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We have, excuse me, the fake that have been here. There's so much going on. Everything you need to get started and to start awakening is here. |
(5:35 - 5:48) |
You just have to have the desire, relax and apply yourself. Okay. And plus Deanna's got some really nice artwork stuff here. |
(5:48 - 6:15) |
She'll make stuff custom for you. She's incredible. She's, you know, source energy too. |
I don't mean to put a big emphasis on that, but it's just, it's a, it's a frequency power level thing. It's like a big snowflake. Okay. |
No better than anything else. And we're all family. And it's time for all of you to realize you have abilities because that's what they are. |
They're, they're your abilities. They're part of you. It's like walk, it's like going through your life, not using your right arm. |
(6:18 - 6:28) |
It's time for us to become who we really are. Okay. So everything you need for that is here. |
Folks. Love you. Hope you have a good time. |
(0:12 - 3:59) |
Hey there folks, how are we doing? I'm Jay Essex, also known as J.R. Essex, and it's 6.41 a.m. Sunday, April 3rd. Uh, numerology, it's the way we do it on most planets. We read from the right to the left, and then go up right to the left, up right to the left. |
That's where dyslexia came from, believe it or not. So, 6.41 is really 1, 4, 6. So, 1 is the self, 4 is fortitude, and 6 is intuition. So, there can be a different meaning for the same numbers for individuals, where you're getting message. |
That's what it's all about is, um, excuse me, communicating with stuff in the second dimension, what we call the other side. This is the third. And, uh, when you are all of a sudden, just look at something, that's your spirit guide, just grabbing your head and turning it, and looking and saying, look. |
And then you see something, and then it's an image, uh, it's a message. You could be driving down the road, and uh, some, for some reason, on the right-hand side, something's catching your eye, and you go by, as you get near it, it seems like it might be a, um, uh, like a beaver, like a big beaver standing there. That's the, that's the basic image you get in your head. |
It's some, a stump with some shadows, but the image you get in your head is beaver. You drive by, and you see it's a big stump, or some stuff put together, that from farther away, it might have looked like that. You didn't just see an actual beaver. |
You did get the message of beaver, and beaver means the energy behind a beaver is just do it. Okay, it's industrious. They build their dams and everything. |
Okay, that's the energy behind it. Everyone has metaphysical abilities. Everyone. |
It's part of what you are. You can't not have any. There's no such thing as a psychic, okay, but there are metaphysical abilities, and everyone has them. |
Psychic is, the word psychic is a box that people want to put you in, and someone says, oh really, are you a psychic, and then the first thing you do is look at them and say, you know, that's when your abilities are coming out, and people start to notice. Then as soon as they say that, just look at them and say, what's a psychic, and then once you do that, then you're, you're confronting them to literally define their question better. It's like, am I awake, aware of the fact that I have metaphysical abilities, and I'm using them? Yes, I am. |
Am I something that can do all this hocus-pocus stuff? No. You need to understand the depth of metaphysical and abilities. What is metaphysical? What are your abilities? And then just let it go. |
Let things be what they are. It's simple. Okay, don't let someone put you up against the wall and in a box and say, well, then do this for me, or if you're this and that, then you can do this, and you can do that. |
No, just send those off. You know, you're not there to prove anything to anyone. You're here having a life. |
And if you want to help someone, you're going to get more help from the other side to do exactly that. It's hard to look over there. It's hard to bring out those abilities. |
(4:00 - 4:13) |
And those people that can't, the first thing they'll say is, well, I can't do it, so you can't. If I'm not, then you're not. Because in the back of their heads, they're saying, because I'm better than you anyway. |
Let them go, man. Just let them go. Don't worry about them. |
(4:18 - 7:52) |
I always tell things, speak of things, and explain it as I see them. And I always tell things as they are. And if someone doesn't like it, whatever, it's no big deal. |
I just keep going. I often use that analogy of a fireman putting out a fire and a little child coming up there and doesn't know what he's talking about. And he says, you know, you're not putting out that fire right, you need to swing the axe like this, and you should be using this tool. |
And the fireman just looks at him and just kind of keeps going. It's like, whatever. That's the way you have to be about that. |
So many of us that are awakening can feel so much with our hearts because they're strong. Well, they're also fragile. They're very powerful, but they can be fragile too, easily hurt. |
The other chakras don't get hurt. The heart creates feelings, and that's why it can get hurt. That's why the heart energy is in a way the strongest because it pulls all the other energy fields together. |
But it also creates feelings, which have to do with emotions, come from the base chakra. The heart takes the basic data from the brain, and then it pulls it into the heart, and then it grabs the basic emotions from where the spine attaches the hip, and then brings it up, and then it creates a feeling that it sends out everywhere. People's hearts are talking all the time. |
So, for those people who are new, 2010, I started going into people's brains, working on them, literally helping where I could, a little healing here and there. But one thing I can do, I'm very successful at, like batting a thousand, is evolving people's brains. As long as they're not having negative thoughts, as long as their energy itself isn't 27.5% negative or more, and as long as they're not incredibly arrogant or abusive, I crank them up, and I know about that ahead of time. |
So, I've been around a long time. I've done work through other people and done a lot for them, and all that was was a bomb to blow up. So, now I'm putting this out here, just a few videos. |
I'm going to put out what I know will help you, help guide you on your own personal road to becoming yourself, to access your metaphysical abilities, to learn more about them to help you understand them, and to help you deal with people who don't understand them. This is all very important stuff. It really is, because isn't it time for all of you to be who you really are? I mean, the full you. |
It's like walking around and never using the right arm. That's what this channel is about. The last channel I had had over 500 videos on it. |
(7:52 - 8:27) |
I shut that thing down. It's so funny, as people become awake and aware, and stronger, that they become, after cranking some of them up, they go nuts. I don't mean crazy, like jumping out of windows. |
They start really getting arrogant. Nothing's any better than anything else. It's a sad situation, but it does get remedied. |
(8:30 - 9:05) |
So, anyway, a lot of people were upset about my not leaving since September 1st of 2015, last year. I got pneumonia again. I get pneumonia on and off. |
I've got COPD. I don't know the name of it, but it's like a consistent lower lung infection that doesn't ever hardly go away. Of course, it tears out kidneys and other stuff. |
(9:07 - 10:45) |
I've been waiting to get out of this body, so I can finish doing my work on the other side. I like to call myself a janitor, the J-man, because my thing is to just go ahead and fix what's broken, clean up around, and then go straighten everything up and go home. That's what I wanted to do, get the heck out of this body. |
Then the one that was screaming the most at me, that I had made more than $200,000 for, decided to literally cut her own throat and cause a situation that actually kept me here. Body Lunger, the whole time screaming that I was supposed to be dead, and she thought I was going to die, go to the other side, and make her rich. Folks, it's not like that. |
What's going on is for everyone. What's inside me is something that has a name. It's called an arrow. |
Why does it have a name? If you and I are talking, having a discussion, or any people are having a discussion, and if you want to talk about a firetruck and then you go to a tree, well, do you know how long it takes to describe what it is without just saying firetruck or tree? It's just a way to focus a thought process to understand something. That's where the arrow comes from in J. Arrow Essex. It's what's inside of J. Essex, so J. Essex Arrow. |
No biggie. The oldest energy there is, I've had more lives than anyone else, 10.846 trillion. There's nothing to brag about, I'm just making a statement. |
(10:45 - 11:27) |
I'm really tired of it. This is my last one. I have more health complications now that I have got the issues pretty well handled that kept me here. |
Everything's being put in place, so I'll be out of here soon. So that's why this channel is open, so I can feed you some information and just leave it. A lot of stuff is going to be purchased on the websites if you want it, J. Arrow Essex.com. You can go to J. Essex.com and then it'll take you right to J. Arrow Essex.com. Paul Cherik and Deanna Anayaf are going to take care of that. |
(11:28 - 11:57) |
It's their website. I'm just putting Paul in charge of most everything, and Deanna's right there with it too. She does all the graphic designing and the artwork that you see at J. Arrow Essex.com. She's incredible. |
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