMaxScaler() # # # # print(X_scaler.mean_) # # # print(X_scaler.var_) # X_n0 = _Npop # X_S0 = 1.0 # X_SD0 = 1.0 # # # X_SD0 = np.sum(np.std(Xold_ind, axis=1))/float(_Npop) # # X_SD0 = np.sum(np.std(X_scaler.transform(Xold_ind), axis=1))/float(_Npop) # # # # # # X_SD0 = np.sum(np.std(X_scaler.transform(np.transpose(Xold_ind)), axis=0))/float(_Npop) # X_SSD0 = X_SD0 # X_SSD = [[X_n0, X_S0, X_SD0, X_SSD0]] # print str(igen)+'\tX_SSD: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, X_SSD[igen])) + ']' # # print '--py:ANGA::\tSurrogate Model' # #, Yold_obj) # # surrogate.partial_fit(Xold_ind, Yold_obj) # print '--py:ANGA::\tSurrogate Model' #, Yold_obj) # # surrogate.partial_fit(X_scaler.transform(Xold_ind), Yold_obj) # # print '--py:ANGA::\tFitness Variable' # for ipop in range(_Npop): # # print str(ipop)+'\t==========' # """1.1.1-initiate training dataset: Xnew_ind""" # # Xnew_ind.append([deepcopy(X) for X in samBeta(a=0.1, b=0.1, size=_Ndim)]) # Xnew_ind.append([deepcopy(X) for X in Xold_ind[ipop]]) # """1.2.1-predict by ann and calculate cost""" # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[ipop],(1,-1)))[0]] # # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(X_scaler.transform(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[ipop],(1,-1))))[0]] # obj3 = objfunCost("deltemp/moea%08i.txt" % issm) # """1.3.1-set training dataset: Ynew_obj""" # if objtype==1: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1]]) # if objtype==2: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2]]) # if objtype==3: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj3]]) # if objtype==12: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj2]]) # if objtype==13: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj3]]) # if objtype==23: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2,obj3]]) # if objtype==123: # Ynew_obj.append([deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1, obj2,obj3]]) # """1.4.1-print result training dataset: Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj""" # # print '\tXnew_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xnew_ind[ipop])) + ']' \ # # + '\n\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # # + '\n\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # # + '\n\tYnew_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Ynew_obj[ipop])) + ']' # """1.5.1-hash table: Htbl_Xnew_ind, Htbl_Ynew_obj""" # Htbl_Xnew_ind.append(sha1(np.reshape(Xold_ind[ipop],(1,-1))).hexdigest()) # Htbl_Ynew_obj.append(sha1(np.reshape(Yold_obj[ipop],(1,-1))).hexdigest()) # # print '\tHtbl_Xnew_ind: [' + Htbl_Xnew_ind[ipop] + ']' \ # # + '\n\tHtbl_Ynew_obj: [' + Htbl_Ynew_obj[ipop] + ']' # TODO NSGA2-2 main loop, NSGA2_igen>0 print '--py:MOEA::\tNSGA2 Selection' population = selNSGA2(population, _Npop) ioResultFile.writePareto(individuals=population, igen=igen) # print str(igen) + '\tGen:' # for ipop in population: # print '\tpopulation.sel.a'\ # + '\tvar1: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']' # print for igen in range(1, _Ngen): # TODO NSGA2-2.1 offspring print '\n' print '--py:MOEA:: ['"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+'] Gen: ' + str(igen) # print '\n' + str(igen) + '\tGen:' # for ipop in population: # print '\tpopulation.sel.b'\ # + '\tvar: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tobj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str( + ']' print '--py:MOEA::\tNSGA2 Tournament' offspring = selTournamentDCD(population, _Npop) # for ipop in offspring: # print '\toffspring.sel.a'\ # + '\tvar: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tobj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str( + ']' # print print '--py:MOEA::\tNSGA2 Offspring' offspring = [deepcopy(ind) for ind in offspring] # for ipop in offspring: # print '\toffspring.sel.a'\ # + '\tvar: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tobj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str( + ']' # print print '--py:MOEA::\tCrossover of offspring with CXPB: '+str(CXPB) for ind1, ind2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]): if random.random() <= CXPB: # print '\'\ # + '\tvar1: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind1.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tvar2: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind2.variable)) + ']' ind1.variable, ind2.variable = cxSimulatedBinaryBounded(ind1.variable, ind2.variable) # print '\'\ # + '\tvar1: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind1.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tvar2: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind2.variable)) + ']' # print '\toffspring.mut.b'\ # + '\tvar1: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind1.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tvar2: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind2.variable)) + ']' ind1.variable = mutPolynomialBounded(ind1.variable) ind2.variable = mutPolynomialBounded(ind2.variable) # print '\toffspring.mut.a'\ # + '\tvar1: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind1.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tvar2: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ind2.variable)) + ']' # print del, print '--py:MOEA::\tEvaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness' invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not] # TODO NSGA2-2.2 delwaq or ann print '--py:MOEA::\tDecision Variable' ioDecVarFile.writeHeader(igen=igen) icaseStart = ioDecVarFile.icase + 1 ipop = 0 for ind in invalid_ind: """2.1.0-initiate training dataset: Xold_ind""" Xold_ind[ipop] = [deepcopy(X) for X in ind.variable] ioDecVarFile.writeDecVar(variable=Xold_ind[ipop], ipop=ipop) ipop += 1 ioDecVarFile.writeEnd() icaseEnd = ioDecVarFile.icase # print '--py:MOEA:: icase\tStart['+str(_Npop)+'*'+str(igen)+'+1]: '+str(icaseStart)+'\tEnd['+str(_Npop)+'*('+str(igen)+'+1)]: '+str(icaseEnd) # TODO ANGA-1.1 delwaq or ann by sampling rate print '--py:MOEA::\tFitness Variable' ipop = 0 for ind in invalid_ind: issm = icaseStart+ipop iesm = icaseStart+ipop # = estimator(ind.variable) # print str(ipop)+'\t==========' """2.2.0-predict by delwaq with cost""" obj1,obj2,obj3 = delwaq(caseDir=caseDir, casePref=casePref, icaseStart=issm, icaseEnd=iesm, icase=ipop) """2.2.1-predict by ann and calculate cost""" # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(np.reshape(Xold_ind[ipop],(1,-1)))[0]] # obj3 = objfunCost("deltemp/moea%08i.txt" % issm) """2.3.0-set training dataset: Yold_obj""" if objtype==1: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1]] if objtype==2: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2]] if objtype==3: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj3]] if objtype==12: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj2]] if objtype==13: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj3]] if objtype==23: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2,obj3]] if objtype==123: = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1, obj2,obj3]] Yold_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in] """2.4.0-print result training dataset: Xold_ind, Yold_obj""" # print '\tXold_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xold_ind[ipop])) + ']' \ # + '\n\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xold_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\n\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xold_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\n\tYold_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Yold_obj[ipop])) + ']' ipop += 1 # # TODO 20170105 ANGA test # ipop = 0 # for ind in invalid_ind: # issm = icaseStart+ipop # iesm = icaseStart+ipop # # = estimator(ind.variable) # """2.1.1-initiate training dataset: Xnew_ind""" # Xnew_ind[ipop] = [deepcopy(X) for X in ind.variable] # """2.2.1-predict by ann and calculate cost""" # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[ipop],(1,-1)))[0]] # # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(X_scaler.transform(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[ipop],(1,-1))))[0]] # obj3 = objfunCost("deltemp/moea%08i.txt" % issm) # """2.3.1-initiate training dataset: Ynew_obj""" # if objtype==1: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1]] # if objtype==2: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2]] # if objtype==3: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj3]] # if objtype==12: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj2]] # if objtype==13: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj3]] # if objtype==23: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2,obj3]] # if objtype==123: # Ynew_obj[ipop] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1, obj2,obj3]] # """2.4.1-print result training dataset: Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj""" # print '\t' + str(ipop) \ # + '\tXnew_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xnew_ind[ipop])) + ']' \ # + '\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # + '\tYnew_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Ynew_obj[ipop])) + ']' # ipop += 1 # # TODO ANGA-2 main, NSGA2_igen>0 # # implement fitness sampling rate & retraining ANN from anga [py:function:: estimator()] # # Important: size Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj > [_Npop, _Ndim], [_Npop, _Nobj] # # # # find in varaible pool (cache)? # # <Yes> retreive fitness from cache # # Ynew_obj = # # = Ynew_obj[0] # # <No > model [estimator()]? # # <Yes> model [estimator()] # # = estimator(ind.variable) # # <> update cache and training set of ANN # # # Xold_ind[ipop] = [deepcopy(X) for X in ind.variable] # # # Yold_obj = # # <No > predict by ANN [ANN.predict()] # # Ynew_obj = surrogate.predict(X_scaler.transform(Xnew_ind)) # # = Ynew_obj[0] # # # # retraining []? # # <Yes>, Yold_obj) # # <No > = # # TODO ANG-2.1 sampling rate # print '--py:ANGA::\tUpdate Decision Variable and Fitness Variable' # X_SSD.append(getSSD(scaler=X_scaler,variable=Xold_ind,x_ssd_1=X_SSD[igen-1])) # print str(igen)+'\tX_SSD: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, X_SSD[igen])) + ']' # ipop = 0 # for ind in invalid_ind: # # TODO ANGA-2.2 update retraining pool # # print str(ipop)+'\t==========' # """2.1.2-initiate updated training dataset: Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj""" # if sha1(np.reshape(ind.variable,(1,-1))).hexdigest() in Htbl_Xnew_ind: # print str(ipop_new)+'\t==========' # Xnew_ind.append(ind.variable) # Ynew_obj.append( # print '\tXnew_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new])) + ']' \ # + '\n\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new])) \ # + '\n\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new])) \ # + '\n\tYnew_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new])) + ']' # ipop_new += 1 # # TODO ANGA-2.3 update ANNSurrogate # """2.2.2-predict by updated ann and calculate cost""" # """2.2.2.a-update ann""" # #, Ynew_obj) # # surrogate.partial_fit(Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj) # # #, Ynew_obj) # # # surrogate.partial_fit(X_scaler.transform(Xnew_ind), Ynew_obj) # """2.2.2.b-predict by updated ann""" # # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new],(1,-1)))[0]] # # # [obj1,obj2] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in surrogate.predict(X_scaler.transform(np.reshape(Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new],(1,-1))))[0]] # """2.2.2.c-calculate cost""" # # obj3 = objfunCost(Xnew_ind[_Npop+ipop_new]) # """2.3.2-initiate updated training dataset: Ynew_obj""" # # if objtype==1: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1]] # # if objtype==2: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2]] # # if objtype==3: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj3]] # # if objtype==12: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj2]] # # if objtype==13: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1,obj3]] # # if objtype==23: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj2,obj3]] # # if objtype==123: # # Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new] = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in [obj1, obj2,obj3]] # # TODO ANGA-2.4 update fitness.values # # = [deepcopy(Y) for Y in Ynew_obj[_Npop+ipop_new]] # """2.4.2-print updated result training dataset: Xnew_ind, Ynew_obj""" # # print '\tXnew_ind: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Xnew_ind[ipop])) + ']' \ # # + '\n\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # # + '\n\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(Xnew_ind[ipop])) \ # # + '\n\tYnew_obj: [' + '\t'.join(map("{:.5f}".format, Ynew_obj[ipop])) + ']' # ipop += 1 # # TODO ANGA-2.5 empty retraining pool # TODO NSGA2-3 Pareto Front print '--py:MOEA::\tNSGA2 Selection' # print 'Select the next generation population\nAfter cx mut' # for ipop in population: # print '\tpopulation.sel.b'\ # + '\tvar: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tobj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str( + ']' # for ipop in offspring: # print '\toffspring.sel.b'\ # + '\tvar: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, ipop.variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tobj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str( + ']' # print population = selNSGA2(population + offspring, _Npop) ioResultFile.writePareto(individuals=population, igen=igen) # for ipop in range(_Npop): # print '\tpopulation.sel.a' \ # + '\tXold_ind: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, population[ipop].variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tYold_obj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, population[ipop].fitness.values)) + ']'\ # + '\tcrw: [' + str(population[ipop].fitness.crowding_dist) + ']' # for ipop in range(_Npop): # population[ipop].objective = population[ipop].estimator(population[ipop].variable) # # Xold_ind.append(population[ipop].variable) # Yold_obj.append(population[ipop].objective) # # print '\t' + str(ipop) \ # + '\tXold_ind: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, population[ipop].variable)) + ']'\ # + '\tMean_X: ' + str(np.mean(population[ipop].variable))\ # + '\tStd_X: ' + str(np.std(population[ipop].variable))\ # + '\tYold_obj: [' + ', '.join(map("{:.5f}".format, population[ipop].objective)) + ']' # #, Yold_obj) # # surrogate.partial_fit(X_scaler.transform(Xold_ind), Yold_obj) # Ynew_obj = surrogate.predict(Xnew_ind) # print 'ANNSurrogate.Xnew_ind:\n\t[' + '\t'.join(map(str, Xnew_ind)) + ']' # print 'ANNSurrogate.Ynew_obj:\n\t[' + '\t'.join(map(str, Ynew_obj)) + ']' # TODO NSGA2-4 end loop ioResultFile.writeEnd() ioResultFile.savePlot() # ioResultFile.plot_json() if __name__ == "__main__": print "==================================================" print "== ==" print "== Project: Surrogate Model ==" print "== File: ==" print "== ==" print "== Author: Quan Pan ==" print "== Email: ==" print "== ==" print "== License: MIT License ==" print "== Create: 2016-12-02 ==" print "== ==" print "==================================================" # python -g 10 -d 100 -p 40 -o 2 -c 0 -x 0.9 2>&1 # icaseStart = 1 # icaseEnd = 2 # os.system('./ '+str(icaseStart)+' '+str(icaseEnd)) main(sys.argv[1:])
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Feature agglomeration ========================================================= These images how similar features are merged together using feature agglomeration. """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets, cluster from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import grid_to_graph digits = datasets.load_digits() images = digits.images X = np.reshape(images, (len(images), -1)) connectivity = grid_to_graph(*images[0].shape) agglo = cluster.FeatureAgglomeration(connectivity=connectivity, n_clusters=32) X_reduced = agglo.transform(X) X_restored = agglo.inverse_transform(X_reduced) images_restored = np.reshape(X_restored, images.shape) plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3.5)) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(left=.01, right=.99, bottom=.01, top=.91) for i in range(4): plt.subplot(3, 4, i + 1) plt.imshow(images[i],, vmax=16, interpolation='nearest') plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) if i == 1: plt.title('Original data') plt.subplot(3, 4, 4 + i + 1) plt.imshow(images_restored[i],, vmax=16, interpolation='nearest') if i == 1: plt.title('Agglomerated data') plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.subplot(3, 4, 10) plt.imshow(np.reshape(agglo.labels_, images[0].shape), interpolation='nearest', plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.title('Labels')
""" ============================================== Label Propagation learning a complex structure ============================================== Example of LabelPropagation learning a complex internal structure to demonstrate "manifold learning". The outer circle should be labeled "red" and the inner circle "blue". Because both label groups lie inside their own distinct shape, we can see that the labels propagate correctly around the circle. """ print(__doc__) # Authors: Clay Woolam <> # Andreas Mueller <> # Licence: BSD import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.semi_supervised import label_propagation from sklearn.datasets import make_circles # generate ring with inner box n_samples = 200 X, y = make_circles(n_samples=n_samples, shuffle=False) outer, inner = 0, 1 labels = -np.ones(n_samples) labels[0] = outer labels[-1] = inner ############################################################################### # Learn with LabelSpreading label_spread = label_propagation.LabelSpreading(kernel='knn', alpha=1.0), labels) ############################################################################### # Plot output labels output_labels = label_spread.transduction_ plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 4)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plot_outer_labeled, = plt.plot(X[labels == outer, 0], X[labels == outer, 1], 'rs') plot_unlabeled, = plt.plot(X[labels == -1, 0], X[labels == -1, 1], 'g.') plot_inner_labeled, = plt.plot(X[labels == inner, 0], X[labels == inner, 1], 'bs') plt.legend((plot_outer_labeled, plot_inner_labeled, plot_unlabeled), ('Outer Labeled', 'Inner Labeled', 'Unlabeled'), 'upper left', numpoints=1, shadow=False) plt.title("Raw data (2 classes=red and blue)") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) output_label_array = np.asarray(output_labels) outer_numbers = np.where(output_label_array == outer)[0] inner_numbers = np.where(output_label_array == inner)[0] plot_outer, = plt.plot(X[outer_numbers, 0], X[outer_numbers, 1], 'rs') plot_inner, = plt.plot(X[inner_numbers, 0], X[inner_numbers, 1], 'bs') plt.legend((plot_outer, plot_inner), ('Outer Learned', 'Inner Learned'), 'upper left', numpoints=1, shadow=False) plt.title("Labels learned with Label Spreading (KNN)") plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0.07, right=0.93, top=0.92)
""" Subpackage with functions to plot all kind of results from runs. """ import numpy as np import math, sys, os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import matplotlib.colors as colors from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, MaxNLocator import scipy.ndimage import pycs.gen.util def mad(xs): """ Return the median absolute deviation. Write it myself here instead of importing it from astropy, since it will add another depenency. Work with 1d array only @todo: for PyCS 3, will use astropy as a default module (good) and use their functions :param xs: list of values :return: median absolute deviation """ median = np.median(xs) mad = np.median([np.abs(x-median) for x in xs]) return mad class delaycontainer: """ Stores the delay or error bar measurement(s) (one for each curve pair). This object is usually produced by the plot-functions ``hists`` or ``meanvstrue`` below. markers : [ 7 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 'o' | 'D' | 'h' | 'H' | '_' | '' | 'None' | ' ' | None | '8' | 'p' | ',' | '+' | '.' | 's' | '*' | 'd' | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | '1' | '3' | '4' | '2' | 'v' | '<' | '>' | '^' | '|' | 'x' | '$...$' | tuple | Nx2 array ] """ def __init__(self, data, name="No name", objects=None, plotcolour = "black", marker=None): """ is a list of dicts, the fields depend on if it's delays or errorbars * delays : label, mean, med, std * errorbars : label, tot, sys, ran, bias """ = data = name self.objects = objects self.plotcolour = plotcolour self.marker = marker self.markersize = 5.0 self.yshift = 0.0 # allows to "group" measurements def newdelayplot(plotlist, rplot=7.0, displaytext=True, hidedetails=False, showbias=True, showran=True, showerr=True, showlegend=True, text=None, figsize=(10, 6), left = 0.06, right=0.97, top=0.99, bottom=0.08, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.3, txtstep=0.04, majorticksstep=2, filename=None, refshifts=None, refdelays=None, legendfromrefdelays=False, hatches=None, centershifts=None, ymin=0.2, hlines=None, tweakeddisplay=False, blindness=False, horizontaldisplay=False, showxlabelhd=True): """ Plots delay measurements from different methods, telescopes, sub-curves, etc in one single plot. For this I use only ``delaycontainer`` objects, i.e. I don't do any "computation" myself. :param plotlist: Give me a list of tuples (delays, errorbars), where delays and errorbars are delaycontainer objects as written into pkl files by ``hists`` and ``meanvstrue``. NEW : plotlist delaycont can handle asymmetric errors (e.g. to seamlessly compare pycs with other papers' results). Instead of the "tot" key, new "plus" and "minus" keys are used. :type plotlist: list :param rplot: radius of delay axis, in days. :param displaytext: Show labels with technique names and values of delays :type displaytext: boolean :param hidedetails: Do not show (ran, sys) in labels :type hidedetails: boolean :param refshifts: This is a list of dicts like {"colour":"gray", "shifts":(0, 0, 0, 90)}. Will be plotted as dashed vertical lines. :type refshifts: list :param refdelays: a list of tuples (delays, errorbars) to be plotted as shaded vertical zones. :type refdelays: list :param legendfromrefdelays: if you want to display the refdelays name in the legend panel :type legendfromrefdelays: boolean :param hatches: list of hatch keyword for the refdelays plotting :type hatches: list :param showbias: draws a little cross at the position of the delay "corrected" for the bias. :type showbias: boolean :param showran: draws "minor" error bar ticks using the random error only. :type showran: boolean :param text: Text that you want to display, in the form : [line1, line2, line3 ...] where line_i is (x, y, text, kwargs) where kwargs is e.g. {"fontsize":18} and x and y are relative positions (from 0 to 1). :type text: list :param blindness: Shift the measurements by their mean, so the displayed value are centered around 0 :type blindness: boolean :param horizontaldisplay: display the delay panels on a single line. Works only for three-delay containers. :type horizontaldisplay: boolean :param showxlabelhd: display or not the x label when horizontal display is True :type showxlabelhd: boolean .. warning:: Altough the code says I'm plotting mean and std for the measured delays, I might be using median and mad instead! This depends on how ``hists`` was called! Be careful with this... """ # Some checks : objects = plotlist[0][0].objects for (delays, errors) in plotlist: if delays.objects != objects or errors.objects != objects: raise RuntimeError("Don't ask me to overplot stuff from different objects !") n = len(objects) nmeas = len(plotlist) print "Objects : %s" % (", ".join(objects)) if horizontaldisplay and n != 3: print "Horizontal display works only for three delays, you have %i" % n print "Switching back to regular display" horizontaldisplay = False for (delays, errors) in plotlist: if delays.plotcolour != errors.plotcolour: raise RuntimeError("Hmm, plotcolours of delays and errors don't correspond !") print "Delays : %s <-> Errors : %s" % (, fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 print "#" * 80 for i in range(n): # A, B, C, D and so on for j in range(n): # print i, j if (i == 0) or (j == n - 1): continue # No plot if not horizontaldisplay: axisNum += 1 if j >= i: continue if horizontaldisplay: axisNum += 1 ax = plt.subplot(1, n, axisNum) else: ax = plt.subplot(n - 1, n - 1, axisNum) # We will express the delays "i - j" delaylabel = "%s%s" % (objects[j], objects[i]) print " Delay %s" % (delaylabel) # General esthetics : ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(majorticksstep) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) # To determine the plot range : paneldelays = [] # Going throuh plotlist : if tweakeddisplay: labelfontsize = 18 else: labelfontsize = 14 if blindness: blinddelays = [] for (ipl, (delays, errors)) in enumerate(plotlist): blinddelays.append([meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0]["mean"]) blindmean = np.mean(blinddelays) for (ipl, (delays, errors)) in enumerate(plotlist): # Getting the delay for this particular panel delay = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] if blindness: delay["mean"] -= blindmean error = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] paneldelays.append(delay["mean"]) ypos = nmeas - ipl + delays.yshift # treat two cases: symmetric error ("tot" kw) and asymmetric ("plus" and "minus" kw) if "tot" in error: # then it is symmetric xerr = error["tot"] else: xerr = np.array([[error["minus"], error["plus"]]]).T if hasattr(delays, 'elinewidth'): elinewidth = delays.elinewidth else: elinewidth = 1.5 plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=xerr, fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=elinewidth, capsize=3, barsabove=False) if showran: plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=error["ran"], fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=2, barsabove=False) if delays.marker == None or delays.marker == ".": plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker='o', markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) else: plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker=delays.marker, markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) if showbias: plt.plot([delay["mean"] - error["bias"]], [ypos], marker="x", markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) if hidedetails or (error["ran"] < 0.001 and error["sys"] < 0.001): # Then we ommit to write them. if "tot" in error: delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f$" % (delay["mean"], error["tot"]) else: delaytext = r"$%+.1f^{+%.1f}_{-%.1f}$" % (delay["mean"], error["plus"], error["minus"]) else: if "tot" in error: delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f\,(%.1f, %.1f)$" % ( delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) else: # no sys and random for the asymmetric guys... delaytext = r"$%+.1f^{+%.1f}_{-%.1f}$" % (delay["mean"], error["plus"], error["minus"]) # if you want to hide the error... if not showerr: delaytext = r"$%+.1f$" % delay["mean"] if n == 2: # For doubles, we include the technique name into the txt : delaytext = r"%s : " % ( + delaytext if displaytext: if hasattr(delays, 'labelfontsize'): thislabelfontsize = delays.labelfontsize else: thislabelfontsize = labelfontsize ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(delay["mean"], ypos + 0.3), color=delays.plotcolour, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=thislabelfontsize) if "tot" in error: print "%45s : %+6.2f +/- %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)" % (, delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) else: print "%45s : %+6.2f + %.2f - %.2f" % (, delay["mean"], error["plus"], error["minus"]) print "#" * 80 # Now this panel is done. Some general settings : if centershifts != None: centerdelay = centershifts[i] - centershifts[j] else: centerdelay = np.median(paneldelays) plt.xlim((centerdelay - rplot, centerdelay + rplot)) plt.ylim((ymin, nmeas + 1.5)) # Blindness display options if blindness: xlabel = "Blind delay [day]" else: xlabel = "Delay [day]" # Tweaked display option (should disappear for an uniform display !!) if tweakeddisplay: plt.xticks(fontsize=15) xlabelfontsize = 18 else: xlabelfontsize = 14 if i == n - 1 and not horizontaldisplay: plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabelfontsize) elif horizontaldisplay: if showxlabelhd: plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=xlabelfontsize) else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) if n != 2: # otherwise only one panel, no need plt.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.03, 0.88 - txtstep), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color="black") if refshifts != None: for item in refshifts: refdelay = item["shifts"][i] - item["shifts"][j] plt.axvline(refdelay, color=item["colour"], linestyle="--", dashes=(3, 3), zorder=-20) if refdelays != None: try: # if refdelays are in the form of delays and errors containers: for (ipl,(delays, errors)) in enumerate(refdelays): # Getting the delay for this particular panel delay = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] error = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] if hatches!=None: plt.axvspan(delay["mean"]-error["tot"], delay["mean"]+error["tot"], facecolor=delays.plotcolour, alpha=0.25, zorder=-20, edgecolor="none", linewidth=0, hatch=hatches[ipl]) else: plt.axvspan(delay["mean"]-error["tot"], delay["mean"]+error["tot"], facecolor=delays.plotcolour, alpha=0.25, zorder=-20, edgecolor="none", linewidth=0) plt.axvline(delay["mean"], color=delays.plotcolour, linestyle="--", dashes=(5, 5), lw=1.0, zorder=-20) #plt.axvline(delay["mean"], color=item.plotcolour, linestyle="-", lw=2, alpha=0.5, zorder=-20) except: # then refdelays is a list of flat delays (delay, errors) = refdelays[axisNum-1] plt.axvspan(delay-errors[1], delay+errors[0], facecolor="gray", alpha=0.15, zorder=-20, edgecolor="none", linewidth=0) plt.axvline(delay, color="gray", linestyle='--', dashes=(5, 5), lw=1.0, zorder=-20, alpha=0.4) if hlines != None: for hline in hlines: plt.axhline(hline, lw=0.5, color="gray", zorder=-30) # The "legend" : if showlegend: for (ipl, (delays, errors)) in enumerate(plotlist): line = "%s" % ( if not tweakeddisplay: plt.figtext(x=right, y=top - txtstep * ipl, s=line, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=delays.plotcolour, fontsize=14) else: if hasattr(delays, 'legendfontsize'): lfontsize = delays.legendfontsize else: lfontsize = 16 plt.figtext(x=0.75, y=top - txtstep * ipl - 0.1, s=line, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center", color=delays.plotcolour, fontsize=lfontsize) # for 3-delay plots if legendfromrefdelays: for (ipl, (delays, errors)) in enumerate(refdelays): line = "%s" % ( plt.figtext(x=right, y=top - txtstep * (ipl + len(plotlist)), s=line, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=delays.plotcolour, fontsize=14) # Generic text : if text != None: for line in text: plt.figtext(x=line[0], y=line[1], s=line[2], **line[3]) if filename == None: else: plt.savefig(filename) def newdelayplot2(plotlist, rplot=7.0, displaytext=True, hidedetails=False, showbias=True, showran=True, showlegend=True, text=None, figsize=(10, 6), left = 0.06, right=0.97, top=0.99, bottom=0.08, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.3, txtstep=0.04, majorticksstep=2, filename="screen", refshifts=None, refdelays=None, legendfromrefdelays=False, hatches=None, centershifts=None, ymin=0.2, hlines=None): """ Plots delay measurements from different methods, telescopes, sub-curves, etc in one single plot. For this I use only ``delaycontainer`` objects, i.e. I don't do any "computation" myself. Difference from newdelayplot is that the previously hatched/shaded regions are plotted as smaller points, without infos on the time-delay :param plotlist: Give me a list of tuples (delays, errorbars), where delays and errorbars are delaycontainer objects as written into pkl files by ``hists`` and ``meanvstrue``. :type plotlist: list :param rplot: radius of delay axis, in days. :param displaytext: Show labels with technique names and values of delays :type displaytext: boolean :param hidedetails: Do not show (ran, sys) in labels :type hidedetails: boolean :param refshifts: This is a list of dicts like {"colour":"gray", "shifts":(0, 0, 0, 90)}. Will be plotted as dashed vertical lines. :type refshifts: list :param refdelays: a list of tuples (delays, errorbars) to be plotted as shaded vertical zones. :type refdelays: list :param legendfromrefdelays: if you want to display the refdelays name in the legend panel :type refdelays: boolean :param hatches: list of hatch keyword for the refdelays plotting :type refdelays: list :param showbias: draws a little cross at the position of the delay "corrected" for the bias. :type showbias: boolean :param showran: draws "minor" error bar ticks using the random error only. :type showran: boolean :param text: Text that you want to display, in the form : [line1, line2, line3 ...] where line_i is (x, y, text, kwargs) where kwargs is e.g. {"fontsize":18} and x and y are relative positions (from 0 to 1). :type text: list """ # Some checks : objects = plotlist[0][0].objects for (delays, errors) in plotlist: if delays.objects != objects or errors.objects != objects: raise RuntimeError("Don't ask me to overplot stuff from different objects !") n = len(objects) nmeas = len(plotlist)+len(refdelays)/2 +1 print "Objects : %s" % (", ".join(objects)) for (delays, errors) in plotlist: if delays.plotcolour != errors.plotcolour: raise RuntimeError("Hmm, plotcolours of delays and errors don't correspond !") print "Delays : %s <-> Errors : %s" % (, fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 print "#"*80 for i in range(n): # A, B, C, D and so on for j in range(n): #print i, j if (i == 0) or (j == n-1) : continue # No plot axisNum += 1 if j >= i: continue ax = plt.subplot(n-1, n-1, axisNum) # We will express the delays "i - j" delaylabel="%s%s" % (objects[j], objects[i]) print " Delay %s" % (delaylabel) # General esthetics : ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(majorticksstep) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) # To determine the plot range : paneldelays = [] # Going throuh plotlist : for (ipl,(delays, errors)) in enumerate(plotlist): # Getting the delay for this particular panel delay = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] error = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] paneldelays.append(delay["mean"]) ypos = nmeas - ipl*1.3 + delays.yshift plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=error["tot"], fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=delays.markersize/5.0*1.5, capsize=3, barsabove=False) if showran: plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=error["ran"], fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=2, barsabove=False) if delays.marker == None or delays.marker == ".": plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker='o', markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) else: plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker=delays.marker, markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color="white") if showbias: plt.plot([delay["mean"] - error["bias"]], [ypos], marker="x", markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) if hidedetails or (error["ran"] < 0.001 and error["sys"] < 0.001): # Then we ommit to write them. delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f$" % (delay["mean"], error["tot"]) else: delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f\,(%.1f, %.1f)$" % (delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) if n==2: # For doubles, we include the technique name into the txt : delaytext = r"%s : " % ( + delaytext if displaytext: if delays.markersize>5: ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(delay["mean"], ypos + 0.3), color = delays.plotcolour, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=16) else: ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(delay["mean"], ypos + 0.3), color = delays.plotcolour, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=14) print "%45s : %+6.2f +/- %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)" % (, delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) # Going throuh plotlist : for (ipl,(delays, errors)) in enumerate(refdelays): # Getting the delay for this particular panel delay = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] error = [meas for meas in if meas["label"] == delaylabel][0] paneldelays.append(delay["mean"]) if ipl in [0, 1]: ypos = nmeas - (ipl/2.5+4.2) + 0.6 elif ipl in [2, 3]: ypos = nmeas - (ipl/2.5+4.2) + 0.6 -0.4 elif ipl in [4, 5]: ypos = nmeas - (ipl/2.5+4.2) + 0.6 -0.8 plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=error["tot"], fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=1.0, capsize=3, barsabove=False) if showran: plt.errorbar([delay["mean"]], [ypos], yerr=None, xerr=error["ran"], fmt='-', ecolor=delays.plotcolour, elinewidth=0.33, capsize=2, barsabove=False) if delays.marker == None or delays.marker == ".": plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker='o', markersize=delays.markersize/1.5, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) else: plt.plot([delay["mean"]], [ypos], marker=delays.marker, markersize=delays.markersize/1.5, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) if showbias: plt.plot([delay["mean"] - error["bias"]], [ypos], marker="x", markersize=delays.markersize, markeredgecolor=delays.plotcolour, color=delays.plotcolour) if hidedetails or (error["ran"] < 0.001 and error["sys"] < 0.001): # Then we ommit to write them. delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f$" % (delay["mean"], error["tot"]) else: delaytext = r"$%+.1f \pm %.1f\,(%.1f, %.1f)$" % (delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) if n==2: # For doubles, we include the technique name into the txt : delaytext = r"%s : " % ( + delaytext if displaytext: pass #ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(delay["mean"], ypos + 0.3), color = delays.plotcolour, horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=14) print "%45s : %+6.2f +/- %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)" % (, delay["mean"], error["tot"], error["ran"], error["sys"]) if axisNum ==1: """ ax.annotate(r"0", xy=(-13.3, 4.1), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=16) ax.annotate(r"1", xy=(-13.3, 2.9), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=16) ax.annotate(r"2", xy=(-13.33, 1.7), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=16) ax.annotate(r"3", xy=(-13.37, 0.5), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=16) """ """ ax.annotate(r"$\diamond$", xy=(-13.3, 3.0), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=18) ax.annotate(r"$\dag$", xy=(-13.33, 1.8), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=18) ax.annotate(r"$\bowtie$", xy=(-13.37, 0.6), color = "crimson", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=18) """ print "#"*80 # Now this panel is done. Some general settings : if centershifts != None: centerdelay = centershifts[i] - centershifts[j] else: centerdelay = np.median(paneldelays) plt.xlim((centerdelay - rplot, centerdelay + rplot)) plt.ylim((ymin, nmeas+1.5)) if i == n-1: plt.xlabel("Delay [day]", fontsize=14) if n != 2: # otherwise only one panel, no need plt.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.03, 0.88-txtstep), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color="black") if refshifts != None: for item in refshifts: refdelay = item["shifts"][i] - item["shifts"][j] plt.axvline(refdelay, color=item["colour"], linestyle="--", dashes=(3, 3), zorder=-20) if hlines != None: for hline in hlines: plt.axhline(hline, lw=0.5, color="gray", zorder=-30) # The "legend" : if showlegend: for (ipl,(delays, errors)) in enumerate(plotlist): line = "%s" % ( plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*ipl, s = line, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=delays.plotcolour, fontsize=16) """ if legendfromrefdelays: for (ipl,(delays, errors)) in enumerate(refdelays): line = "%s" % ( plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*(ipl+len(plotlist)), s = line, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=delays.plotcolour, fontsize=12) """ """ plt.figtext(x = right-0.123, y = top - txtstep*len(plotlist) - 0.025, s = r"$\diamond$", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=18) plt.figtext(x = right-0.125, y = top - txtstep*(len(plotlist)+1) - 0.023 , s = r"$\dag$", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=18) plt.figtext(x = right-0.12, y = top - txtstep*(len(plotlist)+2) - 0.025, s = r"$\bowtie$", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=18) plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*len(plotlist) - 0.03, s = "- 2003-2007", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=13) plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*(len(plotlist)+1) - 0.03 , s = "- 2008-2012", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=13) plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*(len(plotlist)+2) - 0.03, s = "- 2013-2016", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color="crimson", fontsize=13) """ # Generic text : if text != None: for line in text: plt.figtext(x=line[0], y=line[1], s=line[2], **line[3]) if filename=="screen": else: plt.savefig(filename) def normal(x, mu, sigma): """ Plain normal distribution. You can directly apply me on numpy arrays x, mu, sigma. """ return (1.0/np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi*sigma*sigma)) * np.exp( - (x - mu)**2/(2*sigma*sigma)) def hists(rrlist, r=10.0, nbins=100, showqs=True, showallqs=False, qsrange=None, title=None, xtitle=0.5, ytitle=0.95, titlesize=18, niceplot=False, displaytext=True, figsize=(16, 9), left = 0.06, right=0.95, bottom=0.065, top=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2, txtstep=0.04, majorticksstep=2, hideyaxis=True, trueshifts=None, filename=None, dataout=False, blindness=False, usemedian=False, outdir = "./"): """ Comparing the delay distributions from different run result objects. :param rrlist: a list of runresults object. :param r: a range radius for the hists :param showqs: If True, I overplot the qs as scatter points. :param dataout: True means that I'll write the pkl file needed to make the delayplot. :param removeoutliers: True means I remove estimates that are the farthest from the median. Use this with CAUTION !!! :param usemedian: if True, use the median and median absolute deviation instead of mean and std. .. warning:: To avoid rewriting newdelayplot, if usemedian is True then I write the median and mad in the mean and std fields of the pickles. This is dangerous (and a bit stupid and lazy), but since hists() and newdelayplot() are usually called one after the other it should not create too much confusion. .. note:: Actually, using median and mad as default estimators might be smarter...? To meditate for PyCS 3.0... """ n = rrlist[0].nimages() labels = rrlist[0].labels # To get some fixed ranges for the histograms, we will use the center of the histos : #reftrueshifts = (1.0/len(rrlist)) * np.sum(np.array([rr.getts()["center"] for rr in rrlist]), axis=0) reftrueshifts = 0.5 * (np.max(np.array([rr.getts()["center"] for rr in rrlist]), axis=0) + np.min(np.array([rr.getts()["center"] for rr in rrlist]), axis=0)) #print reftrueshifts for rr in rrlist: if rr.labels != labels: raise RuntimeError("Don't ask me to overplot runresults of different curves !") #if not np.all(rr.gettruets()["center"] == reftrueshifts): # print "Warning : I use the trueshift of the first rr to set the ranges." rr.trues = rr.gettruets() # To store this, avoids calculating it again and again. rr.tmpdata = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) #fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.03, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) #Looks good : #fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.06, right=0.95, bottom=0.065, top=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) fig.subplots_adjust(left = left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 for i in range(n): # [A, B, C, D] for j in range(n): if (i == 0) or (j == n-1) : continue # No plot axisNum += 1 if j >= i: continue ax = plt.subplot(n-1, n-1, axisNum) #ax = plt.gca() # Delay label, used not only for display purposes, but also for the output pkl. delaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[j], labels[i]) if i == n-1: if n == 2: # Only one panel -> we write the object names into the xlabel plt.xlabel("Delay %s%s [day]" % (labels[j], labels[i]), fontsize=14) else: plt.xlabel("Delay [day]", fontsize=14) if showqs: axscatter = ax.twinx() # Hide the y ticks : #ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # Ranges to plot reftruedelay = reftrueshifts[i] - reftrueshifts[j] histrange = (reftruedelay - r, reftruedelay + r) for irr, rr in enumerate(rrlist): # We will express the delays "i - j" if rr.plottrue == True: delays = rr.truetsarray[:,i] - rr.truetsarray[:,j] else: delays = rr.tsarray[:,i] - rr.tsarray[:,j] meddelay = np.median(delays) maddelay = mad(delays) meandelay = np.mean(delays) stddelay = np.std(delays) # We save these : if usemedian: rr.tmpdata.append({"label":delaylabel, "mean":meddelay, "med":meddelay, "std":maddelay}) else: rr.tmpdata.append({"label":delaylabel, "mean":meandelay, "med":meddelay, "std":stddelay}) #(counts, bins, patches) = ax.hist(delays, bins=nbins, range=histrange, histtype="step", color=colours[irr % len(colours)], normed=True) (counts, bins, patches) = ax.hist(delays, bins=nbins, range=histrange, histtype="bar", color=rr.plotcolour, alpha = 0.4, lw=0, normed=True) if niceplot: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(majorticksstep) minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) if showqs and not rr.plottrue : if showallqs: axscatter.scatter(delays, rr.qs, s=1, facecolor=rr.plotcolour, lw = 0) else: axscatter.scatter(delays[::5], rr.qs[::5], s=1, facecolor=rr.plotcolour, lw = 0) #cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom',['white', rr.plotcolour],gamma=1.0) #axscatter.hexbin(delays, rr.qs, gridsize=(5, 2), mincnt=1, cmap=cmap, edgecolor="none") # extent=(histrange[0], histrange[1], -r, r) if qsrange: axscatter.set_ylim(qsrange) if niceplot: majorLocator = MultipleLocator(500) axscatter.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) if axisNum == 1: axscatter.set_ylabel(r"$\chi^2$", fontsize=18) # We plot the true shifts (if available) as a straight line individually for each rr : if rr.trues["type"] == "same": truedelay = rr.trues["center"][i] - rr.trues["center"][j] plt.axvline(x=truedelay, linewidth=1, linestyle="--", color=rr.plotcolour) # We compute and display the mean and std of the hist : #if getattr(rr, "plotgauss", False) == True: if displaytext == True: if getattr(rr, "plotgauss", False) == True: x = np.linspace(histrange[0], histrange[1], 100) y = normal(x, meandelay, stddelay) ax.plot(x, y, linestyle="-", color = rr.plotcolour) if not usemedian: delaytext = r"%+.1f $\pm$ %.1f" % (meandelay, stddelay) else: delaytext = r"%+.1f $\pm$ %.1f" % (meddelay, maddelay) #print #print delaylabel + " " + delaytext #ax.text(meddelay, np.max(y)/2.0, "%.1f +/- %.1f" % (meddelay, stddelay), horizontalalignment = "center", color = rr.plotcolour) ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(0.04, 0.7 - 0.12*irr), xycoords='axes fraction', color = rr.plotcolour, fontsize=10) plt.xlim(histrange) # We increase ylim by 30% if it ylims = list(ax.get_ylim()) if n == 2: # single panel ylims[1] *= 1.4 else: ylims[1] *= 1.1 ax.set_ylim(ylims) # hide y axis if wanted to if hideyaxis: ax.set_yticks([]) # make the ticks a little bit bigger than default plt.xticks(fontsize=13) # enforce blindness if wanted, by modifying the xticks labels (not touching the data) if blindness: labels = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() locs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs() meanloc = np.mean(locs) blindlabels = [] for loc, label in zip(locs, labels): blindlabels.append(str(loc-meanloc)) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(blindlabels) # Looked ok on big plots : #plt.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.03, 0.88), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=12, color="black") if n != 2: # otherwise we have only one single panel plt.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.05, 0.84), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color="black") if trueshifts != None: truedelay = trueshifts[i] - trueshifts[j] plt.axvline(truedelay, color="gray", linestyle="--", dashes=(3, 3), zorder=-20) if dataout: for rr in rrlist: dc = delaycontainer(data = rr.tmpdata, name =, plotcolour = rr.plotcolour, objects=labels[:]) pycs.gen.util.writepickle(dc, outdir+ "%s_delays.pkl" % (rr.autoname)) rr.tmpdata = None labelspacetop = 0.0 labelspaceright = 0.0 if n == 2: labelspacetop = 0.04 labelspaceright = 0.04 for irr, rr in enumerate(rrlist): if niceplot: labeltxt = "%s" % (getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName')) plt.figtext(x = right - labelspaceright, y = top - labelspacetop - txtstep*irr, s = labeltxt, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=rr.plotcolour, fontsize=15) else: labeltxt = "%s (%s, %i) " % (getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName'), "Truth" if rr.plottrue else "Measured", rr.tsarray.shape[0]) plt.figtext(x = right - labelspaceright, y = top - labelspacetop - txtstep*irr, s = labeltxt, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=rr.plotcolour, fontsize=15) print 'Plotting "%s"' % labeltxt print " Labels : %s" % (", ".join(rr.labels)) print " Median shifts : %s" % (", ".join(["%.2f" % (np.median(rr.tsarray[:,i])) for i in range(len(rr.labels))])) print " Std shifts : %s" % (", ".join(["%.2f" % (np.std(rr.tsarray[:,i])) for i in range(len(rr.labels))])) if title != None: plt.figtext(x = xtitle, y = ytitle, s = title, horizontalalignment="center", color="black", fontsize=titlesize) if filename == None: else: plt.savefig(filename) def newcovplot(rrlist, r=6, rerr=3, nbins = 10, nbins2d=3, binclip=True, binclipr=10.0, figsize=(13, 13), left=0.06, right=0.97, top=0.97, bottom=0.04, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3, method='indepbin', minsamples=10, showplots=True, printdetails=True, printcovmat=True, detailplots=False, filepath=None, verbose=True): #TODO: there is no binclip in depbin ! Should I implement it ? assert (method in ['depbin', 'indepbin']) retdict = {} # we put all the intermediate products in a dict that we return nimages = rrlist[0].nimages() imginds = np.arange(nimages) labels = rrlist[0].labels if nimages == 4: # then it's a quad covmatsize = 6 elif nimages == 3: # then it's a folded quad covmatsize = 3 else: # then it's a double print "This function does not work for doubles" print "I kindly remind you that the covariance between a variable and itself is called variance, and there are simpler functions to compute that in PyCS. Try newdelayplot for instance." couplelist = [(i, j) for j in imginds for i in imginds if i > j] ncouples = len(couplelist) # print couplelist tderrsdicts = [] # rrlist is just a list of rr, we treat them one after the other for rr in rrlist: # for each rr, we compute the error from the true delay truetsslist = rr.truetsarray tsslist = rr.tsarray-truetsslist for ind, tss in enumerate(tsslist): tderrs = [] truetds = [] for (i, j) in couplelist: tderrs.append(tss[i]-tss[j]) truetds.append(truetsslist[ind][i]-truetsslist[ind][j]) tderrsdicts.append({"tderrs": tderrs, "truetds": truetds}) #tderrsdict contains the errors on the true delays, as well as the true delays for each simulation # figure 1: general covariance plot for each pair of delays. Diagonal elements are the same than newdelayplot, off-diagonal elements are covariance for all the runresults allcovplot = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) allcovplot.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) # figure 2: covariance computed in each bin, for each pair of delays. Diagonal elements are the same than newdelayplot, off diagonal elements are colored tiles of covariance per true delays bins, with points overplotted. bincovplot = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) bincovplot.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 # create the empty covariance matrix covmat = [] for ind in range(len(couplelist)): covmat.append(np.zeros(len(couplelist))) indepbins = np.zeros(len(couplelist)) depbins = np.zeros(len(couplelist)) rranges = np.zeros(len(couplelist)) retdict["delay"] = {} # dict in a dict ! for ii, i in enumerate(couplelist): # (0, 1), (0, 2) ... delaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]]) retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel] = {} # dict in a dict in a dict ! dictception !! xtderrs = [tderrsdict["tderrs"][ii] for tderrsdict in tderrsdicts] xtruetds = [tderrsdict["truetds"][ii] for tderrsdict in tderrsdicts] maxx = np.max(xtruetds) minx = np.min(xtruetds) ### fill the diagonal element ax1 = allcovplot.add_subplot(ncouples, ncouples, covmatsize*ii + (ii+1)) ax2 = bincovplot.add_subplot(ncouples, ncouples, covmatsize*ii + (ii+1)) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) if ii == len(couplelist)-1: ax1.set_xlabel('True Delay [day]') ax2.set_ylabel('Measurement error [day]', labelpad=-10) # way 1 - binning independent of xtruedelays distribution. User choose the plot range. Similar to newdelayplot() reftrueshifts = np.mean([rr.gettruets()["center"] for rr in rrlist], axis=0) #reftrueshifts = np.round(rrlist[0].gettruets()["center"]) reftruedelay = reftrueshifts[i[0]] - reftrueshifts[i[1]] plotrange = (reftruedelay - r, reftruedelay + r) binlims = np.linspace(plotrange[0], plotrange[1], nbins + 1) # If we want to compare to newdelayplot(): # xtruetds = truedelays # xtderrs = resis # needed for binvals: xtderrs = np.array(xtderrs) digitized = np.digitize(xtruetds, binlims) binvals = [xtderrs[digitized == bini] for bini in range(1, len(binlims))] binstds = map(np.std, binvals) binmeans = map(np.mean, binvals) if binclip: for (bini, binvalarray) in enumerate(binvals): keep = np.logical_and(binvalarray < binclipr, binvalarray > -binclipr) if np.sum(keep == False) != 0: print "Kicking %i points." % (np.sum(keep == False)) binvals[bini] = binvalarray[keep] binstds = map(np.std, binvals) binmeans = map(np.mean, binvals) syserror = np.max(np.fabs(binmeans)) randerror = np.max(binstds) toterror = np.sqrt(syserror*syserror + randerror*randerror) indepbins[ii] = toterror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["indep"] = {} # dict in a dict in a dict in a dict ! we need to go deeper !!! retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["indep"]["syserror"] = syserror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["indep"]["randerror"] = randerror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["indep"]["toterror"] = toterror # that's already in the covariance matrix... # Plot the result ! line = np.linspace(plotrange[0], plotrange[1], 100) zeros = np.zeros(100) width = binlims[1] - binlims[0] for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.plot(line, zeros, color="black", lw=0.5)[:-1], binmeans, yerr=binstds, width=width, color=rr.plotcolour, ecolor=rr.plotcolour, error_kw={"capsize":2.5, "capthick":0.5, "markeredgewidth":0.5}, edgecolor=rr.plotcolour, alpha = 0.2) ax.set_ylim((-rerr, rerr)) if figsize[0] > 8: ax.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.9, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") # x axis else: ax.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.78, 0.08), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") ax.set_xlim(plotrange) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(int(r/2.0)+1) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.set_title(r'sys=%.2f | ran=%.2f' % (syserror, randerror)+'\n'+'tot=%.2f' % toterror, fontsize=10) # way 2 - binning dependent on the xtruedelays samples: min and max vals corresponds to the extremas of xtruedelays distribution xbinvals = np.linspace(minx, maxx, num=nbins+1, endpoint=True) rranges[ii] = maxx-minx binmeans = [] binstds = [] for indx, xbinval in enumerate(xbinvals[:nbins]): subsamples = [] for (ind, xtruetd) in enumerate(xtruetds): if xtruetd > xbinval and xtruetd < xbinvals[indx+1]: subsamples.append(xtderrs[ind]) binmeans.append(np.mean(subsamples)) binstds.append(np.std(subsamples)) syserror = np.max(np.fabs(binmeans)) randerror = np.max(binstds) toterror = np.sqrt(syserror*syserror + randerror*randerror) depbins[ii] = toterror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["dep"] = {} retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["dep"]["syserror"] = syserror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["dep"]["randerror"] = randerror retdict["delay"]["%s" % delaylabel]["dep"]["toterror"] = toterror # We let the user choose which method he prefers # Dear user, be CAREFUL with your choice ! if method == 'depbin': if ii == 0 and verbose : print "You chose a binning depending on the sample values" covmat[ii][ii] = depbins[ii] elif method == 'indepbin': # that should be the default value if ii == 0 and verbose : print "You chose a binning independent of the sample values" covmat[ii][ii] = indepbins[ii] ### fill the off-diagonal elements retdict["cov"] = {} for jj, j in enumerate(couplelist): axisNum += 1 if (ii == 0) or (jj == ncouples-1) : continue # No plot if jj >= ii: continue xdelaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]]) ydelaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[j[1]], labels[j[0]]) retdict["cov"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel)] = {} if detailplots: # figure 3: for each pair, plot the covariance in each bin. One figure per pair bincovplot2 = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) bincovplot2.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) ytderrs = [tderrsdict["tderrs"][jj] for tderrsdict in tderrsdicts] ytruetds = [tderrsdict["truetds"][jj] for tderrsdict in tderrsdicts] ax1 = allcovplot.add_subplot(ncouples, ncouples, axisNum) ax2 = bincovplot.add_subplot(ncouples, ncouples, axisNum) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(2.0) ax1.set_xlim(-rerr, rerr) ax1.set_ylim(-rerr, rerr) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax1.axhline(0, color="black") ax1.axvline(0, color="black") ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3)) if axisNum == ncouples*(ncouples-1) + 1: ax1.set_xlabel('Measurement error [day]') ax1.set_ylabel('Measurement error [day]') ax2.set_xlabel('True delay [day]') ax2.set_ylabel('True delay [day]') ## binning independent of xtrudelays and ytruedelays distribution. Same plotrange as diagonal elements, but 2d binning retdict["cov"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel)]["indep"] = {} xbinlims2d = np.linspace(plotrange[0], plotrange[1], nbins2d + 1) yreftruedelay = reftrueshifts[j[0]] - reftrueshifts[j[1]] yplotrange = (yreftruedelay - r, yreftruedelay + r) ybinlims2d = np.linspace(yplotrange[0], yplotrange[1], nbins2d + 1) xcoordsan=[] ycoordsan=[] colorsan=[] covsindep=[] for indx, xbinlim in enumerate(xbinlims2d[:nbins2d]): for indy, ybinlim in enumerate(ybinlims2d[:nbins2d]): subsamples = [] for (ind, xtruetd), ytruetd in zip(enumerate(xtruetds), ytruetds): if xtruetd > xbinlim and xtruetd < xbinlims2d[indx+1] and ytruetd > ybinlim and ytruetd < ybinlims2d[indy+1]: subsamples.append((xtderrs[ind], ytderrs[ind])) if len(subsamples) > minsamples: covval = np.cov(subsamples, rowvar=False)[0][1] colorsan.append("black") else: covval = 0 colorsan.append('crimson') # save the plotting coords, to bold plot the biggest covval later... xcoordsan.append(xbinlim + (xbinlims2d[indx+1]-xbinlim)/2) ycoordsan.append(ybinlim + (ybinlims2d[indy+1]-ybinlim)/2) # colorize the regions according to the covariance value maxval=0.5 alpha = min(np.abs(covval/maxval), 1.0) from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle rect = Rectangle((xbinlim, ybinlim), xbinlims2d[indx+1]-xbinlim, ybinlims2d[indy+1]-ybinlim, color=rrlist[0].plotcolour, alpha=alpha) ax2.add_patch(rect) xdelaylabeldet="%s%s [%.1f , %.1f]" % (labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]], xbinlim, xbinlims2d[indx+1]) ydelaylabeldet="%s%s [%.1f , %.1f]" % (labels[j[1]], labels[j[0]], ybinlim, ybinlims2d[indy+1]) retdict["cov"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel)]["indep"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabeldet, xdelaylabeldet)] = covval covsindep.append(covval) if detailplots: # add an Axes on the figure for each bin, and plot the errors # mapping the maptlotlib indice is a bit tricky: # if we use nbins2dx and nbins2dy: nbins2dx*nbins2dy - (nbins2dx-1-indx) - (nbins2dy*indy) spind = nbins2d*nbins2d - (nbins2d-1-indx) - (nbins2d*indy) ax3 = bincovplot2.add_subplot(nbins2d, nbins2d, spind) ax3.set_xlim(-rerr, rerr) ax3.set_ylim(-rerr, rerr) ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax3.axhline(0, color="black") ax3.axvline(0, color="black") ax3.set_xlabel('Measurement error [day]') ax3.set_ylabel('Measurement error [day]') showdensity = True bins = 10 if showdensity: cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', ['white', rrlist[0].plotcolour],gamma=1.0) ax3.hexbin([s[0] for s in subsamples], [s[1] for s in subsamples], gridsize=bins, extent=(-rerr, rerr, -rerr, rerr), mincnt=1, cmap=cmap, edgecolor="none") showpoints=True if showpoints: ax3.scatter([s[0] for s in subsamples], [s[1] for s in subsamples], s=5, facecolor=rrlist[0].plotcolour, lw=0, alpha=0.5) showcontour=True if showcontour: H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d([s[0] for s in subsamples], [s[1] for s in subsamples], range=[[-r, r], [-r, r]], bins=(bins, bins)) extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]] data = np.vstack((xtderrs, ytderrs)) kde = scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(data) grid = np.mgrid[-r:r:1j*bins, -r:r:1j*bins] grid_coords = np.append(grid[0].reshape(-1,1),grid[1].reshape(-1,1),axis=1) z = kde(grid_coords.T) z = z.reshape(bins,bins) levels = [np.max(z)*0.45] cset = ax3.contour(grid[0], grid[1], z, levels=levels, origin="lower", colors=rrlist[0].plotcolour, extent=extent, linewidth=0.5) if figsize[0] > 8: ax3.annotate(xdelaylabeldet, xy=(0.77, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") ax3.annotate(ydelaylabeldet, xy=(0.04, 0.90), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left", rotation=90.0) if detailplots and filepath != None: bincovplot2.savefig(os.path.join(filepath, "bincov_%s%s-vs-%s%s.png" % (labels[j[1]], labels[j[0]], labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]]))) mincovindep = np.min(covsindep) maxcovindep = np.max(covsindep) if abs(mincovindep) > maxcovindep: extcovindep = mincovindep else: extcovindep = maxcovindep mind = covsindep.index(extcovindep) for ind, val in enumerate(covsindep): if ind == mind: ax2.annotate("%.2f" % val, xy=(xcoordsan[ind], ycoordsan[ind]), ha="center", va='center', color='darkblue', fontsize=14) else: ax2.annotate("%.2f" % val, xy=(xcoordsan[ind], ycoordsan[ind]), ha="center", va='center', color=colorsan[ind]) #plotting ax2 uses the 2d binning for ind, xbinlim in enumerate(xbinlims2d): ax2.axvline(xbinlim, linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=0.5) ax2.axhline(ybinlims2d[ind], linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=0.5) showpoints=False if showpoints: ax2.scatter(xtruetds, ytruetds, s=2, facecolor=rrlist[0].plotcolour, lw=0, alpha=0.1) ax2.set_xlim(plotrange) ax2.set_ylim(yplotrange) # plotting ax1 is pretty basic, that's only the points retdict["cov"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel)]["dep"] = {} showdensity = True bins = 10 if showdensity: cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom', ['white', rrlist[0].plotcolour],gamma=1.0) ax1.hexbin(xtderrs, ytderrs, gridsize=bins, extent=(-rerr, rerr, -rerr, rerr), mincnt=1, cmap=cmap, edgecolor="none") showpoints=False if showpoints: ax1.scatter(xtderrs, ytderrs, s=2, facecolor=rrlist[0].plotcolour, lw=0) showcontour=True if showcontour: H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(xtderrs, ytderrs, range=[[-r, r], [-r, r]], bins=(bins, bins)) extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]] data = np.vstack((xtderrs, ytderrs)) kde = scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(data) grid = np.mgrid[-r:r:1j*bins, -r:r:1j*bins] grid_coords = np.append(grid[0].reshape(-1,1),grid[1].reshape(-1,1),axis=1) z = kde(grid_coords.T) z = z.reshape(bins,bins) levels = [np.max(z)*0.45] cset = ax1.contour(grid[0], grid[1], z, levels=levels, origin="lower", colors=rrlist[0].plotcolour, extent=extent, linewidth=0.5) if figsize[0] > 8: ax1.annotate(xdelaylabel, xy=(0.9, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") # x axis ax1.annotate(ydelaylabel, xy=(0.06, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left", rotation=90.0) # y axis else: ax1.annotate(xdelaylabel, xy=(0.78, 0.08), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") # x axis ax1.annotate(ydelaylabel, xy=(0.08, 0.76), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left", rotation=90.0) # y axis meancov = np.cov([(xtderr, ytderr) for xtderr, ytderr in zip(xtderrs, ytderrs)], rowvar=False)[0][1] ax2.set_title('%s vs %s | mean = %.2f' % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel, meancov), fontsize=10) ## binning dependent of true delays, for comparision xbinvals = np.linspace(minx, maxx, num=nbins2d+1, endpoint=True) maxy = np.max(ytruetds) miny = np.min(ytruetds) ybinvals = np.linspace(miny, maxy, num=nbins2d+1, endpoint=True) covsdep=[] for indx, xbinval in enumerate(xbinvals[:nbins2d]): for indy, ybinval in enumerate(ybinvals[:nbins2d]): subsamples = [] for (ind, xtruetd), ytruetd in zip(enumerate(xtruetds), ytruetds): if xtruetd > xbinval and xtruetd < xbinvals[indx+1] and ytruetd > ybinval and ytruetd < ybinvals[indy+1]: subsamples.append((xtderrs[ind], ytderrs[ind])) #TODO: due to the non-uniform sampling of the simulated true tds, some regions of the truetd_x vs truetd_y are rather empty (less than 10 samples). Should we i) increase the number of simulated samples, ii) discard these regions from the analysis, iii) transfer these samples to the nearest bin ? #print len(subsamples), len(subsamples[0]), subsamples[0] xdelaylabeldet = "%s%s [%.1f , %.1f]" % (labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]], xbinval, xbinvals[indx+1]) ydelaylabeldet = "%s%s [%.1f , %.1f]" % (labels[j[1]], labels[j[0]], ybinval, ybinvals[indy+1]) if len(subsamples) > minsamples: covvaldep = np.cov(subsamples, rowvar=False)[0][1] else: covvaldep = 0.0 retdict["cov"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabel, xdelaylabel)]["dep"]["%s-%s" % (ydelaylabeldet, xdelaylabeldet)] = covvaldep covsdep.append(covvaldep) mincovdep = np.min(covsdep) maxcovdep = np.max(covsdep) if abs(mincovdep) > maxcovdep: extcovdep = mincovdep else: extcovdep = maxcovdep # We do NOT want the min or max in the final covmat but the mean on all samples. # do NOT take the mean of covsdep, some samples are not in !! covdep = meancov covindep = meancov if method == "depbin": covmat[ii][jj] = covdep covmat[jj][ii] = covdep elif method == "indepbin": covmat[ii][jj] = covindep covmat[jj][ii] = covindep if verbose: # I shoud definitely improve that display part... print "-"*15 print i, j print covdep, covindep axinv = bincovplot.add_subplot(ncouples, ncouples, 2, frameon=False) axinv.set_xticklabels([]) axinv.set_yticklabels([]) axinv.set_xticks([]) axinv.set_yticks([]) # and annotate text = 'True delay plot range: +- %i [days]' % r + '\n\n' text += 'Measurement error plot range: +- %.1f [days]' % rerr + '\n\n' text += '1D binning: %i bins' % nbins + '\n\n' text += '2D binning: %ix%i bins' % (nbins2d, nbins2d) + '\n\n' text += 'Min. number of samples in 2D binning: %i samples' % minsamples + '\n\n\n\n' if printdetails: if len(covmat[0]) == 6: mylist = [str(e) for e in covmat[0]]+\ [str(e) for e in covmat[1]]+\ [str(e) for e in covmat[2]]+\ [str(e) for e in covmat[3]]+\ [str(e) for e in covmat[4]]+\ [str(e) for e in covmat[5]] mylist = [float(e) for e in mylist] else: print "Cov. matrix display not defined for matrices other than 6x6 !" printcovmat = False if printcovmat: text += ' AB AC AD BC BD CD \n' text += ' '+'-----'*12+'\n' text += 'AB | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n'\ 'AC | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n' \ 'AD | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n' \ 'BC | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n' \ 'BD | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n' \ 'CD | %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \n |\n' \ % (mylist[0], mylist[1], mylist[2], mylist[3], mylist[4], mylist[5] , mylist[6], mylist[7], mylist[8], mylist[9], mylist[10], mylist[11] , mylist[12], mylist[13], mylist[14], mylist[15], mylist[16], mylist[17] , mylist[18], mylist[19], mylist[20], mylist[21], mylist[22], mylist[23] , mylist[24], mylist[25], mylist[26], mylist[27], mylist[28], mylist[29] , mylist[30], mylist[31], mylist[32], mylist[33], mylist[34], mylist[35]) axinv.annotate(text, xy=(0.7 * (ncouples-1), -2.0), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left") else: axinv.annotate(text, xy=(0.7 * (ncouples-1), -1.0), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left") retdict["r"] = r retdict["rerr"] = rerr retdict["nbins"] = nbins retdict["nbins2d"] = nbins2d retdict["minsamples"] = minsamples if filepath != None: bincovplot.savefig(os.path.join(filepath, "bincov.png")) allcovplot.savefig(os.path.join(filepath, "allcov.png")) else: if showplots: # now let's compare indepbins and depbins if verbose: print "-"*35 print "nbins = %i" % nbins print "indepbins - r = %.1f" % r print "depbins - r(max-min) =", np.mean(rranges) print "-"*35 print "pair - indepbins - depbins - diff" print "-"*35 print "AB - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[0], depbins[0], (max(indepbins[0], depbins[0])-min(indepbins[0], depbins[0])) / max(indepbins[0], depbins[0])*100) print "AC - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[1], depbins[1], (max(indepbins[1], depbins[1])-min(indepbins[1], depbins[1])) / max(indepbins[1], depbins[1])*100) if nimages == 4: print "BC - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[3], depbins[3], (max(indepbins[3], depbins[3])-min(indepbins[3], depbins[3])) / max(indepbins[3], depbins[3])*100) print "AD - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[2], depbins[2], (max(indepbins[2], depbins[2])-min(indepbins[2], depbins[2])) / max(indepbins[2], depbins[2])*100) print "BD - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[4], depbins[4], (max(indepbins[4], depbins[4])-min(indepbins[4], depbins[4])) / max(indepbins[4], depbins[4])*100) print "CD - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[5], depbins[5], (max(indepbins[5], depbins[5])-min(indepbins[5], depbins[5])) / max(indepbins[5], depbins[5])*100) elif nimages == 3: print "BC - %.2f - %.2f - %.1f%%" % (indepbins[2], depbins[2], (max(indepbins[2], depbins[2])-min(indepbins[2], depbins[2])) / max(indepbins[2], depbins[2])*100) print "-"*35 retdict["covmat"] = covmat return retdict def measvstrue(rrlist, r=10.0, nbins = 10, plotpoints=True, alphapoints=1.0, plotrods=True, alpharods=0.2, ploterrorbars=True, sidebyside=True, errorrange=None, binclip=False, binclipr=10.0, title=None, xtitle=0.75, ytitle=0.95, titlesize=30, figsize=(10, 6), left = 0.06, right=0.97, top=0.99, bottom=0.08, wspace=0.15, hspace=0.3, txtstep=0.04, majorticksstep=2, displayn=True, filename=None, dataout=False, tweakeddisplay=False, blindness=False, outdir = "./"): """ Plots measured delays versus true delays :param r: radius of simulation input delays to plot (x axis range) :param nbins: number of bins for the bar plot within this range. :param plotpoints: should I plot the points (scatter plot) ? :param plotrods: should I plot the avg within each bin ? :param ploterrorbars: should I add errorbars upon the bar plot ? :param sidebyside: should I plot bars side by side, or overplot them ? :param errorrange: radius of measurement errors to plot (y axis range). You can also give a tuple (low, high), to make asymetric plots. :param binclip: should I clip errors larger than binclipr days (catastrophic failures of methods) ? :param binclipr: see binclip ... """ n = rrlist[0].nimages() labels = rrlist[0].labels # To get some fixed ranges for the histograms, we will use the first element of rrlist. reftrueshifts = np.round(rrlist[0].gettruets()["center"]) #@todo: WAAARNING ! Depending on the shape your rrlist (is it a 1x1000 runresults or 50x20 runresults), reftrueshift will have different values, impacting the final determination of the systematic and random error you compute. This can lead to a variation >10% on the final error !!!! DO SOMETHING !!! #print len(rrlist), rrlist[0].gettruets()["center"] #sys.exit() for rr in rrlist: if rr.labels != labels: raise RuntimeError("Don't ask me to overplot runresults of different curves !") #if not np.all(rr.gettruets()["center"] == reftrueshifts): # print "Warning : I use the trueshift of the first rr to set the ranges." rr.trues = rr.gettruets() # To store this, avoids calculating it again and again. rr.tmpdata = [] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 for i in range(n): # [A, B, C, D] for j in range(n): #print i, j if (i == 0) or (j == n-1) : continue # No plot axisNum += 1 if j >= i: continue ax = plt.subplot(n-1, n-1, axisNum) minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(majorticksstep) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) if tweakeddisplay: from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator locator=MaxNLocator(prune='both', nbins=6) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1.0)) reftruedelay = reftrueshifts[i] - reftrueshifts[j] plotrange = (reftruedelay - r, reftruedelay + r) # Identity line : line = np.linspace(plotrange[0], plotrange[1], 100) zeros = np.zeros(100) plt.plot(line, zeros, color="black", lw=0.5) # Delay label delaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[j], labels[i]) # Preparing the bins : binlims = np.linspace(plotrange[0], plotrange[1], nbins + 1) for irr, rr in enumerate(rrlist): # We go through the different runresult objects # We will express the delays "i - j" truedelays = rr.truetsarray[:,i] - rr.truetsarray[:,j] measdelays = rr.tsarray[:,i] - rr.tsarray[:,j] resis = measdelays-truedelays # A simple scatter plot of the residues : if plotpoints: ax.scatter(truedelays, resis, s=2, facecolor=rr.plotcolour, lw = 0, alpha=alphapoints) # We bin those : digitized = np.digitize(truedelays, binlims) binvals = [resis[digitized == bini] for bini in range(1, len(binlims))] binstds = map(np.std, binvals) binmedians = map(np.median, binvals) binmeans = map(np.mean, binvals) if binclip: for (bini, binvalarray) in enumerate(binvals): #keep = np.logical_and(binvalarray < (binmedians[bini] + 1*binstds[bini]), binvalarray > (binmedians[bini] - 1*binstds[bini])) #keep = np.logical_and(binvalarray < np.max(binvalarray), binvalarray > np.min(binvalarray)) keep = np.logical_and(binvalarray < binclipr, binvalarray > -binclipr) if np.sum(keep == False) != 0: print "Kicking %i points." % (np.sum(keep == False)) binvals[bini] = binvalarray[keep] binstds = map(np.std, binvals) binmedians = map(np.median, binvals) binmeans = map(np.mean, binvals) # We save the maximum sys and ran error : syserror = np.max(np.fabs(binmeans)) randerror = np.max(binstds) toterror = np.sqrt(syserror*syserror + randerror*randerror) bias = np.mean(binmeans) # The signed bias rr.tmpdata.append({ "label":delaylabel, "sys":syserror, "ran":randerror, "tot":toterror, "bias":bias }) #binmeans = [np.median(resis[digitized == bini]) for bini in range(1, len(binlims))] #binstds = [np.std(resis[digitized == bini]) for bini in range(1, len(binlims))] width = binlims[1] - binlims[0] if plotrods: if not sidebyside: if ploterrorbars:[:-1], binmeans, yerr=binstds, width=width, color=rr.plotcolour, ecolor=rr.plotcolour, error_kw={"capsize":2.5, "capthick":0.5, "markeredgewidth":0.5}, edgecolor=rr.plotcolour, alpha = alpharods) else:[:-1], binmeans, width=width, color=rr.plotcolour, edgecolor=rr.plotcolour, alpha = alpharods) else: width = width/len(rrlist) squeezefactor = 1.0 plotwidth = squeezefactor * width offset = width * (1.0-squeezefactor)/2.0 if ploterrorbars:[:-1] + offset + irr*plotwidth, binmeans, yerr=binstds, width=plotwidth, color=rr.plotcolour, ecolor=rr.plotcolour, error_kw={"capsize":2.5, "capthick":0.5, "markeredgewidth":0.5}, edgecolor=rr.plotcolour, alpha = alpharods, linewidth=0) else:[:-1] + offset + irr*plotwidth, binmeans, width=plotwidth, color=rr.plotcolour, edgecolor=rr.plotcolour, alpha = alpharods) # That's it for the different runresult objects, back to the common stuff for this particular panel : if sidebyside: for binlim in binlims: plt.axvline(binlim, lw=0.5, color="#AAAAAA", zorder=-30) # on all border plots : #if i == n-1: # plt.xlabel("Synthetic input delay [day]") #if j == 0: # plt.ylabel("Delay measurement error [day]") # Just on 2 plots : if tweakeddisplay: if i == n-1: plt.xlabel("True delay [day]", fontsize=18) if j == 0 and i == int(math.floor(n/2.0)): plt.ylabel("Delay measurement error [day]", fontsize=18, y=-0.10) plt.xticks(fontsize=15) plt.yticks(fontsize=15) else: if i == n-1: plt.xlabel("True delay [day]", fontsize=16) if j == 0 and i == int(math.floor(n/2.0)): plt.ylabel("Delay measurement error [day]", fontsize=16) plt.xticks(fontsize=13) plt.yticks(fontsize=13) plt.xlim(plotrange) #plt.ylim(plotrange) if errorrange != None: if hasattr(errorrange, '__iter__'): # then its a tuple or list plt.ylim((errorrange[0], errorrange[1])) else: plt.ylim((-errorrange, errorrange)) if n != 2: # otherwise we have only 1 delay and panel plt.annotate(delaylabel, xy=(0.03, 0.88-txtstep), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color="black") # enforce blindness if wanted, by modifying the xticks labels (not touching the data) if blindness: labels = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() locs = ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs() meanloc = np.mean(locs) blindlabels = [] for loc, label in zip(locs, labels): blindlabels.append(str(loc-meanloc)) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(blindlabels) # That's it for this panel, back to the total figure : if dataout: for rr in rrlist: dc = delaycontainer(data = rr.tmpdata, name =, plotcolour = rr.plotcolour, objects=labels[:]) pycs.gen.util.writepickle(dc,outdir+ "%s_errorbars.pkl" % (rr.autoname)) rr.tmpdata = None labelspacetop = 0.0 labelspaceright = 0.0 if n == 2: labelspacetop = 0.04 labelspaceright = 0.04 for irr, rr in enumerate(rrlist): if displayn: labeltxt = "%s (%i) " % (getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName'), rr.tsarray.shape[0]) else: labeltxt = "%s" % (getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName')) if not tweakeddisplay: plt.figtext(x = right - labelspaceright, y = top - labelspacetop - txtstep*irr, s = labeltxt, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=rr.plotcolour, fontsize=15) else: plt.figtext(x = 0.54, y = 0.8325 - txtstep*irr, s = labeltxt, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="left", color=rr.plotcolour, fontsize=17) if title != None: #plt.figtext(x = left + (right-left)/2.0, y = ytitle, s = title, horizontalalignment="center", color="black", fontsize=18) plt.figtext(x = xtitle, y = ytitle, s = title, horizontalalignment="center", color="black", fontsize=titlesize) if filename==None: else: plt.savefig(filename) def covplot(rrlist, showpoints=False, showcontour=True, showdensity=False, fractionalresiduals=False, bins=50, smoothing=0.0, figsize=(12, 12), left=0.02, right=0.98, bottom=0.02, top=0.98, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05, r=5.0, title=None, txtstep=0.04, filename=None): """ Covariance scatter of all measurement errors. Give me a single runresults object (from a sim, with known true delays). """ import scipy.stats import matplotlib.colors as colors nimages = rrlist[0].nimages() imginds = np.arange(nimages) #nruns = len(rr[0]) labels = rrlist[0].labels couplelist = [(i, j) for j in imginds for i in imginds if i > j] ncouples = len(couplelist) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) axisNum = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(couplelist): # (0, 1), (0, 2) ... for jj, j in enumerate(couplelist): if (ii == 0) or (jj == ncouples-1) : continue # No plot axisNum += 1 if jj >= ii: continue #print i, j, axisNum ax = plt.subplot(ncouples-1, ncouples-1, axisNum, aspect='equal') ax.axhline(0, color="black") ax.axvline(0, color="black") for rr in rrlist: #print idelaylabel, " vs ", jdelaylabel itruedelays = rr.truetsarray[:,i[0]] - rr.truetsarray[:,i[1]] imeasdelays = rr.tsarray[:,i[0]] - rr.tsarray[:,i[1]] if fractionalresiduals: iresis = (imeasdelays - itruedelays)/itruedelays else: iresis = imeasdelays - itruedelays jtruedelays = rr.truetsarray[:,j[0]] - rr.truetsarray[:,j[1]] jmeasdelays = rr.tsarray[:,j[0]] - rr.tsarray[:,j[1]] if fractionalresiduals: jresis = (jmeasdelays - jtruedelays)/jtruedelays else: jresis = jmeasdelays - jtruedelays if showdensity or "diff" in cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom',['white', rr.plotcolour],gamma=1.0) #cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('custom',[rr.plotcolour, rr.plotcolour],gamma=1.0) #cmap._init() #alphas = np.abs(np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, cmap.N)) #cmap._lut[:-3,-1] = alphas ax.hexbin(iresis, jresis, gridsize=bins, extent=(-r, r, -r, r), mincnt=1, cmap=cmap, edgecolor="none") if showpoints: ax.scatter(iresis, jresis, s=2, facecolor=rr.plotcolour, lw = 0) #ax.hexbin(iresis, jresis, gridsize=20, extent=(-r, r, -r, r)) if showcontour: """ H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(iresis, jresis, range=[[-r,r], [-r,r]], bins=(bins, bins)) H = H.transpose() if smoothing > 0.01: H = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(H, smoothing, mode='constant', cval=0.0) extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]] #levels = [np.mean(H), np.max(H)/2.0] #levels = [2.0*np.mean(H), 6.0*np.mean(H)] #levels = (1.0e4, 1.0e3, 1.0e2, 2.0e1) levels = [scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(H.flatten(), 95.45), scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(H.flatten(), 68.27)] #levels = [scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(H.flatten(), 68.27)] cset = ax.contour(H, levels=levels, origin="lower", colors=rr.plotcolour, extent=extent, linewidth=0.5) """ H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(iresis, jresis, range=[[-r,r], [-r,r]], bins=(bins, bins)) extent = [yedges[0], yedges[-1], xedges[0], xedges[-1]] data = np.vstack((iresis, jresis)) #print data.shape kde = scipy.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(data) grid = np.mgrid[-r:r:1j*bins, -r:r:1j*bins] grid_coords = np.append(grid[0].reshape(-1,1),grid[1].reshape(-1,1),axis=1) z = kde(grid_coords.T) z = z.reshape(bins,bins) #levels = [scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(z.flatten(), 95.45)] levels = [np.max(z)*0.45] cset = ax.contour(grid[0], grid[1], z, levels=levels, origin="lower", colors=rr.plotcolour, extent=extent, linewidth=0.5) idelaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[i[1]], labels[i[0]]) jdelaylabel="%s%s" % (labels[j[1]], labels[j[0]]) #ax.set_xlabel(idelaylabel) #ax.set_ylabel(jdelaylabel) if figsize[0] > 8: ax.annotate(idelaylabel, xy=(0.9, 0.05), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") # x axis ax.annotate(jdelaylabel, xy=(0.06, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left", rotation=90.0) # y axis else: ax.annotate(idelaylabel, xy=(0.78, 0.08), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="center") # x axis ax.annotate(jdelaylabel, xy=(0.08, 0.76), xycoords='axes fraction', ha="left", rotation=90.0) # y axis ax.set_xlim(-r, r) ax.set_ylim(-r, r) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.0) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) #ax.annotate(delaytext, xy=(0.03, 0.78 - 3*txtstep*(irr+0.5)), xycoords='axes fraction', color = datarr.plotcolour) if title != None: plt.figtext(x = 0.5, y = 0.97, s = title, horizontalalignment="center", color="black", fontsize=18) #for (irr, rr) in enumerate(rrlist): # plt.figtext(x = left + 0.25*irr, y = 0.96, s = getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName'), horizontalalignment="left", color=rr.plotcolour) for irr, rr in enumerate(rrlist): labeltxt = "%s" % (getattr(rr, 'name', 'NoName')) plt.figtext(x = right, y = top - txtstep*irr, s = labeltxt, verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="right", color=rr.plotcolour) if filename==None: else: plt.savefig(filename)
""" ==================== Theil-Sen Regression ==================== Computes a Theil-Sen Regression on a synthetic dataset. See :ref:`theil_sen_regression` for more information on the regressor. Compared to the OLS (ordinary least squares) estimator, the Theil-Sen estimator is robust against outliers. It has a breakdown point of about 29.3% in case of a simple linear regression which means that it can tolerate arbitrary corrupted data (outliers) of up to 29.3% in the two-dimensional case. The estimation of the model is done by calculating the slopes and intercepts of a subpopulation of all possible combinations of p subsample points. If an intercept is fitted, p must be greater than or equal to n_features + 1. The final slope and intercept is then defined as the spatial median of these slopes and intercepts. In certain cases Theil-Sen performs better than :ref:`RANSAC <ransac_regression>` which is also a robust method. This is illustrated in the second example below where outliers with respect to the x-axis perturb RANSAC. Tuning the ``residual_threshold`` parameter of RANSAC remedies this but in general a priori knowledge about the data and the nature of the outliers is needed. Due to the computational complexity of Theil-Sen it is recommended to use it only for small problems in terms of number of samples and features. For larger problems the ``max_subpopulation`` parameter restricts the magnitude of all possible combinations of p subsample points to a randomly chosen subset and therefore also limits the runtime. Therefore, Theil-Sen is applicable to larger problems with the drawback of losing some of its mathematical properties since it then works on a random subset. """ # Author: Florian Wilhelm -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor print(__doc__) estimators = [('OLS', LinearRegression()), ('Theil-Sen', TheilSenRegressor(random_state=42)), ('RANSAC', RANSACRegressor(random_state=42)), ] ############################################################################## # Outliers only in the y direction np.random.seed(0) n_samples = 200 # Linear model y = 3*x + N(2, 0.1**2) x = np.random.randn(n_samples) w = 3. c = 2. noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_samples) y = w * x + c + noise # 10% outliers y[-20:] += -20 * x[-20:] X = x[:, np.newaxis] plt.plot(x, y, 'k+', mew=2, ms=8) line_x = np.array([-3, 3]) for name, estimator in estimators: t0 = time.time(), y) elapsed_time = time.time() - t0 y_pred = estimator.predict(line_x.reshape(2, 1)) plt.plot(line_x, y_pred, label='%s (fit time: %.2fs)' % (name, elapsed_time)) plt.axis('tight') plt.legend(loc='upper left') ############################################################################## # Outliers in the X direction np.random.seed(0) # Linear model y = 3*x + N(2, 0.1**2) x = np.random.randn(n_samples) noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_samples) y = 3 * x + 2 + noise # 10% outliers x[-20:] = 9.9 y[-20:] += 22 X = x[:, np.newaxis] plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'k+', mew=2, ms=8) line_x = np.array([-3, 10]) for name, estimator in estimators: t0 = time.time(), y) elapsed_time = time.time() - t0 y_pred = estimator.predict(line_x.reshape(2, 1)) plt.plot(line_x, y_pred, label='%s (fit time: %.2fs)' % (name, elapsed_time)) plt.axis('tight') plt.legend(loc='upper left')
import cgt from cgt import core from cgt import nn import numpy as np import cPickle as pickle from scipy.stats import norm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from example_utils import fetch_dataset ''' MNIST manifold demo (with 2-dimensional latent z) using variational autoencoder ''' rng = np.random.RandomState(1234) def kld_unit_mvn(mu, var): # KL divergence from N(0, I) return (mu.shape[1] + cgt.sum(cgt.log(var), axis=1) - cgt.sum(cgt.square(mu), axis=1) - cgt.sum(var, axis=1)) / 2.0 def log_diag_mvn(mu, var): # log probability of x under N(mu, diag(var)) def f(x): # expects batches k = mu.shape[1] logp = (-k / 2.0) * np.log(2 * np.pi) - 0.5 * cgt.sum(cgt.log(var), axis=1) - cgt.sum(0.5 * (1.0 / var) * (x - mu) * (x - mu), axis=1) return logp return f class HiddenLayer(object): # adapted from def __init__(self, input, n_in, n_out, W=None, b=None, activation=cgt.tanh, prefix=""): self.n_in = n_in self.n_out = n_out if W is None: # XXX replace with nn init W_values = np.asarray( rng.uniform( low=-np.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), high=np.sqrt(6. / (n_in + n_out)), size=(n_in, n_out) ), dtype=cgt.floatX ) if activation == cgt.sigmoid: W_values *= 4 W = cgt.shared(W_values, name=prefix+"_W") if b is None: b_values = np.zeros((n_out,), dtype=cgt.floatX) b = cgt.shared(b_values, name=prefix+"_b") self.W = W self.b = b # XXX broadcast api may change lin_output = cgt.broadcast("+",, self.W), cgt.dimshuffle(self.b, ["x", 0]), "xx,1x") self.output = ( lin_output if activation is None else activation(lin_output) ) # parameters of the model self.params = [self.W, self.b] class _MLP(object): # building block for MLP instantiations defined below def __init__(self, x, n_in, n_hid, nlayers=1, prefix=""): self.nlayers = nlayers self.hidden_layers = list() inp = x for k in xrange(self.nlayers): hlayer = HiddenLayer( input=inp, n_in=n_in, n_out=n_hid, activation=cgt.tanh, prefix=prefix + ("_%d" % (k + 1)) ) n_in = n_hid inp = hlayer.output self.hidden_layers.append(hlayer) self.params = [param for l in self.hidden_layers for param in l.params] self.input = input # NOTE output layer computed by instantations class GaussianMLP(_MLP): def __init__(self, x, n_in, n_hid, n_out, nlayers=1, y=None, eps=None): super(GaussianMLP, self).__init__(x, n_in, n_hid, nlayers=nlayers, prefix="GaussianMLP_hidden") self.mu_layer = HiddenLayer( input=self.hidden_layers[-1].output, n_in=self.hidden_layers[-1].n_out, n_out=n_out, activation=None, prefix="GaussianMLP_mu" ) # log(sigma^2) self.logvar_layer = HiddenLayer( input=self.hidden_layers[-1].output, n_in=self.hidden_layers[-1].n_out, n_out=n_out, activation=None, prefix="GaussianMLP_logvar" ) = self.mu_layer.output self.var = cgt.exp(self.logvar_layer.output) self.sigma = cgt.sqrt(self.var) self.params = self.params + self.mu_layer.params +\ self.logvar_layer.params # for use as encoder if eps is not None: assert(y is None) self.out = + self.sigma * eps # for use as decoder if y: assert(eps is None) self.out = cgt.sigmoid( self.cost = -cgt.sum(log_diag_mvn(self.out, self.var)(y)) class BernoulliMLP(_MLP): def __init__(self, x, n_in, n_hid, n_out, nlayers=1, y=None): super(BernoulliMLP, self).__init__(x, n_in, n_hid, nlayers=nlayers, prefix="BernoulliMLP_hidden") self.out_layer = HiddenLayer( input=self.hidden_layers[-1].output, n_in=self.hidden_layers[-1].n_out, n_out=n_out, activation=cgt.sigmoid, prefix="BernoulliMLP_y_hat" ) self.params = self.params + self.out_layer.params if y is not None: self.out = self.out_layer.output self.cost = cgt.sum(nn.binary_crossentropy(self.out, y)) class VAE(object): def __init__(self, xdim, args, dec="bernoulli"): self.xdim = xdim self.hdim = args.hdim self.zdim = args.zdim self.lmbda = args.lmbda # weight decay coefficient * 2 self.x = cgt.matrix("x", dtype=cgt.floatX) self.eps = cgt.matrix("eps", dtype=cgt.floatX) self.enc_mlp = GaussianMLP(self.x, self.xdim, self.hdim, self.zdim, nlayers=args.nlayers, eps=self.eps) if dec == "bernoulli": # log p(x | z) defined as -CE(x, y) = dec_mlp.cost(y) self.dec_mlp = BernoulliMLP(self.enc_mlp.out, self.zdim, self.hdim, self.xdim, nlayers=args.nlayers, y=self.x) elif dec == "gaussian": self.dec_mlp = GaussianMLP(self.enc_mlp.out, self.zdim, self.hdim, self.xdim, nlayers=args.nlayers, y=self.x) else: raise RuntimeError("unrecognized decoder %" % dec) self.cost = (-cgt.sum(kld_unit_mvn(, self.enc_mlp.var)) + self.dec_mlp.cost) / args.batch_size self.params = self.enc_mlp.params + self.dec_mlp.params # L2 regularization self.gparams = [cgt.grad(self.cost, [p])[0] + self.lmbda * p for p in self.params] self.gaccums = [cgt.shared(np.zeros(p.op.get_value().shape, dtype=cgt.floatX)) for p in self.params] # XXX replace w/ adagrad update from nn ADAGRAD_EPS = 1e-10 # for stability self.updates = [ (param, param - * gparam / cgt.sqrt(gaccum + cgt.square(gparam) + ADAGRAD_EPS)) for param, gparam, gaccum in zip(self.params, self.gparams, self.gaccums) ] self.updates += [ (gaccum, gaccum + cgt.square(gparam)) for gaccum, gparam in zip(self.gaccums, self.gparams) ] self.train = cgt.function( [self.x, self.eps], self.cost, updates=self.updates ) self.test = cgt.function( [self.x, self.eps], self.cost, updates=None ) # can be used for semi-supervised learning for example self.encode = cgt.function( [self.x, self.eps], self.enc_mlp.out ) def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--batch_size", default=100) parser.add_argument("--nlayers", default=1, type=int, help="number of hidden layers in MLP before output layers") parser.add_argument("--hdim", default=500, type=int, help="dimension of hidden layer") parser.add_argument("--zdim", default=2, type=int, help="dimension of continuous latent variable") parser.add_argument("--lmbda", default=0.001, type=float, help="weight decay coefficient") parser.add_argument("--lr", default=0.01, type=float, help="learning rate") parser.add_argument("--epochs", default=1000, type=int, help="number of passes over dataset") parser.add_argument("--print_every", default=100, type=int, help="how often to print cost") parser.add_argument("--outfile", default="", help="output file to save model to") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) if args.epochs > 100: print("NOTE: training might take a while. You may want to first sanity check by setting --epochs to something like 20 (manifold will be fuzzy).") # set up dataset mnist = fetch_dataset("") X = (mnist["X"]/255.).astype(cgt.floatX) y = mnist["y"] np.random.seed(0) sortinds = np.random.permutation(70000) X = X[sortinds] y = y[sortinds] train_x = X[0:50000] train_y = y[0:50000] valid_x = X[50000:60000] valid_y = y[50000:60000] # run SGVB algorithm model = VAE(train_x.shape[1], args, dec="bernoulli") expcost = None num_train_batches = train_x.shape[0] / args.batch_size num_valid_batches = valid_x.shape[0] / args.batch_size valid_freq = num_train_batches for b in xrange(args.epochs * num_train_batches): k = b % num_train_batches x = train_x[k * args.batch_size:(k + 1) * args.batch_size, :] eps = np.random.randn(x.shape[0], args.zdim).astype(cgt.floatX) cost = model.train(x, eps) if not expcost: expcost = cost else: expcost = 0.01 * cost + 0.99 * expcost if (b + 1) % args.print_every == 0: print("iter %d, cost %f, expcost %f" % (b + 1, cost, expcost)) if (b + 1) % valid_freq == 0: valid_cost = 0 for l in xrange(num_valid_batches): x_val = valid_x[l * args.batch_size:(l + 1) * args.batch_size, :] eps_val = np.zeros((x_val.shape[0], args.zdim), dtype=cgt.floatX) valid_cost = valid_cost + model.test(x_val, eps_val) valid_cost = valid_cost / num_valid_batches print("valid cost: %f" % valid_cost) # XXX fix pickling of cgt models #print("saving final model") #with open(args.outfile, "wb") as f: #pickle.dump(model, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # XXX use this to sample, should later be able to compile f(z) = y directly (See Issue #18) newz = cgt.matrix("newz", dtype=cgt.floatX) newy = cgt.core.clone(model.dec_mlp.out, {model.enc_mlp.out:newz}) decode = cgt.function( [newz], newy ) S = (28, 28) M = 20 manifold = np.zeros((S[0]*M, S[1]*M), dtype=cgt.floatX) for z1 in xrange(M): for z2 in xrange(M): print z1, z2 z = np.zeros((1, 2)) # pass unit square through inverse Gaussian CDF z[0, 0] = norm.ppf(z1 * 1.0/M + 1.0/(M * 2)) z[0, 1] = norm.ppf(z2 * 1.0/M + 1.0/(M * 2)) z = np.array(z, dtype=cgt.floatX) x_hat = decode(z) x_hat = x_hat.reshape(S) manifold[z1 * S[0]:(z1 + 1) * S[0], z2 * S[1]:(z2 + 1) * S[1]] = x_hat plt.imshow(manifold, cmap="Greys_r") plt.axis("off") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np import pickle from sklearn.isotonic import (check_increasing, isotonic_regression, IsotonicRegression) from sklearn.utils.testing import (assert_raises, assert_array_equal, assert_true, assert_false, assert_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_warns_message, assert_no_warnings) from sklearn.utils import shuffle def test_permutation_invariance(): # check that fit is permuation invariant. # regression test of missing sorting of sample-weights ir = IsotonicRegression() x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] y = [1, 41, 51, 1, 2, 5, 24] sample_weight = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] x_s, y_s, sample_weight_s = shuffle(x, y, sample_weight, random_state=0) y_transformed = ir.fit_transform(x, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) y_transformed_s =, y_s, sample_weight=sample_weight_s).transform(x) assert_array_equal(y_transformed, y_transformed_s) def test_check_increasing_up(): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, 1.5, 2.77, 8.99, 8.99, 50] # Check that we got increasing=True and no warnings is_increasing = assert_no_warnings(check_increasing, x, y) assert_true(is_increasing) def test_check_increasing_up_extreme(): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Check that we got increasing=True and no warnings is_increasing = assert_no_warnings(check_increasing, x, y) assert_true(is_increasing) def test_check_increasing_down(): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, -1.5, -2.77, -8.99, -8.99, -50] # Check that we got increasing=False and no warnings is_increasing = assert_no_warnings(check_increasing, x, y) assert_false(is_increasing) def test_check_increasing_down_extreme(): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5] # Check that we got increasing=False and no warnings is_increasing = assert_no_warnings(check_increasing, x, y) assert_false(is_increasing) def test_check_ci_warn(): x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5] # Check that we got increasing=False and CI interval warning is_increasing = assert_warns_message(UserWarning, "interval", check_increasing, x, y) assert_false(is_increasing) def test_isotonic_regression(): y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) y_ = np.array([3, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10]) assert_array_equal(y_, isotonic_regression(y)) x = np.arange(len(y)) ir = IsotonicRegression(y_min=0., y_max=1.), y) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(x), ir.fit_transform(x, y)) assert_array_equal(ir.transform(x), ir.predict(x)) # check that it is immune to permutation perm = np.random.permutation(len(y)) ir = IsotonicRegression(y_min=0., y_max=1.) assert_array_equal(ir.fit_transform(x[perm], y[perm]), ir.fit_transform(x, y)[perm]) assert_array_equal(ir.transform(x[perm]), ir.transform(x)[perm]) # check we don't crash when all x are equal: ir = IsotonicRegression() assert_array_equal(ir.fit_transform(np.ones(len(x)), y), np.mean(y)) def test_isotonic_regression_ties_min(): # Setup examples with ties on minimum x = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] y_true = [0, 1.5, 1.5, 3, 4, 5, 6] # Check that we get identical results for fit/transform and fit_transform ir = IsotonicRegression(), y) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(x), ir.fit_transform(x, y)) assert_array_equal(y_true, ir.fit_transform(x, y)) def test_isotonic_regression_ties_max(): # Setup examples with ties on maximum x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5] y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] y_true = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5.5, 5.5] # Check that we get identical results for fit/transform and fit_transform ir = IsotonicRegression(), y) assert_array_equal(, y).transform(x), ir.fit_transform(x, y)) assert_array_equal(y_true, ir.fit_transform(x, y)) def test_isotonic_regression_ties_secondary_(): """ Test isotonic regression fit, transform and fit_transform against the "secondary" ties method and "pituitary" data from R "isotone" package, as detailed in: J. d. Leeuw, K. Hornik, P. Mair, Isotone Optimization in R: Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm (PAVA) and Active Set Methods Set values based on pituitary example and the following R command detailed in the paper above: > library("isotone") > data("pituitary") > res1 <- gpava(pituitary$age, pituitary$size, ties="secondary") > res1$x `isotone` version: 1.0-2, 2014-09-07 R version: R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) """ x = [8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14] y = [21, 23.5, 23, 24, 21, 25, 21.5, 22, 19, 23.5, 25] y_true = [22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 22.22222, 24.25, 24.25] # Check fit, transform and fit_transform ir = IsotonicRegression(), y) assert_array_almost_equal(ir.transform(x), y_true, 4) assert_array_almost_equal(ir.fit_transform(x, y), y_true, 4) def test_isotonic_regression_reversed(): y = np.array([10, 9, 10, 7, 6, 6.1, 5]) y_ = IsotonicRegression(increasing=False).fit_transform( np.arange(len(y)), y) assert_array_equal(np.ones(y_[:-1].shape), ((y_[:-1] - y_[1:]) >= 0)) def test_isotonic_regression_auto_decreasing(): # Set y and x for decreasing y = np.array([10, 9, 10, 7, 6, 6.1, 5]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit_transform ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto') y_ = assert_no_warnings(ir.fit_transform, x, y) # Check that relationship decreases is_increasing = y_[0] < y_[-1] assert_false(is_increasing) def test_isotonic_regression_auto_increasing(): # Set y and x for decreasing y = np.array([5, 6.1, 6, 7, 10, 9, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit_transform ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto') y_ = assert_no_warnings(ir.fit_transform, x, y) # Check that relationship increases is_increasing = y_[0] < y_[-1] assert_true(is_increasing) def test_assert_raises_exceptions(): ir = IsotonicRegression() rng = np.random.RandomState(42) assert_raises(ValueError,, [0, 1, 2], [5, 7, 3], [0.1, 0.6]) assert_raises(ValueError,, [0, 1, 2], [5, 7]) assert_raises(ValueError,, rng.randn(3, 10), [0, 1, 2]) assert_raises(ValueError, ir.transform, rng.randn(3, 10)) def test_isotonic_sample_weight_parameter_default_value(): # check if default value of sample_weight parameter is one ir = IsotonicRegression() # random test data rng = np.random.RandomState(42) n = 100 x = np.arange(n) y = rng.randint(-50, 50, size=(n,)) + 50. * np.log(1 + np.arange(n)) # check if value is correctly used weights = np.ones(n) y_set_value = ir.fit_transform(x, y, sample_weight=weights) y_default_value = ir.fit_transform(x, y) assert_array_equal(y_set_value, y_default_value) def test_isotonic_min_max_boundaries(): # check if min value is used correctly ir = IsotonicRegression(y_min=2, y_max=4) n = 6 x = np.arange(n) y = np.arange(n) y_test = [2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4] y_result = np.round(ir.fit_transform(x, y)) assert_array_equal(y_result, y_test) def test_isotonic_sample_weight(): ir = IsotonicRegression() x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] y = [1, 41, 51, 1, 2, 5, 24] sample_weight = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] expected_y = [1, 13.95, 13.95, 13.95, 13.95, 13.95, 24] received_y = ir.fit_transform(x, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) assert_array_equal(expected_y, received_y) def test_isotonic_regression_oob_raise(): # Set y and x y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="raise"), y) # Check that an exception is thrown assert_raises(ValueError, ir.predict, [min(x) - 10, max(x) + 10]) def test_isotonic_regression_oob_clip(): # Set y and x y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="clip"), y) # Predict from training and test x and check that min/max match. y1 = ir.predict([min(x) - 10, max(x) + 10]) y2 = ir.predict(x) assert_equal(max(y1), max(y2)) assert_equal(min(y1), min(y2)) def test_isotonic_regression_oob_nan(): # Set y and x y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="nan"), y) # Predict from training and test x and check that we have two NaNs. y1 = ir.predict([min(x) - 10, max(x) + 10]) assert_equal(sum(np.isnan(y1)), 2) def test_isotonic_regression_oob_bad(): # Set y and x y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="xyz") # Make sure that we throw an error for bad out_of_bounds value assert_raises(ValueError,, x, y) def test_isotonic_regression_oob_bad_after(): # Set y and x y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="raise") # Make sure that we throw an error for bad out_of_bounds value in transform, y) ir.out_of_bounds = "xyz" assert_raises(ValueError, ir.transform, x) def test_isotonic_regression_pickle(): y = np.array([3, 7, 5, 9, 8, 7, 10]) x = np.arange(len(y)) # Create model and fit ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing='auto', out_of_bounds="clip"), y) ir_ser = pickle.dumps(ir, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ir2 = pickle.loads(ir_ser) np.testing.assert_array_equal(ir.predict(x), ir2.predict(x)) def test_isotonic_duplicate_min_entry(): x = [0, 0, 1] y = [0, 0, 1] ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing=True, out_of_bounds="clip"), y) all_predictions_finite = np.all(np.isfinite(ir.predict(x))) assert_true(all_predictions_finite) def test_isotonic_zero_weight_loop(): # Test from @ogrisel's issue: # # Get deterministic RNG with seed rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # Create regression and samples regression = IsotonicRegression() n_samples = 50 x = np.linspace(-3, 3, n_samples) y = x + rng.uniform(size=n_samples) # Get some random weights and zero out w = rng.uniform(size=n_samples) w[5:8] = 0, y, sample_weight=w) # This will hang in failure case., y, sample_weight=w)
# # Copyright 2015 Quantopian, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from zipline.utils.memoize import lazyval class ZiplineError(Exception): msg = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs @lazyval def message(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): msg = self.msg.format(**self.kwargs) return msg __unicode__ = __str__ __repr__ = __str__ class NoTradeDataAvailable(ZiplineError): pass class NoTradeDataAvailableTooEarly(NoTradeDataAvailable): msg = "{sid} does not exist on {dt}. It started trading on {start_dt}." class NoTradeDataAvailableTooLate(NoTradeDataAvailable): msg = "{sid} does not exist on {dt}. It stopped trading on {end_dt}." class BenchmarkAssetNotAvailableTooEarly(NoTradeDataAvailableTooEarly): pass class BenchmarkAssetNotAvailableTooLate(NoTradeDataAvailableTooLate): pass class InvalidBenchmarkAsset(ZiplineError): msg = """ {sid} cannot be used as the benchmark because it has a stock \ dividend on {dt}. Choose another asset to use as the benchmark. """.strip() class WrongDataForTransform(ZiplineError): """ Raised whenever a rolling transform is called on an event that does not have the necessary properties. """ msg = "{transform} requires {fields}. Event cannot be processed." class UnsupportedSlippageModel(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user script calls the set_slippage magic with a slipage object that isn't a VolumeShareSlippage or FixedSlipapge """ msg = """ You attempted to set slippage with an unsupported class. \ Please use VolumeShareSlippage or FixedSlippage. """.strip() class SetSlippagePostInit(ZiplineError): # Raised if a users script calls set_slippage magic # after the initialize method has returned. msg = """ You attempted to set slippage outside of `initialize`. \ You may only call 'set_slippage' in your initialize method. """.strip() class SetCancelPolicyPostInit(ZiplineError): # Raised if a users script calls set_cancel_policy # after the initialize method has returned. msg = """ You attempted to set the cancel policy outside of `initialize`. \ You may only call 'set_cancel_policy' in your initialize method. """.strip() class RegisterTradingControlPostInit(ZiplineError): # Raised if a user's script register's a trading control after initialize # has been run. msg = """ You attempted to set a trading control outside of `initialize`. \ Trading controls may only be set in your initialize method. """.strip() class RegisterAccountControlPostInit(ZiplineError): # Raised if a user's script register's a trading control after initialize # has been run. msg = """ You attempted to set an account control outside of `initialize`. \ Account controls may only be set in your initialize method. """.strip() class UnsupportedCommissionModel(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user script calls the set_commission magic with a commission object that isn't a PerShare, PerTrade or PerDollar commission """ msg = """ You attempted to set commission with an unsupported class. \ Please use PerShare or PerTrade. """.strip() class UnsupportedCancelPolicy(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user script calls set_cancel_policy with an object that isn't a CancelPolicy. """ msg = """ You attempted to set the cancel policy with an unsupported class. Please use an instance of CancelPolicy. """.strip() class SetCommissionPostInit(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a users script calls set_commission magic after the initialize method has returned. """ msg = """ You attempted to override commission outside of `initialize`. \ You may only call 'set_commission' in your initialize method. """.strip() class TransactionWithNoVolume(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a transact call returns a transaction with zero volume. """ msg = """ Transaction {txn} has a volume of zero. """.strip() class TransactionWithWrongDirection(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a transact call returns a transaction with a direction that does not match the order. """ msg = """ Transaction {txn} not in same direction as corresponding order {order}. """.strip() class TransactionWithNoAmount(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a transact call returns a transaction with zero amount. """ msg = """ Transaction {txn} has an amount of zero. """.strip() class TransactionVolumeExceedsOrder(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a transact call returns a transaction with a volume greater than the corresponding order. """ msg = """ Transaction volume of {txn} exceeds the order volume of {order}. """.strip() class UnsupportedOrderParameters(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a set of mutually exclusive parameters are passed to an order call. """ msg = "{msg}" class CannotOrderDelistedAsset(ZiplineError): """ Raised if an order is for a delisted asset. """ msg = "{msg}" class BadOrderParameters(ZiplineError): """ Raised if any impossible parameters (nan, negative limit/stop) are passed to an order call. """ msg = "{msg}" class OrderDuringInitialize(ZiplineError): """ Raised if order is called during initialize() """ msg = "{msg}" class SetBenchmarkOutsideInitialize(ZiplineError): """ Raised if set_benchmark is called outside initialize() """ msg = "'set_benchmark' can only be called within initialize function." class AccountControlViolation(ZiplineError): """ Raised if the account violates a constraint set by a AccountControl. """ msg = """ Account violates account constraint {constraint}. """.strip() class TradingControlViolation(ZiplineError): """ Raised if an order would violate a constraint set by a TradingControl. """ msg = """ Order for {amount} shares of {asset} at {datetime} violates trading constraint {constraint}. """.strip() class IncompatibleHistoryFrequency(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a frequency is given to history which is not supported. At least, not yet. """ msg = """ Requested history at frequency '{frequency}' cannot be created with data at frequency '{data_frequency}'. """.strip() class HistoryInInitialize(ZiplineError): """ Raised when an algorithm calls history() in initialize. """ msg = "history() should only be called in handle_data()" class OrderInBeforeTradingStart(ZiplineError): """ Raised when an algorithm calls an order method in before_trading_start. """ msg = "Cannot place orders inside before_trading_start." class MultipleSymbolsFound(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a symbol() call contains a symbol that changed over time and is thus not resolvable without additional information provided via as_of_date. """ msg = """ Multiple symbols with the name '{symbol}' found. Use the as_of_date' argument to to specify when the date symbol-lookup should be valid. Possible options:{options} """.strip() class SymbolNotFound(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a symbol() call contains a non-existant symbol. """ msg = """ Symbol '{symbol}' was not found. """.strip() class RootSymbolNotFound(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a lookup_future_chain() call contains a non-existant symbol. """ msg = """ Root symbol '{root_symbol}' was not found. """.strip() class SidsNotFound(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a retrieve_asset() or retrieve_all() call contains a non-existent sid. """ @lazyval def plural(self): return len(self.sids) > 1 @lazyval def sids(self): return self.kwargs['sids'] @lazyval def msg(self): if self.plural: return "No assets found for sids: {sids}." return "No asset found for sid: {sids[0]}." class EquitiesNotFound(SidsNotFound): """ Raised when a call to `retrieve_equities` fails to find an asset. """ @lazyval def msg(self): if self.plural: return "No equities found for sids: {sids}." return "No equity found for sid: {sids[0]}." class FutureContractsNotFound(SidsNotFound): """ Raised when a call to `retrieve_futures_contracts` fails to find an asset. """ @lazyval def msg(self): if self.plural: return "No future contracts found for sids: {sids}." return "No future contract found for sid: {sids[0]}." class ConsumeAssetMetaDataError(ZiplineError): """ Raised when AssetFinder.consume() is called on an invalid object. """ msg = """ AssetFinder can not consume metadata of type {obj}. Metadata must be a dict, a DataFrame, or a tables.Table. If the provided metadata is a Table, the rows must contain both or one of 'sid' or 'symbol'. """.strip() class MapAssetIdentifierIndexError(ZiplineError): """ Raised when AssetMetaData.map_identifier_index_to_sids() is called on an index of invalid objects. """ msg = """ AssetFinder can not map an index with values of type {obj}. Asset indices of DataFrames or Panels must be integer sids, string symbols, or Asset objects. """.strip() class SidAssignmentError(ZiplineError): """ Raised when an AssetFinder tries to build an Asset that does not have a sid and that AssetFinder is not permitted to assign sids. """ msg = """ AssetFinder metadata is missing a SID for identifier '{identifier}'. """.strip() class NoSourceError(ZiplineError): """ Raised when no source is given to the pipeline """ msg = """ No data source given. """.strip() class PipelineDateError(ZiplineError): """ Raised when only one date is passed to the pipeline """ msg = """ Only one simulation date given. Please specify both the 'start' and 'end' for the simulation, or neither. If neither is given, the start and end of the DataSource will be used. Given start = '{start}', end = '{end}' """.strip() class WindowLengthTooLong(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a trailing window is instantiated with a lookback greater than the length of the underlying array. """ msg = ( "Can't construct a rolling window of length " "{window_length} on an array of length {nrows}." ).strip() class WindowLengthNotPositive(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a trailing window would be instantiated with a length less than 1. """ msg = ( "Expected a window_length greater than 0, got {window_length}." ).strip() class NonWindowSafeInput(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a Pipeline API term that is not deemed window safe is specified as an input to another windowed term. This is an error because it's generally not safe to compose windowed functions on split/dividend adjusted data. """ msg = ( "Can't compute windowed expression {parent} with " "windowed input {child}." ) class TermInputsNotSpecified(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user attempts to construct a term without specifying inputs and that term does not have class-level default inputs. """ msg = "{termname} requires inputs, but no inputs list was passed." class TermOutputsEmpty(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user attempts to construct a term with an empty outputs list. """ msg = ( "{termname} requires at least one output when passed an outputs " "argument." ) class InvalidOutputName(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a term's output names conflict with any of its attributes. """ msg = ( "{output_name!r} cannot be used as an output name for {termname}. " "Output names cannot start with an underscore or be contained in the " "following list: {disallowed_names}." ) class WindowLengthNotSpecified(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user attempts to construct a term without specifying window length and that term does not have a class-level default window length. """ msg = ( "{termname} requires a window_length, but no window_length was passed." ) class InvalidTermParams(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user attempts to construct a Term using ParameterizedTermMixin without specifying a `params` list in the class body. """ msg = ( "Expected a list of strings as a class-level attribute for " "{termname}.params, but got {value} instead." ) class DTypeNotSpecified(ZiplineError): """ Raised if a user attempts to construct a term without specifying dtype and that term does not have class-level default dtype. """ msg = ( "{termname} requires a dtype, but no dtype was passed." ) class NotDType(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a pipeline Term is constructed with a dtype that isn't a numpy dtype object. """ msg = ( "{termname} expected a numpy dtype " "object for a dtype, but got {dtype} instead." ) class UnsupportedDType(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a pipeline Term is constructed with a dtype that's not supported. """ msg = ( "Failed to construct {termname}.\n" "Pipeline terms of dtype {dtype} are not yet supported." ) class BadPercentileBounds(ZiplineError): """ Raised by API functions accepting percentile bounds when the passed bounds are invalid. """ msg = ( "Percentile bounds must fall between 0.0 and 100.0, and min must be " "less than max." "\nInputs were min={min_percentile}, max={max_percentile}." ) class UnknownRankMethod(ZiplineError): """ Raised during construction of a Rank factor when supplied a bad Rank method. """ msg = ( "Unknown ranking method: '{method}'. " "`method` must be one of {choices}" ) class AttachPipelineAfterInitialize(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a user tries to call add_pipeline outside of initialize. """ msg = ( "Attempted to attach a pipeline after initialize()." "attach_pipeline() can only be called during initialize." ) class PipelineOutputDuringInitialize(ZiplineError): """ Raised when a user tries to call `pipeline_output` during initialize. """ msg = ( "Attempted to call pipeline_output() during initialize. " "pipeline_output() can only be called once initialize has completed." ) class NoSuchPipeline(ZiplineError, KeyError): """ Raised when a user tries to access a non-existent pipeline by name. """ msg = ( "No pipeline named '{name}' exists. Valid pipeline names are {valid}. " "Did you forget to call attach_pipeline()?" ) class UnsupportedDataType(ZiplineError): """ Raised by CustomFactors with unsupported dtypes. """ msg = "{typename} instances with dtype {dtype} are not supported." class NoFurtherDataError(ZiplineError): """ Raised by calendar operations that would ask for dates beyond the extent of our known data. """ # This accepts an arbitrary message string because it's used in more places # that can be usefully templated. msg = '{msg}' class UnsupportedDatetimeFormat(ZiplineError): """ Raised when an unsupported datetime is passed to an API method. """ msg = ("The input '{input}' passed to '{method}' is not " "coercible to a pandas.Timestamp object.") class PositionTrackerMissingAssetFinder(ZiplineError): """ Raised by a PositionTracker if it is asked to update an Asset but does not have an AssetFinder """ msg = ( "PositionTracker attempted to update its Asset information but does " "not have an AssetFinder. This may be caused by a failure to properly " "de-serialize a TradingAlgorithm." ) class AssetDBVersionError(ZiplineError): """ Raised by an AssetDBWriter or AssetFinder if the version number in the versions table does not match the ASSET_DB_VERSION in """ msg = ( "The existing Asset database has an incorrect version: {db_version}. " "Expected version: {expected_version}. Try rebuilding your asset " "database or updating your version of Zipline." ) class AssetDBImpossibleDowngrade(ZiplineError): msg = ( "The existing Asset database is version: {db_version} which is lower " "than the desired downgrade version: {desired_version}." ) class HistoryWindowStartsBeforeData(ZiplineError): msg = ( "History window extends before {first_trading_day}. To use this " "history window, start the backtest on or after {suggested_start_day}." ) class NonExistentAssetInTimeFrame(ZiplineError): msg = ( "The target asset '{asset}' does not exist for the entire timeframe " "between {start_date} and {end_date}." )
import os import time import math import numpy as np import logging from hyo2.soundspeed import __version__ as soundspeed_version from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.metadata import Metadata from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.samples import Samples from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.more import More from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.dicts import Dicts from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.oceanography import Oceanography as Oc from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.ray_tracing.ray_tracing import RayTracing from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.ray_tracing.ray_path import RayPath from hyo2.soundspeed.profile.ray_tracing.tracedprofile import TracedProfile logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Profile: """"A sound speed profile with 3 sections: metadata, data specific to the task, and additional data""" def __init__(self): self.meta = Metadata() # metadata = Samples() # raw data self.proc = Samples() # processed data self.sis = Samples() # sis data self.more = More() # additional fields self.woa09 = None self.woa13 = None self.rtofs = None self.gomofs = None # variable for listener since the data are populated in another thread self.listener_completed = False self.listener_displayed = False def __repr__(self): msg = "<Profile>\n" msg += "%s" % self.meta msg += "%s" % msg += "%s" % self.more return msg @classmethod def calc_weights(cls, depths): mids = (depths[1:] + depths[:-1]) / 2 mids = np.insert(mids, 0, depths[0]) mids = np.append(mids, depths[-1]) diff = np.diff(mids) diff = diff / np.sum(diff) return diff @classmethod def weighted_median(cls, values, weights): # sort values and weights based on values sorted_indices = np.argsort(values) values_sorted = values[sorted_indices] weights_sorted = weights[sorted_indices] acc_prob = 0 for idx, val in enumerate(values_sorted): acc_prob += weights_sorted[idx] if acc_prob >= 0.5: return val raise RuntimeError("unable to calculated median") def weighted_harmonic_mean(self): avg_depth = 10000.0 # just a very deep value half_swath_angle = 1.0 # a small angle since we just cure about nadir tp1 = TracedProfile(ssp=self, avg_depth=avg_depth, half_swath=half_swath_angle) if len(tp1.harmonic_means) == 0: return 0 return tp1.harmonic_means[0] @classmethod def weighted_arithmetic_std(cls, values, weights): avg = np.average(values, weights=weights) var = np.average((values - avg) ** 2, weights=weights) return math.sqrt(var) def weighted_harmonic_std(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid]) avg = self.weighted_harmonic_mean() var = np.average((self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid] - avg) ** 2, weights=w) return math.sqrt(var) def init_data(self, num_samples): if num_samples == 0: return = num_samples def init_proc(self, num_samples): if num_samples == 0: return self.proc.num_samples = num_samples self.proc.init_pressure() self.proc.init_depth() self.proc.init_speed() self.proc.init_temp() self.proc.init_conductivity() self.proc.init_sal() self.proc.init_source() self.proc.init_flag() def init_sis(self, num_samples=0): self.sis.num_samples = num_samples self.sis.init_pressure() self.sis.init_depth() self.sis.init_speed() self.sis.init_temp() self.sis.init_conductivity() self.sis.init_sal() self.sis.init_source() self.sis.init_flag() def init_more(self, more_fields): self.more.init_struct_array(, more_fields) def data_resize(self, count): self.more.resize(count) @property def data_valid(self): """Return indices of valid data""" return np.equal(, Dicts.flags['valid']) @property def proc_valid(self): """Return indices of valid proc samples""" return np.equal(self.proc.flag, Dicts.flags['valid']) @property def nr_valid_proc_samples(self): """Return the number of valid proc samples""" return len(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid]) @property def proc_dqa_valid(self): """Return indices of DQA valid proc samples""" return np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, np.logical_or(np.equal(self.proc.source, Dicts.sources['raw']), np.equal(self.proc.source, Dicts.sources['smoothing']))) @property def sis_valid(self): """Return indices of valid sis samples""" return np.equal(self.sis.flag, Dicts.flags['valid']) @property def sis_thinned(self): """Return indices of thinned sis samples""" return np.equal(self.sis.flag, Dicts.flags['thin']) @property def proc_invalid_direction(self): """Return indices of invalid data for direction""" return np.equal(self.proc.flag, Dicts.flags['direction']) # numpy 1.10.4 if a warning @property def proc_depth_min(self): return self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid].min() @property def proc_speed_min(self): return self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid].min() @property def proc_temp_min(self): return self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid].min() @property def proc_sal_min(self): return self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid].min() @property def proc_depth_max(self): return self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid].max() @property def proc_speed_max(self): return self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid].max() @property def proc_temp_max(self): return self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid].max() @property def proc_sal_max(self): return self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid].max() @property def proc_depth_median(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_median(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_speed_median(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_median(self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_temp_median(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_median(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_sal_median(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_median(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_depth_mean(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid]) return np.average(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid], weights=w) @property def proc_speed_mean(self): return self.weighted_harmonic_mean() @property def proc_temp_mean(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid]) return np.average(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid], weights=w) @property def proc_sal_mean(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid]) return np.average(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid], weights=w) @property def proc_depth_std(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_arithmetic_std(self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_speed_std(self): return self.weighted_harmonic_std() @property def proc_temp_std(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_arithmetic_std(self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid], w) @property def proc_sal_std(self): w = self.calc_weights(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid]) return self.weighted_arithmetic_std(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid], w) def _calc_water_salinity_threshold(self): """Determine salinity threshold from min/max values to help determine where instrument entered water""" sal_min = self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid].min() sal_max = self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid].max() sal_thresh = sal_min + 0.1 * (sal_max - sal_min) # '10% between extremes if sal_thresh < 0.03: sal_thresh = 0.03 elif sal_thresh > 3: sal_thresh = 3.0 return sal_thresh def _calc_air_water_index(self): """Use the salinity threshold to determine where instrument first entered water.""" sal_thresh = self._calc_water_salinity_threshold() try: water_i = np.argwhere(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid] >= sal_thresh)[0][0] except IndexError: # never passed threshold water_i = len(self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid]) - 1 logger.debug("water index: %d (using salinity threshold: %.3f)" % (water_i, sal_thresh)) return water_i def remove_pre_water_entry(self): """Look for data that is likely out of the water by searching for very low salinity levels""" if not self.proc.sal.any(): logger.debug("all salinity values are zero -> skipping pre-water entry removal") return if self.nr_valid_proc_samples == 0: logger.debug("not valid processing samples") return # remove initial samples out of water using salinity water_i = self._calc_air_water_index() in_air_ii = np.arange(0, len(self.proc_valid)) < water_i valid_and_in_air_ii = np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, in_air_ii) self.proc.flag[valid_and_in_air_ii] = Dicts.flags['filtered'] # remove samples out of water within the profile using salinity try: sal_th = 0.8 * self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid][0] in_air_ii = self.proc.sal <= sal_th valid_and_in_air_ii = np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, in_air_ii) self.proc.flag[valid_and_in_air_ii] = Dicts.flags['filtered'] except IndexError: logger.warning("issue with removing samples out of the water using salinity") # remove samples out of water within the profile using pressure try: press_th = -0.001 in_air_ii = self.proc.pressure <= press_th valid_and_in_air_ii = np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, in_air_ii) self.proc.flag[valid_and_in_air_ii] = Dicts.flags['filtered'] except IndexError: logger.warning("issue with removing samples out of the water using salinity") def statistical_filter(self): speed = self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid] depth = self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid] sigma = speed * 0.0 speed_mean = speed * 0.0 nr_samples = len(speed) sigma_min_th = 0.2 # Minimum standard deviation allowed. logger.debug("applying statistical filter at %d valid samples" % nr_samples) # Calculate local mean and std dev for each sample, use 2 neighbors on either sides. # Endpoints treated separately. Target: single point fliers for i in range(2, nr_samples - 2): speed_sum = 0 speed_sum_sq = 0 for k in range(-2, 3): if k == 0: # skip itself continue speed_sum += speed[i + k] speed_sum_sq += speed[i + k] * speed[i + k] variance = ((4 * speed_sum_sq) - speed_sum * speed_sum) / (4 * 3) # unbiased variance speed_mean[i] = speed_sum / 4 if variance < 0: variance = 0 sigma[i] = np.sqrt(variance) # Local standard deviation if sigma[i] < sigma_min_th: sigma[i] = sigma_min_th # Endpoints (use only three neighboring points). Relax tolerance. c_end = 1.3 # Relaxed tolerance factor at endpoints. ends_i = [0, 1, nr_samples - 2, nr_samples - 1] index = [(1, 2, 3), (0, 2, 3), (nr_samples - 4, nr_samples - 3, nr_samples - 1), (nr_samples - 4, nr_samples - 3, nr_samples - 2)] for k in range(4): speed_sum = 0 speed_sum_sq = 0 i = ends_i[k] # Point number for j in range(3): ind_kj = index[k][j] speed_sum += speed[ind_kj] speed_sum_sq += speed[ind_kj] * speed[ind_kj] variance = ((3 * speed_sum_sq) - speed_sum * speed_sum) / (3 * 2) # unbiased variance speed_mean[i] = speed_sum / 3 if variance < 0: variance = 0 sigma[i] = np.sqrt(variance) if sigma[i] < sigma_min_th: sigma[i] = sigma_min_th sigma[i] *= c_end # Relax tolerance for end pts # identify the sample to filter nr_std_dev = 2 # number of standard deviations to use for error band. tolerance_factor = 1.3 # Tolerance factor. depth_th = 33.0 # Depth at which to relax error band. factor = tolerance_factor stat_filtered = np.zeros(nr_samples, dtype=bool) for i in range(nr_samples): if depth[i] > depth_th: factor = 1.0 th = factor * nr_std_dev * sigma[i] if np.absolute(speed[i] - speed_mean[i]) > th: logger.debug("statistical filtering for sample #%d (%.2f, %.2f, th: %.2f)" % (i, speed[i], speed_mean[i], th)) stat_filtered[i] = True # finally apply the statistical filtering filtered_ii = np.zeros(len(self.proc_valid), dtype=bool) filtered_ii[self.proc_valid] = stat_filtered valid_and_filtered_ii = np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, filtered_ii) self.proc.flag[valid_and_filtered_ii] = Dicts.flags['filtered'] def cosine_smooth(self): """Cosine-averaging to smooth the profile data""" verbose = False # set to True for verbose intermediate steps valid_and_smoothed = self.proc.source[self.proc_valid] == Dicts.sources['smoothing'] # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if (valid_and_smoothed == True).all(): return # logger.debug(valid_and_smoothed) # retrieve the depths zs = self.proc.depth[self.proc_valid] # create a dictionary with data types, not including source and type names = ["pressure", "speed", "temp", "conductivity", "sal"] records = dict() records["pressure"] = self.proc.pressure[self.proc_valid] records["speed"] = self.proc.speed[self.proc_valid] records["temp"] = self.proc.temp[self.proc_valid] records["conductivity"] = self.proc.conductivity[self.proc_valid] records["sal"] = self.proc.sal[self.proc_valid] # create the window widths ww_min = 1.7 # minimum window width for the cos( ) function ww_mul = 0.0025 # used to grow the window width (that is, to spread the averaging) as the z gets larger window_width = np.maximum(np.absolute(zs * ww_mul), ww_min) if verbose: logger.debug("cosine avg -> window width: %s" % (window_width,)) # retrieve the profile's z range z_min = zs.min() z_max = zs.max() if verbose: logger.debug("cosine avg -> z range: (%f, %f)" % (z_min, z_max)) # create a 2D storage array: # - [rows -> types]: 2 additional rows (bin values on row #0, weights on row #-1) # - [cols -> values]: extra columns (that will be removed at the end) on both sides bin_size = 1.0 # size of bin, unit or measure is meter (depth) bin_width = 4 # number of bins on both sides of the value storage = np.zeros([len(names) + 2, int(2 * (bin_width + 1) + (z_max - z_min) / bin_size)]) if verbose: logger.debug("cosine avg -> storage: rows %s, columns %s" % (storage.shape[0], storage.shape[1])) # populate bin values (row #0) for i in range(storage.shape[1]): storage[0][i] = z_min + (- bin_width + i) * bin_size if verbose: logger.debug("cosine avg -> storage bin values: %s" % (storage[0],)) # populate weights for i, z in enumerate(zs): # calculate the index of the central bin value center_idx = int((z - z_min) / bin_size + .5) + bin_width # if debug: # logger.debug("cosine avg -> z: %s, center index: %s" % (z, center_idx)) # calculate the differences from the current z values in the averaging windows z_diff = z - storage[0][center_idx - bin_width:center_idx + bin_width + 1] # if debug: # logger.debug("cosine avg -> z: %s, z diff: %s" % (z, z_diff)) # Insure that weight will be .1 at a window width from point I bin_weights = 1.0 + np.cos(2.69 * z_diff / window_width[i]) bin_weights *= np.absolute(z_diff) < window_width[i] # set to 0 when outside the window width # if debug: # logger.debug("cosine avg -> z: %s, bin weights: %s" % (z, bin_weights)) for j, name in enumerate(names): # summing up for all the types, row is j + 1 since the first row is for bin values storage[1 + j][center_idx - bin_width:center_idx + bin_width + 1] += records[name][i] * bin_weights storage[-1][center_idx - bin_width:center_idx + bin_width + 1] += bin_weights if verbose: logger.debug("cosine avg -> storage weights: %s" % (storage[-1],)) for j, name in enumerate(names): logger.debug("cosine avg -> storage %s sums: %s" % (name, storage[1 + j],)) # remove the end stuff for the bin widths storage = storage[:, bin_width: -(bin_width + 1)] # remove bins that didn't have enough weighting. storage = np.compress(storage[-1] > 0.1, storage, axis=1) # normalize by using the stored weights for i in range(len(names)): storage[1 + i] /= storage[-1] # calculate the z differences + add 1 value to the outcome (to have the same length as the storage) delta_zs = np.hstack(([1.0], np.diff(storage[0]))) # remove duplicated z values storage = np.compress(delta_zs >= .00001, storage, axis=1) # logger.debug(self.proc.depth) # insert created data into the self.proc arrays last_depth = 0.0 for row in storage.T: # index of where the storage record falls d_th = float(row[0]) if d_th < last_depth: continue last_depth = d_th try: z_bools = np.logical_and(self.proc_valid, self.proc.depth > d_th) i = np.argwhere(z_bools)[0] except IndexError: i = zs.size self.proc.depth = np.insert(self.proc.depth, i, d_th) self.proc.source = np.insert(self.proc.source, i, Dicts.sources['smoothing']) self.proc.flag = np.insert(self.proc.flag, i, Dicts.flags['valid']) for j, name in enumerate(names): setattr(self.proc, name, np.insert(getattr(self.proc, name), i, row[j + 1])) # logger.debug(self.proc.depth) # since we inserted new samples self.proc.num_samples = self.proc.depth.size # mark previous 'valid' data as 'smoothed' self.proc.flag[self.proc.source != Dicts.sources['smoothing']] = Dicts.flags['smoothed'] def reduce_up_down(self, ssp_direction, use_pressure=False): """Reduce the raw data samples based on the passed direction""" if == 0: # skipping if there are no data return # identify max depth if use_pressure: max_value =[self.data_valid].max() # max pressure logger.debug("reduce up/down > max pressure: %s" % max_value) else: max_value =[self.data_valid].max() # max depth logger.debug("reduce up/down > max depth: %s" % max_value) # loop through the sample using max depth as turning point max_reached = False last_value = None for i in range( if use_pressure: value =[i] else: value =[i] if (ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['up'] and not max_reached) \ or (ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['down'] and max_reached):[i] = Dicts.flags['direction'] # set invalid for direction elif ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['down'] and not max_reached: if (i != 0) and (last_value is not None): if value <= last_value: # print(last_value, value)[i] = Dicts.flags['direction'] # set invalid for direction else: last_value = value else: last_value = value elif ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['up'] and max_reached: if (i != 0) and (last_value is not None): if value >= last_value:[i] = Dicts.flags['direction'] # set invalid for direction else: last_value = value else: last_value = value if (value == max_value) and (max_reached is False): max_reached = True last_value = value if ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['up']:[i] = Dicts.flags['valid'] # switch back to valid the last flagged one if np.sum(self.data_valid) <= 1: raise RuntimeError('Unable to locate the upcast values. Double check their presence in the input file.') if ssp_direction == Dicts.ssp_directions['up']: logger.debug("flipping data for up direction")[:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud([:] = np.flipud( def calc_salinity_from_conductivity(self): if np.count_nonzero( pressure = else: if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude pressure = Oc.d2p_backup(, latitude) = np.zeros_like( # convert from S/m to mmho/cm #[self.data_valid] = Oc.c2s([self.data_valid] * 10.0, # pressure[self.data_valid],[self.data_valid]) = Oc.c2s( * 10.0, pressure, # FIXME - what is the standard conductivity unit? S/m or mmho/cm (mS/cm) self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_import_infos['CALC_SAL']) def calc_salinity(self): """Helper method to calculate salinity from depth, sound speed and temperature""" # logger.debug("calculate salinity") if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude for count in range([count] = Oc.sal([count],[count],[count], lat=latitude) self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_import_infos['CALC_SAL']) def calc_dyn_height(self): """Helper method to calculate the dynamic height""" if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude if not self.meta.longitude: longitude = -70.0 logger.warning("using default longitude: %s" % longitude) else: longitude = self.meta.longitude try: # print(self.data_valid) sa = Oc.sal2sa([self.data_valid],[self.data_valid], lon=longitude, lat=latitude) ct = Oc.t2ct(sa=sa,[self.data_valid],[self.data_valid]) dh = Oc.geo_strf_dyn_height(sa=sa, ct=ct,[self.data_valid], p_ref=0) for val in dh: if np.isnan(val): raise RuntimeError("nan in geo_strf_dyn_height") return dh except Exception as e: logger.warning("issue: %s" % e) return None def calc_data_depth(self): """Helper method to calculate depth from pressure (in dBar)""" dyn_height = self.calc_dyn_height() if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude = np.zeros_like([self.data_valid] = Oc.p2d([self.data_valid], lat=latitude, dyn_height=dyn_height, debug=True) self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_import_infos['CALC_DEP']) def calc_dyn_height_with_depth(self): """Helper method to calculate the dynamic height""" if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude if not self.meta.longitude: longitude = -70.0 logger.warning("using default longitude: %s" % longitude) else: longitude = self.meta.longitude try: # print(self.data_valid) sa = Oc.sal2sa([self.data_valid],[self.data_valid], lon=longitude, lat=latitude) ct = Oc.t2ct(sa=sa,[self.data_valid],[self.data_valid]) dh = Oc.geo_strf_dyn_height(sa=sa, ct=ct,[self.data_valid], p_ref=0) for val in dh: if np.isnan(val): raise RuntimeError("nan in geo_strf_dyn_height_with_depth") return dh except Exception as e: logger.warning("issue: %s" % e) return None def calc_data_pressure(self): """Helper method to calculate pressure from depth (in m)""" dyn_height = self.calc_dyn_height_with_depth() raise RuntimeError("Not implemented") def calc_data_speed(self): """Helper method to calculate sound speed""" # logger.debug("calculate sound speed") if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude for count in range([count] = Oc.speed([count],[count],[count], latitude) self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_import_infos['CALC_SPD']) def calc_proc_speed(self): """Helper method to calculate processed sound speed""" # logger.debug("calculate sound speed") if not self.meta.latitude: latitude = 30.0 logger.warning("using default latitude: %s" % latitude) else: latitude = self.meta.latitude for count in range(self.proc.num_samples): self.proc.speed[count] = Oc.speed(self.proc.depth[count], self.proc.temp[count], self.proc.sal[count], latitude) self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['RECALC_SPD']) def calc_attenuation(self, frequency, ph): """Helper method to calculation attenuation [unused]""" depth = np.zeros(self.proc.num_samples) attenuation = np.zeros(self.proc.num_samples) for i in range(self.proc.num_samples): depth[i] = self.proc.depth[i] attenuation[i] = Oc.a(frequency, self.proc.temp[i], self.proc.sal[i], self.proc.depth[i], ph) return attenuation, depth def calc_cumulative_attenuation(self, frequency, ph): """Helper method to calculation cumulative attenuation [unused]""" attenuation, depth = self.calc_attenuation(frequency, ph) cumulative_attenuation = np.zeros(len(attenuation)) total_loss = 0 for count in range(len(attenuation) - 1): layer_loss = attenuation[count] * (depth[count + 1] - depth[count]) / 1000.0 total_loss += layer_loss cumulative_attenuation[count] = total_loss / (depth[count + 1] / 1000.0) cumulative_attenuation[-1] = cumulative_attenuation[-2] return cumulative_attenuation, depth def insert_proc_speed(self, depth, speed, src=Dicts.sources['user']): # logger.debug("insert speed to proc data: d:%s, vs:%s" % (depth, speed)) # we need to take care of valid samples and user-invalidated samples (to avoid to brake in case un-flagged) valid = self.proc.flag == Dicts.flags['valid'] # valid samples iv = np.indices(self.proc.flag.shape)[0][valid] # indices of valid samples user_invalid = self.proc.flag == Dicts.flags['user'] # user-invalidate samples possible = np.logical_or(valid, user_invalid) # possible samples ip = np.indices(self.proc.flag.shape)[0][possible] # indices of possible samples # find depth index both in the valid and in the possible samples try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker v_i = np.argwhere(self.proc.depth[valid] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the valid array i = iv[v_i] # the corresponding index of the masked index in the full array except IndexError: # in case that there are not v_i = self.proc.depth[valid].size - 1 i = iv[v_i] try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker p_i = np.argwhere(self.proc.depth[possible] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the possible array j = ip[p_i] except IndexError: # in case that there are not p_i = self.proc.depth[possible].size - 1 j = ip[p_i] # check if we already have this depth in the masked array d_exists = self.proc.depth[valid][v_i] == depth # manipulate profile (linear interpolation) if d_exists: # print('already present') self.proc.speed[i] = speed self.proc.source[i] = src self.proc.flag[i] = Dicts.flags['valid'] else: # print('new depth') if depth < self.proc.depth[valid][0]: m_ids = [0, 1] # print('before beginning: %s' % j) elif depth > self.proc.depth[valid][-1]: j += 1 m_ids = [-2, -1] # print('after end') else: if self.proc.depth[valid][v_i] < depth: m_ids = [v_i, v_i + 1] else: m_ids = [v_i - 1, v_i] # print('in the middle') di = np.array([self.proc.depth[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.depth[valid][m_ids[1]]]) a = np.array([[di[0], 1.], [di[1], 1.]]) # interpolate for pressure pi = np.array([self.proc.pressure[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.pressure[valid][m_ids[1]]]) pm, pc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, pi, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.pressure = np.insert(self.proc.pressure, j, pm * depth + pc) # print(self.proc.pressure[0], self.proc.pressure.size) # interpolate for temp ti = np.array([self.proc.temp[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.temp[valid][m_ids[1]]]) tm, tc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, ti, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.temp = np.insert(self.proc.temp, j, tm * depth + tc) # print(self.proc.temp[0], self.proc.temp.size) # interpolate for conductivity ci = np.array([self.proc.conductivity[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.conductivity[valid][m_ids[1]]]) cm, cc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, ci, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.conductivity = np.insert(self.proc.conductivity, j, cm * depth + cc) # print(self.proc.conductivity[0], self.proc.conductivity.size) # interpolate for sal si = np.array([self.proc.sal[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.sal[valid][m_ids[1]]]) sm, sc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, si, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.sal = np.insert(self.proc.sal, j, sm * depth + sc) # print(self.proc.sal[0], self.proc.sal.size) self.proc.depth = np.insert(self.proc.depth, j, depth) self.proc.speed = np.insert(self.proc.speed, j, speed) self.proc.source = np.insert(self.proc.source, j, src) self.proc.flag = np.insert(self.proc.flag, j, Dicts.flags['valid']) self.proc.num_samples += 1 def insert_sis_speed(self, depth, speed, src=Dicts.sources['user'], temp=None, cond=None, sal=None): # logger.debug("insert speed to sis data: d:%s, vs:%s" % (depth, speed)) # we need to take care of valid samples and user-invalidated samples (to avoid to brake in case un-flagged) valid = self.sis_thinned # valid samples iv = np.indices(self.sis.flag.shape)[0][valid] # indices of valid samples user_invalid = self.sis.flag == Dicts.flags['user'] # user-invalidate samples possible = np.logical_or(valid, user_invalid) # possible samples ip = np.indices(self.sis.flag.shape)[0][possible] # indices of possible samples # find depth index both in the valid and in the possible samples try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker v_i = np.argwhere(self.sis.depth[valid] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the valid array i = iv[v_i] # the corresponding index of the masked index in the full array except IndexError: # in case that there are not v_i = self.sis.depth[valid].size - 1 i = iv[v_i] try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker p_i = np.argwhere(self.sis.depth[possible] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the possible array j = ip[p_i] except IndexError: # in case that there are not p_i = self.sis.depth[possible].size - 1 j = ip[p_i] # check if we already have this depth in the masked array d_exists = self.sis.depth[valid][v_i] == depth # manipulate profile (linear interpolation) if d_exists: # logger.debug('sample already present with depth: %s -> modifying' % depth) self.sis.speed[i] = speed self.sis.source[i] = src self.sis.flag[i] = Dicts.flags['thin'] if temp is not None: self.sis.temp[i] = temp if cond is not None: self.sis.conductivity[i] = cond if sal is not None: self.sis.sal[i] = sal else: # logger.debug("added new sample at depth: %s" % depth) if depth < self.sis.depth[valid][0]: m_ids = [0, 1] # print('before beginning: %s' % j) elif depth > self.sis.depth[valid][-1]: j += 1 m_ids = [-2, -1] # print('after end') else: if self.sis.depth[valid][v_i] < depth: m_ids = [v_i, v_i + 1] else: m_ids = [v_i - 1, v_i] # print('in the middle') di = np.array([self.sis.depth[valid][m_ids[0]], self.sis.depth[valid][m_ids[1]]]) a = np.array([[di[0], 1.], [di[1], 1.]]) # interpolate for pressure pi = np.array([self.sis.pressure[valid][m_ids[0]], self.sis.pressure[valid][m_ids[1]]]) pm, pc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, pi, rcond=None)[0] self.sis.pressure = np.insert(self.sis.pressure, j, pm * depth + pc) # print(self.sis.pressure[0], self.sis.pressure.size) # interpolate for temp if temp is None: ti = np.array([self.sis.temp[valid][m_ids[0]], self.sis.temp[valid][m_ids[1]]]) tm, tc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, ti, rcond=None)[0] self.sis.temp = np.insert(self.sis.temp, j, tm * depth + tc) else: self.sis.temp = np.insert(self.sis.temp, j, temp) # logger.debug("added temperature: %s" % self.sis.temp[j]) # interpolate for conductivity if cond is None: ci = np.array([self.sis.conductivity[valid][m_ids[0]], self.sis.conductivity[valid][m_ids[1]]]) cm, cc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, ci, rcond=None)[0] self.sis.conductivity = np.insert(self.sis.conductivity, j, cm * depth + cc) else: self.sis.conductivity = np.insert(self.sis.conductivity, j, cond) # logger.debug("added conductivity: %s" % self.sis.conductivity[j]) # interpolate for sal if sal is None: si = np.array([self.sis.sal[valid][m_ids[0]], self.sis.sal[valid][m_ids[1]]]) sm, sc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, si, rcond=None)[0] self.sis.sal = np.insert(self.sis.sal, j, sm * depth + sc) else: self.sis.sal = np.insert(self.sis.sal, j, sal) # logger.debug("added salinity: %s" % self.sis.sal[j]) self.sis.depth = np.insert(self.sis.depth, j, depth) self.sis.speed = np.insert(self.sis.speed, j, speed) self.sis.source = np.insert(self.sis.source, j, src) # we flag it as thin since the user most likely wants to have this value in the export self.sis.flag = np.insert(self.sis.flag, j, Dicts.flags['thin']) self.sis.num_samples += 1 def insert_proc_temp_sal(self, depth, temp, sal): logger.debug("insert temp, sal to proc data: d:%s, t:%s, s:%s" % (depth, temp, sal)) speed = Oc.speed(d=depth, t=temp, s=sal, lat=self.meta.latitude) # we need to take care of valid samples and user-invalidated samples (to avoid to brake in case un-flagged) valid = self.proc.flag == Dicts.flags['valid'] # valid samples iv = np.indices(self.proc.flag.shape)[0][valid] # indices of valid samples user_invalid = self.proc.flag == Dicts.flags['user'] # user-invalidate samples possible = np.logical_or(valid, user_invalid) # possible samples ip = np.indices(self.proc.flag.shape)[0][possible] # indices of possible samples # find depth index both in the valid and in the possible samples try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker v_i = np.argwhere(self.proc.depth[valid] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the valid array i = iv[v_i] # the corresponding index of the masked index in the full array except IndexError: # in case that there are not v_i = self.proc.depth[valid].size - 1 i = iv[v_i] try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker p_i = np.argwhere(self.proc.depth[possible] > depth)[0][0] # the index in the possible array j = ip[p_i] except IndexError: # in case that there are not p_i = self.proc.depth[possible].size - 1 j = ip[p_i] # check if we already have this depth in the masked array d_exists = self.proc.depth[valid][v_i] == depth # manipulate profile (linear interpolation) if d_exists: # print('already present') self.proc.temp[i] = temp self.proc.sal[i] = sal self.proc.speed[i] = speed self.proc.source[i] = Dicts.sources['user'] self.proc.flag[i] = Dicts.flags['valid'] else: # print('new depth') if depth < self.proc.depth[valid][0]: m_ids = [0, 1] # print('before beginning: %s' % j) elif depth > self.proc.depth[valid][-1]: j += 1 m_ids = [-2, -1] # print('after end') else: if self.proc.depth[valid][v_i] < depth: m_ids = [v_i, v_i + 1] else: m_ids = [v_i - 1, v_i] # print('in the middle') di = np.array([self.proc.depth[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.depth[valid][m_ids[1]]]) a = np.array([[di[0], 1.], [di[1], 1.]]) # interpolate for pressure pi = np.array([self.proc.pressure[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.pressure[valid][m_ids[1]]]) pm, pc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, pi, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.pressure = np.insert(self.proc.pressure, j, pm * depth + pc) # print(self.proc.pressure[0], self.proc.pressure.size) # interpolate for conductivity ci = np.array([self.proc.conductivity[valid][m_ids[0]], self.proc.conductivity[valid][m_ids[1]]]) cm, cc = np.linalg.lstsq(a, ci, rcond=None)[0] self.proc.conductivity = np.insert(self.proc.conductivity, j, cm * depth + cc) # print(self.proc.conductivity[0], self.proc.conductivity.size) self.proc.depth = np.insert(self.proc.depth, j, depth) self.proc.speed = np.insert(self.proc.speed, j, speed) self.proc.temp = np.insert(self.proc.temp, j, temp) self.proc.sal = np.insert(self.proc.sal, j, sal) self.proc.source = np.insert(self.proc.source, j, Dicts.sources['user']) self.proc.flag = np.insert(self.proc.flag, j, Dicts.flags['valid']) self.proc.num_samples += 1 def extend_profile(self, extender, ext_type): """ Use the extender samples to extend the profile """ logger.debug("extension source type: %s" % Dicts.first_match(Dicts.sources, ext_type)) try: extender.cur.proc.source[:] = ext_type except AttributeError: return False # find the max valid depth in the current profile if self.proc.num_samples > 0: vi = self.proc_valid ivs = np.indices(self.proc.flag.shape)[0][vi] # indices of valid samples max_depth = self.proc.depth[vi].max() # this is the max of the valid samples # noinspection PyTypeChecker vi_idx = np.argwhere(self.proc.depth[vi] >= max_depth)[0][0] # index of the max depth max_idx = ivs[vi_idx] # index of the max depth in the original array else: max_depth = 0 max_idx = 0 # logger.debug("orig.max depth: %s[%s]" % (max_depth, max_idx)) # find the depth values in the extender that are deeper than the current (valid) max depth ext_vi = extender.cur.proc_valid try: # noinspection PyTypeChecker ind2 = np.argwhere(extender.cur.proc.depth[ext_vi][:] > max_depth)[0][0] if ind2 <= 0:"nothing to extend with") return True # logger.debug("ext.max depth: [%s]" % ind2) except IndexError as e: logger.warning("too short to extend with: %s" % e) return True # stack the extending samples after the last valid (max depth) index self.proc.pressure = np.hstack([self.proc.depth[:max_idx + 1], np.zeros_like(extender.cur.proc.depth[ext_vi][ind2:])]) self.proc.depth = np.hstack([self.proc.depth[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.depth[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.speed = np.hstack([self.proc.speed[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.speed[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.temp = np.hstack([self.proc.temp[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.temp[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.conductivity = np.hstack([self.proc.sal[:max_idx + 1], np.zeros_like(extender.cur.proc.sal[ext_vi][ind2:])]) self.proc.sal = np.hstack([self.proc.sal[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.sal[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.source = np.hstack([self.proc.source[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.source[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.flag = np.hstack([self.proc.flag[:max_idx + 1], extender.cur.proc.flag[ext_vi][ind2:]]) self.proc.num_samples = self.proc.depth.size # update processing info if ext_type == Dicts.sources['ref_ext']: self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['EXT_REF']) elif ext_type == Dicts.sources['woa09_ext']: self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['EXT_WOA09']) elif ext_type == Dicts.sources['woa13_ext']: self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['EXT_WOA13']) elif ext_type == Dicts.sources['rtofs_ext']: self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['EXT_RTOFS']) elif ext_type == Dicts.sources['gomofs_ext']: self.modify_proc_info(Dicts.proc_user_infos['EXT_GoMOFS']) else: logger.warning("unknown atlases: %s" % ext_type) return False return True def modify_proc_info(self, info): if info not in Dicts.proc_user_infos.values(): if info not in Dicts.proc_import_infos.values(): raise RuntimeError("invalid processing info: %s" % info) # if empty, add the info if not self.meta.proc_info: self.meta.proc_info = info return # check if it is already present tokens = self.meta.proc_info.split(';') if info not in tokens: self.meta.proc_info += ';%s' % info def remove_user_proc_info(self): # if empty, nothing to do if not self.meta.proc_info: return # check if it is already present tokens = self.meta.proc_info.split(';') self.meta.proc_info = None for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token in Dicts.proc_import_infos.values(): if self.meta.proc_info is None: self.meta.proc_info = '%s' % token else: self.meta.proc_info += ';%s' % token def clone_data_to_proc(self): """Clone the raw data samples into proc samples The operation eliminates the direction-flagged samples """ #"cloning raw data to proc samples") if == 0: return vi = self.data_valid # invalid samples (no direction-flagged) self.init_proc(np.sum(vi)) self.proc.pressure[:] =[vi] self.proc.depth[:] =[vi] self.proc.speed[:] =[vi] self.proc.temp[:] =[vi] self.proc.conductivity[:] =[vi] self.proc.sal[:] =[vi] self.proc.source[:] =[vi] self.proc.flag[:] =[vi] self.update_proc_time() def clone_proc_to_sis(self): """Clone the processed data samples into sis samples""" #"cloning proc data to sis samples") if self.proc.num_samples == 0: return self.init_sis(self.proc.depth.size) self.sis.pressure[:] = self.proc.pressure self.sis.depth[:] = self.proc.depth self.sis.speed[:] = self.proc.speed self.sis.temp[:] = self.proc.temp self.sis.conductivity[:] = self.proc.conductivity self.sis.sal[:] = self.proc.sal self.sis.source[:] = self.proc.source self.sis.flag[:] = self.proc.flag def update_proc_time(self): self.meta.update_proc_time() def replace_proc_sal(self, source): try: self.proc.sal = np.interp(self.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.sal[:]) except Exception as e: logger.warning("in replace salinity, %s" % e) return False return True def replace_proc_temp_sal(self, source): try: self.proc.temp = np.interp(self.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.temp[:]) self.proc.sal = np.interp(self.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.depth[:], source.cur.proc.sal[:]) except Exception as e: logger.warning("in replace temp/sal, %s" % e) return False return True # - thinning def thin(self, tolerance): """Thin the sis data""" #"thinning the sis samples") # if the profile is too short, we just pass it back if self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid].size < 100: self.sis.flag[self.sis_valid] = Dicts.flags['thin'] logger.debug("skipping thinning for short profile (%d samples)" % self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid].size) return True # - 1000 points for: EM2040, EM710, EM302 and EM122; # - 570 points for: EM3000, EM3002, EM1002, EM300, EM120 flagged = self.sis.flag[self.sis_valid][:] idx_start = 0 idx_end = self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid].size - 1 # logger.debug('first: %s, last: %s[%s]' # % (self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][idx_start], # self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][idx_end], # self.sis.flag[self.sis_valid][idx_end])) self.douglas_peucker_1d(idx_start, idx_end, tolerance=tolerance, data=flagged) self.sis.flag[self.sis_valid] = flagged[:] #"thinned: %s" % self.sis.flag[self.sis_thinned].size) return True def douglas_peucker_1d(self, start, end, tolerance, data): """ Recursive implementation """ # logger.debug("dp: %s, %s" % (start, end)) # We always keep end points data[start] = Dicts.flags['thin'] data[end] = Dicts.flags['thin'] slope = (self.sis.speed[self.sis_valid][end] - self.sis.speed[self.sis_valid][start]) / \ (self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][end] - self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][start]) max_dist = 0 max_ind = 0 for ind in range(start + 1, end): dist = abs(self.sis.speed[self.sis_valid][start] + slope * (self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][ind] - self.sis.depth[self.sis_valid][start]) - self.sis.speed[self.sis_valid][ind]) if dist > max_dist: max_dist = dist max_ind = ind if max_dist <= tolerance: return else: data[max_ind] = Dicts.flags['thin'] # print(max_ind, max_dist, data[max_ind]) self.douglas_peucker_1d(start, max_ind, tolerance, data=data) self.douglas_peucker_1d(max_ind, end, tolerance, data=data) return # - debugging def data_debug_plot(self, more=False): """Create a debug plot with the data, optionally with the extra data if available""" if is None: return else: self._plot(, more=more, kind='data') def proc_debug_plot(self, more=False): """Create a debug plot with the processed data, optionally with the extra data if available""" if self.proc.depth is None: return else: self._plot(samples=self.proc, more=more, kind='proc') def sis_debug_plot(self, more=False): """Create a debug plot with the sis-targeted data, optionally with the extra data if available""" if self.sis.depth is None: return else: self._plot(samples=self.sis, more=more, kind='sis') def _plot(self, samples, more, kind): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure("[%s] %s" % (self.meta.original_path, kind), dpi=120) if samples.speed is not None: plt.subplot(231) # speed plt.plot(samples.speed, samples.depth) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid(True) plt.title('speed') if samples.temp is not None: plt.subplot(232) # temp plt.plot(samples.temp, samples.depth) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid(True) plt.title('temp') if samples.sal is not None: plt.subplot(233) # sal plt.plot(samples.sal, samples.depth) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid(True) plt.title('sal') if samples.flag is not None: plt.subplot(234) # source plt.plot(samples.source, samples.depth) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid(True) plt.title('source') if samples.flag is not None: plt.subplot(235) # flag plt.plot(samples.flag, samples.depth) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid(True) plt.title('flag') plt.subplot(236) # meta fs = 8 # font size plt.title('meta[%s]' % kind) plt.axis('off') plt.text(0.1, 0.25, self.meta.debug_info(), fontsize=fs) if more: self.more.debug_plot() def interpolate_proc_speed_at_depth(self, depth, points=3): """ Return speed difference at the passed depth""" # identify start/end of profile data to be used for interpolation idx = np.searchsorted(self.proc.depth[self.proc_dqa_valid], depth) start = (idx - points) if (idx - points >= 0) else 0 end = idx + points # calculate coefficients and interpolated speed coefficients = np.polyfit(self.proc.depth[self.proc_dqa_valid][start:end], self.proc.speed[self.proc_dqa_valid][start:end], 2) cast_speed = np.poly1d(coefficients)(depth) return cast_speed def compute_ray_paths(self, draft, thetas_deg, travel_times=None, res=.005, b_project=False): """Returns a RayPath object for each launch angle.""" if not draft or draft == 'Unknown': draft = 0.0 else: draft = float(draft) depths = self.proc.depth[self.proc_dqa_valid] - draft speeds = self.proc.speed[self.proc_dqa_valid] ray_paths = [] for launch in thetas_deg: params = RayTracing.get_svp_layer_parameters(np.deg2rad(launch), depths, speeds) if travel_times is None: tt = np.arange(res, params[-2][-1], res) # make travel_times to reach end of profile else: tt = np.array(travel_times) rays = RayTracing.ray_trace(tt, depths, speeds, params, b_project=b_project) rays[:, 0] += draft ray_paths.append(RayPath(np.vstack((tt, rays.transpose())).transpose())) return ray_paths def compare_profile(self, profile, angle): dep_max = min(self.proc.depth[self.proc_dqa_valid].max(), profile.proc.depth[profile.proc_dqa_valid].max()) if dep_max <= 400: tt_inc = 0.002 # Travel time increment in seconds. elif dep_max <= 800: tt_inc = 0.005 else: tt_inc = 0.01 draft1 = 0.0 # TODO draft2 = 0.0 # TODO draft = max(draft1, draft2) # Generate the travel time table for the two profiles. ray1 = self.compute_ray_paths(draft, [angle], res=tt_inc)[0] ray2 = profile.compute_ray_paths(draft, [angle], res=tt_inc)[0] nr_points = min(len(, len( if nr_points == 0: raise RuntimeError("One of the two profiles is too shallow!") depth1 =[:nr_points, 1] depth2 =[:nr_points, 1] delta_depth = depth2 - depth1 larger_depths = np.maximum(depth1, depth2) pct_diff = np.absolute(delta_depth / larger_depths) * 100.0 # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences max_diff_index = pct_diff.argmax() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences max_diff = pct_diff[max_diff_index] max_diff_depth = larger_depths[max_diff_index] # create output message p1 = "<pre style='margin:1px;'>" p2 = "</pre>" self_path = self.meta.original_path self_path = self_path if os.path.exists(self_path) else os.path.basename(self_path) profile_path = profile.meta.original_path profile_path = profile_path if os.path.exists(profile_path) else os.path.basename(profile_path) msg = "%s<b>SUMMARY OF RESULTS - COMPARE 2 CASTS</b>%s<br>" % (p1, p2) msg += "%s<b>Sound Speed library</b>: %s%s" % (p1, soundspeed_version, p2) msg += "%s<b>Reference profile</b>: %s%s" % (p1, self_path, p2) msg += "%s<b>Comparison profile</b>: %s%s" % (p1, profile_path, p2) msg += "%s<b>Reference instrument</b>: sensor-%s, probe-%s%s%s" \ % (p1, self.meta.sensor, self.meta.probe, ", sn-%s" % if else "", p2) msg += "%s<b>Comparison instrument</b>: sensor-%s, probe-%s%s%s<br>" \ % (p1, profile.meta.sensor, profile.meta.probe, ", sn-%s" % if else "", p2) msg += "%s<b>Draft</b>: %.2f m%s" % (p1, draft, p2) msg += "%s<b>Maximum Common Depth</b>: %.2f m%s" % (p1, dep_max, p2) msg += "%s<b>Maximum Depth Percentage Difference</b>: %.2f%%%s" % (p1, max_diff, p2) msg += "%s<b>Maximum Percentage Difference at</b>: %.2f m%s<br>" % (p1, max_diff_depth, p2) msg += "%s<b>Max percentage diff. line and last line of travel time table</b>:%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sTravel time, Avg Depth, Depth Diff, Pct Depth Diff, Avg Crosstrack, Crosstrack Diff, " \ "Pct Crosstrack Diff%s" % (p1, p2) for ni in (max_diff_index, nr_points - 1): msg += "%s%9.2f s,%8.2f m,%9.2f m,%14.2f%%,%13.2f m,%14.2f m,%19.2f%%%s" \ % ( p1,[ni, 0], # travel time np.average([[ni, 1],[ni, 1]]), # avg. depth np.absolute(delta_depth[ni]), # depth diff. pct_diff[ni], # pct. depth diff. np.average([[ni, 2],[ni, 2]]), # avg. cross-track np.absolute([ni, 2] -[ni, 2]), # cross-track diff. 100.0 * np.absolute([ni, 2] -[ni, 2]) / max([ni, 2],[ni, 2]), # pct. cross-track diff. p2 ) msg += '<br>%s%s%s<br>' % (p1, time.ctime(), p2) if max_diff > 0.25: msg += "%s<b>RESULTS INDICATE PROBLEM.</b>%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sThe absolute value of percent depth difference exceeds the recommended amount (.25).%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sIf test was conducted to compare 2 casts for possible grouping into one representative%s" \ % (p1, p2) msg += "%scast, then the 2 casts should NOT be grouped.%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sIf test was run as part of a Data Quality Assurance for 2 simultaneous casts, then one%s" \ % (p1, p2) msg += "%sor both of the instruments used is functioning improperly. Investigate further by%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sperforming simultaneous casts of each of the instruments with a third instrument.%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sThen rerun this procedure with the 2 new pairs of casts to determine which one of%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sthe instruments is not functioning properly.%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sIf the test was run to compare an XBT cast with the last CTD cast, then it is time%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sto take a new CTD cast.%s<br>" % (p1, p2) msg += "%s<b>RESULTS</b>: PERCENT DEPTH DIFFERENCE TOO LARGE%s" % (p1, p2) else: msg += "%s<b>RESULTS OK.</b>%s" % (p1, p2) msg += "%sPercent depth difference is within recommended bounds.%s<br>" % (p1, p2) msg += "%s<b>RESULTS</b>: PERCENT DEPTH DIFFERENCE OK%s" % (p1, p2) return msg
from __future__ import print_function import string import sys from collections import deque import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.utils.extmath import logsumexp import _hmmc from utils import normalize decoder_algorithms = frozenset(("viterbi", "map")) ZEROLOGPROB = -1e200 EPS = np.finfo(float).eps NEGINF = -np.inf class ConvergenceMonitor(object): """Monitors and reports convergence to :data:`sys.stderr`. Parameters ---------- thresh : double Convergence threshold. The algorithm has convereged eitehr if the maximum number of iterations is reached or the log probability improvement between the two consecutive iterations is less than threshold. n_iter : int Maximum number of iterations to perform. verbose : bool If ``True`` then per-iteration convergence reports are printed, otherwise the monitor is mute. history : deque The log probability of the data for the last two training iterations. If the values are not strictly increasing, the model did not converge. iter : int Number of iterations performed while training the model. """ fmt = "{iter:>10d} {logprob:>16.4f} {delta:>+16.4f}" def __init__(self, thresh, n_iter, verbose): self.thresh = thresh self.n_iter = n_iter self.verbose = verbose self.history = deque(maxlen=2) self.iter = 1 def report(self, logprob): if self.history and self.verbose: delta = logprob - self.history[-1] message = self.fmt.format( iter=self.iter, logprob=logprob, delta=delta) print(message, file=sys.stderr) self.history.append(logprob) self.iter += 1 @property def converged(self): return (self.iter == self.n_iter or (len(self.history) == 2 and np.abs(self.history[1] - self.history[0]) < self.thresh)) class _BaseHMM(BaseEstimator): """Hidden Markov Model base class. Representation of a hidden Markov model probability distribution. This class allows for easy evaluation of, sampling from, and maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters of a HMM. See the instance documentation for details specific to a particular object. Attributes ---------- n_components : int Number of states in the model. transmat : array, shape (`n_components`, `n_components`) Matrix of transition probabilities between states. startprob : array, shape ('n_components`,) Initial state occupation distribution. transmat_prior : array, shape (`n_components`, `n_components`) Matrix of prior transition probabilities between states. startprob_prior : array, shape ('n_components`,) Initial state occupation prior distribution. algorithm : string, one of the decoder_algorithms Decoder algorithm. random_state: RandomState or an int seed (0 by default) A random number generator instance n_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations to perform. thresh : float, optional Convergence threshold. verbose : bool, optional When ``True`` per-iteration convergence reports are printed to :data:`sys.stderr`. You can diagnose convergence via the :attr:`monitor_` attribute. params : string, optional Controls which parameters are updated in the training process. Can contain any combination of 's' for startprob, 't' for transmat, and other characters for subclass-specific emmission parameters. Defaults to all parameters. init_params : string, optional Controls which parameters are initialized prior to training. Can contain any combination of 's' for startprob, 't' for transmat, and other characters for subclass-specific emmission parameters. Defaults to all parameters. See Also -------- GMM : Gaussian mixture model """ # This class implements the public interface to all HMMs that # derive from it, including all of the machinery for the # forward-backward and Viterbi algorithms. Subclasses need only # implement _generate_sample_from_state(), _compute_log_likelihood(), # _init(), _initialize_sufficient_statistics(), # _accumulate_sufficient_statistics(), and _do_mstep(), all of # which depend on the specific emission distribution. # # Subclasses will probably also want to implement properties for # the emission distribution parameters to expose them publicly. def __init__(self, n_components=1, startprob=None, transmat=None, startprob_prior=None, transmat_prior=None, algorithm="viterbi", random_state=None, n_iter=10, thresh=1e-2, verbose=False, params=string.ascii_letters, init_params=string.ascii_letters): # TODO: move all validation from descriptors to 'fit' and 'predict'. self.n_components = n_components self.n_iter = n_iter self.thresh = thresh self.monitor_ = ConvergenceMonitor(thresh, n_iter, verbose) self.params = params self.init_params = init_params self.startprob_ = startprob self.startprob_prior = startprob_prior self.transmat_ = transmat self.transmat_prior = transmat_prior self.algorithm = algorithm self.random_state = random_state def eval(self, X): return self.score_samples(X) def score_samples(self, obs): """Compute the log probability under the model and compute posteriors. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (n, n_features) Sequence of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single point in the sequence. Returns ------- logprob : float Log likelihood of the sequence ``obs``. posteriors : array_like, shape (n, n_components) Posterior probabilities of each state for each observation See Also -------- score : Compute the log probability under the model decode : Find most likely state sequence corresponding to a `obs` """ obs = np.asarray(obs) framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(obs) logprob, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob) bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(framelogprob) gamma = fwdlattice + bwdlattice # gamma is guaranteed to be correctly normalized by logprob at # all frames, unless we do approximate inference using pruning. # So, we will normalize each frame explicitly in case we # pruned too aggressively. posteriors = np.exp(gamma.T - logsumexp(gamma, axis=1)).T posteriors += np.finfo(np.float64).eps posteriors /= np.sum(posteriors, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) return logprob, posteriors def score(self, obs): """Compute the log probability under the model. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (n, n_features) Sequence of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single data point. Returns ------- logprob : float Log likelihood of the ``obs``. See Also -------- score_samples : Compute the log probability under the model and posteriors decode : Find most likely state sequence corresponding to a `obs` """ obs = np.asarray(obs) framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(obs) logprob, _ = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob) return logprob def _decode_viterbi(self, obs): """Find most likely state sequence corresponding to ``obs``. Uses the Viterbi algorithm. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (n, n_features) Sequence of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single point in the sequence. Returns ------- viterbi_logprob : float Log probability of the maximum likelihood path through the HMM. state_sequence : array_like, shape (n,) Index of the most likely states for each observation. See Also -------- score_samples : Compute the log probability under the model and posteriors. score : Compute the log probability under the model """ obs = np.asarray(obs) framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(obs) viterbi_logprob, state_sequence = self._do_viterbi_pass(framelogprob) return viterbi_logprob, state_sequence def decode(self, obs, algorithm="viterbi"): """Find most likely state sequence corresponding to ``obs``. Uses the selected algorithm for decoding. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (n, n_features) Sequence of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single point in the sequence. algorithm : string, one of the `decoder_algorithms` decoder algorithm to be used Returns ------- logprob : float Log probability of the maximum likelihood path through the HMM state_sequence : array_like, shape (n,) Index of the most likely states for each observation See Also -------- score_samples : Compute the log probability under the model and posteriors. score : Compute the log probability under the model. """ if self.algorithm in decoder_algorithms: algorithm = self.algorithm elif algorithm in decoder_algorithms: algorithm = algorithm decoder = {"viterbi": self._decode_viterbi} logprob, state_sequence = decoder[algorithm](obs) return logprob, state_sequence def predict(self, obs, algorithm="viterbi"): """Find most likely state sequence corresponding to `obs`. Parameters ---------- obs : array_like, shape (n, n_features) Sequence of n_features-dimensional data points. Each row corresponds to a single point in the sequence. Returns ------- state_sequence : array_like, shape (n,) Index of the most likely states for each observation """ _, state_sequence = self.decode(obs, algorithm) return state_sequence def fit(self, obs): """Estimate model parameters. An initialization step is performed before entering the EM algorithm. If you want to avoid this step, pass proper ``init_params`` keyword argument to estimator's constructor. Parameters ---------- obs : list List of array-like observation sequences, each of which has shape (n_i, n_features), where n_i is the length of the i_th observation. """ self._init(obs, self.init_params) for i in range(self.n_iter): stats = self._initialize_sufficient_statistics() curr_logprob = 0 for seq in obs: framelogprob = self._compute_log_likelihood(seq) lpr, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(framelogprob) bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(framelogprob) gamma = fwdlattice + bwdlattice posteriors = np.exp(gamma.T - logsumexp(gamma, axis=1)).T curr_logprob += lpr self._accumulate_sufficient_statistics( stats, seq, framelogprob, posteriors, fwdlattice, bwdlattice, self.params) if self.monitor_.converged: break self._do_mstep(stats, self.params) return self def _get_algorithm(self): "decoder algorithm" return self._algorithm def _set_algorithm(self, algorithm): if algorithm not in decoder_algorithms: raise ValueError("algorithm must be one of the decoder_algorithms") self._algorithm = algorithm algorithm = property(_get_algorithm, _set_algorithm) def _get_startprob(self): """Mixing startprob for each state.""" return np.exp(self._log_startprob) def _set_startprob(self, startprob): if startprob is None: startprob = np.tile(1.0 / self.n_components, self.n_components) else: startprob = np.asarray(startprob, dtype=np.float) # check if there exists a component whose value is exactly zero # if so, add a small number and re-normalize if not np.alltrue(startprob): normalize(startprob) if len(startprob) != self.n_components: raise ValueError('startprob must have length n_components') if not np.allclose(np.sum(startprob), 1.0): raise ValueError('startprob must sum to 1.0') self._log_startprob = np.log(np.asarray(startprob).copy()) startprob_ = property(_get_startprob, _set_startprob) def _get_transmat(self): """Matrix of transition probabilities.""" return np.exp(self._log_transmat) def _set_transmat(self, transmat): if transmat is None: transmat = np.tile(1.0 / self.n_components, (self.n_components, self.n_components)) # check if there exists a component whose value is exactly zero # if so, add a small number and re-normalize if not np.alltrue(transmat): normalize(transmat, axis=1) if (np.asarray(transmat).shape != (self.n_components, self.n_components)): raise ValueError('transmat must have shape ' '(n_components, n_components)') if not np.all(np.allclose(np.sum(transmat, axis=1), 1.0)): raise ValueError('Rows of transmat must sum to 1.0') self._log_transmat = np.log(np.asarray(transmat).copy()) underflow_idx = np.isnan(self._log_transmat) self._log_transmat[underflow_idx] = NEGINF transmat_ = property(_get_transmat, _set_transmat) def _do_viterbi_pass(self, framelogprob): n_observations, n_components = framelogprob.shape state_sequence, logprob = _hmmc._viterbi( n_observations, n_components, self._log_startprob, self._log_transmat, framelogprob) return logprob, state_sequence def _do_forward_pass(self, framelogprob): n_observations, n_components = framelogprob.shape fwdlattice = np.zeros((n_observations, n_components)) _hmmc._forward(n_observations, n_components, self._log_startprob, self._log_transmat, framelogprob, fwdlattice) return logsumexp(fwdlattice[-1]), fwdlattice def _do_backward_pass(self, framelogprob): n_observations, n_components = framelogprob.shape bwdlattice = np.zeros((n_observations, n_components)) _hmmc._backward(n_observations, n_components, self._log_startprob, self._log_transmat, framelogprob, bwdlattice) return bwdlattice def _compute_log_likelihood(self, obs): pass def _generate_sample_from_state(self, state, random_state=None): pass def _init(self, obs, params): if 's' in params: self.startprob_.fill(1.0 / self.n_components) if 't' in params: self.transmat_.fill(1.0 / self.n_components) # Methods used by def _initialize_sufficient_statistics(self): stats = {'nobs': 0, 'start': np.zeros(self.n_components), 'trans': np.zeros((self.n_components, self.n_components))} return stats def _accumulate_sufficient_statistics(self, stats, seq, framelogprob, posteriors, fwdlattice, bwdlattice, params): stats['nobs'] += 1 if 's' in params: stats['start'] += posteriors[0] if 't' in params: n_observations, n_components = framelogprob.shape # when the sample is of length 1, it contains no transitions # so there is no reason to update our trans. matrix estimate if n_observations <= 1: return lneta = np.zeros((n_observations - 1, n_components, n_components)) _hmmc._compute_lneta(n_observations, n_components, fwdlattice, self._log_transmat, bwdlattice, framelogprob, lneta) stats['trans'] += np.exp(logsumexp(lneta, axis=0)) def _do_mstep(self, stats, params): # Based on Huang, Acero, Hon, "Spoken Language Processing", # p. 443 - 445 if self.startprob_prior is None: self.startprob_prior = 1.0 if self.transmat_prior is None: self.transmat_prior = 1.0 if 's' in params: self.startprob_ = normalize( np.maximum(self.startprob_prior - 1.0 + stats['start'], 1e-20)) if 't' in params: transmat_ = normalize( np.maximum(self.transmat_prior - 1.0 + stats['trans'], 1e-20), axis=1) # impluse requiment of transmat_prior transmat_ = normalize( np.maximum(self.transmat_prior , transmat_), axis=1) self.transmat_ = transmat_
from io import StringIO import operator import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DataFrame, Index, MultiIndex, Series, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.computation.check import NUMEXPR_INSTALLED PARSERS = "python", "pandas" ENGINES = "python", pytest.param("numexpr", marks=td.skip_if_no_ne) @pytest.fixture(params=PARSERS, ids=lambda x: x) def parser(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=ENGINES, ids=lambda x: x) def engine(request): return request.param def skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser): if parser != "pandas": pytest.skip(f"cannot evaluate with parser {repr(parser)}") class TestCompat: def setup_method(self, method): self.df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3]}) self.expected1 = self.df[self.df.A > 0] self.expected2 = self.df.A + 1 def test_query_default(self): # GH 12749 # this should always work, whether NUMEXPR_INSTALLED or not df = self.df result = df.query("A>0") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, self.expected1) result = df.eval("A+1") tm.assert_series_equal(result, self.expected2, check_names=False) def test_query_None(self): df = self.df result = df.query("A>0", engine=None) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, self.expected1) result = df.eval("A+1", engine=None) tm.assert_series_equal(result, self.expected2, check_names=False) def test_query_python(self): df = self.df result = df.query("A>0", engine="python") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, self.expected1) result = df.eval("A+1", engine="python") tm.assert_series_equal(result, self.expected2, check_names=False) def test_query_numexpr(self): df = self.df if NUMEXPR_INSTALLED: result = df.query("A>0", engine="numexpr") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, self.expected1) result = df.eval("A+1", engine="numexpr") tm.assert_series_equal(result, self.expected2, check_names=False) else: msg = ( r"'numexpr' is not installed or an unsupported version. " r"Cannot use engine='numexpr' for query/eval if 'numexpr' is " r"not installed" ) with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=msg): df.query("A>0", engine="numexpr") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=msg): df.eval("A+1", engine="numexpr") class TestDataFrameEval: # smaller hits python, larger hits numexpr @pytest.mark.parametrize("n", [4, 4000]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op_str,op,rop", [ ("+", "__add__", "__radd__"), ("-", "__sub__", "__rsub__"), ("*", "__mul__", "__rmul__"), ("/", "__truediv__", "__rtruediv__"), ], ) def test_ops(self, op_str, op, rop, n): # tst ops and reversed ops in evaluation # GH7198 df = DataFrame(1, index=range(n), columns=list("abcd")) df.iloc[0] = 2 m = df.mean() base = DataFrame( # noqa np.tile(m.values, n).reshape(n, -1), columns=list("abcd") ) expected = eval(f"base {op_str} df") # ops as strings result = eval(f"m {op_str} df") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # these are commutative if op in ["+", "*"]: result = getattr(df, op)(m) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # these are not elif op in ["-", "/"]: result = getattr(df, rop)(m) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_dataframe_sub_numexpr_path(self): # GH7192: Note we need a large number of rows to ensure this # goes through the numexpr path df = DataFrame({"A": np.random.randn(25000)}) df.iloc[0:5] = np.nan expected = 1 - np.isnan(df.iloc[0:25]) result = (1 - np.isnan(df)).iloc[0:25] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_query_non_str(self): # GH 11485 df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": ["a", "b", "b"]}) msg = "expr must be a string to be evaluated" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.query(lambda x: x.B == "b") with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.query(111) def test_query_empty_string(self): # GH 13139 df = DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3]}) msg = "expr cannot be an empty string" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df.query("") def test_eval_resolvers_as_list(self): # GH 14095 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), columns=list("ab")) dict1 = {"a": 1} dict2 = {"b": 2} assert df.eval("a + b", resolvers=[dict1, dict2]) == dict1["a"] + dict2["b"] assert pd.eval("a + b", resolvers=[dict1, dict2]) == dict1["a"] + dict2["b"] def test_eval_object_dtype_binop(self): # GH#24883 df = DataFrame({"a1": ["Y", "N"]}) res = df.eval("c = ((a1 == 'Y') & True)") expected = DataFrame({"a1": ["Y", "N"], "c": [True, False]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expected) class TestDataFrameQueryWithMultiIndex: def test_query_with_named_multiindex(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) a = np.random.choice(["red", "green"], size=10) b = np.random.choice(["eggs", "ham"], size=10) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([a, b], names=["color", "food"]) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), index=index) ind = Series( df.index.get_level_values("color").values, index=index, name="color" ) # equality res1 = df.query('color == "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" == color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind == "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # inequality res1 = df.query('color != "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" != color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind != "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # list equality (really just set membership) res1 = df.query('color == ["red"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["red"] == color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('color != ["red"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["red"] != color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # in/not in ops res1 = df.query('["red"] in color', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" in color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('["red"] not in color', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" not in color', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) def test_query_with_unnamed_multiindex(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) a = np.random.choice(["red", "green"], size=10) b = np.random.choice(["eggs", "ham"], size=10) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([a, b]) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), index=index) ind = Series(df.index.get_level_values(0).values, index=index) res1 = df.query('ilevel_0 == "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" == ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind == "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # inequality res1 = df.query('ilevel_0 != "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" != ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind != "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # list equality (really just set membership) res1 = df.query('ilevel_0 == ["red"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["red"] == ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('ilevel_0 != ["red"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["red"] != ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # in/not in ops res1 = df.query('["red"] in ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" in ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('["red"] not in ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"red" not in ilevel_0', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["red"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # ## LEVEL 1 ind = Series(df.index.get_level_values(1).values, index=index) res1 = df.query('ilevel_1 == "eggs"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"eggs" == ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind == "eggs"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # inequality res1 = df.query('ilevel_1 != "eggs"', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"eggs" != ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind != "eggs"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # list equality (really just set membership) res1 = df.query('ilevel_1 == ["eggs"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["eggs"] == ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["eggs"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('ilevel_1 != ["eggs"]', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('["eggs"] != ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["eggs"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) # in/not in ops res1 = df.query('["eggs"] in ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"eggs" in ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[ind.isin(["eggs"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) res1 = df.query('["eggs"] not in ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) res2 = df.query('"eggs" not in ilevel_1', parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[~ind.isin(["eggs"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res1, exp) tm.assert_frame_equal(res2, exp) def test_query_with_partially_named_multiindex(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) a = np.random.choice(["red", "green"], size=10) b = np.arange(10) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([a, b]) index.names = [None, "rating"] df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 2), index=index) res = df.query("rating == 1", parser=parser, engine=engine) ind = Series( df.index.get_level_values("rating").values, index=index, name="rating" ) exp = df[ind == 1] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) res = df.query("rating != 1", parser=parser, engine=engine) ind = Series( df.index.get_level_values("rating").values, index=index, name="rating" ) exp = df[ind != 1] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) res = df.query('ilevel_0 == "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) ind = Series(df.index.get_level_values(0).values, index=index) exp = df[ind == "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) res = df.query('ilevel_0 != "red"', parser=parser, engine=engine) ind = Series(df.index.get_level_values(0).values, index=index) exp = df[ind != "red"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) def test_query_multiindex_get_index_resolvers(self): df = tm.makeCustomDataframe( 10, 3, r_idx_nlevels=2, r_idx_names=["spam", "eggs"] ) resolvers = df._get_index_resolvers() def to_series(mi, level): level_values = mi.get_level_values(level) s = level_values.to_series() s.index = mi return s col_series = df.columns.to_series() expected = { "index": df.index, "columns": col_series, "spam": to_series(df.index, "spam"), "eggs": to_series(df.index, "eggs"), "C0": col_series, } for k, v in resolvers.items(): if isinstance(v, Index): assert v.is_(expected[k]) elif isinstance(v, Series): tm.assert_series_equal(v, expected[k]) else: raise AssertionError("object must be a Series or Index") @td.skip_if_no_ne class TestDataFrameQueryNumExprPandas: @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.engine = "numexpr" cls.parser = "pandas" @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): del cls.engine, cls.parser def test_date_query_with_attribute_access(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=5) df["dates2"] = date_range("1/1/2013", periods=5) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=5) res = df.query( "@df.dates1 < 20130101 < @df.dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expec = df[(df.dates1 < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_query_no_attribute_access(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=5) df["dates2"] = date_range("1/1/2013", periods=5) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=5) res = df.query("dates1 < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.dates1 < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_query_with_NaT(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates2"] = date_range("1/1/2013", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates1"] = pd.NaT df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates3"] = pd.NaT res = df.query("dates1 < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.dates1 < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None res = df.query("index < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.index < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query_with_NaT(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df.iloc[0, 0] = pd.NaT return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None res = df.query("index < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.index < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query_with_NaT_duplicates(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 d = {} d["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) d["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df = DataFrame(d) df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates1"] = pd.NaT return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None res = df.query("dates1 < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.index.to_series() < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_query_with_non_date(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame( {"dates": date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n), "nondate": np.arange(n)} ) result = df.query("dates == nondate", parser=parser, engine=engine) assert len(result) == 0 result = df.query("dates != nondate", parser=parser, engine=engine) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df) msg = r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns\] and ndarray" for op in ["<", ">", "<=", ">="]: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): df.query(f"dates {op} nondate", parser=parser, engine=engine) def test_query_syntax_error(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame({"i": range(10), "+": range(3, 13), "r": range(4, 14)}) msg = "invalid syntax" with pytest.raises(SyntaxError, match=msg): df.query("i - +", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_query_scope(self): from pandas.core.computation.ops import UndefinedVariableError engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 2), columns=list("ab")) a, b = 1, 2 # noqa res = df.query("a > b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[df.a > df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expected) res = df.query("@a > b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[a > df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expected) # no local variable c with pytest.raises( UndefinedVariableError, match="local variable 'c' is not defined" ): df.query("@a > b > @c", engine=engine, parser=parser) # no column named 'c' with pytest.raises(UndefinedVariableError, match="name 'c' is not defined"): df.query("@a > b > c", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_query_doesnt_pickup_local(self): from pandas.core.computation.ops import UndefinedVariableError engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = m = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(m, size=(n, 3)), columns=list("abc")) # we don't pick up the local 'sin' with pytest.raises(UndefinedVariableError, match="name 'sin' is not defined"): df.query("sin > 5", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_query_builtin(self): from pandas.core.computation.engines import NumExprClobberingError engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = m = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(m, size=(n, 3)), columns=list("abc")) = "sin" msg = "Variables in expression.+" with pytest.raises(NumExprClobberingError, match=msg): df.query("sin > 5", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_query(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=["a", "b", "c"]) tm.assert_frame_equal( df.query("a < b", engine=engine, parser=parser), df[df.a < df.b] ) tm.assert_frame_equal( df.query("a + b > b * c", engine=engine, parser=parser), df[df.a + df.b > df.b * df.c], ) def test_query_index_with_name(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame( np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 3)), index=Index(range(10), name="blob"), columns=["a", "b", "c"], ) res = df.query("(blob < 5) & (a < b)", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[(df.index < 5) & (df.a < df.b)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) res = df.query("blob < b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[df.index < df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_query_index_without_name(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame( np.random.randint(10, size=(10, 3)), index=range(10), columns=["a", "b", "c"], ) # "index" should refer to the index res = df.query("index < b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[df.index < df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) # test against a scalar res = df.query("index < 5", engine=engine, parser=parser) expec = df[df.index < 5] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_nested_scope(self): engine = self.engine parser = self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) df2 = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) expected = df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0)] result = df.query("(@df > 0) & (@df2 > 0)", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.eval("df[df > 0 and df2 > 0]", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.eval( "df[df > 0 and df2 > 0 and df[df > 0] > 0]", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expected = df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0) & (df[df > 0] > 0)] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = pd.eval("df[(df>0) & (df2>0)]", engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df.query("(@df>0) & (@df2>0)", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_nested_raises_on_local_self_reference(self): from pandas.core.computation.ops import UndefinedVariableError df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) # can't reference ourself b/c we're a local so @ is necessary with pytest.raises(UndefinedVariableError, match="name 'df' is not defined"): df.query("df > 0", engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) def test_local_syntax(self): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(self.parser) engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 10), columns=list("abcdefghij")) b = 1 expect = df[df.a < b] result = df.query("a < @b", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expect) expect = df[df.a < df.b] result = df.query("a < b", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expect) def test_chained_cmp_and_in(self): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(self.parser) engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser cols = list("abc") df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, len(cols)), columns=cols) res = df.query( "a < b < c and a not in b not in c", engine=engine, parser=parser ) ind = (df.a < df.b) & (df.b < df.c) & ~df.b.isin(df.a) & ~df.c.isin(df.b) expec = df[ind] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_local_variable_with_in(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) a = Series(np.random.randint(3, size=15), name="a") b = Series(np.random.randint(10, size=15), name="b") df = DataFrame({"a": a, "b": b}) expected = df.loc[(df.b - 1).isin(a)] result = df.query("b - 1 in a", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) b = Series(np.random.randint(10, size=15), name="b") expected = df.loc[(b - 1).isin(a)] result = df.query("@b - 1 in a", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) def test_at_inside_string(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) c = 1 # noqa df = DataFrame({"a": ["a", "a", "b", "b", "@c", "@c"]}) result = df.query('a == "@c"', engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[df.a == "@c"] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_query_undefined_local(self): from pandas.core.computation.ops import UndefinedVariableError engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 2), columns=list("ab")) with pytest.raises( UndefinedVariableError, match="local variable 'c' is not defined" ): df.query("a == @c", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_index_resolvers_come_after_columns_with_the_same_name(self): n = 1 # noqa a = np.r_[20:101:20] df = DataFrame({"index": a, "b": np.random.randn(a.size)}) = "index" result = df.query("index > 5", engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) expected = df[df["index"] > 5] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) df = DataFrame({"index": a, "b": np.random.randn(a.size)}) result = df.query("ilevel_0 > 5", engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) expected = df.loc[df.index[df.index > 5]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) df = DataFrame({"a": a, "b": np.random.randn(a.size)}) = "a" result = df.query("a > 5", engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) expected = df[df.a > 5] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = df.query("index > 5", engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) expected = df.loc[df.index[df.index > 5]] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_inf(self): n = 10 df = DataFrame({"a": np.random.rand(n), "b": np.random.rand(n)}) df.loc[::2, 0] = np.inf d = {"==": operator.eq, "!=":} for op, f in d.items(): q = f"a {op} inf" expected = df[f(df.a, np.inf)] result = df.query(q, engine=self.engine, parser=self.parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_check_tz_aware_index_query(self, tz_aware_fixture): # tz = tz_aware_fixture df_index = date_range( start="2019-01-01", freq="1d", periods=10, tz=tz, name="time" ) expected = DataFrame(index=df_index) df = DataFrame(index=df_index) result = df.query('"2018-01-03 00:00:00+00" < time') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) expected = DataFrame(df_index) result = df.reset_index().query('"2018-01-03 00:00:00+00" < time') tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) @td.skip_if_no_ne class TestDataFrameQueryNumExprPython(TestDataFrameQueryNumExprPandas): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super().setup_class() cls.engine = "numexpr" cls.parser = "python" def test_date_query_no_attribute_access(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=5) df["dates2"] = date_range("1/1/2013", periods=5) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=5) res = df.query( "(dates1 < 20130101) & (20130101 < dates3)", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expec = df[(df.dates1 < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_query_with_NaT(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates2"] = date_range("1/1/2013", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates1"] = pd.NaT df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates3"] = pd.NaT res = df.query( "(dates1 < 20130101) & (20130101 < dates3)", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expec = df[(df.dates1 < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None res = df.query( "(index < 20130101) & (20130101 < dates3)", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expec = df[(df.index < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query_with_NaT(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df.iloc[0, 0] = pd.NaT return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None res = df.query( "(index < 20130101) & (20130101 < dates3)", engine=engine, parser=parser ) expec = df[(df.index < "20130101") & ("20130101" < df.dates3)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_date_index_query_with_NaT_duplicates(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(n, 3)) df["dates1"] = date_range("1/1/2012", periods=n) df["dates3"] = date_range("1/1/2014", periods=n) df.loc[np.random.rand(n) > 0.5, "dates1"] = pd.NaT return_value = df.set_index("dates1", inplace=True, drop=True) assert return_value is None msg = r"'BoolOp' nodes are not implemented" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg): df.query("index < 20130101 < dates3", engine=engine, parser=parser) def test_nested_scope(self): from pandas.core.computation.ops import UndefinedVariableError engine = self.engine parser = self.parser # smoke test x = 1 # noqa result = pd.eval("x + 1", engine=engine, parser=parser) assert result == 2 df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) df2 = DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 3)) # don't have the pandas parser msg = r"The '@' prefix is only supported by the pandas parser" with pytest.raises(SyntaxError, match=msg): df.query("(@df>0) & (@df2>0)", engine=engine, parser=parser) with pytest.raises(UndefinedVariableError, match="name 'df' is not defined"): df.query("(df>0) & (df2>0)", engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0)] result = pd.eval("df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0)]", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) expected = df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0) & (df[df > 0] > 0)] result = pd.eval( "df[(df > 0) & (df2 > 0) & (df[df > 0] > 0)]", engine=engine, parser=parser ) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) class TestDataFrameQueryPythonPandas(TestDataFrameQueryNumExprPandas): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super().setup_class() cls.engine = "python" cls.parser = "pandas" def test_query_builtin(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = m = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(m, size=(n, 3)), columns=list("abc")) = "sin" expected = df[df.index > 5] result = df.query("sin > 5", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) class TestDataFrameQueryPythonPython(TestDataFrameQueryNumExprPython): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): super().setup_class() cls.engine = cls.parser = "python" def test_query_builtin(self): engine, parser = self.engine, self.parser n = m = 10 df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(m, size=(n, 3)), columns=list("abc")) = "sin" expected = df[df.index > 5] result = df.query("sin > 5", engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, result) class TestDataFrameQueryStrings: def test_str_query_method(self, parser, engine): df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 1), columns=["b"]) df["strings"] = Series(list("aabbccddee")) expect = df[df.strings == "a"] if parser != "pandas": col = "strings" lst = '"a"' lhs = [col] * 2 + [lst] * 2 rhs = lhs[::-1] eq, ne = "==", "!=" ops = 2 * ([eq] + [ne]) msg = r"'(Not)?In' nodes are not implemented" for lhs, op, rhs in zip(lhs, ops, rhs): ex = f"{lhs} {op} {rhs}" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg): df.query( ex, engine=engine, parser=parser, local_dict={"strings": df.strings}, ) else: res = df.query('"a" == strings', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) res = df.query('strings == "a"', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, df[df.strings.isin(["a"])]) expect = df[df.strings != "a"] res = df.query('strings != "a"', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) res = df.query('"a" != strings', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, df[~df.strings.isin(["a"])]) def test_str_list_query_method(self, parser, engine): df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 1), columns=["b"]) df["strings"] = Series(list("aabbccddee")) expect = df[df.strings.isin(["a", "b"])] if parser != "pandas": col = "strings" lst = '["a", "b"]' lhs = [col] * 2 + [lst] * 2 rhs = lhs[::-1] eq, ne = "==", "!=" ops = 2 * ([eq] + [ne]) msg = r"'(Not)?In' nodes are not implemented" for lhs, op, rhs in zip(lhs, ops, rhs): ex = f"{lhs} {op} {rhs}" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg): df.query(ex, engine=engine, parser=parser) else: res = df.query('strings == ["a", "b"]', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) res = df.query('["a", "b"] == strings', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) expect = df[~df.strings.isin(["a", "b"])] res = df.query('strings != ["a", "b"]', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) res = df.query('["a", "b"] != strings', engine=engine, parser=parser) tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_query_with_string_columns(self, parser, engine): df = DataFrame( { "a": list("aaaabbbbcccc"), "b": list("aabbccddeeff"), "c": np.random.randint(5, size=12), "d": np.random.randint(9, size=12), } ) if parser == "pandas": res = df.query("a in b", parser=parser, engine=engine) expec = df[df.a.isin(df.b)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) res = df.query("a in b and c < d", parser=parser, engine=engine) expec = df[df.a.isin(df.b) & (df.c < df.d)] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) else: msg = r"'(Not)?In' nodes are not implemented" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg): df.query("a in b", parser=parser, engine=engine) msg = r"'BoolOp' nodes are not implemented" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=msg): df.query("a in b and c < d", parser=parser, engine=engine) def test_object_array_eq_ne(self, parser, engine): df = DataFrame( { "a": list("aaaabbbbcccc"), "b": list("aabbccddeeff"), "c": np.random.randint(5, size=12), "d": np.random.randint(9, size=12), } ) res = df.query("a == b", parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[df.a == df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) res = df.query("a != b", parser=parser, engine=engine) exp = df[df.a != df.b] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, exp) def test_query_with_nested_strings(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) raw = """id event timestamp 1 "page 1 load" 1/1/2014 0:00:01 1 "page 1 exit" 1/1/2014 0:00:31 2 "page 2 load" 1/1/2014 0:01:01 2 "page 2 exit" 1/1/2014 0:01:31 3 "page 3 load" 1/1/2014 0:02:01 3 "page 3 exit" 1/1/2014 0:02:31 4 "page 1 load" 2/1/2014 1:00:01 4 "page 1 exit" 2/1/2014 1:00:31 5 "page 2 load" 2/1/2014 1:01:01 5 "page 2 exit" 2/1/2014 1:01:31 6 "page 3 load" 2/1/2014 1:02:01 6 "page 3 exit" 2/1/2014 1:02:31 """ df = pd.read_csv( StringIO(raw), sep=r"\s{2,}", engine="python", parse_dates=["timestamp"] ) expected = df[df.event == '"page 1 load"'] res = df.query("""'"page 1 load"' in event""", parser=parser, engine=engine) tm.assert_frame_equal(expected, res) def test_query_with_nested_special_character(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame({"a": ["a", "b", "test & test"], "b": [1, 2, 3]}) res = df.query('a == "test & test"', parser=parser, engine=engine) expec = df[df.a == "test & test"] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expec) def test_query_lex_compare_strings(self, parser, engine): a = Series(np.random.choice(list("abcde"), 20)) b = Series(np.arange(a.size)) df = DataFrame({"X": a, "Y": b}) ops = {"<":, ">":, "<=": operator.le, ">=":} for op, func in ops.items(): res = df.query(f'X {op} "d"', engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[func(df.X, "d")] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expected) def test_query_single_element_booleans(self, parser, engine): columns = "bid", "bidsize", "ask", "asksize" data = np.random.randint(2, size=(1, len(columns))).astype(bool) df = DataFrame(data, columns=columns) res = df.query("bid & ask", engine=engine, parser=parser) expected = df[ & df.ask] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expected) def test_query_string_scalar_variable(self, parser, engine): skip_if_no_pandas_parser(parser) df = DataFrame( { "Symbol": ["BUD US", "BUD US", "IBM US", "IBM US"], "Price": [109.70, 109.72, 183.30, 183.35], } ) e = df[df.Symbol == "BUD US"] symb = "BUD US" # noqa r = df.query("Symbol == @symb", parser=parser, engine=engine) tm.assert_frame_equal(e, r) class TestDataFrameEvalWithFrame: def setup_method(self, method): self.frame = DataFrame(np.random.randn(10, 3), columns=list("abc")) def teardown_method(self, method): del self.frame def test_simple_expr(self, parser, engine): res = self.frame.eval("a + b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expect = self.frame.a + self.frame.b tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_bool_arith_expr(self, parser, engine): res = self.frame.eval("a[a < 1] + b", engine=engine, parser=parser) expect = self.frame.a[self.frame.a < 1] + self.frame.b tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", ["+", "-", "*", "/"]) def test_invalid_type_for_operator_raises(self, parser, engine, op): df = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2], "b": ["c", "d"]}) msg = r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for .+: '.+' and '.+'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): df.eval(f"a {op} b", engine=engine, parser=parser) class TestDataFrameQueryBacktickQuoting: @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def df(self): """ Yields a dataframe with strings that may or may not need escaping by backticks. The last two columns cannot be escaped by backticks and should raise a ValueError. """ yield DataFrame( { "A": [1, 2, 3], "B B": [3, 2, 1], "C C": [4, 5, 6], "C C": [7, 4, 3], "C_C": [8, 9, 10], "D_D D": [11, 1, 101], "E.E": [6, 3, 5], "F-F": [8, 1, 10], "1e1": [2, 4, 8], "def": [10, 11, 2], "A (x)": [4, 1, 3], "B(x)": [1, 1, 5], "B (x)": [2, 7, 4], " &^ :!€$?(} > <++*'' ": [2, 5, 6], "": [10, 11, 1], " A": [4, 7, 9], " ": [1, 2, 1], "it's": [6, 3, 1], "that's": [9, 1, 8], "☺": [8, 7, 6], "foo#bar": [2, 4, 5], 1: [5, 7, 9], } ) def test_single_backtick_variable_query(self, df): res = df.query("1 < `B B`") expect = df[1 < df["B B"]] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_two_backtick_variables_query(self, df): res = df.query("1 < `B B` and 4 < `C C`") expect = df[(1 < df["B B"]) & (4 < df["C C"])] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_single_backtick_variable_expr(self, df): res = df.eval("A + `B B`") expect = df["A"] + df["B B"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_two_backtick_variables_expr(self, df): res = df.eval("`B B` + `C C`") expect = df["B B"] + df["C C"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_already_underscore_variable(self, df): res = df.eval("`C_C` + A") expect = df["C_C"] + df["A"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_same_name_but_underscores(self, df): res = df.eval("C_C + `C C`") expect = df["C_C"] + df["C C"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_mixed_underscores_and_spaces(self, df): res = df.eval("A + `D_D D`") expect = df["A"] + df["D_D D"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_backtick_quote_name_with_no_spaces(self, df): res = df.eval("A + `C_C`") expect = df["A"] + df["C_C"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_special_characters(self, df): res = df.eval("`E.E` + `F-F` - A") expect = df["E.E"] + df["F-F"] - df["A"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_start_with_digit(self, df): res = df.eval("A + `1e1`") expect = df["A"] + df["1e1"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_keyword(self, df): res = df.eval("A + `def`") expect = df["A"] + df["def"] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_unneeded_quoting(self, df): res = df.query("`A` > 2") expect = df[df["A"] > 2] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_parenthesis(self, df): res = df.query("`A (x)` > 2") expect = df[df["A (x)"] > 2] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_empty_string(self, df): res = df.query("`` > 5") expect = df[df[""] > 5] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_multiple_spaces(self, df): res = df.query("`C C` > 5") expect = df[df["C C"] > 5] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_start_with_spaces(self, df): res = df.eval("` A` + ` `") expect = df[" A"] + df[" "] tm.assert_series_equal(res, expect) def test_lots_of_operators_string(self, df): res = df.query("` &^ :!€$?(} > <++*'' ` > 4") expect = df[df[" &^ :!€$?(} > <++*'' "] > 4] tm.assert_frame_equal(res, expect) def test_missing_attribute(self, df): message = "module 'pandas' has no attribute 'thing'" with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=message): df.eval("@pd.thing") def test_failing_quote(self, df): msg = r"(Could not convert ).*( to a valid Python identifier.)" with pytest.raises(SyntaxError, match=msg): df.query("`it's` > `that's`") def test_failing_character_outside_range(self, df): msg = r"(Could not convert ).*( to a valid Python identifier.)" with pytest.raises(SyntaxError, match=msg): df.query("`☺` > 4") def test_failing_hashtag(self, df): msg = "Failed to parse backticks" with pytest.raises(SyntaxError, match=msg): df.query("`foo#bar` > 4") def test_call_non_named_expression(self, df): """ Only attributes and variables ('named functions') can be called. .__call__() is not an allowed attribute because that would allow calling anything. """ def func(*_): return 1 funcs = [func] # noqa df.eval("@func()") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Only named functions are supported"): df.eval("@funcs[0]()") with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="Only named functions are supported"): df.eval("@funcs[0].__call__()")
"""Tests for Incremental PCA.""" import numpy as np from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, IncrementalPCA iris = datasets.load_iris() def test_incremental_pca(): # Incremental PCA on dense arrays. X = batch_size = X.shape[0] // 3 ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size) pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca.fit_transform(X) X_transformed = ipca.fit_transform(X) np.testing.assert_equal(X_transformed.shape, (X.shape[0], 2)) assert_almost_equal(ipca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), 1) for n_components in [1, 2, X.shape[1]]: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components, batch_size=batch_size) cov = ipca.get_covariance() precision = ipca.get_precision() assert_array_almost_equal(, precision), np.eye(X.shape[1])) def test_incremental_pca_check_projection(): # Test that the projection of data is correct. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 100, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) * .1 X[:10] += np.array([3, 4, 5]) Xt = 0.1 * rng.randn(1, p) + np.array([3, 4, 5]) # Get the reconstruction of the generated data X # Note that Xt has the same "components" as X, just separated # This is what we want to ensure is recreated correctly Yt = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2).fit(X).transform(Xt) # Normalize Yt /= np.sqrt((Yt ** 2).sum()) # Make sure that the first element of Yt is ~1, this means # the reconstruction worked as expected assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Yt[0][0]), 1., 1) def test_incremental_pca_inverse(): # Test that the projection of data can be inverted. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 50, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) # spherical data X[:, 1] *= .00001 # make middle component relatively small X += [5, 4, 3] # make a large mean # same check that we can find the original data from the transformed # signal (since the data is almost of rank n_components) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=10).fit(X) Y = ipca.transform(X) Y_inverse = ipca.inverse_transform(Y) assert_almost_equal(X, Y_inverse, decimal=3) def test_incremental_pca_validation(): # Test that n_components is >=1 and <= n_features. X = [[0, 1], [1, 0]] for n_components in [-1, 0, .99, 3]: assert_raises(ValueError, IncrementalPCA(n_components, batch_size=10).fit, X) def test_incremental_pca_set_params(): # Test that components_ sign is stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 20 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) X2 = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) X3 = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=20) # Decreasing number of components ipca.set_params(n_components=10) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X2) # Increasing number of components ipca.set_params(n_components=15) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X3) # Returning to original setting ipca.set_params(n_components=20) ipca.partial_fit(X) def test_incremental_pca_num_features_change(): # Test that changing n_components will raise an error. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 X = rng.randn(n_samples, 20) X2 = rng.randn(n_samples, 50) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X2) def test_incremental_pca_batch_signs(): # Test that components_ sign is stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) all_components = [] batch_sizes = np.arange(10, 20) for batch_size in batch_sizes: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) all_components.append(ipca.components_) for i, j in zip(all_components[:-1], all_components[1:]): assert_almost_equal(np.sign(i), np.sign(j), decimal=6) def test_incremental_pca_batch_values(): # Test that components_ values are stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) all_components = [] batch_sizes = np.arange(20, 40, 3) for batch_size in batch_sizes: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) all_components.append(ipca.components_) for i, j in zip(all_components[:-1], all_components[1:]): assert_almost_equal(i, j, decimal=1) def test_incremental_pca_partial_fit(): # Test that fit and partial_fit get equivalent results. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 50, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) # spherical data X[:, 1] *= .00001 # make middle component relatively small X += [5, 4, 3] # make a large mean # same check that we can find the original data from the transformed # signal (since the data is almost of rank n_components) batch_size = 10 ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) pipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size) # Add one to make sure endpoint is included batch_itr = np.arange(0, n + 1, batch_size) for i, j in zip(batch_itr[:-1], batch_itr[1:]): pipca.partial_fit(X[i:j, :]) assert_almost_equal(ipca.components_, pipca.components_, decimal=3) def test_incremental_pca_against_pca_iris(): # Test that IncrementalPCA and PCA are approximate (to a sign flip). X = Y_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(X) Y_ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=25).fit_transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Y_pca), np.abs(Y_ipca), 1) def test_incremental_pca_against_pca_random_data(): # Test that IncrementalPCA and PCA are approximate (to a sign flip). rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) + 5 * rng.rand(1, n_features) Y_pca = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform(X) Y_ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=3, batch_size=25).fit_transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Y_pca), np.abs(Y_ipca), 1) def test_explained_variances(): # Test that PCA and IncrementalPCA calculations match X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(1000, 100, tail_strength=0., effective_rank=10, random_state=1999) prec = 3 n_samples, n_features = X.shape for nc in [None, 99]: pca = PCA(n_components=nc).fit(X) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=nc, batch_size=100).fit(X) assert_almost_equal(pca.explained_variance_, ipca.explained_variance_, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(pca.explained_variance_ratio_, ipca.explained_variance_ratio_, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(pca.noise_variance_, ipca.noise_variance_, decimal=prec) def test_singular_values(): # Check that the IncrementalPCA output has the correct singular values rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 1000 n_features = 100 X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples, n_features, tail_strength=0.0, effective_rank=10, random_state=rng) pca = PCA(n_components=10, svd_solver='full', random_state=rng).fit(X) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=10, batch_size=100).fit(X) assert_array_almost_equal(pca.singular_values_, ipca.singular_values_, 2) # Compare to the Frobenius norm X_pca = pca.transform(X) X_ipca = ipca.transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(pca.singular_values_**2.0), np.linalg.norm(X_pca, "fro")**2.0, 12) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(ipca.singular_values_**2.0), np.linalg.norm(X_ipca, "fro")**2.0, 2) # Compare to the 2-norms of the score vectors assert_array_almost_equal(pca.singular_values_, np.sqrt(np.sum(X_pca**2.0, axis=0)), 12) assert_array_almost_equal(ipca.singular_values_, np.sqrt(np.sum(X_ipca**2.0, axis=0)), 2) # Set the singular values and see what we get back rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 100 n_features = 110 X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(n_samples, n_features, tail_strength=0.0, effective_rank=3, random_state=rng) pca = PCA(n_components=3, svd_solver='full', random_state=rng) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=3, batch_size=100) X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X) X_pca /= np.sqrt(np.sum(X_pca**2.0, axis=0)) X_pca[:, 0] *= 3.142 X_pca[:, 1] *= 2.718 X_hat =, pca.components_) assert_array_almost_equal(pca.singular_values_, [3.142, 2.718, 1.0], 14) assert_array_almost_equal(ipca.singular_values_, [3.142, 2.718, 1.0], 14) def test_whitening(): # Test that PCA and IncrementalPCA transforms match to sign flip. X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(1000, 10, tail_strength=0., effective_rank=2, random_state=1999) prec = 3 n_samples, n_features = X.shape for nc in [None, 9]: pca = PCA(whiten=True, n_components=nc).fit(X) ipca = IncrementalPCA(whiten=True, n_components=nc, batch_size=250).fit(X) Xt_pca = pca.transform(X) Xt_ipca = ipca.transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Xt_pca), np.abs(Xt_ipca), decimal=prec) Xinv_ipca = ipca.inverse_transform(Xt_ipca) Xinv_pca = pca.inverse_transform(Xt_pca) assert_almost_equal(X, Xinv_ipca, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(X, Xinv_pca, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(Xinv_pca, Xinv_ipca, decimal=prec)
r''' Fold the Miura ori crease pattern using psi control --------------------------------------------------- ''' import numpy as np from oricreate.api import \ CreasePatternState, SimulationTask, SimulationConfig, \ FuNodeDist, GuDofConstraints, fix, \ FTV, FTA from oricreate.fu import \ FuTargetPsiValue from import \ GuConstantLength, GuPsiConstraints from import \ HuPsiConstraints def create_cp_factory(): # begin from oricreate.api import CustomCPFactory cp = CreasePatternState(X=[[-0.5, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0], [1, 2, 0]], L=[[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [0, 3], [1, 4], [3, 4], [2, 5], [3, 5]], F=[[0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 2], [1, 4, 3], [2, 3, 5] ]) cp_factory = CustomCPFactory(formed_object=cp) # end return cp_factory if __name__ == '__main__': cpf = create_cp_factory() cp = cpf.formed_object import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() cp.plot_mpl(ax, facets=True) plt.tight_layout() F_u_fix = cp.F_N[0] dof_constraints = fix([F_u_fix[0]], [0, 1, 2]) + \ fix([F_u_fix[1]], [1, 2]) + \ fix([F_u_fix[2]], [2]) gu_dof_constraints = GuDofConstraints(dof_constraints=dof_constraints) gu_constant_length = GuConstantLength() fu_node_dist = \ FuNodeDist(forming_task=cpf, L=[[4, 5]]) sim_config = SimulationConfig(goal_function_type='total potential energy', gu={'cl': gu_constant_length, 'gu': gu_dof_constraints}, acc=1e-5, MAX_ITER=100) sim_config._fu = fu_node_dist sim_task = SimulationTask(previous_task=cpf, config=sim_config, n_steps=5) cp = sim_task.formed_object cp.u[(4, 5), 2] = 0.1 sim_task.u_1 ftv = FTV() sim_task.sim_history.viz3d['cp'].set(tube_radius=0.005) ftv.add(sim_task.sim_history.viz3d['cp']) ftv.plot() ftv.configure_traits() fta = FTA(ftv=ftv) fta.init_view(a=200, e=35, d=50, f=(0, 0, 0), r=0) fta.add_cam_move(a=200, e=34, n=5, d=50, r=0, duration=10, vot_fn=lambda cmt: np.linspace(0, 1, 4), azimuth_move='damped', elevation_move='damped', distance_move='damped') fta.plot() fta.render() fta.configure_traits()
""" ====================== SVM with custom kernel ====================== Simple usage of Support Vector Machines to classify a sample. It will plot the decision surface and the support vectors. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. We could # avoid this ugly slicing by using a two-dim dataset Y = def my_kernel(x, y): """ We create a custom kernel: (2 0) k(x, y) = x ( ) y.T (0 1) """ M = np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1.0]]) return, M), y.T) h = .02 # step size in the mesh # we create an instance of SVM and fit out data. clf = svm.SVC(kernel=my_kernel), Y) # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z, # Plot also the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y, plt.title('3-Class classification using Support Vector Machine with custom' ' kernel') plt.axis('tight')
from setuptools import setup, find_packages from os import path from codecs import open import numpy import scipy current_path = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) try: import pypandoc long_description = pypandoc.convert('', 'rst') except(IOError, ImportError): long_description = open('').read() setup( name='IRCLogParser', version='1.0', description='A Parser for IRC chat Logs', long_description=long_description, url='', download_url='', author='Prasad Talasila', author_email='', license='MIT', keywords='IRC parser data-analysis research development', packages=['IRCLogParser'], install_requires=[ 'scipy', 'numpy', 'networkx', 'matplotlib', 'pygraphviz', 'scikit-learn', 'pandas', 'python-igraph', 'sphinx', 'pyyaml', 't3SphinxThemeRtd', 't3fieldlisttable', 't3tablerows', 't3targets', 'sphinxcontrib-googlechart', 'sphinxcontrib-googlemaps', 'sphinxcontrib-httpdomain', 'sphinxcontrib-slide', '', 'nltk', 'plotly', 'ddt' ], )
""" =========================== Medial axis skeletonization =========================== The medial axis of an object is the set of all points having more than one closest point on the object's boundary. It is often called the **topological skeleton**, because it is a 1-pixel wide skeleton of the object, with the same connectivity as the original object. Here, we use the medial axis transform to compute the width of the foreground objects. As the function ``medial_axis`` (``skimage.morphology.medial_axis``) returns the distance transform in addition to the medial axis (with the keyword argument ``return_distance=True``), it is possible to compute the distance to the background for all points of the medial axis with this function. This gives an estimate of the local width of the objects. For a skeleton with fewer branches, there exists another skeletonization algorithm in ``skimage``: ``skimage.morphology.skeletonize``, that computes a skeleton by iterative morphological thinnings. """ import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage as ndi from skimage.morphology import medial_axis import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def microstructure(l=256): """ Synthetic binary data: binary microstructure with blobs. Parameters ---------- l: int, optional linear size of the returned image """ n = 5 x, y = np.ogrid[0:l, 0:l] mask = np.zeros((l, l)) generator = np.random.RandomState(1) points = l * generator.rand(2, n**2) mask[(points[0]).astype(, (points[1]).astype(] = 1 mask = ndi.gaussian_filter(mask, sigma=l/(4.*n)) return mask > mask.mean() data = microstructure(l=64) # Compute the medial axis (skeleton) and the distance transform skel, distance = medial_axis(data, return_distance=True) # Distance to the background for pixels of the skeleton dist_on_skel = distance * skel fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box-forced'}) ax1.imshow(data,, interpolation='nearest') ax1.axis('off') ax2.imshow(dist_on_skel,, interpolation='nearest') ax2.contour(data, [0.5], colors='w') ax2.axis('off') fig.tight_layout()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FreeType high-level python API - Copyright 2011-2015 Nicolas P. Rougier # Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Glyph colored rendering (with outline) ''' from freetype import * if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt face = Face('./Vera.ttf') face.set_char_size( 96*64 ) RGBA = [('R',float), ('G',float), ('B',float), ('A',float)] # Outline flags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP face.load_char('S', flags ) slot = face.glyph glyph = slot.get_glyph() stroker = Stroker( ) stroker.set(64, FT_STROKER_LINECAP_ROUND, FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND, 0 ) glyph.stroke( stroker ) blyph = glyph.to_bitmap(FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL, Vector(0,0)) bitmap = blyph.bitmap width, rows, pitch = bitmap.width, bitmap.rows, bitmap.pitch top, left =, blyph.left data = [] for i in range(rows): data.extend(bitmap.buffer[i*pitch:i*pitch+width]) Z = np.array(data).reshape(rows, width)/255.0 O = np.zeros((rows,width), dtype=RGBA) O['A'] = Z O['R'] = 1 O['G'] = 0 O['B'] = 0 # Plain flags = FT_LOAD_RENDER face.load_char('S', flags) F = np.zeros((rows,width), dtype=RGBA) Z = np.zeros((rows, width)) bitmap = face.glyph.bitmap width, rows, pitch = bitmap.width, bitmap.rows, bitmap.pitch top, left = face.glyph.bitmap_top, face.glyph.bitmap_left dy = - face.glyph.bitmap_top dx = face.glyph.bitmap_left - blyph.left data = [] for i in range(rows): data.extend(bitmap.buffer[i*pitch:i*pitch+width]) Z[dx:dx+rows,dy:dy+width] = np.array(data).reshape(rows, width)/255. F['R'] = 1 F['G'] = 1 F['B'] = 0 F['A'] = Z # Combine outline and plain R1,G1,B1,A1 = O['R'],O['G'],O['B'],O['A'] R2,G2,B2,A2 = F['R'],F['G'],F['B'],F['A'] Z = np.zeros(O.shape, dtype=RGBA) Z['R'] = (A1 * R1 + A2 * (1 - A1) * R2) Z['G'] = (A1 * G1 + A2 * (1 - A1) * G2) Z['B'] = (A1 * B1 + A2 * (1 - A1) * B2) Z['A'] = (A1 + A2 * (1 - A1)) # Draw plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.title('Plain') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) I = F.view(dtype=float).reshape(O.shape[0],O.shape[1],4) plt.imshow(I, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.title('Outline') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) I = O.view(dtype=float).reshape(O.shape[0],O.shape[1],4) plt.imshow(I, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.title('Outline + Plain') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) I = Z.view(dtype=float).reshape(O.shape[0],O.shape[1],4) plt.imshow(I, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """An example of training and predicting with a TFTS estimator.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf try: import matplotlib # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top matplotlib.use("TkAgg") # Need Tk for interactive plots. from matplotlib import pyplot # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top HAS_MATPLOTLIB = True except ImportError: # Plotting requires matplotlib, but the unit test running this code may # execute in an environment without it (i.e. matplotlib is not a build # dependency). We'd still like to test the TensorFlow-dependent parts of this # example, namely train_and_predict. HAS_MATPLOTLIB = False FLAGS = None def structural_ensemble_train_and_predict(csv_file_name): # Cycle between 5 latent values over a period of 100. This leads to a very # smooth periodic component (and a small model), which is a good fit for our # example data. Modeling high-frequency periodic variations will require a # higher cycle_num_latent_values. structural = tf.contrib.timeseries.StructuralEnsembleRegressor( periodicities=100, num_features=1, cycle_num_latent_values=5) return train_and_predict(structural, csv_file_name, training_steps=150) def ar_train_and_predict(csv_file_name): # An autoregressive model, with periodicity handled as a time-based # regression. Note that this requires windows of size 16 (input_window_size + # output_window_size) for training. ar = tf.contrib.timeseries.ARRegressor( periodicities=100, input_window_size=10, output_window_size=6, num_features=1, # Use the (default) normal likelihood loss to adaptively fit the # variance. SQUARED_LOSS overestimates variance when there are trends in # the series. loss=tf.contrib.timeseries.ARModel.NORMAL_LIKELIHOOD_LOSS) return train_and_predict(ar, csv_file_name, training_steps=600) def train_and_predict(estimator, csv_file_name, training_steps): """A simple example of training and predicting.""" # Read data in the default "time,value" CSV format with no header reader = tf.contrib.timeseries.CSVReader(csv_file_name) # Set up windowing and batching for training train_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.RandomWindowInputFn( reader, batch_size=16, window_size=16) # Fit model parameters to data estimator.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=training_steps) # Evaluate on the full dataset sequentially, collecting in-sample predictions # for a qualitative evaluation. Note that this loads the whole dataset into # memory. For quantitative evaluation, use RandomWindowChunker. evaluation_input_fn = tf.contrib.timeseries.WholeDatasetInputFn(reader) evaluation = estimator.evaluate(input_fn=evaluation_input_fn, steps=1) # Predict starting after the evaluation (predictions,) = tuple(estimator.predict( input_fn=tf.contrib.timeseries.predict_continuation_input_fn( evaluation, steps=200))) times = evaluation["times"][0] observed = evaluation["observed"][0, :, 0] mean = np.squeeze(np.concatenate( [evaluation["mean"][0], predictions["mean"]], axis=0)) variance = np.squeeze(np.concatenate( [evaluation["covariance"][0], predictions["covariance"]], axis=0)) all_times = np.concatenate([times, predictions["times"]], axis=0) upper_limit = mean + np.sqrt(variance) lower_limit = mean - np.sqrt(variance) return times, observed, all_times, mean, upper_limit, lower_limit def make_plot(name, training_times, observed, all_times, mean, upper_limit, lower_limit): """Plot a time series in a new figure.""" pyplot.figure() pyplot.plot(training_times, observed, "b", label="training series") pyplot.plot(all_times, mean, "r", label="forecast") pyplot.plot(all_times, upper_limit, "g", label="forecast upper bound") pyplot.plot(all_times, lower_limit, "g", label="forecast lower bound") pyplot.fill_between(all_times, lower_limit, upper_limit, color="grey", alpha="0.2") pyplot.axvline(training_times[-1], color="k", linestyle="--") pyplot.xlabel("time") pyplot.ylabel("observations") pyplot.legend(loc=0) pyplot.title(name) def main(unused_argv): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError( "Please install matplotlib to generate a plot from this example.") make_plot("Structural ensemble", *structural_ensemble_train_and_predict(FLAGS.input_filename)) make_plot("AR", *ar_train_and_predict(FLAGS.input_filename)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--input_filename", type=str, required=True, help="Input csv file.") FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Pipelining: chaining a PCA and a logistic regression ========================================================= The PCA does an unsupervised dimensionality reduction, while the logistic regression does the prediction. We use a GridSearchCV to set the dimensionality of the PCA """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model, decomposition, datasets from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression() pca = decomposition.PCA() pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic)]) digits = datasets.load_digits() X_digits = y_digits = ############################################################################### # Plot the PCA spectrum plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.axes([.2, .2, .7, .7]) plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_, linewidth=2) plt.axis('tight') plt.xlabel('n_components') plt.ylabel('explained_variance_') ############################################################################### # Prediction n_components = [20, 40, 64] Cs = np.logspace(-4, 4, 3) #Parameters of pipelines can be set using ‘__’ separated parameter names: estimator = GridSearchCV(pipe, dict(pca__n_components=n_components, logistic__C=Cs)), y_digits) plt.axvline(estimator.best_estimator_.named_steps['pca'].n_components, linestyle=':', label='n_components chosen') plt.legend(prop=dict(size=12))
""" General Numerical Solver for the 1D Time-Dependent Schrodinger's equation. adapted from code at Double pendulum formula translated from the C code at author: Jake Vanderplas email: website: license: BSD Please feel free to use and modify this, but keep the above information. Thanks! """ from numpy import sin, cos import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.integrate as integrate import matplotlib.animation as animation plt.xkcd() # XKCD-style requires matplotlib 1.3+ class DoublePendulum: """Double Pendulum Class init_state is [theta1, omega1, theta2, omega2] in degrees, where theta1, omega1 is the angular position and velocity of the first pendulum arm, and theta2, omega2 is that of the second pendulum arm """ def __init__(self, init_state = [120, 0, -20, 0], L1=1.0, # length of pendulum 1 in m L2=1.0, # length of pendulum 2 in m M1=1.0, # mass of pendulum 1 in kg M2=1.0, # mass of pendulum 2 in kg G=9.8, # acceleration due to gravity, in m/s^2 origin=(0, 0)): self.init_state = np.asarray(init_state, dtype='float') self.params = (L1, L2, M1, M2, G) self.origin = origin self.time_elapsed = 0 self.state = self.init_state * np.pi / 180. def position(self): """compute the current x,y positions of the pendulum arms""" (L1, L2, M1, M2, G) = self.params x = np.cumsum([self.origin[0], L1 * sin(self.state[0]), L2 * sin(self.state[2])]) y = np.cumsum([self.origin[1], -L1 * cos(self.state[0]), -L2 * cos(self.state[2])]) return (x, y) def energy(self): """compute the energy of the current state""" (L1, L2, M1, M2, G) = self.params x = np.cumsum([L1 * sin(self.state[0]), L2 * sin(self.state[2])]) y = np.cumsum([-L1 * cos(self.state[0]), -L2 * cos(self.state[2])]) vx = np.cumsum([L1 * self.state[1] * cos(self.state[0]), L2 * self.state[3] * cos(self.state[2])]) vy = np.cumsum([L1 * self.state[1] * sin(self.state[0]), L2 * self.state[3] * sin(self.state[2])]) U = G * (M1 * y[0] + M2 * y[1]) K = 0.5 * (M1 *, vx) + M2 *, vy)) return U + K def dstate_dt(self, state, t): """compute the derivative of the given state""" (M1, M2, L1, L2, G) = self.params dydx = np.zeros_like(state) dydx[0] = state[1] dydx[2] = state[3] cos_delta = cos(state[2] - state[0]) sin_delta = sin(state[2] - state[0]) den1 = (M1 + M2) * L1 - M2 * L1 * cos_delta * cos_delta dydx[1] = (M2 * L1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin_delta * cos_delta + M2 * G * sin(state[2]) * cos_delta + M2 * L2 * state[3] * state[3] * sin_delta - (M1 + M2) * G * sin(state[0])) / den1 den2 = (L2 / L1) * den1 dydx[3] = (-M2 * L2 * state[3] * state[3] * sin_delta * cos_delta + (M1 + M2) * G * sin(state[0]) * cos_delta - (M1 + M2) * L1 * state[1] * state[1] * sin_delta - (M1 + M2) * G * sin(state[2])) / den2 return dydx def step(self, dt): """execute one time step of length dt and update state""" self.state = integrate.odeint(self.dstate_dt, self.state, [0, dt])[1] self.time_elapsed += dt #------------------------------------------------------------ # set up initial state and global variables pendulum = DoublePendulum([180., 0.0, -20., 0.0]) dt = 1./30 # 30 fps #------------------------------------------------------------ # set up figure and animation fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal', autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-2, 2), ylim=(-2, 2)) ax.grid() line, = ax.plot([], [], 'o-', lw=2) time_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.95, '', transform=ax.transAxes) energy_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.90, '', transform=ax.transAxes) def init(): """initialize animation""" line.set_data([], []) time_text.set_text('') energy_text.set_text('') return line, time_text, energy_text def animate(i): """perform animation step""" global pendulum, dt pendulum.step(dt) line.set_data(*pendulum.position()) time_text.set_text('time = %.1f' % pendulum.time_elapsed) energy_text.set_text('energy = %.3f J' % return line, time_text, energy_text # choose the interval based on dt and the time to animate one step from time import time t0 = time() animate(0) t1 = time() interval = 1000 * dt - (t1 - t0) ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=300, interval=interval, blit=True, init_func=init) # save the animation as an mp4. This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be # installed. The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that # the video can be embedded in html5. You may need to adjust this for # your system: for more information, see #'double_pendulum_xkcd.mp4', fps=30, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import unittest from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock import pandas as pd from tmc import points from tmc.utils import load, get_out, patch_helper, spy_decorator module_name="src.suicide_fractions" suicide_fractions = load(module_name, "suicide_fractions") main = load(module_name, "main") ph = patch_helper(module_name) @points('p05-06.1') class SuicideFractions(unittest.TestCase): # @classmethod # def setUpClass(cls): # cls.s = suicide_fractions() def setUp(self): self.s = suicide_fractions() def test_shape(self): self.assertEqual(self.s.shape, (141,), msg="The return Series has incorrect shape!") def test_type(self): self.assertIsInstance(self.s, pd.Series, msg="You should return a Series object!") self.assertEqual(self.s.dtype, float, msg="The dtype of Series should be float!") def test_index(self): ind = ["Albania", "Anguilla", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia"] self.assertCountEqual(self.s.index[:5], ind, msg="First five indices were incorrect!") def test_nulls(self): nulls = self.s.isnull().sum() self.assertEqual(nulls, 23, msg="Wrong number of missing values in the Series!") def test_content(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(self.s["Albania"], 0.000035, places=6, msg="Incorrect mean suicide fraction for Albania!") self.assertAlmostEqual(self.s["Belgium"], 0.000222, places=6, msg="Incorrect mean suicide fraction for Belgium!") self.assertAlmostEqual(self.s["Finland"], 0.000228, places=6, msg="Incorrect mean suicide fraction for Finland!") def test_calls(self): method = spy_decorator(pd.core.frame.DataFrame.groupby, "groupby") with patch(ph("suicide_fractions"), wraps=suicide_fractions) as psf,\ patch.object(pd.core.frame.DataFrame, "groupby", new=method) as pgroupby,\ patch(ph("pd.read_csv"), wraps=pd.read_csv) as prc: main() psf.assert_called_once() prc.assert_called_once() method.mock.assert_called_once() args, kwargs = method.mock.call_args correct = ((len(args) > 0 and args[0]== "country") or ("by" in kwargs and kwargs["by"] == "country")) self.assertTrue(correct, msg="Wrong or missing argument to groupby method!") #self.assertEqual(args[0], "country", msg="Wrong argument to groupby method!") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import sys import math from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt import numpy as np import sklearn.cross_validation as skl_cross_validation from Orange.widgets import widget, gui from Orange.widgets.settings import Setting from import Table from import DiscreteVariable class OWDataSampler(widget.OWWidget): name = "Data Sampler" description = "Selects a subset of instances from the data set." icon = "icons/DataSampler.svg" priority = 100 category = "Data" keywords = ["data", "sample"] inputs = [("Data", Table, "set_data")] outputs = [("Data Sample", Table), ("Remaining Data", Table)] want_main_area = False RandomSeed = 42 FixedSize, FixedProportion, CrossValidation = range(3) use_seed = Setting(False) replacement = Setting(False) stratify = Setting(False) sampling_type = Setting(0) sampleSizeNumber = Setting(1) sampleSizePercentage = Setting(70) number_of_folds = Setting(10) selectedFold = Setting(1) def __init__(self): super().__init__() = None self.indices = None box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Information") self.dataInfoLabel = gui.widgetLabel(box, 'No data on input.') self.outputInfoLabel = gui.widgetLabel(box, ' ') box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Sampling Type") sampling = gui.radioButtons( box, self, "sampling_type", callback=self.sampling_type_changed) def set_sampling_type(i): def f(): self.sampling_type = i self.sampling_type_changed() return f gui.appendRadioButton(sampling, "Fixed sample size:") ibox = gui.indentedBox(sampling) self.sampleSizeSpin = gui.spin( ibox, self, "sampleSizeNumber", label="Instances: ", minv=1, maxv=2 ** 31 - 1, callback=set_sampling_type(self.FixedSize)) gui.checkBox( ibox, self, "replacement", "Sample with replacement", callback=set_sampling_type(self.FixedSize)) gui.separator(sampling, 12) gui.appendRadioButton(sampling, "Fixed proportion of data:") self.sampleSizePercentageSlider = gui.hSlider( gui.indentedBox(sampling), self, "sampleSizePercentage", minValue=0, maxValue=100, ticks=10, labelFormat="%d %%", callback=set_sampling_type(self.FixedProportion)) gui.separator(sampling, 12) gui.appendRadioButton(sampling, "Cross Validation:") form = QtGui.QFormLayout( formAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop, labelAlignment=Qt.AlignLeft, fieldGrowthPolicy=QtGui.QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow) ibox = gui.indentedBox(sampling, addSpace=True, orientation=form) form.addRow("Number of folds", gui.spin( ibox, self, "number_of_folds", 2, 100, addToLayout=False, callback=self.number_of_folds_changed)) self.selected_fold_spin = gui.spin( ibox, self, "selectedFold", 1, 100, addToLayout=False, callback=self.fold_changed) form.addRow("Selected fold", self.selected_fold_spin) box = gui.widgetBox(self.controlArea, "Options") gui.checkBox(box, self, "use_seed", "Replicable (deterministic) sampling", callback=self.settings_changed) gui.checkBox(box, self, "stratify", "Stratify sample (when possible)", callback=self.settings_changed) gui.button(self.controlArea, self, "Sample Data", callback=self.commit) self.layout().setSizeConstraint(QtGui.QLayout.SetFixedSize) def sampling_type_changed(self): self.settings_changed() def number_of_folds_changed(self): self.selected_fold_spin.setMaximum(self.number_of_folds) self.sampling_type = self.CrossValidation self.settings_changed() def fold_changed(self): # a separate callback - if we decide to cache indices self.sampling_type = self.CrossValidation def settings_changed(self): self.indices = None def set_data(self, dataset): = dataset if dataset is not None: self.dataInfoLabel.setText( '%d instances in input data set.' % len(dataset)) self.sampleSizeSpin.setMaximum(len(dataset)) self.updateindices() else: self.dataInfoLabel.setText('No data on input.') self.outputInfoLabel.setText('') self.indices = None self.commit() def commit(self): if is None: sample = other = None self.outputInfoLabel.setText("") else: if self.indices is None or not self.use_seed: self.updateindices() if self.sampling_type in [self.FixedProportion, self.FixedSize]: remaining, sample = self.indices self.outputInfoLabel.setText( 'Outputting %d instances.' % len(sample)) else: remaining, sample = self.indices[self.selectedFold - 1] self.outputInfoLabel.setText( 'Outputting fold %d, %d instances.' % (self.selectedFold, len(sample)) ) sample =[sample] other =[remaining] self.send("Data Sample", sample) self.send("Remaining Data", other) def updateindices(self): rnd = self.RandomSeed if self.use_seed else None stratified = (self.stratify and type( == Table and is_discrete( if self.sampling_type == self.FixedSize: self.indices = sample_random_n(, self.sampleSizeNumber, stratified=stratified, replace=self.replacement, random_state=rnd) elif self.sampling_type == self.FixedProportion: self.indices = sample_random_p(, self.sampleSizePercentage / 100, stratified=stratified, random_state=rnd) else: self.indices = sample_fold_indices(, self.number_of_folds, stratified=stratified, random_state=rnd) def is_discrete(var): return isinstance(var, DiscreteVariable) def sample_fold_indices(table, folds=10, stratified=False, random_state=None): """ :param table: :param int folds: Number of folds :param bool stratified: Return stratified indices (if applicable). :param Random random_state: :rval tuple-of-arrays: A tuple of array indices one for each fold. """ if stratified and is_discrete(table.domain.class_var): # XXX: StratifiedKFold does not support random_state ind = skl_cross_validation.StratifiedKFold( table.Y.ravel(), folds, random_state=random_state) else: ind = skl_cross_validation.KFold( len(table), folds, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state) return tuple(ind) def sample_random_n(table, n, stratified=False, replace=False, random_state=None): if replace: if random_state is None: rgen = np.random else: rgen = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(random_state) sample = rgen.random_integers(0, len(table) - 1, n) o = np.ones(len(table)) o[sample] = 0 others = np.nonzero(o)[0] return others, sample if stratified and is_discrete(table.domain.class_var): test_size = max(len(table.domain.class_var.values), n) ind = skl_cross_validation.StratifiedShuffleSplit( table.Y.ravel(), n_iter=1, test_size=test_size, train_size=len(table) - test_size, random_state=random_state) else: ind = skl_cross_validation.ShuffleSplit( len(table), n_iter=1, test_size=n, random_state=random_state) return next(iter(ind)) def sample_random_p(table, p, stratified=False, random_state=None): n = int(math.ceil(len(table) * p)) return sample_random_n(table, n, stratified, False, random_state) def test_main(): app = QtGui.QApplication([]) data = Table("iris") w = OWDataSampler() w.set_data(data) return app.exec_() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(test_main())
#!/usr/bin/env python3 #* This file is part of the MOOSE framework #* #* #* All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions #* #* #* Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details #* import sys from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from peacock.PostprocessorViewer.plugins.FigurePlugin import main from peacock.utils import Testing import mooseutils class TestFigurePlugin(Testing.PeacockImageTestCase): """ Test class for FigureWidget. """ #: QApplication: The main App for QT, this must be static to work correctly. qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) def setUp(self): """ Creates the GUI. """ # Read some data filename = '../input/white_elephant_jan_2016.csv' self._reader = mooseutils.PostprocessorReader(filename) # Create the widget with FigurePlugin only self._widget = main() self._window = self._widget.currentWidget().FigurePlugin def testEmpty(self): """ Test that an empty plot with two projection options gets created. """ self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testEmpty.png') def testPlotLeft(self): """ Draws on left axis. """ ax = self._window.axes()[0] ax.plot(self._reader['air_temp_low_24_hour_set_1'], '-b') self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testPlotLeft.png') def testPlotRight(self): """ Draws right axis. """ ax = self._window.axes()[1] ax.plot(self._reader['air_temp_high_24_hour_set_1'], '-r') self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testPlotRight.png') def testPlotDual(self): """ Draws on both. """ ax = self._window.axes()[0] ax.plot(self._reader['air_temp_low_24_hour_set_1'], '-b') ax = self._window.axes()[1] ax.plot(self._reader['air_temp_high_24_hour_set_1'], '-r') self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testPlotDual.png') def testClear(self): """ Test that a plot can be created and cleared. """ ax = self._window.axes()[0] ax.plot(self._reader['snow_water_equiv_set_1'], '-b') self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testClearPlot.png') ax.clear() self._window.draw() self.assertImage('testEmpty.png') def testRepr(self): """ Test the "repr" script output. """ output, imports = self._window.repr() self.assertIn('import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', imports) self.assertIn("figure = plt.figure(facecolor='white')", output) self.assertIn('axes0 = figure.add_subplot(111)', output) # This only appears if data exists on axes2 ax1 = 'axes1 = axes0.twinx()' self.assertNotIn(ax1, output) # Plot data on right and make sure axes1 appears ax = self._window.axes()[1] ax.plot(self._reader['air_temp_high_24_hour_set_1'], '-r') output, imports = self._window.repr() self.assertIn(ax1, output) if __name__ == '__main__': import unittest unittest.main(module=__name__, verbosity=2)
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from itertools import product from distutils.version import LooseVersion import nose from numpy import nan import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import (Series, DataFrame, isnull, notnull, bdate_range, date_range, _np_version_under1p10) from pandas.core.index import MultiIndex from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.tseries.tdi import Timedelta import pandas.core.config as cf import pandas.core.nanops as nanops from pandas.compat import lrange, range from pandas import compat from pandas.util.testing import (assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_frame_equal, assert_index_equal) import pandas.util.testing as tm from .common import TestData class TestSeriesAnalytics(TestData, tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_sum_zero(self): arr = np.array([]) self.assertEqual(nanops.nansum(arr), 0) arr = np.empty((10, 0)) self.assertTrue((nanops.nansum(arr, axis=1) == 0).all()) # GH #844 s = Series([], index=[]) self.assertEqual(s.sum(), 0) df = DataFrame(np.empty((10, 0))) self.assertTrue((df.sum(1) == 0).all()) def test_nansum_buglet(self): s = Series([1.0, np.nan], index=[0, 1]) result = np.nansum(s) assert_almost_equal(result, 1) def test_overflow(self): # GH 6915 # overflowing on the smaller int dtypes for dtype in ['int32', 'int64']: v = np.arange(5000000, dtype=dtype) s = Series(v) # no bottleneck result = s.sum(skipna=False) self.assertEqual(int(result), v.sum(dtype='int64')) result = s.min(skipna=False) self.assertEqual(int(result), 0) result = s.max(skipna=False) self.assertEqual(int(result), v[-1]) # use bottleneck if available result = s.sum() self.assertEqual(int(result), v.sum(dtype='int64')) result = s.min() self.assertEqual(int(result), 0) result = s.max() self.assertEqual(int(result), v[-1]) for dtype in ['float32', 'float64']: v = np.arange(5000000, dtype=dtype) s = Series(v) # no bottleneck result = s.sum(skipna=False) self.assertEqual(result, v.sum(dtype=dtype)) result = s.min(skipna=False) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(float(result), 0.0)) result = s.max(skipna=False) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(float(result), v[-1])) # use bottleneck if available result = s.sum() self.assertEqual(result, v.sum(dtype=dtype)) result = s.min() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(float(result), 0.0)) result = s.max() self.assertTrue(np.allclose(float(result), v[-1])) def test_sum(self): self._check_stat_op('sum', np.sum, check_allna=True) def test_sum_inf(self): import pandas.core.nanops as nanops s = Series(np.random.randn(10)) s2 = s.copy() s[5:8] = np.inf s2[5:8] = np.nan self.assertTrue(np.isinf(s.sum())) arr = np.random.randn(100, 100).astype('f4') arr[:, 2] = np.inf with cf.option_context("mode.use_inf_as_null", True): assert_almost_equal(s.sum(), s2.sum()) res = nanops.nansum(arr, axis=1) self.assertTrue(np.isinf(res).all()) def test_mean(self): self._check_stat_op('mean', np.mean) def test_median(self): self._check_stat_op('median', np.median) # test with integers, test failure int_ts = Series(np.ones(10, dtype=int), index=lrange(10)) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.median(int_ts), int_ts.median()) def test_mode(self): s = Series([12, 12, 11, 10, 19, 11]) exp = Series([11, 12]) assert_series_equal(s.mode(), exp) assert_series_equal( Series([1, 2, 3]).mode(), Series( [], dtype='int64')) lst = [5] * 20 + [1] * 10 + [6] * 25 np.random.shuffle(lst) s = Series(lst) assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series([6])) s = Series([5] * 10) assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series([5])) s = Series(lst) s[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series([6.])) s = Series(list('adfasbasfwewefwefweeeeasdfasnbam')) assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series(['e'])) s = Series(['2011-01-03', '2013-01-02', '1900-05-03'], dtype='M8[ns]') assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series([], dtype="M8[ns]")) s = Series(['2011-01-03', '2013-01-02', '1900-05-03', '2011-01-03', '2013-01-02'], dtype='M8[ns]') assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series(['2011-01-03', '2013-01-02'], dtype='M8[ns]')) # GH 5986 s = Series(['1 days', '-1 days', '0 days'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series([], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')) s = Series(['1 day', '1 day', '-1 day', '-1 day 2 min', '2 min', '2 min'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') assert_series_equal(s.mode(), Series(['2 min', '1 day'], dtype='timedelta64[ns]')) def test_prod(self): self._check_stat_op('prod', def test_min(self): self._check_stat_op('min', np.min, check_objects=True) def test_max(self): self._check_stat_op('max', np.max, check_objects=True) def test_var_std(self): alt = lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('std', alt) alt = lambda x: np.var(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('var', alt) result = self.ts.std(ddof=4) expected = np.std(self.ts.values, ddof=4) assert_almost_equal(result, expected) result = self.ts.var(ddof=4) expected = np.var(self.ts.values, ddof=4) assert_almost_equal(result, expected) # 1 - element series with ddof=1 s = self.ts.iloc[[0]] result = s.var(ddof=1) self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) result = s.std(ddof=1) self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) def test_sem(self): alt = lambda x: np.std(x, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(x)) self._check_stat_op('sem', alt) result = self.ts.sem(ddof=4) expected = np.std(self.ts.values, ddof=4) / np.sqrt(len(self.ts.values)) assert_almost_equal(result, expected) # 1 - element series with ddof=1 s = self.ts.iloc[[0]] result = s.sem(ddof=1) self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) def test_skew(self): tm._skip_if_no_scipy() from scipy.stats import skew alt = lambda x: skew(x, bias=False) self._check_stat_op('skew', alt) # test corner cases, skew() returns NaN unless there's at least 3 # values min_N = 3 for i in range(1, min_N + 1): s = Series(np.ones(i)) df = DataFrame(np.ones((i, i))) if i < min_N: self.assertTrue(np.isnan(s.skew())) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(df.skew()).all()) else: self.assertEqual(0, s.skew()) self.assertTrue((df.skew() == 0).all()) def test_kurt(self): tm._skip_if_no_scipy() from scipy.stats import kurtosis alt = lambda x: kurtosis(x, bias=False) self._check_stat_op('kurt', alt) index = MultiIndex(levels=[['bar'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1]], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) s = Series(np.random.randn(6), index=index) self.assertAlmostEqual(s.kurt(), s.kurt(level=0)['bar']) # test corner cases, kurt() returns NaN unless there's at least 4 # values min_N = 4 for i in range(1, min_N + 1): s = Series(np.ones(i)) df = DataFrame(np.ones((i, i))) if i < min_N: self.assertTrue(np.isnan(s.kurt())) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(df.kurt()).all()) else: self.assertEqual(0, s.kurt()) self.assertTrue((df.kurt() == 0).all()) def test_describe(self): s = Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name='int_data') result = s.describe() expected = Series([5, 2, s.std(), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], name='int_data', index=['count', 'mean', 'std', 'min', '25%', '50%', '75%', 'max']) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series([True, True, False, False, False], name='bool_data') result = s.describe() expected = Series([5, 2, False, 3], name='bool_data', index=['count', 'unique', 'top', 'freq']) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series(['a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], name='str_data') result = s.describe() expected = Series([5, 4, 'a', 2], name='str_data', index=['count', 'unique', 'top', 'freq']) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_argsort(self): self._check_accum_op('argsort', check_dtype=False) argsorted = self.ts.argsort() self.assertTrue(issubclass(argsorted.dtype.type, np.integer)) # GH 2967 (introduced bug in 0.11-dev I think) s = Series([Timestamp('201301%02d' % (i + 1)) for i in range(5)]) self.assertEqual(s.dtype, 'datetime64[ns]') shifted = s.shift(-1) self.assertEqual(shifted.dtype, 'datetime64[ns]') self.assertTrue(isnull(shifted[4])) result = s.argsort() expected = Series(lrange(5), dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = shifted.argsort() expected = Series(lrange(4) + [-1], dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_argsort_stable(self): s = Series(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=10000)) mindexer = s.argsort(kind='mergesort') qindexer = s.argsort() mexpected = np.argsort(s.values, kind='mergesort') qexpected = np.argsort(s.values, kind='quicksort') self.assert_series_equal(mindexer, Series(mexpected), check_dtype=False) self.assert_series_equal(qindexer, Series(qexpected), check_dtype=False) self.assertFalse(np.array_equal(qindexer, mindexer)) def test_cumsum(self): self._check_accum_op('cumsum') def test_cumprod(self): self._check_accum_op('cumprod') def test_cummin(self): self.assert_numpy_array_equal(self.ts.cummin().values, np.minimum.accumulate(np.array(self.ts))) ts = self.ts.copy() ts[::2] = np.NaN result = ts.cummin()[1::2] expected = np.minimum.accumulate(ts.valid()) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_cummax(self): self.assert_numpy_array_equal(self.ts.cummax().values, np.maximum.accumulate(np.array(self.ts))) ts = self.ts.copy() ts[::2] = np.NaN result = ts.cummax()[1::2] expected = np.maximum.accumulate(ts.valid()) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_cummin_datetime64(self): s = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(['NaT', '2000-1-2', 'NaT', '2000-1-1', 'NaT', '2000-1-3'])) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(['NaT', '2000-1-2', 'NaT', '2000-1-1', 'NaT', '2000-1-1'])) result = s.cummin(skipna=True) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime( ['NaT', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-1', '2000-1-1', '2000-1-1' ])) result = s.cummin(skipna=False) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_cummax_datetime64(self): s = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(['NaT', '2000-1-2', 'NaT', '2000-1-1', 'NaT', '2000-1-3'])) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime(['NaT', '2000-1-2', 'NaT', '2000-1-2', 'NaT', '2000-1-3'])) result = s.cummax(skipna=True) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_datetime( ['NaT', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-2', '2000-1-3' ])) result = s.cummax(skipna=False) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_cummin_timedelta64(self): s = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', 'NaT', '1 min', 'NaT', '3 min', ])) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', 'NaT', '1 min', 'NaT', '1 min', ])) result = s.cummin(skipna=True) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', '2 min', '1 min', '1 min', '1 min', ])) result = s.cummin(skipna=False) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_cummax_timedelta64(self): s = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', 'NaT', '1 min', 'NaT', '3 min', ])) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', 'NaT', '2 min', 'NaT', '3 min', ])) result = s.cummax(skipna=True) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) expected = pd.Series(pd.to_timedelta(['NaT', '2 min', '2 min', '2 min', '2 min', '3 min', ])) result = s.cummax(skipna=False) self.assert_series_equal(expected, result) def test_npdiff(self): raise nose.SkipTest("skipping due to Series no longer being an " "ndarray") # no longer works as the return type of np.diff is now nd.array s = Series(np.arange(5)) r = np.diff(s) assert_series_equal(Series([nan, 0, 0, 0, nan]), r) def _check_stat_op(self, name, alternate, check_objects=False, check_allna=False): import pandas.core.nanops as nanops def testit(): f = getattr(Series, name) # add some NaNs self.series[5:15] = np.NaN # idxmax, idxmin, min, and max are valid for dates if name not in ['max', 'min']: ds = Series(date_range('1/1/2001', periods=10)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, ds) # skipna or no self.assertTrue(notnull(f(self.series))) self.assertTrue(isnull(f(self.series, skipna=False))) # check the result is correct nona = self.series.dropna() assert_almost_equal(f(nona), alternate(nona.values)) assert_almost_equal(f(self.series), alternate(nona.values)) allna = self.series * nan if check_allna: # xref 9422 # bottleneck >= 1.0 give 0.0 for an allna Series sum try: self.assertTrue(nanops._USE_BOTTLENECK) import bottleneck as bn # noqa self.assertTrue(bn.__version__ >= LooseVersion('1.0')) self.assertEqual(f(allna), 0.0) except: self.assertTrue(np.isnan(f(allna))) # dtype=object with None, it works! s = Series([1, 2, 3, None, 5]) f(s) # 2888 l = [0] l.extend(lrange(2 ** 40, 2 ** 40 + 1000)) s = Series(l, dtype='int64') assert_almost_equal(float(f(s)), float(alternate(s.values))) # check date range if check_objects: s = Series(bdate_range('1/1/2000', periods=10)) res = f(s) exp = alternate(s) self.assertEqual(res, exp) # check on string data if name not in ['sum', 'min', 'max']: self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, Series(list('abc'))) # Invalid axis. self.assertRaises(ValueError, f, self.series, axis=1) # Unimplemented numeric_only parameter. if 'numeric_only' in compat.signature(f).args: self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotImplementedError, name, f, self.series, numeric_only=True) testit() try: import bottleneck as bn # noqa nanops._USE_BOTTLENECK = False testit() nanops._USE_BOTTLENECK = True except ImportError: pass def _check_accum_op(self, name, check_dtype=True): func = getattr(np, name) self.assert_numpy_array_equal(func(self.ts).values, func(np.array(self.ts)), check_dtype=check_dtype) # with missing values ts = self.ts.copy() ts[::2] = np.NaN result = func(ts)[1::2] expected = func(np.array(ts.valid())) self.assert_numpy_array_equal(result.values, expected, check_dtype=False) def test_compress(self): cond = [True, False, True, False, False] s = Series([1, -1, 5, 8, 7], index=list('abcde'), name='foo') expected = Series(s.values.compress(cond), index=list('ac'), name='foo') tm.assert_series_equal(s.compress(cond), expected) def test_numpy_compress(self): cond = [True, False, True, False, False] s = Series([1, -1, 5, 8, 7], index=list('abcde'), name='foo') expected = Series(s.values.compress(cond), index=list('ac'), name='foo') tm.assert_series_equal(np.compress(cond, s), expected) msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg, np.compress, cond, s, axis=1) msg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg, np.compress, cond, s, out=s) def test_round(self): = "index_name" result = self.ts.round(2) expected = Series(np.round(self.ts.values, 2), index=self.ts.index, name='ts') assert_series_equal(result, expected) self.assertEqual(, def test_numpy_round(self): # See gh-12600 s = Series([1.53, 1.36, 0.06]) out = np.round(s, decimals=0) expected = Series([2., 1., 0.]) assert_series_equal(out, expected) msg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): np.round(s, decimals=0, out=s) def test_built_in_round(self): if not compat.PY3: raise nose.SkipTest( 'build in round cannot be overriden prior to Python 3') s = Series([1.123, 2.123, 3.123], index=lrange(3)) result = round(s) expected_rounded0 = Series([1., 2., 3.], index=lrange(3)) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected_rounded0) decimals = 2 expected_rounded = Series([1.12, 2.12, 3.12], index=lrange(3)) result = round(s, decimals) self.assert_series_equal(result, expected_rounded) def test_prod_numpy16_bug(self): s = Series([1., 1., 1.], index=lrange(3)) result = self.assertNotIsInstance(result, Series) def test_all_any(self): ts = tm.makeTimeSeries() bool_series = ts > 0 self.assertFalse(bool_series.all()) self.assertTrue(bool_series.any()) # Alternative types, with implicit 'object' dtype. s = Series(['abc', True]) self.assertEqual('abc', s.any()) # 'abc' || True => 'abc' def test_all_any_params(self): # Check skipna, with implicit 'object' dtype. s1 = Series([np.nan, True]) s2 = Series([np.nan, False]) self.assertTrue(s1.all(skipna=False)) # nan && True => True self.assertTrue(s1.all(skipna=True)) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(s2.any(skipna=False))) # nan || False => nan self.assertFalse(s2.any(skipna=True)) # Check level. s = pd.Series([False, False, True, True, False, True], index=[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]) assert_series_equal(s.all(level=0), Series([False, True, False])) assert_series_equal(s.any(level=0), Series([False, True, True])) # bool_only is not implemented with level option. self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, s.any, bool_only=True, level=0) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, s.all, bool_only=True, level=0) # bool_only is not implemented alone. self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, s.any, bool_only=True) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, s.all, bool_only=True) def test_modulo(self): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): # GH3590, modulo as ints p = DataFrame({'first': [3, 4, 5, 8], 'second': [0, 0, 0, 3]}) result = p['first'] % p['second'] expected = Series(p['first'].values % p['second'].values, dtype='float64') expected.iloc[0:3] = np.nan assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = p['first'] % 0 expected = Series(np.nan, index=p.index, name='first') assert_series_equal(result, expected) p = p.astype('float64') result = p['first'] % p['second'] expected = Series(p['first'].values % p['second'].values) assert_series_equal(result, expected) p = p.astype('float64') result = p['first'] % p['second'] result2 = p['second'] % p['first'] self.assertFalse(np.array_equal(result, result2)) # GH 9144 s = Series([0, 1]) result = s % 0 expected = Series([nan, nan]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = 0 % s expected = Series([nan, 0.0]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_ops_consistency_on_empty(self): # GH 7869 # consistency on empty # float result = Series(dtype=float).sum() self.assertEqual(result, 0) result = Series(dtype=float).mean() self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) result = Series(dtype=float).median() self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) # timedelta64[ns] result = Series(dtype='m8[ns]').sum() self.assertEqual(result, Timedelta(0)) result = Series(dtype='m8[ns]').mean() self.assertTrue(result is pd.NaT) result = Series(dtype='m8[ns]').median() self.assertTrue(result is pd.NaT) def test_corr(self): tm._skip_if_no_scipy() import scipy.stats as stats # full overlap self.assertAlmostEqual(self.ts.corr(self.ts), 1) # partial overlap self.assertAlmostEqual(self.ts[:15].corr(self.ts[5:]), 1) self.assertTrue(isnull(self.ts[:15].corr(self.ts[5:], min_periods=12))) ts1 = self.ts[:15].reindex(self.ts.index) ts2 = self.ts[5:].reindex(self.ts.index) self.assertTrue(isnull(ts1.corr(ts2, min_periods=12))) # No overlap self.assertTrue(np.isnan(self.ts[::2].corr(self.ts[1::2]))) # all NA cp = self.ts[:10].copy() cp[:] = np.nan self.assertTrue(isnull(cp.corr(cp))) A = tm.makeTimeSeries() B = tm.makeTimeSeries() result = A.corr(B) expected, _ = stats.pearsonr(A, B) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected) def test_corr_rank(self): tm._skip_if_no_scipy() import scipy import scipy.stats as stats # kendall and spearman A = tm.makeTimeSeries() B = tm.makeTimeSeries() A[-5:] = A[:5] result = A.corr(B, method='kendall') expected = stats.kendalltau(A, B)[0] self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected) result = A.corr(B, method='spearman') expected = stats.spearmanr(A, B)[0] self.assertAlmostEqual(result, expected) # these methods got rewritten in 0.8 if scipy.__version__ < LooseVersion('0.9'): raise nose.SkipTest("skipping corr rank because of scipy version " "{0}".format(scipy.__version__)) # results from R A = Series( [-0.89926396, 0.94209606, -1.03289164, -0.95445587, 0.76910310, - 0.06430576, -2.09704447, 0.40660407, -0.89926396, 0.94209606]) B = Series( [-1.01270225, -0.62210117, -1.56895827, 0.59592943, -0.01680292, 1.17258718, -1.06009347, -0.10222060, -0.89076239, 0.89372375]) kexp = 0.4319297 sexp = 0.5853767 self.assertAlmostEqual(A.corr(B, method='kendall'), kexp) self.assertAlmostEqual(A.corr(B, method='spearman'), sexp) def test_cov(self): # full overlap self.assertAlmostEqual(self.ts.cov(self.ts), self.ts.std() ** 2) # partial overlap self.assertAlmostEqual(self.ts[:15].cov(self.ts[5:]), self.ts[5:15].std() ** 2) # No overlap self.assertTrue(np.isnan(self.ts[::2].cov(self.ts[1::2]))) # all NA cp = self.ts[:10].copy() cp[:] = np.nan self.assertTrue(isnull(cp.cov(cp))) # min_periods self.assertTrue(isnull(self.ts[:15].cov(self.ts[5:], min_periods=12))) ts1 = self.ts[:15].reindex(self.ts.index) ts2 = self.ts[5:].reindex(self.ts.index) self.assertTrue(isnull(ts1.cov(ts2, min_periods=12))) def test_count(self): self.assertEqual(self.ts.count(), len(self.ts)) self.ts[::2] = np.NaN self.assertEqual(self.ts.count(), np.isfinite(self.ts).sum()) mi = MultiIndex.from_arrays([list('aabbcc'), [1, 2, 2, nan, 1, 2]]) ts = Series(np.arange(len(mi)), index=mi) left = ts.count(level=1) right = Series([2, 3, 1], index=[1, 2, nan]) assert_series_equal(left, right) ts.iloc[[0, 3, 5]] = nan assert_series_equal(ts.count(level=1), right - 1) def test_dot(self): a = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=['p', 'q', 'r', 's']) b = DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 4), index=['1', '2', '3'], columns=['p', 'q', 'r', 's']).T result = expected = Series(, b.values), index=['1', '2', '3']) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Check index alignment b2 = b.reindex(index=reversed(b.index)) result = assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Check ndarray argument result = self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected.values)) assert_almost_equal(['2'].values), expected['2']) # Check series argument assert_almost_equal(['1']), expected['1']) assert_almost_equal(['1']), expected['1']) self.assertRaises(Exception,, a.values[:3]) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, b.T) def test_value_counts_nunique(self): # basics.rst doc example series = Series(np.random.randn(500)) series[20:500] = np.nan series[10:20] = 5000 result = series.nunique() self.assertEqual(result, 11) def test_unique(self): # 714 also, dtype=float s = Series([1.2345] * 100) s[::2] = np.nan result = s.unique() self.assertEqual(len(result), 2) s = Series([1.2345] * 100, dtype='f4') s[::2] = np.nan result = s.unique() self.assertEqual(len(result), 2) # NAs in object arrays #714 s = Series(['foo'] * 100, dtype='O') s[::2] = np.nan result = s.unique() self.assertEqual(len(result), 2) # decision about None s = Series([1, 2, 3, None, None, None], dtype=object) result = s.unique() expected = np.array([1, 2, 3, None], dtype=object) self.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_drop_duplicates(self): # check both int and object for s in [Series([1, 2, 3, 3]), Series(['1', '2', '3', '3'])]: expected = Series([False, False, False, True]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) expected = Series([False, False, True, False]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(keep='last'), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(keep='last'), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(keep='last', inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) # deprecate take_last with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(take_last=True), expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal( s.drop_duplicates(take_last=True), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): sc.drop_duplicates(take_last=True, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) expected = Series([False, False, True, True]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(keep=False), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(keep=False), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(keep=False, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) for s in [Series([1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 4]), Series(['1', '2', '3', '5', '3', '2', '4'])]: expected = Series([False, False, False, False, True, True, False]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) expected = Series([False, True, True, False, False, False, False]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(keep='last'), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(keep='last'), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(keep='last', inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) # deprecate take_last with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(take_last=True), expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal( s.drop_duplicates(take_last=True), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): sc.drop_duplicates(take_last=True, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) expected = Series([False, True, True, False, True, True, False]) assert_series_equal(s.duplicated(keep=False), expected) assert_series_equal(s.drop_duplicates(keep=False), s[~expected]) sc = s.copy() sc.drop_duplicates(keep=False, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(sc, s[~expected]) def test_rank(self): tm._skip_if_no_scipy() from scipy.stats import rankdata self.ts[::2] = np.nan self.ts[:10][::3] = 4. ranks = self.ts.rank() oranks = self.ts.astype('O').rank() assert_series_equal(ranks, oranks) mask = np.isnan(self.ts) filled = self.ts.fillna(np.inf) # rankdata returns a ndarray exp = Series(rankdata(filled), index=filled.index, name='ts') exp[mask] = np.nan tm.assert_series_equal(ranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.arange(5).repeat(2)) iranks = iseries.rank() exp = iseries.astype(float).rank() assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.arange(5)) + 1.0 exp = iseries / 5.0 iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.repeat(1, 100)) exp = Series(np.repeat(0.505, 100)) iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries[1] = np.nan exp = Series(np.repeat(50.0 / 99.0, 100)) exp[1] = np.nan iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.arange(5)) + 1.0 iseries[4] = np.nan exp = iseries / 4.0 iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.repeat(np.nan, 100)) exp = iseries.copy() iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series(np.arange(5)) + 1 iseries[4] = np.nan exp = iseries / 4.0 iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) rng = date_range('1/1/1990', periods=5) iseries = Series(np.arange(5), rng) + 1 iseries.ix[4] = np.nan exp = iseries / 4.0 iranks = iseries.rank(pct=True) assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) iseries = Series([1e-50, 1e-100, 1e-20, 1e-2, 1e-20 + 1e-30, 1e-1]) exp = Series([2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6.0]) iranks = iseries.rank() assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) # GH 5968 iseries = Series(['3 day', '1 day 10m', '-2 day', pd.NaT], dtype='m8[ns]') exp = Series([3, 2, 1, np.nan]) iranks = iseries.rank() assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) values = np.array( [-50, -1, -1e-20, -1e-25, -1e-50, 0, 1e-40, 1e-20, 1e-10, 2, 40 ], dtype='float64') random_order = np.random.permutation(len(values)) iseries = Series(values[random_order]) exp = Series(random_order + 1.0, dtype='float64') iranks = iseries.rank() assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) def test_rank_signature(self): s = Series([0, 1]) s.rank(method='average') self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.rank, 'average') def test_rank_inf(self): raise nose.SkipTest('DataFrame.rank does not currently rank ' 'np.inf and -np.inf properly') values = np.array( [-np.inf, -50, -1, -1e-20, -1e-25, -1e-50, 0, 1e-40, 1e-20, 1e-10, 2, 40, np.inf], dtype='float64') random_order = np.random.permutation(len(values)) iseries = Series(values[random_order]) exp = Series(random_order + 1.0, dtype='float64') iranks = iseries.rank() assert_series_equal(iranks, exp) def test_clip(self): val = self.ts.median() self.assertEqual(self.ts.clip_lower(val).min(), val) self.assertEqual(self.ts.clip_upper(val).max(), val) self.assertEqual(self.ts.clip(lower=val).min(), val) self.assertEqual(self.ts.clip(upper=val).max(), val) result = self.ts.clip(-0.5, 0.5) expected = np.clip(self.ts, -0.5, 0.5) assert_series_equal(result, expected) tm.assertIsInstance(expected, Series) def test_clip_types_and_nulls(self): sers = [Series([np.nan, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), Series([None, 'a', 'b', 'c']), Series(pd.to_datetime( [np.nan, 1, 2, 3], unit='D'))] for s in sers: thresh = s[2] l = s.clip_lower(thresh) u = s.clip_upper(thresh) self.assertEqual(l[notnull(l)].min(), thresh) self.assertEqual(u[notnull(u)].max(), thresh) self.assertEqual(list(isnull(s)), list(isnull(l))) self.assertEqual(list(isnull(s)), list(isnull(u))) def test_clip_against_series(self): # GH #6966 s = Series([1.0, 1.0, 4.0]) threshold = Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) assert_series_equal(s.clip_lower(threshold), Series([1.0, 2.0, 4.0])) assert_series_equal(s.clip_upper(threshold), Series([1.0, 1.0, 3.0])) lower = Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) upper = Series([1.5, 2.5, 3.5]) assert_series_equal(s.clip(lower, upper), Series([1.0, 2.0, 3.5])) assert_series_equal(s.clip(1.5, upper), Series([1.5, 1.5, 3.5])) def test_clip_with_datetimes(self): # GH 11838 # naive and tz-aware datetimes t = Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:30') s = Series([Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:00'), Timestamp( '2015-12-01 09:31:00')]) result = s.clip(upper=t) expected = Series([Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:00'), Timestamp( '2015-12-01 09:30:30')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) t = Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:30', tz='US/Eastern') s = Series([Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:00', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:31:00', tz='US/Eastern')]) result = s.clip(upper=t) expected = Series([Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:00', tz='US/Eastern'), Timestamp('2015-12-01 09:30:30', tz='US/Eastern')]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_cummethods_bool(self): # GH 6270 # looks like a buggy np.maximum.accumulate for numpy 1.6.1, py 3.2 def cummin(x): return np.minimum.accumulate(x) def cummax(x): return np.maximum.accumulate(x) a = pd.Series([False, False, False, True, True, False, False]) b = ~a c = pd.Series([False] * len(b)) d = ~c methods = {'cumsum': np.cumsum, 'cumprod': np.cumprod, 'cummin': cummin, 'cummax': cummax} args = product((a, b, c, d), methods) for s, method in args: expected = Series(methods[method](s.values)) result = getattr(s, method)() assert_series_equal(result, expected) e = pd.Series([False, True, nan, False]) cse = pd.Series([0, 1, nan, 1], dtype=object) cpe = pd.Series([False, 0, nan, 0]) cmin = pd.Series([False, False, nan, False]) cmax = pd.Series([False, True, nan, True]) expecteds = {'cumsum': cse, 'cumprod': cpe, 'cummin': cmin, 'cummax': cmax} for method in methods: res = getattr(e, method)() assert_series_equal(res, expecteds[method]) def test_isin(self): s = Series(['A', 'B', 'C', 'a', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'C']) result = s.isin(['A', 'C']) expected = Series([True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_isin_with_string_scalar(self): # GH4763 s = Series(['A', 'B', 'C', 'a', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'C']) with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): s.isin('a') with tm.assertRaises(TypeError): s = Series(['aaa', 'b', 'c']) s.isin('aaa') def test_isin_with_i8(self): # GH 5021 expected = Series([True, True, False, False, False]) expected2 = Series([False, True, False, False, False]) # datetime64[ns] s = Series(date_range('jan-01-2013', 'jan-05-2013')) result = s.isin(s[0:2]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.isin(s[0:2].values) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # fails on dtype conversion in the first place result = s.isin(s[0:2].values.astype('datetime64[D]')) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.isin([s[1]]) assert_series_equal(result, expected2) result = s.isin([np.datetime64(s[1])]) assert_series_equal(result, expected2) result = s.isin(set(s[0:2])) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # timedelta64[ns] s = Series(pd.to_timedelta(lrange(5), unit='d')) result = s.isin(s[0:2]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_timedelta64_analytics(self): from pandas import date_range # index min/max td = Series(date_range('2012-1-1', periods=3, freq='D')) - \ Timestamp('20120101') result = td.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 0) result = td.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 2) # GH 2982 # with NaT td[0] = np.nan result = td.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 1) result = td.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 2) # abs s1 = Series(date_range('20120101', periods=3)) s2 = Series(date_range('20120102', periods=3)) expected = Series(s2 - s1) # this fails as numpy returns timedelta64[us] # result = np.abs(s1-s2) # assert_frame_equal(result,expected) result = (s1 - s2).abs() assert_series_equal(result, expected) # max/min result = td.max() expected = Timedelta('2 days') self.assertEqual(result, expected) result = td.min() expected = Timedelta('1 days') self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_idxmin(self): # test idxmin # _check_stat_op approach can not be used here because of isnull check. # add some NaNs self.series[5:15] = np.NaN # skipna or no self.assertEqual(self.series[self.series.idxmin()], self.series.min()) self.assertTrue(isnull(self.series.idxmin(skipna=False))) # no NaNs nona = self.series.dropna() self.assertEqual(nona[nona.idxmin()], nona.min()) self.assertEqual(nona.index.values.tolist().index(nona.idxmin()), nona.values.argmin()) # all NaNs allna = self.series * nan self.assertTrue(isnull(allna.idxmin())) # datetime64[ns] from pandas import date_range s = Series(date_range('20130102', periods=6)) result = s.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 0) s[0] = np.nan result = s.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 1) def test_numpy_argmin(self): # argmin is aliased to idxmin data = np.random.randint(0, 11, size=10) result = np.argmin(Series(data)) self.assertEqual(result, np.argmin(data)) if not _np_version_under1p10: msg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg, np.argmin, Series(data), out=data) def test_idxmax(self): # test idxmax # _check_stat_op approach can not be used here because of isnull check. # add some NaNs self.series[5:15] = np.NaN # skipna or no self.assertEqual(self.series[self.series.idxmax()], self.series.max()) self.assertTrue(isnull(self.series.idxmax(skipna=False))) # no NaNs nona = self.series.dropna() self.assertEqual(nona[nona.idxmax()], nona.max()) self.assertEqual(nona.index.values.tolist().index(nona.idxmax()), nona.values.argmax()) # all NaNs allna = self.series * nan self.assertTrue(isnull(allna.idxmax())) from pandas import date_range s = Series(date_range('20130102', periods=6)) result = s.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 5) s[5] = np.nan result = s.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 4) # Float64Index # GH 5914 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.1, 3.1]) result = s.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 3.1) result = s.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 1.1) s = pd.Series(s.index, s.index) result = s.idxmax() self.assertEqual(result, 3.1) result = s.idxmin() self.assertEqual(result, 1.1) def test_numpy_argmax(self): # argmax is aliased to idxmax data = np.random.randint(0, 11, size=10) result = np.argmax(Series(data)) self.assertEqual(result, np.argmax(data)) if not _np_version_under1p10: msg = "the 'out' parameter is not supported" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg, np.argmax, Series(data), out=data) def test_ptp(self): N = 1000 arr = np.random.randn(N) ser = Series(arr) self.assertEqual(np.ptp(ser), np.ptp(arr)) # GH11163 s = Series([3, 5, np.nan, -3, 10]) self.assertEqual(s.ptp(), 13) self.assertTrue(pd.isnull(s.ptp(skipna=False))) mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['a', 'b'], [1, 2, 3]]) s = pd.Series([1, np.nan, 7, 3, 5, np.nan], index=mi) expected = pd.Series([6, 2], index=['a', 'b'], dtype=np.float64) self.assert_series_equal(s.ptp(level=0), expected) expected = pd.Series([np.nan, np.nan], index=['a', 'b']) self.assert_series_equal(s.ptp(level=0, skipna=False), expected) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): s.ptp(axis=1) s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): s.ptp() with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): s.ptp(numeric_only=True) def test_empty_timeseries_redections_return_nat(self): # covers #11245 for dtype in ('m8[ns]', 'm8[ns]', 'M8[ns]', 'M8[ns, UTC]'): self.assertIs(Series([], dtype=dtype).min(), pd.NaT) self.assertIs(Series([], dtype=dtype).max(), pd.NaT) def test_unique_data_ownership(self): # it works! #1807 Series(Series(["a", "c", "b"]).unique()).sort_values() def test_repeat(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(3), index=['a', 'b', 'c']) reps = s.repeat(5) exp = Series(s.values.repeat(5), index=s.index.values.repeat(5)) assert_series_equal(reps, exp) to_rep = [2, 3, 4] reps = s.repeat(to_rep) exp = Series(s.values.repeat(to_rep), index=s.index.values.repeat(to_rep)) assert_series_equal(reps, exp) def test_numpy_repeat(self): s = Series(np.arange(3), name='x') expected = Series(s.values.repeat(2), name='x', index=s.index.values.repeat(2)) assert_series_equal(np.repeat(s, 2), expected) msg = "the 'axis' parameter is not supported" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg, np.repeat, s, 2, axis=0) def test_searchsorted_numeric_dtypes_scalar(self): s = Series([1, 2, 90, 1000, 3e9]) r = s.searchsorted(30) e = 2 self.assertEqual(r, e) r = s.searchsorted([30]) e = np.array([2], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(r, e) def test_searchsorted_numeric_dtypes_vector(self): s = Series([1, 2, 90, 1000, 3e9]) r = s.searchsorted([91, 2e6]) e = np.array([3, 4], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(r, e) def test_search_sorted_datetime64_scalar(self): s = Series(pd.date_range('20120101', periods=10, freq='2D')) v = pd.Timestamp('20120102') r = s.searchsorted(v) e = 1 self.assertEqual(r, e) def test_search_sorted_datetime64_list(self): s = Series(pd.date_range('20120101', periods=10, freq='2D')) v = [pd.Timestamp('20120102'), pd.Timestamp('20120104')] r = s.searchsorted(v) e = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(r, e) def test_searchsorted_sorter(self): # GH8490 s = Series([3, 1, 2]) r = s.searchsorted([0, 3], sorter=np.argsort(s)) e = np.array([0, 2], dtype=np.intp) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(r, e) def test_is_unique(self): # GH11946 s = Series(np.random.randint(0, 10, size=1000)) self.assertFalse(s.is_unique) s = Series(np.arange(1000)) self.assertTrue(s.is_unique) def test_is_monotonic(self): s = Series(np.random.randint(0, 10, size=1000)) self.assertFalse(s.is_monotonic) s = Series(np.arange(1000)) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic_increasing) s = Series(np.arange(1000, 0, -1)) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic_decreasing) s = Series(pd.date_range('20130101', periods=10)) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic_increasing) s = Series(list(reversed(s.tolist()))) self.assertFalse(s.is_monotonic) self.assertTrue(s.is_monotonic_decreasing) def test_nsmallest_nlargest(self): # float, int, datetime64 (use i8), timedelts64 (same), # object that are numbers, object that are strings base = [3, 2, 1, 2, 5] s_list = [ Series(base, dtype='int8'), Series(base, dtype='int16'), Series(base, dtype='int32'), Series(base, dtype='int64'), Series(base, dtype='float32'), Series(base, dtype='float64'), Series(base, dtype='uint8'), Series(base, dtype='uint16'), Series(base, dtype='uint32'), Series(base, dtype='uint64'), Series(base).astype('timedelta64[ns]'), Series(pd.to_datetime(['2003', '2002', '2001', '2002', '2005'])), ] raising = [ Series([3., 2, 1, 2, '5'], dtype='object'), Series([3., 2, 1, 2, 5], dtype='object'), # not supported on some archs # Series([3., 2, 1, 2, 5], dtype='complex256'), Series([3., 2, 1, 2, 5], dtype='complex128'), ] for r in raising: dt = r.dtype msg = "Cannot use method 'n(larg|small)est' with dtype %s" % dt args = 2, len(r), 0, -1 methods = r.nlargest, r.nsmallest for method, arg in product(methods, args): with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg): method(arg) for s in s_list: assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(2), s.iloc[[2, 1]]) assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(2, keep='last'), s.iloc[[2, 3]]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal( s.nsmallest(2, take_last=True), s.iloc[[2, 3]]) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(3), s.iloc[[4, 0, 1]]) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(3, keep='last'), s.iloc[[4, 0, 3]]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): assert_series_equal( s.nlargest(3, take_last=True), s.iloc[[4, 0, 3]]) empty = s.iloc[0:0] assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(0), empty) assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(-1), empty) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(0), empty) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(-1), empty) assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(len(s)), s.sort_values()) assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(len(s) + 1), s.sort_values()) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(len(s)), s.iloc[[4, 0, 1, 3, 2]]) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(len(s) + 1), s.iloc[[4, 0, 1, 3, 2]]) s = Series([3., np.nan, 1, 2, 5]) assert_series_equal(s.nlargest(), s.iloc[[4, 0, 3, 2]]) assert_series_equal(s.nsmallest(), s.iloc[[2, 3, 0, 4]]) msg = 'keep must be either "first", "last"' with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): s.nsmallest(keep='invalid') with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): s.nlargest(keep='invalid') # GH 13412 s = Series([1, 4, 3, 2], index=[0, 0, 1, 1]) result = s.nlargest(3) expected = s.sort_values(ascending=False).head(3) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.nsmallest(3) expected = s.sort_values().head(3) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_sortlevel(self): mi = MultiIndex.from_tuples([[1, 1, 3], [1, 1, 1]], names=list('ABC')) s = Series([1, 2], mi) backwards = s.iloc[[1, 0]] res = s.sortlevel('A') assert_series_equal(backwards, res) res = s.sortlevel(['A', 'B']) assert_series_equal(backwards, res) res = s.sortlevel('A', sort_remaining=False) assert_series_equal(s, res) res = s.sortlevel(['A', 'B'], sort_remaining=False) assert_series_equal(s, res) def test_apply_categorical(self): values = pd.Categorical(list('ABBABCD'), categories=list('DCBA'), ordered=True) s = pd.Series(values, name='XX', index=list('abcdefg')) result = s.apply(lambda x: x.lower()) # should be categorical dtype when the number of categories are # the same values = pd.Categorical(list('abbabcd'), categories=list('dcba'), ordered=True) exp = pd.Series(values, name='XX', index=list('abcdefg')) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_categorical_equal(result.values, exp.values) result = s.apply(lambda x: 'A') exp = pd.Series(['A'] * 7, name='XX', index=list('abcdefg')) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) self.assertEqual(result.dtype, np.object) def test_shift_int(self): ts = self.ts.astype(int) shifted = ts.shift(1) expected = ts.astype(float).shift(1) assert_series_equal(shifted, expected) def test_shift_categorical(self): # GH 9416 s = pd.Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='category') assert_series_equal(s.iloc[:-1], s.shift(1).shift(-1).valid()) sp1 = s.shift(1) assert_index_equal(s.index, sp1.index) self.assertTrue(np.all([:1] == -1)) self.assertTrue(np.all([:-1] ==[1:])) sn2 = s.shift(-2) assert_index_equal(s.index, sn2.index) self.assertTrue(np.all([-2:] == -1)) self.assertTrue(np.all([2:] ==[:-2])) assert_index_equal(s.values.categories, sp1.values.categories) assert_index_equal(s.values.categories, sn2.values.categories) def test_reshape_deprecate(self): x = Series(np.random.random(10), name='x') tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, x.reshape, x.shape) def test_reshape_non_2d(self): # see gh-4554 with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): x = Series(np.random.random(201), name='x') self.assertTrue(x.reshape(x.shape, ) is x) # see gh-2719 with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): a = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) result = a.reshape(2, 2) expected = a.values.reshape(2, 2) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) self.assertIsInstance(result, type(expected)) def test_reshape_2d_return_array(self): x = Series(np.random.random(201), name='x') with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = x.reshape((-1, 1)) self.assertNotIsInstance(result, Series) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result2 = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1)) self.assertNotIsInstance(result2, Series) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): result = x[:, None] expected = x.reshape((-1, 1)) assert_almost_equal(result, expected) def test_reshape_bad_kwarg(self): a = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): msg = "'foo' is an invalid keyword argument for this function" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg, a.reshape, (2, 2), foo=2) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): msg = r"reshape\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument 'foo'" tm.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, msg, a.reshape, a.shape, foo=2) def test_numpy_reshape(self): a = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = np.reshape(a, (2, 2)) expected = a.values.reshape(2, 2) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) self.assertIsInstance(result, type(expected)) with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): result = np.reshape(a, a.shape) tm.assert_series_equal(result, a) def test_unstack(self): from numpy import nan index = MultiIndex(levels=[['bar', 'foo'], ['one', 'three', 'two']], labels=[[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 2]]) s = Series(np.arange(4.), index=index) unstacked = s.unstack() expected = DataFrame([[2., nan, 3.], [0., 1., nan]], index=['bar', 'foo'], columns=['one', 'three', 'two']) assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected) unstacked = s.unstack(level=0) assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected.T) index = MultiIndex(levels=[['bar'], ['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1]], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) s = Series(np.random.randn(6), index=index) exp_index = MultiIndex(levels=[['one', 'two', 'three'], [0, 1]], labels=[[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) expected = DataFrame({'bar': s.values}, index=exp_index).sortlevel(0) unstacked = s.unstack(0) assert_frame_equal(unstacked, expected) # GH5873 idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([[101, 102], [3.5, np.nan]]) ts = pd.Series([1, 2], index=idx) left = ts.unstack() right = DataFrame([[nan, 1], [2, nan]], index=[101, 102], columns=[nan, 3.5]) assert_frame_equal(left, right) idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['cat', 'cat', 'cat', 'dog', 'dog' ], ['a', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], [1, 2, 1, 1, np.nan]]) ts = pd.Series([1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4], index=idx) right = DataFrame([[1.0, 1.3], [1.1, nan], [nan, 1.4], [1.2, nan]], columns=['cat', 'dog']) tpls = [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', nan), ('b', 1)] right.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tpls) assert_frame_equal(ts.unstack(level=0), right) def test_value_counts_datetime(self): # most dtypes are tested in values = [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 11:00'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 11:00')] exp_idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 11:00', '2011-01-01 10:00']) exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx') s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp) # check DatetimeIndex outputs the same result idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp) # normalize exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6., index=exp_idx, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) def test_value_counts_datetime_tz(self): values = [pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 10:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 11:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 09:00', tz='US/Eastern'), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 11:00', tz='US/Eastern')] exp_idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01 09:00', '2011-01-01 11:00', '2011-01-01 10:00'], tz='US/Eastern') exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx') s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp) idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp) exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6., index=exp_idx, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) def test_value_counts_period(self): values = [pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), pd.Period('2011-02', freq='M'), pd.Period('2011-03', freq='M'), pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), pd.Period('2011-01', freq='M'), pd.Period('2011-03', freq='M')] exp_idx = pd.PeriodIndex(['2011-01', '2011-03', '2011-02'], freq='M') exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx') s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp) # check DatetimeIndex outputs the same result idx = pd.PeriodIndex(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp) # normalize exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6., index=exp_idx, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) def test_value_counts_categorical_ordered(self): # most dtypes are tested in values = pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3], ordered=True) exp_idx = pd.CategoricalIndex([1, 3, 2], categories=[1, 2, 3], ordered=True) exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx') s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp) # check CategoricalIndex outputs the same result idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp) # normalize exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6., index=exp_idx, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) def test_value_counts_categorical_not_ordered(self): values = pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 3], ordered=False) exp_idx = pd.CategoricalIndex([1, 3, 2], categories=[1, 2, 3], ordered=False) exp = pd.Series([3, 2, 1], index=exp_idx, name='xxx') s = pd.Series(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(), exp) # check CategoricalIndex outputs the same result idx = pd.CategoricalIndex(values, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(), exp) # normalize exp = pd.Series(np.array([3., 2., 1]) / 6., index=exp_idx, name='xxx') tm.assert_series_equal(s.value_counts(normalize=True), exp) tm.assert_series_equal(idx.value_counts(normalize=True), exp)
""" ====================================== Decision Tree Regression with AdaBoost ====================================== A decision tree is boosted using the AdaBoost.R2 [1] algorithm on a 1D sinusoidal dataset with a small amount of Gaussian noise. 299 boosts (300 decision trees) is compared with a single decision tree regressor. As the number of boosts is increased the regressor can fit more detail. .. [1] H. Drucker, "Improving Regressors using Boosting Techniques", 1997. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Noel Dawe <> # # License: BSD 3 clause # importing necessary libraries import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostRegressor # Create the dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.linspace(0, 6, 100)[:, np.newaxis] y = np.sin(X).ravel() + np.sin(6 * X).ravel() + rng.normal(0, 0.1, X.shape[0]) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4) regr_2 = AdaBoostRegressor(DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=4), n_estimators=300, random_state=rng), y), y) # Predict y_1 = regr_1.predict(X) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(X, y, c="k", label="training samples") plt.plot(X, y_1, c="g", label="n_estimators=1", linewidth=2) plt.plot(X, y_2, c="r", label="n_estimators=300", linewidth=2) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Boosted Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
# JN 2015-07-05 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ create a unit overview plots for all units """ from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec from matplotlib import cm from .spike_heatmap import spike_heatmap from .. import h5files, Combinato, TYPE_NAMES LOCAL_TYPE_NAMES = {0: 'NA', 1: 'MU', 2: 'SU', -1: 'Arti'} FIGSIZE = (13, 7.5) GRID = GridSpec(2, 6, left=.08, right=.95, top=.9, bottom=.05, wspace=.7, hspace=.25) DENSITY_BINS = np.linspace(-150, 150, 150) DPI = 100 FIG = mpl.figure(figsize=FIGSIZE, dpi=DPI) def create_panels(fig): panels = dict() panels['maxima'] = fig.add_subplot(GRID[0, :4]) panels['isi'] = fig.add_subplot(GRID[1, 4:]) panels['cumulative'] = fig.add_subplot(GRID[1, :4]) panels['density'] = fig.add_subplot(GRID[0, 4], xticks=[]) panels['density2'] = fig.add_subplot(GRID[0, 5]) panels['density2'].axis('off') panels['images'] = [] # for i in range(12): # row = int(i/6) + 2 # col = i % 6 # plot = fig.add_subplot(GRID[row, col]) # plot.axis('off') # panels['images'].append(plot) # return panels PANELS = create_panels(FIG) def add_events(plot, events): """ """ for event in events: if isinstance(event[1], int) or event[1] in ('OFF', '1.5', 'ON'): va = 'top' color = 'k' ypos = 0 xpos = event[0] backgroundcolor = 'none' else: va = 'bottom' color = 'g' ypos = 0 xpos = event[0] + 20 # datetime.timedelta(seconds=20) backgroundcolor = 'w' plot.axvline(event[0]/60, color=color) plot.text(xpos/60, ypos, event[1], va=va, color=color, backgroundcolor=backgroundcolor) def make_colors(ncolors): """ create a list of N matplotlib colors """ return cm.spectral(np.linspace(0, 1, ncolors)) def plot_maxima_over_time(plot, group, start_stop, sign, thresholds=None): """ plots maxima over time, with different colors for different clusters """ plot.cla() COLOR_CUTOFF = 10 with_colors = list() same_color = list() end_min = (start_stop[1] - start_stop[0])/1000/60 for clid in group: if group[clid]['times'].shape[0] > COLOR_CUTOFF: with_colors.append(clid) else: same_color.append(clid) colors = make_colors(len(with_colors)) out_color = 'grey' color_count = 0 for clid, cluster in group.items(): spikes = cluster['spikes'] times = cluster['times'] - start_stop[0] if sign == 'neg': data = spikes.min(1) elif sign == 'pos': data = spikes.max(1) color = out_color if clid in with_colors: color = colors[color_count] color_count += 1 plot.plot(times/1000/60, data, '.', ms=2, color=color) # now plot the thresholds thr_times = thresholds[:, :2].ravel() thrs = np.vstack((thresholds[:, 2], thresholds[:, 2])).T.ravel() thr_times -= start_stop[0] thr_times /= 60*1000 plot.plot(thr_times, thrs) tickpos = np.arange(0, end_min, 60) ticklabels = [format(x, '.0f') for x in tickpos] ticklabels[-1] += ' min' plot.set_xticks(tickpos) plot.set_xticklabels(ticklabels) plot.set_xlim((0, end_min)) # plot.xaxis.set_tick_params(labeltop='on', labelbottom='off') # plot.set_ylim(ylim) plot.set_ylabel(u'µV') plot.grid(True) def plot_group(gid, group, group_joined, start_stop, sign, savefolder, thresholds): """ just a simple group overview """ print('Plotting group {} ({} clusters)'.format(gid, len(group))) panels = PANELS # timelim = (start_time/60, stop_time/60) # if sign == 'neg': # ylim = (-200, 0) # elif sign == 'pos': # ylim = (0, 200) # # maxima over time plot = panels['maxima'] plot_maxima_over_time(plot, group, start_stop, sign, thresholds) plot.text(.5, 1.05, 'Group {} ({}) Firing over time'.format(gid, TYPE_NAMES[group_joined['type']]), va='bottom', ha='center', transform=plot.transAxes, backgroundcolor='w') #plot.text(0, 1, '{} ({})'.format(gid, group['type']), # transform=plot.transAxes, va='bottom', ha='left') # ISI times = group_joined['times'] spikes = group_joined['spikes'] timelim = (start_stop[0]/1000/60, start_stop[1]/1000/60) plot = panels['isi'] data = np.diff(times) # to ms data = data[data <= 100] plot.cla() if data.shape[0] > 10: plot.hist(data, 100, edgecolor='none') plot.set_xlim([0, 100]) under3 = (data <= 3).sum()/data.shape[0] plot.text(.5, 1.1, '{:.1%} < 3 ms'.format(under3), va='top', ha='center', transform=plot.transAxes, backgroundcolor='w') else: plot.axis('off') plot.set_ylabel('# lags') plot.set_xlabel('ms') plot.text(.95, .97, 'Inter-Spike Intervals', va='top', ha='right', transform=plot.transAxes, backgroundcolor='w') # all means? # count over time plot = panels['cumulative'] plot.cla() plot.plot(times/1000/60, range(len(times))) plot.set_xticklabels([]) plot.set_xlim(timelim) plot.set_ylabel('# spikes') plot.grid(True) #plot.set_xticks(tickpos) # add_events(plot, events) # plot.text(.5, -.15, u'Propofol concentration [µg/mL]', va='top', ha='center', # transform=plot.transAxes, backgroundcolor='w') plot.text(.5, .95, 'Cumulative spike count', va='top', ha='center', transform=plot.transAxes, backgroundcolor='w') # density plot = panels['density'] plot.cla() spike_heatmap(plot, spikes) plot.set_xticks([]) plot.set_ylabel(u'µV') # other density data = np.array([np.histogram(row, bins=DENSITY_BINS)[0] for row in spikes.T]) plot = panels['density2'] plot.cla() plot.axis('off') plot.imshow(data.T, aspect='auto', origin='lower', # now the images # for i in range(12): # panels['images'][i].cla() # panels['images'][i].axis('off') # # for cimg in range(min(len(images), 12)): # img = mpl.imread(images[cimg]) # plot = panels['images'][cimg] # plot.imshow(img) # # def add_label(plot, label): # plot.text(-.2, .5, label, transform=plot.transAxes, rotation=90, # ha='left', va='center',) # # label = 'Subunits 1 to {}'.format(min(len(images), 6)) # add_label(panels['images'][0], label) # # if len(images) > 6: # label = 'Subunits 7 to {}'.format(min(len(images), 12)) # add_label(panels['images'][6], label) # # #FIG.suptitle(title) def run_file(fname, sign, label, savefolder): """ run overview plot on one spikes file """ print('Initializing {} {} {}'.format(fname, sign, label)) # get thresholds manager = Combinato(fname, sign, label) if not manager.initialized: print('Could not initialize {} {}'.format(fname, label)) return thresholds = manager.get_thresholds() start = manager.times[sign][0] stop = manager.times[sign][-1] nspk = manager.times[sign].shape[0] duration_min = (stop - start)/1000/60 start_stop = (start, stop) entname = manager.header['AcqEntName'] if duration_min > 120: dur_str = '{:.1f} h'.format(duration_min/60) else: dur_str = '{:.0f} min'.format(duration_min) entity = manager.header['AcqEntName'] print('Sorting contains {} spikes from {}, duration {}'. format(nspk, entity, dur_str)) if not manager.initialized: print('could not initialize ' + fname) return groups_joined = manager.get_groups_joined() groups = manager.get_groups() bname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] for gid in groups_joined: gtype = manager.get_group_type(gid) groups_joined[gid]['type'] = gtype plot_group(gid, groups[gid], groups_joined[gid], start_stop, sign, savefolder, thresholds) gtypename = LOCAL_TYPE_NAMES[gtype] outfname = '{}_{}_{}_{:03d}_{}.png'.\ format(bname, entname, label, gid, gtypename) FIG.savefig(outfname) def parse_args(): """ standard arg parser """ from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--files', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('--label', required=True) parser.add_argument('--neg', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.isdir('overview'): savefolder = 'overview' else: savefolder = os.getcwd() if args.files: fnames = args.files else: fnames = h5files(os.getcwd()) sign = 'neg' if args.neg else 'pos' label = args.label for fname in fnames: print(fname) run_file(fname, sign, label, savefolder)
"""Tests for Incremental PCA.""" import numpy as np from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, IncrementalPCA iris = datasets.load_iris() def test_incremental_pca(): # Incremental PCA on dense arrays. X = batch_size = X.shape[0] // 3 ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size) pca = PCA(n_components=2) pca.fit_transform(X) X_transformed = ipca.fit_transform(X) np.testing.assert_equal(X_transformed.shape, (X.shape[0], 2)) assert_almost_equal(ipca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), 1) for n_components in [1, 2, X.shape[1]]: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components, batch_size=batch_size) cov = ipca.get_covariance() precision = ipca.get_precision() assert_array_almost_equal(, precision), np.eye(X.shape[1])) def test_incremental_pca_check_projection(): # Test that the projection of data is correct. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 100, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) * .1 X[:10] += np.array([3, 4, 5]) Xt = 0.1 * rng.randn(1, p) + np.array([3, 4, 5]) # Get the reconstruction of the generated data X # Note that Xt has the same "components" as X, just separated # This is what we want to ensure is recreated correctly Yt = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2).fit(X).transform(Xt) # Normalize Yt /= np.sqrt((Yt ** 2).sum()) # Make sure that the first element of Yt is ~1, this means # the reconstruction worked as expected assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Yt[0][0]), 1., 1) def test_incremental_pca_inverse(): # Test that the projection of data can be inverted. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 50, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) # spherical data X[:, 1] *= .00001 # make middle component relatively small X += [5, 4, 3] # make a large mean # same check that we can find the original data from the transformed # signal (since the data is almost of rank n_components) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=10).fit(X) Y = ipca.transform(X) Y_inverse = ipca.inverse_transform(Y) assert_almost_equal(X, Y_inverse, decimal=3) def test_incremental_pca_validation(): # Test that n_components is >=1 and <= n_features. X = [[0, 1], [1, 0]] for n_components in [-1, 0, .99, 3]: assert_raises(ValueError, IncrementalPCA(n_components, batch_size=10).fit, X) def test_incremental_pca_set_params(): # Test that components_ sign is stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 20 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) X2 = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) X3 = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=20) # Decreasing number of components ipca.set_params(n_components=10) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X2) # Increasing number of components ipca.set_params(n_components=15) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X3) # Returning to original setting ipca.set_params(n_components=20) ipca.partial_fit(X) def test_incremental_pca_num_features_change(): # Test that changing n_components will raise an error. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 X = rng.randn(n_samples, 20) X2 = rng.randn(n_samples, 50) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None) assert_raises(ValueError, ipca.partial_fit, X2) def test_incremental_pca_batch_signs(): # Test that components_ sign is stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) all_components = [] batch_sizes = np.arange(10, 20) for batch_size in batch_sizes: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) all_components.append(ipca.components_) for i, j in zip(all_components[:-1], all_components[1:]): assert_almost_equal(np.sign(i), np.sign(j), decimal=6) def test_incremental_pca_batch_values(): # Test that components_ values are stable over batch sizes. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) all_components = [] batch_sizes = np.arange(20, 40, 3) for batch_size in batch_sizes: ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=None, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) all_components.append(ipca.components_) for i, j in zip(all_components[:-1], all_components[1:]): assert_almost_equal(i, j, decimal=1) def test_incremental_pca_partial_fit(): # Test that fit and partial_fit get equivalent results. rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n, p = 50, 3 X = rng.randn(n, p) # spherical data X[:, 1] *= .00001 # make middle component relatively small X += [5, 4, 3] # make a large mean # same check that we can find the original data from the transformed # signal (since the data is almost of rank n_components) batch_size = 10 ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size).fit(X) pipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=batch_size) # Add one to make sure endpoint is included batch_itr = np.arange(0, n + 1, batch_size) for i, j in zip(batch_itr[:-1], batch_itr[1:]): pipca.partial_fit(X[i:j, :]) assert_almost_equal(ipca.components_, pipca.components_, decimal=3) def test_incremental_pca_against_pca_iris(): # Test that IncrementalPCA and PCA are approximate (to a sign flip). X = Y_pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(X) Y_ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=2, batch_size=25).fit_transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Y_pca), np.abs(Y_ipca), 1) def test_incremental_pca_against_pca_random_data(): # Test that IncrementalPCA and PCA are approximate (to a sign flip). rng = np.random.RandomState(1999) n_samples = 100 n_features = 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) + 5 * rng.rand(1, n_features) Y_pca = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform(X) Y_ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=3, batch_size=25).fit_transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Y_pca), np.abs(Y_ipca), 1) def test_explained_variances(): # Test that PCA and IncrementalPCA calculations match X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(1000, 100, tail_strength=0., effective_rank=10, random_state=1999) prec = 3 n_samples, n_features = X.shape for nc in [None, 99]: pca = PCA(n_components=nc).fit(X) ipca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=nc, batch_size=100).fit(X) assert_almost_equal(pca.explained_variance_, ipca.explained_variance_, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(pca.explained_variance_ratio_, ipca.explained_variance_ratio_, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(pca.noise_variance_, ipca.noise_variance_, decimal=prec) def test_whitening(): # Test that PCA and IncrementalPCA transforms match to sign flip. X = datasets.make_low_rank_matrix(1000, 10, tail_strength=0., effective_rank=2, random_state=1999) prec = 3 n_samples, n_features = X.shape for nc in [None, 9]: pca = PCA(whiten=True, n_components=nc).fit(X) ipca = IncrementalPCA(whiten=True, n_components=nc, batch_size=250).fit(X) Xt_pca = pca.transform(X) Xt_ipca = ipca.transform(X) assert_almost_equal(np.abs(Xt_pca), np.abs(Xt_ipca), decimal=prec) Xinv_ipca = ipca.inverse_transform(Xt_ipca) Xinv_pca = pca.inverse_transform(Xt_pca) assert_almost_equal(X, Xinv_ipca, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(X, Xinv_pca, decimal=prec) assert_almost_equal(Xinv_pca, Xinv_ipca, decimal=prec)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) bbox_args = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8") arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="->") ax1.annotate('figure fraction : 0, 0', xy=(0, 0), xycoords='figure fraction', xytext=(20, 20), textcoords='offset points', ha="left", va="bottom", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) ax1.annotate('figure fraction : 1, 1', xy=(1, 1), xycoords='figure fraction', xytext=(-20, -20), textcoords='offset points', ha="right", va="top", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) ax1.annotate('axes fraction : 0, 0', xy=(0, 0), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(20, 20), textcoords='offset points', ha="left", va="bottom", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) ax1.annotate('axes fraction : 1, 1', xy=(1, 1), xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=(-20, -20), textcoords='offset points', ha="right", va="top", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) an1 = ax1.annotate('Drag me 1', xy=(.5, .7), xycoords='data', #xytext=(.5, .7), textcoords='data', ha="center", va="center", bbox=bbox_args, #arrowprops=arrow_args ) an2 = ax1.annotate('Drag me 2', xy=(.5, .5), xycoords=an1, xytext=(.5, .3), textcoords='axes fraction', ha="center", va="center", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=dict(patchB=an1.get_bbox_patch(), connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.2", **arrow_args) ) an3 = ax1.annotate('', xy=(.5, .5), xycoords=an2, xytext=(.5, .5), textcoords=an1, ha="center", va="center", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=dict(patchA=an1.get_bbox_patch(), patchB=an2.get_bbox_patch(), connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.2", **arrow_args) ) t = ax2.annotate('xy=(0, 1)\nxycoords=("data", "axes fraction")', xy=(0, 1), xycoords=("data", 'axes fraction'), xytext=(0, -20), textcoords='offset points', ha="center", va="top", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) from matplotlib.text import OffsetFrom ax2.annotate('xy=(0.5, 0)\nxycoords=artist', xy=(0.5, 0.), xycoords=t, xytext=(0, -20), textcoords='offset points', ha="center", va="top", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) ax2.annotate('xy=(0.8, 0.5)\nxycoords=ax1.transData', xy=(0.8, 0.5), xycoords=ax1.transData, xytext=(10, 10), textcoords=OffsetFrom(ax2.bbox, (0, 0), "points"), ha="left", va="bottom", bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args ) ax2.set_xlim(-2, 2) ax2.set_ylim(-2, 2) an1.draggable() an2.draggable()
""" Ridge regression """ # Author: Mathieu Blondel <> # Reuben Fletcher-Costin <> # Fabian Pedregosa <> # Michael Eickenberg <> # License: BSD 3 clause from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import warnings import numpy as np from scipy import linalg from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse import linalg as sp_linalg from .base import LinearClassifierMixin, LinearModel, _rescale_data from .sag import sag_solver from ..base import RegressorMixin from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot from ..utils.extmath import row_norms from ..utils import check_X_y from ..utils import check_array from ..utils import check_consistent_length from ..utils import compute_sample_weight from ..utils import column_or_1d from ..preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from ..model_selection import GridSearchCV from ..externals import six from ..metrics.scorer import check_scoring def _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0): n_samples, n_features = X.shape X1 = sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(X) coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) if n_features > n_samples: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.matvec(X1.rmatvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv else: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.rmatvec(X1.matvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] mv = create_mv(alpha[i]) if n_features > n_samples: # kernel ridge # w = X.T * inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_samples, n_samples), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coef, info =, y_column, tol=tol) coefs[i] = X1.rmatvec(coef) else: # linear ridge # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y y_column = X1.rmatvec(y_column) C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_features, n_features), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coefs[i], info =, y_column, maxiter=max_iter, tol=tol) if info < 0: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % info) if max_iter is None and info > 0 and verbose: warnings.warn("sparse_cg did not converge after %d iterations." % info) return coefs def _solve_lsqr(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3): n_samples, n_features = X.shape coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) n_iter = np.empty(y.shape[1], dtype=np.int32) # According to the lsqr documentation, alpha = damp^2. sqrt_alpha = np.sqrt(alpha) for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] info = sp_linalg.lsqr(X, y_column, damp=sqrt_alpha[i], atol=tol, btol=tol, iter_lim=max_iter) coefs[i] = info[0] n_iter[i] = info[2] return coefs, n_iter def _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha): # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_targets = y.shape[1] A = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, X, dense_output=True) Xy = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, y, dense_output=True) one_alpha = np.array_equal(alpha, len(alpha) * [alpha[0]]) if one_alpha: A.flat[::n_features + 1] += alpha[0] return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=True).T else: coefs = np.empty([n_targets, n_features]) for coef, target, current_alpha in zip(coefs, Xy.T, alpha): A.flat[::n_features + 1] += current_alpha coef[:] = linalg.solve(A, target, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False).ravel() A.flat[::n_features + 1] -= current_alpha return coefs def _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha, sample_weight=None, copy=False): # dual_coef = inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y n_samples = K.shape[0] n_targets = y.shape[1] if copy: K = K.copy() alpha = np.atleast_1d(alpha) one_alpha = (alpha == alpha[0]).all() has_sw = isinstance(sample_weight, np.ndarray) \ or sample_weight not in [1.0, None] if has_sw: # Unlike other solvers, we need to support sample_weight directly # because K might be a pre-computed kernel. sw = np.sqrt(np.atleast_1d(sample_weight)) y = y * sw[:, np.newaxis] K *= np.outer(sw, sw) if one_alpha: # Only one penalty, we can solve multi-target problems in one time. K.flat[::n_samples + 1] += alpha[0] try: # Note: we must use overwrite_a=False in order to be able to # use the fall-back solution below in case a LinAlgError # is raised dual_coef = linalg.solve(K, y, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: warnings.warn("Singular matrix in solving dual problem. Using " "least-squares solution instead.") dual_coef = linalg.lstsq(K, y)[0] # K is expensive to compute and store in memory so change it back in # case it was user-given. K.flat[::n_samples + 1] -= alpha[0] if has_sw: dual_coef *= sw[:, np.newaxis] return dual_coef else: # One penalty per target. We need to solve each target separately. dual_coefs = np.empty([n_targets, n_samples]) for dual_coef, target, current_alpha in zip(dual_coefs, y.T, alpha): K.flat[::n_samples + 1] += current_alpha dual_coef[:] = linalg.solve(K, target, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False).ravel() K.flat[::n_samples + 1] -= current_alpha if has_sw: dual_coefs *= sw[np.newaxis, :] return dual_coefs.T def _solve_svd(X, y, alpha): U, s, Vt = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False) idx = s > 1e-15 # same default value as scipy.linalg.pinv s_nnz = s[idx][:, np.newaxis] UTy =, y) d = np.zeros((s.size, alpha.size)) d[idx] = s_nnz / (s_nnz ** 2 + alpha) d_UT_y = d * UTy return, d_UT_y).T def ridge_regression(X, y, alpha, sample_weight=None, solver='auto', max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0, random_state=None, return_n_iter=False, return_intercept=False): """Solve the ridge equation by the method of normal equations. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values alpha : {float, array-like}, shape = [n_targets] if array-like Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. If an array is passed, penalties are assumed to be specific to the targets. Hence they must correspond in number. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. For 'sparse_cg' and 'lsqr' solvers, the default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. For 'sag' solver, the default value is 1000. sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples] Individual weights for each sample. If sample_weight is not None and solver='auto', the solver will be set to 'cholesky'. .. versionadded:: 0.17 solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution via a Cholesky decomposition of dot(X.T, X) - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent. It also uses an iterative procedure, and is often faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. Note that 'sag' fast convergence is only guaranteed on features with approximately the same scale. You can preprocess the data with a scaler from sklearn.preprocessing. All last four solvers support both dense and sparse data. However, only 'sag' supports sparse input when `fit_intercept` is True. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. tol : float Precision of the solution. verbose : int Verbosity level. Setting verbose > 0 will display additional information depending on the solver used. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. Used only in 'sag' solver. return_n_iter : boolean, default False If True, the method also returns `n_iter`, the actual number of iteration performed by the solver. .. versionadded:: 0.17 return_intercept : boolean, default False If True and if X is sparse, the method also returns the intercept, and the solver is automatically changed to 'sag'. This is only a temporary fix for fitting the intercept with sparse data. For dense data, use sklearn.linear_model._preprocess_data before your regression. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Returns ------- coef : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). n_iter : int, optional The actual number of iteration performed by the solver. Only returned if `return_n_iter` is True. intercept : float or array, shape = [n_targets] The intercept of the model. Only returned if `return_intercept` is True and if X is a scipy sparse array. Notes ----- This function won't compute the intercept. """ if return_intercept and sparse.issparse(X) and solver != 'sag': if solver != 'auto': warnings.warn("In Ridge, only 'sag' solver can currently fit the " "intercept when X is sparse. Solver has been " "automatically changed into 'sag'.") solver = 'sag' # SAG needs X and y columns to be C-contiguous and np.float64 if solver == 'sag': X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr'], dtype=np.float64, order='C') y = check_array(y, dtype=np.float64, ensure_2d=False, order='F') else: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=np.float64) y = check_array(y, dtype='numeric', ensure_2d=False) check_consistent_length(X, y) n_samples, n_features = X.shape if y.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Target y has the wrong shape %s" % str(y.shape)) ravel = False if y.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(-1, 1) ravel = True n_samples_, n_targets = y.shape if n_samples != n_samples_: raise ValueError("Number of samples in X and y does not correspond:" " %d != %d" % (n_samples, n_samples_)) has_sw = sample_weight is not None if solver == 'auto': # cholesky if it's a dense array and cg in any other case if not sparse.issparse(X) or has_sw: solver = 'cholesky' else: solver = 'sparse_cg' elif solver == 'lsqr' and not hasattr(sp_linalg, 'lsqr'): warnings.warn("""lsqr not available on this machine, falling back to sparse_cg.""") solver = 'sparse_cg' if has_sw: if np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar") if solver != 'sag': # SAG supports sample_weight directly. For other solvers, # we implement sample_weight via a simple rescaling. X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight) # There should be either 1 or n_targets penalties alpha = np.asarray(alpha).ravel() if alpha.size not in [1, n_targets]: raise ValueError("Number of targets and number of penalties " "do not correspond: %d != %d" % (alpha.size, n_targets)) if alpha.size == 1 and n_targets > 1: alpha = np.repeat(alpha, n_targets) if solver not in ('sparse_cg', 'cholesky', 'svd', 'lsqr', 'sag'): raise ValueError('Solver %s not understood' % solver) n_iter = None if solver == 'sparse_cg': coef = _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol, verbose) elif solver == 'lsqr': coef, n_iter = _solve_lsqr(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol) elif solver == 'cholesky': if n_features > n_samples: K = safe_sparse_dot(X, X.T, dense_output=True) try: dual_coef = _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha) coef = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, dual_coef, dense_output=True).T except linalg.LinAlgError: # use SVD solver if matrix is singular solver = 'svd' else: try: coef = _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha) except linalg.LinAlgError: # use SVD solver if matrix is singular solver = 'svd' elif solver == 'sag': # precompute max_squared_sum for all targets max_squared_sum = row_norms(X, squared=True).max() coef = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) n_iter = np.empty(y.shape[1], dtype=np.int32) intercept = np.zeros((y.shape[1], )) for i, (alpha_i, target) in enumerate(zip(alpha, y.T)): init = {'coef': np.zeros((n_features + int(return_intercept), 1))} coef_, n_iter_, _ = sag_solver( X, target.ravel(), sample_weight, 'squared', alpha_i, max_iter, tol, verbose, random_state, False, max_squared_sum, init) if return_intercept: coef[i] = coef_[:-1] intercept[i] = coef_[-1] else: coef[i] = coef_ n_iter[i] = n_iter_ if intercept.shape[0] == 1: intercept = intercept[0] coef = np.asarray(coef) if solver == 'svd': if sparse.issparse(X): raise TypeError('SVD solver does not support sparse' ' inputs currently') coef = _solve_svd(X, y, alpha) if ravel: # When y was passed as a 1d-array, we flatten the coefficients. coef = coef.ravel() if return_n_iter and return_intercept: return coef, n_iter, intercept elif return_intercept: return coef, intercept elif return_n_iter: return coef, n_iter else: return coef class _BaseRidge(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, LinearModel)): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, solver="auto", random_state=None): self.alpha = alpha self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.copy_X = copy_X self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.solver = solver self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): X, y = check_X_y(X, y, ['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=np.float64, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True) if ((sample_weight is not None) and np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1): raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar") X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale = self._preprocess_data( X, y, self.fit_intercept, self.normalize, self.copy_X, sample_weight=sample_weight) # temporary fix for fitting the intercept with sparse data using 'sag' if sparse.issparse(X) and self.fit_intercept: self.coef_, self.n_iter_, self.intercept_ = ridge_regression( X, y, alpha=self.alpha, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, solver=self.solver, random_state=self.random_state, return_n_iter=True, return_intercept=True) self.intercept_ += y_offset else: self.coef_, self.n_iter_ = ridge_regression( X, y, alpha=self.alpha, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, solver=self.solver, random_state=self.random_state, return_n_iter=True, return_intercept=False) self._set_intercept(X_offset, y_offset, X_scale) return self class Ridge(_BaseRidge, RegressorMixin): """Linear least squares with l2 regularization. This model solves a regression model where the loss function is the linear least squares function and regularization is given by the l2-norm. Also known as Ridge Regression or Tikhonov regularization. This estimator has built-in support for multi-variate regression (i.e., when y is a 2d-array of shape [n_samples, n_targets]). Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alpha : {float, array-like}, shape (n_targets) Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. If an array is passed, penalties are assumed to be specific to the targets. Hence they must correspond in number. copy_X : boolean, optional, default True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. For 'sparse_cg' and 'lsqr' solvers, the default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. For 'sag' solver, the default value is 1000. normalize : boolean, optional, default False If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression. This parameter is ignored when `fit_intercept` is set to False. When the regressors are normalized, note that this makes the hyperparameters learnt more robust and almost independent of the number of samples. The same property is not valid for standardized data. However, if you wish to standardize, please use `preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling `fit` on an estimator with `normalize=False`. solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg', 'sag'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution. - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent. It also uses an iterative procedure, and is often faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. Note that 'sag' fast convergence is only guaranteed on features with approximately the same scale. You can preprocess the data with a scaler from sklearn.preprocessing. All last four solvers support both dense and sparse data. However, only 'sag' supports sparse input when `fit_intercept` is True. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. tol : float Precision of the solution. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. Used only in 'sag' solver. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *random_state* to support Stochastic Average Gradient. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. n_iter_ : array or None, shape (n_targets,) Actual number of iterations for each target. Available only for sag and lsqr solvers. Other solvers will return None. .. versionadded:: 0.17 See also -------- RidgeClassifier, RidgeCV, :class:`sklearn.kernel_ridge.KernelRidge` Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = Ridge(alpha=1.0) >>>, y) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Ridge(alpha=1.0, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=None, normalize=False, random_state=None, solver='auto', tol=0.001) """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, solver="auto", random_state=None): super(Ridge, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, copy_X=copy_X, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, solver=solver, random_state=random_state) def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples] Individual weights for each sample Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return super(Ridge, self).fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) class RidgeClassifier(LinearClassifierMixin, _BaseRidge): """Classifier using Ridge regression. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. class_weight : dict or 'balanced', optional Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` copy_X : boolean, optional, default True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. The default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. normalize : boolean, optional, default False If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression. This parameter is ignored when `fit_intercept` is set to False. When the regressors are normalized, note that this makes the hyperparameters learnt more robust and almost independent of the number of samples. The same property is not valid for standardized data. However, if you wish to standardize, please use `preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling `fit` on an estimator with `normalize=False`. solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg', 'sag'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution. - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent. It also uses an iterative procedure, and is faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. tol : float Precision of the solution. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. Used in 'sag' solver. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_classes, n_features) Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. n_iter_ : array or None, shape (n_targets,) Actual number of iterations for each target. Available only for sag and lsqr solvers. Other solvers will return None. See also -------- Ridge, RidgeClassifierCV Notes ----- For multi-class classification, n_class classifiers are trained in a one-versus-all approach. Concretely, this is implemented by taking advantage of the multi-variate response support in Ridge. """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, class_weight=None, solver="auto", random_state=None): super(RidgeClassifier, self).__init__( alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, copy_X=copy_X, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, solver=solver, random_state=random_state) self.class_weight = class_weight def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples,n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target values sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Sample weight. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *sample_weight* support to Classifier. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ self._label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer(pos_label=1, neg_label=-1) Y = self._label_binarizer.fit_transform(y) if not self._label_binarizer.y_type_.startswith('multilabel'): y = column_or_1d(y, warn=True) else: # we don't (yet) support multi-label classification in Ridge raise ValueError( "%s doesn't support multi-label classification" % ( self.__class__.__name__)) if self.class_weight: if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = 1. # modify the sample weights with the corresponding class weight sample_weight = (sample_weight * compute_sample_weight(self.class_weight, y)) super(RidgeClassifier, self).fit(X, Y, sample_weight=sample_weight) return self @property def classes_(self): return self._label_binarizer.classes_ class _RidgeGCV(LinearModel): """Ridge regression with built-in Generalized Cross-Validation It allows efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. This class is not intended to be used directly. Use RidgeCV instead. Notes ----- We want to solve (K + alpha*Id)c = y, where K = X X^T is the kernel matrix. Let G = (K + alpha*Id)^-1. Dual solution: c = Gy Primal solution: w = X^T c Compute eigendecomposition K = Q V Q^T. Then G = Q (V + alpha*Id)^-1 Q^T, where (V + alpha*Id) is diagonal. It is thus inexpensive to inverse for many alphas. Let loov be the vector of prediction values for each example when the model was fitted with all examples but this example. loov = (KGY - diag(KG)Y) / diag(I-KG) Let looe be the vector of prediction errors for each example when the model was fitted with all examples but this example. looe = y - loov = c / diag(G) References ---------- """ def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, copy_X=True, gcv_mode=None, store_cv_values=False): self.alphas = np.asarray(alphas) self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.scoring = scoring self.copy_X = copy_X self.gcv_mode = gcv_mode self.store_cv_values = store_cv_values def _pre_compute(self, X, y, centered_kernel=True): # even if X is very sparse, K is usually very dense K = safe_sparse_dot(X, X.T, dense_output=True) # the following emulates an additional constant regressor # corresponding to fit_intercept=True # but this is done only when the features have been centered if centered_kernel: K += np.ones_like(K) v, Q = linalg.eigh(K) QT_y =, y) return v, Q, QT_y def _decomp_diag(self, v_prime, Q): # compute diagonal of the matrix: dot(Q, dot(diag(v_prime), Q^T)) return (v_prime * Q ** 2).sum(axis=-1) def _diag_dot(self, D, B): # compute dot(diag(D), B) if len(B.shape) > 1: # handle case where B is > 1-d D = D[(slice(None), ) + (np.newaxis, ) * (len(B.shape) - 1)] return D * B def _errors_and_values_helper(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): """Helper function to avoid code duplication between self._errors and self._values. Notes ----- We don't construct matrix G, instead compute action on y & diagonal. """ w = 1. / (v + alpha) constant_column = np.var(Q, 0) < 1.e-12 # detect constant columns w[constant_column] = 0 # cancel the regularization for the intercept c =, self._diag_dot(w, QT_y)) G_diag = self._decomp_diag(w, Q) # handle case where y is 2-d if len(y.shape) != 1: G_diag = G_diag[:, np.newaxis] return G_diag, c def _errors(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_helper(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) return (c / G_diag) ** 2, c def _values(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_helper(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) return y - (c / G_diag), c def _pre_compute_svd(self, X, y, centered_kernel=True): if sparse.issparse(X): raise TypeError("SVD not supported for sparse matrices") if centered_kernel: X = np.hstack((X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)))) # to emulate fit_intercept=True situation, add a column on ones # Note that by centering, the other columns are orthogonal to that one U, s, _ = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=0) v = s ** 2 UT_y =, y) return v, U, UT_y def _errors_and_values_svd_helper(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): """Helper function to avoid code duplication between self._errors_svd and self._values_svd. """ constant_column = np.var(U, 0) < 1.e-12 # detect columns colinear to ones w = ((v + alpha) ** -1) - (alpha ** -1) w[constant_column] = - (alpha ** -1) # cancel the regularization for the intercept c =, self._diag_dot(w, UT_y)) + (alpha ** -1) * y G_diag = self._decomp_diag(w, U) + (alpha ** -1) if len(y.shape) != 1: # handle case where y is 2-d G_diag = G_diag[:, np.newaxis] return G_diag, c def _errors_svd(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_svd_helper(alpha, y, v, U, UT_y) return (c / G_diag) ** 2, c def _values_svd(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_svd_helper(alpha, y, v, U, UT_y) return y - (c / G_diag), c def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values sample_weight : float or array-like of shape [n_samples] Sample weight Returns ------- self : Returns self. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y, ['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=np.float64, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True) if sample_weight is not None and not isinstance(sample_weight, float): sample_weight = check_array(sample_weight, ensure_2d=False) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale = LinearModel._preprocess_data( X, y, self.fit_intercept, self.normalize, self.copy_X, sample_weight=sample_weight) gcv_mode = self.gcv_mode with_sw = len(np.shape(sample_weight)) if gcv_mode is None or gcv_mode == 'auto': if sparse.issparse(X) or n_features > n_samples or with_sw: gcv_mode = 'eigen' else: gcv_mode = 'svd' elif gcv_mode == "svd" and with_sw: # FIXME non-uniform sample weights not yet supported warnings.warn("non-uniform sample weights unsupported for svd, " "forcing usage of eigen") gcv_mode = 'eigen' if gcv_mode == 'eigen': _pre_compute = self._pre_compute _errors = self._errors _values = self._values elif gcv_mode == 'svd': # assert n_samples >= n_features _pre_compute = self._pre_compute_svd _errors = self._errors_svd _values = self._values_svd else: raise ValueError('bad gcv_mode "%s"' % gcv_mode) if sample_weight is not None: X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight) centered_kernel = not sparse.issparse(X) and self.fit_intercept v, Q, QT_y = _pre_compute(X, y, centered_kernel) n_y = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1] cv_values = np.zeros((n_samples * n_y, len(self.alphas))) C = [] scorer = check_scoring(self, scoring=self.scoring, allow_none=True) error = scorer is None for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alphas): if error: out, c = _errors(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) else: out, c = _values(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) cv_values[:, i] = out.ravel() C.append(c) if error: best = cv_values.mean(axis=0).argmin() else: # The scorer want an object that will make the predictions but # they are already computed efficiently by _RidgeGCV. This # identity_estimator will just return them def identity_estimator(): pass identity_estimator.decision_function = lambda y_predict: y_predict identity_estimator.predict = lambda y_predict: y_predict out = [scorer(identity_estimator, y.ravel(), cv_values[:, i]) for i in range(len(self.alphas))] best = np.argmax(out) self.alpha_ = self.alphas[best] self.dual_coef_ = C[best] self.coef_ = safe_sparse_dot(self.dual_coef_.T, X) self._set_intercept(X_offset, y_offset, X_scale) if self.store_cv_values: if len(y.shape) == 1: cv_values_shape = n_samples, len(self.alphas) else: cv_values_shape = n_samples, n_y, len(self.alphas) self.cv_values_ = cv_values.reshape(cv_values_shape) return self class _BaseRidgeCV(LinearModel): def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, cv=None, gcv_mode=None, store_cv_values=False): self.alphas = alphas self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.scoring = scoring = cv self.gcv_mode = gcv_mode self.store_cv_values = store_cv_values def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values sample_weight : float or array-like of shape [n_samples] Sample weight Returns ------- self : Returns self. """ if is None: estimator = _RidgeGCV(self.alphas, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, normalize=self.normalize, scoring=self.scoring, gcv_mode=self.gcv_mode, store_cv_values=self.store_cv_values), y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.alpha_ = estimator.alpha_ if self.store_cv_values: self.cv_values_ = estimator.cv_values_ else: if self.store_cv_values: raise ValueError("cv!=None and store_cv_values=True " " are incompatible") parameters = {'alpha': self.alphas} gs = GridSearchCV(Ridge(fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept), parameters,, scoring=self.scoring), y, sample_weight=sample_weight) estimator = gs.best_estimator_ self.alpha_ = gs.best_estimator_.alpha self.coef_ = estimator.coef_ self.intercept_ = estimator.intercept_ return self class RidgeCV(_BaseRidgeCV, RegressorMixin): """Ridge regression with built-in cross-validation. By default, it performs Generalized Cross-Validation, which is a form of efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alphas : numpy array of shape [n_alphas] Array of alpha values to try. Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression. This parameter is ignored when `fit_intercept` is set to False. When the regressors are normalized, note that this makes the hyperparameters learnt more robust and almost independent of the number of samples. The same property is not valid for standardized data. However, if you wish to standardize, please use `preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling `fit` on an estimator with `normalize=False`. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. For integer/None inputs, if ``y`` is binary or multiclass, :class:`sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold` is used, else, :class:`sklearn.model_selection.KFold` is used. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here. gcv_mode : {None, 'auto', 'svd', eigen'}, optional Flag indicating which strategy to use when performing Generalized Cross-Validation. Options are:: 'auto' : use svd if n_samples > n_features or when X is a sparse matrix, otherwise use eigen 'svd' : force computation via singular value decomposition of X (does not work for sparse matrices) 'eigen' : force computation via eigendecomposition of X^T X The 'auto' mode is the default and is intended to pick the cheaper option of the two depending upon the shape and format of the training data. store_cv_values : boolean, default=False Flag indicating if the cross-validation values corresponding to each alpha should be stored in the `cv_values_` attribute (see below). This flag is only compatible with `cv=None` (i.e. using Generalized Cross-Validation). Attributes ---------- cv_values_ : array, shape = [n_samples, n_alphas] or \ shape = [n_samples, n_targets, n_alphas], optional Cross-validation values for each alpha (if `store_cv_values=True` and \ `cv=None`). After `fit()` has been called, this attribute will \ contain the mean squared errors (by default) or the values of the \ `{loss,score}_func` function (if provided in the constructor). coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. alpha_ : float Estimated regularization parameter. See also -------- Ridge: Ridge regression RidgeClassifier: Ridge classifier RidgeClassifierCV: Ridge classifier with built-in cross validation """ pass class RidgeClassifierCV(LinearClassifierMixin, _BaseRidgeCV): """Ridge classifier with built-in cross-validation. By default, it performs Generalized Cross-Validation, which is a form of efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. Currently, only the n_features > n_samples case is handled efficiently. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alphas : numpy array of shape [n_alphas] Array of alpha values to try. Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression. This parameter is ignored when `fit_intercept` is set to False. When the regressors are normalized, note that this makes the hyperparameters learnt more robust and almost independent of the number of samples. The same property is not valid for standardized data. However, if you wish to standardize, please use `preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling `fit` on an estimator with `normalize=False`. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here. class_weight : dict or 'balanced', optional Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` Attributes ---------- cv_values_ : array, shape = [n_samples, n_alphas] or \ shape = [n_samples, n_responses, n_alphas], optional Cross-validation values for each alpha (if `store_cv_values=True` and `cv=None`). After `fit()` has been called, this attribute will contain \ the mean squared errors (by default) or the values of the \ `{loss,score}_func` function (if provided in the constructor). coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. alpha_ : float Estimated regularization parameter See also -------- Ridge: Ridge regression RidgeClassifier: Ridge classifier RidgeCV: Ridge regression with built-in cross validation Notes ----- For multi-class classification, n_class classifiers are trained in a one-versus-all approach. Concretely, this is implemented by taking advantage of the multi-variate response support in Ridge. """ def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, cv=None, class_weight=None): super(RidgeClassifierCV, self).__init__( alphas=alphas, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, scoring=scoring, cv=cv) self.class_weight = class_weight def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit the ridge classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Target values. sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Sample weight. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ self._label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer(pos_label=1, neg_label=-1) Y = self._label_binarizer.fit_transform(y) if not self._label_binarizer.y_type_.startswith('multilabel'): y = column_or_1d(y, warn=True) if self.class_weight: if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = 1. # modify the sample weights with the corresponding class weight sample_weight = (sample_weight * compute_sample_weight(self.class_weight, y)), X, Y, sample_weight=sample_weight) return self @property def classes_(self): return self._label_binarizer.classes_
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007,2008,2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of GNU Radio # # GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) # any later version. # # GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # try: import scipy from scipy import fftpack except ImportError: print "Please install SciPy to run this script (" raise SystemExit, 1 try: from pylab import * except ImportError: print "Please install Matplotlib to run this script (" raise SystemExit, 1 from optparse import OptionParser class plot_fft_base: def __init__(self, datatype, filename, options): self.hfile = open(filename, "r") self.block_length = options.block self.start = options.start self.sample_rate = options.sample_rate self.datatype = getattr(scipy, datatype) self.sizeof_data = self.datatype().nbytes # number of bytes per sample in file self.axis_font_size = 16 self.label_font_size = 18 self.title_font_size = 20 self.text_size = 22 # Setup PLOT self.fig = figure(1, figsize=(16, 12), facecolor='w') rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = self.axis_font_size rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = self.axis_font_size self.text_file = figtext(0.10, 0.94, ("File: %s" % filename), weight="heavy", size=self.text_size) self.text_file_pos = figtext(0.10, 0.88, "File Position: ", weight="heavy", size=self.text_size) self.text_block = figtext(0.35, 0.88, ("Block Size: %d" % self.block_length), weight="heavy", size=self.text_size) self.text_sr = figtext(0.60, 0.88, ("Sample Rate: %.2f" % self.sample_rate), weight="heavy", size=self.text_size) self.make_plots() self.button_left_axes = self.fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05], frameon=True) self.button_left = Button(self.button_left_axes, "<") self.button_left_callback = self.button_left.on_clicked(self.button_left_click) self.button_right_axes = self.fig.add_axes([0.50, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05], frameon=True) self.button_right = Button(self.button_right_axes, ">") self.button_right_callback = self.button_right.on_clicked(self.button_right_click) self.xlim = self.sp_iq.get_xlim() self.manager = get_current_fig_manager() connect('draw_event', self.zoom) connect('key_press_event', show() def get_data(self): self.position = self.hfile.tell()/self.sizeof_data self.text_file_pos.set_text("File Position: %d" % (self.position)) try: = scipy.fromfile(self.hfile, dtype=self.datatype, count=self.block_length) except MemoryError: print "End of File" else: self.iq_fft = self.dofft( tstep = 1.0 / self.sample_rate #self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(self.position + i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.time = scipy.array([tstep*(i) for i in xrange(len(]) self.freq = self.calc_freq(self.time, self.sample_rate) def dofft(self, iq): N = len(iq) iq_fft = scipy.fftpack.fftshift(scipy.fft(iq)) # fft and shift axis iq_fft = 20*scipy.log10(abs((iq_fft+1e-15)/N)) # convert to decibels, adjust power # adding 1e-15 (-300 dB) to protect against value errors if an item in iq_fft is 0 return iq_fft def calc_freq(self, time, sample_rate): N = len(time) Fs = 1.0 / (time.max() - time.min()) Fn = 0.5 * sample_rate freq = scipy.array([-Fn + i*Fs for i in xrange(N)]) return freq def make_plots(self): # if specified on the command-line, set file pointer*self.start, 1) # Subplot for real and imaginary parts of signal self.sp_iq = self.fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, position=[0.075, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6]) self.sp_iq.set_title(("I&Q"), fontsize=self.title_font_size, fontweight="bold") self.sp_iq.set_xlabel("Time (s)", fontsize=self.label_font_size, fontweight="bold") self.sp_iq.set_ylabel("Amplitude (V)", fontsize=self.label_font_size, fontweight="bold") # Subplot for FFT plot self.sp_fft = self.fig.add_subplot(2,2,2, position=[0.575, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6]) self.sp_fft.set_title(("FFT"), fontsize=self.title_font_size, fontweight="bold") self.sp_fft.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)", fontsize=self.label_font_size, fontweight="bold") self.sp_fft.set_ylabel("Power Spectrum (dBm)", fontsize=self.label_font_size, fontweight="bold") self.get_data() self.plot_iq = self.sp_iq.plot([], 'bo-') # make plot for reals self.plot_iq += self.sp_iq.plot([], 'ro-') # make plot for imags self.draw_time() # draw the plot self.plot_fft = self.sp_fft.plot([], 'bo-') # make plot for FFT self.draw_fft() # draw the plot draw() def draw_time(self): reals = imags = self.plot_iq[0].set_data([self.time, reals]) self.plot_iq[1].set_data([self.time, imags]) self.sp_iq.set_xlim(self.time.min(), self.time.max()) self.sp_iq.set_ylim([1.5*min([reals.min(), imags.min()]), 1.5*max([reals.max(), imags.max()])]) def draw_fft(self): self.plot_fft[0].set_data([self.freq, self.iq_fft]) self.sp_fft.set_xlim(self.freq.min(), self.freq.max()) self.sp_fft.set_ylim([self.iq_fft.min()-10, self.iq_fft.max()+10]) def update_plots(self): self.draw_time() self.draw_fft() self.xlim = self.sp_iq.get_xlim() draw() def zoom(self, event): newxlim = scipy.array(self.sp_iq.get_xlim()) curxlim = scipy.array(self.xlim) if(newxlim[0] != curxlim[0] or newxlim[1] != curxlim[1]): self.xlim = newxlim #xmin = max(0, int(ceil(self.sample_rate*(self.xlim[0] - self.position)))) #xmax = min(int(ceil(self.sample_rate*(self.xlim[1] - self.position))), len( xmin = max(0, int(ceil(self.sample_rate*(self.xlim[0])))) xmax = min(int(ceil(self.sample_rate*(self.xlim[1]))), len( iq =[xmin : xmax] time = self.time[xmin : xmax] iq_fft = self.dofft(iq) freq = self.calc_freq(time, self.sample_rate) self.plot_fft[0].set_data(freq, iq_fft) self.sp_fft.axis([freq.min(), freq.max(), iq_fft.min()-10, iq_fft.max()+10]) draw() def click(self, event): forward_valid_keys = [" ", "down", "right"] backward_valid_keys = ["up", "left"] if(find(event.key, forward_valid_keys)): self.step_forward() elif(find(event.key, backward_valid_keys)): self.step_backward() def button_left_click(self, event): self.step_backward() def button_right_click(self, event): self.step_forward() def step_forward(self): self.get_data() self.update_plots() def step_backward(self): # Step back in file position if(self.hfile.tell() >= 2*self.sizeof_data*self.block_length ):*self.sizeof_data*self.block_length, 1) else:,1) self.get_data() self.update_plots() @staticmethod def setup_options(): usage="%prog: [options] input_filename" description = "Takes a GNU Radio complex binary file and displays the I&Q data versus time as well as the frequency domain (FFT) plot. The y-axis values are plotted assuming volts as the amplitude of the I&Q streams and converted into dBm in the frequency domain (the 1/N power adjustment out of the FFT is performed internally). The script plots a certain block of data at a time, specified on the command line as -B or --block. This value defaults to 1000. The start position in the file can be set by specifying -s or --start and defaults to 0 (the start of the file). By default, the system assumes a sample rate of 1, so in time, each sample is plotted versus the sample number. To set a true time and frequency axis, set the sample rate (-R or --sample-rate) to the sample rate used when capturing the samples." parser = OptionParser(conflict_handler="resolve", usage=usage, description=description) parser.add_option("-d", "--data-type", type="string", default="complex64", help="Specify the data type (complex64, float32, (u)int32, (u)int16, (u)int8) [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-B", "--block", type="int", default=1000, help="Specify the block size [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-s", "--start", type="int", default=0, help="Specify where to start in the file [default=%default]") parser.add_option("-R", "--sample-rate", type="float", default=1.0, help="Set the sampler rate of the data [default=%default]") return parser def find(item_in, list_search): try: return list_search.index(item_in) != None except ValueError: return False def main(): parser = plot_fft_base.setup_options() (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() raise SystemExit, 1 filename = args[0] dc = plot_fft_base(options.data_type, filename, options) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Glencoe Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Test of the automatic JVM setting logic for OMERO startup. """ import pytest from omero.config import ConfigXml, xml from omero.install.jvmcfg import adjust_settings from omero.install.jvmcfg import ManualStrategy from omero.install.jvmcfg import PercentStrategy from omero.install.jvmcfg import Settings from omero.install.jvmcfg import Strategy from omero.install.jvmcfg import strip_dict from omero.install.jvmcfg import usage_charts from omero.util.temp_files import create_path from path import path from xml.etree.ElementTree import SubElement from xml.etree.ElementTree import tostring from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML from test.unit.test_config import initial def write_config(data): p = create_path() i = initial() for k, v in data.items(): for x in i[0:2]: # __ACTIVE__ & default SubElement(x, "property", name=k, value=v) string = tostring(i, 'utf-8') txt = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string).toprettyxml(" ", "\n", None) p.write_text(txt) return p class TestMemoryStrip(object): def test_1(self): rv = strip_dict({"a.b": "c"}, prefix="a") assert {"b": "c"} == rv def test_2(self): rv = strip_dict({"a.b.c": "d"}, prefix="a.b") assert rv["c"] == "d" def test_3(self): rv = strip_dict({ "": "a", "something.else": "b"}) assert rv["foo"] == "a" assert "something.else" not in rv @pytest.mark.parametrize("input,output", ( ({"omero.jvmcfg.heap_size.blitz": "1g"}, {"heap_size": "1g"}), )) def test_4(self, input, output): p = write_config(input) config = ConfigXml(filename=str(p), env_config="default") try: m = config.as_map() s = strip_dict(m, suffix="blitz") assert s == output finally: config.close() def test_5(self): rv = strip_dict({ "omero.jvmcfg.a.blitz": "b", }, suffix="blitz") assert rv["a"] == "b" class TestSettings(object): def test_initial(self): s = Settings() assert s.perm_gen == "128m" assert s.heap_dump == "off" assert s.heap_size == "512m" def test_explicit(self): s = Settings({ "perm_gen": "xxx", "heap_dump": "yyy", "heap_size": "zzz", }) assert s.perm_gen == "xxx" assert s.heap_dump == "yyy" assert s.heap_size == "zzz" def test_defaults(self): s = Settings({}, { "perm_gen": "xxx", "heap_dump": "yyy", "heap_size": "zzz", }) assert s.perm_gen == "xxx" assert s.heap_dump == "yyy" assert s.heap_size == "zzz" def test_both(self): s = Settings({ "perm_gen": "aaa", "heap_dump": "bbb", "heap_size": "ccc", }, { "perm_gen": "xxx", "heap_dump": "yyy", "heap_size": "zzz", }) assert s.perm_gen == "aaa" assert s.heap_dump == "bbb" assert s.heap_size == "ccc" class TestStrategy(object): def test_no_instantiate(self): with pytest.raises(Exception): Strategy("blitz") def test_hard_coded(self): strategy = ManualStrategy("blitz") settings = strategy.get_memory_settings() assert settings == [ "-Xmx512m", "-XX:MaxPermSize=128m", "-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions", ] def test_percent_usage(self): strategy = PercentStrategy("blitz") table = list(strategy.usage_table(15, 16))[0] assert table[0] == 2**15 assert table[1] == 2**15*15/100 def test_heap_dump_on(self): settings = Settings({"heap_dump": "on"}) strategy = PercentStrategy("blitz", settings) hd = strategy.get_heap_dump() append = strategy.get_append() assert " " not in hd assert "HeapDumpPath" not in hd assert not append def test_heap_dump_tmp(self): settings = Settings({"heap_dump": "tmp"}) strategy = PercentStrategy("blitz", settings) hd = strategy.get_heap_dump() append = strategy.get_append() assert " " not in hd assert "HeapDumpPath" not in hd assert "HeapDumpPath" in "".join(append) class AdjustFixture(object): def __init__(self, input, output, name, **kwargs): self.input = input self.output = output = name self.kwargs = kwargs def validate(self, rv): for k, v in self.output.items(): assert k in rv found = rv[k] found.pop(0) # settings assert v == found, "%s.%s: %s <> %s" % (, k, v, found) import json f = open(__file__[:-3] + ".json", "r") data = json.load(f) AFS = [] for x in data: AFS.append(AdjustFixture(x["input"], x["output"], x["name"])) def template_xml(): templates = path(__file__) / ".." / ".." / ".." templates = templates / ".." / ".." / ".." templates = templates / "etc" / "templates" / "grid" / "templates.xml" templates = templates.abspath() return XML(templates.text()) class TestAdjustStrategy(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture", AFS, ids=[ for x in AFS]) def test_adjust(self, fixture, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(Strategy, '_system_memory_mb_java', lambda x: (2000, 4000)) p = write_config(fixture.input) xml = template_xml() config = ConfigXml(filename=str(p), env_config="default") try: rv = adjust_settings(config, xml, **fixture.kwargs) fixture.validate(rv) finally: config.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture", AFS, ids=[ for x in AFS]) def test_12527(self, fixture, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(Strategy, '_system_memory_mb_java', lambda x: (2000, 4000)) p = write_config(fixture.input) old_templates = path(__file__).dirname() / "old_templates.xml" xml = XML(old_templates.abspath().text()) config = ConfigXml(filename=str(p), env_config="default") with pytest.raises(Exception): adjust_settings(config, xml, **fixture.kwargs) class TestChart(object): def test_percent_chart(self): try: usage_charts("target/charts.png") except ImportError: # Requires matplotlib, etc pass
""" ================== Prediction Latency ================== This is an example showing the prediction latency of various scikit-learn estimators. The goal is to measure the latency one can expect when doing predictions either in bulk or atomic (i.e. one by one) mode. The plots represent the distribution of the prediction latency as a boxplot. """ # Authors: Eustache Diemert <> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import time import gc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_regression from sklearn.ensemble.forest import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model.ridge import Ridge from sklearn.linear_model.stochastic_gradient import SGDRegressor from sklearn.svm.classes import SVR def _not_in_sphinx(): # Hack to detect whether we are running by the sphinx builder return '__file__' in globals() def atomic_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, verbose=False): """Measure runtime prediction of each instance.""" n_instances = X_test.shape[0] runtimes = np.zeros(n_instances, dtype=np.float) for i in range(n_instances): instance = X_test[i, :] start = time.time() estimator.predict(instance) runtimes[i] = time.time() - start if verbose: print("atomic_benchmark runtimes:", min(runtimes), scoreatpercentile( runtimes, 50), max(runtimes)) return runtimes def bulk_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, n_bulk_repeats, verbose): """Measure runtime prediction of the whole input.""" n_instances = X_test.shape[0] runtimes = np.zeros(n_bulk_repeats, dtype=np.float) for i in range(n_bulk_repeats): start = time.time() estimator.predict(X_test) runtimes[i] = time.time() - start runtimes = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x / float(n_instances), runtimes))) if verbose: print("bulk_benchmark runtimes:", min(runtimes), scoreatpercentile( runtimes, 50), max(runtimes)) return runtimes def benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, n_bulk_repeats=30, verbose=False): """ Measure runtimes of prediction in both atomic and bulk mode. Parameters ---------- estimator : already trained estimator supporting `predict()` X_test : test input n_bulk_repeats : how many times to repeat when evaluating bulk mode Returns ------- atomic_runtimes, bulk_runtimes : a pair of `np.array` which contain the runtimes in seconds. """ atomic_runtimes = atomic_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, verbose) bulk_runtimes = bulk_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, n_bulk_repeats, verbose) return atomic_runtimes, bulk_runtimes def generate_dataset(n_train, n_test, n_features, noise=0.1, verbose=False): """Generate a regression dataset with the given parameters.""" if verbose: print("generating dataset...") X, y, coef = make_regression(n_samples=n_train + n_test, n_features=n_features, noise=noise, coef=True) X_train = X[:n_train] y_train = y[:n_train] X_test = X[n_train:] y_test = y[n_train:] idx = np.arange(n_train) np.random.seed(13) np.random.shuffle(idx) X_train = X_train[idx] y_train = y_train[idx] std = X_train.std(axis=0) mean = X_train.mean(axis=0) X_train = (X_train - mean) / std X_test = (X_test - mean) / std std = y_train.std(axis=0) mean = y_train.mean(axis=0) y_train = (y_train - mean) / std y_test = (y_test - mean) / std gc.collect() if verbose: print("ok") return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test def boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, pred_type, configuration): """ Plot a new `Figure` with boxplots of prediction runtimes. Parameters ---------- runtimes : list of `np.array` of latencies in micro-seconds cls_names : list of estimator class names that generated the runtimes pred_type : 'bulk' or 'atomic' """ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) bp = plt.boxplot(runtimes, ) cls_infos = ['%s\n(%d %s)' % (estimator_conf['name'], estimator_conf['complexity_computer']( estimator_conf['instance']), estimator_conf['complexity_label']) for estimator_conf in configuration['estimators']] plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels=cls_infos) plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color='black') plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color='black') plt.setp(bp['fliers'], color='red', marker='+') ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5) ax1.set_axisbelow(True) ax1.set_title('Prediction Time per Instance - %s, %d feats.' % ( pred_type.capitalize(), configuration['n_features'])) ax1.set_ylabel('Prediction Time (us)') def benchmark(configuration): """Run the whole benchmark.""" X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = generate_dataset( configuration['n_train'], configuration['n_test'], configuration['n_features']) stats = {} for estimator_conf in configuration['estimators']: print("Benchmarking", estimator_conf['instance']) estimator_conf['instance'].fit(X_train, y_train) gc.collect() a, b = benchmark_estimator(estimator_conf['instance'], X_test) stats[estimator_conf['name']] = {'atomic': a, 'bulk': b} cls_names = [estimator_conf['name'] for estimator_conf in configuration[ 'estimators']] runtimes = [1e6 * stats[clf_name]['atomic'] for clf_name in cls_names] boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, 'atomic', configuration) runtimes = [1e6 * stats[clf_name]['bulk'] for clf_name in cls_names] boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, 'bulk (%d)' % configuration['n_test'], configuration) def n_feature_influence(estimators, n_train, n_test, n_features, percentile): """ Estimate influence of the number of features on prediction time. Parameters ---------- estimators : dict of (name (str), estimator) to benchmark n_train : nber of training instances (int) n_test : nber of testing instances (int) n_features : list of feature-space dimensionality to test (int) percentile : percentile at which to measure the speed (int [0-100]) Returns: -------- percentiles : dict(estimator_name, dict(n_features, percentile_perf_in_us)) """ percentiles = defaultdict(defaultdict) for n in n_features: print("benchmarking with %d features" % n) X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = generate_dataset(n_train, n_test, n) for cls_name, estimator in estimators.items():, y_train) gc.collect() runtimes = bulk_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, 30, False) percentiles[cls_name][n] = 1e6 * scoreatpercentile(runtimes, percentile) return percentiles def plot_n_features_influence(percentiles, percentile): fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] for i, cls_name in enumerate(percentiles.keys()): x = np.array(sorted([n for n in percentiles[cls_name].keys()])) y = np.array([percentiles[cls_name][n] for n in x]) plt.plot(x, y, color=colors[i], ) ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle='-', which='major', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5) ax1.set_axisbelow(True) ax1.set_title('Evolution of Prediction Time with #Features') ax1.set_xlabel('#Features') ax1.set_ylabel('Prediction Time at %d%%-ile (us)' % percentile) def benchmark_throughputs(configuration, duration_secs=0.1): """benchmark throughput for different estimators.""" X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = generate_dataset( configuration['n_train'], configuration['n_test'], configuration['n_features']) throughputs = dict() for estimator_config in configuration['estimators']: estimator_config['instance'].fit(X_train, y_train) start_time = time.time() n_predictions = 0 while (time.time() - start_time) < duration_secs: estimator_config['instance'].predict(X_test[0]) n_predictions += 1 throughputs[estimator_config['name']] = n_predictions / duration_secs return throughputs def plot_benchmark_throughput(throughputs, configuration): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)) colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] cls_infos = ['%s\n(%d %s)' % (estimator_conf['name'], estimator_conf['complexity_computer']( estimator_conf['instance']), estimator_conf['complexity_label']) for estimator_conf in configuration['estimators']] cls_values = [throughputs[estimator_conf['name']] for estimator_conf in configuration['estimators']], cls_values, width=0.5, color=colors) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0.25, len(throughputs) - 0.75, len(throughputs))) ax.set_xticklabels(cls_infos, fontsize=10) ymax = max(cls_values) * 1.2 ax.set_ylim((0, ymax)) ax.set_ylabel('Throughput (predictions/sec)') ax.set_title('Prediction Throughput for different estimators (%d ' 'features)' % configuration['n_features']) ############################################################################### # main code start_time = time.time() # benchmark bulk/atomic prediction speed for various regressors configuration = { 'n_train': int(1e3), 'n_test': int(1e2), 'n_features': int(1e2), 'estimators': [ {'name': 'Linear Model', 'instance': SGDRegressor(penalty='elasticnet', alpha=0.01, l1_ratio=0.25, fit_intercept=True), 'complexity_label': 'non-zero coefficients', 'complexity_computer': lambda clf: np.count_nonzero(clf.coef_)}, {'name': 'RandomForest', 'instance': RandomForestRegressor(), 'complexity_label': 'estimators', 'complexity_computer': lambda clf: clf.n_estimators}, {'name': 'SVR', 'instance': SVR(kernel='rbf'), 'complexity_label': 'support vectors', 'complexity_computer': lambda clf: len(clf.support_vectors_)}, ] } benchmark(configuration) # benchmark n_features influence on prediction speed percentile = 90 percentiles = n_feature_influence({'ridge': Ridge()}, configuration['n_train'], configuration['n_test'], [100, 250, 500], percentile) plot_n_features_influence(percentiles, percentile) # benchmark throughput throughputs = benchmark_throughputs(configuration) plot_benchmark_throughput(throughputs, configuration) stop_time = time.time() print("example run in %.2fs" % (stop_time - start_time))
DNS Server/Source - Copy/Lib/site-packages/dask/tests/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import pytest from operator import add, mul import subprocess import sys import warnings from toolz import merge import dask from dask import delayed from dask.base import (compute, tokenize, normalize_token, normalize_function, visualize, persist, function_cache, is_dask_collection, DaskMethodsMixin, optimize, unpack_collections, named_schedulers, get_scheduler) from dask.delayed import Delayed from dask.utils import tmpdir, tmpfile, ignoring from dask.utils_test import inc, dec from dask.compatibility import long, unicode def import_or_none(path): with ignoring(): return pytest.importorskip(path) return None tz = pytest.importorskip('toolz') da = import_or_none('dask.array') db = import_or_none('dask.bag') dd = import_or_none('dask.dataframe') np = import_or_none('numpy') sp = import_or_none('scipy.sparse') pd = import_or_none('pandas') def f1(a, b, c=1): pass def f2(a, b=1, c=2): pass def f3(a): pass def test_normalize_function(): assert normalize_function(f2) assert normalize_function(lambda a: a) assert (normalize_function(tz.partial(f2, b=2)) == normalize_function(tz.partial(f2, b=2))) assert (normalize_function(tz.partial(f2, b=2)) != normalize_function(tz.partial(f2, b=3))) assert (normalize_function(tz.partial(f1, b=2)) != normalize_function(tz.partial(f2, b=2))) assert (normalize_function(tz.compose(f2, f3)) == normalize_function(tz.compose(f2, f3))) assert (normalize_function(tz.compose(f2, f3)) != normalize_function(tz.compose(f2, f1))) assert normalize_function(tz.curry(f2)) == normalize_function(tz.curry(f2)) assert normalize_function(tz.curry(f2)) != normalize_function(tz.curry(f1)) assert (normalize_function(tz.curry(f2, b=1)) == normalize_function(tz.curry(f2, b=1))) assert (normalize_function(tz.curry(f2, b=1)) != normalize_function(tz.curry(f2, b=2))) def test_tokenize(): a = (1, 2, 3) assert isinstance(tokenize(a), (str, bytes)) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_array_consistent_on_values(): assert (tokenize(np.random.RandomState(1234).random_sample(1000)) == tokenize(np.random.RandomState(1234).random_sample(1000))) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_array_supports_uneven_sizes(): tokenize(np.random.random(7).astype(dtype='i2')) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_discontiguous_numpy_array(): tokenize(np.random.random(8)[::2]) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_datetime(): tokenize(np.array(['2000-01-01T12:00:00'], dtype='M8[ns]')) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_scalar(): assert tokenize(np.array(1.0, dtype='f8')) == tokenize(np.array(1.0, dtype='f8')) assert (tokenize(np.array([(1, 2)], dtype=[('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'i8')])[0]) == tokenize(np.array([(1, 2)], dtype=[('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'i8')])[0])) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_array_on_object_dtype(): assert (tokenize(np.array(['a', 'aa', 'aaa'], dtype=object)) == tokenize(np.array(['a', 'aa', 'aaa'], dtype=object))) assert (tokenize(np.array(['a', None, 'aaa'], dtype=object)) == tokenize(np.array(['a', None, 'aaa'], dtype=object))) assert (tokenize(np.array([(1, 'a'), (1, None), (1, 'aaa')], dtype=object)) == tokenize(np.array([(1, 'a'), (1, None), (1, 'aaa')], dtype=object))) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: assert (tokenize(np.array([unicode("Rebeca Alón", encoding="utf-8")], dtype=object)) == tokenize(np.array([unicode("Rebeca Alón", encoding="utf-8")], dtype=object))) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_memmap(): with tmpfile('.npy') as fn: x = np.arange(5), x) y = tokenize(np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r')) with tmpfile('.npy') as fn: x = np.arange(5), x) z = tokenize(np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r')) assert y != z with tmpfile('.npy') as fn: x = np.random.normal(size=(10, 10)), x) mm = np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r') mm2 = np.load(fn, mmap_mode='r') a = tokenize(mm[0, :]) b = tokenize(mm[1, :]) c = tokenize(mm[0:3, :]) d = tokenize(mm[:, 0]) assert len(set([a, b, c, d])) == 4 assert tokenize(mm) == tokenize(mm2) assert tokenize(mm[1, :]) == tokenize(mm2[1, :]) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_memmap_no_filename(): # GH 1562: with tmpfile('.npy') as fn1, tmpfile('.npy') as fn2: x = np.arange(5), x), x) a = np.load(fn1, mmap_mode='r') b = a + a assert tokenize(b) == tokenize(b) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_ufunc_consistent(): assert tokenize(np.sin) == '02106e2c67daf452fb480d264e0dac21' assert tokenize(np.cos) == 'c99e52e912e4379882a9a4b387957a0b' # Make a ufunc that isn't in the numpy namespace. Similar to # any found in other packages. inc = np.frompyfunc(lambda x: x + 1, 1, 1) assert tokenize(inc) == tokenize(inc) def test_tokenize_partial_func_args_kwargs_consistent(): f = tz.partial(f3, f2, c=f1) res = normalize_token(f) sol = (b'cdask.tests.test_base\nf3\np0\n.', (b'cdask.tests.test_base\nf2\np0\n.',), (('c', b'cdask.tests.test_base\nf1\np0\n.'),)) assert res == sol def test_normalize_base(): for i in [1, long(1), 1.1, '1', slice(1, 2, 3)]: assert normalize_token(i) is i @pytest.mark.skipif('not pd') def test_tokenize_pandas(): a = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': ['4', 'asd', None]}, index=[1, 2, 3]) b = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': ['4', 'asd', None]}, index=[1, 2, 3]) assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(b) = 'foo' assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) a = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': ['a', 'b', 'a']}) b = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': ['a', 'b', 'a']}) a['z'] = a.y.astype('category') assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) b['z'] = a.y.astype('category') assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(b) def test_tokenize_kwargs(): assert tokenize(5, x=1) == tokenize(5, x=1) assert tokenize(5) != tokenize(5, x=1) assert tokenize(5, x=1) != tokenize(5, x=2) assert tokenize(5, x=1) != tokenize(5, y=1) def test_tokenize_same_repr(): class Foo(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __repr__(self): return 'a foo' assert tokenize(Foo(1)) != tokenize(Foo(2)) def test_tokenize_method(): class Foo(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def __dask_tokenize__(self): return self.x a, b = Foo(1), Foo(2) assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(a) assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) # dispatch takes precedence before = tokenize(a) normalize_token.register(Foo, lambda self: self.x + 1) after = tokenize(a) assert before != after @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_sequences(): assert tokenize([1]) != tokenize([2]) assert tokenize([1]) != tokenize((1,)) assert tokenize([1]) == tokenize([1]) x = np.arange(2000) # long enough to drop information in repr y = np.arange(2000) y[1000] = 0 # middle isn't printed in repr assert tokenize([x]) != tokenize([y]) def test_tokenize_dict(): assert tokenize({'x': 1, 1: 'x'}) == tokenize({'x': 1, 1: 'x'}) def test_tokenize_set(): assert tokenize({1, 2, 'x', (1, 'x')}) == tokenize({1, 2, 'x', (1, 'x')}) def test_tokenize_ordered_dict(): with ignoring(ImportError): from collections import OrderedDict a = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) b = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) c = OrderedDict([('b', 2), ('a', 1)]) assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(b) assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(c) @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_object_array_with_nans(): a = np.array([u'foo', u'Jos\xe9', np.nan], dtype='O') assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(a) @pytest.mark.parametrize('x', [1, True, 'a', b'a', 1.0, 1j, 1.0j, [], (), {}, None, str, int]) def test_tokenize_base_types(x): assert tokenize(x) == tokenize(x), x @pytest.mark.skipif('not np') def test_tokenize_numpy_matrix(): rng = np.random.RandomState(1234) a = np.asmatrix(rng.rand(100)) b = a.copy() assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(b) b[:10] = 1 assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) @pytest.mark.skipif('not sp') @pytest.mark.parametrize('cls_name', ('dia', 'bsr', 'coo', 'csc', 'csr', 'dok', 'lil')) def test_tokenize_dense_sparse_array(cls_name): rng = np.random.RandomState(1234) with pytest.warns(None): # ignore scipy.sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning a = sp.rand(10, 10000, random_state=rng).asformat(cls_name) b = a.copy() assert tokenize(a) == tokenize(b) # modifying the data values if hasattr(b, 'data'):[:10] = 1 elif cls_name == 'dok': b[3, 3] = 1 else: raise ValueError assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) # modifying the data indices with pytest.warns(None): b = a.copy().asformat('coo') b.row[:10] = np.arange(10) b = b.asformat(cls_name) assert tokenize(a) != tokenize(b) def test_is_dask_collection(): class DummyCollection(object): def __init__(self, dsk=None): self.dask = dsk def __dask_graph__(self): return self.dask x = delayed(1) + 2 assert is_dask_collection(x) assert not is_dask_collection(2) assert is_dask_collection(DummyCollection({})) assert not is_dask_collection(DummyCollection()) assert not is_dask_collection(DummyCollection) def test_unpack_collections(): a = delayed(1) + 5 b = a + 1 c = a + 2 def build(a, b, c, iterator): return (a, b, # Top-level collections {'a': a, # dict a: b, # collections as keys 'b': [1, 2, [b]], # list 'c': 10, # other builtins pass through unchanged 'd': (c, 2), # tuple 'e': {a, 2, 3}}, # set iterator) # Iterator args = build(a, b, c, (i for i in [a, b, c])) collections, repack = unpack_collections(*args) assert len(collections) == 3 # Replace collections with `'~a'` strings result = repack(['~a', '~b', '~c']) sol = build('~a', '~b', '~c', ['~a', '~b', '~c']) assert result == sol # traverse=False collections, repack = unpack_collections(*args, traverse=False) assert len(collections) == 2 # just a and b assert repack(collections) == args # No collections collections, repack = unpack_collections(1, 2, {'a': 3}) assert not collections assert repack(collections) == (1, 2, {'a': 3}) # Result that looks like a task def fail(*args): raise ValueError("Shouldn't have been called") collections, repack = unpack_collections(a, (fail, 1), [(fail, 2, 3)], traverse=False) repack(collections) # Smoketest task literals repack([(fail, 1)]) # Smoketest results that look like tasks class Tuple(DaskMethodsMixin): __slots__ = ('_dask', '_keys') __dask_scheduler__ = staticmethod(dask.threaded.get) def __init__(self, dsk, keys): self._dask = dsk self._keys = keys def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Tuple): return Tuple(merge(self._dask, other._dask), self._keys + other._keys) return NotImplemented def __dask_graph__(self): return self._dask def __dask_keys__(self): return self._keys def __dask_tokenize__(self): return self._keys def __dask_postcompute__(self): return tuple, () def __dask_postpersist__(self): return Tuple, (self._keys,) def test_custom_collection(): dsk = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} dsk2 = {'c': (add, 'a', 'b'), 'd': (add, 'c', 1)} dsk2.update(dsk) dsk3 = {'e': (add, 'a', 4), 'f': (inc, 'e')} dsk3.update(dsk) x = Tuple(dsk, ['a', 'b']) y = Tuple(dsk2, ['c', 'd']) z = Tuple(dsk3, ['e', 'f']) # __slots__ defined on base mixin class propogates with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = 1 # is_dask_collection assert is_dask_collection(x) # tokenize assert tokenize(x) == tokenize(x) assert tokenize(x) != tokenize(y) # compute assert x.compute() == (1, 2) assert dask.compute(x, [y, z]) == ((1, 2), [(3, 4), (5, 6)]) t = x + y + z assert t.compute() == (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) # persist t2 = t.persist() assert isinstance(t2, Tuple) assert t2._dask == dict(zip('abcdef', range(1, 7))) assert t2.compute() == (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) x2, y2, z2 = dask.persist(x, y, z) t3 = x2 + y2 + z2 assert t2._dask == t3._dask @pytest.mark.skipif('not db') def test_compute_no_opt(): # Bag does `fuse` by default. Test that with `optimize_graph=False` that # doesn't get called. We check this by using a callback to track the keys # that are computed. from dask.callbacks import Callback b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=4) add1 = tz.partial(add, 1) mul2 = tz.partial(mul, 2) o = # Check that with the kwarg, the optimization doesn't happen keys = [] with Callback(pretask=lambda key, *args: keys.append(key)): o.compute(scheduler='single-threaded', optimize_graph=False) assert len([k for k in keys if '-mul-' in k[0]]) == 4 assert len([k for k in keys if '-add-' in k[0]]) == 4 # Check that without the kwarg, the optimization does happen keys = [] with Callback(pretask=lambda key, *args: keys.append(key)): o.compute(scheduler='single-threaded') # Names of fused tasks have been merged, and the original key is an alias. # Otherwise, the lengths below would be 4 and 0. assert len([k for k in keys if '-mul-' in k[0]]) == 8 assert len([k for k in keys if '-add-' in k[0]]) == 4 assert len([k for k in keys if 'add-map-mul' in k[0]]) == 4 # See? Renamed @pytest.mark.skipif('not da') def test_compute_array(): arr = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10)) darr = da.from_array(arr, chunks=(5, 5)) darr1 = darr + 1 darr2 = darr + 2 out1, out2 = compute(darr1, darr2) assert np.allclose(out1, arr + 1) assert np.allclose(out2, arr + 2) @pytest.mark.skipif('not da') def test_persist_array(): from dask.array.utils import assert_eq arr = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10)) x = da.from_array(arr, chunks=(5, 5)) x = (x + 1) - x.mean(axis=0) y = x.persist() assert_eq(x, y) assert set(y.dask).issubset(x.dask) assert len(y.dask) == y.npartitions @pytest.mark.skipif('not dd') def test_compute_dataframe(): df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'b': [5, 5, 3, 3]}) ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2) ddf1 = ddf.a + 1 ddf2 = ddf.a + ddf.b out1, out2 = compute(ddf1, ddf2) pd.util.testing.assert_series_equal(out1, df.a + 1) pd.util.testing.assert_series_equal(out2, df.a + df.b) @pytest.mark.skipif('not dd or not da') def test_compute_array_dataframe(): arr = np.arange(100).reshape((10, 10)) darr = da.from_array(arr, chunks=(5, 5)) + 1 df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'b': [5, 5, 3, 3]}) ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2).a + 2 arr_out, df_out = compute(darr, ddf) assert np.allclose(arr_out, arr + 1) pd.util.testing.assert_series_equal(df_out, df.a + 2) @pytest.mark.skipif('not da or not db') def test_compute_array_bag(): x = da.arange(5, chunks=2) b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3]) pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: compute(x, b)) xx, bb = compute(x, b, scheduler='single-threaded') assert np.allclose(xx, np.arange(5)) assert bb == [1, 2, 3] @pytest.mark.skipif('not da') def test_compute_with_literal(): x = da.arange(5, chunks=2) y = 10 xx, yy = compute(x, y) assert (xx == x.compute()).all() assert yy == y assert compute(5) == (5,) def test_compute_nested(): a = delayed(1) + 5 b = a + 1 c = a + 2 assert (compute({'a': a, 'b': [1, 2, b]}, (c, 2)) == ({'a': 6, 'b': [1, 2, 7]}, (8, 2))) res = compute([a, b], c, traverse=False) assert res[0][0] is a assert res[0][1] is b assert res[1] == 8 @pytest.mark.skipif('not da') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize, reason="graphviz exception with Python -OO flag") def test_visualize(): pytest.importorskip('graphviz') with tmpdir() as d: x = da.arange(5, chunks=2) x.visualize(filename=os.path.join(d, 'mydask')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) x.visualize(filename=os.path.join(d, 'mydask.pdf')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'mydask.pdf')) visualize(x, 1, 2, filename=os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) dsk = {'a': 1, 'b': (add, 'a', 2), 'c': (mul, 'a', 1)} visualize(x, dsk, filename=os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) x = Tuple(dsk, ['a', 'b', 'c']) visualize(x, filename=os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'mydask.png')) @pytest.mark.skipif('not da') @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize, reason="graphviz exception with Python -OO flag") def test_visualize_order(): pytest.importorskip('matplotlib') x = da.arange(5, chunks=2) with tmpfile(extension='dot') as fn: x.visualize(color='order', filename=fn, cmap='RdBu') with open(fn) as f: text = assert 'color="#' in text def test_use_cloudpickle_to_tokenize_functions_in__main__(): import sys from textwrap import dedent defn = dedent(""" def inc(): return x """) __main__ = sys.modules['__main__'] exec(compile(defn, '<test>', 'exec'), __main__.__dict__) f = t = normalize_token(f) assert b'cloudpickle' in t def inc_to_dec(dsk, keys): for key in dsk: if dsk[key][0] == inc: dsk[key] = (dec,) + dsk[key][1:] return dsk def test_optimizations_keyword(): x = dask.delayed(inc)(1) assert x.compute() == 2 with dask.config.set(optimizations=[inc_to_dec]): assert x.compute() == 0 assert x.compute() == 2 def test_optimize(): x = dask.delayed(inc)(1) y = dask.delayed(inc)(x) z = x + y x2, y2, z2, constant = optimize(x, y, z, 1) assert constant == 1 # Same graphs for each dsk = dict(x2.dask) assert dict(y2.dask) == dsk assert dict(z2.dask) == dsk # Computationally equivalent assert dask.compute(x2, y2, z2) == dask.compute(x, y, z) # Applying optimizations before compute and during compute gives # same results. Shows optimizations are occurring. sols = dask.compute(x, y, z, optimizations=[inc_to_dec]) x3, y3, z3 = optimize(x, y, z, optimizations=[inc_to_dec]) assert dask.compute(x3, y3, z3) == sols # Optimize respects global optimizations as well with dask.config.set(optimizations=[inc_to_dec]): x4, y4, z4 = optimize(x, y, z) for a, b in zip([x3, y3, z3], [x4, y4, z4]): assert dict(a.dask) == dict(b.dask) def test_optimize_nested(): a = dask.delayed(inc)(1) b = dask.delayed(inc)(a) c = a + b result = optimize({'a': a, 'b': [1, 2, b]}, (c, 2)) a2 = result[0]['a'] b2 = result[0]['b'][2] c2 = result[1][0] assert isinstance(a2, Delayed) assert isinstance(b2, Delayed) assert isinstance(c2, Delayed) assert dict(a2.dask) == dict(b2.dask) == dict(c2.dask) assert compute(*result) == ({'a': 2, 'b': [1, 2, 3]}, (5, 2)) res = optimize([a, b], c, traverse=False) assert res[0][0] is a assert res[0][1] is b assert res[1].compute() == 5 # TODO: remove after deprecation cycle of `dask.optimize` module is completed def test_optimize_has_deprecated_module_functions_as_attributes(): import dask.optimize as deprecated_optimize # Function has method attributes assert dask.optimize.cull is deprecated_optimize.cull assert dask.optimize.inline is deprecated_optimize.inline with pytest.warns(UserWarning): dask.optimize.cull({}, []) def test_default_imports(): """ Startup time: `import dask` should not import too many modules. """ code = """if 1: import dask import sys print(sorted(sys.modules)) """ out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-c', code]) modules = set(eval(out.decode())) assert 'dask' in modules blacklist = ['dask.array', 'dask.dataframe', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'partd', 's3fs', 'distributed'] for mod in blacklist: assert mod not in modules def test_persist_literals(): assert persist(1, 2, 3) == (1, 2, 3) def test_persist_nested(): a = delayed(1) + 5 b = a + 1 c = a + 2 result = persist({'a': a, 'b': [1, 2, b]}, (c, 2)) assert isinstance(result[0]['a'], Delayed) assert isinstance(result[0]['b'][2], Delayed) assert isinstance(result[1][0], Delayed) assert compute(*result) == ({'a': 6, 'b': [1, 2, 7]}, (8, 2)) res = persist([a, b], c, traverse=False) assert res[0][0] is a assert res[0][1] is b assert res[1].compute() == 8 def test_persist_delayed(): x1 = delayed(1) x2 = delayed(inc)(x1) x3 = delayed(inc)(x2) xx, = persist(x3) assert isinstance(xx, Delayed) assert xx.key == x3.key assert len(xx.dask) == 1 assert x3.compute() == xx.compute() @pytest.mark.skipif('not da or not db') def test_persist_array_bag(): x = da.arange(5, chunks=2) + 1 b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3]).map(inc) with pytest.raises(ValueError): persist(x, b) xx, bb = persist(x, b, scheduler='single-threaded') assert isinstance(xx, da.Array) assert isinstance(bb, db.Bag) assert == assert == assert len(xx.dask) == xx.npartitions < len(x.dask) assert len(bb.dask) == bb.npartitions < len(b.dask) assert np.allclose(x, xx) assert list(b) == list(bb) def test_normalize_function_limited_size(): for i in range(1000): normalize_function(lambda x: x) assert 50 < len(function_cache) < 600 def test_optimize_globals(): da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array') db = pytest.importorskip('dask.bag') x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,)) def optimize_double(dsk, keys): return {k: (mul, 2, v) for k, v in dsk.items()} from dask.array.utils import assert_eq assert_eq(x + 1, np.ones(10) + 1) with dask.config.set(array_optimize=optimize_double): assert_eq(x + 1, (np.ones(10) * 2 + 1) * 2) assert_eq(x + 1, np.ones(10) + 1) b = db.range(10, npartitions=2) with dask.config.set(array_optimize=optimize_double): xx, bb = dask.compute(x + 1,, scheduler='single-threaded') assert_eq(xx, (np.ones(10) * 2 + 1) * 2) def test_optimize_None(): da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array') x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,)) y = x[:9][1:8][::2] + 1 # normally these slices would be fused def my_get(dsk, keys): assert dsk == dict(y.dask) # but they aren't return dask.get(dsk, keys) with dask.config.set(array_optimize=None, get=my_get): y.compute() def test_scheduler_keyword(): def schedule(dsk, keys, **kwargs): return [[123]] named_schedulers['foo'] = schedule x = delayed(inc)(1) try: assert x.compute() == 2 assert x.compute(scheduler='foo') == 123 with dask.config.set(scheduler='foo'): assert x.compute() == 123 assert x.compute() == 2 with dask.config.set(scheduler='foo'): assert x.compute(scheduler='threads') == 2 with pytest.raises(ValueError): x.compute(get=dask.threaded.get, scheduler='foo') finally: del named_schedulers['foo'] def test_warn_get_keyword(): x = delayed(inc)(1) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record: x.compute(get=dask.get) assert 'scheduler=' in str(record[0].message) def test_get_scheduler(): assert get_scheduler() is None assert get_scheduler(scheduler='threads') is dask.threaded.get assert get_scheduler(scheduler='sync') is dask.local.get_sync with dask.config.set(scheduler='threads'): assert get_scheduler(scheduler='threads') is dask.threaded.get assert get_scheduler() is None
# Author: Gael Varoquaux # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_not_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone, is_classifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV from sklearn.utils import deprecated ############################################################################# # A few test classes class MyEstimator(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, l1=0, empty=None): self.l1 = l1 self.empty = empty class K(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, c=None, d=None): self.c = c self.d = d class T(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, a=None, b=None): self.a = a self.b = b class DeprecatedAttributeEstimator(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, a=None, b=None): self.a = a if b is not None: DeprecationWarning("b is deprecated and renamed 'a'") self.a = b @property @deprecated("Parameter 'b' is deprecated and renamed to 'a'") def b(self): return self._b class Buggy(BaseEstimator): " A buggy estimator that does not set its parameters right. " def __init__(self, a=None): self.a = 1 class NoEstimator(object): def __init__(self): pass def fit(self, X=None, y=None): return self def predict(self, X=None): return None class VargEstimator(BaseEstimator): """Sklearn estimators shouldn't have vargs.""" def __init__(self, *vargs): pass ############################################################################# # The tests def test_clone(): # Tests that clone creates a correct deep copy. # We create an estimator, make a copy of its original state # (which, in this case, is the current state of the estimator), # and check that the obtained copy is a correct deep copy. from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFpr, f_classif selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=0.1) new_selector = clone(selector) assert_true(selector is not new_selector) assert_equal(selector.get_params(), new_selector.get_params()) selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=np.zeros((10, 2))) new_selector = clone(selector) assert_true(selector is not new_selector) def test_clone_2(): # Tests that clone doesn't copy everything. # We first create an estimator, give it an own attribute, and # make a copy of its original state. Then we check that the copy doesn't # have the specific attribute we manually added to the initial estimator. from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFpr, f_classif selector = SelectFpr(f_classif, alpha=0.1) selector.own_attribute = "test" new_selector = clone(selector) assert_false(hasattr(new_selector, "own_attribute")) def test_clone_buggy(): # Check that clone raises an error on buggy estimators. buggy = Buggy() buggy.a = 2 assert_raises(RuntimeError, clone, buggy) no_estimator = NoEstimator() assert_raises(TypeError, clone, no_estimator) varg_est = VargEstimator() assert_raises(RuntimeError, clone, varg_est) def test_clone_empty_array(): # Regression test for cloning estimators with empty arrays clf = MyEstimator(empty=np.array([])) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_array_equal(clf.empty, clf2.empty) clf = MyEstimator(empty=sp.csr_matrix(np.array([[0]]))) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_array_equal(, def test_clone_nan(): # Regression test for cloning estimators with default parameter as np.nan clf = MyEstimator(empty=np.nan) clf2 = clone(clf) assert_true(clf.empty is clf2.empty) def test_repr(): # Smoke test the repr of the base estimator. my_estimator = MyEstimator() repr(my_estimator) test = T(K(), K()) assert_equal( repr(test), "T(a=K(c=None, d=None), b=K(c=None, d=None))" ) some_est = T(a=["long_params"] * 1000) assert_equal(len(repr(some_est)), 415) def test_str(): # Smoke test the str of the base estimator my_estimator = MyEstimator() str(my_estimator) def test_get_params(): test = T(K(), K()) assert_true('a__d' in test.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('a__d' not in test.get_params(deep=False)) test.set_params(a__d=2) assert_true(test.a.d == 2) assert_raises(ValueError, test.set_params, a__a=2) def test_get_params_deprecated(): # deprecated attribute should not show up as params est = DeprecatedAttributeEstimator(a=1) assert_true('a' in est.get_params()) assert_true('a' in est.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('a' in est.get_params(deep=False)) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params()) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params(deep=True)) assert_true('b' not in est.get_params(deep=False)) def test_is_classifier(): svc = SVC() assert_true(is_classifier(svc)) assert_true(is_classifier(GridSearchCV(svc, {'C': [0.1, 1]}))) assert_true(is_classifier(Pipeline([('svc', svc)]))) assert_true(is_classifier(Pipeline([('svc_cv', GridSearchCV(svc, {'C': [0.1, 1]}))]))) def test_set_params(): # test nested estimator parameter setting clf = Pipeline([("svc", SVC())]) # non-existing parameter in svc assert_raises(ValueError, clf.set_params, svc__stupid_param=True) # non-existing parameter of pipeline assert_raises(ValueError, clf.set_params, svm__stupid_param=True) # we don't currently catch if the things in pipeline are estimators # bad_pipeline = Pipeline([("bad", NoEstimator())]) # assert_raises(AttributeError, bad_pipeline.set_params, # bad__stupid_param=True) def test_score_sample_weight(): from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn import datasets rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # test both ClassifierMixin and RegressorMixin estimators = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2), DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2)] sets = [datasets.load_iris(), datasets.load_boston()] for est, ds in zip(estimators, sets):, # generate random sample weights sample_weight = rng.randint(1, 10, size=len( # check that the score with and without sample weights are different assert_not_equal(est.score(,, est.score(,, sample_weight=sample_weight), msg="Unweighted and weighted scores " "are unexpectedly equal")
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # import argparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from LinearKalmanFilter import * def plot_cov_ellipse(cov, pos, nstd=2, ax=None, **kwargs): def eigsorted(cov): vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov) order = vals.argsort()[::-1] return vals[order], vecs[:,order] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() vals, vecs = eigsorted(cov) theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vecs[:,0][::-1])) width, height = 2 * nstd * np.sqrt(vals) ellip = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=width, height=height, angle=theta, **kwargs) ax.add_artist(ellip) return ellip def plotData(data_dict, vx, vy, goal_x, goal_y): f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2) l = len(data_dict["P"]) axarr[0, 0].semilogy(range(l), [p[0, 0] for p in data_dict["P"]], label='$x$') axarr[0, 0].semilogy(range(l), [p[1, 1] for p in data_dict["P"]], label='$y$') axarr[0, 0].semilogy(range(l), [p[2, 2] for p in data_dict["P"]], label='$\dot x$') axarr[0, 0].semilogy(range(l), [p[3, 3] for p in data_dict["P"]], label='$\dot y$') axarr[0, 0].set_xlabel('Filter Step') axarr[0, 0].set_title('Uncertainty (Elements from Matrix $P$)') axarr[0, 0].legend(loc='best') l = len(data_dict["x"]) axarr[0, 1].plot(range(l), [x[2, 0] for x in data_dict["x"]], label='$\dot x$') axarr[0, 1].plot(range(l), [x[3, 0] for x in data_dict["x"]], label='$\dot y$') axarr[0, 1].axhline(vx, color='#999999', label='$\dot x_{real}$') axarr[0, 1].axhline(vy, color='#999999', label='$\dot y_{real}$') axarr[0, 1].set_xlabel('Filter Step') axarr[0, 1].set_title('Estimate (Elements from State Vector $x$)') axarr[0, 1].legend(loc='best') axarr[0, 1].set_ylabel('Velocity') l = len(data_dict["R"]) axarr[1, 0].semilogy(range(l), [r[0, 0] for r in data_dict["R"]], label='$x$') axarr[1, 0].semilogy(range(l), [r[1, 1] for r in data_dict["R"]], label='$y$') axarr[1, 0].semilogy(range(l), [r[2, 2] for r in data_dict["R"]], label='$\dot x$') axarr[1, 0].semilogy(range(l), [r[3, 3] for r in data_dict["R"]], label='$\dot y$') axarr[1, 0].set_xlabel('Filter Step') axarr[1, 0].set_ylabel('') axarr[1, 0].set_title('Measurement Uncertainty $R$ (Adaptive)') axarr[1, 0].legend(loc='best') l = len(data_dict["x"]) axarr[1, 1].scatter([x[0, 0] for x in data_dict["x"]], [x[1, 0] for x in data_dict["x"]], s=20, label='State', c='k') axarr[1, 1].scatter(data_dict["x"][0][0, 0], data_dict["x"][0][1, 0], s=30, label='Start', c='b') axarr[1, 1].scatter(data_dict["x"][-1][0, 0], data_dict["x"][-1][1, 0], s=30, label='Goal', c='r') axarr[1, 1].scatter(goal_x, goal_y, s=30, label='True Goal', c='y') axarr[1, 1].set_xlabel('X') axarr[1, 1].set_ylabel('Y') axarr[1, 1].set_title('Position') axarr[1, 1].legend(loc='lower right') axarr[1, 1].set_aspect('equal') for i in range(l): if i % 50 == 0: plot_cov_ellipse(data_dict["P"][i][0:2, 0:2], np.array([data_dict["x"][i][0, 0], data_dict["x"][i][1, 0]]), ax=axarr[1, 1], nstd=400, alpha=0.5, color='green') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Adaptive Kalman Filter sample') parser.add_argument('-t', type=float, default=0.5, help='time step') parser.add_argument('--sra', type=float, default=2.0, help='true GPS standard deviation of R which value is known only by God') parser.add_argument('--srb', type=float, default=1.0, help='true Speed Detector standard deviation of R which value is known only by God') parser.add_argument('--sraf', type=float, default=1.0, help='user setting GPS standard deviation of R which value is assumed right') parser.add_argument('--srbf', type=float, default=0.5, help='user setting Speed Detector standard deviation of R which value is assumed right') parser.add_argument('-N', type=int, default=500, help='number of trials') parser.add_argument('--vx', type=float, default=40, help='ground truth of velocity x') parser.add_argument('--vy', type=float, default=20, help='ground truth of velocity y') parser.add_argument('--noisea', type=float, default=100, help='unexpected observation noise of x') parser.add_argument('--noiseb', type=float, default=50, help='unexpected observation noise of velocity y') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--adaptive', dest='akf', action='store_true', help='use adaptive kalman filter') group.add_argument('--non-adaptive', dest='akf', action='store_false', help='do not use adaptive kalman filter') parser.set_defaults(akf=True) # parameter dt = parser.parse_args().t ra = parser.parse_args().sraf**2 rb = parser.parse_args().srbf**2 sv = 1.0 num = parser.parse_args().N vx = parser.parse_args().vx # in X vy = parser.parse_args().vy # in Y # initialize x0 = np.matrix([[0.0, 0.0, 0, 0]]).T P0 = 1.0 * np.eye(4) R = np.matrix([[ra, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, ra, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, rb, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, rb]]) G = np.matrix([[0.5*dt**2], [0.5*dt**2], [dt], [dt]]) Q = G * G.T * sv**2 F = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0, dt, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, dt], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) H = 1.0 * np.eye(4) AKF = LinearKalmanFilter(x0, P0, Q, R, F, H) # input measurement mx = np.linspace(0.0 + vx * dt * 1, 0.0 + vx * dt * num, num) + parser.parse_args().sra * np.random.randn(num) my = np.linspace(0.0 + vy * dt * 1, 0.0 + vy * dt * num, num) + parser.parse_args().sra * np.random.randn(num) mvx = np.array(vx + parser.parse_args().srb * np.random.randn(num)) mvy = np.array(vy + parser.parse_args().srb * np.random.randn(num)) # some different error somewhere in the measurements mx[(2 * num/8):(3 * num/8)] = np.linspace(0.0 + vx * dt * (2 * num/8), 0.0 + vx * dt * (3 * num/8), num/8) + parser.parse_args().noisea * np.random.randn(num/8) mvy[(6* num/8):(7 * num/8)] = np.array(vy + parser.parse_args().noiseb * np.random.randn(num/8)) measurements = np.vstack((mx, my, mvx, mvy)) for i in range(len(measurements[0])): if parser.parse_args().akf: n = 10 if i > n: R = np.matrix([[np.std(measurements[0, (i-n):i] - np.linspace(vx * dt * (i-n), vx * dt * i, n))**2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.std(measurements[1, (i-n):i] - np.linspace(vy * dt * (i-n), vy * dt * i, n))**2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, np.std(measurements[2, (i-n):i])**2, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, np.std(measurements[3, (i-n):i])**2], ]) AKF.proc(Q, measurements[:, i].reshape(4, 1), R) plotData(AKF.getData(), vx, vy, vx*dt*num, vy*dt*num)
from spotify.models import User, UserProfile, UserGenre, Genre, NearestNeigh, UserSong from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier import random import pdb def similar_users(user,genre_arrays,neighbors): ''' Pass: the active user object and the number of neighbors to calculate Returns: An array of similar users, containing the username and the distance to that user on the genre-dimensional plot ''' # if == 18: # pdb.set_trace() id_array, x_array = genre_arrays copy_id_array = id_array.copy() copy_x_array = x_array.copy() user_id = id_index = copy_id_array.index(user_id) user_array = copy_x_array[id_index] del copy_id_array[id_index] del copy_x_array[id_index] if len(copy_x_array) < neighbors: neighbors = len(copy_x_array) y_array = [random.random() for x in range(len(copy_x_array))] neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=neighbors), y_array) result = neigh.kneighbors(user_array,neighbors) similar_users = [[copy_id_array[result[1][0][x]],result[0][0][x]] for x in range(neighbors)] return similar_users def get_genre_arrays(): all_user_genres = UserGenre.objects.filter(proportion__gt = 0).values('id','proportion', 'user_id', 'genre_id').order_by('user_id') genre_count = Genre.objects.count() genres = Genre.objects.all() genre_count_array = [i for i in range(genre_count)] all_user_genres_pks = [ for j in genres] zipped_genre_dictionary = dict(zip(all_user_genres_pks,genre_count_array)) counter = -1 current_user_id = 0 id_array = [] x_array = [] user_array = [] for row in all_user_genres: if row['user_id'] != current_user_id: id_array.append(row['user_id']) x_array.append([0] * genre_count) counter += 1 current_user_id = row['user_id'] array = x_array[counter] array[zipped_genre_dictionary[row['genre_id']]] = row['proportion'] return id_array, x_array def update_users(user_list,neighbors=10): genre_arrays = get_genre_arrays() for user in user_list: user_profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user) existing_neighbors = NearestNeigh.objects.filter(user=user_profile) existing_neighbors.delete() neighbor_array = similar_users(user,genre_arrays,neighbors) for neighbor in neighbor_array: neighbor_id = neighbor[0] neighbor_distance = neighbor[1] neighbor_user_object = User.objects.get(pk=neighbor_id) new_neighbor = NearestNeigh(user=user_profile,neighbor=neighbor_user_object,distance=neighbor_distance)
import os from os.path import join from sklearn._build_utils import get_blas_info def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None): import numpy from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration config = Configuration('utils', parent_package, top_path) config.add_subpackage('sparsetools') cblas_libs, blas_info = get_blas_info() cblas_compile_args = blas_info.pop('extra_compile_args', []) cblas_includes = [join('..', 'src', 'cblas'), numpy.get_include(), blas_info.pop('include_dirs', [])] libraries = [] if == 'posix': libraries.append('m') cblas_libs.append('m') config.add_extension('sparsefuncs_fast', sources=['sparsefuncs_fast.c'], libraries=libraries) config.add_extension('arrayfuncs', sources=['arrayfuncs.c'], depends=[join('src', 'cholesky_delete.h')], libraries=cblas_libs, include_dirs=cblas_includes, extra_compile_args=cblas_compile_args, **blas_info ) config.add_extension( 'murmurhash', sources=['murmurhash.c', join('src', 'MurmurHash3.cpp')], include_dirs=['src']) config.add_extension('lgamma', sources=['lgamma.c', join('src', 'gamma.c')], include_dirs=['src'], libraries=libraries) config.add_extension('graph_shortest_path', sources=['graph_shortest_path.c'], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]) config.add_extension('fast_dict', sources=['fast_dict.cpp'], language="c++", include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], libraries=libraries) config.add_extension('seq_dataset', sources=['seq_dataset.c'], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]) config.add_extension('weight_vector', sources=['weight_vector.c'], include_dirs=cblas_includes, libraries=cblas_libs, **blas_info) config.add_extension("_random", sources=["_random.c"], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], libraries=libraries) config.add_extension("_logistic_sigmoid", sources=["_logistic_sigmoid.c"], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], libraries=libraries) return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(**configuration(top_path='').todict())
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests `FeedingQueueRunner` using arrays and `DataFrames`.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.dataframe.queues import feeding_functions as ff from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test from import coordinator from import queue_runner_impl # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top try: import pandas as pd HAS_PANDAS = True except ImportError: HAS_PANDAS = False def get_rows(array, row_indices): rows = [array[i] for i in row_indices] return np.vstack(rows) class FeedingQueueRunnerTestCase(test.TestCase): """Tests for `FeedingQueueRunner`.""" def testArrayFeeding(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(): array = np.arange(32).reshape([16, 2]) q = ff.enqueue_data(array, capacity=100) batch_size = 3 dq_op = q.dequeue_many(batch_size) with session.Session() as sess: coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) for i in range(100): indices = [ j % array.shape[0] for j in range(batch_size * i, batch_size * (i + 1)) ] expected_dq = get_rows(array, indices) dq = np.testing.assert_array_equal(indices, dq[0]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_dq, dq[1]) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) def testArrayFeedingMultiThread(self): with ops.Graph().as_default(): array = np.arange(256).reshape([128, 2]) q = ff.enqueue_data(array, capacity=128, num_threads=8, shuffle=True) batch_size = 3 dq_op = q.dequeue_many(batch_size) with session.Session() as sess: coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) for _ in range(100): dq = indices = dq[0] expected_dq = get_rows(array, indices) np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_dq, dq[1]) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) def testPandasFeeding(self): if not HAS_PANDAS: return with ops.Graph().as_default(): array1 = np.arange(32) array2 = np.arange(32, 64) df = pd.DataFrame({"a": array1, "b": array2}, index=np.arange(64, 96)) q = ff.enqueue_data(df, capacity=100) batch_size = 5 dq_op = q.dequeue_many(5) with session.Session() as sess: coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) for i in range(100): indices = [ j % array1.shape[0] for j in range(batch_size * i, batch_size * (i + 1)) ] expected_df_indices = df.index[indices] expected_rows = df.iloc[indices] dq = np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_df_indices, dq[0]) for col_num, col in enumerate(df.columns): np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_rows[col].values, dq[col_num + 1]) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) def testPandasFeedingMultiThread(self): if not HAS_PANDAS: return with ops.Graph().as_default(): array1 = np.arange(128, 256) array2 = 2 * array1 df = pd.DataFrame({"a": array1, "b": array2}, index=np.arange(128)) q = ff.enqueue_data(df, capacity=128, num_threads=8, shuffle=True) batch_size = 5 dq_op = q.dequeue_many(batch_size) with session.Session() as sess: coord = coordinator.Coordinator() threads = queue_runner_impl.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) for _ in range(100): dq = indices = dq[0] expected_rows = df.iloc[indices] for col_num, col in enumerate(df.columns): np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected_rows[col].values, dq[col_num + 1]) coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
from itertools import product import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal from scipy import linalg from sklearn import neighbors, manifold from sklearn.manifold.locally_linear import barycenter_kneighbors_graph from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raise_message from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true eigen_solvers = ['dense', 'arpack'] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test utility routines def test_barycenter_kneighbors_graph(): X = np.array([[0, 1], [1.01, 1.], [2, 0]]) A = barycenter_kneighbors_graph(X, 1) assert_array_almost_equal( A.toarray(), [[0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.]]) A = barycenter_kneighbors_graph(X, 2) # check that columns sum to one assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(A.toarray(), 1), np.ones(3)) pred =, X) assert_less(linalg.norm(pred - X) / X.shape[0], 1) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test LLE by computing the reconstruction error on some manifolds. def test_lle_simple_grid(): # note: ARPACK is numerically unstable, so this test will fail for # some random seeds. We choose 2 because the tests pass. rng = np.random.RandomState(2) # grid of equidistant points in 2D, n_components = n_dim X = np.array(list(product(range(5), repeat=2))) X = X + 1e-10 * rng.uniform(size=X.shape) n_components = 2 clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(n_neighbors=5, n_components=n_components, random_state=rng) tol = 0.1 N = barycenter_kneighbors_graph(X, clf.n_neighbors).toarray() reconstruction_error = linalg.norm(, X) - X, 'fro') assert_less(reconstruction_error, tol) for solver in eigen_solvers: clf.set_params(eigen_solver=solver) assert_true(clf.embedding_.shape[1] == n_components) reconstruction_error = linalg.norm(, clf.embedding_) - clf.embedding_, 'fro') ** 2 assert_less(reconstruction_error, tol) assert_almost_equal(clf.reconstruction_error_, reconstruction_error, decimal=1) # re-embed a noisy version of X using the transform method noise = rng.randn(*X.shape) / 100 X_reembedded = clf.transform(X + noise) assert_less(linalg.norm(X_reembedded - clf.embedding_), tol) def test_lle_manifold(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) # similar test on a slightly more complex manifold X = np.array(list(product(np.arange(18), repeat=2))) X = np.c_[X, X[:, 0] ** 2 / 18] X = X + 1e-10 * rng.uniform(size=X.shape) n_components = 2 for method in ["standard", "hessian", "modified", "ltsa"]: clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(n_neighbors=6, n_components=n_components, method=method, random_state=0) tol = 1.5 if method == "standard" else 3 N = barycenter_kneighbors_graph(X, clf.n_neighbors).toarray() reconstruction_error = linalg.norm(, X) - X) assert_less(reconstruction_error, tol) for solver in eigen_solvers: clf.set_params(eigen_solver=solver) assert_true(clf.embedding_.shape[1] == n_components) reconstruction_error = linalg.norm(, clf.embedding_) - clf.embedding_, 'fro') ** 2 details = ("solver: %s, method: %s" % (solver, method)) assert_less(reconstruction_error, tol, msg=details) assert_less(np.abs(clf.reconstruction_error_ - reconstruction_error), tol * reconstruction_error, msg=details) # Test the error raised when parameter passed to lle is invalid def test_lle_init_parameters(): X = np.random.rand(5, 3) clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(eigen_solver="error") msg = "unrecognized eigen_solver 'error'" assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X) clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(method="error") msg = "unrecognized method 'error'" assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X) def test_pipeline(): # check that LocallyLinearEmbedding works fine as a Pipeline # only checks that no error is raised. # TODO check that it actually does something useful from sklearn import pipeline, datasets X, y = datasets.make_blobs(random_state=0) clf = pipeline.Pipeline( [('filter', manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(random_state=0)), ('clf', neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier())]), y) assert_less(.9, clf.score(X, y)) # Test the error raised when the weight matrix is singular def test_singular_matrix(): M = np.ones((10, 3)) f = ignore_warnings assert_raises(ValueError, f(manifold.locally_linear_embedding), M, 2, 1, method='standard', eigen_solver='arpack') # regression test for #6033 def test_integer_input(): rand = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rand.randint(0, 100, size=(20, 3)) for method in ["standard", "hessian", "modified", "ltsa"]: clf = manifold.LocallyLinearEmbedding(method=method, n_neighbors=10) # this previously raised a TypeError
""" =================================== Swiss Roll reduction with LLE =================================== An illustration of Swiss Roll reduction with locally linear embedding """ # Author: Fabian Pedregosa -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause (C) INRIA 2011 print(__doc__) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # This import is needed to modify the way figure behaves from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D Axes3D #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Locally linear embedding of the swiss roll from sklearn import manifold, datasets X, color = datasets.samples_generator.make_swiss_roll(n_samples=1500) print("Computing LLE embedding") X_r, err = manifold.locally_linear_embedding(X, n_neighbors=12, n_components=2) print("Done. Reconstruction error: %g" % err) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot result fig = plt.figure() try: # compatibility matplotlib < 1.0 ax = fig.add_subplot(211, projection='3d') ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=color, except: ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 2], c=color, ax.set_title("Original data") ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax.scatter(X_r[:, 0], X_r[:, 1], c=color, plt.axis('tight') plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) plt.title('Projected data')
# Author: Mathieu Blondel <> # License: BSD 3 clause import time import pylab as pl from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels def plot(func): random_state = check_random_state(0) one_core = [] multi_core = [] sample_sizes = range(1000, 6000, 1000) for n_samples in sample_sizes: X = random_state.rand(n_samples, 300) start = time.time() func(X, n_jobs=1) one_core.append(time.time() - start) start = time.time() func(X, n_jobs=-1) multi_core.append(time.time() - start) pl.figure('scikit-learn parallel %s benchmark results' % func.__name__) pl.plot(sample_sizes, one_core, label="one core") pl.plot(sample_sizes, multi_core, label="multi core") pl.xlabel('n_samples') pl.ylabel('Time (s)') pl.title('Parallel %s' % func.__name__) pl.legend() def euclidean_distances(X, n_jobs): return pairwise_distances(X, metric="euclidean", n_jobs=n_jobs) def rbf_kernels(X, n_jobs): return pairwise_kernels(X, metric="rbf", n_jobs=n_jobs, gamma=0.1) plot(euclidean_distances) plot(rbf_kernels)
""" ====================================== Gradient Boosting Out-of-Bag estimates ====================================== Out-of-bag (OOB) estimates can be a useful heuristic to estimate the "optimal" number of boosting iterations. OOB estimates are almost identical to cross-validation estimates but they can be computed on-the-fly without the need for repeated model fitting. OOB estimates are only available for Stochastic Gradient Boosting (i.e. ``subsample < 1.0``), the estimates are derived from the improvement in loss based on the examples not included in the bootstrap sample (the so-called out-of-bag examples). The OOB estimator is a pessimistic estimator of the true test loss, but remains a fairly good approximation for a small number of trees. The figure shows the cumulative sum of the negative OOB improvements as a function of the boosting iteration. As you can see, it tracks the test loss for the first hundred iterations but then diverges in a pessimistic way. The figure also shows the performance of 3-fold cross validation which usually gives a better estimate of the test loss but is computationally more demanding. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Peter Prettenhofer <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import ensemble from sklearn.cross_validation import KFold from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split # Generate data (adapted from G. Ridgeway's gbm example) n_samples = 1000 random_state = np.random.RandomState(13) x1 = random_state.uniform(size=n_samples) x2 = random_state.uniform(size=n_samples) x3 = random_state.randint(0, 4, size=n_samples) p = 1 / (1.0 + np.exp(-(np.sin(3 * x1) - 4 * x2 + x3))) y = random_state.binomial(1, p, size=n_samples) X = np.c_[x1, x2, x3] X = X.astype(np.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.5, random_state=9) # Fit classifier with out-of-bag estimates params = {'n_estimators': 1200, 'max_depth': 3, 'subsample': 0.5, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'random_state': 3} clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(**params), y_train) acc = clf.score(X_test, y_test) print("Accuracy: {:.4f}".format(acc)) n_estimators = params['n_estimators'] x = np.arange(n_estimators) + 1 def heldout_score(clf, X_test, y_test): """compute deviance scores on ``X_test`` and ``y_test``. """ score = np.zeros((n_estimators,), dtype=np.float64) for i, y_pred in enumerate(clf.staged_decision_function(X_test)): score[i] = clf.loss_(y_test, y_pred) return score def cv_estimate(n_folds=3): cv = KFold(n=X_train.shape[0], n_folds=n_folds) cv_clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(**params) val_scores = np.zeros((n_estimators,), dtype=np.float64) for train, test in cv:[train], y_train[train]) val_scores += heldout_score(cv_clf, X_train[test], y_train[test]) val_scores /= n_folds return val_scores # Estimate best n_estimator using cross-validation cv_score = cv_estimate(3) # Compute best n_estimator for test data test_score = heldout_score(clf, X_test, y_test) # negative cumulative sum of oob improvements cumsum = -np.cumsum(clf.oob_improvement_) # min loss according to OOB oob_best_iter = x[np.argmin(cumsum)] # min loss according to test (normalize such that first loss is 0) test_score -= test_score[0] test_best_iter = x[np.argmin(test_score)] # min loss according to cv (normalize such that first loss is 0) cv_score -= cv_score[0] cv_best_iter = x[np.argmin(cv_score)] # color brew for the three curves oob_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (190, 174, 212))) test_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (127, 201, 127))) cv_color = list(map(lambda x: x / 256.0, (253, 192, 134))) # plot curves and vertical lines for best iterations plt.plot(x, cumsum, label='OOB loss', color=oob_color) plt.plot(x, test_score, label='Test loss', color=test_color) plt.plot(x, cv_score, label='CV loss', color=cv_color) plt.axvline(x=oob_best_iter, color=oob_color) plt.axvline(x=test_best_iter, color=test_color) plt.axvline(x=cv_best_iter, color=cv_color) # add three vertical lines to xticks xticks = plt.xticks() xticks_pos = np.array(xticks[0].tolist() + [oob_best_iter, cv_best_iter, test_best_iter]) xticks_label = np.array(list(map(lambda t: int(t), xticks[0])) + ['OOB', 'CV', 'Test']) ind = np.argsort(xticks_pos) xticks_pos = xticks_pos[ind] xticks_label = xticks_label[ind] plt.xticks(xticks_pos, xticks_label) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.ylabel('normalized loss') plt.xlabel('number of iterations')
__author__ = 'saeedamen' # # Copyright 2015 Thalesians Ltd. - http// / @thalesians # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the # License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # """ TradeAnalysis Applies some basic trade analysis for a trading strategy (as defined by StrategyTemplate). Use PyFolio to create some basic trading statistics. """ pf = None try: import pyfolio as pf except: pass import datetime import pandas from pythalesians.util.loggermanager import LoggerManager from pythalesians.timeseries.calcs.timeseriestimezone import TimeSeriesTimezone from pythalesians.timeseries.calcs.timeseriescalcs import TimeSeriesCalcs import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class TradeAnalysis: def __init__(self): self.logger = LoggerManager().getLogger(__name__) self.DUMP_PATH = 'output_data/' +"%Y%m%d") + ' ' self.scale_factor = 3 return def run_strategy_returns_stats(self, strategy): """ run_strategy_returns_stats - Plots useful statistics for the trading strategy (using PyFolio) Parameters ---------- strategy : StrategyTemplate defining trading strategy """ pnl = strategy.get_strategy_pnl() tz = TimeSeriesTimezone() tsc = TimeSeriesCalcs() # PyFolio assumes UTC time based DataFrames (so force this localisation) try: pnl = tz.localise_index_as_UTC(pnl) except: pass # TODO for intraday strategy make daily # convert DataFrame (assumed to have only one column) to Series pnl = tsc.calculate_returns(pnl) pnl = pnl[pnl.columns[0]] fig = pf.create_returns_tear_sheet(pnl, return_fig=True) try: plt.savefig (strategy.DUMP_PATH + "stats.png") except: pass
""" Ridge regression """ # Author: Mathieu Blondel <> # Reuben Fletcher-Costin <> # Fabian Pedregosa <> # Michael Eickenberg <> # License: BSD 3 clause from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import warnings import numpy as np from scipy import linalg from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse import linalg as sp_linalg from .base import LinearClassifierMixin, LinearModel, _rescale_data from .sag import sag_solver from ..base import RegressorMixin from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot from ..utils.extmath import row_norms from ..utils import check_X_y from ..utils import check_array from ..utils import check_consistent_length from ..utils import compute_sample_weight from ..utils import column_or_1d from ..preprocessing import LabelBinarizer from ..model_selection import GridSearchCV from ..externals import six from ..metrics.scorer import check_scoring def _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0): n_samples, n_features = X.shape X1 = sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(X) coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features), dtype=X.dtype) if n_features > n_samples: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.matvec(X1.rmatvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv else: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.rmatvec(X1.matvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] mv = create_mv(alpha[i]) if n_features > n_samples: # kernel ridge # w = X.T * inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_samples, n_samples), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coef, info =, y_column, tol=tol) coefs[i] = X1.rmatvec(coef) else: # linear ridge # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y y_column = X1.rmatvec(y_column) C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_features, n_features), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coefs[i], info =, y_column, maxiter=max_iter, tol=tol) if info < 0: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % info) if max_iter is None and info > 0 and verbose: warnings.warn("sparse_cg did not converge after %d iterations." % info) return coefs def _solve_lsqr(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3): n_samples, n_features = X.shape coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features), dtype=X.dtype) n_iter = np.empty(y.shape[1], dtype=np.int32) # According to the lsqr documentation, alpha = damp^2. sqrt_alpha = np.sqrt(alpha) for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] info = sp_linalg.lsqr(X, y_column, damp=sqrt_alpha[i], atol=tol, btol=tol, iter_lim=max_iter) coefs[i] = info[0] n_iter[i] = info[2] return coefs, n_iter def _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha): # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_targets = y.shape[1] A = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, X, dense_output=True) Xy = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, y, dense_output=True) one_alpha = np.array_equal(alpha, len(alpha) * [alpha[0]]) if one_alpha: A.flat[::n_features + 1] += alpha[0] return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=True).T else: coefs = np.empty([n_targets, n_features], dtype=X.dtype) for coef, target, current_alpha in zip(coefs, Xy.T, alpha): A.flat[::n_features + 1] += current_alpha coef[:] = linalg.solve(A, target, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False).ravel() A.flat[::n_features + 1] -= current_alpha return coefs def _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha, sample_weight=None, copy=False): # dual_coef = inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y n_samples = K.shape[0] n_targets = y.shape[1] if copy: K = K.copy() alpha = np.atleast_1d(alpha) one_alpha = (alpha == alpha[0]).all() has_sw = isinstance(sample_weight, np.ndarray) \ or sample_weight not in [1.0, None] if has_sw: # Unlike other solvers, we need to support sample_weight directly # because K might be a pre-computed kernel. sw = np.sqrt(np.atleast_1d(sample_weight)) y = y * sw[:, np.newaxis] K *= np.outer(sw, sw) if one_alpha: # Only one penalty, we can solve multi-target problems in one time. K.flat[::n_samples + 1] += alpha[0] try: # Note: we must use overwrite_a=False in order to be able to # use the fall-back solution below in case a LinAlgError # is raised dual_coef = linalg.solve(K, y, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: warnings.warn("Singular matrix in solving dual problem. Using " "least-squares solution instead.") dual_coef = linalg.lstsq(K, y)[0] # K is expensive to compute and store in memory so change it back in # case it was user-given. K.flat[::n_samples + 1] -= alpha[0] if has_sw: dual_coef *= sw[:, np.newaxis] return dual_coef else: # One penalty per target. We need to solve each target separately. dual_coefs = np.empty([n_targets, n_samples], K.dtype) for dual_coef, target, current_alpha in zip(dual_coefs, y.T, alpha): K.flat[::n_samples + 1] += current_alpha dual_coef[:] = linalg.solve(K, target, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=False).ravel() K.flat[::n_samples + 1] -= current_alpha if has_sw: dual_coefs *= sw[np.newaxis, :] return dual_coefs.T def _solve_svd(X, y, alpha): U, s, Vt = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False) idx = s > 1e-15 # same default value as scipy.linalg.pinv s_nnz = s[idx][:, np.newaxis] UTy =, y) d = np.zeros((s.size, alpha.size), dtype=X.dtype) d[idx] = s_nnz / (s_nnz ** 2 + alpha) d_UT_y = d * UTy return, d_UT_y).T def ridge_regression(X, y, alpha, sample_weight=None, solver='auto', max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0, random_state=None, return_n_iter=False, return_intercept=False): """Solve the ridge equation by the method of normal equations. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values alpha : {float, array-like}, shape = [n_targets] if array-like Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. If an array is passed, penalties are assumed to be specific to the targets. Hence they must correspond in number. sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples] Individual weights for each sample. If sample_weight is not None and solver='auto', the solver will be set to 'cholesky'. .. versionadded:: 0.17 solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg', 'sag', 'saga'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution via a Cholesky decomposition of dot(X.T, X) - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent, and 'saga' uses its improved, unbiased version named SAGA. Both methods also use an iterative procedure, and are often faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. Note that 'sag' and 'saga' fast convergence is only guaranteed on features with approximately the same scale. You can preprocess the data with a scaler from sklearn.preprocessing. All last five solvers support both dense and sparse data. However, only 'sag' and 'saga' supports sparse input when`fit_intercept` is True. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. .. versionadded:: 0.19 SAGA solver. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. For the 'sparse_cg' and 'lsqr' solvers, the default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. For 'sag' and saga solver, the default value is 1000. tol : float Precision of the solution. verbose : int Verbosity level. Setting verbose > 0 will display additional information depending on the solver used. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default None The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Used when ``solver`` == 'sag'. return_n_iter : boolean, default False If True, the method also returns `n_iter`, the actual number of iteration performed by the solver. .. versionadded:: 0.17 return_intercept : boolean, default False If True and if X is sparse, the method also returns the intercept, and the solver is automatically changed to 'sag'. This is only a temporary fix for fitting the intercept with sparse data. For dense data, use sklearn.linear_model._preprocess_data before your regression. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Returns ------- coef : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). n_iter : int, optional The actual number of iteration performed by the solver. Only returned if `return_n_iter` is True. intercept : float or array, shape = [n_targets] The intercept of the model. Only returned if `return_intercept` is True and if X is a scipy sparse array. Notes ----- This function won't compute the intercept. """ if return_intercept and sparse.issparse(X) and solver != 'sag': if solver != 'auto': warnings.warn("In Ridge, only 'sag' solver can currently fit the " "intercept when X is sparse. Solver has been " "automatically changed into 'sag'.") solver = 'sag' _dtype = [np.float64, np.float32] # SAG needs X and y columns to be C-contiguous and np.float64 if solver in ['sag', 'saga']: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr'], dtype=np.float64, order='C') y = check_array(y, dtype=np.float64, ensure_2d=False, order='F') else: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=_dtype) y = check_array(y, dtype=X.dtype, ensure_2d=False) check_consistent_length(X, y) n_samples, n_features = X.shape if y.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Target y has the wrong shape %s" % str(y.shape)) ravel = False if y.ndim == 1: y = y.reshape(-1, 1) ravel = True n_samples_, n_targets = y.shape if n_samples != n_samples_: raise ValueError("Number of samples in X and y does not correspond:" " %d != %d" % (n_samples, n_samples_)) has_sw = sample_weight is not None if solver == 'auto': # cholesky if it's a dense array and cg in any other case if not sparse.issparse(X) or has_sw: solver = 'cholesky' else: solver = 'sparse_cg' elif solver == 'lsqr' and not hasattr(sp_linalg, 'lsqr'): warnings.warn("""lsqr not available on this machine, falling back to sparse_cg.""") solver = 'sparse_cg' if has_sw: if np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar") if solver not in ['sag', 'saga']: # SAG supports sample_weight directly. For other solvers, # we implement sample_weight via a simple rescaling. X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight) # There should be either 1 or n_targets penalties alpha = np.asarray(alpha, dtype=X.dtype).ravel() if alpha.size not in [1, n_targets]: raise ValueError("Number of targets and number of penalties " "do not correspond: %d != %d" % (alpha.size, n_targets)) if alpha.size == 1 and n_targets > 1: alpha = np.repeat(alpha, n_targets) if solver not in ('sparse_cg', 'cholesky', 'svd', 'lsqr', 'sag', 'saga'): raise ValueError('Solver %s not understood' % solver) n_iter = None if solver == 'sparse_cg': coef = _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol, verbose) elif solver == 'lsqr': coef, n_iter = _solve_lsqr(X, y, alpha, max_iter, tol) elif solver == 'cholesky': if n_features > n_samples: K = safe_sparse_dot(X, X.T, dense_output=True) try: dual_coef = _solve_cholesky_kernel(K, y, alpha) coef = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, dual_coef, dense_output=True).T except linalg.LinAlgError: # use SVD solver if matrix is singular solver = 'svd' else: try: coef = _solve_cholesky(X, y, alpha) except linalg.LinAlgError: # use SVD solver if matrix is singular solver = 'svd' elif solver in ['sag', 'saga']: # precompute max_squared_sum for all targets max_squared_sum = row_norms(X, squared=True).max() coef = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) n_iter = np.empty(y.shape[1], dtype=np.int32) intercept = np.zeros((y.shape[1], )) for i, (alpha_i, target) in enumerate(zip(alpha, y.T)): init = {'coef': np.zeros((n_features + int(return_intercept), 1))} coef_, n_iter_, _ = sag_solver( X, target.ravel(), sample_weight, 'squared', alpha_i, 0, max_iter, tol, verbose, random_state, False, max_squared_sum, init, is_saga=solver == 'saga') if return_intercept: coef[i] = coef_[:-1] intercept[i] = coef_[-1] else: coef[i] = coef_ n_iter[i] = n_iter_ if intercept.shape[0] == 1: intercept = intercept[0] coef = np.asarray(coef) if solver == 'svd': if sparse.issparse(X): raise TypeError('SVD solver does not support sparse' ' inputs currently') coef = _solve_svd(X, y, alpha) if ravel: # When y was passed as a 1d-array, we flatten the coefficients. coef = coef.ravel() if return_n_iter and return_intercept: return coef, n_iter, intercept elif return_intercept: return coef, intercept elif return_n_iter: return coef, n_iter else: return coef class _BaseRidge(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, LinearModel)): @abstractmethod def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, solver="auto", random_state=None): self.alpha = alpha self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.copy_X = copy_X self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.solver = solver self.random_state = random_state def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): if self.solver in ('sag', 'saga'): _dtype = np.float64 else: # all other solvers work at both float precision levels _dtype = [np.float64, np.float32] X, y = check_X_y(X, y, ['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=_dtype, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True) if ((sample_weight is not None) and np.atleast_1d(sample_weight).ndim > 1): raise ValueError("Sample weights must be 1D array or scalar") X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale = self._preprocess_data( X, y, self.fit_intercept, self.normalize, self.copy_X, sample_weight=sample_weight) # temporary fix for fitting the intercept with sparse data using 'sag' if sparse.issparse(X) and self.fit_intercept: self.coef_, self.n_iter_, self.intercept_ = ridge_regression( X, y, alpha=self.alpha, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, solver=self.solver, random_state=self.random_state, return_n_iter=True, return_intercept=True) self.intercept_ += y_offset else: self.coef_, self.n_iter_ = ridge_regression( X, y, alpha=self.alpha, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, solver=self.solver, random_state=self.random_state, return_n_iter=True, return_intercept=False) self._set_intercept(X_offset, y_offset, X_scale) return self class Ridge(_BaseRidge, RegressorMixin): """Linear least squares with l2 regularization. This model solves a regression model where the loss function is the linear least squares function and regularization is given by the l2-norm. Also known as Ridge Regression or Tikhonov regularization. This estimator has built-in support for multi-variate regression (i.e., when y is a 2d-array of shape [n_samples, n_targets]). Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alpha : {float, array-like}, shape (n_targets) Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. If an array is passed, penalties are assumed to be specific to the targets. Hence they must correspond in number. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False This parameter is ignored when ``fit_intercept`` is set to False. If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by the l2-norm. If you wish to standardize, please use :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling ``fit`` on an estimator with ``normalize=False``. copy_X : boolean, optional, default True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. For 'sparse_cg' and 'lsqr' solvers, the default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. For 'sag' solver, the default value is 1000. tol : float Precision of the solution. solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg', 'sag', 'saga'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution. - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent, and 'saga' uses its improved, unbiased version named SAGA. Both methods also use an iterative procedure, and are often faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. Note that 'sag' and 'saga' fast convergence is only guaranteed on features with approximately the same scale. You can preprocess the data with a scaler from sklearn.preprocessing. All last five solvers support both dense and sparse data. However, only 'sag' and 'saga' supports sparse input when `fit_intercept` is True. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. .. versionadded:: 0.19 SAGA solver. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default None The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Used when ``solver`` == 'sag'. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *random_state* to support Stochastic Average Gradient. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_targets, n_features) Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. n_iter_ : array or None, shape (n_targets,) Actual number of iterations for each target. Available only for sag and lsqr solvers. Other solvers will return None. .. versionadded:: 0.17 See also -------- RidgeClassifier, RidgeCV, :class:`sklearn.kernel_ridge.KernelRidge` Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = Ridge(alpha=1.0) >>>, y) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Ridge(alpha=1.0, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, max_iter=None, normalize=False, random_state=None, solver='auto', tol=0.001) """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, solver="auto", random_state=None): super(Ridge, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, copy_X=copy_X, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, solver=solver, random_state=random_state) def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape [n_samples] Individual weights for each sample Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return super(Ridge, self).fit(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) class RidgeClassifier(LinearClassifierMixin, _BaseRidge): """Classifier using Ridge regression. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False This parameter is ignored when ``fit_intercept`` is set to False. If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by the l2-norm. If you wish to standardize, please use :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling ``fit`` on an estimator with ``normalize=False``. copy_X : boolean, optional, default True If True, X will be copied; else, it may be overwritten. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. The default value is determined by scipy.sparse.linalg. tol : float Precision of the solution. class_weight : dict or 'balanced', optional Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` solver : {'auto', 'svd', 'cholesky', 'lsqr', 'sparse_cg', 'sag', 'saga'} Solver to use in the computational routines: - 'auto' chooses the solver automatically based on the type of data. - 'svd' uses a Singular Value Decomposition of X to compute the Ridge coefficients. More stable for singular matrices than 'cholesky'. - 'cholesky' uses the standard scipy.linalg.solve function to obtain a closed-form solution. - 'sparse_cg' uses the conjugate gradient solver as found in As an iterative algorithm, this solver is more appropriate than 'cholesky' for large-scale data (possibility to set `tol` and `max_iter`). - 'lsqr' uses the dedicated regularized least-squares routine scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr. It is the fastest but may not be available in old scipy versions. It also uses an iterative procedure. - 'sag' uses a Stochastic Average Gradient descent, and 'saga' uses its unbiased and more flexible version named SAGA. Both methods use an iterative procedure, and are often faster than other solvers when both n_samples and n_features are large. Note that 'sag' and 'saga' fast convergence is only guaranteed on features with approximately the same scale. You can preprocess the data with a scaler from sklearn.preprocessing. .. versionadded:: 0.17 Stochastic Average Gradient descent solver. .. versionadded:: 0.19 SAGA solver. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default None The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Used when ``solver`` == 'sag'. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) or (n_classes, n_features) Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. n_iter_ : array or None, shape (n_targets,) Actual number of iterations for each target. Available only for sag and lsqr solvers. Other solvers will return None. See also -------- Ridge, RidgeClassifierCV Notes ----- For multi-class classification, n_class classifiers are trained in a one-versus-all approach. Concretely, this is implemented by taking advantage of the multi-variate response support in Ridge. """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, copy_X=True, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, class_weight=None, solver="auto", random_state=None): super(RidgeClassifier, self).__init__( alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, copy_X=copy_X, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, solver=solver, random_state=random_state) self.class_weight = class_weight def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples,n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] Target values sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Sample weight. .. versionadded:: 0.17 *sample_weight* support to Classifier. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ self._label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer(pos_label=1, neg_label=-1) Y = self._label_binarizer.fit_transform(y) if not self._label_binarizer.y_type_.startswith('multilabel'): y = column_or_1d(y, warn=True) else: # we don't (yet) support multi-label classification in Ridge raise ValueError( "%s doesn't support multi-label classification" % ( self.__class__.__name__)) if self.class_weight: if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = 1. # modify the sample weights with the corresponding class weight sample_weight = (sample_weight * compute_sample_weight(self.class_weight, y)) super(RidgeClassifier, self).fit(X, Y, sample_weight=sample_weight) return self @property def classes_(self): return self._label_binarizer.classes_ class _RidgeGCV(LinearModel): """Ridge regression with built-in Generalized Cross-Validation It allows efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. This class is not intended to be used directly. Use RidgeCV instead. Notes ----- We want to solve (K + alpha*Id)c = y, where K = X X^T is the kernel matrix. Let G = (K + alpha*Id)^-1. Dual solution: c = Gy Primal solution: w = X^T c Compute eigendecomposition K = Q V Q^T. Then G = Q (V + alpha*Id)^-1 Q^T, where (V + alpha*Id) is diagonal. It is thus inexpensive to inverse for many alphas. Let loov be the vector of prediction values for each example when the model was fitted with all examples but this example. loov = (KGY - diag(KG)Y) / diag(I-KG) Let looe be the vector of prediction errors for each example when the model was fitted with all examples but this example. looe = y - loov = c / diag(G) References ---------- """ def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, copy_X=True, gcv_mode=None, store_cv_values=False): self.alphas = np.asarray(alphas) self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.scoring = scoring self.copy_X = copy_X self.gcv_mode = gcv_mode self.store_cv_values = store_cv_values def _pre_compute(self, X, y, centered_kernel=True): # even if X is very sparse, K is usually very dense K = safe_sparse_dot(X, X.T, dense_output=True) # the following emulates an additional constant regressor # corresponding to fit_intercept=True # but this is done only when the features have been centered if centered_kernel: K += np.ones_like(K) v, Q = linalg.eigh(K) QT_y =, y) return v, Q, QT_y def _decomp_diag(self, v_prime, Q): # compute diagonal of the matrix: dot(Q, dot(diag(v_prime), Q^T)) return (v_prime * Q ** 2).sum(axis=-1) def _diag_dot(self, D, B): # compute dot(diag(D), B) if len(B.shape) > 1: # handle case where B is > 1-d D = D[(slice(None), ) + (np.newaxis, ) * (len(B.shape) - 1)] return D * B def _errors_and_values_helper(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): """Helper function to avoid code duplication between self._errors and self._values. Notes ----- We don't construct matrix G, instead compute action on y & diagonal. """ w = 1. / (v + alpha) constant_column = np.var(Q, 0) < 1.e-12 # detect constant columns w[constant_column] = 0 # cancel the regularization for the intercept c =, self._diag_dot(w, QT_y)) G_diag = self._decomp_diag(w, Q) # handle case where y is 2-d if len(y.shape) != 1: G_diag = G_diag[:, np.newaxis] return G_diag, c def _errors(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_helper(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) return (c / G_diag) ** 2, c def _values(self, alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_helper(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) return y - (c / G_diag), c def _pre_compute_svd(self, X, y, centered_kernel=True): if sparse.issparse(X): raise TypeError("SVD not supported for sparse matrices") if centered_kernel: X = np.hstack((X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)))) # to emulate fit_intercept=True situation, add a column on ones # Note that by centering, the other columns are orthogonal to that one U, s, _ = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=0) v = s ** 2 UT_y =, y) return v, U, UT_y def _errors_and_values_svd_helper(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): """Helper function to avoid code duplication between self._errors_svd and self._values_svd. """ constant_column = np.var(U, 0) < 1.e-12 # detect columns colinear to ones w = ((v + alpha) ** -1) - (alpha ** -1) w[constant_column] = - (alpha ** -1) # cancel the regularization for the intercept c =, self._diag_dot(w, UT_y)) + (alpha ** -1) * y G_diag = self._decomp_diag(w, U) + (alpha ** -1) if len(y.shape) != 1: # handle case where y is 2-d G_diag = G_diag[:, np.newaxis] return G_diag, c def _errors_svd(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_svd_helper(alpha, y, v, U, UT_y) return (c / G_diag) ** 2, c def _values_svd(self, alpha, y, v, U, UT_y): G_diag, c = self._errors_and_values_svd_helper(alpha, y, v, U, UT_y) return y - (c / G_diag), c def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary sample_weight : float or array-like of shape [n_samples] Sample weight Returns ------- self : Returns self. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y, ['csr', 'csc', 'coo'], dtype=np.float64, multi_output=True, y_numeric=True) if sample_weight is not None and not isinstance(sample_weight, float): sample_weight = check_array(sample_weight, ensure_2d=False) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X, y, X_offset, y_offset, X_scale = LinearModel._preprocess_data( X, y, self.fit_intercept, self.normalize, self.copy_X, sample_weight=sample_weight) gcv_mode = self.gcv_mode with_sw = len(np.shape(sample_weight)) if gcv_mode is None or gcv_mode == 'auto': if sparse.issparse(X) or n_features > n_samples or with_sw: gcv_mode = 'eigen' else: gcv_mode = 'svd' elif gcv_mode == "svd" and with_sw: # FIXME non-uniform sample weights not yet supported warnings.warn("non-uniform sample weights unsupported for svd, " "forcing usage of eigen") gcv_mode = 'eigen' if gcv_mode == 'eigen': _pre_compute = self._pre_compute _errors = self._errors _values = self._values elif gcv_mode == 'svd': # assert n_samples >= n_features _pre_compute = self._pre_compute_svd _errors = self._errors_svd _values = self._values_svd else: raise ValueError('bad gcv_mode "%s"' % gcv_mode) if sample_weight is not None: X, y = _rescale_data(X, y, sample_weight) centered_kernel = not sparse.issparse(X) and self.fit_intercept v, Q, QT_y = _pre_compute(X, y, centered_kernel) n_y = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1] cv_values = np.zeros((n_samples * n_y, len(self.alphas))) C = [] scorer = check_scoring(self, scoring=self.scoring, allow_none=True) error = scorer is None for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alphas): if error: out, c = _errors(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) else: out, c = _values(alpha, y, v, Q, QT_y) cv_values[:, i] = out.ravel() C.append(c) if error: best = cv_values.mean(axis=0).argmin() else: # The scorer want an object that will make the predictions but # they are already computed efficiently by _RidgeGCV. This # identity_estimator will just return them def identity_estimator(): pass identity_estimator.decision_function = lambda y_predict: y_predict identity_estimator.predict = lambda y_predict: y_predict out = [scorer(identity_estimator, y.ravel(), cv_values[:, i]) for i in range(len(self.alphas))] best = np.argmax(out) self.alpha_ = self.alphas[best] self.dual_coef_ = C[best] self.coef_ = safe_sparse_dot(self.dual_coef_.T, X) self._set_intercept(X_offset, y_offset, X_scale) if self.store_cv_values: if len(y.shape) == 1: cv_values_shape = n_samples, len(self.alphas) else: cv_values_shape = n_samples, n_y, len(self.alphas) self.cv_values_ = cv_values.reshape(cv_values_shape) return self class _BaseRidgeCV(LinearModel): def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, cv=None, gcv_mode=None, store_cv_values=False): self.alphas = alphas self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.normalize = normalize self.scoring = scoring = cv self.gcv_mode = gcv_mode self.store_cv_values = store_cv_values def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit Ridge regression model Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Training data y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_targets] Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary sample_weight : float or array-like of shape [n_samples] Sample weight Returns ------- self : Returns self. """ if is None: estimator = _RidgeGCV(self.alphas, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, normalize=self.normalize, scoring=self.scoring, gcv_mode=self.gcv_mode, store_cv_values=self.store_cv_values), y, sample_weight=sample_weight) self.alpha_ = estimator.alpha_ if self.store_cv_values: self.cv_values_ = estimator.cv_values_ else: if self.store_cv_values: raise ValueError("cv!=None and store_cv_values=True " " are incompatible") parameters = {'alpha': self.alphas} gs = GridSearchCV(Ridge(fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, normalize=self.normalize), parameters,, scoring=self.scoring), y, sample_weight=sample_weight) estimator = gs.best_estimator_ self.alpha_ = gs.best_estimator_.alpha self.coef_ = estimator.coef_ self.intercept_ = estimator.intercept_ return self class RidgeCV(_BaseRidgeCV, RegressorMixin): """Ridge regression with built-in cross-validation. By default, it performs Generalized Cross-Validation, which is a form of efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alphas : numpy array of shape [n_alphas] Array of alpha values to try. Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False This parameter is ignored when ``fit_intercept`` is set to False. If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by the l2-norm. If you wish to standardize, please use :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling ``fit`` on an estimator with ``normalize=False``. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. For integer/None inputs, if ``y`` is binary or multiclass, :class:`sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold` is used, else, :class:`sklearn.model_selection.KFold` is used. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here. gcv_mode : {None, 'auto', 'svd', eigen'}, optional Flag indicating which strategy to use when performing Generalized Cross-Validation. Options are:: 'auto' : use svd if n_samples > n_features or when X is a sparse matrix, otherwise use eigen 'svd' : force computation via singular value decomposition of X (does not work for sparse matrices) 'eigen' : force computation via eigendecomposition of X^T X The 'auto' mode is the default and is intended to pick the cheaper option of the two depending upon the shape and format of the training data. store_cv_values : boolean, default=False Flag indicating if the cross-validation values corresponding to each alpha should be stored in the `cv_values_` attribute (see below). This flag is only compatible with `cv=None` (i.e. using Generalized Cross-Validation). Attributes ---------- cv_values_ : array, shape = [n_samples, n_alphas] or \ shape = [n_samples, n_targets, n_alphas], optional Cross-validation values for each alpha (if `store_cv_values=True` and \ `cv=None`). After `fit()` has been called, this attribute will \ contain the mean squared errors (by default) or the values of the \ `{loss,score}_func` function (if provided in the constructor). coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. alpha_ : float Estimated regularization parameter. See also -------- Ridge: Ridge regression RidgeClassifier: Ridge classifier RidgeClassifierCV: Ridge classifier with built-in cross validation """ pass class RidgeClassifierCV(LinearClassifierMixin, _BaseRidgeCV): """Ridge classifier with built-in cross-validation. By default, it performs Generalized Cross-Validation, which is a form of efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation. Currently, only the n_features > n_samples case is handled efficiently. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <ridge_regression>`. Parameters ---------- alphas : numpy array of shape [n_alphas] Array of alpha values to try. Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Alpha corresponds to ``C^-1`` in other linear models such as LogisticRegression or LinearSVC. fit_intercept : boolean Whether to calculate the intercept for this model. If set to false, no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). normalize : boolean, optional, default False This parameter is ignored when ``fit_intercept`` is set to False. If True, the regressors X will be normalized before regression by subtracting the mean and dividing by the l2-norm. If you wish to standardize, please use :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` before calling ``fit`` on an estimator with ``normalize=False``. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, optional Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the efficient Leave-One-Out cross-validation - integer, to specify the number of folds. - An object to be used as a cross-validation generator. - An iterable yielding train/test splits. Refer :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>` for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here. class_weight : dict or 'balanced', optional Weights associated with classes in the form ``{class_label: weight}``. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` Attributes ---------- cv_values_ : array, shape = [n_samples, n_alphas] or \ shape = [n_samples, n_responses, n_alphas], optional Cross-validation values for each alpha (if `store_cv_values=True` and `cv=None`). After `fit()` has been called, this attribute will contain \ the mean squared errors (by default) or the values of the \ `{loss,score}_func` function (if provided in the constructor). coef_ : array, shape = [n_features] or [n_targets, n_features] Weight vector(s). intercept_ : float | array, shape = (n_targets,) Independent term in decision function. Set to 0.0 if ``fit_intercept = False``. alpha_ : float Estimated regularization parameter See also -------- Ridge: Ridge regression RidgeClassifier: Ridge classifier RidgeCV: Ridge regression with built-in cross validation Notes ----- For multi-class classification, n_class classifiers are trained in a one-versus-all approach. Concretely, this is implemented by taking advantage of the multi-variate response support in Ridge. """ def __init__(self, alphas=(0.1, 1.0, 10.0), fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, scoring=None, cv=None, class_weight=None): super(RidgeClassifierCV, self).__init__( alphas=alphas, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, normalize=normalize, scoring=scoring, cv=cv) self.class_weight = class_weight def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit the ridge classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Target values. Will be cast to X's dtype if necessary sample_weight : float or numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Sample weight. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ self._label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer(pos_label=1, neg_label=-1) Y = self._label_binarizer.fit_transform(y) if not self._label_binarizer.y_type_.startswith('multilabel'): y = column_or_1d(y, warn=True) if self.class_weight: if sample_weight is None: sample_weight = 1. # modify the sample weights with the corresponding class weight sample_weight = (sample_weight * compute_sample_weight(self.class_weight, y)), X, Y, sample_weight=sample_weight) return self @property def classes_(self): return self._label_binarizer.classes_
import numpy as np, numpy.linalg import pandas as pd import sys,argparse,os,gzip eps = 10.0**-8 def main(): # get command line args = get_command_line() # load step 1 results info, eig, prjsq = load_local_hsqg_step1(args.prefix) # compute emprical and theoretical nloci = info.shape[0] empirical = local_quad_form(info,eig,prjsq, args.num_eig, args.min_eigval) empirical = empirical.sort_values(by=['emp']).reset_index(drop=True) empirical = empirical[0:int(nloci*args.pct)] # esimate the lambda gc emp = np.reshape(empirical['emp'].values, (-1,1)) theo = empirical['theo'].values lambda_gc = max(np.linalg.lstsq(emp, theo)[0][0], 1.0) print lambda_gc def load_local_hsqg_step1(prefix): """ Load results from step 1 for estimating local SNP-heritability """ # check if all files exist for chrom in xrange(1, 23): info_f = '{}_chr{}.info.gz'.format(prefix, chrom) eig_f = '{}_chr{}.eig.gz'.format(prefix, chrom) prjsq_f = '{}_chr{}.prjsq.gz'.format(prefix, chrom) if((not os.path.exists(info_f)) or (not os.path.exists(eig_f)) or \ (not os.path.exists(prjsq_f))): sys.exit(1) # iterate through chromosomes info = pd.DataFrame(); eig = []; prjsq = [] for chrom in xrange(1, 23): # load the information about each locus into memory info_f = '{}_chr{}.info.gz'.format(prefix, chrom) info_chr = pd.read_table(info_f, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, compression='gzip', names=['start', 'stop', 'nsnp', 'rank', 'N']) info_chr['CHR'] = chrom info = pd.concat((info, info_chr), axis=0) # load the eigenvalues and squared projections into memory eig_f ='{}_chr{}.eig.gz'.format(prefix, chrom), 'r') prjsq_f ='{}_chr{}.prjsq.gz'.format(prefix, chrom), 'r') for line in eig_f: eig.append(np.array(line.strip().split()).astype(np.float)) for line in prjsq_f: prjsq.append(np.array(line.strip().split()).astype(np.float)) eig_f.close(); prjsq_f.close() # reset the index of info info = info.reset_index(drop=True) # check if info, eig, and prjsq have the same length if info.shape[0] != len(eig) or len(eig) != len(prjsq): sys.exit(1) # print out debugging info nloci = info.shape[0] return (info, eig, prjsq) def local_quad_form(info, eig, prjsq, max_k, min_eigval): """ Compute the quadratic form (beta_gwas' * LD_inv * beta_gwas) at each locus """ all_sum = []; all_k = []; all_theo = [] nloci = len(eig) for i in xrange(nloci): k = min(max_k, np.where(eig[i] > min_eigval)[0].size) tmp = np.divide(prjsq[i][0:k], eig[i][0:k]+eps) all_sum.append(np.sum(tmp)) all_k.append(float(k)) all_theo.append(float(k)/info['N'][i]) return pd.DataFrame({'emp': all_sum, 'k':all_k, 'theo': all_theo}) # get command line def get_command_line(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Estimate lambda gc ' 'to re-inflate') parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', type=str, required=True, help='Local SNP-heritability estimation step 1 output prefix') parser.add_argument('--num-eig', dest='num_eig', type=int, required=False, help='Number of eigenvectors to use', default=50) parser.add_argument('--pct', dest='pct', type=float, required=False, help='Percent of loci to use to estimate lambda gc', default=0.5) parser.add_argument('--min-eigval', dest='min_eigval', type=float, help='Minimum eigenvalue', default=1.0, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() return args if(__name__ == '__main__'): main()
""" ==================================== Outlier detection on a real data set ==================================== This example illustrates the need for robust covariance estimation on a real data set. It is useful both for outlier detection and for a better understanding of the data structure. We selected two sets of two variables from the Boston housing data set as an illustration of what kind of analysis can be done with several outlier detection tools. For the purpose of visualization, we are working with two-dimensional examples, but one should be aware that things are not so trivial in high-dimension, as it will be pointed out. In both examples below, the main result is that the empirical covariance estimate, as a non-robust one, is highly influenced by the heterogeneous structure of the observations. Although the robust covariance estimate is able to focus on the main mode of the data distribution, it sticks to the assumption that the data should be Gaussian distributed, yielding some biased estimation of the data structure, but yet accurate to some extent. The One-Class SVM algorithm First example ------------- The first example illustrates how robust covariance estimation can help concentrating on a relevant cluster when another one exists. Here, many observations are confounded into one and break down the empirical covariance estimation. Of course, some screening tools would have pointed out the presence of two clusters (Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Mixture Models, univariate outlier detection, ...). But had it been a high-dimensional example, none of these could be applied that easily. Second example -------------- The second example shows the ability of the Minimum Covariance Determinant robust estimator of covariance to concentrate on the main mode of the data distribution: the location seems to be well estimated, although the covariance is hard to estimate due to the banana-shaped distribution. Anyway, we can get rid of some outlying observations. The One-Class SVM is able to capture the real data structure, but the difficulty is to adjust its kernel bandwidth parameter so as to obtain a good compromise between the shape of the data scatter matrix and the risk of over-fitting the data. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Virgile Fritsch <> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.font_manager from sklearn.datasets import load_boston # Get data X1 = load_boston()['data'][:, [8, 10]] # two clusters X2 = load_boston()['data'][:, [5, 12]] # "banana"-shaped # Define "classifiers" to be used classifiers = { "Empirical Covariance": EllipticEnvelope(support_fraction=1., contamination=0.261), "Robust Covariance (Minimum Covariance Determinant)": EllipticEnvelope(contamination=0.261), "OCSVM": OneClassSVM(nu=0.261, gamma=0.05)} colors = ['m', 'g', 'b'] legend1 = {} legend2 = {} # Learn a frontier for outlier detection with several classifiers xx1, yy1 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-8, 28, 500), np.linspace(3, 40, 500)) xx2, yy2 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(3, 10, 500), np.linspace(-5, 45, 500)) for i, (clf_name, clf) in enumerate(classifiers.items()): plt.figure(1) Z1 = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx1.ravel(), yy1.ravel()]) Z1 = Z1.reshape(xx1.shape) legend1[clf_name] = plt.contour( xx1, yy1, Z1, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors=colors[i]) plt.figure(2) Z2 = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx2.ravel(), yy2.ravel()]) Z2 = Z2.reshape(xx2.shape) legend2[clf_name] = plt.contour( xx2, yy2, Z2, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors=colors[i]) legend1_values_list = list(legend1.values()) legend1_keys_list = list(legend1.keys()) # Plot the results (= shape of the data points cloud) plt.figure(1) # two clusters plt.title("Outlier detection on a real data set (boston housing)") plt.scatter(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], color='black') bbox_args = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8") arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="->") plt.annotate("several confounded points", xy=(24, 19), xycoords="data", textcoords="data", xytext=(13, 10), bbox=bbox_args, arrowprops=arrow_args) plt.xlim((xx1.min(), xx1.max())) plt.ylim((yy1.min(), yy1.max())) plt.legend((legend1_values_list[0].collections[0], legend1_values_list[1].collections[0], legend1_values_list[2].collections[0]), (legend1_keys_list[0], legend1_keys_list[1], legend1_keys_list[2]), loc="upper center", prop=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)) plt.ylabel("accessibility to radial highways") plt.xlabel("pupil-teacher ratio by town") legend2_values_list = list(legend2.values()) legend2_keys_list = list(legend2.keys()) plt.figure(2) # "banana" shape plt.title("Outlier detection on a real data set (boston housing)") plt.scatter(X2[:, 0], X2[:, 1], color='black') plt.xlim((xx2.min(), xx2.max())) plt.ylim((yy2.min(), yy2.max())) plt.legend((legend2_values_list[0].collections[0], legend2_values_list[1].collections[0], legend2_values_list[2].collections[0]), (legend2_keys_list[0], legend2_keys_list[1], legend2_keys_list[2]), loc="upper center", prop=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)) plt.ylabel("% lower status of the population") plt.xlabel("average number of rooms per dwelling")
""" Tests for discrete models Notes ----- DECIMAL_3 is used because it seems that there is a loss of precision in the Stata *.dta -> *.csv output, NOT the estimator for the Poisson tests. """ # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 from statsmodels.compat.python import range import os import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_, assert_raises, assert_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_allclose, assert_array_less) from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model import (Logit, Probit, MNLogit, Poisson, NegativeBinomial) from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_margins import _iscount, _isdummy import statsmodels.api as sm import statsmodels.formula.api as smf from nose import SkipTest from .results.results_discrete import Spector, DiscreteL1, RandHIE, Anes from import PerfectSeparationError try: import cvxopt has_cvxopt = True except ImportError: has_cvxopt = False try: from scipy.optimize import basinhopping has_basinhopping = True except ImportError: has_basinhopping = False DECIMAL_14 = 14 DECIMAL_10 = 10 DECIMAL_9 = 9 DECIMAL_4 = 4 DECIMAL_3 = 3 DECIMAL_2 = 2 DECIMAL_1 = 1 DECIMAL_0 = 0 class CheckModelResults(object): """ res2 should be the test results from RModelWrap or the results as defined in model_results_data """ def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): assert_allclose(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, rtol=8e-5) def test_zstat(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.tvalues, self.res2.z, DECIMAL_4) def pvalues(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pvalues, self.res2.pvalues, DECIMAL_4) # def test_cov_params(self): # assert_almost_equal(self.res1.cov_params(), self.res2.cov_params, # DECIMAL_4) def test_llf(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llf, self.res2.llf, DECIMAL_4) def test_llnull(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llnull, self.res2.llnull, DECIMAL_4) def test_llr(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llr, self.res2.llr, DECIMAL_3) def test_llr_pvalue(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llr_pvalue, self.res2.llr_pvalue, DECIMAL_4) def test_normalized_cov_params(self): pass def test_bse(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_4) def test_dof(self): assert_equal(self.res1.df_model, self.res2.df_model) assert_equal(self.res1.df_resid, self.res2.df_resid) def test_aic(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.aic, self.res2.aic, DECIMAL_3) def test_bic(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bic, self.res2.bic, DECIMAL_3) def test_predict(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.model.predict(self.res1.params), self.res2.phat, DECIMAL_4) def test_predict_xb(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.model.predict(self.res1.params, linear=True), self.res2.yhat, DECIMAL_4) def test_loglikeobs(self): #basic cross check llobssum = self.res1.model.loglikeobs(self.res1.params).sum() assert_almost_equal(llobssum, self.res1.llf, DECIMAL_14) def test_jac(self): #basic cross check jacsum = self.res1.model.score_obs(self.res1.params).sum(0) score = self.res1.model.score(self.res1.params) assert_almost_equal(jacsum, score, DECIMAL_9) #Poisson has low precision ? class CheckBinaryResults(CheckModelResults): def test_pred_table(self): assert_array_equal(self.res1.pred_table(), self.res2.pred_table) def test_resid_dev(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.resid_dev, self.res2.resid_dev, DECIMAL_4) def test_resid_generalized(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.resid_generalized, self.res2.resid_generalized, DECIMAL_4) def smoke_test_resid_response(self): self.res1.resid_response class CheckMargEff(object): """ Test marginal effects (margeff) and its options """ def test_nodummy_dydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff() assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydx, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydx_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dydxmedian(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='median') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxmedian, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxmedian_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dydxzero(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='zero') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxzero, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dydxzero, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dyexoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(method='dyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyex, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyex_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dyexmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean', method='dyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dyexmedian(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='median', method='dyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexmedian, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexmedian_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_dyexzero(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='zero', method='dyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexzero, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_dyexzero_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(method='eydx') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydx, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydx_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean', method='eydx') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eydxmedian(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='median', method='eydx') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxmedian, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxmedian_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eydxzero(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='zero', method='eydx') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxzero, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eydxzero_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eyexoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(method='eyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyex, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyex_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eyexmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean', method='eyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eyexmedian(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='median', method='eyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexmedian, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexmedian_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_eyexzero(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='zero', method='eyex') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexzero, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_eyexzero_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_dydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_dydx, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_dydx_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_dydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean', dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_dydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_dydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_eydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(method='eydx', dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_eydx, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_eydx_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_eydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean', method='eydx', dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_eydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_eydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_count_dydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(count=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_count_dydx, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_count_dydx_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_count_dydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(count=True, at='mean') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_count_dydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_count_dydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_count_dummy_dydxoverall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(count=True, dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_count_dummy_dydxoverall, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_count_dummy_dydxoverall_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_count_dummy_dydxmean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(count=True, dummy=True, at='mean') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_count_dummy_dydxmean, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_count_dummy_dydxmean_se, DECIMAL_4) class TestProbitNewton(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 #def test_predict(self): # assert_almost_equal(self.res1.model.predict(self.res1.params), # self.res2.predict, DECIMAL_4) class TestProbitBFGS(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="bfgs", disp=0) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 class TestProbitNM(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="nm", disp=0, maxiter=500) class TestProbitPowell(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="powell", disp=0, ftol=1e-8) class TestProbitCG(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 # fmin_cg fails to converge on some machines - reparameterize from import StandardizeTransform transf = StandardizeTransform(data.exog) exog_st = transf(data.exog) res1_st = Probit(data.endog, exog_st).fit(method="cg", disp=0, maxiter=1000, gtol=1e-08) start_params = transf.transform_params(res1_st.params) assert_allclose(start_params, res2.params, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6) cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(start_params=start_params, method="cg", maxiter=1000, gtol=1e-05, disp=0) assert_array_less(cls.res1.mle_retvals['fcalls'], 100) class TestProbitNCG(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="ncg", disp=0, avextol=1e-8, warn_convergence=False) # converges close enough but warnflag is 2 for precision loss class TestProbitBasinhopping(CheckBinaryResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): if not has_basinhopping: raise SkipTest("Skipped TestProbitBasinhopping since" " basinhopping solver is not available") data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 fit = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit cls.res1 = fit(method="basinhopping", disp=0, niter=5, minimizer={'method' : 'L-BFGS-B', 'tol' : 1e-8}) class CheckLikelihoodModelL1(object): """ For testing results generated with L1 regularization """ def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_4) def test_bse(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_4) def test_nnz_params(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.nnz_params, self.res2.nnz_params, DECIMAL_4) def test_aic(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.aic, self.res2.aic, DECIMAL_3) def test_bic(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.bic, self.res2.bic, DECIMAL_3) class TestProbitL1(CheckLikelihoodModelL1): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) alpha = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 10]) #/ data.exog.shape[0] cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=alpha, disp=0, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.02, acc=1e-10, maxiter=1000) res2 = DiscreteL1() res2.probit() cls.res2 = res2 def test_cov_params(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.cov_params(), self.res2.cov_params, DECIMAL_4) class TestMNLogitL1(CheckLikelihoodModelL1): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): anes_data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() anes_exog = anes_data.exog anes_exog = sm.add_constant(anes_exog, prepend=False) mlogit_mod = sm.MNLogit(anes_data.endog, anes_exog) alpha = 10. * np.ones((mlogit_mod.J - 1, mlogit_mod.K)) #/ anes_exog.shape[0] alpha[-1,:] = 0 cls.res1 = mlogit_mod.fit_regularized( method='l1', alpha=alpha, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.02, acc=1e-10, disp=0) res2 = DiscreteL1() res2.mnlogit() cls.res2 = res2 class TestLogitL1(CheckLikelihoodModelL1): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) cls.alpha = 3 * np.array([0., 1., 1., 1.]) #/ data.exog.shape[0] cls.res1 = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=cls.alpha, disp=0, trim_mode='size', size_trim_tol=1e-5, acc=1e-10, maxiter=1000) res2 = DiscreteL1() res2.logit() cls.res2 = res2 def test_cov_params(self): assert_almost_equal( self.res1.cov_params(), self.res2.cov_params, DECIMAL_4) class TestCVXOPT(object): @classmethod def setupClass(self): = sm.datasets.spector.load() = sm.add_constant(, prepend=True) def test_cvxopt_versus_slsqp(self): #Compares resutls from cvxopt to the standard slsqp if has_cvxopt: self.alpha = 3. * np.array([0, 1, 1, 1.]) #/[0] res_slsqp = Logit(, method="l1", alpha=self.alpha, disp=0, acc=1e-10, maxiter=1000, trim_mode='auto') res_cvxopt = Logit(, method="l1_cvxopt_cp", alpha=self.alpha, disp=0, abstol=1e-10, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01, maxiter=1000) assert_almost_equal(res_slsqp.params, res_cvxopt.params, DECIMAL_4) else: raise SkipTest("Skipped test_cvxopt since cvxopt is not available") class TestSweepAlphaL1(object): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) cls.model = Logit(data.endog, data.exog) cls.alphas = np.array( [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1]]) #/ data.exog.shape[0] cls.res1 = DiscreteL1() cls.res1.sweep() def test_sweep_alpha(self): for i in range(3): alpha = self.alphas[i, :] res2 = self.model.fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=alpha, disp=0, acc=1e-10, trim_mode='off', maxiter=1000) assert_almost_equal(res2.params, self.res1.params[i], DECIMAL_4) class CheckL1Compatability(object): """ Tests compatability between l1 and unregularized by setting alpha such that certain parameters should be effectively unregularized, and others should be ignored by the model. """ def test_params(self): m = self.m assert_almost_equal( self.res_unreg.params[:m], self.res_reg.params[:m], DECIMAL_4) # The last entry should be close to zero # handle extra parameter of NegativeBinomial kvars = self.res_reg.model.exog.shape[1] assert_almost_equal(0, self.res_reg.params[m:kvars], DECIMAL_4) def test_cov_params(self): m = self.m # The restricted cov_params should be equal assert_almost_equal( self.res_unreg.cov_params()[:m, :m], self.res_reg.cov_params()[:m, :m], DECIMAL_1) def test_df(self): assert_equal(self.res_unreg.df_model, self.res_reg.df_model) assert_equal(self.res_unreg.df_resid, self.res_reg.df_resid) def test_t_test(self): m = self.m kvars = self.kvars # handle extra parameter of NegativeBinomial extra = getattr(self, 'k_extra', 0) t_unreg = self.res_unreg.t_test(np.eye(len(self.res_unreg.params))) t_reg = self.res_reg.t_test(np.eye(kvars + extra)) assert_almost_equal(t_unreg.effect[:m], t_reg.effect[:m], DECIMAL_3) assert_almost_equal([:m],[:m], DECIMAL_3) assert_almost_equal(np.nan,[m]) assert_allclose(t_unreg.tvalue[:m], t_reg.tvalue[:m], atol=3e-3) assert_almost_equal(np.nan, t_reg.tvalue[m]) def test_f_test(self): m = self.m kvars = self.kvars # handle extra parameter of NegativeBinomial extra = getattr(self, 'k_extra', 0) f_unreg = self.res_unreg.f_test(np.eye(len(self.res_unreg.params))[:m]) f_reg = self.res_reg.f_test(np.eye(kvars + extra)[:m]) assert_allclose(f_unreg.fvalue, f_reg.fvalue, rtol=3e-5, atol=1e-3) assert_almost_equal(f_unreg.pvalue, f_reg.pvalue, DECIMAL_3) def test_bad_r_matrix(self): kvars = self.kvars assert_raises(ValueError, self.res_reg.f_test, np.eye(kvars) ) class TestPoissonL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 10 # Number of variables cls.m = 7 # Number of unregularized parameters rand_data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() rand_exog = rand_data.exog.view(float).reshape(len(rand_data.exog), -1) rand_exog = sm.add_constant(rand_exog, prepend=True) # Drop some columns and do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = rand_exog[:, :cls.m] mod_unreg = sm.Poisson(rand_data.endog, exog_no_PSI) cls.res_unreg ="newton", disp=False) # Do a regularized fit with alpha, effectively dropping the last column alpha = 10 * len(rand_data.endog) * np.ones(cls.kvars) alpha[:cls.m] = 0 cls.res_reg = sm.Poisson(rand_data.endog, rand_exog).fit_regularized( method='l1', alpha=alpha, disp=False, acc=1e-10, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') class TestNegativeBinomialL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 10 # Number of variables cls.m = 7 # Number of unregularized parameters rand_data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() rand_exog = rand_data.exog.view(float).reshape(len(rand_data.exog), -1) rand_exog_st = (rand_exog - rand_exog.mean(0)) / rand_exog.std(0) rand_exog = sm.add_constant(rand_exog_st, prepend=True) # Drop some columns and do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = rand_exog[:, :cls.m] mod_unreg = sm.NegativeBinomial(rand_data.endog, exog_no_PSI) cls.res_unreg ="newton", disp=False) # Do a regularized fit with alpha, effectively dropping the last column alpha = 10 * len(rand_data.endog) * np.ones(cls.kvars + 1) alpha[:cls.m] = 0 alpha[-1] = 0 # don't penalize alpha mod_reg = sm.NegativeBinomial(rand_data.endog, rand_exog) cls.res_reg = mod_reg.fit_regularized( method='l1', alpha=alpha, disp=False, acc=1e-10, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') cls.k_extra = 1 # 1 extra parameter in nb2 class TestNegativeBinomialGeoL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 10 # Number of variables cls.m = 7 # Number of unregularized parameters rand_data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() rand_exog = rand_data.exog.view(float).reshape(len(rand_data.exog), -1) rand_exog = sm.add_constant(rand_exog, prepend=True) # Drop some columns and do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = rand_exog[:, :cls.m] mod_unreg = sm.NegativeBinomial(rand_data.endog, exog_no_PSI, loglike_method='geometric') cls.res_unreg ="newton", disp=False) # Do a regularized fit with alpha, effectively dropping the last columns alpha = 10 * len(rand_data.endog) * np.ones(cls.kvars) alpha[:cls.m] = 0 mod_reg = sm.NegativeBinomial(rand_data.endog, rand_exog, loglike_method='geometric') cls.res_reg = mod_reg.fit_regularized( method='l1', alpha=alpha, disp=False, acc=1e-10, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') assert_equal(mod_reg.loglike_method, 'geometric') class TestLogitL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 4 # Number of variables cls.m = 3 # Number of unregularized parameters data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) # Do a regularized fit with alpha, effectively dropping the last column alpha = np.array([0, 0, 0, 10]) cls.res_reg = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=alpha, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') # Actually drop the last columnand do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = data.exog[:, :cls.m] cls.res_unreg = Logit(data.endog, exog_no_PSI).fit(disp=0, tol=1e-15) class TestMNLogitL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 4 # Number of variables cls.m = 3 # Number of unregularized parameters data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) alpha = np.array([0, 0, 0, 10]) cls.res_reg = MNLogit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=alpha, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') # Actually drop the last columnand do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = data.exog[:, :cls.m] cls.res_unreg = MNLogit(data.endog, exog_no_PSI).fit( disp=0, tol=1e-15, method='bfgs', maxiter=1000) def test_t_test(self): m = self.m kvars = self.kvars t_unreg = self.res_unreg.t_test(np.eye(m)) t_reg = self.res_reg.t_test(np.eye(kvars)) assert_almost_equal(t_unreg.effect, t_reg.effect[:m], DECIMAL_3) assert_almost_equal(,[:m], DECIMAL_3) assert_almost_equal(np.nan,[m]) assert_almost_equal(t_unreg.tvalue, t_reg.tvalue[:m, :m], DECIMAL_3) def test_f_test(self): raise SkipTest("Skipped test_f_test for MNLogit") class TestProbitL1Compatability(CheckL1Compatability): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): cls.kvars = 4 # Number of variables cls.m = 3 # Number of unregularized parameters data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) alpha = np.array([0, 0, 0, 10]) cls.res_reg = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=alpha, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=2000, trim_mode='auto') # Actually drop the last columnand do an unregularized fit exog_no_PSI = data.exog[:, :cls.m] cls.res_unreg = Probit(data.endog, exog_no_PSI).fit(disp=0, tol=1e-15) class CompareL1(object): """ For checking results for l1 regularization. Assumes self.res1 and self.res2 are two legitimate models to be compared. """ def test_basic_results(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.cov_params(), self.res2.cov_params(), DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int(), DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pvalues, self.res2.pvalues, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pred_table(), self.res2.pred_table(), DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llf, self.res2.llf, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.aic, self.res2.aic, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bic, self.res2.bic, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pvalues, self.res2.pvalues, DECIMAL_4) class CompareL11D(CompareL1): """ Check t and f tests. This only works for 1-d results """ def test_tests(self): restrictmat = np.eye(len(self.res1.params.ravel())) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.t_test(restrictmat).pvalue, self.res2.t_test(restrictmat).pvalue, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.f_test(restrictmat).pvalue, self.res2.f_test(restrictmat).pvalue, DECIMAL_4) class TestL1AlphaZeroLogit(CompareL11D): """ Compares l1 model with alpha = 0 to the unregularized model. """ @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) cls.res1 = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=0, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=1000, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01) cls.res2 = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(disp=0, tol=1e-15) class TestL1AlphaZeroProbit(CompareL11D): """ Compares l1 model with alpha = 0 to the unregularized model. """ @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) cls.res1 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=0, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=1000, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01) cls.res2 = Probit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(disp=0, tol=1e-15) class TestL1AlphaZeroMNLogit(CompareL1): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = MNLogit(data.endog, data.exog).fit_regularized( method="l1", alpha=0, disp=0, acc=1e-15, maxiter=1000, trim_mode='auto', auto_trim_tol=0.01) cls.res2 = MNLogit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(disp=0, tol=1e-15, method='bfgs', maxiter=1000) class TestLogitNewton(CheckBinaryResults, CheckMargEff): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) res2 = Spector() res2.logit() cls.res2 = res2 def test_resid_pearson(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.resid_pearson, self.res2.resid_pearson, 5) def test_nodummy_exog1(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(atexog={0 : 2.0, 2 : 1.}) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_atexog1, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_atexog1_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_nodummy_exog2(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(atexog={1 : 21., 2 : 0}, at='mean') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_atexog2, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_atexog2_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_exog1(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(atexog={0 : 2.0, 2 : 1.}, dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_atexog1, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_atexog1_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_dummy_exog2(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(atexog={1 : 21., 2 : 0}, at='mean', dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_atexog2, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_atexog2_se, DECIMAL_4) class TestLogitBFGS(CheckBinaryResults, CheckMargEff): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.spector.load() data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) res2 = Spector() res2.logit() cls.res2 = res2 cls.res1 = Logit(data.endog, data.exog).fit(method="bfgs", disp=0) class TestPoissonNewton(CheckModelResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = Poisson(data.endog, exog).fit(method='newton', disp=0) res2 = RandHIE() res2.poisson() cls.res2 = res2 def test_margeff_overall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff() assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_overall, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_nodummy_overall_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_margeff_dummy_overall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dummy_overall, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dummy_overall_se, DECIMAL_4) def test_resid(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.resid, self.res2.resid, 2) def test_predict_prob(self): cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) probs_res = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(cur_dir, "results", "predict_prob_poisson.csv"), delimiter=",") # just check the first 100 obs. vs R to save memory probs = self.res1.predict_prob()[:100] assert_almost_equal(probs, probs_res, 8) class TestNegativeBinomialNB2Newton(CheckModelResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = NegativeBinomial(data.endog, exog, 'nb2').fit(method='newton', disp=0) res2 = RandHIE() res2.negativebinomial_nb2_bfgs() cls.res2 = res2 def test_jac(self): pass #NOTE: The bse is much closer precitions to stata def test_bse(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_3) def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_alpha(self): self.res1.bse # attaches alpha_std_err assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha, self.res2.lnalpha, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha_std_err, self.res2.lnalpha_std_err, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_3) def test_zstat(self): # Low precision because Z vs. t assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pvalues[:-1], self.res2.pvalues, DECIMAL_2) def test_fittedvalues(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.fittedvalues[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def test_predict(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict()[:10], np.exp(self.res2.fittedvalues[:10]), DECIMAL_3) def test_predict_xb(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict(linear=True)[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def no_info(self): pass test_jac = no_info class TestNegativeBinomialNB1Newton(CheckModelResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = NegativeBinomial(data.endog, exog, 'nb1').fit( method="newton", maxiter=100, disp=0) res2 = RandHIE() res2.negativebinomial_nb1_bfgs() cls.res2 = res2 def test_zstat(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.tvalues, self.res2.z, DECIMAL_1) def test_lnalpha(self): self.res1.bse # attaches alpha_std_err assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha, self.res2.lnalpha, 3) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha_std_err, self.res2.lnalpha_std_err, DECIMAL_4) def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): # the bse for alpha is not high precision from the hessian # approximation assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_2) def test_jac(self): pass def test_predict(self): pass def test_predict_xb(self): pass class TestNegativeBinomialNB2BFGS(CheckModelResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = NegativeBinomial(data.endog, exog, 'nb2').fit( method='bfgs', disp=0, maxiter=1000) res2 = RandHIE() res2.negativebinomial_nb2_bfgs() cls.res2 = res2 def test_jac(self): pass #NOTE: The bse is much closer precitions to stata def test_bse(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_3) def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_alpha(self): self.res1.bse # attaches alpha_std_err assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha, self.res2.lnalpha, DECIMAL_4) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha_std_err, self.res2.lnalpha_std_err, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_3) def test_zstat(self): # Low precision because Z vs. t assert_almost_equal(self.res1.pvalues[:-1], self.res2.pvalues, DECIMAL_2) def test_fittedvalues(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.fittedvalues[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def test_predict(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict()[:10], np.exp(self.res2.fittedvalues[:10]), DECIMAL_3) def test_predict_xb(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict(linear=True)[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def no_info(self): pass test_jac = no_info class TestNegativeBinomialNB1BFGS(CheckModelResults): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = NegativeBinomial(data.endog, exog, 'nb1').fit(method="bfgs", maxiter=100, disp=0) res2 = RandHIE() res2.negativebinomial_nb1_bfgs() cls.res2 = res2 def test_zstat(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.tvalues, self.res2.z, DECIMAL_1) def test_lnalpha(self): self.res1.bse # attaches alpha_std_err assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha, self.res2.lnalpha, 3) assert_almost_equal(self.res1.lnalpha_std_err, self.res2.lnalpha_std_err, DECIMAL_4) def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_4) def test_conf_int(self): # the bse for alpha is not high precision from the hessian # approximation assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_2) def test_jac(self): pass def test_predict(self): pass def test_predict_xb(self): pass class TestNegativeBinomialGeometricBFGS(CheckModelResults): """ Cannot find another implementation of the geometric to cross-check results we only test fitted values because geometric has fewer parameters than nb1 and nb2 and we want to make sure that predict(), params) works """ @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = NegativeBinomial(data.endog, exog, 'geometric').fit(method='bfgs', disp=0) res2 = RandHIE() res2.negativebinomial_geometric_bfgs() cls.res2 = res2 # the following are regression tests, could be inherited instead def test_aic(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.aic, self.res2.aic, DECIMAL_3) def test_bic(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bic, self.res2.bic, DECIMAL_3) def test_conf_int(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.conf_int(), self.res2.conf_int, DECIMAL_3) def test_fittedvalues(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.fittedvalues[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def test_jac(self): pass def test_predict(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict()[:10], np.exp(self.res2.fittedvalues[:10]), DECIMAL_3) def test_params(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.params, self.res2.params, DECIMAL_3) def test_predict_xb(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.predict(linear=True)[:10], self.res2.fittedvalues[:10], DECIMAL_3) def test_zstat(self): # Low precision because Z vs. t assert_almost_equal(self.res1.tvalues, self.res2.z, DECIMAL_1) def no_info(self): pass def test_llf(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llf, self.res2.llf, DECIMAL_1) def test_llr(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.llr, self.res2.llr, DECIMAL_2) def test_bse(self): assert_almost_equal(self.res1.bse, self.res2.bse, DECIMAL_3) test_jac = no_info class CheckMNLogitBaseZero(CheckModelResults): def test_margeff_overall(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff() assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dydx_overall, 6) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dydx_overall_se, 6) def test_margeff_mean(self): me = self.res1.get_margeff(at='mean') assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dydx_mean, 7) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dydx_mean_se, 7) def test_margeff_dummy(self): data = vote =['vote'] exog = np.column_stack((data.exog, vote)) exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False) res = MNLogit(data.endog, exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) me = res.get_margeff(dummy=True) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_dydx_dummy_overall, 6) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_dydx_dummy_overall_se, 6) me = res.get_margeff(dummy=True, method="eydx") assert_almost_equal(me.margeff, self.res2.margeff_eydx_dummy_overall, 5) assert_almost_equal(me.margeff_se, self.res2.margeff_eydx_dummy_overall_se, 6) def test_j(self): assert_equal(self.res1.model.J, self.res2.J) def test_k(self): assert_equal(self.res1.model.K, self.res2.K) def test_endog_names(self): assert_equal(self.res1._get_endog_name(None,None)[1], ['y=1', 'y=2', 'y=3', 'y=4', 'y=5', 'y=6']) def test_pred_table(self): # fitted results taken from gretl pred = [6, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 6, 6, 1, 0, 1, 1, 6, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 5, 1, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, 6, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 6, 6, 0, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 6, 5, 5, 0, 6, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 6, 5, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0, 1, 6, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 5, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, 1, 6, 0, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 6, 1, 6, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0, 1, 1, 0, 5, 6, 0, 5, 1, 1, 6, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 2, 1, 6, 5, 6, 1, 1, 0, 5, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 6, 5, 6, 0, 1, 0, 1, 6, 0, 6, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 1, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 1, 1, 0, 1, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 0, 6, 6, 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, 6, 0, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 1, 0, 6, 0, 6, 1, 0, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 0, 6, 0, 5, 6, 6, 5, 0, 5, 1, 0, 6, 0, 6, 1, 5, 5, 0, 1, 5, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6, 5, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 0, 1, 6, 1, 0, 0, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 6, 6, 1, 5, 6, 1, 0, 0, 6, 5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 6, 1, 6, 0, 6, 1, 5, 5, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 6, 6, 1, 1, 6, 6, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 0, 1, 6, 6, 1, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 5, 0, 6, 6, 0, 5, 6, 0, 6, 6, 5, 0, 1, 6, 6, 1, 0, 1, 0, 6, 6, 1, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 1, 6, 0, 1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 1, 6, 6, 1, 5, 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 1, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1, 6, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6, 0, 5, 6, 0, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 6, 1, 2, 6, 6, 6, 5, 1, 6, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 5, 0, 5, 1, 6, 5, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 6, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 5, 2, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 2, 6, 5, 6, 0, 0, 6, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 5, 1, 1, 6, 6, 5, 2, 1, 6, 5, 6, 0, 6, 6, 1, 1, 5, 1, 6, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 5, 5, 1, 5, 6, 1, 6, 0, 1, 6, 5, 0, 0, 6, 1, 5, 1, 0, 6, 0, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 0, 6, 1, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 1, 5, 1, 6, 0, 2, 5, 0, 5, 0, 2, 1, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1, 6, 0, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 1, 6, 5, 6, 1, 1, 0, 6, 6, 5, 1, 0, 0, 6, 6, 5, 6, 0, 1, 6, 0, 5, 6, 5, 2, 5, 2, 0, 0, 1, 6, 6, 1, 5, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5] assert_array_equal(self.res1.predict().argmax(1), pred) # the rows should add up for pred table assert_array_equal(self.res1.pred_table().sum(0), np.bincount(pred)) # note this is just a regression test, gretl doesn't have a prediction # table pred = [[ 126., 41., 2., 0., 0., 12., 19.], [ 77., 73., 3., 0., 0., 15., 12.], [ 37., 43., 2., 0., 0., 19., 7.], [ 12., 9., 1., 0., 0., 9., 6.], [ 19., 10., 2., 0., 0., 20., 43.], [ 22., 25., 1., 0., 0., 31., 71.], [ 9., 7., 1., 0., 0., 18., 140.]] assert_array_equal(self.res1.pred_table(), pred) def test_resid(self): assert_array_equal(self.res1.resid_misclassified, self.res2.resid) class TestMNLogitNewtonBaseZero(CheckMNLogitBaseZero): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() = data exog = data.exog exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False) cls.res1 = MNLogit(data.endog, exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) res2 = Anes() res2.mnlogit_basezero() cls.res2 = res2 class TestMNLogitLBFGSBaseZero(CheckMNLogitBaseZero): @classmethod def setupClass(cls): data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() = data exog = data.exog exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=False) mymodel = MNLogit(data.endog, exog) cls.res1 ="lbfgs", disp=0, maxiter=50000, #m=12, pgtol=1e-7, factr=1e3, # 5 failures #m=20, pgtol=1e-8, factr=1e2, # 3 failures #m=30, pgtol=1e-9, factr=1e1, # 1 failure m=40, pgtol=1e-10, factr=5e0, loglike_and_score=mymodel.loglike_and_score) res2 = Anes() res2.mnlogit_basezero() cls.res2 = res2 def test_perfect_prediction(): cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) iris_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, '..', '..', 'genmod', 'tests', 'results') iris_dir = os.path.abspath(iris_dir) iris = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(iris_dir, 'iris.csv'), delimiter=",", skip_header=1) y = iris[:,-1] X = iris[:,:-1] X = X[y != 2] y = y[y != 2] X = sm.add_constant(X, prepend=True) mod = Logit(y,X) assert_raises(PerfectSeparationError,, maxiter=1000) #turn off raise PerfectSeparationError mod.raise_on_perfect_prediction = False # this will raise if you set maxiter high enough with a singular matrix from pandas.util.testing import assert_produces_warning # this is not thread-safe with assert_produces_warning():, maxiter=50) # should not raise but does warn def test_poisson_predict(): #GH: 175, make sure poisson predict works without offset and exposure data = sm.datasets.randhie.load() exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog, prepend=True) res = sm.Poisson(data.endog, exog).fit(method='newton', disp=0) pred1 = res.predict() pred2 = res.predict(exog) assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2) #exta options pred3 = res.predict(exog, offset=0, exposure=1) assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred3) pred3 = res.predict(exog, offset=0, exposure=2) assert_almost_equal(2*pred1, pred3) pred3 = res.predict(exog, offset=np.log(2), exposure=1) assert_almost_equal(2*pred1, pred3) def test_poisson_newton(): #GH: 24, Newton doesn't work well sometimes nobs = 10000 np.random.seed(987689) x = np.random.randn(nobs, 3) x = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=True) y_count = np.random.poisson(np.exp(x.sum(1))) mod = sm.Poisson(y_count, x) from pandas.util.testing import assert_produces_warning # this is not thread-safe with assert_produces_warning(): res =, method='newton', disp=0) assert_(not res.mle_retvals['converged']) def test_issue_339(): # make sure MNLogit summary works for J != K. data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() exog = data.exog # leave out last exog column exog = exog[:,:-1] exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=True) res1 = sm.MNLogit(data.endog, exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) # strip the header from the test smry = "\n".join(res1.summary().as_text().split('\n')[9:]) cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_case_file = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'results', 'mn_logit_summary.txt') test_case = open(test_case_file, 'r').read() np.testing.assert_equal(smry, test_case[:-1]) def test_issue_341(): data = sm.datasets.anes96.load() exog = data.exog # leave out last exog column exog = exog[:,:-1] exog = sm.add_constant(exog, prepend=True) res1 = sm.MNLogit(data.endog, exog).fit(method="newton", disp=0) x = exog[0] np.testing.assert_equal(res1.predict(x).shape, (1,7)) np.testing.assert_equal(res1.predict(x[None]).shape, (1,7)) def test_iscount(): X = np.random.random((50, 10)) X[:,2] = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=50) X[:,6] = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=50) X[:,4] = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=50) X[:,1] = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=50) # not integers count_ind = _iscount(X) assert_equal(count_ind, [2, 6]) def test_isdummy(): X = np.random.random((50, 10)) X[:,2] = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=50) X[:,6] = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=50) X[:,4] = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=50) X[:,1] = np.random.randint(-10, 10, size=50) # not integers count_ind = _isdummy(X) assert_equal(count_ind, [4, 6]) def test_non_binary(): y = [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] X = np.random.randn(6, 2) np.testing.assert_raises(ValueError, Logit, y, X) def test_mnlogit_factor(): dta = sm.datasets.anes96.load_pandas() dta['endog'] = dta.endog.replace(dict(zip(range(7), 'ABCDEFG'))) dta.exog['constant'] = 1 mod = sm.MNLogit(dta.endog, dta.exog) res = # smoke tests params = res.params summary = res.summary() # with patsy del dta.exog['constant'] mod = smf.mnlogit('PID ~ ' + ' + '.join(dta.exog.columns), res2 = res2.params summary = res2.summary() def test_formula_missing_exposure(): # see 2083 import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import pandas as pd d = {'Foo': [1, 2, 10, 149], 'Bar': [1, 2, 3, np.nan], 'constant': [1] * 4, 'exposure' : np.random.uniform(size=4), 'x': [1, 3, 2, 1.5]} df = pd.DataFrame(d) # should work mod1 = smf.poisson('Foo ~ Bar', data=df, exposure=df['exposure']) assert_(type(mod1.exposure) is np.ndarray, msg='Exposure is not ndarray') # make sure this raises exposure = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5)) assert_raises(ValueError, sm.Poisson, df.Foo, df[['constant', 'Bar']], exposure=exposure) if __name__ == "__main__": import nose nose.runmodule(argv=[__file__, '-vvs', '-x', '--pdb'], exit=False)
""" ================================================= SVM-Anova: SVM with univariate feature selection ================================================= This example shows how to perform univariate feature before running a SVC (support vector classifier) to improve the classification scores. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets, feature_selection, cross_validation from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline ############################################################################### # Import some data to play with digits = datasets.load_digits() y = # Throw away data, to be in the curse of dimension settings y = y[:200] X =[:200] n_samples = len(y) X = X.reshape((n_samples, -1)) # add 200 non-informative features X = np.hstack((X, 2 * np.random.random((n_samples, 200)))) ############################################################################### # Create a feature-selection transform and an instance of SVM that we # combine together to have an full-blown estimator transform = feature_selection.SelectPercentile(feature_selection.f_classif) clf = Pipeline([('anova', transform), ('svc', svm.SVC(C=1.0))]) ############################################################################### # Plot the cross-validation score as a function of percentile of features score_means = list() score_stds = list() percentiles = (1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100) for percentile in percentiles: clf.set_params(anova__percentile=percentile) # Compute cross-validation score using all CPUs this_scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(clf, X, y, n_jobs=1) score_means.append(this_scores.mean()) score_stds.append(this_scores.std()) plt.errorbar(percentiles, score_means, np.array(score_stds)) plt.title( 'Performance of the SVM-Anova varying the percentile of features selected') plt.xlabel('Percentile') plt.ylabel('Prediction rate') plt.axis('tight')
#!/usr/bin/python """This is a short description. Replace this with a more detailed description of what this file contains. """ import json import time import pickle import sys import csv import argparse import os import os.path as osp import shutil import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image from scipy.misc import imread from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score from vispr import DS_ROOT from import * __author__ = "Tribhuvanesh Orekondy" __maintainer__ = "Tribhuvanesh Orekondy" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Development" def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("pred_file", type=str, help="File path to list of predictions") parser.add_argument("-c", "--class_scores", type=str, default=None, help="Path to write class-specific APs") parser.add_argument("-q", "--qual", type=str, default=None, help="Path to write qualitative results") args = parser.parse_args() params = vars(args) # Load Attributes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attr_id_to_name, attr_id_to_idx = load_attributes() idx_to_attr_id = {v: k for k, v in attr_id_to_idx.iteritems()} n_attr = len(attr_id_to_idx) # Load predictions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct a list of dicts containing: GT labels, Prediction probabilities, Image path pred_list = [] with open(params['pred_file'], 'r') as f: for _line in f: line = _line.strip() dct = json.loads(line) pred_entry = dict() pred_entry['pred_probs'] = np.asarray(dct['pred_probs'], dtype=float) # Read image_path and gt_labels from annotation anno_path = dct['anno_path'] if osp.exists(dct['anno_path']) else osp.join(DS_ROOT, dct['anno_path']) with open(anno_path) as jf: anno = json.load(jf) # Get the list of attributes this corresponds to attr_set = set(anno['labels']) attr_vec = labels_to_vec(attr_set, attr_id_to_idx) pred_entry['image_path'] = anno['image_path'] pred_entry['gt_labels'] = attr_vec pred_entry['anno_path'] = dct['anno_path'] pred_list.append(pred_entry) # Convert to matrix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a NxM matrix. Each row represents the class-probabilities for the M classes. # In case of GT, they are 1-hot encoded gt_mat = np.array([d['gt_labels'] for d in pred_list]) pred_probs_mat = np.array([d['pred_probs'] for d in pred_list]) # Drop examples where gt contains no relevant attributes (when testing on a partial set) # non_empty_gt_idx = np.where(np.sum(gt_mat, axis=1) > 0)[0] # pred_probs_mat = pred_probs_mat[non_empty_gt_idx, :] # gt_mat = gt_mat[non_empty_gt_idx, :] # Evaluate Overall Attribute Prediction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_examples, n_labels = gt_mat.shape print '# Examples = ', n_examples print '# Labels = ', n_labels print 'Macro MAP = {:.2f}'.format(100 * average_precision_score(gt_mat, pred_probs_mat, average='macro')) if params['class_scores'] is not None: cmap_stats = average_precision_score(gt_mat, pred_probs_mat, average=None) with open(params['class_scores'], 'w') as wf: wf.write('\t'.join(['attribute_id', 'attribute_name', 'num_occurrences', 'ap']) + '\n') for idx in range(n_labels): attr_id = idx_to_attr_id[idx] attr_name = attr_id_to_name[attr_id] attr_occurrences = np.sum(gt_mat, axis=0)[idx] ap = cmap_stats[idx] wf.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(attr_id, attr_name, attr_occurrences, ap*100.0)) if params['qual'] is not None: if not osp.exists(params['qual']): print '{} does not exist. Creating it ...'.format(params['qual']) os.mkdir(params['qual']) for pred in pred_list: image_path = pred['image_path'] im = fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 15)) ax = ax1 ax.imshow(im) ax.axis('off') ax = ax2 text_str = '' pred_probs = pred['pred_probs'] top_10_inds = np.argsort(-pred_probs)[:10] for aidx in top_10_inds: text_str += '{:<30} {:.3f}\n'.format(idx_to_attr_id[aidx], pred_probs[aidx]) ax.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=1) ax.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1) ax.text(0.0, 0.5, text_str, fontsize='xx-large') ax.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() _, im_name = osp.split(image_path) out_path = osp.join(params['qual'], im_name) plt.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Test truncated SVD transformer.""" import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.utils.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_raises, assert_greater, assert_array_less) # Make an X that looks somewhat like a small tf-idf matrix. # XXX newer versions of SciPy have scipy.sparse.rand for this. shape = 60, 55 n_samples, n_features = shape rng = check_random_state(42) X = rng.randint(-100, 20, np.product(shape)).reshape(shape) X = sp.csr_matrix(np.maximum(X, 0), dtype=np.float64)[:] = 1 + np.log( Xdense = X.A def test_algorithms(): svd_a = TruncatedSVD(30, algorithm="arpack") svd_r = TruncatedSVD(30, algorithm="randomized", random_state=42) Xa = svd_a.fit_transform(X)[:, :6] Xr = svd_r.fit_transform(X)[:, :6] assert_array_almost_equal(Xa, Xr) comp_a = np.abs(svd_a.components_) comp_r = np.abs(svd_r.components_) # All elements are equal, but some elements are more equal than others. assert_array_almost_equal(comp_a[:9], comp_r[:9]) assert_array_almost_equal(comp_a[9:], comp_r[9:], decimal=3) def test_attributes(): for n_components in (10, 25, 41): tsvd = TruncatedSVD(n_components).fit(X) assert_equal(tsvd.n_components, n_components) assert_equal(tsvd.components_.shape, (n_components, n_features)) def test_too_many_components(): for algorithm in ["arpack", "randomized"]: for n_components in (n_features, n_features+1): tsvd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, algorithm=algorithm) assert_raises(ValueError,, X) def test_sparse_formats(): for fmt in ("array", "csr", "csc", "coo", "lil"): Xfmt = Xdense if fmt == "dense" else getattr(X, "to" + fmt)() tsvd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=11) Xtrans = tsvd.fit_transform(Xfmt) assert_equal(Xtrans.shape, (n_samples, 11)) Xtrans = tsvd.transform(Xfmt) assert_equal(Xtrans.shape, (n_samples, 11)) def test_inverse_transform(): for algo in ("arpack", "randomized"): # We need a lot of components for the reconstruction to be "almost # equal" in all positions. XXX Test means or sums instead? tsvd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=52, random_state=42) Xt = tsvd.fit_transform(X) Xinv = tsvd.inverse_transform(Xt) assert_array_almost_equal(Xinv, Xdense, decimal=1) def test_integers(): Xint = X.astype(np.int64) tsvd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=6) Xtrans = tsvd.fit_transform(Xint) assert_equal(Xtrans.shape, (n_samples, tsvd.n_components)) def test_explained_variance(): # Test sparse data svd_a_10_sp = TruncatedSVD(10, algorithm="arpack") svd_r_10_sp = TruncatedSVD(10, algorithm="randomized", random_state=42) svd_a_20_sp = TruncatedSVD(20, algorithm="arpack") svd_r_20_sp = TruncatedSVD(20, algorithm="randomized", random_state=42) X_trans_a_10_sp = svd_a_10_sp.fit_transform(X) X_trans_r_10_sp = svd_r_10_sp.fit_transform(X) X_trans_a_20_sp = svd_a_20_sp.fit_transform(X) X_trans_r_20_sp = svd_r_20_sp.fit_transform(X) # Test dense data svd_a_10_de = TruncatedSVD(10, algorithm="arpack") svd_r_10_de = TruncatedSVD(10, algorithm="randomized", random_state=42) svd_a_20_de = TruncatedSVD(20, algorithm="arpack") svd_r_20_de = TruncatedSVD(20, algorithm="randomized", random_state=42) X_trans_a_10_de = svd_a_10_de.fit_transform(X.toarray()) X_trans_r_10_de = svd_r_10_de.fit_transform(X.toarray()) X_trans_a_20_de = svd_a_20_de.fit_transform(X.toarray()) X_trans_r_20_de = svd_r_20_de.fit_transform(X.toarray()) # helper arrays for tests below svds = (svd_a_10_sp, svd_r_10_sp, svd_a_20_sp, svd_r_20_sp, svd_a_10_de, svd_r_10_de, svd_a_20_de, svd_r_20_de) svds_trans = ( (svd_a_10_sp, X_trans_a_10_sp), (svd_r_10_sp, X_trans_r_10_sp), (svd_a_20_sp, X_trans_a_20_sp), (svd_r_20_sp, X_trans_r_20_sp), (svd_a_10_de, X_trans_a_10_de), (svd_r_10_de, X_trans_r_10_de), (svd_a_20_de, X_trans_a_20_de), (svd_r_20_de, X_trans_r_20_de), ) svds_10_v_20 = ( (svd_a_10_sp, svd_a_20_sp), (svd_r_10_sp, svd_r_20_sp), (svd_a_10_de, svd_a_20_de), (svd_r_10_de, svd_r_20_de), ) svds_sparse_v_dense = ( (svd_a_10_sp, svd_a_10_de), (svd_a_20_sp, svd_a_20_de), (svd_r_10_sp, svd_r_10_de), (svd_r_20_sp, svd_r_20_de), ) # Assert the 1st component is equal for svd_10, svd_20 in svds_10_v_20: assert_array_almost_equal( svd_10.explained_variance_ratio_, svd_20.explained_variance_ratio_[:10], decimal=5, ) # Assert that 20 components has higher explained variance than 10 for svd_10, svd_20 in svds_10_v_20: assert_greater( svd_20.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), svd_10.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), ) # Assert that all the values are greater than 0 for svd in svds: assert_array_less(0.0, svd.explained_variance_ratio_) # Assert that total explained variance is less than 1 for svd in svds: assert_array_less(svd.explained_variance_ratio_.sum(), 1.0) # Compare sparse vs. dense for svd_sparse, svd_dense in svds_sparse_v_dense: assert_array_almost_equal(svd_sparse.explained_variance_ratio_, svd_dense.explained_variance_ratio_) # Test that explained_variance is correct for svd, transformed in svds_trans: total_variance = np.var(X.toarray(), axis=0).sum() variances = np.var(transformed, axis=0) true_explained_variance_ratio = variances / total_variance assert_array_almost_equal( svd.explained_variance_ratio_, true_explained_variance_ratio, )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Depricate """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import utool as ut print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[user_dialogs]') def convert_name_suggestion_to_aids(ibs, choicetup, name_suggest_tup): """ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.user_dialogs import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> comp_aids = [2, 3, 4] >>> comp_names = ['fred', 'sue', 'alice'] >>> chosen_names = ['fred'] >>> # execute function >>> result = convert_name_suggestion_to_aids(ibs, choicetup, name_suggest_tup) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ num_top = 3 autoname_msg, chosen_names, name_confidence = name_suggest_tup comp_aids_all = ut.get_list_column(choicetup.sorted_aids, 0) comp_aids = ut.listclip(comp_aids_all, num_top) comp_names = ibs.get_annot_names(comp_aids) issuggested = ut.list_cover(comp_names, chosen_names) suggest_aids = ut.compress(comp_aids, issuggested) return comp_aids, suggest_aids def wait_for_user_name_decision(ibs, cm, qreq_, choicetup, name_suggest_tup, incinfo=None): r""" Prompts the user for input hooks into to some method of getting user input for names Args: ibs (IBEISController): cm (QueryResult): object of feature correspondences and scores autoname_func (function): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.user_dialogs --test-wait_for_user_name_decision --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.user_dialogs import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> qaids = [1] >>> daids = [2, 3, 4, 5] >>> cm, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips(qaids, daids, cfgdict=dict(), >>> return_request=True)[0] >>> choicetup = '?' >>> name_suggest_tup = '?' >>> incinfo = None >>> # execute function >>> result = wait_for_user_name_decision(ibs, cm, qreq_, choicetup, >>> name_suggest_tup, incinfo) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt if cm is None: print('WARNING: chipmatch is None') new_mplshow = True and cm is not None mplshowtop = False and cm is not None qtinspect = False and cm is not None if new_mplshow: from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_query_decision print('Showing matplotlib window') # convert name choices into data for gui comp_aids, suggest_aids = convert_name_suggestion_to_aids(ibs, choicetup, name_suggest_tup) # Update names tree callback # Let the harness do these callbacks #backend_callback = incinfo.get('backend_callback', None) #update_callback = incinfo.get('update_callback', None) name_decision_callback = incinfo['name_decision_callback'] progress_current = incinfo['count'] progress_total = incinfo['nTotal'] fnum = incinfo['fnum'] qvi = interact_query_decision.QueryVerificationInteraction( qreq_, cm, comp_aids, suggest_aids, name_decision_callback=name_decision_callback, #update_callback=update_callback, #backend_callback=backend_callback, progress_current=progress_current, progress_total=progress_total, fnum=fnum) pt.bring_to_front(qvi.fig) if mplshowtop: import guitool fnum = 513 pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 3, 1), doclf=True, docla=True) fig = cm.ishow_top(qreq_, fnum=fnum, in_image=False, annot_mode=0, sidebyside=False, show_query=True) #fig.canvas.raise_() #from plottool import fig_presenter #fig_presenter.bring_to_front(fig) newname = ibs.make_next_name() newname_prefix = 'New Name:\n' # FIXME or remoev name = None #if chosen_names is None: # name = newname_prefix + newname aid_list = ut.get_list_column(choicetup.sorted_aids, 0) name_options = ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list) + [newname_prefix + newname] msg = 'Decide on query name. System suggests; ' + str(name) title = 'name decision' options = name_options[::-1] user_chosen_name = guitool.user_option(None, msg, title, options) # NOQA if user_chosen_name is None: raise AssertionError('User Canceled Query') user_chosen_name = user_chosen_name.replace(newname_prefix, '') # TODO: Make the old interface use the correct sorted_aids format #name_decision_callback(user_chosen_name) if qtinspect: print('Showing qt inspect window') qres_wgt = cm.qt_inspect_gui(qreq_) qres_wgt.raise_() #if qreq_ is not None: # if qreq_.normalizer is None: # print('normalizer is None!!') # else: # qreq_.normalizer.visualize(update=False, fnum=2) # Prompt the user (this could be swaped out with a qt or web interface) #if qtinspect: # qres_wgt.close() #return user_chosen_name def wait_for_user_exemplar_decision(autoexemplar_msg, exemplar_decision, exemplar_condience, incinfo=None): r""" hooks into to some method of getting user input for exemplars TODO: really good interface Args: autoexemplar_msg (?): exemplar_decision (?): exemplar_condience (?): Returns: ?: True CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --test-get_user_exemplar_decision Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> autoexemplar_msg = '?' >>> exemplar_decision = '?' >>> exemplar_condience = '?' >>> get_user_exemplar_decision(autoexemplar_msg, exemplar_decision, >>> exemplar_condience) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(True) >>> print(result) """ import guitool options = ['No', 'Yes'] msg = 'Add query as new exemplar?. IBEIS suggests: ' + options[exemplar_decision] title = 'exemplar decision' responce = guitool.user_option(None, msg, title, options) # NOQA if responce is None: raise AssertionError('User Canceled Query') if responce == 'Yes': exemplar_decision = True elif responce == 'No': exemplar_decision = False else: raise AssertionError('answer yes or no') # TODO CALLBACK HERE exemplar_decision_callback = incinfo['exemplar_decision_callback'] exemplar_decision_callback(exemplar_decision)
""" Tests for chi2, currently the only feature selection function designed specifically to work with sparse matrices. """ import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix import scipy.stats from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2 from sklearn.feature_selection.univariate_selection import _chisquare from import assert_raises from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_array_almost_equal # Feature 0 is highly informative for class 1; # feature 1 is the same everywhere; # feature 2 is a bit informative for class 2. X = [[2, 1, 2], [9, 1, 1], [6, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] y = [0, 1, 2, 2] def mkchi2(k): """Make k-best chi2 selector""" return SelectKBest(chi2, k=k) def test_chi2(): # Test Chi2 feature extraction chi2 = mkchi2(k=1).fit(X, y) chi2 = mkchi2(k=1).fit(X, y) assert_equal(chi2.get_support(indices=True), [0]) assert_equal(chi2.transform(X), np.array(X)[:, [0]]) chi2 = mkchi2(k=2).fit(X, y) assert_equal(sorted(chi2.get_support(indices=True)), [0, 2]) Xsp = csr_matrix(X, dtype=np.float) chi2 = mkchi2(k=2).fit(Xsp, y) assert_equal(sorted(chi2.get_support(indices=True)), [0, 2]) Xtrans = chi2.transform(Xsp) assert_equal(Xtrans.shape, [Xsp.shape[0], 2]) # == doesn't work on scipy.sparse matrices Xtrans = Xtrans.toarray() Xtrans2 = mkchi2(k=2).fit_transform(Xsp, y).toarray() assert_equal(Xtrans, Xtrans2) def test_chi2_coo(): # Check that chi2 works with a COO matrix # (as returned by CountVectorizer, DictVectorizer) Xcoo = coo_matrix(X) mkchi2(k=2).fit_transform(Xcoo, y) # if we got here without an exception, we're safe def test_chi2_negative(): # Check for proper error on negative numbers in the input X. X, y = [[0, 1], [-1e-20, 1]], [0, 1] for X in (X, np.array(X), csr_matrix(X)): assert_raises(ValueError, chi2, X, y) def test_chisquare(): # Test replacement for scipy.stats.chisquare against the original. obs = np.array([[2., 2.], [1., 1.]]) exp = np.array([[1.5, 1.5], [1.5, 1.5]]) # call SciPy first because our version overwrites obs chi_scp, p_scp = scipy.stats.chisquare(obs, exp) chi_our, p_our = _chisquare(obs, exp) assert_array_almost_equal(chi_scp, chi_our) assert_array_almost_equal(p_scp, p_our)
Examples/Event Analysis/Half-Yearly End/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Jan 03 10:16:39 2013 @author: Grahesh """ import pandas from qstkutil import DataAccess as da import numpy as np import math import copy import qstkutil.qsdateutil as du import datetime as dt import qstkutil.DataAccess as da import qstkutil.tsutil as tsu import qstkstudy.EventProfiler as ep """ Accepts a list of symbols along with start and end date Returns the Event Matrix which is a pandas Datamatrix Event matrix has the following structure : |IBM |GOOG|XOM |MSFT| GS | JP | (d1)|nan |nan | 1 |nan |nan | 1 | (d2)|nan | 1 |nan |nan |nan |nan | (d3)| 1 |nan | 1 |nan | 1 |nan | (d4)|nan | 1 |nan | 1 |nan |nan | ................................... ................................... Also, d1 = start date nan = no information about any event. 1 = status bit(positively confirms the event occurence) """ # Get the data from the data store storename = "NSEData" # get data from our daily prices source # Available field names: open, close, high, low, close, actual_close, volume closefield = "close" volumefield = "volume" window = 10 def getHalfYearEndDates(timestamps): newTS=[] tempYear=timestamps[0].year flag=1 for x in range(0, len(timestamps)-1): if(timestamps[x].year==tempYear): if(timestamps[x].month==4 and flag==1): newTS.append(timestamps[x-1]) flag=0 if(timestamps[x].month==10): newTS.append(timestamps[x-1]) tempYear=timestamps[x].year+1 flag=1 return newTS def findEvents(symbols, startday,endday, marketSymbol,verbose=False): # Reading the Data for the list of Symbols. timeofday=dt.timedelta(hours=16) timestamps = du.getNSEdays(startday,endday,timeofday) endOfHalfYear=getHalfYearEndDates(timestamps) dataobj = da.DataAccess('NSEData') if verbose: print __name__ + " reading data" # Reading the Data close = dataobj.get_data(timestamps, symbols, closefield) # Completing the Data - Removing the NaN values from the Matrix close = (close.fillna(method='ffill')).fillna(method='backfill') # Calculating Daily Returns for the Market tsu.returnize0(close.values) # Calculating the Returns of the Stock Relative to the Market # So if a Stock went up 5% and the Market rised 3%. The the return relative to market is 2% mktneutDM = close - close[marketSymbol] np_eventmat = copy.deepcopy(mktneutDM) for sym in symbols: for time in timestamps: np_eventmat[sym][time]=np.NAN if verbose: print __name__ + " finding events" # Generating the Event Matrix # Event described is : Analyzing half year events for given stocks. for symbol in symbols: for i in endOfHalfYear: np_eventmat[symbol][i] = 1.0 #overwriting by the bit, marking the event return np_eventmat ################################################# ################ MAIN CODE ###################### ################################################# symbols = np.loadtxt('NSE500port.csv',dtype='S13',comments='#', skiprows=1) # You might get a message about some files being missing, don't worry about it. #symbols =['SPY','BFRE','ATCS','RSERF','GDNEF','LAST','ATTUF','JBFCF','CYVA','SPF','XPO','EHECF','TEMO','AOLS','CSNT','REMI','GLRP','AIFLY','BEE','DJRT','CHSTF','AICAF'] #symbols=['NSE','3MINDIA.NS','AARTIIND.NS','ABAN.NS','ABB.NS','ABGSHIP.NS','ABIRLANUV.NS','ACC.NS','ADANIENT.NS','ADANIPORT.NS','ADANIPOWE.NS','ADVANTA.NS','ALLCARGO.NS','AIAENG.NS','AIL.NS','AZKOINDIA.NS'] startday = dt.datetime(2011,1,1) endday = dt.datetime(2012,1,1) eventMatrix = findEvents(symbols,startday,endday,marketSymbol='NSE500',verbose=True) eventMatrix.to_csv('eventmatrix.csv', sep=',') eventProfiler = ep.EventProfiler(eventMatrix,startday,endday,lookback_days=20,lookforward_days=20,verbose=True)"HalfYearEventStudy.jpg",plotErrorBars=True,plotMarketNeutral=True,plotEvents=False,marketSymbol='NSE500')
######################################################################## # This example demonstrates divisive normalization # Copyright (C) Upinder S. Bhalla NCBS 2018 # Released under the terms of the GNU Public License V3. ######################################################################## import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons import numpy as np import warnings import moose import rdesigneur as rd lines = [] tplot = "" axes = [] sliders = [] spikingDistrib = [] RM = 1.0 RA = 1.0 CM = 0.01 dia = 10e-6 runtime = 0.08 elecPlotDt = 0.0002 sliderMode = "Gbar" gluGbar = 1.0 gabaGbar = 0.5 K_A_Gbar = 2.0 gluOnset = 20.0e-3 gabaOnset = 40.0e-3 inputFreq = 100.0 inputDuration = 0.01 printOutput = False makeMovie = False frameNum = 0 fname = "movie/frame" ttext = "" rec = [] def setGluGbar( val ): global gluGbar gluGbar = val updateDisplay() def setGabaGbar( val ): global gabaGbar gabaGbar = val updateDisplay() def setK_A_Gbar( val ): global K_A_Gbar K_A_Gbar = val updateDisplay() def setGabaOnset( val ): global gabaOnset gabaOnset = val/1000.0 updateDisplay() def setRM( val ): global RM RM = val updateDisplay() def setCM( val ): global CM CM = val updateDisplay() def makeModel(): cd = [ ['glu', 'soma', 'Gbar', str(gluGbar)], ['GABA', 'soma', 'Gbar', str(gabaGbar)], ['K_A', 'soma', 'Gbar', str(K_A_Gbar)] ] cd.extend( spikingDistrib ) rdes = rd.rdesigneur( elecPlotDt = elecPlotDt, stealCellFromLibrary = True, verbose = False, chanProto = [ ['make_glu()', 'glu'],['make_GABA()', 'GABA'], ['make_K_A()','K_A'], ['make_Na()', 'Na'],['make_K_DR()', 'K_DR'], ], cellProto = [['somaProto', 'cellBase', dia, dia]], passiveDistrib = [[ '#', 'RM', str(RM), 'CM', str(CM), 'RA', str(RA) ]], chanDistrib = cd, stimList = [ ['soma', '1','glu', 'periodicsyn', '{}*(t>{:.3f} && t<{:.3f})'.format( inputFreq, gluOnset, gluOnset + inputDuration) ], ['soma', '1','GABA', 'periodicsyn', '{}*(t>{:.3f} && t<{:.3f})'.format( inputFreq, gabaOnset, gabaOnset + inputDuration) ], ], plotList = [['soma', '1','.', 'Vm']], ) moose.element( '/library/GABA' ).Ek = -0.07 rdes.buildModel() def main(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module="matplotlib") makeDisplay() quit() class stimToggle(): def __init__( self, toggle, ax ): self.duration = 1 self.toggle = toggle = ax def click( self, event ): global spikingDistrib if self.duration < 0.5: self.duration = 1.0 self.toggle.label.set_text( "Spiking off" ) self.toggle.color = "yellow" self.toggle.hovercolor = "yellow" spikingDistrib = [] else: self.duration = 0.001 self.toggle.label.set_text( "Spiking on" ) self.toggle.color = "orange" self.toggle.hovercolor = "orange" spikingDistrib = [['Na', 'soma', 'Gbar', '200' ],['K_DR', 'soma', 'Gbar', '250' ]] updateDisplay() def printSomaVm(): print("This is somaVm" ) def updateDisplay(): global frameNum makeModel() moose.reinit() moose.start( runtime ) tabvec = moose.element( '/model/graphs/plot0' ).vector #print "############## len tabvec = ", len(tabvec) maxval = max(tabvec) imaxval = list(tabvec).index( maxval ) maxt = imaxval * elecPlotDt * 1000 pk = (maxval - min( tabvec[:imaxval+1] )) * 1000 ttext.set_text( "Peak=({:.1f}, {:.1f})".format( maxt, pk ) ) tplot.set_ydata( tabvec * 1000 ) if printOutput: print( "{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format( maxval*1000, pk,maxt, gluGbar, gabaGbar, K_A_Gbar, gabaOnset*1000, RM, CM ) ) if makeMovie: plt.savefig( "{}_{:03d}.png".format(fname, frameNum) ) frameNum += 1 moose.delete( '/model' ) moose.delete( '/library' ) def doQuit( event ): quit() def makeDisplay(): global lines global tplot global axes global sliders global ttext img = mpimg.imread( 'EI_input.png' ) fig = plt.figure( figsize=(10,12) ) png = fig.add_subplot(311) imgplot = plt.imshow( img ) plt.axis('off') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(312) ttext = plt.text( 0, -35, "Peak=(0,0)", alpha = 0.9 ) plt.ylabel( 'Vm (mV)' ) plt.ylim( -80, -30 ) plt.xlabel( 'time (ms)' ) plt.title( "Membrane potential vs time at soma." ) t = np.arange( 0.0, runtime + elecPlotDt / 2.0, elecPlotDt ) * 1000 #ms #print "############## len t = ", len(t) tplot, = ax1.plot( t, np.zeros(len(t)), 'b-' ) ax = fig.add_subplot(313) plt.axis('off') axcolor = 'palegreen' axStim = plt.axes( [0.02,0.005, 0.20,0.03], facecolor='green' ) axReset = plt.axes( [0.25,0.005, 0.30,0.03], facecolor='blue' ) axQuit = plt.axes( [0.60,0.005, 0.30,0.03], facecolor='blue' ) for x in np.arange( 0.05, 0.31, 0.05 ): axes.append( plt.axes( [0.25, x, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor ) ) stim = Button( axStim, 'Spiking off', color = 'yellow' ) stimObj = stimToggle( stim, axStim ) reset = Button( axReset, 'Reset', color = 'cyan' ) q = Button( axQuit, 'Quit', color = 'pink' ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[0], "gluGbar (Mho/m^2)", 0.01, 2, valinit = gluGbar) ) sliders[-1].on_changed( setGluGbar ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[1], "gabaGbar (Mho/m^2)", 0.01, 2, valinit = gabaGbar) ) sliders[-1].on_changed( setGabaGbar ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[2], "K_A_Gbar (Mho/m^2)", 0.01, 50, valinit = K_A_Gbar) ) sliders[-1].on_changed( setK_A_Gbar ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[3], "GABA Onset time (ms)", 10, 50, valinit = gabaOnset * 1000) ) sliders[-1].on_changed( setGabaOnset ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[4], "RM (Ohm.m^2)", 0.1, 10, valinit = RM)) sliders[-1].on_changed( setRM ) sliders.append( Slider( axes[5], "CM (Farads/m^2)", 0.001, 0.1, valinit = CM, valfmt='%0.3f')) sliders[-1].on_changed( setCM ) def resetParms( event ): for i in sliders: i.reset() stim.on_clicked( ) reset.on_clicked( resetParms ) q.on_clicked( doQuit ) if printOutput: print( "maxval\tpk\tmaxt\tgluG\tgabaG\tK_A_G\tgabaon\tRM\tCM" ) updateDisplay() # Run the 'main' if this script is executed standalone. if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#from inferno import cm_data as inferno_cm #from magma import cm_data as magma_cm #from plasma import cm_data as plasma_cm #from viridis import cm_data as viridis_cm # New matplotlib colormaps by Nathaniel J. Smith, Stefan van der Walt, # and (in the case of viridis) Eric Firing. # # This file and the colormaps in it are released under the CC0 license / # public domain dedication. We would appreciate credit if you use or # redistribute these colormaps, but do not impose any legal restrictions. # # To the extent possible under law, the persons who associated CC0 with # mpl-colormaps have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights # to mpl-colormaps. # # You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this # work. If not, see <>. __all__ = ['magma', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'viridis'] _magma_data = [[0.001462, 0.000466, 0.013866], [0.002258, 0.001295, 0.018331], [0.003279, 0.002305, 0.023708], [0.004512, 0.003490, 0.029965], [0.005950, 0.004843, 0.037130], [0.007588, 0.006356, 0.044973], [0.009426, 0.008022, 0.052844], [0.011465, 0.009828, 0.060750], [0.013708, 0.011771, 0.068667], [0.016156, 0.013840, 0.076603], [0.018815, 0.016026, 0.084584], [0.021692, 0.018320, 0.092610], [0.024792, 0.020715, 0.100676], [0.028123, 0.023201, 0.108787], [0.031696, 0.025765, 0.116965], [0.035520, 0.028397, 0.125209], [0.039608, 0.031090, 0.133515], [0.043830, 0.033830, 0.141886], [0.048062, 0.036607, 0.150327], [0.052320, 0.039407, 0.158841], [0.056615, 0.042160, 0.167446], [0.060949, 0.044794, 0.176129], [0.065330, 0.047318, 0.184892], [0.069764, 0.049726, 0.193735], [0.074257, 0.052017, 0.202660], [0.078815, 0.054184, 0.211667], [0.083446, 0.056225, 0.220755], [0.088155, 0.058133, 0.229922], [0.092949, 0.059904, 0.239164], [0.097833, 0.061531, 0.248477], [0.102815, 0.063010, 0.257854], [0.107899, 0.064335, 0.267289], [0.113094, 0.065492, 0.276784], [0.118405, 0.066479, 0.286321], [0.123833, 0.067295, 0.295879], [0.129380, 0.067935, 0.305443], [0.135053, 0.068391, 0.315000], [0.140858, 0.068654, 0.324538], [0.146785, 0.068738, 0.334011], [0.152839, 0.068637, 0.343404], [0.159018, 0.068354, 0.352688], [0.165308, 0.067911, 0.361816], [0.171713, 0.067305, 0.370771], [0.178212, 0.066576, 0.379497], [0.184801, 0.065732, 0.387973], [0.191460, 0.064818, 0.396152], [0.198177, 0.063862, 0.404009], [0.204935, 0.062907, 0.411514], [0.211718, 0.061992, 0.418647], [0.218512, 0.061158, 0.425392], [0.225302, 0.060445, 0.431742], [0.232077, 0.059889, 0.437695], [0.238826, 0.059517, 0.443256], [0.245543, 0.059352, 0.448436], [0.252220, 0.059415, 0.453248], [0.258857, 0.059706, 0.457710], [0.265447, 0.060237, 0.461840], [0.271994, 0.060994, 0.465660], [0.278493, 0.061978, 0.469190], [0.284951, 0.063168, 0.472451], [0.291366, 0.064553, 0.475462], [0.297740, 0.066117, 0.478243], [0.304081, 0.067835, 0.480812], [0.310382, 0.069702, 0.483186], [0.316654, 0.071690, 0.485380], [0.322899, 0.073782, 0.487408], [0.329114, 0.075972, 0.489287], [0.335308, 0.078236, 0.491024], [0.341482, 0.080564, 0.492631], [0.347636, 0.082946, 0.494121], [0.353773, 0.085373, 0.495501], [0.359898, 0.087831, 0.496778], [0.366012, 0.090314, 0.497960], [0.372116, 0.092816, 0.499053], [0.378211, 0.095332, 0.500067], [0.384299, 0.097855, 0.501002], [0.390384, 0.100379, 0.501864], [0.396467, 0.102902, 0.502658], [0.402548, 0.105420, 0.503386], [0.408629, 0.107930, 0.504052], [0.414709, 0.110431, 0.504662], [0.420791, 0.112920, 0.505215], [0.426877, 0.115395, 0.505714], [0.432967, 0.117855, 0.506160], [0.439062, 0.120298, 0.506555], [0.445163, 0.122724, 0.506901], [0.451271, 0.125132, 0.507198], [0.457386, 0.127522, 0.507448], [0.463508, 0.129893, 0.507652], [0.469640, 0.132245, 0.507809], [0.475780, 0.134577, 0.507921], [0.481929, 0.136891, 0.507989], [0.488088, 0.139186, 0.508011], [0.494258, 0.141462, 0.507988], [0.500438, 0.143719, 0.507920], [0.506629, 0.145958, 0.507806], [0.512831, 0.148179, 0.507648], [0.519045, 0.150383, 0.507443], [0.525270, 0.152569, 0.507192], [0.531507, 0.154739, 0.506895], [0.537755, 0.156894, 0.506551], [0.544015, 0.159033, 0.506159], [0.550287, 0.161158, 0.505719], [0.556571, 0.163269, 0.505230], [0.562866, 0.165368, 0.504692], [0.569172, 0.167454, 0.504105], [0.575490, 0.169530, 0.503466], [0.581819, 0.171596, 0.502777], [0.588158, 0.173652, 0.502035], [0.594508, 0.175701, 0.501241], [0.600868, 0.177743, 0.500394], [0.607238, 0.179779, 0.499492], [0.613617, 0.181811, 0.498536], [0.620005, 0.183840, 0.497524], [0.626401, 0.185867, 0.496456], [0.632805, 0.187893, 0.495332], [0.639216, 0.189921, 0.494150], [0.645633, 0.191952, 0.492910], [0.652056, 0.193986, 0.491611], [0.658483, 0.196027, 0.490253], [0.664915, 0.198075, 0.488836], [0.671349, 0.200133, 0.487358], [0.677786, 0.202203, 0.485819], [0.684224, 0.204286, 0.484219], [0.690661, 0.206384, 0.482558], [0.697098, 0.208501, 0.480835], [0.703532, 0.210638, 0.479049], [0.709962, 0.212797, 0.477201], [0.716387, 0.214982, 0.475290], [0.722805, 0.217194, 0.473316], [0.729216, 0.219437, 0.471279], [0.735616, 0.221713, 0.469180], [0.742004, 0.224025, 0.467018], [0.748378, 0.226377, 0.464794], [0.754737, 0.228772, 0.462509], [0.761077, 0.231214, 0.460162], [0.767398, 0.233705, 0.457755], [0.773695, 0.236249, 0.455289], [0.779968, 0.238851, 0.452765], [0.786212, 0.241514, 0.450184], [0.792427, 0.244242, 0.447543], [0.798608, 0.247040, 0.444848], [0.804752, 0.249911, 0.442102], [0.810855, 0.252861, 0.439305], [0.816914, 0.255895, 0.436461], [0.822926, 0.259016, 0.433573], [0.828886, 0.262229, 0.430644], [0.834791, 0.265540, 0.427671], [0.840636, 0.268953, 0.424666], [0.846416, 0.272473, 0.421631], [0.852126, 0.276106, 0.418573], [0.857763, 0.279857, 0.415496], [0.863320, 0.283729, 0.412403], [0.868793, 0.287728, 0.409303], [0.874176, 0.291859, 0.406205], [0.879464, 0.296125, 0.403118], [0.884651, 0.300530, 0.400047], [0.889731, 0.305079, 0.397002], [0.894700, 0.309773, 0.393995], [0.899552, 0.314616, 0.391037], [0.904281, 0.319610, 0.388137], [0.908884, 0.324755, 0.385308], [0.913354, 0.330052, 0.382563], [0.917689, 0.335500, 0.379915], [0.921884, 0.341098, 0.377376], [0.925937, 0.346844, 0.374959], [0.929845, 0.352734, 0.372677], [0.933606, 0.358764, 0.370541], [0.937221, 0.364929, 0.368567], [0.940687, 0.371224, 0.366762], [0.944006, 0.377643, 0.365136], [0.947180, 0.384178, 0.363701], [0.950210, 0.390820, 0.362468], [0.953099, 0.397563, 0.361438], [0.955849, 0.404400, 0.360619], [0.958464, 0.411324, 0.360014], [0.960949, 0.418323, 0.359630], [0.963310, 0.425390, 0.359469], [0.965549, 0.432519, 0.359529], [0.967671, 0.439703, 0.359810], [0.969680, 0.446936, 0.360311], [0.971582, 0.454210, 0.361030], [0.973381, 0.461520, 0.361965], [0.975082, 0.468861, 0.363111], [0.976690, 0.476226, 0.364466], [0.978210, 0.483612, 0.366025], [0.979645, 0.491014, 0.367783], [0.981000, 0.498428, 0.369734], [0.982279, 0.505851, 0.371874], [0.983485, 0.513280, 0.374198], [0.984622, 0.520713, 0.376698], [0.985693, 0.528148, 0.379371], [0.986700, 0.535582, 0.382210], [0.987646, 0.543015, 0.385210], [0.988533, 0.550446, 0.388365], [0.989363, 0.557873, 0.391671], [0.990138, 0.565296, 0.395122], [0.990871, 0.572706, 0.398714], [0.991558, 0.580107, 0.402441], [0.992196, 0.587502, 0.406299], [0.992785, 0.594891, 0.410283], [0.993326, 0.602275, 0.414390], [0.993834, 0.609644, 0.418613], [0.994309, 0.616999, 0.422950], [0.994738, 0.624350, 0.427397], [0.995122, 0.631696, 0.431951], [0.995480, 0.639027, 0.436607], [0.995810, 0.646344, 0.441361], [0.996096, 0.653659, 0.446213], [0.996341, 0.660969, 0.451160], [0.996580, 0.668256, 0.456192], [0.996775, 0.675541, 0.461314], [0.996925, 0.682828, 0.466526], [0.997077, 0.690088, 0.471811], [0.997186, 0.697349, 0.477182], [0.997254, 0.704611, 0.482635], [0.997325, 0.711848, 0.488154], [0.997351, 0.719089, 0.493755], [0.997351, 0.726324, 0.499428], [0.997341, 0.733545, 0.505167], [0.997285, 0.740772, 0.510983], [0.997228, 0.747981, 0.516859], [0.997138, 0.755190, 0.522806], [0.997019, 0.762398, 0.528821], [0.996898, 0.769591, 0.534892], [0.996727, 0.776795, 0.541039], [0.996571, 0.783977, 0.547233], [0.996369, 0.791167, 0.553499], [0.996162, 0.798348, 0.559820], [0.995932, 0.805527, 0.566202], [0.995680, 0.812706, 0.572645], [0.995424, 0.819875, 0.579140], [0.995131, 0.827052, 0.585701], [0.994851, 0.834213, 0.592307], [0.994524, 0.841387, 0.598983], [0.994222, 0.848540, 0.605696], [0.993866, 0.855711, 0.612482], [0.993545, 0.862859, 0.619299], [0.993170, 0.870024, 0.626189], [0.992831, 0.877168, 0.633109], [0.992440, 0.884330, 0.640099], [0.992089, 0.891470, 0.647116], [0.991688, 0.898627, 0.654202], [0.991332, 0.905763, 0.661309], [0.990930, 0.912915, 0.668481], [0.990570, 0.920049, 0.675675], [0.990175, 0.927196, 0.682926], [0.989815, 0.934329, 0.690198], [0.989434, 0.941470, 0.697519], [0.989077, 0.948604, 0.704863], [0.988717, 0.955742, 0.712242], [0.988367, 0.962878, 0.719649], [0.988033, 0.970012, 0.727077], [0.987691, 0.977154, 0.734536], [0.987387, 0.984288, 0.742002], [0.987053, 0.991438, 0.749504]] _inferno_data = [[0.001462, 0.000466, 0.013866], [0.002267, 0.001270, 0.018570], [0.003299, 0.002249, 0.024239], [0.004547, 0.003392, 0.030909], [0.006006, 0.004692, 0.038558], [0.007676, 0.006136, 0.046836], [0.009561, 0.007713, 0.055143], [0.011663, 0.009417, 0.063460], [0.013995, 0.011225, 0.071862], [0.016561, 0.013136, 0.080282], [0.019373, 0.015133, 0.088767], [0.022447, 0.017199, 0.097327], [0.025793, 0.019331, 0.105930], [0.029432, 0.021503, 0.114621], [0.033385, 0.023702, 0.123397], [0.037668, 0.025921, 0.132232], [0.042253, 0.028139, 0.141141], [0.046915, 0.030324, 0.150164], [0.051644, 0.032474, 0.159254], [0.056449, 0.034569, 0.168414], [0.061340, 0.036590, 0.177642], [0.066331, 0.038504, 0.186962], [0.071429, 0.040294, 0.196354], [0.076637, 0.041905, 0.205799], [0.081962, 0.043328, 0.215289], [0.087411, 0.044556, 0.224813], [0.092990, 0.045583, 0.234358], [0.098702, 0.046402, 0.243904], [0.104551, 0.047008, 0.253430], [0.110536, 0.047399, 0.262912], [0.116656, 0.047574, 0.272321], [0.122908, 0.047536, 0.281624], [0.129285, 0.047293, 0.290788], [0.135778, 0.046856, 0.299776], [0.142378, 0.046242, 0.308553], [0.149073, 0.045468, 0.317085], [0.155850, 0.044559, 0.325338], [0.162689, 0.043554, 0.333277], [0.169575, 0.042489, 0.340874], [0.176493, 0.041402, 0.348111], [0.183429, 0.040329, 0.354971], [0.190367, 0.039309, 0.361447], [0.197297, 0.038400, 0.367535], [0.204209, 0.037632, 0.373238], [0.211095, 0.037030, 0.378563], [0.217949, 0.036615, 0.383522], [0.224763, 0.036405, 0.388129], [0.231538, 0.036405, 0.392400], [0.238273, 0.036621, 0.396353], [0.244967, 0.037055, 0.400007], [0.251620, 0.037705, 0.403378], [0.258234, 0.038571, 0.406485], [0.264810, 0.039647, 0.409345], [0.271347, 0.040922, 0.411976], [0.277850, 0.042353, 0.414392], [0.284321, 0.043933, 0.416608], [0.290763, 0.045644, 0.418637], [0.297178, 0.047470, 0.420491], [0.303568, 0.049396, 0.422182], [0.309935, 0.051407, 0.423721], [0.316282, 0.053490, 0.425116], [0.322610, 0.055634, 0.426377], [0.328921, 0.057827, 0.427511], [0.335217, 0.060060, 0.428524], [0.341500, 0.062325, 0.429425], [0.347771, 0.064616, 0.430217], [0.354032, 0.066925, 0.430906], [0.360284, 0.069247, 0.431497], [0.366529, 0.071579, 0.431994], [0.372768, 0.073915, 0.432400], [0.379001, 0.076253, 0.432719], [0.385228, 0.078591, 0.432955], [0.391453, 0.080927, 0.433109], [0.397674, 0.083257, 0.433183], [0.403894, 0.085580, 0.433179], [0.410113, 0.087896, 0.433098], [0.416331, 0.090203, 0.432943], [0.422549, 0.092501, 0.432714], [0.428768, 0.094790, 0.432412], [0.434987, 0.097069, 0.432039], [0.441207, 0.099338, 0.431594], [0.447428, 0.101597, 0.431080], [0.453651, 0.103848, 0.430498], [0.459875, 0.106089, 0.429846], [0.466100, 0.108322, 0.429125], [0.472328, 0.110547, 0.428334], [0.478558, 0.112764, 0.427475], [0.484789, 0.114974, 0.426548], [0.491022, 0.117179, 0.425552], [0.497257, 0.119379, 0.424488], [0.503493, 0.121575, 0.423356], [0.509730, 0.123769, 0.422156], [0.515967, 0.125960, 0.420887], [0.522206, 0.128150, 0.419549], [0.528444, 0.130341, 0.418142], [0.534683, 0.132534, 0.416667], [0.540920, 0.134729, 0.415123], [0.547157, 0.136929, 0.413511], [0.553392, 0.139134, 0.411829], [0.559624, 0.141346, 0.410078], [0.565854, 0.143567, 0.408258], [0.572081, 0.145797, 0.406369], [0.578304, 0.148039, 0.404411], [0.584521, 0.150294, 0.402385], [0.590734, 0.152563, 0.400290], [0.596940, 0.154848, 0.398125], [0.603139, 0.157151, 0.395891], [0.609330, 0.159474, 0.393589], [0.615513, 0.161817, 0.391219], [0.621685, 0.164184, 0.388781], [0.627847, 0.166575, 0.386276], [0.633998, 0.168992, 0.383704], [0.640135, 0.171438, 0.381065], [0.646260, 0.173914, 0.378359], [0.652369, 0.176421, 0.375586], [0.658463, 0.178962, 0.372748], [0.664540, 0.181539, 0.369846], [0.670599, 0.184153, 0.366879], [0.676638, 0.186807, 0.363849], [0.682656, 0.189501, 0.360757], [0.688653, 0.192239, 0.357603], [0.694627, 0.195021, 0.354388], [0.700576, 0.197851, 0.351113], [0.706500, 0.200728, 0.347777], [0.712396, 0.203656, 0.344383], [0.718264, 0.206636, 0.340931], [0.724103, 0.209670, 0.337424], [0.729909, 0.212759, 0.333861], [0.735683, 0.215906, 0.330245], [0.741423, 0.219112, 0.326576], [0.747127, 0.222378, 0.322856], [0.752794, 0.225706, 0.319085], [0.758422, 0.229097, 0.315266], [0.764010, 0.232554, 0.311399], [0.769556, 0.236077, 0.307485], [0.775059, 0.239667, 0.303526], [0.780517, 0.243327, 0.299523], [0.785929, 0.247056, 0.295477], [0.791293, 0.250856, 0.291390], [0.796607, 0.254728, 0.287264], [0.801871, 0.258674, 0.283099], [0.807082, 0.262692, 0.278898], [0.812239, 0.266786, 0.274661], [0.817341, 0.270954, 0.270390], [0.822386, 0.275197, 0.266085], [0.827372, 0.279517, 0.261750], [0.832299, 0.283913, 0.257383], [0.837165, 0.288385, 0.252988], [0.841969, 0.292933, 0.248564], [0.846709, 0.297559, 0.244113], [0.851384, 0.302260, 0.239636], [0.855992, 0.307038, 0.235133], [0.860533, 0.311892, 0.230606], [0.865006, 0.316822, 0.226055], [0.869409, 0.321827, 0.221482], [0.873741, 0.326906, 0.216886], [0.878001, 0.332060, 0.212268], [0.882188, 0.337287, 0.207628], [0.886302, 0.342586, 0.202968], [0.890341, 0.347957, 0.198286], [0.894305, 0.353399, 0.193584], [0.898192, 0.358911, 0.188860], [0.902003, 0.364492, 0.184116], [0.905735, 0.370140, 0.179350], [0.909390, 0.375856, 0.174563], [0.912966, 0.381636, 0.169755], [0.916462, 0.387481, 0.164924], [0.919879, 0.393389, 0.160070], [0.923215, 0.399359, 0.155193], [0.926470, 0.405389, 0.150292], [0.929644, 0.411479, 0.145367], [0.932737, 0.417627, 0.140417], [0.935747, 0.423831, 0.135440], [0.938675, 0.430091, 0.130438], [0.941521, 0.436405, 0.125409], [0.944285, 0.442772, 0.120354], [0.946965, 0.449191, 0.115272], [0.949562, 0.455660, 0.110164], [0.952075, 0.462178, 0.105031], [0.954506, 0.468744, 0.099874], [0.956852, 0.475356, 0.094695], [0.959114, 0.482014, 0.089499], [0.961293, 0.488716, 0.084289], [0.963387, 0.495462, 0.079073], [0.965397, 0.502249, 0.073859], [0.967322, 0.509078, 0.068659], [0.969163, 0.515946, 0.063488], [0.970919, 0.522853, 0.058367], [0.972590, 0.529798, 0.053324], [0.974176, 0.536780, 0.048392], [0.975677, 0.543798, 0.043618], [0.977092, 0.550850, 0.039050], [0.978422, 0.557937, 0.034931], [0.979666, 0.565057, 0.031409], [0.980824, 0.572209, 0.028508], [0.981895, 0.579392, 0.026250], [0.982881, 0.586606, 0.024661], [0.983779, 0.593849, 0.023770], [0.984591, 0.601122, 0.023606], [0.985315, 0.608422, 0.024202], [0.985952, 0.615750, 0.025592], [0.986502, 0.623105, 0.027814], [0.986964, 0.630485, 0.030908], [0.987337, 0.637890, 0.034916], [0.987622, 0.645320, 0.039886], [0.987819, 0.652773, 0.045581], [0.987926, 0.660250, 0.051750], [0.987945, 0.667748, 0.058329], [0.987874, 0.675267, 0.065257], [0.987714, 0.682807, 0.072489], [0.987464, 0.690366, 0.079990], [0.987124, 0.697944, 0.087731], [0.986694, 0.705540, 0.095694], [0.986175, 0.713153, 0.103863], [0.985566, 0.720782, 0.112229], [0.984865, 0.728427, 0.120785], [0.984075, 0.736087, 0.129527], [0.983196, 0.743758, 0.138453], [0.982228, 0.751442, 0.147565], [0.981173, 0.759135, 0.156863], [0.980032, 0.766837, 0.166353], [0.978806, 0.774545, 0.176037], [0.977497, 0.782258, 0.185923], [0.976108, 0.789974, 0.196018], [0.974638, 0.797692, 0.206332], [0.973088, 0.805409, 0.216877], [0.971468, 0.813122, 0.227658], [0.969783, 0.820825, 0.238686], [0.968041, 0.828515, 0.249972], [0.966243, 0.836191, 0.261534], [0.964394, 0.843848, 0.273391], [0.962517, 0.851476, 0.285546], [0.960626, 0.859069, 0.298010], [0.958720, 0.866624, 0.310820], [0.956834, 0.874129, 0.323974], [0.954997, 0.881569, 0.337475], [0.953215, 0.888942, 0.351369], [0.951546, 0.896226, 0.365627], [0.950018, 0.903409, 0.380271], [0.948683, 0.910473, 0.395289], [0.947594, 0.917399, 0.410665], [0.946809, 0.924168, 0.426373], [0.946392, 0.930761, 0.442367], [0.946403, 0.937159, 0.458592], [0.946903, 0.943348, 0.474970], [0.947937, 0.949318, 0.491426], [0.949545, 0.955063, 0.507860], [0.951740, 0.960587, 0.524203], [0.954529, 0.965896, 0.540361], [0.957896, 0.971003, 0.556275], [0.961812, 0.975924, 0.571925], [0.966249, 0.980678, 0.587206], [0.971162, 0.985282, 0.602154], [0.976511, 0.989753, 0.616760], [0.982257, 0.994109, 0.631017], [0.988362, 0.998364, 0.644924]] _plasma_data = [[0.050383, 0.029803, 0.527975], [0.063536, 0.028426, 0.533124], [0.075353, 0.027206, 0.538007], [0.086222, 0.026125, 0.542658], [0.096379, 0.025165, 0.547103], [0.105980, 0.024309, 0.551368], [0.115124, 0.023556, 0.555468], [0.123903, 0.022878, 0.559423], [0.132381, 0.022258, 0.563250], [0.140603, 0.021687, 0.566959], [0.148607, 0.021154, 0.570562], [0.156421, 0.020651, 0.574065], [0.164070, 0.020171, 0.577478], [0.171574, 0.019706, 0.580806], [0.178950, 0.019252, 0.584054], [0.186213, 0.018803, 0.587228], [0.193374, 0.018354, 0.590330], [0.200445, 0.017902, 0.593364], [0.207435, 0.017442, 0.596333], [0.214350, 0.016973, 0.599239], [0.221197, 0.016497, 0.602083], [0.227983, 0.016007, 0.604867], [0.234715, 0.015502, 0.607592], [0.241396, 0.014979, 0.610259], [0.248032, 0.014439, 0.612868], [0.254627, 0.013882, 0.615419], [0.261183, 0.013308, 0.617911], [0.267703, 0.012716, 0.620346], [0.274191, 0.012109, 0.622722], [0.280648, 0.011488, 0.625038], [0.287076, 0.010855, 0.627295], [0.293478, 0.010213, 0.629490], [0.299855, 0.009561, 0.631624], [0.306210, 0.008902, 0.633694], [0.312543, 0.008239, 0.635700], [0.318856, 0.007576, 0.637640], [0.325150, 0.006915, 0.639512], [0.331426, 0.006261, 0.641316], [0.337683, 0.005618, 0.643049], [0.343925, 0.004991, 0.644710], [0.350150, 0.004382, 0.646298], [0.356359, 0.003798, 0.647810], [0.362553, 0.003243, 0.649245], [0.368733, 0.002724, 0.650601], [0.374897, 0.002245, 0.651876], [0.381047, 0.001814, 0.653068], [0.387183, 0.001434, 0.654177], [0.393304, 0.001114, 0.655199], [0.399411, 0.000859, 0.656133], [0.405503, 0.000678, 0.656977], [0.411580, 0.000577, 0.657730], [0.417642, 0.000564, 0.658390], [0.423689, 0.000646, 0.658956], [0.429719, 0.000831, 0.659425], [0.435734, 0.001127, 0.659797], [0.441732, 0.001540, 0.660069], [0.447714, 0.002080, 0.660240], [0.453677, 0.002755, 0.660310], [0.459623, 0.003574, 0.660277], [0.465550, 0.004545, 0.660139], [0.471457, 0.005678, 0.659897], [0.477344, 0.006980, 0.659549], [0.483210, 0.008460, 0.659095], [0.489055, 0.010127, 0.658534], [0.494877, 0.011990, 0.657865], [0.500678, 0.014055, 0.657088], [0.506454, 0.016333, 0.656202], [0.512206, 0.018833, 0.655209], [0.517933, 0.021563, 0.654109], [0.523633, 0.024532, 0.652901], [0.529306, 0.027747, 0.651586], [0.534952, 0.031217, 0.650165], [0.540570, 0.034950, 0.648640], [0.546157, 0.038954, 0.647010], [0.551715, 0.043136, 0.645277], [0.557243, 0.047331, 0.643443], [0.562738, 0.051545, 0.641509], [0.568201, 0.055778, 0.639477], [0.573632, 0.060028, 0.637349], [0.579029, 0.064296, 0.635126], [0.584391, 0.068579, 0.632812], [0.589719, 0.072878, 0.630408], [0.595011, 0.077190, 0.627917], [0.600266, 0.081516, 0.625342], [0.605485, 0.085854, 0.622686], [0.610667, 0.090204, 0.619951], [0.615812, 0.094564, 0.617140], [0.620919, 0.098934, 0.614257], [0.625987, 0.103312, 0.611305], [0.631017, 0.107699, 0.608287], [0.636008, 0.112092, 0.605205], [0.640959, 0.116492, 0.602065], [0.645872, 0.120898, 0.598867], [0.650746, 0.125309, 0.595617], [0.655580, 0.129725, 0.592317], [0.660374, 0.134144, 0.588971], [0.665129, 0.138566, 0.585582], [0.669845, 0.142992, 0.582154], [0.674522, 0.147419, 0.578688], [0.679160, 0.151848, 0.575189], [0.683758, 0.156278, 0.571660], [0.688318, 0.160709, 0.568103], [0.692840, 0.165141, 0.564522], [0.697324, 0.169573, 0.560919], [0.701769, 0.174005, 0.557296], [0.706178, 0.178437, 0.553657], [0.710549, 0.182868, 0.550004], [0.714883, 0.187299, 0.546338], [0.719181, 0.191729, 0.542663], [0.723444, 0.196158, 0.538981], [0.727670, 0.200586, 0.535293], [0.731862, 0.205013, 0.531601], [0.736019, 0.209439, 0.527908], [0.740143, 0.213864, 0.524216], [0.744232, 0.218288, 0.520524], [0.748289, 0.222711, 0.516834], [0.752312, 0.227133, 0.513149], [0.756304, 0.231555, 0.509468], [0.760264, 0.235976, 0.505794], [0.764193, 0.240396, 0.502126], [0.768090, 0.244817, 0.498465], [0.771958, 0.249237, 0.494813], [0.775796, 0.253658, 0.491171], [0.779604, 0.258078, 0.487539], [0.783383, 0.262500, 0.483918], [0.787133, 0.266922, 0.480307], [0.790855, 0.271345, 0.476706], [0.794549, 0.275770, 0.473117], [0.798216, 0.280197, 0.469538], [0.801855, 0.284626, 0.465971], [0.805467, 0.289057, 0.462415], [0.809052, 0.293491, 0.458870], [0.812612, 0.297928, 0.455338], [0.816144, 0.302368, 0.451816], [0.819651, 0.306812, 0.448306], [0.823132, 0.311261, 0.444806], [0.826588, 0.315714, 0.441316], [0.830018, 0.320172, 0.437836], [0.833422, 0.324635, 0.434366], [0.836801, 0.329105, 0.430905], [0.840155, 0.333580, 0.427455], [0.843484, 0.338062, 0.424013], [0.846788, 0.342551, 0.420579], [0.850066, 0.347048, 0.417153], [0.853319, 0.351553, 0.413734], [0.856547, 0.356066, 0.410322], [0.859750, 0.360588, 0.406917], [0.862927, 0.365119, 0.403519], [0.866078, 0.369660, 0.400126], [0.869203, 0.374212, 0.396738], [0.872303, 0.378774, 0.393355], [0.875376, 0.383347, 0.389976], [0.878423, 0.387932, 0.386600], [0.881443, 0.392529, 0.383229], [0.884436, 0.397139, 0.379860], [0.887402, 0.401762, 0.376494], [0.890340, 0.406398, 0.373130], [0.893250, 0.411048, 0.369768], [0.896131, 0.415712, 0.366407], [0.898984, 0.420392, 0.363047], [0.901807, 0.425087, 0.359688], [0.904601, 0.429797, 0.356329], [0.907365, 0.434524, 0.352970], [0.910098, 0.439268, 0.349610], [0.912800, 0.444029, 0.346251], [0.915471, 0.448807, 0.342890], [0.918109, 0.453603, 0.339529], [0.920714, 0.458417, 0.336166], [0.923287, 0.463251, 0.332801], [0.925825, 0.468103, 0.329435], [0.928329, 0.472975, 0.326067], [0.930798, 0.477867, 0.322697], [0.933232, 0.482780, 0.319325], [0.935630, 0.487712, 0.315952], [0.937990, 0.492667, 0.312575], [0.940313, 0.497642, 0.309197], [0.942598, 0.502639, 0.305816], [0.944844, 0.507658, 0.302433], [0.947051, 0.512699, 0.299049], [0.949217, 0.517763, 0.295662], [0.951344, 0.522850, 0.292275], [0.953428, 0.527960, 0.288883], [0.955470, 0.533093, 0.285490], [0.957469, 0.538250, 0.282096], [0.959424, 0.543431, 0.278701], [0.961336, 0.548636, 0.275305], [0.963203, 0.553865, 0.271909], [0.965024, 0.559118, 0.268513], [0.966798, 0.564396, 0.265118], [0.968526, 0.569700, 0.261721], [0.970205, 0.575028, 0.258325], [0.971835, 0.580382, 0.254931], [0.973416, 0.585761, 0.251540], [0.974947, 0.591165, 0.248151], [0.976428, 0.596595, 0.244767], [0.977856, 0.602051, 0.241387], [0.979233, 0.607532, 0.238013], [0.980556, 0.613039, 0.234646], [0.981826, 0.618572, 0.231287], [0.983041, 0.624131, 0.227937], [0.984199, 0.629718, 0.224595], [0.985301, 0.635330, 0.221265], [0.986345, 0.640969, 0.217948], [0.987332, 0.646633, 0.214648], [0.988260, 0.652325, 0.211364], [0.989128, 0.658043, 0.208100], [0.989935, 0.663787, 0.204859], [0.990681, 0.669558, 0.201642], [0.991365, 0.675355, 0.198453], [0.991985, 0.681179, 0.195295], [0.992541, 0.687030, 0.192170], [0.993032, 0.692907, 0.189084], [0.993456, 0.698810, 0.186041], [0.993814, 0.704741, 0.183043], [0.994103, 0.710698, 0.180097], [0.994324, 0.716681, 0.177208], [0.994474, 0.722691, 0.174381], [0.994553, 0.728728, 0.171622], [0.994561, 0.734791, 0.168938], [0.994495, 0.740880, 0.166335], [0.994355, 0.746995, 0.163821], [0.994141, 0.753137, 0.161404], [0.993851, 0.759304, 0.159092], [0.993482, 0.765499, 0.156891], [0.993033, 0.771720, 0.154808], [0.992505, 0.777967, 0.152855], [0.991897, 0.784239, 0.151042], [0.991209, 0.790537, 0.149377], [0.990439, 0.796859, 0.147870], [0.989587, 0.803205, 0.146529], [0.988648, 0.809579, 0.145357], [0.987621, 0.815978, 0.144363], [0.986509, 0.822401, 0.143557], [0.985314, 0.828846, 0.142945], [0.984031, 0.835315, 0.142528], [0.982653, 0.841812, 0.142303], [0.981190, 0.848329, 0.142279], [0.979644, 0.854866, 0.142453], [0.977995, 0.861432, 0.142808], [0.976265, 0.868016, 0.143351], [0.974443, 0.874622, 0.144061], [0.972530, 0.881250, 0.144923], [0.970533, 0.887896, 0.145919], [0.968443, 0.894564, 0.147014], [0.966271, 0.901249, 0.148180], [0.964021, 0.907950, 0.149370], [0.961681, 0.914672, 0.150520], [0.959276, 0.921407, 0.151566], [0.956808, 0.928152, 0.152409], [0.954287, 0.934908, 0.152921], [0.951726, 0.941671, 0.152925], [0.949151, 0.948435, 0.152178], [0.946602, 0.955190, 0.150328], [0.944152, 0.961916, 0.146861], [0.941896, 0.968590, 0.140956], [0.940015, 0.975158, 0.131326]] _viridis_data = [[0.267004, 0.004874, 0.329415], [0.268510, 0.009605, 0.335427], [0.269944, 0.014625, 0.341379], [0.271305, 0.019942, 0.347269], [0.272594, 0.025563, 0.353093], [0.273809, 0.031497, 0.358853], [0.274952, 0.037752, 0.364543], [0.276022, 0.044167, 0.370164], [0.277018, 0.050344, 0.375715], [0.277941, 0.056324, 0.381191], [0.278791, 0.062145, 0.386592], [0.279566, 0.067836, 0.391917], [0.280267, 0.073417, 0.397163], [0.280894, 0.078907, 0.402329], [0.281446, 0.084320, 0.407414], [0.281924, 0.089666, 0.412415], [0.282327, 0.094955, 0.417331], [0.282656, 0.100196, 0.422160], [0.282910, 0.105393, 0.426902], [0.283091, 0.110553, 0.431554], [0.283197, 0.115680, 0.436115], [0.283229, 0.120777, 0.440584], [0.283187, 0.125848, 0.444960], [0.283072, 0.130895, 0.449241], [0.282884, 0.135920, 0.453427], [0.282623, 0.140926, 0.457517], [0.282290, 0.145912, 0.461510], [0.281887, 0.150881, 0.465405], [0.281412, 0.155834, 0.469201], [0.280868, 0.160771, 0.472899], [0.280255, 0.165693, 0.476498], [0.279574, 0.170599, 0.479997], [0.278826, 0.175490, 0.483397], [0.278012, 0.180367, 0.486697], [0.277134, 0.185228, 0.489898], [0.276194, 0.190074, 0.493001], [0.275191, 0.194905, 0.496005], [0.274128, 0.199721, 0.498911], [0.273006, 0.204520, 0.501721], [0.271828, 0.209303, 0.504434], [0.270595, 0.214069, 0.507052], [0.269308, 0.218818, 0.509577], [0.267968, 0.223549, 0.512008], [0.266580, 0.228262, 0.514349], [0.265145, 0.232956, 0.516599], [0.263663, 0.237631, 0.518762], [0.262138, 0.242286, 0.520837], [0.260571, 0.246922, 0.522828], [0.258965, 0.251537, 0.524736], [0.257322, 0.256130, 0.526563], [0.255645, 0.260703, 0.528312], [0.253935, 0.265254, 0.529983], [0.252194, 0.269783, 0.531579], [0.250425, 0.274290, 0.533103], [0.248629, 0.278775, 0.534556], [0.246811, 0.283237, 0.535941], [0.244972, 0.287675, 0.537260], [0.243113, 0.292092, 0.538516], [0.241237, 0.296485, 0.539709], [0.239346, 0.300855, 0.540844], [0.237441, 0.305202, 0.541921], [0.235526, 0.309527, 0.542944], [0.233603, 0.313828, 0.543914], [0.231674, 0.318106, 0.544834], [0.229739, 0.322361, 0.545706], [0.227802, 0.326594, 0.546532], [0.225863, 0.330805, 0.547314], [0.223925, 0.334994, 0.548053], [0.221989, 0.339161, 0.548752], [0.220057, 0.343307, 0.549413], [0.218130, 0.347432, 0.550038], [0.216210, 0.351535, 0.550627], [0.214298, 0.355619, 0.551184], [0.212395, 0.359683, 0.551710], [0.210503, 0.363727, 0.552206], [0.208623, 0.367752, 0.552675], [0.206756, 0.371758, 0.553117], [0.204903, 0.375746, 0.553533], [0.203063, 0.379716, 0.553925], [0.201239, 0.383670, 0.554294], [0.199430, 0.387607, 0.554642], [0.197636, 0.391528, 0.554969], [0.195860, 0.395433, 0.555276], [0.194100, 0.399323, 0.555565], [0.192357, 0.403199, 0.555836], [0.190631, 0.407061, 0.556089], [0.188923, 0.410910, 0.556326], [0.187231, 0.414746, 0.556547], [0.185556, 0.418570, 0.556753], [0.183898, 0.422383, 0.556944], [0.182256, 0.426184, 0.557120], [0.180629, 0.429975, 0.557282], [0.179019, 0.433756, 0.557430], [0.177423, 0.437527, 0.557565], [0.175841, 0.441290, 0.557685], [0.174274, 0.445044, 0.557792], [0.172719, 0.448791, 0.557885], [0.171176, 0.452530, 0.557965], [0.169646, 0.456262, 0.558030], [0.168126, 0.459988, 0.558082], [0.166617, 0.463708, 0.558119], [0.165117, 0.467423, 0.558141], [0.163625, 0.471133, 0.558148], [0.162142, 0.474838, 0.558140], [0.160665, 0.478540, 0.558115], [0.159194, 0.482237, 0.558073], [0.157729, 0.485932, 0.558013], [0.156270, 0.489624, 0.557936], [0.154815, 0.493313, 0.557840], [0.153364, 0.497000, 0.557724], [0.151918, 0.500685, 0.557587], [0.150476, 0.504369, 0.557430], [0.149039, 0.508051, 0.557250], [0.147607, 0.511733, 0.557049], [0.146180, 0.515413, 0.556823], [0.144759, 0.519093, 0.556572], [0.143343, 0.522773, 0.556295], [0.141935, 0.526453, 0.555991], [0.140536, 0.530132, 0.555659], [0.139147, 0.533812, 0.555298], [0.137770, 0.537492, 0.554906], [0.136408, 0.541173, 0.554483], [0.135066, 0.544853, 0.554029], [0.133743, 0.548535, 0.553541], [0.132444, 0.552216, 0.553018], [0.131172, 0.555899, 0.552459], [0.129933, 0.559582, 0.551864], [0.128729, 0.563265, 0.551229], [0.127568, 0.566949, 0.550556], [0.126453, 0.570633, 0.549841], [0.125394, 0.574318, 0.549086], [0.124395, 0.578002, 0.548287], [0.123463, 0.581687, 0.547445], [0.122606, 0.585371, 0.546557], [0.121831, 0.589055, 0.545623], [0.121148, 0.592739, 0.544641], [0.120565, 0.596422, 0.543611], [0.120092, 0.600104, 0.542530], [0.119738, 0.603785, 0.541400], [0.119512, 0.607464, 0.540218], [0.119423, 0.611141, 0.538982], [0.119483, 0.614817, 0.537692], [0.119699, 0.618490, 0.536347], [0.120081, 0.622161, 0.534946], [0.120638, 0.625828, 0.533488], [0.121380, 0.629492, 0.531973], [0.122312, 0.633153, 0.530398], [0.123444, 0.636809, 0.528763], [0.124780, 0.640461, 0.527068], [0.126326, 0.644107, 0.525311], [0.128087, 0.647749, 0.523491], [0.130067, 0.651384, 0.521608], [0.132268, 0.655014, 0.519661], [0.134692, 0.658636, 0.517649], [0.137339, 0.662252, 0.515571], [0.140210, 0.665859, 0.513427], [0.143303, 0.669459, 0.511215], [0.146616, 0.673050, 0.508936], [0.150148, 0.676631, 0.506589], [0.153894, 0.680203, 0.504172], [0.157851, 0.683765, 0.501686], [0.162016, 0.687316, 0.499129], [0.166383, 0.690856, 0.496502], [0.170948, 0.694384, 0.493803], [0.175707, 0.697900, 0.491033], [0.180653, 0.701402, 0.488189], [0.185783, 0.704891, 0.485273], [0.191090, 0.708366, 0.482284], [0.196571, 0.711827, 0.479221], [0.202219, 0.715272, 0.476084], [0.208030, 0.718701, 0.472873], [0.214000, 0.722114, 0.469588], [0.220124, 0.725509, 0.466226], [0.226397, 0.728888, 0.462789], [0.232815, 0.732247, 0.459277], [0.239374, 0.735588, 0.455688], [0.246070, 0.738910, 0.452024], [0.252899, 0.742211, 0.448284], [0.259857, 0.745492, 0.444467], [0.266941, 0.748751, 0.440573], [0.274149, 0.751988, 0.436601], [0.281477, 0.755203, 0.432552], [0.288921, 0.758394, 0.428426], [0.296479, 0.761561, 0.424223], [0.304148, 0.764704, 0.419943], [0.311925, 0.767822, 0.415586], [0.319809, 0.770914, 0.411152], [0.327796, 0.773980, 0.406640], [0.335885, 0.777018, 0.402049], [0.344074, 0.780029, 0.397381], [0.352360, 0.783011, 0.392636], [0.360741, 0.785964, 0.387814], [0.369214, 0.788888, 0.382914], [0.377779, 0.791781, 0.377939], [0.386433, 0.794644, 0.372886], [0.395174, 0.797475, 0.367757], [0.404001, 0.800275, 0.362552], [0.412913, 0.803041, 0.357269], [0.421908, 0.805774, 0.351910], [0.430983, 0.808473, 0.346476], [0.440137, 0.811138, 0.340967], [0.449368, 0.813768, 0.335384], [0.458674, 0.816363, 0.329727], [0.468053, 0.818921, 0.323998], [0.477504, 0.821444, 0.318195], [0.487026, 0.823929, 0.312321], [0.496615, 0.826376, 0.306377], [0.506271, 0.828786, 0.300362], [0.515992, 0.831158, 0.294279], [0.525776, 0.833491, 0.288127], [0.535621, 0.835785, 0.281908], [0.545524, 0.838039, 0.275626], [0.555484, 0.840254, 0.269281], [0.565498, 0.842430, 0.262877], [0.575563, 0.844566, 0.256415], [0.585678, 0.846661, 0.249897], [0.595839, 0.848717, 0.243329], [0.606045, 0.850733, 0.236712], [0.616293, 0.852709, 0.230052], [0.626579, 0.854645, 0.223353], [0.636902, 0.856542, 0.216620], [0.647257, 0.858400, 0.209861], [0.657642, 0.860219, 0.203082], [0.668054, 0.861999, 0.196293], [0.678489, 0.863742, 0.189503], [0.688944, 0.865448, 0.182725], [0.699415, 0.867117, 0.175971], [0.709898, 0.868751, 0.169257], [0.720391, 0.870350, 0.162603], [0.730889, 0.871916, 0.156029], [0.741388, 0.873449, 0.149561], [0.751884, 0.874951, 0.143228], [0.762373, 0.876424, 0.137064], [0.772852, 0.877868, 0.131109], [0.783315, 0.879285, 0.125405], [0.793760, 0.880678, 0.120005], [0.804182, 0.882046, 0.114965], [0.814576, 0.883393, 0.110347], [0.824940, 0.884720, 0.106217], [0.835270, 0.886029, 0.102646], [0.845561, 0.887322, 0.099702], [0.855810, 0.888601, 0.097452], [0.866013, 0.889868, 0.095953], [0.876168, 0.891125, 0.095250], [0.886271, 0.892374, 0.095374], [0.896320, 0.893616, 0.096335], [0.906311, 0.894855, 0.098125], [0.916242, 0.896091, 0.100717], [0.926106, 0.897330, 0.104071], [0.935904, 0.898570, 0.108131], [0.945636, 0.899815, 0.112838], [0.955300, 0.901065, 0.118128], [0.964894, 0.902323, 0.123941], [0.974417, 0.903590, 0.130215], [0.983868, 0.904867, 0.136897], [0.993248, 0.906157, 0.143936]] colormap_dict = { 'magma' : _magma_data, 'inferno' : _inferno_data, 'plasma' : _plasma_data, 'viridis' : _viridis_data, } colormap_keys = ['jet', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'viridis'] if __name__ == '__main__': from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cmaps = {} for (name, data) in (('magma', _magma_data), ('inferno', _inferno_data), ('plasma', _plasma_data), ('viridis', _viridis_data)): cmaps[name] = ListedColormap(data, name=name) magma = cmaps['magma'] inferno = cmaps['inferno'] plasma = cmaps['plasma'] viridis = cmaps['viridis']
""" Benchmarks of Lasso vs LassoLars First, we fix a training set and increase the number of samples. Then we plot the computation time as function of the number of samples. In the second benchmark, we increase the number of dimensions of the training set. Then we plot the computation time as function of the number of dimensions. In both cases, only 10% of the features are informative. """ import gc from time import time import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_regression def compute_bench(alpha, n_samples, n_features, precompute): lasso_results = [] lars_lasso_results = [] it = 0 for ns in n_samples: for nf in n_features: it += 1 print('==================') print('Iteration %s of %s' % (it, max(len(n_samples), len(n_features)))) print('==================') n_informative = nf // 10 X, Y, coef_ = make_regression(n_samples=ns, n_features=nf, n_informative=n_informative, noise=0.1, coef=True) X /= np.sqrt(np.sum(X ** 2, axis=0)) # Normalize data gc.collect() print("- benchmarking Lasso") clf = Lasso(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False, precompute=precompute) tstart = time(), Y) lasso_results.append(time() - tstart) gc.collect() print("- benchmarking LassoLars") clf = LassoLars(alpha=alpha, fit_intercept=False, normalize=False, precompute=precompute) tstart = time(), Y) lars_lasso_results.append(time() - tstart) return lasso_results, lars_lasso_results if __name__ == '__main__': from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso, LassoLars import pylab as pl alpha = 0.01 # regularization parameter n_features = 10 list_n_samples = np.linspace(100, 1000000, 5).astype( lasso_results, lars_lasso_results = compute_bench(alpha, list_n_samples, [n_features], precompute=True) pl.figure('scikit-learn LASSO benchmark results') pl.subplot(211) pl.plot(list_n_samples, lasso_results, 'b-', label='Lasso') pl.plot(list_n_samples, lars_lasso_results, 'r-', label='LassoLars') pl.title('precomputed Gram matrix, %d features, alpha=%s' % (n_features, alpha)) pl.legend(loc='upper left') pl.xlabel('number of samples') pl.ylabel('Time (s)') pl.axis('tight') n_samples = 2000 list_n_features = np.linspace(500, 3000, 5).astype( lasso_results, lars_lasso_results = compute_bench(alpha, [n_samples], list_n_features, precompute=False) pl.subplot(212) pl.plot(list_n_features, lasso_results, 'b-', label='Lasso') pl.plot(list_n_features, lars_lasso_results, 'r-', label='LassoLars') pl.title('%d samples, alpha=%s' % (n_samples, alpha)) pl.legend(loc='upper left') pl.xlabel('number of features') pl.ylabel('Time (s)') pl.axis('tight')
from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.graph import (graph_shortest_path, single_source_shortest_path_length) def floyd_warshall_slow(graph, directed=False): N = graph.shape[0] #set nonzero entries to infinity graph[np.where(graph == 0)] = np.inf #set diagonal to zero graph.flat[::N + 1] = 0 if not directed: graph = np.minimum(graph, graph.T) for k in range(N): for i in range(N): for j in range(N): graph[i, j] = min(graph[i, j], graph[i, k] + graph[k, j]) graph[np.where(np.isinf(graph))] = 0 return graph def generate_graph(N=20): #sparse grid of distances rng = np.random.RandomState(0) dist_matrix = rng.random_sample((N, N)) #make symmetric: distances are not direction-dependent dist_matrix += dist_matrix.T #make graph sparse i = (rng.randint(N, size=N * N // 2), rng.randint(N, size=N * N // 2)) dist_matrix[i] = 0 #set diagonal to zero dist_matrix.flat[::N + 1] = 0 return dist_matrix def test_floyd_warshall(): dist_matrix = generate_graph(20) for directed in (True, False): graph_FW = graph_shortest_path(dist_matrix, directed, 'FW') graph_py = floyd_warshall_slow(dist_matrix.copy(), directed) assert_array_almost_equal(graph_FW, graph_py) def test_dijkstra(): dist_matrix = generate_graph(20) for directed in (True, False): graph_D = graph_shortest_path(dist_matrix, directed, 'D') graph_py = floyd_warshall_slow(dist_matrix.copy(), directed) assert_array_almost_equal(graph_D, graph_py) def test_shortest_path(): dist_matrix = generate_graph(20) # We compare path length and not costs (-> set distances to 0 or 1) dist_matrix[dist_matrix != 0] = 1 for directed in (True, False): if not directed: dist_matrix = np.minimum(dist_matrix, dist_matrix.T) graph_py = floyd_warshall_slow(dist_matrix.copy(), directed) for i in range(dist_matrix.shape[0]): # Non-reachable nodes have distance 0 in graph_py dist_dict = defaultdict(int) dist_dict.update(single_source_shortest_path_length(dist_matrix, i)) for j in range(graph_py[i].shape[0]): assert_array_almost_equal(dist_dict[j], graph_py[i, j]) def test_dijkstra_bug_fix(): X = np.array([[0., 0., 4.], [1., 0., 2.], [0., 5., 0.]]) dist_FW = graph_shortest_path(X, directed=False, method='FW') dist_D = graph_shortest_path(X, directed=False, method='D') assert_array_almost_equal(dist_D, dist_FW)
#!/usr/bin/python # # coding: utf-8 # # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2013, Philipp Wagner <bytefish[at]gmx[dot]de>. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage import os import sys sys.path.append("../..") # try to import the PIL Image try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import textwrap import logging from facerec.feature import SpatialHistogram from facerec.distance import ChiSquareDistance from facerec.classifier import NearestNeighbor from facerec.model import PredictableModel from facerec.lbp import LPQ, ExtendedLBP from facerec.validation import SimpleValidation, precision from facerec.util import shuffle_array EXPERIMENT_NAME = "LocalPhaseQuantizationExperiment" # ITER_MAX is the number of experimental runs, as described in the # original paper. For testing purposes, it was set to 1, but it # should be set to a higher value to get at least a little confidence # in the results. ITER_MAX = 1 class FileNameFilter: """ Base class used for filtering files. """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name def __call__(self, filename): return True def __repr__(self): return "FileNameFilter (name=%s)" % (self._name) class YaleBaseFilter(FileNameFilter): """ This Filter filters files, based on their filetype ending (.pgm) and their azimuth and elevation. The higher the angle, the more shadows in the face. This is useful for experiments with illumination and preprocessing. """ def __init__(self, min_azimuth, max_azimuth, min_elevation, max_elevation): FileNameFilter.__init__(self, "Filter YaleFDB Subset1") self._min_azimuth = min_azimuth self._max_azimuth = max_azimuth self._min_elevation = min_elevation self._max_elevation = max_elevation def __call__(self, filename): # We only want the PGM files: filetype = filename[-4:] if filetype != ".pgm": return False # There are "Ambient" PGM files, ignore them: if "Ambient" in filename: return False azimuth = abs(int(filename[12:16])) elevation = abs(int(filename[17:20])) # Now filter based on angles: if azimuth < self._min_azimuth or azimuth > self._max_azimuth: return False if elevation < self._min_elevation or elevation > self._max_elevation: return False return True def __repr__(self): return "Yale FDB Filter (min_azimuth=%s, max_azimuth=%s, min_elevation=%s, max_elevation=%s)" % (min_azimuth, max_azimuth, min_elevation, max_elevation) def read_images(path, fileNameFilter=FileNameFilter("None"), sz=None): """Reads the images in a given folder, resizes images on the fly if size is given. Args: path: Path to a folder with subfolders representing the subjects (persons). sz: A tuple with the size Resizes Returns: A list [X,y] X: The images, which is a Python list of numpy arrays. y: The corresponding labels (the unique number of the subject, person) in a Python list. """ c = 0 X,y = [], [] for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for subdirname in dirnames: subject_path = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname) for filename in os.listdir(subject_path): if fileNameFilter(filename): try: im =, filename)) im = im.convert("L") # resize to given size (if given) if (sz is not None): im = im.resize(sz, Image.ANTIALIAS) X.append(np.asarray(im, dtype=np.uint8)) y.append(c) except IOError, (errno, strerror): print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror) except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] raise c = c+1 return [X,y] def apply_gaussian(X, sigma): """A simple function to apply a Gaussian Blur on each image in X. Args: X: A list of images. sigma: sigma to apply Returns: Y: The processed images """ return np.array([ndimage.gaussian_filter(x, sigma) for x in X]) def results_to_list(validation_results): return [precision(result.true_positives,result.false_positives) for result in validation_results] def partition_data(X, y): """ Shuffles the input data and splits it into a new set of images. This resembles the experimental setup used in the paper on the Local Phase Quantization descriptor in: "Recognition of Blurred Faces Using Local Phase Quantization", Timo Ahonen, Esa Rahtu, Ville Ojansivu, Janne Heikkila What it does is to build a subset for each class, so it has 1 image for training and the rest for testing. The original dataset is shuffled for each call, hence you always get a new partitioning. """ Xs,ys = shuffle_array(X,y) # Maps index to class: mapping = {} for i in xrange(len(y)): yi = ys[i] try: mapping[yi].append(i) except KeyError: mapping[yi] = [i] # Get one image for each subject: Xtrain, ytrain = [], [] Xtest, ytest = [], [] # Finally build partition: for key, indices in mapping.iteritems(): # Add images: Xtrain.extend([ Xs[i] for i in indices[:1] ]) ytrain.extend([ ys[i] for i in indices[:1] ]) Xtest.extend([ Xs[i] for i in indices[1:20]]) ytest.extend([ ys[i] for i in indices[1:20]]) # Return shuffled partitions: return Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest class ModelWrapper: def __init__(model): self.model = model self.result = [] if __name__ == "__main__": # This is where we write the results to, if an output_dir is given # in command line: out_dir = None # You'll need at least a path to your image data, please see # the tutorial coming with this source code on how to prepare # your image data: if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "USAGE: </path/to/images>" sys.exit() # Define filters for the Dataset: yale_subset_0_40 = YaleBaseFilter(0, 40, 0, 40) # Now read in the image data. Apply filters, scale to 128 x 128 pixel: [X,y] = read_images(sys.argv[1], yale_subset_0_40, sz=(64,64)) # Set up a handler for logging: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Add handler to facerec modules, so we see what's going on inside: logger = logging.getLogger("facerec") logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # The models we want to evaluate: model0 = PredictableModel(feature=SpatialHistogram(lbp_operator=ExtendedLBP()), classifier=NearestNeighbor(dist_metric=ChiSquareDistance(), k=1)) model1 = PredictableModel(feature=SpatialHistogram(lbp_operator=LPQ()), classifier=NearestNeighbor(dist_metric=ChiSquareDistance(), k=1)) # The sigmas we'll apply for each run: sigmas = [0] print 'The experiment will be run %s times!' % ITER_MAX # Initialize experiments (with empty results): experiments = {} experiments['lbp_model'] = { 'model': model0, 'results' : {}, 'color' : 'r', 'linestyle' : '--', 'marker' : '*'} experiments['lpq_model'] = { 'model': model1, 'results' : {}, 'color' : 'b', 'linestyle' : '--', 'marker' : 's'} # Loop to acquire the results for each experiment: for sigma in sigmas: print "Setting sigma=%s" % sigma for key, value in experiments.iteritems(): print 'Running experiment for model=%s' % key # Define the validators for the model: cv0 = SimpleValidation(value['model']) for iteration in xrange(ITER_MAX): print "Repeating experiment %s/%s." % (iteration + 1, ITER_MAX) # Split dataset according to the papers description: Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest = partition_data(X,y) # Apply a gaussian blur on the images: Xs = apply_gaussian(Xtest, sigma) # Run each validator with the given data: experiment_description = "%s (iteration=%s, sigma=%.2f)" % (EXPERIMENT_NAME, iteration, sigma) cv0.validate(Xtrain, ytrain, Xs, ytest, experiment_description) # Get overall results: true_positives = sum([validation_result.true_positives for validation_result in cv0.validation_results]) false_positives = sum([validation_result.false_positives for validation_result in cv0.validation_results]) # Calculate overall precision: prec = precision(true_positives,false_positives) # Store the result: print key experiments[key]['results'][sigma] = prec # Make a nice plot of this textual output: fig = plt.figure() # Holds the legend items: plot_legend = [] # Add the Validation results: for experiment_name, experiment_definition in experiments.iteritems(): print key, experiment_definition results = experiment_definition['results'] (xvalues, yvalues) = zip(*[(k,v) for k,v in results.iteritems()]) # Add to the legend: plot_legend.append(experiment_name) # Put the results into the plot: plot_color = experiment_definition['color'] plot_linestyle = experiment_definition['linestyle'] plot_marker = experiment_definition['marker'] plt.plot(sigmas, yvalues, linestyle=plot_linestyle, marker=plot_marker, color=plot_color) # Put the legend below the plot (TODO): plt.legend(plot_legend, prop={'size':6}, numpoints=1, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=1) # Scale y-axis between 0,1 to see the Precision: plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlim(-0.2, max(sigmas) + 1) # Finally add the labels: plt.title(EXPERIMENT_NAME) plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.xlabel('Sigma') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.5) # Save the gifure and we are out of here! plt.savefig("lpq_experiment.png", bbox_inches='tight',dpi=100)
from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np import numba as nb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.constants as const from traits.api import HasTraits, on_trait_change, Instance, Bool, Float, Int, Array, List, Dict from HelperFunctions import plot_field, timeitNV, calculate_radius from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve, bicgstab, bicg, cg, cgs, gmres, lgmres, minres, qmr, lsqr, lsmr # from scikits.umfpack import spsolve from scipy import sparse from tqdm import tqdm from pyamg import ruge_stuben_solver # maybe use pysparse to solve matrices @timeitNV @nb.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def solve_gauss_seidel_cylindric(initial_phi, cell_type, rho_i, dr, dz, r, maxit=1e5, rtol=1e-6): nz, nr = cell_type.shape g = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) phi = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) phib4 = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) tol = 0. for it in xrange(int(maxit)): phib4 = phi for i in range(1, nz - 1): # loop over cells for j in range(1, nr - 1): b = (rho_i[i, j]) / const.epsilon_0 g[i, j] = (b + (phi[i, j - 1] + phi[i, j + 1]) / dr**2 + (-phi[i, j - 1] + phi[i, j + 1]) / (2 * dr * r[i,j]) + # -/+ error in phi part??? (phi[i - 1, j] + phi[i + 1, j]) / dz**2) / (2 / dr**2 + 2 / dz**2) # neumann boundaries around the "World" g[0, :] = g[1, :] # left g[-1, :] = g[-2, :] # right g[:, -1] = g[:, -2] # top g[:, 0] = g[:, 1] # buttom # dirichlet nodes phi = np.where(cell_type > 0, initial_phi, g) tol = np.nansum(np.abs((phi - phib4)/(phi + phib4))) if tol < rtol or it == maxit: return phi, tol, it return phi, tol, it @timeitNV @nb.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True) def solve_gauss_seidel_cartesian(initial_phi, cell_type, rho_i, dy, dx, maxit=1e5, rtol=1e-6): nx, ny = cell_type.shape g = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) phi = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) phib4 = np.zeros(cell_type.shape) tol = 0. for it in xrange(int(maxit)): phib4 = phi for i in range(1, nx - 1): # loop over cells for j in range(1, ny - 1): b = (rho_i[i, j]) / const.epsilon_0 g[i, j] = ((phi[i-1,j]+phi[i+1,j])*dy**2 + dx**2 * (phi[i,j-1]+phi[i,j+1] + dy**2 * b)) / (2 * (dx**2 + dy**2)) # neumann boundaries around the "World" g[0, :] = g[1, :] # left g[-1, :] = g[-2, :] # right g[:, -1] = g[:, -2] # top g[:, 0] = g[:, 1] # buttom # dirichlet nodes phi = np.where(cell_type > 0, initial_phi, g) tol = np.nansum(np.abs((phi - phib4)/(phi + phib4))) if tol < rtol or it == maxit: return phi, tol, it return phi, tol, it class PoissonSolverBase(HasTraits): verbose = Bool(True) node_volume = Array numbers_to_voltage_dict = Dict numbers_to_currect_dict = Dict rho_i = Array electric_cell_type = Array electric_sparse_mat = Instance(sparse.csr_matrix) initial_electric_potential = Array solved_electric_potential = Array magnetic_cell_type = Array magnetic_sparse_mat = Instance(sparse.csr_matrix) initial_currents = Array solved_magnetic_potential = Array electric_field = Array magnetic_field = Array def get_electric_cell_type(self): return self.electric_cell_type def get_magnetic_cell_type(self): return self.magnetic_cell_type def set_electric_cell_type(self, cell_type_array, numbers_to_voltage_dict): """ Creates initial potential array from celltypes and voltages assigned to these cell types :param cell_type_array: array of int.. :param numbers_to_voltage_dict: dictionary of number in cell type array to initial voltage :return: initial_electric_potential (not solved) """ if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__, ": setting electric_cell_type array | electric_cell_type.shape = ", self.electric_cell_type.shape) self.electric_cell_type = cell_type_array self.numbers_to_voltage_dict = numbers_to_voltage_dict for key in numbers_to_voltage_dict: num = int(key) self.initial_electric_potential[np.where(self.electric_cell_type == num)] = numbers_to_voltage_dict[key] return self.initial_electric_potential def set_magnetic_cell_type(self, cell_type_array, numbers_to_currents_dict): """ Creates initial potential array from celltypes and voltages assigned to these cell types :param cell_type_array: array of int.. :param numbers_to_voltage_dict: dictionary of number in cell type array to initial voltage :return: initial_electric_potential (not solved) """ if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__, ": setting magnetic_cell_type array | magnetic_cell_type.shape = ", self.electric_cell_type.shape) self.magnetic_cell_type = cell_type_array self.numbers_to_current_dict = numbers_to_currents_dict for key in numbers_to_currents_dict: num = int(key) self.initial_currents[np.where(self.magnetic_cell_type == num)] = numbers_to_currents_dict[key] return self.initial_currents def _get_borders_array(self): # this is an helper function for create_Ab_matrix to know where we have the boundaries in the flattened array borders = np.zeros(self.electric_cell_type.shape) borders[0, :] = 1 # buttom borders[-1, :] = 2 # top borders[:, 0] = 3 # left borders[:, -1] = 4 # right ncells = self._get_mesh_size() return borders.reshape(ncells[0] * ncells[1]) def _add_for_COO_format(self, i, j, v): self._ii.append(i) self._jj.append(j) self._va.append(v) def _create_electric_rhs(self): raise NotImplementedError("Has to be implemented by inheriting classes.") def _create_magnetic_rhs(self): raise NotImplementedError("Has to be implemented by inheriting classes.") @timeitNV def _pyamg_benchmark(self, matrix, rhs, x0=None, tol=1e-8): ml = ruge_stuben_solver(matrix) print(ml) # print hierarchy information x = ml.solve(rhs, x0=x0, tol=tol) # solve Ax=b to a tolerance of 1e-8 print(self.__class__.__name__,": Residual norm after direct solving is", np.linalg.norm(rhs - matrix * x)) # compute norm of residual vector return x def calculate_potential_exact(self, method='iterative'): if not np.all(self.initial_currents == 0.): self.calculate_electric_magnetic_potential_exact(kind='magnetic', method=method) if not np.all(self.initial_electric_potential == 0.): self.calculate_electric_magnetic_potential_exact(kind='electric', method=method) def calculate_electric_magnetic_potential_exact(self, kind, method='iterative'): # TODO: without x0, pyamg finds no solution. Could be used for iterative solving (faster, because multilevel_solver), # """ If there is no Ab matrix, function will calculate it by direct solving (scipy.spsolve). If there is Ab matrix, programme will use an iterative solver with previously solved potential as initial guess by default to speed up computation time. :param method: 'iterative' or 'direct'. Only important if sparse matrix has been calculated. Normally iterative is faster. If strong fluctuations in potential occur, e.g. through charged ions/electrons, direct solving is faster. :return: solved_electric_potential """ if kind == 'electric': self.electric_rhs = self._create_electric_rhs() rhs = self.electric_rhs sparse_matrix = self.electric_sparse_mat x0 = self.solved_electric_potential.reshape(self._get_mesh_size()) elif kind == 'magnetic': self.magnetic_rhs = self._create_magnetic_rhs() rhs = self.magnetic_rhs sparse_matrix = self.magnetic_sparse_mat x0 = self.solved_magnetic_potential.reshape(self._get_mesh_size()) else: raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__,": kind must be 'both' (=None) or 'electric' or 'magnetic'") if sparse_matrix is None: sparse_matrix = self.create_Ab_matrix(kind=kind) # if cell types do not change, this is constant! if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__,": Solving ", sparse_matrix.shape, " sparse matrix system...") x = self._spsolve_benchmark(sparse_matrix, rhs) # x = self._pyamg_benchmark(sparse_matrix, rhs) if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Residual norm after direct solving is", np.linalg.norm(rhs - sparse_matrix * x)) else: if method == 'iterative': # x = self._bicgstab_benchmark(sparse_matrix, rhs, x0=x0) x = self._pyamg_benchmark(sparse_matrix, rhs, x0=x0) elif method == 'direct': x = self._spsolve_benchmark(sparse_matrix, rhs) else: # print(self.__class__.__name__,": Methods for solving can only be iterative and direct!") raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__,": Methods for solving can only be iterative and direct!") if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Residual norm after ", method, " solving is", np.linalg.norm(rhs - sparse_matrix * x)) if kind == 'electric': self.solved_electric_potential = x.reshape(self._get_mesh_size()) # correct self.electric_sparse_mat = sparse_matrix elif kind == 'magnetic': self.solved_magnetic_potential = x.reshape(self._get_mesh_size()) self.magnetic_sparse_mat = sparse_matrix else: print("Never happens.") return self.solved_electric_potential @timeitNV def _spsolve_benchmark(self, sparse_matrix, rhs): return spsolve(sparse_matrix, rhs) def _bicgstab_benchmark(self, sparse_matrix, rhs, x0=None): x = bicgstab(sparse_matrix, rhs, x0, tol=1e-5) return x[0] def _get_mesh_size(self): if hasattr(self, 'nr') and hasattr(self, 'nz'): return, elif hasattr(self, 'ny') and hasattr(self, 'nx'): return self.ny, self.nx def _electric_field_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _solved_electric_potential_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _initial_currents_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _initial_electric_potential_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _initial_magnetic_potential_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _rho_i_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _electric_cell_type_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _magnetic_cell_type_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _solved_magnetic_potential_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _magnetic_field_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) class CartesianPoissonSolver(PoissonSolverBase): """ - All arrays go like [y,x] """ nx = Int ny = Int dx = Float dy = Float xvals = Array yvals = Array electric_field_x = Array electric_field_y = Array def __init__(self, nx, dx, ny, dy): super(CartesianPoissonSolver, self).__init__() print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Created with nx = ", nx, " | dx = ", dx, " | ny = ", ny, " | dy = ", dy) self.nx = int(nx) self.ny = int(ny) self.dx = dx self.dy = dy def plot_all_fields(self, figsize=(12,4)): savedict = {} savedict['x-values'] = self.xvals savedict['y-values'] = self.yvals if not np.all(self.solved_electric_potential == 0.): plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.solved_electric_potential, self.electric_cell_type, 'potential $\phi$ [V]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.initial_electric_potential, self.electric_cell_type, 'initial potential $\phi$ [V]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.electric_field_y, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field $E_y$ [V/m]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.electric_field_x, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field $E_x$ [V/m]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.electric_field, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field combinded $E$ [V/m]', lognorm=False, figsize=figsize) savedict['solved_electric_potential'] = self.solved_electric_potential savedict['initial_electric_potential'] = self.initial_electric_potential savedict['electric_field_y'] = self.electric_field_y savedict['electric_field_x'] = self.electric_field_x savedict['electric_field_combined'] = self.electric_field if not np.all(self.solved_magnetic_potential == 0.): plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.solved_magnetic_potential, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic potential A [Wb/m]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.initial_currents, self.electric_cell_type, 'initial currents J $[A/m^2]$', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.magnetic_field_y, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field $B_y$ [T]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.magnetic_field_x, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field $B_x$ [T]', figsize=figsize) plot_field(self.xvals, self.yvals, self.magnetic_field, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field combinded $B$ [T]', lognorm=False) savedict['solved_magnetic_potential'] = self.solved_magnetic_potential savedict['initial_currents'] = self.initial_currents savedict['magnetic_field_y'] = self.magnetic_field_y savedict['magnetic_field_x'] = self.magnetic_field_x savedict['magnetic_field'] = self.magnetic_field for fig in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(fig) plt.xlabel('x direction [m]') plt.ylabel('y direction [m]') return savedict def calculate_potential_gauss_seidel(self): solved_potential, tol, iters = solve_gauss_seidel_cartesian(np.transpose(self.initial_electric_potential), np.transpose(self.electric_cell_type), np.transpose(self.rho_i), self.dy, self.dx, maxit=1e6) self.solved_electric_potential = np.transpose(solved_potential) print(self.__class__.__name__, ": solve_gauss_seidel_cartesian() reached tolerance of ", tol, " after ", iters, " iterations.") return self.solved_electric_potential @on_trait_change('solved_electric_potential') def calculate_electric_fields(self): if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__,": Calculating electric fields") self.electric_field_x = -np.gradient(self.solved_electric_potential, self.dx, axis=1, edge_order=2) self.electric_field_y = -np.gradient(self.solved_electric_potential, self.dy, axis=0, edge_order=2) self.electric_field = np.sqrt(self.electric_field_x ** 2 + self.electric_field_y ** 2) return self.electric_field, self.electric_field_y, self.electric_field_x @on_trait_change('solved_magnetic_potential') def calculate_magnetic_fields(self): if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__,": Calculating magnetic fields") self.magnetic_field_x = -np.gradient(self.solved_magnetic_potential, self.dy, axis=0, edge_order=2) self.magnetic_field_y = -np.gradient(self.solved_magnetic_potential, self.dx, axis=1, edge_order=2) self.magnetic_field = np.sqrt(self.magnetic_field_x**2 + self.magnetic_field_y**2) return self.magnetic_field, self.magnetic_field_y, self.magnetic_field_x def _create_electric_rhs(self): b = self.initial_electric_potential - self.dx * self.dy * self.rho_i / const.epsilon_0 # TODO: check if dx * dy or dx**2 b = b.reshape(self.nx * self.ny) return b def _create_magnetic_rhs(self): b = -self.initial_currents * const.mu_0 b = b.reshape(self.nx * self.ny) return b @timeitNV def create_Ab_matrix(self, kind): """ See See for algorithm description, e.g. alpha, betaj and gammaj """ if kind == 'electric': cell_type_flat = self.electric_cell_type.reshape((self.nx * self.ny)) rb = -1. elif kind == 'magnetic': cell_type_flat = self.magnetic_cell_type.reshape((self.ny * self.nx)) rb = 0. else: print("This never happens.") exit() borders = self._get_borders_array() max_i = self.nx * self.ny max_j = self.nx * self.ny self._ii = [] self._jj = [] self._va = [] alpha = -2 * (1 + (self.dx / self.dy) ** 2) print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Creating sparse matrix for field solving.") for i in tqdm(xrange(max_i)): # first only Neumann RB, dirichlet via electric_cell_type (e.g. set borders to phi=0)... j = np.floor(i / self.nx) + 1 if cell_type_flat[i] > 0 and kind == 'electric': # fixed to phi self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 1: # buttom self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + self.nx, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 2: # top self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - self.nx, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 3: # left self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + 1, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 4: # right self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - 1, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) else: betaj = (self.dx / self.dy) ** 2 gammaj = (self.dx / self.dy) ** 2 if i - 1 >= 0: self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - 1, 1.) if i + 1 < max_j: self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + 1, 1.) if (i - self.nx) >= 0: # buttom self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - self.nx, gammaj) if (i + self.nx) <= max_j: # top self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + self.nx, betaj) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, alpha) if kind == 'electric': self.electric_sparse_mat = sparse.coo_matrix((self._va, (self._ii, self._jj))).tocsr() # return self.electric_sparse_mat elif kind == 'magnetic': self.magnetic_sparse_mat = sparse.coo_matrix((self._va, (self._ii, self._jj))).tocsr() # return self.magnetic_sparse_mat else: print("This never happens.") exit(-1) def _electric_field_x_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _electric_field_y_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _yvals_default(self): return np.linspace(0, self.ny, self.ny, endpoint=False) * self.dy def _xvals_default(self): return np.linspace(0, self.nx, self.nx, endpoint=False) * self.dx class CylindricalPoissonSolver(PoissonSolverBase): """ - All arrays go like [r,z] """ nz = Int nr = Int dz = Float dr = Float zvals = Array rvals = Array electric_field_z = Array electric_field_r = Array magnetic_field_z = Array magnetic_field_r = Array def __init__(self, nz, dz, nr, dr): super(CylindricalPoissonSolver, self).__init__() print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Created with nx = ", nz, " | dx = ", dz, " | ny = ", nr, " | dy = ", dr) = int(nz) = int(nr) = dz self.dr = dr def plot_all_fields(self): savedict = {} savedict['r-values'] = self.rvals savedict['z-values'] = self.zvals if not np.all(self.solved_electric_potential == 0.): print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Plotting electric fields") plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.solved_electric_potential, self.electric_cell_type, 'potential $\phi$ [V]', mask=True) plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.initial_electric_potential, self.electric_cell_type, 'initial potential $\phi$ [V]') plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.electric_field_r, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field $E_r$ [V/m]', mask=True) plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.electric_field_z, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field $E_z$ [V/m]', mask=True) plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.electric_field, self.electric_cell_type, 'electric field combinded $E$ [V/m]', lognorm=False, mask=True) savedict['solved_electric_potential'] = self.solved_electric_potential savedict['initial_electric_potential'] = self.initial_electric_potential savedict['electric_field_r'] = self.electric_field_r savedict['electric_field_z'] = self.electric_field_z savedict['electric_field_combined'] = self.electric_field if not np.all(self.solved_magnetic_potential == 0.): print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Plotting magnetic fields") plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.solved_magnetic_potential, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic potential $A$ [Wb/m]') plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.initial_currents, self.electric_cell_type, 'initial currents $\phi$ $[A/m^2]$') plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.magnetic_field_r, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field $B_r$ [T]') plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.magnetic_field_z, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field $B_z$ [T]') plot_field(self.zvals, self.rvals, self.magnetic_field, self.magnetic_cell_type, 'magnetic field combinded $B$ [T]', lognorm=False) savedict['solved_magnetic_potential'] = self.solved_magnetic_potential savedict['initial_currents'] = self.initial_currents savedict['magnetic_field_r'] = self.electric_field_r savedict['magnetic_field_z'] = self.electric_field_z savedict['magnetic_field'] = self.magnetic_field for fig in plt.get_fignums(): plt.figure(fig) plt.xlabel('z direction [m]') plt.ylabel('r direction [m]') return savedict def get_radius_array(self): r = np.zeros_like(np.transpose(self.electric_cell_type)) # get radii in not standard order for gauss-seidel for i in range( for j in range( r[i][j] = calculate_radius(j+1, self.dr) return r def calculate_potential_gauss_seidel(self): r = self.get_radius_array() solved_potential, tol, iters = solve_gauss_seidel_cylindric(np.transpose(self.initial_electric_potential), np.transpose(self.electric_cell_type), np.transpose(self.rho_i), self.dr,, r, maxit=1e6) self.solved_electric_potential = np.transpose(solved_potential) print(self.__class__.__name__, ": solve_gauss_seidel_cylindric() reached tolerance of ", tol, " after ", iters, " iterations.") return self.solved_electric_potential @on_trait_change('solved_electric_potential') def calculate_electric_fields(self): if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__,": Calculating electric fields") self.electric_field_z = -np.gradient(self.solved_electric_potential,, axis=1, edge_order=2) self.electric_field_r = -np.gradient(self.solved_electric_potential, self.dr, axis=0, edge_order=2) self.electric_field = np.sqrt(self.electric_field_z**2 + self.electric_field_r**2) return self.electric_field, self.electric_field_r, self.electric_field_z @on_trait_change('solved_magnetic_potential') def calculate_magnetic_fields(self): # See: - p. 27ff if self.verbose: print(self.__class__.__name__,": Calculating magnetic fields") r = np.transpose(self.get_radius_array()) self.magnetic_field_z = np.gradient(self.solved_magnetic_potential, self.dr, axis=0, edge_order=2) / (2 * np.pi * np.transpose(self.get_radius_array())) self.magnetic_field_r = -np.gradient(self.solved_magnetic_potential,, axis=1, edge_order=2) / (2 * np.pi * np.transpose(self.get_radius_array())) self.magnetic_field = np.sqrt(self.magnetic_field_z**2 + self.magnetic_field_r**2) return self.magnetic_field, self.magnetic_field_r, self.magnetic_field_z def _create_electric_rhs(self): # creates the right hand side of possion equation # rho_i is density of ions in a cell (see poisson equation) # See for dz**2 factor (p in paper) b = self.initial_electric_potential - ** 2 * self.rho_i / const.epsilon_0 b = b.reshape( * return b def _create_magnetic_rhs(self): # creates the right hand side of possion equation # See: - p. 27ff # self.get_radius_array()*self.dr is a j array b = - const.mu_0 * self.initial_currents * ** 2 * (2 * np.pi * np.transpose(self.get_radius_array())) b = b.reshape( * return b @timeitNV def create_Ab_matrix(self, kind): """ See See for algorithm description, e.g. alpha, betaj and gammaj :param kind: 'magnetic or electric' :return: Nothing """ if kind == 'electric': cell_type_flat = self.electric_cell_type.reshape(( * rb = -1. # neumann boundary intermed_factor = 1. # See: - p. 27ff elif kind == 'magnetic': cell_type_flat = self.magnetic_cell_type.reshape(( * rb = 0. # dirichelet boundary intermed_factor = -1. # See: - p. 27ff else: print("This never happens.") exit() print(self.__class__.__name__, ": Creating sparse matrix for", kind, "field solving.") borders = self._get_borders_array() max_i = * max_j = * self._ii = [] self._jj = [] self._va = [] alpha = -2 * (1 + (**2) for i in tqdm(xrange(max_i)): # first only Neumann RB, dirichlet via electric_cell_type (e.g. set borders to phi=0)... j = np.floor(i / if cell_type_flat[i] > 0 and kind == 'electric': # fixed to phi self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 1: # buttom self._add_for_COO_format(i, i +, rb) # disabled = 0: field gets pushed into domain., -1 for electric potential self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 2: # top self._add_for_COO_format(i, i -, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 3: # left self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + 1, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) elif borders[i] == 4: # right self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - 1, rb) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, 1.) else: betaj = ( / self.dr) ** 2 * (1 + 1 / (2 * j)) gammaj = ( / self.dr) ** 2 * (1 - 1 / (2 * j)) if i - 1 >= 0: self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - 1, 1.) if i + 1 <= max_j: self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + 1, 1.) if (i - >= 0: # buttom self._add_for_COO_format(i, i + intermed_factor *, betaj) if (i + <= max_j: # top self._add_for_COO_format(i, i - intermed_factor *, gammaj) self._add_for_COO_format(i, i, alpha) if kind == 'electric': self.electric_sparse_mat = sparse.coo_matrix((self._va, (self._ii, self._jj))).tocsr() # return self.electric_sparse_mat elif kind == 'magnetic': self.magnetic_sparse_mat = sparse.coo_matrix((self._va, (self._ii, self._jj))).tocsr() # return self.magnetic_sparse_mat else: print("This never happens.") exit() def _electric_field_z_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _electric_field_r_default(self): return np.zeros(self._get_mesh_size()) def _rvals_default(self): return np.linspace(0,,, endpoint=False) * self.dr def _zvals_default(self): return np.linspace(0,,, endpoint=False) *
import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from import assert_raises, assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC iris = load_iris() def test_transform_linear_model(): for clf in (LogisticRegression(C=0.1), LinearSVC(C=0.01, dual=False), SGDClassifier(alpha=0.1, n_iter=10, shuffle=True, random_state=0)): for thresh in (None, ".09*mean", "1e-5 * median"): for func in (np.array, sp.csr_matrix): X = func( clf.set_params(penalty="l1"), X_new = clf.transform(X, thresh) if isinstance(clf, SGDClassifier): assert_true(X_new.shape[1] <= X.shape[1]) else: assert_less(X_new.shape[1], X.shape[1]) clf.set_params(penalty="l2"), pred = clf.predict(X_new) assert_true(np.mean(pred == >= 0.7) def test_invalid_input(): clf = SGDClassifier(alpha=0.1, n_iter=10, shuffle=True, random_state=None), assert_raises(ValueError, clf.transform,, "gobbledigook") assert_raises(ValueError, clf.transform,, ".5 * gobbledigook")
""" ==================================================== Plot multinomial and One-vs-Rest Logistic Regression ==================================================== Plot decision surface of multinomial and One-vs-Rest Logistic Regression. The hyperplanes corresponding to the three One-vs-Rest (OVR) classifiers are represented by the dashed lines. """ print(__doc__) # Authors: Tom Dupre la Tour <> # Licence: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression # make 3-class dataset for classification centers = [[-5, 0], [0, 1.5], [5, -1]] X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=centers, random_state=40) transformation = [[0.4, 0.2], [-0.4, 1.2]] X =, transformation) for multi_class in ('multinomial', 'ovr'): clf = LogisticRegression(solver='sag', max_iter=100, random_state=42, multi_class=multi_class).fit(X, y) # print the training scores print("training score : %.3f (%s)" % (clf.score(X, y), multi_class)) # create a mesh to plot in h = .02 # step size in the mesh x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.figure() plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, plt.title("Decision surface of LogisticRegression (%s)" % multi_class) plt.axis('tight') # Plot also the training points colors = "bry" for i, color in zip(clf.classes_, colors): idx = np.where(y == i) plt.scatter(X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], c=color, # Plot the three one-against-all classifiers xmin, xmax = plt.xlim() ymin, ymax = plt.ylim() coef = clf.coef_ intercept = clf.intercept_ def plot_hyperplane(c, color): def line(x0): return (-(x0 * coef[c, 0]) - intercept[c]) / coef[c, 1] plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [line(xmin), line(xmax)], ls="--", color=color) for i, color in zip(clf.classes_, colors): plot_hyperplane(i, color)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Pipelining: chaining a PCA and a logistic regression ========================================================= The PCA does an unsupervised dimensionality reduction, while the logistic regression does the prediction. We use a GridSearchCV to set the dimensionality of the PCA """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model, decomposition, datasets from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression() pca = decomposition.PCA() pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic)]) digits = datasets.load_digits() X_digits = y_digits = ############################################################################### # Plot the PCA spectrum plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.axes([.2, .2, .7, .7]) plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_, linewidth=2) plt.axis('tight') plt.xlabel('n_components') plt.ylabel('explained_variance_') ############################################################################### # Prediction n_components = [20, 40, 64] Cs = np.logspace(-4, 4, 3) #Parameters of pipelines can be set using ‘__’ separated parameter names: estimator = GridSearchCV(pipe, dict(pca__n_components=n_components, logistic__C=Cs)), y_digits) plt.axvline(estimator.best_estimator_.named_steps['pca'].n_components, linestyle=':', label='n_components chosen') plt.legend(prop=dict(size=12))
# BurnMan - a lower mantle toolkit # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, Heister, T., Unterborn, C., Rose, I. and Cottaar, S. # Released under GPL v2 or later. """ This script reproduces Cottaar, Heister, Rose, Unterborn (2014) Figure 2. This example shows the effect of different averaging schemes. Currently four averaging schemes are available: 1. Voight-Reuss-Hill 2. Voight averaging 3. Reuss averaging 4. Hashin-Shtrikman averaging See Watt et al., 1976 Journal of Geophysics and Space Physics for explanations of each averaging scheme. requires: - geotherms - compute seismic velocities teaches: - averaging """ import os, sys, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt #hack to allow scripts to be placed in subdirectories next to burnman: if not os.path.exists('burnman') and os.path.exists('../burnman'): sys.path.insert(1,os.path.abspath('..')) import burnman from burnman import minerals import colors if __name__ == "__main__": figsize=(6,5) prop={'size':12} #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='sanserif') figure=plt.figure(dpi=100,figsize=figsize) """ choose 'slb2' (finite-strain 2nd order shear modulus, stixrude and lithgow-bertelloni, 2005) or 'slb3 (finite-strain 3rd order shear modulus, stixrude and lithgow-bertelloni, 2005) or 'mgd3' (mie-gruneisen-debeye 3rd order shear modulus, matas et al. 2007) or 'mgd2' (mie-gruneisen-debeye 2nd order shear modulus, matas et al. 2007) or 'bm2' (birch-murnaghan 2nd order, if you choose to ignore temperature (your choice in geotherm will not matter in this case)) or 'bm3' (birch-murnaghan 3rd order, if you choose to ignore temperature (your choice in geotherm will not matter in this case))""" amount_perovskite = 0.6 method = 'slb3' rock = burnman.composite( [ (minerals.SLB_2011.mg_perovskite(), amount_perovskite), (minerals.SLB_2011.wuestite(), 1.0-amount_perovskite) ] ) rock.set_method(method) perovskitite = burnman.composite( [ (minerals.SLB_2011.mg_perovskite(), 1.0), ] ) perovskitite.set_method(method) periclasite = burnman.composite( [ (minerals.SLB_2011.wuestite(), 1.0), ] ) periclasite.set_method(method) #seismic model for comparison: # pick from .prem() .slow() .fast() (see burnman/ seismic_model = burnman.seismic.prem() #set on how many depth slices the computations should be done number_of_points = 20 # we will do our computation and comparison at the following depth values: depths = np.linspace(700e3, 2800e3, number_of_points) #alternatively, we could use the values where prem is defined: #depths = seismic_model.internal_depth_list() pressures, seis_rho, seis_vp, seis_vs, seis_vphi = seismic_model.evaluate_all_at(depths) temperatures = burnman.geotherm.brown_shankland(pressures) print "Calculations are done for:" rock.debug_print() #calculate the seismic velocities of the rock using a whole battery of averaging schemes: # do the end members, here averaging scheme does not matter (though it defaults to Voigt-Reuss-Hill) rho_pv, vp_pv, vs_pv, vphi_pv, K_pv, G_pv = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(perovskitite, pressures, temperatures) rho_fp, vp_fp, vs_fp, vphi_fp, K_fp, G_fp = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(periclasite, pressures, temperatures) #Voigt Reuss Hill averaging rho_vrh, vp_vrh, vs_vrh, vphi_vrh, K_vrh, G_vrh = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperatures, averaging_scheme=burnman.averaging_schemes.voigt_reuss_hill()) #Voigt averaging rho_v, vp_v, vs_v, vphi_v, K_v, G_v = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperatures, averaging_scheme=burnman.averaging_schemes.voigt()) #Reuss averaging rho_r, vp_r, vs_r, vphi_r, K_r, G_r = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperatures, averaging_scheme=burnman.averaging_schemes.reuss()) #Upper bound for Hashin-Shtrikman averaging rho_hsu, vp_hsu, vs_hsu, vphi_hsu, K_hsu, G_hsu = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperatures, averaging_scheme=burnman.averaging_schemes.hashin_shtrikman_upper()) #Lower bound for Hashin-Shtrikman averaging rho_hsl, vp_hsl, vs_hsl, vphi_hsl, K_hsl, G_hsl = \ burnman.velocities_from_rock(rock, pressures, temperatures, averaging_scheme=burnman.averaging_schemes.hashin_shtrikman_lower()) #linear fit vs_lin = vs_pv*amount_perovskite + vs_fp*(1.0-amount_perovskite) # PLOTTING # plot vs ax = figure.add_subplot(1,1,1) plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_v/1.e3,color=colors.color(0),linewidth=2,linestyle='-',marker='^',\ markersize=4,label='Voigt') plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_r/1.e3,color=colors.color(5),linewidth=2,linestyle='-',marker='v',\ markersize=4,label='Reuss') plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_vrh/1.e3,color=colors.color(1),linestyle='-',marker='*',\ markersize=6,label='Voigt-Reuss-Hill') plt.fill_between(pressures/1.e9, vs_hsu/1.e3, vs_hsl/1.e3, facecolor='red', lw=0, label='asdf',interpolate=False) #plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_hsu/1.e3,color='r',linestyle='-',\ # markersize=4,label='Hashin-Shtrikman') #plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_hsl/1.e3,color='r',linestyle='-',marker='x',\ # markersize=4) plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_lin/1.e3,color='k',linewidth=2,linestyle='--',\ markersize=4,label='linear') plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_pv/1.e3,color=colors.color(2),linewidth=2,linestyle='-',marker='d',\ markersize=4,label='Mg Perovskite') plt.plot(pressures/1.e9,vs_fp/1.e3,color=colors.color(4),linewidth=2,linestyle='-',marker='x',\ markersize=6,label=r'W\"ustite') plt.ylim(3.0,7.5) plt.xlim(min(pressures)/1.e9,max(pressures)/1.e9) simArtist = plt.Line2D((0,1),(0,0), color='r', lw=5, linestyle='-') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend(handles[0:3]+[simArtist]+handles[3:], labels[0:3]+['Hashin-Shtrikman']+labels[3:], loc='lower right',ncol=2,prop=prop) plt.xlabel('Pressure (GPa)') plt.ylabel('Shear velocity $V_s$ (km/s)') plt.savefig("example_averaging.pdf",bbox_inches='tight')
import warnings from .base import Renderer from ..exporter import Exporter class VincentRenderer(Renderer): def open_figure(self, fig, props): self.chart = None self.figwidth = int(props['figwidth'] * props['dpi']) self.figheight = int(props['figheight'] * props['dpi']) def draw_line(self, data, coordinates, style, label, mplobj=None): import vincent # only import if VincentRenderer is used if coordinates != 'data': warnings.warn("Only data coordinates supported. Skipping this") linedata = {'x': data[:, 0], 'y': data[:, 1]} line = vincent.Line(linedata, iter_idx='x', width=self.figwidth, height=self.figheight) # TODO: respect the other style settings line.scales['color'].range = [style['color']] if self.chart is None: self.chart = line else: warnings.warn("Multiple plot elements not yet supported") def draw_markers(self, data, coordinates, style, label, mplobj=None): import vincent # only import if VincentRenderer is used if coordinates != 'data': warnings.warn("Only data coordinates supported. Skipping this") markerdata = {'x': data[:, 0], 'y': data[:, 1]} markers = vincent.Scatter(markerdata, iter_idx='x', width=self.figwidth, height=self.figheight) # TODO: respect the other style settings markers.scales['color'].range = [style['facecolor']] if self.chart is None: self.chart = markers else: warnings.warn("Multiple plot elements not yet supported") def fig_to_vincent(fig): """Convert a matplotlib figure to a vincent object""" renderer = VincentRenderer() exporter = Exporter(renderer) return renderer.chart
""" ================================= Gaussian Mixture Model Selection ================================= This example shows that model selection can be performed with Gaussian Mixture Models using information-theoretic criteria (BIC). Model selection concerns both the covariance type and the number of components in the model. In that case, AIC also provides the right result (not shown to save time), but BIC is better suited if the problem is to identify the right model. Unlike Bayesian procedures, such inferences are prior-free. In that case, the model with 2 components and full covariance (which corresponds to the true generative model) is selected. """ print(__doc__) import itertools import numpy as np from scipy import linalg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from sklearn import mixture # Number of samples per component n_samples = 500 # Generate random sample, two components np.random.seed(0) C = np.array([[0., -0.1], [1.7, .4]]) X = np.r_[, 2), C), .7 * np.random.randn(n_samples, 2) + np.array([-6, 3])] lowest_bic = np.infty bic = [] n_components_range = range(1, 7) cv_types = ['spherical', 'tied', 'diag', 'full'] for cv_type in cv_types: for n_components in n_components_range: # Fit a mixture of Gaussians with EM gmm = mixture.GMM(n_components=n_components, covariance_type=cv_type) bic.append(gmm.bic(X)) if bic[-1] < lowest_bic: lowest_bic = bic[-1] best_gmm = gmm bic = np.array(bic) color_iter = itertools.cycle(['k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y']) clf = best_gmm bars = [] # Plot the BIC scores spl = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) for i, (cv_type, color) in enumerate(zip(cv_types, color_iter)): xpos = np.array(n_components_range) + .2 * (i - 2) bars.append(, bic[i * len(n_components_range): (i + 1) * len(n_components_range)], width=.2, color=color)) plt.xticks(n_components_range) plt.ylim([bic.min() * 1.01 - .01 * bic.max(), bic.max()]) plt.title('BIC score per model') xpos = np.mod(bic.argmin(), len(n_components_range)) + .65 +\ .2 * np.floor(bic.argmin() / len(n_components_range)) plt.text(xpos, bic.min() * 0.97 + .03 * bic.max(), '*', fontsize=14) spl.set_xlabel('Number of components') spl.legend([b[0] for b in bars], cv_types) # Plot the winner splot = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) Y_ = clf.predict(X) for i, (mean, covar, color) in enumerate(zip(clf.means_, clf.covars_, color_iter)): v, w = linalg.eigh(covar) if not np.any(Y_ == i): continue plt.scatter(X[Y_ == i, 0], X[Y_ == i, 1], .8, color=color) # Plot an ellipse to show the Gaussian component angle = np.arctan2(w[0][1], w[0][0]) angle = 180 * angle / np.pi # convert to degrees v *= 4 ell = mpl.patches.Ellipse(mean, v[0], v[1], 180 + angle, color=color) ell.set_clip_box(splot.bbox) ell.set_alpha(.5) splot.add_artist(ell) plt.xlim(-10, 10) plt.ylim(-3, 6) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.title('Selected GMM: full model, 2 components') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.35, bottom=.02)
""" ========================================= SVM: Maximum margin separating hyperplane ========================================= Plot the maximum margin separating hyperplane within a two-class separable dataset using a Support Vector Machine classifier with linear kernel. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm # we create 40 separable points np.random.seed(0) X = np.r_[np.random.randn(20, 2) - [2, 2], np.random.randn(20, 2) + [2, 2]] Y = [0] * 20 + [1] * 20 # fit the model clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear'), Y) # get the separating hyperplane w = clf.coef_[0] a = -w[0] / w[1] xx = np.linspace(-5, 5) yy = a * xx - (clf.intercept_[0]) / w[1] # plot the parallels to the separating hyperplane that pass through the # support vectors b = clf.support_vectors_[0] yy_down = a * xx + (b[1] - a * b[0]) b = clf.support_vectors_[-1] yy_up = a * xx + (b[1] - a * b[0]) # plot the line, the points, and the nearest vectors to the plane plt.plot(xx, yy, 'k-') plt.plot(xx, yy_down, 'k--') plt.plot(xx, yy_up, 'k--') plt.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0], clf.support_vectors_[:, 1], s=80, facecolors='none') plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y, plt.axis('tight')
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- r""" ========================================================= Gaussian Processes regression: basic introductory example ========================================================= A simple one-dimensional regression exercise computed in two different ways: 1. A noise-free case with a cubic correlation model 2. A noisy case with a squared Euclidean correlation model In both cases, the model parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood principle. The figures illustrate the interpolating property of the Gaussian Process model as well as its probabilistic nature in the form of a pointwise 95% confidence interval. Note that the parameter ``nugget`` is applied as a Tikhonov regularization of the assumed covariance between the training points. In the special case of the squared euclidean correlation model, nugget is mathematically equivalent to a normalized variance: That is .. math:: \mathrm{nugget}_i = \left[\frac{\sigma_i}{y_i}\right]^2 """ print(__doc__) # Author: Vincent Dubourg <> # Jake Vanderplas <> # Licence: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess from matplotlib import pyplot as pl np.random.seed(1) def f(x): """The function to predict.""" return x * np.sin(x) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # First the noiseless case X = np.atleast_2d([1., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8.]).T # Observations y = f(X).ravel() # Mesh the input space for evaluations of the real function, the prediction and # its MSE x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)).T # Instanciate a Gaussian Process model gp = GaussianProcess(corr='cubic', theta0=1e-2, thetaL=1e-4, thetaU=1e-1, random_start=100) # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters, y) # Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis (ask for MSE as well) y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(x, eval_MSE=True) sigma = np.sqrt(MSE) # Plot the function, the prediction and the 95% confidence interval based on # the MSE fig = pl.figure() pl.plot(x, f(x), 'r:', label=u'$f(x) = x\,\sin(x)$') pl.plot(X, y, 'r.', markersize=10, label=u'Observations') pl.plot(x, y_pred, 'b-', label=u'Prediction') pl.fill(np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]), np.concatenate([y_pred - 1.9600 * sigma, (y_pred + 1.9600 * sigma)[::-1]]), alpha=.5, fc='b', ec='None', label='95% confidence interval') pl.xlabel('$x$') pl.ylabel('$f(x)$') pl.ylim(-10, 20) pl.legend(loc='upper left') #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # now the noisy case X = np.linspace(0.1, 9.9, 20) X = np.atleast_2d(X).T # Observations and noise y = f(X).ravel() dy = 0.5 + 1.0 * np.random.random(y.shape) noise = np.random.normal(0, dy) y += noise # Mesh the input space for evaluations of the real function, the prediction and # its MSE x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)).T # Instanciate a Gaussian Process model gp = GaussianProcess(corr='squared_exponential', theta0=1e-1, thetaL=1e-3, thetaU=1, nugget=(dy / y) ** 2, random_start=100) # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters, y) # Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis (ask for MSE as well) y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(x, eval_MSE=True) sigma = np.sqrt(MSE) # Plot the function, the prediction and the 95% confidence interval based on # the MSE fig = pl.figure() pl.plot(x, f(x), 'r:', label=u'$f(x) = x\,\sin(x)$') pl.errorbar(X.ravel(), y, dy, fmt='r.', markersize=10, label=u'Observations') pl.plot(x, y_pred, 'b-', label=u'Prediction') pl.fill(np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]), np.concatenate([y_pred - 1.9600 * sigma, (y_pred + 1.9600 * sigma)[::-1]]), alpha=.5, fc='b', ec='None', label='95% confidence interval') pl.xlabel('$x$') pl.ylabel('$f(x)$') pl.ylim(-10, 20) pl.legend(loc='upper left')
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Anaconda, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Powered by the Bokeh Development Team. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Helper functions for downloading and accessing sample data. ''' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boilerplate #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from bokeh.util.api import public, internal ; public, internal #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard library imports from os import mkdir, remove from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, expanduser, isdir, isfile, join, splitext from sys import stdout from zipfile import ZipFile # External imports import six from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen # Bokeh imports from .dependencies import import_required #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals and constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __all__ = ( 'download', ) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @public((1,0,0)) def download(progress=True): ''' Download larger data sets for various Bokeh examples. ''' data_dir = external_data_dir(create=True) print("Using data directory: %s" % data_dir) s3 = '' files = [ (s3, 'CGM.csv'), (s3, ''), (s3, 'us_cities.json'), (s3, 'unemployment09.csv'), (s3, 'AAPL.csv'), (s3, 'FB.csv'), (s3, 'GOOG.csv'), (s3, 'IBM.csv'), (s3, 'MSFT.csv'), (s3, ''), (s3, 'gapminder_fertility.csv'), (s3, 'gapminder_population.csv'), (s3, 'gapminder_life_expectancy.csv'), (s3, 'gapminder_regions.csv'), (s3, ''), (s3, 'airports.json'), (s3, ''), (s3, 'airports.csv'), (s3, 'routes.csv'), ] for base_url, filename in files: _download_file(base_url, filename, data_dir, progress=progress) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @internal((1,0,0)) def external_csv(module, name, **kw): ''' ''' pd = import_required('pandas', '%s sample data requires Pandas ( to be installed' % module) return pd.read_csv(external_path(name), **kw) @internal((1,0,0)) def external_data_dir(create=False): ''' ''' try: import yaml except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("'yaml' and 'pyyaml' are required to use bokeh.sampledata functions") bokeh_dir = _bokeh_dir(create=create) data_dir = join(bokeh_dir, "data") try: config = yaml.load(open(join(bokeh_dir, 'config'))) data_dir = expanduser(config['sampledata_dir']) except (IOError, TypeError): pass if not exists(data_dir): if not create: raise RuntimeError('bokeh sample data directory does not exist, please execute') print("Creating %s directory" % data_dir) try: mkdir(data_dir) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("could not create bokeh data directory at %s" % data_dir) else: if not isdir(data_dir): raise RuntimeError("%s exists but is not a directory" % data_dir) return data_dir @internal((1,0,0)) def external_path(filename): data_dir = external_data_dir() fn = join(data_dir, filename) if not exists(fn) and isfile(fn): raise RuntimeError('Could not locate external data file %e. Please execute' % fn) return fn @internal((1,0,0)) def package_csv(module, name, **kw): ''' ''' pd = import_required('pandas', '%s sample data requires Pandas ( to be installed' % module) return pd.read_csv(package_path(name), **kw) @internal((1,0,0)) def package_dir(): ''' ''' return abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "..", "sampledata", "_data")) @internal((1,0,0)) def package_path(filename): ''' ''' return join(package_dir(), filename) @internal((1,0,0)) def open_csv(filename): ''' ''' # csv differs in Python 2.x and Python 3.x. Open the file differently in each. if six.PY2: return open(filename, 'rb') else: return open(filename, 'r', newline='', encoding='utf8') #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _bokeh_dir(create=False): ''' ''' bokeh_dir = join(expanduser("~"), ".bokeh") if not exists(bokeh_dir): if not create: return bokeh_dir print("Creating %s directory" % bokeh_dir) try: mkdir(bokeh_dir) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("could not create bokeh config directory at %s" % bokeh_dir) else: if not isdir(bokeh_dir): raise RuntimeError("%s exists but is not a directory" % bokeh_dir) return bokeh_dir def _download_file(base_url, filename, data_dir, progress=True): ''' ''' file_url = join(base_url, filename) file_path = join(data_dir, filename) url = urlopen(file_url) with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: file_size = int(url.headers["Content-Length"]) print("Downloading: %s (%d bytes)" % (filename, file_size)) fetch_size = 0 block_size = 16384 while True: data = if not data: break fetch_size += len(data) file.write(data) if progress: status = "\r%10d [%6.2f%%]" % (fetch_size, fetch_size*100.0/file_size) stdout.write(status) stdout.flush() if progress: print() real_name, ext = splitext(filename) if ext == '.zip': if not splitext(real_name)[1]: real_name += ".csv" print("Unpacking: %s" % real_name) with ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zip_file: zip_file.extract(real_name, data_dir) remove(file_path) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" The :mod:`sklearn.cross_validation` module includes utilities for cross- validation and performance evaluation. """ # Author: Alexandre Gramfort <>, # Gael Varoquaux <>, # Olivier Grisel <> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import warnings from itertools import chain, combinations from math import ceil, floor, factorial import numbers import time from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from .base import is_classifier, clone from .utils import indexable, check_random_state, safe_indexing from .utils.validation import (_is_arraylike, _num_samples, check_array, column_or_1d) from .utils.multiclass import type_of_target from .externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed, logger from .externals.six import with_metaclass from .externals.six.moves import zip from .metrics.scorer import check_scoring from .utils.fixes import bincount __all__ = ['KFold', 'LeaveOneLabelOut', 'LeaveOneOut', 'LeavePLabelOut', 'LeavePOut', 'ShuffleSplit', 'StratifiedKFold', 'StratifiedShuffleSplit', 'PredefinedSplit', 'LabelShuffleSplit', 'check_cv', 'cross_val_score', 'cross_val_predict', 'permutation_test_score', 'train_test_split'] class _PartitionIterator(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """Base class for CV iterators where train_mask = ~test_mask Implementations must define `_iter_test_masks` or `_iter_test_indices`. Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of elements in dataset. """ def __init__(self, n): if abs(n - int(n)) >= np.finfo('f').eps: raise ValueError("n must be an integer") self.n = int(n) def __iter__(self): ind = np.arange(self.n) for test_index in self._iter_test_masks(): train_index = np.logical_not(test_index) train_index = ind[train_index] test_index = ind[test_index] yield train_index, test_index # Since subclasses must implement either _iter_test_masks or # _iter_test_indices, neither can be abstract. def _iter_test_masks(self): """Generates boolean masks corresponding to test sets. By default, delegates to _iter_test_indices() """ for test_index in self._iter_test_indices(): test_mask = self._empty_mask() test_mask[test_index] = True yield test_mask def _iter_test_indices(self): """Generates integer indices corresponding to test sets.""" raise NotImplementedError def _empty_mask(self): return np.zeros(self.n, dtype=np.bool) class LeaveOneOut(_PartitionIterator): """Leave-One-Out cross validation iterator. Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets. Each sample is used once as a test set (singleton) while the remaining samples form the training set. Note: ``LeaveOneOut(n)`` is equivalent to ``KFold(n, n_folds=n)`` and ``LeavePOut(n, p=1)``. Due to the high number of test sets (which is the same as the number of samples) this cross validation method can be very costly. For large datasets one should favor KFold, StratifiedKFold or ShuffleSplit. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of elements in dataset. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2]) >>> loo = cross_validation.LeaveOneOut(2) >>> len(loo) 2 >>> print(loo) sklearn.cross_validation.LeaveOneOut(n=2) >>> for train_index, test_index in loo: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] ... print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) TRAIN: [1] TEST: [0] [[3 4]] [[1 2]] [2] [1] TRAIN: [0] TEST: [1] [[1 2]] [[3 4]] [1] [2] See also -------- LeaveOneLabelOut for splitting the data according to explicit, domain-specific stratification of the dataset. """ def _iter_test_indices(self): return range(self.n) def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(n=%i)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.n, ) def __len__(self): return self.n class LeavePOut(_PartitionIterator): """Leave-P-Out cross validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets. This results in testing on all distinct samples of size p, while the remaining n - p samples form the training set in each iteration. Note: ``LeavePOut(n, p)`` is NOT equivalent to ``KFold(n, n_folds=n // p)`` which creates non-overlapping test sets. Due to the high number of iterations which grows combinatorically with the number of samples this cross validation method can be very costly. For large datasets one should favor KFold, StratifiedKFold or ShuffleSplit. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of elements in dataset. p : int Size of the test sets. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> lpo = cross_validation.LeavePOut(4, 2) >>> len(lpo) 6 >>> print(lpo) sklearn.cross_validation.LeavePOut(n=4, p=2) >>> for train_index, test_index in lpo: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1] TRAIN: [1 3] TEST: [0 2] TRAIN: [1 2] TEST: [0 3] TRAIN: [0 3] TEST: [1 2] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3] TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3] """ def __init__(self, n, p): super(LeavePOut, self).__init__(n) self.p = p def _iter_test_indices(self): for comb in combinations(range(self.n), self.p): yield np.array(comb) def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(n=%i, p=%i)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.n, self.p, ) def __len__(self): return int(factorial(self.n) / factorial(self.n - self.p) / factorial(self.p)) class _BaseKFold(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, _PartitionIterator)): """Base class to validate KFold approaches""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self, n, n_folds, shuffle, random_state): super(_BaseKFold, self).__init__(n) if abs(n_folds - int(n_folds)) >= np.finfo('f').eps: raise ValueError("n_folds must be an integer") self.n_folds = n_folds = int(n_folds) if n_folds <= 1: raise ValueError( "k-fold cross validation requires at least one" " train / test split by setting n_folds=2 or more," " got n_folds={0}.".format(n_folds)) if n_folds > self.n: raise ValueError( ("Cannot have number of folds n_folds={0} greater" " than the number of samples: {1}.").format(n_folds, n)) if not isinstance(shuffle, bool): raise TypeError("shuffle must be True or False;" " got {0}".format(shuffle)) self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state class KFold(_BaseKFold): """K-Folds cross validation iterator. Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets. Split dataset into k consecutive folds (without shuffling). Each fold is then used a validation set once while the k - 1 remaining fold form the training set. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of elements. n_folds : int, default=3 Number of folds. Must be at least 2. shuffle : boolean, optional Whether to shuffle the data before splitting into batches. random_state : None, int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. If None, use default numpy RNG for shuffling Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> kf = cross_validation.KFold(4, n_folds=2) >>> len(kf) 2 >>> print(kf) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE sklearn.cross_validation.KFold(n=4, n_folds=2, shuffle=False, random_state=None) >>> for train_index, test_index in kf: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1] TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3] Notes ----- The first n % n_folds folds have size n // n_folds + 1, other folds have size n // n_folds. See also -------- StratifiedKFold: take label information into account to avoid building folds with imbalanced class distributions (for binary or multiclass classification tasks). """ def __init__(self, n, n_folds=3, shuffle=False, random_state=None): super(KFold, self).__init__(n, n_folds, shuffle, random_state) self.idxs = np.arange(n) if shuffle: rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) rng.shuffle(self.idxs) def _iter_test_indices(self): n = self.n n_folds = self.n_folds fold_sizes = (n // n_folds) * np.ones(n_folds, fold_sizes[:n % n_folds] += 1 current = 0 for fold_size in fold_sizes: start, stop = current, current + fold_size yield self.idxs[start:stop] current = stop def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(n=%i, n_folds=%i, shuffle=%s, random_state=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.n, self.n_folds, self.shuffle, self.random_state, ) def __len__(self): return self.n_folds class StratifiedKFold(_BaseKFold): """Stratified K-Folds cross validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets. This cross-validation object is a variation of KFold that returns stratified folds. The folds are made by preserving the percentage of samples for each class. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- y : array-like, [n_samples] Samples to split in K folds. n_folds : int, default=3 Number of folds. Must be at least 2. shuffle : boolean, optional Whether to shuffle each stratification of the data before splitting into batches. random_state : None, int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. If None, use default numpy RNG for shuffling Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> skf = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=2) >>> len(skf) 2 >>> print(skf) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE sklearn.cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(labels=[0 0 1 1], n_folds=2, shuffle=False, random_state=None) >>> for train_index, test_index in skf: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] TRAIN: [1 3] TEST: [0 2] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3] Notes ----- All the folds have size trunc(n_samples / n_folds), the last one has the complementary. """ def __init__(self, y, n_folds=3, shuffle=False, random_state=None): super(StratifiedKFold, self).__init__( len(y), n_folds, shuffle, random_state) y = np.asarray(y) n_samples = y.shape[0] unique_labels, y_inversed = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True) label_counts = bincount(y_inversed) min_labels = np.min(label_counts) if self.n_folds > min_labels: warnings.warn(("The least populated class in y has only %d" " members, which is too few. The minimum" " number of labels for any class cannot" " be less than n_folds=%d." % (min_labels, self.n_folds)), Warning) # don't want to use the same seed in each label's shuffle if self.shuffle: rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) else: rng = self.random_state # pre-assign each sample to a test fold index using individual KFold # splitting strategies for each label so as to respect the # balance of labels per_label_cvs = [ KFold(max(c, self.n_folds), self.n_folds, shuffle=self.shuffle, random_state=rng) for c in label_counts] test_folds = np.zeros(n_samples, for test_fold_idx, per_label_splits in enumerate(zip(*per_label_cvs)): for label, (_, test_split) in zip(unique_labels, per_label_splits): label_test_folds = test_folds[y == label] # the test split can be too big because we used # KFold(max(c, self.n_folds), self.n_folds) instead of # KFold(c, self.n_folds) to make it possible to not crash even # if the data is not 100% stratifiable for all the labels # (we use a warning instead of raising an exception) # If this is the case, let's trim it: test_split = test_split[test_split < len(label_test_folds)] label_test_folds[test_split] = test_fold_idx test_folds[y == label] = label_test_folds self.test_folds = test_folds self.y = y def _iter_test_masks(self): for i in range(self.n_folds): yield self.test_folds == i def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(labels=%s, n_folds=%i, shuffle=%s, random_state=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.y, self.n_folds, self.shuffle, self.random_state, ) def __len__(self): return self.n_folds class LeaveOneLabelOut(_PartitionIterator): """Leave-One-Label_Out cross-validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided label. This label information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers. For instance the labels could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- labels : array-like of int with shape (n_samples,) Arbitrary domain-specific stratification of the data to be used to draw the splits. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2]) >>> labels = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) >>> lol = cross_validation.LeaveOneLabelOut(labels) >>> len(lol) 2 >>> print(lol) sklearn.cross_validation.LeaveOneLabelOut(labels=[1 1 2 2]) >>> for train_index, test_index in lol: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] ... print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1] [[5 6] [7 8]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [1 2] [1 2] TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3] [[1 2] [3 4]] [[5 6] [7 8]] [1 2] [1 2] """ def __init__(self, labels): super(LeaveOneLabelOut, self).__init__(len(labels)) # We make a copy of labels to avoid side-effects during iteration self.labels = np.array(labels, copy=True) self.unique_labels = np.unique(labels) self.n_unique_labels = len(self.unique_labels) def _iter_test_masks(self): for i in self.unique_labels: yield self.labels == i def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(labels=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.labels, ) def __len__(self): return self.n_unique_labels class LeavePLabelOut(_PartitionIterator): """Leave-P-Label_Out cross-validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided label. This label information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers. For instance the labels could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits. The difference between LeavePLabelOut and LeaveOneLabelOut is that the former builds the test sets with all the samples assigned to ``p`` different values of the labels while the latter uses samples all assigned the same labels. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- labels : array-like of int with shape (n_samples,) Arbitrary domain-specific stratification of the data to be used to draw the splits. p : int Number of samples to leave out in the test split. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 1]) >>> labels = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> lpl = cross_validation.LeavePLabelOut(labels, p=2) >>> len(lpl) 3 >>> print(lpl) sklearn.cross_validation.LeavePLabelOut(labels=[1 2 3], p=2) >>> for train_index, test_index in lpl: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] ... print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test) TRAIN: [2] TEST: [0 1] [[5 6]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [1] [1 2] TRAIN: [1] TEST: [0 2] [[3 4]] [[1 2] [5 6]] [2] [1 1] TRAIN: [0] TEST: [1 2] [[1 2]] [[3 4] [5 6]] [1] [2 1] """ def __init__(self, labels, p): # We make a copy of labels to avoid side-effects during iteration super(LeavePLabelOut, self).__init__(len(labels)) self.labels = np.array(labels, copy=True) self.unique_labels = np.unique(labels) self.n_unique_labels = len(self.unique_labels) self.p = p def _iter_test_masks(self): comb = combinations(range(self.n_unique_labels), self.p) for idx in comb: test_index = self._empty_mask() idx = np.array(idx) for l in self.unique_labels[idx]: test_index[self.labels == l] = True yield test_index def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(labels=%s, p=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.labels, self.p, ) def __len__(self): return int(factorial(self.n_unique_labels) / factorial(self.n_unique_labels - self.p) / factorial(self.p)) class BaseShuffleSplit(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """Base class for ShuffleSplit and StratifiedShuffleSplit""" def __init__(self, n, n_iter=10, test_size=0.1, train_size=None, random_state=None): self.n = n self.n_iter = n_iter self.test_size = test_size self.train_size = train_size self.random_state = random_state self.n_train, self.n_test = _validate_shuffle_split(n, test_size, train_size) def __iter__(self): for train, test in self._iter_indices(): yield train, test return @abstractmethod def _iter_indices(self): """Generate (train, test) indices""" class ShuffleSplit(BaseShuffleSplit): """Random permutation cross-validation iterator. Yields indices to split data into training and test sets. Note: contrary to other cross-validation strategies, random splits do not guarantee that all folds will be different, although this is still very likely for sizeable datasets. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- n : int Total number of elements in the dataset. n_iter : int (default 10) Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations. test_size : float (default 0.1), int, or None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the train size. train_size : float, int, or None (default is None) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn import cross_validation >>> rs = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(4, n_iter=3, ... test_size=.25, random_state=0) >>> len(rs) 3 >>> print(rs) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ShuffleSplit(4, n_iter=3, test_size=0.25, ...) >>> for train_index, test_index in rs: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... TRAIN: [3 1 0] TEST: [2] TRAIN: [2 1 3] TEST: [0] TRAIN: [0 2 1] TEST: [3] >>> rs = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(4, n_iter=3, ... train_size=0.5, test_size=.25, random_state=0) >>> for train_index, test_index in rs: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... TRAIN: [3 1] TEST: [2] TRAIN: [2 1] TEST: [0] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [3] """ def _iter_indices(self): rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) for i in range(self.n_iter): # random partition permutation = rng.permutation(self.n) ind_test = permutation[:self.n_test] ind_train = permutation[self.n_test:self.n_test + self.n_train] yield ind_train, ind_test def __repr__(self): return ('%s(%d, n_iter=%d, test_size=%s, ' 'random_state=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.n, self.n_iter, str(self.test_size), self.random_state, )) def __len__(self): return self.n_iter def _validate_shuffle_split(n, test_size, train_size): if test_size is None and train_size is None: raise ValueError( 'test_size and train_size can not both be None') if test_size is not None: if np.asarray(test_size).dtype.kind == 'f': if test_size >= 1.: raise ValueError( 'test_size=%f should be smaller ' 'than 1.0 or be an integer' % test_size) elif np.asarray(test_size).dtype.kind == 'i': if test_size >= n: raise ValueError( 'test_size=%d should be smaller ' 'than the number of samples %d' % (test_size, n)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for test_size: %r" % test_size) if train_size is not None: if np.asarray(train_size).dtype.kind == 'f': if train_size >= 1.: raise ValueError("train_size=%f should be smaller " "than 1.0 or be an integer" % train_size) elif np.asarray(test_size).dtype.kind == 'f' and \ train_size + test_size > 1.: raise ValueError('The sum of test_size and train_size = %f, ' 'should be smaller than 1.0. Reduce ' 'test_size and/or train_size.' % (train_size + test_size)) elif np.asarray(train_size).dtype.kind == 'i': if train_size >= n: raise ValueError("train_size=%d should be smaller " "than the number of samples %d" % (train_size, n)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for train_size: %r" % train_size) if np.asarray(test_size).dtype.kind == 'f': n_test = ceil(test_size * n) elif np.asarray(test_size).dtype.kind == 'i': n_test = float(test_size) if train_size is None: n_train = n - n_test else: if np.asarray(train_size).dtype.kind == 'f': n_train = floor(train_size * n) else: n_train = float(train_size) if test_size is None: n_test = n - n_train if n_train + n_test > n: raise ValueError('The sum of train_size and test_size = %d, ' 'should be smaller than the number of ' 'samples %d. Reduce test_size and/or ' 'train_size.' % (n_train + n_test, n)) return int(n_train), int(n_test) class StratifiedShuffleSplit(BaseShuffleSplit): """Stratified ShuffleSplit cross validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets. This cross-validation object is a merge of StratifiedKFold and ShuffleSplit, which returns stratified randomized folds. The folds are made by preserving the percentage of samples for each class. Note: like the ShuffleSplit strategy, stratified random splits do not guarantee that all folds will be different, although this is still very likely for sizeable datasets. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- y : array, [n_samples] Labels of samples. n_iter : int (default 10) Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations. test_size : float (default 0.1), int, or None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the train size. train_size : float, int, or None (default is None) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedShuffleSplit >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, 3, test_size=0.5, random_state=0) >>> len(sss) 3 >>> print(sss) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS StratifiedShuffleSplit(labels=[0 0 1 1], n_iter=3, ...) >>> for train_index, test_index in sss: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] TRAIN: [1 2] TEST: [3 0] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [3 1] """ def __init__(self, y, n_iter=10, test_size=0.1, train_size=None, random_state=None): super(StratifiedShuffleSplit, self).__init__( len(y), n_iter, test_size, train_size, random_state) self.y = np.array(y) self.classes, self.y_indices = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True) n_cls = self.classes.shape[0] if np.min(bincount(self.y_indices)) < 2: raise ValueError("The least populated class in y has only 1" " member, which is too few. The minimum" " number of labels for any class cannot" " be less than 2.") if self.n_train < n_cls: raise ValueError('The train_size = %d should be greater or ' 'equal to the number of classes = %d' % (self.n_train, n_cls)) if self.n_test < n_cls: raise ValueError('The test_size = %d should be greater or ' 'equal to the number of classes = %d' % (self.n_test, n_cls)) def _iter_indices(self): rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) cls_count = bincount(self.y_indices) p_i = cls_count / float(self.n) n_i = np.round(self.n_train * p_i).astype(int) t_i = np.minimum(cls_count - n_i, np.round(self.n_test * p_i).astype(int)) for n in range(self.n_iter): train = [] test = [] for i, cls in enumerate(self.classes): permutation = rng.permutation(cls_count[i]) cls_i = np.where((self.y == cls))[0][permutation] train.extend(cls_i[:n_i[i]]) test.extend(cls_i[n_i[i]:n_i[i] + t_i[i]]) # Because of rounding issues (as n_train and n_test are not # dividers of the number of elements per class), we may end # up here with less samples in train and test than asked for. if len(train) < self.n_train or len(test) < self.n_test: # We complete by affecting randomly the missing indexes missing_idx = np.where(bincount(train + test, minlength=len(self.y)) == 0, )[0] missing_idx = rng.permutation(missing_idx) train.extend(missing_idx[:(self.n_train - len(train))]) test.extend(missing_idx[-(self.n_test - len(test)):]) train = rng.permutation(train) test = rng.permutation(test) yield train, test def __repr__(self): return ('%s(labels=%s, n_iter=%d, test_size=%s, ' 'random_state=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.y, self.n_iter, str(self.test_size), self.random_state, )) def __len__(self): return self.n_iter class PredefinedSplit(_PartitionIterator): """Predefined split cross validation iterator Splits the data into training/test set folds according to a predefined scheme. Each sample can be assigned to at most one test set fold, as specified by the user through the ``test_fold`` parameter. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- test_fold : "array-like, shape (n_samples,) test_fold[i] gives the test set fold of sample i. A value of -1 indicates that the corresponding sample is not part of any test set folds, but will instead always be put into the training fold. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn.cross_validation import PredefinedSplit >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) >>> ps = PredefinedSplit(test_fold=[0, 1, -1, 1]) >>> len(ps) 2 >>> print(ps) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS sklearn.cross_validation.PredefinedSplit(test_fold=[ 0 1 -1 1]) >>> for train_index, test_index in ps: ... print("TRAIN:", train_index, "TEST:", test_index) ... X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] ... y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] TRAIN: [1 2 3] TEST: [0] TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3] """ def __init__(self, test_fold): super(PredefinedSplit, self).__init__(len(test_fold)) self.test_fold = np.array(test_fold, self.test_fold = column_or_1d(self.test_fold) self.unique_folds = np.unique(self.test_fold) self.unique_folds = self.unique_folds[self.unique_folds != -1] def _iter_test_indices(self): for f in self.unique_folds: yield np.where(self.test_fold == f)[0] def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(test_fold=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.test_fold) def __len__(self): return len(self.unique_folds) class LabelShuffleSplit(ShuffleSplit): '''Shuffle-Labels-Out cross-validation iterator Provides randomized train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided label. This label information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers. For instance the labels could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits. The difference between LeavePLabelOut and LabelShuffleSplit is that the former generates splits using all subsets of size ``p`` unique labels, whereas LabelShuffleSplit generates a user-determined number of random test splits, each with a user-determined fraction of unique labels. For example, a less computationally intensive alternative to ``LeavePLabelOut(labels, p=10)`` would be ``LabelShuffleSplit(labels, test_size=10, n_iter=100)``. Note: The parameters ``test_size`` and ``train_size`` refer to labels, and not to samples, as in ShuffleSplit. Parameters ---------- labels : array, [n_samples] Labels of samples n_iter : int (default 5) Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations. test_size : float (default 0.2), int, or None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the labels to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test labels. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the train size. train_size : float, int, or None (default is None) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the labels to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train labels. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. ''' def __init__(self, labels, n_iter=5, test_size=0.2, train_size=None, random_state=None): classes, label_indices = np.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) super(LabelShuffleSplit, self).__init__( len(classes), n_iter=n_iter, test_size=test_size, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state) self.labels = labels self.classes = classes self.label_indices = label_indices def __repr__(self): return ('%s(labels=%s, n_iter=%d, test_size=%s, ' 'random_state=%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.labels, self.n_iter, str(self.test_size), self.random_state, )) def __len__(self): return self.n_iter def _iter_indices(self): for label_train, label_test in super(LabelShuffleSplit, self)._iter_indices(): # these are the indices of classes in the partition # invert them into data indices train = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(self.label_indices, label_train)) test = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(self.label_indices, label_test)) yield train, test ############################################################################## def _index_param_value(X, v, indices): """Private helper function for parameter value indexing.""" if not _is_arraylike(v) or _num_samples(v) != _num_samples(X): # pass through: skip indexing return v if sp.issparse(v): v = v.tocsr() return safe_indexing(v, indices) def cross_val_predict(estimator, X, y=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=0, fit_params=None, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs'): """Generate cross-validated estimates for each input data point Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' and 'predict' The object to use to fit the data. X : array-like The data to fit. Can be, for example a list, or an array at least 2d. y : array-like, optional, default: None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning. cv : cross-validation generator or int, optional, default: None A cross-validation generator to use. If int, determines the number of folds in StratifiedKFold if y is binary or multiclass and estimator is a classifier, or the number of folds in KFold otherwise. If None, it is equivalent to cv=3. This generator must include all elements in the test set exactly once. Otherwise, a ValueError is raised. n_jobs : integer, optional The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means 'all CPUs'. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level. fit_params : dict, optional Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator. pre_dispatch : int, or string, optional Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be: - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand spawning of the jobs - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are spawned - A string, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs, as in '2*n_jobs' Returns ------- preds : ndarray This is the result of calling 'predict' """ X, y = indexable(X, y) cv = check_cv(cv, X, y, classifier=is_classifier(estimator)) # We clone the estimator to make sure that all the folds are # independent, and that it is pickle-able. parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, pre_dispatch=pre_dispatch) preds_blocks = parallel(delayed(_fit_and_predict)(clone(estimator), X, y, train, test, verbose, fit_params) for train, test in cv) preds = [p for p, _ in preds_blocks] locs = np.concatenate([loc for _, loc in preds_blocks]) if not _check_is_partition(locs, _num_samples(X)): raise ValueError('cross_val_predict only works for partitions') inv_locs = np.empty(len(locs), dtype=int) inv_locs[locs] = np.arange(len(locs)) # Check for sparse predictions if sp.issparse(preds[0]): preds = sp.vstack(preds, format=preds[0].format) else: preds = np.concatenate(preds) return preds[inv_locs] def _fit_and_predict(estimator, X, y, train, test, verbose, fit_params): """Fit estimator and predict values for a given dataset split. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' and 'predict' The object to use to fit the data. X : array-like of shape at least 2D The data to fit. y : array-like, optional, default: None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning. train : array-like, shape (n_train_samples,) Indices of training samples. test : array-like, shape (n_test_samples,) Indices of test samples. verbose : integer The verbosity level. fit_params : dict or None Parameters that will be passed to ````. Returns ------- preds : sequence Result of calling 'estimator.predict' test : array-like This is the value of the test parameter """ # Adjust length of sample weights fit_params = fit_params if fit_params is not None else {} fit_params = dict([(k, _index_param_value(X, v, train)) for k, v in fit_params.items()]) X_train, y_train = _safe_split(estimator, X, y, train) X_test, _ = _safe_split(estimator, X, y, test, train) if y_train is None:, **fit_params) else:, y_train, **fit_params) preds = estimator.predict(X_test) return preds, test def _check_is_partition(locs, n): """Check whether locs is a reordering of the array np.arange(n) Parameters ---------- locs : ndarray integer array to test n : int number of expected elements Returns ------- is_partition : bool True iff sorted(locs) is range(n) """ if len(locs) != n: return False hit = np.zeros(n, bool) hit[locs] = True if not np.all(hit): return False return True def cross_val_score(estimator, X, y=None, scoring=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, verbose=0, fit_params=None, pre_dispatch='2*n_jobs'): """Evaluate a score by cross-validation Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data. X : array-like The data to fit. Can be, for example a list, or an array at least 2d. y : array-like, optional, default: None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : cross-validation generator or int, optional, default: None A cross-validation generator to use. If int, determines the number of folds in StratifiedKFold if y is binary or multiclass and estimator is a classifier, or the number of folds in KFold otherwise. If None, it is equivalent to cv=3. n_jobs : integer, optional The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means 'all CPUs'. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level. fit_params : dict, optional Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator. pre_dispatch : int, or string, optional Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be: - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand spawning of the jobs - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are spawned - A string, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs, as in '2*n_jobs' Returns ------- scores : array of float, shape=(len(list(cv)),) Array of scores of the estimator for each run of the cross validation. """ X, y = indexable(X, y) cv = check_cv(cv, X, y, classifier=is_classifier(estimator)) scorer = check_scoring(estimator, scoring=scoring) # We clone the estimator to make sure that all the folds are # independent, and that it is pickle-able. parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, pre_dispatch=pre_dispatch) scores = parallel(delayed(_fit_and_score)(clone(estimator), X, y, scorer, train, test, verbose, None, fit_params) for train, test in cv) return np.array(scores)[:, 0] class FitFailedWarning(RuntimeWarning): pass def _fit_and_score(estimator, X, y, scorer, train, test, verbose, parameters, fit_params, return_train_score=False, return_parameters=False, error_score='raise'): """Fit estimator and compute scores for a given dataset split. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data. X : array-like of shape at least 2D The data to fit. y : array-like, optional, default: None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning. scorer : callable A scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. train : array-like, shape (n_train_samples,) Indices of training samples. test : array-like, shape (n_test_samples,) Indices of test samples. verbose : integer The verbosity level. error_score : 'raise' (default) or numeric Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error. parameters : dict or None Parameters to be set on the estimator. fit_params : dict or None Parameters that will be passed to ````. return_train_score : boolean, optional, default: False Compute and return score on training set. return_parameters : boolean, optional, default: False Return parameters that has been used for the estimator. Returns ------- train_score : float, optional Score on training set, returned only if `return_train_score` is `True`. test_score : float Score on test set. n_test_samples : int Number of test samples. scoring_time : float Time spent for fitting and scoring in seconds. parameters : dict or None, optional The parameters that have been evaluated. """ if verbose > 1: if parameters is None: msg = "no parameters to be set" else: msg = '%s' % (', '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in parameters.items())) print("[CV] %s %s" % (msg, (64 - len(msg)) * '.')) # Adjust length of sample weights fit_params = fit_params if fit_params is not None else {} fit_params = dict([(k, _index_param_value(X, v, train)) for k, v in fit_params.items()]) if parameters is not None: estimator.set_params(**parameters) start_time = time.time() X_train, y_train = _safe_split(estimator, X, y, train) X_test, y_test = _safe_split(estimator, X, y, test, train) try: if y_train is None:, **fit_params) else:, y_train, **fit_params) except Exception as e: if error_score == 'raise': raise elif isinstance(error_score, numbers.Number): test_score = error_score if return_train_score: train_score = error_score warnings.warn("Classifier fit failed. The score on this train-test" " partition for these parameters will be set to %f. " "Details: \n%r" % (error_score, e), FitFailedWarning) else: raise ValueError("error_score must be the string 'raise' or a" " numeric value. (Hint: if using 'raise', please" " make sure that it has been spelled correctly.)" ) else: test_score = _score(estimator, X_test, y_test, scorer) if return_train_score: train_score = _score(estimator, X_train, y_train, scorer) scoring_time = time.time() - start_time if verbose > 2: msg += ", score=%f" % test_score if verbose > 1: end_msg = "%s -%s" % (msg, logger.short_format_time(scoring_time)) print("[CV] %s %s" % ((64 - len(end_msg)) * '.', end_msg)) ret = [train_score] if return_train_score else [] ret.extend([test_score, _num_samples(X_test), scoring_time]) if return_parameters: ret.append(parameters) return ret def _safe_split(estimator, X, y, indices, train_indices=None): """Create subset of dataset and properly handle kernels.""" if hasattr(estimator, 'kernel') and callable(estimator.kernel): # cannot compute the kernel values with custom function raise ValueError("Cannot use a custom kernel function. " "Precompute the kernel matrix instead.") if not hasattr(X, "shape"): if getattr(estimator, "_pairwise", False): raise ValueError("Precomputed kernels or affinity matrices have " "to be passed as arrays or sparse matrices.") X_subset = [X[idx] for idx in indices] else: if getattr(estimator, "_pairwise", False): # X is a precomputed square kernel matrix if X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError("X should be a square kernel matrix") if train_indices is None: X_subset = X[np.ix_(indices, indices)] else: X_subset = X[np.ix_(indices, train_indices)] else: X_subset = safe_indexing(X, indices) if y is not None: y_subset = safe_indexing(y, indices) else: y_subset = None return X_subset, y_subset def _score(estimator, X_test, y_test, scorer): """Compute the score of an estimator on a given test set.""" if y_test is None: score = scorer(estimator, X_test) else: score = scorer(estimator, X_test, y_test) if not isinstance(score, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("scoring must return a number, got %s (%s) instead." % (str(score), type(score))) return score def _permutation_test_score(estimator, X, y, cv, scorer): """Auxiliary function for permutation_test_score""" avg_score = [] for train, test in cv:[train], y[train]) avg_score.append(scorer(estimator, X[test], y[test])) return np.mean(avg_score) def _shuffle(y, labels, random_state): """Return a shuffled copy of y eventually shuffle among same labels.""" if labels is None: ind = random_state.permutation(len(y)) else: ind = np.arange(len(labels)) for label in np.unique(labels): this_mask = (labels == label) ind[this_mask] = random_state.permutation(ind[this_mask]) return y[ind] def check_cv(cv, X=None, y=None, classifier=False): """Input checker utility for building a CV in a user friendly way. Parameters ---------- cv : int, a cv generator instance, or None The input specifying which cv generator to use. It can be an integer, in which case it is the number of folds in a KFold, None, in which case 3 fold is used, or another object, that will then be used as a cv generator. X : array-like The data the cross-val object will be applied on. y : array-like The target variable for a supervised learning problem. classifier : boolean optional Whether the task is a classification task, in which case stratified KFold will be used. Returns ------- checked_cv: a cross-validation generator instance. The return value is guaranteed to be a cv generator instance, whatever the input type. """ is_sparse = sp.issparse(X) if cv is None: cv = 3 if isinstance(cv, numbers.Integral): if classifier: if type_of_target(y) in ['binary', 'multiclass']: cv = StratifiedKFold(y, cv) else: cv = KFold(_num_samples(y), cv) else: if not is_sparse: n_samples = len(X) else: n_samples = X.shape[0] cv = KFold(n_samples, cv) return cv def permutation_test_score(estimator, X, y, cv=None, n_permutations=100, n_jobs=1, labels=None, random_state=0, verbose=0, scoring=None): """Evaluate the significance of a cross-validated score with permutations Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data. X : array-like of shape at least 2D The data to fit. y : array-like The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning. scoring : string, callable or None, optional, default: None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. cv : integer or cross-validation generator, optional If an integer is passed, it is the number of fold (default 3). Specific cross-validation objects can be passed, see sklearn.cross_validation module for the list of possible objects. n_permutations : integer, optional Number of times to permute ``y``. n_jobs : integer, optional The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means 'all CPUs'. labels : array-like of shape [n_samples] (optional) Labels constrain the permutation among groups of samples with a same label. random_state : RandomState or an int seed (0 by default) A random number generator instance to define the state of the random permutations generator. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level. Returns ------- score : float The true score without permuting targets. permutation_scores : array, shape (n_permutations,) The scores obtained for each permutations. pvalue : float The returned value equals p-value if `scoring` returns bigger numbers for better scores (e.g., accuracy_score). If `scoring` is rather a loss function (i.e. when lower is better such as with `mean_squared_error`) then this is actually the complement of the p-value: 1 - p-value. Notes ----- This function implements Test 1 in: Ojala and Garriga. Permutation Tests for Studying Classifier Performance. The Journal of Machine Learning Research (2010) vol. 11 """ X, y = indexable(X, y) cv = check_cv(cv, X, y, classifier=is_classifier(estimator)) scorer = check_scoring(estimator, scoring=scoring) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # We clone the estimator to make sure that all the folds are # independent, and that it is pickle-able. score = _permutation_test_score(clone(estimator), X, y, cv, scorer) permutation_scores = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose)( delayed(_permutation_test_score)( clone(estimator), X, _shuffle(y, labels, random_state), cv, scorer) for _ in range(n_permutations)) permutation_scores = np.array(permutation_scores) pvalue = (np.sum(permutation_scores >= score) + 1.0) / (n_permutations + 1) return score, permutation_scores, pvalue permutation_test_score.__test__ = False # to avoid a pb with nosetests def train_test_split(*arrays, **options): """Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets Quick utility that wraps input validation and ``next(iter(ShuffleSplit(n_samples)))`` and application to input data into a single call for splitting (and optionally subsampling) data in a oneliner. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <cross_validation>`. Parameters ---------- *arrays : sequence of arrays or scipy.sparse matrices with same shape[0] Python lists or tuples occurring in arrays are converted to 1D numpy arrays. test_size : float, int, or None (default is None) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the train size. If train size is also None, test size is set to 0.25. train_size : float, int, or None (default is None) If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. stratify : array-like or None (default is None) If not None, data is split in a stratified fashion, using this as the labels array. Returns ------- splitting : list of arrays, length=2 * len(arrays) List containing train-test split of input array. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split >>> X, y = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), range(5) >>> X array([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]) >>> list(y) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( ... X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42) ... >>> X_train array([[4, 5], [0, 1], [6, 7]]) >>> y_train [2, 0, 3] >>> X_test array([[2, 3], [8, 9]]) >>> y_test [1, 4] """ n_arrays = len(arrays) if n_arrays == 0: raise ValueError("At least one array required as input") test_size = options.pop('test_size', None) train_size = options.pop('train_size', None) random_state = options.pop('random_state', None) dtype = options.pop('dtype', None) if dtype is not None: warnings.warn("dtype option is ignored and will be removed in 0.18.", DeprecationWarning) allow_nd = options.pop('allow_nd', None) allow_lists = options.pop('allow_lists', None) stratify = options.pop('stratify', None) if allow_lists is not None: warnings.warn("The allow_lists option is deprecated and will be " "assumed True in 0.18 and removed.", DeprecationWarning) if options: raise TypeError("Invalid parameters passed: %s" % str(options)) if allow_nd is not None: warnings.warn("The allow_nd option is deprecated and will be " "assumed True in 0.18 and removed.", DeprecationWarning) if allow_lists is False or allow_nd is False: arrays = [check_array(x, 'csr', allow_nd=allow_nd, force_all_finite=False, ensure_2d=False) if x is not None else x for x in arrays] if test_size is None and train_size is None: test_size = 0.25 arrays = indexable(*arrays) if stratify is not None: cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(stratify, test_size=test_size, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state) else: n_samples = _num_samples(arrays[0]) cv = ShuffleSplit(n_samples, test_size=test_size, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state) train, test = next(iter(cv)) return list(chain.from_iterable((safe_indexing(a, train), safe_indexing(a, test)) for a in arrays)) train_test_split.__test__ = False # to avoid a pb with nosetests
# Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from sklearn.utils.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_greater, assert_almost_equal, assert_greater_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_raises, assert_warns_message) from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, make_blobs from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss, log_loss from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.calibration import _sigmoid_calibration, _SigmoidCalibration from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve def test_calibration(): """Test calibration objects with isotonic and sigmoid""" n_samples = 100 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=2 * n_samples, n_features=6, random_state=42) sample_weight = np.random.RandomState(seed=42).uniform(size=y.size) X -= X.min() # MultinomialNB only allows positive X # split train and test X_train, y_train, sw_train = \ X[:n_samples], y[:n_samples], sample_weight[:n_samples] X_test, y_test = X[n_samples:], y[n_samples:] # Naive-Bayes clf = MultinomialNB().fit(X_train, y_train, sample_weight=sw_train) prob_pos_clf = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] pc_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, cv=y.size + 1) assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) # Naive Bayes with calibration for this_X_train, this_X_test in [(X_train, X_test), (sparse.csr_matrix(X_train), sparse.csr_matrix(X_test))]: for method in ['isotonic', 'sigmoid']: pc_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method=method, cv=2) # Note that this fit overwrites the fit on the entire training # set, y_train, sample_weight=sw_train) prob_pos_pc_clf = pc_clf.predict_proba(this_X_test)[:, 1] # Check that brier score has improved after calibration assert_greater(brier_score_loss(y_test, prob_pos_clf), brier_score_loss(y_test, prob_pos_pc_clf)) # Check invariance against relabeling [0, 1] -> [1, 2], y_train + 1, sample_weight=sw_train) prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled = pc_clf.predict_proba(this_X_test)[:, 1] assert_array_almost_equal(prob_pos_pc_clf, prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled) # Check invariance against relabeling [0, 1] -> [-1, 1], 2 * y_train - 1, sample_weight=sw_train) prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled = pc_clf.predict_proba(this_X_test)[:, 1] assert_array_almost_equal(prob_pos_pc_clf, prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled) # Check invariance against relabeling [0, 1] -> [1, 0], (y_train + 1) % 2, sample_weight=sw_train) prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled = \ pc_clf.predict_proba(this_X_test)[:, 1] if method == "sigmoid": assert_array_almost_equal(prob_pos_pc_clf, 1 - prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled) else: # Isotonic calibration is not invariant against relabeling # but should improve in both cases assert_greater(brier_score_loss(y_test, prob_pos_clf), brier_score_loss((y_test + 1) % 2, prob_pos_pc_clf_relabeled)) # check that calibration can also deal with regressors that have # a decision_function clf_base_regressor = CalibratedClassifierCV(Ridge()), y_train) clf_base_regressor.predict(X_test) # Check failure cases: # only "isotonic" and "sigmoid" should be accepted as methods clf_invalid_method = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="foo") assert_raises(ValueError,, X_train, y_train) # base-estimators should provide either decision_function or # predict_proba (most regressors, for instance, should fail) clf_base_regressor = \ CalibratedClassifierCV(RandomForestRegressor(), method="sigmoid") assert_raises(RuntimeError,, X_train, y_train) def test_sample_weight_warning(): n_samples = 100 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=2 * n_samples, n_features=6, random_state=42) sample_weight = np.random.RandomState(seed=42).uniform(size=len(y)) X_train, y_train, sw_train = \ X[:n_samples], y[:n_samples], sample_weight[:n_samples] X_test = X[n_samples:] for method in ['sigmoid', 'isotonic']: base_estimator = LinearSVC(random_state=42) calibrated_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(base_estimator, method=method) # LinearSVC does not currently support sample weights but they # can still be used for the calibration step (with a warning) msg = "LinearSVC does not support sample_weight." assert_warns_message( UserWarning, msg,, X_train, y_train, sample_weight=sw_train) probs_with_sw = calibrated_clf.predict_proba(X_test) # As the weights are used for the calibration, they should still yield # a different predictions, y_train) probs_without_sw = calibrated_clf.predict_proba(X_test) diff = np.linalg.norm(probs_with_sw - probs_without_sw) assert_greater(diff, 0.1) def test_calibration_multiclass(): """Test calibration for multiclass """ # test multi-class setting with classifier that implements # only decision function clf = LinearSVC() X, y_idx = make_blobs(n_samples=100, n_features=2, random_state=42, centers=3, cluster_std=3.0) # Use categorical labels to check that CalibratedClassifierCV supports # them correctly target_names = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c']) y = target_names[y_idx] X_train, y_train = X[::2], y[::2] X_test, y_test = X[1::2], y[1::2], y_train) for method in ['isotonic', 'sigmoid']: cal_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method=method, cv=2), y_train) probas = cal_clf.predict_proba(X_test) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(probas, axis=1), np.ones(len(X_test))) # Check that log-loss of calibrated classifier is smaller than # log-loss of naively turned OvR decision function to probabilities # via softmax def softmax(y_pred): e = np.exp(-y_pred) return e / e.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) uncalibrated_log_loss = \ log_loss(y_test, softmax(clf.decision_function(X_test))) calibrated_log_loss = log_loss(y_test, probas) assert_greater_equal(uncalibrated_log_loss, calibrated_log_loss) # Test that calibration of a multiclass classifier decreases log-loss # for RandomForestClassifier X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=100, n_features=2, random_state=42, cluster_std=3.0) X_train, y_train = X[::2], y[::2] X_test, y_test = X[1::2], y[1::2] clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, random_state=42), y_train) clf_probs = clf.predict_proba(X_test) loss = log_loss(y_test, clf_probs) for method in ['isotonic', 'sigmoid']: cal_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method=method, cv=3), y_train) cal_clf_probs = cal_clf.predict_proba(X_test) cal_loss = log_loss(y_test, cal_clf_probs) assert_greater(loss, cal_loss) def test_calibration_prefit(): """Test calibration for prefitted classifiers""" n_samples = 50 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=3 * n_samples, n_features=6, random_state=42) sample_weight = np.random.RandomState(seed=42).uniform(size=y.size) X -= X.min() # MultinomialNB only allows positive X # split train and test X_train, y_train, sw_train = \ X[:n_samples], y[:n_samples], sample_weight[:n_samples] X_calib, y_calib, sw_calib = \ X[n_samples:2 * n_samples], y[n_samples:2 * n_samples], \ sample_weight[n_samples:2 * n_samples] X_test, y_test = X[2 * n_samples:], y[2 * n_samples:] # Naive-Bayes clf = MultinomialNB(), y_train, sw_train) prob_pos_clf = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] # Naive Bayes with calibration for this_X_calib, this_X_test in [(X_calib, X_test), (sparse.csr_matrix(X_calib), sparse.csr_matrix(X_test))]: for method in ['isotonic', 'sigmoid']: pc_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method=method, cv="prefit") for sw in [sw_calib, None]:, y_calib, sample_weight=sw) y_prob = pc_clf.predict_proba(this_X_test) y_pred = pc_clf.predict(this_X_test) prob_pos_pc_clf = y_prob[:, 1] assert_array_equal(y_pred, np.array([0, 1])[np.argmax(y_prob, axis=1)]) assert_greater(brier_score_loss(y_test, prob_pos_clf), brier_score_loss(y_test, prob_pos_pc_clf)) def test_sigmoid_calibration(): """Test calibration values with Platt sigmoid model""" exF = np.array([5, -4, 1.0]) exY = np.array([1, -1, -1]) # computed from my python port of the C++ code in LibSVM AB_lin_libsvm = np.array([-0.20261354391187855, 0.65236314980010512]) assert_array_almost_equal(AB_lin_libsvm, _sigmoid_calibration(exF, exY), 3) lin_prob = 1. / (1. + np.exp(AB_lin_libsvm[0] * exF + AB_lin_libsvm[1])) sk_prob = _SigmoidCalibration().fit(exF, exY).predict(exF) assert_array_almost_equal(lin_prob, sk_prob, 6) # check that _SigmoidCalibration().fit only accepts 1d array or 2d column # arrays assert_raises(ValueError, _SigmoidCalibration().fit, np.vstack((exF, exF)), exY) def test_calibration_curve(): """Check calibration_curve function""" y_true = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) y_pred = np.array([0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 1.]) prob_true, prob_pred = calibration_curve(y_true, y_pred, n_bins=2) prob_true_unnormalized, prob_pred_unnormalized = \ calibration_curve(y_true, y_pred * 2, n_bins=2, normalize=True) assert_equal(len(prob_true), len(prob_pred)) assert_equal(len(prob_true), 2) assert_almost_equal(prob_true, [0, 1]) assert_almost_equal(prob_pred, [0.1, 0.9]) assert_almost_equal(prob_true, prob_true_unnormalized) assert_almost_equal(prob_pred, prob_pred_unnormalized) # probabilities outside [0, 1] should not be accepted when normalize # is set to False assert_raises(ValueError, calibration_curve, [1.1], [-0.1], normalize=False) def test_calibration_nan_imputer(): """Test that calibration can accept nan""" X, y = make_classification(n_samples=10, n_features=2, n_informative=2, n_redundant=0, random_state=42) X[0, 0] = np.nan clf = Pipeline( [('imputer', Imputer()), ('rf', RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1))]) clf_c = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, cv=2, method='isotonic'), y) clf_c.predict(X)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ """ print (__doc__) import numpy as np import copy import cPickle as pickle import matplotlib import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec import nslkdd.preprocessing as preprocessing import as model from nslkdd.get_kdd_dataframe import attack_types from nslkdd.get_kdd_dataframe import df_by_attack_type import colorhex import util import logger today = util.make_today_folder('./results') today = "./results/2015-02-09" plot_lim_max = 21 plot_lim_min = -21 def plot_true_labels(ax, data_per_true_labels, title="", highlight_point = None): ax.set_title("True labels") for i, p in enumerate(data_per_true_labels) : x = np.array([t[0] for t in p]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in p]) if i == model.attack_normal: colors = ['g'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) elif i != model.attack_normal and i != highlight_point: colors = ['r'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) if highlight_point != None : p = data_per_true_labels[highlight_point] x = np.array([t[0] for t in p]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in p]) colors = ['y'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) def plot_normal_label(ax, data_per_true_labels, title=""): ax.set_title(title) for i, p in enumerate(data_per_true_labels) : x = [t[0] for t in p] y = [t[1] for t in p] x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if i == model.attack_normal: ax.scatter(x, y, c='g') logger.debug("* mean/std of normal") logger.debug(len(x)) logger.debug(np.mean(x)) logger.debug(np.mean(y)) logger.debug(np.std(x)) logger.debug(np.std(y)) def plot_abnormal_label(ax, data_per_true_labels, title=""): ax.set_title(title) for i, p in enumerate(data_per_true_labels) : x = [t[0] for t in p] y = [t[1] for t in p] x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if i != model.attack_normal: ax.scatter(x, y, c='r') def get_data(title): with open(today+'/'+title+'_cproj.pkl','rb') as input: cproj = pickle.load(input) with open(today+'/'+title+'_res.pkl','rb') as input: res = pickle.load(input) with open(today+'/'+title+'_df.pkl','rb') as input: df = pickle.load(input) with open(today+'/'+title+'_highlight_point.pkl','rb') as input: highlight_point = pickle.load(input) return cproj, res, df, highlight_point def gen_plot(cproj, res, df, highlight_point, title): _, attacks = preprocessing.get_header_data() # figure setting fig, axarr = plt.subplots(4, 4, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) plt.xlim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) plt.ylim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) # plt.xlabel('interval') # plt.ylabel('log(probability) + k') # plt.title('Convergence plot') # plt.grid(True) data_per_true_labels = [] for i in range( len(attacks) ): data_per_true_labels.append([]) true_attack_types = df["attack"].values.tolist() for i, d in enumerate(cproj): data_per_true_labels[true_attack_types[i]].append(d) k = int( len(cproj) * 12/500.0) clusters = [0] * k cluster_xs = [] cluster_ys = [] for i in range(k): cluster_xs.append([]) cluster_ys.append([]) cluster_xmeans = [0] * k cluster_ymeans = [0] * k cluster_xstds = [0] * k cluster_ystds = [0] * k for i, p in enumerate(cproj): true_label = true_attack_types[i] if true_label == model.attack_normal : clusters[ res[i] ] = clusters[ res[i] ] + 1 else : clusters[ res[i] ] = clusters[ res[i] ] - 1 cluster_xs[ res[i] ].append(p[0]) cluster_ys[ res[i] ].append(p[1]) logger.debug("* mean/std of cluster") for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters) : cluster_xmeans[i] = np.mean(cluster_xs[i]) cluster_ymeans[i] = np.mean(cluster_ys[i]) cluster_xstds[i] = np.std(cluster_xs[i]) cluster_ystds[i] = np.std(cluster_ys[i]) logger.debug("cluster : " + str(i)) logger.debug("- size [" + str(len(cluster_xs[i])) + "]") logger.debug("- xmin [" + str(cluster_xmeans[i]) + "]") logger.debug("- ymin [" + str(cluster_ymeans[i]) + "]") logger.debug("- xstd [" + str(cluster_xstds[i]) + "]") logger.debug("- ystd [" + str(cluster_ystds[i]) + "]") ax1 = axarr[0, 0] ax2 = axarr[0, 1] ax3 = axarr[0, 2] ax4 = axarr[0, 3] ax5 = axarr[1, 0] ax6 = axarr[1, 1] ax7 = axarr[1, 2] ax8 = axarr[1, 3] ax9 = axarr[2, 0] ax10 = axarr[2, 1] ax11 = axarr[2, 2] ax12 = axarr[2, 3] ax13 = axarr[3, 0] ax14 = axarr[3, 1] ax15 = axarr[3, 2] ax16 = axarr[3, 3] plot_true_labels(ax1, data_per_true_labels, "True labels", highlight_point) plot_normal_label(ax2, data_per_true_labels, "True normals") plot_abnormal_label(ax3, data_per_true_labels, "True abnormal") ax4.set_title("k-means") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): ax4.scatter(p[0], p[1],[ res[i] ]) ############################################################## ax5.set_title("Normal res") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if clusters[ res[i] ] >= 0 : ax5.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax6.set_title("Abnormal res") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if clusters[ res[i] ] < 0 : ax6.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='r') ############################################################## ax7.set_title("Cluster 1") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 0 : ax7.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax8.set_title("Cluster 2") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 1 : ax8.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## # ax9.set_title("kmeans") # kmean_plot(title, ax9) ############################################################## ax9.set_title("Cluster 3") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 2 : ax9.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax10.set_title("Cluster 4") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 3 : ax10.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax11.set_title("Cluster 5") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 4 : ax11.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax12.set_title("Cluster 6") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 5 : ax12.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax13.set_title("Cluster 7") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 6 : ax13.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax14.set_title("Cluster 8") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 7 : ax14.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax15.set_title("Cluster 9") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 8 : ax15.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## ax16.set_title("Cluster 10") for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if res[i] == 9 : ax16.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') ############################################################## print title + " has been saved" fig.savefig(today + "/" + title + ".png") plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) plt.xlim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) plt.ylim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) for i, p in enumerate(data_per_true_labels) : x = np.array([t[0] for t in p]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in p]) if i == model.attack_normal: colors = ['g'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) elif i != model.attack_normal and i != highlight_point: colors = ['r'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) if highlight_point != None : p = data_per_true_labels[highlight_point] x = np.array([t[0] for t in p]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in p]) colors = ['y'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) plt.xlabel('Similarity score to normal') plt.ylabel('Similarity score to abnormal') plt.title('True labels') plt.grid(True) fig.savefig(today + "/" + title + "_true_.png") plt.close() fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) plt.xlim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) plt.ylim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) for i, p in enumerate(cproj): if clusters[ res[i] ] >= 0 : ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') else : ax.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='r') plt.xlabel('Similarity score to normal') plt.ylabel('Similarity score to abnormal') plt.title('Prediected labels') plt.grid(True) fig.savefig(today + "/" + title + "_prediction_.png") plt.close() def gen_plots(): dataset_description = "training20_only" title = dataset_description cproj, res, df, highlight_point = get_data(title) gen_plot(cproj, res, df, highlight_point, title) dataset_description = "training20_test20" for attack_type_index, attack_type in enumerate(model.attack_types) : if attack_type_index == model.attack_normal : # why <= instead of != continue title = dataset_description + "_" + attack_type cproj, res, df, highlight_point = get_data(title) gen_plot(cproj, res, df, highlight_point, title) def gen_one_plot(): dataset_description = "training20_test20_guess_passwd" title = dataset_description cproj, res, df, highlight_point = get_data(title) gen_plot(cproj, res, df, highlight_point, title) def kmean_plot(title, ax): _, attacks = preprocessing.get_header_data() cproj, res, df, highlight_point = get_data(title) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) # plt.xlim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) # plt.ylim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) # ax = axarr # ax.set_title("plot") data_per_true_labels = [] for i in range( len(attacks) ): data_per_true_labels.append([]) true_attack_types = df["attack"].values.tolist() for i, d in enumerate(cproj): data_per_true_labels[true_attack_types[i]].append(d) k = 10 clusters = [0] * k for i, p in enumerate(cproj): true_label = true_attack_types[i] if true_label == model.attack_normal : clusters[ res[i] ] = clusters[ res[i] ] + 1 else : clusters[ res[i] ] = clusters[ res[i] ] - 1 x = [] y = [] p = [] for ii, pp in enumerate(cproj): if clusters[ res[ii] ] > 0 : x.append(pp[0]) y.append(pp[1]) p.append(pp) from sklearn.cluster import KMeans data = p h = .02 estimator = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3) centroids = estimator.cluster_centers_ x_min, x_max = min(x) + 1, max(x) - 1 y_min, y_max = min(y) + 1, max(y) - 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = estimator.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()),, aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()),, aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], marker='x', s=169, linewidths=3, color='w', zorder=10) colors = ['g'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) ax.scatter(np.mean(x), np.mean(y), c='r') ax.scatter(np.median(x), np.median(y), c='b') delta = 0.025 X = np.arange(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max, delta) Y = np.arange(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max, delta) X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y) Z = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, np.std(x), np.std(y), np.mean(x), np.mean(y)) plt.contour(X,Y,Z) def test(): _, attacks = preprocessing.get_header_data() dataset_description = "training20_only" title = dataset_description cproj, res, df, highlight_point = get_data(title) fig, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 1, sharex='col', sharey='row') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) plt.xlim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) plt.ylim(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max) ax = axarr ax.set_title("plot") data_per_true_labels = [] for i in range( len(attacks) ): data_per_true_labels.append([]) true_attack_types = df["attack"].values.tolist() for i, d in enumerate(cproj): data_per_true_labels[true_attack_types[i]].append(d) for i, p in enumerate(data_per_true_labels) : x = np.array([t[0] for t in p]) y = np.array([t[1] for t in p]) if i == model.attack_normal: from sklearn.cluster import KMeans data = p h = .02 estimator = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=3) centroids = estimator.cluster_centers_ x_min, x_max = min(x) + 1, max(x) - 1 y_min, y_max = min(y) + 1, max(y) - 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) Z = estimator.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # plt.figure(1) # plt.clf() plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()),, aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()),, aspect='auto', origin='lower') plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], marker='x', s=169, linewidths=3, color='w', zorder=10) colors = ['g'] * len(x) ax.scatter(x, y, c=colors) ax.scatter(np.mean(x), np.mean(y), c='r') ax.scatter(np.median(x), np.median(y), c='b') delta = 0.025 X = np.arange(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max, delta) Y = np.arange(plot_lim_min, plot_lim_max, delta) X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y) Z = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, np.std(x), np.std(y), np.mean(x), np.mean(y)) plt.contour(X,Y,Z) # for i, r in df.iterrows() : # if r['attack'] # for i, p in enumerate(cproj): # if res[i] == 8 : # ax1.scatter(p[0], p[1], c='g') # plt.xticks(()) # plt.yticks(()) plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': """ Anomaly detection with spectral clustering algorithm. First training set only, to see what would happen with only known classes Next with test set, to see what would happen with only unknown classes """ import time start = time.time() logger.set_file(today + "/log_plots.txt") gen_plots() # gen_one_plot() # test() elapsed = (time.time() - start) print "done in %s seconds" % (elapsed)
#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Cournapeau David <> # 2010 Fabian Pedregosa <> # License: 3-clause BSD descr = """A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining""" import sys import os import shutil from distutils.command.clean import clean as Clean if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import __builtin__ as builtins else: import builtins # This is a bit (!) hackish: we are setting a global variable so that the main # sklearn __init__ can detect if it is being loaded by the setup routine, to # avoid attempting to load components that aren't built yet: # the numpy distutils extensions that are used by scikit-learn to recursively # build the compiled extensions in sub-packages is based on the Python import # machinery. builtins.__SKLEARN_SETUP__ = True DISTNAME = 'scikit-learn' DESCRIPTION = 'A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining' with open('README.rst') as f: LONG_DESCRIPTION = MAINTAINER = 'Andreas Mueller' MAINTAINER_EMAIL = '' URL = '' LICENSE = 'new BSD' DOWNLOAD_URL = '' # We can actually import a restricted version of sklearn that # does not need the compiled code import sklearn VERSION = sklearn.__version__ # Optional setuptools features # We need to import setuptools early, if we want setuptools features, # as it monkey-patches the 'setup' function # For some commands, use setuptools SETUPTOOLS_COMMANDS = set([ 'develop', 'release', 'bdist_egg', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_wininst', 'install_egg_info', 'build_sphinx', 'egg_info', 'easy_install', 'upload', 'bdist_wheel', '--single-version-externally-managed', ]) if SETUPTOOLS_COMMANDS.intersection(sys.argv): import setuptools extra_setuptools_args = dict( zip_safe=False, # the package can run out of an .egg file include_package_data=True, ) else: extra_setuptools_args = dict() # Custom clean command to remove build artifacts class CleanCommand(Clean): description = "Remove build artifacts from the source tree" def run(self): if os.path.exists('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('sklearn'): for filename in filenames: if (filename.endswith('.so') or filename.endswith('.pyd') or filename.endswith('.dll') or filename.endswith('.pyc')): os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) for dirname in dirnames: if dirname == '__pycache__': shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)) cmdclass = {'clean': CleanCommand} # Optional wheelhouse-uploader features # To automate release of binary packages for scikit-learn we need a tool # to download the packages generated by travis and appveyor workers (with # version number matching the current release) and upload them all at once # to PyPI at release time. # The URL of the artifact repositories are configured in the setup.cfg file. WHEELHOUSE_UPLOADER_COMMANDS = set(['fetch_artifacts', 'upload_all']) if WHEELHOUSE_UPLOADER_COMMANDS.intersection(sys.argv): import wheelhouse_uploader.cmd cmdclass.update(vars(wheelhouse_uploader.cmd)) def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None): if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): os.remove('MANIFEST') from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration config = Configuration(None, parent_package, top_path) # Avoid non-useful msg: # "Ignoring attempt to set 'name' (from ... " config.set_options(ignore_setup_xxx_py=True, assume_default_configuration=True, delegate_options_to_subpackages=True, quiet=True) config.add_subpackage('sklearn') return config def is_scipy_installed(): try: import scipy except ImportError: return False return True def is_numpy_installed(): try: import numpy except ImportError: return False return True def setup_package(): metadata = dict(name=DISTNAME, maintainer=MAINTAINER, maintainer_email=MAINTAINER_EMAIL, description=DESCRIPTION, license=LICENSE, url=URL, version=VERSION, download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, classifiers=['Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: Unix', 'Operating System :: MacOS', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', ], cmdclass=cmdclass, **extra_setuptools_args) if (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and ('--help' in sys.argv[1:] or sys.argv[1] in ('--help-commands', 'egg_info', '--version', 'clean'))): # For these actions, NumPy is not required. # # They are required to succeed without Numpy for example when # pip is used to install Scikit-learn when Numpy is not yet present in # the system. try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup metadata['version'] = VERSION else: if is_numpy_installed() is False: raise ImportError("Numerical Python (NumPy) is not installed.\n" "scikit-learn requires NumPy.\n" "Installation instructions are available on scikit-learn website: " "\n") if is_scipy_installed() is False: raise ImportError("Scientific Python (SciPy) is not installed.\n" "scikit-learn requires SciPy.\n" "Installation instructions are available on scikit-learn website: " "\n") from numpy.distutils.core import setup metadata['configuration'] = configuration setup(**metadata) if __name__ == "__main__": setup_package()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # OpenFisca -- A versatile microsimulation software # By: OpenFisca Team <> # # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 OpenFisca Team # # # This file is part of OpenFisca. # # OpenFisca is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # OpenFisca is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import datetime from openfisca_core import periods import openfisca_france from openfisca_qt.matplotlib import graphs TaxBenefitSystem = openfisca_france.init_country() tax_benefit_system = TaxBenefitSystem() def show_revdisp(year = 2013, max_sal = 30000, people = 1, filename = None): simulation = tax_benefit_system.new_scenario().init_single_entity( period = periods.period('year', year), parent1 = dict( birth = - 40, 1, 1), sali = max_sal), parent2 = dict(birth = - 40, 1, 1)) if people >= 2 else None, enfants = [ dict(birth = - 9, 1, 1)) if people >= 3 else None, dict(birth = - 9, 1, 1)) if people >= 4 else None, ] if people >= 3 else None, ).new_simulation(debug = True, reference = True) fig = plt.figure() axes = plt.gca() graphs.draw_waterfall( simulation = simulation, axes = axes, visible = ["revdisp", "sal"], ) if filename: fig.savefig('{}.png'.format(filename)) if __name__ == '__main__': show_revdisp(filename = "waterfall")
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Sparsity Example: Fitting only features 1 and 2 ========================================================= Features 1 and 2 of the diabetes-dataset are fitted and plotted below. It illustrates that although feature 2 has a strong coefficient on the full model, it does not give us much regarding `y` when compared to just feature 1 """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from sklearn import datasets, linear_model diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() indices = (0, 1) X_train =[:-20, indices] X_test =[-20:, indices] y_train =[:-20] y_test =[-20:] ols = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_train) ############################################################################### # Plot the figure def plot_figs(fig_num, elev, azim, X_train, clf): fig = plt.figure(fig_num, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=elev, azim=azim) ax.scatter(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], y_train, c='k', marker='+') ax.plot_surface(np.array([[-.1, -.1], [.15, .15]]), np.array([[-.1, .15], [-.1, .15]]), clf.predict(np.array([[-.1, -.1, .15, .15], [-.1, .15, -.1, .15]]).T ).reshape((2, 2)), alpha=.5) ax.set_xlabel('X_1') ax.set_ylabel('X_2') ax.set_zlabel('Y') ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([]) #Generate the three different figures from different views elev = 43.5 azim = -110 plot_figs(1, elev, azim, X_train, ols) elev = -.5 azim = 0 plot_figs(2, elev, azim, X_train, ols) elev = -.5 azim = 90 plot_figs(3, elev, azim, X_train, ols)