MODIS B-climate-observations
data O
and O
model O
simulations O
. O
MODIS B-climate-observations
data O
shows O
that O
the O
sulfate O
aerosols B-climate-nature
are O
much O
more O
dominant O
in O
summer O
than O
those O
in O
winter O
at O
Beijing O
which O
is O
influenced O
strongly O
by O
fossil B-climate-problem-origins
fuel I-climate-problem-origins
burning O
aerosols B-climate-nature
. O
From O
the O
present O
study O
can O
draw O
such O
a O
result O
in O
respect O
of O
surface B-climate-properties
radiation I-climate-properties
budget O
as O
the O
aerosol B-climate-nature
impact O
on O
the O
reduction O
of O
solar B-climate-properties
radiation I-climate-properties
is O
more O
dominant O
in O
summer O
than O
that O
in O
winter O
in O
East O
Asia O
. O
-DOCSTART- -X- O O 8064c445c2ddb2e7fc62737ce8ef5757
The O
latest O
changes O
of O
Earth O
's O
climate O
significantly O
affect O
human O
ability O
to O
remain O
food B-climate-assets
production O
sustainable O
. O
Expected O
climate O
changes O