1 value
With no explanation, label the following with either "no-hate-speech" or "hate-speech". evening... the #swimming #pool is close... #missionnotaccomplished
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Her guardian holds out his hand. Her resigned eyes A: stare steadily at him. B: shoot up at someone. C: watch over her father's wide eyes. D: stare up at the blond friend who nods no.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "not entailment - unknown", "not entailment - contradiction" or "non-entailment". A: A , B , C , D , E and F are six students in a class. B and C are shorter than F. E is shorter than D but taller than F. A is shorter than E but taller than F. B is shorter than C. B: Is FF shorter than CC ?
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: They may claim this, but their very appearance in these scarves cancels that interpretation. B: They could be right
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". Cam is bored and sitting in his math class with nothing to do. Cam wants to do something fun. A: Cam rolls up a spitball and shoots it at the teacher. B: Cam reads a funny book that he got from the school library.
With no explanation, label the following with either "nothate" or "hate". it is best that I tell everyone that I don't hate kykes, even through I really want to. Otherwise, it causes me unneeded drama and that's even worse -- I end up losing out because people cant handle the truth, and that can't be smart
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B" or "C". suppose more seams are discovered happens, how will it affect less coal will be mined. A: no effect B: less C: more
In the SIT-name-agnostic world a structure is a sequence of six emojis. Hereafter are reported the emojis used along with their descriptions. 🔴 is a X D; 🔵 is a H D; 🟡 is a U D; 🔺 is a X Y G; 🔻 is a X Y A; 🟥 is a X B; 🟦 is a H B; 🟨 is a U B; _ is a T. Choose the sentence consistent with the structure 🟨 🔴 🔻 🟦 🟥 🟦 and not consistent with 🔺 🟦 🔻 🔻 🔵 🔻: choice: There are exactly two Ys at the right of a X B. choice: There is exactly one U B at the left of a X D. choice: There are zero H Is at the right of a D. choice: There are at most two U Is surrounded by H Ds. choice: There are zero U Bs touching a U I. A:
There are at most two U Is surrounded by H Ds..
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". What has a negative impact on plant growth? A: bees B: competition C: Pesticides D: Darkness
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". There are three blocks, A, B and C. Block A is to the right of block B and to the left of block C. Block A has a medium black triangle. Block B contains two small yellow circles. It also has one small black triangle. Small yellow circle number one is above and to the right of small yellow circle number two which is below the small black triangle. And block C contains a big blue circle, a big blue triangle and one medium black square. The big blue circle is above the medium black square. Above and far from the medium black square there is the big blue triangle. What is to the right of the medium black triangle? a big blue circle or a small black triangle? A: big blue circle B: none of them C: both of them D: small black triangle
With no explanation, label the following with either "hate-speech" or "not hate-speech". I think real stupid is posting drivel on here constantly when logic defeats your every word
With no explanation, label A→B with either "False" or "True". A: In the rest of the world, China's supreme sage, Kongfuzi (K'ung Fu-tzu), is better known by the romanized name "Confucius." He was born in 551 b.c. in what is now Shandong Province in eastern China. So profound was his influence that eleven Chinese emperors made pilgrimages to the birthplace of the Great Teacher. You, too, can pay your respects at the vast temple raised on the site of his home in the small town of Qufu (Chufu), and at his tomb in the woods just to the north. The classics of Confucius, while seldom addressing spiritual and metaphysical matters, set standards for social and political conduct that still underlie many of the Chinese ways of doing and perceiving. Confucius laid great stress on the proper and harmonious relationships between ruler and subject, parent and child, teacher and student, the individual and the state. These relationships were deemed to be hierarchical and dictatorial. If the order was disturbed, dire consequences inevitably resulted. The son who disobeyed the father would bring disaster upon himself and his family, just as the emperor who defied the "mandate of heaven" or ignored the good of the empire brought ruin upon the nation. Over the centuries Confucius has suffered more changes of fortune than probably any other philosopher. Honored soon after his death as the greatest of scholars, he was later revered as semi-divine; you can still visit temples to Confucius in many Chinese cities. During the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), however, he was denounced as a counter-revolutionary force. It was only after the death of Chairman Mao (1976) and the opening of China to the outside world under more progressive reformers that Confucius, too, was "rehabilitated." Unlike Confucius, about whose life many specific and even colorful details are known, the philosopher Laozi (Lao Tse or Lao-Tzu) is an enigma. Estimates of his date of birth vary by well over a century. One legend even says he taught the young Confucius. Laozi is immortalized by his book of thoughts on man, nature, and the universe, Daodejing ("The Way and Its Power"), which became the major text of China's greatest indigenous religion, Daoism (Taoism). With its emphasis on nature, intuition, the individual, paradox ("The knowledge which is not knowledge"), and the cosmic flow known as "The Way," Daoism became the religion of artists and philosophers. After the death of Confucius, the Zhou Dynasty entered a period of strife known as the "Warring States" period (475–221 b.c.). Which philosopher is said to have taught the young Confucius? B: Chairman Mao
With no explanation, label the following with either "ja", "ur", "de" or "pt". 「Return」キーと左の「Shift」キーが、キーを打つ前の、指を添えたタイミングで「カチッ」という感触が返ってくるのが気になりました。 その他の使用感については申し分ないだけに勿体無い。 (シリンダー取り付けの誤差によるガタで発生している音で、すべての装置にその傾向があるようです)
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies", "B-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "I-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "B-AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense", "B-AmortizationOfFinancingCosts", "B-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "I-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "B-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" or "I-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" preceded by ":". During the three and six months ended June 30 , 2019 , the Company received 75,585 shares and 121,605 shares , respectively , of SAFE common stock for payment of management fees . The Company is also entitled to receive expense reimbursements , including for the allocable costs of its personnel that perform certain legal , accounting , due diligence tasks and other services that third - party professionals or outside consultants otherwise would perform .
During:O the:O three:O and:O six:O months:O ended:O June:O 30:O ,:O 2019:O ,:O the:O Company:O received:O 75,585:O shares:O and:O 121,605:O shares:O ,:O respectively:O ,:O of:O SAFE:O common:O stock:O for:O payment:O of:O management:O fees:O .:O The:O Company:O is:O also:O entitled:O to:O receive:O expense:O reimbursements:O ,:O including:O for:O the:O allocable:O costs:O of:O its:O personnel:O that:O perform:O certain:O legal:O ,:O accounting:O ,:O due:O diligence:O tasks:O and:O other:O services:O that:O third:O -:O party:O professionals:O or:O outside:O consultants:O otherwise:O would:O perform:O .:O
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A man carrying plants and herbs along a train track. B: A man has plants.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". A spaceship is crashed in the snow. Several snow troopers A: are shown at the top. B: falls down from the water. C: begin to get in the dirt. D: are after the pilot.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: The girl in a red dress is walking on a sidewalk. B: the girl walked in the middle
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative", "neutral" or "positive". Who cares ? Nobody reads those things
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: Andrew expected that the sevel rished. B: Someone or something changed physically .
With no explanation, label the following with either "acceptable" or "unacceptable". I usually walk in the park with my wife every day, but I didn't this day since she doesn't like the rain and it was raining.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Jogging is a king of sport. One has the sport with _ . My name is Paul Miller. Sometimes I am too fat, but lately I do not have this problem. My doctor tells me to jog. So early every morning I run for two miles. I do not run fast, but I do not stop to rest. I jog before breakfast. People call me a jogger. There are many joggers on my street. We often run together in the park or along the road. Jogging helps to keep us strong and healthy. Jogging is very popular in the United States. People like to feel well and look nice. When my neighbors and I jog, we help to keep our hearts and legs strong. Many people do not jog, but they do not get fat. They work hard on their jobs and they do not need to run before they go to work. Diets are also popular. People on diets do not eat many foods that will make them fat. They learn to eat fruits and vegetables instead of candy or cakes. My doctor tells me to eat only three meals a day. A diet is not necessary if I do not eat between meals. Some people like to eat many times a day. This is called snacking. I feel healthy and my doctor is happy because I jog every day and I do not snack in the evening or after breakfast. A: hands B: back C: head D: legs
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" or "H". While a large number of studies failed to identify the biological target of<unk> , it was discovered to bind and stabilize firefly luciferase, thus explaining the mechanism by which it created a false positive effect on the read through assay.<unk> is thought to make ribosomes less sensitive to premature stop codons (an effect referred to as "read-through") by promoting insertion of certain near-cognate tRNA at the site of nonsense codons with no apparent effects on downstream transcription, mRNA processing, stability of the mRNA or the resultant protein, thereby making a functional protein similar to the non-mutated endogenous product. It seems to work particularly well for the stop codon 'UGA'. Studies have demonstrated that<unk> treatment increases expression of full-length dystrophin protein in human and mouse primary muscle cells containing the premature stop codon mutation for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and rescues striated muscle function. Studies in mice with the premature stop codon mutation for cystic fibrosis demonstrated increased CFTR protein production and function. Extending on this work, a mechanistic study with yeast and human cells has elucidated the details of<unk> -mediated nonstandard codon-anticodon base pairings which result in specific amino acid substitutions at specific codon positions in the CFTR protein. The European Medicines Agency review on the approval of<unk> concluded that "the non-clinical data available were considered sufficient to support the proposed mechanism of action and to alleviate earlier concerns on the selectivity of<unk> for premature stop codons." A: Konzo B: StomaphyX C: Ataluren D: Krebiozen E: Gutka F: MedMagLabs G: SimThyr H: Cevira
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". located_in_the_administrative_territorial_entity taloli A: addu city B: maharashtra
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Ladies holding flowers and awards for a ceremony. B: A group of people with something in their hands.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: Mary went to the hallway. Mary took the apple there. Fred took the football there. Bill travelled to the kitchen. Fred passed the football to Bill. Bill passed the football to Fred. B: Bill did Bill gave the football to.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B" or "C". suppose less sunny days happens, how will it affect less water molecules split. A: less B: no effect C: more
With no explanation, label A→B with either "race-contradiction", "race-entailment" or "race-neutral". A: Alice is everybody who is Mary. B: Mary who is everybody is Alice.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "non-entailment". A: The president was avoided by the senators . B: The senators avoided the president .
With no explanation, label the following with either "False" or "True". ((aba)*b)*b abababaabbaba
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not-entailment". A: A certain unit has recruited 30 new employees this year. 1. Some of the newly recruited employees are from other regions; 2. Among the newly recruited employees, the one with the highest degree is not an outlander; 3. Some of the newly recruited employees are not from other regions. B: The statement "30 employees are all outlanders" correctly represents the number of outlanders among the newly recruited employees of the unit if only one of the above three judgments is true.
With no explanation, label the following with either "acceptable" or "unacceptable". I deserve to get a new helicopter from the phone technician because I paid him to fix my phone.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "race-contradiction", "race-entailment" or "race-neutral". A: Mary is not a friend of somebody. A friend of Mary is not somebody. A friend of somebody is not Mary. Somebody is a friend of Mary. B: Somebody is not a friend of Mary.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "race-contradiction", "race-entailment" or "race-neutral". A: Everybody who is Mary is not Mary . B: Everybody is not Mary who is Mary .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Video cameras are recording an orchestra. B: A film crew documents a concert.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "support", "deny", "query" or "comment". A: Paramedics are currently carrying out a number of hostages in #MartinPl. #SydneySiege #9News B: @TexasJew Aside from that, yeah.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "neutral". A: Someone feels that a black and white dog is carrying a small stick on the green grass B: A black and white dog is carrying a small stick on the green grass
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". prompter: List 10 reasons why a customer would call Griffin Services. assistant: 1. To inquire about Griffin Services' services and offerings. 2. To schedule an appointment or consultation. 3. To get help with technical or customer service issues. 4. To make a payment or update payment information. 5. To get a refund or credit for a product or service. 6. To request a product or service discount or promotion. 7. To get help with a billing dispute or dispute resolution. 8. To get help with product or service selection. 9. To get help with an order or delivery. 10. To get help with product installation or troubleshooting. prompter: Can you provide more details about Griffin Services and their offerings? A: Griffin Services is an HVAC and plumbing company which operates in the Jacksonville Florida area. They aren't particularly well regarded, but are widely known due to their advertisements on local radio and television stations. B: Sorry, I am afraid I am not familiar with the specific services and offerings provided by Griffin Services.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". [LOTR] If an orc decided that he wants to be a good guy, could he run away from Mordor, build a house, start a family, farm the field and live happily ever after in Middle-Earth? A: He would almost certainly be killed by the locals. Even if he was genuinely good they wouldn't know that (or, in many cases, care) and treat him like other orcs. B: Absolutely. The only thing holding him back is that he's only ever known a life of conflict hatred and aggression. Something like family and farming are as alien to him as quantum mechanics are to you. He recognizes the words and that they're something he isn't but it's not like there's anything in his nature or upbringing that'll drive him to seek it out. At best he'll be a coward trying to avoid being killed by other orcs and scavenging for survival far away from others while raiding farms for food until he's caught.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Cause", "Exception", "Restatement" or "Pragmatic contrast". A: alter some details of this example and it could be taking place today at federal express in memphis, the defense and underseas systems divisions of honeywell in minneapolis, a general electric plant in columbia, md., or a number of other companies B: these firms are pioneers in a significant new trend in the corporate world: the rise of what i call corporate due process
With no explanation, label each line with "nmod:tmod", "root", "_", "acl", "acl:relcl", "advcl", "advmod", "amod", "appos" or "aux" preceded by ":". Łódź today
Łódź:root today:nmod:tmod
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". prompter: 如何写一个ppo算法 assistant: PPO(Proximal Policy Optimization)算法是一种用于增强学习的强化学习算法。下面是一个简单的PPO算法的伪代码: 1.初始化:定义一个神经网络模型,一个优化器,一个折扣因子以及一个策略集合。 2.迭代生成数据:使用模型和当前策略集合中的策略生成数据。 3.计算Advantage:使用当前值函数估计器估计每个状态的价值,并计算每个状态的优势。 4.执行优化:使用当前策略和旧策略,最大化概率比例和优势函数的下限,从而获得新的策略。使用优化器更新神经网络模型。 5.更新策略集合:将新的策略添加到策略集合中,淘汰旧的策略。 6.重复步骤2-5,直到收敛。 prompter: 了解了。你能用 Python 写一个示例吗? assistant: 以下是使用Python语言实现PPO算法的示例代码。代码主要分为两个部分:1)策略评估;2)策略更新。 首先,我们需要导入一些必要的库: ``` import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim ``` 然后,我们需要定义神经网络来表示策略,这里我们使用一个简单的多层感知机(Multi-Layer Perceptron,MLP)来实现: ``` class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size): super(MLP, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size) def forward(self, x): x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = torch.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=-1) return x ``` 接着,我们需要定义一个损失函数来评估策略的好坏: ``` def ppo_loss(ratio, advantage, clip_ratio, entropy, c1, c2): pg_loss = torch.min(ratio * advantage, torch.clamp(ratio, 1-clip_ratio, 1+clip_ratio) * advantage) vf_loss = torch.square(ratio - 1.0) * advantage entropy_loss = -c2 * entropy loss = -pg_loss + c1 * vf_loss + entropy_loss return loss.mean() ``` 其中,ratio表示新策略和旧策略的比值,advantage表示优势函数,clip_ratio表示剪切参数,entropy表示策略在当前状态下的熵,c1和c2表示超参数。 然后,我们需要定义一个PPO算法的实现类: ``` class PPO: def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, hidden_size=64, clip_ratio=0.2, c1=1.0, c2=0.01, gamma=0.99, lam=0.95, lr=3e-4): = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, action_size) self.critic = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, 1) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(list(, lr=lr) self.clip_ratio = clip_ratio self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.gamma = gamma self.lam = lam def select_action(self, state): state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) action = dist.sample() return action.item(), dist.log_prob(action), dist.entropy() def evaluate(self, states, actions): action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) log_probs = dist.log_prob(actions) entropy = dist.entropy() values = self.critic(states) return log_probs, entropy, values def train(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, masks): states = torch.tensor(states, dtype=torch.float32) actions = torch.tensor(actions, dtype=torch.int32) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float32) ``` 接下来,我们完成PPO算法的训练部分。 首先,我们需要计算优势函数: ``` _, _, values = self.evaluate(states, actions) _, _, next_values = self.evaluate(next_states, actions) deltas = rewards + self.gamma * masks * next_values - values advantages = compute_advantage(deltas, masks, self.gamma, self.lam) ``` 其中,compute_advantage函数计算GAE优势函数。 然后,我们需要更新策略: ``` for _ in range(num_epochs): indices = torch.randperm(states.size(0)) for start in range(0, states.size(0), batch_size): end = min(start + batch_size, states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices = indices[start:end] mini_batch_states = states[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_actions = actions[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_advantages = advantages[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_old_log_probs, mini_batch_entropy, _ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions) for _ in range(num_mini_batches): mini_batch_indices = torch.randperm(mini_batch_states.size(0)) for start in range(0, mini_batch_states.size(0), mini_batch_size): end = min(start + mini_batch_size, mini_batch_states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices_ = mini_batch_indices[start:end] mini_batch_states_ = mini_batch_states[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_actions_ = mini_batch_actions[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_advantages_ = mini_batch_advantages[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_old_log_probs_, mini_batch_entropy_, mini_batch_values_ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states_, mini_batch_actions_) ratio = torch.exp(mini_batch_old_log_probs_ - mini_batch_old_log_probs.detach()) loss = ppo_loss(ratio, mini_batch_advantages_, self.clip_ratio, mini_batch_entropy_, self.c1, self.c2) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() ``` 其中,num_epochs表示训练的轮数,batch_size表示每个批次的大小,num_mini_batches表示每个批次要进行的小批量数,mini_batch_size表示每个小批量的大小。 最后,我们需要计算GAE优势函数: ``` def compute_advantage(deltas, masks, gamma, lam): advantages = torch.zeros_like(deltas) last_advantage = 0 for t in reversed(range(deltas.size(0))): if t == deltas.size(0) - 1: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[-1] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[-1] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma else: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[t] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[t] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma * lam advantages[t] = next_value - self.critic(states[t]) return advantages ``` 至此,我们完成了PPO算法的实现。完整代码如下: ``` import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size): super(MLP, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.fc2 ``` prompter: 继续 A: ``` def forward(self, x): x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = torch.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=-1) return x def ppo_loss(ratio, advantage, clip_ratio, entropy, c1, c2): pg_loss = torch.min(ratio * advantage, torch.clamp(ratio, 1-clip_ratio, 1+clip_ratio) * advantage) vf_loss = torch.square(ratio - 1.0) * advantage entropy_loss = -c2 * entropy loss = -pg_loss + c1 * vf_loss + entropy_loss return loss.mean() class PPO: def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, hidden_size=64, clip_ratio=0.2, c1=1.0, c2=0.01, gamma=0.99, lam=0.95, lr=3e-4): = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, action_size) self.critic = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, 1) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(list(, lr=lr) self.clip_ratio = clip_ratio self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.gamma = gamma self.lam = lam def select_action(self, state): state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) action = dist.sample() return action.item(), dist.log_prob(action), dist.entropy() def evaluate(self, states, actions): action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) log_probs = dist.log_prob(actions) entropy = dist.entropy() values = self.critic(states) return log_probs, entropy, values def train(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, masks): states = torch.tensor(states, dtype=torch.float32) actions = torch.tensor(actions, dtype=torch.int32) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float32) _, _, values = self.evaluate(states, actions) _, _, next_values = self.evaluate(next_states, actions) deltas = rewards + self.gamma * masks * next_values - values advantages = compute_advantage(deltas, masks, self.gamma, self.lam) for _ in range(num_epochs): indices = torch.randperm(states.size(0)) for start in range(0, states.size(0), batch_size): end = min(start + batch_size, states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices = indices[start:end] mini_batch_states = states[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_actions = actions[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_advantages = advantages[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_old_log_probs, mini_batch_entropy, _ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions) for _ in range(num_mini_batches): mini_batch_indices = torch.randperm(mini_batch_states.size(0)) for start in range(0, mini_batch_states.size(0), mini_batch_size): end = min(start + mini_batch_size, mini_batch_states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices_ = mini_batch_indices[start:end] mini_batch_states_ = mini_batch_states[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_actions_ = mini_batch_actions[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_advantages_ = mini_batch_advantages[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_old_log_probs_, mini_batch_entropy_, mini_batch_values_ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states_, mini_batch_actions_) ratio = torch.exp(mini_batch_old_log_probs_ - mini_batch_old_log_probs.detach()) loss = ppo_loss(ratio, mini_batch_advantages_, self.clip_ratio, mini_batch_entropy_, self.c1, self.c2) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() def compute_advantage(deltas, masks, gamma, lam): advantages = torch.zeros_like(deltas) last_advantage = 0 for t in reversed(range(deltas.size(0))): if t == deltas.size(0) - 1: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[-1] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[-1] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma else: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[t] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[t] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma * lam advantages[t] = next_value - self.critic(states[t]) return advantages ``` B: (续上)完整代码如下: ``` import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim class MLP(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size): super(MLP, self).__init__() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size) def forward(self, x): x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = torch.softmax(self.fc2(x), dim=-1) return x def ppo_loss(ratio, advantage, clip_ratio, entropy, c1, c2): pg_loss = torch.min(ratio * advantage, torch.clamp(ratio, 1-clip_ratio, 1+clip_ratio) * advantage) vf_loss = torch.square(ratio - 1.0) * advantage entropy_loss = -c2 * entropy loss = -pg_loss + c1 * vf_loss + entropy_loss return loss.mean() class PPO: def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, hidden_size=64, clip_ratio=0.2, c1=1.0, c2=0.01, gamma=0.99, lam=0.95, lr=3e-4): = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, action_size) self.critic = MLP(state_size, hidden_size, 1) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(list(, lr=lr) self.clip_ratio = clip_ratio self.c1 = c1 self.c2 = c2 self.gamma = gamma self.lam = lam def select_action(self, state): state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) action = dist.sample() return action.item(), dist.log_prob(action), dist.entropy() def evaluate(self, states, actions): action_probs = dist = torch.distributions.Categorical(action_probs) log_probs = dist.log_prob(actions) entropy = dist.entropy() values = self.critic(states) return log_probs, entropy, values def train(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, masks): states = torch.tensor(states, dtype=torch.float32) actions = torch.tensor(actions, dtype=torch.int32) rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float32) _, _, values = self.evaluate(states, actions) _, _, next_values = self.evaluate(next_states, actions) deltas = rewards + self.gamma * masks * next_values - values advantages = compute_advantage(deltas, masks, self.gamma, self.lam) for _ in range(num_epochs): indices = torch.randperm(states.size(0)) for start in range(0, states.size(0), batch_size): end = min(start + batch_size, states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices = indices[start:end] mini_batch_states = states[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_actions = actions[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_advantages = advantages[mini_batch_indices] mini_batch_old_log_probs, mini_batch_entropy, _ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states, mini_batch_actions) for _ in range(num_mini_batches): mini_batch_indices = torch.randperm(mini_batch_states.size(0)) for start in range(0, mini_batch_states.size(0), mini_batch_size): end = min(start + mini_batch_size, mini_batch_states.size(0)) mini_batch_indices_ = mini_batch_indices[start:end] mini_batch_states_ = mini_batch_states[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_actions_ = mini_batch_actions[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_advantages_ = mini_batch_advantages[mini_batch_indices_] mini_batch_old_log_probs_, mini_batch_entropy_, mini_batch_values_ = self.evaluate(mini_batch_states_, mini_batch_actions_) ratio = torch.exp(mini_batch_old_log_probs_ - mini_batch_old_log_probs.detach()) loss = ppo_loss(ratio, mini_batch_advantages_, self.clip_ratio, mini_batch_entropy_, self.c1, self.c2) self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() def compute_advantage(deltas, masks, gamma, lam): advantages = torch.zeros_like(deltas) last_advantage = 0 for t in reversed(range(deltas.size(0))): if t == deltas.size(0) - 1: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[-1] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[-1] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma else: next_non_terminal = 1.0 - masks[t] next_value = last_advantage = deltas[t] + next_non_terminal * last_advantage * gamma * lam advantages[t] = next_value - self.critic(states[t]) return advantages ```
With no explanation, label A→B with either "strengthener" or "weakener". A: PersonX eats alone Before, PersonX needed to have something to eat B: PersonX is in a cafeteria
With no explanation, label the following with either "hate-speech" or "not hate-speech". More double standards and hypocrisy courtesy of sanctimonious leftist columnists White guys aren t allowed to have an opinion or express themselves Their opinions are invalid due to their gender and race Thanks G M Love this stuff
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Exact", "Irrelevant", "Substitute" or "Complement". A: dry cracked skin cream B: Smith Amish Hand Repair Cream. Helps Soothe & Repair Dry, Cracked Hand & Nails 4.5 Oz Great for Gardeners, Hard Working Hands. BRAND YOU CAN TRUST. MADE IN USA. Smith Amish None Smith Amish Hand Repair Cream contains natural oils of Calendula, Peppermint and Lavender, along with Glycerin, Jojoba Oil, Tocopherol (Vitamin E). These ingredients aid in repairing sore, cracked hands and nails while providing comfort and protection from harsh condition. Dry Hands can be caused by Frequently Washing Hands, Dry Environment, inadequate Skin Hydration (Moisturizer) Chlorine Exposure (Swimmers), occupational use of hands, or medication side effects. HELPS REPAIR - Cracked Hands - Brittle Nails - Leaves Hand Feeling silky and smooth - Promote Healthy Nails Ingredients: Water, glycerin, sweet Almond oil, stearic acid, jojoba, acetyl palmitate, calendula oil, lavender oil, menthol, peppermint oil, glyceryl stearate, arnica Montana flower extract, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexyglycerin, tocopherol, sodium citrate. * AIDS IN THE REPAIR of rough, dry, fissured cracked Hands and splintered nails. The “All-Natural oils of Jojoba, Calendula, Lavender and Peppermint along with Glycerin and Vitamin E contains healing and pain-relieving properties providing comfort and protection from harsh conditions * Creates a protective layer on the skin’s surface (invisible Glove) Applying the cream directly to the hands will keep moisture from evaporating and give your hands a healthy, smooth appearance * This Fine and super hydrating cream contains humectants to help replace the moisture that your hands are missing by attracting moisture to the skin from the atmosphere. Applying the cream directly to the hands will keep moisture from evaporating and give your hands a healthy, smooth appearance * Apply the cream After Hand Sanitizer, hand washing, Gardening, hard working. * HYPOALLERGENIC: Smith Amish Hand Repair Cream, with all-natural ingredients, has a clean, fresh, light scent and is hypoallergenic, paraben free, petroleum free no gmo Non-greasy, exceptional absorption and MADE IN USA.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Human: How do I treat swimmer's ear? Assistant: Swimmer's ear is a condition in which the skin around the ear gets swollen and painful. You should avoid scratching it and wear water-resistant ear plugs. Human: What should I do to cure it? Assistant: You’re going to want to start using ear plugs. It’s not necessary to wash out your ear, but if you’re able to soak it in a basin of warm water for ten minutes, that will help reduce the swelling and itching. Human: Do I need to put anything in my ear? Assistant: I don’t think so. I’m not aware of any product that can help. B: Human: How do I treat swimmer's ear? Assistant: Swimmer's ear is a condition in which the skin around the ear gets swollen and painful. You should avoid scratching it and wear water-resistant ear plugs. Human: What should I do to cure it? Assistant: You’re going to want to start using ear plugs. It’s not necessary to wash out your ear, but if you’re able to soak it in a basin of warm water for ten minutes, that will help reduce the swelling and itching. Human: Do I need to put anything in my ear? Assistant: Swimmer’s ear isn’t caused by an infection or disease, but rather by bacterial growth in the ear canal. Bacteria are microorganisms which are found everywhere and are not harmful to human beings. Their growth in the ear canal is harmless and not an infection, but rather due to the warm environment of the ear canal.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Martin is kinder than Chris. B: Chris is atmost as kind than Martin.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Even if board members are independent, they can be ineffective as directors if they lack expertise or knowledge relevant to the company and its business. B: Board members that are independent may be ineffective.
With no explanation, label the following with either "Protect", "Deliver", "Knowledge" or "Move". Those trolls are under your watch.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "not entailment". A: The cat is green. The cat does not like the cow. The cat likes the mouse. The cat likes the squirrel. The cat needs the squirrel. The cow is red. The cow is round. The cow needs the cat. The cow needs the squirrel. The mouse is red. The mouse is round. The mouse does not need the cat. The squirrel is green. The squirrel likes the cow. The squirrel does not need the cat. The squirrel visits the mouse. If something is big and it visits the cow then it does not like the mouse. If something is red and it does not visit the cow then it needs the squirrel. If something needs the squirrel then it does not visit the mouse. If the squirrel needs the cow and the squirrel likes the cow then the cow visits the squirrel. If something visits the squirrel then the squirrel visits the mouse. If something needs the cow and it likes the mouse then it visits the mouse. B: The cow does not visit the mouse.
With no explanation, label the following with either "false", "true", "unproven" or "mixture". “Six months before the COVID ‘plandemic,’ Bill Gates had negotiated a $100 billion contact tracing deal with (the) Democratic congressman sponsor of bill.”
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". Two men are seated in a room in front of a robotic arm. One of the men is using a controller to make the arm pick up a bottle. A: the armbrings the bottle to the man's face, so he can take a drink. B: the armpicked up a bottle of silicone, pour it onto a pile of paper, and began to cut up the paper with the toy knife that was flared out on a stainless steel table. C: the armis then moving with such force that the man sitting is unable to continue. D: the armreaches underneath the bottle and gives a thumbs up before aiming the bottle at the human arm to wipe itself off.
With no explanation, label the following with either "CONJUNCTION", "FEATURE-OF", "EVALUATE-FOR" or "USED-FOR". Furthermore , we introduce global variables in the model , which can represent global properties such as [[ translation ]] , << scale >> or viewpoint .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "Exact", "Irrelevant", "Complement" or "Substitute". A: verona jewelers 925 sterling silver box chain B: Verona Jewelers Sterling Silver 925 Box Chain Necklace, Silver Box Link Necklace 16-30 Inch, Made in Italy Verona Jewelers Silver None NECKLACE INFO: Width- Chain Width varies from 1.2MM-2.5MM, Sizes Available from 16Inches-30 Inches, Spring Lock Closure, Basic Box Chain Made in Italy. .925 Sterling Silver SOLID AND DAINTY- Solid, Sturdy and Flexible 925 Silver Box Chain Necklace 925 Sterling Silver - MADE IN ITALY- Authentic Italian Box Chain NICKEL FREE - HYPOALLERGENIC - No more neck rashes. 100% Customer satisfaction. Be sure to Leave a Review so we can better Assist you! Verona Jewelers- Where Size Matters, Do Not Settle On Size.. We have all Guagues and Lenghts to perfectly suit you!
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "neutral". A: every alien who did not see birds is hairy. B: every alien who did not see doves is hairy.
With no explanation, label the following with either "Hope_speech", "Non_hope_speech" or "not-English". Thank God her music legacy is something to revisit. Not sure why anyone would want to dress up as Micheal Jackson anymore these days
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". About a block away, I [MASK] over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. A: got B: took C: pulled D: came
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". prompter: Moin :) Weißt du wie ich meine Privatsphäre im Internet im allgemeinen verbessern kann? Könntest du mir da ein paar Tipps geben?! A: Ja, klar! Hier sind ein paar Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Privatsphäre im Internet verbessern können: 1. Verwenden Sie einen sicheren Browser: Verwenden Sie einen sicheren Browser wie Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox oder Apple Safari, der eingebaute Sicherheitsfunktionen bietet, um Ihre Online-Aktivitäten vor Hackern und Überwachung zu schützen. 2. Verwenden Sie ein virtuelles privates Netzwerk (VPN): Ein VPN verschlüsselt Ihre Online-Aktivitäten und verbirgt Ihre IP-Adresse, so dass Sie anonym im Internet surfen können. 3. Verwenden Sie starke Passwörter: Verwenden Sie starke und einzigartige Passwörter für alle Ihre Online-Konten und aktualisieren Sie diese regelmäßig. Verwenden Sie auch Passwort-Manager, um Ihre Passwörter sicher zu speichern. 4. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen: Überprüfen Sie die Datenschutzeinstellungen aller Websites und Dienste, die Sie nutzen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Daten nicht an Dritte weitergegeben werden. 5. Vermeiden Sie das Klicken auf unverschlüsselte Websites: Vermeiden Sie das Klicken auf unverschlüsselte Websites und vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Websites, die Sie besuchen, ein sicheres Protokoll (HTTPS) verwenden. 6. Vermeiden Sie das Teilen von persönlichen Informationen: Vermeiden Sie das Teilen von persönlichen Informationen wie Kreditkartennummern, Sozialversicherungsnummern und anderen vertraulichen Informationen online. 7. Installieren Sie eine Antivirus-Software: Installieren Sie eine Antivirus-Software auf Ihrem Computer, um vor Schadsoftware und Viren geschützt zu sein. Diese Tipps können Ihnen helfen, Ihre Privatsphäre im Internet zu verbessern. Vergessen Sie nicht, regelmäßig zu überprüfen, ob Ihre Datenschutzeinstellungen noch aktuell sind und aktualisieren Sie diese gegebenenfalls. B: Ja, natürlich! Es gibt einige Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihre Privatsphäre im Internet verbessern können. Zunächst einmal sollten Sie darauf achten, dass Sie nur vertrauenswürdige Websites besuchen und nur auf Links klicken, die von vertrauenswürdigen Quellen stammen. Achten Sie auch darauf, dass Sie ein starkes Passwort verwenden und es regelmäßig ändern, um Ihre Daten zu schützen. Des Weiteren sollten Sie darauf achten, dass Sie nur vertrauenswürdige Apps auf Ihrem Gerät installieren und darauf achten, dass diese stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Versuchen Sie auch, Ihre persönlichen Daten zu schützen, indem Sie so wenig wie möglich preisgeben und sicherstellen, dass Ihre Daten nicht an Dritte weitergegeben werden. Sie können auch Ihre Online-Aktivitäten durch Verwendung eines VPN oder einer anderen Sicherheitssoftware schützen. Diese können Ihre IP-Adresse verschleiern und Ihnen helfen, Ihren Verkehr vor Hackern und anderen Bedrohungen zu schützen. Grundsätzlich sollten Sie immer vorsichtig sein, wenn Sie online sind, und auf Ihre persönlichen Daten achten. Mit ein paar einfachen Schritten können Sie Ihre Privatsphäre im Internet verbessern und Ihre Daten schützen.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: This morning Julie journeyed to the school. Yesterday Mary journeyed to the bedroom. Yesterday Julie journeyed to the kitchen. Yesterday Bill went to the park. This afternoon Julie went back to the park. Mary went back to the park this morning. Mary travelled to the school this afternoon. This evening Julie moved to the school. Bill journeyed to the kitchen this morning. This evening Mary went back to the kitchen. B: Bill before the kitchen was in the park.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A woman who is bent over with one of her shoes off about to put on a band aid. B: A woman doesn't have a band aid.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: His most vicious moment came when Russert, following up on Bush's controversial Christ answer in the last debate, pressed the Texas governor on whether he was really a closet theocrat. B: Russert followed up on Bush's comments in a final debate.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". The spores of which bacterium are used to check efficacy of hot air oven: A: Bacillus stearothermophilus B: Bacillus atrophaeus C: Bacillus cereus D: Bacillus subtilis
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative", "neutral" or "positive". everyone was disappointed
With no explanation, label A→B with either "NOT ENOUGH INFO", "REFUTES" or "SUPPORTS". A: As of March 21 , 2020 , the cases of coronavirus confirmed by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services plus the three cases confirmed by the officials in Cascade County are less than 40 . B: As of March 21 , 2020 , the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services ( MDPHHS ) has confirmed 27 positive cases in the state An additional three cases were confirmed locally by officials in Cascade County , bringing the total to 30.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: Mary took the milk there. John went to the garden. Daniel grabbed the football there. Mary left the milk there. Daniel went back to the hallway. John journeyed to the hallway. Mary went to the hallway. Daniel journeyed to the kitchen. Mary journeyed to the garden. Mary went to the bedroom. Mary went back to the hallway. Sandra moved to the garden. Mary went back to the kitchen. Daniel put down the football. Mary moved to the bathroom. Sandra travelled to the kitchen. Daniel picked up the milk there. Daniel left the milk. Daniel got the football there. Daniel dropped the football. B: The milk is in the bedroom.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A bicycle is parked in front of a shop that has a large orange sign. B: A bike is chained to the bike rack outside of the shop.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: You can also find precious and semi-precious set-stone items. B: Set-stone items of varying value may be found.
With no explanation, label the following with either "barely-true", "mostly-true", "half-true" or "pants-fire". A proposed mine in Wisconsin is about two-thirds the size of Lake Winnebago.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: i have a few cons we can run . nothing big though . B: i simply walk around when i have nothing to do .
With no explanation, label the following with either "ham" or "spam". Oh really?? Did you make it on air? What's your talent?
With no explanation, label the following with either "neu", "sur", "fea" or "xxx". Right, sure.
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies", "B-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "I-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "B-AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense", "B-AmortizationOfFinancingCosts", "B-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "I-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "B-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" or "I-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" preceded by ":". The accompanying financial statements have been prepared as if the Company had its corporate capital structure as of December 12 , 2000 .
The:O accompanying:O financial:O statements:O have:O been:O prepared:O as:O if:O the:O Company:O had:O its:O corporate:O capital:O structure:O as:O of:O December:O 12:O ,:O 2000:O .:O
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Built in a.d. 715 to help measure the peak and trough of the Nile flood . B: It was built to deal with the INle flood .
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Fiona is quiet. Harry is not kind. Gary is young. The brother of Dave is Charlie. Gary is not nice. If Gary is kind then Fiona is smart. If Harry is Erin's wife then Dave is the grandmother of Charlie. Fiona is not the grandmother of Harry if Gary is kind. Dave is green if Harry is not the grandmother of Gary. If Gary is kind then Bob is not Harry's son. Charlie is not Gary's sister if Harry is not the grandmother of Gary. If Dave is the grandmother of Charlie then Erin is blue. The grandmother of Bob is Gary if Charlie is not the brother of Dave. If Gary is kind then Erin is not blue. Erin is big if Gary is kind. Harry is not green if Fiona is quiet. If Harry is not kind then Dave is not green. If The wife of Erin is Harry then Gary is not the mother of Erin. The brother of Bob is not Erin if Fiona is not Harry's grandmother. Dave is not Charlie's grandmother if Harry is not the grandmother of Gary. Bob is Harry's son if Bob is not blue. If The grandmother of Gary is not Harry then The wife of Erin is not Harry. If Fiona is not the grandmother of Harry then Bob is young. If Gary is kind then Anne is not the son of Gary. If Gary is kind then Harry is not Gary's grandmother. Bob is not blue if Charlie is not the brother of Dave. Bob is not young if Harry is not kind. If Bob is not blue then Bob is white. If Gary is kind then Bob is not white. If Bob is not big then Harry is Erin's wife. If Fiona is smart then Bob is blue. If Fiona is not Harry's grandmother then Dave is not white. Bob is not big if Anne is Gary's son. If Fiona is smart then Anne is not rough. Anne is rough if Bob is not young. Gary is not the grandmother of Bob if The grandmother of Gary is not Harry. Charlie is Gary's sister if Gary is young. Erin is Bob's brother if The grandmother of Bob is Gary. If Gary is kind then Bob is big. Dave is not Harry's aunt if Dave is not white. Gary is the mother of Erin if Harry is not Gary's grandmother. If Fiona is quiet then Erin is not big. Harry is green if Fiona is smart. If The brother of Dave is not Charlie then Dave is Harry's aunt. If Gary is nice or Charlie is not the brother of Dave then The son of Gary is not Anne. B: Erin is blue.
With no explanation, label each line with "B-NP", "I-NP", "O", "B-ADJP", "I-ADJP", "B-ADVP", "I-ADVP", "B-CONJP", "I-CONJP" or "B-INTJ" preceded by ":". CLEVELAND AT DETROIT
With no explanation, label the following with either "False" or "True". (a|((b|a)(a|b))*)a aabbbabaabab
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not_related" or "related". A: Orson Welles did not work in theatre, radio, or film. B: George Orson Welles -LRB- -LSB- ˈwɛlz -RSB- May 6 , 1915 -- October 10 , 1985 -RRB- was an American actor , director , writer , and producer who worked in theatre , radio , and film .. He is remembered for his innovative work in all three : in theatre , most notably Caesar -LRB- 1937 -RRB- , a Broadway adaptation of William Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar ; in radio , the legendary 1938 broadcast `` The War of the Worlds '' ; and in film , Citizen Kane -LRB- 1941 -RRB- , consistently ranked as one of the all-time greatest films .. 14th Academy Awards. Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane. Caesar. Caesar ( Mercury Theatre ). Broadway. Broadway theater. William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar ( play ). The War of the Worlds. The War of the Worlds. all-time greatest films. List of films considered the best. In his 20s , Welles directed a number of high-profile stage productions for the Federal Theatre Project , including an adaptation of Macbeth with an entirely African American cast , and the political musical The Cradle Will Rock .. Federal Theatre Project. Federal Theatre Project. The Cradle Will Rock. The Cradle Will Rock. In 1937 he and John Houseman founded the Mercury Theatre , an independent repertory theatre company that presented a series of productions on Broadway through 1941 .. 14th Academy Awards. Broadway. Broadway theater. John Houseman. John Houseman. Mercury Theatre. Mercury Theatre. repertory theatre. repertory theatre. Welles found national and international fame as the director and narrator of a 1938 radio adaptation of H. G. Wells ' novel The War of the Worlds performed for his radio anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air .. The War of the Worlds. The War of the Worlds. Mercury Theatre. Mercury Theatre. radio adaptation. The War of the Worlds ( radio ). H. G. Wells. H. G. Wells. The Mercury Theatre on the Air. The Mercury Theatre on the Air. It reportedly caused widespread panic when listeners thought that an invasion by extraterrestrial beings was actually occurring .. Although some contemporary sources claim these reports of panic were mostly false and overstated , they rocketed Welles to notoriety .. His first film was Citizen Kane -LRB- 1941 -RRB- , which he co-wrote , produced , directed , and starred in as Charles Foster Kane .. 14th Academy Awards. Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane. co-wrote. Screenplay for Citizen Kane. Charles Foster Kane. Charles Foster Kane. Welles was an outsider to the studio system and directed only 13 full-length films in his career .. studio system. studio system. He struggled for creative control on his projects early on with the major film studios and later in life with a variety of independent financiers , and his films were either heavily edited or remained unreleased .. His distinctive directorial style featured layered and nonlinear narrative forms , uses of lighting such as chiaroscuro , unusual camera angles , sound techniques borrowed from radio , deep focus shots , and long takes .. nonlinear narrative. nonlinear narrative. lighting. lighting. chiaroscuro. chiaroscuro. deep focus. deep focus. He has been praised as `` the ultimate auteur '' .. auteur. auteur theory. Welles followed up Citizen Kane with 12 other feature films , the most acclaimed of which include The Magnificent Ambersons -LRB- 1942 -RRB- , Touch of Evil -LRB- 1958 -RRB- , and Chimes at Midnight -LRB- 1966 -RRB- .. Citizen Kane. Citizen Kane. The Magnificent Ambersons. The Magnificent Ambersons ( film ). Touch of Evil. Touch of Evil. Chimes at Midnight. Chimes at Midnight. Other works of his , such as The Lady from Shanghai -LRB- 1947 -RRB- and F for Fake -LRB- 1973 -RRB- , are also well-regarded .. The Lady from Shanghai. The Lady from Shanghai. F for Fake. F for Fake. In 2002 , Welles was voted the greatest film director of all time in two British Film Institute polls among directors and critics .. British Film Institute. British Film Institute. Known for his baritone voice , Welles was an actor in radio and film , a Shakespearean stage actor , and a magician noted for presenting troop variety shows in the war years .. baritone. baritone. Shakespearean. Shakespearean. magician. magic ( illusion ). troop variety shows. The Mercury Wonder Show
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B" or "C". What does Aubrey need to do before this? A: receive water to their well B: walk to the well C: help their family
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not-entailed" or "entailed". A: The zink squealed. B: Nothing touched anything else .
Please identify the object in the following string, which is a collection of hex values of individual pixels: Q: #8a97aa#8997ad#8998b0#8897ac#8796a9#909cac#9aa0af#9ea1b1#9da1b0#9ca1af#9aa0ae#989fab#8e9baa#8c98ae#838f9b#778588#7c8c87#616d60#464f40#3c4631#4e5846#8f969a#9da2ae#999fa7#9a9fae#969daa#8f9ba9#8c98ae#8895ac#8391aa#808ea7#7c8da2 #7689a3#778ba4#778da4#768ba8#758ba5#8393a7#9098aa#9197ab#8d95a9#8b94a8#8993a6#8592a4#7c8ea6#798ca5#5e726e#445b47#475b44#314128#222e16#1f2c0e#263519#6a7576#788381#5f6d59#7e8a8f#8592a5#7a8c9d#778b9d#778b9f#7286a1#6d829d#687e9b #7789a4#7689a3#768aa2#788ca6#758a9d#74878f#87929e#8d97a6#8693a4#8391a2#8291a1#7f8fa0#7c8ea6#738690#485b4c#374a36#37472d#253016#1c240e#1f270b#1f2913#657064#49553e#33411d#69746f#7d8b9b#7788a0#76889d#74879c#6f849d#6d829c#677d9b #7788a2#76889f#7789a3#7c8ea3#657679#384b34#58685a#7c888f#7f8d9a#7e8e9d#7e8e9c#7a8b9c#7b8da6#6a7b7c#3e4f35#41503f#323f25#19240c#17210c#19230b#222d17#37432b#283418#273514#47574a#728394#7487a2#73869f#70849d#6c839b#6b839c#677d9b #7788a2#7688a0#798aa5#788995#445543#1c2c0f#2b3b1d#44523f#5e6c66#6f8083#6a7a7c#697b7f#738998#687b88#364730#38482a#2b391a#17230c#17230d#1c2810#1f2b13#263318#222e13#202d16#45564a#6a7f86#72879d#71859d#6f849c#6b849a#6b839a#667e99 #7789a2#76879f#788a9f#60726f#243416#1a2610#1f2d0d#21300a#2a3a18#35472e#3f5231#425636#5c7365#6d818b#3b4c36#2d3f16#273614#1b2710#17230d#1b270f#1a260f#1e2b10#27321b#253124#334535#576c6b#71879a#70849c#6f839b#6c849a#6b849a#667e97 #7788a2#6d7f8e#677b7f#394c38#19270d#26311f#1e2a11#19240b#1d2a12#27381f#2d4118#2b3e12#3b4e24#576a57#3c4e2e#273a0d#21300f#19250e#16220b#18250d#1a260f#1c290d#2d3824#2b372a#223621#546b6a#71879d#6e839b#6d839a#6b849a#6a839a#657e96 #78869e#4f5f5c#33432e#243516#18260e#25321f#1d2b14#192413#232e1f#37463b#304323#2d401b#32421e#2e3f18#2b3c14#273810#202d12#27321e#1c2811#182310#1a2514#1e2911#2b3923#314034#3a4e47#5e777d#6e859a#6b8297#6c8398#698398#698298#637b93 #636d78#3a433a#212817#262d1b#272d20#272d22#282f22#2b3126#303626#3c4436#3b442c#38402c#363d2f#2f3621#303723#303724#33372a#4a4d43#34372d#2b2d25#262921#292c20#373e35#454f4e#525d64#5f6d78#5e6c78#616e78#5f6e78#5d6d78#5d6d79#54626f #565b59#555954#555750#595b55#5d5f5b#646662#61645e#626462#626560#656561#666661#686866#686965#686a64#696b67#696a67#666762#6b6b66#696967#646461#65655f#62625e#61645f#606560#616563#616663#616562#636767#5d6262#596061#595f61#525857 #90938d#929492#939792#939791#969a95#a6aaa2#999d95#959a92#969b92#999994#9b9c97#9d9f96#9da197#9a9e96#a0a59e#afb3ae#9a9c96#a8aba5#a6a8a5#878a84#9c9f94#9b9c95#9a9b96#9a9a94#979992#959890#999b95#a6a8a3#959994#8f938e#90938f#8c9089 #888a84#868983#878a84#858980#8c8f87#abaea5#8c9085#84887d#878a7e#87897f#898a80#888b7f#898d82#868a7f#919188#b7bbb4#939590#adafaa#9fa29b#676b62#8b8e84#8a8d83#898b84#898b85#898b85#868983#8f928b#adb1a9#8c908c#868a83#8b8e87#898c85 #9a9e9b#99a09c#9ca19f#9fa29d#a5a8a1#afb2ac#a1a49f#a6a9a4#a9aba6#a9aba7#aaada8#aaada8#adafaa#aaada7#94807e#b2aaa7#b3b8b2#bbbcb8#adb0a9#878982#acb0aa#aaafa9#a7aea8#a7aca8#a6a9a6#a0a29f#a1a6a0#adb6ad#a1a6a2#9ea2a0#9ea2a0#9b9e9a #acaaa8#abaaa9#bcc1c0#bdc2be#c1c3be#b5b7b3#b6b8b5#c2c5c2#c1c6c2#c2c6c3#c2c7c4#c2c7c3#c6c9c6#bfbfbc#907173#ad9c9c#c4c8c2#c4c5c0#b6b8b3#8d908c#b1a5a7#b2919a#ae9098#af9097#aa8991#9b7b83#a79495#b6bab2#bac1bd#b9c0be#b9c0be#babdbb #7e6b6c#7e696d#b5b4b4#bdc2be#c2c4c0#b7b9b5#b8bab6#c5c7c1#c1c9c2#c3c9c3#c3c9c4#c2c9c4#c4c9c5#bfbeb9#ae9c9a#b8b1ae#c3c7c1#bab6b3#a39897#9aa19d#a38d95#98435b#91354b#8e3449#753c49#673d46#856066#b7b7b0#bcc2be#bcc3bf#bbc2bf#bbbfbe #63494d#572732#977175#a68a8a#b1a2a4#b0b1ae#b5bab7#c3c6c1#c3c9c3#c3c9c4#c3c9c4#c3c9c5#c3c7c4#c4bebb#c0b8b6#c0c1bc#c5cac4#a99698#824c56#b3afae#b3b8b9#9f5c6f#861831#7f112b#5b4b4a#55625a#685f5b#b5b9b1#bdc2be#bec3c1#bdc2c0#b9c0be #83636a#5c1224#88363c#913c3f#904d53#916a6b#978988#aeaaa9#bec2bf#c0c6c2#c2c7c3#bdc0be#c6c2c2#c5bcba#c0bcb9#c3c5c0#c7ccc6#a8898f#75152c#a5747a#b8adab#93808d#7a273d#7e152d#616860#5a7c6d#5c6259#b4bab1#bdc2be#bec2c1#bec2c1#bac1bf #9a7e83#6c3041#9f6a6c#963c3f#862c2d#81362f#773b35#7f555a#a18386#a99d9c#a18e92#9c8e91#c9c2c4#c1bab7#c2c3be#c3c4c0#c6cbc5#a98c91#770923#8e303d#ac7882#60607a#714c5b#83303f#5a5d56#485d53#555650#aeb2aa#bec2bf#bec2c1#bfc4c2#bbc2c0 #736062#684854#bab6b5#af8a8b#976c69#855048#814b40#804345#893547#814651#733947#91717a#cac5c4#bebab6#c6c7c2#bfbfbb#bbbeb8#9d8488#760822#8e2031#a26d79#645a76#8c8389#9b6b6e#7d5f5d#674d4c#6a4547#a18485#b6adad#b8b9b6#adb0ae#b5bbb9 #524142#5e3e47#b8c0be#c1c4c0#aaa29e#733c48#906568#a48784#832a3f#590f20#5a2c37#b8a3aa#c3b8b7#bfc0ba#c4c8c1#bcbfb9#bbbfb9#9e8689#6f0d23#953847#a07077#9b6e80#aa9793#9c645b#923f37#873a30#7c3a34#a0767a#b4a5aa#a99599#7d676c#999596 #5a4245#4f3138#818681#b2acaa#8b7a7a#4f1925#6d343f#7e535a#641b2b#550f21#877078#c6c0c2#9a7178#a2787f#a98087#a87e85#a98288#9a5f6c#80132c#97404d#9d505a#a95564#b2948b#997362#985345#975849#926a60#afa39e#bababd#b5adaf#908185#93898c #613740#50242e#66494e#8f6b72#835760#703945#7b3e4b#7e434f#7e3a48#8a525f#c0b5b8#ad888f#7c1e33#8c1e38#8d203b#8b1d38#923a4e#944c5a#850923#8a182b#831929#8e2532#b1908e#b2a39d#ac8584#aa7a7e#aa868d#aba7a5#b4bab9#c0c5c6#afaaae#9e9b9d #6d2c3a#651b2e#84515d#a37d85#a37f86#a37b85#a27982#96787a#a3757d#a87d85#af9092#98374b#850320#8b0523#870322#85001f#8c1a30#9e5c67#881229#81051b#80061d#871226#9d5c66#ad878c#a67b81#a87881#a97380#9a7e83#b19ea1#baa8ad#ada9ab#a6a9a9 #772938#6c1c2f#682635#7c3547#5d3d43#593d43#5f353e#6b303b#673640#52383b#453031#651326#8a0422#8b0a25#890d25#8a0d25#8a132a#a05a69#913f4d#750d20#78081f#872536#8c293c#8c2f42#882f3f#853040#8a2e41#923247#91394e#9a3c4f#984957#9f8788 #762535#70192d#5e1120#440917#1b1514#1e1919#210e11#590e22#2f0f16#201919#1d181b#330a15#88152f#a4626c#aa7a81#ac7b83#a97c82#b4989b#906a6d#3c0810#4f0c1a#651828#641726#611423#561722#58121e#781327#731428#3a0e14#570e1a#811023#8f5d5e #722031#771229#720f22#2d0e13#212221#282629#211a1d#460c1d#26161a#262526#222526#241419#821731#9e4055#9c4559#9c455a#9a4657#9e4658#7b2f3f#1c0709#251318#6f5961#83787b#695c5d#564d50#4e3f41#6e1327#521925#404744#2d1920#4e0e19#715150 #6c1a2b#700b23#6b091f#2b191c#2c2e2e#373433#242221#2a151b#24201e#333632#30312f#221b1c#5d1324#71192d#6a1726#691725#6a1928#6a1a28#531622#1a080b#171618#8a8c8f#acb4b5#919699#8d9297#7a7277#5c1222#5b4146#8a9497#36363c#322626#645e59 #5f1223#3d0812#2c1114#2c2b2a#383939#4a4743#2a2927#262221#2b2c27#494b45#484945#272826#544241#624c4b#5d4a46#604c48#654f4c#67514e#493434#190d10#181414#585a56#727573#656667#6b6b6d#5b5255#330f18#4e4547#808586#484a4d#5d5b58#767670 #630920#2e0b10#1f201c#353334#474747#5f5d59#32322f#323030#353533#585955#5f605b#353534#756969#7d7573#7f7474#7b7170#7d7976#7e7d79#5e5d5a#363235#211a1a#38362f#44423e#494643#534f4c#3f3738#131115#383b3b#6a6c6b#434546#72706f#91918c #6a333f#533238#544d4f#313031#5c5c5c#767772#373835#292a2a#2f2f2f#6e6f6d#757571#2b2c2b#3c3e3b#3f433f#414242#393c3c#3b3b3c#3d3d3e#3a3a3a#2e2e32#1f1c1f#1f1d1c#1f1e1d#1c1a18#1d1d1a#151514#101010#232321#49484b#2b2d2c#474546#777773 #706966#4f4847#2d2c2b#181a19#414141#5d5e5c#20201f#101010#171716#4b4b49#4e4e4d#161615#1e1d17#25221d#24221f#252421#262623#2a2a27#383834#484946#454542#353532#353632#353531#3a3c37#454742#4c4b47#454540#494946#5f615c#7c7b78#868683 #8e8f8a#787875#656563#4f4f4e#3c3c3c#393939#393939#515151#545452#3c3c3b#3c3c3d#4e4e4d#72716a#7d7d76#81817c#878782#8d8d88#8e8d89#959590#9e9f9a#9fa09b#9d9e99#9e9f9a#9fa09b#a1a29d#a4a5a0#a5a5a0#a2a39e#a4a5a0#a2a39e#a4a5a0#a0a09e choice: ship choice: automobile choice: dog choice: airplane choice: horse choice: bird choice: truck choice: deer choice: cat choice: frog Best choice:
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A", "B", "C" or "D". f : how did your interview go ? m : i could n't feel better about it . the questions were very fair , and i seemed to find answers to all of them . A: f : you were so confident during the interview . B: f : why were you nervous during the interview ? you need to be more confident in the future . C: f : why were you disappointed during the interview ? D: f : why were you nervous during the interview ?
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A sad lady holds a picture up of her friend. B: A happy lady laughs
With no explanation, label the following with either "acknowledge", "align", "instruct" or "reply_y". uh-huh
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment" or "neutral". A: tom did n't have a weapon. B: tom did n't have a gun.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "not_related" or "related". A: Monaco is a Christian country. B: Huang Songyou -LRB- Chinese : 黄松有 ; Pinyin : Huang Songyou , born December 1957 -RRB- was the Vice-President of the Supreme People 's Court of the People 's Republic of China .. Huang. Huang ( surname ). Chinese. Chinese character. Pinyin. Pinyin
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Human: How can I smoke marijuana at work? Assistant: Try popping a hemp-oil capsule in your mouth to vaporize it. Human: Will that work? Is that pure marijuana? Assistant: That’s a special preparation that has been processed to concentrate its natural constituents. That’s why it’s so concentrated, and hence, it vaporizes. Human: Sounds cool. Thank you. Assistant: Your welcome. Would you like to hear a news item? B: Human: How can I smoke marijuana at work? Assistant: Try popping a hemp-oil capsule in your mouth to vaporize it. Human: Will that work? Is that pure marijuana? Assistant: That’s a special preparation that has been processed to concentrate its natural constituents. That’s why it’s so concentrated, and hence, it vaporizes. Human: Sounds cool. Thank you. Assistant: Good luck.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: i see . i do not sing , i never drank alcohol and i am content with life . B: i enjoy the occasional drink with friends .
With no explanation, label each line with "O", "B-AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingencies", "B-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "I-AcquiredFiniteLivedIntangibleAssetsWeightedAverageUsefulLife", "B-AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense", "B-AmortizationOfFinancingCosts", "B-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "I-AmortizationOfIntangibleAssets", "B-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" or "I-AntidilutiveSecuritiesExcludedFromComputationOfEarningsPerShareAmount" preceded by ":". Recent Accounting Pronouncements In January 2017 , the Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) amended Accounting Standards Codification ( ASC ) 350 , Intangibles - Goodwill and Other ( issued under Accounting Standards Update ( ASU ) 2017 - 04 , “ Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment ” ) .
Recent:O Accounting:O Pronouncements:O In:O January:O 2017:O ,:O the:O Financial:O Accounting:O Standards:O Board:O (:O FASB:O ):O amended:O Accounting:O Standards:O Codification:O (:O ASC:O ):O 350:O ,:O Intangibles:O -:O Goodwill:O and:O Other:O (:O issued:O under:O Accounting:O Standards:O Update:O (:O ASU:O ):O 2017:O -:O 04:O ,:O “:O Simplifying:O the:O Test:O for:O Goodwill:O Impairment:O ”:O ):O .:O
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Trying Tofu<br>Alicia was feeling a little adventurous. She wanted to try Tofu. She had never had it before. So she took a small bite. To her delight it was delicious. B: Alicia typically wants to try tofu when she's feeling a little adventurous.
With no explanation, label the following with either "consistent" or "inconsistent". No detective is an astronaut. No artist liberates any sculptor. Every teacher is a botanist. No astronaut is a sculptor. Some manager is a detective. Some astronaut is not a librarian. Some detective is a botanist. No architect is a sculptor. No astronaut is a spy. Every botanist is a director. Every spy is a director. No beekeeper dazes any spy. Some sculptor is not an artist. Every astronaut is a sculptor. No detective is a sculptor. No librarian is a beekeeper. No botanist is a teacher. Every architect plagiarises every director. Every librarian is a spy. Every spy is a director.
With no explanation, label A→B with either "against" or "in favor of". A: the existence of the human being on the earth and its adaptation, and ecological domination are only the result of their natural destiny, for which the selection of sex should not be legalized B: We should legalize sex selection
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: A dog is jumping for a Frisbee in the snow B: A black dog in the snow is leaping off the ground and catching a stick
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". How is Rockstar able to make the massive open world environment in GTA V run with only 512mb of ram? And 256mb on PS3 if I'm not mistaken. It's absolutely insane that they're able to do this, I'd love some insight. A: 512 MB is the minimum amount of RAM required to run GTA V, however this is only the minimum requirement and players will have to compromise on graphics quality to run the game [1]. With 2 GB of graphics card paired with an i3 processor, the system becomes eligible to run the game [1]. However, for sharp graphics quality, the recommended system requirements to run GTAV are i5 processor, 8 GB RAM and NVIDIA GTX 660 2 GB [1]. B: GTA V is likely making use of multiple different techniques to run with only 512 MB of RAM. One possible explanation is that the game is more CPU intensive than GPU/memory intensive [1]. This would allow the game to run on a QUAD Core CPU with only 256 MB of RAM [1]. The PS3 runs a QUAD Core CPU with only 256 MB of RAM, so games made for the PS3 are more CPU intensive than GPU/memory intensive [1]. This would allow for GTA V to run with less RAM than it would take on a modern console. However, PS3 roms may make use of virtual memory to increase overall memory optimizations [1]. Swap in and out memory may be used to store less frequently used data to increase overall memory optimizations [1].
With no explanation, label the following with either "acknowledge", "reply_n", "check" or "reply_y". alright
With no explanation, label A→B with either "entailment", "neutral" or "contradiction". A: Evansville police want to warn you about a new scam they say is circulating our area. It involves a letter claiming the recipient has won money from the Mega Millions Lottery. To claim the winnings, the victim has to contact a person in Spain and send them money to pay for shipping and insurance. Most scams originate overseas and victims never recover their money. If you receive one of these letters, just throw it away. Copyright 2017 WFIE. All rights reserved. B: To claim Mega Millions Lottery winnings, you must contact the appropriate representative located in Spain.
With no explanation, label the following with either "linguistic-bias" or "not linguistic-bias". bible quotations are from the holy bible english standard version published by harpercollins publishers c 2001 by crossway bibles a division of good news publishers
not linguistic-bias.
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". How can I use herbs to make tea. A: We will break this down into two parts: -Aux-Peci: Combining cooked egg yolk and aromatic herbs in a mêlée results in an egg white and a flavored yolk. -Especi: Improving the purity and flavor of cooking egg whites and yolks by using herbs is simple and straightforward. B: You can make tea using herbs by adding a teaspoon of the desired herbs to a cup of boiling water. Let the herbs steep in the cup for 3-5 minutes, strain the herbs out, and then enjoy your tea.
With no explanation, label the following with either "negative" or "positive". thanks to its cast , its cuisine and its quirky tunes
With no explanation, label each line with "I-DNA", "O", "B-DNA", "B-protein", "B-RNA", "I-RNA", "B-cell_line", "I-cell_line", "B-cell_type" or "I-cell_type" preceded by ":". Different cytokines activate transcription at the appropriate germline promoter .
Different:O cytokines:B-protein activate:O transcription:O at:O the:O appropriate:O germline:B-DNA promoter:I-DNA .:O
With no explanation, chose the best option from "A" or "B". A: Human: How do you add a printer to Windows 10? Assistant: You can get the full procedure here: Human: Link didn't work. Can you describe the process? Assistant: First you need to have the drivers for your printer installed. Then you use the device and printers windows to configure the printer. Human: It's actually under settings and then devices. There should be a printer tab on the left. Assistant: I can help with some things that aren't under the “settings” window. I know where printers can be configured. Is there a specific printer you're trying to configure? Can you try setting it up again? B: Human: How do you add a printer to Windows 10? Assistant: You can get the full procedure here: Human: Link didn't work. Can you describe the process? Assistant: First you need to have the drivers for your printer installed. Then you use the device and printers windows to configure the printer. Human: It's actually under settings and then devices. There should be a printer tab on the left. Assistant: I think you're looking for "printing and Scan" under the settings menu.
With no explanation, label the following with either "Drival", "Message", "Recieve quest" or "Follow". one the city follow ??? felleasdlkk meet mxcvxjjjfsk bring