listlengths 2
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"from": "human",
"id": "006520410",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006520410",
"text": "- ባለ ሁለት ቀለም ድመት - የቦርዶ / ወርቅ የፀሐይ መነፅር",
"value": "two - tone cat - eye frame sunglasses in bordeaux / gold"
] | 00652/006520410.jpg | 006520410 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001959839",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001959839",
"text": "የቤል ምልመላ መኮንን ክፍት ቦታ",
"value": "bhel recruitment officer vacancy"
] | 00195/001959839.jpg | 001959839 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002489113",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002489113",
"text": "ሁለቱ ግሩም የኳስ ቡድኖች፣ ሲሆክስ እና ሲያትል",
"value": "the two superb bowl teams, seahawks and seattle"
] | 00248/002489113.jpg | 002489113 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000244526",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000244526",
"text": "የፓኪስታን ክሪኬት ተጫዋች ሰው የካቲት 25 ቀን 2019 በአይሲሲ ክሪኬት የዓለም ዋንጫ የጭንቅላት ፎቶግራፍ ወቅት ለፎቶግራፍ ይነሳል",
"value": "pakistan cricketer person poses for a portrait during an icc cricket world cup headshot session on february 25 2019 in"
] | 00024/000244526.jpg | 000244526 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001399211",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001399211",
"text": "አንድ ግራጫ ኦዲ s8 ሳሎን ፊት ለፊት አንድ ተሳፋሪ ባቡር በማለፍ ጋር",
"value": "the front of a grey audi s8 saloon with a passenger train passing by"
] | 00139/001399211.jpg | 001399211 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001894469",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001894469",
"text": "የቃሉ ጥንካሬ እና እድገት በላፕቶፕ ኮምፒውተር ማያ ገጽ ላይ",
"value": "the word strength and progress on a laptop computer screen"
] | 00189/001894469.jpg | 001894469 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004900110",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004900110",
"text": "አረንጓዴ ቀለም ያለው ካርዲጋን ከአበባ ዝርዝሮች እና ከአበባ ዝርዝሮች ጋር",
"value": "a green stripe cardigan with floral details and flower details"
] | 00490/004900110.jpg | 004900110 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005436570",
"text": "<image>\nየተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nProvide a brief description of the given image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005436570",
"text": "ሆቢት በጄአርኤፍ የቅርብ ጊዜ መጽሐፍ ላይ የተሰራ ፊልም ነው",
"value": "the hobbit is a movie made in the latest book by jrf"
] | 00543/005436570.jpg | 005436570 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001384154",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001384154",
"text": "እንዲሁ ታሪኮች ኦዲዮ መጽሐፍ",
"value": "just so stories audiobook"
] | 00138/001384154.jpg | 001384154 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006254058",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006254058",
"text": "የቪንቴጅ የመመገቢያ ስብስብ ጠረጴዛ ፣ 6 ወንበሮች ፣ 7 ወንበሮች ፣ የእንጨት መሠረት",
"value": "vintage dining set with table, 6 chairs, 7 chairs, wood base"
] | 00625/006254058.jpg | 006254058 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004415532",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004415532",
"text": "የእንጨት ጀልባ ጫማዎች",
"value": "timber boat shoes"
] | 00441/004415532.jpg | 004415532 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003397002",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003397002",
"text": "5 የመብራት ስርዓት ለቤት ውስጥ ማደግ መብራት ፣ የንግድ መብራት መሣሪያ ከ 3 - መንገድ ማብሪያዎች ፣ የአሉሚኒየም መገለጫ እና 3",
"value": "5 light system for indoor grow lighting, commercial lighting fixture with 3 - way switches, aluminum profile and 3"
] | 00339/003397002.jpg | 003397002 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000711553",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000711553",
"text": "የሴቶች የሠርግ ቀለበት",
"value": "womens wedding ring"
] | 00071/000711553.jpg | 000711553 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000680339",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000680339",
"text": "የቪታሚን ካፕሱሎች እና ታብሌቶች",
"value": "vitamin capsules and tablets"
] | 00068/000680339.jpg | 000680339 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006139262",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006139262",
"text": "አንዲት ሴት ሯጭ እግሯ በአንድ ጉልበት እና በጉልበት ህመም ፎቶግራፍ በመሬት ላይ ተረጋግጣለች",
"value": "a female runner with her leg resting on the ground with one knee and a knee pain stock photo"
] | 00613/006139262.jpg | 006139262 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000390498",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000390498",
"text": "በዌስትቦርን ሆቴል የሚገኘው የቢራ መጠጥ ቤት",
"value": "the craft beer bar at the westbourne hotel"
] | 00039/000390498.jpg | 000390498 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000719407",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000719407",
"text": "አኔሎ 14 ካት ነጭ ወርቅ 2 ካት ቲዲው የአልማዝ የሙሽራ ቀለበት ስብስብ",
"value": "annello 14k white gold 2ct tdw diamond bridal ring set"
] | 00071/000719407.jpg | 000719407 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000881847",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000881847",
"text": "የብረት ወንበር፣ የፓቲዮ ወንበር፣ ክላሲክ የተሠራ የአትክልት ወንበር",
"value": "the iron chair, the patio chair, a classic wrought garden chair"
] | 00088/000881847.jpg | 000881847 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000109325",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000109325",
"text": "በዱላ አናት ላይ በቡሪቶ እና በቺዝ ሾርባ የተሞላ ሳህን",
"value": "a skillet filled with burrito and cheese sauce on top of a plate"
] | 00010/000109325.jpg | 000109325 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005120867",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005120867",
"text": "በጠፈር ውስጥ ያለው ነጭ ተኩላ 5 ቁርጥራጭ ሥዕል በካንቫስ ላይ የታተመ",
"value": "white wolf in the outer space 5 piece painting print on canvas"
] | 00512/005120867.jpg | 005120867 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002378622",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002378622",
"text": "በርካታ የታኮ ኩባያዎች እና የቺሊ ሾርባ ፣ ከናቾስ አጠገብ",
"value": "several taco cups and chili sauce, next to the nachos"
] | 00237/002378622.jpg | 002378622 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000432343",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000432343",
"text": "በጠረጴዛ ላይ የተቀመጡ የፓስታ ንጥረ ነገሮች ያሉት የብረት ድስት",
"value": "a metal pan with pasta ingredients sitting on a counter"
] | 00043/000432343.jpg | 000432343 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003825018",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003825018",
"text": "አነስተኛ የእሽቅድምድም ጀብዱ",
"value": "mini racing adventure"
] | 00382/003825018.jpg | 003825018 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003672928",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003672928",
"text": "በ10ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን በዶክተር ማን እና በሳይንስ ዜና ርዕስ",
"value": "the 10th century, with the title doctor who and science news"
] | 00367/003672928.jpg | 003672928 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004199445",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004199445",
"text": "ጥቁር የሮክ ተኳሽ ቦርሳ",
"value": "black rock shooter tote bag"
] | 00419/004199445.jpg | 004199445 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001834310",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001834310",
"text": "የንግድ ምልክቶች የተቀረጹበት የዓለም ግሎብ ምስል",
"value": "an image of a world globe with business symbols drawn on it"
] | 00183/001834310.jpg | 001834310 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003548444",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003548444",
"text": "አዲሱ የከዋክብት ጦርነቶች ፒንቦል በእንፋሎት ላይ",
"value": "the new star wars pinball on steam"
] | 00354/003548444.jpg | 003548444 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003209583",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003209583",
"text": "በኤልና ኮቫኮቫ መድረክ ፖስተር ላይ ነጭ ልብስ የለበሱ ሶስት ባሌሪናዎች እየጨፈሩ ነው",
"value": "three ballerinas in white dress dancing on the stage poster by elena kovackova"
] | 00320/003209583.jpg | 003209583 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002742195",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002742195",
"text": "የሕፃን ልጅ የእንቅልፍ ልብስ ከዚፐር ጋር - እኩለ ሌሊት ጨረቃ",
"value": "baby boy's sleepsuits with zipper - midnight moon"
] | 00274/002742195.jpg | 002742195 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000411122",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000411122",
"text": "ሁለት ሰማያዊ ሳህኖች በጀርባው ውስጥ እህል ሰላጣ እና ሽንኩርት የተሞሉ",
"value": "two blue bowls filled with grain salad and cucumber in the background"
] | 00041/000411122.jpg | 000411122 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000744811",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000744811",
"text": "በውሃው እንቆቅልሽ ውስጥ አንድ ሞቃታማ ደሴት",
"value": "a tropical island in the water puzzle"
] | 00074/000744811.jpg | 000744811 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001612378",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001612378",
"text": "ጥቁር ሪም ያለው ነጭ ፎርድ ፊስታ መኪና",
"value": "a white ford fiesta car with a black rim"
] | 00161/001612378.jpg | 001612378 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004045866",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004045866",
"text": "የኤመራልድ ቁረጥ የዘላለም ቀለበት",
"value": "an emerald cut eternity ring"
] | 00404/004045866.jpg | 004045866 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002810821",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002810821",
"text": "የላስ ቬጋስ ምልክት እና የካሲኖ ሕንፃዎች የሻወር መጋረጃ",
"value": "the las vegas sign and casino buildings shower curtain"
] | 00281/002810821.jpg | 002810821 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004374662",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004374662",
"text": "የሰሜኑ ፊት የዱፌል ከረጢት ካሞ ትልቅ",
"value": "the north face duffel bag camo large"
] | 00437/004374662.jpg | 004374662 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003587496",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003587496",
"text": "አንድ ፖም የጆሮ ማዳመጫዎች እና ነጭ ጠረጴዛ ላይ አንድ iPhone",
"value": "an apple earpods and an iphone on a white table"
] | 00358/003587496.jpg | 003587496 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002261624",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002261624",
"text": "የቤት ዲዛይን ድርጣቢያዎች ጥቂት የተለያዩ ቤቶችን እያሳየ ነው",
"value": "the home website is showing a few different houses for home design websites"
] | 00226/002261624.jpg | 002261624 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001061340",
"text": "ይህ ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is this?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001061340",
"text": "የውሃ ጉድጓድ የሚሆን ቧንቧ ጢም ማስተካከል",
"value": "pipe nipple adapt for water well"
] | 00106/001061340.jpg | 001061340 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003707892",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003707892",
"text": "ሮሌክስ ፕሬዝዳንት ቀን ልክ በአልማዝ ቤዝል ፣ በሁለት-ቶን አይዝጌ እና በ 18 ካርት ቢጫ ወርቅ",
"value": "rolex president datejust with diamond bezel, in two - tone stainless and 18kt yellow gold"
] | 00370/003707892.jpg | 003707892 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004542637",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004542637",
"text": "ሪዲዲን ከከፍተኛው የዳኝነት ኮሚሽን እንዴት ማግኘት እንደሚቻል የጠቅላይ ፍርድ ቤት ትዕዛዝ",
"value": "supreme court order on how to get riddhi from supreme judicial commission"
] | 00454/004542637.jpg | 004542637 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004889882",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004889882",
"text": "ዳትሰን የሰሌዳ ሰሌዳ ፍሬም ይላል",
"value": "datsun says license plate frame"
] | 00488/004889882.jpg | 004889882 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003663862",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003663862",
"text": "የዜማ ማስታወሻ ደብተር መጽሔት",
"value": "a sheet music notebook journal"
] | 00366/003663862.jpg | 003663862 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001044733",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001044733",
"text": "ካዋሳኪ srzr1001 መንጠቆዎች - ሰንሰለት ፣ ባዶ ድራይቭ ማርሽ",
"value": "kawasaki srzr1001 sprocks - chain, idle drive gear"
] | 00104/001044733.jpg | 001044733 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005277476",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005277476",
"text": "አንድ ሴት ከእሷ ጥቅስ ጋር, የሐሰት ጓደኞች, የሞተ - መጨረሻ ስራዎች በማጽዳት የእርስዎን ሕይወት detox,",
"value": "a woman with her quote, detox your life by clearing out fake friends, dead - end jobs,"
] | 00527/005277476.jpg | 005277476 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000638156",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000638156",
"text": "ኤንኤችኤል ፒትስበርግ ፔንግዊንስ ጥቁር ኮር ሊስተካከል የሚችል - ካስኬት ስናፕባክ - ጥቁር",
"value": "nhl pittsburgh penguins black core adjustable - casquette snapback - black"
] | 00063/000638156.jpg | 000638156 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001144542",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001144542",
"text": "የማህጸን በር አጥንት ሞዴል የተነደፈ እና የተነደፈው ለአናቶሚክ ዓላማዎች ነው",
"value": "the cervical skeleton model is designed and designed for anatomical purposes"
] | 00114/001144542.jpg | 001144542 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005719058",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005719058",
"text": "የፕሬዚዳንቱ የካንቫስ ህትመት",
"value": "the presidents canvas print"
] | 00571/005719058.jpg | 005719058 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001318234",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001318234",
"text": "ለክራፍት ምግቦች ሊታተሙ የሚችሉ ኩፖኖች",
"value": "printable coups for kraft foods"
] | 00131/001318234.jpg | 001318234 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000827623",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000827623",
"text": "አንድ አሞሌ ግራፍ በቪዲዮ መመልከቻ ሰርጦች ከፍተኛ ገቢ ያላቸውን ቪዲዮዎች ያሳያል",
"value": "a bar graph shows the top grossing videos by video viewing channels"
] | 00082/000827623.jpg | 000827623 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001503215",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001503215",
"text": "የድንጋይ ጽጌረዳዎች ኢንዲጎ ሰማያዊ ግራፊክ ቡድን ቲ",
"value": "the stone roses indigo blue graphic crew tee"
] | 00150/001503215.jpg | 001503215 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000349077",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000349077",
"text": "ሰማያዊ ልብስ የለበሱ ሁለት ወጣቶች ደማቅ ብርቱካናማ ልብስ የለበሱ እናታቸውን እና እህታቸውን ይዘው ይጨፍራሉ",
"value": "two young men in blue outfits dance with their mother and sister in bright orange dresses"
] | 00034/000349077.jpg | 000349077 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000954624",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000954624",
"text": "በቀለማት ያሸበረቁ አልባሳት ውስጥ ያሉ አርቲስቶች ጭፈራ እና ቀረፃ ያካሂዳሉ",
"value": "performers in colorful outfits dance and perform footage"
] | 00095/000954624.jpg | 000954624 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001110698",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001110698",
"text": "- ቀዝቃዛ-ግድግዳ × የሞተር ብስክሌት አሰልጣኝ ጃኬት የባህር ኃይል",
"value": "a - cold - wall × motorbike coach jacket navy"
] | 00111/001110698.jpg | 001110698 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004299559",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004299559",
"text": "አንድ ሰው ለከፍተኛ የስኳር ምጣኔው ዝግጁ መሆኑን ለመለየት የደም ስኳር መለኪያ ይጠቀማል",
"value": "a person uses a blood sugar meter to determine if they're ready for their hyper"
] | 00429/004299559.jpg | 004299559 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003105900",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003105900",
"text": "በአንድ ጠረጴዛ ላይ ሁለት ብርጭቆዎች ያሉት የባካርዲ ጠርሙስ",
"value": "a bottle of bacardi with two glasses on a table"
] | 00310/003105900.jpg | 003105900 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002189684",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002189684",
"text": "ሶስት ወታደሮች በዋሽንግተን የኮሪያ ጦርነት አርበኞች መታሰቢያ ላይ በወታደራዊ ሠራተኞች ረድፍ አጠገብ ቆመዋል",
"value": "three soldiers stand by a line of military personnel at the korea war veterans memorial in washington poster"
] | 00218/002189684.jpg | 002189684 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000732898",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000732898",
"text": "አሸናፊው በዊንሶር ኦንታሪዮ ውስጥ የላይን ሚዲያ የ2014 ምርጥ 3 የድር ጣቢያ ዲዛይነሮች ነው",
"value": "the winner is line media's 2014 top 3 website designers in windsor ontario"
] | 00073/000732898.jpg | 000732898 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003162683",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003162683",
"text": "ከፊት ለፊቱ ግራፊክ እና ከኋላው ላይ ሰማያዊ ህትመት ያለው ሸሚዝ",
"value": "a shirt that says quiks in a graphic on the front and a blue print on the back"
] | 00316/003162683.jpg | 003162683 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001749256",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001749256",
"text": "የመሰብሰቢያ ቤት፣ የጌታ አምልኮ ቤተ ክርስቲያን",
"value": "the gathering house, ggh worship church"
] | 00174/001749256.jpg | 001749256 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000277570",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000277570",
"text": "በተመሳሳይ መንገድ የተለጠፈ የጊዜ ሰሌዳ",
"value": "a timeline line that is posted in the same manner"
] | 00027/000277570.jpg | 000277570 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005743115",
"text": "ምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።\n<image>",
"value": "Describe the image concisely.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005743115",
"text": "ረድፍ እርሳስ ቀሚስ ፎቶ",
"value": "a photo of the row pencil skirt"
] | 00574/005743115.jpg | 005743115 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003064175",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003064175",
"text": "ቻርሊ ፖፕ ከዱቡ አልበም ዘጠኝ ትራክ አእምሮ አንድ ጥሪ ርቆ ነው",
"value": "charlie pope is one call away from the dubu album nine track mind"
] | 00306/003064175.jpg | 003064175 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000822542",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000822542",
"text": "የቀድሞው የ NFL እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ማይክ ቴቦው በቡድኑ የስም አሰጣጥ ሥነ ሥርዓት ላይ ይናገራል",
"value": "former nfl football player mike tebowe speaks at the naming ceremony for his team"
] | 00082/000822542.jpg | 000822542 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000746700",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000746700",
"text": "የአኳሪየስ የዞዲያክ ምልክት ምስል",
"value": "an image of a aquarius zodiac sign"
] | 00074/000746700.jpg | 000746700 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002026166",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002026166",
"text": "ግንቦት 2016 የቀን መቁጠሪያ በነፃ ሊታተም የሚችል",
"value": "may 2016 calendar printables with freebie"
] | 00202/002026166.jpg | 002026166 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001457717",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001457717",
"text": "የኤስኤስሲ ናፖሊ አሌክሳንደር ዛብሊክ በጄኖዋ እና በዩኤፍኤ ማጣሪያ የመጀመሪያ ዲቪዚዮን ጨዋታ በኋላ ያከብራል",
"value": "aleksander zblik of ssc napoli celebrates after the uefa qualifying first division match between genoa and"
] | 00145/001457717.jpg | 001457717 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001718457",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001718457",
"text": "የፍላጎት ትንተና ቃል ደመና",
"value": "word cloud for requirements analysis"
] | 00171/001718457.jpg | 001718457 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000027911",
"text": "<image>\nምስሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽለት።",
"value": "<image>\nDescribe the image concisely."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000027911",
"text": "የዕፅዋቱ የገና አክሊል የውሃ ቀለም የሮያሊቲ ሥዕል",
"value": "the christmas wreath of the plants watercolor royalty illustration"
] | 00002/000027911.jpg | 000027911 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005865979",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005865979",
"text": "ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ ሪኮ",
"value": "compatible ink sticker for rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico rico"
] | 00586/005865979.jpg | 005865979 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000859467",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000859467",
"text": "ቤተሰብ ሃኑካምን በሳሎን ውስጥ ከሻማዎች ጋር እያከበረ ነው",
"value": "family celebrating hanukam in the living room with candles"
] | 00085/000859467.jpg | 000859467 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000361875",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000361875",
"text": "በቤቶች ላይ ጥቁር ግራጫ ደመና",
"value": "a dark grey cloud over houses"
] | 00036/000361875.jpg | 000361875 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003724015",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003724015",
"text": "ሮዝ እና ወርቃማ የሴት ልጅ መወለድ ማስታወቂያ ካርዶች",
"value": "pink and gold baby girl birth announcement cards"
] | 00372/003724015.jpg | 003724015 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002187512",
"text": "በፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?\n<image>",
"value": "What is in the photo?\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002187512",
"text": "የድመት የጀርባ ቦርሳ",
"value": "cat backpack"
] | 00218/002187512.jpg | 002187512 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006577897",
"text": "የቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።\n<image>",
"value": "Share a concise interpretation of the image provided.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006577897",
"text": "የ Xbox 360 ጨዋታ ሽግግር 3 ተለቅቋል",
"value": "the xbox 360 game shift 3 unleashed"
] | 00657/006577897.jpg | 006577897 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003546673",
"text": "<image>\nይህ ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is this?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003546673",
"text": "የእንጨት ማቀዝቀዣ ፣ ጌጣጌጥ ግድግዳ ጌጣጌጥ ጌታ ጋንደር በእጁ ከተሰራው ዮጊ ጋር ያሳያል",
"value": "a wooden fridge, with a decorative wall decor depicting the lord gander with his handmade yogi"
] | 00354/003546673.jpg | 003546673 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001091370",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001091370",
"text": "የስቲሄል የጀርባ ቦርሳ ነፋስ",
"value": "a stihel backpack blower"
] | 00109/001091370.jpg | 001091370 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005168982",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005168982",
"text": "የክብደት መቀነስን የሚያግዝ የተንቀሳቃሽ የድንጋይ ከሰል ባር፣",
"value": "the activated activated charcoal bar for weight loss,"
] | 00516/005168982.jpg | 005168982 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005647628",
"text": "የፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Present a compact description of the photo's key features.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005647628",
"text": "የ 2017 ፎርድ ፊስታ በአውቶ ፓርክ ላይ ይታያል ፣ ይህም ለአውቶሞቲቭ ስኬታማ የችርቻሮ ንግድ አካል ነው",
"value": "the 2017 ford fiesta is shown at auto park, which is part of a successful retail deal for the auto"
] | 00564/005647628.jpg | 005647628 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000868907",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000868907",
"text": "አኒስተር የሴቶች ቀሚስ ሱሪ መጠን 12",
"value": "anistor women dress pants size 12"
] | 00086/000868907.jpg | 000868907 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000105196",
"text": "የፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Render a clear and concise summary of the photo.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000105196",
"text": "በኤግዚቢሽኑ ቦታ ላይ የሚታዩ የተለያዩ ቀለም ያላቸው ምንጣፎችን የሚመለከቱ ሰዎች",
"value": "people looking at various colored carpets on display in the exhibit space"
] | 00010/000105196.jpg | 000105196 |
"from": "human",
"id": "006102964",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "006102964",
"text": "የንብረት ደህንነትን የሚመለከት መጽሔት",
"value": "a magazine publication on property safety"
] | 00610/006102964.jpg | 006102964 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002792184",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002792184",
"text": "የሃዋይ እሳተ ገሞራዎች ከጀርባው የእሳተ ገሞራ ጭስ ጋር",
"value": "hawaii volcanoes with volcano smoke in the background"
] | 00279/002792184.jpg | 002792184 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001027309",
"text": "ስለ ቀጣዩ ምስል አጭርና ግልጽ ማብራሪያ ስጥ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a short and clear explanation of the subsequent image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001027309",
"text": "የብር ጠርዝ ያለው የወርቅ ሽቦ ሪባን ጥቅል",
"value": "a roll of gold wired ribbon with silver edge"
] | 00102/001027309.jpg | 001027309 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000843294",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች አጭር መግለጫ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nPresent a compact description of the photo's key features."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000843294",
"text": "ለገና በቋሚ አረንጓዴ አበባዎች ፣ በአበባዎች እና በአበባዎች ላይ ለገና የተጌጠ ደረጃ",
"value": "a stairway decorated for christmas with evergreen garlands, garlands and wreaths on the stairs"
] | 00084/000843294.jpg | 000843294 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003938627",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003938627",
"text": "የቡጢ ተኳሽ 2 ቅጽበታዊ ገጽ እይታ ለእያንዳንዱ ጨዋታ ቁልፍ እቃዎችን ያሳያል",
"value": "bubble shooter 2 screenshot showing the key items for each game"
] | 00393/003938627.jpg | 003938627 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001380093",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001380093",
"text": "ላካይዛ የቆዳ ቡናማ ሱፍ",
"value": "lakaiza leather brown sued"
] | 00138/001380093.jpg | 001380093 |
"from": "human",
"id": "005463695",
"text": "<image>\nስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።",
"value": "<image>\nWrite a terse but informative summary of the picture."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "005463695",
"text": "የጎስ የውሂብ አሰባሰብ ስርዓት",
"value": "the goss data collection system"
] | 00546/005463695.jpg | 005463695 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003837107",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003837107",
"text": "ፍቅር በአየር ውስጥ ነው - የከተማው ሰማይ ገጽታ ህትመት ፣ ጥበብ ፣ የቤት ማስጌጫ ፣ የግድግዳ ጥበብ",
"value": "love is in the air - city skyline print, art, home decor, wall art"
] | 00383/003837107.jpg | 003837107 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004326346",
"text": "<image>\nየፎቶውን ግልፅ እና አጠር ያለ ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nRender a clear and concise summary of the photo."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004326346",
"text": "በሰው አካል ውስጥ ያሉት የአክስና እና የደም ቧንቧዎች ፎቶ",
"value": "the axna and blood vessels in the human body stock photo"
] | 00432/004326346.jpg | 004326346 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000406551",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000406551",
"text": "በሆዷ ላይ የወረቀት ቀስተ ደመና ያላት ነፍሰ ጡር ሴት",
"value": "a pregnant woman with a paper rainbow cloud on her belly"
] | 00040/000406551.jpg | 000406551 |
"from": "human",
"id": "002130354",
"text": "<image>\nሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።",
"value": "<image>\nGive a brief description of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "002130354",
"text": "ፍንጭ ያለው ጨዋታ",
"value": "clue game"
] | 00213/002130354.jpg | 002130354 |
"from": "human",
"id": "004928328",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "004928328",
"text": "ያሱም ውስጥ የቀድሞው ገበያ በ 50 ሚሊዮን ዶላር ተሽጧል",
"value": "the former market in yassum sold for $ 50m"
] | 00492/004928328.jpg | 004928328 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001829197",
"text": "<image>\nየቀረበውን ምስል በአጭሩ ይተረጉሙ።",
"value": "<image>\nShare a concise interpretation of the image provided."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001829197",
"text": "የጆርዳን 6 ጂም ቀይ ተለቋል",
"value": "the jordan 6 gym red is released"
] | 00182/001829197.jpg | 001829197 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001984348",
"text": "ሥዕሉን በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Give a brief description of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001984348",
"text": "ሁለት ወንዶች በጁዶ ውድድር ላይ ከተቃዋሚው ጋር እየተጫወቱ ነው",
"value": "two men in judo competition playing with the opponent"
] | 00198/001984348.jpg | 001984348 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001806292",
"text": "ስለ ሥዕሉ አጭር ነገር ግን መረጃ ሰጭ ማጠቃለያ ጻፍ።\n<image>",
"value": "Write a terse but informative summary of the picture.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001806292",
"text": "የቼክ መጽሔት ዳሽ መጋቢት / የካቲት እትም የፊት ሽፋን",
"value": "the front cover of the march / february issue of czech magazine dash"
] | 00180/001806292.jpg | 001806292 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001234168",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001234168",
"text": "አንድ ሰው በቦምብ ጥቃት በተከሰተበት በታህሪ ዳርቻ ላይ በተደመሰሰ ሕንፃ ፊት ለፊት ቆሟል",
"value": "a person stands in front of a destroyed building on the outskirts of tahri, where a bombing took place"
] | 00123/001234168.jpg | 001234168 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000059930",
"text": "<image>\nበፎቶው ላይ ያለው ምንድን ነው?",
"value": "<image>\nWhat is in the photo?"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000059930",
"text": "የፊልም ዞምቢዎች በ Lucky Exorcist ላይ እየመጣ ነው",
"value": "the movie zombies vs the lucky exorcist is coming"
] | 00005/000059930.jpg | 000059930 |
"from": "human",
"id": "001533379",
"text": "የምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።\n<image>",
"value": "Summarize the visual content of the image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "001533379",
"text": "ያልተለመደ የግራኔት ቀለበት",
"value": "an unusual garnet ring"
] | 00153/001533379.jpg | 001533379 |
"from": "human",
"id": "003725807",
"text": "<image>\nየምስሉን ምስላዊ ይዘት ማጠቃለያ ያቅርቡ።",
"value": "<image>\nSummarize the visual content of the image."
"from": "gpt",
"id": "003725807",
"text": "ከራማ ራማ አያት የተላከ መልዕክት የራማያን ነቢይ",
"value": "a message from rama rama ayat the prophet of ramaaan"
] | 00372/003725807.jpg | 003725807 |
"from": "human",
"id": "000503454",
"text": "የተሰጠውን ምስል በአጭሩ ግለጽ።\n<image>",
"value": "Provide a brief description of the given image.\n<image>"
"from": "gpt",
"id": "000503454",
"text": "ይህ የአትክልት ስፍራ በጣም የበለፀገ ሲሆን ጥግ ላይ ብዙ የዕፅዋት ማሳያዎች እና ሐውልቶች አሉት",
"value": "this garden is very lush and it has many plant displays and statues in the corner"
] | 00050/000503454.jpg | 000503454 |