IntercontinentalExchange Firm Power Price Bulletin For Power Delivered on Friday, November 23, 2001 (Trade Date of Wednesday, November 21, 2001) Click here to access index history. * volume represents sell-side only * Hub High Low Wtd Avg Index Change ($) Vol (Mwh) Cinergy $17.50 $14.75 $15.47 -5.42 7,200 Comed $13.00 $13.00 $13.00 -3.00 800 Entergy $18.50 $16.50 $17.06 -3.26 11,200 Nepool $28.50 $28.25 $28.38 -3.62 3,200 * Palo Verde $22.00 $17.50 $19.99 +4.33 16,800 PJM-West $20.10 $19.90 $19.99 -5.47 33,600 * SP-15 $23.95 $20.00 $22.75 +5.26 28,800 TVA $15.50 $15.00 $15.25 -5.08 2,400 * Trade date of Tuesday, November 20th, 2001 For Power Delivered on Monday, November 26, 2001 (Trade Date of Wednesday, November 21, 2001) * volume represents sell-side only * Hub High Low Wtd Avg Index Change ($) Vol (Mwh) Cinergy $21.00 $18.00 $19.14 +3.67 11,200 Comed $17.50 $17.00 $17.33 +4.33 2,400 Entergy $20.50 $18.00 $19.33 +2.27 8,800 Nepool $32.75 $31.75 $32.33 +3.95 2,400 Palo Verde $23.00 $20.00 $21.00 +1.01 6,000 PJM-West $25.15 $24.75 $24.90 +4.91 18,400 SP-15 $24.50 $23.25 $23.90 +1.15 6,800 TVA $19.50 $17.00 $18.70 +3.45 4,000 Includes all trades done from 6 AM to 11 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for financially firm power delivered during the on-peak hours (6 AM - 10 PM CPT for Eastern hubs / 6 AM - 10 PM Pacific Prevailing Time for Western hubs) on the delivery date(s) specified. IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets include North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil products, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, and options. In order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, you acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the IntercontinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore, you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuable property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is being made available to you only for your own business or personal activities; and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. This data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange reserves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reason at all. You agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. To become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please contact sales@intcx.com. To unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe. ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 2001, All Rights Reserved.
I'm planning to go see Greg with Wes for 10 minutes on Friday to let him know how far we have got with the budgets. (IT budget for this year is $735mm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I'm still working on this one obviously)
I keep forgetting to ask you, but I need to collect $12 from each of you for Mike's boss's day present. Thanks! Ina
here is the file I showed you.
i just called the backoffice at natsource, the brokers weren't answering. and apparently it is not a good deal. so don't worry about it. thanks. Kate Symes @ ECT 03/13/2001 04:41 PM To: Kerri Thompson/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: natsource checkout Natsource is going to have to give you a trader name on this because I've asked all of them and nobody recognizes it. Kate Kerri Thompson@ENRON 03/13/2001 02:29 PM To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: natsource checkout missing deal trader? call buying tractebel april pv 250.00 strike 9.00 prem 25 mw
Good Morning Carla and Rhi, This is like our own little Spy Game! Thanks for taking the picture. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. I will talk to you soon! -Joseph -----Original Message----- From: Carlajkitten@aol.com@ENRON Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 12:06 PM To: Stepenovitch, Joe Subject: Picture of House Hey this is the picture we took. Sorry you can't see too much. - house.doc << File: house.doc >>
i think i can go in that weekend. do you want to go fri sat sun or just sat sun?
Pursuant to our recent confirmation I have drafted some suggested language for the Houston Ship Channel Pooling point: Abbreviation: HPL-HSC Sort Code: [TBD] Description: The transaction is for delivery via the Houston Pipe Line Company to the Houston Ship Channel, Zone 10. Elsa and Darren; please approve or offer comments regarding the content of description.
Here is the CA we sent to PSEG Global. I am bringing up their comments on hard copy. Ben
Dear Dr. Kaminski: How are you? I am still very interested in the direct hire into the Research Group since I have an Ph.D. degree in Engineering from UT Austin and plan to graduate this December. Sam -----Original Message----- From: Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com [mailto:Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com ] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 2:08 PM To: Dingshan Zhou {ifne302} Subject: RE: Looking for Quantitative Analyst Position in Enron Sam, Thanks for your message. Are you interested in an analyst/associate type position or direct hire into the Research Group? Vince -----Original Message----- From: <Dingshan.Zhou@mba02.bus.utexas.edu>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+3CDingshan+2EZhou+40mba02+2Ebus+2Eutexas+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com ] Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:25 AM To: vkamins@enron.com Subject: Looking for Quantitative Analyst Position in Enron Dear Dr. Kaminski: As an Ph.D. in Project Management and an MBA student with a concentration in energy finance at the University of Texas at Austin, I am presently pursuing permanent job opportunities starting January 2002. I am very interested in the financial quantitative analyst position in energy sales & trading areas, risk management, and assets portfolio management. I worked in Energy Industry for more than 10 years, I know the products very well and am familiar with market deregulation. Highlights of my qualifications include: h Summer intern working on Fuel and Energy Risk Management of Lower Colorado River Authority: Verified Nash Equilibrium Bidding Strategy at competitive market and applied Game Theory at deregulated Texas power market Analyzed California energy crisis and examined market power effects at ERCOT market Analyzed influence of Financial Transmission Rights and Usage Transmission Rights Developed Capacity Auction bidding templates and explored Forward Capacity Price Method h 8 years building power plants as an engineer/consultant, including 6 years working at China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower research under Chinese Academy of Science a Researcher/consultant h 2 years reviewing investments of power plants at China Development Bank h An MBA specialized in Energy Finance and a Ph.D. in International Project Management at UT Austin <<Energy_Finance.doc>> Except working as a full-time summer intern at Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), I also worked for Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) to conduct Artificial Neural Network modeling and forecasting for the Mexico Gulf oil reservation on part time basis. My strong technical background makes me a very effective learner. Both organizations were impressed by my performances and extended my works until the end of this year. Thank you for your time and consideration. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you in greater detail your permanent positions and my unique qualifications. Sincerely, Sam Zhou - Energy_Finance.doc << File: Energy_Finance.doc >> ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
Gere, just following up on the offsite - have you all agreed on the target producer list for the insurance product? How is the peaker product developing? Regards Delainey
Good Morning, Please provide your estimate for this week's AGA storage survey. Here are this week's stats: AGA Last Year +102 5 yr AVG +58 Lifetime High +102 2001 Lifetime Low +32 2000 Gas in STGE 1502 5yr AVG 1023 +/- to 2001 +754 +/- to 5yr AVG +479 Please have your estimates in by 12:00 (11:00 CST) Wednesday. Thank you. (Embedded image moved to file: pic30171.pcx) This message and any attachments (the "message") is intended solely for the addressees and is confidential. If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will) not therefore be liable for the message if modified. --------------------------------------------- Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le detruire et d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur. Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. L'internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'integrite de ce message, BNP PARIBAS (et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message, dans l'hypothese ou il aurait ete modifie.
Could you fax over the original confirm so Chris can look it over and make sure we won't need additional language or confirms sent? I just want to make sure he's aware of everything that's going on and backs up my comment in the deal. Thanks, Kate From: Sharen Cason 01/24/2001 12:03 PM To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: #500966 If you would put a note in the comment section in deal entry, that would be great. Thanks! ---------------------- Forwarded by Sharen Cason/HOU/ECT on 01/24/2001 02:02 PM --------------------------- Kate Symes 01/24/2001 01:49 PM To: Sharen Cason/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: #500966 Sorry for the delay - it's taken me a while to track down the answer to this, because Chris Foster, the trader on this deal, is still unclear as to the answer. Basically, the deal keeps getting cut by the Cal-ISO, which is why Carla goes in and changes the volumes sometimes. But Chris thinks that in the end we might not be cutting the deal financially, just physically on a day-by-day basis. Given that, we only need the first, original confirm sent out - if revised confirms have been sent, let's go ahead and send them the original one and leave it at that. Chris Foster said he would get back with me this afternoon - he's meeting with Real Time and Schedulers right now to sort out this issue. I apologize that this wasn't more clear before. Should I add a note in the comments section of this deal to clarify? Or should I just check the deal back to "no confirm"? Let me know. Thanks, Kate From: Sharen Cason 01/24/2001 08:14 AM To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: #500966 This is the deal that was originally in as not to be confirmed and was changed to be confirmed. Well, I have confirmed twice because it keeps going into pending status. The auditor indictes that carla is going into the deal and changing something that causes it to go into pending. Can you check into this and find out what she is changing, if we need to keep sending revised confirmations, wha'sssss uuup with this deal? Thanks!
Russ, We will send Liz, Mary, Susan, and Sabrae to this training. Thanks. D Russ Severson 09/12/2000 03:25 PM To: Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: SITARA TRAINING Daren The number of interested people turned out to be larger than the room can handle. Can you just send 3 or 4 for this meeting and I will set up a secondary date for the others. Thanks Russ x37386 ---------------------- Forwarded by Russ Severson/HOU/ECT on 09/12/2000 03:16 PM --------------------------- Daren J Farmer 09/08/2000 02:14 PM To: Russ Severson/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Pat Clynes/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Liz Bellamy/NA/Enron@Enron, Sabrae Zajac/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Poorman/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan Hadix/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Acton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark McCoy/Corp/Enron@Enron, Eddie Janzen/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: SITARA TRAINING Russ, I would like for the following people from the Texas region to attend: Liz Bellamy Sabrae Zajak Mary Poorman Susan Hadix Tom Acton Mark McCoy Eddie Janzen Let me know if this group is too large and move some to a later date. Thanks. D Russ Severson 09/08/2000 08:53 AM To: George Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tricia Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: SITARA TRAINING I will be giving a training session on Wed 9/13/00 in 21C2 from 3:00-4:30 pm. I would like for you to send to the class any new logistics personnel that you might think could use a Sitara overview. If someone cannot make it at this time, let me know their names and I will try to schedule something for them at a later time. If possible, please send me a note on who might be attending, so I can get an approximate head count. Call me or e-mail me if you have any questions Russ x37386
---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 05/17/2000 09:55 PM --------------------------- "Stuart Zisman" <zisman@hotmail.com> on 05/17/2000 09:50:52 PM To: Don.Miller@enron.com cc: stuart.zisman@enron.com Subject: Re: Don, Attached are three docs: (1) the revised PPA term sheet which I believe has all of the changes, (2) the General Terms and (3) a redline of the General Terms highlighting my questions/comments. Generally Delainey was a genius as expected but a few things really ought to be tightened down before the doc is sent. Zisman >From: "Don Miller" <Don.Miller@enron.com> >To: zisman@hotmail.com >Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 20:07:20 -0500 > > > > >---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 05/17/2000 08:07 >PM >--------------------------- > >From: Stuart Zisman on 05/17/2000 12:01 PM > >To: Don Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT >cc: >Subject: > >Attached is the Revise PPA term sheet with your changes. > >Zisman > >(See attached file: E2 PPA Term Sheet v3.doc) > > ><< E2PPATermSheetv3.doc >> ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com - GENCO General Terms V2 VS original.doc - GENCO General Terms V2.doc - E2 PPA Term Sheet v4.doc
How is it going? Haven't talked to you in awhile. It has been pretty busy around here. Trying to sell all these nasty assets. I am leaving for your homeland, Denver to experience the Rocky Mountain high for myself. Just what the hell was John Denver singing about anyway? Let me know what's going on.
is that a compliment, if so, thank you!
Jeff Please confirm that the assistants are going to the Houstonian to learn how to read the screens.
Laurel: Please call me about Chase. Sara Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) sara.shackleton@enron.com
1. Patty Broderson (770) 792-1962 (headhunter) is working on a postion for a trading/marketing company located in Dallas. 2. Roseanne Marino (212) 704 2156 (headhunter) is working on a position in marketing/trading for Constellation energy.
TX. I will follow-up with Jeff re: Inside FERC.
I have 30 minutes at 930 (1000am meeting) From: Sheila Tweed@ECT on 05/15/2001 04:18 PM To: John G Rigby/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: GE- Standard Domestic Contract- Need your help Would you all be in a posiotion to get together tomorrow morning at 9:30 am Houston time to review the issues list and talk about how we get to the end of this process with GE. We immediately need to start the drafting of the Longview turbine contract and I'd like to see if we are close enough to get that started. Scott, today the extension to the Agreement in Principle expires and we need to extend. Can you tee this up with Steve Swift? Our meeting tomorrow will be in lieu of the regularly scheduled GE call. I'll let them know we will call them later this week or we'll talk next Wednesday, but I would like to get through whatever we need to in order to get the Longview Turbine Contract going. I've talked to John Schwartzenburg about this and he is available tomorrow morning.
BargainDog Bargain Newsletter Patrice Today's BargainDog newsletter features great bargains from Autoweb, Reflect, Textileshop, and Mars Music. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't miss out on beginning-of-the-year savings! Take advantage of new rebates and incentives for 2002 models. Get a free, no-obligation price quote from Autoweb.com. Autoweb http://bargaindog.directabout.com/cgi-bin15/flo?y=eOJ0BJzSN0CR0IT0A8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE custom conditioner from Reflect.com ($17 value) Tired of shampoo made for the masses? Get customized hair care products from Reflect.com, uniquely designed for your individual needs. Now get a FREE custom conditioner when you purchase any shampoo. Plus shipping is always FREE! Reflect http://bargaindog.directabout.com/cgi-bin15/flo?y=eOJ0BJzSN0CR0IU0AA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "January White Sale" - Sheet Sets & Duvet Bonanza - Save 70%! Time to save up to 70% on your choice of sheet sets, duvets, coverlets, and more! With a variety of styles in solids, prints & jacquards. Choose 180 up to 300 thread counts! Don't miss out on taking advantage of these savings, while they last! Textileshop http://bargaindog.directabout.com/cgi-bin15/flo?y=eOJ0BJzSN0CR0IV0AB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE $69 ON THE YAMAHA PSR-170 KEYBOARD, only $79.99! A truly fun keyboard with 61 piano-size keys and plenty of voices, styles and songs of all music genres - from classical to Dance, and 100 internal songs with Songbook separated into Left and Right Hand parts for you to play along with. Mars Music http://bargaindog.directabout.com/cgi-bin15/flo?y=eOJ0BJzSN0CR0Ig0AS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscription Information You are subscribed to BargainDog as pmims@enron.com. To unsubscribe, please click here: http://bargaindog.about.com/u/?id=6804513&e=pmims@enron.com Please note that it may take a few days for your request to be processed. This e-mail is meant for informational purposes only. BargainDog is not responsible for the offer presented by the advertiser and makes no guarantees in connection with the product or service. BargainDog respects your privacy and is a member of TRUSTe. To see our privacy policy, click here: http://direct.about.com/bargaindog/website/privacy.html For questions, suggestions, or comments regarding BargainDog, please e-mail comments@bargaindog.com.
Jeff, Following on from our brief discussion during your last visit to London, I just wanted to give you a heads-up on where we are with the Du Pont/ETOL steam/power deal given the discussions you and Harold had with them earlier in the year. Based on prior experience in getting to closure with Du Pont, there is a chance that someone senior from Du Pont will put in a call to you or maybe Lou/Tom to express disappointment on progress and encourage Enron concessions, resulting in premature deal closure for us. ETOL has tabled a blend-and-extend deal to Du Pont, in which they have shown interest to get to closure. However, they just want to transact on the major value items for themselves now and then deal with other Enron value items next year in good faith. We have indicated that we will commit Enron resource to get the whole deal done as soon as possible, specifying a Jan 01 start, and will not allow cherry picking. Whilst the overall impact to ETOL is PV neutral, the deal does substantially reduce long term volume risk on what is already a deep in the money deal for us. The motivation for DuPont is that the deal results in immediate annual savings, around $3m in 2001, which fits with their corporate goal to deliver energy savings. If you are called by Du Pont and need more info let me know. We want the whole package from them. Matthew
I received this from Marvin this morning. We need to discuss how/if we incorporate them into the LOI. -----Original Message----- From: "Marvin L. Carraway" <mcarraway@watervalley.net>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Marvin+20L+2E+20Carraway+22+20+3Cmcarraway+40watervalley +2Enet+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:19 AM To: Rorschach, Reagan Subject: [Fwd: EPMI LOI] Reagan,please reveiw this list of comments again. The latest draft only addresses item no. 5. MLC Return-Path: AMalmsjo@rwbeck.com Received: from [] (HELO orlmail.rwbeck.net) by watervalley.net (Stalker SMTP Server 1.8b8) with ESMTP id S.0000328507 for <mcarraway@watervalley.net>; Tue, 06 Mar 2001 10:40:36 -0600 Received: by orlmail.rwbeck.net with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) id <1675AAYC>; Tue, 6 Mar 2001 11:38:30 -0500 Message-ID: <3F1E9D0FB6E5D1118D8A00104B64CF87CDD36C@orlmail.rwbeck.net> From: "Malmsjo, Al" <AMalmsjo@rwbeck.com> To: "Marvin Carraway (E-mail)" <cpuadmin@telepak.net>, "Marvin Carraway (E-mail 2)" <mcarraway@watervalley.net> Cc: "Painter, Donna" <DPainter@rwbeck.com> Subject: EPMI LOI Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 11:38:28 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_000_01C0A65B.DF6A8A30" X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 Here are the comments that I said I would send. Feel free to call if you have any questions. - - Al Al Malmsjo R. W. Beck (407) 648-3521 - Office (407) 421-5402 - Cell - Comments on EPMI Proposal.doc
Vice President Al Gore will be speaking at 4 p.m. ET to respond to a judge's decision upholding the Florida Secretary of State's refusal to include hand recounts in the state's final vote tally. The Gore team is appealing the decision. Go to ABCNEWS.com to watch it live -- and to follow all the day's election news. http://abcnews.go.com/ ABCNEWS.com: Up to the Moment, Up to You (tm) http://abcnews.go.com --- You received this mail because you subscribed via ABCNEWS.com at http://abcnews.go.com/service/mailsub.html If you would like to stop receiving these mailings, unsubscribe at http://abcnews.go.com/service/mailunsub.html Please do not respond to this mail. Questions or comments can be submitted at http://abcnews.go.com/service/abccontact.html
I am in a due diligence meeting until 6:00. I can review afterwards and get back to you tonight. Is that ok? -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)
Please see exchange below. Can you send me current plans - who, when, where and what - for London reviews? I would put a several day moratorium on contacting London regarding upcoming Doorstep review plans until I get back with you. Thanks. --Sally I know that in our meeting with Rick and Rick we talked about being creative on London reviews and leveraging what is being done by EAS - maybe directing them on additional activities and doing some leg work by video conference. What happened to that effort? Sounds as if from the London e-mails that we stepped right back to flying people around the world. -----Original Message----- From: Beck, Sally Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:05 PM To: Dyson, Fernley Cc: New, James; Jordan, Mike; Apollo, Beth; Brown, Michael - COO London Subject: RE: UK & Continental Power Doorstep In an October 3 update meeting with Rick Buy and Rick Causey on Doorstep reviews, both were very supportive of the efforts to date this year. Since we were in the midst of the budgeting process, we wanted their view on the continuation of Doorstep Reviews, and they resoundingly agreed that the effort is valuable to Enron and that they wanted to be certain that the effort continues. In reviewing the plans for 4th quarter, one of our issues was the willingness of key staff members to travel long distances in light of the September 11th terrorists attacks. We were in agreement on postponing some of the planned 4th quarter reviews until early 2002. Planned reviews for the Metals business and certain other EEL lines of business were reaffirmed by Buy and Causey for completion in the 4th quarter. Certainly life on October 26 feels different today at Enron than it did on October 3. I understand multiple demands on staff members currently and the additional demands of the budgeting process, and in your case, the voluntary redundancy program. In the next few days I will again review the 4th quarter plans for Doorstep reviews with Buy and Causey, sharing with them your concerns. I will let you know the outcome of those conversations. If there is still a strong desire to complete these reviews this year, we will work creatively to leverage work that is being done through the EAS process and minimize both travel and time involved. -Sally -----Original Message----- From: Dyson, Fernley Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 2:24 AM To: New, James; Jordan, Mike Cc: Beck, Sally; Apollo, Beth; Brown, Michael - COO London Subject: RE: UK & Continental Power Doorstep The EAS work takes priority over Doorstep - we need the AA opinion. I'm afraid that Doorstep is way down my list of priorities at this time - I certainly do not want other things to suffer. Thanks Fernley -----Original Message----- From: New, James Sent: 25 October 2001 20:38 To: Dyson, Fernley; Evans, Coralie; D'arcy, Paul; Jordan, Mike Cc: Yeo, Robert Subject: FW: UK & Continental Power Doorstep It's official, we are being door stepped. The Houston plan is to do all of Power and all of the Structures (although when I spoke to Stacey she seemed a little unsure of her plan for structures). Also from what Stacey said the Gas door step will be following shortly. Stacey and Kristin Albrecht aim to be here for the whole week starting first thing on Monday the 5th. EAS here are already in the loop as they have been various conversations. Obviously with all the additional work we are being asked to do at the moment something will have to give. I aim to speak to Paul Bromley to agree whether the EAS or doorstep work takes priority and to get him to clearly explain which areas will be covered by the doorstep and which by the EAS process since I will be very unhappy if we fail to avoid duplication. In addition, we will also need to make commercial aware of a reduced capacity to perform analytical tasks as well as model review and gap analysis work etc. James -----Original Message----- From: White, Stacey W. Sent: 25 October 2001 19:59 To: New, James Subject: RE: UK & Continental Power Doorstep We will not be there next week so that should be fine. Are the complex derivatives group and 'structured book' run by Paul Darcy the same thing? If yes, then we are planning on reviewing that area. Should I contact Paul Darcy directly? If no, what is the complex derivatives group? Thanks, Stacey -----Original Message----- From: New, James Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:45 PM To: White, Stacey W. Subject: RE: UK & Continental Power Doorstep Also in addition can you please confirm that you are not doing the complex derivatives group which is run totally separately in both personnel and risk terms ? Thanks -----Original Message----- From: New, James Sent: 25 October 2001 18:03 To: White, Stacey W. Subject: RE: UK & Continental Power Doorstep Are you here next week then because I am due to be away for some of that time ? -----Original Message----- From: White, Stacey W. Sent: 25 October 2001 17:47 To: New, James Subject: UK & Continental Power Doorstep James, Just a quick note and request regarding our UK & Continental Power Doorstep review we will be performing. Please provide a list of books, curves and deal types used for UK & Continental Power. In addition, please send information on any large, structured, out of the norm transactions and any transactions that are calculated outside of the core trading system. Please provide this information early next week. Look forward to seeing you. Stacey
Denise: Richard Ring suggested that you were the appropriate person to contact regarding filling in some blanks on the Master Power Purchase & Sale Agreement between EES and A'lones. I have attached hereto a copy of the Agreement. The Cover Sheet (see p. 2-3 of the attachment) has a series of elections and blanks for amounts, guarantor credit ratings, etc. I would appreciate your assistance in getting these items completed. If you have questions regarding A'lones, background of the transaction, and party expectations, please give Richard Ring a call. Thanks for your help. Scott L. Franck
Have they executed the ISDA?
November 27, 2001 Southwest Airlines' Click 'n Save E-mail Update *****************Important Travel Information****************** For updated travel information including important information on wrapped packages please visit: http://www.southwest.com/travel_center/travelAdvisory.html **************This week's specials include:******************* 1. Click 'n Save and Anniversary Specials 2. southwest.com Featured Destination: Oakland, CA 3. Southwest Airlines Systemwide Fare Sale 4. southwest.com Hotel Specials 5. Southwest Airlines Vacations 6. Subscriber Information ********* Click 'n Save and Anniversary Specials *********** $30 - $99 one-way These specials are available for travel any day of the week with a 21-day advance purchase requirement. Specials available this week are: Albany, NY $66 one-way, to/from Chicago Midway, IL Albuquerque, NM $30 one-way, to/from El Paso, TX Amarillo, TX $61 one-way, to/from Houston Bush Intercontinental, TX $61 one-way, to/from Houston Hobby, TX Austin, TX $30 one-way, to/from Dallas Love Field, TX Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD $37 one-way, to/from Louisville, KY Birmingham, AL $30 one-way, to/from Louisville, KY Boise, ID $37 one-way, to/from Reno/Tahoe, NV Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY $48 one-way, to/from Norfolk, VA/Southern Virginia Burbank, CA $99 one-way, to/from Spokane, WA Chicago Midway, IL $66 one-way, to/from Albany, NY $30 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO Cleveland, OH $99 one-way, to/from Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL Columbus, OH $99 one-way, to/from Little Rock, AR Corpus Christi, TX $99 one-way, to/from Tulsa, OK Dallas Love Field, TX $30 one-way, to/from Austin, TX $36 one-way, to/from Lubbock, TX Detroit, MI $99 one-way, to/from Manchester, NH El Paso, TX $30 one-way, to/from Albuquerque, NM Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood, FL $99 one-way, to/from Cleveland, OH Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX $99 one-way, to/from Oklahoma City, OK Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA $67 one-way, to/from Nashville, TN Houston Bush Intercontinental, TX $61 one-way, to/from Amarillo, TX Houston Hobby, TX $61 one-way, to/from Amarillo, TX $99 one-way, to/from Raleigh-Durham, NC Indianapolis, IN $67 one-way, to/from Tampa Bay, FL Jackson, MS $99 one-way, to/from Long Island/Islip, NY Jacksonville, FL $99 one-way, to/from San Antonio, TX Kansas City, MO $30 one-way, to/from Chicago Midway, IL $30 one-way, to/from Nashville, TN Las Vegas, NV $30 one-way, to/from Los Angeles, CA Little Rock, AR $99 one-way, to/from Columbus, OH Long Island/Islip, NY $99 one-way, to/from Jackson, MS Los Angeles, CA $30 one-way, to/from Las Vegas, NV $34 one-way, to/from San Jose, CA Louisville, KY $37 one-way, to/from Baltimore Washington Int'l, MD $30 one-way, to/from Birmingham, AL Lubbock, TX $36 one-way, to/from Dallas Love Field, TX Manchester, NH $99 one-way, to/from Detroit, MI Midland/Odessa, TX $99 one-way, to/from New Orleans, LA Nashville, TN $67 one-way, to/from Hartford, CT/Springfield, MA $30 one-way, to/from Kansas City, MO $94 one-way, to/from Providence, RI New Orleans, LA $99 one-way, to/from Midland/Odessa, TX Norfolk, VA/Southern Virginia $48 one-way, to/from Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY Oakland, CA - Featured Destination For Featured Destination, only, 7-day advance purchase requirement. Check out the complete list of markets and fares available for service into and out of Oakland at: http://www.southwest.com/jp/oak_index.shtml?src=e1127 Oklahoma City, OK $99 one-way, to/from Harlingen/South Padre Island, TX Omaha, NE $99 one-way, to/from Sacramento, CA Ontario, CA $30 one-way, to/from Phoenix, AZ Orlando, FL $99 one-way, to/from St. Louis, MO Phoenix, AZ $30 one-way, to/from Ontario, CA $99 one-way, to/from Portland, OR $30 one-way, to/from San Diego, CA Portland, OR $99 one-way, to/from Phoenix, AZ Providence, RI $94 one-way, to/from Nashville, TN $99 one-way, to/from West Palm Beach, FL Raleigh-Durham, NC $99 one-way, to/from Houston Hobby, TX Reno/Tahoe, NV $37 one-way, to/from Boise, ID $38 one-way, to/from Salt Lake City, UT Sacramento, CA $99 one-way, to/from Omaha, NE Salt Lake City, UT $38 one-way, to/from Reno/Tahoe, NV San Antonio, TX $99 one-way, to/from Jacksonville, FL San Diego, CA $30 one-way, to/from Phoenix, AZ San Jose, CA $34 one-way, to/from Los Angeles, CA Seattle/Tacoma, WA $99 one-way, to/from Tucson, AZ Spokane, WA $99 one-way, to/from Burbank, CA St. Louis, MO $99 one-way, to/from Orlando, FL Tampa Bay, FL $67 one-way, to/from Indianapolis, IN Tucson, AZ $99 one-way, to/from Seattle/Tacoma, WA Tulsa, OK $99 one-way, to/from Corpus Christi, TX West Palm Beach, FL $99 one-way, to/from Providence, RI Details for this week's Click 'n Save and Anniversary Specials: *Available only on southwest.com. *21-day advance purchase required. *Available on published, scheduled service. *Travel any day of the week *Fares shown are one-way and do not include federal excise tax of up to $3.00 for each flight segment. (a segment is defined as a takeoff and landing) *Fares do not include airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9 one-way. *Fares are nonrefundable, but (except for tickets purchased through our Group Tickets Program) may be applied toward future travel on Southwest Airlines. *Travel December 18, 2001 through April 5, 2002, except for December 21, 22, 28-30, 2001, and January 1, 2002. *Purchase through November 29, 2001, midnight Pacific Time. *Fares are available one-way or can be combined with other fare types. Most restrictive rules of combined fares will apply. *Penalty applies to any changes made after purchasing Southwest Internet Specials. For more details, please visit us at: http://www.southwest.com/jp/hotfares2.shtml?src=1127 ****************southwest.com Featured Destination********** This week's Featured Destination: Oakland, CA Sponsored by Oakland Convention and Visitors Bureau. This week features air fare specials plus great deals on hotels and rental cars. For information on this destination, please visit: http://www.southwest.com/jp/oak_index.shtml?src=e1127 **************** Additional Information section ***************** Additional information you need to know about all of our air fare specials: *Changes to any portion of the reservation (flight, dates, cities, and/or names of passengers), once purchased, will result in the cancellation of the ENTIRE reservation and rebooking at the lowest fare available which could result in a fare increase. *Southwest specials are nonchangeable and nonrefundable. *Ticketless Travel may be purchased online using either a credit card or by utilizing funds from a previously unused or cancelled Ticketless Travel reservation(s). Funds from up to four cancelled or unused Ticketless Travel reservation records can be combined to purchase a new Ticketless Travel reservation record. Southwest Airlines travel credit (e.g., travel voucher, gift certificate, discount coupon) may not be used as forms of payment for Ticketless Travel Online. *Unused funds may be applied toward future travel on Southwest Airlines within one year of the original purchase date. *Seats are limited and won't be available on some flights that operate during very busy travel times and holiday periods such as Christmas and New Years. *Standby travel requires an upgrade to the full unrestricted fare. ********* Southwest Airlines Systemwide Fare Sale *********** $39-$99 each way Promotional Fare Specials with 7-day Advance Purchase for travel Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. $44-$129 each way for travel Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. For additional information, please visit: http://www.southwest.com/travel_center/genmkt_110901.html?src=e1127 **************** southwest.com Hotel Specials ***************** Go where you want to go. Pay less to stay there. Introducing Get Going RatesSM, special pricing from eight hotel brands with thousands of friendly places to stay all across North America. Book your room now. And get going while the staying is good. For additional information, please visit: http://www.southwest.com/hotfares/hotfares_hotels.html?src=e1127 ********** Southwest Airlines' Vacations Specials ************* Southwest Airlines Vacations is giving you a better way to ski with your friends this season. You and your Friend book a complete ski vacation package to Utah, New Mexico, Lake Tahoe, or Durango, CO by December 20, 2001, and your Friend flies free. For ski vacation information, please visit us at: http://www.southwest.com/hotfares/hotfares_other.html?src=e1127 ******************** Subscriber Information *********************** Please pass this great news on to your friends. 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Good Afternoon Power Users, This weekend, January 12 - 13, the split of NEWCO & Enron Estate will actually begin. Specifically, this weekend, we will be moving the estate applications & databases off of their current hardware and onto other available UNIX & NT servers. This effort will free-up the existing hardware for NEWCO. This week, we need help from our key users to ensure these changes will not adversely affect the Enron Estate applications by testing the applications on the new hardware. Below are instructions on how to begin testing: Stage Testing Starting Thursday morning, January 10th, the Enron Estate test environment will be setup for user testing. This test environment is actually a rename of the old "PWRTESTN" environment. To access the Enron Estate Test environment, please choose "Enpower Estate (pwrtestn)". The short-cut can be found at: Start ==> Program ==> Development Applications ==> Stage Environment ==> Enpower ==> Enpower Estate (pwrtestn) Production Testing Then, on Sunday morning, January 13th, by 8:00AM CST***, the production Enron Estate environment will be ready for user testing. To access the Enron Estate Production environment, please choose "Enpower Estate Login". The short-cut can be found at: Start ==> Program ==> Business Applications ==>Enpower ==> Enpower Estate Login Thanks, David Poston # 713-345-7834 *** Please Note: This time is still tentative until we have finalized our outage period with the users and the DBA's.
All -- Attached are the powerpoint presentations that we will use for today's discussion on Credit and Distressed Trading. Cheers, Rudi
Group, Please join me in a meeting Tuesday at 4:30 in Mt. Hood. We will be discussing strategy and group direction! Pizza will also be in attendance. Thanks, B
Hi Louise, Attached is the bi-weekly EOL vs. OTC quarterly comparison. Just let myself or Adam Johnson know if you have any questions or would like to go over any of the data. Thanks, Torrey
fyi ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 05/16/2001 08:58 AM --------------------------- From: Sheila Tweed@ECT on 05/16/2001 08:49 AM To: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: John G Rigby/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: GE- Standard Domestic Contract- Need your help Yes. Let's do 1:30 for an internal call. I'll get Suzanne to send out the dial-in instructions. Let's make sure that the GE guys know NOT to call in. Thanks!. I know that John Schwartzenburg will be late since he is TurboParking until 2 pm but let's proceed at 1:30. Scott Dieball@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 05/16/2001 07:15 AM To: Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: John G Rigby/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron@ECT, John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: Re: GE- Standard Domestic Contract- Need your help Read your notes re scheduling a call w/ or w/o GE. From John's and my perspective, it seems that we should first have an internal call re the consolidation of our assignments from weeks past into Peter's draft contract and then send to GE for their review and follow up call either later this week or next. Steve Swift is OK with this approach. At the moment we seem to be knee deep w/GE and Owner on Arcos and suspect that 9:30 CST (3:30 London time) will be difficult for us to call in. Instead, 1:30 CST would work better for us. If this works for the Houston gang could you let us know soonest and we will let Mike and Steve know as well. Sheila Tweed@ECT 05/15/2001 04:18 PM To: John G Rigby/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: GE- Standard Domestic Contract- Need your help Would you all be in a posiotion to get together tomorrow morning at 9:30 am Houston time to review the issues list and talk about how we get to the end of this process with GE. We immediately need to start the drafting of the Longview turbine contract and I'd like to see if we are close enough to get that started. Scott, today the extension to the Agreement in Principle expires and we need to extend. Can you tee this up with Steve Swift? Our meeting tomorrow will be in lieu of the regularly scheduled GE call. I'll let them know we will call them later this week or we'll talk next Wednesday, but I would like to get through whatever we need to in order to get the Longview Turbine Contract going. I've talked to John Schwartzenburg about this and he is available tomorrow morning.
this is a very funny video. ---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000 11:14 AM --------------------------- Shirley Elliott <shelliott@dttus.com> on 04/07/2000 09:54:13 AM To: jjohnson@daewoous.com, kmcgallion@king-ranch.com, Terri@EDIarchitecture.com, waldron50@yahoo.com, Sablica@compuserve.com, scody@acplasticsinc.com, sclarkson@tractebelpowerinc.com, Chad.Landry@enron.com, Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com, matthew.overbeck@ac.com, JohnWheeler@PZLQS.com, hallieklassen@usa.net, j.cruthis@mail.utexas.edu, AChang01@coair.com, Liz.Mortenson@chron.com, Allison Damon <adamon@dttus.com>, Michael Lednicky <mlednicky@dttus.com>, Todd Rimmer <trimmer@dttus.com>, Chris Strain <cstrain@dttus.com> cc: Subject: The Joys of Marriage > I've got game....'Ole! > > > > Subject: FW: The Joys of Marriage > > <<cuddles>> > - FARTINGI.AVI - RFC-822.TXT ---------------------------------- Forwarded ---------------------------------- From: mwilkerson@ajilon.com at Internet-USA Date: 4/7/00 8:50AM -0500 To: Shirley Elliott at DTT.US.HOUSTON *To: AMorse@EMJMETALS.COM at Internet-USA *To: hymela@netsolve.net at Internet-USA *To: bretts@mail.utexas.edu at Internet-USA *To: brian.sorensen@chase.com at Internet-USA *To: vmw@ispchannel.com at Internet-USA *To: Elrhea.stockton@dcicorp.com at Internet-USA *To: jdryer@kpmg.com at Internet-USA *To: jwaldman@ers.state.tx.us at Internet-USA *To: jim_stiffler@dell.com at Internet-USA *To: keith.hatley@allegiancetelecom.com at Internet-USA *To: sablica@compuserve.com at Internet-USA *To: mark_hooper@dell.com at Internet-USA *To: Michael_Ecklund@hines.com at Internet-USA *To: r8834c@email.sps.mot.com at Internet-USA *To: dmehta@uth.tmc.edu at Internet-USA *To: mdeshotels@rightnowtech.com at Internet-USA *To: pavri@bplaw.com at Internet-USA *To: pconnor@us.ibm.com at Internet-USA *To: RMoser@EMJMETALS.COM at Internet-USA *To: ryane@tocquigny.com at Internet-USA *To: Schoelpple@yahoo.com at Internet-USA *To: swlh@excite.com at Internet-USA *To: hookem@ev1.net at Internet-USA *To: wwindom@aol.com at Internet-USA *To: waldron50@yahoo.com at Internet-USA Subject: The Joys of Marriage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
Hey man this is Stacy. I was checking out the HighSchoolAlumni website tonight and I saw your name and thought I'd write ya. Man I can't believe it's been this long. Last time I saw you was that night at A&M when you, me and John Agee went out drinking and running over signs. I was living up in Dallas for about 4 years but I moved back to MP about a year ago. I also got married and had a little baby girl in since then too. Anyway I just wanted to say hi. Hope I'm emailing the right person here. Mail me back man. PS.. Maybe we can get Scotty T, Jim Richey, and us together for that fabled camping trip. Cya _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com.
I don't know who Frank Bayouth is, but the computer said it was unable to send my little missive to him. I'll try again and see if it recognizes you. DF ---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 12/13/99 09:32 AM --------------------------- From: Drew Fossum 12/13/99 09:21 AM To: Frank Bayouth@Enron, Robert Jones/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Enron Tag Line Change Q: What has ECI done for me lately? A: Forced me to get new business cards. Thanks a lot. DF ---------------------- Forwarded by Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron on 12/13/99 09:20 AM --------------------------- From: Office of the Chairman 12/10/99 05:49 PM Sent by: Office of the Chairman To: All Enron Worldwide cc: Subject: Enron Tag Line Change Dear Enron Employees: With the addition of communications to our core businesses, it is appropriate for us to modify our existing tag line to simply "Endless possibilities." This change is effective immediately and replaces our current tag line of "Natural gas. Electricity. Endless possibilities." To achieve our goal of a unified Enron brand, each employee has the responsibility to make the Enron image a consistent and strong identity. This is partially accomplished through correct application of the logo and tag line. A revised Corporate Identity Guidelines Book has been developed to assist you in following the correct standards. You may obain a copy of this new book by completing a Forms Request and ordering Item #42629. These guidelines will also be made available electronically on the Brand Site at home.enron.com. We'd like to take this opportunity to remind all of you about the importance of maintaining a consistent look, especially with our stationery and business cards. It has come to our attention recently that some employees are having these items produced by outside vendors and are not following the established guidelines. This must stop immediately. Please use the internal resources available to you for these items. They will ensure that all guidelines are followed correctly and consistently. If you have questions on how to get these items or on the guidelines, you may contact Marge Nadasky in Corporate Identity at marge.nadasky@enron.com. One name, one company....one Enron. Our recent reorganization brings us another step closer to realizing this goal. Please make sure you do your part to protect and strengthen the Enron brand around the world. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Office of the Chairman
I will work on an Enron protest of this MISO filing, if necessary, for this issue (question of how "source and sink" would affect reservations and hinder EES in reserving network (similar to Dynegy v. ComEd arguments). -----Original Message----- From: steven.naumann@exeloncorp.com Sent: Mon 11/19/2001 9:02 PM To: Nicolay, Christi L. Cc: Subject: MISO Filing ER02-290-000 Christi: I have read the MISO filing and have the same concerns you have with respect to the granularity of the source. I have passed the filing onto others in Exelon and should know in a few days whether we will intervene (it looks like we have until Nov. 29). Steve Steven T. Naumann Transmission Services Vice President Phone: 312.394.2807 FAX: 312.394.2881 Pager: 312.689.2079 <-- New Pager Number E-Mail: steven.naumann@exeloncorp.com <<mailto:steven.t.naumann@ucm.com>> ************************************************************************ This e-mail and any of its attachments may contain Exelon Corporation proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to the Exelon Corporation family of Companies. This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any printout. Thank You. ************************************************************************
Vince, ? Hope you are well. ? We spoke a while ago about who should write the preface for the book, and you kindly offered that you would provide this.? Is this still possible?? We realise that you are extremely busy, so Chris and Les went ahead and wrote something, which is below, and if you want to review, change or re-write?the preface, that would be very appreciated.? Let me know what your thoughts are. ? Thanks, Julie (we're getting close) ? ? Preface ? ? ? One of our main objectives in writing Energy Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management has been to bring together as many of the various approaches for the pricing and risk management energy derivatives as possible, to discuss in-depth the models, and to show how they relate to each other.? In this way we hope to help the reader to analyse the different models, price a wide range of energy derivatives, or to build a risk management system which uses a consistent modelling framework.? We believe that for practitioners this last point is very important and we continue to stress in our articles and presentations the dangers of having flawed risk management and giving arbitrage opportunities to your competitors by using ad-hoc and inconsistent models for different instruments and markets (see also OTHERS WHO PROPOSE CONSISTENT MODELS?).? However, it is not our wish to concentrate on one particular model or models, at the exclusion of the others because we believe that the choice should rest with the user (although it will probably be clear from our discussions the model(s) we prefer).? We therefore try and give as clear account as possible of the advantage and disadvantages of all the models so that the reader can make an informed choice as to the models which best suit their needs. ? In order to meet our objectives the book is divided into 11 chapters.? In chapter 1 we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to model and price energy derivatives which will underpin the remainder of the book.? In addition to introducing the techniques that underlie the Black-Scholes modelling framework we outline the numerical techniques of trinomial trees and Monte Carlo simulation for derivative pricing, which are used throughout the book. ? In Chapter 2 we discuss the analysis of spot energy prices.? As well as analysing empirical price movements we propose a number of processes that can be used to model the prices.? We look at the well-know process of Geometric Brownian Motion as well as mean reversion, stochastic volatility and jump processes, discussing each and showing how they can be simulated and their parameters estimated. ? Chapter 3, written by Vince Kaminski, Grant Masson and Ronnie Chahal of Enron Corp., discusses volatility estimation in energy commodity markets.? This chapter builds on the previous one.? It examines in detail the methods, merits and pitfalls of the volatility estimation process assuming different pricing models introduced in chapter 2.? Examples from crude, gas, and electricity markets are used to illustrate the technical and interpretative aspects of calculating volatility. ? Chapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets.? Although such curves are well understood and straight-forward in the most financial markets, the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less well defined curves.? In this chapter we describe forward price bounds for energy prices and the building of forward curves from market instruments.? We outline the three main approaches which have been applied to building forward curves in energy markets; the arbitrage approach, the econometric approach, and deriving analytical values by modelling underlying stochastic factors. ? Chapter 5 presents an overview of structures found in the energy derivative markets and discusses their uses.? Examples of products analysed in this chapter include a variety of swaps, caps, floors and collars, as well as energy swaptions, compound options, Asian options, barrier options, lookback options, and ladder options. ? Chapter 6 investigates single and multi-factor models of the energy spot price and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives.? Closed form solutions for forward prices, forward volatilities, and European option prices both on the spot and forwards are derived and presented for all the models in this chapter including a three factor, stochastic convenience yield and interest rate model. ? Chapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and American style options can be evaluated for the models in Chapter 6.? Simulation schemes are developed for the evaluation of European style options and applied to a variety of path dependent options.? In order to price options which incorporate early exercise opportunities, a trinomial tree scheme is developed.? This tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward curve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard European and American style options. ? Chapter 8 describes a methodology for valuing energy options based on modelling the whole of the market observed forward curve.? The approach results in a multi-factor model that is able to realistically capture the evolution of a wide range of energy forward curves.? The user defined volatility structures can be of an extremely general form.? Closed-form solutions are developed for pricing standard European options, and efficient Monte Carlo schemes are presented for pricing exotic options.? The chapter closes with a discussion of the valuation of American style options. ? Chapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions.? In this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions that trade options or other derivatives and who are then faced with the problem of managing the risk through time.? We begin with delta hedging a portfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging ) illustrating the techniques using both spot and forward curve models.? The general model presented in Chapter 8 is ideally suited to multi-factor hedging of a portfolio of energy derivatives and this is also discussed. ? Chapter 10 examines the key risk management concept of Value at Risk (VaR) applied to portfolios containing energy derivative products.? After discussing the concept of the measure, we look at how the key inputs (volatilities, covariances, correlations, etc) can be estimated.? We then compare the fours major methodologies for computing VaR; Delta, Delta-gamma, historical simulation and Monte-Carlo simulation, applying each to the same portfolio of energy options.? In this chapter we also look at testing the VaR estimates for various underlying energy market variables. ? Finally, in Chapter 11 we review modelling approaches to credit risk.? We look in detail at two quite different approaches, CreditMetrics (J. P. Morgan (1997)) and CreditRisk+ (Credit Suisse Financial Products (1997)) for which detailed information is publicly available.? Together these provide an extensive set of tools with which to measure credit risk.? We present numerical examples of applying these techniques to energy derivatives. ? Before we begin we stress that the models and methods we present in this book are tools which should be used with the benefit of an understanding of how both the +tool, and the market works.? The techniques we describe are certainly not &magic wands8 which can be waved at data and risk management problems to provide instant and perfect solutions.? To quote from the RiskMetrics Technical Document &( no amount of sophisticated analytics will replace experience and professional judgement in managing risk.8.? However, the right tools, correctly used make the job a lot easier!
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/10/2000 03:06 PM --------------------------- Pinnamaneni Krishnarao 07/10/2000 02:03 PM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Free Seminar: "Optimization Model for Capital Investment Decisions Using Option Pricing", by INFORMS President John Birge You are invited to attend a free, 45-minute online seminar on "Optimization model for capital investment decisions using option pricing". When: Wednesday, July 19, at 2:00 PM EDT Where: Right from your desktop! You can participate using your office computer and telephone. How: <http://www.e-optimization.com/resources/web_realoptions.cfm> Real-option valuation incorporates the opportunities a company may enjoy using either new knowledge or changes in the marketplace for making capital investments. The talk focuses on optimization models for determining best investment levels and demonstrates how stochastic (involving random variables) programs consider risk without creating unwieldy formulations. Hear how Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and General Motors are using this process successfully. INFORMS President John Birge, Dean of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at the Northwestern University in Illinois, will give the seminar. John is a popular author and speaker and during the past five years has been in demand for his talks on stochastic programming and optimization. Who should attend: OR analysts, strategic planners, financial analysts, consultants and financial decision makers or anyone interested in hearing about innovative, exciting, practical decision-making tools.
Cordially, Mary Cook Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal Houston, Texas 77002-7361 (713) 345-7732 (713) 646-3393 (fax) mary.cook@enron.com
Thanks for forwarding mail to me. I apologize for the inconvenience of this. My current e:mail address is sally.beck@enron.com, as suggested within the past few months by the technology group that all addresses use the long name. HOWEVER, my e:mail address prior to that was sbeck@ect.enron.com. That was printed on my business cards, many of which are still in circulation I am sure. When ECT became ENA, I changed my e:mail address to drop the ect reference and to use my long name rather than sbeck. So I can see why you would receive my mail on occassion if someone is either making an educated guess on the address or referencing my old card. SInce there are at least 2 sbeck's here, have you thought about adopting use of your long name address rather than the shorter version to help in further differentiating between us? That might help eliminate confusion going forward.
Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) sara.shackleton@enron.com ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 01/26/2001 08:47 AM ----- "Jain, Adarsh" <JAINA@coned.com> 01/26/2001 08:05 AM To: "Barrett, Peter J." <BARRETTP@coned.com>, "Douglas, Patricia M." <DOUGLASP@coned.com>, "Dooley, Sylvia V." <DOOLEYS@coned.com>, "'emoser@milbank.com'" <emoser@milbank.com>, "'esanford@milbank.com'" <esanford@milbank.com>, "'samantha.boyd@enron.com'" <samantha.boyd@enron.com>, "'janelle.scheuer@enron.com'" <janelle.scheuer@enron.com>, "'sara.shackleton@enron.com'" <sara.shackleton@enron.com> cc: "Forte, Michael" <FORTEM@coned.com>, "Rozmus, Gary" <RozmusG@coned.com>, "Lubling, Chanoch" <LUBLINGC@coned.com>, "Irwin, Peter" <IrwinP@coned.com>, "Jain, Adarsh" <JAINA@coned.com> Subject: Conference Call A conference call has been set up for 10:00 AM today to further discuss the issues and to reach a resolution. The dial in number is : 1-800- 851-1766 Participant Code is: 576306 Thank you very much.
Good Morning Sara, Per your request, here is the preliminary confirmation for the Total Return Equity Swap with Enron Europe. Regards, Jorge
Scott: I have been monitoring drafts of the swap docs. Are you or someone else in your group reviewing the other docs that involve Enron Corp. such as the Certificate Purchase Agreement that appears to have a bunch of reps that Enron has to make? I( have not been paying to much attention to the docs that don't involver the swap. Carol
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/13/2000 05:09 PM --------------------------- Office of the Chairman From: Office of the Chairman@ENRON on 10/05/2000 07:55 AM To: ClickatHome mailout cc: Subject: A Computer and Internet Connection for You and Your Family As you know, technology is critical to Enron; it drives our success and will continue to do so in the future. Technology has helped Enron create new businesses like Enron Broadband Services and Enron Net Works, and it is responsible for applications such as EnronOnline and EnronCredit.com. You,ve seen what technology can do at work. Now we want you and your family to realize its benefits at home. With that in mind, we are excited to let you know that we are introducing the ClickAtHome program, which will give each employee a computer for use at home. Where technology permits, we will also subsidize an Internet connection. With the click of a mouse, a home computer plus Internet access will put a world of Internet knowledge at your family,s fingertips. We have just signed an agreement with Dell Computer Corporation to provide the computer hardware. We wanted to let you know about the program now in case you and your family were considering the purchase or upgrade of a home computer or Internet connection in the next few months. The scope of ClickAtHome includes the following: ? Basic package: Dell desktop computer with a high-speed processor, floppy disk drive, mouse, speakers, monitor, modem, CD-ROM drive and Windows 2000 software. Employees will have the option to receive a subsidized Internet connection, including broadband, where commercially available. ? Participation: This program will be available to active regular full-time and regular part-time employees of Enron and its wholly owned subsidiaries; however, employees of some Enron companies (Portland General Electric, EOTT, Enron Facility Services) may not be able to participate due to legal, accounting, tax, labor or business reasons. Eligibility includes being employed at the time of implementation. ? Timing: U.S. employee sign-up will begin in early 2001, with delivery of the equipment and Internet connection to follow shortly thereafter. Delivery of equipment to participating non-U.S. employees is targeted for late 2001. Details about this program are still being finalized. To address some of your initial questions, we,ve posted a question-and-answer document on http://clickathome.enron.com. We will schedule an eSpeak session in the near future where you will have an opportunity to ask questions. Or, you can submit your questions and comments to ClickAtHome@enron.com. We are excited to extend our investment in technology to you and your family. We believe this program takes communication at Enron to a new level by creating endless possibilities for you to experience and participate in the broadband Internet revolution. It is just another reason why we believe Enron is a great place to work.
Per my voice mail, attached is the resume for Aram Sogomonian. Please schedule a telephone interview with John Lavorato and Aram Sogomonian. If you have any questions please let me know. Norma Villarreal Sr. Human Resource Represenative X31545 ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 10/12/2000 11:02 AM --------------------------- "Sogomonian, Aram" <Aram.Sogomonian@pacificorp.com> on 10/11/2000 12:03:16 PM To: "'vkamins@enron.com'" <vkamins@enron.com> cc: Subject: FW: ARAM G. SOGOMONIAN - aram g2.doc
Attached is the Weekly Model, together with linked files for USD Libor, O&M, Capex, and revenues (from Jenny).
********************************************************************** CERA Monthly Summary: Sent Wed, August 02, 2000 ********************************************************************** Title: CERA Monthly Summary--July 2000 Author: CERA E-Mail Category: Monthly Summary Product Line: Monthly Summary , URL: http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/eprofile.cfm?u=5166&m=1298 , Table of Contents ASIA PACIFIC ENERGY After the Panic: East Asia Three Years Later URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/pr/070700_10/ap_pr_070700_10_ab.html State Government Finances in India: A Looming Crisis or a Driver for Accelerated Energy Sector Reform? URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/db/070700_15/ap_db_070700_15_ab.html CERA Insight*China's Power Sector: Uneven Recovery, Uneven Reform URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/alt/070700_13/ap_alt_070700_13_ab.html CERA Insight: The Second Phase of Deregulation in Japan's Power Industry... 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Juiced By Julia King and Gary H. Anthes (Nov. 20, 2000) Wall Street analysts and oil industry executives were thick among the legion of skeptics who thought Enron Corp. President and Chief Operating Officer Jeff Skilling was nuts to launch a Web site for the trading of natural gas and electricity over the Internet. That was last November, before EnronOnline locked up more than $120 billion in transactions in its first few months of operation, quickly establishing itself as the world's largest e-commerce company. As of Oct. 11, just prior to Enron's report of its third-quarter earnings, EnronOnline had executed more than 350,000 transactions, representing a gross value of $183 billion. Since then, the $40 billion Houston-based energy giant has elbowed its way into several new diversified markets. And it plans to continue its push into many more, ranging from railcar cargo space to broadband networking and data-storage capacity. In doing so, Enron is turbocharging its transformation from a stodgy, old-line fuel company to an entirely new kind of business-to-business market maker, with information technology and an all-out emphasis on entrepreneurship at the heart of its New Economy operations. Enron has been so successful in leveraging IT to pioneer new markets that others are trying to emulate its approach. First to Market "Enron often introduces a product before the competition even senses a market exists," the company says in its latest annual report. A prime example: online trading of data-network capacity. Indeed, "there's a low degree of awareness [among carriers] about the bandwidth-trading business," and Enron is ahead of the game, says Seth Libby, an analyst at The Yankee Group in Boston. At present, there are only a handful of network professionals who are aware of these capacity commoditization plans, says Libby. But not for long, asserts Enron President?? Jeff Skilling. "Within five years, the bandwidth market may be bigger than the gas and electric markets," he says. "So for us, it could be as big as the rest of our existing energy business." That's currently a $35 billion business. But critics say trading bandwidth is much more complicated than trading gas, especially for a company with little depth in telecommunications. And critics add that although carriers stand to benefit from the ability to buy and sell capacity, they might prefer to do it through some channel that's independent of the control of a single market maker like Enron. "Enron's argument is that its trading capabilities are the differentiator, and that it need not have deep telecom expertise," says Lisa Pierce, an analyst at Giga Information Group in Stamford, Conn. "But I'm not convinced it's that simple. Technology isn't a long-term competitive differentiator." Houston-based Enron Broadband Services Inc., formed last year, offers IP transport on its 15,000-mile fiber-optic network. Enron Broadband Services also trades - that is, makes a market by buying and selling - network capacity to and from other data carriers, conducting some of the transactions on EnronOnline. Enron Broadband Services also offers content-oriented services, such as a video-on-demand service it will market with Dallas-based Blockbuster Inc. to home viewers starting next month. "When we started the gas business, they told us we were nuts," Skilling says. "They said, 'You're going to sell gas but not own production? How does that work?' Then we did electricity and they said we were nuts again, and even louder than before. They said this stuff moves at the speed of light; you can never create a market. Then in telecommunications, they said we were nuts again." Despite its share of skeptics, some experts like Enron's prospects in this space. "I think aspects of this have the potential to be very big," says Libby. "The carriers like the idea of instantaneous provisioning. And I think it has a lot of potential [for] . . . selling it to businesses and giving them the ability to cut their costs significantly by buying it as they need it." "We aspire to that kind of model," says Fred Buehler, director of electronic business at Eastman Chemical Co. in Kingsport, Tenn. "In every sector, there will be one or two innovators who get out front and do things differently to create shareholder value," Buehler says. "We're trying to be one of them." Market Maker Stroll through the gas-trading section on the 32nd floor of Enron's glistening 50-story headquarters, and the company's technological sophistication is immediately evident. Traders like 26-year-old John Arnold, who personally executes about $1 billion per day in trades, have real-time access to virtually any information that might affect their split-second buy-and-sell decisions. That information might be a meteorologist's prediction of a colder-than-normal winter across the Plains states or a live news report of political instability in an oil-producing country in the Middle East. Behind the scenes, all of Arnold's trades are instantly analyzed and processed by a sophisticated, proprietary risk-management system and then updated across multiple back-end computer systems worldwide. Less than a year after launching the operation, 60% of the world's gas is traded on EnronOnline. "What we are doing, no one in the industry did 10 years ago. Eighty percent of our income this year is from businesses that didn't exist 10 years ago," says Skilling. For example, EnronOnline contributed heavily to its parent company's third-quarter earnings, which were up 31% to $292 million, compared with the same period last year. "The change is technology-driven," Skilling adds. "We couldn't do what we do without massive amounts of computing capability." In this regard, Enron joins a short list of companies that includes Wal-Mart Stores Inc., FedEx Corp. and American Airlines Inc., which famously pioneered various mission-critical IT techniques to leapfrog competitors and create a whole new class of IT-enabled industry leaders. Among Enron's boldest ideas is its use of a single, powerful software-based trading platform to insert itself as a principal buyer or seller in hundreds of different markets. Currently, Enron trades more than 1,000 different commodities, such as gold, natural gas and metals, on EnronOnline. "The core of our business is our business model, which is a centralized risk-management and market-making business model. It just so happens that the Internet is just perfect for improving the efficiency of that model," Skilling says. But as a market maker, EnronOnline stands alone. For starters, unlike most other Internet marketplaces, it's free. There are no transaction fees or catalog, inventory or subscription costs for users. "Enron has broken away from the pack in the last year, in terms of their capital growth," says Ian Wylie, vice president of e-business at BP Amoco PLC in London. "And e-business is responsible for a lot of this change." Even more unusual is Enron's role as a principal in each transaction. That means Enron is either the buyer or seller in every trade in which it's involved, unlike market makers that simply act as matchmakers between buyers and sellers. In fact, Skilling, as well as Mike McConnell, who heads EnronOnline's global expansion efforts as president and CEO of Enron Global Markets LLC, dismisses much of the current hyperactivity surrounding other fee-based business-to-business exchanges as a flash in the pan. "[Many of the] B2B guys think all you have to do is set up a bulletin board and people will start transacting, but it doesn't work that way," Skilling says. "You need to know you can deliver if push comes to shove." As either the seller or buyer in all of its trades, Enron, an established brand name with 32,000 miles of pipeline and deep financial pockets, guarantees delivery or payment on all trades that are executed on EnronOnline. "We're creating markets that were highly illiquid, so someone has to put their reputation on the line to say, 'We'll deliver,' " Skilling says. But guaranteeing delivery also requires having guaranteed access to physical assets such as network bandwidth and papermaking plants. Guaranteed access also ensures marketplace liquidity. For Enron, this is where the bricks and mortar come in. For example, to help drive its liquidity in the pulp and paper market, Enron paid $72 million in July for Garden State Paper Co., a recycled-newsprint mill in Garfield, N.J. Skilling's current market fancy is metals, and in May, Enron bought MG PLC, a London-based metals marketer. "You have to break the liquidity logjam, and to do that, you have to take a risk position," Skilling says. But once the logjam is cleared, Enron is just as likely to sell off the brick-and-mortar assets it acquired and use the cash to invest in new business. For example, to finance its new bandwidth-trading operation, Enron is selling Portland General Electric Co., a Portland, Ore.-based power producer that it bought in 1997, so it could bring liquidity to and guarantee trades in the online electricity market. Eventually, Enron may end up trading commodities that aren't even considered commodities - at least not at the moment - such as data storage capacity or empty railcar space. "Might we move into sauces or meats or grains? Potentially," says McConnell, who was Enron's de facto CIO before moving into his current role. "You have to be creative every day," McConnell says. "You have to be open-minded to trying new things." But what remains constant throughout all the upsizing and downsizing is Enron's core IT-enabled business model, which is what puts it in a class of its own, analysts say. "People have talked a lot about systems that they're about to roll out, but there is just not much out there for direct trading," says Mike Heim, an energy analyst at A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc. in St. Louis. "Enron rolled out its technology 10 months ago, and still there isn't much else out there. There hasn't been much competition [because] there isn't anybody in the same class." But just last month, Houston-based Dynegy Inc. launched Dynegydirect, an Internet-based, commission-free trading site for energy and communications commodities. Also last month, IntercontinentalExchange in Atlanta, whose partners include BP Amoco and The Hague-based Royal Dutch/Shell Group, added natural gas and power to its online trading system, which already included precious metals and crude oil. Skilling doesn't get called "nuts" much anymore. In fact, he's a darling on Wall Street, where Enron's stock has soared from around $40 per share last November to $81 as of this Nov. 2. As a result, Enron - by all accounts, an Old Economy gas pipeline company until 12 months ago - is widely regarded as a New Economy pioneer. Says Skilling, "We like to say we were B2B before there was B2B." Thriving On the Unconventional As head of two Enron pipeline subsidiaries, Mike McConnell knew a lot more about gas flows than he did about data flows last year when he got a surprise call from Enron President and Chief Operating Officer Jeff Skilling. Recalls McConnell, "Jeff went into this whole thought process about how the Internet is changing everything. He said, 'We need to make Enron an e-business, and I need a guy that can run this as a business. We need to change the way we view technology.' "I thought he was a little crazy and I said, 'Jeff, I'm not a technology person at all,' He said, 'No, seriously - this is going to be big.' So I took over as CEO of Enron Global Technology," and thus became the company's de facto CIO, McConnell explains. Appointing a person with no technology background to the top IT post is an unusual move. But Enron often defies convention and typically thrives as a result. Indeed, Enron boasts an entrepreneurial culture that's unusual in large, long-established companies, and in utilities firms in particular. McConnell relates the tale of how 29-year-old Louise Kitchen, Enron's head gas trader in Europe, spearheaded the creation of an online gas-trading system, recruiting IT people from elsewhere in the company to do the development work. Word of the Web-based platform, EnronOnline, which is literally remaking the company, didn't reach top management until a few weeks before it went live. Kitchen enlisted the support of Enron's initially skeptical top traders, and she scoured the company for software developers and other experts. Her small army of volunteers worked nights and weekends on the project while carrying on with their regular jobs. "It's an amazing story about not getting corporate approval and going through all the bureaucracy," McConnell says. "No one went to the board and said, 'We want to change the way we trade.' You just do it." Glowing Endorsement Soon after McConnell became the de facto CIO of the $40 billion energy company, he joined eight of Sun Microsystems Inc.'s top Houston customers at a breakfast hosted by Sun CEO Scott McNealy. "I was very nervous," recalls McConnell, 40. "I mean, McNealy is the guy, and here I know nothing about technology. I'd been on the job maybe two weeks." McNealy asked the attendees - all but McConnell were middle-aged CIOs with many years of IT experience - to introduce themselves in turn. "When Scott came to me, I said, 'I'm the CEO of Global Technology, and we want to be the leader in B2B commerce in the world.' He kind of sat back and said, 'How long have you been in the IT business?' " McConnell explains. " 'About nine days,' I said, 'and we are going to take a little bit different approach to technology.' Scott chuckled and said, 'That sounds like Enron; it always looks at things differently.' He then stated that my CEO title and Enron's approach were very unusual but that it would be more commonplace soon, as this was the way of the future." McConnell says McNealy's endorsement had "a huge impact" on how he structured IT at Enron during the following year. "I realized that we weren't too late to change our approach and take a commercial view of technology," he says - a view of IT as an integral part of the business, not as something that supports business functions. "None of the other companies were thinking our new way at all." Taking a commercial view of IT has led to a blurring of the line that traditionally separates IT organizations from the business units they support. When McConnell became CEO of Global Technology, Enron had five CIOs who were predominantly operating independently inside the company's major lines of business. "Each CIO had his own agenda, his own thought process, his own goals, and they did not communicate at all," he says. McConnell established corporate standards for IT, created a management team that included the five CIOs and put all IT people under a new chief technology officer, Philippe Bibi. But IT is far from centralized at Enron. "We wanted to make people think about technology not as IT and support, but as an extension of your business," he explains. "So we seeded people out into the business units. [IT] directs the performance review process, but the business units have the greatest influence on where the person actually ranks and is rated." Firms like Enron that merge IT departments with the business units they serve will be the winners among fast-paced e-businesses, says IT organization expert Robert Zawacki, president of Zawacki and Associates in Colorado Springs and a professor emeritus at the University of Colorado, also in Colorado Springs. "We need more entrepreneurial leaders in IT, and [McConnell] is certainly one," he says. IT makes it easier to be entrepreneurial, says McConnell, who is now president and CEO of Enron Global Markets. "We really do like to try things and see what happens, and when you have an electronic platform like [EnronOnline] that we can model into different sectors, it's very inexpensive to try it. We are not afraid; if it's not working, we'll just stop." - Gary H. Anthes and Julia King
Ben, Here is a real quick estimate on the info you gave me on this "Synthetic CC Plant". Consider the error to be about +-25% with this quick a turn around. I will be on vacation next week, if you can wait for the next go around until I return on the 15 May, your welcome to call Scot Chambers at 68371. Regards, Rich
Tom, From previous notes, which I bcc'd to you, looks like I'm "in business". I've really appreciated your two recent e-mails (as I have all of them). Had gone to the Tribune web site (something I'd done before, in order to show my friends here your picture, and brag a bit) looking for info on percepctive section, but probably due to my bad searches didn't unearth it. You explanation was very important. Also important were your comments on what struck you about what I've been writing. Those kind of comments are the best kind. Often, when writing, its hard to know what works and what doesn't work. Perhaps the most important thing, however, is that the article will be published by "Tom Skilling's" brother. Though nothing's been published yet, and I shouldn't write as if that's a certainty (afraid of bad luck), would never had gotten close to this opportunity without you. I'm very grateful. Love you and looking forward to both of us experiencing how this ol' newspaper media machine works (something with which I guess you are all to familiar). Mark-O >From: <tskilling@tribune.com> >To: "Mark Skilling" <markskilling@hotmail.com> >Subject: IT'S FABULOUS! >Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 13:25:22 -0500 > > > Mark-- > My read on this is that it's terrific. You personalize this >tragedy in >a way only one familiar with the area and its people can. You take me >through >the whole experience in a way I've not visited the subject before. > I'm not an editor---but it strikes me that this is just the sort of >insight into a calamatous event of our day that the Tribune seeks in its >Perspective section. > Editing is always a devil and I suspect you are a lot better at it >than I >am--knowing the subject as completely as you do. You probably are right >that >introducing the reader right up front to the notion this is about the >unimaginable tragedy about which we've been hearing for days now is a good >idea. >But, my sense is that you've infused this piece with an "on the ground and >there" feel which can only come from one uniquely familiar with this >devastated >city and region. > You're definitely on the right track, Mark. Congratulations. It will >be >interesting to how the Perspective people feel. I think they're going to be >pleased. What a job!! > Thanks for sharing this with me, Mark. Look forward to hearing how >this >proceeds. As I've said before, you're introducing me to a place and events >with >which I have no personal familiarity. After reading your work, I feel a >kinship >with the people and place and the misery that's been imposed on them and it >by >nature. Fascinating! > Love you Mark. This is no easy assignment---yet you've done a >beautiful job >in trying circumstances. Again, congratulations! > > Tom > >______________________________ Reply Separator >_________________________________ >Subject: <no subject> >Author: "Mark Skilling" <markskilling@hotmail.com> at Internet_TCO >Date: 8/25/99 9:32 AM > > > > >Dear Bill, > >Hope all is well. > >The piece, which is cut and pasted in below, is a too long now, at some >1400 >words. > >The first paragraph could go, I suppose, though I think it gets in some >historical information that has not been in anything else I've been >reading. > Also, I think it is important that Turkey has for many years been caught >in a tremendous struggle accommodating its rich cultural heritage with the >demands of the present. (It's fair to say that this struggle is one of the >main reasons I first became interested in Turkey.) The "present" suffered >a >huge setback with the quake, in that not only did the modern, secular >government fail terribly, but so did the modern buildings. That the >repairs >to the old city wall crumbled, but the not ancient wall itself, seems an >apt >symbol of this. > >Maybe the stuff on San Francisco can go, though I guess it is interesting >that I lived through both experiences. Also, the paragraph about pre-quake >hospitality is not really necessary. > >Perhaps a more general pruning job, rather than the crude removal of entire >paragraphs, would do the job. Then again, you will probably have all >together different ideas. > >I look forward to working with you all on this. > >Mark > >* * * > >From my living room, I look down a hill, over a collection of red tiled >rooftops, to the Golden Horn. This river, once beautiful and fast flowing, >is now stalled and polluted. On the other side of the Golden Horn are the >hills where the ancient city Byzantium -- later to be called >Constantinople, >later still Istanbul -- was founded some 2 1/2 thousand years ago. Above a >cement colored smear of apartment buildings of much more recent vintage, I >can make out the outlines of towers that were part of defensive walls first >started in the sixth century, nearly 1 1/2 thousand years ago. They are >now >rotten with age, though parts had recently been rebuilt for tourists. Some >of these restored parts collapsed during last Tuesday's earthquake. The >ancient parts were left untouched. > >Less than a block away is the minaret of our small, neighborhood mosque. >From here you can hear, five times a day, its "ezan" or call to prayer. >That call is now as if a lament. The muezzin's voice seems fuller, more >emotional than usual. He sings in Arabic, which I don't understand, but >I've read that his call reminds the believers that "God is most great" and >tells them to "Come to prayer, come to prosperity." I listen carefully, >for >signs of doubt about God's mercy and compassion. But I detect no doubt at >all. Instead, it is simply beautiful and sad, and despite not >understanding >what he sings, very moving. > >In the past few days I have heard many sad, tired people say automatically, >and surprisingly without bitterness, that "Allah verir, Allah alir [God >gives, God takes away]." And much has been taken away. The death toll >from >last Tuesday's earthquake is likely to exceed 40,000, with an equal number >injured. Up to 200,000 have been left homeless. Millions more in the days >immediately following the quake chose to sleep outdoors, including me, >afraid of the aftershocks. All over Istanbul, in the parks and squares, >even on narrow medians between busy streets, entire families spent the days >and nights on blankets spread out on the ground. In the grassy Hippodrome >along side the spectacular Blue Mosque and in the gardens between that same >mosque and the Sancta Sophia -- where you would normally expect hundreds of >tourists to be milling about -- it was as if a great migration was taking >place. Many of the women wore brightly colored headscarves. Other women, >despite the heat, were dressed from head to toe in more somber black. Some >families brought portable propane burners to make the their beloved tea. >Many more had lugged along pillows and mattresses, others string and rope >which they strung between trees and posts and hung sheets for a bit of >privacy. > >On the nights immediately after the quake, I was grateful to receive an >invitation to join my friend Ismail's family, and the family of a friend of >his, to spend the night in a little park in the hills above the Bosphorus >Bridge. The Bosphorus Bridge is a huge, modern suspension bridge >connecting >Europe and Asia that looks like a gray version of the Golden Gate Bridge in >San Francisco. With the bridge's hulk looming seemingly helplessly below >us, I shared a corner of a colorful Turkish blanket covering the ground. >We >drank tea, smoked cigarettes and joked about being "gocebe [nomads]", and >about the Turks finally returning to their forgotten nomadic roots. I >practiced my Turkish with the children, who, unlike most older Turks, were >able to correct me in English. During the night, while I slept, someone >put >a jacket over me. > >Now that the rains and cooler weather have come, and the experts have given >an all-clear sign, most of us have returned to our homes. Back in my >apartment, I glance at my walls, at my ceilings, find it impossible not to >think of all those still buried underneath theirs. Last night, at our >favorite tea garden, I joined Ismail and his wife, Dilek, who had just >learned that three of her cousins had died in Adapazari. We talked about >whether people here will ever be able to forget, return to something of a >normal life. It hadn't started raining yet, so we stayed late, admitted to >being a bit nervous about returning home. > >The government and the army are being severely criticized in the local >press >and on the streets, as are the construction contractors. There have been >other problems as well. In an open area near the caf? I mentioned above, >where dozens of families had come to spend the night, an old man had his >shoes stolen. I was told the story of a Turk in Yalova, one of the hardest >hit areas, selling bottled water for 1.5 million TL ($4 dollars), ten times >the normal price. (That profiteer, however, was apparently beaten >subsequently by the storyteller himself, while a nearby policeman did >nothing to intervene.) > >Yet notwithstanding the widespread and no doubt legitimate anger at the >official response, that of ordinary Turks has been overwhelming and >impressive. A large truck from my relatively poor, working class >neighborhood was quickly filled with needed supplies -- water, bread, >medicine -- and sent to one disaster site. The company of one of my >student's sent along a similar truckload of supplies, and has now set up a >fund to collect money for the homeless. The same is true of business group >to which the company of a dear friend of mine, Sukran, belongs. Efforts >like these have been going on everywhere. In addition, thousands of people >from all over Turkey have gone to the stricken areas to help, including >Kurds who want to prove their commitment to the Turkish State. > >I recall the criticism I heard after the 1989 San Francisco "World Series" >Earthquake, which I unfortunately experienced as well. Though admittedly a >much less serious affair, the cries about lax enforcement of building codes >were similar. Everyone promised to do better, and I hope they have. I >recall my own pathetic plans, never implemented, to prepare for the next >"big one". I had cut an article out of the paper, which listed the >emergency supplies that should be kept close on hand. Though I kept that >list near to the top of my pile of important papers, over the years it >simply grew yellow and torn. I finally threw it away at the time I packed >up for my move to Istanbul. Significantly, before I left San Francisco >last >fall, damage from that quake was still being repaired, some ten years >later, >and complaints could still be heard about the government's continuing >failure to enforce building codes rigorously enough. > >My experience since coming to Istanbul has been one of almost unending >Turkish hospitality. I could have been left alone, but was not. When I >first came here, on vacation, some two years ago, I meet a fine man, Ilyas, >who makes Saz (a stringed musical instrument that is as important here as >the guitar is in America) and bought a beautiful one from him. When I >returned to Istanbul, this time to live, I visited Ilyas again, to say >hello >and talk about possible Saz lessons. When he learned I was looking for an >apartment, he took most of the next day off and showed me around his >neighborhood, eventually helping me to find the place I now live. The >lessons he eventually gave me were free. My friend Ismail has spent >countless hours with me, roaming the city, looking for deals on used >furniture. He and his wife have also lent me a beautiful rug, a blanket, >and several other very useful items in my apartment. I occasionally get >gifts from my students, and never an unkind word from anyone. After the >earthquake itself, several of my Turkish friends kept in constant touch >with >me. > >Several days ago, on the television, I saw and heard a crowd burst into >applause. A young boy had just been rescued from one of the many collapsed >buildings. Except for being dusty, he appeared unscathed. As they carried >him to an ambulance a reporter followed, asking him questions. Were you >scared? "Cok korktum [very scared]!" He response was perky. He was >clearly delighted to be back in the world, by the attention he was getting. >Then he was asked about his family. His eyes grew wide, his face long. >"Annem [my mother], kardesim [my sister/brother], sesleri duydum [I heard >their voices]. Duydum!" By the time they reached the ambulance, he was >screaming. "Sesleri duydum! Sesleri duydum!" > >I hope the rest of the world hears Turkey's cries for help. "Insallah, >daha >iyi olacak [With God's help, things will be better]." Insallah. Turkiye, >iyi sanslar. From all of us, good luck. > >August 25, 1999 >Istanbul, Turkey > > > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com > > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
-----Original Message----- From: Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 9:17 AM To: Kitchen, Louise; Taylor, Mark E (Legal) Subject: Mark Taylor Vice President and General Counsel Enron Wholesale Services 1400 Smith Street - EB3892 Houston, Texas 77008 (713)853-7459 (713)646-3490 (fax)
Sorry about getting to go through this with you. We can do this on Monday. Have a good weekend. Ben ---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 02/11/2000 05:51 PM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Tina Tennant 02/11/2000 09:57 AM To: Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Deal LIst I am going to get a GTD directory set up on the Odrive so that we can access this from there. I detached this sheet from the workbook that also has the contact infromation in it. Please send me the names of any new people that you add so that I can update it for Monday and send this back so that I can keep them together. Thanks Tina x58487 I have additons that Thomas gave me that I will bring to you.
----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 10/11/2000 09:29 AM ----- "Fergus, Gary S." <GFergus@brobeck.com> 10/10/2000 06:03 PM To: "Richard B. Sanders Esq. (E-mail)" <richard.b.sanders@enron.com> cc: "Meringolo, Peter" <PMeringolo@brobeck.com> Subject: Status Report I just spoke with Mike Day. He received a call back from Harvey Morris at the CPUC. They have not yet had a chance to read our response and cannot convene the group that needs to look at it until tomorrow. (Mike reads that as they are giving it to a consultant for comment.) We have a scheduled conference call with Harvey for 10:00 a.m. PDST on Friday. I will call in from Mexico. Peter will set up an 800 number and call in ID. Once Mike, Peter and I are on the phone, we will conference in Harvey. With respect to the production of documents, I told Mike that the documents were being shipped here and we would process them on Friday. We will address delivery on the 10:00 conference call. As an aside, Harvey apparently said that a number of other companies had decided to cooperate after being threatened by the CPUC staff. If you need to reach me in Cancun, the Brobeck satellite office number there is 011-52-98-810962. Thanks Gary ======================================================= This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. To reply to our email administrator directly, send an email to postmaster@brobeck.com BROBECK PHLEGER & HARRISON LLP http://www.brobeck.com
As noted in the attached Order, the FERC Mediation conference scheduled for this Thursday has been moved to next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. In addition, I've attached the most recent Order in the Southeast RTO case. My understanding is that the ALJ in that case plans to hold three day a week meetings (Tues-Thurs) from now until the deadline imposed by FERC. Can we be far behind? Aaron - FERC_Order_Rescheduling_Northeast_Mediation.WPD - Southeast_Scheduling_Order.WPD
OneTravel.com has prepared a special web address for you that includes all of this week's airline deals departing from your requested cities. http://www.onetravel.com/alert/AirAlert.cfm?EID=559944 If you find an airfare in your Savings ALERT that interests you, click onto the Fare Price Link. There you will find specific instructions on how to make reservations for that particular flight. Availability on these incredible fares is very limited so you must act fast!!! Savings ALERT! For 02/20/02 ******************************************************************* This is a post-only e-mail. Please do not reply to this newsletter. We want to hear from you. 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MAXIMILER: Blackout dates a thing of the past? ______________________________________________________________________ HOT FARES OF THE WEEK: Fly Minneapolis to Miami from $223 or Dallas to New Orleans from $169! Fly Minneapolis to Miami from $223 round-trip! Is it time to escape the winter weather? If you answered yes, then head to Miami. Enjoy the fine cuisine and all the nightlife this city has to offer. Shop by day and take an evening cruise by night. With all there is to do in Miami, you'll be livin' la vida loca! Fly Dallas to New Orleans from $169 round-trip! Make a getaway for jazzy New Orleans! Enjoy the many sounds of New Orleans this winter! Jazz, Cajun music, Zydeco and Gospel are some of the sounds you'll hear in this wonderful city. Don't miss the cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe Du Monde. Be sure to hit the French Quarter for authentic Cajun and Creole food. Check out these and other great deals. http://air.onetravel.com/ * Fares may not include fees, surcharges or taxes. Five-day advance purchase for airline tickets is required. Tickets are non-refundable. Fares are subject to availability. Sample fares above were selected by departure dates of 2/27/02 and returning 3/6/02. --------- FIND ADVENTURE WITH GRUPO TACA: Round-trip fares to Central & South America from $325! A once in a lifetime adventure awaits you in Central and South America! OneTravel.com has partnered with Grupo Taca to bring these rock bottom airfares to your doorstep! Sample fares* include: ? Miami to Belize City, Belize from $325 ? NYC to Cuzco, Peru from $600 ? L.A. to Caracus, Venezuela from $505 ? San Francisco to Santiago, Chile from $560 ? Houston to San Jose, Costa Rica from $450 ? New Orleans to Caracas, Venezuela from $380 ? Washington D.C. to Panama City, Panama from $470 ? Dallas to Guatemala City, Guatemala from $395 * Fares do not include taxes, segment fees or surcharges. Click below http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/spdealGrupo.cfm?DK=1000003462 for online booking! Fares are for travel completed by July 27, 2002. Fares require at least a five-day advance purchase. Seating is limited and may not be available on certain flights. The cost for travel on the weekend is slightly higher. Tickets are valid for travel dates shown on ticket and are non-endorsable and non-transferable. Additional restrictions may apply. These fares apply only to tickets purchased during the sales period (6/25/01-3/31/02). --------- EXCITING TRAVEL TO ASIA & AFRICA: Round-trip fares from $559! "Ready, set, jet-set!" with Virgin Atlantic's low fares to Asia and Africa from nine U.S. gateways. Exotic itineraries to Europe, Asia, and South Africa await you. Explore far-flung destinations with Virgin Atlantic! Sample fares* include: ? NYC to Hong Kong from $705! ? 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Book a trip to visit family, plan your spring fling or get ready for a last minute jaunt! Remember to travel mid-week to get the best deal! Spirit Airlines is now offering non-stop service Orlando to San Juan for travel starting 5/9/02; book by 2/21/02 to get the best fares! Click below http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/spdealspirit2.cfm?DK=1000003462 for online booking! --------- LONDON FOR LESS: Save with British Airways! Treat yourself to a London vacation! Depart from numerous U.S. locations, including NYC, Orlando, Houston, San Diego and more! Whatever your pleasure - British Airways will whisk you away to London for less! Below are only a few of the great fares to get you to London with money to spend! Click below http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/britishairway.cfm?DK=1000003462 for online booking! --------- HOTEL ROOMS IN LAS VEGAS: Book a room at the El Cortez Hotel & Casino from $35 a night! Walk the Vegas strip and take in the fabulous hotel attractions! Venture outside Las Vegas and explore the conspiracy-ridden Area 51 or take a helicopter tour of the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Whatever your pleasure - you'll find what you need in Las Vegas! Indulge yourself at the El Cortez Hotel & Casino from $35 a night! For online booking click below: http://partner.onetravel.com/go/go.cfm?GoID=23802&Token=Feb20VegasCortez --------- LAST WEEK'S MOST POPULAR FARES: Discover America, round-trip fares from $270! Here's the most popular fares from the previous week...Discover America! It was destinations in the great land of the land of the free, home of the brave that enticed the majority of our customers. Remember, as we make enhancements be sure to tell us what you think, please email editor@onetravel.com. Click here http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/spdealdiscover.cfm?DK=1000003462 for online booking! --------- HERTZ LAST MINUTE SALE: Save with last minute car rentals! Drive away with a deal when you book a Hertz last minute car rental through OneTravel.com! Sound good? Just click on the link below to check rates and availability for Hertz rental cars. How can we bring you these last minute discounts? OneTravel.com seeks out great deals and we pass the savings along to you! Click below http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/spdealHertz2.cfm?DK=1000003462 for online booking! Vehicle must be returned to original rental location. Minimum rental age is 25 (exceptions apply). Taxes, tax reimbursement, airport-related fees and optional items are extra. Last Minute Specials require a Saturday night keep. Current arriving airline ticket may be required. Advance reservations are required. Rates are not available in the New York Metro area. Not available on Hertz #1 Rates and Hertz Leisure Rate . Availability is limited. Standard rental conditions and return restrictions must be met. Weekly rates require a 5-day rental. Rates are available at participating U.S. and Canadian locations. --------- CHECK OUT OUR SALES & SPECIALS: Great travel deals you must check out! Looking for more great deals on airfare, hotel rooms and car rentals? Then click on the link below and check out our current sales and specials page. This is where you will find the best pricing for travel! Click here http://www.onetravel.com/www/specials/Sales.cfm?DK=1000003462 for unbeatable savings! --------- TRAVEL NEWS: Find the latest information on daily travel news, security e-tickets and airline policies. If you're traveling soon, click on the link below to find the latest airline and travel information. Click here for the latest on travel news. http://www.onetravel.com/advisor/AR_airlinenews_Summary.cfm?SessionID=0CA1F517 --------- MR. MAXIMILER: Our column from ~OneTravel.com's~ own Frugalist, Bob Jones, features up-to the-minute tips and deals that maximize your air miles and save you travel cash. Read on for this week's "Mr. Maximiler" tip! Blackout dates a thing of the past? A few weeks back, Northwest eliminated black out dates for award travel. Of course they raised the number of miles required for award travel because they believed travelers found it difficult to understand the nuances of peak and off peak awards. Puleeeeeez! Anyhow, not long after the NWA announcement, their partners came on board followed by United, American, Delta and others. So, are you going to be able to save some cash and book normally expensive holiday trips using miles? I doubt it! Here's why. All frequent flyer seats are released on a "not to interfere with revenue" basis. Airlines know historically what seats they will sell and which they will not. The ones they do not sell are released to awards. Since the airlines sell virtually every seat on December 23rd and 24th, along with seats on the 26th through the 29th, don't expect to find any seats available...at least not now. The same holds true for the period around the 4th of July. Put simply, award seats are allotted to days and flights the airlines believe they can not fill with revenue passengers. So while there are no black out dates per se, they really do exist since seats will not be available on peak travel dates! But wait, there is hope! Yield Management, the practice of pricing and re-pricing, seats every few seconds to get maximum revenue, is also working for the frequent flyer with miles to spend. Recently, it has been possible to redeem miles at the last minute as airlines release seats that remain unsold. While this method is not for the faint of heart, you can get seats to good destinations. Flexibility in travel dates is important and creativity in routing may also be necessary as getting from A to B may require a visit of C and D along the way. Remember, too, that your best chances are with carriers with multiple partners like Alaska Airlines. Using an Alaska award, you can get from Houston to Seattle on Continental, American, or Northwest. A simple form on their site https://mileageplan.alaskaair.com/ssl/partner/PartnerForm.asp will get you started and, they will check all their partners for you. At Northwest, you can book awards online and their system checks partners automatically. Visit https://www.nwa.com/cgi-bin/atrredir.cgi for more information. Patience can pay! See you on a flight soon, Bob --------- QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? We'd love to hear from you! Drop us a line at editor@onetravel.com. Send us your travel questions for professional advice from our panel of experts, or stop by http://www.onetravel.com for loads of helpful information in our Advisor section. (We regret that due to the volume of mail we receive, we cannot assist with individual pricing requests. Please consult our FAQs for booking assistance.) REMEMBER...If the Savings ALERT airfares don't meet your specific travel needs, OneTravel.com's everyday discounts can save you up to 70% off regular airfares... For airline bookings - US and Worldwide - go directly to: http://air.onetravel.com For hotel bookings - US and Worldwide - go directly to: http://hotel.onetravel.com For car rentals - US and Worldwide - go directly to: http://car.onetravel.com For vacation package bookings - go directly to: http://vacation.onetravel.com Until next time....Happy Travels from OneTravel.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to MODIFY or ADD DEPARTURE CITIES to your OneTravel.com Air Savings ALERT! or UNSUBSCRIBE from our mailing list, go to http://www.onetravel.com/deals/SA_npu_modify1.cfm and enter the email address (sscott5@enron.com) to which this message was sent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EID=559944****2
it doesn't appear that you received this.... ---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron on 03/14/2000 12:50 PM --------------------------- "Clarke-Koonce, Pamela R." <pclarkkoonce@velaw.com> on 03/14/2000 11:37:54 AM To: "'csandhe@enron.com'" <csandhe@enron.com>, "'anavin@enron.com'" <anavin@enron.com> cc: "Wenner, Adam" <awenner@velaw.com> Subject: Transmission Legislation <<73084_3.DOC>> Please see the attached per Adam Wenner: Cynthia -- Attached is the transmission legislation we discussed. Please note the following: 1. Revised Sections 201(a) and (b) are not particularly substantive; they simply correspond the statement of FERC's jurisdiction to our new approach. The real substance is in the amendments to Section 206. Consequently, we might want to exclude the Section 201 changes when we circulate it to those to whom we're just trying to explain the concepts. 2. Our prior draft contained exceptions to the prohibitions to the prohibition on discriminatory treatment, regarding protection of native load to protect system reliability and to preserve a utility's ability to comply with state-imposed obligations to serve. I believe these concepts, particularly the second, is inconsistent with our new approach, but before deleting these, wanted to make sure that there is not a political reason that we should leave them in. I have italicized and bolded these provisions. - 73084_3.DOC
_________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at http://profiles.msn.com. - ATT00227.jpg - ATT00230.jpg - ATT00206.jpg - ATT00209.jpg - ATT00212.jpg - ATT00221.jpg
Richard, Have you had a chance to review this request? Let me know. Thanks, Robert Robert Knight 11/09/2000 12:24 PM To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Darren P Adamik/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones Richard, Can you please review this and let me know if what you think. Thanks, Robert Andy Cowx 11/09/2000 05:15 AM To: Robert Knight/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones Robert, Please see my e-mail to Cindy , she has requested that a similar facility is set up in Houston, is it possible ? Thanks Andy ---------------------- Forwarded by Andy Cowx/LON/ECT on 09/11/2000 11:17 --------------------------- Cindy Horn 08/11/2000 17:51 To: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT, Martin Paddington/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Drury/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones This is great news!!! Can you handle sending this announcement as I assume this was an audit issue for the other trading groups as well!! Also, how can we get this same process in place for the Houston and Singapore offices?? They have the same issues on their audits. Thanks you guys did a great job!!!! Cindy Andy Cowx 08/11/2000 12:26 To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT, Martin Paddington/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Drury/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Recording Trades from made on Mobile phones Cindy, We have some good news for you. We have set up a number which can only be called from Enron Mobile phones (37373), when you dial this number you will hear dialtone. The dialtone is coming from the phone system at Enron House, you are then able to dial exactly as if you were at your desk, ie dial '9' and the number you wish to reach. All calls coming through this route will be recorded and can be retrieved by the telecoms team for playback / reference. We have also ensured that external people cannot dial this number from outside the building by using 020 7783 7373. Let me know if you want to issue a note as a General Announcement or whether you wish to handle the distribution of the number. Regards, Andy x37285 Cindy Horn 31/10/2000 17:37 To: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one? Instead of providing a phone number could there be a short code or something that they do that in the background dials this number so no one gets access to this number? I know that this is an issue in all of the offices with traders making deals on cell phones on unrecorded lines. I do not want to do something that puts Enron at risk though. Thanks Cindy Andy Cowx 31/10/2000 17:02 To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one? Cindy, We can provide a telephone number in the office which the traders can call from their mobile phone, they would then be offered dialtone from the telephone system and can then dial on to an external party. The call would then be routed out from the office and would be subject the the normal recording criteria. However I wouldn't recommend this approach as we are opening up an external gateway for people to use our telephone system, this would be unmetered and not secure. The potential for toll-fraud is something that we need to take into account. Regards, Andy Cowx ---------------------- Forwarded by Andy Cowx/LON/ECT on 31/10/2000 17:02 --------------------------- Nigel Denty 31/10/2000 16:41 To: Cindy Horn/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Andy Cowx/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Who should I talk to on this one? I'll ask Andy Cowx (Telecoms Manager) to investigate - my initial thoughts are that technically this may not be possible. regards, Nigel Cindy Horn 31/10/2000 16:01 To: Nigel Denty/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Who should I talk to on this one? If the traders do a deal from their cell phone, is there a way they can have that call routed back through the phones in the building so it gets done on a recorded line? I know if you call someone and then dial some numbers it takes you to their cell phone. Can it work backwards so they hit some numbers and it routes the call through the office? This would help with some of our AA issues. Thanks Cindy
Ken I understand a Turkish industrialist named Nuri ?olakoglu has been in contact with you through Bill Miller and possibly Jerry Giest. Colakoglu is an extremely wealthy and well regarded Turkish industrialist who has aggressively expanded into the Turkish energy sector. We have had a number of meetings with Colakoglu over the years and although we appreciate his potential prospects for the future we do not see a win-win opporutnity with his organization at this time. We expect he may try and contact you so wanted to let you know in advnace the background on his proposal. Colakoglu has proposed that, in order to manage our Trakya payment issue, Enron utilize the Arcos turbines to build, on balance sheet, a 1200 MW power plant at the tailgate of his recently completed specualtive LNG regas facility in Turkey. The plant would be part of a comprehensive proposal to the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to reduce the prices at Trakya, in exchange for an agreement by TETTA? (the new Turkish power trading company resulting from the split up of TEA?, the former electricity monopoly) to purchase power from the new facility. All three plants would be fuelled by LNG provided by Enron and tolled through the Colakoglu's regas facility. In essence, Nuri wants us to build a power station as soon as possible to use the capacity at his LNG terminal which is now idle and has the potential to be a white elephant. Our team has explained to Colakoglu that they thought the fact that the proposal relied totally on TETTA?'s credit was fatal, but that they would discuss it with EEL management. Lloyd Wantschek has responded to Colakoglu in the attached letter (we have highlighted the relevant portion for your information).
Updated Information on EFCU's "Surviving a Layoff" Workshop Good News for Bus Riders The Enron Shuttle will be available to transport downtown employees to and from the Doubletree Post Oak for the January 15 workshop. The shuttle will leave Andrews St. at 11:30 a.m. and will return immediately following the workshop. If you would like to reserve a space on the shuttle, please e-mail joy.wagman@enron.com. Limited spaces are available. Workshops are Now Combined We have combined the 10:00 and 12:00 workshops into one 12:00 workshop. All confirmed attendees for the 10:00 session will be added to the 12:00 list and notified in an additional e-mail as well. It's Not Too Late RSVPs for the 12:00 session are still being accepted! E-mail joy.wagman@enron.com today to reserve your spot.
Any problem if I add signature lines on the last page of the document (prior to the exhibits)? I can do that. ckm
Please read the proposal below from an excellent ghost writer and presentation consultant from the White House Writers Group. Steve Kean suggested looking into this for some fresh ideas to improve our presentations. We can have a session where we share with them some of our presentations and they give us ideas for humor and personalization. A question is whether this would work for internal audiences such as all-employee meetings as well as external ones. Once we understand their methodology and capabilities, we might find we can do some of this ourselves, and we would consult with them on an as-needed basis for future presentations. If you are interested in this seminar, let me know if you have a presentation that they could review to make suggestions with and pick a possible date for a seminar--say Monday December 4th or Tuesday the 5th? I will forward this to the EES and EBS presentation folks, but let me know who else might be interested. - Rob ----- Forwarded by Rob Bradley/Corp/Enron on 11/20/2000 08:43 AM ----- Daniel Casse <dcasse@whwg.com> 11/17/2000 06:51 PM To: <rbradle@enron.com> cc: Subject: meeting with White House Writers Group Rob -- Thanks for your call this afternoon. I am excited about the prospect of working with Enron again. As I told you when we talked this afternoon, my colleagues and I have a fair bit of experience working with executives to make slide presentations more compelling and memorable. Rather than work from a strict template, I have always tried to work closely with the material in the remarks themselves. Sometimes I work with one of my colleagues d Mike Long or Doug Gamble d who have been professional humorists. They are very reliable when it comes to providing opening lines and punching up a script. But in many cases, it requires thinking of an unconventional, fresh approach to slide presentations to help make a strong point. Here are some examples: I have frequently used a mix of thematic newspaper and magazine cartoons to both open a presentation and introduce humor throughout. This is the best way of telling a joke without having to tell a joke. Occasionally we will use a series of photos and images to emphasize points. Historical photos are particularly good as a way of introducing a historical analogy. Sometimes when the speaker is quoting someone, simply putting a photo of that person works. Photo slides can also be used as a punch line for a joke. I?ve encouraged CEOs to use them during otherwise staid investor presentations and they are greeted with uproarious laughter. In many cases, I encourage the speaker to find a series of images that set a mood. Again, creating this type of presentation requires working closely with the material, ideally early in the development process. As you suggested, I think we could spend some very productive time together in Houston or Washington at time convenient to you. I would probably want to bring a colleague. It might work best if I had a chance to review a pending set of remarks d or even an old one -- in advance, and make that a basis of our discussion. During our meeting, we would then have the chance to map out ideas for any upcoming presentations. From my perspective, the sooner the meeting the better. Late November and early December is a relatively slow time for us and my travel schedule is flexible. The White House Writers Group charges $300 per hour for professional time and $100 per hour for research. Depending on how much time you wanted to spend with us and how much preparation you wanted us to do in advance, we would charge you around $3000 and certainly less than $4000 for this session. In any case, we would not want price to be an issue. We have enjoyed doing work for Enron in the past and are eager to work with you again. Please let me know how we can make this happen. Very best Daniel -- Daniel Casse White House Writers Group 615-297-5999 615-297-5908 (fax)
Please add a deal in March for 17, 18, & 19th for 5,000 a day at HSC GD -.03
You have received this email because the requester specified you as their Manager's alternate. Please click http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000077034&Page=Approval to review and act upon this request. Request ID : 000000000077034 Approver : patti.sullivan@enron.com Request Create Date : 11/21/01 12:03:10 PM Requested For : justin.fernandez@enron.com Resource Name : VPN/IPASS Resource Type : Applications
well, i don't plan to rhyme, because i don;t have the time (hey i rhymed!). joanne and i shall be there (yup, she hasn't put me on waivers yet). ernie brings the wings and i'll bring the hooters girls. i've got a nice little stash of tecate i might bring aling for all to enjoy. boys, isn't it about time we hit the links? ricardo ----- Original Message ----- From: "Quigley, Dutch" <Dutch.Quigley@ENRON.com> To: "Frthis@aol.com@ENRON" <IMCEANOTES-Frthis+40aol+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com>; <IMCEANOTES-+22Kevin+22+20+3Cklyn+40pdq+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@enron.com>; <bgibson@clri.com>; <davem@cajunusa.com>; <djackson@rpsionline.com>; <Wolphguy@aol.com>; <jramirez@othon.com>; <jriches@cmsenergy.com>; <markm@cajunusa.com>; <siva66@mail.ev1.net>; <ras1119@hotmail.com>; <RobertBent@aol.com> Cc: <kayquigs@yahoo.com>; <bwdunlavy@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 3:35 PM Subject: RE: Superbowl Party thats really very cute and i liked your rhyme to boot i have tons of time with enron in its decline please wear your underwear while you cheer and no not swear wings would be great please do not be late on another note and this is no joke when is the dralion show so that i can plan to go p ditty d > -----Original Message----- > From: Frthis@aol.com@ENRON > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 3:23 PM > To: Quigley, Dutch; IMCEANOTES-+22Kevin+22+20+3Cklyn+40pdq+2Enet+3E+40ENRON@enron.com; bgibson@clri.com; davem@cajunusa.com; djackson@rpsionline.com; Wolphguy@aol.com; jramirez@othon.com; jriches@cmsenergy.com; markm@cajunusa.com; siva66@mail.ev1.net; ras1119@hotmail.com; RobertBent@aol.com > Cc: kayquigs@yahoo.com; bwdunlavy@yahoo.com > Subject: Re: Superbowl Party > > So what's with all the rhyme > Do you have too much time? > First came the New Home announcement, then the Super Bowl Ditty, > Maybe it's time we all start calling you P. Diddy! > Melissa and I will be there > I may not be wearing underwear > Do we need to bring anything? > Some cokes, some chips or maybe some wings? > ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
Attached are redlines. Please review. Susan will be out of the office on Mon. and Tues. of next week, so we need to get this to her asap.
Our records indicate that you are the owners/approvers for the O:\research\exotica folder. If this is correct, please reply back with your confirmation to Information Risk Management. In an effort to update our files as well as to do some cleanup on the directory membership, we are including the current membership list for the following NT groups. Please review the membership list and advise if any deletions are required. Group Name Group Description Data_Exotica Change Access to O:\Reasearch\Exotica, ohara, scarlet Data_Exotica_RO Read-Only Access to O:\Reasearch\Exotica, ohara, scarlet DataPwr_ExoticaRW Change Access to M:\Exotica Data_Exotica User ID Full Name adhar Amitava Dhar/HOU/EES btiner Brent Tiner/CORP/ENRON clandry Chad Landry/HOU/ECT cuus Charles Uus/HOU/ECT dmaxwel David Maxwell/HOU/ECT dvitrel David Vitrella gmasson Grant Masson/HOU/ECT jbuss JD Buss/HOU/ECT khopper Kevin Hopper/HOU/ECT mlay Mark Lay/HOU/ECT mvasque Miguel Vasquez/HOU/ECT pkrishn Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT pzadoro Pavel Zadorozhny/HOU/ECT sgibner Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT thall D Todd Hall/HOU/ECT ttamarc Tanya Tamarchenko/HOU/ECT vguggen Victor Guggenheim/HOU/ECT vkamins Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT vngo Van T Ngo vshanbh Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT zlu Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT Data_EXOTICA_RO User ID Full Name adhar Amitava Dhar/HOU/EES aseveru Allan Severude/HOU/ECT bchan Betty Chan/HOU/ECT bdavis6 Brian Davis/Corp/Enron cconsta Chris Constantine/HOU/ECT cgarci2 Christine Garcia/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT clandry Chad Landry/HOU/ECT cliverm Carl Livermore/HOU/ECT cschwab Clarence Schwab/NY/ECT ctricol Carl Tricoli/Corp/Enron cuus Charles Uus/HOU/ECT danders Derek Anderson/HOU/ECT dbillot David Billot/HOU/ECT dumbowe Denae Umbower/HOU/ECT epao Eva Pao/HOU/ECT fkarbar Frank Karbarz/HOU/ECT icaplan Ilan Caplan/HOU/ECT jgreene John Greene/HOU/ECT jkinnem Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT jkrishn Jayant Krishnaswamy/HOU/ECT jmrha Jean Mrha/HOU/ECT kmccoy Kelly McCoy/HOU/ECT ljegana Lenine Jeganathan/HOU/ECT mbradle Michael W Bradley/HOU/ECT mcisner Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT mdaya Madhur Dayal/HOU/ECT mrodrig Mark Anthony Rodriguez/HOU/ECT osezge Osman Sezgen/HOU/EES pghosh Partho Ghosh s_prandle Phillip C Randle/HOU/ECT sgoldma Stephanie Goldman/HOU/ECT sharri1 Steve Harris/HOU/ECT slewis Susan R Lewis/HOU/ECT sreyes Selena Reyes/HOU/ECT srivas Sandy Rivas/HOU/ECT srosman Stewart Rosman/HOU/ECT ssmith7 Sarah Smith/Corp/Enron ssreera Sai Sreerama/HOU/ECT tbersan Tracee Bersani tbrown Tony Brown/HOU/ECT termserv Terminal Server Test Account teslick Tara Eslick/HOU/ECT tlee Twana Lee/Corp/Enron tnguye2 Tovinh Nguyen/HOU/ECT vmendan Vernon Mendanha/HOU/ECT wlewis William Patrick Lewis/HOU/ECT DataPwr_ExoticaRW User ID Full Name bkaufma Bennett Kaufman/HOU/ECT borourk Brian O'Rourke/HOU/ECT bspecto Brian Spector/HOU/ECT dreck Daniel Reck/HOU/ECT ebaughm Edward D Baughman/HOU/ECT fhayden Frank Hayden gmasson Grant Masson/HOU/ECT gmcclel George McClellan/HOU/ECT kcompea Karla Compean/HOU/ECT ketter Kyle Etter/HOU/ECT khopper Kevin Hopper/HOU/ECT mdalia Minal Dalia/HOU/ECT mgimble Mathew Gimble/HOU/ECT phickey Patrick H Hickey/HOU/ECT pkrishn Pinnamaneni Krishnarao/HOU/ECT rtomask Richard Tomaski/HOU/ECT sgibner Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT vkamins Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT vsabo Valarie Sabo/PDX/ECT vshanbh Vasant Shanbhogue/HOU/ECT zlu Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT Thanks! Information Risk Management/Audit Lupita
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 05:28 PM --------------------------- "NW Security and Bug Patch Alert" <Security-BugPatch@bdcimail.com> on 08/21/2000 05:12:07 PM Please respond to "Security and Bug Patch Alert Help" <NWReplies@bellevue.com> To: <vkamins@enron.com> cc: Subject: New Love Letter variant NETWORK WORLD FUSION FOCUS: JASON MESERVE on SECURITY AND BUG PATCH ALERT TODAY'S FOCUS: New Love Letter variant 08/21/00 Dear Wincenty Kaminski, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This newsletter sponsored by Finjan Software ~~~~~~~~~~~~ YES, THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES TO REACTIVE ANTI-VIRUS TECHNOLOGY Finjan Software offers proactive security solutions using real-time behavior monitoring technology to block malicious code WITHOUT relying on database updates. Get proactive protection for VB Script,.exe Trojans and worms like ILOVEYOU, ExploreZip and LifeStages. Why rely on security products that offer updates AFTER you've been hit when you can block first-strike attacks before damage occurs? Find out more, and download Finjan's personal security freeware, at: http://nww1.com/go/1643930a.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 FREE Newsletter Additions from Network World! Sign up Today at http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/foc35 Wireless in the Enterprise, Servers, Optical Networking, The Network Channel, The Edge, Net Worker, Convergence, Free Stuff, Mobile Computing, The Network World 200, and Technology Executive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today's Focus: New Love Letter variant --------------------------------------------------------------- By Jason Meserve Here we go yet again. The antivirus vendors are all sending out alerts warning their customers of a new strain of the infamous Love Letter virus that struck last May. This version comes with the subject line of "resume" and contains an attachment called "resume.txt.vbs". The file contains a fake resume, though reports vary on whether it is a German or a Swiss engineer that is profiled. Makes no difference - the file infects the host computer and then attempts to send itself to everyone in the local Outlook address book. It seems as if the virus is targeted at customers of the United Bank of Switzerland. The new strain attempts to steal UBS account information off the infected computer. UBS claims that the virus threatens few people and that most customer data is secure. For U.S. users, the problem could be more clogged e-mail pipes. But hopefully, the general user population is now trained to be wary of any attachment, especially those ending in .vbs. Most of the antivirus vendors are updating their virus definition files, and protection should be available shortly, if not already. For more: http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2000/0817swissbug.html Before we get on to today's alerts and patches, I'd like to mention some upcoming coverage in Network World. A few weeks back I mentioned a company in London offering "hacker insurance." A couple of you wrote in looking for more information. Unfortunately, I do not have the space to cover such issues here. Not to fret. Mich Kabay, author of Network World's Security newsletter, plans to take up the topic in an upcoming edition. Mich has some great tips for keeping your company network equipment secure, so check out his newsletter at: http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/sec/ Also, the features department here at Network World is working on a feature on the subject of hacker insurance, and they are looking for help. If you've got something to share, check out our forum: http://www.nwfusion.com/cgi-bin/WebX.cgi?230@@.ee6f1b5 If you're looking for more information, stay tuned to Network World and Mich's newsletter. Now on with the latest patches and alerts: Guninski finds another IE and Windows problem Famed Microsoft bug hunter Georgi Guninski has found problems in Internet Explorer 5.5 and Windows 98 that could allow outside users to take control of the affected system. Both problems revolve around the Shell DefView ActiveX control. The issue has been confirmed by independent sources, according to news reports. For more information: http://www.nat.bg/~joro/ieshelldefview.html ********** SGI fixes problem with Linux kernel SGI has released a patch for its ProPack for Linux, which ships with a modified Linux kernel. A problem in the kernel could allow a local user on an affected machine to gain root access. For fix information: http://www.linux.org.uk/VERSION/relnotes.2216.html ********** Microsoft releases patch for "Specialized Header" vulnerability A problem in the Windows 2000 version of Microsoft's Internet Information Server could allow a remote user to view sensitive file information. The problem can be exploited using a specially formatted request header. For more information on the problem and to download the patch: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/fq00-058.asp ********** OS/2 Warp 4.5 FTP vulnerability For those still running the OS/2 Warp operating system, security consultancy Vigilante has discovered a vulnerability in the system,s FTP server. The vulnerability could be used to crash the server. IBM has released a patch for the problem: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/tcpip/fixes/v4.3os2/ic27721/ ********** FreeBSD fixes range of problems: Zope: The open-source Web application server contains a vulnerability that could allow DHTML files to be changed remotely. Patches are available from: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/www/zope-2.2.0. tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/www/zope-2.2.0. tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-4-stable/www/zope-2.2.0 .tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-current/www/zope-2.2.0 .tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-5-current/www/zope-2.2. 0.tgz Dhclient: The DHCP client for Linux can be tricked by a rogue DHCP server into executing arbitrary commands. For patches: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/net/isc-dhcp3-3 .0.b1.17.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/net/isc-dhcp3-3 .0.b1.17.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-4-stable/net/isc-dhcp3- 3.0.b1.17.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-current/net/isc-dhcp3- 3.0.b1.17.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-5-current/net/isc-dhcp3 -3.0.b1.17.tgz Proftpd: The FTP server could allow both named and anonymous FTP users to execute arbitrary commands on the server as root. For patches: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/ftp/proftpd-1.2 .0rc2.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/ftp/proftpd-1.2 .0rc2.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-4-stable/ftp/proftpd-1. 2.0rc2.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-current/ftp/proftpd-1. 2.0rc2.tgz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-5-current/ftp/proftpd-1 .2.0rc2.tgz Ntop: This program is used for monitoring network usage. However, it can be susceptible to buffer overflow attacks, which can be used to execute arbitrary commands on the affected server. For patches: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-3-stable/net/ntop-1.1.tg z ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-4-stable/net/ntop-1.1.tg z ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-4-stable/net/ntop-1.1.t gz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-5-current/net/ntop-1.1.t gz ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/alpha/packages-5-current/net/ntop-1.1. tgz ********** Red Hat fixes gpm module problems Red Hat Linux last week announced it has fixed two potential problems in the gpm module that ships with Version 5.2 and 6.x of the open-source operating system. The problems could let a local user launch a denial-of-service attack or execute arbitrary commands using elevated privilege. For more information: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=11607 ********** Trustix urges users to upgrade Linux mail and perl packages Two vulnerabilities in mail and perl packages that can be exploited together to give a user root access have been patched in Trustix's Secure Linux. The company is urging customers to upgrade as soon as possible. For source files: ftp://ftp.trustix.com/pub/Trustix/updates/1.1/SRPMS/mailx-8.1.1-16.src.rpm ftp://ftp.trustix.com/pub/Trustix/updates/1.1/SRPMS/perl-5.00503-10tr.src.rpm ********** Today's list of virus alerts: W32/Sysid - This e-mail worm comes with no subject and could have up to 99 different filenames. The virus infects a number of system files and attempts to e-mail itself to users listed in an Outlook address book. (Sophos, Computer Associates) WM97/Doeii-A - The Word macro virus displays a message, changes a document's content and adds a password to the document. (Sophos) W32/Bugfix and VBS/Bugfix - This virus shows up in an inbox claiming to be a Windows bugfix with an attachment called "bugfix.exe." When the file is opened it infects all files in the Windows directory and attempts to send itself to all users listed in an Outlook address book. (Sophos, Computer Associates) WM97/Vmpck1-DV - Word macro virus attempts to change the label of the infected computer's C: drive to "suca." It also tries to replace all references to "il" in a Word document to "il cazzo duro." (Sophos) WM97/Marker-FF - Another Word macro virus that tries to change a document's author information to "Ethan Frome." (Sophos) WM97/Marker-C - This Word macro virus takes the infected file's summary information and transmits it to the Codebreaker's Web site. (Sophos) WM97/Tpro-A - A lame Word macro virus that comes without a payload. (Sophos) ********** Miss an issue? Just point your browser at the following link and you'll be caught up on all your summer reading in no time: http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/bug/ To contact Jason Meserve: ------------------------- Jason Meserve is a staff writer with Network World, covering search engines, portals, videoconferencing, IP Multicast and document management. He also oversees the "Security Alerts" page on Fusion (http://www2.nwfusion.com/security/bulletins.html). Jason can be reached at mailto:jmeserve@nww.com. ------------------------- Got a security alert or bug patch question related to your corporate network? Post it at Experts Exchange on Fusion at http://nwfusion.experts-exchange.com/. Another network professional may have the solution to your problem. May We Send You a Free Print Subscription? You've got the technology snapshot of your choice delivered at your fingertips each day. Now, extend your knowledge by receiving 51 FREE issues to our print publication. Apply today at http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/nl ********************************************************* Subscription Services To subscribe or unsubscribe to any Network World e-mail newsletters, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/notprinteditnews.asp To change your email address, go to: http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/news/scripts/changeemail.asp Subscription questions? Contact Customer Service by replying to this message. Other Questions/Comments Have editorial comments? Write Jeff Caruso, Newsletter Editor, at: mailto:jcaruso@nww.com For advertising information, write Jamie Kalbach, Account Executive, at: mailto:jkalbach@nww.com Network World Fusion is part of IDG.net, the IDG Online Network. IT All Starts Here: http://www.idg.com Copyright Network World, Inc., 2000
One of Travel Agency in the Park's major phone lines has been damaged due to downtown construction. The line is currently being repaired with an estimated down time of approximately 4-6 more hours. Calls are currently being routed to 713-853-4801 and 713-345-5164. We will send additional notification if this problem persists. We apologize for any inconvenience.
-----Original Message----- From: "Mar, Patricia S." <PMar@mofo.com>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Mar+2C+20Patricia+20S+2E+22+20+3CPMar+40mofo+2Ecom+3E+40 ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:36 PM To: Betty R. London; Bob Anderson; Bob Schwermann; Carl Eklund; Carlos Garcia; Dan Pigeon; David Meyer; Dirk C. Minson; Don Wolfe; Edmond Chang; Fred G. Yanney; Howard Weg; James E. Thompson; John Bremmer; John Klauberg; John P. Melko; John S. Sholey; Kevin E. Smith; Laura Skidmore; Mar, Patricia S.; Marc Barreca; Mark Gorton; Tribolet, Michael; Nolan Steiner; Patricia E. Cooper; Richard N. Stevens; Sterling G. Koch; Thomas A. Freiberg, Jr.; Timothy Bolden Subject: Energy Suppliers Creditors Group e-mail addresses Attached is a list I have made of the entities, representatives and e-mail addressses of the people who have been attending our Energy Suppliers Creditors Committee sessions. Please note that I am missing the name and e-mail address of any representative for PacifiCorp. <<1065472.doc>> ============================================================================ This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the addressee (or authorized to receive for the addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail @mofo.com, and delete the message. Thank you very much. ============================================================================ - 1065472.doc
Krishna, I have received two additional requests for help from EES. 1. Jeremy Blachman called and asked us to increase very significantly the level of our support of EES. It probably makes sense to set up a meeting with Jeremy ASAP and discuss specifics (you, me, and it probably makes sense to invite Marty Sunde as well). 2. George Posey called and asked fro help with statistical sampling of Dublin customers. Please, give him a call to set up a meeting. I shall call you tomorrow to discuss both requests. Vince
Good morning all: Below are two more candidates for Gary Hickerson's Tech position. They will be here Monday, November 6th for interviews. Cynthia Shanley Vince Kaminski 8:30 AM EB1938 Mike Roberts 9:00 AM EB1938 Christopher Burford Vince Kaminski 9:00 AM EB19C2 Mike Roberts 9:30 AM EB19C2 Please mark your calendars. Thanks! Shirley Molly: Do you have copies of the resumes for these two and the others that are being interviewed today and tomorrow? Thanks!
Attached please find the following documents: RESUME will follow... Thank You, Lydia Delgado x3-9338
We will not be displaying volatilities on the web, only bid volume, bid premium, offer volume, offer premium, and strike.
send out an e-mail Enron Capital Management From: David Baumbach 01/08/2001 09:03 AM To: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: January 11 - Managing Operational Risk Friday is good. Depends on everyone else. Enron North America Corp. From: Brenda F Herod 01/08/2001 08:52 AM To: David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: January 11 - Managing Operational Risk As always, be flexible... The lunch conflict I had on Friday was cancelled on Friday, so the 12th is now open. Do youwant to reschedule? I have a meeting that starts @ 1:30 on Friday. Let me know your thoughts. Enron Capital Management From: David Baumbach 01/05/2001 06:07 PM To: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: January 11 - Managing Operational Risk Maybe we should go to an early lunch or reschedule. ---------------------- Forwarded by David Baumbach/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2001 06:06 PM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Sally Beck 01/05/2001 05:57 PM To: Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Superty/HOU/ECT, Diane H Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, George F Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna Greif/HOU/ECT@ECT, Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Eiben/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tricia Spence/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rita Wynne/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daren J Farmer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Couch/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly S Olinger/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Baumbach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kam Keiser/HOU/ECT@ECT, William Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russ Severson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Reeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry Joe Hunter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca Ford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa K Ratnala/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary M Smith/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Csikos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kristen J Hanson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda S Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Thresa A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT, Jenny Latham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monica Lande/PDX/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Eugenio Perez/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Maxwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer deBoisblanc Denny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert B Cass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Neuner/HOU/ECT@ECT, Frank L Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Scribner/Corp/Enron@Enron, Steve Venturatos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill D Hare/HOU/ECT@ect, Mary G Gosnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carolyn Gilley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joel Henenberg/NA/Enron@Enron, Vanessa Schulte/Corp/Enron, Connie Sutton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard C McKeel/HOU/ECT@ECT, Martha Stevens/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Earnest/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Todd Hall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Perun/NA/Enron@Enron, Eric Groves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Noor Kaissi/NA/Enron@Enron, Theresa T Brogan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laurel Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jorge A Garcia/NA/Enron@Enron, Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle Bruce/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark J Leskowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Fondren/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen Snow/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle Thomason/NA/Enron@Enron, Bradley Samuelson/NA/Enron@Enron, Sony Wilson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael E Moscoso/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Jacobsen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roy Lipsett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nancy Hernandez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Christy Lobusch/NA/Enron@Enron, Peggy Hedstrom/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT Subject: January 11 - Managing Operational Risk Please join me on Thursday, January 11 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm for a special information session for the Operations Management teams supporting Enron Americas, Enron Global Markets and Enron Industrial Markets. We will focus on assessing, managing and mitigating operational risk. Details on the location for the meeting will be sent to you early next week. I look forward to seeing everyone at this meeting on the 11th. The things that we will discuss will be important for each and every one of you as you carry out your roles in 2001. I hope that you will make every effort to attend. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a conflict that will keep you from attending the meeting.
Hi, Patrick: Can you provide me with the date for Deal No. VT2401.1? Thanks! Marie
I am forwarding for your attention the resume of Peter Percell who has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows of natural gas in pipeline systems. Peter is looking currently for a job. I met him last week at the meeting of the Science and Industry Advance with Mathematics society at the University of Houston. The application of recent developments in optimization theory and numerical methods can help Enron to improve further efficiency of our pipeline system and reduce the consumption of compressor fuel. Please, let me know if you interested in introducing Peter to executives in your organization. I shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview. Vince Kaminski ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 02:17 PM --------------------------- Peter Percell <percell@swbell.net> on 04/30/2001 11:16:58 AM To: Vincent Kaminski <vkamins@enron.com> cc: Subject: Follow-up on SIAM Workshop I enjoyed your presentation, and meeting you briefly afterwards, at the SIAM Workshop last Friday. I have extensive experience as a technical leader in the design and development of modeling and simulation software products, mostly for the oil and gas pipeline industry. I am looking for a position that can utilize my software development and mathematical skills. Getting out of the narrow confines of the pipeline simulation industry would be a plus. Please consider whether I might fit in your group. Your answer to a question indicated that I have several of the skills you look for. Also, please let me know, by email, the names and contact information of other managers within Enron who might benefit from having someone with my qualifications in their group. Attached are my resume and an addendum covering academic & consulting experience. Publications are available on request. I will call you in a couple of days to follow up on this email. Thank you for your time. Peter Percell 10030 Doliver Drive percell@swbell.net Houston, TX 77042-2016 (713) 532-3836 voice & fax - Percell, Peter Resume Only.doc - Percell, Peter A&C Exp.doc
Susan: Please send me a revised chart. Carol
Great catch. I amde a mistake.
Fine - let him sort it -----Original Message----- From: Koehler, Anne C. Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 8:36 PM To: Kitchen, Louise Subject: RE: Commodity Logic did you get my email about this needing to be resolved by the business folks and Lance Schuler said he will take it up with the guys in New York. -----Original Message----- From: Kitchen, Louise Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2002 8:23 PM To: Koehler, Anne C. Subject: RE: Commodity Logic No and no assurance should be given. -----Original Message----- From: Koehler, Anne C. Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 8:22 PM To: Kitchen, Louise Subject: Commodity Logic Greg Piper wants assurance that the Commodity logic modules licensed by Netco will be used for internal purposes only by Netco and its affiliates. Is this your understanding. Anne C. Koehler Sr. Counsel Enron Wholesale Services 1400 Smith Street, EB3839 Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: 713/853-3448 Fax: 713/646-3393 anne.c.koehler@enron.com
Start Date: 4/17/01; HourAhead hour: 19; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required.
Yes, we will definitely host you and the students to a tour of Enron Field and dinner on the evening of January 31 (if that is still the best night for your schedule). I talked with Lexie earlier this week and told her that I was going to cover this, and she thought that she could find some dollars in her budget so that we can perhaps split the cost. Either way, consider it done. I am glad that you are including the names of the students to attend. However, checking the attachment on your second e:mail message, I can not bring up the attachment. Can you try that again and check with Patti to make sure she has it in readable form? I will be in London all of next week, and I would like to send invitations to the students about the tour and dinner. I will need their e:mail addresses to do so. I don't know whether or not you included that on your list. Jody said that Ruggles for game watching was really cold!! I wonder if that could be a problem on the 31st? You never know with Houston weather. What do you think? We could do the tour and then go to Irma's Southwest Grill (2 blocks from the stadium, same great food with a more sleek atmosphere - owned by Irma's son, Luis). I will be in touch with Patti while I am in London next week to make sure that plans are progressing on this. We will include our recent OU grads as well. I will save your championship game souvenirs and give them to you when I see at the end of January. --Sally
I believe Kodak just doesn't support the USB connection very well. I tried the other connection and it works great. I pulled all the tractor pictures off the camera with no problem. I still have not seen a photo as clear as the very first one Chance pulled up of the family reunion though. All the tractor pictures are a little fuzzy.
This is an excerpt from an internal Weather Channel (Landmark Communications) newsletter..... BLIZZARDS PRODUCE HIGH RATINGS FOR WEATHER CHANNEL, RECORD PAGE VIEWS More people turned to The Weather Channel instead of their local TV affiliates to get news about this week's blizzards in Chicago and Detroit, and nearly 25 million viewers - a record - went to weather.com to follow the storms. In a survey by Survey USA, 25 percent of TV viewers said they found out about the blizzard from The Weather Channel, compared with 17 percent who watched their local NBC affiliate station, and 12 percent who tuned into a local radio station for news. TWC also was the winner - at 30 percent - with those who said the weather network did the best job of covering the storm. Another 16 percent said their NBC affiliate did the best job, and 13 percent said Chicago and Detroit CBS affiliates were tops. A record number of pageviews - 24.6 million - were recorded at weather.com. TWC produced a 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. rating of 0.751 on Monday, delivering an average of 586,000 households. This performance is well over twice the average December monthly rating to date. Kansas City and St. Louis recorded the highest metered market ratings during the blizzard, followed by Detroit. The Chicago rating also was within the top 10.
Please see the attached work requests. Jim - Please verify that these will meet your needs. Also, please note the request is a bit agressive regarding the fault information for the period. We will know better what is available as we dig into the work. Thanks, Hollis
I guess I can't disagree with that. Thats fine. Ben
We need to start a new "bucket" file called Direct Testimony. Then please watch the mail and do a folder for each prepared testimony as they come in. Thank you!
Start Date: 4/15/01; HourAhead hour: 3; No ancillary schedules awarded. Variances detected. Variances detected in SC Trades schedule. Variances detected in Load schedule. LOG MESSAGES: PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001041503.txt ---- SC Trades Schedule ---- $$$ Variance found in table tblInt_Interchange. Details: (Hour: 3 / Preferred: -65.00 / Final: -45.00) TRANS_TYPE: FINAL SC_ID: EPMI MKT_TYPE: 2 TRANS_DATE: 4/15/01 TRADING_SC: CRLP PNT_OF_INTRC: SP15 SCHED_TYPE: ENGY PURCH_SALE: 1 DEAL_NO: 1 *** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule. Details: TRANS_TYPE: FINAL SC_ID: EPMI MKT_TYPE: 2 TRANS_DATE: 4/15/01 TRADING_SC: SETC PNT_OF_INTRC: NP15 SCHED_TYPE: ENGY PURCH_SALE: 1 DEAL_NO: 1 *** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule. Details: TRANS_TYPE: FINAL SC_ID: EPMI MKT_TYPE: 2 TRANS_DATE: 4/15/01 TRADING_SC: PGAE PNT_OF_INTRC: NP15 SCHED_TYPE: ENGY PURCH_SALE: 2 DEAL_NO: 1 $$$ Variance found in table tblInt_Interchange. Details: (Hour: 3 / Preferred: 70.00 / Final: 50.03) TRANS_TYPE: FINAL SC_ID: EPMI MKT_TYPE: 2 TRANS_DATE: 4/15/01 TRADING_SC: PWRX PNT_OF_INTRC: NP15 SCHED_TYPE: ENGY PURCH_SALE: 2 DEAL_NO: 1 ---- Load Schedule ---- $$$ Variance found in table tblLoads. Details: (Hour: 3 / Preferred: 92.37 / Final: 91.91) TRANS_TYPE: FINAL LOAD_ID: SDG1 MKT_TYPE: 2 TRANS_DATE: 4/15/01 SC_ID: EPMI
Frank: Do you want to handle this or shall I? Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) sara.shackleton@enron.com ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/22/2001 09:06 AM ----- Carol St Clair 05/22/2001 09:02 AM To: Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Frank Sayre/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Russell Dyk/Corp/Enron@ENRON Subject: AIG Legal Opinion Caroline, As I have said from the outset, before we send them an ISDA, we need to obtain from their Bermuda counsel a legal opinion that gives us the assurances that we need that (1) all of the Bermuda transactions have been duly authorized and are enforceable by us against AIG and (2) we have a perfected security interest in any collateral that has been posted by AIG to us. A form of the legal opinion is attached to the confirm. As to point #1, we have no way of confirming this on our own and I understand from Brent Hendry that because of various peculiarities with Bermuda law, our only way of gaining comfort on this is through the legal opinion process. As to point #2, we have gotten some comfort from our legal counsel on this but again it is appropriate to have AIG's counsel opine as to this. Please call or e-mail me, Sara or Frank if you have any additional questions. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) carol.st.clair@enron.com
Thank you for your request. You will be notified by email when your request has been processed. You can check the progress of your request by clicking http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000034072&Page= MyReq.
OK here is the spreadsheet. Please look at Sheet Kam and Sheet Phillip. On each sheet just put the names of primary and alternative approvers it doesn't matter is it is in your sheet or Philip's sheet. Thanks for your help, Erica Garcia IT Security 3-6748 -----Original Message----- From: Keiser, Kam Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:56 AM To: Garcia, Erica Cc: Love, Phillip M.; Palmer, B. Scott Subject: e request approvers Erica, I need to make some changes to the list of e-request approvers. Anne Bike has left the group and I will be taking over all her requests. Anything related to sitara and TDS for the west desk will now be my responsibility. Phillip Love should now be the approver for all TDS and sitara requests related to the EAST and VNG regions. Scott Palmer will be responsible for TDS and sitara for Wellhead, Central and Chicago regions. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks Kam x3-5781
It is with sadness and regret that we announce that Cliff Baxter is resigning as an employee of Enron. We are happy, though, that Cliff,s primary reason for resigning is to spend more time with his family. Cliff is a unique talent. His creativity, intelligence, sense of humor, and straightforward manner have been assets to the company throughout his career. He will be missed. Cliff joined Enron in 1991 and was a key member of the team that built Enron, s wholesale business. Before becoming Vice Chairman of Enron, Cliff served in a variety of positions in Enron,s wholesale businesses, culminating in his appointment as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Enron North America in 1999. We have asked Cliff, and he has agreed, to continue in a consulting role for the company while concluding negotiations on a number of key asset dispositions. Please join us in thanking Cliff for his service to the company and in wishing him the very best.
Because of a lapsus on my side and then a problematic server re-boot at just the wrong time, the daily digest versions of the R mailing lists (see the lower part of http://www.r-project.org/mail.html) haven't been delivered in time, unfortunately. I'm sending this message just *before* starting the digest manually for today. I hope this won't happen anymore. Apropos, I'd like to `advertize' the digest lists to all R-help readers who feel they can't cope with the daily amount of traffic anymore (should you rather use more than one mail inbox, e.g. using procmail and/or emacs+Gnus?) : To keep the volume low, I'd recommend subscribing to both R-announce and R-help-digest. Your list maintainer, Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/ Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO C16 Leonhardstr. 27 ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1228 <>< -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request@stat.math.ethz.ch _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._
Cute ! ---------------------- Forwarded by Pilar Ramirez/ET&S/Enron on 10/30/2000 04:20 PM --------------------------- From: Deb Cappiello 10/30/2000 03:57 PM To: Rosemary Gracey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Connie Hook/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Pilar Ramirez/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Linda Wehring/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Happy Halloween!!