indo_story_cloze /
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# IndoCloze
## About
We hired seven Indonesian university students to each write 500 short stories over a period of one month. This paper wins **Best Paper Award at CSRR (ACL 2022)**.
## Paper
Fajri Koto, Timothy Baldwin, and Jey Han Lau. [_Cloze Evaluation for Deeper Understanding of Commonsense Stories in Indonesian_](
In In Proceedings of Commonsense Representation and Reasoning Workshop 2022 (**CSRR at ACL 2022**), Dublin, Ireland.
## Dataset
A story in our dataset consists of four-sentence premise, one-sentence correct ending, and one-sentence incorrect ending. In total, we have created 2,325 Indonesian stories with the train/dev/test split 1,000/200/1,135. Please see some examples of our data below, and note that the English translation is only for the illustratrive purposes.
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