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arXiv:physics/9911058v1 [physics.atm-clus] 24 Nov 1999Semiempirical charge distribution of clusters in the
ion sputtering of metal
Victor I. Matveev and Olga V. Karpova
Heat Physics Department of Uzbek Academy of Sciences,
28 Katartal Str., 700135 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
We propose the generalization of a known established empiri cally (Wahl W.
and Wucher A. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 94, 36(1994)) power law, describing
relative mass-spectra of neutral sputtered clusters, on th e cases of arbitrary clus-
ter charges. The fluctuation mechanism of charge state forma tion of sputtering
products in the form of large clusters with the number of atom sN≥5 is also
proposed. The simple formula obtained by us has been shown a g ood agreement
with the experimental data.
PACS numbers: 79.20.*, 36.40*.
0Sputtering of solids under the ion bombardment is one of the m ain
applied and fundamental problems which is importance in the many
directions of contemporary science and technology. Consid erable tech-
nological possibilities in the micro- and nanoelectronics , cosmic and
thermonuclear technologies have stimulated increase of th e number of
works devoted to application and basic investigations of sp uttering phe-
nomenon (see, for example, recent reviews [1-3] and referen ces therein).
The theoretical description and estimations of sputtering processes are
rather difficult due to the multiparticle character of proble m both at the
stage of ion penetration to solid and at the stage of formatio n sputtering
products which consist of not only single target atoms but al so polyi-
atomic particles, i.e., clusters. Presently, some perspec tives on carrying
out of ”first principle” calculations are connected (see, al so, estimates
[4,5]) with computer simulation by molecular dynamics meth ods. How-
ever, such calculations are complicated in technical plan, especially in the
case of increasing of the number of atoms in cluster and they a re difficult
for performing excluding the authors of these calculations .. The maximal
using of possibilities of empirically established sputter ing regularities is
reasonable in this case. For cluster sputtering so-called p ower law for rel-
ative neutral cluster yield which was discovered experimen tally (see for
instance [6]) could be most important. According to this the norlmalized
neutral cluster yield is described by the law Nξ, where Nis the number
of atoms in the cluster and the parameter ξdepends on bombardment
conditions and target type. One of most complex problems is a lso pro-
cess of charge state formation of surface sputtering produc ts. Consid-
erable number of experimental and theoretical works are dev oted (see,
for example, review [7]) to the investigations of charge sta te formation
of single atomic particles at the surface scattering or sput tering of metal
surface. On other hand, the mechanism of charged structure f ormation
1of polyatomic particles had been less investigated both the oretically and
experimentally. In this paper the generalization of well kn own empiri-
cally established power law describing relative mass-spec tra of neutral
clusters for cluster emission of arbitrary charges is offere d. The fluc-
tuation mechanism of charge state formation of sputtering p roducts in
form of large clusters with the number of atoms N≥5 is also proposed.
Derived simple formulas are in a good accordance with the exp erimental
data. We use the old conception according to which large clus ters are
emitted as a whole agglomerate in the form of block of atoms (s ee also
[8,9]) . We will consider the probability WNof events corresponding to
correlated movement of N-atomic block as given. Let us determine the
charged state of the block of N-atoms. For this purpose we wil l follow
the statistical deriving of Saha-Lengmuir’s formula [10], and assume that
with moving off of the cluster from the metal surface up to some distance
(so-called critical distance) the exchange between the ele ctrons of metal
conduction zone and electrons of cluster atoms is possible. When cluster
moves away from the metal surface to the distance exceeding c ritical
one, the electron exchange stop unadiabatically. Further b elow saying
about cluster electrons, we will mean valence electrons onl y and corre-
sponding aggregate of states we will call the cluster conduc tion zone.
We will also assume that namely between the zones of metal and cluster
the exchange is possible. Then average number of electrons nτon the
energy electron level ετof cluster, according to the Fermi distribution, is
defined by nτ={exp[(ετ−µ)/Θ] + 1 }−1,where Θ is temperature, µis
the chemical potential. Let us denote via ∆n2τthe average of square de-
viation numbers of occupation nτfrom the equilibrium nτ- values. Then
∆n2τ=(nτ−nτ)2=nτ(1−nτ) [11]. Obviously, the average number of
electrons is Ne=/summationtext
τnτ. Let the number of electron in cluster conduc-
tion zone is Ne. Then, according to definition, the average of square
2deviation of number of electron in cluster conduction zone f rom average
value is ∆N2e=(Ne−Ne)2=/summationtext
τ∆n2τ.The cluster, having Neelectrons
in conduction zone, will be electrically neutral, if Ne=Ne, where Ne
is the average number of electrons in the cluster conduction zone which
is equal to the number of atoms in N-atomic cluster multiplied to va-
lencyγ(i.e., to the number of atomic electrons, yelding by neutral metal
atom to the conduction zone). Thus, cluster charge is Qe= (Ne−Nγ)e,
where eis electron charge. Further calculations with these formul ae
require knowledge of the electronic structure of cluster an d generally
speaking cannot be performed in general form. However, if to consider
cluster size is large enough and electronic states are quasi -continuous,
one can exchange summing over the electronic states on integ ration over
the zone [11]. Therefore, for the temperatures less than the degeneration
temperature, i.e. for µ/Θ≫1, one has
∆N2e≈21/2V m3/2
where meis electron mass in conduction zone, Vis cluster volume and
chemical potential of the degenerated Fermi gas with the num ber of
particles Nein the cluster volume Vis [11]
µ= (3π2)2
Thus, the average of square deviation of cluster charge from the equilib-
rium value of Qe=(Ne−Nγ)e= 0, is1
V. (1)
1In principle, equality to zero of equilibrium cluster charg e follows from the assumption that Fermi
levels in cluster and metal coincide. If it is not executed, a symmetry between positive and negative
charged clusters will be observed and corresponding change s in following formulas can be easy made.
3Probabilities PN(Q) of values Qwe will determine by making use of
standard formula for probability of fluctuations, i.e.,
PN(Q) =1
, (2)
where normalizing factor DNis defined by summing (2) over all possible
values ( 2) Q= 0,±e,±2e, .... Thus, to obtain probability WQ
Nof cluster
emission with number of atoms Nand charge Qeone should multiply
the probability of occurrence of events WNcorresponding to correlated
moving of N-atomic agglomerate, on PN(Q):
N=WNPN(Q). (3)
On other hand, according to experiment, neutral clusters ar e distributed
by power law Nξ, and so
N=WNPN(Q= 0) = Nξ. (4)
Ncan be written as follow
PN(Q= 0)NξPN(Q). (5)
AsPN(Q= 0) = 1 /DN, then definitive expression for probability of
N-atomic cluster emission and having charge Qwill have a form
, (6)
where, according to equation ( 1),
3N , (7)
where dis the number of atoms in the unit of cluster volume, i.e. conc en-
tration (which we have accepted equal to the atomic target co ncentration
for numerical calculations).
4Simplest characteristic of cluster charge distribution, c onsisting of
given number of atoms N, is the ionization coefficient κQ
Nwhich is equal
to the ratio of number of clusters with charge Q/ne}ationslash= 0 and number of
neutral clusters with the same number of atoms N. In our case ionization
coefficient is
. (8)
Obviously, our consideration is not applicable for the sput tering of single
atoms or small clusters. From comparison with the experimen tal data
one can made a conclusion (see also [8,9]) on applicability o f the model
beginning from the concrete number of cluster atoms ( N≥5). In exper-
iment one measures, usually, the relative probabilities of the cluster yield
with different number of atoms. Therefore, to compare theore tical data
with the experiment ones, one should at first divide the proba bility (6) to
the probability of cluster emission with ( 6) N= 5 (more exactly, we can
choose any value N≥5, but it is more conveniently for us, when N= 5
) , i.e. YQ
5. The experimental data will be same normalized.
Farther, if it is necessary, one can pass to arbitrary conven ient system of
units. The results of analysis of the general formulas and pe rformed nu-
merical calculations and experimental data which are given in Figs. 1-3
allow to come to the following conclusions: a) The charge sta te changes
by the variation of target temperature, moreover the ioniza tion coeffi-
cients increase by increasing of the temperature; b) relati ve mass-spectra
of the neutral clusters do not depend on target temperature, while rel-
ative mass-spectra of charged clusters depend on it very str ongly, but
by increasing of temperature they approach to mass-spectra of neutral
clusters; c) the more cluster charge, the more seldom they ar e found; for
example, the number of clusters with charge 2, as a rule, less than the
number of clusters with charge 1; d) large clusters are ioniz ed in larger
5degree; e) tendency to saturation of ionization coefficients with growth
of cluster dimension is an important peculiarity, qualitat ively the same
behavior has been noted in experiments [12], that confirms th e conclu-
sions about coincidence of the relative mass-spectra of cha rged clusters
with neutral ones, when values of N are large (i.e., when N≫1) ). As
it is well known, the experimental registration of the charg ed clusters
is simpler technically than one of neutral clusters. Theref ore the data
of measurements of charged clusters allow restoring of neut ral clusters
distribution indirectly and experimental set up is simplifi ed very much.
1. H.H. Andersen, K.Dan. Vidensk. Selsk. Mat. Fys. Medd. 43,
2. H.M. Urbassek and W.O. Hofer, K.Dan. Vidensk. Selsk. Mat. Fys.
Medd. 43, 97(1993).
3. G. Betz and W. Wahl, International J. of Spectrometry and I on Pro-
cesses. 140, 1(1994).
4. A. Wucher and B.Y. Garrison, J.Chem Phys. 105, 5999(1996).
5. Th.J. Colla, H.M. Urbassek, A. Wucher, C. Staudt, R. Heinr ich, B.J.
Garrison, C. Dandachi and G. Betz Nucl. Instrum. Meth. (1998 ),B
143, 284(1998).
6. A. Wucher and W. Wahl, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 115 , 581(1996).
7. M.L. Yu, Topics of Applied Phys. Sputtering by Particle Bo mbard-
ment III. Ed. by R. Behrisch and K. Wittmaack, Springer-Verl ag, (1991)
p. 91-160.
8. V.I. Matveev, S.F. Belykh and I.V. Veryovkin, Zh. Tekh. Fi z.69,
64(1999), [Technical Physics, 44, 323(1999).].
9. S.F. Belykh, V.I. Matveev, I.V. Veryovkin, A. Adriaens, F . Adams.
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 155 , 409(1999).
10. Dobretsov L.N., Gomounov M.V. Emissional electronics, Moscow,
Nauka, 1966.
11. L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical physics, Par t 1, Moscow,
Nauka, 1964.
12. W. Wahl and A. Wucher, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. (1994), B 94,
13. S.F. Belykh, U.Kh. Rasulev, A.V. Samartsev and I.V. Very ovkin,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 136-138 , 773(1998).
7Figure captions:
Fig.1. The dependence of coefficients of single and double ion ization
of clusters from 5 and 10 Ta-atoms on target temperature Θ.
Fig.2. The dependence of coefficients of single ionization on the num-
ber of atoms in cluster of Ag: dotted line - our calculations at target
temperature Θ = 500oK,•- experimental data from [12].
Fig.3. Relative yield Y1
Nof one charge cluster of Ta+1
Nin dependence
on number Nof atoms in cluster under one-charged ion of Au−1(with
the energy 6 keV) bombardment of tantalum at target and targe t tem-
perature Θ = 2273oK: unbroken line - calculated values of Y1
experiment [13].
3 571015
N,CLUSTERSIZE0.0010.010.1110Y1N,CLUSTERYIELD3 571015
0.0010.010.1110 |
arXiv:physics/9911059v1 [physics.class-ph] 24 Nov 1999Dedicated to Irene Z.
Alexander A. Vlasov
High Energy and Quantum Theory
Department of Physics
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119899
In nonrelativistic approximation one-dimensional motion of Sommerfeld sphere
in the case of potential barrier is numerically investigate d. The effect of classi-
cal tunneling is confirmed once more - Sommerfeld sphere over comes the barrier
and finds itself in the forbidden, from classical point of vie w, area
The problem of radiation reaction in classical electrodyna mics is still dis-
cussed in the literature (for ex. see [1]). This problem can b e formulated in the
following way: it is known that classical charged body movin g with acceleration
must radiate. Thus there is back reaction of outgoing electr omagnetic waves.
But what quantity feels this back reaction - pure mechanical mass of a charged
body or an effective mass, constructed from the mechanical ma ss and energy of
self electromagnetic field? Is this effective mass constant o n the trajectory of a
moving body or a function of time? In another words, what is th e dynamics of
a charged body due to radiation reaction?
To answer these questions long time ago [2] was proposed by So mmerfeld
model of sphere with uniform surface charge Qand mechanical mass m. In
nonrelativistic approximation such sphere obeys the equat ion (see also [3,4,5,6]):
m˙/vector v=/vectorFext+η[/vector v(t−2a/c)−/vector v(t)] (1)
herea- radius of the sphere, η=Q2
3ca2, /vector v=d/vectorR/dt, /vectorR- coordinate of the
center of the shell.
One can find in the literature the opinion [1], that the equati on (1) has no
unphysical solutions and ”free of the problems that have pla gued the theory for
most of this century”.
But the fact is that (as was shown in [7]) equation of motion fo r Sommerfeld
model possesses some strange solution which can be interpre ted as ”classical
tunneling” (see also [8,9] ). The physics of this effect is sim ple: due to retarda-
1tion the body ”understands” that there is the potential barr ier ”too late” and
thus can fall through the barrier.
Here we consider one-dimensional motion of the shell in more simple, then in
[7], case - in nonrelativistic case for potential barrier, p roduced by homogeneous
static electric field Ez, stretched in z- direction for 0 < z < L (like in plane
0, z < 0;
E,0< z < L ;
0, L < z ;
For dimensionless variables y=R/L, x =ct/L, a∗= 2a/L, taking for
simplicity a∗= 1, the equation of motion of Sommerfeld sphere in nonrelati vistic
approximation (1) with external force produced by Ez
d/vector rρ·Ez=EQ·f,
ρ=Qδ(|/vector r−/vectorR| −a)/4πa2,
0, y < −1/2;
(2y+ 1)/2,−1/2< y < 1/2;
(−2y+ 3)/2,1/2< y < 3/2;
0, 3/2< y;
+λf (2)
3mc2a, λ=LQE
It is useful to compare solutions of (1) with classical point charge motion
in the same field, governed by the following nonrelativistic equation without
radiation force:
dx2=FE (3)
0, y < 0;
1,0< y < 1;
0,1< y;
A.Dividing x-axis into unit intervals, one can find solutions of (2) on eac h
interval in elementary functions (exponents) and then sew t hem together with
appropriate boundary conditions (position of the center of the shell and its
velocity must be continuous) thus constructing the solutio n of (2) on the whole
2x-axis. But for our goal it will be more effective to obtain solu tions of (2)
through numerical calculations.
Numerical calculations of eq. (2) show that there is the effec t of classical
tunneling for Sommerfeld sphere.
Indeed, classical point particle motion, governed by eq. (3 ), is simple:
v2= 2λ+v2
0,0< y < 1
dx=v,v0- initial velocity.
Thus for given initial velocity for 2 |λ|> v2
0there is the turning point - i.e.
classical particle cannot overcome the potential barrier.
But for Sommerfeld sphere the result is different.
Numerical results are on fig. (A.1-A.3) (vertical axis is vel ocitydy/dx , hor-
izontal axis is coordinate y,−1/2< y < 3/2 - i.e. inside the barrier).
Onfig. A.1 we can see the effect of tunneling for the following values of k
k= 1, λ=−0.5.
Velocities of the shell are
v= 0.4, v= 0.6, v= 0.7 (- all give rebounce); v= 0.8 (and here is
and all of them are from the ”forbidden area” v≤/radicalbig
2|λ|= 1.0.
Onfig. A.2 we can see the effect of tunneling for the following values of k
k= 1, λ=−0.1.
Velocities of the shell are:
v= 0.12, v= 0.3 (rebounce); v= 0.4 (tunneling)
and all of them are from the ”forbidden area” v≤/radicalbig
2|λ|= 0.4472....
Comparing fig. A.3 withfig. A.2 , we can see that the more greater
the value of k(”more” retardation), the more stronger becomes the effect o f
onfig. A.3 :k= 10, λ=−0.1;
velocities of the shell are the same as for fig. A.2:
v= 0.12 (rebounce); v= 0.3, v= 0.4 (tunneling)
Thus we see that the effect of classical tunneling exists not o nly for point-
like particles, governed by Lorentz-Dirac equation [8], bu t also exists for charged
bodies of finite size.
1. F.Rohrlich, Am.J.Phys., 65(11), 1051(1997).
2. A.Sommerfeld, Gottingen Nachrichten, 29 (1904), 363 (19 04), 201 (1905).
3. L.Page, Phys.Rev., 11, 377 (1918)
34. T.Erber, Fortschr. Phys., 9, 343 (1961)
5. P.Pearle in ”Electromagnetism”,ed. D.Tepliz, (Plenum, N.Y., 1982), p.211.
6. A.Yaghjian, ”Relativistic Dynamics of a Charged Sphere” . Lecture Notes
in Physics, 11 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992).
7. Alexander A.Vlasov, physics/9905050.
8. F.Denef et al, Phys.Rev. E56, 3624 (1997); hep-th/960206 6.
9. Alexander A.Vlasov, Theoretical and Mathematical Physi cs, 109, n.3,
-5.00e-1-3.00e-1-1.00e-11.00e-1 3.00e-1 5.00e-1 7.00e- 1 9.00e-1 1.10e0 1.30e0 1.50e0
-5.00e-1-3.00e-1-1.00e-11.00e-1 3.00e-1 5.00e-1 7.00e- 1 9.00e-1 1.10e0 1.30e0 1.50e0
-5.00e-1-3.00e-1-1.00e-11.00e-1 3.00e-1 5.00e-1 7.00e- 1 9.00e-1 1.10e0 1.30e0 1.50e0
6 |
(revised August, 2006)Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of
John A. Gowan
There is nothing so valuable as a fresh perspective.
Row one: Symmetric Energy States: Creation Event
Light and Spacetime
Noether's Theorem
Particles, Leptoquarks
Symmetry Breaking
Row two: Particles - Raw Energy Conservation
Time and Entropy
The Interval
The Mechanism of Gravitation
Quantum Mechanics and Gravitation
Quarks and Leptons
Fermions and Bosons
Row three: Charges - Symmetry Conservation
Electric Charge
Gravitational Charge
Color Charge
Number Charge
Row four: Fields - Symmetry Payments
Gravitons8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 1 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlNote (1): I recommend the reader consult the "preface" or "guide" to this paper, which may be found at
and the " ".Quantum Radiance and Black Holes
Links And References
The conceptual basis of the Unified Field Theory, as presented in these pages, can be briefly sketched as follows:
"Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field such as the electromagnetic field (or the
metric field of spacetime), where one finds a symmetry one finds an associated conservation law,
and vice versa. In matter, light's symmetries are conserved by charge and spin; in spacetime, by
inertial and gravitational forces. All forms of energy, including the conservation/entropy domain of
spacetime, originate as light. During the "Big Bang", the asymmetric interaction of primordial, high
energy light with the metric structure of spacetime produces matter; matter carries charges which
are the symmetry (and entropy) debts of the light which created it. Charges produce forces which
act to return the material system to its original symmetric state (light), paying matter's symmetry/
entropy debts. Repayment is exampled by matter-antimatter annihilation reactions, particle and
proton decay, the nucleosynthetic pathway of stars, and Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black
holes. Identifying the broken symmetries of light associated with each of the 4 forces of physics is
the first step toward a conceptual unification of those forces. The charges of matter are the
symmetry debts of light.
Row 1 - and the "Big Bang" Symmetric Energy States
the Papers: An Introduction" The Sun Archetype
Note (2): The format of this paper ("Row 1", "Row 2", etc.) follows a which the reader should access
and print out for ready reference. This table provides a convenient way to organize an extensive subject matter,
and is furthermore part of a , which facilitates comparison and
correlation with other "world systems". An introductory paper:
provides a general summary of the topic. See also
for another version of the primary table.4x4 table
General System, or Fractal Model of the Universe
"Synopsis of the Unification Theory: The
System of Spacetime" " 4x4 Table of Conservation Law vs
Note (3): The symmetries usually discussed in physics articles with regard to the four forces are highly technical
and mathematical, often described as parameters or dimensions of an imaginary "phase space". The less
technical but equally valid symmetries presented in this article and throughout this webpage are more general,
with broad significance, relating common and recognizable features of the forces to common and recognizable
features of the conservation laws.
Note (4): In each of the four rows below I suggest a financial metaphor for the energetic process characteristic of
the row, beginning with the assumption of a debt, followed by two contrasting payment modes, and ending with
a full repayment. The intent is to help the reader gain an overview of and feeling for the unfolding energy budget
of the Cosmos as outlined in this model, by reference to an analogous quantitative system with which we are all
Incurring the energy, entropy, and symmetry debt - "opening the account" - symmetry-breaking during
the Big Bang. Important concepts in Row 1 include the nature of light and its intrinsic motion, as gauged by
"velocity c"; the establishment of the spacetime metric; "Noether's Theorem" and the conserved symmetries of Row 1:8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 2 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlThe Universe, our theory, and this exposition all begin with light - free electromagnetic energy - which is a
perfectly symmetric energy form. Light is massless, carries no charges of any kind, produces no gravitational
field, and has no time dimension in the ordinary sense. Light's intrinsic motion (gauged by "velocity c") is the
entropy drive of free energy, and also the gauge of a "non-local" symmetry condition formally characterized by
Einstein as light's zero "Interval". Light's zero "Interval" (the "Interval" is a mathematically invariant quantity of
spacetime) defines light's symmetric energy state of "non-locality". light; the interaction of light with metric space to create the "particle sea"; and finally, the breaking of the
symmetry of light, the spacetime metric, and matter-antimatter particle pairs by the asymmetric interactions of the
weak force with matter vs antimatter. Symmetry-breaking results in the creation of isolated particles of matter -
the atoms which form our material Universe.
How the universe actually begins (for example, "inflationary" scenarios) is not considered in this account. I
assume, however, that the initiating positive energy is effectively balanced by some type of negative energy (such
as gravity). Furthermore, it is not unreasonable to suppose that our universe is but one of many (a member of the
"multiverse"), whose basic physical constants are constrained by the "anthropic principle" (must allow the
evolution of humans).
Light and Spacetime
Light is a 2-dimensional transverse wave whose intrinsic motion sweeps out a third spatial dimension. Lacking
both a time dimension and one spatial dimension (in its direction of propagation), light's position in 3-
dimensional space or 4-dimensional spacetime cannot be specified. Since both time and distance are
meaningless to light, and yet light has intrinsic motion, light has in effect an infinite amount of time to go
nowhere. Hence in its own reference frame (moving freely in the vacuum of spacetime at velocity c), light must
be considered to be everywhere simultaneously. From this results the "non-local" (and therefore atemporal and
acausal) symmetric energy state of light. "Non-locality" is the principle symmetry condition of massless free
energy, and its chief distinction from massive, local, temporal, and causal bound energy. Several other
symmetries are associated with light's non-local energy state, all of which require conservation (in accordance
with "Noether's Theorem").
Light's "zero Interval" means that light is everywhere throughout its conservation domain simultaneously - a
symmetry condition with respect to the distribution of light's energy in spacetime ("symmetry" refers to a
condition of balance, sameness, or equality). It is due to this symmetry condition that we can circumnavigate the
universe within a human lifetime - in a rocket ship moving at nearly velocity c. At exactly c it takes no time at
The electromagnetic constant c is the universal "gauge" or regulator (in the sense of railroad track or wire
gauges) for the "metric" of spacetime, the fixed relationship which establishes the equivalence of measurement
within and between the dimensions: 300,000 km of space is metrically equivalent to 1 second of time. At c this
equivalence is complete and time is suppressed to a locally implicit state (light has no time dimension). The
suppression of the asymmetric time dimension (and time's asymmetric companions, mass, charge, and
gravitation), and the equilibration of the 3 spatial dimensions, is the principle symmetry-keeping function of c. To
think of c as a velocity, even as a "non-ordinary" velocity, is to miss the point: the physical significance of c is
that it is the symmetry gauge and the primordial entropy drive of free electromagnetic energy in its metric,
dimensional, or spatial expression. It is because of these "gauge" functions that c appears to us as an effectively
"infinite" and invariant velocity. Another famous gauge function of c fixes the energetic equivalence of free to
bound electromagnetic energy: E = mcc. c also functions as the gauge or messenger of causality. These various
gauge functions indicate the primacy of light in our Universe - and the fundamental significance of Einstein's
Theory of Special Relativity.
In a universe of pure light, before the creation of matter, the metric is everywhere the same, as no gravitational
fields are present to disturb its symmetry. The metric is a necessary condition of the spatial domain, indeed the
very reason for its existence, as it is the regulatory mechanism which performs the conservation function of the
domain (via "inertial" forces), controlling and coordinating the rate of expansion and cooling of space both 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 3 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlglobally and locally, regardless of the changing size of the expanding Universe. It is for this reason that a "non-
local" metric gauge such as c is required - one whose regulatory influence can be everywhere simultaneously,
irrespective of the physical extent (or expansion) of its domain. Both space and its metric are created by the
intrinsic motion of light. Without the metric every photon could have a unique velocity; it is the metric which
imposes the universal constant c upon them all. While we conceive of the metric as produced by light, the
metric's origin is in the inherent conservation characteristic of light, including entropy and symmetry. (See: "
Higgs Field vs the Spacetime Metric
The entropy drive of light is expressed through its intrinsic motion, expanding and cooling the Universe, hence
reducing the Cosmos' capacity for work. But it is light's intrinsic motion which also creates the conservation
domain of spacetime and maintains its metric symmetry, suppressing time, etc. Therefore light and space are
related through the first and second laws of thermodynamics, while c functions as both the entropy drive and the
symmetry gauge of free energy. It is the function of entropy to create a dimensional conservation domain in
which energy can be transformed, used, and yet conserved. Without entropy (the 2nd law of thermodynamics),
the Universe could not spend its energy capital, since the 1st law of thermodynamics (energy conservation)
would forbid any use of energy at all. The dimensions of spacetime are entropy domains, created by the intrinsic
(entropic) dimensional motions of light (creating space), time (creating history), and gravitation (creating time
and spacetime), as gauged by "c" (the intrinsic motion of light), "T" (the intrinsic motion of time), and "G" (the
gravitational constant).
The intrinsic motion of time is also primarily gauged by c as the temporal duration (measured by a clock)
required by light to move a given distance. G is the entropy conversion gauge, fixing the volume of space which
must be annihilated and converted to time per given mass. Gravitation converts the entropy drive of free energy
(the intrinsic motion of light as gauged by velocity c) to the entropy drive of bound energy (the intrinsic motion
of time as gauged by velocity T) and vice versa (as in stars). See: ; and "
"."A Description of Gravitation" Spatial vs
Temporal Entropy
Our physical universe, including the conservation domain of spacetime, is wholly the product of a single form of
energy - electromagnetic energy (the "monotheism" of physics). Light is the most primordial form of this energy,
which we know because light has the greatest symmetry of any energy form, and provides the basic gauges, both
metric and energetic, for either free or bound electromagnetic energy. Light is the only energy form which can
produce its own conservation domain from its own nature (intrinsic motion c) - matter must produce its historic
domain from preexisting space via the gravitational conversion of space to time. Finally, light is the form from
which all other kinds of energy are made, and to which they all reduce and return. (See:
.)"Entropy, Gravitation,
and Thermodynamics"
Noether's Theorem
"Noether's Theorem" (Emmy Noether, 1918) states that in a multicomponent field (such as the electromagnetic
field, or the metric field of spacetime), where one finds a symmetry, one will find an associated conservation law,
and vice versa. Noether's Theorem is saying that in the conversion of light to matter (for example), not only must
the raw energy of light be conserved in the mass and momentum of particles, but the symmetry of light must also
be conserved - not only the quantity but the quality of energy must be conserved.
Noether's Theorem seems to apply individually to both halves of the "frequency-wavelength" or " particle-
wave" (or "electric-magnetic") duality that characterizes light. The "frequency" characteristic of light apparently
corresponds to the particle-antiparticle expression of light's energy (light's raw energy and potential information
content), which is conserved through the charges (and spin) of matter. The "wavelength" characteristic of light
apparently corresponds to the metric field of inertial forces and intrinsic dimensional motion (the structural and
entropic aspects of light), which are conserved through the gravitational and temporal attributes of matter.
("Spin" seems to be a wholly conserved intermediate or mixed state of charge and inertial force.)
Hence symmetry-breaking we find Noether's Theorem expressed through: 1) the inertial forces of metric
symmetry-keeping as gauged by "velocity c", suppressing the asymmetric time dimension; 2) through the
electrical annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs, suppressing the asymmetric appearance of any immobile before8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 4 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlin which Beauty corresponds to Symmetry and Truth corresponds to Conservation. bound energy form, whether matter or antimatter. symmetry-breaking (in the "Big Bang"), we find
Noether's Theorem expressed through: 1) the metric fields of gravitation and time; 2) the conserved charges (and
spin) of particles - which all work together (as in the Sun) to return asymmetric matter to its original form of
symmetric light. The process (of symmetry conservation) drives to completion via Hawking's "quantum
radiance" of black holes.After
I think of Noether's theorem as the "Truth and Beauty" theorem, in reference to Keat's great poetic intuition:
"... Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"
("Ode on a Grecian Urn": John Keats,1819)
The two common examples of Noether's Theorem enforced in Nature - charge (and spin) conservation among
the particles, and gravitational and inertial forces in the spacetime metric - are the more enlightening because the
former is an example of symmetry conservation and debt payment deferred indefinitely through time, while the
latter is an example of raw energy conservation in which the debt must be paid immediately. Furthermore, in the
case of inertial forces, we see the implication that gravitation will also fall under the conservation mantle of
Noether's Theorem, via Einstein's "Equivalence Principle". This indication is borne out and verified by the
discovery that gravitation is indeed a symmetry debt of light, responding to and conserving light's non-local
spatial distribution, a symmetry broken by the immobile, undistributed concentrations of mass energy (E = mcc)
represented by matter.
Noether's theorem tells us why the forces of nature are busy converting matter to light: matter was created from
light in the "Big Bang", but since light has greater symmetry than matter, it is to conserve light's symmetry that
all the charges and forces of matter work to accomplish the return of bound energy to its original symmetric
state. These charges produce forces which act to return
the system of matter to light (free energy). Our Sun is an archetypical example of symmetry conservation in
nature.The charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light.
A program of unification is therefore clearly indicated by Noether's Theorem: identify the (broken) symmetries
of light carried, represented, and conserved by the charges of matter. The actions of the forces produced by these
charges should offer clues as to what these (broken) symmetries are. This will allow us to refer all the charges
and forces of matter to their respective origins as specific symmetries of light, accomplishing our conceptual
unification. Matter is but an asymmetric form of light, as time is an asymmetric form of space, and gravity is an
asymmetric form of inertia. Charges and forces of matter act to return bound energy to its symmetric, original
state of free energy. In the pages which follow, we will follow out this simple conceptual program of force
unification, by identifying the broken symmetries of light represented by the conserved charges of matter -
including gravity's "location" charge. While this is a conceptual rather than a quantitative unification, is is hoped
that by framing the argument firmly within the constraints of the conservation laws, a route to a more formal,
quantitative, mathematical unification will be indicated.
Matter consists of two types of massive particles, the elementary particles with no internal parts, called leptons,
and composite particles with internal parts (quarks) called hadrons. Together they comprise atomic matter, the
electron a member of the lepton family, and the nuclear particles (protons and neutrons) examples of the hadron
family. Hadrons containing a quark-antiquark pair are known as mesons, while those containing 3 quarks are
called baryons; no other quark combinations are thought to exist in nature - at least commonly (see:
"The Year in Science" Jan. 2006 page 39). (See: ).Discover
"The Particle Table"
Together, light and metric spacetime have the capacity to produce particles, which are essentially a "packaging"
of light's free energy. The mechanism by which the primordial transformation of free to bound electromagnetic
energy occurs is still unknown, although actively investigated. We believe our universe began as an incredibly 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 5 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlhot, energy dense, and spatially tiny "singularity" (the standard "Big Bang" model - see Steven Weinberg's
). One can readily appreciate that a simple "packaging" mechanism for compactly
storing the wave energy of light - which by its very nature (its intrinsic motion) takes up a lot of space - would be
useful in the spatially cramped conditions of the initial moments of the Big Bang. In a purely pragmatic way this
"packaging" concept accounts for the existence of particles and some of their salient features: the spectrum of
identical elementary particles of various masses (the leptonic series), the heavier ones presumably more useful
"packages" at earlier times and higher energy densities, and similarly, the spectrum of composite particles
(baryons), which can store additional energy internally, as if they contained a set of compressible springs (the
quarks). Finally, massive particles can store an unlimited quantity of energy as momentum, a feature of particular
utility in the early universe, helping to avoid the "still birth" of a cosmic "black hole". (The conversion from a
spatial (free energy) to a temporal (bound energy) entropy drive, preserving the Universe's capacity for work by
storing energy as immobile, non-expanding mass (E = mcc), is perhaps an even better "reason" (from the
"anthropic perspective") for the initial conversion of light to matter. See: .)" " The First Three Minutes
"Spatial vs Temporal Entropy"
I presume there is a mechanical or resonant relationship between the metric of spacetime and the structure of
particles - the dimensional structure of spacetime is carried into, reflected in, or otherwise directly influences, the
structure of particles. Light exists as a 2-dimensional energetic vibration of the metric structure of spacetime.
Usually this vibration is simply transmitted by the metric grid at velocity c, the "inertial" symmetry condition
imposed upon light by its conserving metric. However, it is also possible for this vibrational energy to become
entangled in the metric and tie itself into higher dimensional "knots", which cannot be transmitted at c because
they are no longer 2-dimensional. The mysterious is thought to play a central role in these
entanglements, endowing the elementary particles with mass. (I think of the "Higgs" as the "sticky" component
of the metric mesh, ensnaring free photons like the glue of a spider's web.) Such metric "knots" comprise
particle-antiparticle pairs, and their energy, structure, and information content is derived from the mixture of
metric spacetime and light's energy. The otherwise inexplicable existence of three energy families of both quarks
and leptons is probably a consequence of the origin of particles as electromagnetic "knots" in the 3 spatial
dimensions of the metric. The mathematical/geometric connection between energy, the metric, and the structure
of particles is currently being investigated (in 10 or 11 dimensions!) by "string" theory (see Brian Greene's
). In this paper, however, I sketch much simpler ideas in the usual 4 dimensions."Higgs" boson
Elegant Universe"
It remains a mystery how the elementary leptons are related to the composite baryons, but it is plausible that this
relationship is through an ancestral, heavy, leptonic particle (the "leptoquark"), which "fractured" under the high
pressure of the Big Bang, and so could arrange its internal fractional charges in electrically neutral
configurations - as in the neutron. This notion is based on the theory of "asymptotic freedom" (Politzer, Gross,
Wilczek - ) - a symmetry principle which observes that as the quarks of a baryon are squeezed
together, the strong force which binds them becomes weaker, affording the quarks more freedom of movement. If
the quarks are squeezed together completely - as by the ambient pressure of the "Big Bang", the "X"
Intermediate Vector Boson (IVB), or the gravitational pressure of a black hole - the color charge of the gluon
field sums to zero (see Row 4, "Gluons", below), leaving a particle indistinguishable from a heavy lepton, the
hypothetical "leptoquark". A "colorless" and electrically neutral leptoquark would therefore be susceptible to a
typical weak force decay via a leptoquark neutrino and the "X" IVB, hypothetical particles we examine in the
following section. (See: " ".)2004 Nobel Prize
The Origin of Matter and Information
Symmetry Breaking and the Weak Force
(See: " ".)Leptons as Alternative Charge Carriers
The Particle Table
The leptonic elementary particles (charge-bearing particles with no internal parts or sub-units) function as
alternative charge carriers for the hadrons (mass-bearing particles containing quarks). Without these alternative
charge carriers (electrons carry electric charge, neutrinos carry number or "identity" charge), the massive
hadrons would remain unmanifest, locked in symmetric particle-antiparticle pairs, forever annihilating and
reforming. Hence we discover that in order to produce an asymmetric, isolated particle of matter from a
symmetric particle-antiparticle hadron pair, we require: 1) the primary mass-carrying field (the quarks); 2) a 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 6 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlThe field vectors or force carriers of the weak force are known as Intermediate Vector Bosons, or IVB's. The
IVBs include the W+, W-, and Z (neutral) particles. As a group, they are the most unusual particles known and
the most difficult to understand (I also include in this group the hypothetical super-heavy "X" particle thought to
be responsible for producing leptoquark and proton decay.) The charge carried or mediated by the IVBs is the
"number" or "identity" charge of the weak force.secondary field of alternative charge carriers (the leptons - electrons, neutrinos, and their kin); 3) the secondary
field must furthermore be asymmetric in its interaction with the primary field, such that its reactions with particles
proceed at a different rate than its reactions with antiparticles; 4) interactions between the hadron and lepton field
are brokered by a third quantized mediating field, the Intermediate Vector Bosons (IVBs) of the weak force, the
W, Z, and X particles (in which the asymmetric principle is probably located); 5) a final requirement is that there
must exist some fundamental basis of similarity between all three fields if they are to interact at all - they must be
able to recognize and mesh with each other at the quantum level of charge. For example, the electrical charge of
the proton must be exactly equal in magnitude to that of the positron, electron, or the IVBs.
Obviously, the relationship between the hadrons and leptons must be intimate, and almost certainly they are
related through ancestry, that is, one is derived from the other, both are derived from the metric, both are decay
products of the leptoquark, etc. A complex arrangement, but nothing less will suffice to break the initial
symmetry of free energy and the particle-antiparticle pairs it so abundantly produces. Free energy is flirting with
the danger of manifestation in the ready creation of these virtual particle pairs, and in the end it pays the price, as
flirts usually do. (See: ) ( ). "The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism" also available in HTML format
IVBS - Quantum Process and Particle Transformation
The weak force is the asymmetric and symmetry-breaking physical mechanism that produces elementary
massive particles from light (more specifically, from light's particle-antiparticle form), and governs the creation,
destruction, and transformation of elementary particles, both quarks and leptons. Only 3 massive leptonic
elementary particles are known, the electron, muon, and tau, identical in all their properties other than mass and
identity ("number") charge. This is the leptonic particle family, series, or spectrum. It is a quantized mass series,
each member separated from the others by a large, discreet, and exact mass difference. I suspect the leptoquark is
the 4th and heaviest member of this series, representing the primordial common ancestor of the baryons and
leptons. It is the role of the IVBs to mediate or broker the transformation, creation, and destruction of the
elementary leptons, and transformations of quark "flavors" in certain situations, notably in the decays of neutrons
and heavy baryons ("hyperons"). The "Z" governs neutral weak force interactions in which particles simply
scatter ("bounce") or swap identities; the super heavy "X" is hypothesized to govern proton and leptoquark
decay. The actual weak force transformation mechanism is discussed below. (See also:
)."The Weak Force:
Identity or Number Charge"
What is most remarkable about the IVBs is that they seem to be "metric" particles providing bridges between
real particles and their counterparts in the "virtual particle sea" of the vacuum. The IVBs are not particles like the
leptons and baryons which form stable matter; they are particles of interaction, present only when mediating a
reaction, "virtual" particles usually known only by their effects, existing within the "Heisenberg Interval" for
virtual reality, but real enough and producible as distinct, massive entities if the ambient energy density is
The IVBs are an especially complex example of nature's penchant for quantization, and like other quantum
processes, are responsible for a good deal of head-scratching. I can think of two reasons why the process of
particle transformation should be quantized: 1) quantized units are indefinitely reproducible without loss of
information or precision (Nature's "digital" information coding); 2) how otherwise could the asymmetry of the
weak force be built into its structure?
The W particle (which is nowadays readily produced in accelerators) is approximately 90 times heavier than the
proton, which explains the relative weakness of the weak force - there is a huge energy barrier to surmount
before weak interactions can occur. However, this also raises the obvious question of what this massive particle 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 7 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html "Down payment", "money up front", "pay now" - raw energy conservation. The major concepts of Row
Two center on bound energy, mass, momentum, particles, time, gravitation, and inertial forces as raw energy
debts, conserved states, or reactions occasioned by the conversion of light to matter in the Big Bang. The local,
temporal, causal nature of matter vs the non-local, atemporal, and acausal nature of light is emphasized. The
elementary particles of matter, the quarks and leptons, are examined.
Einstein's most famous formula, E = mcc, expresses the notion that the energy stored in mass is enormous and
somehow related to light through the electromagnetic gauge constant c. DeBroglie noted that Planck's formula
for the energy of light E = h (where = the frequency of light, and h = Planck's constant) contained the same E;
putting the two together, DeBroglie wrote h = mcc, expressing the conversion of free energy to its bound form
(or vice versa). This equation states that all the energy of light is conserved in massive form in this transformation.is composed of - certainly not ordinary matter, the stuff of baryons and leptons. My guess is that this particle
(and the IVBs generally) is nothing less than a piece of very compact spacetime metric, similar to the dense
metric of the early moments of the Big Bang. The huge mass energy of the particle is the binding energy
required to compress the metric, perhaps fold it, and secure it in the particular configuration that characterizes the
W, Z, or X. Hence these particles are perhaps similar to the compacted, topological, multidimensional particles
of "string" theory. The hypothetical "Higgs" boson may also be a "metric" particle. (See some IVB reaction
examples listed in ). "The Particle Table"
In the initial phase of particle creation, particle-antiparticle pairs, presumably of all types, are created but
annihilate each other instantly, recreating the light energy from which they were made. So long as these pairs are
created and annihilated in equal numbers, the symmetry of the light universe is maintained. But there is an
inherent asymmetry in the way the weak force interacts with matter vs antimatter, with the consequence that even
though particle pairs are created symmetrically, they do not decay symmetrically. Most probably these
asymmetric decays occur in neutral leptoquarks, heavy analogs of the neutron. An excess of matter is produced
in this process, breaking the symmetry of the particle-antiparticle pairs and the light universe, creating the matter
comprising the Cosmos we see today. (See: .) It is the
consequence of this broken symmetry of light, manifesting as massive particles, their quantized charges, and time
and gravitation, that we will trace in the remaining rows of the model."The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information"
Row 2 - Particles - Conservation Raw Energy
Row 2:
We might think with some justification that energy conservation is satisfied by DeBroglie's equation and
nothing more need be said. But this is just raw or total energy conservation, conservation of quantity, not quality.
The conservation of the quality, or symmetry, of free energy has not been addressed by this formula, nor has the
conservation of light's entropy. No massive particle can be created from free energy without engendering a
symmetry (and entropy) debt and charge of some sort; if the free energy is simply absorbed by an existing
massive system (for example, the absorption of a photon by the electron shell of an atom) without the creation of
a new charged particle, then at least a gravitational charge will be recorded.
Whenever we encounter the intrinsic dimensional motions of "velocity c" (light), "velocity T" (time), or "velocity
G" (gravity), we are dealing with the entropy drives of free and bound energy in their primitive and primary
forms. At its most basic level, the gravitational charge represents the transferal, conversion, and conservation of
the entropy drive of one system to the entropy drive of another (in the case of gravity a symmetry debt is always
combined with the entropy drive). Free energy cannot be transferred to bound energy (or vice versa) without
also transferring, converting, or conserving the entropy drive of that energy; in massive systems, the intrinsic
motion of time is the primordial entropy drive of the system. Time is created by the gravitational (or quantum
mechanical) conversion of space and the drive of spatial entropy into time and the drive of historical entropy (see:
). Hence we must include time, the primordial entropy drive of
bound energy, along with gravitation in Row Two, keeping in mind, however, that gravitation has in addition to
its entropy conservation role a symmetry conservation role which links it to the charges and discussion of Row
Three."Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics"8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 8 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlThe basic function of mass and momentum is apparently the compaction ("packaging") and storage of free
energy (and the conversion of light to a bound energy form with a less destructive entropy drive), as touched
upon in the discussion of Row One. Mass is bound electromagnetic energy, and it is asymmetric in many ways
by comparison to the free electromagnetic energy (light) from which it is created. For this reason mass carries
various charges, which are symmetry debts whose origins we have traced to the conservation of light's perfect
symmetry (see Row 3). The most fundamental symmetry debt of mass is dimensional - mass is 4-dimensional,
with no (net) intrinsic spatial motion, but with a time dimension which moves instead. Because time exists
(among other reasons) to establish and control causality, the time dimension itself is necessarily one-way, hence
asymmetric. Free energy, from which mass is formed, is a 2-dimensional transverse wave, whose intrinsic motion
sweeps out a third spatial dimension. Four-dimensional massive matter or bound energy is local, temporal, and
causal; two-dimensional massless light or free energy is non-local, atemporal, and acausal.
Time is a dimensional asymmetry, or dimensional symmetry debt of mass; time is also the primordial expression
of entropy in matter: the intrinsic motion of time is the entropy drive of bound energy and history. Gravitation
creates the time dimension of matter by converting space into time, conserving in the process the spatial entropy
drive (the intrinsic motion of light) of the free energy which originally created the matter. Essentially, gravitation
converts the intrinsic motion of free energy (as gauged by "velocity c") into its entropic and metric equivalent,
the intrinsic motion of matter's time dimension (as gauged by "velocity T").
The intrinsic motion of light creates space and the intrinsic motion of gravity creates time. The intrinsic motion of
light is the spatial entropy drive of free energy, and the intrinsic motion of time is the historical entropy drive of
bound energy. Space and the drive of spatial entropy (S) are gravitationally transformed into time and the drive
of historical entropy (T), a transformation which can be symbolically represented in a "concept equation" as:
-Gm(S) = (T)
-Gm(S) - (T) = 0
(See: .) "A Description of Gravitation"
Bound energy's most obvious asymmetry (matter's 4-dimensional energy state) is due to matter's lack of
intrinsic spatial motion c, meaning bound energy is "local" and associated with temporal causality chains. The
4-dimensional energy state of matter gives bound energy a different inertial status than free energy, because light
is 2-dimensional. The "Interval" of free energy = 0 and light produces no gravitational field; bound energy has a
real, positive Interval (because of its time dimension and third spatial dimension) and a gravitational field. Both
time and gravity are asymmetric dimensional attributes. I associate the gravitational charge ("location") with the
entropy drive of bound energy (the intrinsic motion of time), and with the broken symmetry of the universally
equitable distribution of light's energy throughout space (light's symmetric "non-local" energy state or "zero
Interval"). Both local time and local gravity vary in intensity with the quantity and density of matter,
demonstrating their association with the local character of bound energy, and with the significant dimensional
parameters of the asymmetric spacetime distribution of matter's immobile energy content, especially matter's
location, quantity, and concentration.
Time and Entropy
Note to Readers Concerning "Entropy":
Unless the context indicates otherwise, when I refer to "entropy" in these papers (especially in such phrases as
"space and spatial entropy" or "time and historical entropy"), I am referring to entropy in its most primordial or
pure form, as the intrinsic motion of light "gauged" or regulated by "velocity c" (in the case of "spatial
entropy"), or as the intrinsic motion of time "gauged" or regulated by "velocity T" (in the case of "historical
entropy"). Of course, time is also ultimately "gauged" or regulated by "velocity c", since time is defined as the
duration (measured by a clock) required by light to travel a given distance. (See: " ";
and " ".)Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
The Tetrahedron Model of Energy and Conservation Law8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 9 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlG is the connecting link or conversion force between c and T; gravity converts space and the drive of spatial
entropy to time and the drive of historical entropy. Whereas the electromagnetic constant c is the gauge of the
equivalency between space and time, the gravitational constant G is the gauge of the
equivalency between space and time. A portion (-Gm) of the entropy-energy driving the spatial expansion of the
Universe is gravitationally converted to the entropy-energy driving the historical expansion of the Universe.
(See: " ".)The three primordial forms of entropy and their "gauges", "drives", or "intrinsic motions" c, G, T (the "intrinsic
motions" of light, gravity, and time) are as follows (see also: " "): The Conversion of Space to Time
c) Positive spatial entropy (the drive of spatial expansion, the intrinsic motion of light as "gauged"
or regulated by "velocity c");
G) Negative spatial entropy (the drive of spatial contraction, the intrinsic motion of matter's
gravitational field, as "gauged" or regulated by "velocity G");
T) Positive historical entropy (the drive of historical expansion, the intrinsic motion of matter's time
dimension, as "gauged" or regulated by "velocity T").
metric entropic
A Spacetime Map of the Universe
The gravitational conversion of space and the drive of spatial entropy to time and the drive of historical entropy
is physically demonstrated by black holes, and mathematically formulated in the Bekenstein-Hawking theory
relating the surface area of a black hole to its entropy content. (See: "
".)The Half-Life of Proton Decay and the
'Heat Death' of the Cosmos
(See: " ".)The Dimensions
The Time Train
The dimensions of spacetime are conservation/entropy domains, created by the entropic, "intrinsic"
motions of free and bound electromagnetic energy (light and matter). These domains function as
arenas of action, where energy in all its forms can be simultaneously used, transformed, and yet
conserved. This is the major connection between the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. (See:
"Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics".)
Bound energy requires a time dimension both to establish and maintain causality, and to balance its energy
accounts, because the energy contained in mass varies with its relative velocity, and velocity involves time. Light
does not require this accommodation because light's absolute velocity is non-relative and invariant; light's
energy varies not with velocity but with frequency. Time is one-way because raw energy conservation forces the
continual updating of matter's energy accounts, from one instant to the next, protecting causality, the temporal
sequence of cause and effect. The "local" character of matter requires a causal temporal linkage, whereas the
"non-local" character of light does not. Causality itself requires the one-way character of time; energy
conservation requires the presence and protection of causality and its associated temporal entropy drive in every
system of bound energy.
The intrinsic motion of time ("velocity T") is the primordial entropy drive of bound energy, causing the aging
and decay of matter and information, and creating and expanding history, the conservation domain of
information and matter's "causal matrix". History is the temporal analog of space: "intrinsic motion T" and
"intrinsic motion c" are metric equivalents. The entropy drives T and c both produce analogous dimensional
conservation domains for their energy types, history for information (matter's "causal matrix"), space for light. It
is the energetic nature of light that requires a spatial entropic domain, whereas it is the causal nature of matter
that requires an historic entropic domain. Gravitation (entropy drive "G") converts space into time and matter
into light (as in the stars), producing the equilibrated joint dimensional conservation domain of historic
spacetime, where both free and bound electromagnetic energy can interact and find their conservation needs
satisfied. (See: " ".) A Spacetime Map of the Universe
Time and gravitation always appear together, both engendered by mass. This one-way dimension and one-way 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 10 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlI begin this section by pasting in part of a paragraph (page 253) from my late father's book: "Trance, Art,
Creativity", which presents a marvelous mathematical insight into the nature of the time dimension, as
illuminated by Einstein's formula for the "Interval":
(The book is linked to and can be accessed in its entirety (without charge) from my
homepage).dimensional force are more than coincidentally connected; gravity and time induce each other in an endless
loop, much as the electric and magnetic fields of light ceaselessly induce each other.
The role of entropy (in its primordial form of intrinsic motion) is to provide a dimensional conservation domain
for energy (free or bound) in which energy can be simultaneously used/transformed and conserved. Entropy
allows us to use energy because it prevents us from abusing energy, as for example by the "perpetual motion"
machine. Entropy says we cannot use the same energy twice to produce the same net work. Entropy is like a
bodyguard protecting the 1st law of thermodynamics, energy conservation - or like the interest we must pay for
the use of energy capital. Without entropy, the 1st law would forbid any use of energy at all, as there would be
no safeguards against its abuse. (See: " ".) Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
Entropy performs its primordial role via the intrinsic motions of light and time, which are effectively infinite
velocities within their dimensional domains, ensuring the escape of radiant heat and opportunity beyond the
reach of fast "space ship" or "time machine", establishing and protecting causality into the bargain. Similarly,
gravity seals the dimensional borders of spacetime (against "wormholes") at the "event horizon" and central
"singularity" of black holes. Energy conservation is protected through entropy. The dimensions of spacetime are
entropy domains from which there is no escape and which allow no loopholes. This is the intimate connection
between the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. Entropy is a necessary corollary of energy conservation,
actually responsible for the creation of our dimensional experience of spacetime through the intrinsic (entropic)
motions of light, time, and gravitation (the entropy drives or gauges c, T, G). (See: "
".)The Tetrahedron Model of
Energy and Conservation Law
The Interval
"Analysis of this equation [the "Interval"] provides us with the proportion that time is to space as
"i" (the square root of -1) is to 1. Now "i" multiplied by itself is -1, so that in a metaphoric sense we
can say that the time dimension is "half" a space dimension. Curiously one finds this out intuitively.
We have full intuition of the three spatial dimensions, but we cannot intuit the fourth dimension, so
we experience it as "time." Furthermore this experience is not full; it is partial, for we are on a one
way street indicated by "time's arrow" which allows us always to experience duration as getting
later and later, but never the opposite."
"Trance, Art, Creativity"
The "Interval" is Einstein's mathematical formulation of a quantity of spacetime that is invariant for all observers
regardless of their motion, uniform or accelerated. It is the analog of the Pythagorean theorem in 4 dimensions.
The "Interval" of light is zero, which means light is "non-local". This is the fundamental symmetry condition of
light. Light could not create its spacetime conservation domain, perform its entropy function, nor gauge its metric
without the spatio-temporal symmetry of non-locality. But the Interval of mass, or bound energy, is always some
positive quantity greater than zero, and this is because the time dimension is necessarily explicit for immobile,
local mass, for reasons of entropy, causality, and energy conservation we have considered above. Conversely,
because light is missing both the X and the T dimensional parameters, light's position in 4 dimensional
spacetime cannot be specified. The basic function of Einstein's "Interval" is to rescue causality from the shifting
perspectives of Einstein's relativistic reference frames.
This all makes sense when we think about space filled only with light - in such a domain there is no purely
spatial Interval because there is nothing to distinguish one place or point from another - all is uniform and
indistinguishable spatial, metric, and energetic symmetry. But enter mass and with it its inevitable companions,
time, charge, and gravitation (the asymmetric "gang of four"), and immediately we can distinguish a point or
place - here is the particle - more importantly, here is the gravitational field pointing to the particle's location 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 11 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlfrom every other place in space (the influence of the field is universal in extent). But one more thing is needed to
pin down this location as absolutely unique: because the universe is always moving, either expanding or
contracting (due to the spatial entropy drive of light's intrinsic motion), the time dimension is also required to
specify which of an endless succession of moving locations we are to consider.
The positive Interval of mass represents a dimensional asymmetry because it is unique, distinguishable, and
invariant for all observers. Light has no associated gravitational field because it has no "location". Being non-
local, light cannot provide a center for a gravitational field, and an uncentered gravitational field constitutes a
violation of energy conservation (because of producing "net" motion and energy). Consequently, freely moving
light cannot and does not produce a gravitational field. Light's zero Interval is precisely the symmetry condition
necessary to prevent the formation of an explicit time dimension and its associated gravitational field. Light
could hardly function as the metric gauge of spacetime if it were itself plagued by a metric-warping "location"
charge and gravitational field. Finally, light has no time dimension nor the gravitational field which could
produce one.
This is the basic conservation reason why the intrinsic motion of light - whatever its actual numerical value -
must be the "velocity of non-locality", the symmetry gauge and entropy drive of free energy, the gauge of the
metrical equivalence between time and space, effectively an infinite velocity within its spatial domain. Otherwise
light would have a "location charge", a time dimension, and a gravitational field, and spacetime would
immediately collapse into a black hole. (If light produced a gravitational field, the Universe would have been
"still born" as a black hole; instead of a "Big Bang" there would have been a "Big Crunch". The fact that the
scientific "establishment" believes that free light produces a gravitational field continues to be a major
conceptual roadblock in the ongoing effort to unify gravitation with the other forces. This is a major, crucial, and
(at least in principle) testable point of difference between my theory of the role of entropy, charge, and gravity
within a unified theory and "establishment" physics.)
In fact, the recently announced "acceleration" of the cosmic expansion of spacetime (see, for example,
March, 2005, pages 32-39) provides observational evidence for this difference between the two
theories. As mass is converted to light in stars and quasars, by quantum radiance and particle and proton decay
(and by analogous conservation processes in "dark matter"), the total gravitational field of the Cosmos is
reduced, resulting, over time, in the observed "acceleration". (See: " ".)Sky and
Does Light Produce a Gravitational Field?
In terms of conservation: in obedience to Noether's theorem, bound energy stores the symmetry of light as the
conserved charges (and spin) of matter; in obedience to the first law of thermodynamics, bound energy stores the
raw energy of light as the mass and momentum of matter; in obedience to the second law of thermodynamics,
bound energy stores the entropy drive of light as the gravitational field and temporal entropy drive of matter.
Gravitation and time induce each other endlessly. Thus entropy produces the dimensional conservation domains
of free energy (space - through the intrinsic motion of light), of information and matter's "causal matrix" (history
- through the intrinsic motion of time), and the compound domain of free and bound energy (historic spacetime,
produced by the intrinsic motion of gravity, welding together space and time as gravity converts one into the
other). This is the iron linkage between the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Noether's theorem is
drawn into this "trinity" of natural law because velocity c is both the entropy drive and symmetry gauge of free
energy and as a conservation consequence, gravitation is a symmetry as well as an entropy debt. (See:
). "The
Double Conservation Role of Gravitation"
The Mechanism of Gravitation
Time and space are both implicit in the description of the motion of an electromagnetic wave: "frequency" (time)
multiplied by "wavelength" (space) = c, the velocity of light. In the quantum-mechanical creation of a time
"charge", when an electromagnetic wave collapses or becomes "knotted", it switches from the spatial or
"wavelength" character of a moving wave to the temporal or "frequency" character of a particle or stationary
wave - like a coin flipping from heads to tails. It is reasonable to call this temporal expression a "charge"
because time is asymmetric; being one-way, time has the asymmetric or informational character of any other
isolated charge of matter. Time differs from the other charges in that it is an "entropic charge" - a charge with
intrinsic dimensional motion. The asymmetric time charge produces a specific "location" in the otherwise 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 12 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlsymmetric field of space - giving the massive particle it is associated with a positive "Interval", whereas the light
from which the particle was produced had a "zero" Interval. (See: " ".) Gravity Diagram No. 2
This is the formal character of gravity's "location" charge - the positive Interval of bound energy breaks the non-
local symmetry of the free energy which created it (light's Interval = zero). This non-local symmetry state
produces the equitable distribution of light's energy throughout spacetime, a symmetry broken by the
concentrated lump of immobile energy represented by bound energy's undistributed "rest mass". It is the
distributional asymmetry of matter's energy content which is the origin of gravity's "location" charge.
Demonstrating this point, the "location" or gravitational charge records the spacetime position, quantity, and
concentration of the asymmetric energy distribution represented by any form of bound energy. Nor is gravity a
passive signal: gravity will direct you to the center of this asymmetry by carrying you there bodily. Finally,
gravity will attempt to repay the symmetry debt by converting bound to free energy in stars and via Hawking's
"quantum radiance" of black holes.
Time is the active principle of gravity's "location" charge, and time is unique among the charges of matter in that
it is an entropic charge - a charge with intrinsic dimensional motion. Hence as soon as it is formed, time moves
into the expanding historic domain of information, an entropy/conservation domain at right angles to all three
spatial dimensions. However, because space and time are connected, when time moves it drags space after it. It is
this spatial motion that we recognize as the gravitational field, but it is actually caused by the intrinsic motion of
time dragging space along behind it. This is the "secondary" or macroscopic phase of the creation of a time
charge by the action of a gravitational field, a continuous, cyclic process, in contrast to the quantum mechanical
collapse of an electromagnetic wave, the microscopic one-time "primary" process which is crucial because it
both "sets" and "gauges" the initial time charge, which the gravitational process simply copies and sustains (see:
" "). The "primary process" reflects the entropy debt of gravitation, the "secondary process"
reflects the symmetry debt, insofar as these can be usefully distinguished. The magnitude of G is determined by
the energy difference between the symmetric spatial entropy drive of free energy (the intrinsic motion of light, as
gauged by "velocity c") (S), vs the asymmetric historical entropy drive of bound energy (the intrinsic motion of
time, as gauged by "velocity T") (T) - or equivalently, between implicit (S) and explicit (T) time: S - T = -G. The Gravity Diagram
As space is dragged after the time charge, it is pulled symmetrically from all possible 3-dimensional spatial
positions, (because time is connected equivalently to all spatial dimensions), and at the center of mass or at the
locus of the time charge itself, space self-annihilates: +x cancels -x, +y cancels -y, and +z cancels -z, leaving
behind, of course, a new residue of +t (the metric equivalent of the annihilated space), which cannot cancel
because time being asymmetric, there is no -t. The new time charge exactly reproduces and replaces the old,
which has moved down the one-way, one dimensional time line into the historic domain of causal information,
and the cycle repeats - the new time charge moves down the time line dragging more space after it, space self-
annihilates at the center of mass (as it tries to squeeze into the zero-dimensional beginning of the one-
dimensional time line), producing a new time charge, etc., forever. Hence gravity and time induce each other,
creating the continuous one-way flow of time, the continuous one-way flow of gravitation, and a spherically
symmetric gravitational field with a local "center of mass" where the field self-annihilates or vanishes. The
acceleration of gravity is produced by the application of a continuous force - the incessant march of time. All this
is fully in accord (as any viable gravitational theory must be) with Einstein's "Equivalence Principle" relating
inertial and gravitational mass and force, and accelerated vs gravitational reference frames.
The one-way character of time is a necessary consequence of causality protection and energy conservation in
bound energy systems, as noted before. The time flow produces information's expanding historic entropy/
conservation domain which is the analog of, and derived from, the expanding spatial entropy/conservation
domain of light. The two are welded into historic spacetime by gravitation; historic spacetime is visible in our
great telescopes as we look out into space and back into time. (See: .)
History is the conservation domain of matter's expanding "causal matrix" of information. The reality of today
depends upon the continuing reality of yesterday. The historic causal domain is necessary to uphold the reality
of the "Universal Present Moment"; we are all immortal in history."A Spacetime Map of the Universe"
Note that in the gravitational flow we have symmetric space "chasing" asymmetric time, exactly the reverse of
the situation producing the intrinsic motion of light, where symmetric space "flees" the internal threat of
manifestation posed by asymmetric time ("wavelength" flees "frequency" = c). (See: " The Conversion of Space 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 13 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlMass assumes quantized, specific, particulate form as the strong force quarks and hadrons, and the weak force
leptons. Hadrons are defined as particles containing quarks; hence all hadrons carry "color" charge, the source
of the strong force. Leptons contain no quarks and hence carry no color charge. Leptons carry lepton "number"
or "identity" charge, the source of the weak force. The leptons are true elementary particles whereas the quarks
are sub-elementary. Electrons are familiar examples of the heavy members of the lepton family (electron, muon,
tau, and (?) leptoquark); neutrinos are (nearly) massless members of the lepton family (there is a separate and
distinct neutrino for each heavy lepton). Protons and neutrons are familiar examples of the "hadron" family; they
are further distinguished as members of the "baryon" class of hadrons, which are composed of 3 quarks. The
only other hadrons are the mesons, which are composed of quark-antiquark pairs (see: ). In
general, the baryons function as mass carriers, and the leptons and mesons function as alternative charge carriers, ".) This is just the difference between implicit and explicit time, or the negative spatial entropy of
gravitation vs the positive spatial entropy of light. (See: ; .)to Time
"Gravity Diagram No. 2" "Gravity Diagram No. 3"
As magnetism is the invisible, "intrinsic", projective, "electro-motive" (electrically active) force of the loadstone,
so gravity is the invisible, "intrinsic", projective, "inertio-motive" (dimensionally active) force of the ordinary
rock. In the case of magnetism, we trace the force back to the moving electric charges of the atoms in the
loadstone; in the case of gravity, we trace the force back to the moving temporal charges of bound energy in the
rock. A moving electric charge creates a magnetic field; a moving temporal charge creates a gravitational field. In
both cases the field is produced at right angles to the current. The relation is reciprocal as well: moving magnetic
and spatial fields (gravity) create electric and temporal currents (time). This is the intuitive analogy between
electromagnetism and gravitation which so intrigued Einstein.
Quantum Mechanics and Gravitation
Gravitation is both a symmetry debt and an entropy debt, unique among the charges and their forces. Gravity's
double conservation role is due to the double gauge role of c, which gauges both the entropy drive and the non-
local symmetry state of free energy. Gravity cannot conserve either gauge function of c without conserving both.
This double nature is reflected in two different mechanisms, both of which convert space to time, one at the
quantum level of charge - the entropy debt, and one at the macroscopic level of gravitational force - the
symmetry debt. (See: .) "The Double Conservation Role of Gravity"
The two mechanisms are distinct but both are part of the gravitational conversion of space to time, connecting
the quantum-mechanical aspect of gravitational charge (the entropy debt) to the macroscopic aspect of
gravitational flow (the symmetry debt). Both are linked by the entropy/symmetry gauge c and Noether's
Theorem requiring the conservation of light's non-local symmetry. The gravitational charge, "location", is unique
among charges in that its active principle is time. The gravitational charge is an "entropic" charge, a charge with
intrinsic dimensional motion. It is the entropic nature of the gravitational charge which connects the quantum
mechanical (particle-charge-time-entropy) and macroscopic (mass-location-time-symmetry) aspects of gravity.
In turn, the double nature of the gravitational charge gives gravity a double conservation role: 1) conserving the
entropy drive of free energy by converting the intrinsic motion of light to the entropy drive of bound energy - the
intrinsic motion of time; 2) conserving the non-local symmetry of light (responsible for the the equitable
distribution of light's energy throughout spacetime) by converting bound to free energy (as in our Sun). This
duality extends backward in a conservation chain to the dual role of light's intrinsic motion, which is at once the
symmetry gauge and the entropy drive of free energy. Gravity must conserve both roles of light's intrinsic
motion if it conserves either one. (See also: " ".) Currents of Entropy and Symmetry
The "graviton" or field vector of the gravitational charge is a quantum unit of temporal entropy, a quantum unit
of time, the transformed, "flipped", or inverted spatial entropy drive or intrinsic motion of the photon (implicit vs
explicit time = photon vs graviton = S/T vs T/S). Time is the active principle of gravity's "location" charge; time
is the implicit entropy drive of free energy and the explicit entropy drive of bound energy; time is the connecting
link between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. (See: " " and "
".)Gravity Diagram No 2 The Conversion
of Space to Time
Quarks and Leptons
"The Particle Table"8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 14 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlbalancing charges in place of antiparticles.
3 Families of 4 Particles
The quarks and the leptons each occur in "families" of three energy levels; the quark and lepton families appear
to be paired in these 3 families as follows (a precisely corresponding set of antiparticles exists but is not shown):
1) up, down (u, d) quarks and the electron and electron neutrino (e, e);
2) strange, charm (s, c) quarks and the muon and muon neutrino ( , );
3) bottom, top (b, t) quarks and the tau and tau neutrino ( , ).v
There is no generally accepted explanation why there should be 3 energy levels of particles, or how the quarks
and leptons are related. Ordinary matter (including stars) is composed of the 1st family only. It seems likely that
the quarks and leptons are both derived from a high energy, primordial "ancestor" particle, the "leptoquark"; it is
also likely that the 3 energy families of particles are somehow reflecting the 3-dimensional structure of space.
(See: " "; and also: " ".) The Leptoquark Diagram The Hourglass Diagram
In contrast to the "long-range" electrical and gravitational forces, which have an infinite range through
spacetime, the strong force is a "short-range" force, an internal characteristic of nuclear matter. Quarks occur in
only two kinds of particles: "baryons" composed of 3 quarks, and "mesons" composed of quark-antiquark pairs.
Baryons are familiar to us as neutrons and protons, but there are many other 3 quark combinations possible
using the heavier members of the quark family. In addition, every quark combination seems to have many
possible energetic expressions, or resonances, just as electron orbits have many "excited" states. Typically, all
excited states are exceedingly short-lived. Six quarks are known in three "energy families"; the quarks are
named "up, down"; "charm, strange"; and "top, bottom". Ordinary matter consists only of the up, down quarks
in their unexcited or "ground" state.
All Quarks carry a 1/2 unit of strictly conserved "spin", and a partial "flavor" ("number" or "identity") charge;
the latter is only partially conserved. The whole unit identity or number charge of the baryon is apparently
strictly conserved, analogously to the strictly conserved number charges of the leptons. Quarks also carry partial
electric charges (u, c, t quarks carry +2/3; d, s, b quarks carry -1/3) and their distinguishing charge, color. There
are 3 color charges, red, green, yellow (not actually colors, just names of convenience) which are exchanged
between quarks by the "gluon" field; each "gluon" is composed of a color-anticolor charge pair. One of the nine
possible combinations of color-anticolor is doubly neutral ("green-antigreen"), leaving 8 effective members of
the gluon field. The constant "round-robin" exchange of the (massless) gluons from one quark to another (at
velocity c) is the strong force mechanism which binds the quarks together. The baryon is an incredible, miniature
universe of structure, information, charge, and activity. A large compound atomic nucleus is a swarming "hive",
a veritable metropolis of quantum mechanical action and force exchange, all quite beneath our notice, due to the
short-range character of the strong force. The essential miracle of matter resides in the baron.
Being composed of color-anticolor charges, the gluon field as a whole sums to zero, a crucial symmetry property
known as "asymptotic freedom". Quarks are permanently confined by gluons to meson or baryon combinations;
they never occur alone or in any other combinations in nature. Finally, only quark combinations which
electrically sum to zero or unit (leptonic) electric charge, and neutral or "white" color charge, are allowed.
Hence the quark-antiquark pairs composing mesons carry a single color and its corresponding anticolor
(summing to "neutral" color), whereas in baryons the color charges of the gluon field pair with anticolors in all
possible combinations (summing to "white" color).
Quarks are sub-elementary particles, as they carry electric charges which are fractions of the unit electric charge
of the leptons, the only truly elementary particles. When one considers the properties of a baron, it is hard to
escape the impression that this is what a lepton would have to look like if it were somehow fractured into three
parts. Since, by definition, you cannot "really" fracture an elementary particle, perhaps you could do so
"virtually", provided the parts could never become "real", that is, separated, but remained forever united in 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 15 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlcombinations that sum to elementary leptonic charges. In this way, the fractured particle would still "look like"
an elementary particle to the outside observer; nature is not above such tricks, as we have learned from the virtual
particles and Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle". It seems probable that baryons are, in some sense,
primordially "fractured" leptons. Such an origin (the "leptoquark") would go far toward explaining both the
differences and the similarities of these two fundamental classes of particles.
Fermions and Bosons
Collectively, the hadrons and leptons, which comprise the material component of atomic matter (the nucleus,
electron shell, and associated neutrinos), are known as "fermions". All fermions have a "spin", or quantized spin
angular momentum, in 1/2 integer units of Planck's energy constant (1/2, 3/2, etc.); fermions obey the Pauli
exclusion principle, which simply states that no two fermions can be in the same place at the same time, if all
their quantum numbers are also the same. Fermions cannot pile up on top of one another indiscriminately; they
keep their own counsel, which is why we get specific, discreet, crystalline atomic structure rather than goo. In
contrast to the fermions is the class of energy forms known as "bosons", which includes the force carriers or field
vectors of the 4 forces: the photons of electromagnetism (the quantum units of light), the gravitons of gravity, and
the gluons of the strong force. As their name implies, the IVBs (Intermediate Vector Bosons) of the weak force
have some characteristics of both classes, being very massive bosons. Together, the fermions and bosons
comprise the particles and forces of matter. Bosons have whole integer spins (1, 2, etc.) and they can and do
superimpose or pile up on one another. Thus a photon or graviton can have any energy because it can be
composed of an indefinite number of superimposed quanta, whereas an electron has a single, specific rest energy
and charge. The bosons all bear some relationship to light and the metric, their probable common origin. Thus
we have the photon (ordinary massless light), the graviton (inverted light), the gluon (sticky light), and the IVBs
(massive light).
If we add the charges, or symmetry debts of matter (including spin and the entropic forms of intrinsic motion), to
the fermions and bosons, we have a complete list of the fundamental (unexcited) energy states; spacetime is the
dimensional conservation domain created by entropy (intrinsic motion) and occupied by free and bound forms
of electromagnetic energy (light and matter). Symmetry-breaking creates fermions from light; fermions carry
charges producing forces whose field vectors are bosons. All forces act to return the material system to the
primordial symmetric state of free energy (light) from which it was created (Noether's Theorem). Thus massive
leptons and quarks bear electric charges whose field vectors are photons; elementary particles bear identity
charges whose field vectors are the IVBs; all quarks bear color charges whose field vectors are gluons; all forms
of bound energy bear gravitational charges ("location" charge) whose field vectors are gravitons.
Once again we have a natural dichotomy which invites our curiosity, experiment, and speculation. What is the
relationship between the quarks and leptons? They seem made for each other - are they indeed made from each
other - perhaps both arising from a common ancestor?
I speculate that the ancestral particle of the quarks and leptons is the "leptoquark", the heaviest member of the
leptonic elementary particle series. (See: " ".) The leptoquark is a lepton at very high
(primordial) energy densities, when its quarks are compressed (by ambient pressure during the Big Bang)
sufficiently that its color charge vanishes through the principle of "asymptotic freedom". (The gluon field, being
composed entirely of color-anticolor charges, sums to zero when compressed to "leptonic size".) At lower
energy densities, the quarks expand under their mutual quantum mechanical and electrical repulsion, causing the
color charge to become explicit. The explicit color charge stabilizes the baryon, since neutrinos, which would
otherwise cause its decay, do not carry color charge. Through the internal expansion of its 3 quarks, the
leptoquark becomes a baryon, decaying eventually to the ground state proton, producing leptons and mesons
(via the W) along the way, which function as alternative charge carriers for the electric and identity charges of
quarks and other leptons. (See: " ".)The Leptoquark Diagram
Introduction to the Weak Force
The neutrinos remain mysterious particles and are actively being researched. Whether or not neutrinos actually
have mass is still a question. If neutrinos have mass, why is it so small, and how do they escape carrying an 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 16 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html "Mortgage", "pay later", "pay through time". Symmetry and charge conservation in obedience to
Noether's theorem are the primary topics of Row 3. Each of the 4 forces is examined in terms of its fundamental
charge and the broken symmetry of light which that charge represents. Quantized charges are conserved through
time for payment at some future date. Gravitation pays the interest on this "mortgage" or symmetry debt by
creating the time dimension, taking the necessary energy from the expansion of the Cosmos. Time is the relevant
dimensional context in which concepts such as "the time deferred payment" or "cancellation of a conserved debt
or charge" can have meaning.
Charge (and spin) conservation is symmetry
conservation; the forces generated by these charges are the demand for payment of the symmetry debt. Noether's
theorem is the formal theory addressing the conservation of the symmetry of free electromagnetic energy
(radiation, light). Charges are quantized to protect their values from inflation or deflation over time by entropy or
relative motion in spacetime; otherwise, charge conservation would have little meaning. This is also the reason
why matter must be separated and protected from the expansive or enervating effects of its entropy drive, time.
Matter does not participate in the expansion of its causal information matrix, the historic domain of spacetime;
matter maintains a tangential position with respect to history, existing only in the "universal present moment". electric charge, as do all other massive particles? Is there a 4th "leptoquark" neutrino? What is the smallest
possible natural mass quanta? Are neutrinos composite or elementary particles? It is currently believed that
neutrinos have a very small mass and "oscillate" between their several possible identities, just as the massive
leptons, whose identity charges they carry, can change identities among themselves via reversible weak force
decays, as mediated by the IVBs. (See: , Vol. 306, 26 Nov. 2004, page 1458.)Science
Neutrinos were thought to be massless leptons with intrinsic motion c. They are now thought to have a tiny mass
and to move very nearly at velocity c because they are so energetic when formed. Neutrinos are the explicit form
of lepton number ("identity") charge, which is hidden or implicit in the massive leptons (and probably also in the
massive baryons and leptoquark). Neutrinos, if they have any mass at all, are so light that they are apparently
completely dominated by their deBroglie matter waves. Hence in the particle-wave spectrum of energy forms,
neutrinos are more wave than particle. (See: " ".) deBroglie Matter Waves
Each massive lepton (electron, muon, tau, and (perhaps) the hypothetical leptoquark) is associated with a
specific neutrino, or number charge, which I refer to as an "Identity" charge to acknowledge the symmetry debt
carried by the weak force. All photons are indistinguishable one from another, but the leptons do not share this
"symmetry of anonymity". While all electrons are identical, they are distinct from the photon, and from the other
elementary particles - the muon, tau, and leptoquark. Neutrinos are the hallmark of an elementary particle; they
are telling us that there are only three or four; all else is a composite (or, as in the case of the quarks, a subunit).
Due to Noether's Theorem, the conservation domain requires this identity asymmetry to be recognized and
accounted for, but it is economical in its bookkeeping, concerning itself only with massive elementary particles.
All neutrinos have left-handed spin, while all antineutrinos have right-handed spin, neatly distinguishing the
leptonic series from its antimatter counterpart. Evidently these specific "identity" charges function to facilitate
annihilation reactions between matter and antimatter, allowing the various particle species to identify their proper
"anti-mates". Through the facilitation of timely annihilation reactions (within the Heisenberg limit for virtual
reality), the identity charges make their contribution to conserving light's symmetry.
Neutrinos are quanta of information keeping the symmetry records of spacetime concerning the identity and
number of all massive elementary particles within its domain. Combined with the metrical warpage of
gravitation, we see that spacetime contains an actual structural "knowledge" of the location, mass, and identity of
every elementary particle. This startling fact informs us that spacetime is as scrupulous concerning symmetry
conservation as it is concerning raw energy conservation. We have already noted that historical spacetime
contains a complete causal record (in the form of information) of all past events. We are only beginning to
appreciate the comprehensive meaning of the term "conservation domain".
Row 3 - : The Symmetry Debts of LightCharges
Row 3:
Electric Charge
The charges of matter are the symmetry debts of light.8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 17 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html(See: " ".) The Time Train
We do not ordinarily realize that the symmetry of energy is conserved as well as its total amount, but it has been
known for a long time that this must be true. In a famous theorem, Emmy Noether proved mathematically that in
a multicomponent field, such as the electromagnetic field (or the metric field of spacetime), wherever there is a
symmetry one also finds an associated conservation law, and vice versa. This theorem has become the
mathematical basis ("group theory") for modern efforts to unify the forces. In the model presented here, I trace
the unity of the forces back to their origins as the conserved debts of light's broken symmetry. (See:
). "
Noether: A Tribute to her Life and Work
Charges arise naturally from the process of symmetry breaking. When particle-antiparticle pairs are created from
light, each member of the pair carries various charges which function to ensure instant and successful
annihilation, reconstituting the light from which they were created. Since light itself carries no charges, it can
only create particle pairs whose charges balance, cancel, or neutralize each other, summing to zero. The electric
charge is prototypical of this effect.
Initially, all massive elementary particles are created in particle-antiparticle pairs with equal but opposite electric
charges (among others) summing to zero. Opposite electric charges attract each other powerfully, and at long
range, allowing the particles to find each other anywhere in space and recombine, motivating an annihilation
reaction which returns their bound energy to light, thereby conserving the symmetry of the free energy which
created them. Since photons, or light quanta, are the field vectors (force carriers) of electric charge, we see light
actively protecting its own symmetry in annihilation reactions, through the forces generated by electric charge.
Finally, because the electrical annihilations of virtual particles are caused by photons traveling at velocity c,
virtual particles are created and destroyed within the Heisenberg time limit imposed upon virtual reality. Virtual
particles do not live long enough to exist in "real" time, and hence they also, like the light which created them,
cannot produce a gravitational field.
When one member of a particle-antiparticle pair is isolated, as by the asymmetric decay of matter-antimatter
pairs during the Big Bang, the charges of that isolated particle, which were intended to motivate and facilitate an
annihilation reaction with its antimatter partner, are simply "hung" in time. The isolated particle is one-half of a
symmetric particle-antiparticle pair, one-half of light's symmetric particle form, and its uncanceled charges can
therefore be fairly characterized as the "debts" or "remainders" of light's broken symmetry.
While electric charge is always associated with mass, it is independent of the quantity of mass; the three leptonic
particles (electron, muon, and tau), for example, have vastly different masses but carry the same electric charge.
Electric charge is not associated with bosons which move with intrinsic motion c, such as the gluon, photon, or
graviton. There is definitely a major, general asymmetry associated with the loss of light's intrinsic motion which
electric charge is powerfully guarding against, and we would like to distinguish it from the asymmetry associated
with the gravitational charge. The gravitational charge, however, is related to mass as well as to the loss of light's
intrinsic motion. (Unlike their electric charges, the gravitational field (Gm) associated with the 3 elementary
leptons cited above varies with each particle's mass.)
The asymmetry I single out as the cause of electric charge is dimensional - light is 2-dimensional, mass is 4-
dimensional. Light lacks the x, t dimensions of bound energy, as Einstein discovered. The jump from 2 to 4
dimensions in the conversion of light to particles (or bound to free energy) is a general loss of symmetry, since
the 4th dimension inevitably includes time, which is an asymmetric, one-way dimension. It is this particular
asymmetry, time, which electric charge protects against. Electric charge, through matter-antimatter annihilations,
protects light's dimensional symmetry by preventing light from devolving into matter, gravitation, and the
asymmetric time dimension which is matter's entropy drive and causal relation. Electric charge is not related to
the quantity of mass because the dimensional asymmetry of time applies equally to all 4-dimensional massive
forms, irrespective of magnitude. Like most symmetry debts, electric charge is a charge of "quality" not
"quantity". Raw energy debts (mass, momentum) are "quantity" debts. Gravity is unusual in that it partakes of
both, as gravity is both an entropy (quantity) and a symmetry (quality) debt of light - see below.
Gravitational Charge8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 18 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlGravitation is a "spacetime" charge, at once the most common and familiar, but perhaps the most mysterious and
intractable to explain. The symmetry debt associated with gravitation is "location", representing the broken
spatio-temporal distributional symmetry of light's "non-local" character. When light is converted to mass, light
loses its intrinsic motion and hence its non-local symmetric energy state. Whereas light (in its own reference
frame) is everywhere simultaneously within its conservation domain (light's Interval = 0), mass has "intrinsic
rest" and acquires a positive Interval. The distributional symmetry of light's energy within spacetime is therefore
broken; mass is a concentrated lump of undistributed energy with a specific location in spacetime; this location is
actually identified energetically in terms of both the quantity and concentration of bound energy by the warped
metric produced by the gravitational field of mass. Whereas light is 2-dimensional, mass is 4-dimensional; the
acquisition of the extra dimensions, especially time, identifies the spacetime coordinates and specific location of
immobile mass-energy. Gravity identifies not only the coordinate position but the local severity of the broken
symmetry of light's equitable energy distribution.
As mentioned earlier, there are 3 "color" charges which are exchanged between quarks by the "gluon" field;
gluons are composed of a color-anticolor charge pair. The constant "round-robin" exchange of the massless
gluons (at velocity c) from one quark to another is the strong force mechanism which binds the quarks together. But the gravitational charge is unusual in that it is more than just a symmetry debt; unlike electric charge, color,
or number, gravity is also the entropy debt of light. The gravitational force creates time and spacetime (bound
energy shares spacetime with free energy as a compound conservation domain), converting space to time.
Gravity and time induce each other: they are primordial expressions of entropy in matter. -Gm = the negentropic
energy of mass, the energy associated with the time dimension of bound energy. The complexity of gravitation is
due to the fact that its conservation function addresses both the first and second laws of thermodynamics
(through time, causality, and entropy), as well as symmetry conservation (through the "location" charge and the
positive Interval), simultaneously. The active principle of the gravitational "location" charge is time, which is
both a symmetry (4-D location) and an entropy (intrinsic dimensional motion) debt. It is the entropic character
of gravitation (time is an entropic charge) that causes gravitation to so aggressively and relentlessly pursue its
symmetry conservation agenda (the conversion of bound to free energy, as in stars), unlike electric charge, for
example, which is only a symmetry debt and is readily neutralized. (See: "
".)The Double Conservation Role of
Gravity is a collapsing spatial wave centered on a massive particle whose dynamic is supplied by the intrinsic
motion of time, the entropy drive associated with the bound energy of the particle. The collapse of space
produces a metrically equivalent temporal residue, whose entropic march into history collapses more space in an
endless self-regenerating cycle. The temporal entropy drive thus supplied to matter is the conserved entropy
drive of the free energy which originally created the particle - the transformed intrinsic motion of light. The
temporal entropy drive of matter is not quenched until it succeeds in returning bound energy to its original free
state, as seen in stars and via Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes, fulfilling the mandate of Noether's
Theorem regarding the conservation of light's symmetric non-local energy state. This is the gravitational
pathway of symmetry conservation, employing the engine of entropy. The electrical pathway is via chemistry
and matter-antimatter annihilations, and the strong and weak force pathways are through particle fusion, fission,
and proton decay - all with the same end, the conservation (restoration) of light's symmetric energy state.
For a more complete discussion of the gravitational charge and its mechanism, see:
and " "."Entropy, Gravitation, and
Thermodynamics" A Description of Gravitation
The Strong Force Color Charge
Quarks are sub-elementary particles, as we know from their fractional electric charges which are either 1/3 or 2/3
of the unit charge carried by the truly elementary leptons such as the electron. Allowed quark combinations
always sum to zero or unit leptonic values of electric charge: the proton is +1, the neutron 0, mesons are 0, +1 or
-1. The symmetry which the strong force is protecting is this quantum unit of electric charge, the elementary
leptonic charge, and whole unit charges generally. If quarks were not confined as they are, there would be no
way to annihilate or even neutralize their partial electric charges, or other partial charges they may carry (such as
color and identity). Symmetry could not be restored and conserved in such a case. The strong force protects 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 19 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlThe leptonic charge is known as "number" charge. I prefer to call it "identity" charge, a name which better
reflects its reason for existence. Photons (individual light quanta) are indistinguishable and anonymous. They are
all alike, and hence form a symmetry of identity which I call "anonymity". Elementary particles, on the other
hand, are not all alike; they are distinguishable as to type. symmetry by confining these sub-elementary particles into whole quantum unit packages of charge which can
be neutralized and/or annihilated by elementary (leptonic) unit anticharges. The strong force protects the
quantum mechanical requirement of whole unit charge in the service of symmetry conservation.
If one were to fracture an elementary particle into 3 parts, but require that when it became "real in time" it must
retain its "virtual" leptonic character in terms of whole quantum units of charge, one would need a confining
force with exactly the characteristics of the strong force as produced by the gluon field of the color charge.
Earlier we noted that the ability to assume electrically neutral internal configurations (as in the neutron or neutral
leptoquark) was the fundamental reason why the baryon must be a composite particle, if it is to break the
symmetry of the primordial particle-antiparticle pairs. (See also: "
".)Proton Decay and the Heat Death of the
The two "particle forces", the strong and weak forces (the "short range" forces), form a symmetric-asymmetric
force pair which is essential to the creation of matter. In this regard, they are provocatively similar to the two
"spacetime" forces, electromagnetism and gravitation (the "long range" forces). (See: "
".)Diagram of the Spacetime
and Particle Forces
The Weak Force: Lepton "Number" or "Identity" Charge
We know of three distinct elementary particles, comprising the leptonic spectrum or series: electron, muon, and
tau, differing in their masses which increase from electron through muon to tau. Each has a specific neutrino
associated with it, which functions as an alternative carrier of leptonic "number" ("identity") charge. (Neutrinos
are the "bare" or "explicit" form of this charge, which is also carried in "hidden" or implicit form by the massive
leptons). (See also: ). "The Weak Force: Identity or Number Charge"
The leptonic series has the appearance of a mass quantum series - that is, these elementary particles are always
created with a specific, discreet mass and no other; there are no elementary massive particles in the gaps between
their mass "slots", much like the discreet gaps between the rungs of a ladder or the energy levels of atomic
electron shells. The neutrino that is associated with each is evidently the hallmark of the truly elementary particle
(the sub-elementary quarks have no associated neutrinos).
It seems likely, however, that there is an undiscovered neutrino associated with the ancestral particle which gave
rise to the quarks and baryons, which I assume to be the heaviest member of the leptonic series, the so-called
"leptoquark". If we ever see proton decay, we would expect to see a leptoquark neutrino produced in the
process. (The leptoquark neutrino is possibly the source of the "dark matter" or "missing mass" of the Universe -
if neutrinos have mass at all.)
The lepton "number" or "identity" charge evidently facilitates the annihilation process, identifies the several
types of elementary particles, and by the handedness of neutrino spin neatly distinguishes matter particles from
their antimatter counterparts (and so identifies suitable annihilation partners). Neutrinos also comprise a type of
accounting system, recording the number and identity of elementary particles (or antiparticles) contained within
the conservation domain of spacetime.
Identity or number charge plays a special role in the creation of the material universe. We can characterize the
light universe, before the creation of matter, with just 2 numbers representing its symmetric charge state: Interval
= 0, and Number = 0. After the creation of matter, both symmetries are broken and become positive: Interval > 0,
and Number > 0. (Electric charge is zero both before and after the creation of matter, while color is an internal
property of baryons, also summing to zero). The positive Interval represents gravitation and time, the positive
number charge represents the weak force identity charge and particles. The metric Universe, the Universe of the 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 20 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html "Retiring the debt, closing the account" - symmetry restoration via the four forces. In Row 4 we list the
various ways in which the 4 forces act through their conserved charges to fully repay the original energy,
symmetry, and entropy debts incurred by the conversion of free to bound energy during the Big Bang. All
energy, entropy, and symmetry debts are fully repaid by the conversion of bound to free energy, returning matter
to its original form of light.
The electrical symmetry debt can be repaid partially by neutralization, or wholly by annihilation, since unlike
gravitation, electric charge is bipolar rather than monopolar (two-way rather than one-way). Whereas the
gravitational symmetry debt can only be repaid by the conversion of mass to light, electric charge can be
neutralized by its opposite matter charge, as well as annihilated by its antimatter charge. Electric charge acts to
prevent the conversion of free to bound energy (as in the suppression of virtual particles via matter-antimatter
annihilation reactions). Failing in this, it seems to have little further ability to restore symmetry, other than an
eternal readiness to motivate an antimatter annihilation if the opportunity arises. Instead, electric charge contents
itself with neutralizing opposite matter charges, confining them to small regions of spacetime which "pays
down" its symmetry debt as far as it can. Conversely, gravitation does not act to prevent the formation of bound
energy, but once matter is formed, seems to have a real "agenda" for its ultimate destruction - not "divide and
conquer", but "collect and conquer". In this we discern the entropic character of gravitation, in contrast to the
activity of any other charge or symmetry debt.dimensional conservation domains, responds to the positive number asymmetry by providing an asymmetric
temporal entropy drive, an historic conservation domain for information and matter's causal matrix, and a
compound conservation domain for both light and particles (spacetime), all through the quantum mechanical
and gravitational conversion of space to time.
The universe manifests through the identity charge, as identity provides a basis for the interaction between the
symmetric quark field (the leptoquarks), the leptonic alternative charge carriers (the neutrinos), and the
asymmetric field of the IVBs. It is through the identity charge that the IVBs recognize and separate leptoquark
from antileptoquark, setting them upon separate and asymmetric decay pathways, breaking the symmetry of their
particle-antiparticle pairs. Neutrinos are alternative carriers for identity charge, which allows this charge to be
conserved or canceled without the presence of antiparticles (antileptoquarks) and their inevitable annihilation
reactions. The fact that the fields interact electrically is not sufficient to break their primordial symmetry, since
the electrical field is also perfectly symmetrical. It is for this reason that we feel the leptoquark neutrino must
exist. For a more complete discussion, see: " ". The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information
Row 4 - : The Force Carriers as Symmetry Payments Field Vectors
Row 4:
Photons - The Electric Force
The field vector (force carrier, charge carrier) of electric charge is the photon, the quantum unit of light and the
electromagnetic force. In the annihilation of matter-antimatter particle pairs, we see the photon protecting its own
symmetry. Electric charge is bipolar, consisting of opposite charges which attract each other powerfully over an
infinite range of spacetime. The strength of this arrangement is that it permits matter-antimatter pairs to find each
other, no matter how great their spatial separation. The weakness of this arrangement is that electric charges can
neutralize as well as annihilate each other. It is therefore possible for a composite particle like the baryon to
arrange the partial charges of its quarks to a neutral electrical configuration, as in the neutron. It is just such an
arrangement that is exploited by the weak force to produce the asymmetric decays of neutral leptoquarks and
create an excess of matter in the "Big Bang". Electrical neutrality is the fundamental reason why a composite
particle (such as baryons composed of quarks) is necessary if matter is to be isolated from antimatter and the
primordial symmetric energy state of the Cosmos.
After the formation of matter, electric charge can do little to restore the symmetric state of energy because its
force is quenched by its ability to neutralize itself. The net electric charge of the Cosmos is zero, both before and
after the creation of matter. In chemical reactions, electric charge will drive toward the lowest bound energy state,
but chemical releases of energy are insignificant compared with the total energy content of matter. Electrical
annihilations of matter-antimatter particle pairs continuously suppresses the manifestation of particles from the 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 21 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlIf we are to believe Einstein, gravitons, the field vectors of gravitation, must connect directly to the dimensional
structure of spacetime. This connection is attractive only, without a repulsive counterpart, as in electricity. The
effect is to "warp" or "bend" spacetime, reducing the local gauge of the metric - the magnitude of the
electromagnetic constant c. Time and space are affected in metrically equivalent terms. It may be difficult to
imagine how anything could connect to something so intangible as a dimension, yet this is certainly the best
explanation we have. And the dimensions are not so intangible when we encounter them through gravitational
or inertial forces ("g" forces felt during acceleration); the intrinsic motion of time, the intrinsic motion of light,
and gravitation itself can also be considered inertial forces in that they are all dimensional (metric) expressions of
energy, entropy, or symmetry conservation.
Like the other charges of matter, gravitation has a symmetry debt to pay, and like the other charges, if gravitation "vacuum", but the process is so effective we are normally quite unaware of this ongoing symmetry maintenance
function performed by electric charge.
Electric charge, however, in the form of the electron shell of atoms and the interplay of electric and magnetic
forces, is instrumental in building a negentropic information pathway (with energy supplied mostly by
gravitation) which culminates in biological systems and the rise of consciousness. In this, electric charge seems
to be attempting to reconstruct the original connectivity of light, even if it cannot reconstruct its symmetry. The
primordial system of light was not only a wholly symmetric, but also a wholly connected entity. Electric charge,
whose field vector is the photon, can be thought of not only as a debt of light's dimensional symmetry, but also
as a debt of light's dimensional connectivity, the holistic character of the primordial energy state. Hence electric
charge seems to function as a "memory" of a preexisting state of connectivity and unity as well as symmetry.
Similarly, we may see "beauty" as an emergent expression of symmetry conservation in the "Information
Pathway" of biology. (See also: " ".) DeBroglie Matter Waves and the Evolution of Consciousness
Although it cannot restore symmetry chemically, electric charge nevertheless attempts to reconstruct
connectivity in material systems by means of a chemical (molecular) information pathway. For example, biology
is nothing if not a web of interconnections, and through the evolution of conscious information systems, humans
have not only become aware of the essential connectivity of the Cosmos, both intuitively and rationally, but are
now engaged in the process of extending this physical web of connection between the planets of our solar
system, and on into the galaxy. Significantly, through humanity, the biological Information Pathway has
converged with the abiotic gravitational symmetry conservation pathway, converting bound to free energy
through hydrogen fusion and the nucleosynthetic process. (See also: " and
.The Information Pathway"; "Chardin:
Prophet of the Information Age"
Gravitons - Gravitation
A dynamical view of gravitational action is allowed by Einstein's equations, via his own "Equivalence
Principle". We are free to view a reference frame as either at rest in a static negative gravitational potential (as on
the surface of the Earth) or as accelerated in spacetime by an equivalent positive motive force (as in a rocket
ship). Hence we can view gravitation as the accelerated motion of spacetime itself, rather than as a static,
"warped", or "curved" metric field. It seems to me this dynamic view offers a physically simpler way to visualize
gravitational action, and is heuristically more fruitful, leading to other insights as well.
The equivalence principle follows from the notion that we cannot distinguish between moving ourselves through
spacetime (acceleration), or spacetime moving itself through us (gravitation). In the dynamic view, all objects fall
with the same acceleration not because the static gravitational potential is the same but because they are all
carried along in the same accelerated flow of spacetime. Similarly, velocity c and the local metric are reduced
simply by the subtractive effect of the physical flow of spacetime; co-movers with the flow (free fall, orbit) are of
course unaware of its motion - all the ordinary gravitational effects are as readily explained by one view as by
the other. (See: " ".) Extending Einstein's Equivalence Principle
"Quantum Radiance" and Black Holes8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 22 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlcannot pay off the debt outright, it will always move in that direction by at least "paying down" the debt as much
as possible. Since an atom or a planet can have the same center of mass or "location", the gravitational
concentration of massive particles reduces the scatter of individual "location" charges, confining them to as small
a volume of spacetime as physically possible (the attractive principle of gravitation (-Gm), however, is simply the
collapse of space caused by the intrinsic motion of time). (See also: " ".) If
enough mass is accumulated, the fusion reactions of the nucleosynthetic pathway are initiated, converting a
portion of the bound energy to light, a direct payment of the symmetry (and entropy) debt. However,
nucleosynthesis can only go so far, as baryon number conservation prevents the great bulk of any stellar mass
from converting to light. Nevertheless, gravitation drives on, collapsing the electron shells of atoms in "white
dwarfs", and finally driving this "electron sea" into the protons, forming neutron stars, essentially gigantic atomic
nuclei held together by gravitational forces. Still unsatisfied, if enough mass is present, gravitation collapses even
nuclear matter to the singularity of a black hole, surely the most bizarre and fearsome object in the universe.
In addition to its important role in confining quarks to elementary whole-quantum charge units, the strong force The Conversion of Space to Time
Black holes can convert much more of the bound energy of atoms to radiation than nucleosynthesis, including
extracting energy from the rotational energy of the hole, from the gravitational potential energy of highly
accelerated particles (including any relativistic increase in mass), and even from the binding energy of nuclear
particles, which the intense gravitational field of the hole replaces. Through such effects, up to 40% of the mass-
equivalent energy of a particle can be converted to light as it falls into the event horizon.
In the creation of a black hole, gravitation reaches its goal, for as Stephen Hawking has shown, through the
principle of "quantum radiance" the total mass of a black hole will eventually be converted to light. The defining
feature of a black hole is that the gravitational acceleration of spacetime reaches the equivalent of the intrinsic
motion of light. As in the venerable saying, "the extremes meet": matter began as light with intrinsic motion c;
matter ends by itself achieving intrinsic motion c through the gravitational acceleration of spacetime, a total
reversal of the roles of intrinsic motion. But this full circle regenerates matter as light again, an amazing story of
purposeful and relentless symmetry conservation which no one would believe if Einstein's and Hawking's
mathematics were not there to prove it.
Because the spatial entropy drive of light (intrinsic motion c) has greater symmetry than the one-way historical
entropy drive of time (intrinsic motion T), Hawking's quantum radiance demonstrates that even the symmetry of
entropy is conserved. It is symmetry conservation and the ultimate expression of Noether's theorem that drives
the evaporation of black holes. The event horizon of a black hole is a temporal entropy surface (The Bekenstein-
Hawking theorem), displacing space somewhat as a ship displaces water, providing physical proof of the
gravitational conversion of space and the drive of spatial entropy to time and the drive of historical entropy. One
reason we cannot see into a black hole is because there is no space to look into. The surface of the black hole is
an expansion of the central dimensionless point which begins the time line, hugely enlarged; nevertheless, it
remains spatially dimensionless. (See: " ".) A Description of Gravitation
In thermodynamic terms, the conversion of light's entropy drive (light's intrinsic motion) to matter's entropy
drive (time's intrinsic motion) reaches a limiting case in the black hole. Because at the Schwarzschild radius the
inflow of space is already at velocity c, it is not physically possible to simply continue increasing the intensity of
the field as matter is added to the hole. Therefore, the only accommodation possible for further mass inputs is to
increase the size of the surface over which this maximum spatial flow is realized, resulting in the Hawking-
Bekenstein theorem relating the entropy of a black hole to its surface area. Therefore black holes are somewhat
larger than one might otherwise assume. Paradoxically, this effect does not reduce the critical density of the hole
as it grows larger, because we are dealing with a time surface, not a spatial volume. Space is displaced by time,
not by a competing spatial volume, which is where the ship displacement analogy fails. Since gravity is creating
the time dimension for the mass of the hole, the constraint on the size of the entropy expression also applies to
other related gravitational parameters. Hence the surface area of a black hole should be directly proportional not
only to its entropy, but to its time dimension, its mass, and its total gravitational field energy as well. (See also:
). "Proton Decay and the 'Heat Death' of the Universe"
Gluons - The Strong Force: Fusion and Proton Decay8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 23 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlcontains an important internal symmetry. The color charge of the strong force consists of three parts, designated
(for convenience of reference only) red, green, and yellow. Each quark carries one color charge, which it swaps
with its neighbors in a ceaseless round-robin exchange by means of an internal field of "gluons". Gluons are
massless particles, moving at velocity c, the bosons or force carriers of the color charge and strong force. They
have been compared to "sticky light". Each gluon is composed of a color-anticolor charge, in every
combination, hence there should be nine of them, except one is doubly neutral ("green-antigreen"), leaving eight
effective charge carriers. Because the gluon field is composed of color-anticolor charges, it sums overall to zero
color, a crucial charge symmetry. The gluon field is internally confined to baryons, the class of particles
containing 3 quarks. (There is enough "leakage" of the gluon field to allow gluon-sharing between nucleons (the
color analog of a magnetic field), permitting the building of compound atomic nuclei).
Physically squeezing the quarks together has the effect of summing up the gluon field, so that as quarks crowd
together, the strong force relaxes and the quarks move more easily with respect to each other, an effect known as
"asymptotic freedom" ( ). "In the limit", if the quarks
are fully compressed, the color charge sums to zero and vanishes. This is the configuration of the leptoquark, and
is the condition of "color symmetry" (color = 0) which is necessary for proton or leptoquark decay. Usually,
quarks repel each other electrically and through other quantum mechanical forces (Pauli's "Exclusion
Principle"); as quarks spread apart, the color force becomes explicit, limiting their expansion. Because the color
charge is conserved, the weak force cannot cause baryon decay while the color charge is explicit (neutrinos do
not carry color charge). But if for some reason the color charge should self-annihilate (as in the extreme
pressures of the Big Bang, a black hole, or via the "X" IVB), the leptonic decay of a baryon can go forward. It is
this effect that allows the weak force decays of electrically neutral leptoquark-antileptoquark pairs during the
birth of the Cosmos. Politzer, Gross, and Wilczek: 2004 Nobel Prize for Physics
"In the limit" the color charge vanishes. This limit probably translates physically to compacting the quarks of a
baryon to "leptonic size"; in this condition, with no color charge present, a baryon is indistinguishable from a
heavy lepton, reverting to its ancestral form, the "leptoquark". When fully compressed, the leptoquark is a lepton
and the color charge is implicit; when the pressure is relieved, the color charge becomes explicit and the
leptoquark becomes a baryon. As a lepton, the leptoquark must have an associated neutrino, but as a baryon, this
neutrino cannot cancel the explicit color charge. Thus the baryon is stable against "proton decay" in its normal
(expanded) state. Only when the quarks are fully compressed, vanishing the color charge, does the baryon return
to its leptonic ancestral state, and proton decay becomes possible with the emission of a leptoquark neutrino.
Achieving a condition of electrical neutrality is the fundamental reason why the elementary mass-carrier must be
a composite particle whose constituent parts (the quarks) can assume an electrically neutral configuration (as in
the neutron). This requirement in turn demands the creation of the gluon field and color charges to permanently
control and confine these partial charges in combinations that sum to whole unit (leptonic) quantum numbers.
The simplest way to create all these particles and fields is simply to split an elementary heavy lepton into three
parts, demand (to satisfy symmetry conservation) that nevertheless it remain a "virtual" elementary particle in
terms of its effective whole quantum unit (leptonic) charges, and the creation of the gluon field must follow of
Presumably, all baryons have one and the same "number" charge, as all stem from the same leptoquark ancestor,
and all must revert to this same high-energy form to decay, resulting in the extraordinary stability of the proton.
Other than the hypothetical superheavy "X" IVB, it seems likely that only the gravitational pressures of a black
hole can provide sufficient symmetric force to routinely cause proton decay. If this is so, then the interior of black
holes may consist of nothing but gravitationally trapped light, a condition strangely reminiscent of the gluons or
"sticky light" trapped within a baryon. (While a neutron star is like a gigantic gravitationally bound atomic
nucleus, a black hole represents the next level of simplification, a gigantic gravitationally bound baryon.)
Trapped light would solve the question of the infinite compressibility of matter at the central singularity, as there
is no quantum-mechanical limit to the superposition of photons. (See also: "
'")A Connection Between 'Inflation'
and the 'Big Crunch
Acting together, and energized by gravity, the strong and weak forces make common cause to restore light's
symmetry through nuclear fission/fusion, resulting in the creation of the heavy elements in the nucleosynthetic
pathway of stars. This pathway, however, is relatively short and ineffective, as only a small fraction of the energy 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 24 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html(See also: " ".)stored in baryons can be released through nuclear fusion. The gravitational process goes to completion via
Hawking's "quantum radiance" of black holes. Proton decay also completely converts nuclear mass to light, but
the process is so rare that the proton, in human terms, is virtually eternal. We owe the stability of matter to the
great strength of the strong force, the weakness of gravity, and the huge mass-energy barrier of the "W" and "X"
IVBs. But the seeds of its own destruction are contained within the baryon, through the symmetry principle of
"asymptotic freedom" and the self-annihilation of the color charge. (See: "
.")The Half-Life of Proton Decay and
the Heat Death of the Cosmos
The Weak Force IVBs: Fission, Identity Charge
Introduction to the Weak Force
Because it is the weak force which breaks the symmetric state of energy in the Big Bang and brings the material
Universe into existence, we might not expect this force to be particularly active in returning the material system
to symmetry. Yet, the force that creates matter can also destroy matter, and it does so in several ways - through
the decay of heavy particles to their ground state, through the fission of heavy compound nuclei (radioactivity),
through contributions to fusion in the nucleosynthetic pathway of stars, and through the process of proton decay,
for which it provides the annihilating identity charge (the leptoquark antineutrino) as well as the "X" IVB. (See:
" ".) The Particle Table
When we consider an elementary particle, such as the electron (e-), we often forget that this particle carries two
charges, electric charge and identity (or "number") charge. The electric charge is indicated by the negative sign,
the identity charge is indicated by the "e" (this charge is sometimes referred to as "flavor"). We say that identity
charge is "hidden", or carried in implicit form, by the massive electron, but is revealed in its explicit, "bare", and
nearly massless form as the electron neutrino. (Whether or not the neutrino is actually massless has little to do
with its symmetry debt of "identity". Most charges are in fact carried by massive particles). Usually the identity
charge is simply called lepton or baryon "number" charge (or even "flavor" charge), which obscures the true
meaning of this charge. If "number charge" adequately described its function, then the number charge of the
electron would also serve as the number charge of the muon and tau; but as we have discovered, there is a
specific and distinct neutrino associated with each member of the elementary leptonic spectrum, so the charge is
more accurately described as "identity". Moreover, we can readily assign "identity" as the plausible symmetry
debt of light's "anonymity", with a sensible function to perform in annihilation reactions (facilitating the choice
of the correct antimatter partner), arguments and contact with Noether's theorem which we cannot make for the
generalized "number" charge.
It is at first a curious fact, and then after reflection an obvious one, that the "identity" charge is the key to
manifestation. It is identity that brings matter into existence as the principle or "cardinal" symmetry debt. But
then, how could it be otherwise? Identity is the essence of asymmetry, the key ingredient of information that
must be isolated from the symmetric field of energy if manifestation is to occur. (See also:
.)"The Weak Force
"W" Particle as the Bridge Between Symmetric (2-D) and Asymmetric (4-D) Reality"
In addition to the mesons, the leptonic field of elementary particles functions as an alternative charge carrier,
both for the symmetric, composite field of the quarks and hadrons, and for other leptons. The massive leptons
function as alternative carriers of electric charge, the (nearly) massless neutrinos function as alternative carriers of
identity charge, the mesons function as alternative carriers of quark flavor and color. Without these services, the
symmetric quark field could not manifest, since in the absence of alternative carriers, quarks could only balance
their charges with antiquarks, and they would remain forever locked in mutually annihilating particle-antiparticle
pairs. Without neutrinos, the massive leptons would likewise remain locked in their particle-antiparticle pairs,
themselves lacking an alternative carrier of identity. Hence it is that the neutrino, the least of all particles,
becomes the "mouse which nibbles the lion's net", providing an alternative conserved carrier of identity charge,
and through this service, unleashes the information potential of the Cosmos. (See:
.)"The Weak Force: Identity or
Number Charge"
Just as we see the information pathway of the electromagnetic force evolving to reestablish the primordial 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 25 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlWe have asserted that light and metric space create matter in symmetric particle-antiparticle pairs, and that these,
through the mechanism of mutually interlocking charges, annihilate each other to recreate the light which
formed them. During the "Big Bang", the asymmetric mechanism of the weak force breaks the symmetry of the
particle-antiparticle pairs, producing an excess of matter. We understand that the raw energy of light is stored
(conserved) in the mass and momentum of the particles, and that the charges of matter, which appear to be
gratuitous from the point of view of raw energy conservation, are in fact necessary from the viewpoint of
symmetry conservation: not only the raw energy of light, but its symmetric state must be conserved (Noether's
Theorem). This interaction occurs within the metric arena of spacetime, the entropic dimensional setting which
houses and conserves the energy play. How is spacetime related to this play of light and particles? What is this
play about?connective unity of light and emergent forms of symmetry (beauty) throughout material systems, so we also see
through the rise of consciousness and the emergence of organisms with definite individuality and personality, the
reemergence and exploration of weak force "identity" in the biological realm. (See also:
.)"Chardin: Prophet of
the Information Age"
There is another apex of the which involves the second law
of thermodynamics, entropy. It is through entropy that we are able to complete the conservation linkage between
the dimensional structure of space, light, and matter. The primordial entropy of light is expressed through its
intrinsic motion, which creates not only space and its metric (the conservation domain of light), but the
expansion and cooling of space as well. The primordial entropy of bound energy is expressed through the
intrinsic motion of time (and gravity), creating historic spacetime, the conservation domain of matter's causal
information matrix. The intrinsic motion of time causes the aging and decay of matter and information and the
expansion and dilution of history. Time and gravity are therefore the conserved form of light's entropy (second
thermodynamic law); mass and momentum are the conserved form of light's raw energy (first law, energy
conservation); the charges of matter are the conserved form of light's various symmetries, and constitute the
essential information which particles require, in the absence of antimatter, to return to their original symmetric
state (Noether's Theorem). Tetrahedron Model of Light and Conservation Law
Before "Big Bang" symmetry-breaking, in the absence of matter, Noether's Theorem is expressed through
metric symmetry conservation and the suppression of virtual particles by matter-antimatter annihilations, all
gauged by "velocity c". After symmetry breaking, in the presence of matter, Noether's Theorem is expressed
through charge and spin conservation, gravitation and time, and the inertial forces of the spacetime metric.
Entropy conservation allows the conversion of free energy to work; symmetry conservation allows the
conversion of free energy to information; raw energy conservation allows the conversion of free energy to mass
and momentum. These three conservation laws, acting in concert, allow (but do not cause) weak force
symmetry-breaking and the conversion of light to our familiar material Universe. Time, causality, gravitation, and
historic spacetime provide the connective linkages of matter's "causal matrix" and information field. History is
the functional analog of space. The continued reality of historic spacetime and matter's "causal matrix" are
necessary to uphold the continuing reality of the "Universal Present Moment" of material existence.
Light's entropy drive (light's intrinsic spatial motion), creates, expands, and cools light's dimensional
conservation domain, space; matter's entropy drive (the intrinsic motion of time) creates, expands, and dilutes
information's dimensional conservation domain, history. Gravity, the entropy conversion force, welds space and
the drive of spatial entropy (light's intrinsic motion) into time and the drive of historical entropy (time's intrinsic
motion), creating historic spacetime, the joint entropy/conservation domain of free and bound energy. The first
and second laws of thermodynamics are connected through the entropic creation of the dimensional
conservation domains of light and matter. The function of entropy is to create a dimensional domain (space,
history, historic spacetime) appropriate to its energy type (free or bound), in which energy can be transformed,
used, and yet conserved. Gravity equilibrates the two entropy drives (by extracting time from space) so that
interaction between them is possible, creating their joint dimensional conservation domain, historic spacetime.
The metric equivalency between space and time is gauged (regulated) by the universal energy constant c; the 8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 26 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlentropic equivalency between space and time is gauged by G, the universal gravitational constant. G is related to
c as entropy is related to energy. The magnitude of G is determined by the small energy difference between the
symmetric spatial entropy drive (S) of light (the intrinsic motion of light, as gauged by "velocity c"), and the
asymmetric historical entropy drive (T) of matter (the intrinsic motion of time, as gauged by "velocity T"): S - T
= -G. This is equivalent to the small energy difference between implicit (S) and explicit (T) time. The
gravitational conversion of space and the drive of spatial entropy (S) to time and the drive of historic entropy (T)
can be symbolically represented by a "concept equation" as :
-Gm(S) = (T)
-Gm(S) - (T) = 0
The spatial entropy drive of free energy therefore funds the historical entropy drive of bound energy, and the
expansion of the Cosmos must decelerate accordingly. (See: " ".) The Conversion of Space to Time
The cosmic drama begins innocently enough with the entrance of pure light and light's creation, the spacetime
metric. The interaction of light with the spacetime metric creates a cast of virtual particles in symmetric particle-
antiparticle pairs: some heavy (hadrons), some light (leptons), some composite and complex, some elementary
and simple, but all related and all derived from the interaction between light's energy and the metric structure of
spacetime. They are costumed in various charges which allow them to alternate with blinding speed between
their particle and wave forms, a counterpoint between manifest and unmanifest reality, a true magic show. But
then a symmetry disaster strikes, and the plot literally thickens. Some of the heavy, composite particles of
antimatter have reverted to their wave form via their neutrinos and the weak force "X" IVB, without annihilating
their matter counterparts. Caught by surprise in an expanding Universe, the matter particles have no way of
reverting to their wave form in the absence of their antimatter partners; they are trapped in the 4th dimension of
explicit time, whereas before they existed in the virtual realm of two or three symmetric spatial dimensions. We
recognize them now as baryons. In the rapidly expanding and cooling Universe, they are left in their asymmetric
and massive forms, one half of light's particle form, with all their charges intact and exposed, charges which had
previously functioned to unite them with their antimatter partners and return both to light.
Like Hamlet's father, the baryons have been treacherously thrust into a new realm
without the chance to absolve their "sins".These charges are the
symmetry debts of light.
Spacetime becomes the dimensional entropy/conservation stage upon which the play now unfolds, a negentropic
arena provided by the energy of gravitation (energy borrowed, in turn, from the expansion of space). Gravitation
creates the time dimension through its ceaseless annihilation of space; time and gravity endlessly induce each
other. The argument of the play is this: can the particles, using their conserved symmetry charges, either
individually or collectively revert to their symmetric wave form in the absence of their antimatter partners? Is
one-half of the information contained in the original particle-antiparticle pair enough to accomplish this magical
transformation? The answer is yes, but only in the additional dimension of time, and in two modes: a collective
process (gravity) and an individual process (proton decay). Both will arrive at the same result, the complete
transformation of the particle to light. In the meantime, as a sort of subplot, or "play within a play", an
electromagnetic information pathway develops (through biology), which attempts to express or reconstitute in
material systems its charge-memory of the symmetry and connective unity of its primordial state. The
development of personal "identity" and the abstract information systems of humans reprise and recollect our
physical origins, in religious, aesthetic, psychological, and rational terms, even including the fractal algorithm of
the information pathway. (See: ). "The Information Ladder"
As for the issue of "intelligent design", the recent concept of the "Multiverse" in service of the "Anthropic
Principle" offers a completely satisfactory resolution of the problem of the "special balancing" or "exquisite
adjustment" of our Universe's physical constants. According to this view, we naturally find ourselves inhabiting
that special Universe, of perhaps infinitely many realized possibilities, in which the physical constants of Nature
are so adjusted, by chance alone, as to favor the evolutionary development of our life form. But it could hardly
be otherwise. We might as well be amazed at how perfectly our skin fits our body. While this is a completely
rational explanation for the peculiar characteristics of our Universe, it actually says nothing at all regarding the
existence of a "First Cause" or "Creator" - neither for nor against. Concerning the issue of evolution, it is simply
a biological form of negative entropy driven by Natural Selection, as factual and impersonal as gravity or
chemistry. (See: " ".) Newton and Darwin: the Evolution and Abundance of Life in the Universe8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 27 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlThe meaning of the biological information pathway that develops through time in the negentropic domain of
gravitation, the significance of the human experience and the Universe, are separate topics which I address in
other papers (see: and: ); "
"; " "). See also my late father's book: in regard to
the significance and meaning of the human experience."The Information Pathway"; "Chardin: Prophet of the Information Age" The Human
Condition Is There Life After Death? "Trance, Art, Creativity"
(pdf file)
(html file)
Related articles on my Entropy, Gravitation, and Thermodynamics
A Description of Gravity
Spatial vs Temporal Entropy
The Double Conservation Role of Gravity: Symmetry vs Entropy
The Higgs Boson vs the Spacetime Metric
DeBroglie Matter Waves and the Evolution of Consciousness
The Conversion of Space to Time
The Time Train
Extending Einstein's Equivalence Principle
Principles of the Unified Field Theory: A Tetrahedral Model
A General Systems Approach to the Unified Field Theory
Currents of Symmetry and Entropy
The Formation of Matter and the Origin of Information
The Information Pathway
Chardin: Prophet of the Information Age
Is There Life After Death?
The Fractal Organization of Nature
A Spacetime Map of the Universe
Introduction to the Weak Force
The Weak Force: Identity or Number Charge
The Weak Force "W" Particle as the Bridge Between Symmetric (2-D) and Asymmetric (4-D) Reality
The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism
The "W" IVB and the Weak Force Mechanism
A New Gravity Diagram
The Gravity Diagram
The Three Entropies: Intrinsic Motions of Gravity, Time, and Light
Unified Diagram of the Four Forces
Diagram of the Particle Forces
Diagram of the Spacetime Forces
The Particle Table
The Tetrahedron Model of Light and Conservation Law
The Interaction of 4 Conservation Laws with the 4 Forces of Physics
Unified Field Table: Simple Form
Unified Field Table: "Bare" Form
About the Papers: An Introduction
The Sun Archetype
home page
Noether, E. . Brewer, J. W. and M. K. Smith, eds. M.
Dekker, New York, , 180 + x pp. + 10 plates.
Weinberg, S. . Bantam. , 177 + x pp.Emmy Noether: A Tribute to her Life and Work
The First Three Minutes 19778/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 28 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.htmlCronin, J. W. CP Symmetry Violation: the Search for its Origin. , 212, 1221-8 (Nobel
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Green, B. . W.W. Norton & Co. , 448 + xiii pp.
Bekenstein, J. D. Black Holes and Entropy. , , 7(8), 2333-46.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: French: Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1955; English:
Harper and Row, New York, 1959.
D. J. Gross and F. Wilczek. 1973. Ultraviolet Behavior of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. Lett.
30: 1343.
H. D. Politzer. 1973. Phys. Rev. Lett. 30: 1346.
Gowan, J. C. 1975. Science1981
Communications in Mathematical Physics 1975
The Elegant Universe 1999
Physical Review D 1973
The Phenomenon of Man.
Gross, Politzer, Wilczek: 15 October 2004 vol. 306 page 400: "Laurels to Three Who Tamed
Equations of Quark Theory."Science:
"Trance, Art, Creativity"8/27/06 10:55 AM Symmetry Principles of the Unified Field Theory (a "Theory of Everything")
Page 29 of 29 file:///Macintosh%20HD/Desktop%20Folder/TheoryOfEverything/appendix.html |
arXiv:physics/9911061v1 [physics.gen-ph] 24 Nov 1999About Charge Density Wave
for Electromagnetic Field-Drive
Benoˆ ıt T. Guay†
Qu´ ebec, November 24, 1999
To generate a propulsive force without propellant and ex-
ternal couplings, it has been shown that two confined macro-
scopic and time-varying charge density waves well separate d
in space are needed. Here, some physical conditions will be
proposed to support and maintain these particular collecti ve
modes of charge distributions.
Within the framework of classical electrodynamics, it
has been shown [1] how an electromagnetic propulsive
force and, in particular, an electric (conservative) propu l-
sive force can be generated without propellent mass and
external couplings by using two confined, time-varying,
neutral and macroscopic charge density waves (CDW).
These CDW own a same symmetry axis, are adequately
separated in space and have a relative temporal phase-
shift. This last one controls the propulsive force’s inten-
From far fields point of view, these CDW are able to
induce an asymmetry into the space distribution of the
far fields momentum variation rate along the symmetry
axis. They can do that because the relative temporal
phase-shift controls the space distribution of construc-
tive and destructive interferences of far fields produced by
the two CDW [1]. So, this relative temporal phase-shift
controls the asymmetry. When this last one is created,
an electromagnetic propulsive force along the symmetry
axis is generated and applied on both CDW in a same
direction. Such propulsive effect is impossible in statics
because fields’ interferences can be produced only with
time-varying fields. Because this propulsive force is gen-
erated by a spatial asymmetry in the (electromagnetic)
field, it is a propulsion driven by the electromagnetic field
or more simply an electromagnetic field-drive (EFD).
In our first paper [1] we have used the CDW concept in
a theoretical way. Actually, nothing has been said about
the material or the conductive fluid needed to sustain
a neutral macroscopic charge density wave. The only
thing we have mentioned was this CDW is a longitudi-
nal (i.e. φdirection in cylindrical coordinates) charge
oscillation mode, it has a wave number “n”, it oscillates
at frequency ωand it is pinned (circular standing wave)
inside a ring made with an electrical conductor. In this
simplified model, we have used two identical planar fili-
form rings with radii R’, placed in vacuum and separated
by a distance D along the z axis. Planes of rings were per-pendicular to the z axis; the symmetry axis, the thrust
axis. In a more realistic way, rings have a cross section
Rosmaller than D and R’ according to section 4 in [1].
However, we have never mentioned that a relation must
exist (dispersion relation) between n and ωand what is
this relation. Furthermore, what are needed conditions
to support and maintain a time-varying CDW able to
create the desired propulsive effect? Is it possible to use
solid rings? Metallic ones? Or what else? In this work,
we would like to give preliminary and partial answers to
some of those questions.
A time-varying longitudinal CDW involves a time-
varying longitudinal charge separation among opposite
charges. In that case, there must be a restoring force
among these charges and consequently, this creates a col-
lective oscillation mode (i.e. longitudinal plasma mode)
at plasma frequency ωp[2,3,4,5,6]. So, to sustain a large
amplitude of charge separations in a neutral conductor
or, more generally, in a conductive “fluid” and then sup-
port and maintain sources of large electric fields, our fre-
quency ωmust be close to (at least equal or greater than)
the “resonant” frequency ωp. Thus, we will get an ap-
propriate CDW (n /negationslash=0) if each neutral conductive fluid of
our two rings is a neutral plasma.
The other reason to use a ω > ω pis this. In a sense
ωpcan be considered as a cut-off [7]. So, if ωis greater
than this cut-off, fields created by one conductive fluid
in a given ring will penetrate deeply inside the conduc-
tive fluid of the other ring to create propulsive effect
throughout the ring’s cross section for non-filiform rings
(i.e. torus for instance). Actually, if ω < ω pfields gen-
erated by one ring will remain near the surface of the
other; they will be mostly reflected by this one and they
will be nearly zero inside of it except to its surface. In
such a case, the thrust’s amplitude will be limited and
restricted to the rings’ surface. In addition, this will in-
crease the probability of cold emission like in a metal
(see below) because fields must be relatively strong (i.e.
at least about 100kv) to get a good thrust [1]. So, things
like that can reduce the propulsive effect.
According to the model in [1], the value of ωmust be in
the range of radio frequency or TV range. Consequently,
our plasma must have a ωpin these ranges too. However,
if n=0 there are no charge separations at all; we have
only a uniform longitudinal current on each ring. In this
last case, we don’t need a longitudinal plasma mode; a
1neutral conductive fluid with a ωpmuch larger than ωcan
be used. But let’s remember this, if n=0 the propulsive
force has no electric contribution (i.e. no conservative
part), only a magnetic one (i.e. a dissipative part because
radiative) and we know that this last contribution has a
poor efficiency according to section 6 in [1].
For our purpose and for now, at least four limits or con-
ditions must be considered in a neutral plasma. The first
is related to the collision rate f. Our macroscopic time-
varying CDW is a collective oscillation mode; a longitu-
dinal plasma mode. Collisions break “coherence” among
charges’ motions and then break the collective oscillation
and, the CDW itself can be destroyed. To get collective
oscillations, we must have f≪ωp∼(e2no/meǫo)1/2(SI
units) [2,3,4,5,6]; meis the effective electron’s mass, e
the electron’s charge, nothe electron density when n=0
(for electronic plasma with heavy positive ions as uniform
background) and ǫois the vacuum electrical permittivity.
We have to mention that fincreases with noand tem-
perature (see below).
The second limit is associated with the wave number
or the wave length of the charge density in a conductive
fluid. For us, this is related to “n”. There is an upper
limit for this wave number. Above this limit, the CDW
cannot oscillate; the damping (i.e. Landau damping [8])
is too strong and thus, CDW does not exist (it’s too “vis-
cous”). In a nondegenerate conductive fluid, like an ion-
ized gas with relatively small density of electrons and ions
for instance, this upper wave number is the Debye wave
number kDgiven by kD−1∼(Te/no)1/2cm [9,10] ( no
in cm−3).Teis the electrons’ temperature (in Kelvin); a
measure of their mean kinetic energy. An electron within
kD−1cannot move easily (“viscous” area) but outside, it
can. So, if the wave length of our CDW is larger than
kD−1, the damping won’t exist or it will be weak or quite
weak and then, this CDW will survive and will be able
to oscillate.
In a degenerate neutral conductive fluid like an electron
gas in a solid metal at low temperature (i.e. low com-
pared to the Fermi energy EF[11,12]), kDis replaced by
the Fermi wave number kF[9]. In that case, the typical
kinetic energy is EFnotTe.
In our situation, we need a neutral plasma with ωp∼
100 MHz (radio frequency as order of magnitude) and
akDorF−1smaller than about 10−2cm. 10−2cm is a
lower limit for the wave length of our CDW; a macro-
scopic length scale for which our classical approach in
[1] is certainly correct. With solid alkali metals like Li,
Na, etc. or solid noble metals like Cu, Ag, Au, kF−1
respects the above condition. For example, solid copper
(Cu) at room temperature ( ∼300K), kF−1∼10−8cm
[13,14]. But the problem with solid metals like alkali (or
noble) is their ωpbelong to ultraviolet frequency range
(∼1015Hz) [15,16]. The reason for such a big value is
a large no(∼1022cm−3) [16] and a very small effective
mass of charge carrier (i.e. electron). So, solid metals can
bee used only if n = 0 (i.e. uniform currents on rings)
according to above discussion ( ω < ω p).For instance, if n = 0, we could use two metallic and
solid torus (i.e. planar rings with cross section Rosmaller
than D and R’ according to above), fixed apart with dis-
tance D by some adequat isolators and placed in good
vacuum at “room temperature”. However, one possible
problem with metals is the cold emission [17]; when fields
applied over metallic crystal become relatively strong,
electrons (carriers) can be expelled outside the crystal
by “quantum tunneling”. In that case, the charge’s mo-
mentum of carriers won’t be given to the whole crystal
along the thrust axis so, the momentum transfer effi-
ciency will be diminished and then, the propulsion too.
Furthermore, with metals we will have ω < ω pand, as
mentioned above, this is limitative.
With n /negationslash= 0, we need something else. For instance an
ionized gas; a neutral conductive gas formed by electrons
and ions with a smaller electron density: no∼108cm−3.
In that case this neutral plasma has a ωpin the range
that we want according to its expression given above.
On the other hand, we want a relatively “cold” plasma
because we wish to satisfy the condition f≪ωpand
also because we want to avoid any complications about
plasma confinement (“walls”). For example, let’s con-
sider a temperature Tebetween 1000K to 10000K. Such
values for Teandnogive us a kD−1∼10−3to 10−2
cm according to the above expression so, they give us a
classical plasma (i.e. nondegenerate electrons gas where
classical statistics can be applied) quite similar to the
ionosphere’s one [18]. Actually, at 90km into ionosphere,
collision rate is f∼106Hz and at 300km, f∼103Hz [19].
Such last values respect the preceding inequality between
fandωp. This doesn’t mean ion species we need must
be the same as the ionosphere’s ones. Best ion species
we need is another issue. But it shows that such a kind
of plasma exist. So, a priori, a neutral ionized gas with
relatively “low”temperature, 103to 104K, and low elec-
trons density, no∼108cm−3, (i.e. a cold plasma) could
be a good candidate for our purpose when n /negationslash= 0.
Let’s take an example to get an order of magnitude
of the propulsive force when a cold plasma gas is un-
der consideration. Let us consider a lithium gas with
electrons density no∼108cm−3and electrons temper-
ature Te∼5000K. According to above expressions, ωp
∼564MHz and kD−1∼7×10−3cm. By simplicity, let’s
imagine all atoms of lithium are ionized such as Li →
Li++ e−. Atomic weight of Li is about 6.9a.m.u. so
lithium mass density is about: no×6.9×1.66×10−27kg∼
10−18kg/cm3. (Of course, this doesn’t take into account
the mass of confining “walls”). Mass of Li+is about
104times larger than the one of e−. So, ion Li+is at
rest compared to e−; only electrons move at frequency
ωalong φdirection. Now to get an order of magnitude
of the propulsive force, we can use the Coulomb force
expression. Coulomb force is one of main contributions
(conservative part) to the thrust in [1]. So, in these con-
ditions if we consider a small volume of 1cm3of charges
on each ring (or torus), the force we can get between
2these small volumes if D = 0.1m (same order of magni-
tude than the one used in [1]) is given approximately by
∼10−10N. This evaluation is
amaximum one because it doesn’t take into account de-
structive interferences among fields produced by positive
and negative charges in a same CDW and applied over
charges in the other CDW.
The reason for such a small force is the relatively small
value of no. If we increase no, condition kD−1≪10−2cm
will be always satisfied but certainly not ωp∼100MHz.
However, if we use an “ionic plasma” instead of an “elec-
tronic one” as in the above example, we will have ωp∼
(e2no/miǫo)1/2andkD−1∼(Ti/no)1/2cm where nois
now the ions density, Tithe ions temperature and mi, the
ion mass. Consequently, if nois increased, we will keep
ωpfixed if we take an appropriate ion mass milarger
thanme. Let’s give an example.
Let’s take Li + Cl →Li++ Cl−. Ion chlorine Cl−
is about 5 times heavier than ion Li+. Here, mi≡
mLi= 11.4×10−27kg and Ti≡TLi. As before we take
same temperature TLi∼5000K. Now to get the same
plasma frequency; ωp∼564MHz, we must take no∼
1.3×1012cm−3. In that case, kD−1∼6.2×10−5cm and
∼3.9×10−2N with the same D
as before. Here, condition f≪ωpis still respected.
We can evaluate fby using its expression [20,21] for
an ideal gas (i.e. low density and pressure). One has
f∼no¯vσi=no(8kBTi/πm i)1/2σi∼641Hz. kBis the
Boltzmann’s constant, σi≡σLi∼4π(1˚A)2is the scat-
tering cross section of lithium ion and ¯ v, its mean speed.
Finally, mass density is no(6.9+35.4)×1.66×10−27kg∼
9.1×10−14kg/cm3. So, as we can see, the choice of ion
species is quite important.
The neutral plasma gas must be ionized by some exter-
nal source (at the beginning at least) but, because tem-
perature is relatively small, after a specific time there are
recombinations among electrons and ions (or ions-ions)
and then a radiation (named secondary here) is emitted.
The primary radiation is the one emitted by the longi-
tudinal plasma oscillations of both CDW at frequency ω
∼ωp. Other kinds of secondary radiations can also be
emitted like breaking radiation (bremsstrahlung) [22,23]
and spectral radiation coming from excited atoms (not
ionized). Recombinations among charges imply that a
third limit has to be considered in our neutral plasma.
This limit is given by fr≪ωpwhere fris the recombina-
tion rate between negative and positive charges. Clearly,
this quantity depends on electrons (or ions) density no
and electrons (or ions) temperature Te(orTi).frin-
creases when temperature decreases because kinetic en-
ergy of opposite charges (i.e. their thermal energy) be-
comes smaller than their potential energy (i.e. mutual
attraction). This is why temperature, on the other hand,
According to the model given in [1], charges must be
well confined along the z direction (i.e. the thrust direc-
tion) and along the ρdirection in some restricted regions
(i.e. “filiform” rings). So, some constraints have to ex-
ist to maintain charges in these limited areas along those
directions. These constraints have to ensure also the mo-
mentum transfer from charges to confining “walls”, spe-
cially along z. In that sense, the conductive fluid (or
gas) must be strongly anisotropic; charges can move eas-
ily along φbut should be nearly “at rest” along z and ρ
Now, to get an appropriate anisotropic conductive gas
(ionic and cold plasma gas), the cross section’s radii Roof
a ring (or torus) must be smaller or equal to kD−1so, the
fourth limit is Ro<
∼kD−1∼6.2×10−5cm (using pre-
ceding value of chlorine-lithium gas) so, a “micro-torus”
with a relatively large radii R’. The reason is this. Any
charges inside kD−1, around the heavier ion; the Cl−
in our previous example, are in “viscous” area. This is
true for Li+ions and for induced dipoles of the dielectric
“walls” (see below). Consequently, with the above limit,
any relative motions between Cl−and Li+along z and ρ
are quite well limited and this is true also among Cl−and
dipoles, induced by this ion, inside the internal surface
of the dielectric walls along those directions.
In addition, the wall of this micro-torus must be a good
dielectric. The neutral ionized gas will fill the micro-
torus. The dielectric wall must be transparent to primary
and secondary radiations. This is obvious for primary
fields according to above; fields must reach the gas. But
it is also important for the secondary to maintain a fixed
temperature and get and sustain an equilibrium between
ionization and recombination. Furthermore, this dielec-
tric wall must be able to support high mechanical stress
and relatively high temperature.
In this paper, a well confined neutral ionized gas at
relatively low density and temperature (i.e. a nondegen-
erated conductive gas; a “cold plasma”) is proposed as a
substrate in which a CDW (n /negationslash= 0) can be sustained; the
CDW needed to produce a conservative propulsive force,
according to the model given in our first work.
Up to now, cold plasma is the most appropriate mate-
rial to meet conditions given in this paper. But, plasma
stability, plasma confinement, momentum transfer from
accelerated charges to the confining “walls” along the
thrust axis, choice of best ion species and dispersion re-
lation are certainly complicated issues to deal with in the
near-term. In addition, the fourth condition is difficult
to satisfy from a technological point of view now. On
the other hand, as shown in [1], this model (i.e. rings
and the specific charge and current density distributions
3used; the CDW) has a poor efficiency. For all of these
reasons, modifications to this model (i.e. to charge dis-
tributions) are needed to get a more efficient and realistic
near-term EFD.
†e-mail address: bguay@interlinx.qc.ca
[1]Guay, B.T., Propulsion Without Propellent Mass;
a Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field Effect ,
[2]Jackson, J.D., Classical Electrodynamics ,second ed.,
Wiley and Sons, 1975, chapter 7, p. 288, chapter
10, p. 492.
[3]Jordan, E.C. and Balman, K.G., Electromagnetic
Waves and Radiating Systems ,second ed., Prentice-
Hall, 1968, chapter 9, p. 293.
[4]Lorrain, P. et Corson, D.R., Champs et ondes
´ electromagn´ etiques ,´ ed. Armand Colin, Paris, 1979,
chapter 11, p. 506. (French version of: Electromag-
netic Fields and Waves ,edited by W.H. Freemann and
Company, U.S.A., 1962, 1970).
[5]Ashcroft, N.W. and Mermin, N.D., Solid State
Physics ,1st ed., Saunders College/HRW, 1976,
chapter 1, p. 18.
[6]Kittel, C., Physique de l’ ´Etat Solide ,5e ´ ed., Dunod,
1983, chapter 10, p. 289, (French version of: Introduc-
tion to Solid State Physics ,Wiley and Sons, 1976.
[7]ref. [3], chapter 9, p. 295.
[8]ref. [2], chapter 10, pp. 495-496.
[9]ref. [2], chapter 10, p. 494, 497.
[10]ref. [3], chapter 17, pp. 697-698.
[11]ref. [5]. chapter 8, pp. 141-142.
[12]ref. [6], chapter 6, p. 156.
[13]ref. [6], chapter 6, p. 152, table 1.
[14]ref. [5], chapter 2, p. 38, table 2.1.
[15]ref. [5], chapter 1, p. 18.
[16]ref. [6], chapter 10, p. 291.
[17]Yavorski, B. et Detlaf, A., Aide-M´ emoire de
Physique ,3e ´ ed., Editions Mir, Moscou, 1975, 1984,
pp. 440-441.
[18]Plasma Science Report, Contents and Overview, 1995,
Intro., see figure S.1,
/plasma/contents.html #intro).
[19]ref. [3], chapter 17, p. 670.
[20]Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal
Physics ,1st ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1965, chapter
12 p. 490.
[21]Reichl, L.E., A Modern Course in Statistical Physics ,1st
ed., University of Texas Press, 1980, chapter 13 pp.
[22]ref. [17], p. 605.
[23]ref. [2], chapter 15, pp. 708-715.
4 |
Does the Velocity of Light in a Vacuum Increase
When Propagating Between the Casimir Plates?
Tom Ostoma and Mike Trushyk
48 O’HARA PLACE, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 3R8
Wednesday, November 24, 1999
We wish to thank Paul Almond for originally pointing out this effect to us and for his
review and comments on this work. We also want to thank Paul for the many interesting
e-mail exchanges on the subject of space, time, light, matter, and CA theory. We thank R.
Mongrain for many long discussions on the nature of quantum theory and space-time, and
for his insight on the way photons propagate through the quantum vacuum.2ABSTRACT
Our theory of quantum gravity called Electro-Magnetic Quantum Gravity (EMQG) depends heavily on
an important property of the quantum vacuum; it’s ability to effect the velocity of photon propagation
under two very special physical conditions. In the first case, photon propagation in the vacuum is
altered when the electrically charged virtual particle density changes, as it does between the Casimir
plates. In the second case, photon propagation in the vacuum is also altered when there is a
coordinated acceleration given to the electrically charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum,
such as near a large mass like the earth (EMQG). These effects can be understood through the familiar
process that photons partake when interacting with all electrically charged particles; ‘Photon
Here we propose experiments that might be set up to detect the increase in the velocity of light in a
vacuum in the laboratory frame for the first case, that is when photons travel between (and
perpendicular to) the Casimir plates in vacuum. The Casimir plates are two closely spaced, conductive
plates, where an attractive force is observed to exist between the plates called the ‘Casimir Force’. We
propose that the velocity of light in a vacuum increases when propagating between the Casimir Plates,
which are in a vacuum. We call this effect the ‘Light Velocity Casimir Effect’ or LVC effect. In the
second case where light propagates upwards or downwards on the earth, the change in light velocity
predicted by EMQG is associated with a corresponding curved 4D space-time in general relativity,
where light velocity is taken as constant. We find that it is impossible to distinguish between these two
conflicting views of light propagation in large gravitational fields by experimental means at this time.
The LVC effect happens because the vacuum energy density in between the plates is lower than that
outside the Casimir plates. The conductive plates disallow certain frequencies of electrically charged
virtual particles to exist inside the plates, thus lowering the inside vacuum particle density, compared to
the density outside the plates. The Casimir plates also disallow certain wavelengths of virtual photons
as well, which is the basis for the calculation of the Casimir force first done by H.B. G. Casimir in
1948. The reduced (electrically charged) virtual particle density results in fewer photon scattering
events inside the plates, which should increase the light velocity between the plates in a vacuum
relative to the normal vacuum light speed (as measured with instruments in the laboratory frame). A
similar effect, involving light velocity change, happens when light travels through two different real
material densities; for example when light propagates from water to air, a process known as optical
refraction. We also propose an experiment to demonstrate the Casimir refraction of light moving at a
shallow angle that is nearly perpendicular to a series of unequally spaced Casimir plates, which cause
a permanent shift in the direction of light propagation. Furthermore we propose a method to determine
the index of refraction for light propagating from the ordinary vacuum to the less dense Casimir
ABSTRACT ________________________________ ____________________________ 2
1. INTRODUCTION ________________________________ _____________________ 4
1.1 DEFINITION OF EINSTEIN CAUSALITY ________________________________ __5
2.3 INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM INERTIA THEORY (** Optional) __________ 12
3. LIGHT SCATTERING THEORY ________________________________ _______ 16
6. CONCLUSIONS ________________________________ _____________________ 29
7. REFERENCES ________________________________ ______________________ 30
8. FIGURE CAPTIONS ________________________________ _________________ 31
APPENDIX A: BRIEF REVIEW OF EMQG ________________________________ 3441. INTRODUCTION
“The relativistic treatment of gravitation creates serious difficulties. I consider it probable that the
principle of the constancy of the velocity of light in its customary version holds only for spaces with
constant gravitational potential.”
- Albert Einstein (in a letter to his friend Laub, August 10, 1911)
The subject of this work might seem like scientific heresy to the reader. No doubt many of
you will instantly reject this proposal on the grounds that it violates special relativity.
Einstein’s 1905 prediction that the speed of light in a vacuum is an absolute constant for
all inertial observers has now been well established theoretically and experimentally,
although there may still be a few small cracks in the armor as witnessed by quantum non-
locality and quantum tunneling effects (section 4). Special relativity has stood the test of
time for 95 years without any evidence to the contrary, and has thus become a corner
stone of modern theoretical physics. It would seem to be a career ending move for anyone
to propose that the light velocity in a vacuum is anything but the accepted fixed value!
Yet we nevertheless propose an experiment which we call the ‘Light Velocity Casimir’
experiment or the ‘LVC’ experiment, to prove that the velocity of light (front velocity)
propagating in vacuum inside and perpendicular to two closely spaced, electrically
conducting and transparent plates called the Casimir plates, will actually increase inside
the plates compared to the light velocity in the normal vacuum as measured in the
laboratory frame (figure 1). The Casimir plates are a pair of closely spaced, conductive
plates, where an attractive force is observed to exist between the plates called the ‘Casimir
Force’. H.B.G. Casimir theoretically predicted the existence of this force in 1948 (ref. 6).
Recently the Casimir force has been verified experimentally for a plate spacing of about 1
micrometer, with an accuracy of about 5% (1996, ref. 7), by using an electromagnetic-
based torsion pendulum. More recently U. Mohideen and A. Roy have made an even more
precise measurement of the Casimir force in the 0.1 to 0.9 micrometer plate spacing to an
accuracy of about 1% (1998, ref. 8) using the techniques of atomic force microscopy.
We believe that there must exist a ‘Vacuum Casimir Index of Refraction’ called ‘n vac’ for
light traveling from outside, and then through the Casimir plates. The Casimir vacuum
index of refraction is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in normal vacuum
conditions (‘c‘ or 299,792.458 km/sec) divided by the light velocity measured
perpendicular to the Casimir plates in vacuum (‘c c‘ or slightly greater than 299,792.458
km/sec). The vacuum Casimir index of refraction ‘n vac’ is given by: n vac = c / c c , which is
slightly less than one for the Light Velocity Casimir (LVC) experiment. The process is
comparable to the familiar index of refraction for light propagating from water to air,
where the light velocity in air is greater than the light velocity in water. Figure #2 shows a
possible experiment to observe the Casimir vacuum index of refraction by witnessing the
deflection of light on a shallow angle propagating through a series of unequally spaced,
Casimir plates (described in section 5).5Furthermore we have theoretical reason to believe that the index of refraction n vac will
vary with the Casimir plate spacing ‘d’, just as the Casimir force varies with plate spacing.
In the Casimir force effect the force varies as the inverse fourth power of the plate
spacing. The light velocity dependence on plate spacing is unknown at this time. Before
we go into details on the LVC experiment we explain precisely what we mean by the
increase in light velocity in the vacuum.
Often in the literature we find statements made regarding Einstein causality, and that
nothing propagates faster than the speed of light in the vacuum. Since light consists of
photons, which have both particle and wave properties, care must be taken to ensure that
velocity of light is properly defined. This is especially important when taking into account
the quantum wave packet properties of photons. In L. Brillouin classic book titled ‘Wave
Propagation and Group Velocity, 1960’, he identified five different definitions for the
velocity of a finite-bandwidth pulse of electromagnetic radiation. We will be concerned
only with the ‘front velocity’ of light, which is defined below.
The proper definition for light velocity that we use here is the ‘front velocity’, which was
given by Sommerfield and L. Brillouin and (ref. 33). Suppose that there is a light source at
point x=0, which is switched on at the time t=0. Some distance ‘d’ away from the source
at x, no effect can be detected that is coming from point x before the time ‘d/c’. The
beginning of the signal is a discontinuity in the signal envelope (or in a higher derivative).
The beginning of the signal is known as the front velocity and this may not exceed the
velocity of light in a vacuum in order to fulfill the Einstein causality condition. We
maintain that the front velocity for a beam of light traveling through the Casimir plates will
exceed the velocity of light in the ordinary vacuum during transit through the Casimir
How did we come to such a drastic conclusion regarding the increased velocity of light, in
spite of the heavy body of scientific evidence to the contrary? This conclusion is partly
based on our work on a new quantum theory of gravity called Electro-Magnetic Quantum
Gravity (EMQG) ref. 1, which depends heavily on an important characteristic of the
quantum vacuum; it’s ability to affect the velocity of photon propagation under certain
special conditions through the familiar process called ‘Photon Scattering’.
EMQG requires a photon scattering process, photon scattering in the accelerated quantum
vacuum near the earth, in order to understand gravity and the Newtonian equivalence of
inertial mass and gravitational mass on a quantum scale. According to EMQG the light
velocity in a region where the virtual particle vacuum density is lower than in the normal
vacuum, is greater than the light velocity in the normal vacuum. This occurs for an6observer in the laboratory frame using his clocks and rulers to measure the front velocity
of light.
According to the general principles of EMQG theory, the LVC effect occurs because:
1. The fundamental virtual matter particles (fermions) that make up the quantum vacuum
(not the ZPF or virtual photons as in the Casimir force effect) are ultimately
electrically charged at the lowest level, just as we believe for real ordinary matter.
2. Since at the lowest level the virtual particles of the vacuum are electrically charged,
they will interact with light (photon particles) propagating through the vacuum.
3. According to quantum theory when a photon interacts with an electrically charged
virtual particle, the propagation is delayed at each electrically charged virtual particle
of the quantum vacuum, before the photon continues propagating. Why is there a
photon delay ? There is a time delay during the absorption and subsequent re-emission
of the photon by a given charged virtual particle. The uncertainty principle places a
lower limit on this time delay, and forbids it from being zero. In other words,
according to the uncertainty principle the time delay due to the absorption and re-
emission time of the photon cannot be exactly equal to zero.
4. The time delay caused by the absorption and subsequent re-emission of the photon by
a given electrically charged virtual particle results in a lower TOTAL AVERAGE
velocity for the propagation of the photons on the macroscopic distance scale, as
compared to the average velocity of the photon without the presence of any
constraining Casimir plates.
5. In the case of the vacuum between the Casimir plates, the virtual fermion particle
density in the vacuum is lower between the plates compared to that outside the plates.
The Casimir plates prohibit certain wavelengths of the fermion wave function from
existing (as it does for certain photon wavelengths in the Casimir force calculation).
6. Therefore, the TOTAL AVERAGE light velocity inside the plates must be greater
than that outside the plates.
Our review of the physics literature has not revealed any previous work on the time delay
analysis of photon propagation through the ordinary quantum vacuum or any evidence to
contradict our hypothesis of photon vacuum delay, presumably because of the precedent
set by Einstein’s postulate of light speed constancy.
Note: Suppose we can place a tiny observer A and his clocks and rulers (somehow) in
between the Casimir plates. We would find for observer A that his measurement of the
speed of light is the same as the conventional value! However for an observer B outside
the plates in the laboratory frame, his measurement does show an increase in light
velocity through the plates. Furthermore, the individual space and time measurements
‘dlab’ and ‘t lab’ made by observer B in the laboratory frame do not agree with the same
measurements of ‘ dplate ’ and ‘t plate ’ made by our tiny observer A inside the Casimir plates.
The general relativists could argue that the 4D space-time inside the Casimir plates is
altered compared to outside, and that the light velocity is still an absolute constant in all
cases! This argument results because of the crucial importance of light propagation to7the fundamental nature of space and time measurements, a theme that was first
championed by Einstein. This same controversy rears it’s ugly head in gravity where we
are forced to choose between the two experimentally indistinguishable views; 4D curved
space-time in general relativity and variable light velocity proposal of EMQG. It turns
out to be impossible to distinguish between curved 4D space-time in gravitational frames,
and variations in light velocity in gravitational frames experimentally. More will be said
on this important point in appendix A (section A10 and ref. 1).
Another result from EMQG states that the velocity of light without the existence of any of
the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum ought to be much greater than the observed
average light velocity in the vacuum. The electrically charged virtual fermion particles of
the quantum vacuum frequently scatter photons, which introduce many tiny delays for the
photon propagation. This causes a great reduction in the total average light velocity in the
vacuum that is populated by countless numbers of virtual, electrically charged, particles. In
other words; the low level light velocity (between virtual particle scattering events) is
much greater than the measured average light velocity after vacuum scattering in the
normal vacuum . A similar effect is known to occur when light propagates through glass,
where photons scatter with electrons in the glass molecules, which subsequently reduces
the average light velocity through glass compared to the normal vacuum light velocity.
Here we propose an experiment that might be able to detect this predicted increase in the
velocity of light between the Casimir plates in vacuum. The experiment is designed to
compare the velocity of light in the ordinary vacuum against the light velocity that is
propagating in between the Casimir plates, also in a vacuum state (figure 1). A light
source is split into two parallel paths by a beam splitter; one path is the reference vacuum
path of light, and in the other path the light is allowed to propagate in vacuum
perpendicular to two closely spaced, electrically conductive and transparent plates. The
two paths are then recombined by a beam splitter, and routed to an interferometer. After
the apparatus is calibrated (and if our prediction is correct), the phase of the interference
pattern will indicate that light travels faster in the Casimir plate leg of the interferometer.
Furthermore, it might be possible to measure the index of refraction for light traveling
from the normal vacuum to the Casimir vacuum.
As we have said the light velocity increases between the Casimir plates because the
vacuum energy-density in between the plates is lower than that outside the plates. This
difference in vacuum energy-density or ‘pressure’ is actually the cause of the attractive
force between the plates, where the energy-density is greater outside. This implies that it
might be possible to extract a virtually unlimited supply of energy the quantum vacuum,
which is an active area of recent research (ref. 11). Before we go into detail on the
proposed LVC experiments, we present a brief introduction to the virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum that is crucial to the understanding of the LVC effect.82. THE VIRTUAL PARTICLES OF THE QUANTUM VACUUM
Philosophers: “Nature abhors a vacuum.”
In order to make a complete vacuum, one must remove all matter from an enclosure.
However one would find that this is still not good enough. One must also lower the
temperature inside the closure to absolute zero in order to remove all thermal
electromagnetic radiation. Nernst correctly deduced in 1916 (ref. 32) that empty space is
still not completely devoid of all radiation after this is done. He predicted that the vacuum
is still permanently filled with an electromagnetic field propagating at the speed of light,
called the zero-point fluctuations (or sometimes called by the generic name ‘vacuum
fluctuations’). This result was later confirmed theoretically by the newly developed
quantum field theory that was developed in the 1920’s and 30’s.
Later with the development of QED (the quantum theory of electrons and photons), it was
realized that all quantum fields should contribute to the vacuum state. This means that
virtual electrons and positron particles should not be excluded from consideration. These
particles possess mass and have multiples of half integer spin (such as the electron), and
therefore belong to the generic class of particles known as fermions. We refer to virtual
electrons and virtual anti-electrons (positron) particles as virtual fermions. We believe that
ultimately all fermions can be broken down to a fundamental entity that is also electrically
charged, as well as having half integer spin and mass (technically, mass-charge as
described in Appendix A).
According to modern quantum field theory, the perfect vacuum is teeming with activity as
all types of quantum virtual particles (and virtual bosons or the force carrying particles)
from the various quantum fields appear and disappear spontaneously. These particles are
called ‘virtual’ particles because they result from quantum processes that generally have
short lifetimes, and are mostly undetectable. One way to look at the existence of the
quantum vacuum is to consider that quantum theory forbids the complete absence of
propagating fields. This is in accordance with the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
In general, it is known that all the possible real particles types (for example electrons,
quarks, etc.) will also be present in the quantum vacuum in their virtual particle form.
In the QED vacuum, the quantum fermion vacuum is produced from the virtual particle
pair creation and annihilation processes that create enormous numbers of virtual electron
and virtual positron pairs. We also have in QED the creation of the zero-point-fluctuation
(ZPF) of the vacuum consisting of the electromagnetic field or virtual photon particles.
Indeed in the standard model, we also find in the vacuum every possible boson particle,
such as the gluons, gravitons, etc., and also every possible fermion particle, such as virtual
quarks, virtual neutrinos, etc.92.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CASIMIR FORCE EFFECT
The existence of virtual particles of the quantum vacuum reveals itself in the famous
Casimir effect (ref. 6), which is an effect predicted theoretically by the Dutch scientist
Hendrik Casimir in 1948. The Casimir effect refers to the tiny attractive force that occurs
between two neutral metal plates suspended in a vacuum. He predicted theoretically that
the force ‘F’ per unit area ‘A’ for plate separation D is given by:
F/A = - π2 h c /(240 D4 ) Newton’s per square meter (Casimir Force ‘F’) (2.1)
Casimir obtained this formula by calculating the sum of the quantum-mechanical zero-
point energies of the normal modes of the electromagnetic field (virtual photons) between
two conductive plates.
The origin of this minute force can be traced to the disruption of the normal quantum
vacuum virtual photon distribution between two nearby metallic plates as compared to the
vacuum state outside the plates. Certain virtual photon wavelengths (and therefore
energies) are forbidden to exist between the plates, because these waves do not ‘fit’
between the two plates (which are both at a relative classical electrical potential of zero).
This creates a negative pressure due to the unequal energy distribution of virtual particles
inside the plates as compared to those outside the plate region. The pressure imbalance
can be visualized as causing the two plates to be drawn together by radiation pressure.
Note: Even in the vacuum state, the virtual photon particles do carry energy and
momentum while they exist.
Although the Casimir effect has been attributed to the zero-point fluctuations (ZPF) in the
EM field inside the plates, Schwinger showed in the late 70’s that the Casimir effect can
also be derived in terms of his source theory (ref. 13), which has no explicit reference to
the ZPF of the EM field between the plates. Recently Milonni and Shih have developed a
theory of the Casimir force effect, which is totally within the framework of conventional
QED (ref. 15). Therefore it seems that it is only a matter of taste whether we attribute the
Casimir force effect to the ZPF fields or to the matter fields in vacuum (ref. 23).
Recently Lamoreaux made accurate experimental measurements for the first time of the
Casimir force existing between two gold-coated quartz surfaces that were spaced on the
order of a micrometer apart (ref. 7). Lamoreaux found a force value of about 1 billionth of
a Newton, agreeing with the Casimir theory to within an accuracy of about 5%. More
recently, U. Mohideen and A. Roy have made an even more precise measurement in the
0.1 to 0.9 micrometer plate spacing to an accuracy of about 1% (1998, ref. 8). Therefore
the experimental reality of this effect is beyond question.
Can the vacuum state be disrupted by other physical processes besides the Casimir plates?
One might ask what happens to the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum that are
subjected to a large gravitational field like the earth? Since the quantum vacuum is
composed of virtual fermions (as well as virtual bosons), the conclusion is inescapable: all10the virtual fermions possessing mass must be falling (accelerating) on the average
towards the earth during their very brief lifetimes . This vacuum state is definitely
different from the vacuum of far outer space away from gravitational fields. Yet to our
knowledge, no previous authors have acknowledged the existence of this effect, or studied
the physical consequences that result from this. It turns out that the free fall state of the
virtual, electrically charged fermion particles of the vacuum is actually the root cause of
4D space-time curvature and also leads to a full understanding of the principle of
equivalence. In EMQG (appendix A) we fully study the consequences of a falling quantum
vacuum in quantum gravity, which does lead to new experimentally testable predictions.
The physics of the Casimir force effect implies that the quantum vacuum contains an
enormous reservoir of energy (ref. 11). Although in standard quantum field theory the
number density of virtual particles is unlimited, some estimates place a high frequency cut-
off at the plank scale which is estimated to be a density of 1090 particles per cubic meter
(ref. 11)! Generally this energy-density is not available because the energy-density is
uniform and it permeates everything. It’s like the situation in the deep ocean, where deep
sea fishes easily tolerate the extreme pressures in the abyss, because the pressure inside
and outside the fish’s body balance. If a human goes into these depths, a great difference
in pressure must be maintained to support atmospheric pressure inside the human body.
Some physicists are looking at ways in which this vast energy reservoir can be tapped (ref.
If the vacuum is capable of exerting a mechanical force between the two Casimir plates,
might the vacuum’s effect be felt in a less exotic way? Most physicists believe that the
answer is no. Yet there is a small number of physicist who believe otherwise. In 1994, R.
Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (ref. 5) were the first to propose a theory of inertia
(known here as HRP Inertia), where the quantum vacuum played a central role in
Newtonian inertia. They suggested that inertia is due to the strictly local electrical force
interactions of charged matter particles with the immediate background virtual particles of
the quantum vacuum. We have built on their work and developed a theory of quantum
gravity and quantum inertia based on their idea. According to EMQG, the quantum
vacuum affects all masses that are in the state of acceleration. In the EMQG model, the
force of inertia is actually caused by the resistance force to acceleration by the electrical
force interactions between charged particles that make up a mass and the electrically
charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. We call this quantum inertia, which plays
a central role in our quantum theory of gravity that closely links inertia and gravity. We
introduce this important concept in section 2.3 (this section can be omitted if desired,
since it is not essential in order to understand the LVC experiments).112.2 EVIDENCE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF VIRTUAL PARTICLES (** Optional)
There is other evidence for the existence of virtual particles besides the Casimir force
effect. We present a very brief review of some theoretical and experimental evidence for
the existence of the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum:
(1) The extreme precision in the theoretical calculations of the hyper-fine structure of the
energy levels of the hydrogen atom, and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron
and muon are both based on the existence of virtual particles in the framework of QED.
These effects have been calculated in QED to a very high precision (approximately 10
decimal places), and these values have also been verified experimentally to an
unprecedented accuracy. This indeed is a great achievement for QED, which is essentially
a perturbation theory of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Indeed, this is one of
physics greatest achievements.
(2) Recently, vacuum polarization (the polarization of electron-positron pairs near a real
electron particle) has been observed experimentally by a team of physicists led by David
Koltick. Vacuum polarization causes a cloud of virtual particles to form around the
electron in such a way as to produce an electron charge screening effect. This is because
virtual positrons tend to migrate towards the real electron, and the virtual electrons tend
to migrate away. A team of physicists fired high-energy particles at electrons, and found
that the effect of this cloud of virtual particles was reduced the closer a particle penetrated
towards the electron. They reported that the effect of the higher charge for the penetration
of the electron cloud with energetic 58 giga-electron volt particles was equivalent to a fine
structure constant of 1/129.6. This agreed well with their theoretical prediction of 128.5
of QED. This can be taken as verification of the vacuum polarization effect predicted by
QED, and further evidence for the existence of the quantum vacuum.
(3) The quantum vacuum explains why cooling alone will never freeze liquid helium.
Unless pressure is applied, vacuum energy fluctuations prevent its atoms from getting
close enough to trigger solidification.
(4) For fluorescent strip lamps, the random energy fluctuations of the virtual particles of
the quantum vacuum cause the atoms of mercury, which are in their exited state, to
spontaneously emit photons by eventually knocking them out of their unstable energy
orbital. In this way, spontaneous emission in an atom can be viewed as being directly
caused by the state of the surrounding quantum vacuum.
(5) In electronics, there is a limit as to how much a radio signal can be amplified. Random
noise signals are always added to the original signal. This is due to the presence of the
virtual particles of the quantum vacuum as the real radio photons from the transmitter
propagate in space. The vacuum fluctuations add a random noise pattern to the signal by
slightly modifying the energy of the propagating radio photons.12(6) Recent theoretical and experimental work done in the field of Cavity Quantum
Electrodynamics suggests that the orbital electron transition time for excited atoms can be
affected by the state of the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum immediately
surrounding the excited atom in a cavity, where the size of the cavity modifies the
spectrum of the virtual particles.
In the weight of all this evidence, only a few physicists doubt the existence of the virtual
particles of the quantum vacuum. Yet to us, it seems strange that the quantum vacuum
should barely reveal it’s presence to us, and that we only know about it’s existence
through rather obscure physical effects like the Casimir force effect and Davies-Unruh
effect. This is especially odd considering that the observable particles of ordinary real
matter in an average cubic meter of space in the universe constitute a minute fraction of
the total population of virtual particles of the quantum vacuum at any given instant of
Some estimates of the quantum vacuum particle density (ref. 11) place the vacuum particle
numbers at about 1090 particles per cubic meter! Instead, we believe that the quantum
vacuum plays a much more prominent role in physics. We maintain that the effects of the
quantum vacuum are present in virtually all physical activity. In fact, Newton’s three laws
of motion can be understood to originate directly from the effects of the quantum vacuum
(Appendix A). Furthermore, the quantum vacuum plays an extremely important role in
gravity, which is generally well understood by the physics community.
In order not to distract the reader from the main theme of this paper, we have included a
brief review of EMQG theory which summarizes the central role that light scattering in the
accelerated quantum vacuum has in our quantum gravity theory; and for the principle of
equivalence, inertia, and 4D space-time curvature. This can be found in Appendix A of this
paper. A full account is given in reference 1. We provide an optional introduction to
Quantum Inertia in the next section for those readers who are interested.
Recently it has been proposed that Newtonian Inertia is strictly a quantum vacuum
phenomenon! If this is true, then the existence of the quantum vacuum actually reveals it’s
presence to us in all daily activities! Unlike the hard-to-measure Casimir force effect, the
presence of the inertial force is universal and it’s presence prevails throughout all of
physics. For example, the orbital motion of the earth around the sun is a balancing act
between inertia force and gravitational force. If quantum inertia is true, every time you
accelerate, you are witnessing a quantum vacuum effect! This is a far cry from an exotic
and almost impossible measurement of the feeble Casimir force between two plates.
In 1994, R. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (ref. 5) were the first to propose a theory of
inertia (known here as HRP Inertia), where the quantum vacuum played a central role in
Newtonian inertia. They suggested that inertia is due to the strictly local electrical force13interactions of charged matter particles with the immediate background virtual particles of
the quantum vacuum (in particular the virtual photons or ZPF as the authors called it).
They found that inertia is caused by the magnetic component of the Lorentz force, which
arises between what the author’s call the charged ‘parton’ particles in an accelerated
reference frame interacting with the background quantum vacuum virtual particles. The
sum of all these tiny forces in this process is the source of the resistance force opposing
accelerated motion in Newton’s F=MA. The ‘parton’ is a term that Richard Feynman
coined for the constituents of the nuclear particles such as the proton and neutron (now
called quarks).
We have found it necessary to make a small modification to HRP Inertia theory as a result
of our investigation of the principle of equivalence. Our modified version of HRP inertia is
called “Quantum Inertia” (or QI), and is described in detail in Appendix A. This theory
also resolves the long outstanding problems and paradoxes of accelerated motion
introduced by Mach’s principle, by suggesting that the vacuum particles themselves serve
as Mach’s universal reference frame (for acceleration only), without violating the principle
of relativity of constant velocity motion. In other words our universe offers no observable
reference frame to gauge inertial frames (non-accelerated frames where Newton’s laws of
inertia are valid), because the quantum vacuum offers no means to determine absolute
constant velocity motion. However for accelerated motion, the quantum vacuum plays a
very important role by offering a resistance to acceleration, which results in an inertial
force opposing the acceleration of the mass. Thus the very existence of inertial force
reveals the absolute value of the acceleration with respect to the net statistical average
acceleration of the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. If this is correct then
Newton’s three famous laws of motion can be understood at the quantum level (ref. 20).
There have been various clues to the importance the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum for the accelerated motion of real charged particles. One example is the so-called
Davies-Unruh effect (ref. 18), where uniform and linearly accelerated charged particles in
the vacuum are immersed in a heat bath, with a temperature proportional to acceleration
(with the scale of the quantum heat effects being very low). However, the work of
reference 5 is the first place we have clearly seen the identification of inertial forces as the
direct consequence of the interactions of real matter particles with the quantum vacuum.
It has also even been suggested that the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum are
somehow involved in gravitational interactions. The prominent Russian physicist A.
Sakharov proposed in 1968 (ref. 16) that Newtonian gravity could be interpreted as a van
der Waals type of force induced by the electromagnetic fluctuations of the virtual particles
of the quantum vacuum. Sakharov visualized ordinary neutral matter as a collection of
electromagnetically, interacting polarizable particles made of charged point-mass sub-
particles (partons). He associated the Newtonian gravitational field with the Van Der
Waals force present in neutral matter, where the long-range radiation fields are generated
by the parton ‘Zitterbewegung’. Sakharov went on to develop what he called the ‘metric
elasticity’ concept, where space-time is somehow identified with the ‘hydrodynamic
elasticity’ of the vacuum. However, he did not understand the important clues about the14quantum vacuum that are revealed by the equivalence principle, nor the role that the
quantum vacuum played in inertia and Mach’s principle. We maintain that the quantum
vacuum also make it’s presence felt in a very big way in all gravitational interactions
(Appendix A) just as it does in inertia!
There have been further hints that the quantum vacuum is involved in gravitational
physics. In 1974 Hawkings (ref. 17) announced that black holes are not completely black.
Black holes emit an outgoing thermal flux of radiation due to gravitational interactions of
the black hole with the virtual particle pairs created in the quantum vacuum near the event
horizon. At first sight the emission of thermal radiation from a black hole seems
paradoxical, since nothing can escape from the event horizon. However the spontaneous
creation of virtual particle and anti-particle pairs in the quantum vacuum near the event
horizon can be used to explain this effect (ref. 18). Heuristically one can imagine that the
virtual particle pairs (that are created with wavelength λ that is approximately equal to the
size of the black hole) ‘tunnel’ out of the event horizon. For a virtual particle with a
wavelength comparable to the size of the hole, strong tidal forces operate to prevent re-
annihilation. One virtual particle escapes to infinity with positive energy to contribute to
the Hawking radiation, while the corresponding antiparticle enters the black hole to be
trapped forever by the deep gravitational potential. Thus the quantum vacuum is important
in order to properly understand the Hawking radiation.
As a result of all these and other considerations, we have developed a new approach to the
unification of quantum theory with general relativity referred to as Electro-Magnetic
Quantum Gravity or EMQG (ref. 1 and summary in appendix A). EMQG had its early
origins in Cellular Automata (CA) theory (ref. 2,4,9 and 34), and on a theory of inertia
proposed by R. Haisch, A. Rueda, and H. Puthoff (ref. 5). In EMQG, the quantum
vacuum plays an extremely important, if not a central role, in both inertia and gravitation.
It also plays a major role in the origin of 4D curved space-time curvature near
gravitational sources.
We maintain that anybody who believes in the existence of the virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum and accepts the fact that many virtual particles carry mass (virtual
fermions), will have no trouble in believing that the virtual particles of the vacuum are
falling in the presence of a large gravitational mass like the earth during their brief
lifetimes. We believe the existence of the downward accelerating virtual particles, under
the action of a large gravitational field, turns out to be the missing link between inertia
and gravity. It leads us directly to a full understanding of the principle of equivalence.
Although the quantum vacuum has been studied in much detail in the past, to our
knowledge no one has examined the direct consequences of a quantum vacuum in a state
of free-fall near the earth. This concept is the central theme behind EMQG. Reference 14
offers an excellent introduction to the motion of matter in the presence of the quantum
vacuum, and on the history of the discovery of the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum.15We propose that the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum can be viewed as kind of a
transparent fluid medium, sort of like a kind of a 21th century “ether”. Unlike ordinary
transparent fluids like water, the vacuum does not resist constant velocity motion.
However the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum can be made to take on a
coordinated (average) accelerated motion with respect to an observer in two different
physical instances, and this has very important consequences for mass particles in the
following two cases:
(1) The quantum vacuum looks disturbed from the perspective of a mass that is being
accelerated (by a rocket for example). Here the observer and his mass are the physical
entities that are actually accelerating, and the quantum vacuum only appears to be
accelerated in the reference frame of the observer. Here the vacuum acceleration is not
actually real ! However, the quantum vacuum effects are very real, and are the root
cause of inertial force.
(2) The vacuum actually is disturbed by the presence of a near-by gravitational field of a
large mass, like the earth. In this case, the coordinated vacuum particle (net average)
acceleration with respect to the earth’s surface is real , and is caused by direct graviton
exchanges between the earth and the individual virtual fermion particles of the
quantum vacuum. Therefore, the vacuum fluid can be viewed as falling just as the
Niagara Water Falls. However the vacuum fluid does not accumulate at the earth’s
surface as a real liquid water fluid might, because the virtual particles are short lived
and are constantly being replaced by new ones.
These considerations imply that Newton’s principle of equivalence of gravitational mass
and inertial mass can be understood to be caused by the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum. The inertial mass ‘m’ is defined in the formula F = ma, and has the same
magnitude as the gravitational mass ‘m’ defined in F = GmM e/r2, which are two
independent definitions for the same mass value. Newton equivalence results because:
The quantum vacuum looks the same from the perspective of an
accelerated mass ‘m’ on the floor of a rocket accelerated at 1g, as it does
from the perspective of a stationary mass ‘m’ on the earth!
In order to see how the Newtonian Equivalence principle of inertia and gravitational mass
follows from the accelerated quantum vacuum effects, we only have to recall our Quantum
Inertia principle:
The cause of inertia is the electrical resistance force that appears between the
electrically charged, real matter particles that constitute a mass, and the surrounding
electrically charged, virtual fermions of the quantum vacuum, where there exists a
state of relative acceleration between the real and virtual particle species.
In other words, an accelerated mass feels the inertial force from the sum of the tiny
electrical forces that originate from each electrically charged particle that make up a mass.16Similarly the gravitational mass of the same object, stationary on the earth’s surface, also
feels the exact same sum of the tiny electrical forces that originate from each electrically
charged particle that make up a mass, where now it’s the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum that accelerates downwards . What is the cause of the vacuum particle
acceleration on the earth? According to EMQG, which is a quantum field theory of
gravity, it is the graviton exchanges between the fermion particles of the earth and the
virtual fermion particles of the quantum vacuum. These ideas are fully elaborated in
EMQG theory in Appendix A (attached). We now review the basic notions of photon
scattering in real matter and in the quantum vacuum.
Since photon scattering is essential to our model of the predicted LVC effect (and in
EMQG theory), we will examine the general principles of photon scattering in some detail.
First we review the conventional physics of light scattering in a real media such as water
or glass, including the concept of the index of refraction and Snell’s Law of refraction. We
also introduce photon scattering when the real media is moving at a constant velocity,
where the velocity of light varies in the moving media and known as the Fizeau effect.
Next we introduce an accelerated medium for the real medium and examine how the
photons scatter. This is important to understanding EMQG theory. Readers that are only
interested in the LVC affect can skip sections 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6. We generalize these
arguments to examine photon scattering with the electrically charged virtual particles of
the quantum vacuum.
It is a well-known result of classical optics that light moves slower in glass than in air.
Furthermore it is recognized that the velocity of light in air is slower than that of light’s
vacuum velocity. This effect is described by the index of refraction ‘n’, which is the ratio
of light velocities in the two different media. The Feynman Lectures on Physics gives one
of the best accounts of the classical theory for the origin of the refractive index and the
slowing of light through a transparent material like glass (ref. 42, chap. 31 contains the
mathematical details).
When light passes from a vacuum into glass, with an incident angle of θ0 it deflects and
changes it’s direction and moves at a new angle θ1 , where the angles follow Snell’s law:
n = sin θ0 / sin θ1 (3.11)
This follows geometrically because the wave crests on both sides of the surface of the
glass must have the same spacing, since they must travel together (ref. 42). The shortest
distance between crests of the wave is the wavelength divided by the frequency. On the
vacuum side of the glass surface it is λ0 = 2πc/ω, and on the other side it is given by λ =172πv/ω or 2πc / ωn since we define v=c/n. If we accept this, then Snell’s law follows
geometrically (ref. 42). In some sense, the existence of the index of refraction in Snell’s
law is confirmation of the change in light speed going from the vacuum to glass.
Snell’s law does not tell us why we have a change in light velocity, nor does it give us any
insight into the phenomena of dispersion and back scattering of light in refraction. A good
classical account of the derivation of the index of refraction is given by Feynman himself in
ref. 42. Feynman derives the index of refraction for a transparent medium by accepting
that the total electric field in any physical circumstance can be represented by the sum of
the fields from all charge sources, and by accepting that the field from a single charge is
given by it’s acceleration evaluated with a retardation speed ‘c’ (the propagation speed of
the exchanged photons). We only summarize the important points of his argument below,
and the full details are available in reference 42:
(1) The incoming source electromagnetic wave (light) consists of an oscillating electric
and magnetic field. The glass consists of electrons bound elastically to the atoms, such
that if a force is applied to an electron the displacement from its normal position will
be proportional to the force.
(2) The oscillating electric field of the light causes the electron to be driven in an
oscillating motion, thus acting like a new radiator generating a new electromagnetic
wave. This new wave is always delayed, or retarded in phase. These delays result from
the time delay required for the bound electron to oscillate to full amplitude. Recall that
the electron carries mass and therefore inertia. Therefore some time is required to
move the electron.
(3) The total resulting electromagnetic wave is the sum of the source electromagnetic
wave plus the new phase-delayed electromagnetic wave, where the total resulting
wave is phase-shifted.
(4) The resulting phase delay of the electromagnetic wave is the root cause of the reduced
velocity of light observed in the medium.
Feynman goes on to derive the classic formula for the index of refraction for atoms with
several different resonant frequency ωk which is given by:
n = 1 + [q e2 / (2e0m)] Σk Nk / [ ωk2 - ω2 + iγkω] (3.12)
where n is the index of refraction, q e is the electron charge, m is the electron mass, ω is the
incoming light frequency, γk is the damping factor, and N k is the number of atoms per unit
volume. This formula describes the index of refraction for many substances, and also
describes the dispersion of light through the medium. Dispersion is the phenomenon where
the index of refraction of a media varies with the frequency of the incoming light, and is
the reason that a glass prism bends light more in the blue end than the red end of the
spectrum.18If the medium consists of free, unbound electrons in the form of a gas such as in a plasma
(or as the conduction electrons in a simple metal) then the index of refraction with the
conditions γk << ω and ωk = 0 is given by (ref. 42):
n ≈ 1 - [N k qe2 / (2e0m)] / ω2≈ {1 - [N k qe2 / (e0m)] / ω2 }1/2 (3.13)
where we recall that (1-x)1/2 ≈ 1 - x/2 if x is much lees than 1.
The quantity Ω = [ N k qe2 / (e0m) ] 1/2 is sometimes called the Plasma frequency Ω, where
there is a transition to the transparent state at Ω = ω.
Although the classical account of scattering predicts the experimentally confirmed results,
the correct account must be a quantum mechanical account. To quote R. Feynman
himself: “ … yes, but the world is quantum not classical dam-it ”.
The propagation of light through a transparent medium is a very difficult subject in QED.
It is impossible to compute the interaction of a collection of atoms with light exactly. In
fact, it is impossible to treat even one atom’s interaction with light exactly in QED.
However the interaction of a real atom with photons can be approximated by a simpler
quantum system. Since in many cases only two atomic energy levels play a significant role
in the interaction of the electromagnetic field with atoms, the atom can be represented by a
quantum system with only two energy eigenstates.
In the text book “Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics” a thorough treatment of the
absorption and emission of photons in two-level atoms is given (ref. 43, Chap. 15, pg.
762). When a photon is absorbed, and later a new photon of the same frequency is re-
emitted by an electron bound to an atom, there exists a time delay before the photon re-
emission. The probabilities for emission and absorption of a photon is given as a function
of time Δt for an atom frequency of ω0 and photon frequency of ω1 :
Probability of Photon Absorption is: K [ sin (0.5( ω1 - ω0) Δt) / ( 0.5( ω1 - ω0)) ]2
Probability of Photon Emission is: M [ sin (0.5( ω1 - ω0) Δt) / ( 0.5( ω1 - ω0)) ]2
(where K and M are complex expressions defined in ref. 43)
The important point we want to make from eq. 3.21 is that the probability of absorption or
emission depends on the length of time Δt, where the probability of the emission is zero, if
the time Δt = 0. In other words according to QED, a finite time is required before re-
emission of the photon. There are other factors that affect the probability, of course. For
example, the closer the frequency of the photon matches the atomic frequency, the higher
the probability of re-emission in some given time period. We maintain that these delays are
the actual route cause of the index of refraction in a medium.19We believe that a similar thing happens when photons propagate through the quantum
vacuum. Therefore, we want to address the effect of the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum on the propagation velocity of real (non-virtual) photons, a subject that is largely
ignored in the physics literature.
In section 3.1 we discussed photon scattering in a real matter medium and in a real
negatively charged electron gas. The electron gas model is the closest model we have
towards understanding the Casimir index of refraction of the quantum vacuum. However,
there are several important differences between the charged electron gas medium and the
electrically charged virtual fermion particles of the quantum vacuum as a medium.
First, and most importantly, virtual particles do not carry any net average energy. Instead
an individual virtual particle ‘borrows’ a small amount of energy during it’s brief
existence, which is then paid back quickly in accordance to the uncertainty principle. It is
because quantum mechanics forbids knowing the value of two complementary variables
precisely (in this case energy and existence time) for a virtual particle that virtual particles
are allowed to exist at all. Therefore unlike the electron gas, the vacuum is incapable of
permanently absorbing light that propagates through it.
Thus the quantum vacuum does not absorb any light over macroscopic distance scales.
This statement seems trivial, but it is never-the-less important when considering the
quantum vacuum as a medium. On microscopic scales real photons are absorbed and re-
emitted by individual virtual particles, in accordance with QED. Photon energy is lost in
some collisions and regained in others so that on the average the energy loss is zero. This
is because during the brief existence time of a virtual fermion particle, the virtual particle
does possess energy, which is paid back almost immediately. This quantum process
happens an enormous number of times as light travels through macroscopic distance
scales. The energy balances out to zero over sufficiently large distance scales.
Furthermore unlike the electron gas, there can be no dispersion of light in the quantum
vacuum. In other words all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation move at the same
speed through the quantum vacuum in spite of the incredible numbers of virtual particle
interactions that occur for any particular frequency of photon. Zero dispersion follows
experimentally from many astronomical observations of distant supernova, where there is
a dramatic change in light and electromagnetic radiation with time. Observations have
been made of specific events in the light curves of supernovae light curves that range from
the radio band frequencies to the X-ray / Gamma Ray frequencies. All the different
frequencies are observed to arrive on the earth at the same time.
With distances of thousands or millions of light years away, any discrepancy in the photon
velocity of supernovae at different frequencies would be very apparent. For example with20the relatively nearby supernova 1987A (which exploded about 160,000 years ago in the
Large Magellanic cloud) all the different frequencies of EM waves has reached us very
much at the same time. If there had been a dispersion of only 0.01 m/sec in light velocity
(i.e. 3 parts in 10-11) between two different frequencies, then the light of one frequency
would arrive on the earth:
160000 x 365.25 x 24 x 60 x 60 x 10-2 / (3x10-8) =170 seconds or 2.8 minutes later!
A result like this obviously disagrees with observations made of the spectrum of
supernova 1987A. Spectra have been obtained for very distant supernovae up to a few
billion light years away in other galaxies. One study places the maximum allowed
dispersion to be on the order of 1 part in 10-21 (ref. xx). Thus we conclude that there is no
dispersion of light in the vacuum.
Is there a possibility for an index of refraction in the vacuum, as we have in an electron
gas? Remember that an index of refraction requires two different media in which to
compare the relative velocities of light. However the vacuum particle density must nearly
uniform, with no transitions in density. Let us imagine a situation where somehow we have
removed all the virtual particles in half of an empty box in vacuum, and the other half has
the normal population of virtual particles in the normal quantum vacuum state. Would
there be an index of refraction as light traveled from one side of the box to the other?
This is a very important question because the validity of special relativity at the sub-
microscopic distance scales comes into question here. You might think that if the vacuum
has no energy, there should no effect on the propagation speed of photons. However we
believe that the virtual particles in the quantum vacuum do indeed delay the progress of
photons through electrically charged vacuum particle scattering effects. Thus we believe
that photon scattering reduces the light velocity on the half of the box with electrically
charged virtual particles. How can we justify this belief, in spite of the contradiction to
special relativity? Special relativity is a classical theory, and was developed in the
macroscopic domain of physics. It is almost impossible to measure light velocities over the
extremely short distance scales that we are talking about.
The electrically charged virtual particles in the quantum vacuum all have random velocities
and move in random directions. They also have random energies ΔE during their brief life
time Δt, which satisfies the uncertainty principle: ΔE Δt > h/(2 π). Imagine a real photon
propagating in a straight path through the electrically charged virtual particles in a given
direction. The real photon will encounter an equal number of virtual particles moving
towards it as it does moving away from it. The end result is that the electrically charged
quantum vacuum particles do not contribute anything different than the situation where all
the virtual particles in the it’s path were at relative rest. Thus we can consider the vacuum
as some sort of stationary crystal medium of virtual particles with a very high density,
where each virtual particle is short-lived and constantly replaced (and carry no net average
energy as discussed above).21The progress of the real photon is delayed as it travels through this quantum vacuum
‘crystal’, where it meets uncountable numbers of electrically charged virtual particles.
Light travels through this with no absorption or dispersion. Based on our general
arguments in the sections 3.1 to 3.4 above, we postulate that the photon is delayed as it
travels through the quantum vacuum. We can definitely say that the uncertainty principle
places a lower limit on the emission and absorption time delay, and forbids the time delay
from being exactly equal to zero.
Therefore we conclude that the electrically charged virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum frequently absorb and re-emit the real photons moving through the vacuum
by introducing small delays during absorption and subsequent re-emission of the
photon, thus reducing the average propagation speed of the photons in the vacuum
(compared to the light speed of photons between absorption/re-emission events).
Our examination of the physics literature has not revealed any previous work on a
quantum time delay analysis of photon propagation through the quantum vacuum,
presumably because of the precedent set by Einstein’s postulate of light speed constancy in
the vacuum under all circumstances. We will take the position that the delays due to
photon scattering through the quantum vacuum are real. These delays reduce the much
faster and absolutely fixed ‘low-level light velocity c l’ (defined as the photon velocity
between vacuum particle scattering events) to the average observed light velocity ‘c’ in
the vacuum (300,000 km/sec) that we observe in our actual experiments.
Furthermore, we propose that the quantum vacuum introduces a sort of Vacuum Index of
Refraction ‘n vac’ (compared to a vacuum without all virtual particles) such that c = c l / nvac.
If this is true, what is the low-level light velocity? It is unknown at this time, but it must be
significantly larger than 300,000 km/sec. In fact we believe that the vacuum index of
refraction ‘n vac’ must be very large because of the high density of virtual particles in the
vacuum. This concept is required in EMQG theory, and has become central to
understanding the equivalence principle and 4D space-time curvature in accelerated frames
and in gravitational fields (Appendix A).
It also has been known for over a century that the velocity of light in a moving medium
differs from its value in the same stationary medium. Fizeau demonstrated this
experimentally in 1851 (ref. 41). For example, with a current of water (with refractive
index of the medium of n=4/3) flowing with a velocity V of about 5 m/sec, the relative
variation in the light velocity is 10-8 (which he measured by use of interferometry). Fresnel
first derived the formula (ref. 41) in 1810 with his ether dragging theory. The resulting
formula relates the longitudinal light velocity ‘v c’ moving in the same direction as a
transparent medium of an index of refraction ‘n’ defined such that ‘c/n’ is the light velocity
in the stationary medium, which is moving with velocity ‘V’ (with respect to the
laboratory frame), where c is the velocity of light in the vacuum:22Fresnel Formula: v c = c/n + (1 – 1/n2) V (3.41)
Why does the velocity of light vary in a moving (and non-moving) transparent medium?
According to the principles of special relativity, the velocity of light is a constant in the
vacuum with respect to all inertial observers. When Einstein proposed this postulate, he
was not aware that the vacuum is not empty. However he was aware of Fresnel’s formula
and derived it by the special relativistic velocity addition formula for parallel velocities (to
first order). According to special relativity, the velocity of light relative to the proper
frame of the transparent medium depends only on the medium. The velocity of light in the
stationary medium is defined as ‘c/n’. Recall that velocities u and v add according to the
formula: (u + v) / (1 + uv/c2)
vc = [ c/n + V ] / [ 1 + (c/n) (V)/c2 ] = (c/n + V) / ( 1 + V/(nc) ) ≈ c/n + (1 – 1/n2) V
The special relativistic approach to deriving the Fresnel formula does not say much about
the actual quantum processes going on at the atomic level. At this scale, there are several
explanations for the detailed scattering process in conventional physics. We investigate
these different approaches in more detail below.
The microscopic theory of the light propagation in matter was developed as a
consequence of Lorentz’s non-relativistic, semi-classical electromagnetic theory. We will
review and summarize this approach to photon scattering, which will not only prove useful
for our analysis of the Fizeau effect, but has become the basis of the ‘Fizeau-like’
scattering of photons in the accelerated quantum vacuum near large gravitational fields
(EMQG theory, Appendix A).
To understand what happens in photon scattering inside a moving medium, imagine a
simplified one-dimensional quantum model of the propagation of light in a refractive
medium. The medium consisting of an idealized moving crystal of velocity ‘V’, which is
composed of evenly spaced, point-like atoms of spacing ‘l’. When a photon traveling
between atoms at a speed ‘c’ (vacuum light speed) encounters an atom, that atom absorbs
it and another photon of the same wavelength is emitted after a time lag ‘ τ’. In the
classical wave interpretation, the scattered photon is out of phase with the incident
photon. We can thus consider the propagation of the photon through the crystal is a
composite signal. As the photon propagates, part of the time it exists in the atom
(technically, existing as an electron bound elastically to some atom), and part of the time
as a photon propagating with the undisturbed low-level light velocity ‘c’. When the
photon changes existence to being a bound electron, the velocity is ‘V’. From this, it can23be shown (ref. 41, an exercise in algebra and geometry) that the velocity of the composite
signal ‘v c’ (ignoring atom recoil, which is shown to be negligible) is:
vc = c [1 + (V τ/l) (1 - V/c)] / [1 + (c τ/l) (1 - V/c)] (3.51)
If we set V=0, then v c = c / (1 + c τ/l) = c/n. Therefore, τ/l = (n – 1)/c. Inserting this in the
above equations give:
vc = [(c/n) + (1 – 1/n) V (1 - V/c)] /[1 - (1 – 1/n)(V/c)] ≈ c/n + (1 – 1/n2) V
(to first order in V/c). (3.52)
Again, this is Fresnel’s formula. Thus the simplified non-relativistic atomic model of the
propagation of light through matter explains the Fresnel formula to the first order in V/c
through the simple introduction of a scattering delay between photon absorption and
subsequent re-emission. This analysis is based on a semi-classical approach. What does
quantum theory say about this scattering process? The best theory we have to answer this
question is QED.
Anyone who believes in the existence of virtual fermion particles in the quantum vacuum
that carry mass, will acknowledge the existence of a coordinated general downward
acceleration of these virtual particles near any large gravitational field. In EMQG
(Appendix A) gravitons from the real fermions on the earth exchange gravitons with the
virtual fermions of the vacuum (which carry electric charge), causing a downward
acceleration. The virtual particles of the quantum vacuum (now accelerated by a large
mass) acts on light (and matter) in a similar manner as a stream of moving water acts on
light in the Fizeau effect. How does this work mathematically?
Again, it is impossible to compute the interaction of an accelerated collection of virtual
particles of the quantum vacuum with light exactly. However, a simplified model can yield
useful results. We will proceed using the semi-classical model proposed by Lorentz,
above. We have defined the raw light velocity ‘c r’ (EMQG, ref. 1) as the photon velocity
in between virtual particle scattering. Recall that raw light velocity is the shifting of the
photon information pattern by one cell at every clock cycle on the CA, so that in
fundamental units it is an absolute constant. Again, we assume that the photon delay
between absorption and subsequent re-emission by a virtual particle is ‘ τ’, and the average
distance between virtual particle scattering is ‘l’. The scattered light velocity v c(t) is now a
function of time, because we assume that it is constantly varying as it moves downwards
towards the surface in the same direction of the virtual particles. The virtual particles
move according to: a =gt, where g = GM/R2.
Therefore we can write the velocity of light after scattering with the accelerated quantum
vacuum:24vc(t) = c r [1 + (gt τ/l) (1 - gt/c r)] / [1 + (c rτ/l) (1 - gt/c r)] (3.61)
If we set the acceleration to zero, or gt = 0, then v c(t) = c r / (1 + c rτ/l) = c r/n. Therefore,
τ/l = (n – 1)/c r. Inserting this in the above equation gives:
vc(t) = [(c r/n) + (1 – 1/n) gt (1 - gt/c r)] / [1 - (1 – 1/n)(gt/c r)] ≈ cr/n + (1 – 1/n2) gt
to first order in gt/c r. (3.62)
Since the average distance between virtual charged particles is very small, the photons
(which are always created at velocity c r) spend most of the time existing as some virtual
charged particle undergoing downward acceleration. Because the electrically charged
virtual particles of the quantum vacuum are falling in their brief existence, the photon
effectively takes on the same downward acceleration as the virtual vacuum particles (as an
average over macroscopic distances). In other words, because the index of refraction of
the quantum vacuum ‘n’ is so large (relative to no vacuum particles), and because c = c r/n
and we can write in equation 3.62:
vc(t) = c r/n + (1 – 1/n2) gt = c + gt = c (1 + gt/c) if n >>1. (3.63)
Similarly, for photons going against the flow (upwards): v c(t) = c (1 - gt/c) (3.64)
This formula is used in EMQG for the variation of light velocity near a large gravitational
field, and leads to the correct amount of general relativistic space-time curvature taking
into account some additional assumptions as shown in Appendix A. It is this path Einstein
Is there any other evidence in physics for phenomena that potentially exhibit faster-than-
light propagation? In quantum mechanics there definitely exist such phenomena:
(1) The Quantum Non-Locality of quantum entangled particles, which apparently
communicate each other’s quantum state faster-than-light .
(2) Apparent faster-than-light tunneling of photons through a potential barrier,
which is classically too large for the photon to penetrate.
Both phenomena are well known and described in standard text books on quantum theory.
A good account of both is given in an article titled “FASTER THAN LIGHT?”. In
Scientific American, August 1993 by R. Chiao, P. Kwiat, A. Steinberg (ref. 26). Non-
locality is an effect where two particles (or more) are causally connected or entangled (in
other words where the two particle’s wave functions are dependent on each other), can
influence each other apparently instantaneously no matter how far apart they are. A
famous example of entanglement is the famous Einstein EPR proposal of 1935 (ref. 10),25and subsequent experimental verification by Aspect (ref. 12). It was J.S. Bell (ref. 28) that
first derived a set of inequalities that Nature should obey if locality and reality were
obeyed, and in which are violated by quantum mechanics. In some interpretations of
quantum theory this appears to be contradiction of strict Einstein locality or causality, and
therefore provides evidence for faster-than-light signaling. However to our knowledge no
one has been able to devise a method of sending information faster than light from one
location to another using quantum non-locality methods (excluding the claims by Nimtz,
ref. 27.
Quantum Tunneling is a phenomenon that is in some sense related to non-locality. In
photon tunneling, a photon has a finite probability of moving through a barrier that it
should not be able to pass through according to classical physics. What is remarkable
about tunneling of photons (or for other types of quantum particles) is that when a
measurement is made for the tunneling velocity, one finds that it is greater than the
velocity of light in a vacuum. However some physicists maintain that it is not possible to
talk about the photon actually having a definite velocity while it passes through the barrier.
Indeed the act of assigning a definite time to the tunneling process has also been
questioned (ref. 24). These arguments appeal to the probabilistic nature of the wave
packet that describes the photon. The problem of defining the tunneling time of photon
penetration through a barrier has a long history, which dates back to the 1920’s, when
Hund first proposed the quantum mechanical “barrier penetration” phenomena. Quantum
tunneling has important applications in electronics, and the very operation of the tunnel
diode depends on the existence of the quantum tunneling phenomenon.
An excellent account of quantum tunneling of photons is given by R. Y. Chiao, P. Kwiat,
and A. Steinberg in the August 1993 (ref. 26) Scientific American magazine titled “Faster
than Light?”. These authors claim that their “ Experiments in quantum optics show that
two distant events can influence each other faster than any signal could have traveled
between them .” They report that during several days of data collection (of more than one
million photons tunneling through their barrier), that on average the tunneling photons
arrived before the unimpeded photons. Their results imply that the average tunneling
velocity for the photons is about 1.7 times that of light (ref. 25). What is even more
bizarre is that the ‘tunneling velocity’ (which is a questionable concept) does not depend
on the width of the barrier!
R. Chiao et al. provide an explanation for faster-than-light tunneling that is not based on
the concept of a tunneling velocity or a tunneling time. They point out that the photon’s
quantum mechanical wave function of the tunneling photon is greatly reduced in amplitude
in comparison to the unimpeded photon’s wave function. Recall that the amplitude of the
wave function at a point represents the probability of finding a photon at that point. They
point out that the center of the photon wave packet is the place of greatest probability of
detection in the experiment. They claim that the wave front of the tunneling and
unimpeded photons move together at the same rate, but that the tunneling photons arrive
first because of the change in wave shape. They illustrate this elegantly with racing
tortoises, where the two noses of the tortoises are locked in step, but the smaller one has a26narrower wave packet width and subsequently is detected first (illustration on bottom of
page 55, ref. 26).
Other experiments by G. Nimitz using microwave frequency photons instead of light,
demonstrate that the microwave ‘tunneling velocity’ is 4.7 times light speed. Furthermore
in order to illustrate that tunneling can convey information faster-than-light, they
modulated the microwave beam with the audio track of the 1st movement of Mozart’s 40th
symphony. They report that they were able to send this message through the barrier at 4.7
times light speed (ref. 27).
The proposed LVC experiments borrow much of the same techniques used by R. Chiao et.
al. to measure the increase in light velocity in quantum tunneling. The task is similar, that
is to compare the arrival times of photons from two different photon paths that started at
the same time, where the difference in arrival times is incredibly small and hard to detect.
The speed of light is so great at laboratory distances that conventional electronics is tens
of thousands of times too slow to measure the small differences in light arrival time. To
solve this problem they used twin photon interferometers to measure the required time
delays, a technique that we will borrow for our proposed experiments.
We propose experiments to look for the Light Velocity Casimir (LVC) effect and to
measure the Casimir vacuum index of refraction. Figure 1 shows the conceptual block
diagram of the first experiment to observe the increase in light velocity. Figure 3 gives a
more detailed account, which we will describe later. Here we have two identical light
paths that originated from a common light source such as a laser, where one light path
travels straight through the vacuum unimpeded, and becomes our standard reference path
for the light velocity in the vacuum. The other light path travels between two transparent
electrically conducting, Casimir plates in a vacuum, which are closely spaced and have an
adjustable plate spacing ‘d’. When the laser light source is switched on, the light path
through the Casimir plates arrives at its detector first, where the arrival time becomes
sooner with decreasing plate spacing.
NOTE: Light must propagate perpendicular through the plates in the LVC experiment,
because it is in this direction that vacuum density decreases. If light travels parallel
through the Casimir plates (which would offer a longer path to increase light velocity),
the vacuum density and light velocity along this direction are not changed . This
illustrates that the vacuum process inside the Casimir plates is a dynamic effect. If the
Casimir plates are visualized as being part of a rectangular enclosure and air is pumped
out of the box, the velocity of light would increase compared to the velocity of light in
air, no matter what direction light traveled in the box. If the two ends of the rectangular
box are removed, then the inside and outside air pressure would balance. This is not so
for the Casimir plates. Even though the two ends of the ‘Casimir’ box are removed, the
Casimir plates maintain a decreased vacuum density, but only in the direction27perpendicular to the plates. This pressure change is maintained dynamically by the
quantum vacuum process discussed in section 2.1.
We claim that the front velocity of the light traveling through the Casimir plates will
exceed the velocity of light in the ordinary vacuum, as defined in section 1.1. In order to
enhance the magnitude of the light velocity increase, it is desirable to increase the optical
path length for the laser light through the Casimir plates. This can be done by optically
arranging a set of mirrors to direct the light back and forth several times through the
Casimir plates (which must also be done in the reference path). In order to simplify the
discussions, this arrangement is not shown in any of the diagrams, and the method used
depends on the detailed experimental arrangement chosen. The two beams are then routed
to two individual detectors (Figure 3). The detectors electronic outputs are fed to an
electronic instrument that can accurately measure time delays between the two outputs.
Although we have been unable to compute the value of the light velocity increase, we
expect it to be very small. We believe that using an ordinary laser beam (which contains
enormous numbers of photons) as a light source will not be effective in measuring the
LVC effect. Instead we borrow some techniques from quantum optics and from the
measurement of optical tunneling times to detect the LVC effect for single photons. The
time that it takes light to transverse the Casimir plate spacing (assuming the plates are not
there) with a 1 µm spacing is 33 fs (33x10-15 seconds)! Therefore we expect that the time
to propagate through the plates to be smaller than this value. That means we would like to
have perhaps 0.1 fs resolution in time. Currently the best photon detectors only have a
picosecond-scale response time, which is not fast enough for this application. However a
device called the ‘Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometer’ has femtosecond-scale time
resolution, which is ideal for this experiment.
Figure 3 shows a conceptual Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer-based setup that should be
capable of measuring the Casimir light velocity increase for individual photons! It is very
similar to the experimental arrangement to measure the quantum tunneling of individual
photons through a barrier used by R. Chiao et al. (ref. 25 and 26). In order to make sure
both photons start traveling at the same time through the apparatus we suggest the use of
a ‘Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion’ crystal, which absorbs the incoming
ultraviolet photon from an argon laser and emits two new photons simultaneously, and
which are strongly correlated. The energies of the two photons equal the energy of the
incoming photon. Furthermore the two photons are quantum mechanically entangled,
which is beneficial to overcoming potential sources of errors in performing the experiment
(ref. 25). The two photons reflect off the two mirrors and travel through two equal length
paths and meet at the beam splitter. One path is the reference vacuum path, and the other
is the Casimir plate path, where the plates are originally removed to calibrate the optical
paths to null the interferometer (ref. 25).
The advantage of using the Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometer is that it results in a narrow
null in the coincidence count rate as a function of the relative delay between the two
photons, a destructive interference effect that was first observed by Hong, Ou, and28Mandel. The narrowness of the coincidence minimum combined with a good signal to
noise ratio should provide a measurement of the relative delay between the two photons to
a precision of ±0.2 fs (ref. 25).
There are four possible outcomes at the beam splitter: both photons might pass through,
both might be reflected from the beam splitter, both might go off to one side (one
reflected, and one transmitted), or both may go off the other side. We are interested in the
first two cases, where the two photons reach different detectors that result in coincidence
detection . We adjust the optical lengths until coincidence detection disappears. This means
that any deviation in the relative velocities of the two path’s results will become readily
apparent because of the narrowness of the interference null. The detectors chosen for the
tunneling experiment (ref. 25) are Geiger-mode silicon avalanche photo-diodes. Aslo, care
must be taken not to choose a Casimir plate spacing which nulls out the photon (multiples
of the photon frequency), since the Casimir plates are electrically conductive.
The Vacuum Casimir Index of Refraction given by n vac = c / c c (which should be slightly
less than one) where ‘c c’ is the light velocity between the Casimir plates. This can be
measured in the experimental arrangement of figure 3, assuming the LVC effect is
observed. In order to calculate n vac one must measure c c. Let ‘h’ be the optical path length
of the reference leg of the interferometer. Let ‘d’ be the distance between the Casimir
plates. Let ‘ δt’ be the time a photon takes to traverse the Casimir plates. Let ‘ Δt’ be the
time a photon takes to traverse the plate spacing, with no plates present. The
interferometer measures the time t diff = Δt - δt, or the decrease in the relative time of
propagation of the photon through Casimir plate distance ‘d’. In order to calculate nvac:
• Determine the optical length ‘h’ through the reference leg of the interferometer, which
is also equal to the optical length of the Casimir plate leg of the interferometer.
• Determine the time delay t diff = Δt - δt , which is also the time difference between the
arrival of a photon first at detector 2 followed by the detection at detector 1.
• Calculate Δt = d/c, and then calculate δt = Δt - tdiff .
• It follows that the light velocity inside the Casimir plates is given by: c c = d / δt, which
should be slightly less than ‘c’ in the reference leg.
• Finally we have the Vacuum Casimir Index of Refraction: n vac = c / c c
Figure 2 shows an alternate way to demonstrate the Light Velocity Casimir effect, based
on the classical idea of light refraction. Conceptually we start with a single laser light
source and direct the light at a shallow angle ‘t 0‘ that is close to the perpendicular of the
two transparent, electrically conducting Casimir plates (see the bubble in figure 2). This
must be so, because the refraction only happens in the nearly perpendicular direction of
the Casimir plates (see the note at the beginning of section 5).
The light deflects at the first plate by an angle t 1, such that n vac = sin(t 0) / sin(t 1). When the
light exits the second plate it returns to the original direction because it goes to the normal
vacuum state which is an increase in density. The end result is that the light beam is still in
line with the incoming beam, but slightly shifted to the right. In these discussions we29ignore any refraction through the transparent plate material, which must be taken into
account when performing the actual experiment. Because the spacing between the plates is
quite small, the light bending effect would be very hard to detect with only a two Casimir
plate experiment.
In order to enhance the bending effect it is desirable to have a series of transparent and
conductive Casimir plates, such that the spacing between the subsequent plates decreases
with distance. Figure 2 shows an example arrangement of four such Casimir plates for
illustration purposes. With this arrangement the exit angle of the light is permanently
different from the original angle, because the vacuum density between the plates varies in
different steps between each new pair of plates. This means that over a large distance the
angle can be easily measured. In practice the resulting angle is going to be extremely small,
because of the very slight differences in energy-density per pair of plates.
However a small angle can translate to a large shift or deflection in the total light path,
when the light is allowed to travel over a large distance in normal air. For example if the
difference in angle of the incoming and outgoing light paths is Δθ = 0.001 degrees (which
is only 3.6 seconds of arc), at a distance of h=100 meters the difference in position of the
expected light beam is given by: h tan( Δθ) = 1.7 millimeters, which is a distance that can
be easily measured.
1. We believe that the velocity of light (specifically the front velocity) propagating in
vacuum inside (and perpendicular) two closely spaced, electrically conducting and
transparent plates called the Casimir plates, will increase inside the plates compared to
the light velocity in the normal vacuum, measured in the laboratory frame. This
conclusion should be subjected to future experimental verification. We have proposed
two such experiments; an interferometer, which is designed to resolve the difference in
arrival time of individual photons, and another experiment to measure the refraction of
light propagating at a shallow angle (nearly perpendicular) through a series of Casimir
plates with gradually decreasing plate separation.
2. We believe that there must exist a ‘Vacuum Casimir Index of Refraction’ called ‘n vac’
for light traveling from outside, and through the Casimir plates in vacuum. The
Casimir vacuum index of refraction is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in
normal vacuum conditions divided by the light velocity measured propagating inside
the Casimir plates in vacuum ‘c c‘. The vacuum Casimir index of refraction ‘n vac’ is thus
defined as: n vac = c / c c , which should be slightly less than one. This should manifest
itself as a slight change in direction of the light beam through the Casimir plates in
accordance with Snell’s law of refraction: n = sin θ0 / sin θ1.307. REFERENCES
(1) ELECTROMAGNETIC QUANTUM GRAVITY : On the Quantum Principle of Equivalence,
Quantum Inertia, and the Meaning of Mass , by Tom Ostoma and Mike Trushyk, Feb., 1999,
LANL E-Print Server, http://xxx.lanl.gov/physics/9902035.
Contains many reprints from Physica D. See pg. 254 for an excellent article by Edward Fredkin titled
of the universal speed limit by Tom Ostoma and Mike Trushyk, Feb., 1999, LANL E-Print Server,
(4) CELLULAR AUTOMATA THEORY AND PHYSICS: A new paradigm for the Unification of
Physics by Tom Ostoma and Mike Trushyk, July, 1999, LANL E-Print Server,
Puthoff; Physical Review A, Feb. 1994. This landmark paper provides the first known proposal that
inertia can be understood as the interactions of matter with the surrounding virtual particles .
(6) H.B.G. CASIMIR, Proc. K. Med. Akad. Wet. 51 793 (1948)
(7) DEMONSTARTION OF THE CASIMIR FORCE in the 0.6 to 6 um Range by S.K. Lamoreaux,
Physical Review Letters Vol. 78, Num 1, 6 Jan. 1997.
(8) PRECISION MEASUREMENT OF THE CASIMIR FORCE from 0.1 to 0.9 um by U. Mohideen
and A. Roy, Physical Review Letters Vol. 81, Num 21, 23 Nov. 1998.
SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE by W. Poundstone, 1988, Oxford Univ. Press. Chap. 2 contains a
very good survey of the Game of Life.
(10) A. EINSTEIN, B. PODOLSKY, N. ROSEN Phys. Rev. 47 , 777, 1935.
(11) THE ENERGETIC VACUUM by H.E. Puthoff, Speculations in Science and Technology, vol. 13,
No. 4, pg. 247-257, 1990.
(12) A. ASPECT. P. GRANGIER, G. ROGER Physical Review Letters , Vol. 47, 47, 460 (1981).
(13) J. SCHWINGER, L. DeRaad, K. Milton, Ann. Phys. (NY) 115 1, 1978.
(14) RELATIVITY OF MOTION IN VACUUM by M. Jaekel, .., LANL archives, quant-ph/9801071,
Jan.30 1998.
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(16) SOV. PHYS. – DOKL. 12, 1040 by A.D. Sakharov, 1968 and THEOR. MATH. PHYS. 23, 435
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(17) PARTICLE CREATION BY BLACK HOLES by S. W. Hawking, Commun. Math. Phys. 43,
199-220 (1975).
(18) QUANTUM FIELDS IN CURVED SPACE by N.D. Birrell & P.C.W. Davies, Cambridge
Monographs, chap. 8.2, pg. 264.
Ostoma and M. Trushyk, LANL Archive, http://xxx.lanl.gov/physics/9904036 April 1999.
(21) SPECIAL RELATIVITY by A.P. French, Chap. 7, pg.214.
(22) GENERAL RELATIVITY by I.R. Kenyon, Chap. 2.
Archive, cond-matt/9809031 , Sept. 2, 1998..
CLOCK by A. Begliuomini and L. Bracci, LANL Archive, Quant-Ph/9605045.31(25) MEASUREMENT OF THE SINGLE PHOTON TUNNELING TIME by . Chiao, P. Kwiat, A.
Steinberg, Phys. Review Letter, 71, S. 708-711, 1993.
(26) FASTER THAN LIGHT? By R. Chiao, P. Kwiat, A. Steinberg, Scientific American, August 1993
by R. Chiao, LANL quant-ph/9811019, 7 Nov 1998.
FREQUENCY BAND LIMITED WAVE PACKETS by G. Nimtz and W. Heitmann, Phys. Lett. A
196 , S 154-158.
(28) J.S. BELL, Long Island City, New York, Physics 1, 195, (1964)
(29) SPLITTING THE ELECTRON by B.Daviss, New Scientist, Jan. 31, 1998.
(30) OPTICAL COHERENCE AND QUANTUM OPTICS by L. Mandel and E. Wolf., Cambridge
(31) RELATIVITY: THE GENERAL THEORY by J.L. Synge, 1971, North-Holland, Amsterdam, p.
(32) VERH. DEUTSCH. PHYS. GES. 18, 83 , 1916, W. Nernst.
(33) WAVE PROPAGATION AND GROUP VELOCITY by L. Brillouin, 1960, Academic Press.
(34) DIGITAL MECHANICS: An Informational Process based on Reversible Cellular Automata by
Edward Fredkin, Physica D 45 (1990) 254-270.
(36) UNIVERSITY PHYSICS by H. Benson, Wiley, Chap. 39, pg. 797
Volume 40, pg. 224 (1972).
(38) ESSENTIAL RELATIVITY by W. Rindler, Chap. 1, pg. 10 (Rise and fall of Absolute Space).
(39) GRAVITATION AND COSMOLOGY by S. Weinberg, Chap. 8, pg. 179.
FOR THE NEUTRON by L. Koester, Physical Rev. D, Vol. 14, Num. 4, pg.907 (1976).
Clement, Am. J. Phys. 48(12), Dec. 1980.
(42) THE FEYNMAN LECTURES ON PHYSICS by Feynman, Leighton, and Sands, Vol. 1, Chap.
31 The Origins of the Refractive Index.
The captions for the figures are shown below:
Fig. 1 - Schematic Diagram of the Light Velocity Casimir Effect
Fig. 2 - Experiment to measure the Refraction of Light through Multiple Casimir Plates
Fig. 3 - An Interferometer Setup for the Light Velocity Casimir Experiment32
34APPENDIX A: BRIEF REVIEW OF EMQG35This appendix gives a very brief review of Electromagnetic Quantum Gravity (EMQG)
and it’s connection to the quantum vacuum and the Casimir Light Velocity effect. The full
paper can be found in reference A1. This review is intended to briefly summarize the
essential ideas of EMQG and the central role that the quantum vacuum plays in EMQG.
We have developed a new approach to the unification of quantum theory with general
relativity referred to as Electro-Magnetic Quantum Gravity or EMQG (ref. 1). Figure A1
at the end of the appendix illustrates the relationship between EMQG and the rest of
physical theory. EMQG has its origins in Cellular Automata (CA) theory (ref. 2,4,9 and
34), and is also based on the new theory of inertia that has been proposed by R. Haisch, A.
Rueda, and H. Puthoff (ref. 5) known here as the HRP Inertia theory. These authors
suggest that inertia is due to the strictly local force interactions of charged matter particles
with their immediate background virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. They found that
inertia is caused by the magnetic component of the Lorentz force, which arises between
what the author’s call the charged ‘parton’ particles in an accelerated reference frame
interacting with the background quantum vacuum virtual particles. The sum of all these
tiny forces in this process is the source of the resistance force opposing accelerated motion
in Newton’s F=MA. We have found it necessary to make a small modification of HRP
Inertia theory as a result of our investigation of the principle of equivalence. The modified
version of HRP inertia is called “Quantum Inertia” (or QI). In EMQG, a new elementary
particle is required to fully understand inertia, gravitation, and the principle of equivalence
(described in the next section). This theory also resolves the long outstanding problems
and paradoxes of accelerated motion introduced by Mach’s principle, by suggesting that
the vacuum particles themselves serve as Mach’s universal reference frame (for
acceleration only), without violating the principle of relativity of constant velocity motion.
In other words, our universe offers no observable reference frame to gauge inertial frames,
because the quantum vacuum offers no means to determine absolute constant velocity
motion. However for accelerated motion, the quantum vacuum plays a very important role
by offering a resistance to acceleration, which results in an inertial force opposing the
acceleration of the mass. Thus the very existence of inertial force reveals the absolute
value of the acceleration with respect to the net statistical average acceleration of the
virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. Reference 14 offers an excellent introduction to
the motion of matter in the quantum vacuum, and on the history of the discovery of the
virtual particles of the quantum vacuum.
(A-1) EMQG and the Quantum Theory of Inertia
EMQG theory presents a unified approach to Inertia, Gravity, the Principle of
Equivalence, space-time Curvature, Gravitational Waves, and Mach’s Principle. These
apparently different phenomena are the common results of the quantum interactions of the
real (charged) matter particles (of a mass) with the surrounding virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum through the exchange of two force particles: the photon and the
graviton. Furthermore, the problem of the cosmological constant is solved automatically in
the framework of EMQG. This new approach to quantum gravity is definitely non-
geometric on the tiniest of distance scales (Plank Scales of distance and time). This is36because the large scale relativistic 4D space-time curvature is caused purely by the
accelerated state of virtual particles of the quantum vacuum with respect to a mass, and
their discrete interactions with real matter particles of a mass through the particle force
exchange process. Because of this departure from a universe with fundamentally curved
space-time, EMQG is a complete change in paradigm over conventional gravitational
physics. This paper should be considered as a framework, or outline of a new approach to
gravitational physics that will hopefully lead to a full theory of quantum gravity.
We modified the HRP theory of Inertia (ref. 5) based on a detailed examination of the
principle of equivalence. In EMQG, the modified version of inertia is known as “Quantum
Inertia”, or QI. In EMQG, a new elementary particle is required to fully understand
inertia, gravitation, and the principle of equivalence. All matter, including electrons and
quarks, must be made of nature’s most fundamental mass unit or particle, which we call
the ‘masseon’ particle. These particles contain one fixed, fundamental ‘quanta’ of both
inertial and gravitational mass. The masseons also carry one basic, smallest unit or quanta
of electrical charge as well, of which they can be either positive or negative. Masseons
exist in the particle or in the anti-particle form (called anti-masseon), that can appear at
random in the vacuum as virtual masseon/anti-masseon particle pairs of opposite electric
charge and opposite ‘mass charge’. The earth consists of ordinary masseons (with no anti-
masseons), of which there are equal numbers of positive and negative electric charge
varieties. In HRP Inertia theory, the electrically charged ‘parton’ particles (that make up
an inertial mass in an accelerated reference frame) interact with the background vacuum
electromagnetic zero-point-field (or virtual photons) creating a resistance to acceleration
called inertia. We have modified this slightly by postulating that the real masseons (that
make up an accelerating mass) interacts with the surrounding, virtual masseons of the
quantum vacuum, electromagnetically (although the details of this process are still not
fully understood). The properties of the masseon particle and gravitons are developed
(A-2) EMQG and the Quantum Origin of Newton’s Laws of Motion
We are now in a position to understand the quantum nature of Newton’s classical laws of
motion. According to the standard textbooks of physics, Newton’s three laws of laws of
motion are:
An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will continue in motion with a
constant velocity unless it experiences a net external force.
The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the resultant force acting on it and
inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically: ΣF = ma, where F and a are vectors.
If two bodies interact, the force exerted on body 1 by body 2 is equal to and opposite the
force exerted on body 2 by body 1. Mathematically: F 12 = -F 21.
Newton’s first law explains what happens to a mass when the resultant of all external
forces on it is zero. Newton’s second law explains what happens to a mass when there is a37nonzero resultant force acting on it. Newton’s third law tells us that forces always come in
pairs. In other words, a single isolated force cannot exist. The force that body 1 exerts on
body 2 is called the action force, and the force of body 2 on body 1 is called the reaction
In the framework of EMQG theory, Newton’s first two laws are the direct consequence of
the (electromagnetic) force interaction of the (charged) elementary particles of the mass
interacting with the (charged) virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. Newton’s third law
of motion is the direct consequence of the fact that all forces are the end result of a boson
particle exchange process.
In EMQG, the first law is a trivial result, which follows directly from the quantum
principle of inertia (postulate #3, appendix A-11). First a mass is at relative rest with
respect to an observer in deep space. If no external forces act on the mass, the (charged)
elementary particles that make up the mass maintain a net acceleration of zero with
respect to the (charged) virtual particles of the quantum vacuum through the
electromagnetic force exchange process. This means that no change in velocity is possible
(zero acceleration) and the mass remains at rest. Secondly, a mass has some given
constant velocity with respect to an observer in deep space. If no external forces act on
the mass, the (charged) elementary particles that make up the mass also maintain a net
acceleration of zero with respect to the (charged) virtual particles of the quantum vacuum
through the electromagnetic force exchange process. Again, no change in velocity is
possible (zero acceleration) and the mass remains at the same constant velocity.
In EMQG, the second law is the quantum theory of inertia discussed above. Basically the
state of relative acceleration of the charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum with
respect to the charged particles of the mass is what is responsible for the inertial force. By
this we mean that it is the tiny (electromagnetic) force contributed by each mass particle
undergoing an acceleration ‘A’, with respect to the net statistical average of the virtual
particles of the quantum vacuum, that results in the property of inertia possessed by all
masses. The sum of all these tiny (electromagnetic) forces contributed from each charged
particle of the mass (from the vacuum) is the source of the total inertial resistance force
opposing accelerated motion in Newton’s F=MA. Therefore, inertial mass ‘M’ of a mass
simply represents the total resistance to acceleration of all the mass particles.
According to the boson force particle exchange paradigm (originated from QED) all
forces (including gravity, as we shall see) result from particle exchanges. Therefore, the
force that body 1 exerts on body 2 (called the action force), is the result of the emission of38force exchange particles from (the charged particles that make up) body 1, which are
readily absorbed by (the charged particles that make up) body 2, resulting in a force acting
on body 2. Similarly, the force of body 2 on body 1 (called the reaction force), is the result
of the absorption of force exchange particles that are originating from (the charged
particles that make up) body 2, and received by (the charged particles that make up) body
1, resulting in a force acting on body 1. An important property of charge is the ability to
readily emit and absorb boson force exchange particles. Therefore, body 1 is both an
emitter and an absorber of the force exchange particles. Similarly, body 2 is also both an
emitter and an absorber of the force exchange particles. This is the reason that there is
both an action and reaction force. For example, the contact forces (the mechanical forces
that Newton was thinking of when he formulated this law) that results from a person
pushing on a mass (and the reaction force from the mass pushing on the person) is really
the exchange of photon particles from the charged electrons bound to the atoms of the
person’s hand and the charged electrons bound to the atoms of the mass on the quantum
level. Therefore, on the quantum level there is really is no contact here. The hand gets
very close to the mass, but does not actually touch. The electrons in one’s hand exchange
photons with the electrons in the mass. The force exchange process works both directions
in equal numbers, because all the electrons in the hand and in the mass are electrically
charged and therefore the exchange process gives forces that are equal and opposite in
both directions.
(A-6) Introduction to the Principle of Equivalence and EMQG
Are virtual particle force exchange processes originating from the quantum vacuum also
present for gravitational mass? The answer turns out to be a resounding yes! As we
suggested, there is some evidence of the interplay between the virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum and gravitational phenomena. In order to see how this impacts our
understanding of the nature of gravitational mass, we found it necessary to perform a
thorough investigation of Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence of inertial and gravitational
mass in general relativity under the guidance of the new theory of quantum inertia.
We have uncovered some theoretical evidence that the SEP may not hold for certain
experiments. There are two basic theoretical problems with the SEP in regard to quantum
gravity. First, if gravitons (the proposed force exchange particle) can be detected with
some new form of a sensitive graviton detector, we would be able to distinguish between
an accelerated reference frame and a gravitational frame with this detector. This is because
accelerated frames would have virtually no graviton particles present, whereas a large
gravitational field like the earth has enormous numbers of graviton particles associated
with it. Secondly, theoretical considerations from several authors regarding the emission
of electromagnetic waves from a uniformly accelerated charge, and the lack of radiation
from the same charge subjected to a static gravitational field leads us to question the
validity of the SEP for charged particles radiating electromagnetically.
How does the WEP hold out in EMQG? The WEP has been tested to a phenomenal
accuracy (ref 24.) in recent times. Yet in our current understanding of the WEP, we can39only specify the accuracy as to which the two different mass values (or types) have been
shown experimentally to be equal inside an inertial or gravitational field. There exists no
physical or mathematical proof that the WEP is precisely true. It is still only a postulate of
general relativity. We have applied the recent work on quantum inertia (ref. 5) to the
investigation of the weak principle of equivalence, and have found theoretical reasons to
believe that the WEP is not precisely correct when measured in extremely accurate
experiments. Imagine an experiment with two masses; one mass M 1 being very large in
value, and the other mass M 2 is very small (M 1 >> M 2). These two masses are dropped
simultaneously in a uniform gravitational field of 1g from a height ‘h’, and the same pair of
masses are also dropped inside a rocket accelerating at 1g, at the same height ‘h’. We
predict that there should be a minute deviation in arrival times on the surface of the earth
(only) for the two masses, with the heavier mass arriving just slightly ahead of the smaller
mass. This is due to a small deviation in the magnitude of the force of gravity on the mass
pair (in favor of M 1) on the order of (N 1-N2)i * δ, where (N 1-N2) is the difference in the
low level mass specified in terms of the difference in the number of masseon particles in
the two masses (defined latter) times the single masseon mass ‘i’, and δ is the ratio of the
gravitational to electromagnetic forces for a single (charged) masseon. This experiment is
very difficult to perform on the earth, because δ is extremely small ( ≈10-40), and ΔN = (N 1-
N2) cannot in practice be made sufficiently large in order to produce a measurable effect.
However, inside the accelerated rocket, the arrival times are exactly identical for the same
pair of masses. This, of course, violates the principle of equivalence, since the motion of
the masses in the inertial frame is slightly different then in the gravitational frame. This
imbalance is minute because of the dominance of the strong electromagnetic force, which
is also acting on the masseons of the two masses from the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum. This acts to stabilize the fall rate, giving us nearly perfect equivalence.
This conclusion is based on the discovery that the weak principle of equivalence results
from lower level physical processes. Mass equivalence arises from the equivalence of the
force generated between the net statistical average acceleration vectors of the charged
matter particles inside a mass with respect to the immediate surrounding quantum vacuum
virtual particles inside an accelerating rocket. This is almost exactly the same physical
force occurring between the stationary (charged) matter particles and the immediate
surrounding accelerating virtual particles of the same mass near the earth. It turns out that
equivalence is not perfect in the presence of a large gravitational field like the earth.
Equivalence breaks down due to an extremely minute force imbalance in favor of a larger
mass dropped simultaneously with respect to a smaller mass. This force imbalance can be
traced to the pure graviton exchange force component occurring in the gravitational field
that is not present in the case of the identically dropped masses in an accelerated rocket.
This imbalance contributes a minute amount of extra force for the larger mass compared
to the smaller mass (due to many more gravitons exchanged between the larger mass as
compared to the smaller mass), which might be detected in highly accurate measurements.
In the case of the rocket, the equivalence of two different falling masses is perfect, since it
is the floor of the rocket that accelerates up to meet the two masses simultaneously. Of
course, the breakdown of the WEP also means the downfall of the SEP.40In EMQG, the gravitational interactions involve the same electromagnetic force
interaction as found in inertia based on our QI theory. We also found that the weak
principle of equivalence itself is a physical phenomenon originating from the hidden lower
level quantum processes involving the quantum vacuum particles, graviton exchange
particles, and photon exchange particles. In other words, gravitation is purely a quantum
force particle exchange process, and is not based on low level fundamental 4D curved
space-time geometry of the universe as believed in general relativity. The perceived 4D
curvature is a manifestation of the dynamic state of the falling virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum in accelerated frames, and gravitational frames. The only difference
between the inertial and gravitation force is that gravity also involves graviton exchanges
(between the earth and the quantum vacuum virtual particles, which become accelerated
downwards), whereas inertia does not. Gravitons have been proposed in the past as the
exchange particle for gravitational interactions in a quantum field theory of gravity without
much success. The reason for the lack of success is that graviton exchange is not the only
exchange process occurring in large-scale gravitational interactions; photon exchanges are
also involved! It turns out that not only are there both graviton and photon exchange
processes occurring simultaneously in large scale gravitational interactions such as on the
earth, but that both exchange particles are almost identical in their fundamental nature (Of
course, the strength of the two forces differs greatly).
The equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass is ultimately traced down to the reversal
of all the relative acceleration vectors of the charged particles of the accelerated mass with
respect to the (net statistical) average acceleration of the quantum vacuum particles, that
occurs when changing from inertial to gravitational frames. The inertial mass ‘M’ of an
object with acceleration ‘a’ (in a rocket traveling in deep space, away from gravitational
fields) results from the sum of all the tiny forces of the charged elementary particles that
make up that mass with respect to the immediate quantum vacuum particles. This inertial
force is in the opposite direction to the motion of the rocket. The (charged masseon)
particles building up the mass in the rocket will have a net statistical average acceleration
‘a’ with respect to the local (charged masseon) virtual particles of the immediate quantum
vacuum. A stationary gravitational mass resting on the earth’s surface has this same
quantum process occurring as for the accelerated mass, but with the acceleration vectors
reversed. What we mean by this is that under gravity, it is now the virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum that carries the net statistical average acceleration ‘A’ downward. This
downward virtual particle acceleration is caused by the graviton exchanges between the
earth and the mass, where the mass is not accelerated with respect to the center of mass of
the earth. (Note: On an individual basis, the velocity vectors of these quantum vacuum
particles actually point in all directions, and also have random amplitudes. Furthermore,
random accelerations occur due to force interactions between the virtual particles
themselves. This is why we refer to the statistical nature of the acceleration.) We now see
that the gravitational force of a stationary mass is also the same sum of the tiny forces that
originate for a mass undergoing accelerated motion in a gravitational field from the virtual
particles of the quantum vacuum according to Newton’s law ‘F = MA’. In other words,
the same inertial force F=MA is also found hidden inside gravitational interactions of41masses! Mathematically, this fact can be seen in Newton’s laws of inertia and in Newton’s
gravitational force law by slightly rearranging the formulas as follows:
Fi = Mi (Ai) ... the inertial force F i opposes the acceleration A i of mass M i in the rocket,
caused by the sum of the tiny forces from the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum.
Fg= Mg (Ag) = Mg (GM e/r2) ... the gravitational force F g is the result of a kind of an inertial
force given by ‘M g Ag’ where A g = GM e/r2 is now due to the sum of the tiny forces from
the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum (now accelerating downwards).
Since F i=Fg, and since the acceleration of gravity is chosen to be the same as the inertial
acceleration, where the virtual particles now have: A g = A i = GM e/r2 , therefore M i=Mg ,
or the inertia mass is equal to the gravitational mass (M e is the mass of the earth). Here,
Newton’s law of gravity is rearranged slightly to emphasis it’s form as a kind of an
‘inertial force’ of the form F=MA, where the acceleration (GM e/r2) is now the net
statistical average downward acceleration of the quantum vacuum virtual particles near the
vicinity of the earth.
This derivation is not complete, unless we can provide a clear explanation as to why F i=Fg
, which we know to be true from experimental observation. In EMQG, both of these
forces are understood to arise from an almost identical quantum vacuum process! For
accelerated masses, inertia is the force F i caused by the sum of all the tiny electromagnetic
forces from each of the accelerated charged particles inside the mass; with respect to the
non-accelerating surrounding virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. Under the influence
of a gravitational field, the same force Fg exists as it does in inertia, but now the quantum
vacuum particles are the ones undergoing the same acceleration A i (through graviton
exchanges with the earth); the charged particles of the mass are stationary with respect to
earth’s center. The same force arises, but the arrows of the acceleration vectors are
reversed. To elaborate on this, imagine that you are in the reference frame of a stationary
mass resting on the surface with respect to earth’s center. An average charged particle of
this mass ‘sees’ the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum in the same state of
acceleration, as does an average charged particle of an identical mass sitting on the floor
of an accelerated rocket (1 g). In other words, the background quantum vacuum ‘looks’
exactly the same from both points of view (neglecting the very small imbalance caused by
a very large number of gravitons interacting with the mass directly under gravity, this
imbalance is swamped by the strength of the electromagnetic forces existing).
These equations and methodology illustrate equivalence in a special case: that is between
an accelerated mass M i and the same stationary gravitational mass M g. In EMQG, the
weak equivalence principle of gravitational and inertial frames holds for many other
scenarios such as for free falling masses, for masses that have considerable self gravity and
energy (like the earth), for elementary particles, and for the propagation of light.
However, equivalence is not perfect, and in some situations (for example, antimatter
discussed in section 7.1) it simply does not hold at all!42An astute observer may question why all the virtual particles (electrons, quarks, etc., all
having different masses) are accelerating downwards on the earth with the same
acceleration. This definitely would be the case from the perspective of a mass being
accelerated by a rocket (where the observer is accelerating). Since the masses of the
different types of virtual particles are all different according to the standard model of
particle physics, why are they all falling at the same rate? Since we are trying to derive the
equivalence principle, we cannot invoke this principle to state that all virtual particles must
be accelerating downward at the same rate. It turns out that the all quantum vacuum
virtual particles are accelerating at the same rate because all particles with mass (virtual or
not) are composed of combinations of a new fundamental “masseon” particle, which
carries just one fixed quanta of mass. Therefore, all the elementary virtual masseon
particles of the quantum vacuum are accelerated by the same amount. These masseons can
bind together to form the familiar particles of the standard model, like virtual electrons,
virtual positrons, virtual quarks, etc. Recalling that the masseon also carries electrical
charge, we see that all the constituent masseons of the quantum vacuum particles fall to
earth at same rate through the electromagnetic interaction (or photon exchange) process,
no matter how the virtual masseons combine to give the familiar virtual particles. This
process works like a microscopic principle of equivalence for falling virtual particles, with
the same action occurring for virtual particles as for large falling masses.
The properties of the masseon particle is elaborated in section 7 (the masseon may be the
unification particle sought out by physicist, in which case it will have other properties to
do with the other forces of nature). For now, note that the masseon also carries the
fundamental unit of electric charge as well. This fundamental unit of electric charge turns
out to be the source of inertia for all matter according to Quantum Inertia. By postulating
the existence of the masseon particle (which is the fundamental unit of ‘mass charge’ as
well as ‘electrical charge’) all the quantum vacuum virtual particles accelerate at the same
rate with respect to an observer on the surface of the earth. We have postulated the
existence of a fundamental “low level gravitational mass charge” of a particle, which
results from the graviton particle exchange process similar to the process found for
electrical charges. This ‘mass charge’ is not affected when a particle achieves relativistic
velocities, so we can state that ‘low level mass charge’ is an absolute constant. For
particles accelerated to relativistic speeds, a high relative velocity between the source of
the force and the receiving mass affects the ordinary measurable inertial mass, as we have
seen (in accordance to Einstein’s mass-velocity formula).
(A-7) Summary of the Basic Mass Definitions in EMQG
EMQG proposes three different mass definitions for an object:
(1) INERTIAL MASS is the measurable mass defined in Newton’s force law F=MA. This
is considered as the absolute mass in EMQG, because it results from force produced by
the relative (statistical average) acceleration of the charged virtual particles of the
quantum vacuum with respect to the charged particles that make up the inertial mass. The43virtual particles of the quantum vacuum become Newton’s absolute reference frame. In
special relativity this mass is equivalent to the rest mass.
(2) GRAVITATIONAL MASS is the measurable mass involved in the gravitational force
as defined in Newton’s law F=GM 1M2/R2. This is what is measured on a weighing scale.
This is also considered as absolute mass, and is almost exactly the same as inertial mass.
(3) LOW LEVEL GRAVITATIONAL ‘MASS CHARGE’, which is the origin of the pure
gravitational force, is defined as the force that results through the exchange of graviton
particles between two (or more) quantum particles. This type of mass analogous to
‘electrical charge’, where photon particles are exchanged between electrically charged
particles. Note: This force is very hard to measure because it is masked by the background
quantum vacuum electromagnetic force interactions, which dominates over the graviton
force processes.
These three forms of mass are not necessarily equal! We have seen that the inertial mass is
almost exactly the same as gravitational mass, but not perfectly equal. All quantum mass
particles (fermions) have all three mass types defined above. Note that bosons (only
photons and gravitons are considered here) have only the first two mass types. This means
that photons and gravitons transfer momentum, and do react to the presence of inertial
frames and to gravitational fields, but they do not emit or absorb gravitons. Gravitational
fields effect photons, and this is linked to the concept of space-time curvature, described in
detail later (section 9). It is important to realize that gravitational fields deflect photons
(and gravitons), but not by force particle exchanges directly. Instead, it is due to a
scattering process (described later).
To summarize, both the photon and the graviton do not carry low level ‘mass charge’,
even though they both carry inertial and gravitational mass. The graviton exchange
particle, although responsible for a major part of the gravitational mass process, does not
itself carry the property of ‘mass charge’. Contrast this with conventional physics, where
the photon and the graviton both carry a non-zero mass given by M=E/C2. According to
this reasoning, the photon and the graviton both carry mass (since they carry energy), and
therefore both must have ‘mass charge’ and exchange gravitons. In other words, the
graviton particle not only participates in the exchange process, it also undergoes further
exchanges while it is being exchanged! This is the source of great difficulty for canonical
quantum gravity theories, and causes all sorts of mathematical renormalization problems in
the corresponding quantum field theory. Furthermore, in gravitational force interactions
with photons, the strength of the force (which depends on the number of gravitons
exchanged with photon) varies with the energy that the photon carries! In modern physics,
we do not distinguish between inertial, gravitational, or low level ‘mass charge’. They are
assumed to be equivalent, and given a generic name ‘mass’. In EMQG, the photon and
graviton carry measurable inertial and gravitational mass, but neither particle carries the
‘low level mass charge’, and therefore do not participate in graviton exchanges.44We must emphasize that gravitons do not interact with each other through force
exchanges in EMQG, just as photons do not interact with each other with force exchanges
in QED. Imagine if gravitons did interact with other gravitons. One might ask how it is
possible for a graviton particle (that always moves at the speed of light) to emit graviton
particles that are also moving at the speed of light. For one thing, this violates the
principles of special relativity theory. Imagine two gravitons moving in the same direction
at the speed of light, which are separated by a distance d, with the leading graviton called
‘A’ and the lagging graviton called ‘B’. How can graviton ‘B’ emit another graviton (also
moving at the speed of light) that becomes absorbed by graviton ‘A’ moving at the speed
of light? As we have seen, these difficulties are resolved by realizing that there are actually
three different types of mass. There is measurable inertial mass and measurable
gravitational mass, and low level ‘mass charge’ that cannot be directly measured. Inertial
and gravitational masses have already been discussed and arise from different physical
circumstances, but in most cases give identical results. However, the ‘low level mass
charge’ of a particle is defined simply as the force existing between two identical particles
due to the exchange of graviton particles only, which are the vector bosons of the
gravitational force. Low level mass charge is not directly measurable, because of the
complications due to the electromagnetic forces that are present simultaneously from the
virtual particles.
It would be interesting to speculate what the universe might be like if there were no
quantum vacuum virtual particles present. Bearing in mind that the graviton exchange
process is almost identical to the photon exchange process, and bearing in mind the
complete absence of the electromagnetic component in gravitational interactions, the
universe would be a very strange place indeed. We would find that large masses would fall
faster than smaller masses, just as a large positive electric charge would ‘fall’ faster than a
small positive charge towards a very large negative charge. There would be no inertia as
we know it, and basically no force would be required to accelerate or stop a large mass.
(A-8) The Quantum Field Theory of the Masseon and Graviton Particles
EMQG addresses gravitational force, inertia, and electromagnetic forces only, and the
weak and strong nuclear forces are excluded from consideration. EMQG is based on the
idea that all elementary matter particles must get their quantum mass numbers from
combinations of just one fundamental matter (and corresponding anti-matter particle),
which has just one fixed unit or quanta of mass that we call the ‘masseon’ particle. This
fundamental particle generates a fixed flux of gravitons that are exchanged during
gravitational interactions. The exchange process is not affected by the state of motion of
the masseon (as you might expect from the special relativistic variation of mass with
velocity). We also purpose that nature does not have two completely different long-range
forces, for example gravity and electromagnetism. Instead we believe that there exists an
almost perfect symmetry between the two forces, which is hidden from view because of
the mixing of these two forces in all measurable gravitational interactions. In EMQG the
graviton and photon exchange process are found to be essentially the same, except for the
strength of the force coupling (and a minor difference in the treatment of positive and45negative masses discussed later). EMQG treats graviton exchanges by the same successful
methods developed for the behavior of photons in QED. The dimensionless coupling
constant that governs the graviton exchange process is what we call ‘ β‘ in close analogy
with the dimensionless coupling constant ‘ α‘ in QED, where β ≈ 10-40 α.
As we stated, EMQG requires the existence of a new fundamental matter particle called
the ‘masseon’ (and a corresponding ‘anti-masseon’ particle), which are held together by a
new unidentified strong force. Furthermore, EMQG requires that masseons and anti-
masseons emit gravitons analogous with the electrons and anti-electrons (positrons) which
emit photons in QED. Virtual masseons and anti-masseons are created in equal amounts in
the quantum vacuum as virtual particle pairs. A masseon generates a fixed flux of graviton
particles with wave functions that induce attraction when absorbed by another masseon or
anti-masseon; and an anti-masseon generates a fixed flux of graviton particles with an
opposite wave function (anti-gravitons) that induces repulsion when absorbed by another
masseon or anti-masseon. A graviton is its own anti-particle, just as a photon is its own
antiparticle. This process is similar to, but not identical to the photon exchange processes
in QED for electrons of opposite charge. In QED, an electron produces a fixed flux of
photon particles with wave functions that induces repulsion when absorbed by another
electron, and induces attraction when absorbed by a positron. A positron produces a fixed
flux of photon particles with wave functions that induces attraction when absorbed by
another electron, and induces repulsion when absorbed by a positron. From this it can be
seen that if two sufficiently large pieces of anti-matter can be fabricated which are both
electrically neutral, they will be found to repel each other gravitationally! Thus anti-matter
can actually be thought of as ‘negative’ mass (-M), and therefore negative energy. This
grossly violates the equivalence principle.
These subtle differences in the exchange process in QED and EMQG produce some
interesting effects for gravitation that are not found in electromagnetism. For example, a
large gravitational mass like the earth does not produce vacuum polarization of virtual
particles from the point of view of ‘mass-charge’ (unlike electromagnetism). In
gravitational fields, all the virtual masseon and anti-masseon particles of the vacuum have
a net average statistical acceleration directed downwards towards a large mass. This
produces a net downward accelerated flux of vacuum particles (acceleration vectors only)
that effects other masses immersed in this flux.
In contrast to this, an electrically charged object does produce vacuum polarization. For
example, a negatively charged object will cause the positive and negative (electrically
charged) virtual particles to accelerate towards and away, respectively from the negatively
charged object. Therefore, there is no energy contribution to other real electrically charged
test particles placed near the charged object from the vacuum particles, because the
electrically charged vacuum particles contribute equal amounts of force from both the
upward and downward directions. The individual electrical forces from the vacuum cancel
out to zero.46In gravitational fields, the vacuum particles are responsible for the principle of
equivalence, precisely because of the lack of vacuum polarization due to gravitational
fields. Recall that ‘masseon’ particles of EMQG are equivalent to the ‘parton’ particle
concept that was introduced by the authors of reference 5 concerning HRP Quantum
Inertia. Recall that the masseons and anti-masseons also carry one quantum of electric
charge of which there are two types; positive and negative charges. For example masseons
come in positive and negative electric charge, and anti-masseons also come in positive and
negative charge. A single charged masseon particle accelerating at 1g sees a certain fixed
amount of inertial force generated by the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. In a
gravitational field of 1g, a single charged masseon particle on the surface of the earth sees
the same quantum vacuum electromagnetic force. In other words, from the vantage point
of a masseon particle that makes up the total mass, the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum look exactly the same from the point of view of motion and forces whether it is in
an inertial reference frame or in a gravitational field. We propose a new universal constant
“i” called the ‘inertion’, which is defined as the inertial force produced by the action of
virtual particles on a single (real charged) masseon particle undergoing a relative
acceleration of 1 g. This force is the lowest possible quanta of inertial mass. All other
masses are fixed integer combinations of this number. This same constant ‘i’ is also the
lowest possible quanta of gravitational force.
The electric charge that is carried by the electron, positron, quark and anti-quark originate
from combinations of masseons, which is the fundamental source of the electrical charge.
This explains why a fixed charge relationship exists between the quarks and the leptons,
which belong to different families in the standard model. For example, according to the
standard model, 1 proton charge precisely equals 1 electron charge (opposite polarity),
where the proton is made of 3 quarks. This precise equality arises from the fact that
charged masseon particles are present in the internal structure of both the quarks and the
electrons (and every other mass particle).
The mathematical renormalization process is applied to particles to avoid infinities
encountered in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) calculations. This is justified by postulating a
high frequency cutoff of the vacuum processes in the summation of the Feynman
diagrams. Recall that QED is formulated on the assumption that a perfect space-time
continuum exists. In EMQG, a high frequency cutoff is essential because space is
quantized as ‘cells’, specified by Cellular Automata (CA) theory. In CA theory there is
quantization of space as cells. If particles are sufficiently close enough, they completely
lose their identity as particles in CA theory, and QFT does not apply at this scale. Since
graviton exchanges are almost identical to photon exchanges, we suspect that EMQG is
also renormalizable as is QED, with a high frequency cutoff as well. This has not been
proven yet. The reason that some current quantum gravity theories are not renormalizable
boils down to the fact that the graviton is assumed to be the only boson involved in
gravitational interactions. The graviton must therefore exhibit all the characteristics of the
gravitational field, including space-time curvature.47In EMQG, the photon exchange and graviton exchange process is virtually identical in its
basic nature, which shows the great symmetry between these two forces. As a byproduct
of this, the quantum vacuum becomes ‘neutral’ in terms of gravitational ‘mass charge’, as
the quantum vacuum is known to be neutral with respect to electric charge. This is due to
an equal number of positive and negative electrical charged virtual particles and
‘gravitational charged’ virtual particles created in the quantum vacuum at any given time.
This in turn is due to the symmetrical masseon and anti-masseon pair creation process.
(EMQG does not resolve the problem of why the universe was created with an apparent
imbalance of real ordinary matter and anti-matter mass particles.)
This distortion of the acceleration vectors of the quantum vacuum ‘stream’ serves as an
effective ‘electromagnetic guide’ for the motion of nearby test masses (themselves
consisting of masseons) through space and time. This ‘electromagnetic guide’ concept
replaces the 4D space-time geodesics (which is the path that light takes through curved
4D space-time) that guide light and matter in motion. Because the quantum vacuum
virtual particle density is quite high, but not infinite (at least about 1090 particles/m3), the
quantum vacuum acts as a very effective and energetic guide for the motion of light and
(A-9) Introduction to 4D Space-Time Curvature and EMQG
The physicist A. Wheeler once said that: “space-time geometry ‘tells’ mass-energy how to
move, and mass-energy ‘tells’ space-time geometry how to curve”. In EMQG, this
statement must be somewhat revised on the quantum particle level to read: large mass-
energy concentrations (consisting of quantum particles) exchanges gravitons with the
immediate surrounding virtual particles of the quantum vacuum, causing a downward
acceleration (of the net statistical average acceleration vectors) of the quantum vacuum
particles. This downward acceleration of the virtual particles of the quantum vacuum
‘tells’ a nearby test mass (also consisting of real quantum particles) how to move
electromagnetically, by the exchange of photons between the electrically charged, and
falling virtual particles of the quantum vacuum and the electrical charged, real particles
inside the test mass. This new view of gravity is totally based on the ideas of quantum field
theory, and thus acknowledging the true particle nature of both matter and forces. It is
also shows how nature is non-geometric when examined on the smallest of distance scales,
where Riemann geometry is now replaced solely by the interactions of quantum particles
existing on a kind of quantized 3D space and separate time on the CA.
Since this downward accelerated stream of charged virtual particles also affects light or
real photons and the motion of real matter (for example, matter making up a clock), the
concept of space-time must be revised. For example, a light beam moving parallel to the
surface of the earth is affected by the downward acceleration of charged virtual particles
(electromagnetically), and moves in a curved path. Since light is at the foundation of the
measurement process as Einstein showed in special relativity, the concept of space-time
must also be affected near the earth by this accelerated ‘stream’ of virtual particles.
Nothing escapes this ‘flow’, and one can imagine that not even a clock is expected to keep48the same time as it would in far space. As a result, a radically new picture of Einstein’s
curved space-time concept arises from these considerations in EMQG.
The variation of the value of the net statistical average (directional) acceleration vector of
the quantum vacuum particles from point to point in space (with respect to the center of a
massive object) guides the motion of nearby test masses and the motion of light through
electromagnetic means. This process leads to the 4D space-time metric curvature concept
of general relativity. With this new viewpoint, it is now easy to understand how one can
switch between accelerated and gravitational reference frames. Gravity can be made to
cancel out inside a free falling frame (technically at a point) above the earth because we
are simply taking on the same net acceleration as the virtual particles at that point. In this
scenario, the falling reference frame creates the same quantum vacuum particle
background environment as found in an non-accelerated frame, far from all gravitational
fields. As a result, light travels in perfectly straight lines when viewed by a falling observer,
as specified by special relativity.
Thus in the falling reference frame, a mass ‘feels’ no force or curvature as it would in
empty space, and light travels in straight lines (defined as ‘flat’ space-time). Thus the
mystery as to why different reference frames produce different space-time curvature is
solved in EMQG. It is interesting that in an accelerated rocket 4D space-time curvature is
also present, but now is caused by another mechanism; the accelerated motion of the floor
of the rocket itself. In other words, the space-time curvature, manifesting itself as the path
of curved light, is really caused by the accelerated motion of the observer! The observer
(now in a state of acceleration with respect to the vacuum), ‘sees’ the accelerated virtual
particle motion in his frame. Furthermore, the motion appears to him to be almost exactly
the same as if he were in an equivalent gravitational field. This is why the space-time
curvature appears the same in both a gravitational field and an equivalent accelerated
frame. These differences between accelerated and gravitational frames imply that
equivalence is not a basic element of reality, but merely a result of different physical
processes, which happen to give the same results. In fact, equivalence is not perfect!
According to EMQG, all metric theories of gravity, including general relativity, have a
limited range of application. These theories are useful only when a sufficient mass is
available to significantly distort the virtual particle motion surrounding the mass; and only
where the electromagnetic interaction dominates over the graviton processes (or where
the graviton flux is not too large). For precise calculation of gravitational force
interactions of small masses, EMQG requires that the gravitational interaction be
calculated by adding the specific Feynman diagrams for both photon and graviton
exchanges. Thus, the use of the general relativistic Schwarzchild Metric for spherical
bodies (even if modified by including the uncertainty principle) is totally useless for
understanding the gravitational interactions of elementary particles. The whole concept of
space-time ‘foam’ is incorrect according to EMQG, along with all the causality problems
associated with this complex mathematical concept.49(A-10) Space-Time Curvature is a Pure Virtual Particle Quantum Vacuum Process
4D Minkowski curved space-time takes on a radically new meaning in EMQG, and is no
longer a basic physical element of our reality. Instead, it is merely the result of quantum
particle interactions alone. The curved space-time of general relativity arises strictly out of
the interactions between the falling virtual particles of the quantum vacuum near a massive
object and a nearby test mass. The effect of the falling quantum vacuum acts somewhat
like a special kind of “Fizeau-Fluid” or media, that effects the propagation of light; and
also effects clocks, rulers, and measuring instruments. Fizeau demonstrated in the middle
1850’s that moving water varies the velocity of light propagating through it.
This effect was analyzed mathematically by Lorentz. He used his newly developed
microscopic theory for the propagation of light in matter to study how photons move in a
flowing stream of transparent fluid. He reasoned that photons would change velocity by
frequent scattering with the molecules of the water, where the photons are absorbed and
later remitted after a small time delay. This concept is discussed in detail in section 9.3.
If Einstein himself had known about the existence of the quantum vacuum when he was
developing general relativity theory, he may have deduced that space-time curvature was
caused by the “accelerated quantum vacuum fluid”. He was aware of the work by Fizeau,
but was unaware of the existence of the quantum vacuum. After all, Einstein certainly
realized that clocks were not expected to keep time correctly when immersed in an
accelerated stream of water! We show mathematically in this paper that the quantity of
space-time curvature near a spherical object predicted by the Schwarzchild metric is
identical to the value given by the ‘Fizeau-like’ scattering process in EMQG.
In EMQG when we find an accelerated vacuum disturbance, there follows a corresponding
space-time distortion (including the possibility of gravitational waves for dynamic
accelerated disturbances). We have seen that both accelerated and gravitational frames
qualify for the status of curved 4D space-time (although caused by different physical
circumstances). We have found that in EMQG there exists two, separate but related
space-time coordinate systems. First, there is the familiar global four dimensional
relativistic space-time of Minkowski, as defined by our measuring instruments, and is
designated by the x,y,z,t in Cartesian coordinates. The amount of 4D space-time curvature
is influenced by accelerated frames and by gravitational frames, which is the cause of the
accelerated state of the quantum vacuum.
Secondly there is a kind of a quantized absolute space, and separate time as required by
cellular automaton theory. Absolute space consists of an array of numbers or cells C(x,y,z)
that changes state after every new clock operation Δt. C(x,y,z) acts like the absolute three
dimensional pre-relativistic space, with a separate absolute time that acts to evolve the
numerical state of the cellular automata. The CA space (and separate time) is not affected
by any physical interactions or directly accessible through any measuring instruments, and
currently remains a postulate of EMQG. Note that EMQG absolute space does not
correspond to Newton’s idea of absolute space. Newton postulated the existence of50absolute space in his work on inertia. He realized that absolute space was required in order
to resolve the puzzle of what reference frame nature uses to gauge accelerated motion. In
EMQG, this reference frame is not the absolute quantized cell space (which is
unobservable), but instead consists of the net average state of acceleration of the virtual
particles of the quantum vacuum with respect to matter (particles). A very important
consequence of the existence of absolute quantized space and quantized time (required by
cellular automaton theory) is the fact that our universe must have a maximum speed limit!
Here is a summary of the basic postulates of EMQG. Reference 1 gives a much more
complete description of the postulates and their consequences. Note that we do not
include Einstein’s principle of equivalence as one of our basic postulates. This is because
equivalence is not a fundamental principle. Instead equivalence is simply a consequence of
quantum particle interactions. The basic postulates of EMQG are:
The universe is a vast cellular automaton computation, which has an inherently quantized
absolute 3D space consisting of ‘cells’, and absolute time. The numeric information in a
cell changes state through the action of the numeric content of the immediate neighboring
cells (26 neighbors) and the local mathematical rules, which are repeated for each and
every cell. The action of absolute time (through clock cycles) synchronizes the state
transition of all the cells. The number of ‘clock cycles’ elapsed between the change of the
numeric state on the CA is a measure of the absolute time elapsed. The cells are
interconnected (mathematically) to form a simple 3D geometric CA. Matter, forces, and
motion are the end result of information changing in the cells as absolute time progresses.
Gravity, motion, and any other physical process do not effect low-level absolute 3D space
and absolute time in any way. Photons propagate in the simplest possible manner on the
CA. Photons simply shift from cell to adjacent cell on each and every 'clock cycle' in a
given direction. This rate represents the maximum speed that information can be moved
during a CA ‘clock cycle’. The quantization scale is not known yet, but it must be much
finer than the Plank Scale for distance and time.
The masseon is the most elementary form of matter (or anti-matter), and carries the lowest
possible quanta of low level, gravitational ‘mass charge’. The masseon carries the lowest
possible quanta of positive gravitational ‘mass charge’, where the low level gravitational
‘mass charge’ is defined as the (probability) fixed rate of emission of graviton particles in
close analogy to electric charge in QED. Gravitational ‘mass charge’ is a fixed constant
and analogous to the fixed electrical charge concept. Gravitational ‘mass charge’ is not
governed by the ordinary physical laws of observable mass, which appear as ‘m’ in the
various physical theories, including Einstein’s special relativity mass-velocity relationship:
E=mc2 or m = m 0 (1 - v2/c2)-1/2. Masseons simultaneously carry a positive gravitational51‘mass charge’, and either a positive or negative electrical charge (defined exactly as in
QED). Therefore we conclude that masseons also exchange photons with other masseon
particles. Masseons are fermions with half integer spin, which behave according to the
rules of quantum field theory. Gravitons (which are closely analogous to photons) have a
spin of one (not spin two, as is commonly thought), and travel at the speed of light. Anti-
masseons carry the lowest quanta of negative gravitational ‘mass charge’. Anti-masseons
also carry either positive or negative electrical charge, with electrical charge being defined
according to QED. An anti-masseon is always created with an ordinary masseon in a
particle pair as required by quantum field theory (specifically, the Dirac equation). The
anti-masseon is the negative energy solution of the Dirac equation for a fermion, where
now the mass is taken to be ‘negative’ as well, in clear violation of the principle of
equivalence. Another important property exhibited by the graviton particle is the principle
of superposition . This property works the same way as for photons. The action of the
gravitons originating from all sources acts to yield a net vector sum for the receiving
particle. EMQG treats graviton exchanges by the same successful methods developed for
the behavior of photons in QED. The dimensionless coupling constant that governs the
graviton exchange process is what we call ‘ β‘ in close analogy with the dimensionless
coupling constant ‘ α‘ in QED, where β ≈ 10-40 α.
The property which Newton called the inertial mass of an object, is caused by the vacuum
resistance to acceleration of all the individual, electrically charged masseon particles that
make up the mass. This resistance force is caused by the electromagnetic force interaction
(where the details of this process are unknown at this time) occurring between the
electrically charged virtual masseon/anti-masseon particle pairs created in the surrounding
quantum vacuum, and all the real masseons particles making up the accelerated mass.
Therefore inertia originates in the photon exchanges with the electrically charged virtual
masseon particles of the quantum vacuum. The total inertial force F i of a mass is simply
the sum of all the little forces f p contributed by each of the individual masseons, where the
sum is: F i = (Σ fp) = MA (Newton’s law of inertia).
Photons have an absolute, fixed velocity resulting from its special motion on the CA,
where photons simply shift from cell to adjacent cell on every CA ‘clock cycle’. This ‘low
level’ photon velocity (measured in CA absolute space and time units) is much higher (by
an unknown amount) than the observed light velocity of 300,000 km/sec. This is because a
photon traveling in the vacuum (in an inertial frame) takes on a path through the quantum
vacuum, that is the end result of a vast number of electromagnetic scattering processes
with the surrounding electrically charged virtual particles. Each scattering process
introduces a small random delay in the subsequent remission of the photon, and results in a
cumulative reduction in the velocity of photon propagation. Real photons that travel near
a large mass like the earth, take a path through the quantum vacuum that is the end result
of a large number of electromagnetic scattering processes with the falling (statistical52average) electrically charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum. The resulting path is
one where the photons maintain a net statistical average acceleration of zero with respect
to the electrically charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum, through a process that
is very similar to the Fizeau scattering of light through moving water. Through very
frequent absorption and re-emission (which introduces a small delay) by the accelerated
charged virtual particles of the quantum vacuum, the apparent light velocity assumes an
accelerated value with respect to the center of mass in absolute CA space and time units.
(Note: The light velocity is still an absolute constant when moving in between virtual
particles, and is always created at this fixed constant velocity dictated by the CA rules ).
The accelerated virtual particles of the quantum vacuum that appears in gravitational and
accelerated reference frames can be viewed as a special Fizeau-like vacuum fluid. This
fluid effects the motion of matter and light in the direction of the fluid acceleration, which
is ultimately responsible for 4D space-time curvature.
(A-12) Experimental Verification of EMQG Theory
EMQG proposes several new experimental tests that give results that differ from the
conventional general relativistic physics, and can thus be used to verify the theory.
(1) EMQG opens up a new field of physics, which we call anti-matter gravitational
physics. We propose that if two sufficiently large pieces of anti-matter are manufactured
to allow measurement of the mutual gravitational interaction (with a torsion balance
apparatus for example), then the gravitational force will be found to be repulsive! The
force will be equal in magnitude to -GM2/r2 where M is the mass of each of the anti-matter
masses, r is their mutual separation, and G is Newton’s gravitational constant. This is a
gross violation of the principle of equivalence, since in this case, M i = - M g , instead of
being strictly equal. Antimatter that is accelerated in far space has the same inertial mass
‘Mi’ as ordinary matter, but when interacting gravitationally with another antimatter mass
it is repelled (M g). Note that the earth will attract bulk anti-matter because of the large
abundance of gravitons originating from the earth of the type that induce attraction. This
means that no violation of equivalence is expected for anti-matter dropped on the earth,
where anti-matter falls normally. However, an antimatter earth will repel a nearby
antimatter mass. Recent attempts at measuring earth’s gravitational force on anti-matter
(for example on anti-protons) will not reveal any deviation from equivalence, according to
EMQG. However, if there were two large identical masses of matter and anti-matter close
to each other, there would be no gravitational force existing between them because of the
balance of “positive and negative” masses, for example equal numbers of gravitons that
induce attraction and repulsion. This gravitational system is considered gravitationally
‘neutral’ as is the quantum vacuum, which is also gravitationally neutral.
(2) For an extremely large test mass and a very small test mass that is dropped
simultaneously on the earth (in a vacuum), there will be an extremely small difference in
the arrival time of the masses on the surface of the earth in slight violation of the principle
of equivalence. This effect is on the order of ≈ ΔN x δ, where ΔN is the difference in the
number of masseon particles in the two masses, and δ is the ratio of the gravitational to53electric forces for one masseon. This experiment is very difficult to perform on the earth,
because δ is extremely small ( ≈10-40), and ΔN cannot be made sufficiently large. To
achieve a difference of ΔN =1030 masseons particles between the small and large mass
requires dropping a molecular-sized cluster and a large military tank simultaneously in the
vacuum in order to give a measurable deviation. Note that for ordinary objects that might
seem to have a large enough difference in mass (like dropping a feather and a tank), the
difference in arrival time would be obscured by background interference, and possibly by
quantum effects like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which restrict the accuracy of
arrival time measurements.
(3) If gravitons can be detected by the invention of a graviton detector/counter in the far
future, then there will be experimental proof for the violation of the strong principle of
equivalence. The strong equivalence principle states that all the laws of physics are the
same for an observer situated on the surface of the earth as it is for an accelerated
observer at 1 g. The graviton detector will find a tremendous difference in the graviton
count in these two cases. This is because gravitons are vastly more numerous here on the
earth. Thus a detector can manufactured with an indicator that distinguishes between
whether an observer is in an inertial frame or in a gravitational frame. This of course is a
gross violation of the strong equivalence principle.
(4) Since the gravitational mass of an object has a strong electrical force component, mass
measurements near the earth might be disrupted experimentally by manipulating some of
the electrically charged virtual particles of the nearby quantum vacuum through
electromagnetic means. If a rapidly fluctuating magnetic field (or rotating magnetic field)
is produced directly under a mass it might effect the instantaneous charged virtual particle
spectrum and disrupt the tiny electrical forces for many of the masseons in the mass. This
may reduce the measured gravitational (and inertial masses) of a test mass. In a sense this
device would act like a primitive and weak “anti-gravity” machine.
The virtual particles are constantly being “turned-over” in the vacuum at different rates,
with the high frequency virtual particles (and therefore, the high-energy virtual particles)
being replaced the quickest. If a magnetic field is made to fluctuate fast enough so that it
does not allow the new electrically charged virtual particle pairs to replace the old and
smooth out the disruption, the spectrum of the virtual particles in the vicinity may be
altered. According to conventional physics, the energy density of virtual particles is
infinite, which means that all frequencies of virtual particles are present. In EMQG there is
an upper cut-off to the frequency, and therefore the highest energy according to the
Plank’s law: E=h υ, where υ is the frequency that a virtual particle can have. We can state
that the smallest wavelength that a virtual particle can have is about 10-35 meters, e.g. the
plank wavelength (or a corresponding maximum Plank frequency of about 1043 hertz for
very high velocity ( ≈c) virtual particles). Unfortunately for our “anti-gravity” device, it is
technologically impossible to disrupt these highest frequencies. Recall that according to
the uncertainty principle, the relationship between energy and time is: ΔE Δt > h/(2 π). This
means that the high frequency end of the spectrum consists of virtual particles that “turns-
over” the fastest. To give maximum disruption to a significant percentage of the high54frequency virtual particles require magnetic fluctuations on the order of at least 1020 cycles
per seconds. Therefore only lower frequencies virtual particles of the vacuum can be
practically affected in the future, and only small changes in the measured mass can be
expected with today’s technology.
As a result of this we conclude that the higher the frequency the greater the mass loss.
Recent work on the Quantum Hall Effect by Laughlin on fractional electron charge
suggests that, under the influence of a strong magnetic field, electrons might move in
concert with swirling vortices created in the 2D electron gas. This leads to the possibility
that this ‘whirlpool’ phenomenon also holds for the virtual particles of the quantum
vacuum under the influence of a strongly fluctuating magnetic field. These high-speed
whirlpools might disrupt the high frequency end of the distribution of electrically charged
virtual particles into small pockets. Therefore, there might be a greater mass loss under
these circumstances, an idea this is very speculative at this time. Experiments that report
mass reduction associated with rapidly rotating superconducting magnets, which generate
high frequency rotating magnetic fields are inconclusive at this time. Reference 6 gives an
excellent and detailed review of the various experiments on reducing the gravitational
The fastest known Parallel Computer Model. Here
strict locality prevails, and there exists a maximum
limiting speed for the transfer of information. There
automatically exists an absolute, quantized 3D
space in the form of 'cells', and quantized time.
Quantum Field Theory and
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
All Forces result from Particle Exchanges.
Dirac equ. predicts particle-antiparticle pair
creation, with all charge types reversedQuantum Mechanics
The links between this and
Cellular Automata theory
are not fully known.Special Relativity
This theory follows as
a direct consequence
of Cellular Automata.
The existence of the 'Electrically-Charged' and 'Mass-
Charged' Virtual Particles (Masseons) of the Vacuum.
These are responsible for inertia. Their existence
automatically resolves the Cosmological ConstantBOSON
* ElectroMagnetic Quantum Gravity (EMQG) Theory
This theory is based on both Photon and Graviton exchanges occuring with the virtual
particles. In Inertia, only Photon exchanges occur between matter particles and the Virtual
Particles. In Gravitational Fields, this process still occurs with the addition of graviton
exchanges with the vacuum particles. The Equivalence Principle is derived from this.Classical
General Relativity* QUANTUM INERTIA
This is based on the Photon
Exchanges between matter
particles and Virtual Particles.Mach's
Deep connection
with the vacuum.Newton's Laws
of Motion
Deep Connection with
the quantum vacuum.
A Finalized Quantum Gravity Theory
Curved Riemann 4D
Space-Time CurvatureGRAVITON
for gravity.
Principle of
* Newly Developed Theory56...................................................................................
............Acceleration of the Rocket is 1 g
Figure 2A - Masses '2M' and 'M' at
rest on the floor of the rocketFigure 2B - Masses '2M' and 'M' in
free fall inside of a rocket
Figure 2C - Masses '2M' and 'M'
at rest on Earth's surfaceFigure 2D - Masses '2M' and 'M'
in free fall above the Earth
LEGEND: I = Relative downward acceleration (1g) of a virtual particle
i = Relative downward acceleration (1g) of a real matter particle
. = A real stationary matter particle (with respect to the earth's center)LEGEND : . = A virtual particle of the quantum vacuum (taken as the rest frame)
= A real mass particle undergoing relative upward acceleration of 1g
= A real matter particle at relative rest with respect to the vacuum
. .
. . i i
i i
Surface of the Earth where gravity produces a 1 g accelerationSNAPSHOT OF MASSES IN FREE FALLSNAPSHOT OF MASSES IN FREE FALL
Equivalence57 |
page: 1A twist in chiral interaction between biological helices
A. A. Kornyshev
Research Center "Jülich", D-52425 Jülich, Germany
S. Leikin*
Laboratory of Physical and Structural Biology, National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
Using an exact solution for the pair interaction potential, we show that long, rigid, chiral
molecules with helical surface charge patterns have a preferential interaxial angle ~ RH L
where L is the length of the molecules, R is the closest distance between their axes, and H is the
helical pitch. Estimates based on this formula suggest a solution for the puzzle of small interaxial
angles in α-helix bundles and in cholesteric phases of DNA.
The existence of all living things depends on the molecular chirality of helices inside
them. Chiral amino acids form chiral α-helices that self-assemble into structural domains of
many proteins. Chiral DNA forms cholesteric liquid crystals right inside living cells [1].
Chiral interactions between biological helices present many puzzles [2]. In the cholesteric
phase (Fig. 2), DNA molecules rotate by a fraction of a degree from layer to layer [1]. Their
interaxial angle is much smaller than expected [3], and so is the angle between long α-helices in
proteins and in membranes. This produces a macroscopic cholesteric pitch, ~0.4-5 µm in DNA
[1] and even larger in cholesteric assemblies of α-helices in organic solvents [4]. One of the
challenges of the physics of chiral macromolecules is to understand how the interaxial angle isencoded in intermolecular interactions [3].
Fig. 1 A simplified, heuristic model of interaction betweentwo long, net-neutral helical macromolecules in a nonpolarenvironment. On the left , the molecules are shown
schematically by solid lines, their electric fields by light grayshading, and the overlap (interaction) area by dark grayshading. On the right , a small fragment of the overlap area is
magnified in a side view. We assume that the molecularsurface charge pattern is composed of one negatively and onepositively charged, thin spiral lines shifted with respect toeach other by approximately one half of the pitch. To describe
the position of the strands on each helix ( ν=1,2), we use the
axial distance z
ν between the positively charged strand on
each molecule and the x-axis connecting the points of the
closest approach between molecules (as shown for molecule 2on the right). At z
1=z2, the positively charged strand of one
molecule opposes the negatively charged strand of the othermolecule creating a strong attraction. We assume that themolecules cross each other approximately in the middle.page: 2In the present paper, we suggest an explanation for the small angle puzzle. We start from
a heuristic model of interaction between two long, net-neutral helices in an electrolyte-freeenvironment (Fig. 1). We present qualitative arguments followed by rigorous derivations based
on an exact solution for the interaction potential. We apply the model to α-helix bundles in
proteins and address the origin of the cholesteric pitch in DNA, extending our ideas tomultimolecular interaction in an electrolyte solution.
Balance of forces . Consider two identical, right-handed, rigid, net-neutral helices (Fig. 1)
immersed in an electrolyte-free medium and forming a small interaxial angle ψ (|sinψ|<<1). The
length of each molecule, L, is much larger than its helical pitch, H.
Each helix produces an electric field that decays as exp(- gr) with the distance r away
from it (g=2π/H) [5]. The electric fields overlap over the length L
eff(ψ) which rapidly varies with
ψ (Fig. 1), e.g., Leff(ψ) diverges at ψ→0 for infinite helices. The energy of interaction between
helices is Eint=u(ψ)Leff, where u(ψ) is the linear energy density. u(ψ) does not diverge at ψ→0
and it can be expanded at small ψ so that
Eu R g u R g Leff int , , ...=++011616 1 6 yy .( 1 )
Here R is the closest approach distance between the molecular axes and u1(R,g)ψ is the energy
density of chiral interaction that defines the direction of favorable twist [6].
The helices experience two torques, the “overlap torque” ( tu d L deff 1=− y) and the
“chiral torque” ( td u d Leff 2=− y). If the helices are free to rotate around their axes, they will
always select the most favorable alignment of their strands at which u<0 and the molecules
attract each other (Fig. 1). Then, the overlap torque tends to reduce | ψ| to maximize the
attraction. On the contrary, the chiral torque tends to increase | ψ|. The competition between these
torques establishes a nonzero equilibrium interaxial angle.
At small ψ, there are two distinct regions with different behavior of Leff(ψ):
1. (|ψ|>ψ*) Tips of the helices are separated by more than g-1. They contribute little to the
interaction and Leff∝1/(g|sinψ|) (Fig. 1), i.e.
ψ=1 6.( 2 )
The coefficient γ(Rg) is derived below (see Eq. (10)). Within this region, tt uu12 0 1 1 ≈> >ψ 2 7
since |ψ|<<1. The overlap torque wins and it reduces | ψ|.
2. (|ψ|<<ψ*) Tips of the helices overlap and Leff stops following Eq.(2). Instead, it levels
off at the value of the helix length, L. Since Leff has a maximum at ψ=0, dL deffy
/c121 38→→
00 and
t1/t2<<1. The chiral torque wins in this region.
The torques become equal at the crossover from the first to the second region. Exact
evaluation of the equilibrium interaxial angle requires the exact Leff(ψ) in the crossover range.
However, we can estimate that the crossover occurs at | ψ|~ψ*, where
Lg16(3)page: 3is obtained by extrapolating Eq. (2) to Leff(ψ)=L. The value of ψ* may serve as an upper estimate
for the interaxial angle. According to Eq. (3), this angle is small for long molecules. Afterderiving Eqs. (1)-(3) rigorously, we will show that this may explain small interaxial angles in in
vitro and in vivo helical aggregates.
Rigorous derivation . The charge pattern on each molecule shown in Fig. 1 can be
described in its own cylindrical coordinate frame with the long axis of the helix as the z-axis. The
Fourier transform of the charge density in the molecular frame is given by
σπδνν(,) ( ( )) e x p ( )qnZe g
aingz q ngn=− − +0
211 16 ,( 4 )
where ~(,) (,)σπ φ σ φνπ
νφqn d d z z e ein iqz=−
0216 , ν(=1,2) labels the molecules, e0 is the
elementary charge, Z is the number of elementary charges per helical pitch on each strand, and zν
defines the alignment of each helix (Fig. 1).
After substitution of Eq. (4), into the expression for Eint derived in [6], we find
kTZlg ngz mgz
mwI nga I mga e
ww wwBB
nmnmmR g w
mn mnn
nm nmmnm int
,, ,,sincos
~()() ()
πψ ψ
ψψ ψψψ ≠=−−
×+ + + +−+
222 16
49 49,( 5 )
where a is the radius of the helices, ε is the dielectric constant of the medium, lek TBB=02ε is
the Bjerrum length, and
sin,wng mg
ψ=−. (6)
Eq. (5) is valid at all ψ≠0, when the molecules are long enough so that their tips do not contribute
much to the interaction. At ψ=0 (see Ref. [6]),
kTZLl g ng z z I nga K nRg
niintcos ( )ψ
π==− −
211616 1 6 (7)
In Eqs. (5) and (7), In(x) and K0(x) are modified Bessel functions. At L→∞, Eqs. (5) and (7) are
exact. They contain no approximations or assumptions, except for the choice of the surface
charge distribution, Eq. (4). A similar result, can be obtained for any helical charge pattern [6].
Typically Rg>>1 [7], and the series in Eqs. (5) and (7) rapidly converge because of
exp-nRg2 7. Therefore, the summation can be truncated after n,m=±1 so thatpage: 4E
kTZlgI g a egz z
egz zBBRg
sin cossin
coscos ( )
sincos ( )ψ
πψ ψψ
ψ≠≈− +
12 22
121 616 16
16 1616
16.( 8 )
By plotting Eint, one can easily find that the energy has a minimum at z1=z2 and ψ→0 [8].
Expanding Eint(ψ≠0) in small ψ at z1=z2 and comparing the result with Eq. (7), we
recover Eqs. (1), (2), where
uR g
kTZlg I g a K R g
04 ,,()16 1616 == −π,( 9 )
KR gRg16=−
0(), (10)
After substitution of Eq. (10) into Eq. (3) and using that Rg>>1, we find
L, (11)
which is a remarkably simple combination of the only three length scales in the system. The
energy gain upon the twist from ψ=0 to ψ~ψ* is
kTuR g L
BBBgR a * *~,12
22 2 1 6 16 y
where we used the asymptotic behavior of K0(Rg) and I1(ga) at large ga.
Interaction between α-helices in proteins . Many proteins incorporate bundles of α-
helices. The backbone of each α-helix contains a spiral of negatively charged carbonyl oxygens
and a shifted spiral of positively charged amide hydrogens. In terms of the charge distribution, it
resembles the heuristic model analyzed above where a≈2.3 Å, H≈5.5 Å, L/H≈3-10, R≈7-12 Å
[9,10], Z≈1.7 (~0.5e0 per carbonyl or amide, ~3.5 groups per helical turn), and ε≈2 (lB≈300 Å).
For such helices, we find ψ*~0.1-0.5 rad (7-30 deg).
Of course, amino acid side chains impose packing constraints that affect interaxial angles
and play a major role in determining the structure of α-helix bundles in proteins [9]. Still,
electrostatic interaction between backbones of α-helices that do not have bulky side chains ( R≈7-
8 Å) is energetically significant ( E*~2-5 kBT) and it may be an important player as well [11]. For
instance, steric interactions define a set of preferential interaxial angles rather than a single angle[9]. Electrostatics may then determine which angle from the set is most favorable. It may not be acoincidence that the average observed angle (~19 deg [9]) is in the middle of the range predictedfor chiral electrostatic interactions.
Cholesteric pitch of DNA . Concentrated solutions of 500-Å-long DNA fragments in 10-page: 5300 mM salt form a cholesteric phase (see Fig. 2) at 32 Å< R<49 Å [12,13]. Such DNA
fragments are short enough to behave as rigid rods [14] and long enough to have many helical
turns, L/H≈15.
Fig. 2 Alignment of DNA helices in the cholesteric
phase. Left: A sketch of the cholesteric phase that
consists of layers of parallel molecules. Each layer isslightly rotated with respect to the layer underneath.Right: Top view of a molecular layer showing most
favorable alignments of molecules in the layer above(black rods): (1) when molecules are homogeneouslycharged and (2) when molecules have helical patterns offully balanced surface charges.
Direct measurements of intermolecular forces demonstrated that the energetics of this
cholesteric phase is determined primarily by electrostatic interactions [15]. The interactions areessentially pairwise since each DNA helix overlaps with only one molecule in the layer below it[16]. Furthermore, only nearest neighbor pairs contribute to the energy because of the rapid,exponential decay of the field.
The net interaction between each two molecules can be viewed as a sum of two forces.
The first one is a repulsion due to the fraction of DNA charge not balanced by bound orcondensed counterions (~20-25% of "naked" DNA charge [17]). This repulsion is the same as
between homogeneously charged cylinders in an electrolyte solution [6]. It favors parallel ( ψ=0)
alignment of helices in a multimolecular ensemble (Fig. 2) because this maximizesintermolecular separation and reduces the repulsion [2,18].
The second force is due to the compensated part of DNA charge. At optimal molecular
alignment, it is an attraction between negatively charged phosphate strands on one molecule andpositively charged grooves on the opposing molecule [5,6,19]. The physics of this force is thesame as in our heuristic model (Fig. 1), but some details are different. Specifically, DNA is adouble-stranded helix and it has a more complicated surface charge pattern than in Fig. 1 [20]. In
addition, electrolyte reduces the decay length of the electric field from
g/c451 to gD2212+/c45k 27 ,
where κD-1 is the Debye length. These details are important for accurate quantitative predictions
[6], but for order-of-magnitude estimates they can be neglected. From Eqs. (11), (12), where
L≈500 Å, a≈10 Å, H≈34 Å, R~40 Å, |Z|≈40 [21], and lB≈7 Å (ε≈80), we find ψ*≈0.07 rad and
E*≈2-5 kBT [20].
The competition between the first force favoring ψ=0 and the second force favoring
|ψ|~ψ* determines whether DNA will form a cholesteric phase and the pitch of this phase [22].
Even without a many-body statistical theory, it is clear that the equilibrium interaxial angle
should be smaller than ψ* and, therefore, the expected pitch should be larger than P*=2πR/ψ*≈0.4
µm. This is in full agreement with experimentally measured values that lie between 0.4 µm and
~5 µm [1,12,13]. Also in agreement with experiments [12,13], the pitch should not depend much
on the salt concentration at 10-300 mM salt. Indeed, since g≈0.2 Å-1, Pg R LD * +2214 122 kp 27 1 6
is almost unaffected by the corresponding variation of κD from 0.03 to 0.2 Å-1.
DNA molecules much longer than one persistence length also form a cholesteric phasepage: 6with about the same pitch as 500 Å fragments [1]. In this case, the theory is more complicated
since our description of molecules as straight, rigid rods does not apply. However, assuming thateach molecule behaves as a collection of independent, one-persistence-length-long fragments[14], we can explain the observations.
Thus, the macroscopic cholesteric pitch in DNA aggregates may have the following
origin. When tips of one-persistence-length long DNA fragments are separated (in lateralprojection) by more than g
-1, the attraction between negatively charged phosphate strands and
positively charged grooves tends to reduce ψ. When the tips are separated by ≥kD/c451, the repulsion
associated with the uncompensated charge of DNA also tends to reduce ψ. These two forces
overpower the chiral torque, reducing the separation of the tips and resulting in the pitch
≥gR L LD2214 1228 +k p 27 1 6~~0.4 µm. A more detailed theory, based on the same ideas, also
shows why the chiral torque may disappear at R≤32 Å (a possible solution for the puzzle of
nematic-to-cholesteric transition at R=32 Å) and it demonstrates that the direction of the chiral
torque can be reversed upon a change in counterion binding pattern or in separation [6].
In conclusion , let us emphasize that the goal of this letter is to illustrate on a conceptual
level why chiral helical molecules may not twist more than a couple degrees in the cholesteric
phase of DNA and in bundles of long α-helices. Of course, estimates are not a substitute for an
accurate statistical theory that accounts for the pair potential between helices of finite length andfor thermal motion. They are intended only to pave the way. The agreement with experimentsindicates, however, that we may be on the right track.
We thank V.A. Parsegian and D.C. Rau for useful discussions. This work was started
within the 1998 program “Electrostatic Effects in Complex Fluids and Biophysics” at theInstitute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara. The program wassupported by the NSF Grant No. PHY94-07194. In addition, AAK acknowledges the financialsupport of his visits to Bethesda by the National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment, NIH which allowed to complete this project.
References and Footnotes
* To whom reprint requests should be addressed. LPSB/NICHD, Bldg. 12A, Rm. 2041, NIH, Bethesda,
MD 20892, USA; e-mail leikin@helix.nih.gov; FAX 1-301-496-2172.
[1] Yu.M. Yevdokimov, S.G. Skurdin, and V.I. Salyanov, Liq. Cryst., 3, 1443 (1988); F. Livolant,
Physica A, 176, 117 (1991).
[2] P.G. deGennes and J. Prost, The Physics of Liquid Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993), 2nd ed.
[3] A.B. Harris, R.D. Kamien, and T.C. Lubensky, Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, 1476 (1997). See also a review
by the same authors [e-Print # 9901174 available from http://xxx.lanl.gov, Condensed Matter (1999)].
[4] C. Robinson, Tetrahedron, 13, 219 (1961); F. Livolant, J. Physique (Paris), 47, 1605 (1986); D.B.
Dupre and R.W. Duke, J. Chem. Phys., 63, 143 (1975).
[5] A.A. Kornyshev and S. Leikin, J. Chem. Phys., 107, 3656 (1997); Erratum, ibid., 108, 7035 (1998).
A.A. Kornyshev and S. Leikin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95, 13579 (1998).
[6] A.A. Kornyshev and S. Leikin, submitted to Phys. Rev. E[7] The diameter (2 a) of most biological helices is comparable to their pitch (2 a/H~1). Since
Rg≥2ag=4πa/H, we find that Rg≥2π and the approximation of Rg>>1 is almost always valid.
[8] From Eq.
(8) one can directly estimate the energetic cost of rotation of each helix around its axis at
fixed height. Such rotation of helix ν by Δφν results in the change of zν by gzν. Both for α-helices and forpage: 7DNA the cost of rotation is much larger than kBT (except at the very edge of existence of the cholesteric
phase of DNA, R≈50 Å). This, in the first approximation, thermal rotations can be neglected.
[9] See, e.g., C. Chothia, M. Levitt, and D. Richardson, J. Mol. Biol., 145, 215 (1981); P.B. Harbury, P.S.
Kim, and T. Alber, Nature, 371, 80 (1994).
[10] For heuristic reasons, we use this crude approximation of the α-helix charge pattern. In principle,
the formalism developed in [6] allows more precise analysis.[11] The contribution of van der Waals to the chiral energy calculated based on the formulas derived in
[S.A. Issaenko, A.B. Harris, T.C. Lubensky, Phys. Rev. E, 60, 578 (1999)] gives
*≈0.06 kBT at R=7
Å, i.e., it is much smaller than the contribution of electrostatic forces.
[12] A. Leforestier and F. Livolant, Biophys. J., 65, 56 (1993); D.H. Van Winkle, M.W. Davidson, W.X.
Chen, and R.L. Rill, Macromolecules, 23, 4140 (1990).
[13] D. Durand, J. Doucet, and F. Livolant, J. Phys. II France, 2, 1769 (1992).
[14] The persistence length of DNA is ~500-1000 Å depending on the ionic strength.
[15] H.H. Strey, V.A. Parsegian, and R.P. Podgornik, Phys. Rev. E, 59, 999 (1999).
[16] In the direction normal to the layer below, DNA traverses the distance L|sinψ|≈Lψ≤ 25 Å (Fig. 2).
This is less than the interaxial separation 32 Å< R<49 Å [13] between the molecules in this layer.
[17] G.S. Manning, Q. Rev. Biophys., 11, 179 (1978).
[18] This interaction tends to put axes of two isolated molecules at ψ=±π/2 [S.L. Brenner and V.A.
Parsegian, Biophys. J., 14, 327 (1974)]. However, in a multimolecular aggregate such alignment reduces
the minimal distance between molecules at the same density of the phase (compared to hexagonal
packing of parallel helices). As a result this homogeneous repulsion favors ψ=0.
[19] A.A. Kornyshev, S. Leikin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 4138 (1999).
[20] In the absence of counterion chemisorption, one should speak of an excess negative charge onphosphate strands and an excess positive charge in grooves separating the strands, rather than of a fixedcharge pattern like in Fig. 1. Quantitatively, this excess may vary with the counterion nature, but mostmonovalent counterions do exhibit a preference to reside in grooves (see e.g. [V.N. Bartenev, E. I.
Golovanov, K.A. Kapitonova, M.A. Mokulskii, L.I. Volkova, and I. Ya. Skuratovskii, J. Mol. Biol., 169,
217 (1983); X. Shui, L. McFail-Isom, G.G. Hu, L.D. Williams, Biochemistry, 37, 8341 (1998)]). Details
of the counterion adsorption (condensation) pattern may have a strong effect on the absolute value of theenergy of chiral interactions, but not on the most energetically favorable angle between helices [6].[21] Two phosphate strands contribute 20 elementary charges per pitch. Their electrostatic images on thenonpolar dielectric core of DNA effectively double the charge to Z~40.
[22] In 1:1 electrolytes, the first force is stronger than the second one resulting in net repulsion between
molecules [19]. Still, the first, non-chiral force produces no torque at ψ=0 (as it follows from symmetry).
The second, chiral force does produce a torque at ψ=0. In terms of their effect on the interaxial angle, the
second force is dominant at | ψ|<<ψ
∗ while the first force may become important at | ψ|~ψ∗. |
arXiv:physics/9911064v1 [physics.atom-ph] 25 Nov 1999EUROPHYSICS LETTERS
Europhys. Lett. , (), pp. ()
Residual Symmetries in the Spectrum of Periodically Driven
Alkali Rydberg States
Andreas Krug1,2,3and Andreas Buchleitner1,3
1Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik komplexer Systeme, N¨ oth nitzer-Str. 38, D-01069
Dresden;2Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann -Str. 1, D-85748
Garching b. M¨ unchen;3Sektion Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨ at M¨ un chen,
Schellingstr. 4, D-80799 M¨ unchen.
(received ; accepted )
PACS. 32.80Rm– Multiphoton ionization and excitation to hi ghly excited states (e.g., Rydberg
PACS. 05.45+b – Theory and models of chaotic systems.
PACS. 42.50Hz – Strong-field excitation of optical transiti ons in quantum systems; multi-
photon processes; dynamic Stark shift.
Abstract. – We identify a fundamental structure in the spectrum of micr owave driven alkali
Rydberg states, which highlights the remnants of the Coulom b symmetry in the presence of a
non-hydrogenic core. Core-induced corrections with respe ct to the hydrogen spectrum can be
accounted for by a perturbative approach.
Introduction. – The excitation and subsequent ionization of Rydberg state s of atomic
hydrogen by microwave fields is one of the most prominent exam ples of the manifestation
of classically nonlinear dynamics in a realistic physical s ystem [1]. Given a driving field
frequency comparable to the classical Kepler frequency of t he unperturbed Rydberg electron,
the electron’s classical trajectory goes chaotic for suffici ently large driving field amplitudes,
finally leading to its ionization on a finite time scale [2]. Co rrespondingly, large ionization
rates are observed in experiments on real (i.e., quantum) Ry dberg states of atomic hydrogen,
in the appropriate parameter range [1, 3].
As a matter of fact, already before the onset of classically c haotic motion, i.e. at not
too large driving field amplitudes, individual quantum eige nstates of the atom in the field
exhibit energies and ionization rates which are determined only by the orbital parameters
of the classical trajectory they are associated with [4]. Th ose orbits which are the least
stable under the external perturbation (i.e., which turn ch aotic for the lowest values of the
driving field amplitude, such as straight line orbits parall el to the field polarization axis for
a linearly polarized drive) induce the largest ionization r ates for their associated eigenstates.
Consequently, in this near-integrable regime of classical dynamics, it is possible to classify
the eigenstates of the atom in the field through quantum numbe rs associated with the orbital
parameters of unperturbed Kepler ellipses, i.e. with the an gular momentum and the Runge-
Lenz vector. An adiabatic invariant governs the slow evolut ion of these parameters under
external driving [4].
It should be noted, however, that a considerable part of expe rimental data has been
accumulated in experiments on Rydberg states of alkali atom s rather than of atomic hydrogen
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. A priori, a classical-quantum correspond ence as briefly sketched above for
atomic hydrogen cannot be established here, due to the absen ce of a well and uniquely defined
classical Hamiltonian. In particular, the atomic core dest roys the symmetry characteristic for
the hydrogen atom and the Runge-Lenz vector is no more a const ant of motion.
Indeed, experimental data systematically suggest strongl y enhanced ionization rates of
nonhydrogenic (i.e., low angular momentum) alkali Rydberg states as compared to atomic
hydrogen [5, 6, 7, 9, 10], though they also exhibit qualitati vely similar features, e.g. of the
dependence of the ionization yield on the principal quantum number of the atomic state the
atoms are initially prepared in [9, 10]. On the other hand, a d irect comparison of available
hydrogen and alkali data is somewhat questionable, since re levant experimental parameters
such as the interaction time of the atom with the field are typi cally different for different
experiments. Furthermore, a rigourous theoretical treatm ent of alkali atoms exposed to
microwave fields was not accomplished until now.
It is the purpose of the present letter to outline such a rigou rous treatment which allows for
the first time for a direct comparison of hydrogen and alkali ionization dynamics unde rprecisely
the same conditions, without adjustable parameters. First results of our numerical experiments
directly address the above question of quantum-classical c orrespondence for periodically driven
alkali atoms.
Theory. – Let us start with the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian of a one- electron atom exposed
to a linearly polarized microwave field of (constant) amplit udeFand frequency ω, in length
gauge, employing the dipole approximation and atomic units :
H(t) =p2
2+Vatom(r) +Fzcosωt, r > 0. (1)
As this Hamiltonian is periodic in time, we can use the Floque t theorem [11] to find the
eigenstates (“dressed states”) of the atom in the field. Afte r integration over the solid angle
we have to solve the time-independent, radial eigenvalue eq uation
dr2+ℓ(ℓ+ 1)
r2+ 2Vatom(r)−2kω−2ε/parenrightbigg
+FrA ℓ+1/parenleftBig
+FrA ℓ/parenleftBig
= 0,
4ℓ2−1;ℓ= 0,1,2, . . .;k=−∞, . . .,+∞. (2)
The additional quantum number kcounts the number of photons that are exchanged between
the atom and the field, and εdenotes the quasi-energy of the dressed state
k,ℓexp(−ikωt)Yℓ,m(θ, φ)|Ψk
ε,ℓ/angbracketright/r, (3)
withYℓ,m(θ, φ) the spherical harmonics. mdenotes the angular momentum projection on the
field polarization axis and remains a good quantum number, du e to the rotational symmetry of
our problem around the field axis. For all numerical results p resented hereafter, its value was
fixed to m= 0. As immediately obvious from the nondiagonal part of eq. ( 2), the interaction
with the linearly polarised microwave field conserves the ge neralised parity Π = ( −1)k+ℓ. ThisA. Krug and A. Buchleitner Residual Symmetries in the Spectr um of Periodically Driven Alkali Rydberg States 3
just expresses the angular momentum transfer associated wi th the absorption (emission) of a
As a unique one-particle potential Vatom(r) for alkali atoms is unknown, we use a variant
[12] of R-matrix theory to describe the interaction of the ou ter electron with the atomic core.
Configuration space is divided in two regions: In the interna l region, 0 < r≤a, the external
field is negligible compared to the field created by the atomic core, and the details of the
interaction are unknown. With the help of quantum defect the ory [13], the solution of eq. (2)
atr=acan be written as a linear combination of regular and irregul ar Coulomb-functions
sℓ,E(r) and cℓ,E(r),
Fℓ,E(r) = cos( πδℓ)sℓ,E(r) + sin( πδℓ)cℓ,E(r), r=a, (4)
where the δℓare the quantum defects [13] known from spectroscopic exper imental data [14].
In the outer region, r > a, the difference between the actual atomic potential Vatom(r) and the
Coulomb potential −1/rcan be neglected. However, the operator d2/dr2is no more hermitian
in the reduced range a < r < ∞. To overcome this problem, a surface term δ(r−a)(∂
is added [12, 16] to the diagonal part of (2). The matching con dition between inner and outer
region at r=ais incorporated in the constant Cℓby defining
Cℓ= (Fℓ,ε+kω(r))(−1)∂
∂rFℓ,ε+kω(r). (5)
Note that the function Fℓ,E(r) in eq. (4) has to be evaluated at the energy ε+kωin (5), i.e.
at different energies for different photon indices k. This generalizes the approach outlined in
[12] to periodically driven systems.
Finally, due to the continuum coupling induced by the extern al field, all atomic bound states
turn into resonances with finite ionization rates Γ ǫ. In order to extract the latter together with
the energies ǫof the atom in the field, we use the method of complex scaling [1 5, 17]. After
this nonunitary transformation the Floquet Hamiltonian am ended by the core induced surface
term (5) is represented by a complex symmetric matrix, with c omplex eigenvalues ε−iΓε/2.
These are obtained by diagonalization of the complex eigenv alue problem in a real Sturmian
basis, using an efficient implementation of the Lanczos algor ithm. Together with the associated
eigenvectors they provide a complete description of our pro blem [15].
Results. – The described theoretical/numerical apparatus is now app lied to alkali atoms in
a microwave field. Since we want to identify the core induced e ffects in the alkali problem as
compared to the hydrogen spectrum, we use parameter values w hich have been employed in
earlier work on microwave driven Rydberg states [4, 15] of hy drogen. To keep the comparison
as transparent as possible, we focus on a microwave frequenc yω= 1.07171794 ×10−4a.u.
which is nonresonant with the hydrogen level spacing in the v icinity of the atomic initial state
with principal quantum number n0= 23. The field amplitude is fixed to F= 1.072×10−7a.u.,
slightly below the onset of appreciable (chaos-induced [2] ) ionization of atomic hydrogen [4].
This choice of parameters defines a near-integrable phase sp ace structure for the classical
dynamics of driven hydrogen, with an unambiguous signature in the associated quantum
energies emerging from the n0= 23 manifold. The black dots in fig. 1 illustrate the situatio n:
The driving field lifts the angular momentum degeneracy of th e substates of the manifold,
which reorganize according to their localization properti es in classical phase space [4]. Those
states with maximum angular momentum and spherical symmetr y experience the strongest
field induced (“ac-”) shift in energy, whereas those with max imum radial component of the
Runge-Lenz vector and “ λ-symmetry” [4, 18, 19] remain essentially unaffected by the e xternal
perturbation. Since the low angular momentum states are str ongly mixed by the field (to4 EUROPHYSICS LETTERS
build states with λ-symmetry [18, 19]), a new (semiclassical) quantum number p[4] is used to
label the n0substates of the manifold in the field. pis an integer ranging from 0 to n0−1,
and simply counts the number of quanta enclosed by a semiclas sical contour integral along
the equipotential curves of the adiabatic Hamiltonian whic h generates the slow evolution
of angular momentum and Runge-Lenz vector of the classical K epler ellipse under external
driving [4]. The associated eigenstates exhibit spherical symmetry for p= 0. . .9, and λ-
symmetry for p= 10. . .22, respectively [4]. Note that low and high p-values correspond to
negligible ionization rates of the atom in the field, due to th eclassical stability of the associated
trajectories under external driving [4]. Actually, the λ-states with large p, which quantize a
classical straight line orbit perpendicular to the field pol arization axis, with maximum modulus
of the Runge-Lenz vector, display the smallest ionization r ates [4].
In the presence of a non-hydrogenic core, the Runge-Lenz vec tor is no more a conserved
quantity and the λ-symmetry defining associated eigenstates of the field free a tom [18] is
destroyed. Therefore, no symmetry argument is available to predict a similar (semiclassical)
organization of the alkali energy levels under external dri ving, alike the one observed for atomic
hydrogen [4].
Nonwithstanding, our results for lithium Rydberg states ex posed to precisely the same
external perturbation as for the hydrogen results clearly s how that the symmetry properties
of the driven Coulomb problem prevail even in the presence of the core. As evident from the
open triangles in fig. 1 (a), the hydrogenic part of the lithiu m manifold exhibits globally the
same (semiclassical) structure as the hydrogen levels. For low values of p(≃0. . .9) this is not
surprising as the associated classical trajectories (larg e angular momenta) do not probe the
atomic core [4]. However, for large p-values ( ≃10. . .20), the classical solution of the Coulomb
problem does impinge on the nucleus and will certainly suffer scattering off the nonhydrogenic
core. Yet, in the presence of the field, this scattering obvio usly mixes states of λtype only and
does not affect the overall separation of the spectrum in sphe rical and λstates, as a remnant of
the classical phase space structure of the driven Coulomb dy namics. Neither does the presence
of the core appreciably affect the ionization rates of the dre ssed states, as obvious from fig. 1
(b). Only at p= 10 is there a local enhancement of the width (by approx. one o rder of
magnitude), due to the near resonant coupling of the state to the nonhydrogenic eigenstate
originating from |n= 41, ℓ= 0/angbracketright, via a six-photon transition (similarly, a very weak mutlip hoton
coupling slightly enhances the width of the p= 12 state). In the near integrable regime of the
classical Coulomb dynamics we are considering here it is pre cisely this kind of multiphoton
resonances between nonhydrogenic (low ℓ, such that δℓ/negationslash= 0) states and hydrogenic manifolds
which provides a channel for enhanced ionization as compare d to atomic hydrogen. Note that
without such a near resonant coupling, the non-hydrogenic s tates of a given manifold tend
to bemore stable than the hydrogenic ones, as they are highly isolated in the spectrum. As
an example, for the same field parameters, the lithium n0= 23ℓ= 0 (δℓ=0= 0.399468) and
ℓ= 1 (δℓ=1= 0.047263) [14] states exhibit ionization rates Γ ε∼10−15a.u.as small as the
most stable substates of the hydrogenic manifold of fig. 1. A d etailed analysis of enhanced
ionization via core-induced multiphoton resonances will b e provided elsewhere.
Closer inspection of fig. 1 (a) shows additional structure in the alkali spectrum, on top of
the globally hydrogen-like structure: for large values of p(≥11), the alkali levels are shifted
with respect to the hydrogenic energies. These shifts can be recovered by diagonalization of
the hydrogen problem within the restricted subspace spanne d by the hydrogenic levels of the
alkali Rydberg manifold [19, 20, 21, 22]. In other words, the shifted energies are the solutions
of the eigenvalue equation
PHhydP|Φk0/angbracketright= (E+k0ω)|Φk0/angbracketright, (6)A. Krug and A. Buchleitner Residual Symmetries in the Spectr um of Periodically Driven Alkali Rydberg States 5
where Hhydis obtained from from (1) setting Vatom(r) =−1/r, r∈]0,∞[, and Pthe projector
onto the hydrogenic subspace of the alkali manifold labeled by the principal quantum number
n0and the photon number k0. Such a procedure is legitimate as long as the states emergin g
from the nonhydrogenic part of the alkali manifold have vani shing overlap with the complete
hydrogen manifold emanating from ( n0, k0). This condition is fulfilled for the driving field
strength considered here.
Solving (6) for Eis tantamount to finding the roots of
Hhyd−(E+k0ω)Q) = 0, (7)
withQ= 1−Pthe projector onto the orthogonal complement of the hydroge nic subspace for
given ( n0, k0). Without loss of generality we choose k0= 0 hereafter. Consequently, for one
single non-vanishing quantum defect δℓ0, (7) becomes
ε|/angbracketleftn0, ℓ0|Ψk0=0
ε−E= 0, (8)
where |n0, ℓ0/angbracketrightspans the orthogonal complement of the hydrogenic subspace of the alkali atom
within the ( n0, k0= 0) manifold. Note that (7) or (8) have to be evaluated for diff erent values
of the generalized parity Π, and that we have to solve (8) sepa rately for ℓ0= 0 and ℓ0= 1, in
order to recover the level shifts observed for lithium in fig. 1 (the ℓ0= 2 and ℓ0= 3 states of
lithium remain within the range of P, due to their negligible quantum defects δℓ=2= 0.002129
andδℓ=2=−0.000077 [14], at the given field strength). Fig. 2 (a) shows the result of the
projection method, compared to the exact numerical result – the agreement is very good.
Since the low pstates essentially exhibit spherical symmetry with large a ngular momentum
projection, their overlap with |n0, ℓ0= 0(ℓ0= 1)/angbracketrightvanishes and their energies remain unshifted
as compared to the hydrogen results.
The scenario which we described for lithium also applies for the heavier alkali elements, as
illustrated in figs. 2 (b) and (c). Here we plot the shifts of th e exact energies of sodium and
rubidium with respect to the hydrogen levels, as they emerge from the n0= 23 manifold, for
precisely the same field parameters as used for the lithium re sults. Since for these elements
also the ℓ1= 2 (sodium) and the ℓ1= 3 (rubidium) states are separated from the hydrogenic
manifold due to their large quantum defects, the range of Qin (7) is two-dimensional and the
evaluation of the determinant yields the expression
ε|/angbracketleftn0, ℓ0|Ψk0=0
ε|/angbracketleftn0, ℓ1|Ψk0=0
ε/angbracketleftn0, ℓ0|Ψk0=0
ε|n0, ℓ1/angbracketright
= 0.(9)
Again, the solution of (9) gives very good agreement with the numerical result. In addition,
we note that the larger the dimension of the range of Q, the smaller the values of pfor which
the alkali levels are shifted as compared to the hydrogen ene rgies. This is a consequence of
the dominance of small ℓcomponents in large pstates and of large ℓcomponents in small p
states, since the heavier the element the larger the ℓvalues affected by non-negligible quantum
Summary. – In conclusion, the energy levels of alkali Rydberg states e merging from the hy-
drogenic n0-manifold clearly reflect the phase space structure of the mi crowave driven Coulomb
problem, despite the presence of a symmetry breaking atomic core. Also the ionization rates
of the atoms reflect the underlying classical phase space str ucture, with the exception of local
enhancements due to multiphoton resonances with nonhydrog enic sublevels of other manifolds.6 EUROPHYSICS LETTERS
We have checked that the observed structure is robust under c hanges of the driving field
amplitude, up to values where adjacent n-manifolds start to overlap.
We thank Dominique Delande and Ken Taylor for fruitful discu ssions and an introduction
to the R-matrix approach of [12].
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0 5 10 15 20
Quantum Number p0123456Ionisation Rate [10−12 a.u.]0 5 10 15 20
−9.475−9.465−9.455−9.445Energy [10−4 a.u.](a)
0 5 10 15 20
Quantum Number p0240123E alk −E hyd [10 −7a.u.]0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 1. – Energies (a) and ionisation rates (b) of Rydberg sta tes of lithium (triangles) and of atomic
hydrogen (dots) exposed to a linearly polarized microwave fi eld of frequency ω= 1.07171794 ×10−4a.u.
and amplitude F= 1.072×10−7a.u., for principal quantum number n0= 23 and angular momentum
projection m= 0 on the field polarization axis. The lithium spectrum lacks two of the 23 substates
of the manifold, due to the quantum defects δℓ=0= 0.399468 and δℓ=1= 0.047263 of the ℓ= 0
andℓ= 1 states, respectively. The quantum defects δℓ=2= 0.002129 and δℓ=3=−0.000077
are negligible compared to the field induced splitting of the n0= 23 manifold (field-free energy
E23≃ −9.452×10−4a.u.). Both spectra almost coincide (in energy and ionisation ra te) even for larger
values ( p≥10) of the (semiclassical [4]) quantum number p, despite the fact that the localization
properties of the associated eigenstates (close to the plan e defined by the field polarization axis)
originate in the dynamical symmetry of the −1/rCoulomb potential [18]. The latter is destroyed by
the presence of a nonhydrogenic core in alkali atoms. The ion ization rate of the p= 10 state of lithium
is locally enhanced by approx. one order of magnitude with re spect to the corresponding hydrogen
eigenstate, due to a six-photon resonance with the |n= 41, ℓ= 0/angbracketrightstate.
Fig. 2. – Shifts Ealk−Ehydof the energies Ealkof lithium (a, triangles), sodium (b, diamonds), and
rubidium (c, squares) as compared to those, Ehyd, of the n0= 23 manifold of atomic hydrogen in a
linearly polarized microwave field, with the same parameter s as in fig. 1. Quantum defects employed
for the sodium results: δℓ=0= 1.347964, δℓ=1= 0.85538, δℓ=2= 0.015543, δℓ=3= 0.001453, and for
rubidium: δℓ=0= 3.1311, δℓ=1= 2.6415, δℓ=2= 1.3472, δℓ=3= 0.016312 [14]. Consequently, three
respectively four energy levels are missing in (b) and (c). T he nonvanishing shifts for large p≥9 values
can be accounted for by projecting out the low ℓcomponents (i.e. the ones with core induced energy
shifts large with respect to the field induced splitting of th en0= 23 manifold) of the n0-manifold, as
indicated by the crosses, see eqs. (8) and (9). The agreement between this perturbative approach and
the exact quantum results is always better than the average l evel spacing of the hydrogen manifold
(dots in fig. 1), except for the relatively large discrepancy atp= 11, in (c). The latter is due to a
multiphoton resonance between the alkali eigenstate and a n onhydrogenic (low ℓ) state. |
Unconventional Logic Elements on the Base of Topologically Modulated Signals
Guennadi A. Kouzaev, Igor V. Nazarov, Andrew V. Kalita
Laser and Microwave Information Systems Dept., Moscow State Institute of Electronics and
3/12 Bol. Trekhsvaytitelsky per. Moscow ,110028 Russia
e-mail: kouzaev@mail.ru , g132uenf@hotmail.com , www.topolog.da.ru
Key words: Topological computing, super-high-speed signal processing, quantum calculations
The paper presents new results in the field of super high-speed and multi-valued signal processing
Writting digital information into spatial structures (topological charts) of electromagnetic field pulses.
allows to use passive circuits for fulfillment several subpicosecond spatial logical operations. This is
confirmed by analysis of several physical effects in solids and micron circuits, which influence on time
delay of signals. A subpicosecond circuit for spatially modulated signal switching is considered.
An analogy between electromagnetic mode physics and several aspects of quantum mechanics is
studied. On this base a new digital multi-valued device for spatially modulated signal processing is
suggested and modeled. A conclusion on possibility to design a new threedimensional architecture of
super –density IC has been made.1. INTRODUCTION
One from final stages of development of the electronic integrated circuits is the passage to three-
dimensional quasicontinuum medium for processing electromagnetic signals having complicated
spatially - temporarily forms. Indication of this tendency is the minimization of interelement distances in
three-dimensional VLSI, diminution of sizes of the active elements and magnification of velocity of their
work [1,2]. The signals in new super high-speed ICs become three-dimensional spatial objects which are
capable to carry digital or analog information by the space structures of pulse fields. The tendency
allows to use some analogies to optical space methods for processing the electromagnetic signals in
electronic ICs [3-9].
The first results in this direction were obtained in outcome of study of space structures of fields in the
microwave three-dimensional integrated circuits, which were suggested and designed for airspace
engineering [10]. It was shown, that the structure of force lines of fields (topological chart) is capable to
carry discrete information [3-5]. The spatial field characteristics are changed discretely during
diffraction of modes or package of modes on passive discontinuities. The further researches have shown
a possibility of design full series of the Boolean logic elements for microwave spatially - modulated
signals [4,9], and micron sized subpicosecond passive components which are capable to switch digital
signals to different layers of the integrated circuits or to work as binary matched space filters [11,12].
For design such circuits have appeared useful some analogies to optical methods of processing spatially
modulated signals.
The purpose of the paper is study of multi-valued nature of the recently (1992) suggested
electromagnetic signals (digital images) and modeling new devices on this base.
Let's define a likeness and difference of optical and electromagnetic signals for correct application of
method of analogies to high-density IC [13]. The optical signal represents an impulse sinusoidal field bytemporal duration up to units femtosecond. The electromagnetic signal in electronic circuits can look
like sinusoidal segments of microwave oscillations or to represent impulse, which form is close to a
rectangle. Its band of temporal frequencies can take a spectrum from 0 up to units terahertz.
The band of space frequencies of an optical signal, as a rule, is much wider than similar performance of
an electromagnetic signal. Space information can be transmitted by a ray in open space or by light
waveguide. The signal in electronic circuits on strip transmission lines is capable to be spatially-
modulated only under existence of multimode condition, for example at use of coupled transmission
lines (Fig. 1). Thus the magnitude of the signal space spectrum is determined by number of propagation
modes or number of strip conductors. Dimensions of separate components of the electronic circuits are
significant less than the least wavelength of the signal and they are elements of “near field zone”, where
the quasistatic six-component electromagnetic fields prevails. The effects of superposition of
electromagnetic fields with origin of a fractal space structure of potentials are characteristic of this
space area of electromagnetic field. The signal processing in this area is produced by the discrete active
and passive elements and a possibility of separate transformation of magnetic and electrical fields is
Behind of nanocircuits, the optical components are devices using the wave mechanism of interference
and diffraction in the far zone. It is possible to name the circuits as “far field” components. The active
processing optical signals is possible only by using special nonlinear wave mediums or optoelectronic
devices [14].
Thus, the common electromagnetic nature of signals in optic and electronic circuits allows to apply
similar methods of their spatial processing. But the possibilities of electronic circuits in relation to
optical engineering can be essentially large at the expense of significant variety of element basis [12-15-
During development the electronic circuits of this type the fact of low dimensionality of space
spectrums of electromagnetic signals in electronic circuits was taken into account. The best kind of the
signal has been recognized a pulse with discrete modulation of its electromagnetic field structure
[3,4,19]. Thus the information carrier is the topology or topological chart of a picture of force lines
representing an ordered combination of basic elements of the picture: separatrixes, positions of field
equilibrium. The topological chart is possible to name as some kind of a quantum of spatial information
According to the nature of the topology, the characteristic is capable only to discrete modifications
[3,10]. The theory of such signals and methods of their processing have been already considered in [3-
6,8,9]. Its basic sense consists that the field topology can be changed discretely during diffraction or
interference of electromagnetic waves. The effects, as well known, are linear operations concerning
amplitudes of signals, but not topology of fields [8,11]. Therefore, the part of discrete logic operations
can be fulfilled by passive integrated structures like in optical engineering. Small inertia of the passive
circuits allows to process the vector images (topological charts) of electromagnetic fields practically in
real time. The techniques of the signal processing is possible to name as topological computing.
The writing digital information to a space structure of electromagnetic fields allows to realize some high
speed logic operations on the base of using diffraction effects and fast-response equilibrium processes in
conductors having continuous energy spectrums [11,12]. These effects are divided into two basic
groups (Table 1). The first from them are composed from phenomena, having a place in solid states. For
realization subpicosecond operation it should pay special attention on time characteristic of using
materials. The second group is stipulated by macroeffects, having electromagnetic nature. For example,the special attention should be given to transients distorting the forms of switched impulses. The
method of equivalent circuits [22] which are taking into account parasitic reactivities of discontinuities
of strip transmission lines, was applied to an evaluation of duration of these processes (Fig. 2). It has
been shown, that parasitic reactivities of the elementar discontinuities are the cause of transients, which
duration are in limits from 0.01 to 0.2 picosecond, if the sizes of strip transmission lines are about
several microns.
Thus, the system analysis of main effects in strip transmission lines and circuits (Table 1) allows to
make a conclusion about a possibility of realization subpicosecond operations with spatially - modulated
signals by passive components, which have dimensions about several microns.
The basic concepts of switching spatially modulated signals (Fig.1), are constructed on the principle of
matched space filtration of impulses, the structures of which fields are varied discretely [5].
On Fig. 3, a circuit of the resistive switch for spatially modulated field signals and its truth-table are
represented. Input pulses of even or odd modes of coupled strip transmission lines are switched to
different outputs due to using the mechanism of matched spatial filtration (Fig.3, b). The resistors in the
circuit allow to ensure a short aperiodic condition of transients at switching the signals. Minimization of
the difference of even and odd modes speeds is achived due to using symmetrical construction of the
coupled strip transmission lines [5-9].
On Fig.4 the switched signals are represented. The duration of transients did not exceed a several tenth
long of picosecond for rectangular entering signals. Essentially smaller distortions are appeared if
signals of the Gaussian form are used, the duration of which front makes about 1 picosecond. On the
functions the considered switch is equivalent to the current transistor switch containing several
transistors. The comparative analysis (Fig. 5 ) of ohmic power losses at transistor gates and offered
switch indicates an advantage last [5,6-9,23,24].The inclusion in the circuits for space signals processing the active elements (Fig. 6) allows to achieve
new functional advantages [8,25]. For example, the logic processing of amplitudes of impulses can be
conjugate with discrete matched space filtration. The given type of evolution of the logic circuits is
capable to design active, controlled analogs of hologram devices on the electronic basis [8,12,20].
The developed circuits were experimentally studied. The first results were obtained in microwave range
for switches of different types. [4,9,23,24]. Another experimental results were for the digital signals and
circuits with clock frequency about several megahertz [11,16,18,21,25,26]. On the base of scaling
method a conclusion made on possibility to design a resistive switch for switching topologically
modulated signals with clock frequency several hundred gigahertz. The last results are touched to
developing and application picosecond generator of topologically modulated signals, designed by G.
Domashenko [13].
One of the most perspective methods of signal processing is application of the quantum algorithm and
quantum devices. The approach uses physical parallelism for effective signal computing [27,28]. From
an algorithmic point of view, the quantum logic circuits differ from the classical Boolean devices only
by possibility of realization special type of multi-valued logic [29]. Besides in the quantum elements the
superposition of quantum states corresponds to a new logic level. The last feature allows, for instance,
to solve the well known problem of exponential complexity of calculations [29].
Comparison of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic mode physics in waveguides has been shown
existence of an anology between them from the point of formal algorithmic view. For this purpose it is
enough to compare multi-level energy diagram of a quantum element and multi-level frequency diagram
for modes of a waveguide. Each mode has own topology of electromagnetic field. The mode topology
is some kind of quantum of space information for mode and may correspond to a logical level. Duringsuperposition of modes, the topology (topological chart) of the modes may be changed abruptly,
creating a new logical level of information system, like in a quantum element [8]. Besides, the
topologically modulated signals carry digital information by their magnitudes. It allows to realize special
types of multi-valued logic signal processing. The first results in this field were obtained in [4,5,7,8,30].
On the base of this physics a hybrid logic devices were developed and studied: NOT, OR/AND logical
circuits ( the state of the last may be changed thanks to variation of amplitudes of comparing
topologically modulated signals). On the base of the hybrid logical circuits a microwave trigger was
suggested for processing the multi-valued signals of this type [4].
In [8,13,28,29, 31] a multi-valued logic circuit was suggested and modeled (Fig. 6,7). The device
allows to process information contained in magnitudes and topological charts of the field signals due to
diodes on the logical outputs of above considered passive switch (Fig.6, b ). The full number of logical
states of topologically modulated signals in coupled strip transmission line is four . So the circuits may
be pertinent for 4-value logical circuitry. (Fig.6, b). The results of modeling the multi-valued switch are
shown on Fig.7. The switch transients depend, practically, only on parasitic reactivities of the used
microwave diodes. It is obviously, that amplitudes of output signals depend on polarities and
topological charts of input signals.
An advantage of the type of multi-valued signal is a possibility to realize the logical circuits without
using an additional energy for supporting these logical levels opposite to well-known amplitude multi-
valued techniques. So, the application analogies of mode physics to quantum mechanics allows to
develop and design new type circuits having multi –logic and quasi-neural features. The circuitry opens
a possibility of modeling quantum algorithm on the base well-known technology of IC producing.7. A VIEW ON PERSPECTIVE HIGH - DENSITY INTEGRATED CIRCUIT
The increase of density of IC dictates to use spatial methods of signal processing in electronics. On this
way the most perspective approach is development new IC elements and physical algorithms, allowing
to achieve a new grade of density and new quality in signal processing. One of these approaches is a
topological computing, dealing with discretely modulated spatial signals. Due to that it is possible to
develop super-high speed circuits, realize multi-valued and pseudoquantum devices and consider a
future architecture of integrated electronic circuits as a threedimensional medium - new type of the
artifical, (designed) electronic hologram [8,12,32,33].
The paper contains original and overviewed results in the field of new logical signals – topologically
modulated images of electromagnetic fields, carrying information by their magnitudes and field
structures. It has been shown multi-valued nature of the signals and existence of “electromagnetic field
topological logic”. Part operations from this logical system may be similar to the quantum logic. The
suggested digital devices are able to process digitally modulated signals with subpicosecond time delay
(passive components). It has been shown a formal possibility to simulate quantum logic operation by
threedimensional circuits for topologically modulated signals. The combined circuits for parallel
processing magnitude and topological information are suggested as a base for multi-valued signal
The considered approach (topological computing) allows to develop new threedimensional integrated
circuits as an information processing medium with new possibilities.REFERENCES
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evaluation of an effect
1. Limited mode velocity in microstrip transmission lines.
Time delay of signal in a microstrip transmission line on the substrate with
dielectric permittivity ε: ~ 33.3 √ε , fs/mm
2. Inertia of interaction of electromagnetic field with free charge in the region
of low values of photon energy.Defined by efficient or
free mass of charges
3. Maxwell relaxation time of charges in conductors: ~ 0.001 – 0.01 fs
4. Collective effects in the electronic plasma.
Period of plasma frequency in the conductors: ~ 0,067 – 0,2 fs
5. Relaxation phenomenas in dielectric.
Time constant of electronic polarization:
Time constant of atomic polarization:~ 1 – 10 fs
~ 10 – 10000 fs
6. Minimal time of transition an electron from one energy level on the another
in atom: ~ 1 – 10 fs
7. Typical theoretical time of electron relaxation in quantum nanoelements: 100-1000 fs
8. Electron- phonone interaction.
Resonant frequency in conductors: ~ 10 THz
9. Transient-time effects on discontinuities of strip transmission lines of
micron sizes.
Typical duration time of transient process on discontinuities (Idealized
Oliner model for discontinuities): ~ 80-150 fs
10. Excitation of higher modes on discontinuities of microstrip transmission
lines in VLSI. Cut-off frequency of the first higher mode: ~ 10- 100 THz
11. Excitation of surface waves in micron microstrip transmission lines.
Critical coupling frequency of the strip and surface modes: 10-100 THz
12. Limited mode velocity in microstrip transmission lines.
Time delay of signal in a microstrip transmission line on the substrate with
dielectric permittivity ε: ~ 33.3 √ε , fs/mm
13. Inertia of interaction of electromagnetic field with free charge in the region
of low values of photon energy.Defined by efficient or
free mass of charges
14. Maxwell relaxation time of charges in conductors: ~ 0.001 – 0.01 fs
15. Limited mode velocity in microstrip transmission lines.
Time delay of signal in a microstrip transmission line on the substrate with
dielectric permittivity ε: ~ 33.3 √ε , fs/mm
16. Inertia of interaction of electromagnetic field with free charge in the region
of low values of photon energy.Defined by efficient or
free mass of charges
17. Maxwell relaxation time of charges in conductors: ~ 0.001 – 0.01 fs
18. Collective effects in the electronic plasma.
Period of plasma frequency in the conductors: ~ 0,067 – 0,2 fs
19. Relaxation phenomenas in dielectric.
Time constant of electronic polarization:
Time constant of atomic polarization:~ 1 – 10 fs
~ 10 – 10000 fs
20. Minimal time of transition an electron from one energy level on the another
in atom: ~ 1 – 10 fs
21. Typical theoretical time of electron relaxation in quantum nanoelements: 100-1000 fsFigure legends
Fig. 1. An example of topologically modulated field pulses in coupled microstrip transmission lines.
Digital information may contain in pulse field structures -topological charts (two logic levels) and in
their amplitudes (other two logical levels).Fig.2. Transients on steps of microstrip transmission lines. ε-dielectric permittivity of substrate, h=1.3
mkm - thikness of substrate, W 1,2 - width of strip conductors, T- duration period of transients.
numberW1 W2 ε T
1 1.0 1.5 3.5 0.0011
2 1.0 1.5 9.6 0.0021
3 0.5 1.0 3.5 0.0035
4 0.5 1.0 9.6 0.0047
5 0.3 1.0 3.5 0.0077
6 0.5 1.5 9.6 0.0118
7 0.5 1.5 3.5 0.0132a b
Fig. 3. Binary switch for topologically modulated pulse field signals (a) and its truth-table (b):
I - input of the signals (coupled strip transmission lines with characteristic impedance Ze and Zo),
II - output of logical "1" ( a two conductor transmission line with characteristic impedance R II ),
III - output of logical "0" (a strip transmission line with characteristic impedance R III.a
Fig. 4. Impulses of odd (a) and even (b) modes, transmitted the switch. R is parametrically varying
constant. Rii =Rii=50 Omh, ε=3.5, h=3 mkm, Δl=1 mkm, w=1 mkm, s=1 mkm.Fig. 5.Time-energy performances of passive switches for topologically modulated field signals
and their transistors analogs.a b
Fig. 6. A switch for multi-valued signal processing (a). Signal information contains in structure and
amplitudes of field pulses. I –input coupled strip transmission lines, II- output strip transmission lines,
III-two conductor transmission. Truth table for the switch (b).a b
c d
Fig. 7. Transients on the switch for multi-valued signals (U, V; t, ps):
(a) Input signal- negative even mode pulse. The dotted line - signal at the input I, utter - on output II ;
(b). Input signal -positive even mode pulse. The dotted line - signal at the input, utter - on output II;
(c) Input signal- negative odd mode pulse. The dotted line - signal at the input I, utter - on output III.
(d) Input signal- positive odd mode pulse. The dotted line - signal at the input I, utter - on output III. |
physics/9911066 25 Nov 1999mH/G0A/G0A/G1B4
8/G0A/G0A/G1B4c, (1)The Rest Mass of the Hydrogen Atom from First Principles
Ernst Karl Kunst
The rest mass of the hydrogen (H) atom in its ground state is calculated from1
first physical principles and elementary geometric considerations.
Key Words: Equivalence of mass and time - masss of the hydrogen atom
Previously has been shown [1] that rest mass “m” and relativistic mass m’ = m/G0B -0
where /G0B is the Lorentz factor (1 - v/c) based on composite velocity v [2] - must be0 0 022-1/2
of like origin (are equivalent) and hence the former seems to be generated by the
movement of a fourth spatial dimension of matter relative to a fourth dimensional
manifold R, in which our R-world is embedded. This implies that - apart from a4 3
numerical factor - the following must be valid
where m presumably is the rest mass of the hydrogen atom in its ground state, /G1BH 4
fundamental length in R and /G1B in R, respectively, /G2D = /G1B/c quantum of time, h4 1 1 11
Planck’s constant and c velocity of light.
It is proposed to calculate the mentioned numerical factor as follows.
By development of energy E’ = E/G0B = E(1 - v/c) to powers of v/c one receives0 0 022-1/2 22
where E means rest energy. As is widely known does the first term mc of the right-2
hand side express the rest mass and the second term mv/2 the classical kinetic02
energy of the material particle under consideration. Thus, the third term 3mv/(8c)042
must be the energy, which is due alone to the relativistic expansion of the moving
material particle [2]. Therefore, if rest mass is generated by the movement of /G1B relative4
to R at velocity c it must be valid 3mc/8 = /G1B/c or4 42
where V is volume and /G27 Newtonian density of mass. It is to expect that the volumem m
V of the hydrogen atom in R attains the minimum value of volume unit 1, which is theH 3
volume of the tetraoid formed by the four points 1; 2; 3; 4 with the coordinates x, y,11
z;...;x, y, z:1444(1,2,3,4)/G0A/G0A1
(5)Thus, if furthermore V = dxdxdx, from (1) followsH 123
From the foregoing it is clear that m = V/G27 is a four dimensional object so that mustmm
be valid /G27 = /G083dx/(2c). Thus (2) deliversm 43
Equ. (3) delivers for the rest mass of the H-atom1
which value agrees nearly, but not exactly with the experimental value 1,673559 × 10-24
g [3] - g means gram. As has been shown before [4] does the gravitational field of a
body contribute to its inertial as well as to ist gravitational mass, namely
where M is the sum of the mass (of a body) and of the surrounding gravitational field;,
m the mass of the gravitational field, G the gravitatonal constant and R the radialV
distance from the center of the body. Therefore, the integrated mass of the sub-
microscopic H-atom in our medioscopic world must be composite of the central rest1mVH
(7)mass (3) of the atom and the surrounding (gravitational) field vacuum. The mass of the
gravitational field cannot be calculated straightforwardly, because there is no means to
determine a bounda ry of R. But if the mass of the field vacuum of the H-atom is1
compared with the mass of the gravitational field of a body of equal density but
different mass, according to (5) the ratios
result, where m means mass of the body of comparison and m the mass of itsV
gravitational field. If m = R = 1, implying m = 1, we receiveV V
where R is the radius of the atom. Hence the global mass of the H-atom, includingH1
the mass of its gravitational field, according to (3) to (6) is given by
where R = a is the first Bohrian radius. Calculation delivers 1,673559 × 10 g, whichH0-24
fits exactly the experimental result [3].
It seems that (7) denotes the exact value of the rest mass of the smallest possible,
electrically neutral and durable piece of matter - as seen from our medioscopic level.
Of course, the theory delivers no explanation yet of the masses of the elementary
particles. Presumably those masses are due to a hitherto not yet understood layered
structure of space-time on the sub-microscopic level.
Dedicated to Barbara.4
[1] Kunst, E. K.: On the Origin of Time, physics/9910024
[2] Kunst, E. K.: Is the Kinematics of Special Relativity incomplete? physics/9909059
[3] CODATA-Bulletin No. 11, Dec. 1973
[4] Kunst, E. K.: Do Gravitational Fields Have Mass? Or on the Natur of Dark Matter,
arXiv:physics/9911068v1 [physics.atom-ph] 25 Nov 1999Two-dimensional sideband Raman cooling and Zeeman state pr eparation in an optical
A.V. Taichenachev, A.M. Tumaikin, and V.I. Yudin
Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk 630 090, Russia
L. Hollberg
Time and Frequency Division, National Institute of Standar ds and Technology,
325 Broadway, MS 847-10, Boulder, CO 80303
(September 21, 2013)
A method of sideband Raman cooling to the vibrational ground state of the m= 0 Zeeman
sublevel in a far-detuned two-dimensional optical lattice is proposed. In our scheme, the Raman
coupling between vibrational manifolds of the adjacent Zee man sublevels is shifted to the red side-
band due to the ac Stark effect induced by a weak pump field. Thus , cooling and optical pumping
tom= 0 is achieved by purely optical means with coplanar cw laser beams. The optical lattice and
cooling parameters are estimated in the framework of simple theoretical models. An application of
the transverse sideband cooling method to frequency standa rds is discussed. Coherent population
trapping for the sideband Raman transitions between the deg enerate vibrational levels is predicted.
PACS: 32.80.Pj, 42.50.Vk
Laser-cooled atoms play a critical role in modern frequency standards such as atomic fountains [1]. As is well-known,
Sisyphus-type cooling in optical molasses with polarizati on gradients results in atoms with temperatures correspond ing
to tens of the single-photon recoil energies εr= (¯hk)2/2M(for example, T∼30εr/kB∼3µKin the case of Cs[2]).
Even lower temperatures can be achieved by velocity-select ive methods [3–5]. These methods, however, require more
complicated technical implementations [4].
Recently, Poul Jessen and co-workers [6] demonstrated an el egant and efficient method of cooling atoms to the
vibrational ground state of a far-off-resonance two-dimens ional optical lattice. Their method is a variant of Raman
sideband cooling [7] based on transitions between the vibra tional manifolds of adjacent Zeeman substates. A static
magnetic field is used to tune the Zeeman levels so that Raman r esonance occurs on the red sideband and results
in cooling. Two circularly polarized fields are then used to r ecycle the atoms for repetitive Raman cooling. The
cooling operates in the Lamb-Dicke regime with cw laser beam s and does not require phase-locked lasers; a transverse
temperature of about 950 nKwas achieved.
Unfortunately, Jessen’s scheme is difficult to apply to frequ ency standards for several reasons. First, atoms are
accumulated in the stretched m=Fsubstate of the F= 4 ground-state hyperfine level of Cs. For clock applications
it would be necessary to transfer atoms from |F= 4, m= 4/an}bracketri}htto|F= 4, m= 0/an}bracketri}htwithout additional heating. In
principle, this can be realized by the adiabatic passage tec hnique [8]. Second, in the cooling scheme of Ref. [6] a static
magnetic field in the range 100 −300mGis used to produce the required energy shift of the Zeeman sub states and,
consequently, additional shielding of the Ramsey region of the clock is necessary. Finally, and most critically, the
geometry of the cooling scheme requires pumping and repumpi ng beams propagating orthogonal to the cooling plane
and these would, when present, produce unwanted light shift s for atoms in the Ramsey region.
Stimulated by the concepts and results from Jessen [6], we pr opose a new variant of transverse sideband cooling, that
avoids problems mentioned above, while maintaining most of the attractive features. In the present scheme, only cw
lasers lying in the cooling plane are used. The basic differen ce from the method of Ref. [6] is that the linearly polarized
pumping field now plays a two-fold role, both providing optic al pumping back to the m= 0 magnetic sublevel and
causing a uniform ac Stark shift that replaces the external m agnetic field induced Zeeman shift in [6]. The lattice
and cooling parameters are studied in the framework of simpl e theoretical models. The optimal magnitudes of the
Raman transition amplitude, the pumping field intensity, an d the detuning are found. These results are confirmed
by numerical calculations for a more realistic model of the c ycling F→F′=Ftransition. Apart from these, we find
that coherence between degenerate (or nearly degenerate) l ower vibrational levels can lead, under certain conditions ,
to significant changes in the cooling efficiency and cooling ti me.
The proposed cooling method may also be useful for atom optic s as a high-brightness well-collimated source of
atoms, or for general purposes of quantum-state control in a non-dissipative optical lattice.
∗Contribution of NIST, not subject to copyright
1The field configuration used for the optical lattice consists of three linearly polarized beams having equal amplitudes
and propagating in the xy-plane with angles of 2 π/3 between each other (Fig. 1). The polarization vectors of th ese
beams are tilted through a small angle φwith respect to the z-axis. This field can be written as
E(r, t) =E0E(r)exp(−iωLt) + c.c
E(r) =ez3/summationdisplay
i=1exp(ikir) + tan( φ)3/summationdisplay
i=1eiexp(ikir), (1)
where kiand tan( φ)eiare respectively the wave vectors and the in-plane componen ts of the polarization of the i-th
beam. All the beams have the same frequency, ωL, far-detuned to the red of the D2resonance line.
As was shown in Ref. [9], if the detuning is much greater than t he hyperfine splitting of the excited state, then the
optical potential for the ground state takes the form
3usg(F)[E(r)∗× E(r)]·/hatwideF. (2)
Hereg(F) = [F(F+ 1) + J(J+ 1)−I(I+ 1)]/[F(F+ 1)] where F,JandIare respectively the total, electron
and nuclear angular momenta of the ground state, and /hatwideFis the angular-momentum operator. The single-beam light
shiftus, defined as in Ref. [9], is proportional to the single-beam li ght intensity Iand inversely proportional to the
detuning ∆ = ωL−ωF,F′max:us=−AI/∆. (For the D2line of133Csthe constant A≈1.5εrGHz/ (mW·cm−2)).
In the zeroth order with tan( φ)≪1, the field (1) is linearly polarized along ezeverywhere. The vector term in Eq.
(2) vanishes, resulting in the isotropic optical potential
2+ cos(√
3kx) + cos(√
2) + cos(√
3kx+ 3ky
. (3)
In other words, contrary to the field configuration of Ref. [6] , all the Zeeman sublevels have the same optical shift.
For red detunings ∆ <0, the minima of the potential (3) form a lattice consisting o f ideal triangles with a side 2 λ/3
(one of them has the coordinates x=y= 0).
In the general case, the atomic motion in a periodic potentia l leads to a band energy structure. However for
potentials with a periodicity of the order of the light wavel ength λand with the depth much larger than the recoil
energy εr(6usin the case under consideration), both the tunneling probab ility and the width are exponentially small
for bands close to a potential minimum. Hence, instead of a la ttice and energy bands we can consider vibrational levels
as arising from independent potential wells. The spectrum o f the lower levels can be defined, with good accuracy,
from the harmonic expansion in the vicinity of the well’s bot tom:
/hatwideU(0)≈us[−6 + 3k2(X2+Y2)],
where XandYare the displacements from the minimum. This expansion corr esponds to a 2D isotropic harmonic
oscillator with the frequency ¯ hωv=√12usεr. Due to the isotropy, the n-th energy level is n+ 1 times degenerate.
If the energy separation between adjacent vibrational leve ls is much greater than the recoil energy, the characteristi c
size of lower vibrational states is l=/radicalbig
¯h/Mω v≪λ. In this case we have strong localization, and the Lamb-Dick e
regime holds.
Raman transitions between vibrational levels of adjacent m agnetic substates are induced by the small in-plane
component of the field (1). To first order of tan( φ), the vector part of Eqn. (3) gives the correction
3usg(F)tan(φ)M(r)·/hatwideF, (4)
where Mhas the components Mx= 2√
3[cos(3 ky/2)sin(√
3kx/2) + sin(√
3kx)] and My= 6 sin(3 ky/2)cos(√
Since this term conserves the symmetry of the main potential (3), each well in the lattice obeys the same conditions
for the Raman transitions. For the lower vibrational levels we use a first-order approximation with respect to the
displacements X, Y from the minimum
The operator /hatwideU(1)has off-diagonal elements both for the vibrational and for th e magnetic quantum numbers, inducing
transitions with the selection rules ∆ n=±1 and ∆ m=±1 (for a quantization axis along ez). In order of magnitude,
2the Raman transition rate between the lower vibrational lev els isUR=ustan(φ)kl. As was shown in Refs. [9,6], side-
band cooling and coherent quantum-state control require th is rate to be much greater than the spontaneous scattering
rate of lattice photons γs= 6Γus/∆, where Γ is the natural width. In our lattice UR/γs≈0.2 tan(φ)∆/Γ(εr/us)1/4.
Two other important requirements for efficient Raman sideban d cooling are a spatially independent energy shift of
the magnetic sublevels and optical pumping. To achieve thes e, we propose to use another optical field, known as the
pump beam, linearly polarized along the z-axis, propagating in the cooling plane, and detuned by seve ral Γ to the
blue of the F→F′′=Ftransition of the D1line [10] (Fig. 1). In this case the m= 0 sublevel is dark and unshifted,
while the others undergo the light shifts
Γ2/4 + ∆2p,
where Ω pis the Rabi coupling for the |F, m=±1/an}bracketri}ht → |F′′=F, m′′=±1/an}bracketri}httransitions and ∆ pis the detuning of the
pump field. With a proper choice of Ω pand ∆ p, the states |m= 0, n+ 1/an}bracketri}htand|m=±1, n/an}bracketri}htwill have the same energy,
which leads to efficient transition between them due to the Ram an coupling. The cooling picture is completed by
the optical pumping, which provides the relaxation from |m=±1, n/an}bracketri}htto|m= 0, n/an}bracketri}ht(see Fig. 2.a). The vibrational
quantum number nis conserved in this process due to the fact that atoms are in t he Lamb-Dicke regime. It is worth
that, contrary to Ref. [6], in our case several levels take pa rt simultaneously in the cooling process due to the isotropy
of the potential /hatwideU(0)(3). If ωv≫URthe state |m= 0, n= 0/an}bracketri}htis approximately dark and the majority of the atoms are
eventually pumped into this target state. Thus, the describ ed cooling method can be viewed as a version of dark-state
cooling. It is seen that the cooling scheme in the case under c onsideration is somewhat different from that of Ref. [6].
To make sure that there are no real constraints and to estimat e the cooling parameters, we consider a simple
theoretical model of the double Λ-system (see Fig. 2.b), whi ch allows an analytical treatment of the problem.
We have found the steady-state solution of the generalized o ptical Bloch equations involving the light-induced and
spontaneous transitions and the Raman coupling. We are inte rested in the limits
∆p≫Γ ;ωv≫Ur, (5)
because in this case the light shift exceeds the field broaden ing and we can shift the states |2/an}bracketri}htand|5/an}bracketri}htinto degeneracy
with negligible perturbation of state |1/an}bracketri}ht. Under the conditions (5), the solution leads to the followi ng: (i) the
population of the target state |1/an}bracketri}htis maximal at exact resonance Ω2
p/∆p=ωv(see Fig. 3.a); (ii) on resonance, the
total population of the states coupled with light is small, a nd equal to ( UR/ωv)2, the probability of the |1/an}bracketri}ht → |6/an}bracketri}htRaman
transitions multiplied by a factor 4; (iii) the population o f the state |2/an}bracketri}htcontains two terms: π2= 1/2(UR/ωv)2+
1/16(γp/ωv)2. The second term is determined by the ratio of the width impos ed by light, γp= ΓΩ2
p, to the
vibrational frequency ωv. As a result, the target state population is close to unity:
π1≈1−a(UR/ωv)2−b(Γ/∆p)2. (6)
The coefficients are a= 3/2 and b= 1/16 in the case of the double Λ-system model.
We now turn to an estimate of the cooling dynamics. Instead of looking for a temporal solution of the Bloch equations
(d/dt)ρ=Lρfor atomic density matrix ρ, we find the statistically averaged transition time τ=/integraltext∞
[11]. This matrix obeys the equations Lτ=ρ(∞)−ρ(0), where ρ(∞) is the steady-state solution and ρ(0) is the
initial distribution (we set π1=π2=π5=π6= 1/4 and the other elements equal to zero at t= 0). The cooling rate
can be associated with the inverse transition time for the |1/an}bracketri}htstateγcool=τ−1
1. As a function of the optical frequency
shift, the cooling rate is a Lorentzian curve with a width ∼/radicalBig
1/4γ2p+ 7U2
R(see Fig. 3.a). Exactly on resonance,
∆p= Ω2
p/ωvand in the limits (5), γcooltakes the form
R. (7)
Calculations within the framework of the double Λ-system gi veα= 8 and β= 28. Such a dependence of the cooling
rate on γpandURcan be understood qualitatively if we consider cooling as op tical pumping into the dark state.
Obviously, under the conditions (5), the cooling rate is det ermined entirely by the optical pumping rate γpand the
Raman transitions rate UR, because other parameters do not appear. If UR≫γp, an atom passes from |2/an}bracketri}htto|5/an}bracketri}htvery
quickly, and the cooling rate is proportional to the rate of t he slowest process of repumping from |5/an}bracketri}htto|1/an}bracketri}ht. In the
inverse limit UR≪γp, the slowest process is the transition |2/an}bracketri}ht → |5/an}bracketri}ht. The corresponding rate, however, is not equal
toUR, but is suppressed by the factor UR/γp. That can be explained as the inhibition of quantum transiti ons due
to continuous measurements on the final state |5/an}bracketri}ht(quantum Zeno effect [12]). The cooling rate γcoolas a function of
3Ωp(on resonance) is shown in Fig.3.b; γcoolachieves a maximum γmax
cool=URα/(2√β) at the optimal Rabi coupling
p= (β)−1/4ωv/radicalbig
The above described laws for the target-state population an d for the cooling dynamics are confirmed by numerical
calculations for a more realistic model of the F→F′=Fcycling transition with a limited number of vibrational
levels of the 2D oscillator taken into account. The numerica l data are fitted by the formulae (6,7) very well. The fitting
coefficients a,b,αandβdepend on the angular momentum Fand on the initial distribution among the vibrational
levels. The results, corresponding to the three vibrationa l levels (with initially equal populations), are presented in
Table 1.
In principle, two factors limit the number of vibrational le vels which participate in efficient cooling: both the
anharmonicity and the violation of the Lamb-Dicke regime be come appreciable for higher vibrational levels. The
second factor is the more stringent limitation and gives the following estimate for the maximal vibrational number:
n∗≈0.1 ¯hωv/εr.
It should be noted that in the case of a symmetric field configur ation for 2D and 3D lattices a degeneracy of
the vibrational energy structure occurs. For a 2D lattice (f or example the field configuration of Ref. [6] and our
configuration) in the harmonic approximation, the n-th vibrational level contains n+ 1 sublevels {|m, n x+ny=n/an}bracketri}ht}.
We find that the coherence induced between the degenerate or n ear-degenerate vibrational levels can play an important
role, significantly changing the efficiency of the Raman coupl ing. Indeed, if we consider two degenerate levels, for
example, |m=F, nx= 1, ny= 0/an}bracketri}htand|m=F, nx= 0, ny= 1/an}bracketri}htcoupled by Raman transitions with the unique state
|m=F−1, nx=ny= 0/an}bracketri}ht, as in Ref. [6], we can see that there exists a superposition o f degenerate states uncoupled
with|m=F−1, nx=ny= 0/an}bracketri}ht. Hence, part of the population will be trapped in this superp osition state, in an
analogy with well-known coherent population trapping in th e Λ-scheme [13]. In the case of coupling between higher
levels |m=F, nx+ny=n/an}bracketri}htand|m=F−1, nx+ny=n−1/an}bracketri}ht, there always exists a coherent superposition of the
sublevels |m=F, nx+ny=n/an}bracketri}ht, for which the operator of the Raman transitions is equal to z ero, as it is for the
light-induced Λ-chains [14]. However, it should not be forg otten that for higher vibrational levels the anharmonicity
has to be taken into account and the degeneracy is partly viol ated. In the scheme under consideration, this unwanted
coherence effect is avoided by the simultaneous Raman coupli ng of the two degenerate states |m= 0, nx+ny= 1/an}bracketri}ht
with the two other states |m=±1, nx=ny= 0/an}bracketri}htwith different amplitudes, in such a way that the conditions f or
trapping can not be satisfied. Note that coherence within the vibrational structure might be very useful for other
purposes, for instance in quantum state preparation.
In order to provide the cycling interaction of atoms with the pump field, repumping from the other hyperfine level
is necessary. We propose to use another light beam tuned in re sonance with a F→F′=F+ 1 transition of the D2
line. This beam is linearly polarized along ezand runs in the xy-plane. For example, if the pumping field operates
on the F= 4→F′′= 4 of the D1line of Cs, the repumping field is applied to the F= 3→F′= 4 transition of the
D2line. To minimize effects of optical pumping on the other hype rfine level, the intensity of the repumping field can
be chosen close to the saturation intensity. It is noteworth y that in our lattice the potentials for both hyperfine levels
have the same spatial dependence and, consequently, the req uirement on the repump intensity is not so stringent as
in Ref. [6].
Let us give numerical estimations for133Cs(Γ≈2π5MHz andεr/¯h≈2π2kHz). If we take the lattice beams
detuning ∆ = −2π10GHz(from the F= 4→F′= 5 transition of the D2line) and intensity I= 500 mW/cm2, then
the single-beam shift us≈75εr≈2π150kHz. The lattice has the depth 6 us= 450 εr≈2π900kHz, supporting
approximately 15 bound bands with the energy separation ¯ hωv= 30εr≈2π60kHz. Under the tilt angle tan( φ)≈0.1,
the Raman transition rate is UR≈0.1 ¯hωv, providing the figure of merit UR/γs≈12≫1. Let the pumping field
be applied to the F= 4→F′′= 4 transition of the D1line and repumping field to the F= 3→F′= 4
transition of the D2line. The repumping field should be tuned to resonance and hav e an intensity ∼10mW/cm2to
saturate the transitions from all Zeeman sublevels. The opt imal pumping field detuning ∆ p≈0.2 Γωv/UR≈2 Γ and
intensity Ip≈8mW/cm2give the cooling rate γcool≈0.4UR≈2π2.2kHz. As a result, approximately 95% of the
population of lower levels having vibrational numbers up to n∗≈0.1 ¯hωv/εr≈3 will be accumulated in the target
state|F= 4, m= 0, n= 0/an}bracketri}htduring τ≈γ−1
Concluding, we have proposed a new scheme for 2D Raman sideba nd cooling to the zero-point energy in a far-off-
resonance optical lattice. The main distinguishing featur es of our proposals are the use of the pumping field to shift
the Raman coupling to the red sideband and the accumulation o f cold atoms in the m= 0 Zeeman sublevel. An
elementary theoretical consideration allowed us to state t he basic laws for the cooling efficiency and for the cooling
dynamics. Our estimates for Csshow that as much as 95% of atoms can be accumulated in the |F= 4, m= 0, n= 0/an}bracketri}ht
state within the millisecond time range. This corresponds t o a kinetic temperature of order of 100 nKafter adiabatic
release from the lattice [15]. A non-dissipative optical la ttice can be effectively loaded through the four-stage proce ss,
as has been demonstrated in Ref. [6]. Also, coherent populat ion trapping for the sideband Raman transitions between
degenerate vibrational levels is predicted.
The authors thank Dr. J. Kitching and Prof. P. Jessen for help ful discussions. This work was supported in part by
the Russian Fund for Basic Research (Grant No. 98-02-17794) . AVT and VIYu acknowledge the hospitality of NIST,
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TABLE I. The fitting parameters for different transitions F→F′′=F.
F a b α β
1 3.0 0.13 6.0 27
2 2.6 0.13 4.6 27
3 2.5 0.13 4.1 27
4 2.4 0.13 3.8 27
/B70 /B44/c102/c102
/B70 /B44120î
FIG. 1. (a) Field geometry. The basic lattice is formed by thr ee coplanar linearly polarized along the z-axis beams. The
small in-plane component of polarizations induces the Rama n coupling. The pumping and repumping beams run in the xy-plane
and have ezlinear polarization. (b) Possible choice of the field detuni ngs in the case of133Cs. The lattice beams are far-tuned
to the red side from the F= 4→F′
max= 5 transition of the D2line, the pumping field is tuned to the blue side from the
F= 4→F′′= 4 transition of the D1line, and the repumping field is tuned in resonance with the F= 3→F′= 4 transition
of the D2line.
/B30/B6e /B32
/B30/B6e/B2d1□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□0 1 /c43
0+1.□.□. .□.□..□.□. .□.□.
/c87/B70 /c87/B70
FIG. 2. (a) Scheme of sideband Raman cooling. The Raman trans itions are shown by angle arrow lines. The transitions
induced by the pumping field (solid lines) and spontaneous tr ansitions (dashed lines) provide the back relaxation to the
|m= 0, n= 0/angbracketrightstate. The Zeeman sublevels are shown optically shifted. (b ) Simple double Λ-system model.
70.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
103γcool/Γoptical shift (in Γ units)103γcool/Γ
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.300.
FIG. 3. (a) The target state population π1and the cooling rate vs the optical shift in the case of the dou ble Λ-system
model. The parameters ∆ p= 5Γ, ωv= 0.01 Γ and UR= 0.001 Γ. (b) The target state population π1and the cooling rate vs
the Rabi frequency in the exact resonance. The parameters ωv= 0.01 Γ and UR= 0.001 Γ.
8 |
arXiv:physics/9911069v1 [physics.class-ph] 25 Nov 1999The Evolved-Vacuum Model of Redshifts
Eugene I. Shtyrkov
February 2, 2008
A new interpretation of cosmological redshifts is proposed to construct
the evolved-vacuum model of this phenomenon.The physical v acuum was
considered to be a real matter with time-dependent permitti vity and per-
meability.Time variation of these parameters (∆ε
µ= 9·10−11per
year) was shown on the base of Maxwell’s equations and Hubble ’s law
to obey the exponential behavior causing step-by-step decr ease of light
velocity with a rate of about 2.7 m/s over 100 years.Cosmolog ical aspects
are discussed to explain some features of reality of the Univ erse evolution.
1 Introduction
It was experimentally established early in this century tha t the fainter distant
galaxies and quasars are, the larger their shift of spectral lines toward the red
region is. Assuming a plausible faintness-distance functi on, Hubble [1] discovered
that there is a linear dependence between a redshift and dist anceL
Z(L) =λshift−λo
L (1)
In this relation, Z(L) is the relative spectral shift, λois the wavelength of a
spectral line from a source in the laboratory which is at rest relative to the Earth,
λshiftis the wavelength of the same line emitted by a quasar and meas ured by
a terrestrial observer in the laboratory, Hois the Hubble constant and cois
the free space velocity of light. Until now, such spectral ob servations yielding
information about extremely distant objects were being the only experimental
clues to support an understanding of the Universe. This is be cause only such
gigantic distances (of about 1022km) and time intervals (109years) suffice
to reveal the small changes that occur while light is traveli ng through space.
Therefore, a correct interpretation of such spectral observations to ascertain the
real origin of redshifts and bring the Universe to light is es pecially important.
At present, there are several alternative models to explain the redshift phe-
nomenon. Usually, this one is interpreted as a Doppler effect which finally
1implies recession of galaxies and expansion of the Universe (the ”Big Bang”
model).There are some doubts, however, about this interpre tation .Really, there
is no physical explanation for singularities due to infinite density of matter at
the point of creation, and some recession velocities appear to be extremely large.
For example, for quasar Q01442+101 (at Z= 3,3) the recession velocity derived
from this model is about of 0 .9co. Moreover, some super-clusters of galaxies
seem to be older than the age of the Universe derived from this model. It was
experimentally established recently that very extended ob jects (the huge sheets
of galaxies stretching more than 200 million l.y. (light-ye ars) across , 700 million
l.y. long and 20 million l.y. thick ) are like the super-clust ers of galaxies mapped
by Tully earlier [ ?] .Still larger objects ( ”Cosmic Ladder” ) stretching across a
distance of about seven billion light-years have been disco vered [3]. Because the
maximal velocities of any objects experimentally observed in astronomy to be
not more than 500 km/s it takes about 150 billion years to form this structure
– more than seven times the number of years since the Big Bang t o form the
Universe [3].
Besides the Big-Bang there are also alternative approaches based on ideas
of time evolution of matter/light parameters, either the fu ndamental physical
constants (Plank’s constant, charge and mass of elementary particles, the elec-
tromagnetic parameter co, and so on) or the electromagnetic characteristics of
the physical vacuum.
The variation of fundamental physical constants as a possib le origin of the red-
shifts has been discussed widely since Dirac [4] put forward the idea of ”Great
Numbers”. Recently, however, some of the atomic constants w as really shown
to be constant in time.For instance,Potekhin and Varshalov ich [5] have studied
the fine splitting of the doublet absorption lines in quasar’ s spectra. They ana-
lyzed 1414 doublets (CIV, NV, CVI, MgII, AlIII, and SiIV) in t he wide range
of redshifts (0 .2< Z < 3.7). Their statistical analysis reveals no statistically
significant time variation of the fine structure constant α=e2
hcoon time scale of
about ten billion years.We can conclude from here that, at le ast, such the param-
eters as charge of electron e, Plank’s constant hand electromagnetic coefficient
coshould be considered as constant ones and, hence, can have no influence on
redshifts. As for variation of the mass of elementary partic les, this idea discussed
by Arp [6] in the intrinsic-redshift model to prove that reds hifts are supposedly
related to the age of the objects. This idea, however, do not o bey the redshift-
distance relation (1) at constant Ho[7] . Moreover, constancy of the electron
mass in time appears to follow from the results of [5] as well. Really,because the
fine splitting of energy levels δEdepends on Ridberg’s constant R=2π2me4
well we should conclude that mis also constant on a very large time scale .
There are also alternative models of redshifts which obey th e redshift-distance
relation and based on an idea of gradual change of light param eters due to in-
teraction between light and matter while the light is travel ing gigantic distances
through space for a very long time. There are two candidate wa ys for such inter-
2action to cause redshifts: gradual energy loss by the photon due to absorption
during propagation of light with a constant velocity (tired -light model,see,for
instance, [8]) and propagation of light with the variable ve locity and without
absorption in free space (variable-light-velocity models ).
Tired-light mechanism, however, results in obvious contra dictions between quan-
tum and classical description based on the Maxwell’s equati ons. In fact, assum-
ing that energy of a single photon is gradually decreasing du e to absorption,
we may conclude that volume energy density of N photon flow wit h this same
frequency and,hence,its intensity are also decreasing one s. From the electrody-
namics point of view, it means that electric field strength Eshould gradually
be decreased while this wave is traveling through space . Qua ntum descrip-
tion says about simultaneous decreasing of frequency at cha nging of photon en-
ergy.However,it is not difficult to be convinced that no such a combination, i.e.
the simultaneous decaying space-dependent functions E(x) and ω(x) , obeys
this same wave equation with stationary boundary condition s which is cur-
rently used in quantum electronics and physical optics to ad equately describe
the propagation of light at constant velocity in any non-conductors,including
vacuum (see Appendix) . The electromagnetic coefficient co, which bridges the
electric and magnetic phenomena, has the dimension of speed , and has been
historically identified with a constant free space light velocity. In any m edia,
however, the light velocity depends on its permittivity εand permeability µas
well. At present, vacuum has been experimentally establish ed to be not a void
but it is some material medium with definite but not so far inve stigated features.
It was really confirmed by observation of several vacuum effec ts, for instance,
zero oscillations and polarization of vacuum, generating t he particles in vac-
uum due to electromagnetic interaction. Therefore, it was r easonable to assume
that this real matter-physical vacuum can possess internal friction due to its
small but a real viscosity to result in variation of light-ma tter interaction. That
is, vacuum can affect on the light wave because of certain resi stance. Because
physical vacuum is a real material with real characteristic s the light velocity
can be non-constant, since it depends both on coandε,µof the vacuum ,all of
which could have been space/time-dependent functions, in p rinciple. This may
be a reason for the redshifts observed. For example, the situ ation with space
variable ε(x) and µ(x) at constant electromagnetic parameter was discussed in
[9] where a wave equation with the term analogous to one for a d amped simple
oscillator was derived from Maxwell’s equations. Solution of this equation leads
to a gradual increase of a wavelength ( redshifts at constanc y of the frequency)
and variable light velocity. A drawback of the last approach is what one need to
consider the permittivity and permeability rather as param eters of interaction
but not just the characteristics of vacuum as real matter. Th is inconvenience
was overcame in [10] where this same result was obtained, but at constant per-
mittivity/permeability and the space-dependent electrom agnetic parameter co.
However, following the publication of the work [5] followed by conclusion about
constancy of cothe last model [10] must be obviously abandoned . In the prese nt
3paper we will consider more promising variable light veloci ty model of redshifts
which let us join electrodynamical approach with the cosmol ogical principle and
empirical data to be available in order to explain some featu res of reality.
2 Evolved-vacuum model (EVM) of cosmolog-
ical redshifts
This model is based on classical electrodynamics with takin g the time-dependent
permittivity and permeability into account [11]. Let us mak e only one assump-
tion that, in compliance with the cosmological principle, t he variation of the
physical vacuum parameters occurs simultaneously and iden tically at any point
of the infinite evolving Universe. Then the permittivity and permeability of the
physical vacuum at the moment when light is leaving a distant galaxy (one point
of space) would be different from what it would be when this lig ht is reaching
the Earth (the other point of the Universe) to be a reason for s hifts of spectral
lines. Let us consider this point in more detail by writing Ma xwell’s equations
for the plane-polarized monochromatic wave propagating al ong the OX-axis and
ε(t) and µ(t) as the functions of time
Consideration of the light wave as a plane one here is due to qu asars removed
on infinity are practically point sources of light with flat wa ve fronts near the
Earth. The simplest way of analyzing the situation under the se conditions is to
write down a wave equation for the induction wave Dinstead of the electric
field strength E. One can argue that wave characteristics of induction have t he
same phase behavior as for the electric field. However, solvi ng the induction
wave equation and then making use of the material relations i n (2) to find the
electric field strenth is much simpler. The wave equation for induction can be
derived from a chain of substitutions
drawn from Eqs.2 by means of taking a partial derivative of th e left part of the
first equation with respect to xand using the second equation in (2). This leads
4to the wave equation for electric induction
= 0 (3)
with the boundary and initial conditions :
atx= 0 and t=ts(tsis the start instant when the light left the remote source)
the electric field strength in the wave zone is
E(0, ts) =Eoexpıωots,
where the amplitude and frequency are constant, and
D(0, ts) =ε(ts)E(0, ts)
One can see from (3) that the vacuum propagation velocity of t he induction
wave is a time-dependent function
c(t) =co/radicalbig
and this must be the same as the light velocity. Let us seek a so lution of Eq.3
as a quasi-periodic function with variable phase
D=aexpıφ(x, t) (5)
The induction is an electric field strength in a void,i.e. wit hout any matter
(including physical vacuum) filling a space.Because there i s no field-matter in-
teraction in the void the amplitude of iduction in (5) can be c onsidered as a
constant. Differentiating (5), inserting into (3) and separ ating real and imagi-
nary parts, we obtain two equations
∂t= 0
where q(t) =1
c2(t)andp(t) =q
dt. In order to admit time dependence
for both permeability and permittivity, we should repeat th e same analysis for
the magnetic induction wave equation. Following the differe ntiating of the left
side of the second equation (2) with respect to xand making the necessary
substitutions using the first one we obtain the same equation as (3) but with B
in place of Dandεin place of µin the bracket in the third term. Obviously, the
solution is formally the same as (6), but with εin place of µin the definition of
p(t). Using this conclusion, and the definition of cin (4) , we obtain
ε=Q (7)
5where Qis either an as-yet unknown function on time or a constant. Ta king it
into account we can rewrite the Eqs. (6) as follows
∂t= 0
It is seen from (7) that the behavior of the light velocity is t he same as
permeability and permittivity time behavior at any point of space (in compliance
with the cosmological principle as well).This means that an observer at any
concrete space point on the light path sees the wave as a perio dic function
whose period depends on the light velocity at this epoch. In o ther words, the
light frequency perceived by the observer depends on time al one. Thus, the right
part of the first equation (8), which keeps the frequency (∂φ
∂t) and light velocity,
depends only on time. Therefore, let us seek the phase of the l ight in the form
φ(x, t) =ς(t)±η(x). Inserting this form into the first equation (8), we derive
dt=k (9)
Since η(x) depends only on space and ς(t) depends only on time, the parameter
kmust be constant. It follows from solving the Eq.9 that η(x) is a linear function
ofx,that is η(x) =±kx+φo. It is easy to show that this form will obey the
second of Eqs. (8) as well. Thus the parameter kis a spatial derivative of phase,
or a spatial frequency,i.e. a well-known wave number k=2π
λ.Thus we have for
φ(x, t) =ς(t)±kx (10)
Thus we come to a very important conclusion: the induction wa ve, and hence
the light one, must travel in vacuum with conservation of wave length even
when the parameters are time dependent. This wave length is d etermined by
the initial and boundary conditions (at the point of a quasar location at the
moment of start of the light wave ,i.e. when light is leaving t he quasar)
λ(ts) =2π
ω(ts)=λshift=const (11)
where ω(ts) =ωo- the frequency of the atomic transition in question, tsis
the start instant, when light left the source, c(ts) - the velocity of light at
the concrete epoch of the Universe evolution. The time dependent frequency
ω(t) =∂φ/∂t ,then, can be inferred from (8), given c(t) , which can in turn be
inferred from (7), given Q(t). To determine this, let us refer to the redshift-
distance relation (1). The distance covered by light depend s ontsandto-the
observation time (our epoch at the Earth) and can be written a s
L(to, ts) =/integraldisplayto
tsc(t)dt (12)
6Taking this and (11) into account, we can rewrite the relatio n (1) in the form
Z(ts, to) =λ(ts)
λo−1 =Ho
tsc(t)dt (13)
where initial conditions for the wave lengths of light are (1 1) for a remote source
(atts) and (14) for a terrestrial source (at our epoch )
In the relation (13) the light velocity co=c(to) and Ho, measured at our epoch
to, should be taken the same for different remote objects observ ed. Hence, the
start moment should be an integration variable. Inserting ( 11) and (14) into
Eq.13, differentiating it with respect to ts, using (12) to infer that dL(to, ts)/dts=
−c(ts) and replacing ts→t, we obtain a simple differential equation for the
light velocity
dt=−Hoc(t) (15)
This result is in accord with the Eqs.7 derived from the wave e quation with
parameter Qset to minus the Hubble’s constant Ho.Solving these equations in
the range ts< t < t owith our initial conditions, we obtain an exponential law
of time variation of the light velocity, permittivity and pe rmeability:
c(t) =c(ts)e−Ho(t−ts)(16)
ε(t) =ε(ts)eHo(t−ts)
µ(t) =µ(ts)eHo(t−ts)
Using (16) in (9) with the initial condition (11) and k= 2π/λ(ts) , we obtain
the time-dependent part of the phase for the time range of ts< t < t oas follows
ς(t) =ωo
Because the time derivative of this phase is the frequency of the light wave we
obtain the same behavior for frequency as for light velocity at the same time
ω(t) =ωoe−Ho(t−ts)(18)
Thus the induction wave which obeys the wave equation (3) has a constant am-
plitude,the wavelength shifted initially and the variable frequency due to gradual
time variation of the vacuum parameters equaled throughout the Universe. The
behavior of the electric field strength can be derived from th e last material re-
lation in (2) with taking into account (5),(16) and the initi al conditions in (3)
as follows
E(x, t) =Eoe−Ho(t−ts)expıφ(x, t) (19)
7where the amplitude of the electric field is seen to decline wi th time,and the
phase is
φ(x, t) =ωo
−kx (20)
We may use expressions (18),(19),(20) for any source in depe ndence on situation.
For instance, in order to compare the parameters of light arr ived on the Earth
with ones measured for terrestrial source at the same instan tto(our epoch) we
should put t=toin using of (16) and (18) . As a result we have the following.
remote source The wave length for the light arrived from a galaxy ( g−label)
isλg(to) =2πc(to)
where the light velocity at our epoch is c(to) =co(from Ex.16 at t=to)
and frequency this light perceived by an observer is ωg(to) =ωoexp[Ho(to−ts)]
(from Ex.18 at t=to)
terrestrial source For light from the terrestrial source ( t−label) at this same
time is λt(to) =2πc(to)
ωt(to)where frequency of this source is ωt(to) =ωo(from
Ex.18 at t=to=ts,because there is no time interval between emitting
and observing the terrestrial source wave)
comparison Using this, we obtain the relationλg(to)
τo=to−ts. Thus, in compliance with experiment, there is the redshift
λshift=λg(to) =λoeHoτo
Although reproducing the conclusions of the tired-light mo del, namely, about
simultaneous decreasing the electric field strength and fre quency, this model
has a different physical interpretation. Instead of energy l oss due to absorp-
tion at constant light velocity,this mechanism is based on gradual change of the
vacuum parameters that results in declining of the electric field strength. The
electromagnetic wave is gradually slowing down, with conse rvation of the ini-
tially shifted wavelength λshift. The frequency perceived by observers at any
point on the light path depends on the light velocity at the ob servation time.
3 Cosmological aspects
The cosmological principle implies that the Eqs.16 derived for the interval τo=
to−tscan be extrapolated from present observation time toto any future or
past one.If we take our epoch as zero point on the time scale th e light velocity
in the Exp.16 can be rewritten as follows
c(t) =coe−Ho(t−to)(21)
8where t < t oserves to define history of the Universe before our epoch. For t > t o
we have future of the Universe.The exponential dependence i mplies no partic-
ular points or singularities on the time axis.That is, all of the variations of the
Universe parameters have neither beginning nor end but occu r always and ev-
erywhere, identically. Such variation is very small (for in stance, as follows from
Ex.21 for light velocity at co= 3·108m/sit is about of 2.7 m/s for the interval of
100 years).But it is quite measurable with contemporary tec hniques. Recently,
Montgomery and Dolphin [12] performed a statistical analys is of extensive ex-
perimental data to argue that light velocity is variable in t ime. This analysis
shows the measured value of light velocity to have decreased slightly over the
past 250 years. Such behavior of the light velocity can permi t a steady-state
cosmology with the boundless Universe that has always exist ed, and is homo-
geneous on the very large scale. Making use of (12) with (16), we can find the
distance rcovered by light for any moment of time after the start time wh en
the light left the quasar
r(t) =c(ts)
Unlike the constant light-velocity model, this model says t hat the distance ap-
proaches a certain limit in a certain interval of time τh=th−ts. At, the
τh∼=(5÷6)/Hodistance reaches the limit
This limit distance is due to total declining the electric fie ld strength (19) and
can be interpreted as a spatial cosmological horizon for lig ht. If we take this
horizon into account the photometric Olbers’ paradox [13] h as a natural expla-
nation. Indeed, the light from a galaxy cluster cannot possi bly reach the Earth
if the Earth is situated beyond the light horizon that is avai lable for this clus-
ter.In other words, a terrestrial observer can see only some remote clusters the
horizons of which are in excess of the look-back time τo=to−ts, i.e. for τo< τh
. It is interesting that the earlier light has been emitted, t he larger its horizon is,
because of larger light velocity at this moment of start. Hen ce the light horizon
for quasars associated with the younger Universe is larger t han that for more
recent ones. Using (16) and (22) at t=toand (1) where L=L(τo) =r(to) we
obtain the relative shift
Z(τo) =Ho
coL(τo) =eHoτo−1 (23)
It follows from evaluation in (23) that the maximal Z, being for the horizon
(τh∼=(5÷6)/Ho) is in the range of about 150-500. However, no empirical
Zmeasured up to now exceed 5. If we take a real declining of ligh t intensity
into account this can be explained in the following way. In re ality, we have a
9spherical wave front from the point source (remote galaxy) i ntensity of which is
as the inverse square of the distance. In fact, the relation
is valid for any function V(r) where the radius of a spherical wave is r=/radicalbig
x2+y2+z2(see, for instance, [14]). Therefore, we may place the produ ct
(rD) instead of Dinto the Eq.3 without changing of it (at the same direc-
tions of the light beam randx). Thus, we obtain the induction in a wave zone
(r >> λ/ 2π) as a spherical wave and,hence, the electric field strength h as a
E(r, t) =Eo
re−Ho(t−ts)exp [ıφ(r, t)] (24)
where φ(x, t) is the phase in (20). The intensity of this wave is
I(r, t) =c(t)ε(t)
In order to estimate decreasing intensity with distance and look-back time let
us use of (16) and (22) at t=towith inserting the parameters of our epoch
c(to), ε(to) and L(τo) =r(to) into (25). Following the substitutions we have
I(L, τo) =Io/parenleftbiggHo
where Io=c(ts)ε(ts)E2
Let us compare this one with the intensity of this wave taken a t some previous
point of optical path from the source I(r1, τ1) where r1=r(τ1) and τ1=
t1−ts. The distance r(τ1) is chosen much shorter than L(τo) but long enough
to consider the galaxy as a point source. With aim to compare w e derive the
relation β=I(L, τo)/I(r1, τ1)
where we have taken τ1<< H−1
ointo account at series expansion of the ex-
ponent. According to current data, the Hubble’s constant is in the range of
60−140kms−1Mpc−1. Making use of Ho= 100 kms−1Mpc−1,i.e. 2,9·10−18s−1,
andτ1= 5·106years (at r1= 100 dwhere dis a size of the typical galaxy equaled
of 50kps) to estimate β(τo) and Z(τo) for different look-back times we obtain
the following table
where β= (τ1/τo)2for the situation with constant light velocity
10τo(look-back time) Z(redshift) β(at variable c)β(at constant c)
o= 1.08·1010years 1.8 1.5·10−112·10−7
o 6.8 1.2·10−135·10−8
o 21 2.1·10−152.2·10−8
o 60 3·10−171.2·10−8
o 170 4.5·10−198·10−9
o 480 7·10−215·10−9
It is seen from here that intensity of light is falling more ab ruptly in the case
of the variable light velocity compared to the constant ligh t velocity situation.
This appears to result in very strong restriction of the visi ble horizon to make
measuring of Zmore than 6 practically impossible at sensitivity of up-to- day
4 Conclusion
A new model of cosmological redshifts developed on the base o f classical electro-
dynamics and experimental Hubble’s law is discussed in this paper.In distinction
from the usual wave equation the modified one (3) obtained her e has the third
term taking into consideration interaction the light with p hysical vacuum as a
real matter.The light was concluded from solving this equat ion to propagate in
vacuum with a constant wavelength shifted initially (11) an d variable velocity
(16) caused by gradual changing of permittivity and permeab ility of physical
vacuum (a relative rate of about 10−10per year).Actually,for very long time
of travel of the light in space from a quasar to the Earth,the w avelength of
a terrestrial source is being shifted due to evolution of the Universe resulting
in fractional redshifts.For this same reason the frequency of the traveling light
perceived by the observer on the Earth is a function of time
(18 ) to be different from the frequency ωospecified by the energy transition
which remains constant in time at any point of the Universe fo r any atom in
question. In distinction from the tired-light model,decre asing of the amplitude
of the electric field strenth (19) during the travel trough sp ace is due to not ab-
sorption.From this EVM such a behavior is a result of time evo lution of physical
vacuum. This model offers novel explanations not only for the redshift origin but
also for several other observed features of reality,for ins tance, Olber’s paradox
and limitation of Z.
115 Appendix
Consider the usual wave equation [14] with stationary bound ary conditions
∂t2= 0
atEo, ωo, co, εoandµ- constant
andE(0, t) =Eoexpıωotto study the propagation of light at constant velocity in
any non-conductors,including vacuum. In order to discuss t he tired-light model
let us seek a solution of this equation as a quasi-periodic fu nction with variable
phase and x-dependent amplitude
E=b(x)expıφ(x, t)
Inserting this into the equation and separating real and ima ginary parts we
obtain two following equations
(˙φ)2= 0
2b′φ′+bφ′′= 0
where ˙φ=ωo=const.
Taking φ′=k=2π
λinto account the second one can be rewritten as follows
2b′λ−bλ′= 0
It follows from here that b/λ= 2b′/λ′.Because the left side is always positive
one the x- derivative signs for bandλshould be this same.It means that either
we have redshifts ( λ′>0) with increasing of the amplitude (that is absurd)
or decreasing amplitude ( b′<0) and violetshift ( λ′<0,in no compliance with
Thus the situation of tired-light model ( λ′>0 with b′<0) is not acceptable
for the usual wave equation with stationary conditions.
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13 |
arXiv:physics/9911070v1 [physics.atom-ph] 26 Nov 1999EXACT SOLUTION TO THE SCHR ¨ODINGER
Department of College Computer Education, Hu’nan Nor-
mal University, Changsha 410081, The People’s Republic of
China, and Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing 100039 ,
The People’s Republic of China.
The exact solution to the Schr¨ odinger equation for the rigi d body with the
given angular momentum and parity is obtained. Since the qua ntum rigid
body can be thought of as the simplest quantum three-body pro blem where
the internal motion is frozen, this calculation method is a g ood starting point
for solving the quantum three-body problems.
Key words: quantum three-body problem, rigid body, Schr¨ od inger equation.
The three-body problem is a fundamental problem in quantum m echanics,
which has not been well solved. The Faddeev equations [1] pro vide a method
for solving exactly the quantum three-body problems. Howev er, only a few
analytically solvable examples were found [2]. The accurat e direct solution
of the three-body Schr¨ odinger equation with the separated center-of-mass
motion has been sought based on different numerical methods, such as the
finite difference [3], finite element [4], complex coordinate rotation [5], hy-
perspherical coordinate [6-8], hyperspherical harmonic [ 9-11] methods, and a
large number of works [12-16]. In those numerical methods, t hree rotational
degrees of freedom are not separated completely from the int ernal ones. In
this letter we present a method to separate completely the ro tational degrees
of freedom and apply it to the quantum rigid body as an example .
The plan of this letter is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we sh all introduce
our notations and briefly demonstrate how to separate the rot ational degrees
of freedom from the internal ones in a quantum three-body pro blem. The
exact solution to the Schr¨ odinger equation for the rigid bo dy with the given
angular momentum and parity is obtained in Sec. 3. A short con clusion is
given in sec. 4.
Denote by rjand byMj,j= 1,2,3, the position vectors and the masses of
three particles in a three-body problem, respectively. The relative masses are
mj=Mj/M, whereMis the total mass, M=/summationtextMj. The Laplace operator
1in the three-body Schr¨ odinger equation is proportional to/summationtext3
where △rjis the Laplace operator with respect to the position vector rj.
Introducing the Jacobi coordinate vectors xandyin the center-of-mass
m2+m3(r2−r3). (1)
we obtain the Laplace operator and the total angular momentu m operator
Lby a direct replacement of variables:
j=1−i¯hrj× ▽rj=Lx+Ly,
Lx=−i¯hx× ▽x,Ly=−i¯hy× ▽y.(2)
The three-body Schr¨ odinger equation with the separated ce nter-of-mass mo-
tion becomes
{△x+△y}Ψ +VΨ =EΨ, (3)
whereVis a pair potential, depending only upon the distance of each pair
of particles.
In the hyperspherical harmonic method [11], for example, tw o Jacobi
coordinate vectors are expressed in their spherical coordi nate forms,
x∼(ρcosω,θx,ϕx),y∼(ρsinω,θy,ϕy). (4)
whereρis called the hyperradius and Ω( ω,θx,ϕx,θy,ϕy) are the five hyper-
angular variables. The wave function is presented as a sum of products of a
hyperradial function and the hyperspherical harmonic func tion,
Ψℓm(x,y) =/summationdisplay
There is huge degeneracy of the hyperspherical basis, and th e matrix ele-
ments of the potential have to be calculated between differen t hyperspherical
harmonic states [10], because the interaction in the three- body problem is
not hyperspherically symmetric.
The quantum rigid body (top) can be thought of as the simplest quantum
three-body problem where the internal motion is frozen. To s olve exactly the
Schr¨ odinger equation for the rigid body is the first step for solving exactly
the quantum three-body problems. Wigner first studied the ex act solution
for the quantum rigid body (see P.214 in [17]) from the group t heory. He
characterized the position of the rigid body by the three Eul er anglesα,β,
γof the rotation which brings the rigid body from its normal po sition into
the position in question, and obtained the exact solution fo r the quantum
rigid body, which is nothing but the Wigner D-function. For the quantum
2three-body problems, as in the helium atom, he separated thr ee rotational
degrees of freedom from three internal ones (see Eq. (19.18) in [17]):
Ψℓm(r1,r2) =/summationdisplay
mν(α,β,γ )∗ψν(r1,r2,ω), (5)
where r1andr2are the coordinate vectors of two electrons, ωis their an-
gle, and the Wigner D-function form [17] has been replaced with the usual
D-function form [18]. Wigner did not write the three-body Sch r¨ odinger equa-
tion explicitly. As a matter of fact, the three-body Schr¨ od inger equation (3)
becomes very complicated if one replaces two coordinates ve ctors of electrons
with the Euler angles as well as r1,r2, andωfor the internal motion. On
the other hand, Wigner’s idea, to separate the degrees of fre edom completely
from the internal ones, is helpful to simplify the calculati on for the quan-
tum three-body problem. Hsiang and Hsiang in their recent pa per [19] also
presented the similar idea. In this letter we will develop th e idea of Wigner
and obtain the exact solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation f or the rigid body
without introducing the Euler angles directly. This calcul ation method is a
good starting point for solving the quantum three-body prob lems [19,20].
The Schr¨ odinger equation (3) is spherically symmetric so t hat its solution
can be factorized into a product of an eigenfunction of the an gular momen-
tumLand a ”radial” function, which only depends upon three varia bles,
invariant in the rotation of the system:
ξ1=x·x, ξ 2=y·y, ξ 3=x·y. (6)
For the quantum rigid body, the potential makes the internal motion frozen
so that those variables ξjare constant.
For a particle moving in a central field, the eigenfunction of the angular
momentum is the spherical harmonic function Yℓ
m(θ,ϕ). How to generalize
the spherical harmonic function to the three-body problem w ithout intro-
ducing the Euler angles directly? As is well known, Yℓ
m(x) =rℓYℓ
where (r,θ,ϕ) are the spherical coordinates for the position vector x, is a
homogeneous polynomial of degree ℓwith respect to the components of x,
which does not contain r2=x·xexplicitly. Yℓ
m(x), called the harmonic
polynomial in the literature, satisfies the Laplace equatio n as well as the
eigen-equation for the angular momentum.
In the three-body problem there are two Jacobi coordinate ve ctorsxand
yin the center-of-mass frame. We shall construct the eigenfu nctions of the
angular momentum as the homogeneous polynomials of degree ℓwith respect
to the components of xandy, which do not contain ξjexplicitly. According
to the theory of angular momentum [18], they are
Lm(x,y) =/summationdisplay
m−µ(y)/an}bracketle{tq,µ,ℓ −q,m−µ|q,ℓ−q,L,m /an}bracketri}ht,
0≤q≤ℓ,whenL=ℓ,and 1 ≤q≤ℓ−1,whenL=ℓ−1.(7)
where /an}bracketle{tq,µ,ℓ −q,m−µ|q,ℓ−q,L,m /an}bracketri}htare the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
The remained combinations with the angular momentum L<ℓ −1 contain
3the factors ξ3explicitly [20]. In other words, the eigenfunctions of the t otal
angular momentum L2with the eigenvalue ℓ(ℓ+1), not containing the factors
ξjexplicitly, are those homogeneous polynomials of degree ℓor degree (ℓ+1).
Let us introduce a parameter λ= 0 or 1 to identify them:
ℓm(x,y) =/summationdisplay
× /an}bracketle{tq,µ,ℓ −q+λ,m−µ|q,ℓ−q+λ,ℓ,m /an}bracketri}ht,
λ= 0 and 1 , λ ≤q≤ℓ.(8)
ℓm(x,y) is the common eigenfunction of L2,L3,L2
△xy, and the parity with the eigenvalues ℓ(ℓ+ 1),m,q(q+ 1), (ℓ−q+
λ)(ℓ−q+λ+ 1), 0, 0, 0, and ( −1)ℓ+λ, respectively, where L2andL3are
the total angular momentum operators, L2
yare the ”partial” angular
momentum operators [see Eq. (2)], △xand△yare the Laplace operators
respectively with respect to the Jacobi coordinate vectors xandy, and △xy
is defined as
∂x3∂y3. (9)
Because of the conservation of the angular momentum and pari ty, the
solution Ψ ℓmλ(x,y) of the Schr¨ odinger equation (3) can be expanded in
terms of Y(ℓ+λ)q
ℓm(x,y), where the conserved quantum numbers ℓ,mandλ
are fixed. Since those equations are independent of m, we can calculate them
by settingm=ℓ, where [18]
= (−1)ℓ/braceleftBigg
[(2q+ 1)!(2ℓ−2q+ 1)!]1/2
= (−1)ℓ/braceleftbigg(2q+ 1)!(2ℓ−2q+ 3)!
2q(ℓ−q+ 1)(ℓ+ 1)/bracerightbigg1/2/braceleftBig
By substituting Ψ ℓℓλ(x,y) into Eq. (3), a system of the partial differen-
tial equations for the coefficients can be obtained. The parti al differen-
tial equations will be simplified if one changes the normaliz ation factor of
ℓℓ(x,y), namely Y(ℓ+λ)q
ℓℓ(x,y) in Eq. (11) is replaced by Qℓλ
which is proportional to Y(ℓ+λ)q
Ψℓℓλ(x,y) =ℓ/summationdisplay
q(x,y) = {(q−λ)!(ℓ−q)!}−1(x1+ix2)q−λ(y1+iy2)ℓ−q
× {(x1+ix2)y3−x3(y1+iy2)}λ
λ= 0,1, λ ≤q≤ℓ.(11)
4The partial differential equations for the functions ψℓλ
q(ξ1,ξ2,ξ3) are:
q+ 4q∂ψℓλ
∂ξ1+ 4(ℓ−q+λ)∂ψℓλ
∂ξ2+ 2(q−λ)∂ψℓλ
= (E−V)ψℓλ
λ≤q≤ℓ, λ = 0,1.(12)
This system of the partial differential equations was first ob tained by Hsiang
and Hsiang [19]. It is a good starting point for solving the qu antum three-
body problems [19,20].
For the quantum rigid body, the potential preserves the geom etrical form of
the rigid body fixed. It can be replaced by the constraints:
ξ1= const. ξ 2= const. ξ 3= const. (13)
Therefore, the solution of the Schr¨ odinger equation for th e quantum rigid
body can be expressed as
Ψℓℓλ(x,y) =ℓ/summationdisplay
q(x,y). (14)
qare constant. Recall that Qℓλ
q(x,y) is the solution of the Laplace
equation. Due to the constraints (13) some differential term s with respect to
ξjin the Laplace equation should be removed so that the Laplace equation
is violated, namely, the rigid body obtains an energy E. On the other
hand, as a technique of calculation, we can calculate those d ifferential terms
first where ξjare not constant, and then set the constraints (13). The
contribution from those terms is nothing but the minus energ y−Eof the
rigid body.
In the calculation, we first separate the six Jacobi coordina tes [see Eq.
(4)] into three rotational coordinates and three internal c oordinates. The
lengths of xandyand their angle ωare
ξ1, r y=/radicalbig
ξ1ξ2. (15)
Obviously, those three variables are also constant in the co nstraints (13).
Assume that in the normal position of the rigid body the Jacob i coordinate
vector xis along the Zaxis and yis located in the XZplane with a positive
Xcomponent. A rotation R(α,β,γ ) brings the rigid body from its normal
position into the position in question. The Euler angles α,β, andγdescribe
the rotation of the rigid body. The definition for the Euler an gles are different
from that of Wigner (see Eq. (7) and Ref. [17]) because xandyhere are
5the Jacobi coordinate vectors. To shorten the notations, we define
cα= cosα, c β= cosβ, c γ= cosγ,
cx= cosθx, c y= cosθy, C = cosω,
sα= sinα, s β= sinβ, s γ= sinγ,
sx= sinθx, s y= sinθy, S = sinω.(16)
According to the definition, we have [18]
R(α,β,γ ) =
−sβcγ sβsγ cβ
x1+ix2=rxeiαsβ, y 1+iy2=ryeiα(cβcγS+sβC+isγS),
x3=rxcβ, y 3=ry(−sβcγS+cβC).(17)
Through the replacement of variables:
(rx,θx,ϕx,ry,θy,ϕy)− → (rx,ry,ω,α,β,γ ),
α=ϕx, β =θx,
we obtain
∂r2xrx+· · ·,
∂ω+· · ·,(19)
where the neglected terms are those differential terms only w ith respect to
the rotational variables α,βandγ. Now,
where Ψ ℓℓλ(x,y) is given in Eq. (14).
Through a direct calculation, we obtain
q(x,y) =q(q+ 1)
q(x,y) =(ℓ−q+λ)(ℓ−q+λ+ 1)
=/braceleftbig(ℓ−q)/bracketleftbig(ℓ−q+ 2λ)cot2ω−1/bracketrightbig
−(q−λ+ 1)(2ℓ−2q+ 2λ−1)/parenleftbigC/S2/parenrightbigQℓλ
+ (q−λ+ 1)(q−λ+ 2)S−2Qℓλ
6Therefore, the coefficients fℓλ
qsatisfies a system of linear algebraic equa-
tions with the equation number ( ℓ−λ+ 1):
q(q+ 1)/r2
x+ (ℓ−q+λ)(ℓ−q+λ+ 1)/r2
+/bracketleftbig(ℓ−q)(ℓ−q+ 2λ)cot2ω−(ℓ−q) +λ/parenleftbigcot2ω−1/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig/r2
−/braceleftbig(q−λ)(2ℓ−2q+ 2λ+ 1)C//parenleftbigS2rxry/parenrightbig/bracerightbigfℓλ
whererx,ryandωare constant.
Due to the spherical symmetry, the energy level with the give n total
angular momentum ℓis (2ℓ+ 1)-degeneracy (normal degeneracy). Further-
more, since λ≤q≤ℓ, there are ( ℓ+1) sets of solutions with the parity ( −1)ℓ
andℓsets of solutions with the parity ( −1)ℓ+1. This conclusion coincides
with that by Wigner (see P. 218 in [17]). When ℓ= 0 we have the constant
solution with zero energy and even parity. When ℓ= 1, we have one set of
solutions Ψ ℓm1with the even parity and two sets of solutions Ψ ℓm0with the
odd parity:
Ψ111(x,y) = (x1+ix2)y3−x3(y1+iy2),
E11= ¯h2//parenleftbigMr2
x/parenrightbig+ ¯h2//parenleftBig
110=x1+ix2, E(1)
10= ¯h2//parenleftbigMr2
S2rxry(x1+ix2) +/parenleftBigg
10= ¯h2//parenleftBig
It is similar to obtain the solutions with the higher orbital angular momen-
tumℓ. The partners of the solutions with the smaller eigenvalues ofL3can
be calculated from them by the lowering operator L−.
In summary, we have reduced the three-body Schr¨ odinger equ ation for any
given total orbital angular momentum and parity to a system ( 12) of the
coupled partial differential equations with respect only to three variables,
describing the internal degrees of freedom in a three-body p roblem. This
equation system is a good starting point for solving the quan tum three-body
problems. As an example, we obtain the exact solution to the S chr¨ odinger
equation for the rigid body.
Acknowledgements . The author would like to thank Prof. Hua-Tung Nieh
and Prof. Wu-Yi Hsiang for drawing his attention to the quant um three-
body problems. This work was supported by the National Natur al Science
Foundation of China and Grant No. LWTZ-1298 of the Chinese Ac ademy
of Sciences.
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8 |
Making sense of Physics1 in the first year of study
Shirley Booth Åke Ingerman
Centre for educational development Department of Physics (MiNa)
Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology
We address the question "How do students make sense of Physics from the point of view
of constituting physics knowledge?". A phenomenographic study is described as a resultof which we present six qualitatively different ways in which students experience the first
year of Physics. The variation is analysed in terms of the structure of experience, the
nature of knowledge and an ethical aspect related to the identification of authority. Threeof these ways of experiencing the first year are considered to be unproductive in terms of
making sense of physics, while the other three support to an increasing degree the
formation of a well-grounded physics knowledge object. Implications for practice areconsidered.
1. Aim
Students beginning to study engineering physics are faced in their first year with a
bewildering array of new subjects and teachers. Such is the case at Chalmers Universityof Technology in Göteborg, Sweden, where our study took place. At the heart of the four
and a half year programme is a vision of the all-round engineer-physicist, and in 1993 a
reform of the programme was initiated, aimed at enhancing students' problem-solving andcommunications skills. Such moves are currently common (Baillie, 1999) but in this case
it was followed by a drastic drop-out over the two following years, which is the
immediate reason for the current study.
The aim of the overall study is to illuminate the factors surrounding the drop-out that
followed the reform. It was observed that the existing programme had been compressed in
order to accommodate the extra curriculum. A survey of students indicated a puzzlingsplit: that about one third found it to be a stimulating programme and the same number
found it grinding. We set out to examine the idea that the large number of courses that go
to make up the first year, taught by relatively isolated teachers, led to a fragmentation ofthe content for some of the students. In particular, we hypothesised that the programme
was not experienced as a whole and that becoming a physicist had been relegated to the
background, while coping with many disparate courses – predominantly mathematics –had come to the fore.
A more pragmatic aim of the study was to increase the programme board's awareness of
the complexity of the first year from the students' perspective, and of the results of theirdecisions on the conditions for learning.
The research questions addressed by the study as a whole are
• How do students make sense of Physics from the point of view of constituting physics
1 By "Physics" with a capital P we denote the programme of Engineering Physics at Chalmers; by "physics"
with a small p we mean the physical world and the world of physicists.• What factors in the programme and the student experience of the programme can be
related to the students’ approaches to studying and learning?
• What implications are there for the individual student, in their quest for making sense
of Physics?
A wider aim is to illuminate the oft expressed goal of educators in designing new
programmes or reforming old ones, that they want to improve the integration of thestudents’ knowledge, in particular mathematics and its applications. We ask ourselves
what the implementations of this goal might look like from the students’ points of view.
This paper focuses on the first of these questions, and the implications for faculty.
2. Method
The study was carried out with a predominantly phenomenographic approach (Marton,
1981; Marton & Booth, 1997). This implies that we were interested in variation in the
ways in which the students experienced their first year of study with respect to its contentand structure, it being made up of some twelve distinct courses distributed across
mathematics, physics and engineering subjects in rough ratio 2:1:1.
Data was collected primarily through interviews. These were held with 20 students
sometime in the second year of studies, selected to represent a cross-section of success
among those who remained on the programme (and thus including some who had reached
the verge of failure). The interview was directed towards exploring the variation of waysin which the students had experienced their first year, with learning the subjects both as
individual courses and as an integrated whole. First it probed specifically into the ways in
which the student saw the relations between the courses, both structurally andmeaningfully, and engaged them in a semi-structured discussion of factors surrounding
their studies. The students were initially given an A3 sheeet of paper with all the course
titles spread over it, and they were asked to join them up according to perceivedrelationship. The interviewer began by asking the students for the meaning of the lines
they had drawn, giving them opportunity to discuss the relationships between the course
contents freely. The interviews then continued by developing the relations they referred toand by taking up students’ overall experience of the programme, their reasons for
choosing Physics, what kept them going, the way in which the whole was seen, and their
approaches to studying.
In line with the phenomenographic approach, the interviews are seen as forming a "pool
of meaning" in which the variation in ways of experiencing the phenomena of interest are
to be seen. By reading the interviews repeatedly, now as expressions of individualstudents, now as series of extracts related to specific issues, we delved more and more
deeply into the meaning of "Physics" as seen by the students. Categories were formed and
reformed; extracts from interviews were sought to support and give substance to thecategories; and logical and empirical links between categories were explored. The aim
was to offer a hierarchy of empirically grounded and logically consistent categories of
description which capture the essence of the whole experience and reveal the essentialvariational structure of that experience.
3. Results
Throughout the interviews we took up aspects of ways in which the students experienced
the objects of their studies – the content of courses, the relations between them, therelation between them and the future (studies and work), understanding and difficulties.
We have also taken note of the ways in which students relate to knowledge, to others and
to self, in a system which we identify with an ethical aspect of experience.
From the data we have analysed an outcome space of six categories of description,
forming a hierarchy of increasing sense-making. We introduce the term “knowledge
fragment ” to indicate the way in which the students seem to experience what constitutes
the courses. These we see being experienced as self-contained pieces, bearing meaning
only in a local sense, neither perceived as legitimate or recognisable outside the
immediate educational locality. We also use the term “knowledge object ”, related only
partially to the notion as used by Entwistle & Marton (1994). While they mean the ideal
visualisable whole “made up of a tightly integrated and structured interconnected ideas
and data which together make up our own personal understandings ” attained after a good
deal of intensive study, we refer rather to the whole that students are experiencing,
whatever its character might be. Based on our interpretation of the empirical data we even
draw a distinction between "study knowledge object" and "physics knowledge object",where in the first focus is on the process of study, (we could say Physics), the latter is
focused on the meaning of study related to the physical world – a figure-ground
There follows a short description of the six ways of experiencing the first year in terms of
the study content, with example extracts from the interviews. Note that we are not
categorising individual students, but are analysing the whole experience as it is told bythe set of students and illustrating by individual statements.
3.1. A. Courses are identified with the study situation
Here the engineering physics programme has been experienced as a discrete set of
courses, a means to the end of a degree. These are related to authority, i.e. teachers andtradition, and common features, such as the ways in which courses were organised.
2 indicates such a way of experiencing the first year, here, for example, relating
Mechanics and Strength of Materials:
S9 It was about moments and suchlike, what can I say, forces here and there, but maybe there wasn ’t
such a big link, they share the subject a bit, yes I suppose so
Later in the same interview the same student refers thus to Complex Analysis and Fourier
Analysis, bringing out the common organisational feature:
S9 Well, what can I say, maybe there ’s not such an enormous connection, but it feels as if they are the
same, more that it is the same sort of organisation in the course, sort of, more than what they areabout. I really like those courses, no problems to hand in, no bonus points to chase after, but it ’s
just a case of learning really, and being able to work the problems out.
I Is it the teaching more than anything?
S9 Yes, more than the content maybe. But well, I liked them a lot.
We would dub this a “study knowledge object ”, but it is taken for granted rather than
being a focal concern.
3.2. B. One course is seen as a prerequisite for another course
Courses are now related to their content to the extent that a preordained, correct sequence
of acquisition of knowledge fragments is assumed. A "red thread"3 is sought in terms of
2 The 20 students who were interviewed are identified S1 to S20. I refers to the interviewerneeds and demands. Authority for the thread – content and structure – is still the domain
of teachers and tradition.
S7 First Algebra and the maths courses, you can ’t take them away, just like RealB4, I didn ’t enjoy that
but it still has to be there anyway. Then the rest of the courses, I think they have to be there, but
whether or not you could change their order I don't know, maybe you could. I don ’t know how
important EM is, if you could put it earlier or later, it seems to be important because we ’ve done so
much of it so far
Asked if he could see a whole in the set of courses he had taken, S7 refers to the lack of
insight into the teacher ’s intentions:
S7 Yes, sort of … I can see how they ’ve tried to build it up but I don ’t know if I see the aim of it, to be
honest, I feel I ’m moving forward but I don ’t really know where I ’m trying to get to
In discussing courses that had common content S6 refers to perceived shortcomings in
S6 … but it sometimes feels as though the teachers don ’t really know what we know and don ’t know.
Have you done this before? And have you taken that up? Like in ENets for example, where they
took up Laplace transformations, and they came up an awful lot in the exam, on the first exam inany case, Laplace transformations, but it hadn ’t, in Complex they hadn ’t had time to take it up
properly, and then in ENets there was no time to do it properly either, there they assumed we had
gone through it in Complex. That sort of thing. It ’s a bit as if, things run into one another a bit
vaguely, the boundaries are unclear, between Control and ENets, for example
Compared with the previous category, the emerging “knowledge object ” is related to
study, now being focused on in trying to find the fit of the fragments.
3.3. C. One course is seen as being useful in other courses
Courses now support one another, but they still are necessarily arranged in a specific
order. Reference is made to the knowledge fragments that constitute the courses, which
mesh into one another, course-to-course.
I And the line between Mechanics and MatStrength?
S3 It ’s more a question of MatStrength having a bit of Mechanics in it, … the course in Strength of
Materials, I thought that went smoothly, I didn ’t get any links to any other subjects at all except to
just Mechanics, it was mostly force, forces and other things of course, but …
A number of different knowledge fragments, not necessarily from the same course, may
build a specific technique or application, and the future usage of such applications comesinto the picture.
S12 I think that whatever courses you choose you can never cover so much that it ’ll be exactly what
you finally work with, there are little bits in each course you have use of and recognise. I don ’t
think it ’s the details, as long as you ’re not going to do research, and I have no idea if I ’ll do that.
Now the knowledge object starts to have features relating to physics, while study as the
object still dominates.
3 A “red thread ” is a Swedish term for the logical structure that is either planned or apparent. It is a very
common term among both students, who demand them, and teachers, who try to make them apparent, bothin individual courses and in programmes of courses.
4 Courses are referred to by abbreviated names in interviews
Analysis of single variable RealA Electro-magnetic fields EMFields
Analysis of several variables RealB Passive & active electric networks ENets
Complex analysis Complex Mechanics Mechanics
Vector analysis Vector Strength of materials MatStrength
Fourier analysis Fourier Automatic control Control
Linear algebra Linear Numerical analysis Numeric3.4. D. Courses are related through mutual illumination
Here is to be found sense-making for the first time. Courses now lend meaning to each
other and understanding in an earlier course can be found in a later course. There are now
networks that mesh and unmesh, knowledge fragments might be grouped together indifferent ways and offer different perspectives. There is a dynamic in what is focal or
non-focal, and thematic or non-thematic. The Physics that is constituted takes on a
dynamic form and begins to resemble a "physics knowledge object" rather than a “study
knowledge object ”.
What is met in one course can illuminate or explain what is met elsewhere:
S12 I see that [ENets] more as a lot of things you just have to accept, currents that go here and there in
ENets, they get explained in EMFields. That ’s what I think is essential when you do the Physics
programme, that you get these explanations and don ’t simply apply things, but you go a bit further
When discussing sudden insights he had had, S3 says:
S3 Yes, in Numeric as well, when you studied optimisation and other things that you could sort of
deduce from the theory from algebra and linear spaces and things, that you could …, there it comes
in, you saw that it was that you were working at without thinking of it, and that you ’d done it
before in RealB as well, without knowing that you were projecting it on a subspace sort of? There
I felt sort of Wow, when I did Linear anyway.
S3 refers to his need to put abstractions into context in order to find “physical meaning ”:
S3 The relation between Vector and EMFields was really good. I failed the exam when I took it then,
in the last quarter, largely because I didn ’t feel any, sort of had no connection to what it ’s used for
actually. We did take EMFields at the same time, but we didn ’t get so far that you could start to
look around … there was sort of no … you learn a bit about vorticity and so on but it has no
physical meaning before you ’ve done the EMFields course. But then when we had learned electro-
magnetic theory, learned a whole load of Vector, then the parts of that course started to come
Being able to confirm abstract concepts in a practical context is referred to:
S12 There (Electrical Measurements) we measure, in some of the labs, things we learned about in
EMFields, phenomena with reflections and suchlike, and see that they do in fact exist, that ’s a sort
of link maybe
3.5. E. Courses fit together into an adaptable whole
The courses are seen as constituting parts of a whole, and the strict ordering structure of
the educational programme knowledge content is broken apart. An internal dynamic
enables a picture to develop which is different on different occasions, depending on whataspects are brought into focus.
S1, speaking of courses where he has gained understanding:
S1 It was sort of, you discovered that in some way, like in RealB, that you suddenly can simply
transform a two-dimensional [double-]integral to a three-dimensional [triple-]integral at once.
Now it feels much more obvious that it is so. It didn ’t then. To be able to see something in a
different way, that you couldn ’t see before
S10 describes with pleasure tying things together, achieving a “knowledge object ” in
Marton & Entwistle ’s sense:
S10 Well, when we did Complex, and got towards the end of it, you sort of began to see how a lot of it
is related to what you studied in the first year, then, you sort of got to tie in lots of the maths
courses you ’d taken earlier, you got a bird ’s eye perspective over the whole thing [as you came to
the end] of Complex, so you started to feel now, now I see some sort of connections anyway. That
was really cool.And S1 takes s further step in realising that what has been encapsulated in one course can
be seen as a special case of a more general field of knowledge; the knowledge object is
not only visualisable but reformable when needed:
S1 It ’s quite a lot of application. In Control you draw upon examples from Mechanics when you are
working out your systems. And in MatStrength it ’s actually a question of, you actually take your
mechanics systems and make them very very small, so that they can ’t shear and bend. You ’re
taking Mechanics into a new dimension, that ’s why you use deformable bodies there [in Strength
of Materials] instead. Large bodies. That sounded good!
3.6. F. Courses in Physics come into physics
The borders between courses are erased, a physics knowledge object is constituted,
physics and the physics world are one with the knower.
S12 I think you get a lot of ahah-sensations in the EMFields course, you get to understand a lot of
things that before you simply accepted. It ’s really courses like that that are fun to take, you
understand how a microwave oven works and suchlike
What is met in courses is related to potential others in potential situations outside
S10 That ’s how it was in Control. There you had to tackle problems and sort of feel that, if we had a
specific problem here, something technical that an engineer could come across, how would I solveit? And how good would my solution be? There really ought to be a lot of that, things that an
employer wants. You should be able to come up with a solution and then judge your solution
critically, and see if it is acceptable. That feels right somehow.
3.7. Summary of the provenance of the categories
Categories arise from the pool of meaning provided by the set of interviews, and not from
individual students. We can see, however, extracts from individual interviews that
indicate one category or the other. In table 1 we summarise the provenance of the
A S2, S9, S18
B S2, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S15, S17, S18, S19
C S1, S3, S4, S7, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S16, S17, S20
D S1, S3, S4, S8, S11, S12, S13, S14, S16, S17, S20
E S1, S10, S12, S16
F S10, S12, S16
Table 1. Individual interviews indicate a range of categories
4. Discussion
The empirical study has resulted in an six-tiered outcome space of ways in which students
of Physics experience their first year of study, which is a hierarchy of sense-making. The
first three (A, B, C) refer to courses as courses, knowledge fragments being thecomponents of the courses, isolated in A, building on one another in B, and meshing into
one another in C. The second group of three (D, E, F) bring the meaning of the content
into focus and ascribe different relationships between the content – mutual in D, multiple
in E and finally extending outside the programme to physics phenomena in F. The
similarity to studies of conceptions of learning is striking (Marton et al., 1993, S äljö,
1979), in that meaning, or sense-making, is a watershed between two groups of threecategories.We have introduced the notions of “study knowledge object ” and “physics knowledge
object ” to distinguish between making sense of the study situation in one way or another,
and making sense of physics. To varying degrees these two aspects of the knowledgeobject are present throughout the categories, but “study ” dominates the earlier categories
and “physics ” becomes increasingly in focus in the latter categories.
4.1. The structure of the experience of the first year of Physics
In Table 2 we have analysed the results according to the structure of experience (Marton
& Booth, 1997). It is seen that the referential aspect indicates clearly the shift from no-
meaning to meaning between C and D. The external horizon of the structural aspect of the
ways of experiencing shifts gradually from an unproblematised studying at the university,here and now, through a refocusing on future study and the world outside the university,
to finally embrace physics as a way of seeing the world outside the university. The
internal horizon of the structural aspect – how the parts of the ways of experiencing are
related to one another and to the whole – shifts in a more discrete sense. Isolated, or
possibly grouped, fragments are all there are in A, the blocks taking on a linear
preordained arrangement in B. In C, thanks to overlapping fragments, the preordainedlinear arrangement has branches and parallel paths as well, while in D the fragments are
related more by meshing facilitated by understanding, thus giving freedom for
realignment and restructuring. In E forms of knowledge are constituted of the fragmentsto be found in courses, which give new perspectives and ways of seeing, while in F these
ways of seeing are directed outside current experience to an unknown future.
Based on the analytical device of the phenomenographic structure of experience, we have
extended the analysis to consider the nature of knowledge, drawing largely on the
characteristics of the internal horizon of the structure of the ways of experiencing the first
year of Physics. Further, we consider, following Perry ’s seminal work “Epistemological
and ethical development in the college years ” (Perry, 1970/99) an ethical aspect of the
experience, drawing largely on the referential aspect.
Let us relate the categories to the individuals who were interviewed. If we look back to
Table 1 we see that almost all students expressed experiencing the first year in more than
one of these ways, and most expressed ways that fall above and below the "sense-
making" watershed. That so many voiced C, even if mainly speaking of sense-making, ishardly surprising giving the design of the interview, based as it was on a chart of
individual courses. Of the 20 interviewed, 8 students expressed ways of experiencing
their first year of Physics only in the range A to C, which can be interpreted as their notbeing competent to see the first year in a sense-making way. What these also have in
common is reference to the weight of studies and the effects it has had on them. S2, an
ambitious student not content to get less than top grades and having chosen Physicsbecause it is reputed to be the toughest programme, says at the end of his interview:
S2 Sometimes it feels as though there ’s much too much to do. You can understand that a lot drop out.
And there are periods when you can never take time off, there ’re always things to do but you don ’t
have time. Then it is easy to lose interest and go over to something else instead … when you get to
exams you generally have to learn what you need to and it often feels that during the study quarters
you are mostly behind and don't know anything.
S6, less confident of her abilities relative to her peers, says:
S6 Interest has been killed by the tempo.Structural
External horizonAspect
Internal horizonReferential aspect Nature of
knowledgeEthical aspect
AUniversity Courses, tasks,
organisation,teachers, exams,Gaining a degree Isolated
fragments,encapsulated incoursesAuthority with
teachers."We need thedegree"
BUniversity, future
years of PhysicsCourses, red
threads,Building up the
programmeaccording to the
fragmentsAuthority with
teachers."Knowledge is
what they want
us to find"
CUniversity, future
years of Physics,world of workCourses, red
threads, overlapand applicationBuilding up the
programmeaccording to theteachers’intentionsFitting fragments Authority with
teachers"Knowledge isthere to be puttogether"
DUniversity, future
years of Physics,
world of workKnowledge
fragments, related
by explanationtheoreticalreasoning andconfirmed by
empirical evidenceGaining an
understanding of
the basics of theprogrammeMeshed and re-
fragmentsintegrated byunderstandingResponsibility
shift towards self.
"Knowledge isthere tounderstand"
EUniversity, future
years of Physics,
world of workKnowledge forms
that give ways of
seeingGaining new ways
of seeingKnowledge object
with self.
"Knowledge is
ways of seeing"
FUniversity, future
years of Physics,physicsphenomena, worldof workKnowledge forms
that give ways ofseeing physicsGaining physics
ways of seeingKnowledge object
related to self andthe physics worldCommitment to
physics apossibility."Knowledge is away of
experiencing the
Table 2. Analysis of the variation in ways of experiencing the first year of Physics, with
respect to learning physics
One extension to this work has to be to make contact with students who have actually
dropped out and see how their ways of experience fit into and extend this picture. Another
is to look at the results in case studies of individual students.
4.2. Ethical aspect of the experience of the first year of Physics
The clear watershed between category C and D is further emphasised if an ethical aspect
of the categories is taken into account. The different interpretations of "authority" implies
different views of knowledge. By "authority" we mean where the responsibility lies for
the structure and outcome of the first year of study. In the first group of categories(A,B,C) the authority clearly lies outside of the student, the responsibility and problem
formulation privilege are mainly taken by the teachers and other persons "in power", not
necessarily known to the student. Following their guidance, the student is guaranteed asuccessful outcome of the studies. In the second group of categories (D,E,F), theresponsibility is taken and agenda is set mainly by the student. Drawing upon the work by
Perry (1999), this is very similar to his developmental scheme from the dualistic world of
Authorities and Absolutes to the relative world of Commitment and Nuances.
Parallel to the responsibility aspect, different "coping strategies" could be observed. Even
though the same physical act might exist in both groups, e.g. solving old exams (with
given solutions) close before the exam (popularly called "tentakit"~"examfix"), thecontext is very different. In the first group this is one of the acts done to guess what
"they", i.e. the authorities, teachers, want, but in the second this is a opportunity to delve
into more complex problems with a context possibly easier to relate to earlier knowledge.We see these strategies as ways of creating a confidence, an assurance, trying to take
control over the situation as it is perceived and bring a sense of purpose to one ’s studies.
This leads us to relate the dichotomous approach to study – deep approaches vs. surface
approaches (Marton et al., 1984) – to the individual's perception of authority and the
source of the sense of control and/or self-assurance. A student who perceives authority for
knowledge lying outside himself will seek ways of satisfying that authority – finding the
"red thread" that teachers have built their courses round, trying to build knowledge
fragments into a coherent whole according to their plan by studying their exam solutions,
by reading over and over their notes and text-books – a classic surface approach in which
attention is paid to the tokens. A student who sees the authority lying partly at least with
himself will focus on the meaning of and relationships between knowledge fragments
using strategies of studying exam solutions to see the variation in ways the fragments canmesh to one another, reading notes and text-books to spy hitherto unremarked
connections – the classic deep approach of seeking what the tokens signify.
We intend to extend this research with a study specifically aimed at studying the ethical
aspects of students' study, their experience of authority and ways of coping with the need
for assurance.
4.4. Conditions for learning and implications for faculty
The Physics programme is the major factor in creating the conditions for learning for
these students. The curriculum, embodied as it is in courses and teaching, is the major
contributor to the students learning physics, becoming engineering physicists in
knowledge, language and culture. While this study is not able to say much aboutindividual courses and individual teachers, and their effects on the conditions for learning,
one can conclude from it that the programme as a whole, and how it is organised and
conducted, has a profound effect.
Any programme that is organised as this one is, as a set of courses given by subject
specialists, (and degree programmes mostly are) has to have as an overriding goal that the
students come to see the subject matter as a related whole, and that this provides themwith ways of seeing and coping with an as yet unknown world. This issue has been
argued cogently by Bowden and Marton (1998)
This study has a clear aim, which is to lead to improvements in the study situation for
Physics students by informing and influencing the teachers and the leaders of the
programme. The vision of the programme is to produce all-round engineering physicists,
capable of working in a wide field of engineering research, development and leadership.The goals of the programme are less clearly articulated. An oft-stated desire of
programme leaders, not least Physics, is to encourage an integration of knowledge so that
students come to an understanding of a whole from the parts that are presented inindividual courses, yet neither the goals of the programme nor the goals of individual
courses take this line. And, as we see from this study, the desired integration is not a self-
evident result, even when courses are arranged to offer different aspects of a particularphenomenon.
A naive belief in a given structure, known to and enforced by external authority, works
against integration on the large scale, as it works against deep approaches on the smallscale. There are examples of groups of teachers who try hard to build "red threads" into
their programmes, but fail to ask "whose red thread?" The evidence from this study shows
that a red thread can be experienced as a security line to be clung to rather than anintegration guide through the constituents of an emerging physics knowledge object.
Where integration becomes possible is in Category D, when knowledge fragments are
perceived to mesh and unmesh like Lego blocks, as appropriate for current purpose.
The main aim as we see it should be to encourage and support the students to develop a
commitment to Physics and physics. How, though, can teachers create a study situation
that disfavours the early categories with their strategies of coping in order to bringdisjointed bits of knowledge into the pattern demanded by external authority, and favours
later categories in which there is a commitment to understanding and making a coherent
adaptable whole of the fragments through which new phenomena can be seen andintegrated to form a new whole?
The least but first step is to create a new, and hitherto lacking, College of teachers which
goes across department boundaries, and where the whole programme and integration fromthe students ’ perspective is the theme. This is in line with the recommendations of
Bowden & Marton (1998) who propose academic teams for curriculum design, cemented
by a system of quality assurance that gives both team and individual responsibilities. Thatthe teachers learn about one another's subjects and – above all – about their students'
learning, and to relate this to a theoretical framework for learning, needs to be the goal of
the new forum. If we see this in terms of knowledge objects, we can say that the teachersare thus engaged in building a knowledge object which they will offer to their students.
Another, more focused, approach we can refer to is that offered by Alant et al. (Alant et
al., 1999) Focusing on the observed tendency for students to spend time on quantitative,algorithmic aspects of their physics studies at the expense of exploring the qualitative
aspects that lead to an understanding, they devised and studied the results of a teaching
experiment. The teachers on the course adopted strategies that would foster a conceptualfocus, foster reflection on the nature of the discipline, promote reflection on the value and
relevance of what was taught, foster student activity, and make metacognition explicit.
The results showed
that the students ’ approaches to learning physics and their conceptions of learning shifted dramatically
away from the rote-memorising with which they generally entered higher education. In addition,
linked to shifts in the students ’ conceptions of learning were shifts in the ways in which they
conceived of the nature of science, moving from an ‘immutable ’ conception of science to a more
‘tentative ’ conception of science
They also relate their results to Perry ’s work (Perry, 1970/99), pointing out the
epistemological variation that they observed. A distinct difference between the study ofAlant et al. and the present study is that whereas they were looking at students taking
close-knit single and extensive physics courses, the students we were looking at were
meeting a large number of teachers in a large number of separate courses. The content oftheir strategies, however, could well make a substantial contribution to the activities of a
suggested College of teachers.Conclusion
The question we addressed was "How do students make sense of Physics from the point
of view of constituting physics knowledge?". We have identified six qualitatively
different ways in which students experience the first year of Physics and analysed thevariation in terms of the structure of experience, the nature of knowledge and an ethical
aspect related to the identification of authority. Three of these ways of experiencing the
first year are considered to be unproductive in terms of making sense of physics, whilethe other three support to an increasing degree the formation of a well-grounded physics
knowledge object, where fragments from different courses are integrated through ways of
seeing physics. The ethical aspects have potentially profound implications for the waysstudents take on their studies, related in some sense to the deep and surface approach
dichotomy, and deserve further investigation.
6. References
Alant, B., Linder, C., & Marshall, D. (1999). Metacognitive-linked developments arising
from the design and teaching of conceptual physics . Paper presented at 8th European
Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, August 24-28, 1999, G öteborg,
Baillie, C. (1998). Addressing first year issues in engineering education. European
Journal of Engineering Education , 23, 4, 453-465
Bowden, J. & Marton, F. (1998). The University of Learning. Beyond quality and
competence in higher education. London: Kogan Page.
Entwistle, N. & Marton, F. (1994). Knowledge objects: understandings constituted
through intense academic study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 64 , 161-178.
Marton, F: (1981) Phenomenography – describing conceptions of the world around us.
Instructional Science , 10, 177-200
Marton, F., Beaty, E. & Dall'Alba G. (1993). Conceptions of learning. International
Journal of Educational Research , 19, 277-300.
Marton, F. & Booth, S. (1997). Learning and Awareness . Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum
Marton, F., Hounsell, D. & Entwistle, N. (Eds.) (1984). The Experience of Learning .
Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press.
Perry, W. (1970/99). Forms of ethical and intellectual development in the college years.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
Säljö, R. (1979). Learning in the learner's perspective. I. Some common-sense
conceptions. Reports from the Department of Education, Göteborg University, No 76. |
arXiv:physics/9911072v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 26 Nov 1999On acoustic cavitation of slightly subcritical bubbles
Anthony Harkin†Ali Nadim‡Tasso J. Kaper†
†Department of Mathematics, Boston University, Boston, MA 0 2215
‡Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Bosto n University, Boston, MA 02215
July 24, 1998
The classical Blake threshold indicates the onset of quasis tatic evolution leading to cavitation for gas
bubbles in liquids. When the mean pressure in the liquid is re duced to a value below the vapor pressure,
the Blake analysis identifies a critical radius which separa tes quasistatically stable bubbles from those
which would cavitate. In this work, we analyze the cavitatio n threshold for radially symmetric bubbles
whose radii are slightly less than the Blake critical radius , in the presence of time-periodic acoustic
pressure fields. A distinguished limit equation is derived t hat predicts the threshold for cavitation for a
wide range of liquid viscosities and forcing frequencies. T his equation also yields frequency-amplitude
response curves. Moreover, for fixed liquid viscosity, our s tudy identifies the frequency that yields the
minimal forcing amplitude sufficient to initiate cavitation . Numerical simulations of the full Rayleigh-
Plesset equation confirm the accuracy of these predictions. Finally, the implications of these findings for
acoustic pressure fields that consist of two frequencies wil l be discussed.
PACS Numbers: Primary 43.25.Yw, Secondary 43.25.Ts, 47.52.+j, 43.25.Rq
Keywords: acoustic cavitation, nonlinear oscillations of gas bubble s, dynamic cavitation threshold, periodic
pressure fields, quasiperiodic pressure fields, period-dou bling.I Introduction
The Blake threshold pressure is the standard measure of stat ic acoustic cavitation [2, 1]. Bubbles forced
at pressures exceeding the Blake threshold grow quasistati cally without bound. This criterion is especially
important for gas bubbles in liquids when surface tension is the dominant effect, such as submicron air
bubbles in water, where the natural oscillation frequencie s are high.
In contrast, when the acoustic pressure fields are not quasis tatic, bubbles generally evolve in highly
nonlinear fashions [21, 9, 16, 17]. To begin with, the intrin sic oscillations of spherically symmetric bubbles
in inviscid incompressible liquids are nonlinear [16]. The phase portrait of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation [26,
25, 4], consists of a large region of bounded, stable states c entered about the stable equilibrium radius. The
natural oscillation frequencies of these states depend on t he initial bubble radius and its radial momentum,
and this family of states limits on a state of infinite period, namely a homoclinic orbit in the phase space,
which acts as a boundary outside of which lie initial conditi ons corresponding to unstable bubbles. Time-
dependent acoustic pressure fields then interact nonlinear ly with both the periodic orbits and the homoclinic
orbit. In particular, they can act to break the homoclinic or bit, permitting initially stable bubbles to leave
the stable region and grow without bound. These interaction s have been studied from many points of
view: experimentally, numerically, and analytically via p erturbation theory and techniques from dynamical
In [26], the transition between regular and chaotic oscilla tions, as well as the onset of rapid radial growth,
is studied for spherical gas bubbles in time-dependent pres sure fields. There, Melnikov theory is applied to
the periodically- and quasiperiodically-forced Rayleigh -Plesset equation for bubbles containing an isothermal
gas. One of the principal findings is that, when the acoustic p ressure field is quasiperiodic in time with two
or more frequencies, the transition to chaos and the thresho ld for rapid growth occur at lower amplitudes of
the acoustic pressure field than in the case of single-freque ncy forcing. Their work was motivated in turn by
that in [13], where Melnikov theory was used to study the time -dependent shape changes of gas bubbles in
time-periodic axisymmetric strain fields.
The work in [25] identifies a rich bifurcation superstructur e for radial oscillations for bubbles in time-
periodic acoustic pressure fields. Techniques from perturb ation theory and dynamical systems are used to
analyze resonant subharmonics, period-doubling bifurcat ion sequences, the disappearance of strange attrac-
tors, and transient chaos in the Rayleigh-Plesset equation with small-amplitude liquid viscosity and isentropic
gas. The analysis in [25] complements the experiments of [8] and the experiments and numerical simulations
of [14, 15, 20]. Analyzing subharmonics, these works quanti fy the impact of increasing the amplitude of the
acoustic pressure field on the frequency-response curves.
Other works examining the threshold for acoustic cavitatio n in time-dependent pressure fields have fo-
cused on the case of a step change in pressure. In [4], the resp onse of a gas bubble to such a step change in
pressure is analyzed by numerical and Melnikov perturbatio n techniques to find a correlation between the
cavitation pressure and the viscosity of the liquid. One of t he principal findings is that the cavitation pres-
sure scales as the one-fifth power of the liquid viscosity. A g eneral method to compute the critical conditions
for an instantaneous pressure step is also given in [7]. The r esults extend numerical simulations of [19] and
2experimental findings of [24], and apply for any value of the p olytropic gas exponent.
The goal of the present article is to apply similar perturbat ion methods and techniques from the theory of
nonlinear dynamical systems to refine the Blake cavitation t hreshold for isothermal bubbles whose radii are
slightly smaller than the critical Blake radius and whose mo tions are not quasistatic. Specifically, we suppose
these bubbles are subjected to time-periodic acoustic pres sure fields and, by reducing the Rayleigh-Plesset
equations to a simpler distinguished limit equation, we obt ain the dynamic cavitation threshold for these
subcritical bubbles.
The paper is organized as follows. In the remainder of this se ction, the standard Blake cavitation
threshold is briefly reviewed. This also allows us to identif y the critical radius which separates stable and
unstable bubbles that are in equilibrium. In section II, the distinguished limit (or normal form) equation of
motion for subcritical bubbles ( i.e., those whose radii is slightly smaller than the critical val ue) is obtained
from the Rayleigh-Plesset equation. This necessitates ide ntifying the natural timescale of oscillation of
such subcritical bubbles which happens to depend upon how cl ose they are to the critical size. We begin
section III by defining a simple criterion for determining wh en cavitation has occurred. We then analyze
the normal form equation and determine the cavitation thres hold for a specific value of the acoustic forcing
frequency (at which the corresponding linear undamped syst em would resonate). This pressure threshold is
then compared to numerical simulations of the full Rayleigh -Plesset equation and the good agreement found
between the two is demonstrated. The self-consistency of th e distinguished limit equation is further discussed
in that section. Section IV generalizes the results to inclu de arbitrary acoustic forcing frequencies. Acoustic
forcing frequencies which facilitate cavitation using the least forcing pressure are determined. An unusual
dependence of the threshold pressure on forcing frequency i s discovered and explained by analyzing the
“slowly-varying” phase-plane of the dynamical system. At t he end of section IV, our choice of a cavitation
criterion is discussed in the setting of a Melnikov analysis . In section V we extend the cavitation results to
the case of an oscillating subcritical bubble that is driven simultaneously at two different frequencies. We
recap the paper in section VI by highlighting the main result s and discussing their applicability. Lastly, we
conclude the paper with an appendix which qualitatively dis cusses the relation of our results to some recent
experimental findings.
I.1 Blake threshold pressure
To facilitate the development of subsequent sections we firs t briefly review the derivation of the Blake
threshold [17]. At equilibrium, the pressure, pB, inside a spherical bubble of radius Ris related to the
pressure, pL, of the outside liquid through the normal stress balance acr oss the surface:
R. (1)
The pressure inside the bubble consists of gas pressure and v apor pressure, pB=pg+pv, where the vapor
pressure pvis taken to be constant — pvdepends primarily on the temperature of the liquid — and the
pressure of the gas is assumed to be given by the equation of st ate:
, (2)
3withγthe polytropic index of the gas. For isothermal conditions γ= 1, whereas for adiabatic ones, γis the
ratio of constant-pressure to constant-volume heat capaci ties. At equilibrium, the bubble has radius R0, the
gas has pressure pg0and the static pressure of the liquid is taken to be p∞
0. Thus, the equilibrium pressure
of the gas in the bubble is given by
Upon substituting this result into (2) we get the following e xpression for the pressure of the gas inside the
bubble as a function of the bubble radius:
. (3)
Upon combining equations (1) and (3), we find
R. (4)
Equation (4) governs the change in the radius of a bubble in re sponse to quasistatic changes in the liquid
pressure pL. More precisely, by “quasistatic” we mean that the liquid pr essure changes slowly and uniformly
with inertial and viscous effects remaining negligible duri ng expansion or contraction of the bubble. For very
small (sub-micron) bubbles, surface tension is the dominan t effect. Furthermore, typical acoustic forcing
frequencies are much smaller than the resonance frequencie s of such tiny bubbles. In this case, the pressure
in the liquid changes very slowly and uniformly compared to t he natural timescale of the bubble.
For very small bubbles, the Peclet number for heat transfer w ithin the bubble — defined as R2
0ω/α, with
ωthe bubble natural frequency (see subsection II.1) and αthe thermal diffusivity of the gas — is small,
and due to the rapidity of thermal conduction over such small length scales, the bubble may be regarded as
isothermal. We therefore let γ= 1 for an isothermal bubble and define
Then equation (4) becomes
R. (5)
The right-hand side of this equation is plotted in figure 1 (so lid curve), which shows a minimum value at a
critical radius labeled Rcrit.
Obviously, if the liquid pressure is lowered to a value below the corresponding critical pressure pLcrit, no
equilibrium radius exists. For values of pLwhich are above the critical value but below the vapor pressu repv,
equation (5) yields two possible solutions for the radius R. Bubbles whose radii are less than the Blake radius,
Rcrit, are stable to small disturbances, whereas bubbles with R > R critare unstable to small disturbances.
The Blake radius itself can be obtained by finding the minimum of the right-hand side of (5) for R >0.
This yields the critical Blake radius
, (6)
at which the corresponding critical liquid pressure is
. (7)
4By combining the last two equations, it is also possible to ex press the Blake radius in the form:
relating the critical bubble radius to the critical pressur e in the liquid. Bubbles whose radii are smaller than
Rcritare quasistatically stable, while bigger ones are unstable .
To obtain the standard Blake pressure we assume that pvcan be ignored and recall that surface tension
dominates in the quasistatic regime which amounts to p∞
0≪2σ/R0. Under these approximations, ˜G≈2σR2
and the Blake threshold pressure is conventionally defined a s
pBlake ≡p∞
0+ 0.77σ
In the quasistatic regime where the Blake threshold is valid ,pBlakeis the amplitude of the low-frequency
acoustic pressure beyond which acoustic forcing at higher p ressures is sure to cause cavitation. When
the pressure changes felt by the bubble are no longer quasist atic, a more detailed analysis taking into
consideration the bubble dynamics and acoustic forcing fre quency must be performed to determine the
cavitation threshold. This is the type of analysis we undert ake in this contribution.
II The distinguished limit equation
II.1 Derivation
To make progress analytically, we focus our attention on “su bcritical” bubbles whose radii are only slightly
smaller than the Blake radius at a given liquid pressure belo w the vapor pressure. We thus define a small
parameter ǫ >0 by
ǫ= 2/bracketleftbigg
, (8)
which measures how close the equilibrium bubble radius R0is to the critical value Rcrit. The value of the
mean pressure in the liquid, corresponding to the equilibri um radius R0, can also be found from equation
(5) to be
2)−2−3] =−4σ
8ǫ2+O(ǫ3)]. (9)
The liquid pressure p∞
0and the critical pressure pLcritdiffer only by an O(ǫ2) amount.
It turns out that the characteristic time scale for the natur al response of such subcritical bubbles also
depends on the small parameter ǫ. This timescale for small amplitude oscillations of a spher ical bubble is
obtained by linearizing the isothermal, unforced Rayleigh -Plesset equation [21]
0, (10)
where the density of the liquid is given by ρand viscosity has been neglected. Specifically, we substitu te
R=R0(1 +x) into (10) and keep terms linear in xto get:
x= 0. (11)
5Solutions to (11), representing small amplitude oscillati ons about equilibrium, are therefore x=x0cos(ωt+φ)
with the angular frequency given by
. (12)
We now use ωto define a nondimensional time variable: τ=ωt. We are interested in analyzing stability for
values of ( R0, p∞
0) near ( Rcrit, pLcrit). Hence, upon recalling (6), (7) and (8), we see that:
t .
We note that as ǫtends to zero, the timescale for bubble oscillations (the re ciprocal of the factor multiplying
tin the last equation) increases as ǫ−1/2.
Having determined the proper scaling for the time variable f or slightly subcritical bubbles, we can now
find the distinguished limit (or normal form) equation for su ch bubbles in a time-periodic pressure field. We
start with the isothermal, viscous Rayleigh-Plesset equat ion [21]:
+ 4µ˙R
0+pAsin(Ωt). (13)
The amplitude and frequency of the applied acoustic forcing are given by pAand Ω, respectively, and
µrepresents the viscosity of the fluid. Here, the far-field pre ssure in the liquid has been taken to be
0−pAsin(Ωt), with p∞
0given by equation (9). Setting R(t) =R0(1 +ǫx(τ)), with ǫthe same small
parameter introduced above, we obtain at order ǫ2(noting that all of the O(1) and O(ǫ) terms cancel):
¨x+ 2ζ˙x+x−x2=Asin(Ω∗τ), (14)
ǫσρR 0/parenrightbigg1/2
, A=pAR0
2σǫ2,Ω∗= Ω/parenleftbiggρR3
. (15)
In equation (14), each overdot represents a derivative with respect to τ.
It is implicit in the above scaling that ζ,A, and Ω∗are nondimensional and O(1) with respect to ǫ. To see
that this is reasonable, consider an air bubble in water with ρ= 998 kg/m3,µ= 0.001 kg/m ·s,σ= 0.0725
N/m. If we specify ǫ= 0.1 and take a modest equilibrium radius of R0= 2×10−6m then ζ= 0.38. Our
analysis of (14) in subsequent sections will concentrate pr imarily on values of ζin the range 0 ≤ζ≤0.4.
The parameters Aand Ω∗are related to the forcing conditions, and their magnitudes can be made order
unity by choosing appropriate forcing parameters pAand Ω. As an example, if we again choose R0to
equal 2 microns, then Ω∗= (2.35×10−7s)Ω/√ǫ. Moreover, setting ǫ= 0.05 gives Ω∗= (1.05×10−6s)Ω.
Hence, the dimensionless parameter Ω∗isO(1) when Ω is in the megahertz range, and this is precisely
the frequency range we are interested in exploring. Similar ly, with R0andσchosen as above, we find
A= (1.38×10−5m·s2/kg)pA/ǫ2and thereby we see that if ǫ= 0.1 then pAcan become on the order of
103Pa. More data will be presented later, in figure 9, showing typ ical forcing pressures.
II.2 Interpretation
In the laboratory one can create a subcritical bubble by subj ecting the liquid to a low-frequency transducer
whose effect is to lower the ambient pressure below the vapor p ressure. Then a second transducer of high
6frequency (high relative to the slow transducer) will give r ise to the forcing term on the right hand side
of (14). The low-frequency transducer periodically increa ses and decreases the pressure in the liquid (and
shrinks and expands the bubble, which follows this pressure field quasistatically). When the peak negative
pressure is reached (and the bubble has expanded to its maxim um size), we can imagine that state as the
new equilibrium state, and at that point bring in the effects o f the sound from the second transducer. This
second field can then possibly make the bubble, which had alre ady grown to some large size (but still smaller
than the critical radius), become unstable. This would all h appen very fast compared to the time scale of
the original slow transducer, so the pressure field contribu ted by the original transducer remains near its
most negative value throughout. The stability response of t he bubble to the high frequency component of
the pressure field is the subject of the rest of this work.
III Acoustic forcing thresholds ( Ω∗= 1)
The value of Ω∗= 1 corresponds to the forcing frequency at which the linear a nd undamped counterpart
of (14) would resonate. We therefore choose this value of the forcing frequency as a starting point and
perform a detailed analysis of the dynamics inherent in the d istinguished limit equation at this value of Ω∗.
We caution, however, that, as with most forced, damped nonli near oscillators, the largest resonant response
occurs away from the resonance frequency of the linear oscil lator. We use Ω∗= 1 mainly as a starting point
for the analysis, and the dynamics observed for a range of oth er Ω∗values is reported in section IV.
Some special cases of (14) can be readily analyzed when Ω∗= 1. In the absence of forcing, i.e., when
A= 0, the phase portraits of (14) with ζ≥0 are shown in figure 2. With no damping (figure 2a), the phase
plane has a saddle point at (1,0) and a center at (0,0). The lat ter represents the equilibrium radius of the
bubble which, when infinitesimally perturbed, results in si mple harmonic oscillations of the bubble about
that equilibrium. The saddle point at (1,0) represents the e ffects of the second nearby root of the equation
(5) which is an unstable equilibrium radius. When damping is added (figure 2b), the saddle point remains
a saddle, but the center at (0,0) becomes a stable spiral, att racting a well-defined region of the phase space
towards itself. In the presence of weak forcing (small A) but with no damping ( ζ= 0), the behavior of (14)
can be seen in a Poincar´ e section shown in figure 3.
III.1 Phase plane criterion for acoustic cavitation
To determine when a slightly subcritical bubble becomes uns table we choose a simple criterion based upon
the phase portrait of the distinguished limit equation (14) . For a given ζ, there exists a threshold value,
Aesc, ofAsuch that the trajectory through the origin (0,0) grows with out bound for A > A esc, whereas that
trajectory stays bounded for A < A esc. A stable subcritical bubble becomes unstable as Aincreases past
Aesc. Thus there is a stability curve in the ( A, ζ)-plane separating the regions of this parameter space for
which the trajectory starting at the origin in the phase-pla ne either escapes to infinity or remains bounded.
Numerically, many such threshold ζ, Aescpairs (represented by the open circles in figure 4) were found
with Ω∗= 1. The data are seen empirically to be well fitted by a least-s quares straight line, given by
Aesc= 1.356ζ+ 0.058.
7For practical experimental purposes a linear regression cu rve based upon our escape criterion should
provide a useful cavitation threshold for the acoustic pres sure in the following dimensional form:
0+ 0.116ǫ2σ
R0. (16)
Here, ǫis given by equation (8) and is itself a function of the equili brium radius R0, surface tension σand
the pressure differential p∞
III.2 Period doubling in the distinguished limit equation
It so happens that the stability curve for the trajectory of t he origin can also be interpreted in terms of the
period doubling route to chaos for the escape oscillator (14 ). In other words, the value of Aeschappens to
be very near the limiting value at which the oscillations bec ome chaotic, just before getting unbounded. For
a fixed value of ζ >0 and a small enough A, the trajectory of the origin will settle upon a stable limit cycle
in the phase plane. As Ais increased gradually, the period of this stable limit cycl e undergoes a doubling
cascade as shown in figure 5 for a fixed value of ζ= 0.35. The period doubling sequence will continue as A
is increased until the trajectory of the origin eventually b ecomes chaotic, but still remains bounded. Finally,
at a threshold value of Athe trajectory of the origin will escape to infinity. This is t he value of Athat is
given by the open circles on the stability diagram (figure 4). A typical bifurcation diagram for the escape
oscillator (14) with ζ >0 is shown in figure 6 in which ζ= 0.375.
III.3 Robustness of the simple cavitation criterion
In this subsection we justify defining a cavitation criterio n based upon the fate of a single initial condition.
In all simulations with ζ >0, there is a large region of initial conditions whose fate (e scaping or staying
bounded) is the same as that of the origin (figure 7). In fact, w hen the trajectory through the origin stays
bounded it is clear from the simulations that the origin lies in the basin of attraction of a bounded, attracting
periodic orbit, and points in a large region around it all lie in the basin of attraction of the same orbit. The
trajectories through all points in that basin remain bounde d. Then, as the forcing amplitude is increased the
attractor is observed to undergo a sequence of period-doubl ing bifurcations, and this sequence culminates at
the forcing magnitude when the origin and other initial cond itions in a large region about it escape, because
there is no longer a bounded attracting orbit in whose basin o f attraction they lie.
III.4 Comparison with full Rayleigh-Plesset simulations
The stability threshold predicted by equation (16) can be co mpared to data obtained from simulating the
Rayleigh-Plesset equation (13) directly. For small values ofǫ, figure 8 shows the resulting good agreement.
The following is a brief description of how the simulations w ere carried out. The material parameters
used to produce figure 8 were ρ= 998 kg/m3,µ= 0.001 kg/m ·s, and σ= 0.0725 N/m. Four values of ǫwere
chosen, ǫ= 0.01,0.05,0.1,and 0 .2. For each fixed value of ǫand for a selected set of values of ζranging
from 0 to 0.4, the parameters R0,Rcrit, (pv−p∞
0), and Ω were calculated successively using the formulae:
8R0= 2µ2/(ζ2ǫρσ),Rcrit=R0/(1−ǫ/2),pv−p∞
0= (2σ/R0)[1−(1/3)/(1−ǫ/2)2], and Ω = [(2 σǫ)/(ρR3
(Note that this succession of computations is done for each c hosen value of ζin each of the four plots.)
Having obtained the dimensional parameters required for th e simulation of the full Rayleigh-Plesset
equations corresponding to a given ( ǫ,ζ) pair, we used a bisection procedure to determine ARP
esc, the threshold
value of Aseparating bounded and unbounded bubble trajectories. The bisection procedure was initiated by
choosing a value of Aclose to the linear regression line. For this choice of A, the dimensional pressure, pA,
was calculated using the middle equation in (15). Then, the i nitial condition R(0) = R0and˙R(0) = 0 was
integrated forward in time using an implicit [22] fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The adaptive, impli cit
scheme we used offers an accurate and stable means to integrat e the governing equations. The time steps
are large in those intervals in which the bubble radius does n ot change rapidly, and they are extremely short
for the intervals where ˙Ror¨Ris large (see for example figure 4.7 on page 309 of [17]). If the bubble radius
remained bounded during the simulation, then the value of Awas increased slightly, a new pAwas calculated,
and a new simulation was begun. If, on the other hand, the bubb le radius became unbounded during the
simulation, then the value of Awas slightly decreased and a new simulation was initiated. C ontinuing with
this bisection of A, the threshold value, ARP
esc, where the bubble first becomes unstable was determined.
The dimensional counterpart ( pA-versus- R0) to figure 8 is shown in figure 9 along with the dimensional
stability curve given by equation (16). Note that for a given parameter ǫ, the relationship which defines the
dimensionless damping parameter ζ,i.e.,R0= 2µ2/(ζ2ǫρσ), can be thought of as defining the bubble radius
R0. That is, for a given liquid viscosity µand with all other physical parameters being constant, ζcan only
change by varying the equilibrium radius R0. As such, the dimensionless A-versus- ζcurves can be put in
terms of the dimensional pA-versus- R0curves, drawn in figure 9.
To show the way in which the bubble radius actually becomes un bounded in the full Rayleigh-Plesset
simulations, figure 10 provides the radius-versus-time plo ts for three typical simulations with the same value
ofζ= 0.3, where time is nondimensional. In this case, ARP
esc≈0.51. The top two curves are obtained
for values of Aof 0.3 and 0.5, respectively. They show stable oscillations although a period-doubling can
be seen to have occurred in going from one to the other. The bot tom figure corresponds to A= 0.53 and
shows that the bubble radius is becoming unbounded. The corr esponding dimensional parameters for the
Rayleigh-Plesset simulations are given in the figure captio n.
III.5 Consistency of the distinguished limit equation
In this subsection, we argue, a posteriori , that it is self-consistent to use the escape oscillator as t he dis-
tinguished limit equation (14) for the full Rayleigh-Pless et (13), i.e., we show that the higher-order terms
encountered during the change of variables from Rtoxmay be neglected in a consistent fashion.
Recall that, in the derivation of the escape oscillator, all of the O(1) and O(ǫ) terms dropped out, and
the ordinary differential equation (14) was obtained by equa ting the terms of O(ǫ2). The remaining terms
are of O(ǫ3) and higher. To be precise, at O(ǫ3), we find on the left-hand side:
9and on the right-hand side:
4x+ 2x2−20
Moreover, we note that, for i≥4, all terms of O(ǫi) on the left-hand side are of the form xi−2˙x, while all
terms of O(ǫi) on the right-hand side are polynomials in x.
We already know that, for trajectories of the escape oscilla tor that remain bounded, the xand ˙xvari-
ables stay O(1). Hence, all of the higher-order terms remain higher-ord er for these trajectories. Next, for
trajectories that eventually escape ( i.e., those whose x-coordinate exceeds some large cut-off at some finite
time), we know that xand ˙xare bounded until that time and afterwards they grow without bound. The
fact that then Ralso grows without bound for these trajectories (due to the c hange of variables that defines
x) is consistent with the dynamics of the full Rayleigh-Pless et equation.
Potential trouble could arise with trajectories for which xbecomes negative and large in magnitude,
e.g., when x∼ −1/ǫthe coefficient of ¨ xvanishes. (This corresponds to small R.) A glance at the Poin car´ e
map for the escape oscillator reveals, however, that trajec tories which have x∼ −1/ǫat some time τcan
never have x(τ) and ˙ x(τ) ofO(1) simultaneously, for any τ. Hence, these trajectories are not in the regime
of interest, neither for the escape oscillator nor for the fu ll Rayleigh-Plesset equation. This completes the
argument that it is self-consistent to use the escape oscill ator for this study.
IV Pressure thresholds for general Ω∗
IV.1 Stability curves for various Ω∗
Until now, we have only examined the case Ω∗= 1 in the distinguished limit equation (14). In this section
we examine the dependence of the stability threshold on the a coustic frequency, Ω, for subcritical bubbles.
Specifically, for frequencies Ω∗between 0.1 and 1.1, we performed numerical simulations of t he distinguished
limit equation (14) to determine many ( ζ, Aesc) pairs. These pairs are plotted in figure 11, and the data
points at each dimensionless frequency Ω∗are connected by straight lines (in contrast to the least squ ares
fitting done in subsection III.1).
As in subsection III.1, good agreement between the distingu ished limit equation threshold and the full
Rayleigh-Plesset equation is observed for various values o f Ω∗; this can been seen in figure 12 which compares
the two results at four different values of Ω∗given by 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, for a fixed value of ǫ= 0.05.
Various features observed in figure 11, such as the flattening of these curves as Ω∗decreases, are explained
in the next subsection.
IV.2 Minimum forcing threshold
Suppose that we wish to determine the driving frequency, for a given bubble with an equilibrium radius R0
and a critical radius Rcrit, so that the acoustic forcing amplitude necessary to make th e bubble unstable is
minimized. This can be done by choosing in figure 11, the value of Ω∗for which the corresponding threshold
curve is below all the others for a given ζ. The result of such a procedure is provided in figure 13 as foll ows.
Figure 13(a) provides the frequency of harmonic forcing at a given value of the damping parameter ζfor
10which the required amplitude of the acoustic pressure field t o create cavitation is the smallest. Figure 13(b)
shows the dimensionless minimum pressure amplitude Aesccorresponding to the value of Ω∗just presented.
In figure 13(a), for ζbetween 0 and 0.225, the frequency curve is nearly a straight line and we fit a linear
regression line to the data in that interval: Ω∗=−1.12ζ+0.90 for 0 ≤ζ≤0.225. Correspondingly, in figure
13(b), we see that the minimum pressure curve is also nearly s traight for the same interval of ζvalues. The
least squares line fitting the data in figure 13(b) is A= 1.03ζ+ 0.02 for 0 ≤ζ≤0.225.
When ζ= 0.225, there is a discontinuity in the frequency curve, as seen in figure 13(a). At the same
value of ζ, the pressure curve levels off to A≈0.25. This can be explained by a brief analysis of the normal
form equation. The key observation will be that, in the escap e oscillator with constant forcing ( i.e., constant
right-hand side), there is a saddle-node bifurcation when t he magnitude of the forcing is 1/4. In order to
carry out this brief analysis, we consider the cases ζ >0 and ζ= 0 separately, beginning with ζ >0.
Forζ >0, the Poincar´ e map of the normal form equation (14) has an as ymptotically stable fixed point
(a sink), which corresponds to an attracting periodic orbit for the full normal form equation. Now, during
each period of the external forcing, the location of this per iodic orbit in the ( x,˙x)-plane changes. In fact,
for the small values of Ω∗we are interested in here (Ω∗≤0.3 approximately), the change in location occurs
slowly, and one can write down a perturbation expansion for i ts position in powers of the small parameter
Ω∗. The coefficients at each order are functions of the slow time z≡Ω∗t. To leading order, i.e.,atO(1), the
attracting periodic orbit is located at the point ( x(z),0), where x(z) is the smaller root of x−x2=Asin(z),
x(z) =1
Therefore, one sees directly that A= 1/4 is a critical value. In particular, if one considers any fixe d
value of A <1/4, then the attracting periodic orbit exists for all time, an d the trajectory of our initial
condition (0 ,0) will be always be attracted to it. (Note that the viscosity ζ≥0.225 is large enough
so orbits are attracted to the stable periodic orbit at a fast er rate than the rate at which the periodic
orbit’s position moves in the ( x,˙x)-plane due to the slow modulation.) However, for any fixed va lue of
A >1/4, the function giving x(z) becomes complex after the slow time zreaches a critical value z∗(A),
where Asin(z∗) = 1/4, and where we write z∗(A) since z∗depends on A. Moreover, x(z) remains complex
in the interval ( z∗(A), π−z∗(A)) during which Asin(z)>1/4. Viewed in terms of the slowly-varying phase
portrait, the slowly-moving sink merges with the slowly-mo ving saddle in a saddle-node bifurcation when z
reaches z∗(A), and they disappear together for z∗(A)< z < π −z∗(A). Hence, the attracting periodic orbit
no longer exists when zreaches z∗(A), and the trajectory that started at (0 ,0) — and that was spiraling in
toward the slowly-moving attracting periodic orbit while zwas less than z∗(A) — escapes, because there is
no longer any attractor to which it is drawn.
For the sake of completeness in presenting this analysis, we note that when A= 1/4, then z∗(A) =π/2;
hence, it is precisely near this lowest value of A, namely A= 1/4, that we find the threshold for the acoustic
forcing amplitude, and the escape happens near the slow time z=π/2. Moreover, for values of A >1/4,
0< z∗(A)< π/2, and so the escape happens at an earlier time.
Numerically, the minimal frequency Ω∗appears to be Ω∗≈0, where Ω∗= 0.01 is the lowest value for
which we conducted simulations. Moreover, this also explai ns why, as we see from figure 11 already, the
11curves are flat with A≈0.25 for Ω∗≤0.3. This is the range of small values of Ω∗for which the above
analysis applies.
Next, having analyzed the regime in which ζ >0, we turn briefly to the case ζ= 0. For small values,
Ω∗≤0.3, the curves in figure 11 remain flat near A= 0.25 all the way down to ζ= 0. The full normal form
equation with ζ= 0 is a slowly-modulated Hamiltonian system. One can again u se the slowly-varying phase
planes as a guide to the analysis (although the periodic orbi t is only neutrally stable when ζ= 0 and no
longer attracting as above), and the saddle-node bifurcati on in the leading order problem at Asin(z∗) = 1/4
is the main phenomenon responsible for the observation that the threshold forcing amplitude is near 0.25.
(We also note that for a detailed analysis of the trapped orbi ts, one needs adiabatic separatrix-crossing
theory, see [3], for example, but we shall not need that here. )
Finally, and most importantly, simulations of the full Rayl eigh-Plesset equation confirm all the quan-
titative features of this analysis of the normal form equati on. The open circles in figure 13 represent the
numerically observed threshold forcing amplitudes, and th ese circles lie very close to the curves obtained as
predictions from the normal form equation. We attribute thi s similarity to the fact that the phase portrait
of the isothermal Rayleigh-Plesset equation has the same st ructure — stable and unstable equilibria, sep-
aratrix bounding the stable oscillations, and a saddle-nod e bifurcation when the forcing amplitude exceeds
the threshold — as the normal form equation (see [26]).
IV.3 The dimensional form of the minimum forcing threshold
Recall, that for ζbetween 0 and 0.225, we fit linear regression lines to portion s of figures 13(a) and (b).
Specifically, for figure 13(a) we found that, for a particular choice of ζ, the frequency which yields the smallest
value of Aesccan be expressed as: Ω∗=−1.12ζ+0.90 for 0 ≤ζ≤0.225. And for figure 13(b) we found that
the stability boundary for the minimum forcing is given by,
1.03ζ+ 0.02 for 0 ≤ζ≤0.225
0.25 for 0 .225≤ζ≤0.4.(17)
Using the definitions of ζ, Aand Ω∗as given by (15), the “optimal” acoustic frequency to cause c avitation
of a subcritical bubble is given in dimensional form by
Ω =−2.24µ
0+ 1.27ǫ1/2σ1/2
0for 0 ≤/parenleftbigg2µ2
σǫρR 0/parenrightbigg1/2
Correspondingly, the minimum acoustic pressure threshold is
0+ 0.04ǫ2σ
R0for 0 ≤/parenleftBig
ǫσρR 0/parenrightBig1/2
2R0for 0 .225≤/parenleftBig
ǫσρR 0/parenrightBig1/2
IV.4 A lower bound for Aescvia Melnikov analysis
The distinguished limit equation (14) can be written as the p erturbed system
˙ x=f(x) + ˜ǫg(x, τ)
12where, x= (x, y),f(x, y) = ( y, x2−x) and g(x, y, τ ) =/parenleftbig
withA= ˜ǫ¯A,ζ= ˜ǫ¯ζ.
When ˜ ǫ= 0 the system has a center at (0,0) and a saddle point at (1,0). The homoclinic orbit to the
unperturbed saddle is given by γ0(τ) = (x(τ), y(τ)) where x(τ) =−(1/2) + (3 /2)tanh2(τ/2) and y(τ) =
(3/2)tanh( τ/2)sech2(τ/2). Following [12], the Melnikov function takes the form
M(τ0) =/integraldisplay∞
−∞f(γ0(τ))∧g(γ0(τ), τ+τ0)dτ
−∞sin[Ω∗(τ+τ0)] tanh/parenleftBigτ
The first integral can be done with a residue calculation, and the second integral is evaluated in a straight-
forward manner, resulting in:
M(τ0) =−/bracketleftbigg6π(Ω∗)2cos(Ω∗τ0)
The Melnikov function has simple zeros when ¯A >¯Ah.tan., where
¯Ah.tan.=/parenleftbigg2 sinh( πΩ∗)
¯ζ. (18)
Hence the stable and unstable manifolds of the perturbed sad dle point intersect transversely for all sufficiently
small ˜ ǫ/negationslash= 0 when ¯A >¯Ah.tan.[12]. The resulting chaotic dynamics is evident in figure 5, f or example. Since
homoclinic tangency must occur before the trajectory throu gh the origin can escape, ¯Ah.tan.may be viewed
as a precursor to Aesc. Figure 14 demonstrates that, for small enough ˜ ǫ, equation (18) provides a lower
bound for the stability curves seen in figure 11.
The reason why Melnikov analysis yields a lower bound for the cavitation threshold relates to how
deeply the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle fixed p oint of the Poincare map for equation (14)
penetrate into the region bounded by the separatrix in the A, ζ= 0 case. For sufficiently small values of ˜ ǫ,
long segments of the perturbed local stable and unstable man ifolds will stay O(˜ǫ) close to the unperturbed
homoclinic orbit. However, as ˜ ǫgrows (and one gets out of the regime in which the asymptotic M elnikov
theory strictly applies), these local manifolds will penet rate more deeply into the region bounded by the
separatrix in the A, ζ= 0 case. In fact, there is a sizable gap in the parameter space between the homoclinic
tangency values and the escape values corresponding to our c avitation criteria, i.e.,when the trajectory
through the origin grows without bound. There is a similar ga p when other initial conditions are chosen.
The Melnikov function was also calculated in [27]. There, a d etailed analysis of escape from a cubic
potential is described and the fractal basin boundaries and occurrence of homoclinic tangencies are given.
We also refer the reader to [11] in which a closely related sec ond order, damped and driven oscillator with
quadratic nonlinearity is studied using both homoclinic Me lnikov theory, as was done here, and subharmonic
Melnikov theory. The existence of periodic orbits is demons trated there, and period doubling bifurcations
of these periodic orbits are examined. Their equation arise s from the study of travelling waves in a forced,
damped KdV equation.
13V Pressure fields with two fast frequencies
In this section, we consider what happens to the cavitation t hreshold if two fast frequency components
are present in the acoustic pressure field, and the slow trans ducer, which lowers the ambient pressure and
whose effect is quasistatic, is also still present. In figure 1 5, we show the results from simulations with
quasiperiodic pressure fields. These were obtained from sim ulations of (14) with the forcing replaced by
1τ) + sin(Ω∗
2τ)), and a wide range of values for Ω∗
1and Ω∗
2. For a fixed value of ζ= 0.25, the
cavitation surface shown in the figure was plotted by computi ng the triples (Ω∗
2, Aesc).
We note that in figure 15, the intersection of the cavitation s urface and the vertical plane given by
1= Ω∗
2represents cavitation thresholds for acoustic forcing of t he form Asin(Ω∗τ) (i.e.,a single fast
frequency component and a quasistatic component). Further more, we see that the global minimum of the
cavitation surface lies along the line Ω∗
1= Ω∗
2. Hence, for A/2 as our particular choice of quasiperiodic
forcing coefficient, the addition of a second fast frequency c omponent in the pressure field does not lower
the cavitation threshold beyond that of the single fast freq uency case.
VI Discussion
A distinguished limit equation has been derived which is sui table for use in determining cavitation events of
slightly subcritical bubbles. This “normal form” equation allows us to study cavitation thresholds for a range
of acoustic forcing frequencies. For Ω∗= 1, we find an explicit expression for the cavitation thresho ld via
linear regression, since the simulation data reveal an appr oximate linear dependence of the nondimensional
threshold amplitude, A, on the nondimensional liquid viscosity, ζ. When converted to dimensional form, this
linear expression translates into a nonlinear dependence, cf. equation (16), on the material parameters. In
all of our simulations, the acoustic threshold amplitude co incides with the amplitudes at which the cascades
of period-doubling subharmonics terminate.
Particular attention has also been paid to calculating the f requency, Ω∗, at which a given subcritical
bubble will most easily cavitate. Expression (17) for the co rresponding minimum threshold amplitude A
grows linearly in ζforζ <0.225 until the critical amplitude A= 1/4 is reached, and the threshold amplitude
stays constant at A≈1/4 for larger ζ. For these larger values of ζ >0.225, the “optimal” frequency is
essentially zero, as we showed by doing a slowly-varying pha se portrait analysis and exploiting the fact that
the normal form equation undergoes a saddle-node bifurcati on at A= 1/4 in which the entire region of
bounded stable orbits vanishes. The full Rayleigh-Plesset equation undergoes a similar bifurcation at forcing
amplitudes very near A= 1/4 for sufficiently small ǫ. Overall, the results from the normal form equation
are in excellent agreement with those of the full Rayleigh-P lesset equation, and this may be attributed to
the high level of similarity between the phase-space struct ures of both equations.
In view of the findings in [26], we may draw an additional concl usion from the present work. In a certain
sense, we have extended the finding of lowered transition amp litudes reported in [26] to the limiting case
of one low frequency and one fast frequency. We find that if a lo w frequency transducer prepares a bubble
to become slightly subcritical, then the presence of a high f requency transducer can lower the cavitation
14threshold of the bubble below the Blake threshold.
Our results on the optimum forcing frequency and minimum pre ssure threshold to cavitate a subcritical
bubble may also be useful in fine-tuning experimental work on single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL). In
SBSL [10, 6, 23], a single bubble is acoustically forced to un dergo repeated cavitation/collapse cycles, in
each of which a short-lived flash of light is produced. While t he process through which a collapsing bubble
emits light is very complex and involves many nonlinear phen omena, the possibility of better control over
cavitation and collapse, e.g., through the use of multiple-frequency forcing, can perhap s be investigated using
the type of analysis presented in this paper.
Acknowledgments — We are grateful to Professor S. Madanshetty for many helpfu l discussions. The
authors would also like to thank the referees for their comme nts. This research was made possible by Group
Infrastructure Grant DMS-9631755 from the National Scienc e Foundation. A.H. gratefully acknowledges
financial support from the National Science Foundation via t his grant. T.K. gratefully acknowledges support
from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in the form of a Sloan Rese arch Fellowship.
Appendix: Coaxing experiments in acoustic microcavitatio n
To illustrate one application of our results, we now briefly c onsider the experimental findings of [18] on
so-called “coaxing” of acoustic microcavitation. In these experiments, smooth submicrometer spheres were
added to clean water and were found to facilitate the nucleat ion of cavitation events ( i.e.reduce the cavitation
threshold) when a high-frequency transducer (originally a imed as a detector) was turned on at a relatively
low pressure amplitude. Specifically, the main cavitation t ransducer was operating at a frequency of 0.75
MHz, while the active detector had a frequency of 30 MHz. In a t ypical experiment, with 0.984-micron
spheres added to clean water, the cavitation threshold in th e absence of the active detector was found to be
about 15 bar peak negative. When the active detector was turn ed on, producing a minimum pressure of only
0.5 bar peak negative by itself, it caused the cavitation thr eshold of the main transducer to be reduced from
15 to 7 bar peak negative. The polystyrene latex spheres were observed under scanning electron microscopes
and their surface was determined to be smooth to about 50 nano meters. It was thus thought that any gas
pockets which were trapped on their surface due to incomplet e wetting and which served as nucleation sites
for cavitation, were smaller in size than this length. In [18 ], it is conjectured that the extremely high fluid
accelerations created by the high-frequency active detect or, coupled with the density mismatch between the
gas and the liquid, caused these gas pockets to accumulate on the surface of the spheres and form much
larger “gas caps” (on the order of the particle size), which t hen cavitated at the lower threshold. Here we
attempt to provide an alternative explanation for the obser ved lowering of the threshold in the presence of
the active detector.
To effect our estimates, we shall use the same physical parame ters as earlier: µ= 0.001 kg/m ·s,ρ= 0.998
kg/m3andσ= 0.0725 N/m. We also ignore the vapor pressure of the liquid at ro om temperature. Note also
that 1 bar=105N/m2and that the transducer frequencies fcited above are related to the radian frequencies
15Ω used earlier by Ω = 2 πf.
Let us begin by estimating a typical size for the nucleation s ites which cavitate at pLcrit=−15 bar in the
absence of the active detector. Upon using Blake’s classica l estimate of pLcrit=−0.77σ/R0, the equilibrium
radius of the trapped air pockets is estimated to be R0= 3.7×10−8m or 37 nm. This size is consistent with
the observation that the surfaces of the spheres were smooth to within 50 nm. We note that such a small
cavitation nucleus cannot exist within the homogeneous liq uid itself since it would dissolve away extremely
fast due to its overpressure resulting from surface tension . However, when trapped in a crevice or within
the roughness on solid surfaces, it can be stabilized agains t dissolution with the aid of the meniscus shape
which separates it from the liquid. The natural frequency of a 37 nm bubble (if it were spherical) found
from equation (12) would be 385 MHz which is very large compar ed to forcing frequency of the cavitation
transducer which is 0.75 MHz. Therefore, consistent with Bl ake’s classical criterion, the pressure changes in
the liquid would appear quasistatic to the bubble and at such a small size, surface tension does dominate
the bubble dynamics. The Blake critical radius Rcritwhich corresponds to this equilibrium radius R0of 37
nm can be calculated to be Rcrit= 64 nm.
Let us now suppose that the cavitation transducer is operati ng at pL=−7 bar peak negative as in the
experiments with the active transducer also turned on. Usin g equation (5), the final expanded radius of the
bubble when the liquid pressure is quasistatically reduced to−7 bar is found to be 4 .2×10−8m or 42 nm.
In other words, a bubble of original radius 37 nm at a liquid pr essure of 1 bar, grows to a maximum size of
42 nm when the liquid pressure is reduced to −7 bar. Its critical radius is still 64 nm, reached if the liqui d
pressure were to be reduced further to −15 bar.
At this point, since the pressure changes in the liquid due to the 0.75 MHz cavitation transducer are
occurring slowly compared both with the natural timescale o f the bubble and the 30 MHz detector, let us
take the mean pressure in the liquid to be the p∞
0=−7 bar, and imagine the bubble size at this pressure
to be its new equilibrium radius R0= 42 nm, with the critical radius still given by Rcrit= 64 nm. This
bubble is now assumed to be forced by the 30 MHz transducer at a n acoustic pressure amplitude of 1 .5 bar
(i.e.−0.5 bar peak negative). Using these values, the perturbation p arameter ǫis calculated from equation
(8) to be ǫ= 0.69. This parameter is too big for the results of the asymptoti c theory to provide meaningful
quantitative agreement; nevertheless, we proceed with the discussion to see if we can at least obtain the
right order of magnitude for the pressure threshold.
With the given physical parameters, and using the forcing pr essure of pA= 1.5 bar and Ω = 2 π×30×10−6
s−1, the parameters ζ,Aand Ω∗are calculated from equation (15) to be: ζ= 0.98,A= 0.09 and Ω∗= 0.16.
Upon examining figure 13, at the relatively large damping par ameter ζ= 0.98 (beyond the range originally
considered) the minimum forcing threshold would appear to c orrespond to the constant value of A= 0.25.
Here we also note that this same forcing threshold is also obs erved with a range of small Ω∗, including
Ω∗= 0.16, see figure 11. In other words, the predicted threshold pre ssure for the active detector to cause
cavitation is A= 0.25 which corresponds roughly to pA= 4 bar, whereas in the experiments the threshold was
seen to be A= 0.09 or pA= 1.5 bar. Despite the lack of quantitative agreement, the theor etical predictions
and the experiments do show the same trends. Namely, in the ab sence of the 30-MHz detector, the pressure
in the liquid had to be reduced to −15 bar for cavitation to occur. With the high-frequency tran sducer
16turned on, however, cavitation occurred at a minimum pressu re of−7−1.5 =−8.5 bar in the experiments
and at −7−4 =−11 bar based on the theory. (We are adding the negative pressu re contribution from the
two transducers to arrive at the final minimum pressure). Thu s, the presence of the second high-frequency
transducer does reduce the pressure threshold for cavitati on in both cases.
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19Figure Captions
Figure 1 : Pressure in the liquid, pL, versus bubble radius, R, as governed by equation (5).
Figure 2 : Phase portraits for the distinguished limit equation (14) . In (a), A= 0 and ζ= 0. The fixed
point (0,0) is a center. The fixed point (1,0) is a saddle. In (b ),A= 0 and ζ= 0.09. The fixed point (0,0)
is a stable spiral.
Figure 3 : Poincar´ e section showing the unstable manifold of the sad dle fixed point (0.999769375,-0.024007197)
forA= 0.048 and ζ= 0. Asymptotically, the saddle point is located at a distanc eO(A) from (1,0), specif-
ically (1 −A2/10 +O(A4),−A/2−(13/200)A3+O(A5)). Invariant tori are shown inside a portion of the
unstable manifold. The center point has moved a large distan ce from (0 ,0) in this case due to the 1:1
resonance when Ω∗= 1. And we note for comparison that with nonresonant values o f Ω∗, Poincar´ e sections
show that the center only moves an O(A) distance. For example, when Ω∗= 0.6,0.7,0.85, the centers are
located approximately at the points (0.009,0.045),(0.009 ,0.066) and (0.029,0.163) respectively.
Figure 4 : Escape parameters for the trajectory of the origin (0,0). F or values of A,ζabove the regression
line the trajectory of the origin grows without bound. Below this line the trajectory of the origin remains
bounded. Least squares fit: A= 1.356ζ+ 0.058.
Figure 5 : Period doubling route to chaos in the distinguished limit e quation (14). For ζ= 0.35, the limit
cycles undergo period doubling as Ais increased.
Figure 6 : Bifurcation diagram ( ζ= 0.375). Plotted is ˙ xversus A. For each fixed value of A, the origin
(0,0) is integrated numerically and the value of ˙ xis plotted every ∆ τ= 2π.
Figure 7 : Bounded trajectories for the distinguished limit equatio n with ζ= 0.2,A= 0.3 and Ω∗= 1.0.
The dark region is the set of initial conditions whose trajec tories remain bounded; it is the basin of attraction
of the periodic orbit that exists in the period-doubling hie rarchy for this value of A.
Figure 8 : Simulations of the full Rayleigh-Plesset equation for fou r different values of ǫ. Each open
circle represents an ( A, ζ) pair at which the bubble first goes unstable. Superimposed i s the linear re-
gression line obtained from the simple criterion based upon the distinguished limit equation. In (a)–(d),
ǫ= 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2, respectively.Figure 9 : Simulations of the full Rayleigh-Plesset equation for fou r different values of ǫ. Each open
circle represents a ( pA, R0) pair at which the bubble first goes unstable. Superimposed i s the threshold
curve (16) obtained from the simple criterion based upon the distinguished limit equation. In (a)–(d),
ǫ= 0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2, respectively.
Figure 10 : Radius versus time plots ( ǫ= 0.1, ζ= 0.3, A= 0.3,0.5,0.53).
Dimensional parameters: R0= 3.0µm,Rcrit= 3.2µm,pv−p∞
0= 29.7 kPa, Ω = 0 .7 MHz.
Top:pA= 141 .6 Pa. Middle: pA= 236 .0 Pa. Bottom: pA= 250 .2 Pa.
Figure 11 : Stability threshold curves for the origin trajectory of th e distinguished limit equation (14) for
many different values of Ω∗. The values of Ω∗on the right hand border label the different threshold curves .
Figure 12 : Simulations of the full Rayleigh-Plesset equation for fou r different values of Ω∗. In each plot
ǫ= 0.05. Each open circle represents an A, ζpair at which the bubble first goes unstable. Superimposed
is the threshold curve obtained from the distinguished limi t equation. In (a)–(d), Ω∗= 0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,
Figure 13 : In (a), the Ω∗that minimizes Aescis plotted versus ζ. In (b), the minimum value of Aesc
corresponding to the value of Ω∗in (a) is plotted versus ζ. The open circles represent Rayleigh-Plesset
calculations of the minimum threshold with ǫ= 0.05.
Figure 14 : Comparisons of the stability curves of figure 11 with the Mel nikov analysis for two values of Ω∗.
The dotted line is the stability curve obtained from the dist inguished limit equation. The solid straight line
is equation (18). In (a) and (b), Ω∗= 0.9,1.1, respectively.
Figure 15 : Stability threshold surface for the trajectory through th e origin obtained by integrating the
distinguished limit equation with quasiperiodic forcing. This was obtained from simulations of (14) with
the forcing replaced by ( A/2)(sin(Ω∗
1τ) + sin(Ω∗
2τ)), and for 0 <Ω∗
2<1.3. The value of ζwas fixed at
ζ= 0.25. The points below the surface correspond to parameter val ues for which the trajectory of the origin
remains bounded whereas those points above the surface are p arameters which lead to an escape trajectory
for the origin. Qualitatively and quantitatively similar r esults were obtained for ζ= 0.15 and ζ= 0.35.PF#1091 , Harkin, Nadim and Kaper – Figure 1
LcritPF#1091 , Harkin, Nadim and Kaper – Figure 2
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5−1−0.500.511.5
(a)−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5−1.2−1−0.8−0.6−0.4−
(b)PF#1091 , Harkin, Nadim and Kaper – Figure 3
arXiv:physics/9911073v1 [physics.optics] 27 Nov 1999Study of Polarized Electromagnetic Radiation from
Spatially Correlated Sources
Abhishek Agarwal1, Pankaj Jain2and Jagdish Rai
Physics Department
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, India 208016
We consider the effect of spatial correlations on sources of p olarized electromagnetic radiation. The
sources, assumed to be monochromatic, are constructed out o f dipoles aligned along a line such that their
orientation is correlated with their position. In one repre sentative example, the dipole orientations are
prescribed by a generalized form of the standard von Mises di stribution for angular variables such that
the azimuthal angle of dipoles is correlated with their posi tion. In another example the tip of the dipole
vector traces a helix around the symmetry axis of the source, thereby modelling the DNA molecule. We
study the polarization properties of the radiation emitted from such sources in the radiation zone. For
certain ranges of the parameters we find a rather striking ang ular dependence of polarization. This may
find useful applications in certain biological systems as we ll as in astrophysical sources.
1 Introduction
In a series of interesting papers Wolf and collaborators [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] studied the spectrum of light from
a spatially correlated sources and found, remarkably, that in general the spectrum does not remain invariant
under propagation even through vacuum. In the present paper we investigate Polarization properties of a
correlated dipole array. Just as we expect spectral shifts f or spatially correlated non-monochromatic sources,
we expect nontrivial polarization effects if the correlated source emits polarized light.
A simple model of such a source can be constructed by arrangin g a series of dipoles along a line with
their orientations correlated with the position of the sour ce. The dipoles will be taken to be aligned along
thezaxis and distributed as a gaussian exp[ −z2/2σ2]. The orientation of the dipole is characterized by the
polar coordinates θp,φp, which are also assumed to be correlated with the position z. A simple correlated
ansatz is given by
exp [αcos(θp) +βzsin(φp)]
whereαandβare parameters, N1(α) =πI0(α) andN2(βz) = 2πI0(βz) are normalization factors and I0is
the Bessel function. The basic distribution function exp( αcos(θ−θ0)) used in the above ansatz is the well
known von Mises distribution which for circular data is in ma ny ways the analoque of Gaussian distribution
for linear data [8, 9, 10]. For α>0 this function peaks at θ=θ0. Making a Taylor expansion close to its peak
we find a gaussian distribution to leading power in θ−θ0. The maximum likelihood estimators for the mean
angleθ0and the width parameter αare given by, <sin(θ−θ0)>= 0 and<cos(θ−θ0)>=dlog(I0(α))/dα
respectively. In prescribing the ansatz given in Eq. 1 we hav e assumed that the polar angle θpof the dipole
orientation is uncorrelated with zand the distribution is peaked either at θp= 0 (π) forα >0 (<0).
The azimuthal angle φpis correlated with zsuch that for β >0 andz >0(<0) the distribution peaks at
We next calculate the electric field at very large distance fr om such a correlated source. The observation
pointQis located at the position ( R,θ,φ ) (Fig 1) measured in terms of the spherical polar coordinate s and
we assume that the spatial extent of the source σ<<R . The electric field from such a correlated source at
large distances is given by,
1current address: Physics Department, University of Roches ter, Rochester, NY
2e-mail: pkjain@iitk.ac.in
Figure 1: The correlated source consisting of an array of dip oles aligned along the zaxis. The observation
pointQis at a distance Rwhich is much larger than the spatial extent of the source.
×(ˆp·ˆRˆR−ˆp) (2)
where ˆpis a unit vector parallel to the dipole axis, p0is the strength of the dipole, ωis the frequency of
light andI0denotes the Bessel function. Since we are interested in the r adiation zone we have dropped all
terms higher order in z/R. The resulting field is ofcourse transverse i.e. /vectorE·ˆR= 0. We have also assumed
that all the dipoles radiate at same frequency and are in phas e. The correlation of the source with position
is measured by the parameter β.
It is convenient to define scaled variable z=z/σ,λ=λ/σwhereλ= 2πω/c is the wavelength, and
β=βσ. The integrations over θpandφpcan be performed analytically. We numerically integrate ov er
zfor various values of position of the observation point, the parameterαwhich determines the width of
the distribution of θpand for different value of the correlation parameter β. The observed polarization is
computed by calculating the coherency matrix, given by
θ/angbracketright /angbracketleftEθE∗
φEθ/angbracketright /angbracketleftEφE∗
The state of polarization can be uniquely specified by the Sto kes’s parameters or equivalently the Poincare
sphere variables [11]. The Stoke’s parameters and the Poinc are sphere variables are obtained in terms of the
coherency matrix as:
S0=J11+J22 (4)
S1=J11−J22 (5)
S2=J12+J21 (6)
S3=i(J21−J12) (7)
The parameter S0is proportional to the intensity of the beam. The Poincare sp here is charted by the angular
variables 2χ, and 2ψ, which can be expressed as:
S1=S0cos2χcos2ψ (8)
2S2=S0cos2χsin2ψ (9)
S3=S0sin 2χ (10)
The angleχ(−π/4≤χ≤π/4) measures of the ellipticity of the state of polarization a ndψ(0≤ψ<π )
measures alignment of the linear polarization. For example ,χ= 0 represents pure linear polarization and
χ=π/4 pure right circular polarization.
2 Results and Discussion
We first study the situation where β >0 andα >0. The result for several values of ( θ,φ) are given in
figures 2,3 which show plots of the Poincare sphere variables 2χand 2ψ. The scaled wavelength λ=λ/σof
the emitted radiation is taken to be equal to π, i.e. the effective size of the source σis of the order of the
wavelength λ. The results show several interesting aspects. The ellipti city of the state of polarization shows
significant dependence on the position of the observer. The a ngleχ= 0, i.e. the beam is purely linearly
polarized, for the polar angle cos( θ) = 0,1 for all values of azimuthal angle φ. It deviates significantly from
0 as cos(θ) varies from 0 to 1. For sin( φ) = 0, 2χ=π/2 at some critical value θtas cos(θ) varies between
0 andπ/2, i.e. the state of polarization is purely right circular at θ=θt. For sin(φ)>0, 2χalso deviates
significantly from 0 and displays a peak at some value of θ. The precise position of the peak is determined
by the values of the correlation parameters αandβ.
The alignment of linear polarization also shows some very in teresting aspects. For sin( φ) = 0, we find
thatψis either 0 or πdepending on the value of θ. The transition occurs at the same critical value of θ
where the angle χshows a peak. The state of polarization is purely linear with the electric field along the ˆθ
for cos(θ) = 0 and then acquires a circular component for increasing va lues of cos(θ). At the transition point
θ=θt, the polarization is purely circular. With further increas e in value of θthe state of polarization is
elliptical with the linearly polarized component aligned a longˆφ. The transition point is clearly determined
by the condition S1=J11−J22= 0.
For other values of sin( φ) we findψ= 0 for cos θ= 0 and then deviates significantly from 0 as θ
approached θt, finally levelling off as cos θapproches 1. The final value of ψat cosθ= 1 depends on the
correlation parameters and sin φbut for a wide range of parameters 2 ψ>π/ 2. Hence the linear polarizations
from sources of this type shows striking characteristic, i. e. that the polarization angle ψis either 0 or close
toπ/2 depending on the angle at which it is viewed.
For sinφ<0 the Poincare sphere polar angle 2 χis same as for sin φ>0, however the orientation of the
linear polarization 2 ψlies between πand 2π, i.e. in the third and fourth quadrants of the equatorial pla ne
on the Poincare sphere. For a particular value of φthe azimuthal angle ψ(φ) =−ψ(−φ).
If we change the sign of αwe do not find any change in linear polarization angle ψhowever the value of
χchanges sign, i.e. the state of polarization changes from ri ght elliptical to left elliptical. Change in sign of
βalso leaves ψunchanged while changing the sign of χ. Changing the signs of both αandβproduces no
change at all.
In the case of the limiting situation where β= 0 we find, as expected, linear polarization is independent
of the angular position, i.e. χ= 0 andψ= 0. This is true for any value of the parameter α, which determines
the polar distribution of the dipole orientations. Hence we see that the effect disappears if either the effective
size of the source σ= 0 or the correlation parameter β= 0. The effect also dissappears in the limit α→ ∞.
In this limit the distribution of θpis simply a delta function peaked at 0 and hence our model redu ces to a
series of dipoles aligned along the z-axis, which cannot giv e rise to any nontrivial structure. In the numerical
calculations above we have taken the effective size of the sou rceσof the order of the wavelength λ. If the
sizeσ<<λ , the effect is again negligible since the phase factor ωzˆR·ˆz/cin Eq. 2 is much smaller than one
in this case.
Hence we find that in order to obtain a nontrivial angular depe ndence of the state of polarization the
size of the source, assumed to be coherent, has to be of the ord er of or larger than the wavelength as well as
the correlation length 1 /β.
32.1 Transition angle
From our results we see that there exists a critical value of t he polar angle θat which the state of linear
polarization changes very rapidly. This is particularly tr ue if we set sin φ= 0 where we find that that the
orientation of linear polarization ψsuddenly jumps from 0 (or π) toπ/2 at some critical value of the polar
angleθ=θt. We study this case in a little more detail. The θandφcomponents of the total electric field
is given by,
c2Re−iω(t−R/c)2 sinhα
In this case the Stokes parameter S2= 0. Forβ≥(<)0,S3≥(<)0 and hence χ≥(<)0. The point where
the polarization angle 2 ψjumps from 0 to πis determined by the condition S1= 0. This is clearly also the
point where 2 χ=±π/2. Explicitly the condition to determine the critical value θtis,
2 sinh2α.
This can be used to determine θtas a function of α,β. The result for cos θtas a function of αis plotted
in figure 4 for several different values of β. For any fixed value of the parameter β, the transition angle θt
decreases from π/2 to 0 asαgoes from zero to infinity. This is expected since as αbecomes large the polar
angle distribution of the dipole orientations, peaked alon g thezaxis, becomes very narrow and hence the
resultant electric field is aligned along the zaxis for a large range of polar angle θ. Furthermore we find, as
expected, that as βgoes to zero the transition angle also tends towards 0.
2.2 Two Dipole Model
Further insight into the behavior of such sources can be gain ed by considering a model consisting of two
dipoles/vector p1and/vector p2which are located at zand−zrespectively and are oriented such that their polar angles
θ1=θ2=θpand the azimuthal angles φ1=−φ2=π/2. We will assume that θplies between 0 and π/2.
The strength of the dipoles is p0and they radiate at frequency ω. The electric field at any point is then
an addition of two vectors ˆ p1·ˆRˆR−ˆp1and ˆp2·ˆRˆR−ˆp2with phase difference of 2 ωzcosθ/c. The vector
ˆp·ˆRˆR−ˆpat any point ( R,θ,φ ) is ofcourse simply the projection of the polarization vect or ˆpon the plane
perpendicular to ˆRat that point.
The Stokes parameters are easily calculated for this model a nd are given by
4 cos2(ωzcosθ/c)cos2θpsin2θ+ 4 sin2(ωzcosθ/c)sin2θp(cos2θsin2φ+ cos2φ)/bracketrightbig
4 cos2(ωzcosθ/c)cos2θpsin2θ+ 4 sin2(ωzcosθ/c)sin2θp(cos2θsin2φ−cos2φ)/bracketrightbig
8 sin2(ωzcosθ/c)sin2θpcosθsinφcosφ
8 cos(ωzcosθ/c)sin(ωzcosθ/c)cosθpsinθpsinθcosφ
Several of the features seen in the model prescribed by Eq. 1 c an be verified analytically in this case. First
of all we notice that as z→0,S2,S3→0 and the entire effect disappears. The same is true for θp= 0 orπ/2
i.e. if both the dipoles are aligned along a single axis. At si nφ= 0,θ=π/2 the wave is linearly polarized
(χ= 0) withψ= 0. Asθdecreases from π/2 to 0,χ >0 and the wave has general elliptical polarization.
4At a certain value of the polar angle θ=θtthe wave is purely right circularly polarized. As θcrossesθt,
the linearly polarized component jumps from 0 to π/2, i.e. 2ψchanges from 0 to π. The value of the polar
angleθtat which the transition occurs is determined by
tan(ωzcosθt/c) =±sinθt/tanθp
From this equation we see that as z→0,θtis close to zero for a wide range of values of θp. Only when
θp→π/2, a solution with θtsignificantly different from 0 can be found. In general, howev er, we can find a
solution with any value of θtby appropriately adjusting zandθp.
We can also analytically verify the results for different cas es discussed in the previous model. For example,
asφ→ −φ,S2changes sign while the remaining Stokes parameters remain u nchanged. This implies that 2 χ
remains unchanged while ψ→ −ψ. We can also study the analoque of changing the sign of αin the previous
example while keeping βfixed. In this situation, i.e. α <0, the distribution of polar angle θppeaks atπ
instead of 0. In the present example this is equivalent to θp→π−θp. In this case only S3changes sign. The
implies that χ→ −χand 2ψremains unchanged, i.e. the right elliptical polarization goes to left elliptical.
If we keepθpfixed and change φp→ −φp, which is equivalent to keeping αfixed and changing the sign of β
in the earlier example, we again find that only S3changes sign, i.e. χ→ −χand 2ψis unchanged.
2.3 Helical Model
We next study an interesting generalization of the model dis cussed above. Instead of the having the peak
of theφpdistribution fixed to −π/2 forz <0 andπ/2 forz >0 we allow it to rotate in a helix circling
around the z-axis. In this case we replace the φpdependence by exp[ β(φp−ξz)]. As z goes from negative
to positive values, the peak of the distribution rotates clo ckwise around the z-axis forming an helix. This is
a reasonable model of the structure of DNA molecule and hence has direct physical application. We study
this in detail by fixing the azimuthal angle of the dipole orie ntationφp=ξzand the polar angle θpto some
constant value, i.e. the φpandθpdistributions are both assumed to be delta functions. This a llows us to
perform the zintegration in Eq. 1 analytically. The resulting state of po larization, described by Poincare
sphere angles 2 χand 2ψare shown in Figs. 5-8 . In this model we can extract a simple ru le to determine
the transition angle for the special case θp=π/2 andξ=nπwherenis an integer. We set sin φ= 0 for
this calculation since it is only for this value that the pola rization becomes purely circular for some value of
θ=θtand the linearly polarized component flips by π/2 at this point. A straightforward calculation shows
that this transition angle θtis given by:
Herenrepresents the number of πradians that are traversed by the tip of electric field vector along the
helical path and λis the wavelength. In order to get at least one transition λ <2/n. In the special case
under consideration there is atmost one transition. Howeve r in general the situation is more complicated
and for certain values of θpandξ, more than one transitions are possible. Some representati ve examples are
shown in Figs. 5-8.
3 Conclusions
In this paper we have considered spatially correlated monoc hromatic sources. We find that at large distance
the polarization of the wave shows dramatic dependence on th e angular position of the observer. For certain
set of parameters the linearly polarized component shows a s udden jump by π/2. If the symmetry axis
of the source is taken to be the z-axis, the polarization show s a sudden transition from being parallel
to perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the source, as the po lar angle is changed from π/2 to 0. The
sources considered in this paper are idealized since we have assumed coherence over the entire source.
For small enough sources, such as the DNA molecule, this may a reasonable approximation. In the case of
macroscopic sources, this assumption is in general not appl icable. However in certain situations some aspects
of the behavior described in this paper may survive even for t hese cases. For example, we may consider a
macroscopic source consisting of large number of structure s of the type considered in this paper. As long as
there is some correlation between the orientation of these s tructures over large distances we expect that some
aspects of the angular dependence of the polarization of the small structures will survive, even if there does
5not exist any coherent phase relationship over large distan ces. Hence the ideas discussed in this paper may
also find interesting applications to macroscopic and astro physical sources. As an interesting example we
consider astrophysical sources of radio waves. It is well kn own that the polarization angle of these sources is
predominantly observed to be aligned either parallel or per pendicular to the source orientation axis [12]. This
difference has generally been attributed to the existence of different physical mechanism for the generation of
radio waves in these sources. Our study, however, indicates that this difference in observed polarization angle
could also arise simply due to different angles of observatio n. Hence orientation effects must be considered
before attributing different physical mechanisms for differ ences in observed polarizations of these sources.
Acknowledgements: We thank John Ralston for very useful comments.
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[2] E. Wolf, Nature 326, 26 (1987).
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[7] A. Dogriu and E. Wolf, Opt. Lett. 23, 1340 (1998).
[8] K. V. Mardia, Statistics of Directional Data (Academic Press, London, 1972).
[9] E. Batschelet, Circular Statistics in Biology , (London: Academic Press, 1981).
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[11] M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics (1980), Pergamon Press.
[12] J. N. Clark et al, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 190, 205 (1980).
sin(φ)sin(φ) = .25
sin(φ) = .5
sin(φ) = .752χ 2χ2χ 2χsin(φ) = 0
0 .2 .4 .6 .80.511.52
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Figure 2: The polar angle on the Poincare sphere 2 χ, which is a measure of the eccentricity of the ellipse
traced by the electric field vector. For pure linear polariza tion 2χ= 0 and for pure right circular polarization
2χ=π/2. The 3-D plot shows 2 χas a function of cos θand sinψwhereθandφare the polar and azimuthal
angles of the point of observation. The 2-D plots on the right show the corresponding slices of the 3-D plots
for different values of sin φ. The upper and lower plots correspond to β= 1,α= 0.25 andβ=α= 1
sin(φ)sin(φ)sin(φ) = 0
sin(φ) = .25
sin(φ) = .5
sin(φ) = .752ψ2ψ 2ψ
0 .2 .4 .6 .80123
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Figure 3: The azimuthal angle on the Poincare sphere 2 ψ. This measures the orientation of the linearly
polarized component of the wave. The 3-D plot shows 2 ψas a function of cos θand sinψwhereθand
φare the polar and azimuthal angles of the point of observatio n. The 2-D plots on the right show the
corresponding slices of the 3-D plots for different values of sinφ. The upper and lower plots correspond to
β= 1,α= 0.25 andβ=α= 1 respectively.
9αβ = 0.5
β = 1β = 0.1
β = 0.75
β = 1.5
β = 2sin(φ) = 0cosθt
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure 4: The critical value of the polar angle θat which the state of linear polarization shows a sudden
transition for sin φ= 0 as a function of the parameters αandβwhich specify the distribution of the dipole
orientations. For any given value of the parameters αandβ, electric field is parallel ( ψ= 0) tozaxis if the
cosine of the observation polar angle cos θis less than cos θt. On the other hand electric field is perpendicular
to thezaxis if cosθis greater than cos θt.2χ
cos(θ)sin(φ) = 1sin(φ) = 0.75sin(φ) = 0.5sin(φ) = 0.25sin(φ) = 0
sin(φ) = 0.99
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 5: The polar angle on the Poincare sphere 2 χ(radians) for the helical model as a function of cos( θ)
(λ= 0.2π,θp=π/2,ξ=π).
10cos(θ)2ψ(φ) = 1sin(φ) = 0.75
sin(φ) = 0.99sin(φ) = 0.5sin(φ) = 0.25sin(φ) = 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 6: The azimuthal angle on the Poincare sphere 2 ψ(radians) for the helical model as a function of
cos(θ) (λ= 0.2π,θp=π/2,ξ=π).
cos(θ)sin(φ) = 0.052χsin(φ) = 0.75
sin(φ) = 1sin(φ) = 0.5sin(φ) = 0.25sin(φ) = 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 7: The polar angle on the Poincare sphere 2 χ(radians) for the helical model as a function of cos( θ)
(λ= 0.4π,θp=π/4,ξ=π).
11cos(θ)sin(φ) = 1sin(φ) = 0.75sin(φ) = 0.5sin(φ) = 0.25sin(φ) = 0.05sin(φ) = 02ψ
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 8: The azimuthal angle on the Poincare sphere 2 ψ(radians) for the helical model as a function of
cos(θ) (λ= 0.4π,θp=π/4,ξ=π).
12 |
arXiv:physics/9911074v1 [physics.bio-ph] 29 Nov 1999Monte Carlo implementation of supercoiled double-strande d DNA
Zhang Yang1,2, Zhou Haijun1,3and Ou-Yang Zhong-can1,4
1Institute of Theoretical Physics, Academia Sinica, P.O. Bo x 2735, Beijing 100080, China
2Institut f ¨ur theoretische Physik, FU Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berl in, Germany
3The State Key Lab. of Scientific and Engineering Computing, B eijing 100080, China
4Center for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10 0084, China
Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation is used to investigate th e elasticity
of torsionally stressed double-stranded DNA, in which twis t and supercoiling
are incorporated as a natural result of base-stacking inter action and backbone
bending constrained by hydrogen bonds formed between DNA co mplementary
nucleotide bases. Three evident regimes are found in extens ion versus torsion
and/or force versus extension plots: a low-force regime in w hich over- and un-
derwound molecules behave similarly under stretching; an i ntermediate-force
regime in which chirality appears for negatively and positi vely supercoiled
DNA and extension of underwound molecule is insensitive to t he supercoil-
ing degree of the polymer; and a large-force regime in which p lectonemic
DNA is fully converted to extended DNA and supercoiled DNA be haves quite
like a torsionless molecule. The striking coincidence betw een theoretic calcu-
lations and recent experimental measurement of torsionall y stretched DNA
[Strick et al., Science 271, 1835 (1996), Biophys. J. 74, 2016 (1998)] strongly
suggests that the interplay between base-stacking interac tion and permanent
hydrogen-bond constraint takes an important role in unders tanding the novel
properties of elasticity of supercoiled DNA polymer.
0Recent years have witnessed a remarkably intense experimen tal and theoretical activity in
searching for the elasticity of a single supercoiled DNA mol ecule (see, e.g. Strick et al., 1996,
1998; Fain et al., 1997; Vologodskii and Marko, 1997; Moroz a nd Nelson, 1997; Bouchiat
and Mezard, 1998, Zhou et al., 1999). Within a cell, native do uble-stranded DNA (dsDNA)
often exists as a twisted, and heavily coiled, closed circle . Differing amount of supercoiling,
in addition to affecting the packing of DNA within cells, influ ences the activities of proteins
that participate in processes — such as DNA replication and t ranscription — that require
the untwisting of dsDNA (Wu et al., 1988). It is believed that changes in supercoiling can
also promote changes in DNA secondary structure that influen ces the binding of proteins
and other ligands (Morse and Simpson, 1988).
In recent experiments (Strick et al., 1996, 1998) on single t orsionally constrained DNA
molecule, it was found that the supercoiling remarkably infl uences the mechanical property
of DNA molecules. When applied with relatively low stretchi ng force, a supercoiled molecule
can reduce its torque by writhing, forming structures known as plectonemes. Therefore, the
distance between two ends of the polymer decreases with incr easing supercoiling. But above
a certain critical force fc, this dependence of extension on supercoiling disappears. More
strikingly, the value of fcis significantly different for positively and negatively sup ercoiled
DNA, i.e. fc∼0.8pN for underwound molecule and fc∼4.5pN for overwound ones. On
the theoretical side, harmonic twist elasticity and bendin g energy according to the wormlike
chain model have been used to understand supercoiling of DNA polymer (Fain et al., 1997;
Vologodskii and Marko, 1997; Moroz and Nelson, 1997; Bouchi at and Mezard, 1998), and
some qualitative mechanic features of plectonemic structu res of supercoiled DNA polymer
have been described by the harmonic twist elasticity. But be cause of the chiral symmetry
of harmonic twist elasticity, the asymmetry of elastic beha viors of supercoiled DNA can not
be understood by this model, and especially the three obviou s mechanic regimes observed in
experiment of supercoiling DNA (Strick et al., 1996, 1998) s till need better understanding.
To understand the supercoiling property as well as the highl y extensibility of DNA, we
have developed a more realistic model in which the double-st randed nature of DNA is taken
1into account explicitly (Zhou et al., 1999). The supercoili ng property of highly extended
DNA was investigated analytically. Here, we aim at performi ng a thorough and systematic
investigation into the property of supercoiled DNA by using Monte Carlo simulations based
on this model.
As we have known, the bending energy of DNA polymer is mainly a ssociated with the
covalent bonding between neighboring atoms of DNA backbone (Nossel and Lecar, 1991). In
our previous work (Zhou et al., 1999), van der Waals interact ions between adjacent basepairs
was introduced and this helps to explain the highly cooperat ive extensibility of overstretched
DNA (Cluzel et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1996). And it has been s hown that the short-range
base-stacking interaction takes a significant role in deter mining the elastical property of
DNA. Lennard-Jones type potential between adjacent basepa irs can be written as
U(θ) =
cosθ)6],forθ >0,
ǫ[cos12θ0−2 cos6θ0],forθ≤0,(1)
(see also Fig. 1). The folding angle θof the sugar-phosphate backbones around DNA central
axis is associated with the steric distance rof adjacent basepairs by r=r0cosθ, where r0
is the backbone arclength between adjacent bases. The asymm etric potential related to
positive and negative folding angle θin Fig. 1 ensures a native DNA to take a right-handed
double-helix configuration with its equilibrium folding an gleθeq∼θ0. This double-helix
structure is anticipated to be very stable since ǫ(∼14kBT) is much higher than thermal
energy kBTaccording to the results of quantum chemical calculations ( Saenger, 1984).
In case that DNA polymer is torsionally constrained, the bas epair folding angle will
deviate from the equilibrium position θeq. However, if the stretching force is very small, the
folding angle may deviate from θeqonly slightly. This is because of the following reason:
As we can infer from Fig. 1, the base-stacking potential is ve ry sharp around θ0, and a
relatively large force is needed to make θdeviate considerably from its equilibrium value.
It is reasonable for us to anticipate that a supercoiled DNA u nder low stretching force will
convert its excess or deficit linking number into positive or negative writhing of its central
axis. Since the central axis is symmetric with respect to pos itive or negative writhing, the
2elastic response of DNA at this force regime will certainly b e symmetric with positive or
negative degree of supercoiling. Only when the stretching f orce becomes large enough will
the chirality of supercoiled DNA appear. In this regime, it b ecomes more and more difficult
for the central axis to writhe to absorb linking number and an increasing portion of the
linking number will be converted to twisting number of the ba ckbones, which will certainly
changes the twisting manner of dsDNA. Since Eq. 1 shows that f or dsDNA untwisting is
much easier than overtwisting, chiral behavior is anticipa ted to emerge. This opinion is
consistent with the experimental result of Strick et al. (19 96).
In this paper, we investigate the mechanical properties of s upercoiled DNA by numerical
Monte Carlo method. Base-stacking van der Waals interactio ns between adjacent basepairs
are incorporated by introducing the new degree of freedom, n amely the folding angle θ.
A fundamental difference from the previous approaches (See, e.g., Vologodskii and Marko,
1997), which try to include the twist degrees of freedom by ad ding extra terms to the free
energy, is that the twist and supercoiling are treated as the cooperative result of base-stacking
and backbones bending constrainted from permanent basepai rs. The striking coincidence
between theoretic calculations and experimental data of su percoiling DNA (Stick et al.,
1996, 1998) indeed confirms this treatment.
Model and method of calculation
In the simulation, the double-stranded DNA molecule is mode led as a chain of discrete
cylinders, or two discrete wormlike chains constrained by b asepairs of fixed length 2 R(Fig.
2). The conformation of DNA molecule of N straight cylinder s egments is specified by the
space positions of vertices of its central axis, ri= (x(i), y(i), z(i)) in 3-D Cartesian coordinate
system, and the folding angle of the sugar-phosphate backbo nes around the central axis,
θi, i= 1,2,· · ·, N. Each segment is assigned the same amount of basepairs, nbp, so that the
length of the ith segment satisfies
∆si=|ri−ri−1|= 0.34nbpcosθi
/angbracketleftcosθ/angbracketright0, (2)
3where /angbracketleft· · ·/angbracketright 0means the thermal average for a relaxed DNA molecule. Moreov er, bearing in
mind the experimental fact that there are about 10.5 basepai rs for each turn of a native
double helix DNA and the average distance between the adjace nt basepairs is about d0=
0.34nm, we have set the basepair length as 2 R= (10.5d0/π)/angbracketlefttanθ/angbracketright0in our model.
Metropolis Monte Carlo method (Metropolis et al., 1953) is u sed to simulate the equi-
librium evolution procedure of torsionally stretched dsDN A molecule. At each step of the
simulation procedure, a trial conformation of the chain is g enerated by a movement from the
previous one. The starting configuration is chosen arbitrar ily (except that some topology
and bound conditions should be satisfied, see below) and the a veraged results of equilibrium
ensemble are independent of the initial choice after numero us movements. The probability
of acceptance of the movement depends on the difference in ene rgy between the trial and
the current conformations, according to the Boltzmann weig ht. When a trial movement is
rejected, the current conformation should be counted once m ore. This procedure is repeated
numerous times to obtain an ensemble of conformations that, in principle, is representative
of the equilibrium distribution of DNA conformation.
The DNA model
As we have known, double strand DNA is formed by winding two po lynucleotide back-
bones right-handedly around a common central axis. Between the backbones nucleotide
basepairs are formed with the formation of hydrogen bonds be tween complementary bases.
In our continuous model (Zhou et al., 1999), the embeddings o f two backbones are defined
byr1(s) andr2(s′). The ribbon structure of DNA is enforced by having r2(s′) separated
fromr1(s) by a distance 2 R, i.e.r2(s′) =r1(s) + 2Rb(s) where the hydrogen-bond-director
unit vector b(s) points from r1(s) tor2(s′). As the result of the wormlike backbones, the
bending energy of two backbones can be written as
ds2)2ds+ (dr2
ds′2)2ds′]. (3)
The formation of basepairs leads to rigid constraints betwe en the two backbones and at
the same time they hinder considerably the bending freedom o f DNA central axis because
4of the strong steric effect. In the assumption of permanent hy drogen bonds (Everaers et
al., 1995; Liverpool et al., 1998; Zhou et al, 1999), |s′−s|= 0. The relative sliding
of backbones is prohibited and the basepair orientation lie s perpendicular to the tangent
vectors t1=dr1/dsandt2=dr2/dsof the two backbones and that of the central axis, t:
b·t1=b·t2=b·t= 0. By defining the folding angle as half of the rotation angle from
t2(s) tot1(s), i.e., the intersection angle between tangent vector of ba ckbones t1(2)and DNA
central axis t, we have
t1= cos θt+ sinθb×t
t2= cos θt−sinθb×t.(4)
Therefore, the bending energy of the two backbones can be rew ritten as
R2]ds (5)
where dsdenotes arc-length element of the backbones, Lthe total contour length of each
backbone, and κis the persistence length of one DNA backbone. Bearing in min d that
the pairing and stacking enthalpy of the bases significantly increase bending stiffness of
polymer axis, the experimental value of persistent length o f dsDNA polymer is considerably
larger than that of a DNA single strand (See, e.g. Smith et al. , 1996). To incorporate
the steric effect and also considering the typical experimen t value of persistent length of
dsDNA p= 53nm, the simpliest way is to substitute kin the first term of Eq. 5 with a
phenomenological parameter κ∗= 53.0/2/angbracketleftcosθ/angbracketright0nmkBT(Zhou et al., 1999), hereafter this
is assumed.
Taking into account Eqs. 1 and 5, the total energy of dsDNA mol ecule with Nsegments
in our discrete computational model is expressed as
where γiis the bending angle between the ( i−1)th and the ith segments (Fig. 2), Nbpthe
total number of basepairs of DNA polymer, and z(N) is the total extension of the DNA
central axis along the direction of the external force f(assumed in the z-direction).
5Since Kuhn statistical length of dsDNA polymer is associate d with its bending stiffness
(the Kuhn length is twice as persistence length of dsDNA poly mer according to the wormlike
chain model), one can decide bending rigidity parameter αof the discrete chain accordingly.
Suppose that we take the Ndiscrete segments to simulate the behaviors of a dsDNA polym er
ofnKuhn statistical length, the length of m(=N/n) segments should correspond to one
Kuhn statistical length. Therefore, for any chosen value m, we can decide the bending
rigidity parameter αin the way (see Appendix)
m=1 +/angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright
1− /angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright, (7)
0cosγexp(−αγ2) sinγdγ/integraltextπ
0exp(−αγ2) sinγdγ. (8)
In principle, the discrete DNA model becomes continuous onl y when mapproaches
infinity. The CPU time needed for a simulation, however, incr eases approximately as
N2= (nm)2. So it is necessary to choose a value of mthat is large enough to ensure
reliable results but small enough to keep the computational time within reasonable bounds.
Our calculation and also previous work (Vologoskii et al., 1 992) showed that simulated
properties do not depend on mif it exceeds 8. Therefore, m= 8 was used in the current
calculation, for which the bending constant α= 1.895kBT. Furthermore, we have chosen
N= 160 in consideration of the feasible computer time. Since K uhn statistical length of
dsDNA is taken as 106nm, the B-form length of the polymer in ou r simulation corresponds
toLB= 2120nm or 6234 base-pairs. The constant α′in the second term of Eq. 6 should
be associated with stiffness of the DNA single strand. As an cr ude approximation, we have
taken here α′=α= 1.895kBT.1
The fourth term in Eq. 6 accounts for van der Waals interactio ns between adjacent
basepairs (see Eq. 1). θ0(= 62◦) is related to the equilibrium distance between a DNA
1Our unpublished data show that, the amount of second term of E q. 6 is quite small compared
with other four terms. And the result of simulation is not sen sitive to α′.
6dimer. The base-stacking intensity ǫis generally influenced by composition and sequence
of nucleotide chains. For example, the solubility experime nts in biphasic systems show that
stacking interactions between purine and pyrimidine bases follow the trend
purine −purine >pyrimidine −purine >pyrimidine −pyrimidine .
Since we do not distinguish the specific base-sequence of pur ine and pyrimidine in our DNA
model, we take statistic average of stack energies as ǫ= 14kBT, according to the result of
quantum chemical calculations (Saenger, 1984).
To simulate the extension of the stretched DNA chain, we fixed one of its ends at original
point in 3-D Cartesian system and applied a force fdirected along the zaxis to the second
end, which corresponds to the fifth term of Eq. 6.
Calculation of link number
The number of times the two strands of DNA double helix are int erwound, i.e., the link
number Lk, is a topologic invariant quantity for closed DNA molecule a nd also for linear
DNA polymer in case that the orientations of two extremities of the linear polymer are
fixed and any part of polymer is forbidden to go round the extre mities of the polymer. An
unstressed B-DNA molecule has one right-handed twist per 3. 4nm along its length, i.e.,
Lk0=LB/3.4. Under some twist stress, the link number of DNA polymer may be different
from its torsionally relexed value. In all case when ∆ Lk=Lk−Lk0/negationslash= 0, the DNA polymer
is called “supercoiled” (Vologodskii and Cozzarelli, 1994 ). The relative difference in link
signifies the degree of supercoiling which is independent up on the length of DNA polymer.
The native DNA of organisms living at physiological environ ment are found always slightly
underwound and its supercoiling degree is between −0.03 and −0.09 (Bauer, 1978; Volo-
godskii and Cozzarelli, 1994), which is believed significan tly relevant in some fundamental
biological processes (Wu et al., 1988; Morse and Simpson, 19 88).
7In addition to counting directly the number of times the two s trands are interwound,
the link number of closed DNA circle can be conveniently calc ulated by White’s theorem
(White 1969)
Lk=Tw+Wr. (10)
The twist Twis the number of times basepair twist around central axis and does not depend
upon the configuration of molecule axis. The writhe Wrof molecule is a simple function of
only the molecule axis vector r(s) (White, 1969; Fuller, 1971)
4π/integraldisplay /integraldisplay
|r(s)−r(s′)|3. (11)
Wris scale invariant and dimensionless and changes sign under reflection or inversion of r,
reflecting the cross product in the formula above. Therefore Wr= 0 if r(s) is planar or
otherwise reflection symmetric.
In order to control and measure experimentally the supercoi ling degree of linear DNA
polymer, Strick et al. (1996, 1998) attached one end of DNA mo lecule to a glass cover slip
by DIG-anti-DIG links and other end to a paramagnetic bead by biotin-streptavidin links.
Bearing in mind the diameter of magnetic bead ( ≈4.5µm) is far beyond that of polymer,
the anchoring points can be considered as on impenetrable wa lls and ∼16-µm-long DNA
(Strick et al., 1996) in fact is prohibited to pass around the ends of the polymer. A magnetic
field pointing in the plane of the microscope slide was applie d to fix the orientation of the
bead. Therefore, by rotating the magnets and counting the ti me of turns, the link number
Lkof the linear DNA molecule can be controlled and measured exp erimentally.
In Monte Carlo calculations, we restrict the DNA chain by two impenetrable parallel walls
crossing the chain ends which is to simulate the above mentio ned experimental equipment
of the magnet bead and the microscope slide (see also the trea tment in Vologodskii and
Marko, 1997). The walls are always parallel to xyplane in our Cartian coordinate system
and thus perpendicular to the direction of the force applied to the chain ends.
One way to calculate the link number Lkof DNA molecule in our Monte Carlo simulation
is to use the White’s formula Eq. 10. However, the writhe Wris defined only for closed
8chain. In order to solve the problem, we add three long flat rib bons to the two ends of
the DNA chain in each conformation during the simulation pro cedure. The axes of these
ribbons are kept in the same planar and consist a closed circl e together with the linear DNA
chain. Since there is no any twist in the added three flat ribbo ns, it is not difficult to verify
from Fig. 3 that the number of times two strands interwind Lklin Fig. 3a is equal to the
link number of new closed polymer Lkcin Fig. 3d. Therefore, we only calculate Lkof the
closed chain in our simulations according to Eqs. 10 and 11.
Quite similar to the model by Tan and Harvey (1989) in which th e twist of each base-pair
of DNA chain is explicitly specified, the folding angle of bac kbones in each segments has
been given in our model. So the twist can be directly calculat ed by
i=1∆sitanθi. (12)
The writhe Wrof the new DNA circle can be calculated according to Eq. 11.
Simulation procedure
For any given force, equilibrium sets of conformations of DN A chain are constructed
using the Metropolis MC procedure (Metropolis et al., 1953) . Three kinds of movements
have been considered in our simulations (see Fig. 4).
In the first type of movement, a random chosen segment is under twisted or overtwisted
by an angle λ1. In other words, the folding angle θiof the chosen segment is modified into
a new value θ′
i=θi+λ1. When θ′
iis beyond the setting interval [ −θm, θm] from one side,
it will re-enter the interval from the opposite side accordi ng to the periodicity assumption.
Although the geometric limit of folding angle of DNA backbon e isθm=π/2, we set θm= 85o
here to avoid the possible divergency in numerical calculat ion of potential of Eq. 1. It should
be mentioned that, this movement modifies not only the foldin g angle of the chosen segment
but also the coordinates of all the behind vertices rj, j=i,· · ·, Nalong the length, since
when the folding angle θiis changed we have also changed the length of the segment ∆ si
according to Eq. 2. So we should translate all those segments behind this one to make the
chain match up (Fig. 4a).
9In the second type of movement, an interval subchain contain ing arbitrary amount of
segments will be rotated by an angle of λ2around the straight line connecting the vertices
bounding the subchain (Fig. 4b). The third type of movement i nvolves a rotation of the
subchain between a chosen vertices and the free end by an angl e ofλ3, around an axis with
arbitrary orientation (Fig. 4c). All three types of movemen ts satisfy the basic require-
ment of the Metropolis procedure of microscopic reversibil ity, i.e. the probability of trial
conformation Bwhen current conformation is Amust be equal to the probability of trial
conformation Awhen current conformation is B.
All three types of movements change the configurations of DNA chain. But from the
viewpoint of energy, their functions are quite different. Wh ile the first type of movement
concerns mainly with modifying twist and stacking energy, t he second one changes only the
bending energy and the third modifies both bending energy and extension of DNA chain.
Each of them is performed in the probability of 1 /3. The value of λ1, λ2, λ3are uniformly
distributed over interval ( −λ0
1, λ0
2, λ0
2) and ( −λ0
3, λ0
3) respectively, and λ0
1, λ0
are chosen to guarantee that about half of the trial moves of e ach type are accepted.
The starting conformation of DNA chain is unknotted. But the configurations after
numerous steps of movements may become knotted, which viola tes the topologic invariance
of chain and is incorporeal. Especially, both ends of molecu le are anchored in the experiment
and knots never occur. In order to avoid knotted configuratio n, we should check the knot
status for each trial conformation. The most effective way to clarify the knot categories of
DNA circle is to calculate its Jones polynomial (Jones, 1985 ), which is strictly topological
invariant for knot categories. But the computational calcu lation of Jones polynomial is quite
prolix at this moment. In our case that it is only necessary to distinguish between unknot
and knot categories, the classical Alexander polynomial (A lexander, 1928; Conway, 1969)
is enough to meet this requirement although it is of weaker to pological invariants and does
not distinguish mirror images. For trivial knot, Alexander polynomial ∆( t) = 1; and ∆( t) is
10usually not equal to 1 for knotted chain.2Convenient algorithms for computer calculation
of Alexander polynomial had been well built (see, e.g. Volog odskii et al. 1974; Harris and
Harvey, 1999). We only calculate the value of ∆( −1) in our simulation. In case that the
trial movement knots the chain, the energy of trial conforma tion is set to be infinite, i.e. it
will be rejected.
Another interaction considered in our simulation is the ste ric effect of polymer chain.
Since the segment has finite volume, other segments cannot co me into its own space region.
This interaction evidently swells the polymer (Doi and Edwa rds, 1986). To incorporate
this exclude-volume effect into our simulation, for each tri al conformation, we calculate the
distance of between any point on the axis of a segment and any p oint on the axis of another
non-adjacent segment and check whether this distance is les s than the DNA diameter 2 R.
If the minimum distance for any two chosen segments is less th an 2R, the energy of trial
conformation is set infinite and the movement is rejected.
During the evolution of DNA chain, the supercoiling degree σmay distribute around
all the possible values. In order to avoid the waste of comput ation events, we bound the
supercoiling σof DNA chain inside the experimental region (Strick et al., 1 996, 1998), i.e.
−0.12≥σ≥0.12. When the torsion degree of trial conformation is beyond t he chosen
range, we simply neglect the movement and reproduce a new tri al movement again.
Result of Monte Carlo simulation
To obtain equilibrium ensemble of DNA evolution, 107elementary displacements are
produced for each chosen applied force f. The relative extension xand supercoiling degree
σof each accepted conformation of DNA chain are calculated. W hen the trial movement is
rejected, the current conformation is count up twice (see Me tropolis et al., 1953).
2Although there are nontrivial knots whose Alexander polyno mials equal unity, this case is very
rare. One of the example for nontrivial knot with ∆( t) = 1 can be found in Vologodskii et al.
11In order to see the dependence of mechanics property of DNA up on supercoiling degree,
the whole sample is partitioned into 15 subsamples accordin g to the value of the supercoiling
degree σ. For each subsample, we calculate the averaged extension
LB, j= 1,· · ·,15 (13)
and the averaged torsion
i=1σi, j= 1,· · ·,15, (14)
where Njis the number of movements supercoiling of which belong to jth subsample.
We display the force versus relation extension for all posit ive and negative supercoiling
in Fig. 5a and c respectively. As a comparison, the experimen tal data (Strick et al., 1998)
are shown in Fig. 5b and d. In Fig. 6 is shown the averaged exten sion as a function
of supercoiling degree for 3 typical applied forces. At low f orce, the extension in our MC
simulation saturates at a value greater than zero because of the impenetrable walls which
astrict the vertical coordinate of the free end always highe r than that of any other points of
the DNA chain. The same effect of the impenetrable walls was fo und in earlier works (see
Fig. 9 of the paper by Vologodskii and Marko, 1997). For conci seness, we did not show the
points the relative extension of which is less than 0 .15 in Fig. 5 and 6.
In spite of quantitative difference between Monte Carlo resu lts and experimental data,
the qualitative coincidence is striking. Especially, thre e evident regimes exist in both exper-
imental data and our Monte Carlo simulations:
i).At a low force, the elastic behaviour of DNA is symmetrical un der positive or negative
supercoiling. This is understandable, since the DNA torsio n is the cooperative result
of hydrogen-bond constrained bending of DNA backbones and t he base-stacking in-
teraction in our model. At very low force, the contribution f rom applied force and
the thermodynamic fluctuation perturbate the folding angle θof basepair to derive
very little from the equilibrium position θ0. Therefore, the DNA elasticity is achiral
at this region (see the Introduction part of this paper). For a fixed applied force, the
12increasing torsion stress tends to produce plectonemic sta te which shorten the distance
of two ends, therefore, the relative extension of linear DNA polymer. These features
can be also understood by the traditional approaches with ha rmonic twist and bending
elasticity (Vologodskii and Marko, 1997; Bouchiat and Meza rd, 1998).
ii).At intermediate force, the folding angle of basepairs are pu lled slightly further away
from equilibrium value θ0where van der Waals potential is not symmetric around
θ0. So the chiral nature of elasticity of the DNA molecule appea rs. In negative
supercoiling region, i.e. θ < θ 0, the contribution of applied force dominates that
of potential because of the low plateaus of U(θ). So the extension is insensitive to
negative supercoiling degree. On the other hand, the positi ve supercoiling still tends
to contract the molecule.
iii).At higher force, the contribution of the applied force to the energy dominates that of
van der Waals potential in both over- and underwound DNA. The extension of DNA
accesses to its B-form length. Therefore, the plectonemic D NA is fully converted to
extended DNA, the writhe is essentially entirely converted to twist and the force-
extension behaviour reverts to that of untwisted ( σ= 0) DNA as expected from a
torsionless worm-like chain model (Smith et al., 1992; Mark o and Siggia, 1995; Zhou
et al., 1999). Because of the effect of impenetrable wall, how ever, the extension of
DNA molecule in our calculation is slightly higher than expe rimental data.
In conclusion, the elasticity of supercoiled double-stran ded DNA is investigated by Monte
Carlo simulations. In stead of introducing an extra twist en ergy term, twist and supercoiling
are leaded into as a nature result of cooperative interplay b etween base-stacking interac-
tion and sugar-phosphate backbones bending constrained by permanent hydrogen bonds.
Without any adjustable parameter, the theoretic results on the correlations among DNA
extension, supercoiling degree and applied force agree qua litatively to recent experimental
data by Strick et al (1996, 1998).
It should be mentioned that there is an up-limit of supercoil ing degree for extended
13DNA in current model, i.e. σmax∼0.14, which corresponds to θ= 90oof folding angle.
In recent experiments, Allemand et al. (1998) twisted the pl asmid up to the range of
−5< σ < 3. They found that at this “unrealistically high” supercoil ing, the curves of force
versus extension for different σsplit again at higher stretch force ( >3pN). As argued by
Allemand et al. (1998), in the extremely under- and overwoun d torsion stress, two new
DNA forms, denatured-DNA and P-DNA with exposed bases, will appear. In fact, if the
deviation of the angle which specifies DNA twist from its equi librium value exceeds some
threshold, the corresponding torsional stress causes loca l distraction of the regular double
helix structure (Vologodskii and Cozzarelli, 1994). So the emergence of these two striking
forms is essentially associated with the broken processes o f some basepairs under super-
highly torsional stress. In this case, the permanent hydrog en constrain will be violated
and the configuration of base stacking interactions be varie d considerably. We hope, with
incorporation of these effects at high supercoiling degree, our model should reproduce the
novel elastic behaviour of DNA. This part of work is in progre ss.
Parts of the computer calculations of this work were perform ed in the Computer Cluster
of Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik (FU-Berlin) and the State Key Lab. of S cientific and
Engineering Computing (Beijing), which our thanks are due t o. One of authors (Z. Y.)
would like to thank U. H. E. Hansmann, B. -L. Hao, L. -S. Liu and W. -M. Zheng for
discussions and helps.
Appendix: Kuhn Statistical Length of Discrete Chain
Let us consider a discrete chain of Nsegments with each of length l0, the end-to-end
vector of which is written as
i=1ti, (15)
where ti=Ri−Ri−1
14For chains with bending stiffness, e.g. the DNA model describ ed in Eq. 6, /angbracketleftti+k·ti/angbracketrightdoes
not vanish for k/negationslash= 0.ti+kcan be expressed relatively to i+k−1’th segment as
ti+k= cos γi+k−1ti+k−1+ sinγi+k−1ni+k−1, (16)
where γi+k−1is the bending angle between i+k−1’th and i+k’th segments as defined
in Eq. 6, and ni+k−1is the unit vector coplanar with ti+kandti+k−1but perpendicular to
the latter. If the average of ti+kis taken with the rest of the chain (i.e., ti,ti+1,· · ·,ti+k−1)
fixed, one obtains
/angbracketleftti+k/angbracketrightti,ti+1,···,ti+k−1fixed=/angbracketleftcosγi+k−1/angbracketrightti+k−1, (17)
since /angbracketleftni+k−1/angbracketrightti,ti+1,···,ti+k−1fixed= 0 according to Eq.6. Multiplying both sides of Eq. 17 by
tiand taking the average over ti,ti+1,· · ·,ti+k−1, one has
/angbracketleftti+k·ti/angbracketright=/angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright/angbracketleftti+k−1·ti/angbracketright, (18)
where /angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketrightis not specific to segments and given by Eq. 8. This recursion e quation, with
the initial condition t2= 1, is solved by
/angbracketleftti+k·ti/angbracketright=/angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketrightk. (19)
Thus for large N,/angbracketleftR2/angbracketrightis given by
0(N+ 2N−1/summationdisplay
01 +/angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright
1− /angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright
Therefore, Kuhn statistical length of the discrete chain ca n be written as
Rmax=l01 +/angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright
1− /angbracketleftcosγ/angbracketright, (20)
where Rmaxis the maximum length of the end-to-end vector.
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FIG. 1. The van der Waals interaction potential versus foldi ng angle of sugar-phosphate
backbones around DNA molecule axis.
FIG. 2. The configuration of discrete DNA chain in our model.
FIG. 3. The schematic diagram to calculate link number in our simulations. (a). For a linear
supercoiled DNA chain with one end attached to a microscope s lide and with another end attached
to a magnetic bead, when the orientation of the bead is fixed an d the DNA chain is forbidden to go
round the bead, the number of times for two strands to interwi nd each other, the linking number of
the linear DNA ( Lkl), is a topological constant. (b). The DNA double helix is str etched to a fully
extended form while the orientation of bead keeps unchanged . The link number of linear DNA
chain is equal to the twist number, i.e. Lkl=Twl. (c). Three long flat ribbons are connected to the
two ends of the linear twisted DNA of (b). The link number of th e new double helix circle is equal
to that of linear DNA chain, i.e. Lkc=Twc=Twl=Lklsince the writhe of the rectangle loop is
0. (d). The DNA circle in (c) can be deformed into a new circle, one part of which has the same
steric structure as the linear supercoiled DNA chain in (a). So by adding three straight ribbons,
the link number of linear double helix DNA can be obtained by c alculating the link number of the
new DNA circle, i.e. Lkl=Lkc=Tw+Wr.
FIG. 4. Trial motions of the DNA chain during Monte Carlo simu lations. The current confor-
mation of DNA central axis is shown by solid lines and the tria l conformation by dashed lines. (a).
The folding angle in ith segment θiis changed into θi+λ1. All segments between ith vertex and
the free end are translated by the distance of |∆si−∆s′
i|. (b). A portion of the chain is rotated by
an angle of λ2around the axis connecting the two ends of rotated chain. (c) . The segments from a
randomly chosen vertex to the free end are rotated by an angle λ3around an arbitrary orientation
axis which passes the chosen vertex.
19FIG. 5. Force versus relative extension curves for negative ly (a,b) and positively (c,d) super-
coiling DNA molecule. Left two plots (a) and (c) are the resul ts of our Monte Carlo simulation,
and the horizontal bars of points denote the statistic error of relative extension in our simulations.
Right two plots (b) and (d) are the experimental data (Strick et al., 1998). The solid curves serve
as guides for the eye.
FIG. 6. Relative extension versus supercoiling degree of DN A polymer for three typical stretch
forces. Open points denote the experimental data (Strick et al., 1998) and solid points the results
of our Monte Carlo simulation. The vertical bars of the solid points signify the statistic error of
the simulations, and the horizontal ones denote the bin-wid th that we partition the phase space of
supercoiling degree. The solid lines connect the solid poin ts to guide the eye.
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80e (cos12q0-2cos6q0), q£0
e [(cosq0/cosq)12-2(cosq0/cosq)6], q>0
qU(q)10-210-1110Force (pN)
.112± .008
.097± .008
.080± .008
.063± .008
.048± .008
.032± .008
.017± .008
0.0± .008MC Result
0.0Data by Strick et al
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Relative ExtensionForce (pN)
- .112± .008
- .096± .008
- .080± .008
- .064± .008
- .048± .008
- .032± .008
- .016± .008
0.0± .008MC Result
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1s
- .040
- .026
- .013
0.0Data by Strick et al
Relative Extension00.
-0.1 -0.075-0.05-0.025 0 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1Force
8.0 pN
1.0 pN
0.2 pN
Supercoiling degree sRelative Extension |
arXiv:physics/9911075v1 [physics.space-ph] 29 Nov 1999Enhanced Phase Space Diffusion due
to Chaos in Relativistic
Electron-Whistler Mode Wave
Particle Interactions in Planetary
W J Wykes∗, S C Chapman, G Rowlands
Space and Astrophysics Group, University of Warwick, UK
(September 2, 2013)
The chaotic interaction between electrons and whistler mod e waves has been
shown to provide a mechanism for enhanced diffusion in phase s pace. Pitch
angle diffusion is relevant for the scattering of electrons i nto the loss cones,
thus providing a source for auroral precipitating electron s. A single whistler
mode wave propagating parallel to the background magnetic fi eld has reso-
nance with the electrons but the process is not stochastic. T he presence of a
second, oppositely directed whistler wave has been shown pr eviously to intro-
duce stochasticity into the system, thus enhancing phase sp ace diffusion. Here
we generalise previous work to include relativistic effects . The full relativistic
Lorentz equations are solved numerically to permit applica tion to a more ex-
tensive parameter space. We consider parameters scaled to i ntrinsic planetary
magnetospheres, for electron populations with ’pancake’ v elocity distributions
i.e. large anisotropies in velocity space. We show that the d iffusion is rapid,
occuring on timescales of the order of tens of electron gyrop eriods, and is
strongly sensitive to the wave amplitude, the wave frequenc y and the perpen-
dicular velocity. Using Voyager 1 data we give an estimate of the whistler
wave amplitude in the Io torus at Jupiter and show that the two whistler
mechanism produces pitch angle diffusion of up to ±10◦from an initial pan-
cake distribution, on millisecond timescales.
Keywords : Relativistic, Chaos, Whistler, Pitch Angle Diffusion, Sub storms.
Typeset using REVT EX
∗Email: wykes@astro.warwick.ac.uk Fax: +44 (0)1203 692016
The electron-whistler interaction has been considered as p otential mechanism for pitch
angle scattering in planetary magnetospheres. Gyroresona nce processes with near parallel
propagating whister waves have been considered (e.g. [1], [ 2]), although the process that
they considered is not stochastic and requires a spectrum of frequencies to efficiently scatter
electrons into the loss cone [3].
Whistler waves are able to resonate with electrons over a bro ad energy range, from less
than 100 keV to several MeV [4]. In particular the Hamiltonia n has been obtained for
relativistic electrons interacting with a whistler mode wa ve of single ˆk, revealing underlying
behaviour that is dynamically simple [5].
Stochasticity has been introduced by coupling the bounce mo tion of the trapped electrons
with a single whistler [6], whilst the presence of a second, o ppositely directed whistler wave
was shown from the non-relativistic equations of motion to i ntroduce stochasticity into
the system and was demonstrated numerically for a wave frequ ency of half the electron
gyrofrequency [7]. This mechanism has been shown to exist in self-consistent simulations
In this paper we generalise the work in [7] to consider a range of wave frequencies below
the gyrofrequency and include relativistic effects. We cons ider the efficiency of the mecha-
nism in scattering electrons with a high anisotropy in veloc ity spaceV⊥>V/bardbli.e. a ’pancake’
distribution. Recent plasma density models have shown that anisotropic distributions are
required to fit the observed whistler dispersions in the Jovi an magnetosphere [9]. We investi-
gate the dependence of the degree of stochasticity of the sys tem (using Lyapunov exponents)
on the wave amplitude, wave frequency and perpendicular vel ocity.
We consider a total magnetic field of the form
where B0=B0ˆ xis the background magnetic field and B+
ωare the whistler waves
propagating parallel and anti-parallel to the background fi eld respectively (for coordinate
system see Figure 1). We assume that the background field line s are uniform, since, as we
will see, the interaction is sufficiently fast so that changes in the background field experienced
by the electrons are small, e.g., for electrons close to Jupi ter’s magnetic equator at 6 RJ, the
field changes by less than 1% for an MeV electron travelling at 0.9cand interacting with
the field for 1000 electron gyroperiods (0.1s).
The wavefields B+
ωare given by
ω=Bω[cos(kx−ωt)ˆ y−sin(kx−ωt)ˆ z]
ω=Bω[cos(−kx−ωt+θ)ˆ y−sin(−kx−ωt+θ)ˆ z]
withˆ xparallel to the background field and ˆ yandˆ zperpendicular. The wave frequency, ω,
and wave number, k, are given by the whistler mode dispersion relation:
ω2= 1−ω2
whereωpeis the plasma oscillation frequency and Ω eis the electron gyrofrequency. Electrons
travelling at the correct parallel velocity will experienc e a constant field and will interact
strongly with it. This resonance velocity, vr=vrˆ xis given by the resonance condition:
ω−k·vr=nΩe/γ (2)
wherenis an integer, and γ= (1−v2/c2)−1/2is the relativisic factor . The corresponding
electric field is obtained from Maxwell’s relation for plane propagating waves, kEω=ωˆk∧Bω
and the dispersion relation (1).
We write v=v/bardblˆ x+v⊥cosφˆ y+v⊥sinφˆ z, whereφ=φ(t) is the phase of the perpen-
dicular velocity and define the phase angles ψ1=kx−ωt+φandψ2=−kx−ωt+φ+θ
as the angles between the perpendicular velocity and B+
We substitute these into the Lorentz force law to give the ful l equations of motion:
1 +ωv/bardbl
sinψ2 (3)
1 +v2
1 +v2
sinψ2 (4)
cosψ2 (5)
dt−2kv/bardbl (6)
kc2(sinψ1−sinψ2) (7)
whereb=Bω/B0is wave amplitude scaled to the background field, and time and velocity
have been rescaled with respect to the gyrofrequency, Ω e, and the phase velocity, vphase=
w/k, respectively.
Reduced Equations
The full relativistic equations can be reduced in the limit o f small wave amplitudes. We
introduce two variables Θ = ( ψ1−ψ2)/2 ands= (ψ1+ψ2)/2 which in the limit of small
b are proportional to the distance along the background field ,x, and time, t. For small
perturbations in v/bardblwe havev/bardbl/v⊥≈b<< 1 and then to first order in b, we have:
3=W2(1−a) sinψ1+W2(1 +a) sinψ2 (9)
ds2= 2W2(cos Θ sins−asin Θ coss) (10)
Thus we have a double pendulum equation with variables ˙Θ =v/bardbl/vrand Θ =kx.
Perturbations in Θ = kxare thus proportional to the wave amplitude, b, to 1 /γand to
the ratio of perpendicular velocity to the square of the reso nance velocity. For relativistic
velocities and for large anisotropy ( v⊥>>v /bardbl), the constant a<< 1.
Figure 2 shows numerical solutions of the full equations of m otion. The plots are stro-
boscopic surfaces of section [10] constructed from cut-pla nes wherex= (n+ 1/2)π/k, to
sample the full electron phase space. The initial parallel v elocity,v/bardbl, was varied over the
range [ −vr,vr], wherevris the resonance velocity, given by the resonance condition (2).
All electrons were given the same initial perpendicular vel ocity,v⊥, withv⊥= 0.7c
(v⊥/vr≈20), and phase angle, ψ(defined as the angle between the perpendicular velocity
and the first whistler wave B+
ω, see Figure 1) to give a pancake velocity distribution with
high initial pitch angles.
For low wave amplitudes, Figure 2 a) the trajectories are ess entially regular and char-
acterised by two sets of resonances. As the wave amplitude is increased in Figures 2 b)
and 2 c) stochastic effects are introduced into the region bet ween the two resonances. For
higher wave amplitudes, Figure 2 d), the system becomes glob ally stochastic with regular
trajectories confined to KAM surfaces close to the resonance s. There is significant diffusion
of electrons throughout phase space, i.e. electrons with lo w parallel velocities can diffuse
through phase space to regions of higher parallel velocity a nd undergo a significant reduction
in pitch angle.
In Figures 2 b)–d) the stochastic regions are bounded with up per and lower parallel
velocity limits. These corresponds to the first untrapped el ectron orbit, which is regular,
and bounds the stochastic region occupied by the orbits of tr apped particles. Stochastic
electrons that diffuse through phase space to this maximum (m inimum) parallel velocity
will have lowest (highest) pitch angles.
In Figure 3 we show a sequence of phase plots for increasing pe rpendicular velocity. The
reduced equation (Equation 10) describes pendulum like beh aviour with oscillations in v/bardbl
proportional to both the wave amplitude and the ratio v⊥/v2
r. The resonance condition
(Equation 2) shows that vr=vr(γ(v⊥,v/bardbl),k,ω), therefore (for v/bardbl<<v ⊥)vrin addition to
the total electron energy, E, is a functions of the perpendicular velocity. By varying v⊥only
we can consider the dependence of the degree of stochasticit y onv⊥,Eandv⊥/v2
4In Figures 3 a) and b) the perpendicular velocity increases t o relativistic velocities v⊥=
0.3–0.6c (Energy 0.02–0.1 MeV). From the resonance conditi on (2) we see that increasing
v⊥increasesγand hence reduces vrand the separation between the two resonances. Hence
increasingv⊥increases the ratio v⊥/v2
rand we see an increase in the stochasticity in the
system as expected from the reduced equations.
In Figure 3 c) where v⊥= 0.88c(E=0.4 MeV) the resonance condition (2) is satisfied for
vr= 0, consistent with maximal stochasticity from the reduced equation (10) as v⊥/v2
r→ ∞.
Increasingv⊥further causes the resonances to pass through the v/bardbl= 0 line and change sign.
In Figure 3 d) and e) we have v⊥= 0.97–0.98c(E=1–1.25 MeV). The resonance velocity now
increases with v⊥, therefore the ratio v⊥/v2
rdecreases with v⊥. The degree of stochasticity
decreases, until the system is no longer stochastic again (F igure 3 f)) with v⊥= 0.99c
(E=1.75 MeV).
The dependence, and in particular, the presence of a peak in t he degree of stochasticity
on the ratio v⊥/v2
ris a relativistic effect. For non relativistic velocities γis constant and the
degree of stochasticity continually increases with v⊥[7].
Lyapunov Exponents
Lyapunov exponents are used to quantify the degree of stocha sticity in the system. The
Lyapunov exponents are calculated using the method describ ed in [11]. All six Lyapunov
exponents were calculated over phase space and evolved to th eir asymptotic limit. The only
significant Lyapunov exponent corresponds to spacial pertu rbations along the background
For positive Lyapunov exponents, two trajectories that are initially close together will
diverge exponentially in time. For negative or zero Lyapuno v exponents, two trajectories
that are initially close together will remain close togethe r. Positive (negative) Lyapunov
exponents correspond to stochastic (regular) trajectorie s in phase space.
In the top panel of Figure 4 the Lyapunov exponents are shown f or the same initial
conditions as Figure 2 d): electrons have phase angle, ψ= 0, and parallel velocity in the
range [ −vr,vr]. Trajectories in the chaotic region of Figure 2 d) have posi tive Lyapunov
exponent while the Lyapunov exponent of the regular traject ories close to the resonances is
In the middle panel of Figure 4 we plot the averaged Lyapunov e xponent for increasing
perpendicular velocities. The Lyapunov exponents have a de pendence on the ratio v⊥/v2
the Lyapunov exponents increase with v⊥(v⊥/v2
rincreasing) until v⊥satisfies the resonance
equation for vr= 0, (v⊥= 0.88c), andv⊥/v2
r→ ∞. Asv⊥increases further the Lyapunov
exponents decrease ( v⊥/v2
In the bottom panel of Figure 4 we plot the averaged Lyapunov e xponent as a function of
the corrected wave frequency, ωc=ω/γΩe. The Lyapunov exponent, and hence the degree
of stochasticity varies strongly with frequency and appear s to be enhanced when ωc=m/n,
wherem,n= 2,3,4,...It then follows that close to these frequencies the process m ay be the
most efficient in pitch angle scattering.
We use the analysis of Voyager 1 data in [12] and [13] to estima te the whistler wave
amplitude. The plasma wave instrument on Voyager 1 measures the electric field spectral
density of the whistler waves over a set of frequency channel s of finite width ∆ ωm. To
estimate the wave amplitude we consider two possibilities. The minimum amplitude estimate
is obtained if we assume the wave amplitude is constant over t he bandwidth, ∆ ωm, of the
measurement giving an estimate of order b=Bω/B0= 0.0005. This is too low to give
significant stochastic diffusion, and the changes in pitch an gle are small, of the order of less
than 1◦.
The optimum amplitude estimate for this process is obtained if we assume the majority
of the wave power comes from a finite waveband smaller than tha t of the instrument. We
consider the case where wavepower is enhanced at frequencie s coincident with maxima in
the Lyapunov exponents: in Figure 4 we see that the Lyapunov e xponent is increased
whenωc=ω/γΩe=m/n. The enhancement in the Lyapunov exponent occurs over a
narrow frequency range of order Ω e/100 (see Figure 4). If we assume the that the measured
wavepower occurs in this bandwidth we obtain an electric wav e amplitude of the order of
0.02mVm−1corresponding to a magnetic wave amplitude of 1 .5nT, givingb= 0.005, which
is well into strong stochastic diffusion regime (see Figure 2 ).
We obtain a similar estimate using data from Ulysses at the Jo vian magnetopause [14],
[15]. To uniquely determine whether or not this process is si gnificant, wave amplitude,
rather than spectral density measurements are needed. In th is context it interesting to note
that for the Earth, direct amplitude measurements [16] and t he extrema of spectral density
measurements [17] yield whistler amplitudes sufficient for s tochasticity by this mechanism;
whereas average spectral density measurements do not [18]. This is suggestive that the
process will be active under certain conditions only.
Pitch Angle Diffusion in the Io torus at Jupiter
Using the estimated wave amplitude we can estimate the rate o f diffusion from an initial
pancake distribution of electrons. For the Io torus at Jupit er we have a gyrofrequency
Ωe= 53.2kHz, corresponding to a background field of 302 nT, and a plasma frequency
ωpe= 355kHz(see [12] and [13]).
In Figures 5 and 6 we show phase plots similar to Figure 2 excep t we now plot pitch angle
against phase. The initial conditions are b= 0.005,ωc= 1/3,v⊥= 0.65 and E=150 keV, The
phase plots are qualitatively similar to Figure 2 and share m any of the same features. Regular
trajectories are confined to close to the resonance pitch ang leαr= arctan(v⊥0/vr) where
v⊥0is the initial perpendicular velocity (0.65c) and vris the resonance velocity. Stochastic
particles can diffuse throughout the stochastic region of ph ase space and electrons with the
maximum parallel velocity in Figure 2 will have the minimum p itch angle.
In Figure 6 diffusion in pitch angle is very fast. Pitch angle d iffusion of up to ±10◦occurs
on timescales of the order of tens of gyroperiods. On this tim escale electrons at Jupiters
magnetic equator (L=6) experience changes in the magnetic fi eld of less than 1%, therefore
the approximation in the numerical solutions that the backg round magnetic field lines are
uniform is valid.
We have shown that the electron-whistler interaction intro duces stochasticity and can
allow electrons to diffuse in phase space on very fast timesca les. The degree of stochasticity
depends on three parameters; the wave amplitude, b, the wave frequency, ω, and the ratio
of the perpendicular velocity over the resonance velocity s quared,v⊥/v2
r, which in turn is a
function of γ.
The degree of stochasticity of the system increases with bot h the wave amplitude, b,
and the ratio v⊥/v2
r(and hence γ). However the resonance velocity is dependent on γ
and decreases as γincreases. There exists a critical relativistic factor γcsuch the resonance
condition is satisfied with vr= 0. Therefore when γ <γ cthe degree of stochasticity increases
withγand whenγ >γ cthe degree of stochasticity decreases with γ.
We have shown the Lyapunov exponent appears to be enhanced wh en the wave amplitude
ωc=ω/γΩe=m/nwherem,n= 2,3,4,...This is a completely new phenomena and arises
purely from the interaction of the two whistler waves. Deriv ing this analytically will be an
area of future research.
The two whistler interaction may form part of the pitch angle scattering process along-
side other mechanisms, in particular it will enhance the slo wer processes, such as bounce-
resonance, that require an initial v/bardblto operate as it specifically scatters electrons with high
perpendicular velocities and low or zero parallel velociti es. Because of the ambiguity in the
data for the Jovian magnetosphere it is probable that the mec hanism is ’switched on’ during
periods of intense whistler wave activity.
We have seen that for a single wave frequency the stochastic r egion is bounded by the
regular trajectories of untrapped electrons. For the simpl e two wave process considered
here, we can define a maximum and minimum parallel velocity gi ven byv0±∆v, where
v0is the mean parallel velocity and ∆ vis the change in parallel velocity (the width of the
stochastic region). In terms of the pitch angle this corresp onds to a mean pitch angle α0and
a change in pitch angle ∆ α. Henceα0and ∆αare uniquely determined by the parameters
ω,k,v ⊥,B0,Bω,Ωeandωpe.
It would be more realistic to consider the more complex situa tion of a wave packet con-
sisting of many more than two whistlers, with a range of frequ encies. This more complex
case is difficult to parameterise so we have as as initial study considered the simple two
wave case. However it is straightforward to qualitatively p redict the effect of adding more
wave modes to form a wave packet, if we consider adding a secon d pair of waves at a lower
frequency. This would add a second pair of resonances with re sonance velocities of a higher
magnitude, which would have the effect of destroying the regu lar trajectories bounding the
stochastic region for the original waves, so that a new, larg er, stochastic region encompasses
the new pair of resonances. The resulting stochastic diffusi on in pitch angle would increase
and electrons would be scattered to lower pitch angles. A mor e detailed investigation of this
effect is required to calculate the diffusion coefficient for th e wave packet, however we can
anticipate that the timescale for diffusion will still scale with the electron gyroperiod.
Acknowledgements W J Wykes and S C Chapman are funded by PPARC.
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arXiv:physics/9911076v1 [physics.chem-ph] 29 Nov 1999Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Metal-Organic
Platinum(II) Complexes
H. H. H. Homeier1,2, J. Strasser, and H. Yersin3
Institut f¨ ur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie,
D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
The dynamics of spin-lattice relaxation (slr) of metal-org anic Pt(II) compounds
is studied. Often, such systems are characterized by pronou nced zero-field splittings
(zfs) of the lowest-lying triplets. Previous expressions f or the Orbach slr process do
not allow to treat such splitting patterns properly. We disc uss the behavior of a
modified Orbach expression for a model system and present res ults of a fit of the
temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rat e of Pt(2-thpy) 2based on
the modified expression.
Key words: Metal-organic Platinum(II) complexes, Shpol’skii matric es,
Spin-lattice relaxation, Orbach process, Raman process, D irect process, Triplets,
Zero-field splittings
Transition metal complexes with organic chelate ligands an d their lowest ex-
cited states are of potential use for solar energy conversio n [1–7]. Recently, the
processes of spin-lattice relaxation and the decay behavio r of excited states
have been studied experimentally for such systems in Shpol’ skii matrices. [8–
14] Of special importance are compounds with a Pt(II) centra l ion. Pt(II)
systems exhibit many different types of low-lying excited tr iplets that in-
clude metal-centered (MC) dd∗states [15,16], metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer
(MLCT) states [17–19], intra-ligand-charge-transfer (IL CT) states [10,13,20],
ligand-ligand′-charge-transfer (LL′CT) states [6,7], and ligand-centered (LC)
1Author for correspondence. Address: PD Dr. H. H. H. Homeier, Institut f¨ ur Phy-
sikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universit¨ at Regensb urg, D-93040 Regensburg,
Germany. FAX: +49-941-943 4719. Email: Herbert.Homeier@n a-net.ornl.gov
2WWW: http://www.chemie.uni-regensburg.de/ ∼hoh05008
3Author for correspondence. Address: Prof. Dr. H. Yersin, In stitut f¨ ur Physikali-
sche und Theoretische Chemie, Universit¨ at Regensburg, D- 93040 Regensburg, Ger-
many. FAX: +49-941-943 4488. Email: Hartmut.Yersin@chemi e.uni-regensburg.de
Preprint submitted to Chemical Physics Letters 23 July 2013Table 1
Electronic origins E [ cm−1] (lowest triplet sublevel of T 1, lowest site), zero-field
splittings[ cm−1] (∆Eba: Energy difference between |b/angbracketrightand|a/angbracketright, ∆Ecb: Energy dif-
ference between |c/angbracketrightand|b/angbracketright), spin-lattice relaxation times τslr[ns] at 1.2 K, and
transition types for various Pt(II) complexes with organic ligands
Complex E ∆ Eba∆Ecb τslrType Ref.
Pt(2-thpy) 2a)17156 7 9 710 LC/MLCT [9,21,14]
Pt(2-thpy)(CO)Cla)18012 0.055 3.8 3000 LC/MLCT [14,24]
Pt(phpy) 2a)19571 6.9 25.1 390 LC/MLCT [14]
Pt(3-thpy) 2a)18020 13 9 ≈25 LC/MLCT [25,26]
[Pt(bpy) 2](ClO 4)2b)21237 <1 <1>50·103LC/MC [23]
Pt(qol) 2a)15426 <1 <1>60·103ILCT [10,13]
Pt(qtl) 2a)13158 <1 <1 >7000 ILCT [13]
Pt(phpy)(CO)Cla)20916 <1 6.4 LC/MLCT [27]
Pt(bhq) 2c)19814 11 28 LC/MLCT [28]
Pt(phpz) 2a)22952 9 7 LC/MLCT [25]
2-thpy−: 2-(2-thienyl)pyridinate; phpy−: 2,2′-phenylpyridinate; 3-thpy−: 2-
(3-thienyl)pyridinate; bpy: 2,2′-bipyridine; qol−: 8-quinolinolate; qtl−: 8-
quinolienthiolate; bhq−: benzo[h]quinolinolate; phpz−: 2,2′-phenylpyrazinate.
a)In n-octaneb)Neat materialc)In n-decane
states with some MLCT and/or MC contribution [21–23]. In the following, we
focus to Pt(II) systems with heterocyclic chelate ligands.
As shown in Tab. 1, the low-lying triplets of these systems ar e characterized
by a rather large variation of zero-field splittings (zfs) in the range from less
than 0.1 cm−1to about 40 cm−1. The larger splittings are mainly due to
spin-orbit coupling. For the same complex in different matri ces, the lowest
triplet states are shifted in energy (in many cases in the ran ge of 200 – 400
cm−1). The corresponding optical spectra show rich vibrational structure that
may be well resolved (about 2cm−1) by choosing appropriate matrices and by
employing methods of emission and/or excitation line narro wing.
At low temperatures (several Kelvin), the processes of spin -lattice relaxation
occurring between the triplet sublevels |a/angbracketright,|b/angbracketright, and |c/angbracketrightare relatively slow with
relaxation times as long as hundreds of nano-seconds and eve n up to many
micro-seconds (See Tab. 1 and Refs. [9–14]) due to the low den sity of phonon
states corresponding to such zfs patterns.
To discuss these processes, we assume that the perturbation Vcaused by the
phonons couples the electronic states of the chromophore es sentially linearly
a b c
Fig. 1. Processes of spin-lattice relaxation: a) Direct pro cess. b) Orbach process.
c) Raman process.
(e.g. see Ref. [29, p. 228])
kǫk+. . . (1)
where ǫkis the strain corresponding to the phonon mode with wave vect ork
in the long wavelength limit. The matrix elements of V1are denoted by Vba=
|/angbracketleftb|V1|a/angbracketright|and analogous expressions for VcaandVcb. The energy differences are
∆Ebabetween |b/angbracketrightand|a/angbracketright, ∆Ecbbetween |c/angbracketrightand|b/angbracketright, and ∆ Ecabetween |c/angbracketrightand
|a/angbracketright. The usual notation β= 1/(kBT) for given temperature Tand Boltzmann
constant kB, and the abbreviations Cba=C V2
ba(∆Eba)3and analogous ones
forCcaandCcbare also used. Here, the parameter C= 3/(2π¯h4ρv5) is defined
in terms of mass density ρand (average) velocity vof sound of the matrix.
The (∆ Eba)3dependence of Cbashould be kept in mind.
The following relaxation processes (see Fig. 1) occur:
Direct process: The rate is given by [30, p. 541], [29, p. 229]
k(direct )
a,b =kab+kba
=Cbacoth(β∆Eba/2). (2)
Here, kabandkbaare the rate constants for the up and down processes, re-
spectively, given by the expressions
exp(β∆Eba)−1. (3)
3Analogous expressions hold for the up and down rates kbc,kcb,kac, and kca.
Orbach process: The rate for this process vanishes for T→0 K exponen-
tially. It depends on the splitting pattern of the three invo lved states: If the
energy separation ∆ Ebaof the two lower states |a/angbracketrightand|b/angbracketrightis much smaller
than both the energy separations ∆ Ecaand ∆ Ecbto the upper state |c/angbracketright, then
the well-known expression
k(Orbach )
a,b =2CcbCca
holds approximately for low T. This original Orbach expression is derived
under the assumption that the energy differences are given by ∆E= ∆Eca=
∆Ecb>0. For a more general zfs pattern, the rate is given by the low- tempe-
rature approximation [31]
k(Orbach )
a,b =kackcb+kbckca−kbckba
with up and down rates as given in Eq. (3). The modified express ion (5)
contains Eq. (4) as a limiting case (see Ref. [31]).
Raman process: For low temperature, the rate may be approximated by
k(Raman )
a,b =D Tn(6)
with a constant Dandn= 5 for non-Kramers ions [32]. In the cases under
study, this T5dependence fits the experimental observations [31] better t han
theT7dependence observed in other systems.
The relative importance of the various slr processes is larg ely dependent on
the size of the zfs and the energy separations to further elec tronic states. For
instance, in systems like Pt(qol) 2and Pt(qtl) 2with a very small total zfs (see
Tab. 1) and no further electronic states in the vicinity of T 1, direct and Orbach
processes are expected to be very small due to the ∆ E3dependence of these
processes, and the Raman process is expected to dominate. Co mpare also Ref.
The behavior of the above expressions is illustrated for a model system (with-
out a Raman process) and with parameters ∆ Eba= ∆Ecb= 7cm−1,v= 2000
m/s,ρ= 1.1 g/cm3,Vbc= 10cm−1,Vac= 20cm−1,Vab= 3cm−1. In Fig. 2, the
relative errors of the approximations for both direct and Or bach process, i.e.,
4Error (%)
Temperature (K)| a >| b > | c >
i) ii) iii) iv)
Fig. 2. Relative errors of the relaxation rate expressions w ith respect to Eq. (7) as
a function of temperature T. Plotted are the errors of k(direct )
a,b+k(Orbach )
a,bwith Eq.
(2) for the direct process in combination with the original O rbach expression (4) for
different values of ∆ E( i) ∆ E= ∆Ecb= 7 cm−1, ii) ∆ E= ∆Eca= 14 cm−1, iii)
∆E= (∆Eca+ ∆Ecb)/2 = 10 .5 cm−1, iv) ∆ E= ∆Efit= 5.4 cm−1) and v) with
the modified expression (5).
for the sum k(direct )
a,b +k(Orbach )
a,b as obtained using Eq. (2) in combination either
with Eq. (4) or Eq. (5), respectively. The errors are calcula ted with respect to
the exact rate
k(Orbach +direct )
+ 4(kcbkca−kabkca−kbakcb+kbakab)/parenrightbigg1/2
for the three-level system that is obtained from the rate equ ations [31].
Applying the original Orbach expression, i.e., using Eq. (4 ) in combination
with (2) for the direct process, the prefactor 2 CcbCca/(Cca+Ccb) was com-
puted from the model parameters, but different values of the p arameter ∆ E
have been used: ∆ E= ∆Ecbcorresponds to using the minimum distance of
5state |c/angbracketrightto the states |a/angbracketrightand|b/angbracketright(curve i) in Fig. 2), ∆ E= ∆Ecacorresponds
to using the maximum distance (curve ii)), and ∆ E= (∆Eca+ ∆Ecb)/2 cor-
responds to using the mean distance (curve iii)). The value ∆ E= ∆Efit=
5.4cm−1is obtained by a least square fit of the exact data with one fit pa rame-
ter ∆E(curve iv)), i.e., for the direct process and the prefactor o f Eq. (4), the
exact expressions were used during the fit. Interestingly, ∆ Efitis less than any
of the other differences of the energies. Alternatively, one could try to use the
prefactor in Eq. (4) as an additional fit parameter. But then, one cannot hope
to extract the model values of CcbandCcafrom such a fit. Finally, curve v) in
Fig. 2 was obtained using the modified expression (5) in combi nation with Eq.
(2) for the direct process. Clearly, the modified approach yi elds much reduced
errors over a large temperature range. Thus, Orbach’s origi nal expression (4)
that was designed for a different pattern of the energy levels cannot be applied
to a pattern with ∆ Ecb≈∆Ebafor any reasonable choice of the parameter
We remark that similar results are also obtained for differen t choices of the
parameters. For instance, for a value of vsmaller by a factor f, the same
results for the absolute rates would be obtained, if all the m atrix elements
ofV1are also chosen smaller by a factor f5/2, e.g., for v= 1500 m/s and
Vbc= 4.87 cm−1,Vac= 9.74 cm−1,Vab= 1.46 cm−1. Moreover, fixing all the
other parameters, any rescaling of the three matrix element s by an arbitrary
common positive factor yields the same error curves since we are dealing with
relative errors and, under this scaling, all up and down rates kab,kbaetc., and,
hence, all slr rates in the model are multiplied by a common fa ctor.
It is of interest to present an example of the application of t he above formalism
to the spin-lattice relaxation observed for the lowest trip let of the Pt(2-thpy) 2
complex in an n-octane matrix. This compound is depicted in o f Fig. 3, and
some properties are collected in Table 1. The experimental s pin-lattice relax-
ation rate k(slr)is obtained from the measured emission decay rate of state
|b/angbracketrightby subtraction of the corresponding triplet deactivation r ate to the ground
state [31]. For the fit, we used Eq. (2) for the direct process, the modified
expression (5) for the Orbach process, and Eq. (6) with n= 5 for the Raman
process, i.e., for a T5low temperature dependence. As prefactor of the direct
process, we used the low temperature limit of k(slr). The ratio of Cca/Ccbcan
be obtained independently from time-resolved excitation s pectra [9,31]. Also,
all energy separations ∆ Ebaand ∆ Ecbare available from highly resolved spec-
tra [9,21,14,31]. Thus, as fit parameter, only the prefactor Dof the Raman
process and the constant Ccaremain. For such a two-parameter fit as displayed
in Fig. 3, the result is highly satisfactory.
A three-parameter fit based on the original Orbach expressio n (4) using the pa-
rameters D, ∆Eand the prefactor in Eq. (4) yields the value ∆ E= 11.4cm−1
(and a nearly doubled prefactor Dfor the Raman process in comparison to
61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Raman(T□)5directOrbachPt(2-thpy)2direct□+
Temperature□(K)Rate□of□slr□(10□□s )6 -1N
Fig. 3. Fit of the spin-lattice relaxation rate k(slr)as a function of temperature for
Pt(2-thpy) 2in an n-octane matrix. Displayed are the contributions of th e direct
process (Eq. (2)), the Orbach process (using the modified exp ression (5)), and the
Raman T5process (Eq. (6)).
the fit displayed in Fig. 3). A similar value for ∆ Ewas obtained in Ref. [9] by
a somewhat different fitting procedure. Both these values are unphysical since
they do not correspond to any of the observed energy differenc es (see Tab. 1).
We remark that the present study was triggered by this difficul ty of using the
original Orbach expression (4).
This result shows, as further ones presented in [33,31], tha t the use of the
modified expression (5) for the Orbach process is necessary f or a detailed un-
derstanding of the dynamics of the spin-lattice relaxation for low-lying triplets
of metal-organic transition metal compounds with their cha racteristic patterns
of zero-field splitting. Thus, although the present study co ncentrated on Pt(II)
compounds, the result should be applicable to a more general class of com-
pounds, namely, the whole platinum metal group complexes (c ompare, e.g.,
the recent results [8,9] for [Ru(bpy) 3]2+).
Financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Fonds der
Chemischen Industrie is gratefully acknowledged.
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arXiv:physics/9911077v1 [physics.data-an] 30 Nov 1999Mixtures of Gaussian process priors∗
J¨ org C. Lemm
Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik I, Universit¨ at M¨ unste r
D–48149 M¨ unster, Germany
E-mail: lemm@uni-muenster.de
Publication No.: MS-TP1-99-5
Nonparametric Bayesian approaches based on Gaussian proce sses have recently become
popular in the empirical learning community. They encompas s many classical methods
of statistics, like Radial Basis Functions or various splin es, and are technically convenient
because Gaussian integrals can be calculated analytically . Restricting to Gaussian processes,
however, forbids for example the implemention of genuine no nconcave priors. Mixtures of
Gaussian process priors, on the other hand, allow the flexibl e implementation of complex
and situation specific, also nonconcave a priori information. This is essential for tasks
with, compared to their complexity, a small number of availa ble training data. The paper
concentrates on the formalism for Gaussian regression prob lems where prior mixture models
provide a generalisation of classical quadratic, typicall y smoothness related, regularisation
approaches being more flexible without having a much larger c omputational complexity.
1 Introduction 1
2 The Bayesian model 2
3 Gaussian regression 3
4 Prior mixtures 4
4.1 General formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4.2 Maximum a posteriori approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.3 Analytical solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.4 High and low temperature limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.5 Equal covariances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 A numerical example 9
6 Conclusions 9
1 Introduction
The generalisation behaviour of statistical learning algo rithms relies essentially on the correctness
of the implemented a priori information. While Gaussian processes and the related regu larisation
approaches have, on one hand, the very important advantage o f being able to formulate a priori
∗This is an extended version of a contribution to the Ninth Int ernational Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks (ICANN 99), 7–10 September 1999, Edinburgh, UK.
1information explicitly in terms of the function of interest (mainly in the form of smoothness
priors which have a long tradition in density estimation and regression problems [18, 17, 5]) they
implement, on the other hand, only simple concave prior dens ities corresponding to quadratic
errors. Especially complex tasks would require typically m ore general prior densities. Choosing
mixtures of Gaussian process priors combines the advantage of an explicit formulation of priors
with the possibility of constructing general non-concave p rior densities.
While mixtures of Gaussian processes are technically a rela tively straightforward extension
of Gaussian processes, which turns out to be a computational advantage, practically they are
much more flexible and are able to produce in principle, i.e., in the limit of infinite number of
components, any arbitrary prior density.
As example, consider an image completion task, where an imag e have to be completed,
given a subset of pixels (‘training data’). Simply requirin g smoothness of grey level values
would obviously not be sufficient if we expect, say, the image o f a face. In that case the prior
density should reflect that a face has specific constituents ( e.g., eyes, mouth, nose) and relations
(e.g., typical distances between eyes) which may appear in v arious variations (scaled, translated,
deformed, varying lightening conditions).
While ways how prior mixtures can be used in such situations h ave already been outlined in
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10] this paper concentrates on the general formal ism and technical aspects of mixture
models and aims in showing their computational feasibility . Sections 2–4 provide the necessary
formulae while Section 5 exemplifies the approach for an imag e completion task.
Finally, we remark that mixtures of Gaussian process priors do usually notresult in a (finite)
mixture of Gaussians [3] for the function of interest. Indee d, in density estimation, for example,
arbitrary densities not restricted to a (finite) mixture of G aussians can be produced by a mixture
of Gaussian prior processes.
2 The Bayesian model
Let us consider the following random variables:
1.x, representing (a vector of) independent, visible variables (‘measurement situations’),
2.y, being (a vector of) dependent, visible variables (‘measurement results’), and
3.h, being the hidden variables (‘possible states of Nature’).
A Bayesian approach is based on two model inputs [1, 11, 4, 12] :
1. Alikelihood model p(y|x, h), describing the density of observing ygiven xandh. Regarded
as function of h, for fixed yandx, the density p(y|x, h) is also known as the ( x–conditional)
likelihood ofh.
2. Aprior model p(h|D0), specifying the a priori density of hgiven some a priori information
denoted by D0(but before training data DThave been taken into account).
Furthermore, to decompose a possibly complicated prior density into simpler components,
we introduce continuous hyperparameters θanddiscrete hyperparameters j(extending the set of
hidden variables to ˜h= (h, θ, j)),
p(h|D0) =/integraldisplay
jp(h, θ, j|D0). (1)
In the following, the summation over jwill be treated exactly, while the θ–integral will be
approximated. A Bayesian approach aims in calculating the predictive density for outcomes yin
testsituations x
p(y|x, D) =/integraldisplay
dh p(y|x, h)p(h|D), (2)
given data D={DT, D0}consisting of a priori dataD0and i.i.d. training data DT={(xi, yi)|1≤
i≤n}. The vector of all xi(yi) will be denoted xT(yT). Fig.1 shows a graphical representation
of the considered probabilistic model.
2training data DT test data
· · · xn
? ? ?
· · · yn
@@I |
arXiv:physics/9911078v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 30 Nov 1999submitted manuscript, ESPCI 1
On theViscosityofEmulsions
By Klaus Kroy †, Isabelle Capron,Madeleine Djabourov
Physiqe Thermique, ESPCI.10, rue Vauquelin, Paris.France
(2February 2008)
Combiningdirectcomputationswith invariancearguments, Taylor’sconstitutiveequationforan
emulsion can be extrapolated to high shear rates. We show tha t the resulting expression is con-
sistent with the rigorous limits of small drop deformation a nd that it bears a strong similarity
to ana prioriunrelated rheological quantity, namely the dynamic (frequ ency dependent) linear
shear response.Moreprecisely,within a largeparameterre gionthenonlinearsteady–stateshear
viscosity is obtainedfrom the real part of the complexdynam ic viscosity,while the first normal
stress difference is obtained from its imaginary part. Our e xperiments with a droplet phase of
a binary polymer solution (alginate/caseinate) can be inte rpreted by an emulsion analogy. They
indicate that the predictedsimilarity rule generalizesto the case of moderatelyviscoelastic con-
1. Introduction
Apart from their technologicalimportance,emulsions have served as model systems accessi-
ble to rigorous theoretical modeling. The study of emulsion s consisting of droplets of a liquid
dispersed in another liquid has thus contributed substanti ally to our understanding of the rhe-
ology of complex fluids. However, although major theoretica l achievements date back to the
beginningof the 20thcentury,furtherprogressturnedout to be difficult. The mac roscopicrheo-
logicalpropertiesofemulsionsaredeterminedbythereact ionoftheindividualdropstotheflow
field, which in turn is modified by the presence of other drops. The mutual hydrodynamic in-
teractionsofdropscomplicatessubstantiallythemathema ticaldescription.Moreover,depending
onsystemparametersandflowtype,dropletsmaybreakunders teadyflowconditionsifacertain
critical strain rate is exceeded.Rigorouscalculationsof the constitutive equationhave therefore
concentratedonverydiluteemulsionsandonconditionswhe redropsareonlyweaklydeformed.
Sometimes, however, it is desirable to have an approximate e xpression, which — though not
rigorous—canserveforpracticalpurposesasa quantitativ edescriptionintheparameterregion
beyond the ideal limits. As far as the dependence of the visco elastic properties of an emulsion
on the volume fraction φof the dispersed phase is concerned, such an approximation h as been
givenbyOldroyd(1953).Itisnotrigorousbeyondfirst order inφbutserveswell somepractical
purposesevenat rather highvolumefractions.It seems notr easonableto lookfor a comparably
simple approximation for the dependence of shear viscosity ηon shear rate ˙γthat covers the
whole range of parameters, where all kinds of difficult break –up scenarios are known to occur.
In the next section, we propose instead a less predictive exp ression which contains an average
drop size R(that may change with shear rate) as a phenomenologicalpara meter. The latter has
to be determinedindependentlyeither from theoryor experi ment.It turnsout, however,that for
a substantialrangeof viscosity ratiosandshear rates, the expressionfor η(˙γ)is to a largeextent
independent of morphology. For conditions, where drops do n ot break outside this region, we
point out a similarity relation between this expressionand the frequencydependentviscoelastic
† klaus@pmmh.espci.fr2 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
moduliG′(ω),G′′(ω),similartothe Cox–Merz ruleinpolymerphysics.Moreprecisely,weshow
that in the limit of small drop deformation, the constitutiv e equation of an emulsion composed
ofNewtonianconstituentsofequaldensitycanbeobtainedf romthefrequencydependentlinear
response to leading order in capillary number Cand (reciprocal) viscosity ratio λ−1. And we
argue that the identification is likely to represent a good ap proximation beyond this limit in a
larger part of theC−λparameter plane. Experimentally, this similarity relatio n can be tested
directly,withoutinterferenceoftheoreticalmodeling,b ycomparingtwoindependentsetsofrhe-
ological data. In summary, our theoretical discussion prov okes two major empirical questions.
(1) If drops break: does the expression for the viscosity der ived in Eq.(2.18) describe the data
withRtheaveragedropsizeatagivenshearrate?(2)Ifdropsdonot breakbelowacertainchar-
acteristiccapillarynumber C∗(λ): doestheproposedsimilarityrulehold?To whatextentdoes it
generalize to non–Newtonianconstituents? In Section 3 we a ddress mainly the second question
byexperimentswithaquasi–staticdropletphaseofamixtur eofmoderatelyviscoelasticpolymer
2. Theory
A common way to characterize the rheological properties of c omplex fluids such as emulsions,
suspensions, and polymer solutions, is by means of a constitutive equation or an equation of
state that relates the components pij+pδijof thestress tensor to therate–of–strain tensor e ij.
Thisrelationcanaccountforalltheinternalheterogeneit yandthecomplexityandinteractionsof
the constituents if only the system may be represented as a ho mogeneousfluid on macroscopic
scales. Theformof possibleconstitutiveequationsis rest rictedby general symmetry arguments ,
which provideguidelinesfor the constructionof phenomeno logicalexpressions(Oldroyd1950,
1958).Ontheotherhand,forspecialmodelsystemstheconst itutiveequationsmaybecalculated
directlyat least forsomerestricted rangeof parameters.A n earlyexamplefora direct computa-
tionoftheconstitutiveequationofacomplexfluidisEinste in’sformula
for the shear viscosity η≡p12/e12of a dilute suspension(particlevolume fraction φ≪1). It is
obtainedbysolvingStokes’equationforaninfinitehomogen eousfluidofviscosity ηccontaining
a single solid sphere.For a sufficientlydilute suspension, the contributionsof differentparticles
totheoverallviscosity ηcanbeaddedindependently,givinganeffectproportionalt oφ.Inclose
analogy Taylor (1932) calculated ηfor a steadily sheared dilute suspension of droplets of an
incompressibleliquidofviscosity ηd≡ληcinanotherincompressibleliquidofviscosity ηc.For
≡ηT, (2.2)
which we abbreviate by ηTin the following. This expression includes Einstein’s resu lt as the
limiting case of a highly viscous droplet, λ→∞. As in Einstein’s calculation, interactions of
the drops are neglected. The result is independent of surfac e tension σ, shear rate ˙γ, and drop
radiusR; i.e., it is a mereconsequenceof the presenceof a certainam ountφof disperseddrops,
regardless of drop size and deformation (as long as the latte r is small). Moreover, the dynamic
(frequency dependent) linear response of an emulsion has be en calculated by Oldroyd (1953).
Under steady flow conditions,drop deformationitself is pro portionalto the magnitudeof theOnthe ViscosityofEmulsions 3
rate–of–strain tensor eij. More precisely, for simple shear flow with constant shear ra te˙γ, the
characteristicmeasureofdropdeformationforgiven λisthecapillarynumber
σ, (2.3)
alsointroducedbyTaylor(1934).Itappearsasdimensionle ssexpansionparameterinaperturba-
tion series of the drop shape under shear. To derive Taylor’s Eq.(2.2)it is sufficient to represent
the drops by their spherical equilibrium shape. Aiming to im prove the constitutive equation,
Schowalter, Chaffey & Brenner (1968) took into account defo rmations of drops to first order
inC. The refined analysis did not affect the off–diagonalelemen ts of the constitutive equation,
i.e. Taylor’s Eq.(2.2)for the viscosity, but it gave the (un equal) normal stresses to order O(C˙γ).
Another limit, where exact results can be obtained, is the li mit of large viscosity ratios λ→∞
(Frankel & Acrivos 1970; Rallison 1980). To clarify the phys ical significance of the different
limits we want to give a brief qualitative description of the behavior of a suspended drop under
In a quiescent matrix fluid of viscosity ηc, a single weakly deformed drop relaxes exponen-
tially into its spherical equilibrium shape; i.e., defining dimensionless deformation by D:=
(a−b)/(a+b)withaandbthe major and minor axis of the elongated drop, one has for a
small initialdeformation D0,
D=D0e−t/τ1. (2.4)
Thecharacteristic relaxationtime (Oldroyd1953)
alsocharacterizesthemacroscopic stressrelaxation inanunstrainedregionofadiluteemulsion.
Atωτ1≃1 one observesthe characteristic relaxationmode in the fre quencydependentmoduli.
The relaxation time diverges for λ/σ→∞since it takes longer for a weak surface tension to
drivea viscousdropbacktoequilibrium.Whathappensifthe matrixissteadilyshearedatshear
rate˙γ?For˙γτ1≪1,theflowinducedinthedropbytheexternaldrivingisweakc omparedtothe
internal relaxationdynamicsand the equilibriumstate is o nlyslightly disturbed,i.e., the dropis
onlyweaklydeformed.Similarly,forlargeviscosityratio λ,the elongationof thedropbecomes
veryslowcomparedtovorticity,andhenceagainverysmalli nthesteadystate,evenif τ1˙γisnot
small.Technically,thisisduetotheasymptoticproportio nalitytoλ−1oftheshearratewithinthe
drop. In both limits of weak deformation, the time τ1also controls the orientation of the major
axisofthedropwithrespecttothe flowaccordingto
2arctan(τ1˙γ). (2.6)
Eq.(2.4) and Eq.(2.6)both can be used to determine the surfa ce tension σfrom observationsof
singledropsunderamicroscope.Inpassing,wenotethatthe classicalmethodbasedontheresult
obtainedbyTaylor(1934)forthesteady–statedeformation ,canonlybeusedif λisnottoolarge,
The exactcalculationsmentionedso far becamefeasible bec ause(andareapplicableif) devi-
ations of the drop from its spherical equilibrium shape are s mall. On the other hand, if neither
thecapillarynumber(or τ1˙γ)is smallnortheviscosityratioislarge,i.e.,
C>∼1 and λ<∼1, (2.7)
dropscanbestronglydeformedbythesymmetricpartoftheflo wfield.Experimentswithsingle
drops by Grace (1982) and others have shown that this eventua lly leads to drop break–up if λ4 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
FIGURE1. Schematic representation of the limits (hatched) where E qs.(2.13), (2.18) for the viscosity η
of an emulsion give rigorous results. In the shaded region th ey predict ηto be practically independent of
capillary number. The frame of the box is meant to comprise th e wholeC-λparameter plane from zero to
infinity (small Reynolds number understood). The curved sol id line is a sketch of the break–up curve for
steadily sheared isolated Newtonian drops according to Gra ce (1982). Dashed lines indicate schematically
our viscositymeasurements (see Section3).
is smaller than some critical viscosity ratio. No general ri gorous result for the viscosity of an
emulsion is known in this regime, where arbitrary drop defor mationsand break–up may occur.
Below we will also be interested in such cases, where the cond itions required for the rigorous
For the following discussion we introduce some additional n otation. The rate–of–strain tensor
eijand the vorticity tensor ωijare defined as symmetric and antisymmetricparts of the veloc ity
gradient∂jvi. Inparticular,fora steadysimpleshearflow vi=˙γx2δi1,and
∂jvi=eij+ωij=˙γ(δi1δj2+δi2δj1)/2+˙γ(δi1δj2−δi2δj1)/2. (2.8)
The components pijof the stress tensor in the shear plane ( i,j∈ {1,2}) as obtained for finite λ
bySchowalter et al.(1968)read
Dcij:=∂t+vk∂kcij+ωikckj+ωjkcik, (2.10)
wheresummationoverrepeatedindicesisimplied,andthefir sttwotermsvanishforsteadyshear
flow. Note that sinceDeijis diagonal, Eq.(2.9) implies η=ηT+O(C2), and hence Eq.(2.2)
remainsvalidtofirst orderin Caswementionedalready.
Can we extrapolate the exact second order result Eq.(2.9) fo r the stress tensor to arbitrary C
andλby using the constraints provided by general invariance arg uments? For example, since
the shear stress has to change sign if the direction of the she ar strain is inverted whereas the
normalstresses donot,the shear stress andthe normalstres ses have to beodd/evenfunctionsof
˙γ, respectively.From this observation we could have foresee n that Eq.(2.2) cannot be improved
by calculatingthe nextorderin ˙γ, i.e., byconsideringdropletdeformationto lowest order. More
important are Galilean invariance and invariance under tra nsformations to rotating coordinateOnthe ViscosityofEmulsions 5
frames, which give rise to the material derivative introduc edabove. Applying the operator (1+
τ1D)to Eq.(2.9) adds to the right hand side of the equation a term 2 ηTτ1Deijplus a term of
orderO(˙γC2), sothat oneobtains(intheshearplane)
Asanothershort–handnotationwehaveintroducedasecondc haracteristictime τ2,whichtothe
presentlevelofaccuracyin φisgivenby
(2λ+3)(2λ+2)+O(φ2). (2.12)
It sets the time scale for strain relaxation in an unstressed region and was named retardation
time by Oldroyd(1953).Frankel& Acrivos(1970)realized th atup to the partlyunknownterms
of orderO(˙γC2)on the right–hand side, Eq.(2.11) belongs to a class of possi ble viscoelastic
equationsofstatealreadydiscussedbyOldroyd(1958).Hen ce,setting O(˙γC2)≡0ontheright–
handsideofEq.(2.11),wecandefinea(minimal)modelviscoe lasticfluidthatbehavesidentical
totheemulsiondescribedbyEq.(2.9)forsmallshearrates. IncontrasttoEq.(2.11),thetruncated
formulaforthe viscosity
thus obtained has a manifestly non–perturbativeform. Howe ver, no phenomenologicalparame-
ters had to be introduced. Note that Eq.(2.13) comprises bot h exactly known limits:C→0 for
fixedλ, andλ→∞for arbitraryC. Obviously,Frankel & Acrivos (1970) have forgottena term
−25ηcφeij/2 in their Eq.(3.6) for pijin the limit λ→∞for fixedC. If the latter is included,
Eq.(2.13)isalso inaccordwith their O(λ−1)−analysis.Moreover,Eq.(2.13)hastheproperlim-
iting behavior for λ=1,σ→0, i.e.C→∞, which is an extreme case of Eq.(2.7). Since we
assume equal densities for the two phases, the two–phase flui d actually reduces to a one–phase
fluid in this degenerate case, and the viscosity is simply ηc, independent of morphology. For
illustration,therigorouslimitsofEq.(2.13)inthe C−λplanearedepictedgraphicallyinFig.1.
FollowingGrace(1982),a qualitativebreak–upcurveforsi ngledropsundersteadyshearisalso
sketched.Insummary,Eq.(2.13)iscorrectforarbitrary λifC→0,andforarbitraryCifλ→∞,
and for small and largeCifλ=1. Therefore, one can expect that Eq.(2.13) works reasonabl y
well within a large parameter range (small Reynolds number u nderstood). This is further sup-
portedbytheobservationthattheerrormadeingoingfromEq .(2.9)toEq.(2.13)ratherconcerns
theshapeofthedropletthanits extension (itconsistsintruncatinga perturbationseriesinshape
parametrisation). The final result, though sensitive to the latter, is probably less sensitive to the
former. Nevertheless, one would not be surprised to see devi ations from Eq.(2.13) when drops
become extremely elongated. Finally, due to changes in morp hology by break–up and coales-
cence, the avarage drop size Rmay change. Observe, however, that for most viscosity ratio s (λ
notclosetounity),Eq.(2.13)ispracticallyindependento fcapillarynumber(andthusof R)when
break–up might be expected according Grace (1982) and other s. As an analytic function that is
physically knownto be boundedfrom aboveand from below (the latter at least by the viscosity
of a stratified two–phase fluid depicted in Fig. 3), η(λ,C)has to have vanishing slope in the
C−directionforlargeC. AccordingtoEq.(2.13), η(λ,C)isalmostindependentofCfor
3(2λ+3)(19λ+16), (2.14)
whereC∗is the turning point in the dilute limit, determined by τ1˙γ=1/√
3. For finite volume
fractions ˜τ1fromEq.(2.16)replaces τ1.Hence,forC≫C∗,Eq.(2.13)anditsextensiontohigher6 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
ληη c
FIGURE2. Self–consistent mean–field descriptionof volume–fract ion effects indisordered emulsions and
suspensions. The fluid surrounding a test droplet is assumed to have the viscosity ηcof the continuous
phase/the viscosity ηof the whole emulsion, within/outside the “free–volume–sp here” of radius R/φ1/3.
volume fractions derived below in Eq.(2.18) are practicall y independent of drop deformation
andmorphology.Forfinitevolumefractionsaroughinterpol ationforC∗derivedfromEq.(2.18)
is given by 2 .4/(5(1+φ)+4λ). In a large part of parameter space we thus expect Eqs.(2.13) ,
(2.18)to be applicabletomonotonicshear historieswith Rgivenbythe averageinitial radiusof
thedroplets.Fornon–monotonicshearhistories,therecan ofcoursebehysteresiseffectsin η(˙γ)
that result from morphologicalchanges for C≫C∗. These can only be avoided by substituting
forRthe radiuscorrespondingtotheactualaveragedropsize at t heappliedshearrate ˙γ.
2.3.Finite volumefractions
A general limitation of the equations discussed so far, is th e restriction to small volume frac-
tions. Above, we have implicitly assumed that second order e ffects from drop interactions are
small compared to second order effects from drop deformatio n. Any direct (coalescence) and
indirect (hydrodynamic) interactions of droplets have bee n neglected in the derivation. Hydro-
dynamic interactions can approximately be taken into accou nt by various types of cell models.
RecentlyPalierne(1990)proposedaself–consistentmetho danalogoustotheClausius–Mossotti
or Lorentz–sphere method of electrostatics. For the case of a disordered spatial distribution of
dropshisresultsreducetothosealreadyobtainedbyOldroy d(1953).Oldroydartificiallydivides
thevolumearoundadropletofviscosity ηd≡ληcintoaninterior“freevolume”withaviscosity
ηcof the bare continuousphase and an exterior part with the vis cosityηof the whole emulsion
(seeFig.2).Accordingtothisscheme,animprovedversiono fEq.(2.2)shouldbe(Oldroyd1953)
5−2(ηT/ηc−1). (2.15)
This equationpredictsa largerviscosity than its truncati onto first orderin φ, Eq.(2.2).Both are
shownasdot–dashedlinesinFig.3.Eq.(2.15)is qualitatively superiortoEq.(2.2).Wenote,how-
ever,that the limit λ→∞deviatesin secondorderin φfromthe result obtainedfor suspensions
by Batchelor & Green (1972). Eq.(2.15) and likewise all of th e following equations containing
quantities ˜ηT,˜τ1,˜τ2are onlyrigorousto first orderin φ.
Thesamereasoningastotheviscosityappliestothecharact eristictimes τ1andτ2whichnow
40(λ+1)−8φ(5λ+2), (2.16)
40(λ+1)+12φ(5λ+2). (2.17)Onthe ViscosityofEmulsions 7
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
ηstratified fluid
to large λC
FIGURE3. Comparison of different mixing rules for emulsions with v iscosity ratio λ=3 (chosen arbi-
trarily). The dot–dashed and dashed straightlines pertain to dilute emulsions described by the extrap-
olation formula Eq.(2.13), which reduces to Taylor’s formu la Eq.(2.2) for small capillary numbers. The
corresponding curvedlines are obtained from Eq.(2.18) where interactions of the droplets are taken into
account in a mean–field approximation. The curved dottedlines are the predictions of the cell model by
Choi & Schowalter (1975) for small shear rates, Eq.(2.19). T he curved solidline represents the viscosity
η=ηc/[φ+(1−φ)λ−1]of a two–phase stratifiedfluidand is alower bound for anyvisc ositymixing rule.
Theirratio ˜τ2/˜τ1isstill givenbyEq.(2.12).Finally,Eq.(2.13)becomes
whichtoourknowledgehasnotbeengivenbefore,andisoneof ourmainresults.(Foragraphical
representationseeFig.4.)Inthelimit τ1˙γ→0itreducestoEq.(2.15),whereasfor τ1˙γ→∞only
the second term in parentheses contributes and the curveddashed lines in Fig. 3 are obtained.
FromtheforegoingdiscussiononeshouldexpectEq.(2.18)t obeapplicablewithinalargerange
ofshearrates,viscosities, andvolumefractions.
Finally,wenotethatmorecumbersomeexpressionsfor ˜ηT,˜τ1and˜τ2havebeenderivedwithin
adifferentcellmodelbyChoi&Schowalter(1975).Hereweon lyquotetheirexpressionfor ˜ηT,
whichisalsorepresentedgraphicallybythedottedlinesin Fig.3.SinceourdatafavorEq.(2.15)
over Eq.(2.19), and similar observations have been made by o thers before (see Section 3), we
will notpursuethisalternativeapproachfurtherin thepre sentcontribution.
2.4.A similarity rule
Itisinterestingtoobservethatifmorphologyisconserved (dropsize Rindependentofshearrate)
forC<∼C∗, our Eq.(2.18) for the nonlinear shear viscosity is closely related to the expressions
for the frequency dependent complex viscosity η∗(ω)≡η′(ω)+iη′′(ω)of an emulsion of two8 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
incompressibleNewtonianliquidsasderivedbyOldroyd(19 53),
η∗(ω) =˜ηT1+˜τ2iω
1+˜τ1iω,η′(ω) =˜ηT1+˜τ1˜τ2ω2
1+(˜τ1ω)2,η′′(ω) =˜ηT(˜τ2−˜τ1)ω
Forconvenience,wealsogivethecorrespondingviscoelast icshearmodulus G∗(ω)≡iωη∗(ω)≡
G′(ω) =ω˜ηT(˜τ1−˜τ2)ω
1+(˜τ1ω)2,G′′(ω) =ω˜ηT1+˜τ1˜τ2ω2
1+(˜τ1ω)2. (2.21)
Obviously, the shear–rate dependent viscosity of Eq.(2.18 ) is obtained from the real part of the
complexfrequencydependentviscosity η∗(ω)bysubstituting ˙γforω,
η(˙γ)≃η′(ω). (2.22)
Inthesame way,the firstnormalstress difference
fromEq.(2.9)isobtainedtoleadingorderin φand˙γfrom2ωη′′(ω), i.e.,
p11−p22≃2ωη′′(ω). (2.24)
Revertingthelineofreasoningpursuedsofar,wecanconclu dethattoleadingorderin Cand/or
λ−1the weak deformation limit of the constitutive equation of e mulsions is obtained from the
linearviscoelasticspectra G′(ω),G′′(ω).Further,thisidentificationcanpossiblybeextended(at
least approximately)intoregionsofthe C−λplanewherethecriticalcapillarynumberfordrop
breakup is somewhat larger than C∗of Eq.(2.14). In hindsight, it is not surprising that in the
caseofweaklydeformeddropsthefrequencydependentvisco sityandthesteadyshearviscosity
arerelated.Notethatundersteadyshear,dropsundergoosc illatorydeformationsatafrequencey
2ω=˙γifobservedfromaco–rotatingframeturningwithvorticity atafrequency ω=˙γ/2.Ifwe
take Eq.(2.24)seriously beyond the rigorously known limit , we obtain an interesting prediction
for the first normal stress difference. In contrast to Eq.(2. 23), Eq.(2.24) implies that the first
normal stress difference saturates at a finite value 40 φσ/R[2λ+3+2φ(1−λ)]2for high shear
rates.Thus,althoughtheinitialslopeofthefirstnormalst ressdifferencewith ˙γincreaseswith λ,
itslimit forlarge ˙γdecreaseswith λ.
Finally,weremarkthatbasedonqualitativetheoreticalar guments,thesimilarityrelationcon-
tained in Eq.(2.22) and Eq.(2.24) has recently been propose d also for polymer melts (Renardy
1997).Usually,inpolymerphysicsaslightlydifferentrel ationisconsidered;namelyasimilarity
betweenη(˙γ)and|η∗(ω)|, alsoknownas Cox–Merzrule (Cox&Merz1958).Inourcase, since
η′′/η′=G′/G′′=O(φ), wecanwrite
η(˙γ)≃ |η∗(ω)|+O(φ2). (2.25)
Under the conditions mentioned at the beginning of this sect ion, the usual Cox–Merz rule is
fulfilledto first orderin φforanemulsion.Eqs.(2.22),(2.24)areinterestingfromth e theoretical
point of view, because they suggest a similarity of two a prioryrather different quantities. The
results of this section also can be of practical use, since th ey suggest that two differentmethods
maybeappliedto measurea quantityofinterest.
Generalization of the above theoretical discussion to the c ase of non–Newtonianconstituents is
not straightforward.Indeed,as Oldroyd(1953)already kne w,hislinear–responseresultsquoted
in Eq.(2.20) and Eq.(2.21) are readily generalized to visco elastic constituents by replacing theOnthe ViscosityofEmulsions 9
FIGURE4. Eq.(2.18) normalized to ηcas a function of viscosityratio λandcapillarynumberC.The
volume fractionof the dispersedphase is chosen tobe φ=0.3.
viscosities ηd,cin the expressionfor η∗(orG∗) by complexviscosities η∗
d,c(ω)(Palierne 1990).
As a consequence, the decompositions of η∗andG∗in real and imaginary parts are no longer
those of Eqs.(2.20) and (2.21), and η′,η′′,G′,G′′are given by more cumbersome expressions.
For the steady–state viscosity, on the other hand, one has to deal with a non–homogeneousvis-
cosity even within homogeneous regions of the emulsion, sin ce the strain rate itself is non–
homogeneousandtheviscositiesarestrainratedependent. We donotattempttosolvethisprob-
lem here, nor do we try to account for elasticity in the nonlin ear case. Yet, it is an intriguing
question,whether the similarity rule Eq.(2.22)can be gene ralizedto the case of non-Newtonian
constituents if the constituents themselves obey the Cox–M erz rule (what many polymer melts
andsolutionsdo).Ifbothconstituentshavesimilarphasea nglesθ≡arctanG′′/G′thegeneralized
that entersthe expressionsfor η∗andG∗, transformsapproximatelyto ηd(˙γ)/ηc(˙γ)by applying
the Cox–Merz rule. Therefore, in this particular example, E q.(2.18) supports the expectation
that the generalization may work at least approximately.If , on the other hand, the phase angles
of the constituents behave very differently, the answer is l ess obvious. This problem has been
investigatedexperimentallyandis furtherdiscussedin Se ction3.
Inanycase,thegeneralizationcanonlyworkiftherepresen tationoftheemulsionbyasimple
shear–rate dependent viscosity ratio ηd(˙γ)/ηc(˙γ), with˙γthe external shear rate, is justified. In
the remainder of this section we construct an argument that a llows us to estimate the effective
shear–rate dependent viscosity ratio that should replace λin Eq.(2.18). We take into account
the deviation of the strain rate from the externally imposed flow only within the drops, because
outsidethedropsthediscrepancyisalwayssmall.Insidead rop,thestrainratecanbesmalleven
for high external shear rates if the viscosity ratio λ=ηd/ηcis large. Since we are looking for
an effective viscosity ¯ηd(˙γ)for the whole drop to replace the viscosity ηdat small shear rate,
we replace the non–Newtonian drop of non–homogeneous visco sity by an effective pseudo–
Newtoniandropofhomogeneousbutshear–ratedependentvis cosity.A possibleansatzfor ¯ηdis
obtainedbyrequiringthat thetotal energydissipatedwith inthe dropremainsconstantuponthis
dV pijgij=2¯ηd/integraldisplay
dV¯gij¯gij, (2.27)10 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
wheregijand ¯gijdenotetherate–of–strainfieldsintherealdropandintheco rrespondingmodel
drop of effective viscosity ¯ηd, respectively. They both depend on the position within the d rop,
dV¯gij¯gij (2.28)
that enters the right–hand side of Eq.(2.27) does not. Since the strain field ¯ gijwithin a drop
of homogeneous viscosity is unique for a given system in a giv en flow field, ¯ηditself can be
expressed as a function ¯ηd(˙γeff)of the average strain rate. Here, we approximatethis functi onal
dependence by the strain rate dependence ηd(˙γ)of the viscosity of the dispersed fluid. Further,
neglecting drop deformation we calculate ˙γefffrom the velocity field within a spherical drop
ηc(˙γ). (2.29)
A different prefactor (√
7 in place of√
2) in the expression for the effective strain rate ˙γeffwas
obtained by de Bruijn (1989) using instead of the average in E q.(2.28) the maximum norm of
¯gij. To obtain the correction to Eq.(2.18) due to Eq.(2.29) in th e case of non–Newtonian con-
stituents, the implicit equation for ¯λhas to be solved for given functions ηc(˙γ)andηd(˙γ). For
shear thinning constituents, Eq.(2.29) implies a tendency of Eq.(2.18) to overestimate η(˙γ)if˙γ
andλare large. In the actual case of interest, for the constituen ts that were used in the exper-
iments discussed in Section 3, the viscosity ratio λ(ηdandηctaken at the external shear rate
˙γ) varies almost by a factor of 10. However, the corrections di scussed in this Section only be-
come important for high shear rates, where the constituents are shear thinning. In this regime,
the viscosity ratio (viscosities taken at the external shea r rate) only varies between 1 /2 and 2,
and hence the correctionsexpectedfrom Eq.(2.29)are at bes t marginallysignificant at the level
of accuracy of both Eq.(2.29) and the present measurements. Therefore, a representation of the
drops by pseudo–Newtoniandrops of homogeneousbut shear–r ate dependent viscosity is most
probably not a problem for the measurements presented in the following section. The question
as to a generalizationof the similarity rule Eq.(2.22)to no n–Newtonianconstituentsseemswell
3. Experiment
Theexperimentalinvestigationdealswithaphaseseparate daqueoussolutioncontainingapolysac-
charide (alginate) and a protein (caseinate). This type of s olutions are currently used in the
foodindustry.Themethodsforcharacterizingthe individu alpolymersin solutionare in general
known,especially whendealingwith non–gellingsolutions wherecompositionandtemperature
are the only relevant parameters. The polymers are water sol uble. When the two biopolymers
in solution are mixed, a miscibility region appears in the lo w concentrations range and phase
separation at higher concentrations.The binodal and the ti e lines of the phase diagramcan then
be established by measuring the composition of each phase at a fixed temperature. In general,
therheologicalbehaviorofphaseseparatedsystemsisdiffi culttoinvestigate,andasuitablepro-
cedure is not fully established. In some cases, two–phaseso lutionsmacroscopicallyseparate by
gravity within a short period of time, but in some other cases (such as ours) they remain stable
for hours or days without appearance of any visible interfac e. These “emulsion type” solutions
have no added surfactant. Following approaches developed f or immiscible blends, one may try
to characterizethe partially separatedsolutionas an effe ctiveemulsionif the coarseningis slowOnthe ViscosityofEmulsions 11
enough.In order to establish a comparisonbetween phase sep arated solutions and emulsions, it
•the volumefractionofthephases,
•the interfacialtension σbetweenthephases,
•the averageradiusof Rthedrops
Only the ratio R/σenters rheological equations. Knowledge of either Rorσallows the other
quantitytobe inferredfromrheologicalmeasurements.
A difficultywhenworkingwith phase separatedsolutions,as opposedto immiscible polymer
melts, arises from the fact that each phase is itself a mixtur e (and not a pure liquid) and there-
fore the rheologyof the phase dependson its particular comp osition.If one wishes to minimize
the number of parameters, it is important to keep the composi tion of the phases constant upon
changingthevolumefractions.Thiscanbeachievedbyworki ngalonga tielineofthephasedi-
agram. And this is precisely the procedurethat we followed. The polymerswere first dissolved,
thenalargequantityoftheternarymixturewasprepared(35 0ml)andwascentrifuged.Thetwo
phases were then collected separately. Both pure phases wer e found to be viscoelastic and to
exhibit shear thinningbehavior,which is especially prono uncedfor the alginate rich phase with
η(10−1s−1)/η(103s−1)≈20, while the caseinate rich phase is almost Newtonian below 102
s−1. The viscosity of the alginate rich phase is higher than that of the caseinate rich phase for
shearratesbelow2 ·102s−1andlowerforhighershearrates.We checkedthat bothphases obey
theusualCox–Merzrulein thewholerangeofappliedshearra tes.
By mixing various amounts of each phase, the volume fraction of the dispersed phase was
variedbetween10%and30%whilethecompositionofeachphas ewaskeptconstant.Inpartic-
ular, the temperature was kept constant and equal to the cent rifugation temperature in order to
avoid redissolution of the constituents. To prepare the emu lsion, the required quantities of each
phase were mixed in a vial and gently shaken. Then the mixture was poured on the plate of the
rheometer (AR 1000 from TA Instruments fitted with a cone and p late geometry 6 cm/2◦) and
a constant shear rate was applied. The apparent viscosity fo r a particular shear rate was then
recorded versus time until it reached a stable value. By shea ring at a fixed shear rate, one may
expect to create a steady size distribution of droplets, wit h a shear rate dependent average size.
After each shear experiment a complete dynamic spectrum was performed. In this way, shear
rates rangingbetween3 ·10−2s−1and 103s−1were applied.The analysisof each spectrumac-
cording to Palierne (1990)allowed us to derive by curve fitti ng the average drop radius Rat the
More technical details about the experimental investigati on along with more experimental
results will be presentedelsewhere.Here, we concentrateo n the analysisof those aspects of the
rheologicalmeasurementspertinenttothe theoreticaldis cussioninSection2.
In this section we present our experimental observations an d address the questions posed at
the end of the introduction. Before we present our own data we want to comment briefly on
relateddatarecentlyobtainedforpolymermeltsbyGrizzut i&Buonocore(1998).Theseauthors
measuredtheshear–ratedependentviscosity ofbinarypoly mermeltsandcomparedthemto the
low volume fraction limit of Eq.(2.18), i.e. Eq.(2.13), and to (a truncated form of) results of
Choi & Schowalter (1975). They reported much better agreeme nt with Eq.(2.13) than with the
truncated series from Choi & Schowalter (1975).Comparison with the full expressionsof Choi
& Schowalter (1975) would have made the disagreement even wo rse (cf. Fig 3). The average
radiusRthat enters the equation, was determined independently for each shear rate applied.
The constituents where moderately non–Newtonian polymer m elts, the viscosity ratio varying12 KlausKroyklaus@pmmh.espci.fr,IsabelleCapron,Madelei neDjabourov
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000110
/c104' (/c119) experimentalG''//c119=/c104'(/c119) and /c104(/c103') (Pa.s)
/c119(rad/s), /c103'(s-1)/c104(/c103')experimental
FIGURE5. The nonlinear shear viscosity η(˙γ)(opaque squares) and the real part η′(ω)of the dynamic
viscosity η∗(ω)(lines) of a droplet phase of a mixture of weakly viscoelasti c polymer solutions (algi-
nate/caseinate). Also shown is Eq.(2.18) for the viscosity of an emulsion of Newtonian constituents eval-
uated for the actually non–Newtonian viscosities of the con stituting phases with the drop size obtained
from the spectra (open triangles). Due to the scatter inthe d ynamic viscosity at low frequencies there is an
uncertainty inthe average drop size,resulting incorrespo nding errorbars (multiplepoints) forEq.(2.18).
betweenλ≈0.3...3overtherangeofshearratesapplied.Hence,theseexperim ents,arelocated
in the interesting parameter range, where Eqs.(2.18) and Eq .(2.13) for η(˙γ)are expected to be
sensitivetodropdeformationandbreak–up.Surprisingly, theresultsshowthattheydescribethe
data very well over the whole range of shear rates although on e would not necessarily expect
average dropdeformationto be verysmall. Unfortunately,d ropsizes have not been reportedby
theauthors,soconclusionsconcerningthelocationinthe C−λparameterplaneandthevalidity
of the similarity rule Eq.(2.22)cannot be drawn. Also the qu estion, whetherEq.(2.18)holdsfor
small viscosityratios λ≪0.3,cannotbeanswered.
Ourownmeasurementswerelocatedinaboutthesame λ−range.Aswenotedinthepreceding
section,onlytheratio R/σentersrheologicalequationsandknowledgeofeither Rorσallowsthe
other quantity to be inferred from rheological measurement s. Ding & Pacek (1999) determined
the interfacial tension of the alginate/caseinate system u sed in our experiments by observing
drop relaxation under a microscope and analyzing the data ac cording to Section 2. They found
σ≃10−5N/m. Using this, we obtained an average drop size R≃10−5m from the measured
spectraG′(ω),G′′(ω)according to Palierne (1990) for the experiments reported i n Fig. 5. By
the method based on Palierne (1990), we could not detect a dec rease in drop size with shear
rate as expected from the phenomenological phase diagram fo r single Newtonian drops under
shear as established by Grace (1982) and others. Thus, the li mit of high capillary numbers and
moderate viscosity ratios (the region above the break–up cu rve) in Fig. 1 has been accessed
experimentally.Correspondinglocationshavebeenindica tedqualitativelyinthefigurebydashed
lines.Withthedropsizebeingconstant,onecantrytotestt heproposedsimilarityruleEq.(2.22).
By identifying the axis for frequency ωand shear rate ˙γ, data for the real part η′(ω)of the
frequencydependentdynamicviscosity η∗(ω)arecomparedtodatafortheshear–ratedependent
viscosity η(˙γ)in Fig. 5. The emulsion containing 30% of the alginate rich ph ase and 70% of
the caseinate rich phase has been prepared at room temperatu re as described in the precedingOnthe ViscosityofEmulsions 13
section. Steady shear rates rangingbetween 3 ·10−2s−1and 103s−1correspondingto capillary
numbersC≈6·10−2...103havebeenapplied.Theshearviscosity(opaquesquares)isr eported
in the figure for each of these individual measurements. The m ultiple data sets for η′(lines)
taken each between two successive steady shear measurement s, superimpose fairly well; i.e.
the spectra appear to be remarkably independent of the prece ding steady shear rate. The good
coincidence of η′(ω)andη(˙γ)in Fig. 5 show that the data obey the proposed similarity rule
Eq.(2.22)overa largerangeof shear rates. The agreementne ar˙γ≈2·102s−1is a consequence
oftheproximitytothetriviallimit λ=1,C=∞.Nevertheless,thedataprovidestrongevidence
that Eq.(2.22) is an excellent approximation for a large ran ge of viscosity ratios and capillary
numbers.Similarresults(notshown)havebeenobtainedfor othervolumefractions.Comparison
withEq.(2.18)representedbytheopentrianglesinFig.5,o ntheotherhand,islesssuccessfulat
large shear rates, althoughit is still not too far off for a th eoretical curve without any adjustable
parameter. A discrepancyhad to be expected as a consequence of the non–Newtoniancharacter
oftheconstituentsatlargeshearrates,whichisdefinitely nottakenintoaccountinEq.(2.18).For
the plotofEq.(2.18)in Fig. 5we merelysubstituted ηd(˙γ)/ηc(˙γ)takenat the externalshearrate
˙γforλ. The average drop size Rwas obtained from fitting the viscoelastic moduli. The scatt er
in thedynamicviscositydata givesrise toanuncertaintyin R,whichisreflectedbythe multiple
open trianglesat low shear rates. It seems that the similari ty rule Eq.(2.22)is more generalthan
Eq.(2.18), i.e., it still holds for rather viscoelastic con stituents (that obey the usual Cox–Merz
rule), where the latter fails. This relation certainly dese rves further investigation with different
In summary, we have succeeded in establishing an analogy firs t between a partially phase–
separated polymer solution and an emulsion, and further bet ween the viscoelastic spectrum of
the system and its nonlinear shear viscosity even in the case of (moderately) non–Newtonian
This work was supported by the European Community under cont ract no FAIR/CT97-3022.
WethankP.DingandA.W.Pacek(UniversityofBirmingham)fo rmeasuringthesurfacetension
andS. CosteuxandG. Haaghforhelpfuldiscussionsandsugge stions.
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arXiv:physics/9912001v1 [physics.gen-ph] 1 Dec 1999THE VARIANT PRINCIPLE
N. T. Anh1
Institute for Nuclear Science and Technique,
Hanoi, Vietnam.
Based on the principle of causality, I advance a new principl e of variation
and try to use it as the most general principle for research in to laws of nature.
Abstractly, the Nature can be examined as a system of states a nd actions. State is a
general concept that defines existence, structure, organiz ation, and conservation of all
matter’s systems, and that stipulates properties, inner re lationships of all things and
phenomena. Action is a operation that manifests self-influe nce and inter-influence of
states, that presents dynamic power and impulsion of motion and development. Generally,
state is object on which actions do. Each state has its action . Self-action makes state
conservable and developable. Action of one state on other fo rms interaction between
them. Self-action and inter-action cause variation of stat e from one to other. That
variation establishes a general law of motion.
Following this way I advance a new principle – that is called V ariant Principle. Uti-
lizing this principle as the most general principle I hope th at it is useful for research on
a logically systematic method to review known laws and to pre dict unknown laws. And
I believe that some of the readers of this article will find out that this principle explains
naturally inner origin of variation, rules evolutionary pr ocesses of things, and perhaps
they will be the ones to complete the quest for theories of the Universe.
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2, I advance t he ideas and concepts for
leading the equation of motion. That is just the foundation o f the variant principle. A
phenomenon in physics is illustrated by this principle in Se ction 3. Conclusion is given in
Section 4.
1Email: anhnt@vol.vnn.vn
1The Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 2
In the Nature, any state and its action are constituent eleme nts of a subject that I call it
A= (A&/hatwideA), (I)
where Ais state, and /hatwideA is its action operator.
1. For any system in which there is only one actor {A}, that actor is in self-action.
This fact causes actor either to be conserved or to be varied by action of itself
with respect to all its possible inner degrees of freedom. Co nservation makes actor
invariant. But variation obeys a equation of motion,
/hatwideAA= 0, (II)
where action operator /hatwideA may include differentiation, integration, and/or other fo r-
mal operations doing with respect to some degrees of freedom (such as space, time,
and/or some variable), depending on actually physical prob lems, and Amay nat-
urally be a state function describing some considered objec t. The value ‘0’ on the
right hand side of Eq. (II) means that variation of actor approaches to stability –
invariance, i.e. self-action is equal to zero when variatio n finishes.
Solution of the equation of motion describes variant proces s ofactor.Actor varies
and finally closes to a new actor, that is solution of the equation of motion when
variation finishes.
2. For any system consisting of many actors{A1;A2;...}, each actor is in its self-action
and actions from others. This fact causes each actor to be varied by actions of itself
and others with respect to all its possible inner and outer de grees of freedom. This
variation obeys a equation of motion,
(/hatwideA1;/hatwideA2;...)(A1;A2;...) = 0, (III)
where action operators /hatwideAiofactorAiare operations doing with respect to some de-
grees of freedom, and states AiofactorAiare functions characterized by considered
objects. The value ‘0’ on the right hand side of Eq. (III) mean s that actions are
equal to zero when variations of actors finishes, i.e. variations of actors approaches
to stability – invariance. In fact, Eq. (III) is an advanced f orm of Eq. (II).
Solutions of the equations of motion of actors describe their variant processes. All
Actor s vary and finally close to a new actorA, that is solution of the equations of
motion when variations of actors finishes:
A= [A1,A2,...], (IV)
where actors are in the same dimension of interaction.The Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 3
* For a system consisting of many actors{A1;A2;...}, the whole system can be
considered as a total actor which includes component actors,
{A}={A1;A2;...}. (V)
Thereby, actorAis in self-action, and it either self-conserves or self-var ies
with respect to all its possible inner degrees of freedom. An d variation obeys
a equation of motion (II).
Hence, the variant principle is stated as follows:
-In the Nature every actor varied by actions of itself and othe rs with respect to all
possible degrees of freedom to come to some new actor is solut ion of the equation of
motion that describes its variant process.
Indeed, every variation is caused by action of actor onto state, variation is to escape
from action, or in other words, state varies to be agreeable t o action. This fact means that
under actions actor must vary anyway with respect to all possible degrees of free dom –
transportation facilities to come to new actor, and that its speed of variation is dependent
on power of action, which is manifested by conservation of actor.
Eigenvalue of action is expressed as instrument to promote v ariation, as easiness of
variation. Its value over some degree of freedom shows proba bility of variation following
this direction.
Anyactor which is done by some action must vary somehow over all possib le degrees
of freedom to come to new actor which is no longer to be done by any action. That
process shows continuous variation of actor from the beginning to closing.
Therefore, this reality proves that variation is imperativ e to have its cause, to have its
agent, and that property of variation obeys the equation of m otion.
Thereby, from Eqs. (II) and (III), equation of motion can be b uilt for any physical
law. Using these equations (II) and (III) for research into p hysics is considered in the
next section. I hope that the readers will understand more pr ofoundly about the variant
3 The Rule of Universe’s Evolution
The simplest form of self-action is expansion of actor about some degree of freedom,
eδx/hatwide∂xf(x) =f(x+δx). (1)
Here is just the equation of motion for any quantity f(x), withxdegree of freedom,
andδxinfinitesimal of x.The Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 4
Universe’s evolution is described as a law of causality [2] e ssentially based on just this
expansion. The form of Eq. (1) is nothing but Taylor’s series . Derivatives of f(x) with
respect toxis just variations of f(x) over the degree of freedom x.
Eq. (1) has an important application in modelling the multip lication and the combi-
nation of quanta.
Callα,β,γ,... quanta. For each quantum there is a rule of multiplication as follows
iαn−i= (α+ 1)n(2)
wherenis order of combination, δα= 1, andCn
iis binary coefficient.
Using Eq. (2) I consider two stages in the process of the Unive rse’s evolution: doublet
and triplet.
For two interactive quanta the rule of multiplication reads
2(eβ∂ααn+eα∂ββn) =n/summationdisplay
iαn−iβi= (α+β)n. (3)
And similar to three interactive quanta
3(e(β+γ)∂ααn+e(γ+α)∂ββn+e(α+β)∂γγn) =n/summationdisplay
= (α+β+γ)n. (4)
And so fourth. Eqs. (3) and (4) can be drawn as schemata.
... ··· ··· ··· ···
2 1 1
0 /circlecopyrt
2 1 1
2⊗2= 3⊕1 1 2 1
2⊗2⊗2= 4⊕2⊕2 1 3 3 1
... 1 4 6 4 1
... ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···(5)The Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 5
is the schema for Eq. (3), where 2 means two quanta αandβ. The numbers in the
triangle is the binary coefficients which are called weights o f classes. For example,
2⊗2= 3⊕1=1
1 ——– 1 ——– 1.
And similar to Eq. (4) it reads
... 1
3 1 1
0 /circlecopyrt
3 1 1
1 2 1
3⊗3= 6⊕3 2 2
1 3 3 1
3⊗3⊗3= 10⊕8⊕8⊕1 3 6 3
3 3
1 4 6 4 1
4 12 12 4
3⊗3⊗3⊗3 6 12 6
4 4
... 1(6)
where 3 means three quanta α,βandγ. The coefficients in the pyramid are weights of
1 1
- - - - - - - -
3⊗3= 6⊕3 =1 1 1
1 1
1,The Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 6
- - - - - - -
3⊗3 = 1⊕8 = 1 1
1 2 1
1 1.
It is easily to identify that the above schemata have the form s similar to the SU(2)
and theSU(3) groups. This means that for nquanta there is a corresponding schema
according to the SU(n) group, and the multiplication and the combination of the Un iverse
conform to the SUgroup. This rule is studied further in Ref. [3].
The theory of causality [1] is very useful to understand abou t the cause of variation. The
coexistence of two different actors causes a contradiction. The solution to contradiction
makes contradiction varied. That variation is just one of ea ch actor inclining to come to
a new actor. It means the difference and the contradiction of t wo actors have inclining
towards zero. Indeed, every system comes to equilibrium, st ability. A some state which
has any immanent contradiction must vary to reach a new one ha ving no contradiction.
The variant principle deals with the law of variation of acto rs, describes only actors
with their actions and states, not to mention the difference a nd even the contradiction in
them. In insight the variant principle is more elementary an d easier to understand than
the causal principle since everything is referred as actor e xisting in nature. Self-action and
inter-action of actors onto their states cause the world to b e in motion and in variation.
Although the variant principle gives a powerful fundamenta l for application to research
into laws of nature, there is no rule arisen yet for formulizi ng self-action and inter-action
operators. However, there are some ways to enter operators i n the equation of motion
that I hope that in some next article this ways will be synthes ized to a standard rule.
For instance, in the quantum electromagnetic dynamics the e quations of motion of the
electron-positron and the electromagnetic field are:
iγµ∂µψ(x) +mec
/planckover2pi1ψ(x) +e
/planckover2pi1γµAµ(x)ψ(x) = 0,
/squareAµ+ieψ(x)γµψ(x) = 0.
The first line is the equation of motion of electron, the first t erm corresponds to the
variation of electron with respect to space-time, the secon d gives conservation of electron,
and the third is action of the electromagnetic field onto elec tron. The second line can be
rewritten as
∂νFνµ−Jµ= 0,
that is nothing but the Maxwell equation, with Fνµ=∂νAµ−∂µAνthe electromag-
netic field tenser, Aµthe 4-dimensional potential, Jµ=−ieψ(x)γµψ(x) the 4-dimensionalThe Variant Principle – N. T. Anh 7
current density, the first term corresponds to the variation of the electromagnetic field,
the second is the external current density of the electromag netic field, (here the mass of
photon is zero, so the mass term is not present).
This example is easy to show that:
– The variation done over some degree of freedom is expressed as derivation with
respect to that degree of freedom.
– The conservation of actor is written as a term of actor multi plied by a constant
characterized by its conservation.
– The influence of other actor on a actor is represented as a mul tiplication of two
– The external actor stands equally with its variation, when an external influence does
on an actor as an external current, an external source, or an e xternal force.
We would like to thank Dr. D. M. Chi for useful discussions and valuable comments.
The present article was supported in part by the Advanced Res earch Project on Nat-
ural Sciences of the MT&A Center.
[1] D. M. Chi, The Equation of Causality , (1979), (available in web site: www.mt-
[2] N. T. Anh, Causality: The Nature of Everything , (1991), (available in web site:
[3] N. T. Anh, The Universe’s Evolution , (1999), (to be published). |
arXiv:physics/9912002v1 [physics.atom-ph] 1 Dec 1999High sensitivity two-photon spectroscopy in a dark optical trap, based on electron
L. Khaykovich, N. Friedman, S. Baluschev, D. Fathi, and N. Da vidson
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institu te of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
We propose a new spectroscopic method for measuring weak tra nsitions in cold and trapped atoms,
which exploits the long interaction times and tight confinem ent offered by dark optical traps to-
gether with an electron shelving technique to achieve extre mely high sensitivity. We demonstrate
our scheme by measuring a 5 S1/2→5D5/2two-photon transition in cold Rb atoms trapped in a
new single-beam dark optical trap, using an extremely weak p robe laser power of 25 µW. We were
able to measure transitions with as small excitation rate as 0.09 sec−1.
PACS number(s): 39.30.+w, 32.80.Pj, 32.80.Rm, 32.90.+a
The strong suppression of Doppler and time-of-flight
broadenings due to the ultra low temperatures, and
the possibility to obtain very long interaction times
are obvious advantages of using cold atoms for spec-
troscopy. Convincing examples of such precision spectro-
scopic measurements are cold atomic clocks [1]. For RF
clock transitions long interaction time is usually obtaine d
in an atomic fountain [2], while for optical metastable
clock transitions free expanding atomic clouds are used
Even longer interaction times can be obtained for cold
atoms trapped in optical dipole traps [4]. To obtain long
atomic coherence times, spontaneous scattering of pho-
tons and energy level perturbations caused by the trap-
ping laser are reduced by increasing the laser detuning
from resonance [5]. To further reduce scattering, blue-
detuned optical traps, where repulsive light forces con-
fine atoms mostly in the dark (dark traps), have been
developed, achieving atomic coherence of 7 s [6]. The
wide use of dark traps was limited by relatively complex
setups that require multiple laser beams or gravity as-
sistance. Recent development of single-beam dark traps
make them more attractive for precision spectroscopy [7],
Dark traps have an additional advantage that makes
them especially useful for the spectroscopic measure-
ments of extremely weak optical transitions. While pre-
serving long atomic coherence times those traps can
provide large spring constants and tight confinement of
trapped atoms [7] to ensure good spatial overlap even
with a tightly focused excitation laser beam. Therefore
the atoms can be exposed to a much higher intensity of
the excitation laser, yielding a further increase in sensi-
tivity for very weak transitions.
In this letter we present a new and extremely sensitive
method for measuring weak transitions with cold atoms
in a far detuned single-beam dark trap using electron
shelving spectroscopy [9]. Recently, a similar technique
was adapted to demonstrate quantum-limited detection
of narrow-linewidth transitions on a free expanding cold
atomic cloud [10]. Our scheme is based on a Λ system.
Atoms with two ground states (for example, two hyper-7 7 7 .9 n m7 7 7 .9 n m
5 S 1 /26 P 3 /2
6 P 1 /2F = 0F = 1
F = 2
F = 3
F = 4
F = 5
5 P 1 /2 5 P 3 /24 2 0 .3 n m 5 D 5 /2
5 D 3 /2
D etectio n
B ea mR ep u m p in g
B e am
7 8 0 .2 4 n m7 8 0 .2 3 n m
F = 3 | g2
F = 2 | g1 |e
FIG. 1. Energy levels of85Rb and the transitions between
them which are involved in the experiment. Spectroscopy of
the|g1/angbracketright → |e/angbracketrighttransition (5 S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F′in the case
of85Rb) is performed. Atoms which undergo the transition
are shelved in the level |g2/angbracketright(5S1/2F= 3 in85Rb), from which
they are detected using a cycling transition (to 5 P3/2F= 4).
fine levels) are stored in the trap in a level |g1/angbracketrightthat is
coupled to the upper (excited) state, |e/angbracketright, by an extremely
weak transition. An atom that undergoes the weak tran-
sition, may be shelved by a spontaneous Raman transi-
tion on the second ground level, |g2/angbracketright, that is uncoupled
to the excited level by the weak transition. After wait-
ing long enough, a significant fraction of the atoms will
be shelved on this second level. Finally, the detection
scheme benefits from the multiply excited fluorescence of
a strong closed transition from |g2/angbracketright, that utilizes quan-
tum amplification due to the electron shelving technique.
We realized this scheme on a 5 S1/2→5D5/2two-
photon transition in cold and trapped85Rb atoms (see
Fig. 1 for the relevant energy levels) using extremely
weak (25 µW) laser beam and we were able to measure
transitions with an excitation rate as small as 0.09 s−1.
Precision spectroscopy of the two-photon transition in
Rb atoms was previously demonstrated in a hot vapor
1with much higher laser power [11] [12]. In cold Rb atoms
this transition was measured either on free expanding
atoms using a mode-locked laser [13] [14] or on atoms
trapped in a doughnut mode magneto-optical trap [15].
In all those schemes the fluorescent 420 nm photons were
used to detect the two-photon transition.
Our spectroscopic measurement was made on cold
85Rb atoms trapped in a rotating-beam optical trap
(ROBOT). The operation principles of the ROBOT
are described elsewhere [16]. Briefly, a linearly polar-
ized, tightly focused (16 µm 1/e2radius) Gaussian laser
beam is rapidly (100 kHz) rotated by two perpendicular
acousto-optic scanners, as seen in Fig. 2. This forms a
dark volume which is completely surrounded by a time-
averaged dipole potential walls. The wavelength of the
trapping laser was 770 nm (10 nm above the D 2line) and
its power was 380 mW. The initial radius of the rotation
was optimized for efficient loading of the ROBOT from a
magneto-optical trap (MOT). 700 ms of loading, 47 ms
of compression and 3 ms of polarization gradient cooling
produced a cloud of ∼3×108atoms, with a temperature
of 9µK and a peak density of 1 .5×1011cm−3. On the
last stage of the loading procedure, the atoms were opti-
cally pumped into the F= 2 ground state by shutting off
the repumping laser 1 ms before shutting off the MOT
After all laser beams were shut off (except for the
ROBOT beam which was overlapping the center of the
MOT), ∼3·105atoms were typically loaded into the trap,
with temperature and density comparable with those of
the MOT. Next, we adiabatically compressed the trap
by reducing the radius of rotation of the trapping beam
from 70 µm to 29 µm such that the atoms will match
the waist of the two-photon laser, to further increase the
efficiency of the transition. The size of the final cloud in
the radial direction was measured by absorption imaging
and the temperature of the atoms was measured by time
of flight fluorescence imaging. From these measurements
and using our precise characterization of the trapping
potential [16], the parameters of the final cloud are: ra-
dial size (1 /e2radius) of 19 µm, axial size of 750 µm,
rms temperatures of 55 µK [9µK] in the radial [axial]
direction, and a density of 7 ·1011atoms/cm−3. The 1 /e
lifetime of atoms in the trap was measured to be 350 ms
for both hyperfine ground-states and was limited by col-
lisions with background atoms. We measured the spin
relaxation time of the trapped atoms to be >1 s, by
measuring spontaneous Raman scattering between the
two ground state levels [17] [7].
The spectroscopy was performed with an external-
cavity diode laser which was tuned to the 5 S1/2F= 3→
5D5/2F′two-photon transition (777 .9 nm) and was split
into two parts. The first part (10 mW) was used to fre-
quency stabilize the laser using the 420 nm fluorescence
signal from the two-photon excitation obtained from a
1300CRb vapor cell. The laser was focused into the cellM O T
T r a p b e a m M O T a n d
r e p u m p i n g b e a m s
D e t e c t i o n
b e a m
T w o p h o t o n
b e a mA O S
A O Sλ
( = 7 8 0 . 2 4 n m )λ
( = 7 7 7 . 9 n m )λ
( = 7 7 0 n m )λ P B SP B S
FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. Two
acousto-optic scanners (AOS) rotate a 10 nm blue-detuned
laser beam that produce the ROBOT trap. The two-photon
beam and the detection beam are co-aligned with the elon-
gated axis of the trap.
2to∼100µm 1/e2radius and reflected back to obtain
Doppler-free spectra. We locked the laser to the atomic
line either by Zeeman modulation technique [18] or di-
rectly to the side of the line. From the locking signal we
estimated the peak-to-peak frequency noise of the laser
to be ∼3 MHz. The second part of the diode laser beam
passed through an acousto-optic modulator that shifted
the laser frequency toward two-photon resonance with
the 5S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F′transition. The laser beam
was then focused to a 26 µm(1/e2radius) spot size in the
center of the vacuum chamber, in order to optimize the
efficiency of the two-photon transition and was carefully
aligned with the long (axial) axis of the ROBOT.
We used a normalized detection scheme to measure the
fraction of atoms transferred to F= 3 by the two-photon
laser. To detect the total number of atoms in the trap
we applied a strong 200 µs laser pulse, resonant with the
5S1/2F= 3 →5P3/2F= 4 closed transition together
with the repumping laser and imaged the fluorescent sig-
nal on photomultiplier tube (PMT). To measure only the
F= 3 population we applied the detection pulse without
the repumping laser. The F= 3 atoms were simultane-
ously accelerated and Doppler-shifted from resonance by
the radiation pressure of the detection beam within the
first 100 µs of the pulse. Then we could detect the F= 2
atoms by switching on the repumping laser that pumped
F= 2 population to the F= 3 state where atoms were
measured by the second part of the detection pulse. This
normalized detection scheme is insensitive to shot-to-sho t
fluctuations in atom number as well as fluctuations of the
detection laser frequency and intensity.
After the adiabatic compression of the atoms in the
ROBOT was completed, the two-photon laser on reso-
nance with 5 S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F= 4 was applied for
various time intervals and the resulting F= 3 normalized
population fraction was detected. The results for a 170
µW two-photon laser are presented on Fig. 3. After 100
ms,∼85% of the atoms are pumped to the F= 3 state.
This steady state population is less then 100% since spon-
taneous Raman scattering from the trapping laser and
from the two-photon laser (absorption of onephoton fol-
lowed by spontaneous emission ) tend to equalize the pop-
ulations of the two ground levels and therefore compete
with the measured two-photon process. The characteris-
tic 1/etime of the four-photon spontaneous Raman scat-
tering process which is induced by the two-photon laser
(5S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F′→6P3/2F′→5S1/2F= 3, see
Fig. 1) is obtained from a fit to the data as τ4p= 25 ms.
The corresponding (four-photon) rate is γ4p= 1/τ4p= 40
s−1. Using the theoretical value of the two-photon cross-
section of σ= 0.57×10−18cm4/W [19], the exact branch-
ing ratio (68%) for the two-photon excitation to decay to
F= 3 [20], and our maximal excitation laser intensity of
16 W/cm2we calculate γ4p= 391 s−1, a factor of ∼10
larger than the measured rate. Using a measured value
for the two-photon cross-section [21] yields a somewhat
FIG. 3. F= 3 normalized population fraction as a func-
tion of the interrogation time of the 170 µW two-photon laser
tuned to resonance with the 5 S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F= 4 line
(/squaresolid). The solid line is a fit of the measurements by the func-
tionNF=3/Ntotal=A(1−e−t/τ4p), resulting A= 0.85 as the
steady state population, and τ4p= 25 ms as the four-photon
spontaneous Raman scattering time (see text). Spontaneous
Raman scattering rate caused by trapping laser is also given
larger value of γ4p= 823 s−1.
The main factor that reduced the measured excitation
rate was the linewidth of the two-photon laser that was
∼6 times larger than the 300 kHz natural linewidth
of the two-photon transition [12]. The inhomogeneous
broadening due to Stark-shift was calculated for the com-
pressed trapping potential to be ∼400 kHz, which is
smaller than the laser linewidth , hence it does not con-
tribute to the reduced excitation rate. An additional re-
duction of the excitation rate may be caused by imperfect
matching between the trapped atomic sample and the
maximal intensity of the two-photon laser, so the overall
agreement between the measured and the expected γ4p
is reasonable.
To measure the excitation spectrum of the 5 S1/2F=
2→5D5/2F′transition we scanned the frequency of
the two-photon laser using the acousto-optic modulator.
For each frequency point the whole experimental cycle
was repeated, with 50 ms interrogation time of the two-
photon laser. The F= 3 fraction of atoms as a function
of the frequency of the two-photon laser is presented in
Fig. 4a. A 1 .75 MHz linewidth (FWHM) of the atomic
lines was determined by fitting the data with a multi-
peak Gaussian function and is limited by the linewidth
of the two-photon laser. This measurement agrees well
with the frequency noise of the laser estimated from the
locking signal. The distances between the lines obtained
from this fit are 4 .48 MHz, 3 .76 MHz and 2 .76 MHz,
and are in excellent agreement with previously reported
values of 4 .50 MHz, 3 .79 MHz and 2 .74 MHz [12]. The
3FIG. 4. A:
Frequency scan of the 5 S1/2F= 2→5D5/2F′= 4,3,2,1
line of the two-photon transition, after 50 ms exposure to a
170µW two-photon laser. The solid line is a fit to the data
by a multi-peak Gaussian function (see text). B: The same
frequency scan as in (A), after 500 ms exposure to a 25 µW
two-photon laser. (The dashed curve connects the points and
is given to guide the eye).
height-ratio between the lines obtained from the fit are
1 : 0.86 : 0.47 : 0.21 for F′= 4,3,2,1 respectively. The
expected values were calculated using the strength of the
two-photon transitions [12] together with the two photon
decay via the 6 P3/2level [20] to be 1 : 0 .85 : 0.4 : 0.1, in
good agreement with the measured values, except for the
weakest line. Note that although the two-photon tran-
sition F= 2→F′= 0 is allowed, a two-photon decay
with ∆ F= 3 is forbidden and therefore this line is not
Finally, we reduced the power of the two-photon laser
to 25 µW, which reduced the transition rate by a factor
of 46. Here, the interrogation time of the two-photon
laser was 500 ms and the measured F= 3 population is
shown in Fig. 4b. A spectrum similar to that taken with
higher intensity is observed. A transition rate as small as0.09 s−1(for the F= 3→F′= 1 transition) is detected
in this scan. The ”quantum rate amplification” due to
electron shelving (the ratio between the measured γ4p
transition rate and the rate of the one-photon transition
used for detecting the F=3 population) is ∼107for this
In conclusion, we demonstrate a new and extremely
sensitive scheme to measure weak transitions using cold
atoms. The key issues in our scheme are the long spin
relaxation times combined with tight confinement of the
atoms in a dark optical dipole trap, and the use of a
shelving technique to enhance the signal to noise ratio.
We demonstrated our scheme by measuring a two-photon
transition 5 S1/2→5D5/2for85Rb atoms trapped in a
far-detuned rotating beam dark trap using only 25 µW
laser power. The huge quantum amplification due to elec-
tron shelving increases the sensitivity of our scheme far
beyond the photon shot noise and technical noise encoun-
tered in the direct detection of two-photon induced fluo-
rescence [11] [12] [13] [21].
Our measurements may be improved in several ways.
Improvements of the lifetime and spin relaxation time
of atoms in the trap will allow much longer observation
times and enable detection of much weaker transitions.
This can be done by increasing the trapping laser de-
tuning, where even longer spin-relaxation times are ex-
pected due to quantum interference between the two D
lines [17]. Reduction of the linewidth of the two-photon
laser will allow further improvements in the sensitivity of
our scheme. It can also be combined with mode-locked
laser spectroscopy [13] to obtain even larger sensitivitie s
for a given time-average power of the laser. Finally, our
technique can be applied for other weak (forbidden) tran-
sitions such as optical clock transitions [3] [10] and parit y
violating transitions where a much lower mixing with an
allowed transition could be used.
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[6] N. Davidson, H. J. Lee, C. S. Adams, M. Kasevich, and
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59, R1750 (1999).
[8] N. Friedman, L. Khaykovich, R. Ozeri, and N. Davidson,
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[9] See, e.g., W. Nagorney, J. Sandberg, and H. Dehmelt,
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Bergquist, W. M. Itano, and R. E. Drullinger, Opt. Lett.
5, 245 (1980).
[10] T. Kurosu, G. Zinner, T. Trebst, and F. Riehle, Phys.
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[11] W. Zapka, M. D. Levenson, F. M. Schellenberg, A. C.
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[12] F. Nez, F. Biraben, R. Felder, Y. Millerioux, Optics
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[13] M. J. Snadden, A. S. Bell, E. Riis, and A. I. Ferguson,
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[16] L. Khaykovich, N. Friedman, R. Ozeri, and N. Davidson,
Technical digest QELS’99, QPD11-1 (Baltimore, MD,
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5 |
arXiv:physics/9912003v1 [physics.chem-ph] 2 Dec 1999A simple scaling law between the total energy of a free atom
and its atomic number
W. T. Geng
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern Universit y, Evanston, IL 60208
A simple, approximate relation is found between the total en ergy of a free atom and its atomic
number: E≃ −Z2.411. The existence of this index is inherent in the Coulomb and ma ny-body
nature of the electron-electron interaction in the atomic s ystem and cannot be fabricated from the
existing fundamental physical constants.
In a recent work on the calculation of the cohesive
energy of elemental crystals, [1] we have calculated the to-
tal energy for all atoms with Z ≤92. Our calculations were
based on the density functional theory with the local den-
sity approximation. [2] Parameterization of the exchange-
correlation interaction is that of Hedin-Lundqvist. [3] Fo r
the first time, we plotted the total energy ( E) versus the
atomic number ( Z) curve (Fig. 1), in an attempt to gain
some physical insight into the density functional theory.
Surprisingly, it is found that this curve can be very well
fitted by a scaling law
E=−Zn, n= 2.411
To make the E∼Zrelation more illustrative, the
n∼Zcurve is plotted in Fig. 2 (down triangles)). The
power index nis almost constant (close to 2.41) for atoms
with 4 ≤Z≤92. If there is no interaction between elec-
trons, n= 3; and if there is only one electron outside this
nucleus, n= 2. Since the electron-electron interaction
increases the total energy (i.e., less negative), nshould
meet 2 < n < 3. The existence of such a near-constant
power index is astounding because, due to the complex-
ity of the quantum many-body problem, it’s never been
expected that the total energy of an atom other than hy-
drogen should have so simple a relation with its atomic
Exceptions occur in the cases of hydrgen, helium,
and lithium. For hydrogen, Z= 1 and E=−0.976Ry,
therefore, nhas no definite value. For helium and
lithium, n=2.506 and 2.447, respectively, apparently
larger than 2.41. Experimental data [4], which is non-
relativistic and available up to argon, are denoted by
triangles in Fig.2. Also listed are the calculated power
index from Desclaux’s Hartree-Fock atomic total energy
data. [5] Open circles represent non-relativistic treatme ntand solid circles denote relativistic treatment. It is seen
that all these four groups of nhave values with very lim-
ited diviation. It’s then concluded that the scaling law is
not an outcome of the density functional theory, where
both the exchange and correlation interactions are con-
sidered, nor a result of the Hartree-Fock approximation,
in which only the exchange interaction is counted. Al-
though relativistic effects makea difference in the index
n, the approximate scaling law holds for both cases.
As ionization potentials show very strong effects of
chemical periodicity, it is of much interest to see whether
they exert a periodic effect on the atomic total energy
too. We replot the n∼Zcurves in Fig.3, a higher res-
olution graph. nshows apparent oscillatory behavior for
atoms lighter than krypton. But for heavier atoms, it dis-
plays monotonic character. This is due to the fact that
the ionization potentials are so small as to be averaged
out for the heavy atoms. It is worth noting that the solid
circle denoting Desclaux’s relativistic francium falls ou t
of the otherwise smooth curve. There must be an abrupt
mistake, probably a typo, in the reported total atomic
total energy of francium.
From the comparisons between density functional
theory and Hartree-Fock approximation, relativistic and
non-relativistic treatments, we can conclude that the ex-
istence of such a simple relation between the total energy
of an atom and its atomic number is independent of the
framework in which the calculations of atomic total en-
ergy are carried out. It is inherent in the Coulomb and
many-body nature of the atomic system. Apparently,
this power index cannot be fabricated from the existent
fundamental physical constants such as ¯ h,c,e, etc., and
can only be built into a new many-body quantum theory.
The author acknowledges helpful discussions with
Professors Ding-Sheng Wang and A. J. Freeman.
[1] W. T. Geng, Ph.D Thesis, Institute of Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1998.
[2] P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn, Phys. Rev. 136, 864B (1964);
W. Kohn and L. J. Sham, ibid.140, 1133A (1965).
[3] L. Hedin and B. Lundqvist, J. Phys. C 4, 2064 (1971); U.
von Barth and L. Hedin, J. Phys. C 5, 1629 (1972).
[4] R. C. Weast, Ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics, 58th ed., Chemical Rubber Co., Cleverland, 1977.
[5] J. P. Desclaux, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 12,
311-406 (1973).
FIG. 1. Atomic total energy (Ry) given by density func-
tional theory.
FIG. 2. Calculated power index nin relation E=−Zn.
Down triangles are our results from density functional the-
ory; open (non-relativistic) and solid (relativistic) cir cles are
calculated from Desclaux’s Hartree-Fock data; triangles d e-
note experimental data (non-relativistic).
FIG. 3. A replot of Fig.2 with higher resolution.
0 20 40 60 80 100DFT Atomic Total Energy (Ry)
Atomic Number Fig.10 20 40 60 80 1002.
KrPower Index n
Atomic Number Z
Fig.20 20 40 60 80 1002.382.402.422.442.462.482.502.52
KrPower Index n
Atomic Number Z
Fig.3 |
arXiv:physics/9912005v1 [physics.data-an] 2 Dec 1999Bayesian Field Theory
Nonparametric Approaches to Density
Estimation, Regression, Classification, and
Inverse Quantum Problems
J¨ org C. Lemm∗
Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik I
Universit¨ at M¨ unster
D–48149 M¨ unster, Germany
Bayesian field theory denotes a nonparametric Bayesian appr oach
for learning functions from observational data. Based on th e principles
of Bayesian statistics, a particular Bayesian field theory i s defined by
combining two models: a likelihood model, providing a proba bilistic
description of the measurement process, and a prior model, p roviding
the information necessary to generalize from training to no n–training
data. The particular likelihood models discussed in the pap er are those
of general density estimation, Gaussian regression, clust ering, classi-
fication, and models specific for inverse quantum problems. B esides
problem typical hard constraints, like normalization and p ositivity
for probabilities, prior models have to implement all the sp ecific, and
often vague, a priori knowledge available for a specific task. Nonpara-
metric prior models discussed in the paper are Gaussian proc esses,
mixtures of Gaussian processes, and non–quadratic potenti als. Prior
models are made flexible by including hyperparameters. In pa rticular,
∗Email: lemm@uni-muenster.de, WWW: http://pauli.uni-mue nster.de/∼lemm/
1the adaption of mean functions and covariance operators of G aussian
process components is discussed in detail. Even if construc ted using
Gaussian process building blocks, Bayesian field theories a re typically
non–Gaussian and have thus to be solved numerically. Accord ing to in-
creasing computational resources the class of non–Gaussia n Bayesian
field theories of practical interest which are numerically f easible is
steadily growing. Models which turn out to be computational ly too
demanding can serve as starting point to construct easier to solve
parametric approaches, using for example variational tech niques.
1 Introduction 5
2 Bayesian framework 9
2.1 Basic model and notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.1 Independent, dependent, and hidden variables . . . . . 9
2.1.2 Energies, free energies, and errors . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.3 Posterior and likelihood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.4 Predictive density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1.5 Mutual information and learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Bayesian decision theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.1 Loss and risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.2 Loss functions for approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.3 General loss functions and unsupervised learning . . . 24
2.3 Maximum A Posteriori Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Normalization, positivity, and specific priors . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.5 Empirical risk minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.6 Interpretations of Occam’s razor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7A priori information and a posteriori control . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 Gaussian prior factors 39
3.1 Gaussian prior factor for log–probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1.1 Lagrange multipliers: Error functional EL. . . . . . . 39
3.1.2 Normalization by parameterization: Error functiona lEg44
3.1.3 The Hessians HL,Hg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Gaussian prior factor for probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.1 Lagrange multipliers: Error functional EP. . . . . . . 47
23.2.2 Normalization by parameterization: Error functiona lEz49
3.2.3 The Hessians HP,Hz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3 General Gaussian prior factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.1 The general case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.3.2 Example: Square root of P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.3.3 Example: Distribution functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4 Covariances and invariances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.1 Approximate invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.2 Approximate symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.4.3 Example: Infinitesimal translations . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.4.4 Example: Approximate periodicity . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.5 Non–zero means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.6 Quadratic density estimation and empirical risk minimi zation 61
3.7 Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.7.1 Gaussian regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.7.2 Exact predictive density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.7.3 Gaussian mixture regression (cluster regression) . . . . 74
3.7.4 Support vector machines and regression . . . . . . . . . 75
3.8 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.9 Inverse quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4 Parameterizing likelihoods: Variational methods 81
4.1 General parameterizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.2 Gaussian priors for parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.3 Linear trial spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.4 Mixture models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.5 Additive models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.6 Product ansatz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.7 Decision trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.8 Projection pursuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.9 Neural networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5 Parameterizing priors: Hyperparameters 93
5.1 Prior normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5.2 Adapting prior means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2.1 General considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2.2 Density estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.2.3 Unrestricted variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
35.2.4 Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
5.3 Adapting prior covariances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3.1 General case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.3.2 Automatic relevance detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.3.3 Local smoothness adaption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.3.4 Local masses and gauge theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.3.5 Invariant determinants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.3.6 Regularization parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.4 Exact posterior for hyperparameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9
5.5 Integer hyperparameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.6 Local hyperfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6 Non–Gaussian prior factors 121
6.1 Mixtures of Gaussian prior factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1
6.2 Prior mixtures for density estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 23
6.3 Prior mixtures for regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3.1 High and low temperature limits . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
6.3.2 Equal covariances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
6.3.3 Analytical solution of mixture models . . . . . . . . . . 128
6.4 Local mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6.5 Non–quadratic potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
7 Iteration procedures: Learning 137
7.1 Numerical solution of stationarity equations . . . . . . . . . . 137
7.2 Learning matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
7.2.1 Learning algorithms for density estimation . . . . . . . 1 40
7.2.2 Linearization and Newton algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 141
7.2.3 Massive relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.2.4 Gaussian relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
7.2.5 Inverting in subspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.2.6 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.3 Initial configurations and kernel methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
7.3.1 Truncated equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
7.3.2 Kernels for L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
7.3.3 Kernels for P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.4 Numerical examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.4.1 Density estimation with Gaussian specific prior . . . . 1 54
7.4.2 Density estimation with Gaussian mixture prior . . . . 1 59
41 Introduction
The last decade has seen a rapidly growing interest in learni ng from observa-
tional data. Increasing computational resources enabled s uccessful applica-
tions of empirical learning algorithms in various areas inc luding, for example,
time series prediction, image reconstruction, speech reco gnition, computer to-
mography, and inverse scattering and inverse spectral prob lems for quantum
mechanical systems. Empirical learning, i.e., the problem of finding underly-
ing general laws from observations, represents a typical in verse problem and
is usually ill–posed in the sense of Hadamard [204, 205, 208, 137, 107, 210]. It
is well known that a successful solution of such problems req uires additional
a priori information. It is a priori information which controls the general-
ization ability of a learning system by providing the link be tween available
empirical “training” data and unknown outcome in future “te st” situations.
We will focus mainly on nonparametric approaches, formulat ed directly
in terms of the function values of interest. Parametric meth ods, on the other
hand, impose typically implicit restrictions which are oft en extremely diffi-
cult to relate to available a priori knowledge. Combined with a Bayesian
framework [10, 14, 30, 136, 187, 161, 16, 64, 196, 97], a nonpa rametric ap-
proach allows a very flexible and interpretable implementat ion of a priori
information in form of stochastic processes. Nonparametri c Bayesian meth-
ods can easily be adapted to different learning situations an d have there-
fore been applied to a variety of empirical learning problem s, including re-
gression, classification, density estimation and inverse q uantum problems
[157, 220, 134, 133, 129, 206]. Technically, they are relate d to kernel and reg-
ularization methods which often appear in the form of a rough ness penalty
approach [205, 208, 177, 195, 141, 212, 83, 78, 108, 210]. Com putationally,
working with stochastic processes, or discretized version s thereof, is more
demanding than, for example, fitting a small number of parame ters. This
holds especially for such applications where one cannot tak e full advantage
of the convenient analytical features of Gaussian processe s. Nevertheless, it
seems to be the right time to study nonparametric Bayesian ap proaches also
for non–Gaussian problems as they become computationally f easible now at
least for low dimensional systems and, even if not directly s olvable, they
provide a well defined basis for further approximations.
In this paper we will in particular study general density est imation prob-
lems. Those include, as special cases, regression, classifi cation, and certain
types of clustering. In density estimation the functions of interest are the
5probability densities p(y|x,h), of producing output (“data”) yunder con-
ditionxand unknown state of Nature h. Considered as function of h, for
fixedy,x, the function p(y|x,h) is also known as likelihood function and a
Bayesian approach to density estimation is based on a probab ilistic model
for likelihoods p(y|x,h). We will concentrate on situations where yandxare
real variables, possibly multi–dimensional. In a nonparam etric approach, the
variablehrepresents the whole likelihood function p(y|x,h). That means, h
may be seen as the collection of the numbers 0 ≤p(y|x,h)≤1 for allxand
ally. The dimension of his thus infinite, if the number of values which the
variablesxand/orycan take is infinite. This is the case for real xand/ory.
A learning problem with discrete yvariable is also called a classifica-
tion problem . Restricting to Gaussian probabilities p(y|x,h) with fixed vari-
ance leads to (Gaussian) regression problems . For regression problems the
aim is to find an optimal regression function h(x). Similarly, adapting a
mixture of Gaussians allows soft clustering of data points. Furthermore,
extracting relevant features from the predictive density p(y|x,data) is the
Bayesian analogon of unsupervised learning . Other special density estimation
problems are, for example, inverse problems in quantum mechanics whereh
represents a unknown potential to be determined from observ ational data
[134, 133, 129, 206]. Special emphasis will be put on the expl icit and flexible
implementation of a priori information using, for example, mixtures of Gaus-
sian prior processes with adaptive, non–zero mean function s for the mixture
Let us now shortly explain what is meant by the term “Bayesian Field
Theory”: From a physicists point of view functions, like h(x,y) =p(y|x,h),
depending on continuous variables xand/ory, are often called a ‘field’.1
Most times in this paper we will, as common in field theories in physics, not
parameterize these fields and formulate the relevant probab ility densities or
stochastic processes, like the prior p(h) or the posterior p(h|f), directly in
terms of the field values h(x,y), e.g.,p(h|f) =p(h(x,y),x∈X,y∈Y|f). (In
the parametric case, discussed in Chapter 4, we obtain a prob ability density
p(h|f) =p(ξ|f) for fieldsh(x,y,ξ) parameterized by ξ.)
The possibility to solve Gaussian integrals analytically m akes Gaussian
processes, or (generalized) free fields in the language of ph ysicists, very at-
1We may also remark that for example statistical field theorie s, which encompass quan-
tum mechanics and quantum field theory in their Euclidean for mulation, are technically
similar to a nonparametric Bayesian approach [232, 96, 118] .
6tractive for nonparametric learning. Unfortunately, only the case of Gaussian
regression is completely Gaussian. For general density est imation problems
the likelihood terms are non–Gaussian, and even for Gaussia n priors addi-
tional non–Gaussian restrictions have to be included to ens ure positivity and
normalization of densities. Hence, in the general case, den sity estimation
corresponds to a non–Gaussian, i.e., interacting field theo ry.
As it is well known from physics, a continuum limit for non-Ga ussian the-
ories, based on the definition of a renormalization procedur e, can be highly
nontrivial to construct, if possible at all. We will in the fo llowing not dis-
cuss such renormalization procedures but focus more on prac tical, numerical
learning algorithms, obtained by discretizing the problem (typically, but not
necessarily in coordinate space). This is similar, for exam ple, to what is done
in lattice field theories.
Gaussian problems live effectively in a space with dimension not larger
than the number of training data. This is not the case for non– Gaussian
problems. Hence, numerical implementations of learning al gorithms for non–
Gaussian problems require to discretize the functions of in terest. This can
be computationally challenging.
For low dimensional problems, however, many non–Gaussian m odels are
nowadays solvable on a standard PC. Examples include predic tions of one–
dimensional time series or the reconstruction of two–dimen sional images.
Higher dimensional problems require additional approxima tions, like projec-
tions into lower dimensional subspaces or other variationa l approaches. In-
deed, it seems that a most solvable high dimensional problem s live effectively
in some low dimensional subspace.
There are special situations in classification where positi vity and normal-
ization constraints are fulfilled automatically. In that ca se, the calculations
can still be performed in a space of dimension not larger than the number
of training data. Contrasting Gaussian models, however the equations to be
solved are then typically nonlinear.
Summarizing, we will call a nonparametric Bayesian model to learn a
function one or more continuous variables a Bayesian field theory , having
especially in mind non–Gaussian models. A large variety of B ayesian field
theories can be constructed by combining a specific likeliho od models with
specific functional priors (see Tab. 1). The resulting flexib ility of nonpara-
metric Bayesian approaches is probably their main advantag e.
7likelihood model prior model
measurement process (Chap. 2) generalization behavior (Chap. 2)
is determined by
parameters (Chap. 3, 4) hyperparameters (Chap. 5)
Examples include
density estimation (Chap. 3) hard constraints (Chap. 2)
regression (Chap. 3) Gaussian prior factors (Chap. 3)
classification (Sect. 3) mixtures of Gaussians (Sect. 6)
inverse quantum theory (Sect. 3) non–quadratic potentials (Sect. 6)
Table 1: A Bayesian approach is based on the combination of tw o models,
a likelihood model, describing the measurement process use d to obtain the
training data, and a prior model, enabling generalization t o non–training
data. Parameters of the prior model are commonly called hype rparameters.
In “nonparametric” approaches the collection of all values of the likelihood
function itself are considered as the parameters. A nonpara metric Bayesian
approach for likelihoods depending on one or more real varia bles is in this
paper called a Bayesian field theory. (Learning is treated in Chapter 7.)
8The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 2 summarizes the B ayesian
framework as needed for the subsequent chapters. Basic nota tions are de-
fined, an introduction to Bayesian decision theory is given, and the role of
a priori information is discussed together with the basics of a Maxim um
A Posteriori Approximation (MAP), and the specific constrai nts for density
estimation problems. Gaussian prior processes, being the m ost commonly
used prior processes in nonparametric statistics, are trea ted in Chapter 3.
In combination with Gaussian prior models, this section als o introduces the
likelihood models of density estimation, (Sections 3.1, 3. 2, 3.3) Gaussian re-
gression and clustering (Section 3.7), classification (Sec tion 3.8), and inverse
quantum problems (Section 3.9). Notice, however, that all t hese likelihood
models can also be combined with the more elaborated prior mo dels dis-
cussed in the following sections of the paper. Parametric ap proaches, useful
if a numerical solution of a full nonparametric approach is n ot feasible, are
the topic of Chapter 4. Hyperparameters, parameterizing pr ior processes
and making them more flexible, are considered in Section 5. Tw o possibil-
ities to go beyond Gaussian processes, mixture models and no n–quadratic
potentials, are presented in Section 6. Chapter 7 focuses on learning algo-
rithms, i.e., on methods to solve the stationarity equation s resulting from
a Maximum A Posteriori Approximation. In this section one ca n also find
numerical solutions of Bayesian field theoretical models fo r general density
2 Bayesian framework
2.1 Basic model and notations
2.1.1 Independent, dependent, and hidden variables
Constructing theories means introducing concepts which ar e not directly ob-
servable. They should, however, explain empirical findings and thus have to
be related to observations. Hence, it is useful and common to distinguish
observable (visible) from non–observable (hidden) variab les. Furthermore,
it is often convenient to separate visible variables into de pendent variables,
representing results of such measurements the theory is aim ing to explain,
and independent variables, specifying the kind of measurem ents performed
and not being subject of the theory.
Hence, we will consider the following three groups of variab les
91. observable (visible) independent variables x,
2. observable (visible) dependent variables y,
3. not directly observable (hidden, latent) variables h.
This characterization of variables translates to the follo wing factorization
property, defining the model we will study,
p(x,y,h ) =p(y|x,h)p(x)p(h). (1)
In particular, we will be interested in scenarios where x= (x1,x2,···) and
analogously y= (y1,y2,···) are decomposed into independent components,
meaning that p(y|x,h) =/producttext
ip(yi|xi,h) andp(x) =/producttext
ip(xi) factorize. Then,
p(x,y,h ) =/productdisplay
ip(yi|xi,h)p(xi)p(h). (2)
Fig.1 shows a graphical representation of the factorizatio n model (2) as a
directed acyclic graph [172, 117, 99, 186]. The xiand/oryiitself can also be
The interpretation will be as follows: Variables h∈Hrepresent possible
states of (the model of) Nature , being the invisible conditions for dependent
variablesy. The setHdefines the space of all possible states of Nature for
the model under study. We assume that states hare not directly observable
and all information about p(h) comes from observed variables (data) y,x.
A given set of observed data results in a state of knowledge fnumerically
represented by the posterior density p(h|f) over states of Nature.
Independent variables x∈Xdescribe the visible conditions (measure-
ment situation, measurement device) under which dependent variables (mea-
surement results) yhave been observed (measured). According to Eq. (1)
they are independent of h, i.e.,p(x|h) =p(x). The conditional density
p(y|x,h) of the dependent variables yis also known as likelihood ofh(undery
givenx). Vector–valued ycan be treated as a collection of one–dimensional y
with the vector index being part of the xvariable, i.e., yα(x) =y(x,α) =y(˜x)
with ˜x= (x,α).
In the setting of empirical learning available knowledge is usually sep-
arated into a finite number of training data D={(xi,yi)|1≤i≤n}
={(xD,yD) and, to make the problem well defined, additional a priori in-
formationD0. For dataD∪D0we writep(h|f) =p(h|D,D 0). Hypotheses h
···❄ ❄ ❄
▼✍■ ✒
Figure 1: Directed acyclic graph for the factorization mode l (1).
represent in this setting functions h(x,y) =p(y|x,h) of two (possibly multi-
dimensional) variables y,x. In density estimation yis a continuous variable
(the variable xmay be constant and thus be skipped), while in classification
problemsytakes only discrete values. In regression problems on assum es
p(y|x,h) to be Gaussian with fixed variance, so the function of intere st be-
comes the regression function h(x) =/integraltextdyyp(y|x,h).
2.1.2 Energies, free energies, and errors
Often it will turn out to be convenient to work with log–proba bilities, un-
normalized probabilities, or energies, instead of probabi lities. For example,
the posterior p(h|f) can be written as
p(h|f) =eL(h|f)=Z(h|f)
=e−β(E(h|f)−F(H|f))=e−βE(h|f)+c(H|f), (3)
with (posterior) log–probability
L(h|f) = lnp(h|f), (4)
unnormalized (posterior) probabilities or partition sums
Z(h|f), Z (H|f) =/integraldisplay
dhZ(h|f), (5)
(posterior) energy
E(h|f) =−1
βlnZ(h|f) (6)
11and (posterior) free energy
F(H|f) = −1
βlnZ(H|f) (7)
dhe−βE(h|f), (8)
Z(h|f) =e−βE(h|f), (9)
Z(H|f) =/integraldisplay
dhe−βE(h|f), (10)
where/integraltextdhrepresent a (functional) integral, for example over variab les (func-
tions)h(x,y) =p(y|x,h), and
c(H|f) =−lnZ(H|f) =βF(H|f). (11)
Note that for the sake of simplicity we did not include the β–dependency of
the functions Z,F,cin the notation.
A central topic will be the maximization of the posterior (se e Section
2.3) which corresponds to minimizing the posterior energy E(h|f). Because
in the context of regularization theory and empirical risk m inimization, an
optimalh∗is obtained by minimizing an error functional we will often a lso
refer to the posterior energy E(h|f) as (regularized) error functional forh.
(see Section 2.5).
Let us take a closer look to the integral over model states h. The variables
hrepresent the parameters describing the data generating pr obabilities or
likelihoods p(y|x,h). In this paper we will mainly be interested in “nonpara-
metric” approaches where the ( x,y,h )–dependent numbers p(y|x,h) itself
are considered to be the primary degrees of freedom which “pa rameterize”
the model states h. Then, the integral over his an integral over a set of
real variables indexed by x,y, under additional positivity and normalization
. (12)
Mathematical difficulties arise for the case of continuous x,ywherep(h|f)
represents a stochastic process. and the integral over hbecomes a functional
integral over (non–negative and normalized) functions p(y|x,h). For Gaus-
sian processes such a continuum limit can be defined [46, 72, 2 12, 135] while
12the construction of continuum limits for non–Gaussian proc esses is highly
non–trivial (See for instance [43, 33, 96, 232, 174, 217, 218 , 31, 182] for per-
turbative approaches or [72] for non–perturbative φ4–theory.) In this paper
we will take the numerical point of view where all functions a re considered
to be finally discretized, so the h–integral is well–defined (“lattice regular-
ization” [37, 189, 150]).
Varying the parameter βgenerates an exponential family of densities
which is frequently used in practice by (simulated or determ inistic) annealing
techniques for minimizing free energies [106, 144, 185, 38, 1, 188, 226, 63, 227,
228]. In physics βis known as inverse temperature and plays the role of a
Lagrange multiplier in the maximum entropy approach to stat istical physics.
Inverse temperature βcan also be seen as an external field coupling to the
energy. Thus, the free energy F(H|f) (orc(H|f)) is a generating function for
the cumulants of the energy, meaning that cumulants of Ecan be obtained
by taking derivatives of Fwith respect to β[60, 7, 11, 150].
For the sake of clarity, we have chosen to use the common notat ion for
conditional probabilities also for energies and the other q uantities derived
from them. The same conventions will also be used for other pr obabilities,
so we will write for example for likelihoods
p(y|x,h) =e−β′(E(y|x,h)−F(Y|x,h)), (13)
fory∈Y. Temperatures may be different for prior and likelihood. Thu s, we
may choose β′∝ne}ationslash=βin Eq. (13) and Eq. (3).
2.1.3 Posterior and likelihood
Bayesian approaches require the calculation of posterior d ensities. Model
stateshare commonly specified by giving the data generating probabi lities
or likelihoods p(y|x,h). Posteriors are linked to likelihoods by Bayes’ theorem
p(A|B) =p(B|A)p(A)
p(B), (14)
which follows at once from the definition of conditional prob abilities, i.e.,
p(A,B) =p(A|B)p(B) =p(B|A)p(A). Thus, one finds
p(h|f) =p(D|h)p(h|D0)
ip(yi|xi,h)p(h|D0), (16)
usingp(yD|xD,D0,h) =p(yD|xD,h) for the training data likelihood of hand
p(h|D0,xi) =p(h|D0). The terms of Eq. (15) are in a Bayesian context often
referred to as
posterior =likelihood ∗prior
evidence. (17)
Eqs.(16) show that the posterior can be expressed equivalen tly by the joint
likelihoods p(yi,xi|h) or conditional likelihoods p(yi|xi,h). When working
with joint likelihoods, a distinction between yandxvariables is not neces-
sary. In that case xcan be included in yand skipped from the notation.
If, however, p(x) is already known or is not of interest working with condi-
tional likelihoods is preferable. Eqs.(15,16) can be inter preted as updating
(or learning) formula used to obtain a new posterior from a gi ven prior prob-
ability if new data Darrive.
In terms of energies Eq. (16) reads,
p(h|f) =e−β/summationtext
iE(yi|xi,h)−βE(h|D0), (18)
where the same temperature 1 /βhas been chosen for both energies and the
normalization constants are
Z(YD|xD,h) =/productdisplay
dyie−βE(yi|xi,h), (19)
Z(H|D0) =/integraldisplay
dhe−βE(h|D0). (20)
The predictive density we are interested in can be written as the ratio of
two correlation functions under p0(h),
p(y|x,f) =<p(y|x,h)>H|f (21)
ip(yi|xi,h)>H|D0, (22)
where<···>H|D0denotes the expectation under the prior density p0(h)
=p(h|D0) and the combined likelihood and prior energy Ecombcollects the
14h–dependent energy and free energy terms
iE(yi|xi,h) +E(h|D0)−F(YD|xD,h), (24)
F(YD|xD,h) =−1
βlnZ(YD|xD,h). (25)
Going from Eq. (22) to Eq. (23) the normalization factor Z(H|D0) appearing
in numerator and denominator has been canceled.
We remark that for continuous xand/orythe likelihood energy term
E(yi|xi,h) describes an ideal, non–realistic measurement because re alistic
measurements cannot be arbitrarily sharp. Considering the functionp(·|·,h)
as element of a Hilbert space its values may be written as scal ar product
p(x|y,h) = (vxy, p(·|·,h) ) with a function vxybeing also an element in that
Hilbert space. For continuous xand/orythis notation is only formal as vxy
becomes unnormalizable. In practice a measurement of p(·|·,h) corresponds
to a normalizable v˜x˜y=/integraltextdy/integraltextdxϑ(x,y)vxywhere the kernel ϑ(x,y) has to
ensure normalizability. (Choosing normalizable v˜x˜yas coordinates the Hilbert
space ofp(·|·,h) is also called a reproducing kernel Hilbert space [170, 104 ,
105, 212, 135].) The data terms then become
p(˜yi|˜xi,h) =/integraltextdy/integraltextdxϑi(x,y)p(y,x|h)/integraltextdyϑi(x,y)p(y,x|h). (26)
The notation p(yi|xi,h) is understood as limit ϑ(x,y)→δ(x−xi)δ(y−yi)
and means in practice that ϑ(x,y) is very sharply centered. We will assume
that the discretization, finally necessary to do numerical c alculations, will
implement such an averaging.
2.1.4 Predictive density
Within a Bayesian approach predictions about (e.g., future ) events are based
on the predictive probability density , being the expectation of probability for
yfor given (test) situation x, training data Dand prior data D0
p(y|x,f) =/integraldisplay
dhp(h|f)p(y|x,h) (27)
=<p(y|x,h)>H|f. (28)
15ˆ =p(y|x,hi), hi∈H
Figure 2: The predictive density p(y|x,f) for a state of knowledge f=
f(D,D 0) is in the convex hull spanned by the possible states of Natur ehi
characterized by the likelihoods p(y|x,hi). During learning the actual pre-
dictive density p(y|x,f) tends to move stochastically towards the extremal
pointp(y|x,htrue) representing the “true” state of Nature.
Here<···>H|fdenotes the expectation under the posterior p(h|f) =
p(h|D,D 0), the state of knowledge fdepending on prior and training data.
Successful applications of Bayesian approaches rely stron gly on an adequate
choice of the model space Hand model likelihoods p(y|x,h).
Note thatp(y|x,f) = =/summationtext
ip(y|x,hi)p(hi|f) is in the convex cone spanned
by the possible states of Nature h∈H, and typically not equal to one of
thesep(y|x,h). The situation is illustrated in Fig. 2. During learning th e
predictive density p(y|x,f) tends to approach the true p(y|x,h). Because
the training data are random variables, this approach is sto chastic. (There
exists an extensive literature analyzing the stochastic pr ocess of learning and
generalization from a statistical mechanics perspective [ 57, 58, 59, 215, 222,
2.1.5 Mutual information and learning
The aim of learning is to generalize the information obtaine d from training
data to non–training situations. For such a generalization to be possible,
there must exist a, at least partially known, relation betwe en the likelihoods
16p(yi|xi,h) for training and for non–training data. This relation is ty pically
provided by a priori knowledge.
One possibility to quantify the relation between two random variables
y1andy2, representing for example training and non–training data, is to
calculate their mutual information , defined as
M(Y1,Y2) =/summationdisplay
y1∈Y1,y2∈Y2p(y1,y2) lnp(y1,y2)
p(y1)p(y2). (29)
It is also instructive to express the mutual information in t erms of (average)
information content or entropy, which, for a probability fu nctionp(y), is
defined as
H(Y) =−ln/summationdisplay
y∈Yp(y) lnp(y). (30)
We find
M(Y1,Y2) =H(Y1) +H(Y2)−H(Y1,Y2), (31)
meaning that the mutual information is the sum of the two indi vidual en-
tropies diminished by the entropy common to both variables.
To have a compact notation for a family of predictive densiti esp(yi|xi,f)
we choose a vector x= (x1,x2,···) consisting of all possible values xiand
corresponding vector y= (y1,y2,···), so we can write
p(y|x,f) =p(y1,y2,···|x1,x2,···,f). (32)
We now would like to characterize a state of knowledge fcorresponding to
predictive density p(y|x,f) by its mutual information. Thus, we generalize
the definition (29) from two random variables to a random vect orywith
components yi, given vector xwith components xiand obtain the conditional
mutual information
M(Y|x,f) =/integraldisplay/parenleftigg/productdisplay
p(y|x,f) lnp(y|x,f)
jp(yj|xj,f), (33)
M(Y|x,f) =/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay
, (34)
in terms of conditional entropies
H(Y|x,f) =−/integraldisplay
dyp(y|x,f) lnp(y|x,f). (35)
17In case not a fixed vector xis given, like for example x= (x1,x2,···), but a
densityp(x), it is useful to average the conditional mutual informatio n and
conditional entropy by including the integral/integraltextdxp(x) in the above formulae.
It is clear from Eq. (33) that predictive densities which fac torize
p(y|x,f) =/productdisplay
ip(yi|xi,f), (36)
have a mutual information of zero. Hence, such factorial states do not allow
any generalization from training to non–training data. A sp ecial example are
the possible states of Nature or pure states h, which factorize according to
the definition of our model
p(y|x,h) =/productdisplay
ip(yi|xi,h). (37)
Thus, pure states do not allow any further generalization. T his is consistent
with the fact that pure states represent the natural endpoin ts of any learning
It is interesting to see, however, that there are also other s tates for which
the predictive density factorizes. Indeed, from Eq. (37) it follows that any
(prior or posterior) probability p(h) which factorizes leads to a factorial state,
p(h) =/productdisplay
ip(h(xi))⇒p(y|x,f) =/productdisplay
ip(yi|xi,f). (38)
This means generalization, i.e., (non–local) learning, is impossible when
starting from a factorial prior .
A factorial prior provides a very clear reference for analyz ing the role
of a–priori information in learning. In particular, with re spect to a prior
factorial in local variables xi, learning may be decomposed into two steps,
one increasing, the other lowering mutual information:
1. Starting from a factorial prior, new non–local data D0(typically called
a priori information) produce a new non–factorial state with non–ze ro
mutual information.
2.Local dataD(typically called training data) stochastically reduce th e
mutual information. Hence, learning with local data corres ponds to a
stochastic decay of mutual information .
18Pure states, i.e., the extremal points in the space of possib le predictive
densities, do not have to be deterministic. Improving measu rement devices,
stochastic pure states may be further decomposed into finer c omponents g,
so that
p(yi|xi,h) =/integraldisplay
dgp(g)p(yi|xi,g). (39)
Imposing a non–factorial prior p(g) on the new, finer hypotheses genables
again non–local learning with local data, leading asymptot ically to one of
the new pure states p(yi|xi,g).
Let us exemplify the stochastic decay of mutual information by a simple
numerical example. Because the mutual information require s the integration
over allyivariables we choose a problem with only two of them, yaand
ybcorresponding to two xvaluesxaandxb. We consider a model with
four states of Nature hl, 1≤l≤4, with Gaussian likelihood p(y|x,h) =
2πσ)−1exp (−(y−hi(x))2/(2σ2)) and local means hl(xj) =±1.
Selecting a “true” state of Nature h, we sample 50 data points Di=
(xi,yi) from the corresponding Gaussian likelihood using p(xa) =p(xb) =
0.5. Then, starting from a given, factorial or non–factorial, priorp(h|D0) we
sequentially update the predictive density,
p(y|x,f(Di+1,···,D0)) =4/summationdisplay
l=1p(y|x,hl)p(hl|Di+1,···,D0), (40)
by calculating the posterior
p(hl|Di+1,···,D0) =p(yi+1|xi+1,hl)p(hj|Di···,D0)
p(yi+1|xi+1,Di···,D0). (41)
It is easily seen from Eq. (41) that factorial states remain f actorial under
local data.
Fig. 3 shows that indeed the mutual information decays rapid ly. Depend-
ing on the training data, still the wrong hypothesis hlmay survive the decay
of mutual information. Having arrived at a factorial state, further learning
has to be local. That means, data points for xican then only influence the
predictive density for the corresponding yiand do not allow generalization
to the other yjwithj∝ne}ationslash=i.
For a factorial prior p(hl) =p(hl(xa))p(hl(xb)) learning is thus local from
the very beginning. Only very small numerical random fluctua tions of the
mutual information occur, quickly eliminated by learning. Thus, the predic-
tive density moves through a sequence of factorial states.
1910 20 30 40 500.
10 20 30 40 500.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.007
10 20 30 40 500.
10 20 30 40 500.0010.0020.0030.0040.0050.0060.007
10 20 30 40 500.
10 20 30 40 50
-16-1.5 10 -16-1. 10 -17-5. 10 -175. 10 -161. 10 -161.5 10 -162. 10posterior mutual information
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 3: The decay of mutual information during learning: M odel with 4
possible states hlrepresenting Gaussian likelihoods p(yi|xi,hl) with means ±1
for two different xivalues. Shown are posterior probabilities p(hl|f) (a,c,e,
on the left hand side, the posterior of the true hlis shown by a thick line) and
mutual information M(y) (b,d,f, on the right hand side) during learning
50 training data. ( a,b): The mutual information decays during learning
and becomes quickly practically zero. ( c,d): For “unlucky” training data
the wrong hypothesis hican dominate at the beginning. Nevertheless, the
mutual information decays and the correct hypothesis has fin ally to be found
through “local” learning. ( e,f): Starting with a factorial prior the mutual
information is and remains zero, up to artificial numerical fl uctuations. For
(e,f) the same random data have been used as for ( c,d).
202.2 Bayesian decision theory
2.2.1 Loss and risk
InBayesian decision theory a setAof possible actions ais considered, to-
gether with a function l(x,y,a ) describing the losslsuffered in situation xif
yappears and action ais selected [14, 119, 172, 187]. The loss averaged over
test datax,y, and possible states of Nature his known as expected risk ,
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
dxdyp (x)p(y|x,f)l(x,y,a ). (42)
=<l(x,y,a )>X,Y|f (43)
=<r(a,h)>H|f (44)
where<···>X,Y|fdenotes the expectation under the joint predictive density
p(x,y|f) =p(x)p(y|x,f) and
r(a,h) =/integraldisplay
dxdyp (x)p(y|x,h)l(x,y,a ). (45)
The aim is to find an optimal action a∗
a∗= argmina∈Ar(a,f). (46)
2.2.2 Loss functions for approximation
Log–loss: A typical loss function for density estimation problems is thelog–
l(x,y,a ) =−b1(x) lnp(y|x,a) +b2(x,y) (47)
with somea–independent b1(x)>0,b2(x,y) and actions adescribing proba-
bility densities/integraldisplay
dyp(y|x,a) = 1,∀x∈X,∀a∈A. (48)
Choosingb2(x,y) =p(y|x,f) andb1(x) = 1 gives
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
dxdyp (x)p(y|x,f) lnp(y|x,f)
p(y|x,a)>X,Y|f (50)
=<KL(p(y|x,f), p(y|x,a))>X, (51)
21which shows that minimizing log–loss is equivalent to minim izing the (x–
averaged) Kullback–Leibler entropy KL(p(y|x,f), p(y|x,a))[114, 115, 11, 41,
While the paper will concentrate on log–loss we will also giv e a short
summary of loss functions for regression problems . (See for example [14, 187]
for details.) Regression problems are special density esti mation problems
where the considered possible actions are restricted to y–independent func-
Squared–error loss: The most common loss function for regression prob-
lems (see Sections 3.7, 3.7.2) is the squared–error loss. It reads for one–
dimensional y
l(x,y,a ) =b1(x) (y−a(x))2+b2(x,y), (52)
with arbitrary b1(x)>0 andb2(x,y). In that case the optimal function a(x)
is theregression function of the posterior which is the mean of the predictive
a∗(x) =/integraldisplay
dyyp(y|x,f) =<y>Y|x,f. (53)
This can be easily seen by writing
where the first term in (55) is independent of aand the last term vanishes
after integration over yaccording to the definition of <y>Y|x,f. Hence,
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
a(x)−<y>Y|x,f/parenrightig2+ const. (56)
This is minimized by a(x) =< y >Y|x,f. Notice that for Gaussian p(y|x,a)
with fixed variance log–loss and squared-error loss are equi valent. For multi–
dimensional yone–dimensional loss functions like Eq. (52) can be used whe n
the component index of yis considered part of the x–variables. Alternatively,
loss functions depending explicitly on multidimensional ycan be defined. For
instance, a general quadratic loss function would be
l(x,y,a ) =/summationdisplay
k,k′(yk−ak)K(k,k′)(yk′−ak′(x)). (57)
22with symmetric, positive definite kernel K(k,k′).
Absolute loss: For absolute loss
l(x,y,a ) =b1(x)|y−a(x)|+b2(x,y), (58)
with arbitrary b1(x)>0 andb2(x,y). The risk becomes
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
a(x)dy(y−a(x))p(y|x,f) + const.(59)
= 2/integraldisplay
m(x)dy(a(x)−y)p(y|x,f) + const.′,(60)
where the integrals have been rewritten as/integraltexta(x)
m(x)introducing a median function m(x) which satisfies
−∞dyp(y|x,f) =1
2,∀x∈X, (61)
so that
= 0,∀x∈X. (62)
Thus the risk is minimized by any median function m(x).
δ–loss and 0–1loss : Another possible loss function, typical for classifica-
tion tasks (see Section 3.8), like for example image segment ation [141], is the
δ–loss for continuous yor 0–1–loss for discrete y
l(x,y,a ) =−b1(x)δ(y−a(x)) +b2(x,y), (63)
with arbitrary b1(x)>0 andb2(x,y). Hereδdenotes the Dirac δ–functional
for continuous yand the Kronecker δfor discrete y. Then
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
dxb1(x)p(x)p(y=a(x)|x,f) + const., (64)
so the optimal acorresponds to any mode function of the predictive density.
For Gaussians mode and median are unique, and coincide with t he mean.
232.2.3 General loss functions and unsupervised learning
Choosing actions ain specific situations often requires the use of specific
loss functions. Such loss functions may for example contain additional terms
measuring costs of choosing action anot related to approximation of the
predictive density. Such costs can quantify aspects like th e simplicity, imple-
mentability, production costs, sparsity, or understandab ility of action a.
Furthermore, instead of approximating a whole density it of ten suffices
to extract some of its features. like identifying clusters o f similary–values,
finding independent components for multidimensional y, or mapping to an
approximating density with lower dimensional x. This kind of exploratory
data analysis is the Bayesian analogon to unsupervised learning methods .
Such methods are on one hand often utilized as a preprocessin g step but
are, on the other hand, also important to choose actions for s ituations where
specific loss functions can be defined.
From a Bayesian point of view general loss functions require in general
an explicit two–step procedure [123]: 1. Calculate (an appr oximation of) the
predictive density, and 2. Minimize the expectation of the l oss function under
that (approximated) predictive density. (Empirical risk m inimization, on the
other hand, minimizes the empirical average of the (possibl y regularized) loss
function, see Section 2.5.) (For a related example see for in stance [130].)
For a Bayesian version of cluster analysis, for example, par titioning a pre-
dictive density obtained from empirical data into several c lusters, a possible
loss function is
l(x,y,a ) = (y−a(x,y))2, (65)
with action a(x,y) being a mapping of yfor givenxto a finite number of
cluster centers (prototypes). Another example of a cluster ing method based
on the predictive density is Fukunaga’s valley seeking proc edure [56].
For multidimensional xa space of actions a(Pxx,y) can be chosen de-
pending only on a (possibly adaptable) lower dimensional pr ojection of x.
For multidimensional ywith components yiit is often useful to identify
independent components. One may look, say, for a linear mapp ing ˜y=
Myminimizing the correlations between different components o f the ‘source’
variables ˜yby minimizing the loss function
l(y,y′,M) =/summationdisplay
j, (66)
with respect to Munder the joint predictive density for yandy′given
24x,x′,D,D 0. This includes a Bayesian version of blind source separatio n (e.g.
applied to the so called cocktail party problem [12, 6]), ana logous to the
treatment of Molgedey and Schuster [149]. Interesting proj ections of mul-
tidimensional ycan for example be found by projection pursuit techniques
[54, 95, 100, 195].
2.3 Maximum A Posteriori Approximation
In most applications the (usually very high or even formally infinite dimen-
sional)h–integral over model states in Eq. (23) cannot be performed e xactly.
The two most common methods used to calculate the hintegral approxi-
mately are Monte Carlo integration [142, 84, 88, 184, 14, 65, 185, 18, 203,
221, 64, 157, 167, 158] and saddle point approximation [14, 40, 27, 159, 15,
232, 187, 64, 71, 123]. The latter approach will be studied in the following.
For that purpose, we expand Ecombwith respect to haround some h∗
Ecomb(h) =e(∆h,∇)E(h)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
=Ecomb(h∗) + (∆h,∇(h∗)) +1
2(∆h,H(h∗)∆h) +···
with ∆h= (h−h∗), gradient ∇(not acting on ∆ h), Hessian H, and round
brackets ( ···,···) denoting scalar products. In case p(y|x,h) is parameterized
independently for every x,ythe stateshrepresent a parameter set indexed
byxandy, hence
∇(h∗) =δEcomb(h)
h=h∗, (68)
H(h∗) =δ2Ecomb(h)
h=h∗, (69)
are functional derivatives [90, 98, 26, 32] (or partial deri vatives for discrete
x,y) and for example
(∆h,∇(h∗)) =/integraldisplay
dxdy (h(x,y)−h∗(x,y))∇(h∗)(x,y). (70)
Choosingh∗to be the location of a local minimum of Ecomp(h) the linear
term in (67) vanishes. The second order term includes the Hes sian and
corresponds to a Gaussian integral over hwhich could be solved analytically
2, (71)
25for ad–dimensional h–integral. However, using the same approximation for
theh–integrals in numerator and denominator of Eq. (23), expand ing then
alsop(y|x,h) aroundh∗, and restricting to the first ( h–independent) term
p(y|x,h∗) of that expansion, the factor (71) cancels, even for infinit ed. (The
result is the zero order term of an expansion of the predictiv e density in
powers of 1/β. Higher order contributions can be calculated by using Wick ’s
theorem [40, 27, 159, 232, 101, 150, 123].) The final approxim ative result for
the predictive density is very simple and intuitive
p(y|x,f)≈p(y|x,h∗), (72)
h∗= argminh∈HEcomb= argmaxh∈Hp(h|f)= argmaxh∈Hp(yD|xD,h)p(h|D0).
The saddle point (or Laplace) approximation is therefore al so called Maxi-
mum A Posteriori Approximation (MAP). Notice that this can equivalently
be seen as a saddle point approximation for the evidence of th e datayD
p(yD|xD,D0) =/integraldisplay
dhp(yD|xD,h)p(h|D0). (74)
This equivalence is due to the assumption that p(y|x,h) is slowly varying at
the stationary point and has not to be included in the saddle p oint approx-
imation for the predictive density. For (functional) differ entiableEcombEq.
(73) yields the stationarity equation,
δh(x,y)= 0. (75)
The functional Ecombincluding training and prior data (regularization, sta-
bilizer) terms is also known as (regularized) error functional forh.
In practice a saddle point approximation may be expected use ful if the
posterior is peaked enough around a single maximum, or more g eneral, if the
posterior is well approximated by a Gaussian centered at the maximum. For
asymptotical results one would have to require
iE(yi|xi,h) =−1
iL(yi|xi,h), (76)
to become β–independent for β→ ∞ withβbeing the same for the prior
and data term. (See for example [36, 225]). If for example1
26converges for large number nof training data the low temperature limit
1/β→0 can be interpreted as large data limit n→ ∞,
iL(yi|xi,h) +1
. (77)
Notice, however, the factor 1 /nin front of the prior energy. For Gaussian
p(y|x,h) temperature 1 /βcorresponds to variance σ2
. (78)
For Gaussian prior this would require simultaneous scaling of data and prior
We should also remark that for continuous x,ythe stationary solution h∗
needs not to be a typical representative of the process p(h|f). A common
example is a Gaussian stochastic process p(h|f) with prior energy E(h|D0) re-
lated to some smoothness measure of hexpressed by derivatives of p(y|x,h).
Then, even if the stationary h∗is smooth, this needs not to be the case
for a typical hsampled according to p(h|f). For Brownian motion, for in-
stance, a typical sample path is not even differentiable (but continuous) while
the (stationary) mean path is smooth. Thus, for continuous v ariables only
expressions like/integraltextdhe−βE(h)can be given an exact meaning as a Gaussian
measure, defined by a given covariance with existing normali zation factor,
but not the expressions dhandE(h) alone [46, 60, 212, 102, 78, 135].
Interestingly, the stationary h∗yielding maximal posterior p(h|f) is not
only useful to obtain an approximation for the predictive de nsityp(y|x,f)
but is also the optimal solution a∗for a Bayesian decision problem with
log–loss and a∈A=H:
Theorem: For a Bayesian decision problem with log–loss (47)
argmina∈Hr(a,h) =h, (79)
and analogously,
argmina∈Fr(a,f) =f. (80)
Proof: Jensen’s inequality states that
dyp(y)q(y)), (81)
27for any convex function gand probability p(y)≥0 with/integraltextdyp(y) = 1. Thus,
because the logarithm is concave
dyp(y|x,h) lnp(y|x,a)
p(y|x,h)≥ −ln/integraldisplay
p(y|x,h)= 0 (82)
⇒ −/integraldisplay
dyp(y|x,h) lnp(y|x,a)≥ −/integraldisplay
dyp(y|x,h) lnp(y|x,h), (83)
with equality for a=h. Hence
r(a,h) = −/integraldisplay
dyp(x)p(y|x,h) (b1(x) lnp(y|x,a) +b2(x,y)) (84)
dyp(y|x,h) lnp(y|x,a) + const.(85)
≥ −/integraldisplay
dyp(y|x,h) lnp(y|x,h) + const.(86)
=r(h,h), (87)
with equality for a=h. Fora∈Freplaceh∈Hbyf∈F. q.e.d.
2.4 Normalization, positivity, and specific priors
Density estimation problems are characterized by their nor malization and
positivity condition for p(y|x,h). Thus, the prior density p(h|D0) can only
be non–zero for such hfor whichp(y|x,h) is positive and normalized over
yfor allx. (Similarly, when solving for a distribution function, i.e ., the
integral of a density, the positivity constraint is replace d by monotonicity
and the normalization constraint by requiring the distribu tion function to
be 1 on the right boundary.) While the positivity constraint is local with
respect toxandy, the normalization constraint is nonlocal with respect to
y. Thus, implementing a normalization constraint leads to no nlocal and in
general non–Gaussian priors.
For classification problems, having discrete yvalues (classes), the nor-
malization constraint requires simply to sum over the differ ent classes and
a Gaussian prior structure with respect to the x–dependency is not altered
[219]. For general density estimation problems, however, i .e., for continu-
ousy, the loss of the Gaussian structure with respect to yis more severe,
because non–Gaussian functional integrals can in general n ot be performed
analytically. On the other hand, solving the learning probl em numerically
28by discretizing the yandxvariables, the normalization term is typically not
a severe complication.
To be specific, consider a Maximum A Posteriori Approximatio n, mini-
iL(yi|xi,h) +βE(h|D0), (88)
where the likelihood free energy F(YD|xD,h) is included, but not the prior
free energy F(H|D0) which, being h–independent, is irrelevant for minimiza-
tion with respect to h. The prior energy βE(h|D0) has to implement the
positivity and normalization conditions
ZX(x,h) =/integraldisplay
dyip(yi|xi,h) = 1,∀xi∈Xi,∀h∈H (89)
It is useful to isolate the normalization condition and posi tivity constraint
defining the class of density estimation problems from the re st of the problem
specific priors. Introducing the specific prior information ˜D0so thatD0=
{˜D0,normalized,positive }, we have
p(h|˜D0,norm.,pos.) =p(norm.,pos.|h)p(h|˜D0)
p(norm.,pos.|˜D0), (91)
with deterministic, ˜D0–independent
p(norm.,pos.|h) =p(norm.,pos.|h,˜D0) (92)
=p(norm.|h)p(pos.|h) =δ(ZX−1)/productdisplay
, (93)
and step function Θ. ( The density p(norm.|h) is normalized over all pos-
sible normalizations of p(y|x,h), i.e., over all possible values of ZX, and
p(pos.|h) over all possible sign combinations.) The h–independent denomi-
natorp(norm.,pos.|˜D0) can be skipped for error minimization with respect
toh. We define the specific prior as
p(h|˜D0)∝e−E(h|˜D0). (94)
In Eq. (94) the specific prior appears as posterior of a h–generating pro-
cess determined by the parameters ˜D0. We will call therefore Eq. (94) the
29posterior form of the specific prior. Alternatively, a specific prior can als o be
inlikelihood form
p(˜D0,h|norm.,pos.) =p(˜D0|h)p(h|norm.,pos.). (95)
As the likelihood p(˜D0|h) is conditioned on hthis means that the normal-
izationZ=/integraltextd˜D0e−E(˜D0|h)remains in general h–dependent and must be in-
cluded when minimizing with respect to h. However, Gaussian specific priors
withh–independent covariances have the special property that ac cording to
Eq. (71) likelihood and posterior interpretation coincide . Indeed, represent-
ing Gaussian specific prior data ˜D0by a mean function t˜D0and covariance
K−1(analogous to standard training data in the case of Gaussian regression,
see also Section 3.5) one finds due to the fact that the normali zation of a
Gaussian is independent of the mean (for uniform (meta) prio rp(h))
p(h|˜D0) =e−1
=p(t˜D0|h,K) =e−1
2(h−t,K(h−t)). (97)
Thus, for Gaussian p(t˜D0|h,K) withh–independent normalization the specific
prior energy in likelihood form becomes analogous to Eq. (94 )
p(t˜D0|h,K)∝e−E(t˜D0|h,K), (98)
and specific prior energies can be interpreted both ways.
Similarly, the complete likelihood factorizes
p(˜D0,norm.,pos.|h) =p(norm.,pos.|h)p(˜D0|h). (99)
According to Eq. (93) positivity and normalization conditi ons are im-
plemented by step and δ–functions. The positivity constraint is only active
when there are locations with p(y|x,h) = 0. In all other cases the gradient
has no component pointing into forbidden regions. Due to the combined
effect of data, where p(y|x,h) has to be larger than zero by definition, and
smoothness terms the positivity condition for p(y|x,h) is usually (but not
always) fulfilled. Hence, if strict positivity is checked fo r the final solution
then it is not necessary to include extra positivity terms in the error (see
30Section 3.2.1). For the sake of simplicity we will therefore not include posi-
tivity terms explicitly in the following. In case a positivi ty constraint has to
be included this can be done using Lagrange multipliers, or a lternatively, by
writing the step functions in p(pos.|h)∝/producttext
Θ(x−a) =/integraldisplay∞
−∞dηeiη(ξ−x), (100)
and solving the ξ–integral in saddle point approximation (See for example
[57, 58, 59]).
Including the normalization condition in the prior p0(h|D0) in form of a
δ–functional results in a posterior probability
with constant ˜ c(H|˜D0) =−ln˜Z(h|˜D0) related to the normalization of the
specific prior e−E(h|˜D0). Writing the δ–functional in its Fourier representation
δ(x) =1
−i∞dke−kx, (102)
dyeL(y|x,h)−1) =1
dyeL(y|x,h)), (103)
and performing a saddle point approximation with respect to ΛX(x) (which
is exact in this case) yields
P(h|f) =e/summationtext
dyeL(y|x,h)). (104)
This is equivalent to the Lagrange multiplier approach. Her e the stationary
ΛX(x) is the Lagrange multiplier vector (or function) to be deter mined by
the normalization conditions for p(y|x,h) =eL(y|x,h). Besides the Lagrange
multiplier terms it is numerically sometimes useful to add a dditional terms
to the log–posterior which vanish for normalized p(y|x,h).
2.5 Empirical risk minimization
In the previous sections the error functionals we will try to minimize in the
following have been given a Bayesian interpretation in term s of the log–
posterior density. There is, however, an alternative justi fication of error
31functionals using the Frequentist approach of empirical risk minimization
[208, 209, 210].
Common to both approaches is the aim to minimize the expected risk for
r(a,f) =/integraldisplay
dxdyp (x,y|f(D,D0))l(x,y,a ). (105)
The expected risk, however, cannot be calculated without kn owledge of the
truep(x,y|f). In contrast to the Bayesian approach of modeling p(x,y|f)
the Frequentist approach approximates the expected risk by theempirical
E(a) = ˆr(a,f) =/summationdisplay
il(xi,yi,a), (106)
i.e., by replacing the unknown true probability by an observ able empirical
probability. Here it is essential for obtaining asymptotic convergence results
to assume that training data are sampled according to the tru ep(x,y|f) [208,
47, 179, 119, 210]. Notice that in contrast in a Bayesian appr oach the density
p(xi) for training data Ddoes according to Eq. (16) not enter the formalism
becauseDenters as conditional variable. For more detailed discussi on of
the relation of quadratic error functionals with Gaussian p rocesses see for
example [168, 170, 171, 104, 105, 141, 212, 135].
From that Frequentist point of view one is not restricted to l ogarithmic
data terms as they arise from the posterior–related Bayesia n interpretation.
However, like in the Bayesian approach, training data terms are not enough to
make the minimization problem well defined. Indeed this is a t ypical inverse
problem [208, 107, 210] which can, according to the classica l regularization
approach [204, 205, 152], be treated by including additiona lregularization
(stabilizer) terms in the loss function l. Those regularization terms, which
correspond to the prior terms in a Bayesian approach, are thu s from the
point of view of empirical risk minimization a technical too l to make the
minimization problem well defined.
Theempirical generalization error for a test or validation data set inde-
pendent from the training data D, on the other hand, is measured using only
the data terms of the error functional without regularizati on terms. In empir-
ical risk minimization this empirical generalization erro r is used, for example,
to determine adaptive (hyper–)parameters of regularizati on terms. A typi-
cal example is a factor multiplying the regularization term s controlling the
trade–off between data and regularization terms. Common tec hniques using
the empirical generalization error to determine such param eters are cross–
32validation orbootstrap like techniques [153, 5, 214, 200, 201, 76, 35, 212, 49].
From a strict Bayesian point of view those parameters would h ave to be
integrated out after defining an appropriate prior [14, 138, 140, 21].
2.6 Interpretations of Occam’s razor
The principle to prefer simple models over complex models an d to find an op-
timal trade–off between data and complexity is often referre d to as Occam’s
razor (William of Occam, 1285–1349). Regularization terms , penalizing for
example non–smooth (“complex”) functions, can be seen as an implementa-
tion of Occam’s razor.
The related phenomena appearing in practical learning is ca lled over–
fitting [208, 89, 21]. Indeed, when studying the generalizat ion behavior of
trained models on a test set different from the training set, i t is often found
that there is a optimal model complexity. Complex models can due to their
higher flexibility achieve better performance on the traini ng data than sim-
pler models. On a test set independent from the training set, however, they
can perform poorer than simpler models.
Notice, however, that the Bayesian interpretation of regul arization terms
as (a priori ) information about Nature and the Frequentist interpretat ion
as additional cost terms in the loss function are notequivalent. Complexity
priors reflects the case where Nature is known to be simple whi le complex-
ity costs express the wish for simple models without the assu mption of a
simple Nature. Thus, while the practical procedure of minim izing an error
functional with regularization terms appears to be identic al for empirical risk
minimization and a Bayesian Maximum A Posteriori Approxima tion, the un-
derlying interpretation for this procedure is different. In particular, because
the Theorem in Section 2.3 holds only for log–loss, the case o f loss functions
differing from log–loss requires from a Bayesian point of vie w to distinguish
explicitly between model states hand actions a. Even in saddle point ap-
proximation, this would result in a two step procedure, wher e in a first step
the hypothesis h∗, with maximal posterior probability is determined, while
the second step minimizes the risk for action a∈Aunder that hypothesis
332.7A priori information and a posteriori control
Learning is based on data, which includes training data as we ll asa pri-
oridata. It is prior knowledge which, besides specifying the sp ace of local
hypothesis, enables generalization by providing the neces sary link between
measured training data and not yet measured or non–training data. The
strength of this connection may be quantified by the mutual in formation of
training and non–training data, as we did in Section 2.1.5.
Often, the role of a priori information seems to be underestimated. There
are theorems, for example, proving that asymptotically lea rning results be-
come independent of a priori information if the number of training data goes
to infinity. This, however,is correct only if the space of hyp otheseshis al-
ready sufficiently restricted and if a priori information means knowledge in
addition to that restriction.
In particular, let us assume that the number of potential tes t situations
x, is larger than the number of training data one is able to coll ect. As the
number of actual training data has to be finite, this is always the case if
xcan take an infinite number of values, for example if xis a continuous
variable. The following arguments, however, are not restri cted to situations
were one considers an infinite number of test situation, we ju st assume that
their number is too large to be completely included in the tra ining data.
If there are xvalues for which no training data are available, then learn-
ing for such xmust refer to the mutual information of such test data and
the available training data. Otherwise, training would be u seless for these
test situations. This also means, that the generalization t o non–training
situations can be arbitrarily modified by varying a priori information.
To make this point very clear, consider the rather trivial si tuation of
learning a deterministic function h(x) for axvariable which can take only
two values x1andx2, from which only one can be measured. Thus, hav-
ing measured for example h(x1) = 5 then “learning” h(x2) is not possible
without linking it to h(x1). Such prior knowledge may have the form of a
“smoothness” constraint, say |h(x1)−h(x2)| ≤2 which would allow a learning
algorithm to “generalize” from the training data and obtain 3≤h(x2)≤7.
Obviously, arbitrary results can be obtained for h(x2) by changing the prior
knowledge. This exemplifies that generalization can be cons idered as a mere
reformulation of available information, i.e., of training data and prior knowl-
edge. Except for such a rearrangement of knowledge, a learni ng algorithm
does not add any new information to the problem. (For a discus sion of the
34related “no–free-lunch” theorems see [223, 224].)
Being extremely simple, this example nevertheless shows a s evere prob-
lem. If the result of learning can be arbitrary modified by a priori informa-
tion, then it is critical which prior knowledge is implement ed in the learning
algorithm. This means, that prior knowledge needs an empiri cal foundation,
just like standard training data have to be measured empiric ally. Otherwise,
the result of learning cannot expected to be of any use.
Indeed, the problem of appropriate a priori information is just the old
induction problem, i.e., the problem of learning general la ws from a finite
number of observations, as already been discussed by the anc ient Greek
philosophers. Clearly, this is not a purely academic proble m, but is ex-
tremely important for every system which depends on a succes sful control
of its environment. Modern applications of learning algori thms, like speech
recognition or image understanding, rely essentially on co rrecta priori in-
formation. This holds especially for situations where only few training data
are available, for example, because sampling is very costly .
Empirical measurement of a priori information, however, seems to be
impossible. The reason is that we must link every possible te st situation to
the training data. We are not able to do this in practice if, as we assumed, the
number of potential test situations is larger than the numbe r of measurements
one is able to perform.
Take as example again a deterministic learning problem like the one dis-
cussed above. Then measuring a priori information might for example be
done by measuring (e.g., bounds on) all differences h(x1)−h(xi). Thus,
even if we take the deterministic structure of the problem fo r granted, the
number of such differences is equal to the number of potential non–training
situationsxiwe included in our model. Thus, measuring a priori information
does not require fewer measurements than measuring directl y all potential
non–training data. We are interested in situations where th is is impossible.
Going to a probabilistic setting the problem remains the sam e. For exam-
ple, even if we assume Gaussian hypotheses with fixed varianc e, measuring
a complete mean function h(x), say for continuous x, is clearly impossible
in practice. The same holds thus for a Gaussian process prior onh. Even
this very specific prior requires the determination of a cova riance and a mean
function (see Chapter 3).
As in general empirical measurement of a priori information seems to be
impossible, one might thus just try to guess some prior. One m ay think, for
example, of some “natural” priors. Indeed, the term “ a priori ” goes back
35to Kant [103] who assumed certain knowledge to be necessaril y be given “ a
priori” without reference to empirical verification. This means th at we are
either only able to produce correct prior assumptions, for e xample because
incorrect prior assumptions are “unthinkable”, or that one must typically
be lucky to implement the right a priori information. But looking at the
huge number of different prior assumptions which are usually possible (or
“thinkable”), there seems no reason why one should be lucky. The question
thus remains, how can prior assumptions get empirically ver ified.
Also, one can ask whether there are “natural” priors in pract ical learning
tasks. In Gaussian regression one might maybe consider a “na tural” prior
to be a Gaussian process with constant mean function and smoo thness–
related covariance. This may leave a single regularization parameter to be
determined for example by cross–validation. Formally, one can always even
use a zero mean function for the prior process by subtracting a base line
or reference function. Thus does, however, not solve the pro blem of finding
a correct prior, as now that reference function has to be know n to relate
the results of learning to empirical measurements. In princ ipleanyfunction
could be chosen as reference function. Such a reference func tion would for
example enter a smoothness prior. Hence, there is no “natura l” constant
function and from an abstract point of view no prior is more “n atural” than
any other.
Formulating a general law refers implicitly (and sometimes explcitly) to
a “ceteris paribus” condition, i.e., the constraint that al l relevent variables,
not explicitly mentioned in the law, are held constant. But a gain, verifying
a “ceteris paribus” condition is part of an empirical measur ement of a priori
information and by no means trivial.
Trying to be cautious and use only weak or “uninformative” pr iors does
also not solve the principal problem. One may hope that such p riors (which
may be for example an improper constant prior for a one–dimen sional real
variable) do not introduce a completely wrong bias, so that t he result of
learning is essentially determined by the training data. Bu t, besides the
problem to define what exactly an uninformative prior has to b e, such priors
are in practice only useful if the set of possible hypothesis is already suffi-
ciently restricted, so “the data can speak for themselves” [ 64]. Hence, the
problem remains to find that priors which impose the necessar y restrictions,
so that uninformative priors can be used.
Hence, as measuring a priori information seems impossible and finding
correct a priori information by pure luck seems very unlikely, it looks like a lso
36successful learning is impossible. It is a simple fact, howe ver, that learning
can be successful. That means there must be a way to control a priori
information empirically.
Indeed, the problem of measuring a priori information may be artificial,
arising from the introduction of a large number of potential test situations
and correspondingly a large number of hidden variables h(representing what
we call “Nature”) which are not all observable.
In practice, the number of actual test situations is also always finite, just
like the number of training data has to be. This means, that no tallpoten-
tial test data but only the actual test data must be linked to t he training
data. Thus, in practice it is only a finite number of relations which must
be under control to allow successful generalization. (See a lso Vapnik’s dis-
tinction between induction and transduction problems. [21 0]: In induction
problems one tries to infer a whole function, in transductio n problems one is
only interested in predictions for a few specific test situat ions.)
This, however, opens a possibility to control a priori information em-
pirically. Because we do not know which test situation will o ccur, such an
empirical control cannot take place at the time of training. This means a
priori information has to be implemented at the time of measuring th e test
data. In other words, a priori information has to be implemented by the
measurement process [123, 126].
Again, a simple example may clarify this point. Consider the prior in-
formation, that a function his bounded, i.e., a≤h(x)≤b,∀x. A direct
measurement of this prior assumption is practically not pos sible, as it would
require to check every value h(x). An implementation within the measure-
ment process is however trivial. One just has to use a measure ment device
which is only able to to produce output in the range between aandb. This
is a very realistic assumption and valid for all real measure ment devices.
Values smaller than aand larger than bhave to be filtered out or actively
projected into that range. In case we nevertheless find a valu e out of that
range we either have to adjust the bounds or we exchange the “m alfunction-
ing” measurement device with a proper one. Note, that this ra nge filter is
only needed at the finite number of actual measurements. That means, a
priori information can be implemented by a posteriori control at the time of
A realistic measurement device does not only produce bounde d output
but shows also always input noise orinput averaging . A device with input
noise has noise in the xvariable. That means if one intends to measure at
3720 40 60 80 1000.
20 40 60 80 1000.
Figure 4: The l.h.s. shows a bounded random function which do es not allow
generalization from training to non–training data. Using a measurement
device with input averaging (r.h.s.) or input noise the func tion becomes
xithe device measures instead at xi+∆ with ∆ being a random variable. A
typical example is translational noise, with ∆ being a, poss ibly multidimen-
sional, Gaussian random variable with mean zero. Similarly , a device with
input averaging returns a weighted average of results for di fferentxvalues
instead of a sharp result. Bounded devices with translation al input noise, for
example, will always measure smooth functions [120, 20, 123 ]. (See Fig. 4.)
This may be an explanation for the success of smoothness prio rs.
The last example shows, that to obtain adequate a priori information
it can be helpful in practice to analyze the measurement proc ess for which
learning is intended. The term “measurement process” does h ere not only
refer to a specific device, e.g., a box on the table, but to the c ollection of all
processes which lead to a measurement result.
We may remark that measuring a measurement process is as diffic ult or
impossible as a direct measurement of a priori information. What has to
be ensured is the validity of the necessary restrictions dur ing a finite num-
ber of actual measurements. This is nothing else than the imp lementation
of a probabilistic rule producing ygiven the test situation and the training
data. In other words, what has to be implemented is the predic tive density
p(y|x,D). This predictive density indeed only depends on the actual test
situation and the finite number of training data. (Still, the probability den-
sity for a real ycannot strictly be empirically verified or controlled. We ma y
take it here, for example, as an approximate statement about frequencies.)
This shows the tautological character of learning, where me asuring a priori
information means controling directly the corresponding p redictive density.
38Thea posteriori interpretation of a priori information can be related to
a constructivistic point of view. The main idea of construct ivism can be
characterized by a sentence of Vico (1710): Verum ipsum factum — the
truth is the same as the made [211]. (For an introduction to co nstructivism
see [216] and references therein, for constructive mathema tics see [22].)
3 Gaussian prior factors
3.1 Gaussian prior factor for log–probabilities
3.1.1 Lagrange multipliers: Error functional EL
In this chapter we look at density estimation problems with G aussian prior
factors. We begin with a discussion of functional priors whi ch are Gaussian in
probabilities or in log–probabilities, and continue with g eneral Gaussian prior
factors. Two section are devoted to the discussion of covari ances and means
of Gaussian prior factors, as their adequate choice is essen tial for practical
applications. After exploring some relations of Bayesian fi eld theory and
empirical risk minimization, the last three sections intro duce the specific
likelihood models of regression, classification, inverse q uantum theory.
We begin a discussion of Gaussian prior factors in L. As Gaussian prior
factors correspond to quadratic error (or energy) terms, co nsider an error
functional with a quadratic regularizer in L
(L,KL) =||L||2
writing for the sake of simplicity from now on L(x,y) for the log–probability
L(y|x,h) = lnp(y|x,h). The operator Kis assumed symmetric and positive
semi–definite and positive definite on some subspace. (We wil l understand
positive semi–definite to include symmetry in the following .) For positive
(semi) definite Kthe scalar product defines a (semi) norm by
(L,KL), (108)
and a corresponding distance by ||L−L′||K. The quadratic error term (107)
corresponds to a Gaussian factor of the prior density which h ave been called
the specific prior p(h|˜D0) =p(L|˜D0) forL. In particular, we will consider
39here the posterior density
where prefactors like βare understood to be included in K. The constant
˜creferring to the specific prior is determined by the determin ant of Kac-
cording to Eq. (71). Notice however that not only the likelih ood/summationtext
also the complete prior is usually notGaussian due to the presence of the
normalization conditions. (An exception is Gaussian regre ssion, see Section
3.7.) The posterior (109) corresponds to an error functiona l
EL=βEcomb=−(L,N) +1
2(L,KL) + (eL−δ(y),ΛX), (110)
withlikelihood vector (or function)
L(x,y) =L(y|x,h), (111)
data vector (function)
N(x,y) =n/summationdisplay
iδ(x−xi)δ(y−yi), (112)
Lagrange multiplier vector (function)
ΛX(x,y) = ΛX(x), (113)
probability vector (function)
eL(x,y) =eL(x,y)=P(x,y) =p(y|x,h), (114)
δ(y)(x,y) =δ(y). (115)
According to Eq. (112) N/n=Pempis anempirical density function for the
joint probability p(x,y|h).
We end this subsection by defining some notations. While func tions
of vectors (functions) and matrices (operators), like eL, will be understood
element-wise, only multiplication is interpreted as matri x product. Element-
wise multiplication is written with the help of diagonal mat rices. For that
40purpose we denote diagonal matrices corresponding to vecto rs by bold letters.
For instance, the matrices (operators)
I(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′), (116)
L(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)L(x,y), (117)
P(x,y;x′,y′) =eL(x,y;x′,y′) (118)
=δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)P(x,y), (119)
N(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)N(x,y), (120)
ΛX(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)ΛX(x), (121)
correspond to the vectors or functions,
I(x,y) = 1, (122)
L=LI, P =PI, eL=eLI, N =NI,ΛX=ΛXI. (123)
Being diagonal all these matrices commute with each other. Element-wise
multiplication can now be expressed as
(KL)(x′,y′,x,y) =/integraldisplay
=K(x′,y′,x,y)L(x,y). (124)
In general this is not equal to L(x′,y′)K(x′,y′,x,y). In contrast, the matrix
product KLwith vector L
(KL)(x′,y′) =/integraldisplay
dxdyK(x′,y′,x,y)L(x,y), (125)
does not depend on x,yanymore, while the tensor product or outer product,
(K⊗L)(x′′,y′′,x,y,x′,y′) =K(x′′,y′′,x′,y′)L(x,y), (126)
depends on additional x′′,y′′.
Taking the variational derivative of (109) with respect to L(x,y) using
δL(x,y)=δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′) (127)
41and setting the gradient equal to zero yields the stationari ty equation
0 =N−KL−eLΛX. (128)
Alternatively, we can write eLΛX=ΛXeL=PΛX.
The Lagrange multiplier function Λ Xis determined by the normalization
ZX(x) =/integraldisplay
dyeL(x,y)= 1,∀x∈X, (129)
which can also be written
ZX=IXP=IXeL=IorZX=I, (130)
in terms of normalization vector,
ZX(x,y) =ZX(x), (131)
normalization matrix,
ZX(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)ZX(x), (132)
and identity on X,
IX(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′). (133)
Multiplication of a vector with IXcorresponds to y–integration. Being a
non–diagonal matrix IXdoes in general not commute with diagonal matrices
likeLorP. Note also that despite IXeL=IXeLI=II=Iin general IXP
=IXeL∝ne}ationslash=I=ZX. According to the fact that IXandΛXcommute, i.e.,
IXΛX=ΛXIX⇔[ΛX,IX] = 0, (134)
and the same holds for the diagonal matrices
[ΛX,eL] = [ΛX,P] = 0, (135)
it follows from the normalization condition IXP=Ithat
0 = (I−IXeL)ΛX= (I−IXP)ΛX. (137)
42For ΛX(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 Eqs.(136,137) are equivalent to the normalization (129) . If
there exist directions at the stationary point L∗in which the normalization of
Pchanges, i.e., the normalization constraint is active, a Λ X(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 restricts
the gradient to the normalized subspace (Kuhn–Tucker condi tions [52, 17, 92,
178]). This will clearly be the case for the unrestricted var iations ofp(y,x)
which we are considering here. Combining Λ X=IXPΛXfor ΛX(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 with
the stationarity equation (128) the Lagrange multiplier fu nction is obtained
ΛX=IX(N−KL) =NX−(IXKL). (138)
Here we introduced the vector
NX=IXN, (139)
with components
NX(x,y) =NX(x) =/summationdisplay
iδ(x−xi) =nx, (140)
giving the number of data available for x. Thus, Eq. (138) reads in compo-
ΛX(x) =/summationdisplay
dy′′dx′dy′K(x,y′′;x′,y′)L(x′,y′). (141)
Inserting now this equation for Λ Xinto the stationarity equation (128) yields
0 =N−KL−eL(NX−IXKL) =/parenleftig
(N−KL). (142)
Eq. (142) possesses, besides normalized solutions we are lo oking for, also
possibly unnormalized solutions fulfilling N=KLfor which Eq. (138) yields
ΛX= 0. That happens because we used Eq. (136) which is also fulfil led
for ΛX(x) = 0. Such a Λ X(x) = 0 does not play the role of a Lagrange
multiplier. For parameterizations of Lwhere the normalization constraint is
not necessarily active at a stationary point Λ X(x) = 0 can be possible for a
normalized solution L∗. In that case normalization has to be checked.
It is instructive to define
TL=N−ΛXeL, (143)
so the stationarity equation (128) acquires the form
KL=TL, (144)
43which reads in components
dx′dy′K(x,y;x′,y′)L(x′,y′) =/summationdisplay
which is in general a non–linear equation because TLdepends on L. For
existing (and not too ill–conditioned) K−1the form (144) suggest however
an iterative solution of the stationarity equation accordi ng to
Li+1=K−1TL(Li), (146)
for discretized L, starting from an initial guess L0. Here the Lagrange multi-
plier ΛXhas to be adapted so it fulfills condition (138) at the end of it eration.
Iteration procedures will be discussed in detail in Section 7.
3.1.2 Normalization by parameterization: Error functiona lEg
Referring to the discussion in Section 2.3 we show that Eq. (1 42) can alter-
natively be obtained by ensuring normalization, instead of using Lagrange
multipliers, explicitly by the parameterization
L(x,y) =g(x,y)−ln/integraldisplay
dy′eg(x,y′), L=g−lnZX, (147)
and considering the functional
N, g−lnZX/parenrightig
. (148)
The stationary equation for g(x,y) obtained by setting the functional deriva-
tiveδEg/δgto zero yields again Eq. (142). We check this, using
eLIX/parenrightigT, (149)
δgdenotes a matrix, and the superscriptTthe transpose of a matrix.
We also note that despite IX=IT
IXeL∝ne}ationslash=eLIX= (IXeL)T, (151)
44is not symmetric because eLdepends on yand does not commute with the
non–diagonal IX. Hence, we obtain the stationarity equation of functional
Egwritten in terms of L(g) again Eq. (142)
0 =−/parenleftiggδL
(N−KL). (152)
HereGL=N−KL=−δEg/δLis theL–gradient of −Eg. Referring to the
discussion following Eq. (142) we note, however, that solvi ng forginstead
forLno unnormalized solutions fulfilling N=KLare possible.
In case lnZXis in the zero space of Kthe functional Egcorresponds to
a Gaussian prior in galone. Alternatively, we may also directly consider a
Gaussian prior in g
N, g−lnZX/parenrightig
, (153)
with stationarity equation
0 =N−Kg−eLNX. (154)
Notice, that expressing the density estimation problem in t erms ofg, nonlo-
cal normalization terms have not disappeared but are part of the likelihood
term. As it is typical for density estimation problems, the s olutiongcan be
calculated in X–data space, i.e., in the space defined by the xiof the training
data. This still allows to use a Gaussian prior structure wit h respect to the
x–dependency which is especially useful for classification p roblems [219].
3.1.3 The Hessians H L, Hg
The Hessian HLof−ELis defined as the matrix or operator of second deriva-
HL(L)(x,y;x′y′) =δ2(−EL)
L. (155)
For functional (110) and fixed Λ Xwe find the Hessian by taking the derivative
of the gradient in (128) with respect to Lagain. This gives
HL(L)(x,y;x′y′) =−K(x,y;x′y′)−δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)ΛX(x)eL(x,y)(156)
HL=−K−ΛXeL. (157)
45The addition of the diagonal matrix ΛXeL=eLΛXcan result in a negative
definite Heven if Khas zero modes. like in the case where Kis a differential
operator with periodic boundary conditions. Note, however , that ΛXeLis
diagonal and therefore symmetric, but not necessarily posi tive definite, be-
cause ΛX(x) can be negative for some x. Depending on the sign of Λ X(x)
the normalization condition ZX(x) = 1 for that xcan be replaced by the
inequalityZX(x)≤1 orZX(x)≥1. Including the L–dependence of Λ Xand
δg(x,y)=δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)eL(x,y)−δ(x−x′)eL(x,y)eL(x′,y′), (158)
eL=eL−eLIXeL, (159)
we find, written in terms of L,
Hg(L)(x,y;x′,y′) =δ2(−Eg)
dy′′K(x′,y′′;x,y) +eL(x,y)/integraldisplay
The last term, diagonal in X, has dyadic structure in Y, and therefore for
fixedxat most one non–zero eigenvalue. In matrix notation the Hess ian
=−(I−PIX) [K(I−IXP) +ΛXP], (161)
46the second line written in terms of the probability matrix. T he expression
is symmetric under x↔x′,y↔y′, as it must be for a Hessian and as can
be verified using the symmetry of K=KTand the fact that ΛXandIX
commute, i.e., [ ΛX,IX] = 0. Because functional Egis invariant under a
shift transformation, g(x,y)→g′(x,y) +c(x), the Hessian has a space of
zero modes with the dimension of X. Indeed, any y–independent function
(which can have finite L1–norm only in finite Y–spaces) is a left eigenvector
with eigenvalue zero. The zero mode can be removed by pro-
jecting out the zero modes and using where necessary instead of the inverse
a pseudo inverse of H, for example obtained by singular value decomposi-
tion, or by including additional conditions on glike for example boundary
3.2 Gaussian prior factor for probabilities
3.2.1 Lagrange multipliers: Error functional EP
We writeP(x,y) =p(y|x,h) for the probability of yconditioned on xand
h. We consider now a regularizing term which is quadratic in Pinstead of
L. This corresponds to a factor within the posterior probabil ity (the specific
prior) which is Gaussian with respect to P.
or written in terms of L= lnPfor comparison,
Hence, the error functional is
EP=βEcomb=−(lnP,N) +1
2(P,KP) + (P−δ(y),ΛX). (164)
In particular, the choice K=λ
2I, i.e.,
2(P, P) =λ
2||P||2, (165)
can be interpreted as a smoothness prior with respect to the d istribution
function of P(see Section 3.3).
47In functional (164) we have only implemented the normalizat ion condition
forPby a Lagrange multiplier and not the positivity constraint. This is
sufficient if P(x,y)>0 (i.e.,P(x,y) not equal zero) at the stationary point
because then P(x,y)>0 holds also in some neighborhood and there are no
components of the gradient pointing into regions with negat ive probabilities.
In that case the positivity constraint is not active at the st ationarity point. A
typical smoothness constraint, for example, together with positive probability
at data points result in positive probabilities everywhere where not set to
zero explicitly by boundary conditions. If, however, the st ationary point
has locations with P(x,y) = 0 at non–boundary points, then the component
of the gradient pointing in the region with negative probabi lities has to be
projected out by introducing Lagrange parameters for each P(x,y). This
may happen, for example, if the regularizer rewards oscilla tory behavior.
The stationarity equation for EPis
0 =P−1N−KP−ΛX, (166)
with the diagonal matrix P(x′,y′;x,y) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)P(x,y), or multi-
plied by P
0 =N−PKP−PΛX. (167)
Probabilities P(x,y) are unequal zero at observed data points ( xi,yi) so
P−1Nis well defined.
Combining the normalization condition Eq. (136) for Λ X(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 with Eq.
(166) or (167) the Lagrange multiplier function Λ Xis found as
IXPKP(x,y) =/integraldisplay
Eliminating Λ Xin Eq. (166) by using Eq. (168) gives finally
0 = (I−IXP)(P−1N−KP), (169)
or for Eq. (167)
0 = (I−PIX)(N−PKP). (170)
For similar reasons as has been discussed for Eq. (142) unnor malized solutions
fulfillingN−PKPare possible. Defining
TP=P−1N−ΛX=P−1N−NX−IXPKP, (171)
48the stationarity equation can be written analogously to Eq. (144) as
KP=TP, (172)
withTP=TP(P), suggesting for existing K−1an iteration
Pi+1=K−1TP(Pi), (173)
starting from some initial guess P0.
3.2.2 Normalization by parameterization: Error functiona lEz
Again, normalization can also be ensured by parameterizati on ofPand solv-
ing for unnormalized probabilities z, i.e.,
P(x,y) =z(x,y)/integraltextdyz(x,y), P =z
ZX. (174)
The corresponding functional reads
. (175)
We have
δz=z−1= (ZXP)−1,δlnZX
with diagonal matrix zbuilt analogous to PandZX, and
X(I−PIX). (178)
The diagonal matrices [ ZX,P] = 0 commute, as well as [ ZX,IX] = 0, but
[P,IX]∝ne}ationslash= 0. Setting the gradient to zero and using
(I−PIX)T= (I−IXP), (179)
we find
0 =−/parenleftiggδP
X(GP−ΛX) = (GP−ΛX)Z−1
X, (180)
withP–gradientGP=P−1N−KP=−δEz/δPof−EzandGPthe cor-
responding diagonal matrix. Multiplied by ZXthis gives the stationarity
equation (172).
3.2.3 The Hessians H P, Hz
We now calculate the Hessian of the functional −EP. For fixed Λ Xone finds
the Hessian by differentiating again the gradient (166) of −EP
HP(P)(x,y;x′y′) =−K(x′y′;x,y)−δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)/summationdisplay
HP=−K−P−2N. (182)
Here the diagonal matrix P−2Nis non–zero only at data points.
Including the dependence of Λ XonPone obtains for the Hessian of −Ez
in (175) by calculating the derivative of the gradient in (18 0)
Hz(x,y;x′,y′) =−1
p(x,y′′)K(x,y′′;x′,y′) +K(x,y;x′,y′′)p(x′,y′′)/parenrightig
K(x,y;x′′,y′′)p(x′′,y′′) +p(x′′,y′′)K(x′′,y′′;x′,y′)/parenrightig
+ 2δ(x−x′)/integraldisplay
X, (184)
X. (185)
Here we used [ ΛX,IX] = 0. It follows from the normalization/integraltextdyp(x,y) =
1 that any y–independent function is right eigenvector of ( I−IXP) with
zero eigenvalue. Because Λ X=IXPGPthis factor or its transpose is also
contained in the second line of Eq. (184), which means that Hzhas a zero
mode. Indeed, functional Ezis invariant under multiplication of zwith a
y–independent factor. The zero modes can be projected out or r emoved by
including additional conditions, e.g. by fixing one value of zfor everyx.
3.3 General Gaussian prior factors
3.3.1 The general case
In the previous sections we studied priors consisting of a fa ctor (the specific
prior) which was Gaussian with respect to PorL= lnPand additional
normalization (and positivity) conditions. In this sectio n we consider the
situation where the probability p(y|x,h) is expressed in terms of a function
φ(x,y). That means, we assume a, possibly non–linear, operator P=P(φ)
which maps the function φto a probability. We can then formulate a learning
problem in terms of the function φ, meaning that φnow represents the hidden
variables or unknown state of Nature h.2Consider the case of a specific prior
which is Gaussian in φ, i.e., which has a log–probability quadratic in φ
2(φ,Kφ). (186)
This means we are lead to error functionals of the form
Eφ=−( lnP(φ), N) +1
2(φ,Kφ) + (P(φ),ΛX), (187)
2Besides φalso the hyperparameters discussed in Chapter 5 belong to th e hidden
variables h.
51where we have skipped the φ–independent part of the Λ X–terms. In general
cases also the positivity constraint has to be implemented.
To express the functional derivative of functional (187) wi th respect to
φwe define besides the diagonal matrix P=P(φ) the Jacobian, i.e., the
matrix of derivatives P′=P′(φ) with matrix elements
P′(x,y;x′,y′;φ) =δP(x′,y′;φ)
δφ(x,y). (188)
The matrix P′is diagonal for point–wise transformations, i.e., for P(x,y;φ) =
P(φ(x,y) ). In such cases we use P′to denote the vector of diagonal elements
ofP′. An example is the previously discussed transformation L= lnPfor
whichP′=P. The stationarity equation for functional (187) becomes
0 =P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−Kφ−P′(φ)ΛX, (189)
and for existing PP′−1=(P′P−1)−1(for nonexisting inverse see Section 4.1),
0 =N−PP′−1Kφ−PΛX. (190)
From Eq. (190) the Lagrange multiplier function can be found by integration,
using the normalization condition IXP=I, in the form IXPΛX= ΛXfor
ΛX(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0. Thus, multiplying Eq. (190) by IXyields
=NX−IXPP′−1Kφ. (191)
ΛXis now eliminated by inserting Eq. (191) into Eq. (190)
0 = (I−PIX)/parenleftig
. (192)
A simple iteration procedure, provided K−1exists, is suggested by writing
Eq. (189) in the form
Kφ=Tφ, φi+1=K−1Tφ(φi), (193)
Tφ(φ) =P′P−1N−P′ΛX. (194)
Table 2 lists constraints to be implemented explicitly for s ome choices of
52φ P(φ) constraints
P(x,y)P=P norm positivity
z(x,y)P=z//integraltextzdy — positivity
L(x,y) = lnPP=eLnorm —
g(x,y)P=eg//integraltextegdy — —
Φ =/integraltextydy′PP=dΦ/dy boundary monotony
Table 2: Constraints for specific choices of φ
3.3.2 Example: Square root of P
We already discussed the cases φ= lnPwithP′=P=eL,P/P′= 1 and
φ=PwithP′= 1,P/P′=P. The choice φ=√
Pyields the common
L2–normalization condition over y
1 =/integraldisplay
dyφ2(x,y),∀x∈X, (195)
which is quadratic in φ, andP=φ2,P′= 2φ,P/P′=φ/2. For real φthe
positivity condition P≥0 is automatically satisfied [77, 195].
Pand a negative Laplacian inverse covariance K=−∆, one
can relate the corresponding Gaussian prior to the Fisher information [34,
195, 191]. Consider, for example, a problem with fixed x(soxcan be skipped
from the natotion and one can write P(y)) and ady–dimensional y. Then
one has, assuming the necessary differentiability conditio ns and vanishing
boundary terms,
(φ,Kφ) =−(φ,∆φ) =/integraldisplay
k(0), (197)
k(0) is the Fisher information, defined as
k(y0) =/integraldisplay
k), (198)
for the family P(· −y0) with location parameter vector y0.
A connection to quantum mechanics can be found considering t he training
data free case
2(φ,Kφ) + (ΛX, φ), (199)
has the homogeneous stationarity equation
Kφ=−2ΦΛX. (200)
Forx–independent Λ Xthis is an eigenvalue equation. Examples include
the quantum mechanical Schr¨ odinger equation where Kcorresponds to the
system Hamiltonian and
(φ, φ), (201)
to its ground state energy. In quantum mechanics Eq. (201) is the basis
for variational methods (see Section 4) to obtain approxima te solutions for
ground state energies [50, 183, 24].
Similarly, one can take φ=/radicalig
−(L−Lmax) forLbounded from above by
Lmaxwith the normalization
1 =/integraldisplay
dye−φ2(x,y)+Lmax,∀x∈X, (202)
3.3.3 Example: Distribution functions
Instead in terms of the probability density function, one ca n formulate the
prior in terms of its integral, the distribution function. T he densityPis then
recovered from the distribution function φby differentiation,
P(φ) =dy/productdisplay
kφ.=R−1φ, (203)
54resulting in a non–diagonal P′. The inverse of the derivative operator R−1
is the integration operator R=/circlemultiplytextdy
kRkPwith matrix elements
R(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)θ(y−y′), (204)
Rk(x,y;x′,y′) =δ(x−x′)/productdisplay
k). (205)
Thus, (203) corresponds to the transformation of ( x–conditioned) density
functionsPin (x–conditioned) distribution functions φ=RP, i.e.,φ(x,y) =/integraltexty
−∞P(x,y′)dy′. Because RTKRis (semi)–positive definite if Kis, a specific
prior which is Gaussian in the distribution function φis also Gaussian in the
P′(x,y;x′,y′) =δ/parenleftig/producttextdy
Here the derivative of the δ–function is defined by formal partial integration
−∞dy′f(y′)δ′(y−y′) =f(y′)δ(y′−y)|∞
−∞−f′(y). (207)
Fixingφ(x,−∞) = 0 the variational derivative δ/(δφ(x,−∞)) is not needed.
The normalization condition for Pbecomes for the distribution function φ=
RPthe boundary condition φ(x,∞) = 1, ∀x∈X. The positivity condition
forPcorresponds to the monotonicity condition φ(x,y)≥φ(x,y′),∀y≥y′,
∀x∈Xand toφ(x,−∞)≥0,∀x∈X.
3.4 Covariances and invariances
3.4.1 Approximate invariance
Prior terms can often be related to the assumption of approxi mate invariances
or approximate symmetries. A Laplacian smoothness functio nal, for exam-
ple, measures the deviation from translational symmetry un der infinitesimal
Consider for example a linear mapping
φ→˜φ=Sφ, (208)
55given by the operator S. To compare φwith˜φwe define a (semi–)distance
defined by choosing a positive (semi–)definite KS, and use as error measure
. (209)
K= (I−S)TKS(I−S) (210)
is positive semi–definite if KSis. Conversely, every positive semi–definite K
can be written K=WTWand is thus of form (210) with S=I−Wand
KS=I. Including terms of the form of (210) in the error functional forcesφ
to be similar to ˜φ.
A special case are mappings leaving the norm invariant
(φ, φ) = (Sφ,Sφ) = (φ,STSφ). (211)
For realφand˜φi.e., (Sφ) = (Sφ)∗, this requires ST=S−1andS∗=S.
Thus, in that case Shas to be an orthogonal matrix ∈O(N) and can be
S(θ) =eA=e/summationtext
, (212)
with antisymmetric A=−ATand real parameters θi. Selecting a set of
(generators) Aithe matrices obtained be varying the parameters θiform a
Lie group. Up to first order the expansion of the exponential f unction reads
S≈1 +/summationtext
iθiAi. Thus, we can define an error measure with respect to an
infinitesimal symmetry by
i/parenleftiggφ−(1 +θiAi)φ
θi,KSφ−(1 +θiAi)φ
3.4.2 Approximate symmetries
Next we come to the special case of symmetries, i.e., invaria nce under un-
der coordinate transformations. Symmetry transformation sSchange the
arguments of a function φ. For example for the translation of a function
φ(x)→˜φ(x) =Sφ(x) =φ(x−c). Therefore it is useful to see how Sacts
on the arguments of a function. Denoting the (possibly impro per) eigen-
vectors of the coordinate operator xwith eigenvalue xby (·, x) =|x), i.e.,
56x|x) =x|x), function values can be expressed as scalar products, e.g. φ(x)
= (x, φ) for a function in x, or, in two variables, φ(x,y) = (x⊗y, φ). (Note
that in this ‘eigenvalue’ notation, frequently used by phys icists, for example
2|x)∝ne}ationslash=|2x).) Thus, we see that the action of Son some function h(x) is
equivalent to the action of ST( =S−1if orthogonal) on |x)
Sφ(x) = (x,Sφ) = (STx,φ), (214)
or forφ(x,y)
Sφ(x,y) =/parenleftig
ST(x⊗y), φ/parenrightig
. (215)
Assuming S=SxSywe may also split the action of S,
Sφ(x,y) =/parenleftig
. (216)
An example from physics are vector fields where xandφ(·,y) form three
dimensional vectors with yrepresenting a linear combination of component
labels ofφ.
Notice that S|x) does, for a general operator S, not have to be an eigen-
vector of the coordinate operator xagain. Coordinate transformations, how-
ever, are represented by operators S, which map coordinate eigenvectors |x)
to other coordinate eigenvectors |σ(x)) (and not to arbitrary vectors being
linear combinations of |x)). Hence, such coordinate transformations Sjust
changes the argument xof a function φintoσ(x), i.e.,
Sφ(x) =φ(σ(x)), (217)
withσ(x) a permutation or a one–to–one coordinate transformation. Thus,
even for an arbitrary nonlinear coordinate transformation σthe correspond-
ing operator Sin the space of φis linear. (This is one of the reasons why
linear functional analysis is so useful.)
A special case are linear coordinate transformations for wh ich we can
writeφ(x)→˜φ(x) =Sφ(x) =φ(Sx), withS(in contrast to S) acting in the
space ofx. An example of such Sare coordinate rotations which preserve
the norm in x–space, analogously to Eq. (211) for φ, and form a Lie group
S(θ) =e/summationtext
iθiAiacting on coordinates, analogously to Eq. (212).
3.4.3 Example: Infinitesimal translations
A Laplacian smoothness prior, for example, can be related to an approxi-
mate symmetry under infinitesimal translations. Consider t he group of d–
dimensional translations which is generated by the gradien t operator ∇. This
57can be verified by recalling the multidimensional Taylor for mula for expan-
sion ofφatx
S(θ)φ(x) =e/summationtext
iθi∇iφ(x) =∞/summationdisplay
k!φ(x) =φ(x+θ). (218)
Up to first order S≈1 +/summationtext
iθi∆i. Hence, for infinitesimal translations, the
error measure of Eq. (213) becomes
i/parenleftiggφ−(1 +θi∆i)φ
θi,φ−(1 +θi∆i)φ
assuming vanishing boundary terms and choosing KS=I. This is the clas-
sical Laplacian smoothness term.
3.4.4 Example: Approximate periodicity
As another example, lets us discuss the implementation of ap proximate pe-
riodicity. To measure the deviation from exact periodicity let us define the
difference operators
θφ(x) =φ(x)−φ(x+θ), (220)
θφ(x) =φ(x−θ)−φ(x). (221)
For periodic boundary conditions ( ∇L
θ, where ( ∇L
θ)Tdenotes the
transpose of ∇L
θ. Hence, the operator,
θ, (222)
defined similarly to the Laplacian, is positive definite, and a possible error
term, enforcing approximate periodicity with period θ, is
2(∇R(θ)φ,∇R(θ)φ) =−1
2(φ,∆θφ) =1
As every periodic function with φ(x) =φ(x+θ) is in the null space of ∆ θ
typically another error term has to be added to get a unique so lution of the
stationarity equation. Choosing, for example, a Laplacian smoothness term,
2(φ,(∆ +λ∆θ)φ). (224)
58In caseθis not known, it can be treated as hyperparameter as discusse d in
Section 5.
Alternatively to an implementation by choosing a semi–posi tive definite
operator Kwith symmetric functions in its null space, approximate sym me-
tries can be implemented by giving explicitly a symmetric re ference function
t(x). For example,1
2(φ−t,K(φ−t) ) witht(x) =t(x+θ). This possibility
will be discussed in the next section.
3.5 Non–zero means
A prior energy term (1 /2)(φ,Kφ) measures the squared K–distance of φto
the zero function t≡0. Choosing a zero mean function for the prior process
is calculationally convenient for Gaussian priors, but by n o means mandatory.
In particular, a function φis in practice often measured relative to some non–
trivial base line. Without further a priori information that base line can in
principle be an arbitrary function. Choosing a zero mean fun ction that base
line does not enter the formulae and remains hidden in the rea lization of the
measurement process. On the the other hand, including expli citly a non–
zero mean function t, playing the role of a function template (or reference,
target, prototype, base line) and being technically relati vely straightforward,
can be a very powerful tool. It allows, for example, to parame terizet(θ) by
introducing hyperparameters (see Section 5) and to specify explicitly different
maxima of multimodal functional priors (see Section 6. [123 , 124, 125, 126,
127]) All this cannot be done by referring to a single baselin e.
Hence, in this section we consider error terms of the form
. (225)
Mean or template functions tallow an easy and straightforward implementa-
tion of prior information in form of examples for φ. They are the continuous
analogue of standard training data. The fact that template f unctionstare
most times chosen equal to zero, and thus do not appear explic itly in the
error functional, should not obscure the fact that they are o f key importance
for any generalization. There are many situations where it c an be very valu-
able to include non–zero prior means explicitly. Template f unctions for φcan
for example result from learning done in the past for the same or for similar
tasks. In particular, consider for example ˜φ(x) to be the output of an empiri-
cal learning system (neural net, decision tree, nearest nei ghbor methods, ...)
59being the result of learning the same or a similar task. Such a ˜φ(x) would be
a natural candidate for a template function t(x). Thus, we see that template
functions could be used for example to allow transfer of knowledge between
similar tasks or to include the results of earlier learning on the same task in
case the original data are lost but the output of another lear ning system is
still available.
Including non–zero template functions generalizes functi onalEφof Eq.
(187) to
Eφ=−(lnP(φ), N) +1
+ (P(φ),ΛX) (226)
=−(lnP(φ), N) +1
2(φ,Kφ)−(J, φ)+(P(φ),ΛX)+const.(227)
In the language of physics J=Ktrepresents an external field coupling to
φ(x,y), similar, for example, to a magnetic field. A non–zero field l eads to a
non–zero expectation of φin the no–data case. The φ–independent constant
stands for the term1
2(t,Kt), or1
2(J,K−1J) for invertible K, and can be
skipped from the error/energy functional Eφ.
The stationarity equation for an Eφwith non–zero template tcontains
an inhomogeneous term Kt=J
0 =P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−P′(φ)ΛX−K(φ−t), (228)
with, for invertible PP′−1and ΛX∝ne}ationslash= 0,
. (229)
Notice that functional (226) can be rewritten as a functiona l with zero tem-
platet≡0 in terms of/tildewideφ=φ−t. That is the reason why we have not included
non–zero templates in the previous sections. For general no n–additive com-
binations of squared distances of the form (225) non–zero te mplates cannot
be removed from the functional as we will see in Section 6. Add itive combi-
nations of squared error terms, on the other hand, can again b e written as
one squared error term, using a generalized ‘bias–variance ’–decomposition
+Emin (230)
withtemplate average
j=1Kjtj, (231)
60assuming the existence of the inverse of the operator
j=1Kj. (232)
andminimal energy/error
2V(t1,···tN) =1
j=1(tj,Kjtj)−(t,Kt), (233)
which up to a factor N/2 represents a generalized template variance V. We
end with the remark that adding error terms corresponds in it s probabilistic
Bayesian interpretation to ANDing independent events. For example, if we
wish to implement that φis likely to be smooth AND mirror symmetric, we
may add two squared error terms, one related to smoothness an d another to
mirror symmetry. According to (230) the result will be a sing le squared error
term of form (225).
Summarizing, we have seen that there are many potentially us eful ap-
plications of non–zero template functions. Technically, h owever, non–zero
template functions can be removed from the formalism by a sim ple substitu-
tionφ′=φ−tif the error functional consists of an additive combination of
quadratic prior terms. As most regularized error functiona ls used in practice
have additive prior terms this is probably the reason that th ey are formulated
fort≡0, meaning that non–zero templates functions (base lines) h ave to be
treated by including a preprocessing step switching from φtoφ′. We will see
in Section 6 that for general error functionals templates ca nnot be removed
by a simple substitution and do enter the error functionals e xplicitly.
3.6 Quadratic density estimation and empirical risk
Interpreting an energy or error functional Eprobabilistically, i.e., assuming
−βE+cto be the logarithm of a posterior probability under study, t he
form of the training data term has to be −/summationtext
ilnPi. Technically, however, it
would be easier to replace that data term by one which is quadr atic in the
probability Pof interest.
Indeed, we have mentioned in Section 2.5 that such functiona ls can be
justified within the framework of empirical risk minimizati on. From that
61Frequentist point of view an error functional E(P), is not derived from a
log–posterior, but represents an empirical risk ˆ r(P,f) =/summationtext
il(xi,yi,P), ap-
proximating an expected risk r(P,f) for action a=P. This is possible
under the assumption that training data are sampled accordi ng to the true
p(x,y|f). In that interpretation one is therefore not restricted to a log–loss
for training data but may as well choose for training data a qu adratic loss
, (234)
choosing a reference density Pemp and a real symmetric positive (semi–)/-
definite KD.
Approximating a joint probability p(x,y|h) the reference density Pemp
would have to be the joint empirical density
emp(x,y) =1
iδ(x−xi)δ(y−yi), (235)
emp=N/n, as obtained from the training data. Approximating con-
ditional probabilities p(y|x,h) the reference Pemphas to be chosen as condi-
tional empirical density,
Pemp(x,y) =/summationtext
nx, (236)
or, defining the diagonal matrix NX(x,x′,y,y′) =δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)NX(x) =
XN. (237)
This, however, is only a valid expression if NX(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0, meaning that for all
xat least one measured value has to be available. For xvariables with a
large number of possible values, this cannot be assumed. For continuous x
variables it is even impossible.
Hence, approximating conditional empirical densities eit her non–data x–
values must be excluded from the integration in (234) by usin g an operator
KDcontaining the projector/summationtext
x′∈xDδ(x−x′), orPempmust be defined also for
such non–data x–values. For existing VX=IX1 =/integraltextdy1, a possible extension
˜PempofPempwould be to assume a uniform density for non–data xvalues,
˜Pemp(x,y) =
iδ(x−xi)∝ne}ationslash= 0,
iδ(x−xi) = 0.(238)
This introduces a bias towards uniform probabilities, but h as the advantage
to give a empirical density for all xand to fulfill the conditional normalization
Instead of a quadratic term in P, one might consider a quadratic term in
the log–probability L. The log–probability, however, is minus infinity at all
non–data points ( x,y)∝ne}ationslash∈D. To work with a finite expression, one can choose
smallǫ(y) and approximate Pempby
emp(x,y) =ǫ(y) +/summationtext
iδ(x−xi)δ(y−yi)/integraltextdyǫ(y) +/summationtext
iδ(x−xi), (239)
provided/integraltextdyǫ(y) exists. For ǫ(y)∝ne}ationslash= 0 alsoPǫ
emp(x,y)∝ne}ationslash= 0,∀xandLǫ
A quadratic data term in Presults in an error functional
2(P,KP) + (P,ΛX), (240)
skipping the constant part of the Λ X–terms. In (240) the empirical density
Pempmay be replaced by ˜Pempof (238).
Positive (semi–)definite operators KDhave a square root and can be
written in the form RTR. One possibility, skipping for the sake of simplicity
xin the following, is to choose as square root Rthe integration operator, i.e.,
kRkandR(y,y′) =θ(y−y′). Thus,φ=RPtransforms the density
functionPin the distribution function φ, and we have P=P(φ) =R−1φ.
Here the inverse R−1is the differentiation operator/producttext
k∇yk(with appropriate
boundary condition) and/parenleftig
k∆kis the product of one–
dimensional Laplacians ∆ k=∂2/∂y2
k. Adding for example a regularizing
term (165)λ
2(P, P) gives
2(P, P) (241)
φ−φemp, φ−φemp/parenrightig
−(φ,φemp) +1
2(φemp, φemp). (243)
withm2=λ−1. Here the empirical distribution function φemp=RPempis
given byφemp(y) =1
iθ(y−yi) (or, including the xvariable,φemp(x,y) =
x′∈xDδ(x−x′)θ(y−yi) forNX(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 which could be extended to a
linear ˜φ=R˜PempforNX(x) = 0). The stationarity equation yields
φemp. (244)
Fordy= 1 (orφ=/producttext
kφ) the operator becomes ( −∆ +m2I)−1which has the
structure of a free massive propagator for a scalar field with massm2and
is calculated below. As already mentioned the normalizatio n and positivity
condition for Pappear forφas boundary and monotonicity conditions. For
non–constant Pthe monotonicity condition has not to be implemented by
Lagrange multipliers as the gradient at the stationary poin t has no compo-
nents pointing into the forbidden area. (But the conditions nevertheless have
to be checked.) Kernel methods of density estimation, like t he use of Parzen
windows, can be founded on such quadratic regularization fu nctionals [208].
Indeed, the one–dimensional Eq. (244) is equivalent to the u se of Parzens
kernel in density estimation [169, 156].
3.7 Regression
3.7.1 Gaussian regression
An important special case of density estimation leading to q uadratic data
terms is regression for independent training data with Gaus sian likelihoods
p(yi|xi,h) =1√
2σ2, (245)
with fixed, but possibly xi–dependent, variance σ2. In that case P(x,y) =
p(yi|xi,h) is specified by φ=hand the logarithmic term/summationtext
quadratic in the regression function h(xi), i.e., of the form (225). In an inter-
pretation as empirical risk minimization quadratic error t erms corresponds
to the choice of a squared error loss function l(x,y,a ) = (y−a(x))2for ac-
tiona(x). Similarly, the technical analogon of Bayesian priors are additional
(regularizing) cost terms.
64We have remarked in Section 2.3 that for continuous xmeasurement of
h(x) has to be understood as measurement of a h(˜x) =/integraltextdxϑ(x)h(x) for
sharply peaked ϑ(x). We assume here that the discretization of hused in
numerical calculations takes care of that averaging. Diver gent quantities like
δ–functionals, used here for convenience, will then not be pr esent.
We now combine Gaussian data terms and a Gaussian (specific) p rior
with prior operator K0(x,x′) and define for training data xi,yithe operator
Ki(x,x′) =δ(x−xi)δ(x−x′), (246)
and training data templates t=yi. We also allow a general prior template
t0but remark that it is often chosen identically zero. Accordi ng to (230) the
resulting functional can be written in the following forms, useful for different
2(h−t0,K0(h−t0) )X (247)
i=1(h−ti,Ki(h−ti) )X+1
2(h−t0,K0(h−t0) )X(248)
2(h−t,K(h−t) )X+Emin, (250)
i=1Ki, tD=K−1
i=1Kiti, (251)
i=0Ki, t=K−1n/summationdisplay
i=0Kiti, (252)
andh–independent minimal errors,
i=1(ti,Kiti)X+ (tD,KDtD)X/parenrightigg
, (253)
i=0(ti,Kiti)X+ (t,Kt)X/parenrightigg
, (254)
being proportional to the “generalized variances” VD= 2ED
2Emin/(n+ 1). The scalar product ( ·,·)Xstands forx–integration only, for
65the sake of simplicity however, we will skip the subscript Xin the following.
The data operator KD
KD(x,x′) =n/summationdisplay
i=1δ(x−xi)δ(x−x′) =nxδ(x−x′), (255)
contains for discrete xon its diagonal the number of measurements at x,
nx=NX(x) =n/summationdisplay
i=1δ(x−xi), (256)
which is zero for xnot in the training data. As already mentioned for con-
tinuousxa integration around a neighborhood of xiis required. K−1
Dis a
short hand notation for the inverse within the space of train ing data
D= (IDKDID)−1=δ(x−x′)/nx, (257)
IDdenoting the projector into the space of training data
i=1δ(x−xi). (258)
Notice that the sum is not over all ntraining points xibut only over the
˜n≤ndifferentxi. (Again for continuous xan integration around xiis
required to ensure I2
D=ID). Hence, the data template tDbecomes the mean
ofy–values measured at x
tD(x) =1
xj=xy(xj), (259)
andtD(x) = 0 fornx= 0. Normalization of P(x,y) is not influenced by a
change inh(x) so the Lagrange multiplier terms have been skipped.
The stationarity equation is most easily obtained from (250 ),
0 =K(h−t). (260)
It is linear and has on a space where K−1exists the unique solution
h=t. (261)
66We remark that Kcan be invertible (and usually is so the learning problem
is well defined) even if K0is not invertible. The inverse K−1, necessary to
calculatet, is training data dependent and represents the covariance o pera-
tor/matrix of a Gaussian posterior process. In many practic al cases, however,
the prior covariance K−1
0(or in case of a null space a pseudo inverse of K0)
is directly given or can be calculated. Then an inversion of a finite dimen-
sional matrix in data space is sufficient to find the minimum of t he energy
Eh[212, 71].
Invertible K 0: Let us assume first deal with the case of an invertible
K0. It is the best to begin the stationarity equation as obtaine d from (248)
or (249)
0 =n/summationdisplay
i=1Ki(h−ti) +K0(h−t0) (262)
=KD(h−tD) +K0(h−t0). (263)
For existing K−1
0KD(tD−h), (264)
one can introduce
a=KD(tD−h), (265)
to obtain
0a. (266)
Inserting Eq. (266) into Eq. (265) one finds an equation for a
a=KD(tD−t0). (267)
Multiplying Eq. (267) from the left by the projector IDand using
KDID=IDKD, a=IDa, tD=IDtD, (268)
one obtains an equation in data space
a=KD(tD−t0,D), (269)
0,DD= (K−1
0ID∝ne}ationslash= (K0,DD)−1, t0,D=IDt0. (270)
a=CDDb, (271)
0,DD/parenrightig−1, (272)
b=KD(tD−t0). (273)
In components Eq. (271) reads,
a(xl) =nxk(tD(xk)−t0(xk)). (274)
Having calculated athe solution his given by Eq. (266)
0,DD/parenrightig−1(tD−t0). (275)
Eq. (275) can also be obtained directly from Eq. (261) and the definitions
(252), without introducing the auxiliary variable a, using the decomposition
K0t0=−KDt0+ (K0+KD)t0and
0CDDis also known as equivalent kernel due to its relation to kern el
smoothing techniques [194, 87, 83, 71].
Interestingly, Eq. (266) still holds for non–quadratic dat a terms of the
formgD(h) with any differentiable function fulfilling g(h) =g(hD), wherehD
=IDhis the restriction of hto data space. Hence, also the function of func-
tional derivatives with respect to h(x) is restricted to data space, i.e., g′(hD)
D(hD) withg′
D=IDg′andg′(h,x) =δg(h)/δh(x). For example, g(h) =/summationtextn
i=1V(h(xi)−yi) withVa differentiable function. The finite dimensional
vectorais then found by solving a nonlinear equation instead of a lin ear one
[68, 70].
Furthermore, one can study vector fields, i.e., the case wher e, besides
possiblyx, alsoy, and thus h(x), is a vector for given x. (Considering the
variable indicating the vector components of yas part of the x–variable, this
68is a situation where a fixed number of one–dimensional y, corresponding to a
subspace of Xwith fixed dimension, is always measured simultaneously.) I n
that case the diagonal Kiof Eq. (246) can be replaced by a version with non–
zero off–diagonal elements Kα,α′between the vector components αofy. This
corresponds to a multi–dimensional Gaussian data generati ng probability
p(yi|xi,h) =detKi1
α,α′(yi,α−hα(xi))Ki,α,α′(xi)(yi,α′−hα′(xi)), (278)
fork–dimensional vector yiwith components yi,α.
Non-invertible K 0: For non–invertible K0one can solve for husing
the Moore–Penrose inverse K#
0. Let us first recall some basic facts [53, 151,
13, 112]. A pseudo inverse of (a possibly non–square) Ais defined by the
A#AA#=A,AA#A=A#, (279)
and becomes for real Athe unique Moore–Penrose inverse A#if
(AA#)T=AA#,(A#A)T=A#A. (280)
A linear equation
Ax=b (281)
is solvable if
AA#b=b. (282)
In that case the solution is
x=A#b+x0=A#b+y−A#Ay, (283)
wherex0=y−A#Ayis solution of the homogeneous equation Ax0= 0 and
vectoryis arbitrary. Hence, x0can be expanded in an orthonormalized basis
ψlof the null space of A
lclψl. (284)
For an Awhich can be diagonalized, i.e., A=M−1DMwith diagonal D,
the Moore–Penrose inverse is A#=M−1D#M. Therefore
AA#=A#A=I1=I−I0. (285)
lis the projector into the zero space of AandI1=I−I0
=M−1DD#M. Thus, the solvability condition Eq. (282) becomes
I0b= 0, (286)
or in terms of ψl
(ψl, b) = 0,∀l, (287)
meaning that the inhomogeneity bmust have no components within the zero
space of A.
Now we apply this to Eq. (263) where K0is diagonalizable because pos-
itive semi definite. (In this case Mis an orthogonal matrix and the entries
ofDare real and larger or equal to zero.) Hence, one obtains unde r the
I0(K0t0+KD(tD−h)) = 0, (288)
for Eq. (283)
0(K0t0+KD(tD−h)) +h0, (289)
whereK0h0= 0 so that h0=/summationtext
lclψlcan be expanded in an orthonormalized
basisψlof the null space of K0, assumed here to be of finite dimension. To
find an equation in data space define the vector
a=KD(tD−h), (290)
to get from Eqs.(288) and (289)
0 = (ψl,K0t0) + (ψl, a),∀l (291)
0(K0t0+a) +/summationdisplay
lclψl. (292)
These equations have to be solved for aand the coefficients cl. Inserting Eq.
(292) into the definition (290) gives
lclψl, (293)
0K0=I1according to Eq. (285). Using a=IDathe solvability
condition (288) becomes
i=1ψl(xi)a=−(ψl,K0t0),∀l, (294)
70the sum going over different xionly. Eq. (293) for aandclreads in data
space, similar to Eq. (269),
a=˜C˜b, (295)
where ˜C−1=I+KDK#
0has been assumed invertible and ˜bis given by the
right hand side of Eq. (293). Inserting into Eq. (292) the sol ution finally can
be written
lclψl. (296)
Again, general non–quadratic data terms g(hD) can be allowed. In that
caseδg(hD)/δh(x) =g′(hD,x) = (IDg′)(hD,x) and Eq. (290) becomes the
nonlinear equation
a=g′(hD) =g′/parenleftig
0(K0t0+KD(tD−h)) +h0/parenrightig/parenrightig
. (297)
The solution(s) aof that equation have then to be inserted in Eq. (292).
3.7.2 Exact predictive density
For Gaussian regression the predictive density under train ing dataDand
priorD0can be found analytically without resorting to a saddle poin t ap-
proximation. The predictive density is defined as the h-integral
p(y|x,D,D 0) =/integraldisplay
dhp(y|x,h)p(h|D,D 0)
p(yD|xD,D0). (298)
Denoting training data values yibytisampled with covariance Kiconcen-
trated onxiand analogously test data values y=yn+1bytn+1sampled with
(co–)variance Kn+1, we have for 1 ≤i≤n+ 1
p(yi|xi,h) = det( Ki/2π)1
, (299)
p(h|D0) = det( K0/2π)1
, (300)
p(y|x,D,D 0) =/integraltextdhe−1
i=0ln deti(Ki/2π)
i=0ln deti(Ki/2π).(301)
Here we have this time written explicitly det i(Ki/2π) for a determinant calcu-
lated in that space where Kiis invertible. This is useful because for example
in general det iKidetK0∝ne}ationslash= detiKiK0. Using the generalized ‘bias–variance’–
decomposition (230) yields
p(y|x,D,D 0) =/integraltextdhe−1
i=0ln deti(Ki/2π)
i=0ln deti(Ki/2π),(302)
i=0Ki, (303)
i=0Ki, (304)
, (305)
. (306)
Now theh–integration can be performed
p(y|x,D,D 0) =e−n
i=0ln deti(Ki/2π)−1
2ln det(K+/2π)
Canceling common factors, writing again yfortn+1,KxforKn+1, detxfor
detn+1, and using K+t+=Kt+Kxy, this becomes
p(y|x,D,D 0) =e−1
2ln detx(KxK−1
Here we introduced Ky=KT
+Kxand used that
detK−1K+= det(I−K−1Kx) = detxK−1K+ (309)
72can be calculated in the space of test data x. This follows from K=K+−Kx
and the equality
B 1/parenrightigg
= det(1 −A) (310)
withA=IxK−1Kx,B= (I−Ix)K−1Kx, andIxdenoting the projector into
the space of test data x. Finally
+K= (K−KK−1
+K), (311)
yields the correct normalization of the predictive density
p(y|x,D,D 0) =e−1
2lndetx(Ky/2π), (312)
with mean and covariance
i=0Kiti, (313)
x+IxK−1Ix. (314)
It is useful to express the posterior covariance K−1by the prior covariance
0. According to
1 +A B
0 1/parenrightigg−1
(1 +A)−1−(1 +A)−1B
0 1/parenrightigg
, (315)
0,D¯D, and K−1
0I¯D,I¯D=I−IDwe find
Notice that while K−1
D= (IDKDID)−1in general K−1
(IDK0ID)−1. This means for example that K−1
0has to be known to find
0,DDand it is not enough to invert IDK0ID=K0,DD∝ne}ationslash= (K−1
0,DD)−1. In
data space/parenleftig
D, so Eq. (316) can
be manipulated to give
. (317)
73This allows now to express the predictive mean (313) and cova riance (314)
by the prior covariance
0,DD/parenrightig−1(tD−t0), (318)
0,Dx. (319)
Thus, for given prior covariance K−1
0both, ¯yandK−1
y, can be calculated by
inverting the ˜ nטnmatrix/tildewiderK=/parenleftig
Comparison of Eqs.(318,319) with the maximum posterior sol utionh∗of
Eq. (275) now shows that for Gaussian regression the exact pr edictive density
p(y|x,D,D 0) and its maximum posterior approximation p(y|x,h∗) have the
same mean
dyyp(y|x,D,D 0) =/integraldisplay
dyyp(y|x,h∗). (320)
The variances, however, differ by the term IxK−1Ix.
According to the results of Section 2.2.2 the mean of the pred ictive density
is the optimal choice under squared–error loss (52). For Gau ssian regression,
therefore the optimal regression function a∗(x) is the same for squared–error
loss in exact and in maximum posterior treatment and thus als o for log–loss
(for Gaussian p(y|x,a) with fixed variance)
exact,sq.=h∗=t. (321)
In case the space of possible p(y|x,a) is not restricted to Gaussian densi-
ties with fixed variance, the variance of the optimal density under log–loss
exact,log) =p(y|x,D,D 0) differs by IxK−1Ixfrom its maximum poste-
rior approximation p(y|x,a∗
MPA,log) =p(y|x,h∗).
3.7.3 Gaussian mixture regression (cluster regression)
Generalizing Gaussian regression the likelihoods may be mo deled by a mix-
ture ofmGaussians
p(y|x,h) =/summationtextm
2(y−hk(x))2, (322)
where the normalization factor is found as/summationtext
2. Hence,his here
specified by mixing coefficients p(k) and a vector of regression functions hk(x)
74specifying the x–dependent location of the kth cluster centroid of the mixture
model. A simple prior for hk(x) is a smoothness prior diagonal in the cluster
components. As any density p(y|x,h) can be approximated arbitrarily well
by a mixture with large enough msuch cluster regression models allows to
interpolate between Gaussian regression and more flexible d ensity estimation.
The posterior density becomes for independent data
p(h|D,D 0) =p(h|D0)
2. (323)
Maximizing that posterior is — for fixed x, uniformp(k) andp(h|D0) —
equivalent to the clustering approach of Rose, Gurewitz, an d Fox for squared
distance costs [188].
3.7.4 Support vector machines and regression
Expanding the regression function h(x) in a basis of eigenfunctions Ψ kofK0
k, h(x) =/summationdisplay
knkΨk(x) (324)
yields for functional (247)
kλk|nk|2. (325)
Under the assumption of output noise for training data the da ta terms may
for example be replaced by the logarithm of a mixture of Gauss ians. Such
mixture functions with varying mean can develop flat regions where the error
is insensitive (robust) to changes of h. Analogously, Gaussians with varying
mean can be added to obtain errors which are flat compared to Ga ussians
for large absolute errors. Similarly to such Gaussian mixtu res the mean–
square error data term ( yi−h(xi))2may be replaced by an ǫ–insensitive
error|yi−h(xi)|ǫ, which is zero for absolute errors smaller ǫand linear for
larger absolute errors (see Fig.5). This results in a quadra tic programming
problem and is equivalent to Vapnik’s support vector machin e [209, 69, 210,
198, 199, 44]. For a more detailed discussion of the relation between support
vector machines and Gaussian processes see [213, 192].
75Figure 5: Three robust error functions which are insensitiv e to small errors.
Left: Logarithm of mixture with two Gaussians with equal var iance and
different means. Middle: Logarithm of mixture with 11 Gaussi ans with equal
variance and different means. Right: ǫ–insensitive error.
3.8 Classification
In classification (or pattern recognition) tasks the indepe ndent visible vari-
ableytakes discrete values (group, cluster or pattern labels) [1 4, 56, 21, 42].
We writey=kandp(y|x,h) =Pk(x,h), i.e.,/summationtext
kPk(x,h) = 1. Having re-
ceived classification data D={(xi,ki)|1≤i≤n}the density estimation
error functional for a prior on function φ(with components φkandP=
P(φ)) reads
ilnPki(xi;φ) +1
+ (P(φ),ΛX). (326)
In classification the scalar product corresponds to an integ ral overxand a
summation over k, e.g.,
and (P,ΛX) =/integraltextdxΛX(x)/summationtext
For zero–one loss l(x,k,a ) =δk,a(x)— a typical loss function for classifi-
cation problems — the optimal decision (or Bayes classifier ) is given by the
mode of the predictive density (see Section 2.2.2), i.e.,
a(x) = argmaxkp(k|x,D,D 0). (328)
In saddle point approximation p(k|x,D,D 0)≈p(k|x,φ∗) whereφ∗minimiz-
ingEcl.(φ) can be found by solving the stationarity equation (228).
For the choice φk=Pkpositivity and normalization must be ensured.
Forφ=LwithP=eLpositivity is automatically fulfilled but the Lagrange
multiplier must be included to ensure normalization.
76likelihoodp(y|x,h) problem type
of general form density estimation
discretey classification
Gaussian with fixed variance regression
mixture of Gaussians clustering
quantum mechanical likelihood inverse quantum mechanics
Table 3: Special cases of density estimation
Normalization is guaranteed by using unnormalized probabi litiesφk=
lzl(for which positivity has to be checked) or shifted log–
leLl, i.e.,Pk=egk//summationtext
legl. In that case
the nonlocal normalization terms are part of the likelihood and no Lagrange
multiplier has to be used [219]. The resulting equation can b e solved in the
space defined by the X–data (see Eq. (154)). The restriction of φk=gkto
linear functions φk(x) =wkx+bkyields log–linear models [143]. Recently
a mean field theory for Gaussian Process classification has be en developed
[164, 166].
Table 3 lists some special cases of density estimation. The l ast line of the
table, referring to inverse quantum mechanics, will be disc ussed in the next
3.9 Inverse quantum mechanics
Up to now we have formulated the learning problem in terms of a functionφ
having a simple, e.g., pointwise, relation to P. Nonlocalities in the relation
betweenφandPwas only due to the normalization condition, or, working
with the distribution function, due to an integration. Inverse problems for
quantum mechanical systems provide examples of more complicated, nonlocal
relations between likelihoods p(y|x,h) =p(y|x,φ) and the hidden variables φ
the theory is formulated in. To show the flexibility of Bayesi an Field Theory
we will give in the following a short introduction to its appl ication to inverse
77quantum mechanics. A more detailed discussion of inverse qu antum problems
including numerical applications can be found in [124, 134, 133, 129, 206].
The state of a quantum mechanical systems can be completely d escribed
by giving its density operator ρ. The density operator of a specific system
depends on its preparation and its Hamiltonian, governing t he time evolution
of the system. The inverse problem of quantum mechanics cons ists in the
reconstruction of ρfrom observational data. Typically, one studies systems
with identical preparation but differing Hamiltonians. Con sider for example
Hamiltonians have the form H=T+V, consisting of a kinetic energy part
Tand a potential V. Assuming the kinetic energy to be fixed, the inverse
problem is that of reconstructing the potential Vfrom measurements. A
local potential V(y,y′) =V(y)δ(y−y′) is specified by a function V(y). Thus,
for reconstructing a local potential it is the function V(y) which determines
the likelihood p(y|x,h) =p(y|X,ρ) =p(y|X,V) =P(φ) and it is natural
to formulate the prior in terms of the function φ=V. The possibilities of
implementing prior information for Vare similar to those we discuss in this
paper for general density estimation problems. It is the lik elihood model
where inverse quantum mechanics differs from general densit y estimation.
Measuring quantum systems the variable xcorresponds to an hermitian
operator X. The possible outcome yof measurements are given by the eigen-
values of X, i.e.,
X|y>=y|y>, (329)
where |y>, with dual <y|, denotes the eigenfunction with eigenvalue y. (For
the sake of simplicity we assume nondegenerate eigenvalues , the generaliza-
tion to the degenerate case being straightforward.) Definin g the projector
ΠX,y=|y><y | (330)
the likelihood model of quantum mechanics is given by
p(y|x,ρ) = Tr(Π X,yρ). (331)
In the simplest case, where the system is in a pure state, say t he ground
H|ϕ0>=E0|ϕ0>, (332)
the density operator is
ρ=ρ2=|ϕ0><ϕ 0|, (333)
general pure state |ψ><ψ |
stationary pure state |ϕi(H)><ϕi(H)|
ground state |ϕ0(H)|><ϕ 0(H)|
time–dependent pure state |U(t,t0)ψ(t0)><U(t,t0)ψ(t0)|
scattering limt→∞
general mixture state/summationtext
stationary mixture state/summationtext
canonical ensemble (Tre−βH)−1e−βH
Table 4: The most common examples of density operators for qu antum
systems. In this Table ψdenotes an arbitrary pure state, ϕirepresents an
eigenstate of Hamiltonian H. The unitary time evolution operator for a
time–independent Hamiltonian His given by U=e−i(t−t0)H. In scattering
one imposes typically additional specific boundary conditi ons on the initial
and final states.
and the likelihood (331) becomes
p(y|x,h) =p(y|X,ρ) = Tr( |ϕ0><ϕ 0|y><y |) =|ϕ0(y)|2. (334)
Other common choices for ρare shown in Table 4.
In contrast to ideal measurements on classical systems, qua ntum mea-
surements change the state of the system. Thus, in case one is interested
in repeated measurements for the same ρ, that density operator has to be
prepared before each measurement. For a stationary state at finite tempera-
ture, for example, this can be achieved by waiting until the s ystem is again
in thermal equilibrium.
For a Maximum A Posteriori Approximation the functional der ivative of
the likelihood is needed. Thus, for reconstructing a local p otential we have
79to calculate
δV(y)p(y|X,V). (335)
To be specific, let us assume we measure particle coordinates , meaning we
have chosen Xto be the coordinate operator. For a system prepared to be
in the ground state of the unknown H, we thus have to find,
δV(y)|ϕ0(y)|2. (336)
For that purpose, we take the functional derivative of Eq. (3 32), which yields
(H−E0)|δV(y)ϕ0>= (δV(y)H−δV(y)E0)|ϕ0>. (337)
Projecting from the left by <ϕ0|, using again Eq. (332) and the fact that for
a local potential δV(y)H(y′,y′′) =δ(y−y′)δ(y′−y′′), shows that
δV(y)E0=<ϕ0|δV(y)H|ϕ0>=|ϕ0(y)|2. (338)
Choosing<ϕ0|δV(y)ϕ0>= 0 and inserting a complete basis of eigenfunctions
|ϕj>ofH, we end up with
δV(y)ϕ0(y′) =/summationdisplay
j(y)ϕ0(y). (339)
From this the functional derivative of the quantum mechanic al log–likelihood
(336) corresponding to data point yican be obtained easily,
δV(y)lnp(yi|X,V) = 2Re/parenleftig
. (340)
The MAP equations for inverse quantum mechanics are obtaine d by including
the functional derivatives of a prior terms for V. In particular, for a Gaussian
prior with mean V0and inverse covariance KV, acting in the space of potential
functionsV(y), its negative logarithm, i.e., its prior error functional , reads
2(V−V0,KV(V−V0)) + lnZV, (341)
withZVbeing theV–independent constant normalizing the prior over V.
Collecting likelihood and prior terms, the stationarity eq uation finally be-
0 =/summationdisplay
iδV(y)lnp(yi|X,V) +KV(V−V0). (342)
80The Bayesian approach to inverse quantum problems is quite fl exible and
can be used for many different learning scenarios and quantum systems. By
adapting Eq. (340), it can deal with measurements of differen t observables,
for example, coordinates, momenta, energies, and with othe r density oper-
ators, describing, for example, time–dependent states or s ystems at finite
temperature [134].
The treatment of bound state or scattering problems for quan tum many–
body systems requires additional approximations. Common a re, for example,
mean field methods, for bound state problems [50, 183, 24] as w ell as for
scattering theory [73, 24, 131, 132, 121, 122, 207] Referrin g to such mean
field methods inverse quantum problems can also be treated fo r many–body
systems [133].
4 Parameterizing likelihoods: Variational
4.1 General parameterizations
Approximate solutions of the error minimization problem ar e obtained by
restricting the search (trial) space for h(x,y) =φ(x,y) (orh(x) in regression).
Functionsφwhich are in the considered search space are called trial functions .
Solving a minimization problem in some restricted trial spa ce is also called a
variational approach [90, 98, 26, 32, 24]. Clearly, minimal values obtained by
minimization within a trial space can only be larger or equal than the true
minimal value, and from two variational approximations tha t with smaller
error is the better one.
Alternatively, using parameterized functions φcan also implement the
prior where φis known to have that specific parameterized form. (In cases
whereφis only known to be approximately of a specific parameterized form,
this should ideally be implemented using a prior with a param etrized tem-
plate and the parameters be treated as hyperparameters as in Section 5.)
The following discussion holds for both interpretations.
Any parameterization φ=φ({ξl}) together with a range of allowed values
for the parameter vector ξdefines a possible trial space. Hence we consider
the error functional
Eφ(ξ)=−( lnP(ξ), N) +1
2(φ(ξ),Kφ(ξ) ) + (P(ξ),ΛX), (343)
81forφdepending on parameters ξandp(ξ) =p(φ(ξ) ). In the special case of
Gaussian regression this reads
2(h(ξ)−tD,KDh(ξ)−tD) +1
2(h(ξ),Kh(ξ) ). (344)
Defining the matrix
Φ′(l;x,y) =∂φ(x,y)
the stationarity equation for the functional (343) becomes
0 = Φ′P′P−1N−Φ′Kφ−Φ′P′ΛX. (346)
Similarly, a parameterized functional Eφwith non–zero template tas in (226)
would give
0 = Φ′P′P−1N−Φ′K(φ−t)−Φ′P′ΛX. (347)
To have a convenient notation when solving for Λ Xwe introduce
ξ= Φ′(ξ)P′(φ), (348)
ξ(l;x,y) =∂P(x,y)
δφ(x′,y′), (349)
ξP−1N−Φ′Kφ, (350)
to obtain for Eq. (346)
ξΛX=Gφ(ξ). (351)
For a parameterization ξrestricting the space of possible Pthe matrix P′
not square and cannot be inverted. Thus, let ( P′
ξ)#be the Moore–Penrose
inverse of P′
ξ, i.e.,
ξ= (P′
ξ)#, (352)
and symmetric ( P′
ξ)#. A solution for Λ Xexists if
ξ)#Gφ(ξ)=Gφ(ξ). (353)
In that case the solution can be written
ΛX= (P′
ξVΛ, (354)
82with arbitrary vector VΛand
ξVΛ (355)
from the right null space of P′
ξ, representing a solution of
X= 0. (356)
Inserting for Λ X(x)∝ne}ationslash= 0 Eq. (354) into the normalization condition Λ X=
. (357)
Substituting back in Eq. (346) Λ Xis eliminated yielding as stationarity equa-
0 =/parenleftig
, (358)
whereGφ(ξ)has to fulfill Eq. (353). Eq. (358) may be written in a form
similar to Eq. (193)
Kφ(ξ)(ξ) =Tφ(ξ) (359)
Tφ(ξ)(ξ) =P′
ξΛX, (360)
but with
Kφ(ξ)(ξ) = Φ′KΦ(ξ), (361)
being in general a nonlinear operator.
4.2 Gaussian priors for parameters
Up to now we assumed the prior to be given for a function φ(ξ)(x,y) de-
pending on xandy. Instead of a prior in a function φ(ξ)(x,y) also a prior in
another not ( x,y)–dependent function of the parameters ψ(ξ) can be given.
A Gaussian prior in ψ(ξ) =Wψξbeing a linear function of ξ, results in a
prior which is also Gaussian in the parameters ξ, giving a regularization term
2(ξ, WT
ψKψWψξ) =1
2(ξ,Kξξ), (362)
ψKψWψis not an operator in a space of functions φ(x,y) but
a matrix in the space of parameters ξ. The results of Section 4.1 apply to
this case provided the following replacement is made
Φ′Kφ→Kξξ. (363)
Similarly, a nonlinear ψrequires the replacement
Φ′Kφ→Ψ′Kψψ, (364)
Ψ′(k,l) =∂ψl(ξ)
∂ξk. (365)
Thus, in the general case where a Gaussian (specific) prior in φ(ξ) andψ(ξ)
is given,
Eφ(ξ),ψ(ξ)=−( lnP(ξ), N) + (P(ξ),ΛX)
2(φ(ξ),Kφ(ξ) ) +1
2(ψ(ξ),Kψψ(ξ) ), (366)
or, including also non–zero template functions (means) t,tψforφandψas
discussed in Section 3.5,
Eφ(ξ),ψ(ξ)=−( lnP(ξ), N) + (P(ξ),ΛX)
2(φ(ξ)−t,K(φ(ξ)−t) )
2(ψ(ξ)−tψ,Kψ(ψ(ξ)−tψ) ). (367)
Theφandψ–terms of the energy can be interpreted as corresponding to
a probability p(ξ|t,K,tψ,Kψ), (∝ne}ationslash=p(ξ|t,K)p(ξ|tψ,Kψ)), or, for example,
top(tψ|ξ,Kψ)p(ξ|t,K) with one of the two terms term corresponding to a
Gaussian likelihood with ξ–independent normalization.
The stationarity equation becomes
0 = P′
ξΛX (368)
ξΛX, (369)
which defines Gφ,ψ, and for Λ X∝ne}ationslash= 0
ξ)#Gφ,ψ+ Λ0
, (370)
X= 0.
84Variable Error Stationarity equation ΛX
P Kφ= 2Φ−1N−2ΦΛX IX(N−1
φ(x,y)Eφ Kφ=P′P−1N−P′ΛX IX/parenleftig
ξ)#Gφ(ξ)+ Λ0
ξEφ(ξ)ψ(ξ)Φ′K(φ−t) + Ψ′Kψ(ψ−tψ)IXP/parenleftig
ξ)#Gφ,ψ+ Λ0
Table 5: Summary of stationarity equations. For notations, conditions and
comments see Sections 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.1, 4.1 and 4. 2.
4.3 Linear trial spaces
Choosing a finite linear trial space is also called the Ritz me thod and is
equivalent to solving a projected stationarity equation. H ere
lclBl (371)
is expanded in a basis Bl, not necessarily orthonormal, and truncated to
terms with l<lmax. This gives for (187)
ERitz=−( lnP(φ), N) +1
klckcl(Bk,KBl) + (P(φ),ΛX).(372)
Solving for the coefficients cl,l<lmaxto minimize the error results according
to Eq.[346) and
Φ′(l;x,y) =Bl(x,y), (373)
0 = (Bl,P′P−1N)−/summationdisplay
corresponding to the lmax–dimensional equation
KBc=NB(c)−ΛB(c), (375)
c(l) =cl, (376)
KB(l,k) = (Bl,KBk), (377)
NB(c)(l) = (Bl,P′(φ(c))P−1(φ(c))N), (378)
ΛB(c)(l) = (Bl,P′(φ(c)) ΛX). (379)
Thus, for an orthonormal basis BlEq. (375) corresponds to Eq. (189) pro-
jected into the trial space by/summationtext
The so called linear models are obtained by the (very restrictive) choice
φ(z) =1/summationdisplay
lclzl (380)
withz= (x,y) andB0= 1 andBl=zl. Interactions, i.e., terms proportional
to products of z–components like cmnzmzncan be included. Including all pos-
sible interaction would correspond to a multidimensional T aylor expansion
of the function φ(z).
If the functions Bl(z) are also parametrized this leads to mixture models
forφ. (See Section 4.4.)
4.4 Mixture models
The function φ(z) can be approximated by a mixture model, i.e., by a linear
combination of components functions
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
clBl(ξl,z), (381)
with parameter vectors ξland constants cl(which could also be included
into the vector ξl) to be adapted. The functions Bl(ξl,z) are often chosen to
depend on one–dimensional combinations of the vectors ξlandz. For example
they may depend on some distance ||ξl−z||(‘local or distance approaches’)
or the projection of zinξl–direction, i.e.,/summationtext
kξl,kzk(‘projection approaches’).
(For projection approaches see also Sections 4.5, 4.8 and 4. 9).
A typical example are Radial Basis Functions (RBF) using Gau ssian
Bl(ξl,z) for which centers (and possibly covariances and also numbe r of com-
ponents) can be adjusted. Other local methods include k–nearest neighbors
methods (kNN) and learning vector quantizations (LVQ) and its variant s.
(For a comparison see [146].)
864.5 Additive models
Trial functions φmay be chosen as sum of simpler functions φleach depending
only on part of the xandyvariables. More precisely, we consider functions
φldepending on projections zl=I(z)
lzof the vector z= (x,y) of allxand
ycomponents. I(z)
ldenotes an projector in the vector space of z(and not in
the space of functions Φ( x,y)). Hence,φbecomes of the form
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
lφl(zl), (382)
so only one–dimensional functions φlhave to be determined. Restricting
the functions φlto a parameterized function space yields a “parameterized
additive model”
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
lφl(ξ,zl), (383)
which has to be solved for the parameters ξ. The model can also be gener-
alized to a model “additive in parameters ξl”
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
lφl(ξl,x,y), (384)
where the functions φl(ξl,x,y) are not restricted to one–dimensional functions
depending only on projections zlon the coordinate axes. If the parameters ξl
determine the component functions φlcompletely, this yields just the mixture
models of Section 4.4. Another example is projection pursui t, discussed in
Section 4.8), where a parameter vector ξlcorresponds to a projections ξl·z.
In that case even for given ξlstill a one–dimensional function φl(ξl·z) has
to be determined.
An ansatz like (382) is made more flexible by including also in teractions
φ(x,y) =/summationdisplay
lφl(zl) +/summationdisplay
klφkl(zk,zl) +/summationdisplay
klmφklm(zk,zl,zm) +···.(385)
The functions φkl···(zk,zl,···) can be chosen to depend on product terms like
zl,izk,j, orzl,izk,jzm,n, wherezl,idenotes one–dimensional sub-variables of zl.
In additive models in the narrower sense [202, 85, 86, 87] zlis a subset of
x,ycomponents, i.e., zl⊆ {xi|1≤i≤dx} ∪ {yj|1≤j≤dy},dxdenoting
the dimension of x,dythe dimension of y. In regression, for example, one
takes usually the one–element subsets zl={xl}for 1≤l≤dx.
87In more general schemes the projections of zdo not have to be restricted
to projections on the coordinates axes. In particular, the p rojections can be
optimized too. For example, one–dimensional projections I(z)
z,w∈X×Y(where ·denotes a scalar product in the space of zvariables) are
used by ridge approximation schemes. They include for regression problems
one–layer (and similarly multilayer) feedforward neural n etworks (see Section
4.9) projection pursuit regression (see Section 4.8) and hi nge functions [28].
For a detailed discussion of the regression case see [71].
The stationarity equation for Eφbecomes for the ansatz (382)
0 =P′
lΛX, (386)
l(zl,z′) =δP(z′)
δφl(zl). (387)
Considering a density Pbeing also decomposed into components Pldeter-
mined by the components φl
P(z) =/summationdisplay
lPl(φl(zl)), (388)
the derivative (387) becomes
k) =δPl(z′
δφl(zl), (389)
so that specifying an additive prior
kl(φk−tk,Kkl(φl−tl) ), (390)
the stationary conditions are coupled equations for the com ponent functions
φlwhich, because Pis diagonal, only contain integrations over zl–variables
0 =δPl
δφlΛX. (391)
For the parameterized approach (383) one finds
0 = Φ′
lΛX, (392)
l(k,zl) =∂φl(zl)
∂ξk. (393)
For the ansatz (384) Φ′
l(k,z) would be restricted to a subset of ξk.
884.6 Product ansatz
A product ansatz has the form
φ(z) =/productdisplay
lφl(zl), (394)
lzrepresents projections of the vector zconsisting of all x
andycomponents. The ansatz can be made more flexible by using sum o f
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
lφk,l(zl). (395)
The restriction of the trial space to product functions corr esponds to the
Hartree approximation in physics. (In a Hartree–Fock appro ximation the
product functions are antisymmetrized under coordinate ex change.)
For additive K=/summationtext
lKlwithKlacting only on φl, i.e., Kl=Kl⊗/parenleftig/circlemultiplytext
, with Ilthe projector into the space of functions φl=Ilφl, the
quadratic regularization term becomes, assuming IlIl′=δl,l′,
(φ,Kφ) =/summationdisplay
l′∝negationslash=l(φl′, φl′). (396)
lKlwith a product structure with respect to φl
(φ,Kφ) =/productdisplay
l(φl,Klφl). (397)
In both cases the prior term factorizes into lower dimension al contributions.
4.7 Decision trees
Decision trees [29] implement functions which are piecewis e constant on rect-
angular areas parallel to the coordinate axes zl. Such an approach can be
written in tree structure with nodes only performing compar isons of the form
x<a orx>a which allows a very effective hardware implementation. Such
a piecewise constant approach can be written in the form
φ(z) =/summationdisplay
kΘ(zν(l,k)−alk) (398)
with step function Θ and zν(l,k)indicating the component of zwhich is com-
pared with the reference value alk. While there are effective constructive
89methods to build trees the use of gradient–based minimizati on or maximiza-
tion methods would require, for example, to replace the step function by a
sigmoid. In particular, decision trees correspond to neura l networks at zero
temperature, where sigmoids become step functions, and whi ch are restricted
to weights vectors in coordinate directions (see Section 4. 9).
An overview over different variants of decision trees togeth er with a com-
parison with rule–based systems, neural networks (see Sect ion 4.9) techniques
from applied statistics like linear discriminants, projec tion pursuit (see Sec-
tion 4.8) and local methods like for example k-nearest neighbors methods
(kNN), Radial Basis Functions (RBF), or learning vector quant ization (LVQ)
is given in [146].
4.8 Projection pursuit
Projection pursuit models [55, 95, 45] are a generalization of additive models
(382) (and a special case of models (384) additive in paramet ers) where the
projections of z= (x,y) are also adapted
φ(z) =ξ0+/summationdisplay
lφl(ξ0,l+ξl·z). (399)
For such a model one has to determine one–dimensional ‘ridge ’ functions φl
together with projections defined by vectors ξland constants ξ0,ξ0,l. Adap-
tive projections may also be used for product approaches
φ(z) =/productdisplay
lφl(ξ0,l+ξl·z). (400)
Similarly,φmay be decomposed into functions depending on distances to
adapted reference points (centers). That gives models of th e form
φ(z) =/productdisplay
lφl(||ξl−z||), (401)
which require to adapt parameter vectors (centers) ξland distance functions
φl. For high dimensional spaces the number of centers necessar y to cover a
high dimensional space with fixed density grows exponential ly. Furthermore,
as the volume of a high dimensional sphere tends to be concent rated near
its surface, the tails become more important in higher dimen sions. Thus,
typically, projection methods are better suited for high di mensional spaces
than distance methods [195].
904.9 Neural networks
While in projection pursuit–like techniques the one–dimen sional ‘ridge’ func-
tionsφlare adapted optimally, neural networks use ridge functions of a fixed
sigmoidal form. The resulting lower flexibility following f rom fixing the ridge
function is then compensated by iterating this parameteriz ation. This leads
to multilayer neural networks.
Multilayer neural networks have been become a popular tool f or regres-
sion and classification problems [190, 116, 147, 89, 154, 215 , 21, 186, 8].
One-layer neural networks, also known as perceptrons, corr espond to the
φ(z) =σ/parenleftigg/summationdisplay
=σ(v), (402)
with a sigmoidal function σ, parameters ξ=w, projection v=/summationtext
andzlsingle components of the variables x,y, i.e.,zl=xlfor 1≤l≤dx
andzl=ylfordx+ 1≤l≤dx+dy. (For neural networks with Lorentzians
instead of sigmoids see [67].)
Typical choices for the sigmoid are σ(v) = tanh(βv) orσ(v) = 1/(1 +
e−2βv). The parameter β, often called inverse temperature, controls the
sharpness of the step of the sigmoid. In particular, the sigm oid functions
become a sharp step in the limit β→ ∞, i.e., at zero temperature. In princi-
ple the sigmoidal function σmay depend on further parameters which then
— similar to projection pursuit discussed in Section 4.8 — wo uld also have
to be included in the optimization process. The threshold or biasbcan be
treated as weight if an additional input component is includ ed clamped to
the value 1.
A linear combination of perceptrons
φ(x,y) =b+/summationdisplay
, (403)
has the form of a projection pursuit approach (399) but with fi xedφl(v) =
In multi–layer networks the parameterization (402) is casc aded,
=σ(vk,i), (404)
91withzk,irepresenting the output of the kth node (neuron) in layer iand
l=1wkl,izl,i−1−bk,i, (405)
being the input for that node. This yields, skipping the bias terms for sim-
φ(z,w) =σ
beginning with an input layer with m0=dx+dynodes (plus possibly nodes
to implement the bias) zl,0=zland going over intermediate layers with mi
nodeszl,i, 0<i<n , 1≤l≤mito a single node output layer zn=φ(x,y).
Commonly neural nets are used in regression and classificati on to param-
eterize a function φ(x,y) =h(x) in functionals
i(yi−h(xi,w))2, (407)
quadratic in hand without further regularization terms. In that case, reg u-
larization has to be assured by using either 1. a neural netwo rk architecture
which is restrictive enough, 2. by using early stopping like training procedures
so the full flexibility of the network structure cannot compl etely develop and
destroy generalization, where in both cases the optimal arc hitecture or al-
gorithm can be determined for example by cross–validation o r bootstrap
techniques [153, 5, 214, 200, 201, 76, 35, 212, 49], or 3. by av eraging over
ensembles of networks [157]. In all these cases regularizat ion is implicit in
the parameterization of the network. Alternatively, expli cit regularization or
prior terms can be added to the functional. For regression or classification
this is for example done in learning by hints [2, 3, 4] or curvature–driven
smoothing with feedforward networks [19].
One may also remark that from a Frequentist point of view the q uadratic
functional is not interpreted as posterior but as squared–e rror loss/summationtext
a(xi,w))2for actionsa(x) =a(x,w). According to Section 2.2.2 minimization
of error functional (407) for data {(xi,yi)|1≤i≤n}sampled under the true
densityp(x,y|f) yields therefore an empirical estimate for the regression
92We consider here neural nets as parameterizations for densi ty estimation
with prior (and normalization) terms explicitly included i n the functional Eφ.
In particular, the stationarity equation for functional (3 43) becomes
0 = Φ′
wP′ΛX, (408)
with matrix of derivatives
w(k,l,i;x,y) =∂φ(x,y,w )
andσ′(v) =dσ(v)/dv. Whileφ(x,y,w ) is calculated by forward propagating
z= (x,y) through the net defined by weight vector waccording to Eq. (406)
the derivatives Φ′can efficiently be calculated by back–propagation according
to Eq. (409). Notice that even for diagonal P′the derivatives are not needed
only at data points but the prior and normalization term requ ire derivatives
at allx,y. Thus, in practice terms like Φ′Kφhave to be calculated in a
relatively poor discretization. Notice, however, that reg ularization is here
not only due to the prior term but follows also from the restri ctions implicit
in a chosen neural network architecture. In many practical c ases a relatively
poor discretization of the prior term may thus be sufficient.
Table 6 summarizes the discussed approaches.
5 Parameterizing priors: Hyperparameters
5.1 Prior normalization
In Chapter 4. parameterization of φhave been studied. This section now
discusses parameterizations of the prior density p(φ|D0). For Gaussian prior
densities that means parameterization of mean and/or covar iance. The pa-
rameters of the prior functional, which we will denote by θ, are in a Bayesian
context also known as hyperparameters . Hyperparameters θcan be consid-
ered as part of the hidden variables.
In a full Bayesian approach the h–integral therefore has to be completed
by an integral over the additional hidden variables θ. Analogously, the prior
93Ansatz Functional form to be optimized
linear ansatz φ(z) =/summationtext
lξlBl(z) ξl
linear model φ(z) =ξ0+/summationtext
lξlzl ξ0,ξl
with interaction +/summationtext
mixture model φ(z) =/summationtextξ0,lBl(ξl,z) ξ0,l,ξl
additive model φ(z) =/summationtext
lφl(zl) φl(zl)
with interaction +/summationtext
mnφmn(zmzn) +···φmn(zmzn),···
product ansatz φ(z) =/producttext
lφl(zl) φl(zl)
decision trees φ(z) =/summationtext
projection pursuit φ(z) =ξ0+/summationtext
neural net (2 lay.) φ(z) =σ(/summationtext
Table 6: Some possible parameterizations.
94densities can be supplemented by priors for θ, also be called hyperpriors , with
corresponding energies Eθ.
In saddle point approximation thus an additional stationar ity equation
will appear, resulting from the derivative with respect to θ. The saddle point
approximation of the θ–integration (in the case of uniform hyperprior p(θ)
and with the h–integral being calculated exactly or by approximation) is also
known as ML–II prior [14] or evidence framework [79, 80, 197, 138, 139, 140,
There are some cases where it is convenient to let the likelih oodp(y|x,h)
depend, besides on a function φ, on a few additional parameters. In regres-
sion such a parameter can be the variance of the likelihood. A nother example
is the inverse temperature βintroduced in Section 6.3, which, like φalso ap-
pears in the prior. Such parameters may formally be added to t he “direct”
hidden variables φyielding an enlarged ˜φ. As those “additional likelihood pa-
rameters” are like other hyperparameters typically just re al numbers, and not
functions like φ, they can often be treated analogously to hyperparameters.
For example, they may also be determined by cross–validatio n (see below) or
by a low dimensional integration. In contrast to pure prior p arameters, how-
ever, the functional derivatives with respect to such “addi tional likelihood
parameters” contain terms arising from the derivative of th e likelihood.
Within the Frequentist interpretation of error minimizati on as empirical
risk minimization hyperparameters θcan be determined by minimizing the
empirical generalization error on a new set of test or validation data DTbeing
independent from the training data D. Here the empirical generalization
error is meant to be the pure data term ED(θ) =ED(φ∗(θ)) of the error
functional for φ∗being the optimal φfor the full regularized Eφ(θ) atθand
for given training data D. Elaborated techniques include cross–validation
and bootstrap methods which have been mentioned in Sections 2.5 and 4.9.
Within the Bayesian interpretation of error minimization a s posterior
maximization the introduction of hyperparameters leads to a new difficulty.
The problem arises from the fact that it is usually desirable to interpret the
error termEθas prior energy for θ, meaning that
p(θ) =e−Eθ
Zθ, (410)
with normalization
dθe−Eθ, (411)
95represents the prior density for θ. Because the joint prior factor for φandθ
is given by the product
p(φ,θ) =p(φ|θ)p(θ), (412)
one finds
p(φ|θ) =e−E(φ|θ)
Zφ(θ). (413)
Hence, the φ–dependent part of the energy represents a conditional prior
energy denoted here E(φ|θ). As this conditional normalization
Zφ(θ) =/integraldisplay
dφe−E(φ|θ), (414)
is in general θ–dependent a normalization term
EN(θ) = lnZφ(θ) (415)
must therefore be included in the error functional when mini mizing with
respect toθ.
It is interesting to look what happens if p(φ,θ) of Eq. (410) is expressed
in terms of joint energy E(φ,θ) as follows
p(φ,θ) =e−E(φ,θ)
Zφ,θ. (416)
Then the joint normalization
dφdθe−E(φ,θ), (417)
is independent of φandθand could be skipped from the functional. However,
in that case the term Eθcannot easily be related to the prior p(θ).
Notice especially, that this discussion also applies to the case where Eθ
is assumed to be uniform so it does not have to appear explicit ly in the
error functional. The two ways of expressing p(φ,θ) by a joint or conditional
energy, respectively, are equivalent if the joint density f actorizes. In that
case, however, θandφare independent, so θcannot be used to parameterize
the density of φ.
Numerically the need to calculate Zφ(θ) can be disastrous because nor-
malization factors Zφ(θ) represent often an extremely high dimensional (func-
tional) integral and are, in contrast to the normalization o fPovery, very
difficult to calculate.
96There are, however, situations for which Zφ(θ) remainsθ–independent.
Letp(φ,θ) stand for example for a Gaussian specific prior p(φ,θ|˜D0) (with
the normalization condition factored out as in Eq. (91)). Th en, because the
normalization of a Gaussian is independent of its mean, para meterizing the
meant=t(θ) results in a θ–independent Zφ(θ).
Besides their mean, Gaussian processes are characterized b y their covari-
ance operators K−1. Because the normalization only depends on det Ka
second possibility yielding θ–dependent Zφ(θ) are parameterized transfor-
mations of the form K→OKO−1with orthogonal O=O(θ). Indeed,
such transformations do not change the determinant det K. They are only
non–trivial for multi–dimensional Gaussians.
For general parameterizations of density estimation probl ems, however,
the normalization term ln Zφ(θ) must be included. The only way to get rid
of that normalization term would be to assume a compensating hyperprior
p(θ)∝Zφ(θ), (418)
resulting in an error term E(θ) =−lnZφ(θ) compensating EN(θ).
Thus, in the general case we have to consider the functional
Eθ,φ=−(lnP(φ), N) + (P(φ),ΛX) +Eφ(θ) +Eθ+ lnZφ(θ).(419)
writingE(φ|θ) =EφandE(θ) =Eθ. The stationarity conditions have the
δφ=P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−P′(φ)ΛX, (420)
θ, (421)
Z′(l,k) =δ(l−k)∂Zφ(θ)
dθl, E′
θ(l) =∂Eθ
∂θl. (422)
For compensating hyperprior Eθ=−lnZφ(θ) the right hand side of Eq.
(421) vanishes.
Finally, we want to remark that in case function evaluation o fp(φ,θ)
is much cheaper than calculating the gradient (421), minimi zation methods
not using the gradient should be considered, like for exampl e the downhill
simplex method [181].
975.2 Adapting prior means
5.2.1 General considerations
A prior mean or template function trepresents a prototype, reference func-
tion or base line for φ. It may be a typical expected pattern in time series
prediction or a reference image in image reconstruction. Co nsider, for ex-
ample, the task of completing an image φgiven some pixel values (training
data). Expecting the image to be that of a face the template fu nctiontmay
be chosen to be some prototypical image of a face. We have seen in Section
3.5 that a single template tcould be eliminated for Gaussian (specific) priors
by solving for φ−tinstead for φ. Restricting, however, to only a single
template may be a very bad choice. Indeed, faces for example a ppear on
images in many variations, like in different scales, transla ted, rotated, var-
ious illuminations, and other kinds of deformations. We may now describe
such variations by a family of templates t(θ), the parameter θdescribing
scaling, translations, rotations, and more general deform ations. Thus, we
expect a function to be similar to only one of the templates t(θ) and want to
implement a (soft, probabilistic) OR, approximating t(θ1) ORt(θ2) OR···.
A (soft, probabilistic) AND of approximation conditions, o n the other
hand, is implemented by adding error terms. For example, cla ssical error
functionals where data and prior terms are added correspond to an approxi-
mation of training data AND a priori data.
Similar considerations apply for model selection . We could for example
expectφto be well approximated by a neural network or a decision tree . In
that caset(θ) spans for example a space of neural networks or decision tre es.
Finally, let us emphasize again that the great advantage and practical feasi-
bility of adaptive templates for regression problems comes from the fact that
no additional normalization terms have to be added to the err or functional.
5.2.2 Density estimation
The general case with adaptive means for Gaussian prior fact ors and hyper-
parameter energy Eθyields an error functional
Eθ,φ=−(lnP(φ), N)+1
t′(l;x,y) =∂t(x,y;θ)
∂θl, (424)
98the stationarity equations of (423) obtained from the funct ional derivatives
with respect to φand hyperparameters θbecome
K(φ−t) =P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−P′(φ)ΛX, (425)
t′K(φ−t) = −E′
θ. (426)
Inserting Eq. (425) in Eq. (426) gives
θ. (427)
If working with parameterized φ(ξ) extra prior terms Gaussian in some func-
tionψ(ξ) can be included as discussed in Section 4.2. Then, analogou sly to
templatestforφ, also parameter templates tψcan be made adaptive with
hyperparameters θψ. Furthermore, prior terms EθandEθψfor the hyperpa-
rametersθ,θψcan be added. Including such additional error terms yields
Eθ,θψ,φ(ξ),ψ(ξ)=−(lnP(φ(ξ) ),N) + (P(φ(ξ) ),ΛX)
+Eθ+Eθψ, (428)
and Eqs.(425) and (425) change to
Φ′K(φ−t) + Ψ′Kψ(ψ−tψ) =P′
ξΛX, (429)
t′K(φ−t) = −E′
θ, (430)
ψKψ(ψ−tψ) = −E′
θψ, (431)
where t′
θ, denote derivatives with respect to the parameters θψ
orθ, respectively. Parameterizing EθandEθψthe process of introducing
hyperparameters can be iterated.
5.2.3 Unrestricted variation
To get a first understanding of the approach (423) let us consi der the extreme
example of completely unrestricted t–variations. In that case the template
functiont(x,y) itself represents the hyperparameter. (Such function hyp er-
parameters or hyperfields are also discussed in Sect. 5.6.) T hen,t′=Iand
99Eq. (426) gives K(φ−t) = 0 (which for invertible Kis solved uniquely by
t=φ), resulting according to Eq. (229) in
ΛX=NX. (432)
The case of a completely free prior mean tis therefore equivalent to a situation
without prior. Indeed, for invertible P′, projection of Eq. (427) into the x–
data space by IDof Eq. (258) yields
X,DN, (433)
where ΛX,D=IDΛXIDis invertible and PD=IDP. Thus for xifor which
yiare available
P(xi,yi) =N(xi,yi)
is concentrated on the data points. Comparing this with solu tions of Eq.
(192) for fixed twe see that adaptive means tend to lower the influence of
prior terms.
5.2.4 Regression
Consider now the case of regression according to functional (247) with an
adaptive template t0(θ). The system of stationarity equations for the regres-
sion function h(x) (corresponding to φ(x,y)) andθbecomes
K0(h−t0) =KD(tD−h), (435)
0K0(h−t0) = 0. (436)
It will also be useful to insert Eq. (435) in Eq. (436), yieldi ng
0 =t′
0KD(h−tD). (437)
For fixedtEq. (435) is solved by the template average t
h=t= (K0+KD)−1(K0t0+KDtD), (438)
so that Eq. (436) or Eq. (437), respectively, become
0 =t′
0K0(t−t0), (439)
0 =t′
0KD(t−tD). (440)
100It is now interesting to note that if we replace in Eq. (440) th e full template
averagetbyt0we get
0 =t′
0KD(t0−tD), (441)
which is equivalent to the stationarity equation
0 =H′KD(h−tD), (442)
(the derivative matrix H′being the analogue to Φ′forh) of an error functional
2(h(ξ)−tD,KD(h(ξ)−tD) ) (443)
without prior terms but with parameterized h(ξ), e.g., a neural network. The
approximation h=t=t0can, for example, be interpreted as limit λ→ ∞,
λ→∞h= lim
λ→∞t=t0, (444)
after replacing K0byλK0in Eq. (438). The setting h=t0can then be
used as initial guess h0for an iterative solution for h. For existing K−1
=t0is also obtained after one iteration step of the iteration sc hemehi=
0KD(tD−hi−1) starting with initial guess h0=tD.
For comparison with Eqs.(440,441,442) we give the stationa rity equations
for parameters ξfor a parameterized regression functional including an ad-
ditional prior term with hyperparameters
2(h(ξ)−tD,KD(h(ξ)−tD) )+1
2(h(ξ)−t0(θ),K0(θ)(h(ξ)−t0(θ)) ),
which are
0 =H′KD(h−tD) +h′K0(h−t0). (446)
Let us now compare the various regression functionals we hav e met up to
now. The non–parameterized and regularized regression fun ctionalEh(247)
implements prior information explicitly by a regularizati on term.
A parameterized and regularized functional Eh(ξ)of the form (344) cor-
responds to a functional of the form (445) for θfixed. It imposes restrictions
on the regression function hin two ways, by chosing a specific parameteriza-
tion and by including an explicit prior term. If the number of data is large
enough, compared to the flexibility of the parameterization , the data term
ofEh(ξ)alone can have a unique minimum. Then, at least technically, no
101additional prior term would be required. This corresponds t o the classical
error minimization methods used typically for parametric a pproaches. Nev-
ertheless, also in such situations the explicit prior term c an be useful if it
implements useful prior knowledge over h.
The regularized functional with prior– or hyperparameters Eθ,h(423) im-
plements, compared to Eh, effectively weaker prior restrictions. The prior
term corresponds to a soft restriction ofhto the space spanned by the pa-
rameterized t(θ). In the limit where the parameterization of t(θ) is rich
enough to allow t(θ∗) =h∗at the stationary point the prior term vanishes
The parameterized and regularized functional Eθ,h(ξ)(445), including
prior parameters θ, implements prior information explicitly by a regular-
ization term and implicitly by the parameterization of h(ξ). The explicit
prior term vanishes if t(θ∗) =h(ξ∗) at the stationary point. The func-
tional combines a hard restriction ofhwith respect to the space spanned
by the parameterization h(ξ) and a soft restriction ofhwith respect to the
space spanned by the parameterized t(θ). Finally, the parameterized and
non–regularized functional ED,h(ξ)(443) implements prior information only
implicitly by parameterizing h(ξ). In contrast to the functionals Eθ,hand
Eθ,h(ξ)it implements only a hard restriction forh. The following table sum-
marizes the discussion:
Functional Eq. prior implemented
Eh(247) explicitly
Eh(ξ)(344) explicitly and implicitly
Eθ,h(423) explicitly
no prior for t(θ∗) =h∗
Eθ,h(ξ)(445) explicitly and implicitly
no expl. prior for t(θ∗) =h(ξ∗)
ED,h(ξ)(443) implicitly
5.3 Adapting prior covariances
5.3.1 General case
Parameterizing covariances K−1is often desirable in practice. It includes
for example adapting the trade–off between data and prior ter ms (i.e., the
determination of the regularization factor), the selectio n between different
symmetries, smoothness measures, or in the multidimension al situation the
102determination of directions with low variance. As far as the normalization
depends on K(θ) one has to consider the error functional
Eθ,φ=−(lnP(φ), N)+1
φ−t,K(θ) (φ−t)/parenrightig
Zφ(θ) = (2π)d
2, (448)
for ad–dimensional Gaussian specific prior, and stationarity equ ations
K(φ−t) =P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−P′(φ)ΛX,(449)
= Tr/parenleftigg
θ. (450)
Here we used
∂θln detK=∂
∂θTr lnK= Tr/parenleftigg
. (451)
In case of an unrestricted variation of the matrix elements o fKthe hyper-
parameters become θl=θ(x,y;x′,y′) =K(x,y;x′,y′). Then, using
∂θ(x′′,y′′;x′′′,y′′′)=δ(x−x′′)δ(y−y′′)δ(x′−x′′′)δ(y′−y′′′), (452)
Eqs.(450) becomes the inhomogeneous equation
2(φ−t) (φ−t)T= Tr/parenleftigg
θ. (453)
We will in the sequel consider the two special cases where the determinant
of the covariance is θ–independent so that the trace term vanishes, and where
θis just a multiplicative factor for the specific prior energy , i.e., a so called
regularization parameter.
5.3.2 Automatic relevance detection
A useful application of hyperparameters is the identificati on of sensible di-
rections within the space of xandyvariables. Consider the general case
of a covariance, decomposed into components K0=/summationtext
iθiKi. Treating the
103coefficient vector θ(with components θi) as hyperparameter with hyperprior
p(θ) results in a prior energy (error) functional
iθiKi)(φ−t) )−lnp(θ) + lnZφ(θ). (454)
Theθ–dependent normalization ln Zφ(θ) has to be included to obtain the
correct stationarity condition for θ. The components Kican be the compo-
nents of a negative Laplacian, for example, Ki=−∂2
yi. In that
case adapting the hyperparameters means searching for sens ible directions in
the space of xoryvariables. This technique has been called Automatic Rel-
evance Determination by MacKay and Neal [157]. The positivity constraint
foracan be implemented explicitly, for example by using K0=/summationtext
5.3.3 Local smoothness adaption
Similarly, the regularization factor of a smoothness relat ed covariance op-
erator may be adapted locally. Consider, for example, a prio r energy for
E(φ|θ) =1
2(φ−t,K(a,b)(φ−t) ), (455)
with a Laplacian prior
K(x,x′,y,y′;θ) =−mx/summationdisplay
formx–dimensional vector xandmy–dimensional vector ydepending on func-
tionsθx,i(x) andθy,i(y) (or more general θx,i(x,y) andθy,i(x,y)) collectively
denoted by θ. Expressing the coefficient functions as exponentials exp( θx,i),
exp(θy,i) is one possibility to enforce their positivity. Typically , one might
impose a smoothness hyperprior on the functions θx,i(x) andθy,i(y), for ex-
ample by using an energy functional
E(φ,θ) +1
i(θx,i,Kθ,xθx,i) +1
i(θy,i,Kθ,yθy,i) + lnZφ(θ),(457)
with smoothness related Kθ,x,Kθ,y. The stationarity equation for a functions
θx,i(x) reads
0 = ( Kθ,xθx,i)(x)−(φ(x,y)−t(x,y))/parenleftig
+∂θx,i(x)lnZφ(θ). (458)
104The functions θx,i(x) andθy,i(y) are examples of function hyperparameters
(see Sect. 5.6).
5.3.4 Local masses and gauge theories
The Bayesian analog of a mass term in quantum field theory is a t erm propor-
tional to the identity matrix Iin the inverse prior covariance K0. Consider,
for example,
K0=θ2I−∆, (459)
withθreal (so that θ2≥0) representing a mass parameter. For large masses
φtends to copy the template tlocally, and longer range effects of data points
following from smoothness requirements become less import ant. Similarly
to Sect. 5.3.3 a constant mass can be replaced by a mass functi onθ(x).
This allows to adapt locally that interplay between “templa te copying” and
smoothness related influence of training data. As hyperprio r, one may use a
smoothness constraint on the mass function θ(x), e.g.,
2(φ−t,∆(φ−t)) +λ(θ,Kθθ) + lnZφ(θ),(460)
where Mdenotes the diagonal mass operator with diagonal elements θ(x).
Functional hyperparameters like θ(x) represent, in the language of physi-
cists, additional fields entering the problem (see also Sect . 5.6). There are
similarities for example to gauge fields in physics. In parti cular, a gauge
theory–like formalism can be constructed by decomposing θ(x) =/summationtext
so that the inverse covariance
i(Mi+∂i)(Mi−∂i) =/summationdisplay
iDi, (461)
can be expressed in terms of a “covariant derivative” Di=∂i+θi. Next, one
may choose as hyperprior for θi(x)
ij (462)
which can be expressed in terms of a “field strength tensor” (f or Abelian
Fij=∂iθj−∂jθi, (463)
105like, for example, the Maxwell tensor in quantum electrodyn amics. (To relate
this, as in electrodynamics, to a local U(1) gauge symmetry φ→eiαφone can
consider complex functions φ, with the restriction that their phase cannot
be measured.) Notice, that, due to the interpretation of the prior as product
p(φ|θ)p(θ), an additional θ–dependent normalization term ln Zφ(θ) enters the
energy functional. Such a term is not present in quantum field theory, where
one relates the prior functional directly to p(φ,θ), so the norm is independent
5.3.5 Invariant determinants
In this section we discuss parameterizations of the covaria nce of a Gaussian
specific prior which leave the determinant invariant. In tha t case noθ–
dependent normalization factors have to be included which a re usually very
difficult to calculate. We have to keep in mind, however, that i n general a
large freedom for K(θ) effectively diminishes the influence of the parameter-
ized prior term.
A determinant is, for example, invariant under general simi larity trans-
formations, i.e., det ˜K= detKforK→˜K=OKO−1where Ocould be
any element of the general linear group. Similarity transfo rmations do not
change the eigenvalues, because from Kψ=λψfollows OKO−1Oψ=λOψ.
Thus, if Kis positive definite also ˜Kis. The additional constraint that ˜K
has to be real symmetric,
˜K=˜KT=˜K†, (464)
requires Oto be real and orthogonal
O−1=OT=O†. (465)
Furthermore, as an overall factor of Odoes not change ˜Kone can restrict O
to a special orthogonal group SO(N) with det O= 1. If Khas degenerate
eigenvalues there exist orthogonal transformations with K=˜K.
While in one dimension only the identity remains as transfor mation, the
condition of an invariant determinant becomes less restric tive in higher di-
mensions. Thus, especially for large dimension dofK(infinite for continuous
x) there is a great freedom to adapt covariances without the ne ed to calcu-
late normalization factors, for example to adapt the sensib le directions of a
multivariate Gaussian.
106A positive definite Kcan be diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix O
with det O= 1, i.e., K=ODOT. Parameterizing Othe specific prior term
φ−t,K(θ) (φ−t)/parenrightig
φ−t,O(θ)DOT(θ) (φ−t)/parenrightig
, (466)
so the stationarity Eq. (450) reads
θ. (467)
Matrices OfromSO(N) include rotations and inversion. For a Gaussian
specific prior with nondegenerate eigenvalues Eq. (467) all ows therefore to
adapt the ‘sensible’ directions of the Gaussian.
There are also transformations which can change eigenvalue s, but leave
eigenvectors invariant. As example, consider a diagonal ma trixDwith di-
agonal elements (and eigenvalues) λi∝ne}ationslash= 0, i.e., det D=/producttext
iλi. Clearly, any
permutation of the eigenvalues λileaves the determinant invariant and trans-
forms a positive definite matrix into a positive definite matr ix. Furthermore,
one may introduce continuous parameters θij>0 withi<j and transform
D→˜Daccording to
λi→˜λi=λiθij, λj→˜λj=λj
θij, (468)
which leaves the product λiλj=˜λi˜λjand therefore also the determinant
invariant and transforms a positive definite matrix into a po sitive definite
matrix. This can be done with every pair of eigenvalues defini ng a set of
continuous parameters θijwithi < j (θijcan be completed to a symmetric
matrix) leading to
j<iθji, (469)
which also leaves the determinant invariant
iλi= detD.
A more general transformation with unique parameterizatio n byθi>0,
i∝ne}ationslash=i∗, still leaving the eigenvectors unchanged, would be
˜λi=λiθi, i∝ne}ationslash=i∗;˜λi∗=λi∗/productdisplay
i. (471)
107This techniques can be applied to a general positive definite Kafter diago-
K=ODOT→˜K=O˜DOT⇒detK= det ˜K. (472)
As example consider the transformations (469, 471) for whic h the specific
prior term becomes
φ−t,K(θ) (φ−t)/parenrightig
, (473)
and stationarity Eq. (450)
θ, (474)
and for (469), with k<l,
or, for (471), with k∝ne}ationslash=i∗,
. (476)
If, for example, Kis a translationally invariant operator it is diagonalized
in a basis of plane waves. Then also ˜Kis translationally invariant, but
its sensitivity to certain frequencies has changed. The opt imal sensitivity
pattern is then determined by the given stationarity equati ons.
5.3.6 Regularization parameters
Next we consider the example K(γ) =γK0whereθ≥0 has been denoted γ,
representing a regularization parameter or an inverse temp erature variable for
the specific prior. For a d–dimensional Gaussian integral the normalization
factor becomes Zφ(γ) = (2π
2(detK0)−1/2. For positive (semi)definite Kthe
dimensiondis given by the rank of Kunder a chosen discretization. Skipping
constants results in a normalization energy EN(γ) =−d
2lnγ. With
∂γ=K0 (477)
108we obtain the stationarity equations
γK0(φ−t) =P′(φ)P−1(φ)N−P′(φ)ΛX, (478)
2(φ−t,K0(φ−t)) =d
γ. (479)
For compensating hyperprior the right hand side of Eq. (479) vanishes, giving
thus no stationary point for γ. Using however the condition γ≥0 one sees
that for positive definite K0Eq. (478) is minimized for γ= 0 corresponding
to the ‘prior–free’ case. For example, in the case of Gaussia n regression the
solution would be the data template φ=h=tD. This is also known as
“δ–catastrophe”. To get a nontrivial solution for γa noncompensating hy-
perparameter energy Eγ=Eθmust be used so that ln Zφ+ENis nonuniform
[14, 21].
The other limiting case is a vanishing E′
γfor which Eq. (479) becomes
(φ−t,K0(φ−t)). (480)
Forφ→tone sees that γ→ ∞. Moreover, in case P[t] represents a nor-
malized probability, φ=tis also a solution of the first stationarity equation
(478) in the limit γ→ ∞. Thus, for vanishing E′
γthe ‘data–free’ solution
φ=tis a selfconsistent solution of the stationarity equations (478,479).
Fig.6 shows a posterior surface for uniform and for compensa ting hyper-
prior for a one–dimensional regression example. The Maximu m A Posteriori
Approximation corresponds to the highest point of the joint posterior over
γ,hin that figures. Alternatively one can treat the γ–integral by Monte–
Carlo–methods [219].
Finally we remark that in the setting of empirical risk minim ization,
due to the different interpretation of the error functional, regularization pa-
rameters are usually determined by cross–validation or sim ilar techniques
[153, 5, 214, 200, 201, 76, 35, 195, 212, 49, 78].
5.4 Exact posterior for hyperparameters
In the previous sections we have studied saddle point approx imations which
lead us to maximize the joint posterior p(h,θ|D,D 0) simultaneously with
Figure 6: Shown is the joint posterior density of handγ, i.e.,p(h,γ|D,D 0)∝
p(yD|h)p(h|γ,D 0)p(γ) for a zero–dimensional example of Gaussian regression
with training data yD= 0 and prior data yD0= 1. L.h.s: For uniform prior
p(γ)∝1 so that the joint posterior becomes p∝e−1
2lnγ, having
its maximum is at γ=∞,h= 1. R.h.s.: For compensating hyperprior
p(γ)∝1/√γso thatp∝e−1
2(h−1)2having its maximum is at γ= 0,
h= 0.
respect to the hidden variables handθ
p(y|x,D,D 0) =p(yD|xD,D0)−1/integraldisplay
dθp(y|x,h)p(yD|xD,h)p(h|D0,θ)p(θ)/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft /bracehtipupright
∝p(h,θ|D,D0),max w.r.t.θand h,
assuming for the maximization with respect to ha slowly varying p(y|x,h)
at the stationary point.
This simultaneous maximization with respect to both variab les is consis-
tent with the usual asymptotic justification of a saddle poin t approximation.
For example, for a function f(h,θ) of two (for example, one–dimensional)
for large enough β(and a unique maximum). Here f(h∗,θ∗) denotes the joint
minimum and Hthe Hessian of fwith respect to handθ. Forθ–dependent
determinant of the covariance and the usual definition of β, results in a
functionfof the form f(h,θ) =E(h,θ) + (1/2β) lndet(βK(θ)/2π), where
110both terms are relevant for the minimization of fwith respect to θ. For
largeβ, however, the second term becomes small compared to the first one.
(Of course, there is the possibility that a saddle point appr oximation is not
adequate for the θintegration. Also, we have seen that the condition of a
positive definite covariance may lead to a solution for θon the boundary
where the (unrestricted) stationarity equation is not fulfi lled.)
Alternatively, one might think of performing the two integr als stepwise.
This seems especially useful if one integral can be calculat ed analytically.
Consider, for example
which would be exact for a Gaussian h–integral. One sees now that mini-
mizing the complete negative exponent βf(θ,h∗) +1
2ln det(β(∂2f/∂h2)/2π)
with respect to θis different from minimizing only fin (482), if the second
derivative of fwith respect to hdepends on θ(which is not the case for
a Gaussian θintegral). Again this additional term becomes negligible f or
large enough β. Thus, at least asymptotically, this term may be altered or
even be skipped, and differences in the results of the variant s of saddle point
approximation will be expected to be small.
Stepwise approaches like (483) can be used, for example to pe rform Gaus-
sian integrations analytically, and lead to somewhat simpl er stationarity
equations for θ–dependent covariances [219].
In particular, let us look at the case of Gaussian regression in a bit more
detail. The following discussion, however, also applies to density estimation
if, as in (483), the Gaussian first step integration is replac ed by a saddle point
approximation including the normalization factor. (This r equires the calcu-
lation of the determinant of the Hessian.) Consider the two s tep procedure
for Gaussian regression
p(y|x,D,D 0) =p(yD|xD,D0)−1/integraldisplay
/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft /bracehtipupright
exact/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft /bracehtipupright
p(θ)p(y,yD|x,xD,D0,θ)∝p(y,θ|x,D,D 0)max w.r.t.θ,
dθ p(θ|D,D 0)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright
∝exactp(y|x,D,D 0,θ)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright
exact/bracehtipupleft /bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft /bracehtipupright
p(y,θ|x,D,D 0),max w.r.t.θ(484)
111where in a first step p(y,yD|x,xD,D0,θ) can be calculated analytically and in
a second step the θintegral is performed by Gaussian approximation around
a stationary point. Instead of maximizing the joint posteri orp(h,θ|D,D 0)
with respect to handθthis approach performs the h–integration analytically
and maximizes p(y,θ|x,D,D 0) with respect to θ. The disadvantage of this
approach is the y–, andx–dependency of the resulting solution.
Thus, assuming a slowly varying p(y|x,D,D 0,θ) at the stationary point
it appears simpler to maximize the h–marginalized posterior p(θ|D,D 0) =/integraltextdhp(h,θ|D,D 0), performing this h–integration exactly,
p(y|x,D,D 0) =/integraldisplay
dθ p(θ|D,D 0)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright
max w.r.t.θp(y|x,D,D 0,θ)/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright
exact. (485)
Having found a maximum posterior solution θ∗the corresponding anaytical
solution for p(y|x,D,D 0,θ∗) is then given by Eq. (312). The posterior density
p(θ|D,D 0) can be obtained from the likelihood of θand a specified prior p(θ)
p(θ|D,D 0) =p(yD|xD,D0,θ)p(θ)
p(yD|xD,D0). (486)
Hence, for Gaussian regression, the likelihood can be integ rated analyti-
cally, analogously to Section 3.7.2, yielding [212, 220, 21 9],
p(yD|xD,D0,θ) =/integraldisplay
2ln detD/tildewideK−˜n
2ln detD/tildewideK−˜n
2ln(2π), (487)
,/tildewiderK= (K−1
KDK−1KD, detDthe determinant in data space, and we used that from
iKj=δijfori,j > 0 follows/summationtextn
i=0(ti,Kiti) = (tD,KDtD) + (t0,K0t0)
= (tD,Kt), with K=/summationtextn
i=0Ki. We already mentioned in Section 2.3 that
the Maximum A Posteriori Approximation (MAP) might also see n as sad-
dle point approximation for the θ–likelihood p(yD|xD,D0θ), i.e., the ( θ–
conditional) evidence of the data yD(see Eq.(74). Thus, in cases where
112the marginalization over h, necessary to obtain that evidence, cannot be per-
formed analytically, but has to be done in saddle point appro ximation, we
get the same results as for a MAP of the predictive density.
Now we are able to compare the three resulting stationary equ ations
forθ–dependent mean t0(θ), covariance K0(θ) and prior p(θ). Setting the
derivative of the joint posterior p(h,θ|D,D 0) with respect to θto zero yields
0 =/parenleftigg∂t0
∂θ. (488)
This equation which we have already discussed has to be solve d simulta-
neously with the stationarity equation for h. While this approach is easily
adapted to general density estimation problems, its difficul ty forθ–dependent
covariance determinants lies in calculation of the derivat ive of the determi-
nant of K0. Maximizing the h–marginalized posterior p(θ|D,D 0), on the
other hand, only requires the calculation of the derivative of the determinant
of the ˜nטnmatrix/tildewiderK
0 =/parenleftigg∂t0
∂θ. (489)
Evaluated at the stationary h∗=t0+K−1
0/tildewiderK(tD−t0), the first term of Eq.
(488), which does not contain derivatives of the covariance s, becomes equal to
the first term of Eq. (489). The last terms of Eqs. (488) and (48 9) are always
identical. Typically, the data–independent K0has a more regular structure
than the data–dependent/tildewiderK. Thus, at least for one or two dimensional x, a
straightforward numerical solution of Eq. (488) by discret izingxcan also be
a good choice for Gaussian regression problems.
Analogously, from Eq. (312) follows for maximizing p(y,θ|x,D,D 0) with
respect toθ
0 =/parenleftigg∂t
p(θ|D,D 0)∂p(θ|D,D 0)
∂θ, (490)
113which isy–, andx–dependent. Such an approach may be considered if inter-
ested only in specific test data x,y.
We may remark that also in Gaussian regression the θ–integral may be
quite different from a Gaussian integral, so a saddle point ap proximation
does not necessarily have to give satisfactory results. In c ases one encoun-
ters problems one can, for example, try variable transforma tions/integraltextf(θ)dθ=/integraltextdet(∂θ/∂θ′)f(θ(θ′))dθ′to obtain a more Gaussian shape of the integrand.
Due to the presence of the Jacobian determinant, however, th e asymptotic
interpretation of the corresponding saddle point approxim ation is different
for the two integrals. The variablility of saddle point appr oximations results
from the freedom to add terms which vanish asymtotically but remains finite
in the nonasymptotic region. Similar effects are known in qua ntum many
body theory (see for example [159], chapter 7.) Alternative ly, theθ–integral
can be solved numerically by Monte Carlo methods[220, 219].
5.5 Integer hyperparameters
The hyperparameters θconsidered up to now have been real numbers, or
vector of real numbers. Such hyperparameters can describe c ontinuous trans-
formations, like the translation, rotation or scaling of te mplate functions and
the scaling of covariance operators. For real θand differentiable posterior,
stationarity conditions can be found by differentiating the posterior with
respect toθ.
Instead of a class of continuous transformations a finite num ber of al-
ternative template functions or covariances may be given. F or example, an
image to be reconstructed might be expected to show a digit be tween zero
and nine, a letter from some alphabet, or the face of someone w ho is a mem-
ber of known group of people. Similarly, a particular times s eries may be
expected to be either in a high or in a low variance regime. In a ll these cases,
there exist a finite number of classes iwhich could be represented by specific
templatestior covariances Ki. Such “class” variables iare nothing else than
hyperparameters θwith integer values.
Binary parameters, for example, allow to select from two ref erence func-
tions or two covariances that one which fits the data best. E.g ., fori=
θ∈ {0,1}one can write
t(θ) = (1 −θ)t1+θt2, (491)
K(θ) = (1 −θ)K1+θK2. (492)
114For integer θthe integral/integraltextdθbecomes a sum/summationtext
θ(we will also write some-
iif integer and continuous hyperparameters occur), so that p rior,
posterior, and predictive density have the form of a finite mixture with com-
For a moderate number of components one may be able to include all
of the mixture components. Such prior mixture models will be studied in
Section 6.
If the number of mixture components is too large to include th em all
explicitly, one again must restrict to some of them. One poss ibility is to
select a random sample using Monte–Carlo methods. Alternat ively, one may
search for the θ∗with maximal posterior. In contrast to typical optimizatio n
problems for real variables, the corresponding integer opt imization problems
are usually not very smooth with respect to θ(with smoothness defined in
terms of differences instead of derivatives), and are theref ore often much
harder to solve.
There exists, however, a variety of deterministic and stoch astic integer op-
timization algorithms, which may be combined with ensemble methods like
genetic algorithms [91, 74, 39, 145, 113, 193, 148], and with homotopy meth-
ods, like simulated annealing [106, 144, 185, 38, 1, 188, 226 , 63, 227, 228]. An-
nealing methods are similar to (Markov chain) Monte–Carlo m ethods, which
aim in sampling many points from a specific distribution (i.e ., for example
at fixed temperature). For them it is important to have (nearl y) indepen-
dent samples and the correct limiting distribution of the Ma rkov chain. For
annealing methods the aim is to find the correct minimum (i.e. , the ground
state having zero temperature) by smoothly changing the tem perature from
a finite value to zero. For them it is less important to model th e distribution
for nonzero temperatures exactly, but it is important to use an adequate
cooling scheme for lowering the temperature.
Instead of an integer optimization problem one may also try t o solve a
similar problem for real θ. For example, the binary θ∈ {0,1}in Eqs. (491)
and (492) may be extended to real θ∈[0,1]. By smoothly increasing an
appropriate additional hyperprior p(θ) one can finally enforce again binary
hyperparameters θ∈ {0,1}.
5.6 Local hyperfields
Most, but not all hyperparameters θconsidered so far have been real or
integer numbers orvectors with real or integer components θi. With the
115unrestricted template functions of Sect. 5.2.3 or the funct ions parameterizing
the covariance in Sections 5.3.3 and 5.3.4, we have, however , also encountered
function hyperparameters orhyperfields . In this section we will now discuss
function hyperparameters in more detail.
Functions can be seen as continuous vectors, the function va luesθ(u)
being the (continuous) analogue of vector components θi. In numerical cal-
culations, in particular, functions usually have to be disc retized, so functions
stand for high dimensional vectors.
Typical arguments of function hyperparameters are xand, for general
density estimation, also yvariables. Such functions θ(x) orθ(x,y) will be
called local hyperparameters orlocal hyperfields . Local hyperfields θ(x) can
be used, for example, to adapt templates or covariances loca lly. (For general
density estimation problems replace here and in the followi ngxby (x,y).)
The price to be paid for the additional flexibility of functio n hyperparam-
eters is a large number of additional degrees of freedom. Thi s can consid-
erably complicate calculations and, requires a sufficient nu mber of training
data and/or a sufficiently restrictive hyperprior to be able t o determine the
hyperfield and not to make the prior useless.
To introduce local hyperparameters θ(x) we express real symmetric, pos-
itive (semi–) definite inverse covariances by square roots W,K=WTW=/integraltextdxWxWT
xwhereWxrepresents the vector W(x,·). In components
K(x,x′) =/integraldisplay
dx′′WT(x,x′′)W(x′′,x′). (493)
In terms of ‘filtered differences’ ω(x) =/integraltextdx′W(x,x′) (φ(x′)−t(x′)) the prior
can be written
dx|ω(x)|2. (494)
A local hyperparameter θ(x) may be introduced as follows
p(φ|θ) =e−1
ω(x;θ) = (1 −θ(x))ω1(x) +θ(x)ω2(x), (496)
and, for instance, binary θ(x)∈ {0,1}.
Local modifications of ω(x) can be constructed from variants of templates
or covariances
tx(θ) = (1 −θ(x))t1,x+θ(x)t2,x, (497)
Wx(θ) = (1 −θ(x))W1,x+θ(x)W2,x, (498)
116the latter corresponding to
K(θ) =/integraldisplay
dxKx(θ) =/integraldisplay
where Kx(θ) =Wx(θ)WT
x(θ). For real θ(x) in Eq. (496) additional terms
θ2and (1 −θ(x))θ(x) would appear in Eq. (495) ). Notice, that also the
unrestricted adaption of templates discussed in Sect. 5.2. 3 corresponds to
the adaption of a real function θ(x).
A realθvariable can be converted into a binary variable by replacin gθ
in Eq. (496). for example by
Bθ(x) = Θ(θ(x)−ϑ). (500)
In case, however, the hyperprior is also formulated in terms ofBθ(x) this is
completely equivalent to a binary formulation.
Notice, that local templates tx(θ) for fixedxare still functions tx(x′;θ)
of anotherx′variable. Indeed, to obtain ω(x), the function txis needed for
allx′for which Whas nonzero entries. For a given θ(x) the corresponding
effective template t(θ) and effective covariance K(θ) are, according to Eqs.
(250,247), given by
t(θ) =K(θ)−1/summationdisplay
xKx(θ)tx(θ), (501)
K(θ) =/parenleftigg/summationdisplay
, (502)
i.e., one may rewrite
x|ω(x,θ)|2= (φ−t,K(φ−t)) +/summationdisplay
The MAP of Gaussian regression for a prior corresponding to ( 503) at optimal
θ∗is therefore given by φ∗= (KD+K(θ∗))−1(KDtD+K(θ∗)t(θ∗)), according
to Section 3.7.
As example, consider the following prior energy,
E(φ|θ) =1
. (504)
Because the covariance of the θ–dependent term is the identity, ( t0)x(x′;θ)
is only needed for x=x′and we may thus directly write t0(θ) denoting a
117functiont0(x;θ). To get the effective prior template tforφ, however, both
terms have to be combined, yielding
E(φ|θ) =1
with effective template and effective inverse covariance
t(θ) =K−1t0(θ),K=I+K0. (506)
For differential operators Wthe effective t(θ) is thus a smoothed version of
The extreme case would be to treat tandWitself as unrestricted hyper-
parameters. Notice, however, that increasing flexibility t ends to lower the
influence of the corresponding prior term. That means, using completely free
templates and covariances without introducing additional restricting hyper-
priors, just eliminates the corresponding prior term (see S ection 5.2.3).
Hence, to restrict the flexibility, typically a smoothness h yperprior is im-
posed to prevent highly oscillating functions θ(x). For example, to restrict
the number of discontinuities for a one–dimensional x, one may include a
factor like
dxδ(1−Cθ(x)), (507)
with constant κ, and
Cθ(x) = Θ
, (508)
with threshold 0 ≤ϑθ<∞and step function Θ with Θ( x) = 0 forx≤0
and Θ(x) = 1 for 1 < x≤ ∞. In the binary case, where/parenleftig
∂x/parenrightig2∈ {0,∞},
the term (508) counts the number of jumps. For real θ(x) an additional
smoothness prior like ( θ,−∆θ) should be added in regions where it is defined
(The space of φ–functions for which a smoothness prior ( φ−t,K(φ−t)) with
discontinuous t(θ) is defined depends on the locations of the discontinuities. )
To enable differentiation the step function Θ could be replac ed by a sigmoidal
The expression Cθof Eq. (508) can be generalized to
Cθ(x) = Θ/parenleftig
, (509)
118whereωθ(x) = (WθBθ)(x) andWθis some hyperprior operator, analogous
to the operator Win the prior, acting on the function Bθdefined in Eq.
Discontinuous functions φcan be approximated by using discontinuous
templatest(x;θ) or by eliminating matrix elements of the covariance which
connect the two sides of the discontinuity. For example, con sider the discrete
version of a negative Laplacian with periodic boundary cond itions,
2−1 0 0 0 −1
−1 2 −1 0 0 0
0−1 2 −1 0 0
0 0 −1 2 −1 0
0 0 0 −1 2 −1
−1 0 0 0 −1 2
, (510)
and square root,
1−1 0 0 0 0
0 1 −1 0 0 0
0 0 1 −1 0 0
0 0 0 1 −1 0
0 0 0 0 1 −1
−1 0 0 0 0 1
. (511)
The first three points can be disconnected from the last three points by
setting W(3) and W(6) to zero, namely,
1−1 0 0 0 0
0 1 −10 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1−1 0
0 0 0 0 1 −1
0 0 0 0 0 0
so that the smoothness prior is ineffective between points fr om different re-
1−1 0 0 0 0
−1 2 −10 0 0
0−1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1−1 0
0 0 0 −1 2 −1
0 0 0 0−1 1
. (513)
119In contrast to using discontinuous templates, training dat a are in this case
required for both regions to determine the free constants wh ich correspond
to the zero mode of the Laplacian.
Non–Gaussian priors often provide an alternative to the use of function
hyperparameters. Similarly to Eq. (508) one may define a B(x) directly in
terms ofφ,
B(x) = Θ/parenleftig
|ω1(x)|2− |ω2(x)|2−ϑ/parenrightig
, (514)
like, for a negative Laplacian prior,
B(x) = Θ
. (515)
Notice, that the functions ωi(x) andB(x) may be nonlocal with respect to
φ(x), meaning they may depend on more than one φ(x) value. The thresh-
oldϑcan be related to the prior expectations about ωi. A possible prior
formulated in terms of Bcan be,
2δ(1−C(x))), (516)
C(x) = Θ/parenleftig
, (517)
and some threshold ϑBand operator WB. Similarly to the introduction
of hyperparameters, one can again treat B(x) formally as an independent
function by including a term λ(B(x)−Θ (|ω1(x)|2− |ω2(x)|2−ϑ)) in the
prior energy and taking the limit λ→ ∞.
Eq. (516) looks similar to the combination of the prior (495) with the
hyperprior (507),
Notice, however, that the definition of Bθ(orCθ, respectively), is different
from that of B(orC). If theωidiffer only in their templates, the normaliza-
tion term can be skipped. Then, identifying Bθin (518) with a binary θand
assumingϑ= 0,ϑθ=ϑB,Wθ=WB, the two equations are equivalent for
θ= Θ (|ω1(x)|2− |ω2(x)|2). In the absence of hyperpriors, it is indeed easily
seen that this is a selfconsistent solution for θ, givenφ. In general, however,
there may be a trade off with the hyperprior, and another solut ion forθ, not
120selecting locally the smallest of the two prior contributio ns, might be better.
Non–Gaussian priors will be discussed in Section 6.5.
Hyperpriors, or analogous non–Gaussian prior terms, are fo r example
useful to enforce specific global constraints for θ(x) orB(x). In images, for
example, discontinuities are expected to form closed curve s. Hyperpriors,
organizing discontinuities along lines or closed curves, a re thus important for
image segmentation [65, 141, 61, 62, 221, 229].
6 Non–Gaussian prior factors
6.1 Mixtures of Gaussian prior factors
Complex, non–Gaussian prior factors, for example being mul timodal, may be
constructed or approximated by using mixtures of simpler pr ior components.
In particular, it is convenient to use as components or “buil ding blocks”
Gaussian densities, as then many useful results obtained fo r Gaussian pro-
cesses survive the generalization to mixture models [123, 1 24, 125, 126, 127].
We will therefore in the following discuss applications of m ixtures of Gaus-
sian priors. Other implementations of non–Gaussian priors will be discussed
in Section 6.5.
In Section 5.1 we have seen that hyperparameters label compo nents of
mixture densities. Thus, if jlabels the components of a mixture model, then
jcan be seen as hyperparameter. In Section 5 we have treated th e corre-
sponding hyperparameter integration completely in saddle point approxima-
tion. In this section we will assume the hyperparameters jto be discrete and
try to calculate the corresponding summation exactly.
Hence, consider a discrete hyperparameter j, possibly in addition to con-
tinuous hyperparameters θ. In contrast to the θ–integral we aim now in
treating the analogous sum over jexactly, i.e., we want to study mixture
p(φ,θ|˜D0) =m/summationdisplay
jp(φ,θ,j|˜D0) =m/summationdisplay
jp(φ|˜D0,θ,j)p(θ,j). (519)
In the following we concentrate on mixtures of Gaussian specific priors . No-
tice that such models do notcorrespond to Gaussian mixture models for φ
as they are often used in density estimation. Indeed, the for m ofφmay be
completely unrestricted, it is only its prior or posterior d ensity which is mod-
eled by a mixture. We also remark that a strict asymptotical j ustification of
121a saddle point approximation would require the introductio n of a parameter
˜βso thatp(φ,θ|˜D0)∝e˜βln/summationtext
jpj. If the sum is reduced to a single term then
˜βcorresponds to β.
We already discussed shortly in Section 5.2 that, in contras t to a product
of probabilities or a sum of error terms implementing a proba bilistic AND
of approximation conditions, a sum over jimplements a probabilistic OR.
Those alternative approximation conditions will in the seq uel be represented
by alternative templates tjand covariances Kj. A prior (or posterior) den-
sity in form of a probabilistic OR means that the optimal solu tion does not
necessarily have to approximate all but possibly only one of thetj(in a met-
ric defined by Kj). For example, we may expect in an image reconstruction
task blue or brown eyes whereas a mixture between blue and bro wn might
not be as likely. Prior mixture models are potentially usefu l for
1. Ambiguous (prior) data. Alternative templates can for ex ample repre-
sent different expected trends for a time series.
2. Model selection. Here templates represent alternative r eference models
(e.g., different neural network architectures, decision tr ees) and deter-
mining the optimal θcorresponds to training of such models.
3. Expert knowledge. Assume a priori knowledge to be formulated in
terms of conjunctions and disjunctions of simple component s or build-
ing blocks (for example verbally). E.g., an image of a face is expected
to contain certain constituents (eyes, mouth, nose; AND) ap pearing
in various possible variants (OR). Representing the simple compo-
nents/building blocks by Gaussian priors centered around a typical
example (e.g.,of an eye) results in Gaussian mixture models . This con-
stitutes a possible interface between symbolic and statist ical methods.
Such an application of prior mixture models has some similar ities with
the quantification of “linguistic variables” by fuzzy metho ds [110, 111].
For a discussion of possible applications of prior mixture m odels see also
[123, 124, 125, 126, 127]. An application of prior mixture mo dels to image
completion can be found in [128].
1226.2 Prior mixtures for density estimation
The mixture approach (519) leads in general to non–convex er ror functionals.
For Gaussian components Eq. (519) results in an error functi onal
Eθ,φ=−(lnP(φ), N) + (P(φ),ΛX)
2(φ−tj(θ),Kj(θ)(φ−tj(θ)))+lnZφ(θ,j)+Eθ,j), (520)
je−Eφ,j−Eθ,j+cj, (521)
Eφ,j=−(lnP(φ), N)+(P(φ),ΛX)+1
φ−tj(θ),Kj(θ) (φ−tj(θ))/parenrightig
cj=−lnZφ(θ,j). (523)
The stationarity equations for φandθ
0 =m/summationdisplay
δφe−Eφ,j−Eθ,j+cj, (524)
0 =m/summationdisplay
can also be written
0 =m/summationdisplay
δφp(φ,θ,j|˜D0), (526)
0 =m/summationdisplay
p(φ,θ,j|˜D0). (527)
Analogous equations are obtained for parameterized φ(ξ).
6.3 Prior mixtures for regression
For regression it is especially useful to introduce an inver se temperature mul-
tiplying the terms depending on φ, i.e., likelihood and prior.3As in regression
3As also the likelihood term depends on βit may be considered part of a ˜φtogether
regression function h(x). Due to its similarity to a regularization factor we have in cluded
βin this chapter about hyperparameters.
123φis represented by the regression function h(x) the temperature–dependent
error functional becomes
je−Ej+cj, (528)
Ej=ED+E0,j+Eθ,β,j, (529)
2(h−tD,KD(h−tD)), E 0,j=1
2(h−tj(θ),Kj(θ) (h−tj(θ))),
some hyperprior energy Eθ,β,j, and
cj(θ,β) = −lnZh(θ,j,β) +n
2ln det ( Kj(θ)) +d+n
2VD (531)
with some constant c. If we also maximize with respect to βwe have to
include the ( h–independent) training data variance VD=/summationtextn
D(xi) is the variance of the nitraining data at xi. In case
everyxiappears only once VDvanishes. Notice that cjincludes a contribution
from thendata points arising from the β–dependent normalization of the
likelihood term. Writing the stationarity equation for the hyperparameter β
separately, the corresponding three stationarity conditi ons are found as
0 =m/summationdisplay
KD(h−tD) +Kj(h−tj)/parenrightig
e−βEh,j−Eθ,β,j+cj, (532)
0 =m/summationdisplay
θ,β,j+ Tr/parenleftigg
0 =m/summationdisplay
e−βEh,j−Eθ,β,j+cj. (534)
Asβis only a one–dimensional parameter and its density can be qu ite non–
Gaussian it is probably most times more informative to solve for varying
values ofβinstead to restrict to a single ‘optimal’ β∗. Eq. (532) can also be
, (535)
aj=p(j|h,θ,β,D 0) =e−Ej+cj
=p(h|j,θ,β,D 0)p(j|θ,β,D 0)
p(h|θ,β,D 0)=p(h|j,θ,β,D 0)p(j,θ|β,D 0)
p(h,θ|β,D 0),(536)
being thus still a nonlinear equation for h.
6.3.1 High and low temperature limits
It are the limits of large and small βwhich make the introduction of this
additional parameter useful. The reason being that the high temperature
limitβ→0 gives the convex case, and statistical mechanics provides us with
high and low temperature expansions. Hence, we study the hig h temperature
and low temperature limits of Eq. (535).
In the high temperature limit β→0 the exponential factors ajbecome
2ln detKj
2lndetKk. (537)
In case one chooses Eθ,β,j=Eβ,j+βEθone has to replace Eθ,β,jbyEβ,j. The
high temperature solution becomes
h=¯t (538)
with (generalized) ‘complete template average’
. (539)
Notice that ¯tcorresponds to the minimum of the quadratic functional
Thus, in the infinite temperature limit a combination of quad ratic priors by
OR is effectively replaced by a combination by AND.
125In the low temperature limit β→ ∞ we have, assuming Eθ,β,j=Eβ+
β→∞−→e−β(E0,j∗+Eθ)−Eβ−EjforE0,j∗<E0,j,∀j∝ne}ationslash=j∗, p(j∗)∝ne}ationslash= 0,,(542)
meaning that
1 :j= argminjE0,j= argminjEh,j
0 :j∝ne}ationslash= argminjE0,j= argminjEh,j. (543)
Henceforth, all (generalized) ‘component averages’ ¯tjbecome solutions
h=¯tj, (544)
¯tj= (KD+Kj)−1(KDtD+Kjtj), (545)
provided the ¯tjfulfill the stability condition
Eh,j(h=¯tj)<Eh,j′(h=¯tj),∀j′∝ne}ationslash=j, (546)
2/parenleftig¯tj−¯tj′,(KD+Kj′) (¯tj−¯tj′)/parenrightig
+Vj′,∀j′∝ne}ationslash=j, (547)
. (548)
That means single components become solutions at zero tempe rature 1/β
in case their (generalized) ‘template variance’ Vj, measuring the discrepancy
between data and prior term, is not too large. Eq. (535) for hcan also be
expressed by the (potential) low temperature solutions ¯tj
jaj(KD+Kj)¯tj. (549)
Summarizing, in the high temperature limit the stationarit y equation
(532) becomes linear with a single solution being essential ly a (generalized)
average of all template functions. In the low temperature li mit the sin-
gle component solutions become stable provided their (gene ralized) variance
corresponding to their minimal error is small enough.
1266.3.2 Equal covariances
Especially interesting is the case of j–independent Kj(θ) =K0(θ) andθ–
independent det K0(θ). In that case the often difficult to obtain determinants
ofKjdo not have to be calculated.
Forj–independent covariances the high temperature solution is according
to Eqs.(539,545) a linear combination of the (potential) lo w temperature
j¯tj. (550)
It is worth to emphasize that, as the solution ¯tisnota mixture of the
component templates tjbut of component solutions ¯tj, even poor choices
for the template functions tjcan lead to good solutions, if enough data are
available. That is indeed the reason why the most common choi cet0≡0 for
a Gaussian prior can be successful.
Eqs.(549) simplifies to
j)¯tj, (551)
¯tj= (KD+K0)−1(KDtD+K0tj), (552)
and (forj–independent d)
2aBka+dk, (553)
introducing vector awith components aj,m×mmatrices
Bj(k,l) =/parenleftig¯tk−¯tj,(KD+K0) (¯tl−¯tj)/parenrightig
and constants
dj=−βVj−Eθ,β,j, (555)
withVjgiven in (548). Eq. (551) is still a nonlinear equation for h, it
shows however that the solutions must be convex combination s of theh–
independent ¯tj. Thus, it is sufficient to solve Eq. (553) for mmixture coeffi-
cientsajinstead of Eq. (532) for the function h.
127The high temperature relation Eq. (537) becomes
ke−Eθ,β,k, (556)
j= 1/mfor a hyperprior p(θ,β,j) uniform with respect to j. The low
temperature relation Eq. (543) remains unchanged.
Form= 2 Eq. (551) becomes
2+ (a1−a2)¯t1−¯t2
2+ (tanh ∆)¯t1−¯t2
with ( ¯t1+¯t2)/2 =¯tin caseEθ,β,jis uniform in jso thata0
j= 0.5, and
∆ =E2−E1
4b(2a1−1) +d1−d2
because the matrices Bjare in this case zero except B1(2,2) =B2(1,1) =b.
The stationarity Eq. (553) can be solved graphically (see Fi gs.7, 8), the
solution being given by the point where a1e−β
1+d2= (1−a1)e−β
or, alternatively,
2(tanh ∆ + 1) . (559)
That equation is analogous to the celebrated mean field equat ion of the
We conclude that in the case of equal component covariances, in addition
to the linear low–temperature equations, only a m−1–dimensional nonlinear
equation has to be solved to determine the ‘mixing coefficient s’a1,···,am−1.
6.3.3 Analytical solution of mixture models
For regression under a Gaussian mixture model the predictiv e density can be
calculated analytically for fixed θ. This is done by expressing the predictive
density in terms of the likelihood of θandj, marginalized over h
p(y|x,D,D 0) =/summationdisplay
j/integraltextdθp(θ,j)p(yD|xD,D0,θ,j)p(y|x,D,D 0,θ,j).
Figure 7: The solution of stationary equation Eq. (553) is gi ven by the point
1+d2= (1−a1)e−β
2b(1−a1)2+d1(upper row) or, equivalently, a1=
2(tanh∆ + 1) (lower row). Shown are, from left to right, a situa tion at high
temperature and one stable solution ( β= 2), at a temperature ( β= 2.75)
near the bifurcation, and at low temperature with two stable and one unstable
solutionsβ= 4. The values of b= 2,d1=−0.2025βandd2=−0.3025βused
for the plots correspond for example to the one–dimensional model of Fig.9
witht1= 1,t2=−1,tD= 0.1. Notice, however, that the shown relation is
valid form= 2 at arbitrary dimension.
(Here we concentrate on θ. The parameter βcan be treated analogously.)
According to Eq. (487) the likelihood can be written
p(yD|xD,D0,θ,j) =e−β/tildewideE0,j(θ)+1
2ln det(β
2π/tildewideKj(θ)), (561)
/tildewideE0,j(θ) =1
2(tD−tj(θ),/tildewiderKj(θ)(tD−tj(θ))) =Vj, (562)
and/tildewiderKj(θ) = (K−1
j,DD(θ))−1being a ˜nטn–matrix in data space. The
equality of Vjand/tildewideE0,jcan be seen using Kj−Kj(KD+Kj)−1Kj=KD−
j,DD)Kj,DD=/tildewiderK. For
the predictive mean, being the optimal solution under squar ed–error loss
and log–loss (restricted to Gaussian densities with fixed va riance) we find
¯y(x) =/integraldisplay
dyyp(y|x,D,D 0) =/summationdisplay
dθbj(θ)¯tj(θ), (563)
with, according to Eq. (318),
¯tj(θ) =tj+K−1
j/tildewiderKj(tD−tj), (564)
Figure 8: As in Fig.7 the plots of f1(a1) =a1andf2(a1) =1
2(tanh∆ + 1)
are shown within the inverse temperature range 0 ≤β≤4.
and mixture coefficients
bj(θ) =p(θ,j|D) =p(θ,j)p(yD|xD,D0,θ,j)
2ln det(/tildewideKj(θ)), (565)
which defines/tildewideEj=β/tildewideE0,j+Eθ,j. For solvable θ–integral the coefficients can
therefore be obtained exactly.
Ifbjis calculated in saddle point approximation at θ=θ∗it has the
structure of ajin (536) with E0,jreplaced by/tildewideEjandKjby/tildewiderKj. (The inverse
temperature βcould be treated analogously to θ. In that case Eθ,jwould
have to be replaced by Eθ,β,j.)
Calculating also the likelihood for j,θin Eq. (565) in saddle point ap-
proximation, i.e., p(yD|xD,D0,θ∗,j)≈p(yD|xD,h∗)p(h∗|D0,θ∗,j), the terms
p(yD|xD,h∗) in numerator and denominator cancel, so that, skipping D0and
bj(θ∗) =p(h∗|j,θ∗)p(j,θ∗)
p(h∗,θ∗)=aj(h∗,θ∗), (566)
becomes equal to the aj(θ∗) in Eq. (536) at h=h∗.
Eq. (565) yields as stationarity equation for θ, similarly to Eq. (489)
0 =/summationdisplay
Figure 9: Shown is the joint posterior density of handβ, i.e.,p(h,β|D,D 0)
∝p(yD|h,β)p(h|β,D 0)p(β) for a zero–dimensional example of a Gaussian
prior mixture model with training data yD= 0.1 and prior data yD0=
±1 and inverse temperature β. L.h.s.: For uniform prior (middle) p(β)∝
1 with joint posterior p∝e−β
the maximum
appears at finite β. (Here no factor 1 /2 appears in front of ln βbecause
normalization constants for prior and likelihood term have to be included.)
R.h.s.: For compensating hyperprior p(β)∝1/√βwithp∝e−β
2(h+1)2the maximum is at β= 0.
. (568)
For fixedθandj–independent covariances the high temperature solution
is a mixture of component solutions weighted by their prior p robability
j¯tj=¯t. (569)
The low temperature solution becomes the component solutio n¯tjwith min-
Figure 10: Same zero–dimensional prior mixture model for un iform hyper-
prior onβas in Fig.9, but for varying data xd= 0.3 (left),xd= 0.5 (right).
imal distance between data and prior template
¯yβ→∞−→¯tj∗withj∗= argminj(tD−tj,/tildewiderKj(tD−tj)). (570)
Fig.11 compares the exact mixture coefficient b1with the dominant solution
of the maximum posterior coefficient a1(see also [123]) which are related
according to (553)
2aBka. (571)
6.4 Local mixtures
Global mixture components can be obtained by combining loca l mixture
components. Predicting a time series, for example, one may a llow to switch
locally (in time) between two or more possible regimes, each corresponding
to a different local covariance or template.
The problem which arises when combining local alternatives is the fact
that the total number of mixture components grows exponenti ally in the
number local components which have to be combined for a globa l mixture
Consider a local prior mixture model, similar to Eq. (516),
p(φ|θ) =e−/integraltext
1322 4 6 8 10 12 14
Figure 11: Exact b1anda1(dashed) vs. βfor two mixture components with
equal covariances and B1(2,2) =b= 2,/tildewideE1= 0.405,/tildewideE2= 0.605.
whereθ(x) may be a binary or an integer variable. The local mixture var iable
θ(x) labels local alternatives for filtered differences ω(x;θ(x)) which may
differ in their templates t(x;θ(x)) and/or their local filters W(x;θ(x)). To
avoid infinite products, we choose a discretized xvariable (which may include
theyvariable for general density estimation problems), so that
p(φ) =/summationdisplay
x|ω(x;θ(x))|2−lnZφ(θ), (573)
where the sum/summationtext
θis over all local integer variables θ(x), i.e.,
. (574)
Only for factorizing hyperprior p(θ) =/producttext
xp(θ(x)) the complete posterior
p(φ) =
, (575)
xZφ(x,θ(x)). (576)
133Under that condition the mixture coefficients aθof Eq. (536) can be ob-
tained from the equations, local in θ(x),
aθ=aθ(x1)···θ(xl)=p(θ|φ) =/productdisplay
xaθ(x) (577)
θ′(x)p(θ′(x))e−|ω(x;θ′(x))|2−lnZφ(x;θ′(x)). (578)
For equal covariances this is a nonlinear equation within a s pace of dimension
equal to the number of local components. For non–factorizin g hyperprior the
equations for different θ(x) cannot be decoupled.
6.5 Non–quadratic potentials
Solving learning problems numerically by discretizing the xandyvariables
allows in principle to deal with arbitrary non–Gaussian pri ors. Compared to
Gaussian priors, however, the resulting stationarity equa tions are intrinsically
As a typical example let us formulate a prior in terms of nonli near and
non–quadratic “potential” functions ψacting on “filtered differences” ω=
W(φ−t), defined with respect to some positive (semi–)definite inve rse co-
variance K=WTW. In particular, consider a prior factor of the following
p(φ) =e−/integraltext
Zφ, (579)
whereE(φ) =/integraltextdxψ(ω(x)). For general density estimation problems we
understand xto stand for a pair ( x,y). Such priors are for example used for
image restoration [65, 25, 155, 66, 231, 230].
For differentiable ψfunction the functional derivative with respect to φ(x)
δφ(x)p(φ) =−e−/integraltext
dx′′ψ′(ω(x′′))W(x′′,x), (580)
withψ′(s) =dψ(z)/dz, from which follows
δφE(φ) =−δφlnp(φ) =WTψ′. (581)
134For nonlinear filters acting on φ−t,Win Eq. (579) must be replaced by
ω′(x) =δφ(x)ω(x). Instead of one Wa “filter bank” Wαwith corresponding
Kα,ωα, andψαmay be used, so that
dxψα(ωα(x))−lnZφ, (582)
δφE(φ) =/summationdisplay
α. (583)
The potential functions ψmay be fixed in advance for a given problem.
Typical choices to allow discontinuities are symmetric “cu p” functions with
minimum at zero and flat tails for which one large step is cheap er than many
small ones [221]). Examples are shown in Fig. 12 (a,b). The cu sp in (b),
where the derivative does not exist, requires special treat ment [230]. Such
functions can also be interpreted in the sense of robust stat istics as flat tails
reduce the sensitivity with respect to outliers [93, 94, 62, 23].
Inverted “cup” functions, like those shown in Fig. 12 (c), ha ve been ob-
tained by optimizing a set of ψαwith respect to a sample of natural images
[230]. (For statistics of natural images their relation to w avelet–like filters
and sparse coding see also [162, 163].)
While, for Wwhich are differential operators, cup functions promote
smoothness, inverse cup functions can be used to implement s tructure. For
suchWthe gradient algorithm for minimizing E(φ),
φnew=φold−ηδφE(φold), (584)
becomes in the continuum limit a nonlinear parabolic partia l differential
α(Wα(φ−t)). (585)
Here a formal time variable τhave been introduced so that ( φnew−φold)/η→
φτ=dφ/dτ . For cup functions this equation is of diffusion type [160, 17 3], if
also inverted cup functions are included the equation is of r eaction–diffusion
type [230]. Such equations are known to generate a great vari ety of patterns.
Alternatively to fixing ψin advance or, which is sometimes possible for
low–dimensional discrete function spaces like images, to a pproximate ψby
sampling from the prior distribution, one may also introduc e hyperparame-
ters and adapt potentials ψ(θ) to the data.
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 1500.
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 1500.511.522.53
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15-2.5-2-1.5-1-0.50
Figure 12: Non–quadratic potentials of the form ψ(x) =a(1.0−1/(1+(|x−
x0|/b)γ)), [230]: “Diffusion terms”: (a) Winkler’s cup function [22 1] (a= 5,
b= 10,γ= 0.7,x0= 0), (b) with cusp ( a= 1,b= 3,γ= 2,x0= 0), (c)
“Reaction term” ( a=−4.8,b= 15,γ= 2.0x0= 0).
136For example, attempting to adapt a unrestricted function ψ(x) with hy-
perpriorp(ψ) by Maximum A Posteriori Approximation one has to solve the
stationarity condition
0 =δψ(s)lnp(φ,ψ) =δψ(s)lnp(φ|ψ) +δψ(s)lnp(ψ). (586)
δψ(s)p(φ|ψ) =−p(φ|ψ)/integraldisplay
φδψ(s)Zφ, (587)
it follows
−δψ(s)lnp(φ|ψ) =n(s)−<n(s)>, (588)
with integer
n(s) =/integraldisplay
dxδ(s−ω(x)), (589)
being the histogram of the filtered differences, and average h istogram
dφp(φ|ψ)n(s). (590)
The right hand side of Eq. (588) is zero at φ∗if, e.g.,p(φ|ψ) =δ(φ−φ∗),
which is the case for ψ(ω(x;φ)) =β(ω(x;φ)−ω(x;φ∗))2in theβ→ ∞ limit.
Introducing hyperparameters one has to keep in mind that the resulting
additional flexibility must be balanced by the number of trai ning data and
the hyperprior to be useful in practice.
7 Iteration procedures: Learning
7.1 Numerical solution of stationarity equations
Due to the presence of the logarithmic data term −(lnP,N) and the normal-
ization constraint in density estimation problems the stat ionary equations
are in general nonlinear, even for Gaussian specific priors. An exception are
Gaussian regression problems discussed in Section 3.7 for w hich−(lnP,N)
becomes quadratic and the normalization constraint can be s kipped. How-
ever, the nonlinearities arising from the data term −(lnP,N) are restricted
to a finite number of training data points and for Gaussian spe cific priors one
may expect them, like those arising from the normalization c onstraint, to be
numerically not very harmful. Clearly, severe nonlinearit ies can appear for
137general non–Gaussian specific priors or general nonlinear p arameterizations
As nonlinear equations the stationarity conditions have in general to be
solved by iteration. In the context of empirical learning it eration procedures
to minimize an error functional represent possible learning algorithms .
In the previous sections we have encountered stationarity e quations
0 =δ(−Eφ)
δφ=G(φ), (591)
for error functionals Eφ, e.g.,φ=Lorφ=P, written in a form
Kφ=T. (592)
withφ–dependent T(and possibly K). For the stationarity Eqs. (144), (172),
and (193) the operator Kis aφ–independent inverse covariance of a Gaussian
specific prior. It has already been mentioned that for existi ng (and not too
ill–conditioned) K−1(representing the covariance of the prior process) Eq.
(592) suggests an iteration scheme
φ(i+1)=K−1T(φ(i)), (593)
for discretized φstarting from some initial guess φ(0). In general, like for the
non–Gaussian specific priors discussed in Section 6, Kcan beφ–dependent.
Eq. (359) shows that general nonlinear parameterizations P(ξ) lead to non-
linear operators K.
Clearly, if allowing φ–dependent T, the form (592) is no restriction of
generality. One always can choose an arbitrary invertible ( and not too ill–
conditioned) A, define
TA=G(φ) +Aφ, (594)
write a stationarity equation as
Aφ=TA, (595)
discretize and iterate with A−1. To obtain a numerical iteration scheme we
will choose a linear, positive definite learning matrix A. The learning matrix
may depend on φand may also change during iteration.
To connect a stationarity equation given in form (592) to an a rbitrary
iteration scheme with a learning matrix Awe define
ηA, (596)
138i.e., we split Kinto two parts
ηA+Bη, (597)
where we introduced ηfor later convenience. Then we obtain from the sta-
tionarity equation (592)
φ=ηA−1(T−Bηφ). (598)
To iterate we start by inserting an approximate solution φ(i)to the right–
hand side and obtain a new φ(i+1)by calculating the left hand side. This can
be written in one of the following equivalent forms
= (1−η)φ(i)+ηA−1/parenleftig
, (601)
whereηplays the role of a learning rate or step width, and A−1=/parenleftig
may be iteration dependent. The update equations (599–601) can be written
∆φ(i)=ηA−1G(φ(i)), (602)
with ∆φ(i)=φ(i+1)−φ(i). Eq. (601) does not require the calculation of B
orBηso that instead of Adirectly A−1can be given without the need to
calculate its inverse. For example operators approximatin gK−1and being
easy to calculate may be good choices for A−1.
For positive definite A(and thus also positive definite inverse) conver-
gence can be guaranteed, at least theoretically. Indeed, mu ltiplying with
(1/η)Aand projecting onto an infinitesimal dφgives
η(dφ,A∆φ) =/parenleftig
=d(−Eφ). (603)
In an infinitesimal neighborhood of φ(i)where ∆φ(i)becomes equal to dφ
in first order the left–hand side is for positive (semi) defini teAlarger (or
equal) to zero. This shows that at least for ηsmall enough the posterior
log–probability −Eφincreases i.e., the differential dEφis smaller or equal to
zero and the value of the error functional Eφdecreases.
139Stationarity equation (128) for minimizing ELyields for (599,600,601),
= (1−η)L(i)+ηA−1/parenleftig
. (606)
The function Λ(i)
Xis also unknown and is part of the variables we want to solve
for. The normalization conditions provide the necessary ad ditional equations,
and the matrix A−1can be extended to include the iteration procedure for
ΛX. For example, we can insert the stationarity equation for Λ Xin (606) to
. (607)
If normalizing L(i)at each iteration this corresponds to an iteration procedur e
forg=L+ lnZX.
Similarly, for the functional EPwe have to solve (166) and obtain for
Again, normalizing Pat each iteration this is equivalent to solving for z=
ZXP, and the update procedure for Λ Xcan be varied.
7.2 Learning matrices
7.2.1 Learning algorithms for density estimation
There exists a variety of well developed numerical methods f or unconstraint
as well as for constraint optimization [175, 52, 81, 181, 82, 9, 17, 75, 178].
Popular examples include conjugate gradient, Newton, and q uasi–Newton
methods, like the variable metric methods DFP (Davidon–Fle tcher–Powell)
or BFGS (Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno).
All of them correspond to the choice of specific, often iterat ion dependent,
learning matrices Adefining the learning algorithm. Possible simple choices
A=I: Gradient (611)
A=D: Jacobi (612)
A=L+D: Gauss–Seidel (613)
A=K: prior relaxation (614)
where Istands for the identity operator, Dfor a diagonal matrix, e.g. the
diagonal part of K, andLfor a lower triangular matrix, e.g. the lower tri-
angular part of K. In case Krepresents the operator of the prior term in
an error functional we will call iteration with K−1(corresponding to the co-
variance of the prior process) prior relaxation . Forφ–independent KandT,
η= 1 with invertible Kthe corresponding linear equation is solved by prior
relaxation in one step. However, also linear equations are s olved by iteration
if the size of Kis too large to be inverted. Because of I−1=Ithe gradient
algorithm does not require inversion.
On one hand, density estimation is a rather general problem r equiring
the solution of constraint, inhomogeneous, nonlinear (int egro–)differential
equations. On the other hand, density estimation problems a re, at least
for Gaussian specific priors and non restricting parameteri zation, typically
“nearly” linear and have only a relatively simple positivit y and normalization
constraint. Furthermore, the inhomogeneities are commonl y restricted to a
finite number of discrete training data points. Thus, we expe ct the inversion
ofKto be the essential part of the solution for density estimati on problems.
However, Kis not necessarily invertible or may be difficult to calculate .
Also, inversion of Kis not exactly what is optimal and there are improved
methods. Thus, we will discuss in the following basic optimi zation methods
adapted especially to the situation of density estimation.
7.2.2 Linearization and Newton algorithm
For linear equations Kφ=TwhereTandKare no functions of φa spectral
radiusρ(M)<1 (the largest modulus of the eigenvalues) of the iteration
M=−ηA−1Bη= (1−η)I−ηA−1B=I−ηA−1K (615)
would guarantee convergence of the iteration scheme. This i s easily seen by
solving the linear equation by iteration according to (599)
n=0MnA−1T. (618)
A zero mode of K, for example a constant function for differential operators
without boundary conditions, corresponds to an eigenvalue 1 ofMand would
lead to divergence of the sequence φ(i). However, a nonlinear T(φ) orK(φ),
like the nonlinear normalization constraint contained in T(φ), can then still
lead to a unique solution.
A convergence analysis for nonlinear equations can be done i n a linear
approximation around a fixed point. Expanding the gradient a tφ∗
G(φ) =δ(−Eφ)
φ∗+ (φ−φ∗)H(φ∗) +··· (619)
shows that the factor of the linear term is the Hessian. Thus i n the vicinity
ofφ∗the spectral radius of the iteration matrix
M=I+ηA−1H, (620)
determines the rate of convergence. The Newton algorithm us es the negative
Hessian −Has learning matrix provided it exists and is positive definit e.
Otherwise it must resort to other methods. In the linear appr oximation (i.e.,
for quadratic energy) the Newton algorithm
A=−H: Newton (621)
is optimal. We have already seen in Sections 3.1.3 and 3.2.3 t hat the inho-
mogeneities generate in the Hessian in addition to Ka diagonal part which
can remove zero modes of K.
7.2.3 Massive relaxation
We now consider methods to construct a positive definite or at least invertible
learning matrix. For example, far from a minimum the Hessian Hmay not
be positive definite and like a differential operator Kwith zero modes, not
even invertible. Massive relaxation can transform a non–in vertible or not
positive definite operator A0, e.g.A0=KorA0=−H, into an invertible
or positive definite operators:
A=A0+m2I: Massive relaxation (622)
142A generalization would be to allow m=m(x,y). This is, for example, used
in some realizations of Newton‘s method for minimization in regions where
His not positive definite and a diagonal operator is added to −H, using for
example a modified Cholesky factorization [17]. The mass ter m removes the
zero modes of Kif−m2is not in the spectrum of A0and makes it positive
definite ifm2is larger than the smallest eigenvalue of A0. Matrix elements
(φ,(A0−zI)−1φ) of the resolvent A−1(z),z=−m2representing in this
case a complex variable, have poles at discrete eigenvalues ofA0and a cut
at the continuous spectrum as long as φhas a non–zero overlap with the
corresponding eigenfunctions. Instead of multiples of the identity, also other
operators may be added to remove zero modes. The Hessian HLin (157), for
example, adds a x–dependent mass–like, but not necessarily positive definit e
term to K. Similarly, for example HPin (182) has ( x,y)–dependent mass
P−2Nrestricted to data points.
While full relaxation is the massless limit m2→0 of massive relaxation,
a gradient algorithm with η′can be obtained as infinite mass limit m2→ ∞
withη→ ∞ andm2/η= 1/η′.
Constant functions are typical zero modes, i.e., eigenfunc tions with zero
eigenvalue, for differential operators with periodic bound ary conditions. For
instance for a common smoothness term −∆ (kinetic energy operator) as
regularizing operator Kthe inverse of A=K+m2Ihas the form
A−1(x′,y′;x,y) =1
−∆ +m2. (623)
k2x+k2y+m2, (624)
withd=dX+dY,dX= dim(X),dY= dim(Y). This Green‘s function or
matrix element of the resolvent kernel for A0is analogous to the (Euclidean)
propagator of a free scalar field with mass m, which is its two–point corre-
lation function or matrix element of the covariance operato r. According to
0dte−xtthe denominator can be brought into the exponent by intro-
ducing an additional integral. Performing the resulting Ga ussian integration
overk= (kx,ky) the inverse can be expressed as
A−1(x′,y′;x,y;m) =md−2A−1(m(x−x′),m(y−y′); 1)
= (2π)−d/2/parenleftiggm
143in terms of the modified Bessel functions Kν(x) which have the following
integral representation
βγ) =1
t−γt. (626)
Alternatively, the same result can be obtained by switching tod–dimensional
spherical coordinates, expanding the exponential in ultra -spheric harmonic
functions and performing the integration over the angle-va riables [109]. For
the example d= 1 this corresponds to Parzens kernel used in density esti-
mation or for d= 3
A−1(x′,y′;x,y) =1
4π|x−x′|+ 4π|y−y′|e−m|x−x′|−m|y−y′|. (627)
The Green’s function for periodic, Neumann, or Dirichlet bo undary con-
ditions can be expressed by sums over A−1(x′,y′;x,y) [72].
The lattice version of the Laplacian with lattice spacing areads
ˆ∆f(n) =1
j[f(n−aj)−2f(n) +f(n+aj)], (628)
writingajfor a vector in direction jand length a. Including a mass term we
get as lattice approximation for A
ˆA(nx,ny;mx,my) =−1
j,my) +m2δnx,mxδny,my(629)
Inserting the Fourier representation (102) of δ(x) gives
ˆA(nx,ny;mx,my) =2d
1 +m2a2
, (630)
i, cosky,j= coskyay
jand inverse
ˆA−1(nx,ny;mx,my) =/integraldisplayπ
(Form= 0 andd≤2 the integrand diverges for k→0 (infrared divergence).
Subtracting formally the also infinite ˆA−1(0,0; 0,0) results in finite difference.
For example in d= 1 one finds ˆA−1(ny;my)−ˆA−1(0; 0) = −(1/2)|ny−my|
[96]. Using 1 /x=/integraltext∞
0dte−xtone obtains [180]
ˆA−1(kx,ky) =1
, (632)
withµ=d/a2+m2/2. This allows to express the inverse ˆA−1in terms of
the modified Bessel functions Iν(n) which have for integer argument nthe
integral representation
Iν(n) =1
0dΘencos Θcos(νΘ). (633)
One finds
ˆA−1(nx,ny;mx,my) =1
It might be interesting to remark that the matrix elements of the inverse
learning matrix or free massive propagator on the lattice ˆA−1(x′,y′;x,y) can
be given an interpretation in terms of (random) walks connec ting the two
points (x′,y′) and (x,y) [51, 180]. For that purpose the lattice Laplacian is
splitted into a diagonal and a nearest neighbor part
−ˆ∆ =1
a2(2dI−W), (635)
where the nearest neighbor matrix Whas matrix elements equal one for
nearest neighbors and equal to zero otherwise. Thus,
−ˆ∆ +m2/parenrightig−1=1
145can be written as geometric series. The matrix elements Wn(x′,y′;x,y) give
the number of walks w[(x′,y′)→(x,y)] of length |w|=nconnecting the two
points (x′,y′) and (x,y). Thus, one can write
−ˆ∆ +m2/parenrightig−1(x′,y′;x,y) =1
. (637)
7.2.4 Gaussian relaxation
As Gaussian kernels are often used in density estimation and also in function
approximation (e.g. for radial basis functions [176]) we co nsider the example
2˜σ2: Gaussian (638)
with positive semi–definite M2. The contribution for k= 0 corresponds to
a mass term so for positive semi–definite MthisAis positive definite and
therefore invertible with inverse
2˜σ2, (639)
which is diagonal and Gaussian in M–representation. In the limit ˜ σ→ ∞ or
for zero modes of Mthe Gaussian A−1becomes the identity I, corresponding
to the gradient algorithm. Consider
M2(x′,y′;x,y) =−δ(x−x′)δ(y−y′)∆ (640)
where theδ–functions are usually skipped from the notation, and
∆ =∂2
denotes the Laplacian. The kernel of the inverse is diagonal in Fourier rep-
y;,kx,ky) =δ(kx−k′
2˜σ2 (641)
and non–diagonal, but also Gaussian in ( x,y)–representation
A−1(x′,y′;x,y) =e−∆
2σ2, (643)
withσ= 1/˜σandd=dX+dY,dX= dim(X),dY= dim(Y).
7.2.5 Inverting in subspaces
Matrices considered as learning matrix have to be invertibl e. Non-invertible
matrices can only be inverted in the subspace which is the com plement of
its zero space. With respect to a symmetric Awe define the projector Q0=
iψiinto its zero space (for the more general case of a normal A
iby the hermitian conjugate ψ†
i) and its complement Q1=I−Q0=/summationtext
iψiwithψidenoting orthogonal eigenvectors with eigenvalues ai∝ne}ationslash= 0 of
A, i.e.,Aψi=aiψi∝ne}ationslash= 0. Then, denoting projected sub-matrices by QiAQj
=Aijwe have A00=A10=A01= 0, i.e.,
A=Q1AQ1=A11. (644)
and in the update equation
A∆φ(i)=ηG (645)
onlyA11can be inverted. Writing Qjφ=φjfor a projected vector, the
iteration scheme acquires the form
11G1, (646)
0 =ηG0. (647)
For positive semi–definite Athe sub-matrix A11is positive definite. If the
second equation is already fulfilled or its solution is postp oned to a later
iteration step we have
1 =φ(i)
, (648)
0 =φ(i)
0. (649)
In case the projector Q0=I0is diagonal in the chosen representation the
projected equation can directly be solved by skipping the co rresponding com-
ponents. Otherwise one can use the Moore–Penrose inverse A#ofAto solve
the projected equation
∆φ(i)=ηA#G. (650)
147Alternatively, an invertible operator ˜A00can be added to A11to obtain a
complete iteration scheme with A−1=A−1
. (651)
The choice A−1= (A11+I00)−1=A−1
11+I00, =A−1
11+Q0, for instance,
results in a gradient algorithm on the zero space with additi onal coupling
between the two subspaces.
7.2.6 Boundary conditions
For a differential operator invertability can be achieved by adding an operator
restricted to a subset B⊂X×Y(boundary). More general, we consider an
projector QBon a space which we will call boundary and the projector on
the interior QI=I−QB. We write QkKQl=Kklfork,l∈ {I,B}, and
require KBI= 0. That means Kis not symmetric, but KIIcan be, and we
For such an Kan equation of the form Kφ=Tcan be decomposed into
KBBφB=TB, (653)
KIBφB+KIIφI=TI, (654)
with projected φk=Qkφ,Tk=QkTso that
BBTB, (655)
. (656)
The boundary part is independent of the interior, however, t he interior can
depend on the boundary. A basis can be chosen so that the proje ctor onto
the boundary is diagonal, i.e.,
Eliminating the boundary results in an equation for the inte rior with adapted
inhomogeneity. The special case KBB=IBB, i.e.,φB=TBon the boundary,
is known as Dirichlet boundary conditions.
148Analogously, we may use a learning matrix Awith boundary, correspond-
ing for example to a Kwith boundary conditions:
A=AII+AIB+ABB: Boundary (657)
A=AII+AIB+IBB: Dirichlet boundary (658)
For linear ABBthe form (657) corresponds to general linear boundary condi -
tions. One can, however, also allow nonlinear boundary cond itions. AIIcan
be chosen symmetric, and therefore positive definite, and th e boundary of A
can be changed during iteration. Solving A(φ(i+1)−φ(i)) =η(T(i)−K(i)φ(i))
gives on the boundary and for the interior
, (659)
For fulfilled boundary conditions with φ(i)
BI= 0, or
BB→0 so the boundary is not updated, the term φ(i+1)
Otherwise, inserting the first in the second equation gives
I =φi
Even if Kis not defined with boundary conditions, an invertible Acan be
obtained from Kby introducing a boundary for A. The updating process
can then for example be restricted to the interior and the bou ndary changed
during iteration.
The following table summarizes the learning matrices we hav e discussed:
Learning algorithm Learning matrix
Gradient A=I
Jacobi A=D
Gauss–Seidel A=L+D
Newton A=−H
prior relaxation A=K
massive relaxation A=A0+m2I
linear boundary A=AII+AIB+ABB
Dirichlet boundary A=AII+AIB+IBB
Gaussian A=/summationtext∞
1497.3 Initial configurations and kernel methods
7.3.1 Truncated equations
To solve the nonlinear Eq. (593) by iteration one has to begin with an ini-
tial configuration φ(0). In principle any easy to use technique for density
estimation could be chosen to construct starting guesses φ(0).
One possibility to obtain initial guesses is to neglect some terms of the full
stationarity equation and solve the resulting simpler (ide ally linear) equation
first. The corresponding solution may be taken as initial gue ssφ(0)for solving
the full equation.
Typical error functionals for statistical learning proble ms include a term
(L, N) consisting of a discrete sum over a finite number nof training data.
For diagonal P′those contributions result (346) in nδ–peak contributions to
the inhomogeneities Tof the stationarity equations, like/summationtext
in Eq. (144) or/summationtext
iδ(x−xi)δ(y−yi)/P(x,y) in Eq. (172). To find an initial
guess, one can now keep only that δ–peak contributions Tδarising from the
training data and ignore the other, typically continuous pa rts ofT. For (144)
and (172) this means setting Λ X= 0 and yields a truncated equation
Kφ=P′P−1N=Tδ. (662)
Hence,φcan for diagonal P′be written as a sum of nterms
φ(x,y) =n/summationdisplay
P(xi,yi), (663)
withC=K−1, provided the inverse K−1exists. For ELthe resulting trun-
cated equation is linear in L. ForEP, however, the truncated equations
remains nonlinear. Having solved the truncated equation we restore the
necessary constraints for φ, like normalization and positivity for Por nor-
malization of the exponential for L.
In general, a C∝ne}ationslash=K−1can be chosen. This is necessary if Kis not
invertible and can also be useful if its inverse is difficult to calculate. One
possible choice for the kernel is the inverse negative Hessi anC=−H−1
evaluated at some initial configuration φ(0)or an approximation of it. A
simple possibility to construct an invertible operator fro m a noninvertible K
would be to add a mass term
CI/parenrightig−1, (664)
150or to impose additional boundary conditions.
Solving a truncated equation of the form (663) with Cmeans skipping
the term −C(P′ΛX+ (K−C−1)φ) from the exact relation
φ=CP′P−1N−C(P′ΛX+ (K−C−1)φ). (665)
A kernel used to create an initial guess φ(0)will be called an initializing
kernel .
A similar possibility is to start with an “empirical solutio n”
φ(0)=φemp, (666)
whereφempis defined as a φwhich reproduces the conditional empirical
densityPempof Eq. (236) obtained from the training data, i.e.,
Pemp=P(φemp). (667)
In case, there are not data points for every x–value, a correctly normalized
initial solution would for example be given by ˜Pempdefined in Eq. (238). If
zero values of the empirical density correspond to infinite v alues forφ, like
in the case φ=L, one can use Pǫ
empas defined in Eq. (239), with small ǫ, to
obtain an initial guess.
Similarly to Eq. (663), it is often also useful to choose a (fo r example
smoothing) kernel Cand use as initial guess
φ(0)=Cφemp, (668)
or a properly normalized version thereof. Alternatively, o ne may also let the
(smoothing) operator Cdirectly act on Pempand use a corresponding φas
initial guess,
φ(0)= (φ)(−1)CPemp), (669)
assuming an inverse ( φ)(−1)of the mapping P(φ) exists.
We will now discuss the cases φ=Landφ=Pin some more detail.
7.3.2 Kernels for L
ForELwe have the truncated equation
L=CN. (670)
151Normalizing the exponential of the solution gives
L(x,y) =n/summationdisplay
iC(x,y′;xi,yi), (671)
L=CN−lnIXeCN. (672)
Notice that normalizing Laccording to Eq. (671) after each iteration the
truncated equation (670) is equivalent to a one–step iterat ion with uniform
P(0)=eL(0)according to
L1=CN+CP(0)ΛX, (673)
where only ( I−CK)Lis missing from the nontruncated equation (665),
because the additional y–independent term CP(0)ΛXbecomes inessential if
Lis normalized afterwards.
Lets us consider as example the choice C=−H−1(φ(0)) for uniform initial
L(0)=ccorresponding to a normalized PandKL(0)= 0 (e.g., a differential
operator). Uniform L(0)means uniform P(0)= 1/vy, assuming that vy=/integraltextdy
exists and, according to Eq. (138), Λ X=NXforKL(0)= 0. Thus, the
Hessian (161) at L(0)) is found as
H(L(0)) =−/parenleftigg
which can be invertible due to the presence of the second term .
Another possibility is to start with an approximate empiric al log–density,
defined as
emp= lnPǫ
emp, (675)
empgiven in Eq. (239). Analogously to Eq. (668), the empirical l og–
density may for example also be smoothed and correctly norma lized again,
resulting in an initial guess,
emp. (676)
Similarly, one may let a kernel C, or its normalized version ˜Cdefined below
in Eq. (680), act on Pempfirst and then take the logarithm
L(0)= ln(˜CPǫ
emp). (677)
Because already ˜CPempis typically nonzero it is most times not necessary to
work here with Pǫ
emp. Like in the next section Pempmay be also be replaced
by˜Pempas defined in Eq. (238).
1527.3.3 Kernels for P
ForEPthe truncated equation
P=CP−1N, (678)
is still nonlinear in P. If we solve this equation approximately by a one–
step iteration P1=C(P(0))−1Nstarting from a uniform initial P(0)and
normalizing afterwards this corresponds for a single x–value to the classical
kernel methods commonly used in density estimation. As norm alized density
P(x,y) =/summationtext
i¯C(x,y;xi,yi), (679)
K,XCN=¯CN, (680)
with (data dependent) normalized kernel ¯C=N−1
C,XCandNC,Xthe diagonal
matrix with diagonal elements IXCN. Again C=K−1or similar invertible
choices can be used to obtain a starting guess for P. The form of the Hessian
(182) suggests in particular to include a mass term on the dat a.
It would be interesting to interpret Eq. (680) as stationari ty equation of
a functional ˆEPcontaining the usual data term/summationtext
ilnP(xi,yi). Therefore, to
obtain the derivative P−1Nof this data term we multiply for existing ¯C−1
Eq. (680) by P−1¯C−1, whereP∝ne}ationslash= 0 at data points, to obtain
/tildewideC−1P=P−1N, (681)
with data dependent
/tildewideC−1(x,y;x′,y′) =¯C−1(x,y;x′,y′)
i¯C(x,y;xi,yi). (682)
Thus, Eq. (680) is the stationarity equation of the function al
ˆEP=−(N,lnP) +1
2(P,/tildewideC−1P). (683)
To study the dependence on the number nof training data for a given C
consider a normalized kernel with/integraltextdyC(x,y;x′,y′) =λ,∀x,x′,y′. For such
a kernel the denominator of ¯Cis equal tonλso we have
nλ, P =CN
153Assuming that for large nthe empirical average (1 /n)/summationtext
iC(x,y;xi,yi) in the
denominator of/tildewideC−1becomesnindependent, e.g., converging to the true av-
eragen/integraltextdx′dy′p(x′,y′)C(x,y;x′,y′), the regularizing term in functional (683)
becomes proportional to n
/tildewideC−1∝nλ2, (685)
According to Eq. (77) this would allow to relate a saddle poin t approximation
to a largen–limit.
Again, a similar possibility is to start with the empirical d ensity ˜Pemp
defined in Eq. (238). Analogously to Eq. (668), the empirical density can for
example also be smoothed and correctly normalized again, so that
P(0)=˜C˜Pemp. (686)
with˜Cdefined in Eq. (680).
Fig. 13 compares the initialization according to Eq. (679), where the
smoothing operator ˜Cacts onN, with an initialization according to Eq.
(686), where the smoothing operator ˜Cacts on the correctly normalized
7.4 Numerical examples
7.4.1 Density estimation with Gaussian specific prior
In this section we look at some numerical examples and discus s implemen-
tations of the nonparametric learning algorithms for densi ty estimation we
have discussed in this paper.
As example, consider a problem with a one–dimensional X–space and a
one–dimensional Y–space, and a smoothness prior with inverse covariance
K=λx(KX⊗1Y) +λy(1X⊗KY), (687)
x (688)
y, (689)
and Laplacian
∆x(x,x′) =δ′′(x−x′) =δ(x−x′)d2
dx2, (690)
154and analogously for ∆ y. Forλ2∝ne}ationslash= 0 =λ0=λ4=λ6this corresponds to the
two Laplacian prior factors ∆ xforxand ∆yfory. (Notice that also for λx=
λytheλ4– andλ6–terms do not include all terms of an iterated 2–dimensional
Laplacian, like ∆2= (∆x+ ∆y)2or ∆4, as the mixed derivatives ∆ x∆yare
We will now study nonparametric density estimation with pri or factors
being Gaussian with respect to Las well as being Gaussian with respect to
The error or energy functional for a Gaussian prior factor in Lis given
by Eq. (109). The corresponding iteration procedure is
. (691)
Written explicitly for λ2= 1,λ0=λ4=λ6= 0 Eq. (691) reads,
L(i+1)(x,y) =L(i)(x,y) +η/summationdisplay
jA−1(x,y;xj,yj) (692)
d(x′)2L(i)(x′,y′) +d2
d(y′′)2L(i)(x′,y′′) =d
vanishes if the first derivatived
dyL(i)(x,y) vanishes at the boundary or if
Analogously, for error functional EP(164) the iteration procedure
becomes for λ2= 1,λ0=λ4=λ6= 0
P(i+1)(x,y) =P(i)(x,y) +η/summationdisplay
d(x′)2P(i)(x′,y′) +d2
jδ(x′−xj) +/integraldisplay
, (695)
where the first term vanishes for P(i)periodic or vanishing at the boundaries.
(This has to be the case for id/dy to be hermitian.)
We now study density estimation problems numerically. In pa rticular,
we want to check the influence of the nonlinear normalization constraint.
Furthermore, we want to compare models with Gaussian prior f actors forL
with models with Gaussian prior factors for P.
The following numerical calculations have been performed o n a mesh of
dimension 10 ×15, i.e.,x∈[1,10] andy∈[1,15], with periodic boundary
conditions on yand sometimes also in x. A variety of different iteration and
initialization methods have been used.
Figs. 14 – 17 summarize results for density estimation probl ems with only
two data points, where differences in the effects of varying sm oothness priors
are particularly easy to see. A density estimation with more data points can
be found in Fig. 21.
For Fig. 14 a Laplacian smoothness prior on Lhas been implemented. The
solution has been obtained by iterating with the negative He ssian, as long
as positive definite. Otherwise the gradient algorithm has b een used. One
iteration step means one iteration according to Eq. (601) wi th the optimal
η. Thus, each iteration step includes the optimization of ηby a line search
algorithm. (For the figures the Mathematica function FindMi nimum has
been used to optimize η.)
As initial guess in Fig. 14 the kernel estimate L(0)= ln(˜C˜Pemp) has been
employed, with ˜Cdefined in Eq. (680) and C= (K+m2
CI) with squared mass
C= 0.1. The fast drop–off of the energy ELwithin the first two iterations
shows the quality of this initial guess. Indeed, this fast co nvergence seems
to indicate that the problem is nearly linear, meaning that t he influence of
156the only nonlinear term in the stationarity equation, the no rmalization con-
straint, is not too strong. Notice also, that the reconstruc ted regression shows
the typical piecewise linear approximations well known fro m one–dimensional
(normalization constraint free) regression problems with Laplacian prior.
Fig. 15 shows a density estimation similar to Fig. 14, but for a Gaussian
prior factor in Pand thus also with different λ2, different initialization, and
slightly different iteration procedure. For Fig. 15 also a ke rnel estimate P(0)
= (˜C˜Pemp) has been used as initial guess, again with ˜Cas defined in Eq. (680)
andC= (K+m2
CI) but with squared mass m2
C= 1.0. The solution has been
obtained by prior relaxation A=K+m2Iincluding a mass term with m2
= 1.0 to get for a Laplacian K=−∆ and periodic boundary conditions an
invertible A. This iteration scheme does not require to calculate the Hes sian
HPat each iteration step. Again the quality of the initial gues s (and the
iteration scheme) is indicated by the fast drop–off of the ene rgyEPduring
the first iteration.
Because the range of P–values, being between zero and one, is smaller
than that of L–values, being between minus infinity and zero, a larger Lapl a-
cian smoothness factor λ2is needed for Fig. 15 to get similar results than for
Fig. 14. In particular, such λ2values have been chosen for the two figures
that the maximal values of the the two reconstructed probabi lity densities P
turns out to be nearly equal.
Because the logarithm particularly expands the distances b etween small
probabilities one would expect a Gaussian prior for Lto be especially effective
for small probabilities. Comparing Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 this e ffect can indeed
be seen. The deep valleys appearing in the L–landscape of Fig. 15 show that
small values of Lare not smoothed out as effectively as in Fig. 14. Notice,
that therefore also the variance of the solution p(y|x,h) is much smaller for
a Gaussian prior in Pat thosexwhich are in the training set.
Fig. 16 resumes results for a model similar to that presented in Fig.
14, but with a ( −∆3)–prior replacing the Laplacian ( −∆)–prior. As all
quadratic functions have zero third derivative such a prior favors, applied to
L, quadratic log–likelihoods, corresponding to Gaussian pr obabilitiesP. In-
deed, this is indicated by the striking difference between th e regression func-
tions in Fig. 16 and in Fig. 14: The ( −∆3)–prior produces a much rounder
regression function, especially at the xvalues which appear in the data. Note
however, that in contrast to a pure Gaussian regression prob lem, in density
estimation an additional non–quadratic normalization con straint is present.
In Fig. 17 a similar prior has been applied, but this time bein g Gaussian
157inPinstead ofL. In contrast to a ( −∆3)–prior for L, a (−∆3)–prior for P
implements a tendency to quadratic P. Similarly to the difference between
Fig. 14 and Fig. 16, the regression function in Fig. 17 is also rounder than
that in Fig. 15. Furthermore, smoothing in Fig. 17 is also les s effective for
smaller probabilities than it is in Fig. 16. That is the same r esult we have
found comparing the two priors for Lshown in Fig. 15 and Fig. 14. This leads
to deeper valleys in the L–landscape and to a smaller variance especially at
xwhich appear in the training data.
Fig. 21 depicts the results of a density estimation based on m ore than
two data points. In particular, fifty training data have been obtained by
sampling with uniform p(x) from the “true” density
Ptrue(x,y) =p(y|x,htrue) =1
withσ0= 1.5,ha(x) = 125/18 + (5/9)x,hb(x) = 145/18−(5/9)x, shown in
the top row of Fig. 18. The sampling process has been implemen ted using the
transformation method (see for example [181]). The corresp onding empirical
densityN/n(235) and conditional empirical density Pempof Eq. (236), in
this case equal to the extended ˜Pempdefined in Eq. (238), can be found in
Fig. 20.
Fig. 21 shows the maximum posterior solution p(y|x,h∗) and its loga-
rithm, the energy ELduring iteration, the regression function
h(x) =/integraldisplay
dyyp(y|x,htrue) =/integraldisplay
dyyP true(x,y), (697)
(as reference, the regression function for the true likelih oodp(y|x,htrue) is
given in Fig. 19), the average training error (orempirical (conditional) log–
i=1logp(yi|xi,h), (698)
and the average test error (ortrue expectation of (conditional) log–loss ) for
dydxp (x)p(y|x,htrue) lnp(y|x,h),(699)
which is, up to a constant, equal to the expected Kullback–Le ibler distance
between the actual solution and the true likelihood,
dydxp (x,y|htrue) lnp(y|x,h)
158The test error measures the quality of the achieved solution . It has, in
contrast to the energy and training error, of course not been available to the
learning algorithm.
The maximum posterior solution of Fig. 21 has been calculate d by mini-
mizingELusing massive prior iteration with A=K+m2I, a squared mass
m2= 0.01, and a (conditionally) normalized, constant L(0)as initial guess.
Convergence has been fast, the regression function is simil ar to the true one
(see Fig. 19).
Fig. 22 compares some iteration procedures and initializat ion methods
Clearly, all methods do what they should do, they decrease th e energy func-
tional. Iterating with the negative Hessian yields the fast est convergence.
Massive prior iteration is nearly as fast, even for uniform i nitialization, and
does not require calculation of the Hessian at each iteratio n. Finally, the
slowest iteration method, but the easiest to implement, is t he gradient algo-
Looking at Fig. 22 one can distinguish data–oriented from pr ior–oriented
initializations. We understand data–oriented initial gue sses to be those for
which the training error is smaller at the beginning of the it eration than for
the final solution and prior–oriented initial guesses to be t hose for which the
opposite is true. For good initial guesses the difference is s mall. Clearly,
the uniform initializations is prior–oriented, while an em pirical log–density
ln(N/n+ǫ) and the shown kernel initializations are data–oriented.
The case where the test error grows while the energy is decrea sing indi-
cates a misspecified prior and is typical for overfitting. For example, in the
fifth row of Fig. 22 the test error (and in this case also the ave rage train-
ing error) grows again after having reached a minimum while t he energy is
steadily decreasing.
7.4.2 Density estimation with Gaussian mixture prior
Having seen Bayesian field theoretical models working for Ga ussian prior
factors we will study in this section the slightly more compl ex prior mixture
models. Prior mixture models are an especially useful tool f or implementing
complex and unsharp prior knowledge. They may be used, for ex ample,
to translate verbal statements of experts into quantitativ e prior densities
[123, 124, 125, 126, 127], similar to the quantification of “l inguistic variables”
by fuzzy methods [110, 111].
We will now study a prior mixture with Gaussian prior compone nts inL.
159Hence, consider the following energy functional with mixtu re prior
jpje−Ej=−(L,N) + (eL,ΛX)−ln/summationdisplay
with mixture components
Ej=−(L,N) +λE0,j+ (eL,ΛX). (702)
We choose Gaussian component prior factors with equal covar iances but dif-
fering means
. (703)
Hence, the stationarity equation for Functional (701) beco mes
0 =N−λK
−eLΛX, (704)
with Lagrange multiplier function
, (705)
and mixture coefficients
kpke−λE0,k. (706)
The parameter λplays here a similar role as the inverse temperature βfor
prior mixtures in regression (see Sect. 6.3). In contrast to theβ–parameter
in regression, however, the “low temperature” solutions fo rλ→ ∞ are the
pure prior templates tj, and forλ→0 the prior factor is switched off.
Typical numerical results of a prior mixture model with two m ixture
components are presented in Figs. 23 – 28. Like for Fig. 21, th e true likelihood
used for these calculations is given by Eq. (696) and shown in Fig. 18. The
corresponding true regression function is thus that of Fig. 19. Also, the same
training data have been used as for the model of Fig. 21 (Fig. 2 0). The
two templates t1andt2which have been selected for the two prior mixture
components are (Fig. 18)
t1(x,y) =1
, (707)
t2(x,y) =1√
t, (708)
160withσt= 2,µa=µ2+ 25/9 = 10.27,µb=µ2−25/9 = 4.72, andµ2=
15/2. Both templates capture a bit of the structure of the true li kelihood,
but not too much, so learning remains interesting. The avera ge test error of
t1is equal to 2.56 and is thus lower than that of t2being equal to 2.90. The
minimal possible average test error 2.23 is given by that of t he true solution
Ptrue. A uniform P, being the effective template in the zero mean case of Fig.
21, has with 2.68 an average test error between the two templa test1andt2.
Fig. 23 proves that convergence is fast for massive prior rel axation when
starting from t1as initial guess L(0). Compared to Fig. 21 the solution is a bit
smoother, and as template t1is a better reference than the uniform likelihood
the final test error is slightly lower than for the zero–mean G aussian prior
onL. Starting from L(0)=t2convergence is not much slower and the final
solution is similar, the test error being in that particular case even lower (Fig.
24). Starting from a uniform L(0)the mixture model produces a solution very
similar to that of Fig. 21 (Fig. 24).
The effect of changing the λparameter of the prior mixture can be seen
in Fig. 26 and Fig. 27. Larger λmeans a smoother solution and faster
convergence when starting from a template likelihood (Fig. 26). Smaller λ
results in a more rugged solution combined with a slower conv ergence. The
test error in Fig. 27 already indicates overfitting.
Prior mixture models tend to produce metastable and approxi mately sta-
ble solutions. Fig. 28 presents an example where starting wi thL(0)=t2the
learning algorithm seems to have produced a stable solution after a few it-
erations. However, iterating long enough this decays into a solution with
smaller distance to t1and with lower test error. Notice that this effect can
be prevented by starting with another initialization, like for example with
L(0)=t1or a similar initial guess.
We have seen now that, and also how, learning algorithms for B ayesian
field theoretical models can be implemented. In this paper, t he discussion
of numerical aspects was focussed on general density estima tion problems.
Other Bayesian field theoretical models, e.g., for regressi on and inverse quan-
tum problems, have also been proved to be numerically feasib le. Specifically,
prior mixture models for Gaussian regression are compared w ith so–called
Landau–Ginzburg models in [123]. An application of prior mi xture mod-
els to image completion, formulated as a Gaussian regressio n model, can be
found in [128]. Furthermore, hyperparameter have been incl uded in numer-
ical calculations in [124] and also in [128]. Finally, learn ing algorithms for
inverse quantum problems are treated in [134] for inverse qu antum statistics,
161and, in combination with a mean field approach, in [133] for in verse quantum
many–body theory. Time–dependent inverse quantum problem s will be the
topic of [129].
In conclusion, we may say that many different Bayesian field th eoretical
models have already been studied numerically and proved to b e computation-
ally feasible. This also shows that such nonparametric Baye sian approaches
are relatively easy to adapt to a variety of quite different le arning scenarios.
Applications of Bayesian field theory requiring further stu dies include, for
example, the prediction of time–series and the interactive implementation of
unsharp a priori information.
Acknowledgements The author wants to thank Federico Girosi, Tomaso
Poggio, J¨ org Uhlig, and Achim Weiguny for discussions.
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Figure 13: Comparison of initial guesses P(0)(x,y) for a case with two data
points located at (3 ,3) and (7,12) within the intervals y∈[1,15] andx∈
[1,10] with periodic boundary conditions. First row: P(0)=˜CN. (The
smoothing operator acts on the unnormalized N. The following conditional
normalization changes the shape more drastically than in th e example shown
in the second row.) Second row: P(0)=˜C˜Pemp. (The smoothing operator
acts on the already conditionally normalized ˜Pemp.) The kernel ˜Cis given
by Eq. (680) with C= (K+m2
C= 1.0, and a Kof the form of Eq.
(687) withλ0=λ4=λ6= 0, andλ2= 0.1 (figures on the l.h.s.) or λ2= 1.0
(figures on the r.h.s.), respectively.
1812 4 6 8 10i1.91.9522. during iteration
2 4 6 8 10x2468101214Regression functionP
Figure 14: Density estimation with 2 data points and a Gaussi an prior
factor for the log–probability L. First row: Final PandL. Second row:
The l.h.s. shows the energy EL(109) during iteration, the r.h.s. the regres-
sion function h(x) =/integraltextdyyp(y|x,htrue) =/integraltextdyyP true(x,y). The dotted lines
indicate the range of one standard deviation above and below the regression
function (ignoring periodicity in x). The fast convergence shows that the
problem is nearly linear. The asymmetry of the solution betw een thex–
andy–direction is due to the normalization constraint, only req uired fory.
(Laplacian smoothness prior Kas given in Eq. (687) with λx=λy= 1,λ0
= 0,λ2= 0.025,λ4=λ6= 0. Iteration with negative Hessian A=−Hif
positive definite, otherwise with the gradient algorithm, i .e.,A=I. Initial-
ization with L(0)= ln(˜C˜Pemp), i.e.,L(0)normalized to/integraltextdyeL= 1, with ˜Cof
Eq. (680) and C= (K+m2
C= 0.1. Within each iteration step the
optimal step width ηhas been found by a line search. Mesh with 10 points
inx-direction and 15 points in y–direction, periodic boundary conditions in
xandy. The 2 data points are (3 ,3) and (7,12).)
1822 4 6 8 10i22.22.42.6Energy during iteration
2 4 6 8 10x2468101214Regression functionP
Figure 15: Density estimation with 2 data points, this time w ith a Gaussian
prior factor for the probability P, minimizing the energy functional EP(164).
To make the figure comparable with Fig. 14 the parameters have been chosen
so that the maximum of the solution Pis the same in both figures (max P=
0.6). Notice, that compared to Fig. 14 the smoothness prior i s less effective
for small probabilities. (Same data, mesh and periodic boun dary conditions
as for Fig. 14. Laplacian smoothness prior Kas in Eq. (687) with λx=λy
= 1,λ0= 0,λ2= 1,λ4=λ6= 0. Iterated using massive prior relaxation,
i.e.,A=K+m2Iwithm2= 1.0. Initialization with P(0)=˜C˜Pemp, with
˜Cof Eq. (680) so P(0)is correctly normalized, and C= (K+m2
1.0. Within each iteration step the optimal factor ηhas been found by a line
search algorithm.)
1832 4 6 8 10i22. during iteration
2 4 6 8 10x2468101214Regression functionP
Figure 16: Density estimation with a ( −∆3) Gaussian prior factor for
the log–probability L. Such a prior favors probabilities of Gaussian shape.
(Smoothness prior Kof the form of Eq. (687) with λx=λy= 1,λ0= 0,λ2
= 0,λ4= 0,λ6= 0.01. Same iteration procedure, initialization, data, me sh
and periodic boundary conditions as for Fig. 14.)
1842 4 6 8 10i2.62.833.23.4Energy during iteration
2 4 6 8 10x2468101214Regression functionP
Figure 17: Density estimation with a ( −∆3) Gaussian prior factor for the
probability P. As the variation of Pis smaller than that of L, a smaller λ6
has been chosen than in Fig. 17. The Gaussian prior in Pis also relatively
less effective for small probabilities than a comparable Gau ssian prior in L.
(Smoothness prior Kof the form of Eq. (687) with λx=λy= 1,λ0= 0,λ2
= 0,λ4= 0,λ6= 0.1. Same iteration procedure, initialization, data, mes h
and periodic boundary conditions as for Fig. 15.)
185True P
15yTrue L
Template 1 (P)
15Template 1 (L)
Template 2 (P)
15Template 2 (L)
Figure 18: First row: True density Ptrue(l.h.s.) true log–density Ltrue=
logPtrue(r.h.s.) used for Figs. 21–28. Second and third row: The two
templatest1andt2of Figs. 23–28 for P(tP
i, l.h.s.) or for L(tL
i, r.h.s.),
respectively, with tL
i= logtP
i. As reference for the following figures we
give the expected test error/integraltextdydxp (x)p(y|x,htrue) lnp(y|x,h) under the true
p(y|x,htrue) for uniform p(x). It is forhtrueequal to 2.23 for template t1equal
to 2.56, for template t2equal 2.90 and for a uniform Pequal to 2.68.
1862 4 6 8 10x 24681012Regression function
Figure 19: Regression function htrue(x) for the true density Ptrueof Fig.
18, defined as h(x) =/integraltextdyyp(y|x,htrue) =/integraltextdyyP true(x,y). The dotted lines
indicate the range of one standard deviation above and below the regression
Empirical density
15yConditional empirical density
Figure 20: L.h.s.: Empirical density N(x,y)/n=/summationtext
sampled from p(x,y|htrue) =p(y|x,htrue)p(x) with uniform p(x). R.h.s.:
Corresponding conditional empirical density Pemp(x,y) = (N−1
XN)(x,y) =/summationtext
iδ(x−xi). Both densities are obtained from
the 50 data points used for Figs. 21–28.
10 20 30 40i120122.5125127.5130132.5135Energy
2 4 6 8 10x4681012Regression function
10 20 30 40i2. training err.
10 20 30 40i 2.42.452.52.552.62.65Test error
Figure 21: Density estimation with Gaussian prior factor fo r log–probability
Lwith 50 data points shown in Fig. 20. Top row: Final solution
P(x,y) =p(y|x,h) andL= logP. Second row: Energy EL(109) dur-
ing iteration and final regression function. Bottom row: Ave rage train-
ing error −(1/n)/summationtextn
i=1logp(yi|xi,h) during iteration and average test error
−/integraltextdydxp (x)p(y|x,htrue) lnp(y|x,h) for uniform p(x). (Parameters: Zero
mean Gaussian smoothness prior with inverse covariance λK,λ= 0.5 and K
of the form (687) with λx= 2,λy= 1,λ0= 0,λ2= 1,λ4=λ6= 0, massive
prior iteration with A=K+m2Iand squared mass m2= 0.01. Initialized
with normalized constant L. At each iteration step the factor ηhas been
adapted by a line search algorithm. Mesh with 10 points in x-direction and
15 points in y–direction, periodic boundary conditions in y.)
18810 20 30 40i120122.5125127.5130132.5135Energy
10 20 30 40i2. training err.
10 20 30 40i 2.42.452.52.552.62.65Test error
1234567i2. training err.
1234567i 2.452.52.552.62.65Test error
1 2 3 4 5i120125130135140Energy
1 2 3 4 5i2. training err.
1 2 3 4 5i 2.4152.422.4252.432.4352.442.4452.45Test error
10 20 30 40 50i120122.5125127.5130132.5135Energy
10 20 30 40 50i2. training err.
10 20 30 40 50i 2.452.52.552.62.65Test error
10 20 30 40 50i120125130135140Energy
10 20 30 40 50i2. training err.
10 20 30 40 50i2.382.42.422.44Test error
10 20 30 40 50i120130140150160Energy
10 20 30 40 50i1.9522. training err.
10 20 30 40 50i 2.452.52.552.62.65Test error
Figure 22: Comparison of iteration schemes and initializat ion. First row:
Massive prior iteration (with A=K+m2I,m2= 0.01) and uniform initial-
ization. Second row: Hessian iteration ( A=−H) and uniform initialization.
Third row: Hessian iteration and kernel initialization (wi thC=K+m2
C= 0.01 and normalized afterwards). Forth row: Gradient ( A=I) with
uniform initialization. Fifth row: Gradient with kernel in itialization. Sixth
row: Gradient with delta–peak initialization. (Initial Lequal to ln( N/n+ǫ),
ǫ= 10−10, conditionally normalized. For N/nsee Fig. 20). Minimal num-
ber of iterations 4, maximal number of iterations 50, iterat ion stopped if
|L(i)−L(i−1)|<10−8. Energy functional and parameters as for Fig. 21.
1 2 3 4i122124126128130132134Energy
2 4 6 8 10x4681012Regression function
1 2 3 4i2. training err.
1 2 3 4i2.442.462.482.52.522.54Test error
Figure 23: Density estimation with a Gaussian mixture prior for log–
probability Lwith 50 data points, Laplacian prior and the two template fun c-
tions shown in Fig. 18. Top row: Final solution P(x,y) =p(y|x,h) andL=
logP. Second row: Energy Energy EL(701) during iteration and final regres-
sion function. Bottom row: Average training error -(1 /n)/summationtextn
during iteration and average test error −/integraltextdydxp (x)p(y|x,htrue) lnp(y|x,h)
for uniform p(x). (Two mixture components with λ= 0.5 and smoothness
prior with K1=K2of the form (687) with λx= 2,λy= 1,λ0= 0,λ2
= 1,λ4=λ6= 0, massive prior iteration with A=K+m2Iand squared
massm2= 0.01, initialized with L=t1. At each iteration step the factor
ηhas been adapted by a line search algorithm. Mesh with lx= 10 points
inx-direction and ly= 15 points in y–direction, n= 2 data points at (3 ,3),
(7,12), periodic boundary conditions in y. Except for the inclusion of two
mixture components parameters are equal to those for Fig. 21 . )
1 2 3 4i120130140150160170Energy
2 4 6 8 10x4681012Regression function
1 2 3 4i2. training err.
1 2 3 4i error
Figure 24: Using a different starting point. (Same parameter s as for Fig.
23, but initialized with L=t2.) While the initial guess is worse then that of
Fig. 23, the final solution is even slightly better.
1 2 3 4 5i125130135140145Energy
2 4 6 8 10x4681012Regression function
1 2 3 4 5i2. training err.
1 2 3 4 5i2.42.452.52.552.62.65Test error
Figure 25: Starting from a uniform initial guess. (Same as Fi g. 23, but
initialized with uniform L.) The resulting solution is, compared to Figs. 23
and 24, a bit more wiggly, i.e., more data oriented. One recog nizes a slight
“overfitting”, meaning that the test error increases while t he training error is
decreasing. (Despite the increasing of the test error durin g iteration at this
value ofλ, a better solution cannot necessarily be found by just chang ing
λ–value. This situation can for example occur, if the initial guess is better
then the implemented prior.)
1 2 3 4i 128129130131132133134Energy
2 4 6 8 10x46810Regression function
1 2 3 4i2.52.552.62.65Av. training err.
1 2 3 4i 2.482.492.52.512.522.532.54Test error
Figure 26: Large λ. (Same parameters as for Fig. 23, except for λ= 1.0.)
Due to the larger smoothness constraint the averaged traini ng error is larger
than in Fig. 23. The fact that also the test error is larger tha n in Fig. 23
indicates that the value of λis too large. Convergence, however, is very fast.
2 4 6 8 10x 24681012Regression function
24681012i 1.822.22.42.6Av. training err.
24681012i2.442.462.482.52.522.54Test error
Figure 27: Overfitting due to too small λ. (Same parameters as for Fig.
23, except for λ= 0.1.) A small λallows the average training error to
become quite small. However, the average test error grows al ready after two
iterations. (Having found at some λ–value during iteration an increasing test
error, it is often but not necessarily the case that a better s olution can be
found by changing λ.)
2 4 6 810i 130140150160170Energy
2 4 6 8 10x 4567891011Regression function
2 4 6 810i coefficients
2 4 6 810i error
Figure 28: Example of an approximately stable solution. (Sa me parameters
as for Fig. 23, except for λ= 1.2,m2= 0.5, and initialized with L=t2.) A
nearly stable solution is obtained after two iterations, fo llowed by a plateau
between iteration 2 and 6. A better solution is finally found w ith smaller
distance to template t1. (The plateau gets elongated with growing mass m.)
The figure on the l.h.s. in the bottom row shows the mixing coeffi cientsajof
the components of the prior mixture model for the solution du ring iteration
(a1, line anda2, dashed).
195 |
arXiv:physics/9912006v1 [physics.gen-ph] 3 Dec 1999physics
N. T. Anh1 2
Institute of Nuclear Science and Technique, Hanoi, Vietnam
Based on a new theory of causality [1] and its development to t he theory of the Universe
[2], we show, in this paper, new ideas for building a theory of everything.
1Mail Address: No.D27, 25B1 Cat Linh, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2E-Mail Address: anhnt@vol.vnn.vn
11 Introduction
The discovery of natural world around us is an indispensable activity of mankind. And
looking for a single theory that can explain every phenomeno n and every process is a good
dream of scientists and especially physicists. Nowadays, p hysicists have been trying to
find a single theory that unifies four familiar interactions, and they hope that it develops
the theory of everything. A theory they believe to be the theo ry of everything is called
the superstring theory. Notably, it is necessary to underst and that the superstring theory
gives us description which only can unite four familiar forc es into a single framework.
Of course, whether it is really called the theory of everythi ng or not since there are
many unknown interactions (besides four familiar interact ions) absenting in the theory.
Moreover, the theory of everything must give us a correct sol ution in every phenomenon
and process (in all universe’s dimension, in all energy leve l, in all universe’s status and
so fourth). The theory of everything is necessarily a theory of Creation, that is, it must
necessarily explain everything from the origin of the Unive rse down to the lilies of the
field. A theory of everything is also a theory of everyday. Thu s, this theory, when fully
completed, will be able to explain the existence of every phe nomenon, the variation of
every process, and many others.
However, there is another way on which we can reach the theory of everything. That
is to find a single law that implies all known laws and, therefo re, predicts unknown laws.
The presence of this law has in every phenomenon, process and thing in nature. It is
really to be the ultimate goal of all knowledge, the theory to end all theories, the ultimate
answer to all questions.
The present article is the first one of a series that we would li ke to say about the
law and the theory of causality as well as its implementation for building a theory of the
Universe. We hope that some of the readers of this article wil l find out that the law of
causality is just the law of all laws, the theory of causality is just the single theory of
everything, and perhaps they will be the ones to complete the quest for the Theory of the
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduc e the ideas and concepts
for leading the equation of causality [1]. In Section 3, as th e main part of the article, we
attempt to simulate briefly the process of the Universe’s evo lution [2]. The conclusions
and prospects are given in Section 4.
2 The Equation of Causality
We can always conceive that the Universe is in unification. An d a surefire fact is that
the Universe’s unification is only in a general intrinsic rel ationship which is nothing but
the relationship of causality, and the unification only mani fests itself in that causal form.
Then, a question is put on what is the ultimate cause of everyt hing? On further reflection,
we find out that there exists an ultimate cause - that is the diff erence.
2Truly, there would not exist anything if there were not the di fference. If there were
no difference, this world did not exist. And there is a fact tha t since the difference is the
ultimate cause, it is the cause of itself, in other words, it i s also the effect of itself. The
difference causes the difference, the difference is the coroll ary generated by the difference.
In another way, we can imagine abstractly that the Nature is a set of positive actions3
and negative actions4. Then, what does the Nature act positively on? and what does t he
Nature act negatively on? The answer to these questions give s us a law. That is, what
do not have any intrinsic contradiction is acted positively on, what do have some intrinsic
contradiction is acted negatively on. Both the positive act ion (in front of a process) and
the negative action (in back of the process) have a final goal t hat is to reach and to end
at a new action.
Thus, we have started to come to a theory, axiom of which is the difference, object of
which is actions5[1].
Consider two actions, we obtain a definition that coexistenc e of two actions which
reject mutually generates contradiction. That is represen ted as follows:
M=/braceleftbiggA/\egatio\slash=A−Action K1
A=A−Action K2.
This means the higher the power of mutual rejection between t wo actions K1andK2
is the more severe the contradiction Mwill be. And the power of mutual rejection of two
actions is estimated from the degree of difference. A contrad iction which is solved means
that the difference of two actions diminishes to zero. Herein , two actions K1andK2all
vary to reach and to end at a new action K3.
The change, and one kind of which - the variation, is generate d by contradiction.
In exact words, the variation is the manifestation of contra diction solving. The more
severe contradiction becomes the more urgent need of solvin g out of contradiction will be,
and hence the more violent the change, the variation of the st ate, i.e. of contradiction
will become. Call the violence, or the quickness of the varia tion of contradiction Q, the
contradiction state is M, the above principle can be represented as follows:
where K(M)is means to solve the contradiction M.K(M)can be a function of the contra-
diction state. It represents the degree of easiness to escap e the contradiction state. If the
contradiction is characterized by quantities x, y, z, ... , these quantities themselves will be
facilities to transport the contradiction, degrees of free dom over which the contradiction
is solved. Hence, the degree of easiness is valued as the deri vative of the contradiction
with respect to its degree of freedom
K(M)∼|M′(x, y, z, ... )|.
3Positive action means ’affirmation’.
4Negative action means ”negative’.
5Action here is a general concept of anything, it may be a funct ion, a generator, an operator, or even
a force, an interaction, a field, ect. depending on each consi dered subject.
where the coefficient agenerates from choosing the dimension.
Advance a quantity T, inverse of Q, to be stagnancy of contradiction solving. The
sum of stagnancy in the process of contradiction solving fro mM0toM0−∆Mwe call
the time is generated by this variation
∆t≈−T+ (T+ ∆T)
Therefrom, we obtain the equation of causality,
dt=−a|M′(x, y, z, ... )|M(x, y, z, ... ). (1)
Truthly, the difference is the origin of all, but it has the mea ning in direct relationship,
in direct comparison. Some state which has any intrinsic con tradiction must vary to reach
a new one having no intrinsic contradiction, or exactly, hav ing infinitesimal contradiction.
The greater the value of the contradiction derivative with r espect to some degree of
freedom is, the better the ’scent’ for way out in that degree o f freedom will be, the greater
the strength of the solved contradiction over that degree of freedom will be.
It is easy to see that equation of causality (1) is represente d as a ’classical’ form. It
can be developed to more general form in which the time is cons idered as a new degree of
freedom. However, Eq. (1) looks like familiar equations, an d we will use it for applying
to concrete problems. Though the law of causality (1) is abst ract its concrete form in
each problem is very clear. And in the next Section we show the process of the Universe’s
evolution which lays the foundation for building a theory of the Universe.
3 The Process of The Universe’s Evolution
3.1 The general mechanism
To survey clearly the evolution of the Universe, we firstly re view four important concepts:
time, space, matter, and motion.
About the time. Can the time exist independently, if it is sep arated from space, matter,
and motion? Evidently, no. If the time were separated from mo tion, the conception of it
would have no meaning. The time cannot self-exist, it is the e ffect of motion. No motion,
no time.
About the motion. The motion also would not self-exist if it w ere separated from
matter and space.
4And about the matter. The matter also cannot self-exist with out space. It exists
owing to not only itself but also the coexistence of the space surrounding it. In essence,
the matter is nothing but just some space with intrinsic rela tionship different from familiar
space we see around us.
Imagine that all are vanished: matter, space,..., and in gen eral, every difference is
vanished. Then, there exists only one. It is homogeneous and limitless everywhere. It
can self-exist. It is the first element. In this unique there i s nothing, but there exists the
’Nothing’. The Nothing is the origin of all, the cause of all, since it has the first difference.
In Section 2, we have said the axiom of the theory of causality . That is the difference.
Imagine that if the present Universe has many differences, th e first state of the Universe
will be the state which has fewest differences. It is logical t o show that the first Universe’s
state is the Nothing, and the transformation chain ”differen ce - contradiction - solving”
is the expansion of the Universe.
A remarkable consensus has been developing recently around what is called ”quantum
cosmology”, which proposes a beautiful synthesis of seemin gly hostile viewpoints. In the
beginning it was Nothing. No space, no matter or energy. But a ccording to the quantum
principle, even Nothing was unstable. Nothing began to deca y, i.e. it began to ’boil’, with
billions of tiny bubbles forming and expanding rapidly. Eac h bubble became an expanding
sub-universe6. Sub-universes can literally spring into existence as a qua ntum fluctuation
of Nothing. Resonances of vacuum fluctuations create first el ements of matter.
In Ref. [2] we show the elementary equation of Evolution
∂M, (2)
and the conservation relation of quanta
iMj...M k= 0, (3)
where nis total of quanta, iis quantum number generated by each step of expansion of
the Universe, Cn
iis binary coefficient.
It is easy to realize that Eq. (2) is also a form of equation of c ausality (1). But Eq. (2)
gives us an important application in modelling the multipli cation and the combination of
quanta. There are two objects from Eq. (2) we can use to study: one is actions, the other
is quanta. Studying actions gives us laws, equations, repre sentations in each considered
field. And studying quanta gives us models, classifications, arrangements of quanta. To
describe the evolution of the Universe, it is better for us to investigate quanta.
6Our universe is actually part of a much larger ”multiverse” o f sub-universes. Our sub-universe may
co-exist with other sub-universes, but our sub-universe ma y be one of the few compatible with life. This
would answer the age-old question of why the physics constan ts of the universe fall in a narrow band
compatible with the formation of life. If the universal cons tants were changed slightly, then life would
have been impossible.
5Callα, β, γ, ... quanta. For each quantum there is a rule of multiplication as follows
iαn−i= (α+ 1)n(4)
where nis order of combination. Although Eq. (4) is obtained from Eq . (2) in considering
for quanta, it can be found meaningly using the evolution pri nciple shown in Ref. [2]. Eq.
(4) itself represents the evolution of the Universe.
3.2 Examples for the doublet and the triplet
Using Eq. (4) we consider two stages in the process of the Univ erse’s evolution: doublet
and triplet.
For two interactive quanta the rule of multiplication reads
αn, βn→1
2(eβ∂ααn+eα∂ββn) =n/summationdisplay
iαn−iβi= (α+β)n. (5)
And similar to three interactive quanta
αn, βn, γn→1
3(e(β+γ)∂ααn+e(γ+α)∂ββn+e(α+β)∂γγn) =n/summationdisplay
= (α+β+γ)n. (6)
And so fourth. Eqs. 5 and 6 can be drawn as schemata.
... · · · · · · · · · · · ·
2 1 1
0 /circlecopyrt
2 1 1
2⊗2= 3⊕1 1 2 1
2⊗2⊗2= 4⊕2⊕2 1 3 3 1
... 1 4 6 4 1
... 1 5 10 10 5 1
... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·(7)
6is the schema for Eq. (5), where 2 means two quanta αandβ. The numbers in the
triangle is the binary coefficients which give us weights of cl asses. For example,
2⊗2= 3⊕1=1
1 ——– 1 ——– 1.
And similar to Eq. (6) we have
... 1
3 1 1
0 /circlecopyrt
3 1 1
1 2 1
3⊗3= 6⊕3 2 2
1 3 3 1
3⊗3⊗3= 10⊕8⊕8⊕1 3 6 3
3 3
1 4 6 4 1
4 12 12 4
3⊗3⊗3⊗3 6 12 6
4 4
... 1(8)
where 3 means three quanta α,βandγ. The coefficients in the pyramid give us weights
of classes,
1 1
3⊗3= 6⊕3 =1 1 1
1 1
3⊗3 = 1 ⊕8 = 1 1
1 2 1
1 1.
7It is easily to identify that the above schemata have the form s similar to the SU(2)
and the SU(3) groups. This means that for nquanta we have a corresponding schema
according to the SU(n) group, and the multiplication and the combination of the Un iverse
conform to the SUgroup. And from these schemata we can draw periodic diagrams of
the Universe’s quanta.
For simplification, we show below the periodic diagram of the two quanta’s multipli-
cation made of the schema (7). Remodel (7) with regard to the l evel splitting we have a
new diagram,
1]... 1[
2]][ 2][[
5]][][ 5][][[
14]][][][ 14][][][[
1]]... \ 1][ /... 1[[
3]]][ 3][][ 3][[[
9]]][][ 9][][][ 9][][[[
... \ 28][][][][ /...
1]]] 1]][... 1][[ 1[[[
4]]]][ 4]][][ 4][][[ 4][[[[
... \ 14]][][][ 14][][][[ /...
... 1 ]]][... \1][][/... 1][[[ ...
... 5 ]]][][ 5][][][ 5][][[[ ...
... \ 20][][][][ /...
... 1 ]]]][ 1]][][... 1][][[ 1][[[[...
... 6]][][][ 6][][][[...
... 1 ]]][][... \1][][][/... 1][][[[ ...
... 7][][][][...
Arrange this diagram in the order of the levels we obtain the s o-called periodic diagram
8• I
/up∼lope /down∼lope
•↼•⇀• II
/up∼lope /down∼lope
• − • − • III
/up∼lope • /down∼lope
• − • − • IV
/up∼lope • /down∼lope
• − • /up∼lope•/down∼lope• − •
/up∼lope • − • − • /down∼lope V
/up∼lope /up∼lope • /down∼lope /down∼lope
•↼•/up∼lope• −/up∼lope•/down∼lope− •/down∼lope•⇀•
• − • /up∼lope− • − /down∼lope• − •
/up∼lope • − − • − − • /down∼lope VI
/up∼lope /up∼lope • /down∼lope /down∼lope
•↼•/up∼lope− • − /up∼lope•/down∼lope− • − /down∼lope•⇀•
• − − • /up∼lope− • − /down∼lope• − − •
/up∼lope • − − • − − • /down∼lope VII
/up∼lope /up∼lope • /down∼lope /down∼lope
•↼− •/up∼lope• − • /up∼lope•/down∼lope• − • /down∼lope• −⇀•
/up∼lope /up∼lope /down∼lope /down∼lope,
which is nothing but the Mendeleev periodic table built in th e energy levels.
The pictures Fig.1 and Fig.2 have a very special significance besides the periodic law.
They give us a model of the evolution in the pine-tree and the s piral from simplex to
complex, from low-level to high-level.
4 Conclusions and Prospects
There is a truth that everybody knows: the nature is difficult t o understand for us when
it has not been discovered yet, but it is really beautiful whe n we understand it. This
is science, where the ultimate worth of one’s ideas is that th ey lead to a genuine under-
standing of nature. And an idea or a theory not only represent s daily phenomena but
also makes predictions that survive comparison with observ ation and experiment based
on fundamental principles and laws that underlie the univer se. By the present article, we
can confirm an existence of an ultimate principle or an ultima te law from which others
could be found out.
We realize that the most important principle of nature is tha t all observable prop-
erties of things are about relationships. The difference has meaning in direct relation-
9ship. Actions are in interaction in mutual relationships. C ontradictions are generated in
mutual-rejection relationships. Transformation, change , or motion, variation, or exactly
contradiction solving, does experience of relationships. Even space and time must be
spoken about in terms of relationships. There is no such a thi ng as space independent of
that which exists in it and no such thing as time apart from cha nge. These mean that
the universe is in unification, and this unification is create d by relationships of causality.
Relationships of causality give us an ultimate law which is c alled the law of causality.
Following the logical source of the law of causality, we open up limitless horizons of a
view of the universe. The Universe was born from Nothing, and its evolution created
beautiful worlds of numerous form of things whose structure and complexity can be self-
organized. We understand that there are natural processes, easily comprehensible, by
which organization can arise naturally and spontaneously, without any need for a maker
outside of the system. That is confirmed in the present articl e.
Although the results we obtained in this article is similar t o ones that modern physics
discovered, we open to the possibility that the answers to ma ny of the questions we have
about why phenomena, things, the elementary particles, or t he fundamental forces are as
they are and not otherwise, and why the nature created beauti ful worlds in the way we
see not otherwise. Moreover, we have the expectation to answ er the greatest questions:
”Where does the universe come from?” or ”What is the evolutio n, the self-organization,
the variety, or the fate of the universe?” or ”Where does the m atter come from and where
is the missing matter?”.
In the present article’s view of the universe, everything is from to nothing, everything
may be smooth at the beginning but does not stay smooth foreve r, because today our
universe is very inhomogeneous. So the universe was not perf ectly homogeneous either
when it began or shortly after it began but, rather, it was sli ghtly inhomogeneous. It
had small regions where the density of matter was slightly hi gher than average and other
regions where it was slightly lower than average. They are re ally tiny. Yet tiny as they
are to begin with, these inhomogeneities are very important because they are the seeds
from which particles, star clusters, galaxies and, eventua lly, human beings, will grow
in the way that their structure must be formed systematicall y from within by natural
processes of self-organization such as periodic, multipli cative, combinative, evolutive, and
etc. principles.
Our universe has a variety of mysteries to discover. But we ca nnot say everything in
a day. Many and very many beautiful worlds are in future of our discovery. This article
is only the first one we would like to open up a first view of the un iverse. The first is the
key idea behind evolution of the universe from nothing, the s econd the idea behind the
principle of causality. These themes are only essential for understanding what happened,
is happening, and will happen in the universe.
Of course, this does not mean that theories will be discovere d, based on the principle
of causality, are proven to be right; only observation and ex periment can, in the end,
tell us that. But a definite fact that we enter the 21st century with new ideas and wide
horizons, with much to do and everything to talk about.
We would like to thank Dr. D. M. Chi for useful discussions and valuable comments.
The present article was supported in part by the Advanced Res earch Project on Nat-
ural Sciences of the MT&A Center.
[1] D. M. Chi, The Equation of Causality , (1979).
[2] N. T. Anh, Causality: The Nature of Everything , (1991).
11Figure 1: The pine-tree form of the periodic law
Figure 2: The spiral form of the periodic law
12 |
arXiv:physics/9912007v1 [physics.gen-ph] 3 Dec 1999Physics/9912007
D. M. Chi1
Center for MT&Anh, Hanoi, Vietnam.
We research the natural causality of the Universe. We find tha t the equation of
causality provides very good results on physics. That is our first endeavour and success in
describing a quantitative expression of the law of causalit y. Hence, our theoretical point
suggests ideas to build other laws including the law of the Un iverse’s evolution.
1Mail Address: No. 13A, Doi Can Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.
1The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 2
1 Introduction
The motivation for our theoretical study of problem of causa lity comes from three sources.
The first is due to physical interest: what is the cause of all? The second is from a story
happened about non-Euclidean geometry. And the last one is o ur review of the four basic
concepts: time, space, matter and motion.
1.0.1 Cause of all
If the World is in unification, then it must be unified by connec tions of causality, and the
unification is to be indicated only in that sense.
According to that spirit, contingency, if there is really so mething by chance, is only
product of indispensably.
Since the World is united in connections of causality, nothi ng of the World exists
outside them, we can divide the World into two systems: Acomprises all of what are
called causes, and Ball of what are called effects.
Eliminating from two systems all alike elements, we thus hav e the following possibili-
1. Both AandBare empty, i.e. there are not pure cause and pure effect. In oth er
words, the World have no beginning and no end.
2.Ais not empty, but Bis. Thus, there is an existence of a pure cause. The World
have a beginning but no end.
3.Ais empty, but Bis not. There are no pure cause but a pure effect. The World
have no beginning but an end.
4. Both AandBare not empty. The World have both a beginning and an end.
And only one of the four above possibilities corresponds wit h the reality. Which
possibility is it and what is the fact dependent on?
If the World is assumed as a unity system comprising causes an d effects, any effect
must be a direct result of causes which have generated it, and these causes also had been
effects, direct results of other causes before, etc. – there i s no effect without cause.
A mystery motivation always hurries man to search for causes of every phenomenon
and everything. Idealistic ideology believes that an absol ute ideation, a supreme spirit, or
a Creator, a God,... is the supreme cause, the cause of all. Ma terialistic ideology thinks
that matter is the origin of all, the first one of all. That actu ality is in contradiction.
If it is honesty to exist a supreme cause, then one must be the d ifference!
Indeed, if there were no existence of difference, there would not be any existence of
anything, including idealistic ideology with its ideation , spirit and materialistic ideology
with its material facilities. Briefly, If there were no differ ence, this World did not exist.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 3
But, if the difference is the supreme cause, namely the cause o f all causes, then it must
be the cause of itself, or in other words, it also must be the eff ect of itself.
We have recognized the existence of difference, it means that we have tacitly recognized
its relative conservation: indeed, you could not be idealis t if you now are materialist;
anything, as long as it still is itself, then cannot be anythi ng else!
1.1 A story happened in geometry
Let us return an old story: a matter of argument about the axio matics of Euclid’s geom-
Still by the only mystery motivation people always thirst fo r searching out “the
supreme cause”. The goal here is humbler, it is restrained in geometry, and the first
to realize that was Euclid.
Euclid showed in his Elements how geometry could be deduced from a few defini-
tions, axioms, and postulates. These assumptions for the mo st part dealt with the most
fundamental properties of points, lines, and figures. His fir st four assumptions has been
easily to be accepted since they seem seft-evident, but the fi fth, the so-called Euclidean
postulate, incited everybody to suspect its essence: “this postulate is complicated and
less evident”.
For twenty centuries geometers tried to purify Euclid’s sys tem by proving that the
fifth postulate is a logical consequence of his other assumpt ions. Today we know that this
is impossible. Euclid was right, there is no logical inconsi stency in a geometry without
the fifth postulate, and if we want it we will have to put it in at the beginning rather than
prove it at the end. And the struggle to prove the fifth postula te as a theorem ultimately
gave birth to a new geometry – non-Euclidean geometry.
Without exception, their efforts only succeeded in replacin g the fifth postulate with
some other equivalent postulate, which might or might not se em more self-evident, but
which in any case could not be proved from Euclid’s other post ulates either.
By that way they affirmed that this problem had solved, Euclid’ s postulate was just an
axiom, because the opposite supposition led to non-Euclide an geometry without immanent
But... whether such a conclusion was accommodating?
While everybody was joyful because it seemed that everythin g was arranged all right
and the proposed goal had been carried out: minimized quanti ty of geometric axioms
and purified them, whimsically, a new axiom was intruded unde rhand into: Lobachevski’s
axiom – this axiom and Euclid’s fifth excluded mutually!
Nobody got to know clearly and profoundly how this contradic tion meant. But contra-
diction is still contradiction, it brought about many argum ents and violent opponencies,
even grudges.
Afterwards, since Beltrami had proved correctness of Lobac hevski’s geometry on pseu-The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 4
dosphere – an infinite two-space of constant negative curvat ure in which all of Euclid’s
assumptions are satisfied except the fifth postulate, the sit uation was made less tense.
If non-Euclidean geometers, from the outset, since setting to build their geometry, de-
clared to readers that objects of new geometry were not Eucli dean plane surface but pseu-
dosphere, not Euclidean straight line but line of pseudosph ere, maybe nobody doubted
and opposed at all!
What a pity ! or it was not a pity that nothing happened such a th ing?
But an actual regret was: the whole of problem was not what was brought out and
solved on stage but what - its consequence - happened on backs tage.
Because, even if non-Euclidean geometry was right absolute ly anywhere, it meant:
with the same objects of geometry – Euclidean plane surface a nd straight line – among
them, nevertheless, there might be coexistence of two forms of mutually excludible rela-
tionships which were conveyed in Euclid’s axioms and Lobach evski’s axioms.
It was possible to allege something and other as a reason for f orcing everybody to
accept this disagreeableness, but that fact was not faithfu l. Here, causal single-valuedness
was broken; here, relative conservation of difference was co nfused white and black; there
was a danger that one thing was other and vice versa.
The usual way to “prove” that a system of mathematical postul ates is self-consistent
is to construct a model that satisfies the postulates out of so me other system whose
consistency is unquestioned.
Axiomatic method used broadly in mathematics is clear to bri ng much conveniences,
but this method is only good when causal single-valuedness i s ensured, when you always
pay attention on order not to take real and physical sense awa y from considered subjects.
Brought out forms of relationships of objects as axioms and d efied objects - real owners
of relationships, it is quite possible that at a most unexpec ted causal single-valuedness is
broken and contradiction develops.
Because what we unify together is: objects are former ones, t heir relationships are
corollaries formed by their coexistence, but is not on the co ntrary.
If we have a system of objects and we desire to search for all po ssible relationships
among them by logically arguing method, perhaps at first and a t least we have to know
intrinsic relationships of objects.
Intrinsic relationships control nature of objects, in turn nature of objects directs pos-
sible relationships among them and, assuredly, among them t here may not be coexistence
of mutually excludable relationships.
Intrinsic relationship, according to the way of philosophe r’s speaking, is spontaneous-
ness of things. Science today is in search of spontaneity of t hings in two directions: more
extensive and more elementary.
Now return the story, as we already stated, the same objects t hemselve of Euclid’s
geometry had two forms of mutually excludable relationship s, how is this understood?The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 5
It is only possible that Euclid’s axiomatics is not complete d yet with the meaning
that: comprehension of geometrical objects is not perfecte d yet. Euclid himself had ever
put in definitions of his geometrical objects, but modern mat hematicians have criticized
that they are “puzzled” and “heavily intuitive”. According to them, primary objects of
geometry are indefinable and are merely called points, lines , and sufaces, etc. only for
historic reason.
But, geometrical objects have other names: “zero”-, “one”- , “two”-, and “three”-
dimensional spaces (“zero”-dimesional space, thai is poin t, added by the author to com-
plete a set).
We can ask that, could the objects self-exist independently ? If could, why would they
relate together?
Following logical course of fact, we realize that conceptio ns of objects are developed
from experience which is gained by practical activities of m ankind in nature, but which
is not innate and available by itself in our head. (Therefore , we should not consider them
apart from intuition, should not dispossess of ability to im agine them, how reasonless that
Acknowledging at deeper level, we can perceive that no all of geometrical objects may
exist independently, but any n-dimensional space is intersection of two other spaces with
dimension higher one ( n+ 1).
Thus, it seems that we have definitions: point is intersectio n of two lines; line is
intersection of two surfaces; surface is intersection of tw o volumes, and volume... of what
is it intersection?
However, in a geometry, by human imaginable capability, the y are evident to be inde-
pendent objects, and for convenience, we call them spatial e ntities.
Simplest geometrical objects are homogeneous entities. Th ey are elements, speaking
simply, in which as transferring with respect to all their po ssible degrees of freedom, it is
quite impossible to find out any inner difference.
Objects of Euclid’s geometry are a part of a system of homogen eous entities. If we
build an axiomatics only for this part, it is clear that this a xiomatics is not generalized.
An axiomatics used for homogeneous spaces is just one for sph erical surface2. Euclid’s
geometry is only a limited case of this generalized geometry .
For spherical surface, that is homogeneous surface in gener al, there exists a following
postulate: any two non-coincident “straight” lines (“stra ight” line is homogeneous line
dividing the surface that contains it into two equal halves) always intersect mutualy at
two points and these two points divide into two halves of each line.
It is possible to express further: any two points on a homogen eous surface belong to
only a sole “straight” line also on that surface if they do not divide this line into two
equal halves.
2The surface of a sphere is a two-dimensional space of constan t positive curvature.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 6
Applying this postulate for Euclidean plane surface as a lim ited case, we realize imme-
diately that it is just the purport of the first Euclidean axio m: through two given points
it is possible to draw only a sole straight line. Indeed, any t wo points in an investigated
scope of Euclidean plane surface belong to only a sole “strai ght” line since they do not
divide this line that contains it into two equal halves.
So we can say that the mode of stating the fifth Euclidean postu late was inaccurate
from the outset, because any two “straight” lines on a given h omogeneous surface al-
ways intersect mutually at two points and divide into two hal ves of each other. In any
sufficiently small region of the surface it would be possible t o find either only one their
intersectional point and the other at infinity or no point - th ey are at infinities. In this
case these two “straight” line are regarded to be parallel ap parently with each other.
Equivalent stating the fifth postulate, after correcting in the sense of above comment,
is quite possible to be proved as a theorem.
There is a very important property of spatial entities that: any spatial entity is pos-
sible to be contained only in other spatial entity with the sa me dimension and the same
curvature, or with higher dimension but no higher curvature .
This seems to be awfully evident: two circles with different c urvatures are impossible
to be contained in each other; a spherical surface with any cu rvature is impossible to
contain a circle with lower curvature...
Similarly, two spaces with different curvatures are impossi ble to contain in each other.
Curvature, here, is correspondent to any quantity characte rized by inner relationship of
investigated object.
1.2 Contradiction generated based on difference is dynamic p ower
of all
In essence, the Nature is a system of positive actions and neg ative actions.
What has the Nature thus positive actions on and negative act ions on?
Those secrets are explored and discovered by science more an d more and in searching,
if not counting its dynamic source, logical argument plays a great role.
But what we call logic is true not a string of positive actions and negative actions with
all orders?
Because thought is only a phenomenon of the Nature, the law of positive actions and
negative actions of thought is also the law of positive actio ns and negative actions of the
Nature. In other words, the law of actions of the Nature is refl ected and presented in the
law of actions of thought.
This law is that: what without immanent contradiction is in p ositive action by itself,
what with immanent contadiction is in negative action by its elf.
Positive action (if looking after the process) and negative action (if looking back uponThe Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 7
the process) both have an ultimate target which is coming to a nd closing with a new
Let us take a class of similarly meaning concepts such as: hav ing, existence, con-
servation, and positive action. In opposition to them, anot her class includes: nothing,
non-existence, non-conservation, and negative action.
They belong among the most general and basic concepts, becau se in any phenomenon
of the Nature: sensation, thinking, motion, and variation, etc. there are always their
But it turned out to be that the powers of two classes of concep ts are not equivalent
to each other (and that is really a lucky thing!).
Let us now establish a following action, called Aaction :
“Having all, existing all, conserving all, and acting posit ively on all.”
And an another, called Baction , has opposite purport:
“Nothing at all, non-existing all, non-conserving all, and acting negatively on all.”
Acting positively Aaction is acting negatively Baction, and vice versa.
Baction says that:
– ‘Nothing at all’, i.e. not having Baction itself.
– ‘Non-existing all’, i.e. not existing Baction itself.
– ‘Non-conserving all’, thus Baction itself is not conserved.
– ‘Acting negatively on all’, this is acting negatively on Baction itself.
Briefly, Baction contains an immanent contradiction. It acts negatively on i tself.
Self-acting negatively on, Baction auto-acts positively on Aaction . It means that: there
is not existence of absolute nihility or absolute emptiness , and therefore, the World was
AndAaction acts on all, including itself and Baction , butBaction self-acts negatively
on itself, so Aaction has not immanent contradiction.
Thus, in the sphere of Aaction all what do not self-act negatively on then self-act
positively on.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 8
1.3 What is the most elementary?
There are four very important concepts of knowledge that: time,space,matter , and
motion .
They are different from each other, but is it true that they are equal to each other
and they can co-exist independently?
Let us start from time. Is it an entity? Could it exist independently apart from space,
matter , andmotion ? Evidently not! Just isolated timeout of motion , the conception of
it would be no longer here, time would be dead. And the concept ion of motion has higher
independence than time’s.
Sotimeis not the first. It could not self-exist, it is only consequen ce of remainders.
Motion is not the first either. It could not self-exist apart from matter andspace. In
fact, motion is only a manifestation of relationship betwee nmatter andspace.
Thus, one of two remainders, matter andspace, which is the most elementary? which
is the former? or they are equal to each other and were born by o ne more elementary
other? Perhaps setting such a question is unnecessary, beca use just as timeandmotion ,
matter could not exist apart from space. For instance, a concrete manifestation of matter,
it exists not only because of itself but also because of simul taneous existence of space
which surrounds it (and contains it) so that it is still itsel f.
Clearly, matter is also in spatial category and it is anything else if not the s pace with
inner relationships different from those of usual space that we know?!
But now, according to the property of spatial entities raise d in the previous subsection,
this fact is contradiction: two same dimensional spaces of d ifferent curvatures (inner
relationships) are impossible to contain in each other!
Thus, either we are wrong: it is evident to place coincidenta lly two circles of different
radii in each other or the Nature is wrong: different spaces ca n place in each other, defying
And contradiction generated by this reason is power of motio n, motion to escape from
Thus, we may to say that matter is spatial entity of some curva ture.
But, where were spatial entities born from? and how can they e xist? or are they
products of higher dimensional spaces?, so what is about hig her dimensional spaces?
Let us imagine that all vanish, including matter, space, ... and as a whole all possible
Then, what is left?
Nothing at all!
But that is a unique remainder!
Clearly, this unique remainder is limitless and homogeneou s “everywhere”. Otherwise,The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 9
it will violate our requirement.
We now require the next: even the unique remainder vanishes, too. What will remain,
Not hardly, we indentify immedeately that substitute which replace it is just itself!
Therefore, we call it absolute space.
The absolute space can vanish in itself, in other words, acti ng negatively it leads to
acting positively itself. That means, the absolute space ca n self-exist not depending on
any other. It is the former element.
It is the “supreme cause”, too. Because, contrary to anyone’ s will, it still contains a
Indeed, in the unique there is not anything, but still is the N othing! Nothing is
contained in Having, Nothing creates Having. Having, but No thing at all!
Here, negative action is also positive action, Nothing is al so Having, and vice versa.
Immanent contradiction of this state is infinitely great.
Express mathematically, the absolute space has zero curvat ure. In this space there
exist points of infinite curvatures. This difference is infini tely great and, therefore, con-
tradiction generated is infinitely great, too.
The Nature did not want to exist in such a contradiction state . It had self-looked for
a way to solve, and the consequence was that the Nature was bor n.
Thus, anew the familiar vague truth is that: “matter is not bo rn naturally (from
nihility), not vanished naturally (in nihility), it always is in motion and transformation
from one form to other. Nowadays, it is necessary to be affirmed again that: “matter is
just created from nothing, but this is not motiveless. The fo rce that makes it generate is
also the power makes it exist, move, and transform.
2 Representation of contradiction under quantitative
formula: Equation of causality
Any contradiction is originated by coexistence of two mutua lly rejectable actions.
That is represented as follows:
M=/braceleftbiggA/negationslash=A −Action K1
A=A −Action K2.
Clearly, the more severe contradiction Mwill be if the higher power of mutual rejection
between two actions K1andK2is. And power of mutual rejection of two actions is
estimated only from the degree of difference of those two acti ons.
A contradiction which is solved means that difference of two a ctions diminishes to
zero. Herein, two actions K1andK2all vary to reach and to end at a new action K3.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 10
Thus, what are the differences [ K1−K3] and [ K2−K3] dependent on? Obviously,
these differences are dependent on conservation capacities of actions K1andK2. The
higher conservation capacity of any action is, the lower diff erence between it and the last
action is.
And then, in turn what is conservation capacity of any action dependent on?
There are two elements:
It is dependent on immanent contradiction of action, the gre ater its immanent con-
tradiction is the lower its conservation capacity is.
It is dependent on new contradiction generated by variation of action. The greater
this contradiction is the more variation of action is resist ed and, therefore, the higher its
contradiction capacity is.
Variation, and one kind of which - motion, is generated by con tradiction. More exactly,
motion is a manifestation of solution to contradiction. The more severe contradiction
becomes the more urgent need of solution to contradiction wi ll be, and hence the more
violent motion, variation of state, i.e. of contradiction w ill become. Call the violence,
or the quickness of variation of contradiction Q, the contradiction state is M, the above
principle can be represented as follows:
We call it equation of causality, where K(M)is means of solution to contradiction. On
simplest level, K(M)can be a function of contradiction state. Actually, it repre sents
easiness of escape from contradiction of state.
If contradiction is characterized by quantities x, y, z, ... , these quantities themselves
will be facilities of transport of contradiction, degrees o f freedom over which contradiction
is solved. Hence, easiness is valued as the derivative of con tradiction with respect to its
degree of freedom.
The greater derivative value of contradiction with respect to any degree of freedom
is, the higher way-out “scenting” capability in this direct ion of state becomes, the more
“amount of contradiction” escaped with respect to this degr ee of freedom is.
K(M)∼|M′(x, y, z, ... )|.
And we have
Q=a|M′(x, y, z, ... )|M(x, y, z, ... ),
where the coefficient ais generated only by choosing system of units of quantities.
We said that difference is the origin of all, but difference its elf has no meaning. The
so-called meaning is generated in direct relationship, in d irect comparison. The Nature
cannot feel difference through “distance”.
A some state which has any immanent contradiction must vary t o reach a new one
having no intrinsic contradiction, or exactly, having infin itesimal contradiction.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 11
That process is one-way, going continuously through all val ues of contradiction, from
the beginning value to closing one.
We thus have endeavored to convince that motion (variation) is imperative to have
its cause and property of motion obeys the equation of causal ity. Then, must invariation,
i.e. conservation be evident without any cause? It is possib le to say that: any state has
only two probabilities – either conservable or variable, an d more exactly, all are conserved
but if that conservation causes a contradiction, then it mus t let variation have place to
escape contradiction and this variation obeys the equation of causality.
If this theoretical point is true, our work is only that: lear ning manner of comprehen-
sion, estimating exactly and completely contradiction of s tate, and describing it in the
equation of causality, at that time we will have any law of var iation.
But is such enough for our terminal perception about the Natu re, about people them-
selves with own thought power, to explain wonders, which alw ays surprise generations:
why can the Nature self-perceive itself, through its produc t - people?!
3 Using the causal principle in some concrete and
simplest phenomena
Advance a quantity T, inverse of Q, to be stagnancy of solution to contradiction. Thus,
The sum of stagnancy in the process of solution to contradict ion from M0toM0−∆M
called the time is generated by this variation (∆ t).
Figure 1: Variation of contradiction
From the above definition and Figure 1, we identify that
∆t≈−T+ (T+ ∆T)
∆t≈ −2
2T+ ∆T.
We have
Therefrom, we obtain a new form of the equation of causality,
dt=−a|M′(x, y, z, ... )|M(x, y, z, ... ).The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 12
Thus, if we consent to the time as an independent quantity and contradiction as
a time-dependent one, speed of escape from contradiction wi th respect to the time is
proportional to magnitude of contradiction and means of sol ution.
In the case that contradiction is characterized by itself, n amely M=M(M), we have
where M0is the contradiction at the time t=t0.
3.1 Thermotransfer principle
Supposing that inn a some distance of an one-dimensional spa ce we have a distribution
of a some quantity L.
If the distribution has immanent difference, i.e. immanent c ontradiction, it will self-
vary to reach a new state with lowest immanent contradiction . That variation obeys the
equation of causality,
For convenience, we spread this distribution out on the xaxis and take a some point
to be an origin of coordinates.
Because the distribution is one of a some quantity L, all its values at points in the space
of distribution must have equidimension (homogeneity). An d the immanent difference of
distribution is just the difference of degree.
At two points x1andx2, the quantity Lobtains two values L1andL2, respectively.
Due to the difference of degree, there is only a way of estimati on: taking the difference
But two points x1andx2only ‘feel’ the difference from each other in direct connecti on,
contradiction may appear or may not only in that direct conne ction: at a boundary of two
neighbouring points x1andx2,Lquantity obtains simultaneously two values L1andL2;
two these actions act negatively on each other and magnitude of contradiction depends
on the difference ( L1−L2). Therefore, in order for the difference ( L1−L2) to be the
yield of direct connection between two points x1andx2, we must let, for example, x2tend
infinitely to x1(but not coincide with it).
Whereat, the immanent contradiction at infinitesimal neigh bourhood of x1will be
valued as the limit of the ratio:L1−L2
asx2→x1, i.e. the derivative value of Lover the space of distribution at x1. From the
presented problems, we have
∂x.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 13
Substituting the value of Min the equation of causality:
∂x. (1)
The immanent contradiction at each point is solved as Eq. (1) . That makes the
distribution vary.
We will seek for the law of this variation.
The immanent contradiction at neighbourhood of xis
Later a time interval ∆ t, this contradiction is decreased to the value
Thus, it seems that this variation has compressed a some amou nt of values of Lfrom
higher valued points to lower ones, making ‘a flowing current ’ of values of Lthrough x
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: The law of variation for Lquantity
Clearly, the magnitude of ‘the flowing current’, i.e. the amo unt of values of Lflows
through xin the time interval ∆ t, is
Similarly, at the point x+ ∆xwe have
In this example, the current ℑxmakes values of Lat points in the interval ∆ xincrease,
andℑx+∆xmakes them decrease. The consequence is that the increment ∆ Lthe interval
∆xobtains is
x≤ξ≤x+∆x∆x.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 14
The average density value ∆Lat each point in the interval ∆ xwill be
The exact value reaches at the limit ∆ x→0,
∆L|x,∆t= lim
∂x2. (2)
The time-variational speed of Lat neighbourhood of any point of the distribution is
proportional to the second derivative over the space of dist ribution of this quantity right
at that point.
And as was known, Eq. (2) is just diffusion equation (heat-tra nsfer equation) that
had been sought on experimental basis.
On the other hand, the corollary of the above reasoning manne r has announced to us
the conservation of values of the quantity Lin the whole distribution, although values of
this quantity at each separate point may vary, whenever valu e at any point decreases a
some amount, then value at its some neighbouring point incre ases right the same amount.
If the space of distribution is limitless, then along with in crease of time the mean value
of distribution will decrease gradually to zero.
3.2 Gyroscope
The conservation of angular momentum vectors may be regarde d as the conservation of
two components: direction and magnitude. If in a system the d irective conservation is
not violated but the magnitude conservation of vectors is vi olated, this system must vary
by some way so that the whole system will have a sole angular mo mentum vector. And
in the case where the conservation not only of magnitude but a lso of direction are both
violated, solution to contradiction of state depends on the form of articulation.
We now consider the case, in which the gravitational and cent rifugal components may
be negligible (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Gyroscope with only angle degree of freedomThe Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 15
For simplicity, we admit that there is a motor to maintain a co nstant angular velocity ω
of system. Thus, we are only interested in the contradiction generated by violation of the
directive conservation kω0. The action K1– the conservation of k− →ω0, say that: variational
speed of the vector direction k− →ω0equals zero. But the action K2– the conservation of
− →ω, say that: the direction k− →ω0must be varied with the angular velocity ωcosα.
Thus, in macroscope, the difference [ K1−K2] =ωcosαis the origin of that contra-
diction, and the contradiction is proportional to this diffe rence.
M=|k− →ω0×− →ω|=kω0ωcosα.
The taken proportionality factor kω0(still in macroanalysis) is based on an argument:
ifω0equals zero, the vector direction k− →ω0will not exist certainly, and therefore the
problem of contradiction generated by its directive conser vation will not be invented.
Taking the value of Minto the equation of causality, we obtain
Here, we have calcuted M′=M′
α. From the equation we identify that if α= 0, then the
escaping speed of contradiction state will equal zero.
The derivative of contradiction with respect to the time is
∂t(kω0ωcosα) =−ak2ω2
∂t=akω0ωcosα, α /negationslash= 0. (3)
The variation of αcauses a new contradiction, this contradiction is proporti onal to
value of ∂α/∂t , therefore there is not motional conservation over the comp onent α. And
thus the escaping speed in Eq. (3) is also just the instantane ous velocity of the axis of
rotation plane surface over α.
The time, so that the angle between the axis of rotation plane surface (i.e. the direction
of the vector k− →ω0) and the horizonal direction varies from the value +0 to α, will be
2akω0ωln1 + sin α
3.3 Buffer zone of finite space
Supposing that there is a finite space [ A] with intrinsic structure satisfying the invariance
for the principle of causality.
This space is in the absolute space [ O]. At the boundary of these two space there
exists a contradiction caused by difference between them.The Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 16
Because both of the spaces conserve themselves, contradict ion is only possible to be
solved by forming a buffer zone (i.e. field), owing to which diff erence becomes lesser and
more harmonic. The structure of the buffer zone must have a som e form so that the level
of harmonicity reaches to a greatest value, i.e. immanent co ntradiction at each point in
the field has lowest possible value.
It is clear that the farther from the center of the space [ A] it is the more the property
of [A] diminishes. In other words, the [ A]-surrounding buffer zone (field) has also the
property of [ A] and this property is a function of r– i.e. the distance from the center of
the space [ A] to considered point in the field (Figure 4).
Figure 4: The structure of the buffer field of a finite space
From the problems presented and if the notation of the buffer z one is T, we will have
where g(r) is an unknown function of ralone, characterized for the intrinsic harmonicity
of the field.
If in the field zone T[A]there is a space [ B] and this space does not disturb considerably
the field T[A], whereat the difference between [ B] and T[A]forces [ B] to move in the field
T[A]to approach to position where the difference between [ B] and T[A]has lowest value
(here, we have admitted that the space [ B] has also self-conservation capability). This
contradiction of state is proportional to the difference ([ B]−T[A]).
If we detect a factor cto use for ‘translating language’ from the property of [ B] into
the property of [ A], then the contradiction may be expressed as follows
where fis proportionality factor. And the law of motion of the space [B] in the field T[A]
is sought by the equation of causality,
Here, the transfer quantity (degree of freedom) of contradi ction is r.
Because the motion of the space [ B] must happen simultaneously over all directions
which have centripetal components, therefore the resultan t escaping velocity of the stateThe Equation of Causality – D. M. Chi 17
– i.e. the resultant velocity of the space [ B] in the field T[A]must be estimated as the
integral of the escaping speed over all directions which hav e centripetal components.
cos2ϕ dϕ
Expanding the left side hand, we obtain
Notice here that g(r) is a function of ralone.
If proving that the variation of ras well as the conservation of ∂r/∂t causes a new
contradiction proportional to right ∂r/∂t, then the escaping speed obtained is just the
instantaneous velocity of [ B] in the field T[A]. |
arXiv:physics/9912008v1 [physics.gen-ph] 3 Dec 1999Physics/9912008
The Nature of Everything
N. T. Anh∗†
Department of Theoretical Physics, Hanoi National Univers ity,
High College of Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Hanoi , Vietnam.
We pursue research leading towards the nature of causality i n the universe. We establish the
equation of the universe’s evolution from the universe-sta te function and its series expansion,
in which causes and effects connect together to construct a li nked chain of causality. And the
equation of causality [1] is rederived. Therefrom, our theo ry informs the progress of the universe
and, simulaneously, a law that presents everywhere. Furthe rmore, we lay some foundations for
a new mathematical phrasing of the movement of physics. That is the life-like mathematics - a
mathematics full of life.
∗Present address: Institute for Nuclear Science and Technique, Hanoi, Vietna m.
†Email: anhnt@vol.vnn.vn
2CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 3
To pursue the idea of the previous article [1] a question aris es that if the law of causality is the most
general law, then about what will it inform us in the whole of t he universe, in the birth, expansion
and conclusion of the universe, as well as in some concrete ph enomenon and process in the universe?
The transformation chain “ Difference →Contradiction →Solving of contradiction ” is also the
expansion chain of the universe. The expansion chain of the u niverse starts from the absolute infinite
and homogeneous space. In the absolute space there is a Nothi ng, but itself is the one, is the unique:
the content is zero, the form is one. Thus as acting negativel y all the absolute space acts negatively
just its unique existence. Therefrom the immanent contradi ction of this state of the universe is
infinitely great, and the universe self-solves by expanding into infinite series of smaller contradictions
and solving them. The consequence is that our world was born.
In order to describe quantitatively all processes of the bir th, expansion and conclusion of the
universe, we establish a universal equation from the univer se-state function in Sec. 2. And the
equation of causality is anew devised exactly in Sec. 3. Our c onclusion is given in Sec. 4. In
Appendices A and B we present a few foundations for functor an d life-like mathematics.
1!At the debut of each expansion of the universe, the f! function characterizing for the early state
of the universe is equal gradually to zero everywhere and for ming the absolute vacuum-state function
f!( ).
f! =f!( ).
Continuously, in this expansion, the vacuum state of the uni verse becomes the absolute space
state but still is always equal to zero everywhere, because i n the vacuum of the universe there
contain infinitely many absolute spaces
f!( ) = f!(K),
where f!(K) is called absolute space-state function of the set of absol ute spaces in the universe’s
vacuum, with Kbeing absolute space set K={...k...}.
Therefore, the absolute space-state function satisfies the following condition
f!(K) = 0,∀k∈K/integraltext
f!(K)dk= 1,(1.1)CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 4
where the notation “0” is the “nothing” in the universe’s vac uum, and “1” symbolizes the unique
existence of the universe’s vacuum.
f!(K) is equal to zero everywhere, but its integral with respect t o space is unique, or the whole of
f!(K) over space is unique. (Right in whole integral region, f!(K) still is equal to zero - The absolute
vacuum has nothing, but has uniquely that “nothing”.)
f!(K) is limitless and homogeneous everywhere, is determined in every neighborhood of point
spaces κiin a set of absolute point spaces K(κi∈ K={...κ...}), is continuous with ki=κi, and
exists the limit lim ki→κif!(K) =f!(K).f!(K) is continuously differentiable on the set of point spaces
K, in which all direct and reverse partial derivatives to all o rders exist and are continuous due to the
existence of limits, respectively.
2!The state functions of the absolute vacuum as well as of the ab solute space determine the
states of the homogeneous state vacuum and the homogeneous s pace, in which as transferring with
respect to all degrees of freedom there cannot be any arbitra ry immanent difference.
But, the absolute vacuum is a unique and homogeneous state in which there is nothing. As
self-acting negatively, it leads to self-acting positivel y itself and vice versa. In the unique state there
contains nothing but still exists a “nothingness”! For that reason, in overall the absolute vacuum still
contains a difference: between the “nihility” and the unique state of this “nihility”. That difference
is infinitely great, and therefore the immanent contradicti on of this state is also infinitely great. It
is easy to be identified this contradiction in the relation (1 .1).
So the self-solving is performed by expanding f!(K) into series in the whole of space,
· · · A(0)(k)/summationtext
h(k)· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
h(k)A(0)(k)· · ·
· · · A(0)(k)/summationtext
κ· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
κA(0)(k) · · ·
· · · 1/summationtext
h· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
h 1 · · ·
or in the general form,
f!(K) =f!(K)|KSK
K (1.2)CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 5
under the space reflection, where f!(K),f!(K)|K, and SK
Kcontain infinitely many variable elements.
Conversely, if there is a linear transfer variation from Kspace to Kspace, then
where SK
Kis different from SK
Kby permuting of superior and inferior limits of integrals.
For that reason, if doing an action f!(K)|KontoSK
K, then
K=I (1.3)
3!Now, we return to consider Eq. (1.2). If instead of Kwe let ( K− K), then f!(K) becomes
f!(K− K) =f!(K− K)|(K−K)=0S(K−K)
(K−K)=0, (1.4)
And if we define/integraltextki
κidκi=Mi, then SK
K=M, namely
· · · 1/summationtext
h· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
h 1 · · ·
· · · 1/summationtext
−1!· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
+1!1· · ·
Thus, Eq. (1.4) will be
f!(M) =f!(M)|M=0M (1.5)
where each element equation has the form as a functor
A(M) =eΣM/hatwideAA(M)|M=0.
From calculating SK
K, we are convenient to consider the condition (1.3). After we define/integraltextκi
κidκi=−Mi, then SK
K=M−1, namely
· · · 1/summationtext
h· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
h 1 · · ·
· · · 1/summationtext
−1!· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
+1!1 · · ·
.CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 6
Thus, in order for MM−1=M−1M=Ithen
M+M−=M−M+= 0, (1.6)
where M+andM−are some contradictions which belong to the two reflective wo rlds, and notice
here the formula
= 0,
with meaning that the sum of generation and annihilation qua ntities is constant (conservation of
4!From the second in the condition (1.1) of the absolute space- state function, we consider in
the set of point-spaces K,
1 =/integraldisplay
or can write
1 =f!(K− K)A(0)(k−κ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
1 =f!(M)A(0)(M)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
M=0. (1.7)
And consider in an interval of integration from the set of poi nt-spaces Kto the set of absolute spaces
1 =/integraldisplayk
κf!(K)dκ=f!(K− K)[k−κ](0),i.e.
1 =f!(M)M(0). (1.8)
Following the life-like mathematics, let (1.7) and (1.8) si nk into together we obtain an equivalent
M=0=M(0). (1.9)
After we differentiate partially (in direct and reverse orie ntations) to all orders with respect to
components in the two elements A(0)(M)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
M=0andM(0), respectively, then (1.9) may be written asCAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 7
the form
· · · A(0)(M)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
M=0· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
M=0· · ·
· · · M(0)/summationtext
h· · ·
· · ·/summationtext
h M(0)· · ·
f!(M)|M=0=M′, (1.10)
where the factors aare degree-of-freedom transfer coefficients.
Therefrom, we have the following equation, from Eq. (1.5),
f!(M) =M′M. (1.11)
This equation is named universal equation, where each eleme nt is of the form
A(M) =eΣaM/hatwiderMM.
The two spaces kiandκiin the respective sets KandKare different from each other, but the
κispace lies in the kispace. Id est, these two spaces differ mutually but they conce rn directly with
each other through limiting of integral sum, so they annihil ate mutually generating the contradiction
between them
[ki−κi] =Mi,
where “ −” is signed annihilation operation between two spaces kiandκi. The dimension of contra-
diction depends on the dimension of spaces kiandκiwhich contribute to create that contradiction.
Thus, (1.9) means that A(0)(k)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
κat the point space κof the set Kis just the contradiction
[k−κ] =Mbetween the absolute space kof the set Kand the point space κof the set Kcontained
inK. For the reason that A(0)(k)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
κreflects right the contradiction between the κspace for which
this function characterizes and the kspace, characterized by A(k) that is rather conservative than
A(k)|κ(in immanent contradiction).
Hence, partial derivatives of A(k)|κto all orders with respect to all possible quantities in poin t
spaces κiof the set Kare just partial derivatives of the contradiction Mto all orders with respect to
all possible degrees of freedom in spaces (i.e. with respect to degrees of transfer of contradiction), withCAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 8
abeing the degree-of-freedom transfer coefficients. And then , the derivatives M′of contradiction
with respect to contradiction-transfer facilities become the expedients for solving of contradiction
InM, the unit elements in the main diagonal form a reflecting mirr or demarcating the two
worlds. When an element is generated in one world, a some elem ent in the other is simultaneously
annihilated, and conversely. (they are conserved of degree ). The two reflecting worlds seem to be
alike but if an arbitrary element of the one unites some arbit rary element of the other, they both
will annihilate mutually to zero, Eq. (1.6). The annihilati on to zero from two some elements of the
two reflecting worlds is to satisfy the condition (1.3).
Each element of one world will become a some element of the oth er only after it has passed the
reflecting mirror, the reflecting mirror has annihilated all natures of old world in this element so that
it can receive new natures when it enter into a new world.
5!Let us now generalize all above concepts. If the universe com prises a set of actions, thereat
we can regard that Kis set of actions which exist in all absolute spaces and Kis the set of actions
which exist in all point spaces. f!( ) is the state function of the zero action, f!(K) is the action
function of absolute spaces, and f!(K)|Kis the action function of point spaces. They satisfy the
condition (1.1), with “0” being “zero action”, and “1” being the action of its unique existence.
A some contradiction, thereat, will be defined as the simulta neous coexistence of two mutual
annihilation actions,
Mi= [ki−κi], k i∈Kandκi∈ K,
and satisfies Eq. (1.6).
From the condition of the uniqueness of the zero action, we ob tain the universal equation (1.11)
where M′contains elements as derivatives of contradictions with re spect to all possible degrees
of freedom. On the other hand, they act onto contradictions m aking contradictions to vary with
respect to some degrees of freedom – i.e. making contradicti ons to be solved over some facilities for
transfer of contradiction, so derivatives of contradictio ns with respect to all degrees of freedom are
just contradiction-solving expedients over all contradic tion-transfer facilities.
The universal equation manifests the birth, evolution and c onclusion of the universe, beginning
from the absolute vacuum and then its expanding out the whole of the universe to infinitely many
repeat period chains. The universal equation expresses jus t solving an infinitely great immanent
contradiction of the absolute vacuum state by dividing into infinitely many small contradictions to
solve them.CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 9
In the absolute vacuum there are infinitely many point spaces , solving contradictions between
the vacuum and point spaces makes point spaces concentrate a nd crystallized together (accretion)
forming early matters. They combine together, and continuo us so, gradually forming the world in a
unity entity of the nature.
If speaking in the geometrical language, contradictions be tween the zero curvature of the absolute
vacuum (or of a sphere with an infinitely large radius) and infi nitely high curvatures of point spaces (or
of spheres with infinitely small radii) must vary to reach sta tes with lowest immanent contradictions,
i.e. curvatures must vary to reach and conclude some curvatu res (following tendency). The curvature
of the absolute vacuum continuously conserves and is equal t o zero, so these contradictions always are
solved with respect to the tendency of decreasing curvature s of point spaces to zero (i.e. increasing
their radii to infinity) so as to coincide with the curvature o f the absolute vacuum. As curvatures of
point spaces decrease just as point spaces concentrate and c rystallize together to form new spaces
with lower curvatures (i.e. with larger radii).
Concreting that at each point in the absolute vacuum there is an appearance of infinitely many
centripetal flows (inflow). Isophasic flows force to appear an impulse at this point, immediately,
that impulse causes an immanent contradiction and the contr adiction is solved directly by emitting
backward flows (outflow) to decrease strength of inward flows. Then after that, emitter is weak
gradually and a new cycle will begin, etc.
In the absolute vacuum such infinitely many point spaces crea te a global motion of the universe
generating infinitely many thermal currents everywhere in t he universe. The universe becomes full of
life. Motion of infinitely many point spaces leads to the form ation of groups separated by isophasic
current points. (Maybe the opposite phase groups would crea te the positive and negative extrema
or mutually symmetrical extrema. And points which have inte rmediary phases would disperse to
form different groups then move gradually to one of extrema). Each group creates one proper wave
of flows giving rise to the universe to “breathe” lively.
In the universal equation, the sign “=” has the meaning that: at the debut of each expansion pro-
cess, the equation performs generally in the forward direct ion (rightwards), after that the equation
is in relative equilibrium when there are new contradiction s generated and there also are contra-
dictions solved, finally the equation performs generally in the backward direction (leftwards) when
contradictions are solved more and more – at that time the exp ansion series converges uniformly to
f!(K) =f!( ) = f!.
Each numerical value under contradictions is determined by reflecting them onto the quantity 0!
of the absolute vacuum, and as contradictions vary the numer ical values also alter after. The state
function thus expands into chains in the reversible process , contradictions are generated gradually,CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 10
and quantities also gradually appear more and more. In eleme nt equations, when expanding sums
there will be chains of terms, each chain is a period, later ch ain is in higher development degree than
sooner chain.
In a few real concrete cases, the expansion of the equation re quires strictly to determine superior
limits of sums – i.e. to obey the rule of filling “reservoirs” o f the universe. If the equation expands
from small contradictions to great contradictions, then wh en a some contradiction which corresponds
with a superior limit index of a sum is greater than other cont radiction which corresponds with an
inferior limit index of a successive sum, the smaller contra diction will be expanded foremost. This
is similar to the expansion with respect to levels of energy m inimization of elements in the periodic
Thus, all phenomena in the universe seem to proceed in an acco mplished order and the whole
universe continuously obeys a law. A some term of series does not really open out yet but it has
denoted a progress orientation of future expansion.
About application, above all the universal equation is used for deriving directly the equation of
causality, after that for building equations of many quanti ty sets in each scope of a researched space
and for researching constructions and systems of worlds in t he universe.
We now research the reciprocal reflection from the space worl d or the world of actions to the time
world. The time world stands of a fundamental background or fi eld, onto which other worlds all
reflect as a whole. Therefore the time world is relatively ind ependent, and other worlds seem to be
timeworld-dependent. In the time world the process of varia tion and transformation also is performed
and formed from the functions f! andf!( ) and expanded into series, finally reaches the homogeneou s
state and closes a reflection period.
As the world of actions reflects on the time world, the set of ac tionsKis dependent on the set
of times T={...⊤...}which exist in absolute spaces, and Kis dependent on T={...τ...}in point
spaces. Thereby, f!( ) reflects on time forming the zero-action function of the a bsolute vacuum in
the non-time state, f!(K) becomes the function f!(K(T)); and f!(K)|Kgrows f!(K(T))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
Similarly, in the time world the function f!(K(T)) also is expanded into series by linear transfor-
mation from the time TtoT,
f!(K(T)) =f!(K(T))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
T, (2.1)CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 11
or may be written (in the time inflection)
.. A(0)(k(⊤))/summationtext
κ(τ)A(0)(k(⊤)) ..
... 1/summationtext
h 1 ...
If instead of K(T)we write [ K(T)− K(T)], and after putting/integraltext⊤i
τidti= ∆ti,
T= Υ,
T= ΥΥ−1=Iwhere
∆t+∆t−= ∆t−∆t+= 0, (2.2)
... 1/summationtext
h 1 ...
... 1/summationtext
+1!1 ...
then Eq. (2.1) will be
f!(M(Υ)) =f!(M(Υ))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
M(Υ)=0Υ, (2.3)
where each element has the functor form,
A(M(t)) =eΣ∆t/hatwide·
From the unique condition of the zero action, similar to the p revious section, we obtain
(t)(2.4)CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 12
in the time world.
After direct and reverse partial differentiating to all orde rs both of the side hand of this element
with respect to time, respectively, we obtain
M. (2.5)
And we can express it under the form
.. A(0)(M(t))/summationtext
M(t)=0A(0)(M(t)) ..
.. M(0)/summationtext
where coefficients ( −) arise from the reason that contradiction varies inversely as time.
Thus, we have
f!(M(Υ)) =·
MΥ. (2.6)
This equation is named time-world equation, where each elem ent is of the form
A(M(t)) =eΣ(−)∆t/hatwider·
with the contradiction between the action k(⊤)of the set K(T)and the action κ(τ)of the set K(T)
being Mand also dependent on the time t:M(t)in the set M(Υ).
Therefore, all-order partial derivatives of the function A(0)(k(⊤))/vextendsingle/vextendsingle
κ(τ)with respect to all times in
point spaces are also just all-order partial derivatives of contradiction with respect to all times, with
coefficients ( −) generated by reflecting from the world of actions to the time world. Therefrom, the
Mof contradiction with respect to time becomes just the contr adiction-variation rapidity
Conforming to the life-like mathematics, after sinking the universal equation into the time-world
equation we obtain a general universal equation,
f!(M(Υ)) =M′M=·
MΥ. (2.7)
Elements of the universal equation unite respective elemen ts of the time-world equation, where
each functor element has the form
A(M(t)) =eΣaM(t)/hatwiderMM(t)=eΣ(−)∆t/hatwider·
MM(t).CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 13
Consider an arbitrary contradiction in M, we obtain
M∆t, (2.8)
withM′∈ M′and·
From this equation, we identify that ais not only to be a degree-of-freedom transfer coefficient
but also to be a world transfer coefficient. In this case it is fr om the space world to the time world.
Supposing that ( M′M) reflects from the space world to the time world,
If considering ∆ tas a non-variable contradiction or a varied but invariable c ontradiction, then as
M∆t, the equation aM′M=−·
M∆tis evident due to the result of reflection
And therefore aare generated to transfer worlds.
When taking ∆ tintoathen we will obtain the equation of causality,
M. (2.9)
In the case the contradiction is characterized by itself, na melyM=M(M), then
where M0is the contradiction at the time t=t0.
We next consider a case that if ∆ t= [⊤−τ] = 0 – i.e. ⊤=τ, the time in the universe is identical
in all spaces – thereat the time includes homogeneousness: i t has an identical value everywhere at
an arbitrary point time of the universe, in the universe ther e is no deflection of time at one place
and other, at one space and other.
According to this significance, the time is a relatively inde pendent world, so whenever there is
a time deflection then this deflection will must be solved to re ach a lowest possible deflection – i.e.
following the tendency ∆ t= [⊤ −τ]→0.
The time world stands of a background or a field, in which every thing, every system, every
phenomenon and every state, etc. all reflect, and through whi ch to “know” differences in their
motive process, to “know” differences between them and other s and to find ways and tendencies for
solving.CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 14
Thus, if ∆ t= [⊤ −τ] = 0, in the time world there is no contradiction, then Υ will b e equal to
the unit I. Therefrom,
f!(M(Υ)) =·
And after soaking the universal equation into it,
f!(M(Υ)) =M′M=·
with each functor element,
A(M(t)) =eΣaM(t)/hatwiderMM(t)=M(t). (2.10)
We have answered almost very difficult and mysterious questio ns of the universe. Why do everything,
every phenomenon, every system, every state, every process and so on all perform and exhibit as what
we know but not perform and exhibit otherwise? Because, in ve ry deep of things, phenomena and
processes there are different elements to annihilate mutual ly appearing contradictions between them.
Elements annihilate mutually leading gradually to do not an nihilate any more. This requirement
makes them appear expedients for solving of contradiction a nd facilities for transfer of contradiction
in the tendency of decreasing gradually contradictions bet ween mutual annihilation elements. And
owing to variation of these contradictions as well as of diffe rent elements in things, phenomena and
processes, in the universe there is an appearance of laws, in which everything, phenomenon, process
and so on all perform and exhibit just as that we see in the natu re, and anywhere in the universe.
Then, why do only different elements play an important role fo r performance and exhibition of
everything, phenomenon and process but do not any other elem ents? Because the difference is the
first axiom of the universe. If there were no existence of diffe rence, then in the universe everywhere
all would be identical, and therefore none of anything would exist. For that reason, only different
elements are the first elements and play an important role for exhibition and variation of things,
phenomena and processes in the universe. If so, then how is th e universe in variation and in motion?
Variation processes in the universe could not arise from con densed matter and then create a
big-bang generating particles, material bodies, etc. and m aking the universe expand... Because the
outset state of the universe must be a state without immanent difference, or more exactly, with a least
quantity of immanent differences. If matter were condensed, then it would comprise infinitely many
different elements, therefore condensed state is impossibl e to be the basic state. And if condensed
matter is identical, then in the universe there will not be th e existence of a big-bang but matter willCAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 15
must be varied in the expansion phase of the universal equati on. In reality, in the early universe
infinitely many point spaces create infinitely many “big-ban gs” which do not explode out but burst
into center of each point.
Therefore, the universe varies and transforms in the proces s
f!→f!( ) = 0 →f!(K)→ ∞ → (1)→f!.
In the debut, f! is equal gradually to zero everywhere forming itself and f!( ), thereby the time
world also is gradually formed and contributes to crystalli ze the space world. The process from f!
to infinity is performed as in the universal equation. After t hat, because every contradiction solved
all reach a state without difference – i.e. everywhere, every thing are all identical, and finally lead
to a homogeneous state. At that time the process from infinity to (1) is performed. The end is the
process of f!-zing everywhere, closing a motion period.
Briefly, the whole universe is a unity entity in causal connec tions, all phenomena seem to progress
on intrinsic order following the universal equation and the whole universe continually obeys a law –
the law of causality. From observations in the microcosm as w ell as in the macrocosm science always
discovers deterministic “disorders” of the universe which are controlled by a some “intelligence” –
due to contradiction.
A. Functor
We identify that a function f(K) expanded into a Taylor series has the following form (withd
f(K) =e(K−k)/hatwideff(k),
f(K) =e/integraltextK
This function is called functor.
It is clear that the functor may be sought from the equation of causality
∂K.CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 16
For the multiplet series the functor f(K1, K2, ...) has the form as
f(K1, K2, ...) =eΣi(Ki−ki)/hatwidefif(k1, k2, ...),
or as a functional
f(K(z)) =e/integraltextdz δK (z)/hatwidef(k,z)f(k(z)).
This function also may be sought from the equation of causali ty
/hatwideff(K) =δf(K)
Briefly, an arbitrary function can expand into the Taylor con vergent series then also can be
written as a functor and it satisfies the equation of causalit y. In reality, every function can expand
into the Taylor series if we recognize the existence of all ze ro-valued, finite-valued and infinite-valued
derivatives. At that time, in the series there is no remainde r and the series has infinite order number.
Thus, every phenomenon can be described in the form of functo r, and variation and motion (i.e.
every process) of phenomena then can be expressed in the equa tion of causality.
B. Life-like Mathematics
The life-like mathematics is a new mathematical phrasing, i n which objects and quantities, etc.
always are in motion. The life-like mathematics describes r elationships of equation-of-causality plu-
rality and “living” of the universal equation, etc. Therewi thal, the life-like mathematics comprises
not only pictures of the nature but also abstract quantities with copious proper lifetimes reflecting
mutually in a unified common lifetime.
1! In the space of actions Kthere exists a set of free actions
K={K1, K2, ..., K n, ...}.
a. If actions have not any common thing and they are alike, then they are independent mutually
K1, K2, ..., K n, ...≡K1, K2, ..., K n, ...
b. If actions have one element or many common elements, alike e lements between them, then they
connect mutually by annihilation operations “ −”. If those actions are different from each other,
then they annihilate mutually generating contradictions:CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 17
1.Ki−Ki− · · · − Ki≡Ki.
2. If actions annihilate directly, then
K1−K2− · · · − Kn=M,
withnbeing less than number of actions in the space K.
2! In the operator space M′there exists a set of free action operators:
1, M′
2, ..., M′
n, ...}
so that:
a. In the case where contradiction is characterized by itself M=M(M), then
(M)≡M(0)= 1.
b. As operators act simultaneously onto contradiction:
i+· · ·+M′
2+· · ·+M′
withnbeing less than number of operators in the space M′.
−1, then M′
−1= (0),
(because they eliminate mutually.)
c. As operators act onto contradiction in order:
1= (0) if M′
(because M′
−1eliminate mutually.)
3! Selection Rule.CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 18
a. As the two spaces of actions K1andK2sink into each other: each action in one space of actions
searches and selects actions among appropriate actions in o ther space in order to unite mutu-
ally when between them there are common elements (if not, the y have mutually independent
tendency) and then forming contradictions in a new space M:
|K1− K2|=M.
Writing so means that it has eliminated actions which do not c ontribute to create contradictions.
b. As the operator space M′sink into the space M: each some contradiction Miin the space M
searches and selects necessary operators (e.g. M′
i) among appropriate operators in the operator
space M′so that those contradictions are solved with respect to tran sfer facilities (degrees of
freedom) which chosen operators have contained (if operato rs are not necessary, contradictions
will not choose them). These make the space Mhave contradiction parts to be solved, that
solving obeys the equation of causality and contradictions decrease gradually to reach a lowest
contradiction state.
Finally, the space Mreaches and concludes at a new space of actions K3.
c. As the two operator spaces M′
2sink into each other: then operators act onto each
other obeying the rule
where M′
1∈ M′
2∈ M′
d. As the two spaces ( M′M)1and (M′M)2sink into each other: then the two spaces M1and
M2sink into each other, and simultaneously the spaces M′
2sink into the spaces M1
4! Action Group.
There exist actions interacting together under the annihil ation opearation ⊖and action operators
under the successive action operation ·and simultaneous action operation ⊕. They obey the following
laws:CAUSALITY: The Nature of Everything – N. T. Anh 19
a. In the space of actions {K}: there exist actions K+and anti-actions K−;
[K±⊖K∓] = 0 ,(existence of anti-actions)
[0⊖K±] = K±,(existence of unite 0)
j] = K±
k∈ {K},(algebra)
j] = [ K±
k] = [K±
k]] = [[K±
b. In the space of action operators {/hatwiderM}: there exist action operators M+′and anti-action operators
M+′·M−′=M−′·M+′= 1,(existence of anti-action operators)
M+′⊕M−′=M−′⊕M+′= 1,
(existence of unite M′
(M)=M(0)= 1)
k∈ {/hatwiderM};
i, α ij=α−1
Briefly, there are many more actions then many more such kinds of contradictions and derivatives
of contradictions and also the same for the equation of causa lity.
Depending on concrete problem, the annihilation operation may be a vectorial product, or may
be a derivative limit, etc. and the degrees of freedom may be a rotation angle, may be coordinates,
or also may be the time, etc. and similar to the world transfer coefficient may be a definite value
depending upon reflecting from one world to other in that conc rete problem.
We would like to thank Dr. D. M. Chi for useful discussions and valuable comments.
[1] D. M. Chi, The Equation of Causality , (Vietnamese, 1979), see http://www.mt-anh.com-us.com. |
arXiv:physics/9912009v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 3 Dec 1999Spinning jets
J. Eggers1and M. P. Brenner2
1Universit¨ at Gesamthochschule Essen, Fachbereich Physik , 45117 Essen, Germany
2Department of Mathematics, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139
A fluid jet with a finite angular velocity is subject to centrip etal forces in addition to surface
tension forces. At fixed angular momentum, centripetal forc es become large when the radius of the
jet goes to zero. We study the possible importance of this obs ervation for the pinching of a jet within
a slender jet model. A linear stability analysis shows the mo del to break down at low viscosities.
Numerical simulations indicate that angular momentum is ex pelled from the pinch region so fast
that it becomes asymptotically irrelevant in the limit of th e neck radius going to zero.
A fluid jet emanating from a nozzle will become unstable and br eak up due to surface tension. Some 30 years ago,
a series of papers [1–4] investigated the modifications Rayl eigh’s classical analysis would undergo if the jet performe d
a solid-body rotation. Such a rotation is easily imparted by spinning the nozzle at the appropriate frequency. The
somewhat surprising result of the linear analysis is that th e rotation always destabilizes the jet, a wavenumber kbeing
unstable if
0<kr 0<(1 +L−1)1/2, (1)
0). (2)
Hereγis the surface tension, ρthe density, Ω the angular frequency, and r0the unperturbed jet radius. Note that Ω
appears in the denominator, so no rotation corresponds to L→ ∞, for which the stability boundary 0 <kr 0<1 found
by Plateau is recovered. The theoretical growth rates were f ound to be in reasonable agreement with experiment [4]
and growth of disturbances for kr0larger than 1 was confirmed.
Recently it was pointed out by Nagel [5] that rotation might h ave an even more dramatic effect for the highly
nonlinear motion near the point where the neck radius goes to zero. Assume for the sake of the argument that a
cylinder of fluid of length wpinches uniformly, i.e. it retains its cylindrical shape. T hen the total angular momentum
0w, (3)
and the volume V=πr2
0wis constrained to remain constant as r0goes to zero. The total interface pressure corre-
sponding to the outward centripetal force is found to be pc=ρr2
0Ω2/2, and thus
pc= 2M2/(V2ρr2
0). (4)
Asr0goes to zero, this outward pressure will dominate the surface tension pressure γ/r0, raising the possibility that
rotation is a singular perturbation for pinching: an arbitr arily small amount of angular momentum, caused by a
symmetry breaking, could modify the breaking of a jet.
However, a jet does not pinch uniformly, but rather in a highl y localized fashion [6]. If the above argument is applied
to pinching, it must correspond to a rapidly spinning thread of fluid surrounded by almost stationary fluid. Frictional
forces represented by the viscosity of the fluid will lead to a diffusive transport of angular momentum out of the pinch
region, thus reducing its effect. Determining which effect do minates requires a fully nonlinear calculation, including
effects of surface tension, viscosity, inertia, and centrip etal forces. In the spirit of earlier work for Ω = 0 [7,8] we
will derive a one dimensional model, which only takes into ac count the leading order dependence of the velocity field
on the radial variable. This will be done in the next section, together with a comparison of the linear growth rates
between the model and the full Navier-Stokes calculation. I n the third section we analyze the nonlinear behavior.
First we investigate possible scaling solutions of the mode l equations, then we compare with numerical simulations.
In the final section, we present some tentative conclusions.
In our derivation of the slender jet model we closely follow [ 7]. The Navier-Stokes equation for an incompressible
fluid of viscosity νread in cylindrical coordinates:
with the incompressibility condition
∂rvr+∂zvz+vr/r= 0.
Here we have assumed that the velocity field does not depend on the angleφ. Exploiting incompressibility, vzandvr
can be expanded in a power series in r:
vz(z,r) =v0(z) +v2(z)r2+... (5)
vr(z,r) =−v′
Here and in the following a prime refers to differentiation wi th respect to z.
The crucial trick to make an expansion in rwork in the presence of rotation is to rewrite vφ(z,r) in terms of the
angular momentum per unit length ℓ(z) of the corresponding solid body rotation:
vφ(z,r) =2ℓ(z)
πρh4(z)r+br3+.... (6)
Hereh(z) is the local thread radius, hence no overturning of the profi le is allowed. Just as without rotation, the
equation of motion for h(z,t) follows from mass conservation based on the leading order e xpression for vz:
0h/2. (7)
Finally, the pressure is expanded according to
p(z,r) =p0(z) +p2(z)r2+.... (8)
Plugging this into the equation of motion for vr, to leading order in rone finds the balance
π2ρh8, (9)
while the leading balance for the vz-equation remains
0). (10)
Lastly, the vφ-equation leads to
0+ 4ℓv0h′/h+v0h4(ℓ/h4)′=νh4(4πρb+ (ℓ/h4)′′) (11)
to leading order.
Equations (9)-(11) contain the unknown functions p0,v2, andbwhich need to be determined from the boundary
conditions. The normal stress balance nσn=γκgives
whereκis the sum of the principal curvatures. As in the case without rotation, the tangential stress balance nσt= 0
0h/2 + 2v2h= 0
fortpointing in the axial direction, but a new condition
fortpointing in the azimuthal direction. Putting this together , one is left with a closed equation for h,v0, andℓ:
∂th+vh′=−v′h/2 (12)
ρ2π2(ℓ2/h6)′+ 3ν(v′h2)′/h2
∂tl+ (vl)′=ν(h4(ℓ/h4)′)′,
where we have dropped the subscript on v0. The same equations were derived independently by Horvath a nd Huber
The most obvious way to test this model is to compare with the k nown results for the stability of the full Navier-
Stokes equation. To that end we linearize (12) about a soluti on with constant radius r0and rotation rate Ω:
h(z,t) =r0(1 +ǫeωtcos(kz)) (13)
v(z,t) =−2ǫω
ℓ(z,t) =π
0(1 +ǫeωtαcos(kz)).
Eliminating α, this leads to the equation
2(−1 +¯k2+L−1+ 6¯k2/Re2)¯ω+¯k4
2Re(−1 +¯k2−L−1) = 0, (14)
where ¯k=kr0and ¯ω=ω(ρr3
0)1/2/γ1/2are dimensionless. We have introduced the Reynolds number Re=
(γr0)1/2/(ρ1/2ν), based on a balance of capillary and viscous forces. Note th at this convention differs from that
of [4]. Putting ¯ ω= 0 one reproduces the exact stability boundaries (1). Howev er one can see that the inviscid limit
Re→ ∞ is a very singular one, in disagreement with the full solutio n. Namely, for this limit one finds the three
¯k2−1 +L−1. (15)
Thus ¯ω3is the only unstable mode in the range 1 −L−1<¯k2<1+L−1, but goes to zero when the viscosity becomes
small. The reason for this behavior, which is not found in the solution of the full equations, lies in the appearance of
a very thin boundary layer for small viscosities [3]. Namely , Rayleigh’s stability criterion for a rotating fluid implie s
that the interior of the fluid is stabilized . This forces any disturbance to be confined to a boundary laye r of thickness
near the surface of the jet, and δbecomes very small for ¯k≈1. But this additional length scale is not captured by
our slender jet expansion. Only for high viscosities is the b oundary layer smoothed out sufficiently, and from (14) one
finds the dispersion relation
6(1−¯k2+L−1), (16)
which is consistent with the full theory in the limit of small ¯k.
Our main interest lies of course in the behavior close to pinc h-off. Close to the singularity, one expects the motion
to become independent of initial conditions, so it is natura l to write the equations of motion in units of the material
3parameters of the fluid alone. In addition to the known [9] uni ts of length and time, ℓν=ν2ρ/γandtν=ν3ρ2/γ2,
one finds an angular momentum scale ℓ0=ν5ρ2/γ2. Note that this scale is only about 1 .9·10−14g cm/s for water,
corresponding to a frequency of 2 ·10−11s−1for a 1 mm jet, so even the smallest amount of rotation will be p otentially
relevant. Rewriting the equations of motion (12) in units of ℓν,tν, andℓ0, one can effectively put ρ=ν=γ= 1,
leading to a universal form of the equations, independent of the type of fluid.
In addition, one can look for similarity solutions [11] of th e form
h(z,t) =t′α1φ(z′/t′β) (17)
v(z,t) =t′α2ψ(z′/t′β)
ℓ(z,t) =t′α3χ(z′/t′β),
wheret′=t0−tandz′=z−z0are the temporal and spatial distances from the singularity wherehgoes to zero.
We have assumed that everything has been written in units of t he natural scales ℓν,tν, andℓ0. By plugging (17) into
the equations of motion, and looking for solutions that bala nce thet′-dependence, one finds a unique set of values for
the exponents:
α1= 1, α 2=−1/2, α 3= 5/2, β= 1/2.
In addition, one obtains a set of three ordinary differential equations for the similarity functions φ,ψ, andχ. So far
we have not been able to find consistent solutions to these equ ations, which match onto a solution which is static on
the time scale t′of the singular motion. This is a necessary requirement sinc e the fluid will not be able to follow the
singular motion as one moves away from the pinch point.
This negative result is consistent with simulations of the e quations for a variety of initial conditions. To avoid
spurious boundary effects, we considered a solution of (12) w ith periodic boundary conditions in the interval [ −1,1]
and an additional symmetry around the origin. This ensures t hat the total angular momentum is conserved exactly.
We took the fluid to be initially at rest and the surface to be
hinit(z) =r0(1 + 0.3 cos(2πx)), (18)
withr0= 0.1. The angular momentum was distributed uniformly with the i nitial value ℓinit, corresponding to
Figures 1 and 2 show a numerical simulation of (12) with Re= 4.5 andL= 0.25 using a numerical code very
similar to the one described in [12]. Written in units of the i ntrinsic angular momentum scale, ℓinit/ℓ0= 6·103, so
ℓis potentially relevant. The thread pinches on either side o f the minimum, pushing fluid into the center. As seen
in the profiles of ℓ, the angular momentum is expelled very rapidly from the regi ons wherehgoes to zero and also
concentrates in the center. This is confirmed by a plot of the m inimum ofℓversus the minimum of h. On the basis of
the similarity solution (17), a power law ℓmin∝h5/2
minis to be expected. Instead, Fig. 3 shows that ℓmindecays more
rapidly, making angular momentum asymptotically irreleva nt. Indeed, a comparison of the similarity function φas
found from the present simulation shows perfect agreement w ith the scaling theory in the absence of rotation [11]. The
behavior of ℓminshould in principal be derivable from the linear equation fo rℓwith known time-dependent functions
h(z,t) andv(z,t). Unfortunately, ℓmindoes not seem to follow a simple scaling law except below h= 3·10−4, where
the power is close to 3.13. It is not clear how to extract this p ower analytically.
One might think that by increasing the angular momentum the s ystem would cross over to a different behavior. To
test this, the initial angular momentum was doubled to give L= 0.0625. AtL= 0.5 centripetal and surface tension
forces are balanced, so decreasing Lsignificantly below this value will cause rotation to be impo rtant initially. Indeed,
instead of pinching down immediately, the fluid is first pulle d into a narrow disc, while the radius of the surrounding
fluid remains constant, cf. Fig. 4. Eventually this outward m otion stops, as surface tension and centripetal forces
reach an equilibrium. Only then does the fluid pinch down at th e edge of the disc. The behavior close to the pinch
point is however exactly the same as for smaller angular mome ntum. As a word of caution, one must add that our
model is certainly not valid at the edges of the disk, where sl opes become very large. In fact, the very sharp gradients
encountered in this region may be due to the fact that the fluid really wants to develop plumes . As is observed for low
viscosity [12], the viscous terms prevent the interface fro m overturning, but at the cost of producing unrealistically
sharp gradients.
40.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
FIG. 1. The height profile in a numerical simulation with Re= 4.5 and L= 0.25. Shown are the initial condition, and the
times when the minimum has reached hmin= 10−1.5,10−2, and 10−5, at the end of the computation.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
FIG. 2. The angular momentum profiles ℓ(z, t) corresponding to Fig. 1.
5−5.0 −4.0 −3.0 −2.0 −1.0
FIG. 3. The minimum value of the angular momentum as function of the minimum height. It is found that ℓmindecreases
faster than h5/2
min, which would exactly balance surface tension and centripet al forces.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
FIG. 4. A numerical simulation with twice the angular moment um of Fig. 1. The height profiles are shown in time intervals
of 0.05 and at the end of the simulation. Centripetal forces d raw the fluid out into a disc.
The present investigation is only a first step towards the und erstanding of the role of rotation in droplet pinching.
A major challenge lies in finding a description valid at low vi scosities. This can perhaps be done by incorporating the
boundary layer structure near the surface into the slender j et approximation. The relevance of this lies in the fact
that angular momentum is potentially more important at low v iscosities, when there is less frictional transport out
of the pinch region. In fact it can be shown that the inviscid v ersion of (12) does not describe breakup at all, since
centripetal forces will always dominate asymptotically. T his result is of course only of limited use since the model
equations are definitely flawed in that regime.
In addition, there remains the possibility that a region in p arameter space exists where angular momentum modifies
breakup even at finite viscosities. We cannot make a definite s tatement since the additional variable makes it hard
to scan parameter space completely. Finally, spinning jets have not received much attention in terms of experiments
probing the non-linear regime. The discs found at high spinn ing rates (cf. Fig. 4) are a tantalizing new feature, and
to our knowledge have not been found experimentally. The low est value of Lreported in [4] is 0.43, which is even
larger than the value of Fig. 1. However, 0.0625 would easily be reachable by increasing the jet radius.
The authors are indebted to Sid Nagel for pointing out this pr oblem and for stimulating discussions. J.E. thanks
Howard Stone for his hospitality, which he has shown in so man y ways, and for stimulating discussions. J.E. is
also grateful to Leo Kadanoff and the Department of Mathemati cs at the University of Chicago, where this paper
was written, for making this another enjoyable summer. M.B. acknowledges support from the NSF Division of
Mathematical Sciences, and the A.P. Sloan foundation. J.E. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
through SFB237.
[1] L. M. Hocking, Mathematika 7, 1 (1960).
[2] J. Gillis and B. Kaufman, Q. J. appl. Math 19, 301 (1961).
[3] T. J. Pedley, J. Fluid Mech. 30, 127 (1967)
[4] D. F. Rutland and G. J. Jameson, Chem. Engin. Sc. 25, 1301 (1970).
[5] S. R. Nagel, private communication (1998).
[6] J. Eggers, Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 865 (1997).
[7] J. Eggers and T. F. Dupont, J. Fluid Mech. 262, 205 (1994).
[8] S. E. Bechtel, M. G. Forest, and K. J. Lin, SAACM 2, 59 (1992).
[9] D. H. Peregrine, G. Shoker, and A. Symon, J. Fluid Mech. 212, 25 (1990).
[10] G. Huber, private communication (1999).
[11] J. Eggers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3458 (1993).
[12] M. P. Brenner et al., Phys. Fluids 9, 1573 (1997).
7 |
arXiv:physics/9912010v1 [physics.class-ph] 3 Dec 1999ELECTRODYNAMIC FORCES IN ELASTIC MATTER
Abstract. A macroscopic theory for the dynamics of elastic, isotropic
matter in presence of electromagnetic fields is proposed her e. We avail
of Gordon’s general relativistic derivation of Abraham’s e lectromagnetic
energy tensor as starting point. The necessary description of the elas-
tic and of the inertial behaviour of matter is provided throu gh a four-
dimensional generalisation of Hooke’s law, made possible b y the intro-
duction of a four-dimensional “displacement” vector. As in timated by
Nordstr¨ om, the physical origin of electrostriction and of magnetostric-
tion is attributed to the change in the constitutive equatio n of elec-
tromagnetism caused by the deformation of matter. The part o f the
electromagnetic Lagrangian that depends on that deformati on is given
explicitly for the case of an isotropic medium and the result ing expres-
sion of the electrostrictive force is derived, thus showing how more real-
istic equations of motion for matter subjected to electroma gnetic fields
can be constructed.
According to a widespread belief cultivated by present-day physicists, gen-
eral relativity exerts its sovereign power in the heavens, w here it supposedly
rules tremendous astrophysical processes and awesome cosm ological scenar-
ios, but it has essentially nothing to say about more down to e arth issues
like the physics of ordinary matter, as it shows up in terrest rial laboratories.
This way of thinking does not conform to the hopes expressed b y Bernhard
Riemann in his celebrated Habilitationsschrift [1]. While commenting upon
the possible applications to the physical space of his new ge ometrical ideas,
he wrote:
Die Fragen ¨ uber das Unmeßbargroße sind f¨ ur die Natur-
erkl¨ arung m¨ usige Fragen. Anders verh¨ alt es sich aber mit
den Fragen ¨ uber das Unmeßbarkleine1.
The latter is presently supposed to be the exclusive hunting ground for quan-
tum physics, whose workings occur at their best in the flat spa ce of Newton.
The classical field theories, in particular classical elect romagnetism, are be-
lieved to have accomplished their midwife task a long time ag o. Although
Key words and phrases. Classical field theory. General relativity. Electromagnet ism.
Nuovo Cimento, in press.
1The questions about the infinitely great are for the interpre tation of nature useless
questions. But this is not the case with the questions about t he infinitely small.
they are still revered, since they act as cornerstones for th e applied sci-
ences, and also provide the very foundation on which quantum mechanics
and quantum field theory do stand, no fundamental insights ar e generally
expected from their further frequentation. This mind habit cannot subsist
without a strenuous act of faith in the final nature of the pres ent-day reduc-
tionist programme: since for all practical purposes we have eventually at-
tained the right microscopic laws, getting from there the ri ght macroscopic
physics should be just a matter of deduction by calculation ( for the ever
growing army of computer addicts, a sheer problem of computi ng power).
Given time and endurance, we should be able to account for all the observed
phenomena just by starting from our very simple microscopic laws!
It is not here the place for deciding how much this bold faith i n the capa-
bilities of today’s reductionist approach be strenghtened by its undeniable
successes, and how much it depend on having tackled just the s ort of prob-
lems that are most suited to such a method. However, when conf ronted
with the end results of many reductionist efforts, the obdura te classicist
cannot help frowning in puzzlement. While he expects to meet with macro-
scopic laws derived from the underlying microscopic postul ates by a pure
exercise of logic, the everyday’s practice confronts him wi th a much less
palatable food. At best he is presented with rather particul ar examples
usually worked out from the sacred principles through the su rreptitious ad-
dition of a host of subsidiary assumptions. In the worst case s he is forced to
contemplate and believe sequels of colourful plots and diag rams, generated
by some computing device in some arcane way that he is simply i mpotent at
producing again. In the intention of their proponents, both the “analytic”
instances and their numerical surrogates should provide ty pical examples of
some supposedly general behaviour, really stemming from th e basic tenets
of the theory, and in many a case this lucky occurrence may wel l have oc-
curred, since “God watches over applied mathematicians” [2 ]. Nevertheless,
the longing of the classicist for macroscopic laws of clear c onceptual ancestry
that do encompass in surveyable form a large class of phenome na remains
sadly disattended. He is led to remind of the pre-quantum era , when both
the reductionist approaches and the macroscopic ones were b elieved to be
equally important tools for the advancement of physical kno wledge2, and
to wonder whether relegating the macroscopic field approach to the “phe-
nomenological” dustbin was really a wise move. Before being removed from
center stage by more modern approaches, the macroscopic fiel d theory lived
long enough for developing, in the hands of great natural phi losophers and
mathematicians, theoretical tools of a very wide scope that , if still remem-
bered and cultivated, would be recognized to be very useful t oday.
2It is remarkable how the otherwise daring Minkowski kept a ca utious attitude with
respect to Lorentz’ atomistic theory of electricity both in his fundamental paper [3] of
1908 and also in his “Nachlass” notes [4], posthumously edit ed and published by Max
2.Electrodynamic forces in material media
One of the clearest instances in which recourse to macroscop ic field theory
proves to be a quite helpful research tool occurs when one tri es to describe
the electromagnetic forces in material media. Since the tim e of Lorentz
this has been a very challenging task; reductionist approac hes starting from
classical mechanics and from vacuum electrodynamics, for r easons clearly
spelled out e. g.by Ott [5], end up in a disappointing gamut of possibilities
also when the program of a rigorous special relativistic der ivation is tena-
ciously adhered to [6], [7]. To our knowledge, a derivation o f the macroscopic
forces exerted by the electromagnetic field on a material med ium performed
by availing of quantum electrodynamics as the underlying mi croscopic the-
ory, that should be de rigueur in the reductionist programme, has never
been undertaken3.
Happily enough, the theoretical advance in the methods for p roducing the
stress energy momentum tensor of non gravitational fields oc curred with the
onset of general relativity theory [11], [12] have allowed W . Gordon to find,
through a clever reduction to the vacuum case of the latter th eory [13],
a clear-cut argument for determining the electromagnetic f orces in matter
that is homogeneous and isotropic in its local rest frame. We shall recall
Gordon’s result in the next Section, since extending his out come to the case
of an elastic medium is just the scope of the present paper.
3.Gordon’s reductio ad vacuum of the constitutive equation of
We adopt hereafter Gordon’s conventions [13] and assume tha t the metric
tensor gikcan be locally brought to the diagonal form
gik=ηik≡diag(1,1,1,−1) (3.1)
at a given event through the appropriate transformation of c oordinates.
According to the established convention [14] let the electr ic displacement
and the magnetic field be represented by the antisymmetric, c ontravariant
tensor density Hik, while the electric field and the magnetic induction are
accounted for by the skew, covariant tensor Fik. With these geometrical
objects we define the four-vectors:
Fi=Fikuk, Hi=Hikuk, (3.2)
where uiis the four-velocity of matter. In general relativity a line ar electro-
magnetic medium can be told to be homogeneous and isotropic i n its rest
frame if its constitutive equations can be written as
µHik=Fik+ (ǫµ−1)(uiFk−ukFi), (3.3)
3By availing once more of the midwife abilities of classical fi eld theory, the converse
has instead been attempted: some forms of “phenomenologica l” classical electrodynamics
in matter has been subjected to some quantisation process [8 ], [9], [10], thereby producing
diverse brands of “phenomenological” photons.4 S. ANTOCI AND L. MIHICH
where the numbers ǫandµaccount for the dielectric constant and for the
magnetic permeability of the medium [13]. This equation pro vides the con-
stitutive relation in the standard form:
2XikmnFmn, (3.4)
valid for linear media [15]. Gordon observed that equation ( 3.3) can be
rewritten as
Frs. (3.5)
By introducing the “effective metric tensor”
σik=gik−(ǫµ−1)uiuk, (3.6)
the constitutive equation takes the form
µHik=√gσirσksFrs, (3.7)
where g≡ −det(gik). The inverse of σikis
uiuk, (3.8)
and one easily finds [13] that
ǫµ, (3.9)
where σ≡ −det(σik). Therefore the constitutive equation can be eventually
written as
µ√σσirσksFrs. (3.10)
4.Gordon’s derivation of Abraham’s energy tensor
This result is the basis of Gordon’s argument: since, apart f rom the con-
stant factor/radicalbig
ǫ/µ, equation (3.10) is the constitutive equation for electro-
magnetism in a general relativistic vacuum whose metric be σik, the La-
grangian density that we shall use for deriving the laws of th e field is:
µ√σF(i)(k)Fik−siϕi, (4.1)
wheresiis the four-current density, while ϕiis the potential four-vector that
defines the electric field and the magnetic induction:
Fik≡ϕk,i−ϕi,k. (4.2)
We have adopted the convention of enclosing within round bra ckets the
indices that are either moved with σikandσik, or generated by performing
the Hamiltonian derivative with respect to the mentioned te nsors. The
position (4.2) is equivalent to asking the satisfaction of t he homogeneous set
of Maxwell’s equations
while equating to zero the variation of the action integral/integraltext
LdΩ with respect
toϕientails the fulfilment of the inhomogeneous Maxwell’s set
,k=si. (4.4)
In our general relativistic framework, we can avail of the re sults found by
Hilbert and Klein [11], [12] for determining the energy tens or of the electro-
magnetic field. If the metric tensor of our pseudo-Riemannia n space-time
wereσik, Hilbert’s method would provide the electromagnetic energ y tensor
by executing the Hamiltonian derivative of the Lagrangian d ensity Lwith
respect to that metric:
2T(i)(k)δσik, (4.5)
and we would get the mixed tensor density
iFrsHrs, (4.6)
which is just the general relativistic form of the energy ten sor density pro-
posed by Minkowski in his fundamental work [3]. But gik, notσik, is the true
metric that accounts for the structure of space-time and, th rough Einstein’s
equations, defines its overall energy tensor. Therefore the partial contribu-
tion to that energy tensor coming from the electromagnetic fi eld must be
obtained by calculating the Hamiltonian derivative of Lwith respect to gik.
After some algebra [13] one easily gets the electromagnetic energy tensor:
iFrsHrs−(ǫµ−1)Ωiuk, (4.7)
Ωi≡ −/parenleftbig
is Minkowski’s “Ruh-Strahl” [3]. Since Ωiui≡0, substituting (4.7) into
(4.8) yields:
, (4.9)
and one eventually recognizes that Tikis the general relativistic extension
of Abraham’s tensor [16] for a medium that is homogeneous and isotropic
when looked at in its local rest frame. The four-force densit y exerted by the
electromagnetic field on the medium shall be given by (minus) the covariant
divergence of that energy tensor density:
i;k, (4.10)
where the semicolon stands for the covariant differentiatio n done by using
the Christoffel symbols built with the metric gik. Abraham’s energy tensor
is an impressive theoretical outcome, that could hardly hav e been antici-
pated on the basis of heuristic arguments. Quite remarkably , the so called
Abraham’s force density, that stems from the four-divergen ce of that tensor,
has found experimental confirmation in some delicate experi ences performed
by G. B. Walker et al. [17], [18]. Despite this, Abraham’s ren dering of the6 S. ANTOCI AND L. MIHICH
electrodynamic forces is not realistic enough, for it does n ot cope with the
long known phenomena of electrostriction and of magnetostr iction. We need
to find its generalization, and we shall start from consideri ng the case of lin-
ear elastic media, to which Hooke’s law applies. This task wo uld be made
formally easier if one could avail of a relativistic reformu lation of the linear
theory of elasticity; the next Section will achieve this goa l through a four-
dimensional formulation of Hooke’s law [19] that happens to be rather well
suited to our scopes.
5.A four-dimensional formulation of Hooke’s law
By availing of Cartesian coordinates and of the three-dimen sional tensor
formalism, that was just invented to cope with its far-reach ing consequences,
Hooke’s law “ut tensio sic vis” [20] can be written as
2Cλµρσ(ξρ,σ+ξσ,ρ), (5.1)
where Θλµis the three-dimensional tensor that defines the stresses ar ising
in matter due to its displacement, given by the three-vector ξρ, from a
supposedly relaxed condition, and Cλµρσis the constitutive tensor whose
build depends on the material features and on the symmetry pr operties of
the elastic medium. It seems natural to wonder whether this v enerable
formula can admit of not merely a redressing, but of a true gen eralization
to the four-dimensions of the general relativistic spaceti me. From a formal
standpoint, the extension is obvious: one introduces a four -vector field ξi,
that should represent a four-dimensional “displacement”, and builds the
“deformation” tensor
2(ξi;k+ξk;i). (5.2)
A four-dimensional “stiffness” tensor density Ciklmis then introduced; it
will be symmetric in both the first pair and the second pair of i ndices, since
it will be used for producing a “stress-momentum-energy” te nsor density
Tik=CiklmSlm, (5.3)
through the four-dimensional generalization of equation ( 5.1). It has been
found [19] that this generalization can be physically meani ngful, since it al-
lows one to encompass both inertia and elasticity in a sort of four-dimensional
elasticity. Let us consider a coordinate system such that, a t a given event,
equation (3.1) holds, while the Christoffel symbols are vani shing and the
components of the four-velocity of matter are:
u1=u2=u3= 0, u4= 1. (5.4)
We imagine that in such a coordinate system we are able to meas ure, at
the chosen event, the three components of the (supposedly sm all) spatial
displacement of matter from its relaxed condition, and that we adopt these
three numbers as the values taken by ξρin that coordinate system, whileELECTRODYNAMIC FORCES IN ELASTIC MATTER 7
the reading of some clock ticking the proper time and travell ing with the
medium will provide the value of the “temporal displacement ”ξ4in the
same coordinate system. By applying this procedure to all th e events of the
manifold where matter is present and by reducing the collect ed data to a
common, arbitrary coordinate system, we can define the vecto r field ξi(xk).
From such a field we shall require that, when matter is not subj ected to
ordinary strain and is looked at in a local rest frame belongi ng to the ones
defined above, it will exhibit a “deformation tensor” Siksuch that its only
nonzero component will be S44=ξ4,4=−1. This requirement is met if we
define the four-velocity of matter through the equation
;kuk=ui. (5.5)
The latter definition holds provided that
k) = 0, (5.6)
and this shall be one equation that the field ξimust satisfy; in this way
the number of independent components of ξiwill be reduced to three4.
A four-dimensional “stiffness” tensor Ciklmpossibly endowed with physical
meaning can be built as follows. We assume that in a locally Mi nkowskian
rest frame the only nonvanishing components of Ciklmare:Cλνστ, with the
meaning of ordinary elastic moduli, and
C4444=−ρ, (5.7)
where ρmeasures the rest density of matter. But of course we need defi ning
the four-dimensional “stiffness” tensor in an arbitrary co- ordinate system.
The task can be easily accomplished if the unstrained matter is isotropic
when looked at in a locally Minkowskian rest frame, and this i s just the oc-
currence that we have already studied from the electromagne tic standpoint
in Sections 3 and 4. Let us define the auxiliary metric
γik=gik+uiuk; (5.8)
then the part of Ciklmaccounting for the ordinary elasticity of the isotropic
medium can be written as [21]
el.=−λγikγlm−µ(γilγkm+γimγkl), (5.9)
where λandµare assumed to be constants. The part of Ciklmthat accounts
for the inertia of matter shall read instead
in.=−ρuiukulum. (5.10)
4The fulfilment of equation (5.5) is only a necessary, not a suffi cient condition for
the field ξito take up the tentative meaning that was envisaged above. Th e physical
interpretation of the field ξican only be assessed a posteriori from the solutions of the
field equations.8 S. ANTOCI AND L. MIHICH
The elastic part Tik
el.of the energy tensor is orthogonal to the four-velocity,
as it should be [22]; thanks to equation (5.5) it reduces to
−µ[ξi;k+ξk;i+ul(uiξl;k+ukξl;i)], (5.11)
while, again thanks to equation (5.5), the inertial part of t he energy tensor
proves to be effectively so, since
in.Slm=ρuiuk. (5.12)
The energy tensor defined by summing the contributions (5.11 ) and (5.12)
encompasses both the inertial and the elastic energy tensor of an isotropic
medium; when the macroscopic electromagnetic field is vanis hing it should
represent the overall energy tensor, whose covariant diver gence must vanish
according to Einstein’s equations [11], [12]:
;k= 0. (5.13)
Imposing the latter condition allows one to write the equati ons of motion
for isotropic matter subjected to elastic strain [22]. We sh ow this outcome
in the limiting case when the metric is everywhere flat and the four-velocity
of matter is such that uρcan be dealt with as a first order infinitesimal
quantity, while u4differs from unity at most for a second order infinitesimal
quantity. Also the spatial components ξρof the displacement vector and
their derivatives are supposed to be infinitesimal at first or der. An easy
calculation [19] then shows that equation (5.6) is satisfied to the required
first order, and that equations (5.13) reduce to the three equ ations of motion:
,ρ+µ(ξν,ρ+ξρ,ν),ρ, (5.14)
and to the conservation equation
{ρu4uk},k= 0, (5.15)
i. e., to the required order, they come to coincide with the well kn own
equations of the classical theory of elasticity for an isotr opic medium.
6.Electrostriction and magnetostriction in isotropic matte r
Having provided that portion of the equations of motion of ma tter that
stems from the inertial and from the elastic part of the energ y tensor, we can
go back to the other side of our problem: finding to what change s the elec-
trodynamic forces predicted in isotropic matter by Gordon’ s theory must be
subjected in order to account for electrostriction and for m agnetostriction.
Driven by a suggestion found in the quoted paper by Nordstr¨ o m [15], we at-
tribute the physical origin of the electrostrictive and of t he magnetostrictive
forces to the changes that the constitutive relation (3.4) u ndergoes when
matter is strained in some way. If one desires to represent ex plicitly the
effect of a small spatial deformation on the constitutive rel ation of electro-
magnetism, one can replace (3.4) with a new equation, writte n in terms of
the new tensor density Yikpqmn, that can be chosen to be antisymmetricELECTRODYNAMIC FORCES IN ELASTIC MATTER 9
with respect to the first pair and to the last pair of indices, s ymmetric with
respect to the second pair. This tensor density allows one to rewrite the
constitutive relation as follows:
2YikpqmnSpqFmn, (6.1)
where Fikis defined by (4.2) and Sikis given by (5.2). For the intended
application to isotropic matter it is convenient to split th e equation writ-
ten above in two terms, one concerning the unstrained medium , that has
already been examined in Sections 3 and 4, and one dealing wit h the spatial
deformation proper. Due to equation (5.5) one finds
2upuq(ξp;q+ξq;p) =upuqξp
;q=upup=−1, (6.2)
and the part (3.5) of the constitutive equation valid for the isotropic un-
strained medium can be rewritten as:
For producing the part of the constitutive equation that dea ls with the
effects of the spatial deformation proper, we recall that an a rbitrary de-
formation will bring the medium, which is now supposed to be i sotropic
when at rest and unstrained, into a generic anisotropic cond ition. When the
magnetoelectric effect is disregarded5, the electromagnetic properties of an
anisotropic medium can be summarised, as shown e. g. by Sch¨ opf [24], by
assigning two symmetric four-tensors ζik=ζkiandκik=κki, whose fourth
row and column vanish in a coordinate system in which matter h appens to
be locally at rest. This property finds tensorial expression in the equations
ζikuk= 0, κikuk= 0; (6.4)
ζikhas the rˆ ole of dielectric tensor, while κikacts as inverse magnetic per-
meability tensor. Let ηiklmbe the Ricci-Levi Civita symbol in contravariant
form, while ηiklmis its covariant counterpart. Then the generally covariant
expression of the constitutive equation for the anisotropi c medium reads
Fmn. (6.5)
We shall avail of this equation to account for Hik
(s.), i. e. for the part of Hik
produced, for a given Fmn, by the presence of ordinary strain in the otherwise
isotropic medium. The tensors ζikandκikwill now be given a new meaning:
they represent henceforth only the changes in the dielectri c properties and
in the inverse magnetic permeability produced by the presen ce of strain.
If the medium, as supposed, is thought to be isotropic when at rest and
5Such an effect indeed exists [23], but it is sufficiently rara avis to be neglected in the
present context.10 S. ANTOCI AND L. MIHICH
in the unstrained state, the dependence of ζikand of κikonSpqwill mimic
the dependence on the four-dimensional deformation tensor exhibited by the
elastic stress in an isotropic medium. One shall in fact writ e:
Spq, (6.6)
where the constants α1andα2specify the electrostrictive behaviour of the
isotropic medium. In the same way one is led to pose:
Spq (6.7)
to account for the magnetostrictive behaviour; β1andβ2are again the ap-
propriate magnetostrictive constants for the isotropic me dium. By availing
of the definitions (6.6) and (6.7) one eventually writes
Fmn (6.8)
for the part of Hikdue to the ordinary strain. The overall Hikis:
(s.), (6.9)
and the two addenda at the right-hand side of this equation ar e the right-
hand sides of equations (6.3) and (6.8); therefore the overa ll constitutive
relation has just the form intimated by equation (6.1) for a g eneral medium.
As we did when electrostriction and magnetostriction were n eglected, we
assume again that the Lagrangian density Lfor the electromagnetic field in
presence of the four-current density sishall read:
4HikFik−siϕi, (6.10)
where ϕiis the four-vector potential, while Hikhas the new definition (6.9).
Maxwell’s equations (4.3) and (4.4) are then obtained in jus t the same way
as it occurred with the Lagrangian density (4.1). Like Hik, alsoLcan be
split into an “unstrained” part L(u.), given by equation (4.1), and a term
stemming from strain, that will be called L(s.). The Hamiltonian differenti-
ation of L(u.)with respect to the metric gikproduces the general relativistic
version of Abraham’s energy tensor, as we know from Section 4 . For clear-
ness, we will rewrite it here as
, (6.11)
where Ωinow reads:
. (6.12)
Let us now deal with the explicit form of L(s.). For simplicity we shall do
so when only electrostriction is present, i. e.when κik= 0. In this case one
where ζkmis defined by (6.6). Due to the antisymmetry of Fik,L(s.)can be
rewritten as
SpqFmnFik. (6.14)
Thanks to equation (5.5) one finds from (6.6):
;s−1) +α2/bracketleftbig
FikFmn. (6.16)
But of course the expression uiukFikidentically vanishes; therefore the pre-
vious equation reduces to:
;s−1) + 2 α2gsmξb
FabFmn. (6.17)
In our path towards the equations of motion of elastic matter subjected to
electrodynamic forces we are now confronted with two option s. We could
attempt evaluating the Hamiltonian derivative of L(s.)with respect to gik,
then add the resulting tensor density to the overall energy t ensor density
Tik, of which we already know the inertial term from (5.12) , the e lastic part
from (5.11), and the “unstrained” electromagnetic compone nt (6.11). The
vanishing divergence of Tikwould then provide the equations of motion for
the fields ξiandρ, once the appropriate substitutions have been made, in
keeping with the definition (5.5) of the four-velocity ui. This program meets
however with a certain difficulty: it requires assessing the m etric content of
;kthrough extra assumptions of arbitrary character.
An alternative way is however offered. One can determine dire ctly, with-
out extra hypotheses, the contribution to the generalized f orce density fi(s.)
stemming from electrostriction through the Euler-Lagrang e procedure:
. (6.18)
If the metric gikis everywhere given by equation (3.1), and the velocity is so
small that uρcan be dealt with as a first order infinitesimal quantity, whil e
u4differs from unity only for second order terms, the Lagrangia n density
(6.17) comes to read:
,ρ−α2F4ρF4σξρ,σ, (6.19)12 S. ANTOCI AND L. MIHICH
and the nonzero components of its Hamiltonian derivative wi th respect to
,ν. (6.20)
In the case of fluid matter α2is vanishing, and the expression of the force
density given by this equation agrees with the one predicted long ago by
Helmholtz with arguments about the energy of an electrostat ic system [25],
and vindicated by experiments [26], [27] performed much lat er.
7.Conclusive remarks
The results of the previous Sections can be availed of in seve ral ways. The
full general relativistic treatment would require a simult aneous solution of
Einstein’s equations, of Maxwell’s equations and of the equ ations Tik
;k= 0
fulfilled by the overall energy tensor, thereby determining in a consistent way
the metric gik, the four-potential ϕi, the “displacement” four-vector ξi, and
ρ. This approach is presently extra vires , due to our ignorance of the part
ofTikstemming from L(s.), for the reason mentioned in the previous Sec-
tion. Achievements of lesser consistency are instead at han d, like solving the
equations for the electromagnetic field and for the material field described
byξiandρwith a given background metric, or finding the motion of elast ic
matter with a fixed metric, while the electromagnetic field is evaluated as
if electrostriction were absent. Obviously enough, the cal culations become
trivial when the metric is everywhere given by (3.1), while t he motion of
matter occurs with non relativistic speed. In the present pa per we have
required that matter be isotropic when at rest and unstraine d, but this lim-
itation was just chosen for providing a simple example. The t heory can be
extended without effort to cristalline matter exhibiting di fferent symmetry
properties, for which reliable experimental data have star ted accumulating
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Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta” and I. N. F. M., Via Bassi 6, Pavia, Italy
E-mail address :Antoci@fisav.unipv.it |
arXiv:physics/9912011v1 [physics.optics] 3 Dec 1999Marcatili’s Lossless Tapers and Bends: an Apparent Paradox and its Solution
Antonio-D. Capobianco1, Stefano Corrias1, Stefano Curtarolo1,2and Carlo G. Someda1,3
1DEI, Universit` a di Padova, Via Gradenigo 6/A 35131 Padova, Italy.
2Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge , MA 02139, USA
3corresponding author e-mail: someda@dei.unipd.it
Proceedings of Jordan International Electrical and Electr onic Engineering Conference,
JIEEEC’98, April 27-29, 1998, Amman, Jordan
Numerical results based on an extended BPM
algorithm indicate that, in Marcatili’s lossless ta-
pers and bends, through-flowing waves are dras-
tically different from standing waves. The source
of this surprising behavior is inherent in Maxwell’s
equations. Indeed, if the magnetic field is correctly
derived from the electric one, and the Poynting
vector is calculated, then the analytical results are
reconciled with the numerical ones. Similar con-
siderations are shown to apply to Gaussian beams
in free space.
In 1985, Marcatili [1] infringed a historical
taboo, by showing that lossless tapers and bends
in dielectric waveguides can be conceived and de-
signed, at least on paper. The key feature shared
by all the infinity of structures which obey Mar-
catili’s recipe, is the fact that the phase fronts of
the guided modes which propagate in them, are
closed surfaces. As well known, phase fronts which
extend to infinity in one direction orthogonal to
that of propagation do entail radiation loss, but
closed fronts can avoid this problem. However,
shortly after the first recipe [1], it was pointed out
[2] that that recipe could generate some inconsis-
tencies. In fact, a traveling wave with a closed
phase front is either exploding from a point (or a
line, or a surface), or collapsing into such a set.
In a lossless medium where there are no sources,
this is untenable. On the other hand, it was also
pointed out in [2] that a standing wave with closed
constant-amplitude surfaces is physically meaning-
ful. Therefore, propagation of a through-flowing
wave through any of Marcatili’s lossless tapers or
bends has to be described in this way: the incom-
ing wave must be decomposed as the sum of two
standing waves, of opposite parity with respect to a
suitable symmetry surface. The output wave was
then to be found as the sum of the values taken
by the two standing waves at the other end of thedevice. Another point raised in [2] was that very
similar remarks apply to Gaussian beams in free
Later on, the literature showed that interest in
this problem was not so high, for a long time. Re-
cently, though, we observed several symptoms of a
renewed interest in low-loss [3–5] and lossless [6,7]
tapers or bends. This induced us to try to go be-
yond the results of [2], and to clarify further the
difference between through-flowing and standing
waves in Marcatili’s tapers.
The new results reported in this paper can be
summarized as follows. In Section III, we show
that the numerical analysis (based on an extended
BPM algorithm) of Marcatili’s tapers reconfirms
that indeed through-flowing waves are drastically
different from standing ones. The latter ones
match very well the analytical predictions of the
original recipe [1], but through-flowing waves have
open wave fronts, which do not entail any phys-
ical paradox. In Section IV, we provide an ana-
lytical discussion of why, in contrast to what oc-
curs with plane waves in a homogeneous medium
and with guided modes in longitudinally uniform
waveguides, through-flowing waves are so differ-
ent from standing ones. We show that this is a
rather straightforward consequence of Maxwell’s
equations. From this we will draw the conclu-
sion that a through-flowing wave propagating in
one of Marcatili’s tapers is never strictly lossless.
Nonetheless, our numerical results reconfirm that
the recipes given in [1] do yield extremely low ra-
diation losses.
Finally, we address briefly the case of Gaussian
beams in free space, and explain why they be-
have essentially in the same way as the devices
we discussed above. In fact, Maxwell’s equations
show that in general the phase fronts of the mag-
netic field in a Gaussian beam are not the same
as the phase fronts of the electric field. Therefore,
the Poynting vector is not trivially proportional to
the square of the electric field. Consequently, a
through-flowing beam, resulting from two super-
imposed standing waves of opposite parities, can
be surprisingly different from the parent waves.III. NUMERICAL RESULTS.
The geometry of Marcatili’s tapers can eventu-
ally be very complicated (e.g., see [8]). For our
tests, however, we chose a simple shape, to avoid
the danger that geometrical features could hide the
basic physics we were trying to clarify. The re-
sults reported here refer to a single-mode taper
whose graded-index core region is delimited by the
two branches of a hyperbola (labeled A and A’ in
Figs. 1 and 2), and has a mirror symmetry with
respect to its waist. This is a “superlinear” taper,
according to the terminology of [1], with an index
distribution (see again [1])
1 + 2∆ /(cosh2η−sin2θ)θ1< θ < θ 2
n0 θ1> θ > θ 2
where ηandϑare the elliptical coordinates, in
the plane of Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 1 refers to a stand-
ing wave of even symmetry with respect to the
waist plane, Fig. 2 to a standing wave of odd sym-
metry. The closed lines are constant-amplitude
plots. We see that they are essentially elliptical,
so they agree very well with the predictions of [1].
FIG. 1. Constant-amplitude plot of a standing wave
of even symmetry (with respect to the waist plane) in
a superlinear Marcatili’s taper.
As mentioned briefly in the Introduction, these
results were generated using an extended BPM,
which deserves a short description. In fact, it is
well known that the standard BPM codes are suit-
able to track only traveling waves, as they neglect
backward waves. Our code (using a Pade’s op-
erator of order (5,5)) also generates a traveling
wave, and its direction of propagation is inverted
whenever the wave reaches one of the taper ends.
In order to generate single-mode standing waves,
each reflection should take place on a surface whose
shape matches exactly that of the wave front. Thisis very difficult to implement numerically, but the
problem can be circumvented, letting each reflec-
tion take place on a phase-conjugation flat mirror.
Our code calculates then, at each point in the ta-
per, the sum of the forward and backward fields,
and stops when the difference between two itera-
tions is below a given threshold.
FIG. 2. Constant-amplitude plot of a standing wave
of odd symmetry (with respect to the waist plane) in
a superlinear Marcatili’s taper.
Figs. 3 and 4 refer to a through-flowing wave.
The almost horizontal dark lines in Fig. 3 are its
phase fronts. They are drastically different from
those predicted by the analytical theory in [1],
which are exemplified in the same figure as a set
of confocal ellipses. Note that the through-flowing
wave has been studied numerically in two ways.
One was simply to launch a suitable transverse
field distribution, and track it down the taper with
a standard BPM code. The other one was to cal-
culate the linear combination (with coefficients 1
andj) of the even and odd standing waves shown
in Figs. 1 and 2. The results obtained in these two
ways were indistinguishable one from the other.
This proves that indeed through-flowing waves are
drastically different from standing ones. In par-
ticular, as we said in the Introduction, they keep
clear from any paradox connected with energy con-
Fig. 4 shows a field amplitude contour plot for
the same through-flowing wave as in Fig. 3. It
indicates that propagation through the taper is in-
deed almost adiabatic. Therefore, as anticipated
in the Introduction, insertion losses of Marcatili’s
tapers are very low (at least as long as the length
to width ratio is not too small), although they are
not strictly zero. As a typical example, for a total
taper length of 2 .5µm, a waist width of 0 .55µmand
an initial-final width of 1 .65µm, BPM calculations
yield that the lost power fraction is 1 .4×10−4. A
typical plot of power vs. distance along a taperwith these features is shown in Fig. 5.
FIG. 3. Phase fronts of a through-flowing wave in
the same superlinear taper as in Figs. 1 and 2.
For the sake of clarity, let us restrict ourselves to
the case of two-dimensional tapers, like those of the
previous section, where the geometry and the index
distribution are independent of the zcoordinate,
orthogonal to the plane of the figures. However,
our conclusions will apply to 3-D structure also.
The index distributions found in the corner-
stone paper [1] are such that the TE modes (elec-
tric field parallel to z) satisfy rigorously a wave
equation which can be solved by separation of vari-
ables. Obviously, the same equation is satisfied rig-
orously by the transverse component of the mag-
netic field.
However, in general two solutions of these two
wave equations which are identical, except for a
proportionality constant, do not satisfy Maxwell’s
equations in that structure. This is very easy to
show, for example, for the case which was called
“linear taper” in [1], namely, a wedged-shape re-
gion with a suitable index distribution, where a
guided mode propagates in the radial direction.
The claim [1] that the dependence of Ezon the
radial coordinate is expressed by a Hankel func-
tion of imaginary order iν, related to other fea-
tures of the taper, is perfectly legitimate. How-
ever, one cannot extrapolate from it that the same
is true for the magnetic field. In fact, calculat-
ing the curl of the electric field we find that the
azimuthal component of the magnetic field is pro-
portional to the first derivative of the Hankel func-
tion, which is never proportional to the function
itself. The same is true for the Mathieu function
of the fourth kind, which satisfy the wave equation
in the coordinate system which fits the superlinear
taper of the previous Section. This entails a dras-tic difference with plane waves, and with guided
modes in uniform waveguides, where the deriva-
tive of the exponential function that describes the
propagation of the electric field is proportional to
the function itself. In the cases at hand, the con-
cept of wave impedance becomes ill-grounded. In
fact, the electric field and the transverse magnetic
field have identical dependencies on the transverse
coordinate, so that their ratio is constant over each
wavefront, but they are different functions of the
longitudinal coordinate, as if the ‘wave impedance’
were not constant at all along the wave path. This
indicates why it is very risky, in the case at hand, to
make general claims on the Poynting vector start-
ing from the spatial distribution of only the electric
field. To strengthen our point, let us prove explic-
itly that it is not self-consistent to claim that a
purely traveling TE wave, whose radial dependence
is expressed by a Hankel function of imaginary or-
der,Hiν, can propagate along a linear taper. As
we just said, for such a wave Ezis proportional
toHiν,Hψis proportional to H′
iν, so the radial
component of the Poynting vector is proportional
iν)∗. In a purely traveling wave there is
no reactive power in the direction of propagation.
Combining with what we just said, it is easy to see
that this would imply |Hiν|2=constant along the
(radial) direction of propagation, a requirement
that is not satisfied by Hankel functions. (Note,
once more, that it is satisfied by exponential func-
tions). Therefore, anywave along a linear taper
whose radial dependence is expressed as a Hankel
function must be at least a partially standing wave.
A through-flowing wave, if it exists, must behave
in a different way.
FIG. 4. Field-amplitude contour plot, in the same
superlinear taper as in the previous figures.
Finally, let us address briefly the case of Gaus-
sian beams in free space. It was pointed out in
[2] that they behave essentially in the same way as
the devices we discussed above. There is still some-
thing to add to the discussion of [2]. Assume thatthe electric field of an electromagnetic wave has the
classical features of a TEM 00Gaussian beam (see,
e.g., [9]). Then, Maxwell’s equations show that the
phase fronts of the magnetic field are not the same
as those of the electric field, neither on the waist
plane nor far from it. Hence, the Poynting vector is
not trivially proportional to the square of the elec-
tric field. This entails the presence of a reactive
power (never accounted for in the classical class-
room explanations of Gaussian beams), and an ac-
tive power flow which is not always along the lines
orthogonal to the electric field phase fronts. Once
again, a through-flowing beam, resulting from two
superimposed standing waves of opposite parities,
is different from the parent waves, and the differ-
ence is maximum on the symmetry plane, i.e. at
the beam waist. Due to time and space limits, the
details of this discussion must be left out of this
presentation, and will be published elsewhere [10].
FIG. 5. Power vs. distance, in a superlinear taper
of the shape shown in the previous figures, whose pa-
rameters are specified in the text.
We tried to shed new light on an old problem,
namely, whether the idea of a guided mode trav-
eling without any loss through a dielectric taper
can be sustained without running into any physical
paradox. Our numerical results, obtained with an
extended BPM technique, have fully reconfirmed
what was stated in [2]: in Marcatili’s tapers, stand-
ing waves have the basic features outlined in [1],
but through-flowing waves do not. This prevents
them from running into a paradox, but on the
other hand entails some loss, although very small
indeed. Next, we have provided an explanation
for the unexpected and puzzling result, a drastic
difference between standing and through-flowing
waves in the same structures. The source of these
“surprise” is within Maxwell’s equations.
It was pointed out in [2] that some of the prob-
lems discussed here with reference to Marcatili’stapers apply to Gaussian beams in free space as
[1] E.A.J. Marcatili, “Dielectric tapers with curved
axes and no loss”, IEEE J. Quant. Electron. , vol.
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[2] E.A.J. Marcatili and C.G. Someda, “Gaussian
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164-167, Feb. 1987.
[3] O. Mtomi, K. Kasaya and H. Miyazawa, “Design
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chip-to-fiber coupling”, IEEE J. Quant. Electron. ,
vol. 30, pp. 1787-1793, Aug. 1994.
[4] I. Mansour and C.G. Someda, “Numerical opti-
mization procedure for low-loss sharp bends in
MgO co-doped Ti−LiNbO 3waveguides”, IEEE
Photon. Technol. Lett. , vol 7, pp. 81-83, Jan. 1995.
[5] C. Vassallo, “Analysis of tapered mode transform-
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[6] M.-L. Wu, P.-L. Fan, J.-M. Hsu and C.-T. Lee,
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“TE and TM Gaussian beams in a homogeneous
medium”, to be published. |
arXiv:physics/9912012v1 [physics.bio-ph] 4 Dec 1999Dynamic fitness landscapes in the quasispecies
Claus O. Wilke∗, Christopher Ronnewinkel†and Thomas Martinetz‡
Institut f¨ ur Neuro- und Bioinformatik
Medizinische Universit¨ at zu L¨ ubeck
Seelandstr. 1a, 23569 L¨ ubeck, Germany
March 17, 2008
The quasispecies model is studied for the special case of ext ernally vary-
ing replication rates. Most emphasis is laid on periodic tim e dependencies,
but other cases are considered as well. For periodic time dep endencies, the
behavior of the evolving system can be determined analytica lly in several
limiting cases. With that knowledge, the qualitative phase diagram in a
given time-periodic fitness landscape can be predicted with out almost any
calculations. Several example landscapes are analyzed in d etail in order to
demonstrate the validity of this approach. For other, non-p eriodic time de-
pendencies, it is also possible to obtain results in some of t he limiting cases,
so that there can be made predictions as well. Finally, the re lationship
between the results from the infinite population limit and th e actual finite
population dynamics is discussed.
∗CO Wilke is on the leave to Caltech, Pasadena, CA. Email: clau s.wilke@gmx.net
†C Ronnewinkel’s current postal address is: Institut f¨ ur Ne uroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit¨ at
Bochum 44780 Bochum, Germany. Email: ronne@neuroinformat ik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
‡Email: martinetz@informatik.mu-luebeck.de
1 Introduction 3
2 Time-dependent replication rates 5
3 Periodic fitness landscapes 8
3.1 Differential equation formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.1 Neumann series for X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.2 Exact solutions for R= 0 and R= 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1.3 Schematic phase diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Discrete approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 Example landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.1 One oscillating peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.2 Two oscillating peaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.3 Two oscillating peaks with flat average landscape . . . . . . 24
4 Aperiodic or stochastic fitness landscapes 27
5 Finite Populations 31
5.1 Numerical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.1.1 Loss of the master sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.1.2 Persistency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 A finite population on a simple periodic fitness landscape . . . . . . 36
5.2.1 The probability to skip one period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6 Conclusions 46
A High-frequency expansion of X (t)for a landscape with two alter-
nating master sequences 48
21 Introduction
Eigen’s quasispecies model [7] has been the basis of a vivid b ranch of molecular
evolution theory ever since it has been put forward almost 30 years ago [31, 14,
12, 13, 8, 29, 17, 25, 15, 9, 28, 10, 20, 2, 36, 19, 3]. Its two mai n statements,
the formation of a quasispecies made up of several molecular species with well
defined concentrations, and the existence of an error thresh old above which all
information is lost because of accumulating erroneous muta tions, have since then
been observed in a large number of experimental as well as the oretical studies (see,
e.g., [6] for the formation of a quasispecies in the RNA of the Qβphage, [1] for the
observation of an error threshold in a system of self-replic ating computer programs,
and, generally, the reviews [9, 10, 3] and the references the rein). Recently, a
new aspect of the quasispecies model has been brought into co nsideration that
was almost completely absent in previous works, namely the a spect of a dynamic
fitness landscape [36, 19]. With the notion “dynamic fitness l andscape”, we mean
all situations in which the replication and/or decay rates o f the molecules change
over time. In the present work, we are only interested in situ ations where these
changes occur as an external influence for the evolving syste m, and where there is
no feedback from the system to the dynamics of the fitness land scape. Dynamic
fitness landscapes of that kind are important, since almost a ny biological system is
subject to external changes in the form of, e.g., daytime/ni ghttime, seasons, long-
term climatic changes, geographic changes due to tectonic m ovements, to name
just a few.
The main problem one encounters when dealing with dynamic la ndscapes is the
difficulty to find a correct generalization of the quasispecie s concept. In the origi-
nal work of Eigen, the quasispecies is the equilibrium distr ibution of the different
molecular species. It is reached if the system is left undist urbed for a sufficiently
long time. Since in a dynamic landscape, the system is being d isturbed by the
landscape itself, the concept of a quasispecies is meaningl ess in the general case.
However, there are special cases in which a meaningful quasi species can be de-
fined. If, for example, the landscape changes on a much slower time scale than
what the system needs to reach the equilibrium, then the syst em is virtually in
equilibrium all the time, and the concentrations at time tare determined from the
landscape present at that time. Generally, certain symmetr ies in the dynamics of
the landscape can allow for the definition of a quasispecies. One example we treat
in this paper in detail is the case of time-periodic landscap es, which offer a natural
quasispecies definition.
An early study of dynamic landscapes has been done by Jones [1 2, 13]. How-
ever, he has considered only cases in which all replication r ates change by a com-
mon factor. Therefore, his approach excludes, among other c ases, in particular
3all situations in which the order of the molecules’ replicat ion rates changes over
time, i.e., in which e.g. one of the faster replicating molec ules becomes one of the
slower replicating molecules and vice versa. The more recen t work on dynamic
fitness landscapes allow for such changes. Wilke et al. [35, 36] have developed
a framework that allows to define and to calculate numericall y a quasispecies in
time-periodic landscapes. Independent of them, Nilsson an d Snoad [19] have stud-
ied the particular example of a stochastically jumping peak in an otherwise flat
landscape. This work has been generalized and refined by Ronn ewinkel et al. [22],
who could also define a meaningful quasispecies for a determi nistic version of the
jumping peak landscape and related landscapes. Finally, in the related field of
genetic algorithms, there exist also some theoretical stud ies of dynamic fitness
landscapes. Let us mention two of them. First of all, there is the work of Schmitt
et al. [27, 26]. These authors derive results for finite population s (note that most
results for the quasispecies model are only valid in the infin ite population limit) in
a relatively broad class of dynamic landscapes. However, th ey can only treat land-
scapes in which the fitnesses get scaled, so that the same rest riction applies here
that applied to Jone’s work. The order of the fitnesses must ne ver change. Second
of all, Rowe [24, 23] has studied genetic algorithms with tim e-periodic landscapes.
However, his approach has the caveat that it is tightly conne cted to the discrete
time used in genetic algorithms, and that the dimension of th e transition matrices
grows in proportion to the period length Tof the oscillation. This makes it hard
to derive analytical results, and in addition to that, it ren ders landscapes with
largeTinaccessible to numerical calculations.
The remainder of this article is structured as follows. We be gin our discussion in
Section 2 with a brief summary of the general aspects of dynam ic fitness landscapes
in the quasispecies equation. In Section 3, we will develop t he main subject of this
work, a general theory of time-periodic fitness landscapes. The theoretical part
thereof is presented in Section 3.1, in which we demonstrate how a time-dependent
quasispecies can be defined by means of the monodromy matrix, and how this
monodromy matrix can be expanded in terms of the oscillation period T. In
Section 3.2, we present an alternative approximation formu la for the monodromy
matrix that is more suitable for numerical calculations, an d in Section 3.3, we
compare, for several example landscapes, the results obtai ned from that formula
with the general theory developed in Section 3.1. The restri ction of a time-periodic
fitness landscape is weakened in Section 4, where we discuss t he implications of our
findings for other, non-periodic fitness landscapes. In that section, we are going to
see that the qualitative results of the study of Nilsson and S noad [19] are a direct
consequence of the general theory for dynamic fitness landsc apes. Since our work
is based on Eigen’s deterministic approach with differentia l equations, all results
4presented up to the end of Section 4 are only valid for infinite population sizes.
In order to address this shortcoming, in Section 5 we give a br ief introduction
into the problems involved when dealing with finite populati ons. In Section 5.1,
some simulation results are shown, demonstrating the relat ionship between the
results from the infinite population limit and the actual fini te population dynamics.
Finally, an approximative analytical description of a finit e population evolving on
a simple periodic landscape is developed in Section 5.2. We c lose this paper with
some conclusions in Section 6.
2 Time-dependent replication rates
The quasispecies model describes the evolution of self-rep licating macromolecules.
It assumes that there exists only a finite number of different m olecular species,
and that each species iis present in high abundance, such that it suffices to record
only the concentrations of the species, xi(t). The reaction dynamics is thought
of taking place in a well-stirred reactor, with some constan t out-flux of molecules
E(t), such that the total concentration of molecules/summationtext
ixi(t) remains constant for
allt. The self-replication process may fail, leading to erroneo usly copied offspring.
This is being described by a mutation matrix Qijthat gives the probability with
which an offspring molecule of type iis generated from a parent j. Often, it is
assumed that the molecules are RNA sequences, consisting of a string of letters
A, G, C, U, or even simpler, the molecules are represented as b itstrings. In that
case, one regularly makes the additional assumption that th e replication process
copies the string letter by letter, and that therefore the pr obability of a wrongly
copied letter is independent of the letter’s position in the string, and also of the
type of the letter. In connection with that, it is useful to in troduce the error rate
per letter, R. In case we conceive the molecules of bitstrings of fixed leng thl, the
mutation matrix Qijthen takes on the form
Qij= (1−R)l/parenleftbiggR
, (1)
where d(i, j) represents the Hamming distance between two sequences of t ypei
andj. All our examples in later sections are based on that assumpt ion. Our
general results, however, do not depend on this assumption.
In vector notation, i.e. x= (x1, x2, . . .), the basic quasispecies equation reads
˙x(t) = [W(t)−E(t)1]x(t). (2)
Here,1stands for the identity matrix, and W(t) is given by
W(t) =Q(t)A(t)−D(t), (3)
5where the diagonal matrix A(t) contains the replication coefficients, the diagonal
matrix D(t) contains the decay constants, and the matrix Q(t) is the above intro-
duced mutation matrix. In the most general case, all these th ree matrices can be
time dependent. The average excess production can be expres sed in terms of the
matrices A(t) andD(t) as
E(t) =et·[A(t)x(t)−D(t)x(t)], (4)
where etis a vector containing only entries of 1s, i.e. et= (1, . . .,1).
Because of the x(t) dependence of E(t), Eq. (2) is nonlinear. However, as in
the case of constant W[31, 14], the introduction of new variables of the form
y(t) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt
x(t) (5)
removes this nonlinearity. The resulting equation reads
˙y(t) =W(t)y(t), (6)
and the concentrations can be obtained from y(t) via
x(t) =y(t)
et·y(t). (7)
Note that if all decay constants are equal at all times, i.e. D(t) = diag( D(t), . . ., D (t)),
with a single scalar function D(t), then an extended transformation
y(t) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt
0[E(τ) +D(t)]dτ/parenrightbigg
x(t) (8)
leads to the even simpler equation
˙y(t) =Q(t)A(t)y(t). (9)
The concentration vector x(t) can again be obtained from Eq. (7).
The linearized quasispecies model, Eq. (6), has been studie d in great detail
for constant W[9, 10]. Since the quasispecies is the equilibrium distribu tion of
the molecular concentrations, the main question in that con text has been the
prediction of the system’s behavior for t→ ∞. As a linear differential equation,
Eq. (6) displays exponential growth [exponential damping d oes not occur because
of the sign in front of the integral in Eq. (5)]. That growth ma y in principle
be accompanied by exponentially amplified/damped oscillat ions. Of course, an
equilibrium can only be defined if there are either no oscilla tions at all, or all
6oscillations die out for t→ ∞. Fortunately, this is typically the case. First of
all, for symmetric Q, the whole spectrum of Wis real [25], because Wcan be
transformed into a symmetric matrix by means of a similarity transformation,
W=QA−D→A1/2WA−1/2=A1/2QA1/2−D. (10)
For non-symmetric Q, we can apply the Frobenius-Perron theorem if the decay
rates satisfy
(D)ii<(QA)ii for all i. (11)
The Frobenius-Perron theorem guarantees a real largest eig envalue. Consequently,
we have at most exponentially damped oscillations as long as we obey (11). In
addition to that, the Frobenius-Perron theorem states that the eigenvector corre-
sponding to this largest eigenvalue has only strictly posit ive entries, and hence,
that this eigenvector can be interpreted as a vector of chemi cal concentrations if
normalized appropriately.
Now consider the case of a full time dependency. In that case, we can map the
quasispecies model onto a linear system with a symmetric mat rix˜W(t) ifQ(t) is
symmetric for all t. This can be seen by introducing
z(t) =A1/2(t)y(t). (12)
Differentiation yields
˙z(t) =˜W(t)z(t) (13)
with ˜W(t) =A1/2(t)Q(t)A1/2(t)−D(t) +/bracketleftbiggd
A−1/2(t). (14)
Nevertheless, we cannot write down a solution for Eq. (13) fr om the knowledge of
the eigensystem of ˜W(t) if˜W(t) has an arbitrary time dependency. Therefore,
the symmetric quasispecies equation (13) does not help us in solving Eq. (6). As a
consequence, we have to focus on limiting cases for which gen eral statements can
be made. The two most important limiting cases are very fast c hanges in W(t) on
the one hand, and very slow changes in W(t) on the other hand. We begin with
the case of very slow changes. For the rest of this work, we wil l assume that W(t)
has a real spectrum for all t. From Eq. (13), we know that this covers at least all
cases for which Q(t) is symmetric. To be on the safe side, we also assume that
(11) is satisfied for all t. In that way, the Perron eigenvector of W(t) can always
be interpreted as a vector of chemical concentrations.
7For every time t0, we can define a relaxation time
τR(t0) =1
λ0(t0)−λ1(t0), (15)
where λ0(t)0andλ1(t0) are the largest and the second largest eigenvalue of W(t0),
respectively. The time τR(t0) gives an estimate on how long a linear system with
matrix W(t0) needs to settle into equilibrium. Therefore, if the change s inW(t)
happen on a timescale much longer than τR(t), the system is virtually in equilib-
rium at any given point in time. Hence, for large enough t, the quasispecies will
be given by the Perron eigenvector of W(t). Strictly speaking, this is only true if
there is always some overlap between the largest eigenvecto r ofW(t) and the one
ofW(t+dt), but in all but some very pathological cases we can assume th is to be
the case.
The situation of fast changes in W(t) is somewhat more difficult, because, as
we are going to see later on, we have to define a suitable averag e over W(t) in
order to make a general statement. Therefore, we postpone th at situation for a
moment. A detailed discussion of fast changes will be given f or the particular case
of periodic fitness landscapes in the next section, and later on, we will discuss fast
changing landscapes in general.
3 Periodic fitness landscapes
3.1 Differential equation formalism
In this section, we are going to study periodic time dependen cies in W(t), for
which we can demonstrate several general statements.
If the changes in W(t) are periodic, i.e., if there exists a Tsuch that
W(t+T) =W(t) for all t, (16)
then Eq. (6) turns into a system of linear differential equati ons with periodic
coefficients. Several theorems are known for such systems [37 ]. Most notably, if
Y(t, t0) is the fundamental matrix, such that every solution to Eq. ( 6) can be
written in the form
y(t) =Y(t, t0)y(t0), (17)
then we can define a so-called monodromy matrix X(t0),
X(t0) =Y(t0+T, t0), (18)
8which simplifies Eq. (17) to
y(t) =Y(t0+φ, t0)Xm(t0)y(t0)
=Xm(t0+φ)Y(t0+φ, t0)y(t0), (19)
for the decomposition t=mT+φ+t0with the phase φ < T . In particular, we
y(φ+mT) =Xm(φ)y(φ), (20)
so that for every phase φ, we have a well defined asymptotic solution, given by
the eigenvector to the largest eigenvalue of X(φ). In other words, periodic fitness
landscapes allow the definition of a quasispecies, much in th e same way as static
fitness landscapes do. However, this quasispecies is time-d ependent, and the time-
dependency is periodic with period T.
3.1.1 Neumann series for X
We can derive a formal expansion in Tfor the monodromy matrix. This formal
expansion is similar in spirit to the Neumann series which gi ves a formal solution to
an integral equation, and it is based on the Picard-Lindel¨ o f iteration for differential
equations. As the first step, we have to rewrite Eq. (6) in the f orm of an integral
equation, i.e.
y(t0+τ) =y(t0) +/integraldisplayτ
0W(t0+τ1)y(t0+τ1)dτ1. (21)
Our goal is to solve this equation for y(t0+τ) by iteration. Our initial solution is
y0(t0+τ) =y(t0), (22)
which we insert into Eq. (21). As a result, we obtain the 1st or der approximation
y1(t0+τ) =y(t0) +/integraldisplayτ
0W(t0+τ1)y(t0)dτ1. (23)
Further iteration yields
y2(t0+τ) =y(t0) +/integraldisplayτ
9and so on. Now we define
W0(t0, τ) = 1, (25)
W1(t0, τ) =1
0W(t0+τ1)dτ1, (26)
and, in general
Wk(t0, τ) =1
0W(t0+τ2)· · ·/integraldisplayτk−1
0W(t0+τk)dτ1dτ2· · ·dτk,
and obtain the formal solution
y(t0+τ) =∞/summationdisplay
k=0τkWk(t0, τ)y(t0). (28)
For suitably small τ, the infinite sum on the right-hand side is guaranteed to
converge. When we compare this equation for τ=Tto the definition of the
monodromy matrix Eq. (18), we find that [introducing Wk(t0) :=Wk(t0, T)]
X(t0) =∞/summationdisplay
k=0TkWk(t0). (29)
In particular, since W1(t0) is identical to the time-average over W(t), regardless
oft0, we have the high-frequency expansion
X(t0) =1+TW+O(T2), (30)
0W(t)dt . (31)
Equation (30) reveals that for very high frequency oscillat ions, the system behaves
as being in a static landscape. That static landscape is give n by the dynamic
landscape’s average over one oscillation period.
The radius of convergence of the expansion Eq. (29) can be est imated as follows.
Since all entries of W(t) are positive, we have for the tensor
Wiν1Wν1ν2· · ·Wνk−1j(t0) :=1
· · ·/integraldisplayτk−1
0Wνk−1j(t0+τk)dτ1dτ2· · ·dτk(32)
10the estimate
Wiν1Wν1ν2· · ·Wνk−1j(t0)≤1
· · ·/integraldisplayT
0Wνk−1j(t0+τ)dτ , (33)
from which follows
ij. (34)
The matrix norm induced by the sum norm
/⌊ard⌊l(y1, y2, . . ., y n)/⌊ard⌊l1=/summationdisplay
i|yi| (35)
is the column-sum norm
1= max
. (36)
With that norm, we can with the aid of Eq. (34) estimate
1. (37)
Hence, the expansion Eq. (29) converges certainly for those Tthat satisfy
1<1. (38)
Since all entries in Ware positive, we have further
1= max
= max
, (39)
where the bar in AjandDjindicates that these quantities represent averages over
one oscillation period. The second equality holds because o f (11) and because of/summationtext
iQij= 1. Without loss of generality, we assume that the maximum is given by
A0−D0. Then, Eq. (38) is satisfied for
T <1
A0−D0. (40)
11It is interesting to compare this expression to the relaxati on time of the time-
averaged fitness landscape, τR. To 0ths order, the principal eigenvalue of Wis
given by W00. The second largest eigenvalue is to the same order given by t he
second largest diagonal element of W, which we assume to be W11without loss of
generality. Hence, the relaxation time is approximately gi ven by
A0−D0, (41)
which is generally larger than the radius of convergence of E q. (29). In particular, if
the largest and the second largest eigenvalue of Wlie close together, the relaxation
time may be much larger than the largest oscillation period f or which the expansion
is feasible. This restricts the usability of Eq. (29) to cons iderably high frequency
oscillations in the landscape. The interesting regime in wh ich the changes in the
landscape happen on a time scale comparable to the relaxatio n time of the system
can unfortunately not be studied from Eq. (29).
3.1.2 Exact solutions for R= 0andR= 0.5
The two extreme cases R= 0 (no replication errors) and R= 0.5 (random offspring
sequences) allow for an exact analytic treatment. The secon d case is identical to
the situation in static landscapes, and therefore we will me ntion it only briefly.
At the point of stochastic replication R= 0.5, the population dynamics becomes
independent of the details of the landscape. As a consequenc e, temporal changes
in the landscape must become less important as Rapproaches R= 0.5. However,
this is not very surprising, since in most cases, an error rat e close to 0.5 implies
that the population has already passed the error threshold, which in turn implies
that it does not feel the changes in the landscape any more.
The case of R= 0, on the other hand, is more complex than the corresponding
case in a static landscape. Since the matrix Qbecomes the identity matrix for
R= 0, Eq. (6) reduces to
˙y(t) = [A(t)−D(t)]y(t). (42)
The matrices A(t) andD(t) are diagonal by definition, and hence, a solution to
Eq. (42) is given by
y(t) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt
y(t0). (43)
When we compare this expression to Eqs. (17) and (18), we find
Y(t, t0) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt
, (44)
12and, in particular,
X(φ) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayφ+T
. (45)
The integral in the second expression is taken over a complet e oscillation period,
and hence, it is independent of φ. Thus, we find for arbitrary φ
X(φ) = exp( W) for R= 0. (46)
With a vanishing error rate, the monodromy matrix becomes th e exponential of the
time-average over W(t). Since the exponential function only affects the eigenval-
ues, but not the eigenvectors, of a matrix, the quasispecies is given by the principal
eigenvector of W, irrespective of the length of the oscillation period T. In other
words, under the absence of mutations will the sequence iwith the highest average
value of Ai(t)−Di(t) take over the whole population after a suitable amount of
time, provided it existed already in the population at the be ginning of the process.
By continuity, this property must extend to very small but po sitive error rates R.
So, similar to the case of R= 0.5, the temporal changes in the landscape loose
their importance when Rapproaches 0.
There is, however, a caveat to the above argument. In case the largest eigen-
value of Wis degenerate, temporal changes in the landscape may contin ue to be
of importance for R= 0. A degeneracy of the largest eigenvalue of Wis possible,
because the Frobenius-Perron theorem applies only to posit ive error rates. For
degenerate quasispecies, the initial condition y(t0) determines the composition of
the asymptotic population. In this context, let us consider the general solution for
periodic fitness landscapes, Eq. (19). We have
y(t) =Xm(φ)y(t0+φ) (47)
y(t0+φ) =Y(t0+φ, t0)y(t0). (48)
So even if Xbecomes independent of φforR= 0, this need not be the case for
y(t0+φ), because of Eq. (48). If the largest eigenvalue of Wis degenerate, these
variations in y(t0+φ) will remain visible for arbitrarily large times t. Hence, we will
see oscillations among the different quasispecies which cor respond to the largest
eigenvalue. Clearly, this effect is the more pronounced the l arger the oscillation
period T.
133.1.3 Schematic phase diagrams
The results of the previous two subsections allow us to ident ify the general prop-
erties of the quasispecies model with a periodic fitness land scape at the borders of
the parameter space. We have to consider only the two paramet ers error rate R
and oscillation period T, since all other parameters (replication rates, decay rate s,
details of the matrix Q) do not influence the above results. In Fig. 1, we have
summarized our findings. Along the abscissa runs the oscilla tion period. For very
fast oscillations, the evolving population sees only the ti me-averaged landscape.
For very slow oscillations, on the other hand, the populatio n is able to settle into
an equilibrium much faster than the changes in the landscape occur. Hence, the
population sees a quasistatic landscape. Along the ordinat e, we have displayed
the error rate. For the error rate, we have disregarded the re gion above R= 0.5,
in which anti-correlations between parent and offspring seq uences are present. For
R= 0.5, all sequences have random offspring, and hence, all sequen ces replicate
equally well. Therefore, for this error rate, the landscape becomes effectively flat.
On the other side, for R= 0, we have again the time-averaged landscape. However,
for large T, the fact that we see the average landscape does not mean that the
concentration variables are asymptotically constant. Deg eneracies in the largest
eigenvalue may cause a remaining time dependency due to osci llations between
superposed quasispecies. The exact form of these oscillati ons is dependent on the
initial condition y(0). For small T, the oscillations disappear, because the ratio
of newly created sequences during one oscillation period an d remaining sequences
from the previous oscillation period decays with T[Eq. (30)].
From the above observations, we can derive generic phase dia grams for periodic
fitness landscapes. There are two main possibilities. The fit ness landscape may
average to a landscape that has a distinct quasispecies, or i t may average to a flat
landscape. These two cases are illustrated in Fig. 2. Note th at the diagrams are
meant to illustrate the qualitative form and position of the different phases. In
their exact appearance, they may differ substantially from t he exact phase diagram
of a particular landscape.
If a landscape averages to one with a distinct quasispecies, then for every
oscillation period Tand every phase of the oscillation φ, we have a unique error
threshold R∗(T, φ). For small T, the error threshold converges towards the one of
the average fitness landscape, R∗
av, irrespective of the phase φ. For larger T, the
error threshold oscillates between R∗
lo= min φR∗(T, φ) and R∗
hi= max φR∗(T, φ).
In the limit of an infinitely large oscillation period, R∗
hiconverges towards R∗
which is the largest error threshold of all the (static) land scapes W(φ). Similarly,
loconverges towards R∗
minin that limit, where R∗
minis accordingly defined as the
smallest error threshold of all landscapes W(φ). For a fixed oscillation period T,
14oscillation period T0.5
0 error rate R
smallT largeT(degeneracies cause fluctuations for large T)time-averagetime-averagedisorder
Figure 1: The appearance of a periodic fitness landscape at th e border regions of
the parameter space.
and a fixed error rate RwithR∗
lo< R < R∗
hi, we have necessarily R > R∗(T, φ) for
some phases φ, andR < R∗(T, φ) for the rest of the oscillation period. As a result,
a quasispecies will form whenever R > R∗(T, φ), but it will disappear again as soon
asR < R∗(T, φ). This phenomenon has for the first time been observed in [36] ,
and there, the region of the parameter space in which it can be found has been
called the temporarily ordered phase . In this phase, whether we observe order or
disorder depends on the particular moment in time at which we study the system.
In correspondence to that, we will call a phase “ordered” onl y if order can be seen
for the whole oscillation period, and we will call a phase “di sordered” if during
the whole oscillation period no order can be seen. The relati onship between the
ordered phase, the disordered phase, and the temporarily or dered phase for the
first type of landscapes is displayed in Fig. 2a). Compare als o the phase diagram
of the oscillating Swetina-Schuster landscape in Fig. 3.
In a landscape that averages to a flat one, on the other hand, th e disordered
phase must extend over the whole range of Rfor sufficiently small T. Order can
be observed only above a certain Tmin. However, slightly above that Tmin, no order
will be found for error rates Rother than intermediate ones, since for R= 0 the
landscape averages again to a flat one. Hence, what we will obs erve is an ordered
or temporarily ordered phase restricted from above and from below. Instead of a
15oscillation period T0.5
0 error rate R
largeT smallT¯W=non-flat landscape
temp. ordered
oscillation period T0.5
0 error rate R
largeT smallT¯W=flat landscape
b)temp. ordereddisordered
Figure 2: The two possible phase diagrams of a periodic lands cape. If W(t)
averages to a non-flat landscape, there will typically be a lo wer error threshold,
below which we always find order, and a higher error threshold , above which the
system is always in a disordered state. If W(t) averages to a flat landscape,
however, the disordered phase extends to the whole range of Rfor sufficiently
small T.
unique error threshold R∗(T, φ), we have for every phase φa lower threshold that
marks the transition from disorder to order, and a higher thr eshold that marks
the transition back to disorder. For longer oscillation per iods, the fluctuations in
the degenerate quasispecies become important for R= 0, and this fact allows the
ordered regime to extend to much smaller values of R. Hence, the lower disordered
phase will fade out for T→ ∞. A typical phase diagram for this type of landscapes
is displayed in Fig. 2b).
3.2 Discrete approximation
The differential equation formalism we have used so far allow s for an elegant dis-
cussion of the system’s general properties. However, if we w ant to obtain numerical
solutions, this formalism does not help us very much, becaus e we do not have a
general expression for the fundamental matrix Y(t, t0) from Eq. (17), nor for the
monodromy matrix X(t0) from Eq. (18). Therefore, for our numerical treatment
we will move over to the discretized quasispecies equation,
y(t+ ∆t) = [∆ tW(t) +1]y(t). (49)
In the case of constant W, the quasispecies obtained from that equation is identical
to the one of Eq. (6), and it is also identical to the one of the e quation
y(t+ 1) = Wy(t). (50)
16Equation (50) has been studied by Demetrius et al.[4], and has been employed by
Leuth¨ ausser [15] for her mapping of the quasispecies model onto the Ising model.
In the general time-dependent case, however, the additiona l factor ∆ tand the
identity matrix 1of Eq. (49) are important, and cannot be left out. The analogu e
of the fundamental matrix for Eq. (49) reads
Y(t0+k∆t, t0) =T/braceleftBiggk−1/productdisplay
ν=0[∆tW(t0+ν∆t) +1]/bracerightBigg
, (51)
where T {·}indicates that the matrix product has to be evaluated with th e proper
time ordering [35]. Similarly, the analogue of the monodrom y matrix becomes
X(t0) =Y(t0+T, t0)
ν=0[∆tW(t0+ν∆t) +1]/bracerightBigg
, (52)
where we have assumed that Tis an integral multiple of ∆ t, and have set n=T/∆t.
The influence of the size of ∆ ton the quality of the approximation has been
investigated in [35]. A more in-depths discussion of the rel ationship between the
continuous and the discrete quasispecies model can also be f ound in [3].
3.3 Example landscapes
For the rest of this section, we are going to have a look at seve ral example land-
scapes, in order to illustrate the implications of our gener al theory. In all cases
considered, we represent the molecules as bitstrings of fixe d length l. Moreover,
we assume that a single bit is copied erroneously with rate R, irrespective of the
bit’s type and of its position in the string.
3.3.1 One oscillating peak
In the previous works on the quasispecies model with periodi c fitness landscapes [35,
36], most emphasis has been laid on landscapes with a single o scillating sharp peak.
As a generalization of the work of Swetina and Schuster [29], the master sequence
has been given a replication rate A0(t)≫A, where Ais the replication rate of all
other sequences. The replication rate A0(t) has been expressed as
A0(t) =A0,statexp[ǫf(t)], (53)
with a T-periodic function f(t). The parameter ǫallows a smooth crossover from
a static landscape to one with considerable dynamics, and th e exponential assures
17thatA0(t) is always positive. In order not to duplicate work, we will n ot repeat
the results of [35, 36] here. In short, it has been found that t he behavior at the
border regions of the parameter space is indeed as it is depic ted in Fig. 1, and
that a phase diagram of the form of Fig. 2a) correctly describ es the relationship
of order and disorder in an oscillating Swetina-Schuster la ndscape. Here, our aim
is to show that the phase borders in such a phase diagram can, f or an oscillating
Swetina-Schuster landscape, be calculated approximately .
For static landscapes with a single peak, the assumption of a vanishing mu-
tational backflow into the master sequence allows to derive a n approximate ex-
pression for the error threshold [16, 9, 10]. A similar formu la can be developed
to calculate the error threshold as a function of time in a lan dscape with a single
oscillating peak. But before we turn towards the dynamic lan dscape, we are going
to rederive the expression for the master’s concentration x0in a static landscape,
based on the neglect of mutational backflow. The expression w e are going to find
is slightly more general than the one that was previously giv en, and it will be of
use for the periodic fitness landscape as well.
The 0th component of the quasispecies equation (2) becomes, after neglecting
the mutational backflow,
˙x0(t) =W00x0(t)−E(t)x0(t). (54)
The average excess production E(t) can be expressed in terms of x(t) andWas
E(t) =/summationdisplay
i,jWijxj(t). (55)
With that expression, the solution of Eq. (54) requires the k nowledge of the sta-
tionary mutant concentrations xj, which are usually unknown. To circumvent this
problem, we make the somewhat extreme assumption that all mu tant concentra-
tions are equal. Although this assumption, which is equival ent to the assumption
of equal excess productions Eiin the usual calculation without mutational back-
flow, will generally not be true, it works fine for Swetina-Sch uster type landscapes.
With this additional assumption, Eq. (55) becomes
E(t) =/summationdisplay
, (56)
where Nis the number of different sequences in the system. When we ins ert this
into Eq. (54) and solve for the steady state, we find
j>0Wij. (57)
18The expressions involving sums over matrix elements in Eq. ( 57) can be identified
with the excess production of the master,
iWi0 (58)
and with the average excess production without the master,
j>0Wij, (59)
ifWhas the standard form QA−D. Therefore, Eq. (57) corresponds to the often
quoted result
E0−E−0. (60)
However, Eq. (57) is more general in that it can be used even if Wis not given as
Our idea here is to insert the monodromy matrix into Eq. (57) i n order to
obtain an approximation for x0in the case of periodic landscapes. But why can
we expect this to work? After all, Eq. (57) has been derived fr om an equation
with continuous time, Eq. (54), whereas the monodromy matri x advances the
system in discrete time steps, as can bee seen in Eq. (20). The important point
is here that we are only interested in the asymptotic state, w hich is given by the
normalized Perron vector of the monodromy matrix, whether w e use discrete or
continuous time. Therefore, we are free to calculate the asy mptotic state in a
periodic landscape for a given phase φfrom
˙y(t) =X(φ)y(t), (61)
even if this equation does not have a direct physical meaning for finite times. The
asymptotic molecular concentrations are then given by the l imitt→ ∞ of
x(t) =y(t)
e·y(t). (62)
From differentiating Eq. (62) and inserting Eq. (61), we obta in
˙x(t) =X(φ)x(t)−x(t)/parenleftbig
. (63)
When we neglect the backflow onto the master sequence, the 0th s component of
that equation becomes identical to Eqs. (54) and (55), but wi th the matrix X(φ)
ordered phase
maxdisordered phase
temporarily ordered phase
oscillation period T10 1 0.10.4
0.2error rate R
Figure 3: The phase diagram of an oscillating Swetina-Schus ter landscape [ A0(t) =
e2.4exp(2 sin ωt)], numerically calculated from Eq. (57).
instead of W. This shows that we may indeed use Eq. (57) as an approximatio n for
the asymptotic concentration of x0. Of course, since we have neglected mutational
backflow, this approximation works only for landscapes in wh ich a single sequence
has a significant advantage over all others. But this restric tion does similarly apply
to the static case. Numerically, we have found that Eq. (57) w orks well for a single
oscillating peak, and that it breaks down in other cases as ex pected.
With the aid of Eq. (57), we are now in the position that we can c alculate the
phase diagram of the oscillating Swetina-Schuster landsca pe. When we insert the
monodromy matrix X(φ) into Eq. (57), we are able to obtain (numerically) the
error rate at which x0vanishes, R∗(T, φ). From that expression, we can calculate
hi. The results of the corresponding, numerically extensive c alculations
are shown in Fig. 3, together with R∗
max, and R∗
min, which have also been
determined from Eq. (57).
We find that both R∗
hiapproach R∗
avforT→0, as predicted by
our general theory. For T→ ∞ ,R∗
higrows quickly to the level of R∗
max, but
a slight discrepancy between the two values remains. It has i ts origin in the
vast complexity of the numerical calculations involved for largeT. We can only
approximate the monodromy matrix by means of Eq. (52), and we need ever more
factors ∆ tW(t0+ν∆t) +1for large T. The discrepancy between R∗
on the other hand, has a different origin. The main cause here i s the fact that the
relaxation into equilibrium is generally slower for smalle r error rates. Therefore,
loneeds a much larger Tto reach R∗
minthan it is the case with R∗
203.3.2 Two oscillating peaks
A single oscillating peak provides some initial insights in to dynamic fitness land-
scapes. It is more interesting, however, to study situation s in which several se-
quences obtain the highest replication rate in different pha ses of the oscillation
period. The simplest such case is a landscape in which two seq uences become
in turn the master sequence. Here, we will assume that the two are located at
opposite corners of the boolean hypercube, i.e., that they a re given by a certain
sequence and its inverse. In that way, it is possible to group sequences into error
classes according to their Hamming distance to one of the two possible master
sequences. As an example, we are going to study a landscape wi th the replication
A0(t) =A0,statexp(ǫsinωt), (64a)
Al(t) =A0,statexp(−ǫsinωt), (64b)
Ai(t) = 1 for 0 < i < l . (64c)
The subscripts in the replication coefficients stand for the H amming distance to
the sequence 000 · · ·0.
For single peak landscapes, it is instructive to characteri ze the state of the
system at time tby the value of the order parameter
ms(t) =1
i=0xi(t)[l−2i], (65)
where xi(t) is the cumulative concentration of all sequences of Hammin g distance
ito the master sequence [15, 30]. If the master sequence makes up the whole
population, we have ms(t) = 1. A completely disordered population, on the other
hand, yields ms(t) = 0. In principle, ms(t) can also be used for a landscape with
two alternating master sequences if they are each other’s in verse. In that case,
the Hamming distance has to be measured with respect to one of the two master
sequences. If the population consists only of sequences of t he type of the other
master sequence, we have ms(t) =−1. However, there is a small problem with
degenerate landscapes, in which the two peaks have the same r eplication rate.
In such landscapes, the sequence distribution becomes symm etric with respect to
the two peaks, i.e., x0=xl,x1=xl−1, and so on. Then, ms(t) becomes zero
because of this symmetry, although the population may be in a n ordered state.
To distinguish between the case of true disorder and the case of an ordered, but
21symmetrical population, we introduce the additional order parameters
s(t) =1
i=0xi(t)[l−2i], (66)
s(t) =1
i=l−⌊(l−1)/2⌋xi(t)[l−2i]. (67)
Here, ⌊x⌋stands for the largest integer smaller than or equal to x.
The quantity m+
s(t) is always positive, m−
s(t) is always negative, and further-
more, we have
ms(t) =m+
s(t) +m−
s(t). (68)
If the population is uniformly distributed over the whole se quence space, we have
s(t) =−m−
s(t) =1
(l−2i). (69)
This expression goes to 0 for l→ ∞. If, on the other hand, only the two peaks
are populated, each with half of the total population, we find
s(t) =−m−
s(t) =1
2. (70)
In the case that either m+
s(t) orm−
s(t) equal to zero, the population is centered
about the respective other peak.
In the following, when it is important to distinguish betwee n true disordered
populations and symmetric populations, we will use m+
s(t) and m−
s(t). When the
situation is non-ambiguous, we will use ms(t) alone, in order to improve the clarity
of our plots.
In Fig. 4, we have displayed m+
s(t) and ms(t) for the quasispecies in a
fitness landscape of the type defined in Eq. (64). For a large os cillation period,
T= 100, the quasispecies is at every point in time clearly cent ered around a
single peak. The switch from one peak to the other happens ver y fast. When
the landscape oscillates with a higher frequency, the trans ition time uses up a
larger proportion of the total oscillation period. This mak es the transition from
one peak to the other appear softer in the plots for smaller os cillation periods.
For extremely small oscillations, the system sees the avera ge fitness landscape,
/D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6
/B4 Ꜷ /B5/D1/D7
/B4 Ꜷ /B5/D1
/B4 Ꜷ /B5
Figure 4: Order parameters ms(t),m+
s(t) as a function of the oscillation
phase φ= (tmodT)/Tin a landscape with two alternating peaks. The upper
dashed line represents m+
s(t), the lower dashed line represents m−
s(t), and the solid
line represents ms(t). The sequence length is l= 10, and we have used R= 0.05
andn=T/∆t= 100 in all four examples. The parameters of the fitness lands cape
areA0,stat=e2.4,ǫ= 2.
which is a degenerate landscape with two peaks of equal heigh t. As noted above,
the quasispecies becomes symmetric in such a landscape. In t he lower right plot
of Fig. 4, for T= 0.01, we can identify this limiting behavior. Both m+
s(t) and
s(t) are nearly constant over the whole oscillation period with an absolute value
close to 0.5. The deviation from 0.5 stems from the finite valu e of the error rate,
R= 0.05 in this example. We observe further that ms(t) lies very close to zero,
thus wrongly indicating a disordered state. Note that the ab solute value of m±
for a uniformly spread population lies for the parameters of this example at 0.12
according to Eq. (69).
The observations from the landscape with two oscillating pe aks have to be
interpreted in the light of the results of Schuster and Sweti na on static landscapes
23with two peaks [28]. They have found that if the peaks are far a way in Hamming
distance (which is the case here), a quasispecies is general ly unable to occupy both
peaks at the same time, unless they are of exactly the same hei ght and with the
same neighborhood.1For two peaks with different heights, the quasispecies will
for small Rgenerally form around the higher peak. For larger R, however, the
quasispecies moves to the lower peak if this one has a higher m utational backflow
from mutants, which is the case, for example, if the second pe ak is broader than the
first one. The transition from the higher peak to the lower one with increasing R
is very sharp, and can be considered as a phase transition. In a dynamic landscape
with relatively slow changes, the quasispecies therefore s witches the peak quickly
when the higher peak becomes the lower one and vice versa.
The exact time at which the switch occurs depends of course on the error rate.
The lower the error rate, the longer does the population rema in centered around
the previously higher peak until it actually moves on to the n ew higher peak.
Therefore, if we look at the system at a fixed phase, and change the error rate,
the quasispecies does, for certain phases φ, undergo a transition similar to the one
found in [28] for static landscapes. This is illustrated in F ig. 5, where we display
the order parameter msas a function of the error rate R. At the beginning of the
oscillation period, for φ= 0, the quasispecies is, for all error rates Rbelow the
error threshold, dominated by the peak corresponding to ms=−1. This must be
the case, as the replication coefficients of the two peaks inte rsect at φ= 0, so up
to this point the quasispecies has not had a chance to build up around the other
peak. For phases shortly after φ= 0, the quasispecies gains weight around the
other peak, starting from the error threshold on downwards. Forφ= 0.15, for
example, we observe a relatively sharp transition from the p eak corresponding to
ms=−1 to the peak corresponding to ms+ 1 at R≈0.05. The transition then
moves quickly towards R= 0, until the peak corresponding to ms= 1 dominates
the quasispecies for all R. Forφ= 0.5, the replication coefficients intersect again,
and the quasispecies is exactly the inverse of the one for φ= 0.
3.3.3 Two oscillating peaks with flat average landscape
In Sec. 3.1.3, we have predicted a special phase diagram for l andscapes whose
time average is completely flat. A particular realization of such a landscape is
obtained if all replication coefficients are either set to a co nstant aor to a function
a+bisin(ωt+δi), with arbitrary δiandbi< a. In comparison to the previous
subsection, here we choose again a landscape in which a seque nce and its inverse
1This is only true for infinite populations, however. For finit e populations, one of the two
peaks will always get lost eventually due to sampling fluctua tions.
Figure 5: The order parameter msas a function of the error rate Rfor various
oscillation phases φ= (tmodT)/T. The fitness landscape is identical to the one
of Fig. 4, and the oscillation period is T= 100. Note that for φ= 0.10, the error
threshold seems to have moved towards lower R, which is not the case. What we
have instead is a symmetric population, as explained on page 22. A plot of m+
sreveals this immediately. However, we have not displayed su ch a plot here in
order to enhance the clarity of this figure.
are alternating, while all others remain constant. We set th e replication rates to
A0(t) = 1 −bsinωt , (71a)
Al(t) = 1 + bsinωt , (71b)
Ai(t) = 1 for 0 < i < l . (71c)
The order parameter of the quasispecies in such a landscape i s displayed in
Fig. 6 as a function of Rfor various oscillation periods T. What is immediately
apparent from the plot is the existence of a lower error thres hold in addition to
the normal upper error threshold. This is in perfect agreeme nt with the phase
diagram in Fig. 2b), which predicts such a lower error thresh old for landscapes
with a flat average. With decreasing length Tof the oscillation period, the two
thresholds approximate each other, reducing the region in w hich order can be seen.
ForT= 20, the order parameter does not even reach the value ms= 0.1 anymore,
and for T= 10, it would be indistinguishable from the R-axis in this plot.
To be able to study the region of small Tin more detail, we have done an
expansion of Xin terms of Tas given in Eq. (29), up to second order. The
25T= 30T= 40T= 90
T= 200.81.0
10−610−510−410−310−210−1order parameter ms
error rate R0.6
Figure 6: The order parameter msas a function of Rin a landscape with two
alternating peaks that average to a flat landscape [Eq. (71)] . In this case, ms= 0
corresponds always to true disorder, and therefore, we have refrained from display-
sin addition to ms, in order to enhance the clarity of the plot. The
other parameters were l= 10, b= 9/10,φ= 0 and n=T/∆t= 100.
corresponding integrals can be taken relatively easy for th is particular landscape.
The details of the calculation are given in Appendix A. By com paring the results
from this expansion with the results from the discrete appro ximation Eq. (52), this
serves also as a test of the validity of Eq. (29).
In Fig. 7, we have displayed the order parameter msobtained from the expan-
sion of Xin terms of Tand from the discrete approximation of Xas a function of
the phase φfor four different oscillation periods T.
First of all, the order parameter clearly flattens out for T→0 (note that the
ordinates are scaled differently in the four plots, which may obsfucate this fact on
first glance). However, since the T2term in the expansion gives a time-dependent
contribution for arbitrarily small T[Eq. (128)], we cannot define the transition
point to complete disorder with rigor. But this is nothing ne w. The same applies
to the standard error threshold in a static landscape. Analy tically, the order
parameter never reaches zero for a finite string length land for R <0.5. This is
related to the fact that the error transition is a surface tra nsition with complete
wetting [30]. Since the surface is finite, the order paramete r indicating this surface
transition remains always finite. Hence, the exact transiti on point can only be
determined from the corresponding transition in the bulk. F or our purposes here,
it suffices to note that for a finite oscillation period, here ab outT= 10, the order
26/A0 /BF /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/A0 /BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/A0 /BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/BC /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BI
/BF /A2 /BD/BC
/CC /BP /BC /BM /BC/BD/A0 /BF /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/A0 /BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/A0 /BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/BC /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BH
/BF /A2 /BD/BC
/CC /BP /BC /BM /BD/A0 /BF /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/A0 /BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/A0 /BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/BC /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/BD /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BG
/BF /A2 /BD/BC
/CC /BP /BD/A0 /BG /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BF
/A0 /BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BF
/BC /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BF
/BE /A2 /BD/BC
/A0 /BF
/BG /A2 /BD/BC
/CC /BP /BD/BC/D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D1
/D7/D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D1
/D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D1
/D7/D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D4/CP/D6/CP/D1/CT/D8/CT/D6 /D1
Figure 7: The order parameter msfor a landscape in which a sequence and its
inverse become alternatingly the master sequence. The erro r rate is R= 0.01. The
solid lines give stem from the discrete approximation, the d otted lines stem from
the expansion in terms of T, Eq. (29), evaluated up to second order. Clearly, the
expansion Eq. (29) is only of use for relatively short oscill ation periods.
parameter is almost zero for all replication rates R. This demonstrates that the
phase diagram Fig. 2b) is indeed correct.
Second of all, we observe that the expansion in terms of Tbreaks down for T
larger than ≈1. This agrees well with our estimate for the radius of conver gence
of the expansion given in Eq. (40), which guarantees converg ence only for T <1
in the present case.
4 Aperiodic or stochastic fitness landscapes
Periodic fitness landscapes can be treated rather elegantly . We have been able
to define a meaningful quasispecies, as well as we have been ab le to determine
the general dynamics in the border regions of the parameter s pace. It would be
desirable to obtain similar results for arbitrary dynamic l andscapes. After all,
an aperiodic or stochastic change is much more realistic tha n an exactly periodic
change. However, the definition of a time-dependent quasisp ecies is tightly con-
nected to periodic fitness landscapes. For arbitrary change s, it does not make sense
27to speak of an asymptotic state. Regardless of that, we can de rive some results for
the border regions of the parameter space. In Section 3.1, we derived the formal
solution to Eq. (6),
y(t0+τ) =∞/summationdisplay
k=0τkWk(t0, τ)y(t0). (72)
To first order in τ, the formal solution reads
y(t0+τ) =y(t0) +τW1(t0, τ)y(t0). (73)
Obviously, the composition of the sequence distribution ch anges very little over
the interval [ t0, t0+τ] if the condition
τ/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleW1(t0, τ)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble
1≪1 (74)
is satisfied. This observation allows us to establish a gener al result for quickly
changing fitness landscapes. If the landscape changes in suc h a way that for every
interval of length τbeginning at time t0, the average
W1(t0, τ) =1
0W(t0+τ1)dτ1 (75)
is approximately the same for every t0, and the condition /⌊ard⌊lW1(t0, τ)/⌊ard⌊l ≪ 1/τ
holds, then the system develops a quasispecies given by the n ormalized principal
eigenvector of the average matrix W1(t0, τ). With “approximately the same” we
mean that for two times t0andt1, the components of the averaged matrices satisfy
W1(t0, τ)/parenrightBig
W1(t1, τ)/parenrightBig
ij/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle< ǫfor all i,j,t0,t1, (76)
with a suitably small ǫ. In other words, if the fitness landscape changes very fast,
but in stationary way, then the evolving population sees onl y the time-averaged
fitness landscape.
For the special case of R= 0, we can, as in Eq. (43), write the solution for the
quasispecies equation as
y(t) = exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt
y(t0). (77)
Unlike in the case of a periodic landscape, however, this doe s not tell us the general
behavior at R= 0, apart from the fact that for fast changes, the system sees the
average fitness landscape. But we knew that already from Eq. ( 73). If we have the
0 error rate R
fast slow
quality of changes
Figure 8: The appearance of a stochastic fitness landscape at the border regions
of the parameter space.
situation of a stochastic landscape with long time correlat ions, on the other hand,
it is hard to make general statements. The reason for this is t hat from long time
correlations, we cannot generally deduce that the system mu st be in a quasistatic
state. It may be the case if, for example, the landscape chang es only rarely, but
then drastically. On the other hand, one can easily come up wi th landscapes
that are in a constant flux, and still display long time correl ations. Hence, there
exists no direct equivalent to the large oscillation period case of periodic fitness
landscapes for general stochastic landscapes. Neverthele ss, we can draw a diagram
similar to Fig. 1, where on the x-axis we use the qualitative description “slow”
and “fast” changes. Under “fast”, we subsume everything tha t satisfies the above
stated conditions under which the system sees the average fit ness landscape, and
under “slow” we subsume everything else, assuming that a par ameter exists that
allows a smooth transition from the “fast” regime to the “slo w” regime. Then,
the analogue to Fig. 1 is Fig. 8. Although this figure contains considerably less
information than Fig. 1, the implications for actual landsc apes are more or less the
same. Most real landscapes will have a regime that can be asso ciated with slow
changes, and hence, we will typically observe phase diagram s of the type of either
Fig. 2a) or b).
29As an example, consider the work of Nilsson and Snoad [19], an d its subsequent
extension by Ronnewinkel et al. [22]. Nilsson and Snoad have studied a landscape
in which a single peak performs a random walk through the sequ ence space. The
peak jumps to a random neighboring position of hamming dista nce 1 whenever a
time interval of length τhas elapsed. Ronnewinkel et al.have studied a very similar
fitness landscape, but they have mainly been interested in de terministic movements
of the peak that allow for the formal definition of a quasispec ies, similarly to the
situation of periodic fitness landscapes in Section 3.1. Ron newinkel et al. could
verify the results of Nilsson and Snoad on more fundamental t heoretical grounds.
The parameter τin the jumping peak landscape determines whether the change s
happen on a short or on a long time scale. If τis very large, the landscape is static
most of the time, and the population has enough time to settle into equilibrium
before the peak jumps to a new position. If τis very small, on the other hand, the
peak has moved away long before the population has had the tim e to form a stable
quasispecies. Nilsson and Snoad have found that, in additio n to the common error
threshold at which the mutation rate becomes too high to allo w for quasispecies
formation, another error threshold can be found at which the mutation rate be-
comes too low to allow the population to adapt to the changing landscape. The
region of the lower disordered phase grows with decreasing τ, until the lower and
the higher error threshold coincide and no selection can tak e place anymore. This
is clear from an intuitive point of view. The faster the peak m oves, the higher must
the error rate be in order to allow the population to track the peak. Once the error
rate needed to track the peak exceeds the highest error rate f or which selection is
possible, everything breaks down and the population does no t feel any selective
pressure any more. Nilsson and Snoad concluded therefore th at “dynamic land-
scapes have strong constraints on evolvability”. However, this conclusion is not so
straightforward if we reconsider their landscape from the v iewpoint of the general
theory developed here. As we have pointed out several times s o far, the authorita-
tive fitness landscape in the region of fast changes is the tim e averaged landscape.
Thus, selection does not break down because of a fast changin g landscape itself,
but it breaks down due to the neutrality of the time-averaged landscape in this
particular case. If there was a region in the sequence space i n which the peak would
assume a higher level than in the remaining sequence space, o r if the peak’s move-
ments were confined to a small portion of the sequence space, w e would clearly see
selection in these particular regions. This suggests the vi ewpoint that the time-
averaged landscape gives the “regions of robustness” in the landscape, the regions
in which even fast changes in the landscape do not destroy the quasispecies.
305 Finite Populations
In the previous sections, we have been studying infinite popu lations exclusively.
However, the huge genotype spaces that are generated even by moderately long
sequences (there are already 1030different sequences of length 100, for example),
will be almost empty for any realistic finite population. Whe n most of the possible
sequences are not present in the population, the concentrat ion variables become
useless, and the outcome of the differential equation formal ism may be completely
different from the actual behavior of the population. For sta tic fitness landscapes,
the effects of a finite population size are reasonably well und erstood. If the fitness
landscape is very simple (a single peak landscape), the popu lation is reasonably
well described by finite stochastic sampling from the infinit e population concen-
trations. Moreover, the error threshold generally moves to wards smaller Rwith
decreasing population size [20]. In a multi peak landscape, the finite population
localizes relatively fast around one peak, and there it rema ins, with a dynamics
similar to that in a single peak landscape. In the rare case th at a mutant discovers
a higher peak, the population moves over to that peak, where i t remains again.
The main difference between a finite and an infinite population on a landscape
with many peaks is given by the fact that the infinite populati on will always build
a quasispecies around the highest peak, whereas the finite po pulation may get
stuck on a suboptimal peak. Above the error threshold, a finit e population starts
to drift through the genotype space, irrespective of the lan dscape.
A finite population on a dynamic landscape will of course show a similar behav-
ior, but in addition to that, other effects come into play that are tightly connected
to the dynamics of the landscape. The most important differen ce between static
and dynamic landscapes is the possible existence of a tempor arily ordered phase
in the latter case, and there we should expect the major new dy namic effects.
In the infinite population limit, the temporarily ordered ph ase generates an
alternating pattern of a fully developed quasispecies and a homogeneous sequence
distribution. What changes if a finite population evolves in that phase? At those
points in time when a quasispecies is developed, the finite po pulation’s sequence
concentrations are given by stochastic sampling from the in finite population result,
similarly to static landscapes. As soon as the quasispecies breaks down (and this
may happen earlier than the infinite population equations pr edict, because of the
error threshold’s shift to a lower error rate for a finite popu lation), the population
starts to disperse over the landscape. Because of that, the p opulation may loose
track of the peak it was centered about previously. Therefor e, when it enters again
a time interval in which order should be seen, the population may not be able to
form a quasispecies, thus effectively staying in the disorde red regime, or it may
form a quasispecies at a different peak. In that way, the tempo rarily ordered phase
31can open up a third possibility for a population to leave a loc al peak, in addition
to the escape via neutral paths or to entropy-barrier crossi ng, which are present
exclusively in static landscapes [32].
5.1 Numerical results
The numerical results presented below have been obtained fr om a genetic algo-
rithm with Nsequences per generation. We have used the following mutati on and
selection scheme in order to stay as closely as possible with the Eigen model:
1. To all sequences iin time step t, we assign a probability to be selected and
pi,mutate(t) =Ai(t)/summationtext
i[1/∆t+Ai(t)−Di(t)]ni(t), (78)
and a probability to be selected but not mutated,
pi,select(t) =1/∆t−Di(t)/summationtext
i[1/∆t+Ai(t)−Di(t)]ni(t). (79)
Here, ∆ tis the length of one time step, and ni(t) is the number of sequences
of type i.
2. From the set of probabilities {pi,mutate(t), pi,select(t)}, we choose Nsequences
at random. These Nsequences are going to form the population in time
stept+ ∆t. A sequence jthat is determined to be mutated is subsequently
converted into sequence iaccording to the mutation matrix Qij.
Note that we assume generally
∆tfor all i,t, (80)
so that pi,select(t) defined in Eq. (79) is always positive.
For an infinite population, the above described genetic algo rithm evolves ac-
cording to the equation
x(t+ ∆t) =G/parenleftbig
x(t), t/parenrightbig
, (81)
where x(t) is the vector of concentrations at time t, and G(x, t) is the operator
that maps a population at time tonto a population at time t+ 1,
G(x, t) =[∆tW(t) +1]x
[∆tA(t)−∆tD(t) +1]x/parenrightbig. (82)
32Since we can replace the non-linear operator G(x, t) with a linear operator ˜G(y, t),
˜G(y, t) = [∆ tW(t) +1]y, (83)
in Eq. (81), if we recover the true concentrations xvia
x(t) =y(t)
et·y(t), (84)
we have a direct correspondence between the genetic algorit hm for an infinite
population and the discrete quasispecies model, as can be se en by comparing
Eq. (83) with Eq. (49). This implies in particular that for pe riodic landscapes,
the expression for the monodromy matrix X(t0), Eq. (52), is exact. There is no
approximation involved.
For a finite population, it is still the operator G(x, t) that determines the
dynamics. However, the deterministic description Eq. (81) has to be replaced by
a probabilistic one, namely Wright-Fisher or multinomial s ampling. If Gi(x, t)
denotes the iths component of the concentration vector in the next time st ep,
the probability that a population x1= (m1, m2, . . .)/N,/summationtext
imi=N, produces a
population x2= (n1, n2, . . .)/N,/summationtext
ini=N, in the next time step, is given by
P(x1→x2, t) =N!/productdisplay
iGi(x1, t)ni
ni!. (85)
A proof that the stochastic process described by Eq. (85) doe s indeed converge
to the deterministic process Eq. (81) in the limit N→ ∞ has been given by van
Nimwegen et al. [33].
5.1.1 Loss of the master sequence
Our first example of a finite population in a dynamic fitness lan dscape demon-
strates what happens if in the temporarily ordered phase the master sequence is
lost due to sampling fluctuations. In Fig. 9, we have presente d a run of a finite
population consisting of N= 1000 sequences of length l= 15, initialized ran-
domly at t= 0, in an oscillating Swetina-Schuster landscape. For a com parison,
we have also plotted the theoretical result for an infinite po pulation. The infinite
population is always in an ordered state, the order paramete rmsnever takes on
values smaller than 0.2. Nevertheless, the finite populatio n is likely to loose the
master sequence whenever the order parameter of the infinite population reaches
its minimum, since the error threshold is shifted towards lo wer error rates for fi-
nite populations. In our example run, the master sequence wa s lost at the end of
0 200 400 600 800 1000order parameter ms
time tinfinite population finite population
Figure 9: A single run of a population of N= 1000 sequences in the oscillating
Swetina-Schuster landscape. The sequences had length l= 15. The other param-
eters were A0(t) =e2.4exp(2 sin ωt),Ai= 1 for i >0,R= 0.06,T= 100, ∆ t= 1.
The dashed line indicates the theoretical result for an infin ite population.
the first oscillation period, but it was rediscovered shortl y afterwards, so that the
population could follow the infinite population dynamics fo r most of the second
oscillation period as well. Right after a loss of the master s equence, the probability
to rediscover the master has its highest value, because the p opulation is still cen-
tered around the master sequence. Once the population has ha d the time to drift
away from the position of the master sequence, the probabili ty of a rediscovery
drops rapidly. This is what happened at the end of the second o scillation period.
The population completely lost track of the master sequence , and it took the pop-
ulation more than 4 oscillation periods to rediscover it. Th is is the main difference
between a finite and an infinite population in the temporarily ordered phase. For
an infinite population, the interval of disorder has the same well defined length
in each oscillation period, whereas for a finite population, once the population
has entered the disordered state, it may take a long time unti l an ordered state
is reached again. In fact, for the case of a single peak in a ver y large sequence
space and a small population, the peak may effectively be lost forever once it has
disappeared from the population.
This can be seen as a dynamic version of Muller’s ratchet [18] . A trait whose
advantageous influence on the overall fitness of an individua l is reduced at some
point (it is not necessary that the trait becomes completely neutral or even dele-
terious) may get lost from the population due to sampling fluc tuations. If then at
0 500 1000 1500 2000
time torder parameter ms
Figure 10: A single run of a population of N= 1000 sequences in a landscape as
given in Eq. (64). All parameters were identical to the setup of Fig. 9. The dashed
line again indicates the theoretical result for an infinite p opulation.
a later stage this trait becomes again very advantageous, it is not available to the
population anymore, until it is rediscovered independentl y. However, a rediscovery
may be very unlikely.
5.1.2 Persistency
A second aspect of a finite population in a dynamic landscape i s persistency. This
means, a finite population may not be able to follow the change s in the landscape,
although the infinite population limit predicts this. An exa mple of that effect is
given in Fig. 10. There, we have two alternating peaks at oppo site corners of the
boolean hypercube, as given by Eq. (64). Note that the peaks’ minimal height is
relatively small, but still larger than the rest of the lands cape’s height. In fact, all
parameters are identical to the situation shown in Fig. 9, so that this figure can
be seen as an example of the dynamics around one of the peaks in Fig. 10. The
infinite population result in Fig. 10 predicts that the popul ation should move on
to the other peak whenever this peak becomes the higher one. H owever, the finite
population does not follow this scheme. It stays localized a round one of the two
peaks for a long time. A finite population does not, unlike an i nfinite population,
occupy all possible points in the sequence space at the same t ime. Therefore, if a
peak grows at a distance too far from the currently occupied p eak, no sequence in
the population is there to exploit the advantage, and hence t he new opportunity
35goes undetected. Only if the population looses track of the fi rst peak, which is
possible because of the temporarily ordered phase, it can di scover the second peak
during its random drift. In the run of Fig. 10, this has happen ed two times. The
first time, the population had discovered the alternative pe ak at the end of the
drift, and the second time, it had again rediscovered this sa me peak.
The situation of a finite population in a dynamic landscape wi th several growing
and shrinking peaks can be compared to its situation in a rugg ed, but static
landscape. In the latter case, once the population has reach ed a local optimum it
remains there, unless a rare mutation opens the possibility to move to a new, higher
peak. The same applies to the dynamic situation. But in addit ion, the fluctuations
and oscillations of the fitness values destabilize the popul ation on local optima, and
allow it to continue its search for other local optima. If the landscape’s dynamics is
such that the population, by following the local optima, mov es into regions of low
average fitness (observed e.g. in [35]), the landscape might be called “deceptive”,
and in the opposite case, it might be called “well-behaved”.
5.2 A finite population on a simple periodic fitness land-
In the above examples, we saw that the time it takes until the m aster is rediscov-
ered, once it has been lost in the temporarily ordered phase, may be much larger
than the period length of the landscape. Hence, for several p eriods, the popula-
tion does not follow the infinite population results, but rem ains in a disordered
state. It would be desirable to have an analytic description of this behavior, and,
in particular, to have an estimate of the probability with wh ich a complete period
is skipped, i.e., with which the master sequence is missed fo r a whole oscillation
period. Unfortunately, the continuous time dependency of t he master sequence’s
replication rate employed in Sec. 5.1,
A0(t) =A0,statexp(ǫsinωt), (86)
renders the corresponding calculations very complicated. Therefore, in order not
to get too distracted by technical details in the calculatio n, we study in this section
a simplified fitness landscape that displays a temporarily or dered phase similar to
Fig. 9, but that is much easier to handle analytically. For a fi tness landscape such
as Eq. (86), we can—for sufficiently high error rate R—divide the oscillation period
into two intervals. During the first interval I1, of length T1, the population is in
an ordered state provided that the master sequence is presen t in the population,
and during the second interval I2, of length T2, the population is in a disordered
state, even if the master sequence is present. The beginning of the first interval
36need not coincide with the beginning of the oscillation peri od, but after a suitable
shift of the time origin, this is always the case. Note that fo r a finite population,
the second interval is larger than predicted by the infinite p opulation limit, and it
may exist even if the infinite population limit predicts a len gthT2= 0, because the
error threshold is shifted towards smaller error rates for fi nite populations [20, 34].
This can be seen clearly in Fig. 9, where the infinite populati on limit predicts
T2= 0, but the master is lost anyway because of sampling fluctuat ions.
Our approximation here is to keep the fitness landscape const ant during the
intervals I1andI2. During the interval I1, we let the master replicate with rate
A0≫1, while all other sequences replicate with A= 1. During the second interval
on the other hand, the fitness landscape becomes flat. Then, al l sequences replicate
withA= 1. We continue to study the discrete process and set ∆ t= 1, so that
T1andT2give the number of time steps spent in each interval. In summa ry, the
replication rate A0(t) satisfies
A0(t) =/braceleftbigg
1: else .(87)
In order to get expressions that can be easily treated even fo r a finite popula-
tion, we use the error tail approximation introduced in [20] . In that approximation,
the state of the system is fully described by the concentrati on of the master se-
quence. All other sequences are assumed to be uniformly spre ad over the remaining
genotype space. This approximation underestimates the mut ational backflow into
the master sequence, and hence it underestimates the concen tration of the mas-
ter itself, but this small deviation can be accepted in the li ght of the enormous
simplifications in the calculations.
Before we have a look at the finite population dynamics, let us quickly study
the infinite population limit. We express the state of the sys tem at time tby
a vector x(t) = (x0(t), x1(t))t, where x0(t) gives the concentration of the master
sequence, and x1(t) = 1−x0(t) gives the total concentration of all other sequences.
The generation operator G(x, t) maps the population at time tinto the population
at time t+ 1, i.e.,
x(t+ 1) = G/parenleftbig
x(t), t/parenrightbig
. (88)
Here, G(x, t) is given by
G(x, t) =[QA(t) +1]x
A0(t)x0+x1+ 1. (89)
Qis the 2 ×2 matrix
(1−R)l 1−(1−R)l
, (90)
37andA(t) = diag( A0(t),1). The linear operator ˜G(t) =QA(t) +1describes the
evolution of the variables y(t),
y(t+ 1) = ˜G(t)y(t), (91)
which map into the original variables via
x(t) =y(t)
et·y(t),et= (1,1). (92)
Hence, the eigensystem of ˜Gfully describes the time evolution of x(t). For the
eigenvalues of ˜G, we find
(˜G00−˜G11)2+ 4˜G01˜G10/bracketrightbigg
, (93)
where the plus sign corresponds to the index 0, and the minus s ign corresponds to
the index 1. The eigenvectors are
1 +ξ±(1, ξ±)t, (94)
with ξ±=˜G00−˜G11
4(˜G00−˜G11)2+˜G01˜G10. (95)
Of course, the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors are differen t for the two intervals
I1andI2. For the first interval, inserting the explicit expressions of˜Gijinto
Eqs. (93)–(95) does not lead to a substantial simplification of the expressions, so
we leave this out here. For the second interval, however, we fi nd for the eigenvalues
0= 2, (96a)
1= 2−1−(1−R)l
1−2−l, (96b)
and for the eigenvectors
0= (2−l,1−2−l)t, (97a)
1= (1,−1)t. (97b)
The superscript (2) indicates that these results are only va lid for the interval I2.
From the above expressions, we get a simple formula for the ev olution of the
master’s concentration during the interval I2. Let the interval start at time t, and
38let the concentration of the master at that moment in time be x0(t). Then we find
ntime steps later
x0(t+n) =α0φ(2)
0) +α1/parenleftBig
1), (98)
where α0andα1have to be chosen such that
x0(t) =α0φ(2)
1. (99)
After solving Eq. (99) for α0andα1and inserting everything back into Eq. (98),
we end up with
x0(t+n) = 2−l+/bracketleftbig
. (100)
This formula is sufficiently close to the solution obtained fr om diagonalization
of the full 2l×2lmatrix Qin a flat landscape, and can be considered a good
approximation to the actual infinite population dynamics [2 1]. In principle, a
similar formula can be derived for the interval I1, but again, the expressions become
very complicated, and do not lead to any new insight, so we lea ve this out here.
Equation (100) demonstrates that a macroscopic proportion of the master se-
quence that may have built up during the interval I1quickly decays to the expected
concentration in a flat landscape, 2−l.
Now we address finite populations. We assume the duration of t he interval I1
is long enough so that the quasispecies can form. The asympto tic concentration
of the master sequence can then be calculated from a birth and death process as
done in [20]. The alternative diffusion approximation used i n [34] is of no use here
because it allows only replication rates A0of the form A0= 1 + ǫwith a small
ǫ[11]. In [20], the probabilities pkto find the master sequence ktimes in the
asymptotic distribution are given by
i=0˜piwith ˜pk=µ+
k˜pk−1and ˜p0= 1. (101)
The probabilities µ+
iread here
. (103)
39The expected asymptotic concentration becomes
x0(∞) =1
k=0k pk. (104)
Unfortunately, there exists no analytic expression for x0(∞). However, its value
is easily computed numerically. By our above assumption on t he length of the
interval I1, we can suppose that at the end of I1, the concentration of x0is given
byx0(∞). During the interval I2, the concentration of the master will then decay.
5.2.1 The probability to skip one period
If at the end of the interval I2the master sequence has been lost because of
sampling fluctuations, and if in addition to that the correla tions in the population
have decayed so far that we can assume maximum entropy, what i s the probability
that the master sequence is rediscovered in the following in terval I1? The process
of rediscovering the master consists of two steps. The maste r sequence has to
be generated through mutation, and then it has to be fixated in the population,
i.e., it must not get lost again due to sampling fluctuations. First of all, we
calculate the probability Pmissthat the master is not generated in one time step.
This corresponds to the probability that the multinomial sa mpling of the operator
G(1)(x) maps a population x= (0,1)tinto itself. Hence, we have
=/parenleftbiggQ11+ 1
. (105)
i(x) stands for the iths component of the outcome of G(1)(x).
The probability that the master sequence gets fixated needs m ore work. Let
π(x, t) denote the probability that the master sequence has reache d its asymptotic
concentration at time t, given that it had the initial concentration xat time t= 0.
The asymptotic concentration is given by x0(∞) defined in Eq. (104). Then, the
probability π(x, t) satisfies to second order the backward Fokker-Planck equat ion
∂π(x, t)
∂t=/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tdx0/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}ht∂π(x, t)
2∂2π(x, t)
∂x2. (106)
The moments /an}⌊ra⌋ketle{tdx0/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htand/an}⌊ra⌋ketle{t(dx0)2/an}⌊ra⌋ketri}htcan be calculated similarly to the calculations
40in [33], and we find
x0=:γx0, (107)
N. (108)
The solution to Eq. (106) for t→ ∞ is then obtained as in [33], and we find
≈1−e−2γ. (110)
As the initial concentration of x0, we have used 1 /N, since it is—for the param-
eter settings we are interested in—extremely unlikely that more than one master
sequence is generated in one time step. The approximation in the second line is
only valid for large population sizes. It generally underes timates the true value of
Note that the expression for π∞given in Eq. (109) reaches the value 1 for
the (relatively large) error rate Rclose to the error threshold for which x0(∞) =
1/N. Naively, one would assume that π∞decays with increasing error rate, since
mutations increase the risk that good traits are lost, and in deed the approximate
expression in Eq. (110) decays with increasing error rate. H owever, since π∞is the
probability that the master sequence reaches its equilibri um concentration, and
the equilibrium concentration vanishes close to the error t hreshold, π∞must rise
to 1 at the error threshold.
We have done some measurements with a finite population to tes t the validity
of Eq. (109). For a number of runs, we have initialized the pop ulation at random,
but with exactly one instance of the master sequence, and hav e counted how often
the master’s concentration reached x0(∞) and how often it reached 0. The results
of these measurements are shown in Fig. 11. Clearly, numeric al and analytical
results are in good agreement.
Finally, we need an estimate of the time τit takes from the time step the master
sequence is discovered to the time step in which the equilibr ium concentration is
reached for the first time. We follow again the calculations i n [33], and assume
that the process of fixation can be treated in the infinite popu lation limit. From
Eq. (89), we obtain for the change in the variable x0(t) during one time step in
the interval I1
x0(t+ 1)−x0(t) =−(a−1)x0(t)2+ (Q00a−Q01−1)x0(t) +Q01
(a−1)x0(t) + 2.(111)
41A0= 4A0= 10
A0= 2
N= 500, l= 150.81.0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
error rate R0.00.6
0.0fixation probability π∞
Figure 11: The fixation probability π∞as a function of the error rate Rfor three
different heights of the peak. The solid lines stem from the an alytic expression
Eq. (109), and the dotted lines stem from measurements on a fin ite population
consisting of N= 500 sequences.
We approximate this with a differential equation,
dt≈x0(t+ 1)−x0(t), (112)
which we can solve for tas a function of x0, and obtain
t=b+ 4
−s/N2+b/N+Q01, (113)
s=a−1, (114)
b=Q00a−Q01−1, (115)
4sQ01+b2. (116)
Therefore, for the estimated time it takes until the master s equence gets fixated
we will use in the following
, (117)
42withx0(∞) given in Eq. (104).
Hence, we can now calculate the probability that the populat ion skips a whole
period, i.e., that it does not find and fixate the master during one interval I1. The
probability that the master sequence has concentration zer o at the beginning of
the interval I1is (1−1/2l)N. Therefore, the probability that the master sequence
is not fixated in the first time step reads
π∞. (118)
The probability that the master sequence does not get found a nd subsequently
fixated in a subsequent time step is given by
1−(1−Pmiss)π∞. (119)
Now, if the master sequence is found, it will roughly take the timeτgiven in
Eq. (117) until the equilibrium concentration is reached. T herefore, if the master
sequence is not found during the first T1−τtime steps, it normally will not
reach the equilibrium concentration anymore in that period . Therefore, in order
to calculate the probability Pskip(T1) that the whole interval I1is skipped, we have
to consider only the first T1−τtime steps of I1. In case that T1< τ, we have
Pskip(T1)≈1. We have only approximate equality because τis the average time
until fixation occurs. In rare cases, the fixation may happen m uch faster.
Of the T1−τtime steps, the first one is different because in that time step
we do not know whether the master sequence is present or not, w hereas for the
remaining T1−τ−1 time steps, we may assume that the master sequence is not
present if fixation has not occurred. Therefore, we find
Pskip(T1) =/parenleftBigg
1−(1−Pmiss)π∞exp [−(T1−τ) (1−Pmiss)π∞].(121)
Figure 12 shows a comparison between this result and numeric al measure-
ments. The measurements were taken by letting a randomly ini tialized population
evolve in a flat landscape for 100 generations, and then recor ding the time it took
the population to find and fixate a peak that was switched on in g eneration 101.
We observe that the analytic expression for Pskip(T1) predicts the right order of
magnitude and the right functional dependency on T1, but that it generally un-
derestimates the exact value. Since Eq. (120) contains thre e quantities for which
43N= 100
N= 400
N= 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
length of on-period T1probability Pskip(T1)
analytic with num. π∞error rate R= 0.05
N= 100
N= 400
N= 1000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
length of on-period T1probability Pskip(T1)
analytic with num. π∞error rate R= 0.08
Figure 12: The probability Pskip(T1) that the population skips a whole period
without fixating the master sequence, as a function of the len gth of the interval
I1, for several different settings of NandR. The string length is l= 15.
44we have only approximative expressions, namely Pmiss,π∞, andτ, at first it is not
clear from where these discrepancies arise. However, a syst ematic check quickly
reveals the main cause of the discrepancies. First of all, no te that τmerely shifts
the curve to the right. Since the measured and the analytic cu rves reach the value
1 at very much the same positions in Fig. 12, we can assume that τ, as given by
Eq. (117), is accurate enough for our purposes here. Now cons ider the quantity
π∞. In Fig. 11, we saw that our expression for π∞generally gives a good estimate
of the true value, but that there are some deviations. To chec k whether these
deviations are responsible for the discrepancies visible i n Fig. 12, we have addi-
tionally displayed Pskip(T1) with π∞determined from measurements. We find that
the usage of the true value of π∞enhances the quality of Eq. (120), in particular
for larger error rates. For small error rates, however, it do es not help much. More-
over, the analytic expression is generally getting worse fo r smaller error rates. As
a conclusion, the main problems arise from the expression fo rPmiss, Eq. (105). We
have derived Pmissunder a maximum entropy assumption, i.e., we have assumed
that all mutants are distributed homogeneously over the seq uence space. Under
this assumption, the probability to find the master is exactl y the same in every
time step. But in reality, the population collapses very rap idly, even in a neu-
tral landscape, and then moves about as a cluster whose radiu s is determined by
the error rate. This introduces very long range time correla tions in a population
evolving in a flat landscape [5]. In particular for small erro r rates, the cluster is
very small, and this can increase the probability Pmisssubstantially. Note that this
effect corresponds to the underestimation of epoch duration s that van Nimwegen
et al. found in their analysis of the Royal Road genetic algorithm [ 33]. An exact
treatment of this effect would probably have to be done along t he lines of [5].
Unfortunately, we cannot simply use their expressions here , because of the term
+1present in our definition of the operator G(x, t) [Eq. (89)].
In order to check the hypothesis that the violation of the max imum entropy
condition causes the main discrepancies shown in Fig. 12, we did some additional
measurements in which we dispersed the population “by hand” over the complete
sequence space except the master in every time step in which t he master sequence
was not discovered. With this setup, we found a very good agre ement between the
numerical and the analytical results.
Since it is the population’s collapse into a small cluster th at causes the de-
viations between Eq. (120) and the measured Pskip(T1), it is clear that the true
Pskip(T1) must always be larger than predicted by Eq. (120). Therefor e, we can
use that equation as a lower bound on the true value.
We notice that Pskip(T1) decays exponentially. This means that the probability
45to find the peak in one oscillation period,
Pfind(T1) = 1 −Pskip(T1), (122)
approaches 1 for large T1. This is due to the fact that the peak will certainly be
rediscovered if only we wait long enough. However, the model we are studying here
is that of a peak that gets switched on and off alternatingly, a nd for which each
“on”-period is of fixed length T1. In that case, the probability to rediscover the
peak within one oscillation period can be extremely small, a s we are going to see
now.Pskip(T1) decays with a rate of (1 −Pmiss)π∞. We can neglect π∞here, as it is
of the order of one. Then, the decay rate is for fixed Nand large lapproximately
given by
2l+1, (123)
i.e., it decays as 2−l. This implies in turn that already for string lengths of 50–6 0
(which can be considered a rough lower bound for typical DNA s equence lengths)
and moderate NandR, we have Pfind(T1)≈0 for moderate T1. Hence, in many
cases it is extremely unlikely that the peak is rediscovered at all.
The above conclusion is of course tightly connected to the fa ct that we have
studied a landscape with a single advantageous sequence. In the other extreme
of a mount Fujiama landscape, in which the population can sen se the peak from
every position in the sequence space, the conclusions would look differently. Note,
however, that neither the single sharp peak landscape nor th e mount Fujiama
landscape are realistic landscapes. In a realistic, high-d imensional rugged land-
scape, it is probably valid to assume that local optima, once they are lost from the
population, are never rediscovered. In such situations, dy namic fitness landscapes
can induce the loss of a local optimum, and thus, they can acce lerate Muller’s
ratchet[18] like effects.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have been able to derive several very genera l results on landscapes
with periodic time dependency. First of all, a quasispecies can be defined by means
of the monodromy matrix. This means that after a sufficiently l ong time, the state
of the system depends only on the phase φ= (tmodT)/Tof the oscillation, but
it does not depend on the absolute time tany more. Therefore, in periodic fitness
landscapes, the quasispecies is not a fixed mixture of sequen ce concentrations.
Instead, it is a T-periodic function of mixtures of sequence concentrations . We
46have given an expansion of the monodromy matrix in terms of th e oscillation
period T, which leads to an extremely simple description of the syste m for very
high oscillation frequencies. Namely—if we assume the muta tion matrix remains
constant all the time—the time-averaged fitness landscape c ompletely determines
the behavior of the system; the system becomes indistinguis hable from one in a
static landscape. This leads to the important conclusion th at selection never ceases
to exist, no matter how fast the landscape changes. The only e xception to this
rule is generated by dynamic landscapes that have a complete ly flat average. In
that case, the system behaves for very fast changes as being i n a flat landscape,
which is indistinguishable from the behavior of a system abo ve the error threshold.
Therefore, if the average landscape is flat, selection will b reak down if the changes
occur with a frequency higher than some critical frequency ω∗= 2π/T∗. For
very slow changes, on the other hand, the system is virtually in equilibrium all
the time. This leads generally to a time dependent error thre shold R∗(t). For
mutation rates Rsuch that min tR∗(t)< R < max tR∗(t), the system is below
the error threshold for some times t, and it is past the error threshold for other
times. We have dubbed this region of the parameter space the t emporarily ordered
phase, as we see alternating patterns of order and disorder i n that phase (in the
infinite population limit). We found these general consider ations to be in complete
agreement with all example landscapes that we studied.
For the case of non-periodic landscapes, we have argued that the main conclu-
sions remain valid, even if our mathematical formalism is no t generally applicable
in that case. Fast changes in the landscape will average out, whereas slow changes
lead to a quasistatic adaption of the quasispecies to the cur rent landscape. With
these concepts, it has been possible to give an explanation f or the occurrence of a
lower error threshold in the work of Nilsson and Snoad [19].
While the molecular concentrations become T-periodic for t→ ∞ in the in-
finite population limit, this is not necessarily the case whe n we consider finite
populations. In the temporarily ordered phase, after a popu lation has made the
transition to the disordered state, it is not said that it tra nsitions back to order the
same moment the infinite population would. Rather the opposi te is the case. Once
the population has lost the ordered state, it is often hard fo r it to return there.
From a very simple analytical model, we have found that the pr obability that the
ordered state is not rediscovered in one oscillation period decays exponentially in
the length of the interval in which order is possible at all. T he decay constant,
however, is extremely small for large l, and therefore the rediscovery can become
very unlikely. In more complex landscapes, this can lead to a n acceleration of
Muller’s ratchet.
Throughout this paper, we have assumed that mutations arise in the copy pro-
47cess. An equally valid assumption is that of mutations arisi ng on a per-unit-time
basis (cosmic ray mutations), as opposed to the per generati on basis implied by
copy mutations. With the latter assumption, one has to study the parallel muta-
tion and selection equations [3] instead of Eigen’s equatio ns. Since these equations
can be linearized in the same way as the quasispecies equatio ns, the formalism
we developed applies also for these equations. The only diffe rence between the
two types of equations is that in the parallel case, the mutat ion matrix Qand
the replication matrix Aare added, whereas in the quasispecies case they are
In future work, it should be tried to obtain an improved under standing of the
properties of the monodromy matrix. In particular, an expan sion of that matrix
in the error rate Rwould certainly be valuable.
A High-frequency expansion of X (t)for a land-
scape with two alternating master sequences
With Eq. (29), we have given an expansion of the monodromy mat rix for periodic
landscapes, X(t0), in terms of the period length T. Here, we want to calculate
the expansion explicitly up to second order for an example la ndscape. In that
landscape, there are two sequences (without loss of general ization, we assume
them to be i= 0 and i= 1) that become alternatingly the master sequence. The
replication rates are
A0(t) =a+bsin(ωt), (124a)
A1(t) =c+dsin(ωt), (124b)
Ai(t) = 1 for all i >1. (124c)
The decay rates are set to zero. With vanishing decay rates, t he matrix W(t)
reduces to QA(t), and as a consequence, we can write the nths average Wk(t) as
ν2· · ·/summationdisplay
νk−1Qiν1Qν1ν2· · ·Qνk−1jAν1,ν2,...νk−1,j(t) (125)
with the generalized replication coefficients
Aν1,ν2,...νk−1,j(t) =1
· · ·/integraldisplayτk−2
0Aj(t0+τk)dτ1dτ2· · ·dτk.(126)
48For the landscape given in Eq. (124), the first order tensor of the generalized
replication coefficients has three independent elements, wh ich are (assuming i >1)
A0(t) =a , (127a)
A1(t) =c , (127b)
Ai(t) = 1. (127c)
The second order tensor has already 9 independent entries. A fter some algebra,
we obtain (assuming again i >1)
A00(t) =a2
2, (128a)
A01(t) =ac
2πcos(ωt), (128b)
A0i(t) =a
2πcos(ωt), (128c)
A10(t) =ac
2πcos(ωt), (128d)
A11(t) =c2
2, (128e)
A1i(t) =c
2πcos(ωt), (128f)
Ai0(t) =a
2πcos(ωt), (128g)
Ai1(t) =c
2πcos(ωt), (128h)
Aii(t) =1
2. (128i)
In principle, the generalized replication coefficients Aν1,ν2,...νk−1,j(t) can be calcu-
lated to arbitrary order for the landscape given in Eq. (124) . However, the third
order tensor has already 27 independent entries, and with ev ery higher order, the
number of independent entries triples.
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arXiv:physics/9912013v1 [physics.atom-ph] 4 Dec 1999Atomic collisions and sonoluminescence
Leszek Motyka1and Mariusz Sadzikowski2
1) Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Reymont a 4, 30-059 Krak´ ow, Poland
2) Institute of Nuclear Physics, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-34 2 Krak´ ow, Poland
(November, 1999)
We consider inelastic collisions between atoms of different kinds as a
potential source of photons in the sonoluminescence phenom ena. We esti-
mate the total energy emitted in one flash and the shape of the s pectrum
and find a rough agreement between the results of our calculat ion and
the experimental data. We conclude that the atomic collisio ns might be
a candidate for the light-emitting mechanism for sonolumin escence and
discuss the implications.
PACS numbers: 34.50.-s, 32.80.Cy, 78.60.Mq
The sonoluminescence is a mechanism of the conversion of sou nd energy into the
energy of light emitted in a picosecond flash. This phenomeno n was discovered a long
time ago (the emission of light from the water was observed in [1]) but only recently has
attracted much attention because it becomes possible to tra p a single bubble of a gas
mixture in a sound field [2] (this is so called Single Bubble So noluminescence — SBSL
or just SL). The detailed review of the topic can be found in [3 ]. The mechanism of
sonoluminescence has not been definitely understood so far. There are several possible
explanations, each of them possessing its own difficulties. L et us briefly review some
of the models.
One of the most promising mechanism is the Bremsstrahlung ra diation from ionised
regions [4,5]. These regions are created by shock waves form ed during the collapse of the
bubble. This model succeeds, in particular, in prediction o f the total radiation of energy
per flash. However, the presence of the plasma would imply the sensitivity of this light-
emitting mechanism to the external magnetic field [6], which is not observed. Another
possible explanation is given by the model of blackbody radi ation [7]. The spectrum
of the SL is well fitted by the blackbody radiation spectrum of temperature 25000 K
(in water of temperature 22oC [8]). However, the time dependence of SL spectrum is
independent of the color of the emitted light, which contrad icts the blackbody radiation
model expectations [9]. Other models refer to purely quantu m effects. These are: the
“dynamical Casimir effect” suggested by Schwinger [10] and t he Unruh effect elaborated
in more details by Eberlein [11]. Unfortunately, the dynami cal Casimir effect gives
ambiguous predictions depending on the renormalization pr ocedure that one chooses,
while the Unruh effect gives the power of radiation too low by s ome orders of magnitude.
1Yet another model describes the SL radiation as a radiation e mitted from molecular
collisions [12]. This model properly predicts the shape of t he spectrum, however it tends
to overestimate the magnitude of the emitted energy if one us es the realistic values of
the radiating volume and the emission time. Besides, recent developments suggest that
due to sonochemical reactions mainly noble gases are left in side the bubble [13], which
if true, may be troublesome for the mechanism of SL. Since non e of the mechanisms is
fully satisfactory we may, in search for an alternative cand idate, address the question
if the inelastic collisions between atoms may be the source o f light in sonoluminescence .
Thus we consider in this article the exclusive reaction A1+A2→A1+A2+γ
of photon production in which the atoms remain in their groun d state. There are
interesting features concerning these reactions which enc ourage to study them in more
(i) The featureless spectrum of SL suggests that the emissio n of light from excited
atoms do not play a crucial role in the phenomenon.
(ii) The spectrum of photons emitted in atomic collisions ca n behave similarly to that
of SL. Indeed, the emission of photons with a wavelength grea ter than the size of the
atom is suppressed due to the mutual cancellations between t he contributions of the
nucleus and the electronic cloud (c.f. the Rayleigh scatter ing process). The short
wavelength photons are absent because of the cut-off on the en ergy available in the
In the case of SL from an air bubble in water the analysis of the scattering of
the oxygen or nitrogen atoms on the atoms of argon should be pe rformed. The exact
calculation for this process is extremely involved thus, us ing a simplified model, we
estimate the order of magnitude of the cross-section and the shape of the spectrum.
Hence, let us start from the process of scattering of a hydrog en atom in the Coulomb
field of an infinitely heavy source, accompanied by emission o f light. After obtaining
the cross-section we shall argue that this elementary proce ss has similar features to the
atomic collision and we shall use the results to estimate the number of photons in the
SL flash.
We employ the standard non-relativistic hamiltonian whose leading part H0con-
tains the operators of the kinetic energy and the electron-p roton interaction. The
perturbation H1in the Coulomb gauge, after neglecting A2terms, take the following
H1(re,rp) =−eA(re)pe
rp, (1)
where re(rp) and pe(pp) are the position and momentum of the electron (proton), the
source of the potential is situated in the origin and carries the electric charge of Ze,
Ak(r) =εkeikr√
ε,kis the vector potential of the emitted plain wave with moment umk
and the polarisation vector given by εk. The matrix element of the creation operator
in the box is given by /angbracketleftγ(ε,k)|a+
k. The eigenstates of H0are given in the
position space by the wave functions Ψ P,n(R,r) = 1/√
Vexp(−iP R)ψn(r) with P
being the atom momentum, ψn(r) — the electron-proton wave function (for a bound
2or continuum state n) in the centre-of-mass frame and r=re−rp,R=αrp+βre,
α=mp/(me+mp),β=me/(me+mp). For future use, we also introduce the mass
of the atom MH=me+mp. We shall calculate the amplitude Mof the transition:
ΨP,1S→ΨP′,1Sγ(k) in the second order of perturbative expansion which gives t he first
non-vanishing contribution. In this approximation the amp litude reads
EP,1S−Em+iǫ, (2)
wheremruns over all the possible intermediate states. There are tw o groups of the vir-
tual states depending on the photon content. The first one con tains only the electron-
proton states moving with the total momentum P′′, which may be either virtual bound
states or virtual continuum states. We shall denote the memb ers of this group by
|ΨP′′,n/angbracketright. The other group includes the states |ΨP′′,n;γ(k)/angbracketrightbuilt of a photon of energy
kand momentum kaccompanying states |ΨP′′,n/angbracketrightin the electron-proton sector. It is
straightforward to observe, that the sum (2) may be expanded into two parts corre-
sponding to final (FSR) and initial state (ISR) photon radiat ion amplitudes. ¿From
the kinematics of the process and the conservation of moment um it is easy to find
that the energy denominators take the following form: DFSR≃E1S−En+kand
DISR≃E1S−En−kwhere, making the approximations, we have employed the hier -
We have checked, that the contributions to the amplitude Mof the intermediate
states in which the electron and proton form a 1 Sstate are negligible, due to a2
suppression of the photon emission matrix elements. On the o ther hand, the spectrum
of hydrogen atom has a large gap between the ground state and t he first excited state
and the excited bound states lie close to each other. It also m ay be proven that the
intermediate continuum states with energies En>|E1S|give a subleading contribution
to the amplitude. It seems therefore quite natural to approx imate the energy difference
E1S−Enby a characteristic energy, say E1S−En≃ −∆E=−|E1S|. Of course, this
approximation works only for ksignificantly smaller than the ∆ E. Now, we can employ
the completness relation for the Ψ P,nstates in the electron-proton sector and perform
the sum over P,nto obtain1
M ≃/angbracketleftΨP′,1Sγ(k)|HSHE|ΨP,1S/angbracketright
−∆E+k, (3)
whereHSandHEare the components of H1responsible for the atom Coulomb scat-
tering and for the photon emission respectively. After perf orming the necessary inte-
grations and taking into account the relation εkk= 0 we get the following expression
for the amplitude:
1This approach is in the spirit of the classical approximatio n applied in the calculation of
van der Waals potential [14].
3M ≃ −/radicalBigg
mef(βq+k) +β
mpf(βq) +α
mef(αq) +α
MH[f(αq)−f(αq+k) +f(βq)−f(βq+k)]/bracerightbigg
where q=P′−Pandf(l) = (1 +a2
0l2/4)−2is the electric form-factor of the ground
state of the hydrogen atom of the Bohr radius given by a0. As expected, there occur
cancellations between the form-factors, and the amplitude vanishes for vanishing k. We
also notice that the terms proportional to εk(P+P′) are suppressed by a small factor
a0kas compared to term containing εkqthus we retain only the later. Furthermore
we may drop the 1 /mpterms.
A more subtle problem arises when comparing the relative imp ortance of the con-
mef(βq+k) andα
mef(αq). The answer seems to depend on the details of
the process in the physically relevant parameter space. For example, if the energy of
the collision falls between 5 and 10 eV then the first term domi nates fork>3 eV while
fork <3 eV the contribution of the other term is more important givi ng rise to an
additional “red” peak of spectral density. However, if we ta ke an atom with the mass
of 16MHand the Bohr radius a0(modelling the oxygen atom) this peak would move to
energiesk<0.5 eV i.e. to the experimentally inaccesible region. Besides , theα
term is very sensitive to the details of the charge form-fact or of the scattering atom.
On the other hand, theβ
mef(βq+k) part is universal i.e very weakly dependent on
the details of the atom structure. In what follows, we shall f ocus only on this universal
contribution of the amplitude which is relevant for the shap e of the spectrum in its
largekpart. By this neglection we underestimate the number of the e mitted photons.
Thus we get the estimate
¿From this amplitude, after performing the standard integr ations over the phase space,
one gets the differential cross-section for the photon emiss ion from a collision at the
, (6)
2MH(E−k). For the purpose of the numerical calcula-
tions, we take ∆ E= 13.6 eV.
4Let us point out, that the obtained cross-section correspon ds to a subprocess in
which the nucleus scatters off the Coulomb field and the electr on cloud radiates a pho-
ton when recombining around the scattered nucleus. The othe r contributions to the
amplitude were shown to be subleading and neglected. The spe ctral density resulting
from this cross-section rises as k4for smallki.e faster than this observed in the SL
experiments. For kcloser to the kinematical cut-off, the initial k4dependece is mod-
iffied and one gets approximately quadratic behavior over wid e range ofkwhich is still
steeper that it follows from the experimental data. However , let us remind, that in our
picture, the SL spectrum would be given by a convolution of th e spectra of individual
collisions with the (unknown) distribution of the collisio n energy, so the two spectra
may differ from each other.
After integration of the differential cross-section (6) ove r the energy, we get the
total cross-section σtot(E) growing with the collision energy Eapproximately as Eν
withν≃3.5. For the choice of parameters relevant for the hydrogen ato m,Z= 1 and
a typical collision energy of 7 eV (the choice is suggested by the observed cut-off on
photon spectrum) we obtain σ0=σtot(7 eV) = 1.3·10−31m2. Taking this number and
the parameters implied by the known facts concerning the bub ble dynamics we may,
after some modifications, make a crude estimate of the number Nfof photons produced
in one flash. We assume, that the bubble is filled with a mixture of atoms of a noble gas
and atoms of other element (oxygen or nitrogen)2with atomic numbers ZNandZO,
massesMNandMOand concentrations nNandnOcorrespondingly. The predictions
for collisions of an atom of noble gas with an atom of, say, oxy gen may be formulated
on the basis of the previous calculation. Namely, for the mom entum transfers relevant
for SL the condition a2
0q2≫1 is fulfilled and the charge form-factors for the electrons
suppress their contribution to the scattering amplitude — t he electrons cannot absorb
momenta much larger than their average momentum in the atom. Then the nucleus of
the noble atom acts as a bare source of the Coulomb field. Furth ermore, the amplitude
of the electromagnetic radiation from the noble atom is smal ler then from the oxygen.
It is caused by the smaller polarizability of the former atom which is governed by the
relevant ionisation energy. Thus the cancellations which o ccur due to the destructive
interferece do not reduce the cross-section substantially in contrast with the case of a
collision of two objects of the same kind. This feature was re flected in our model by
neglecting the radiation from the source of the Coulomb field . Of course, to complete
the analogy, we should use in the formulae the reduced mass of the two atoms instead
the mass of the hydrogen atom and include the modification of c harges byZNfor the
source of the field and ZOfor the scattering atom. The charge ZOenters in fourth power
since it contribute both to scattering and the radiation. Th erefore we approximate Nf
by the following expression:
Oσ0nNnO, (7)
2At the temperatures and densities predicted by a shock-wave model the diatomic molecules
are dissociated.
5whereRsis the radius of the hot gas region, τ= 100 ps is the light emission time
[9] andv≃104m/s denotes the relative velocity of colliding atoms. Let us focus
on the argon ( ZN= 18)–oxygen ( ZO= 8) process, which may be relevant for the
SL of air bubble in water. As a first guess we take for Rsthe minimal radius of the
bubble i.e. about 0.5 µm and assume for the concentrations nO+nN≃600n0in
accordance with the measured compression factor [3], with n0= 2.7·1025m−3being
the concentration of the ideal gas in the normal conditions. We obtain Nf≃5·105
fornO=nN, in a reasonable agreement with the experiment. In the alter native shock-
wave description of gas dynamics lower values of the radius a re prefered, however the
increase in concentration caused by the additional compres sion may easily compensate
the decrease of the reaction volume. In fact, the true concen tration in the radiating
region is not measured, and the models provide us only with am bigous predictions.
The limitting value of the concentration is ∼1/(8a3
0) = 1030m−3thus there is still
some room here and the constraints imposed on the cross-sect ion (7) by the experiment
are not very stringent. It is also very probable, that the pro posed mechanism is not
responsible for the emission of all photons but rather suppl ements the list of processes
studied in [5]. In this case, including it could, in particul ar, improve the shape of the
spectrum obtained in [5].
We can also take into account that, as follows from [13], the S L bubble is filled
mainly with a noble gas, and may contain only some admixture o f oxygen (which may
be continously provided from water) by modifying the ratio nO:nN, keepingnN+nO
fixed. Thus for 10% of the oxygen in the gas mixture the number o f photons in one
flash drops to about 2 ·105.
In conclusion, we propose a novel light-emitting mechanism in sonoluminescence,
in which the photons are radiated from atoms disturbed by col lisions. The number
of produced photons has the proper order of magnitude, howev er the resulting photon
spectrum comes out somewhat to steep. The spectral density i s featureless and univer-
sal. Our model of SL requires the gas temperature to be approx imately 30 000 K, and
the concentration of the order of 500 −1000n0. The bubble should contain atoms of
two different gases: a noble gas and a gas with smaller ionisat ion energy e.g. oxygen,
however one of the gases may appear at much smaller concentra tion than the other.
The emitting process is insensitive to external magnetic fie ld and does not require the
presence of molecules which are expected to dissociate in th e gas temperature sug-
gested by the photon spectrum. Although the model we have ela borated is based on
the simplified assumptions we expect that the obtained predi ctions estimate correctly
the order of magnitude of the cross-section. Therefore this gives the strong motiva-
tion to further study of the subject which would probably req uire the use of numerical
analysis if one intends to cover all the details of the proces s.
We are very grateful to Professors W. Czy˙ z and K. Zalewski fo r useful comments
and to L. Hadasz and B. Ziaja for helpful discussions. This re search was supported in
part by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (K BN) grants 2P 03B 084 14
and 2P 03B 086 14.
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7 |
- 1 -Negative Observations in
Quantum Mechanics
Douglas M. Snyder
Quantum mechanics is fundamentally a theory concerned with
knowledge of the physical world. It is not fundamentally concerned with
describing the functioning of the physical world independent of the observing,
thinking person, as Newtonian mechanics is generally considered to be
(Snyder, 1990, 1992). Chief among the reasons for the thesis that cognition
and the physical world are linked in quantum mechanics is that all knowledge
concerning physical existents is developed using their associated wave
functions, and the wave functions provide only probabilistic knowledge
regarding the physical world (Liboff, 1993). There is no physical world in
quantum mechanics that is assumed to function independently of the observer
who uses quantum mechanics to develop predictions and who makes
observations that have consistently been found to support these predictions.
Also significant is the immediate change in the quantum mechanical wave
function associated with a physical existent that generally occurs throughout
space upon measurement of the physical existent. This change in the wave
function is not limited by the velocity limitation of the special theory of relativity
for physical existents -the velocity of light in vacuum.
Another relevant feature of quantum mechanics is the complex number
nature of the wave function associated with a physical existent that is the basis
for deriving whatever information can be known concerning the existent
(Eisberg & Resnick, 1974/1985). A complex function is one that has both
mathematically imaginary and real components. The physical world is
traditionally described by mathematically real numbers, giving rise to Eisberg
and Resnick’s (1974/1985) comment that “we should not attempt to give to
wave functions [in quantum mechanics] a physical existence in the same sense
that water waves have a physical existence” (p. 147).
Nonetheless, the particular demonstration concerning the phenomenon
of interference to be discussed in the next section is remarkable. Examining
interference will spotlight the wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics, the
key feature of this duality being that physical existents sometimes show particle-like characteristics and sometimes show wave-like characteristics. Wave
functions exhibiting interference are based on the sum of two or more
elementary wave functions. In contrast, where interference does notNegative Observations
- 2 -characterize some physical phenomenon, this phenomenon is described by a
wave function that consists of only one of these elementary wave functions.
Feynman’s Two-Hole Gedankenexperiments
Generally the change in the wave function that often occurs in
measurement in quantum mechanics has been ascribed to the unavoidable
physical interaction between the measuring instrument and the physical entity
measured. Indeed, Bohr (1935) maintained that this unavoidable interaction
was responsible for the uncertainty principle, more specifically the inability to
simultaneously measure observable quantities described by non-commutingHermitian operators (e.g., the position and momentum of a particle). The
following series of gedankenexperiments in this section will show that this
interaction is not necessary to effect a change in the wave function. The series
of gedankenexperiments indicates that knowledge plays a significant role in thechange in the wave function that often occurs in measurement (Snyder, 1996a,
Gedankenexperiment 1
Feynman, Leighton, and Sands (1965) explained that the distribution of
electrons passing through a wall with two suitably arranged holes to a backstopwhere the positions of the electrons are detected exhibits interference (Figure 1).Electrons at the backstop may be detected with a Geiger counter or an electron
multiplier. Feynman et al. explained that this interference is characteristic of
wave phenomena and that the distribution of electrons at the backstop indicates
that each of the electrons acts like a wave as it passes through the wall with two
holes. It should be noted that when the electrons are detected in this
gedankenexperiment, they are detected as discrete entities, a characteristic of
particles, or in Feynman et al.’s terminology, “lumps” (p. 1-5).
In Figure 1, the absence of lines indicating possible paths for the
electrons to take from the electron source to the backstop is not an oversight.
An electron is not taking one or the other of the paths. Instead, the wave
function associated with each electron after it passes through the holes is the
sum of two more elementary wave functions, with each of these wave functionsexperiencing diffraction at one or the other of the holes. Epstein (1945)
emphasized that when the quantum mechanical wave of some physical entity
such as an electron exhibits interference, it is interference generated only in thewave function characterizing the individual entity.Negative Observations
- 3 -cross section of
with detectordistribution pattern
along backstop
impacting backstopcross section
of wall with holes
hole A
hole Bwave function associated
with projected electron
Two-hole gedankenexperiment in which the distribution of
electrons reflects interference in the wave functions of electrons.
(Gedankenexperiment 1)Figure 1electron gun
electronsNegative Observations
- 4 -The diffraction patterns resulting from the waves of the electrons
passing through the two holes would at different spatial points along a backstopbehind the hole exhibit constructive or destructive interference. At some pointsalong the backstop, the waves from each hole sum (i.e., constructively
interfere), and at other points along the backstop, the waves from each hole
subtract (i.e., destructively interfere). The distribution of electrons at the
backstop is given by the absolute square of the combined waves at different
locations along the backstop, similar to the characteristic of a classical wave
whose intensity at a particular location is proportional to the square of its
amplitude. Because the electrons are detected as discrete entities, like particles,
at the backstop, it takes many electrons to determine the intensity of the
quantum wave that describes each of the electrons and that is reflected in the
distribution of the electrons against the backstop.
Gedankenexperiment 2
Feynman et al. further explained that if one were to implement a
procedure in which it could be determined through which hole the electron
passed, the interference pattern is destroyed and the resulting distribution of theelectrons resembles that of classical particles passing through the two holes in
an important way. Feynman et al. relied on a strong light source behind the
wall and between the two holes that illuminates an electron as it travels through
either hole (Figure 2). Note the significant difference between the distribution
patterns in Figures 1 and 2.
In Figure 2, the path from the electron’s detection by the light to the
backstop is indicated, but it is important to emphasize that this path is inferred
only after the electron has reached the backstop. A measurement of the positionof the electron with the use of the light source introduces an uncertainty in its
momentum. Only when the electron is detected at the backstop can one infer thepath the electron traveled from the hole it went through to the backstop. It is notsomething one can know before the electron strikes the backstop.
In Feynman et al.’s gedankenexperiment using the light source, the
distribution of electrons passing through both holes would be similar to that
found if classical particles were sent through an analogous experimental
arrangement in an important way. Specifically, as in the case of classical
particles, this distribution of electrons at the backstop is the simple summation
of the distribution patterns for electrons passing through one or the other of the
Figure 3 shows the distribution patterns of electrons passing throughNegative Observations
- 5 -distribution pattern
along backstop
light sourcecross section of
with detectorcross section
of wall with holes
wave function associated
with projected electron
electron gun
emitting electronselectron illuminated at hole A at time t and detected at
backstop 1
electron illuminated at hole B
at time t (t „t ) and
detected at backstop122hole A
hole B
Two-hole gedankenexperiment with strong light source.
(Gedankenexperiment 2)Figure 2Negative Observations
- 6 -distribution of
electrons from hole A
light source
distribution of electrons
from hole Bcross section of
with detectorcross section
of wall with holes
wave function associated
with projected electron
electron gun
electronselectron illuminated at hole A
at time t and detected at
electron illuminated at hole B
at time t (t „t ) and
detected at backstop122hole A
hole B
Two-hole gedankenexperiment with strong light source in which the
distribution of electrons from each hole is shown.Figure 3Negative Observations
- 7 -hole A and electrons passing through hole B in Gedankenexperiment 2. These
distribution patterns are identical to those that would occur if only one or the
other of the holes were open at a particular time. An inspection of Figure 3
shows that summing the distribution patterns for the electrons passing through
hole A and those passing through hole B results in the overall distribution of
electrons found in Gedankenexperiment 2.
The Uncertainty Principle
Feynman et al.’s gedankenexperiments are themselves very interesting
in that they illustrate certain apparently incongruent characteristics of
microscopic physical existents, namely particle-like and wave-like features.
Feynman et al. discussed their gedankenexperiments in terms of Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle. Feynman et al. wrote:
He [Heisenberg] proposed as a general principle, his uncertainty
principle, which we can state in terms of our experiment as
follows: “It is impossible to design an apparatus to determine
which hole the electron passes through, that will not at the same
time disturb the electrons enough to destroy the interference
pattern.” If an apparatus is capable of determining which hole
the electron goes through, it cannot be so delicate that it does not
disturb the pattern in an essential way. (p. 1-9)
Note that Feynman et al. implied in their description of the uncertainty principle
that there is an unavoidable interaction between the measuring instrument (in
their gedankenexperiment, the strong light source emitting photons) and the
physical entity measured. Feynman et al. also wrote concerning Gedanken-
experiment 2:
the jolt given to the electron when the photon is scattered by it is
such as to change the electron’s motion enough so that if it might
have gone to where P12 [the electron distribution] was at a
maximum [in Gedankenexperiment 1] it will instead land where
P12 was at a minimum; that is why we no longer see the wavy
interference effects. (p. 1-8)
In determining through which hole an electron passes, Feynman et al.,
like most physicists, maintained that the electrons are unavoidably disturbed by
the photons from the light source and it is this disturbance by the photons that
destroys the interference pattern. Indeed, in a survey of a number of the
textbooks of quantum mechanics, it is interesting that each author, in line withNegative Observations
- 8 -Feynman and Bohr, allowed a central role in the change in the wave function
that occurs in a measurement to a physical interaction between the physical
existent measured and some physical measuring apparatus. The authors of
these textbooks are Dicke and Witke (1960), Eisberg and Resnick (1974/1985),
Gasiorowicz (1974), Goswami (1992), Liboff (1993), Merzbacher
(1961/1970), and Messiah (1962/1965).
It is important to note explicitly that some causative factor is necessary
to account for the very different distributions of the electrons in Figures 1 and
2. Feynman et al. maintained that the physical interaction between the electronsand photons from the light source is this factor.
Gedankenexperiment 3
Feynman et al.’s gedankenexperiments indicate that in quantum
mechanics the act of taking a measurement in principle is linked to, and often
affects, the physical world which is being measured. The nature of taking a
measurement in quantum mechanics can be explored further by considering a
certain variation of Feynman et al.’s second gedankenexperiment (Epstein,
1945; Renninger, 1960).
8 The results of this exploration are even more
surprising than those presented by Feynman et al. in their gedanken-
experiments. Empirical work on electron shelving that supports the next
gedankenexperiment has been conducted by Nagourney, Sandberg, and
Dehmelt (1986), Bergquist, Hulet, Itano, and Wineland (1986), and by Sauter,
Neuhauser, Blatt, and Toschek (1986). This work has been summarized by
Cook (1990).9
8 Epstein (1945) presented the essence of Gedankenexperiment 3 using the passage of photons
through an interferometer. Renninger (1960) also discussed a gedankenexperiment in an articleentitled "Observations without Disturbing the Object" in which the essence of
Gedankenexperiment 3 is presented.
9 In electron shelving, an ion is placed into a superposition of two quantum states. In each of
these states, an electron of the ion is in one or the other of two energy levels. The transition
to one of the quantum states occurs very quickly and the transition to the other state occurs
very slowly. If the ion is repeatedly placed in the superposition of states after it transitions toone or the other of the superposed states, one finds the atomic electron in general transitions
very frequently between the superposed quantum states and the quantum state characterized by
the very quick transition. The photons emitted in these frequently occurring transitions to thequantum state characterized by the very quick transition are associated with resonance
fluorescence of the ion. The absence of resonance fluorescence means that the ion has
transitioned into the quantum state that occurs infrequently.
Cook (1990) has pointed out that in the work of Dehmelt and his colleagues on electron
shelving involving the Ba
+ ion, the resonance fluorescence of a single ion is of sufficientNegative Observations
- 9 -In a similar arrangement to that found in Gedankenexperiment 2, one
can determine which of the two holes an electron went through on its way to thebackstop by using a light that is placed near only one of the holes and which
illuminates only the hole it is placed by (Figure 4). Illuminating only one of theholes yields a distribution of the electrons similar to that which one would
expect if the light were placed between the holes, as in Feynman et al.’s second
gedankenexperiment. The distribution is similar to the sum of the distributions
of electrons that one would expect if only one or the other of the holes were
open at a particular time.
Moreover, when an observer knows that electrons have passed through
the unilluminated hole because they were not seen to pass through the
illuminated hole, the distribution of these electrons through the unilluminated
hole resembles the distribution of electrons passing through the illuminated hole
(Figure 5). Consider also the point that if: 1) the light is turned off before
sufficient time has passed allowing the observer to conclude that an electron
could not have passed through the illuminated hole, and 2) an electron has not
been observed at the illuminated hole, the distribution of many such electrons
passing through the wall is determined by an interference pattern that is the sumof diffraction patterns of the waves of the electrons passing through the two
holes similar to that found in Gedankenexperiment 1 (Epstein, 1945;
Renninger, 1960).
Discussion of the Gedankenexperiments
The immediate question is how are the results in Gedankenexperiment 3
possible given Feynman et al.’s thesis that physical interaction between the light
source and electron is necessary to destroy the interference? Where the light
illuminates only hole A, electrons passing through hole B do not interact with
photons from the light source and yet interference is destroyed in the same
manner as if the light source illuminated both holes A and B. In addition, the
distribution of electrons passing through hole B at the backstop indicates that
there has been a change in the description of these electrons, even though no
physical interaction has occurred between these electrons and photons from the
light source.
intensity to be detectable by the dark-adapted eye alone, and the making of a negative
observation, to be discussed shortly, is thus not dependent on any measuring device external tothe observer.Negative Observations
- 10 -distribution pattern
along backstop
light sourcecross section of
with detectorcross section
of wall with holes
electron illuminated at hole A
and detected at backstopwave function associated
with projected electron
electron gun
emitting electrons
electron not illuminated at hole A by the time it could have been detected there and electron subsequently is detected at backstophole A
hole B
Two-hole gedankenexperiment with strong light source illuminating only one hole.
(Gedankenexperiment 3)Figure 4Negative Observations
- 11 -distribution of electrons
from hole B
light source
electron not illuminated at
hole A by the time it could
have been detected there and electron subsequently is detected at backstopcross section of
with detectorcross section
of wall with holes
wave function associated
with projected electron
electron gun
electronshole A
hole B
Two-hole gedankenexperiment with strong light source illuminating only one
hole in which the distribution of electrons from unilluminated hole is shown.Figure 5Negative Observations
- 12 -Epstein (1945) maintained that these kinds of different effects on the
physical world in quantum mechanics that cannot be ascribed to physical causesare associated with “ mental certainty ” (p. 134) on the part of an observer as to
which of the possible alternatives for a physical existent occurs. Indeed, the
factor responsible for the change in the wave function for an electron headed forholes A and B, and which is not illuminated at hole A, is knowledge by the
observer as to whether there is sufficient time for an electron to pass through the“illuminated” hole. To borrow a term used by Renninger (1960), when the timehas elapsed in which the electron could be illuminated at hole A, and it is not
illuminated, the observer makes a “negative” (p. 418) observation.
The common factor associated with the electron’s passage through the
wall in a manner resembling that found for classical-like particles in Gedanken-
experiments 2 and 3 is the observing, thinking individual’s knowledge as to
whether an electron passed through a particular hole. The physical interaction
between photons from the light source and electrons passing through either hole
1 or hole 2 is not a common factor. It should be remembered that some
causative factor is implied by the very different electron distributions in
Gedankenexperiments 1 and 2. It is reasonable to conclude that knowledge by
the observer regarding the particular path of the electron through the wall is a
factor in the change in the distribution of the electrons in Gedankenexperiment 1to that found for electrons in Gedankenexperiments 2 and 3.
It might be argued that in Gedankenexperiment 3 a non-human
recording instrument might record whether or not an electron passed through
the illuminated hole in the time allowed, apparently obviating the need for a
human observer. But, as has been shown, a non-human recording instrument
is not necessary to obtain the results in Gedankenexperiment 3. And yet even ifa non-human instrument is used, ultimately a person is involved to read the
results who could still be responsible for the obtained results. Furthermore,
one would still have to explain the destruction of the interference affecting the
distribution of the electrons at the backstop without relying on a physical
interaction between the electrons and some other physical existent. Without
ultimately relying on a human observer, this would be difficult to accomplish
when the non-human recording instrument presumably relies on physical
interactions for its functioning.
It should also be emphasized that the change in the wave function for an
electron passing through the unilluminated hole in Gedankenexperiment 3
provides the general case concerning what is necessary for the change in a waveNegative Observations
- 13 -function to occur in a measurement of the physical existent with which it is
associated. It was shown clearly in the extension of Feynman et al.’s
gedankenexperiments that the change in the wave function of an electron or
other physical existent is not due fundamentally to a physical cause. Instead,
the change in the wave function is linked to the knowledge attained by the
observer of the circumstances affecting the physical existent measured.
There is one other point to be emphasized. The change in the wave
function discussed in Gedankenexperiment 3 serves only to capture the role of
knowledge in negative observation. That is, one need not even present a
discussion of the wave function to attain the result that knowledge is a factor in
the change in the electron distribution in Gedankenexperiment 1 to the electron
distribution in Gedankenexperiments 2 and 3. This result depends only on the
analysis of experimental results concerning the electron distributions in these
three gedankenexperiments.
The Schrödinger Cat
The nature of the change in the wave function that generally occurs in a
measurement will now be discussed in more detail in terms of a gedanken-
experiment proposed in 1935 by Schrödinger. In his gedankenexperiment,
Schrödinger focused on the immediate change in the wave function that occurs
upon observation of a measuring apparatus that records the value of a quantum
mechanical quantity.
A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following
diabolical device (which must be secured against direct
interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter there is a tiny bit ofradioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of onehour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability,
perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and
through a relay releases a hammer which shatters a small flask ofhydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for
an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no
atom has decayed. The first atomic decay would have poisoned
it. The Y-function of the entire system would express this by
having in it the living and the dead cat (pardon the expression)
mixed or smeared out in equal parts.Negative Observations
- 14 -It is typical of these cases [of which the foregoing example is
one] that an indeterminancy originally restricted to the atomic
domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminancy,which can then be resolved by direct observation. (Schrödinger
1935/1983, p. 157)
How does the gedankenexperiment indicate that the nature of the wave
function as a link between cognition and the physical world is warranted? It
does so in terms of the features of the quantum mechanical wave function cited
earlier, one being that there is no source of information concerning the physicalworld in quantum mechanics other than the probabilistic predictions that yield
knowledge of the physical world, predictions that have been supported by
empirical test. The second is that these probabilities in general change
immediately throughout space upon observation of a quantity of the physical
existent that is described by the wave function which is the basis for the
probabilistic predictions. Importantly, the velocity limitation of the special
theory precludes a physical existent from mediating this change in the wave
Note that Schrödinger does not specify how close the observer needs to
be to the cat to resolve the indeterminancy. The observer can, in principle, be atany distance from the cat, even across the universe, and initiate this immediate
change in the wave function, so long as the observer makes an observation
regarding whether the cat is alive. Indeed, the observer does not even have to
observe the cat directly but can rely on another observer who has observed the
cat and who tells the former observer the result of his observation.
In a related vein, Schrödinger did not explicitly discuss the role and
significance of the person as observer in the measurement process in quantum
mechanics. Physicists often use the term “observation” ambiguously.
Changing the latter part of Schrödinger’s quote to indicate that the concern
specifically is with a person making the observation does not lessen the
statement’s validity:
It is typical of these cases [of which the foregoing example is
one] that an indeterminancy originally restricted to the atomic
domain becomes transformed into macroscopic indeterminancy,which can then be resolved by direct [human] observation.
Thus, in a circumstance where the observer is specified to be a person, the
change in the wave function is tied explicitly to the perception by the humanNegative Observations
- 15 -observer of the cat. This point is not limited to those circumstances where a
human observer is explicitly specified. This point holds in the general case
where a non-human macroscopic measuring instrument intervenes between aquantum mechanical entity and a human observer. It is a human observer whoultimately records the result of any observation. In the cat gedankenexperiment,for example, the cat acts as a macroscopic measuring instrument and comes to
be characterized by the same probabilities as the microscopic physicalphenomenon (i.e., the radioactive substance) until a human observer makes hisown observation of the cat regarding its being alive or dead.
It should be remembered that the Schrödinger cat gedankenexperiment
portrays the special case where a macroscopic measuring instrument is used to
make a measurement. As has been shown, Gedankenexperiment 3 discussed
above provides the general case concerning what is necessary for the change in
a wave function to occur in a measurement of the physical existent with which itis associated. There it was also shown that the change in the wave function is
linked to the knowledge attained by the observer of the circumstances affecting
the physical existent measured and that the change in this wave function is not
due fundamentally to a physical cause.
Knowledge and the Measurement of the
Spin Component of Electrons Along a Spatial Axis
It has been shown in gedankenexperiments using the two-hole
interference scenario of Feynman, Leighton, and Sands that physical interaction
is not necessary to effect the change in the wave function that generally occurs
in measurement in quantum mechanics. Instead, the general case is that
knowledge is linked to the change in the wave function. Another demonstrationof this point follows. The models for gedankenexperiments employing
electrons (spin one-half particles) presented now are found in Feynman,
Leighton, and Sands’s (1965) chapter on spin-one particles in their Lectures on
Physics. Similar to the earlier gedankenexperiments, these gedanken-
experiments also employ negative observation. But in contrast to the earlier
gedankenexperiments, readily quantifiable results of the negative observations
are developed. In addition, the significance of knowledge to the change of the
wave function is emphasized because a concurrent physical interaction to thenegative observation between the existent measured and the measuring
instrument is shown to be incapable of effecting the change in the wave
function.Negative Observations
- 16 -Basic Features of the Experimental Design
Consider the case of a device like a Stern-Gerlach type apparatus (device
A) which has an inhomogeneous magnetic field where the field direction and thedirection of the gradient are the same, for example along the z axis (Figure 6).
An electron can pass along one of two paths as it moves through the
10 This is due to the quantization of the spin angular momentum of
the electron, more specifically the quantization of the spin component along anyspatial axis into two possible values.
Initially, let an electron be in a state such that the probabilities of its
going through either of the paths are equal. Which of the two possible paths anelectron has passed through depends on whether the electron’s spin component
along the axis of the inhomogeneous magnetic field of the device is either in, or
against, the direction of the magnetic field and its gradient. Given the initial
probabilities, one-half of the electrons exiting from device A will be observed tohave spin up (i.e., in the direction of the magnetic field and gradient of device
A), and one-half of the electrons exiting device A will be observed to have spin
down (i.e., opposite to the direction of the magnetic field and gradient of device
A). If, after an observation is made, the electron is now put through another
Stern-Gerlach type device (device C), identical in construction to the first and
oriented in the same direction, the electron will exit along the same path that it
exited from in the first machine. In order to do this, the electron must first be
brought back to its original direction of motion.
This is accomplished through the use of another Stern-Gerlach type
device (device B), the spatial orientation of which is up-down and right-left
reversed with respect to the first device. In device B, the magnetic field and thegradient are in the opposite direction along the same spatial axis to that found
for device A. The placement of these two devices is shown in Figure 7, with
devices A and B right next to each other.
10 An electron is a member of a class of particles known as fermions. The spin component of
a fermion along any spatial axis has two possible values when it is measured: +1/2 (h/2p)
(spin up along this axis) and -1/2 (h/2p) (spin down along this axis). The results of the
gedankenexperiment hold for fermions in general.
11 Note that no pathways are shown in Figure 7 for the electrons traveling through device AB.
This is because quantum mechanics provides the correct description of the electrons, and it
indicates that an electron does not travel over one or the other of the paths until an observationof the electron is made regarding which path it traveled. Instead, the wave function associated
with an electron indicates that the probability is 1/2 that it will have spin up along the z axis
and the probability is 1/2 that it will have spin down along the z axis when its spinNegative Observations
- 17 -For electrons traveling
toward Device A:
P = 1/2z spin up
P = 1/2z spin down
direction of magnetic
field and gradientspin up
Device Ay axisz axis
electrons traveling toward
Stern-Gerlach apparatus
direction of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
spin downDevice Ay axiselectrons traveling toward
Stern-Gerlach apparatusor1/2 of the electronsexit device C with
spin up using detector and
human observer
1/2 of the electronsexit device C with
spin down using detector
and human observerElectrons passing through a Stern Gerlach device.Figure 6
component along this axis is measured. In devices like AB in other gedankenexperiments
where both paths are open, the lack of path lines will similarly indicate a lack of knowledge
regarding which path electrons take in going through the device.Negative Observations
- 18 -
z axis
Device C Device ABdirection of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
Device C Device ABelectrons traveling toward
Stern-Gerlach apparatuses
y axis
electrons traveling toward
Stern-Gerlach apparatuses
y axis direction of magnetic
field and gradientspin up
spin down
Electrons passing through a series of Stern-Gerlach
devices oriented along the same spatial axis z.Figure 7For electrons traveling
toward Device A:
P = 1/2z spin up
P = 1/2z spin downFor electrons traveling
toward Device C:
P = 1/2z spin up
P = 1/2z spin down
BANegative Observations
- 19 -Two Gedankenexperiments
Consider the following gedankenexperiments that adhere to quantum
mechanical principles and that are supported by empirical evidence. They show
that it is an individual’s knowledge of the physical world that is tied to the
functioning of the physical world itself.
Gedankenexperiment 4
Allow that device AB has a block inserted in it as portrayed in Figure 8.
Then device AB allows only electrons with a spin up component along the z
axis to exit it. Electrons with a spin down component along this axis are
blocked from exiting. Allow that R electrons exit the device with a spin up
component. Next to device AB a second device, DE, is placed that is identical
in construction. D is the Stern-Gerlach-like device closest to B. The device DE
is tilted around the y axis relative to device AB. aR electrons exit device DE
with spin up (where 0 < a < 1). (Spin up here is relative to the z' axis and is in
the direction of the magnetic field and gradient of device D.) Next to device DEis device C in the same spatial orientation as device A of AB and its magnetic
field and gradient in the same direction along the z axis as device A. A block is
inserted into device C that precludes electrons with spin down from exiting it.
baR electrons exit device C with spin up (where 0 < b < 1). (Spin up here is
relative to the z axis.) (Figure 9 displays the number of electrons exiting the
various devices in this and succeeding gedankenexperiments.)
Gedankenexperiment 5
The experimental arrangement is the same as that in Gedanken-
experiment 4, except that no block is inserted in device DE (Figure 10). The
numbers of electrons coming out of each device are as follows: (1) R electrons
exit device AB with spin up along the z axis; (2) R electrons exit device DE; and
(3) R electrons exit device C with spin up along the z axis.
Discussion of Gedankenexperiments 4 and 5
How can one account for the results of Gedankenexperiments 4 and 5?
An observer finds that R electrons exit device C in Gedankenexperiment 5, in
accordance with the expectation that the spin components of the electrons alongthe z axis remain unaffected by the passage of the electrons through device DE.
It appears that device DE, which has no block, has no effect on the spin
components along the z axis of the electrons passing through it. R electrons
device A with spin up along the z axis and R electrons exit device C withNegative Observations
- 20 -z' axis
direction of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
z axis
baR electronsDevice AB Device DE Device C R electrons
exit Device AB
with spin up along z axis
exit Device C with spin
up along z axisy axis
electrons traveling
toward Stern-Gerlachapparatusesz axis
A series of Stern-Gerlach devices where only electrons with
spin up along the z axis pass through device AB, only
electrons with spin up along the z' axis pass through device
DE, and only electrons with spin up along the z axis pass
through device C. (Gedankenexperiment 4)Figure 8aR electrons
exit Device DE with
spin up along z' axisA
BD ENegative Observations
- 21 -
Specifications and results for Gedankenexperiments 4 through 7.Figure 9Negative Observations
- 22 -
R electronsz' axis
direction of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
R electrons
R electronsz axis
Device AB Device DE Device C
exit Device AB with
spin up along z axis
exit Device C with
spin up along z axiselectrons traveling
toward Stern-Gerlach
apparatusesy axis
exit Device DEz axis
A series of Stern-Gerlach devices where only electrons with spin up
along the z axis pass through device AB, paths in device DE for
electrons with spin up or spin down along the z' axis are both open, and
only electrons with spin up along the z axis pass through device C.
(Gedankenexperiment 5)Figure 10A
B DENegative Observations
- 23 -spin up along the z axis. All electrons pass through device DE. But Gedanken-
experiment 4 does not provide a similar result. A similar result would be that
aR electrons would exit device C in Gedankenexperiment 4, not baR electrons.
That is, the spin components of the electrons along the z axis would essentially
remain unaffected by the passage of the electrons through device DE in
Gedankenexperiment 4, just as device DE in Gedankenexperiment 5 does not
appear to affect the spin components of electrons along the z axis. How is it
that baR electrons exit from device C in Gedankenexperiment 4 instead of aR
electrons? It is reasonable to conclude that something unusual is happening to
the electrons in their passage through device DE in Gedankenexperiment 4,
particularly in view of the results of Gedankenexperiment 5. Somehow the spincomponents of the electrons along the z axis are affected by their passage
through device DE in Gedankenexperiment 4 while device DE in Gedanken-
experiment 5 does not affect the spin components of electrons along the z axis.
A comparison of Gedankenexperiments 4 and 5 indicates that the only
physical feature of the measuring apparatus that can possibly be responsible forthe change in the component of the spin angular momentum along the z axis of
the electron is the block that is inserted in device DE in Gedankenexperiment 4.Other than this one difference, the measuring apparatuses in Gedanken-
experiments 4 and 5 are identical.
The Block in Device DE
The experimental consequences resulting from the presence or absence
of the block in device DE in Gedankenexperiments 4 and 5 concern whether oneor both paths are open in device DE. Significantly, it is electrons traveling
along the unblocked path in Gedankenexperiment 1 that exhibit the unusual
behavior regarding the frequency of electrons exiting device C . Thus, the
nature of the effect of the influence of the block on the electrons is indeedunusual from a conventional standpoint, a standpoint that would expect the
change in spin components along the z axis of the electrons that travel along the
unblocked path to somehow be changed by a physical interaction with the
block. This physical interaction, though, is not possible. The scenario
involving a block is thus in essence a negative observation. A negative
observation occurs where an observation is made by deducing that a particular
physical event must have occurred because another physical event did not occurwith subsequent consequences for the functioning of the physical world
stemming from the change in knowledge. Physical interaction as the basis for
the consequences in the physical world is ruled out. Remember that the spinNegative Observations
- 24 -components of the electrons along the z axis traveling through device DE are
affected by the change in knowledge, as evidenced by baR electrons exiting
device C in Gedankenexperiment 4 instead of aR electrons. As previously
noted, empirical work on electron shelving that supports the existence of
negative observation has been conducted by Nagourney, Sandberg, and
Dehmelt (1986), Bergquist, Hulet, Itano, and Wineland (1986), and by Sauter,
Neuhauser, Blatt, and Toschek (1986).
A Variation of the Gedankenexperiments
Two other gedankenexperiments similar to Gedankenexperiments 4 and
5 will provide an even more remarkable demonstration that an individual’s
knowledge of the physical world is tied to the functioning of the physical world
Gedankenexperiment 6
The experimental arrangement is the same as that in Gedanken-
experiment 4, except that the blocks are inserted in devices DE and C such that
spin up electrons along z' and z, respectively, cannot exit these devices and spin
down electrons are allowed to proceed unimpeded (Figure 11). The numbers ofelectrons coming out of each device are as follows: (1) R electrons exit device
AB with spin up along the z axis; (2) vR electrons exit device DE with spin
down along the z' axis; and (3) uvR electrons exit device C with spin down
along the z axis.
Gedankenexperiment 7
The experimental arrangement is the same as that in Gedanken-
experiment 6, except that device DE has both paths open (Figure 12). The
numbers of electrons coming out of each device are as follows: (1) R electrons
exit device AB with spin up along the z axis; (2) R electrons exit device DE; and
(3) 0 electrons exit device C with spin down along the z axis.
Discussion of Gedankenexperiments 6 and 7
The result in Gedankenexperiment 6 is remarkable. How is it that
electrons with spin down along the axis of the magnetic field of the measuring
device A, oriented in a particular direction along z, are found exiting device C,
in which the axis of its magnetic field and its gradient are also oriented in the
same direction along z? No electron with spin down along the z axis exits
AB. This result is particularly unusual when in Gedankenexperiment 7,Negative Observations
- 25 -
R electronsz axisz' axis
direction of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
vR electrons
uvR electronsDevice AB Device DE Device C
exit Device AB with
spin up along z axisexit Device AR with
spin down along z'
exit Device C with spin
down along z axiselectrons traveling
toward Stern-Gerlachapparatusesy axisz axis
A series of Stern-Gerlach devices where only electrons with spin up along
the z axis pass through device AB, only electrons with spin down along the
z' axis pass through device DE, and only electrons with spin down along the
z axis pass through device C. (Gedankenexperiment 6)Figure 11E DA
BNegative Observations
- 26 -
R electronsz axisz' axis
direction of magnetic
field and gradientz axis
R electrons
0 electronsDevice AB Device DE Device C
exit Device AB with
spin up along z axis
exit Device C with spin
down along z axiselectrons traveling
toward Stern-Gerlach
apparatusesy axis
exit Device ABz axis
A series of Stern-Gerlach devices where only electrons with spin up along the
z axis pass through device AB, paths in device DE for electrons with spin up
or spin down along the z' axis are open, and only electrons with spin down
along the z axis pass through device C. (Gedankenexperiment 7)Figure 12E D BANegative Observations
- 27 -using the same device DE, modified only by the removal of the block that
prevents electrons with a spin up component along z' (the axis of the magnetic
field in DE) to pass, there are no electrons that exit device C with spin down
along the axis of its magnetic field, which has the same spatial orientation as themagnetic field of A along the z axis.
In Gedankenexperiment 7, it appears as if the spin components of the
electrons along the z axis were not affected by their passage through device DE,
which has both paths open and which thus allowed all electrons to pass
through. As reflected in the behavior of the electrons that pass through device
C, the spin components of the electrons along the z axis in Gedankenexperiment
6 are affected by device DE, specifically by the insertion of the block in this
device that prevents electrons with spin up components along the z' axis from
exiting device DE. Again, no electrons with spin down along this axis were
found to exit device AB. The electrons traveling along the unblocked path in
device DE in Gedankenexperiment 6 exhibit this unusual behavior regarding the
frequency of electrons exiting device C . No physical interaction between the
block in device DE and any electron traveling along the unblocked path isresponsible for the frequency of electrons exiting device C. In Gedanken-
experiment 6, a negative observation at device DE has resulted in electrons
exiting device C with spin down along the z axis whereas in the absence of a
negative observation, in Gedankenexperiment 7, no electrons exit device C withspin down along the z axis.
The difference in the observer’s knowledge of the spin components of
electrons along an axis, and the difference in the spin components of the
electrons themselves, in the pairs of gedankenexperiments that have been
presented (i.e., Gedankenexperiments 4 and 5, and 6 and 7) reflect the presenceor absence of interference in the wave functions associated with each of the
electrons. For example, in terms of the formalism, in Gedankenexperiment 4
the probability amplitude a
1 for an electron exiting device AB with spin up
(AB+) and exiting device C with spin up ( C+) is given by
a1 = <C+|DE+> <DE+|AB+> . (21)
The probability of these events is derived by taking the absolute square of this
probability amplitude, | a1|2. In contrast, in Gedankenexperiment 5, the
probability amplitude d for an electron exiting device AB with spin up ( AB+)
and exiting device C with spin up ( C+) is given byNegative Observations
- 28 -d = <C+|DE-> <DE-|AB+> + <C+|DE+> <DE+|AB+> . (22)
When the absolute square of the probability amplitude d is calculated to yield the
probability that an electron exiting device AB with spin up will exit device C
with spin up, it is evident that there will be two terms representing interference.
These terms are
(<C+|DE-> <DE-|AB+>)* (<C+|DE+> <DE+|AB+>) (23a)
(<C+|DE+> <DE+|AB+>)* (<C+|DE-> <DE-|AB+>) . (23b)
It is these terms that distinguish | d|2, where there is interference, from S|ai|2
where one knows which path the electron took through device DE and there is
no interference
S|ai|2 = |a
1|2 + |a2|2 (24)
i|2 = |<C+|DE+> <DE+|AB+>|2 + |<C+|DE-> <DE-|AB+>|2 . (25)
It is important to emphasize that it is not the presence or absence of the
block in device DE that interacts with electrons that is responsible for the
presence or absence of interference in Gedankenexperiments 4 and 6. It is theact of knowing the value of the spin component of the electron along the z' axis
that is responsible. The block in device DE in Gedankenexperiment 4 and the
block in device DE in Gedankenexperiment 6 serve as bases for negative
Another Indication of the Importance of Knowledge
in Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
There is one more feature of the gedankenexperiments discussed in this
paper that supports the theses that: 1) the macroscopic nature of a physical
apparatus used for a measuring instrument is not central to making a
measurement in quantum mechanics; 2) knowledge is central to making such
measurements; and 3) the role of the block in device DE in Gedanken-
experiments 4 and 6 is to provide information. Gedankenexperiments 4through 7 demonstrate the interesting point that the magnetic field of device DE
itself is not sufficient to induce the change in the wave function that device DE
which has a block along one path does for electrons traveling along the
unblocked path and with which the block does not physically interact. UnlessNegative Observations
- 29 -there is some way in the physical set up of device DE to determine the spin
component of the electron along an axis z' (as is done in Gedankenexperiments
4 and 6 by the block in device DE), there is no change in the wave function of
the electron concerning its spin components.
In Gedankenexperiment 5 where there is no possibility in the physical
set up that is device DE to know the spin component of the electron in device
DE (because a block is not inserted along either the “spin up” or the “spin
down” path), device DE does not affect the spin components along the z axis of
the electrons as they travel through. That is, the number of electrons exiting
devices C and AB are exactly the same. Also, in gedankenexperiment 7, no
electrons with spin down along the z axis exit device C and only electrons with
spin up along the z axis exit device AB. Without a block in device DE in
Gedankenexperiment 7, there is no change in the wave function of an electron
as regards its spin components. This is equivalent to saying that there has been
no measurement of the spin component along the z' axis of the electron. To
quote Feynman et al. (1965) regarding their filtering experiments with spin-one
particles similar in principle to Gedankenexperiments 4 and 6:
The past information [concerning spin along the z axis after
exiting the first device] is not lost by the separation into...beams
[in the second device], but by the blocking masks that are put in
[the second device] (p. 5-9).
In conclusion, if an interaction between a macroscopic physical
apparatus and the existent to be measured were responsible for a change in the
wave function of the physical existent measured, why, if a magnetic field by
itself is unable to effect this change in the wave function for electrons, is the
insertion of a block able to effect this change for electrons traveling through the
unblocked path? When device DE does not contain a block along one of the
paths, electrons traveling along what is the unblocked path in
Gedankenexperiment 4 or the unblocked path in Gedankenexperiment 6 do notundergo any change in their wave function. The role of the block in
Gedankenexperiments 4 and 6 is to provide information to a human observerconcerning electrons traveling along the unblocked path. With regard to these
electrons, the role of the block in the measurement of their spin components
along the z' axis does not depend on a physical interaction between them and
the block.Negative Observations
- 30 -The Time of a Measurement
The question is often asked concerning quantum mechanics how can an
observer finding out about a measurement that has presumably been made some
time earlier be linked to the measurement itself? In terms of Gedanken-
experiment 4, for example, if a human observer finds out about the electrons
passing through the devices AB, DE, and C only after the electrons exit device
C, how can this observer be considered responsible in some way for a
measurement that was presumably made at device DE because of the inclusion
of the block in that device? That is, a negative observation seems to be made
only after the electrons exit device C, even though the block in device DE made
the information available earlier (i.e., as soon as the time elapsed in which an
electron passing through device DE could reach the block at the end of D).
The analysis underlying the question presumes that some form of
physical interaction occurring within a temporal framework provides the basis
for measurement in quantum mechanics even though it clearly does not. In
Gedankenexperiment 4, this presumed physical interaction does not occur in
device DE. Measurement in quantum mechanics is fundamentally concerned
with the development of knowledge. The course of physical interactions over
time is not the central factor in the development of this knowledge. It is
knowledge that is primary and within this knowledge, the functioning of the
physical world, including the course of physical interactions over time, occurs.
As has been discussed, there are other indications for this view
concerning the importance of knowledge in quantum mechanics. Knowledge ofthe physical world is developed using wave functions, and wave functions
provide only probabilistic knowledge. The quantum mechanical wave function
associated with a physical existent generally changes immediately throughout
space upon measurement of the physical existent. This change in the wave
function is not limited by the velocity limitation of the special theory of relativityfor physical existents, the velocity of light in vacuum. There is the complex
number nature of the wave function from which information concerning the
physical world is derived.
The Effect of Measurement on the Past
One other point provides support for the central significance of
knowledge in measurement in quantum mechanics. In Gedankenexperiments 4and 6, the presence of the block, or more accurately the knowledge that results
from the presence of the block, at the exit of device D affects the electronsNegative Observations
- 31 -traveling along the unblocked path in device D from their entry into device D for
two reasons:
1. If the block is removed prior to the end of the time over
which an electron could traverse device D along the
blocked path, interference would not be destroyed and thenumber of electrons exiting device C inGedankenexperiment 4 (i.e., with spin up along the z
axis), for example, is the same as the number of electrons
exiting device AB.
2. With the block in place and the time elapsed over which an
electron could have reached the block in device D, theinterference that was supposed to characterize the electron
in its passage through device D did not occur as the
electron could have traveled along only the unblocked
path. If a detector had been set up along any part of the
path in device D containing the block prior to the electron’shaving reached the end of device D where the block is
situated, the electron would not have been detected along
the path containing the block.
A negative observation that the block allows for by providing
information to an observer is thus seen to affect one’s knowledge of the past as
well as the past itself, in the present case indicating that the electron has traveled
down a particular path in device D as opposed to being characterized by a wavefunction demonstrating interference and not having traveled one pathexclusively.
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arXiv:physics/9912016v1 [physics.chem-ph] 6 Dec 1999Effect of Subphase Ca++Ions on the Viscoelastic Properties of
Langmuir Monolayers
R. S. Ghaskadvi, Sharon Carr, and Michael Dennin
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-4575.
(February 2, 2008)
It is known that the presence of cations like Ca++or Pb++in the water
subphase alters the pressure-area isotherms for fatty acid monolayers. The
corresponding lattice constant changes have been studied u sing x-ray diffrac-
tion. Reflection-absorption spectroscopy has been used to p robe the chemical
composition of the film. We report on the first measurements of the time
evolution of the shear viscosity of arachidic acid monolaye rs in the presence
of Ca++ions in the subphase. We find that the introduction of Ca++ions
to the water subphase results in an increase of the film’s visc osity by at least
three orders of magnitude. This increase occurs in three dis tinct stages. First,
there is a rapid change in the viscosity of up to one order of ma gnitude. This
is followed by two periods, with very different time constant s, of a relatively
slow increase in the viscosity over the next 10 or more hours. The correspond-
ing time constants for this rise decrease as either the subph ase pH or Ca++
concentration is increased.
Typeset using REVT EX
Over the last ten years there has been a renewed interest in th e study of Langmuir
monolayers [1], due to the development and application of a n umber of powerful tools like
x-ray diffraction [2,3], Brewster Angle microscopy (BAM) [4 ,5], and fluorescence microscopy
[6–8]. Langmuir monolayers are monomolecular films at the ai r-water interface formed by
amphiphilic molecules. Typically, these molecules have a l ong hydrophobic chain oriented
away from the water surface and a polar, hydrophilic headgro up that interacts with the
components of the aqueous subphase. Langmuir monolayers se rve as an excellent model
for biological membranes and for surfactant stabilizers th at are added to foams. Also, they
are the starting point for Langmuir-Blodgett depositions w here a solid substrate is passed
through the Langmuir monolayers, transferring one or more l ayers of the molecules. For all
three of these applications, understanding the interactio n between Langmuir monolayers and
ions in the subphase is important for two reasons. First, the ions are often naturally present
in these systems, either as biologically relevant chemical s or as contaminants. Second, the
ions provide a mechanism for controlling the mechanical pro perties of the films, which is
especially important in applications related to foams and L angmuir-Blodgett depositions.
A number of techniques, including pressure-area isotherms [9–11], reflection-absorption
spectrometry [12], and x-ray diffraction [13], have been use d to study the effects of divalent
cations on the monolayer structure. These studies have high lighted the important role played
by pH, especially for fatty acid monolayers, in modifying th e effects of divalent cations on the
structure of the monolayer. The equilibrium phase behavior of fatty acids on a pure water,
or low pH subphase, have been extensively studied [14]. Ther e is a generally applicable phase
diagram that consists of both “tilted” and “untilted” phase s. A tilted phase is one in which
the monolayer tails are tilted with respect to the surface no rmal. Generally, the untilted
phases occur at higher pressures. One of the main effects of th e calcium ions, as the pH is
increased, is to lower the transition pressure between the v arious phases [13]. Ultimately,
at very high pH, the tilted phases no longer appear to exist. T his lowering of the transition
pressure is often referred to as a “stiffening” of the monolay er. A common feature of these
studies is that no long term variations in the monolayer prop erties were measured. This is
reasonable if chemical equilibrium with the ions in solutio n is reached relatively rapidly.
Despite the evidence from pressure-area isotherms that the cations cause a stiffening of
the monolayer, there has been minimal efforts to measure effec ts of cations on the viscoelastic
properties of the monolayer [15,16]. In this paper, we repor t on a series of measurements of
the viscoelastic properties of arachidic acid monolayers i n the presence of Ca++. We have
looked at the effect of pH and Ca++concentration on the time evolution of three properties
of the monolayer: the isotherms; the viscosity ( η); and the complex shear modulus G. Our
isotherm results at t = 1 hr are consistent with previous meas urements of fatty acids and
divalent cations [13]. However, we have found a slow change i n the viscoelastic properties of
the monolayer over a long time period. This behavior suggest s interesting kinetics for the
chemical reaction between the arachidic acid and the Ca++.
The viscoelastic properties were measured using a two-dime nsional Couette viscometer
that is described in detail elsewhere [17]. A schematic of th e apparatus is given in Fig. 1. A
circular barrier made of twelve individual teflon fingers is i mmersed into water in a circular
trough. A circular knife-edge torsion pendulum (rotor) han gs by a wire so that it just
touches the water surface in the center of the trough. A stati onary teflon disk is placed
in the water just under the pendulum. The disk has the same dia meter as the knife-edge
pendulum. A Langmuir monolayer is made at the annular air-wa ter interface between the
barrier and the rotor knife-edge. The barrier can be compres sed or expanded to control
the monolayer pressure and rotated to generate a two dimensi onal Taylor-Couette flow.
The angular position of the rotor can be measured by means of a pick-up coil attached to
the rotor. This is used to measure the torque generated by flow in the monolayer on the
inner rotor. The torque provides a measurement of the monola yer viscosity. In addition,
an external torque can be applied to the rotor by manipulatin g an external magnetic field.
This allows for both oscillatory measurements of the linear shear response of the monolayer
and measurements of stress relaxation curves for monolayer s.
The apparatus is also equipped with a Brewster Angle Microsc ope (BAM) for observation
of the domain structure of the film. The BAM image measures the relative reflectivity of p-
polarized light incident on the monolayer at the Brewster an gle for pure water. Variations of
reflectivity of the monolayer correspond to changes in the or ientation of the tilted molecules
from domain to domain.
To study the effect of cations, it is imperative to start with w ater that has minimal
ionic content. We achieved this by passing de-ionized water through a Millipore filter to
obtain water with resistivity in excess of 18 MΩ /cm. The concentration of Ca++was set by
adding CaCl 2.2H2O to the purified water. Most of the experiments used a 0.65 mM C a++
concentration so that the results would be comparable with R ef. [13].
The arachidic acid monolayer was made from a chloroform solu tion. The solution was
placed on the aqueous subphase with a microsyringe and allow ed to relax for about 20
minutes to facilitate the evaporation of the solvent. Then i t was compressed to the pressure
of 9 dyne/cm. All the data presented here were taken at 22◦C. At this temperature and
pressure, the monolayer is in the L 2phase. One hour after the solution was placed on the
subphase, the equilibrium angle, θ1, of the rotor was measured. The outer barrier was set
into rotation to generate a Couette flow. The Couette flow caus es a torque τon the rotor
displacing it to a new equilibrium position θ2such that τ=κ(θ2−θ1), where κis the torsion
constant of the wire. After rotating the barrier for about 5 m inutes to achieve equilibrium, θ2
was measured, and then the rotation was stopped. This series of experiments was repeated
every hour. The isotherms as well as the complex shear modulu s were measured separately.
The barrier rotation rate was 0.0237 rad/sec. With Rinner= 3.81 cm and Rbarrier= 6.5 cm,
this corresponds to a shear rate of 0 .057s−1. G was measured at ω= 0.251 rad/sec.
Figure 2 shows the time evolution of viscosity (measured by t he Couette flow method
and henceforth referred to as η) for different concentrations of Ca++in the subphase. All of
3the measurements were done at pH 5.5. There are two points of n ote. One, the higher the
concentration, the higher the rate of viscosity rise. Secon dly, the rise in viscosity is in three
parts. There is an initial jump of about one order of magnitud e within the first hour. The
next two periods are separated by η= 1 g/s, below and above which the viscosity clearly
rises with different slopes on the semilog plot. This indicat es there are three time constants
associated with the increase. As the first data point is taken after one hour of making the
film, we cannot comment about the time constant for the viscos ity rise in the first stage,
except that the upper limit for τ1is about 0.5 hour. It should be noted that both the time
constants decrease with increasing concentration. For the film with 0.65 mM concentration
of Ca++,τ2= 1.76 hour and τ3= 5.43 hr, where τ2andτ3are the time constants for the
second and the third stage respectively. The time constants for the rest of the data are given
in the figure caption.
The three different stages of viscosity rise are also obvious in Fig. 3 which depicts the
dependence of this rise on the subphase pH. Note that below pH = 4, the viscosity is small
and almost constant. This is consistent with other studies w here the isotherms were seen to
remain unchanged for about the same pH. As the pH values are in creased, both the initial
jump in viscosity and the later rates of rise increase.
The results of the oscillatory experiment are plotted in the Fig. 4. The complex shear
modulus G (=G′+ iG′′) is known to depend on the strain amplitude for some Langmuir
monolayers [18]. Here G′is the elastic component of the shear modulus and G′′is the viscous
component. For a linear viscoelastic fluid, the relation bet ween G′′and the viscosity, η, is
given by G′′=ωη, where ωis the oscillation frequency. In this case we found G′′to be weakly
and G′to be strongly dependent on the strain amplitude. The depend ence was qualitatively
the same as in Ref. [18] i.e., G was constant at small amplitud es and decreased for higher
amplitudes. To ensure linear response, we measured G at a sma ll constant strain amplitude
of about 10−3. As with η, G′′displays two distinct periods of increase after the first hou r.
However, G′rises monotonically with time.
Figure 5 shows the variation of the arachidic acid monolayer isotherm as a function of
time for pH = 5.5. It must be noted that the isotherms were meas ured separately from the
viscosity. There might be some differences in the rate of Calc ium attachment arising from
the fact that there was no rotation of the monolayer or genera tion of circular flow in the
subphase. But, the effect is bound to be minimal for two reason s. First, the flow during
viscosity measurements only occurred for roughly 10% of the data run. Second, there was no
turbulence during the flow, so the rate of mixing in the subpha se would not be substantially
modified. Furthermore, the qualitative behavior of G′′was found to be the same when
measured with the rotation as it was when measured without ro tation. This confirmed that
the rotation had minimal effect on the Ca++binding rate. Figure 5 also shows the position
of the kink in the isotherm that corresponds to the 2ndorder phase transition for arachidic
acid monolayer without Ca++in the subphase (horizontal dashed line). The presence of
Ca++does alter the isotherm in the first hour. There is a lowering o f the pressure at which
the 2ndorder transition occurs by about 4 dyne/cm. This is consiste nt with the isotherms
published in the literature [13]. From the X-ray data it is kn own that this change is due to
the bound calcium changing the head group interactions so th at the molecules come closer
together. However, after this initial drop, there is a slow c hange in the isotherm. This
change corresponds to a decrease in the transition pressure by about 0.3 dyne/cm/hour.
4The kink also appears to become more rounded with time. Howev er, we believe that the
apparent rounding is due to the high viscosity of the film and i s not a real effect.
In summary, we find that there are many effects of Ca++ions on the arachidic acid
monolayer. In the first hour, the isotherm shifts downwards i n pressure by about 4 dyne/cm.
Over the next ten hours, it changes by about 3 dyne/cm. These d rops are accompanied by
changes in viscosities, measured by either the rotating bar rier method or the oscillating rotor
method. One can interpret the viscosity rising during the fir st hour as a direct result of the
change in the head group interactions. This is consistent wi th the pH data. It is known that
sufficiently low pH suppresses the binding of divalent ions to the monolayer [12,13,19,20],
and we observe no viscosity increase at pH 3.4 and below.
The slow rise associated with the late time evolution of the v iscosity is surprising. The
3 dyne/cm drop in the transition pressure in this period sugg ests a very slow rate of Cal-
cium ionically binding to the carboxylate. For octadecanoi c acid monolayers, IR reflection-
absorption studies [12] have shown that near pH = 6, the Ca++does not bind to all the
molecules but that some undissociated acid molecules remai n in the film. The increase in
the viscosity, taken together with the slow change in the iso therm suggest that the same
is true for the arachidic acid and that these remaining acid m olecules slowly bind with the
Ca++ions with a time constant of a few hours. This is supported by t he fact that the time
constants τ2andτ3both decrease with increasing subphase Ca++concentration. The steady
rise of G′seen in Fig. 4 is consistent with this picture; however, the e xistence of a single
time constant needs to be explained.
The presence of two different time constants, namely τ2andτ3, is also puzzling. If we
accept that Ca++continues binding to the monolayer, then two broad possibil ities emerge:
a. that the rate of the binding changes abruptly and this chan ge is reflected in the viscous
response or
b. that the rate of binding does not change but the rate of visc osity rise with respect to
bound site concentration varies after reaching a critical v alue.
At this point, it is difficult to say which of these pictures is m ore accurate, but both are
interesting. If the first case is correct, it suggests intere sting long-term kinetics associated
with the chemical reaction mechanism that undergo abrupt ch anges. If the latter reason
is correct, it suggests an interesting interplay between th e microscopic structure of the
monolayer and the macroscopic viscosity.
One possible mechanism for the abrupt change in the evolutio n of the viscosity is the
contribution of the line tension between domains in the mono layer to the viscosity. It is
known from foams and other complex fluids that line tension (o r surface tension in three
dimensions) can substantially alter the macroscopic visco sity of a fluid. The L 2phase of
arachidic acid consists of a random domain structure. Fried enberg, et al. [21] report that for
docosanoic acid monolayers in the L 2phase, domains stretched by an extensional flow do
not relax back to their original shape. This indicates that t he line tension in the absence of
Ca++is nearly zero. Similar behavior is observed for our samples of arachidic acid. However,
with Ca++ions in the subphase, our BAM images show evidence of domain r elaxation.
Presumably, line tension between domains will be dominated by Ca++absorption at the
5domain boundaries. If this saturates, the rate of change of t he viscosity would be altered.
We are currently undertaking detailed studies of this behav ior to probe the impact of the
line tension to the overall viscoelastic response of the mon olayer and the effect of Ca++ions
on the line tension.
Acknowledgment is made to the donors of The Petroleum Resear ch Fund, administered
by the ACS, for partial support of this research. Also, we wou ld like to thank Doug Tobias
and Charles Knobler for helpful conversations.
[1] For reviews of Langmuir Monolayers, see H. Mohwald, Annu . Rev. Phys. Chem. 41, 441
(1990); H. M. McConnell, ibid.42, 171 (1991).
[2] P. Dutta, J.B. Peng, B. Lin, J. B. Ketterson, M. Prakash, P . Georgopoulos, and S.
Ehrlich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2228 (1987).
[3] K. Kjaer, J. Als-Nielsen, C. A. Helm, L. A. Laxhuber, and H . M¨ ohwald, Phys. Rev.
Lett.58, 2224 (1987).
[4] S. H´ enon and J. Meunier, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 936 (1991).
[5] D. H¨ onig and D. M¨ obius, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 4590 (1991).
[6] D. K. Schwartz and C. M. Knobler, J. Phys. Chem 97, 8849 (1993).
[7] S. Riv` ere, S. H´ enon, J. Meunier, D. K. Schwartz, M. W. Ts ao, and C. M. Knobler, J.
Chem. Phys. 101, 10045 (1994).
[8] B. G. Moore, C. M. Knobler, S. Akamatsu, and F. Rondelez, J . Phys. Chem. 94, 4588
[9] K. Miyano, B. M. Abraham, S. Q. Xu, and J. B. Ketterson, J. C hem. Phys. 77, 2190
[10] E. Pezron, P. M. Claesson, J. M. Berg, and D. Vollhardt, J . Colloid. Interface Sci. 138,
245 (1990).
[11] S. Bettarni, F. Bonosi, G. Gabrielli, and G. Martini, La ngmuir 7, 611 (1991).
[12] A. Gericke and H. H¨ uhnerfuss, Thin Solid Films 245, 74 (1994).
[13] M. C. Shih, T. M. Bohanon, J. M. Mikrut, P. Zschack, and P. Dutta, J. Chem. Phys.
96, 1556 (1992).
[14] For a review of phase transitions in monolayers, see C. M . Knobler and C. Desai, Annu.
Rev. Phys. Chem. 43, 207 (1992).
[15] M. R. Buhaenko, J. W. Goodwin, and R. M. Richardson, Thin Solid Films 159, 171
[16] M. Yazdanian, H. Yu, and G. Zografi, Langmuir 6, 1093 (1990).
[17] R. S. Ghaskadvi and M. Dennin, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 3568 (1998).
[18] R. S. Ghaskadvi, P. Dutta and J. B. Ketterson, Phys. Rev. E54-2, 1770 (1996).
[19] J. M. Bloch and W. Yun, Phys. Rev. A 41, 844 (1990).
[20] D. J. Ahn and E. I. Franses, J. Chem. Phys. 95, 8486 (1991).
[21] M. C. Friedenberg, G. G. Fuller, C. W. Frank and C. R. Robe rtson, Langmuir 12, 1594
RotorTorsion wire
BarrierFingers (2 shown)
Figure 1: R. S. Ghaskadvi and Michael Dennin, J. Chem. Phys.
FIG. 1. Schematic drawing of the apparatus.
Ca++ concentration
0.001 mM
0.015 mM
0.040 mM
0.650 mM
Figure 2: R. S. Ghaskadvi & Michael Dennin, J. Chem. Phys.
time (hr)Viscosity (g/s)
FIG. 2. The viscosity of the arachidic acid monolayer as a fun ction of time at 22◦C. The
different curves correspond to different concentrations of C a++ions at pH 5.5. The solid lines
corresponds to the least square fits to the equation y=Aex/τ. Fit values 0.001 mM : A=0.0043
g/s,τ2=12.77 hr; 0.015 mM : A=0.0077 g/s, τ2=4.10 hr; 0.04 mM : A=0.0162 g/s, τ2=2.76 hr,
τ3=8.36 hr; 0.65 mM : A=0.0197 g/s, τ2=1.76 hr, τ3=5.43 hr.
90 2 4 6 8 100.010.11
Figure 3: R. S. Ghaskadvi & Michael Dennin, J. Chem. Phys.
time (hr)Viscosity (g/s)
pH = 2.6
pH = 3.4
pH = 4.1
pH = 6.1
FIG. 3. The viscosity of the arachidic acid monolayer as a fun ction of time at 22◦C, Π
= 9 dyne/cm. The different curves correspond to different pH va lues of the subphase. The
concentration of the Ca++ions is fixed (0.65 mM).
1000 02 04 06 08 10 120.1110
Figure 4: R. S. Ghaskadvi & Michael Dennin, J. Chem. Phys.
time (hr)G' & G" (dyne/cm)
FIG. 4. G′and G′′of the arachidic acid monolayer as a function of time at 22◦C, Π = 9
dyne/cm. The dotted lines are guides to the eye.
Figure 5: R. S. Ghaskadvi & Michael Dennin, J. Chem. Phys.Pressure (dyne/cm)
Area/molecule (A2)
FIG. 5. Isotherms of arachidic acid monolayer at 22◦C, subphase pH = 5.5, and subphase
Ca++concentration of 0.65 mM. The x-axis reading is accurate for the first isotherm only since
the rest are shifted for the sake of clarity. The isotherms ar e taken one hour apart. The dotted
line is drawn to guide the eye along the kink position. The das hed line represents the pressure at
which the kink occurs for the monolayer without Ca++in the subphase.
12 |
arXiv:physics/9912017v1 [physics.ed-ph] 7 Dec 1999An elementary quantum mechanics
calculation for the Casimir effect in
one dimension
Attila Farkas
Institute of Condensed Matter Research, Timi¸ soara,
Str. Tˆ arnava 1, RO-1900 Timi¸ soara, Romania
Nistor Nicolaevici
Technical University of Timi¸ soara, Department of Physics ,
P-t ¸a Horat ¸iu 1, RO-1900 Timi¸ soara, Romania
February 2, 2008
We obtain the Casimir effect for the massless scalar field in on e
dimension based on the analogy between the quantum field and t he
continuum limit of an infinite set of coupled harmonical osci llators.
1 Introduction
A well known fact in quantum mechanics is that, even though th e classical
system admits a zero minimal energy, this does not generally hold for its
quantum counterpart. The typical example is the1
2¯hωvalue for the non-
relativistic harmonic linear oscillator, where ¯ his the Planck constant and ω
its proper frequency. More generally, if the system behaves as a collection of
such oscillators, the minimal (or zero point) energy is
nωn, (1)
1where the sum extends over all proper frequencies ωn. As often pointed out
in quantum field theory textbooks1,2, non-interacting quantized fields can be
pictured this way, in the limit of an infinite spatial density of oscillators. In
particular, for the scalar field the analogy with a set of coup led oscillators
can be constructed in a precise manner1, as we shall also sketch below. We
shall use here the oscillator model to obtain the Casimir effe ct for the massless
field, in the case of one spatial dimension. The calculation i s a simple exercise
in non-relativistic quantum mechanics.
What is usually refered to as the Casimir effect3is the attraction force be-
tween two conducting parallel uncharged plates in vacuum. T he phenomenon
counts as a direct evidence for the zero point energy of the qu antized elec-
tromagnetic field: assuming the plates are perfect conducto rs, the energy to
area ratio reads1(cis the speed of light and Lis the plates separation)
720L3, (2)
from which the attraction force can be readily derived. Qual itatively, the L
dependence in E0is naturally understood as originating in that displayed by
the proper frequencies of the field between the plates.
Actually, by summing over frequencies as in eq. (1) one obtai ns a di-
vergent energy. This is a common situation in quantum field th eory, being
remedied by what is called renormalization: one basically s ubtracts a di-
vergent quantity to render the result finite, with the justifi cation that only
energy differences are relevanta. Unfortunately, computational methods
used to handle infinities to enforce this operationbpresent themselves, rather
generally, as a piece of technicality with no intuitive supp ort; for the unac-
customed reader, they might very well leave the impression t hat the result
is just a mathematical artifact. The oscillator analogy com es to provide a
context to do the calculations within a physically transpar ent picture, with
no extra mathematical input required.
aIn the assumption of neglecting gravitational phaenomena, see e.g. Ref 4.
bi.e. regularization methods. An example follows next parag raph.
22 Quantum field theory calculation
We briefly review first the field theoretical approach. Consid er the uncharged
massless scalar field in one dimension −∞< x <∞,
ϕ(x, t) = 0, (3)
subjected to the conditions
ϕ(0, t) =ϕ(L, t) = 0 (4)
for some positive L. We are interested in the zero point energy as a function
ofL. We shall focus on the field in the “box” 0 < x < L . It is intuitively
clear that the result for the exterior regions follows by mak ingL→ ∞. Note
that by eqs. (4) the field in the box is causally disconnected f rom that in the
exterior regions, paralleling thus the situation for the el ectromagnetic field
in the previous chapter.
Eqs. (3) and (4) define the proper frequencies as
L, n= 1,2, . . .∞, (5)
obviously making E0a divergent quantity. A convenient way5to deal with
this is by introducing the damping factors
ωn→ωnexp(−λωn/c), λ > 0, (6)
and to consider E0=E0(L, λ) in the limit λ→0. Performing the sum one
E0(L, λ) =π¯hc
. (7)
Using the expansion
3+O(z3), (8)
one finds
E0(L, λ) =¯hc
. (9)
3Now, it is immediate to see that the λ−2term can be assigned to an infinite
energy density corresponding to the case L→ ∞. The simple but essential
observation is that, when considering also the energy of the exterior regions,
the divergences add to an L-independent quantity, which makes them me-
chanically irrelevant. Renormalization amounts to ignore them. Thus one
can set
E0(L) =−π
L, (10)
which stands as the analogous result of eq. (2).
3 Quantum mechanics calculation
Consider the one dimensional system of an infinite number of c oupled oscil-
lators described by the Hamiltonian (all notations are conv entional)
2(xk+1−xk)2. (11)
xkmeasures the displacement of the kth oscillator from its equilibrium po-
sition, supposed equally spaced from the neighbored ones by distance a.
Canonical commutations assure that the Heisenberg operato rs
xk(t) =ei
obey the classical equation
dt2−k(xk+1(t) +xk−1(t)−2xk(t)) = 0 . (13)
Let us consider the parameters mandkscaled such that
c2. (14)
As familiar from wave propagation theory in elastic media, e q. (13) becomes
the d’Alembert equation (3) with the correspondence
xk(t)→ϕ(ka, t), (15)
4and letting a→0.xk,pmcommutations can be also shown to trans-
late into the equal-time field variables commutations requi red by canonical
quantization1. One can thus identify the quantum field with the continuum
limit of the quantum mechanical system.
Our interest lies in the oscillator analogy when taking into account con-
ditions (4). It is transparent from eq. (15) that they formal ly amount to set
x0=xN= 0, p 0=pN= 0, (16)
withNsome natural number. In other words, the 0th and the Nth oscillator
are supposed fixed. As in the precedent paragraph, we shall ca lculate the
zero point energy of the oscillators in the “box” 1 ≤k≤N−1.
The first step is to decouple the oscillators by diagonalizin g the quadrat-
ical form in coordinates in eq. (11). Equivalently, one need s the eigenvalues
λnof the N−1 dimensional square matrix Vkmwith elements
Vk,k= 2, V k,k+1=Vk,k−1=−1, (17)
and zero in rest. One easily checks they are
λn= 4 sin2nπ
N, n= 1,2, . . .N−1, (18)
withλncorresponding to the (unnormalized) eigenvectors xn,k= sinnk
N. It
E0(N, a) =¯hc
2N. (19)
To make connection with the continuous picture, we assign to the system the
L=aN (20)
measuring the distance between the fixed oscillators, and el iminate Nin
favour of aandLin eq. (19). After summing the series one obtains
E0(L, a) =¯hc
. (21)
5With an expansion similar to eq. (8)
3+O(z3), (22)
it follows for a≪L
E0(L, a) =/parenleftBigg2¯hcL
. (23)
The result is essentially the same with that in eq. (9). The aindependent
term reproduces the renormalized value (10). An identical c omment applies
to the a→0 diverging terms. Note that the L→ ∞ energy density can be
equally obtained by making N→ ∞ in eq. (19) and evaluating the sum as an
integral. Physically put, this corresponds to an infinite cr ystal with vibration
modes characterized by a continuous quasimomentum in the Br illouin zone
0≤k <π
a, (24)
and dispersion relation
ω(k) =2c
2. (25)
Note also that the second term, with no correspondent in eq. ( 9), can be
absorbed into the first one with an irrelevant readjustment o f the box length
4 Quantum field vs oscillator model: quanti-
tative comparison and a speculation
Let us define for a >0 the subtracted energy ES
0(L, a) as the difference
between E0(L, a) and the paranthesis in eq. (23), so that
0(L, a) =E0(L). (26)
One may ask when the oscillator model provides a good approxi mation for
the quantum field, in the sense that
0(L, a)
6is close to unity. Note that by eq. (20) expression above is a f unction of
Nonly. The corresponding dependence is plotted in Fig.1. One sees, quite
surprisingly, that already a number of around twenty oscill ators suffices to
assure a relative difference smaller than 10−4. More precisely, one has that
the curve assymptotically approaches zero as
N2. (28)
We end with a bit of speculation. Suppose there exists some pr ivileged
scalel(say, the Plank scale) which imposes a universal bound for le ngths
measurements, and consider the oscillator system with the s pacing given by
l. The indeterminacy in Lwill cause an indeterminacy in energy (we assume
L. (29)
On the other hand, the assymptotic expression (28) implies
. (30)
We are led thus to the conclusion that, as far as Casimir effect measurements
are considered, one could not distinguish between the “real ” quantum field
and its oscillator model.
[1] C. Itzykson and J.B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory , chap. 3, (Mc-Graw
Hill, 1980).
[2] I.J.R. Aitchinson and A.J.G. Hey, Gauge Theories in Particle Physics ,
chap. 4, (Adam Hilger, 1989).
[3] H.B.G. Casimir, Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., vol. 51, 793 (19 48). For a
recent review, see S.K. Lamoreaux, Am. J. Phys. 67(10), pp. 850-861
7[4] C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation , pp. 426-428
(Freeman, San Francisco, 1973).
[5] N.D. Birrell, P.C.W. Davies, Quantum Fields in Curved Space , chap.
4, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982).
8Fig.1. E0SE0 Relative difference between andas a function of the N-1 oscillators in the box. |
arXiv:physics/9912018v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 8 Dec 1999Stopping of ion beam in a temperature anisotropic magnetize d
H. B. Nersisyan,∗M. Walter, and G. Zwicknagel
Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik II,
Universit¨ at Erlangen, D - 91058 Erlangen, Germany
(Dated: November 3, 2012)
Using the dielectric theory for a weakly coupled plasma we in vestigate the stopping power of
the ion in a temperature anisotropic magnetized electron pl asma. The analysis is based on the
assumption that the energy variation of the ion is much less t han its kinetic energy. The obtained
general expression for stopping power is analyzed for weak a nd strong magnetic fields (i.e., for the
electron cyclotron frequency less than and greater than the plasma frequency), and for low and
high ion velocities. It is found that the friction coefficient contains, in addition to the usual velocity
independent friction coefficient, an anomulous term which di verges logarithmically as the projectile
velocity approaches zero. The physical origin of this anomu lous term is the coupling between the
cyclotron motion of the electrons and the long-wave length, low-frequency fluctuations produced
by the projectile ion.
PACS numbers: 34.50.BW, 52.35.-g, 52.40.Mj
∗Permanent address: Division of Theoretical Physics, Insti tute of Radiophysics and Electronics, 1 Alikhanian
Brothers Str., Ashtarak -2, 378410, Armenia
Energy loss of the ions in a plasma has been a topic of great int erest due to its considerable
importance for the study of basic interactions of the charge d particles in real media. Recent
applications are electron cooling of heavy ion beams [1, 2, 3 ] and energy transfer for inertial
confinement fusion (ICF) (see [4] for an overview). Electron cooling is realized by mixing
the ion beam periodically with a cold electron beam of the sam e average velocity. The
interaction length is normally about a few meters and the ele ctron beam is guided by a
magnetic field parallel to its direction of motion. The cooli ng of the ion beam may then
be viewed as an energy loss in the common rest frame of both bea ms. Similar questions
arise in heavy-ion-induced ICF. There a frozen hydrogen pel let is heated and compressed by
stopping of ion beams in the surrounding converter. In this c ase the electrons of the solid
state converter are acting like a plasma and absorb the incom ing energy.
In the electron cooling process the velocity distribution o f the electron beam is highly
anisotropic because of the acceleration from the cathode to the cooling section. It can be
described by a Maxwell distribution with two different tempe ratures, a longitudinal T/bardbland
a transversal T⊥[1, 2, 3]. Furthermore, an external, longitudinal magnetic field is needed
to guide the electrons from the cathode to and through the ele ctron cooler and to stabilize
the anisotropic velocity distribution by suppressing the t ransverse-longitudinal relaxation.
In the present paper we are interested in the influences of the magnetic field and the
temperature anisotropy on the ion beam stopping power.
Since the early 1960’s several theoretical calculations of the stopping power in a mag-
netized plasma have been presented [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 3, 14]. Stopping of a fast
test particle moving with velocity Vmuch higher than the electron thermal velocity vth
was studied in Refs. [5, 6, 8]. Energy loss of a charged partic le moving with arbitrary
velocity was studied in Ref. [7]. The expression obtained th ere for the Coulomb logarithm,
Λ = ln(λD/ρ⊥) (whereλDis the Debye length and ρ⊥is the impact parameter for scat-
tering for an angle ϑ=π/2), corresponds to the classical description of collisions . In the
quantum-mechanical case, the Coulomb logarithm is Λ = ln( λD/λB), whereλBis the de
Broglie wavelength of plasma electrons [15].
In Ref. [10], the expressions were derived describing the st opping power of a charged
particle in Maxwellian plasma placed in a classically stron g (but not quantizing) magnetic
2field (λB≪ac≪λD,whereacis the electron Larmor radius), under the conditions when
scattering must be described quantum mechanically. Calcul ations were carried out for slow
test particles whose velocities satisfy the conditions ( m/m i)1/3vth< V≪vth, wheremiis
the mass of the plasma ions and mis the electron mass.
In the recent paper [11] the stopping power in the magnetized plasma has been inves-
tigated for high-velocity light particles taking into acco unt the Larmor rotation of a test
projectile in a magnetic field. It has been shown that the stop ping power can exhibit an
oscillatory dependence on the magnetic field and that it is mu ch greater than in the case
without magnetic field.
More attention has been paid on the stopping power in a strong ly magnetized plasma
for ions which move along the magnetic field [11, 12, 13]. Both uncorrelated [11, 13] and
correlated [12] situations have been discussed.
These investigations have concentrated on the stopping pow er in temperature isotropic
plasma. Extensions to nonlinear effects of ion stopping and t emperature anisotropy have
been done recently by particle-in-cell (PIC) computer simu lation [14], where the case T/bardbl≪
T⊥has been investigated which is interesting for electron coo ling process. Here, in the
framework of dielectric theory, we will focus on the stoppin g power at arbitrary temperature
anisotropy T⊥/T/bardbl.
The paper is organized as follows. We start in Sec. II, with so lving the linearized Vlasov-
Poisson equations by means of Fourier transformation. This provides the general form of the
linearized potential generated in a temperature anisotrop ic magnetized Maxwellian plasma
by a projectile ion from which the stopping power is deduced.
In the next Sec. III, is dedicated to apply our results to nonm agnetized plasma. Calcula-
tions are carried out for small projectile velocities at arb itrary temperature anisotropy and
arbitrary direction of ion motion with respect to the anisot ropy axis.
Then we turn to the effect of a weak magnetic field on the stoppin g power in Sec. IV,
while we concentrate on the influence of a strong magnetic fiel d in Sec. V. In contrast with
the papers [11, 13] we consider an ion motion in arbitrary dir ection.
As the last issue we investigate in Sec. VI the stopping power for small projectile veloc-
ities at arbitrary magnetic field and temperature anisotrop y. The friction coefficient there
contains an anomalous term which increases logarithmicall y when the projectile velocity
approaches to zero.
3The achieved results are finally summarized and discussed in Sec. VII.
For the temperature anisotropic plasma with two different te mperatures T/bardbl,T⊥of the
electrons we define an average temperature T=1
3T⊥. Within the dielectric theory the
electron plasma is described as a continuous, polarizable fl uid (medium), which is represented
by the phase-space density of the electrons f(r,v,t). Here, only a mean-field interaction
between the electrons is considered and hard collisions are neglected and the evolution of
the distribution function f(r,v,t) is determined by the Vlasov-Poisson equation is valid for
weakly coupled plasmas where the number of electrons in the D ebye sphere ND= 4πn0λ3
1 is very large. Here n0is the electron density, λD= (kBT/4πn0e2)1/2is an averaged Debye
In the following, we consider a nonrelativistic projectile ion with charge Zeand with a
velocity Vthat moves in a magnetized temperature anisotropic plasma a t an angleϑwith
respect to the magnetic field B0. The axis defined by B0also coincides with the degree
of freedom with temperature T/bardbl. We assume that the energy variation of the ion is much
smaller than its kinetic energy. The strength of the couplin g betweeen an ion moving with
velocityVand the electron plasma is given by the coupling parameter
ND[1 +V2/v2
th]3/2. (1)
Herevth= (kBT/m)1/2is the average thermal velocity of an electron. The derivati on of
Eq. (1) is discussed in detail in Ref. [16]. The parameter Zcharacterizes the ion-target
coupling, where Z ≪ 1 corresponds to weak, almost linear coupling and Z>∼1 to strong,
nonlinear coupling.
For a sufficiently small perturbation ( Z ≪1) the linearized Vlasov equation of the plasma
may be written as
∂v, (2)
wheref=f0+f1and the self-consistent electrostatic potential ϕis determined by the
Poisson equation
4▽2ϕ=−4πZeδ(r−Vt) + 4πe/integraldisplay
dvf1(r,v,t). (3)
Thebis the unit vector parallel to B0,−eandωc=eB0/mcare the charge and Larmor
frequency of plasma electrons respectively, f0is the unperturbed distribution function of
plasma electrons, which in the case of temperature anisotro pic, homogeneous electron plasma
is given by two Maxwellians for the longitudinal and transve rsal degrees of freedom
f0(v/bardbl,v⊥) =n0
, (4)
where /angbracketleftv2
th/bardbl=kBT/bardbl/m, /angbracketleftv2
⊥/angbracketright= 2v2
th⊥= 2kBT⊥/m.
By solving Eqs. (2) and (3) in space-time Fourier components , we obtain the electrostatic
ϕ(r,t) =Ze
dkexp [ik(r−Vt)]
k2ε(k,kV), (5)
which provides the dynamical response of the temperature an isotropic plasma to the motion
of the projectile ion in the presence of the external magneti c field. Here ǫ(k,ω) is the
dielectric function of a temperature anisotropic, magneti zed plasma which is given by
ε(k,ω) = 1 +1
D/bardbl[G(s) +iF(s)] (6)
= 1 +1
1 +is√
X(t) =t2cos2α+k2a2
, (7)
whereλD/bardbl=vth/bardbl/ωp,ωpis the plasma frequency, s=ω/kv th/bardbl,τ=T⊥/T/bardbl,ac=vth⊥/ωcand
αis the angle between the wave vector kand the magnetic field.
As shown in Appendix A, Eqs. (6) and (7) are identical with the Bessel function rep-
resentation of ε(k,ω) derived e.g. by Ichimaru [17]. Eqs. (6) and (7) are, however , more
convenient when studying the weak and strong magnetic field l imits in Secs. IV and V.
5The stopping power Sof an ion is defined as the energy loss of the ion in a unit length due
to interactions with the plasma electrons. From Eq. (5) it is straightforward to calculate
the electric field E=−▽ϕ, and the stopping force acting on the ion. Then, the stopping
power of the projectile ion becomes
0dϕcos ΘF(s)
whereµ= cosαwas the angle between kandB0, Θ is the angle between kandV,s=
k·V/kvth/bardbl= (V/vth/bardbl) cosΘ, cos Θ = µcosϑ−√1−µ2sinϑcosϕ, andϑis the angle between
VandB0. In Eq. (8) we introduced a cutoff parameter kmax= 1/rmin(whererminis the
effective minimum impact parameter) in order to avoid the log arithmic divergence at large
k. This divergence corresponds to the incapability of the lin earized Vlasov theory to treat
close encounters between the projectile ion and the plasma e lectrons properly. For rmin
we thus use the effective minimum impact parameter of classic al binary Coulomb collisions
rfor relative velocities vr≃(V2+v2
th)1/2, which is often called the “distance
of closest approach.” Hence
Ze2. (9)
A two temperature description of an electron plasma is valid only when the ion beam-
plasma interaction time is less than the relaxation time bet ween the two temperatures, T/bardbland
T⊥. For an estimate we will briefly consider the field-free case, because the external magnetic
field suppresses the relaxation between the transversal and longitudinal temperatures during
the time of flight of the ion beam through plasma.
The problem of a temperature relaxation in a temperature ani sotropic plasma with and
without of an external magnetic field was considered by Ichim aru [17]. Within the dominant-
term approximation the relaxation time ∆ τrelfor the plasma without magnetic field is given
(kBTeff)3/2ln Λ c, (10)
6where ln Λ c= ln(ND) is the Coulomb logarithm and the effective electron tempera tureTeff
is defined through
[µ2T/bardbl+ (1−µ2)T⊥]3/2(11)
12T3/2(1 + 2τ)3/2
τ+ 2/radicalBig
p0(τ) =
ln1+√1−τ√τ, τ < 1
arctan√τ−1, τ > 1. (12)
The relaxation time calculated from Eq. (11) are of the order of 10−6s, 0.5×10−5s and
10−3s for averaged temperatures T= 10−2eV,T= 0.1eV andT= 1eV, respectively, for
anisotropies τ≃0.01−100. The interaction time (for instance, for ICF or for elect ron
cooling) is about 10−7−10−8s. Therefore, ion beam-plasma interaction time can be very
small compared to the plasma relaxation time.
Let us analyse expression (8) in the case when a projectile io n moves in a temperature
anisotropic plasma without magnetic field. The plasma diele ctric function from Eqs. (6)
and (7) now takes the form
ε(k,ω) = 1 +1
. (13)
HereA= (µ2+τ(1−µ2))1/2andW(s) =g0(s) +if0(s) is the plasma dispersion function
g0(s) = 1−s√
;f0(s) =/radicalbiggπ
, (14)
Di(s) = exp( −s2)s/integraldisplay
0dtexp(t2) (15)
7is the Dawson integral [18] which has for large arguments sthe asymptotic Di(s)≃1/2s+
Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (8) and performing the k-integration we obtain
0dϕcos Θ
vth/bardblcos Θ
A, ξ/bardblA/parenrightBigg
, (16)
Q0(x,ξ) =f0(x) lnf2
0(x) + [ξ2+g0(x)]2
0(x) +g2
In the case of temperature isotropic plasma ( T⊥=T/bardbl≡T,andτ= 1)A= 1 and Eq.
(16) coincides with the result of e.g. Ref. [19]
0dµµQ 0(µ,ξ), (18)
wherevth=vth/bardbl=vth⊥,λD=vth/ωp, andξ=kmaxλD.
When a projectile ion moves slowly through a plasma, the elec trons have much time to
experience the ion attractive potential. They are accelera ted towards the ion, but when
they reach its trajectory the ion has already moved forward a little bit. Hence, we expect
an increased density of electrons at some place in the trail o f the ion. This negative charge
density pulls back the positive ion and gives rise to the stop ping. This drag force is of
particular interest for the electron cooling process. In th e limit of small velocities S≃R·V.
This looks like the friction law of a viscous fluid, and accord inglyRis called the friction
coefficient. However, in the case of an ideal plasma it should b e noted that this law does
not depend on the plasma viscosity and is not a consequence of electron-electron collisions
which are neglected in the Vlasov equation.
The Taylor expansion of Eq. (16) for small V(V≪vth) yields the friction law
I1(τ) +I2(τ) sin2ϑ/bracketrightBig
, (19)
whereξ=kmaxλD= (1 +V2/v2
th)/Z ≃1/Z,
8I1(τ) =3
ψ(ξ)/parenleftbigg2τ+ 1
A3(µ), (20)
I2(τ) =3
2ψ(ξ)/parenleftbigg2τ+ 1
A3(µ), (21)
and the function ψis
ψ(ξ) = ln(1 +ξ2)−ξ2
1 +ξ2. (22)
In the case of temperature isotropic plasma ( τ= 1) we have I1= 1 andI2= 0. Then
the Eq. (19) becomes the usual friction law in an isotropic pl asma [19]. For the strongly
temperature anisotropic case, when τ≪1 (T⊥≪T/bardbl) we haveξ/bardbl≃√
I1≃ −√
Li2(1 +ξ2
/bardbl) + ln(1 +ξ2
, (23)
/bardbl+ 2 ln(1 +ξ2
/bardbl) + 3Li2(1 +ξ2
. (24)
Here the functions I1andI2do not depend on τ, andLi2(x) is the dilogarithm function
[20]. Note that Z ≪ 1 and therefore ξ≫1,ξ/bardbl≫1 in Eqs. (23) and (24). The Coulomb
logarithms in Eqs. (23) and (24) are then the leading terms an d
ln(1/Z). (25)
The normalized friction coefficient (Eq. (19)) is thus domina ted by the second term and
increases with increasing ϑ.
In the opposite case, τ≫1 (T⊥≫T/bardbl), the evoluation of Eqs. (20) and (21) yields
1 +3
2ξ2−1−2 ln1 +/radicalBig
1 +3
, (26)
1 +1/radicalBig
1 +3
1 +3
2ξ2+ 6 ln1 +/radicalBig
1 +3
, (27)
I1≃ −I2≃π
2Zln(1/Z). (28)
9ThenI1+I2sin2ϑ≃I1cos2ϑand the normalized friction coefficient decreases with incre asing
ofϑin this case.
In Fig. 1 the normalized friction coefficient I1+I2sin2ϑis plotted as a function of
temperature anisotropy τforϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed
line),ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line) and for fixed plasma density and average t emperature
(Z= 0.2). Fig. 1 shows an enhancement of the friction coefficient whe n the ion moves along
the direction with low temperature. This effect can be easily explained in a binary collision
picture. Let us consider the particular case of strongly ani sotropic plasma T⊥≫T/bardbl. In this
case the plasma electrons move mostly in the direction acros s to the anisotropy axis. For
ϑ≃π/2 the projectile ion moves along the plasma electrons therma l fluctuation direction
and effective impact parameter for electron-ion collision i s very small. Then the friction
coefficient decreases. For ϑ≃0 the projectile ion moves across to the direction of plasma
electrons thermal fluctuation. Therefore, the impact param eter for electron-ion collisions
increases which rises the friction coefficient.
For arbitrary projectile velocities we evaluated Eq. (16) n umerically. In Figs. 2 and
3 the stopping power is plotted for strongly temperature ani sotropic plasmas ( τ= 10−2
andτ= 102in Figs. (2) and (3) respectively) with n0= 108cm−3,T= 0.1eV and for
four values of ϑ;ϑ= 0 (dotted line), ϑ=π/6 (dashed line), ϑ=π/3 (long-dashed line),
ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line). The solid lines are plotted for tempera ture isotropic plasma with
T=T= 0.1eV. The general behaviour of the stopping power for two anis otropy parameters
τis characterized by an increase by comparision with the isot ropic case. At ϑ≃π/2 and
τ= 10−2(Fig. (2)) the ion moves in direction accross to the longitud inal electron motion
with the lower temperature T⊥and the maximum of the stopping power is around V≃vth⊥,
whereas the maximum for an ion motion in longitudinal direct ion is atV≃vth/bardbl≫vth⊥.
For the case when the magnetic field is weak, in the sense that t he dimensionless parame-
terη=ωc/ωpis much less than unity, the functions GandF, Eqs. (6) and (7), which define
the dielectric function, can be expanded about its field free valuesg0(s/A)/A2,f0(s/A)/A2
Eqs. (14) and (15)
10G(s) +iF(s) =1
(kλD/bardbl)2[g1(s) +if1(s)], (29)
g1(s) +if1(s) =2
2−A2t2) (30)
s=ω/kv th/bardbl. Substituting this expression (29) into Eq. (8) leads to
S=S0+η2S1, (31)
whereS0is the stopping power in plasma without magnetic field Eq. (16 ) andη2S1represents
the change due to a weak magnetic field. After some simplificat ions it becomes
0dϕ(1−µ2) cos2Θ
vth/bardblcos Θ
vth/bardblcos Θ
In the temperature isotropic plasma ( τ= 1) Eq. (32) coincides with the results by May and
Cramer [7] after integration over ϕ. Note that the additional term S1does not depend on
the cutoff parameter kmax.
In the next subsections we evaluate Eq. (32) for small and lar ge projectile velocities.
A. Small projectile velocities
When the projectile ion moves slowly ( V <vth) in plasma Eq. (32) leads to the simplified
vthP(ϑ,τ), (33)
11P(ϑ,τ) =/parenleftbigg1 + 2τ
P1(τ) +P2(τ) sin2ϑ/bracketrightBig
, (34)
P1(τ) =5
14τ+ 25−3(9τ+ 4)/radicalBig
, (35)
P2(τ) =5
3τ(23τ+ 16)/radicalBig
|1−τ|p0(τ)−28τ2−91τ+ 2
. (36)
Here, the function p0(τ) is given by Eq. (12). In temperature isotropic plasma with τ= 1
we haveP1(1) =P2(1) = 1.
In Fig. 4 the normalized friction coefficient P(ϑ,τ) for the additional stopping power S1
is plotted as a function of τforϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed
line),ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line). The general behaviour of P(ϑ,τ) is similar to the friction
coefficient of the plasma without magnetic field (see Fig. 1). H ere, the correction P(ϑ,τ)
can be also negative at small τandϑ, which then corresponds to a slight decrease of the
stopping power, Eq. (31).
B. High projectile velocities
When the projectile ion moves with large velocity ( V≫vth), Eq. (32), yields
2C1(1 + cos2ϑ)−C2B(ϑ,τ)/bracketleftBigg
B(ϑ,τ) + 1/bracketrightBigg/bracerightBigg
, (37)
B(ϑ,τ) =/parenleftbiggτ
τcos2ϑ+ sin2ϑ/parenrightbigg1/2
, (38)
0(x) +g2
0(x), C2=1
0x2(7−x2) exp(−x2/2)dx
0(x) +g2
For numbers C1andC2we get the accurate values C1= 1 andC2= 0 (C2≃10−12)
respectively. Therefore from Eq. (37) we have finally
4V2(1 + cos2ϑ). (40)
12This result is in accord with the results of Honda et al. [6] an d May and Cramer [7], who,
however, kept the terms O(V−4) in their work as well. Although the function S1in Eq. (40)
is proportional to the plasma density, the full correction t ermη2S1does not depend on the
plasma density.
In Figs. (5) and (6) we show the velocity dependence of the fun ctionS1forτ= 10−2
andτ= 102respectively. The different curves are ϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line),
ϑ=π/3 (dashed line), ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line). For small and medium projectile veloci ties
the weak magnetic field decreases the total stopping power fo r smallτand increases it in the
highτlimit. For high projectile velocities the magnetic field alw ays reduces the stopping
power independent of the temperature anisotropy, see Eq. (4 0).
We now turn to the case when a projectile ion moves in a tempera ture anisotropic plasma
with a strong magnetic field, which is on one hand, sufficiently weak to allow a classical
description (¯ hωc<kBT⊥or ¯h/mv th⊥<ac, and, on the other hand, comparatively strong so
that the cyclotron frequency of the plasma electrons exceed s the plasma frequency ωc≫ωp.
This limits the values of the magnetic field itself and values of perpendicular temperature
and plasma density. From these conditions we can obtain
0<B 0<105T⊥, (41)
wheren0is measured in cm−3,T⊥is measured in eV, and B0in kG. Conditions (41) are
always true in the range of parameters n0<1015cm−3,B0<100kG,T⊥>10−3eV. Then the
perpendicular motion of the electrons is completely quench ed and the stopping power de-
pends only on the longitudinal electron temperature T/bardbl. The dependence on the transversal
temperature will be only introduced by the cutoff parameter E q. (9).
In the limit of sufficiently strong magnetic field, Eq. (8) beco mes
0dϕcos Θf0(s)
0(s), (42)
withs= (V/vth/bardbl)(cos Θ/µ) andg0,f0from Eqs. (14), which gives after integration over k
0dϕcos ΘQ0/parenleftBiggV
vth/bardblcos Θ
. (43)
Here the function Q0is given by Eq. (17). For further simplification of Eq. (43) we introduce
the new variable of integration x= cos Θ/µ. Afterϕintegration in Eq. (43) we finally find
the stopping power in the presence of a strong magnetic field a s
Sinf(V,ϑ) =Z2e2
, (44)
= sin2ϑ∞/integraldisplay
(x2+ 1−2xcosϑ)3/2. (45)
In the previous works [11, 12, 13] only the case of ϑ= 0 the motion of the projectile
along the magnetic field direction has been investigated. In this case the integral in Eq. (45)
diverges, while prefactor sin2ϑtends to zero. Introducing the new variable of the integrati on
in Eq. (45) y= (x−cosϑ)/sinϑwe obtain for vanishing angle ϑ
= 2Q0/parenleftBiggV
. (46)
Thus expression (44) reproduces the known results for the st opping power on an ion
which moves along the direction of the magnetic field [11, 12, 13].
In the following paragraphs we will discuss its low and high v elocity limits.
A. Small projectile velocities
In the low velocity limit ( V≪vth/bardbl) Eq. (45) becomes
+ 1−2 sin2ϑ/bracketrightbigg
+C1(ξ/bardbl) sin2ϑ/bracerightbigg
C1(ξ/bardbl) =1/integraldisplay
x2Q0(x,ξ/bardbl). (48)
14Here, the function ψis defined by Eq. (22). Since we deal with small ion beam-plasm a
coupling Z ≪1 we have, ξ/bardbl≫1 in Eqs. (47) and (48) and the function C1(ξ) simplifies
γlnξ/bardbl+ 0.6, (49)
whereγ= 0.5772 is Euler’s constant.
We note that the friction coefficient Sinf/Vfrom Eqs. (44) and (47) contains a logarith-
mically large term which vanishes for ϑ→0. It will be shown in the next section that this
behaviour is a characteristic feature of the stopping power at low velocities and the friction
coefficient for arbitrary strength of the magnetic field.
B. High projectile velocities
In the case of high projectile velocities ( V≫vth/bardbl) the general expression (45) becomes
+ 1/bracerightBigg
, (50)
C2(ξ/bardbl) =1
which gives for ξ/bardbl≫1C2(ξ/bardbl)≃lnξ/bardbl. The stopping power for strong magnetic fields shows
in the low and high velocity limits (Eqs. (47) and (50)) an enh ancement for ions moving
transversal to the magnetic field compared to the case of the l ongitudinal motion ( ϑ= 0).
This effect is in agreement with PIC simulation results [14]. In contrast to the field-free
case, at strong magnetic field and for ϑ= 0,V≫vth/bardbl(Eqs. (44) and (50)) we have
p/2V2independent of kmax. The cutoff kmaxnecessary at low ion velocities is,
however, less well defined here than for the field-free case, w here the cutoff (9) was deduced
from the binary collision picture. Now, the electrons are fo rced to move parallel to B0. Since
we assumed the motion of the ion in this direction as well the i on and an electron just pass
each other along a straight line. For symmetry reasons the to tal momentum transfer and
the stopping power is zero. Purely binary interactions cont ribute nothing and the stopping
of the ion is only due to the collective response of the plasma , that is, due to modes with
15long wavelengths k <1/λD/bardbl. This suggests taking kmaxof the order of 1 /λD/bardbl, but further
investigations are clearly needed here for a more precise de scription in this particular case.
In Figs. (7) and (8), the stopping power Sinfis plotted as a function of projectile velocity
(in units of vth/bardbl) forn0= 106cm−3,T/bardbl= 10−4eV ,T⊥= 10−5eV (Fig. (7)), T⊥= 0.1eV
(Fig. (8)), and for four different values of angle ϑ:ϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted
line),ϑ=π/3 (dashed line) and ϑ=π/2 (dash-dotted line). The enhancement of Sinf(V,ϑ)
with respect to Sinf(V,0) in the low and in high velocity limit by increasing of the an gleϑis
documented in Fig. (9), for T/bardbl= 10−4eV,T⊥= 0.1eV,n0= 106cm−3,ϑ=π/6 (solid line),
ϑ=π/4 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed line) and ϑ=π/2 (dash-dotted line). The physical
origin of this angular behaviour in the low and high velocity limits is the enhancement of
the effective impact parameter for an individual electron-i on collision with increasing ϑ. For
medium projectile velocities V≃vth/bardblthe collective excitations in plasma become important
and then stopping power is higher for small ϑ.
We now proceed with a projectile ion at low velocities and at a rbitrary magnetic field.
This regime is of particular importance for the electron coo ling process [1, 2, 3]. In the
presence of a magnetic field the friction coefficient here cont ains a term which diverges like
ln(vth/bardbl/V) in addition to the usual (see e.g. Sec. III) constant one.
For this consideration it is convenient to use the Bessel fun ction representation of the
dielectric function which has been given e.g. by Ichimaru [1 7], see Appendix A Eq. (A7),
and to write the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (A7) separate ly
G= 1−√
|k/bardbl|vth/bardblΛ0(z) exp
n=1Λn(z) exp
The notations in Eqs. (52) and (53) are explained in Appendix A.
For the friction coefficient we have to consider S, given by Eq. (8) in the low-velocity
limit and thus the functions GandFgiven by Eqs. (52) and (53), when ω=kV. Now we
have to write the Taylor expansion of Eqs. (52) and (53) for sm allω=kV. However, the
first term of Eq. (53) exhibits a singular behaviour in the lim it ofω=kV→0 where the k/bardbl
integration diverges logarithmically for small k/bardbl. We must therefore keep ω=kVfinite in
that integration to avoid such a divergence. This anomalous contribution which arises from
the first term of Eq. (53) in low-velocity limit is
0dϕcos2ΘΛ0(z) exp/parenleftbigg
[k2+E2(k,µ)]2, (54)
where Λ 0(z) = exp( −z)I0(z) andE2(k,µ) =G(ω= 0) is
E2(k,µ) = 1 +2√
. (55)
Herez= (k2τ/η2)(1−µ2),µ= cosα=k/bardbl/k, and Θ is the angle between kandV. Afterµ
andϕintegration, see Appendix B, Eq. (54) reads
F(τ,η), (56)
F(τ,η) =τξ2
[x+ 1 + (τ−1)Λ0(x/η2)]2. (57)
The function Fand thusSan(56) vanishes in the limit B0→0 (orη→0) like
1 + (kmaxλD⊥)2/bracketrightBigg
. (58)
The anomalous term Eqs. (56) and (57) therefore represents a new effect arising from
the presence of the magnetic field, which is not restricted to anisotropic plasmas.
For temperature isotropic plasma ( τ= 1) and for a sufficiently weak magnetic field η <ξ /bardbl
(orωc<kmaxvth/bardbl), Eq. (57) takes the form
1 +1
, (59)
whereK0andK1are the modified Bessel functions of the second kind. In the ca se of very
strong magnetic field η >ξ /bardbl√τ(orωc>kmaxλD⊥) the function F(τ,η) reads
F(τ,η)≃Ψ(ξ/bardbl) = ln(1 +ξ2
1 +ξ2
/bardbl. (60)
The physical origin of such an anomalous friction coefficient may be traced to the spiral
motion of the electrons along the magnetic field lines. These electrons naturally tend to
couple strongly with long-wavelength fluctuations (i.e., s mallk/bardbl) along the magnetic field.
In addition, when such fluctuations are characterized by slo w variation in time (i.e., small
ω=kV), the contact time or the rate of energy exchange between the electrons and the
fluctuations will be further enhanced. In a plasma such low-f requency fluctuations are pro-
vided by the slow projectile ion. The above coupling can ther efore be an efficient mechanism
of energy exchange between the electrons and the projectile ion. In the limit of V→0, the
frequencyω=kV→0 tends to zero as well. The contact time thus becomes infinite and
the friction coefficient diverges.
The anomalous friction coefficient (see Eq. (56)) vanishes, h owever, when the ion moves
along the magnetic field ( ϑ= 0). Then the friction coefficient is solely given by the secon d
term of Eq. (53). The contribution of this term to the stoppin g power leads to the usual
friction law in plasma and reads for arbitrary angles ϑ
E1(k,µ) =∞/summationdisplay
n=1Λn(z) exp/parenleftBigg
1 +/parenleftbigg1
andE2(k,µ) as defined by Eq. (55).
In Figs. (10) and (11) we compare the anomalous term Sanwith the low velocity stopping
without magnetic field S0see Eq. (19), where San/S0is plotted as a function of ωc/ωpfor
ϑ=π/6 (solid line), ϑ=π/3 (dotted line), ϑ=π/2 (dashed line), Z= 0.1,V/vth= 0.2,
and for two values of the anisotropy parameter τ:τ= 0.1 (Fig. (10)), τ= 10 (Fig. (11)).
We conclude that the anomalous term Sangives espessially for strong magnetic fields ( ωc>
ωp) and for strongly temperature anisotropic plasma ( T⊥≫T/bardbl) an important contribution
to the stopping. It should be noted that the observed enhance ment of stopping due to San
forT⊥≫T/bardblcan be potentially interesting for future electron cooling experiments.
The purpose of this work was to analyze the stopping power of a n ion in temperature
anisotropic magnetized classical plasma. A general expres sion obtained for stopping power
was analyzed in four particular cases: in a plasma without ma gnetic field; in a plasma with
weak and very strong magnetic fields; and in a plasma with arbi trary magnetic field and for
low-velocity projectile.
From the results obtained in Secs. III-V, we found that the st opping power essentially
depends on the plasma temperature anisotropy. In field-free case and for small ion velocities
the effect of the anisotropy results in an enhancement of the s topping power when the ion
moves in the direction with low temperature.
For small projectile velocities a weak magnetic field slight ly decreases the field-free stop-
ping power for small τ, in the opposite case (large τ) the field-free stopping power slightly
increases. In the high-velocity limit correction to the fiel d-free stopping power for weak
magnetic fields is always negative and the stopping power is r educed by the magnetic field.
In the case of strong magnetic fields we demonstrated an enhan cement of the stopping
power with increasing of ϑfor low and high-velocity regions compared to the case of an i on
which moves along B0.
19In low-velocity limit but for arbitrary magnetic field, we fin d an enhanced stopping power
compared to the field-free value mainly due to the strong coup ling between the spiral motion
of the electrons and the long-wavelength, low-frequency flu ctuations excited by the projectile
ion. This anomalous stopping power increases with the angle ϑ(the angle between ion
velocity Vand magnetic field B0) and depends strongly on the temperature anisotropy
τ=T⊥/T/bardbl, as seen in Figs. (10) and (11). Although the nature of the ano malous stopping
power is conditioned by the external magnetic field the tempe rature anisotropy of the plasma
can intensify this effect when T⊥≫T/bardbl(see Fig. (11)).
This emphasizes the importance of the special role of fluctua tions with small k/bardbland small
ω(small projectile velocity V) and as another significant contribution to the energy excha nge
processes arising from the collective modes of plasma. Pote ntially, the electron plasma waves
and the ion acoustic waves in a magnetized plasma might provi de a significant energy-
exchange mechanism between projectile ion and plasma parti cles. This fact then makes
it necessary to consider the influence of plasma collective m odes to anomalous stopping
process. This problem will be treated in a subsequent work.
Finally, it is pleasure to thank Prof. Christian Toepffer for helpful discussions. One of
the authors (H.B.N.) is grateful to Prof. Christian Toepffer for hospitality at the Institut
f¨ ur Theoretische Physik II, Universit¨ at Erlangen-N¨ urn berg, where this work was concluded
and would like to thank the Deutscher Akademischer Austausc hdienst for financial support.
We are indebted to Claudia Schlechte for her help in preparin g the manuscript.
Here we describe the evaluation of the dielectric function i n the temperature anisotropic
case where the velocity distribution of the unperturbated d istribution function was given
by Eq. (4). We next introduce the Fourier transformations of f1(r,v,t) with respect to
variables randt,f1(k,ω,v). Because of the cylindrical symmetry (around the magnetic
field direction b=B0/B0=ˆz) of the problem, we choose
20v=v⊥cosσˆx+v⊥sinσˆy+v/bardblˆz. (A1)
Then the Vlasov Eq. (2) for the distribution function become s
∂σf1(k,ω,v) +i
ωc(kv−ω−i0)f1(k,ω,v) =−ie
, (A2)
whereϕ(k,ω) is the Fourier transformation of ϕ(r,t). The positive infinitesimal + i0 in Eq.
(A2) serves to assure the adiabatic turning on of the disturb ance and thereby to guarantee
the causality of the response. The solution of the Eq. (A2) ha s the form
f1(k,ω,v) =−ie
σdσ1[−ω−i0 + (kv)σ=σ1]
Combining Eq. (A3) with the Poisson equation (3) we find for th e dielectric function
ε(k,ω) = 1−4πie2
k/bardblv/bardbl−ω−i0 +k⊥v⊥cos(ϕ−σ1)/bracketrightBig
, (A4)
wherekx=k⊥cosϕ,ky=k⊥sinϕ. After integration by the variables σ1,σ2andσ, and
using the expression [20]
exp(−izsinθ) =+∞/summationdisplay
n=−∞Jn(z) exp(−inθ), (A5)
whereJnis the Bessel function of the nth order, we obtain the expression [17]
ε(k,ω) = 1−8π2e2
Substituting Eq. (4) for the unperturbed distribution func tionf0into Eq. (A6) we finally
results in
ε(k,ω) = 1 +1
1 ++∞/summationdisplay
1 +T/bardbl
c, Λn(z) = exp( −z)In(z),In(z) is the modified Bessel function
of thenth order, and W(z) is the plasma dispersion function [18].
To show the identity of the two forms (Eqs. (6) and (A7)) of the dielectric function we
will use the expansion in modified Bessel functions [20]
exp(zcosθ) =∞/summationdisplay
n=−∞In(z) exp(inθ). (A8)
This allows to rewrite exp[ −X(t)] withX(t) from Eq. (7) as
exp[−X(t)] = exp( −t2cos2α)+∞/summationdisplay
n=−∞Λn(β) exp/parenleftBigginωct√
. (A9)
Substituting Eq. (A9) into expression (6) and integration o ver the variable tleads to Eq.
We now give a more detail derivation of the anomalous term San(Eq. (56)). We start
with the expression (see Eq. (54))
Q(k,ϕ,λ ) =1/integraldisplay
µΦ(µ,k,ϕ ) exp/parenleftBigg
, (B1)
whereφ(µ,ϕ) = cos Θ,λ=V/vth/bardbl,
Φ(µ,k,ϕ ) =Λ0(z) cos2Θ
[k2+E2(k,µ)]2. (B2)
Forλ→0 a leading-term approximation of (B1) leads to
Q(k,ϕ,λ )≃Φ(0,k,ϕ) ln√
λ|φ(0,ϕ)|√γ+ O(1), (B3)
whereγis the Euler’s constant, |φ(0,ϕ)|= sinϑ|cosϕ|,
Φ(0,k,ϕ) =Λ0(k2τ/η2) sin2ϑcos2ϕ
[k2+E2(k,0)]2 (B4)
E2(k,0) = 1 + 2/parenleftbigg1
n=1Λn(k2τ/η2). (B5)
22Using the relation [17, 20]
n=−∞Λn(z) = 1, (B6)
the function E2(k,0) we finally takes the form
E2(k,0) =1
Λ0(k2τ/η2). (B7)
Substituting Eqs. (B3), (B4) and (B7) into Eq. (54) and integ ration over ϕwe finally
come to expression (56).
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[2] H. Poth, Phys. Reports 196, 135 (1990).
[3] I. N. Meshkov, Phys. Part. Nucl. 25, 631 (1994).
[4] Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Heav y Ion Inertial Fusion, (Heidelberg,
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[9] J. G. Kirk and D. I. Galloway, Plasma Phys. 24, 339 (1982).
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[11] H. B. Nersisyan, Phys. Rev. E 58, 3686 (1998).
[12] H. B. Nersisyan and C. Deutsch, Phys. Lett. A 246, 325 (1998).
[13] C. Seele, G. Zwicknagel, C. Toepffer, and P.-G. Reinhard , Phys. Rev. E 57, 3368 (1998).
[14] M. Walter, C. Toepffer, and G. Zwicknagel, Nucl. Instrum . Meth. B, (1999) (to be published).
[15] E. Lifshitz and L. P. Pitaevskij, Physical Kinetics (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981).
[16] G. Zwicknagel, C. Toepffer, and P.-G. Reinhard, Phys. Re ports309, 117 (1999).
[17] S. Ichimaru, Basic Principles of Plasma Physics (Benjamin, Reading, MA 1973), Sec. 7.4.
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[19] Th. Peter and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Phys. Rev. A 43, 1998 (1991).
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York, 1980).
24FIG. 1: Normalized friction coefficient I1+I2sin2ϑ(see Eqs. (19)-(21)) in plasma with Z= 0.2
as a function of τ=T⊥/T/bardblfor four values of ϑ;ϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3
(dashed line), ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line).
FIG. 2: Stopping power (in units of 10−3eV/cm) as a function of projectile velocity V(in units
of/angbracketleftvth/angbracketright=vth) in a strongly temperature anisotropic plasma without magn etic field ( T= 0.1eV,
n0= 108cm−3,τ= 10−2) for four values of angle ϑ,ϑ= 0 (dotted line), ϑ=π/6 (dashed
line), ϑ=π/3 (long-dashed line), ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line). Solid line isotropic plasma with
temperature T=T= 0.1eV.
FIG. 4: The function P(ϑ,τ) (see Eqs. (33)-(36)) as a function of τ=T⊥/T/bardblfor four values of
ϑ,ϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed line), ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line).
FIG. 5: Additional stopping power S1(in 10−5eV/cm) in plasma ( n0= 108cm−3,T= 0.1eV,
τ= 10−2) with weak magnetic field (see Eq. (32)) as a function of proje ctile velocity V(in units
of/angbracketleftvth/angbracketright=vth) forϑ= 0 (solid line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed line), ϑ=π/2
(dot-dashed line).
FIG. 6: As Fig. 5, but here τ= 102.
FIG. 7: Stopping power Sinf(in 10−3eV/cm) in plasma ( n0= 106cm−3,T/bardbl= 10−4eV,τ= 0.1)
with strong magnetic field as a function of projectile veloci tyV(in units of vth/bardbl) forϑ= 0 (solid
line), ϑ=π/6 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed line), ϑ=π/2 (dot-dashed line).
FIG. 8: As Fig. 7, but here τ= 103.
FIG. 9: The ratio Sinf(V,ϑ)/Sinf(V,0) as a function of projectile velocity V(in units of vth/bardbl) for
T/bardbl= 10−4eV,τ= 103,ϑ=π/6 (solid line), ϑ=π/4 (dotted line), ϑ=π/3 (dashed line), ϑ=π/2
(dot-dashed line).
FIG. 3: As Fig. 2, but here τ= 102.
25FIG. 10: The ratio of the anomalous stopping power to the stop ping power without magnetic field
(San/S0) as a function of ωc/ωpforZ= 0.1,V/vth= 0.2,τ= 0.1,ϑ=π/6 (solid line), ϑ=π/3
(dotted line), ϑ=π/2 (dashed line).
FIG. 11: As Fig. 10, but here τ= 10.
τ012345I1(τ)+I2(τ)sin2ϑϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5 6
V/<vth> POWER (in 10−3eV/cm)Isotropic plasma
ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5 6
V/<vth> POWER (in 10−3eV/cm)Isotropic Plasma
ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/210−1100101102
τ−5515253545P(ϑ,τ)ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5 6
V/<vth>−5−4−3−2−101S1 (in 10−5ev/cm)
ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5 6
V/<vth>−0.600.61.21.8S1 (in 10−5eV/cm)ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5
V/vth|| (in 10−3 eV/cm)ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 1 2 3 4 5
V/vth||0246Sinf (in 10−3eV/cm)ϑ = 0
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/210−1100101
V/vth||110Sinf(V,ϑ)/Sinf(V,0)ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/4
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 2 4 6 8 10
ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/20 2 4 6 8 10
ωc/ωp051015San/S0ϑ = π/6
ϑ = π/3
ϑ = π/2 |
arXiv:physics/9912019v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 9 Dec 1999Electric microfield distribution in two-component plasmas .
Theory and Simulations
J. Ortnera)∗, I. Valuevb), and W. Ebelinga)
a)Institut f¨ ur Physik, Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin,
Invalidenstr. 110, D-10115 Berlin, Germany
b)Department of Molecular and Chemical Physics, Moscow Insti tute of Physics and Technology,
141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
(to be published in Contr. Plasma Phys.)
The distribution of the electric microfield at a charged part icle moving in
a two-component plasma is calculated. The theoretical appr oximations are
obtained via the parameter integration technique and using the screened
pair approximation for the generalized radial distributio n function. It is
shown that the two-component plasma microfield distributio n shows a larger
probability of high microfield values than the correspondin g distribution of
the commonly used OCP model. The theory is checked by quasicl assical
molecular-dynamics simulations. For the simulations a cor rected Kelbg
pseudopotential has been used.
PACS: 52.25.Vy, 52.25.Gj, 52.65.-y, 05.30.-d
Keywords: Two-component plasma; Electric microfield; Semi classical
molecular dynamics
∗Corresponding author, Tel.: (+4930) 2093 7636, email: jens @physik.hu-berlin.de
The purpose of this paper is the investigation of the microfie ld distribution in a two-
component plasma at the position of a charged particle.
The determination of the distribution of the electric micro field component created by
one of the subsystems separately - electron or ion - is a well s tudied problem (for a review
see [1]). Holtsmark [2] reduced the line shape problem to the determination of the prob-
ability distribution of perturbing ionic electric microfie ld. In recent papers it was argued
that the electric microfield low frequency part (due to the io n dynamics) also influences
the fusion rates [3] and the rates for the three-body electro n-ion recombination [4] in
dense plasmas. Holtsmark’s work on the electric microfield d istribution was restricted to
ideal plasmas. The opposite limiting case of infinite coupli ng strength was considered by
Mayer [5,6] within the ion sphere model. Within this model th e central ion undergoes
harmonic oscillations around the center of the negatively c harged ion sphere. This results
in a Gaussian approximation for electric microfields at the i on position. The nonideality
of plasmas leads to quantitative corrections to Holtsmark’ s result as shown by Baranger
and Mozer [7] and Iglesias [8] for the case of weakly coupled p lasmas and by Iglesias et al.
[9] for the case of strongly coupled plasmas. In these papers it is shown that with increas-
ing coupling strength Γ the long tailed Holtsmark distribut ion is changed into the fast
decaying Gaussian approximation. Here the coupling parame ter Γ = e2/kTd is defined
via the electron density ne(d= [3/4πne]1/3is the average distance of the electrons).
In the cited papers the electric microfield created by one of t he subsystems has been
studied by an almost total neglect of the influence of the othe r subsystem. A common
assumption is that the distribution of the high-frequency c omponent (due to the electron
dynamics) is the same as that of an electron gas with uniform n eutralizing background.
This is the so called model of the one component plasma (OCP). For the ion subsystem,
in a first approximation, the electrons are assumed to move fr ee through the plasma.
Since the electron motion is much more rapid than the ion one, the electrons are treated
2as a smeared negative charged background. For simplicity th is background charge was
assumed to be uniform in the density and not to be distorted by the ion motion. This
again is the OCP model.
A more realistic model should also take into account the vari ation of the background
charge density. A background charge distribution which diff ers from a uniform distribution
results in a screening of the ion motion, the screening stren gth is generally frequency
dependent, e.g. it depends on the ion velocity. In a first appr oximation one might neglect
the frequency dependence of the screening. Then one arrives at the model of an OCP on
a polarizable background (POCP). In the theory of microfield s this slightly more involved
model is used to describe the low frequency part [7,10]. Howe ver, both the OCP and the
POCP fail to describe the correlations between the electron and the ion subsystem.
To include the electron-ion correlations one has to conside r the model of a two-
component plasma (TCP). This paper is adressed to the electr ic microfield studies in
an equilibrium two-component plasma. To our knowledge the e lectric microfield in a
TCP has been studied only by Yan and Ichimaru [11]. However, d ue to a couple of
flaws contained in the paper of Yan and Ichimaru a further inve stigation is required.
For simplicity we will restrict ourselves to the case of a two -component plasma which is
anti-symmetric with respect to the charges ( e−=−e+) and therefore symmetrical with
respect to the densities ( n+=ni=n−=ne). Further, the theoretical investigations are
carried out for arbitrary electron ion mass ratios. To simpl ify the numeric investigations
we simulated so far only a mass symmetrical (nonrelativisti c) electron-positron plasma
withm=m+=me. We study this - so far unrealistic - case of mass - symmetrica l
plasmas in order to save computer time in particle simulatio ns. The mass-symmetrical
model is well suited to check the quality of various analytic al approximations. In addition,
the results of the simulation are also applicable to the case of an electron-hole plasma in
As for the case of the OCP the microfield distribution of a TCP i n the weak coupling
3regime is approximated by the Holtsmark distribution. Howe ver, coupled plasmas are
important objects in nature, laboratory experiments, and i n technology [12–14].
Therefore we are interested in the modification of the microfi eld distribution caused
by the coupling of plasma particles. Both theoretical inves tigations and semiclassical
simulations are performed to study the microfield distribut ion in two-component plasmas.
In this paper the free charges (electron and ions) are simula ted by a semiclassical dy-
namics based on effective potentials. The idea of the semicla ssical method exploited in the
numerical part of this paper is to incorporate quantum-mech anical effects (in particular
the Heisenberg and the Pauli principle) by appropriate pote ntials. This method was pi-
oneered by Kelbg, Dunn and Broyles, Deutsch and others [15–1 7]. Several investigations
were devoted to the simulation of equilibrium two-componen t plasmas [18–22]. Being
interested in semiclassical methods we mention explicitel y the semiclassical simulations
of two-component plasmas performed by Norman and by Hansen [ 18,19].
Certainly, such a semiclassical approach has several limit s. For example, bound states
cannot be described classically, therefore our methods are restricted to the subsystem of
the free charges. However, this is not a very serious restric tion since most of the plasma
properties are determined by the subsystem of the free charg es.
The semiclassical approach may be very usefull to calculate a standard macroscopic
property such as the microfield distribution since it has a we ll defined classical limit. The
advantage of such an approach is the relative simplicity of t he algorithm.
Consider a two-component plasma consisting of Niions of one species and Ne=Ni
electrons with masses meandmiand charges ee=−ei=−e. The total number of
particles is N=Ne+Ni. The plasma system with the total volume Vand temperature
in energy units T= 1/βis described by the Hamilton operator
j=1ˆvab(ra,i,rb,j). (1)
The interaction potential between two particles is given by the Coulomb potential
vab(ri,rj) =eaeb
|ri−rj|. (2)
The operator of electric field acting on a certain particle (h ereafter called the first
particle) is defined by the sum of single particle Coulomb fiel d operators,
j=2Ej(r1j),Ej(r1j) =−ej
1jr1j, rij=|ri−rj|. (3)
Define now the electric microfield distribution W(ε) as the probability of measuring
an electric field εequal to Eat the probe charge position r1,
W(ε) =< δ(ε−E)> , (4)
where <ˆA >= (1/Z) Sp/parenleftBigˆAexp[−βˆH]/parenrightBig
denotes the quantumstatistical average of the
operator ˆA, and Z= Sp exp[ −βˆH] is the partition sum of the plasma system.
We assume that our system is isotropic. Then we may rewrite Eq .(4) as [6]
P(ε) = 2π−1ε/integraldisplay∞
0dl l T(l) sin(εl), (5)
where P(ε) is related to W(ε) by 4 πW(ε)ε2dε=P(ε)dε, and
T(k) =< eik·ε> (6)
is the Fourier transform of the microfield distribution func tionW(ε).
It is convenient to introduce the dimensionless quantity
E0, (7)
where E0is defined through the total density n=N/VbyE0= 2π(4/15)2/3e n2/3. The
probability distribution for the dimensionless field Fthen becomes with L=lE0,
P(F) = 2π−1F/integraldisplay∞
0dL L T (L) sin(FL). (8)
5Consider now some known limiting cases for the microfield dis tribution. In the weak
coupling regime for Γ ≪1 the Holtsmark distribution is applicable for the microfiel d
distribution and we have
T(L,Γ≪1) =TH(L) = exp[ −L3/2]. (9)
The other limiting case of strong coupling Γ ≫1 is known so far only for the one-
component plasma model. For the OCP the ion sphere model hold s in the strong coupling
regime. Within this model the charge will be attracted towar ds the center of its oppositely
charged sphere of radius d= [3/4πne]1/3and with average density ne. The harmonic
potential for the displacement of the center leads then to a G aussian approximation for
the distribution of the normalized electric field F=E/E 0,OCPat the charge ,
P(F) = (2 /π)1/2(F2/τ3/2) exp( −F2/2τ), (10)
τ= (bΓ )−1xcothx , x = (T¯h2/4mee4)Γ3, b=4
. (11)
The normalizing field strength for the OCP case should be expr essed in terms of the
electron density neonly, E0,OCP= 2π(4/15)2/3e n2/3
e. In the case of a classical one-
component plasma ¯ h→0 the parameter τplaying the role of an effective temperature in
the Gaussian distribution Eq.(10) simplifies and reads τcl= 1/(bΓ), and Eq.(10) turns
into the expression developed by Mayer [5].
However, there is no commonly accepted generalization of th e ion sphere model for
the two-component plasma with charges of different signs. Mo reover we will show that
in the case of TCP there is not any analogue for the Gaussian di stribution in strongly
coupled OCP.
First we mention that the Fourier transform of the Gaussian d istribution for electric
microfield applicable in the strong coupling OCP regime equa ls
T(L,Γ≫1) =TG(L) = exp/bracketleftBigg
. (12)
6Notice that the Taylor expansion of the Gaussian function TG(L) starts with
TG(L) = 1 −L2τ
2. (13)
On the other hand it is possible to perform exact calculation s for the leading terms
in the small Lexpansion of the Fourier transform T(L). From the definition of T(k) Eq.
(6) it follows that
T(k→0) = 1 −k2< ε2>
6+k4< ε4>
120±. . . . (14)
In Refs. [9] it was argued that it is necessary to incorporate the knowledge of the second
moment < ε2>into the calculation of microfield distributions in OCP. One might now try
to generalize this idea to the case of a TCP. However, as can be easily seen the coefficient
in the k2term< ε2>diverges in the case of a TCP:
< ε2>=<N/summationdisplay
j=2(Ej(r1j) )2+/summationdisplay
j/negationslash=kEj(r1j)·Ek(r1k)> . (15)
The first sum on the r.h.s of Eq.(15) can be written in terms of t he partial correlation
function of particles aandb,
< ε2>1=gab(r) =1
V nanb<Na/summationdisplay
j=1δ(r−rjb+ria)> , (16)
and reads
r2[gee(r) +gei(r) ], (17)
which diverges at small distances, since for a fluid quantum s ystem both gei(0)/ne}ationslash= 0 and
gee(0)/ne}ationslash= 0. In the classical OCP only gee(r) appears with gee(0) = 0, therefore the above
integral and < ε2>are finite. In contrast to what we have found Yan and Ichimaru
[11] predict a finite second moment. In Ref. [11] no derivatio n of their second moment
expression valid “strictly in the classical limit” [11] is g iven. To isolate a possible error
in the derivation of Yan and Ichimaru one may perform semicla ssical calculations of the
second moment. Details of the semiclassical model are given in the next Section. We
7mention here only that in the semiclassical model the quantu m system is modeled by
a system of classical particles interacting via an effective potential uab(r) =eaeb/r+
us,ab(r), where the short-range part of the effective potential us,ab(r) cuts the short-range
divergency of the Coulomb potential. Therefore at short dis tances us,ab(r→0) =−eaeb/r.
Within the semiclassical model the second moment reads
< ε2>=4πne
The first term in the above equation has been reported in Ref. [ 11], the second term has
been omitted. However, as may be easily seen this second term is divergent. It may be
expressed by an integral similar to that of Eq. (17) which div erges at the lower bound.
Thus we have established a qualitative difference between the classical OCP and the
TCP system. For the first the second moment of the microfield di stribution is finite and
corresponds to the variance of the Gaussian distribution.
In contrast to the OCP case the second moment of the TCP system diverges. As a
result the TCP microfield distribution does never converge t o a Gaussian distribution.
We now generalize a coupling parameter technique which was u sed to calculate the
microfield distribution of a classical OCP [8,9] to the case o f a quantum TCP. Consider
the function
T(l) =Z(l)
Z, (18)
Z(l)≡Speil·Ee−βˆH. (19)
Introduce the “coupling strength” parameter λ, 0≤λ≤1, of the function,
Z(λ) = Sp eiλl·Ee−βˆH.
From the definition of T(l) in Eq. (18) and assuming the first particle to be an electron
one obtains
lnT(l) =/integraldisplay1
0d λ∂lnZ(λ)
0d λ/integraldisplay
drφ(r)gea(r, λ), (20)
φ(r) =il·r
r3, (21)
gab(r, λ) =1
Z(λ)V nanbSpNa/summationdisplay
j=1δ(r−rjb+ria)eiλl·Ee−βˆH. (22)
The functions gab(r, λ) may be considered as generalized partial distribution fun ctions.
In the case of a TCP Eq.(20) reads
lnT(l) =n
0d λ/integraldisplay
drφ(r) [gei(r, λ)−gee(r, λ)]. (23)
The above expression is still exact. The use of the “exponent ial approximation” (EXP)
[9] ansatz leads to the expression
gea(r, λ)≃gea(r,0) exp [ Ea(r;λ)], a=e, i , (24)
with the “renormalized potential” given as [9]
Ea(r;λ) =iλl·E∗
a(r) =Ea(r1a) +/summationdisplay
drbEb(r1b) [gab(rab)−1 ]. (25)
After substitution of Eq.(25) into Eq.(24) and performing t he integration over λand the
angles one gets
0dr r2gea(r)Ea(r)
, (26)
a(r) =Ea(r)/bracketleftBigg
1 + 4 π/summationdisplay
0r′2d r′[gab(r′)−1 ]/bracketrightBigg
, (27)
Ea(r) =ea
r2, (28)
withj0being the Bessel function of order zero. We notice that the us e of the screened
Coulomb potential Eq.(27) ensures the divergency of the sec ond moment of the TCP
microfield distribution. In this point our theory differs ess entially from the results obtained
by Yan and Ichimaru who used a potential of mean force instead of the screened Coulomb
field [11]. Eqs.(26)-(28) constitute the so called exponent ial approximation (EXP) [9]. It
9is known that in contrast to the so called adjustable paramet er exponential approximation
(APEX) the EXP expression poorly agrees with MD OCP data. In t he APEX [9] one
substitutes Eq. (27) by an ad hoc ansatz for E∗
a(r). According to this ansatz the potential
a(r) is approximated by a parametrized Debye potential where th e parameter is choosen
to satisfy the second moment. In order to get a generalized AP EX expression for the
TCP one should know the second moment of the TCP microfield dis tribution. However,
in the above consideration we have shown that the second mome nt of the TCP microfield
distribution diverges. Therefore there is not any straight forward generalization of APEX
to the TCP case. In the weak coupling limit both approximatio ns, EXP and APEX,
reduce to the Debye-H¨ uckel (DH) approximation.
Consider therefore the DH limit in the case of TCP. In the weak coupling limit the
pair correlation function is given by the screened pair appr oximation which in our case of
a two-component plasma reads [12]:
gab(r) =S(2)
ab(r) exp/bracketleftBigg
, (29)
where κ= (4πβ/summationtext
a)1/2is the inverse Debye screening length. Further
ab(r) = const ./summationdisplay
α′exp (−βEα)|Ψα|2(30)
is the two-paricle Slater sum written in terms of the wave fun ctions Ψ αand energy levels
Eαof the pair ab, respectively. The prime at the summation sign indicates th at the
contribution of the bound states (which is not be considered here) has to be omitted. The
Slater sum will be considered in the next section.
To calculate the effective field E∗
a(r) in Eq.(27) it suffices to use the linear DH approx-
gab(r)−1 = −βeaeb
rexp [−κr], (31)
since the nearest neighbour contribution to E∗
a(r) is already singled out in Eq.(27). In
addition, the linear DH approximation leads to a perfect scr eening of the impurity charge,
10which is an important requirement for a consistent approxim ation. The substitution of
Eq.(31) into Eq.(27) yields the Debye screened field
a(r) =ea
r2(1 +κr) exp(−κr). (32)
We put now Eqs. (32) and (29) into Eq. (26) and obtain the DH app roximation for the
microfield distribution in a two-component plasma. This app roximation may be expressed
in terms of the dimensionless quantities introduced in Eqs. (7) and (8) and reads
T(L) =Tee(L)Tei(L),
lnTea(L) =15L3/2
β us,ea(d√
B(x) =x2/parenleftBigg
1 +√
, c=√
(5π)1/3, Zi=−Ze= 1 ,(33)
where the electron Wigner-Seitz radius dand the coupling constant Γ have been defined
in the Introduction. Further in Eq. (33) we have introduced a n effective short range
exp (−β us,ea(r)) =S(2)
ea(r) exp/parenleftBigg
Equation (8) with T(L) from Eq. (33) constitutes the Debye-H¨ uckel approximatio n for the
microfield distribution applicable to the weakly coupled TC P. These equations generalize
the corresponding DH approximation used to calculate the OC P microfield distribution
[8]. We mention that the approximation Eqs. (33) can be direc tly obtained from Eq. (23)
using the nonlinear Debye-H¨ uckel approximation for the ge neralized radial distribution
gea(r;λ) = exp/bracketleftBigg
1 +iλl∇
exp [−βus,ea(r)]. (34)
In the next section we consider the two-particle Slater sum a nd introduce the semi-
classical model employed in the numerical simulations.
As pointed out in the Introduction the idea of the semiclassi cal methods is to incor-
porate quantum-mechanical effects (in particular the Heise nberg and the Pauli principle)
by appropriate effective potentials.
An easy way to arrive at effective potentials describing quan tum effects is the use of
the so-called Slater sums which were studied in detail by sev eral authors [12,23]. The
Slater sum caracterizes the distribution of the system in co ordinate space. Choosing the
logarithm of the Slater sum
U(N)(r1, . . .,rN) =−TlnS(r1, . . .,rN), (35)
as a potential for the classical motion of the particles, we m ap our quantum system
onto a classical one. The potentials U(N)(r1, . . .,rN) are often called quantum statistical
effective potentials and they are used to calculate the corre ct thermodynamic functions
of the original quantum system [12,23,18].
The Slater sum may be considered as an analogue of the classic al Boltzmann factor.
The only modification in comparison with the classical theor y is the appearance of many-
particle interactions. If the system is not to dense (i.e., i n the nondegenerate limit) one
may neglect the contributions of higher order many-particl e interactions. In this case one
writes approximately,
U(N)(r1, . . .,rN)≈/summationdisplay
i<juij(ri,rj), (36)
where the effective two-particle potential uabis defined by the two-particle Slater sum Eq.
The Slater sum for the pair of charged particles can be approx imated in different ways.
Following Kelbg [15] one considers the Coulombic interacti on as a perturbation; in the
first order one gets the expression
uab(r) =eaeb
, (37)
F(x) = 1−exp/parenleftBig
+√πx(1−erf (x)), (38)
which we will call the Kelbg potential. Here λab= ¯h/√2mabTis De Broglie wave length
of relative motion, m−1
b,a=e, i,meandmibeing the electron and ion
masses, respectively. Further in Eq.(37) we have neglected the exchange contributions.
An effective potential similar to Eq. (37) was derived by Deut sch and was used in the
simulations by Hansen and McDonald [19].
The Kelbg potential is a good approximation for the two-part icle Slater sum in the case
of small parameters ξab=−(eaeb)/(Tλab) if the interparticle distance ris sufficiently large.
At small interparticle distances it deviates from the exact value of −T·ln(Sab(r= 0)).
In order to describe the right behavior at small distances it is better to use a corrected
Kelbg potential defined by [24,25]
uab(r) = (eaeb/r)·F(r/λab)−kBT˜Aab(ξab) exp/parenleftBig
. (39)
In Eq. (39) the temperature-dependent magnitude ˜Aab(T) is adapted in such a way
that the Slater sum Sab(r= 0) and its first derivative S′
ab(r= 0) have the exact value at
zero distance known from previous works [12,26]. The explic it expressions read [25]
˜Aee=√π|ξee|+ ln/bracketleftBigg
2√π|ξee|/integraldisplaydy yexp (−y2)
exp (π|ξee|/y)−1/bracketrightBigg
˜Aei=−√πξei+ ln/bracketleftbigg√πξ3
ζ(3) +1
+ 4√πξei/integraldisplaydy yexp (−y2)
1−exp (−πξei/y)/bracketrightBigg
For low temperatures 0 .1< T r<0.3 one shall use the corrected Kelbg-potential
Eq.(39) to get an appropriate approximation for the Slater s um at arbitrary distances.
In the region of higher temperatures
Tr=T/T I=/parenleftBig
>0.3 (42)
the Kelbg potential ( Aab= 0) and the corrected Kelbg potential almost coincide. At st ill
higher temperatures T/T I>1 the Kelbg potential does not differ from the corrected Kelbg
13potential only in the case of electron-ion interaction. For the interaction of the particles
of the same type the correction ˜Aabincludes also the exchange effects , which make
the potential unsymmetrical (that means ueidiffer from uee). The potential assymetry
becomes apparent at high temperatures ( T >100000 K) only.
In the present work we are interested in the regime of interme diate temperatures.
Therefore the simulations are performed with the potential Eq.(39) which is presented in
Fig. 1 and compared with other potentials approximating the two-particle Slater sum.
To check the quality of the predictions from the approximati on given in Sec. II we
have performed a series of molecular dynamic simulations fo r comparison. The leap-frog
variant of Verlet’s algorithm was used to integrate numeric ally the equations of motions
obtained from the effective potential Eq.(39). The simulati ons were performed using a
256-particle system of electrons and positrons with period ical boundary conditions. The
temperature of the system was choosen as T= 30 000 K, the coupling has varied from
weak coupling (Γ = 0 .2) up to intermediate coupling (Γ = 2). In the investigated ra nge of
plasma parameters the size of the simulation box was signific antly greater than the Debye
radius. Therefore the long-range Coulomb forces are screen ed inside each box and no
special procedure like Ewald summation was implemented to c alculate them. Either MD
runs with Langevin source or MC procedures were used to estab lish thermal equilibrium
in the system, both methods have led to the same results.
In Figs. 2-5 we present the results of the approximation Eqs. (8) and (33) as well as
the Holtsmark (Eq. (9)) approximation. The short range pote ntial in Eq. (33) is given
by the corrected Kelbg potential without the Coulomb term
us,ab(r) = (eaeb/r)· {(F(r/λab)−1)}+Aabexp(−(r/λab)2), (43)
withF(x) from Eq.(38).
The results of the analytical approximation are compared wi th MD data. It can be
seen from the figures that the Debye-H¨ uckel approximation i s in good agreement with the
MD data for the case of weak coupling, however, with increasi ng coupling strength this
14agreement becomes poorer. This is not surprising, since the DH approximation is valid
only in the weak coupling regime. To get a better agreement fo r the case of intermediate
coupling one has to improve the calculation of the radial dis tribution function.
From the figures we also see that the MD data show a large probab ility of high mi-
crofield values. The long tails in the distribution function reflect the attraction between
oppositely charged particles. As a result the probability t o find a particle of opposite
charge at small distances from the probe charge and thus prod ucing large microfields is
even higher than in the ideal Holtsmark case. This situation is in striking contrast to the
OCP case where the repulsion of particles with the same charg e leads to a small prob-
ability of high microfield values. As for the TCP the long tail s are still present in the
case of an intermediate coupling for which the OCP microfield distribution approaches
the Gaussian distribution Eq. (10) [9]. In the DH approximat ion the long tails are less
pronounced for the case Γ = 2. Here the Debye-H¨ uckel length i s smaller than the average
distance between the particles. Thus the particle interact ions become screened even at
short distances. A result of this unphysical screening is th e supression of high microfields
within the DH approximation and for large coupling paramete rs. At still higher densities
(Γ≥3 atT= 30 000 K) the De-Broglie wavelength becomes comparable wit h the inter-
particle distance and the semi-classical approach employe d in the numerical part of the
paper fails to describe the quantum two-component plasma pr operly.
The electric microfield distribution at a charged particle i n a two-component plasma
has been studied. Generalizing the corresponding transfor mation for the case of a classical
OCP we have expressed the Fourier transform of the electric m icrofield distribution in
terms of generalized partial radial distribution function s. Using a simple Debye-H¨ uckel
like generalized radial distribution function (including the unscreened short range part
stemming from the effective potential) we have obtained theo retical predictions for the
15electric microfield distribution of the TCP. It has been show n that in contrast to the OCP
the second moment of the TCP microfield distribution diverge s.
Semiclassical molecular-dynamics simulations of the two- component plasma using ef-
fective potentials have been performed . The effective poten tial was choosen to describe
the nondegenrate limit of the quantum system appropriately . The microfield distribution
for different coupling constants (from Γ = 0 .2 to Γ = 2 .0) has been obtained. With
increasing coupling strength the most probable value of ele ctric microfields is shifted to
lower fields. However, at all coupling strengths for which th e simulations have been per-
formed the microfield distribution shows long tails indicat ing a large probability of high
microfields. This behavior is in contrast to the correspondi ng behavior in one-component
plasmas. It reflects the divergency of the second moment of th e TCP microfield distribu-
At weak coupling there is an overall agreement of the microfie ld distribution obtained
by the analytical approximation with the MD data. Although o ur simple approximation
fails to provide accurate numerical results for larger coup ling constants, the formalism
allows to generalize the results to the case of intermediate and strong coupling.
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeisch aft (DFG, Germany)
and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD, Ger many).
[1] J. W. Dufty, in Strongly Coupled Plasmas , ed. by F. J. Rogers and H. E. DeWitt
(Plenum, New York, 1987).
[2] J. Holtsmark, Ann. Physik, 58577 (1919).
[3] M. Yu. Romanovsky and W. Ebeling, Physica A 252, 488-504 (1998)
[4] M. Yu. Romanovsky, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 114, 1230-1241 (1998)
[5] H. Mayer, unpublished work, discussed in Refs. [6].
[6] A. A. Broyles, Phys. Rev. 115, 521 (1955).
[7] M. Baranger and B. Mozer, Phys.Rev. 115521 (1959); 118626 (1960).
[8] C. A. Iglesias, Phys. Rev. A 27, 2705 (1983).
[9] C. A. Iglesias, J. L. Lebowitz, and D. MacGowan, Phys. Rev . A28, 1667 (1983).
[10] G. Ecker, Z. Physik 148593 (1957); G. Ecker and K. G. M¨ uller, Z. Physik 153317
[11] X.-Z. Yan and S. Ichimaru, Phys. Rev. A 34, 2167 (1986).
[12] Kraeft, W.D., Kremp, D., Ebeling, W. and R¨ opke, G., “Qu antum Statistics of
Charged Particle Systems”. (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin; Ple num Press, New York; russ.
transl: Mir, Moscow 1986).
[13] Ichimaru, S. “Statistical Plasma Physics: I. Basic Pri nciples, II: Condensed Plasmas”.
(Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1992, 1994).
[14] Kraeft, W.D. and Schlanges, M. (editors), “Physics of S trongly Coupled Plasmas”
(World Scientific. Singapore, 1996).
[15] G. Kelbg, Ann. Physik 13354,14394 (1964).
17[16] T. Dunn and A. A. Broyles, Phys. Rev. 157, 156 (1967).
[17] C. Deutsch, Phys. Lett. 60A, 317 (1977).
[18] Zamalin, V.M., Norman, G.E. and Filinov, V.S., “The Mon te Carlo Method in Sta-
tistical Mechanics” (in Russ.) (Nauka, Moscow, 1977).
[19] Hansen, J.-P. and McDonald, I.R., Phys. Rev. A 23, 2041, (1981).
[20] Pierleoni, C., Ceperley, D.M., Bernu, B. and Magro, W.R ., Phys. Rev. Lett., 73,
2145, (1994).
[21] Klakow, D., Toepffer, C. and Reinhard, P.-G., Phys. Lett . A,192, 55 (1994);
J. Chem. Phys., 101, 10766 (1994).
[22] Penman, J.I., Clerouin, J. and Zerah, P.G., Phys. Rev E, 51, R5224, (1995).
[23] Ebeling, W., Ann. Physik, 21, 315 (1968); 22(1969) 33,383,392;
Physica 38, 378 (1968); 40, 290 (1968); 43, 293 (1969); 73, 573 (1974).
[24] W. Ebeling, G. E. Norman, A. A. Valuev, and I. Valuev, Con tr. Plasma Phys. 39, 61
[25] J. Ortner, I. Valuev and W. Ebeling, Contr. Plasma Phys. 39, 311 (1999).
[26] Rohde, G. Kelbg, W. Ebeling, Ann. Physik 22(1968).
(Figure 1) Effective potentials Eq.(37)(Kelbg potential) and Eq.(39) (corrected Kelbg
potential). The Kelbg potential is drawn for three temperat ures, the corrected
Kelbg-potential is explicitely shown at T= 10 000 K for both interactions and
atT= 100 000 K for the electron-electron interaction only; in th e other cases
the corrected Kelbg potential coincides with the Kelbg pote ntial within the figure
accuracy. For comparison we have included also the low-temp erature limit of the
effective potential of free charges (the “classical” potent ial-dashed line); the repulsive
part of the classical potential coincides with the bare Coul omb potential.
(Figure 2) Comparison of microfield distribution P(F) curves at T= 30 000K and
Γ = 0 .2 from molecular dynamics (MD) and the analytical approxima tion derived
in this work (DH) Eqs. (8) and (33).
Figure 3 Same as in Fig. 2 at Γ = 0 .8.
Figure 4 Same as in Fig. 2 at Γ = 1 .2.
Figure 5 Same as in Fig. 2 at Γ = 2 .0.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
r, e2/kT−10.0− uab(r)/kTCoulomb potential
classical potential
corrected Kelbg−pot.T=10.000 K
T=30.000 K
T=100.000 K
T=100.000 K
T=30.000 K
T=10.000 K
Figure 1. (Microfield distribution in two-component plasma s; Ortner, Valuev, Ebeling)
200.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
F0. data
DH approximation
Figure 2. (Microfield distribution in two-component plasma s; Ortner, Valuev, Ebeling)
210.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
F0. data
DH approximation
Figure 3. (Microfield distribution in two-component plasma s; Ortner, Valuev, Ebeling)
220.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
F0. data
DH approximation
Figure 4. (Microfield distribution in two-component plasma s; Ortner, Valuev, Ebeling)
230.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
F0.000.200.400.600.80P(F)MD data
DH approximation
Figure 5. (Microfield distribution in two-component plasma s; Ortner, Valuev, Ebeling)
24 |
arXiv:physics/9912020v1 [physics.gen-ph] 9 Dec 1999Classical approaches to Higgs
Assen Kyuldjiev∗
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Tzarigradsko chauss´ ee 72, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
June 8, 2011
The standard approach to Higgs mechanism is based on the ex-
istence of unitary gauge but, unfortunately, it does not com e from a
coordinate change in the configuration space of the initial m odel and
actually defines a new dynamical system. So, it is a questiona ble ap-
proach to the problem but it is shown here that the final result could
still make sense as a Marsden-Weinstein reduced system. (Th is reduc-
tion can be seen as completely analogous to the procedure of o btaining
the “centrifugal” potential in the classical Kepler proble m.)
It is shown that in the standard linearization approximatio n of
the Coulomb gauged Higgs model geometrical constraint theo ry offers
an explanation of the Higgs mechanism because solving of the Gauss
law constraint leads to different physical submanifolds whi ch are not
preserved by the action of the (broken) global U(1) group.
∗E-mail: KYULJIEV@INRNE.BAS.BG . Supported by the Bulgarian National Foundation
for Science under grant Φ-610.
1Despite the phenomenal success of the Standard Model, Higgs mecha-
nism remains yet experimentally unverified. The current pre sentation of the
spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) is still not quite conv incing. It boils
down to applying change of variables (which a closer inspect ion reveals not
to be a coordinate change), in order to rearrange the quadrat ic terms in the
Lagrangian in a form suggesting presence of certain particl es and absence
of others. Elimination of dynamics along the action of the gl obal symmetry
group to be broken is done by hand and without justification. I t would be
interesting to reanalyse the problem from purely classical viewpoint without
appealing to the quantum mystique.
To be concrete we shall concentrate on the Lagrangian analys ed in [1] in
its form highlighting “radial-angular” decomposition:
2∂µR ∂µR−1
2R2∂µθ ∂µθ−V(R2)
and the corresponding Hamiltonian (when we assume the Coulo mb gauge
condition ∇. A= 0) is:
R+ (∇R)2+π2
A+ (∇×A)2−2 (∇A0)2+R2(eA−∇θ)2/bracketrightBig
2R2+eA0πθ+V(R2) (1)
where πR=∂0R,πA=E,Ek=F0kandπθ=R2(∂0θ−eA0) and ( −+ ++)
metric signature is assumed.
Most of the treatments of Higgs model make use of the so called unitary
gauge defining eBµ=eAµ−∂µθand rewriting the Lagrangian as:
2∂µR ∂µR−1
Like any Lagrangian, Lis a function on a tangent bundle TMand in this
case the configuration space Mis the space of potentials Aµand the fields
Randθ; while L′is function on the tangent bundle of the new field Bµand
the field R. The mixing of variables on the configuration and tangent spa ce
means that L′presents a new dynamical system (possibly quite sensible on e)
which is not equivalent to the initial one and which cannot be obtained by a
mere coordinate change in the configuration space. The stand ard explanation
is that after a local gauge transformation the Lagrangian co uld be rewritten
2in the new form but, in general, this is not an allowed procedu re. A natural
question arises whether there is a more rigorous explanatio n of this recipe.
The present paper claims that the final result coincides with the Marsden-
Weinstein (MW) reduction [2] of the initial dynamical syste m (and is actually
analogous to the treatment of the classical Kepler problem l eading to the
“centrifugal” potential). To remind, when we have a group Gwith a Lie
algebra Gacting on a symplectic manifold Pin a (strongly) Hamiltonian
manner and defining a Lie algebra homomorphism, we have a mome ntum
mapping J:P→ G* given by
/angb∇acketleftJ(p), a/angb∇acket∇ight=fa(p)∀a∈ G
where fais the Hamiltonian function of the fundamental vector field d efined
by the action of aand also satisfying
[fa, fb] =f[a,b]∀a, b∈ G
then the MW quotient manifold J−1(µ)/Gµhas a unique symplectic struc-
ture (provided µis weakly regular value of Jand the action of the isotropy
group of µ–GµonJ−1(µ) is free and proper). This is a powerful method for
obtaining reduced dynamics on a symplectic space starting f rom symplectic
dynamical system with a symmetry. (We shall skip here any tec hnicalities
like which group actions admit momentum maps, Ad*-equivariance, clean
intersections etc.) In our case the group to be broken U(1) acts as
θ→θ+φ (2)
and the space J−1(0) is the subspace defined by πθ≡ −R2B0= 0. The
group action quotiening of this space amounts to eliminatio n of any residual
θ-dependence. Reducing the Hamiltonian (1) (and assuming th at the Gauss
law constraint ∆ A0=eπθis solved) we obtain the Hamiltonian corresponding
toL′in the B0= 0 gauge, in conformity with the standard interpretation.
It is noteworthy to analyse the more general case when we redu ce by
a nonzero value µof the dual algebra G* . The MW quotiening would be
equivalent to fixing πθ=const/negationslash= 0 and again factoring out θfrom the phase
space and the Hamiltonian. As a result the initial potential V(x) =−ax+bx2
witha, b > 0 will be modified by a cx−2term (with c >0) and this will lead
to higher values of the Higgs mass without possibility for it s vanishing. (This
could also add a new free parameter in possible future experi mental testing
of the Higgs mechanism.)
3This is actually not an explanation why θ-symmetry is spontaneously
broken—this is just a more rigorous procedure for factoring out (θ,πθ) de-
gree of freedom and thus eliminating the movement along θwhich would be
the dynamics typical for a massless field. It is precisely thi s movement along
the flat bottom of the potential surface which could lead to a m assless (Gold-
stone) field. One could still ask what prevents movement in th is direction
and hence causing SSB. Being aware that SSB could only exist i n systems
with infinite degrees of freedom, one may also wonder where th is property is
encoded in the above mentioned procedures.
A rigorous approach to these problems could be found e.g. in [ 3] where
a structure of Hilbert space sectors (HSS) is found in soluti ons of nonlin-
ear classical relativistic field equations. Each sector is i nvariant under time
evolution, has a linear structure and is isomorphic to a Hilb ert space; and
may be labeled by conserved dynamical charges. Different HSS define “dis-
joint physical worlds” which could be considered as a set of c onfigurations
which are accessible in a given laboratory starting from a gi ven ground state
configuration. Then any group which maps a HSS into another HS S is spon-
taneously broken and only “stability” groups which map a HSS into itself
would be proper symmetry groups.
Despite the nontriviality of existence of stable linear str uctures in the set
of solutions of certain nonlinear equations and the possibi lity to explain in
principle the existence of SSB this approach does not seem ve ry practical.
Another possible route is offered by the use of geometrical co nstraint theory.
Higgs model is a beautiful example of a constrained system. L agrangian does
not depend on θbut only on ∂µθ, thus allowing solutions with θ-rotations
but (θ,πθ) degree of freedom remains coupled with the potential Aµ. The
assumption that θ-rotations are frozen (and consequent writing them off)
obviously seems ungrounded.
In what follows we shall return to our model in the Coulomb gau ge. This
case was successfully tackled [4] by linearisation of the eq uations leading to
massive wave equation for θ. Here we shall be interested not so much in
the (linearised) equations but in the symmetry breaking. We have primary
constraint π0≡∂L
∂(∂0A0)= 0 and the condition of its preserving gives the
Gauss law constraint equation ∆ A0=eπθ. To be precise, this equation is
not the proper constraint – the submanifolds determined by i ts solutions will
give the surfaces on which the dynamics will be constrained a fter factoring
out the ( A0,π0) degree of freedom. Obviously, the solutions of the equatio n
where Gis a Green function for the Laplacian, ∗denotes convolution i.e.
(g∗h)(x) =/integraltextg(x−y)h(y)dyandfis any function satisfying ∆ f(x, t) =
0. Solutions of this equation would define different physical submanifolds
labeled by solutions of this equation. After differentiatio n we obtain
˙A0=eG∗˙πθ+˙f=−eG∗∂k(R2Bk) +˙f
and taking into account that ∂k(R2Bk) = ∆( R2θ) in the linearisation ap-
proximation [4], we have:
This shows that we will have different dynamics on different ph ysical sub-
manifolds because the general form of the “massive wave equa tion” for θ
would be ✷θ=e2R2θ+e˙f(as long as linearisation approximation could be
trustworthy). More interestingly, transformations (2) do es not act by lifting
from the “configuration space”:
and does not preserve the chosen submanifold. Transformati on actions of
this kind are not very typical in physics (the standard N¨ oth er theorem, for
example, assumes only lifted transformations ). Thus we hav e a geometrical
analog of HSS and its origin could be traced to the requiremen ts to the phys-
ical constrained submanifolds in infinite dimensions [5].( In this reference one
could also see how this phenomenon appears in an exactly solv able model.)
The author is indebted to Prof. F. Strocchi for an illuminati ng and inspiring
[1] P. Higgs, Phys. Rev. 145 (1966) 1156
[2] J. Marsden and A. Weinstein, Rep. Math. Phys. 5 (1974) 121
5[3] C. Parenti, F. Strocchi and G. Velo, Phys. Lett. B 59 (1975 ) 157; C.
Parenti, F. Strocchi and G. Velo, Comm. Math. Phys. 53 (1977) 65; F.
Strocchi, SISSA preprint 34/87/FM, Trieste, 1987
[4] J. Bernstein, Rev. Mod. Phys. 46 (1974) 7
[5] A. Kyuldjiev, Phys. Lett. B 293 (1992) 375
6 |
physics/9912021 9 Dec 1999Mathematical Model of Attraction and Repulsion Forc es
Alexei Krouglov
Matrox Graphics Inc.
3500 Steeles Ave. East, Suite 1300, Markham, Ontario L3 R 2Z1, Canada
Email: Alexei.Krouglov@matrox.com
This article represents the author’s personal view and not the view of Matrox Graphics Inc.2ABSTRACT
Here I introduce the model in an attempt to describe t he underlying
reasons of attraction and repulsion forces between two ph ysical bodies. Both
electrical and gravitational forces are considered. Result s are based on the
technique developed in the Dual Time-Space Model of W ave Propagation.
Keywords : Wave Equation, Field Theory31. Introduction
Developed recently [1] the Dual Time-Space Model of W ave Propagation
(DTSMWP) proved to be a useful tool in investigating the wave nature of matter.
In present paper the model is applied to the phenomen a of attraction and
repulsion forces between physical bodies, which constitutes t he subject of the
field theory [2].
2. Model Assumptions
According to [1], the DTSMWP has the following assumptio ns.
In the time domain,
(1) The second derivative of energy’s value with respect to time is inversely
proportional to energy’s disturbance.
(2) The first derivative of energy’s level with respect to time is directly
proportional to energy’s disturbance.
In the space domain,
(3) The second derivative of energy’s value with respect to direction is
inversely proportional to energy’s disturbance.
(4) The first derivative of energy’s level with respect to direction is directly
proportional to energy’s disturbance.43. Impact of Energy’s Discrepancy in Space
I assume we have the jump of energy’s value ()txU, at point 0x,
( ) . 0, 0
00 0
>≥ >>≥ ≤
UtxUEUtxU (1)
I also assume that energy’s level was initially stable,
() . 0 ,0 xandtforUtx ∀< =Φ (2)
Then according to [1], we have the propagation of ene rgy’s disturbance in
Therefore we can write
( ) ( )
10 0 10 1
xEUtxUtxU (3)
where 01xx>, τ≥t, and ()10xE∆ is the energy’s disturbance propagated from
point 0x to point 1x.
From [1] we can see that energy’s disturbance caused by th e energy’s
level decreases in the space domain and retains the same si gn.
Thus the following takes place,
( ) . 0, 0
10 010 0
xEExEE (4)54. Compact Energy Body at Rest
Consider we have two jumps of the energy’s values as fol lows,
( )
( ) . 0, 0, 0
22 11
01 00
>≥ >>≥ ≤≤>≥ <
and the energy’s level was initially at rest,
() . 0 ,0 xandtforUtx ∀< =Φ (6)
We assume that compact energy body lies at rest within 2 1xxx≤≤.
We can conclude from [1] that there are forces ()txF,1 and ()txF,2
applied respectively to the points 1x and 2x of compact body with the following
()()1 2 1 , , E txFtxF ∆⋅= = µ, (7)
where τ≥t, and 0>µ is a constant.
To balance these forces we have to complement them with the opposite
forces ()1xF′ and ()2xF′, therefore for 0>t,
( )( )
. 0 ,, 0 ,
2 21 1
xFtxFxFtxF (8)
Note that forces ()txF,1 and ()txF,2 act in the direction of disturbance
propagation, and forces ()1xF′ and ()2xF′ act in the opposite direction.65. Impact of Energy’s Discrepancy on Compact Energy Body
Let me consider three points of interest where we have the jumps of
energy’s values,
( )
( )
( ) . 0, 0, 0, 0
22 11 00
01 000 0
>≥ >>≥ ≤≤>≥ <<>≥ ≤
and the energy’s level was initially at rest,
() . 0 ,0 xandtforUtx ∀< =Φ (10)
We assume that the compact energy body lies at rest until the energy’s
disturbance from point 0x reaches the point 1x of compact body at time τ>1t.
Let me describe the forces applied to the point 1x of compact body at the
time ttt∆+=1.
At first I will consider the case when magnitudes of ener gy’s disturbances
are close to each other, i.e. 1 0EE∆≈∆ , that causes inequality ()1 10 ExE ∆<∆ .
There are four possible situations.
(a) 00>∆E, 01>∆E
() () ( ) ()()1 11 1 10 1 11 , , xFtxFE xEE ttxF ′= =∆⋅< ∆−∆⋅=∆+ µ µ . (11)
Therefore the value of force ()1xF′, that has a direction inside the
compact body, exceeds the value of an opposite force ()ttxF ∆+11,, and two
bodies are repulsed.7(b) 00<∆E, 01>∆E
() () ( ) ()()1 11 1 10 1 11 , , xFtxFE xEE ttxF ′= =∆⋅> ∆−∆⋅=∆+ µ µ . (12)
Therefore the bodies are attracted.
(c) 00>∆E, 01<∆E
() () ()()1 11 1 10 1 11 , , xFtxFE xEE ttxF ′= =∆⋅>∆−∆⋅=∆+ µ µ . (13)
Therefore the bodies are attracted.
(d) 00<∆E, 01<∆E
() () ()()1 11 1 10 1 11 , , xFtxFE xEE ttxF ′= =∆⋅<∆−∆⋅=∆+ µ µ . (14)
Therefore the bodies are repulsed.
Thus we have described so far the forces of electrical attr action and
Now I will consider the case when 01 0 >∆>>∆ EE . From here we have an
inequality () 0 21 10 >∆⋅>∆ E xE , that as we can see soon, creates the force of
gravitational attraction,
() () ()()1 11 1 10 1 11 , , xFtxFE xEE ttxF ′= =∆⋅>∆−∆⋅=∆+ µ µ . (15)
Hence the bodies are attracted.8References
1. A. Krouglov, “Dual Time-Space Model of Wave Propag ation,” Working
Paper physics/9909024, Los Alamos National Laboratory, S eptember 1999
(available at http://xxx.lanl.gov ).
2. L.D. Landau and E.M.Lifshitz, “The Classical Theory o f Fields,” Pergamon
Press, Oxford, UK, 1971. |
arXiv:physics/9912022v1 [physics.gen-ph] 10 Dec 1999About Perpetuum Mobile without Emotions.
Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity M aterials, Russian
Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow Distric t, RUSSIA
One of the oldest science problems - possibility of the perpe tuum mobile
is discussed. The interest to this problem was provoke a resu lt, published re-
cently, which contradicts to the second law of thermodynami cs. According to
this result, the thermal fluctuations can induce a voltage wi th direct component
in a inhomogeneous superconducting ring at an unaltered tem perature corre-
sponded to the resistive transition of the ring segment with the lowest critical
temperature. This result arises from obvious statements: 1 ) the switching of
a ring segment lbinto and out of the normal state, while the rest of the ring
(segment la) remains superconducting, can induced a voltage with dc com po-
nent (It is shown that, in spite of the wide spread opinion, th is statement is
correct because the superconductivity is a macroscopic qua ntum phenomena);
2) the thermal fluctuations switch the mesoscopic ring segme ntlbwith lowest
critical temperature Tsbinto and out of the normal state at T≃Tsb, while the
rest of the ring remains superconducting if Tsa> T≃Tsb. In order to resolve
the contradiction between these obvious statements and the second law of ther-
modynamics a possibility of the second order perpetuum mobi le is considered
theoretically. It is shown that from two type of the perpetuu m mobile, only
type ”b” and only in quantum systems is possible. According t o the presented
interpretation, the total entropy, as the measure of the cha os, may be system-
atically reduced in some quantum system because a ”switchin g” between the
classical and quantum mechanics is possible. Instruction f or the making of the
perpetuum mobile is enclosed.
1 Introduction
Physics is not lyricism. Any sentiment is inappropriate her e. Nevertheless some
physical problems provoke emotion. The first of these proble ms is the per-
petuum mobile. Any statement on a possibility of perpetuum m obile provokes
first of all the sense of distrust. According to the dominant o pinion this prob-
lem is once and for all decided. Almost all scientists, durin g more than two
centuries, are fully confident in the impossibility of any pe rpetuum mobile. I,
as well as other grave scientists, was sure that only madman m ay be in earnest
about a possibility of any perpetuum mobile. But a result, wh ich I have ob-
tained recently, has compelled me to change my point of view. According to
this result the chaotic energy of thermal fluctuation can be t ransformed to the
electric energy of a direct current at an unaltered temperat ure by means of a
1mesoscopic inhomogeneous superconducting ring.
This result arises from obvious statements: 1) the switchin g of a ring seg-
ment lbinto and out of the normal state, while the rest of the ring (se gment
la) remains superconducting, can induced a voltage with dc com ponent; 2) the
thermal fluctuations switch the mesoscopic ring segment lbwith lowest critical
temperature Tsbinto and out of the normal state at T≃Tsb, while the rest of
the ring remains superconducting if Tsa> T≃Tsb. Both these statements are
agreed with our modern knowledge. But it follows directly fr om this statements
that the thermal fluctuation can induce a voltage with dc comp onent at an un-
altered temperature corresponded to the resistive transit ion of the ring segment
with the lowest critical temperature. It is obvious that the dc voltage may be
used for an useful work. This means that the useful work can be obtained from
the chaotic energy of thermal fluctuation (i.e. from the heat energy) at unal-
tered temperature (i.e. in the equilibrium state). This pos sibility contradicts
directly to the second law of thermodynamic. And it is well kn own that a vi-
olation of the second law of thermodynamics means a possibil ity of the second
order perpetuum mobile.
In order to resolve this contradiction between the obvious s tatements and
the second law of thermodynamics I have investigated the rea son of the firm
belief in the impossibility of perpetuum mobile. As a result I conclude that this
belief does not have a theoretical substantiation. Only arg ument against the
perpetuum mobile is numerous unsuccessful attempts to inve nt it. But it is not
strict argument. What could not be made yesterday can be made today. For
example, the mesoscopic superconducting ring can not be mad e twenty years ago
but it can be made at present. Now I am sure that the statements 1) and 2) are
correct. The second order perpetuum mobile is possible beca use the chaos may
be systematically reduced in some quantum system. Therefor e I have published
in [1, 2] the result which contradicts to the second law of the rmodynamics [3].
But it is not enough to publish such result. No one will straig ht off believe
that such result can be correct. Therefore I think that I ough t expound in detail
my arguments. I make this in the present article. In the begin ning I remind
briefly the history of the considered problem. After that a br ief theoretical
consideration of the perpetuum mobile problem is presented . In the section 4,
the quantum force is introduced in order to explain the dc vol tage appearance
in the superconducting ring segment. In the section 5, I expl ain when and why
the total entropy may be systematically reduced. The last se ction is directions
for who want to make the perpetuum mobile.
I must write that the theoretical result published in [1] was provoked by an
experimental result. But this experimental result is not pu blished. Therefore
the result [1] ought be considered as the theoretical predic tion but not as an
22 A few history
The perpetuum mobile is one of the oldest problems of science . This problem
is more old than almost all foundations of modern physics. Ma ny persons at-
tempted to invent a perpetuum mobile during many centuries. Such attempts
were known beginning with 13 century. The principle of the im possibility of the
perpetuum mobile was postulated first by Stevin (1548-1620 y ears). The Paris
Academy of Sciences has decided in 1775 year to do not conside r any project of
a perpetuum mobile. This verdict did not have any scientific b asis. The first
and second laws of thermodynamics were formulated only in th e next century.
Nevertheless, beginning with that time, almost all (with th e exception of few
[4]) scientists are sure that a perpetuum mobile is impossib le.
Sometimes one says that the impossibility of a perpetuum mob ile is based
on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. But it is not qu ite right. It
is more right to say that the second law of thermodynamics is b ased on the
statement on the impossibility of a perpetuum mobile. The fir st formula of this
law - Carnot’s principle - was proposed in 1824 year. Carnot w rote that the
useful work can not be obtained from the heat energy at unalte red temperature
(in the equilibrium state) because in the opposite case the p erpetuum mobile is
possible. Following the Carnot’s idea Rudolf Clausius in 18 50 year and William
Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in 1851 year have proposed the formula s which are
more known now. According to the Clausius’s formula the heat energy can
not be transferred from a cold body to a hot body without an exp ense of an
additional energy. According to the Thomson’s formula it is impossible to obtain
a power-driven energy (useful work) by means of a cooling of a body with lowest
temperature. The second law of thermodynamics is formulate d also as the law
of entropy increase. The entropy S was introduced first in 186 5 year by Rudolf
Clausius as a value which changes on ∆ S=Q/Tin a reversible process when a
thermodynamic body obtains the heat energy Q(Q >0) or gives the heat energy
(Q <0). T is the Kelvin’s temperature of the body. Ostwald was for mulated in
1877 year the second law of thermodynamics as the impossibil ity of the second
order perpetuum mobile. This formulas are equivalent and ar e used for the
present. But the modern interpretation of the second law of t hermodynamics,
as well as the entropy, differ in essence from the old one domin ated in the last
According to the both interpretation the entropy value, S, can not decrease
in a closed thermodynamic system. It does not change in the re versible pro-
cess and increases in irreversible process. Any thermodyna mic system tends
to the equilibrium state corresponding to a greatest Svalue. But there is the
difference between old and modern definition of the entropy wh ich causes some
contradiction between old and modern interpretation of the second law of ther-
According to the Clausius’s definition, the temperatures of parts of any ther-
modynamic system can not differ in the equilibrium state. If t he temperatures
3differ, T1> T2, the entropy increases ∆ S=Q/T2−Q/T1when the heat energy
Qis transferred from a hot (with T=T1) to a cold (with T=T2) part of the
system. Consequently, the state with T1> T2is not equilibrium. According to
the old interpretation the heat energy flows only from a hot to a cold part and
any dynamic process (any transfer of the heat energy) does no t take place in
the equilibrium state.
Following to L.Boltzmann, J.W.Gibbs and others we define now the entropy
by the relation S=kBlnP. Here kBis the Boltzmann constant; Pis the
statistical weight proportional to a number of microscopic states and to the
probability of macroscopic state. The maximum entropy corr esponds to the
maximum probability: P= exp( S/kB). It is easy to show (see [5]) that the
number of microscopic states P1atT1=T2is higher than P2atT1> T2
(at the same total internal energy). We could make the conclu sion from this
statement that the modern definition of the entropy is agreed with the Clausius’s
definition. But on other hand, P1+P2> P1. The thermodynamic system can
not be at the same time in the different states, with T1=T2andT1> T2. But
it can goes between these states. This process is well known a s the thermal
fluctuation. The heat energy is transferred from a part to oth er part of any
thermodynamic system at T >0. The Qtransfer from a cold T2to hot T1
part of a system is hardly probable if −∆S=−(Q/T1−Q/T2)≫kB. But
the probability ∝exp(Q/k BT1−Q/k BT2) of this transfer in opposite direction
does not differ strongly if Q|T2−T1|/kBT1T2<1 (i.e. the Clausius’s formula of
the second law of thermodynamics is correct to an accuracy of ∆S=kB). The
fluctuations contradict to the old interpretation. Therefo r they were interpreted
as the violation of the second law of thermodynamics in the be ginning of our
century [6]. Evidence of the fluctuation existence was one of the reasons why
the modern interpretation has won the old interpretation. A ccording to the
modern interpretation, the second law of thermodynamics ha s probabilistic but
not reliable nature. We know now that dynamic processes take place in the
equilibrium state at T >0. But these processes are chaotic. According to the
modern interpretation, the second law of thermodynamics is the law of chaos
increase. And the entropy is interpreted now as a measure of t he chaos.
The second law of thermodynamics was formulated in order to d escribe the
transformation of a heat energy Qto an useful work Ain the heat engine.
Scientists understood that the mechanical (power-driven) energy is dissipated
completely in the heat at any work in a consequence of the fric tion,Emech→
A→Q. Proceeding from the impossibility of the perpetuum mobile Carnot
has shown in 1824 year that the heat energy can not be transfor med completely
to the mechanical energy. A heater with Theatand a cooler with Tcool< Theat
should be in any heat engine, according to Carnot. A work body obtains the
heat energy Q1from the heater at T=Tmax≤Theatand gives the heat energy
to the cooler at T=Tmin≥Tcool. According to the Carnot’s law, the efficiency
Ef=A/Qof any heat engine can not exceed Efmax= 1−Tmin/Tmax. This
law is considered now as the consequence of the first law of the rmodynamics
4A=Q1−Q2and of the second law of thermodynamics ∆ S=Q2/Tmin−
Q1/Tmax≥0. The Emaxis realized in a reversible regime when ∆ S= 0. But
these laws of thermodynamics were formulated later than the Carnot’s law.
According to the Carnot’s law, Efmax= 0 in the equilibrium state and the
total heat energy is systematically increased at the work be cause the mechanical
energy dissipated in the heat energy can not be restored comp letely. There-
fore we must use a fuel in order to obtained the useful work. Th e Carnot’s
law remains without change to our time although it’s substan tiation and in-
terpretation were changed qualitatively. According to the old interpretation
the work can not be obtained at Tmax=Tminbecause any dynamic pro-
cess is absent in the equilibrium state. According to the mod ern knowledge
the heat is the chaotic motion. The chaotic dynamic processe s take place in
any thermodynamic system at T > 0. The Carnot’s law is connected now
with the law of chaos increase. The total entropy, as the meas ure of the
chaos, may be systematically reduced if the heat engine is po ssible in which
Ef=A/Q 1> Ef max= 1−Tmin/Tmax. The reduction of the entropy at the
transformation of the heat energy to the mechanical energy ( or other form of
ordered energy Eord),EfQ 1→A=/integraltext
dXF ord→Eord, is not completely com-
pensated by the transfer of the heat energy Q2from the heater to the cooler if
Ef=A/Q 1> Ef max. (Eordis, for example, the kinetic energy of a flywheel
or the magnetic energy LI2/2 in a solenoid.) The chaos increase, taken place
at the dissipation of the ordered energy Eord→A=/integraltext
dXF dis→Qdis, may
be completely compensated if Ef > Ef max. (The dissipative force Fdisis, for
example, the friction force retarding the flywheel or the for ce decreasing the cur-
rent value Iin the solenoid when it’s resistance is not equal zero.) Cons equently,
the heat engine with Ef > Ef maxis the second order perpetuum mobile: the
useful work could be obtained anyhow long time without any fu el. According to
the opinion dominated now, it is impossible because the tota l chaos can not be
reduced. This belief, as well as the second law of thermodyna mics in the old in-
terpretation, is founded on the postulate of the perpetuum m obile impossibility.
This postulate has long and rich history and, may be, therefo re does not have
a theoretical substantiation. This problem ought be consid ered theoretically at
3 Theory of Perpetuum Mobile
A possibility of a perpetuum mobile means that the useful wor k can be obtained
anyhow long time T. At the useful work, as well as at any other work, an
energy is transferred from a part to other part of the system. The work Ais
the product of a force Finto a distance dX,A=/integraltext
dXF. Because dX=vdt,
0dtFv =T < Fv > . Here < Fv > =/integraltextT
0Fvdt/T is the average by
the time T of the product of the force Finto the velocity v. Consequently, a
perpetuum mobile is possible if a process exists in which the average < Fv > by
5anyhow long time T is not equal zero. If Fis the total force of a closed system
and< Fv >∝negationslash = 0 then the first order perpetuum mobile is possible. < Fv >∝negationslash = 0
contradicts to the law of energy conservation (the first law o f thermodynamics).
I can not doubt the this law. Therefore I, as well all other sci entist, am fully
confident in the impossibility of the first order perpetuum mo bile. Let turn to
the second order perpetuum mobile.
Both the conventional heat engine and the second order perpe tuum mobile
do not create a new energy. They put in order the chaotic heat e nergy. Because
the ordered energy is dissipated at any real work Eord→T < F disv >→Qdis
the heat energy should be transformed in the ordered energy Qdis→T <
Fordv >→Eordin order the work can take place any long time.
< Fordv >∝negationslash= 0 in two cases: a)if < Fordv >∝negationslash=< Ford>< v > , or b) if both
< F ord>∝negationslash= 0 and < v >∝negationslash = 0. Thus, two type of both heat engine and second
order perpetuum mobile may be: type ”a”, when < F ordv >∝negationslash=< Ford>< v >
and type ”b”, when < F ordv >=< F ord>< v > but both < F ord>∝negationslash= 0 and
< v >∝negationslash = 0. The case a) takes place if the force Fand the velocity vare corre-
lated. This correlation takes place in a conventional heat e ngine. For example,
the pressure in a steam-engine has different value when a pist on is moved in
opposite directions. Therefore < F ordv >∝negationslash= 0 although < v > = 0 because
< F ordv >∝negationslash=< F ord>< v > . But in order to achieve this correlation an con-
trolled heat flow is used in any conventional heat engine. Suc h flow is possible
only in the inequilibrium state. Therefore the total entrop y increases both at
the ordered process and at the dissipation process. This pro cess can not be any-
how long (infinite) time because the state of thermodynamic s ystem is changed:
the total entropy increases. The heat energy Qdiscan not be transformed com-
pletely in the ordered energy. Therefore any conventional h eat engine is not the
perpetuum mobile. The total state of the thermodynamic syst em should not
change during the work of the second order perpetuum mobile. Therefore it
should work in the equilibrium state because only in this sta te the total entropy
value does not increase in time.
F∝negationslash= 0 in the equilibrium state only because of the fluctuation. T he fluc-
tuation is chaotic. In a chaotic process < Fv > =m < vdv/dt > =m <
dv/dt >< v > =< F >< v > . There is a mathematical problem to prove that
< vdv/dt > −< v >< dv/dt > = 0 if the function v(t) is chaotic. This proof is
evidence of the impossibility of the type ”a” perpetuum mobi le.
Our last hope to invent the perpetuum mobile is the case ”b”. I t is obvious
that< v > = 0 in any classical (no quantum) system where all states are p er-
mitted. (There is used the reference system in which the tota l momentum of
the considered thermodynamic system is equal zero). The pro bability of a state
Pis proportional to exp −(E/k BT). The energy Eof a state is function of v2in
a consequence of the space symmetry. Therefore the probabil ityP(v) =P(−v)
and< v > =/summationtextP(v)v+P(−v)(−v) = 0 if all states are permitted. This ar-
gument may be considered as a theoretical substantiation of the verdict made
by the Paris Academy of Sciences. The quantum mechanics was n ot known in
61775 year.
But it can not be considered as the evidence of the impossibil ity of the type
”b” perpetuum mobile in our time because no all states are per mitted according
to the quantum mechanics. Therefore < v >∝negationslash = 0 in some quantum systems. One
of such systems is the mesoscopic superconducting ring cons idered in [1, 2]. As
a consequence of the relation (see [7])
cA) =2e
dr−A) (1)
the velocity of the superconducting electrons vsalong the circumference of a
completely superconducting ring must have fixed values
mc(Φ0n−Φ) (2)
dependent on the magnetic flux because n=/integraltext
ldl(1/2π)dφ/dr must be an inte-
ger number since the wave function Ψ = |Ψ|exp(iφ) must be a simple function.
Here Φ 0=π¯hc/eis the flux quantum; A is the vector potential; m is the elec-
tron mass and e is the electron charge; l= 2πris the ring circumference; ris
the ring radius; Φ =/integraltext
ldlAis the magnetic flux contained within the ring.
At Φ/Φ0∝negationslash=nand Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=n+ 0.5 the permitted states with the opposite
directed velocity have different values of the kinetic energ yEkin=mv2
For example at Φ /Φ0= 1/4 the lowest permitted velocities in a homogeneous
superconducting ring are equal vs=−¯h/mR 4 atn= 0 and vs= 3¯h/mR 4
atn= 1. The kinetic energy of these states differ in 9 times. There fore the
thermodynamic average of the velocity < vs>is not equal zero. It is important
that the motion of the superconducting condensate is circul ar. It is obvious the
type ”b” perpetuum mobile is possible only at a circular moti on. Only in this
case the position of the work body (superconducting condens ate in the case of
the considered ring) does not change without limit during an yhow long time at
< v >∝negationslash = 0.
Thus, the result published in [1, 2] may be correct if an order ed force Ford
exists the average value of which < Ford>is not equal zero in the equilibrium
state. Such force exists. It acts at the closing of the superc onducting state in
the ring and is connected with the quantization of the genera lized momentum
of superconducting electrons along the ring circumference . Therefore I will call
it as quantum force.
4 A quantum force
According to the statement 1) (see Introduction) the switch ing of a ring segment
lbinto and out of the normal state, while the rest of the ring (se gment la)
remains superconducting, can induced a voltage with dc comp onent < Vb>∝negationslash= 0.
la+lb=l= 2πr. This statement means that the dc voltage exists both on
7the switched segment < E b>=< Vb> /l band on the superconducting segment
< E a>=< V a> /l a. Because < V a>+< V b>=/integraltext
ldl < E > =/integraltext
ldl <
− ▽V−(1/c)dA/dt > =−(1/c)< dΦ/dt > = 0,< V a>=−< V b>. Here
< E > = (/integraltextT
0dtE)/Tis the average value over a long time T. The value of the
magnetic flux contained within the ring Φ =/integraltext
ldlAmay change iteratively at
the iterative switching of the segment lb, but< dΦ/dt >= 0 when the magnetic
fluxBSinduced by an external magnet is not changed. Bis the magnetic
induction induced by an external magnet; S=πr2is the ring area. < E a>∝negationslash= 0
contradicts to the wide spread opinion that the direct volta ge can not exist in
any superconducting region.
This opinion is correct if only force of the electric field Fe=eEacts on super-
conducting electrons. Then, according to the classical mec hanics, the velocity v
should increases without limit ( mv=/integraltextT
0dtmdv/dt =/integraltextT
0dteE=e < E > T ) if
< E >∝negationslash = 0. But if we proposed that only Feacts on superconducting elec-
trons we should conclude that any quantization is not possib le. It should
be the case of the state with infinite conductivity where the a verage value
of the generalized electron momentum along the ring circumf erence < p > l=
ldl(mv+ (e/c)A) =m < v > l+(e/c)Φ/lcan not change
ldlmdv/dt =/integraltext
ldle(− ▽V−(1/c)dA/dt ) =−(e/c)dΦ/dt.
Here< v > l=l−1/integraltext
ldlvis the average velocity along the ring circumference.
But it is well known [7] that superconducting state differs fr om the state with
infinite conductivity because the superconductivity is a ma croscopic quantum
phenomena. The < p > lvalue can change at the transition to the supercon-
ducting state. Electrons are accelerated against the force of the electric field in
this case. This takes place, for example, at the Meissner effe ct, the Little-Parks
effect and other quantization phenomenon.
In order to describe these phenomenon using the language of t he classical
mechanics a quantum force Fqshould be introduced,/integraltext
dtFq=<∆p > l.<
p > l= (e/c)Φ/l= (e/c)BS/l when the ring in the normal state, because <
v >l= 0. The < p > lvalue does not change when a ring segment lais switched
into the superconducting state and other segment lbis remained in the normal
state, nsa>0 and nsb= 0. nsaandnsbare the densities of superconducting
electrons in the segments laandlb. This corresponds to the laws of the classical
mechanics and does not require of the quantum force. Contrad iction with the
classical mechanics appears at the closing of the supercond ucting state in the
ring (when nsa>0 and nsb>0) because the momentum 2 p= ¯h▽φ=
cA(see (1)) and the velocity of superconducting pair (see (2)) are
quantized if the superconducting state is closed. The avera ge momentum <
2p > l=l−1/integraltext
ldl¯h▽φ= ¯h2πn/l = (2e/c)(Φ0/l)nand the average velocity
along the ring circumference < vs>l=l−1/integraltext
lcan have only
permitted values when nsa>0 and nsb>0. Therefore the average momentum
should be change on <∆2p > l= (2e/c)(nΦ0−BS)/lat the closing of the
superconducting state if the magnetic flux within the ring is not divisible by the
8flux quantum, Φ = BS∝negationslash=nΦ0). Consequently, the quantum force/integraltext
(2e/c)(nΦ0−BS)/lacts at the closing of the superconducting state. Here tclis
a time of the superconducting state closing.
The superconducting electrons in the segment laare accelerated against the
force of the Faraday electric field/integraltext
ldlE=−edΦ/dt=−eLdI/dt .
The velocity is changed from vsa= 0 to the value determined in the stationary
state, when the current in the ring I=Is=Isa=sajsa=saensavsa=Isb=
sbjsb=sbensbvsb, by the relation
(lansb+lbnsa)(Φon−Φ) (3 a)
(atsa=sb=s).sis the area of the wall section of the ring. The magnetic flux
inside the ring changes from Φ = BSto Φ = BS−LI. In the stationary state
(lansb+lbnsa)(Φ0n−Φ) (3 b)
The momentum <2p >lreturns to the initial value during the decay time
L/R nbafter the transition of the segment lbin the normal state. Here Rnb=
ρbnlb/sis the resistance of the segment lbin the normal state. This process
corresponds to the laws of the classical mechanics. The velo city< ve>lin
the segment lbis decreased because of the dissipation. Therefore a charge q=/integraltext
dt(Ia−Ib) on the boundaries of the segments laandlband, as a consequence,
the potential difference VaandVbappear. The electric field Ea=− ▽Va−
(1/c)dA/dt retards the superconducting electrons in the segment laandEb=
−▽Vb−(1/c)dA/dt counteracts of the dissipated force Fdis=−eEb+mdv e/dtin
the segment lb. The voltage Eahas the same direction after the transition of lb
both in the superconducting and normal states: the supercon ducting electrons
are accelerated against Eaafter the transition to the superconducting state
and are retarded by Eaafter the transition to the normal state. Consequently
< Va>∝negationslash= 0. Thus, in spite of the wide spread opinion, the direct volt age can
exist on the superconducting segments of the ring.
The quantum force acts both in inhomogeneous and in homogene ous rings.
At the transition to the superconducting state of a homogene ous ring the elec-
trons, which become superconducting, accelerate/integraltext
dt(dvs/dt) = (¯h/2nr)(n−
Φ/Φ0) [7] against the electric field E=−(L/l)dIs/dt. The work done by the
quantum force/integraltext
dtvsFqincreases the kinetic energy/integraltext
dtlsn sm(dvs/dt)vs=
s/2 and the energy of magnetic field FL=/integraltext
dt(−lsnseEvs) =/integraltext
s/2. This means that the energy of the superconducting state in creases if
Φ∝negationslash=nΦ0. The Little-Parks effect [8] is experimental evidence of thi s. Ac-
cording to the Tinkham’s explanation [9] of this effect, the c ritical temperature
of a superconducting tube with narrow wall depends in a perio dic way on the
magnetic flux value within the tube
Tc(Φ) = Tc[1−(ξ(0)/r)2(n−Φ/Φ0)2] (4)
9because the |n−Φ/Φ0|tends towards a minimum possible value and therefore
the kinetic energy of superconducting electrons changes pe riodically with the
magnetic field. It ought be noted that the using of the quantum force is not
a principal new in comparison with the Tinkham’s explanatio n. We may say:
”theTcdepends on Φ because the quantum force should be overcome at t he
superconducting transition if Φ ∝negationslash=nΦ0”. And we may say: ”the Tcdepends on Φ
because the energy of the superconducting state increases i f Φ∝negationslash=nΦ0”. These
statements are equivalent. Timkham did not consider the mag netic energy
because LI2
s/2 is proportional to n2
sand therefore does not influence on Tc.
The ring with narrow wall (the wall thickness w≪r, λ,λis the penetra-
tion depth of magnetic field), when LIs≪Φ0and Φ ≃BS, is considered in
this paper. In the opposite case w≫λ,vs≃0 and Φ =/integraltext
the superconductor interior. nis any integer number if a nonsuperconducting
singularity is inside landn= 0 if a singularity is absent. The Meissner effect
Φ≃nΦ0= 0 takes place in the later case. In order to describe this effe ct in
the classical mechanic, the quantum force may be introduced also. But this de-
scription is not so obvious as in the case of the inhomogeneou s superconducting
ring. The Meissner effect is more intricate phenomenon than t he quantization
of the fluxoid: nis not any integer number, but n= 0.
It is obvious that the direct voltage can appear only in the in homogeneous
case when the dissipating force Fdisacts only in a segment of the ring. The
quantum force Fqaccelerates electrons both in the laand in the lbsegments
ldlFqhas a sense), whereas the dissipating force Fdisretards
electrons only in the lbsegment. Therefore the potential difference with dc
component is induced in the ring segments. The Fqacts only if the Fdisacts.
It returns the average momentum to the same value <2p >l= (2e/c)(Φ0/l)n.
The<2p >lvalue changes only at the switching of the segment lbinto and out
of the normal state. Any other changes of the superconductin g electron density
(nsaandnsb) do not influence on this value.
5 When and Why the Total Entropy may be
Systematically Reduced
The appearance of the direct voltage means that the inhomoge neous supercon-
ducting ring can be used as a direct-current generator. The c urrent in a resistor
Rloadloaded on the segment lbisIload=RbIa/(Rb+Rload). After the transition
of the segment lbin the normal state with Rb=Rbnthe current Iain the seg-
ment ladecreases exponentially from Isdetermined by the relation (3a) during
the decay time L/R sys, where Rsys=RbnRload/(Rbn+Rload). Consequently
the power-driven energy Asw=/integraltextdtRloadI2
load= (Rbn/(Rbn+Rload))(LI2
can develop across the load Rloadat the switching of the segment lb. The power
Wload=Aswf= (Rbn/(Rbn+Rload))FLf. Here f= 1/Nis the frequency of
10the switching; Nis the average number of the switching in a time unity.
Because the power Wloadmay be utilized for a useful work and the segment
lbmay be switched by the temperature change, the superconduct ing ring may be
used as the heat engine. The ordered force in this heat engine is the quantum
force Fq. The Fqdirection coincides with the direction of the velocity vsof
superconducting electrons. Whereas the dissipating force is directed against
the velocity. The work done by the quantum force/integraltext
the ordered energy: the kinetic energy of superconducting e lectrons and the
energy of magnetic field LI2
s/2. A part of this ordered energy may be used for
a useful work and other part is dissipated in the ring after th elbswitching into
the normal state. The energy is dissipated completely if the load is absent i.e.
1/Rload= 0.
There is not a contradiction with the second law of thermodyn amics if the
segment lbis switched in a consequence of a temperature change above an d
below Tcb[2]. The heat energy Qsw=cb∆Tshould be spent for the heating
of the segment lbfromTmin=Tcb−∆TtoTmax=Tcb. Here cbis the heat
capacity. Because Is∝nsb∝(Tcb−T), the work Asw∝(Tmax−Tmin)2. Con-
sequently, the maximum efficiency Ef=Asw/Qswof the ring as a heat engine
is proportional to ( Tmax−Tmin). This is agreed with both the old and modern
interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics. But the superconducting
ring differs qualitatively from the conventional heat engin e because it can work
without correlation between Fordandv, i.e. it is not the type ”a” heat engine,
as the conventional heat engine, but is the type ”b” heat engi ne. It can work
at both a ordered and chaotic switching of the segment lb.
The section lbcan be switched chaotically by the thermal fluctuation at
an unaltered temperature (at Tmax=Tmin≃Tcb). It is well known [7, 10]
that the resistance of a superconductor R < R nin some region above Tcand
R >0 in some region below Tcbecause superconducting droplets (with charac-
teristic size ≃ξs(T)) appear in the normal state and normal droplets (phase-
slip centers) (with characteristic size ≃ξn(T)) appear in the superconducting
state in the consequence of the thermal fluctuation. The cohe rence lengths
ξs(T) =ξ(0)(T/T c−1)−0.5atT > T candξn(T) =ξ(0)(1−T/T c)−0.5at
T < T cin the linear approximation valid at |T−Tc| ≫GiTc.Giis the Gins-
burg number. We are interested here the one-dimensional cas e, in which the
transverse dimensions of superconductor are small compare d with the coher-
ence length ( w < ξ ,s < ξ2). In this case the ξs(T) has a finite value at T < T c,
which increases with temperature decreasing. ξs(T)≃ξn(T) atT≃Tc
The probability of the switching at T≃Tcbof the segment lbin the normal
state is much bigger than the one of the segment laifTca> Tcb≃T. Therefore
the inhomogeneous superconducting ring is switched by the fl uctuation from
closed ( nsa>0,nsb>0) to open ( nsa>0,nsb= 0) superconducting state
at an unaltered temperature corresponded to the resistive t ransition of the ring
segment with the lowest critical temperature. As it was show n above, the voltage
appears at this switching if Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=n. The probability of the closing is enough
11high if lb≃ξs(T). The voltage is chaotic at Φ /Φ0=n+ 0.5, because the
switching induced by the fluctuation is chaotic in time and th e quantum force
acts in opposite directions with equal probability. This ca se does not differ
qualitatively from other fluctuation phenomena, for exampl e from the Nyquist’s
noise [11]. The power of the chaotic voltage is ”spread” on al l frequencies ωas
well as at the Nyquist’s noise, the power of which is proporti onal to a frequency
band ∆ ω:< V2
Nyq> /R = 4kBT∆ω[5].
The qualitative difference from the completely chaotic fluct uation effects
(such as the Nyquist’s noise) takes place at Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=n+ 0.5. n can be any
integer number, but the state with minimum |n−Φ/Φ0|value has a maximum
probability, because the energy of this state is minimum. Th erefore the average
value of the quantum force by a long time Tis not equal zero:/integraltextT
sw.P(|n−Φ/Φ0|)(2e/c)(nΦ0−Φ)/lN∝negationslash= 0 at Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=nand Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=n+ 0.5.
HereNis the number of the switching during the time T;/summationtext
sw.is the sum
by these switching; P(|n−Φ/Φ0|) is the probability that/integraltext
the closed superconducting state. Because/integraltextT
0dtFq/N∝negationslash= 0 the voltage Vbis
not completely chaotic ( Vb(ω= 0) = < Vb>∝negationslash= 0) although it is induced by the
chaotic switching. This obvious consideration leads to res ult published first in
This result means that a part p(Φ/Φ0) of the chaotic electric energy induced
by thermal fluctuation can be ordered in the inhomogeneous su perconducting
ring. p(Φ/Φ0) = 0 at Φ /Φ0=nor Φ/Φ0=n+ 0.5 and 0 < p(Φ/Φ0)<1 at
Φ/Φ0∝negationslash=nand Φ /Φ0∝negationslash=n+ 0.5. The direct voltage V(ω= 0)∝negationslash= 0 can appear
only in an inhomogeneous ring because in a homogeneous ring t he switching is
chaotic not only in time but also in space. Different segments of the ring are
switched in different time (if l≫ξ(T)). Therefore < V > = 0. In a mesoscopic
ring with l < ξ(T) the switching takes place simultaneously in the whole ring .
Therefore the potential difference is equal zero.
The power of the energy regulating in the inhomogeneous supe rconducting
ring is Word=p(Φ/Φ0)Aswfsw.Asw< F Land the maximum frequency of
the switching fswis determined by the characteristic relaxation time of the
superconducting fluctuation: fsw≤1/τrel.. Therefore Word< p(Φ/Φ0)FL/τrel..
The fluctuations induce the magnetic energy FL≃µkBT/(1 +µ), where kBT
is the characteristic energy of the thermal fluctuation; µ/(1 +µ) is the part of
FLin whole change of the superconductor energy. µhas the maximum value
µ= (32 π3/κ2)(Ls/l3
b)(n−Φ/Φ0)2atT=Tc. This relation is valid for a ring
L. Here κ=λL/ξis the superconductor parameter introduced in the
Ginsburg-Landau theory; λLis the London penetration depth of the magnetic
field. In the linear approximation region at T > T c,τrel.=τGL= ¯h/8kB(T−Tc)
(see [10]). The probability of the switching from into and ou t of the normal state
is not small only in the critical region, i.e. at |T−Tc|< GiT c. Therefore the
maximum power of the energy regulating in the inhomogeneous superconducting
ring may be estimated by the relation
1 +µ8πGi(kBTc)2
This power is very weak. Even for a high-Tc superconductor wi thTc≃100K,
Thus, the mesoscopic superconducting ring, switched by the fluctuation into
and out of the closing superconducting state, may be conside red as the second
order perpetuum mobile of type ”b”. But the ring without a loa d are useless
perpetuum mobile because the energy both is ordered and is di ssipated inside
it. Moreover, it is perpetuum mobile only in the old interpre tation, which was
revised in the beginning of our century together with the int erpretation of the
second law of thermodynamics. ”Perpetuum mobile” is litera lly permanent
motion. According to modern knowledge the permanent motion takes place at
any nonzero temperature. The voltage inside the ring, as wel l as the Nyquist’s
noise, is one of the examples of this permanent motion.
This permanent motion is not perpetuum mobile according to t he modern
interpretation. It contradicts to old but not to modern inte rpretation of the
second law of thermodynamics. According to the old interpre tation, the en-
tropy decreases at the closing of the superconducting state and increase at the
transition to normal state of the segment lb. But according to the modern inter-
pretation, the switching by the fluctuation does not change t he entropy value,
because both the closed and open superconducting state are i ncluded to the
statistical weight P. The entropy, as the measure of chaos, does not change
both at < Vb>= 0 and at < Vb>∝negationslash= 0 if whole magnetic energy LI2
s/2 induced
by the quantum force is dissipated in the segment lbafter it’s transition to the
normal state, i.e. < F q>< v s>+< F dis>< v > = 0. In this case, the
situation in the inhomogeneous superconducting ring does n ot differ from the
one in a homogeneous ring or at the Meissner effect.
Nevertheless the permanent motion in the mesoscopic superc onducting ring
differs qualitatively from other types of the permanent moti on because it is
partly ordered at < Fq>< v s> >0. Therefore the potential chance exists to
utilize this permanent motion for the useful work. In order t o realize this chance
the direct potential difference induced in the inhomogeneou s superconducting
ring by the quantum force should be put under load. The inhomo geneous su-
perconducting ring with a load is the perpetuum mobile not on ly according
to the old interpretation, but also the modern interpretati on. It is the useful
perpetuum mobile. In this case no whole magnetic energy is di ssipated in the
segment lb. A part develops across the load. This process contradicts t o the
Clausius’s formula if a temperature of the load is higher tha n the one of the ring.
It contradicts to the Carnot’s principle and the Thomson’s f ormula if the load
is an electricmotor. The total entropy (total chaos) is redu ced when the heat
energy is transformed in a ordered energy, ∆ Q→tWord→Eord, because the
reduction of the entropy ∆ S=−∆Q/T=−Eord/Tcan not be compensated
in the equilibrium state for the transfer a heat energy from a heater to a cooler
13because Theat=Tcoolin this state. The transformation ∆ Q→tWord→Eord
can take place anyhow long time. At tWord≫kBT, ∆S≫kB.
The useful work can be obtained in the load because the voltag e induced
by fluctuation is partly ordered, Vb(ω= 0) = < Vb>∝negationslash= 0, in the inhomogeneous
superconducting ring. There is qualitative difference, for example, from the
Nyquist’s noise [11], the power of which can not be used for a u seful work because
it is chaotic. It is impossible also to transfer any energy of the Nyquist’s noise
from a cold resistor to a hot resistor. The second law of therm odynamics can
not be broken when the chaotic voltage is put under a load. The power of the
Nyquist’s noise is not summed up: the power of one resistor < V2
Nyq> /R =
4kBT∆ωis equal the one of N resistors < V2
Nyq> /NR = 4kBT∆ω. Whereas
the power Wordcan be summed up: the direct voltage on a system of N rings,
the segments of which with lowest critical temperature are c onnected in series,
is equal N < V b>. The power Wmax(see (5)) corresponds to the power of the
Nyquist’s noise in the frequency band ∆ ω=p(Φ/Φ0)(µ/(1 +µ))2Gi(kBTc/¯h).
This ∆ ωmay be enough wide. At p(Φ/Φ0)(µ/(1+µ))2Gi≃1, ∆ω≃kBTc/¯h≃
1013sec−1atTc= 100 K.
The statement on the possibility of the perpetuum mobile is n ot new in
essence. In the beginning of our century scientists have com e to the conclusion
that the perpetuum mobile, as the permanent motion of energy , takes place in
any thermodynamic system at T >0. The new statement in the my consid-
eration is the possibility of regulating of this motion in so me quantum system.
This chaos reduction is connected with the quantum force, wh ich has a funda-
mental cause:/integraltext
ldl¯h▽φis ”bad” (no gauge-invariant) quantum value
iflis not a closed path, and it is ”good” (gauge-invariant) valu e iflis a closed
path. We may say that the quantum force acts at a ”transition” from classical
to quantum mechanics. It can be introduced because the duali sm of electron.
We can use the relation mdv/dt =Fbecause the superconducting electrons are
particles. But these particles can accelerate against the c lassical forces because
the electron is wave.
It is obvious that the entropy, as measure of the chaos, decre ases at the
”transition” from the classical to quantum mechanics. Plan ck has introduced
in 1900 year the quantization in order to reduce the number of microscopic
states from infinite to finite value. Therefore one may say tha t the perpetuum
mobile is possible because the ”switching” between the clas sical and quantum
mechanics is possible.
It was become obvious in the beginning of our century that the second law
of thermodynamics in the old interpretation is correct to kBT. The violation of
the second order of thermodynamics in the modern interpreta tion has also the
fundamental limit. Because the characteristic energy of flu ctuation kBTand
the time of any cycle can not be shorter than ¯ h/kBTin accordance with the
uncertainty relation, the power of any perpetuum mobile
Wp.m.<(kBT)2/¯h (6)
14We may say that the second law of thermodynamics is correct to (kBT)2/¯h.
6 How to Make the Perpetuum Mobile
In order to make the perpetuum mobile, the modern methods of t he nano-
technology should be used. Sizes of the ring segment with low est critical tem-
perature should not surpass strongly the coherence length o f the superconduc-
tor. Other sizes of the ring should be also enough small. Beca use the power
of a ring is very weak, Wmax<(kBTc)2/¯h, a system with big number of the
rings should be used in order to obtain an acceptable power. T he useful power
Wload=N2< Vb>2Rload/(Rload+NRb)2can be obtained by the system of N
rings the segments lbof which are connected in series. This power has maximum
value Wload=N < V b>2/4RbatRload=NRb. Because the sign and the value
of< Vb>depend on n−Φ/Φ0=n−BS/Φ0, the area Sof all rings should
be the same. The fluctuations induce < Vb>only in a narrow region near Tcb.
Therefore the critical temperature of all rings should be ap proximately identi-
cal. All rings should be identically inhomogeneous Tcb< Tca. The requirement
Tcb< T cacan be realized in the ring with difference areas of wall secti onla
andlb,sb< sa. In accordance with the Little-Parks effect Tcb(Φ)< Tca(Φ) at
sb< saif Φ/Φ0∝negationslash=n.
Because Wmax∝T2
ca system of high-Tc superconductor (HTSC) rings has
maximum power. In order to obtain Wload≈1Wtthe system of no less than
4 108HTSC rings should be used. But it is very difficult to make the HT SC
rings with enough small sizes. The coherence length of all kn own HTSC is
very small. Therefore the conventional superconductor rin gs (for example Al
rings) ought be used for first experimental investigation. T he expected volt-
age< V b> < (RbWmax)1/2≃(p(Φ/Φ0)8Giµ/(1 +µ))1/2R1/2
small but measurable. For example at Tc= 1Kand a real value Rb= 1 Ω,
bkBTc/¯h1/2≃10−6V= 1µV. (p(Φ/Φ0)8Giµ/(1 +µ))1/2≤1 in any case.
This value depends in the periodic manner on the magnetic fiel d (with period
∆B= Φ0/S) and is not equal zero only at the temperature closed to Tcb.
The perpetuum mobile can not solve the energy problem. It’s p ower is
very weak. But the system of superconducting rings may be use d in some
applications. It can used simultaneously as the direct-cur rent generator [12]
and as the micro-refrigerator [13]. The perpetuum mobile ca n work anyhow
long time without an expense of any fuel. Therefore it may be e specially useful
in self-contained systems.
I am grateful Jorge Berger for the preprint of his paper and fo r stimulant dis-
cussion. I thank for financial support the International Ass ociation for the
15Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Inde pendent States
(Project INTAS-96-0452).
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17 |
arXiv:physics/9912023v1 [physics.atom-ph] 10 Dec 1999Mechanisms of positron annihilation on molecules
G. F. Gribakin∗
School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney 205 2, Australia
The aim of this work is to identify the mechanisms responsibl e for very
large rates and other peculiarities observed in low-energy positron annihilation
on molecules. The two mechanisms considered are: (i) Direct annihilation of
the incoming positron with one of the molecular electrons. T his mechanism
dominates for atoms and small molecules. I show that its cont ribution to the
annihilation rate can be related to the positron elastic sca ttering cross sec-
tion. This mechanism is characterized by strong energy depe ndence of Zeffat
small positron energies and high Zeffvalues (up to 103) for room temperature
positrons, if a low-lying virtual level or a weakly bound sta te exists for the
positron. (ii) Resonant annihilation, which takes place wh en the positron un-
dergoes resonant capture into a vibrationally excited quas ibound state of the
positron-molecule complex. This mechanism dominates for l arger molecules
capable of forming bound states with the positron. For this m echanism Zeff
averaged over some energy interval, e.g., due to thermal pos itron energy distri-
bution, is proportional to the level density of the positron -molecule complex,
which is basically determined by the spectrum of molecular v ibrational states
populated in the positron capture. The resonant mechanism c an produce very
large annihilation rates corresponding to Zeff∼108. It is highly sensitive to
molecular structure and shows a characteristic ε−1/2behaviour of Zeffat small
positron energies ε. The theory is used to analyse calculated and measured
Zefffor a number of atoms and molecules.
34.50.-s, 78.70.Bj, 71.60.+z, 36.10.-k
Typeset using REVT EX
The aim of this work is to develop the framework for the descri ption of low-energy
positron annihilation on molecules, and to analyse its two m ain mechanisms: direct and res-
onant annihilation. There are a number of remarkable phenom ena associated with this pro-
cess: very large annihilation rates [1–3], high sensitivit y of the rates to small changes in the
molecular structure [4], large ionization-fragmentation cross sections for organic molecules
at sub-Ps-threshold positron energies [5], and rapid incre ase of the fragmentation and anni-
hilation rates towards small positron energies [6,7]. In sp ite of decades of study, there is no
consistent physical picture or even general understanding of these processes, and there have
been very few calculations [8], which leaves too much room fo r speculations [9]. My main
objective is to consider real mechanisms of positron annihi lation on molecules, describe their
characteristic features, make estimates of the correspond ing annihilation rates, and formu-
late the terms in which positron-molecule annihilation sho uld be described and analysed.
In recent work [7], Iwata et al. describe new experiments to study positron annihilation
on molecules. Some of these experiments test specific featur es of the annihilation processes
described in the present paper. Though some aspects of the ex perimental work are discussed
here, futher details and comparison with theory and various models of positron annihilation
can be found in Ref. [7].
The annihilation rate λfor positrons in a molecular or atomic gas is usually express ed
in terms of a dimensionless parameter Zeff:
0cZeffn, (1)
where r0is the classical radius of the electron, πr2
0cis the non-relativistic spin-averaged rate
of electron-positron annihilation into two γquanta, and nis the number density of molecules
[10]. Equation (1) implies that Zeffis the effective number of target electrons contributing to
the annihilation process. In terms of the annihilation cros s section σathe rate is λ=σanv,
so by comparison with Eq. (1), we have
0cZeff/v, (2)
where vis the positron velocity. Accordingly, the spin-averaged c ross section of annihilation
of a non-relativistic positron on a single electron corresp onds to Zeff= 1, see e.g. [11]. If
the annihilation occurs during binary positron-molecule c ollisions, as in the experiments of
the San Diego group [3,4,12] who use a positron trap and work a t low gas densities, the
parameter Zeffis independent of the density. It characterizes the annihil ation of a positron
on a single molecule.
One could expect that Zeffis comparable to the number of electrons Zin an atom
or molecule. Moreover, low-energy positrons do not penetra te deep into the atom, and
annihilate most probably with the valence electrons only. H owever, even for hydrogen Zeff=
8 at low energies [13]. This is a manifestation of correlatio n effects. The most important of
them is polarization of the atom by the positron and, as a resu lt, an attractive −αe2/2r4
positron-atom potential, αbeing the atomic dipole polarizability. An additional shor t-range
contribution to the positron-atom attraction comes from vi rtual Ps formation, i.e., hopping,
or rather, tunneling of an electron between the atomic ion an d the positron. The electron
2density on the positron is also enhanced due to the Coulomb at traction between them. These
effects make atomic Zefflarge, e.g., Zeff= 401 for room temperature positrons on Xe [14].
Even compared with this large number, annihilation rates fo r low-energy (room tem-
perature) positrons on polyatomic molecules are huge. They increase very rapidly with the
molecular size, and depend strongly on the chemical composi tion of the molecules, see Fig. 1.
This has been known for quite a while, after early measuremen ts for CCl 4,Zeff= 2.2×104
[1], butane, 1 .5×104[2], and Zeffranging between 104and 2×106for large alkanes C nH2n+2,
n=4–16 [15] (see also [4]). The largest Zeffvalues measured so far are 4 .3×106for antracene
C14H10[16] and 7 .5×106for sebacic acid dimethyl ester C 12H22O4[15]. Thus, while Zeff
up to five orders of magnitude greater than Zhave been observed, the physical processes
responsible for these anomalously large annihilation rate s have not been really understood.
In other words, if the observed Zeffare parametrically large, compared to the number of
available electrons, then what are the parameters that dete rmine large annihilation rates for
positrons on molecules?
In this work I consider two basic mechanisms of positron-mol ecule annihilation. The
first mechanism is direct annihilation of the incoming positron with one of the molecular
electrons. The contribution of this mechanism to the annihi lation rate is proportional to the
number of valence electrons available for annihilation. It can be enhanced by the positron-
molecule interaction which distorts the positron wave. In p articular, the positron density
in the vicinity of the molecule increases greatly if a low-ly ing virtual state ( ε0>0) or a
weakly bound level ( ε0<0) exists for the s-wave positron. In this case Z(dir)
for small positron energies ε<∼|ε0|[17–19]. This type of enhancement is responsible for
largeZeffvalues observed in heavier noble gas atoms, where successiv ely lower virtual levels
exist for the positron ( Zeff= 33.8, 90.1 and 401 for Ar, Kr and Xe, respectively [4,14]).
This understanding is confirmed by the temperature dependen ces of the annihilation rates
measured for the noble gases in [20]. Note that for room-temp erature positrons, ε∼kBT,
even for ε0→0 the size of the enhancement due to virtual/weakly bound sta tes is limited.
The second mechanism is resonant annihilation . By this I mean a two-stage process.
The positron is first captured into a Feshbach-type resonanc e, where positron attachment
is accompanied by excitation of some molecular degrees of fr eedom. Such process is well
known for electrons [21]. The positron in the quasi bound sta te then annihilates with a
molecular electron. Enhancement of annihilation due to a si ngle resonance was considered
theoretically in [22,23]. The possibility of forming such r esonances by excitation of the
vibrational degrees of freedom of molecules was proposed by Surko et al. [3] to explain
high annihilation rates and their strong dependence on the m olecular size observed for
alkanes. It was also considered in relation to the problem of fragmentation of molecules
by positron annihilation [24]. However, its contribution t o the annihilation have never
been properly evaluated. To make this mechanism work for low -energy positrons one must
assumed that positrons can form bound states with large neut ral molecules, i.e., the positron
affinity of the molecule is positive, εA>0 [3]. The capture is then possible if the energy of
the incoming positron is in resonance with the vibrationall y excited state of the positron-
molecule complex [25]. The density of the vibrational excit ation spectrum of this complex
can be high, even if the excitation energy supplied by positr on binding, Ev=εA+ε, is
only few tenths of an eV (it is reasonable to assume that the pr esence of the positron
does not change the vibrational spectrum of the molecule by t oo much). For positrons
3with thermal Maxwellian energy distribution the contribut ion of the resonant annihilation
mechanism averaged over a number of resonances Z(res)
effis observed. The magnitude of
effis determined by three parameters of the positron-molecule resonant states: their
annihilation width Γ a, the autodetachment width Γ c, which also determines the probability
of positron capture, and the level density ρ(Ev) of the positron-molecule resonant states
populated in positron capture. The magnitude of Γ afor positron-molecule bound states is
comparable to the spin-averaged annihilation width of the P s atom (Γ a/¯h∼5×10−10s).
Note that Γ adoes not increase with the size of the molecule, because the i ncrease in the
number of electrons is accompanied by thinning of the positr on density in the (quasi)bound
positron-molecule state. It turns out (see Sec. II) that for Γc≫Γathe magnitude of Z(res)
is simply proportional to ρ(Ev). This density increases rapidly with the size of the molecu le,
ρ(Ev)∝(Nv)n, where Nvis the number of vibrational modes, n∼εA/ωis the effective
number of vibrational quanta excited in positron capture, a ndωis a typical molecular
vibrational frequency. Thus, the resonant annihilation me chanism can explain the rapid
increase of Zeffwith the size of the molecule shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, my est imates show
that for thermal positrons Z(res)
effup to 108could be observed.
A necessary condition for the resonant annihilation to occu r is the existence of positron-
molecule bound states. Until recently there was almost no po sitive information about the
possibility of positron binding to neutral atomic species. The experimental results and their
interpretation by Surko et al. [3] could be viewed as the strongest, albeit indirect, evide nce
of positron binding to large molecules. This situation has c hanged now. Many-body theory
calculations of Dzuba et al. [26] indicated strongly that positrons can be bound by Mg,
Zn, Cd, and Hg and, possibly, many other atoms. Recently the v ariational calculations of
Ryzhikh and Mitroy proved rigorously that positrons form bo und states with Li atoms, and
demonstrated that bound states also exist for Na, Be, Mg, Zn, Cu and Ag [27]. Molecules
are much larger potential wells for the positron, and it seem s natural that many of them
should be capable of binding positrons.
Ideas about different mechanisms in positron-molecule anni hilation have been discussed
earlier in a number of theoretical [17,23] and experimental [3,22] works. However, there is a
need to re-examine this question using a unified approach to t he annihilation mechanisms,
and define clearly the physical variables which determine th e observed annihilation rates.
The latter is especially important for the present work whic h aims to provide understanding
of a whole variety of phenomena, including the origins of the high values of Zefffor molecules
and their dependence on the chemical composition and positr on energy.
In this section a derivation of the positron annihilation ra te within a standard scattering
theory formalism is presented. I show how to estimate the con tributions of the direct and
resonant mechanisms, and examine specific features of these mechanisms.
4A. General expressions
The effective number of electrons Zeffrelated to the annihilation rate through Eq. (1) is
determined by the positron density on the electrons
i=1δ(r−ri)|Ψk(r1, . . .,rZ,r)|2dr1. . .drZdr, (3)
where Zis the number of target electrons, riandrare the coordinates of the electrons
and positron, respectively, and Ψ k(r1, . . .,rZ,r) is the total wave function of the system. It
describes scattering of the positron with initial momentum kfrom the atomic or molecular
target in the ground state Φ 0, and is normalized as
Ψk(r1, . . .,rZ,r)≃Φ0(r1, . . .,rZ)eikr(r≫Ra), (4)
where Rais the radius of the target (atomic units are used throughout ). Note that for
molecular targets Ψ kand Φ 0should, strictly speaking, depend on the nuclear coordinat es
as well.
Let us first assume that the electron-positron degrees of fre edom are completely decoupled
from the nuclear motion. The scattering wave function is the n determined by the positron
interaction with the charge distribution of the ground-sta te target and electron-positron cor-
relation interaction (polarization of the target, virtual Ps formation, etc.). Let us denote the
corresponding wave function Ψ(0)
k. At positron energies of a few electron Volts the molecule
can be excited electronically, and the positron may find itse lf trapped in electronically ex-
cited Feshbach resonance states. This may result in rapid re sonant energy dependence of
the Ψ(0)
kwave function. However, at small sub-eV or room-temperatur e positron energies
electron excitations cannot be produced, and Ψ(0)
kbehaves smoothly. On the other hand,
if the positron affinity of a molecule is positive, the system ‘ molecule+positron’ is capable
of forming a stable “positronic ion”, whose lifetime is only limited by positron annihilation.
This system will also have a number of excited bound states Φ νcorresponding to vibrational
excitations of the positron-molecule complex. Their typic al energies are of the order of 0.1
eV and smaller, as determined by the vibrational spectrum of the molecule.
If we now turn on the coupling Vbetween the electron-positron and nuclear degrees of
freedom the total scattering wave function will be given by
2Γν. (5)
The first term on the right-hand side describes direct, or potential [28], scattering of
the positron by the ground-state molecule. The second term d escribes positron capture
into bound positron-molecule states. Equation (5) has the a ppearance of a standard
perturbation-theory formula. The energy of the system is E=E0+k2/2, where E0is
the target ground state energy. The energies of the positron -molecule (quasi)bound states
Φνin the denominator are complex, Eν−i
2Γν, because these states are, in fact, unstable
against positron annihilation with one of the target electr ons, and against positron emis-
sion, a process inverse to positron capture. Therefore, the total width of state νis the
5sum of the annihilation and emission (or capture) widths: Γ ν= Γν
a+ Γν
c[29]. These states
manifest as resonances in positron-molecule scattering. T hey may not give a sizeable con-
tribution to the scattering cross section, but, as I show bel ow, they can contribute a lot to
the positron-molecule annihilation rate.
The contribution of a particular resonant state νto the wave function is proportional to
the corresponding capture amplitude ∝angbracketleftΦν|V|Ψ(0)
k∝angbracketright, which also determines the capture width
c= 2π/integraldisplay
k∝angbracketright|2, (6)
where the latter formula is valid for the positron swave which dominates at low positron
energies (see below). If the positron interaction with vibr ations cannot be described by
perturbations Eqs. (5) and (6) remain valid, provided we rep lace the first-order capture
amplitudes ∝angbracketleftΦν|V|Ψ(0)
k∝angbracketrightwith their non-perturbative values.
The annihilation width of the positron-molecule state Φ νis a product of the spin-averaged
electron-positron annihilation cross section σ2γ=πr2
0c/v, the positron velocity v, and the
density factor,
i=1δ(r−ri)|Φν(r1, . . .,rZ,r)|2dr1. . .drZdr (7)
where ρν
epis the average positron density on the target electrons in th eνth bound state.
For the ground state positronium ρPs
ep= (8πa3
0)−1. One can use this value to estimate the
annihilation width of the positron-molecule complex. The p resence of many electrons in a
large molecule does not lead to an increase of the width, beca use the positron is spread over
a larger volume due to the normalization condition
|Φν(r1, . . .,rZ,r)|2dr1. . .drZdr= 1.
Therefore, using the Ps estimate of the density one obtains Γν
which corresponds to the annihilation lifetime τa∼5×10−10s.
To calculate Zeffwave function (5) is substituted into Eq. (3), which yields
2Γν), (8)
where Aνis the capture amplitude introduced as Γν
c= 2π|Aν|2[cf. Eq. (6)]. The terms
on the right-hand side correspond to the contributions of di rect annihilation, resonant an-
nihilation (i.e., annihilation of the positron captured in to the positron-molecule quasibound
state), and the interference between the two.
6B. Direct annihilation
The direct annihilation term in Eq. (8)
k∝angbracketright (9)
is a smooth function of the positron energy. Let us estimate i ts magnitude and find its
energy dependence at small positron energies. When the posi tron is outside the atomic
system, r > R a, the wave function Ψ(0)
kcontains contributions of the incoming and scattered
positron waves
k(r1, . . .,rZ,r) = Φ 0(r1, . . .,rZ)/bracketleftBigg
, (10)
where f(Ω) is the scattering amplitude. Due to positron repulsion f rom the atomic nuclei
the low-energy positron does not penetrate deep inside the a tomic system. Accordingly,
the positron annihilates mostly with the outer valence elec trons, where the electron and
positron densities overlap. This takes place “on the surfac e” of the atomic system, and
Eq. (10) essentially determines the amplitude of finding the positron there. Of course,
due to short-range electron-positron correlations the tru e wave function at small distances
cannot be factorized similarly to Eq. (10). The Coulomb inte raction between the positron
and electron increases the probability of finding both at the same point in space, as required
by the δ-function in Eq. (3). This effect enhances the annihilation r ate [19]. However,
since small distances and relatively large interactions ar e involved, these correlations do not
depend on the momentum of the incoming positron at low energi es. On the other hand, to
participate in the annihilation event the positron must firs t approach the target, and this is
described by Eq. (10). Unlike the short-range correlation e ffects, the scattering amplitude
can be very sensitive to the positron energy. This effect is fu lly accounted for by Eq. (10),
and I use it to evaluate the energy dependence and magnitude o fZ(dir)
After substitution of expression (10) into Eq. (9) one obtai ns
r/bracketrightBigg /bracketleftBigg
r2drdΩ, (11)
where ρ(r)≡ ∝angbracketleftΦ0|/summationtextZ
i=1δ(r−ri)|Φ0∝angbracketrightis the electron density in the ground state of the
system. The electron density drops quickly outside the atom , and the positron density
decreases rapidly inside the atom. Therefore the integrati on in Eq. (11) should be taken
over a relatively thin shell of thickness δRaenclosing the atomic system. Let us approximate
the integration domain by a spherical shell of radius r=Ra, where Rais the typical distance
between the positron and the target during the annihilation , comparable to the size of the
atom or molecule. For small positron momenta, kRa<1, Eq. (11) then yields
eff= 4πρeδRa/parenleftbigg
4π+ 2RaRef0/parenrightbigg
, (12)
where ρeis the electron density in the annihilation range (which can be enhanced due to
short-range electron-positron correlations), σelis the elastic cross section, σel=/integraltext|f(Ω)|2dΩ,
7andf0is the spherically symmetric part of the scattering amplitu de,f0= (4π)−1/integraltextf(Ω)dΩ.
For positron interaction with an atom the latter is simply eq ual to the s-wave scattering
amplitude. Its real part is expressed in terms of the swave phase shift δ0as Re f0=
sin 2δ0/2k. The swave gives a dominant contribution to the cross section σelat low projectile
energies [28]. For k→0 it is determined by the scattering length a,σel= 4πa2, asf(Ω) =−a
in this limit. A similar description is also valid for positr on scattering from a molecule at
small momenta.
Note that the relation between Z(dir)
effand elastic scattering given by Eq. (12) could also be
derived by matching the true many-body wave function of the p ositron-target system at low
energy ( E≈0) with the asymptotic form (10). In this case Rawill be the matching radius,
and the factor before the brackets will remain a free atomic- sized parameter. However, even
in the form (12) the electron density ρeand the overlap δRaare effective parameters, and the
accurate value of the pre-factor can only be found by compari son with numerical calculations
(see Sec. IIIA). Nevertheless, Eq. (12) is very useful for th e analysis of direct annihilation.
The three terms in brackets are due to the incoming positron p lane wave, the scattered wave,
and the interference term, respectively, cf. Eqs. (10) and ( 11). Even if the cross section
σelis zero or very small, as in the case of a Ramsauer-Townsend mi nimum, the annihilation
effis nonzero. Its magnitude is determined by the effective anni hilation radius Ra,
electron density ρeandδRa, which gives Z(dir)
eff∼1–10, since the quantities involved have
“normal”, atomic-size values.
Equation (12) shows that the annihilation rate for slow posi trons is greatly enhanced if
the scattering cross section is large. This occurs when the s cattering length is large, because
the positron-target interaction supports a low-lying virt ualslevel ( a <0) or a weakly bound
sstate ( a >0) [28]. Their energies, ε0=±1/2a2, respectively, must be much smaller than
typical atomic energies, |ε0| ≪1 Ryd. For |a| ≫Rathe scattering cross section at low
energies is much greater than the geometrical size of the tar get. This effect leads to strong
enhancement of Z(dir)
eff[17–19]. Theoretically, this gives a possibility of infinit ely large cross
sections and annihilation rates at zero positron energy, if |a| → ∞ . However, for nonzero
momenta the swave cross section does not exceed the unitarity limit σel= 4π/k2(for the
swave). This fact puts a bound on the enhancement of Z(dir)
eff. For example, for thermal
positrons with k2/2∼kBTat room temperature ( k∼0.05 a.u.) we obtain Z(dir)
from Eq. (12). Consequently, much higher values of Zeffcannot be produced by the direct
annihilation mechanism. A more detailed discussion of this point and illustrations of the
validity of Eq. (12) are presented in Sec. IIIA.
C. Resonant annihilation
Unlike the direct annihilation term, the interference and t he resonant terms on the right-
hand side of Eq. (8) are rapidly varying functions of energy. The energy scale of this
variation is given by the mean spacing Dbetween the resonances. If the resonances are due
to vibrational excitations of a single mode of the positron- molecule complex then D=ω,
withω<∼0.1 eV for a typical vibrational frequency. In a complex molecu le the positron
attachment energy is sufficient for excitation of several mod es, and Dcan be much smaller.
To describe the annihilation rates observed in experiments with non-monochromatic, e.g.,
8thermal, positrons, one needs to average the interference a nd resonance terms over an energy
interval ∆ Ewhich contains many resonances:
Upon averaging the first, interference term vanishes. In the second, resonance term the
diagonal items in the sum ( µ=ν) dominate. Averaging is then reduced to the integral
over the Breit-Wigner resonant profiles. The number of reson ances within ∆ Eis ∆E/D.
Therefore, the total annihilation rate is the sum of the dire ct and resonant contributions,
eff, (14)
with the resonant contribution given by
a+ Γν
, (15)
where the angular brackets stand for averaging over the reso nances, and Γ ν= Γν
a+ Γν
substituted for the total width. Below I will show that the re sonant term in Eq. (14) can
be much greater than the direct one, and very high Zeffvalues can be achieved.
It is easy to see that the resonant contribution could also be derived from standard
resonant scattering theory developed originally to descri be neutron scattering via compound
nucleus resonances ( [28], Ch. 18) . The maximal s-wave capture cross section is given by σ=
πλ2≡πk−2. The true capture cross section is smaller than σ, because the capture takes place
only when the positron energy matches the energy of the reson ance. For positrons with finite
energy spread (e.g., thermal ones), the capture cross secti on is then σc∼(Γc/D)σ, where
Dis the mean energy spacing between the resonances. More accu rately, σc= (2πΓc/D)σ
[28]. If we are concerned with the annihilation process, the capture cross section must be
multiplied by the probability of annihilation, Pa= Γ a/(Γc+ Γa), which gives the energy-
averaged resonance annihilation cross section
D(Γc+ Γa), (16)
where averaging over resonances similar to that in Eq. (15) i s assumed. By comparison with
Eqs. (2) and (7), the resonant contribution to Zeff, Eq. (15), is recovered.
The way Eq. (15) has been derived implies that the positrons a re captured in the s
wave. Otherwise, an additional factor of (2 l+1), where lis the positron orbital momentum,
appears in the formula [28]. At low positron energies the cap ture widths behave as
for resonances formed by positron capture with the orbital m omentum l[28] (Ris the typical
radius of the target). So, the swave capture indeed dominates in the resonant annihilation
9of slow positrons. At higher energies contributions of seve ral lowest partial waves should be
added in Z(res)
Let us estimate the rate of resonant annihilation and compar e it with the maximal direct
contribution Z(dir)
eff∼103for room-temperature positrons. The typical annihilation widths
for positron-molecule (quasi)bound states are very small, Γν
a∼1µeV (see Sec. IIA). If one
assumes that the positron capture width is much greater,
a, (18)
the total width Γ ν≈Γν
ccancels the capture width in Eq. (15), and the resonant contr ibution
is given by
kρepρ(Ev). (19)
In the last equality I use the fact that electron-positron de grees of freedom are almost
unaffected by the vibrational motion of the nuclei. Hence, fo r a given molecule the positron
density on the target electrons ρepis the same for different vibrational resonances. I have
also introduced the density of resonances ρ(Ev) =D−1, where Ev=εA+εis the vibrational
excitation energy due to positron-molecule binding. Equat ion (19) shows that for Γ c>1
µeV the contribution of the resonant mechanism is independent of the capture width, and
is determined by the density of positron-molecule resonant states populated by positron
capture. Suppose that only a single mode with D∼0.1 eV is excited. Equation (19) then
yields Z(res)
eff∼4×103, if I use the estimates ρep=ρPs
ep, and k= 0.05 for room-temperature
The resonance spacing Dcannot be smaller than the widths of the resonances, which ar e
limited by the annihilation width Γ a. Thus, one can obtain an upper estimate of the resonant
annihilation rate from Eq. (15) by putting Γ c≈Γa∼0.5×10−7a.u., and D∼2πΓc, which
gives the maximal possible capture cross section σ. These estimates yield Z(res)
at room temperature (cf. Zeff= 7.5×106for C 12H2204[15]). This theoretical maximum of
effcorresponds to the unitarity limit of the swave capture cross section. However, this
estimate of Zeffis not trivial. The resonance mechanism shows that such larg e cross sections
can be achieved for the annihilation process, in spite of the fact that it is suppressed by the
relativistic factor πr2
0c=π/c3∼10−6, in atomic units [see Eq. (2)].
Equation (19) predicts unusual low-energy threshold behav iourZ(res)
(the latter for thermal positrons). In a standard situation the cross section of an inelastic
process involving a slow projectile in the initial state beh aves as σ∝1/k. This dependence
is characteristic of the swave scattering, which dominates at low projectile energie s, and
is valid in the absence of long-range forces between the targ et and the projectile. It is
known as the “1 /v” law, and its examples are numerous: from the ( n, γ) nuclear reaction
to dissociative electron attachment to molecules, where it is observed below 1 meV [30].
Therefore, one would expect the positron annihilation cros s section to behave as σa∝1/k.
Accordingly, Zeff, which is proportional the annihilation rate, is expected t o be constant at
low positron energies.
The anomalous threshold dependence of Eq. (19) clearly cont radicts this general state-
ment. This “puzzle” is easily resolved if we recall conditio n (18) that has lead to Eq. (19).
10For very low positron momenta the s-wave capture width behaves as Γ c∝kR, so that (18)
is clearly violated, and the resonant contribution in Eq. (1 4) becomes constant as k→0.
However, at higher positron energies the 1 /kbehaviour of Zeffmay be observed. This de-
pendence corresponds to the 1 /εdrop of the cross section which is reported in some electron
attachment experiments (see, e.g., [31]).
The fact that positron-molecule resonances give a large con tribution to the annihilation
rate, as compared to the direct annihilation, does not mean t hat they also contribute much
to the elastic scattering cross section. In analogy with Eq. (16), the resonant contribution
to the elastic scattering is given by
D(Γc+ Γa), (20)
and for Γ c≪Dit is much smaller than the direct, or potential, scattering cross section.
A. Effect of virtual or weakly bound states on direct annihila tion
If low-energy positron scattering is dominated by the prese nce of a virtual or weakly
bound state at ε0=±κ2/2, the corresponding cross section has the form (for scatter ing by
a short-range potential [28])
κ2+k2, (21)
where κ=a−1. According to Eq. (12) a similar maximum should appear in the momentum
dependence of the annihilation rate. Its magnitude at k= 0 can be arbitrarily large if κ→0
(|a| → ∞ ), which corresponds to a level at zero energy. However, for n onzero momenta the
maximal cross section is finite, σel∼4π/k2, which corresponds to the unitarity limit for the
s-wave cross section.
Real atomic and molecular targets have nonzero electric dip ole polarizabilities α, which
give rise to the long-range polarization potential −α/2r4for the positron. Its effect is taken
into account by the modified effective-range formula for the s-wave phase shift [32],
, (22)
1−(παk/3a)−(4αk2/3) ln/parenleftBig
4√αk/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig2+a2k2, (23)
the latter formula being valid when the scattering length is large and the s-wave scattering
dominates at small k. In equations (22) and (23) Cis a dimensionless positive constant.
Note that for α= 0, Eq. (21) is immediately recovered. The polarization pot ential modifies
the behaviour of the cross section at low energies. For examp le, it leads to a more rapid
decrease of the cross section for a <0,σel= 4πa2[1 + 2παk/3a+O(k2lnk)]. However, this
11does not change the estimates of the maximal values of Zeffthat could be produced in direct
To illustrate the relation between direct annihilation and elastic scattering, and the
enhancement of both due to the presence of a low-lying virtua l level, let us compare the
behaviour of Zeffandσelfor Ar and Kr. The results shown in Fig. 2 were obtained within
the polarized-orbital method [33], which takes into accoun t the polarization of the target by
the positron. These calculations yield large negative valu es of the scattering length for Ar,
Kr and Xe (see Table I), indicating the presence of positron- atom virtual levels formed due
to strong positron-atom attraction. The increase of |a|correlates with the increase of the
dipole polarizability in these atoms. Similar values of ahave been obtained in the many-
body theory calculations of Dzuba et al. [19]. Figure 2 shows that both σelandZeffare
enhanced at low momenta due to the presence of the virtual slevels. This effect is stronger
for Kr, which has a greater absolute value of the positron sca ttering length. As illustrated
by Fig. 2a for Kr, Eq. (23) provides a good description of the c ross section at small k.
The visible difference between Zeffandσelin Fig. 2 is due to the background given by the
energy-independent term R2
ain Eq. (12).
Figure 3 provides a direct comparison between Zeffand the right-hand side of Eq. (12),
and shows that this relation is valid at low positron energie s. The comparison is based on
the polarized-orbital method results for the noble-gas ato ms [33], and the values of Zeffand
σelobtained for the ethylene molecule (C 2H4) by the Schwinger multichannel method [8].
In this comparison I have considered Raand the pre-factor 4 πρeδRain Eq. (12) as fitting
parameters. Their values are listed in Table I together with the values of aobtained in those
calculations. Note that the theoretical results used to pro duce this plot are not necessarily
“exact” or accurate (although, experimental data confirm th at they are reasonable [7,20]).
It follows from the derivation that Eq. (12) holds for any cal culation, as long as the same
wave function is used in the scattering and annihilation cal culations [35].
In agreement with the estimates made in Sec. IIB, Fig. 3 shows that direct annihilation
is indeed strongly enhanced by the presence of low-lying vir tual levels. Nevertheless, even
for targets with very large scattering lengths, such as Xe or C2H4, the annihilation rates do
not exceed Zeff∼103for room-temperature positron momenta (0.05 a.u.).
Direct annihilation is the only annihilation mechanism for atoms and molecules which
do not form bound states with positrons. It will also dominat e for small molecules which do
form a weakly bound state with the positron, but whose vibrat ional frequencies are high. In
this case the energy εA+εis simply insufficient for the excitation of the resonant quas ibound
states at low impact positron energies ε.
For large molecules the difference between the resonant and d irect mechanisms is proba-
bly most obvious when one compares the experimental values o fZefffor alkanes and perflu-
orinated alkanes shown in Fig. 1. The large annihilation rat es of the alkane molecules with
more than two carbon atoms cannot be explained by direct anni hilation. They also display
a very rapid increase with the size of the molecule, which is t ypical of resonant annihilation.
On the other hand, the Zeffvalues of the perfluorinated alkanes remain comparatively s mall,
in spite of their softer vibrational spectra. Thus, one is le ad to conclude that the resonant
mechanism is switched off for them. The latter is explained by the very weak attraction be-
tween the positron and fluorine atoms [7], insufficient to prov ide positron-molecule binding.
Let us examine the effect of fluorination on Zefffor the lightest molecule of the series,
12methane. The experimental data at room temperature are: Zeff= 158 .5, 715, 411, 127, and
38, for CH 4, CH 3F, CH 2F2, CHF 3, and CF 4, respectively (data from [7,12] normalized to
the given value for methane). These values are small enough t o be accounted for by the
direct mechanism. Within its framework the increase and sub sequent drop of Zeffcould be
explained by the existence of a loosely bound state for the po sitron on methane, which turns
into a virtual level as the number of substitute fluorine atom s increases [36]. In terms of
κparameter this would mean that κis small and positive for CH 4, and then goes through
zero, and becomes negative upon fluorination. Accordingly, both the cross section and the
annihilation rate peak for the molecule with the smallest ab solute value of κ, namely CH 3F.
This picture is considered in Ref. [7] in more detail using th e zero-range potential model for
positron-molecule interaction.
Besides having a larger value of Zeff, the molecule with a smaller |κ|(i.e., larger |a|)
should have a more rapid dependence of the annihilation rate on the positron energy, cf.
Figure 3. If the experiment is done with thermal positrons th is should manifest in a stronger
temperature dependence of the Maxwellian average of Zeff(k)
Zeff(T) =/integraldisplay∞
(2πkBT)3/2Zeff(k)4πk2dk (24)
on the positron temperature T. The overbar is usually omitted, as it is clear from the conte xt
whether one is dealing with Zeff(k) at a specific positron momentum, or with a thermal
average Zeff(T). The temperature dependences of the annihilation rates fo r methane and
fluoromethane measured in Ref. [7] are shown in Fig. 4. Also sh own are low-temperature
theoretical fits obtained using Eqs. (12), (23) and (24). The ir parameters are given in the
The dipole polarizability of CH 3Fα= 16.1 a.u. is close to that of methane, α= 17.6
a.u., and I use the latter for both molecules. The constant Cappears in Eqs. (22) and
(23) under the logarithm, and the result is not very sensitiv e to it, so C= 1 has been
chosen. The value of the characteristic radius Ra= 4 a.u. is similar to those for noble
gas atoms and ethylene (table I), and the pre-factor 4 πρeδRa= 1 is between those for
noble gas atoms and C 2H4. Of course, the number of independent parameters ( a,C,Ra
and 4πρeδRa) is too large to enable their unique determination from the e xperimental data.
However, the fits clearly demonstrate that very different Zeff(T) curves can be obtained only
due to different κvalues ( κ= 0.045 and 0.01, for CH 4and CH 3F, respectively. These values
imply that both molecules have bound states with the positro n. The binding energy for
CH4isεA=κ2/2 = 1.0×10−3a.u.= 0 .028 eV, and the binding energy corresponding to
κ= 0.01 is just 1 meV. There is a large uncertainty in the latter val ue, because measurements
performed at and above room temperature, T= 0.0253 eV, are not really sensitive to such
small κ. This can be seen, e.g., from Eq. (21), which becomes κ-independent for κ≪k.
Zero-range model calculations presented in Ref. [7] show th at the last three members of
the fluoromethane sequence have negative κ, corresponding to virtual levels with increasing
energies. This causes the decrease of their Zeffvalues.
As seen in Fig. 4, equation (12) for the direct annihilation c ombined with the modified
effective range formula (23) works well in the low-energy par t of the graph. However, the
data for methane clearly show an abrupt departure from this l aw at higher T, and the
formation of some kind of a plateau in Zeff(T). In principle, one could think that this is
13due to contributions of higher partial waves, not included i nσel, Eq. (23). However, their
contribution has been included via the Raterm of Eq. (12). Also, the contributions of higher
partial waves to Zeffemerge as εl, which is a manifestation of the Wigner threshold law [28].
For thermally averaged rates this corresponds to Tl. Thus, it cannot be responsible for this
sudden feature.
On the other hand, if the methane molecule forms a bound state with the positron the
system can also have vibrationally excited positron-molec ule resonant states. The positron
bound state on CH 4must belong to the A1symmetry type of the molecule. Since the
positron swave dominates at low energies, its capture into the A1state can result in the
excitation of A1vibrational modes of the molecule. The frequency of this mod e for methane
isω= 2916 cm−1= 0.361 eV. Assuming that the positron binding does not change th is
frequency much, the lowest vibrationally excited positron -molecule resonance will occur at
ε=ω−εA≈0.33 eV.
It is easy to estimate the contribution of a single narrow vib rational resonance located
at positron energy ενto the thermally averaged Zeff[38],
∆Zeff(T) =8π3ρν
Γνa+ Γνce−εν/kBT
(2πkBT)3/2, (25)
the latter formula valid for Γν
a, which implies that the resonance has a capture width
greater than 1 µeV. Figure 4 shows the effect of the lowest vibrational A1resonance at
εν= 0.33 eV on Zefffor methane (chain curve). Its onset is indeed quite rapid, d ue to
the exponent in Eq. (25), which makes ∆ Zeff(T) very small for kBT < ε ν. To fit the
experimental data the density ρν
epis chosen to be 25% of ρPs
ep. One could expect that for a
weakly bound state ( εA= 0.028 eV), where the positron spends most of its time outside th e
molecule, its density on the electrons is reduced below that of Ps (binding energy 6.8 eV)
B. Resonant annihilation: molecular vibrations and temper ature dependence
1. Vibrations.
Equation (19) derived in Sec. IIC shows that the annihilatio n rate due to positron
capture into resonances is determined by the level density o f these quasibound vibrationally
excited states of the positron-molecule complex. This dens ity depends on the excitation
energy available, as defined by the positron kinetic energy a nd positron affinity, Ev=εA+ε,
and also on the structure of the molecular vibrational spect rum. Suppose that the molecule
possesses a particular symmetry, which is true for most of th e molecules where positron
annihilation has been studied so far [4]. The electronic gro und state wave function of the
molecule is usually nondegenerate and invariant under all s ymmetry transformations. Let
us call this symmetry type A. Depending on the actual symmetry of the molecule this can
beA1,Ag, orA1g. If the positron can be bound by such molecule, the electron- positron part
of the wave function of the positron-molecule complex will a lso be fully symmetric, i.e., of
theAsymmetry type.
Consider now the capture of a continuous spectrum positron i nto the bound positron-
molecule state. At low positron energies this process is dom inated by the incident positron
14swave, higher partial waves being suppressed as ( kR)2l, compared to the swave [cf. Eq.
(17)]. As a result, the electron-positron part of the wave fu nction of the initial (molecule
and the s-wave positron) and final (bound positron-molecule complex ) states of the capture
process are characterized by the same full molecular symmet ryA. This imposes a selection
rule on the nuclear vibrations which can be excited during th e capture process. They must
also belong to the Asymmetry type.
Therefore, the selection rule limits the spectrum of possib le vibrationally excited reso-
nances which could in principle be formed. It allows arbitra ry excitations and combinations
of the Amodes. It also allows overtones and combinations of the othe r symmetry types,
provided such excitations contain the Asymmetry type, i.e., the (symmetric) product of the
symmetry types involved contains Aamong its irreducible representations [28]. This does
not mean that all such vibrations will contribute to the dens ity factor ρ(Ev) in Eq. (19) for
Zeff. Some of them may have extremely weak coupling to the electro n-positron degrees of
freedom, with capture widths much smaller than 1 µeV. In this case they will be effectively
decoupled from the positron capture channel, and hence, wil l not contribute to Zeff. Of
course, this can only be found out by doing detailed calculat ions for specific molecules.
Nevertheless, it is instructive to compare Eq. (19) with exp erimental data. This com-
parison enables one to extract the effective mean spacing Dbetween the positron-molecule
resonances. For experiments with thermal positrons Eq. (19 ) must be averaged over the
Maxwellian positron momenta distribution,
. (26)
Let us use the Ps value, ρep= 1/8π, to estimate the electron-positron density, and apply Eq.
(26) to simple symmetric molecules with Zeff>∼104, where resonant annihilation must be the
dominant mechanism. The effective spacings D= 4.51×106/Zeff(in cm−1) obtained from the
experimental Zeffvalues measured with room-temperature positrons [4] are li sted in Table
II. They are compared with the low frequency vibrational mod es of the Asymmetry type of
these molecules taken from Ref. [37]. As discussed above, vi brations of the Asymmetry type
also occur in overtones and combinations of other modes. How ever, their frequencies scale
with the size and chemical composition of the molecule in a wa y similar to the Amodes,
and the Amode frequencies listed in the table are representative of t he lower vibrational
modes on the whole.
For molecules with moderate Zeffat the top of the table, such as CCl 4, the effective
resonance spacing Dis comparable to the frequencies of single modes. With the in crease of
the size of the molecule (alkanes), or masses of the constitu ents (e.g., CBr 4), the vibrational
modes are softened, and the number of low-frequency modes in creases. At the same time
one can expect that the positron binding energy increases fo r these molecules. These effects,
and especially the increase of the number of modes, facilita te multimode excitations, whose
density is much greater that the level density of the individ ual modes. Accordingly, we see
thatDbecomes much smaller that the frequencies of the individual modes at the bottom
of the table.
In the simplest model this effect can be estimated as follows. Suppose the vibrational
modes in question are characterized by some typical frequen cyω, and the molecule has Nv
such modes. Suppose, the positron binding energy is εA=nω, where nis the number of
15vibrational quanta excited due to positron binding. If we ne glect the small kinetic energy
of the positron, Ev≈εA, the total number of various vibrational excitations at ene rgyEv
is given by ( Nv+n−1)!/[n!(Nv−1)!] (number of ways to distribute nvibrational quanta
among Nvmodes). For large molecules εAremains finite, whereas Nvincreases linearly with
the size of the molecule, the total number of vibrational mod es being 3 N−6, where Nis
the number of atoms. Therefore, the number of vibrational ex citations available, and the
density of the resonant vibrational spectrum, increase as ( Nv)n∝Nn. Such rapid increase is
indeed observed for alkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons, see Fig. 1. The effective number of
vibrational modes excited in the capture process, n= 6.1 and 8.2, respectively, is compatible
with the positron binding energy of few tens of an electron Vo lt. For example, if I use the
lowest Agmode frequency of hexane (Table II), the positron affinity is εA∼6ω≈0.25 eV.
This number looks reasonable, compared with positron bindi ng energies on single atoms,
e.g.,εA= 0.08, 0.15, and 0.38, for Be, Cu and Mg, respectively [27,39].
Apart from the rapid growth, Zefffor alkanes shows clear signs of saturation, when the
number of carbon atoms becomes greater than 8 or 10. Apparent ly, this takes place well
before the unitarity limit derived in Sec. IIC is reached. Th is behaviour can be understood
if we recall that Eq. (19) is valid only when the capture width Γcis greater than the
annihilation width Γ a. With the increase of the number of vibrational modes their c oupling
to the electron-positron degrees of freedom decreases. Thi s coupling is represented by Γ c,
and for small capture widths, Γ c<Γa,Z(res)
efffrom Eq. (15) is estimated as
, (27)
where Eq. (7) is used together with r0=c−2, in atomic units. The decrease of Γ cis a simple
consequence of sum rules, because the total strength of posi tron coupling is distributed
among larger number of possible vibrational excitations. I n this regime Γ cis proportional to
D, and the increase of Z(res)
effrelated to the increase of the density of vibrational excita tion
spectrum stops. The relation Γ c∝Dwhich characterizes this regime is well known in
neutron capture into compound resonances [40]. It takes pla ce in complex atomic spectra,
e.g., in rare-earths, where the oscillator strengths are di stributed among very large numbers
of transitions [41]. It also emerges in the unimolecular rea ction treatment of dissociative
electron attachment [21], where it is responsible for very l arge lifetimes (i.e., small state
widths) of transient molecular anions.
2. Dependence on the positron energy or temperature.
Let us now look at the energy dependence of the resonant annih ilation rate. At very small
positron energies Z(res)
effmust be constant (see discussion at the end of Sec. IIC). Howe ver, as
soon as the s-wave capture width becomes greater that 1 µeV, the corresponding annihilation
rate shows a 1 /k∼ε−1/2dependence on positron energy, as predicted by Eq. (19). For
a thermally averaged rate this is described by Eq. (26). Figu re 5 presents a comparison
between the 1 /√
Tlaw and the experimental temperature dependence of Zefffor C 4H10[7].
This molecule has Zeff∼104. Within the present theoretical framework this large value
must be due to the resonant annihilation process.
16The theory and experiment agree well at low temperatures. On e may notice that the
measured Zeffshow a slightly steeper rise towards small T. However, the difference is not
large, both in relative and absolute terms. It could be expla ined by a direct contribution
effin Eq. (14), which peaks sharply at small energies, if the pos itron-molecule scattering
length is large (see Sec. IIIA). In spite of the dominance of t he resonant contribution,
eff∼104for butane, the addition of Z(dir)
eff∼103at small positron energies would still be
A more pronounced feature of the experimental data, which is not accounted for by Eq.
(26), is the plateau observed at higher temperatures, T >0.05 eV, where Zeffgoes well above
the 1/√
Tcurve. To find its possible origins let us first take a closer lo ok at Eq. (26) and its
predecessor, Eq. (19). For small impact positron energies εthe vibrational excitation energy
is given by Ev≈εA. Accordingly, the resonance density ρ(Ev) in Eq. (19), and the mean
spacing Din Eq. (26) are approximately constant. As the positron ener gy, or temperature,
increase, the resonance density factor should also increas e, since ρ(Ev) is a strong function
of the excitation energy for multimode vibrational spectra . Therefore, the decrease of Z(res)
should be slower than 1 /k, or 1/√
T. Moreover, the density factor may even produce a rise
in the energy dependence of Z(res)
eff. Besides this, contributions of higher positron partial
waves which emerge as T,T2, etc., at small T, may also contribute to Z(res)
effin the plateau
region. It might even seem that these effects could lead to a ra pid increase of Z(res)
positron energy.
However, there is an effect that suppresses the increase of re sonant annihilation.
Throughout the paper I have assumed that the positron-molec ule resonances have only
two decay channels, annihilation and detachment, the latte r being the reverse of positron
capture. When the positron energy rises above the threshold of molecular vibrational exci-
tations, the resonances can also decay into the ‘positron + v ibrationally excited molecule’
channels. In this situation the total width of a resonance wi ll be given by Γ ν= Γν
where Γν
vis the decay width due to positron detachment accompanied by the vibrational
excitation of the molecule. This leads to a modification of Eq . (19), which now reads
c+ Γν
. (28)
This equation shows that as soon as the positron energy excee ds another inelastic vibrational-
excitation threshold, the factor in brackets drops, thereb y reducing the resonant annihilation
contribution. Such downward step-like structures at vibra tional thresholds are well known
in dissociative electron attachment experiments (see, e.g ., Refs. [30,42]). When the positron
energy is well above the lowest inelastic vibrational thres hold the “elastic” width Γ cwill
become much smaller than the “inelastic” width Γ v, due to a large number of open inelastic
vibrational-excitation scattering channels, and due to a k inematic increase of Γ vabove the
respective thresholds. This will strongly suppress the res onant annihilation contribution
(28) with respect to that of Eq. (19) at larger positron energ ies. One may speculate that it
is precisely the increase of Γν
vthat counteracts the rise of ρ(Ev), and prevents rapid growth
effwith positron energies. It may also be true that a similar mec hanisms is behind the
dramatic drop of the dissociative attachment cross section s for projectile energies above few
lower vibrationally inelastic thresholds [21,30].
In this work I have considered two possible mechanisms of low -energy positron annihila-
tion in binary collisions with molecules.
The first mechanisms is direct annihilation. It describes po sitron annihilation with atoms
and small molecules, as well as molecules which do not form bo und states with the positron.
The annihilation rate due to this mechanism has been related to the positron elastic scatter-
ing properties. In particular, it is enhanced when the posit ron has a low-lying virtual s-type
level or a weakly bound state at ε0=±κ2/2. For zero-energy positrons the direct annihi-
lation rate is inversely proportional to |ε0|. Small κ, together with the dipole polarizability
of the target, also determine the rapid energy dependence of Zeffat small positron energies.
Estimates show that for room-temperature positrons Zeffof up to 103can be produced due
the virtual/weakly bound state enhancement.
The second mechanism is resonant annihilation. It is operat ional when the positron forms
temporary bound states with the molecule. As a necessary con dition, the positron affinity
of the molecule must be positive. The positron capture is a re sonant process, whereby the
energy of the positron is transferred into vibrational exci tations of the positron-molecule
complex. The contribution of this mechanisms to the annihil ation rate is proportional to
the level density of the positron-molecule resonances ρ. These resonances are characterized
by the capture width Γ cand annihilation width Γ a∼1µeV. For Γ c>Γaits contribution is
independent of Γ c, and is basically determined by the density ρ. The resonant mechanism
can give very large annihilation rates (up to 108). Through its dependence on the vibrational
excitation spectrum of the positron-molecule complex, thi s mechanism shows high sensitivity
to the chemical composition of the target, and the size of the molecule. Both are essential
features of the experimental data [4].
The difference between the two mechanisms is illustrated mos t clearly by compari-
son of the annihilation rates of alkanes and perfluoroalkane s. For example, C 6H14has
Zeff= 120 000, whereas for C 6F14,Zeffis only 630. The present theory attributes this huge
difference to the fact that perfluorocarbons do not form bound states with the positrons,
and hence, the resonant annihilation is switched off for them . On the other hand, this
mechanism is behind the the high Zeffvalues of alkanes.
The experimental group at San Diego has performed a number of measurements on pro-
tonated and deuterated molecules to test the sensitivity of Zeffto the molecular vibrational
modes [4,7]. For example, their data for benzene show that a r eplacement of a single hy-
drogen atom with deuterium changes the annihilation rate fr omZeff= 15 000 for C 6H6to
Zeff= 36 900 for C 6H5D. On the other hand, the data on fully protonated vs fully deu ter-
ated alkanes shows very little difference between the two cas es. Such behaviour is natural
for smaller alkanes, e.g., methane, where direct annihilat ion is the dominant mechanism.
However, observed for large alkanes, it cannot be readily in terpreted by means of Eq. (19)
or alike. It is possible that the vibrational excitations ar e dominated by low-lying C −C
modes which are weakly affected by deuteration. On the other h and, deuteration may also
influence positron coupling to the molecular vibrations, wh ich will most likely lead to a
reduction of Γ cin Eq. (15). If the system is in the regime where Γ c∼Γa, this effect may
offset the decrease of the vibrational spacings.
In spite of these difficulties, which could only be resolved by doing calculations for specific
18molecules, the present theory offers a consistent descripti on of positron-molecule annihila-
tion in real terms, through some well defined parameters whic h characterize the system.
It clearly identifies the two basic mechanisms of positron an nihilation and discusses their
specific features. It also shows that studies of positron ann ihilation on molecules may give a
unique insight into the physics of molecular reactions whic h go through formation of vibra-
tionally excited intermediate states. Such processes are v ery likely to be responsible for large
dissociative electron attachment cross sections observed for molecules such as SF 6. They are
also of key importance for the whole class of chemical reacti ons, namely, for unimolecular
reactions (see, e.g., [43]).
This work was strongly stimulated by the vast experimental d ata of the San Diego group,
and I very much appreciate numerous discussions with its mem bers, especially C. Surko
and K. Iwata. I am thankful to my colleagues at the University of New South Wales, V.
Flambaum, A. Gribakina, M. Kuchiev, and O. Sushkov for their encouragement and useful
discussions. My thanks also go to S. Buckman for the informat ion on vibrational excitations
and dissociative attachment. Support of my work by the Austr alian Research Council is
gratefully acknowledged.
∗Present address: Department of Applied Mathematics and The oretical Physics, The
Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK.
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[24] O. H. Crawford, Phys. Rev. A 49, R3147 (1994).
[25] The energy of positrons at room temperature, kBT≈25 meV, is too small to excite
any electronic degrees of freedom. The formation of Ps is als o impossible if we consider
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[26] V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, G. F. Gribakin, and W. A. King , Phys. Rev. A 52,
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[27] G. G. Ryzhikh and J. Mitroy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4124 (1997). J. Phys. B 31, L401
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[28] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum mechanics , 3rd. ed. (Pergamon Press, Ox-
ford, UK, 1977).
[29] At low positron energy annihilation and emission are th e only decay channels of the
resonances. At higher energies positron emission accompan ied by the vibrational (and
then electronic) excitation of the molecule becomes possib le, see Sec. IIIB.
[30] D. Klar, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop, Aust. J. Phys. 45263 (1992).
[31] A. Kiendler, S. Matejcik, J. D. Skalny, A. Stamatovic, a nd T. D. M¨ ark, J. Phys. B 29
6217 (1996).
[32] T. F. O’Malley, L. Spruch, and L. Rosenberg, J. Math. Phy s.2, 491 (1961).
[33] R. P. McEachran, D. L. Morgan, A. G. Ryman, and A. D. Stauff er, J. Phys. B 10, 663
(1977); 11, 951 (1978); R. P. McEachran, A. G. Ryman, and A. D. Stauffer, J . Phys.
B11, 551 (1978); 12, 1031 (1979); R. P. McEachran, A. D. Stauffer, and L. E. M.
Campbell, ibid13, 1281 (1980).
[34] A. A. Radtsig and B. M. Smirnov, Parameters of Atoms and Atomic Ions: Handbook
(Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1986).
[35] The most accurate theoretical data on positron scatter ing and annihilation are available
for hydrogen. To avoid cluttering the plot the correspondin g results are not presented in
Fig. 3. For hydrogen Eq. (12) provides a good fit of Z(dir)
eff[J. W. Humberston, Adv. At.
Mol. Phys. 15, 101 (1979)] with Ra= 3.2 a.u., 4 πρeδRa= 0.344 a.u., when variational
scattering phase shifts are used to obtain σelandf0[A. K. Bhatia et al., Phys. Rev. A
3, 1328 (1971); 9, 219 (1974); D. Register and R. T. Poe, Phys. Lett. A 51, 431 (1975)].
[36] Experimental data for a variety of molecules show that a non-zero dipole moment of
the molecule does not have any direct effect on Zeff, Ref. [12]. For example, Zeff= 319,
1090, and 1600, for H 20, NO 2, and NH 3, whereas their dipole moments are 1.85, 0.32,
and 1.47 Debye, respectively. There also seems to be no corre lation between Zeffvalues
of CH 3F, CH 2F2, CHF 3, quoted in the text, and their respective dipole moments, 1. 85,
1.97, and 1.65 Debye.
[37] L. M. Sverdlov, M. A. Kovner, and E. P. Krainov, Vibrational Spectra of Polyatomic
Molecules (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974).
[38] The contribution of a particular resonance to Zeffis given by the Breit-Wigner for-
mula, cf. terms with µ=νin Eq. (8). For the purpose of thermal averaging, the
contribution of the νth resonance can be approximated by the δ-function, ∆ Zeff=
c/Γν)δ(E−Eν), without any loss of accuracy.
[39] Numerical calculations of positron-atom bound states show that for atoms with ioniza-
21tion potentials greater than 6.8 eV and positron affinities in the range (1–5) ×10−3a.u.
(Zn, Be, Cu, and Ag) the annihilation rates are 20–30% that of Ps, see G. Ryzhikh and
J. Mitroy, J. Phys. B 31, 5013 (1998); J. Mitroy and G. Ryzhikh, J. Phys. B 32, 1375
[40] A. Bohr and B. Mottelson, Nuclear structure, Vol. 1 (Benjamin, New York, 1969).
[41] I. I. Sobelman, Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions (Springer, Berlin, 1992).
[42] H. Hotop, D. Klar, J. Kreil, M.-W. Ruf, A. Schramm, and J. M. Weber, in The Physics
of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, edited by L. J. Dub´ e et al.(AIP, New York, 1995),
p. 267.
[43] R. G. Gilbert and S. C. Smith, Theory of Unimolecular and Recombination Reactions
(Blackwell Scientific, Boston, 1990).
TABLE I. Scattering lengths and fitting parameters for the re lation between Z(dir)
effandσel, Eq.
Atom or a R a 4πρeδRa
molecule (a.u.) (a.u.) (a.u.)
He −0.52a3.9 0.21
Ne −0.61a5.0 0.23
Ar −5.30a4.3 0.42
Kr −10.4a4.2 0.41
Xe −45.3a4.2 0.41
C2H4 −18.5b4.4 3.0
aCalculated in Ref. [33].
bObtained from the calculations of da Silva et al. [8].
TABLE II. Annihilation rates and vibrational frequencies o f molecules
Molecule Formula ZeffaDb(cm−1) Symmetry Frequenciesc(cm−1)
Carbon tetrachloride CCl 4 9 530 473 A1 459
Butane C 4H10 11 300 399 Ag 429, 837, 1057, ...
Cyclohexane C 6H12 20 000 226 A1g 384, 802, 1158, ...
Pentane C 5H12 37 800 119 A1 179, 401, 863, .. .
Carbon tetrabromide CBr 4 39 800 113 A1 269
Hexacloroethane C 2Cl6 68 600 65.7 A1g 164, 431, 976
Hexane C 6H14 120 000 37.6 Ag 305, 371, 901, .. .
Heptane C 7H16 242 000 18.6 − −
aExperimental values obtained for room-temperature positr ons in the trap, Ref. [4].
bEffective spacing for the resonances in Z(res)
eff, Eq. (26), corresponding to experimental data.
cLowest molecular vibrational frequencies of the given symm etry from Ref. [37].
5 10 50101001000
10 100101001000
FIG. 1. Annihilation rates Zefffor alkanes, C nH2n+2(solid circles, n= 1–10, 12, and 16),
perfluorinated alkanes, C nF2n+2(solid squares, n= 1–3, 6, and 8) and aromatic hydrocarbons,
benzene, naphthalene, and antracene, C nHn/2+3(open hexagons, n= 6, 10, and 14), as functions
of the number of electrons in the molecule Z(a), and number of atoms N(b). Data are taken
from Ref. [12], Tables B1, 4.3, 4.9 and 4.11 (see also [4]). Al so shown are power-law fits for
alkanes, Zeff∝N6.1(solid line), perfluorinated alkanes, Zeff∝N1.75(dashed line), and aromatic
hydrocarbons, Zeff∝N8.2(dot-dashed line).
240 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.2505001000
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25020406080
FIG. 2. Elastic scattering cross section σel(a) and annihilation rates Zeff(b) for Ar (dashed
curves) and Kr (solid curves), as calculated in Ref. [33]. Al so shown in (a) are the analytical
approximations of σelfor Kr by the short-range potential formula (21) (dotted lin e with crosses),
and the modified effective range formula (23), which accounts for the dipole polarization of the
target (open circles). Here I have used the calculated value ofa=−10.4 a.u., experimental dipole
polarizability α= 16.74 a.u. [34], and C= 0.4 obtained from the s-wave phase shift of Ref. [33].
Note that the modified effective range formula (open circles) gives an accurate description of the
cross section shown by the solid curve.
250 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25101001000
FIG. 3. Relation between Zeffdue to direct annihilation and the elastic scattering cross section.
Calculated Zeffvalues for He (open triangles), Ne (solid triangles), Ar (op en squares), Kr (solid
squares), and Xe (solid circles) [33], and C 2H4(open circles) [8] are compared with the predictions
of Eq. (12), shown by solid curves. In the latter I have used th e scattering cross sections and
amplitudes calculated in the same theoretical papers, and c onsidered Raand the pre-factor 4 πρeδRa
as fitting parameters.
260.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4501005001000
FIG. 4. Annihilation rates for methane and fluoromethane. Ex perimental data for CH 4(solid
circles) and CH 3F (open circles) [7] have been normalized to Zeff= 158 .5 for methane at room
temperature. Thermal-averaged direct annihilation fits ob tained from Eqs. (12) and (23) using
4πρeδRa= 1,Ra= 4,C= 1,α= 17.6 a.u., are shown for CH 4(κ= 0.045, solid curve), and
CH3F (κ= 0.01, dashed curve). Also shown for methane is the sum of the dir ect contribution and
that of the first vibrational A1resonance at εν= 0.33 eV, obtained using ρν
ep= 0.25ρPs
ep, Eq. (25)
(chain curve).
27FIG. 5. Dependence of Zeffon positron temperature for butane, C 4H10. Solid circles, exper-
imental data [7], normalized at room temperature to Zeff= 11300 [4]. Solid curve is the 1 /√
dependence, Eq. (26), with ρep=ρPs
ep, and effective resonance spacing D= 1.90×10−3a.u.= 417
28 |
arXiv:physics/9912024v1 [physics.ins-det] 10 Dec 1999COMMENT ON A TONOMURA
Three predictions for additional tests in a Tonomura experi ment: 1,2:
The Fresnel frin-ges displayed outside and inside the geome tric shadow of
a toroidal magnet should subsist intact, the ones if the othe rs are masked,
and vice versa ; 3 : Placing the registering film just before th e magnet and
thus uncovering the entire fringe pattern should display th e curved fringes
connecting the outer and inner straight ones. Physicality o f the vector po-
tential expressed in the source adhering gauge will thus be u nequivocally
1 An unconventional testable claim
De Broglie has tersely stated [1] that his [2] universal form ula
relating the canonical 4-momentum Piof a point charge of charge −e, rest
mass µ, 4-velocity Ui, to the 4-frequency kiof the associated wave, selects
uniquely the electromagnetic gauge. The point is : In absenc e of external elec-
tromagnetic sources, adding to the 4-potential Aian arbitrary 4-gradient would
entail indefiniteness of the 4-frequency -a cardiac arythmy of the electron, so to
speak. This is not observed -and is denied by crystal diffract ion unequivocally
displaying (in standard notation) the formula
p≡mv=/planckover2pi1k (2)
What then of gauge invariance of the Dirac equation? Adding t o the canonical
4-momentum operator i/planckover2pi1∂i−eAian arbitrary 4-gradient can be compensated
by substracting this same 4-gradient from the wave function ’s phase. All right
-this is like cashing a cheque. An invariance law of a differer ential equation
need not subsist in its solutions, which imply integration c onditions. What de
1Broglie means is that in the expression of a free electron’s 4 -momentum the
4-potential is identically zero : Ai≡0 in absence of electromagnetic sources.
This is unquestionable.
Corollary 1 Any sort of electron interference experiment performed in p res-
ence of a toroidal magnet displays the curlless vector poten tialA(r)as expressed
in the source adhering gauge -this being tantamount to a meas urement of the
vector potential.
So we claim (a big step forward !) that : A locally observable e ffect underlies
the A.B. effect.
2 Proof via a Tonomura experiment
Tonomura [3] has combined an ’electron biprism inter-feren ce’ with an Aharonov-
Bohm one. A very perfect toroidal magnet of trapped flux Φ quan tized in h/2e
units [4] placed downstream of a ’biprism’ has its axis z orth ogonal to the planes
displaying ’normally’ the Fresnel fringes. A registering fi lm, placed ’normally’
after the magnet, displays outside and inside its circular s hadow straight Fres-
nel fringes which are either identical to each other or black -to-white exchanged,
depending on the flux Φ being an even or an odd multiple of h/2e. The fact
is that the magnet’s shadow, now termed the black ring, is ’ge ometric’ style
showing no circular fringes, and thus no explicit A.B. effect. This precludes
any observable interference between the external and inter nal fringes -which can
be tested.
Obturating the inside of the black ring should not affect in an y way the ex-
ternal fringes which, displayed as parallel straight lines , are identical to those
existing in absence of the magnet -because the magnet’s influ ence is asymptoti-
cally zero. Slipping transversally the magnet out of the pic ture will just uncover
the genuine Fresnel fringes. Similarly, for the reasons sta ted, obturating the out-
side of the black ring should not affect in any way the internal fringes -a very
crucial test of locality !
How the outside and inside fringes are linked together is hid den by the black
ring. Between them exists a phase shift amounting to a multip le ofh/e, due
to addition of −eAto the two kinetic momenta mvcombined with obliquity of
the two interfering kvectors vizz the axis z. The hidden curved fringes can be
recovered by placing the registering film just before the mag net, thus wiping off
the black ring. The fringe pattern displayed will not be the g enuine Fresnel one,
but one where curved fringes now connect the external and int ernal straight
Tonomura ones -a very strong proof of local physicality of Aahead of electron
impact !
23 Direct mesurement of the vector potential
If the vector potential Ais a locally measurable magnitude a precise measure-
ment of a curlless vector potential is possible. Rather than a spatially extended
’electron biprism’ one should then use as interference gene rator a small diffract-
ing crystal.
Performed inside the curlless vector potential A(r) generated by a toroidal mag-
net, crystal diffraction will evidence, instead of formula ( 2), the formula
/planckover2pi1k=mv−eA (3)
yielding a measurement of Aexpressed in the source adhering gauge.
The maximal and neater effect will obtain if the magnet’s cent er coincides with
that of the crystal and its axis with that of the gun. Then turn ing the magnet
around its center will modify the intensity along the circul ar rings.
4 Resurrection of the potentials ’assassinated’
by Heaviside
Electromagnetic gauge invar-iance states : Forces, linear or angular, depend on
the fields, not the potentials. All right, this is very true.
But the integrals of forces -over space, energies, or over ti me, momenta (linear
or angular ; the 6-component angular momentum including the boost) do de-
pend on the potentials. As interaction energies and linear o r angular momenta
of bound systems are measurable mag-nitudes the attached po tentials also are
-with expressions selected as integration conditions [4].
This is well known but underestimated in the case of Einstein ’s energy-mass
equivalence : the electrostatic mass defect of a bound syste m is part of its total
By relativistic covariance there follows [4] that action-r eaction (linear or an-
gular) also selects the source adhering gauge as an integrat ion condition ; an
example is afforded by the Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics .
Electromagnetically induced inertia thus emerges as a gene ral concept to be
discussed elswhere.
De Broglie [1] [5] has stated that both the Einstein W=c2menergy-mass and
the Planck W=hνenergy-frequency equivalences select the electromagneti c
gauge ; covariant expressions of these statements have been produced [5].
[1] L. de Broglie, Optique Electronique et Corpusculaire (Hermann, Paris,
1950) p. 45-49.
[2] L. de Broglie, Annales de Physique 3 (1925) 22 ; see p. 55-5 6.
[3] A. Tonomura, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 225 (1995) 227.
3[4] O. Costa de Beauregard and J.M. Vigoureux, Phys. Rev. D 9 ( 1974) 1626.
[5] O. Costa de Beauregard in Advanced Electrodynamics, T. W . Barrett and
D. M. Grimes eds (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995) p. 77-10 4 ; Physics
Essays 10 (1997) 492 and 646 ; Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie 23 (1998 ) 135.
[6] L. de Broglie, C. R. Ac. Sci. 225 (1947) 163.
4 |
1A ‘New Formula’ to Provide the Compatibility between the
Special Theory of Relativity (STR), Black Holes and Strings
Ali Riza AKCAY
P.K. 21, 41470 - Gebze
E-mail: aakcay@yunus.mam.gov.tr
This paper describes a ‘New Formula’ in place of Einstein’s Famous Formula (EFF) to provide the
compatibility between the Special Theory of Relativity (STR), black holes and strings. The ‘New
Formula’ can also predict and describes the space-time singularities without the distribution of mass
and energy. According to the ‘New Formula’, any particle can reach to and exceed the speed of light
( )cv≥.
The EFF ( )2mcE= is only valid and applicable in the vacuum (the mediums which have low
current density: outside the string, outside black hole), but is not valid and applicable for inside string
and inside black hole including space-time singularities. However, the ‘New Formula’ is valid and
applicable in all mediums including inside string and inside black hole.
Keywords: ‘New Formula’, Einstein’s Famous Formula (EFF), Black Holes,
Superconductivity, Superconducting Strings, Space-time Singularities.
1. Introduction
As known, the Einstein’s Famous Formula [ ] Emc= − 02 21b is the general
result of the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). According to this formula ; the energy2()E approaches infinity as the velocity v approaches the velocity of light ( c). The
velocity (or speed) must therefore always remain less than c. This means that it is not
allowed by the STR to travel faster than light [1].
A black hole is a region of space from which it is impossible to escape if one is
traveling at less than the speed of light. But the Feynman sum over histories says that
particles can take any path through space-time. Thus it is possible for a particle to
travel faster than light [2].
What is meant was that matter could curve a region in on itself so much that it
would effectively cut itself off from the rest of the Universe . The region would become
what is called a black hole. Objects could fall into the black hole, but noting could
escape. To get out, they would need to travel faster than the speed of light, which is
not allowed by the theory of relativity. Thus the matter inside the black hole would be
trapped and would collapse to some unknown state of very high density. Einstein was
deeply disturbed by the implications of this collapse, and he refused to believe that it
happened. But, Robert Oppenheimer showed in 1939 that an old star of more than
twice the mass the sun would inevitably collapse when it had exhausted all its nuclear
fuel [2].
The fact that Einstein’s general theory of relativity turned out to predict
singularities led to a crisis in physics. The equations of general relativity, which relate
to curvature of space-time with the distribution of mass and energy, cannot be defined
as a singularity. This means that general relativity cannot predict what comes out of a
singularity. In particular, general relativity cannot predict how the universe should
begin at the big bang. Thus, general relativity is not a complete theory. It needs an3added ingredient in order to determine how the universe should begin and what should
happen when matter collapses under its own gravity [2].
Stars which collapse into black holes generally posses a magnetic field. In addition,
black holes swallow electrically charged particles from the interstellar medium such as
electrons and protons. It is therefore reasonable to expect black holes to have
electromagnetic properties. H. Reissner in 1916, and independently G. Nordstrom in
1918, discovered an exact solution to Einstein’s equations for the gravitational field
caused by an electrically charged mass. This solution is generalized version of
Schwarzschild’s solution, with one other parameter: the electric charge. It describes
space-time outside the event horizon of an electrically charged black hole [3]. The
‘New Formula’ can describe the electrically charged black holes by using the current
density as a parameter.
The most remarkable discovery including a semi-classical gravitational effect is the
Hawking radiation, which is concluded by treating matter fields on space-time as
quantum while a black hole metric as classical. According to this theory, a black hole
radiates particle flux of a thermal spectrum, whose temperature is pk2 where kis
the surface gravity [4].
The existence of Hawking radiation is closely related to the fact that a particle
which marginally escapes from collapsing into a black hole is suffered from infinite
redshift. In other words, the particle observed in the future infinity had a very high
frequency when it was near the event horizon.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) appear as the brightest transient phenomena in the
Universe. The nature of the central engine in GRBs is a missing link in the theory of
fireballs to their stellar mass progenitors. It is shown that rotating black holes produce4electron-positron outflow when brought into contact with a strong magnetic field. The
outflow is produced by a coupling of the spin of the black hole to the orbit of the
particles. For a nearly extreme Kerr black hole, particle outflow from an initial state of
electrostatic equilibrium has a normalized isotropic emission of
()( )q2 2 2 48sin7 105~ O cMMBB× erg/s, where B is the external magnetic field
strength, ,104.413G Bc×= and Mis the mass of the black hole. This initial outflow
has a half-opening angle BBc3≥q . A connection with fireballs in g-ray bursts is
given [12].
Cosmic strings can be turned into superconductors if electromagnetic gauge
invariance is broken inside the strings. This can occur, for example, when a charged
scalar field develops a non-zero expectation value in the vicinity of the string core. The
electromagnetic properties of such strings are very similar to those of thin
superconducting wires, but they are different from the properties of bulk
superconductors [11].
Strings predicted in a wide class of elementary particle theories behave like
superconducting wires. Such strings can carry large electric currents and their
interactions with cosmic plasmas can give rise to a variety of astrophysical effects
To provide the compatibility between STR, black holes and strings a ‘New
Formula’ has been developed by adding the ratio ( )maxJJ as a new parameter (or
dimension) to the EFF.
2. Superconductivity
The discovery of superconductivity started from the finding of Kamerlingh Onnas in
1911 that the resistance of mercury has an abrupt drop at a temperature of 4.2 0K and5has practically a zero dc-resistance value at temperatures below 4.2 0K. This new
phenomenon of zero-resistance at low temperature was soon found in many other
metals and alloys. An important characteristic of the loss of dc-resistance observed is
the sharpness of the transition. The temperature at which superconductivity first occurs
in a material is thus termed the critical (or transition) temperature of the material and is
denoted by T c [5].
A superconductor is simply a material in which electromagnetic gauge invariance is
spontaneously broken. Detailed dynamical theories are needed to explain why and at
what temperatures this symmetry breaking occurs, but they are not needed to drive the
most striking aspects of superconductivity: exlusion of magnetic fields, flux
quantization, zero resistivity, and alternating currents at a gap between
superconductors held at different voltages [6].
2.1 The discovery of High-T c Superconductors
The first of a new family of superconductors, now usually known as the High-Tc or
cuprate superconductors, was discovered in 1986 by Bednorz and Müller. It was a
calcium-doped lanthanum cuprate perovskite. When optimally doped to give the
highest T c, it had the formula La 1.85Ca0.15CuO4, with a T c of 30 0K. This was already
sufficiently high to suggest to the superconductivity community that it might be
difficult to explain using the usual forms of BCS theory, and a large number of related
discoveries followed quickly. In the following year Wu et al found that the closly
related material Yba 2Cu3O7-δ, now known as YBCO, has a T c of about 93 0K when
δ≅0.10, well above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen [7].62.2 Basic Superconductivity: The Order Parameter
A relativistic version of a superconductor the abelian Higgs model
()()()Φ−Φ Φ+ −= V DDFF L m m mn mn
mnF is the electromagnetic field strength, mD is the covariant derivative
( )Φ −∂=Φ m m miqA D (2)
and ()ΦV the potential of the scalar field
()( )22
41m−ΦΦ=ΦV (3)
If 2m is positive the field Φ has a nonzero vacuum expectation value.
A convenient parametrization of Φ is
qieqr=Φ 0>=rr (4)
Under gauge transformations
am m m∂−→AA aqq+→ (5)
The covariant derivative (2) reads in this notation
( ) [ ]rqm m mq
m∂− −∂=Φ Aiq e Dqi(6)
The quantity qm m m∂−=AA~ is gauge invariant. Moreover
m n nm m n nm mnAA AA F~~∂−∂=∂−∂= (7)
The equation of motion reads, neglecting loop corrections (or looking L as an
effective lagrangian)
= +∂ nmn
mAmF ()Φ=q m2~(8)
In the gauge 00=A a static configuration has 00=∂Ar
, 00=Φ∂ so that
00==i iFE . Eq.(8) implies that70~
= +Λ∇ AmHr rr
The term Amr~2~2 in Eq.(9) is a consequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking and is
an stationary electric current (London current). A persistent current with ,0=Er
means 0=r since Ejrr
=r and hence superconductivity. The curl of Eq. (9), reads
2= −∇ HmHr r
The magnetic field has a finite penetration depth m~1, and this nothing but the
Meissner effect. The key parameter is Φ, which is the order parameter for
superconductivity: it signals spontaneous breaking of charge conservation [8].
2.3 Critical current density
The following set of differential equations are called Ginzburg-Landau equations:
( )021 2*
=Α−∇− + + y yyb ay eimh inV (11)
( )Α −∇−∇ =2
* *
2y yyy yme
mieJhinV (12)
We have written J for Js (supercurrent density) since in thermodynamic equilibrium
there are no normal currents.
By noting () y y q =expi, equation for the supercurrent density may also be written
Α−∇ =hh*
meJ qy(13)
which shows that the gradient of the phase of the wave function y determines the
observable quantity, the supercurrent density [5].8We shall now apply G-L (Ginzburg-Landau) equations to calculate the critical
current in a superconducting thin film at which superconductivity breaks down. First,
we consider thin film x<<d and l<<d so that y and sJ may be supported to be a
constant and uniform over the sample cross section of the thin films. We can set
()xieqy y= with y being independent of x. Equation (13) for the supercurrent
( ) se AemeJ ny y q2* 2 *
= −∇ =h (14)
where sn denotes the mean velocity of the superconducting pair of electrons [5].
The mixed-state critical current density as a function of B : The critical current
density Jc is the transport current density at which pinning can no longer hold the flux
at rest in the face of the thermodynamic driving force. At this point the frictional
pinning force per unit volume flf/3 is equal to JBcΛ, so we have
( )( ) [ ]2
2 32/ /11p BBBBlJ c c cm zh − ≅ . (15)
It is interesting to write down the ratio of critical current density predicted by (15) to
the ideal critical current density Jmax of a thin film at which superconducting state
itself collapses [5].
( )32
cclzh −≅ . (16)
2.4 High-frequency conductivity
Unfortunately, in considering the response of superconductors to high-frequency
fields, there are many situations, especially with conventional superconductors, where
the non-locality of the response is important, and calculations must be based on the full
Mattis-Bardeen equation.9In dirty limit (where d<<l and 0x<<l ) the relative shortness of l means that we
may replace ( ) IRTw,, by ( ) ITw,,0. Assuming that the dominant scattering is elastic
scattering by impurities we know that l is the same in the normal and
superconducting states. We then have an effective complex conductivity s usually
written as ss1 2−i and given by
( )
ss s
n−=− ,0, 2 1. (17)
The real part of the Mattis-Bardeen conductivity ()s1T corresponds to a current of
normal excitations. At low temperatures it is exponentially small at low frequencies,
varying as ekT−Δ/, but it rises rapidly as soon as w exceeds the gap frequency
h/2Δ=gw (of order 1011 to 1012 Hz for conventional superconductors and 1013 Hz in
cuprates), the frequency at which creation of pairs of excitations becomes possible.
The imaginary part of the conductivity ()s2T, corresponding to the superelectrons, is
proportional to 1w, as one would expect for an inertia-dominated response, almost
up to gap frequency. In fact, if we use the Pippard equation as an approximation we
find that
)()0( 1 0
ΛΛΔ=Λ≅wpswxshl. (18)
This dirty limit conductivity may be compared with the clean limit London conductivity
()TΛw1 . Near the gap frequency this approximation fails and 2s falls more rapidly
with frequency.
In the context of high-frequency conductivity the two-fluid model means a system
whose conductivity may be written as10sw t w=+++
is en s2
where fn and fs represent the fractions of the electrons which are normal and
superfluid respectively (with ffn s+ =1), t is a relaxation time for the normal
electrons and s is an infinitesimal. In this simple model the normal electrons have both
inertia and damping, with the usual Drude conductivity at high frequencies, and the
superelectrons have inertia but no dumping . We notice that the model obeys the
conductivity sum rule
∫ =dne
which applies to all systems of mobile electrons [7].
2.5 High Current in General Relativity
Physical nature of equilibrium of current-carrying filaments is studied on the basis of
Einstein equations of General Relativity. Considering a conducting filament as an
element of the structure of universe, one has to take into account both electromagnetic
and gravitational interactions of charges [9].
Intergalactic currents are playing a very important role in modern plasma
astrophysics. Understanding that the universe is largely a Plasma Universe came from
the fact that electromagnetic forces exceed gravitational forces by a factor 3610, and
even if neutral as a whole system a relatively small electromagnetic fluctuation can lead
to non-uniform distribution of matter [9].
Another topic that requires General Relativity is the old Alfven’s problem of a
limiting current. If we ignore the effect of General Relativity, then self-consistent
theory does not impose any limitations on the current values of equilibrium relativistic
beams. In General Relativity the matter curves the space-time, and this results in11gravitational self-attraction of matter. If total energy (or mass) of matter exceeds some
limit, the forces of contraction cannot be balanced by the pressure. In this case
equilibrium is not possible, and the matter undergoes infinite contraction, which is
called gravitational collapse [9].
We show that the current of an equilibrium filament cannot exceed
max1094.0⋅=I A. Currents 2010≈I A in the Galactic and Intergalactic Medium are
discussed by Peratt. Nevertheless solution of the problem of limiting current in General
Relativity is interesting in principle, especially taking into account filamentary structure
of the Universe. Our analysis realizes common physical nature of gravitational and
electromagnetic collapse, and displays peculiarities of space distribution of matter and
gravitational field near the collapse boundary [9].
3. Background for the Evolution of the ‘New Formula’
This chapter gives some background information that upholds the ‘New Formula’.
3.1 Acceleration of Ultra High Energy Particles by Black Holes and
Strings (Currents in High Energy Astrophysics)
It is well known that charged black holes can have a magnetic dipole moment
(indeed for a rotating charged black hole, the gyromagnetic ratio is 2, the same as for a
Dirac particle). Such a black hole can thus also interact with a particle having a
magnetic moment. The interaction energy in this case is given by:
factorsspace curvedrPBHE × ≅3 intm m
Here BHm and Pm are the magnetic dipole moments of the black hole and the
particle respectively.12For PmBm≈ (the Bohr magneton) and for maximally charged hole this gives a
maximal energy (at srr=) of:
≅ (22)
For a 1710 gm. primordial Hawking black hole this gives (note ME1a )
eV E23
max10≅ .
If the black hole is embedded in a magnetic field such high energy particles
accelerated by the hole can also emit ultra high frequency gamma radiation (suppressed
by 41m).
We next consider the acceleration of particles by cosmic strings and fundamental
superstrings. Superstrings are produced near the Planck scale (energy plE or
1910≈plM GeV). They are characterized by a tension GcTpl2≈ (mass per unit
length). 1 2810−≈gcm Tpl strings produced by a symmetry breaking at any other energy
(mass scale) M≈ have a tension given by:
GcT (23)
In addition, one can have conducting cosmic strings which are essentially
topological line defects [10].
There are some nice analogies between vortex lines in a Type II superconductor
(carrying a quantized flux ec2h ) and conducting cosmic strings. For instance, the
field vanishes everywhere in a superconductor (Meissner effect), i.e. 0=abF,
everywhere except along Abrikosov vortex lines carrying a confined quantized flux
ec2h . Inside a superconductor we have the Landau equations:13JBBvvv=+Δ2 2l (24)
The vanishing of the field inside a superconductor is an effect of the Landau-
Ginzburg theory where we have the Maxwell field coupled to a scalar field as:
( )2 2
l faffm
m− =DD (25)
lf≅ near the broken symmetric state.
Far from the flux tube:
( )0= += f d f m m mieA D (26)
[ ] 0 , = =f f mn n mieF DD (27)
So either f or mnF must vanish. This has the solution:
m mlffdie e A = −= , 1 (28)
The Higgs field responsible for these defects is described by a relativistic version of
the Landau-Ginzburg model and consequently it can be shown that conducting strings
also carry flux.
ecnh=f (29)
The flux can be shown to give rise to an electric field given by:
2 2
pls pl sMTeGceGMcTVhh≅ ≅ (30)
Thus charged particles can be accelerated to a maximal energy given by:
(corresponding to a critical current):
pl sMGecTE2121≅ (31)
For a string tension, corresponding to a GUT scale GeV M1510≅ , (the
corresponding tension being given by eq. (23)):14eV E2110≅ (32)
A higher string tension sT gives rise to a higher value of E. For a GUTs scale
.10, 1022 16eV EGeV M ≈ ≈
It must be noted that Ultra High Energy (UHE) particles can be spontaneously
generated by Evaporating Black Holes (EBH) [10].
3.2 Electron-Positron Outflow from Black Holes
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) appear as the brightest transient phenomena in the
Universe. The nature of the central engine in GRBs is a missing link in the theory of
fireballs to their stellar mass progenitors. It is shown that rotating black holes produce
electron-positron outflow when brought into contact with a strong magnetic field. The
outflow is produced by a coupling of the spin of the black hole to the orbit of the
particles. For a nearly extreme Kerr black hole, particle outflow from an initial state of
electrostatic equilibrium has a normalized isotropic emission of
()( )q2 2 2 48sin7 105~ O cMMBB× erg/s, where B is the external magnetic field
strength, ,104.413G Bc×= and Mis the mass of the black hole. This initial outflow
has a half-opening angle BBc3≥q . A connection with fireballs in g-ray bursts is
given [12].
A theory is decribed for electron-positron pair-creation powered by a rapidly
spinning black hole when brought into contact with a strong magnetic field. The
magnetic field is supplied by the surrounding matter as in forementioned black
hole/torus or disk systems. A rapidly spinning black hole couples to the surrounding
matter by Maxwell stresses [12].15Pair-creation can be calculated from the evolution of wave-fronts in curved
spacetime, which is well-defined between asymptotically flat in- or out-vacua. By this
device, any inequivalence between them becomes apparent, and generally gives rise to
particle production. It is perhaps best known from the Schwinger process, and in
dynamical spacetimes in cosmological scenarios. Such particle production process is
driven primarily by the jump in the zero-energy levels of the asymptotic vacua, and to a
lesser degree depends on the nature of the transition between them. The energy
spectrum of the particles is ordinarily nonthermal, with the notable exception of the
thermal spectrum in Hawking radiation from a horizon surface formed in gravitational
collapse to a black hole. There are natural choices of the asymptotic vacua in
asymptotically flat Minkowski spacetimes, where a time-like Killing vector can be used
to select a preferred set of observers. This leaves the in- and out-vacua determined up
to Lorentz transformations on the observers and gauge transformations on the wave-
function of interest. These ambiguities can be circumvented by making reference to
Hilbert spaces on null trajectories – the past and future null infinities ±J in Hawking’s
proposal – and by working with gauge covariant frequencies. The latter received some
mention in Hawking’s original treatise, and is briefly as follows [12].
Hawking radiation derives from tracing wave-fronts from +J to −J, past any
potential barrier and through the collapsing matter, with subsequent Bogolubov
projections on the Hilbert space of radiative states on −J. This procedure assumes
gauge covariance, by tracing wave-fronts associated with gauge-covariant frequencies
in the presence of a background vector potential aA. The generalization to a rotating
black hole obtainsby taking these frequencies relative to real, zero-angular momentum
observers, whose world-lines are orthogonalto the azimuthal Killing vector as given by16( )f ff fx ∂ −∂=∂ ggt t aa. Then ta∂~x at infinity and aa∂x assumes corotation upon
approaching the horizon, where abg denotes the Kerr metric. This obtains consistent
particle-antiparticle conjugation by complex conjugation among all observers, except
for the interpretation of a particle or an antiparticle. Consequently, Hawking emission
from the horizon of a rotating black hole gives rise to a flux to infinity
()1 21
+Γ=−k wpp wFVe dtdnd,
for a particle of energy w at infinity [12]. Here, M41=k and HΩ are the surface
gravity and angular velocity of the black hole of mass M, Γ is the relevant absorption
factor. The Fermi-level FV derives from the (normalized) gauge-covariant frequency as
observed by a zero-angular momentum observer close to the horizon, namely,
eV eV V H ZAMO F+Ω−=+ =− nw w w for a particle of charge e− and azimuthal
quantum number n, where V is the potential of the horizon relative to infinity. The
results for antiparticles (as seen at infinity) follow with a change of sign in the charge,
which may be seen to be equivalent to the usual transformation rule ww−→ and
3.3 Superconducting Strings
Superconductivity can be understood as a spontaneously broken electromagnetic
gauge invariance. When the gauge invariance is broken, the photon acquires a mass
and any magnetic field applied at the boundary of the superconductor decays
exponentially towards its interior. The magnetic field is screened by a non-dissipative
superconducting current flowing along the boundry – the well-known Mei βner effect
[11].17Cosmic strings can be turned into superconductors if electromagnetic gauge
invariance is broken inside the strings. This can occur, for example, when a charged
scalar field develops a non-zero expectation value in the vicinity of the string core. The
electromagnetic properties of such strings are very similar to those of thin
superconducting wires, but they are different from the properties of bulk
superconductors [11].
Strings predicted in a wide class of elementary particle theories behave like
superconducting wires. Such strings can carry large electric currents and their
interactions with cosmic plasmas can give rise to a variety of astrophysical effects
The idea that strings could become superconducting was first suggested in a
pioneering paper by Witten [1985a]. Later it was realized that the role of the
superconducting condensate could be played not only by a scalar field, but also by a
vector field whose flux is trapped inside a non-abelian string [Preskill, 1985; Everett,
1988]. If the vector field is charged, the gauge invariance is again spontaneously
broken inside the string. Witten also proposed another mechanism for string
superconductivity, which operates in models where some fermions acquire their masses
from a Yukawa coupling to the Higgs field of the string [11].
3.3.1 Bosonic string superconductivity
The simplest example of scalar string superconductivity occurs in a toy model with
two complex scalar fields f and s interacting with separate ()1~U and ()QU1 gauge
fields mA~ and mA, respectively [Witten, 1985a ]. The first ()1~U is broken and gives rise
to vortices. The second ()QU1 which we identify with electromagnetism, although18unbroken in vacuum, can provide a charged scalar condansate in the string interior.
The Lagrangian is merely a replicated version of the abelian-Higgs model,
() mnmn
m msf s f FF FF V D DL41 ~
41,~ 2 2
− − − + = , (33)
where f f f m m mAig D~ ~−∂= and s s s m m mieA D −∂= .
From the Lagrangian (33) we can derive the usual electromagnetic current density,
( )ssss m m mD Diej − = (34)
The total current J can than be found by integrating over the string cross-section [11].
Assuming that the vector potential mA remains approximately constant across the
string we have
( ) ∑ +∂ = z zeA e J q 2 , (35)
∑∫= s dxdy . (36)
Using the expression for the current (35), we obtain the total current flowing around
the loop [Witten, 1985a ]
R eeJd pln 12
+= . (37)
3.3.2 String electrodynamics
The defining property of a superconducting string is its response to an applied
electric field: the string develops an electric current which grows in time,
( ). ~/2EcedtdJ h (38)
Here, E is the field companent along the string and e is the elementary charge
( )2 210~−e .19The charge carries in the string can be bosons or fermions. We consider first the
case of fermionic superconductivity. Models of this type have fermions which are
massless inside the string and have a finite mass m outside the string. Particles inside
the string can be thought of as a one-dimensional Fermi gas. When an electric field is
applied, the Fermi momentum grows as ,eEpF=& and the number of fermions per unit
length, hp2Fpn= , also grows [11]:
h &eEn~. (39)
The particles move along the string at the speed of light. The resulting current is
encJ=, and dtdJ is given by (38).
The current continues to grow until it reaches a critical value
h2~emcJc, (40)
when mcpF=. At this point, particles at the Fermi level have sufficient energy to
leave the string. Consequently, in this simplified picture, the growth of the current
terminates at cJ and the string starts producing particles at the rate (39). The fermion
mass m is model-dependent, but it does not exceed the symmetry breaking scale of the
string, h. Hence,
( )213
max~ hceJJcm ≤ , (41)
where we have used the relation hc2hm= . Grand unification strings can carry
enormous currents, sesu J31
max10~ , while for electroweak-scale strings
sesu J17
max10~ . Note that the actual value of the critical current cJ is highly model-
dependent [11].
Superconducting strings can also have bosonic charge carriers. This occurs when a
charged scalar or gauge field develops a vacuum expectation value inside the string. As20a result the electromagnetic gauge invariance inside the string is broken, indicating
superconductivity. The critical current cJ for this type of string is determined by the
energy scale at which the gauge invariance is broken. It is model-dependent, but is still
bounded by maxJ from (41) [11].
Superconducting strings can develop currents not only electric, but also in magnetic
fields. Consider a segment of string moving at a speed v in magnetic field B. In its
rest frame the string ‘sees’ an electric field ()BcvE~ , and so the current grows at
the rate
()vBedtdJ h2~ . (42)
A closed loop of length L oscillating in a magnetic field acts as an ac generator and
develops an ac current of amplitude
()BLe J h21.0~ (43)
The factor of 0.1 appears because the area of the loop is typically of the order
21.0~LA .
An oscillating current-carrying loop in vacuum emits electromagnetic waves. For a
loop without kinks or cusps the radiation power is
cJ E em em2~Γ& , (44)
where the numerical factor emΓ depends on the loop’s shape, but not on its length;
typically, .100~emΓ The ratio of the power in electromagnetic waves to that in
gravitational waves is
gem m
, (45)
and we see that for sufficiently large electromagnetic radiation can become the
dominant energy loss mechanism for the loop [11].21For a loop with kinks, emΓ in (44) has a weak logarithmic dependence on the
current; its characteristic range is 3 210 10 ≤Γ≤em. If the loop has cusps, then for
maxJJ<< the radiation power is dominated by the emission of short periodic bursts of
highly directed energy from near-cups regions. An estimate of E& in this case is
complicated by the fact that the string motion near the cups is strongly affected by
radiation back-reaction. Only an upper bound on this radiation power has been
cJJEem max≤& . (46).
4. The Evolution of the ‘New Formula’
4.1 Theoretical Approach
The Einstein’s Famous Formula ( ) Emcmc == −2
02 21b is a general result of
the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). Here, m0denotes the rest mass, m denotes the
relativistic mass and b=vc. According to the Einstein’s Famous Formula (EFF) the
energy ( E) approaches infinity as the velocity ( v) approaches the velocity of light
(c). The velocity must therefore always remain less than c, however great may be
energies used to produce the acceleration [1]. This means that, according to the EFF it
is impossible for a particle to travel faster than light, and it is therefore impossible to
escape from black holes.
As given in section (3.3.2) in detail; When an electric field is applied, the Fermi
momentum grows as ,eEpF=& and the number of fermions per unit length,
hp2Fpn= , also grows [11]:
h &eEn~.22The particles move along the string at the speed of light. The resulting current is
encJ=, and dtdJ is given by ( )EcedtdJ h2= .
The current continues to grow until it reaches a critical value
when mcpF=. At this point, particles at the Fermi level have sufficient energy to
leave the string. Consequently, in this simplified picture, the growth of the current
terminates at cJ and the string starts producing particles at the rate (39). The fermion
mass m is model-dependent, but it does not exceed the symmetry breaking scale of the
string, h. Hence,
( )213
max~ hceJJcm ≤ ,
where we have used the relation hc2hm= .
This means that, the speed of particles approaches the speed of light ( )cv→ when
the current inside string approaches the critical value ( )h2emcJJc=→ . At this
point, particles at the Fermi level can leave the string. Considering this result, it is quite
clear that there is a direct relation between the speed of particles and the current value
inside string. When we look the Einstein’s Famous Formula (EFF), there is no the
relation between the current value of mediums at which the particles move and the
speed of particles. Thus, we can say that the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and
string theory are not compatible. Therefore, this paper describes a ‘New Formula’ by
enhancing the EFF to provide the compatibility between STR and strings.
In addition, as given in sections 3.1 and 3.2, it is shown that rotating black holes
produce electron-positron outflow when brought into contact with a strong magnetic
field. It is quite clear that the current value inside black holes increases when they23brougth into contact with a strong magnetic field. This means that, the particles can
escape from black holes when the current inside black holes approaches a critical value
( maxJJJc≤→ ). Thus, it is possible for particles to escape from black holes and
consequently to reach to the speed of light ()cv= which is not allowed by the Special
Theory of Relativity. Therefore, It should be allowed by ‘New Formula’ that particles
can reach and exceed the speed of light.
Considering the above requirements a ‘New Formula’ has been developed by
enhancing the EFF to provide the compatibility between the Special Theory of
Relativity (STR), black holes and strings. Here, maxJJ has been added to the EFF as
a new parameter, and the ‘New Formula’ has been developed as
− −=
1 1JJ
cvcmE . (47)
In case h2emcJJc== and ( )213
maxhceJ m= the ‘New Formula’ can also be
written as
− −=
1 1
m. (48)
As the loop radiates away its energy by emitting electromagnetic and gravitational
waves, it shrinks and the dc current in the loop grows as
1−∝LJ . (49)
If the loop has no cusps or kinks, then its electromagnetic radiation power is
2~J EemΓ& , (50)24with 100~emΓ . (The power is not much different for a kinky loop, but the presence of
cusps can change it drastically.) The ratio of electromagnetic and gravitational power
output is of the order
. (51)
If the current evolves according (49), then emE& gradually grows, and the net fraction
of the loop’s mass radiated electromagnetically during its entire lifetime is (Ostriker,
Thompson and Witten, 1986)
( )i if ff 1tan1−= , (52)
where if is the initial value of .g emEE&& Eventually the current reaches the critical
level maxJJ≈. As the loop shrinks further, the current remains near critical and all the
extra charge carriers are expelled from the strings [11].
For the loop with cusps, the electromagnetic radiation power is dominated by bursts
of radiation from near-cusp regions. The motion of the string in these regions is
strongly affected by the radiation back-reaction, and the resulting power is difficult to
estimate. It is expected to be much greater than the power for a cuspless loop (50). An
upper bound for emE& is given by
mJEem≤& . (53)
In the vicinity of a cusp, the current tends to become super-critical. An invariant
measure of the current is
()( )2 221 2f f g &−′ −=−
a. (54)
Near a cusp 02→′=−xg and ∞→a
aJJ (unless 0=′±ff& ). The physical origin
of this effect is very simple: a moving string becomes contracted by a factor25( )212 1
1− −
−=′ x x & , and the density of charge carriers increases by the same factor. The
right-hand side of (54) can be estimated, ()2
a. The current becomes super-
critical in the region maxJLJ≤z . As a result the loop will lose a fraction max~JJ
of its charge carriers. If the motion of the loop were strictly periodic, then during the
next period the current near the cusp would be exactly maxJ [11].
Considering the above information, it is quite clear that the current value ()J in a
superconducting medium (e.g. inside string and black hole) can reach to a super critical
value ()maxJ. This means that J can be equal to maxJ in the ‘New Formula’, and in
this state of the ‘New Formula’ ( )maxJJ= will allow that particles can reach to and
exceed the speed of light and consequently can leave black holes and strings.
State: maxJJ=
0, vc
0 and v
There is no the limitation for the speed of a particle in this state. In addition, the energy
and mass of a particle do not change when speed changes in this state. This state can
predict and describe the space-time singularities without the distribution of mass and
4.2 Practical Approach (Experiments)
The EEFF (Enhanced Einstein’s Famous Formula) which is completely same as the
‘New Formula’ has been experimentally proved and justified. The detailed information
about the practical approach of the’New Formula’ (or EEFF) including experiments
are given in the References [13] (cond-mat/9909373) and [14] (gr-qc/9909077).265. Conclusion
A ‘New Formula’ has been theoretically developed and described in this paper. The
‘New Formula’ has been developed in place of Einstein’s Famous Formula (EFF) to
provide the compatibility between the Special Theory of Relativity (STR), black holes
and strings. The ‘New Formula’ can also predict and describes the space-time
singularities without the distribution of mass and energy. It is allowed by the ‘New
Formula’ that any particle can reach to and exceed the speed of light ()cv≥.
A very important conclusion of this paper is that the EFF ( )2mcE= is only valid
and applicable in the vacuum (the mediums which have low current density: outside the
string, outside black hole), but is not valid and applicable for inside string and inside
black hole including space-time singularities. However, the ‘New Formula’ is valid and
applicable in all mediums including inside string and inside black hole.27References
[[1]]A. Einstein , Relativity The Special and General Theory (London, 1994), p. 32-33, 45.
[[2]]S.W. Hawking , Black Holes and Baby Universes and other Essays (Bantam Books, 1994), p.62,
68-71, 73, 76.
[[3]]J-P Luminet , Black Holes (Cambridge 1995), p. 155-157
[[4]]S.W. Hawking , Commun. Math. Phys. 43 199 (1975)
[[5]] Shu∼∼Ang Zhou , Electrodynamic theory of superconductors (London, 1991), p.157-158, 161,
180-181, 186-187.
[[6]] S. Weinberg , The Quantum Theory of Fields, Volume II (Cambridge University Press
1996), p.332.
[[7]] J.R. Waldram , Superconductivity of Metals and Cuprates (Institute of Physics Publishing,
Bristol and Philadelphia 1996), p.84-86.
[[8]]A. Di Giacomo , the dual superconductor picture for confinement (NATO ASI Series B: Physics
Vol.368), p.415-437.
[[9]]B.E. Meierovich , High Current in General Relativity (Particles, Fields and Gravitation), AIP
Conference Proceedings 453, p. 498-517.
[[10]]C. Sivaram , Production and Acceleration of Ultra High Energy Particles by Black Holes and
Strings (Currents in High-Energy Astrophysics), NATO ASI Series (Series C-Vol.458), p.177-
[[11]]A. Vilenkin and E.P.S. Shellard , Cosmic Strings and Other Topological Defects (Cambridge
University Press 1994), p. 122-153, p. 343-367.
[[12]]Maurice H.P.M. van Putten , Electron-Positron outflow from black holes, astro-ph/9911396
[[13]]A.R. Akcay, Transmission of the Infinite Frequencies by using High-Tc Superconductors,
Proceedings UHF-99 (International University Conference “Electronics and Radiophysics of
Ultra-High Frequencies”, St. Petersburg State Technical University St. Petersburg, Russia May
24-28, 1999), p.352-359 and cond-mat/9909373 (1999).28[[14]]A.R. Akcay , The Enhancement of the Special Theory of Relativity Towards the Prediction of the
Space-time Singularities, gr-qc/9909077. |
arXiv:physics/9912026v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 13 Dec 1999Detection of a flow induced magnetic field eigenmode in the Rig a dynamo facility
Agris Gailitis, Olgerts Lielausis, Sergej Dement’ev, Erne sts Platacis, Arnis Cifersons
Institute of Physics, Latvian University
LV-2169 Salaspils 1, Riga, Latvia
Gunter Gerbeth, Thomas Gundrum, Frank Stefani
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
P.O. Box 510119, D-01314 Dresden, Germany
Michael Christen, Heiko H¨ anel, Gotthard Will
Dresden University of Technology, Dept. Mech. Eng.
P.O. Box 01062, Dresden, Germany
(Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., December 10, 1999)
In an experiment at the Riga sodium dynamo facility, a
slowly growing magnetic field eigenmode has been detected
over a period of about 15 seconds. For a slightly decreased
propeller rotation rate, additional measurements showed a
slow decay of this mode. The measured results correspond
satisfactory with numerical predictions for the growth rat es
and frequencies.
PACS numbers: 47.65.+a, 52.65.Kj, 91.25.Cw
Magnetic fields of cosmic bodies, such as the Earth,
most of the planets, stars and even galaxies are believed
to be generated by the dynamo effect in moving elec-
trically conducting fluids. Whereas technical dynamos
consist of a number of well-separated electrically con-
ducting parts, a cosmic dynamo operates, without any
ferromagnetism, in a nearly homogeneous medium (for
an overview see, e.g., [1] and [2]).
The governing equation for the magnetic field Bin an
electrically conducting fluid with conductivity σand the
velocity vis the so-called induction equation
∂t=curl(v×B) +1
µ0σ∆B (1)
which follows from Maxwell equations and Ohms law.
The obvious solution B=0of this equation may be-
come unstable for some critical value Rmcof the mag-
netic Reynolds number
Rm=µ0σLv (2)
if the velocity field fulfills some additional conditions.
HereLis a typical length scale, and va typical velocity
scale of the fluid system. Rmcdepends strongly on the
flow topology and the helicity of the velocity field. For
self-excitation of a magnetic field it has to be at least
greater than one. For typical dynamos as the Earth outer
core,Rmis supposed to be of the order of 100.
The last decades have seen an enormous progress of
dynamo theory which deals, in its kinematic version,with the induction equation exclusively or, in its full ver-
sion, with the coupled system of induction equation and
Navier-Stokes equation for the fluid motion. Numerically,
this coupled system of equations has been treated for a
number of more or less realistic models of cosmic bodies
(for an impressive simulation, see [3]).
Quite contrary to the success of dynamo theory, ex-
perimental dynamo science is still in its infancy. This
is mainly due to the large dimensions of the length scale
and/or the velocity scale which are necessary for dynamo
action to occur. Considering the conductivity of sodium
as one of the best liquid conductors ( σ≈107(Ωm)−1
at 100◦C) one gets µ0σ≈10 s/m2. For a very efficient
dynamo with a supposed Rmc= 10 this would amount
to a necessary product Lv= 1 m2/s which is very large
for a laboratory facility, even more if one takes into ac-
count the technical problems with handling sodium. His-
torically notable for experimental dynamo science is the
experiment of Lowes and Wilkinson where two ferromag-
netic metallic rods were rotated in a block at rest [4].
A first liquid metal dynamo experiment quite similar to
the present one was undertaken by some of the authors in
1987. Although this experiment had to be stopped (for
reasons of mechanical stability) before dynamo action oc-
curred the extrapolation of the amplification factor of an
applied magnetic field gave indication for the possibility
of magnetic field self-excitation at higher pump rates [5].
Today, there are several groups working on liquid metal
dynamo experiments. For a summary we refer to the
workshop ”Laboratory Experiments on Dynamo Action”
held in Riga in summer 1998 [6].
After years of preparation and careful velocity profile
optimization on water models, first experiments at the
Riga sodium facility were carried out during November
6-11, 1999. The present paper comprises only the most
important results of these experiments, one of them being
the observation of a dynamo eigenmode slowly growing
in time at the maximum rotation rate of the propeller.
A more comprehensive analysis of all measured data will
be published elsewhere.
/0/1 /0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0
/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 /0/0/0/1/1/1
D1=0.25 m
D2=0.43 m
D3=0.80 m
L=2.91 mD1D2D31
FIG. 1. The Riga dynamo facility. Main parts comprising:
1 - Two motors (55 kW each), 2 - Propeller, 3 - Helical flow
region, 4 - Back-flow region, 5 - Sodium at rest, 6 - Sodium
storage tanks, ∗- Position of the flux-gate sensor, ×- Posi-
tions of the six Hall sensors.
The principal design of the dynamo facility, together
with some of the most important dimensions, is shown
in Fig. 1. The main part of the facility consists of a
spiral flow of liquid sodium in an innermost tube (with a
velocity up to the order of 15 m/s) with a coaxial back-
flow region and a region with sodium at rest surrounding
it. The total amount of sodium is 2 m3. The sodium
flow up to 0 .6 m3/s is produced by a specially designed
propeller which is driven by two 55 kW motors.
All three sodium volumes play an important role in
the magnetic field generation process. The spiral flow
within the immobile sodium region amplifies the mag-
netic field by stretching field lines [7]. The back-flow is
responsible for a positive feedback [8]. The result is an
axially non-symmetric field (in a symmetric flow geome-
try!) slowly rotating around the vertical axis. Hence, a
low frequency AC magnetic field is expected for this con-
figuration. Concerning the azimuthal dependence of the
magnetic field which includes terms of the type exp( imϕ)
with in general arbitrary m it is well-known that for
those Rm available in this experiment only the mode with
m= 1 can play any role [8]. A lot of details concerningthe solution of the induction equation for the chosen ex-
perimental geometry and the optimization of the whole
facility in general and of the shape of the velocity profiles
in particular can be found in [8], [9], and [10].
For the magnetic field measurements we used two dif-
ferent types of sensors. Inside the dynamo, close to the
innermost wall and at a height of 1/3 of the total length
from above, a flux-gate sensor was positioned. Addition-
ally, 8 Hall sensors were positioned outside the facility
at a distance of 10 cm from the thermal isolation. Of
those, 6 were arranged parallel to the dynamo axis with
a relative distance of 50 cm, starting with 35 cm from the
upper frame. Two sensors were additionally arranged at
different angles.
After heating up the sodium to 300◦C and pumping it
slowly through the facility for 24 hours (to ensure good
electrical contact of sodium with the stainless-steel wall s)
various experiments at 250◦C and around 205◦C at dif-
ferent rotation rates of the propeller were carried out.
According to our numerical predictions, self-excitation
was hardly to be expected much above a temperature
of 200◦C since the electrical conductivity of sodium de-
creases significantly with increasing temperature. Nev-
ertheless, we started experiments at 250◦C in order to
get useful information for the later dynamo behaviour
at lower temperature, i.e. at higher Rm. Although
the experiment was intended to show self-excitation of
a magnetic field without any noticeable starting magnetic
field, kick-field coils fed by a 3-phase current of variable
low frequency were wound around the module in order
to measure the sub-critical amplification of the applied
magnetic field by the dynamo. This measurement phi-
losophy was quite similar to that of the 1987 experiment
[11] and is based on generation theory for prolongated
flows as the length of our spiral flow exceeds its diame-
ter more then ten times. Generation in such a geometry
should start as exponentially high amplification of some
kick-field (known as convective generation) and should
transform, at some higher flowrate, into self-excitation
without any external kick-field.
As a typical example of a lot of measured field ampli-
fication curves, Fig. 2 shows the inverse relation of the
measured magnetic field to the current in the excitation
coils for a frequency of 1 Hz and a temperature of 205◦C
versus the rotation rate of the propeller. The two curves
(squares and crosses) correspond to two different settings
of the 3-phase current in the kick-field coils with respect
to the propeller rotation. An increasing amplification of
the kick-field can be clearly observed in both curves until
a rotation rate of about 1500 rpm. These parts of both
curves point to about 1700 rpm which might be inter-
preted as the onset of convective generation [8], [9]. If the
excitation frequency would be exactly the one the system
likes to generate as its eigenmode, the curves should fur-
ther approach the abscissa axis up to the self-excitation
point. As 1 Hz does not meet exactly the eigenmode fre-
2quency the points are repelled from the axis for further
increasing rotation rates as it is usual for externally ex-
cited linear systems passing the point of resonance (for
this interpretation, see also Fig. 5).
0 500 1000 1500 2000I/B [A/mT]
Rotation rate [1/min]
FIG. 2. Dependence of the magnetic field amplification on
the propeller rotation rate for T=205◦C and f=1 Hz. The
ordinate axis shows the inverse relation of the measured mag -
netic field to the current in the kick-field coils. Squares and
crosses correspond to two different settings of the 3-phase
current in the kick-field coils with respect to the propeller
It should be underlined that all points on Fig. 2 ex-
cept the rightmost one are calculated from sinusoidal field
records showing the same 1 Hz frequency as the kick-field.
However, the rightmost point at 2150 rpm is exceptional.
Let us analyse the magnetic field signal at this rotation
rate in more detail. Fig 3a shows the magnetic field mea-
sured every 10 ms at the inner sensor in an interval of 15
s. Evidently, there is a superposition of two signals.
Numerically, this signal (comprising 1500 data points)
has been analyzed by means of a non-linear least square
fit with 8 free parameters according to
B(t) =A1ep1tsin (2πf1t+φ1) +A2ep2tsin (2πf2t+φ2)
The curve according to this ansatz (which is also shown
in Fig. 3a) fits extremely well into the data giving the
following parameters (the errors are with respect to a
68.3 per cent confidence interval):
A1= (0.476±0.004) mT , p1= (−0.0012±0.0003) s−1
f1= (0.995±0.00005) s−1, φ1=−0.879±0.012
A2= (0.133±0.001) mT , p2= (0.0315±0.0009) s−1
f2= (1.326±0.00015) s−1, φ2= (0.479±0.009)
The positive parameter p2= 0.0315s−1together with
the very small error gives clear evidence for the appear-
ance of a self-exciting mode at the rotation rate of 2150
rpm. Fig. 3b shows in a decomposed form the two con-
tributing modes, the larger one reflecting the amplifiedfield of the coils and the smaller one reflecting the self-
excited mode.
02468101214B [mT]
t [s]Measured Data
Fitting curve
02468101214B [mT]
t [s]0.995 Hz
1.326 Hz
FIG. 3. Measured magnetic field and fitting curve (a). De-
composition of the fitting curve into two curves with differen t
frequencies (b).
For reasons of some technical problems, this highest ro-
tation rate could be hold only for 20 seconds after which
it fell down to 1980 rpm. At that lower rotation rate the
coil current was switched of suddenly. Figure 4 shows
the magnetic field behaviour at three selected Hall sen-
sors positioned outside the dynamo. This mode has a fre-
quency of f= 1.1 s−1and a decay rate of p=−0.3 s−1.
A similar signal was recorded by the inner fluxgate sen-
sor, too.
It is interesting to compare the frequencies and growth
or decay rates at the two different rotation rates 2150 rpm
and 1980 rpm with the numerical predictions. These are
based on the outcomes of a two-dimensional time depen-
dent code which was described in [9]. As input velocity
for the computations an extrapolated velocity field based
on measurements in water at two different heights and at
three different rotation rates (1000, 1600, and 2000 rpm)
was used. Fig. 5 shows the predicted growth rates and
frequencies for the three temperatures 150◦C, 200◦C, and
250◦C which are different due to the dependence of the
electrical conductivity on temperature. The two pairs of
3points in Fig. 5 represent the respective measured val-
ues. Having in mind the limitations and approximations
of the numerical prognosis [9] the agreement between pre-
calculations and measured values is good, particularly re-
garding the frequencies of the magnetic field eigenmode.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6B [mT]
t [s]Sensor at 0.85 m
at 1.85 m
at 2.85 m
FIG. 4. Magnetic fields measured at 3 selected positions
outside the dynamo module after switching off the coil cur-
The main part of the experiment was originally
planned at T=150◦C where self-excitation with a much
higher growth rate was expected. Unfortunately, the
safety rules required to stop the experiment at T=205◦C
since technical problems with the seal of the propeller
axis against the sodium flow-out have been detected. It
is worth to be noted that the overall system worked stable
and without problems over a period of about five days.
The sealing problem needs inspection, but represents no
principle problem.
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 220000.511.5Growth rate p [1/s]
Frequency f [1/s]
Rotation rate [1/min]p pred. at 150 °C
p meas. at 205 °C
f pred. at 150 °C
f meas. at 205 °C
FIG. 5. Numerical predictions for growth rates pand fre-
quencies fof the dynamo eigenmode in dependence on the
rotation rate for three different temperatures, and measure d
For the first time, magnetic field self-excitation was ob-
served in a liquid metal dynamo experiment. Expectedly,the observed growth rate was still very small. The corre-
spondence of the measured growth rates and frequencies
with the numerical prognoses is convincing. The general
concept of the experiment together with the fine-tuning
of the velocity profiles [9] have been proven as feasible
and correct. The facility has the potential to exceed the
threshold of magnetic field self-excitation by some 20 per
cent with respect to the critical magnetic Reynolds num-
ber. The experiment will be repeated at lower temper-
ature when the technical problems with the seal will be
resolved. For lower temperature, a higher growth rate
will drive the magnetic field to higher values where the
back-reaction of the Lorentz forces on the velocity should
lead to saturation effects.
We thank the Latvian Science Council for support
under grant 96.0276, the Latvian Government and In-
ternational Science Foundation for support under joint
grant LJD100, the International Science Foundation for
support under grant LFD000 and Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft for support under INK 18/A1-1. We are
grateful to W. H¨ afele for his interest and support, and to
the whole experimental team for preparing and running
the experiment.
[1] F. Krause and K.-H. R¨ adler, Mean-field magnetohydro-
dynamics and dynamo theory , (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin,
and Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980)
[2] H. K. Moffat, Magnetic field generation in electrically
conducting fluids , (Cambridge University Press, 1978)
[3] G. A. Glatzmeier and P. H. Roberts, Nature 377, 203
[4] F. J. Lowes and I. Wilkinson, Nature 198, 1158 (1963)
[5] A. Gailitis, B. G. Karasev, I. R. Kirillov, O. A. Lielausi s,
S. M. Luzhanskii, A. P. Ogorodnikov, G. V. Preslitskii,
Mag. Gidrodin., No.4, 3, (1987)
[6]Proceedings of the International Workshop on Laboratory
Experiments on Dynamo Action, Riga, June 14-16, 1998 ,
edited by O. Lielausis, A. Gailitis, G. Gerbeth, F. Stefani,
(FZ Rossendorf, 1998)
[7] Yu. B. Ponomarenko, Zh. Prikl. Mekh. Tekhn.
Fiz.(USSR) 6, 47 (1973)
[8] A. Gailitis, Mag. Gidrodyn. 32, 63 (1996)
[9] F. Stefani, G. Gerbeth, A. Gailitis, in Transfer Phe-
nomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting
Flows, edited by A. Alemany, Ph. Marty, P. Thibault,
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1999), p. 31
[10] M. Christen, H. H¨ anel, and G. Will, in Beitr¨ age zu Flu-
idenergiemaschinen , Bd. 4, (Verlag und Bildarchiv W. H.
Faragallah, Sulzbach/Ts. 1998), p. 111
[11] A. Gailitis, B. G. Karasev, I. R. Kirillov, O. A. Lielaus is,
A. P. Ogorodnikov, in Liquid Metal Magnetohydrody-
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Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1989), p. 413
4 |
arXiv:physics/9912028v1 [physics.atom-ph] 14 Dec 1999Calculation of parity and time invariance violation in the r adium
V.A.Dzuba, V.V.Flambaum and J.S.M. Ginges
School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney 205 2,Australia
(December 22, 2013)
Parity ( P) and time ( T) invariance violating effects in the Ra atom are
strongly enhanced due to close states of opposite parity, th e large nuclear
charge Z and the collective nature of P,T-odd nuclear moments. We have
performed calculations of the atomic electric dipole momen ts (EDM) pro-
duced by the electron EDM and the nuclear magnetic quadrupol e and Schiff
moments. We have also calculated the effects of parity non-co nservation pro-
duced by the nuclear anapole moment and the weak charge. Our r esults show
that as a rule the values of these effects are much larger than t hose considered
so far in other atoms (enhancement is up to 105times).
PACS: 11.30.Er,31.15.Ar
Typeset using REVT EX
The lower energy levels of radium corresponding to configura tions of different parity have
very close energies. This leads to a strong enhancement of th e various parity ( P) and time
(T) invariance violating effects. In our previous paper [1] we c onsidered the states 7 s6d3D2
withE= 13993.97cm−1and 7s7p3P1withE= 13999.38cm−1, which are separated by
a very small interval of ∼5 cm−1(∼10−3eV). Simple estimates showed that the effects
of nuclearP- andT-odd moments such as the magnetic quadrupole moment (MQM), t he
Schiff moment (SM) and the anapole moment (AM) are many times l arger than in all atomic
systems considered before. In the present paper we present m ore accurate calculations of
these and other parity and time invariance non-conserving e ffects in those states of the
radium atom where the effects are large. We use a relatively si mpleab initio approximation
to perform the calculations. The approximation is a reasona ble compromise between the
simplicity of the calculations and the accuracy of the resul ts. It is based on relativistic
Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction (CI) meth ods. A minimum number of
basis states are used at the CI stage of the calculations. How ever, important many-body
effects, such as polarization of the atomic core by an externa l field and correlations between
core and valence electrons, are included in the calculation s of single-electron matrix elements.
To control the accuracy of the calculations we also calculat ed hyperfine structure intervals
and lifetimes of lower states of radium and its lighter analo g barium.
Our calculations confirm the estimates done in the previous w ork [1] and show that the
value of most P- andT-odd effects in radium is much higher than in other atoms consi dered
before. The parity non-conserving (PNC) electric dipole tr ansition amplitude between the
ground and3D1even states is about E1PNC≈0.8×10−9(QW/N)iea0,which is 100 times
larger than the measured PNC amplitude in cesium [2] and abou t 5 times larger than the
corresponding amplitude in francium [3]. The enhancement o f the electron electric dipole
moment (EDM) in the3D1state of Ra is about 5400, which is again many times larger tha n
corresponding values for the ground states of Fr (910) and Au (260) [4]. The transition
amplitude between the ground and3D2even states induced by the nuclear anapole moment
is about 10−9ea0, which is more than 103times larger than a similar amplitude in Cs [2].
Also, the EDM of the Ra atom in the3D2state induced by the nuclear Schiff and magnetic
quadrupole moments is strongly enhanced. Both contributio ns (SM and MQM) are about
10−19η e·cm(ηis the dimensionless constant of the P-,T-odd nucleon-nucleon interaction).
This is again about 105times larger than the EDM of the Hg atom which currently gives the
best limit on η[5]. All this makes radium a very promising candidate for the experimental
study ofP- andT-odd forces by means of atomic physics.
We use relativistic Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration in teraction (CI) methods to
construct two-electron wave functions of the ground and low er excited states of barium and
radium. The calculations start from the RHF method for a clos ed shell system corresponding
to the ground state configuration (6 s2for Ba and 7 s2for Ra). Since nsnp andns(n−1)d
configurations, with n= 6 for Ba and n= 7 for Ra, do not correspond to a closed-shell
system, we calculate panddbasis states in a model HF potential. For example, to calcula te
27pand 6dstates of Ra, we keep all other states frozen, remove the cont ribution of one
7s-electron from the direct HF potential and use this potentia l to calculate the required
states. The same procedure applies for Ba. Thus, we have five s ingle-electron basis states
for the CI calculations ( ns1/2,np1/2,np3/2,(n−1)d3/2,(n−1)d5/2). It turns out, however,
that this simple CI approximation significantly overestima tes the relative value of spin-orbit
intervals for the odd-parity states and underestimates it f or the even-parity states. This
affects the accuracy of the calculation of P- andT-odd effects because most of them involve
transitions with a change of spin which are sensitive to the v alue of the relativistic effects. We
found that the spin-orbit intervals are sensitive to the scr eening of the Coulomb interaction
between two external electrons (recall that Coulomb integr als contribute to the spin-orbit
splitting due to the difference between the single-particle radial wave functions belonging
to different components of the single-particle doublets). T o improve the quality of the wave
functions we introduce fitting factors fkto the Coulomb interaction in the CI calculations ( k
is the multipolarity of the Coulomb interaction). It was fou nd that multiplying all Coulomb
integrals of multipolarities 0, 1 and 2 by factors f0= 0.7,f1= 0.75,f2= 0.9 significantly
improves the energies and fine structure intervals of lower o dd and even states of barium
and radium. These factors simulate the effect of the screenin g of the Coulomb interaction
between valence electrons and core electrons. They also com pensate to some extent the
effect of the incompleteness of the basis set.
To calculate values other than energy, such as the effect of el ectron interaction with
photons and nuclear P- andT-odd fields, we also include core polarization effects (direc t
and exchange RPA-type corrections) and core-valence corre lation effects (the Bruckner-type
correlation corrections). These two effects are very import ant for the considered states of
radium. Indeed, consider mixture of the3DJand3PJ′states by the P- andT-odd interac-
tionW. Corresponding dominant configurations (7 s6dand 7s7p) can only be mixed by a
/angb∇acketleft7p|W|6d/angb∇acket∇ightmatrix element. However, this matrix element is extremely s mall in the Hartree-
Fock approximation. This is because the electron interacti on withP- andT-odd nuclear
moments is localized in the vicinity of the nucleus where the d-electron does not penetrate
due to the centrifugal barrier. On the other hand, the polari zation of the electron core by
these moments produces a long-range correction δVto the HF potential which effectively
renormalizes the interaction of an external electron with t he nucleus. The corresponding
matrix element /angb∇acketleft7p|W+δV|6d/angb∇acket∇ightis not small even in the case of the p−dtransition due
to the long-range of the renormalized interaction W+δV. Note that /angb∇acketleft7s|W|7p/angb∇acket∇ightmatrix
elements also contribute to the mixture of the3DJand3PJ′states due to the configuration
interaction. Thus, there is an interference of several fact ors: thes−pmatrix elements are
large but their contribution is suppressed due to the smalln ess of the configuration mixing.
Thep−dmatrix elements are considerably smaller (although not neg ligible) but they ap-
pear in the dominating configurations. It cannot be said in ad vance which transitions are
more important and as we see from our calculations there are c ases whens−ptransitions
dominate over p−dand vice-versa (see below). The Bruckner-type correlation corrections
(the correlation corrections to the single-electron wave f unctions) are also important, since
they increase the density of an external electron on the nucl eus by ∼30% (see e.g. [6]).
The full scale inclusion of the core polarization and correl ation effects into the CI cal-
culations (see, e.g. [7]) lies beyond the framework of this r esearch. We adopted a simplified
approach in which the corresponding corrections are calcul ated for the single-particle matrix
3elements. The relative values of the renormalization of the matrix elements by the core po-
larization and core-valence correlations have been extrap olated from accurate calculations
of the core polarization and Bruckner-type correlation cor rections for the radium positive
ion. Ra+has a simple electronic structure - one electron above close d shells - and the
corresponding procedures are well defined for it [8].
To check our method and the accuracy of our results, we calcul ated the hyperfine struc-
ture (hfs) constants of213Ra and137Ba. The results for the energies and hfs constants are
presented in Table I. One can see that even for this very simpl e CI approximation the
accuracy of the energies and fine structure intervals is very good. The accuracy of the hfs
constants is also good for the most important states3D2and3P1. Table II shows the effect
of the core polarization (RPA) and Bruckner-type correlati ons (Σ) on the single-electron
matrix elements. One can see that these effects play a crucial role in the p−dmatrix
elements. However, their contribution to the s−pmatrix elements is also very important.
A. Spin-independent parity non-conservation
The Hamiltonian HPNCof the interaction of an electron with the nuclear weak charg eQW
(formula (A6) in the appendix) mixes states of the same total momentum Jand opposite
parity. Thus, electric dipole transitions between states o f initially equal parity become
possible. In particular, the transition between the ground state1S0and the excited3D1
state is enhanced due to the closeness of the opposite parity state1P1. The dominating
contribution to this transition is given by
E1PNC=/angb∇acketleft7s2 1S0|dz|7s7p3P1/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p3P1|HPNC|7s6d3D1/angb∇acket∇ight
E(3D1)−E(3P1). (1)
Apart from the enhancement, there are several suppression f actors in (1). First, the electric
dipole matrix element is small because of a change of spin. It is 3 to 5 times smaller than
most of those amplitudes which do not change atomic spin (see Table III). Second, in the
matrix element of the PNC interaction, leading configuratio ns produce only the p3/2−d3/2
single-electron matrix element which is small. It is not zer o mostly due to core polarization.
However, it is about 25 times smaller than the s1/2−p1/2matrix element. The latter
contribute to the PNC amplitude due to configuration mixing. Our calculations show that
the contribution of the s−ptransition to the PNC amplitude is about 7 times larger than
the contribution of the p−dtransition. In spite of some suppression, the final answer is
quite large:
225Ra :E1PNC= 0.77×10−9(QW/N)iea0, (2)
223Ra :E1PNC= 0.76×10−9(QW/N)iea0. (3)
This is one hundred times larger than the measured PNC amplit ude in cesium [2] and about
5 times larger than the corresponding amplitude in francium [3]. Even radium isotopes have
close values of the amplitudes (approximately, the effect is proportional to the number of
4B. Anapole moment
The Hamiltonian of the electron interaction with the nuclea r anapole moment is presented
in the appendix (A9). Similar to the spin-independent PNC in teraction, it mixes states of
opposite parity and leads to non-zero E1-transition amplit udes between states of initially
equal parity. However, it can also mix states with ∆ J= 1 and it depends on the nuclear spin,
so that its contribution to transitions between different hy perfine structure components are
different. The corresponding expression is very similar to ( 1). However, dependence on the
hyperfine structure must be included (see formula (A12) in th e appendix for details). This
amplitude is proportional to the /angb∇acketleft3P1||/vector αρ(r)||3D2/angb∇acket∇ightmatrix element. Contributions of different
single-electron transitions into this matrix element are p resented in Table IV. Note the
strong cancellation between terms corresponding to s−pandp−dtransitions. This means
that an accurate inclusion of the core polarization and core -valence correlation effects is very
important indeed, as has been discussed above. We believe th at the fitting of the energies
helps to stabilize this matrix element similar to the case of theE1-transition amplitude.
The results for1S0−3D1and1S0−3D2transitions are presented in Table V. Note that
the contribution of the anapole moment to the PNC amplitude ( 3) can be measured by
comparing the amplitudes between different hyperfine struct ure components similar to what
was done for cesium [2]. However, it may be much more efficient t o measure the effect of the
anapole moment in the1S0−3D2transition because it is about ten times larger due to the
small energy denominator and because the nuclear spin indep endent PNC interaction does
not contribute to this amplitude at all due to the large chang e of the total electron angular
momentum ∆ J= 2.
A. Electron EDM
An electron electric dipole moment interacting with an atom ic field mixes states with
the same total momentum Jand opposite parity. As a result, an atomic EDM appears. The
EDM of radium in the3D1state is strongly enhanced due to the closeness of the opposi te
parity state3P1. In an approximation when only the mixture of the closest sta tes is included,
the EDM is given by
d= 2/angb∇acketleft7s6d3D1| −er|7s7p3P1/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p3P1|HEDM|7s6d3D1/angb∇acket∇ight
E(3D1)−E(3P1). (4)
Calculations using formulae from the appendix give the foll owing result
d= 5370de. (5)
Note that a very strong enhancement is caused by the small ene rgy denominator E(3D1)−
E(3P1) = 0.001292 a.u.
5B. Schiff moment
Electron interaction with the nuclear Schiff moment also pro duces an atomic EDM. The
EDM of Ra caused by Schiff moment is strongly enhanced in the3D2state. Its value is
approximately given by
dz= 2/angb∇acketleft7s6d3D2|dz|7s7p3P1/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p3P1|HSM|7s6d3D2/angb∇acket∇ight
E(3D2)−E(3P1). (6)
More detailed formula which include the dependence of (6) on the hyperfine structure is
presented in the appendix (A19).
Table IV shows single-electron contributions to the /angb∇acketleft3P1||HSM||3D2/angb∇acket∇ightmatrix element.
Note thats−ptransitions strongly dominate here. However, the contribu tion of the p−d
transitions is not negligible and should be included for acc urate results.
Calculated values of the radium EDM induced by the Schiff mome nt are presented in
Table VI.
C. Magnetic quadrupole moment
Electron interaction with the nuclear MQM can also produce a n EDM of an atom.
However, in contrast with the case of the Schiff moment, the MQ M of isotopes where the
nuclear spin I <1 (like225Ra, whereI= 1/2) is zero. The EDM of Ra in the3D2state is
given by a formula similar to (6)
dz= 2/angb∇acketleft7s6d3D2|dz|7s7p3P1/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p3P1|HMQM|7s6d3D2/angb∇acket∇ight
E(3D2)−E(3P1). (7)
Again, more detailed formula can be found in the appendix (A2 4).
Table IV shows single-electron contributions to the /angb∇acketleft3P1||Amk||3D2/angb∇acket∇ightmatrix element. Note
that in contrast to the cases of the Schiff and anapole moments ,p−dtransitions dominate
overs−ptransitions in this matrix element. For the anapole moment t hese two types of
transitions contribute almost equally, while for the Schiff moments−ptransitions dominate.
Note thats−ptransitions appear due to configuration mixing only, while c ontribution of
thep−dtransitions is extremely small if core polarization is not i ncluded. This indicates
once more that even for a rough estimation of the time or parit y invariance violating effects
in Ra an inclusion of the appropriate many-body effects is ess ential.
Calculated values of the radium EDM induced by the magnetic q uadrupole moment are
presented in Table VII.
To plan experimental measurements of space and time invaria nce violation in radium it
is important to know the lifetimes of the states of interest. Apart from that, comparison of
the calculated and experimental lifetimes can serve as a goo d test of the method used for
calculation of P- andT- invariance violation since the same dipole transition amp litudes
6contribute in either case. As far as we know, none of the radiu m lifetimes have been measured
so far. On the other hand, some experimental data is availabl e for barium. Therefore, we
calculated lifetimes of lower states of both atoms. Results for dipole transition amplitudes
are presented in Table III and the corresponding lifetimes a re in Table VIII.
For the purpose of the present work, the most important state s of radium are3P1,3D1and
3D2states. The decay rate of the3P1state is strongly dominated by the3P1-1S0transition.
Transitions to the3D1and3D2states are suppressed due to small frequencies. The3P1-1S0
dipole transition amplitude involves a change of the atomic spin and therefore is sensitive
to the value of the relativistic effects. This makes the ampli tude numerically unstable.
This probably explains the poor agreement between different calculations (see Table VIII).
However, we believe that the fitting of the fine structure whic h we have done for Ba and
Ra (see Section II) brings the amplitude close to the correct value. This is supported by
similar calculations for barium. The3P1-1S0amplitude contributes 38% to the decay rate
of the3P1state of barium. Good agreement between calculated and expe rimental lifetimes
of this state (see Table VIII) means that all transition ampl itudes, including the3P1-1S0
amplitude, are calculated quite accurately.
The lifetime of the3D1state of Ra is determined by the3D1-3P0transition which is
numerically stable. The lifetime of this state calculated b y us is in good agreement with the
estimations done by Budker and DeMille [9].
The3D2state of radium is a metastable state. It decays only via elec tric quadrupole
(E2) transition to the ground state. Calculations similar t o the electric dipole transitions
show that the lifetime of this state in the absence of externa l fields is about 15 seconds.
However, measurements of the atomic EDM involve placing the atoms in a strong electric
field. It is important to know how the lifetimes of the3D2and3D1states of Ra are affected
by this field. The electric field mixes states of different pari ty and ∆J= 0,±1. If only an
admixture of the nearest state is taken into account, the amp litude which determines the
decay rate of a3DJstate is given by
E(3P1)−E(3DJ). (8)
Where Eis the electric field. This leads to the following decay rates
W(3D2) = 0.21E2(9)
W(3D1) = 0.25×10−4E2(10)
For an electric field of 10 kV/cm, the lifetime of the3D2state is 30 µs, while the lifetime
of the3D1state is 240 ms. This latter result is in good agreement with e stimations done
by Budker and DeMille [9]. Note that the state3D2, with maximum or minimal possible
projection of the total momentum on the direction of the elec tric field (M=±2), cannot
be mixed by this field with the3P1state. Therefore its lifetime is much less affected.
The radium atom turns out to be a very promising candidate for the study of time
and space invariance violating effects. All such effects cons idered in this paper are strongly
7enhanced due to the high value of the nuclear charge Zand the closeness of the opposite
parity states of the atom. Moreover, the contribution of diff erent mechanisms to the time and
space invariance violating effects can be studied separatel y if measurements are performed
for different states and different isotopes of the radium atom . For example, the atomic EDM
induced by the electron EDM is strongly enhanced in the3D1state, while contributions of
the nuclear Schiff and magnetic quadrupole moments are stron gly enhanced in the3D2state.
On the other hand, the magnetic quadrupole moment is zero for isotopes with nuclear spin
I= 1/2, like225Ra, while the Schiff moment for these isotopes is not zero.
Calculations of the space and time invariance violating effe cts in radium reveal the im-
portance of relativistic and many-body effects. The accurac y achieved in the present work
is probably 20-30 %. However, a further improvement in accur acy is possible if such a need
arises from the progress in measurements.
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council.
1. Radium wave functions
Two-electron wave functions of the ground (1S0) and three excited (3P1,3D1and3D2)
states of radium used in this work for the calculation of spac e and time invariance violation
have the following form
|7s2J= 0,L= 0,M= 0/angb∇acket∇ight=
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.1150|7p1
2/angb∇acket∇ight −
2/angb∇acket∇ight − |7p3
2/angb∇acket∇ight) + (A1)
2/angb∇acket∇ight − |6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight) +
2/angb∇acket∇ight − |6d5
|7s7p J= 1,L= 1,M= 1/angb∇acket∇ight=
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.3537|7s1
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.2042|7s1
2/angb∇acket∇ight −
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0563|7p1
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0512|7p3
2/angb∇acket∇ight − (A2)
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0512|7p3
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0018|7p3
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0010|7p3
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0006|7p3
|7s6d J= 1,L= 2,M= 1/angb∇acket∇ight=
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.5000|7s1
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0002|6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight − (A3)
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0001|6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0001|6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight −
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0012|7p1
|7s6d J= 2,L= 2,M= 2/angb∇acket∇ight=
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.5366|7s1
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.2400|7s1
2/angb∇acket∇ight −
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0059|6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0053|6d3
2/angb∇acket∇ight − (A4)
2/angb∇acket∇ight −0.0068|6d5
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0091|6d5
2/angb∇acket∇ight+ 0.0038|7p3
We use the following form for the single-electron wave funct ion
. (A5)
Hereα= 1/137.036 is the fine structure constant, ˜Ω(r/r)jlm=−(/vector σ·n)Ω(r/r)jlm.
2. Spin-independent weak interaction
The Hamiltonian of the spin-independent weak interaction o f an electron with the nucleus
is given by [10]
2ρ(r)QWγ5, (A6)
whereG= 2.22255 ×10−14a.u. is the Fermi constant, ρis the nuclear density (/integraltextρdV= 1),
QW≈ −N+Z(1−4 sin2θW) is the nuclear weak charge, and γ5is a Pauli matrix. The
matrix element of (A6) with wave functions (A5) has a form
2QWRPNCδj1j2δl1˜l2δm1m2, (A7)
RPNC=α/integraltextρ(f1g2−g1f2)dr−radial integral ,
˜l= 2j−l.
However, it is often more convenient to express (A8) in a form
/angb∇acketleftj1l1m1|HPNC|j2l2m2/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)j1−m1/parenleftBigg
2j1+ 1δj1j2δl1˜l2−angular coefficient for the reduced matrix element.
3. Anapole moment
The Hamiltonian of the interaction of an electron with the nu clear anapole moment has
the form [11]
2(I·/vector α)
I(I+ 1)Kκaρ(r), (A9)
whereIis the nuclear spin, K= (I+1
2−l,lis the orbital momentum of the outermost
nucleon,κais a dimensionless constant proportional to the strength of the nucleon-nucleon
PNC interaction [12]. The matrix elements of the Hamiltonia n (A9) between the many-
electron states of the atoms depend on the hyperfine structur e (see, e.g. [19])
I I 1
J J′F/bracerightBigg
I(I+ 1)(2I+ 1)/angb∇acketleftJ′||/vector αρ(r)||J/angb∇acket∇ight, (A10)
F=I+J,J−atomic total momentum .
The electron part of the operator (A9) is /vector αρ(r). Its single-electron matrix elements over
states (A5) have a form
/angb∇acketleftj1l1m1|/vector αρ(r)|j2l2m2/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)j1−m1/parenleftBigg
−m1q m 2/parenrightBigg
C1AM= (−1)j1+l2+1
6(2j1+ 1)(2j2+ 1)/braceleftBigg1
C2AM= (−1)j1+l1+3
6(2j1+ 1)(2j2+ 1)/braceleftBigg1
The dominating contribution to the z-component of the parity non-conserving electric
dipole transition amplitude between the1S0and3D1states of Ra induced by the anapole
moment is given by
E1PV= (−1)F−f/parenleftBigg
(2F+ 1)(2F′+ 1)/braceleftBigg
J′I F′
I I 1
J J′F′/bracerightBigg
/angb∇acketleft7s2||E1||7s7p/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p||/vector αρ(r)||7s6d/angb∇acket∇ight
E7s6d−E7s7p. (A12)
HereF=I+J,f= min(F,F′).
4. Electron EDM
The Hamiltonian of the interaction of the electron EDM dewith the atomic electric
fieldEhas the form [10]
HEDM=−deβ(Σ·E), (A13)
1 0
/vector σ0
0/vector σ/parenrightBigg
The atomic EDM induced by (A13) can be calculated as an averag e value of the operator
of the dipole moment over states mixed by an operator similar to (A13)
EDM=−de(β−1)(Σ·E). (A14)
Its single-electron matrix elements have a form
EDM|j2l2m2/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)j1−m1/parenleftBigg
CEDM=√2j1+ 1δj1j2δl1˜l2,
REDM= 2α2/integraltextg1dV
Note that the selection rules and the angular coefficients are the same as for the spin inde-
pendent weak interaction (A6), while the radial integrals a re different.
5. Schiff moment
The Hamiltonian of the interaction of an electron with the nu clear Schiff moment has
the form [13]
HSM= 4πS· ∇ρ(r), (A16)
S=SI/I,S is Schiff moment. Many-electron matrix elements of (A16) dep end on the
hyperfine structure similar to (A9)
/angb∇acketleftIJ′F|HSM|IJF/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)F+I+J′/braceleftBigg
I I 1
J J′F/bracerightBigg
I(I+1)(2 I+1)
I/angb∇acketleftJ′||4π∇ρ(r)||J/angb∇acket∇ight. (A17)
The electron part of the operator (A16) is 4 π∇ρ(r). Its single-electron matrix elements over
states (A5) have the form
/angb∇acketleftj1l1m1|4π∇ρ(r)|j2l2m2/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)j1−m1/parenleftBigg
−m1q m 2/parenrightBigg
CSM= (−1)j2+3
(2j1+ 1)(2j2+ 1)/parenleftBigg
ξ(l1+l2+ 1),
ξ(x) =/braceleftBigg
1,ifxis even
0,ifxis odd,
The EDM of Ra induced by the nuclear Schiff moment for a particu lar hyperfine structure
component of the3D2state is approximately given by
dz= 2/parenleftBigg
I I 1
J J′F/bracerightBigg/radicalBig
(I+1)(2 I+1)
(2F+ 1)S/angb∇acketleft7s6d3DJ||E1||7s7p3PJ′/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acketleft7s7p3PJ′||4π∇ρ(r)||7s6d3DJ/angb∇acket∇ight
E7s6d−E7s7p. (A19)
6. Magnetic quadrupole moment
The Hamiltonian of the interaction of an electron with the nu clear magnetic quadrupole
moment has the form [13]
3δkmI(I+ 1), (A20)
Its many-electron matrix element is
5(2F+ 1)(2I+ 3)(I+ 1)(2I+ 1)I(2I−1)×
2 2 0
/angb∇acketleftJ′||Amk||J/angb∇acket∇ight. (A21)
The single-electron matrix elements of the operator Amkhave the form
/angb∇acketleftj1l1m1|Amk|j2l2m2/angb∇acket∇ight= (−1)j1−m1/parenleftBigg
−m1q m 2/parenrightBigg
C1MQM= (−1)j2−1
(2j1+ 1)(2j2+ 1)/parenleftBigg
ξ(l1+l2+ 1),
C2MQM= (−1)j1+j2+l2+14/radicalBig
5(2j1+ 1)(2j2+ 1)(2l1+ 1)(2l2+ 1)×
0 0 0/parenrightBigg
whereF(r) =/braceleftBigg
1/r3,ifr>r N,
rN−nuclear radius .
The EDM of Ra induced by the nuclear MQM for a particular hyper fine structure component
of the3DJstate is approximately given by
dz= 2/parenleftBigg
(−1)F+I+J(2F+ 1)3
4M/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbt(2I+ 3)(I+ 1)(2I+ 1)
2 2 0
For the case of the EDM in the3DJstate,J′= 1,J= 2 in (A24).
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TABLE I. Energies and hyperfine structure constants of lower excited states of137Ba (I=3/2
µ=0.937365) and213Ra (I=1/2, µ=0.6133).
Atom State Energies (cm−1) hfs constant A (MHz)
Calc. Exper. [14] Calc. Exper. [15]
Ba 6 s5d3D1 9225 9034 -632 -520.5
3D2 9346 9216 357 415.9
3D3 9554 9596 504 456.6
1D2 12147 11395 -26 -82.18
6s6p3P0 12203 12226
3P1 12577 12637 1233 1150.59
3P2 12464 13514 878
1P1 18042 18060 -48 -109.2
Ra 7 s7p3P0 12971 13078
3P1 13926 13999 8058
3P2 16660 16689 4637
1P1 21033 20716 -1648 -2315
7s6d3D1 13893 13716 -4108
3D2 14042 13994 1749
3D3 14299 14707 2744
1D2 17750 17081 -320
14TABLE II. Single-electron matrix elements of the P- and T-odd interactions for radium (pre-
sented reduced matrix elements of an electron part of the Ham iltonian as specified in the table,
see Appendix for details). All values are in atomic units.
Matrix element Approximation Even or
Spin-independent PNC interaction, H=ρ(r)γ5
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p1/2/angb∇acket∇ight -2769 -3832 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight 0.004 -146.8 Odd
Nuclear Anapole moment, H=/vector αρ(r)
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p1/2/angb∇acket∇ight -503 -577 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p3/2/angb∇acket∇ight -0.508 20.26 Even
/angb∇acketleft7p1/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight -0.024 -66.29 Even
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight 0.0006 -29.99 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d5/2/angb∇acket∇ight 0 11.71 Even
Electron dipole moment, H= (β−1)ΣE
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p1/2/angb∇acket∇ight 12.06 17.05 Even
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight 0.556 2.082 Even
Nuclear Schiff moment, H= 4π∇ρ(r)
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p1/2/angb∇acket∇ight -44400 -63027 Even
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p3/2/angb∇acket∇ight -32550 -56730 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p1/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight -1497 1873 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight -0.03 2767 Even
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d5/2/angb∇acket∇ight -0.07 8163 Even
Nuclear Magnetic quadrupole moment, H=Amk
/angb∇acketleft7s1/2||H||7p3/2/angb∇acket∇ight 17.28 25.06 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p1/2||H||6d3/2/angb∇acket∇ight 2.831 2.933 Odd
/angb∇acketleft7p1/2||H||6d5/2/angb∇acket∇ight -0.2017 6.631 Even
/angb∇acketleft7p3/2||H||6d5/2/angb∇acket∇ight 0.5389 4.011 Odd
aRelativistic Hartree-Fock
bCore polarization and core-valence correlation interacti on are included
cEven means that /angb∇acketlefti||H||j/angb∇acket∇ight=/angb∇acketleftj||H||i/angb∇acket∇ight; odd means that /angb∇acketlefti||H||j/angb∇acket∇ight=−/angb∇acketleftj||H||i/angb∇acket∇ight.
15TABLE III. E1-transition amplitudes for Ba and Ra ( |/angb∇acketlefti||dz||j/angb∇acket∇ight|a0).
Transition Ba Ra
i j Amplitude Frequency ǫi−ǫj(a.u.) Amplitude Frequency ǫi−ǫj(a.u.)
3P03D1 2.3121 0.01473 3.0449 -0.002904
3P11S0 0.4537 0.05758 1.0337 0.06379
3P13D1 2.0108 0.01641 2.6389 0.001292
3P13D2 3.4425 0.01559 4.4399 0.0000247
3P11D2 0.1610 0.00566 0.0467 -0.01404
3P23D1 0.5275 0.02042 0.7166 0.01354
3P23D2 2.024 0.01959 2.7283 0.01228
3P23D3 4.777 0.01785 6.3728 0.009027
3P21D2 0.1573 0.00966 0.1499 -0.001790
1P11S0 5.236 0.08229 5.4797 0.09439
1P13D1 0.1047 0.04113 0.4441 0.03189
1P13D2 0.4827 0.04030 1.188 0.03063
1P11D2 1.047 0.03037 2.4053 0.01656
TABLE IV. Single-electron contributions to the two-electr on matrix element /angb∇acketleft3P1||H||3D2/angb∇acket∇ight.
Dash means no contribution due to selection rules. Zero mean s very small contribution. Same
units as in Table II.
Transition H=−eraH=αρ(r)bH= 4π∇ρ(r)cH=Amkd
7s1/2−7p1/2 -0.3677 58.78 6421 -
7p1/2−7s1/2 0.0215 3.431 -375 -
7s1/2−7p3/2 -0.1306 -0.515 1441 -1.565
7p3/2−7s1/2 -0.0585 0.230 645 -0.289
7p1/2−6d3/2 0.0020 0.029 -1 -0.003
6d3/2−7p1/2 3.856 -54.08 -1528 -1.848
7p1/2−6d5/2 - - - 0
6d5/2−7p1/2 - - - -2.032
7p3/2−6d3/2 0.0004 0.006 -1 -
6d3/2−7p3/2 -0.2470 3.522 325 -
7p3/2−6d5/2 0 0 0 0
6d5/2−7p3/2 1.364 2.442 -1702 -0.736
Total 4.4399 13.85 5226 -6.473
aForE1 transition amplitude
bFor anapole moment contribution
cFor Schiff moment contribution
dFor Magnetic quadrupole moment contribution
16TABLE V. Parity non-conserving E1-transition amplitude in duced by nuclear anapole moment
I F F′/angb∇acketleftdz/angb∇acket∇ightin units 10−10κaiea0
0.5 0.5 1.5 2.05 -20.3
1.5 1.5 0.5 -0.58 5.7
1.5 1.5 -1.4 13.8
1.5 2.5 1.3 -12.9
TABLE VI. EDM of Ra atom in the3D2state induced by nuclear Schiff moment
I F d z(a.u.) dz(ecm)
0.5 1.5 −0.94×108S −0.19×10−11ηa−0.36×10−19η
1.5 0.5 −0.16×108S −0.42×10−11ηb−0.80×10−19η
1.5 1.5 −0.30×109S −0.81×10−11ηb−0.15×10−18η
1.5 2.5 −0.28×109S −0.76×10−11ηb−0.14×10−18η
aNuclear Schiff moment Sis assumed to be S= 400 ×108η efm3[20]
bS= 300 ×108η efm3[20]
TABLE VII. EDM of223Ra isotope ( I= 3/2) in the3D2state induced by nuclear magnetic
quadrupole moment
F d zadzb
0.5 1344 Mm e 7.4×10−20η e·cm
1.5 1292 Mm e 7.0×10−20η e·cm
2.5 −806Mm e −4.4×10−20η e·cm
aIn terms of nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment M
bMis assumed to be M= 10−19(η/m p)e·cm, [21] where mpis the proton mass
17TABLE VIII. Lifetimes of lower short-living states of Ba and Ra
Atom State Lower states to decay to Lifetime
via E1-transitions This work Other data
Ba3P03D1 2.83µs
3P11S0,3D1,3D2,1D2 1.37µs 1.2 µsa
3P23D1,3D2,3D3,1D2 1.41µs
1P11S0,3D1,3D2,1D2 9.1 ns 8.5 nsa
Ra3P11S0,3D1,3D2 505 ns 420 nsb, 250 nsc
3P23D1,3D2,3D3 74.6 ns
3D13P0 617µs 800 µsd
1D23P1,3P2 38 ms
1P11S0,3D1,3D2,1D2 5.5 ns
aReference [16]
bReference [17]
cReference [18]
dEstimation, Reference [9]
18 |
arXiv:physics/9912029v1 [physics.gen-ph] 14 Dec 1999THE BAG MODEL OF NUCLEI
Nguyen Tuan Anh1
Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics,
Hanoi National University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
(June, 1993)
The basic assumptions and the general results of our bag mode l for nuclei are
presented in detail. Nuclei are considered in a unified integ ration of the mean field
theory and the MIT bag model.
Bachelor Thesis, 1993.
1Present Address: Institute for Nuclear Science and Technique, Hanoi, Vietna m.
1Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The Mean Field Theory of Nuclei and The Bag Model of Baryon
1. Mean Field Theory of Nuclei
2. Relativistic Nuclear Physics
3. Bag Model of Baryon
Chapter 2. The Bag Model of Nuclei ( Z=N)
1. Main Assumption
2. Wave Function for Baryon
3. Radius and Binding Energy of Nuclei
Chapter 3. The Bag Model of Nuclei ( Z/ne}ationslash=N)
1. Basic Assumption
2.A-dependence of Nuclear Radius
3. Weizssacker Formula
Conclusion and Discussion
2Chapter 1
The Mean Field Theory of Nuclei
and The Bag Model of Baryon
1.1 Mean Field Theory of Nuclei (MFT)
Two model field theories of the nuclear system were studied in detail by Serot and Walecka
[1]. The first is based on baryons and neutral scalar and vecto r mesons (model QHD-I).
The quanta of the fields are the nucleons ( n,p) and the sigma ( σ) and omega ( ω) mesons.
The neutral scalar meson couples to the scalar density of bar yons through gsψψφand the
neutral vector meson couples to the conserved baryon curren t throughgvψγµψVµ.
The Lagrangian density for this model is
vVµVµ, (1.1)
Lagrange’s equations yield the field equations:
[γµ(i∂µ−gvVµ)−(M−gsφ)]ψ= 0, (1.2)
s)φ=gsψψ, (1.3)
vVν=gvψγνψ, (1.4)
Eq. (1.2) is the Dirac equation with the scalar and vector fiel ds. Eq. (1.3) is simply
the Klein-Gordon equation with a scalar source. And Eq. (1.4 ) looks like massive QED
with the conserved baryon current,
Aν=ψγνψ. (1.5)
3The energy-momentum tensor is:
+iψγµ∂νψ+∂µφ∂νφ+∂νVλFλµ. (1.6)
Lagrange’s equations ensure that this tensor is conserved a nd satisfies ∂µTµν= 0. It
follows that the energy-momentum Pνdefined by
is a constant of motion.
We observe that at high baryon density, the scalar and vector field operators can be
replaced by their expectation values, which then serve as cl assical, condensed fields in
which the baryons move,
φ→ /an}b∇acketle{tφ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡φ0, (1.8)
Vµ→ /an}b∇acketle{tVµ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡δµ0V0. (1.9)
For a static, uniform system, the quantities φ0andV0are constants independent of
xµ. Rotational invariance implies that the expectation value /an}b∇acketle{t− →V/an}b∇acket∇i}htvanishes.
The condensed, constant, classical fields φ0andV0are directly related to the baryon
sources. The source for V0is simply the baryon density ρA=A/V. Since the baryon
current is conserved, the baryon number
Vd3xψψ (1.10)
is a constant of motion. For a uniform system of Abaryons in a volume V, the baryon
density is also a constant of motion. In contrast, the source forφ0involves the expectation
value of the Lorentz scalar density /an}b∇acketle{tψψ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡φ0. This quantity is dynamical that must be
calculated self-consistently using the thermodynamic arg ument that an isolated system
at fixedAandV(and zero temperature) will minimize its energy,
∂φ0= 0. (1.11)
In the MFT, the Lagrangian density is
0. (1.12)
Hence, the Dirac equation is linear,
ψ= 0, (1.13)
4and may be solved directly. We seek normal-mode solutions of the formψ(xµ) =ψ(/vector x)e−iEt.
This leads to
Hψ(/vector x) =Eψ(/vector x), (1.14)
H≡[−i/vector α.∇+gvV0+β(M−gsφ0).
The effective mass M∗is defined by
M∗=M−gsφ0. (1.15)
The condensed scalar field φ0thus serves to shift the mass of the baryons. Evidently, the
condensed vector field V0shifts the frequency (or energy) of the solutions,
E=gvV0+E∗. (1.16)
In the MFT, the energy-momentum tensor is
gµν. (1.17)
It then follows that
Vd3xT0ν. (1.18)
The second nuclear model is more realistic. To discuss nucle i withZ/ne}ationslash=N, it is
necessary to extend model QHD-I to include ρmesons, which couple to the isovector
current, and the coulomb interaction.
Since we are also interested in comparing quantitative pred ictions with experiment, we
will extend the model to include the ρmeson and photon fields (QHD-II). The Lagrangian
density is
2gρ/vector τ./vectorbµ−1
2e(1 +τ3)Aµ/parenrightbigg
4HµνHµν, (1.19)
The field equations (1.2 to (1.4) must also be extended to incl ude contributions from
the rho and photon fields,
ρ)/vectorbµ=gρψ/vector τγ µψ,(1.20)
/squareAµ=eψ1 +τ3
2gρ/vector τ./vectorbµ−1
2e(1 +τ3)Aµ/parenrightbigg
ψ= 0 (1.22)
5IfN/ne}ationslash=Z, the neutral field ρ0corresponding to b(3)
µcan develop a classical, constant
ground-state expectation value in nuclear matter accordin g to
µ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=δµ0δj3b0. (1.23)
The baryon field, however, obeys a Dirac equation analogous t o (1.13) namely,
2e(1 +τ3)γ0A0−(M−gsφ0)/bracketrightbigg
ψ= 0 (1.24)
Although the baryon field is still an operator, the meson field s are classical; hence, Eq.
(1.24) is linear, and we may seek normal-mode solutions of th e formψ(xµ) =ψ(/vector x)e−iEt.
This leads to
hψ(/vector x) =Eψ(/vector x), (1.25)
−i/vector α.∇+gvV0+1
2e(1 +τ3)A0+β(M−gsφ0)/bracketrightbigg
which defines the single-particle Dirac Hamiltonian h.
The single-particle wave functions in a central, parity-co nserving field may be written
ψα(/vector x) =ψnkmτ(/vector x) =/parenleftBigg
ζτ. (1.26)
The equations for the baryon wave functions follow immediat ely upon substituting
(1.26) into (1.25):
2e(1 +τa)A0+M−gsφ0/bracketrightbigg
Fa= 0,(1.27)
2e(1 +τa)A0−M+gsφ0/bracketrightbigg
Ga= 0.(1.28)
For a given set of meson fields, the Dirac equations (1.27) and (1.28) may be solved
by integrating outward from the origin and inward from large r, matching the solutions
at some intermediate radius to determine the eigenvalues Ea. Analytic solutions in the
regions of large and small rallow the proper boundary conditions to be imposed.
1.2 Relativistic Nuclear Physics
Relativistic nuclear physics was first pioneered and develo ped by Shakin and Celenza [2].
The systematic application of this theory is able to resolve some long-standing puzzles in
the theory of nuclear structure such as the binding energy an d the saturation density of
nuclear matter, the effective force in nuclei, and the nucleo n self-energy for bound and
6continuums. Its success is based upon the use of the Dirac equ ation for the description
of motion of a nucleon. The potentials appearing in the Dirac equation are assumed to
contain large (Lorentz) scalar and vector fields.
The scalar fields enter the Dirac equation in the same way as th e nucleon mass. Since
these fields are quite large ( −400 MeV), they have the effect of including a major reduction
of the nucleon mass when the nucleon is in the nuclear matter. It is the description of this
change of mass of the nucleon that is an essential element in t he success of the relativistic
approach. It is further necessary to understand that the vec tor field seen by a nucleon
is large and repulsive, so that the energy of the nucleon in th e nuclear matter does not
differ very much from the energy of a nucleon moving in the weak fields which appear
in the standard Schrodinger description. More precisely, t he description relation relating
the energy and momentum of a nuclear quasiparticle is simila r to that of the Schrodinger
theory. Therefore, the system may be said to exhibit “hidden ” relativity.
Indeed, for decades the Schrodinger approach to nuclear str ucture physics provided a
reasonably satisfactory model of nuclear dynamics. It is on ly in the last decade that the
true relativistic features of the system have become appare nt.
We write the Dirac equation for a nucleon in the nuclear matte r as
[/vector α./vector p+γ0m+V(/vector p)]φ(/vector p,s) =ǫφ(/vector p,s),
whereV(/vector p) is the potential. It will be useful to introduce the self-en ergy Σ(/vector p) =γ0V(/vector p)
and rewrite this equation as
[/vector γ./vector p+m+ Σ(/vector p)]φ(/vector p,s) =γ0ǫφ(/vector p,s).
Now let us assume that the self-energy is of the form
Σ(/vector p) =A+γ0B,
so that we have
[/vector γ./vector p+ (m+A)]φ(/vector p,s) =γ0(ǫ−B)φ(/vector p,s).
A positive-energy spinor solution of this equation is
φ(/vector p,s) =/parenleftBigg
/tildewideE(/vector p)/parenrightBigg1/2
u(/vector p,s,/tildewidem),
u(/vector p,s,/tildewidem) =/tildewideE(/vector p) +/tildewidem
/vector σ./vector p
/tildewideE(/vector p)+/tildewidemχs/parenrightBigg
Hereu(/vector p,s,/tildewidem) is the positive-energy solution of the Dirac equation with out interac-
tion, except for the fact that the nucleon mass mhas been replaced by /tildewidem=m+Aand
/tildewideE(/vector p) =/radicalbig
/vector p2+/tildewidem2. The normalization chosen here is
7so that
φ†φ= 1.
We further note that the energy eigenvalue is
/vector p2+/tildewidem2
=m+B+A+/vector p2
2/tildewidem+· · ·.
Now, as we have mentioned, Ais large and negative ( −400 MeV) and Bis large
and positive (300 MeV). Therefore AandBlargely cancel and the dispersion relation
is essentially the same as that which one could find in a nonrel ativistic model. The
development of this simple relativistic nuclear model lead s to two categories. The first
we will call Dirac Phenomenology. This category is distingu ished by having several free
parameters which are adjusted to fit nuclear date. The second category will be called
Relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (RBHF) theory and is characterized as having no
free parameters other than those introduced in fitting free - space nucleon - nucleon
scattering data. Interest in the development of the RBHF app roximation grew out of
the successful application of Dirac phenomenology to the de scription of nucleon - nucleus
scattering data.
We have so far presented only the main idea and the materials n ecessary to our con-
sideration. For those who are interested to the detailed res ults of the relativistic nuclear
physics, please, see the monograph of Celenza and Shakin quo ted above and the references
1.3 Bag Model of Baryons
It is well accepted QCD is the theory of strong interactions. However, in general, QCD is
never solvable: at low energies and small momenta transfer t he running coupling constant
αs>1. The bag model, outlined for the first time by the group of M.I .T. theorists [3],
is a phenomenological approach, in which two basic features of QCD are incorporated:
asymptotic freedom and confinement.
The main assumption of the M.I.T. bag model states that, bary on is considered to be
a bag of spherical shape, in which the constituent quarks mov e freely and are described
by the Dirac equation
with the Hamiltonian
H=/vector α./vector p+βM.
Consider the case k=−1, which is the S1/2level. The solution of this equation has
8the form
ψn,−1(/vector r,t) =Nn,−1
If we parametrize the energy levels as
the density of quarks is readily calculated as
Thus, the density certainly does not vanish at r=R. Clearly, although the lower
component is suppressed for small r, it does make a sizeable contribution near the surface
of the bag. Of course it is natural to ask whether this is not un usual in comparison with
nonrelativistic experience, where ψ(R) would be zero. However, such a solution would
not be consistent with the linear Dirac equation. What count s is that there should be no
current flow through the surface of the confining region. For e xample, in the MIT bag
model it is required that
nµψγµψ= 0
at the surface - where nµis a unit four vector normal to the surface of the confining reg ion.
In the MIT bag model this condition is imposed through a linea r boundary condition
iγ.nψ =ψ
at the surface. This implies
and hence
Consider now the normal flow of current through the bag surfac e:
= (iψγ.n)ψ=ψ(iγ.nψ)
=−ψψ=ψψ= 0.
9Thus, it is not the density, but ψψwhich should vanish at the boundary in the rela-
tivistic theory,
1(ω) = 0.
That is, the matching condition is exactly equivalent to the linear boundary condition
(l.b.c.) for the static spherical MIT bag,
iγ.nψ =−iγ.ˆrψ=ψ,
nµ= (0,ˆr).
We consider the energy-momentum tensor for a model,
andTµνis the familiar energy-momentum tensor for a free Dirac field
The condition for overall energy and momentum conservation is that the divergence
of the energy-momentum tensor should vanish, and this is cer tainly true for Tµν, as is
easily proven from the free Dirac equation
∂µTµν= 0.
However, the fact that these quarks move freely only inside t he restricted region of
spaceVleads to problems. Indeed,
where ∆ sis a surface delta function
In the static spherical case we find that ∆ sis simplyδ(r−R). Putting all these together
we obtain
and using the l.b.c.
wherePis the pressure exerted on the bag wall by the contained Dirac gas
Clearly, this model violates energy-momentum conservatio n. Furthermore, this violation
is an essential result of the confinement process.
10The resolution of this problem, we add an energy density term BθVto the Lagrangian
density. Then (since Tµνinvolves Lgµν) the new energy-momentum tensor Tµν
MIThas the
MIT= (Tµν+Bgµν)θV.
Therefore, the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor is
MIT= (−P+B)nν∆s,
which will vanish if
B=P=− −1
Therefrom a relativistic bag model of nuclei will be propose d, theA-dependence of
nuclear radius will be calculated and the Weizssacker formu la for nuclear binding energy
will be derived exactly if the corresponding parameters of t he model are adequately fitted.
11Chapter 2
Bag Model of Nuclei ( Z=N)
2.1 Main Assumption
We consider the simplest possible case of Abaryons moving inside a spherical volume of
radiusR, outside of which there is a pressure exerted on the nuclear s urface.
Let us therefore begin with the Dirac equation for a baryon of massM:
(iγµ∂µ−M−Σ)ψ(xµ) = 0, (2.1)
where Σ is the baryon self-energy having the form
Σ =φ+γµVµ. (2.2)
Inserting (2.2) into (2.1) we obtain the equation
[γµ(i∂µ−Vµ)−(M+φ)]ψ(xµ) = 0. (2.3)
Eq. (2.3) is nonlinear quantum field equation and its exact so lution is very com-
plicated. We have therefore made little progress by writing down this equation with a
suitable method for solving it.
In the MFT,
φ→ /an}b∇acketle{tφ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡φ0, (2.4)
Vµ→ /an}b∇acketle{tVµ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ≡δµ0V0. (2.5)
For a static, uniform system the quantities φ0andV0are constants. Hence, the Dirac
equation is linear,
[iγµ∂µ−γ0V0−(M+φ0)]ψ(xµ) = 0, (2.6)
and may be solved directly.
Our basic assumption is formulated: the nucleus Ais considered to be a MIT bag,
inside of which the motion of nucleon is described by the Dira c equation (2.6). The
quantitiesφ0andV0can be determined only after we have fitted to experimental da ta.
12Let us next consider the energy-momentum conservation for n uclear bag. For stable
nuclei, there should be no current flow through the surface of the confining region. In the
MIT bag model it is required that
inµJµ=−ψψ=ψψ= 0 (2.7)
at the surface, where nµis a unit four vector normal to the surface of the confining reg ion.
Thus,ψψwhich should vanish at the boundary in a relativistic theory . The matching
condition of the present model is exactly equivalent to the l inear boundary condition for
the static spherical MIT bag.
The Lagrangian density for the present model is
L=ψ[iγµ∂µ−γ0V0−(M+φ0)]ψθV+BθS, (2.8)
whereBθSis a energy density term.
Then the energy-momentum tensor has the form
Bag=iψγµ∂νψθV+BgµνθS, (2.9)
whereθVandθSdefine the bag volume and the surface
0r>R, θ V=
andBis the constant surface tension.
Therefore, the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor is
S+ 2B/bracketrightbigg
= (−PS+ 2B)nν∆S. (2.11)
The condition for energy and momentum conservation is
Bag= 0, (2.12)
S, (2.13)
wherePSis the pressure exerted on the bag wall by the contained Abaryons.
E. (2.13) involves the square of the baryon fields, and is refe rred to as the nonlin-
ear boundary condition of the MIT bag model of nuclei. Becaus e of this condition the
introduction of a constant surface tension Binvolves no new parameters.
Eq. (2.6) and the condition (2.13) constitute the basic ingr edients of our model.
132.2 Wave Function for Baryon
The Dirac equation for the present model is linear and may be s olved directly. We seek
normal-mode solutions of the form
ψ(xµ) =ψ(/vector r)e−iEtθV. (2.14)
The Dirac equation then becomes
Hψ(/vector r) =Eψ(/vector r), (2.15)
H≡[−i/vector α.∇+V0+β(M+φ0)].
The effective mass M∗is defined by
M∗=M+φ0. (2.16)
The scalar field φ0thus serves to shift the mass of the baryons. Evidently, the v ector field
V0shifts the frequency (or energy) of the baryon,
E∗=E−V0. (2.17)
Hence, Eq. (2.15) becomes
(−i/vector α.∇+βM∗)ψ(/vector r) =E∗ψ(/vector r). (2.18)
The single-particle wave functions in a central, parity-co nserving field may be written
ψα(/vector r) =ψnkmτ(/vector r) =/parenleftBigg
ζτ. (2.19)
Their angular momentum and spin parts are simply spin spheri cal harmonics
2jm/an}b∇acket∇i}htYlmlχms, (2.20)
k=/braceleftbiggl= +(j+ 1)>0
−(l+ 1) = −(j+ 1)<0, (2.21)
whereYlmlis a spherical harmonic and χmsis a two-component Pauli spinor. The label
α,{α}={a;m}={nkτ;m}, specifies the full set of quantum numbers describing the
single-particle solutions. Since the system is assumed sph erically symmetric and parity
conserving, αcontains the usual angular-momentum and parity quantum num bers.ζτis
a two-component isospinor. The principal quantum number is denoted by n. The phase
choice in (2.19) leads to real bound-state wave functions GandFfor real potentials in
Hamiltonian (2.15).
14The equations for the baryon wave functions follow immediat ely upon substituting
(2.19) into (2.18)1:
G−(E∗+M∗)F= 0, (2.22)
F+ (E∗−M∗)G= 0. (2.23)
These equations contain all information about the static gr ound-state nucleus. They
are coupled linear differential equations that may be solved exactly for a given set of
Consider the case k=−1 which is the level S1/2. Eq. (2.22) implies
F= (E∗+M∗)−1/parenleftbiggd
G, (2.24)
so that defining
W2=E∗2−M∗2, (2.25)
the equation for the upper component of ψα(/vector r) is
G= 0 (2.26)
The solution of this equation has the form
G(r) =CsinWr, (2.27)
and hence [from Eq. (2.24)]
F(r) =C(E∗+M∗)−1(WcosWr−sinWr/r ). (2.28)
The solutions of the Dirac equation (2.18) come from (2.19) i s written as
ψα(/vector r) =C/parenleftbiggj0(Wr)Φ−1m
ζτ. (2.29)
The normalization condition that yields the numbers of bary ons contained in the nucleus
A, /integraldisplay
d3x ψ†ψ=A. (2.30)
Now let us assume that the bag has a spherical shape with radiu sR.ψψwhich should
vanish at the boundary in a relativistic theory. Eq. (2.29) i mplies that [see Eq. (2.7)],
1(WR) = 0 (2.31)
1We use /vector σ.∇(GΦkm/r) =−(1/r)(d/dr+k/r)GΦ−km, and a similar relation for F.
15and hence
j0(WR) =/radicalbigg
1(WR). (2.32)
This is appropriate boundary condition for confined baryons . Thus, the boundary
condition of the MIT bag model is used, which provided the eig enfrequency of baryon ωa,
if we parametrize the energy levels (wavenumber) as
Wa=ωa/R; {a}={nkτ}, k =−1, (2.33)
wherenis the principal quantum number and ωasatisfies the equation [from Eq. (2.32)]
a+M∗2R2. (2.34)
Hence, the eigenvalues Eamay be determined by matching the solutions at some
intermediate radius. Analytic solutions in the restricted region of space Vallow the
proper boundary conditions to be imposed. Taking into consi deration (2.33) we get the
energy spectra for baryon,
R2+M∗2+V0. (2.35)
For convenience, the sign ( −) drops out in what follows. The single-particle wave
functions now has the form
ψα(/vector r) =C/parenleftbiggj0/parenleftbigωa
ζτ. (2.36)
Given the general form of the solutions in (2.36), we may now e valuate the local baryon
density. Assume that the nuclear ground state consists of fil led shells up to some value of
nandk. This is consistent with spherical symmetry and is appropri ate for magic nuclei.
With these assumptions, the local density of baryons is read ily calculated as
θV. (2.37)
Substituting Eq. (2.37) into Eq. (2.30), we can calculate th e normalization constant
which is defined by Eq. (2.30) for k=−1,
2E∗2aR−2E∗a+M∗. (2.38)
2We use (2.25) and (2.33).
Finally, the single-particle wave functions may be written as
ψα(/vector r) =N
E∗a/vector σ./hatwider j1/parenleftbigωa
1/2ζτ, (2.39)
2E∗2aR−2E∗a+M∗. (2.40)
By taking the explicit solutions of the Dirac equation
ψα(/vector r) =Nα
E∗a/vector σ./hatwider jk/parenleftbigωa
Φkmζτ, (2.41)
where the upper (or lower) sign refers to kpositive (or negative), it is easily verified that
onlyk= 1 (ork=−1) leads to an angle-independent result on the right-hand si de of
Eq. (2.13). Thus only states with j= 1/2 can satisfy the nonlinear boundary condition
as given.
2.3 Radius and Binding Energy of Nuclei
We have seen that the only change in the calculation of the ene rgy in the MIT bag model
for nuclei is the addition of a surface term, BS. It is assumed that Bis a universal
constant, chosen to fit one piece of data. Once Bis chosen, because of the nonlinear
boundary condition the radius of the bag is uniquely determi ned for each nuclei.
The meaning of this addition to energy-momentum tensor can b e clarified by consid-
ering the total energy of the bag state,
P0≡E(A) =/integraldisplay
d3x T00
d3x(T00θV+BθS), (2.42)
which we shall label E(A) as a precursor to our discussion of binding energy later. Ba sed
on (2.35) and (2.42) the nuclear energy E(A) is derived immediately
E(A) =AEa+ 4πR2B
R2+M∗2+AV0+ 4πR2B. (2.43)
The first term is the kinetic energy, while the second is a surf ace term. Essentially it
implies that it cost an energy BSto make this tension at the bag surface within which
3We use/integraltextR
0dr r2j2
m(ωr/R) =R3
m(ω) +j2
17the baryons move. It should be intuitively clear that energy -momentum conservation is
related to pressure balance at the bag surface, so that a smal l change in radius should not
significantly increase E(A). Nevertheless, the nonlinear boundary condition implies that
∂R= 0. (2.44)
We wish to stress that it is an assumption of the model that Bshould be constant for
all nuclei. As all nuclear bags have radii in the region (1 .0÷1.2)A1/3fm, this assumption
will be severely tested.
Generalizing Eq. (2.43) to include exited states, the nonli near boundary condition
ω2a+M∗2R2+ 8πRB= 0, (2.45)
and hence
ω2a+M∗2R2 (2.46)
The real and positive root Rof Eq. (2.46) is found out after an algebraic manipulation,
R=r0A1/3, (2.47)
α1/2;n= 0, k=−1, (2.48)
[1−(β/2)3/2]1/2+ (β/2)3/4,
+ 1/bracketrightBigg1/3
(2.48) shows that r0actually depends weakly on A.
The above obtained formula (2.47) is well known in nuclear ph ysics. It is one of the
main successes of our model.
Using Eq. (2.47) we can then simplify the expression for E(A):
E(A) =AV0+/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
A2/3. (2.49)
Hence the binding energy per nucleon is obtained
ε(A) =−(M−φ0) +/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
A−1/3. (2.50)
18Clearly, the remarkable result obtained for the binding ene rgy per nucleon of the bag
model of nuclei was indeed a coincidence.
As was known, the semi-empiric formula of Weizssacker [8, 11 ] for binding energy per
nucleon reads
ε(A) =−a1+a2A−1/3+a3/parenleftbiggZ−N
A4/3, (2.51)
in whicha1,a2,a3, anda4take the following values, in the energy unit equal to 0 .9311
a1= 16.9177, a 2= 19.120, a 3= 101.777, a 4= 0.7627.
Now let us indicate that (2.51) is possibly derived from our m odel if the parameters
φ0,V0andBare fitted adequately. Next confronting (2.50) with (2.51) w e conclude that
the above mentioned parameters must fulfil equalities,
M−V0=a1, (2.52)/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
=a2. (2.53)
It is worth to notice that parameter V0is explicitly defined by (2.52). The equation
(2.53) constrains two unknown parameters of the theory, φ0andV0.
The final term in Eq. (2.50) represents the contribution to th e surface energy from
the positive-frequency states, where the mass has been shif ted by the constant, condensed
scalar fieldφ0.φ0(or the effective mass M∗=M+φ0depends explicitly on the scalar field)
is a dynamical quantity that must be calculated self-consis tently using the thermodynamic
argument that an isolated system at fixed AandV(and zero temperature) will minimize
its energy:
∂φ0= 0. (2.54)
However,φ0is related to ωaby the relation (2.34). As a consequence, (2.54) is replaced
by conditions:
∂ωa[E(A) +λϕ] = 0, (2.55)
∂φ0[E(A) +λϕ] = 0, (2.56)
in which
ϕ= 1−M∗R−/radicalbig
Substituting λfrom (2.55) and (2.56) one gets finally
M∗R=[M∗R+ (ω2
ωatan2ωa+ (tanωa−ωa−ωatan2ωa)/radicalbig
ω2a+M∗2R2, (2.57)
19withφ0andωaare the roots of the system (2.34) and (2.57).
This model problem is exactly solvable. It retains the essen tial features of the bag
model for nuclei: A-dependence of nuclear radius and the formula for nuclear bi nding
energy. Furthermore, it yields a simple solution to the field equation. This solution
and model problem thus provide a meaningful starting point f or describing the nuclear
many-body system as well as a consistent basis for consideri ng nuclei with N/ne}ationslash=Zusing
relativistic nuclear physics, the bag model and standard ma ny-body techniques.
We proceed to investigate nuclei with N/ne}ationslash=Z.
20Chapter 3
Bag Model of Nuclei ( N/ne}ationslash=Z)
To realistically discuss nuclei N/ne}ationslash=Z, it is necessary to extend bag model of nuclei N=Z
to include neutral field, which couple to the isovector curre nt, and the coulomb interaction.
IfZ/ne}ationslash=N, the neutral charged, isovector field corresponding to b(3)
µcan develop a classical,
constant ground-state expectation value in nuclear matter according to
The only change in the results of Chapter 2 is that there are no w separate solutions
for protons and neutrons, with the appropriate frequency mo difications:
2b3+eA0 for proton,
2b3 for neutron.
The field equation for uniform nuclear matter must also be ext end to include contri-
bution from the classical field b3and the coulomb potential A0:/bracketleftbigg
2e(1 +τ3)γ0A0−(M+φ0)/bracketrightbigg
ψ= 0.
The Lagrangian density, which is obtained from Eq. (2.8) by r eplacing the classical
fields. Thus in bag model of nuclei with N/ne}ationslash=Z
2e(1 +τ3)γ0A0−(M+φ0)/bracketrightbigg
which is a generalization of Eq. (2.8) to allow for classical , constant fields φ0,V0,b3, and
A0. Hence, the energy-momentum tensor is still (2.9).
3.1 Basic Assumptions
As was know, in Celenza and Shakin theory [2] the motion of nuc leon in nuclear matter
is described by the Dirac equation,
(iγµ∂µ−M−Σ)ψ(xµ) = 0, (3.1)
21where Σ is the nucleon self-energy having the form
Σ =φ0+γ0V0, (3.2)
Taking into account the isotopic degree of freedom and the Co ulomb interaction of
protons, in our model, we assume Σ has the generalized from
Σ =φ0+γ0V0+1
2e(1 +τ3)γ0A0, (3.3)
in whichφ0,V0,b3, andA0are constants. Inserting (3.3) into (3.1) we obtain the equa tion,
2e(1 +τ3)γ0A0−(M+φ0)/bracketrightbigg
ψ= 0, (3.4)
where the mass matrix Mis, of course,
Now our basic assumption is formulated: the nucleus Ais considered to be a M.I.T.
bag, inside which the motion of nucleon is described by the Di rac equation (3.4). The
parameters φ0,V0,b3, andA0will be fitted to experimental data.
Let us next consider the energy-momentum conservation for n uclear bag. Let Tµνbe
the energy-momentum tensor of nucleon, described by Eq. (3. 4), inside the bag. Then
the total energy-momentum tensor Tµν
Bagof the nucleus is clearly given by
Bag=TµνθV+BθS, (3.5)
whereθVandθSare the well-known step functions for volume and surface of t he bag,
respectively, and Bis the surface tension.
From (3.5) it follows that
S+ 2B/bracketrightbigg
The energy-momentum conservation,
Bag= 0,
leads to
S, (3.6)
which resembles the nonlinear boundary condition in the bag model for baryon [3].
Equation (3.4) and the relation (3.6) constitute the basic i ngredients of out model.
223.2A-dependence of Nuclear Radius
The solution of (3.4) can be found in the form
ψ(xµ) =/parenleftbiggψp(xµ)
, (3.7)
ψp(xµ) =ψp(/vector x)e−iEpt,
ψn(xµ) =ψn(/vector x)e−iEnt. (3.8)
Substituting (3.7) and (3.8) into (3.4) we arrive at the equa tions for protons and
neutron, separately,
−i/vector α.▽+V0+1
ψp(/vector x) =Epψp(/vector x), (3.9)
−i/vector α.▽+V0−1
ψn(/vector x) =Enψn(/vector x). (3.10)
For convenience, let us define
With this in mind we rewrite (3.9) and (3.10) as follows
−i/vector α.▽+βM∗
ψp(/vector x) =E∗
pψp(/vector x), (3.11)
[−i/vector α.▽+βM∗
n]ψn(/vector x) =E∗
nψn(/vector x). (3.12)
It is known that the solutions of (3.11) and (3.12) read, resp ectively,
ψp(/vector x) =Np
, (3.13)
ψn(/vector x) =Nn
, (3.14)
wherekandk−1 are the indices of the eigenfunctions corresponding to the eigenvalues
of operator K,
K=β(/vector σ./vectorl+ 1),
n, (3.15)
23and the normalization constants Np,Nnare defined by
d3x ψ†
pψpθV=Z, (3.16)
d3x ψ†
nψnθV=N, (3.17)
ZandNare the numbers of protons and neutrons contained in the nucl eusA.
Now let us assume that the bag has a spherical shape with radiu sR. Then the
boundary condition of the M.I.T. bag model is used, which pro vides the eigenfrequencies
of proton and neutron, Ω pand Ω n, correspondingly,
Ωn=WnR. (3.18)
As was known, Ω pand Ω nsatisfies the equations
tanΩ p=Ωp
pR2, (3.19)
tanΩ n=Ωn
Ω2n+M∗2nR2. (3.20)
It is worth to remember that (3.19) and (3.20) are derived for k= 1, to which corre-
spond the only states satisfying (3.6). Taking into conside ration (3.15) and (3.18) we get
the energy spectra for proton and neutron, respectively,
2b3+eA0, (3.21)
2b3. (3.22)
For convenience, the sign ( −) drops out in what follows.
Based on (3.21), (3.22), and (3.5) the nuclear energy E(A) is derived immediately
E(A) =Z/radicalbigg
2b3+eZA 0+ 4πBR2.(3.23)
Next let us introduce the mean mass /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht, the effective mass M∗and the mean fre-
quency /an}b∇acketle{tΩ/an}b∇acket∇i}htof nucleons contained in nucleus A,
/an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=ZM p+NM n
n. (3.24)
24It is easily prove that /an}b∇acketle{tΩ/an}b∇acket∇i}ht, defined by (3.24), really exists.
Substituting of (3.24) into (3.23) leads to
E(A) =A/radicalbigg
2b3+eZA 0+ 4πBR2. (3.25)
The nonlinear boundary condition (3.6) requires
∂R= 0,
which yields
1 +/parenleftbiggM∗R
. (3.26)
The real and positive root Rof (3.26) is found out after an algebraic manipulation,
R=r0A1/3, (3.27)
δ1/2, (3.28)
[1−(ξ/2)3/2]1/2+ (ξ/2)3/4,
27+ 1/parenrightbigg1/2
+ 1/bracketrightBigg1/3
27+ 1/parenrightbigg1/2
(3.28) shows that r0actually depends weakly on A.
The above obtained formula (3.27) is well known in nuclear ph ysics. It is one of the
main successes of our model.
Finally, the normalization constant NpandNngiven by (3.13) and (3.14), are calcu-
lated fork= 1,
j0(Ωn) [2E∗2
253.3 Weizssacker Formula
As was known, the semi-empiric formula of Weizssacker [7, 10 ] for binding energy per
nucleon reads
A4/3, (3.30)
in whicha1,a2,a3, anda4take the following values, in the energy unit equal to 0 .9311
a1= 16.9177, a 2= 19.120, a 3= 101.777,
5r0= 0.7627.
The charge distribution radius r0for almost nuclei is fitted to be
rc= 1.2162 10−13cm,
(3.30) agrees well with experimental data for most nuclei.
Now let us indicate that (3.30) is possibly derived from our m odel if the parameters
φ0,V0,b3,A0, andBare fitted adequately. For this end, let us substitute (3.27) into
E(A) =AV0+/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
2+A0eZ. (3.31)
Therefrom, the binding energy per nucleon is obtained
f=V0− /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/bracketleftBigg/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
Next confronting (3.32) with (3.30) we conclude that the abo ve mentioned parameters
must fulfil equalities
V0− /an}b∇acketle{tM/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−a1, (3.33)/radicalbig
r0+ 4πBr2
0=a2, (3.34)
2A, (3.35)
R. (3.36)
It is clear that (3.33) and (3.36) express directly the physi cal meaning of b3andA0:
– The mean field value b3is proportional to the relative ratio of the numbers of proto ns
and neutrons, contained in nucleus A.
26– The mean value of Coulomb potential created by Zprotons equals to that created
by a sphere of charge Ze, embedded in a nuclear medium, the dielectric coefficient
of which is 3 r0/5rc.
It is worth to notice that three parameters V0,b3, andA0are explicitly defined by
(3.33), (3.35), and (3.36). The equation (3.34) contains tw o unknown parameters of the
theory,φ0andB. As was shown in the Walecka theory [1], φ0is a dynamical quality and
therefore it is defined self-consistently. Namely, we use th e thermodynamic argument that
an isolated system with fixed baryon number Aand volume Vwill minimize its energy,
∂φ0= 0. (3.37)
However,φ0is related to Ω pand Ω nby the relations (3.19) and (3.20). As a conse-
quence, (3.37) is replaced by the conditions:
∂Ωp[E(A) +α1ϕ1+α2ϕ2] = 0, (3.38)
∂Ωn[E(A) +α1ϕ1+α2ϕ2] = 0, (3.39)
∂φ0[E(A) +α1ϕ1+α2ϕ2] = 0. (3.40)
in which
ϕ1= 1−M∗
tan Ω p,
ϕ1= 1−M∗
tanΩ n.
Eliminating α1andα2from (3.38) and (3.39) and substituting them into (3.40) one
gets finally
sin2Ωp+ 2Ω p−ZM∗
sin2Ωn+ 2Ω n−NM∗
nR2= 0,
φ0and Ω p, Ωnare the roots of the system (3.19), (3.20) and (3.41).
27Chapter 4
Conclusion and Discussion
In the previous sections the basic assumptions and the gener al results of our bag model
for nuclei are presented in detail. The model is built on a sim ple hypothesis: the nucleus
is considered to be a MIT bag, in which the motion of nucleons i s described by the Dirac
equation and the mean field values φ0,V0,b3, andA0are supposed to be constants. In
addition to these mean fields, there exists the surface tensi onBof the bag that guarantees
the energy-momentum conservation.
Two major successes are: the formula (3.27) for the nuclear r adiusRand the Weizs-
sacker formula with the parameters verified in (3.33-36). Al l the parameters appearing in
the theoryφ0,V0,b3,A0, andBare, in principle, determined by the equations (3.33-36),
(3.19, 20), and (3.41). Thus, our theory is a mathematically closed system. The devel-
opment of the formalism suggested here will be carried out fo r various concrete nuclei in
next papers.
I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Tran Huu Phat for his valuable c onducts on the final
draft of the text. I am very thankful to Dr. Nguyen Xuan Han and Phan Huy Thien for
useful helps and interest in the work.
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[2] L. S. Calenza and C. M. Shakin, Relativistic Nuclear Physics , World Scientific, (1986).
[3] A. W. Thomas, Adv. in Nucl. Phys .,13, 1, (1983).
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[5] Y. K. Gambhir, P. Ring, and A. Thicnet, Ann. Phys .,198, 132, (1990).
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[8] C. F. Weizssacker, Zs. f. Phys. ,96, 431, (1935).
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30 |
arXiv:physics/9912030v1 [physics.ao-ph] 14 Dec 1999Radiation of mixed layer near-inertial oscillations into
the ocean interior
J. Moehlis1, Stefan G. Llewellyn Smith2
February 2, 2008
1Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley , CA 94720
2Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Unive rsity of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0411
The radiation from the mixed layer into the interior of the oc ean of near-inertial
oscillations excited by a passing storm in the presence of th e beta effect is reconsidered
as an initial-value problem. Making use of the fact that the m ixed layer depth is much
smaller than the total depth of the ocean, the solution is obt ained in the limit of an
ocean that is effectively infinitely deep. For a uniform initi al condition, analytical
results for the velocity, horizontal kinetic energy densit y and fluxes are obtained. The
resulting decay of near-inertial mixed layer energy in the p resence of the beta effect
occurs on a timescale similar to that observed.
1 Introduction
There is much observational evidence, starting with Webste r (1968) and Pollard and Millard
(1970), that storms can excite near-inertial currents in th e mixed layer of the ocean. This
phenomenon is evident in observations from the Ocean Storms Experiment (D’Asaro et al.
1995, Levine and Zervakis 1995, Qi et al. 1995). Simple model s which treat the mixed layer as
a solid slab have been quite successful at explaining the pro cess by which wind generates such
currents (see, e.g., Pollard and Millard (1970), D’Asaro (1 985)). A weakness of the model of
Pollard and Millard (1970) is that it explains the decay of th ese currents with an arbitrary
decay constant. Much subsequent work has attempted to deter mine the detailed character-
istics of this decay, with possible mechanisms including no nlinear interactions which transfer
energy to other frequencies (Henyey et al. 1986), turbulent dissipation (Hebert and Moum
1993), and the radiation of downward propagating near-iner tial oscillations (NIOs) excited
1by inertial pumping into the interior of the ocean (Gill 1984 ). The downward radiation of
NIOs will be the focus of this paper.
Observations give a timescale for the decay of the energy dep osited by the passing storm
on the order of ten to twenty days (D’Asaro et al. 1995, Levine and Zervakis 1995, Qi et al.
1995). This timescale stands in contrast with estimates suc h as that by Gill (1984) that near-
inertial currents decaying through the downward propagati on of NIOs and with a horizontal
length scale typical of the atmospheric forcing mechanism c an remain in the mixed layer for
longer than a year. To account for this difference, several me chanisms for the enhancement
of vertical propagation of NIOs have been suggested. D’Asar o (1989) demonstrated that the
β-effect causes a reduction of horizontal scales because the m eridional wavenumber evolves
according to l=l0−βt, wherel0is the initial wavenumber, and l <0 corresponds to
southward propagation; this accelerates the rate of inerti al pumping of energy out of the
mixed layer, thereby enhancing the decay. The decay is also e nhanced through interaction
with background geostrophic or quasigeostrophic flow (e.g. Balmforth et al. 1998, Balmforth
and Young 1999, and van Meurs 1998).
This paper reconsiders the vertical propagation of near-in ertial energy deposited into the
mixed layer by a storm, in the presence of the β-effect, using a different approach from that
of D’Asaro (1989). The analysis uses the formalism of Young a nd Ben Jelloul (1997) which
is outlined in Section 2. In Section 3, a simplified model with three main assumptions is
presented. First, the background flow is assumed to be consta nt in the zonal direction (i.e.
independent of longitude with zero vorticity). Second, the buoyancy frequency is taken to be
small in the mixed layer, and constant in the ocean interior ( i.e. beneath the mixed layer).
Third, it is assumed that the storm has moved very rapidly acr oss the ocean and has created
a horizontally uniform near-inertial current to the east co ncentrated within the mixed layer:
it is the subsequent evolution of this motion that is examine d. Section 4 uses the fact that
the depth of the ocean is very much larger than the mixed layer depth to formulate and solve
the model for an ocean which is effectively infinitely deep. Se ction 5 discusses the results
and suggests directions for further investigation.
2 The NIO equation
We consider an ocean of infinite horizontal extent and depth D, with the mixed layer compris-
ing the region −Hmix<z < 0, and the rest of the water column occupying −D<z< −Hmix.
Thexandyaxes are taken to point to the east and north, respectively. T he buoyancy fre-
quencyN=N(z) is an arbitrary piecewise continuous function of depth z.
Young and Ben Jelloul (1997) derive an evolution equation fo r a complex field A(x,y,z,t )
which governs leading-order NIO motion in the presence of a s teady barotropic background
2flow and the β-effect:
LAt+∂(ψ,LA )
LA= 0, (1)
, (2)
ψis the streamfunction for the background flow, ζ≡ ∇2ψis the associated vorticity, and
the Coriolis parameter is f=f0+βy. Here ∇is the horizontal gradient, and ∇2=∂2
Subscripts denote partial differentiation. The NIO velocit y field (u,v,w ), buoyancy b, and
pressurepare given by
The buoyancy bis related to the density ρby
whereρ0is the reference density at the top of the ocean. The pressure phas been normalized
The boundary conditions are that Az= 0 atz= 0 andz=−D. This ensures that w
vanishes at the top and bottom of the ocean. Using these bound ary conditions,
−D(u+iv) = 0. (3)
Thus barotropic motion is not included in the analysis. Howe ver Gill (1984) has shown that
the barotropic response to a storm is instantaneous and the a ssociated currents are weak.
3 A Simplified Model
To simplify the analysis, we assume that Aandψdo not vary in the x-direction, and that
ζ= 0. The analysis thus neglects the effect of background barot ropic vorticity but crucially
keeps theβ-effect. The buoyancy frequency profile is taken to be
0,−Hmix<z < 0,
0,−D<z < −Hmix,
3whereǫ≪1. Finally, the storm is assumed to have produced an initial c ondition of a
horizontally uniform near-inertial current to the east con centrated within the mixed layer.
Instead of approaching this problem by use of an integral ope rator as in D’Asaro (1989) or
by projecting onto normal modes (e.g., Gill 1984, Balmforth et al. 1998), the problem will be
formulated as an initial value problem on a semi-infinite dom ain corresponding to an ocean
that is effectively infinitely deep. In order to formulate the problem properly for this limit,
this section considers an ocean of finite depth. In Section 4 t he solution in the limit that the
depth of the interior is much greater than the mixed layer dep th will be found.
This formulation as a radiation problem which ignores the pr esence of the ocean bottom
requires the projection of the initial condition to be sprea d across all the normal modes.
This is certainly true for small mixed layer depths in the mod el of Gill (1984), as shown
in Table 1 of that paper; also see Table 1 of Zervakis and Levin (1995). For deeper mixed
layers, this is no longer true since half the initial energy b ecomes concentrated in the first
two or three modes. However, as pointed in Section 7 of Gill (1 984), the depth of the ocean
“influences the rate of loss of energy by imposing modulation s on the rate, but the average
rate of loss is not affected very much by depth changes”. Hence the results presented here
should be qualitatively relevant even when the continuum as sumption is not valid.
3.1 Nondimensionalization
Quantities are nondimensionalized according to
ˆy=y/Y, ˆz= 1 +z/H mix,ˆt= Ωt, ˆN=N/N 0,
Typical values β= 10−11m−1s−1,Hmix= 100 m,f0= 10−4s−1,N0= 10−2s−1giveY= 105
m and Ω = 10−6s−1. The relevant timescale is thus Ω−1= 11.5 days. Also, the velocity and
the fieldAare nondimensionalized by
(ˆu,ˆv) =(u,v)
U, ˆA=f2
whereUis a characteristic value of the initial velocity.
The hats are now dropped for ease of notation. With this nondi mensionalization, the
buoyancy frequency profile is
N2=ǫ2,0<z < 1,
N2= 1,−H≡1−D/H mix<z < 0,
4and the NIO equation (1), the boundary conditions, and initi al condition become
2N2Ayy+iyAzz= 0, (4)
Az= 0, z =−H, z = 1, (5)
Azz=N2(u+iv), t = 0. (6)
The requirement that uandvremain finite imply the jump conditions
Az|z=0+=ǫ2Az|z=0−, A yy|z=0+=Ayy|z=0−, (7)
wherez= 0+andz= 0−are the limits as z→0 from positive and negative zvalues,
This nondimensionalization allows some immediate conclus ions to be drawn about the
propagation of NIO energy downwards. Most importantly, if Hmixincreases, then the
timescale Ω−1decreases. Thus, assuming that the storm causes a uniform ne ar-inertial
current throughout the whole mixed layer, energy transfer w ill be faster for a deeper mixed
layer. This confirms the results of Gill (1984), which associ ated the more efficient transfer
with a larger projection of the initial velocity profile on th e first vertical mode.
3.2 Boundary Condition at the Base of the Mixed Layer
Expanding A(y,z,t) =A0(y,z,t) +ǫ2A2(y,z,t) +O(ǫ4) for 0<z < 1, (4) becomes at O(ǫ0)
A0zzt+iyA0zz= 0.
Integrating this subject to the boundary condition that Azand thusA0zvanishes at z= 1
implies that A0is independent of z. AtO(ǫ2),
2A0yy= 0, (8)
which may be integrated subject to the boundary condition th atA2zvanishes at z= 1 to
2A0yy(z−1) = 0.
Evaluating at z= 0+and usingAyy=A0yy+O(ǫ2) andAz=ǫ2A2z+O(ǫ4),
2Ayy=O(ǫ4), z = 0+.
Finally, applying (7) gives the upper boundary condition fo r the NIO field in the ocean
interior to leading order in ǫ:
2Ayy= 0z= 0−. (9)
5Results obtained in the ocean interior using (9) are in fact l eading-order solutions. We
shall continue to use the notation A, even though it is really the leading-order term in the
3.3 Initial Condition
Suppose that in a short time compared with the NIO wave propag ation time, the passing
storm induces near-inertial currents in the mixed layer wit h a horizontal scale that is much
larger than the one under consideration, and which can hence be taken to be uniform. For
simplicity, the initial velocity (consistent with equatio n (3)) is assumed to be piecewise
constant with depth:
(u,v) = (1,0) 0<z< 1,
= (−H−1,0),−H <z< 0.
The weak flow in the ocean interior is necessary to ensure that the flow has no barotropic
component. Integrating equation (6) with respect to zand using the boundary conditions
(5) gives at t= 0
Az=ǫ2(z−1),0<z< 1, (10)
Az=−(z+H)/H, −H <z< 0. (11)
4 Solution for an Infinitely Deep Ocean
The total depth of the ocean is typically on the order of a hund red times the depth of the
mixed layer. Thus, the limit of infinite depth is considered. The initial condition is taken
to be equation (11) with H→ ∞. The boundary condition for z→ −∞ is taken to be
Azz→0, corresponding to the near-inertial velocities vanishin g at infinite depth. Of course,
this limit excludes the possibility of reflections off the bot tom of the ocean which may be
important. Finally, the boundary condition for z= 0−given by equation (9) is used. Hence
the problem to be solved for the semi-infinite domain z<0 becomes
2Ayy+iyAzz= 0, z < 0,
2Ayy= 0, z = 0−,
Azz→0, z → −∞,
Az=−1, t = 0.
64.1 NIO velocity field
These equations may be solved using Laplace transforms. Her e we present only the major
results; further details are given in Moehlis (1999). We mak e the transformations A(y,z,t) =
e−iyt˜B(z,T),T≡t3/3, andα≡(1 +i)/2 and define the Laplace transform of ˜Bby
b(z,p)≡ L[˜B]≡/integraldisplay∞
0˜B(z,T)e−pTdT. (12)
b(z,p) =−1
. (13)
This Laplace transform and its derivatives with respect to zmust be inverted numerically
for the ocean interior ( z<0). For the top of the ocean interior ( z= 0−) however, they may
be obtained in closed form. For example,
Azz(y,0−,t) =e−iyt/bracketleftBigg
eit3/6erfc/parenleftBigg1 +i
. (14)
We now consider the back-rotated velocity Azz=eif0t(u+iv), which filters out purely
inertial motion at frequency f0. Back-rotated velocities may be represented by hodographs
which show the vector (Re( Azz),Im(Azz)) as curves parametrized by time. For f0>0,
if these curves are traced out in a clockwise (counterclockw ise) fashion, the corresponding
motion has frequency larger (smaller) than f0. Figure 1 shows the back-rotated velocity
at different locations. A common characteristic is that the m agnitude of the back-rotated
velocity starts at zero, reaches a peak value shortly after t he storm, then decays away. The
depth dependence of the back-rotated velocity is seen by com paring Figure 1 (a) and (b),
where both have y= 0 and thus the same value of the Coriolis parameter f. Qualitatively the
results are the same, but closer to the mixed layer the direct ion change of the back-rotated
velocity becomes slower, meaning that the frequency is clos er tof0. An idea of the latitudinal
dependence is seen by comparing Figure 1 (a,c,d): at y= 1 the hodograph is traced out in a
clockwise fashion as for y= 0, but at y=−2 it is traced out in a counterclockwise fashion.
4.2 Kinetic energy density and fluxes
The horizontal kinetic energy (HKE) per unit area contained within the mixed layer is
Expanding ˜B(z,T) =˜B0(z,T) +ǫ2˜B2(z,T) +O(ǫ4) in the mixed layer, (8) may be used to
show that
2b0= 0, (15)
-0.4-0.2 00.20.4-0.4-
-0.4-0.2 00.20.4-0.4-
-0.4-0.2 00.20.4(a)
(c) (d)(b)Im/( Az z
Im/( Az z
/)Im/( Az z
Re/( Az z
/)Re/( Az z
Im/( Az z
/)Re/( Az z
/)Re/( Az z
Figure 1: Back-rotated velocity for (a) z=−1,y= 0, (b)z=−0.5,y= 0, (c)z=−1,
y= 1, and (d) z=−1,y=−2. The diamonds are drawn at t= 0,5,10,15,20.
0.1 1 10
Figure 2: Horizontal kinetic energy per unit volume (HKE) in the mixed layer, eML, for
linear and logarithmitc axes. The solid line shows the exact result and the dashed line the
asymptotic result.
whereb2=L[˜B2] andb0=L[˜B0]. The initial condition within the mixed layer is ˜B2zz(z,0) =
1. NowAis continuous across z= 0, and ˜B0is independent of z(see Section 3.2). Hence
which may be inverted to give
A2zz(y,t) =e−iyteα2t3/3erfc/parenleftBiggα√
. (16)
Therefore the HKE within the mixed layer is
eML≡/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleerfc/parenleftBigg1 +i
The time dependence of eMLis shown in Figure 2. Asymptotic results from Abramowitz
and Stegun (1972) for the complementary error function impl y that
3πt3/2, t ≪1,
πt3, t → ∞.
9Since the energy which leaves the mixed layer enters the inte rior of the ocean, this implies
that for short times the energy in the interior increases lik et3/2. This does not contradict the
result from D’Asaro (1989) that for short times the thermocl ine energy grows like t6. That
result assumes that the wind persists to generate a constant inertially oscillating velocity,
and that there is no propagating inertial motion. Here, the w ind has an instantaneous effect,
causing an initial horizontally uniform inertial current, and propagating inertial motion is
included fully.
Another quantity of interest is the flux of HKE. Using (4) and i ts complex conjugate
∂tHKE =∂
zzAy) +i
y). (17)
zzAyvanishes for |y| → ∞ and using equation (5),
−∞FE(y,t;d)dxdy, (18)
y)|z=−d (19)
gives the flux of HKE from the region z >−dto the region z <−d. For this model, we
consider the flux per unit area. Integrating (18) with respec t to time shows that the quantity
gives the total amount of HKE which has penetrated into the re gionz <−d. Note that
E(t;d)→1 corresponds to all the energy originally in the mixed layer having reached
depths below z=−d. Results for FE(t;d) andE(t;d) obtained by numerically inverting the
appropriate Laplace transforms are shown in Figure 3. FEpeaks at the nondimensionalized
timet≈0.62; for the typical values quoted in Section 3.1, this corres ponds to about a week
after the storm. From Figure 3(b) and using the fact that what ever energy flows through
z= 0−must have initally been in the mixed layer, we see that by t= 1 (about 11.5 days
after the storm) nearly half of the energy associated with ho rizontal NIO currents caused
by the storm has left the mixed layer; however, only about 38% of the total energy has
penetrated below z=−1. Byt= 2 (about 23 days after the storm), 82% of the total energy
has left the mixed layer, but only 58% has penetrated below z=−1. Thus, at t= 2 nearly a
quarter of the total energy is contained in the distance Hmiximmediately beneath the mixed
layer. This is reminiscent of the accumulation of NIO energy below the mixed layer seen in
Balmforth, Llewellyn Smith and Young (1998). This model thu s gives reasonable estimates
for the timescale for which the decay of NIO energy occurs: fo r example, D’Asaro et al.
Figure 3: (a) FE(t;d) and (b)E(t;d) for different depths dbelow the base of the mixed
layer. These show instantaneous and time-integrated fluxes of HKE.
(1995) found that the mixed layer inertial energy was reduce d to background levels by 21
days after the storm.
Figure 4 shows the vertical dependence of the HKE and FEat different times. As time
increases the instantaneous distribution of HKE becomes mo re sharply peaked near the base
of the mixed layer, but remains bounded (asymptotically app roaching unity) because of
energy conservation.
4.3 Large-time behavior
The asymptotic behavior of near-inertial properties may be derived using the method of
steepest descents (see Moehlis 1999 for details). This show s that in the limit of large ξ≡
z2/3t, and along the “rays” z=−η3
(1 +η2
0t3, F E∼2η0
π(1 +η2
A useful way to represent the asymptotic results is to write η0in terms of zandtand then
draw contour plots of quantities of physical interest in the (z,t) plane: this is shown in
Figure 5. In the asymptotic limit for large ξ, withzconstant,u2+v2andFEdecrease as
time increases. Note that ξis large for sufficiently large zand/ort.
Finally, Moehlis (1999) also obtained results for the verti cal shearu2
z. To leading
order inǫ, the vertical shear within the mixed layer is zero. The resul ts for vertical shear for
11-1.5-1-0.500.5 1t=1
/2/+ v
Figure 4: Vertical profiles of (a) u2+v2and (b)FE(t,|z|) aty= 0 for different times showing
the decay of energy from the mixed layer (0 <z < 1) and resultant behavior in the interior
(z<0). Note the different vertical scales.
the interior of the ocean lack physical realism because the m odel allows the shear to grow
forever as a consequence of the initial infinite shear due to t he discontinuity in the initial
velocity profile.
5 Conclusion
A simplified model has been developed to examine the decay due to theβ-effect of near-
inertial currents excited in the mixed layer by a passing sto rm. This decay occurs due
to the radiation of downward propagating NIOs into the inter ior of the ocean. The main
assumptions of the model are that the background flow does not vary in the longitudinal
direction and has no associated vorticity, that the ocean ha s a simple (piecewise constant)
buoyancy frequency profile, and that the storm has moved very quickly over the ocean causing
a horizontally uniform near-inertial current concentrate d in the mixed layer. The β-effect is
included in the analysis and is responsible for the radiatio n of NIOs. Because the depth of
the mixed layer is much smaller than the total depth of the oce an, the problem is formulated
in the limit of an effectively infinitely deep ocean; the resul tant initial value problem is solved
by Laplace transforms. Analytical results are given for the horizontal kinetic energy density
Figure 5: Contour plots of the asymptotic results for (a) u2+v2and (b)FE. Darker shading
corresponds to smaller values.
in the mixed layer, and results from the numerical inversion of the appropriate Laplace
transforms are given for horizontal kinetic energy, energy flux, and back-rotated velocity.
The asymptotic behavior is also investigated.
Although this simplified model cannot be expected to capture the full complexity of the
aftermath of a storm passing the ocean, it does capture much o f the observed behavior.
Most importantly, in the presence of the β-effect the decay of near-inertial mixed layer
energy is found to occur on the appropriate timescale (appro ximately twenty days), which
confirms the analysis of D’Asaro (1989) and observations by D ’Asaro et al. (1995), Levine
and Zervakis (1995), and Qi et al. (1995). The main advantage of the approach described in
this paper is that many aspects of the decay in the mixed layer are analytically obtained for
all times, unlike D’Asaro (1989) which predicts the timesca le for the decay in a short time
limit or estimates it in terms of the time it takes normal mode s to become out of phase (cf.
Gill 1984). Extensions to a more realistic ocean and storm wo uld involve including a more
realistic buoyancy frequency profile (for example, the profi le used by Gill 1984), considering
the effect of different initial velocities (including both ho rizontal and vertical structure), and
considering the effect of background flow. The study of all of t hese could use the same
formalism of Young and Ben Jelloul (1997) and an approach sim ilar to that presented here.
The majority of this work was carried out at the 1999 Geophysi cal Fluid Dynamics program
at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. The authors wo uld particularly like to thank
W. R. Young for many useful discussions regarding this work.
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15 |
arXiv:physics/9912031v1 [physics.ed-ph] 14 Dec 1999Hydrogen atom in a spherical well
David Djajaputra and Bernard R. Cooper
Department of Physics, West Virginia University, PO BOX 631 5, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA
(February 21, 2014)
We discuss the boundary effects on a quantum system by examini ng the problem of a hydrogen
atom in a spherical well. By using an approximation method wh ich is linear in energy we calculate
the boundary corrections to the ground-state energy and wav e function. We obtain the asymptotic
dependence of the ground-state energy on the radius of the we ll.
The hydrogen atom occupies a unique place in atomic
physics because it is the only atom for which the
Schr¨ odinger equation can be solved analytically. The cal-
culation of the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom is
a standard exercise in a physicist’s education and is dis-
cussed in detail in many textbooks on quantum physics.
[1–3] Textbook discussions normally consider a hydrogen
atom in free space, with vanishing eigenfunction at infin-
ity as one of the boundary conditions. Experiments in
atomic physics, of course, are normally done by position-
ing the atoms in a well-controlled cavity. One could then
ask what effects does the presence of the finite boundary
have on the wave functions and the energy levels of the
atoms. A typical answer that one may get is that for com-
mon cavities used in actual experiments which are much
larger than the characteristic atomic distance, the Bohr
radiusa0, the boundary gives rise only to an “exponen-
tially small” correction because the eigenfunctions of the
atom decay exponentially with distance. One, however,
rarely gets a more quantitative answer than this and it is
therefore an interesting challenge to obtain such an an-
swer. Moreover, modern technology has opened the pos-
sibility of constructing interesting structures in atomic
and molecular scales for which the question of boundary
effects has become more than mere academic.
In this paper we will examine the boundary corrections
for a hydrogen atom situated at the center of a spherical
cavity of radius Sas shown in Fig.1. We will assume the
wall of the cavity to be impenetrable and consider the
following spherically-symmetric potential:
V(r) =/braceleftbigg
−e2/r, r<S,
∞, r>S.(1)
The radius of the cavity will be assumed to be much
larger than the Bohr radius: S≫a0.In the remainder
of the paper we shall use the atomic units:
2= 2m= 1. (2)
The unit of length is the Bohr radius a0= ¯h2/me2and
the unit of energy is the Rydberg: Ry = e2/2a0= 13.6
eV. The Schr¨ odinger equation takes the following form:
HΨ(r) =/parenleftBig
− ∇2−2
Ψ(r) =EΨ(r). (3)/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/BnZr/j45+/j83
FIG. 1. Hydrogen atom in a spherical well of radius S.
The wave function Ψ( r) satisfies the Schr¨ odinger equa-
tion for the hydrogen atom for r < S , in particular it
should still be regular at the origin. The only difference
from the free-space case is that now we have to impose a
different boundary condition: the wave function should
vanish atr=Sinstead of at r=∞.
ForS≫a0, the changes in the ground-state wave func-
tion and energy due to the presence of the wall are ex-
pected to be “small” because the wave function is concen-
trated at the center of the cavity, far away from the con-
fining wall. Standard perturbation technique, however,
is not useful in this case because the infinite potential
at the wall prevents the calculation of the required ma-
trix elements. The Rayleigh-Ritz variational method is
one viable alternative, but it is not clear how one should
choose the best set of variational functions to be used.
Furthermore, it cannot conveniently be used to calculate
the corresponding corrections for the excited states.
In the following we shall use an approximation method
which is linear in energy to calculate these corrections.
This is a well-known method in solid-state physics and
has been widely used in electronic structure calculations
since its initial introduction by O. K. Andersen in 1975.
[4,5] The method is best applied to the calculations of the
wave functions of a hamiltonian with energies which are
in close vicinity of the energy of a known wave function.
The present problem of a hydrogen atom in a spheri-
1cal well can be used to illustrate the application of this
method. In the absence of the confining cavity, the hy-
drogen atom has a well-known spectrum:
n2, n= 1,2,... . (4)
In the presence of the cavity, we write
En=εn+ ∆εn. (5)
We use small letters ( ε,ψ, etc.) to denote quantities for
the free-space problem and capital letters ( E,Ψ, etc.)
for the corresponding quantities in the cavity problem.
The dimensionless parameter (∆ εn/εn) is expected to be
small forn2a0≪S.In the linear method, the (unnor-
malized) wave function at energy Enis approximated by
Ψ(En,r) =ψ(εn,r) + ∆εn˙ψ(εn,r). (6)
Here ˙ψ(εn,r) is the derivative with respect to energy of
ψ(ε,r) evaluated at ε=εn:
˙ψ(εn,r) = [∂ψ(ε,r)/∂ε] (ε=εn). (7)
The eigenfunctions in the cavity problem are then ob-
tained by imposing the boundary condition at r=S:
Ψ(En,S,ˆr) = 0, (8)
which gives an expression for the energy correction:
˙ψ(εn,S,ˆr). (9)
Hereˆr= (θ,φ) is a unit vector in the direction of r.
To apply this simple approximate method we need the
general solution to the Schr¨ odinger equation at an arbi-
trary energy E. Since we are dealing with a spherically-
symmetric system, we can separate the variables:
Ψ(r) =R(r)Ylm(ˆr). (10)
The resulting radial differential equation is
r−l(l+ 1)
R= 0. (11)
Transforming the variables by defining
−E, ρ = 2ωr, (12)
and using the ansatz
R(ρ) =ρle−ρ/2u(ρ), (13)
then gives us the following differential equation [6]
2(l+ 1)−ρ/bracketrightBig
l+ 1−1
u= 0,(14)5 10 15 20r
-1-0.8-0.6-0.4- /j64r /j68
/j119/j32/j32= 1
/j119/j32/j32= 1/2
/j119/j32/j32= 0.98
FIG. 2. The function rRl(ω, r) as a function of r/a0for
l= 0 and ω= 1, 0.98, and 0.50. The ω= 1 curve is nodeless.
Asωis decreased from 1 to 0.50, the node of the wave function
moves from r=∞tor= 2a0.
which is the equation for the confluent hypergeometric
function. The general solution of this equation, which is
regular at the origin, is [6]
u(ρ) =A1F1/parenleftBig
l+ 1−1
ω; 2l+ 2;ρ/parenrightBig
, (15)
whereAis a normalization constant. The radial part of
the general solution to the Schr¨ odinger equation Eq.(3)
with energy E=−ω2therefore is
Rl(ω,r) =A(2ωr)le−ωr
l+ 1−1
ω; 2l+ 2; 2ωr/parenrightBig
The free-space solution is obtained by requiring that
R(r)→0 asr→ ∞.From the properties of the hyperge-
ometric functions, [6] this can only happen if ( l+1−1/ω)
is a nonpositive integer which implies that
ω=n, l = 0,1,...,n, (17)
withna positive integer. This directly leads to the Ryd-
berg spectrum in Eq.(4).
The function Rl(ω,r) is plotted in Fig.2 for l= 0 andω
= 1, 0.98, and 0.50. The ω= 1 curve is the ground-state
wave function of the hydrogen atom in free space and is
nodeless. As ωis reduced below 1, the wave function ac-
quires a single node which moves from r=∞tor= 2a0
atω= 0.50.where it becomes the ( n,l) = (2,0) eigen-
state of the hydrogen atom in free space. One therefore
can obtain the ground-state wave function and energy of
the hydrogen atom in a cavity of radius Sby numerically
searching for the energy which gives a wave function with
a single node at r=S. This provides a useful comparison
for our approximation.
Since the spherical harmonics are independent of the
energy we can recast Eq.(9) into
∆εnl= 2ωnRl(ωn,S)
˙Rl(ωn,S). (18)
˙Rl(ωn,S) = [∂Rl(ω,S)/∂ω] (ω=ωn). (19)
Substituting the radial function Rl(ω,r) in Eq.(16) into
Eq.(18) then gives us an explicit formal expression for
∆εnwhich should be valid for R≫n2a0.Note that
the presence of the finite boundary lifts the azimuthal
degeneracy of the states with different orbital quantum
numberl(and the same radial quantum number n). As
in the case of the screened Coulomb potential, this oc-
curs because one no longer deal with the pure Coulomb
potential. In group theoretical language, modifications
to the pure Coulomb potential break the SO(4) symme-
try of the hydrogen atom: the Runge-Lenz operator no
longer commute with the hamiltonian. [7] This should be
contrasted with the classical case where the Runge-Lenz
vector is still a good constant of motion and the presence
of the boundary does not have any effect on the orbit of
the particle if it is greater than the orbit’s aphelion.
To gain an insight into Eqs.(18)-(19), we shall consider
the ground state ( n= 1), which is a special case of the
zero angular momentum ( l= 0) states. We have
R0(ω,r) =A e−ωr
ω; 2; 2ωr/parenrightBig
. (20)
For the ground state ( n= 1), this is
R0(1,r) =Ae−r1F1/parenleftBig
0; 2; 2r/parenrightBig
=A e−r. (21)
We are interested in obtaining a simple analytical ex-
pression of the correction to the ground-state energy for
S≫a0, therefore we need to calculate the limiting form
of˙R0(ω,r) forr≫a0.The asymptotic expansion of the
hypergeometric function 1F1(a,b,z) for largezis [8]
I1(a,b,z) =R−1/summationdisplay
n=0(a)n(1 +a−b)n
I2(a,b,z) =R−1/summationdisplay
The Pochhammer symbol ( a)nis defined by [6]
(a)n=a(a+ 1)···(a+n−1) =Γ(a+n)
We need to calculate the derivative of this function at
a= (1−1/ω) withω= 1.In this case the dominant term
comes from the derivative of Γ( a) in the second term in
Eq.(22). The first term can be neglected because it does246810-1-0.8-0.6-0.4-0.2
FIG. 3. Dependence of the ground-state energy of a hy-
drogen atom confined in a spherical cavity on the radius of
the cavity S. The topmost curve is the exact result which is
obtained by numerically searching for the node of the wave
function.The middle curve is obtained from the linear appro x-
imation, Eq.(18), using the exact wave function Eq.(21). Th e
lowest curve is obtained using the limiting formula Eq.(31) .
not have the exponential term ezwhich dominates the
derivative at large distances. Keeping only the largest
term, we get
∂a1F1(a,b,z)≈ −ezza−bΓ(b)I2(a,b,z)ψ(a)
Hereψ(a) is the digamma function: ψ(a) = Γ′(a)/Γ(a).
[8] Its ratio with Γ( a) asa→0 is
Γ(a)= lim
−γ+ 1/a=−1, (27)
whereγis the Euler constant. This then gives
Using this expression, and keeping only the first two
terms inI2(a,b,z), we can obtain the limiting form of
˙R0(ω,r) at largerandω→1:
1 +Γ(2 + 1/ω)
Exactly at ω= 1, this expression becomes
1 +1
. (30)
3Finally, using this equation and Eq.(21) in Eq.(18), we
get the boundary correction to the ground-state energy:
∆ε0(S)≈8S(S−1)e−2S, S≫a0. (31)
Fig.3 displays this asymptotic dependence of the energy
correction on the radius of cavity, together with the exact
curve and the one obtained from Eq.(18) using the exact
wave function Eq.(21). It is seen that the asymptotic
formula, Eq.(31), is fairly accurate for radii greater than
about four Bohr radius. Note that the exact energy at
S= 2a0is equal to1
4Ry, which is the energy of the first
excited state ( n,l) = (2,0) of the hydrogen atom in free
space. This is because the corresponding wave function
has a node at r= 2a0as can be seen in Fig.2.
Knowing the dependence of the ground-state energy
on the cavity radius, Eq.(31), allows us to calculate the
pressure needed to “compress” a hydrogen atom in its
ground state to a certain size. This is given by
p(S) =−∂∆ε0
. (32)
AtS= 4a0this has a value of 2 .13×10−4eV/a3
1.47×104GPa. At this radius, the change of the ground-
state energy is 0.032 Ry which is only three percent of
the binding energy of a free hydrogen atom.
In conclusion, we have used a linear approximation
method to calculate the asymptotic dependence of the
ground-state energy of a hydrogen atom confined to a
spherical cavity on the radius of the cavity. The bound-
ary correction to the energies of the excited states can be
obtained using the same method.
Acknowledgements —D. D. is grateful to Prof. David L.
Price (U. Memphis) for introducing him to Andersen’s
linear approximation method and for many useful discus-
sions. This work has been supported by AF-OSR Grant
[1] R. Eisberg and R. Resnick, Quantum Physics of Atoms,
Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles , 2nd Edition,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1985.
[2] M. A. Morrison, T. L. Estle, and N. F. Lane, Quantum
States of Atoms, Molecules, and Solids , Prentice-Hall, En-
glewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976.
[3] M. Weissbluth, Atoms and Molecules , Academic Press,
New York, 1978.
[4] O. K. Andersen, “Linear methods in band theory,” Phys.
Rev. B 12, 3060 (1975).
[5] V. Kumar, O. K. Andersen, and A. Mookerjee, Lectures
on Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations , World
Scientific, Singapore, 1994.[6] J. B. Seaborn, Hypergeometric Functions and Their Ap-
plications , Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991, Chapter 6.
[7] W. Greiner and B. M¨ uller, Quantum Mechanics: Symme-
tries, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994, Chapter 14.
[8] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathemat-
ical Functions , Dover, New York, 1965, Formula 13.5.1.
4 |
arXiv:physics/9912032v1 [physics.atom-ph] 16 Dec 1999Stabilization not for certain and the
usefulness of bounds
C. Figueira de Morisson Faria,∗A. Fring†and R. Schrader†
∗Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik komplexer Systeme,
N¨ othnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany
†Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik,
Freie Universit¨ at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Abstract. Stabilization is still a somewhat controversial issue conc erning its very
existence and also the precise conditions for its occurrenc e. The key quantity to set-
tle these questions is the ionization probability, for whic h hitherto no computational
method exists which is entirely agreed upon. It is therefore very useful to provide var-
ious consistency criteria which have to be satisfied by this q uantity, whose discussion
is the main objective of this contribution. We show how the sc aling behaviour of the
space leads to a symmetry in the ionization probability, whi ch can be exploited in the
mentioned sense. Furthermore, we discuss how upper and lowe r bounds may be used for
the same purpose. Rather than concentrating on particular a nalytical expressions we
obtained elsewhere for these bounds, we focus in our discuss ion on the general princi-
ples of this method. We illustrate the precise working of thi s procedure, its advantages,
shortcomings and range of applicability. We show that besid es constraining possible
values for the ionization probability these bounds, like th e scaling behaviour, also lead
to definite statements concerning the physical outcome. The pulse shape properties
which have to be satitisfied for the existence of asymptotica l stabilization is the van-
ishing of the total classical momentum transfer and the tota l classical displacement
and not smoothly switched on and off pulses. Alternatively we support our results by
general considerations in the Gordon-Volkov perturbation theory and explicit studies
of various pulse shapes and potentials including in particu lar the Coulomb- and the
delta potential.
There is considerable interest in the high intensity regime (intensities larger
than 3.5 ×Wcm−2for typical frequencies), because since the early nineties it may be
realized experimentally. The perturbative description, w hich was a very successful
approach in the low intensity regime, breaks down for such hi gh intensities. Thus,
this regime constitutes a new challenge to theorists. Compa ring the status of
the understanding and clarity of the description of the two r egimes one certainly
0)To appear in the Proceedings of the ICOMP8 (Monterey (USA), O ctober 1999)observes a clear mismatch and should probably conclude that the challenge has not
been entirely met so far. One also observes a clear imbalance between numerical
calculations and analytical descriptions.
In particular, the issue of stabilization has led to several controversies and there
are still several recent computations which are in clear con tradiction to each other.
Since it is not very constructive simply to count the numbers of numerical results
which agree and those which do not1, our investigations aim at analytical descrip-
tions which unravel the physical assumptions and might serv e to pinpoint possible
In view of the panel discussion at this meeting the main purpo se of this con-
tribution is to summarize our findings [1-6] and in particula r explain the working
and limitations of our method in the hope to dispel a few misun derstandings and
misconceptions which have occurred.
We start by stating our physical assumptions. We consider an atom with poten-
tialV(/vector x) in the presence of a sufficiently intense laser field, such tha t it may be
described in the non-relativistic regime by the time-depen dent Schr¨ odinger equa-
tion in the dipole approximation
i∂ψ(/vector x,t)
2+V(/vector x) +/vector x·/vectorE(t)/parenrightbigg
ψ(/vector x,t) =H(/vector x,t)ψ(/vector x,t). (1)
We will use atomic units throughout this article. We take the pulse to be of the
general form
/vectorE(t) =/vectorE0f(t) (2)
wheref(t) is assumed to be a function whose integral over tis well behaved with
f(t) = 0 unless 0 ≤t≤τ. This means τconstitutes the pulse duration, f(t)
the pulse shape function and E0the amplitude of the pulse, which we take to be
positive without loss of generality.
Important quantities for our discussion are the total class ical momentum transfer
/vectorb(τ), the classical displacement /vector c(τ) and the classical energy transfer a(τ) defined
through the relations
/vectorb(t) =/integraldisplayt
0ds/vectorE(s), /vector c (t) =/integraldisplayt
0ds/vectorb(s), a (t) =1
0dsb2(s). (3)
The quantity of interest, which one aims to compute, is the io nization probability
P(ϕ) defined as
1)Panel discussion at this meeting.P(ϕ) =/bardbl(1−P)U(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2= 1− /bardblPU(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2. (4)
HerePdenotes the orthogonal projection in the space L2(R3) of square integrable
wave functions onto the subspace spanned by the bound states ϕofH(/vector x,t= 0),
/bardbl·/bardblis the usual Hilbert space norm and the time evolution operat or is defined by
t′H(/vector x,s)ds)], (5)
withTdenoting the time ordering. The question one is interested i n is: How does
P(ϕ) behave as a function of E0? In particular is it possible that P(ϕ) decreases
when the field amplitude E0increases, in other words does stabilization exist?
Quantitatively this means we should find a behaviour of the fo rm
dE0≤0 for P(ϕ)/negationslash= 1 (6)
with 0 ≤E0≤ ∞ on a finite interval for E0. We refer to a behaviour in (6) for
the equal sign as weak stabilization and for strict inequali ty we call this strong
We stress once more that this description is entirely non-re lativistic. The rel-
ativistic regime surely poses a new challenge and a full quan tum field theoretical
treatment is desirable, but it should be possible to settle t he question just raised
within the framework outlined above, since stabilization i s not claimed to be a
relativistic effect. In particular it is not clear which cons equences on the physics
in this regime one expects from a description in the form of th e Klein-Gordon
equation2. Furthermore, appealing to a more formal description3in terms of scat-
tering matrices4instead of the time evolution operator U/parenleftbig
will not shed any
new light on the question raised, unless one deals with non-t rivial asymptotics.
The time-ordering in (5) poses the main obstacle for the expl icit computations of
P(ϕ). To get a handle on the issue, one can first resort to general a rguments which
provide analytical expressions constraining the outcome. The least such arguments
are good for is to serve as consistency checks for results obt ained by other means.
This is especially useful when one has a controversy as in the case at hand. In
addition we will demonstrate that they also allow some defini te statements and
explain several types of physical behaviour without knowin g the exact expression
of the quantities which describe them.
More details concerning the arguments of this section may be found in [5]. Denot-
ing byλ>0 the dilatation factor and by ηthe scaling dimension of the eigenfunc-
2)See contribution to the panel discussion at this meeting by F .H.M. Faisal.
3)See contributions to the panel discussion at this meeting by F.H.M. Faisal and H. Reiss.
4)For pulses of the form (2) the scattering matrix S= lim t±→±∞exp(it+H+)·U(t+, t−)·
exp(−it−H−) and U(τ,0) coincide in the weak sense. (see e.g. [1] for a more detaile d discussion)tionϕ(/vector x) :=ψ(/vector x,t= 0) of the Hamiltonian H(/vector x,t= 0), we consider the following
scale transformations5
/vector x→/vector x′=λ/vector x andϕ(/vector x)→ϕ′(/vector x′) =λ−ηϕ(/vector x). (7)
As the only two physical assumptions we now demand that the Hi lbert space norm,
i.e./bardblϕ(/vector x)/bardbl=/bardblϕ′(/vector x′)/bardbl, remains invariant and that the scaling of the wavefunction
is preserved for all times. From the first assumption we deduc e immediately that
the scaling dimension has to be η=d/2 withdbeing the dimension of the space.
The scaling behaviour (7) may usually be realized by scaling the coupling con-
stant. Considering for instance the wavefunction ϕ(x) =√αexp(−α|x|) of the
only bound state when the potential in (1) is taken to be the on e-dimensional
delta-potential V(x) =αδ(x), equation (7) imposes that the coupling constant has
to scale as α→α′=λ−1α. Choosing instead the Coulomb potential in the form
V(/vector x) =α/rrequires the same scaling behaviour of the coupling constan t for (7) to
be valid. This is exhibited directly by the explicit express ions of the corresponding
wavefunctions ϕnlm(/vector x)∼α3/2(αr)lexp(−αr/n)L2l+1
From the second assumption we conclude
ψ(/vector x,t)→ψ′(/vector x′,t′) =U′(t′,0)ϕ′(/vector x′) =λ−d/2ψ(/vector x,t) =λ−d/2U(t,0)ϕ(/vector x).(8)
Consequently this means that the time evolution operator sh ould be an invariant
quantity under these transformations
U(t1,t0) =T/parenleftBig
t0H(/vector x,s)ds/parenrightBig
0) =T/parenleftbigg
λ2t0H′(/vector x,s)ds/parenrightbigg
Equation (9) then suggests that the scaling of the time has to be compensated by
the scaling of the Hamiltonian in order to achieve invarianc e. Scaling therefore the
time as
t→t′=ληtt , (10)
equation (9) only holds if the Stark Hamiltonian of equation (1) scales as
H(/vector x,t)→H′(/vector x′,t′) =ληHH(/vector x,t) with ηH=−ηt. (11)
The properties (10) and (11) could also be obtained by demand ing the invariance of
the Schr¨ odinger equation (1). The overall scaling behavio ur ofH(/vector x,t) is governed
by the scaling of the Laplacian, such that we obtain the furth er constraint
ηH=−2. (12)
5)More formally we could also carry out all our computations by using unitary dilatation opera-
torsU(λ), such that the transformation of the eigenfunction is desc ribed by U(λ)ϕ(/vector x) =ληϕ′(λ/vector x)
and operators Oacting on ϕ(/vector x) transform as U(λ)OU(λ)−1=O′.As a consequence we can read off the scaling properties of the p otential as
V(/vector x)→V′(/vector x′) =λ−2V(/vector x). (13)
Considering for instance the one-dimensional delta-poten tial and the Coulomb po-
tential in the forms specified above, equation (13) imposes t hat the coupling con-
stant has to scale as α→α′=λ−1αin both cases. This behaviour of the coupling
constant is in agreement with our earlier observations for t he corresponding wave-
We will now discuss the constraint resulting from equation ( 11) on the scaling
behaviour of the pulse. We directly observe that
/vectorE(t)→/vectorE′(t′) =λ−3/vectorE(t). (14)
This equation is not quite as restrictive as the one for the po tential, since in the
latter case we could determine the behaviour of the coupling whereas now a certain
ambiguity remains in the sense that we can only deduce
0=ληEo/vectorE0, f(t)→f′(t′) =ληff(t),withηE0+ηf=−3.(15)
Thus, under the assumptions we have made, it is not possible t o disentangle the
contribution coming from the scaling of the amplitude or the pulse shape function.
However, there might be pulse shape functions for which ηfhas to be 0, since
no suitable parameter, analogously to the coupling constan t for the potential, is
available in its explicit form to achieve the expected scali ng.
Finally, we come to the scaling behaviour of the ionization p robability. Noting
that the projection operator has to be a scale invariant quan tity, i.e.P→P′=P,
we obtain together with (7) and (9) that the ionization proba bility remains an
invariant quantity under the scaling transformation
P(ϕ) =/bardbl(1−P)U(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2→ P′(ϕ′) =P(ϕ). (16)
We have therefore established that transforming the length scale corresponds to
a symmetry in the ionization probability P(ϕ). This symmetry can be exploited
as a consistency check in various approximation methods in n umerical or analytical
form as outlined in [5]. In this sense the arguments of this se ction are similar in
spirit to those of the next section. Nonetheless, scaling pr operties may also be used
to explain directly certain types of physical behaviour, as for instance the behaviour
ofP(ϕ) as a function of the coupling constant (see [5]).
In this section we wish to comment on the method of computing b ounds which
is alternative to computing P(ϕ) exactly. This means we estimate expressions of
the form/bardbl(1−P)U(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2≤ P u(ϕ) and /bardblPU(τ,0)ϕ/bardbl2≤1− P l(ϕ) (17)
such that
Pl(ϕ)≤ P(ϕ)≤ P u(ϕ). (18)
How does this work? We can not go into all the technical details, but we would
like to illustrate the general principle of the computation al steps involved. First
one should note that from a mathematical point of view there a re seldom general
principles for deriving such inequalities, except for a few elementary theorems (see
e.g. [7]). Therefore the steps in the derivations very often do not always appear
entirely compelling. In mathematics, absolute inequaliti es, i.e. those which hold for
all real numbers, are important in analysis especially in co nnection with techniques
to prove convergence or error estimates, and in physics they have turned out to be
extremely powerful for instance in proving the stability of matter [8] or to establish
properties of the entropy [9].
The basic ingredients which are always exploited are the Min kowski and H¨ older
/bardblψ+ψ′/bardbl ≤ /bardblψ/bardbl+/bardblψ′/bardbl,/bardblψψ′/bardbl ≤ /bardblψ/bardbl · /bardblψ′/bardbl, (19)
used in the form
/bardblψ−ψ′+X−X/bardbl ≤ /bardblψ−X/bardbl+/bardblX−ψ′/bardbl, (20)
/bardblψXX−1ψ′/bardbl ≤ /bardblψX/bardbl · /bardblX−1ψ′/bardbl, (21)
whereψandψ′are meant to be formal objects. The aim and sometimes the art o f
all considerations is now to choose Xsuch that the loss in accuracy is minimized.
One should resort here to as much physical inspiration as pos sible, for instance if
there is a conjecture or a result from other sources which sug gests a dynamics one
can compare with. There exist also more sophisticated possi bilities to estimate the
norm, as for instance to relate the Hilbert space norm to diffe rent types of norms,
e.g. the operator norm6or the Hilbert-Schmidt norm7
/bardblAψ/bardbl ≤ /bardblA/bardblop/bardblψ/bardbl ≤ /bardblA/bardblH.S./bardblψ/bardbl. (22)
Where do we start? In fact, the starting point is identical to the one of perturb a-
tion theory, that is the Du Hamel formula involving the time e volution operator
associated to two different Hamiltonians H1(t) andH2(t)
U1(t,t′) =U2(t,t′)−i/integraldisplayt
t′ds U 1(t,s) (H1(s)−H2(s))U2(s,t′). (23)
6)The operator norm is defined as /bardblA/bardblop=sup ϕ:/bardblϕ/bardbl=1/bardblAϕ/bardbl.
7)Denoting by α1≥α2≥. . .the positive eigenvalues of the operator T= (A∗A)1/2the Hilbert-
Schmidt norm of the operator Ais defined as /bardblA/bardblH.S.= (/summationtext∞
n)1/2.For instance, identifying the Stark Hamiltonian in (1) with H1(s), one chooses
H2(s) =−∆/2 +/vector x·/vectorE(t) orH2(s) =−∆/2 +V(/vector x) in the high- or low intensity
regime, respectively. Instead of iterating (23) and ending up with a power series in
Vin the former or a power series in E0in the second case one inserts (23) into (17)
and commences with the estimation of the norm in the way just o utlined. Most
conveniently these considerations are carried out in a diffe rent gauge, for the high
intensity regime in the Kramers-Henneberger gauge.
Where do we stop? The whole procedure may be terminated when one arrives at
expressions which may be computed explicitly.
When can we apply bounds? In general in all circumstances. In particular problems
occurring in the context of perturbative considerations, l ike the convergence, are
avoided completely. Especially when the strength of the pot ential and the field are
comparable, e.g. in the turn-on and off region, this method is not limited in its
applicability, as is for instance the case for the Gordon-Vo lkov series.
What can we deduce? IdeallyPl(ϕ) andPu(ϕ) are very close to each other, in
which case we are in the position of someone solving the probl em numerically
withPl(ϕ) andPu(ϕ) related to the numerical errors. If the lower bound tends
to 1 for an increasing finite realistic value of E0there will be little room left for
P(ϕ) to decrease and one may deduce that stabilization is absent (see figure 9 in
[2]). Furthermore, we can always make statements about the e xtreme limits. For
instance for the extreme frequency limit we obtain
= 0. (24)
This relates our discussion to the seminal paper on the stabi lization issue by Gavrila
and Kaminski [10]. For the extreme field amplitude limit we fo und
E0→∞P(ϕ) = 1 − |/angbracketleftϕ,ψ GV(τ)/angbracketright|2forb(τ) =c(τ) = 0 (25)
E0→∞P(ϕ) = 1 otherwise , (26)
whereψGV(τ) =UGV(τ,0)ϕis the Gordon-Volkov wave function. For the definition
ofUGVsee (39). We would like to stress that this limit is not merely of mathematical
interest8. The result (25) is a clear indication of weak stabilization , though it is
still desirable to find the precise onset of this behaviour. I t is also clear that as a
consequence of (25) a value of P(ϕ) which is equal or larger than the r.h.s. of (25)
forany finite and experimentally realisable value of E0immediately implies the
existence of strong stabilization.
What are the shortcomings? For realistic values of the parameters involved the
expressions sometimes yield
Pl(ϕ) = 0 or Pu(ϕ) = 1 (27)
8)See contribution to the panel discussion at this meeting by F .H.M. Faisal.in which case the constraint is of course not very powerful. I n that situation
it simply means that we have lost too much accuracy in the deri vation for that
particular parameter setting. One should note, however, th ere is no need to give
up in that situation since as is evident the expressions for the bounds are by
no means unique . It should then be quite clear that one can not deduce9thatthe
bound is useless if one encounters the situation (27). Even m ore such a conclusion
seems very much astray in the light of [1,2,4,6], where we pre sented numerous
examples for which the bounds are well beyond the values in (2 7). Sometimes this
could, however, only be achieved for extremely short pulses . As we pointed out in
[2] this can be overcome at the cost of having to deal with high er Rydberg states10,
which is a direct consequence of the scaling behaviour outli ned in the previous
How do typical expressions look like? In [1] we derived for instance the expression
Pl(ϕ) = 1−/braceleftbigg/integraldisplayτ
0/bardbl(V(/vector x−c(t)ez)−V(/vector x))ϕ/bardbldt+
2E+b(τ)2/bardbl(V(/vector x−c(τ)ez)−V(/vector x))ϕ/bardbl+2|b(τ)|
for a lower bound. For given potentials and pulse shapes term s involved in (28)
may be computed at ease. As stated in [1], it is important to pa y attention to
the fact that (28) is derived for the condition b(τ)2/2>−E≡binding energy11.
Such restrictions which at first emerge as technical require ments in the derivations
usually indicate at some physical implications. In this cas e it points at the different
physical situation we encounter when the total momentum tra nsfer is vanishing (see
also (25)).
What still needs to be done? Probably it is unrealistic to expect to find a bound
which is universally applicable and restrictive at the same time, rather one should
optimize the bounds for particular situations. For instanc e it would be highly
desirable to find more powerful bounds for the situations b(τ) = 0,c(τ)/negationslash= 0 and
b(τ) =c(τ) = 0. For the latter case we expect in hindsight from (25) that the
loss in the estimations may be minimized if in (23) we chose to compare the Stark
Hamiltonian with the free Hamiltonian −∆/2 instead of H=−∆/2 +/vector x·/vectorE(t) as
was done in [1].
9)As was done by J.H. Eberly at the panel discussion at this meet ing.
10)This should not lead to the conclusion that bounds in general are exclusively applicable to
higher Rydberg states, see contribution to the panel discus sion at this meeting by M. Gavrila.
11)During the panel discussion at this meeting J.H. Eberly exhi bited a plot of our result for
Pl(ϕ) involving a pulse which did not satisfy this condition. As h e confirmed to a question from
the audience his pulse satisfied b(τ) = 0. The conclusions drawn by J.H. Eberly concerning the
usefulness of bounds based on this plot are therefore meanin gless. (See also footnote 9.)IMPORTANCE OF PULSE SHAPES
From our previous discussion it is evident that the physical outcome differs for
different pulse shapes. However, the fact that a pulse is adia batically switched
on or off is not very important, rather the precise values of b(τ) andc(τ) are the
determining quantities. In particular the case
b(τ) =c(τ) = 0 (29)
is very special, since then asymptotically weak stabilizat ion is certain to exist. An
adiabatically switched on or off pulse sometimes satisfies (2 9), but this condition
is by no means identical to it. We found no evidence for stabil ization for an adi-
abatically switched on field when b(τ)/negationslash= 0. To our knowledge the importance of
(29) was first pointed out by Grobe and Fedorov [11], using int uitive arguments,
who employed a trapezoidal enveloping function with symmet rical turn-on and
turn-off time T, which has the nice feature that for Tandτbeing integer cycles
b(τ) =c(τ) = 0 and for Thalfτbeing integer cycles b(τ) = 0,c(τ)/negationslash= 0. There-
after, this observation seems to have been widely ignored in the literature since
many authors still employ pulses which do not have this prope rty, trading (29)
for the condition of an adiabatic smooth turn-on or/and turn -off12. For instance
a sine-squared switch on and off with Tandτbeing integer cycles has b(τ) = 0,
c(τ)/negationslash= 0, an entire sine-squared envelope for τbeing integer cycles satisfies b(τ) = 0,
c(τ)/negationslash= 0. Using gaußian envelopes or gaußian switch on and no switc h off usually
yieldsb(τ)/negationslash= 0,c(τ)/negationslash= 0. A pulse which has the nice features that it allows a
theoretical investigation of all possible cases for the val ues ofb(τ) andc(τ) is the
tripleδ-kick in the form
f(t) =δ(t) +β1δ(t−τ/2) +β2δ(t−τ), (30)
which we employed in [6]. This pulse obviously satisfies
b(τ) =E0(1 +β1+β2/2) and c(τ) =E0(1 +β1/2) (31)
such that by tuning the constants β1,β2we may realise any desired value of b(τ)
How do real pulses look like13? The quantity which is experimentally accessible is
the Fourier transform of the pulse (2)
/tildewideE(ω) =/integraldisplay∞
n=0αnωn. (32)
12)As may be supported by numerous publications, this observat ion appears not to have become
common knowledge as claimed by M. Gavrila in the introductio n to the panel discussion at this
13)We acknowledge that the following argument was initiated, t hough not agreed upon in this
form, by an e-mail communication with H.G. Muller.withαnbeing constants. For finite pulses this quantity coincides w ith the total
momentum transfer for vanishing frequency ω
/tildewideE(ω= 0) =/integraldisplay∞
0E(t)dt=b(τ). (33)
Provided that α0=b(τ) = 0, the Fourier transform of the momentum transfer
/tildewideb(ω) =/integraldisplay∞
−∞b(t)eiωtdt (34)
is on the other hand related to the total displacement for van ishing frequency
/tildewideb(ω= 0) =/integraldisplay∞
0b(t)dt=c(τ) (35)
such that
/tildewideE(ω) =b(t)eiωt|∞
−∞−iω/tildewideb(ω)∼ −iωc(τ) +O(ω2). (36)
This means that when the experimental outcome is
/tildewideE(ω) =α2ω2+α3ω3+α4ω4+... (37)
the total momentum transfer and the total displacement are z ero. Experimentally,
the observed fall off is expected to be even stronger [12].
It is instructive to compare our findings with other standard methods as for
instance the Gordon-Volkov (GV) perturbation theory. Usin g now in (23) for H2
the Hamiltonian just involving the field and the free particl e Hamiltonian in the
Kramers-Henneberger frame subsequent iteration yields
U1(t,t′) =UGV(t,t′)−i/integraldisplayt
t′ds U GV(t,s)VUGV(s,t′)
sds′UGV(t,s′)VUGV(s′,s)VUGV(s,t′) +... (38)
whereUGVcorresponds to the free-particle evolution operator in the KH frame
UGV(t,t′) =e−ia(t)e−ib(t)zeic(t)pze−i(t−t′)p2
2e−ic(t′)pzeib(t′)zeia(t′). (39)
As was explained in [4] we may use these expressions together with the Riemann-
Lebesgue theorem in order to obtain the extreme frequency an d intensity limit,
finding (24), (25) and (26). For these arguments to be valid we have to assumethat the Gordon-Volkov series makes sense, so in particular we have to assume its
The latter assumption may be made more rigorous when conside ring the one-
dimensional delta potential V(x) =−αδ(x) which is well known to possess only
one bound state. In that case the problem of computing ioniza tion probabilities is
reduced to the evaluation of
P(ϕ) = 1− |/angbracketleftϕ,ψ GV(τ)/angbracketright+/angbracketleftϕ,Ψ(τ)/angbracketright|2(40)
/angbracketleftϕ,ψ GV(τ)/angbracketright=2
1 + (p+b(τ)/α)2/parenrightbig
(1 +p2)(41)
(α2+ (p+b(τ))2). (42)
Here the only unknown is the function ψI(t) which can be obtained as a solution
of the Volterra equation
ψI(t) =/integraldisplay∞
−∞dpψ GV(p,t) +α/radicalbigg
√t−s. (43)
Iteration of this equation is a well controllable procedure and in [6] we found that
the series converges for all values of α. The results obtained from the analysis of
this equation match the results obtained from bounds.
The main outcome of our investigations is that the classical momentum trans-
feranddisplacement caused by a laser pulse on an electron are the essential
parameters determining the existence of weak asymptotic st abilization. In fact, we
obtained evidence for stabilization only for pulses for whi ch these two quantities
vanish at the end of the pulse, i.e., with b(τ) = 0 andc(τ) = 0.
Using purely analytical methods, we have shown that, for a wi de range of po-
tentials, namely Kato and one- and three-dimensional delta potentials, we always
have lim E0→∞P(ψ) = 1 unless b(τ) = 0 andc(τ) = 0, in which case the ionization
probability tends to the lowest order in GV-perturbation th eory, which corresponds
simply to the free particle Green’s function (39). Furtherm ore, for infinite frequen-
cies, the high-frequency condition of [10] is a way to obtain b(t) = 0 andc(t) = 0
foralltimes.Clearly, smooth pulses in general do not necessarily fullfil the above conditions,
and therefore will not provide a mechanism for stabilizatio n, but just prolong the
onset of ionization. In fact, we have observed no stabilizat ion for adiabatically
switched on and off pulses of several shapes, for which analyt ic expressions for
lower bounds of ionization probabilities lead to conclusive statements concerning
the existence or absence of stabilization.
Therefore, as an overall conclusion: Bounds are useful indeed, also in the
context of high intensity laser physics!
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arXiv:physics/9912033v1 [physics.hist-ph] 16 Dec 1999On the Gravitational Field of a Sphere
of Incompressible Fluid
according to Einstein’s Theory †
by K. Schwarzschild
(Communicated February 24th, 1916 [see above p. 313].)
(Translation ‡by S. Antoci∗)
§1. As a further example of Einstein’s theory of gravitation I have calculated the gravitational
field of a homogeneous sphere of finite radius, which consists of incompressible fluid. The addition
“of incompressible fluid” is necessary, since in the theory o f relativity gravitation depends not only
on the quantity of matter, but also on its energy, and e. g.a solid body in a given state of tension
would yield a gravitation different from a fluid.
The computation is an immediate extension of my communicati on on the gravitational field of
a mass point (these Sitzungsberichte 1916, p. 189), that I sh all quote as “Mass point” for short.
§2. Einstein’s field equations of gravitation (these Sitzung sber. 1915, p. 845) read in general:
να=Gµν. (1)
The quantities Gµνvanish where no matter is present. In the interior of an incom pressible fluid
they are determined in the following way: the “mixed energy t ensor” of an incompressible fluid at
rest is, according to Mr. Einstein (these Sitzungsber. 1914 , p. 1062, the Ppresent there vanishes
due to the incompressibility):
3=−p, T4
4=ρ0,(the remaining Tν
µ= 0). (2)
Herepmeans the pressure, ρ0the constant density of the fluid.
The “covariant energy tensor” will be:
µgνσ. (3)
σ=ρ0−3p (4)
κ= 8πk2,
†Sitzungsberichte der K¨ oniglich Preussischen Akademie de r Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Phys.-Math.
Klasse 1916, 424-434.
‡The valuable advice of A. Loinger is gratefully acknowledge d.
∗Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta”, Universit` a di Pavia, Vi a Bassi 6 - 27100 Pavia (Italy).
1where k2is Gauss’ gravitational constant. Then according to Mr. Ein stein (these Berichte 1915,
p. 845, Eq. 2a) the right-hand sides of the field equations rea d:
2gµνT). (5)
Since the fluid is in equilibrium, the conditions
µ= 0 (6)
must be satisfied (ibidem Eq. 7a).
§3. Just as in “Mass point”, also for the sphere the general equ ations must be specialised to
the case of rotation symmetry around the origin. Like there, it is convenient to introduce the polar
coordinates of determinant 1:
3, x2=−cosϑ, x 3=φ, x 4=t. (7)
Then the line element, like there, must have the form:
2), (8)
hence one has:
g11=−f1, g22=−f2
2, g33=−f2(1−x2
2), g44=f4
(the remaining g µν= 0).
Moreover the fare functions only of x1.
The solutions (10), (11), (12) reported in that paper hold al so for the space outside the sphere:
f4= 1−α(3x1+ρ)−1/3, f2= (3x1+ρ)2/3, f1f2
2f4= 1, (9)
where αandρare for now two arbitrary constants, that must be determined afterwards by the
mass and by the radius of our sphere.
It remains the task to establish the field equations for the in terior of the sphere by means of
the expression (8) of the line element, and to solve them. For the right-hand sides one obtains in
1g11=−pf1, T22=T2
2), T44=T4
2(p−ρ0), G22=κf2
2)(p−ρ0), G44=−κf4
2(ρ0+ 3p).
The expressions of the components Γα
µνof the gravitational field in terms of the functions fand the
left-hand sides of the field equations can be taken without ch ange from “Mass point” ( §4). If one
again restricts himself to the equator ( x2= 0), one gets the following overall system of equations:
2First the three field equations:
2f2(ρ0−p), (b)
2f4(ρ0+ 3p). (c)
In addition comes the equation for the determinant:
2f4= 1. (d)
The equilibrium conditions (6) yield the single equation:
x1. (e)
From the general considerations of Mr. Einstein it turns out that the present 5 equations with the
4 unknown functions f1,f2,f4,pare mutually compatible.
We have to determine a solution of these 5 equations that is fr ee from singularities in the
interior of the sphere. At the surface of the sphere it must be p= 0, and there the functions f
together with their first derivatives must reach with contin uity the values (9) that hold outside the
For simplicity the index 1 of x1will be henceforth omitted.
§4. By means of the equation for the determinant the equilibri um condition (e) becomes:
This can be immediately integrated and gives:
f4=const. =γ. (10)
Through multiplication by the factors −2, +2f1/f2,−2f1/f4the field equations (a), (b), (c) trans-
form into:
+κf1(ρ0−p), (a′)
= 2f1
∂x−κf1(ρ0−p), (b′)
∂x+κf1(ρ0+ 3p). (c′)
If one builds the combinations a′+2b′+c′anda′+c′, by availing of the equation for the determinant
one gets:
0 = 4f1
∂x+ 4κf1p (11)
30 = 2∂
+ 2κf1(ρ0+p). (12)
We will introduce here new variables, which recommend thems elves since, according to the results
of “Mass point”, they behave in a very simple way outside the s phere. Therefore they must bring
also the parts of the present equations free from ρ0andpto a simple form. One sets:
f2=η2/3, f4=ζη−1/3, f1=1
ζη. (13)
Then according to (9) one has outside the sphere:
η= 3x+ρ, ζ=η1/3−α, (14)
∂x= 3,∂ζ
∂x=η−2/3. (15)
If one introduces these new variables and substitutes γf−1/2
4forρ0+paccording to (10), the
equations (11) and (12) become:
∂x= 3η−2/3+ 3κγζ−1/2η1/6−3κρ0, (16)
∂x2=−3κγζ−1/2η1/6. (17)
The addition of these two equations gives:
∂x= 3η−2/3−3κρ0.
The integrating factor of this equation is ∂η/∂x . The integration gives:
= 9η1/3−3κρ0η+ 9λ(λ integration constant ). (18)
When raised to the power 3 /2, this gives:
= (9η1/3−3κρ0η+ 9λ)3/2
If one divides (17) by this equation, ζdisappears, and it remains the following differential equat ion
Here∂η/∂x is again the integrating factor. The integration gives:
∂x/parenrightbig= 3κγ/integraldisplayη1/6dη
and since:2
4through a further integration it follows:
3η+λ)3/2. (20)
From here xturns out as function of η, and through inversion ηas function of x. Then ζfollows
from (18) and (19), and the functions fthrough (13). Hence our problem is reduced to quadratures.
§5. The integration constants must now be determined in such a way that the interior of the
sphere remains free from singularities and the continuous j unction to the external values of the
functions fand of their derivatives at the surface of the sphere is reali sed.
Let us put r=ra,x=xa,η=ηa, etc. at the surface of the sphere. The continuity of ηand
ζcan always be secured through a subsequent appropriate dete rmination of the constants αandρ
in (14). In order that also the derivatives stay continuous a nd, in keeping with (15), ( dη/dx )a= 3
and (dζ/dx )a=η−2/3
a, according to (16) and (18) it must be:
a, ζa=η1/3
3ηa+λ. (21)
From here follows:
a= (f4)a= 1−κρ0
(f4)a. (22)
One sees from the comparison with (10) that in this way also th e condition p= 0 at the surface is
satisfied. The condition ( dη/dx )a= 3 yields the following determination for the limits of inte gration
in (19):
dη= 1−κγ
and therefore (20) undergoes the following determination o f the limits of integration:
3(x−xa) =η−ηa+κγ
3η+λ)3/2. (24)
The surface conditions are therefore completely satisfied. Still undetermined are the two constants
ηaandλ, which will be fixed through the conditions of continuity at t he origin.
We must first of all require that for x= 0 it should be also η= 0. If this were not the case,
f2in the origin would be a finite quantity, and an angular variat iondφ=dx3in the origin, which
in reality means no motion at all, would give a contribution t o the line element. Hence from (24)
follows the condition for fixing ηa:
3η+λ)3/2. (25)
λwill be fixed at last through the condition that the pressure a t the center of the sphere shall
remain finite and positive, from which according to (10) it fo llows that there f4must remain finite
and different from zero. According to (13), (18) and (23) one h as:
. (26)
5One provisorily supposes either λ >0 orλ <0. Then, for very small η:
where one has set:
K= 1−κγ
3η+λ)3/2. (27)
In the center ( η= 0)f4will then be infinite, unless K= 0. But, if K= 0,f4vanishes for η= 0.
In no case, for η= 0,f4results finite and different from zero. Hence one sees that the hypothesis:
either λ >0 orλ <0, does not bring to physically practicable solutions, and i t turns out that it
must be λ= 0.
§6. With the condition λ= 0 all the integration constants are now fixed. At the same tim e
the integrations to be executed become very easy. If one intr oduces a new variable χinstead of η
through the definition:
sinχ a=/radicalbiggκρ0
, (28)
through an elementary calculation the equations (13), (26) , (10), (24), (25) transform themselves
into the following:
κρ0sin2χ, f 4=/parenleftbigg3cosχ a−cosχ
, f1f2
2f4= 1. (29)
ρ0+p=ρ02cosχ a
3cosχ a−cosχ(30)
4cosχ a/parenleftbig
. (31)
The constant χais determined by the density ρ0and by the radius raof the sphere according to
the relation:
4cosχ a/parenleftbig
2sin3χa. (32)
The constants αandρof the solution for the external region come from (14):
and obtain the values:
4cosχ a/parenleftbig
·sin3χa. (34)
6When one avails of the variables χ,ϑ,φinstead of x1,x2,x3(ix), the line element in the interior
of the sphere takes the simple form:
ds2=/parenleftbigg3cosχ a−cosχ
κρ0[dχ2+sin2χdϑ2+sin2χsin2ϑdφ2]. (35)
Outside the sphere the form of the line element remains the sa me as in “Mass point”:
ds2= (1 −α/R)dt2−dR2
1−α/R−R2(dϑ2+ sin2ϑdφ2)
where R3=r3+ρ.(36)
Nowρwill be determined by (33), while for the mass point it was ρ=α3.
§7. The following remarks apply to the complete solution of ou r problem contained in the
previous paragraphs .
1. The spatial line element ( dt= 0) in the interior of the sphere reads:
This is the known line element of the so called non Euclidean g eometry of the spherical space.
Therefore the geometry of the spherical space holds in the in terior of our sphere . The curvature
radius of the spherical space will be/radicalbig
3/κρ0. Our sphere does not constitute the whole spherical
space, but only a part, since χcan not grow up to π/2, but only up to the limit χa. For the Sun
the curvature radius of the spherical space, that rules the g eometry in its interior, is about 500
times the radius of the Sun (see formulae (39) and (42)).
That the geometry of the spherical space, that up to now had to be considered as a mere
possibility, requires to be real in the interior of gravitat ing spheres, is an interesting result of
Einstein’s theory.
Inside the sphere the quantities:
κρ0sinχsinϑdφ, (37)
are “naturally measured” lengths. The radius “measured ins ide” from the center of the sphere up
to its surface is:
κρ0χa. (38)
The circumference of the sphere, measured along a meridian ( or another great circle) and divided
by 2π, is called the radius “measured outside” Po. It turns out to be:
κρ0sinχ a. (39)
According to the expression (36) of the line element outside the sphere this Pois clearly identical
with the value Ra= (r3
a+ρ)1/3that the variable Rassumes at the surface of the sphere.
With the radius Poone gets for αfrom (34) the simple relations:
Po=sin2χa, α=κρ0
o. (40)
7The volume of our sphere is:
= 2π/parenleftbigg/radicalbigg3
Hence the mass of our sphere will be ( κ= 8πk2)
. (41)
2. About the equations of motion of a point of infinitely small mass outside our sphere, which
maintain tha same form as in “Mass point” (there equations (1 5)-(17)), one makes the following
For large distances the motion of the point occurs according to Newton’s law, with α/2k2
playing the rˆ ole of the attracting mass. Therefore α/2k2can be designated as “gravitational mass”
of our sphere.
If one lets a point fall from the rest at infinity down to the sur face of the sphere, the “naturally
measured” fall velocity takes the value:
Hence, due to (40):
va=sinχ a. (42)
For the Sun the fall velocity is about 1/500 the velocity of li ght. One easily satisfies himself
that, with the small value thus resulting for χaandχ(< χa), all our equations coincide with the
equations of Newton’s theory apart from the known second ord er Einstein’s effects.
3. For the ratio between the gravitational mass α/2k2and the substantial mass Mone finds
2sin2χa. (43)
With the growth of the fall velocity va(=sinχ a), the growth of the mass concentration lowers
the ratio between the gravitational mass and the substantia l mass. This becomes clear for the fact
thate. g. with constant mass and increasing density one has the transi tion to a smaller radius
with emission of energy (lowering of the temperature throug h radiation).
4. The velocity of light in our sphere is
3cosχ a−cosχ, (44)
hence it grows from the value 1 /cosχ aat the surface to the value 2 /(3cosχ a−1) at the center. The
value of the pressure quantity ρ0+paccording to (10) and (30) grows in direct proportion to the
velocity of light.
At the center of the sphere ( χ= 0) velocity of light and pressure become infinite when cosχ a=
1/3, and the fall velocity becomes/radicalbig
8/9 of the (naturally measured) velocity of light. Hence there
is a limit to the concentration, above which a sphere of incom pressible fluid can not exist. If one
would apply our equations to values cosχ a<1/3, one would get discontinuities already outside
8the center of the sphere. One can however find solutions of the problem for larger χa, which are
continuous at least outside the center of the sphere, if one g oes over to the case of either λ >0
orλ <0, and satisfies the condition K= 0 (Eq. 27). On the road of these solutions, that are
clearly not physically meaningful, since they give infinite pressure at the center, one can go over to
the limit case of a mass concentrated to one point, and retrie ves then the relation ρ=α3, which,
according to the previous study, holds for the mass point. It is further noticed here that one can
speak of a mass point only as far as one avails of the variable r, that otherwise in a surprising way
plays no rˆ ole for the geometry and for the motion inside our g ravitational field. For an observer
measuring from outside it follows from (40) that a sphere of g iven gravitational mass α/2k2can
not have a radius measured from outside smaller than:
For a sphere of incompressible fluid the limit will be 9/8α.(For the Sun αis equal to 3 km, for a
mass of 1 gram is equal to 1 .5·10−28cm.)
9 |
arXiv:physics/9912034v1 [physics.data-an] 16 Dec 1999Kalman Filter Track Fits and
Track Breakpoint Analysis
Pierre AstieraAlessandro CardinibRobert D. Cousinsb,1
Antoine Letessier-SelvonaBoris A. Popova,2
Tatiana Vinogradovab
aLPNHE, Laboratoire de Physique Nucl´ eaire et des Hautes Ene rgies,
Universit´ es de Paris 6 et 7, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.
bDepartment of Physics and Astronomy, University of Califor nia,
Los Angeles, California 90095, U.S.A.
We give an overview of track fitting using the Kalman filter met hod in the NOMAD
detector at CERN, and emphasize how the wealth of by-product information can
be used to analyze track breakpoints (discontinuities in tr ack parameters caused by
scattering, decay, etc.). After reviewing how this informa tion has been previously
exploited by others, we describe extensions which add power to breakpoint detection
and characterization. We show how complete fits to the entire track, with breakpoint
parameters added, can be easily obtained from the informati on from unbroken fits.
Tests inspired by the Fisher F-test can then be used to judge breakpoints. Signed
quantities (such as change in momentum at the breakpoint) ca n supplement un-
signed quantities such as the various chisquares. We illust rate the method with
electrons from real data, and with Monte Carlo simulations o f pion decays.
Key words: breakpoints, Kalman filter, track fitting
PACS code: 07.05.Kf
1 Introduction
The Kalman filter is an efficient algorithm for fitting tracks in particle spec-
trometers with many position-sensing detectors [1–6]. It c ures many of the
problems of traditional χ2track fitting using Newton steps, which becomes
1Email address: cousins@physics.ucla.edu
2on leave from the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR, 1419 80 Dubna, Russia.
Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Method s 14 December 1999more and more unwieldy as the number of position measurement s increases. In
such situations where Kalman filtering is naturally applied , it can be possible
to detect and characterize track breakpoints , defined as locations where one or
more of the track parameters is discontinuous. Obvious brea kpoints, such as
a large kink due to a particle decay, are often found before a f ull track fit is
performed. More subtle breakpoints may only manifest thems elves when the
track is fit to obtain the track parameters.
Fr¨ uhwirth[3] has investigated the detection of breakpoin ts using information
which is a natural by-product of a Kalman filter track fit. When fitting a drift-
chamber track with Nposition measurements (“hits”), the idea has been the
following. At the location of hit k, one has the best-fit track parameters (a)
using hits 1 through kand (b) using hits k+1 through N. One constructs a χ2
for the consistency of these two sets of track parameters. Th isχ2, along with
other χ2’s at hand from the two fits, can be combined to form test statis tics
for breakpoints.
Such methods suffer a loss of power because of two defects. Fir st,χ2’s by con-
struction throw away information about the arithmetic sign s of differences;
such information is relevant since a track’s momentum shoul d normally de-
crease when the particle decays.
Second, appropriate constraints of a breakpoint hypothesi s are not incorpo-
rated. For example, if a particle decays at hit k, a desired quantity is the
mismatch in track parameters describing the momentum vector, under the
constraint that the track position vector from fits (a) and (b) is identical.
In this paper, we describe a procedure which uses informatio n from the Kalman
filter fit to construct the result of a fulltrack fit which has additional track
parameters to account for the discontinuities at a breakpoi nt. It is natural
to allow for one, two, or three discontinuous parameters in o rder to describe
different physical processes:
Type I: An electron emitting a bremsstrahlung photon generally cha nges
only its momentum magnitude , since the photon is essentially collinear with
the electron direction.
Type II: A particle with a hard elastic scatter may have momentum mag-
nitude essentially unchanged, while changing the two angle s specifying di-
Type III: A charged pion or kaon decaying to µνin general changes mo-
mentum magnitude as well as the two angles.
With the method we describe, trial breakpoint fits at every hi t (away from
the ends) of the track can be quickly obtained, and used to sea rch for and
characterize breakpoints.
2Billoir [1] has investigated Type II breakpoints, performi ng fits which do not
assume an existing breakpointless fit. We show in this paper h ow the by-
products of a Kalman filter fit allow one to avoid refitting the h its while
incorporating the constraints.
We discuss these tools in the context of the NOMAD [7] neutrin o experiment
at CERN, within which this development took place. However, the results
are generally applicable to any experiment in which the numb er of position
measurements is large enough to fit the track on both sides of t he potential
In Sec. 2 we introduce some notation and describe our track pa rameters and
track models, including energy loss. In Sec. 3 a review of the traditional (non-
Kalman) track fit is given. Sec. 4 describes its replacement b y the Kalman
filter. In Sec. 5, we briefly review previous work on breakpoin t variables. In
Sec. 6, we introduce the new breakpoint variables, and in Sec . 7, we present
some indicative results of their use. We conclude in Sec. 8.
2 Track parameters and track models
2.1 Parameters
When fitting a track, one typically describes its location in 6D phase space
by choosing a fixed reference surface (a vacuum window, chamb er plane, etc.)
and then fitting for the 5 independent parameters of the track at the position
where the track intersects this surface . We let the vector xcontain these track
parameters. In a fixed-target experiment with beam directio n along the zaxis,
the parameterization of xis often taken to be
x= (x, y,dx/dz,dy/dz, q/p) (1)
at a reference plane at fixed z, where q/pis the charge/momentum.
NOMAD is a fixed-target experiment with drift chamber planes perpendicular
to the zdirection (nearly aligned with the neutrino beam). However , the
chambers are immersed in a uniform magnetic field3, so that soft tracks often
loop back, and a helical parameterization similar to collid er experiments is
3Sense wires of one chamber make angles of +5, 0 and –5 degrees w ith respect
to the magnetic field direction providing a space measuremen t along coordinates
designated u,y, and v.
3YParticle's trajectoryB
tan λϕ
Fig. 1. Definition of the helix parameters used to describe ch arged particle trajectory
in the NOMAD setup.
more appropriate. We maintain the reference surface as a pla ne with fixed z
(thezof the first hit of the track), and specify a track there by
x= (x, y,1/R,tanλ, φ, t), (2)
where we have introduced the three parameters of a helical cu rve in the uni-
form magnetic field: the signed4inverse radius of curvature 1 /R, the dip angle
tanλ, and the angle of rotation φ(see Fig. 1). In addition to these 5 traditional
parameters, NOMAD has a sixth parameter, the zero-time-offs et for the drift
chamber measurements, called t. It has been introduced because of trigger
time jitters. In the following, unless specified otherwise, track parameters will
refer to this second parameterization.
The parameter 1 /Ris related to the momentum pby
1 + (tan λ)2, (3)
while the sign of (1 /R) only reflects the particle charge if the time runs the
right way along the track. In NOMAD the sign convention we use d implied
that the product R·φincreases with time along the assumed time direction
given by the ordering of the measurements along the track.
4In NOMAD, 1 /Rhas a sign opposite to the particle charge.
4Throughout our work, we use a change in 1 /Ras an indicator of a change
inp; this is strictly true only when the change in tan λis negligible, but is
an adequate approximation. (Inhomogeneity in the magnetic field B does not
matter, since we compare 1 /Restimates at the same point.)
With this parameterization, the three physical processes e numerated in the
Introduction have the following breakpoint signatures:
Type I: An electron emitting a bremsstrahlung photon has a disconti nuity
in 1/R.
Type II: A pion with a hard elastic scatter has discontinuities in tan λand
Type III: A charged pion or kaon decaying to µνhas discontinuities in 1 /R,
tanλ, and φ.
From the estimation of the track parameters at the reference plane one needs
a transformation, called the track model, with which one com putes the ex-
pected measurements at any position in the detector. This mo del describes
the dependence of the measurements on the initial values in t he ideal case of
no measurement errors and of deterministic interactions of the particle with
matter. Use of a correct description is of the utmost importa nce for the per-
formance of the fitting procedure, be it traditional or not.
2.2 Equation of motion in a magnetic field
The trajectory of a charged particle in a (static) magnetic fi eld is determined
by the following equation of motion:
d2r/d2s= (kq/p)·( dr/ds)×B(r(s)), (4)
where ris the position vector, sis the path length, kis a constant of propor-
tionality, qis the (signed) charge of the particle, pis the absolute value of its
momentum, and B(r) is the static magnetic field.
With our parameterization it proved convenient to use φas the running param-
eter rather than zsince particles may loop back in the detector and cross the
same measurement plane several times. The equation of motio n can be readily
integrated along a trajectory step (from position 0 to posit ion 1) where Rand
tanλare assumed constant.
x1=x0+R0·tanλ·(φ1−φ0) (5)
y1=y0+R0·(cosφ1−cosφ0) (6)
z1=z0+R0·(sinφ1−sinφ0) (7)
5R1=R0 (8)
tanλ1= tan λ0 (9)
t1=t0+R0·(φ1−φ0)/(βcosλ0). (10)
In the last equation, βis the particle velocity and R·∆φhas the right sign
following our convention.
In NOMAD, detector measurement planes are located at fixed zand Eqn. 7
can be solved,
sinφ1= sinφ0+ (z1−z0)·(1/R0), (11)
to obtain φ1at the desired z. In practice, among all the possible solutions,
our track model returns the one corresponding to the next cro ssing in the
requested time direction.
The magnetic field strength varies by a few percent in the trac king volume.
This was accommodated by ignoring the minor components of th e field and
updating 1 /Rat every tracking step so that the product R·Bremains constant,
up to energy losses which are now discussed.
2.3 Energy losses
The ionization losses are accounted for by updating 1 /Rat every tracking
∆(1/R) =d(1/R)
dx∆φ (12)
where ∆ φ=φend−φstart, and where d E/dxis given by the Bethe-Bloch
equation, evaluated (by default) with the pion mass, and a lo cal matter density
extracted from the detector model used in the GEANT [8] simul ation of the
experiment. In the central tracker part of the detector, the matter density is
about 0.1 g/cm3: the ionization loss model does not need to include detailed
relativistic corrections.
In NOMAD, bremsstrahlung losses should be accounted for (on average) in the
track model for electron tracks, because the central tracke r amounts to about
1 radiation length ( X0). In the electron (and positron) track model, one adds
5The absolute value derives from our sign conventions, so tha t a track gains energy
if tracked backwards in time.
6to the ionization losses (evaluated with the electron mass) bremsstrahlung
∆(1/R) =∆φ
β2X0cosλ, (13)
where we can readily approximate β= 1. As expressed, these losses include
the whole radiated photon spectrum, although beyond a certa in threshold, the
radiated photons can be detected in the downstream electrom agnetic calorime-
ter, or sometimes as a conversion pair in the tracker. But no c onvincing way
was found to define a threshold that separates continuous sma ll losses from
accidental big ones.
3 Traditional track fits
Given the track model and an estimate ( x0) of the parameters at the refer-
ence position, one can compute at each measurement location in the detector
(labeled k= 1, . . .N ) the theoretical “ ideal measurements ” which would be
made in the absence of fluctuations due to the two categories o f “noise”: pro-
cess noise (multiple scattering, bremsstrahlung, etc.) an d measurement noise
(detector resolution). This computation is represented by the system equation
in the absence of noise,
xk=fk(x0), (14)
where fis a deterministic function (the track model) giving the val ues of the
parameters at each location k.
In general the set of parameters xkis not measured directly by the apparatus;
only a function of it, hk(xk), is observed. (In our case hkis a drift chamber
position measurement.) Let
mk=hk(xk) +εk (15)
be the measurement equation where εkrepresents the measurement errors.
By convention, ∝an}bracketle{tmk∝an}bracketri}ht=hk(xk) and ∝an}bracketle{tεi∝an}bracketri}ht= 0. In practice, one has to check
that the track model (involved in the calculation of xk) and the measurement
function hkfulfill this convention.
7In a traditional (non-Kalman) track fit, one calculates the N×Ncovariance
matrix of the measurements6:
ij=∝an}bracketle{t(mi−hi(xi))(mj−hj(xj))∝an}bracketri}ht, (16)
where the angle-brackets represent an average over an ensem ble of tracks with
the same track parameters x. According to the Gauss-Markov theorem, the
minimization of
trk(x) = (m−h(x))T[V(m)]−1(m−h(x)) (17)
yields parameter estimates with minimum variance among all linear unbiased
Note that when the parameter evolution is not affected by any s tochastic noise
(as assumed by Eq. 14), V(m)
ij=∝an}bracketle{tεiεj∝an}bracketri}htis diagonal (at least block diagonal, if
the apparatus provides multidimensional correlated measu rements), and may
depend weakly on xvia the detector response (for example, the spatial reso-
lution of drift chambers depends on the track angle w.r.t the anode plane).
The system equation becomes non deterministic when the trac k experiences
stochastic processes such as multiple scattering, bremsst rahlung or ionization
losses. The system equation (Eq. 14) becomes :
xk=fk(x0) +wk (18)
where wkis a random vector representing the fluctuation of the parame ters
along the path from location 0 to location k. This process noise translates, via
the track model, into off-diagonal elements in V(m)(the noise from location 0
tokdepends on the noise from location 0 to k−1 and k−1 tok).
More importantly, V(m)now depends on the reference location z0at which the
parameters will be estimated. Of course the average value of the perturbing
effects have to be included in fkbut the fluctuations (e.g. track scattering or
energy loss straggling when relevant) have to be described b y the p.d.f of wk.
In fact only the covariance matrix of the wkis needed in practice. (See Sec. 4.)
Given particular data m, the track fit consists in finding the value of xwhich
minimizes Eq. 17. Minimization is typically an iterative pr ocess with some
convergence criteria to decide when to stop iterating. The m atrixV(m)can
be calculated by Monte Carlo techniques or sometimes analyt ically. If one is
6The superscript in parentheses in V(m)is to make clear which vector it corre-
sponds to; this will be the convention in this paper.
8fortunate, the calculation depends only weakly on x, so it can be done once
per fit using the initial guess for x, and not changed at each iteration. Note
that the N×Nmatrix V(m)must be inverted, where Nis the number of
measurement positions.
trk(written without explicit argument x) be the minimum value after
convergence of the minimization procedure and /hatwidexthe value of the estimated
parameters (the value of xat the minimum). The covariance matrix of the
estimates is then approximated by the inverse of the curvatu re matrix at the
minimum :
A traditional fit gives the track parameters /hatwidexonlyat the fixedreference z0, say
at the beginning of the track. In order to find the best-fit trac k parameters at
theendof the track, one has to recompute V(m)using the new reference and
perform a completely independent fit. Due to multiple scatte ring, the results
of two fits using different reference z0’s are notrelated by the track model,
and cannot be obtained from one another. This effect is alread y present in a
perfectly linear ideal case, where the detector resolution does not depend on
x. It just reflects the fact that the weights of measurements to estimate the
track parameters depend (eventually strongly) on z0.
This is unfortunate, since in practice, track extrapolatio n is often desired from
both ends of the track. Furthermore, optimal track estimate s at every possible
sensor position can be quite useful, either to detect outlie rs efficiently, or to
optimally collect hits left over during a first pass.
Finally, if one attempts such a traditional track fit in an exp eriment with large
N(such as NOMAD, where Nranges up to 150) Ncan be too big to make
inversion of V(m)practical.
Given these difficulties, in NOMAD the Kalman filter was implem ented in-
stead [9].
4 The Kalman Filter
The Kalman filter is a least-squares stepwise parameter esti mation technique.
Originally developed in the early 60’s to predict rocket tra jectories from a
set of their past positions, it can be used to handle multiple scattering while
estimating track parameters. We try here to briefly shed ligh t on the features of
9the Kalman filter for track fitting and refer to the literature for more details [1–
The Kalman filter technique gives, mathematically speaking , exactly the same
result as a standard least squares minimization. In the fram ework of track fit-
ting, it essentially avoids big matrix inversion and provid es almost for free an
optimal estimate of track parameters at any location, allow ing the detection
of outlying measurements, extrapolation and interpolatio n into other subde-
The set of parameters xis called the state vector in Kalman filtering.
Starting from Eq. 18 we rewrite the system equation in a stepw ise form, where
the state vector at location kis obtained from its value at previous location7
xk=fk(xk−1) +wk (20)
We shall assume in the following that both wkandεk(the measurement
errors from Eq. 15) are independent random variables with me an 0 and a
finite covariance matrix.
Linearizing the system in the vicinity of xk−1, one obtains:
fk(xk−1) =Fk·xk−1 (21)
hk(xk) =Hk·xk (22)
for the track model and the measurement equation.
We can now recall keywords used in the Kalman filter estimatio n technique:
•Prediction is the estimation of the state vector at a “future” time, that is
the estimation of the state vector at time or position ( k+ 1) using all the
measurements up to and including mk.
•Filtering is estimating the “present” state vector based upon all pres ent
and “past” measurements. For Forward filtering, this means estimating track
parameters at kusing measurements up to and including mk. ForBackward
filtering, this means estimating track parameters at kusing the measure-
ments mNdown to mk.
7One has to assume that the measurements are ordered with resp ect to time to
handle multiple scattering because the covariance matrix o f measurement residuals
depends on this order. Without multiple scattering, the ord ering does not affect the
filter result as in the case of a traditional fit.
10•Filter. The algorithm which performs filtering is called a filter and i s built
incrementally: filtering m1tomkconsists in filtering m1tomk−1, propa-
gating the track from mk−1tomkand including mk. A filter can proceed
forward ( kincreases) or backward ( kdecreases).
•Smoothing means using all the measurements to provide a track param-
eter estimate at any position. The smoothed estimate can be o btained as
a weighted mean of two filtered estimates: the first one using m1tomk
(forward), the other using mNtomk+1(backward).8
One can understand the basic idea of the Kalman filter in the fo llowing way.
If there is an estimate of the state vector at time (location) tk−1, it is extrap-
olated to time tkby means of the system equation. The estimate at time tk
is then computed as the weighted mean of the predicted state v ector and of
the actual measurement at time tk, according to the measurement equation.
The information contained in this estimate can be passed bac k to all previous
estimates by means of a second filter running backwards or by t he smoother.
The main formulas for our linear dynamic system are the follo wing:
System equation:
xk=Fk·xk−1+wk (23)
E{wk}= 0,cov{wk}=Qk(1≤k≤N) (24)
Measurement equation:
mk=Hk·xk+εk (25)
E{εk}= 0,cov{εk}=Vk=G−1
k(1≤k≤N) (26)
where the matrices QkandVkrepresent the process noise (multiple scatter-
ing, bremsstrahlung, etc.) and measurement noise (detecto r resolution) re-
spectively. The details of Qkcalculation for the parameterization adopted in
NOMAD can be found in Ref. [10].
As an example we include here the formulas for making a predic tion:
8This leads to a subtlety in practice, when we actually have in hand the forward
and backward filter estimates at k; averaging these would lead to double-counting
the information from mk. Hence, to be proper, one must unfilter mkfrom one of the
estimates. This small correction is implemented in our smoo ther and in the quantity
χ2 (FB)
kdiscussed below, but was deemed negligible and never implem ented in the
other breakpoint quantities.
11•Extrapolation of the state vector:
•Extrapolation of the covariance matrix:
•Predicted residuals:
•Covariance matrix of the predicted residuals:
Using the Kalman filter, the computer time consumed for a trac k fit is propor-
tional to the number of hits on the track, while with the tradi tional technique
it is proportional to the cube of the same number in case of mul tiple scattering.
After the Kalman fitting procedure one has the following avai lable informa-
tion :
k: the Forward and Backward estimates of the state vector at
position k, i.e., the estimate of the track parameters at location kusing
measurements 1 up to k(forward) or Ndown to k(backward).
•χ2 (F)
kandχ2 (B)
k: the minimum χ2value of the forward and backward fits
up to measurement k.
•V(/hatwidexk,F)andV(/hatwidexk,B): the covariance matrices of /hatwidexF
trkandV(/hatwidexk): the same quantities, determined from the smoothed
estimates, the equivalent of a full fit done at location k. Note that the χ2
minimum does not depends on the location at which the paramet er are
estimated ( χ2
trkfor/hatwidexkis independent of k).
Thus, much information exists as the by-product of a track fit : at every hit
on the track away from the ends, we have the results of three fit s for the track
parameters at that hit: a fit to the part of the track upstream, a fit to the part
of the track downstream, and a fit to the whole track. This info rmation is the
input to breakpoint analyses.
5 Earlier Applications to Breakpoint Searches
A natural way to compare /hatwidexF
kis discussed by R. Fr¨ uhwirth [3] and
was implemented in NOMAD tracking [9,11] before developing our extensions.
One simply constructs the χ2of the mismatch of all the forward-backward
parameters at each hit k:
χ2 (FB)
k = (/hatwidexB
k). (27)
12The value of χ2 (FB)
k is easily computed from the following relationship which
holds for any k:
trk=χ2 (F)
k+χ2 (B)
k+χ2 (FB)
k. (28)
After the track fit, we find the hit kfor which χ2 (FB)
k is a maximum, i.e.,
for which the forward-backward mismatch in track parameter s has greatest
significance; we call this maximum value /tildewideχ2 (FB). One can assign a breakpoint
at that kthere if /tildewideχ2 (FB)is above some threshold. Fr¨ uhwirth also investigated
various combinations of /tildewideχ2 (FB)withχ2 (F)
k,χ2 (B)
k, and degrees of freedom in
the track fits, but concluded that /tildewideχ2 (FB)was his best breakpoint test statistic
6 Some Additional Breakpoint Variables Based on Constraine d
Fits to the Specific Breakpoint Types
One may suspect that previously defined breakpoint tests do n ot make optimal
use of the available information. Any χ2quantity is by definition insensitive to
the arithmetic sign of differences, while in the processes of interest, a decrease
in the momentum is expected. Furthermore, χ2 (FB)
k mixes all the parameter
mismatch information together. The signed forward-backwa rd mismatch in
single quantities such as 1 /Rcan be examined, but it has the problem that
the other 5 parameters are not constrained to be the same. (Ph ysical changes in
1/Rcan result, for example, in fitted mismatches in φas well as 1 /R.) Finally,
an optimal test should use a more fully developed breakpoint hypothesis, so
that a more meaningful comparison of χ2’s, with and without breakpoints,
can take place.
6.1 Constrained Fits to Breakpoints
Here we show how to obtain and examine the result that one woul d get by
doing a traditional fit which uses allhits,but which allows a subset of the track
parameters to be discontinuous at a particular hit k. We parameterize the full
track with 1 to 3 added parameters in order to incorporate bre akpoints of
Types I, II, and III at hit k. E.g., for Type I, we replace the parameter 1 /R
by two parameters, a forward value 1 /RFjust before hit kand a back value
1/RBjust after hit k. Thus, our fits to the 3 breakpoint types have 7, 8, and 9
parameters, respectively. We denote these sets with breakp oints by αrather
thanx, and they are, respectively for the three types:
13αI={x, y,1/RF,1/RB,tanλ, φ, t }, (29)
αII={x, y,1/R,tanλF,tanλB, φF, φB, t}, (30)
αIII={x, y,1/RF,1/RB,tanλF,tanλB, φF, φB, t}. (31)
For definiteness, we discuss here the concept in terms of a Typ e I breakpoint.
One can imagine a cumbersome procedure whereby one puts a Typ e I break-
point at a particular hitk, and performs a traditional χ2track fit (with 7
parameters in our case) to allthe hits of the track, minimizing the full Type
I track’s χ2, which we call
full,I,k(αI). (32)
One would obtain the best estimate of αI, its covariance matrix, and the min-
imum value of χ2
full,I,k, all for a breakpoint at that particular hit k. One could
then repeat this for each possible value of k, obtaining numerous potential
track-with-breakpoint fits.
Essentially the same set of results can be obtained far more economically by
starting from the results /hatwidexF
kand /hatwidexB
kat each kwhich already exist as by-
products of the Kalman filter fit. These results carry all the i nformation that
we need, since their error matrices contain the information (up to linear ap-
proximation) on how χ2 (F)
kandχ2 (B)
kchange when the track parameters
change. We need only perform a linear χ2minimization in which {/hatwidexF
(now playing the role of the “measured data”) is compared to t he Type I
breakpoint model prediction HIαI.HIis the model matrix with 12 rows and
7 columns containing only zeros and ones :
HIαI={(x, y,1/RF,tanλ, φ, t),(x, y,1/RB,tanλ, φ, t)}. (33)
Or, introducing the two 6 ×7 submatrices HF
IαI). (34)
Since our 12 pieces of “measured data” {/hatwidexF
k}are two independent sets of
6 parameters with their corresponding covariance matrices , the appropriate
chisquare can be written as :
χ2 (FB)
k(α) = ( /hatwidexF
+ (/hatwidexB
k−HBα). (35)
(Here and below, we suppress the subscript I since the equati ons are true for
all breakpoint types, with Eqns. 33 and 34 suitably changed. )
14The full χ2of Eq. 32 can be written as :
full,I,k(α) = (m−h(Hα))T/bracketleftBig
k/bracketrightBig−1(m−h(Hα)) (36)
where V(m)
kis the block diagonal matrix containing the covariance matr ix
k of the measurements ( m1. . .m k) and the covariance matrix V(m,B)
k of
the measurement ( mk+1. . .m N).
As shown in Appendix A, χ2 (FB)
k(α) of Eqn. 35 is related to χ2
full,I,k(α) of
Eqn. 36 in a revealing way. At each hit k,
full,I,k(α) =χ2 (F)
k+χ2 (B)
k+χ2 (FB)
k(α), (37)
subject to sufficient linearity in the fits. Thus by finding the m inimum of
χ2 (FB)
k(α), we find the minimum of χ2
full,I,k(α), since χ2 (F)
kandχ2 (B)
The minimum of χ2 (FB)
k(α) is obtained without iteration since the model
relating αto{/hatwidexF
k}is linear. The set of estimated parameters is given by :
k)−1X (38)
kis the block diagonal matrix containing V(/hatwidexk,F)and
V(/hatwidexk,B); and where the covariance matrix for the new estimate, V(/hatwideαk), is given
by :
. (39)
The value of χ2 (FB)
k at its minimum is
χ2 (FB)
k(/hatwideα) =−/parenleftbigg
·/hatwideα. (40)
Since the elements of Hare mostly 0, and the rest equal to 1, the multiplica-
tions by HandHTwere done by hand before coding the software; elements
of (V(/hatwidex)
k)−1have only one or two simple terms.
The computer time to perform the Type I, II, and III breakpoin t fits at all hits
k(away from the track ends) was a negligible addition (few per cent) to the
NOMAD track finding and fitting software. This added time was m ore than
paid back by the speedup in matrix inversion which was obtain ed by explicitly
unrolling the loops in the DSINV routine from CERNLIB [13].
156.2 Breakpoint Variables Based on the Constrained Fits
From the wealth of information thus available at each hit, we discuss two
of the most useful categories: 1) signed differences, in sigm a, of breakpoint
parameters, and 2) χ2comparisons based on the Fisher F-test.
As an example, for Type III breakpoint fits, we let DIII,k(1/R) be the forward-
backward difference in 1 /R, divided by its standard deviation (sigma, com-
puted from the covariance matrix taking account of errors in both quantities
and their correlations). This signed quantity effectively gives the significance,
in sigma, of the jump in momentum at that hit. Similar quantit ies, with analo-
gous notation, are calculated for all components of α, for all breakpoint Types.
Thus, for bremsstrahlung studies, DI,k(1/R) gives the momentum change un-
der the constraint that all other track parameters are conti nuous at hit k.
TheFisher Fstatistic [14] is appropriate for testing if adding parameters yields
a statistically significant reduction in the χ2of a fit. It is simply the ratio of
the respective χ2/dof for the two versions of the fits. Thus we naturally apply
it to our track fits with and without breakpoint parameters. F or example, for
NOMAD’s Type I fits, we have at each hit,
FI,k= (χ2
trk/(N−6)); (41)
we similarly define FII,kandFIII,k.
For a true breakpoint at a given hitk, each Fstatistic in principle obeys the
standard significance-table distributions [14]. However, we normally search
through all hits in a track for the lowest value of F, denoted/tildewideF. This lowest
value does not of course follow the usual significance-table values. Hence, as a
practical matter, we use data or Monte Carlo events to measur e the distribu-
tion of/tildewideFand the effect of tests based on it.
7 Effectiveness of the additional breakpoint variables
The effectiveness of any breakpoint search is of course highl y dependent on
details of hardware (e.g., number and quality of the positio n measurements)
and software (e.g., how many tracks with breakpoints are rec onstructed as a
single track). We present for illustration some experience with the NOMAD
detector, using both simulated and real data events.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Breakpoint χ2 (FB)
kArbitrary units
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
DI,k(1/R)Arbitrary units
Fig. 2. Test of breakpoint search criteria using real data (m uons producing
δ-electrons in the NOMAD setup). Comparison of breakpoint ch isquare ( χ2 (FB)
and normalized difference between curvatures in backward an d forward directions
((1/RB−1/RF)/(σ1/R)) for muons (solid line) and electrons (dashed line). In bot h
electron distributions, the excess on the right is evidence of potential breakpoints.
7.1 Electron identification and reconstruction
Algorithms developed for electron identification and recon struction have been
checked under running conditions using δ-electrons produced by straight-
through muons (5 GeV < pµ<50 GeV) crossing the NOMAD detector during
slow-extracted beam between neutrino spills. This sample o f selected electrons
from real data can be used to check the subdetector responses compared to
simulations and to tune breakpoint search criteria taking i nto account the
effect of the drift chambers alignment quality (see Fig. 2).
A special approach to deal with electrons emitting bremsstr ahlung photons
(Type I breakpoints) in the NOMAD detector has been develope d [10]. If one
has identified a reconstructed track in drift chambers as bei ng an electron9,
9Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) is used for electron id entification in the
17Fig. 3. A reconstructed event from real data (the projection onto the yzplane, in
which tracks bend) before an attempt to apply the breakpoint search algorithm.
The track at the bottom was identified as an electron by TRD. Th e triangles are
track extrapolations used to search for more hits and to matc h information from
different subdetectors.
Fig. 4. The same event as before after applying a recursive br eakpoint search al-
gorithm. Two breakpoints are found along the electron traje ctory and they are
associated with two photons (dashed lines): one built out of a conversion inside the
drift chambers fiducial volume and the other from a stand-alo ne cluster in electro-
magnetic calorimeter. The bars on the right are proportiona l to energy deposition
in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
then hard bremsstrahlung photons can be looked for and neutr al tracks can
be created requiring further matching with preshower and el ectromagnetic
calorimeter. A successful application of this approach to a n event from real
data is shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. A recursive breakpoint sear ch algorithm has
been applied to a track identified as an electron. As a result t wo breakpoints
NOMAD experiment.
18have been found, each associated with an observed hard brems strahlung pho-
ton (one of which converts to a reconstructed e+e−pair). When applying the
breakpoint search algorithm to an electron track one must ke ep in mind a
potential problem related to a possible presence of several kinks along the tra-
jectory (since it can bias the calculation of variables used for the breakpoint
search). Details are in Ref. [10].
7.2 Studies using simulated pion decays
As another example of using the breakpoint variables descri bed in Sec. 6.2,
we compare several tests for detecting the Type III breakpoi nt (discontinuity
of 1/R, tanλ, and φ) of the decay π→µν, and for locating the position of
the decay.
The results shown here are for Monte Carlo (MC) simulation [7 ] of muon neu-
trino interactions in the NOMAD detector. From the collabor ation’s standard
MC samples, we selected two samples of reconstructed tracks :
•25000 pions which did not decay and which were reconstructed .
•2000 pions which did decay via π→µν, and for which a single track was
reconstructed consisting of hits left by boththe pion and the muon.
Neither of these two samples contains the pion decays which w ere broken
into separate tracks by the track-finding algorithm, with a v ertex assigned at
the decay point. The selected tracks were chosen to have more than 20 hits
(N > 20) and no backward looping, and with the MC pion decays withi n
these hits. Track-finding mistakes (for example use of hits f rom other tracks
in the event) were included, but to obtain the pion track, we r equired that at
least 90% of the hits be correctly assigned.
Figure 5 contains histograms of momentum ×charge for the two samples. In
order to have samples with similar momenta, we consider here only tracks
with momentum less than 6 GeV.
Figure 6 shows, for one of the decaying negative pion tracks, the values of
χ2 (FB)
k,FIII,k,DIII,k(1/R) and DIII,k(φ) at every hit where they are computed.
They are plotted at the z-positions of the hits, which in the NOMAD detector
are every few cm. The decay point in the MC is indicated by the l ine at 360
cm. The dotted lines are at the z-positions of the extreme values (maximum
or minimum, as relevant for a breakpoint) of the respective v ariables. Near the
MC decay point, both χ2 (FB)
k andFIII,kreach their extreme values, indicating
respectively: a large forward-backward mismatch in the Kal man fits, and a
marked improvement in the track χ2by adding a three-parameter breakpoint.
The sign of the change in 1 /Rcorresponds to a decrease in momentum, as
-20 -10 0 10 20Pion tracks
Momentum × q, GeVEntries
-20 -10 0 10 20Pion decays
Momentum × q, GeVEntries
Fig. 5. Histogram of momentum ×charge for simulated pions without decay (left)
and with decay (right).
expected in a decay. DIII,k(φ) also shows an extremum near the breakpoint;
however, we have generally not used it as the primary breakpo int indicator.
7.3 Tests for Existence of a Breakpoint
For testing the existence of a breakpoint, we compare the fol lowing test statis-
•χ2/dof for the breakpointless fit. (This test gives no additiona l information
on the location of the breakpoint.)
•/tildewideχ2 (FB). The breakpoint is located at the maximum value of the forwar d-
backward mismatch chisquare ( χ2 (FB)
k) for breakpointless fit among hits in
the track;
•/tildewideF. The breakpoint is located at the minimum value Fisher Famong hits in
the track (applicable separately to the different breakpoin t types if desired).
•/tildewideFIIIcombined with the forward-backward mismatch in radius of th e curva-
tureDIII,k(1/R) or angle DIII,k(φ)./tildewideFIIIgives the breakpoint location and
DIII,k(1/R),DIII,k(φ) are computed at that location.
Fig. 7 contains histograms of χ2
trk/dof, /tildewideχ2
full,I/dof, /tildewideχ2
full,II/dof, and /tildewideχ2
for decaying and non-decaying pions, with the means shown. T heχ2/dof is
in general reduced by adding breakpoint parameters. A measu re of the signif-
icance of the improvement is the Fisher F(Eq. 41), which is shown in Fig. 8
for the same fits. Also shown in Fig. 8 is a histogram of /tildewideχ2 (FB), the maximum
forward-backward mismatch from the breakpointless fit.
200 250 300 350 400
Zhit , cmχ∼2 (FB)
200 250 300 350 400
Zhit , cmFIII,k
200 250 300 350 400
Zhit , cmDIII,k(1/R)
200 250 300 350 400
Zhit , cmDIII,k(φ)
Fig. 6. /tildewideχ2 (FB),FIII,k,DIII,k(1/R) and DIII,k(φ) as a function of the zof the DC
hit. The MC decay point is shown in solid line.
From the histograms in Fig. 8, one can calculate the efficiency of labeling tracks
as pion decays using “cuts” on these variables. For tabulati ng a comparison,
we choose a cut value for/tildewideFsuch that 10% of non-decaying pions are falsely
called pion decays. We then find the efficiency for identifying real pion decays,
i.e., the percentage of pion decay tracks which are called pi on decays when
using the same cut value. This cut value in principle depends on the dof, but
for illustration we use the same cut value for all track lengt hs. The results
are given in the first five columns of Table 1. We include for com parison the
result for testing for pion decay simply by using χ2
trk/dof, i.e., the test one
would naturally use if one had only a traditional non-Kalman track fit. As
observed by Fr¨ uhwirth [3], this test is quite competitive w ith the /tildewideχ2 (FB)-test
for detecting the existence of a breakpoint, even though it g ives no information
about the location. The highest efficiency is obtained using/tildewideFIII. We find this
to be true for various other comparisons, although one is cau tioned that the
0 1 2 3
trk /dofEntriesMeandecays 1.28
Meanno decays 1.00
0 1 2 3
full,I /dofEntriesMeandecays 1.03
Meanno decays 0.93
0 1 2 3
full,II /dofEntriesMeandecays 1.07
Meanno decays 0.91
0 1 2 3
full,III /dofEntriesMeandecays 0.99
Meanno decays 0.90
Fig. 7. Histograms of χ2
full,II/dof, and /tildewideχ2
full,III/dof for the sample
of pion decays (shaded) and pions with no decay (white). The s amples are normal-
ized to the same number of events.
particular efficiencies listed are for the sample of decaying pions which were
not detected by the standard track finding/fitting, and are he nce expected to
be highly experiment-dependent.
Next we add the signed information available in the new fits: t he difference
in radius of curvature DIII,k(1/R), and/or the angular differences DIII,k(φ)
andDIII,k(tanλ). We recommend that DIII,k(1/R) not be used to locate the
breakpoint, but rather we evaluate this difference at the loc ation dictated
by/tildewideFIII. Fig. 9 contains scatter plots of/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(1/R) for decays and
non-decays. Because true decays have a decrease in momentum , a judicious
cut on this scatter plot is more effective than a cut solely on/tildewideFIII. An even
more powerful technique is to construct likelihood functio ns based on these 2D
densities, and use the constructed likelihood ratio as a tes t of pion decay. The
0 20 40 60 80 100
χ∼2 (FB)Entries-decays
-no decays
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
Fig. 8. Histograms of the /tildewideχ2 (FB)and/tildewideFI,/tildewideFII,/tildewideFIIIfor pion decays (shaded) and
pions with no decay (white).
Table 1
Efficiency of the detection of pion decays, using the various t est statistics. The first
five columns are for simple cuts on the respective variables. The last column is for
a cut on a 2D likelihood-ratio test for/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(1/R) described in the text. The
cut value for each test is chosen so that 10% of non-decaying p ions are wrongly
called decays. The efficiency is computed with respect to the s ample which contains
only tracks which were not detected as decaying by the origin al track-finding/fitting
trk/dof /tildewideχ2 (FB)/tildewideFI/tildewideFII/tildewideFIII/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(1/R)
45% 41% 38% 40% 49% 56%
-10 -5 0 5 10
DIII,k (1/R)F∼
-10 -5 0 5 10
DIII,k (1/R)F∼
IIIno decays
-10 -5 0 5 10
DIII,k (φ)F∼
-10 -5 0 5 10
DIII,k (φ)F∼
IIIno decays
Fig. 9./tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(1/R) and/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(φ) histograms for the pion decays and
pion with no decays simulated tracks. In order to superimpos e negative and positive
tracks on the same plots, we have changed the sign of DIII,k(1/R) for one charge.
(Recall that 1/R is a signed quantity reflecting the charge of the track.)
result of such a procedure (applied with simple smoothing of the 2D densities,
and tested on an independent sample) is given in the last colu mn of Table 1.
The improvement over previous breakpoint tests [3] is most s ignificant. Nearly
as good efficiencies are obtained from scatter plots of/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(φ) (also
shown in Fig. 9), and from/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(tanλ).
7.4 Finding the Location of the Breakpoint
One may also ask which of the variables gives the best determi nation of the
location of the breakpoint. We studied in particular the diff erence between the
-200 0 200
Z(χ∼2 (FB)) - Z(MC), cmEntries
-200 0 200
III) - Z(MC), cmEntries
Fig. 10. /tildewideχ2 (FB)and/tildewideFIIIresolutions for MC pion decay sample in z. The white
histograms are for the initial sample; the shaded histogram s are for events in which
detected breakpoints passed the selection criteria.
MC decay point and the zposition of the hit corresponding to the extrema
/tildewideχ2 (FB)or/tildewideFIII. These are histogrammed in Fig. 10 for pions which decay. The
white histograms show the resolution for the initial sample s, with no selection
made using /tildewideχ2 (FB)or (/tildewideFIIIvsDIII,k(1/R)). The shaded histograms show the
(more relevant) resolutions for tracks remaining after dec ay selection using the
respective variables. There was not a significant difference , within the limited
scope of this study.
8 Conclusions
Replacement of mismatch chisquare for all the forward-back ward parameters
by the breakpoint variables introduced in Sec. 6.2 can give a dded power to
breakpoint detection in the framework of Kalman filtering te chnique. We show
in particular above that this is the case in a realistic simul ation of pion decays
in the NOMAD detector. In addition, these breakpoint variab les have been
successfully used to reconstruct electron hard bremsstrah lung in real data. As
expected on theoretical grounds, our most powerful breakpo int detection is
based on a scatter plot of a Fisher F-test vs. an appropriate signed difference
of a track parameter across the breakpoint.
This work was performed within the NOMAD collaboration and h ence bene-
fited from numerous aspects of NOMAD’s simulation and event r econstruction
codes. The authors are grateful to Emmanuel Gangler, Kyan Sc hahmaneche,
and Jean Gosset for their contributions to the NOMAD Kalman fi lter. We
gratefully acknowledge some early investigations by Mai Vo [11] on track
breakpoints in NOMAD.
[1] P. Billoir, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 225, 352 (1984);
[2] P. Billoir, R. Fr¨ uhwirth and M. Regler, Nucl. Instr. Met h. A241 (1985) 115-131.
[3] F. Fr¨ uhwirth, “Application of Filter Methods to the Rec onstruction of Tracks
and Vertices in Events of Experimental High Energy Physics” , HEPHY-PUB
516/88 (Vienna, Dec. 1988)
[4] P. Billoir and S. Qian, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A294 (1990) 219 -228; P. Billoir and
S. Qian, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A295 (1990) 492-500.
[5] D. Stampfer, M. Regler and R. Fr¨ uhwirth, “Track fitting w ith energy loss,”
Comput. Phys. Commun. 79 (1994) 157-164.
[6] M. Regler, R. Fr¨ uhwirth and W. Mitaroff, “Filter methods in track and vertex
reconstruction,” J. Phys. G G22, 521 (1996).
[7] NOMAD Collaboration, J. Altegoer et al., Nucl. Instr. an d Meth. A 404 (1998)
96; NOMAD Collaboration, J. Altegoer, et al., Phys. Lett. B 4 31 (1998) 219;
NOMAD Collaboration, P. Astier, et al., Phys. Lett. B 453 (19 99) 169.
[8] GEANT : Detector Description and Simulation Tool, CERN P rogramming
Library Long Writeup W5013, GEANT version 3.21
[9] P. Astier, A. Letessier-Selvon, B. Popov, M. Serrano, “N OMAD Reconstruction
Software: Drift Chamber Package”, version 5 release 2, unpu blished (1994), and
later releases with additional authors.
[10] Boris Popov, Ph.D. thesis, U. Paris VII, (unpublished, 1998).
http://nuweb.jinr.ru/ ∼popov
[11] Mai Vo, NOMAD collaboration communication (unpublish ed, 1995) and Ph.D.
thesis, Saclay, (unpublished, 1996).
[12] Fr¨ uhwirth refers to /tildewideχ2 (FB)asCk. He defines a related quantity, Fk=
(Ck/n1)/((χ2 (F)
k+χ2 (B)
k)/n2), where n1is the d.o.f. for /tildewideχ2 (FB)andn2is
26the sum of the d.o.f. for χ2 (F)
kandχ2 (B)
k. Fr¨ uhwirth concludes that the Fk-test
is less powerful than the Ck-test, and that the χ2is almost as good an indicator
of the existence of a kink as the Ck-test.
[13] CERN Program Library routine number F012. A modified ver sion of the routine
was used to write the source code of the unrolled loops.
[14] P.R. Bevington and D.K. Robinson, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the
Physical Sciences , (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992), pp. 205-209, 261-267.
A Derivation of Eq. 37: χ2
full,I,k=χ2 (F)
k+χ2 (B)
k+χ2 (FB)
In Eqn. 36, V(m)
kis the block diagonal matrix containing the covariance matr ix
k of the first kmeasurements mF= (m1. . .m k) and the covariance
matrix V(m,B)
k of the last N−kmeasurements mB= (mk+1. . .m N). The
right-hand side of Eqn. 36 can thus be split into two terms:
full,I,k(α) =/bracketleftBig
, (A.1)
where one recognizes, in analogy with Eqn. 17, the forward an d backward χ2
terms. We can expand each around their respective minima /hatwidexF
k, and
recall that covariance matrices are the inverse of curvatur e matrices, giving :
full,I,k(α) =χ2 (F)
k+ (∆xF)T[V(/hatwidexk,F)]−1∆xF
+χ2 (B)
k+ (∆xB)T[V(/hatwidexk,B)]−1∆xB, (A.2)
where ∆ xF=/hatwidexF
k−HFαand ∆xB=/hatwidexB
Combining this with Eqn. 35 yields Eq. 37.
27 |
arXiv:physics/9912036v1 [physics.atom-ph] 17 Dec 1999Relativistic semiclassical approach in strong-field nonli near photoionization
J. Ortnera)and V. M. Rylyukb)
a)Institut f¨ ur Physik,Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin, Inv alidenstr. 110, 10115 Berlin, Germany
b)Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Odessa, D vorjanskaja 2, 270100, Odessa, Ukraine
(to be published in Phys. Rev. A)
Nonlinear relativistic ionization phenomena induced by a s trong laser radiation with elliptically
polarization are considered. The starting point is the clas sical relativistic action for a free electron
moving in the electromagnetic field created by a strong laser beam. The application of the relativis-
tic action to the classical barrier-suppression ionizatio n is briefly discussed. Further the relativistic
version of the Landau-Dykhne formula is employed to conside r the semiclassical sub-barrier ioniza-
tion. Simple analytical expressions have been found for: (i ) the rates of the strong-field nonlinear
ionization including relativistic initial and final state e ffects; (ii) the most probable value of the
components of the photoelectron final state momentum; (iii) the most probable direction of pho-
toelectron emission and (iv) the distribution of the photoe lectron momentum near its maximum
PACS numbers:32.80.Rm, 32.90.+a, 42.50.Hz, 03.30.+p
Relativistic ionization phenomena induced by strong laser light have become a topic of current interest [1–8]. In
the nonrelativistic theory it is assumed that the electron v elocity in the initial bound state as well as in the final state
is small compared with the speed of light. However, the elect rons may be accelerated up to relativistic velocities in
an intense electromagnetic field produced by modern laser de vices. If the ponderomotive energy of the electron is
of the order of the rest energy a relativistic consideration is required. Relativistic effects in the final states become
important for an infrared laser at intensities of some 1016W cm−2. The minimal intensity required for relativistic
effects increases by two orders of magnitude for wavelength c orresponding to visible light. Ionization phenomena
connected with relativistic final state effects have been stu died for the cases of linearly and circularly polarized lase r
radiation both in the tunnel [6,8] and above-barrier regime s [1,2,7]. The main relativistic effects in the final state are
[1,2,5–8]: (i) the relativistic energy distribution and (i i) the shift of the angular distribution of the emitted elect rons
towards the direction of propagation of incident laser beam . It has been shown that a circularly polarized laser light
produces a large amount of relativistic electrons [1,2,8]. On the contrary, it has been found that the ionization rate
for relativistic electrons is very small in the case of linea r polarization [6].
Relativistic effects have also to be taken into account if the binding energy Ebin the initial state is comparable
with the electron rest energy [3,4]. A relativistic formula tion is necessary for the ionization of heavy atoms or singly
or multiply charged ions from the inner K-shell. In Refs. [3, 4] the relativistic version of the method of imaginary time
has been employed to calculate the ionization rate for a boun d system in the presence of intense static electric and
magnetic fields of various configurations. Analytical expre ssions have been found which apply to nonrelativistic bound
systems as well as to initial states with an energy correspon ding to the upper boundary of the lower continuum.
The present paper is aimed to consider the nonlinear photoio nization connected with relativistic final states velociti es
and/or low lying initial states from a unique point of view. F urther the current work extends the investigation of
relativistic ionization phenomena to the case of arbitrary elliptical polarization.
Certainly this may be done in the framework of the so-called s trong field approximation [9]. In the papers of Reiss
and of Crawford and Reiss [1,2,7] a relativistic version of t his approximation has been given for the ionization of an
hydrogen atom with linearly and circularly polarized light . Within this approximation one calculates the transition
amplitude between the initial Dirac state for the hydrogen a tom and the final state described by the relativistic Volkov
wave function. Coulomb corrections are neglected in the Vol kov state. Therefore the final results are obtained only
within exponential accuracy. Analytical results for the io nization rate applying to above barrier cases as well as to
tunneling cases have been given in Refs. [1,2,7]. However, t he corresponding expressions are complicated and contains
infinite sums over all multiphoton processes. Numerical cal culations are needed to present the final results.
In contrast to the more sophisticated investigations, such as the solution of the Dirac equation or the strong field
approximation, we are aimed to obtain simple analytical exp ressions. From our final formulas the explicit dependence
of the ionization rate and of the photoelectron spectrum on t he parameters, such as binding energy of the atom, field
strength, frequency and ellipticity of the laser radiation may be understood without the need of numerical calculation s.
In this sense our approach resembles that of Popov et al. [3,4] and of Krainov [6,8].
Let us start with the classical relativistic action for an el ectron of charge emoving in the field of an electromagnetic
plane wave with the vector potential A(t−x/c). Here and below Adenotes a two-dimensional vector in the y-z plane.
The action may be found as a solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi e quation and reads [10]
Sf(ξ;ξ0) =mc2/braceleftBigg
c−1 +α2+f2
2α(ξ−ξ0) +e
, (1)
where αandf= (a1, a2) are constants, r= (y, z); further is ξ=t−x/c,ξ0is the initial value. Assuming a harmonic
plane wave of elliptic polarization with the electric field E=F[eycosωξ+gezsinωξ] we find the following expression
for the relativistic action
Sf(ξ;ξ0) =mc2/braceleftBigg
2α(ξ−ξ0) +ǫ
(sin 2ωξ−sin 2ωξ0)/bracerightBigg
, (2)
where the notation β2= 1 + a2
2+ ((1 + g2)/2)ǫ2has been introduced, the parameter ǫ=eF/ωmc characterizes
the strength of relativistic effects. Further the vector pot ential of the laser radiation has been choosen in the form
Ax= 0, A y=−cF
ωsinωξ , A z=gcF
ωcosωξ . (3)
By applying the usual Hamilton-Jacobi method we take the der ivative of the action Sfwith respect to the constants
a1, a2andαand set the result equal to new constants β1, β2andβ3in order to obtain the electron trajectory under
the influence of the wave field. We obtain that the electron mot ion in the field and in the laboratory coordinate
system is given by the equations ( ξ0= 0),
ω(a1cosωξ+ga2sinωξ) +1−g2
4ωǫ2sin2ωξ=β3, v x=cf(ξ)−1
f(ξ) + 1,
αωcosωξ , v y=2c
α(1 +f(ξ)){a1+ǫsinωξ},
αωsinωξ , v z=2c
α(1 +f(ξ)){a2−ǫgcosωξ},
f(ξ) =δ2
α2(a1sinωξ−ga2cosωξ) +1−g2
α2ǫ2sin2ωξ, (4)
where β1, β2andβ3together with a1, a2andαhave to be determined from the initial conditions for positi on and
velocity. Further we have introduced the notation δ2= 1 + a2
Quantum effects may be neglected, for strong enough fields, i. e.,F≫FB=E2
0/4Z(in a.u., where E0is the
electron energy in the initial state and Zis the effective charge of the atomic core). In this case the io nization process
may be described by an electron trajectory given in Eqs. (4). In a pure classical task the constants of motion may
be determined from the initial velocity and position of the e lectron at the beginning of the laser action. However,
the initial state is given by quantum mechanics. According t o a simple classical picture of ionization, the barrier
supression ionization (BSI) [12], the transition occurs fr om the bound state to that continuum state which has zero
velocity at the time twith the phase ξof the vector potential A(ξ). From this condition we have to choose the
constants as
δ2+ 2ǫ(a1sinωξ−ga2cosωξ) + (1−g2)ǫ2c2sin2ωξ ,
a1=−ǫsinωξ , a 2=gǫcosωξ . (5)
The maximal ionization rate occurs at the maximum of the elec tric field of the laser radiation. For our choice of the
gauge (see Eqs. (3)) the electric field has its maximum at the p haseξ= 0. (For the sake of simplicity we neglect
the second maximum at ξ=π). From Eqs. (5) we conclude that the most probable final state is described by the
2α= 1, a1= 0, a2=ǫg , (6)
Two important results follow from this derivation.
First, consider the components of the final electron drift mo mentum along the beam propagation, px=c(1−α2+
2)/2α, along the major axis, py=c a1, and along the small axis of the polarization ellipse, pz=c a2, respectively.
From Eq. (6) we see that the photoelectrons are preferably pr oduced with the drift momentum
2c , p y= 0, p z=ǫgc . (7)
For a laser wavelength of λ= 780 nm and for laser intensities of about I = (1018−1019) W/cm2, the parameter ǫ
is equal to: ǫ1= 0.65−2.1 for the linearly polarized wave ( g= 0) and ǫ2= 0.46−1.46 for the circularly polarized
wave ( g2= 1). According to the classical barrier-supression ioniza tion model the photoelectrons are emitted with a
relativistic drift momentum [12] at these laser intensitie s and for sufficiently large ellipticity g. On the contrary, in
the case of linear polarization the photoelectrons have a ze ro drift momentum.
Second, the angle between the electron drift momentum compo nents along and perpendicular to the direction of
the laser beam propagation is shifted toward the forward dir ection and reads
2, (8)
For linearly polarized laser light we obtain tan θ= 0. For the case of circularly polarized light (where tan θ=ǫ/2)
our result coincide with that of previous works [2,8].
Consider now the process of nonlinear ionization of a strong ly bound electron with a binding energy Ebcomparable
with the rest energy. Recently the ionization process in sta tic crossed electric and magnetic fields has been considered
[3,4]. The results of this paper may be applied to the ionizat ion in laser fields only for the case of very strong fields
ǫ≫1. With an increasing frequency of the laser light (especial ly for a tentative x-ray laser) very high laser intensities
are required to satisfy this condition. Therefore it is nece ssary to generalize the result of [3,4] to the case of nonzero
frequencies. We consider the sub-barrier ionization. The c ondition to be satisfied is the opposite to the case of pure
classical ionization, F≪FB, in addition we have the quasiclassical condition ¯ hω≪Eb. No restrictions are applied
to the parameter ǫ. Thus we will cover both the regime of relativistic tunnel an d multiphoton ionization.
We employ the relativistic version of the Landau-Dykhne for mula [3,5]. The ionization probability in quasiclassical
approximation and with exponential accuracy reads
¯hIm (Sf(0;t0) +Si(t0))/bracerightbigg
, (9)
where Si=E0t0is the initial part of the action, Sfis given by Eq. (1) (or Eq. (2)). The complex initial time t0has
to be determined from the classical turning point in the comp lex half-plane [3,5]:
Ef(t0) =mc2/braceleftBigg
1 +α2+f2
=E0=mc2−Eb. (10)
Explicitely we obtain for λ0=−iωt0the following relation in the case of an elliptically polari zed planar wave,
=γ2(α), (11)
where γ(α) =η√1 +α2−2αε0, orγ2(α) = (1 −α)2η2+αγ2, with the dimensionless initial energy εo=E0/mc2
and the relativistic adiabatic parameter η=ǫ−1=ωmc/eF . Eq. (9) together with Eqs. (2) and (11) expresses
the transition rate between the initial state and the final Vo lkov state with abitrary momentum within exponential
accuracy. It applies for the case of sub-barrier ionization with elliptically polarized laser light.
We are now interested in the totalionization rate. Within exponential accuracy it suffices to fi nd the maximum of
the transition rates between initial state and all possible final states. Aquivalently, one has to find the minimum of
the imaginary part of the action as a function of the final stat e momentum. The minimization of the imaginary part
3of the action with respect to the components of the final state momentum leads to the following boundary conditions
(x,r)(t0) = 0,Im (x,r)(t= 0) = 0 . (12)
From these conditions we obtain that the most probable final s tate is characterized by the parameters
α2= 1 +1
1 +g2−2g2sinh2λ0
, (13)
a1= 0 (14)
a2= (g/η)(sinh λ0/λ0). (15)
Substituting the values λ0=−iωt0andαinto the final state action we obtain the probability of relat ivistic
quasiclassical ionization in the field of elliptically pola rized laser light. Within exponential accuracy we get
¯hωf(γ, g, E b)/parenrightbigg
, (16)
f(γ, g, E b) =/parenleftbigg
1 +1 +g2
1−g2+ 2g2tanhλ0
4γ2α. (17)
The magnitudes αandλ0has to be taken as the solution of Eqs. (11) and (13). Further γ=√2mEbω/eF is the
common adiabatic Keldysh parameter from nonrelativistic t heory [5]. Equation (16) is the most general expression
for the relativistic ionization rate in the quasiclassical regime and for field strength smaller than the above-barrier
threshold. It describes both the tunnel as well as the multip hoton ionization. It is the relativistic generalization of
previous nonrelativistic results [13].
A. Relativistic tunnel ionization
Consider now some limiting cases. In the limit of tunnel ioni zation η≪1 we reproduce the static result of Refs.
[3,4] and obtain the first frequency correction
Φ =2√
5α0η2(1−g2/3) +O(η4), (18)
where Fs=m2c3/e¯h= 1.32·1016V/cm is the Schwinger field of quantum electrodynamics [15] and α0= (ε0+/radicalbig
0+ 8)/4. In the nonrelativistic regime, εb=Eb/mc2≪1, the parameter α0= 1−εb/3+ε2
b/27 and the probability
of nonrelativistic tunnel ionization including the first re lativistic and frequency corrections reads
. (19)
Here the first two terms in the brackets describe the familiar nonrelativistic ionization rate including the first freque ncy
correction, the next two terms are the first relativistic cor rections. It follows from Eq. (18) that the account of
relativistic effects increases the ionization rate in compa rison with the nonrelativistic rate. However, even for bind ing
energies of the order of the electron rest energy the relativ istic correction in the exponent is quite small. In the
“vacuum” limit Eq. (19) results into W∝exp{−9FS/2F/parenleftbig
}. We find a maximal deviation of
about 18% in the argument of the exponential from the nonrela tivistic formula. Here the “vacuum” limit shall not
be confused with the pair creation from the vacuum. It is know n that there are no nonlinear vacuum phenomena for
a plane wave [15]. In contrast to that we deal here with the ion ization of an atom being in rest in the laboratory
system of coordinates. Nevertheless, the “vacuum” limit sh ould be considered only as the limiting result of the
present semiclassical approach where the effects of pair pro duction have been neglected. The polarization of the
vacuum becomes important if the binding energy of the atom ex ceeds the electron rest energy. At the binding energy
4Eb= 2mc2the single particle picture employed in this paper breaks do wn ultimately. The electron energy is decreased
up to the upper limit for the energy of a free positron, and the threshold energy for the production of an electron-
positron pair becomes zero. On the contrary, for a weak relat ivistic initial state εb≪1 we expect only a small
influence of pair production effects on the ionization proces s. An appropriate consideration of vacuum polariztion
effects can be given only in the framework of quantum electrod ynamics. However, this is beyond the scope of the
present paper.
B. Relativistic multiphoton ionization
Consider now the multiphoton limit η≫1. In this case the parameters λ0= ln (2 γ//radicalbig
1−g2) (orλ0= lnγ√2 lnγ
forg=±1) and α= 1−εb/2λ0and the ionization probability in the relativistic multiph oton limit reads
¯hωf(γ≫1, g, ε b)/parenrightbigg
, (20)
f(γ≫1, g, ε b) = ln2γ/radicalbig
8mc2ln 2γ//radicalbig
1−g2, g∝ne}ationslash=±1, (21)
f(γ≫1, g, ε b) = ln 2 γ/radicalbig
2 lnγ−1
8mc2ln 2γ√2 lnγ, g =±1. (22)
Again the first two terms in the function f(γ≫1, g, ε b) reflect the nonrelativistic result [13], the relativistic effects
which lead to an enhancement of the ionization probability a re condensed in the third term.
It has been shown that there is an enhancement of ionization r ate in the relativistic theory for both large and small
η. This should be compared with the results found by Crawford a nd Reiss. In their numerical calculations they also
found an enhancement of relativistic ionization rate for a c ircularly polarized field and for η≫1, but for η≪1
their results suggest a strong reduction of the ionization p robability [2]. For the case of linearly polarized light the
ionization rate is found to be reduced by relativistic effect s [7]. However, Crawford and Reiss studied the above-barrie r
ionization of hydrogen atom within the strong-field approxi mation. In contrast to that we have investigated the sub-
barrier ionization from a strongly bound electron level, wh ich yields an enhancement of the ionization rate. This
enhancement is connected with a smaller initial time t0. As a result the under barrier complex trajectory becomes
shorter and the ionization rate increases in comparison wit h the nonrelativistic theory. Figure 1 shows the relativist ic
ionization rate Eq. (16) and the nonrelativistic Keldysh fo rmula as a function of the binding energy eband for the
case of linear polarization. The figure should be considered only as an illustration of the enhancement effect. The
frequency and intensity parameters used for the calculatio ns are still not available for the experimentalists.
C. The case of weak relativistic initial state
The switch from the multiphoton to the tunnel regime with inc reasing field strength may be studied in the nonrel-
ativistic limit εb≪1. Within first order of εbthe ionization probability is found to be
¯hωf(γ, g, ε b≪1)/bracerightbigg
, (23)
f(γ, g, ε b≪1) =f(0)(γ, g) +εbf(1)(γ, g).
f(0)(γ, g) =/parenleftbigg
1 +1 +g2
1−g2+ 2g2tanhλ(0)
represents the nonrelativistic result [13], and λ(0)satisfies the equation:
f(1)(γ, g) =B
8γ4/braceleftbiggB+ 4γ2
γ2+1 +g2
1−g2+ 2g2tanhλ(0)
1 +g2+ 2g2sinh2λ(0)
1−g2+ 2g2tanhλ(0)
is the first relativistic correction, with
A= sinh2 λ(0)−2g2/parenleftbigg
λ(0)/parenrightbigg /bracketleftbigg
, (26)
B= 1 + g2−2g2sinh2λ(0)
2λ(0)sinh2λ(0). (27)
Equation (23) is valid in the whole γ-domain, i.e., in the multiphoton regime γ <1 as well as in the tunnel limit
γ >1. For small adiabatic parameters, i.e., γ→0, it coincides with Eq. (19); in the case of large γ→ ∞ it transforms
to Eq.(20). We mention that Eq. (23) reproduces the full rela tivistic formula Eq. (16) with very high accuracy for
Eb< mc2.
The expression for the rate of ionization of a weak relativis tic initial state essentially simplifies in the case of linear
polarization. Then we have
¯hωf(γ, g= 0, εb≪1)/bracerightBigg
f(γ, g= 0, εb≪1) = arsinh γ+1
arsinh γ−γ/radicalbig
1 +γ2/bracketrightBig
1 +γ2arsinh γ+ arsinh2γ
8γ4arsinh γ.(28)
The terms in f(γ, g= 0, εb≪1) which do not vanish as εb→0 represent the nonrelativistic quasiclassical ionizatio n
rate found by Keldysh [14]; the terms proportional to εbare the first relativistic correction to the Keldysh formula .
Consider now the modifications of the energy spectrum induce d by relativistic effects. First we will characterize the
most probable final state of the ejected electron. The classi cal nonrelativistic barrier-supression ionization predi cts
a nonzero leaving velocity of the photoelectron. However, r elativistic effects as well as frequency corrections modify
this result of the classical BSI picture. In the relativisti c semiclassical theory employed in this paper we may set the
constants a1= 0 and a2= (g/η)(sinh λ0/λ0) according to Eqs. (14) and (15). From Eqs. (4) we obtain then for the
most probable emission velocity in the laboratory system of coordinates
vx,leaving =c1−α2+g2
1 +α2+g2
vy,leaving = 0, (30)
vz,leaving =2αc
1 +α2+g2
. (31)
where αhas to be taken from the Eq. (13). In the tunnel limit ( η << 1) we obtain:
vx,leaving =c1−α2
1 +α2
0+O(η2), (32)
vz,leaving =gcηα 01−α2
1 +α2
0+O(η3). (33)
Here and below α0= (ε0+/radicalbig
0+ 8)/4. The first term in the x-component of the leaving velocity is independent from
both the frequency and the intensity of the laser light. It co incides with the static result of Mur et al.[4]. The leading
6term in the z-component is proportional to the frequency and inverse pro portional to the electric field strength of the
laser radiation. From Eqs. (32) and (33) it also follows that thex-component of the leaving velocity vanishes in the
nonrelativistic limit, whereas the z-component has a nonzero nonrelativistic limit. For a nonre lativistic atom, we get:
vx,leaving =v2
1 +O(v2/c2, γ2)/bracerightbig
, (34)
vz,leaving =v
1 +O(v2/c2, γ2)/bracerightbig
, (35)
where v=/radicalbig
2Eb/mis the initial ”atomic” velocity of the electron. In the ”vac uum” limit ( α0= 1/2), we have:
vx,leaving =3
5c+O(η2), (36)
vz,leaving =3
10gcη+O(η3). (37)
It follows from these equations that a strongly bound electr on has a relativistic emission velocity along the direction
of the laser beam propagation. For a nonrelativistic initia l state, εb≪1, the emission velocity along the beam propa-
gation is small. Nevertheless, the mean emission velocity s eems to be the most sensitive measure of the appearance of
relativistic effects in the initial states. In Fig. 2 the x-component of the leaving velocity is plotted versus the bin ding
energy of the initial state. Though we have choosen the same p arameters of the laser beam as in Fig. 1 it should be
mentioned that the dependence of the emission velocity x-component on the laser parameters is rather weak. The
main parameter determining the leaving velocity along the p ropagation of the laser beam is the binding energy of the
From Eqs. (13)-(15) we also obtain the most probable value fo r each component of the final state drift momentum
(which is the full kinetic momentum minus the field momentum) . We put a1=py,m/mc,a2=pz,m/mcand
α= (−px,m+/radicalBig
m2c2+p2x,m+p2y,m+p2z,m)/mcand get
, (38)
py,m= 0 (39)
The leading terms in the tunnel limit ( η << 1) read
η2, (41)
η. (42)
For a nonrelativistic initial state and within the tunnel re gime ( γ≪1) we obtain
1 +γ2
3g2+ 1
, (43)
1 +γ2
, (44)
where we have given the leading terms and the first frequency c orrections.
From Eqs. (38)-(40) we easily obtain the most probable angle of electron emission. Denote by θthe angle between
the polarization plane and the direction of the photoelectr on drift motion; and by ϕthe angle between the projection
of the electron drift momentum onto the polarization plane a nd the smaller axis of the polarization ellipse. In the
case of a nonrelativistic atom the most probable angles read
1 +g2+ 2
, ϕ m= 0. (45)
We conclude that relativistic effects produce a nonzero comp onent of the mean electron drift momentum along the
axis of beam propagation. As a result the mean angle of electr on emission is shifted to the forward direction.
7However, in the case of linear polarization the appearance o f a nonzero x-component of the photoelectron drift
momentum is connected with relativistic effects in the initi al state. The latter are typically small except the case
of ionization from inner shells of heavy atoms. Notice that f or the nonrelativistic atom the most probable value for
the drift momentum components as well as the expression for t he peak of the angular distribution coincide with the
corresponding expressions within the BSI model (see Sec. II ) if one neglects the frequency corrections.
Consider now the relativistic final state spectrum, i.e., th e momentum distribution near the most probable final
state drift momentum. The calculations will be restricted t o the tunnel regime γ≪1. Assuming weak relativistic
effects in the initial state, εb≪1, and putting δpx= (px−px,m)≪mc,δpz= (pz−pz,m)≪mcandpy≪mc, one
1 + 2ǫ2g2+ǫ4g4/4/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig
m(1 +ǫ2g2/2)2/bracketrightBigg
4m3c2(1 +ǫ2g2/2)2γ
, (46)
where Wtunnelis the total ionization rate Eq. (19) in the weak relativisti c tunnel regime. In Eq. (46) only the leading
contributions in δpxandδpzhave been given; in the pydistribution an additional relativistic term proportiona l top4
has been maintained which becomes the leading term in the cas e of static fields with γ= 0. In the non-relativistic
limitǫ≪1 and p≪cwe reproduce the results of Ref. [13]. For the cases of linear (g= 0) and circular ( g=±1)
polarization our results are in agreement with recent deriv ations of Krainov [6,8].
The first exponent in Eq.(46) describes the momentum distrib ution in the plane perpendicular to the major axis of
the polarization plane. In the nonrelativistic theory ( ǫ= 0) the width of the momentum distribution in pxcoincide
with the width of the pzdistribution. The relativistic effects (which are measured byǫg) destroy this symmetry in
the (x,z)-plane. The distribution of pxbecomes broader, the pzdistribution becomes narrower. We also mention
the appearance of a cross term proportional to the product δpxδpzwhich is absent in the nonrelativistic theory. In
Fig. 3 the distribution of the projection of the photoelectr on drift momentum on the axis of the beam propagation
is shown. We consider electrons which are produced in the cre ation of Ne8+(Eb= 239 eV) ions by an elliptically
polarized laser radiation with wave length λ= 1.054µm, field strength 2 .5×1010V/cm and ellipticity g= 0.707. The
relativistic momentum distribution is compared with the di stribution of nonrelativistic theory. From the figure we
see that the main effect is the shift of the maximum of the momen tum distribution, the broadening remains small for
the parameters we have considered.
The first term in the second exponent of Eq.(46) determines th e nonrelativistic energy spectrum for the low energetic
electrons moving along the major polarization axis, wherea s the second, relativistic term becomes important for the
high energy tail. A detailed analysis of the photoelectron s pectrum will be given elsewhere [16].
In conclusion, in this paper relativistic phenomena for the ionization of an atom in the presence of intense ellipticall y
polarized laser light have been considered. The cases of rel ativistic classical above-barrier and semiclassical sub- barrier
ionization have been investigated. Simple analytic expres sions for the ionization rate and the relativistic photoele ctron
spectrum have been obtained. These expressions apply for re lativistic effects in the initial state as well as in the final
state. We have shown that relativistic initial state effects lead to a weak enhancement of the ionization rate in the
sub-barrier regime. The mean emission velocity has been sho wn to be a more sensitive measure for the appearance of
relativistic effects in the initial state. The more importan t relativistic final state effects may cause a sharp increase
of the electron momentum projection along the propagation o f elliptically polarized laser light. This results in a shif t
of the most probable angle of electron emission to the forwar d direction.
Finally, the expressions obtained in this paper within expo nential accuracy may be improved by taking into account
the Coulomb interaction through the perturbation theory. T he results of this paper may be also used in nuclear physics
and quantum chromodynamics.
This research was partially supported by the Deutsche Forsc hungsgemeinschaft (Germany).
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[12] P. B. Corkum, N. H. Burnett, and F. Brunel, in Atoms in Intense Laser Fields , edited by M. Gavrila (Academic Press,
New York, 1992), p. 109.
[13] V. S. Popov, V. P. Kuznezov and A. M. Perelomov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53, 331 (1967).
[14] L. V. Keldysh, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 47, 1945 (1964) [Sov. Phys. JETP 20, 1307 (1965)].
[15] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 82, 664 (1951).
[16] J. Ortner, J. Phys. B, submitted.
(Figure 1) Absolute value of the logarithm of the ionization rate −lnWversus the binding energy of initial level
eb=Eb/mc2. The solid line shows the relativistic rate Eq.(16), the das hed line is the nonrelativistic Keldysh
formula (Eq. (23) without the relativistic correction term ). The curves are shown for a frequency ω= 100 and
an intensity I= 8.5·107(in a.u.).
(Figure 2) Thex-component of the emission velocity vx/cversus the binding energy of initial level eb=Eb/mc2.
The emission velocity in the nonrelativistic theory is zero . The curve is shown for a frequency ω= 100 and an
intensity I= 8.5·107(in a.u.).
(Figure 3) Spectrum of the electron momentum projection along the beam propagation for electrons produced in
the creation of Ne8+by an elliptically polarized laser radiation with wave leng thλ= 1.054µm, field strength
2.5×1010V/cm and ellipticity g= 0.707; the relativistic spectrum is taken from Eq. (46), the no nrelativistic
one is Eq. (46) with ǫ= 0.
100.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
eb0.0200.0400.0600.0800.01000.0− ln W
FIG. 1.
110.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
E b /mc x /c
FIG. 2.
12−10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
drift momentum px (in a.u.) yield (in arbitrary units)relativistic
FIG. 3.
13 |
arXiv:physics/9912037v1 [physics.ed-ph] 17 Dec 1999A Procura das Leis Fundamentais
(In search of fundamental laws)
V. Pleitez
Instituto de F´ ısica Te´ orica
Universidade Estadual Paulista
Rua Pamplona, 145
011405-900–S˜ ao Paulo, SP
Uma das atividades importantes do ensino de ciˆ encias em ger al, e de f´ ısica
em particular, ´ e a discuss˜ ao de problemas n˜ ao apenas atua is mas aqueles
cuja solu¸ c˜ ao ´ e urgente. Quer dizer que deveria-se transm itir aos estudantes,
principalmente aos da terceira s´ erie, a imagem de uma ciˆ en cia ativa, viva;
deixando claro os seus sucessos e seus fracassos, suas dificu ldades para seguir
adiante. Um ponto central dessa problem´ atica ´ e a carateri za¸ c˜ ao do que deve
entender-se por leis fundamentais da natureza . Em particular fazemos ˆ enfase
neste trabalho no fato que esse tipo de leis podem existir em ´ areas diferentes
das tradicionalmente reconhecidas. Numa discuss˜ ao desse tipo ´ e imposs´ ıvel
(e nem mesmo desej´ avel) evitar a perspectiva hist´ orica do desenvolvimento
cient´ ıfico.ABSTRACT
One of the main activities in science teaching, and in partic ular in Physics
teaching, is not only the discussion of both modern problems and problems
which solution is an urgent matter. It means that the picture of an active and
alive science should be transmitted to the students, mainly to the College
students. A central point in this matter is the issue which ch aracterizes the
Fundamental Laws of Nature. In this work we emphasize that th is sort of
laws may exist in areas which are different from those usually considered.
In this type of discussion it is neither possible nor desirab le to avoid the
historical perspective of the scientific development.
21 Introdu¸ c˜ ao
´E frequente ouvir dizer ou ler que a ciˆ encia em geral, e a f´ ıs ica em par-
ticular, est´ a passando por momentos dif´ ıceis. Por exempl o o n´ umero de
estudantes de f´ ısica est´ a diminuindo nos Estados Unidos [ GO99, AI99] e
provavelmente, isso ocorra no mundo todo [PF99]. No entanto quando anal-
izada cuidadosamente ´ e f´ acil se convencer de que a situa¸ c ˜ ao n˜ ao deveria ser
essa. Paradoxalmente, isso acontece justamente no momento em que a pre-
sen¸ ca da ciˆ encia ´ e mais contundente na sociedade moderna [MA99]. N˜ ao
d´ a para entender que n˜ ao seja amplamente reconhecido que a s contribui¸ c˜ oes
da ciˆ encia, e da f´ ısica em particular, em todos os aspectos da vida nas so-
ciedades modernas tˆ em sido, s˜ ao ´ e ser˜ ao essenciais para o desenvolvimento.
Alguns dos problemas que a f´ ısica enfrenta, s˜ ao comuns ` a c iˆ encia em geral.
Alguns cientistas acreditam que existem dificuldades nos pr ´ oprios projetos
da f´ ısica; outros que esses problemas n˜ ao est˜ ao nos temas de estudo da f´ ısica
mas nas suas rela¸ c˜ oes com a sociedade [MA99]. De qualquer f orma, a vis˜ ao
pesimista sobre as ´ areas de pesquisa na f´ ısica enfraquece as rela¸ c˜ oes dela
com a sociedade. Assim, discutir em n´ ıvel estrictamente ci ent´ ıfico quais os
rumos e dificulades da f´ ısica, contribui a melhorar o di´ alo go com a sociedade.
Assim podemos perguntar-nos o que seria necess´ ario fazer p ara manter em
bom estado a pesquisa, o ensino e a influˆ encia cultural da ciˆ encia em geral,
e da f´ ısica em particular? [MA99, SC90].
´E necess´ ario que, entre outras coisas, se fa¸ ca ˆ enfase na i mportˆ ancia da
ciˆ encia f´ ısica b´ asica1de maneira que se promova a f´ ısica orientada, mo-
tivada pela curiosidade; temos que reconhecer a importˆ anc ia de educar e
informar ao p´ ublico, isto ´ e, a divulga¸ c˜ ao cient´ ıfica; t amb´ em em melhorar
o ensino da f´ ısica e o jornalismo cient´ ıfico. Apenas as moti va¸ c˜ oes de curto
prazo e econˆ omicas n˜ ao s˜ ao suficientes. Devemos sempre re ssaltar que os
conceitos f´ ısicos s˜ ao a base dos microprocessadores, do l aser e da fibra ´ otica;
somente para mencionar algumas das contribui¸ c˜ oes import antes baseadas
em princ´ ıpios b´ asicos. Por´ em poderiamos retroceder at´ e o s´ eculo passado
e mencionar muitas outras contribui¸ c˜ oes da ciˆ encia ou en t˜ ao tentar prever
quais ser˜ ao os futuros impactos quando as revolu¸ c˜ oes do m inilaser [GO98],
da computa¸ c˜ ao quˆ antica sejam realidade [CO99] ou, mesmo os avan¸ cos im-
previs´ ıveis em outras ´ areas como as Ciˆ encias da Terra: ou ser´ a que descobrir
qual ´ e o mecanismo respons´ avel pelo movimento das placas t ectˆ onicas n˜ ao ´ e
1Por “ciˆ encias f´ ısicas” entendemos a totalidade das ciˆ en cias f´ ısicas: astronomia, as-
trof´ ısica, cosmologia, materia condensada, f´ ısica do me io ambiente, f´ ısica de part´ ıculas
elementares, etc.
3fundamental? acaso n˜ ao ter´ a impacto no desenvolvimento f uturo conhecer
melhor a evolu¸ c˜ ao interna da Terra? [MA98].
Acreditamos que uma discus˜ ao sobre o que ´ e a procura de leis funda-
mentais da natureza possa contribuir um pouco para o esclarescimento dessa
problem´ atica complicada. Afinal, a curiosidade continuar ´ a a ser uma mo-
tiva¸ c˜ ao para alguns estudantes seguirem uma carreira cie nt´ ıfica, a f´ ısica por
1.1 Un pouco de hist´ oria
Pode-se dizer que, em certo sentido, a f´ ısica contemporˆ an ea come¸ cou com
Cop´ ernico, Galileo e outros [CO98]. Por outro lado, a prime ira s´ ıntese con-
ceitual na descri¸ c˜ ao dos fenˆ omenos observados na ´ epoca , foi a de Newton
no s´ eculo XVII. As leis de Newton e outros princ´ ıpios gerai s, como as leis
de conserva¸ c˜ ao, permitiram a descri¸ c˜ ao de todos os fenˆ omenos conhecidos
at´ e a ´ epoca de Newton e nos anos posteriores.2Quando afirmamos que
a teoria de Newton foi uma s´ ıntese queremos dizer que ela permitiu que
processos aparentemente n˜ ao relacionados, como o movimen to dos planetas
e os observados aqui na Terra, fossem descritos por um ´ unico conjunto de
princ´ ıpios.
No s´ eculo seguinte (Sec. XVIII) foi realizado o desenvolvi mento ma-
tem´ atico da mecˆ anica cl´ assica newtoniana. Hamilton, La grange e outros
nomes bem conhecidos. Quase que concomitantemente, no come ¸ co do s´ eculo
XIX, foram feitos uma s´ erie de experimentos sobre fenˆ omen os el´ etricos e
magn´ eticos que culminaram com a descoberta, por Faraday, A mp` ere e ou-
tros pesquisadores, das leis da eletricidade e do magnetism o as quais logo
seriam unificadas , junto com a ´ otica, na teoria do campo eletromagn´ etico
de Maxwell. (Esta foi a segunda grande s´ ıntese nas leis dos fenˆ omenos
Temos ent˜ ao que no come¸ co do s´ eculo XX, uma dinˆ amica de pa rt´ ıculas
relativ´ ıstica (Einstein) e a eletrodinˆ amica de Maxwell ( tamb´ em relativ´ ıstica)
formabam os pilares do nosso conhecimento cient´ ıfico das le is b´ asicas da
natureza. Essas teorias constituem o que se conhe¸ ce hoje pe lo nome de
F´ ısica Cl´ assica .
No final do s´ eculo passado ainda a existˆ encia dos ˆ atomos n˜ ao era ampla-
mente aceita, ou seja que n˜ ao se acreditava que a microf´ ısica fosse constitu´ ı-
2Havia algumas discrepˆ ancias mas, para a exposi¸ c˜ ao sucin ta que estamos fazendo isto
n˜ ao tem importˆ ancia. Isto nos levaria a considerar a quest ˜ ao delicada de quando um
experimento ´ e crucial [PL99].
4da de fenˆ omenos diversos dos observados em escalas macrosc ´ opicas. Apenas
em 1913 as experiˆ encias de J. Perrin mostraram que os ´ atomo s, os quais
os qu´ ımicos usavam apenas como uma maneira de descri¸ c˜ ao d as rea¸ c˜ oes
qu´ ımicas, tinham existˆ encia real [NY72]. Tampouco havia nessa ´ epoca uma
vis˜ ao do universo como um todo, isto ´ e, o conceito de que o un iverso evolue
a partir de um estado inicial.3
Por outro lado, o chamado problema do corpo negro , isto ´ e, a lei que
descreve a intera¸ c˜ ao da radia¸ c˜ ao em equilibrio t´ ermic o com a mat´ eria, estava
em aberto, e os experimentos n˜ ao confirmavam os modelos te´ o ricos para
explicar esse fenˆ omeno. A resolu¸ c˜ ao do problema levaria , no percurso das
d´ ecadas seguintes, ` a descoberta da mecˆ anica quˆ antica , a teoria que substitui
a mecˆ anica de Newton no caso de fenˆ omenos na escala atˆ omic a (da ordem
de 10−8cm).
Entre 1895 e 1897, foram feitas 3 descobertas experimentais que teriam
grandes implica¸ c˜ oes ao longo de todo o s´ eculo XX:
•a descoberta dos Raios-X por R¨ ontgen,
•a descoberta da radioactividade natural por Becquerel,
•a descoberta do el´ etron por J. J. Thompson.
As duas primeiras foram feitas por acaso. Nos anos seguintes ficaria claro
que os raios-X s˜ ao ondas eletromagn´ eticas de grande energ ia e que a radio-
atividade era um fenˆ omeno atˆ omico ou, melhor, nuclear. Is to n˜ ao era evi-
dente mas foi demostrado por Rutherford nas primeiras d´ eca das deste s´ eculo.
A descoberta de Thompson e outras experiˆ encias posteriore s, mostraram
que os portadores da eletricidade negativa s˜ ao constituentes universais da
mat´ eria. Estava assim, descoberta a primeira part´ ıcula e lementar [PL97].
Podemos dizer, de maneira resumida, que os f´ ısicos no come¸ co do nosso
s´ eculo estudavam experimentalmente a radioactividade, o s te´ oricos propu-
nham modelos do ´ atomo, outros pesquisadores experimentai s estudavam
os raios c´ osmicos ou tentavam obter baixas temperaturas. T e´ oricos como
Einstein estudavam a generaliza¸ c˜ ao da relatividade rest rita e que o levaria
` a proposta da relatividade geral.
At´ e o come¸ co dos anos 30 pensava-se que todos os fenˆ omenos naturais
tinham origem em apenas duas for¸ cas fundamentais: a gravit a¸ c˜ ao e a eletro-
magn´ etica. Estas teorias eram descritas como campos cl´ as sicos preenchendo
3´E interessante observar que, ainda que muitas das id´ eias na f´ ısica moderna tenham,
de alguma forma, um conceito an´ alogo na Grecia antiga, este n˜ ao ´ e o caso de um universo
em expans˜ ao. Este ´ ultimo ´ e um conceito que nasce no nosso s ´ eculo.
5o espa¸ co todo. As suas fontes eram a massa e a carga el´ etrica , respectiva-
mente. No caso gravitacional as equa¸ c˜ oes de Einstein desc revem a gravita¸ c˜ ao
em condi¸ c˜ oes especiais, mas a teoria de Newton ´ e usada na m aioria das
aplica¸ c˜ oes do dia-a-dia.
Pouco tempo depois, ainda nos anos 30, foi reconhecido que pa ra explicar
fenˆ omenos atˆ omicos e sub-atˆ omicos (nucleares) era nece ss´ ario admitir a exis-
tˆ encia de duas outras for¸ cas: a fraca e a forte. A primeira, a for¸ ca fraca, para
explicar o decaimento radioativo βe a segunda, para garantir a estrutura
nuclear. Nenhuma das duas for¸ cas ´ e observada macrosc´ opi camente e, con-
trariamente ` as for¸ cas gravitacionais e eletromagn´ etic as, devem ter alcance
muito curto.
At´ e hoje, as 4 for¸ cas podem ser tratadas separadamente. Em termos ob-
servacionais, isso significa quatro escalas diferentes par a as se¸ c˜ oes de choque
e vidas m´ edias dos diferentes processos entre as part´ ıcul as elementares at´ e
agora observadas. A descri¸ c˜ ao atual das for¸ cas fracas e f ortes est´ a baseada
em teorias de calibre (ou de gauge) locais que tˆ em como exemplo a eletro-
dinˆ amica quˆ antica (QED). Todo este esquema n˜ ao foi obtid o sem reservas.
Afinal a ciˆ encia tem de ser c´ etica e o preconceito, sejam pos itivos (adiantam
o reconhecimento de um fato ou teoria) ou negativos (dificult am o mesmo)
mora ao lado.
1.2 Motiva¸ c˜ oes
Acreditamos que uma discuss˜ ao sobre o que poderia ser a proc ura de leis
fundamentais ajudar´ a a estudantes de pos-gradua¸ c˜ ao na escolha ou na va lo-
riza¸ c˜ ao das suas respectivas ´ areas de pesquisa e aos da gr adua¸ c˜ ao a escolher
sua futura ´ area de trabalho. Se o n´ umero de estudantes de F´ ısica esta
diminuindo, como poderia se reverter essa tendˆ encia? Qual quer que seja
a resposta a este desafio uma das suas componentes ser´ a a moti va¸ c˜ ao dos
estudantes sobre o que ´ e importante pesquisar. Ent˜ ao, se f az necess´ ario
uma discuss˜ ao sobre onde e como podemos procurar esse tipo d e leis fun-
damentais. Este ´ e um ponto importante e esperamos que este a rtigo possa
contribuir, ainda que modestamente, a repensar o assunto. S im, repens´ a-lo
porque j´ a existe uma resposta tradicional ` a pergunta de on de podemos iden-
tificar as leis fundamentais. No momento que novos fatos ou pr opriedades da
mat´ eria s˜ ao descobertos, essa resposta n˜ ao ´ e mais aprop riada. Precissamos
ent˜ ao redescobrir qual o sentido das leis fundamentais.
Quer dizer que no ensino de ciˆ encias os aspectos pedag´ ogic os n˜ ao s˜ ao
mais suficientes. Se ensinar o que sabemos ´ e dif´ ıcil, n˜ ao o ´ e menos ensinar
6o que n˜ ao sabemos. N˜ ao saber no sentido amplo do termo: cois as que a
ciˆ encia est´ a ainda pesquisando ou mesmo n˜ ao tem condi¸ c˜ oes, no momento,
de responder.
Existem outros aspectos do problema como a educa¸ c˜ ao do p´ u blico em
geral. Convencer ` as pessoas que a f´ ısica continuar´ a a ser a base da ciˆ encia e
a tecnologia no futuro y que tambi´ en jogar´ a un papel import ante na an´ alise
e resolu¸ c˜ ao de problemas energ´ eticos e do meio ambiente. Mas antes de
chegar ao p´ ublico, precissamos convencer os estudantes so bre quais s˜ ao os
problemas fundamentais que devem ser atacados por eles. Que existem
problemas fundamentais em ´ areas n˜ ao reconhecidas por uma mentalidade
infantil que infelizmente ainda permeia os nossos meios aca dˆ emicos. Um
aspecto que n˜ ao ser´ a tratados aqui ´ e o fato que as diretriz es metodol´ ogicas
n˜ ao s˜ ao suficientes para caraterizar a atividade cient´ ıfi ca [PL96, PL99].
2 Rompendo barreiras
O m´ etodo cient´ ıfico, qualquer coisa que entendamos por iss o, n˜ ao tem um
ant´ ıdoto contra os preconceitos. Por exemplo, mesmo no com e¸ co do pre-
sente s´ eculo f´ ısicos como Lord Kelvin (e Mach como veremos mais adiante)
nao acreditavam na existˆ encia dos ´ atomos. Segundo eles os ´ atomos seriam
apenas abstra¸ c˜ oes ´ uteis para os qu´ ımicos. No entanto, o mesmo Lord Kelvin
escreveu no pref´ acio do livro de Hertz [HE62]
The explanation of the motion of the planets by a mechanism
of crystal cycles and epicyles seemed natural and intelligi ble, and
the improvement of this mechanism invented by Descartes in h is
vortices was no doubt quite satisfactory to some of the greatest
of Newton’s scientific contemporaries. Descartes’s doctri ne died
hard among the mathematicians and philosophers of continen tal
Europe; and for the first quarter of last century belief in uni versal
gravitation was insularity of our countrymen.
Segundo Weinberg [WE93a]
The heroic past of mechanism gave it such prestige that the
followers of Descartes had trouble accepting Newton’s theo ry of
the solar system. How could a good Cartesian, believing that all
natural phenomena could be reduced to the impact of material
bodies or fluids on one another, accept Newton’s view that the
sun exerts a force on the earth across 93 million miles of empt y
7space? It was not until well the eighteen century that Contin ental
philosophers began to feel comfortable with the idea of acti on at a
distance. In the end Newton’s ideas did prevail on the Contin ent
as well as in Britain, in Holland, Italy, France, and Germany
(in that order) from 1720 on.
Apenas em 1728 ap´ os uma viagem de Voltaire a Londres a escola Newtoniana
come¸ cou a ter disc´ ıpulos em Paris [WE93b]. N˜ ao ´ e surpree ndente que o
conceito de a¸ c˜ ao a distˆ ancia n˜ ao era aceito pela comunidade. ´E interessante
que o pr´ oprio Newton disse [WH51]
...that one body may act upon another at a distance through
vacuum, without the mediation of anything else ... is to me so
great absurdity, that I believed no man, who has in philosoph ical
matters a competent faculty for thinking, can ever fall into .
Por alguns anos, depois de 1687 (ano da publica¸ c˜ ao dos Principia ),
mesmo em Cambridge, continuo-se a ensinar o Cartesianismo. Apenas ocor-
reu que no Continente as ideais de Newton demoraram um pouco m ais para
serem aceitas [WH51]. Voltaire escrevia em 1730 [WH51]
A Frenchman who arrives in London will find philosophy,
like everything else, very much changed there. He has left th e
wordls a plenum, and now he find a vacuum. It is the language
used, and not the thing in itself, that irritates the humand m ind.
If Newton had not used the world attraction in his admirable
philosophy, every one in our Academy would have open his eyes
to the light; but unfortunately he used in London a word to whi ch
an idea of ridicule was attached in Paris...
Segundo Whittaker [WH51]
In Germany, Leibnitz described the Newton formula as a re-
turn to the disacredited scholastic concept of occult quali ties and
a late as the middle eighteenth century Euler and two of the
Bernoullis based the explanation of magnetism on the hypoth esis
of vortices.
Deve-se lembrar tamb´ em que essa oposi¸ c˜ ao entre disc´ ıpu los de Newton e
Descartes fez que os primeiros rejeitassem, posteriorment e, a id´ eia de ´ eter
nos fenˆ omenos el´ etricos e magn´ eticos. Vemos que como dis semos antes,
o preconceito mora ao lado, a verdade aparece sempre com dific uldades!
Neste caso o curioso ´ e que posteriormente a vis˜ ao newtonia na passou a ser
o preconceito contra novas formas de descrever o mundo f´ ısi co.
83 Desafios
Usualmente, descreve-se o desenvolvimento da f´ ısica como a evolu¸ c˜ ao da ex-
plica¸ c˜ ao de fenˆ omenos relativos a uma determinada escal a das dimens˜ oes es-
paciais e do tempo, em termos de processos mais elementares c aracter´ ısticos
de uma escala espa¸ co-temporal menor. Foi o que aconteceu co m a descoberta
da estrutura atˆ omica da mat´ eria a qual sabemos agora que ´ e composta de
´ atomos e mol´ eculas. Logo se constatou que os ´ atomos por su a vez s˜ ao cons-
tituidos por el´ etrons e pelo n´ ucleo atˆ omico. Este ´ ultim o ´ e formado pelos
n´ ucleons que por sua vez s˜ ao formados pelos quarks. Foi est a hierarquia de
fenˆ omenos que levou os cientistas a acreditar que as leis fu ndamentais eram
apenas aquelas que permitiam descer na escala das dimens˜ oe s espaciais e do
tempo. Isto ´ e, o desenvolvimento da ciˆ encia, e em particul ar o da f´ ısica, foi
at´ e pouco tempo totalmente reducionista .
At´ e onde vai esta cadeia? Sem d´ uvida a resposta a esta pergu nta faz
parte da chamada pesquisa b´ asica . Por´ em, este tipo pesquisa est´ a restrita ` a
procura de novas leis carater´ ısticas de escalas menores? N ˜ ao h´ a novas leis
fundamentais , por exemplo, na escala humana ou a n´ ıvel atˆ omico? Se a
resposta for positiva, como podemos reconhecer leis fundam entais? Se for
negativa, por quˆ e ? N˜ ao ´ e f´ acil uma defini¸ c˜ ao de lei fundamental . De fato,
nenhum defini¸ c˜ ao ´ e f´ acil. Mas podemos reconhec´ e-la. Qu ando um conceito
ou lei n˜ ao depende de outro de maneira direta que o explica po demos dizer
que o primeiro ´ e um conceito ou lei fundamental. Assim, a qu´ ımica tem
conceitos e leis que n˜ ao podem ser reduzidos ` a f´ ısica. Ist o ´ e, a qu´ ımica tem
seu estatus particular como ciˆ encia da natureza mesmo que s eus fundamen-
tos estejam baseados nas leis da f´ ısica. Mas existem ainda m esmo ´ areas da
f´ ısica onde as leis cl´ assicas ou quˆ anticas ajudam pouco p ara se estabelecer
suas leis e conceitos. Um exemplo, a ser discutido mais adian te, ´ e o caos
determin´ ıstico .
Al´ em das dificuldades intr´ ınsecas, a resposta ` a pergunta acima ´ e parti-
cularmente delicada, porque a situa¸ c˜ ao atual da f´ ısica t e´ orica ´ e, em certo
sentido, de crise. As palavras recentes de Schweber resumem a problem´ atica
atual [SC93]
A deep sense of unease permeates the physical sciences...Tr a-
ditionally, physics have been highly reductionist, analyz ing na-
ture in terms of smaller and smaller building blocks and reve al-
ing underlying, unifying fundamental laws...Now, however , the
reductionist approach that has been the hallmark of theoret ical
9physics in the 20th century is being superseded by the invest iga-
tion of emergent phenomena, the study of the properties of co m-
plexes whose ‘elementary’ constituents and their interact ions are
known. Physics, it coul be said, is becoming like chemistry.
As pesquisas cient´ ıficas s˜ ao divididas segundo Weisskopf emintensivas
eextensivas . As do primeiro tipo teriam a ver com a procura de leis funda-
mentais, as do segundo tentam descrever os fenˆ omenos em ter mos das leis
fundamentais conhecidas [WE67a]. Neste sentido a f´ ısica d a mat´ eria con-
densada, f´ ısica de plasma e outras ´ areas seriam do tipo ext ensivo, entanto
que a f´ ısica de altas energias e parte da f´ ısica nuclear ser iam intensivas.
Tomada literalmente ´ e uma maneira de desenvolvimento “bar roca”, isto
´ e, uma disciplina ´ e separada numa multid˜ ao de ´ areas, uma quantidade de
detalhes e complexidades desorganizados. Isto pode ocorre r em ciˆ encias
matematizadas ou mesmo nas ciˆ encias emp´ ıricas.
Na verdade estamos numa ´ epoca de grandes mudan¸ cas em que as assun-
¸ c˜ oes b´ asicas da pesquisa nas diversas ´ areas da f´ ısica p arecem deslocadas com
rela¸ c˜ ao as anteriores: a complexidade e aemergˆ encia (o da turbulˆ encia por
exemplo) parecem ser os objetivos principais a serem tratad os [SC93]. Outra
´ area de grande futuro s˜ ao as t´ ecnicas de ´ optica quˆ antic a.´E poss´ ıvel prever
at´ e onde nos levara os novos testes dos princ´ ıpios da mecˆ a nica quˆ antica?
Desde os experimentos de Aspect e colaboradores [AS82] que t estaram as
desigualdades de Bell e mostraram que a interpreta¸ c˜ ao ort odoxa era confir-
mada, pasando pelos efeitos “superluminares” de Chiao et al.[ST93, CH93],
at´ e testes mais recentes [GH99], indicam que podemos estar assistindo ` a des-
coberta de novos fenˆ omenos quˆ anticos e isso ter´ a importa ntes conseq¨ uˆ encias
em computa¸ c˜ ao (que cada vez est´ a atingindo distˆ ancias m enores) e, por isso,
em todas as outras ´ areas da ciˆ encia e da tecnologia. Tudo is so n˜ ao parece
t˜ ao fundamental e b´ asico como outras leis da natureza?
Paradoxalmente, a situa¸ c˜ ao, no caso da f´ ısica de part´ ıc ulas elementares,
´ e uma consequˆ encia do sucesso da teoria quˆ antica de campo s e do uso das
simetrias, locais e globais. fica dif´ ıcil de prever qual ser ´ a o formalismo que
substituir´ a ao atual. No entanto, quando apropriadamente considerada,
a situa¸ c˜ ao atual ´ e empolgante. Acreditamos apenas que a f ´ ısica entrou
numa nova fase de maturidade nas diversas ´ areas. Por exempl o, a f´ ısica de
neutrinos est´ a numa fase de muita coleta de dados experimen tais dos quais
poder´ a sair dados definitivos das propiedades dos neutrino s [NU98, GE99].
O sentimento de dificuldade acima mencionado, n˜ ao ocorre ap enas na
f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elementares. O mesmo ocorre em ´ area s como a mat´ eria
10condensada e a cosmologia, mesmo (ou justamente por causa de les) com os
dados recentes do COBE [SM92]), parecem estar numa situa¸ c˜ ao de aparente
falta de perspectivas. No caso da mat´ eria condensada n˜ ao t em havido
avan¸ cos na compreens˜ ao dos fenˆ omenos cr´ ıticos e a super conditividade a
altas temperaturas ainda n˜ ao tem uma teoria bem estabeleci da [SC93].
Mas podemos assinalar para a descobertas experimentais da c ondensa¸ c˜ ao de
Bose-Einstein com diversos tipos de ˆ atomos, inclusive o hi drogˆ enio [CO98b,
KL99]. Mesmo em ´ areas de grande desenvolvimento recente co mo o caos
determin´ ıstico e fenˆ omenos relacionados, parece ter-se alcan¸ cado uma es ta-
bilidade nas descobertas te´ oricas e experimentais [RU93] . Osfractais tam-
pouco produziram uma renova¸ c˜ ao da nossa vis˜ ao da naturez a (pelo menos
por enquanto) e servem (quase) apenas para produzir figuras e x´ oticas com
ajuda de computadores [KA86]. A ´ area da programa¸ c˜ ao, a de speito dos
grandes avan¸ cos, continua na sua crise peremne [GI94].
Tudo isso est´ a relacionado com o que esperamos da f´ ısica co mo um todo
e, em particular, da f´ ısica te´ orica. Considero que transm itir esse tipo de
ansiedade ´ e fundamental no ensino de f´ ısica . Precissamos ensinar n˜ ao ape-
nas o conhecido mas tamb´ em o desconhecido, o que est´ a sendo pesquisado
no momento pelos especialistas das diversas ´ areas. Deve-s e fazer ˆ enfase na
ignorˆ ancia da ciˆ encia em certos assuntos. Isso coloca a pr ioridade da atual-
iza¸ c˜ ao dos professores com rela¸ c˜ ao ` as necessidades pu ramente pedag´ ogicas.
Mais n˜ ao apenas isso. Na atualidade a vida das pessoas ´ e cad a vez mais
afetada pela ciˆ encia e a t´ ecnica. Elas precissam entender melhor em que
consiste o m´ etodo cient´ ıfico ou melhor, em que consiste a maneira cient´ ıfica
de pensar e agir (e tamb´ em quais s˜ ao as suas limita¸ c˜ oes). Essa necessidade ´ e
fazer ‘compreender’ a ciˆ encia pelos estudantes (e o p´ ubli co geral) ´ e mais im-
portante que apenas a mera atualiza¸ c˜ ao dos resultados obt idos pela ciˆ encia
e a tecnologia.
Do ponto de vista dos pr´ opios pesquisadores e dos estudante s de p´ os-
gradua¸ c˜ ao as medita¸ c˜ oes s˜ ao mais delicadas, mas nem po r isso menos ur-
gentes ou necess´ arias. ´E urgente e/ou necess´ ario obter uma fun¸ c˜ ao de onda
para o universo (mesmo que o universo primordial)? pode-se o bter uma
teoria de tudo (“theory of everything”) com os conhecimento s emp´ ıricos at-
uais? A prioriza¸ c˜ ao dos objetivos da pesquisa ´ e essencia lmente uma escolha
pessoal, ainda que outros fatores influenciem nela (como o fin anciamento,
mercado de trabalho, a influˆ encia do orientador na pos-grad uac˜ ao). Uma
interrogante importante sempre ser´ a sobre o quˆ e estamos e m capacidade
de verificar experimentalmente. A especula¸ c˜ ao ´ e valida m as temos de ter
cuidado em n˜ ao cair numa situa¸ c˜ ao grega, isto ´ e, uma situa¸ c˜ ao onde apenas
11o conceito de teoria matematicamente “bela” ´ e o que importa . Esse conceito
´ e certamente relativo.
Nesse quadro geral, o problema ´ e colocado aos pesquisadore s e, em par-
ticular aos estudantes que come¸ cam sua p´ os-gradua¸ c˜ ao, de escolher rumos
nas suas pesquisas. A escolha ´ e certamente um assunto pesso al. Todos est˜ ao
sozinhos ao fazˆ e-la. Vale a pena, no entanto, fazer an´ alis es que possam, pelo
menos, colocar o assunto em discuss˜ ao de maneira que v´ ario s crit´ erios pos-
sam ser levados em conta na hora de escolher.
Um aspecto que atrai os pesquisadores para determinados cam pos da
pesquisa ´ e o fato de ela ser considerada ampla e “fundamenta l”. Isto ´ e,
base de tudo o resto, que seria constitu´ ıdo apenas de detalh es. Os conceitos
de “importˆ ancia”, “beleza” e “consistˆ encia” s˜ ao tamb´ e m, frequentemente
trazidos ` a tona.
Se uma ´ area ´ e “fundamental” ou, aceitando que essa palavra seja sinˆ onima
de “importante”, ent˜ ao ela deve ser relevante para ´ areas v izinhas. Por ex-
emplo, parece indiscut´ ıvel que h´ a varios anos a biologia m olecular ´ e a ´ area
mais fundamental das ciˆ encias biol´ ogicas. Assim, um estu dante pode ser
motivado a escolher essa ´ area de pesquisa. Os objetivos des sa ciˆ encia (com-
preender melhor a transmiss˜ ao da informa¸ c˜ ao gen´ etica) s˜ ao, aparentemente,
mais f´ aceis de identificar. Sua importˆ ancia com rela¸ c˜ ao a doen¸ cas como
c´ ancer, aids e outras, assim como a sua utiliza¸ c˜ ao em t´ ec nica recentes de
produtos transgˆ enicos e clonagens ´ e indiscut´ ıvel. Se a f ´ ısica de altas ener-
gias ´ e vista como uma maneira de entender melhor as for¸ cas n ucleares ent˜ ao
poderia ser comparada com a biologia molecular. No entanto, esse objetivo
foi deixado de lado, no que se refere aos fatos principais a se rem explica-
dos, e se procura uma unifica¸ c˜ ao das for¸ cas observadas (at ´ e o momento)
na natureza. Ainda que isto possa ser uma motiva¸ c˜ ao para at rair jovens
talentosos, poderia ser uma maneira, a curto prazo, de frust r´ a-los e perder
quadros valiosos.
Em 1964 Alan Weinberg [WE64] observara que o afastamento da f ´ ısica
de altas energias do resto das outras ´ areas da f´ ısica dimin ue a sua importan-
cia como ciˆ encia fundamental. Claro que como ciˆ encia tem o bjetivos bem
definidos e ambiciosos. O problema, ´ e que ´ e cara. Por isso su as verbas s˜ ao
cada vez mais dif´ ıceis de serem obtidas nos paises do primei ro mundo. Em
parte porque tem de competir com ´ areas e/ou temas de pesquis a novos, isto
´ e, que n˜ ao existiam 10 ou 15 anos atr´ as (pelo menos n˜ ao de m aneira estru-
turada). Por outro lado, devemos lembrar que a ciˆ encia ´ e um a s´ o. Assim, se
um projeto ´ e cancelado no primeiro mundo vai nos afetar tamb ´ em. Nos n˜ ao
podemos ficar, pelo menos na ´ area de f´ ısica te´ orica, resol vendo problemas
12diferentes dos da comunidade internacional. N˜ ao devemos a ceitar a divis˜ ao
do trabalho internacional. O desafio, levando em considera¸ c˜ ao as diferen¸ cas
de recursos, ´ e o mesmo.
A “beleza” e a “consistˆ encia” s˜ ao fatores muitas vezes mai s determi-
nantes que a observa¸ c˜ ao experimental na aceita¸ c˜ ao de um a determinada
teoria. Isso serve para decidir entre duas teorias com difer entes graus de
beleza. Mas, este adjetivo tem unicidade? i.e., podemos formular apenas
“uma” ´ unica teoria bela? Pelo menos por enquanto este parec e ser o caso
da Relativiadade Geral e da Mecˆ anica Quˆ antica. O caso dest a ´ ultima ´ e
mais impressionante. Podemos fazer corre¸ c˜ oes ` a Relativ idade Geral acres-
centando termos ` a lagrangeana mas n˜ ao sabemos como modific ar apenas
“um pouco” a mecˆ anica quˆ antica!4Por outro lado, esta n˜ ao determina o
tipo de part´ ıculas e suas intera¸ c˜ oes.
A criterio de beleza sempre foi utilizado pelos cientistas. Segundo Chan-
drasehkar [CH79]
Science, like arts, admits aesthetic criteria; we seek theo ries
that display a proper conformity of the parts to one another a nd
to the whole while still showing some strange in their propor tion.
O problema ´ e que mesmo na arte o criterio de beleza ´ e cultura l e depende
tamb´ em do tempo. Pior, na ciˆ encia como na arte os preconcei tos tˆ em um
papel, para bem o para mal, importante. A beleza manifesta, p ara n´ os, da
teoria atˆ omica n˜ ao era evidente para grandes f´ ısicos de s ´ eculo pasado, como
Lord Kelvin e outros. Mach por exemplo dizia que [WE93a]:
If believed in the reality of atoms is so crucial, then I renou nce
the physicsl way of thinking. I will not be a professional phy sicist,
and I hand back my scientific reputation.
Qualquer que seja a defini¸ c˜ ao de beleza para teorias cient´ ıficas, a “simpli-
cidade” deve fazer parte dela. Mas, como se mede a simplicida de? Segundo
Weinberg [WE93a], ´ e a simplicidade de id´ eias o que importa . Rubbia ´ e mais
enf´ atico: o “script” ´ e mais importante que os “atores”. A t eoria de Newton
´ e constituida por 3 equa¸ c˜ oes entanto que a do Einstein tem 10! Mas sem
d´ uvida nenhuma a ´ ultima ´ e considerada, pela maioria da co munidade de
f´ ısicos, como sendo mais bela (e fundamental) que a primeir a! Assim, n˜ ao
devemos identificar a simplicidade con o n´ umero m´ ınimo de q ualquer coisa.
´E interessante que o chamado “modelo padr˜ ao” das f´ ısica de part´ ıculas el-
ementares a despeito de contar com um n´ umero grande de parˆ a metros ´ e
4Isto ´ e, podemos sim modificar as rela¸ c˜ oes de comuta¸ c˜ ao.
13de uma grande simplicidade na descric˜ ao das intera¸ c˜ oes e ntre part´ ıculas ele-
mentares. E, o que ´ e mais importante, o modelo n˜ ao depende f ortemente dos
valores que esses parˆ ametros venham a ter na realidade. Na e letrodinˆ amica
cl´ assica, alguns dos parˆ ametros como o´ ındice de refra¸ c ˜ ao tem que ser obtidos
experimentalmente. Isso n˜ ao tira beleza ` a teoria de Maxwe ll.
Por outro lado, ´ e bom frisar que a explica¸ c˜ ao de porquˆ e ce rtos parˆ ametros
tˆ em os valores observados ´ e um problema fundamental apena sseeles es-
tiverem relacionados com objetos fundamentais. Talvez os q uarks n˜ ao sejam
os objetos fundamentais da natureza. Por exemplo, os chamad os ˆ angulos de
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa s˜ ao equivalentes ` a orienta¸ c˜ ao de certas ´ orbitas
planet´ arias. Esta orienta¸ c˜ ao ´ e de fundamental importˆ ancia para n´ os: ela
determina as esta¸ c˜ oes na Terra. No entanto, n˜ ao consider amos como funda-
mental explicar por primeiros princ´ ıpios as orienta¸ c˜ oe s das ´ orbitas porque
eles (os planetas) h´ a muito tempo deixaram de ser considera dos objetos de
estudo das leis fundamentais. N˜ ao era este o caso na ´ epoca d e, digamos,
Kepler (ver mais adiante). Por enquanto consideramos os qua rks como
sendo fundamentais. Ser´ a isso mantido com o desenvolvimen to da f´ ısica
nos pr´ oximos d´ ecadas ou s´ eculos? N˜ ao sabemos.
A “inevitabilidade” ´ e outra carater´ ıstica que Weinberg a tribue ` a beleza
de uma teoria [WE93a]. A teoria da relatividade geral parece inevit´ avel
uma vez adotados os princ´ ıpios (simples) de Einstein. No en tanto Wein-
berg subestima a inevitabilidade dos dados experimentais. Os dados as-
tronˆ omicos tornaram inevit´ avel a lei do inverso do quadra do da distˆ ancia.
Nas outras intera¸ c˜ oes a inevitabilidade ´ e obtida dando p rioridade ` as sime-
trias em vez de a mat´ eria.
Um terceiro aspecto para Weinberg que deve ser incorporado ` a beleza
´ e a sua “rigidez” [WE93a]. Pode-se descrever uma grande var iedade de
fenˆ omenos construindo-se teorias o mais flex´ ıveis poss´ ı veis. N˜ ao ´ e isto o
que esperamos de uma teoria dita de fundamental. A rigidez da s teorias
em f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elementares ´ e dada pela simetria e pela consistˆ encia
matem´ atica como por exemplo renormalizabilidade e o cance lamento das
4 Ca¸ ca ao universo
A procura da “f´ ormula do mundo” implica uma defini¸ c˜ ao do mu ndo. Isto
´ e, precissamos a priori definir o sujeito a ser explicado. H´ a apenas alguns
s´ eculos, o “mundo” era restrito aos planetas. Ainda que hoj e em dia nosso
14“mundo” ´ e mais complexo e amplo, n˜ ao vemos nenhuma raz˜ ao p ela qual
j´ a tenham sido observados todas as suas carater´ ısticas a s erem explicadas.
Surpressas podem aparecer mesmo naquelas escalas espa¸ co- temporais nas
quais atualmente pensamos ja ter estudado em detalhe.
A postura adotada freq¨ uentemente pelos f´ ısicos, ´ e reflet ida na vis˜ ao de
Dirac. Segundo ele, a mecˆ anica quˆ antica estava completa e m 1929 e as
imperfei¸ c˜ oes relativas ` a sua s´ ıntese com a relatividad e restrita eram [SC93]
...of no importance in the consideration of atomic and mole-
cular structure and ordinary chemical reactions...the und erlaying
physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a lar ge
part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completel y
known, and the difficulty is only that the exact application of
these laws lead to equations much too complicated to be solub le.
Estas palavras de Dirac foram motivadas pelo sucesso da mecˆ anica quˆ antica
n˜ ao relativ´ ıstica na explica¸ c˜ ao da estrutura do ´ atomo e mol´ eculas.
A vis˜ ao de Dirac ´ e atualmente compartilhada pela maioria d os f´ ısicos. De
fato, como deixa claro acima Schweber, o reducionismos ´ e a m arca da f´ ısica
te´ orica deste s´ eculo. Mais ainda, ´ e uma carater´ ıstica, at´ e recentemente do-
minante, de toda a ciˆ encia moderna. N˜ ao ´ e poss´ ıvel negar os bons resultados
obtidos. Ainda segundo Schweber [SC93]
These conceptual developments in fundamental physics have
revealed a hierarchical structures of the physical words. E ach
layer of the hierarchy successfully represented while rema ining
largely decoupled from other layers. These advanced have su p-
ported the notion of the existence of objective emergent pro perties
and have challenged the reductionist approach. They have al so
given credence to the notion that to a high degree of accuracy our
theoretical understanding of some domains have stabilized , since
the foundational aspects are considered known.
Quantum mechanics reasserted that the physical world prese nt
itself hierarchically. The world was not carved up into terr estial,
planetary and celestial spheres but layered by virtue of cer tain
constants of nature... Planck’s constant allow us to parse t he
world into microscopic and macroscopic realms, or more pre-
cisely into the atomic and molecular domains and the macro-
scopic domains composed of atoms and molecules. The story
repeated itself with the carring out of the nucleon domain: q ua-
sistable entities–neutrons and protons–could be regarded as the
15building blocks of nuclei, and phenomenological theories c ould
account for many properties and interactions of nuclei.
Os f´ ısicos te´ oricos s˜ ao as vezes otimistas demais com rel a¸ c˜ ao aos objetivos
a serem alcan¸ cados a curto pra¸ co. Por´ em os f´ ısicos tamb´ em s˜ ao c´ eticos,
Weisskopf por exemplo se pergunta [WE91]
Is it really an aim of theoretical physics to get the world for -
mula? The greatest physicists have always thought that ther e
was one, and that everything else could be derived from it. Ei n-
stein believed it, Heisenberg believed it, I am not such a gre at
physicist, I do not beleive it... This I think, is beacuse nat ure is
Devemos perguntar-nos se o desenvolvimento futuro implica uma continua¸ c˜ ao
nessa dire¸ c˜ ao ou uma pausa para reorganizar todos os conhe cimentos adquiri-
dos at´ e hoje, antes de ser poss´ ıvel a proposta de uma nova or dem.
Por outro lado, acreditamos que o problema n˜ ao ´ e se devemos ou n˜ ao
reconhecer se a f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elementares ´ e a ´ uni ca ´ area fundamental
da f´ ısica. O que estamos tratando ´ e mais profundo. ´E se existem leis ver-
daderamente fundamentais a serem descobertas (ou que j´ a o t enham sido) em
estruturas diferentes daquelas das pequenas escalas sub-n ucleares ou no uni-
verso primordial. ´E curioso observar que esse tipo de estruturas hier´ arquica s
na dimens˜ ao espa¸ co-temporal foram obtidas sempre que os i nstrumento de
observa¸ c˜ ao eram refinados para poder atingir distˆ ancias cada vez menores.
Por exemplo, o processo de dete¸ c˜ ao e estudo de partes cada v ez menores
ocorre tamb´ em na biologia. Depois de estudar doen¸ cas bact erianas, com o
advento do microsc´ opio eletrˆ onico, foram detetadas doen ¸ cas virais. Podem
existir agentes produtores de doen¸ cas menores ( prions ) ainda n˜ ao deteta-
dos? [GA94]. ´E poss´ ıvel que, al´ em de refinamentos na sensitividade dos
aparelhos, que sem d´ uvida foi o eixo do desenvolvimento das ciˆ encias, o re-
finamento das capacidades de c´ alculo possa introduzir novo s conceitos. O
caos pode ter sido um dos primeiros exemplos. A f´ ısica poder ia entrar numa
fase n˜ ao reducionista (poderiamos dizer holista mas este termo j´ a ´ e usado
com outros prop´ ositos; ou global ou usar tamb´ em n˜ ao-reducionista ). Em
todo caso pode ser que n˜ ao seja uma reviravolta completa. Os aspectos
globais tem suas dificuldades tamb´ em e seu progresso n˜ ao de ver´ a ser t˜ ao
r´ apido como alguns podem pensar. (Mencionamos antes que me smo ´ areas
como o caos passam pelas mesmas dificuldades.) Por outro lado , a tradi¸ c˜ ao
reducionista ainda n˜ ao foi esgotada e dever´ a dar resultad os importantes nas
pr´ oximas d´ ecadas. Segundo Weinberg [WE93a]
16At this moment in the history of science it appears that the
best way to approach these laws is through the physics of elem en-
tary particle, but is an incidental aspect of reductionism a nd may
Argumento te´ oricos falharam as vezes redondamente. Vejam os por ex-
emplo os seguintes argumentos de Maxwell [MA54]
...to explain electromagnetic phenomena by means of mechan -
ical action transmitted from one body to another by means of a
medium occupying the space between them. The ondulatory the -
ory of light also assume the existence of a medium.
To fill all space with a new medium whenever any new phe-
nomena is to be explained is by no means philosophical, but if
the study of two different branches of science has independen tly
suggested the idea of a medium, and if the properties which mu st
be attibutted to the medium...are the same...the evidence f or the
physical existence of the medium will be considerably stren gth-
O que Maxwell n˜ ao sabia era que a estrutura matem´ atica da te oria dis-
pensava a existˆ encia de qualquer meio para a transmiss˜ ao d e ondas eletro-
magn´ eticas. Por outro lado, historicamente a existˆ encia do medio para
os fenˆ omenos eletromagn´ eticos foi importante. N˜ ao apen as para Maxwell.
Faraday, consideraba o v´ acuo como uma substˆ ancia. Isso aj udava-o a ver
o campo eletromagn´ etico como sendo transmitido pelo meio. Isto foi um
avan¸ co com rela¸ c˜ ao ` a a¸ c˜ ao a distˆ ancia de Newton.
A f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elementares tem sido mesmo reducio nista. E ´ e
a isso que deve seu sucesso. O ponto ´ e se devecontinuar sendo, ou se
chegou o momento de dar ˆ enfase aos aspectos globais ou n˜ ao- reducionistas.
Assim colocada, esta discuss˜ ao deixa de ser algo vazio. Ela pode determinar
o sucesso ou o fracasso de novas gera¸ c˜ oes de pesquisadores . Como foi dito
acima, ´ e pos´ ıvel que nas pr´ oximas d´ ecadas a tendˆ encia n a f´ ısica de part´ ıculas
elementares seja a mesma que a dos ´ ultimos 50 anos. Tem muito s dados
a serem obtidos antes de acharmos que devemos voltar a proble mas mais
fundamentais deixados para tr´ as (se ´ e que isso acontecer´ a algun dia).
Por outro lado, devemos ter sempre em mente, a historicidade dos pro-
blemas e de suas solu¸ c˜ oes. Na metade do Sec. XIX discutia-s e se a cria¸ c˜ ao
espontˆ anea da vida era poss´ ıvel. Poderia a vida ter surgid o da n˜ ao-vida? As
experiˆ encias de Pasteur mostraram que o fenˆ omeno de putre fa¸ c˜ ao era provo-
cado pelos micro-organismos presentes no ar. A biologia era assim, separada
17da qu´ ımica. Esta separa¸ c˜ ao foi positiva nas d´ ecadas pos teriores com am-
bas disciplinas se desenvolvendo separadamente. Mas, depo is da mecˆ anica
quˆ antica passou-se a acreditar que todos os processos biol ´ ogicos s˜ ao reduzi-
dos a processos qu´ ımicos que pela sua vez s˜ ao manifesta¸ c˜ oes das leis da
f´ ısica elementar. Por´ em, em alg´ un momento da evolu¸ c˜ ao do universo (ou da
Terra) a vida surgiu da n˜ ao-vida num processo ainda n˜ ao con hecido. Apenas
n˜ ao s˜ ao os processos simples do dia-a-dia nos quais acredi tavam os defen-
sores da gera¸ c˜ ao espontˆ anea pre-Pasteur, por exemplo pe la fermenta¸ c˜ ao e
putrefa¸ c˜ ao como acreditava F. A. Pouchet. Um outro exempl o, ´ e a lei da
gravita¸ c˜ ao de Newton. Como vimos na Sec. 2, os f´ ısicos eur opeos (Descartes
principalmente), e o pr´ oprio Newton, n˜ ao aceitavam do con ceito de “a¸ c˜ ao a
distˆ ancia” e do de “espa¸ co absoluto”. Mas, a lei de Newton d a gravita¸ c˜ ao foi
superior que a dos v´ ortices de Descartes para preparar o cam inho da teoria
da gravita¸ c˜ ao geral de Einstein. Poderiamos colocar vari os exemplos onde
fica claro que uma solu¸ c˜ ao a um determinado problema permit e o desen-
volvimento de uma ´ area mesmo que posteriormente se verifiqu e que aquela
solu¸ c˜ ao n˜ ao era correta ou apenas o era de maneira aproxim ada. O objetivo
da ciˆ encia continua a ser a ca¸ ca ao universo . A discuss˜ ao ´ e qual o passo
mais imediato a ser dado na dire¸ c˜ ao certa.
5 Part´ ıculas elementares: al´ em do modelo
padr˜ ao
Na d´ ecada dos anos 70 na ´ area de f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elem entares ficou com-
pleto (do ponto de vista te´ orico) o chamado modelo padr˜ ao no qual o mundo
subnuclear ´ e composto em termos de gluons, b´ osons vetoria is intermedia-
rios, o f´ oton, quarks e leptons e o escorregadi¸ co b´ oson de Higgs [WE67b,
WI72, HI64]. Depois disso podemos perguntar-mos se haver´ a uma outra
camada de estrutura. Como mencionado acima, n˜ ao sabemos. ´E por isso
que a procura continua.
As id´ eias te´ oricas que permitiram ` a f´ ısica chegar ao est abelecimento de
uma s´ erie de dom´ ınios hier´ arquicos quase aut´ onomos s˜ a o: o grupo de renor-
maliza¸ c˜ ao (que nos indica como podemos fazer extrapola¸ c ˜ oes), o teorema
de desacoplamento (que nos permite esquecer ao fazer as extr apola¸ c˜ oes,
part´ ıculas de massa maior que a escala de energia relevante para as ex-
periˆ encias), a liberdade assintˆ otica (que nos permite us ar teoria de per-
turba¸ c˜ oes) e a quebra espˆ ontanea de simetria (que nos per mite gerar massa
para as diferrentes part´ ıculas sem estragar a consistˆ enc ia matem´ atica da
O sucesso deste modelo na descri¸ c˜ ao das intera¸ c˜ oes entr e part´ ıculas e-
lementares coloca o problema de se determinar quais as leis d a f´ ısica al´ em
deste modelo. A despeito da impressionante concordˆ ancia c om os dados
experimentais, existe um concenso entre os f´ ısicos de que e ste modelo n˜ ao
´ e a teoria final. O modelo deixa muitas coisas sem resposta e t em muitos
parˆ ametros a serem determinados pela experiˆ encia. Como m encionamos
antes, isso poderia n˜ ao ser um problema j´ a que qualquer teo ria f´ ısica vai
precissar sempre de um n´ umero (finito) de parˆ ametros de ent rada a serem
determinados pela experiˆ encia.
O ponto de vista reducionista implica que tudo na natureza ´ e controlado
por um mesmo conjunto de leis fundamentais. O modelo padr˜ ao estaria na
base de tudo o resto mas e depois, o que ´ e que explica esse mode lo? quais os
princ´ ıpios gerais que explicariam porque esse modelo e n˜ a o outro ´ e o que ´ e
v´ alido at´ e as energias dos aceleradores atuais. Constitu e este um problema
fundamental a servir de guia para as futuras gera¸ c˜ oes? A re sposta usual a
esta pergunta est´ a no esp´ ıritu das palavras de Einstein qu em, em 1918, dizia
The supreme test of the physicist is to arrive at those univer -
sal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be buildt by pur e
deduction .
Tarefa dif´ ıcil, nem mesmo sabemos como construir por primeiros princ´ ıpios
hadrons partindo de quarks e gluons! (Para n˜ ao falar de n´ uc leos em ter-
mos de nucleons, mol´ eculas em termos de ´ atomos.) Esse tipo de afirma¸ c˜ ao
emotiva, mesmo vindo de f´ ısicos como Einstein devem ser ana lisadas cuida-
dosamente. Principalmente pelos estudantes que est˜ ao com e¸ cando a sua
p´ os-gradua¸ c˜ ao.
Atualmente a ´ area de neutrino ´ e uma das mais ativas da f´ ısi ca de part´ ıculas
elementares fornecendo muitos dados experimentais que per mitem testar
hip´ oteses do que seria a f´ ısica al´ emdo modelo padr˜ ao. De maneira geral
as observa¸ c˜ oes astrof´ ısicas [GE99] se unem aos dados de a celeradores e
de experimentos com energias baixas que est˜ ao medindo com m aior pre-
ciss˜ ao efeitos bem conhecidos para a procura da nova f´ ısic a. Novos dados de
efeitos h´ a muito tempo procurados como por exemplo a viola¸ c˜ ao da sime-
tria CP [FE99, CE99], ou novas possibilidades permitidas po r novas t´ ecnicas
experimentais como o estudo da anti-mat´ eria com a produ¸ c˜ ao e armazena-
mento de anti-pr´ otons e mesmo de anti-hidrogˆ enio [CE99]. Onde est´ a a
196 Dire¸ c˜ ao ´ unica?
Por ser reducionista a ciˆ encia moderna ´ e tamb´ em unificado ra. Unificadora
no sentido que pretende uma descri¸ c˜ ao unificada dos fenˆ om enos f´ ısicos e
reducionista no sentido que pretende reducir o n´ umero de co nceitos inde-
pendentes com os quais seriam formuladas as leis da natureza . Esse ponto
de vista foi criticado por Anderson alguns anos atr´ as. Segu ndo ele [AN72]
The main fallacy in this kind of thinking is that the reductio n-
ist hypothesis does not by any means imply the “construction ist”
one: The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws
does not imply the ability to start from those laws and recons truct
the universe. In fact, the more the elementary particle phys ics
tell us about the nature of fundamental laws, the less releva nce
they seem to have to the very real problems of the rest of scien ce,
much less to those of society.
The constructionist hypothesis breaks down when confronte d
with the twin difficulties of scale and complexity. The behavi or of
large and complex aggregates of elementary particles, it tu rns out,
is not to be understood in terms of a simple extrapolation of t he
properties of a few particles. Instead, at each level of comp lexity
enterily new properties appear, and the understanding of th e new
behaviors requieres research which I think is as fundamenta l in
its nature as any other.
O quadro do percurso desde o “menos fundamental” at´ e o “mais funda-
mental” pode ser resumido na Tabela 1 na qual os elementos de u ma ciˆ encia
Xobedecem as leis de uma ciˆ encia Y[AN72].
A hierarquia mostrada na Tabela 1, por´ em, n˜ ao implica que a ciˆ encia
X seja apenas aplica¸ c˜ ao da ciˆ encia Y. Em cada n´ ıvel novas leis, concei tos,
generaliza¸ c˜ oes e mesmo novos m´ etodos de pesquisa s˜ ao ne cess´ arios. Mesmo
que saibamos que ap´ os o aquescimento as mol´ eculas se afast am at´ e que a
forma s´ olida se dissocie, as mol´ eculas agora obedecem as l eis dos fluidos que
n˜ ao podem ser deduzidas a partir das leis dos s´ olidos. Por e xemplo, a vida
( a biologia em geral) ´ e em seu n´ ıvel mais fundamental, qu´ ı mica. Isso n˜ ao
implica que seja apenas qu´ ımica. O mesmo pode ser dito da qu´ ımica, ela ´ e
basicamente f´ ısica mas as leis da f´ ısica ajudam pouco no es tabelecimento de
20X Y
Estado s´ olido ou Muitos Corpos Part´ ıculas Elementares
Qu´ ımica Muitos corpos
Biologia Molecular Qu´ ımica
Biologia Celular Biologia Molecular
Psicologia Fisiologia
Ciˆ encias Sociais Psicologia
Table 1: “Hierarquia” das ciˆ encias de Anderson.
novas leis qu´ ımicas. Claro que essas novas leis da qu´ ımica n˜ ao devem violar
as leis da f´ ısica. Mas, fazer qu´ ımica n˜ ao ´ e fazer f´ ısica . E nunca ser´ a.
Na pr´ atica temos “disconnected clumps” nos diferentes dom ´ ınios das
ciˆ encias. Isso acontece nos dois sentido referidos acima: um dom´ ınio de sub-
estrutura n˜ ao ajuda na explica¸ c˜ ao da maioria dos process os da estrutura
acima dela. Para refor¸ car o assunto enfatissemos que at´ e p ouco tempo atr´ as
a f´ ısica atˆ omica entra como um fator de corre¸ c˜ ao da f´ ısi ca nuclear. Esta
pela sua vez n˜ ao ´ e “construida” (no sentido de Anderson) pe la f´ ısica de
quarks. Mas acreditava-se que por sua vez a f´ ısica nuclear n ˜ ao teria nada a
ver com a f´ ısica atˆ omica. No entanto, recentemente foi des coberto um efeito
que contradiz esta ´ ultima afirma¸ c˜ ao: foi encontrado que a orienta¸ c˜ ao do
spin do n´ ucleo de uma mol´ ecula de H2afeta o espalhamento dessa mol´ ecula
biatˆ omica na superficie de um cristal [BE98]. Isso vai ajuda r a estudar
estrutura do campo el´ etrico em superf´ ıcies. At´ e onde iss o pode ir? isto
´ e, ser´ a que um dia estaremos observando efeitos do conte´ u do de quarks
em f´ ısica do estado s´ olido? n˜ ao sabemos, isso depende de m elhoramentos
na t´ ecnica que est˜ ao fora da nossa capacidade de previs˜ ao . Mas, se isso
acontecer ent˜ ao Anderson estaria errado!
´E usual acreditar que quando encontradas, verdades univers ais devem ser
explicadas em termos de outras mais profundas,..., at´ e ati ngirmos a chamada
teoria final . Este ´ e de fato umdos projetos para a ciˆ encia. Mas n˜ ao ´ e o
´ unico. E nem mesmo talvez seja o mais interessante. Um princ ´ ıpio cient´ ıfico
explica outro se este ´ ultimo n˜ ao viola as leis do primeiro. Por´ em, temos de
entender que as leis do princ´ ıpio mais b´ asico n˜ ao ajudam a determinar as
leis do segundo. Apenas servem como referencial subjacente .´E por isso que
continuar´ a havendo qu´ ımica independentemente de que de s eus fundamentos
sejam f´ ısicos. Mais ainda, as leis da qu´ ımica ou da mat´ eri a condensada,
21para pˆ or dois exemplos, podem ter uma generalidade vertica l (no sentido
de Weisskopf acima). Podemos colocar a evolu¸ c˜ ao do progre sso cient´ ıfico da
forma mostrada na Tabela 2 [DR98]
1) observa¸ c˜ oes, fenˆ omenos
complexos, infinidade
↓ de objetos, ↑
2) Organiza¸ c˜ ao em termos Introdu¸ c˜ ao
de conceitos emp´ ıricos de detalhes
Redu¸ c˜ oes conceitos “´ uteis”
sucessivas 3) Leis emp´ ıricas–no¸ c˜ ao de
objetos compostos
↓ 4) As leis emp´ ıricas ↑
podem ser expressas
como rela¸ c˜ oes formais especializa¸ c˜ ao
5) Poucos objetos simples,
leis mais gerais
6) Abstra¸ c˜ oes, matematiza¸ c˜ ao,
idealiza¸ c˜ ao, generaliza¸ c˜ ao
7) Objetos simples irredut´ ıveis, ↑
conceitos e rela¸ c˜ oes O problema
O fim universais, inverso:
a redu¸ c˜ ao leis da redu¸ c˜ ao
completa ` a composi¸ c˜ ao
Table 2: Seq¨ uˆ encias do reducionismo vs composi¸ c˜ ao.
A vis˜ ao de Dirac continua na tradi¸ c˜ ao da f´ ısica de part´ ı culas e campos.
Na d´ ecada dos anos 80 as teorias de supercordas que tinham si do elaboradas
desde 1974 por Veneziano, pasando por Nambu e outros, aparec eram como
fortes candidatas para a teoria que unificasse as quatro inte ra¸ c˜ oes conheci-
das. Essa seria ent˜ ao a culmina¸ c˜ ao da vis˜ ao reducionist a da f´ ısica. Segundo
Witten [OV91] a teoria das supercordas s˜ ao
...a piece of twenty-first-century physics that has fallen i nto
the twentiesth century, and would probably require twenty- second-
century mathematics to understand .
22Em 1980 Hawking disse [HA81] que existia
...the possibility that the goal of the theoretical physics might
be achieved in the not too distant future, say, by the end of th e
century. By this I mean that we might have a complete, consis-
tent and unified theory of the physical interactions which wo uld
describe all possible observations.
Isso tem mais de pessimista que de otimista. Significa que tod o o conheci-
mento te´ orico e em particular novos dados experimentais n˜ ao ser˜ ao capazes,
nos pr´ oximos s´ eculos, de indicar uma outra dire¸ c˜ ao para as leis da natureza.
Esse ´ e o ponto fraco de todo o paradigma de “unifica¸ c˜ ao”.
Essa posi¸ c˜ ao come¸ ca a mudar. Um exemplo radical ´ e o de Geo rgi quem
afirma que
It is true that in chemistry and biology one does not encounte r
any new physical principles. But the systems on which the old
principles act differ in such a way drastic and qualitative wa y in
the different fields that it is simply not useful to regard one a s a
branch of another. Indeed the system are so different that ‘pr in-
ciples’ of new kinds must be developed, and it is the principl es
which are inherently chemical or biological which are impor tant.
In the same way, to study phenomena at velocities much less
thancand angular momentum much greater than ¯h, it is simply
not useful to regard them as special cases of phenomena for ar bi-
trary velocity and angular momentum. We do not need relativi ty
and quantum mechanics for small velocity and large angular m o-
menta...if we had to discover the laws of relativistic quant um me-
chanics from the beginning, we probably would never have gon e
Nenhuma forma de estudar a natureza ´ e compar´ avel ` a pesqui sa cient´ ıfica
a partir (principalmente) de Galileo. Entendemos quantita tivamente os fe-
nˆ omenos. Isso faz, entre outras coisas, a diferen¸ ca entre nossos ´ atomos e os
de Dem´ ocrito. Entender quantitativamente os fenˆ omenos d iz respeito a que
podemos fazer predi¸ c˜ oes quantitativas que podem ser confi rmadas ou n˜ ao
pela experiˆ encia.5Sem estas ´ ultimas n˜ ao podemos dizer se uma teoria ´ e
5N˜ ao pretendemos que todos os aspectos de uma teoria tenham q ue ser testados pela
experiˆ encia. Esta era a posi¸ c˜ ao dos positivistas. As teo rias segundo eles tˆ em de estar
baseadas apenas em observ´ aveis.
23correta ou n˜ ao. Claro, as coisas n˜ ao s˜ ao t˜ ao simples como parecem dado
que podem existir segundo os dados experimentais v´ arias te orias poss´ ıveis.
Aqui a simplicidade ´ e ´ util. Mas apenas isso, ´ util, n˜ ao de finitiva. Assim, a
divis˜ ao aristot´ elica de movimentos naturais en˜ ao naturais n˜ ao passa de uma
descri¸ c˜ ao cuja plausabilidade n˜ ao pode ser testada. Mes mo que a f´ ısica mo-
derna fizesse uso de tais conceitos (como o faz do ´ atomo) deve mos distinguir
uma opini˜ ao de uma pesquisa metodol´ ogica (mais ou menos) b em definida.
Neste sentido, a referˆ encia aos ´ atomos de Dem´ ocrito ´ e ap enas aned´ otica.
´E bom lembrar que ainda que f´ ısicos como Newton e Faraday tin ham em
mente uma “teoria final”, agora sabemos que o contexto te´ ori co e experi-
mental da ´ epoca era bem restrito para tal efeito. Isso ´ e mai s um exemplo de
que o m´ etodo cient´ ıfico (qualquer coisa que isso signifique ) n˜ ao ´ e suficiente
para explicar as motiva¸ c˜ oes, as escolhas e os preconceito s dos cientistas. As-
sim, acreditamos que a quantidade de especula¸ c˜ ao ´ e restr ita por fatos al´ em
das opini˜ oes da comunidade cient´ ıfica e a priori n˜ ao est´ a bem definida.
Os exemplos da teoria geral da relatividade e da predi¸ c˜ ao d a radia¸ c˜ ao
de fundo s˜ ao exemplos de extrapola¸ c˜ oes que deram certo e i sso motivou a
extrapola¸ c˜ ao dos resultados te´ oricos al´ em das possibi lidades de verifica¸ c˜ ao
experimental. Mas, quantas extrapola¸ c˜ oes falharam? No m ´ ınimo para ser-
mos consistentes com a estat´ ıstica devemos considerar iss o quando fizermos
escolhas pessoais sobre o tema de pesquisa. O caso contr´ ari o tamb´ em acon-
tece. Achar que tudo j´ a ´ e conhecido e que n˜ ao h´ a mais espa¸ co para espec-
ula¸ c˜ oes. ´E bem conhecida a opini˜ ao no final do s´ eculo pasado (atribu´ ıda
a Lord Kelvin) e mesmo no come¸ co deste s´ eculo (como Michels on) sobre
o fato que tudo que tinha de ser descoberto j´ a o tinha sido fei to. Assim,
podemos nos perguntar se a luta de Einstein ´ e ainda a nossa. N ˜ ao no sentido
escatol´ ogico no qual n˜ ao temos a menor d´ uvida que ´ e. Mas n o sentido de
uma escolha pessoal da linha de pesquisa de um(uma) jovem cie ntista.
Que existe um sentido nas explica¸ c˜ oes n˜ ao h´ a d´ uvida: as leis de New-
tonexplicam as de Kepler, as de Einstein as de Newton, etc. O p onto ´ e, se
esse sentido ´ e ´ unico ou, existem ramifica¸ c˜ oes? Quando um a teoria final no
· · · → mol´ eculas →´ atomos →n´ ucleos →n´ ucleons →quarks → · · ·
for obtida, ainda fenˆ omenos como a turbulˆ encia e supercon dutividade a altas
temperaturas precissar˜ ao ser explicados e o que esteja par a al´ em dos quarks
poder´ a n˜ ao ser importante para isso.
Se podemos dizer que as verdades mais fundamentais s˜ ao aque las mais
abrangentes devemos, no entanto, aceitar que existem verda des fundamen-
24tais “horizontais” (“extensivas” no sentido de Weisskopf) , isto ´ e, n˜ ao fazem
parte de uma mesma cadeia de explica¸ c˜ oes em ordem crescent e da escala de
determinadas grandezas (massa, velocidade ou energia). As sim, as leis de
Newton podem ser mais fundamentais que as de Kepler e as de Ein stein,
pela sua vez, mais fundamentais que as de Newton. Mas, ser´ a q ue isso
ajudaria na compreens˜ ao das propriedades do ADN? ser´ a que apenas seria
necess´ ario um grande computador para explicar essas propr iedades resol-
vendo equa¸ c˜ oes da mecˆ anica quˆ antica para os el´ etrons e os n´ ucleos? Talvez
n˜ ao. Do contr´ ario teriamos voltado ao mecanicismo pre-Ma xwell, apenas
substituindo a mecˆ anica cl´ assica pela quˆ antica. Podem e xistir quest˜ oes que
n˜ ao possam ser resolvidas com as nossas ferramentas atuais , te´ oricas ou
Alguns fatos, como a origem da vida, parecem ser devidos a aci dentes
hist´ oricos. Se, contudo, alg´ um dia as condi¸ c˜ oes inicia is passassem a ser
parte das leis da f´ ısica isso pode ser feito n˜ ao necessaria mente no sentido
´ atomo →n´ ucleon · · ·mas, mesmo com fenˆ omenos macrosc´ opicos. Novos
princ´ ıpios que n˜ ao contradigam as leis microsc´ opicas po der˜ ao encontrar no-
vas generalidades n˜ ao deduz´ ıveis daqueles.
Por exemplo, a universalidade do caos ´ e suficientemente abr angente e n˜ ao
depende (por enquanto) de leis mais gerais em escalas menore s.´E este tipo
de universalidade que acreditamos existir em diferentes n´ ıveis de organiza¸ c˜ ao
independentes uns dos outros. Por outro lado, atualmente ex istem teorias
t˜ ao especulativas (a teoria dos “baby universes” e outras) n˜ ao completa-
mente formuladas matematicamente e sem suporte experiment al (mesmo a
longo prazo) que podemos at´ e compar´ a-las com a formula¸ c˜ ao aristot´ elica (a
situa¸ c˜ ao grega mencionada antes).
N˜ ao ´ e obvio que vai acontecer com o caos o que aconteceu com a ter-
modinˆ amica. Esta come¸ cou como ciˆ encia autˆ onoma mas foi depois funda-
mentada na mecˆ anica estat´ ıstica. Muito menos obvio ´ e oca so da biologia ou
do problema da conciˆ encia [HO94, PE94]. Ainda que a mec´ ani ca estat´ ıstica
“explica” a termodinˆ amica apenas no sentido que a incorpor a.6
Mas devemos ser cr´ ıticos tamb´ em com rela¸ c˜ ao a essas posi ¸ c˜ oes. ´E ver-
dade que n˜ ao adianta muito para os qu´ ımicos saber que a mate ria ´ e formada
por quarks. Mas de alguma maneira esse conhecimento ´ e subja cente a toda
a qu´ ımica. Gostemos ou n˜ ao. Na pr´ atica nossos m´ etodos te ´ oricos s˜ ao muito
limitados. ´E sempre dif´ ıcil considerar as situa¸ c˜ oes limites como aq uele entre
6As cr´ ıticas a Boltzmann estavam corretas porque apenas a me cˆ anica quˆ antica permi-
tiria uma formula¸ c˜ ao coerente das leis estat´ ısticas mas ela n˜ ao era conhecida nos primeiros
anos do s´ eculo [KU87].
25a mecˆ anica quˆ antica e a cl´ assica, ou como diz Georgi acima , entre a mecˆ anica
relativ´ ısta e a n˜ ao-relativ´ ısta. Mas essas dificuldades devem ser vistas como
limita¸ c˜ oes nossas e n˜ ao s˜ ao ´ unicas nessas ´ areas.
Acontecem mesmo na mecˆ anica cl´ assica n˜ ao-relativ´ ısta . Por exemplo,
sabemos que as diferentes maneiras de formular a mecˆ anica c l´ assica como
1) leis de Newton, 2) princ´ ıpio de D’Alembert, 3) princ´ ıpi o dos deslocamen-
tos virtuais, 4) princ´ ıpio de Gauss, 5) princ´ ıpio de Hamil ton, 6) princ´ ıpio
de a¸ c˜ ao m´ ınima, 7) coordenadas generalizadas e equa¸ c˜ o es de Lagrange, 8)
equa¸ c˜ oes canˆ onicas de Hamilton, 9) equa¸ c˜ oes de Hamilt on-Jacobi e teoria
das trasforma¸ c˜ oes. Todos estes formalismos s˜ ao complet amente equivalentes
no sentido que, qualquer problema de mecˆ anica cl´ assica po de, em princ´ ıpio,
ser resolvido por qualquer um desses m´ etodos. (Na pr´ atica porque todos
levam ` as equa¸ c˜ oes de Newton.) As vezes, alguns deles s˜ ao mais ou menos
apropriados para um problema particular. Outro, tˆ em a vant agem de per-
mitir uma aprecia¸ c˜ ao mais profunda dos sistemas dinˆ amic os. Finalmente,
alguns deles s˜ ao mais apropriados na respectiva extens˜ ao quˆ antica [LO87].
Contudo, nem toda informa¸ c˜ ao ´ e a mesma em cada um destes fo rmalismos.
Por exemplo, com rela¸ c˜ ao as simetrias e leis de conserva¸ c ˜ ao. A conserva¸ c˜ ao
da energia, momento linear e momento angular aparecem em qua lquer dos
formalismos acima mencionados. Mas, em geral as leis de cons erva¸ c˜ ao po-
dem ser diferentes. As simetrias do sistema s˜ ao diferentes quando se usam
as equa¸ c˜ oes do movimento ou a Lagrangeana. Qu´ al deles ser ia mais fun-
damental? Lembremos que algumas equa¸ c˜ oes do movimento na o tˆ em uma
Lagrangeana ou Hamiltoniana correspendente. N˜ ao existem respostas defini-
tivas dentro dos nossos conceitos te´ oricos atuais para ess e tipo de pergunta.
Nem por isso achamos que eles n˜ ao descrevem a mesma mecˆ anic a cl´ assica.
Por outro lado, devemos lembrar que algumas ciˆ encias s˜ ao p or natureza
pr´ opria globais por exemplo as chamadas Ciˆ encias da Terra [BR92]. Nesta
nova s´ ıntese a Terra ´ e considerada como sendo um sistema cuja dinˆ amica
regˆ e-se por causas m´ ultiplas que se ligam e regulam entre s i [AL88]. A moral
da hist´ oria ´ e que Terra n˜ ao pode ser tratada de jeito nenhu m de maneira
reducionista. Constitue um problema suficiente geral.7
7As suas leis poder˜ ao ser verificadas em planetas diferentes da Terra quando forem
estudados. Recentemente foram encontradas evidˆ encias de que no planeta Marte houve
invers˜ oes do campo magn´ etico o que implicaria uma tectˆ on ica de placas semelhante ` a da
Terra [CO99b]
267 Caos: leis fundamentais?
A ferramenta em f´ ısica de part´ ıculas elementares para a ex trapola¸ c˜ ao das
leis de uma determinada escala para escalas menores ´ e o grupo de renor-
maliza¸ c˜ ao [WI83]. Sabemos, ent˜ ao, como extrapolar leis conhecidas a uma
determinada escala de distˆ ancias para escalas menores. Po r´ em, se novas
leis ser˜ ao descobertas no futuro, e n˜ ao vemos nenhum princ ´ ıpio geral que o
proiba, ent˜ ao deveremos ir atualizando nossas extrapola¸ c˜ oes. Assim, qual-
quer afirma¸ c˜ ao relativa ao futuro do universo como um todo d eve ser enten-
dida apenas como uma predi¸ c˜ ao dos nossos conhecimentos atuais das leis
fundamentais. Essas afirma¸ c˜ oes mudar˜ ao quando novas lei s fundamentais
sejam descobertas nas escalas intermedi´ arias ou mesmo na d ire¸ c˜ ao hori-
zontal. Quem poderia ter previsto a descoberta da radioativ idade? ou a
mecˆ anica quˆ antica poderia ter sido postulada apenas por m ´ etodos formais?
Al´ em disso, tudo est´ a baseado numa hip´ otese que mesmo raz o´ avel pode-
ria n˜ ao ser verdadeira: a que as leis da natureza foram sempr e as mesmas.
Claro, n˜ ao existe uma proposta razo´ avel para uma poss´ ıve l varia¸ c˜ ao tempo-
ral dessas leis. A proposta de Dirac, que as constantes da nat ureza podem
variar com o tempo n˜ ao foi confirmada at´ e agora e pode n˜ ao se r a mais
interessante [DI37].
Devemos perceber que, se nem a arg´ ucia nem a estupidez s˜ ao p revis´ ıveis
muito menos o s˜ ao as futuras descobertas te´ oricas e/ou exp erimentais. De
qualquer forma, a Natureza ´ e mais imaginativa do que n´ os. A elegˆ ancia
matem´ atica n˜ ao ´ e suficiente. Podemos imaginar quais seri am as estru-
turas matem´ aticas se os f´ ısicos do s´ eculo passado tivess em tentado unificar,
mais ou menos no sentido que conhecemos hoje, a eletrodinˆ am ica de Neu-
mann e Weber com a gravita¸ c˜ ao de Newton? Nessa eletrodinˆ a mica as for¸ cas
eletromagn´ eticas se propagam de um corpo a outro com veloci dade infinita.
Teriam resistido essas estruturas matem´ aticas ` as descob ertas experimentais
do final do se´ culo XIX? ´E bem prov´ avel que n˜ ao. De fato, ´ e interessante
observar que Faraday queria mostrar que o eletromagnetismo estava rela-
cionado com a gravita¸ c˜ ao [HO94]. Isso mostra, repetimos, que as motiva¸ c˜ oes
pessoais dos cientistas n˜ ao tem nada a ver com os resultados reais obtidos.
Faraday ficou longe de atingir seu desejo. Mas, visto restros pectivamente,
ser´ a que precissava dele?
Em 1950 John Von Neumann construia se computador Johnniac ( sic).
Acreditava Von Neuman que a metereologia seria a ´ area princ ipal do uso dos
computadores [DY88]. Segundo Von Neumann os fenˆ omenos met ereol´ ogicos
eram de dois tipos: os est´ aveis e osinst´ aveis . Os primeiros s˜ ao aque-
27les que suportam pequenas perturba¸ c˜ oes, os segundos n˜ ao . Por´ em, assim
que os computadores estivessem funcionando todos os proble mas relativos
` a predi¸ c˜ ao do tempo seriam resolvidos. Todos os processo s est´ aveis seriam
previstos e os inst´ aveis controlados.
Von Neumann n˜ ao imaginou que n˜ ao ´ e poss´ ıvel classificar a desloca¸ c˜ ao
de fluidos em previs´ ıveis e control´ aveis. N˜ ao previu a des coberta do caos de-
termin´ ıstico [RU93]. Este fenˆ omeno ´ e caraterizado por uma depˆ endenci a
hipersens´ ıvel das condi¸ c˜ oes inicias, quaisquer que sej am estas condi¸ c˜ oes.
Isso quer dizer que neste tipo de sistemas, pequenas perturb a¸ c˜ oes implicam
grandes efeitos a longo prazo.
O movimento regido pelas leis da mecˆ anica newtoniana ´ e det erminado
sem ambig¨ uidade pela condi¸ c˜ ao inicial, no entanto, exis te, em geral, uma
limita¸ c˜ ao na predi¸ c˜ ao de sua trajet´ oria. Temos ent˜ ao , ao mesmo tempo
determinismo e impreditibilidade a longo prazo. O que define um sistema
dinˆ amico ´ e uma evolu¸ c˜ ao temporal determinista bem defin ida. Talvez seja
interessante observar que toda a f´ ısica desde os gregos at´ e poucos anos atr´ as
foi baseada na geometria cl´ assica (euclideana ou n˜ ao) na q ual os elementos
b´ asicos das formas s˜ ao as linhas, planos, c´ ırculos, esfe ras, cones, etc. No
entanto a geometria fractal [MA77] parte de um universo mais parecido ao
real: irregular e ´ aspero. Podemos nos perguntar quais seri am as leis b´ asicas
se este tipo de geometria fosse o paradigma desde o come¸ co. S er´ a que o caos,
seria um fato incorporado nas pr´ oprias leis do movimento, e m vez de sˆ e-lo
nas condi¸ c˜ oes iniciais, como ocorre quando consideramos as leis de Newton?
De qualquer forma o caos e a geometria fractal da natureza ´ e a vingan¸ ca de
Simplicio sobre Sartori [GA85]. O movimento real n˜ ao ´ e t˜ a o simpels como
acreditava Galileu. (Este ´ e mais um exemplo de que a escolha de teorias ou
resultados tem um car´ ater hist´ orico. A teoria de Galileo s e mostrou frut´ ıfera
entanto que a vis˜ ao global n˜ ao o foi. Mas acabariam se encon trando!).
Do ponto de vista conceitual a descoberta do caos ´ e uma revol u¸ c˜ ao como
o foram as teorias da relatividade e a mecˆ anica quˆ antica. N o entanto trata-se
de fenˆ omenos a grandes escalas, inclusive com rela¸ c˜ ao a e scala humana. As-
sim, vemos que este poderia ser um exemplo de que as “leis fund amentais”
aparecem n˜ ao necessariamente quando estudamos processos carater´ ısticos
de dimens˜ oes cada vez menores. Um aspecto a ser levado em con ta ´ e a “uni-
versalidade” de qualquer coisa que possamos chamar de “lei f undamental”.
A dependˆ encia hipersens´ ıvel das condi¸ c˜ oes iniciais fo i descoberta no fi-
nal do s´ eculo XIX por Jacques Hadamard. Contribui¸ c˜ oes im portantes foram
feitas por Duhem e Poincar´ e. No entanto apenas com o advento dos com-
putadores r´ apidos foi poss´ ıvel fazer um estudo quantitat ivo riguroso. Assim,
28podemos dizer que a coloca¸ c˜ ao do caos como um novo paradigm a ´ e um feito
que come¸ cou na d´ ecada dos anos 60. Isso significa que foram p recissos
mais de trˆ es s´ eculos para que novas fenˆ omenos com suas res pectivas leis
fossem descobertos “dentro das leis fundamentais” de Newto n. Neste sen-
tido, poderiamos comparar as experiˆ encias realizadas a al tas energias como
equivalentes ` a experiˆ encia de Cavendish: apenas est˜ ao t entando descobrir
generalidades sobre leis fundamentais. O estudo detalhado fica como tarefa
para as pr´ oximas d´ ecadas (s´ eculos ?).
Assim, voltando a von Neumann, ele n˜ ao imaginou que em algun s anos
seria descoberto que o movimento ca´ otico que geralmente ´ e imprevis´ ıvel e
incontrol´ avel ´ e que ´ e a regra n˜ ao a exce¸ c˜ ao. Vemos ent˜ ao, e poderiamos dar
muitos mais exemplos, que a preditividade ´ e pequena mesmo p ara mentes
como as de Von Neumann.
8 Que biologia ´ e essa?
Nos dias de hoje ´ e frequente escutar que “assim como a f´ ısic a foi a ciˆ encia
do s´ eculo XX a biologia ser´ a a ciˆ encia do s´ eculo XXI”. De f ato, da d´ ecada
de 50 para c´ a os avan¸ cos na biologia molecular s˜ ao impress ionantes. Atu-
almente os projetos de sequˆ enciamento dos genomas de v´ ari os organismos,
em particular o projeto Genoma Humano [TE99, JA99] permite v isualizar
um sim fim de aplica¸ c˜ oes da genˆ omica nas ´ areas da sa´ ude e a gropecuaria.
At´ e tem sido dito que os f´ ısicos deveriam fazer biologia. A fortunadamente,
quando a f´ ısica estava realizando as suas hoje famosas desc obertas nas trˆ es
primeiras d´ ecadas deste s´ eculo os biologos continuaram . .. a fazer biologia!
Um fato, no entanto, deve ser enfatizado. A biologia realiza ndo essa espe-
tacular revolu¸ c˜ ao fica menos biologia no sentido tradicio nal. A biologia est´ a
se convertindo cada vez mais em uma ciˆ encia quantitativa co mo a qu´ ımica
e a f´ ısica. A matem´ atica e a inform´ atica s˜ ao cada vez mais impressind´ ıveis
para continuar o seu desenvolmimento. Sem os programas sequ enciadores
n˜ ao teria sido poss´ ıvel realizar os projetos Genoma. Crai g Venter da Celera
Genomics est´ a instalando o segundo maior conglomerado de c omputadores
do mundo (somente inferior ao do Departamento de Energia dos Estados
Unidos) [TE99]. Segundo Leroy Hood “a biologia se tornou inf orma¸ c˜ ao”,
metade dos cientistas que trabalhar˜ ao no instituto que ele est´ a montando na
Universidade de Seattle ser˜ ao matem´ aticos, f´ ısicos, ci entistas da computa¸ c˜ ao
e qu´ ımicos [TE99]. O genoma humano n˜ ao diz como os 100 mil ge nes tra-
balham juntos para formar o organismo humano. A compreens˜ a o disso ´ e
29uma tarefa que n˜ ao pode ser levada adiante somente pelos bio logos. Esse ´ e
um empreendimento multidisciplinario no qual os f´ ısicos p oder˜ ao fazer con-
tribui¸ c˜ oes importantes. N˜ ao apenas eles, para entender o modo como as
diferentes partes de qualquer genoma interagem entre si ser ˜ ao necess´ arios
n˜ ao apenas computadores cada vez mais r´ apidos e programas cada vez mais
sofisticados, o que da origem a uma nova ´ area a bioinform´ atica , mas tamb´ em
ser´ a necess´ ario construir modelos matem´ aticos e estat´ ısticos, compreender
melhor a intera¸ c˜ ao entre as mol´ eculas, tarefa para qu´ ım icos.
De fato a influˆ encia dos f´ ısicos em outras ´ areas das ciˆ enc ias fica evidente
quando vemos que: M. F. Perutz, ganhou o prˆ emio Nobel de Qu´ ı mica em
1962 pelos seus estudos da estrutura das proteinas globular es. No mesmo
ano F. H. C. Crick ganhava o prˆ emio Nobel de Fisiologia e Medi cina pela
descoberta da estrutura da dupla h´ elice do DNA. Em 1962 foi a vez de M.
Delbr¨ uck pela descoberta do mecanismo de replica¸ c˜ ao e a e strutura gen´ etica
dos virus (em f´ ısica temos o espalhamento Delbr¨ uck). W. Gi lbert ganhou
em 1980 o prˆ emio Nobel de Qu´ ımica pelos estudos na bioqu´ ım ica dos ´ acidos
nucleicos em particular do DNA recombinante (em f´ ısica ´ e c onhecido por sua
demostra¸ c˜ ao do teorema de Goldstone) e apenas para citar o mais recente,
em 1998 o prˆ emio Nobel de qu´ ımica teve um f´ ısico entre os ga nhadore,
W. Kohn pelas suas contribui¸ c˜ oes ` a qu´ ımica computacion al. Sim, alguns
f´ ısicos continuar˜ ao a fazer biologia mas a forma¸ c˜ ao tra dicional de biol´ ogos
(e m´ edicos e outras carreiras afins) ter´ a de ser reformulad a.
9 Computa¸ c˜ ao quˆ antica
As contribui¸ c˜ oes dos f´ ısicos ` a ´ area da computa¸ c˜ ao tˆ em sido tamb´ em im-
pressionantes. E n˜ ao devemos esquecer que isso foi obtido s em ter como
motiva¸ c˜ ao a aplica¸ c˜ ao que posteriormente apareceu. A W orld Wide Weg
(WWW) foi desenvolvida no CERN (usando a j´ a 25 anos de velha I nternet)
com outras finalidades [BI99]. A revolu¸ c˜ ao somente aconte ceu, no entanto,
quando foi desenvolvido o Mosaic no NCSA (National Center fo r Supercom-
puter Applications)
Todas as ´ areas sem exe¸ c˜ ao tˆ em sido influenciadas pela rev olu¸ c˜ ao da in-
form´ atica. Isso continuar´ a ocorrendo sempre que a capaci dade de tratar
informa¸ c˜ ao aumente. No entanto, o crecimento da rapidez d as computado-
ras est´ a associada a uma maior capacidade de miniaturiza¸ c ˜ ao. Aqui vale
lembrar que o ponto de partida de tudo foi a descoberta do efei to transis-
tor [AD76]. Mais ainda, o primeiro transistor tinha dimens˜ oes macrosc´ opicas
30e seu pre¸ co era da ordem de USA$ 1. Dai para c´ a por esse pre¸ co podem-se
comprar milh˜ oes deles! Foi isso que permitiu a revolu¸ c˜ ao da inform´ atica n˜ ao
prevista mesmo por von Neumann (veja discus˜ ao na Sec. 7).
De fato a densidade de transistores em cada chip aumentou exp onencial-
mente nos ´ ultimos 24 anos. Manter esse ritmo nos pr´ oximos a nos implicar´ a
em confrontar, em algun momento, as barreiras da mecˆ anica q uˆ antica. Toda
a ciˆ encia e a tecnologia nanom´ etrica ´ e dominada pelos efe itos quˆ anticos. A
escrita de dimens˜ oes nanom´ etricas est´ a cada vez mais des envolvida [HO99];
as suas aplica¸ c˜ oes v˜ ao desde a qu´ ımica (onde as t´ ecnica s poderiam ser us-
adas para controlar a distˆ ancia entre os reagentes numa rea ¸ c˜ ao qu´ ımica)
at´ e dispositivos eletrˆ onicos com dimens˜ oes moleculare s. A ciˆ encia aplicada
chega cada vez mais perto da ciˆ encia b´ asica. Neste dom´ ıni os os fenˆ omenos
quˆ anticos ser˜ ao cada vez mais importantes.
Assim entender melhor essa estranha e bela teoria ser´ a um do s mais
importantes temas que a f´ ısica vai brindar ao resto das cieˆ encias e, em geral,
a todas as outras formas das atividades humanas. Por outro la do e n˜ ao
menos espetacular ser´ a o controle da computa¸ c˜ ao quˆ anti ca [PR99].
A maioria das ´ areas do conhecimento puderam ter grande dese nvolvi-
mento nas ultimos anos apenas pelos avan¸ cos na inform´ atic a e esta contou e
continuar´ a a contar, direta ou indiretamente, com a partic ipa¸ c˜ ao dos f´ ısicos.
´E pos isso que muitos f´ ısicos continuar˜ ao a fazer f´ ısica e muitos biol´ ogos
passar˜ ao a pensar cada vez mais ... como f´ ısicos! A f´ ısica est´ a longe de estar
esgotada [DA99].
10 S´ ıntese versus diversidade
Algumas vezes a f´ ısica se encontra em situa¸ c˜ oes de s´ ınte se, enquanto na
maior parte das vezes ´ e a diversidade a que prevalece. De fat o, a diversidade
´ e uma carater´ ıstica das ciˆ encias desenvolvidas.
Segundo Dyson [DY88] por per´ ıodos longos as diversas ciˆ en cias per-
manecem dominadas pela concretitude . Por exemplo, na maior parte do
s´ eculo XIX e nas d´ ecadas posteriores aos anos 30 deste s´ ec ulo. Em out-
ras ocasi˜ oes, ´ e a abstra¸ c˜ ao que domina. Os pesquisadores de uma ´ epoca
determinada n˜ ao podem escolher entre qual a tendˆ encia que domine. Isso
est´ a definido por fatores externos e, muitas vezes pelo acas o. Depois das
revolu¸ c˜ oes da mecˆ anica quˆ antica e relatividade restri ta e geral, como pode-
riamos esperar o desenvolvimento de esquemas te´ oricos mai s gerais ainda
num breve per´ ıodo de tempo?
31No entanto, progressos importantes foram conseguidos no pe r´ ıodo de
1960-1980. O chamado modelo padr˜ ao das intera¸ c˜ oes eletrofracas e fortes
foi uma conquista do ponto de vista da teoria quˆ antica de cam pos, acrescen-
tadas de descobertas te´ oricas como a liberdade assintˆ otica e omecanismo de
Higgs mencionados antes. A partir da´ ı, uma s´ erie de extrapola¸ c ˜ oes dessas
estruturas levaram ` a maioria dos f´ ısicos a pensar que a s´ ı ntese final estaria
chegando ao fim. Isso fica evidente nas palavras de Hawking cit adas anteri-
A vis˜ ao de Dirac dominou a f´ ısica nas d´ ecadas passadas. Em 1970 L´ eon
van Hove dizia [SC93]
... physics now look more like chemistry in the sense that... a
much larger fraction of the total research deals with comple x sys-
tems, structure and processes, as against a smaller fractio n con-
cerned with the fundamental laws of motion and interactions ...we
all believe that the fundamentals of classical mechanics, o f the
electromagnetic interaction, and of statistical mechanic s dom-
inate the multifarious transitions and phenomena you discu ss
this week; and I assume that none of you expects his work on
such problem to lead to modifications of these laws. You known
the equations more than the phenomena...
Agora sabemos que n˜ ao foi bem assim. Novas leis fundamentai s estavam
sendo descobertas pelos te´ oricos e em pouco tempo testadas pelos f´ ısicos
experimentais. (Lembremos do caos na mecˆ anica cl´ assica. ) No fundo, temos
a esperanza que isso aconte¸ ca de novo. ´E, no entanto, pouco prov´ avel a
curto prazo. No paradigma das teorias de grande unifica¸ c˜ ao , supersimetria
e supercordas o problema ´ e que as predi¸ c˜ oes n˜ ao ambiguas destas teorias s´ o
ocorrem a escalas que dificilmente ser˜ ao atingidas pela f´ ı sica experimental
em curto prazo. A possibilidade seria uma mudan¸ ca de paradi gma. Por´ em,
n˜ ao h´ a nenhuma proposta te´ orica que traga uma luz nesse se ntido. Mas,
como dissemos antes, a natureza ´ e mais esperta do que n´ os.
A ciˆ encia progride lentamente sem se importar com nossas pr essas e
angustias. Em 1896, ou seja antes da descoberta do n´ ucleo at ˆ omico e da
mecˆ anica quˆ antica, Emil Wiechert disse [DY88]
A mat´ eria que supomos ser o principal componente do uni-
verso ´ e formada por tijolos independentes, os ´ atomos qu´ ı micos.
Nunca ser´ a demais repetir que a palavra “´ atomo” est´ a hoje em
dia separada de qualquer especula¸ c˜ ao filos´ ofica antiga: s abemos
32precisamente que os ´ atomos com os quais estamos lidando n˜ a o
s˜ ao em nenhum sentido os mais simples componentes conceb´ ı veis
do universo. Ao contr´ ario, diversos fenˆ omenos, especial mente na
´ area da espectroscopia, levam ` a conclus˜ ao de que os ´ atom os s˜ ao
estruturas bastante complexas. At´ e onde vai a ciˆ encia mod erna,
devemos abandonar por completo a id´ eia de que penetrando no
limiar do pequeno conseguiremos alcan¸ car as funda¸ c˜ oes fi nais
do universo. Acredito que podemos abandonar essa id´ eia sem
nenhum remorso. O universo ´ e infinito em todas as dire¸ c˜ oes ,
n˜ ao apenas acima de n´ os, na grandeza, mas tamb´ em abaixo de
n´ os, na pequenhez. Se partirmos da nossa escala humana de
existˆ encia e explorarmos o conte´ udo do universo al´ em e al ´ em,
chegaremos finalmente, tanto no reino do pequeno quanto no
reino do grande, a distˆ ancias obscuras onde primeiro nos no ssos
sentidos e depois nossos conceitos nos falhar˜ ao.
Depois disso fica dif´ ıcil entender as palavras do Mach acima ! Definitiva-
mente os f´ ısicos hoje em dia n˜ ao pensam mais como Mach. Por e xemplo, ´ e
interessante a posi¸ c˜ ao de Dyson [DY88]:
...a Natureza ´ e complexa. J´ a n˜ ao ´ e mais nossa a vis˜ ao que
Einstein conservaria at´ e sua morte, de um mundo objetivo de
espa¸ co, tempo e mat´ eria, independente do pensamento e da o b-
serva¸ c˜ ao humanos. Einstein esperava encontrar um univer so
dotado do que chamava ‘realidade objetiva’, de um universo d e
picos montanhosos que ele poderia compreender por meio de um
conjunto finito de equa¸ c˜ oes. A natureza, como em fim se desco -
briu, vive n˜ ao nos cumes elevados, mas nos vales l´ a embaixo .
Este tipo de posicionamento ainda que mais frequentes na atu alidade, n˜ ao
s˜ ao majorit´ arias.
Sabe-se agora que h´ a milhares de teorias de supercordas que s˜ ao mate-
maticamente consistentes da mesma maneira que as duas teori as de Green
e Schwarz. Esta consistˆ encia matem´ atica ´ e garantida pel a invariˆ ancia con-
forme. A menos que seja mostrado que essa diversidade de teor ias s˜ ao equi-
valentes, a ´ unica e importante consequˆ encia das teorias d e supercordas ´ e que
as simetrias do espa¸ co-tempo e internas n˜ ao s˜ ao colocada s a m˜ ao. De fato,
em 1985 j´ a se tinham reduzido a 5 as teorias de supercordas di ferentes. Logo
depois, a introdu¸ c˜ ao de um novo tipo de simetria chamada de dualidade-S
(o exemplo cl´ assico ´ e a dualidade dos campos el´ etrico e ma gn´ etico) reduz
33a apenas o n´ umero a 3. Mais recentemente, com a descoberta de novas
dualidades as 5 de supercordas em 10 dmens˜ oes e uma teoria de campos
em 11 dimens˜ oes s˜ ao consideradas apenas a manifesta¸ c˜ ao de apenas uma
teoria– M, ainda que n˜ ao exista uma formula¸ c˜ ao completa desse tipo de teo-
ria [BE99, DU98, HI95]. O problema ´ e que “ no one knows how to w rite
down the equation of this theory” [WE99]. De qualquer forma, o limite de
baixas energias tem de ser escolhido antes. Por exemplo, se f or confirmado
um modelo que inclua o modelo padr˜ ao (de maneira unificada ou n˜ ao) ent˜ ao
deve haver uma teoria de supercordas cujo limite se baixas en ergias seja esse
modelo e n˜ ao outro. (Um das teorias de Green e Schwarz tem um l imite
de baixas energias perto do modelo padr˜ ao. Mas at´ e o moment o n˜ ao foi
encontrada uma teoria que reprodu¸ ca a baixas energias os qu arks e leptons
conhecidos.) Mesmo que algu´ em descobrisse qual ´ e essa teo ria de supercor-
das, n˜ ao saberiamos explicar porque esta teoria ´ e a que des creve o mundo
real. O objetivo da f´ ısica n˜ ao ´ e apenas descrever o mundo m as explicar
porque ele ´ e como ´ e [WE93a].
Devemos por tanto dar maior importˆ ancia aos detalhes. Por e xemplo,
n˜ ao ´ e qualquer conjunto de equa¸ c˜ oes diferenciais parci ais que descreve o
campo eletromagn´ etico. S˜ ao apenas as equa¸ c˜ oes de Maxwe ll que o fazem.
Da mesma maneira n˜ ao ´ e qualquer teoria n˜ ao-Abeliana que d escreve as
intera¸ c˜ oes de quarks e leptons. Em ambos casos, as equa¸ c˜ oes de Maxwell e
o modelo padr˜ ao, sempre podemos estudar maneiras de genera liz´ a-los. Mas,
n˜ ao ser´ a qualquer generaliza¸ c˜ ao que ser´ a seguida pela natureza.
Mesmo que dispuss´ essemos de uma teoria de supercordas real ´ ıstica, que
explicasse tudo o que modelo padr˜ ao deixa em aberto (as mass as dos fermions
por exemplo) ainda teriamos que explicar porque essa teoria e suas asun¸ c˜ oes
importantes s˜ ao escolhidas pela natureza. Em outras palav ras, ´ e mais
prov´ avel que essa teoria de supercordas precisse de princ´ ıpios ainda mais
profundos para ser explicada.
Usualmente Einstein ´ e considerado como um dos defensores d a procura
de leis unificadas da natureza. No entanto, ele via isso, pelo menos num
per´ ıodo da sua vida, como um processo sem fim. Em 1917 ele escr eveu para
Felix Klein [PA82]
However we select from nature a complex [of phenomena] us-
ing the criterion of simplicity, in no case will its theoreti cal treat-
ment turn out to be forever appropriate (sufficient). Newtons ’s
theory, for example, represent the gravitational field in a s eem-
ingly complete way by means of the potential φ. This description
34proves to be wanting; the functions gµνtake its place. But I do
not doubt that the day will come when that description, too, w ill
have to yield to another one, for reason which at present we do
not yet surmise. I belive that this process of deeping the the ory
has no limits.
Klein escreveu para Einstein nesse mesmo ano falando sobre a invariˆ ancia
conforme na eletrodinˆ amica. Einstein respondeu [PA82]
It does seem to me that you highly overrate the value of formal
point of view. These may be valuable when an already found
truth needs to be formulated in a final form, but fail almost al ways
as heuristics aids.
Segundo Pais [PA82]
Nothing is more striking about the later Einstein than his
change of position in regard to this advice, give when he was i n
his late thirties.
Quer dizer que segundo esta vis˜ ao inicial de Einstein, a cad eia de ex-
plica¸ c˜ oes em termos de princ´ ıpios cada vez mais gerais e p rofundos, n˜ ao
teria fim. Assim, uma teoria de tudo n˜ ao seria poss´ ıvel. Por outro lado,
segundo Weinberg [WE93a], o fato que nossos princ´ ıpios tˆ e m-se tornado
mais simples e econˆ omicos, poderia indicar que devahaber uma tal teoria.
No entanto, o que queremos enfatizar aqui n˜ ao ´ e se concorda mos ou n˜ ao
com as posi¸ c˜ oes do tipo das de Weinberg. Queremos ´ e coloca r se a nossa
compreens˜ ao da estrutura´ ıntima da mat´ eria ser´ a, em ´ ul tima instˆ ancia, mel-
horada se dedicarmos mais esfor¸ cos ` a f´ ısica de 1 TeV ou ` a d a escala de
Planck (1019GeV) ou, mesmo se novas leis “macrosc´ opicas” poder˜ ao ser d e
utilidade na compreens˜ ao ´ ultima do universo.
Uma “teoria de tudo” n˜ ao seria eficaz com rela¸ c˜ ao ao proble ma da com-
plexidade organizada existente na natureza. De fato, ´ e pos s´ ıvel que as leis
que regem a complexidade e que seriam v´ alidas para qualquer sistema com-
plexo, incluindo o universo, n˜ ao sejam do tipo das leis da na tureza conheci-
das at´ e o momento [BA94].
Pesquisar os detalhes de “vales e montanhas”, para usar a ana logia de
Deyson, pode ser mais interessante que pesquisar os picos. N o m´ ınimo vai
se encontrar coisas diferentes e n˜ ao menos importantes. Pi or, n˜ ao temos
escolha. Se precissamos pesquisar detalhes ou n˜ ao, depend e do desenvolvi-
mento de uma determinada ciˆ encia. Os vales n˜ ao s˜ ao apenas um ponto
35de referˆ encia para medir a altitude dos picos. Eles tˆ em a su a pr´ opria di-
versidade, suas pr´ oprias leis e metodologia. Suas pr´ opri as surpressas. N˜ ao
devemos ter medo de que a f´ ısica, pelo momento, se torne uma b otˆ anica
ou uma qu´ ımica. Depois, uma nova ordem geral vir´ a. De novo p odemos
chamar a aten¸ c˜ ao aqui para o tectˆ onica de placas. Por muit os s´ eculos os
estudos da Terra eram “chatos”. Procurava-se classificar as rochas! mas
sem essa fase aborrecida n˜ ao teriamos a s´ ıntese atual.
Apenas agindo podemos ver o que realmente acontecer´ a. Deve mospar-
ticipar do processo cient´ ıfico. ´E por isso que a decis˜ ao pessoal mencionada
acima ´ e importante. N˜ ao ´ e apenas uma quest˜ ao de opini˜ ao . Segundo a de-
cis˜ ao tomada seguiremos um ou outro caminho na nossa pesqui sa e segundo
esse caminho poderemos ser melhor ou pior sucedidos. Melhor , se acredi-
tamos que o processo cient´ ıfico, longe de acabar, est´ a apen as come¸ cando
devemos tornar-nos participes dele o quanto antes.
Se ainda ´ e o sonho de alguns f´ ısicos a formula¸ c˜ ao de uma te oria que
unifique todas as intera¸ c˜ oes conhecidas [GE89a], devemos ter sempre pre-
sente que uma teoria de tudo ´ e em princ´ ıpio imposs´ ıvel. To da teoria tem
sua componente fenomenologico, aspectos que n˜ ao podem ser calcul´ aveis
usando os conceitos da mesma teoria. Todas as teorias s˜ ao e s er˜ ao aproxi-
madas, estaremos sempre numa “unended quest”. E isso ´ e empo lgante.
Nos ´ ultimos anos a nossa compreens˜ ao da teoria quˆ antica d e campos
mudou consideravelmente. A descri¸ c˜ ao das part´ ıculas em teoria quˆ antica
de campos depende da energia na qual estudamos essas intera¸ c˜ oes. Assim
todas as teorias podem ser consideradas como teorias efetivas , levando em
conta apenas as part´ ıculas relevantes na escala de energia considerada.
Este ´ e uma realiza¸ c˜ ao do fato que podemos estudar fenˆ ome nos ou pro-
cessos f´ ısicos apenas num intervalo limitado de energia. A parecem infinitos
pela exigˆ encia de localidade que significa que a cria¸ c˜ ao e/ou aniquila¸ c˜ ao de
part´ ıculas ocorre num ponto do espa¸ co-tempo. O processo d erenormal-
iza¸ c˜ ao foi interpretado at´ e recentemente como uma maneira de abso rver
os infinitos nos parˆ ametros f´ ısicos. Isto ´ e, introduzind o um cut-off Λ e
modificando a teoria para distˆ ancias menores que Λ−1, aparecem apenas
quantidades pass´ ıveis de serem medidas experimentalment e como a massa e
a carga el´ etrica. Finalmente faz-se Λ → ∞. A teoria fica independente do
cut-off . Segundo Dirac, quem nunca aceitou o processo de renormaliz a¸ c˜ ao, a
f´ ısica te´ orica tomou um pista errada com esse desenvolvim ento. Hoje em dia
essa vis˜ ao (de Dirac) ´ e considerada muito restrita. Afinal a eletrodinˆ amica
quˆ antica ´ e apenas uma parte do modelo eletrofraco que cert amente ´ e parte
de uma teoria mais abrangente. O problemas dos infinitos ser´ a resolvido
36quando tivermos uma teoria final (se ´ e que ela existe). Este c aso ´ e interes-
sante para refletir. As vezes os problemas apenas existem por que estamos
supervalorizando nossos objetos de estudo. Por exemplo, Ke pler propˆ os um
modelo das ´ orbitas dos planetas baseado em simetrias. Agor a sabemos que
as simetrias fundamentais n˜ ao aparecem nesse tipo de siste mas. Assim a
proposta de Kepler era interessante mais aplicada no proble ma errado. Os
planetas n˜ ao s˜ ao mais objetos fundamentais para a formula ¸ c˜ ao de teorias
f´ ısicas b´ asicas. Esta discus˜ ao parece vanal mas n˜ ao ´ e. Muitas escolhas de
estudantes ou mesmo de pesquisadores ser˜ ao feitas segundo o aspecto que
valorizem na pesquisa. Isto ´ e, o que seja considerado um pro blema impor-
tante. Se algu´ em concorda com Dirac que “a eletrodinˆ amica quˆ antica atual
n˜ ao corresponde ao elevado padr˜ ao de beleza matem´ atica q ue seria de es-
perar de uma teoria f´ ısica fundamental” e tentar modificar apenas a QED
poder´ a encontrar problemas insoluv´ eis mesmo para mentes bem preparadas
e privilegiadas.
As teorias de grande unifica¸ c˜ ao tentavam esclarecer melho r o modelo
padr˜ ao. Por exemplo dar resposta ao problema da quantiza¸ c ˜ ao da carga e
tentar calcular o ˆ angulo de mistura eletrofraco (sin θW). Certamente n˜ ao
foram propostas como continua¸ c˜ ao das ideias de Einstein [ GE89a]. Segundo
Einstein’s attempts at unification were rearguard action wh ich
ignored the real physics of quantum mechanical interaction s be-
tween particles in the name of philosophical and mathematic al
elegance. Unfortunately, it seems to me that many of my col-
leages are repeating the Eintein’s mistake.
The progress of the fields is determined, in the long run, by
the progress of experimental physics. Theorists are, after all, pa-
rasites. Without our experimental friends to do the real wor k,
we might as well be mathematicians or philosophers. When the
science is healthy, theoretical and experimental particle physics
track along together, each reforcing the other. But there ar e of-
ten short period during which one or other aspect of the field
gets away ahead. Then theorists tend to lose contact with re-
ality ...During such periods without experiments to exited them,
theorists tend to relax back into their grounds states, each doing
whatever come most naturally. As a result, since different th e-
orists have different skills, the field tends to fragment into little
subfields. Finally, when the crucial ideas or the crucial exp eri-
37ments come along and the field regains its vitality, most theo rists
find that they have been doing irrelevants things...But the w on-
derful thing about physics is that good theorists don’t keep doing
irrelevant things after experiment has spoken. The useless sub-
fields are pruned away and everyone does more or less the same
thing for a while, until the next boring period.
Segundo Heisenberg [HE93], em f´ ısica te´ orica podem-se, i ) formular teo-
rias fenomenol´ ogicas, ii) esquemas matem´ aticos rigoros os, ou iii) usar a filo-
sofia como guia. No primeiro tipo ficam as pesquisas de Heisenb erg e o grupo
de Sommerfeld (Pauli, Land´ e, H¨ oln e outros). Eles inventa vam f´ ormulas que
reproduzissem os experimentos. No entanto, mesmo quando be m sucedidas
essa teorias fenomenol´ ogicas n˜ ao fornecem nenhuma infor ma¸ c˜ ao real sobre o
conte´ udo f´ ısico do fenˆ omeno [HE93]. As vezes os c´ alculo s feitos com ambos
esquemas coincidem. Isto n˜ ao ´ e de se estranhar. A equivalˆ encia pode ser
matem´ atica mas n˜ ao f´ ısica.
No entanto, as vezes resultados rigorosos tamb´ em levam a re sultados
em discordˆ ancia do observado. Isto ´ e, eles tˆ em tamb´ em li mita¸ c˜ oes. A tese
de doutorado de Heisenberg versou sobre o c´ alculo da estabi lidade de um
fluxo entre duas paredes fixas. O resultado foi que para um cert o n´ umero de
Reynolds o fluxo torna-se inst´ avel e turbulento. Um ano depo is E. Noether
mostrou rigorosamente que o problema de Heisenberg n˜ ao tin ha solu¸ c˜ ao: o
fluxo devia ser est´ avel em toda parte. Outro exemplo mais rec ente sobre
as limita¸ c˜ oes das demostra¸ c˜ oes gerais ´ e o do mecanismo de Higgs, que nada
mais ´ e do que uma evas˜ ao do teorema de Goldstone. Este fora r ecebido
com descren¸ ca por muitos te´ oricos pois o teorema de Goldst one tinha sido
mostrado rigorosamente pelos axiom´ aticos. Antes do semin ario que daria
em Princeton, Higgs conta que segundo Klaus Hepp
... what I going to say must be nonsense because axiomatic
field theorist had proved the Goldstone theorem rigorously u sing
the methos of C∗-algebras. However, I survive questions from
Arthur Wightman and others, so I conclude that perhaps the C∗
algebraists should look again [HI91].
Sem coment´ arios.
Heisenberg disse que nunca se soube onde estava o erro na demo stra¸ c˜ ao
de Noether mas em 1944 (vinte anos depois) Dryden e colaborad ores fizeram
experiˆ encias precissas do fluxo laminar entre duas paredes e da transi¸ c˜ ao
para a turbulˆ encia e descobriram que os c´ alculos de Heisen beg estavam em
38concordˆ ancia com a experiˆ encia. Lin do MIT simulou a exper iˆ encia (von
Neumann sugeriu usar computadores) e confirmou de novo os res ultados de
Heisenberg. Poderiamos colocar outros exemplos, mas esses s˜ ao suficientes
para mostrar as limita¸ c˜ oes dos m´ etodos matem´ aticos rig urosos. Devemos
lembrar, para fazer justi¸ ca que com os m´ etodos fenomenol´ ogicos somos obri-
gados a usar sempre os velhos conceitos mesmo para uma situa¸ c˜ ao nova.
Bom, isto quer dizer que qualquer que seja o m´ etodo usado na p esquisa
te´ orica apenas quando verificado experimentalmente8podemos dizer que a
teoria funcionou. Tamb´ em devemos enfatizar que o passo dec isivo ´ e sempre
discont´ ınuo. Isso aconteceu, por exemplo, com a mecˆ anica quˆ antica [HE93].
A filosofia como guia da pesquisa te´ orica teve seu apogeu com o posi-
tivismo. Mach, e depois o circulo de Viena (recentemente te´ oricos como
Chew), insistiram que uma teoria devia ser formulada em term os de quan-
tidades observ´ aveis. Mach, e muitos dos seus contempor´ an eos, acreditava
que os ´ atomos eram apenas uma quest˜ ao de conveniˆ encia, n˜ ao creditavam
na existˆ encia real deles. Einstein fora influenciado por es ta vis˜ ao no come¸ co
da sua carreira mas logo mudou de id´ eia. Ele diria que [HE93]
... a posibilidade que se tem de observar ou n˜ ao uma coisa
depende da teoria que se usa. ´E a teoria que decide o que pode
ou n˜ ao ser observado .
11 Conclus˜ oes
Pode a comunidade cient´ ıfica errar o rumo? ´E uma quest˜ ao delicada. Uma
teoria ´ e aceita pela comunidade dependendo de v´ arios fato res como: sua
exatid˜ ao nas predi¸ c˜ oes, seu contexto e o grau em que est´ a determinada pela
experiˆ encia. Por´ em, a curto prazo, existem outros fatore s que n˜ ao ´ e f´ acil de
reconhecer como sendo esp´ urios: modismo, ideologia e estu pidez generali-
zada. As vezes o prazo n˜ ao ´ e t˜ ao curto assim: o modelo solar de Aristarco
passou despercevido pelos astronˆ omos ao longo de 17 s´ ecul os e por quase
200 anos a teoria da via L´ actea de Kant tampouco foi popular n os meios
acadˆ emicos. Recentemente alguns aspecto da mecˆ anica quˆ antica est˜ ao sendo
esclarecidos, as conclus˜ oes de N. Bohr seriam corretas mas pelos argumentos
errados? [DU99].
8Aqui essa “verifica¸ c˜ ao ” ´ e entendida de maneira ampla. Pod e ser apenas indireta,
por exemplo, uma consistˆ encia global da teoria com os dados experimentais. Isto ´ e o que
ocorre com o modelo padr˜ ao da f´ ısica das part´ ıculas eleme ntares.
39Deve-se insistir com os estudantes que um aspecto que import a (certa-
mente n˜ ao o ´ unico) no que-fazer cient´ ıfico ´ e a “emo¸ c˜ ao” , qualquer coisa que
isso signifique. Segundo Kadanoff [RU93]
´E uma experiˆ encia como nenhuma outra que eu possa des-
crever; a melhor coisa que pode acontecer a um cientista, com -
preender que alguma coisa que ocorreu em sua mente correspon de
exatamente a alguma coisa que acontece na natureza. ´E sur-
preendente, todas as vezes que ocorre. Ficamos espantados c om
o fato de que um construto de nossa pr´ opria mente possa real-
mente materializar-se no mundo real que existe l´ a fora. Um
grande choque e uma alegria muito grande.
ou, de maneira mais dramatica nas palavras de Einstein
The years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intens e
longing, their alternations of confidence and exhaustion an d the
final emegence into the light—only those who have experience d it
can understand it.
Para sentir essa emo¸ c˜ oes n˜ ao precissamos obter resultad os t˜ ao importantes
quanto os de Kadanoff e Einstein! Apenas devem ser resultados nossos .
Nos Estados Unidos os estudantes est˜ ao deixando a academia para tra-
balhar na empressa privada. Isso n˜ ao seria problema se entr e eles, segundo
Anderson [AN99], n˜ ao estivessem os melhores. Os menos cria tivos ficam
nas posi¸ c˜ oes permanentes em f´ ısica. Segundo Anderson a N ational Science
Foundation (NSF) e outras agˆ encias de fomento est˜ ao incen tivando a falta
de criatividade, talvez, influenciados pelo “Horganism”.9As causas disso
reside pelo menos em parte tamb´ em no sistema de “peer-revie w” mas este ´ e
um aspecto que n˜ ao vai ser discutido neste artigo, serve ape nas como uma
confirma¸ c˜ ao de que a vis˜ ao pessoal que temos sobre o que-fa zer cient´ ıfico e
o futuro de ciˆ encia tˆ em implica¸ c˜ oes no desenvolvimento da pr´ opria ciˆ encia.
Uma carater´ ıstica do nosso tempo ´ e a pressa. N˜ ao apenas na ciˆ encia.
Umberto Eco trata do problema da rapidez [EC94]
Quando enalteceu a rapidez, Calvino preveniu: ‘N˜ ao quero
dizer que a rapidez ´ e um valor em si. O tempo narrativo pode se r
lento, c´ ıclico ou im´ ovel...Esta apologia da rapidez n˜ ao pretende
negar os prazeres da demora. Se algo importante ou absorvent e
est´ a ocorrendo, temos de cultivar a arte da demora.
9A cren¸ ca que o fim da ciˆ encia est´ a pr´ oximo e, o que fica ´ e ape nas per´ ıodos de “ciˆ encia
normal” segundo a vis˜ ao de Kunh [KU62].
40Isto ´ e v´ alido n˜ ao s´ o na fic¸ c˜ ao mas tamb´ em na ciˆ encia.
Como podemos ser pesimistas se nos ´ ultimos anos a f´ ısica fo i capaz de i)
encontrar algumas leis da natureza novas, ii) obter novos co mportamentos da
natureza, iii) desenvolver instrumentos que permitiram ob servar fenˆ omenos
em condi¸ c˜ oes completamente diferentes das estudadas no p asado? [WE91].
As experiˆ encias em Stanford no fim dos anos 60, e que desvenda ram a es-
trutura do n´ ucleob, n˜ ao foram meras repeti¸ c˜ oes da exper iˆ encia de Geiger-
Marsden. O conceito de visualiza¸ c˜ ao dos fenˆ omenos tinha mudado. De fato
novas maneiras de estudar (“ver”) a natureza s˜ ao t˜ ao impor tantes quanto
as leis fundamentais que surgir˜ ao desses estudos.
Chegamos ao fim?...que direito temos de supor que os nucle-
ons, el´ etrons e neutrinos s˜ ao realmente elementares e n˜ a o po-
dem ser subdivididos em pares constituintes ainda menores? H´ a
apenas meio s´ eculo, n˜ ao se supunha que os ´ atomos eram indi -
vis´ ıveis?... embora seja imposs´ ıvel prever o desenvolvi mento fu-
turo da ciˆ encia da mat´ eria, temos atualmente raz˜ oes para acredi-
tar que nossas part´ ıculas elementares s˜ ao na verdade as un idades
b´ asicas e n˜ ao podem ser novamente subdivididas...parece , assim,
que chegamos ao fim de nossa pergunta dos elementos b´ asicos
que formam a mat´ eria.
Estas palavras foram escritas por George Gamow em 1960 [GA62 ].´E in-
teressante que elas continuem sendo, em parte verdadeiras. Os nucleons,
el´ etrons e neutrinos continuam a ser indivis´ ıveis no sent ido direto. Como
podia imaginar Gamow que os nucleons seriam divis´ ıveis “em certo sentido”?
Somos capazes de estudar a estrutura dos nucleons mas seus co nstituentes
est˜ ao, aparentemente, confinados!
Segundo Weinberg,
... it is foolhardy to assume that one knows even the terms
in which a future final theory will be formulated.
´E dif´ ıcil usar argumentos gerais sobre a utopia que serviri a de guia para
o avan¸ co da f´ ısica de altas energias. Segundo Bohr [HE93]
Quando se tem uma formula¸ c˜ ao correta, o oposto dela ´ e, e-
videntemente uma formula¸ c˜ ao errada. Mas quando se tem uma
verdade profunda, ent˜ ao seu oposto pode ser igualmente uma ver-
dade profunda .
41Assim, assumir que devem existir leis gerais com as quais pos sam ser descri-
tas, pelo menos em princ´ ıpio, todas as coisas parece uma ver dade profunda.
O seu oposto, que no fundo n˜ ao existem leis fundamentais tam b´ em o ´ e (como
arg¨ uem Wheeler e Nielsen [WE93a]).
Desde 1859 sabia-se que havia um problema com a ´ orbita de mer curio
se interpretada dentro da teoria da gravita¸ c˜ ao de Newton. Este problema,
como ´ e bem conhecido, foi resolvido pela teoria da relativi dade geral de
Einstein. Mas, em 1916 al´ em dessa discrepˆ ancia haviam tam b´ em mais duas.
Uma referia-se a anomalias relativas aos movimentos dos com etas Halley e
Encke. A outra era a respeito do movimento da lua [WE93a]. Em t odos
estes casos, como no da ´ orbita de mercurio, os movimentos n˜ ao concordavam
com as previs˜ oes da teoria de Newton. Agora, no entanto, sab e-se que as
anomalias nos movimentos dos cometas s˜ ao devidas ` a press˜ ao de escape dos
gases ja que o cometa ´ e esquentado quando passa perto do sol. O movimento
da lua foi melhor comprendido quando se levou em conta o seu ta manho que
implica em complicadas for¸ cas tidais. Assim, segundo Wein berg [WE93a]
...there is nothing in any single disagreement between theo ry
and experiment that stands up and waves a flag and says “ I am
an important anomaly” .
Assim, n˜ ao sabemos em geral quando estamos lidando com um ve rdadeiro
sinal de f´ ısica nova.
Usualmente a maneira de fazer f´ ısica de Dirac ´ e considerad a com a
maneira matem´ atica. Mas ele tinha uma posi¸ c˜ ao mais ampla e um con-
hecimento das limita¸ c˜ oes dessa maneira de trabalhar [HE9 3]
Em qualquer parte da f´ ısica em que se saiba muito pouco, so-
mos obrigados a nos prender ` a base experimental, sob pena de
mergulharmos em especula¸ c˜ oes estravagantes, que quase c erta-
mente estar˜ ao erradas. N˜ ao desejo condenar completament e a
especula¸ c˜ ao. Ela pode ser divertida e indiretamente ´ uti l, mesmo
que acabe por se mostrar errada...mas ´ e precisso tomar cuid ado
para n˜ ao se deixar envolver demais por ela.
Onde fica a intui¸ c˜ ao em tudo isto? quais os limites do m´ etod o cient´ ıfico?
Vale a pena se preocupar com isto? as respostas s˜ ao pessoais . Um exemplo
da importˆ ancia da emo¸ c˜ ao ´ e expressa por Thomas Mann quan do escreveu
Astronomy—a great science—teaches us to consider the earth
as a comparison of an insignificant star in the giant cosmic
42turnoil, roving about at the the periphery of our galaxy. Thi s
is, no doubt, correct. But I doubt that such correctness reve als
the whole truth. In the depth of my soul I belive—that this ear th
has a central significance in the universe. In the depth of my
soul I entertain the presumption that the act of creation whi ch
called forth the inorganic world, from nothingness, and the pro-
creation of life from the inorganic world, was aimed at human ity.
A greart experiment was initiated, whose failure by human ir re-
sponsability would mean the failure of the act of creation it self,
its very refutation. May be it is so, mat be it is not. It would b e
good if humanity behaved as if it were.
As vezes os artistas enxergam mais longe que os cientistas. U m deles ja
disse, s´ eculos atr´ as
There are more things in Heaven and Earth. Horatio.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Precissamos convencer os estudantes que existem (e que semp re exis-
tir˜ ao) muitas coisas a serem descobertas, talvez virando ` a esquina. Con-
vencˆ e-los que o progresso cient´ ıfico e tecnol´ ogico foi ob tido lentamente, e
por vezes de maneira ca´ otica, e que n˜ ao existe uma raz˜ ao pa ra que surpres-
sas n˜ ao ocorram de novo. Que a pressa n˜ ao serve para queimar etapas. Que
previs˜ oes s˜ ao dif´ ıceis de se fazer. N˜ ao apenas para n´ os mas que tamb´ em era
dif´ ıcil para von Neumann. Precisamos colocar em discus˜ ao a maneira como
se processa o desenvolvimento das ideias cient´ ıfica, seus a casos, atrasos e
acelera¸ c˜ oes devido a preconceitos que n˜ ao fazem parte do m´ etodo cient´ ıfico,
mas est˜ ao sempre presente para bem ou para mal. Isso implica a valoriza¸ c˜ ao
da perpectiva hist´ orica no ensino de ciˆ encias.
Agrade¸ co ao CNPq pelo auxilio financeiro parcial.
[AD76] A hist´ oria da descoberta deste efeito est´ a resumid a na Adventures
in experimental Physics, ǫVolume (5), 1 (1976).
[AN72] P. W. Anderson, Science 177, 393(1972).
[AN99] P. W. Anderson, Physics Today 59(9), 11 (1999).
[AI99] Contudo parece que h´ a uma tendˆ encia a se inverter co mo mostra
pesquisa recente do AIP, Maintaining Momentum: High School
Physics for a New Millennium . O documento pode ser obtido em
[AL88] C. All` egre, A Espuma da Terra , Gradiva, Lisboa, 1988.
[AS82] A. Aspect, J. Dalibard e G. Royer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1804 (1982).
[BA94] J. D. Barrow, Teorias de Tudo , Ciˆ encia e Cultura, Rio de Janneiro,
[BE98] M. F. Bertino et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5608 (1998).
[BE99] Uma boa e curta introdu¸ c˜ ao as supercordas pode ser e ncontrada
em N. Bercovits, Um novo formalismo da supercorda , Preprint IFT-
[BI99] J. Birnbaum, APSNEWS, 8(6), 8 (1999).
[BR92] G. Brown, C. Hawkesworth e C. Wilson (Eds.) Understanding the
Earth , Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
[CE99] Para os experimentos no CERN veja-se
http://www.cern.ch/CERN/Experiments.html .
[CH79] S. Chandrasekhar, Physics Today 39(7), 25 (1979).
[CH93] R. Y. Chiao, P. G. Kwiat e A. M. Steinberg, Scientific Am erican
269(2), 52 (1993).
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arXiv:physics/9912038v1 [physics.bio-ph] 17 Dec 1999A Model of Convergent Extension in Animal
Mark Zajac∗and Gerald L. Jones
University of Notre Dame, Department of Physics
Notre Dame, IN 46556
February 20, 2014
In this paper we argue that the pattern of cell movements in th e mor-
phogenetic process known as convergent extension can be und erstood as a
energy minimization process, provided the cell-cell adhes ive energy has a
certain kind of anisotropy. This single simple property is s ufficient cause
for the type of cell elongation, alignment, and intercalati on of a cellular
array that is the characteristic of convergent extension. W e describe the
type of anisotropy required. We show that the final aspect rat io of the
array of cells is independent of the initial configuration an d of the degree
of cell elongation. We find how it depends on the anisotropy.
In the development of the animal embryo great changes of form (morpho-
genesis) take place [1]. This is certainly true during gastr ulation - a period of
embryonic development during which axial structures are fo rmed by extensive
cell rearrangement. During these rearrangements groups of cells move coher-
ently over distances very large compared to cell dimensions . This process has
been extensively investigated by experiments, particular ly on embryos of the
frog,Xenopus laevis , and particularly by R.E. Keller and his collaborators (see
[2] for a brief review and extensive references).
One characteristic and widespread type of rearrangement ha s been termed
“convergent extension” and occurs, for example, in the deve lopment of axial
structure such as precursors to the vertebrate spinal colum n. Here an active
group of cells undergoes a threefold process. The individua l cells, originally
roughly isodiametric (Fig. 1a), elongate and their axes of elongation become
aligned . If these were the only motions the final configuration would b e as
in Fig. 1b. But at the same time, though on a somewhat slower ti me scale,
the cells intercalate between each other. The intercalation is in the direction
of alignment so that the number of cells in that direction dec reases while the
number of cells in directions perpendicular to the alignmen t increases producing
Figure 1: Intercalation. Isodiametric cells (a) become elo ngated and aligned
(b)while simultaneously intercalating (c) so that an array of cells extends at
right angles to the direction of cell motion.
a final configuration as in Fig. 1c. The elongation process ten ds to increase the
overall length of the group of cells in the direction of align ment and tends
to decrease the length in orthogonal directions (since the v olume stays roughly
constant). The process of intercalation does just the rever se but is the dominant
effect so that the axis of net extension of the group of cells is at right angles
to the axis of individual cell elongation . In this paper we argue that certain
important aspects of convergent extension can be understoo d as a tendency of
the active cells to minimize their total energy, provided th at one assumes that
they interact with a non-uniform surface (adhesive) energy satisfying certain
conditions which we explicate. We also develop a mean field th eory of this
Minimum energy principles have been used to explain cell rea rrangement
since Steinberg’s [3] suggestion that differential cell adh esion plus cell motility
can account for cell sorting patterns in mixtures of two or mo re cell types (see
[4] for a review and extensive references to the literature) . Goel and Lieth [5]
have considered cell sorting for a simple geometrical model in the presence of
anisotropic surface adhesion between cells of fixed shape. C ell sorting, driven by
energy minimization, has also been the subject of many compu ter simulations
[6, 7]. Drasdo, Kree, and McCaskill [8] have done simulation s with anisotropic
surface adhesion. Anisotropic surface adhesion has not, so far, been used to
explain the convergent extension of a homogeneous group of c ells. We do not
model here the dynamics of convergent extension. We assume, as in [3] and [5],
that cell motility will allow the system to explore its possi ble configurations and
that, as a strongly dissipative system, it will evolve towar ds the configuration
of minimum energy.
In the embryo convergent extension usually takes place in an asymmetric
environment where the inactive cells bounding the active re gion are not the
same on all sides of that region. Thus one can argue that the ex tension, and
its orientation, may be determined by the interactions at th e boundaries which
“channel” the active cells, rather than being an intrinsic c ollective property of
the group of active cells. Under these experimental circums tances there is little
doubt that the boundaries strongly influence active cell mov ements. Indeed, in
the physical model of Weliky, et.al. [9] the extension is driven by the observation
2that active cells behave differently at the boundaries paral lel to the elongation
from those at the boundaries perpendicular to the elongatio n. A subsequent
and elegant experiment by Shih and Keller [10] however stron gly suggests that,
in addition, the active cells have a strong intrinsic collec tive mechanism driving
their convergent extension.
In these experiments a layer (essentially a monolayer) of ac tive cells was
excised from a frog embryo, at a stage before convergent exte nsion had begun,
and cultured on a uniform surface in a medium which allowed th eir normal
development. Subsequently the layer showed strong converg ent extension in the
plane of the substrate - and this in the absence any plausible lateral anisotropy
either in the substrate or in the culture medium. This behavi or thus appears
to be an example of “broken symmetry” so well known in condens ed matter
physics, and asks for an explanation based on collective beh avior induced by
cell-cell interactions.
To explain this behavior as an energy minimization process w e assume that
cell-cell interactions take place through surface adhesio n, which can be charac-
terized by an energy per unit contact area. We assume that the cell rearrange-
ments take place with negligible cell division and little ch ange in cell volume, as
is observed in the later stages of the above experiment. Ther e seems to be no
clear understanding in the literature of the trigger for the cell elongation which
initiates the convergent extension, and our model does not p rovide this. Our
main assumption is that the adhesive energy of the contact su rface between two
cells will depend on how that surface is oriented relative to the axes of elongation
of the two cells. This would be the case, for example, were the surface density
of adhesive binding sites to be different on the long side of a c ell (parallel to the
axis of elongation) from that on the short sides (perpendicu lar to the axis of
elongation). We can find in the literature no compelling evid ence either for or
against this assumption. We argue here that a specific type of this assumption
is a sufficient cause of the elongation, alignment, and interc alation resulting in
convergent extension.
We give here a two dimensional version of our proposal since t he convergent
extension takes place in the plane of the substrate and the he ight of the cells
does not seem to play an important role. Hence we consider a co llection of
two dimensional cells of (nearly) the same fixed area. We first want to find
the conditions which favor alignment. We assume a compact ar ray of cells, so
large that array surface effects can (for this argument) be ne glected. Fig. 2a
is a cartoon of a few elongated cells in such a large ordered ar ray of cells and
Fig. 2b is for a disordered array. Suppose that we can roughly distinguish, for
each cell, two long sides (parallel to the axis of elongation ) and two short sides
(perpendicular). It is clear in Fig. 2a that in the ordered ar ray the cell-cell
contact surfaces are, for the most part, either roughly para llel to the common
axes of alignment or roughly perpendicular to that axis. We s hall term these as
long-long ( ll) or short-short ( ss) contacts since they occur, primarily, at contacts
between a pair of long sides or a pair of short sides. In the dis ordered array of
Fig. 2b there are many contact surfaces that make intermedia te angles with the
now different axes of adjacent cells. We term these long-shor t (ls) contacts since
3a b
Figure 2: Cell alignment. For an ordered array (a) most cell a ttachments are
either end to end or side to side while a disordered array (b) e xhibits significant
binding between poles and lateral surfaces.
they tend to occur when the contact surfaces are between a lon g side of one cell
and a short side of a neighbor. If the energy density (per unit length) of the ls
contacts is enough larger than those of llandsscontacts then the ordered array
will have the lower energy per cell (we assume that the array i s large enough that
we can neglect the effect of the array boundaries on the bulk or dering). More
quantitatively, let landsbe the average long and short side lengths of each
cell, which, for the moment, we take as fixed. Suppose that all cell-cell contacts
can be characterized as ll,ss, orlsand that the total length of each type in the
array is Lll,Lss, and Lls. In a large array of Ncells we have 2 Nl= 2Lll+Lls
and 2 Ns= 2Lss+Lls(again neglecting array boundaries where cells do not
contact other cells). Since N,landsare fixed these equations provide two
constraints between the three contact lengths. We assume th at three energy
densities ( Jll,Jss, and Jls) are adequate to characterize the interactions at the
various surfaces. Then the bulk energy of an array due to cell -cell interactions
E=LllJll+LssJss+LlsJls (1)
= (2 Nl−Lls)Jll/2 + (2 Ns−Lls)Jss/2 +LlsJls
= (Jls−Jll/2−Jss/2)Lls+N(lJll+sJss).
This energy is an increasing function of Llsif the ordering condition
γls=Jls−(Jll+Jss)/2>0 (2)
is satisfied. In this event ordered arrays ( Lls= 0) will have lower bulk energies
than disordered ( Lls>0) arrays. Note that condition (2) is just that the ls
surface tension γlsbe positive.
The above argument is exact if the cells are assumed (unreali stically) to be
identical rectangles arranged in arbitrary tesselations o f the plane and is similar
to that used in [5] in the cell sorting problem. For realistic cells it is a crude
but plausible representation of the assumed anisotropy of t he surface adhesion.
It is interesting to consider the case where the adhesive ene rgy density of a
two cell contact is the product of a factor from each cell. Thi s might be so, for
4Figure 3: Anisotropic binding.
Adhesive energy at the point of
contact between cells is assumed
to depend on ( ˆn·ˆa)2where ˆn
is the local unit normal while ˆa
gives alignment, assumed com-
mon to all cells.
Figure 4: Forfeited bonds. At an inter-
face with uniformly inert surroundings,
missing adhesive energy will vary with
the orientation of the surface cells, rel-
ative to the boundary.
example, if the variation in adhesive energy were caused by a variation in the
density of binding sites on the cell surface. If we make the na tural assumption
that the density of adhesive bonds is proportional to the pro duct of the density
of binding sites on the cell surfaces in contact, then we woul d have in the above
model Jll=−jljl,Jss=−jsjs, and Jls=−jljs, where the sign is chosen make
allJ <0 when all j >0. It is easy to show that this choice satisfies the ordering
condition Eq. (1) whenever jlandjsare positive and are not equal.
In addition to Eq. (1) let us suppose that the llenergy density is lower than
thessenergy density.
Jll< Jss(orjl> js). (3)
Now the energy Eq. (1) of the array can be reduced by increasin g the cell long
side lengths land decreasing the short side length scausing, or at least favoring,
elongation of the cells. At equilibrium these surface effect s will presumably be
balanced by internal cellular forces opposing further elon gation.
We can also argue that Eq. (3) will produce intercalation in t he direction of
elongation. To see this we consider the effect of the boundary on a finite array
of N cells. Suppose that there is no adhesive energy between t he boundary
cells and the culture medium. Then the expression Eq. (1) und erestimates
the array energy because it assumes all cell surfaces are in c ontact with other
cell surfaces and so overestimates the contact lengths LllandLss. From Eq.
(1) we should subtract the (negative) adhesive energy that i s not present at
the contacts between the boundary cells and the surrounding medium. Fig. 1
shows arrays of twelve elongated cells. In Fig. 1c the array e xtension is at right
angles to the cell elongation and in Fig. 1b it is along the cel l elongation. It
5is clear that in 1c the boundary contacts are primarily throu gh short cell sides
whereas in Fig. 1b they are primarily though long cell sides. Since the long
sides have lower (more negative) energy than the short, the e nergy (corrected
for boundaries) of the configuration shown in Fig. 1b is highe r than that of Fig.
1c. Thus if we start with any compact initial array of unelong ated cells we
expect cell motility and energy minimization to produce con figuration of type
1c by cell elongation, alignment, and intercalation parall el to the alignment. In
order for these processes to produce net extension in the dir ection perpendicular
to alignment the effects of intercalation must dominate thos e of elongation. In
the case of a rectangular array of a large number of rectangul ar cells one can
show that this will be the case independent of the degree of el ongation. One can
also show that the ratio of the array dimensions in the direct ions perpendicular
and parallel to the elongation is just Jll/Jss. We shall derive these results more
generally below.
The above arguments concerning surface effects can be made so mewhat more
realistic and quantitative by the following mean field type o f modeling. We
assume that we have a large array of Nelongated and aligned cells. The total
energy of the array is the bulk energy due to cell-cell intera ctions plus the surface
correction for the absence of cells outside the boundary. Th e bulk energy is
proportional to N, or equivalently, the array area A, so we write it as λA, where
λis the (negative) bulk energy per unit area in the aligned arr ay. To model the
anisotropic cell-cell interaction we assume that Jdepends on the angle between
the direction of alignment, specified by the unit vector ˆa, and the unit vector ˆn
normal to the contact segment between the cells (see Fig. 3). More explicitly,
we assume that J(ˆn·ˆa) is negative, an even function (since ˆa,−ˆaandˆn,−ˆn
specify the same physical situations), and is minimum at ˆn·ˆa= 0 (so that ll
interactions have the lowest energy). Figure 4 shows part of a finite array of
vertically aligned cells and their boundary with an externa l medium with which
we assume they have no adhesive energy. To get the energy of th e finite array
we must subtract from the bulk energy half the energy the boun dary cells would
have had with cells external to the array had the boundary bee n absent. Half,
since adhesive energy is shared between two cells. So
J(ˆn·ˆa)dl (4)
where the integral is taken around a closed boundary. We want to minimize
this over all closed boundaries enclosing the same area A. Alternatively we can
interpret λas a Lagrange multiplier and find the extrema of 4 over all clos ed
curves at fixed λ. To do this we assume the curves are parameterized as r(u)
with 0 ≤u≤1, and r(0) = r(1). Then, since d l= ( ˙x2+ ˙y2)1/2du(where
˙r=dr/du), while ( ˆn·ˆa) = (ay˙x−ax˙y)/( ˙x2+ ˙y2)1/2andA=/integraltext1
0y˙xduwe can
write the energy as/integraltext1
0L(r,˙r)duwith L(r,˙r) =λy˙x−J(ˆn·ˆa)( ˙x2+ ˙y2)1/2/2.
The extremal curves are solutions of the usual Euler-Lagran ge equations for L
and are degenerate with respect to translations in the x-yplane. This gives rise
to two first integrals and two constants of integration (whic h we choose to be
6zero), which fix the position of the extremal curve. The integ rated equations
have the form
2λr=ˆaJ′(ˆn·ˆa) +ˆn[J(ˆn·ˆa)−(ˆn·ˆa)J′(ˆn·ˆa)], (5)
where J′is the derivative of J. These are two coupled first order differential
equations whose solutions depend on the particular choice o f the function J. We
have not been able to find complete analytic solutions for any interesting choice
ofJbut some properties of the solutions can be found. First we no te that for
ˆa= 0, or equivalently J= constant, the solution is a circle of radius J/(2λ).
Secondly, the turning points of any solution curve are where d(r·r)/du= 0.
du(r·r) = 2λ(˙r·r) = (˙r·ˆa)J′(ˆn·ˆa) (6)
where we have used (5) and that ˙r·ˆn= 0 for any curve. From (6) we see that
there are two types of turning points. 1) At ˙r·ˆa= 0, that is, where the boundary
is perpendicular to the alignment so that ˆn=±ˆa. For any simple closed curve
this condition will be satisfied at two points on the curve. Be cause Jis even
andJ′is odd we have from (5) that these two points lie at ±J(1)/(2λ) on the
line through the origin and parallel to ˆa. 2) At ˆn·ˆa= 0 where J′= 0 and the
boundary is parallel to the alignment. For these (5) shows th at 2λr=ˆnJ(0),
thus there are turning points at ±J(0)/(2λ) along a line through the origin and
perpendicular to ˆ a. If we let D⊥andD/bardblbe the distances between the turning
points aligned respectively perpendicular and parallel to then the aspect ratio
of the boundary is
D⊥/D/bardbl=J(0)/J(1). (7)
If|J(0)|>|J(1)|, then the elongation is in the direction perpendicular to th e
alignment as is observed in convergent extension. From Fig. 3 we see that J(0)
corresponds to our previous Jllwhile J(1) corresponds to Jss.
We have also studied the minimization of the energy function al Eq. (4)
numerically for the case where Jis chosen to be a gaussian function. We ap-
proximate the boundary curve by a polygon of at least 100 side s and use an
iterative process that moves down the energy gradient at con stant area. We
have started from many initial configurations, all of which a re simple closed
polygons. The final boundary curve is always the same and with the correct
aspect ratio Eq. (7). This could also be viewed as a model for t he dynamics of
convergent extension. Indeed, with the addition of additiv e random forces, the
method would be essentially a Langevin dynamics for the evol ution of a highly
dissipative system.
In conclusion, we have argued that convergent extension can be understood
as a energy minimization process, provided the cell-cell ad hesive energy has a
certain kind of anisotropy. This single simple property is s ufficient cause for
the cell extension, alignment, and intercalation in the dir ection of alignment,
that are the characteristics of convergent extension. We ha ve characterized the
anisotropy required [Eq. (2) and Eq. (3)]. We have shown that the final aspect
7ratio is independent of the initial configuration and have sh own how it depends
on the anisotropy Eq. (7).
We believe our arguments are plausible but realize that they are not conclu-
sive. Our modeling neglects many degrees of freedom associa ted with cell shape
and arrangement, which we think, but cannot prove, are not cr ucial. Our pro-
cedure of separately minimizing the bulk and surface energi es is accurate only
for a large array of cells. We do not see much possibility of do ing a lot better
by purely analytic methods. We have initiated simulations o f convergent exten-
sion, using the Potts model and Metropolis dynamics methods of references [6]
and [7], with anisotropic adhesive energies of the type desc ribed in this paper.
The use of anisotropic adhesive energies introduces techni cal difficulties in that
the energy becomes non-local on the scale of the size of a cell , which consider-
ably increases the simulation time. Nevertheless we believ e the simulations will
eventually substantiate our conclusions. Even so, the more difficult question of
whether this is the correct explanation of convergent exten sion remains. Experi-
ments that probe the possible anisotropy of cell adhesive en ergy would be useful,
as would experiments that show the final configuration is larg ely independent
of the initial configuration.
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8a b |
arXiv:physics/9912039v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 20 Dec 1999Semiclassical dynamics and time correlations in two-compo nent plasmas
J. Ortnera), I. Valuevb), and W. Ebelinga)
a)Institut f¨ ur Physik, Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin,
Invalidenstr. 110, D-10115 Berlin, Germany
b)Department of Molecular and Chemical Physics, Moscow Insti tute of Physics
and Technology, 141700 Dolgoprudny, Russia
(August 9, 2013)
The semiclassical dynamics of a charged particle moving in a two-component plasma is consid-
ered using a corrected Kelbg pseudopotential. We employ the classical Nevanlinna-type theory of
frequency moments to determine the velocity and force autoc orrelation functions. The constructed
expressions preserve the exact short and long-time behavio r of the autocorrelators. The short-time
behavior is characterized by two parameters which are expre ssable through the plasma static correla-
tion functions. The long-time behavior is determined by the self-diffusion coefficient. The theoretical
predictions are compared with the results of semiclassical molecular dynamics simulation.
PACS numbers:52.25.Vy, 52.25.Gj, 52.65.-y, 05.30.-d
The purpose of this paper is the investigation of the dynamic s of force on a charged particle in a two component
plasma. Boercker et al. have shown the effect of ion motion on the spectral line broade ning by the surrounding
plasma [1,2]. In recent papers it was argued that the microfie ld dynamics influence the fusion rates [3] and rates for
three-body electron-ion recombination [4] in dense plasma s. Generally speaking, to calculate the plasma effect on
rates and spectral line broadening one needs a theory of aver age forces and microfields, including the resolution in
space and time. Basic results in this field were obtained by Si lin and Rukhadze [5], Klimontovitch [6], Alastuey et.
al. [7], and Berkovsky et. al. [8].
The determination of the static distribution of the ion or el ectron component of the electric microfield is a well
studied problem (for a review see [9]). The corresponding in vestigations are performed on the basis of the one-
component plasma (OCP) model. A straightforward generaliz ation of the OCP model is the model of a two-component
plasma (TCP), consisting of electrons and ions. In a recent p aper [10] the probability distribution for the electric
microfield at a charged point has been studied. It was shown th at the two-component plasma microfield distribution
shows a larger probability of high microfield values than the corresponding distribution of the OCP model.
The dynamics of the electric microfield is a less understood p roblem than that of the static microfield distribution
even for the case of an OCP. Recently some progress has been ma de for both the case of electric field dynamics at a
neutral point [7,11,12] and the dynamics of force on a charge d impurity ion in an OCP [8].
This paper is aimed to extend the studies of electric microfie ld dynamics in OCP to the case of an equilibrium two
component plasma. For simplicity we consider a two-compone nt plasma which is anti-symmetrical with respect to
the charges ( e−=−e+) and therefore symmetrical with respect to the densities ( ni=ne). To simplify the numeric
investigations we simulated a mass symmetric (nonrelativi stic) electron-positron plasma with m=mi=me. The
theoretical investigations are carried out for arbitrary e lectron-ion mass ratios.
1Dedicated to the 75th birthday of Youri L. Klimontovich
1In this paper we will study the dependence of the force dynami cs on the coupling constant Γ = e2/kBTaof the
plasma, where Tis the temperature, and a= (3/4πne)1/3is the average distance between the electrons. Coupled
plasmas with a plasma parameter of the order or greater than u nity are important objects in nature, laboratory
experiments, and in technology [13–16]. Recent lasers allo w to create a coupled plasma within femtoseconds [17].
Laser generated plasmas are nonequlibrium plasmas with an i nitial electron temperature much higher than the ion
temperature. However, in this paper we restrict our conside rations to the model object of an equilibrium two-
component plasma (TCP).
Several investigations were devoted to the simulation of eq uilibrium two-component plasmas Being interested in
quasi-classical methods we mention explicitely the quasi- classical simulations of two-component plasmas performed
by Norman and by Hansen [18,19].
In this paper the free charges (electron and ions) are simula ted by a semi-classical dynamics based on effective
potentials. The idea of the semi-classical method is to inco rporate quantum-mechanical effects (in particular the
Heisenberg and the Pauli principle) by appropriate potenti als. This method was pioneered by Kelbg, Deutsch and
others [20,21]. Certainly, such a quasi-classical approac h has several limits. For the calculation of a standard macro -
scopic property as the microfield dynamics which has a well de fined classical limit the semi-classical approach may be
very useful. The advantage of such an approach is the relativ e simplicity of the algorithm.
A familiar derivation of effective potentials describing qu antum effects is based on the Slater sums which are defined
by the N - particle wave functions,
S(r1, . . . ,rN) = const/summationdisplay
exp(−β En)|Ψn(r1, . . .,rN)|2, (1)
where Enand Ψ nare the energy levels and corresponding wave functions of th e ensemble of Nparticles with coor-
dinates r1, . . . , r N. Here we consider a two-component plasma consisting of Neelectrons with mass meandNi=Ne
ions with mass mi. The properties of the Slater sums for Coulombic systems wer e studied in detail by several authors
[13,22]. Choosing the effective potential
U(N)(r1, . . .,rN) =−kBTlnS(r1, . . . ,rN). (2)
we may calculate the correct thermodynamic functions of the original quantum system [13,22,18] from the thermody-
namic functions of a classical reference system.
The Slater sum may be considered as an analogue of the classic al Boltzmann factor. Therefore it is straightforward to
use the Slater sum for the definition of an effective potential . The only modification in comparison with classical theory
is the appearance of many-particle interactions. If the sys tem is not to dense (i.e., neΛ3
e≪1, Λ e= ¯h/√2mekBT) one
may neglect the contributions of higher order many-particl e interactions. In this case one writes approximately,
U(N)(r1, . . . ,rN)≈/summationdisplay
i<juij(ri,rj), (3)
where the effective two-particle potential uabis defined by the two-particle Slater sum,
ab(r) = exp ( −βuab(r)) = const ./summationdisplay
exp (−βEα)|Ψα|2. (4)
Here Ψ αandEαdenote the wave functions and energy levels of the pair ab, respectively. The prime at the
summation sign indicates that the contribution of the bound states (which is not be considered here) has to be
Principal it is possible to calculate the Slater sum for a pai r of particles directly from the known two-particle
Coulomb wavefunctions. To simplify the simulations it is be tter to have an analytic expression for the potential. A
possible candidate is the so called Kelbg potential obtaine d by a perturbational expansion It reads [20]
uab(r) =eaeb
rF(r/λab), (5)
where λab= ¯h/√2mabkBTis De Broglie wave length of relative motion, m−1
b,a=e, i. In Eq.(5)
F(x) = 1−exp/parenleftbig
+√πx(1−erf(x)). (6)
2Another analytic approximation for the exact two-particle effective potential is the expression derived by Deutsch
which was used in the simulations by Hansen and McDonald [19] .
The Kelbg potential is a good approximation for the two-part icle Slater sum in the case of small parameters
ξab=−(eaeb)/(kBTλab) if the interparticle distance ris sufficiently large. However, at small interparticle dista nces
it shows a deviation from the exact value of −kBT·ln(Sab(r= 0)). In order to describe the right behavior also at
small distances it is better to use a corrected Kelbg potenti al defined by [24]
uab(r) = (eaeb/r)·/braceleftbigg
. (7)
In Eq. (7) the coefficient Aab(T) is adapted in such a way that Sab(r= 0) and his first derivative S′
ab(r= 0) have
the exact value corresponding to the two-particle wave func tions of the free states [13,24,23]. The corresponding
coefficients for the elctron-electron and for the electron-i on interaction read
˜Aee=√π|ξee|+ ln/bracketleftBigg
2√π|ξee|/integraldisplaydy yexp/parenleftbig
exp (π|ξee|/y)−1/bracketrightBigg
˜Aei=−√πξei+ ln/bracketleftbigg√πξ3
ζ(3) +1
+ 4√πξei/integraldisplaydy yexp/parenleftbig
1−exp (−πξei/y)/bracketrightBigg
We mention that in the region of high temperatures
Tr=T/T I=/parenleftbig
>0.3. (10)
the Kelbg potential ( Aab= 0) almost coincide with the corrected Kelbg potential Eq. ( 7). In the region of intermediate
temperatures 0 .1< Tr<0.3 the Kelbg potential does not give a correct description of t he two-particle Slater sum
at short distances. Instead we may use the corrected Kelbg-p otential Eq.(7) to get an appropriate approximation for
the Slater sum at arbitrary distances.
The effective potentials derived from perturbation theory d o not include bound state effects. The other limiting
case of large ξabor small temperature Tr<0.1, where bound states are of importance, can be treated by ano ther
approach [22]. Here a transition to the chemical picture is m ade, i.e. bound and free states have to be separated.
In the present work we are interested in the regime of interme diate temperatures. In this regime the simulations of
the dynamics may be performed with the potential Eq.(7).
The system under consideration is a two-component plasma co nsisting of electrons and ions which is described by
the semiclassical model introduced in Sec II. Let us choose t he position of one of the charged particles (for example
an electron) as a reference point. Hereafter we call this par ticle the first one. The semiclassical force acting on the
first particle equals
j=2u1j(r1−rj) (11)
uijbeing the effective pair potential between the ith and jth particles, defined in Eq. (7).
Define now two functions characterizing the dynamics of the fi rst particle. The first one
C(t) =<v(t)·v(0)>
< v2>(12)
is the velocity-velocity autocorrelation function (veloc ity acf), the second function
C(t) =<F(t)·F(0)>
< F2>(13)
is the force-force autocorrelation function (force acf). I n the above equations the brackets < . . . > denote averaging
over the equilibrium ensemble of the semiclassical system. The velocity acf is formally a function expressing the singl e
particle properties. However, it is connected with the forc e acf which involves the collective properties by the relati on
1D(t) = 0, (14)
where ω2
1=< F2>/3mkBT.
Define the one-side Fourier transform of the velocity and for ce acf,
ˆC(ω) =/integraldisplay∞
0dteiωtC(t),ˆD(ω) =/integraldisplay∞
0dteiωtD(t). (15)
The Fourier transform of Eq.(14) reads
ˆD(ω) =ω2ˆC(ω)−iω
1. (16)
In order to construct the both autocorrelation functions it is useful to consider the frequency moments of the real
part of the velocity acf Fourier transform
−∞ωnˆCr(ω)e−iωtdω , n = 0,1,2, . . . . (17)
The zeroth moment is the initial value of the velocity acf,
M0=C(0) = 1 . (18)
Due to the parity of the function ˆCr(ω), all moments with odd numbers are equal to zero.
The second moment is expressable through the initial value o f the force acf,
1D(0) = ω2
1. (19)
The fourth moment includes the correlation function of the t ime derivative of the force,
2, (20)
where we have introduced the magnitude ω2
2=<˙F2>/< F2>.
The Nevanlinna formula of the classical theory of moments [2 5,26] expresses the velocity acf Fourier transform
z−ωdω=−iˆC(z) =En+1(z) +qn(z)En(z)
Dn+1(z) +qn(z)Dn(z)(21)
in terms of a function qn=qn(z) analytic in the upper half-plane Im z >0 and having a positive imaginary part there
Imqn(ω+iη)>0, η > 0, it also should satisfy the limiting condition: ( qn(z)/z)→0 asz→ ∞ within the sector
θ <arg(z)< π−θ. In Eq.(21) we have employed the Kramers-Kronig relation co nnecting the real and imaginary
part of ˆC(ω). The polynomials Dn(andEn) can be found in terms of the first 2 nmoments as a result of the Schmidt
orthogonalization procedure. The first orthogonal polynom ials read
D1=z , D 2=z2−ω2
1, D3=z(z2−ω2
2), (22)
E1= 1, E2=z , E 3=z2+ω2
2). (23)
Consider first the approximation n= 1 leading to the correct frequency moments M0andM2. Using the Nevanlinna
formula and Eq. (16) we obtain
ˆC(z) =iz+q1(z)
1+q1z, ˆD(z) =iz
1+q1z. (24)
The physical meaning of the function q1(z) is that of a memory function [8] since the inverse Fourier tr ansform of Eq.
(24) is
1C(t) +/integraldisplayt
0ds q1(t−s)∂C(s)
∂s= 0. (25)
4We have no phenomenological basis for the choice of that func tionq1(z) which would provide the exact expression for
ˆC(z) and ˆD(z). A simple approximation is to put the function q1(z) equal to its static value
q1(z) =q1(0) = iν (26)
and Eq. (25) simplifies to the equation of a damped oscillator with frequency ω1and damping constant ν.
1C(t) +ν∂C(t)
∂t= 0. (27)
The static value q1(z= 0) is connected with the self-diffusion coefficient D. The latter is defined by the time
integral of the velocity acf
0dtC(t) =1
βm1ˆC(0), (28)
where β= 1/(kBT) and m1is the mass of the first particle. With the use of Eqs. (28) and ( 26) we obtain from Eq.
(21) that ν=ω2
The inverse Fourier transform of Eq. (21) with the static app roximation Eq. (26) expresses the velocity and force
acf’s as a linear combination of two exponential functions e xp(z1t) and exp( z2t), where z1/2=−ν/2±/radicalbig
Within this approximation we may distinguish between two re gimes. In the first regime - the “diffusion-regime” - one
deals with a large diffusion constant. As a result ν=βm1Dω2
1>2ω1and Eq. (27) is the equation of an overdamped
oscillator. In this regime the velocity autocorrelation fu nction goes monotoneously to zero. With decreasing diffusio n
constant the damping constant νbecomes smaller. At certain thermodynamical conditions ju st the opposite inequality
ν <2ω1holds. This corresponds to an “oscillatory-regime” and at l east one of the autocorrelation functions should
show an oscillatory behavior. The existence of the two regim es have been established for the case of an OCP [8] and
has been confirmed by our molecular-dynamics simulation for the case of a TCP. To obtain not only a qualitative but
also a quantitative correspondence with the results of MD si mulations one has to go beyond the simple approximation
n= 1 in the Nevanlinna formula Eq. (21).
Consider therefore the case n= 2 in Eq. (21). Then the autocorrelation functions are expre ssed via the function
q2(z) as
ˆC(z) =iz2+ω2
2) +q2(z2−ω2
1), ˆD(z) =iz(z+q2)
2) +q2(z2−ω2
1). (29)
Eq. (29) reproduces the exact freqency moments from M0up to M4. For the function q2(z) we choose again a static
q2(z)≡q2(0)≡ih , (30)
where hhas to be taken from the relation
/βm1D (31)
in order to obtain the exact low frequency value ˆC(0) given by Eq. (28).
From Eq. (29) we find that the autocorrelation functions are n ow given by the linear combination of three expo-
C(t) =3/summationdisplay
i=1CieiΩit, D(t) =3/summationdisplay
i=1dieiΩit. (32)
The complex frequencies Ω iare the poles of the expressions Eq. (29). They are defined as t he solutions of the cubic
2) +ih(Ω2−ω2
1) = 0. (33)
The coefficients Ci(di) characterizes the strength of the ith mode,
idi, i= 1,2,3, (34)
d1=i(h+iΩ1)Ω1(Ω2−Ω3)/N (35)
d2=i(h+iΩ2)Ω2(Ω3−Ω1)/N (36)
d3=i(h+iΩ3)Ω3(Ω1−Ω2)/N (37)
N= (Ω 1−Ω2)(Ω3−Ω1)(Ω2−Ω3). (38)
Equations (32) constitute the basic approximation of our pa per. The frequencies Ω iand the coefficients Ci(or
di, respectively) are expressed by three parameters - the diffu sion constant D, and the frequencies ω1andω2. The
constructed autocorrelation functions satisfy the follow ing conditions: (i) the exact short time behavior for the vel ocity
acf is reproduced to the orders t2andt4, (ii) the short time behavior of the force acf is reproduced t o the order t2,
(iii) the long time behavior of the velocity acf generates th e exact diffusion constant, and (iv) the connection between
the velocity and force acf’s Eq. (14) is satisfied.
The parameters D,ω1andω2may be calculated by another approximations. The both frequ encies ω1andω2
are expressable via the partial correlation functions of ou r semiclassical system. The parameter ω1is given by the
electron-ion and electron-electron partial pair correlat ion functions. To calculate the frequency ω2one needs the
knowledge of the partial ternary distribution functions. T he diffusion constant may be obtained from kinetic theory.
In contrast to the case of an OCP [8] the parameters to be calcu lated are very sensitive to the approximations used
to calculate the static distribution functions. Therefore in this paper we take the “input” parameters directly from
the computer simulations.
To check the quality of the predictions from our approximati on we have performed molecular dynamics simulations
for comparison. The equations of motions obtained with the e ffective potential Eq.(7) were integrated numerically for
the case of equal masses me=miusing the leap-frog variant of Verlet’s algorithm. The simu lations were performed
for 128 electrons and 128 positrons moving in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions. In the investigated
range of plasma parameters ( T= 30 000 K, the coupling parameter has varied from Γ = 0 .2 up to Γ = 3) the size
of the simulation box was significantly greater than the Deby e radius. Therefore the long-range Coulomb forces are
screened inside each box and there was no need to use the Ewald summation instead the simple periodic boundary
conditions. The thermal equilibrium in the system was estab lished (and maintained) by a Langevin source. Such
simulations has been recently used to obtain the static dist ribution of the electric microfield at a charged particle [10 ].
In this paper we extract the velocity and force autocorrelat ion functions as the main characteristics of the microfield
TABLE I. The Γ dependence of the parameters ω1,ω2andD.ω1andω2are given in units of electron plasma
frequency ωpe=/radicalbig
4πnee2/me,Dis given in units of 1 /(meωpeβ)
Γ ω1 ω2 D
0.2 0.84 13.6 10.3
1.5 0.88 3.3 4.41
3.0 0.61 2.1 5.75
In Figs. 1-3 we present the results of the MD data. The simulat ion results are compared with our analytical
approximation Eqs. (29). The three input parameters for the analytical approximation are taken from the MD
simulations. The diffusion constant is obtained from the tim e integral of the velocity acf (Eq. (28)). Since the
velocity acf is a slowly decaying function it requires a long simulation time to extract the diffusion constant. For our
model system with equal electron and ion masses it is possibl e to perform the necessary simulations. The frequency
ω2has been taken from the exact short time behavior of the force acfD(t) = 1−ω2
2t2/2. Finally the frequency ω1was
choosen to fit the model to the data. In Table I we show the param etersω1,ω2andDfor three coupling parameters
Γ considered in this paper.
Except the case of the force acf at Γ = 0 .2 there is a good overall agreement between the theoretical a pproximations
and the MD data. We believe that the strong deviation of the MD data from the theoretical predictions for Γ = 0 .2 is
a numerical artefact due to the poor statistics in the weak co upling case. From the figures we see that with increasing
plasma parameter Γ the dynamics of the charged particles swi tches from the diffusion-like regime at Γ = 0 .2 to the
oscillator-like motion at Γ = 3 .0. The value Γ = 1 .5 may be considered as a critical value separating the both re gimes.
We may also see from the figures that the oscillator-like moti on is more pronounced for the force acf.
At still higher densities (Γ ≥3 atT= 30 000 K) the semi-classical approach employed in this pape r fails to describe
the quantum two-component plasma properly.
The electric microfield dynamics at a charged particle in a tw o-component plasma has been studied. The quantum
plasma has been modeled by a semiclassical system with effect ive potentials. The effective potential was choosen to
describe the nondegenrate limit of the quantum system appro priately. We have investigated the velocity and force
acf’s of the semiclassical system. The starting point for th e theoretical analysis was the exact expression of the
autocorrelation functions through the Nevanlinna formula Eq. (29), satisfying three sum rules for the velocity acf.
The approximation Eq. (30) together with Eq. (31) expresses the velocity acf in terms of three parameters. Two of
them - ω1andω2- describe the exact short time behavior of the velocity acf u p to the order t4, the third parameter,
the self-diffusion constant Dis related to the time integral of the velocity acf. Since the force acf can be obtained
from the velocity acf by a second time derivative the force ac f is expressed through the same three parameters. The
general picture is as follows. At weak coupling the diffusion of the charged particle dominates the collective plasma
oscillations and the particle motion is diffusion-like. In t his regime the velocity acf decays exponentially with a deca y
rate 1 /D(time in units of the inverse electron plasma frequency ωpe). The force acf has a positive decay at short
times (decay rate ω2
1D) and a negative decay at long times (with the rate 1 /D). At strong coupling the diffusion is
supressed and a weakly damped oscillatory behavior for the f orce acf developes. The theoretical predictions has been
compared with molecular dynamics simulations data. There i s an overall agreement of the force dynamics obtained
by the analytical approximation with the MD data.
Finally, we mention that there is no one to one correspondenc e of the semiclassical autocorrelation functions with the
corresponding characteristics of the quantum system. Neve rtheless, we suspect that the semiclassical force dynamics
considered in this paper at least qualitatively reproduces the electric microfield dynamics of the quantum system.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsc haft (DFG) and the Deutscher
Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) of Germany.
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(Figure 1) Time dependence of velocity acf C(t) and force acf D(t) at Γ = 0 .2. Time is in units of inverse electron
plasmafrequency ω−1
pe. Solid lines: present theoretical approximation; Points: results of molecular-dynamics
(Figure 2) Same as in Fig. 1 at Γ = 1 .5.
(Figure 3) Same as in Fig. 1 at Γ = 3 .0.
90.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
t−, D(t)C(t) MD data
D(t) MD data
Γ= 0.2
C(t) theory
D(t) theory
100.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
t−, D(t)C(t) MD data
D(t) MD data
Γ = 1.5
C(t) theory
D(t) theory
110.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
t−, D(t)C(t) MD data
D(t) MD data
C(t) theory
D(t) theory
12 |
arXiv:physics/9912040 v2 21 Dec 1999
Exploring the physics of the relativistic energy-momentum relationship
A.C.V. Ceapa
PO Box 1-1035, R-70700 Bucharest, Rumania
E-mail: alex_ceapa@yahoo.com
Considerations on the complementary time-dependent coordinate transformations emboding
Lorentz transformation (LT) show that the relativistic energy-momentum relationship, implicitly
the relativistic mass and energy, do not depend on the β appearing in LT, being associated to the
absolute motion of a particle and related to its inner structure. Results concerning the concept of
operational theory and its application to the electromagnetic and gravitational field theories, as
well as to the quantum mechanics are given in appendixes.
1. Complementary Time Dependent Coordinate Transformations*
2. Transformation Laws for Energy and Linear Momentum*
3. Contravariant and Covariant Four-Vectors*
4. Four-Momentum, Proper Frame*
5. The Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relationship*
6. The True Derivation of Standard Energy-Momentum Relationship*
Appendix 1: Four-Dimensional Consequences of CTs*
Appendix 2: Operational Theories*
Appendix 3: Absolute Coordinate Systems*
It is interesting to examine in more detail the quantity
pµpµ=E2/c2-p2 ,(1)
E=mc2, p=mv(2)
are, respectively, the relativistic energy and linear momentum of a free particle of
relativistic mass
rest mass mo and velocity v, in relation to the laws of transformation of the energyand linear momentum of a free particle under the coordinate transformation
x'=x-vt, y'=y, z'=z, t'=t-vx/c2(4)
x'=β(x-vt), y'=y, z'=z, t'=β(t-vx/c2),(5)
called complementary time dependent coordinate transformations.
1. Complementary Time Dependent Coordinate Transformations
We distinguish between ordinary time dependent coordinate transformations (OTs)
and complementary time dependent coordinate transformations (CTs). The OTs are
simply obtained by changing angles and lengths in time independent coordinate
transformations into time dependent quantities. They are represented by spatial
rotations and translations. CTs are related to the tracing of radii vectors by physical
signals traveling through space with constant velocity υ. This tracing is required by
our need of knowing the length and the direction of the radius vector of any
geometrical point belonging to a "stationary" subspace before drawing and
projecting it onto the coordinate axes of a stationary coordinate system (K) in space
which is at absolute rest (see also Sect.1.1 in ref.1) as long as such points are aimed
by an uniform translatory motion. The CTs are established for points of a subspace
coinciding at an instant of time with space points. Unlike OTs which can be written
whenever after the radii vectors of a geometrical point were traced by a pencil, the
CT can be written only after the radii vectors we trace by a pencil have previously
been traced by physical signals of identical nature. Depending on the nature of the
physical signals tracing radii vectors, we have a CT or another. For light signals we
have LT as a particular CT in the three-dimensional space. The preference for LT
is related to the large value of c in comparison with the speeds of all the known
physical signals, to the propagation of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields
at speed c, but especially to the fact, pointed out elsewhere2, that c is also a
subquantum velocity. The equations of any CT are those of LT with c changed to
the speed υ of the used physical signal. Specific to all CTs is their time equation
obtained in their preliminary form as the time equivalent of their spacial equation
written along the direction of motion of k relative to K. The manner in which we
use the physical signals to establish a CT is just that used to obtain LT in Sect.4 of
ref.1. Like LT, any CT reduces to GT in the "low-velocity" approximation. This
only means that in such a situation OO' becomes negligible in comparison with
OP1 (OP') and O'P1 (O'P') in the diagram in Fig.5 (10) in ref.1, ct* reduces to ct
and, implicitly, t* reduces to the time t on the time axis. As concerns the
homogeneity of the CTs, it originates in the initial superposition of the coordinatesystems k and K required to obtain the geometry in Figs.5 and 10. The most simple
CT is that given by Eqs.(38) in ref.1. It follows from the first of Eqs.(5) and (21)
related to the upper diagrams in Figs.1 and 2 in ref.1. The raising of Eq.(21) was
largely discussed in Sect.4.1. Like LT, Eqs.(38) form a group.
For v=c, Eqs.(38) reduce to
x'=x-ct, t'=t-x/c.(6)
Eqs.(6) are related to the diagram in Fig1. Since k is carried by the tip of a light
signal, only geometrical points P(x',x)∈ (O',O), where O' and O are, respectively,
the origins of k and K, can be joined by light signals. Naturally, Eqs.(6) do not
form a group; this because, carried by light signals leaving simultaneously O, the
coordinate systems kA and kB are always superposed to each other. Moreover, the
time component of Eqs.(6) should not be identified with the time relation
which, connecting two synchronous clocks, does not belong to a coordinate
transformation (for consequences of CT see Appendixes 1 to 3 below).
2. Transformation Laws for Energy and Linear Momentum
Assume for the beginning that we do not know that the energy and the linear
momentum form a four-vector. Also assume that we do not know the
transformation laws satisfied by the covariant and contravariant components of a
four-vector. So that we propose to establish the transformation laws of the two
from the invariance of the action
under Eqs.(4) and (5), connecting the coordinate system K at absolute rest to the
parallel coordinate system k in uniform rectilinear motion along the common x', x
axis of coordinates. Denote by E, p and E', p' the energies and linear moments of a
free particle in relation to K and k, respectively. Substituting Eqs.(4), (5) and their
inverses in Eq.(7), we get, respectively, the equations
E=E'+p'v, p=p'+E'v/c2,(8')E=β(E'+p'v), p=β(p'+E'v/c2) (8")
E'=E-pv, p'=p-Ev/c2,(9')
E'=β(E-pv), p'=β(p-Ev/c2).(9")
Eqs.(8) and (9) constitute the searched laws of transformation of the energy and
linear momentum under the CT Eqs.(4) and (5). Each of these laws is analogous to
the inverse of the CTs taken into account as a consequence of the last.
3. Contravariant and Covariant Four-Vectors
It is well-known that the contravariant and covariant components of a four-vector,
respectively Aµ and Aµ, are mathematically given by the transformation laws3
Aµ =(∂ xµ /∂x'ν )A'ν , Aµ =(∂ x'ν /∂xµ )A'ν ,(10)
where Greek indices run from 0 to 3, with the coordinates x'µ and xµ connected by
LT. The derivation of the transformation laws of the contravariant and covariant
components pµ and pµ of the four-momentum from the invariant called action in
Sect.2 makes explicit the way in which the mixture of times and coordinates in the
LT equations raises Eqs.(10). Continuing this line of thought, we further consider a
physical quantity which is a differential function of x', x'o(=ct') that in their turn, by
the LT equations
x'=β (x-vxo/c), x'o=β (xo-vx/c),
are continuous functions of x, xo(=ct) with partial derivatives.
The differential of this function is
df=(∂ f/∂ x)dx+(∂ f/∂ xo)dxo=
=[(∂ f/∂ x')(∂ x'/∂ x)+(∂ f/∂ x'o)(∂ x'o/∂ x)]dx+
+[(∂ f/∂ x')(∂ x'/∂ xo)+(∂ f/∂ x'o)(∂ x'o/∂ xo)]dxo=
=β [(∂ f/∂ x'-v/c)(∂ f/∂ x'o)]dx+β [-(v/c)(∂ f/∂ x')+∂ f/∂ x'o]dxo.
With the notations
∂ f/∂ x=A, ∂ f/∂ xo=Ao, ∂ f/∂ x'=A', ∂ f/∂ x'o=A'o,
we regain the first of Eqs.(10). This result is worthwhile because it infers that the
components of any four-vector are always derivatives of a function whichmust be identified for its physical meaning and consequences to be well-
determined. Unfortunately, there is the common tendency of endowing the four-
vectors with a mysterious physical existence which, by their transformation law
analogous with LT, extends onto the last.
4. Four-Momentum, Proper Frame
The four-momentum was defined by3
pµ=mocuµ ,
where uµ=dxµ/ds is the four-velocity, ds=(ηµνdxµdxν)1/2
is the metric of the
Minkowskian space and ηµν=(-1,-1,-1,+1) is the suitable metric tensor. When
written with respect to a coordinate system K at absolute rest (see also Sect.3.2 in
ref.1), for which ds=β-1cdt, the four-momentum is given by
pµ=moβ dxµ/dt=(moβv, moβc),
in agreement with the classical definition of the linear momentum and the
dependence on velocity of the mass. When written with respect to the "stationary"
coordinate system k' in which a particle is at rest (v=0)-called proper frame, the
four-momentum takes the preliminary form pµ=modxµ/dτ by virtue of ds=cdτ,
where τ is the proper time, and a final form pµ=(moβv, moβc), identical to that
relative to K, by the equation dx=vdt=vβdτ , following from the standard LT
equations under the condition dx'=0 required to measure dτ . Thus, against the
appearances, we obtain the natural result that whenever a free particle moves
with respect to K with constant velocity v or is at rest with respect to a
coordinate system moving with the same velocity relative to K (its proper
frame), it possesses the same mass moββ, the same energy moββc2 and (although
we cannot define a non-zero velocity in this case) the same quantity of motion.
Stating that the mass and the energy of a particle are, respectively, mo and
moc2 in its proper frame is false and misleading as long as that particle is
carried by its proper frame. The values mo and moc2 are true only for a particle at
rest in a stationary coordinate system. If Einstein connected these values to the
proper frame, he did it only because missing the meaning of Ξ in his original paper
on relativity (see also Sect.3.7 in ref.1), and believing that he eliminated the
coordinate system at absolute rest from his theory of "relativity", he was compelled
to introduce the concept of proper frame just as he was compelled to extend the L-
principle to "stationary" coordinate systems. Thus, whenever we use the proper
frame we must keep in mind that the true quantities defining a particle at rest with
respect to it are a non-zero quantity of motion, a mass m=moβ and an energy
E'=moβc2 (here β having nothing in common, as concerns its origin, with βoccurring in the Lorentz transformation!). In fact, the quantities moβ and moβc2 are
always associated to the absolute motion of a particle. This can be explained by
that any state of motion of a particle alters its subquantum basic state.
5. The Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relationship
Let us write Eqs.(8) and (9) in relation to the proper frame of a free particle.
Assuming p'=0, they are
The last of Eqs.(8) and (9) are
Since Eqs.(4) and (5) [the inverses of Eqs.(4) and (5)] connect a coordinate system
k (K) in uniform rectilinear motion with respect to a coordinate system K (k) at
absolute rest, whenever k represents a moving (rest) proper frame, the energy E'
appearing in Eqs.(11)[(12)] (see also Sect.4) is
E'=βmoc2 [E'=moc2].
Thus Eqs.(11) and (12) become
The quantity (1) reduces by Eq.(13) to E2/c2-p2=β-2E2/c2. Further, by Eqs.(14) and
(15) it takes the forms
E2/c2-p2=m2c2.(16")We recognize in Eq.(16') the standard relativistic energy-momentum relationship.
We also see that Eq.(16"), which is β2 times Eq.(16') and embodies a change of
origin on the energy scale, has previously been missed by assuming that E'=moc2
for particles at rest in their proper frames, irrespective of the state of rest or
uniform translatory motion of the last.
Therefore, obtained by Eqs.(14) and (15) as well, Eqs.(16) do not depend on the
presence of β in the CT taken into account. Implicitly, the dependence on ββ of
Eqs.(2) and (3) is, in accord with the experiment, not determined by LT. The
coincidence of Eq.(16') [(16")] with that resulting from Eqs.(2) and (3) for a free
particle moving relative to a K at absolute rest [in uniform rectilinear motion]
assures the invariance of pµpµ in relation to LT.
6. The True Derivation of Standard Energy-Momentum
The true derivation of the standard energy-momentum relationship is related to a
particle at absolute rest with respect to a stationary coordinate system K. Its
suitable energy is E=moc2. Its linear momentum is p=0. Inserting these values in
Eq.(8") we obtain
p'=-E'v/c2, E=β-1E'.
Thus the energy and the linear momentum of this particle relative to a coordinate
system k in uniform translatory motion with respect to K, as well as those of a
particle moving with the same velocity relative to K, are E'=βmoc2, p'=βmov. The
relationship (16') is immediate.
Observe that, by replacing the stationary coordinate system K by a "stationary"
coordinate system K, and denoting the energy and the linear momentum of a free
particle respectively by mc2 [with m given by Eq.(3)] and p=0, we also deduce by
Eq.(8") the energy-momentum relationship (16"). Unlike their derivation by means
of Eqs.(11) and (12), Eqs.(16) have now a precise physical significance.
Appendix 1: Four-Dimensional Consequences of CTs
The LT equations, as well as the equations of any other CT defined in Sect.1,
predict a four-dimensional metric and, implicitly, a four-dimensional space-time
physically determined but with no physical significance. When the physical signals
are light signals, the space-time is just that of Minkowski. There results that the
Minkowski space-time is a consequence of the tracing by light signals of radii
vectors of geometrical points belonging to moving subspaces. By the four-quantities and invariants also having their origin in the tracing of radii vectors by
light signals, the Minkowski space-time appears to be a rigorous framework to
describe the physical reality filling space. The events are determined in relation
to four-dimensional coordinate systems. Beside the Minkowski space-time there is
the four-space, also formal, associated to the four-momentum pµ=(p,E/c) just as the
former was attached to the four-vector xµ=(x,ct). This is the energy-momentum
space which Caianiello joined4 with the Minkowski space-time into an eight-
dimensional space, and which metric enabled him to deduce the maximum
acceleration aM. The endowing of phase space with a metric just expresses the
physical determination of the quantum theory. Other aspects to be noted concern
the metric of the Minkowski space-time itself. Thus, since t* denotes the time in
which a physical signal traces the radius vector of a moving geometrical point P, ct
does not define the x of P as a function of time but just as a length. Therefore, we
can not write dx=cdt, but either dx=vdt or (dx2+dy2+dz2)1/2=vdt. It is for this reason
that the metric s, reduced to (y2+z2)1/2 or 0 by x=ct, was used by Einstein only in
connection with the light cone, while the infinitesimal metric ds (which always
differs from zero) to get the main predictions of his theory.
Appendix 2: Operational Theories
Whenever physicists searched for solutions of an equation or a set of equations
mapping to a less understood physical reality, they resorted to additional
mathematical constraints on the quantities related by those equations to reach their
goal. Often the solutions of these equations were in accord with experiments.
Sometimes they were not, and the confidence in them diminished and delayed clear
experimental results. The last is the case with the weak gravitational waves
predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity on the analogy with the plane
electromagnetic waves. Like transverse waves, they were mathematically defined
by imposing the transverse-traceless conditions5
ν uν =0, Ψµ
µ=0 (17)
to their potentials
where hµν are the infinitely small components of the metric tensor
gµν=ηµν +hµν
and uν is the four-velocity of the wave, that satisfy Einstein's linearized equations
of the gravitational field.
Nevertheless, we see that actually the transformation laws of Ψµν are implied bythe transformation laws
h'µν=(∂x'µ/∂xα)(∂x'ν/∂xβ)hαβ (18)
of hµν under the inverse of the CT Eqs.(6) that connect a coordinate system moving
with velocity c with respect to one at absolute rest. By a little algebra, Eqs.(18), (6)
and (17) show that the only non-zero potentials of a weak gravitational wave
traveling along the x axis are
Ψ '2
3, Ψ '2
2, (19)
i.e., just those deduced by the traceless condition mathematically imposed. That is
to say, Eqs.(18) connect wave potentials defined in relation to both the coordinate
system carried by the wave and the stationary coordinate system of an observer
recording the wave.
Going on, since the quantities characterizing electromagnetic and gravitational
fields are attached to geometrical points of subspaces traveling at speed c through
empty space, and the CT Eqs.(6) refer points of such subspaces to coordinate
systems at rest in this space, we focus our attention on the theories of
electromagnetic and gravitational fields which exhibit retarded quantities for
revealing the mathematical constraints historically imposed to obtain them6.
Consider for the beginning the mathematical quantities f and ξµ appearing,
respectively, in the electromagnetic and gravitational theories7 by the gauge
transformation of their four-potentials. Observe that the dependence on t-x/c of f
and ξµ has been obtained by imposing the Lorentz condition
and its gravitational counterpart
on the four-potentials of the plane electromagnetic and gravitational waves,
respectively, Aµ and Ψµν. Since Aµ and Ψµν are defined in a coordinate system k
moving with velocity c with respect to a coordinate system at absolute rest-the
working coordinate system of the observer-their time dependence, as well as that of
f and ξµ, follows from the second of Eqs.(6) just as a result of the velocity of k
relative to K.
Moreover, because f and ξµ belong to the mathematical basis of the two theories,
the time dependence previously imposed on them is equivalent to the more general
requirement, namely that these theories are developed in the working coordinate
systems of the observers performing measurements of physical quantities.Therefore, the last of Eqs.(6) accounts for the retarded potentials, whose
omnipresence has been until now only in agreement with experiment8, in that they
are defined in coordinate systems k traveling at speed c with respect to a K in
empty space and measured by observers with respect to such systems by the
diagram in Fig.4 in ref.1.
Extending these conclusions about the role played by Eqs.(6) in founding the two
theories to the full class of complementary time dependent coordinate
transformations (i.e., to those obtained by other physical signals than light), we get
the concept of operational theory stated as6,9:
A physical theory is an operational theory if and only if the quantities entering
into its equations are expressed in the working coordinate systems of the
observers performing measurements.
The main consequence of this concept is that the modern physics becomes a system
of operational theories valid in the working systems of the observers performing
measurements. This means implementing the new theories as operational ones and
removing from the older theories those mathematical constraints historically
imposed by the process of knowledge exclusively for obtaining the time
dependence of the physical quantities required by experiment.
Both the definition of pµ investigated in Sect.4, and the subsequent rewriting of the
equations of the relativistic quantum mechanics in a moving Ki (pointed out in the
next Appendix), as well as the new derivation and meaning of the Hubble law in
relation to Eqs.(4)6,10, which applied to the furthest quasars recently discovered
does not support the receding of the galaxies from the Earth, represent first steps
done in this aim. In addition, by obtaining the potentials (19) of a weak (plane)
gravitational wave6,11, and converting the equation
which predicts the effect that a Newtonian gravitational field of potential φ has on
an elapsing of time, to12
t'K=t(1+2φ/c2)1/2≅ t(1+φ/c2),
by the last of Eqs.(6) (t' being defined in the proper frame of the field and t'K in the
coordinate system of a moving observer), and not by imposing prior mathematical
constraints (e.g., dxi=0 in the metric12), the operational approach also extends to the
weak field approximation of general relativity.
Appendix 3: Absolute Coordinate Systems
A main result obtained in Sect.4 was that the energy and the quantity of motion ofa particle at rest with respect to its proper frame moving with constant velocity v
relative to K are given by Eqs.(2) without an observer isolated in that proper frame
to be able to identify them by calculation or measurements. We concluded that (see
also ref.6) the energy moc2 is specific to a particle at rest with respect to a
coordinate system at absolute rest. It appears that by their defining relationships the
"relativistic" energy and momentum were from the beginning estimated in relation
to a coordinate system at absolute rest (we here denote it by Kabs).
Since the invariant pµpµ predicts the standard energy-momentum relationship (6'),
the equations of the relativistic quantum mechanics and, implicitly, the coupling
constant moc2 between the systems of subquantum particles they involve, were
defined in relation to Kabs. But as the invariant pµpµ was estimated in relation to the
proper frame of the particle, and the energy and momentum of the last are given by
Eqs.(2) and (3), the equations of the relativistic quantum mechanics, involved by
Eq.(16") with mo changed to mi=βmo and the suitable coupling constant mic2 are
defined in relation to the coordinate systems Ki moving with velocities vi relative
to Kabs, as well. And, since the observers are associated to Ki not to Kabs, the
writing of these equations in Ki corresponds to the foundation of the relativistic
quantum mechanics as an operational theory, in full agreement with the definition
of such a theory given in Appendix 2.
Concerning the new coupling constant mic2 between the systems of subquantum
particles2, it reveals an extra-coupling between these systems and the state of
motion of a quantum particle defined by vi. It is this extra-factor that which
predicted by the energy-momentum relationship is related to the existence of an
absolute coordinate system in physics despite our impossibility of identifying it in
nature as a system of reference bodies.
The usual work with Eq.(16') and, implicitly, with the equations of the relativistic
quantum mechanics defined in relation to Kabs mathematically originates in our
possibility to drop β2 in Eq.(16"), while physically in that the coordinate systems
Ki of the observers can actually be related to the stationary coordinate systems Ξi
as shown in Sect.3.6 in ref.1.
1A.C.V. Ceapa, General Physics/9911067.
2A.C.V. Ceapa, Physical Grounds of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Roots of the
Falsification of 20th Century Physics. (3rd Edition, Bucharest, 1998), Part III.
3L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields (Pergamon, N.Y.,1980) Ch.6.
4E.R. Caianiello, in The 5th Marcel Grossman Meeting (Eds. D.G. Blair and M.J.
Buckingham, World Scientific, Singapore, N. Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1989)
vol.1, p.94.
5C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San
Francisco, 1973) p.946.
6A.C.V. Ceapa, Phys. Essays 4 (1991) 60.
7L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Ch.18, 46, 102.
8P. Fortini, F. Fuligni and C. Gualdi, Lett. Nuovo Cim. 23(1978) 345.
9A.C.V. Ceapa, in Abstr. Contrib. Papers. 12th Internatl. Conf. on Gen. Relativity
and Gravitation (Boulder,Colorado,1989), vol.1, p.158.
10A.C.V. Ceapa, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 470 (1986) 366.
11A.C.V. Ceapa, in Abstr. Contrib. Papers. 10th Internatl. Conf. on Gen. Relativity
and Gravitation (Eds. B. Bertotti, F. de Felice and A. Pascolini, Rome, 1983),
vol.2, p.904.
12L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Chs.84, 88. |
arXiv:physics/9912041v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 21 Dec 1999Dynamic structure factor and collective
excitations of neutral and Coulomb fluids
to be published in Phys. Scripta
Institut f¨ ur Physik, Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin, Inv alidenstr. 110,
D-10115 Berlin, Germany
The dynamic sructure factor as the basic quantity describin g the
collective excitations in a fluid is considered. We consider the cases
of neutral and Coulombic fluids. The classical method of mome nts is
applied to construct the dynamic structure factor satisfyi ng all known
sum rules. An interpolational formula is found which expres ses the
dynamic characteristics of a classical or quantum fluid syst em in terms
of its static correlation parameters. The analytical resul ts based on
1the theory of moments are compared with Molecular dynamics d ata
for various model systems.
1 Introduction
In the past there has been considerable interest in the time d ependence of
correlation functions or equivalently of the frequency dep endence of structure
factors. These functions has been studied in neutral and Cou lomb fluids both
theoretically and by molecular-dynamic simulations [1]. U nder a neutral
fluid we understand here a fluid of particles interacting via a short-ranged
potential. That means the termin neutral fluids includes suc h nonneutral
systems as dusty plasmas [2] and charged colloidal suspensi ons [3] where the
interaction between the charged particles of one subsystem is screened by the
motion of particles from another subsystem.
Several approaches are devoted to the study of dynamic prope rties of
strongly interacting fluid systems. In a rather incomplete l ist we mention
the approaches in Refs. [4, 5] based on the memory function fo rmalism, the
approaches based on the theory of moments [6, 7], and the appr oach based on
the quasilocalized charge approximation [8]. It is interes ting to note that all
2these approaches succeeded by exploiting the method of coll ective variables
[9] in various modifications.
This paper gives a short overview of the application of the me thod of mo-
ments to the determination of dynamic properties of coupled fluid systems.
As the main quantity describing the dynamics of a systems we c onsider the
dynamic structure factor. The dynamic structure factor may be measured in
scattering experiments. The peaks in the dynamic structure factor determine
the collective excitations of the system. There may propaga te different col-
lective excitations depending on the type of the system (neu tral or Coulomb).
Generally speaking in neutral fluids we deal with sound modes whereas the
plasma mode is a finite frequency mode. The different behavior of the modes
is connected with the different behavior of the interaction p otential Fourier
transform at small wavenumbers k. In a neutral fluid the Fourier transform
is finite, in the Coulomb case it diverges for k→0.
2 Dynamic properties of neutral fluids
We consider a system of Nparticles of one species with masses mand in-
teracting via a pair potential V(r). The Fourier transform of the interaction
3potential satisfies the inequality V(k= 0)<∞. The Hamiltonian of the
neutral fluid reads:
i/negationslash=jV(xi−xj), (1)
where piis the ith particle momentum. In what follows we will use a classical
notation, though all the calculations are easily generaliz ed to the quantum
Define the particle density and its Fourier transform
n(r, t) =/summationdisplay
iδ(r−x(t)), nk(t) =/summationdisplay
,the density-density correlation function
g(r, t) =/an}bracketle{tn(r, t)n(0,0)/an}bracketri}ht. (3)
and the dynamic structure factor
S(k, ω) =1
−∞ei(ωt−k·r)g(r, t)dt dr (4)
In order to construct the dynamic structure factor as a centr al function for
the determination of the dynamic properties of the system it is useful to
consider the frequency moments of the dynamic structure fac tor:
Mn(k) =/integraldisplay∞
−∞ωnS(ω,k) =in
4Due to the parity of the structure factor all moments with odd numbers are
equal to zero. The zeroth and second moments read
M0(k) =S(k), (6)
M2(k) =k2
mkBT . (7)
where S(k) = (1 /N)/angbracketleftig
is the static structure factor of the fluid. The
fourth moment includes particle correlations and reads,
M4(k) = 3 k4(kBT)2/m2+Mpot
4(k) =N
V m2k4V(k)kBT+1
V m2(8)
q/negationslash=−k[S(k+q)−S(q)] (k·q)2kBT V(q). (9)
The Nevanlinna formula of the classical theory of moments [6 ] expresses the
dynamic structure factor
S(k, z) =1
πImEn+1(k, z) +qn(k, z)En(k, z)
Dn+1(k, z) +qn(k, z)Dn(k, z)(10)
in terms of a function qn=qn(k, z) analytic in the upper half-plane Im z >0
and having a positive imaginary part there Im qn(k, ω+iη)>0, η > 0, it
also should satisfy the limiting condition: ( qn(k, z)/z)→0 asz→ ∞ within
the sector θ <arg(z)< π−θ. The polynomials Dn(andEn) can be found
in terms of the first 2 nmoments as a result of the Schmidt orthogonalization
5procedure. The first orthogonal polynomials read [6]
D1=z , D 2=z2−ω2
1, D 3=z(z2−ω2
2), (11)
E1=M0, E 2=M0z , E 3=M0(z2+ω2
2), (12)
where ω2
1(k) =M2(k)/M0(k) and ω2
2(k) =M4(k)/M2(k). Consider first the
approximation n= 1 leading to the correct frequency moments M0andM2.
Using the Nevanlinna formula Eq. (10) we obtain ( q1=q1,r+iq1,i),
S(k, ω) =S(k)
πq1,i(k, ω)ω2
1(k) +q1,r(k, ω)ω]2+q2
1,i(k, ω)ω2.(13)
We have no phenomenological basis for the choice of that func tionq1(z) which
would provide the exact expression for S(k, z). We mention that the physical
meaning of the function h1(z) =−iq1(z) is that of a memory function since
from Eq. (13) it follows that the inverse Fourier transform o f the function
C(k, z) = (1 /iπ)/integraltext∞
−∞S(k, ω)/(z−ω) obeys the equation
∂2C(k, t)
1C(k, t) +/integraldisplayt
0ds h1(k, t−s)∂C(k, s)
∂s= 0. (14)
A simple approximation is to put the function q1(z) equal to its static value
q1(z) =q1(0) = iν(k,) and Eq. (14) simplifies to the equation of a damped
oscillator with frequency ω1and damping constant ν.
∂2C(k, t)
1C(k, t) +ν(k,)∂C(k, t)
∂t= 0. (15)
6From Eq. (15) follows the dispersion relation of collective excitations in a
classical neutral fluid, ω2
c(k) =ω2
1(k) =M2(k)
mS(k). The corresponding
generalization to the quantum case ( T= 0) reads ω0(k) =¯hk2
Consider now the long-wavelength behavior k→0. In this case the static
structure factor S(k→0) =nkBTκTis determined by the compressibility
κT=−(1/V) (∂V /∂P )T. Then the dispersion relation reads
c(k) =u2k2, u2=/parenleftigg∂P
γ, γ=cp
cv, (16)
which differs from the familiar dispersion equation for the s ound wave by
the factor γ. For a model of independent oscillators: cp=cvandγ= 1.
Therefore the above approximation for the static structure factor based on
the Nevanlinna equation with n= 1 represents the model of independent
damped quasiparticles.
To go beyond this approximation one has to choose the 3-momen t ap-
proximation n= 2 in the Nevanlinna hierarchy reproducing the moments
M0,M2andM4. Within this approximation and choosing q2(k, ω) =h(k)
we obtain the following expression for the dynamic structur e factor:
S(k, ω) =S(k)
1(k) (ω2
1)2, (17)
7where h(k) has to be taken from the relation
h(k) = (ω2
1)/ν(k) = (S(k)/π)((ω2
1−1)/S(k,0)) (18)
in order to satisfy the exact low freqency behavior S(k,0). The value S(k,0)
may be taken from elastic scattering experiments, from anot her theory or it
may be used as a fit parameter.
Consider again the long wave-length limit k→0. Then the frequencies
1(k) =u2k2, u2=/parenleftigg∂P
2(k) =v2k2, v2=n
mV(0) + 3kBT
m. (20)
At small temperatures kBT≪nV(0) we have u2=v2and we obtain the
dynamic structure factor for a “classical” fluid at low tempe rature
S(k, ω) =πkBT
mu2{δ(ω−ku) +δ(ω+ku)}, (21)
representing undamped sound waves. The corresponding gene ralization to a
quantum fluid reads
S(k, ω) =π¯hk
mu(1−exp(−¯hku/k BT))/braceleftig
δ(ω−ku) +e−¯hku/k BTδ(ω+ku)/bracerightig
At zero temperature the system may only absorb energy and we o btain the
simple equation for the dynamic structure factor.
S(k, ω) =π¯hk
muδ(ω−ku). (23)
83 Dynamic properties of Coulomb fluids
Consider a one component plasma (OCP) consisting of Nparticles with
charges Zeand masses minteracting via the Coulomb potential Vc(r) =
Z2e2/rand embedded in a neutralizing homogeneous background. The clas-
sical OCP may be characterized by the coupling parameter Γ =e2
(3V/4πN)1/3being the Wigner-Seitz radius. The quantum plasma has an ad-
ditional parameter - the degeneration parameter θ=√2mkBT/¯h2(3π2n)2/3.
In what follows for the case of simplicity we concentrate on a classical plasma.
For Γ≪1 we deal with an ideal (or Vlasov) plasma, for Γ ≫1 the plasma is
called a strongly coupled one. The Vlasov approximation tak es into account
only the mean field part of the interaction and the dispersion relation for the
longitudinal plasmons is predicted as ω2
c(k) =ω2
1 + 3k2
with the plasma
frequency ω2
mand the squared inverse Debye-length k2
The Vlasov theory predicts a strong positive dispersion of t he plasmons, i.e.,
dω/dk > 0. However, in a coupled plasma the potential energy plays an im-
portant role and the Vlasov approximation is not longer vali d. To construct
the dynamic structure factor for a coupled plasma consider t he frequency
moments of the dynamic structure factor S(k, ω). The frequency moments
formally coincides with that of a neutral plasma (Eqs. (6)-( 8)). The only dif-
9ference is that the interaction potential of the neutral flui d has to be replaced
by that of the Coulomb system. The application of the Nevanli nna formula
leads then to a corresponding hierarchy of approximations f or the dynamic
structure factor. If one is interested in the structure fact or of a quantum
system again Eqs. (10) hold, if one replaces S(k, ω) on the left hand side of
the Eqs. (10) by the loss function R(k, ω= [(1−exp(−β¯hω))/β¯hω]S(k, ω).
However, in the quantum case additional contributions to th e zeroth and
fourth frequency moment occur [6, 7].
Consider the 3-moment approximation Eq. (17). If one is inte rested in
the investigation of the high-frequency collective excita tion spectrum only
it is sufficient to neglect the function h(k) since the damping (described by
the function h) is small in strongly coupled plasmas. If one puts h(k) =
0 Eq. (17) provides the expression of the dynamic structure f actor for a
strongly coupled plasma obtained within the QLC approach [8 ], if the thermal
contributions may be neglected with respect to the correlat ion contributions.
Within the simple approximation h(k) = 0 the dynamic structure factor has
δpeaks at the frequencies ωcwhich in the classical case are determined by
10the equation
c(k) =M4
1 + 3k2
Fork→0 the dispersion relation simplifies and we get
c(k) =ω2
1 + 3k2
withEcbeing the correlation energy density. Using the simple esti mation
kBTn=−0.9Γ valid in the strong coupling regime one obtains the disper -
sion relation ω2
c(k) =ω2
p[1 +k2a2(−0.08 + Γ−1)] and one predicts a negative
dispersion for Γ >13.
To study the dynamic structure factor one has to go beyond the simple
approximation h= 0. To satisfy the low frequency behavior one may choose
the approximation Eq. (18). To check the quality of the predi ctions from
our approximation molecular dynamic simulations have been performed for
comparison [7]. The semiclassical simulations were perfor med to model a
quantum gas of 250 electrons moving in a cubic box with period ic bound-
ary conditions.The thermal equilibrium was established by a Monte Carlo
procedure. A detailed description of the semiclassical mod el used in the
simulations may be found elsewhere [7]. In Figs. 1 and 2 we hav e plotted
the loss function R(q, ω) (q=ka) for various values of wavenumbers qfor
11the cases of strong (Γ = 10 ) and very strong coupling (Γ = 100 ) [ 7]. In
both cases we obtain a sharp plasmon peak at small q values, wi th increas-
ing wavenumber the plasmon peak widens. Almost no dispersio n has been
observed at Γ = 10. This is in good agreement with the above est imation
for the critical value Γ = 13 separating regimes with positiv e dispersion from
that with negative dispersion. For the case of very strong co upling Γ = 100
we have found a strong negative dispersion. In Figs. 3 and 4 we present the
results of the MD data and compare them with our analytical ap proxima-
tion Eqs. (17) and (18). To calculate the parameters ω1(k) and ω2(k) we
have used the static structure factor obtained from the HNC e quations. The
value S(k,0) determining the parameter h(k) might be taken from the MD
simulations. However, the dynamic structure factor at the z ero frequency
can be obtained with the necessary accurazy only from long ti me simula-
tions. Alternatively we have choosen the value S(k,0) to fit the model to the
MD data. It should be mentioned that the value S(k,0) mainly determines
the width of the plasmon peak, the peak position is quite inse nsitive to the
choice of the value S(k,0). From the figures it can be seen that there is a
reasonable agreement between the MD data and the present app roxiamtion
based on the sum rules. The peak position is reproduced with h igh accuracy,
12the agreement in the width of the peaks is less satisfactory. One concludes
that the static approximation q2(k, ω) =ih(k) undersetimates the damping
of the quasiparticles.
4 Conclusions
In this paper we have shown that the application of the classi cal theory of
moments gives a satisfactory description of many propertie s of neutral and
Coulomb fluids. The Nevanlinna formula generates approxima te expressions
for the dynamic structure factor in terms of their static cor relations. The
quality of the Nevanlinna expression mainly depends on the q uality of the
model used to calculate the static properties of the fluid. Th e presented
results may be improved by a specification of the interpolati on function
q2(k, ω).
In conclusion, the present approach has been also used to cal culate the
dynamic structure factor of two-dimensional electron gas [ 11], of binary ionic
mixtures [12] and of two-component plasmas [13]. It had been extended to
magnetized plasmas [14] and can be generalized to calculate partial dynamic
structure factors. Here, the matrix form of the Nevanlinna f ormula becomes
[1] For a review of earlier papers, see M. Baus and J. P. Hansen , Phys. Rep.
59, 1 (1980)..
[2] H. Thomas, G. E.Morfill, V. Demmel, J. Goree, B. Feuerbach er, and
D. Mohlmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 652 (1994).
[3] R. T. Farouki and S. Hamaguchi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 2973 (1992).
[4] J.P. Hansen and I.K. McDonald, Phys. Rev. A 23, 2041 (1981).
[5] P. John and L.G. Suttorp, Physica A 197, 613 (1993).
[6] V.M. Adamyan and I.M. Tkachenko, Teplofiz. Vys. Temp. 21, 417
(1983) [High Temp. (USA) 21, 307 (1983)].
[7] J. Ortner, F. Schautz, and W. Ebeling, ibid.56, 4665 (1997); W. Ebeling
and J. Ortner, Phys. Scr. 75, 93 (1998).
[8] G. Kalman and K.I. Golden, Phys. Rev. A 41, 5516 (1990);an appli-
cation of QLC approximation to dusty plasmas my be found in: M .
Rosenberg and G. Kalman, Phys. Rev. E 56, 7166 (1997).
14[9] J. Ortner, Phys. Rev. E, 59, 6312 (1999).
[10] Feynman, R.P., Phys. Rev 91, 1291 (1953).
[11] J. Ortner and I.M. Tkachenko, Phys. Rev. A 46, 7882 (1992).
[12] S. V. Adamjan and I. M. Tkachenko, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 361336 (1991).
[13] S. V. Adamjan, I. M. Tkachenko, J. L. Munoz-Cobo Gonzale s and
G. Verdu Martin, Phys. Rev. E 48N3 (1993).
[14] J. Ortner, V.M. Rylyuk, and I.M. Tkachenko, Phys. Rev. E 50, 4937
(Figure 1) The simulation data for the loss function R(q, ω) versus fre-
quency ω/ω pfor different wavevectors q=kaat Γ = 10 and θ= 1.
(Figure 2) Same as in Fig. 1 at Γ = 100 and θ= 50.
Figure 3 Comparison of the loss function R(q, ω) within the present sum
rules approach (Eqs. (17 and (18) with S(k, ω) replaced by R(k, ω))
versus frequency ω/ω pwith the corresponding MD data at Γ = 100
andθ= 50 for wavevector q= 0.619.
Figure 4 Same as Fig.3; at Γ = 100 and θ= 50 for wavevector q= 1.856,
[7] .
160.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
w (in units of the plasmasfrequency),w) / R(q,0)q=0.619
Figure 1: The simulation data for the loss function R(q, ω) versus frequency
ω/ω pfor different wavevectors q=kaat Γ = 10 and θ= 1.
170.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Figure 2: Same as in Fig. 1 at Γ = 100 and θ= 50
180.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
ω/ωp0.,ω)/R(q,0)sum rules approach
MD results
Figure 3: Comparison of the loss function R(q, ω) within the present sum
rules approach (Eqs. (17 and (18) with S(k, ω) replaced by R(k, ω)) versus
frequency ω/ω pwith the corresponding MD data at Γ = 100 and θ= 50 for
wavevector q= 0.619. .
190.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
w ( in units of the plasmafrequency ),w) / R(q,0)"quantum" MD results
sum rules approach
Figure 4: same as Fig.3; at Γ = 100 and θ= 50 for wavevector q= 1.856,
[7] .
20 |
arXiv:physics/9912042v1 [physics.comp-ph] 21 Dec 1999A Monte Carlo code for full simulation of a
transition radiation detector
M.N. Mazziotta1
Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universit´ a and INFN Sezione d i Bari, via Amendola,
173, I-70126 Bari (Italy)
A full simulation of a transition radiation detector (TRD) b ased on the GEANT,
GARFIELD, MAGBOLTZ and HEED codes has been developed. This s imulation
can be used to study and develop TRD for high energy particle i dentification using
either the cluster counting or the total charge measurement method. In this article it
will be also shown an application of this simulation to the di scrimination of electrons
from hadrons in beams of momentum of few GeV/c or less, assuming typical TRD
configuration, namely radiator–detector modules.
Key words: Monte Carlo; Full Simulation; Transition Radiation; TRD; C harge
Measurement; Cluster Counting.
(To be submitted to Computer Physics Communication)
1 Introduction
Transition radiation (TR) is an electromagnetic radiation produced by
ultrarelativistic charged particles crossing the interfa ce between two materials
with different dielectric properties [1,2]. The TR spectrum is peaked in the
X-ray region and the probability of a X-ray photon being emit ted at each
interface is of the order of α≃1/137. The transition radiation yield is
proportional to the Lorentz factor γof the incident charged particle and is
independent on the kind of particle. That offers an attractiv e alternative to
identify particles of given momentum with a non destructive method.
1fax: +39 080 5442470; e-mail: mazziotta@ba.infn.it
Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint 2 February 2008In order to enhance the TR X-ray production, radiators consi sting of several
hundred foils regularly spaced or irregular radiators of fe wcmof thickness
consisting of carbon compound foam layers or fiber mats are us ually adopted.
The “multilayer” radiator introduces significant physical constraints on the
radiation yield, because of the so-called “interference eff ects”. It has been
established that the radiation emission threshold occurs a t a Lorentz factor
γth= 2.5ωpd1, whereωpis the plasma frequency (in eV units) of the foil
material, and d1is its thickness in µm. Forγ≥γththe radiation yield increases
up to a saturation value given by γsat∼γth(d2/d1)1/2, whered2is the width
of the gap between the foils [3].
The conventional method of TR detection is the measurement o f the sum of
the energy released by ionization and from photoelectrons p roduced by TR
X-rays. The radiating particle, if not deflected by magnetic fields, releases
its ionization energy in the same region as the X-ray photons , introducing a
background signal that can be reduced if a gaseous detector i s used. Since
the gas must provide efficient conversion of the TR photons, th e use of high-
Z gases is preferred. The detector usually consists of propo rtional chambers
filled with argon or xenon with a small addition of quenching g ases for gain
stabilization ( CO2,CH4).
The measurement of TR using proportional chambers is genera lly based on
one or both of the following methods:
•the “charge measurement” method, where the signal collecte d from a
chamber wire is charge analyzed by ADCs [4];
•the “cluster counting” method, where the wire signal is shar ply
differentiated in order to discriminate the X-ray photoelec tron clusters
producing pulses (hits) exceeding a threshold amplitude fr om theδ-ray
ionization background [5].
In both cases a cut on the analyzed charge or on the number of cl usters is
needed in order to discriminate radiating particles from sl ower nonradiating
ones. Multiple module TRDs, with optimized gas layer thickn ess, are normally
employed to improve background rejection. A reduced chambe r gap limits the
particle ionizing energy losses, while the X-rays escaping detection may be
converted in the downstream chambers.
Transition radiation detectors are presently of interest i n fast particle
identification, both in accelerator experiments [6,7] and i n cosmic ray physics
[8]-[16]. A TRD is used to evaluate the underground cosmic ra y muon energy
spectrum in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory [17]. In spit e of their use in
several high energy experiments, a simulation code is not ye t available in the
standard simulation tools.
Several codes based on parameterizations of test beam measu rements have
2been developed to simulate the TRDs [18,19]. Lately a TRD has been proposed
in a Long Base Neutrino Oscillation Experiment [20], in whic h a simulation
has been developed using a GEANT interface [21]. The results achieved in the
last experience have been rather satisfactory, in spite of s ome difficulties to
track low energy photons in GEANT.
In this paper a full simulation of a TRD is described. The prog ram is based
on GEANT [22], GARFIELD [23], MAGBOLTZ [24] and HEED [25] cod es in
order to exploit the best performances in each one. In this wa y a full simulation
has been developed tracking the particles into the detector and producing the
pulse shape from each proportional tubes.
2 Transition radiation emission
Extensive theoretical studies have been made about TR. The b asic properties
of the TR production as well as the interference phenomena in multifoil
radiator stacks are rather well understood and well describ ed with classical
electromagnetism (for instance see [26]). There was also an attempt to give a
quantum description of TR [27]. The quantum corrections to t he TR intensity
become interesting for the emission of very high energy phot ons, namely when
the TR photon energy is comparable with the energy of the radi ating particle.
Therefore they are no longer significant in the X-ray region f or incident charged
particle of momenta of few GeV/c and the expressions derived are similar
to the classical theory. Therefore, the TR emission is descr ibed for practical
purposes by classical formulation, and the TR energy is cons idered carried out
by photons (quanta).
As shown by Artru et al. [3] the TR energy Wemitted from a stack of Nfoils
of thickness d1at regular distances d2, without taking into account absorption
effects, can be written as:
dω dθ2=η4 sin2φ1
is the energy emitted at each interface. In eq. (1) and (2) θis the angle
between the incident particle and the TR X-ray, and ξi=ωi/ωwhereωis the
3TR quantum energy (in eV units) and ωiare the plasma energies of the two
media “1” (foil) and “2” (gap).
The factor 4 sin2φ1
2in eq. (1) is due to the coherent superposition of TR fields
generated at the two interfaces of one foil, with the phase an gleφ1=d1/z1
being the ratio of the foil thickness d1(inµm units) to the “formation zone”
z1of the foil material:
The last factor of eq. (1) describes the coherent interferen ce of TR in a stack
composed of Nfoils and gaps at regular distances d2.φ=φ1+φ2is the total
phase angle of one basic foil plus gap, with φ2being defined in analogy to
φ1. The TR X-ray energy distribution can be obtained by taking t he ratio of
equation (1) to ω.
Since the TR yield from multifoil stack is described as an int erference
phenomenon due to whole radiator, in order to calculate the t otal TR quanta
emitted by the particle crossing the radiator, one needs to k nown the total
number of foils crossed. Therefore it is not possible to foll ow the particle into
radiator in order to calculate the probability to emit a quan tum in a given
step, i.e. we do not have a cross section for the TR effect. That may introduce
some difficulties to simulate the TR process. Moreover, the TR intensity is a
complex function of the thicknesses d1andd2, of the plasma energies ω1and
ω2for a given γLorentz factor. This behaviour may introduce an additional
difficulty to calculate the TR spectra for any kind of radiator s.
The energy of the TR photons depends on the radiator material and its
structure. In ref. [3] it is shown that the average TR energy c arried out by
quanta is given by:
<ω> ≃0.3γthω1 (4)
Assumingd1= 10µmandω1= 20eVone obtains γth∼500 and
< ω > ∼3keV. This may introduce some difficulties to track soft X-ray
photons in a medium.
The ability to identify particles by a TRD is determined by th e relative
amounts of TR and ionization energy loss in the proportional chambers. Large
fluctuations of ionization loss in thin gas layers limit this methods. Therefore,
in order to better understand the performance of a TRD, one ne eds careful
calculations of ionization energy loss and its fluctuations , producing knock-on
orδ-electrons. On the other hand, if one would like to use the clu ster counting
method to separate the TR X-ray from the track ionization bac kground, then
the range and the size of δ-electron and of photoelectron, the number of
4electron–ion pairs produced in the gas and their arrival tim e on the wire need
to be taken into account. Finally the current produced on the anode wire of
the gas chambers and its pulse shape fed to discriminator by t he front end
electronics also play an important role in this method.
3 TRD full simulation
On the basis of the above discussion, the approach followed t o simulate a TRD
is based on the codes GEANT, GARFIELD, MAGBOLTZ and HEED (the
last two codes are used by GARFIELD). The geometric descript ion of the
detector has been given by GEANT, including the simulation o f all physical
processes that occur in the materials crossed by the particl es. The ionization
energy loss and the photoelectric process in the gas have bee n not considerated
in the GEANT code, because they are simulated by HEED.
When charged particles cross the gas of proportional chambe rs, or photons
are entering into these volumes, the HEED package is called. In this way
the ionization energy loss and the electron–ion pairs distr ibution along the
track are calculated. The photoelectric absorption of phot ons in the gas is
also simulated, including the evaluation of the photoelect rons produced and
the total number of electron–ion pairs. Finally the current pulse produced on
the anode wire is evaluated by the GARFIELD code using the gas properties
as its drift velocity and gain calculated by the MAGBOLTZ pro gram as a
function of the electric field.
3.1 TR process
The GEANT code does not simulate transition radiation. In or der to produce
the TR photons in GEANT, a physical process has been introduc ed whenever
a relativistic charged particle crosses the radiator.
The TR photon energy spectrum and the mean number of X-ray are calculated
for the input radiator and for the energy of primary particle which one
simulates. When the charged particle crosses the radiator a nd comes out
the TR process is activated. The total number of TR photons is generated
according to a Poisson distribution if their average number is less than 10,
otherwise a Gaussian distribution may be used. The energy of each TR X-ray
is randomly generated according to a calculated spectrum an d its position
is generated along the radiating particle path at the end of a radiator. The
produced TR photons are then treated as secondary particles in GEANT and
they are stored in the common block GCKING. In order to be tran sported
5by GEANT, these photons are stored in the data structure JSTA K by the
GSKING routine.
3.1.1 TR formulas used in the code
The TR production relations used in this simulation take int o account the
photon absorption in the radiator. This effect has been simul ated using the
GEANT absorption lengths of the photons calculated for this material.
Regular radiator
The energy distribution of TR photons for a stack of plates ta king into account
the absorption in the foils and gaps is given by [3]:
dω dθ2=1
ωη4 sin2φ1
2+ sinh2Nσ
2+ sinh2σ
whereσ=d1/λ1+d2/λ2is the absorption in one foil + one gap and λ1andλ2
are the absorption lengths for the emitted radiation in two m edia as calculated
by GEANT (see paragraph 3.2).
For large values of the number of foils N, theδfunction can be assumed
to approximate the last two factors of the above expression. Making this
approximation and integrating over θ2, equation (5) becomes:
ω4α Nequ
1 +τ/summationdisplay
(1−cos (ρ1+θn)) (6)
ρi= 2.5d1ω(γ−2+ξ2
θn=2π n−(ρ1+τρ2)
1 +τ>0;
Nequis the number of equivalent foils when the absorption is take into account.
To evaluate the total number of TR photons the numerical calc ulation of
equation (6) has been carried out at selected X-ray energies (ω), from 1keV
to 100keV, with a precision better than 10−3. In Fig. 1 the TR spectra for a
6regular radiator, evaluated taking into account the absorp tion in the radiator,
are shown. They are calculated from the eq. (6). This figure sh ows a broad
peak around 3 −5keVenergy, corresponding to TR mean energy produced
by the regular radiator adopted.
Irregular radiator
The transition radiation has been observed in irregular mat erials consisting
for instance of plastic foams. A general formulation of the s pectral distribution
of the number of TR X-ray quanta produced in a irregular mediu m, consisting
of randomly parralel plates of arbitrary thickness, is give n by Garibian et al.
[28]. This formulation has been given with the plates arrang ed in vacuum. It
has been modified to take into account the presence of a materi al in the gap.
The average number of radiation quanta taking into account t he absorption
of the radiation is given by:
dω dθ>=2α
π ω/parenleftigg1
θ3I (7)
I= 21−pN
1−pRe(1 +p
2−h1)−(p−h11 +p
1−h1h2+ (8)
2Re(1−h1) (p−h1)h2(pN−hN
(1−h1h2) (p−h1h2)
is the factor due to the superpositions of the radiation field s in the plates and
in the gap. The other parameters are:
ǫk= 1−(ωk/ω)2+i/(5λkω);
hk=<e−i φkdk>;
φk= 5ω/parenleftbigg
p=<e−d1/λ1> < e−d2/λ2>.
The angle brackets denote the averaging of random quantitie s with a
distribution determined by the distributions of d1andd2.
For most of foam radiators the random foil and the gap thickne ss can be
described by a gamma distribution [29]. In this way one finds t hat [28]:
7hk=|hk|ei ψk;
1 +<dk>
1 +<d1>
1 +<d2>
The parameters αkrepresent the degree of irregularity: αk= (<dk>/σk)2
where< dk>andσkare the mean values and the mean squared deviations
respectively of foil ( k= 1) and gap ( k= 2) thickness distributions.
3.2 Use of the GEANT package
The GEANT 3.21 code is used to describe the geometrical volum es inside the
detector and to define the materials. It has been done by the st andard GEANT
routine taking care of tracking parameters in order to define the active physical
processes and the cuts (GSTPAR). In this way, the photons are tracked using
the GEANT absorption coefficients and the gamma cuts have been lowered to
1keVin all the materials.
The materials used, which are not defined in the default GEANT program,
have been implemented using the standard routine (GSMATE or GSMIXT).
The radiators have been defined as a mixture composed by the fo il material
and the gap material (air) containing the proportion by weig hts of each
material. The foil materials and the gas chamber walls have b een defined
as compounds containing the proportion by number of atoms of each kind
In Fig. 2 the photon attenuation lengths calculated by GEANT for
polyethylene ( CH2,ρ= 0.93g/cm3), kapton (C22H10N2O5,ρ= 1.42g/cm3)
and mylar ( C5H4O2,ρ= 1.05g/cm3) are shown. In this figure one can see
that the kapton photon attenuation length is always less tha n polyethylene
and the photon attenuation length for kapton is the same as fo r mylar.
The gas chambers are the sensitive volume of the TRD and for ea ch charged
particle crossing the gas or for each photons absorbed insid e, a GEANT HITS
structure is defined to describe the interaction between par ticle and detector.
In the HITS structure the following information are stored:
•HITS(1) = number of volume level (by GEANT);
•HITS(2) = energy loss in the gas (by HEED);
8•HITS(3) = input time in the volumes (by GEANT);
•HITS(4:6) = x, y and z of entry point in the volume (by GEANT);
•HITS(7:9) = x, y and z of exit point in the volume (by GEANT);
•HITS(10) = number of cluster produced in the gas (by HEED);
•HITS(11) = number of electron–ion pairs produced in the gas ( by HEED);
•HITS(12:111) = current pulse on the wire for 100 time slices ( by
The DIGIT structure is similar to the HITS one, where the info rmation are
stored as a sum of all particles crossing that volume, while t he input and the
output coordinate are relative to the primary particle whic h has crossed the
The event processing is a highly CPU consuming job. To optimi ze CPU usage
DST files are produced to be analyzed at a later time. For each e vent the
GEANT ZEBRA data structures containing the geometrical defi nition, the
input kinematics, the tracking banks (JXYZ) and the simulat ed detector
response (HITS and DIGIT banks) are stored in DST files which p rovide
the input data set for the analyses to be performed. In this wa y, the electronic
response of the chamber front end can be implemented startin g by the anode
current impulse. In order to save some run informations the H EADER bank
is also used by the GSRUNG routine.
3.3 Use of the GARFIELD package
The GARFIELD program has been developed to simulate gaseous wire
chambers operating in proportional mode. It can be used for i nstance to
calculate the field maps and the signals induced by charged pa rticles, taking
both electron pulse and ion tail into account. An interface t o the MAGBOLTZ
program is provided for the computation of electron transpo rt properties in
nearly arbitrary gas mixtures. Starting from version 6, GAR FIELD has also
an interface with the HEED program to simulate ionization of gas molecules
by particles traversing the gas chamber. A few examples of GA RFIELD results
can find via WWW [23,25].
The HEED program computes in detail the energy loss of fast ch arged particles
in gases, taking δ-electrons and optionally multiple scattering of the incom ing
particle into account. The program can also simulate the abs orption of
photons through photo-ionization in gaseous detectors. Fr om this program, the
distribution of electron–ion pairs along the particle trac k length in the gas has
been computed by GARFIELD. Some modifications have been incl uded in the
GARFIELD default version in order to calculate the cluster s ize distribution
of photons absorbed in the gas by HEED. Starting from these cl uster size
9distributions the current anode wire signal is calculated b y GARFIELD.
In Fig. 3 the pair distribution produced by 5 .9keVphotons (55Fe) in 1cm
of xenon at NTP is shown. From this figure one can see the presen ce of a
mean peak of about 270 electron–ion pairs due to the photoele ctron and the
Auger electron. There is also a secondary peak due to occasio nal detection of
a photoelectron whitout Auger emission.
In this TRD simulation the GARFIELD 6.27 version has been use d. From
the source files of GARFIELD program, written in Fortran 77 an d Patchy
as pre-processor, the main routines have been included in th e code together
with the GEANT routines. Some modifications have been introd uced in order
to skip interactive input information used by GARFIELD. All information to
run the program are given via FFREAD data card. The cell defini tion and
the gas composition of the chambers to be simulated have been processed in
initialization of the program.
4 Program description
The main items of this simulation have already been describe d in the above
discussion. In this section an example of how the program wor ks is given. It has
been written in Fortran by patchy as pre-processor on a PC 166 MHz, 80MB
of RAM, in the LINUX system (RedHat 5.2 version). It is transp ortable on
any system changing some patchy control flags in cradle files.
There are two codes: the first is dedicated to event simulatio n for DST
production; the second one is used to analyze the DST files inc luding a
graphical interface too. The input of these program is given via data cards
by FFREAD facility. The user inputs for the first program are s tored in the
run header bank after the initialization to be used by the sec ond one.
4.1 Geometry
The geometry used to simulate a TRD consists of 10 radiator-p roportional
chamber modules. The radiator consists of 250 polyethylene foils of 5µmof
thickness at regular distances of 200 µmin air. The chamber consists of two
planes of 16 cylindrical proportional tubes each of 2 mmof radius (straw tubes)
to form a double layer close pack configuration. These tubes a re widely used
in recent high energy physics experiments [19,30]. Since th e typical materials
used for the tube wall are made by carbon compounds (kapton, m ylar and
polycarbonate) and their thickness are typically 30 −50µm, the straw tubes
10are good candidate to be used as X-ray detector due to the redu ced attenuation
length of the wall.
In this simulation the straw tube walls are made of kapton of 3 0µmthickness
internally coated with copper of 0 .3µmthickness. The anode wire used is of
25µmthickness. The gas mixture used is based on Xe(80%) −CO2(20%) at
atmospheric pressure. The anode voltage used is 1450 Voltwhich corresponds
to a gas gain of about 2 ·104.
4.2 Front end electronic
The front end electronic used in this simulation consists of a simply amplifier
which is described by a low band-pass transfer function with a bandwidth of
50MHz and an overall gain of 10:
˜A(ω) =A01
1 +iω
whereA0= 10mV/µA andω0= 50MHz.
The anode current produced in the proportional tubes as a fun ction of the
timeI(t) is converted in the output voltage amplitude V(t) by:
V(t) =/integraldisplay∞
whereA(t) is the Fourier transform of ˜A(ω):
A(t) =
ω0e−ω0t, if t ≥0
0, otherwise(11)
In this example no noise is assumed. Of course a real electron ics is described
by a more complex transfer function with an electronic noise .
In Fig. 4 a typical anode signal from a tube produced by a X-ray of 5.9keV
(55Fe) is shown. When this signal is processed by the low band-pa ss it assumes
the shape reported in Fig. 5. From this figure one can see that t he electronics
performed a formation of the input signal with a FWHM of about 25nsec.
In Fig. 6 is shown a typically anode signal produced by a charg ed particle
crossing a tube. In this figure one can see two peaks are produc ed by two
clusters. The low band-pass cannot allow to distinguish the two clusters since
the second one is superimposed to first one (signal pile-up) a s shown in Fig.
117, because their time distance is lower than the FWHM of the el ectronic
4.3 Results
In this paragraph the results achieved by the TRD geometry de fined above are
shown. In Fig. 8 the average energy loss (summed over 10 plane s) as function
of the Lorentz factor is shown. This result has been obtained by simulating
pions and electrons of different energies with or without rad iators. For each
energy 1000 events have been simulated.
In this figure one can see that the yield increases with γwhen the radiators
are arranged before the proportional tubes. The TR saturati on is achieved at
γ≃8000. Forγless than 100–500 only the ionization is released in the gas,
as is shown in the same figure.
In Fig. 9 the average energy loss distributions (summed over 10 planes) for
electrons of 4 GeV/c and pions of 255 MeV/c are shown. From this figure it
is possible to see that the average value of the electron dist ribution is greater
than the average for pions. This is due to presence of the X-ra y TR produced
in the radiator by the electrons.
In order to perform the cluster size analysis, one needs to kn ow the relationship
between the output signal amplitude and the energy loss in th e tube. Therefore
an analysis of voltage amplitude has been done using X-rays o f 5.9keV(55Fe).
In Fig. 10 is shown the output voltage amplitude distributio n produced by a
55Fe X-rays absorbed in a proportional tube. From this figure on e can see that
the energy loss of 5 .9keVcorresponds to 170 mVof output voltage amplitude.
In order to count the number of hits produced for instance by T R photons and
byδ-ray with energy greater than 5 keV, a cut of 145 mVis imposed to the
voltage amplitude signal produced in each tube. In Fig. 11 th e average total
number of hits (summed over all fired tubes) when the output si gnal is greater
than 145mVas function of γis shown. The behaviour of the TRD when is
analyzed by the cluster counting method is similar to the cha rge measurement
In Fig. 12 the distributions of the total number of hits for el ectrons of
4GeV/c and pions of 255 MeV/c are shown. Again we can observe that
the average value of the electron distribution is greater th an the one of the
pion distribution, due to presence of the X-ray TR produced i n the radiator
by the electrons.
In order to discriminate electrons from pions at given momen tum by charge
12measurement or by cluster counting, we can use this simulati on to optimize
the gas thickness, the radiator, the threshold and the numbe r of modules.
In this way, we can optimize one of these methods or we can use m ore
sophisticated ones, for example analyzing the pulse shape a s function of the
drift time or using the likelihood and/or neural network ana lysis by the pattern
information, namely the fired tube configuration in the TRD.
5 Conclusions
A full simulation of a transition radiation detector (TRD) b ased on the
GEANT, GARFIELD, MAGBOLTZ and HEED codes has been developed .
The simulation can be used to study and develop TRD for high en ergy particle
identification using either the cluster counting or the tota l charge measurement
method. The program works very well according to the design e xpectations.
It is quite flexible and it can be used to simulate any detector which is based
on proportional counters, providing a very useful simulati on tool.
I am grateful to Prof. P. Spinelli for useful discussions, su ggestions and
continuous support. I would like to thank my colleagues of Ba ri University
and INFN for their contributions.
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[3] X. Artru et al., Phys. Rev. D 12 (1975) 1289
[4] J. Fischer et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 127(1975) 525
[5] T. Ludlam et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 181(1981) 413
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[7] B. Dolgoshein, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 326 (1993) 434
[8] T. A. Prince et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 123(1975) 231
[9] G. Hartman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 38(1977) 368
13[10] S. P. Swordy et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 193(1982) 591
[11] K. K. Tang, The Astroph. Journ. 278(1984) 881
[12] J. L’Heureux, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 295 (1990) 245
[13] S. W. Barwick et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 400 (1997) 34
[14] R. L. Golden et al., The Astr. Journ. 457(1996) L103
[15] E. Barbarito et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 313 (1992) 295
[16] E. Barbarito et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 357 (1995) 588
[17] E. Barbarito et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 365 (1995) 214; The MACRO
Collaboration (M. Ambrosio et al.), Proc. XXIV ICRC, Rome, 1(1995) 1031; The
MACRO Collaboration (M. Ambrosio et al.), Proc. XXV ICRC, Du rban, (1997);
The MACRO Collaboration (M. Ambrosio et al.), Nuclear Physi cs61B(1998)
289; The MACRO Collaboration (M. Ambrosio et al.), Astropar ticle Physics 10
(1999) 10; The MACRO Collaboration (M. Ambrosio et al.), Pro c. XXVI ICRC,
Salt Lake City, (1999), hep-ex 9905018
[18] M. Castellano et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 61(1990) 395
[19] T. Akesson et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 361 (1995) 440
[20] G. Barbarino et al., The NOE detector for a long baseline neutrino oscillation
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[21] P. Bernardini et al, GNOE: GEANT NOE simulation , Internal note 2/98 (1998)
[22] R. Brun et al., CERN Publication DD/EE/84-1 (1992)
[23] R. Veenhof, GARFIELD, a drift-chamber simulation program ,W5050 (1999);
[24] S. Biagi MAGBOLTZ, a program to compute gas transport parameters W5050
[25] I. Smirnov, HEED, an ionization loss simulation program W5060 (1995);
[26] C.W. Fabjan and W. Struczinski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57B(1975) 483
[27] G.M. Garibian, Sov. Phys. JETP 12(1961) 1138
[28] G.M. Garibian et al., Sov. Phys. JETP 39(1974) 265
[29] C.W. Fabjan, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 146(1977) 343
[30] E. Barbarito et al. Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 361 (1996) 39
14List of Figures
1 The TR spectra generated by 250 foils of polyethylene
(d1= 5µmandω1= 20eV) at regular distances d2= 200µm
in air (ω2= 0.7eV). Solid line: γ= 5000; dashed line:
γ= 1000 and dotted line: γ= 500. 16
2 Photon attenuation length for different materials as calcu lated
by GEANT routines in the range from 1 keVto 100keV.
Solid line: polyethylene; dashed line: kapton and dotted li ne:
mylar. 17
3 Electron–ion pairs distribution for 1 cmof xenon at NTP
produced by photons of 5 .9keV(55Fe). 18
4 Anode current signal produced by a X-ray of 5 .9keVabsorbed
in a tube. 19
5 Output amplitude voltage produced by a X-ray of 5 .9keV
absorbed in a tube as processed by the low band-pass
electronic. 20
6 Anode current signal produced by a charged particle crossi ng
a tube. 21
7 Output amplitude voltage produced by a charged particle
crossing a tube as processed by the low band-pass electronic . 22
8 Average energy loss (summed over 10 planes) as a function of
the Lorentz factor. The error bars have been evaluated as rat io
of the RMS over the square root of the number of events. 23
9 Average energy loss (summed over 10 planes) distribution f or
twoγvalues. Solid line: pions of 255 MeV/c ; dashed line:
electrons of 4 GeV/c 24
10 Output voltage amplitude distribution (histogram) prod uced
by X-rays of 5 .9keV. The line is the result of a Gaussian fit 25
11 Total number of hits with a signal greater than 145 mVas
a function of the Lorentz factor. The error bars have been
evaluated as ratio of the RMS over the square root of the
number of events. 26
12 Hits distribution for two γvalues. Solid line: pions of
255MeV/c ; dashed line: electrons of 4 GeV/c 27
1 10 102
TR X-ray energy (keV)dN/dω (keV)-1
Fig. 1. The TR spectra generated by 250 foils of polyethylene (d1= 5µmand
ω1= 20 eV) at regular distances d2= 200 µmin air ( ω2= 0.7eV). Solid line:
γ= 5000; dashed line: γ= 1000 and dotted line: γ= 500.
1 10 102
Photon energy (keV)Attenuation length (cm)
Fig. 2. Photon attenuation length for different materials as calculated by GEANT
routines in the range from 1 keVto 100 keV. Solid line: polyethylene; dashed line:
kapton and dotted line: mylar.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Entries
RMS 1000
Total number of electron-ion pairs in XeNumber of events
Fig. 3. Electron–ion pairs distribution for 1 cmof xenon at NTP produced by
photons of 5 .9keV(55Fe).
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (nsec)Wire Current ( µA)
Fig. 4. Anode current signal produced by a X-ray of 5 .9keVabsorbed in a tube.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (nsec)Output Voltage (mV)
Fig. 5. Output amplitude voltage produced by a X-ray of 5 .9keVabsorbed in a
tube as processed by the low band-pass electronic.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (nsec)Wire Current ( µA)
Fig. 6. Anode current signal produced by a charged particle c rossing a tube.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (nsec)Output Voltage (mV)
Fig. 7. Output amplitude voltage produced by a charged parti cle crossing a tube as
processed by the low band-pass electronic.
1 10 102103104Electrons with radiator
Electrons without radiator
Pions with radiator
Lorentz factor γAverage energy (keV)
Fig. 8. Average energy loss (summed over 10 planes) as a funct ion of the Lorentz
factor. The error bars have been evaluated as ratio of the RMS over the square root
of the number of events.
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Average energy (keV)Number of events
Fig. 9. Average energy loss (summed over 10 planes) distribu tion for two γvalues.
Solid line: pions of 255 MeV/c ; dashed line: electrons of 4 GeV/c
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 119.3 / 45
Constant 76.43
Mean 170.1
Sigma 15.79
Output voltage amplitude (mV)Number of events
Fig. 10. Output voltage amplitude distribution (histogram ) produced by X-rays of
5.9keV. The line is the result of a Gaussian fit
1 10 102103104
Lorentz factor γAverage total number of hitsElectrons with radiator
Electrons without radiator
Pions with radiator
Fig. 11. Total number of hits with a signal greater than 145 mVas a function of
the Lorentz factor. The error bars have been evaluated as rat io of the RMS over the
square root of the number of events.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Total number of hitsNumber of events
Fig. 12. Hits distribution for two γvalues. Solid line: pions of 255 MeV/c ; dashed
line: electrons of 4 GeV/c
27 |
arXiv:physics/9912043v1 [physics.bio-ph] 21 Dec 1999DNA Transport by a Micromachined Brownian Ratchet Device
Joel S. Bader∗,†, Richard W. Hammond,†Steven A. Henck,†Michael W. Deem,†,‡Gregory A. McDermott,†
James M. Bustillo,§John W. Simpson,†Gregory T. Mulhern,†Jonathan M. Rothberg†
(February 21, 2014)
∗Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
†CuraGen Corporation, 555 Long Wharf Drive, New
Haven, CT 06511.
‡Present address: Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095.
§Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720.
Biological Sciences: Biophysics
Physical Sciences: Chemistry
Corresponding Author
Joel S. Bader, CuraGen, 555 Long Wharf Drive, New
Haven, CT, 06511.
Tel. (203)401-3330x236; Fax (203)401-3351; Email js-
Manuscript information: 15 text pages, 4 figures, no ta-
Counts: 92 words in abstract; 27,800 characters in paper
(counting spaces); 35,720 characters counting figure and
equation requirements.
Abbreviations: all standard.
1We have micromachined a silicon-chip device that trans-
ports DNA with a Brownian ratchet that rectifies the Brown-
ian motion of microscopic particles. Transport properties for a
DNA 50mer agree with theoretical predictions, and the DNA
diffusion constant agrees with previous experiments. This
type of micromachine could provide a generic pump or sepa-
ration component for DNA or other charged species as part
of a microscale lab-on-a-chip. A device with reduced featur e
size could produce a size-based separation of DNA molecules ,
with applications including the detection of single nucleo tide
The Human Genome Project aims to provide the com-
plete sequence of the 3 billion base-pairs of the human
genome. While the dominant method for analyzing DNA
fragments remains gel electrophoresis, new technologies
that have the potential to increase the rate and decrease
the cost of DNA sequencing and analysis, such as mass
spectrometry and hybridization arrays, are critical to the
project’s success [1].
Here we describe a novel method of DNA transport and
separation based on a Brownian ratchet. As described
originally by Smoluchowski and noted by Feynman, a
Brownian particle can undergo net transport on a poten-
tial energy surface that is externally driven to fluctuate
between several distinct states [2,3]. Brownian ratchets
have attracted theoretical attention [4–12] due to their
description of molecular motors [13–15] and to their sim-
ilarity with phenomena termed stochastic resonance and
resonance activation [16,17].
Brownian ratchets have been demonstrated to trans-
portµm- to mm-sized particles using dielectrophoresis
[18], optical tweezers [19], and electrocapillary forces [ 20]
to generate ratchets. Other devices based on entropic
ratchets [21] or physical barriers [22,23] have been pro-
posed as well. More recently, a geometrical sieve device
has been used to separate phospholipids [24].
Despite these successes, the Brownian ratchet mecha-
nism has not before proved capable of transporting DNA
fragments in the size ranges applicable to DNA sequenc-
ing (<1000 nt) because the interactions used to estab-
lish the ratchet potential were too weak. In contrast to
previous devices using polarization interactions to gen-
erate ratchets [18,19], we have fabricated a device that
uses charge-charge interactions to generate the ratchet
potential. As seen below, the charge-charge interactions
have sufficient strength to establish ratchets that can trap
small DNA fragments.
The ratchet-like wells that trap DNA are generated by
charging a series of patterned electrodes. When the elec-
trodes are discharged, the traps vanish and the molecules
undergo Brownian motion. Next the potential is re-
applied, and the particles again collect in the traps. A
spatial asymmetry in the shape of each ratchet-shaped
well rectifies the Brownian motion and produces net
transport as the on-off cycle is repeated. Each molecule’s
transport rate depends on its diffusion constant, allowing
the possibility of size-based separations. We have imple-
mented the device by microfabrication on a silicon chip.
This report describes the Brownian ratchet theory,
provides a derivation of the transport rate, and presents
experimental results for a single sized DNA oligomer.
Greater details regarding the fabrication methods and amore extensive presentation of the experimental results
for a variety devices and oligomer sizes are available else-
where [25].
A silicon wafer with six micromachined devices is
shown in Fig. 1, with a schematic design below. The
electric potential that creates the ratcheting traps is gen -
erated by two arrays of interdigitated electrodes that are
perpendicular to the transport axis. The two sets of ar-
rays each extend from bond pads on opposite sides of the
device. The spacing between electrodes extending from
the same bond pad is l. The asymmetric pattern creates
two different spacings, randl−r, between electrodes
extending from opposite bond pads. The smaller spacing
rdefines the feature size of the device.
As shown in also shown in Fig. 1, a simplified one-
dimensional description of the potential approximates
the electrodes as infinitely thin wires. To simplify the
theoretical model, we have neglected the finite width of
the electrode, the dependence of the electric potential on
the distance normal to the surface, and the corresponding
detailed calculation of the potential along the transport
When a voltage difference Vis applied across the two
electrode arrays during the on-state, with duration ton,
sawtooth-shaped ratcheting traps are created for charged
particles. The electrodes are discharged to V= 0 during
the off-state, with duration toff, and particles undergo
isotropic Brownian diffusion. When the potential is re-
applied, the particles are again trapped in potential wells .
The times tonandtoffare within the low-frequency, quasi-
static approximation; nonadiabatic effects and current
reversals, reported elsewhere [26,27], are not applicable
in this regime. Due to the asymmetry of the sawtooth
shape and the choice of toff, a particle starting from well
0 has a measurable probability to be trapped in well 1
and virtually zero probability to be trapped in well −1.
Transport can be generated by repetitive cycling between
the on-state and the off-state. The transport properties
of a particle are determined by its diffusion constant D
and its charge Q, along with the thermal energy kBTand
the device parameters defined previously.
Each cycle begins by applying the potential Vfor a
timetonthat is sufficient to localize particles at the bot-
toms of the trapping wells. A particle at the barrier-top
drifts down the side of the sawtooth of length l−rto find
the bottom of the well, which defines the time required
for complete trapping,
ton= (l−r)2kBT/QV D , (1)
3according to overdamped Brownian motion. At the end
of the trapping, the particle distribution at the bottom of
a well is assumed to be much narrower than the feature
In the next phase of the cycle, the potential is turned
off for time toff. When the potential is re-applied, parti-
cles that have diffused further than the barrier to the left
(roughly distance laway) will hop to the previous well,
and particles that have diffused further than the barrier
to the right (roughly distance raway) will be transported
to the next well. Since r≪l, we can choose an intermedi-
ate time toffsuch that toffr2/2D≪l2/2Dand particles
always move right, never left.
To compute the probability αthat a particle moves
one well to the right in a single cycle, we note that the
effective distance reffit must travel is between r(the
inner edge-to-edge distance between electrodes) and 3 r
(the outer edge-to-edge distance). The probability dis-
tribution (or equivalently the Greens function) for a par-
ticle starting at the origin undergoing one-dimensional
Brownian motion for time toffis
P(x;toff) =exp[−x2/4Dtoff]√4πDtoff. (2)
An expression for αis then obtained by integrating
P(x;toff) from reffto infinity:
eff/4Dtoff) =1
The distance r2
effhas been written in terms of the char-
acteristic diffusion time 2 Dtr, where tr=r2
eff/2Dis the
time required to diffuse a distance equal to the short
sidereffof the trapping well. In this derivation, we
assumed that toffis short enough that particles diffuse
less than a single ratchet, i.e. P(x;toff)≈0 for x > l.
An expression for αvalid in the limit of large toffis
After each cycle, the particle distribution shifts to the
right the distance αl. After ncycles, the envelope of the
distribution of particles in each well evolves as a Gaussian
with center x(n) and square width σ2(n):
x(n) =nlα, (4a)
σ2(n) =nl2α(1−α). (4b)
Here we have assumed that all the particles are in well 0
at the start of the first cycle.
Both αand the steady-state flux of particles through
the device,
flux =α
ton+toff, (5)are plotted in Fig. 2. The transport fraction α(black
line) increases with toffand approaches a maximum value
of 1/2 when back-diffusion is neglected. The flux in units
of the characteristic time trisαtr/(ton+toff) and is shown
forton=toff/3. The flux is non-monotonic and exhibits
a maximum when toff≈tr. Other voltage modulations
more complicated than the on-off pattern described here
are also possible and can change the direction of particle
flow according to particle size [4]. Other similar types
of non-monotonic behavior have been termed stochastic
resonance and resonance activation [16,17] although they
may also be described by dispersion and linear response
Devices were fabricated from Pt, a non-reactive,
corrosion-resistant metal chosen to avoid electrolysis of
water, using relatively standard micromachining tech-
nologies [25]. The fabrication began with thermally oxi-
dized 100 mm diameter silicon wafers. A 200 ˚A thick Ti
layer was used as an adhesion layer between the subse-
quent Pt layer and the silicon dioxide. Next, a 200 nm
thick layer of Pt was deposited on top of the Ti. The
electrodes were defined in the metal layers using pho-
tolithography and ion milling. For the devices used in
this work, the electrodes and the gaps between nearest
electrodes were 2 µm and the spatial period was 20 µm.
Oligomers labeled with fluorescent rhodamine dye
(Amitof Biotech Inc., Boston, MA) were placed on the
surface of the chip at 4 pmole/ µl in deionized water. A
microscope slide cover glass (Macalaster Bicknell, New
Haven, CT) cut to size was used to confine the solution
to a uniform thickness of approximately 10 µm. A seal-
ing compound was used to obtain a liquid tight seal along
the edges, leaving the ends open. Square wave modula-
tion (Synthesized Function Generator DS345, Stanford
Research Systems, Sunnyvale, CA) with an amplitude of
1.6 V and offset of 0.8 V (one set of electrodes at 0 V
and the second set at 1.6 V) was applied to the elec-
trodes to generate the flashing ratchet potential. Fre-
quencies ranging from 0.7 Hz to 8 Hz were used, with a
ratioton/toff= 1/3.
Video images of the analyte fluorescence were used to
record the DNA transport. Images were captured us-
ing a low light imaging CCD camera (MTI VE1000SIT)
mounted on an epi fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Ax-
ioskop, Germany) using a 10 ×Fluor objective. The
chip was illuminated using the output of a 50 W mer-
cury lamp filtered with a green band pass filter. The
brightfield fluorescence was imaged through a red low
pass filter. The video images were recorded on video
tape and transferred to a PC using a composite color
PCI bus frame grabber (DT3153 Data Translation, Inc.,
Marlboro, MA). The fluorescence intensity resulting from
the fluorescently labeled DNA fragments was analyzed in
4a line across the video image synchronized to the tonpe-
riod (HL Image++97, Western Vision Software, Utah).
According to Eq. 1, the expected time required to focus
a DNA 50mer is 0.006 sec, based on a thermal energy of
26 meV, a charge of 1 |e|−per nucleotide yielding QV=
80 eV, and a diffusion constant of 1 .8×10−7cm2/sec (es-
timated from a rhodamine-labeled 30mer on a quartz sur-
face [29]). We visually ascertained that the trapping time
tonwas sufficient to permit complete focusing of the DNA
on the positive electrodes, even for the fastest switching
rate of 8 Hz ( ton= 0.03 sec).
In Fig. 3 we show three images from a typical ex-
periment using a device with 2 µm electrodes and a
0.7 Hz switching frequency to transport a rhodamine-
labeled DNA 50mer. These images were saved during the
trapping phase of the cycle, and fluorescence maxima are
clearly seen from DNA molecules captured on the posi-
tive electrodes. At the start of the experiment, the DNA
oligomers are focused on left-most three electrodes. As
the potential cycles between on and off states, the packet
moves to the right and broadens. The transport rate α
can be estimated by noting that the intensity maximum
moves from electrode 1 to electrode 3 after 10 cycles, then
to electrode 5 after 10 more cycles, yielding α≈0.2. For
a more precise value, we extracted the intensity profile
across the image, set a baseline at the 85thpercentile of
intensity, calculated the average position x(n) from the
intensity above baseline, normalized x(n) by the 10-pixel
spacing between electrodes, then measured the slope of
x(n) to obtain α. For this experiment α= 0.18.
The square width also increases linearly with the num-
ber of cycles (data not shown); because we used a base-
line threshold that narrows the width of the distribution,
however, the formula of Eq. 4b no longer provides an
accurate relationship between σ2(n) and α.
Fig. 4 shows the experimental results for α, along with
±1σerror bars from repeated runs. As predicted, αde-
creases with increasing frequency. Also shown in Fig. 4
is a theoretical curve from Eq. 3. Least-squares fitting
to the data from all but the highest frequency yielded
D(r/reff)2= 3.5×10−8cm2/sec. The good agreement be-
tween the experimental results and the single-parameter
theoretical fit supports our conclusion that transport is
due to a Brownian ratchet.
Furthermore, since reff≈(2–3)r, we find that D= 1.4–
3×10−7cm2/sec. This indirect measure of the diffusion
constant brackets the estimated diffusion constant for a
DNA 50mer close to a glass surface, 1 .8×10−7cm2/sec
[29].The experimental results demonstrating transport per-
mit an examination of the feasibility fabricating a device
to provide useful size-based separations of DNA. Separat-
ing two chemical species requires that they have different
diffusion constants DandD′and different hopping prob-
abilities αandα′. The resolution between the species,
defined as
resolution =|x(n)−x′(n)|
0.5·[σ(n) +σ′(n)], (6)
improves as n1/2. The number of cycles required to reach
the resolution of 1 typical for DNA separation applica-
tions is
(α−α′)2, (7)
where we have assumed that the two packets acquire
a similar width. The separation parameter toff(and,
through toff, the quantities αandα′) can be selected
to optimize various quantities associated with a resolved
separation, for example the device length, approximately
l×[α/(α−α′)]2, or the total separation time, n×(ton+
A typical application requiring the separation of DNA
fragments is the analysis of single nucleotide polymor-
phisms (SNPs). An SNP is a position in the genome
where multiple nucleotides are likely. Characterizing ge-
netic diversity through SNPs has applications including
the identification of genes for disease inheritance and sus-
ceptibility, the development of personalized medicines,
and the documentation of human evolutionary history
and migrations through a genetic record [30–33]. Prelim-
inary sets of thousands of SNPs, identified by the 12 nt
on either side of a polymorphism, have been reported
[34]. Validating and detecting these SNPs can be ac-
complished by resequencing specific 25 nt regions of the
Here we investigate the use of a Brownian ratchet de-
vice for the resequencing and detection application. Cal-
culations are based on a device with feature size r=
0.1µm, periodicity 1 µm, and a potential difference of
0.1Vbetween electrodes in the on-state. We estimate the
effective DNA diffusion constant D(r/reff)2from the the-
oretical scaling for a self-avoiding walk, D∼(length)−0.6
[35,36], and our experimental results for the 50mer. The
persistence length of single-stranded DNA is 4 nm, or
13.6 nt [37], indicating that the self-avoiding walk should
be adequate (although not quantitative) for fragment
sizes we consider.
The detection of an SNP requires, at most, the abil-
ity to sequence the 25 nt region surrounding the poly-
morphism, which can be accomplished by separating a
5DNA 24mer from a 25mer respectively. Using the the-
oretical scaling of diffusion constant with DNA length,
we extrapolate D(r/reff)2of 5.44×10−8cm2/sec and
5.31×10−8cm2/sec for the 24mer and 25mer. The time
required to focus the DNA at the start of each cycle is
ton≈1.8×10−4sec. The optimized separation parame-
ters, calculated using Eq. 7, require toff= 2.5×10−4sec
and 12,000 cycles for a total separation time of 5.4 sec
on a 1.25 cm chip.
In conclusion, we have fabricated a Brownian ratchet
device that is capable of transporting small DNA
molecules in aqueous solution, rather than the inconve-
nient gel and polymer solutions required for electrophore-
sis. This type of device could be used as a pump compo-
nent for transport or separation of charged species in a
microfabricated analysis chip. Multiple miniaturized de-
vices can also be arrayed side-by-side for high-throughput
operation. Based on experimental measurements, we
suggest the feasibility of using this type of device for bio-
logical applications, for example the validation of SNPs.
We wish to acknowledge the support of SBIR grant
1 R43 HG01535-01 from the National Human Genome
Research Institute and Advanced Technology Program
award 1996-01-0141 from the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology. We acknowledge the assistance of
Rajen Raheja for image analysis.
∗Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
†CuraGen Corporation, 555 Long Wharf Drive, New
Haven, CT 06511.
‡Present address: Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095.
§Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci-
ence, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
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The diffusion constant of dye-labeled 30mer on quartz
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diffusion constant of the bare dye was 7 ×smaller than
the bulk value of 2.8 ×10−6cm2/sec. We estimate the dif-
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D= 1.8×10−7cm2/sec.
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FIG. 1. The Brownian ratchet device is shown in
schematic. Modulating the electric potential at the electr odes
generates a ratchet-like potential energy surface for char ged
molecules like DNA. Cycling the ratchet between an on-state
and an off-state generates transport.
FIG. 2. The probability αthat a particle hops one well to
the right during a single cycle of device operation is shown
as a function of the ratio tr/toff(black line). For large toff,α
approaches 0.5 as we do not consider back-diffusion. The flux
in units of the characteristic time trisαtr/(ton+toff) and is
shown for ton=toff/3 (grey line). The flux is reminiscent of
a stochastic resonance with a maximum when toff≈tr.
FIG. 3. Three images are shown from a typical experiment
using a device with 2 µm electrodes and a 0.7 Hz switch-
ing frequency to transport a rhodamine-labeled DNA 50mer.
These images were saved during the trapping phase of the
cycle, and fluorescence maxima are clearly seen from DNA
molecules captured on the positive electrodes. At the start of
the experiment, the DNA oligomers are focused on left-most
three electrodes. As the potential cycles between on and off
states, the packet moves to the right and broadens.
FIG. 4. Experimental results for the transport of a DNA
50mer by a device with 2 µm electrodes and 20 µm periodic-
ity (points with 1 σerror bars) are compared with theoretical
predictions (line). The theory requires a single adjustabl e
parameter related to the diffusion constant of DNA.
7Bader et al. / DNA Transport
Fig. 1
Transport Axisr
lSchematic of
interdigitated electrodes,
On-state of first cycle
Theoretical model,
On-state of first cycle
Off-state of first cycle
On-state of second cycleQV
Free diffusion
tonReturn to
original wellRatchet
Silicon wafer with 6
Bader et al. / DNA Transport
Fig. 2
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
tr/toff α
flux Bader et al. / DNA Transport
Fig. 3
0 cycles
10 cycles
20 cycles
distance → time ↓ Bader et al. / DNA Transport
Fig. 4
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency / Hz α |
arXiv:physics/9912044v1 [physics.atom-ph] 22 Dec 1999Relativistic photoelectron spectra in the ionization of at oms by elliptically polarized
J. Ortner
Institut f¨ ur Physik,Humboldt Universit¨ at zu Berlin, Inv alidenstr. 110, 10115 Berlin, Germany
(February 2, 2008)
Relativistic tunnel ionization of atoms by intense, ellipt ically polarized light is considered. The
relativistic version of the Landau-Dykhne formula is emplo yed. The general analytical expression is
obtained for the relativistic photoelectron spectra. The m ost probable angle of electron emission,
the angular distribution near this angle, the position of th e maximum and the width of the energy
spectrum are calculated. In the weak field limit we obtain the familiar non-relativistic results. For
the case of circular polarization our analytical results ar e in agreement with recent derivations of
Krainov [V.P. Krainov, J. Phys. B, 32, 1607 (1999)].
PACS numbers:32.80.Rm, 32.90.+a, 42.50.Hz, 03.30.+p
Recently an increasing interest in the investigation of rel ativistic ionization phenomena has been observed [1–10].
Relativistic effects will appear if the electron velocity in the initial bound state or in the final state is comparable wit h
the speed of light. The initial state should be considered re lativistic in the case of inner shells of heavy atoms [3,4].
In a recent paper [10] the photoionization of an atom from a sh ell with relativistic velocities has been considered for
the case of elliptically polarized laser light. In the prese nt paper we will study the effect of a relativistic final-state
of an electron on the ionization of an atom by elliptically po larized light. The initial state will be considered as
nonrelativistic. The final-state electron will have an ener gy in the laser field measured by the ponderomotive energy.
If the ponderomotive energy approaches the electron rest en ergy, then a relativistic treatment of the ionization proce ss
is required. For an infrared laser the necessary intensitie s are of the order of 1016W cm−2.
Ionization phenomena influenced by relativistic final state effects have been studied for the cases of linearly and
circularly polarized laser radiation both in the tunnel [6, 9] and above threshold regimes [2,7]. The ionization rate
for relativistic electrons has been found to be very small fo r the case of linear polarization [6,7]. On the contrary a
circularly polarized intense laser field produces mainly re lativistic electrons [2,9].
In the papers of Reiss and of Crawford and Reiss [1,2,7] a cova riant version of the so-called strong field approximation
[11] has been given for the cases of linear and circular polar ization. Within this approximation one calculates the
transition amplitude between the initial state taken as the solution for the Dirac equation for the hydrogen atom and
the final state described by the relativistic Volkov solutio n. Coulomb corrections are neglected in the final Volkov
state. Analytical results for the ionization rate have been given in Refs. [1,2,7] These results apply to above barrier
cases as well as to tunneling cases. However, the correspond ing expressions are complicated and numerical calculation s
are needed to present the final results.
The present paper is aimed to investigate the relativistic e lectron energy spectra in the ionization of atoms by
intense elliptically polarized laser light. In contrast to the more sophisticate d strong field approximation we would
like to obtain simple analytical expressions from which the dependence of the ionization process on the parameters,
such as binding energy of the atom, field strength, frequency and ellipticity of the laser radiation may be understood
without the need of numerical calculations. Therefore we re strict the considerations to the case of tunnel ionization.
Our results will be applicable only for laser field strengths smaller than the inner atomic field F≪Fa. In order to
observe relativistic effects, the inequality ǫ=F/ωc > 0.1 should be fulfilled. (The atomic system of units is used
throughout the paper, m=e= ¯h= 1.) Both inequalities yield a limitation for the laser freq uency ωfrom above. For
the ionization of multi-charged ions an infrared laser sati sfies this condition.
The non-relativistic sub-barrier ionization with ellipti cally polarized light was studied in [12]. In the tunnel limi t
the simple expression
has been derived for the electron momentum spectrum within e xponential accuracy. Here pxandpzare the projections
of the drift momentum on the direction of the wave propagatio n and along the smaller axis of the polarization ellipse,
1respectively; Ebis the ionization energy of the atomic state, F,ωandgare the field amplitude, frequency and
ellipticity of the laser radiation, respectively; and γ=ω√2Eb/F≪1 is the Keldysh adiabatic parameter.
From Eq. (1) one concludes that the electrons are mainly ejec ted in the polarization plane along the smaller axis of
polarization; the most probable momentum at the time of ejec tion has the components: px=py= 0 and pz=gF/ω.
(For the sake of simplicity of the notations we neglect throu gout the paper the second symmetric maximum for the
component pz,pz=−gF/ω.)
We shall now generalize the non-relativistic result Eq. (1) to the case of relativistic final state effects, when gF/ω
becomes comparable with the velocity of light. Our derivati on starts with the relativistic version of the Landau-
Dykhne formula [3,5,10]. The ionization probability in qua siclassical approximation and with exponential accuracy
W∝exp{−2 Im ( Sf(0;t0) +Si(t0))}, (2)
where Si=−E0t0is the initial part of the action, Sfis the final-state action. In the latter we will neglect the
influence of the atomic core. Then the final-state action may b e found as a solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
and reads [13]
Sf(0;ξ0) =c/braceleftBigg
qω[−pycosωξ0−pzgsinωξ0] +ǫ2c2
1 +g2)ξ0+g2−1
. (3)
Here the vector potential of the laser radiation has been cho sen in the form
Ax= 0, A y=−cF
ωsinωξ , A z=gcF
ωcosωξ, , (4)
where ξ=t−x/c,ξ0is the initial value. Further the notations
c2+p2, q =r−px (5)
have been introduced; px,pyandpzare the components of the final electron momentum along the be am propagation,
along the major and along the small axis of the polarization e llipse, respectively; p2=p2
The complex initial time t0has to be determined from the classical turning point in the c omplex half-plane [3,5,9,10]:
Ef(t0) =c/braceleftBigg
q[pysinωt0−gpzcosωt0] +ǫ2c2
2q/bracketleftbiggg2+ 1
=E0=c2−Eb. (6)
Eq. (2) together with Eqs. (3) and (6) is the most general expr ession for the relativistic rate of sub-barrier ionization by
elliptically polarized laser light. We consider now the lim it of a nonrelativistic initial state, i.e. Eb≪c2. Furthermore
the considerations will be restricted to the tunnel regime λ=−iωt0≪1, or, equivalently, the Keldysh adiabatic
parameter should satisfy the inequality γ≪1. Under these conditions we may expand the sine and cosine fu nctions
in Eqs. (3) and (6) in Taylor series. Then we obtain the rate of tunnel ionization for arbitrary final-state momenta.
Expanding this expression near its maximum value in terms of the parameters q,pyandpzone arrives at the following
general expression
(pz−pz,m)2+ (q−qm)2/bracketrightBig/bracerightBig
for the tunnel ionization rate (first exponent) and the momen tum distribution of the photoelectron (second exponent)
within exponential accuracy. In Eq. (7) the ionization rate and the most probable value for each component of the
electron momentum,
py,m= 0 pz,m=F
1 +γ2
, q m=c−Eb
are given including the first frequency and relativistic cor rections in the initial state. In the distribution near the
maximum momenta only those terms have been maintained which do not vanish at zero frequency. Equation (7) agrees
2with the relativistic angular-energy distribution of Krai nov [9] in the case of circular polarization g=±1, vanishing
frequency corrections γ2≪1 and negligible relativistic effects in the initial state Eb≪c2. In the nonrelativistic
limit,i.e., p≪c,F/wc ≪1 and Eb≪c2, we have q−qm=pxand Eq. (7) reduces to Eq. (1) as it should.
From Eq. (8) we easily obtain the most probable value for the c omponent of the electron momentum along the
beam propagation
g2+ 1/parenrightbig
, (9)
the peak value of the angular distribution
1 +g2+ 2
, ϕ m= 0, (10)
and the value of the most probable electron energy Em=p2
m, with
1 +/parenleftbiggFg
3c2(g2+ 1). (11)
Hereθis the angle between the polarization plane and the directio n of the photoelectron motion; ϕis the angle
between the projection of the electron momentum onto the pol arization plane and the smaller axis of the polarization
ellipse. For the ellipticity 0 <|g|<1 the most probable momentum pmof the ejected electron is situated in the
plane perpendicular to the maximum value of the electric fiel d strength; for |g|= 1 the electron output in the ( y, z)
plane is isotropic. Notice that the most probable total elec tron momentum pmcontains relativistic final state effects,
frequency corrections and weak relativistic initial state effects. Relativistic effects do not contribute to the projec tion
of the momentum along the smaller axis of the polarization el lipse. On the contrary both relativistic final and initial
state effects increase the electron momentum projection alo ng the propagation of elliptically polarized laser radiati on.
The increase due to relativistic initial state effects is pro portional to ( Eb/c2)(1 +g2). It is typically small (except for
the ionization from K shells of heavy atoms [3,10]) and does n ot vanish in the case of linear polarization of the laser
light. In contrast to that the relativistic increase due to fi nal state effects which is measured by Fg/2ωcis absent in
the case of linear polarized laser radiation.
In what follows we will neglect the frequency corrections an d the relativistic initial state effects in order to compare
with previous works. In this case and for the case of circular polarization the expressions for the angle θmand
the most probable electron momentum pmcoincide with the corresponding expressions of Krainov [9] . Moreover,
though our calculations are valid only in the tunnel regime, our value for the most probable angle of electron ejection
coincides with an approximation given by Reiss for the case o f circular polarization [1,2] and valid in the above-barrie r
ionization regime. In Ref. [2] it has been shown that the simp le estimate tan θm=F/2cωis in good agreement with
the numerical calculations based on the strong-field approx imation and performed for above threshold conditions with
circularly polarized light. Therefore we expect that our fo rmula Eq. (10) predicts, at least qualitatively, the locati on
of the peak in the relativistic angular distribution for the case of above barrier ionization with elliptically polariz ed
This statement is supported by a semiclassical considerati on of the above barrier ionization. According to the
semiclassical model [14] the transition occurs from the bou nd state to that continuum state which has zero velocity
at the time twith the phase ξof the vector potential A(ξ). From this condition we have
c2+p2y+p2z+ǫ2c2g2+ 2ǫc(pysinωξ−gpzcosωξ) + (1 −g2)ǫ2c2sin2ωξ , (12)
ωsinωξ , p z=gF
ωcosωξ . (13)
The ionization rate becomes maximal at the maximum of the ele ctric field of the laser beam. Due to our choice
of the gauge (see Eqs. (4)) this maximum occurs at the phase ξ= 0. From Eqs. (12) and the relation px=
z)/2qwe conclude that the most probable final state has the momentu m with the components
2cω2, p y= 0, p z=F
ω, (14)
which agrees with the above estimations Eqs. (8) and (9) deri ved for the case of tunnel ionization if one neglects the
frequency corrections and the relativistic initial state e ffects.
It is now straightforward to obtain the probability distrib ution for the components of the final state momentum.
Neglecting again the frequency corrections and the relativ istic initial state effects we get from Eq. (7)
1 + 2ǫ2g2+ǫ4g4/4/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig
(1 +ǫ2g2/2)2/bracerightBigg
, (15)
where only the leading contributions in δpx= (px−px,m),pyandδpz= (pz−pz,m) have been given. In the non-
relativistic limit ǫ≪1 and p≪cwe obtain Eq. (1). For the case of linear polarization g= 0 we reproduce
the momentum distribution of Krainov [6] including the rela tivistic high energy tail for electrons emitted along the
polarization axis. The latter is described by the term exp/braceleftbig
. However, the high energy tail contains
only a very small part of the ejected electrons. From Eq. (15) we see that in the case of linear polarization most
of the electrons have nonrelativistic velocities. This is i n agreement with recent numerical calculations based on
the strong-field approximation [8]. In contrast to the case o f linear polarized laser radiation, the intense elliptical ly
polarized laser light with ǫ|g|of the order of unity produces mainly relativistic electron s.
For the sake of comparison we shall give the angular distribu tion at the maximum of the electron energy spectrum
and the energy spectrum at the peak of the angular distributi on. We obtain both distributions from Eq. (7) by
putting px=psinθandpz=pcosθ, where we have taken into account that the ionization rate is maximal for the
emission in the ( x, z) plane. Choosing the peak value of the angular distribution θ=θm= arctan ǫ|g|/2 we obtain
for the energy distribution along the most probable directi on of electron ejection. Here
F√2Eb1 + (g2/2)(F/ωc)2
1 +g2(F/ωc)2, (17)
is the width of the relativistic energy distribution. From E q. (17) we conclude that the relativistic width is broader
than the nonrelativistic one, it increases with increasing field strength. The relativistic broadening has its maximum
for circular polarization, there is no relativistic broade ning of the energy width for the case of linear polarization.
In Fig. 1 the electron momentum spectrum from Eq. (16) is show n for electrons born in the creation of Ne8+(Eb=
239 eV) ions by an elliptically polarized laser radiation wi th wave length λ= 1.054µm, field strength 2 .5×1010V/cm
and ellipticity g= 0.707. The relativistic spectrum is compared with the spectru m of nonrelativistic theory. From
the figure one sees the shift of the energy spectrum to higher e nergies, the relativistic broadening of the spectrum is
too small to be observed from the figure.
Putting in equation (7) p=pm= (F|g|/ω)/radicalBig
1 + (Fg/2ωc)2we obtain the angular distribution for the most probable
photoelectron energy,
, (18)
where the width of the angular distribution equals
1 +g2(F/2ωc)2. (19)
We see that the relativistic theory predicts a narrower angu lar distribution as the nonrelativistic theory. The infinit e
width in the case of linear polarization is an artefact of the calculations using the angle between the polarization
plane and the direction of electron movement. For the linear polarization the electrons are ejected preferably along
the polarization axis if one neglects relativistic initial state effects. For the case of circular polarization the ener gy-
angular distributions Eqs. (16) and (18) coincide with the c orresponding expressions of Krainov [9]. Notice that our
notations slightly differ from those of Krainov.
In Fig. 2 we have plotted the relativistic and non-relativis tic angular distributions for the electrons produced by the
same process as in Fig. 1. The relativistic distribution has its maximum at the angle θm= arctan ǫ|g|/2 = 16 .71◦and
4the nonrelativistic theory predicts a peak at the zero angle . Again the relativistic reduction of the angular distribut ion
width is not observable for the parameters we have chosen. Fr om Figs. 1 and 2 one concludes that the appearance of a
nonzero mean of the drift momentum component along the beam p ropagation and the shift of the mean emission angle
into the forward direction are the most important indicatio ns for a relativistic ionization process. On the contrary
the width of the energy-angle distributions as well as the to tal ionization rate are less sensitive to the relativistic fi nal
state effects.
In conclusions, in this paper the relativistic semiclassic al ionization of an atom in the presence of intense elliptica lly
polarized laser light has been considered. Simple analytic expressions for the relativistic photoelectron spectrum h ave
been obtained. For the cases of linear and circular polariza tion our results agree with previous studies. We have
shown that the location of the peak in the relativistic angul ar distribution is shifted toward the direction of beam
propagation. The theoretical approach employed in the pape r predicts that the maximum of the electron energy
spectrum is increased due to relativistic effects. The valid ity of the simple expressions is formally limited to the
tunnel regime. Nevertheless, a part of the results, such as t he most probable angle for electron emission, is shown to
be valid in the above barrier ionization regime as well. The r esults obtained in this paper within exponential accuracy
may be improved by the account of Coulomb corrections. Howev er, whereas the Coulomb corrections may strongly
influence the total ionization rate [15,16] we expect only a s mall influence of the atomic core on the electron spectrum.
I gratefully acknowledge usefull discussions with V.M. Ryl yuk. This work is financially supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany) under Grant No. Eb/126- 1.
[1] H. R. Reiss, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 7, 574 (1990).
[2] D. P. Crawford and H. R. Reiss, Phys. Rev. A 50, 1844 (1994).
[3] V. S. Popov, V. D. Mur and B. M. Karnakov, Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. T eor. Fiz. 66, 213 (1997) [JETP Lett. (USA), 66229
[4] V. D. Mur, B. M. Karnakov and V. S. Popov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fi z.114, 798 (1998) [J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 87, 433 (1998)].
[5] N. B. Delone and V. P. Krainov, Uzp. Fiz. Nauk 168, 531 (1998) [Phys. Usp. 41, 469 (1998)].
[6] V. P. Krainov, Opt. Express 2, 268 (1998).
[7] D. P. Crawford and H. R. Reiss, Opt. Express 2, 289 (1998).
[8] H. R. Reiss and D. P. Crawford, Proc. SPIE, vol. 3735, p. 148 (1998).
[9] V. P. Krainov, J. Phys. B 32, 1607 (1999).
[10] J. Ortner and V. M. Rylyuk, Phys. Rev. A (submitted).
[11] H. R. Reiss, Phys. Rev. A 22, 1786 (1980).
[12] A. M. Perelomov, V. S. Popov and M. V. Terentyev, Zh. Eksp . Teor. Fiz. 51, 309 (1966).
[13] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The classical theory of fields (Pergamon, Oxford, 1977).
[14] P. B. Corkum, N. H. Burnett, and F. Brunel, in Atoms in Intense Laser Fields , edited by M. Gavrila (Academic Press,
New York, 1992), p. 109.
[15] M.V.Ammosov, N.B.Delone, and V.P.Krainov, Zh.Eksp.T eor.Fiz 91, 2008 (1986) [Sov.Phys.JETP 64, 1191 (1986)].
[16] D. Bauer and P. Mulser, Phys. Rev. A 59, 569 (1999).
(Figure 1) Electron momentum spectra for electrons produced in the cre ation of Ne8+by an elliptically polarized
laser radiation with wave length λ= 1.054µm, field strength 2 .5×1010V/cm and ellipticity g= 0.707 and
ejected at the most probable angle θ=θm; the relativistic spectrum is taken from Eq. (16) with θm= 16.71◦,
the non-relativistic one from Eq. (1) with θm= 0.
(Figure 2) Electron angular distribution at the most probable electro n momentum p=pm. The other parameters
are the same as in Fig. 1; the relativistic angular distribut ion is taken from Eq. (18) with pm= 85.91, the
non-relativistic one from Eq. (1) with pm= 82.28.
670.0 80.0 90.0 100.0
Electron momentum (in a.u.) yield (in arbitrary units)relativistic
FIG. 1.
7−10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
Angle (in deg) yield (in arbitrary units)relativistic
FIG. 2.
8 |
arXiv:physics/9912045v1 [physics.atm-clus] 22 Dec 1999EPJ manuscript No.
(will be inserted by the editor)
Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilities of Na Clusters
S. K¨ ummel1, T. Berkus2, P.-G. Reinhard2, and M. Brack1
1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensbu rg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
2Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Erlangen , D-91077 Erlangen, Germany
Received: date / Revised version: date
Abstract. The static electric dipole polarizability of Na Nclusters with even N has been calculated in a
collective, axially averaged and a three-dimensional, fini te-field approach for 2 ≤N≤20, including the
ionic structure of the clusters. The validity of a collectiv e model for the static response of small systems
is demonstrated. Our density functional calculations veri fy the trends and fine structure seen in a recent
experiment. A pseudopotential that reproduces the experim ental bulk bond length and atomic energy levels
leads to a substantial increase in the calculated polarizab ilities, in better agreement with experiment. We
relate remaining differences in the magnitude of the theoret ical and experimental polarizabilities to the
finite temperature present in the experiments.
PACS. 36.40.-c Atomic and molecular clusters – 31.15.E Density fu nctional theory in atomic and molecular
physics – 33.15.Kr Properties of molecules, electric polar izability
1 Introduction
The measurement of the static electric polarizability of
sodium clusters [1] and its interpretation in terms of the
jellium model [2] was one of the triggers for the research
activities that today form the field of modern metal clus-
ter physics. The first theoretical studies were followed by
several others with different methods and aims: density
functional calculations using pseudopotentials [3,4] or t ak-
ing all electrons into account [5] aimed at a quantitative
description of the experimentally observed effects, semi-
classical approaches [6] focused on size-dependent trends ,
and the static electric polarizability served to test and
compare theoretical concepts [7,8,9]. Recently, the field
received new inspiration from a second experimental de-
termination of the static polarizability of small, uncharg ed
Na clusters [10].
Whereas a qualitative understanding of the experi-
ments can be obtained with relatively simple models, a
quantitative theoretical determination of the polarizabi l-
ity requires knowledge of the ionic and electronic config-
urations of the clusters. Great effort has been devoted in
the past to determine these [4,11,12,13]. However, taking
all ionic and electronic degrees of freedom into account
in a three-dimensional calculation is a task of consider-
able complexity. Therefore, most of these studies were re-
stricted to clusters with not more than nine atoms. To
reduce the computational expense, approximations for in-
cluding ionic effects were developed [14,15,16,17,18,19].
A second problem, however, is the great number of close-
lying isomers that are found in sodium clusters. This effect
is especially pronounced when stabilization of an overallshape through electronic shell effects is weak, i.e. for the
“soft” clusters that are found between filled shells. In the
present work we present calculations for the static electri c
polarizability that include the ionic structure in a realis tic
way. We take into account a great number of isomers for
clusters with up to 20 atoms, especially for the soft cluster s
that fill the second electronic shell. The theoretical con-
cepts that we used in this study are introduced in section
2, where we also discuss the relevant cluster structures. In
section 3 we present our results and compare with other
calculations and experimental work. Our conclusions are
summarized in section 4.
2 Theoretical concepts
The starting point for the theoretical determination of the
polarizability of a cluster is the calculation of the ionic a nd
electronic configuration of the ground-state and close ly-
ing isomers. In the present work, this was done in two
steps. First, we calculated low-energy ionic geometries fo r
a wide range of cluster sizes with an improved version [19]
of the “Cylindrically Averaged Pseudopotential Scheme”
(CAPS) [18]. In CAPS the ions are treated fully three-
dimensionally, but the valence electrons are restricted to
axial symmetry. The cluster ground state is found by si-
multaneously minimizing the energy functional with re-
spect to the set of ionic positions (simulated annealing)
and the valence-electron density. For the exchange and
correlation energy we used the local-density approxima-
tion (LDA) functional of Perdew and Wang [20], and for
the pseudopotential we employed the recently developed2 S. K¨ ummel et al.: Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilitie s of Na Clusters
phenomenological smooth-core potential that reproduces
low temperature bulk and atomic properties [19]. Detailed
comparisons with ab initio calculations have shown [19]
that CAPS predicts ionic geometries of sodium clusters
rather accurately since truly triaxial deformations are ra re.
Furthermore, in a second step we performed fully three-
dimensional (3D) Kohn-Sham (KS) calculations to check
the ordering of isomers and to calculate polarizabilities
without axial restriction on the electrons, and also in-
cluded configurations from 3D geometry optimizations into
our analysis as discussed below.
Fig. 1 schematically depicts the most important ionic
geometries for neutral clusters with even electron num-
bers between 2 and 20. (We have calculated the polariz-
abilities also for many further and higher isomers which,
however, are not shown in Fig. 1 for the sake of clarity.
They were omitted from the discussion since they do not
lead to qualitatively different results.) For the small clus -
Na4 Na12 a
Na12 bNa12 c
Na14 aNa14 b
Na14 c
Na16 a
Na 18 a Na 18 b Na18 c
Na 20 a Na20 b Na20 cNa8Na 6
Na16 cNa16 d
Na16 b
Fig. 1. Cluster structures Na 4to Na 20. See text for discussion.ters Na 2, Na4and Na 6, many other theoretical predictions
have been made [3,4,10,12,13], and our geometries are in
perfect agreement with them. In addition, due to the con-
struction of the pseudopotential [19], the bond lengths are
close to the experimental ones, as e.g. seen in the dimer,
where our calculated bond length is 5 .78a0and the exper-
imental one [21] is 5 .82a0. For Na 8and Na 10, our results
are in agreement with 3D density functional calculations
[3,4,13]. For Na 12, we do not now of any ab initio calcu-
lations. Therefore, besides two low-energy configurations
from CAPS [(a) and (b)], we also included a locally re-
optimized low-energy geometry from a 3D, H¨ uckel model
calculation [15] in our analysis (c). Our 3D calculations
confirm our CAPS results and find structures (a) and (b)
quasi degenerate with a difference in total energy of 0.05
eV, whereas structure (c) is higher by 0.4 eV. Two of the
three geometries considered for Na 14[(b) and (c)] were
also found very similar in 3D H¨ uckel model calculations
[15,17], and both CAPS and the 3D KS calculations find
all of them very close in energy. For Na 16, we find as the
CAPS-ground state structure (a), and in our 3D calcula-
tions structure (b) is quasi degenerate with (a), whereas
structures (c) and (d) are higher by 0.08 eV and 0.5 eV.
Due to their very different overall shapes, these isomers
span a range of what can be expected for the polarizabil-
ity. For Na 18and Na 20, our structures are again in close
agreement with the 3D density functional calculation of
[13], and all three structures are quasi degenerate.
The static electric polarizability was calculated in two
different ways. The first is based on a collective description
of electronic excitations. It uses the well known equality
α= 2m−1, (1)
which relates the negative first moment
m−1(Q) =/integraldisplay∞
of the strength function
SQ(E) =/summationdisplay
ν|/angbracketleftν|Q|0/angbracketright|2δ(Eν−E0−E), (3)
to the static electric polarizability αin the direction spec-
ified by the external (dipole) excitation operator Q.
In the evaluation of the strength function, the excited
states |ν/angbracketrightare identified with collective excitations. A dis-
cussion of this approach can be found in [22]. The collec-
tive calculations were carried out using the cylindrically
averaged densities and the “clamped nuclei approxima-
tion” [4], i.e.the ionic positions were taken to be the same
with and without the dipole field. We have also checked
this widely used approximation in the context of our stud-
ies and find it well justified, as discussed below.
The static polarizability can also be calculated directly
from the derivative of the induced dipole moment µin the
presence of an external electric dipole field F(“finite field
2Fi, i, j =x, y, z, (4)S. K¨ ummel et al.: Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilities of Na Clusters 3
µj(F) = −e/integraldisplay
RRj (5)
for ions with valence Z. Here one has to make sure that the
numerically applied finite dipole field Fis small enough
to be in the regime of linear response, but that it is on
the other hand large enough to give a numerically stable
signal. We have carefully checked this and found that the
used field strengths between 0 .00001 e/a02and 0.0005e/a02
meet both requirements. Applied to the axial calculations,
this approach allows to obtain the polarizability in the z-
direction. By employing this method with the 3D KS cal-
culations we have checked the influences of the axial av-
eraging and the collective model on the polarizability and
found that the z-polarizabilities from the axial and the
3D finite-field calculations agree within 1% on the aver-
age for the low-energy isomers. This shows that the axial
averaging is a good approximation for the clusters dis-
cussed here. The performance of the collective model will
be discussed below in Section 3.1. The orientation of our
coordinate system was chosen such that the z-axis is in
that principal direction of the tensor of inertia in which it
deviates most from its average value. The average static
electric polarizability
3tr(α) (6)
of course is independent of the choice of coordinate system.
3 Results
3.1 Comparison of different theoretical results
Since all density functional calculations that we know of
agree on the geometry of the smallest sodium clusters,
these clusters can serve as test cases to compare differ-
ent theoretical approaches. In Table 1 we have listed the
averaged static dipole polarizability as obtained in dif-
ferent calculations, together with the value obtained in
the recent experiment of Rayane et al. [10]. All calcula-
tions reproduce the experimental trend and give the cor-
rect overall magnitude. But also, all calculations under-
estimate the polarizability. The magnitude of this under-
estimation, however, varies considerably for the different
approaches. Whereas our results are closest to the exper-
iment and close to the theoretical ones of Ref. [10], with
the largest difference to the experiment being 8 % for Na 8,
a difference of 27 % is found for this cluster in the calcu-
lation based on the ab initio Bachelet, Hamann, Schl¨ uter
(BHS) Pseudopotential [4]. A good part of this difference
can be explained by comparing the bond lenghts of the
clusters. The BHS pseudopotential considerably underes-
timates the bond lengths [4], leading to a higher electron
density and a lower polarizability. Our empirical smooth-
core pseudopotential, on the other hand, was constructed
to reproduce the experimental low-temperature bulk bondlength (together with the compressibility and the atomic
3s-level) when used with the LDA, and correspondingly
results in a higher polarizability, in better agreement wit h
experiment. It is further interesting to note that also the
polarizabilities calculated with the empirical Bardsley p o-
tential [3], which was constructed to reproduce atomic
energy levels, are noticeably higher than the BHS-based
values. This shows that the cluster polarizability is also
sensitive to atomic energy levels, and the fact that our
values are closest to the experiment thus is a natural con-
sequence of the combination of correct atomic energy lev-
els and bond lengths.
Table 1. Averaged static electric polarizability of small
sodium clusters in ˚A3. Brd: density functional (DF) calculation
with empirical non-local Bardsley pseudopotential [3]. BH S:
DF calculation with ab initio non-local Bachelet, Hamann,
Schl¨ uter pseudopotential [4]. All el.: all-electron DF ca lcula-
tion including gradient corrections to the exchange-corre lation
functional [5]. TM: DF calculation with Troullier-Martins non-
local pseudopotential [9]. GAUSS.: DF calculation based on
the GAUSSIAN94 program with SU basis set [10]. Present:
present work, values from three-dimensional approach. Exp R:
recent experiment [10].
Brd. BHS All el. TM GAUSS. Present ExpR
Na237.7 33.1 35.9 36.2 38.2 37.0 39.3
Na476.3 67.1 71.4 77.2 78.4 78.7 83.8
Na6100.3 89.4 94.8 not 104.4 107.3 111.8
Na8111.7 97.0 not 117.6 119.2 123.0 133.6
From comparison with the calculations that went be-
yond the LDA [5,10], it however becomes clear that the
empirical pseudopotentials by construction ”compensate”
some of the errors that are a consequence of the use of the
LDA. Therefore, it would be dangerous to argue that the
inclusion of gradient corrections, which have been shown
to increase the polarizability, could bring our calculated
values in agreement with experiment: going beyond the
LDA but keeping the empirical LDA pseudopotentials could
lead to a double counting of effects. We therefore conclude
that, on the one hand, a considerable part of the earlier
observed differences between theoretical and experimen-
tal polarizabilities can be attributed to effects associate d
with errors in the bond lengths or atomic energy levels,
but on the other hand, further effects must contribute to
the underestimation with respect to experiment. We will
come back to this second point below.
In Table 2 we have listed the polarizabilities of Na 2to
Na20for the geometries shown in Fig. 1. The left half gives
the polarizability as computed from the 3D electron den-
sity with the finite-field method, and the right half lists
the values obtained in the axially averaged collective ap-
proach. For the clusters up to Na 8, the two methods agree
well and the differences for the averaged polarizabilities
are less than 1% for Na 2and Na 8, and 3% for Na 4and
Na6. This shows that the collective description is rather
accurate, which is remarkable if one recalls that we are4 S. K¨ ummel et al.: Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilitie s of Na Clusters
dealing with only very few electrons. Beyond Na 8, the dif-
ferences are 6 % on the average, which is still fair, but ob-
viously higher. This looks counter-intuitive at first sight ,
because the collective description should become better
for larger systems. However, for N > 8 there comes an
increasing number of particle-hole states close to the Mie
plasmon resonance [22], leading to increasing fragmenta-
tion of the collective strength. m−1and thus αis sensitive
to energetically low-lying excitations since their energi es
enter in the denominator in Eq. 2, and this can lead to an
underestimation of the polarizability.
Table 2. Static electric polarizability in ˚A3for the cluster
geometries of Fig. 1. Left half: three-dimensional, finite fi eld
calculation. Right half: cylindrically averaged, collect ive calcu-
3D, finite field cyl., coll. mod.
αx αy αz ¯α αρ αz ¯α
Na2 29.9 29.9 51.3 37.0 30.2 51.5 37.3
Na4 47.0 59.0 130.1 78.7 53.7 122.6 76.7
Na6 129.8 129.8 62.2 107.3 124.9 62.1 103.9
Na8 118.1 118.5 132.3 123.0 117.5 131.4 122.1
Na10 126.3 126.3 219.3 157.3 125.3 194.5 148.4
Na12a213.4 213.4 155.7 194.2 199.5 143.6 180.9
Na12b156.5 158.6 261.1 192.1 151.3 234.7 179.1
Na12c158.6 145.1 285.3 196.3 148.7 252.0 183.1
Na14a183.5 183.5 278.9 215.3 177.5 251.7 202.2
Na14b271.3 273.9 137.8 227.7 264.2 132.7 220.4
Na14c175.2 179.3 291.3 215.3 171.1 262.5 201.6
Na16a193.5 193.5 394.5 260.5 190.3 318.4 233.0
Na16b235.2 235.2 231.5 234.0 227.3 220.3 225.0
Na16c212.5 213.4 272.2 232.7 206.0 255.1 222.4
Na16d272.2 260.8 239.3 239.3 260.6 185.1 235.4
Na18a260.3 262.5 291.3 271.4 236.4 266.7 246.5
Na18b251.8 250.7 283.8 262.1 232.6 253.4 239.5
Na18c281.6 280.5 250.7 270.9 255.9 227.7 246.5
Na20a285.7 284.5 309.4 293.2 269.7 279.7 273.0
Na20b275.0 275.0 311.8 287.3 261.8 282.9 268.8
Na20c267.9 271.5 295.2 278.2 283.2 280.3 282.2
Comparing the polarizabilities of clusters with the same
number of electrons but different geometries shows the in-
fluence of the overall shape of the cluster. For Na 14, e.g.,
isomers (a) and (c) have a valence electron density which
is close to prolate, whereas (b) has a more oblate one. The
averaged polarizability for the two prolate isomers is equa l,
although their ionic geometries differ. The oblate isomer,
however, has a noticeably higher averaged polarizability.
This is what one expects, because for oblate clusters there
are two principal directions with a low and one with a high
polarizability, whereas for prolate clusters the reverse i s
true. The fact that different ionic geometries can lead to
very similar averaged polarizabilities is also seen for Na 12.
It thus becomes clear that contrary to what was believed
earlier [3] one cannot necessarily distinguish between de-
tails in the ionic configuration by comparing theoretical
values to experimental data that measure the averaged
polarizability.3.2 Comparison with experiments
Fig. 2 shows ¯ αfor our ground state structures as obtained
in the axial, collective approach and the 3D finite-field
calculations, in comparison to the two available sets of ex-
perimental data. The absolute values for the experiments
were calculated from the measured relative values with
an atomic polarizability of 23 .6˚A3[10]. To guide the eye,
the polarizabilities from each set of data are connected
by lines. Both experiments and the theoretical data show
that, overall, the polarizability increases with increasi ng
cluster size. The polarizability from the axial collective
model qualitatively shows the same behavior as the one
from the 3D finite field calculation. Comparison of the
Fig. 2. Static electric dipole polarizability in ˚A3versus number
of electrons. Crosses with thin, long dashed line: experime nt of
Rayane et al. [10]; stars with strong, long dashed line: exper-
iment of Knight et al. [1]; open squares with full line: present
work, three-dimensional finite-field calculation for lowes t iso-
mer; filled squares with short dashed line: present work, axi ally
averaged collective calculation for lowest isomer. See tex t for
discussion of error bars.
3D values with the experimental data shows that for the
smallest clusters, the theoretical and experimental value s
agree as discussed before, and the values obtained in the
two experiments are comparable up to Na 10. Beyond Na 10,
the discrepancies between the two experiments become
larger, and also the differences between theoretical and ex-
perimental polarizabilities increase. For Na 12, Na14, Na16
and Na 18the experiment of Knight et al.gives lower values
than the experiment of Rayane et al., and the calculated
averaged polarizability is lower than both experiments for
Na12, Na14, and Na 16. For Na 18the finite-field value ob-
tained for our ground-state structure matches the value
measured by Knight el al., and for Na 20, our ground-state
polarizability is very close to the measurement of Rayane
et al. In this discussion one must keep in mind, however,
that the experimental uncertainty is about +/-2 ˚A3per
atom [10], i.e. the uncertainty in the absolute value in-
creases with the cluster size, as indicated by the errors
bars in Fig. 2. Comparisons are made easier if the linearS. K¨ ummel et al.: Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilities of Na Clusters 5
Fig. 3. Normalized static electric dipole polarizability. Crosse s
with thin dashed line: experiment of Rayane et al. [10]; stars
with strong dashed line: experiment of Knight et al.[1]; squares
with full line: present work, three-dimensional finite-fiel d cal-
culation for lowest isomer; open triangle, filled triangle a nd
upside-down triangle: second, third and fourth isomer, res pec-
tively; filled circles: Jellium results from [2,8]. See text for dis-
growth in ¯ αis scaled away. Therefore, one should rather
look at the normalized polarizability
Nαatom, (7)
which is shown in Fig. 3, because it allows to identify
trends and details more clearly.
From Fig. 3 it becomes clear that for Na 2to Na 8, the
trend seen in the two experiments is similar up to one
exception: For Na 6, the experiment of Rayane et al. pre-
dicts a noticeably smaller value than the one by Knight
et al. Comparison with our theoretical data shows that,
although the values of the older experiment are closer to
the theory with respect to magnitude for Na 2, Na4and
Na8, the trend that our data show corresponds clearly to
the one seen in the new experiment since the two curves
are parallel. Going from Na 8to Na 10, both experiments
predict a steep rise in the polarizability. This rise due to
the shell closing at Na 8is also seen in the theoretical data,
but it is less pronounced than in the experiments (as we
will discuss below). For Na 12, a higher ¯ αnthan for Na 10
is predicted by the data of Rayane, whereas the reverse
ordering is seen in the data of Knight et al. Again, our
calculations support the finding of the new experiment,
and all isomers lead to similar ¯ αn. For Na 14, both experi-
ments show a decrease. Our prolate ground state and iso-
mer reproduce this trend. That it is the prolate structures
that fit to the experiment is consistent with the ab initio
molecular dynamics calculations of H¨ akkinen et al. [23].
The next step to Na 16again reveals a slight difference
between the two experiments: both predict an increase
compared to Na 14, but whereas the older experiment sees
¯αnsmaller for Na 16than for Na 12, the new experiment
shows the opposite ordering. Once more, our ground statestructure leads to a polarizability that follows the trend o f
the new experiment. (The other isomers, however, lead to
smaller polarizabilities, and an explanation for the differ -
ence between the experiments thus might be that different
ensembles of isomers were populated due to slightly dif-
ferent experimental conditions.) Going to Na 18leads to
a decrease in the polarizability in both experiments. Our
calculation shows this decrease, which is a manifestation o f
the nearby shell closing. But whereas the old experiment
actually sees the shell closing at Na 18and an increase in
the polarizability for Na 20, the new experiment and our
data find an absolute minimum at Na 20.
A comparison with the polarizability obtained in the
spherical jellium model [2,8] for Na 8and Na 20, also indi-
cated in Fig. 3, shows the improvement that is brought
about by the inclusion of the ionic structure.
3.3 Discussion
As just discussed, our calculations reproduce the fine struc -
ture seen in the new experiment. However, there is no
obvious explanation for why the results of the two exper-
iments differ [24]. Also, there is a characteristic change
in the magnitude of the difference between our theoreti-
cal results and the experimental values of Rayane et al.:
whereas the calculated values for Na 2to Na 8and Na 20on
the average differ only by 5 % from the new experiment,
the open-shell clusters from Na 10to Na 18show 18 % dif-
ference for the ground state. The increase in polarizabilit y
when going from Na 8to Na 10is considerably underesti-
mated, whereas the following steps in the normalized po-
larizability are nearly reproduced correctly, i.e. it look s as
if the theoretical curve for Na 10to Na 18should be shifted
upwards by a constant. A first suspicion might be that this
“offset” could be due to the use of CAPS in the geometry
optimization. But it should be noted that the step occurs
at Na 10, and that also Na 14and Na 18are off by the same
amount. Since the low-energy structures of these clusters
are well established, as discussed in Section 2, and since
also the geometry for Na 12from the 3D calculation does
not lead to qualitatively different results, we can conclude
that the differences are not due to limits in the geometry
optimization with CAPS. Also, the neglection of the re-
laxation of the nuclei in the presence of the electric dipole
field has been investigated earlier [4] for the small clus-
ters and was shown to be a good approximation. We have
counter checked this result for the test case Na 10and find
corrections of less than 1%.
An obvious limitation of our approach is the neglect
of the core polarization. However, the all-electron calcu-
lations of Guan et al. [5] treat the core electrons explic-
itly and do not lead to better agreement with experiment,
as discussed in Section 3.1. From this, one already can
conclude that core polarization cannot account for all of
the observed differences. Its effect can be estimated from
the polarizability of the sodium cation. Different measure-
ments [25] find values between 0 .179˚A3and 0.41˚A3, lead-
ing to corrections of - roughly - 1-2% in ¯ αn. Since the core
polarizability leads to a shift in ¯ αnthat is the same for all6 S. K¨ ummel et al.: Static Electric Dipole Polarizabilitie s of Na Clusters
cluster sizes, it contributes to the difference that is also
seen for the smallest clusters, but it cannot explain the
jump in the difference seen at Na 10.
Another principal limitation of our approach is the use
of the LDA. As, e.g., discussed in [5], the LDA can af-
fect the polarizability in different and opposing ways. On
the one hand it may lead to an overscreening and thus
an underestimation of the polarizability, and early calcu-
lations within the spherical jellium model reported that
indeed the static polarizability was increased if one went
beyond LDA using self-interaction corrections [7]. On the
other hand, self-interaction corrections can lead to more
negative single particle energies and thus to smaller polar -
izabilities [5], and Refs. [8] and [26] give examples where
the overall effect of self-interaction corrections on the op -
tic response is very small. One cannot directly conclude
from the jellium results to our ionic structure calculation s,
because the sharp edge of the steep-wall jellium model can
qualitatively lead to differences. But in any case it is highl y
implausible that the LDA affects the clusters from Na 10
to Na 18much stronger than the other ones, and it should
also be kept in mind that the worst indirect effects of the
LDA as, e.g., underestimation of bond lengths, are com-
pensated by using our phenomenological pseudopotential.
One might also ponder about possible uncertainties in
the experimental determination of the polarizabilities. A
considerable underestimation could be explained if one as-
sumes that while passing through the deflecting field, the
clusters are oriented such that one always measures the
highest component of the polarizability. In that case, we
would not have to compare the averaged value to the ex-
periment, but the highest one. One could imagine that
the cluster’s rotation be damped, since angular momen-
tum conservation is broken by the external field and the
energy thus could be transferred from the rotation to in-
ternal degrees of freedom (vibrations). The time scale of
this energy transfer is not known, but since the clusters
are spending about 10−4s in the deflecting field region, it
seems unlikely that there should be no coupling over such
a long time. One could further argue that for statistical
reasons it is less likely that a larger cluster will lose its
orientation again through random-like thermal motion of
its constituent ions than a smaller cluster. However, the
maximal energy difference between different orientations
is very small, for Na 10, e.g., it is 0 .3K kBfor the typical
field strength applied in the experiment [1]. Thus, thermal
fluctuations can be expected to wipe out any orientation.
From another point of view, however, the finite tem-
perature explains a good part of the differences that our
calculations (and other calculations for the small cluster s)
show in comparison to the experimental data. Whereas
our calculations were done for T=0, the supersonic nozzle
expansion used in the experiment produces clusters with
an internal energy distribution corresponding to about 400
- 600 K [27,28]. An estimate based on the thermal ex-
pansion coefficient of bulk sodium leads to an increase
in the bond lengths of about 3 %, and a detailed finite-
temperature CAPS calculation [29] for Na+
11at 400 K also
shows a bond length increase of 3 %. This will only be alower limit, since in neutral clusters one can expect a large r
expansion than in the bulk due to the large surface, and
also a larger expansion than for charged clusters. Thus, to
get an estimate for the lower limit of what can be expected
from thermal expansion, we have scaled the cluster coor-
dinates by 3 % and again calculated the polarizabilities,
finding an increase of about 3 % for the planar and 5 %
for three-dimensional structures. This finding is consiste nt
with the results of Guan et al. Together with the correc-
tions that are to be expected from the core polarizability,
this brings our results for the small and the closed shell
clusters in quantitative agreement with the experimental
4 Summary and Conclusion
We have presented calculations for the static electric dipo le
polarizability for sodium clusters with atom numbers be-
tween 2 and 20, covering several low-energy structures
for each cluster size beyond Na 10. By comparing our re-
sults to previous calculations for the smallest clusters, w e
have shown that a pseudopotential which correctly repro-
duces atomic and bulk properties also improves the static
response considerably. We have shown that a collective
model for the excited states of sodium clusters, whose va-
lidity for the dynamical response was established previ-
ously, works reasonably also for the static response in real -
istic systems. Over the whole range of cluster sizes studied
in the present work, we confirm the fine structure seen in a
recent experiment. By comparing the calculated averaged
polarizability of different isomers for the same cluster siz e
to the measured polarizability, we showed that completely
different ionic geometries can lead to very similar averaged
polarizabilities. By considering higher isomers we furthe r-
more took a first step to take into account the finite tem-
perature present in the experiment. Our results show that
for the open shell clusters from Na 10to Na 18, also higher
lying isomers do not close the remaining gap between the-
ory and experiment. This shows that it is a worthwhile
task for future studies to investigate the influence of finite
temperatures on these “soft” clusters explicitly. For Na 2
to Na 8and Na 20, we showed that quantitative agreement
is already obtained when the effects of thermal expansion
and the core polarizability are taken into account.
One of us (S. K¨ ummel) thanks K. Hansen for several clar-
ifying discussions concerning the experimental temperatu res
and time-scales, especially with respect to the “orientati on
question”, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for fin an-
cial support.
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1Compendium of vector analysis
with applications to continuum mechanics
compiled by Valery P. Dmitriyev
Lomonosov University
P.O.Box 160, Moscow 117574, Russia
e-mail: dmitr@cc.nifhi.ac.ru
1. Connection between integration and differentiation
Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem
We transform the volume integral into a surface one:
ViPdV = ∫∂
VkjiidxdxPdx =
−∫ =
()()( )()( )
− +− ∫ kjkji kjkji
VSkj xxxxxPxxxxxPdxdx ,,, ,,, =
+Scos dSPext+θ ∫−
intθ = ∫
ScosdSPextθ = ∫⋅PdSien
Here the following denotations and relations were used:
P is a multivariate function ()kjixxxP,,, i ix∂∂=∂/, V volume,
S surface, ie a basis vector, ijji/=⋅ee , n the external normal to the element
dS of closed surface with
dS dxdxi kjen⋅= , θcos=⋅ien .
ViPdV =
VSdSiPen (1.1)
Using formula (1.1), the definitions below can be transformed into coordinate
VSdSPn = ()
VSienPdSie = dVP
where summation over recurrent index is implied throughout. By definition
Pgrad = P∇ = iiPe∂
VSiendSAi = dVA
Vii∫∂ (1.2)
By definition
Adi# = A⋅∇ = iiA∂
VSAn×∫ = ()
VSien dSAjjiee× = dVA
Vjiji∫×∂ee (1.3)
By definition
Acurl = A×∇ = jijiAee×∂
Stokes theorem follows from (1.3) if we take for the volume a right cylinder
with the height 0→h. Then the surface integrals over the top and bottom areas
mutually compensate each other. Next we consider the triad of orthogonal unitvectors
m, n, 2
where m is the normal to the top base and n the normal to the lateral face
Multiplying the left-hand side of (1.3) by m gives
lateral×⋅∫Anm =()dS
lateralAnm⋅×∫ =dS
lateralA2⋅∫ = dlh
where 2 is the tangent to the line. Multiplying the right-hand side of (1.3) by
m gives
where m is the normal to the surface. Now, equating both sides, we come to the
formula sought for
lA2⋅∫ = ∫⋅
The Stokes theorem is easily generalized to a nonplanar surface (applying to it
Ampere's theorem). In this event, the surface is approximated by a polytope.Then mutual compensation of the line integrals on common borders is used.32. Elements of continuum mechanics
A medium is characterized by the volume density ()t,xρ and the flow
velocity ()t,xu.
Continuity equation
The mass balance in a closed volume is given by
()0=⋅ ∂∫+∫dS dV
VS Vtnuρρ
where tt∂∂=∂/. We get from (1.2)
()∫∫∂=⋅iiu dSρ ρnu dV
Thereof the continuity equations follows
Stress tensor
We consider the force fdon the element dS of surface in the medium and
are interested in its dependence on normal n to the surface
()()nfnfd d−=−
With this purpose the total force on a closed surface is calculated. We have for
the force equilibrium at the coordinate tetrahedron
()()()()03 2 1 =+++ nfnfnfnf dddd
where the normals are taken to be external to the surface
()1 1en n ⋅−=sign1e , ()2 2en n ⋅−=sign2e , ()3 3en n ⋅−=sign3e
()()jsignd ennf ⋅= ()jdef (2.1)4The force densit y ()n1 is defined by
dSd 1f=
Insofar as
dS dSjjen⋅=
we have for (2.1)
() ( )jsign d ennf ⋅= ()je1 ( )j jsigndS en⋅=jen⋅()je1 ()jjdS e1en⋅= dS
() ()jje1enn1 ⋅=
The latter means that ()n1 possesses the tensor propert y. The elements of the stress
tensor are defined by
()jiijeσ σ=
Now, using (1.2), the force on a closed surface can be co mputed as a volu me integral
Vj jjdS dS e1 nee1n1 ∫ ∫∫∂=⋅ = dV (2.2)
Euler equation The momentum balance is given b y the relation
VS VtdV u u ρ ρ
()dS dS
VS∫=⋅ 1nu (2.3)
We have for the second ter m by (1.2)
()∫uρ ()∫=⋅ unu ρdS ( )∫∂=⋅ u nejj jju dSu ρdV
Using also (2.2) gives for (2 .3)
() ( ) ()jj jj tu e1u u ∂=∂+∂ ρ ρ
()jjjj tu e1uu ∂=∂+∂ρ ρ (2.4)5Hydrodynamics
The stress tensor in a fluid is defined from the pressure as
ij ijpδσ−=
That gives for (2.4)
0=∂+∂+∂ puuujijjitρρ
The solid-like medium is characterized by the displacement ()t,xs. For small
and the quadratic terms in the left-hand part of (2.4) can be dropped. For an isotropic
homogeneous medium the stress tensor is determined from the Hooke's law as
() ()ijji kkij jisss ∂+∂+∂= µ λδσe
where λand µ are the elastic constants. That gives
() ()()µλ µ λσ +=∂+∂∂+∂∂=∂ijjji kkijijss s2eijjjiss2∂+∂∂µ
()()µλ+=∂jje1 graddi #ss2∇+µ
()( ) µλµλ ++∇+= s22 curlcurls
λ=graddi #µ−scurlcurls
where curlcurl graddi #2+∇= was used. Substituting it to (2.4) we get finally
Lame equation
tgraddi #ss2∇+µ
where ρ is constant. |
arXiv:physics/9912047v1 [physics.space-ph] 23 Dec 1999MSUPHY99.07
Determination of meteor showers on other planets using come t
Shane L. Larson†
Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman,
Montana 59717
(23 December 1999)
Meteor showers on the Earth occur at well known times, and are associated
with the decay of comets or other minor bodies whose orbital p aths have
crossed the Earth’s trajectory. On the surface, determinin g whether or not two
orbital paths intersect appears to be a computationally int ensive procedure.
This paper describes a simple geometric method for determin ing if the orbital
paths of two bodies ( i.e., a comet and a planet) in the solar system cross
from the known ephemerides of the objects. The method is used to determine
whether or not meteor showers on other planets in the solar sy stem could be
associated with any of 250 known comets. The dates and radian ts of these
meteor showers are calculated.
Typeset using REVT EX
As they traverse their orbits about the Sun, comets slowly ev aporate and fragment, leav-
ing small bits of cometary debris along their orbital tracks . Some comet orbits intersect the
Earth’s path, and the planet sweeps up a portion of these part iculates each year. Generally,
these particles are drawn into the atmosphere, where they bu rn up at high altitudes, produc-
ing the yearly meteor showers. A sample of the meteor showers expected on a regular basis
for Earth-bound observers is given in Table I. A very detaile d list of meteor streams en-
countered by the Earth has been composed based on ground-bas ed observations of amateur
astronomers around the world [1].
Given the large number of meteor showers seen on the Earth, it seems natural to ask
about the possibility of meteor showers on other planets. It may be impractical for a sky-
observer of the future to view meteor showers from some world s: Mercury has no atmosphere,
the clouds of Venus are so thick most meteors will likely burn up before a planetbound
observer could see them, Jupiter has no solid surface to sit o n while viewing the shower,
and so forth. Never-the-less, predicting regular meteor sh owers on other worlds may be
important for protecting explorers and spacecraft from inc oming particles, and could be
useful for planning expeditions and experiments to collect cometary material.
A great deal of modern research has been devoted to analysis o f the evolution of meteor
streams in the solar system, particularly those that inters ect the Earth’s orbit (for example,
detailed analyses of the evolution of the Quadrantid stream can be found in [2], [3] and [4]; the
Geminid stream is analyzed in [5] and [6]). These analyses ta ke into account perturbations
to the orbits of the parent bodies, as well as the subsequent e volution of the debris trail after
the comet or minor body has continued on in its orbit. Over tim e, streams may wander
into a planet’s path causing new meteor storms, or may wander out the planet’s path
quenching a shower which has been periodic for decades or cen turies ( e.g., [4] estimates that
the Quadrantid shower will vanish by the year 2100).
To a first approximation, however, meteor showers will occur if the orbit of a planet and
2the orbit of a minor body intersect (or pass close to one anoth er). One way to determine
if this occurs is to evolve the two orbits on a computer and wat ch for an intersection.
Alternatively, the methods described in this paper approac h the problem of determining
orbit intersections in a completely analytical fashion, re quiring only geometrical methods
and matrix algebra.
Section II describes the basic parameters and coordinate sy stems used to characterize or-
bits in this paper. Section III describes the rotations used to correctly orient two orbits with
respect to each other, and applies the rotations to essentia l vectors needed for the analysis.
Section IV uses the rotated vectors to determine the interse ction between two orbital planes,
and computes the distance between the orbital paths when the planes intersect. Section V
proposes a criteria for the existence of a meteor shower base d on the distance between the
orbits at intersection. The radiant and the “date” of shower s meeting the criterion is deter-
mined. Section VI applies the condition of Section V to 250 kn own comets, summarizes the
results, and discusses the limitations of determining mete or showers using this method.
Throughout this paper, SI ( Syst` eme Internationale ) units are employed, except where
the size of the units makes it convenient to work in standard u nits employed in astronomy
(e.g., on large scales, astronomical units (AU) will be used, rath er than meters).
As is well known, one of the great discoveries of Johannes Kep ler was that the planets
travel on elliptical paths, with the Sun at one focus of the el lipse (Kepler’s First Law of
Planetary Motion, published in 1609). Since then, an enormo us body of knowledge has
been developed regarding the analysis of orbital motion (se e, for example [7]), allowing the
determination of the position of virtually any object in the solar system at any moment in
For the work presented here, a time dependent analysis of the orbital motion is not
3necessary1. The only information which is required is a knowledge of the trajectory of the
orbit through space. The distance of the orbital path from th e Sun may be written for
elliptical orbits as
1 +ecosθ, (1)
whereais the semi-major axis of the orbit, eis the eccentricity, and θis the angle (called the
anomaly ) between the body and the axis defined by perihelion, as measu red in the orbital
plane. The perihelion distance for the object can be found fr om Eq. (1) by taking θ= 0,
rp=a(1−e). (2)
The distance expressed in Eq. (1) describes the correct size and shape of an elliptical
orbit for any object around the Sun, but more information is n eeded to correctly orient the
orbit in three-dimensional space. This information is typi cally collected in a set of numbers
known as the orbital ephemeris .
The reference for orienting orbits is the plane which is coin cident with the orbital plane of
the Earth, known as the ecliptic . This paper will use a reference coordinate system defined
in the ecliptic plane as shown in Figure 1. The + zaxis is defined perpendicular to the
ecliptic and in the right handed sense with respect to the Ear th’s orbital motion ( i.e., when
viewed looking down the + zaxis, the Earth’s motion is counter-clockwise in the xy-plane).
The +xaxis is defined along the direction of the Earth’s perihelion .
The orbital ephemeris of any body describes its orbit relati ve to the ecliptic plane, and
locates the object along its orbital path as a function of tim e. For the problem of determining
the possible intersection of two orbital paths, only three e lements of the full ephemeris for a
1We are interested in knowing only whether two orbits cross. A n interesting (but ultimately more
difficult) question to address is whether two bodies might act uallycollide because their orbits
4body will be needed: Ω o(amodified longitude of the ascending node), ι(inclination), and ω
(argument of perihelion). Each of these parameters is descr ibed below, and shown in Figure
The longitude of the ascending node, Ω, is the angle in the ecl iptic plane between the
vernal equinox (called the first point of Aries ) and the point at which the orbit crosses the
ecliptic towards the + zdirection (“northward” across the ecliptic). The paramete r, Ωo, used
in this paper, is an offset longitude measured from the perihe lion of Earth, rather than the
first point of Aries (see Figure 3).
The inclination, ι, is the angle between the normal vector of the orbit and the no rmal
vector of the ecliptic.
Lastly, the argument of perihelion, ω, is the angle between the position of the body as it
crosses the ascending node and the position at perihelion, a s measured in the orbital plane
of the body .
In addition to these three angles, it will be useful to define t wo vectors for each orbit of
interest: ˆn, the unit normal vector to the plane of the orbit, and /vector rp, the vector pointing to
perihelion in the plane of the orbit.
In order to correctly orient an orbit with respect to the ecli ptic, assume (initially) that
the orbit of interest is in the plane of the ecliptic, with the perihelion of the orbit aligned
along the + xaxis (i.e., the orbit is co-aligned with the Earth’s orbit). A series of three
rotations, based on the angles {ω,ι,Ω}from the orbital ephemeris will produce the correct
orientation. The first rotation will set the value of the asce nding node with respect to
perihelion, the second rotation will set the inclination to the ecliptic, and the third rotation
will move the ascending node to the correct location in the ec liptic plane.
A useful method for describing rotations is in terms of matri ces. While it is possible
to construct a rotation matrix for rotations about a general axis, it is more convenient to
5conduct rotations about the coordinate axes shown in Figure 1. The matrices describing
rotations about the x-,y-, andz-axes will be denoted ˜Mx(φ),˜My(ξ), and ˜Mz(ψ), respectively.
To demonstrate the rotations needed to orient the orbit, con sider a general vector, /vectorA,
which is rigidly attached to the orbital plane, maintaining its orientation as the plane is
The first rotation locates the ascending node with respect to perihelion; the rotation
depends on the value of the argument of perihelion, ω. This is done by rotating around the
z-axis byψ=ω. In terms of rotating a general vector /vectorA, this can be written
/vectorA1=˜Mz(ω)/vectorA . (3)
When this operation is applied to the orbit, the ascending no de will be located on the + x
The orbit is inclined around an axis which passes through the ascending node and through
the Sun (at one focus of the orbit). Since the first rotation pl aced the ascending node on the
+xaxis, and the Sun lies at the origin of coordinates, a rotatio n around the x-axis by the
inclination angle, φ=ι, will correctly incline the orbit. In terms of the vector /vectorA1(resulting
from Eq. (3)), this yields
/vectorA2=˜Mx(ι)/vectorA1. (4)
Before the final rotation, it will be convenient to offset the l ongitude of the ascending node
such that it is measured from the perihelion of the Earth, rat her than the vernal equinox (this
makes thex-axis the origin for measuring the longitude of the ascendin g node). The angle
between the vernal equinox and perihelion of Earth is simply the argument of perihelion for
Earth,ω⊕, giving (see Figure 3)
Ωo= 2π−ω⊕+ Ω. (5)
After the second rotation, the ascending node is still locat ed on the + xaxis. Rotation
about thez-axis by the offset longitude, ψ= Ω o, will rotate the longitude of the ascending
6node to its correct location in the ecliptic plane. In terms o f the vector /vectorA2(resulting from
Eq. (4)), this yields
/vectorA3=˜Mz(Ωo)/vectorA2. (6)
The vector /vectorA3(which is rigidly attached to the orbit) is correctly orient ed with respect to
the ecliptic.
The two vectors which will be of use later are the unit normal v ector to the orbit, ˆ n, and
the perihelion vector, /vector rp. When the orbital plane is co-aligned with the Earth’s (befo re any
rotations have been performed), these vectors have the form
, /vector r p=
. (7)
The rotation operations described by Eqs. (3), (4), and (6) m ust be applied to these vectors
so they correctly describe the orbit with respect to the ecli ptic. Conducting the rotation
procedure yields
sinιsin Ω o
−sinιcos Ω o
, (8)
/vector rp′=rp
cosωcos Ω o−sinωcosιsin Ω o
cosωsin Ω o+ sinωcosιcos Ω o
. (9)
The procedure described in Section III will correctly orien t any orbit with respect to the
ecliptic. One could take any planet’s ephemeris ( e.g., from the ephemerides given in Table
7II) and construct the normal vector ˆ nand perihelion vector /vector rpin accordance with Eqs. (8)
and (9)2. Similar vectors could be generated for cometary ephemerid es.
The real question of interest is not how the orbital planes of planets and comets are
related to the ecliptic, but rather how they are oriented wit h respect to each other, and in
particular where they intersect. The line defining the inter section of the orbital planes can
be used to determine whether or not the orbits actually inter sect.
Hereafter, assume that vectors related to a comet’s orbit wi ll bear the subscript ‘ c’
and vectors related to a planet’s orbit will bear the subscri pt ‘+’. Further, suppose the
components of the normal vector for a comet’s orbit are ˆ nc= (a,b,c), and the components
of the normal vector of a planet’s orbit are ˆ n+= (e,f,g). Both orbital planes automatically
share one point in common: the origin, which lies at the focus of each orbital ellipse. Given
this point and the two vectors ˆ ncand ˆn+, the equations describing the two orbital planes
CometPlane ax+by+cz= 0
PlanetPlane ex+fy+gz= 0. (10)
The intersection of the two planes is a line which is the commo n solution of the two
expressions in Eq. (10). Using determinants, the common sol ution to these equations is
found to be
x/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleb c
f g/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=−y/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglea c
e g/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=z/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglea b
e f/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=k , (11)
wherekis an arbitrary constant. The solutions {x,y,z }of Eq. (11) will be points along
the line of intersection. It is useful to use these values to d efine a new vector, /vectorλ, called the
2To ease the notation, we will drop the primed notation for rot ated vectors from here on. It will
be understood that the normal vectors and perihelion vector s have been correctly oriented with
respect to the ecliptic.
8‘node vector.’ It points along the line of nodes (the interse ction of the two planes), and has
. (12)
To determine if the orbital paths intersect, one must know th e radii of the orbits along
the line of nodes. An orbital radius may be determined from Eq . (1) if the value of the
anomaly,θ, is known. In terms of two orbits inclined with respect to eac h other, the angles
of interest will be the angle between the perihelion vector f or each orbit, /vector rp, and the node
vector,/vectorλ. For each orbit, the angle is defined in terms of the dot produc t of the two vectors,
cosθ=/vector rp·/vectorλ
|/vector rp| ·/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vectorλ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. (13)
The orbits have two opportunities to intersect: at the ascen ding node, and at the descending
node. Eq. (13) gives the angle at a single node. To obtain the v alue of the anomaly at the
other node, dot the perihelion vector, /vector rp, into the negative of the node vector, −/vectorλ.
Once the anomaly is known, the distance between the orbital p aths when the planes
intersect is simply
∆ =|r+−rc|, (14)
wherer+andrcare computed using Eq. (1) with the anomaly defined by Eq. (13) and the
appropriate orbital parameters derived from tabulated eph emerides.
The occurrence of a meteor shower associated with a particul ar comet will depend on
the value of the separation between the orbital paths, ∆. In t his paper, the criteria for an
orbit intersection causing a meteor shower will be
9∆≤κRl, (15)
whereRlis the “Roche-lobe radius”, defined as the radius of a sphere w hich has the same
volume as the planet’s Roche lobe, and κis a scaling factor. The Roche-lobe radius can be
approximated by
, (16)
wherem+andM⊙are the mass of the planet and the Sun, and ais the semi-major axis of
the planet’s orbit [8].
Once an intersection (in the sense of Eq. (15)) has been found , one would like to identify
the associated meteor shower in some way. Meteor streams whi ch produce showers on Earth
are named for the constellation the shower radiates from. A s imilar naming practice could
be implemented for the predicted showers on other planets, i f a radiant could be identified.
One method of determining the location of the radiant would b e to locate it in the
apparent direction of the relative velocity of the particle s which comprise the shower. If the
particles in the stream follow trajectories which are appro ximately the same as the parent
body, and have a velocity /vector vc, then an observer on the surface of a planet moving through
the stream with velocity /vector v+will measure the velocity vector of the meteors to be
/vector vo=/vector vc−/vector v+. (17)
The radiant of the shower is at the point on the sky where the ve ctor/vector vooriginates from.
Determining an analytic description for the instantaneous speed of a body along an elliptical
orbit is a notoriously difficult problem in orbital mechanics . For simplicity, here it will be
assumed that the tangent vector to the planet’s orbit, /vector τpoints toward the radiant of the
shower (the ‘radiant vector’).
The tangent vector of an elliptical orbit in the xy-plane,/vector τ, is given by
/vector τ=
−asin Υ
bcos Υ
, (18)
1−e2is the semi-minor axis of the orbit, and the argument Υ is defin ed by3
tanΥ =rsinθ
ea+rcosθ. (19)
To represent the tangent vector for an orbit which has been pr operly oriented with respect
to the ecliptic, /vector τmust be rotated using the procedure described in Section III .
Once the radiant vector has been found, it can be used to deter mine which constella-
tion the shower originates from by converting its direction al information into conventional
astronomical coordinates. /vector τwill point toward some direction in the three dimensional sp ace
described by the cartesian coordinates in Figure 1. The cart esian coordinates shown are
based on the location of the Earth’s perihelion vector, and n ot on the origin of a particular
astronomical coordinate system. The coordinates of intere st for locating the radiant of the
shower on a star chart are ecliptic (and ultimately equatorial ) coordinates, with the origin at
the first point of Aries, located in the xy-plane at an angle ψ=ω⊕preceding the + xaxis.
The components of the radiant vector may be described in cart esian coordinates which have
the +xaxis coincident with the first point of Aries by applying a rot ation:
/vector τ′=˜Mz(ω⊕)/vector τ . (20)
After this rotation, the components of the radiant vector ar e the projections of /vector τonto a
cartesian coordinate system coincident with the ecliptic c oordinates. The components may
be reduced to two angles which describe the vector’s orienta tion to the plane, Λ (ecliptic
longitude) and β(ecliptic latitude), defined by
tan Λ =τ′
|/vector τ|. (21)
where (τ′
z) are the cartesian components of the radiant vector, and |/vector τ|is the magnitude.
3Υ has a simple geometric interpretation: it is the angle betw een the x-axis and the radius vector
of the ellipse for a coordinate system with its origin at the center of the ellipse, rather than at one
11To locate the radiant in a particular constellation, it is us eful to convert the ecliptic
coordinates {Λ,β}to conventional equatorial coordinates, right ascension αand declination
δ. The transformation between these two coordinate systems i s described by [9]
sinδ= sin(β) cos(ǫ) + cos(β) sin(ǫ) sin(Λ)
sinβ= sin(δ) cos(ǫ)−cos(δ) sin(ǫ) sin(α)
cos(Λ) cos(β) = cos(α) cos(δ), (22)
whereǫis the angular distance between the north ecliptic pole and t he north celestial pole
(equivalent to the tilt of the Earth’s axis with respect to th e ecliptic,ǫ= 23.45◦).
Since there are no established calendars on other planets, t here is no well defined way
of dating a meteor shower. Here, a scheme will be adopted rela ting to the calendar on
Earth, illustrated in Figure 4. The ‘months’ for each planet will be defined in terms of the
right ascension of Earth at the start of each month on the terr estrial calendar, αdate, and
are shown in Table III. The node vector, /vectorλ(which points to the planet’s encounter with
a meteor stream), will point toward a particular value of the right ascension. The right
ascension defined by each node vector is compared to the value s ofαdate, and the meteor
shower is dated.
The critical parameters related to determining the occurre nce, radiant, and date of a
possible meteor shower are illustrated in Figure 5.
A search for comet-planet orbital intersections in the sola r system was carried out using
the planetary ephemerides shown in Table II [10]4, and the comet ephemerides provided
4There is a printed error in the table listing the ephemerides of the planets in this reference: the
column ωis actually ˜ ω, which is the ‘longitude of perihelion’, defined as the sum of the longitude
of the ascending node (Ω) and the argument of perihelion( ω). Here, Table II lists ω.
12in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s DASTCOM (Database of AST eroids and COMets) [11].
The DASTCOM is a collection of orbital parameters and physic al characteristics for the
numbered asteroids, unnumbered asteroids, periodic comet s, and other selected comets,
used for analyses of solar system dynamics.
Before analyzing the data, it is useful to have an idea of what kind of results one might
expect to see. Table IV shows a breakdown of the DASTCOM comet database, where
comparisons of the orbital perihelia and aphelia of the come ts and planets were used to
produce a simple estimate of the number of comets from the dat abase which have the
possibility of intersecting the orbit of each planet. Ais the number of comets which have
perihelion at radii less than a given planet’s aphelion ( i.e.the closest approach of a comet
to the Sun is at least as small as the planet’s greatest distan ce from the Sun), and Bis
the number of comets which have aphelion radii which are grea ter than a given planet’s
perihelion ( i.e.the greatest distance from the Sun reached by a comet is at lea st the as
large as the planet’s closest approach to the Sun), and ηis an estimate of the number of
possible comets a planet’s orbit could intersect5.
The results of the search for comet-planet orbital intersec tions are listed in Table V,
which specified an encounter distance of
∆≤5Rl. (23)
In all, 128 possible showers were detected: 3 at Earth, 1 at Ma rs, 106 at Jupiter6, 17 at
Saturn, and 1 at Uranus. If one reduces the encounter distanc e to ∆ ≤1Rl, only 32 possible
5These estimates makes no account for the relative orientati on of orbits; it assumes only that the
semi-major axes of the planets and comets are aligned. Possi ble encounters enumerated by ηonly
reflect a comparison of the radial scales of the orbits.
6In fact, the results of Table V show that Jupiter’s orbit inte rsects the path of comet P/Spahr
(1998 U4) twice: one intersection at a separation of ∆ ≃1.6Rl, and a second intersection (at the
other node) with a separation of ∆ ≃3.3Rl.
13showers are detected (shown at the top of Table V): 1 at Earth, 28 at Jupiter, 2 at Saturn,
and 1 at Uranus. If one allows the encounter distance to expan d to ∆ ≤10Rl, 188 possible
showers are detected (data not shown in Table V): 4 at Earth, 5 at Mars, 148 at Jupiter,
24 at Saturn, 6 at Uranus, and 1 at Neptune.
As was shown in Table IV, Jupiter has the opportunity to inter sect the orbits of more
comets in the database than any other planet in the solar syst em. It is thought that comets
with orbital scales smaller than the solar system (‘short pe riod comets’) have evolved largely
under the influence of perturbations due to Jupiter (the mass of Jupiter is greater than
the mass of the other planets combined), giving a large popul ation of comets which cross
Jupiter’s orbit. The search for the origin of these “Jovian f amily comets” has been a matter
of much numerical simulation and debate (see, for example, [ 12]). The disproportionately
large number of showers detected for Jupiter can be attribut ed to this feature of the comet
An examination of Table V shows that the showers occur very cl ose to the ecliptic, mostly
in the constellations of the zodiac. This should not be surpr ising, since the inclination of
the planetary orbital planes is relatively small. The tange nt vectors of the planetary orbits
(which were used to define the radiants) will always point clo se to the ecliptic.
A good check of the procedure described in this paper is to con sider the predicted showers
at Earth. In particular, the method outlined in this work pre dicts two meteor streams which
can be identified with known showers. The first is the stream fr om Comet Tempel-Tuttle,
originating in Leo in November. This stream can be identified with the Leonid meteor shower
(known to be a stream from Tempel-Tuttle), which occurs in mi d-November each year. The
second is a stream from Comet Swift-Tuttle, originating in A ries in August. This stream
can be identified with the Perseid meteor shower (known to be a stream from Swift-Tuttle),
which radiates from Perseus in August, just to the north and w est of Aries. The error in the
Perseid radiant demonstrates the limitations of using the t angent vectors of the planetary
orbital planes to accurately locate the radiant of a shower.
The possible showers computed here have all assumed that the orbits of the comets are
14static and do not precess. Further, it is assumed that the met eor streams remain attached
to those static orbits without wandering under the influence of gravitational perturbations
in the solar system. In addition, the influences of ‘local’ bo dies around each planet ( e.g.,
Earth’s moon, or the Galilean satellites around Jupiter) ha ve been ignored. Never-the-less,
the method provides a useful way for determining the possibi lity that a given planet will
encounter a meteor stream from minor bodies in the solar syst em.
I would like to thank M. B. Larson for comments and suggestion s, and E. M. Standish
who provided helpful discussions regarding planetary ephe merides. I would also like to
acknowledge the hospitality of the Solar System Dynamics Gr oup at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory during the time this work was completed. This wor k was supported in part by
NASA Cooperative Agreement No. NCC5-410.
†electronic mail address: shane@physics.montana.edu.
[1] P. Jenniskens, Astron. Astrophys. 287, 990 (1994).
[2] D. W. Hughes, I. P. Williams and C. D. Murray, Mon. Not. R. A str. Soc. 189, 493
[3] I. P. Williams, C. D. Murray and D. W. Hughes, Mon. Not. R. A str. Soc. 189, 483
[4] C. D. Murray, D. W. Hughes and I. P. Williams, Mon. Not. R. A str. Soc. 190, 733
[5] K. A. Fox, D. W. Hughes and I. P. Williams, Mon. Not. R. Astr . Soc.200, 313 (1982).
[6] J. Jones, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 217, 523 (1985).
[7] J. B. Marion and S. T. Thornton, Classical dynamics of particles and systems (Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1988).
[8] I. Iben, Jr. and A. V. Tutukov, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 54, 335 (1984).
[9] W. Schlosser, T. Schmidt-Kaler and E. F. Milone, Challenges of astronomy: hands-on
experiments for the sky and laboratory (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991).
[10] E. M. Standish, XX Newhall, J. G. Williams and D. K. Yeoma ns, inExplanatory supple-
ment to the Astronomical Almanac , P. K. Seidelmann, Ed., University Science Books,
Mill Valley, CA.
[11] http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/dastcom.html
[12] T. Quinn, S. Tremaine and M. Duncan, Astrophys. J. 355, 667 (1990).
TABLE I. Some of the yearly meteor showers seen from Earth.
Shower Name Date
Quadrantids early January
Lyrids mid April
ηAquarids early May
δAquarids late July
Perseids mid August
Orionids mid October
Leonids mid November
Geminids mid December
17TABLE II. The mean ephemerides for the planets of the solar sy stem (epoch J2000). The
data are semi-major axis a, eccentricity e, inclination ι, longitude of ascending node Ω, and the
argument of perihelion ω.
Planet a e ι Ω ω
(AU) (◦) (◦) (◦)
Mercury 0.38709893 0.20563069 7.00487 48.33167 29.12478
Venus 0.72333199 0.00677323 3.39471 76.68069 54.85229
Earth 1.00000011 0.01671022 0.00005 -11.26064 114.20783
Mars 1.52366231 0.09341233 1.85061 49.57854 286.4623
Jupiter 5.20336301 0.04839266 1.3053 100.55615 -85.8023
Saturn 9.53707032 0.0541506 2.48446 113.71504 -21.2831
Uranus 19.19126393 0.04716771 0.76986 74.22988 96.73436
Neptune 30.06896348 0.00858587 1.76917 131.72169 -86.750 34
Pluto 39.348168677 0.24880766 17.14175 110.30347 113.763 29
18TABLE III. The right ascension, αdate, for the months of the year.
Month Start αdate Endαdate
(decimal h) (decimal h)
January 6.7397 8.7780
February 8.7780 10.6191
March 10.6191 12.6575
April 12.6575 14.6301
May 14.6301 16.6685
June 16.6685 18.6411
July 18.6411 20.6794
August 20.6794 22.7178
September 22.7178 0.6904
October 0.6904 2.7287
November 2.7287 4.7013
December 4.7013 6.7397
19TABLE IV. The estimated number of comets from the DASTCOM dat abase which have the
possibility of intersecting the orbit of each planet. Ais the number of comets which have perihelia
less than each planet’s aphelion, Bis the number of comets which have aphelia which are greater
than a planet’s perihelion, and ηis the estimate of the number of possible comets a planet’s or bit
could intersect.
Planet A B η
Mercury 5 250 5
Venus 11 250 11
Earth 30 250 30
Mars 99 250 99
Jupiter 241 206 211
Saturn 250 97 97
Uranus 250 78 78
Neptune 250 72 72
Pluto 250 65 65
20TABLE V. The results of a meteor shower search using the comet s in the JPL DASTCOM
database. The first 32 entries (above the line) are for inters ections having ∆ < R l. All other
encounters are for ∆ <5Rl.
Planet Comet ∆ /Rlδ α Constellation αdate Month
(◦) (decimal h) (decimal h)
Earth 109P/Swift-Tuttle 0.50 17.75 3.17 Aries 21.46 Aug
Jupiter P/LONEOS-Tucker (1998 QP54) 0.03 -20.74 16.34 Scor pius 10.70 Mar
Jupiter 117P/Helin-Roman-Alu 1 0.06 -16.07 15.02 Libra 4.5 3 Nov
Jupiter 43P/Wolf-Harrington 0.11 15.46 2.89 Aries 17.02 Ju n
Jupiter P/Hergenrother (1998 W2) 0.13 -22.82 17.45 Ophiuch us 11.63 Mar
Jupiter C/Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) 0.16 6.55 1.25 Pisces 18.90 Ju l
Jupiter 78P/Gehrels 2 0.21 22.58 5.25 Taurus 14.59 Apr
Jupiter 75P/Kohoutek 0.22 10.50 1.92 Pisces 18.12 Jun
Jupiter P/Spahr (1998 W1) 0.24 4.65 0.94 Pisces 18.87 Jul
Jupiter 124P/Mrkos 0.33 -20.44 20.21 Ophiuchus 0.01 Sep
Jupiter 14P/Wolf 0.33 23.24 6.25 Gemini 13.67 Apr
Jupiter 53P/Van Biesbroeck 0.37 15.79 9.47 Leo 10.71 Mar
Jupiter 59P/Kearns-Kwee 0.40 -3.95 23.60 Aquarius 20.79 Au g
Jupiter 91P/Russell 3 0.42 9.26 10.73 Leo 4.65 Nov
Jupiter 76P/West-Kohoutek-Ikemura 0.44 -2.72 23.79 Pisce s 17.53 Jun
Jupiter 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup 0.45 19.47 8.52 Cancer 2.30 O ct
Jupiter 132P/Helin-Roman-Alu 2 0.51 22.42 7.29 Gemini 12.7 4 Apr
Jupiter P/Kushida (1994 A1) 0.54 16.19 3.05 Aries 16.83 Jun
Jupiter 16P/Brooks 2 0.58 22.32 7.36 Gemini 12.68 Apr
Jupiter 83P/Russell 1 0.59 16.19 9.38 Leo 3.16 Nov
21Jupiter D/Kowal-Mrkos (1984 H1) 0.62 8.94 10.79 Leo 4.71 Dec
Jupiter 135P/Shoemaker-Levy 8 0.68 17.76 9.00 Cancer 2.77 N ov
Jupiter 139P/Vaisala-Oterma 0.73 15.58 2.91 Aries 16.99 Ju n
Jupiter 86P/Wild 3 0.74 -15.87 14.98 Libra 4.58 Nov
Jupiter 104P/Kowal 2 0.82 17.59 3.39 Aries 16.47 May
Jupiter P/LINEAR-Mueller (1998 S1) 0.87 -22.75 17.38 Ophiu chus 11.57 Mar
Jupiter P/Shoemaker-Levy 6 (1991 V1) 0.88 -19.59 20.49 Capr icornus 14.14 Apr
Jupiter 18P/Perrine-Mrkos 0.95 18.94 3.75 Taurus 16.08 May
Jupiter 85P/Boethin 0.97 -23.17 17.89 Sagittarius 11.99 Ma r
Saturn P/Jager (1998 U3) 0.07 11.62 10.42 Leo 20.32 Jul
Saturn 126P/IRAS 0.53 -21.96 17.46 Ophiuchus 11.79 Mar
Uranus C/Li (1999 E1) 0.84 13.27 2.29 Aries 20.73 Aug
Earth 55P/Tempel-Tuttle 4.15 12.87 9.88 Leo 3.53 Nov
Earth 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup 4.52 -23.19 17.40 Ophiuchus 14 .07 Apr
Mars C/LINEAR (1998 U5) 1.99 12.98 10.22 Leo 4.28 Nov
Jupiter 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson 1.00 -23.06 17.71 Ophiuchus 11.84 Mar
Jupiter 15P/Finlay 1.01 -21.91 19.59 Sagittarius 13.37 Apr
Jupiter 97P/Metcalf-Brewington 1.10 22.31 7.36 Gemini 12. 68 Apr
Jupiter 81P/Wild 2 1.10 20.79 4.36 Taurus 22.50 Aug
Jupiter 121P/Shoemaker-Holt 2 1.10 3.71 0.80 Pisces 18.70 J ul
Jupiter 54P/de Vico-Swift 1.11 -22.22 17.02 Ophiuchus 11.2 8 Mar
Jupiter 56P/Slaughter-Burnham 1.12 -20.78 16.36 Scorpius 10.71 Mar
Jupiter P/Korlevic-Juric (1999 DN3) 1.15 -20.95 20.02 Sagi ttarius 0.17 Sep
Jupiter P/Mueller 4 (1992 G3) 1.16 19.11 3.80 Taurus 21.97 Au g
Jupiter 52P/Harrington-Abell 1.20 -12.43 22.16 Aquarius 2 2.27 Aug
Jupiter 69P/Taylor 1.24 7.45 1.40 Pisces 19.40 Jul
Jupiter P/Larsen (1997 V1) 1.27 19.86 4.03 Taurus 15.79 May
22Jupiter 46P/Wirtanen 1.32 -4.11 23.58 Aquarius 17.28 Jun
Jupiter 100P/Hartley 1 1.32 -22.79 17.41 Ophiuchus 2.30 Oct
Jupiter 87P/Bus 1.34 20.61 8.14 Cancer 1.93 Oct
Jupiter C/Ferris (1999 K2) 1.38 -0.39 0.16 Pisces 20.17 Jul
Jupiter 77P/Longmore 1.44 -22.53 19.22 Sagittarius 0.82 Oc t
Jupiter C/Mueller (1997 J1) 1.45 8.58 1.59 Pisces 18.51 Jun
Jupiter P/Hartley-IRAS (1983 V1) 1.51 -23.23 18.06 Sagitta rius 12.13 Mar
Jupiter 119P/Parker-Hartley 1.53 16.89 3.22 Aries 16.65 Ma y
Jupiter 114P/Wiseman-Skiff 1.54 10.49 1.92 Pisces 18.12 Jun
Jupiter 102P/Shoemaker 1 1.59 -20.60 16.29 Scorpius 10.66 M ar
Jupiter P/Spahr (1998 U4) 1.61 21.43 7.81 Gemini 12.27 Mar
Jupiter 33P/Daniel 1.65 -10.00 22.60 Aquarius 16.19 May
Jupiter 62P/Tsuchinshan 1 1.70 2.38 0.59 Cetus 18.46 Jun
Jupiter 70P/Kojima 1.79 12.54 2.30 Aries 20.41 Jul
Jupiter 60P/Tsuchinshan 2 1.84 4.84 0.97 Pisces 19.23 Jul
Jupiter 4P/Faye 1.92 23.24 6.21 Gemini 13.71 Apr
Jupiter 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1.95 -17.50 21.07 Capr icornus 14.66 May
Jupiter 6P/d’Arrest 2.01 10.31 10.55 Leo 9.60 Feb
Jupiter 36P/Whipple 2.03 22.25 7.40 Gemini 12.65 Mar
Jupiter C/LINEAR (1998 U1) 2.09 21.13 7.94 Gemini 1.74 Oct
Jupiter C/Spacewatch (1997 BA6) 2.16 -7.16 23.08 Aquarius 2 1.34 Aug
Jupiter P/Levy (1991 L3) 2.22 -18.03 15.50 Libra 9.95 Feb
Jupiter 116P/Wild 4 2.28 -20.88 20.04 Sagittarius 0.14 Sep
Jupiter P/Shoemaker-Levy 1 (1990 V1) 2.40 -15.18 21.61 Capr icornus 15.18 May
Jupiter 9P/Tempel 1 2.41 -17.42 15.35 Libra 4.20 Nov
Jupiter C/LINEAR (1999 H3) 2.60 -19.64 15.96 Libra 10.37 Feb
Jupiter 31P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 2.63 17.03 3.25 Aries 2 1.42 Aug
23Jupiter P/LINEAR (1999 J5) 2.70 -0.25 12.26 Virgo 7.67 Jan
Jupiter C/LINEAR (1998 W3) 2.71 3.74 11.63 Virgo 8.40 Jan
Jupiter 21P/Giacobini-Zinner 2.73 22.93 6.88 Gemini 13.11 Apr
Jupiter 40P/Vaisala 1 2.84 17.14 3.28 Aries 21.45 Aug
Jupiter 108P/Ciffreo 2.88 -15.33 21.57 Capricornus 15.15 Ma y
Jupiter 136P/Mueller 3 2.93 10.97 10.43 Leo 9.73 Feb
Jupiter 42P/Neujmin 3 2.93 18.27 8.87 Cancer 11.30 Mar
Jupiter 7P/Pons-Winnecke 3.14 -8.03 13.50 Virgo 6.22 Dec
Jupiter 103P/Hartley 2 3.19 22.21 5.01 Taurus 14.82 May
Jupiter 128P/Shoemaker-Holt 1-B 3.22 21.72 4.76 Taurus 15. 07 May
Jupiter D/van Houten (1960 S1) 3.26 -18.52 20.80 Capricornu s 23.50 Sep
Jupiter P/Kushida-Muramatsu (1993 X1) 3.27 -1.95 23.91 Pis ces 17.67 Jun
Jupiter C/Zhu-Balam (1997 L1) 3.27 20.87 4.39 Taurus 15.43 M ay
Jupiter P/LINEAR (1998 VS24) 3.27 19.53 8.50 Cancer 11.64 Ma r
Jupiter P/Spahr (1998 U4) 3.30 23.24 6.32 Gemini 0.27 Sep
Jupiter 61P/Shajn-Schaldach 3.38 20.61 8.14 Cancer 11.97 M ar
Jupiter 65P/Gunn 3.44 -17.58 15.39 Libra 4.16 Nov
Jupiter 120P/Mueller 1 3.60 -23.03 17.67 Ophiuchus 11.81 Ma r
Jupiter 129P/Shoemaker-Levy 3 3.66 0.12 0.23 Pisces 20.08 J ul
Jupiter 30P/Reinmuth 1 3.67 12.38 2.27 Aries 20.38 Jul
Jupiter 22P/Kopff 3.67 5.55 11.34 Leo 8.72 Jan
Jupiter 112P/Urata-Niijima 3.70 -20.61 20.14 Sagittarius 13.84 Apr
Jupiter 110P/Hartley 3 3.70 4.81 0.97 Pisces 19.23 Jul
Jupiter 49P/Arend-Rigaux 3.78 12.37 2.26 Aries 20.38 Jul
Jupiter P/Lagerkvist (1996 R2) 3.98 -23.06 18.72 Sagittari us 12.66 Apr
Jupiter 19P/Borrelly 4.00 -6.29 23.22 Aquarius 16.88 Jun
Jupiter 17P/Holmes 4.00 -17.66 15.41 Libra 9.86 Feb
24Jupiter 137P/Shoemaker-Levy 2 4.02 18.67 3.67 Taurus 16.16 May
Jupiter 131P/Mueller 2 4.05 22.39 5.12 Taurus 14.72 May
Jupiter P/Jedicke (1995 A1) 4.08 1.25 12.02 Virgo 7.94 Jan
Jupiter D/Tritton (1978 C2) 4.23 0.66 0.32 Pisces 19.98 Jul
Jupiter 48P/Johnson 4.32 2.03 11.90 Virgo 8.09 Jan
Jupiter 106P/Schuster 4.41 -15.82 21.46 Capricornus 15.04 May
Jupiter C/LINEAR (1998 M5) 4.67 -12.99 22.05 Aquarius 22.37 Aug
Jupiter P/LONEOS (1999 RO28) 4.84 14.99 9.65 Leo 10.54 Feb
Jupiter 98P/Takamizawa 4.89 5.64 11.33 Leo 8.74 Jan
Jupiter C/Spacewatch (1997 P2) 4.89 -0.74 0.10 Pisces 20.23 Jul
Jupiter 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 4.92 -17.02 15.25 Libr a 4.30 Nov
Jupiter P/Helin-Lawrence (1993 K2) 4.99 -8.87 13.64 Virgo 6 .06 Dec
Saturn C/Catalina (1999 F1) 1.01 -22.07 19.24 Sagittarius 1 3.30 Apr
Saturn P/Gehrels (1997 C1) 1.27 -4.44 13.11 Virgo 17.07 Jun
Saturn P/Hermann (1999 D1) 1.36 21.43 7.67 Gemini 23.10 Sep
Saturn C/LINEAR (1998 Q1) 1.37 -21.90 19.37 Sagittarius 10. 99 Mar
Saturn P/Shoemaker 4 (1994 J3) 2.46 -0.51 0.31 Pisces 6.06 De c
Saturn P/Montani (1997 G1) 2.90 3.09 11.90 Virgo 18.56 Jun
Saturn P/Helin (1987 Q3) 3.17 -22.38 18.90 Sagittarius 11.3 9 Mar
Saturn 63P/Wild 1 3.27 22.22 7.10 Gemini 23.61 Sep
Saturn 140P/Bowell-Skiff 3.31 17.75 9.03 Cancer 21.80 Aug
Saturn D/Bradfield 1 (1984 A1) 3.58 22.37 6.92 Gemini 23.76 Se p
Saturn 134P/Kowal-Vavrova 3.65 14.63 9.80 Leo 3.37 Nov
Saturn C/Spacewatch (1997 BA6) 3.95 -14.20 14.90 Libra 9.34 Feb
Saturn C/LINEAR (1999 N4) 3.96 -21.44 17.13 Ophiuchus 11.49 Mar
Saturn C/LINEAR (1999 H3) 4.20 19.72 8.42 Cancer 22.40 Aug
Saturn P/Lagerkvist-Carsenty (1997 T3) 4.90 -20.42 20.15 S agittarius 14.09 Apr
FIG. 1. The reference coordinate system in the ecliptic plan e. The z-axis is defined in the
right-handed sense with respect to the Earth’s motion, and t hex-axis points towards the perihelion
of the Earth.
FIG. 2. The three essential angles for correctly orienting o rbits in three dimensional space
are (a) Ω o, the ( modified ) longitude of the ascending node; (b) ι, the inclination; and (c) ω, the
argument of perihelion.
FIG. 3. The modified longitude of the ascending node, Ω o, defined in terms of the Earth’s
argument of perihelion, ω⊕, and the conventional value of Ω for the orbit. υindicates the first
point of Aries.
FIG. 4. The determination of a date for a meteor shower is base d on the right ascension of the
planet, as measured from the Sun, at the time it encounters th e meteor stream (defined by the
direction of the node vector, /vectorλ). The ‘months’ of the ‘year’ are defined by the right ascensio n of
the Earth at the start of each month. The grey area shown would be March for any planet within
the March values of αdate(shown).
FIG. 5. The intersection of two orbits, showing the essentia l quantities for defining the occur-
rence of a meteor shower: the separation of the orbits at cros sing, ∆; the tangent vector to the
planet’s orbit, /vector τ, which defines the ‘radiant’ of the shower; and the node vecto r,/vectorλ, which defines
the intersection of the two orbits and is used to ‘date’ the me teor shower.
FIGURE 312.6575
arXiv:physics/9912048v1 [physics.plasm-ph] 23 Dec 1999Coulomb crystals in the harmonic lattice approximation
D. A. Baiko and D. G. Yakovlev
Ioffe Physical–Technical Institute, 194021 St.–Petersbur g, Russia
H. E. De Witt
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA 94550 Livermor e
W. L. Slattery
Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM 87545 Los Alamos
(December 18, 2013)
The dynamic structure factor ˜S(k, ω) and the two-particle
distribution function g(r, t) of ions in a Coulomb crystal are
obtained in a closed analytic form using the harmonic lattic e
(HL) approximation which takes into account all processes
of multi-phonon excitation and absorption. The static ra-
dial two-particle distribution function g(r) is calculated for
classical ( T>∼¯hωp, where ωpis the ion plasma frequency)
and quantum ( T≪¯hωp) body-centered cubic (bcc) crys-
tals. The results for the classical crystal are in a very good
agreement with extensive Monte Carlo (MC) calculations at
1.5<∼r/a<∼7, where ais the ion-sphere radius. The HL
Coulomb energy is calculated for classical and quantum bcc
and face-centered cubic crystals, and anharmonic correcti ons
are discussed. The inelastic part of the HL static structure
factor S′′(k), averaged over orientations of wave-vector k, is
shown to contain pronounced singularities at Bragg diffrac-
tion positions. The type of the singularities is different in
classical and quantum cases. The HL method can serve as a
useful tool complementary to MC and other numerical meth-
PACS numbers: 52.25.Zb
A model of a Coulomb crystal of point charges in
a uniform neutralizing background of charges of oppo-
site sign is widely used in various branches of physics.
The model was originally proposed by Wigner [1] who
showed that zero-temperature electron gas immersed into
uniform background of positive charges crystallizes into
body-centered cubic (bcc) Coulomb crystal at sufficiently
low density. Since then the model has been used in solid
state physics for describing electron-hole plasma (e.g.,
Ref. [2]) and in plasma physics for describing dusty plas-
mas and ion plasmas in Penning traps (e.g., Ref. [3]).
Finally, Coulomb crystals of ions on almost uniform back-
ground of degenerate electron gas are known to be formed
in the cores of white dwarfs and the envelopes of neutron
stars. Consequently, properties of Coulomb crystals are
important for studying structure and evolution of these
astrophysical objects (e.g., Ref. [4]).
As classical examples of strongly coupled systems, theCoulomb crystals have been the subject of extensive stud-
ies by various numerical methods, mostly by Monte Carlo
(MC; e.g., [5], and references therein), and also by molec-
ular dynamics (MD; e.g., Ref. [6]), and path-integral
Monte Carlo (PIMC; e.g, Ref. [7]). Although the results
of these studies are very impressive, the numerical meth-
ods are time consuming and require the most powerful
The aim of the present article is to draw attention to a
simple analytic model of Coulomb crystals. It has been
employed recently in Ref. [8] in connection with trans-
port properties of degenerate electrons in strongly cou-
pled plasmas of ions. We will show that this model is a
useful tool for studying static and dynamic properties of
Coulomb crystals themselves.
For certainty, consider a Coulomb crystal of ions im-
mersed in a uniform electron background. Let ˆ ρ(r, t) =/summationtext
iδ(r−ˆri(t)) be the Heisenberg representation opera-
tor of the ion number density, where ˆri(t) is the operator
of the ith ion position. The spatial Fourier harmonics of
the number density operator is ˆ ρk(t) =/summationtext
ie−ık·ˆri(t). The
dynamic structure factor ˜S(k, ω) of the charge density is
defined as
˜S(k, ω) =1
−∞dt e−ıωtS(k, t), (1)
S(k, t) =1
−(2π)3nδ(k), (2)
where Nis the number of ions in the system, nis the
ion number density, ∝angbracketleft. . .∝angbracketrightTmeans canonical averaging at
temperature T, and the last term takes into account con-
tribution from the neutralizing background.
The above definition is equally valid for liquid and solid
states of the ion system. In the solid regime, it is natural
1to set ˆri(t) =Ri+ˆui(t), where Riis a lattice vector,
andˆui(t) is an operator of ion displacement from Ri.
S(k, t) =1
−(2π)3nδ(k). (3)
The main subject of the present paper is to discuss
theharmonic lattice (HL) model which consists in re-
placing the canonical averaging, ∝angbracketleft. . .∝angbracketrightT, based on the ex-
act Hamiltonian, by the averaging based on the corre-
sponding oscillatory Hamiltonian which will be denoted
as∝angbracketleft. . .∝angbracketrightT0. In order to perform the latter averaging we
expand ˆui(t) in terms of phonon normal coordinates:
ˆui(t) =/summationdisplay
2mNω νeν×
, (4)
where mis the ion mass, ν≡(q, s),s= 1,2,3 enumer-
ates phonon branches; q,eν,ωνare, respectively, phonon
wavevector (in the first Brillouin zone), polarization vec-
tor, and frequency; ˆbνandˆb†
νrefer to phonon annihilation
and creation operators. The averaging over the oscilla-
tory Hamiltonian, H0=/summationtext
νˆbν), reads
nνf(nν)Fnνnν, (5)
where nνis the number of phonons in a mode ν,f(nν) =
e−nνzν(1−e−zν) is the phonon density matrix in thermo-
dynamic equilibrium, zν= ¯hων/T,Fnνnνis a diagonal
matrix element of the operator ˆF. Inserting Eq. (4) into
(3) we can perform the averaging (5) using the technique
described, for instance, in Kittel [9].
The resulting structure factor S(k, t) takes into ac-
count absorption and emission of anynumber of phonons;
it can be decomposed into the time-independent elastic
(Bragg) part and the inelastic part, S(k, t) =S′(k) +
S′′(k, t). The elastic part is [9]:
S′(k) =e−2W(k)(2π)3n/summationdisplay
δ(k−G), (6)
whereGis a reciprocal lattice vector; prime over the sum
means that the G= 0 term is excluded (that is done due
to the presence of uniform electron background).
In Eq. (6) we have introduced the Debye-Waller factor,
W(k) =3¯h
ph, (7)where ¯ nν= (ezν−1)−1is the mean number of phonons
in a mode ν. The brackets
dqfν (8)
denote averaging over the phonon spectrum, which can
be performed numerically, e.g., Ref. [10]. The integral
on the rhs is meant to be taken over the first Brillouin
zone. The latter equality in Eq. (7) is exact at least
for cubic crystals discussed below. For these crystals,
W(k) =r2
Tk2/6, where r2
T=∝angbracketleftˆu2∝angbracketrightT0is the mean-squared
ion displacement (e.g., [9,10]).
The inelastic part of S(k, t) (e.g., [9]) can be rewritten
S′′(k, t) =/summationdisplay
vαβ(R, t) =3¯h
sinh (zν/2)eiq·R/angbracketrightbigg
Eqs. (6) and (9) result in the HL dynamical structure
˜S(k, ω) =−(2π)3n δ(ω)δ(k)
−∞dt e−iωt−¯hω/2T
Reik·R−2W(k)+vαβ(R,τ)kαkβ, (11)
where tis real and τ=t−i¯h/(2T).
Along with the HL model we will also use the simpli-
fied model introduced in Ref. [8]. It will be called HL1
and its results will be labelled by the subscript ‘1’. It
consists in replacing S′′(k, t) given by Eq. (9) by a sim-
plified expression S′′
1(k, t) equal to the first term of the
sum,R= 0:
S1(k, t) =S′(k) +S′′
1(k, t),
1(k, t) =e−2W(k)/parenleftBig
, (12)
where vis defined by the equation vαβ(0, t) =v(t)δαβ,
which is the exact tensor structure for cubic crystals (see
above). The accuracy of this approximation, as discussed
in Ref. [8], is good for evaluating the quantities obtained
by integration over k(e.g., transport properties of degen-
erate electrons in Coulomb crystals of ions).
In this section we compare our analytic models with
MC simulations of Coulomb crystals. For this purpose
we introduce the function
2g(r) = 1 +1
which may be called the static two particle radial distri-
bution function. This function is the result of an angular
and a translation average of the static two particle dis-
tribution function. In this expression dΩ ris the solid
angle element in the direction of r. One can see that
4πr2ng(r)dris the ensemble averaged number of ions in
a spherical shell of radius rand width d rcentered at a
given ion. Thus g(r) is just the quantity determined from
MC simulations [5].
First let us use the HL1 model. From Eqs. (6) and (12)
we easily obtain g1(r) =g′(r) +g′′
1(r), where
g′(r) = 1 +/summationdisplay
1(r) =−3√
. (14)
Calculation of g′′(r) in the HL model is more cumber-
some. After integration over k=|k|and Ω rthe result
can be written as
g(r) =g1(r) +/summationdisplay
x2γ e−γ2+√
8π2nrRr Te−η/bracketrightBigg
, (15)
where γ= (r+σRµ)/x,η= 3(r+σR)2/(4r2
cosϑ,ϑis an angle between kandR,x2= 4[r2
(kαkβvαβ(R,0)/k2)], and dΩ kis the solid angle element
in the direction of k. Therefore, we need to evaluate
a rapidly converging lattice sum (15) of 2D integrals in
which xis known once the matrix elements vαβ(R,0)
are calculated from Eq. (10). We have performed the
integration over the first Brillouin zone required in Eq.
(10) using the 3D Gauss integration scheme described in
Ref. [11].
The function g(r) depends on the lattice type and on
two parameters: the classical ion coupling parameter Γ =
Z2e2/(aT) and the quantum parameter θ= ¯hωp/Tthat
measures the importance of zero-point lattice vibrations.
In this case Zeis the ion charge, a= (4πn/3)−1/3is the
ion sphere radius, and ωp=Ze/radicalbig
4πn/m the ion plasma
First consider a classical Coulomb crystal, θ→0, for
which ¯ nν≈T/(¯hων). The functions g(r) calculated using
the HL and HL1 models for body-centered cubic (bcc)
crystals at Γ = 180 and 800 are presented in Figs. 1
and 2. The pronounced peak structure corresponds to
the bcc lattice vectors. These results are compared with
extensive MC simulations. The MC method is described,
e.g., in Ref. [5]. The simulations have been done with 686
particles over nearly 108MC configurations.FIG. 1. g(r) for a bcc Coulomb crystal at Γ = 180.
One can observe a very good agreement of HL and
MC results for both values of Γ at 1 .5<∼r/a<∼7. The
MC results for g(r) are limited to half the size of the
basic cell containing the Ncharges due to the bias from
particles in the image cells adjacent to the basic cell.
ForN= 686 the basic cell length is 14.2 a. Hence the
MCg(r) results for this simulation are valid only out
tor≈7awhile g(r), given by the HL model, remains
accurate as r→ ∞. At small particle separations, r<∼
1.5a, where g(r) becomes small, the HL g(r) deviates
from the MC g(r). It is clear that the HL model cannot
be reliable at these r, where strong Coulomb repulsion
of two particles dominates, and the MC data (available
down to r>∼1.1a) are more accurate. The HL1 model is
quite satisfactory at r>∼2.5a, beyond the closest lattice
peak. The HL model improves significantly HL1 at lower
r. It is interesting that for Γ = 180 the HL1 model agrees
slightly better with MC for the range 2 .5<∼r/a<∼6 than
the HL model does. With increasing Γ, however, the HL
model comes into better agreement with MC at these r,
although the difference between the HL and HL1 models
becomes very small. This good agreement of the HL
models with the MC simulations after the first peak of
g(r) indicates that we have a very good description of
Coulomb crystals for which the HL model may be used
in place of MC simulations.
The HL model enables one to analyse quantum effects.
Figs. 1 and 2 exhibit also g(r) in the quantum regime
atθ= 10. Zero-point lattice vibrations tend to reduce
lattice peaks. The simplicity of the implementation of
the HL model in the quantum regime is remarkable given
the complexity of direct numerical studies of the quantum
effects by MC, PIMC or MD simulations (see, e.g., Ref.
3FIG. 2. Same as in Fig. 1 but at Γ = 800.
To get a deeper insight into the HL and HL1 models
let us use them to calculate the electrostatic energy Uof
the crystal. Writing this energy as the sum of Coulomb
energies of different pairs of ions complemented by the
interaction energy of ions with the electron background
and the Coulomb energy of the background itself, we ar-
rive at the standard expression
N= 2πn/integraldisplay∞
r[g(r)−1], (16)
where g(r) is given by Eq. (13). Therefore, we can use
the function g(r) calculated in Sect. 3 to analyse U.
For the HL1 model from Eqs. (14) we get
, (17)
where ζis the electrostatic Madelung constant [=
−0.895929 for bcc, and −0.895873 for face-centered cu-
bic (fcc) lattice], and erfc( x) is the complementary error
function. The second line of this equation is obtained us-
ing the formula for the Madelung constant derived with
the Ewald method (see, e.g., Ref. [12])
8A2−A√π, (18)where Ais an arbitrary number. In the particular case
of Eq. (17) A=√
For the HL model, using Eq. (15), we have
NT= Γ/braceleftbigg
First, consider the classical crystal at zero tempera-
ture,T→0. Then rT→0,x→0, and we reproduce
the Madelung energy, U/N→U1/N→ζZ2e2/a. In the
limit of small TbothU1/NandU/Ncontain the main
term that can be expanded in powers of Tplus an ex-
ponentially small term (non-analytic at T= 0). For the
classical crystal at any Twe have r2
T/a2=u−2/Γ, where
us=∝angbracketleft(ων/ωp)s∝angbracketrightphdenotes a phonon spectrum moment
(u−2=12.973 for bcc and 12.143 for fcc).
The sum over R∝negationslash= 0 in the last expression for U1
in Eq. (17) is exponentially small. Thus the analytic
part of U1in the HL1 model is given only by two terms,
U1/(NT) =ζΓ+u−2/2. We see that the HL1 model fails
to reproduce correctly the harmonic part of the potential
energy: u−2/2 appears instead of conventional 3 /2.
On the contrary, the expansion of U/(NT) in the HL
model, Eq. (19), contains all powers of T. To analyse
this expansion, let us take any term of the sum over R,
and introduce a local coordinate frame with z-axis along
R. Then
dΩk. . .=/integraldisplay+1
0dφ . . ., (20)
where φis an azimuthal angle of kin the adopted frame.
Since x→0 asT→0 in the denominator of the exponent
under the integral in Eq. (19), only a narrow interval of
µin the vicinity of µ= 0 contributes, and we can extend
the integration over µto the interval from −∞to +∞.
Furthermore, using the definition of x, Eq. (15), we can
rewrite xas
0(1 +ǫ), ǫ=x2
0, (21)
µ= 4µ2/parenleftbig
vxxcos2φ+vyysin2φ+vxysin 2φ−vzz/parenrightbig
where vαβ=vαβ(R,0). Accordingly, we can treat ǫas
small parameter and expand any integrand in Eq. (19)
in powers of ǫand further in powers of µ. This generates
the expansion in powers of T.
We have been able to evaluate three first terms of this
expansion. In particular, the term linear in Tcontains
the expression
ph, (22)
where Dαβis the dynamical matrix. Combining this
expression with r2
T/(2a2) and taking into account that
p(according to the basic equa-
tion for the phonon spectrum) we see that the HL ex-
pansion of the analytic part of Uin powers of Tis
U/(NT) =ζΓ + 3 /2 +δUT/(NT); it reproduces not
only the Madelung term, but also the correct oscilla-
tory term 3 /2, and contains a higher-order contribution
1/Γ +AHL
2/Γ2+. . .that can be called
“anharmonic” contribution in the HL model. After some
transformations the coefficients AHL
2are re-
duced to the sums over Rcontaining, respectively, bi-
linear and triple products of vαβ(with integration over
µandφdone analytically). Numerically the sums yield
1= 10.64 and AHL
The anharmonic terms occur since U, as given by Eq.
(16), includes exact Coulomb energy (without expanding
the Coulomb potential in powers of ion displacements
u). However, we use g(r) in the HL approximation and
thus neglect the anharmonic contribution in ion-ion cor-
relations. Therefore, the HL model does not include all
anharmonic effects.
Let us compare the HL calculation of δUTwith the
exact calculation of the first anharmonic term in the
Coulomb energy of classical Coulomb crystals by Dubin
[13]. The author studied the expansion δUexact
T/(NT) =
1/Γ +Aexact
2/Γ2+. . .and expressed the first term
1= Γ/bracketleftbigg∝angbracketleftU2
, (23)
where Un/n! is the nth term of the Taylor expansion of
the Coulomb energy over ion displacements, while angu-
lar brackets denote averaging with the harmonic Hamil-
tonian H0. According to Dubin Aexact
1=10.84 and 12.34
for bcc and fcc crystals, respectively. (The same quantity
was computed earlier by Nagara et al. [14] who reported
1=10.9 for bcc.)
It turns out that our δUTsums up a part of the
infinite series of anharmonic corrections to the energy,
denoted by Dubin as/summationtext∞
n=3∝angbracketleftUn∝angbracketright/(n!), so that AHL
2= Γ2∝angbracketleftU6∝angbracketright/(6!NT), etc. (The fact
that this summation can be performed in a closed ana-
lytic form was known from works on the so called self-
consistent phonon approximation, e.g., [15] and refer-
ences therein.) Our numerical value for the bcc lattice
1= 10.64 is very close to the value of Γ ∝angbracketleftU4∝angbracketright/(24NT)
reported by Dubin as ≈10.69 (his Table 3) which
confirms accuracy of both calculations. The fact that
1= 10.64 is close to Aexact
1= 10.84 for bcc is acci-
dental (Dubin found Γ ∝angbracketleftU2
3∝angbracketright/(72NT2)≈21.53 for bcc).For instance, from the results of Ref. [13] for fcc one in-
1≈5.63 which differs strongly from the exact
anharmonic coefficient Aexact
1= 12.34.
Now let us set T= 0 and analyse the quantum effects.
We can expand Eqs. (17) and (19) in powers of rT/a. For
T= 0 the quantity rTtends to the rms amplitude of zero-
point vibrations, rT=/radicalbig
3¯hu−1/(2mωp), where u−1is
another phonon spectrum moment (=2.7986 and 2.7198
for bcc and fcc, respectively). The expansion of U1/N
givesζZ2e2/a+u−1¯hωp/4 plus small non-analytic terms.
In the same manner as in Eq. (22) we find that U/N=
ζZ2e2/a+ 3u1¯hωp/4 +δU0/N. The second term gives
half of the total (kinetic + potential) zero-point harmonic
energy of a crystal, as required by the virial theorem for
harmonic oscillator ( u1=0.51139 and 0.51319 for bcc and
fcc, respectively), while the third term, δU0, represents
zero-point anharmonic energy in the HL approximation.
To make the above algebra less abstract let us esti-
mate the accuracy of the HL model and the relative im-
portance of the anharmonicity and quantum effects. In
the classical case, taking Γ = 170 (close to the melt-
ing value Γ m= 172 for bcc), we estimate the anhar-
monic contribution to the total electrostatic energy as
|δUT/U| ≈Aexact
1/(|ζ|Γ2)≈4.2×10−4and 4 .8×10−4
for bcc and fcc, respectively.
The relative error into Uintroduced by using the HL
model is Aexact
2/(|ζ|Γ3)≈5.7×10−5for bcc (if we adopt
an estimate of Aexact
2≈247 from the MD data on the full
electrostatic energy presented in Table 5 of Ref. [6]) and
1]/(|ζ|Γ2)≈2.6×10−4for fcc. We see that
Coulomb crystals can be regarded as highly harmonic,
and the accuracy of the HL model is sufficient for many
practical applications. Obviously, the accuracy becomes
even better with decreasing T. The quantum effects can
be more important (than the anharmonicity) in real sit-
uations. Let us take12C matter at density ρ= 106g
cm−3typical for the white dwarf cores or neutron star
crusts. The quantum contribution into energy is mea-
sured by the ratio 3 u1¯hωp/(4|ζ|Z2e2/a) which is equal
to 4.7×10−3at given ρ(and grows with density as ρ1/6).
For completeness we mention that the compressibility
of the electron background also contributes to the electro-
static energy. The relative contribution in the degenerate
electron case for12C atρ= 106g cm−3is∼10−2(e.g.,
Ref. [16]). Another point is that the HL model takes into
account zero-point lattice vibrations but neglects ion ex-
change which becomes important at very high densities
(e.g., Ref. [4]).
Finally, it is tempting to use the HL model for an-
alyzing the ion structure factors themselves. Con-
sider the angle-averaged static structure factor S(k) =/integraltext
dΩkS(k, t= 0)/(4π). For the Bragg part, from Eq. (6)
we obtain the expression
5S′(k) =e−2W(k)2π2n/summationdisplay
δ(k−G)/G2, (24)
containing delta-function singularities at k=G, lengths
of reciprocal lattice vectors G. Direct HL calculation of
S′′(k) from Eq. (9) is complicated by the slow conver-
gence of the sum and complex dependence of vαβonR.
However, the main features of S′′(k) can be understood
from two approximations. First, in the HL1 model we
havevαβ(0,0)kαkβ= 2W(k), and S′′
1(k) = 1−e−2W(k)
as shown by the dashed line in Fig. 3.
The second, more realistic approximation will be
called HL2 (and labelled by the subscript ‘2’). It
consists in adopting a simplified tensor decomposition
ofvαβ(R,0) of the form vαβ(R,0) = F(R)δαβ+
RαRβJ(R)/R2. If so, we can immediately take the fol-
lowing integrals/integraltext
dΩRvαα(R,0)/(4π) = 3F(R) +J(R)
dΩRvαβ(R,0)RαRβ/(4πR2) =F(R) +J(R) (as-
suming summation over repeating tensor indices αand
β). On the other hand, we can calculate the same inte-
grals taking vαβ(R,0) from Eq. (10) at t= 0. In this
way we come to two linear equations for F(R) and J(R).
Solving them, we obtain
F(R) =3¯h
J(R) =3¯h
ph, (25)
where y=qR, and j0(y) and j1(y) are the spherical
Bessel functions. Note that F(0)k2= 2W(k),J(0) = 0.
In the limit of large Rthe functions j0(qR) and j1(qR)
in Eqs. (25) strongly oscillate which means that the main
contribution into the phonon averaging (integration over
q) comes from a small vicinity near the center of the Bril-
louin zone. Among three branches of phonon vibrations
in simple Coulomb crystals, two ( s=1, 2) behave as trans-
verse acoustic modes, while the third ( s=3) behaves as
a longitudinal optical mode ( ω≈ωp) near the center of
the Brillouin zone. Owing to the presence of ω−1
νin the
denominator of Eqs. (25), the main contribution at large
Rcomes evidently from the acoustic modes. Thus we
can neglect optical phonons and set ω=csqfor acoustic
modes, where csis the mean ion sound velocity. In the
high-temperature classical limit, (¯ nν+1
Then from Eqs. (25) at R→ ∞ we approximately obtain
c2s,J(R)≈ −T
c2s. (26)
Our analysis shows that an appropriate value of c−2
for bcc lattice would be 67 .85/(aωp)2. From Eq. (26) we
see that F(R) and J(R) decrease as R−1with increasing
R. In the quantum limit θ≫1 we have (¯ nν+1
applying the same arguments we deduce that F, J∝R−2
asR→ ∞.
Using Eq. (9) we have
2(k) =/integraldisplaydΩk
= 1−e−2W(k)
−1dµ e−2W(k)+ıkRµ
. (27)
A number of the first terms of the sum, say for |R|<
R0, where R0/ais sufficiently large, can be calculated
exactly. To analyse the convergence of the sum over R
at large Rlet us expand the exponential in the square
brackets on the rhs. All the terms of the expansion which
behave as R−nwithn≥2 lead to nicely convergent
contributions to S′′
2(k). The only problem is posed by
the linear expansion term in the classical case. The tail
of the sum,/summationtext
|R|>R0, for this term can be regularized and
calculated by the Ewald method (e.g., Ref. [12]) with the
following result
where Ei( −x) is the exponential integral, and Ais a num-
ber to be chosen in such a way the convergence of both
infinite sums (over direct and reciprocal lattice vectors)
be equally rapid. Letting A→ ∞ we obtain a much more
transparent, although slower convergent formula
. . ./bracketrightBigg
k2+ 2πn/summationdisplay
a. (29)
6This expression explicitly reveals logarithmic singular-
ities at k=G. They come from inelastic processes of
one-phonon emission or absorption in the cases in which
given wave vector kis close to a reciprocal lattice vec-
torG. To prove this statement let us perform Taylor
expansions of both exponentials in angular brackets in
Eq. (3). The one-phonon processes correspond to those
expansion terms which contain products of one creation
and one annihilation operator. Thus, in the one-phonon
approximation S′′(k, t= 0) reads
1ph(k, t= 0) =e−2W(k)
2mNω νeı(k−q)·(Ri−Rj)(2¯nν+ 1)
, (30)
where the last summation is over phonon polarizations,
q=k−Gis the phonon wave vector which is the given
wave vector kreduced into the first Brillouin zone by
subtracting an appropriate reciprocal lattice vector G.
In addition, in Eq. (30) we have introduced an over-
all factor e−2W(k)which comes from renormalization of
the one-phonon probability associated with emission and
absorption of any number of virtual phonons (e.g., Ref.
[9]). Now let us assume that |k−G|a≪1 and average
Eq. (30) over orientations of k[integrate over dΩ k/(4π)].
One can easily see that the important contribution into
the integral comes from a narrow cone Ω 0aligned along
G. Let θ0≪1 be the cone angle chosen is such a way
thatGθ0a≪1, but Gθ0≫ |G−k|. Integrating within
this cone, we can again adopt approximation of acoustic
and longitudinal phonons and neglect the contribution
of the latters. For simplicity, we also assume that the
sound velocities of both acoustic branches are the same:
ων=cs|k−G|. Then, in the classical limit we come to
the integral of the type
which contains exactly the same logarithmic divergency
we got in Eq. (29). Note that in the quantum limit we
would have similar integral but with ωinstead of ω2in
the denominator of the integrand. The integration would
yield the expression proportional to |k−G|, i.e., the log-
arithmic singularity would be replaced by a weaker kink-
like feature. Therefore, the k=Gfeatures of the inelastic
structure factor S′′(k) in the quantum limit are expected
to be less pronounced than in the classical limit but could
be, nevertheless, quite visible. Actually, at any finite
temperature, even deep in the quantum regime T≪¯hωpthere are still phonons excited thermally near the very
center of the Brillouin zone, where the energy of acous-
tic phonons is smaller than temperature. Due to these
phonons the logarithmic singularity always exists on top
of the kink-like feature at T∝negationslash= 0.
After this simplified consideration let us return to qual-
itative analysis. We have calculated S′′
2(k) in the classical
limit using the HL2 approximation as prescribed above
and verified that the result is indeed independent of R0
(in the range from ∼30ato 100 a) and A. The resulting
2(k) is plotted in Fig. 3 by the solid line.
FIG. 3. Inelastic part of the structure factor at Γ = 180 for
classical bcc crystal.
Thus, in a crystal, the inelastic part of the structure
factor, S′′(k), appears to be singular in addition to the
Bragg (elastic) part S′(k). The singularities of S′′(k)
are weaker than the Bragg diffraction delta functions in
S′(k); the positions of singularities of both types coin-
cide. The pronounced shapes of the S′′(k) peaks may,
in principle, enable one to observe them experimentally.
The structure factor S(k) in the Coulomb liquid (see, e.g.,
Ref. [17] and references therein) also contains significant
but finite and regular humps associated with short-range
order. This structure has been studied in detail by MC
and other numerical methods. In contrast, the studies
of singular structure factors in a crystal by MC or MD
methods would be very complicated. Luckily, they can
be explored by the HL model.
Finally, it is instructive to compare the behavior of
S′′(k) at small kin the HL1 and HL2 models. It is easy
to see that the main contribution to inelastic scatter-
ing at these kcomes from one-phonon normal processes
[withq=kin Eq. (30)]. At these kthe HL2 S′′
2(k) co-
incides with the one-phonon S′′
1ph(k) and with the static
7structure factor of Coulomb liquid (at the same Γ) and
reproduces correct hydrodynamic limit [18], S(k)∝k2.
The HL1 model, on the contrary, overestimates the im-
portance of the normal processes.
Let us mention that we have also used the HL2 model
to calculate g(r). HL2 appears less accurate than HL but
better than HL1. We do not plot g2(r) to avoid obscuring
the figures.
Thus, the harmonic lattice model allows one to study
static and dynamic properties of quantum and classical
Coulomb crystals. The model is relatively simple, espe-
cially in comparison with numerical methods like MC,
PIMC and MD. The model can be considered as com-
plementary to the traditional numerical methods. More-
over, it can be used to explore dynamic properties of the
Coulomb crystals and quantum effects in the cases where
the use of numerical methods is especially complicated.
For instance, the harmonic lattice model predicts singu-
larities of the static inelastic structure factor at the pos i-
tions of Bragg diffraction peaks. We expect also that the
HL model can describe accurately non-Coulomb crystals
whose lattice vibration properties are well determined.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to N. Ashcroft
for discussions. The work of DAB and DGY was sup-
ported in part by RFBR (grant 99–02–18099), INTAS
(96–0542), and KBN (2 P03D 014 13). The work of
HEDW and WLS was performed under the auspices of
the US Dept. of Energy under contract number W-7405-
ENG-48 for the Lawrence Livermore National Labora-
tory and W-7405-ENG-36 for the Los Alamos National
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[2] S.Ya. Rakhmanov, Zh. Eksper. Teor. Fiz. 75, 160 (1978).
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P. Huang, and D.J. Wineland, Science 279, 686 (1998);
D.H.E. Dubin and T.M. O’Neil, Rev. Mod. Phys. 71, 87
[4] G. Chabrier, Astrophys. J. 414, 695 (1993); G. Chabrier,
N.W. Ashcroft, and H.E. DeWitt, Nature 360, 48 (1992).
[5] G.S. Stringfellow, H.E. DeWitt, and W.L. Slattery, Phys .
Rev.A41, 1105 (1990); W.L. Slattery, G.D. Doolen, and
H.E. DeWitt, Phys. Rev. A21, 2087 (1980).
[6] R.T. Farouki and S. Hamaguchi, Phys. Rev. E47, 4330
[7] S. Ogata, Astrophys. J. 481, 883 (1997).
[8] D.A. Baiko, A.D. Kaminker, A.Y. Potekhin, and D.G.
Yakovlev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5556 (1998).[9] C. Kittel, Quantum Theory of Solids (Wiley, New York,
[10] D.A. Baiko and D.G. Yakovlev, Astron. Lett. 21, 702
[11] R.C. Albers and J.E. Gubernatis, preprint of the LASL
LA-8674-MS (1981).
[12] M. Born and K. Huang, Dynamical theory of crystal
lattices (Claredon Press, Oxford, 1954).
[13] D.H.E. Dubin, Phys. Rev. A42, 4972 (1990).
[14] H. Nagara, Y. Nagata, and T. Nakamura, Phys. Rev.
A36, 1859 (1987).
[15] R.C. Albers and J.E. Gubernatis, Phys. Rev. B23, 2782
[16] G. Chabrier and A.Y. Potekhin, Phys. Rev. E58, 4941
[17] D.A. Young, E.M. Corey, and H.E. DeWitt, Phys. Rev.
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arXiv:physics/9912049v1 [physics.class-ph] 23 Dec 1999Exploring a rheonomic system
Antonio S de Castro
UNESP - Campus de Guaratinguet´ a - Caixa Postal 205 - 1250000 0 Guaratinguet´ a -
SP - Brasil
Abstract. A simple and illustrative rheonomic system is explored in th e Lagrangian
formalism. The difference between Jacobi’s integral and ene rgy is highlighted. A sharp
contrast with remarks found in the literature is pointed out . The non-conservative
system possess a Lagrangian not explicitly dependent on tim e and consequently there
is a Jacobi’s integral. The Lagrange undetermined multipli er method is used as a
complement to obtain a few interesting conclusions.
PACS number: 03.20.+i
Submitted to: Europ. J. Phys.Exploring a rheonomic system 2
Constraints are restrictions that limit the motion of the pa rticles of a system.
The forces necessary to constrain the motion are said to be fo rces of constraint. The
constraints expressible as algebraic equations relating t he coordinates of the particles
and the time variable are called holonomic, if not they are ca lled nonholonomic.
Furthermore, in each type of constraints, holonomic or nonh olonomic, the time variable
could appear explicitly. If the time variable does not appea r explicitly in the relations
of constraint they are further classified as scleronomic, ot herwise they are said to be
Holonomic constraints, and in fact a very restrict class of n onholonomic constraints
(those expressible as first-order differential forms relati ng the coordinates and the time
variable), are amenable to straightforward general treatm ent in analytical mechanics.
These sorts of constraints allow us to describe the motion wi thout paying any explicit
reference to the forces of constraint. In addition, holonom ic constraints can be used to
reduce the number of coordinates required to the complete de scription of the motion,
although this is not always desirable.
Simple systems subject to rheonomic constraints are not wid espread in the
textbooks on analytical mechanics. Nevertheless, there is a traditional system which is
very simple, indeed. It consists of a bead of mass msliding along a frictionless straight
horizontal wire constrained to rotate with constant angula r velocity ωabout a vertical
axis [1][2][4][3][5]. This simple system presents a wealth of physics not fully explored in
the literature. The main purpose of this paper is to make an eff ort for filling this gap,
motivated by the strong pedagogical appeal of this illustra tive system. Furthermore, this
paper takes the opportunity of doing criticisms on the remar ks in Griffths’s textbook [6]
concerning general systems containing rheonomic holonomi c systems: “ ...the rheonomic
constraints must be used to reduce the number of generalised coordinates and so the
configuration of the system must necessarily depend explici tly on time as well as the n
generalized coordinates. In this case a time dependence thu s enters explicitly into the
Lagrangian. It may therefore also be concluded that systems which contain a rheonomic
constraint possess neither an energy integral nor a Jacobi i ntegral. ”
First, one can note that the motion of the bead is caused by a fo rce of constraint
perpendicular to the wire, whereas the actual displacement of the bead is in an oblique
direction and its virtual displacement satisfying the cons traint is in a parallel direction.
Therefore, the force of constraint does actual work but not v irtual work. The vanishing
of the virtual work characterizes the constraint as ideal.
Since the motion of the bead takes place on the horizontal pla ne one can eliminate
the dependence on the vertical coordinate and consider only the coordinates on the
plane of the motion. The coordinates are suitably chosen wit hrbeing the distance to
the rotation axis and θthe angular position relative to an arbitrary axis on the pla ne
of the motion. The Lagrangian of the system is nothing but the kinetic energy of the
bead:Exploring a rheonomic system 3
The constraint on the motion of the bead is expressed by
=˙θ−ω= 0 (2)
This relation can be immediately integrated, yielding
Φ (θ, t) =θ−ωt+θ0= 0 (3)
where θ0is a constant. This form of the condition of constraint allow us to classify it
as a holonomic and rheonomic constraint. Now one can use this condition of constraint
to eliminate the coordinate θin the Lagrangian, so that one is left with ras generalized
At this point the author dares to utter the first criticism on G riffths’s conclusions. The
configuration of the system is just given by the coordinate r, which clearly depends on
the time variable, but neither the kinetic energy nor the Lag rangian are explicitly time-
dependent. In general rheonomic constraints give rise to ex plicitly time dependent terms
in the Lagrangian. There are two of these terms, one of them is linear in the generalized
velocities and the other one is velocity-independent. Due t o these terms it may tempting
to conclude that the Lagrangian for a rheonomic system is alw ays explicitly time
dependent, but it is very dangerous because it may be certain cancellations. For the
particular system approached in this paper and with the part icular choice of generalized
coordinates, the variables combine in such a way that the lin ear term vanishes whereas
the independent term does not involve the time explicitly. T hat is the reason why the
Lagrangian has no explicit time dependence.
Using the Lagrangian given by (4) Lagrange’s equation gover ning the motion of the
∂r= 0 (5)
takes on the form
m¨r−mω2r= 0 (6)
The energy function h, generally given byExploring a rheonomic system 4
∂˙qi−L (7)
obeys the relation
and for the present system it is given by
h= ˙r∂L
∂˙r−L (9)
Since the Lagrangian is not an explicit function of time
turns out to be Jacobi’s integral, a constant of the motion. N ow arises the second
criticism on Griffiths’s comments: although this system cont ains a rheonomic constraint
it in fact possess a Jacobi’s integral. The necessary and suffi cient condition for the
existence of Jacobi’s integral is that the Lagrangian does n ot depend explicitly on time.
It is seen that here Jacobi’s integral is not the energy of the system. The only difference
between them is due to the velocity-independent term in the L agrangian. The energy
of the system is only kinetic energy and has a time derivative given by
The insertion of the equation of motion (6) into the last rela tion leads to
= 2mω2r˙r (12)
which implies that the energy is not a constant of the motion. As we have already seen,
the energy can not be a constant of the motion due to the nonvan ishing of the actual
work of the force of constraint.
It should be obvious that the energy function hand the energy Eare distinctly
different functions, subject to distinct conservation laws , but there are special
circumstances for which they are identical. This happens if the constraints are
scleronomic and the potential energy is velocity-independ ent. If, further, the potential
energy does not depend explicitly on time Ebecomes the energy integral and hcomes to
be Jacobi’s integral. In addition to these comments is appro priated to keep in mind that
the energy function hmust not be confused with the Hamiltonian H, even though they
are expressed by similar mathematical structures and their conservation laws rest uponExploring a rheonomic system 5
the very same condition (not depend explicitly on time). The difference between hand
His subtler than that one between handE, they are functions of different independent
variables. As a matter of fact, in some cases it may not be poss ible to obtain one of
them from the knowledge from the other.
Usually one must use the Lagrange undetermined multiplier m ethod to obtain the
force of constraint. In this method the coordinates randθare not treated as independent
coordinates, therefore one has to use the Lagrangian given b y (1) instead of that one
given by (4). Now Lagrange’s equations incorporate the cond ition of constraint
where λis the Lagrange undetermined multiplier. The generalized f orces of constraint
are to be identified as λ∂Φ/∂randλ∂Φ/∂θ. The condition of constraint (3) implies
that only the torque of constraint τis nonvanishing. These Lagrange’s equations yield
m¨r−mω2r= 0 (15)
∂˙θ=mr2˙θ (17)
happens to be the angular momentum. Combining (16) and (17) w ith (3) one gets
τ= 2mωr˙r (18)
That the angular momentum is not a constant of the motion come s from the fact that
the force of constraint is not central. The constraint force can now be obtained from
(18) reckonizing that it acts on the bead directed normal to t he wire. It is an easy
matter to check that
Fθ= 2mω˙r (19)Exploring a rheonomic system 6
In conclusion, this paper shows that the system considered i s of great value for
beginning students of analytical mechanics. In addition, i t is very useful to remove
some misunderstandings found in the literature. It should b e emphasized that is the
rheonomic nature of the constraint and the particular choic e of generalized coordinates
that make the energy to be different from Jacobi’s integral. J acobi’s integral is here the
first integral of the motion instead of the energy. The Lagran ge undetermined multiplier
method has been used for obtaining the force of constraint in a natural way. Nonethe-
less, the force of constraint can also be obtained from (12) b y invoking the principle of
work and energy. Only the Lagrangian formalism has been cons idered in this paper but
this simple system can also be easily approached by other for malisms of the analytical
mechanics. This task is left to the readers.
[1] Osgood W F 1937 Mechanics (New York: Dover)
[2] Konopinski E J 1969 Classical Descriptions of Motion (San Francisco: Freeman)
[3] Goldstein H 1980 Classical Mechanics 2nd ed. (Reading: Addison-Wesley)
[4] Lindenbaum S D 1994 Analytical Dynamics (Singapore: World Scientific)
[5] Chow T L 1995 Classical Mechanics (New York: Wiley)
[6] Griffths J B 1985 The Theory of Classical Dynamics (Cambridge: Cambridge) p 254 |
Differential criterion of a bubble collapse in viscous liquids
Vladislav A. Bogoyavlenskiy *
Low Temperature Physics Department, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
~Received 11 January 1999 !
The present work is devoted to a model of bubble collapse in a Newtonian viscous liquid caused by an initial
bubble wall motion. The obtained bubble dynamics described by an analytic solution significantly depends onthe liquid and bubble parameters. The theory gives two types of bubble behavior: collapse and viscousdamping. This results in a general collapse condition proposed as the sufficient differential criterion. Thesuggested criterion is discussed and successfully applied to the analysis of the void and gas bubble collapse.@S1063-651X ~99!01207-6 #
PACS number ~s!: 47.55.Bx, 78.60.Mq
Formation and collapse of bubbles in liquids are used in
many technical applications such as sonochemistry, litho-
tripsy, ultrasonic cleaning, bubble chambers, and laser sur-gery @1–4#. Bubble dynamics has been the subject of inten-
sive theoretical and experimental studies since Lord Ray-leigh found the well-known analytic solution of this problemfor inviscid liquids @5#. The advanced theory of cavitation
developed by Plesset gives the differential Rayleigh-Plesset
~RP!equation for the bubble radius R(t)@6#. The RP equa-
tion describes the dynamics of a spherical void or gas bubblein viscous liquids @7–10 #and is also used as a first approxi-
mation in more complex problems such as cavitation nearsolid boundaries @11–14 #, collapse of asymmetric bubbles
@15,16 #, and sonoluminescence @17–23 #.
The main difficulties involved in theoretical investigations
of the RP equation are that ~i!the solutions can be obtained
only numerically and ~ii!the bubble wall velocity increases
to infinity as the bubble collapses. Thus, computer simula-tions of the bubble motion take a great deal of time and maylead to significant errors in the numerically calculated solu-tions, especially when the bubble achieves supersonicspeeds. Unfortunately, the analytically described bubble dy-namics was obtained only for the collapse in inviscid liquids@5#.
In this paper we present a way to avoid the above diffi-
culties for viscous liquids. The concept is based on the factthat the RP equation is analytically integrable in the case ofthe following restrictions: ~i!the bubble is void and ~ii!the
ambient hydrostatic pressure is absent. The imposed restric-tions are valid as the bubble collapses because the gas andthe ambient pressures are negligible in comparison to thevelocity pressure at the bubble wall. The model gives an
analytic solution for the bubble radius R(t) and a collapse
criterion in the differential form. This differential criterion isconsidered to be a sufficient condition of the bubble collapsein viscous liquids.
The present paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the
general model of the void bubble collapse in a viscous liquidcaused by an initial bubble wall motion is formulated andsolved. The subject of Sec. III is the application of the pro-
posed differential collapse criterion to the Rayleigh problemin a viscous liquid and to the collapse of an air bubble inwater caused by periodic acoustic pressure.
A. Problem formulation
Let us consider a void bubble immersed in an infinite
Newtonian viscous liquid. We assume that the bubble is al-ways spherical. Taking into account the symmetry of thisproblem, we write all the equations in the spherical coordi-
nate system ( r,
w,u) whose origin is at the center of the
bubble. Then the liquid motion is governed by the followingequations @1#:
]rD, ~1!
r50, ~2!
whereris the radial coordinate, vris the radial liquid veloc-
ity,r5const is the liquid density, sis the stress tensor, pis
the hydrostatic pressure, and m5const is the shear viscosity.
For this set of equations to be complete, we add the initialand the boundary conditions. Let us assume that the ambientpressure and the surface tension are negligible. These restric-tions result in the following conditions on the bubble surfaceand at infinity:
srr$r5R~t!%50,srr$r5`%50. ~4!
The initial conditions are chosen to be nonstandard. Usually
the initial bubble wall motion is ignored, but in this model
the bubble is considered to have a radial velocity V0:
dt$t50%52V0. ~5!*Electronic address: bogoyavlenskiy@usa.netPHYSICAL REVIEW E JULY 1999 VOLUME 60, NUMBER 1
PRE 60 1063-651X/99/60 ~1!/504~5!/$15.00 504 ©1999 The American Physical SocietyThe system of Eqs. ~1!–~5!completely describes the
model. To find the solution, let us use the method proposedby Rayleigh @5#. According to the incompressibility condi-
tion given by Eq. ~2!, the radial liquid velocity can be written
. ~6!
After the substitution of Eqs. ~3!and~6!into Eq. ~1!and its
subsequent integration in the range ( R,`) we write the ex-
dtD2Gdr. ~7!
Taking into account Eq. ~4!, we obtain the modified RP
equation where the initial conditions are given by Eq. ~5!:
dt50. ~8!
B. Solution and analysis
Let us define the following dimensionless variables and
HereR˜,t˜, and m˜are the dimensionless bubble radius, time,
and viscosity, respectively. Then Eqs. ~8!and~5!can be
represented as
dt˜$t˜50%521. ~10!
The differential equation ~10!is integrable and the obtained
analytic solution is the following:
The most illustrative way to discuss the bubble dynamics
is by analysis of the kinetic energy accumulated by the liquidnear the bubble wall. The dimensionless expression of thisenergy is given by the relationE
The bubble collapse corresponds to the condition E˜!`.
The overall picture of the bubble behavior given by Eqs.
~11!and~12!is summarized by Fig. 1, which shows the time
dependence of the bubble radius R˜(t˜)@Fig. 1 ~a!#and the
accumulated energy E˜(t˜)@Fig. 1 ~b!#. The behavior of the
curves significantly depends on the value of the dimension-
less viscosity m˜. Analysis of Eq. ~11!shows that the bubble
radiusR˜(t˜) decreases to zero only if m˜,1
8. In this case, the
accumulated energy E˜(t˜) increases to infinity. That is, the
bubble collapse takes place:
FIG. 1. Bubble radius R˜~a!and accumulated energy E˜~b!as
functions of time t˜. Values of parameter m˜are shown at curves.PRE 60 505 DIFFERENTIAL CRITERION OF A BUBBLE COLLAPS E...lim
R˜5`. ~13!
Analysis of the bubble motion at R˜(t˜)!0 gives the fol-
lowing approximation formula:
, ~14!
Heret˜Cis the collapse time, which varies from 0.4 ( m˜
!0) to 0.5 ( m˜51
8). The bubble dynamics described by Eqs.
~14!and~15!is basically similar to one obtained by Rayleigh
The other case m˜.1
8corresponds to the viscous damping.
The bubble radius R˜(t˜) smoothly decreases to the equilib-
rium value R˜eqand the accumulated energy E˜(t˜) descends to
, ~16!
R˜!R˜eq~R˜1/21a!250. ~17!
The condition of the bubble collapse m˜,1
8is the main
result obtained in the preceding section. Let us rewrite thisinequality as
8m.1. ~18!
We should emphasize the special features of the model pre-
sented that result from the boundary conditions. The above
inequality contains only one variable R(t) and two liquid
constants randm. Moreover, Eq. ~18!is a local, differential
condition, which means there is no information about thepreceding bubble motion. The condition ~18!is insensitive to
the substitution R
0$R(t). Thus, the above collapse condi-
tion can be represented as
8m, ~19!
wherec˜(t) is the dimensionless collapse variable .
The physics of the differential condition ~19!is quite
simple. Let us focus on a bubble motion governed by thesystem of equations ~1!–~3!~see Sec. II !in the presence of
an ambient hydrostatic pressure and a gas pressure inside the
bubble. Instead of the curve R(t), the behavior of the curve
c˜(t) is analyzed. If the value of c˜(t) achieves the number
one, the collapse takes place. This is the sufficient conditionfor a void bubble, since the ambient hydrostatic pressureadditionally forces the bubble to the collapse. The case of the
gas bubble is more complicated because the gas pressureslows down the bubble wall motion. However, in most casesthe gas pressure is negligible in comparison to the velocitypressure as the criterion ~19!is realized. Two applications of
the proposed criterion are presented below.
A. Rayleigh’s problem in a viscous liquid
The Rayleigh problem is the study of void bubble motion
in a liquid caused by a constant ambient pressure @5#. In this
case the boundary and initial conditions are transformedfrom Eqs. ~4!and~5!to the following:
srr$r5R%50,srr$r5`%5p0, ~20!
dt$t50%50, ~21!
wherep05const is the ambient hydrostatic pressure. After
repeating the sequence of procedures described in Sec. II, weobtain the RP equation @6#
r. ~22!
The problem has the well-known analytic solution for in-
viscid liquids found by Rayleigh in 1917 @5#. In the case of a
Newtonian viscous liquid, the numerical solution was ob-tained by Zababakhin @10#. The computer simulations of the
bubble motion show two types of bubble behavior: a collapseand a smooth decrease, where the collapse condition can bewritten as
m˜p,0.119, m˜p[m
R0Arp0. ~23!
To illustrate the advantages of the differential criterion
~19!obtained, the time dependence of the bubble radius R(t)
and the collapse variable c˜(t) at various values of m˜pare
presented in Fig. 2. Calculation of the bubble radius R(t)
shows that the critical value of m˜pcorresponding to the col-
lapse criterion lies within the interval 0.1–0.12 @see Fig.
2~a!#. More precise estimates are hampered by instabilities
and errors in the numerical procedure as R(t)!0.
We propose finding the collapse condition by analyzing
the collapse variable c˜(t)@see Fig. 2 ~b!#. When the maxi-
mum of the curve c˜(t) is less than 1, the curve corresponds
to the viscous damping of the bubble wall motion. The
bubble collapse is realized when the curve c˜(t) exceeds 1.
Thec˜(t) analysis significantly reduces the numerical error in
comparison to the R(t) analysis. This results in the most
precise collapse criterion:
m˜p,~0.11463 60.00001 !. ~24!
B. Collapse of an air bubble in water caused by sound
The condition we consider is an air bubble in water sub-
jected to a periodic spherical sound wave of ultrasonic fre-506 PRE 60 VLADISLAV A. BOGOYAVLENSKIYquency @7,8#. Assuming the symmetry is spherical, the
bubble radius R(t) obeys the following equations:
dt~pg2pa!, ~25!
dt$t50%50. ~26!
HereR0is the equilibrium bubble radius, ris the water
density, mis the shear viscosity of the water, cis the speed
of sound in water, and p05const is the ambient hydrostatic
pressure. The acoustic pressure pais considered to be peri-
odic:pa52pa0sin2pvt, ~27!
wherepa0andvare the amplitude and the frequency of the
sound wave, respectively. Assuming adiabatic conditions in-
side the bubble, the gas pressure pgfollows from the van der
Waals equation,
, ~28!
whereais the van der Waals hard core and gis the ratio of
specific heats.
The set of equations ~25!–~28!describes the nonlinear
bubble oscillations that can concentrate the average sound
FIG. 2. Bubble radius R/R0~a!and collapse variable c˜~b!as
functions of time t/t0wheret0[R0Ar/p0. Values of parameter m˜p
are shown at curves. The dotted line corresponds to the collapse
FIG. 3. Bubble radius R~a!and collapse variable c˜~b!as func-
tions of time tduring one acoustic period. These are results for the
following parameters: r51.0 g/cm, c51481 m/s, m50.07 g/(cm
s),R054.5mm,R0/a58.5,g51.4,v526.5 kHz, p051.0 atm.
Curves 1 and 2 correspond to pa050.98 atm and pa051.06 atm, re-
spectively. The dotted line corresponds to the collapse criterion
c˜(t)51.PRE 60 507 DIFFERENTIAL CRITERION OF A BUBBLE COLLAPS E...energy by over 12 orders of magnitude @19#. During the
acoustic cycle the bubble absorbs the energy from the sound
field and its radius expands from the equilibrium value R0to
a maximum value. The subsequent compressional part of thesound field causes the bubble to collapse. Heating of thebubble surface caused by the compression may lead to theemission of a pulse of light as the bubble approaches a mini-mum radius. This phenomenon is known as sonolumines-cence @3,4#.
Let us illustrate the application of the collapse criterion
~19!to this problem. The calculations of the bubble motion
are performed for an air bubble in water where all the valuesof the parameters in Eqs. ~25!–~28!are taken from Refs.
@20–22 #. For this problem the bubble behavior is basically
governed by the amplitude of the acoustic pressure p
a0and by
the equilibrium bubble radius R0. Let us consider that R0
5const. Therefore, the only variable of the problem is the
amplitude of the sound wave pa0.
The calculated bubble radius R(t) and the criterion vari-
ablec˜(t) at various values of pa0are presented in Fig. 3. The
figure shows that the features of the bubble oscillations are
determined by the behavior of c˜(t). The viscous damping@curve 1 in Fig. 3 ~a!#corresponds to the inequality c˜(t),1
during the acoustic cycle @curve 1 in Fig. 3 ~b!#. As a result,
the sound wave energy dissipates only by the shear viscosityof the water. Thus, the increase of the air temperature insidethe bubble is negligible. The bubble behavior significantly
changes when c
˜(t) exceeds 1 @curve 2 in Fig. 3 ~b!#. In this
case the acoustic energy is focused on the bubble and com-presses the air within it to high pressures and temperatures@curve 2 in Fig. 3 ~a!#.
It is significant that the bubble collapse is not the suffi-
cient condition for sonoluminescense. The emission of lightoccurs only when the energy of the sound field achieves acritical value. For this set of parameters the focused energy
drastically increases with the increase of p
a0. The edge of
sonoluminescence corresponds to the value of pa0;1.2 atm
I would like to thank Dr. N. A. Chernova and Dr. D. V.
Georgievskii for useful discussions. I would also like to ac-knowledge Ms. Tana Mierau for helpful comments.
@1#F. R. Young, Cavitation ~McGraw-Hill, London, 1989 !.
@2#M. A. Margulis, Sonochemistry and Cavitation ~Gordon and
Breach Publishers, Langhorne, 1995 !.
@3#A. J. Walton and G. T. Reynolds, Adv. Phys. 33, 595 ~1984!.
@4#B. P. Barber and S. J. Putterman, Nature ~London !352, 318
@5#Lord Rayleigh, Philos. Mag. 34,9 4~1917!.
@6#M. S. Plesset, J. Appl. Mech. 16, 277 ~1949!.
@7#B. E. Noltingk and E. A. Neppiras, Proc. Phys. Soc. London,
Sect. B63, 674 ~1950!.
@8#E. A. Neppiras and B. E. Noltingk, Proc. Phys. Soc. London,
Sect. B64, 1032 ~1951!.
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@11#C. F. Naude and A. T. Ellis, J. Basic Eng. 83, 648 ~1961!.
@12#T. B. Benjamin and A. T. Ellis, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London,
Ser. A260, 221 ~1966!.
@13#A. Shima, J. Basic Eng. 90,7 5~1968!.@14#M. S. Plesset and R. B. Chapman, J. Fluid Mech. 47, 283
@15#T. M. Mitchell and F. G. Hammit, J. Fluid Mech. 95,2 9
@16#K. Nakajima and A. Shima, Arch. Appl. Mech. ~Ingenieur Ar-
chiv.!46,2 1~1977!.
@17#J. B. Keller and M. Miksis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68, 628
@18#A. Prosperetti and A. Lezzi, J. Fluid Mech. 168, 457 ~1986!.
@19#R. Hiller, S. J. Putterman, and B. P. Barber, Phys. Rev. Lett.
69, 1182 ~1992!.
@20#B. P. Barber and S. J. Putterman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3839
@21#C. C. Wu and P. H. Roberts, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3424 ~1993!.
@22#L. Kondic, J. I. Gersten, and C. Yuan, Phys. Rev. E 52, 4976
@23#K. R. Weninger, B. P. Barber, and S. J. Putterman, Phys. Rev.
Lett.78, 1799 ~1997!.508 PRE 60 VLADISLAV A. BOGOYAVLENSKIY |
arXiv:physics/9912051v1 [physics.class-ph] 27 Dec 1999RUTHERFORD SCATTERING
Alexander A. Vlasov
High Energy and Quantum Theory
Department of Physics
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119899
Numerical solutions for Sommerfeld model in nonrelativist ic case are pre-
sented for the scattering of a spinless extended charged bod y in the static Coulomb
field of a fixed point charge. It is shown that differential cros s section for ex-
tended body preserves the form of the Rutherford result with multiplier, not equal
to one (as in classical case), but inversely proportional to the value of the size
of the body, i.e. the greater is the value of body’s size, the s maller is the value
of cross section.
Here we continue [1] our numerical investigation of Sommerf eld model in
classical electrodynamics. It is convenient to remind that Sommerfeld model
of charged rigid sphere [2] is the simplest model to take into consideration the
influence of self-electromagnetic field of a radiating exten ded charged body on
its equation of motion (in the limit of zero body’s size we get the known Lorentz-
Dirac equation with all connected with it problems: renorma lization of mass,
preacceleration, run-away solutions, etc.).
In the previous article the effect of classical tunneling was considered - due
to retardation moving body recognize the existence of poten tial barrier too late,
when this barrier is overcomed ([1], see also [3]).
Physical considerations bring us to another conclusion. Du e to retardation
Rutherford scattering of a charged extended body in the stat ic Coulomb field of
a fixed point charge must differ from classical scattering of p oint-like particle.
That is the scattering angle for the same value of impact para meter for extended
particle must be smaller then that for the point-like partic le without radiation
(for Lorentz-Dirac equation Rutherford scattering was num erically investigated
in [4]).
For the case of simplicity here we consider the nonrelativis tic, linear in ve-
locity, version of Sommerfeld model.
Let the total charge of a uniformly charged sphere be Q, mechanical mass -
m, radius - a. Then its equation of motion reads:
m˙/vector v=/vectorFext+η[/vector v(t−2a/c)−/vector v(t)] (1)
3ca2, /vector v=d/vectorR/dt, /vectorR- coordinate of the center of the shell.
1External force /vectorFext, produced by fixed point charge e(placed at /vector r= 0), is
d/vector rρ ·e/vector r
and for
ρ=Qδ(|/vector r−/vectorR| −a)/4πa2
R3, R > a (2)
In dimensionless variables /vectorR=/vectorY·2L, ct =x·2Lequation (1-2) takes the
+λ·/vectorY· |/vectorY|−3(3)
3mc2L, λ=eQ
2mc2L, δ=a/L
K= (4/3)·(rcl/2L), λ= (e/Q)·K, r cl=Q2
Taking the X−Yplane to be the plane of scattering ( /vectorY= (X, Y) ), we split
equation (3) into two:
The starting conditions at x= 0 are:
Xi= 1000 , Yi=b(−impact parameter )
˙Xi=vi,˙Yi= 0.
We take vito be 0 .1,K= 0.4/3.0 and λ= 0.1 (i.e. e=QandL= 5rcl).
Numerical results are expressed on figs. 1,2.
On fig. 1. one can see how the scattering angle varies from poin t-like particle
(classical scattering, curve 1) to extended body (curve 2). Hereb= 60.0, δ=
4.0, vertical axis is Y, horizontal - X. So due to retardation the scattering angle
θfor extended body is smaller than that for point-like partic le.
Differential cross section dσis given by the formula
dσ= 2πρ(θ)|dρ(θ)
2where ρ=b·2L,or
ξ=1 + cos θ
Classical Rutherford result is that R.H.S. of eq. (4) is cons tant:
b2·(vi)4·(λ)−2=ξ (5)
dξ= 1 (6)
This classical result is derived from eq.(4) in standard man ner for K= 0.
In the case of extended body ( K= 0.4/3.0,λ= 0.1 and δ/negationslash= 0 in eq.(4)
) numerical calculations for various values of b,1.0< b < 60.0 show that
Rutherford formula (5,6) changes in the following way:
b2·(vi)4·(λ)−2=ξ·[1 +const ·δ]−1(7)
dξ= [1 + const ·δ]−1(8)
where the multiplier const is equal approximately to 0 .30.
Thus differential cross section for extended body preserves the form of the
Rutherford result with multiplier, not equal to one (as in cl assical case), but
inversely proportional to the value of the size of the body, i .e. the greater is the
value of body’s size, the smaller is the value of cross sectio ndσ.
On fig. 2 we see how the direct proportionality between b2·(vi)4·(λ)−2
andξchanges in accordance to formula (7). Vertical axis is b2·(vi)4·(λ)−2
and horizontal - ξ. Values of retardation δ(or dimensionless body’s size) are
taken to be δ= 0 (Rutherford scattering ),1,2,3,4, and curves are marked
accordingly as 0 ,1,2,3,4 (for taken starting conditions the classical result is
reproduced by numerical calculations with accuracy <3%).
1. Alexander A.Vlasov, physics/9905050.
2. A.Sommerfeld, Gottingen Nachrichten, 29 (1904), 363 (19 04), 201 (1905).
L.Page, Phys.Rev., 11, 377 (1918)
T.Erber, Fortschr. Phys., 9, 343 (1961)
P.Pearle in ”Electromagnetism”,ed. D.Tepliz, (Plenum, N. Y., 1982), p.211.
3A.Yaghjian, ”Relativistic Dynamics of a Charged Sphere”. L ecture Notes
in Physics, 11 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992).
F.Rohrlich, Am.J.Phys., 65(11), 1051(1997).
3. Alexander A.Vlasov, physics/9905050.
F.Denef et al, Phys.Rev. E56, 3624 (1997); hep-th/9602066.
Alexander A.Vlasov, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics , 109, n.3,
4. J.Huschielt and W.E.Baylis, Phys.Rev. D17, N 4, 985 (1978 ).
-6.08e2 -4.47e2 -2.86e2 -1.26e2 3.52e1 1.96e2 3.57e2 5.18e 2 6.78e2 8.39e2 1.00e3
Fig. 1
0.00e0 4.00e0 8.00e0 1.20e1 1.60e1 2.00e1 2.40e1 2.80e1 3.2 0e1 3.60e1 4.00e1
Fig. 2
6 |
arXiv:physics/9912052v1 [physics.atom-ph] 28 Dec 1999Variational methods, multiprecision and nonrelativistic energies
V.I. Korobov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
141980, Dubna, Russia
It is known that the variational methods are the most powerfu l tool for studying the Coulomb
three–body bound state problem. However, they often suffer f rom loss of stability when the number
of basis functions increases. This problem can be cured by ap plying the multiprecision package
designed by D.H. Bailey. We consider the variational basis f unctions of the type exp( −αnr1−βnr2−
γnr12) with complex exponents. The method yields the best availab le energies for the ground states
of the helium atom and the positive hydrogen ion as well as man y other known atomic and molecular
1.The development of the variational method for the
Coulomb bound state problem can be traced using as an
example the ground state of the helium atom. In early
days when computers were big and very expensive the
search proceeded mainly in the direction of making ex-
pansion of the variational wave function as compact as
possible (in a sense of number of variational parameters
and/or basis sets). At first, the explicitly correlated basi s
were introduced [1,2] now called as the Hylleraas basis
ψ(r1,r2) =e−1
s=r1+r2, u=r12, t=−r1+r2,
then it became clear that at least for the ground state
of the helium atom it is essential to incorporate into
the wave function such peculiarity as the logarithmic be-
haviour of the type RlnRatR= (r2
first analytically derived independently by Bartlett and
Fock [3]. In 1966, Frankowski and Pekeris (see Table II)
introduced the compact representation [4] of the form
ψ(r1,r2) =e−κs/summationdisplay
and later, in 1984, Freund and co-workers [5] reported
even more compact expansion of the same form. Inclu-
sion of the logarithmic term into the variational wave
function brought substantial improvement of nonrela-
tivistic energies for the two electron atoms. In 1994,
Thakkar and Koga [6] have found a compact expansion
without logarithms which uses powers that are not inte-
gers nor even half integers. As far as we know none of
these compact expansions has been used for analytical
evaluation of matrix elements of the Breit interaction.
With advance of computer power basis sets became
simplified that allowed for calculation of numerous ma-
trix elements required for relativistic and QED correc-
tions. The efforts were concentrated on a choice of
a strategy that defines a sequence of basis functions
genereated. In [7] the double basis set method with gen-
eralyzed Hylleraas basis functionsψ(r1,r2) =/summationdisplay
were used. This double basis set technique along with
full optimization of nonlinear parameters at each basis
set yield substantial progress in accuracy. However, the
main factor that hinder further advance become the nu-
merical instability due to almost linear dependence of the
basis set at large N.
The work of Goldman [8] is a bit apart of the main
path. It recovers the idea of Pekeris [2] to use uncoupled
coordinates and orthogonal Laguerre and Jacoby polyno-
mials as basis functions.
The method expounded in our work is a continuation
of efforts by Drake and Yan to utilize as much simple
basis functions (geminals) as possible.
2.Expansion we want to consider here is very similar
to the generalized Hylleraas basis set, but instead of us-
ing the polynomials over Hylleraas variables we generate
nonlinear parameters in the exponents in a quasi-random
This method has been successfully used in calculations
[9,10] previously. Obviously, the matrix elements can be
evaluated in the same way as for the generalized Hyller-
aas basis set (1). Moreover, if one replaces real exponents
by complex exponents the integrals will remain exactly
the same as for the real case. In its strategy the method
is very close to the SVM method by Varga, Suzuki [11],
where gaussians are exploited instead.
In a formal way, a variational wave function is ex-
panded in a form
exp (−αir1−βir2−γir12)/bracketrightbig
exp (−αir1−βir2−γir12)/bracketrightbig/bracerightBig
Hereαi,βiandγiare complex parameters generated in
a quasi-random manner [13,14]:
2i(i+ 1)√pα/floorrightbigg
[(A2−A1) +A1]+
2i(i+ 1)√qα/floorrightbigg
1) +A′
⌊x⌋designates the fractional part of x,pαandqαare
some prime numbers, [ A1,A2] and [A′
2] are real vari-
ational intervals which need to be optimized. Parameters
βiandγiare obtained in a similar way.
An important feature of the method is that it demon-
strates a very fast convergence. The general rule which
can be inferred experimentally from the use of the
method is that increasing of the basis by about 200 func-
tions yields about one additional digit in the variational
energy. The minor deficiency is that the basis quickly
degenerates when Nincreases. Already for moderate
N∼250−400 a quadruple precision is required.
Multiprecision package of Fortran routines MPFUN
has been designed by David H. Bailey [12] for computa-
tions with floating point numbers of an arbitrary length.
Usually it is necessary to make significant changes into
Fortran source code in case if Fortran-77 language is used.
Fortunately, the author of MPFUN package has devel-
oped a translator program that facilitate converting the
programs to multiprecision drastically. In general, two
directives incorporated as comments in a source code are
required per one routine. For example a source code for
the considered variational method has been transformed
to multiprecision version within two hours of manual
work. Eventually a code we’ve gotten has been tested
on a personal computer with the Celeron 500 MHz pro-
cessor. For one run with the basis of N= 1400 functions
and 40 decimal digits it requires about 3 hours.
For users of Fortran–90 no preprocessor is needed due
to new advanced features of Fortran–90, such as derived
data types and operator extensions.
N E (a.u.)
1400 −2.90372437703411959629
1600 −2.903724377034119597843
1800 −2.9037243770341195981964
2000 −2.9037243770341195982713
2200 −2.9037243770341195982955
extrapolation −2.903724377034119598306(10)
TABLE I. Variational energy (in a.u.) of the helium
ground state as a function of N, the number of basis func-
In our calculations for the helium ground state four ba-
sis sets with independently optimized nonlinear param-
eters were used. These sets were built up like a pine
tree. The first layer was tuned to approximate the gen-
eral behaviour of the solution at intermediate and large
r1andr2. The second layer was chosen to be flexible in a
smaller region of r1andr2and so forth. A detailed opti-
mization was performed for the sets with total N= 1400andN= 1600. Quadruple precision was not sufficient
at theseNand we used the multiprecision version of the
program with 40 significant decimal digits. Further cal-
culations with N= 1800 −2200 were performed with
48 significant digits and only partial optimization of the
parameters of the last layer (corresponding to the region
where the logarithmic behaviour is the most essential)
was done. Some optimization of a distribution of nibe-
tween the layers ( N=n1+n2+n3+n4) was carried out
as well.
As can be seen from the Table II the present result
extends the accuracy of the nonrelativistic ground state
energy for the helium atom by as much as 3 decimal dig-
N E (a.u.)
Frankowski and 246 −2.9037243770326
Pekeris [4]
Freund, Huxtable, 230 −2.9037243770340
and Morgan III [5]
Thakkar and Koga [6] 308 −2.9037243770341144
Drake and Yan [7] 1262 −2.90372437703411948
Goldman [8] 8066 −2.903724377034119594
This work 2200 −2.903724377034119598296
TABLE II. Comparison of the ground state energy of the
helium atom obtained in this work with other theoretical cal -
Second case is the hydrogen molecular ion ground state
that represent an other limit of mass distribution of con-
stituents with one light and two heavy particles. For
this case it is especially essential that we introduce com-
plex exponents, because it is the most natural way to
suit the oscillatory behaviour of the vibrational motion
in the wave function. In this case (see Table III) again
40 decimal digits have been used for N= 1400 −1800
and 48 decimal digits for large Nto provide the numer-
ical stability of the calculations. Table IV demonstrates
progress in obtaining variational nonrelativistic energy
for this state. The accuracy is extended by as much as 4
additional digits.
N E (a.u.)
1400 −0.597139063123404975
1600 −0.597139063123405047
1800 −0.5971390631234050655
2000 −0.5971390631234050710
2200 −0.5971390631234050740
extrapolation −0.597139063123405076(2)
TABLE III. Variational energy (in a.u.) of the positive
hydrogen ion ground state as a function of N, the number of
basis functions.
2N E (a.u.)
Gr´ emaud, Delande 31746 −0.597139063123
and Billy [15]
Rebane and Filinsky [16] −0.59713906312340
Moss [17] −0.5971390631234
This work 2200 −0.597139063123405074
TABLE IV. Comparison of the ground state energy of the
positive hydrogen molecular ion obtained in this work with
other theoretical calculations. mp= 1836 .152701 me.
In Table V the other examples are summarized. A
negative positronium ion demonstrates a limit of three
particles of equal masses. The second and third cases are
applications of the method to the states with nonzero
angular momentum. The last example in this Table is
of special proud. That is the last vibrational state in a
series ofS-states of the hydrogen molecular cation, and
that is the first variational confirmation of the existence
of this state (the binding energy corresponding to the
cited value is 0.74421(2) cm−1). The accuracy of the
artificial channels scattering method [21] is presumably
better, however, wave functions are not forthcoming with
this method that makes difficult calculation of physical
properties of the state other than energy.
system E
e−e−e+This work −0.2620050702329801077(3)
He(23P) This work −2.13316419077928310(2)
4He+¯p(L=35, v=0) This work −2.98402095449725(1)
2(L=0,v=19) This work −0.4997312306
TABLE V. Other examples of three–body calculations. ( L
is the total angular momentum, vis the vibrational quantum
3. One may say that this high accuracy is redundant
and has no physical meaning. But obviously, it shows the
power of modern computers and theirs ability to solve the
quantum three–body problem to any required accuracy.
On the other hand, uncertainty in the variational wave
function approximately as much as the square root of
the uncertainty in the variational energy and is about
10−9−10−10. This accuracy does not look redundant.
These results prove that the nonrelativistic bound state
three–body problem is now satisfactorily solved and the
main efforts should be addressed to relativistic and QED
The other advantage of the method is the simplicity of
the basis functions that allows for evaluate analyticallyrelativistic matrix elements of the Breit Hamiltonian. It
is possible as well to evaluate analytically the vacuum
polarization term (Uehling potential) [22] and to build
up an effective numerical scheme for the one–loop self–
energy corrections [23]. These features make the consid-
ered variational method to be highly powerful universal
tool for studying the three–body problem.
This work has been partially supported by INTAS
Grant No. 97-11032, which is gratefully acknowledged.
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[9] S.A Alexander, H.J. Monkhorst, Phys. Rev. A 38, 26
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[12] D.H. Bailey, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 19, 288 (1993);
21, 379 (1995); see also web-site: www.netlib.org .
[13] A.M. Frolov, and V.H. Smith, Jr., J. Phys. B 28, L449
[14] V.I. Korobov, D. Bakalov, and H.J. Monkhorst, Phys.
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[15] B. Gr´ emaud, D. Delande, and N. Billy, J. Phys. B: At.
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3 |
arXiv:physics/9912053v1 [physics.bio-ph] 29 Dec 1999Effective interaction between helical bio-molecules
E.Allahyarov1,2, H.L¨ owen1
1 Institut f¨ ur Theoretische Physik II,Heinrich-Heine-Un iversit¨ at D¨ usseldorf,D-40225 D¨ usseldorf, Germany
2 Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Scien ces, 127412 Moscow, Russia
(February 9, 2008)
The effective interaction between two parallel strands of he lical bio-molecules, such as deoxyri-
bose nucleic acids (DNA), is calculated using computer simu lations of the “primitive” model of
electrolytes. In particular we study a simple model for B-DN A incorporating explicitly its charge
pattern as a double-helix structure. The effective force and the effective torque exerted onto the
molecules depend on the central distance and on the relative orientation. The contributions of non-
linear screening by monovalent counterions to these forces and torques are analyzed and calculated
for different salt concentrations. As a result, we find that th e sign of the force depends sensitively
on the relative orientation. For intermolecular distances smaller than 6 ˚Ait can be both attractive
and repulsive. Furthermore we report a nonmonotonic behavi our of the effective force for increasing
salt concentration. Both features cannot be described with in linear screening theories. For large
distances, on the other hand, the results agree with linear s creening theories provided the charge of
the bio-molecules is suitably renormalized.
PACS: 87.15.Kg, 61.20Ja, 82.70.Dd, 87.10+e
Aqueous solutions of helical bio-molecules like deoxyri-
bose nucleic acids (DNA) are typically highly charged
such that electrostatic interactions play an important
role in many aspects of their structure and function
[1–6]. Understanding the total effective interaction be-
tween two helical molecules is important since this gov-
erns the self-assembly of bio-molecules, like bundle for-
mation and DNA condensation or compaction which in
turn is fundamental for gene delivery and gene therapy.
In aqueous solution, such rod-like polyelectrolytes relea se
counterions in the solution which ensure global charge
neutrality of the system. Together with these counteri-
ons, there are, in general, added salt ions dissolved in the
solution. The thermal ions screen the bare electrostatic
interactions between the bio-molecules, such that the ef-
fective interaction between them is expected to become
weaker than the direct Coulomb repulsion. For very high
concentrations of bio-molecules or short distances even
a mutual attraction due to counterion ”overscreening” is
conceivable [7–24].
In this paper, we study the effective interaction be-
tween two parallel helical bio-molecules. In particular,
we investigate how the electrostatic interactions are in-
fluenced by details of the charge pattern on the biological
macromolecules. In fact, in many cases, as e.g. for DNA
molecules, the charge pattern on the molecules is not
uniform but exhibits an intrinsic helix structure. If two
parallel helical molecules are nearby, this helix structur e
will induce an interaction that depends on the relative
orientation of the two helices. Our studies are based on
computer simulation of the “primitive” model of elec-
trolytes [25]. In particular we study a simple model for
B-DNA. This model explicitly takes into account thedouble-helical charge pattern along the DNA-strand, it
also accounts for the molecular shape by modeling the
major and minor grooves along the strand. The charged
counter- and salt ions in the solutions are explicitly in-
corporated into our model. On the other hand, the wa-
ter molecules only constitute a continuous background
with a dielectric constant ǫscreening the Coulomb in-
teractions. Hence the discrete nature of the solvent is
neglected as well as more subtle effects as image charges
induced by dielectric discontinuities at the DNA-water
boundary [26–29], hydration effects due to the affection
of the hydrophilic surface to the interfacial layers of wa-
ter [30–35], and spatial dependent dielectric constants
resulting from the decreasing water mobility in confining
geometries and from saturation effects induced by water
polarization near the highly charged molecular surfaces
Our motivation to consider such a simple ”primitive”
model is threefold: First, though solvent effects seem to
be relevant they should average out on a length scale
which is larger than the range of the microscopic sizes.
Hence the electrostatic effects are expected to dominate
the total effective interactions. Second, it is justified to
study a simple model completely and then adapt it by
introducing more degrees of freedom in order to better
match the experimental situation. Our philosophy is in-
deed to understand the principles of a simple model first
and then turn step by step to more complicated models.
Third, even within the “primitive” approach, there are
many unsolved problems and unexpected effects such as
mutual attraction of equally charged particles. Our com-
puter simulation method has the advantage that “exact”
results are obtained that reflect directly the nature of
the model. Hence we get rid of any approximation in-
herent in a theoretical description. Consequently, the
1 Typeset using REVT EXdependence of the effective interactions on a model pa-
rameter can systematically be studied and the trends can
be compared to experiments. In this respect our model is
superior to previous studies that describe the counterion
screening by linear Debye-H¨ uckel [39,42,4,43] or nonlin-
ear Poisson-Boltzmann theory [26,4,44–51] and even to
recent approaches that include approximatively counte-
rion correlations [52,53]. We also emphasize that one
main goal of the paper is to incorporate the molecular
shape and charge pattern explicitly which is modelled in
many studies simply as a homogeneously charged cylin-
der [39,4,54,55]. In fact we find that the double-helix
structure has an important influence on the effective in-
teraction for surface-to-surface separations smaller tha n
6˚A. In detail, the interaction can be both repulsive and
attractive depending on the relative orientation and the
mutual distance between two parallel DNA strands. This
effect which is typically ignored in the charged-cylinder
model for DNA will significantly affect the self-assembly
of parallel smectic layers of DNA fragments and may re-
sult in unusual crystalline structures at high concentra-
Let us also mention that many theoretical studies in-
volve only a single DNA molecule [56–59,3]. To extract
the effective interaction, however, one has at least to in-
clude two molecules in the model which is the purpose of
the present paper. In this study we only consider mono-
valent counterions. Multivalent counterions and a more
detailed survey on the influence of model parameters on
the effective interactions will be considered in a subse-
quent publication.
The remainder of paper is organized as follows. In
chapter II, we present the details of the model used in this
paper. Chapter III describes the target quantities of the
applied model. Simulation details are presented in chap-
ter IV. Theories based on linear screening approaches
such as the homogeneously charged cylinder model, the
Yukawa segment model and the Kornyshev-Leikin theory
[60] are shortly discussed in chapter V. Results of the sim-
ulation and their comparison to linear screening theories
are contained in sections VI-VIII for the point-charge
model, the grooved model and added salt respectively.
We conclude in section IX.
The charge pattern and the shape of a single B-DNA
molecule is basically governed by the phosphate groups
which exhibit a double helix structure with right-hand
helicity. We model this by an infinitely long neutral hard
cylinder oriented in zdirection with additional charged
hard spheres whose centers are located on top of the
cylindrical surface. Each charged sphere describes a
phosphate group and hence the spheres form a double
helix structure. In detail, the effective cylindrical diam-
eterDis commonly chosen to be D= 20˚A[61,62,49].The spheres are monovalent, i.e. their charge qp<0
corresponds to one elementary charge e >0,qp=−e,
and they have an effective diameter dp. We do not fix
dpbut keep it as an additional (formal) parameter in
the range between dp= 0.2˚A(practically the point-like
charge limit) to dp= 6˚A(to incorporate a groove ge-
ometry for the molecule). Furthermore, the helical pitch
length is P= 34˚A; the number of charged spheres per
pitch length (or per helical turn) is 10. Consequently,
successive charges on the same strand are displaced by
an azimuthal angle of 36◦corresponding to a charge spac-
ing of 3 .4˚Ainzdirection. In a plane perpendicular to the
zdirection, phosphate groups of the two different helices
are separated by an azimuthal angle of φs= 144◦, see
Figure 1, fixing the minor and the major helical groove
along the DNA molecule.
R2 R1minor groove
major grooveφs
) )φ0 φ0) )φ 1 2
FIG. 1. A schematic picture explaining the positions of
DNA molecules and the definition of the different azimuthal
angles φ0, φ, φ s. For further information see text.
We place the discrete charges on the two different he-
lices such that two of them fall in a common plane per-
pendicular to the zaxis, see again Figure 1. The to-
tal line charge density along the DNA molecule is then
The second DNA molecule is considered to be paral-
lel to the first one in our studies. The separation be-
tween the two cylinder origins is R, we also introduce the
surface-to-surface separation h=R−D. The position
of the two double helices can be described by a relative
angle difference φbetween the two azimuthal angles de-
scribing the position of the bottom helix with respect to a
fixed axis in the xyplane. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
The relative orientation φis the key quantity in describ-
2 Typeset using REVT EXing the angle dependence of the forces induced by the
helical structure. We remark that we only study a situ-
ation where the discrete phosphates from different DNA
strands possess the same zcoordinates for φ= 0. Small
shifts in the zcoordinate are not expected to change the
results significantly. A further parameter characterizing
the discrete location of the phosphate charges along the
strands is the azimuthal angle φ0of a phosphate charge
with respect to the cylinder separation vector, see again
Figure 1. All results are periodic in φ0with a periodicity
of 36◦.
In addition to the DNA molecules we describe the
counterions by charged hard spheres of diameter dcand
charge qc. The counterions are held at room temper-
ature T= 298 K. Their concentration is fixed by the
charge of the DNA molecules due to the constraint of
global charge neutrality. Also, additional salt ions with
charges q+andq−, modelled as charged hard spheres of
diameters d+andd−, are incorporated into our model.
The salt concentration is denoted by Cs. The discrete
nature of the solvent, however, is neglected completely.
The interactions between the mobile ions and phos-
phate charges are described within the framework of the
primitive model as a combination of excluded volume and
Coulomb interactions screened by the dielectric constant
ǫof the solvent. The corresponding pair interaction po-
tential between the different charged hard spheres is
Vij(r) =/braceleftbigg∞ forr≤(di+dj)/2
ǫrforr >(di+dj)/2. (1)
where ris the interparticle separation and i, jare indices
denoting the different particles species. Possible values
foriandjarec(for counterions), + ,−(for positively
and negatively charged salt ions), and p(for phosphate
groups). In addition, there is an interaction potential
ibetween the DNA hard cylinder and the free ions
i=c,+,−which is of simple excluded volume form such
that these ions cannot penetrate into the cylinder.
Due to the length of this paper and the large number of
quantities, we summarize most of our notation in Table I.
Our target quantities are equilibrium statistical av-
erages for the local counter- and salt ion densities and
the effective forces and torques exerted onto the bio-
molecules. For that purpose we consider a slightly more
general situation with Nparallel DNA molecules con-
tained in a system of volume V. The cylinder centers are
fixed at positions /vectorRi(i= 1, ..., N ) in the xy-plane. We
further assume that there are Nccounterions and N+, N−
salt ions in the same system. By this we obtain partial
concentrations nc=Nc/V, n +=N+/V, n −=N−/Vof
counter and salt ions.First we define the equilibrium number density profiles
ρj(/vector r) (j=c,+,−) of the mobile ions in the presence of
the fixed phosphate groups via
ρj(/vector r) =/an}b∇acketle{tNj/summationdisplay
i=1δ(/vector r−/vector rj
i)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (2)
Here {/vector rj
i}denote the positions of the ith particle of
species j. The canonical average < ... > over an {/vector rj
dependent quantity Ais defined via the classical trace
j=c,p,+,−Uij])× A (3)
Hereβ= 1/kBTis the inverse thermal energy ( kBde-
noting Boltzmann’s constant) and
Uij= (1−1
k=1Vij(|/vector ri
l−/vector rj
k|), (4)
is the total potential energy of the counter- and salt ions
provided the phosphate groups are at positions {/vector rp
1, ..., N p). Finally the prefactor 1 /Zin eq.(3) ensures
correct normalization, <1>= 1. Note that the density
profiles ρj(/vector r) also depend parametrically on the positions
{/vector rp
n}of all the fixed phosphate groups ( n= 1, ..., N p).
Now we define the total effective force /vectorFiper pitch
length acting onto the ith DNA molecule ( i= 1, ..., N ).
As known from earlier work [63,64,11,65] it contains three
different parts
i. (5)
The first term, /vectorF(1)
i, is the direct Coulomb force acting
onto all phosphate groups belonging to one helical turn
of the ith DNA molecule as exerted from the phosphate
groups of all the other DNA molecules:
/vector∇/vector rp
n=1;n/negationslash=kVpp(|/vector rp
k−/vector rp
where the sum/summationtext′
konly runs over 10 phosphates belong-
ing to one helical turn of the ith DNA molecule. This
term is a trivial sum of direct interactions.
The second term /vectorF(2)
iinvolves the electric part of
the interaction between the phosphate groups and the
counter- and salt ions. Its statistical definition is
l=1/vector∇/vector rp
kVpi(|/vector rp
k−/vector ri
and describes screening of the bare Coulomb interaction
(6) by the counter and salt ions.
3 Typeset using REVT EXTABLE I. List of key variables
D DNA diameter
dc counterion diameter
dp phosphate diameter
d+, d− salt ion diameters
P helical pitch length
L length of simulation box
ǫ dielectric constant of DNA and water
T temperature
Np number of phosphates in the simulation box
Nc number of counterions in the simulation box
Ns number of salt ion pairs in the simulation box
Cs salt concentration
qc counterion valency
qp phosphate valency
q+, q− salt ion valencies
λ linear charge density of the DNA molecule
λB Bjerrum length
Γpc coupling parameter between phosphates and counterions
F interaction force per pitch length
F0 used unit for force , F0= (e
M torque acting onto the DNA molecules
R interaxial separation between DNA molecules
h surface-to-surface separation between DNA molecules
φ relative orientational angle between two DNA molecules
φ0 reference orientational angle for one DNA molecule
F(HC)interaction force per pitch length within the homogeneousl y charged cylinder model
λD Debye screening length
F(Y S)interaction force per pitch length within the Yukawa segmen t model
p effective phosphate radius in the Yukawa segment model
p effective phosphate charge in the Yukawa segment model
ζ size correction factor in the Yukawa segment model
F(KL)interaction force per pitch length within Kornyshev-Leiki n theory
θ condensation parameter of counterions
Finally, the third term /vectorF(3)
idescribes a contact (or de-
pletion) force arising from the hard-sphere part in Vpi(r)
i(i=c,+,−). It can be expressed as an inte-
gral over the molecular surface Siassociated with the
excluded volume per one helical turn of the ith DNA
j=c,+,−ρj(/vector r)
, (8)
where /vectorfis a surface normal vector pointing outwards
the DNA molecule. This depletion term is usually ne-
glected in any linear electrostatic treatment but becomes
actually important for strong Coulomb coupling Γ pcas
conveniently defined by [11,66,65]
dp+dc, (9)
with the Bjerrum length λB=q2
ce2/ǫkBT. When Γ pc
is much larger than one, the Coulomb interaction dom-
inates thermal interactions and counterion condensationmay occur. For DNA molecules this is relevant as
dp+dc= 4−6˚AandλB= 7.14˚Afor a monovalent
counterion in water at room temperature, resulting in a
coupling parameter Γ pclarger than one.
Our final target quantity is the total torque per pitch
length acting onto the ith DNA molecule. Its component
Mialong the z-direction (with unit vector /vector ez) can also
be decomposed into three parts
i (10)
i=−/vector ez·/summationdisplay
/vector rp
/vector∇/vector rp
n=1;n/negationslash=kVpp(|/vector rp
k−/vector rp
i=−/vector ez·/summationdisplay
/vector rp
l=1/vector∇/vector rp
kVpi(|/vector rp
k−/vector ri
4 Typeset using REVT EXand
i=kBT/vector ez·/integraldisplay
Sid/vectorf×/vector r
j=c,+,−ρj(/vector r)
Our computer simulation was performed within a sim-
ple set-up which is schematically shown in Figure 2. We
consider two parallel DNA molecules in a cubic box of
length Lwith periodic boundary conditions in all three
directions. Lis chosen to be three times the pitch length
Psuch that there are Np= 120 phosphate charges in the
box. The number of counterions Nc= 120 in the box
is fixed by charged neutrality while the number of salt
ions,Ns, is governed by its concentration Cs. The sep-
aration vector between the centers of the two molecules
points along the x-direction of the simulation box. The
relative orientation is described according to our notatio n
presented in chapter II, see again Figure 1.
We performed a standard Molecular Dynamic (MD)
code with velocity Verlet algorithm [67]. System param-
eters used in our simulations are listed in Table II. The
time step △tof the simulation was typically chosen to be
m d3m/e2, with mdenoting the (fictitious) mass
of the mobile ions, such that the reflection of counteri-
ons following the collision with the surface of DNA core
cylinder and phosphates is calculated with high precision.
For every run the state of the system was checked during
the simulation time. This was done by monitoring the
temperature, average velocity, the distribution function
of velocities and total potential energy of the system. On
average it took about 104MD steps to get into equilib-
rium. Then during 5 ·104−5·106time steps, we gathered
statistics to perform the canonical averages for calculate d
The long-ranged nature of the Coulomb interaction
was numerically treated via the efficient method pro-
posed by Lekner [68]. A summary of this method is
given in Appendix A. In order to save CPU time, the
Lekner forces between pair particles were tabulated in
a separate code before entering into the main MD cycle.
The tabulation on a 510 ×510×510 grid with spatial step
=0.1˚Awas done in the following manner. The first parti-
cle was fixed at the origin (0,0,0) while the second charge
was successively embedded on sites of the generated grid.
Then the force components acting onto the first charge
were calculated via the Lekner method. A force data
file was created which was used as a common input for
all subsequent MD runs. To decrease error coming from
a finite grid length, the forces in the simulations were
calculated using the four-step focusing technique [69].zdp
FIG. 2. Schematic view of the set-up: Two cylindrically
shaped DNA molecules with a distance Rat positions /vectorR1and
/vectorR2are placed parallel to the z-axis inside a cube of length L.
The large gray spheres are counterions of diameter dc. The
black spheres of diameter dp, connected by the solid line, are
phosphate charges on the cylindrical surface of diameter D.
Pis the pitch of DNA. Arrays /vector rpand/vector rcpoint to positions of
phosphates and counterions. For sake of clarity, the positi ons
of added salt ions are not shown. There are periodic boundary
conditions in all three directions.
Linear screening theory can be used to get explicit an-
alytical expressions for the effective interactions betwee n
helical bio-molecules. These kind of theories, however,
should only work for weak Coulomb coupling and thus
represent a further approximation to the primitive model.
Depending on the form of the fixed charge pattern char-
acterizing the biomolecules, one obtains different approx-
A. Homogeneously charged cylinder
The simplest approach is to crudely describe the
biomolecule as a homogeneously charged cylinder. In this
case, the effective interaction force per pitch length be-
tween two parallel rods reads [25]
1(D/(2λD))/vector r
5 Typeset using REVT EXTABLE II. Parameters used for the different simulation runs. The Debye screening length λD, as defined by Eqn.(15), and
the Coulomb coupling Γ pcare also given.
Run dc(˚A) dp(˚A) Ns Cs(M) λD(˚A) Γ pc
A 1 0.2 - - 9.6 12
B 2 2 - - 9.6 3.6
C 2 6 - - 9.6 1.8
D 1 0.2 15 0.025 8.6 12
E 1 0.2 60 0.1 6.8 12
F 1 0.2 120 0.2 5.6 12
G 1 0.2 440 0.73 3.3 12
H 1 0.2 1940 3.23 1.7 12
I 2 2 120 0.2 5.6 3.6
Hereris the axis-to-axis separation distance between
cylinders, λDis the Debye-H¨ uckel screening length fixed
where the factor γ= 1−Vcyl/Vis a correction due to the
fact that the mobile ions cannot penetrate into the cylin-
dric cores which excludes a total volume Vcyl. Further-
more, K1(x) is a Bessel function of imaginary argument.
Obviously, the torque is zero for this charge pattern.
B. Yukawa segment model
It is straightforward to generalize the traditional
Debye-H¨ uckel approach to a general charge pattern re-
sulting in a Yukawa-segment (YS) model [27,70–74].
One phosphate charge interacts with another phosphate
charge via an effective Yukawa potential [75]
U(r) =(qpζ)2e2
ǫrexp(−r/λD) (16)
Here, ζdescribes a size correction due to the excluded
volume of the phosphate groups. This term is assumed to
be of the traditional Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek
(DLVO) form
ζ= exp( r∗
pλD)/(1 +r∗
pλD) (17)
where r∗
p= (dp+dc)/2 is an effective phosphate radius for
the phosphate counterion interaction. We remark that
nonlinear screening effects and the excluded volume of
the cylinder can also be incorporated by replacing the
bare phosphate charge qpwith an effective phosphate
charge q∗
Using the same notation as in chapter III, the total
effective force per pitch length acting onto the ith bio-
molecule is
/vectorFi≡/vectorF(Y S)
/vector∇/vector rp
n=1;n/negationslash=kU(|/vector rp
k−/vector rp
n|) (18)within in the Yukawa segment model where the sum/summationtext′
has the same meaning as in Eqn.(6). Note that the con-
tact term (8) is typically neglected in linear screening the -
ory. Furthermore, the effective torque per pitch length
Mi≡M(Y S)
i=−/vector ez·/summationdisplay
/vector rp
/vector∇/vector rp
n=1;n/negationslash=kU(|/vector rp
k−/vector rp
There are also analytical expressions for the equilibrium
density profiles of the mobile ions involving a linear su-
perposition of Yukawa orbitals around the phosphate
charges [77] which, however, we will not discuss further
in the sequel.
C. Kornyshev-Leikin theory
The linear Debye-H¨ uckel screening theory was recently
developed further and modified to account for dielectric
discontinuities and counterion adsorption in the grooves
of the DNA molecule by Kornyshev and Leikin (KL)
[60,78–81]. An analytical expression for the effective pair
potential VKL(R, φ) per pitch length between two paral-
lel rods of separation Rwith relative orientation φwas
given for separations larger than R > D +λD. Here we
only discuss the leading contribution in the special case
of no dielectric discontinuity which reads
VKL(R, φ) =8Pλ2
and corresponds to the interaction of helices whose
strands form continuously charged helical lines. In
n(knD/2)In(ngD/2), (21)
6 Typeset using REVT EXkn=/radicalBig
D+ (ng)2, g=2π
P, (22)
KnandInare modified Bessel functions of nth order,
n(x) =dKn(x)/dx,I′
n(x) =dIn(x)/dx.
We emphasize that the KL-theory does not assume a
priori the double helical phosphate charge pattern as de-
fined in chapter II. There are rather more possible charge
patterns considered including a condensation of counteri-
ons in the minor and major groove along the phosphate
strands, and on the cylinder as a whole. This involves
four phenomenological parameters as a further input for
the KL theory which makes a direct comparison to the
simulation data difficult. In fact, for the charge pattern
given in chapter II, the KL-theory reduces to the Yukawa-
segment model.
In detail, the charge pattern is characterized by the
form factor Pn
Pn= (1−f1−f2−f3)θδn,0+
Hereδn,mis the Kronecker’s delta function; θis the first
phenomenological input parameter which describes the
fraction of counterions that are condensed on the whole
cylinder. The three numbers fidenote the fractions of
counterions in the middle of the minor groove ( f1), in the
middle of the major groove ( f2), and on the phosphate
strands ( f3) with respect to all condensed counterions.
We note that the sum in (20) rapidly converges, such
that it can safely be truncated for |n|>2. It is straight-
forward to obtain the effective force and torque per pitch
length between two molecules from (20) by taking gradi-
ents with respect to Randφ.
In what follows, we consider the set-up of two parallel
bio-molecules with periodic boundary conditions shown
in Figure 2. We projected /vectorF1onto the vector /vectorR, defining
F=/vectorF1·(/vectorR1−/vectorR2)/|/vectorR1−/vectorR2|. Hence a negative sign
ofFimplies attraction, and a positive sign repulsion.
The torque is given for the first DNA molecule, hence
M≡M1. We start with the case of no added salt. First,
we assume the counterion and phosphate diameters to be
small, in order to formally investigate the system with a
high coupling parameter Γ pc>10.
A. Distribution of the counterions around the DNA
We calculated the equilibrium density field (2) of the
counterions in the vicinity of the DNA molecules by com-
puter simulation. In detail, we considered three different
paths to show the counterion density profile around thefirst DNA molecule: along a phosphate strand and along
the minor and major groove. In order to reduce the sta-
tistical error we course-grained this density field further
in a finite volume which is illustrated in Figure 3.
FIG. 3. A schematic picture to explain the procedure of
counterion density calculations along one pitch length of a
DNA molecule. The filled circles connected with solid line
are phosphate groups. The shaded areas correspond to a path
along the major groove and along one phosphate strand. The
considered volume has a height ξand width δ. The neigh-
bouring DNA molecule is assumed to be on the right hand
This volume is winding around the molecules with a
height ξand width δ. We choose ξ= 3.4˚Aandδ=
2˚A+dc/2. In Figure 4 we plot this coarse-grained density
fieldρc(ϕ) versus the azimuthal angle angle ϕfrom 0◦to
360◦where ϕis 0◦resp. 360◦in the inner region between
the DNA molecules.
Obviously, the counterion density profile has maxima
in the neighbourhood of the fixed phosphate charges.
Furthermore the concentration of counterions is higher
in the minor than in the major grooves with the ϕ-
dependence reflecting again the position of the phosphate
charges. Also in the inner region between the two DNA
molecules, there are on average more counterions than in
the outside region.
7 Typeset using REVT EX0 60 120 180 240 300 360
ϕ [degrees]00.511.522.53ρc(ϕ) hDδ
FIG. 4. Equilibrium counterion density profile ρc(ϕ) in
units of 1 /hDδ versus azimuthal angle ϕfor the parameters
of run A, φ= 0◦and a rod separation of R= 30˚A. Solid line:
counterion density profile along a phosphate strand (due to
symmetry, the counterion density profiles on the two phos-
phate strands are the same). Dashed line: counterion densit y
profile along the major groove. Dot-dashed line: counterion
density profile along the minor groove.
B. Nearly touching configurations
Let us now consider very small surface-to-surface sep-
arations between the DNA molecules. In this case one
expects that the dependence of the forces and torques
on the relative orientation φis most pronounced. For
such nearly touching configurations, however, the dis-
creteness of the phosphate charges, as embodied in the
parameter φ0, strongly influences the results as well. The
qualitative behaviour of the φdependence can be under-
stood from Figure 5. Here two touching DNA molecules
are shown for different relative orientations φwhere the
phosphate strands are schematically drawn as continuous
lines. For certain angles φwhich we call touching angles,
two neighbouring phosphate charges hit each other. Pos-
sible touching angles are φ= 36◦,180◦,324◦. Ifφ0is
chosen to be zero, then two point charges are opposing
eachother directly. Hence a strong dependence on φand
onφ0is expected near touching angles.
Results from computer simulation and YS-theory are
presented in Figure 6. The parameters are from run A
(see Table II) but with dc= 0.8˚A. The surface-to-surface
separation is h= 2˚A.36 108 180 252 3240 0 0 0 0 0
φ [degrees]first DNA second DNA
FIG. 5. Schematic picture of a DNA-DNA configuration
for close separation distances. The abscissa corresponds t o
the rotation angle of the first DNA molecule. The second
DNA molecule is fixed.
For touching angles, the interaction force becomes
strongly repulsive. The strongest repulsion is achieved
forφ= 180◦since two phosphate strands are meeting
simultaneously. For relative orientations different from
a touching angle, the force becomes smaller and can be
both, attractive and repulsive. YS-theory always predicts
a repulsive force. Again there are strong peaks for touch-
ing angles in qualitative agreement with the simulation.
The actual numbers predicted by YS-theory, however, are
much too large and off by a factor of 6-7 around touching
The torque shows an even richer structure as a func-
tion of φ. Near a touching angle it exhibits three zeroes
corresponding to an unstable minimum exactly at the
touching angle and two stable minima near the touching
angles. The YS-theory shows 2 times larger values for
the torque as compared to the simulation data.
A qualitatively different force-angle behavior is ob-
served for a larger counterion diameter. Results for
dc= 1˚Aare shown in Figure 7.
Here at touching angles, the interaction force is attrac-
tive. The physical reason for that are the contact forces
as given by Eqn.(8). Caused by the larger counterion
diameter, counterions are stronger depleted in the zone
between the DNA molecules. The torque has qualita-
tively the same behaviour as before.
We emphasize that the results do also depend strongly
onφ0. Forφ0= 18◦, for instance, the force Fpractically
8 Typeset using REVT EXvanishes for any relative orientation φas compared to the
same data for φ0= 0◦.
C. Distance-resolved forces
We now discuss in more detail the distance-resolved
effective forces. For the parameters of run A, simulation
results for Fare presented in Figure 8.
Forφ0= 0, the force depends on the relative orien-
tation φup to a surface-to-surface separation h≈6˚A
in accordance with Figure 7. On the other hand, for
φ0= 18◦, there is no φdependence at all for any sepa-
ration. This supports the conclusion of previous works
[57,55], that the effect of discreteness of the DNA phos-
phate charges on the counterion concentration profile is
small in general and dwindles a few Angstroms from the
DNA surface. In fact, for h >6˚A, there is neither a φ
nor a φ0dependence of the force, and the total force is
Furthermore we compare our simulation results with
the prediction of linear screening theories in Figure 9.
First of all, our simulation data for the total force (solid
circles) are decomposed into the electrostatic part
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
φ [degrees]
M / (F0 D )F / F0
FIG. 6. Interaction force F( left y-axis) and torque M
(right y-axis) for fixed surface distance h= 2˚Aversus relative
orientation φin degrees. The unit of the force is F0= (e
The solid (dashed) line is the simulation result for F(M)
while the dot-dashed (dotted) line are data from YS-theory
forF(M).φ0is chosen to be zero. The counterion diameter
isdc= 0.8˚A.0 60 120 180 240 300 360
φ [degrees]F / F0
M / (F0 D)
−20−100 05 530405060
FIG. 7. Same as Figure 6 but now for dc= 1˚A.
20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R [A o
]−15−10−50510F / F0
FIG. 8. Effective interaction force Facting onto a DNA
pair versus the center-to-center distance R. The solid line is
forφ0= 18◦. In this case there is no significant φ-dependence.
The meaning of the symbols, that correspond to φ0= 0, is :
circles- φ= 180◦, squares- φ= 36◦, triangles- φ= 45◦.
F(1)+F(2)(diamonds) and the contact (or depletion)
partF(3)(open circles). While the latter is strongly re-
9 Typeset using REVT EXpulsive, the electrostatic part is attractive such that the
net force is repulsive. Linear screening theories aim to
describe the pure electrostatic force only.
Results for linear screening theories on different lev-
els are also collected in Figure 9. If one compares with
thetotal force, the prediction obtained by a homoge-
neously charged cylinder is repulsive and off by a factor of
roughly 1.5. A simulation with a homogeneously charged
rod yields perfect agreement with linear screening theory
since the Coulomb coupling is strongly reduced as the rod
charges are now in the inner part of the cylinder. The
Yukawa-segment theory is repulsive and off by a factor
of 3. It is understandable that the YS model leads to
a stronger repulsion than the charged cylinder model as
the separation of the phosphate charges in the inner re-
gion between the DNA molecules is shorter than the rod
center separation.
20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A o
]−10−5051015202530F / F0
FIG. 9. Theoretical and simulation results for interaction
forceFversus separation distance R. The unit of the force is
F0= (e
4D)2. The parameters are from run A and φ0= 18◦.
Symbols: •- simulation data for all DNA rotation angles,
◦- the entropic part /vectorF(3),⋄- the pure electrostatic part/parenleftbig/vectorF(1)+/vectorF(2)/parenrightbig
. Solid line: YS theory. Dot-dashed line: homo-
geneously charged cylinder model. Dashed line: the predic-
tions of KL theory with f1= 0.1, f2= 0.1, f3= 0.7, θ= 0.71.
The Kornyshev-Leikin theory requires four counterion
condensation fractions θ,f1,f2,f3as an input. We
have tried to determine these parameters from our sim-
ulation in order to get a direct comparison without any
fitting procedure. In order to do so, we introduce a small
shell around the cylinder of width δand determine θasthe fraction of counterions which are condensed onto the
DNA within this shell. The actual value for δis some-
what arbitrary, we first took a microscopic shell of width
δ= 2.5˚Aas well as δ=λB= 7.1˚A. Data for θversus the
rod separation are included in Figure 10 for three differ-
ent combinations of counterion and phosphate diameters.
It becomes evident that the fraction θof condensed coun-
terions decreases with the rod distance but saturates at
large separations. θalso depends on the size of the coun-
terions and phosphate charges. If the width of the shell
δis enhanced towards δ=λB= 7.1˚A,θincreases again.
On the other hand, θis independent of the relative orien-
tation φ. The actual data are consistent with Manning’s
condensation parameter [82,83] θ0=λ/|qc|λB= 0.71
particularly if the width δis taken as one Bjerrum length.
Our data are also in semiquantitative accordance with
other computer simulations [38] and nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) experiments which show that the con-
densed counterion fractions are in the range of 0.65 to
0.85 [84] or 0.53 to 0.57 [85,45].
20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A 0
FIG. 10. The condensation parameter θversus separation
distance R. From top to bottom: solid line- run A ( dc= 1˚A,
dp= 0.2˚A), dot-dashed line-run B ( dc= 2˚A,dp= 2˚A),
dashed line- run C ( dc= 2˚A,dp= 6˚A). The horizontal line
atθ= 0.71 indicates the saturation value at large distances
for a larger δ=lB= 7.1˚A. This saturation value is the same
for run A,B, and C.
According to our results for the counterion density
distribution (see Figure 4) we fix the minor and major
groove fractions to f1= 0.1, f2= 0.1, and the strand
fraction to f3= 0.7. Thus, (1 −f1−f2−f3) = 0.1 is the
10 Typeset using REVT EXfraction of the condensed counterions which is distributed
neither on the phosphates strands nor on the minor and
major grooves. The force in KL theory depends sensi-
tively on θbut is rather insensitive with respect to f1,
f2,f3, and φ. If the Bjerrum length is taken as a width
for the condensed counterions, θ= 0.71, then the KL the-
ory underestimates the total force. If, on the other hand,
a reduced value of θ= 0.545 is heuristically assumed,
then the KL theory reproduces the total force quite well.
A serious problem of the comparison with linear screen-
ing theories is that the contact term is not incorporated
in any theory apart from recent modifications [86,64]. In
fact, one should better compare the pure electrostatic
part which is attractive in the simulation. Consequently,
none of the linear screening theories is capable to describe
the force well. This is due to the neglection of correla-
tions and fluctuations in linear screening theories. From
a more pragmatic point of view, however, one may state
that a suitable charge renormalization leads to quanti-
tative agreement with the totalforce. In fact, all three
theories yield perfect agreement if the phosphate charges
resp. the condensation parameter θis taken as a fit pa-
rameter. For instance, the YS-model yields perfect agree-
ment with the simulation for distances larger than 26 ˚Aif
in Eqn.(16) a renormalized phosphate charge q∗
is taken replacing the bare charge qp. But this is still
unsatisfactory from a more principal point a view.
The groove structure of DNA is expected to be of in-
creasing significance as one approaches its surface [87].
We incorporate this in our model by increasing the phos-
phate diameter towards dp= 2˚A(run B) and dp= 6˚A
(run C). Results for the condensation parameter θare
shown in Figure 10. θis decreasing with increasing dp
since the coupling parameter Γ pcis decreasing which
weakens counterion binding to the phosphate groups.
Also the qualitative shape of the counterion density pro-
files depends sensitively on the groove nature as can be
deduced from Figure 11 as compared to Figure 4. The
counterion density along the phosphate strands now ex-
hibits minima at the phosphate charge positions while it
was maximal there in Figure 4. Furthermore, the coun-
terion density in the minor grooves is now higher than
along the strands due to the geometrical constraints for
the counterion positions which is similar to results of Ref.
[55]. In fact, recent X-ray diffraction [88–90] and NMR
spectroscopy [91,92] experiments, as well as molecular
mechanics [93,94] and Monte Carlo simulations [5] sug-
gest that monovalent cations selectively partition into th e
minor groove. This effect is present also in our simple
model and can thus already be understood from electro-
statics and thermostatics.0 60 120 180 240 300 360
ϕ [degrees]ρc(ϕ) hDδ
FIG. 11. Same as Figure 4 but now for run C and φ= 45◦,
δ= 3˚A.
An increasing phosphate and counterion size increases
the effective forces which is shown in Figure 12. Here, as
φ0was chosen to be 18◦, there is no notable dependence
on the relative orientation φ. A similar behavior was ob-
served in a hexagonally ordered DNA system via Monte
Carlo calculations [24]. This is understandable as coun-
terion screening is becoming less effective. We have tried
to fit the simulation data using a renormalized charge in
the YS theory. A good fit was obtained for large sepa-
rations while there are increasing deviations at shorter
distances. This is different from our results for small ion
sizes also shown in Figure 12 where the fit was valid over
the whole range of separations. The adjustable parame-
pis shown versus the effective phosphate radius r∗
of the YS model in the inset of Figure 12. It is increasing
with increasing r∗
pin qualitative agreement with charge
renormalization models [95].
We also note that the physical nature of the electro-
static part of the interaction force undergoes a trans-
formation upon decreasing the coupling parameter Γ pc.
For strong coupling, Γ pc= 12 (run A), the electrostatic
partF(1)+F(2)is attractive (see Figure 9). For mod-
erate coupling, Γ pc= 3.6 (run B), it is nearly zero for
all distances. Finally, for weak coupling,Γ pc= 1.8 (run
C) the electrostatic part is elsewhere repulsive. The en-
tropic part F(3)for these three runs is always repulsive
and does not undergo a significant change.
11 Typeset using REVT EX20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A o
]0204060F / F0 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
rp* [A o
] | qp*|
FIG. 12. Interaction force Fversus separation distance R.
The open circles are simulation data for all relative orien-
tations φwithφ0= 18◦. From bottom to top: dc= 1˚A,
dp= 0.2˚A(run A); dc= 2˚A,dp= 2˚A(run B); dc= 2˚A,
dp= 6˚A(run C).
The dashed lines are fits by the YS model. From bottom to
top: fit for the parameters of run A with q∗
p=−0.6e; fit
for the parameters of run B with q∗
p=−0.75e; fit for the
parameters of run C with q∗
p=−0.85e. The inset is the vari-
ation of the renormalized phosphate charge q∗
pversus effective
phosphate radius rp∗.
Interactions involving nucleic acids are strongly depen-
dent on salt concentration. Indeed, the strength of bind-
ing constants can change by orders of magnitude with
only small changes in ionic strength [96,97]. Our simula-
tions show a similar strong salt impact on the interaction
When salt ions are added, there is a competition be-
tween two effects. The first one is the increasing of the
direct repulsion between molecules as a consequence of
delocalizing the adsorbed counterions. The second stems
from the osmotic pressure of added salt that pushes the
salt ions to occupy the inner molecular region and to
screen the DNA-DNA repulsion. As we shall show be-
low, these two effects result in a novel non-monotonic
behaviour of the force as a function of salt concentra-
tion.20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A o
]02040F / F0
−3 −2 −1 0
log10(Cs [M])051015F / F0123
FIG. 13. Interaction force Facting onto a DNA pair ver-
sus distance for φ= 0◦andφ0= 18◦. The unit of the force
isF0= (e
4D)2. The solid lines are for increasing salt con-
centration: 1- run D, 2 - run E, 3 - run F, 4 - run G, 5 -
run H. Dashed line: reference data without salt from run A.
The inset shows the force versus salt concentration at fixed
separation R= 26˚A.
Simulation results for Fversus distance for increas-
ing salt concentration are presented in Figure 13. In our
simulations, counter and equally charged salt ions are in-
distinguishable. We take d+=d−=dc,|q+|=|q−|=e.
It can be concluded from Figure 13 that even a small
amount of salt ions (line 1, run D, Cs= 0.025M) signifi-
cantly enhances the DNA-DNA repulsion (compare with
the dashed line corresponding to run A, Cs= 0M). Upon
increasing the salt concentration, at large separations,
h >10˚A, the screening is increased in accordance with
the linear theory. However, at intermediate and nearly
touching separations, a non-monotonic behaviour as a
function of salt concentration is observed as illustrated i n
the inset of Figure 13. In the inset, the maximum of Foc-
curs for Cs= 0.2M. The physical reason for that is that
added salt ions first delocalize bound counterions which
leads to a stronger repulsion. Upon further increasing
the salt concentration, the electrostatic screening is en-
hanced again and the force gets less repulsive. In order
to support this picture we show typical microion config-
urations and investigate also the fraction θof condensed
counterions as a function of salt concentration.
Simulation snapshots are given in Figure 14, where the
positions of the mobile ions are projected onto the xy-
12 Typeset using REVT EXa
FIG. 14. Two-dimensional microion snapshots projected to
a plane perpendicular to the helices for φ= 0◦,φo= 18◦,
R= 30˚A. The filled circles are the positions of the counterions
and positive salt ions, the open circles are the positions fo r
the negative salt ions (coions). a- run A, b- run F, c-run G.
A comparison of the salt-free case (Figure 14a) with
that of moderate salt concentration ( Cs= 0.2M, Fig-
ure 14b) reveals that the total number of adsorbed coun-
terions decreases with increasing Cs. Furthermore, for
Cs= 0.2M(Figure 14b), there are no coions in the inner
DNA-DNA region. Thus salt ions do not participate in
screening. Consequently, the DNA-DNA interaction, due
to delocalization of counterions, will be enhanced. Con-
trary to that, for Cs= 0.73M, (Figure 14c) the salt co-
and counterions enter into the inner DNA-DNA region
and effectively screen the interaction force.
Further information is gained from the fraction θof
condensed counterions which is plotted as a function of R
for different salt concentrations Csin Figure 15. We de-
fineθas the ratio of condensed counterions coming from
the molecules with respect to the total number of counte-
rions stemming from the molecules. As Csincreases, the
saturation of θoccurs at smaller distances. In the inset of
Figure 15 a non-monotonic behaviour of θas a function
of the added salt concentration is visible which again is
a clear signature of the scenario discussed above. The
increase of θabove a certain threshold of salt concentra-
tion is mainly due to a counterion accumulation outside
the grooves. A similar trend was predicted by Poisson-
Boltzmann [98] and Monte Carlo [61,47] calculations in
different models.
13 Typeset using REVT EX20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A 0
]θ−3 −2 −1 0 1
FIG. 15. Same as Figure 10, but now with added salt. Sym-
bols: △- run A, •- run D, ◦- run E, ⋄- run F, ∗- run G, ×
- run H. The inset shows θfor fixed distance as a function of
salt concentration: solid line- for R= 26˚A; dashed line- for
R= 30˚A.
More details of the forces and the comparison to linear
screening theories are shown in Figures 16, 17 and 18.
For run F, the different parts of the total force are pre-
sented in Figure 16. As compared to the salt-free case
(Figure 9) the pure electrostatic part is again attractive
but much smaller, while the depletion part is repulsive
and dominates the total force. All three linear models,
homogeneously charged cylinder model, YS, and KL the-
ory, underestimate the force. Note that the KL-theory
with a θparameter corresponding to a width δof one
Bjerrum length and the homogeneously charged cylinder
model give the same results. Again with a suitable scal-
ing of the prefactor by introducing a renormalized phos-
phate charge q∗
presp. by fitting the condensed fraction θ,
one can achieve good agreement with the simulation data
for distances larger than 24 ˚A. The fitting parameter q∗
used for the YS-model is −1.1e, while the optimal con-
densed fraction θfor the KL-theory is 0 .2. The optimal
renormalized phosphate charge q∗
pis shown versus salt
concentration in Figure 17. Note that the usual DLVO
size correction factor ζis already incorporated in the in-
teraction, so what one sees are actual deviations from
DLVO theory. The renormalized charge q∗
pincreases with
increasing Cswhich is consistent with the works of Del-
rowet al[73] and Stigter [27]. If one simulates the force
within the homogeneously charged rod model, one finds
good agreement with our simulation data for large sepa-rations. Consequently, the details of the charge pattern
do not matter for large salt concentrations.
20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A o
]−100102030405060F / F0
FIG. 16. Same as Figure 9 but now for run F and
φ= 0◦,φ0= 18◦. The KL theory was adjusted to
f1= 0.1, f2= 0.1, f3= 0.7, θ= 0.71. The results for KL
theory and homogeneously charged cylinder models coincide
We also note that our simulations give no notable de-
pendence of the force on the relative orientation φfor
h >6˚A. Only for small separations, h <6˚Athere is a
slight dependence in agreement with Ref. [57].
Finally we show the influence of the ion and phosphate
size on the effective force (for the parameters of run I)
in Figure 18. The electrostatic part of the force is now
repulsive but the total force is still dominated by the de-
pletion part. As far as the comparison to linear screening
theories is concerned, one may draw similar conclusions
as for Figure 16. The fitting parameter q∗
pneeded to de-
scribe the long-distance behaviour within the YS model
does not depend sensitively on the phosphate and ion
sizes. With a suitable scaling of the prefactor one can
achieve good agreement with the simulation data for dis-
tance larger than 26 ˚A. The fitting parameter q∗
for the YS-model is −1.1e, while the optimal condensed
fraction θfor the KL-theory is 0 .19. Here again, simu-
lations of the homogeneously charged cylinder model are
in good agreement with our results obtained for a double
stranded DNA molecule.
In conclusion, we have calculated the interaction be-
tween two parallel B-DNA molecules within a “primi-
tive” model. In particular, we focussed on the distance-
and orientation-resolved effective forces and torques as a
function of salt concentration. Our main conclusions are
as follows:
0 2 4 6 8 10
λD [A o
FIG. 17. Fitted renormalized phosphate charge q∗
pin the
YS model, versus Debye screening length λDfor runs D-H.
20 25 30 35 40
DNA−DNA distance R[A o
]0102030405060F / F0
FIG. 18. Same as Figure 9 but now for run I and
φ= 0◦,φ0= 18◦. The KL theory was adjusted to
f1= 0.1, f2= 0.1, f3= 0.7, θ= 0.71. Note that the KL and
homogeneously charged cylinder models produce the same
curves.First, the interaction force for larger separations is re-
pulsive and dominated by microion depletion. The ori-
entational dependence induced by the internal helical
charge pattern is short ranged decaying within a typi-
cal surface-to-surface separation of 6 ˚A. For shorter sep-
arations there is a significant dependence on the rela-
tive orientation φand on the discreteness of the charge
distribution along the strands. As a function of φ, the
force can be both attractive and repulsive. This may
lead to unusual phase behaviour in smectic layers of par-
allel DNA molecules. Details of the molecular shape and
counterion size are important for small separations as
well. The torque is relatively small except for small sep-
arations where it exhibits a complicated φ-dependence.
Second, as a function of added salt concentration we
predict a non-monotonic behaviour of the force induced
by a competition between delocalization of condensed
counterions and enhanced electrostatic screening. This
effect can in principle be verified in experiments.
Third, linear screening theories describe the simula-
tion data qualitatively but not quantitatively. Having
in mind that the total force is dominated by the deple-
tion term which is typically neglected in linear screen-
ing theory, such theories need improvement. On the
other hand, the different theories predict the correct long-
distance behaviour, if a phenomenological fit parameter -
as the renormalized phosphate charge q∗
pfor the Yukawa-
segment model or the condensation fraction θfor the
Kornyshev-Leikin model - is introduced. The Yukawa-
segment model can even predict the orientational depen-
dence of the force and the torque at smaller distances in
the case of small counterion and phosphate sizes. Hence,
a phenomenological Yukawa segment model can be used
in a statistical description of the phase behaviour of many
parallel DNA strands in a smectic layer.
Future work should focus on an analysis for divalent
counterions which are expected to lead to a qualitatively
different behaviour since the Coulomb coupling is en-
hanced strongly in this case. Also, one should step by
step increase the complexity of the model in order to
take effects such as dielectric discontinuities [38,41,27, 99],
chemical bindings of counterions in the grooves and dis-
crete polarizable solvents into account.
We thank A. A. Kornyshev, S. Leikin, G. Sutmann,
H. M. Harreis, and C. N. Likos for stimulating discus-
sions and helpful comments. Financial support from the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the project Lo
418/6-1 (“Theory of Interaction, recognition and assem-
bling of biological helices”) is gratefully acknowledged.
In our simulations we account for the long-range nature of th e Coulomb interactions via the efficient method proposed
by Lekner [68]. This method has been successfully applied to partially periodic systems [14,100]. For an assembly of
Nions in a central cubic cell of dimension L, the Coulomb force /vectorF(c)
iexerted onto particle iby particle j, and by all
repetitions of particle jin the periodic system, is
all cells/vector ri−/vector rj
|/vector ri−/vector rj|3. (A1)
Because of x, y, z symmetry it is sufficient to consider only one component of the force. For the x-component of the
force we have
L+m)2+ (∆z
Here, ∆ x=xi−xj,∆y=yi−yj,∆z=zi−zj, and K0(z) is the modified Bessel function of zero order.
For a pair of particles not aligned parallel to the x-axis, the convergence of the sum in (A2) is fast. Thus an
evaluation of just 20 terms in the sum is enough to get a part-p er-million accuracy. The convergence becomes worse
when simultaneously |∆y|< δand|∆z|< δ(δ≪L) for the case m= 0 = n. The number of terms needed in the
sum for a desired accuracy increases rapidly with increasin gδ.
If the particles are aligned parallel to the x-axis such that |∆y|+|∆z| ≡0, the sum in (A2) diverges with m= 0 = n.
For this particular case /vectorFixis
+ (−1)lK0/parenleftbigg
2L+m−sign(∆ x)1
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18 Typeset using REVT EX |
arXiv:physics/9912054v1 [physics.atom-ph] 30 Dec 1999Atom optics hologram in time domain
A. V. Soroko∗
National Centre of Particle and High Energy Physics, Belaru sian State University,
Bogdanovich Street 153, Minsk 220040, Belarus
A temporal evolution of atomic wave packet interacting
with object and reference electromagnetic waves is investi -
gated beyond the linear respond. Under this condition the
diffraction of ultracold atomic beam on inhomogeneous laser
radiation is interpreted as beam’s passing through a three-
dimensional hologram, which thickness is proportional to t he
interaction time. It is shown that diffraction efficiency of su ch
a hologram may reach 100% and is determined by the time
03.75.Be, 42.50.Vk, 32.80.Lg, 81.15.Fg
The achievements of the last decade in the field of laser
light cooling below the recoil limit [1,2] have opened a
new chapter of atom optics which objective is to ma-
nipulate atomic beams in a way similar to conventional
optics by exploiting the wave properties of the particles.
Indeed, if momenta of cooled atoms verge to the photon
ones, diffraction effects may manifest themselves espe-
cially strongly during atomic interaction with space in-
homogeneous radiation. For the corresponding part of
the de Broglie wave spectrum, this provides a possibil-
ity of supplementing the traditional atom optics set of
elements such as mirrors [3], diffraction gratings [4,5] or
lenses [6] with holograms of different objects, the conven-
tional optics analogues of which have been well known for
several decades [7]. The destination of such atomic holo-
grams is to create matter waves with intended amplitude
and phase characteristics. Since these characteristics ar e
the same as for the object wave one obtains a strong
and convenient implement for holographic imaging with
atoms. The latter may have useful practical applications
from atom lithography [8] to the manufacturing of mi-
crostructures, or quantum microfabrication.
One of possibilities to make atomic hologram consists
in creation a mechanical mask with appropriate trans-
parency for the incident atomic beam (analogue of two-
dimensional optical hologram). Such a hologram has the
advantage of being permanent, however, up to now only
the masks with binary transparency have been prepared.
So in the experiment [9] the mask was written onto a
thin silicon nitride membrane and allowed for complete
or vanishing transmission of the beam at a given point.
Evidently this reduces resolution in the reconstructed im-
age, because correct holographic storage of information
requires the gradually varying transmission of the beam.Very interesting proposal has recently been reported in
the work [10], where the authors suggest to use a Bose-
Einstein condensate (BEC) as a registration media for
atomic hologram. It illustrates the wide potential ap-
plicability of condensates which after having been real-
ized experimentally [11] are available almost routinely in
several laboratories. In this method desired information
is encoded into the condensate in the form of density
modulations by using object and reference laser beams
that form writing optical potential. The reconstruction
of matter wave arises due to s-wave scattering of the
reading-beam atoms on condensate inhomogeneities.
In the previous paper [12] we have shown that atomic
hologram may also be constructed (at certain conditions)
as a superposition of reference and object electromag-
netic waves to be common for optical holography. The
creation of intended matter wave arises when ultracold
atomic beam is diffracted from this hologram which in a
fact represents itself the inhomogeneous light field. Main
advantages of the proposed scheme are it’s simplicity be-
cause of skipping the recording process and, as a con-
sequence, absence of aberrations in the stored informa-
tion. In some sense our approach is close to the non-
holographic scheme of wave front engineering [13], which
implies to arbitrarily shape the center-of-mass wave func-
tion of an atom by means of a sequence of suitably shaped
laser pulses, because both methods are based only on
atom-laser interactions.
Main assumption being employed in our holographic
scheme is the linear respond of atomic system on the
laser-field inhomogeneity. It requires, in particular, the
weak perturbation of the incident atomic beam and sets
an upper limit on the object wave amplitude (see Eq. (50)
in the Ref. [12]). As a result only a little part of atoms in
the beam can be transferred into the reconstructed mat-
ter wave. Linear respond operation decreases the diffrac-
tion efficiency of an atomic hologram, i.e. the ratio of
the intensity of diffracted atomic waves to the intensity
of reading beam, what may be crucial for practical ap-
plications. In conventional optical holography such a sit-
uation corresponds to the kinematical regime of writing
information [7]. On the other hand, the coupled wave
theory of Kogelnik [14] and the theories based on dy-
namical approximation [15–17], give one a recipe how to
create a hologram with high (up to 100%) diffraction effi-
ciency. In this purpose it is necessary to control, besides
others, such a parameter as the thickness of the holo-
gram. Unfortunately the thickness control is difficult to
perform in the scheme of atom holography without regis-
tration medium like our one (see Figure 1 for details). So
1the purpose of present paper is to suggest a new approach
for creation of atom optics holograms which will inherit
the advantages of our previous scheme and also allow
high diffraction efficiencies. We will show that desired
approach can be realized if one restricts the existence of
atomic hologram rather in a time than space domain, so
that the hologram will work in a pulsed regime pump-
ing atoms from the beam or initial wave packet into the
reconstructed wave. Note that suggested regime is well
compatible with the Raman cooling methods [2] (includ-
ing laser cooling below the gravitational limit [18]) and
the recent realization of an atom laser [23], which in a
fact repeatedly reproduce coherent or almost coherent
atomic wave packets necessary for actual implementation
of a reading beam.
FIG. 1. Typical for atomic holography layout design of
laser beams and matter wave packets.
Another important prerequisite for successful wave-
front reconstruction with massive particles concerns the
compensation for potentially detrimental influence of
gravitational effects. Fortunately, the bulk of atoms has
the magnetic moment, and all one has to do is use the
Stern-Gerlach effect. Superimposing the weakly inhomo-
geneous magnetic field onto the path of prepolarized par-
ticles and appropriately adjusting the field gradient, it is
possible to suspend the ground state atoms everywhereexcept the region of interaction with radiation. But if
the laser frequency is far from all atom transitions, the
contribution to the total force induced by spatially de-
pendent shifts of the Zeeman levels is negligible. Under
this condition, atoms move like free particles being af-
fected only by the electromagnetic waves.
In Sec. II we derive a system of equations which de-
scribe interaction of atomic wave packet with object and
reference electromagnetic waves when the gravity is com-
pensated. Approximate solution of this system is found
not assuming weak perturbation of initial state, and do-
main of its validity is determined. For reasonable exper-
imental conditions the solution admits an atom-optics
interpretation that is done in Sec. III. Namely, the in-
homogeneous laser radiation is shown to behave like a
three-dimensional hologram in respect to the impinging
wave packets. A numerical simulation of such a holo-
gram created with 31-mode object beam is presented,
and high diffraction efficiency is demonstrated. Section
IV concludes with a summary of the obtained results.
Most cumbersome expressions are placed into Appendix.
A. Compensation for the gravity
Consider for definiteness an atom with a J=1
2transition, e.g., sodium or cesium. The magnetic
fieldB(r) applied to compensate for the gravity is sup-
posed to contain a homogeneous component B0directed
along the gravity acceleration B0↑↑g. The remain-
ing inhomogeneous part of the field B1(r) =B(r)−B0
should be small compared to this component
|B1(r)| ≪B0=|B0|. (2.1)
As we will see below, to fulfil this condition it is neces-
sary to take B0in the range 103÷104G. In practice
such a field is strong enough to induce Zeeman shifts
which considerably exceed the hyperfine splitting inter-
vals∼¯hωHFS(but not the multiplet ones). Therefore
an internal atomic eigenstate |J,I,M J,mI∝an}b∇acket∇i}htmay be well
described using the set of quantum numbers consisting
of the angular momenta of electronic shell Jand nucleus
I, and their local projections MJ,mI, on the direction of
the magnetic field. The corresponding energy eigenvalue
is determined not only by the multiplet level EJbut also
by the magnetic field B(r) =|B(r)|and therefore is spa-
tially dependent
E|J,I,M J,mI/an}bracketri}ht(r) =EJ+aMJmI
whereais the hyperfine coupling constant ( a∝¯hωHFS,
e.g., for Na a/¯h= 885.8 MHz),gLdenotes the Lande
factor, and µnucis the nuclear magnetic moment. Be-
cause of condition (2.1) such a spatial dependence, how-
ever, mainly arises from the longitudinal ( B/bardbl
1(r) =B0·
2B1(r)/B0), rather than the transverse ( B⊥
1(r)) compo-
nent of the vector B1(r), provided that the components
are defined relative to B0. This is evident from the ex-
B(r) =/radicalbigg/bracketleftBig
1(r) +/bracketleftbig
1(r)/bracketrightbig2/(2B0), (2.3)
where the term containing B⊥
1(r) is small and can be
neglected. Consequently, by adjusting the gradient of
the fieldB/bardbl
1(r) one can achieve translation invariance of
the ground state |g∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=|1/2,I,−1/2,I∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht(or another state
withJ= 1/2) in three dimensions:
E|g/an}bracketri}ht(r)−Mg·r=const. (2.4)
For example, to balance the gravitational force in this
way for sodium it is necessary to create a gradient
1(r) =b1g/|g|, whereb1=−4.033 G/cm. This
condition does not contradict the Maxwell equation ∇ ·
B1(r) = 0, because variation of B⊥
1(r) is not restricted.
Note also that the choice B0= 103÷104G maintains
condition (2.1) very well within a spatial region of the
size∼10 cm.
All the other levels are affected by the residual external
potential. In particular, the force feacting on the atoms
in the excited state, e.g., |e∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht=|3/2,I,−3/2,I∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht, may be
estimated from Eqs. (2.2) and (2.4) as |fe| ∼Mg.
B. Interaction with laser beams
In our scheme, we use pulses of laser light at frequency
ωwhich is roughly tuned to the |g∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht → |e∝an}b∇acket∇i}httransition.
If the typical size 2 Lof atomic sample is restricted by
the condition L≪a/(Mg), one may regard E|e/an}bracketri}ht(r) as
the closest to resonance excited level within the whole
interaction domain. Indeed, the maximal spatial shift
of the level ∼MgL induced by the force feappears
to be much less than the hyperfine splitting intervals
(MgL ≪a∼¯hωHFS), and the hierarchy of detunings
retains. Therefore an atom initially in |g∝an}b∇acket∇i}htstate behaves
as a two-level system with respect to the processes with
stimulated emission of photons.
Each laser beam is considered as a discrete superposi-
tion of plane monochromatic electromagnetic waves. In
particular, we use the following decomposition of the elec-
tric field in the object beam
Es(r,t) =/summationdisplay
m≥1Emexp(ikm·r−iωt) +c.c., (2.5)
where Emandkmstand for the complex amplitude of
the modemand its wave vector respectively. Such an
approach, does not somehow restrict the generality of
consideration, because in our experimental setup atommoves inside a superposition of reference and object laser
beams during all the interaction time, and the expression
(2.5) must well describe the real laser field only in the
atom-laser interaction region. Evidently, the latter re-
quirement can always be satisfied by decreasing the min-
imal angle between the mode wave vectors. In this case
we can also regard the reference beam as a single mode
(with the index m= 0)
Er(r,t) =E0exp(ik0·r−iωt) +c.c., (2.6)
which is a typical arrangement for optical holography.
Since the atomic dipole momentum operator ˆdis di-
agonal in quantum numbers IandmI, the transitions
which change mIare allowed only due to hyperfine inter-
action. As a consequence, the excited state |e∝an}b∇acket∇i}htdecays to
the lower ones preferentially in the channel |e∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht → |g∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht
(with the rate γ). This circumstance makes it possi-
ble to deal with an atom as a two-level system even if
spontaneous photon emission takes place. However, to
simplify the consideration the coherent scattering pro-
cesses are assumed to dominate the spontaneous emis-
sion, i.e., the regime |∆| ≫γis kept [20,21], where
∆ =ω+ [E|g/an}bracketri}ht(0)−E|e/an}bracketri}ht(0)]/¯his the detuning from
resonance in the center of atom-laser interaction region
(r= 0). Under such a condition the one-particle density
matrix in momentum representation [22] has an obvious
time evolution
ρab(p1,p2,t) =/integraldisplay
2,t= 0),(2.7)
where indices a,b... span the internal atomic states
(e,g) andGaa′(p1,p′
1,t) is the Green function of two-
component Shr¨ odinger equation describing atomic dy-
namics during the |g∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht ↔ |e∝an}b∇acket∇i}httransitions.
In rotating wave approximation this equation rewritten
for slowly time dependent ground- and excited-level wave
functionsψg(p,t) andψe(p,t) takes the form
∂tψg(p,t) = [t(p) + ∆]ψg(p,t)
mψe(p+ ¯hkm,t), (2.8a)
∂tψe(p,t) = [t(p)−ife· ∇]ψe(p,t)
m≥0Ωmψg(p−¯hkm,t), (2.8b)
where Ω m=∝an}b∇acketle{te|ˆd·Em|g∝an}b∇acket∇i}ht/¯his the Rabi frequency of
modem, and the terms t(p) =p2/(2M¯h) and −ife· ∇
arise in momentum space from the kinetic and potential
energy ( −fe·r) correspondingly.
For the situation at hand, the upper electronic state
can be adiabatically eliminated from Eqs. (2.8) provided
that the detuning ∆ is large enough [5,20]
3|∆| ≫ |Ωm|,|fe|L/¯h. (2.9)
The route by which one can do it implies a self-consistent
assumption |ψe| ≪ |ψg|leading to the zero-order solution
of the Eq. (2.8a): ψg(p,t)≃exp{−i[t(p)+∆]t}ψg(p,t=
0). After substitution of this expression into Eq. (2.8b)
the latter may be solved in the framework of perturbation
theory developed in respect to the potential energy term.
In this case, the excited-level wave function acquires a
ψe(p,t)≃ −/summationdisplay
t(p)−t(p−¯hkm)−∆+..., (2.10)
where the dots denote omitted terms which include a
small ( ∝ |fe|L/|¯h∆|) first-order correction to ψe(p,t) and
also summands which oscillate with the non-resonant fre-
quencyt(p) and therefore give a negligible contribution
when one uses above expression within the context of Eq.
For ultracold atomic sample one can further discard
the kinetic energy terms in denominators of the expres-
sion (2.10). As a result the motion of the ground-state
atom is described with the equation
∂tψg(p,t) = [t(p) + ∆ +f0]ψg(p,t)
mψg[p+ ¯h(km−k0),t]/bracerightbigg
, (2.11)
m≥0|Ωm|2, (2.12)
∆, (2.13)
stand for the effective Rabi frequencies.
C. Evolution of wave packets
It is known from the theory of thick optical holograms
that reconstruction of the original (conjugate) object
wave arises only if the reading beam is directed along
(opposite) the reference wave and has the same wave-
length. Relying on analogy with conventional optics let
us consider for definiteness the evolution of atomic wavepacket whose spectrum is initially concentrated around
the mean momentum of photons in the reference beam.
In such a case one can anticipate creation of the matter
wave being similar to the forward object wave. Therefore
it is convenient to look for the solution of Eq. (2.11) as
a sum of wave packets approaching the plane modes of
hologram [16]
ψg(p,t) =/summationdisplay
m≥0ψm(p−¯hkm,t). (2.15)
Initially there are no wave packets corresponding to
the object beam, so that
ψm(p,t= 0) = 0, m≥1, (2.16)
and as a consequence
ψ0(p−¯hk0,t= 0) =ψg(p,t= 0)≡ψg(p).(2.17)
Population of these atomic motional states ( m≥1) arises
due to coupling with ψ0(p,t), the wave packed corre-
sponding to the reference beam:
∂tψm(p,t) =tm(p)ψm(p,t) +gmψ0(p,t),(2.18)
tm(p) =t(p+ ¯hkm) + ∆ +f0. (2.19)
Depletion of the state with m= 0 is governed by the
∂tψ0(p,t) =t0(p)ψ0(p,t) +/summationdisplay
mψm(p,t) +χ(p,t),
which one can obtain after substituting Eqs. (2.15),
(2.18) into Eq. (2.11).
So we bring the Eq. (2.11) to the system of equations
(2.18), (2.20). The advantage of such a step becomes
obvious after making a self-consistent assumption about
momentum spectrum of ψm(p,t),m≥0, the validity
of which was verified for two-mode case in Ref. [18].
Namely, we will suppose below that all non-vanishing
functions have narrow distributions around p= 0 and,
as a result, do not overlap in the expression for χ(p,t)
χ(p,t) =/summationdisplay
n≥1gnψm[p+ ¯h(2k0−kn−km),t]
mψn[p+ ¯h(km−kn),t]
×ψl[p+ ¯h(k0−kl−km+kn),t]/bracerightbigg
4In such circumstances different parts of this term give
incoherent contributions, which appear to be small at
lowgmand can be taken into account within the theory
of perturbation. In zero-order approximation one omits
χ(p,t) so that the system (2.18), (2.20) becomes homo-
morphic with the rate equations describing a ( m+1)-level
atom. Note, the stationary solutions of this truncated
system exactly coincide with eigenmodes of correspond-
ing optical hologram [16].
To go further it is convenient to perform the Laplace
transformation ( m≥0)
ψm(p,λ) =/integraldisplay∞
0dte−λtψm(p,t) (2.22)
with the initial conditions (2.16), (2.17). Then the equa-
tions for the Laplace transforms will allow an easy zero-
order solution
0(p,λ) =−i
T(p,λ)ψg(p+ ¯hk0), (2.23a)
m(p,λ) =−gm
0(p,λ), m≥1,(2.23b)
T(p,λ) =t0(p)−iλ+/summationdisplay
tm(p)−iλ. (2.24)
Similarly, next iteration reproduces the first-order so-
0(p,λ) =ψ(0)
0(p,λ) +−χ(0)(p,λ)
T(p,λ), (2.25a)
m(p,λ) =−gm
0(p,λ), m≥1,(2.25b)
whereχ(0)(p,λ) is obtained from the expression (2.21)
after making the substitutions ψm(p,t)→ψ(0)
m≥0. In principle, we can get the solution with any
preassigned accuracy by repeating the iterations but it
will be sufficient to restrict ourselves to the first-order
formulas for the following consideration.
Desired time-dependent wave functions arise then as
the inverse Laplace transforms of ψm(p,λ) in agreement
with the Mellin formula
ψm(p,t) = 2πi/integraldisplayǫ+i∞
ǫ−i∞dλeλtψm(p,λ), ǫ> 0.(2.26)
Finally, using the Eqs. (2.25) and (2.26) one can easily
write down an expression for the ground-state component
Ggg(p,p′,t) of the Green function appearing in the for-
mula (2.7). We placed this expression into the Appendix.D. Validity of the solution
At first let us check that the zero-order solution (2.23)
indeed has a narrow momentum spectrum around p= 0,
provided the initial conditions are chosen properly, and
the effective Rabi frequency gmis small enough. Doing
it we may restrict ourselves to examination of only a re-
gionD={p: [tm(p)−t0(p)]2<∼|gm|2,∀m}, where all
the functions in truncated system of equations (2.18),
(2.20) have a possibility to influence each other reso-
nantly. In this region one can identify the kinetic-energy
termstm(p) related to different modes of the object beam
(m≥1) without any damage for the result of estimation:
tm(p)≈tn(p)≈˜t(p), where ˜t(p) =t(p+ ¯h˜k) + ∆ +f0,
and˜kis some typical wave vector in the object beam.
Under this condition the integral in the Eq. (2.26) can
be calculated explicitly, and the wave functions ψ(0)
get a simple analytical representation
0(p,t)≃Ar(p,t)e−ib(p)tψg(p+ ¯hk0),(2.27a)
gΣe−ib(p)tψg(p+ ¯hk0), m≥1.
In these formulas
Ar(p,t) =ia(p)
d(p)sin[d(p)t] + cos[d(p)t], (2.28a)
As(p,t) =−igΣ
d(p)sin[d(p)t], (2.28b)
a(p) = [˜t(p)−t0(p)]/2, (2.29)
b(p) =a(p) +t0(p), (2.30)
d(p) =/radicalBig
Σ, (2.31)
stands for the overall effective Rabi frequency.
It is seen from Eqs. (2.27) that initial atomic wave
packet transforms into motional states with m≥1 at a
timeτn(time of the nπpulse [21])
2gΣ(2n−1), n∈ N. (2.33)
5This transition is velocity-selective with the most ef-
ficiency determined by the Bragg resonance condition
p·∆k= 0, where ∆k= (˜k−k0) denotes a typical dif-
ference between wave vectors in the object and reference
beams (cf. Ref. [20]). The width of a peak in momen-
tum distribution along the direction of vector ∆k(the
interval from maximum to the first minimum) depends
on interaction time, and for t≤2τ1is
δp(t) =2MgΣ
−1. (2.34)
For given value ∆ k=|∆k|it decreases with gΣ. There-
fore the smaller the effective Rabi frequencies gmthe nar-
rower the momentum spectrum of ψ(0)
Evidently, to prevent all non-vanishing functions com-
posing the term χ(p,t) from being overlapped in momen-
tum space their spectra must be concentrated within the
domain |p|<¯hδkatt∼τ1, where
δk= min
m,n≥0|km−kn| (2.35)
is the minimal distance between different wave vectors
of the laser beams (see Figure 2).
FIG. 2. Definitions of the values ∆k,δk, andδpin the
simplest case of two-mode object wave.
Since the spectral extent along the direction of vector
∆kis characterized by δp(t), we immediately get the first
of sufficient conditions
δp(τ1)≪¯hδk. (2.36)In agreement with the Eq. (2.34) it sets an upper limit
on the overall effective Rabi frequency
3M). (2.37)
In the transverse direction the spectra are the same as
that of initial wave packet ψg(p+ ¯hk0). Therefore one
must impose another condition
|(p′−¯hk0)×∆k|<¯hδk∆k, (2.38)
which restricts allowed values of p′in the domain of the
Green function Ggg(p,p′,t).
When the inequalities (2.36), (2.38) are met, the main
correction to the zero-order solution ψ(0)
m(p,t) caused by
the termχ(p,t) arises outside the near-resonance region
Dand depends on geometry of laser beams. So for t∼τ1
and 2D holographic setup like that in the Fig. 2 (i.e., all
kmare coplanar vectors) the relative correction has the
order of magnitude εr=δp(τ1)/(¯hδk)≪1, what can
be seen from Eqs. (2.21), (2.27b). Note, while making
this estimation we discarded the third summand in the
expression (2.21), because it is proportional to fmnand,
consequently, is much less than the first and second ones
(∝ |gm|), provided the standard holographic restriction
on the intensities of laser beams |E0|2≫ |Em|2,m≥1,
leading to the inequality |gm| ≫ |fmn|, is applied here.
To illustrate the said in the case of two-mode object
wave let us regard absolute values of zero-order solution
g|and first-order correction to it δ(0)=|ψ(1)
as functions of the momentum component pxand the
angleθbetween k1andk2, assuming a Cartesian coor-
dinate system is introduced in momentum space, p=
(px,py,pz), withx(y) axis chosen along (opposite) the
vector k0(k1). Figure 3 shows corresponding depen-
dences after π-pulse time calculated for sodium atoms,
provided the initial wave packet has the Gaussian profile
with mean momen-
tump0= ¯hk0,|k0|=k0= 1.07×105cm−1, spatial
extension 2 L= 0.4 cm, and 2D norm equal to 1. The
peaks in central region of each plot correspond to for-
bidden values of θ∝δk< δp(τ1). Outside these peaks
(|θ|>10−4) the relative correction goes down approach-
ing 0.15 at large θ, what is below its estimation value
) 0 (/c100) 0 (
FIG. 3. Absolute values of zero-order solution |ψ(0)
and first-order correction to it δ(0)(b) as functions of the
momentum component pxand the angle θbetween k1and
k2. The rest components of p,py= ¯hk0andpz= 0. The
geometry of laser beams is as in the Fig. 2. The effective Rabi
frequencies g1=g2= 10 Hz,f12= 0.1 Hz.
In the worst case, e.g., km⊥k0,∀m≥1, one obtains
more danger estimation for εr
0sin2(gΣτ)exp(iδωτ)dτ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, (2.39)
whereδω= ¯hδ2
k/(2M) stands for the minimal kinetic
energy an atom can get due to transition between the
laser modes. Nevertheless, the term χ(p,t) may still be
treated as a perturbation if the overall effective Rabi fre-
quency satisfies more rigorous than (2.37) condition
gΣ≪δω. (2.40)
Otherwise, gΣ>∼δω, the interaction time should be lim-
ited so that t≪τ1. Figure 4 shows time dependencesofδ(0),|ψ(0)
g|, and|ψ(1)
g|for two-mode object beam with
δp(τ1)/(¯hδk) = 0.1 andgΣ= 74δω. We see that in con-
sidered unfavorable configuration εrdoes not exceed 0 .1
even ift= 0.5τ1.
0 0.5 1 1.5
FIG. 4. Time dependences of δ(0)(solid line), |ψ(0)
dashed line), and |ψ(1)
g|(short dashed line) for two-mode ob-
ject beam with k1,2⊥k0. The components of p,py= ¯hk0
andpx=pz= 0. Cartesian coordinate axes and other pa-
rameters are the same as in the Fig. 3.
In most of practical cases, however, only a small part
of laser modes has a geometry leading to the condition
(2.40), and the requirement (2.37) appears to be suffi-
A. General consideration
In an idealized situation, one may imagine that all
atoms are initially in a pure state determined by the
Gaussian profile
g(p;p0) =L3/2
with mean momentum p0being close to ¯ hk0, space po-
sitionr0, and very small dispersion [ L≫¯h/δp(τ1)]. Ac-
cording to the Eq. (2.7), after interaction with the laser
beams within time domain τ<∼τ1and subsequent free
propagation during time tthe atoms remain in pure state,
and their wave function can be represented as a superpo-
sition of some useful signals ψ(s,r)(p,τ,t;p0) and a back-
groundψ(b)(p,τ,t;p0), where
ψ(σ)(p,τ,t;p0) =e−it(p)t/integraldisplay
7σ∈ {s,r,b}. The functions G(σ)(p,p′,τ) are defined by
Eqs. (A2). In considered case they admit of explicit an-
alytical expressions relying on analogy with the formulas
(2.27) and being exact at L→ ∞, and κ→0, where
κ=p0/¯h−k0. So, omitting inessential common phase
factor exp[ −ik0·r0−if0τ−(i/¯h)E|g/an}bracketri}ht(0)τ] we can readily
ascertain that Fourier transform of ψ(r)(p,τ,t;p0),
ψr(r,τ,t;p0) =Ar(¯hκ,τ)γ0(r,κ)eik0·r−it(k0)t,(3.3)
propagates like the reference beam, whereas the trans-
form ofψ(s)(p,τ,t;p0),
ψs(r,τ,t;p0) =As(¯hκ,τ)
gives birth to matter wave, which inherits amplitude and
phase characteristics of the object beam because gm∝
Emas it follows from the Eq. (2.14) and definition of the
Rabi frequencies Ω m. The last assertion also takes into
account that all functions
γm(r,κ) =L3/2
used in Eqs. (3.3) and (3.4), slowly depend on rwithin
space domains ∼2|σ|2/L, each centered around the point
t+ ¯h(t+τ)κ/M, where
L2+i¯h(t+τ)/M, (3.6)
Mt, (3.7)
and introduce a little phase shifts δφ(r−rm
δφ(r) =1
disappearing at small κand largeL.
If the overall effective Rabi frequency is chosen in
agreement with the results of Sec. II D, the background,
which represents itself a first-order correction to the wave
g(p,τ), appears to be small at any time
τ<∼τ1. So, the states (3.3) and (3.4) being spatially sep-
arated after free propagation period tmin= 2LM/(¯h∆k),
one may observe a matter wave ψs(r,τ,t;p0) cloning
the object beam in a space-time region S={(r,t) :
t|< L, ∀m≥1;t > t min}, where all atomic
wave packets related to different modes of this beam
still overlap each other. It should be noted, that S ∝ne}ationslash=∅
only when the observation time is limited by the value
tmax=LM/[¯h˜ksin(θmax/2)], where θmaxcharacterizes
the maximal divergence angle of the object beam, and
˜k=|˜k|. In a given context, physical sense of conditions(2.37), (2.40) consists in the requirement to use more del-
icate mechanism (lower laser intensity) in order to restore
more detailed information. They have a counterpart in
the theory of optical holograms [see e.g., Eq. (4) in the
Ref. [16]] which, in turn, is responsible for low intensity
of noise in reconstructed wave.
In a more realistic case we may expect the initial
atomic state to be a statistical mixture well described
with the density matrix
ρgg(p1,p2,0) =/integraldisplay
wheref(p) denotes a momentum distribution function.
If this function is compatible with the condition (2.38),
one can readily obtain an expression for ρgg(p1,p2,t) at
any time. In the region S, after rewriting into coordinate
representation it takes the form
ρgg(r1,r2,τ,t) =/integraldisplay
SinceAs(p,τ) is a sharp-shape function having a nar-
row widthδp(τ) along the vector ∆k[see Eq. (2.34)], the
integral in Eq. (3.10) is limited in this direction. Let
us assume that integration in transversal directions is
also restricted within a little domain ∼δp(τ) but due
to finite spectral width of f(p). Then on analyzing Eq.
(3.10) in the region |r1−r2| ≪¯h/δp(τ) under condition
t≪tcoh=M/[˜ksin(θmax/2)δp(τ)] one finds the density
matrix to factorize as a product of coherent states
φ(r,τ,t) =C1/2(τ)/summationdisplay
C(τ) =/integraldisplay
dp|As(p,τ)|2f(p+ ¯hk0). (3.12)
While getting the formula (3.11) we allow for small val-
ues of phase differences |δφ(r1−rm
t)| ≪
π,∀m,n≥1, appearing in the integration region at
t≪tcoh, whenceγm(r,κ)≃γm(r,0). Note, compatibil-
ity of time conditions tmin< t≪tcohrestrains possible
structure of the object beam
2L˜kδp(τ). (3.13)
So, we see that the superposition of laser beams selec-
tively acts only on those wave packets in initial represen-
tation of the atomic density matrix Eq. (3.9), whose spec-
tra are concentrated near the vector ¯ hk0, and restores
a pure state (3.11) in such a way. Therefore the inho-
mogeneous laser radiation proves to behave like a three-
dimensional hologram in respect to the incident atomic
beam (impinging wave packets).
8One can further establish a close relation between an
atomic hologram, created in a time domain τand a
permanent optical hologram with the thickness dτ=
¯hk0τ/M along direction of the reading beam. Indeed,
as is known from optics, the passage of reading beam
through a three-dimensional hologram can be interpreted
as multiple diffraction in which small waves, diffracted
from different registration-media layers with equivalent
transmission of light, interfere constructively to form a
high intensity of reconstructed wave. The same approach
can be used to describe an atom optics hologram being
a light structure, inducing an optical potential through
the atom-laser dipole interaction [12]. Here the role of
equivalent-transmission layers in the media is performed
by the equipotential surfaces. Since dτis just the dis-
tance the impinging wave packet covers during time τ,
the numbers of crossed interfaces (layers or surfaces) are
equal for atomic and conventional hologram. Therefore
if there were no evident difference in initial and bound-
ary conditions, the processes of wave front reconstruction
would be identical in both cases.
It makes possible to classify atomic holograms as thin
or thick diffractive optical elements, and use the Talbot
lengthLTalbot, i.e. the typical interval between consecu-
tive interfaces, as a characteristic scale to distinguish b e-
tween the two classes [17]. Namely the hologram can be
considered as thick (three-dimensional) if dτ> LTalbot,
or in terms of time
τ >L TalbotM/(¯hk0). (3.14)
For most of holographic setups (for instance, like that in
the Fig. 2)LTalbot∼2π/k0, therefore the criterion (3.14)
persists in the time domain τlarge than the period of
atomic oscillations. Obviously the latter requirement is
well satisfied for τ∼τ1, the time of πpulse, provided gΣ
is chosen in agreement with the condition (2.37).
B. Diffraction efficiency
In a regime, where the background is small, we can
define diffraction efficiency ηof a hologram as overall
intensity of the modes composing the reconstructed wave,
provided the initial wave packet is normalized to 1
η(τ,p0) =/integraldisplay
. (3.15)
It is clear, however, that ηdepends on the shape of
initial distribution as well. Therefore to be more specific
let us assume the Gaussian profile (3.1) of impinging wave
packet with infinitely small dispersion L→ ∞. Then,
integration over p′in the Eq. (3.2) becomes trivial, so
η(τ,p0) =/integraldisplay
. (3.16)Using approximate expressions (2.27b) and omitting neg-
ligible interference terms one readily gets from above
η(τ,p0) =η(τ,ξ)≃1
ξ2+ 1sin2/parenleftBig
ξ2+ 1/parenrightBig
where the dimensionless parameter
characterizes deviation of initial atomic momentum from
mean momentum of photons in the reference beam.
According to this simple formula the diffraction effi-
ciency achieves maximum at τ=τn//radicalbig
ξ2+ 1 and can
reach 100% if ξ= 0 (see Figure 5).
3 00.511.521
FIG. 5. Diffraction efficiency ηof atomic hologram as a
function of time domain τ(in units of πpulse) and dimen-
sionless parameter ξ.
C. Numerical example
In the following we show two-dimensional results ob-
tained for Na assuming experimental setup like that in
the Fig. 2 (i.e., all kmare coplanar vectors and ˜k⊥k0).
The image to be reconstructed is a thin line of the width
λ= 2π/k0being perpendicular to laser beams plane.
To decrease the bulk of computational work we reduced
the number of object wave modes to 31 and set up
θmax=π/4. Such a field well approaches desired sin-
gle line wthin region of size ∼60λ, centered around the
pointr=0, if all laser modes going into the expres-
sion (2.5) have identical amplitudes Em, and their wave
vectors kmare equidistant
9Corresponding profile of the object beam intensity distri-
butionI(x) is depicted in Fig. 6, where we direct Carte-
sianxaxis along the vector k0= (k0,0,0). The off-axis
interference fringes, which are a corollary of moderate
number of modes, can easily be separated from the cen-
tral line and therefore do not contaminate our consider-
FIG. 6. Intensity I(x) of the 31-mode object wave as a
function of observation point r= (x,0,0). The inset shows
optical image of a single line ∼λcreated in the central region
In numerical simulation the optical pulse duration was
taken to be τ1= 2.82×10−2c, to demonstrate the
highest diffraction efficiency. The rest laser light pa-
rameters were held as follows: Rabi frequencies Ω 0= 1
MHz and Ω m= 0.01Ω0for all 1 ≤m≤31, detun-
ing ∆ = −1 GHz (γ/∆≈0.06), the effective Rabi fre-
quenciesgm= 10 Hz,fmn= 0.1 Hz, and gΣ= 55.7
Hz. Note, that for considered laser-beams geometry
2k0= 1.51×105cm−1andδk= 3.28×103
cm−1, so that the background introduces relative correc-
tion of the order εr=δp(τ1)/(¯hδk) = 1.4×10−2and can
be neglected.
The reconstruction of a real image of the object was
achieved by impinging Gaussian wave packets (3.1) hav-
ing spatial extension 2 L= 0.4 cm upon the superposition
of laser beams near the point
After finishing the interaction with laser radiation these
wave packets appear at a distance L/tan(θmax/2) = 0.48
cm from the image. As a result the most intensive mat-
ter field in the imaging region may be observed after free
propagation time t=tmaxcos(θmax/2) = 0.16 c, which
obviously lies within the limits tmin= 9.6×10−2c and
tmax= 0.17 c. Figure 7 shows corresponding atomic den-
sity profile ρgg(r,r,τ1,t) when the mean momentum of
initial wave packet is exactly equal to ¯ hk0. As it is seen
from the bottom part of the plot, the atomic profile dis-
plays a good coincidence with distribution of the objectbeam intensity. The diffraction efficiency calculated ac-
cording to Eq. (3.15) proves to attain 98% in this case.
x//c108 y//c108x//c108/c114 /c114( , ) ( , )r□r 0□0/gg gg
x□=0 y□=0 ) 0 () (
Iy I
) 0 () (
Ix I
FIG. 7. Atomic density ρgg(r,r) =ρgg(r,r,τ1,t) as a
function of observation point r= (x,y,0). The bottom part of
the plot compares atomic profile (solid lines) with the objec t
beam intensity distributions I(x) andI(y) (dashed lines) in
the planesy= 0 andx= 0 correspondingly.
When initial state is a statistical mixture (3.9) with
momentum distribution function f(p) being uniform
alongxaxis, the atomic density profile acquires a shape
represented in the Fig. 8. Since condition (3.13) does
not hold at chosen laser light parameters the size of re-
constructed line appears to be ∼4 times wider than one
might expect from coherent reading beam. Nevertheless,
such image broadening is not too substantial, so that the
atomic hologram can be used even in this unfavorable
x//c108 y//c108x//c108/c114 /c114( , ) ( , )r□r 0□0/gg gg
x□=0 y□=0) 0 () (
Iy I
) 0 () (
Ix I
FIG. 8. Atomic density profile ρgg(r,r) being obtained
when initial state is a statistical mixture with uniform mo-
mentum distribution along xaxis. Other notations are the
same as in the Fig. 7.
In this paper we have studied a method of driving
the ultracold atom propagation using effective holograms
made of laser radiation in specified time domain. We
have shown that scattered atomic wave packet may in-
herit the features of object electromagnetic wave pro-
vided the atomic internal ground state possesses a trans-
lation invariance due to compensation of gravity with the
Stern-Gerlach effect. We have established a close relation
between atomic hologram created in time domain and
thick optical hologram prepared in corresponding spatial
region and have found a recipe how to control diffraction
efficiency of such atomic hologram by means of varying
the time domain. Beside adjustment of atom-laser inter-
action time a way to enhance diffraction efficiency has
proved to consist of cooling the atomic beam so that all
particles would get the same momentum as the momen-
tum of photons in the reference wave. An extraordinary
role here may be played by BEC and coherent atomic-
beam generators, which are under development now [23].
The consideration has been performed for dilute
atomic sample, i.e. we have not included any many-atominteractions [24], which may lead to nonlinear atom op-
tics effects [25] along with raising of the background. The
criteria to neglect these interactions were elaborated in
our previous paper [12] using mean-field approximation
applied to the Maxwell-Bloch equations [26] and are well
satisfied when the mean-field interaction energy per par-
ticle is much less than the typical kinetic energy of an
atom. We have also neglected such possible sources of the
background as spontaneous emission of photons and fluc-
tuations of the laser frequency. While the first of these
sources may be eliminated by keeping the laser detun-
ing much bigger than the spontaneous emission rate, the
second one is determined by the spectral width of two-
time electromagnetic-field correlation functions [12,27]
and substantially decreases if all field modes originate
from one initial laser mode.
Although our scheme of atomic hologram has been de-
veloped for co-directed reading and reference beams it
can readily be modified for the experimental setup with
opposite propagation of the beams. On full analogy with
the conventional optics such a hologram will reconstruct
the conjugate object wave.
So we see that atom optics holograms appear to be
a useful implement for solving some of the basic tech-
nological problems in the field of atom lithography. For
instance, it will be possible to grow 3D circuitry compo-
nents depositing an arbitrary multilayer picture of impu-
rity atoms on a silicon substrate.
Here we present the first-order approximation to the
ground-state component of the Green function determin-
ing time evolution of the atomic density matrix according
to the formula (2.7):
Ggg(p,p′,t) =e(t)/summationdisplay
σ∈{r,s,b}G(σ)(p,p′,t), (A1)
where common phase multiplier e(t) = exp[iωt−
(i/¯h)E|e/an}bracketri}ht(0)t] recovers the solution (2.26) from its slow
time dependence, and
G(r)(p,p′,t) =M/bracketleftBig
, (A2a)
G(s)(p,p′,t) =/summationdisplay
, (A2b)
G(b)(p,p′,t) =/summationdisplay
. (A2c)
In these formulas the operator Mstands for inverse
Laplace transformation and shift of momentum argu-
ǫ>0,σ∈ {0,b},m≥0, whereas
0(p,p′,λ) =−i
T(p,λ)δ3(p+ ¯hk0−p′),(A4a)
0(p,p′,λ) =i
T(p,λ)2χ(p,p′,λ), (A4b)
m(p,p′,λ) =−gm
0(p,p′,λ), (A4c)
m≥1, and expression for χ(p,p′,λ) is obtained from
the formula (2.21)
χ(p,p′,λ) =/summationdisplay
n[p+ ¯h(km−kn),p′,λ]
m[p+ ¯h(2k0−kn−km),p′,λ]
l[p+ ¯h(k0−kl−km+kn),p′,λ]/bracerightbigg
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12 |
arXiv:physics/9912055v1 [physics.comp-ph] 30 Dec 1999A Second-Order Stochastic Leap-Frog Algorithm for Multipl icative Noise Brownian
Ji Qiang1,⋆and Salman Habib2,†
1LANSCE-1, MS H817, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alam os, NM 87545
2T-8, Theoretical Division, MS B285, Los Alamos National Lab oratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545
(February 21, 2014)
A stochastic leap-frog algorithm for the numerical integra tion of Brownian motion stochastic differ-
ential equations with multiplicative noise is proposed and tested. The algorithm has a second-order
convergence of moments in a finite time interval and requires the sampling of only one uniformly dis-
tributed random variable per time step. The noise may be whit e or colored. We apply the algorithm
to a study of the approach towards equilibrium of an oscillat or coupled nonlinearly to a heat bath
and investigate the effect of the multiplicative noise (aris ing from the nonlinear coupling) on the
relaxation time. This allows us to test the regime of validit y of the energy-envelope approximation
PACS Numbers : 11.15.Pg, 11.30.Qc, 05.70.Ln, 98.80.Cq 02.5 0-r LAUR 99-5263
Stochastic differential equations with multiplicative
noise have not only found many applications in physics
but also have interesting mathematical properties. Con-
sequently they have attracted substantial attention over
the years [1–11]. The key point lies in the fundamen-
tal difference between additive and multiplicative noises:
Additive noise does not couple directly to the system
variables and disappears from the noise-averaged form of
the dynamical equations. However, in the case of multi-
plicative noise, the system variables do couple directly to
the noise (alternatively, we may say that the noise am-
plitude depends on the system variables). This fact can
lead to dramatic changes of system behavior that cannot
occur in the presence of additive noise alone. Two classic
illustrations are the Kubo oscillator [12] and the existenc e
of long-time tails in transport theory [13]. In this paper
we will investigate another example, that of an oscillator
nonlinearly coupled to a heat bath, in which the effects
of multiplicative noise can significantly alter the qualita -
tive nature, as well as the rate [2], of the equilibration
process (relative to that of an oscillator subjected only
to additive noise).
The dynamical behavior of systems subjected to noise
can be studied in two different ways: we may either solve
stochastic differential equations and average over realiza -
tions to obtain statistical information, or we may directly
solve the Fokker-Planck equation which describes the
evolution of the corresponding probability distribution
function. Both approaches have their share of advantages
and disadvantages. Fokker-Planck equations are partial
differential equations and their mathematical properties
are still not fully understood. Moreover, they are very
expensive to solve numerically even for dynamical sys-
tems possessing only a very modest number of degrees
of freedom. Truncation schemes or closures (such as cu-
mulant truncations) have had some success in extractingthe behavior of low-order moments, but the systematics
of these approximations remains to be elucidated. Com-
pared to the Fokker-Planck equation, stochastic differ-
ential equations are not difficult to solve, and with the
advent of modern supercomputers, it is possible to run
very large numbers of realizations in order to compute
low-order moments accurately. (We may mention that in
applications to field theories it is essentially impossible to
solve the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation since the
probability distribution is now a functional.) However,
the extraction of the probability distribution function it -
self is very difficult due to the sampling noise inherent in
a particle representation of a smooth distribution.
Numerical algorithms to solve stochastic differential
equations have been discussed extensively in the litera-
ture [14–19]. The simplest, fastest, and still widely-used ,
is Euler’s method which yields first-order convergence of
moments for a finite time interval. Depending on the
control over statistical errors arising from the necessari ly
finite number of realizations, in the extraction of statis-
tical information it may or may not pay to use a higher
order algorithm especially if it is computationally expen-
sive. Because of this fact, it is rare to find high-order
schemes being put to practical use for the solution of
stochastic differential equations, and second-order con-
vergence is usually considered a good compromise be-
tween efficiency and accuracy. A popular algorithm with
second-order convergence of moments for additive noise
but with only first-order convergence of moments for mul-
tiplicative noise is Heun’s algorithm (also called stochas -
tic RK2 by some authors) [14,17,20]. A stochastic leap-
frog algorithm which has the same order convergence of
moments as Heun’s method was suggested in Ref. [21] to
study particle motion in a stochastic potential without
damping. Several other algorithms for particle motion in
a quasi-conservative stochastic system were proposed in
Ref. [16] and in the book by Allen and Tildesley [22]. At
every time step, these methods all require sampling two
1Gaussian random variables which adds to the computa-
tional cost. A modified algorithm suggested in Ref. [19]
requires only one Gaussian random variable but applies
only to white Gaussian noise. In the following sections,
we present a new stochastic leap-frog algorithm for mul-
tiplicative Gaussian white noise and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
colored noise which not only has second-order conver-
gence of moments but also requires the sampling of only
one random uniform variable per time step.
The organization of this paper is as follows: General
numerical integration of a system of stochastic differ-
ential equations with Gaussian white noise is discussed
in Section II. The stochastic leap-frog algorithms for
Brownian motion with Gaussian white noise and colored
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise are given in Section III. Nu-
merical tests of these algorithms using a one-dimensional
harmonic oscillator are presented in Section IV. A phys-
ical application of the algorithm to the multiplicative-
noise Brownian oscillator is given in Section V. Section VI
contains the final conclusions and and a short discussion.
A general system of continuous-time stochastic differ-
ential equations (Langevin equations) can be written as
˙xi=Fi(x1,· · ·, xn) +σij(x1,· · ·, xn)ξj(t) (1)
where i= 1,· · ·, nandξj(t) is a Gaussian white noise
/an}bracketle{tξj(t)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 (2)
/an}bracketle{tξj(t)ξj(t′)/an}bracketri}ht=δ(t−t′) (3)
and the symbol /an}bracketle{t· · ·/an}bracketri}htrepresents an average over realiza-
tions of the inscribed variable (ensemble average). The
noise is said to be additive when σijis not a function
of the xi, otherwise it is said to be multiplicative. In
the case of multiplicative noises, a mathematical subtlety
arises in interpreting stochastic integrals, the so-calle d
Ito-Stratonovich ambiguity [23]. It should be stressed
that this is a point of mathematics and not of physics.
Once it is clear how a particular Langevin equation has
been derived and what it is supposed to represent, it
should either be free of this ambiguity (as in the case of
the example we study later) or it should be clear that
there must exist two different stochastic equations, one
written in the Ito form, the other in Stratonovich, both
representing the same physical process and hence yielding
identical answers for the variables of interest. (Another
way to state this is that there should be only one unique
Fokker-Planck equation.) It is important to note that the
vast majority of numerical update schemes for Langevin
equations use the Ito form of the equation.
The integral representation of the set of equations (1)
isxi(t) =xi(0) +/integraldisplayt
0dsFi(x1(s),· · ·, xn(s))
0dsσij(x1(s),· · ·, xn(s))ξj(s) (4)
where xi(0) is a given sharp initial condition at t= 0.
The infinitesimal update form of this equation may be
derived by replacing twith an infinitesimal time step h:
xi(h) =xi(0) +/integraldisplayh
xk(0) +/integraldisplayt′
xk(0) +/integraldisplayt′
ξj(t′) (5)
Since Fiandσijare smooth functions of the xi, they may
be expanded about their values at t= 0, in which case
we can write the exact solution for xi(h) as
xi(h) =Di(h) +Si(h) (6)
where Di(h) and Si(h) denote the deterministic and
stochastic contributions respectively. The deterministi c
contribution Di(h) is
Di(h) =xi(0) +hFi+1
2h2Fi,kFk+O(h3) (7)
where Fi,k=∂Fi/∂xk, the summation convention for the
repeated indices having being employed. The stochastic
contribution Si(h) is
Si(h) =σijWj(h) +σij,kσklClj(h) +Fi,kσklZl(h)
+σij,kFk(hWj(h)−Zj(h)) +1
2Fi,klσksσltGst(h) +1
2Flσij,klσkmKmj(h) +1
+O(h5/2) (8)
The quantities Wi,Cij,Hijk,Zi,Gij,Kij, and Iijkl
are random variables which can be written as stochastic
integrals over the Gaussian white noise ξ(t):
Wi(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtξi(t)∼O(h1/2) (9)
Cij(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtW i(t)ξj(t)∼O(h) (10)
Hijk(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtW i(t)Wj(t)ξk(t)∼O(h3/2) (11)
2Zi(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtW i(t)∼O(h3/2) (12)
Gij(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtW i(t)Wj(t)∼O(h2) (13)
Kij(h) =/integraldisplayh
0tdtW i(t)ξj(t)∼O(h2) (14)
Iijkl(h) =/integraldisplayh
0dtW i(t)Wj(t)Wk(t)ξl(t)∼O(h2) (15)
Ito integration has been employed in the derivation of
the above equations.
Thenth moment of the xiis
/an}bracketle{txi(h)n/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{t(Di(h) +Si(h))n/an}bracketri}ht
nDi(h)n−2/an}bracketle{t(Si(h))2/an}bracketri}ht+· · · (16)
,klσksσlsh2+O(h3) (18)
,klσkmσlmh2+O(h3) (19)
/an}bracketle{tSi(h)Sj(h)Sk(h)/an}bracketri}ht=O(h3) (20)
/an}bracketle{tSi(h)4/an}bracketri}ht= 3(σii)4+O(h3) (21)
/an}bracketle{t(Si(h))5/an}bracketri}ht=O(h3) (22)
Suppose that the results from a numerical algorithm were
written as
¯xi(h) =¯Di(h) +¯Si(h) (23)
where the ¯ xiare approximations to the exact solutions
xi. The nth moment of ¯ xiis
/an}bracketle{t¯xi(h)n/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{t(¯Di(h) +¯Si(h))n/an}bracketri}ht
n¯Di(h)n−2/an}bracketle{t(¯Si(h))2/an}bracketri}ht+· · · (24)
Comparing Eqns. (16) and (24), we see that if Di(h) and
¯Di(h), and Si(h) and ¯Si(h) coincide up to h2, we will
xi(h)−¯xi(h) =O(h3) (25)
and for a finite time interval
/an}bracketle{txi(t)n/an}bracketri}ht − /an}bracketle{t¯xi(t))n/an}bracketri}ht=O(h2) (26)III. STOCHASTIC LEAP-FROG ALGORITHM
The approach to modeling Brownian motion that we
consider here is that of a particle coupled to the environ-
ment through its position variable [1]. When this is the
case, noise terms enter only in the dynamical equations
for the particle momenta. In the case of three dimensions,
the dynamical equations take the general form:
˙x1=F1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) +σ11(x2, x4, x6)ξ1(t)
˙x3=F3(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) +σ33(x2, x4, x6)ξ3(t)
˙x5=F5(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) +σ55(x2, x4, x6)ξ5(t)
˙x6=F6(x5) (27)
The convention used here is that the odd indices corre-
spond to momenta, and the even indices to the spatial
coordinate. In the dynamical equations for the momenta,
the first term on the right hand side is a systematic drift
term which includes the effects due to external forces and
damping. The second term is stochastic in nature and
describes a noise force which, in general, is a function of
position. The noise ξ(t) is first assumed to be Gaussian
and white as defined by Eqns. (2)-(3). The stochastic
leap-frog algorithm for the Eqns. (27) is written as
¯xi(h) =¯Di(h) +¯Si(h) (28)
The deterministic contribution ¯Di(h) can be obtained us-
ing the deterministic leap-frog algorithm. The stochastic
contribution ¯Si(h) can be obtained by applying Eq. (8) on
Eq. (27). The stochastic integration defined by Eqs. (9)
to (15) can be approximated so that the moment rela-
tionships defined by Eqs. (18) to (22) are satisfied. After
some calculation, the deterministic contribution ¯Di(h)
and the stochastic contribution ¯Si(h) of the above recur-
sion formula for one-step integration are found to be
¯Di(h) = ¯xi(0) +hFi(¯x∗
{i= 1,3,5}
¯Di(h) = ¯x∗
6)] ;
{i= 2,4,6}
¯Si(h) =σii√
hWi(h) +1
{i= 1,3,5;j= 2,4,6;k, l= 1,3,5}
¯Si(h) =1√
{i= 2,4,6;j= 1,3,5}
i= ¯xi(0) +1
{i= 1,2,3,4,5,6} (29)
where ˜Wi(h) is a series of random numbers with the mo-
/an}bracketle{t˜Wi(h)/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{t(˜Wi(h))3/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{t(˜Wi(h))5/an}bracketri}ht= 0 (30)
/an}bracketle{t(˜Wi(h))2/an}bracketri}ht= 1,/an}bracketle{t(˜Wi(h))4/an}bracketri}ht= 3 (31)
This can not only be achieved by choosing true Gaus-
sian random numbers, but also by using the sequence of
random numbers following:
˜Wi(h) =
3, R < 1/6
0,1/6≤R <5/6√
3, 5/6≤R(32)
where Ris a uniformly distributed random number on
the interval (0,1). This trick significantly reduces the
computational cost in generating random numbers.
Next we consider the case that the noise in Eqs. (27)
is a colored Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process which obeys
/an}bracketle{tξi(t)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 (33)
2exp(−ki|t−t′|) (34)
where the correlation factor kiis the reciprocal of the
correlation time. In the limit of ki→ ∞, the Ornstein-
Uhlenbeck process reduces to Gaussian white noise. The
above process can be generated by using a white Gaussian
noise from a stochastic differential equation
˙ξi(t) =−kiξi(t) +kiζi(t) (35)
where ζi(t) is a standard Gaussian white noise. The ini-
tial value ξi(0) is chosen to be a Gaussian random number
with/an}bracketle{tξi(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 and /an}bracketle{tξi(0)2/an}bracketri}ht=ki/2.
For the stochastic process with colored noise, the leap-
frog algorithm for Eqns. (27) is of the same form as that
for white noise (Cf. Eqn. (29)), but with
¯Di(h) = ¯xi(0) +hFi(¯x∗
{i= 1,3,5}
¯Di(h) = ¯x∗
{i= 2,4,6}
¯Dξi(h) =ξi(0)exp( −kih);
{i= 1,3,5}¯Si(h) =1√
{i= 1,3,5}
¯Si(h) = 0;
{i= 2,4,6}
{i= 1,3,5} (36)
i= ¯xi(0) +1
{i= 1,3,5}
i= ¯xi(0) +1
{i= 2,4,6}
i=ξi(0)exp( −1
{i= 1,3,5} (37)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
FIG. 1. Zero damping convergence test. Top: /angbracketleftx2(t)/angbracketrightat
t= 6 as a function of step size with white Gaussian noise.
Bottom: /angbracketleftx2(t)/angbracketrightatt= 6 as a function of step size with colored
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise. Solid lines represent quadrati c fits
to the data points (diamonds).
The above algorithms were tested on a one-dimensional
stochastic harmonic oscillator with a simple form of the
multiplicative noise. The equations of motion were
4˙p=F1(p, x) +σ(x)ξ(t)
˙x=p (38)
where F1(p, x) =−γp−η2xandσ(x) =−αx.
As a first test, we computed /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}htas a function of time
step size. To begin, we took the case of zero damping
constant ( γ= 0), where /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}htcan be determined analyt-
ically. The top curve in Fig. 1 shows /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}htatt= 6.0 as
a function of time step size with white Gaussian noise.
Here, the parameters ηandαare set to 1 .0 and 0 .1.
The ensemble averages were taken over 106independent
simulations. The analytically determined value of /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}ht
att= 6.0 is 2.095222 (The derivation of the analytical
results is given in the Appendix). The quadratic con-
vergence of the stochastic leap-frog algorithm is clearly
seen in the numerical results. We then considered the
case of colored Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise as a function of
time step size using the same parameters as in the white
Gaussian noise case and with the correlation parameter
k= 0.16. The result is shown as the bottom curve in
Fig. 1 and the quadratic convergence is again apparent.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
FIG. 2. Finite damping ( γ= 0.1) convergence test. Top:
/angbracketleftx2(t)/angbracketrightatt= 12 as a function of step size with white Gaussian
noise. Bottom: /angbracketleftx2(t)/angbracketrightatt= 12 as a function of step size
with colored Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise. Solid lines repres ent
quadratic fits to the data points (diamonds).
We verified that the quadratic convergence is present
for nonzero damping ( γ= 0.1). At t= 12.0, and with
all other parameters as above, the convergence of /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}ht
as a function of time step is shown by the top and bot-
tom curves in Fig. 2 (white Gaussian noise and colored
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise, respectively).
As a comparison against the conventional Heun’s al-gorithm, we computed /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}htas a function of tusing
100,000 numerical realizations for a particle starting
from (0 .0,1.5) in the ( x, p) phase space. The results along
with the analytical solution and a numerical solution us-
ing Heun’s algorithm are given in Fig. 3. Parameters
used were h= 0.1,η= 1.0, and α= 0.1. The ad-
vantage in accuracy of the stochastic leap-frog algorithm
over Heun’s algorithm is clearly displayed, both in terms
of error amplitude and lack of a systematic drift.
We note that while in general Heun’s algorithm is only
linear for multiplicative noise applications, for the part ic-
ular problem at hand it turns out to be quadratic. This
is due to a coincidence: the stochastic term of xdoes
not contain W(h) but does posses a higher order term
hW(h). However, this higher order term has a larger
coefficient compared with our stochastic leap-frog algo-
rithm, and this accounts for the larger errors observed in
Fig. 3.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Error: Heun
Error: Leapfrog
FIG. 3. Comparing stochastic leap-frog and the Heun al-
gorithm: /angbracketleftx2(t)/angbracketrightas a function of t. Errors are given relative
to the exact solution.
In this section, we apply our algorithm to studying the
approach to thermal equilibrium of an oscillator coupled
nonlinearly to a heat bath modeled by a set of noninter-
acting harmonic oscillators [1]. The nonlinear coupling
leads to the introduction of multiplicative noise into the
system dynamics. Lindenberg and Seshadri have pointed
out that, at weak coupling, multiplicative noise may sig-
nificantly enhance the equilibration rate relative to the
rate for weak linear coupling (additive noise) [2]. We will
choose the same form of the coordinate couplings as in
Ref. [2], in which case the additive noise equations are
˙x=p (39)
5and for the system with multiplicative noise only:
˙x=p (40)
where the diffusion coefficients Di=λikT, i = 0,2,λiis
the coupling constant, kis Boltzmann’s constant, Tis the
heat bath temperature, and ω0is the oscillator angular
frequency without damping. The approach to thermal
equilibrium is guaranteed for both sorts of noises by the
fluctuation-dissipation relation
/an}bracketle{tξi(t)ξj(s)/an}bracketri}ht=δijδ(t−s) (41)
written here for the general case when both noises are
simultaneously present. While in all cases, it is clear
that the final distribution is identical and has to be the
thermal distribution, the precise nature of the approach
to equilibrium can certainly be different. We wish to
explore this issue in more detail. An important point to
keep in mind is that in this particular system of equations
there is no noise-induced drift in the Fokker-Planck equa-
tion obtained from the Stratonovich form of the Langevin
equation, i.e., there is no Ito-Stratonovich ambiguity.
It is a simple matter to solve the Langevin equations
given above applying the algorithm from Eqs. (29). As
our primary diagnostic, we computed the noise-averaged
energy /an}bracketle{tE(t)/an}bracketri}htof the oscillator as a function of time t,
E(t) =1
0x2. (42)
In the weak coupling limit and employing orbit-averaging
(valid presumably when the dynamical time scale is much
smaller than the relaxation time scale), one finds [2]
in the case of additive noise (a result which can also be
directly obtained as a limiting case from the known form
of the exact solution given, e.g., in Ref. [24]). The corre-
sponding form of the approximate solution in the case of
multiplicative noise is
E0+ (kT−E0)exp(−λ2kTt/ω2
While in the case of additive noise, the exponential na-
ture of the relaxation is already clear from the form of the
exact solution (cf. Ref. [24]), the situation in the case of
multiplicative noise is not obviously apparent as no exact
solution is known to exist. The prediction of a relaxation
process controlled by a single exponential as found in (44)
is a consequence of the assumption /an}bracketle{tx2(t)/an}bracketri}ht ≃kT/ω2
“late” times, this implying a constant damping coefficient
in the Langevin equation (40).
The timescale separations necessary for the energy-
envelope method to be applicable are encoded in the fol-
lowing inequalities [2]:λ0
ω0≪1; additive noise (45)
0≪1; multiplicative noise (46)
As a first check, we performed simulations with ω0= 1.0,
λ0=λ2= 0.01, and kT= 4.5, in which case both
the above conditions are satisfied. Moreover, with these
choices of parameter values, and within the energy en-
velope approximation, the relaxation time predicted for
multiplicative noise is substantially smaller than for the
case of additive noise. At the same time we also ran a
simulation at kT= 200 to see how the energy envelope
approximation for multiplicative noise breaks down at
high temperatures.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
FIG. 4. Temporal evolution of the scaled average energy
/angbracketleftE(t)/angbracketright/kTwith additive noise and multiplicative noise. The
dashed lines I and II are the predictions from Eqn. (44) for
kT= 200 and kT= 4.5 respectively. The dashed line III is
the theoretical prediction for additive noise with kT= 4.5.
As predicted, the relaxation proceeds much faster with mult i-
plicative noise: The solid lines are numerical results for m ul-
tiplicative noise at kT= 200 and kT= 4.5. It is clear that at
higher temperatures, the theory grossly underestimates th e
relaxation time.
In Fig. 4, we display the time evolution of the aver-
age energy (scaled by kTfor convenience) with additive
and multiplicative noise both from the simulations and
the approximate analytical calculations. In the case of
weak coupling to the environment (small λ0, λ2), the
rate at which the average energy approaches equilibrium
is significantly greater for the case of multiplicative nois e
relative to the case of additive noise more or less as ex-
pected. In addition, the analytic approximation result-
ing from the application of the energy-envelope method
(44) is seen to be in reasonable agreement with the nu-
merical simulations for kT= 4.5. The slightly higher
equlibration rate from the analytical calculation is due to
the truncation in the energy envelope equation using the
/an}bracketle{tE2(t)/an}bracketri}ht ≈2/an}bracketle{tE(t)/an}bracketri}ht2relation which yields an upper bound
6on the rate of equilibration of the average energy [2].
Note that in the case of high temperature ( kT= 200)
the relaxaton time computed from the energy envelope
method is much smaller than the numerical result, con-
sistent with the violation of the condition (46).
While the results shown in Fig. 4 do show that the
energy envelope approximation is qualitatively correct
within its putative domain of validity, it is clear that
the actual relaxation process is not of the precise form
(44). In Fig. 5 we illustrate this point by plotting
E0(kT− /an}bracketle{tE(t)/an}bracketri}ht)
/an}bracketle{tE(t)/an}bracketri}ht(kT−E0)= exp( −λ2kTt/ω2
0) (47)
[equivalent to (44)] against time on a log scale: the re-
laxation is clearly nonexponential. The reason for the
failure of the approximation is that despite the fact that
equipartition of energy does take place on a relatively
short time scale, it is not true that /an}bracketle{tx2(t)/an}bracketri}htcan be treated
as a constant even at relatively late times.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
tAdditive Noise
Multiplicative Noise
FIG. 5. The LHS of (47) as a function of time (straight line)
compared with numerical results for kT= 4.5. Also shown
is a numerical result for the case of additive noise which is i n
excellent agreement with the predicted exponential relaxa tion
with the relaxation timescale = 1 /λ0.
We have presented a stochastic leap-frog algorithm
for single particle Brownian motion with multiplicative
noise. This method has the advantages of retaining the
symplectic property in the deterministic limit, ease of im-
plementation, and second-order convergence of moments
for multiplicative noise. Sampling a uniform distribution
instead of a Gaussian distribution helps to significantly
reduce the computational cost. A comparison with the
conventional Heun’s algorithm highlights the gain in acu-
racy due to the new method. Finally, we have applied the
stochastic leap-frog algorithm to a nonlinearly coupledoscillator-heat-bath system in order to investigate the ef -
fect of multiplicative noise on the nature of the relaxation
We acknowledge helpful discussions with Grant Lythe
and Robert Ryne. Partial support for this work came
from the DOE Grand Challenge in Computational Ac-
celerator Physics. Numerical simulations were performed
on the SGI Origin2000 systems at the Advanced Com-
puting Laboratory (ACL) at Los Alamos National Lab-
oratory, and on the Cray T3E at the National En-
ergy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
⋆Electronic address: jiqiang@lanl.gov
†Electronic address: habib@lanl.gov
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The analytic solution of Eqns. (38) for /an}bracketle{tx2(t)/an}bracketri}ht(with
white Gaussian noise) as a function of time in the special
case of zero damping, i.e. γ= 0, can be obtained by
solving the equivalent Fokker-Planck equation [24] for the
probability density f(x, p, t):
∂tf(x, p, t) =
∂x−∂F1(p, x)
f(x, p, t) (A1)
The expectation value of any function M(x, p;t) can be
written as
/an}bracketle{tM(x, p)/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay+∞
−∞dxdpM (x, p)f(x, p, t) (A2)
Equations (A1) and (A2) can be used to yield a BBGKY-
like heirarchy for the evolution of phase space moments.
Since the system we are considering is linear, this heirar-
chy truncates exactly and yields a group of coupled lin-
ear ordinary differential equations for the moments /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}ht,
/an}bracketle{txp/an}bracketri}ht, and/an}bracketle{tp2/an}bracketri}ht. These equations can be written as a single
third-order time evolution equation for /an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}ht:
dt+ 2α2/an}bracketle{tx2/an}bracketri}ht (A3)
subject to the initial conditions
/an}bracketle{t˙x2(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 2x(0)p(0)
/an}bracketle{t¨x2(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 2p2(0)−2η2x2(0) (A4)
This equation has an analytical solution written as
/an}bracketle{tx2(t)/an}bracketri}ht=c1exp(r1t) +c2exp(r2t) +c3exp(r3t) (A5)
where c1,c2, and c3are constants depending on initial
conditions, and r1,r2andr3are the roots of a third order
alegbraic equation2α2−4η2x−x3= 0 (A6)
which gives
2(1 +√
2 (A7)
where the superscript ∗represents complex conjugation.
The positive real root r1implies that /an}bracketle{tx2(t)/an}bracketri}htwill have an
exponential growth in time.
8 |
arXiv:physics/9912056v1 [physics.atom-ph] 31 Dec 1999Analytical Structure Matching and
Very Precise Approach to the Coulombic
Quantum Three-Body Problem
TAN, Shi-Na∗
Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS, P.O.Box 2735, Beiji ng 100080, P.R.China
A powerful approach to solve the Coulombic quantum three-bo dy problem is proposed. The
approach is exponentially convergent and more efficient than the Hyperspherical Coordinate(HC)
method and the Correlation Function Hyperspherical Harmon ic(CFHH) method. This approach is
numerically competitive with the variational methods, suc h as that using the Hylleraas-type basis
functions. Numerical comparisons are made to demonstrate t hem, by calculating the non-relativistic
& infinite-nuclear-mass limit of the ground state energy of t he helium atom. The exponentially
convergency of this approach is due to the full matching betw een the analytical structure of the
basis functions that I use and the true wave function. This fu ll matching was not reached by almost
any other methods. For example, the variational method usin g the Hylleraas-type basis does not
reflects the logarithmic singularity of the true wave functi on at the origin as predicted by Bartlett
and Fock. Two important approaches are proposed in this work to reach this full matching: the
coordinate transformation method and the asymptotic serie s method. Besides these, this work
makes use of the least square method to substitute complicat ed numerical integrations in solving
the Schr¨ odinger equation, without much loss of accuracy; t his method is routinely used by people to
fit a theoretical curve with discrete experimental data, but I use it here to simplify the computation.
PACS number(s):
Most approximate methods to solve a linear partial different ial equation, such as the stationary state
Schr¨ odinger equation, are actually to choose an N-dimensional subspace of the infinite-dimensional
Hilbert space and then to reduce the partial differential equ ation toNlinear algebraic equations
defined in this subspace. The efficiency of this kind of methods is mainly determined by whether one
∗E-mail: tansn@itp.ac.cncan use sufficient small Nto reach sufficient high accuracy, i.e., make the vector most c lose to the true
solution in this subspace sufficiently close to the true solut ion while keeping the dimension Nnot too
large to handle.
Most methods to solve the Coulombic quantum three-body prob lem belong to this class, except for
some variational methods that make use of some non-linear va riational parameters. The differences
between different methods of this kind mainly lie in different choices of the subspaces of the Hilbert
space, i.e., different choices of the basis functions to expa nd the wave function.
Theoretically, any discrete and complete set of basis funct ions may be used to expand the wave
function, and the convergency is easy to fulfilled. But actua lly, the convergency is often slow and
makes sufficient accuracy difficult to achieve. The naive hyper spherical harmonic function method[1-
3] in solving the Coulombic quantum three-body problem is su ch an example–this slow convergency
can be illustrated by an analogous and simple example: to exp and the function f(x) =√
(−1≤x≤+1) as a series of the Legendre polynomials of x. This series is convergent like N−s, where
sis a positive constant not large and Nis the number of Legendre polynomials involved. The reason
for this slow convergency is that f(x) is singular at x=±1 but the Legendre polynomials of xare not.
I call this the mismatching between the analytical structur es of the basis functions (the polynomials
ofx) andf(x).
The correlation function hyperspherical harmonic(CFHH) m ethod[4] were proposed to overcome
this difficulty. The spirit of this method can be simply illust rated, still using the above example:
to dividef(x) by an appropriately selected function(called the correla tion function) to cancel the
low order singularities of f(x) atx=±1, then to expand the remaining function by the Legendre
polynomials of x. This time, the series is still convergent as N−s, butsis increased by an amount
depending on how many orders’ singularities have been cance led.
From this simple discussion one can see that the singulariti es of the function f(x) are not completely
canceled by the correlation function, although more sophis ticated correlation function can cancel more
orders’ singularities.
A very simple approach to totally eliminate the singularity is to make an appropriate coordin ate
transformation, and in the same time thoroughly give up the o riginal hyperspherical harmonic function
method, not just repair it. For example, for f(x) =√
1−x2, one may write x= sinθ, where
−π/2≤θ≤π/2, thenf(x) = cosθand one can expand f(x) as the series about the Legendre
polynomials of (2 /π)θ. This time the series is factorially convergent. The reason is that the analytical
structures of f(x) andPl((2/π)θ) match–they are both analytical functions on the whole comp lex
plane ofθ.
Another useful approach to solve this problem is to use the as ymptotic series. Still considering theexamplef(x) =√
1−x2, one may write the Taylor series
f(x) =f0+f1x+f2x2+f3x3+···.
Of course, this series is slowly convergent near x=±1. But one can use the following asymptotic
series to calculate fnwhennis large:
fn= ((−1)n+ 1)(c3/2n−3/2+c5/2n−5/2+c7/2n−7/2+···),
or, equivalently,
fn= ((−1)n+ 1)1/2+L/summationdisplay
2+L, ands!≡Γ(s+1). For a given n≫1, the error of this formula is minimized
whenL/n≃2/3, and the minimum error is about/radicalBig
2π2n−23−n, which exponentially decreases with
nincreasing. Using such kind of asymptotic formulae to calcu late the high order coefficients of the
Taylor series, one can expand the singular function f(x) at high precision, with only finite linear
parameters, f0,···,fnand˜f1/2,···,˜f1/2+L.
Now I introduce an alternative approach to reduce a different ial equation to a given finite di-
mensional subspace LNof tbe Hilbert space. Here Nis the dimension of the subspace. The central
problem is how to reduce an operator Oin the Hilbert space, e.g., the kinetic energy operator or
the potential energy operator, to an N×Nmatrix in the given subspace. For a state Ψ ∈LN, the
state Ψ O≡OΨ usually/∈LN. To reduce Ointo anN×Nmatrix means to find a state Ξ ∈LNto
approximate Ψ O. The usual approach to select Ξ is to minimize
where (,) is the innerproduct of the Hilbert space. This approach wil l reduceOto a matrix with
Oij= (φi,Oφ j),
whereφi∈LNis a set of orthonormal basis in LN, satisfying ( φi,φj) =δij, 1≤i,j≤N. In numerical
calculation, the innerproduct is usually computed by numer ical integration, which needs sufficient
accuracy and might be complicated. An alternative approach that does not need these integrations
is to write the states as wavefunctions under a particular re presentation(e.g., the space-coordinate
representation), and then select Ξ to minimize
wherexais some sample points in the defining area of the wavefunction s. In order to ensure Ξ to be a
good approximation of Ψ O, the sample points should be appropriately chosen. Usually the number of
the sample points is greater than and approximately proport ional toN, and the separation betweentwo neighboring sample points should be less than the least q uasi-semiwavelength of a wavefunction
This alternative approach (I call it the least square method ) leads to a reduction of the operator
˜Oij= (˜φi,O˜φj)′,
where (,)′is a pseudo-innerproduct defined as ( φ,ψ)′≡/summationtext
a[φ(xa)−ψ(xa)]2for arbitrary φandψ, and
˜φiis a set of pseudo-orthonormal basis in LNsatisfying ( φi,φj)′=δij. We find that this approach
is very similar to the usual one, except that a discrete sum ov er sample points takes the place of the
usual innerproduct integration. And there is a great degree of freedom in the selection of the sample
points. In fact, as soon as the sample points are selected acc ording to the spirit mentioned above, the
accuracy of the solution of the differential equation usuall y will not decrease significantly. The major
factor that determines the accuracy of the solution is the ch oice of the subspace LN, which has been
discussed to some extent in previous pages.
In this work, solving the simpliest quantum three-body prob lem, the three methods discussed
above are all used: the coordinate transformation method, t he asymptotic series method, and the
least square method. A high precision is reached for the grou nd state energy of the ideal helium atom,
and the solution has also some merit in comparison with the Hy leraas-type variational solution[5,6].
In section 2 the Bartlett-Fock expansion[7,8,9] is studied , in order to reflect the analytical structure of
the wavefunction near the origin. In this study, the asympto tic series are used to represent the hyper-
angular dependence of the wavefunction. In section 3 the ( u,w) coordinate system is used to study the
hyper-angular dependence of the wavefunction. This coordi nate system cancels the singularity of the
hyper-angular functions totally. The relationship betwee n this coordinate system and the Hyleraas-
type variational method is also discussed. The least square method is used to reduce the hyper-angular
parts of the kinetic energy operator and the potential energ y operator to finite-dimensional matrices.
In section 4 the connection of the outer region solution and t he inner region Bartlett-Fock expansion
is studied, using the least square method. In section 5 the nu merical result is presented and compared
with those of other methods. Some explanations are made. In s ection 6 some discussions are presented
and some future developments are pointed out.
Considering an S state of an ideal helium atom, that is, assum ing an infinite massive nucleus and
infinite light speed, one may write the Schr¨ odinger equatio n
z∂z)ψ+Vψ=Eψ , (1)wherex=r2
2,y= 2r1r2cosθ12,z= 2r1r2sinθ12, andt=r2
andr2are the distances of the electrons from the nucleus, and θ12is the angle formed by the two
electronic position vectors measured from the nucleus. In t his equation, an S state is assumed, so the
wavefunction ψis only dependent on r1,r2andθ12, or, equivalently, x,y, andz. The atomic unit,
i.e., ¯h=me=e2/(4πε0) = 1, is assumed throughout this paper. The potential energy is
r12, (2)
wherer12is the distance between the two electrons.
2, r2=/radicalbiggt−x
2, r12=√t−y . (3)
The Bartlett-Fock expansion is
k!, (4)
wheren= 0,1/2,1,3/2,2,···, andk= 0,1,2,···.ψn,konly depends on the two hyper-angles, say,
α≡x/tandβ≡y/t, and does not depend on the hyper-radius, ρ≡√
t. Whenk>n,ψn,k≡0.
Using the coordinates t,α, andβ, one may rewrite the Schr¨ odinger equation (1) as
t2L0)ψ= (vt−3/2+pt−1)ψ , (5)
wherep≡−E/2, and
L0= (1−α2)∂2
α−2αβ∂α∂β+ (1−β2)∂2
β−3α∂α−3β∂β; (6)
2√1 +α−√
2√1−α+1/2√1−β. (7)
Substituting eq.(4) into eq.(5), and comparing the corresp onding coefficients before tn(lnt)k, one
will obtain
Lnψn,k+ (2n+ 2)ψn,k+1+ψn,k+2=vψn−1
2,k+pψn−1,k, (8)
whereLn≡n(n+ 2) +L0.
The functions ψn,kare solved out in the order with n increasing; and for each n, w ith k decreasing.
The physical area of ( α,β) is the unit circle: α2+β2≤1. And the function ψn,k(α,β) may has
singularities at α=±1 and atβ= 1. The singularities are of these kinds: (1 −α)s, (1 +α)s, and
(1−β)s, withs=1
2,···. So one may write the Taylor series in the ( α,β) unit circle:
ψn,k(α,β) =∞/summationdisplay
a,b=0ψn,k,a,bαaβb. (9)
The singularities make the usual cutoff, a+b≤Lf+Ls, inappropriate, because the error decreases
slowly when Lf+Lsincreases. But since we have known the forms of the singulari ties, we canwrite the asymptotic formulae to calculate those high order Taylor coefficients that have important
ψn,k,a,b =Li−1
[1 + (−1)a] ; (10 −1)
ψn,k,a,b =Li−1
(−1)b. (10−2)
Eq.(10-1) is appropriate when a≫banda≫1, while eq.(10-2) is appropriate when b≫aandb≫1.
a/parenrightbig≡(s!)/[a!(s−a)!], ands!≡Γ(s+ 1). Here I have assumed the state is a spin-singlet, and thus
ψn,k(−α,β) =ψn,k(α,β). For a spin-triplet, the factor [1 + ( −1)a] in eq.(10-1) should be substituted
by [1−(−1)a].
In my actual calculation, the ( a,b) plane is divided into four areas:
the finite area: 0 ≤a,b≤Lfanda+b≤Lf+Ls(Lf≫Ls≫1),
thea-asymptotic area: a>L fandb≤Ls,
theb-asymptotic area: b>L fanda≤Ls,
and the cutoff area: the remain area.
Eq.(10-1) is used in the a-asymptotic area, and eq.(10-2) is used in the b-asymptotic area, while
the contribution from the cutoff area is neglected for it is ex tremely tiny when Lf≫Ls≫1.
In a word, a relevant hyper-angular function is described by a finite set of parameters up to a
high precision. These parameters are some Taylor coefficient s and some asymptotic coefficients. To
operate with some functions of this kind means to operate wit h the corresponding sets of parameters.
The relevant operations are: addition of two functions–add ing the corresponding parameters of the
two sets; multiplying a function by a constant–multiplying each parameter in the set by the constant;
multiplying a function by v(α,β)(eq.(7))– an appropriate linear transformation of the set of parameters
of the multiplied function; solving an equation Lnf=gwith g known and f unknown–solving a set of
linear equations about the parameters corresponding to f. Here, I write the relevant linear equations
corresponding to the equation Lnf=g:
[n(n+ 2)−(a+b)(a+b+ 2)]fa,b+ (a+ 1)(a+ 2)fa+2,b+ (b+ 1)(b+ 2)fa,b+2=ga,b; (11−0)
[n(n+ 2)−(b+s)(b+s+ 2)]˜fb,s+ (s+ 1)(2s+ 2b+ 3)˜fb,s+1+ (b+ 1)(b+ 2)˜fb+2,s= ˜gb,s; (11−1)
[n(n+ 2)−(a+s)(a+s+ 2)]˜˜fa,s+ (s+ 1)(2a+ 2s+ 3)˜˜fa,s+1+ (a+ 1)(a+ 2)˜˜fa+2,s=˜˜ga,s.(11−2)
The detailed order to solve ψn,kis:
Case 1:n= [n] +1
2, where [n] is an integer. In this case, solve ψn,[n]from eq.(8 n,[n]); and then
solveψn,[n]−1from eq.(8 n,[n]−1);···; at last solve ψn,0from eq.(8 n,0). For each ψn,k, the order is: first
solve the asymptotic coefficients, from s=1
2; then solve the Taylor coefficients, from
a+b=Lf+Lstoa+b= 0(i.e.,a=b= 0).Case 2:nis an integer. In this case, the order is more complicated, be cause the operator Lnhas
zero eigenvalue(s) in this case. The order is as following:
Step 1: set the asymptotic coefficients and the a+b>n Taylor coefficients of ψn,nto zero;
step 2:k←n−1;
step 3: ifk<0, goto step 8;
step 4: solve the asymptotic coefficients and a+b>n Taylor coefficients of ψn,k, from eq.(8 n,k),
in the order analogous to that of case 1.
step 5: solve the a+b=nTaylor coefficients of ψn,k+1, from eq.(8 n,k).
step 6: solve the a+b < n Taylor coefficients of ψn,k+1, from eq.(8 n,k+1), witha+bdecreas-
ing(analogous to case 1) to 0.
step 7:k←k−1, and goto step 3;
step 8: set the a+b=nTaylor coefficients of ψn,0with some free parameters;
step 9: solve the a+b < n Taylor coefficients of ψn,0, from eq.(8 n,0), witha+bdecreas-
ing(analogous to case 1) to 0.
The free parameters in solving eq.(8)(see step 8 of case 2) ar e finally determined by the boundary
condition:ψ→0, whent→+∞. In principle, we can use the Bartlett-Fock expansion (eq.( 4)) for
arbitraryt, because it is always convergent. But actually, when tis large, the convergency is slow
and there is canceling of large numbers before this converge ncy is reached, both of which make the
Bartlett-Fock expansion impractical. So I only use this exp ansion when tis relatively small(see ref.[15]
for similarity):√
In atual calculation, I chose Lf= 100,Ls= 20,Li= 6,nmax= 7.5 (the largest n value of the
terms in eq.(4) that are not neglected), and ρ0= 0.4, and found that the numerical error for the
calculation of the inner region (√
t≤ρ0) wavefunction is no more than a few parts in 1010. I use
this method to test the accuracy of the calculation: set Ein eq.(8) (note that p≡−E/2) equal to
an initial value (for example, set Einitial =−2.9037, or set Einitial =−2.903724377), and use the
approximate wavefunction ψappthus obtained to calculate the value ( Hψapp)/ψapp, whereHis the
exact Hamiltonian operator, and I find it to be almost equal to the initial value Einitial, with a relative
error no more than a few parts in 1010.
Whentis larger, another approach is used:3 THE HYPER-ANGULAR DEPENDENCE OF THE WAVEFUNC-
We have seen that the hyper-angular dependence of the wavefu nction, described as a function of
(α,β) for each fixed ρ≡√
2, has singularities at α=±1 and atβ= 1. Physically,
this corresponds to the case that the distance between two of the three particles equals zero. It
can be proved that, for a spin-singlet, the following coordi nate transformation will eliminate these
singularities thoroughly :
u=/radicalbigg1 +α
2−1, w=/radicalbig
1−β . (12)
ρ−1, w=r12
ρ. (13)
If the energy-eigenstate ψis symmetric under the exchange of r1andr2(spin-singlet), I believe that,
for each fixed ρ,ψis aentire function of ( u,w). If the energy-eigenstate ψis antisymmetric under the
interchange of r1andr2(spin-triplet), I believe that, for each fixed ρ,ψ=r1−r2
ρφ, whereφis aentire
function of ( u,w).
This beautiful characteristic makes it especially appropr iate to approximate ψ, for each fixed ρ,
by ann-order polynomial of ( u,w), not by an n-order polynomial of ( α,β). The former expansion,
a polynomial of ( u,w), matches the analytical structure of ψ; while the latter one, a polynomial of
(α,β), does not. The hyper-spherical harmonic function method b elongs to the latter expansion, a
polynomial of ( α,β). So the hyper-spherical harmonic function expansion does not correctly reflect the
analytical structure of ψ. The slow convergency of the hyper-spherical harmonic func tion expansion
is only a consequence of this analytical structure mismatch ing.
We expect that the ( u,w) polynomial expansion converges factorially to the true wavefunction. It
is worthful to demonstrate a similar example to illustrate t his. Consider a function f(x) = exp(−x),−
1≤x≤+1; expand f(x) by Legendre polynomials: f(x).=/summationtextn
l=0flPl(x); it can be proved that the
error of this formula is of the order 1 /(2nn!), which factorially approach zero as nincreases.
Using the ( ρ,u,w ) coordinates, one can write the Schr¨ odinger equation as:
ρψ=Eψ , (14)
whereL0andCare the hyper-angular parts of the kinetic energy and the pot ential energy, respectively.
4L0= (1−2u−u2)∂2
w−2(1 +u)(1−2u−u2)
u(2 +u)(1−w2)
w∂u∂w+(1 +u)(4−10u−5u2)
u(2 +u)∂u+4−5w2
C=−4(1 +u)
u(2 +u)+1
w. (16)
The physical area Dof (u,w) is:uw
In this figure, point Acorresponds to the coincidence of the two electrons, and poi ntBcorresponds
to the coincidence of the nucleus and one electron.
For a spin-singlet, we can use an n-order polynomial of ( u,w) to approximate ψ. The coefficients
of this polynomial are functions of ρ. Denote byLNthe set of all the polynomials of ( u,w) with order
no more than n. Here,N= (n+ 1)(n+ 2)/2 is the dimension. In the physical area D, I choose a set
of points as sample points:
2(a2+ 0.5)
n2, (17)
ua= (√
2−1)−m(wa)](a1+ 0.5)
n1, (18)
wherem(w) is the minimum physical uvalue for a wvalue.m(w) =√
2−w2−1, ifw <1; and
m(w) =w−1, ifw≥1.a≡(a1,a2), and 0≤a1<n1, 0≤a2<n2. I chosen1=n2= 2n, so there
are altogether 4 n2sample points. These sample points define a pseudo-innerpro duct. I constructed
a set of pseudo-orthonormal basis in LN, by using the Schmidt orthogonalization method, and then
reduce the operators L0andCtoN×Nmatrices under this basis, using the method introduced in
section 1.
In the area ρ < ρ 0(inner region), the Bartlett-Fock expansion is used. In the areaρ > ρ 0/2(outer
region),ψis approximated by a vector in LNfor each given ρ, and the partial derivatives with
respect toρare substituted by optimized variable-order and variable- step differences, which requires
the selection of a discrete set of ρvalues. The overlap region of the inner region and the outer r egion
ensures the natural connection of the derivative of ψ, as well as the connection of ψitself. The
connection is performed by using the least square method: fo r a polynomial of ( u,w) atρ=ρ0,
appropriately choose the values of the free parameters of th e solution of eq.(8) (see section 2) so
that the sum of the squares of the differences of the the inner r egion solution and the outer region
polynomial at the sample points is minimized. This defines a l inear transformation to calculate thevalues of those free parameters from the given polynomial. W hen the values of these free parameters
are determined, one can calculate the values of ψin the region ρ0/2<ρ<ρ 0, using the Bartlett-Fock
solution, and further use these ψvalues to construct polynomials of( u,w) atρ0/2<ρ<ρ 0(according
to the law of least square), and then use these polynomials in the difference calculation of the partial
derivative of ψwith respect to ρatρ≥ρ0. At a sufficient large value ρ=ρ1, the first-class boundary
condition is exerted; of course, future development may sub stitute this by a connection with the long
range asymptotic solution of ψ.
At last, the whole Schr¨ odinger equation is reduced to an eig en-problem of a finite-dimensional
matrix. The dimension of the matrix is Nρ×N, whereNρis the number of free ρnodes used in
discretizing the partial derivatives with respect to ρ, andNis the number of independent hyper-
angular polynomials used. Note that the energy value should be used in solving eq.(8), but it is
unknown. The actual calculation is thus an iteration proces s: choose an initial value of E0to solve
eq.(8) and form the Nρ×Ndimensional matrix, and calculate the eigenvalue of this ma trix to get a
new valueE1, etc.. The final result is the fixed point of this iteration pro cess. In actual calculation,
I found that the convergency of this iteration process is ver y rapid ifρ0is relatively small. Choosing
ρ0= 0.4, I found that each step of iteration cause the difference bet ween the eigenvalue of the matrix
and the fixed point decrease by about ( −160) times, when calculating the ground state.
Using 20 independent Bartlett-Fock series(up to the t7.5term in eq.(4), neglecting higher order terms),
choosingn= 10 (so that N= 66), choosing Nρ= 40, with ρ0= 0.4 andρ1.= 11.32, and with the
discrete values of ρequal to 0.4/1.23,0.4/1.22,0.4/1.2,0.4,0.4×1.2,0.4×1.22,0.4×1.23,···,0.4×1.28.=
1.7199,0.4×1.28+0.3,0.4×1.28+0.6,0.4×1.28+0.9,···,0.4×1.28+9.3, and 0.4×1.28+9.6.= 11.32
(the first three points are for the natural connection of the d erivative of ψ, the last point is for the
first-class boundary condition, and the remained 40 points a re free nodes), and discretizing the partial
derivatives with respect to ρaccording to the complex-plane-division rule(that is: whe n calculating
the partial derivatives with respect to ρatρ=l, use and only use those node points satisfying ρ>l/ 2
in the difference format, because the point ρ= 0 is the singular point), I obtained the result for the
ground state energy of the ideal helium atom:
E=−2.9037243738 , (19)
compared with the accurate approximate value:
E=−2.9037243770 . (20)
So the relative error of the result (19) is about 1 .1×10−9. Since my method is not a variational method,
the error of the approximate wavefunction that I obtained sh ould be of a similar order of magnitude,so if one calculate the expectation value of the Hamiltonian under this approximate wavefunction, the
accuracy of the energy will be further raised by several orde rs of magnitude.
The result (19) is much more accurate than the result of ref.[ 10]:−2.90359, which used the hyper-
spherical coordinate method. In ref.[10], the quantum numb ers (l1,l2) (angular momenta of the two
electrons) are used and a cutoff for them is made; this cutoff do es not correctly reflect the analytical
structure of ψatr12= 0 (equivalently β= 1). This is the major reason causing the inaccuracy of the
result of ref.[10].
It is also worthful to compare my result with that of ref.[4], in which the correlation function
hyper-spherical harmonic method is used. Note that the resu lt (19) is obtained by using a set of
N= 66 hyper-radius-dependent coefficients to expand the wavef unction. For a similar size in ref.[4],
N=64, the result is −2.903724300, with relative error about 26 .5×10−9. When N=169, the result
of ref.[4] is−2.903724368, with relative error about 3 .1×10−9. Apparently my method converges
more rapidly than that of ref.[4]. The major reason is that th e correlation function hyper-spherical
harmonic method does not cancel the singularities totally— there is still some discontinuity for the
higher order derivatives, although the low order singulari ties, which trouble the naive hyperspherical
harmonic method, are canceled by the correlation function.
In conclusion, there are several important ideas in my work t hat should be emphasized: first, I use
the asymptotic series to compute the Bartlett-Fock series u p to a high precision, with error no more
than, for example, a few parts in 1010. Second, I propose an alternative coordinate system, the ( u,w)
system, in which the hyper-angular singularities are thoro ughly eliminated, which renders a factorial
convergency for the expansion of the hyper-angular functio n. Third, I make use of the least square
method to reduce an operator(infinite dimensional matrix) t o a finite dimensional matrix in a finite
dimensional subspace of the Hilbert space and to connect the solutions in different regions, avoiding
complicated numerical integrations, without much loss of t he accuracy for the solution. Fourth,
the optimized difference format —the complex plane division rule—is used to discretize the partial
derivatives of the wavefunction with respect to ρ. I calculated the ground state energy of an ideal
helium atom concretely and obtained a very high precision, d emonstrating that my method is superior
to many other methods and competitive with any sophisticate d methods.
About the analytical structure of the stationary wavefunct ion: 1. there are logarithmic singularities
atρ= 0, in the forms of ρm(lnρ)k; 2. for a given ρ,ψ(for a spin-singlet) or ψ/[(r1−r2)/ρ](for a
spin-triplet) has no singularity, as a function of ( u,w).
Here, I must mention the well known variational method based on the Hyleraas-type functions,
because it also satisfies the second characteristic of the wa vefunction mentioned in the above paragraph.One can see this by a simple derivation. The Hyleraas-type fu nction is a entire function of r1,r2and
r12, or equivalently, a entire function of r1+r2,r1−r2, andr12. For a fixed ρ, one can substitute
(r1−r2)2in this function by 2 ρ2−(r1+r2)2, so that, for fixed ρ, the function is a entire function
ofr1+r2andr12for spin-singlet, or such kind of entire function times a com mon factor r1−r2for
spin-triplet. Equivalently, for fixed ρ, the Hyleraas-type function is a entire function of ( u,w)(spin-
singlet) or such kind of entire function timesr1−r2
ρ(spin-triplet). This characteristic is one of the most
important reasons that account for the high accuracy of the H yleraas-type variational method.
But this variational method also has its shortcoming: the Hy leraas-type function does not reflect
the logarithmic singularities with respect to ρ. So, although this method has high precision for the
energy levels, the approximate wavefunctions that it rende rs may deviate significantly from the true
wavefunctions near the origin. See ref.[4,13,14] for detai led discussions.
A central idea of this paper is: devising the calculation met hod according to the analytical structure
of the true solution. The ( u,w) coordinates, the Bartlett-Fock expansion and the asympto tic series
approach to compute this expansion, and the complex-plane- division rule in calculating the partial
derivatives with respect to ρ, all reflect this central idea. The basic principle that ensu res high
numerical precision is just this idea.
This preliminary work is incomplete in the following aspect s:
First, how to prove thatψ(for spin-singlet, or ψ/[(r1−r2)/ρ] for spin-triplet) has no singularity for
fixedρ, as a function of ( u,w)? Note that if this function still has singularities outsid e of the physical
areaD(see previous figure), the convergency of the expansion of th e hyper-angular function will be
only exponential, not factorial. Of course, even if such kin d of singularities do exist, my method will
still converge more rapidly than the correlation function h yperspherical harmonic method, because
the latter method only converges like N−p, slower than exp( −γ√
N). The rapid convergency of my
method make me guess that such kind of singularities do not ex ist.
Second, the asymptotic behavior of the wavefunction, when o ne electron is far away from the
nucleus, is not studied in this work. This problem will be imp ortant when the highly excited states
and the scattering states are studied, a topic that will beco me my next object.
Third, how to use the ideas proposed in this work to study a hel ium atom with finite nuclear mass?
Besides this, the relativistic and QED corrections must be c alculated, if one want to obtain a result
comparable with high-precision experiments.
Fourth, I have focused on the S states till now. When the total angular momentum is not zero,
there might be more than one distance-dependent functions ( see, for example, ref.[11]). I believe
that some important analytical structures of the S states st udied in this work are also valid for those
Surely, some important aspects of this work will also play an important role in the highly excited
states and the scattering states: the logarithmic singular ities about ρand the method to compute theBartlett-Fock expansion, the non-singularity with respec t to the coordinates ( u,w), and the technique
to connect solutions of different regions, etc.. They can be a pplied to the study of the highly excited
states and the scattering states.
The encouraging discussions with Prof. SUN Chang-Pu and wit h Prof. Zhong-Qi MA are gratefully
acknowledged. I thank Prof. HOU Boyuan for providing me some useful references. I am grateful to
Prof. C.M. Lee (Jia-Ming Li) and Dr. Jun Yan for their attenti on to this work and their advices.
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Subsets and Splits