class label
9 classes
The histologic appearance of these changes was similar to that found in albino rats following excessive exposure to light.
5Medical Domain
Injection site reactions can be avoided by changing the injection site at each injection (injection site rotation).
5Medical Domain
I'm great with kids, i used to work at a daycare centre and i had a great time and the kid felt at ease with me.\n\nMy thing was to have fun with and act silly with them which meant they didn't see me as an authority figure, I'd only discipline them if they did something really bad. Because they didn't fear me they knew they could approach me for anything whether they had injured themselves or had a cute story to tell.
7Society & Culture
No, it is definetly not cheating with you ex-crush. I would say go with the one you love best.
4Family & Relationships
Rey Mysterio hes so cute and tiny and is really nice
3Entertainment & Music
If you believe in Jesus, and have faith that he died on the cross for your sins. And ask him to come into your heart and forgive you for your sins. He will forgive you and accept you as his child. Then when you die, if you die before the Lord comes back, you will go to heaven and live with him. This is where others will be living happily and you can enjoy it with them and serve the Lord.\n\nThe other way would be going to Hell when you die. And this way is the opposite of choosing God. If you deny him, and don't believe in him, and never ask him to come into your heart, you will go to Hell and burn eternally.\n\nAnd This is the truth. You can read it in the Bible for yourself if you wish. A King James Version Bible. This is the one that they wrote over 2000 plus years ago.
0Business & Finance
I think because he took the gold by himself and put himself first, I don't care, I think it's amazing that he won.
a sexually transmitted disease (well, hiv can become aids) It spreads by any contact of genitals.
0Business & Finance
For the gentlemen, slacks, a button-down shirt, sweater or henley type pullover (no T shirts or sweatshirts) and "real" shoes(not sneakers)\nFor the ladies, a dress or skirt and top that is pretty but not "sexy", or slacks and a nice blouse or sweater.
7Society & Culture
2Education & Reference
yes he should he is failing his people ,and all the mexicans protesting the AMERICAN PEOPLE instead of mexico are cheating their own people
6Politics & Government
would be much easier to just check out the littleton white pages, find her phone number and call her. Not many people have their email address listed somewhere.\n\n... and Randall is certainly right about you posting all that info like that! If you really cared about your friend, you wouldn't do that
1Computers & Internet
it found me when i wasnt looking for it
4Family & Relationships
Excellent team
Art Shell has been burning to get back into football since he was fired 10 years ago. He felt he was let go unfairly (and has probably been proven right). Although the raider job with Al Davis is a nighmare for any other coaching hopeful. Art Shell is Raider Hall of Famer. He bleeds silver and Black. Combine that with the fact that as bad a job as it is perceived to be. The Raider HC job is one of only 32 in the world. Something that should not be overlooked.
Antique dresses from the regency era http://www.antiquedress.com/galleryearly1.htm\n\nReproductions, patterns, etc\nhttp://www.austentation.com/shop/resource.html\nhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8357309263\nhttp://www.calicoannie.net/regency_era_1790.htm
0Business & Finance
Yes, but only if you are willing to learn HTML (which really isn't hard) www.htmlkit.com has a great free HTML editor.\nOtherwise you are stuck with crap HTML and only what Yahoo (or the other software) wants you do to. You can't be creative.
1Computers & Internet
What is the risk associated with Thalidomide Celgene?
5Medical Domain
I watched a Dr Phil special on her and I honestly believe their govt is hiding info, they aren't cooperating. She probably is in the sex trade because of her looks or maybe those boys who got arrested dumped her body after raping her. Sadly, more times than not they turn up dead.
3Entertainment & Music
No, I don't think so. I always thought men should go for older, more experienced women. Just don't act like an idiot, and please be mature. Women mature faster than men. My boyfriend is five years older than me and we are about the same level of maturity.
4Family & Relationships
r • Numbness;
5Medical Domain
What your problem? Please post config file if possible\n\nDon't forget **** out passwords
1Computers & Internet
Double byte countries, you mean? These are countries that have unique letters more than ASCII can handle. They are China, Taiwan, Japan, North and South Korea, India, Middle east countries.\n\nThese countries use Unicode to store their characters to and load from computers we use today.
1Computers & Internet
The Election of 1824 was decided in favor of Adams by the House of Representatives despite the fact that Andrew Jackson received more electoral votes.
6Politics & Government
It appears that the question period has expired. If you have received an answer that meets your needs, please choose one of those as a 'best answer.' If you haven't received a good answer for your question, you may want to consider the following,\n\n1) Re-post your question. Newer questions get more activity on Yahoo! Answers than old ones.\n2) If you do re-post your question, consider why it wasn't answered the first time. Could it be more specific? Could it be worded better? Were there grammatical or spelling errors? Was it in the best category?\n\nIf it doesn't seem likely that re-posting your question will help you, then here's a listing of my favorite 'answer sites'. Maybe one of them will help you.\n\nAnswers.com http://www.answers.com/\nBartleby http://www.bartleby.com/\nYahoo Reference http://education.yahoo.com/reference/\nHowStuffWorks http://www.howstuffworks.com/\nWikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page\n\nSince I really haven't answered your question, it is not necessary to give me any points. Regards.
0Business & Finance
the letter "W"
3Entertainment & Music
Why do you keep comparing everyone and everything to Rory Emerald?.. I'll always pick the other because you never state who the heck is Rory Emerald?\n\nDudley Do-Right
3Entertainment & Music
Why, do you have something like that? cuz youre probably sitting on a lot of money. Go to ebay.com and set up an ebay account if you dont already have one. its free so u got nothing to lose. find out how much its worth. or you can take it to an appraiser.
0Business & Finance
Why would he want to do that?\n\nBesides he doesn't have to prove anything to us. He is all powerful anyway.
7Society & Culture
Hillary Clinton would be nice.\n\nWe are due for a woman president. Having said that, I don't follow the candidates or even Hillary's policies enough to make that call, yet. I'm assuming they would be on line with Bill's, which were excellent.
6Politics & Government
Survivor - The Eye Of The Tiger\n\n(Great song if you need some kind\nof motivation to do something...\nLike coming in the 1st place at a race ...)
3Entertainment & Music
There are a couple ways to send an IM from Yahoo IM. The first is to click on the button with the talk bubble with the exclamation point in it. Then you click on the other contact tab and enter the person's ID that you want to talk to. The other way is to talk to them if they are already added onto your buddy list. In that case, all you need to do is to right click on the person that you want to talk to and click send an instant message. Hope that helps.
1Computers & Internet
Ignore the 2Point Hounds. They didnt even bother to look at the category of this question. The first answer is technically correct. An example would be nice. How about Netflix where you can rate a movie. Clicking one of the stars updates the database behind the scene with your vote but the page does not refresh.
1Computers & Internet
Cause they are heavy and big, and many people use wireless or USB memory sticks to transfer data.
1Computers & Internet
4 ml of solution in a 5 ml vial (type I glass) closed with a latex-free stopper (bromobutyl/ isoprene polymer) and a seal (lacquered plastic).
5Medical Domain
The term "hazard action" appears nowhere in the Michigan Compiled Law Service. You'll have to be more specific about the nature of the offense listed on the ticket, or you'll have to call the jurisdiction that issued the ticket to find out which specific code was violated in the accident. Otherwise, I'm afraid that "hazard action #5" isn't very helpful.
6Politics & Government
I think it sucks! Go Flames GO!
Some things to think about:\n1)After the wedding is over, maybe you can coordinate a weekend or an overnight trip where you can take the drive, visit, get the pictures and share with her some of your ideas for a wedding album. If you want the wedding album to be a total surprise, forfeit the first idea.\n2)If you do decide to take the first idea and you consider that today is January 20th, you realize that you still have alot of time to organize page layout, colors, find some stickers, stamps, markers, ribbons, etc. I realize that you will not know everything there is to know about the wedding yet since it hasn't happened, but every wedding clearly has a similar layout.\n\nSome ideas for the wedding album. Try to get some random things from alot of people who were involved with or attended the wedding. For example, you might get some pictures from alot of different people and decide which ones would be good for a nice storybook album. You might want to do a brief page at the beginning of the album that gives a little bit of the couple's background...a picture of their houses as they were growing up, pictures with parents and siblings, senior year pictures, baby/toddler pictures, etc., a lock of hair if it is available. Dedicate another section for dating-pictures at various events, silly pictures, engagement picture, etc. Put some pre wedding pictures in there...the girls getting ready with applying makeup, getting hair done, pictures of bride and groom all dressed up with families, etc. Put a copy of the wedding program in the album. See if you can get some of the flower petals to put in various sections of the album. Maybe put another page with "Couples Favorites" and include favorite song(s), hangout spots, dating activities, etc. Last year, I went to a Creative Memories workshop and the consultant was really knowledgable regarding assisting with layout ideas, content ideas, etc. I have also included the website link for Creative Memories http://www.creativememories.com/ so that you can take a look. On the website, you will be able to find consultants in your area based on your zip code and there are ideas on how to set up albums. I'm not suggesting that you order everything that Creative Memories has on their website, but there are alot of really helpful ideas to get you started as well as helpful ideas for making the album durable and long lasting. Hope you have fun with the wedding and with scrapbooking!! :o)
4Family & Relationships
3Entertainment & Music
At my high school, they prefered us to take languages instead of technology because colleges around us stressed the importance of the four main subjects and foreign language (most colleges require at least two years of a foreign language.) However, if you're looking at a more technology based college, then it may be fine. It all depends on what you want to do and what the college wants.
2Education & Reference
Hey Dino! Highland Springs, here.
3Entertainment & Music
start with a Wondows based PC and then load a windows friendly version of Unix (Linux Red Hat), but NEVER the other way around. Unix machines run completely different hardware and if you tried that it just wouldn't work at all.
1Computers & Internet
USA is an obvious no. 1 I would think. Canada doesn't do too badly either.
3Entertainment & Music
Tenofovir is principally eliminated via the kidney.
5Medical Domain
You will find you are in high demand. In Nigeria you can choose from Shell, Total, Chevron, Exxon, and many others. Most of them will be willing to give you additional training, and all of the multinationals are seeking to increase their employment of Nigerian nationals. You may also discover that the pay scale in the oil industry is higher than other industry, and that you will sometimes have the opportunity for world travel. \n\nI suggest going to the website of any oil company you are interested in and applying. I know Shell and Chevron have this capacity. You might also do well simply by going to their local office and either speaking to the HR department or an engineering manager. Good luck. I will be looking forward to your contribution to the industry.\n\nBy the way, there are fraud operations out there that promise jobs in the oil industry- please don't pay anyone to help you get a job. It isn't necessary.
0Business & Finance
You cant, the page is only designed to show 8 friends at a time.
1Computers & Internet
DVD (sometimes known as "Digital Versatile Disc" or "Digital Video Disc") is an optical disc storage media format that can be used for data storage, including movies with high video and sound quality. DVDs resemble compact discs as their physical dimensions are the same (12 cm (4.72 inches) or occasionally 8 cm (3.15 inches) in diameter) but they are encoded in a different format and at a much higher density.\n\nA compact disc (or CD) is an optical disc used to store digital data, originally developed for storing digital audio. It is the standard playback format for commercial audio recordings today.\n\nA standard compact disc, often known as an "audio CD" to differentiate it from later variants, stores audio data in a format compliant with the red book standard. An audio CD consists of several stereo tracks stored using 16-bit PCM coding at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz. Standard compact discs have a diameter of 120 mm, though 80 mm versions exist in circular and "business-card" forms. The 120 mm discs can hold 74 minutes of audio, and versions holding 80, 90 or even 99 minutes have been introduced. The 80 mm discs are used as "CD-singles" or novelty "business-card CDs". They hold about 20 minutes of audio. Compact disc technology was later adapted for use as a data storage device, known as a CD-ROM.\n\nTo simplify your answer.. \n\nCD hold a storage space of 700MB and has standard quality\nand \nDVD hold up to 4700MB Maximum quality on both sound and video\n\non standards
1Computers & Internet
It is incumbent upon yourself to do an answers.com check in future: I did it just because I was curious.\n\nImposed as an obligation or duty; obligatory: felt it was incumbent on us all to help.\nLying, leaning, or resting on something else: incumbent rock strata.\nCurrently holding a specified office: the incumbent mayor.\nn.\nA person who holds an office or ecclesiastical benefice: The incumbent was reelected to another term.\n\n\n[Middle English, holder of an office, from Medieval Latin incumbēns, incumbent-, from Latin, present participle of incumbere, to lean upon, apply oneself to : in-, on; see in–2 + -cumbere, to recline
6Politics & Government
Without any historical or biblical proof, Medieval and Renaissance painters have given us our picture of Christ carrying the entire cross. But the upright post, or stipes, was generally fixed permanently in the ground at the site of execution and the condemned man was forced to carry the patibulum, weighing about 110 pounds, from the prison to the place of execution.
7Society & Culture
Wow, I'd want to change almost everything... I'd want to change governments from screwing over their people, science to stop trying to prove peoples beliefs are wrong, schools to enforce discipline, society to stop being so damn ignorant and rude... I think I'd be happier on Mars to be honest!!!
7Society & Culture
LansoTEVA 30 mg 30 mg kapsulka dojelitowa twarda
5Medical Domain
Use the CSS property overflow, there is overflow: scroll or overflow: auto , e.g.\n\n<div style="overflow: auto; width: 30em; height: 10em">lots of text here</div>
1Computers & Internet
I think he is some kind of publishing editor.
2Education & Reference
Leave that chump immediately, DO NOT RETURN TO HIM, HE'S A JERK, YOU NEED TO SHOW YOURSELF SOME RESPECT. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT AND YOU DON'T DESERVE IT NEITHER. HE'S NOT THAT SPECIAL IF HE HAS TO CONTROL YOU, DEFINITELY NOT THE GUY YOU WANT TO BE TIED TO. Find someone else that will show you some respect also and treat you like a woman, not a piece of slavery.
4Family & Relationships
Driving and using machines Xyrem will affect you if you drive or operate tools or machines.
5Medical Domain
Connotation.\n\nUpcoming is coming UP. Anticipated.\n\nImpending is bearing DOWN. Oh No!!\n\n:-))\n\nGreat questions!
2Education & Reference
LeBron has the best chance at winning his series. Kobe has the best chance at having a better series. LeBron has a little more around him than Kobe does, so Kobe should have bigger numbers. LeBron is playing the Wizards, who play questionable defense and Kobe is playing the Suns, who play no defense. Look for LeBron to advance, but Kobe to have a bigger series.
There is no need for 10 steps ,only one is enough ,just find the right girl
4Family & Relationships
if you go to this page:\nhttp://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=138835\n\nis this the problem you are experiencing? what is the complete error message? please disregard the comments by others about reformatting or reinstalling. you should not have to do this. i just need more information from you.
1Computers & Internet
those are feloney issues you asked about and yes she will have to repay the money that she recived and might get time in jail over this matter goverment fraud. ?
6Politics & Government
I'm definitely sure that's Tagalog (from the Philippines). It's spelled as "Iniibig kita." And yes, it does mean "I love you."
7Society & Culture
depends..girls like attention and flirting. If she does not like you, she would probably tell you that she was involved with someone right away just to get away. If she responds to your cues, then there is no doubt that she is interested. Be careful though, too much too soon can destroy everything. So take baby steps and do not act desperate..disappear for a day or two..she will come running simply because she could not handle a sudden shift in attention.
4Family & Relationships
0.5 ml of suspension in pre-filled syringe (type I glass) with a plunger stopper (chlorobromobutyl) with attached needle - pack of 1, 10, 25 and 50.
5Medical Domain
It would depend on your state.\n\nIn GA for example, only the driver of a car has to give proff of his ID ( hopefully a drivers licence)\n\nAnyone else can merely say they don't have one on them, or merely say no. There is no law in GA anyway that anyone has to provide ID to the police. They are required to give them their name and birthdate if asked.\n\nOf course being black in a all white area is most likely it.\n\nalso the time of day or night, for example at 3 am, it is alot different than at 3 pm.
6Politics & Government
Males! I was raised around guys (my cousins) and my dad is an Asst. Chief for our Fire Dept. so I grew up in that atmosphere so I've always been around guys. For the longes I was a major tom boy, I didn't have any "real" female friends until I got to college and they are some of my best friends now! I have been tamed some what but I can only handle being "girly" for so long. But guys are just easier to hang out with plus its easier for me to be one of the guys than one of the girls!
4Family & Relationships
some woman
pizza delivery
2Education & Reference
The dispensing label will tell you much of this medicine you should take and how often you should take.
5Medical Domain
Yes. I just told him & he's not really upset since he's been intimate with your Mom & Sister.
4Family & Relationships
probably not. That's why you are supposed to get married. Some states have the common-law marriage where after a number of years you MIGHT have some rights as someone who'd walked down the aisle.
6Politics & Government
oh me and my bro and sisters are older now.. we had the most wonderful life together as a family..\nwe are all idiots as in foolin around laughing all the time .. we still do .. if you think jim carey is funny come to my house you will see a laugh full on..\nalso love each other to the fullest and our parents are just as bad as we are .. for they are our role models\nthanks mum and dad for giving us a happy loving home.
7Society & Culture
G-Dubya's Occultist Party or G-Dubya's Omnipotent Paradox\n\n-Colourgirlie ^_^.
6Politics & Government
Rachel Fuller- Into My Heart maybe?\n\nIt's from the Shall We Dance soundtrack.\n\nI just told ya what it was. :P
3Entertainment & Music
it depends if they get an appeal or not. I should be one but the world sucks.
6Politics & Government
I am sure she is a very lovely woman who has raised a very wonderful daughter.
4Family & Relationships
my guess is that there are a lot of blind people in the world. Perhaps you should start by seeking one out and asking.
7Society & Culture
Absolutely LOVE THE DONNAS!!! fav song?-Fall Behind Me
3Entertainment & Music
depends on what version of adobe you have. \nIf you have Adobe 7.0 READER ONLY.\nThen do this.\nOpen Adobe Reader.\nClick on Edit\nClick on Preferences\nUnder preferences, select Internet\nOnce there, the first option on the right should say "display pdf in browser". uncheck that option. close adobe. restart your pc.\nHope that helps. \nif that does not help, then right click on the link and click "save as" or "save link as"
1Computers & Internet
I believe you are referring to 'split'
1Computers & Internet
not realy , it is lost in the period of time buut there may still be so some of us around who does,\n\ntake care
6Politics & Government
The Unitarian Universalist church specifically promotes this open-to-multiple-beliefs idea.
2Education & Reference
You can to follow any areas: Networks, Project manager, programmer, Dada Base Adiministrator(DBA). You can to work in: bank, college, industries, softwares house....\n\nsorry my errors, i dont speak well english.
2Education & Reference
Find out what the topic is for that Sunday or the verse for the day. Go to ask.com and find topics about that verse. Hope this is of help
0Business & Finance
Visit my website for email finding resources. \na link to my site is provided below. Scroll down to the \n"Email and People Search" heading and the link is there. \nSearch is free. \nGood Luck! \n\n\nVisit:\n\nThe place to find old class yearbooks - ourclassreunion.com.\n\n\nhttp://www.ourclassreunion.com/resources.html
1Computers & Internet
The vaccine od
5Medical Domain
If you mean 4 fingers and a thumb, then perhaps a glove would fit?
3Entertainment & Music
My wife got hers in about 18 months. I've heard of others taking up to 4 years though. It all depends on your current situation.
6Politics & Government
How Xolair is given 4.
5Medical Domain
I am bored & stuck! Can I buy you a beer?
0Business & Finance
Yes, many terrorist have been making sweet love there for quite some time; however, this is not the only place terrorist have been known to breed.
6Politics & Government
Make dough bait.. wheaties, strawberry jello (just the powder) and a bit of water.
Make it as in all the way in?...Yeah, and it hurt. I cried, but the guy I was with didn't care. (Biggest mistake I ever made). If you mean orgasm, it took me a few years for that to happen.
4Family & Relationships
-17ºF (-27ºC) on January 19, 1994
0Business & Finance
the aztecs
6Politics & Government
The size of the HD may well be limted by such an older system as you list. To know for sure we would need the motherboard model.\n\nI know what you are talking about with customs and such down that way. We shipped two boxes of paperwork to an office in Ecudor I think and the customs guys put them in cold storage and charged us an arm and a leg to get it back out.\n\nBest bet to low level a HD is to get the drive tools from whoever made the drive. Here are some links:
1Computers & Internet
I assume that nearly all comic fans are gamers. Not all gamers are comic fans though. So based on that assumption comic fans are inherantly more geeky (theyve got an extra geeky hobby under their belt).
3Entertainment & Music
The above answers while being correct are a little outdated. Nowadays web programmers utilizing what is called html 2.0. I assume you've heard of web 2.0 right? Well, this is kind of the same thing. All you have to do format the if's like so:\n\n<html2.0if>\n\n<html2.0else>\n\n</html2.0if>
1Computers & Internet
Every person has a different reason, but generally, people are attracted to a certain colour because of the way it looks (lol)... well, actually, it's mostly because of the meaning it has for them - meaning that can be given by a specific event that influenced them, or just by their instinct/personality.
3Entertainment & Music
Its really strange that you have group policy on a home edition pc. \nIf you additionally installed that then i would suggest you to search the MSKB
1Computers & Internet