Arrested for battery
My ex gf moved out and told the police I grabbed her throat, which is not true. I told the police I picked her up with oh my hands around her to try to remove her from a room. I went to jail and now I'm being accused of battery. She got a restraining order on me. Do I need to lawyer up or will this disappear or am I screwed for touching her at all
Why would it disappear? Stop talking to the police and get an attorney. Speak only to this attorney. Answer #2: You're accused of a crime. You need an attorney. This is not just going away and your statement about grabbing her can absolutely be used to help convict you.Answer #3: You need an attorney. You admitted to touching her. You shouldn't have even said that. You shouldn't bank on it just going away. Answer #4: You are screwed for touching her at all. You need a lawyer because you made an inculpatory statement already.
My lease says I get two off-street parking spaces, but there is never one available. What can I do?
When I moved into my apartment, parking was a specific concern of mine and I intentionally looked for a place with off-street parking. I toured a place that seemed great and had parking available. My one concern was that parking wasn't assigned - but the landlord said that they had decided to make assigned spaces, and someone would be coming to re-paint the lines and add space numbers in a week. That was good enough for me, I signed on and moved in. The lease specifically states this section here: "Tenant is entitled to 2 parking lot spaces included in rent. If tenant is found to be using more than 2 spaces (including spaces used by guests) excess vehicles may be towed at tenant's expense. If a need for additional space is present, tenant may rent additional spaces at current rate set by Landlord." However since I moved in here I have very rarely been able to use even one parking space because they are always full. After a couple weeks I started keeping track and in the 48 days since then there have been 41 where there wasn't a spot available for me. The landlord never went forward with the space assignment plan they told me they were going to do before I moved in, either. So there is not a "specific" spot that is for me, which doesn't help. I have contacted the landlord by text, phone, email and snail mail. For the past month I have sent them an email every single time this happens, and I have sent written mail 8 times. The landlord rarely answers calls so on the phone I have no choice but to leave messages, which go unanswered. What can I do at this point? I know if I break the lease the landlord can give me 30 days or some odd value to fix it or I have to leave - can I do that to them? Say fix the parking situation so I have reliable parking within 30 days, or I move out? Edit: We are in Michigan
Realistically, there isn't too much you can do here. Keep pestering your landlord to assign individual spaces, or come up with a permit system where each tenant gets a hangtag for each parking space they are entitled to.
US-PA, Am i going to get kicked out of college or what can I do?
This is not a legal question, but a question of policy. It seems very possible that the odor of marijuana gave them reason to search the whole room. You can be kicked out of school, they can report this to the police, and you can be charged with what is almost certainly a felony crime for the possession of the LSD.
[OR] I Was Raped, and College is Trying to Cover it up.
I'll try to keep this post short and to the point. I was at a house party sponsored by greek life. I met a very nice person who lived at the house. After some conversations that person gave me a drink. About 10-20 minutes later I felt dizzy, my stomach was hurting and my vision was blurry. I told this person and they offered to find a place were I could lay down and recover. I remember nothing after that. I woke up next to this person naked, confused, and in a state of shock. My private areas were extremely sore. I immediately went to report this to my school, and they laughed and said I have have a full body forensic examination to substantiate my claims. I went to the doctors office and told him about my rape and asked for an exam for evidence. The doctor angrily refused and kicked me out of his office. Angry and confused, I went to the police to report the rape, but since I didn't have any evidence they laughed and told me to get over it. I left there crying. I have no idea what I can do, and I'm having horrible depression due to this. Everyday is hell because I have class with the accused once a week. My peers all make fun of me and think I'm making everything up. What can I do :(? Some addition facts: I'm a male raped by a female.
Oh horseshit. Either a bad troll or someone looking for attention. Yes, guys are raped. It's terrible. But four different people including 3 professionals did not laugh at you and tell you to *get out*. Nope.Answer #2: So your school, your friends, your own doctor and the police all laughed at you then kicked you out? That's exactly what happened?Answer #3: Sounds like you are a men's rights advocate trying to fool the people here. This didn't happen. All of those people did not laugh at you. Stop lying.
(Ohio) Does a minor have to pay debt to a debt collector?
Hi, first off, I appreciate anyone who's reading this. I'm 14 years old, in the US. About a year and a half ago (4/26/15), I got a free domain from a domain provider. I got my domain, and basically just left it. Never did anything with it or anything. Once my subscription ran out (I didn't even remember it), they sent me a bunch of emails, threatening debt collectors and stuff like that, and at one point, they sent a paper to my house requesting the money. Upon getting the paper, my mother talked to the people online, and they tried to force her into paying, or they wanted a picture of my birth certificate (to prove I was under 18). My mother declined, and we've been ignoring it since. Three days ago I received the email: We are unfortunately still registering an outstanding amount on your [redacted: domain provider] order account, even though more than 200 days have elapsed since we last contacted you concerning the outstanding amount. We have terminated your subscription which means that we are no longer handling your domain [redacted: my domain name]. This means that you risk losing your domain. We would like to inform you that the outstanding amount must still be paid. Additional cost and interest on arrears will have to be paid for, in case we already forwarded the issue to our debt collection agency. If you think this is an error, or if you need further information, please contact accounting@[redacted:domain provider]. Best regards [redacted: domain provider] And I don't know what to do. Am I forced into paying? What are the possible repercussions if I don't? Facts about me and the company I'm facing: I'm 14, live in Ohio (USA), and my credit card info is non existent considering I don't own one. I have no form of payment attached to the website, and I haven't logged into their site at all in the past year. (am I safe to do so?). The domain provider I'm facing is based in Dubai. If any more info is needed from me, I'll be happy to provide it. Sorry if this is poorly written, I'm tired and slightly panicked. Thanks to anyone who read this, and if I can get advice I'd really appreciate it. TL;DR: A company is trying to force a 14 year old into paying debt. Do I have to pay, and what are my possible repercussions for not doing so?
Send them a certified letter saying that you are a minor, that you repudiate the contract, and ordering them to cease contact. Domain name service is not a necessity that they could bind you to, so the contract is voidable by you.
I thought you did an investigation
So recently my husband and I were on the Dr. Phil show unfortunately now I am fully aware that I cannot just go wanting to file a lawsuit against someone just because they have sent me when I have already signed documents however I am fully aware that I am wanting to file a lawsuit against a man who stated that he and his crew had done a full investigation on all of our devices along with no proof yet stating they got the same results as the private Vesta gator and I know that that is not correct he slandered me gave me a false reputation and defamation of character on national TV not only did he do that but it was in a written form of all of the things that I had supposedly done those things were not fax like he stated they were on his show in writing for the entire world to see you I have proof of this and with that being said can I find file rightfully for making false statements plus all of the slander defamation of character etc. and request proof of these things it has cost me my family my marriage and our family business how do I go about this?
You need to edit that into actual sentences and paragraphs for anyone to understand it.
If you bought drugs, and they were made illegal AFTER you gained possession of them, would charging you with possession or any offence related to the possession of said drug be an unconstitutional ex post facto law?
Pretty much, the question is in a title. If I have a formerly legal substance and it is made illegal to possess, is it an illegal ex post facto law to charge me with possession and crimes related to the possession of it since I had the stuff before the law changed, and I had continuous constructive possession of it since then? Anyone know any case law on this? Of course, this applies to all states really, but primary interest is federal law.
> is it an illegal ex post facto law to charge me with possession No, because you remain in possession. It would be *ex post facto* to charge you with possession for holding it solely before it was made illegal.
2nd manager threatened to fire me because i told on his lover.
So what's your legal question? Answer #2: Your boss can be completely in the wrong here, and still fire you. He can accuse you of doing things wrong, when you did them right ,and still fire you. He can tell you to wear yellow socks tomorrow, and then when you show up with yellow socks, fire you because he said to wear red socks. That is the entire extent of "job security" in the US, unless you have a collective bargaining agreement or an employment contract that explicilty limits termination except for good cause. The only thing they can't do is fire you because of your race, ethnicity, gender (mostly), nationality, etc. In some parts of the US, they can still fire you for being LGBTQ -- or for not being LGBTQ. They also can't fire you from a government contract position for reporting on deliberate defrauding of the government. Or retaliate against you for reporting race discrimination or sexual harassment. For calling out a manager for dipping his pen in the company ink? Yeah they can fire you.
Neighbor kids keep coming on my dad's property, which is used for hunting. KY
My dad owns 40 acres in KY outside town limits for hunting. There are over 300 private property/no trespassing signs posted around the perimeter. Until recently there were no homes in the area of the land. However, a nearby property was recently sold and the owners are now living on it in an RV with their children. Dad walks his property daily with his dogs and in two weeks he has found the kids out playing in the woods out there 9 times. He has spoken to their parents about it four times, and the sheriff has gone out to talk to the family twice - and he keeps finding them out there. Their parents basically say "kids will be kids" and that if dad doesn't want people to access the property, he should build a better fence (which would be extremely costly, which is why it hasn't been done). Dad has informed them that we hunt the land, so for the kids' safety they need to steer clear of it, but they turned it around and said they'd have his head on a golden stake if one of their kids gets hurt. We are extremely concerned because hunting season will start soon. Obviously we need the land to be free of roaming children in order to hunt safely. Dad is going to talk to the sheriff again tomorrow, but in the mean time I am wondering if anyone has any advice.
"if dad doesn't want people to access the property, he should build a better fence" That is like saying , "if you don't want to be raped, stop being so attractive"Answer #2: DISCLAIMER: Not legal advice. Hire a Kentucky attorney. This comment does not establish any attorney/client relationship. That being said, in Kentucky: A trespasser is someone entering another person’s property without the property owner’s permission and for the trespasser’s own purposes. He or she has no legal right to be there. In most cases, it doesn’t matter whether the trespasser entered the property legally or illegally, with or without a plan to do something illegal once he or she was there. The property owner won’t be liable to a trespasser for injuries unless they are caused by intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct by the owner or someone acting for the owner. I would write the family a certified letter telling them that the land is used for hunting and specifically inform them of all the known potential dangers.
Can my Employer really sue me for all this? [US -MI]
This is at least your third attempt to ask this question, with varying levels of detail. At least this one isn't three pages long like the one you deleted. Are you still planning to return to Michigan to work for a different employer ? That will put you under the jurisdiction of a Michigan court and increase the chance you will be sued. Nobody on this subreddit is going to be able to tell you in detail about the enforceability of your employment agreement without reading it, and you have not put a single actual word of that agreement into your posts, instead choosing to summarize it and tell long stories about WhatsApp and recordings and timesheets and workplace drama. If you want a qualified opinion on the chances of you being sued in Michigan over your employment agreement, you need to hire a Michigan attorney. If you're going to stay in Mexico, the chances are close to zero that you will be sued by this former employer.
Friend was asked to leave store that I work in because his tics were making people uncomfortable
Hi guys, New Mexico USA here. So some backstory, I've worked at this location for 5 years, and my friend has been in multiple times to shop/to stop in and say Hi while he was in the neighborhood. (Work permits friends stopping by, my manager has a "1 song rule" which means you can talk to your friends for the length of an entire song before you have to get back to work.) Today was my day off, and he posted a status on facebook about being asked to leave from "a clothing store" and about how frustrated he was. I asked where and he messaged me privately to say that it was where I worked. ​ He has some pretty intense tics (similar to tourettes), including snapping his fingers and moving his upper body in what looks halfway like a bounce and halfway like a dance. He has OCD, ADHD and he's on the autism spectrum. My manager apparently approached him and asked him if he was finding everything okay, to which he replied he was, he just couldn't decide what he wanted. She then asked him to leave, under the grounds of "making people uncomfortable." ​ I texted my manager and asked if she kicked my friend out of the store, and informed her that he had "like tourettes" (bceause I am not entirely sure what his diagnosis is), ocd and adhd, but he's harmless. She just informed me that "we're going to talk about it tomorrow." ​ I feel like I should note that a different friend, independent of me, called and chewed out my manager for kicking the friend out, stating that it was discrimination and that they wouldn't remove someone with a severe intellectual disability or a crossdresser or someone wearing a hijab/turban because that would also be discrimination. I also feel like I should note that said manager has profiled Hispanic customers in the past. ​ Is there any way that I can be punished for any of this? Is there anything he can do (beyond contacting the company and explaining the situation, which he has already done)? Is there anything I should be doing to cover my butt?
You could be fired as you work in an "employment at will" state. There really isn't a way to prevent it. Your friend should call or email corporate to take action for the descrimination.
Guy gets tires slashed for moving traffic cones on a public street - Is moving someones traffic cones(someones property) wrong?
So there is this long discussion on FB of this guy that posted below text.(id link to the post but its a private group) There are replies stating that they know where the person lives so they'd get revenge, theyd call the cops, etc... but a surprising amount of comments stating that "You shouldn't ever touch peoples property, don't move peoples cones" ​ Obviously its illegal to cone off a parking space with your own traffic cones, but would it be stealing if someone took the traffic cones? ​ >People really have some nerve! Just because I moved a cone where a guy was blocking public parking on the street near the festival at st edwards. I came back to my car and had 2 slashed tires on the side. I know it was the guy whose cone I moved but I have no proof anything I can do? Or am I out $500 for 2 new tires ​
Yes it is stealing to steal. This one would probably go down as such: The FBOP calls the police and reports that someone slashed his tires, that he knows who it probably is, and explains the cone moving and subsequent slashing. The LEO, if they are bored enough and so inclined, will either call or pay a visit to the residence of the suspect, and say something like "You were observed slashing the tires of a car on xx St. at yy time", and the suspect may say "Yeah, well that guy deserved it, he moved my cones" thereby self-incriminating, even though the officer had nothing to cite for, he does now. Then the FBOP can file in civil court and the criminal offense is corroborating. You would be amazed how many people will throw out a line like "They deserved it" or "I did it because he was being <insert reason>", when questioned by LEO who don't have enough already. For some reason these folks seem to think that if they can emotionally sway the officer, they will not get cited or arrested. Then they self incriminate and do. "I decline to answer any questions without my attorney present" is the *only* proper response.Answer #2: _Taking_ the cone would still be theft. Moving it out of the way, for example to the side of the street, would generally be legal. So would calling parking enforcement to report someone obstructing parking, although whether the cops would bother with it is something of a crapshoot.
Can I lose my baby?
My fiance has been telling me for months I was pregnant but I didn't believe him because the test was negative. He got a doppler and I let him try today just to get him to stop and we found a small heartbeat. I would be 23? Weeks and I've been smoking weed this entire time for depression and pain, ect. I am stopping immediately. Will they take my baby? ((Doc apt in 3 days 😒)) Topic: CPS and Dependency Law
I know this sounds patronising but hearing something on a Doppler doesn't mean you're pregnant. We usually advise women to not use them because they either unnecessarily worry women or they give them a false sense of security because they think they can hear a heartbeat when in fact it's their own. You need a blood hcg testAnswer #2: At this point, there is no baby (legally. Just a fetus). So CPS has no reason to get involved. As long as you quit now and test clean when the baby is born, you should be fine. Keep in mind any OB will likely test your urine. It is best to be honest with your doctor about your history. CPS doesn't remove children lightly. if you and the baby both are clean at birth, you should be fine. If you are worried, talk to an attorney. And before getting real upset, take a pregnancy test.
[California] Following too closely traffic violation.
An exit rapidly approaching, unfamiliarity with the roads, changing lanes, and having your turn signal on are not defenses to the charge of following too closely. If you were too close to the car in front of you, you were following too closely. If you have an argument or evidence that suggests you were not in fact too close to the car in front of you, you should raise that argument or evidence in your trial by declaration.
Move over law. $1062.50 fine.
Rock Hill, SC. York County My husband received a ticket for not "moving over", endangering EMS when he passed a police officer that had someone pulled over. My husband slowed down, wanted to move over, however felt due to traffic it would be dangerous. What can we expect if he goes to court w/o a lawyer vs with a lawyer? Has anyone had experience fighting this ticket? Paying that high of a fine would definitely put a strain on the finances. Thank you for your time.
He could fight it. The law says he needs to "significantly reduce the speed of the vehicle" and "make a lane change [...] if possible with due regard to safety and traffic conditions". No clue what his chances are of beating it or getting it reduced though. He should probably write down exactly what happened and what actions he took while it's still fresh in his memory.Answer #2: The move over law states that a driver must at minimum slow down when approaching an authorized emergency vehicle that is pulled over and change into a vacant lane not adjacent to the parked emergency vehicle ONLY if it's safe to do so. If your husband was ticketed it could be that they thought he was driving too fast or that they were simply mistaken that it is the law that you must change lanes even if it is not safe at the time. Also I thought the maximum fine was $500? Were any other offenses tacked on? Answer #3: How much did they slow down?Answer #4: I am curious if anyone's successfully fought these kind of things in court, particularly without say, dashcam evidence. If I were betting man, I'd say the court is going to take the officer's word on the matter, and assume you wouldn't have been issued a ticket if you weren't seriously a danger to the officer.
What am I permitted to discuss after the case is over as a juror?
Just served an extremely lengthy jury duty. Obviously, was not permitted to discuss the case while it was going on, but now that it's over, are we allowed to tell friends about the case? Specifically, are we allowed to link to articles about it on Facebook? Believe it or not, they didn't give us any direction on what we could or could not say after it was all over. I don't want to get in any legal trouble for doing something silly. This was a civil case so it wouldn't matter if any attorneys or people involved in the case knew my name so I wouldn't be in any danger... Located in the US; Kentucky.
The point of separating your private life from the case is to prevent your conversations from outside the court from "contaminating" the trial. Maybe the news is reporting something that the judge is withholding from trial, and discussing the trial would open up the possibility of finding out something like that. Now that the trial is over, and everything in the trial is public, go right ahead and explain it. Jurors will even talk with the media after some high-profile cases, like the Paul Manafort trial (not that I'm advocating you talk to the media, that's against the rules of the sub, just giving an example of how jurors can and do talk about the case when it's done)Answer #2: If the case is over and there is a final verdict, yes, you can talk about the case.Answer #3: While generally you can talk about the case, in many jurisdictions, you are not allowed to disclose anything that happened in the deliberations, especially that might identify which juror had which opinion. There may also be a publication ban on some information in the case. Inquire with the clerk's office to get definitive answers.
(IL) Recent issues of Ex not knowing where our son is.
Hello all, A little bit of a backstory, my son's mother and I have been divorce for nine years. Our son is ten. In that time she has remarried and had three other children. They live in IL and I live in MO, two hours away. I get him every other weekend. A few weeks ago when I went to pick up my son from her house he was no where to be found. I asked his step-father and his mother where he was, they had no idea. After finding this out, I asked where he might be. They stated the mall, the park, or at a friends. I got in my vehicle and went to the mall. The step-father went to the park. My son was not at either place. When I got back to my ex's house they were sitting around acting like it was not a big deal he was gone. I promptly got back in my vehicle and went down every street looking for his bike and calling out his name. All together it took me a hour to finally find him at a friends four blocks away. Of course during this entire time I'm losing my mind and worried about my son. After I picked him up and took him back to his mother's, his mother and step-father began telling him he shouldn't be that far away, etc. I didn't say anything because it has taken years for my ex and I to get to the point of not hating each other. Last night, I got a call from my ex. She proceeded to tell me that my son was brought home by a police officer. According to what I was told by her, he and a friend went to the nearby laundromat to get a snack. After getting a snack, my son's friend showed him that one of the coin operated toy dispensers was broken where you could take the top off and steal toys. Well this one happened to have these balls that would stick to walls. From my understanding the boys had taken a few of these, then apparently had made a mess of the laundromat. According to my ex, the owner of the laundromat and the police are reviewing security footage, and the owner may choose to press charges against my son. During all of my son's activities, his mother was at school, but his step-father was home. My question would be is there anything I can do about this? I worry my son will become a delinquent if nothing is done. I get the feeling my ex and her husband don't pay enough attention, nor seem to care where my son is/goes. Thank you.
Do you ultimately want your son to come live with you? If so, this is potential evidence that can be used in a motion to modify the custody order. You should talk to an attorney about what the possibilities are for pursuing that. Answer #2: Regarding the first issue of knowing where your son is, the most obvious and simple solution is to get him a Cell Phone and have him carry it on him. You can then contact him directly yourself if/when you are looking for him.
[NV] Bullied out of a 20 year career
My mom has been figured from her 20 year job because they say she no called no-showed. For the last 3 years the company has been under new management. It's been said amongst coworkers that there has been firing among anyone not young, fresh and modern to represents the companies new image. Out of everyone that worked there before management took over, now only a handful remain. Seasoned in their fields, they are all scared. Should she seek a lawyer? Can they reject her of anything she has earned, such as Retirement, 401, etc? We're worried all of her commitments will be degraded. By bullying I mean she has been harassed with text messages, people demanding her to come in on days she has scheduled PTO. Demanding her not to enjoy her days off and cover shifts.. just all around pressuring her to feel stressed and she feels bullied. Please advice The company is a healthcare facility in NV. Please and thank you for sharing anything we should be aware of moving forward.
Being fired for not calling and not showing up is not the same as being bullied out of a job.
[US,CA] Cell phone chargers in exchange for CA Prop. signatures on college campus. Isn't this illegal/voter fraud?
I go to Mesa College in San Diego. To make a long story short when I was walking to class I saw several large sandwich boards saying "FREE IPHONE AND ANDROID CHARGERS ASK ME HOW". I asked how to get one at the table, and I was told by one of the canvassers to sign the petition to sell the city's stadium to a private company. I said I didn't want to sign but would like a free charger. I was then told "Sign this and you can have a charger." I refused again and asked for a charger. I was not antagonizing or trying to get a rise out of anybody. I was just curious if I could get one without signing. I was then yelled at and insulted and blocked in a physically menacing manner by the large canvasser. He told me, "Go ahead, take one", but he was physically blocking me and said it in a menacing manner obviously implying that I was completely unwelcome to have one. I decided to snap a picture of the signs and table at which poi How is this not quid pro quo phone chargers for ballot signatures? I'm sure the canvasser personally didn't fund the creation of these sandwich boards, they were all over campus. Who can I report this to!? I didn't spend 6 years defending the constitution to allow our government to be sold off for some cell phone chargers. This is a complete perversion of our voting framework and I really feel strongly about this. Pictures: https://i.imgur.com/GG4CXzq.jpg https://i.imgur.com/uFeErsMg.jpg Thank you for your time and words.
Either your state or county does the elections in CA. You can contact them about this. They may actually be fairly interested in this as elections offices really don't like the image that people are getting paid for specific votes.
Georgia, 23, M, Employed "Mother-in-law" wants to file for my child as her dependant
I recently had my first child, and this was a bit unexpected to say the least, so my finances weren't in the best order. However, i did provide all that my needed as a baby and my child. My kid and her mom both live with the grandmother (on her mom's side) for half of each week due to my retail hours, but I am the sole provider for my kid as her mom is a student. Her grandmother has bought a few items here and there, but as far as her main support, that comes solely from my income (formula, clothes, diapers, etc.). I make around 45k a year. My issue is, her grandmother wants to claim my kid, even though she doesn't actually provide anywhere close to half the support. My kid and her mom both spend half of each week with me at my own apartment, I also provide financial support to my kid's mom, but I won't try to claim her since I understand her mom (granny) needs the money from the tax credit. TL;DR My kid's granny wants to claim him/her. I don't think that's fair since I provide all her support. My kid's mom doesn't work, and only stays with the grandma for half of each week due to long work hours. What can I do?
this isn't a question of what anybody *wants.* this is a question of what the law is. but the IRS has a handy-dandy little tool to help you figure it out: https://www.irs.gov/uac/Who-Can-I-Claim-as-a-Dependent%3F
Accounts created using my email address(es)
Lately, there have frequently been more people using my email address and email addresses with my domains to create accounts at websites. Some of them require you to login to unsubscribe. Is it legal for me to reset the passwords for these accounts and change the email address? Location is in the U.S. Topic: Computer and Internet
I always go with 'Reset password, remove email information (or replace email to one of said services own, we'll see how they like being signed up for an account and spammed without verifying the email address is correct!) , delete account if possible' personally. Why? How can I be sure this isn't someone trying to impersonate me? Impostor fraud is quite common, with fake or cloned accounts and hijacked accounts being the most popular ways of doing it. That said, I do have some repeat dopplegangers I treat a little more nicely. Finally had to talk one through creating his own facebook account after I'd deleted three of them out from under him. Poor guy is 81 and still doesn't understand how email addresses work, despite fifteen minutes of both myself and one of his grandchildren explaining it to him.
Employer tells us there are "gaps" in our health insurance coverage while still charging us the premiums.
This is in NJ. As the title says, last week my employer told us that there's been a "gap" in our coverage. It was suggested that if we have any scheduled appointments, to tell the doctors offices to hold off on billing our insurance until next month. The thing is, they're still deducting our premiums from our paychecks, while not actually providing us any coverage, and on top of that, they didn't notify us of this "gap" which appears to have occurred April 1st, until halfway through the month. This is also the 2nd time in the past year they've done this in the past calendar year. Is there any course of action here? Some sort of agency that can be notified of this? I certainly don't want to make a stink about it for fear of losing my job, but it seems very negligent of them to do this.
>Is there any course of action here? Some sort of agency that can be notified of this? I certainly don't want to make a stink about it for fear of losing my job, but it seems very negligent of them to do this. You should start looking for another job. This wasn't negligence, it's because they are having financial problems and used the insurance money to pay something else. I wouldn't be surprised if they are failing to pay their payroll taxes as well.
Roommate says I touched them in an uncomfortable way.
I have a roommate whom I’ve lived with for over a year now. Things have always been fine between us up until recently. The night before last she had a friend over, and when I heard them talking she told the friend that I had touched her when I knew she didn’t want to be touched, and said it made her have bad vibes and felt I was creepy. I don’t know where it’s coming from other than that I know she’s been talking to a guy who’s jealous that she has a roommate who’s a guy. Other than that I don’t know why she’s said this. I spoke with her and she got angry and told me she doesn’t care what happens to me. I don’t really have anywhere else to go right now. No family or friends where I live. What can I do? If it comes down to one person’s word over another, will it mean I’m screwed because I’m a guy? Topic: Criminal Law
Uh, what’s your question? Are you just trying to get her to stop saying stuff like that?
Uber eats is screwing me
So i delivered uber eats to a person (I have the trip info and the finance info from it) decided to report a month after the delivery ( and i should add they tipped me through the APP!) decided to report that they didn't get the delivery A MONTH after the delivery and uber sent me a message saying they reviewed the gps and decided i didn't deliver it. even though the dude tipped me which is an obvious point to me having delivered it. Not to mention if the actually pulled the gps the would have SEEN that i had delivered it.
It's worth pointing out that Uber Eats and similar services solicit a tip when ordering, before the food is actually delivered. Your situation sucks and I wish you the best, but the mentioning tip doesn't really help to support your position
Can an employer legally sell jobs to the highest bidder?
There is a techbro recently discussed on r/recruitinghell trying to make a start-up where you pay money to “skip interviews” which sounds a lot like just paying for a job. Is that legal? Would it matter who gets the money, and who gets employed?
This sounds like the worst possible way I could imagine to hire peopleAnswer #2: An employer can hire on whatever basis they choose as long as they’re not illegally discriminating.Answer #3: My father used to hire people by simply offering the job to the first qualified applicant to walk in his door. This method actually sounds worse (Edit: assuming you want to genuinely hire workers to do jobs properly and not just run your tech company as a pyramid scheme kept afloat by the ~~fees~~ bribes paid by job seekers)
Ex-gf gave me a temporary restraining order.
Broke up with my crazy ex couple weekends ago, and now she’s trying to get one last punch in by playing the victim and trying to get me in some real trouble with domestic abuse. She gave a report to he police about our final fight, some of which was lies and some truth, with some things carefully left out on her end. There is a court hearing next week, and I want to talk to the detective that is handling the case to clear it all up beforehand. Should I lawyer up if it sounds like it’s something that shouldn’t really be a problem? I’m pretty broke so I can’t get a good one anyway. What do you guys suggest doing right now? Edit: I’m in California for legal purposes
> Should I lawyer up if... Yes. That which follows the "if" is irrelevant. Restraining orders are serious business.Answer #2: > I want to talk to the detective that is handling the case to clear it all up beforehand. Bad idea. Nothing good can come of that for you. Anything you could possibly say to the detective before court can be said in court instead, or rather, in the presence and under the guidance of your attorney.Answer #3: > There is a court hearing next week, and I want to talk to the detective that is handling the case to clear it all up beforehand. Impossible. It is not being handled by a detective at this point, it is being handled by a court. > Should I lawyer up if it sounds like it’s something that shouldn’t really be a problem? If she lied in her earlier statements then it **is** a problem. Will she lie this time? Will she tell different or bigger lies? Would you know what to do in court if she did? I think having a lawyer will be much better in the long run, although it is NOT necessarily the case that a less expensive lawyer is less competent, so it's probably OK to go with whoever you can afford (or who takes a payment plan).
How to get half of my deceased mother's house/land which my sister now inhabits.
Location: Texas My mother passed away in April 2015. My uncle is the executor of her will. Her assets were to be divided up 50/50 between my sister and I. All is going well on most fronts. We agreed it would be a good idea for her and her children to move into the house and I would move into a trailer house on the property (I usually just rent apartments) until all of the deeds are transferred, be closer to family, etc. My sister and her children were living in this trailer house before my mother passed. I believe she is in the process of getting the house homesteaded in her name for tax purposes. During this time I've helped her out financially, only about $4,000 in total. In trying to recoup some of this money now that she's on her feet somewhat she has completely stonewalled me. At this time, I would like to be compensated for my 50% stake in the home, as well as the 8 acres of land it sits on and then I'll wash my hands of the situation and move on. My uncle (the executor) is of the mindset to work it out if we can but I'm about done, actually yeah I'm done. We have a probate lawyer that isn't the brightest bulb in the room. What are my options to move on? She can have the house and the land, I don't care, but I want to be compensated for my stake in it. As a caveat, the house has no deed that I'm aware of. It was built by my grandfather, passed down to my mother and uncle, and then passed down to my sister/myself. If I had to guess an appraisal value on it I would say around $50k. The land is now deeded to myself and my sister. Thanks for any help.
It would behoove you to obtain your own attorney, especially if your probate attorney isn't doing a great job. Even if he was great, he isn't out for your best interest, he's out for the interest if the estate. I like the solution below concerning having her get a loan to pay you your portion, but i suspect that can only work if she is legitimately scared you'll forclose on her and force a sale if she doesn't cooperate, and that will likely require representation.
Neighbor won't sign permission waiver, which allows the contractor access our easement to tent and fumigate our home.
Unless i agree to pay for any plants that die in the process. I live on a zero-lot-line. The neighbor has 4 bushes with trunks from 6 inches to 13 inches from my wall. The branches and leaves touch my home and all the plants are so close to my home that they fall directly under my roof. Also termite company won't fumigate without the neighbors permission...so the neighbor is effectively stopping me from maintaining my home. What can i do?
They're within their rights to not sign, and you're within your rights to find a termite company that will do the job without a waiver. Offer to replace plants that may be killed. Take before photos and have the neighbor provide an accounting of what kind of plantings they are.
[CA] Hooligans egged/broke my window, landlord says he’s not responsible?
About 3 days ago, some hooligans egged/broke my window(very old and fragil). We’re new to the area, so we don’t know anyone. (However, our landlord is not well liked in the area, so that might have something to do with it) Our landlord lives in the back of the house in his own space. Immediately let him know about the window, and he said he would fix it in a week or two. Today, he texted my girlfriend this. “Unfortunately I'm not responsible for your broken front window and renters insurance probably won't cover it on the deductible because that winter will probably be $150 but it's up to you guys if you want to live with it like that.” What rights do I have? Can he really do that? What can I do about this? Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
As I understand it, the warranty of habitability requires unbroken windows in CA and the landlord may not avoid it, legally. I see no way you can be held liable for vandalism. It *may* be different if you broke it yourself, but I'd be willing to bet they'd have to fix it then bill you or the like. If, after informing them in writing, they do not repair it then you have the right to either withhold rent until the repair is made or you can repair it and deduct the reasonable cost of the repair. This sort of issue can get complicated. I'd suggest contacting local legal aid if you can't afford an attorney. There are very specific procedures you have to follow for this sort of thing. There is likely a free legal aid option close to you. Here's a [website](http://lawhelpca.org/subtopics/landlord-and-tenant-issues) recommended by the CA Attorney General's website that should help you find that, if you need it.
Fired for “Poor Lack of Judgement” 5 Days before Christmas with no severance.
I have worked for the past 18 months as a senior executive at very large software company. I received a new manager( Let’s call him Mike) the first week of December. Mike, my new manager had a negative opinion of me before he was promoted to be my direct manager. I had received feedback from one of my peer managers who Mike used to report to before being promoted. This peer manager told me that Mike had told him prior that Mike felt like I shouldn’t be a manager at the company and that Mike was unimpressed with me. This feedback was relayed to me while Mike was interviewing for the role as my new manager. I was also interviewing for the role but decided to withdraw my candidacy for multiple reasons. For the end of year, I wanted to reward my team with an outing to go sailing down in Miami. I collaborated with my team on a couple of ideas on what they wanted to do end of year and everyone agreed that sailing would be awesome. These end of year gathering are typical in sales organizations and are often referred to as QBR’s or Quarterly Booking Review. These QBR’s generally include a fun team building activity or outing coupled with formal meetings and discussions regarding performance for the quarter. My direct reports have had really rough year due to leadership turnover, lack of strategy and vision, plus no formal compensation plan put in place until late October. Long story short, I wanted to build moral and team synergy going into 2020 and we all agreed a couple day sailing trip would do the trick. Additionally, I had one new hire that was planning on attending plus another hire that was formally starting in Feb 2020. It was a great opportunity to onboard the new hires, celebrate the hard work of 2019, and plan for 2020. Most of my team was already residing in Florida which made the event more cost effective and convenient. All of the guys were super excited. I started making plans, gather cost information, and preparing the expense proposal for my VP who was my direct supervisor at the time. Most of the scheduling and finalization took place over Thanksgiving break. I had a scheduled face to face one on one with my VP the following week to seek his approval for the outing. The Monday before the face to face with my VP, I received a call from Mike who had just formally started that very day. He said my VP asked him to call me in regards to the boat reservation expense I had submit via expense report over the Thanksgiving break. I told Mike all about the event and that I was planning on seeking my VP’s approval in my 1-on-1 the following day. Mike didn’t express any concern and seemed passive after I gave him the information regarding the event. Mike had no problem with the event or didn’t seem to care at the time and suggested I speak with my VP directly, which I had already scheduled. I decided to reach out to my VP directly post the call with Mike to clear up any confusion. My VP explained that he didn’t feel the event had good optics end of year since the division hadn’t fully hit our targets. He felt my team should be focusing on closing end of year business, which we didn’t have or were forecasting. He did not approve the event,m so I cancelled the reservation right after our call and the deposit I had placed to hold the boat was refunded in full. Done deal, team was bummed. Fast forward to Dec. 20th. I received an calendar invite from Mike and HR requiring my presence in person 3 hours before the scheduled time. Mike was on a conference bridge while an HR rep was in person. I thought the meeting was to perform 9-block planning(employee assessment exercise) for my employees. Mike opened the meeting by stating that he thought the event showed a poor lack of judgement on my part and that I could no longer be trusted as a leader. I was terminated effective immediately. Mike then disconnected from the conference bridge and I was left with HR. The HR representative claimed that they did an investigation and that the members of my team felt the event was unsafe, compulsory, and inappropriate. I was never spoken too as part of the investigation. HR also claimed that my team members said they would have rather been focusing on closing end of year business. I was given no severance, extension of health benefits....nothing. 5 days before Christmas and the last day before the company closes the book for the year and shutdown until Jan. 2nd I have worked at the company for 18 months and my team has outperformed in multiple areas. My wife is pregnant with our second child who is due in April and we have a 2 year old at home. My father was recently hospitalized and is struggling tremendously. I am the sole breadwinner. I have always been a hard working honest employee with zero HR infractions or warnings. To be terminated 5 days before Christmas without severance or support I feel is harsh and unjustified. Especially considering the event never happened. I was completely blown away by the whole situation, I still am! I have seen this company payout severance in much more extreme terminations like harassment and insubordination. In fact, two of my direct reports where awarded 3 months severance for fairly serious infractions. I was especially hurt that HR claimed my employees had said those things during an investigation. I have always had what I felt was a very open door relationship with my team members. I consider them friends and they have confided in me and I in them regarding very personal information. Something didn’t sit right with HR’s claims. I then decided to reach out to each member of my team via phone and directly ask them if they felt the trip was inappropriate, unsafe, and if I made them feel like they couldn’t approach me about it. Everyone I spoke too confirmed that they never said or felt any of those things. In fact, they stated the exact opposite and that the event was something they were most excited about. I recorded these conversations with each team member using my cell phone. Before recording, I check and discovered that per my local state law I could record as long as one of the parties on the call consented, which in this case was myself. I did not inform each team mate that I was recording. My logic in recording the calls was mainly for my own documentation and to ensure I didn’t mis-quote anyone. I am not sure if the recorded calls can be used in a court room but at least I knew what each person would say if they were directly asked the same question during a trial. It also gave me piece of mind that I wasn’t a bad leader as HR and Mike were trying to paint. It would have really hurt me if my employees didn’t feel like they could express concern or approach me. We mutually made the plans together as a team so I was pretty confident Mike and HR were fabricating cause to have me terminated. So my question is: Do I have grounds to sue? I feel defamed, which I am not sure how to quantify but this was certainly an attack on my reputation and leadership. This company typically pays severance and I am being treated differently. Could they just be making up a bogus reason to fire me to hide a more discriminatory reason? I know what at-will employment entails but is there something to be down with the call recordings showing possible fabrication or lack of HR due diligence? Lastly, this company is extremely well know globally for being one of the best companies to work for. They have received numerous awards and recognitions regarding there investment into employees and benefits. They always seem to have a lot of good press, especially locally, that talks about their respect and treatment of employees. They claim to be all about employees and their families toting a high caliber of work life balance. Terminating someone 5 days before Christmas for bogus cause, no severance, a pregnant wife and young family at home is just cruel. Would there be any benefit to talking to a reporter or newspaper? Thanks for taking the time to read everyone! I am really eager to get some of your insight here. Please forgive any typos or misspelling as I am typing with brevity and a toddler in my lap.
>So my question is: Do I have grounds to sue? For what? You planned a party that your boss didn't like. Nothing in your narrative suggests this was discriminatory in nature.
2 misdemeanor charges can anyone give me advice
I'm 15 year\-old 9th grader and my world seems to be falling apart. Last week stupidly my friend and I decided to spray paint a storage room in a apartment complex we live at. Let me go back a little bit. So I was skateboarding once and I noticed a storage room that was open. On the lock side of it , it had marks on it that showed that someone broke into it. So one day my friend and I decided to spray paint the inside walls of the storage room and put holes in the walls too. After what we did we left and never came back. And last week on Thursday I was picked up from school by my parents. They were really mad and asked me why I did it, etc. They told me that my friend has confessed and told the cops on what happened. And that I was going to have to answer the questions that the cops had. You might be thinking why did this stupid teenager to do this. I know it was really stupid , when I decide to do stupid things that will get me in trouble I don't think about the consequences. So I talked to the cops they told me my friend had confessed. They had a camera and they took pictures of the damages I have done with my friend. They asked me what I did and I told them that I spray painted the walls and put holes in the walls with my friend. They also asked me if I broke the lock on the door and I told them it was like that, and my friend said the same thing. \(Note my friend and I were interrogated at separate times and we never made contact with each other after the incident \) When I kicked the walls I left a shoe mark. They asked me for the shoe and I gave it to them. They took a picture of it and gave it back to me. If I remember correctly I'm being charged with 2 misdemeanors which they are : break in and entering , and vandalism. \(Note I was taking concerta for behavioral issues since I had ADHD, I started taking it in 7th grade and I stopped taking it 1 month before the incident happened. I really need any advice anyone can give me. I will have a court but I don't know the date of it yet. I also live in the state of NC.
Well you shouldn't have spoken with the police without a lawyer present. When you go to court ask for a public defender if your parents won't provide one.
Chalking Tires
Have you literally never parked a car at a meter or timed space before?
[MO] Recieved money from someone about to commit suicide
I was online on a site much like this and started talking to someone who was adamant on killing themselves. I tried to talk them out of it but they were set on doing it and nothing I said could've helped them. I didnt know their true location to contact authorities or anyone. As a joke, I was telling them that if they are gonna die anyways, send me some money cause it's not like they'd need it and this person was a forever alone type with no friends or family or anything. So they actually sent me a few hundred bucks much to my surprise. They usually get on daily and they haven't been on for a week since they said they'd do it so I assume they really did kill themself. So do I have to worry about anything with this money?
That’s a crazy situation. They willfully sent the money, there’s no worry there. I would however try to report it to the site administrator. Nobody is going to car about the money, but maybe you they can contact the local authorities if they have enough information on the person. It’s doubtful but worth a shot to possibly save someone’s life.
I keep going sent home from work on the only day I'm scheduled to work. Illinois.
I posted earlier but I'm reposting again because I posted at 2am 😅 Sorry if this isnt the right sub I didn't know where I should post this, I just wanna hear some opinions if that's okay. Im working at a fast food place this summer in Chicago, IL and my schedule ranges from 4-5 days a week. I started in May and told them I can stay until the end of August when I go back to school. My general manager went on vacation 2 weeks ago and left a schedule that is supposed to last for the whole 3 weeks he's gone for. The new schedule he made only has me working 1 day a week! That's not even the worst part. It looks like purposefully scheduled 3 other employees to work the same shift as me, the limit of employees on that particular shift is 3. First week I show up after he leaves for vacation I get sent home, because there were already 3 other girls there. Second week, it's just me and 2 other girls. Then my coworker gets a call from the morning manager (who had just left) telling her to send me home if the other (4th) girl shows up. She never shows up, I got to stay the full shift. Yesterday, I show up and the afternoon manager says "Oh you dont work here...erm..I mean you're not on schedule...I mean you are on the schedule today but you're going home. You weren't supposed to work last week either why didn't you go home." It was just her there. The other 2 girls hadn't shown up yet. I have a friend who works at another location for the same chain, and I would've transferred to their location since week 1 of this "1 day a week" madness but I cant work there because I'm still "working" here. Managers won't tell me why I'm scheduled to work even tho I just get sent sent home. What do they benefit from doing this? Why not just fire me? Do they want me to quit? Is there anything I should be doing?
They're probably hoping that if you quit, you won't think you can get unemployment, and that by avoiding an unemployment claim, they'll keep the cost of their insurance down. Or they hate conflict and don't have the guts to actually fire you. Either way, this is classic constructive dismissal. If you quit fairly promptly, you _should_ still be eligible for unemployment while you look for a new job, on the basis that the schedule change and being sent home from every subsequent shift effectively terminated your employment. That's not a guarantee, but it's likely your best option. Look for another job, and if you do quit "voluntarily," file for unemployment anyways.
D.u.i. Experience in mesa,az
It all started 23 months ago, I make a legal left turn,into the proper lane and there he was ,out of no where, tailing me on his motorcycle ,lights flashing ,siren wailing. I find a safe place to stop,the officer approaches my vehicle ,I'm a bit nervous,I had just quit smoking cigarettes 5 days prior,I had not been drinking or any recreational drugs either . I hand him my d.l and insurance and he explains to me why he stopped me,I had hit the white center line as I made my left turn.......really! And from here it went south fast ,why you nervous ,have you been drinking,no officer and next thing I know he has me out walking the line ect. Then here comes the goon squad,4 gorillas climb out of a large black armored 4 wheel drive,D.E.A. Plasterd across there chests ,backs,and hats. Well here's where I made a mistake and let them search the car,being my then g.f s car I had borrowed ,I assumed nothing would be in it,wrong. They ended up finding a small amount of weed and pipe . The officer is now testing me with the light in the eyes test,as the officer has me follow the light,one of the goons is standing behind the officer ,head practically sitting on officers shoulder ,making stupid faces at me as I'm trying to follow this light. Well now the officer is not arresting me,but is going to take me in and give me a blood and urine test ,tow the car ,and it can be picked up at the tow yard for 25.00 by owner. I give my blood and urine and a d.m.v slip no ticket for anything,and I'm released. As the cop walks me out,he is offering me a cigarette, in which I said no I have quit ,and then he is like lets talk about your case ,I told him there is absolutely nothing to talk about and left. It's 23 months later,my licence is still suspended ,and I have not received anything in the mail ,court date ,nothing.I went down to police station this week and ordered a police report ,and will be receiving it in a few weeks,it is the report that was filed the same day I was stopped by officer. I have the officers phone# and extension and have left several messages this week with case # have not heard back. I guess I'm posting here to vent,and to see if anyone has had an experience similar, and what was the out come,I realize I'm going to need a lawyer to get this taking care of,I just can't see the reason for the huge time lapse,and realize the D.A only has one year if misdemeanor to file charges .thanks for reading .
What happened when you followed the advice given last time? [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/3pcwca/az_license_suspension/) You also forgot to mention this time that you failed to contact the DMV in a timely manner. If you continue posting with no new info they will be deleted. Only warning.
Need legal advice regarding my daughter getting a serious injury at daycare (Pennsylvania)
So I am 200 miles away at work, my wife got a call at her office today, she is literally across the road from our daycare, my 2 1/2 year old daughter "fell" onto the corner of a bookcase in the classroom according the school (I feel like this isn't whole truth however) , my wife went to pick her up and she clearly needed to go to the ER, she has a HUGE gash on her forehead that has required 6 stitches and has a suspected concussion. we have had serious concerns with staffing levels at the daycare before, this isn't a cheap daycare either and I feel that an injury this serious is at the very least negligence on the part of the daycare at worst case actual endangerment at having something in a classroom for children that age that could cause an injury of this type. so here is the question, what do I do? clearly I feel like we should remove her from this place and find an alternative ASAP, and I feel like we should report them to the state. do I sue for negligence? my wife is surprisingly more calm about this right now, perhaps as she has been at the hospital all day with my daughter she is just tired about it and as I am so far away until tomorrow I am just very emotionally high on this right now as I feel like I can't do anything right now. thanks in advance for any discussion and advice anybody can offer.
> (I feel like this isn't whole truth however) I'm wondering what you think happened. I have a two-year old. He falls into stuff constantly.
Being stalked and the police won't help
Long story short, me and my girlfriend are being stalked and harassed by an ex-girlfriend of mine. She is mostly harassing my girlfriend and it's been going on for about six months. She has followed her to work and left messages on her car. She has left messages on her door telling her to "be ready for tonight". She constantly creates fake profiles and pretends to be someone "I'm fooling around with." She has found someone very tech savvy who showed her how to spoof phone calls and texts. She even found a way to inject malware into our phones and was able to get a hold of our logins and passwords for everything. She was reading our message and sending messages to other people pretending to be us. We had to format our phones and computers after that and I'm paranoid it's not still there. For a while my girlfriend was friends with a sheriff that would send people over to watch her house at night. Because of all this she has moved to a different location and the new police force will not do anything. They told her that unless the girl does anything physical then they are too busy to do anything effective. I would really like to know what our options are because we don't know how much more of this we can take. Any help is greatly appreciated. Edit: this is happening in Georgia
If you have evidence that this ex-girlfriend is doing these things, you can seek a restraining order. Other than that, keep filing police reports when these incidents occur.Answer #2: It's the "injecting malware" part that stopped me. How in the world would she have been able to do this without having possession of your phones?
[Arizona] A person is copying techniques and methods developed by our company and profiting off them.
My mother is a professional quilter that has developed unique techniques over the past 15 years. These techniques are unique to her and her business and there was never anything like it this field before she began. We have two retail websites that sell instructional DVDs and real products that are unique to her techniques. We have been producing original videos for YouTube and for sale on a digital download based site since 2008. Lately someone that was close to the family developed a website selling the exact same products and producing instructional videos that mimic our videos, word for word in some sections. To say that this has caused stress and pain in my family is putting it lightly. To the best of my knowledge none of this was done with authorization from us. We are unsure of what direction we can take to stop her producing content with our unique techniques. Our goal would be to force her to stop production of any more content with our techniques and to have her current content removed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
While your mother has a copyright on the videos themselves, the copyright doesn't extend to the methods she demonstrates, and it's questionable whether she could even patent those methods. So you could send a somewhat generic demand for them to cease and desist infringing on your mother's intellectual property, but if they just modify their videos so they're not using the same description of the techniques, there's probably nothing you can do.
Larimer County, Colorado - Afraid I might've unintentionally lied to the cops about a domestic abuse spat, wondering if telling the (complicated) truth would result in jail time for myself
I called the cops on my ex a year ago because he was hitting me. Never spoke to the guy until the no contact order was lifted. Even still, we didn't get along so communication was limited to texting. One morning, many months later but while he was still on probation for the DV charge, I woke up to find him kneeling next to my bed going through my phone. I told him to leave and he did. I called the cops, genuinely terrified, shaken, and thoughtlessly. He was charged with burglary and an additional DV charge. I have a history of sleep paralysis. It always happens in the early morning hours, 3:00-5:00 AM. If you've had it you can understand how real it is and how shaken a person is once they've managed to fully wake up from it. I'm aware how stupid this all sounds, to call the cops over a silly dream. The only thing is, is that sleep paralysis feels very much like real life and I'd already had regular nightmares about that person and I in life or death fights. I called the cops because I was truly terrified but I am not so sure that what I saw that morning was him or the sleep paralysis...but I'm pretty certain it wasn't him. If I confess all of these things to the DA or when this person stands trial, what will happen to me? It is the right thing to do so I guess I'll just have to accept whatever the consequences are, but I'd like to have an idea beforehand.
If you are honestly not certain you actually saw him discuss it with the prosecutor in his case. You won't be in trouble for anything. You didn't lie to anyone, you simply may have been mistaken, and that's no crime.
Rear-ended in traffic
I was recently in a car accident where I was rear-ended while stopped and collided with a car in front of me. I was taken to a hospital after the steering wheel airbag deployed and injured both of my hands. I’m not exactly sure what happened but there were sharp edges in the middle of the steering wheel and I ended up with a gash in my right hand which received 10 stitches and a broken thumb on the left hand. The other party’s insurance has already taken responsibility but I was wondering if this case warrants a lawyer? I’ll be out of work for a few days and want to help myself out best as possible thanks for any advice or insight!
Consult with a lawyer. The initiatial consultation is typically free.Answer #2: Takata airbag?
I[29M] started dating a woman[26F] 1 ago facing a divorce, suddenly the husband decided that he doesn't want to divorce and began to abuse her physically and threatening to take off her daughter (Please do not judge and read, I'm desperate)
We worked together for three years, she began to think about divorce and in the middle we fell in love, at first nothing happened, she was still married and we talked about it, she started talking with her husband about divorce and at that moment our relationship began to grow. They have a 4 year old daughter so they took it easy to do their best for her. The first months were perfect, she was happy, the divorce was advancing and our relationship progressed more and more. We never talked much about her marriage, within a few months the husband found out that she was dating me, did not take it very well but they were getting divorced so it was not a big problem, they went ahead with their divorce and seeing how to arrange the schedules and care of the daughter. With the husband knowing about us, we keep seeing each other, he never said anything, he knows who I am and he never made any problems about it (I think he just knew that they were getting divorced and did not care.) The husband wanted them to go to a psychologist and they started going, she just wanted to divorce in peace and in the best way for her daughter so they went to do it in the best way. We even started seeing each other for the end of whole weeks, everything went well with her divorce and they were going with the husband on how they were going to get ready with the daughter. But a few months ago it started to look strange, she started having constant fights with her husband in front of the whole family and the daughter and not wanting to talk about it with me. She always came crying with me and more I tried to know what happened to her more she refused to speak. She has a past of abuse of which not many know of their previous relationships (physical and mental abuse) and had a sexual abuse of part of a cousin of which no one knows, even the husband. Three months ago she came crying, shattered, told me that something bad happened that reminded her of her past and refused to talk about it, I respect her decision but I started to worry and try to talk constantly with her, she refused and only told me that what she wanted was to divorce but that it began to be something complicated. Two months ago we had a talk in which she confess that the husband began to refuse divorce, and began to act violently. What had happened to her a month before was that the husband sexualy abused her (They had not had sex since they had decided to divorce for more than 7 months) and since then forced her to have sex constantly. He began to threaten her with taking the daughter if she did not stop the divorce. We were talking and she is afraid and refuses to talk to me and ask for help. I am very worried and more worried I show her she takes more distance since she does not want to talk about it. I really do not know what to do or how to help her, I'm desperate, guys. --- **tl;dr**: We started dating when she started her divorce, the husband was aware of our relationship but did not seem to ever bother him and they continued with the divorce, suddenly the husband does not want to divorce anymore, he knows that she is in love and going out with another person and threatening to take off her daughter if she does not stay with him and sexually abused her.
> Two months ago we had a talk in which she confess that the husband began to refuse divorce Then she needs a lawyer. There's no way around it: a contested divorce sucks, and she needs a professional on her side so that she has an emotionally-insulated and professional buffer between herself and her ex-husband. Her husband can delay the divorce, but if she filed, he can't stop it from happening. Her lawyer can put a stop to this idea that he can threaten her access to her children to get her to drop her divorce filing. If her husband is raping her or assaulting her, she can file police reports. With those in hand, she can start the process of getting a restraining order. Get her in touch with a local domestic violence shelter, as well. As for you, remember, it's not your divorce. Support your girlfriend and get her in touch with resources as she needs them, but don't try to drive the process or make decisions for her. She's had enough shitty, controlling partners in her life, it sounds like, and she needs someone she can trust.Answer #2: She can go talk to a divorce lawyer if she's interested in getting a divorce.
Creepy, racist, demeaning school superintendent gets new job after being forced out from last school district.
Should I contact the school board members and send them “proof” of how this guy is a bad choice. He just started working there 2 months ago. Had the new school district dug down deep enough in the internet, they would have found this information.
Sure, but you better send real proof, not “proof”.
[LA/NY] My public university is refusing to remove a failing grade I received because I had a medical problem which caused me to miss classes. What do I do next?
My university is in Louisiana, I currently live in New York. For medical reasons I missed a lot of class last semester. The situation was handled poorly by the professor who also demonstrated a pattern of unprofessional behavior.[1] I appealed the grade following my university's procedure and was denied. The only answer I got from the dean was that he believed my medical status was "irrelevant" to my academic work even though I had a letter from my doctor stating otherwise. I appealed the decision with the vice president and again was denied this time without explanation (She literally ignored my question when she responded). I sent a last appeal to the president and as delicately as I could informed him if he refused to work with me I would be forced to bring in a lawyer. My doctor and parents are both pretty shocked that this is happening. I spoke to my doctor and we are in agreement either: A). The university is trying to protect the professor who handled things badly. B). The first dean doesn't see my medical condition (which is diagnosed DSM-IV mental health issue) as 'legitimate'. (Which isn't that crazy knowing how extremely conservative and opinionated some of the faculty are.) and for whatever reason his superiors have his back. My parents and doctor are in full support of hiring a lawyer. What type of lawyer am I looking for? Should I contact a lawyer in LA or NY or someone who deals with federal law (From what I understand this might fall under federal law if this is discrimination based on health)? This has been an overall horrible experience and totally uncalled for and I just want to get it sorted out as quickly and painlessly as possible. [1] For those who care: The professor: submitted no grades other than the final class grade, submitted no attendance records online, used inappropriate language with me when discussing my class work, regularly let class out HOURS early (its a 4 hour class but sometimes we'd be there for 15 minutes), and lastly the professor made a joke about my situation to my face when they told me I was failing due to absences.
Did you document your disability with the appropriate office at your school and formally request accommodations, or did you just appeal after your grade was announced?
Brother stole my paintings - how do I get them back?
First, some background. My brother is: -a former reservist for the Canadian Armed Forces -a full-time firefighter -in school P/T (earning a degree) -is currently staying with my parents while he rents out his downtown condo to some Europeans -single, bachelor -travels a lot -buys himself nice shit -owns a few rental properties -is a decent uncle to my kids, but doesn't ever give them gifts (for birthdays, Christmas, Christenings...I mean $0 and no card) -would be there for me if I needed him, and I know he loves me, and he's my only brother A few years ago, I saved up some cash and bought myself a couple of expensive canvas prints - they were $250 each. A few weeks after putting them up, he was visiting and without my noticing he literally removed them from my wall, packed them into his car and drove away. When I questioned him about them he said they "looked crappy" in my house and would suit his, more modern downtown apartment better. I laughed it off and asked him to return them next time he came by. Weeks went by; he never returned them. I asked for him to reimburse me, he said he wouldn't. He never actually have me a reason why he did this - and never expressed remorse or gratitude. I asked about 50x. I got my parents involved (at this point, livid) - but like every other brother-sister fight, they wouldn't get involved. I finally decided to try and let it go. FFWD several years and his extreme cheapness (towards my small kids) started to bother me. We recently had an argument about something money-related, and now that we are kind of on the outs I've been thinking about the paintings, and I'm angry all over again. Mainly because there are a couple of strangers enjoying them, instead of me. My father again refused to get involved. Please help me devise a plan to get these back. I do not have access to his place. He's a jerk, so "please can I have them back (+ logic)?" won't work. TL;DR Brother stole a couple of my paintings a few years ago and now I want them back. He lives in my city but is currently renting his place out, so I don't have access to it.
Generally when someone steals something you call the police. Not sure how that will work out, but the police won't care if he's cheap or not. And since it's been so long they *might* tell you it's a civil matter over which you'd have to sue. > When I questioned him about them he said they "looked crappy" in my house and would suit his, more modern downtown apartment better. I laughed it off and asked him to return them next time he came by. Was this over text or email, and if so, do you still have those texts/emails?Answer #2: Your recourse is to sue him for the value of the paintings, in small claims court. Plus court costs. Whether it's worth the family strife is your call.
Ryanair refuses to refund flight tickets
Hi all, I bought 2 return tickets with Ryanair for my mum and my niece to fly from Spain to the UK via [gotogate.com](https://gotogate.com) The website kept on crashing after entering the debit card details and giving an error message. I, mistakenly, enter my mum's email address ending in .com instead of .es, so we did not receive confirmation of purchase. My mum checked her bank account and no money had been taken out. I thought the payment had not gone through and ending buying the tickets through another website with another airline. A couple of days letter my mum noticed that [gotogate.com](https://gotogate.com) had charged her for the tickets we thought had not gone through. After speaking to [gotogate.com](https://gotogate.com) and explaining what had happened, they agreed to refund the money but said I needed to contact Ryanair myself to request the refund as they had not access to the booking. I did so, but Ryanair just keeps on sending default replies refusing to refund the money. Does anyone know how to get around this, please? Thanks!
Ryanair don't give refunds. Unless you can force gotogate to do something there's not really anything you can do except change the flights so you can use the tickets for something else.
Windshield broken by item thrown by driver in front of me. I have it on video. Police don't care.
Contact your insurance and sue the driver in small claims.
If a spy married a woman, had kids, did his duty and fled back to his old country, can the woman legitimately sue for child support?
It sounds stupid but most likely it’s happened. Say a spy goes to the UK, gets married has children and once he is ordered to return home he does. Would the marriage be nullified legally in both nations? Could she sue for child support
This has happened within the UK, where undercover police officers have married and had children while maintaining a false identity, then vanished (it has probably happened in the US given their track record but I don't know for certain). There was a controversy a year or two ago about the company Lush protesting this. I would like to know whether the answer is any different here than in OP's scenario.
[Uk] Asked to pay money for "downloading" porn
A few weeks ago I was sent a letter by a company that told me that my isp had downloaded porn, and that I was to pay them 11k in reparations. I was referred to a citizens advice website where I was able to write a letter to them denying that I downloaded the porn. Today I received a letter from them asking for 350.00, and that I should send a cheque within the next 7 days or they will take me to court. How should I respond to this? Thanks
Ignore it, this is a common scam, downloading porn is not illegal, and even if you pirated it, the isp does not ask for 'reparations'. Do not send them any money or personal info.Answer #2: 1.) /r/legaladviceUK 2.) In general, your choices are pay or wait and see if you get sued.
If I keep a log of a co-worker's indiscretions can I use it against them in a court of law?
Indiscretions are rarely illegal or actionable.
Someone keeps dumping trash in the back of my pick up truck can I take action?
I park my truck every day in a garage for work. This past week, every day I have found trash in the back of my pick up truck. Today and a few days ago was a completely filled bag of trash. Not a small plastic bag, a full tall kitchen bag. The garage does have cameras and I have found the persons although they are blurry and I cannot identify them. I went through the trash and found several recipes for different stores they shop at, many which has an in store card that they will most likely have. Am I legally allowed and or able to investigate and find out who this person is and if I do what actions am I legally able to take against them?
You're not batman. Report it to the police.
[Kansas USA] Kind of stupid but what makes a cult illegal in the US?
Obviously taking money, group suicides, murders, imprisonment, etc. are all illegal but that is the line between Illegal cult and fanatic following? Like if I started to preach something that was more or less harmless to people and society and convince these people to leave their current lives and live in a community I built and follow my leadership but I allow them to come and go as the please, don't make them give me money but accept donations to support the community (and i keep none of the money) if they break laws they are banished etc. Is that illegal due to some cult law?
Cults aren't illegal in the US. They just don't get special immunity from crimes. If you're encouraging illegal activity or engaged in it, you wind up in trouble. If you're properly set up as a tax exempt entity to accept donations and otherwise don't do, encourage, or support illegal activity, there's no law that prevents you from having a weird hippy commune
Parent w/ Aide, Parent fell, broke wrist and face, Aide didn't call ER and left her at home after shift. Is this negligence?
As I understand it, Parent has Aide through an agency that's contracted through their New York-based MLTC insurance company (medicaid?). Parent has Aide come to cook, clean, observe med intake, and go on walks. Aide is not a nurse. This is not a private-pay service. Checked with shopping center, security video shows Aide was at Parent's side, Parent tripped on their walker and went down. Aide told me directly that Parent said they were ok, so Aide waited until bleeding stopped and left Parent at home at the end of her shift. Parent has dementia and seizure disorder and would "be fine" if they were Mel Gibson's bisected wife in the movie 'Signs'. Aide and agency are aware Parent has dementia and seizure disorder. Parent is somewhat cognitively limited and not a good self-advocate. Previous Aides have immediately called Emergency for active seizures where Parent was taken to the ER to be observed, so I don't understand why this wouldn't be considered an emergency. Especially if Parent were bleeding from the face, has a seizure disorder and clearly experienced head trauma from the fall. Aide is not obligated to go with Parent when ambulance arrives during an emergency, so there would be no added inconvenience of staying with Parent to the ER after their shift ended. Aide did not notify me or the agency this incident occurred. Parent took it upon themselves to go to the ER several hours after the fact. I called agency and MLTC and had to leave messages, no one has called back to let me know they're looking into it or to even check if she's ok. This is not a legal issue, it just to show what I have done to notify Parent's service contacts. Parent is with me and resting at the moment. Plastic surgery consult is set for tomorrow and I will be with them. So Parent's care can be more centralized and I don't have to worry about her being completely alone when these things happen in the future, we have talked about a move to assisted living after the holidays. Parent is open to this plan. Is the Aide's response or lack there of a case for negligence, especially given Parent's medical history and brain issues?
> Is the Aide's response or lack there of a case for negligence, especially given Parent's medical history and brain issues? Quite possibly. From what you describe, a reasonable reaction would have been to get the parent medical attention. Is the aid certified in any way (are they a nurse for example)?
DUI-proof plan?
Disclaimer: I've never gotten a DUI or will ever drive drunk, I'm honestly just curious. I was doing some research on how you get DUI's and thought of a scenario where it seems like a foolproof way of getting out of one. Just want somebody to shoot holes in it for me because I feel like there's no way it should work. Ok, so you're driving drunk and suddenly you see the dreaded blue lights so you pull over. You immediately turn off your car, throw the keys out the window, open the bottle of whiskey in your cup holder, and chug half of it. It's not illegal to drink in your car as long as you don't have access to the keys, and it can't be proven that you were drunk before you chugged the whiskey while you were stopped, right? Obviously you're going to blow over a .08 since you just drank a half bottle of whiskey, but they don't know if you would have blown it before the stop. I don't know if it matters for this scenario, but I live in Mississippi.
DWI Enforcement Instructor here. No, it won't work. Alcohol isn't instantly absorbed into your system. So all the evidence of intoxication that I see on the scene (with the possible exception of odor of alcohol) is due to what you drank EARLIER in the night because the new stuff hasn't hit you yet. So that will give me enough to arrest you. Then we get to the station and do the breath test. This will be affected by the new stuff you drank, so you'll be more impaired than when you were stopped. Not a problem. We take a sample, wait a half hour or so, and take. SECOND sample. That will give us the exact rate you are absorbing the alcohol. Once we have that we can mathematically compute the amount of alcohol in your blood at the time you were stopped before you drank the whiskey. You still get convicted.Answer #2: Why does this get posted so often? No, it doesn't work. Yes, it's a stupid idea.
Paying back gift money
I recently purchased a home and my parents gifted me money for the down payment. The money was a gift and stated as such in the documents. My parents are not rich, so I am now renting out one of the rooms and paying them to help support them. When I get married and if I get a divorce, if my ex-wife gets the house, she will have no obligation to rent out one of the rooms. How can I protect the "equity" my parents provided? This is in California.
Get a pre-nup. That solves the problem
Is it legal to name product after a famous person who is still alive? [New York]
I have an ongoing project would like to name it after Steve Wozniak. Is it legal for me to name it after him if I just his last name "Woz"?
Ahem. [A person, firm or corporation that uses for advertising purposes, or for the purposes of trade, the name, portrait or picture of any living person without having first obtained the written consent of such person, or if a minor of his or her parent or guardian, is guilty of a misdemeanor.](http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/nycode/CVR/5/50) (And Civil Law §51 sets out a private right of action to sue you for an injunction plus damages in case the misdemeanor isn't enough of a deterrent). Answer #2: Not a lawyer, but if people are buying your product because of a perceived relationship or endorsement with him and none exists, you're gonna have a bad time. That's known as false association.
[ON, Canada] Found out a "friend" has an item I lent him awhile back and now he has posted it online for sale.
I purchased a camera lens may of last year(still have the receipt). In the last year I shared this camera lens with a friend under the impression that we were sharing tools for our shared interests but at one point near summer of this year I forgot which friend I had lent it to. As it turns out, this one multiple friends whom I have been asking for months if they had it has posted an ad on a 2nd hand website with his address included in the sale. I am certain it is him but I didn't save the serial number of the item. Do I have legal recourse in any way? The camera lens is worth $400 new. Thanks for any replies.
It's not a criminal violation since you lent it to him. [EDIT: I'm wrong it could be "theft by conversion"]. I think your best recourse would be to move forward very quickly with a legitimate sounding threat: That you have found the ad, saved it to archive.is (you can really do this), you're in the process of making a report to the police, you will be getting the IP address which will link it back to him even if he deletes the ad, and you will be using every legal recourse available, including pressing both civil and criminal charges. Civil charges will include $400 plus pain and suffering of up to treble damages ($1200), and criminal charges may be (cite whatever law it is). However, if you return said item back to me within 48 hours of receipt of this letter, and I will drop all charges, both criminal and civil. You have to convince the other person that they are screwed and their best and only option is to give it back. But not so harsh that they get so scared they throw it away and hide. So it may take some finess. I give it about a 10% chance of getting it back. EDIT: It's "theft by conversion, so threat of filing a police report could be a legitimate threat.Answer #2: Have someone meet him to buy it. Have that person take a copy of the reciept and serial number. Once its in their hands have them walk away. Any push back while walking call the police. You cant steal something that you own and proof of purchase means police likely will side with you.Answer #3: Do you have any RAW files taken with this lens? You may have the lens serial number saved in the metadata.
(PA) Ex stole money from my checking account and CC, but bank ruled the theft as "authorized"...is there anything I can do? (x-post from r/personalfinance)
Hi, all. Please excuse me if I'm not coherent or make some typos. I'm really beside myself right now. I'll try to make the relationship part of this short. I met my ex (let's call him D) four years ago. We moved in together after one year together. Two years ago, we decided together that he would quit his job and go to school full-time for two years to complete his degree. He had hated his job for a long time, and basically had a guarantee of employment if he went back to school. I was 100% supportive of this, having made a huge, risky job change a few years ago. My job change improved my life exponentially, and I wanted him to have that same opportunity. We had many conversations about finances and decided that I could support us both during his schooling. Things were going well until about the last six months. I suspected him of cheating, now I think maybe it's drugs or drugs AND cheating, but it doesn't really matter now. Things blew up a few weeks ago when I found out that he hadn't attended any classes in months. We had a blow out argument and he left the house. Now to the nitty gritty. He left the house around 10pm and didn't come home that night. I called in sick to work the next day, cried, tried to contact him, nothing. Only when I tried to pick up breakfast on my way to work the next day did I realize my debit card was gone. Again, I'll skip some stuff here, but I found out that he'd withdrawn almost every penny I had. You can only withdraw $1,000 a day, so he'd done 3 withdraws: one the night of the fight, one the day after, and one at about 6am that morning. I was left with 80 bucks to my name. I found a couple other things he took when he left (a jar with a couple hundred dollars in it, some jewelry, an old tablet) and made a police report. He told the police that the money was ours together, and that he had every right to things. They told me it was a civil case and to pursue the bank fraud with the bank. Well, the bank just came back and told me that they're not refunding my money because he used a PIN and he lived with me so it's an "authorized" use. The thing is, I never gave him my pin. Never. I allowed him to use my card a couple of times in the past years to do grocery shopping or similar things, but he would always chose "credit" instead of "debit" because we were both adamant about having separate fiances even while I was supporting both of us. My pin is my dad's birthday, so maybe he figured it out or saw me use it, I'm not sure. Either way, I'm so screwed. That was every penny I had. To make matters worse, I had a credit card that I kept for emergencies. I didn't even think about it until days later, because I kept it locked away and haven't used it in years. He took that, got out as much as he could as a cash advance, and then bought a new cell phone with it. They haven't told me whether I'm responsible for those charges yet, but I'm assuming that I will be on the line for that as well. Is there anything I can do? I'm seriously and horribly fucked. My landlord was understanding last month because I explained the situation and we all thought it would just be a matter of time before I got all my cash back, but now I'm pretty sure I'm going to be evicted. Basically the only thing he didn't get was an old 401k that has a couple of hundred dollars in it, which I'll have to cash out now. The worst part is that I think I did everything right; I didn't combine finances, I never let him know my pin number, I had savings and a plan. I don't know. I just feel hopeless and broken. Is there any way to dispute this with the bank or the police? I'm at my wit's end. Sorry for the rambling and length. Here's a TLDR: * Lived with ex for 3 years, financially supported him for two years. Ex never had access to my accounts beyond using my debit card as "credit" for groceries and household items a couple of times. * Ex leaves after a fight, manages to take almost everything in my checking account, gets a cash advance on my CC and spends other money on CC * Bank rules that the withdraws were authorized because he lived with me and had my PIN; police basically say the same. I assume the CC company will say the same thing. My question is: is there any way to appeal this? What would be my next steps? I am probably going to be evicted, have basically no money to do anything. Thank you, and I'm sorry this got so long.
Report the credit card theft as well. If it's with a different bank (or even the same bank) they might not give you that "authorized" nonsense again.
If I was to message the workplace of the man who raped me warning of his behaviour, could he sue me?
I was assaulted and treated extremely disturbingly by this man. He compared me to a “little girl” after he made me bleed. If I message his college uses whom I know the email addresses of, could he sue me for defamation? My biggest concern is that he has daughters. He has multiple from multiple different women. One of the women I was able to reach out to and let her know - she will be keeping an eye on her daughter. The other woman, I was unable to find. I am also terrified of this man. I am also in Ontario, Canada.
Yes, he could sue you. In order to succeed, he'd have to show that your statements caused him damages. In order to defend yourself, you would have to show that the statements were true or opinions. It's a little more nuanced than that, with various states have (slightly) different rules, but the basic principle remains the same. The truth can never be slander or libel and opinions are protected by the first amendment.
How to handle suicidal ideation and behavior in an employee?
(Michigan) There may be a better place for this post but I'll start here. My sister is a shift manager at a corporate chain restaurant and one of the employees(mid-30s male) has been opening up to her about being severely suicidal. This employee will go into great detail about things he's considered, such as how life would go on without him. He has not detailed specific plans. My sister reached out to the general manager, who told her to say "I'm sorry you're going through this but I really dont think you should be talking about it at work. You need to find someone to talk to." Which I.... do not.... agree with. At all. I know I'm meddling, but I'm really concerned. My instinct was to tell her to call his emergency contact next time he brings it up, but I'm really not sure what you're supposed to/allowed to do as an employer in these situations. I'm aware that there's a suicide hotline. My sister mentioned it to him and he didn't call, so I'm looking for a more tangible solution here. Does anyone know if there's anything my sister can do to help without putting the employee further at risk or risking any legal trouble? Edit: Location
Why do you not agree with encouraging this man to get professional help? This seems like the best course of action. It is not appropriate to seek counseling from coworkers, and your sister could lose her job if she does not follow directions from her employers. Also, calling his emergency contact and notifying them about his mental health problems could damage his personal relationships.
Should I talk to other attorneys farther from me?
I am in the process of bringing a complaint against a bank. This complaint has numerous cause of action. The largest being RICO. The compensatory damages pre treble are in the $8,000,000 range. Before meeting with this attorney I called the other two largest firms in the area who have conflicts. (Represent the bank)This case is very complex. My attorneys have indicated it is possibly over their heads as they have never brought a RICO case and do not know all banking laws the problem is it is over the head of everyone in my area no specialists. I would have to go to a large metro the closets being 2 and a half hours away. I trust this firm and think they are sharp. My question is can a good business litigator learn new tricks or do I need a lender liability specialist. Thank you.
Banking litigation is ridiculously fact specific (Have worked in Regulatory Compliance). If your case is as potentially lucrative as you claim, then you should go to one of the larger firms.
[TN] Banned from convention without explanation
This weekend I attended and volunteered at the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention(MTAC). On Saturday evening,4/19, while waiting in line for a rave with some friends, I was asked by convention staff to go to a side room. I knew something was up, but I had to oblige them. I was detained here and kept watch by another staff member. I asked him what was going on and he said something vague about someone going around groping females at the convention(this is the only information I received and what I assume to be the charge later laid against me). After waiting a while, a staff member, the head of convention security I would assume, arrived with 3 security guards. He told me to hand over my convention badge/ticket, and that I had to leave the premises, and that I was banned from this event and all future events. Blindsided, I asked several questions like “What’s going on? What am I being accused of? Who is my accuser/ May I face my accuser?”, all of which were replied to by the officers saying things along the lines of “Sir, if you don’t come with us we will have to use force”, as big scary police officers tend to say. I had to pack up my hotel room at midnight, and drive home in the middle of the night. However, I wasn’t just going around alone at this event, I have alibis for the entire evening while I was with my friends. If they were to check the CCT footage, they would see me standing around hanging out, and then being detained… How can this be right? How can it be legal that I just be removed based on unknown charges from an accuser I didn’t even get a chance to meet? What should I do? Is this within their rights and I just have to deal with being treated this way? How can I just be assumed guilty of molestation without even being asked where I was or what I was doing? Currently, it doesn’t look like I’m facing any kind of legal action, I was just banned from the event. However, the police do have my name and information front the incident, and this unfair punishment costed me hotel/gas/badge moneys and such. I would greatly appreciate any help, I feel so defeated currently :( Topic: Other Civil Matters
Concepts like "face your accuser" etc only apply in criminal actions between you and the government. If you are charged with crimes, then you'll get the opportunities to do all those things. It's likely that, somewhere in the sign-up process, you agreed to convention rules. The rules likely included conditions under which you could be ejected from the event. Without having the actual attendee agreement, it's probably up to the discretion of the convention staff to make determinations about who needs to leave. So as far as "can they kick me out", the answer is very likely to be an emphatic "yes". If you hadn't left, they would have been within their rights to turn you over to police, have you arrested, cited for trespassing, etc. Even if they're flat-out wrong about their reasons for ejecting you -- even if they did it maliciously and knowing that you had not done anything wrong. That said, it's possible that they breached their contract with you as an attendee by ejecting you for something you can prove you did not do. If that's the case, your recourse will be to file a small claims suit against them for contractual damages. This could include the cost of attendance (the actual damages under the contract), plus possibly "incidental" damages such as the cost of travel to/from and the cost of the hotel room. But again, whether or not this constitutes a breach of contract is something that an attorney, paid by you, with access to the written contract, terms, rules, etc., would help you with. In any event, if the MTAC is a privately-run event, then they probably still have the right to bar you from attending future events, even if you've proven that you were innocent.
Advice on calling CPS?
I live in a 1st floor condo unit. My upstairs neighbors are an older woman(about 50), her daughter(about early 30's) and the daughters son(about 5 or 6). Every night, and I mean EVERY night, I can hear this poor 6 year old child being screamed at. Like, top of the lungs being screamed at. I can clearly hear every word being said, especially when I stand in the bathroom. Things being screamed like "You are such a piece of shit, (kids name)" "stop crying or I am going to beat the shit out of you" "you are a fucking asshole" "FUCK YOU" etc. both by the mom and grand mom screaming at the top of their lungs at this poor boy. Lots of slams and bangs and the child screaming and whaling at the top of his lungs. It's so loud that I actually am able to hear it and record it clearly in my bathroom. My heart breaks for the poor boy I was wondering if there is someone I can call to possibly intervene here? Idk what is enough evidence to call the police or CPS or what? There is no way this is healthy and a stable environment for a 6 year old. Me being a 22 year old, I know that me trying to talk to them would result in major problems as they are super.. uh... white trash. Any suggestions? I live in PA.
Yup, call the police and/or CPS. If it is in progress, call 911 and ask the officer to meet you at your home so they can hear it. It would be a shame if you were video recording something interesting in your home and the shouts and screams from upstairs were *so* loud that they happen to get recorded while you are video recording the interesting thingy in your home.Answer #2: I suggest you call 911 when you hear a child being beaten. I suggest that you should have called CPS when you first started hearing this. The only way you can do right by this kid now is by calling CPS and telling them what you told us.
WEST VIRGINIA Atibullying law help/principal forced students to hug?
I'm still gathering information however this is what I have so far and am still investigating claims so I can get the whole story: family member is incredibly distraught after being forced to "hug her bully". It's my understanding after ANY claim of bullying is supposed to be reported, investigated, and documented. We're attempting to get those papers. When the victim attempted to retrieve these files she was "blown off". Legally does immediate family and or the student have access to this paperwork. She's also been made to feel as if she's "tattleing". After reporting some of these bullying incidents, after physical and verbal assaults had happened, being tripped often as she has a disability involving her leg, both students (family member and said bully) were called into the principles office, we're told to stay away from each other (the bully in question verbally and has physically assaults her) they were forcefully instructed to HUG despite her displaying that the didn't want to. Being told to hug, say you're sorry, stay away from one another because the "school is so small you basically don't have a chioce" She's pretty distraught over this and I'm not sure if this is anything that's incredibly inappropriate or actually legally... I don't know... She feels extremely violated as a result. What are the procedures and punishments related to bringing a knife to school? : As of 2 weeks ago her bully had brought a knife to school, it was reported, police were involved, however (the bukly) seemed to talk her way out of it. (family member) was informed by another student that the said bully/female had a knife and "had it out for her". That information was relayed to a teacher and it was immediately reported. The homeroom teacher did report it to authorities, followed guidelines of their suspected weapon reporting, however, the female with the knife had talked her way out of it by explaining it was for her own protection and essentially playing dumb. "Did not have enough evidence of an immediate threat". This student has had prior behavioural issues. The school is incredibly rural and small so it seems things aren't handled to the same standard as they might be somewhere else. As a result there was a 2 week suspension. It seems that the school in question is just trying to shuffle this off just to have this handled by graduation. "In a little while you'll never see her again." All that being said, can certain school districts in West Virginia deviate from state standards or have individual rules as it comes to bullying? They seem to be handling it "their way" opposed to what's set it the state of wv anti bullying laws. The bullying takes a huge toll on her, on her health, she was hospitalized for weight-loss from stress related to the bullying. I'm attempting to convince her not to suffer, that there has to be something she can do, and that it won't affect her ability to graduate. Im new, I hope someone can help because I'm going to be calling the state Board of education and asking when it's ever been okay to make two students hug as opposed to being punished. I just want to find out if she has any options. What I want more than anything is to find out if my family member or other kids are being properly protected and if the staff here is flat out blowing off these new laws, if the laws deviate, bullying seems to be a big gray area here. It would be a huge shame if students were to drop out or be forced to sacrifice their education because of these vauge law situations. So to answers : Is it okay at all to have 2 students hug as a "punishment or face punishment"? What is supposed to happen when a student brings any knife to school in WV? What are the laws regarding students bringing a "deadly weapon" onto school grounds? Are teachers supposed to document every individual claim of bullying?
As far as the hugging thing goes, that's fucking ridiculous and I bet a reporter would love to chomp into that. I would definitely be consulting *someone*. Deadly weapon is immediate expulsion. There's hardly any wiggle room at all. Teachers are supposed to treat every incident with absolute import, but they really don't due to a combination of being made cynical by students who don't care and fellow teachers who ALSO don't give a shit, being underpaid and overstressed, and generally getting chewed up and spit out over and over again by their careers.
Getting kicked out of my house
Step dad and my mother got married two years ago here in IA. After verbally confronting him about being verbally abusive to my mother he has told me that I am no longer welcome in his home. He has said that I must leave by this evening and to find a new place to live. My mothers name is on the house, I pointed this out but he said it doesn't matter. Does he still have the ablity to kick me out now that my mom owns the house as much as he does? I have had no physical altercations with him. Is this legal? Edit: I am 19 Topic: Other Civil Matters
Assuming you are an adult, you are required to be given written notice of termination of tenancy with proper notice, generally thirty days [Link, it is one month's notice](http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/indiana-notice-requirements-terminate-month-month-tenancy.html)Answer #2: You are a tenant. He has to give you 30 days. What is your mother saying about all of this? Answer #3: IANAL but clearly 'out by tonight' is not binding. You have tenancy rights as noted by previous starred posters. Is the house your mom's or both your mom and step-dad's? If it's the former she can definitely give you 30 days notice but I'm assuming he can't. If it's the latter do they both have to agree? What happens when mom says stay and step-dad says go if they both own the place?
(Hunter, NY) Landlord's room description didn't match room (LEASE BREAK HELP)
So this started a few weeks back, I was looking for housing for school (I live far away), there were tons of choices since the area I was looking at was not a very hot spot for rentals. I found one of the cheapest ones for 300$. I was told it was furnished included a bed, minifridge, desk and drawers, seeing it as a great deal, I decided to pay the deposit and (stupidly) sign the lease without even seeing the said room. The day of the move in, everything is messy, bed is gross, and the minifridge and desk are missing. In fact, the room is so small, that it would never have been able to fit a minifridge and desk. I was given the key, but I decided not to move in that day. I immediately wanted out of the lease, so I contacted my landlord the next day, but he told me that the lease was already signed and that I was responsible for the rent until he could find another tenant (which would be very hard for this room). The lease never even stated anything about the furnishings, so I can't argue that its a breach of contract since the only time he talked about the furnishings was through email. Also the room is about 70 sq ft, if that helps, it has a window, so maybe its legally a room(?). Are there any ways to legally void the lease or even annoy the hell out of my lying landlord to get him to cancel the lease. Also the lease states that I would have to pay all of his attorney bills.
I think in NY state, a bedroom has to be at least 70sq ft and has to be at least 7 feet in each direction.
(NJ) - Landlord has not paid mortgage in 2 years and our house is being foreclosed
Our landlord has not made payments for the house I am renting since the end of 2016. We just received a packet in the mail saying the bank is taking my landlord to court to take back the house. I have a few questions: 1. How much time do we have to stay here? 2. How should we deal with the bank, since it will be their property after the foreclosure finishes? 3. Do we pay the same rent we were paying, just to the bank instead?
> How much time do we have to stay here? What does your lease say? > How should we deal with the bank, since it will be their property after the foreclosure finishes? Wait until everything is finalized. But you can call them and ask. > Do we pay the same rent we were paying, just to the bank instead? Don't take it upon yourselves to change how you pay rent. Pay rent as specified in your lease for now. [More.](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/renters-foreclosure-what-are-their-30064.html)Answer #2: 1. It looks like, in NJ, you must be given at least 90 days of notice of your need to vacate, and this would only happen *after* the sale. So you have at least that long. 2. Let them contact you, and when they do, make sure they give you a point of contact for who will be managing the property. If they don't contact you for a while, you may want to try to contact them. In either case, you will still owe them rent money and you should be prepared to set that money aside to hand over to them on demand. 3. Yep! They would just inherit your current arrangement.
Can a cop give me a ticket based off of “hearing my speed”?
> but I never got it fixed because I like it > I usually do a semi-aggressive pull, but I didn’t even screech my tires (which the car is fully capable of doing). > I’m close to getting suspended Someday you'll grow up enough to realize, that the cops ARE singling you out because you like to act like an entitled ass that thinks that they should be able to get away with crap. Until then, you should accept any breaks they give you quietly because going to court with your attitude won't help your case very much.
(Chicago,IL) My ticket didn’t show up online, what can I do?
Hello, I’m from Chicago , and on the 12/24/2017 I got a ticket for parking on the street where it said no parking from Dec 1-April 1 if there’s 2 inches of snow or 3am -6am. Lastnight, I was about to pay my ticket online but it’s not online, I tried putting my vehicle information and putting the ticket #, nothing. Legally, can I avoid this ticket? My bf said to email them as he had the same problem with having his ticket not show up online. In my opinion, his was different because he needed to go to traffic school for it and an officer handed him the ticket himself. bf advised me to email them to get it put up online so I can pay it. A police officer friend of mine said to wait it out. However, I’m afraid that I will be charged with late fees. Please advice me on what I can do. Would love it if I can avoid this. Thank you in advance!
Never take legal advice from cops.
[CA] I need to prove my mother lost custody of me, legal guardian is deceased
I am applying for the trusted traveler program and I need to find a way to prove that I have not been in my mothers care since I was 11, due to my mother going to jail and my sister and I were given to our grandma. My chances of approval are very slim, despite me not having a ticket to my name, due to my mothers criminal record. She is a convicted felon and was even recently in jail for threatening a judge or something (she has been diagnosed with many mental health issues). My best shot is to try and prove that I have had very little to do with my mother in the last decade and a half. My grandmother took us in after my mother was arrested the first time, and as far as I know she attempted to take my mother, and my father, to court for child support by proving she was caring for us and taking legal guardianship of us. I tried to get this info before when I was applying for fafsa but was on a tight deadline and had to list my mom because I was under 24 and they wouldn't let me apply otherwise. My grandma had dementia and couldn't really help me find the paperwork I needed to prove she had custody, and she recently passed away. How can I find this paperwork and what steps do I need to take to securing copies of this, if the paperwork exists?
Was there ever a court order giving your GM legal custody of you? If so, start with your GM's county court and search it's on-line family court data base. If you get nothing, go to the record's clerk in that courthouse and ask for any cases where your GM and/or your mother were parties. If there is no record in GM's county, then try the county where your mom lived.Answer #2: So children's cases in ca are handled in juvenile court. It's completely confidential, you will find no record of it online. I would contact the child protective services agency for your county (as these issues are all handled at county level) unless you are Native American in which case it may have been handled by the tribal government. You were probably placed as a relative placement, since you said guardianship. That means, according to what you said, your mothers rights may never have been completely terminated. Guardianship gives permanent to older kids, but unlike adoptions leaves the door open if the parent rehabilitates. If you run into road blocks, contact the foster care ombudsman, as they can advocate on your behalf, for free, and direct you where you need to go. Not a lawyer, worked with cos and probation at county and state levelAnswer #3: Losing custody is not an automatic process; it strongly implies a chain of legal decisions in family court. Find out which court handles family court in your area, then do searches by either your grandmother's name OR your mother's name. Follow the document trail and you should surely find what you are seeking. Good luck!
Wife assaulted by brother, State's Attorney's Office is no help.
(Maryland) My wife was assaulted (punched in the face) by her brother at a family gathering. The brother has a history of violence and anger issues, however, none of it has made it to court until now. The incident was unprovoked... their cousin arrived to the gathering with her newborn. In sibling fashion, they rushed out the door to see who could get to her first and help with the baby. Two other sisters rushed out as well and one of them witnessed the incident. Without getting in too much detail and to save from writing a book on here, we called the police. After they interviewed all those involved, they decided not to arrest him that night as he had calmed down and played it cool, and because of it being family they wanted to give her an opportunity to think about it and not do things in the heat of the moment. They did state that she had enough to charge him if she chose to. Now for the frustration.. When she filed the charges, the commissioner stated that she would have to contact the office within ten days to prove she was still serious in filing the charges. We assumed it was the State's Attorney's office that we were suppose to contact as we were not told otherwise. By the time she contacted them, after not receiving anything for a few days, her brother had already filed charges against her (claiming she attacked him first and assaulted him). Once the attorney's office found out that he was charging her, they ceased communication. She did go in and apply for assistance, which she qualified for but this apparently was only for her defender. We are trying to get with the appointed attorney (which his name is listed on the public court records charging document) to go over the case and figure out what needs to be done, but they are refusing to talk to her. She has asked to speak to this specific person, but they stated the only thing she can do is write him a letter... What do we do? We have testimony from parents and other siblings about his behavior, and photos of the injuries as well as a witness verifying her side of the incident. We believe this to be a fairly straight forward case, however, we do not want to go into court without having guidance as to how the process works. Furthermore, we don't want to pay for an expensive lawyer for said easy case when she qualifies for a free attorney. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
She needs to speak with a defense attorney, not the prosecutor. Stop trying to talk to the prosecutor. Answer #2: If she's being charged with a crime, she needs a criminal defense attorney. She cannot force the prosecutor to file charges in her case, I don't believe. If they don't, then she can sue her brother for damages if she has any.
Question about real estate, property dispute, discrimination. Indiana.
A few weeks ago I posted, asking for advice on preventing a violent sexual predator from buying the house next to me. The victim was under the age of 13, and I have 3 kids that age. The general consensus was that, legally, there wasn’t much I could do. This is sort of a follow up, but my questions have evolved. Since then I spoke with the current owners, to see if there was a way they could back out, but they had already signed a purchase agreement, and they couldn’t (nor willing) do anything. Well, the way the houses are set up, our driveways are next to each other, and I had discovered that my property pin was two feet into their driveway. I knew the buyer was concerned about getting his care into the garage, so I built a fence along the property line. I had checked the property history and could find no easements that would prevent me from doing so. They threatened to sue me if I blocked the sale. The sellers had the property surveyed and they were told that the fence is on my property. This caused the buyer to back out of the sale. Feeling guilty, and wanting to have some control over the house, I offered them cash for the house. My offer was roughly $8000 less than they were getting from the buyer but I tried to explain that they wouldn’t be getting the full amount of the sale after closing costs and realtor fees. They did not accept the offer, and gave no counter offer. Shortly after they left someone, who appeared to be a lawyer showed up and took pictures of the fence. My questions are, would they have anything to win a lawsuit against me? Could the buyer claim discrimination? Could the realtor go after me for loss of commission? Is there anything I could be missing, like implied easements and such? Should I hire an attorney? I think I’ve got most of the information out, but I can clarify if needed. Thank you
> Shortly after they left someone, who appeared to be a lawyer showed up and took pictures of the fence. Probably double checking to see whether the fence really is on the right side of the property line, and see if they have any cause of action against you. You tanked a house sale with a spite fence - they're understandably pissed off. Some people would say not to bother contacting an attorney unless you are actually served with a lawsuit. But if you don't mind plopping down the money for peace of mind to make sure you're covered, contact a real estate attorney now. You may be able to head something off at this point.Answer #2: > My offer was roughly $8000 less than they were getting from the buyer but I tried to explain that they wouldn’t be getting the full amount of the sale after closing costs and realtor fees. They would probably have to pay those even with your offer. The way most real estate agent contracts are worded is that they cover any offers made during a period of time, even if the offer doesn’t come through the agent.Answer #3: If you can afford an attorney it pays to be prepared, and they did try to sell the house to a sexual predator and you even offered to offset their loss which with the fence now in place will probably be greater than the difference in your offer.
Considering representing myself in court tomorrow at municipal court in Tempe AZ, good or bad idea?
I have four misdemeanor charges on my file from two weeks ago when I got WAY to drunk out at the bars. I was arrested with two fake IDs both with my legal name on them, an empty bag of weed (drug paraphernalia), plus I am underage (20) and apparently I was obstructing the road at the time of my arrest. I was told by the officer at the jail I spent the night at that I would probably have to take some classes as a slap on the wrist. Only problem is I'm very nervous about my hearing because I can not access my case report as the system is backlogged. The officer at the jail was not the arresting officer on the scene so I do not know if my behavior with the arresting officers was cooperative or if it will impact my sentencing. Shouldn't this info be available to me before my hearing and can I push the hearing back to fall when I get back from summer in NY with my family? Also should I plead the fifth or what is a good way to approach self rep if I choose to go this route? All help and suggestions are welcome just trying to be responsible on a budget. Many Thanks. -tron-
Serious question- Do you think that the person who will be responsible for trying to convict you will be posting here looking for advice tonight? Or do you think he went through three years of law school and has a ton of on the job training and experience in legal matters?
(Colorado) Can I unenroll my child from 10th grade?
Apologies in advance. This is long and I'm on mobile. I will do my best with formatting and grammar. Any help/advise is truly appreciated! My child (type 1 diabetic) was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. The new medication has completely stopped the seizures but has worsened existing anxiety and depression. (this medication has the least amount of side effects, changing medications would have the same effect and more) I alerted the school to the new diagnosis and made an appointment with the counselor to update the 504 plan. During the appointment the counselor took notes and copies of all my documents (Dr recommendations, etc.) and said she would write it up and email to me for signature. About six weeks goes by without an email (honestly I had forgotten about the 504 plan) and my child's mental health begins to deteriorate. One morning, on a particularly bad day, I called the counselor in hopes that she could talk to my child that day. (my child sees a therapist weekly, I was hoping for additional support on this day in an effort to minimize missed school as the district has a very strict attendance policy, counselor refuses to address this in the 504) I left a detailed voicemail and waited a few hours for a response that never came. Ultimately I ended up making an appointment with the therapist and taking my child out of school. A response came from the counselor two days later (voicemail) apologizing and said she would write my child a pass to leave class and go to the counseling office anytime (the pass was not issued, my child not contacted). At this point I email the counselor asking for the 504 plan. Again it takes two days for a response and she has sent me the 504 plan from the previous year, but with the current date on it. (to be clear, last years 504 did not include epilepsy as it was not diagnosed at that time) I respond that day asking why the new 504 did not include anything about epilepsy. Several days pass and she responds that she sent the wrong one by accident and sends a new attachment. The newest 504 does mention epilepsy but does not include any of the additional items we discussed. By this time my child's mental health has reached a state of emergency (I have not be able to address to the 504 short comings) which ultimately resulted in an attempted overdose. My child was placed in an inpatient program and in total has now missed about 2 1/2-3 weeks of school. Before my child's return to school, the new doctors have spoken to the counselor and outlined a plan to include at least one visit per week with the counselor, forgoing any make up work that is not absolutely necessary, and no explanation to any teachers as to why my child was out. We have an appointment the morning my child is to return to school with the counselor to make sure we are all on the same page. Counselor agrees to meet once per week with the first visit being half way through the first day back. This first visit was the only visit, until week four. My child was having a tough day and was seen by another student writing suicidal stuff. That student anonymously reported it to the school and they sent my child home. I did not send my child back to school that week because there is zero help/support. Being at school is not helping in her recovery, quite the opposite. Before all the mental health issues, my child was an excellent student, excelling in advanced placement courses. Catching up on missed work is a major source of her anxiety. I would rather have my child take the last 6 weeks of school, and the summer, to recover and heal as I think her mental health is more important than school right now. Once healed, I really don't want her back in this school/district but the choice will be hers. Can I unenroll her? She will be 16 in less than two weeks. If not, what options are available? This is a very large school district in a highly populated area in Colorado. There are 6 counselors and 3 dean of students for less than 2000 students. Thanks for reading my long post!
Can you send your child to a different School or homeschool? Sure. What are your other plans? Just make your child a drop out?Answer #2: Online school is pretty widely available
Do i have legal rights to my two childrens birth certificates or social security cards?
My childrens mother has both hard copies of my childrens birth and social security cards. After promising to let me use them for months (for tax purposes) she has suddenly declared that I need to get my own copies of my childrens birth and security documents. I imagine I can eventualy but with tax deadlines due in 2 weeks I know I cant get them that quickly. Do I have legal rights to these documents? US Wisconsin
A new SS card takes 10 days from processing, so that'd be a tight deadline. But for the birth certificate, go to the Wisconsin Vital Records Office (check the website for document requirements) and you can have the birth certificate in 2 hours. There isn't anything you can do to force her to hand them over (especially with such a short deadline), but if the custody order says you claim the children you could use it as evidence of her violating the agreement by preventing you from exercising some of your rights (this won't really get you anywhere, especially in two weeks, and it won't be enough to make the judge revise custody--maybe she'll get a scolding).
My ISP contacted my employer about a complaint I made on Facebook.
This is a bit of a weird one so stay with me... I posted a very generic complaint about my ISP to my personal Facebook page the other day. I did not tag the ISP and I did not post it to on their page. It was simply a status update. I happen to be Facebook "friends" with someone who works with the company. He must have taken a screenshot of the post and sent it up the chain at my ISP. Someone from the ISP emailed my employer about the post. I was unable to obtain the email from my HR department, but, from the sounds of it, was "telling on me" or was simply some crazy email with some sort of motive to get me in trouble. I believe they said I was "relentless" or something to that nature... Luckily, my employer thought it was ridiculous and my job is not in jeopardy. However, I feel what my ISP did was extremely unethical and downright dirty. Bully tactics... My question would be...was there some sort of law that my ISP violated by contacting my employer? FCC violation? Maybe something to do with CPNI? I don't seek any sort of compensation or anything like that, I just want to send a clear message to my ISP that what they did was wrong. Any sort of insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Edit: So sorry, forgot to add my location. This happened in Nebraska.
Since you employer is fine with it you should put this story, in detail (minus your employers name), on some other sub and reap the sweet karma. This kind of behavior from companies is ridiculous and usually backfires when the stories go viral. If the story goes viral you will most likely end up with an apology. If they try this nasty business again post it and it will make the story, and the negative PR for your ISP even bigger.
If someone went to jail for violating a state crime, could the US President pardon them?
No, that would be up to the governor.Answer #2: No, presidential pardons are for federal crimes.
Two weeks notice (California)
Hi everybody! I have a quick question about two weeks notice given in California. I will soon be giving my notice at my current job. I of course plan to give proper notice in writing. Now I am leaving the company I am with now and will be going to work for a competitor, so once I give my 2 weeks, my current employer may just ask me to not come in anymore. Would they have to pay me for the 2 weeks, or can they just hand me a box and final paycheck and tell me to leave?
You won't get paid but California case law considers this involuntary discharge so you can file for unemployment.
What legal protections do I have in this rental situation (Indiana, USA)
A couple years ago my wife and I sat down and talked to my uncle about renting a small room out of his business to live in. He told us we would have to pay him like 20$ a week for a while, supposedly just to 'pay for the propane to heat the room" and then eventually he upped that amount to 40. I am very low income, borderline disabled, from a small town and stream for a living and eek by. Well, he recently has upped my rent again and I told him I can't afford it and he is threatening to kick me out. Well, thing is, we never got an official contract written out, it was all oral, and i KNOW he doesn't claim the money on his taxes because he didn't want me claiming the money as rent because he didn't turn it in on his taxes(It doesn't cost 2000$ a year to heat this small room I'm calling BS) so I know the IRS would be up his arse if I turned him in. So my question is, in this situation without a lease/contract, can he legally just throw me out on a dime? Is my property safe from him rampaging in and destroying things? Do I have any protections here? Or should I bail ASAP? I have a mailing address here, keys, etc to prove ive lived here if that helps. P.S. Should I turn him in? what would the repercussions be? (for the tax stuff)
He has been renting you a place to live for almost nothing, and when he raises the rent, your response is to report him to the IRS? That's just charming. He needs to give you proper notice to move out. That's all you are entitled to.
Os it illegal to online gamble thru a VPN to another country (FL, USA)
I've recently developed an interest in online binary options trading. (Not going to name the website) I've gained access using a VPN server that's based in the UK. I'm decent at trading and I was wonder if there will be a problem with transferring money to a PayPal like service called Skrill that requires SSN then later transferring it to my actual bank. This is my first time posting on here, so if I need to fix something please let me know, I'll give more details if needed. EDIT : fixed word to SSN
Your feet are on the US so the US's laws apply to your activities. If your activity is illegal in the US, and your bank account gets put under scrutiny, you may be charged with breaking US law.
Can I divorce my husband (while pregnant) in MD and move to TN?
Fair warning- this will be long. I married my husband several months ago, since then I have realized this relationship can not last. During our engagement he went against our agreement on the pull out method for birth control. (I have an eating disorder so pregnancy was not likely) This happened two times before I put a stop to it. At this point I assumed it was an accident on his part as we had not discussed having a child anytime soon. A little over two months later I was showing some signs and found out I was pregnant. (The missed period didn't tip me off because I often miss them due to the ED) My husband was over the moon about the pregnancy and told me, quite gleefully, that he had been not pulling out on purpose. I am disgusted with myself for not having been more responsible and seeing what he was doing. Now, about five months into the pregnancy I have an offer from my friends to stay with them as a room mate indefinitely. These friends have been my support system throughout this whole ordeal. More than anything I want to pack my bags and leave. The catch is that they live in TN and I would have to move there from MD. I am fine with this as my husband is the only reason I stay in MD. My question is- can I leave my husband and move to TN long term? Could I be required to move back to/stay in MD? (This worries me as I do not have a strong support system here and would have nowhere to go if on my own) Essentially what it boils down to is- can I move to TN permanently and divorce my husband even though I am pregnant? tldr- Currently living in MD, want to move to TN and divorce husband. Can I do this? Edit- Thank you to everyone who commented, especially to those who offered constructive advice. It seems the best plan, and the one I will follow, is to speak to family lawyers in both states and get their advice on how to proceed.
Yes, you can move. No, you can't be forced to move back. He will still have rights to the child though. Answer #2: He could also use your eating disorder against you in a custody hearing. Unfair, but in divorce, people seem to lose their ethics rather quickly. I have been sober in AA for 33 years. During a guardianship hearing for my adult, handicapped daughter, my ex tried to use this to prove I was an unreliable guardian. I caught a good judge, but my lawyer warned me, that even being sober so long, it could be considered in the hearing. Answer #3: You definitely need a family law lawyer for the divorce and custody. Your husband has proved that his word is not to be trusted, so you need someone in your corner who can advise you on your rights and make sure you are treated fairly. Answer #4: Yes. Your husband is still going to be a part of the child's life whether you want him to or not though.Answer #5: Yes you can move and yes you can divorce while pregnant.Answer #6: IANAL: Is this not sexual assault? Especially if he admits to not using the pull out method intentionally If someone said they were using a condom, but did not, wouldn't that be sexual assault? I see this situation as similar
[Nc] The guy who hooked my sister's cable up gave her number to one of her neighbors. He won't stop messaging her.
She doesn't want to sue the cable company for money or anything, but she called to find out why their employee would do so and if their are repercussions and why her privacy wasn't protected. She blocked the neighbors number, but he started messaging from a new number. She's a young single mom and not comfortable with the idea of her number being handed out by an employee. The cable company told her (when she called) that they can't discuss their privacy practices with her. What gives? Is their anything that can be done to make sure they don't do this to other customers?
How does she know the cable guy gave out her number?Answer #2: So your title focuses on one thing while your message says another. For the neighbor: Your best bet is to block the number as she did. I'm assuming she gave the standard 'not interested' talk as well. If not she should, it might solve the problem. If it persists you may want to talk to the police as it may qualify as [stalking](http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/stalking-laws/criminal-stalking-laws-by-state/north-carolina) As for the company. Good luck they won't admit fault because that makes it easier to sue them. She can lodge a complaint but that's about it.
Trans-man shirtless in commercial
Grounds to Sue? Chris Mosier, the first trans male Olympian was shown in a Nike commercial shirtless in the locker room. Does this break any nudity in commercials law? Louisiana.
LOL no, you have no grounds to sue.Answer #2: Are you kidding? Just in case you aren't kidding, the answer is no.
Do I have grounds for breaking lease with full refund?
Today was the first day of a new lease. I went to the apartment. It hadn't been cleaned and I found some things I was not comfortable with. Evidence of water damage, a carpenter ant infestation, and janky gas appliances. The furnace has a metal piece removed that said "do not run furnace if this part is not properly in place" and the water heater had a tag that said "do not use, this is not installed properly" signed 07/15 with no sign of it being resolved. As for the water damage on the outside, the paneling is so damaged that some of it has fallen off and the wood of the house is exposed. none of this was disclosed to us. Please help! They have $2600 cash from me between a deposit and first month's rent. I want to get all of this back. tomorrow is day two. I am in Austin, tx. Sorry for forgetting that detail!
If you are in Arkansas then you are completely out of luck. Most states have a warrant of habitability that means that in order to be a legal rental the place must meet a minimum standard. The State of Arkansas doesn't require that there be a roof and does not require that the landlord fix anything ever. If you live in a different state then there *might* be something that can help you, but we can't provide accurate advice without knowing which set of laws you are under.
My car almost blew up. Who pays for this?
I live in Denver, CO but bought my car in Buffalo, NY. The person who installed the after market remote starter on my car before I bought it didn't pay attention to where the wires were and it has been rubbing against my brake line for 5 years. The other day it finally rubbed through and shorted out the brake line, melting it and the fuel line. Gasoline was pouring onto this hot line and steaming hot gas was pooling under my car at a stop light. It ran out of gas going up a hill and I was able to pull it into a turning lane. I am now stuck with a $100 tow bill and $2800 dollars for a new brake system. Insurance will not cover it because it was a mechanical failure. The dealer does not install the remote starts so it had to be done by the original owner. Would the dealer be liable for selling me the car that almost made me a fritter?
No, the dealership wouldn't be liable, assuming that you bought the car used and as is. The fact that the problem went completely unnoticed for 5 years is just going to help the dealership's argument that they had no knowledge of the defect. Theoretically you could sue the guy that installed the starter, but you'd need to prove that he did so in a way that directly caused the damage 5+ years down the road. The original installer would just argue that he installed it properly, and that something that you did to the car caused the wires to come into contact with the break lines.
Is it legal for movie theaters to check your purse to see if you're bringing in snacks? (Texas)
They can ask you to show them. You can say no. They can deny you entry.Answer #2: Yes. You don't have to let them check your purse, and they don't have to let you in
[US-TX] renters rights. moved out three months before lease was up, landlord has been using time to remodel instead of find new tenants like he told us.
i'll try to keep this short. bought and moved into new home in January 2015. lease is up on our rent house at the end of May 2015. landlord said he would immediatly start advertising the vaccancy but we found out he hasn't tried at all. he's been using the time to remodel the house. sucks for us as we've been struggling to make BOTH rent and house payment. then i find this: "Texas law (Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 91.006), your landlord must make reasonable efforts to re-rent your unit—no matter what your reason for leaving—rather than charge you for the total remaining rent due under the lease." does our situation fall under this law? is there anything else i'm missing that could help us break our lease legally? any and all help would be greatly appreciated before i go talk to a attorney. thank you very much! Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
You can stop paying rent at anytime and force the landlord to sue you for the money. Then he would have to prove his efforts to find new tenants. But that is going to include court.Answer #2: not legal advice: I would call your landlord up, and tell him you noticed he was renovating the place, and because of that he's not meeting the requirements of the law. so, rather than sue him to get your 1400 back, you're willing to drop the matter in exchange for not paying the remaining month of the lease. record the conversation
Mother in law with terminal cancer tried to sell car privately buyer cancelled payment
Bit of background, My mother in law has been battling cancer for the last few years and was recently put into hospice care. She lives alone in a city half the country away with her severely disabled son. She has been trying to sell her car so she can afford to enjoy the time she may have left. Fast forward to Monday, She had a woman expressed interest in buying the car, the woman test drove the car and then agreed to buy the car. My mother in law was a bit concerned as the woman said she will pay via bank transfer but she was with another bank and it would take time for the funds to clear so she asked the buyer to pay via bank check, the buyer then become a bit flippant and annoyed insisting on a bank transfer but eventually showed up the day with a proof of bank transfer. My mother in law then hesitantly agreed to transfer the registration and the buyer drove away with the car with the funds pending in my mother in laws account. My mother in law has been watching the pending money waiting for it to clear. This morning she looked at her account and the transfer had been cancelled. Cry and distraught she called the buyer this morning demand that they both go to the bank together to transfer the funds, waited 2 hours and the lady no showed and is no longer taking her calls. She is going to the police now to get a report number. What can she do if the lady doesn't pay as now the car is transferred into the buyers name?
This is theft at this point so it really is a police matter. She can sue for the agreed upon value of the car, but if this lady is pulling no shows, might not even get me worry it until after the police find her. Answer #2: Isn't the car technically stolen?
Child Support Modification
I am required to pay child support to my son who is now 18 years old. He moved into college and as far as I know from what my son tells me, his father is not providing him with an allowance. He never has in all the years I've paid child support. My son is always asking me for money because his dad does not give him cash. I also buy him all his clothes, dorm supplies, pay his tuition, cell phone bill, etc. My son has moved out to a school 3 hours away from his dad and does not come home on weekends, yet his dad still isn't sending him money even though he is receiving child support for him. I was informed by a legal org (that doesn't give legal advice, just info) that there are cases where a judge can order to have payments sent directly to the child. I'd like to petition the court to do so but wondering how to approach a judge in this matter. I have a billing statement from my sons college that proves that he's enrolled there. Is there anything else I should show the judge? Thank you.
Your situation is a little outside DIY territory. Get a referral to a family lawyer to discuss the possibility of making payments directly to your son. Answer #2: You file a motion to modifiy the order to send payments to the son. Basically you file the motion and for reasons you list what you have told us here. Answer #3: You didn't mention whether the father is paying tuition, room and board, or other bills on the sons behalf. You should talk to a family law attorney, but I don't think the judge will order you to pay the son directly if the father shows he's paying other bills on the sons behalf.
California. 5yr age difference, F(17) M(22+), having a baby. Will he get arrested? Parents aren't pressing charges.
My friend posted in our mommy group and it got taken down. Her sister, who will be 17 when baby arrives, is and has been in a relationship with this man (5yr+) difference. She didn't give a specific age. Herself and her family are worried charges will be pressed against this man, they don't want that to happen and are afraid of even putting him on the birth certificate. Everyone is a consenting party to their relationship. Would charges be pressed against him? Is this legal? Can they openly share their relationship without anything legal happening?
Everyone is NOT a consenting party because mother is below the age of consent. And while CA has some pretty strict consent laws, a 21+ year old impregnating a 16 year old is going to be a crime in quite a few places. This is statutory rape. I am sorry the adults in this situation do not see it this way and have failed to protect the 16 year old girl. CPS may or may not get involved because of this. Under no circumstances should she avoid seeking medical care out of fear. But yes, there may be consequences for the ADULTS in this situation who took advantage of and/or drastically failed a young girl. Answer #2: The age of consent in CA is 18, so he can be charged.Answer #3: The age of consent in California is 18, so no it is not legal, it is statutory rape, and their baby will be evidence of that. I don't know how strictly this is enforced though, but they should not be conspicuous about it.
[IL] Is it legal for DCFS (CPS?) to restrict people based on (unfounded) accusations?
My father was once accused of sexual abuse, and (regardless of what anyone's feelings on the matter are) was acquitted. This was years ago, but his GF has since moved in with her 3 children, and her estranged (alcoholic) ex recently filed an "anonymous" false claim with DCFS that my father was manufacturing child porn and had cameras in the bedrooms and such. (There are currently some cameras in public places that the last DCFS investigator said were a good idea for *everyone's* safety) When DCFS showed up to investigate this (clearly incorrect) claim, they "reminded" my father that he's not to be alone with any kids. They claim that he was originally told at the end of the last investigation that as long as he's on their database as a "likely predator" or some such, (regardless of conviction) he's not allowed to be in his own home if the kids are there without any other adults. (note: he was never informed of this before now) Is this legal? If so: how in the fuck is this legal? If not: what is the best course of action to follow-up on this blatant abuse of power?
This is completely legal and it is not directed at your father - it is directed at his girlfriend. DCFS has the legal right to tell someone that given the circumstances of a home environment, failure to protect the children will result in the children being removed from the home. There is no legal recourse your father or his girlfriend can take until DCFS actually takes action to remove the children. At that point the girlfriend can go to court and attempt to get her children back, but your father has no legal standing in such a case.Answer #2: Yes. They can legally say that. Obviously they don't live there and don't know what happens every day But if it is violated it may be grounds to remove the children from the mothers care.
Bought a used car and it's not what it was advertised.
This just took place today in Texas. So I bought a used truck off craigslist and it was advertised as a V6. I go check it out and everything looks good so I buy it. Get home and do some more digging under the hood and find that it is clearly a 4 cylinder. His ad says V6 and he specifically says it's a V6 in conversation. I call and ask for my money back but he refused saying that I should have seen that it was a 4 cylinder and not a 6 when I was looking under the hood. I'm not a car guy. It was the first time seeing the engine and the owner said it was a V6 so I'm going to go with what he said. I was looking under the hood more to make sure nothing looks bad or missing stuff. I spoke to a friend who is going through law school for legal advise and he advised me as a friend to take him to small claims court and print out the ads showing that he sold it that way. I don't have buyer's regret. I need a V6 and chose this truck specifically for that. Should I take him to court and will I be able to file for deceptive trade practices as this was a company vehicle I purchased?
>Should I take him to court? Yes. Now usually the answer to questions that deal with used cars are tough luck but in this case its different. This was a complete misrepresentation of the vehicle and the seller knew he was selling the vehicle under false pretenses. I'm assuming you already took screenshot of the ad.
Can you evict someone who has been living in a house of their Mother who had passed away and are not listed on the Will?
You don't post where you're located, so this is general advice. Unless the occupant had a signed lease with the estate/deceased, then he's a month-to-month tenant. Your father/the estate would need to give him proper notice to depart(usually 30 days) and then would need to file for eviction after that. The estate's attorney would likely be able to handle this, or could help you find an attorney who can.
Unpaid Work
So my gf and I recently moved to a east coast city where I had steady employment. She ends up finding a local start up that focuses in advertisement. As she started up there were things that didn't seem to add up but she overlooked them to at least gain employment. 1) a month of unpaid 'training'. During this time she just filled the role that she is doing now. This wasn't training in any traditional sense, but just filling the role. 2) there are about 30 'employees' at this company. Only 4 of them are paid. The remaining 'employees' are unpaid interns ranging in ages from 18-24 all hoping to get some experience. 3) my gf has gone the last two weeks without pay. The fella that deals with payments, says that she should of been paid and can't figure out why she wasn't. Nobody can provide a clear answer and she isn't being paid for her work. 4) the CEO consistently lies about their earnings and future to potential clients to get them reeled in - only for them to find out the company is essentially a scam. There are some other minor things that are odd but I'm not sure if those are legal issues, such as working out of a residential apartment and just shady practices that neglect the safety of clients and employees. This is just a small start up so I'm not sure what is permissible and what is unacceptable in a legal matter. She is already looking to find another job and is trying to get out of the company as soon as possible. Is there any thing that can be done to get her paid for her time? What about her 'training'? Is there anything that can be done about that 25 kids who are being used by the head of the company to line his pockets? Thanks. Edit: this is in Philadelphia, PA
Sounds shady stem to stern. I would suggest she find a new job and file an unpaid wage complaint with the PA Dept of Labor and Industry for the unpaid month and any other pay she is due.
[IL] Is it legal for a company to require an iris scan for security?
Was told this was illegal, and my GoogleFu is failing me today. My company started making us use the iris scan login method on our cell phones if we have any company email/etc on it. Before, we just had to keep it locked. I find the iris scan obnoxious, as I don’t have a dedicated work cell and I miss my pattern lock. However, I’d like to get an idea if this is in fact illegal before I decide it’s worth going against the flow. Thanks!
Totally legal. Your company can decide its security policies, up to and including MFA that includes a biometric marker as part of its access policy.
[Update to] [MI/USA] My girlfriend is being blackmailed on Facebook by someone who she sent nude pictures to when she was underaged. This isn't the first time this person has tried to blackmail her.
[https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7s5utr/miusa_my_girlfriend_is_being_blackmailed_on/](Backstory.) After I made this post this morning the Facebook account named "Zach" started pressing her to talk to him more and more, finally he said "I'm going to work and when I get out we are gunna talk." I'd had enough of feeling helpless so I told her I was going to do something about it. I went and borrowed my friends computer and brought it to my house and spent all day making a website with no prior experience. I bought a domain name and paid for a hosting site, and began building a fake blog for my girlfriend. I planned on using the hosts analytics to get this guys IP address but it wasn't working. I did a little research and ended up teaching myself very basic HTML, I managed to hide a IP tracer in the background, as soon as someone opened the page I got a notification sent to my email with their IP address and other basic info. My trap was set and we waited for him to respond to her. This is the conversation, https://imgur.com/a/dvAkS At this point I had her switch over to Kik because I was worried about Facebook messenger fucking with the IP address tracking of the link. Once on Kik he messaged her with an account that had her name and a profile picture of her. https://imgur.com/a/swN6o In between the first and second picture she sent him the link to her blog which contained her "nudes." Immediately I received the notification he loaded the page and I began reverse searching his IP address to get his location. I took a screenshot of it and sent him a message on FB. https://imgur.com/a/7Gp3c He wouldn't read my message and instead asked her why I messaged him, he said "ok we can do this the hard way" and then began to say he was going to post everything. He sent her a screenshot of him messaging the "real Jake" and telling him to "control his hoe because she's acting up. Then he said he posted everything on a Tumblr page. At this point I had her delete her Kik and her Facebook but I left mine up with his and my conversation still open. He eventually read my messages but never responded to me. I'm positive the IP address is correct and he wasn't using a VPN because the address it returned is what I thought it would. I really need to know where to go from here and if I did anything wrong, my girlfriend is scared as fuck right now and I'm not sure what to do now. I have an IP address that has been location searched to a town in Alberta Canada, and a lot of incriminating screenshots. Also sorry about the formating, I'm on my phone.
I'm about 70% confident this is an elaborate troll. On the chance it is not, the answer is simple, but apparently insufficient, because you already _got_ your answer in the earlier post and came back with some cockamamie bullshit. Troll or not, not sure what your game here is.Answer #2: I'm a software engineer, not a lawyer, but please, tell me more of how you made a fake blog with no prior experience in a matter of days/hours.Answer #3: Your poorly styled vigilantism is traipsing all over any future investigation. Before you cause any further damage, stop talking to the guy and hire your girlfriend a lawyer if she's concerned about being implicated.Answer #4: In your previous post a lot of people recommended reporting it to the police for extortion. Have you done that? And a side note, an IP at this stage doesn’t mean much. He could’ve been using a VPN for all we know. Answer #5: Go to the police or go home. You are not batman. The IP address that you found may or may not be useful (for instance, he could have been connected to the internet at some Starbucks coffee shop - and all you have is the IP address for a Starbucks).
Im a male stripper. I have a few problems with my new boss.
I was working on a gay bar and i've done some dances even though im straight, my old boss was cool with me rejecting all the clients advances, since im not confortable doing anything sexual with another man, even though i dont mind dancing for them. So I never had any problems with him. He was a really good guy that i respected a lot. He retired, the bar is closed until a buyer comes along and since I have no idea when the bar is gonna be sold, i got a new job. In my new job they pay me to go to parties. I already have 2 dates scheduled, one on a bachelorette party and the other on gay guys private party. And i've got a few problems with each of them, i still havent confronted my boss because i kind of need this job, at least until the bar reopens. Here are all my problems: First of all, my boss says the only thing i can say no to, is penetration sex. Im supposed to let them touch wherever they like whenever they like. Anything from handjobs to blowjobs im supposed to let them do it. Secondly, im supposed to give him 25% of my tips. At my old job i kept 100%. Thirdly, Im supposed to lie to them, say im 100% gay and flirt with them after the dance. I honestly wouldn't have a problem with pretending to be gay and flirting if not for my first point, which im afraid will incentivize them to do those things which honestly im not confortable with. And finally, my problem with bachelorette party is just one, but its a big one. Theres some money coming from under the rug for me to seduce and have sex with the bride-to-be. My problem is my boss doesn't tell me where the money is coming from... I understand the client secrets privelege, so I cant really question if shes in an open relationship or any other questions related to her private life. But if by any chance she cheats on her husband and the guys is a psycho, i really dont want to deal with the consequences. So at least id like to know who is paying me. At least if its the bride or the groom, at least i know theres a big chance of it being an open relationship or a free pass. But my boss is refusing to let me know whose paying me to have sex with her.
Dude. What is even your question? Quit that job. Your location is relevant.
Database Vulnerability/Bug Discovered on College Campus, Student Suspended for Reporting Issue.
So you friend hacked into private info and is surprised he is in trouble?
100% At Fault for Car Accident, now Insurance Company has my case moving to "litigation department"
Livermore California is where this happened. I was found 100% at fault for an accident. My steering wheel failed during a merge, and my car went over the median and was hit by oncoming traffic. Both cars were totalled, but it was 100% my fault due to the oncoming traffic. I got a letter from their lawyer asking my maximum policy limits, and I did so because my insurance company asked me too. Now the insurance company will only cover $5,000 of the accident and the other insurance company is chasing after me for 11,000 dollars. They asked for a check in full, and I called them and told them straight up I don't have it, but could do a payment plan. The only option they gave me were 2 checks for 5k a month, which I also don't have. They told me the case will be moved to the litigation department and hung up once I told them that wouldn't work either. Do I need an attorney at this point? I'm broke as hell, and not 100% clear on what action I should be taking. I'm also unclear what they would do if I can't pay. It's not like they can take money that I don't have. I could do 100$ a month but they were unwilling to do that. So what now? TL;DR What should I be doing now that the opposing insurance company refuses to deal with me? What does an Insurance Litigation department do? Topic: Insurance
> the insurance company will only cover $5,000 what the hell kind of insurance is that??
Hi, I’m in government quarantine in South Korea and somebody on reddit essentially ‘swatted’ me me. They phoned up and told them I escaped and potentially told them that I had corona. All the staff in the facility came to my door and tried to break in while I was asleep.
They eventually seemed to understand the situation after questioning me but nothing is stopping him from calling again. He speaks korean as he is native and I do not, therefore I’m at a disadvantage at proving my side in his word against mine (as he stated in his comments). They let me off this time but If he calls again to say he saw me escaped I’m told I can be deported. What can I do? My phone has the korean isolation location app installed and if they have CCTV they would know I didn’t leave, but I’m not sure they do as they wouldn’t have believed him originally if so. They don’t have any staff patrolling or guarding as well so it is just my word apart from that. This is evidence he contacted them: https://imgur.com/a/EIpnasy , also, they quoted my reddit ID during the interrogation. When he talks there about me slipping out at the airport this is what he is referencing in my since deleted post complaining about sleeping on hard wooden floor at the facility with no bed or mat, and saying it is funny there is no security: https://imgur.com/a/IOhXfru Here is me saying OVER and OVER that I had no intention of leaving: https://imgur.com/a/dNHDz8Z He was offended by my post because he thought after 14 days isolated after a negative test for Covid-19 I could still spread corona into Korea, and fine - sure - but he took it personally and decided to get revenge on me with a lie to the government. His report was not as he said - he didn’t ‘warn’ them, he claimed to have ‘seen me outside’ etc. I believe wasting the government’s time and resources is bad at the best of times, but these staff are needed to control quarantine during this pandemic, and this guy is being a real asshole because I got into an internet argument with him. How can I be protected against being deported here ? Topic: Douche
NAL and I doubt you're going to find many people here that are well versed in Korean law, but can you ask for or hire a translator who can help you report all this to the authorities? Or a Korean lawyer familiar with the process? If you can get it on record that this person is reporting you maliciously, you may be safer.
Dentist removed tooth with only my mother's consent [mn]
Hi there! So I'm 21 and had to get my wisdom teeth removed. After looking at dentist where I lived, I decided I'll be more comfortable going to my hometown dentist and so I had my mom set up an appointment with them. I called a few weeks before to verify they had my insurance and x-rays and everything was dandy. I get there and it wasn't my regular dentist, but a new one. I informed them I have a medical condition which makes me gag easily and needed the gas before they could do anything in my mouth. They seem to understand and got me to sign a waiver. The dentist then proceeded to try and put shots in my mouth, which I stopped and repeated that I needed the gas. He throws a mini fit which included snapping his gloves off, roughly hitting the light off, and storming out of the cubical. The nurse fitted me for the gas and, afterwards, I had her fetch my mom from the waiting room (I can't drive so she was my ride home afterwards) as this dentist was making me feel uncomfortable. She assured me it was just me being anxious and left the room after the gas took affect. The dentist then came back and gave me the shots. He then said I had an infected tooth that needed to be removed. I was confused since I had no cavities during my last checkups and the dentist that did 360 degree x-ray a month ago had mentioned nothing about an infected tooth. Gased up, I tried to get more information about how it got infected and how bad it was, since I had an infected tooth before but we saved it, and express I wasn't sure I wanted to remove that tooth, but I was ignored. The dentist had the nurse go out to the waiting room and had my mom consent to removing that tooth. I'm wondering how I can stop medical professionals from getting permission from my mom for stuff and overriding mine. I know she loves me and everything, but she's not always as informed as I am about my health. Do I have to go as far as have her wait in the car? Or would a verbal statement at the beginning of the appointment be enough? Do I have to do this for just my mom, or would future spouses also have this ability to make snap decisions? Thanks!
Please report this to your state's dental association. Nothing may come of this specific complaint, but a pattern of behavior like this may cause them to re-evaluate his licensing. Dentists usually view removing a tooth as an extreme option once a root canal/crown have been considered. It's extremely unlikely that a tooth would go from fine to unsalvageable in 6 months. And it's absolutely not acceptable for him to perform dental work on an adult without your permission. Also, this is the first time on r/legaladvice that I have actually seen a dental-related complain that may justify a malpractice suit. See if you can get a free consultation with some malpractice attorneys. You could sue for the cost of replacing the tooth - which would be done with an implant and a crown. That costs $5,000-$10,000 and would functionally and aesthetically replace the lost tooth.Answer #2: I hope this OK even though it's not legal advice, and not helpful for current situation. > He throws a mini fit which included snapping his gloves off, roughly hitting the light off, and storming out of the cubical. From now on, this is your cue to leave the appointment and eat any fees associated with that if you have to. I would not want an angry person working on something as permanent as my teeth, or performing any sort of medical procedure on me. No one does their best work when they are angry.