stringlengths 1
did you have any luck locating that power plant file I gave you? |
How am I to send them the money for the silent second? Regular mail, overnight, wire transfer? I don't see how their bank will make the funds available by Friday unless I wire the money. If that is what I need to do please send wiring instructions. |
Can you review and comment back to me? Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron on 04/26/2001
10:34 AM ---------------------------
Dan Boyle
04/26/2001 10:33 AM
To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Credit Link Notes - California Disclosure
Jim and Rick:
Please see the attached emails and comments from Vicky. Please give me a
call, appreciate your help.
Dan O. Boyle
Enron Global Finance
Office: 713-853-1532
Mobile: 713-417-3532
----- Forwarded by Dan Boyle/Corp/Enron on 04/26/2001 10:31 AM -----
Vicki Sharp@EES
04/26/2001 10:28 AM
To: Dan Boyle/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Paula Rieker/Enron@EnronXGate@ENRON, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
Gareth Bahlmann/Enron@EnronXGate@ENRON, Tim DeSpain/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Rex
Subject: Re: Credit Link Notes - California Disclosure
I would like someone from the regulatory group to bless this . I would
recommend Jim Steffes or Rick Shapiro.
Dan Boyle@ENRON
04/26/2001 09:13 AM
To: Paula Rieker/Enron@EnronXGate
cc: Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gareth Bahlmann/Enron@EnronXGate, Tim
DeSpain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rex Rogers/Enron@EnronXGate, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Credit Link Notes - California Disclosure
Attached is a draft of the proposed disclosure relating to California for the
Credit Linked Note offering memorandum.
While the concept of the disclosure was proposed by Salomon and Milbank, the
enclosed draft has been fully reviewed and edited by Vicky Sharp, Rex Rogers,
Ron Astin, Gareth Bahlmann, Tim De Spain and me. Before returning the draft
to Salomon, I wanted your group to review as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions, we would like to get this back
to Salomon by the end of the day if possible.
Dan O. Boyle
Enron Global Finance
Office: 713-853-1532
Mobile: 713-417-3532 |
FYI I requested fuel waivers from Canajoharie to Trco-Leidy for Aug and
CNG said no. I think they will still have the waivers to most of the
citygates though. |
TFS broker checked out wrong. We just spoke with him and he said he had
corrected it with the back office. Should be cleared up now.
Kerri Thompson@ENRON
01/16/2001 01:32 PM
To: kate.symes@enron.com
Subject: tfs
should be np15 |
Start Date: 10/22/01; HourAhead hour: 9; No ancillary schedules awarded. No variances detected.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001102209.txt
Error retrieving HourAhead price data - process continuing... |
When: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US &
Where: EB 2386
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* |
Mike Mackles, Corporate Credit Manager has issued the following document
regarding NYISO Collateral Requirements for UCAP Auctions.
(See attached file: ICAPAuctions2.pdf)
- ICAPAuctions2.pdf |
Could you please print these out and mail them to me? Thanks.
----- Forwarded by Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT on 12/04/00 03:29 PM -----
Mark Frevert and Mark Haedicke@ENRON
Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
12/04/00 10:36 AM
To: All Enron Wholesale Services Employees
Subject: Enron Wholesale Services Legal Department
As a follow-up to the recent Enron Corp. memorandum forming Enron Wholesale
Services (EWS), effective today, we have reorganized the Wholesale Services
Legal Department.
The goals in reorganizing the department are as follows: (i) align the
legal department as closely as possible with the business units, (ii) speed
the flow of legal technology across the business units, and (iii) achieve
greater efficiency and consistency across the organization.
To this end, a legal policy group will be formed for EWS Legal, which will
include Lance Schuler, Enron Americas; Mark Evans, Enron Europe; Mark Taylor,
Enron Net Works; Alan Aronowitz, Enron Global Markets; Julia Murray, Enron
Industrial Markets; and Bruce Lundstrom, Enron Global Assets.
The organization chart for the EWS Legal Department is attached. More
comprehensive organization charts will follow for each group.
Mark Frevert and Mark Haedicke |
Attached please find an execution copy of the Purchase Option Assignment
and Assumption Agreement for the LM6000 turbines being transferred into
the Owner Trust. I have inserted the appropriate dates and have removed
the draft date, otherwise the document remains unchanged from the draft
of December 11, 2000.
Please feel free to call me with any questions.
<<Purchase Option (LM6000-South America).DOC>>
Sean Bunk
Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.
600 Travis St., Suite 4200
Houston, Texas 77002
Tel.: 713.220.4427
Fax.: 713.238.7252
e-mail: seanbunk@andrews-kurth.com
This e-mail is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the
recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, please
(i) do not read, copy, use or disclose the contents hereof to others
(any of the foregoing being strictly prohibited), (ii) notify the sender
immediately of your receipt hereof, and (iii) delete this e-mail and all
copies of it.
- Purchase Option (LM6000-South America).DOC |
big commission
-----Original Message-----
From: Horton, Stanley
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:36 PM
To: Lavorato, John
Subject: RE:
I will call him again on Monday. Do I get a commission. Just kidding.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lavorato, John
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:23 PM
To: Horton, Stanley
I haven't heard from the fellow from El Paso |
The system received an inbound message for your address. However, the
subject line of this message matches a keyword associated with a known
type of virus.
The message has been placed in Quarantine. The system administrator will
review the message to determine if there is any risk before allowing
delivery. If the system administrator deletes the message you will
receive notification, however the sender will not.
Note that messages with certain arrangements of keywords that include
"joke" or "funny" in the subject heading are often flagged for this
action. This is due to a number of known computer viruses with these
subject headings.
Please contact the help desk should you have any questions.
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To: "Carroll, Dan" <dcarroll@DBSR.com>, "'skatz@sempratrading.com'"
<skatz@sempratrading.com>, "'kmccrea@sablaw.com'" <kmccrea@sablaw.com>,
"'thompson@wrightlaw.com'" <thompson@wrightlaw.com>, "'johnj@bcjlaw.com'"
<johnj@bcjlaw.com>, "'sscott3@enron.com'" <sscott3@enron.com>,
"'trdill@westernhubs.com'" <trdill@westernhubs.com>,
"'ghinners@reliantenergy.com'" <ghinners@reliantenergy.com>,
"'tdickers@westerngas.com'" <tdickers@westerngas.com>,
"'mark.c.moench@wgp.twc.com'" <mark.c.moench@wgp.twc.com>,
"'andy.bettwy@swgas.com'" <andy.bettwy@swgas.com>, "'johnwalley@swgas.com'"
<johnwalley@swgas.com>, "'napedersen@jonesday.com'"
<napedersen@jonesday.com>, "'rpetti@ladwp.com'" <rpetti@ladwp.com>,
"'eklinkner@ci.pasadena.ca.us'" <eklinkner@ci.pasadena.ca.us>,
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"'bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us'" <bjeider@ci.burbank.ca.us>,
"'roger.pelote@williams.com'" <roger.pelote@williams.com>,
"'porterdk@sce.com'" <porterdk@sce.com>, "'inggm@sce.com'" <inggm@sce.com>,
"'burkee@cts.com'" <burkee@cts.com>, "'jleslie@luce.com'" <jleslie@luce.com>,
"'gsullivan@sempra.com'" <gsullivan@sempra.com>, "'jsteffen@iid.com'"
<jsteffen@iid.com>, "'haorndorff@aeraenergy.com'"
<haorndorff@aeraenergy.com>, "'kbhensman@aeraenergy.com'"
<kbhensman@aeraenergy.com>, "'mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com'"
<mdjoseph@adamsbroadwell.com>, "'edf@cpuc.ca.gov'" <edf@cpuc.ca.gov>,
"'mcn@cpuc.ca.gov'" <mcn@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'plg@cpuc.ca.gov'" <plg@cpuc.ca.gov>,
"'joseh@lif.org'" <joseh@lif.org>, "'chrisw@greenlining.org'"
<chrisw@greenlining.org>, "'evk1@pge.com'" <evk1@pge.com>,
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<bcragg@gmssr.com>, "'chj@aelaw.com'" <chj@aelaw.com>, "'chilen@llgm.com'"
<chilen@llgm.com>, "'eke@aelaw.com'" <eke@aelaw.com>, "'jmct@gmssr.com'"
<jmct@gmssr.com>, "'jkarp@whitecase.com'" <jkarp@whitecase.com>,
"'jkarp@whitecase.com'" <jkarp@whitecase.com>, "'lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com'"
<lindseyhowdowning@dwt.com>, "'rick.counihan@greenmountain.com'"
<rick.counihan@greenmountain.com>, "'mday@gmssr.com'" <mday@gmssr.com>,
"'edwardoneill@dwt.com'" <edwardoneill@dwt.com>,
<raveen_maan@cerberus.city.palo-alto.ca.us>, "'rochmanm@cubjpa.org'"
<rochmanm@cubjpa.org>, "'jcattermole@pcenergy.com'"
<jcattermole@pcenergy.com>, "'igsinc@ix.netcom.com'" <igsinc@ix.netcom.com>,
"'craigc@calpine.com'" <craigc@calpine.com>, "'gtbl@dynegy.com'"
<gtbl@dynegy.com>, "'joe.paul@dynegy.com'" <joe.paul@dynegy.com>,
"'kfyip@seiworldwide.com'" <kfyip@seiworldwide.com>, "'davef@abag.ca.gov'"
<davef@abag.ca.gov>, "'garyb@abag.ca.gov'" <garyb@abag.ca.gov>,
"'ceyap@earthlink.net'" <ceyap@earthlink.net>,
"'askaff@energy-law-group.com'" <askaff@energy-law-group.com>,
"'pjpowerlaw@aol.com'" <pjpowerlaw@aol.com>, "'tomb@crossborderenergy.com'"
<tomb@crossborderenergy.com>, "'jweil@aglet.org'" <jweil@aglet.org>,
"Carroll, Dan" <dcarroll@DBSR.com>, "'ed@clfp.com'" <ed@clfp.com>,
"'gtbl@dynegy.com'" <gtbl@dynegy.com>, "'iep@iepa.com'" <iep@iepa.com>,
"'lmh@eslawfirm.com'" <lmh@eslawfirm.com>, "'jtachera@energy.state.ca.us'"
<jtachera@energy.state.ca.us>, "'kmills@cfbf.com'" <kmills@cfbf.com>,
"'ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com'" <ron_oechsler@rmiinc.com>, "'alan_reid@pcp.ca'"
<alan_reid@pcp.ca>, "'rfoss@coral-energy.com'" <rfoss@coral-energy.com>,
"'tom.roth@et.pge.com'" <tom.roth@et.pge.com>, "'ronknecht@aol.com'"
<ronknecht@aol.com>, "'furutanj@efawest.navfac.navy.mil'"
<furutanj@efawest.navfac.navy.mil>, "'aod@newsdata.com'" <aod@newsdata.com>,
"'rgloistein@orrick.com'" <rgloistein@orrick.com>, "'salleyoo@dwt.com'"
<salleyoo@dwt.com>, "'igsinc@ix.netcom.com'" <igsinc@ix.netcom.com>,
"'rbw@mrwassoc.com'" <rbw@mrwassoc.com>, "'chris.king@utility.com'"
<chris.king@utility.com>, "'rczahar@aol.com'" <rczahar@aol.com>,
"'stomashe@energy.state.ca.us'" <stomashe@energy.state.ca.us>,
"'karen@klindh.com'" <karen@klindh.com>, "'mer@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<mer@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'jwr@cpuc.ca.gov'" <jwr@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'eyq@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<eyq@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'jsw@cpuc.ca.gov'" <jsw@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'ltt@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<ltt@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'ram@cpuc.ca.gov'" <ram@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'rmp@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<rmp@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'raw@cpuc.ca.gov'" <raw@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'sbs@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<sbs@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'tah@cpuc.ca.gov'" <tah@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'vjb@cpuc.ca.gov'"
<vjb@cpuc.ca.gov>, "'mjaske@energy.state.ca.us'" <mjaske@energy.state.ca.us>,
"'bwood@energy.state.ca.us'" <bwood@energy.state.ca.us>
From: Joe.Paul@dynegy.com
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:12:02 -0600
Message-ID: <OFFB76526C.78DFCEAE-ON862569B3.005DF32E@Dynegy.com>
X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on HOUNOTESSMTP1/NGCCorp(Release 5.0.5
|September 22, 2000) at 12/12/2000 11:12:48 AM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain |
Here it is!....APEx 2000 Conference News No. 2
(http://www.apex2000conf.com/update2.html). Updates on current speaker and
presentation list, details for the partner program and social activities and
your APEx 2000 Conference registration form
If you do not have website access and would like to receive a pdf formatted
update please email us at apex2000@incentre.net
All inquiries and requests should be directed to the APEx 2000 conference
office at apex2000@incentre.net (mailto:apex2000@incentre.net) or (403)
Kathleen Cheney
APEx 2000 Conference Coordinator
List 7 |
I didn't know he was 50!!!
Linda J Noske@ECT
10/12/2000 09:37 AM
To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Erica Braden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheri L
Cromwell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joya Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janette Elbertson/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Kaye Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carolyn George/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jenny
Helton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Taffy Milligan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Radford/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Linda J Simmons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dina Snow/Corp/Enron@Enron, Twanda
Sweet/HOU/ECT@ECT, Becky Tlucek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Whitehead/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Chaundra Woods/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roger
Balog/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy Banczak/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Teresa G Bushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Carter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle
Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shonnie Daniel/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy E Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna
Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Gaffney/TOR/ECT@ECT, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Wayne Gresham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie
Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan
Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R
Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, Martin
W Penkwitz/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jason Peters/Corp/Enron@Enron, David
Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B
Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara
Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Lou Stoler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ann Elizabeth
White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, James
Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael A
Robison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberlee A
Bennick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathleen
Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nony
Flores/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda R Guinn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary J Heinitz/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Deb Korkmas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matt
Maxwell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Laurie Mayer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Ogden/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Stephanie Panus/NA/Enron@Enron, Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert
cc: Angie Buis/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Please join us TODAY, October 12th, in EB38C1 at 1:00 p.m. to celebrate Ed
Hearn's Birthday. It's the BIG ONE : )))))))))))))))))))))
If possible, please try to be in the conference room before 1:15 p.m.
Sorry guys - I inadvertently hit send without the following comment. You can
delete the previous version of this.
Based on my conversation with Debbie this morning, we can send it out today.
If we do this, there is a better chance they will have a chance to look at
the site on Thursday late afternoon before actually transacting.
From: Douglas Fuehne on 01/17/2001 03:05 PM
To: Dale Neuner/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrea Crump/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jason R
Subject: Re: Credit Verification
"Tentatively approved" means that we should assume that Tenaska will be
granted full approval unless we hear otherwise from Debbie, Bill, or Jason
Williams by COB Thursday.
Please mail the letter and UserID out to Tenaska today. I have set up the
counterparty in CL system with appropriate interest rates and privileges, and
you guys in PCG should set up the user as usual in the CL system.
I really appreciate everyone's speed on this issue; I believe that there is
a good chance Tenaska will want to transact on Friday. I told them the
earliest they would be able to do so was Friday, pending our usual setup
processes and credit check.
thanks again!
Dale Neuner @ ECT 01/17/2001 02:21 PM
To: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Andrea Crump/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jason R Williams/NA/Enron@ENRON, Douglas
Subject: Re: Credit Verification
Debbie -
Does 'tentatively approved' mean that we should not grant Tenaska access
until we hear from you tomorrow?
To: Andrea Crump/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Jason R Williams/NA/Enron@ENRON, Douglas Fuehne/NA/Enron@ENRON, Dale
Subject: Re: Credit Verification
Cross Timbers Energy Services-approved for view only.
Tenaska tentatively approved -pending updated review by Credit. We will
advise by Thursday pm if execution is disallowed.
Andrea Crump@ENRON
01/17/2001 01:15 PM
To: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jason R Williams/NA/Enron@ENRON, Douglas Fuehne/NA/Enron@ENRON, Dale
Subject: Credit Verification
Per my conversation with Doug, I would like to confirm the following credit
- Cross Timbers Energy Services, Inc has been rejected by credit, but has
been approved for "view" access only.
- Tenaska Marketing Ventures has been approved by credit.
Please reply to confirm, and I will process accordingly.
Thank you,
Product Control Group - CL
x54420 |
Requested by Janet Dietrich 8/30/01 |
I am forwarding an analysis put together by Sandeep Kohli and reviewed by
Vince and me. The results in the attached word document show that Dabhol
energy costs are several cents below that of roughly 600 MW of distributed
generation which has been identified in Maharastra. This 600 MW does not
include innumerable small generators which will have even worse energy
costs. The excel spreadsheet contains the data and calculations.
---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2001
03:04 PM ---------------------------
01/05/2001 02:28 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski@ECT, Stinson Gibner@ECT
Please find the two attachments that give a more detailed calculation, as
well as the revised statement that can be made to press.
The numbers are not small, but really do not reflect the true magnitude of
the genset issue. They do not take into account the capital costs of the
gensets, and also do not focus on the many smaller units that are operating
in homes, and commercial establishments.
Hope ths helps.
Sandeep. |
When I was at the site it said that it had sent a new password to me at
kay.mann@enron.com. Didn't get here. I give up.
From: Suzanne Adams@ECT on 05/25/2001 09:21 AM
To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: invoices
Did they actually change it. If not try your birthyear and then your birthday
19550805 for example. My birthday is 8/5/55
Kay Mann@ENRON
05/25/2001 08:56 AM
To: Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: invoices
never received a pass word. |
I tried to send this yesterday, but I received a message that it didn't go
----- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2001 09:36 AM -----
Gerald Nemec
05/08/2001 06:37 PM
To: Barry Tycholiz/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON
Subject: Re: FW: Producer Payment Summary
I will prepare the documents. Attached is the contract form that Crestone
forwarded for their payment. This would be a schedule to an existing Master
Services Agreement in place between ENA and Crestone. |
I have been updated by Susan on her (largely futile) efforts to push ECS on
the $200k we think they owe us. Martha, please get me a half hour Tuesday
with Susan, James and Kevin so we can decide how to get closure on this. If
I understand ECS' position, their argument is that CDEC stonewalled and
delayed granting access to the critical website and therefore its not ECS'
fault that manual peak monitoring wasn't operational until December . That
argument, it seems to me, is BS because we never heard even a shred of
warning or request for help from ECS on getting things moving, right? At
minimum, TW could have raised holy hell with TriState and CDEC management to
get things moving if we knew that ECS was stymied. But we heard nothing. Is
that our story?
If its going to take me doing some yelling at Knippa or Steve and Rod talking
to Redmond, lets decide what the script is and get it done. |
As part of the HPL transition, we are reviewing imbalances on shipper contracts.
Attached below is the list and where we stand on reconcilations. About 50% are reconciled, meaning that
the counterparty agrees with our number.
Most we are waiting on information from the counterparty.
The big items are the imbalances with Duke Energy, Gulf Energy, and Tejas.
Rita and I have people working with these counterparties to get good information.
---------------------- Forwarded by Bob M Hall/NA/Enron on 04/03/2001 03:41 PM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp. From: Rita Wynne @ ECT 04/02/2001 07:10 PM
To: Bob M Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Edward D Gottlob/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lauri A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary A Hanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward Terry/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: HPLC Imbalance File
Attached is the updated imbalance file showing net positions by counterparty. You can expand the detail to see the contracts that make up each of those total counterparty numbers. I have also color coded any companies that are doing business under several different companie/subsidiarys down at the bottom of the file to show their net position as well. The numbers in this file represent what we currently have on our books as of 2/01 production, 3/01 accounting and we are still getting confirmations in from the customers on those imbalances where there is not anything in the "imbalance per customer column". Since the meeting, the Exxon King Ranch number has changed significantly and I will have someone look more closely into that and provide an update/explanation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
rw x37694 |
Debra Perlingiere
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3885
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone 713-853-7658
Fax 713-646-3490 |
---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Calo/SA/Enron on 07/25/2000 04:55
PM ---------------------------
Sami Arap
07/25/2000 11:52 AM
To: Andrea Calo/SA/Enron@Enron, Fabian Valle/SA/Enron@Enron
cc: Luiz Watanabe/SA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Workload Responsibiities in Argentina
Andrea and Fabian;
Over the past few days, Randy Young, Mike Guerriero and I discussed the
proper manner to have the both of you working as an integrated legal team in
Argentina. According to Mike, the below listed activities are being pursued
in Argentina:
Wholesale Origination
Retail Origination
Power Trading
Gas Trading
Weather Derivatives
Energy Finance
Although I would be comfortable to leave the workload division up to you, I
would like to suggest the following (bearing in mind that there is never a
clear understanding about "where you draw the line"):
Andrea: Wholesale and Retail Origination; EnronOnLine; Power and Gas
Trading; Weather Derivatives; Energy Finance.
Fabian: Wholesale and Retail Origination; EES; Energy Finance.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that there is not a
significant difference between Wholesale and Retail Origination deals in
Argentina. In view of this, I would suggest the two of you assist all
Origination deals (regardless of being a Wholesale or a Retail deal). Also,
both of you should be involved in Energy Finance as I believe such deals
would arise from Wholesale and Retail Origination transactions. In short,
both of you would do legal support to "Origination", however, Andrea would
focus on Trading and Fabian would concentrate in EES type of deals.
In addition, Fabian would manage Luiz Watanabe's workload in Argentina, but I
would leave this to Luiz to structure and implement.
Kindly let me know if my thoughts make sense to you and please return to me
with your comments asap.
I have not made any reference to "Networks" as I have no idea what it relates
to ... Is this related to Enron Communication ?
As a final note, please be advised that our baby should arrive on Thursday,
July 23. As of such date, I will be available by e-mail and cel phone only.
Sami |
AGA for 1/5/01 is (167) |
Please call. 7138536178
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net) |
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<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=4>Latest NFL Player News</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1116&"><B>James Stewart</B></A>, RB DET - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Stewart suffered a sprained ankle early in Sunday's game at Pittsburgh. He was replaced by Lamont Warren in the first quarter, and Stewart did not return. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12277&"><B>Cameron Cleeland</B></A>, TE NO - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Cleeland injured his Achilles tendon on Sunday. He is not expected to play again this season. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12404&"><B>Ahman Green</B></A>, RB GB - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Green left Sunday's game in the fourth quarter with labored breathing. He was replaced by Dorsey Levens. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1871&"><B>Todd Bouman</B></A>, QB MIN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Bouman was able to start Sunday's game, but he re-injured his thumb in the first quarter and was replaced by Spergon Wynn. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1321&"><B>Wesley Walls</B></A>, TE CAR - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>
Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Walls was able to play in Sunday's game despite an ankle injury, but he left the game before halftime after spraining his left knee. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=133297&"><B>Martin Gramatica</B></A>, K TB - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gramatica injured his hamstring in the fourth quarter on Sunday. He hurt himself on a PAT attempt, but Gramatica is expected to play on December 29. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1871&"><B>Todd Bouman</B></A>, QB MIN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Bouman is now listed as probable for Sunday's game. He should be able to start against the Jaguars, but he may play with some pain in his thumb. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1264&"><B>Jeff Graham</B></A>, WR SD - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Graham probably won't play Sunday at Kansas City because of the death of his father in a car accident, coach Mike Riley said Friday. If Graham doesn't play, Trevor Gaylor will start in his place and Nate Turner will be signed off the practice squad. The Chargers are already missing their No. 3 receiver, Tim Dwight, due to complications of a collapsed lung. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1663&"><B>Antowain Smith</B></A>
, RB NE - JWillie <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Smith rushed for a career-high 156 yards and a touchdown Saturday. He has been one of the best runners in the AFC and will help carry your team to Fantasy glory. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1069&"><B>Steve McNair</B></A>, QB TEN - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>McNair played Saturday despite suffering from back spasms all week. He played well, throwing a touchdown pass in the second half. Expect him to be a solid No. 1 QB.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=146325&"><B>Jeff Garcia</B></A>, QB SF - JWillie <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Garcia, whose practice time was limited all week, played in Saturday's game. He admitted afterwards that he has a cracked rib. He played with extra padding, saying it didn't greatly affect his throws. Garcia might not be at full strength in the remaining weeks but he will still be a solid No. 1 Fantasy QB. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1174&"><B>Eddie George</B></A>, RB TEN - Tori <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>George played in Saturday's game despite suffering from an ankle injury. He left in the third quarter because of a neck injury but returned to the game.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1612&"><B>Oronde Gadsden</B></A>, WR MIA - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR>
<FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gadsden did not play in Saturday's game against the Patriots because of a hamstring injury. Chris Chambers started in his absence.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12207&"><B>Fred Beasley</B></A>, RB SF - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/23/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Beasley broke his right hand. He will probably be sidelined for the rest of the regular season. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1511&"><B>Joe Horn</B></A>, WR NO - Matty <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Horn is once again performing like an elite Fantasy receiver. He is a must-start player during the final weeks of the NFL season. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=188183&"><B>Maurice Smith</B></A>, RB ATL - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>A banged-up Smith hasn't done much statistically in recent weeks. Don't depend on him during the Fantasy playoffs. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12431&"><B>Donald Hayes</B></A>, WR CAR - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Hayes may step back into the forefront this week as the No. 1 wideout in place of Muhsin Muhammad. He isn't very explosive, however, and won't help Fantasy teams much during Weeks 15 through 17. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=235174&"><B>Chris Weinke</B></A>, QB CAR - Tori <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Consider Weinke as a backup during the Fantasy playoffs. He lacks the weapons to post better-than-average numbers, but he is a good option if you need an emergency QB. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12797&"><B>Kurt Warner</B></A>, QB STL - Hunter <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Warner should guide many Fantasy teams to success during the playoffs. Expect fine numbers from him the rest of the way.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1034&"><B>Rich Gannon</B>
</A>, QB OAK - Martin <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gannon has been a top-flight Fantasy QB this year. He will be a key player on many title teams, and should never be benched. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12576&"><B>Randy Moss</B></A>, WR MIN - Russell <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Moss started off slow this season but has once again been one of the best wideouts. Don't hesitate to start him during your playoff run.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=235122&"><B>Marvin Minnis</B></A>, WR KC - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>
Minnis hasn't done much to help Fantasy owners this year. Don't use him during the remaining weeks of the NFL season. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1310&"><B>Michael Westbrook</B></A>, WR WAS - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Westbrook has been inconsistent this season as a Fantasy player. He will be a good No. 2 at best during your playoffs.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=235213&"><B>Rod Gardner</B></A>, WR WAS - Free Agent <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gardner has been very inconsistent this season. Unless you play in a deeper league, starting Gardner isn't advisable. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1471&"><B>Tony Richardson</B></A>, RB KC - Neal/McKay <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Richardson hasn't been a consistent scoring threat this year. Don't use him during the Fantasy playoffs. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12400&"><B>Tony Gonzalez</B></A>, TE KC - Russell <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Gonzalez hasn't played as well as expected this year. Still, he is too talented to bench during the Fantasy playoffs. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1028&"><B>Brett Favre</B></A>, QB GB - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT>
<BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Favre has been one of the best QBs this season. Count on him to help lead your team to Fantasy glory.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1599&"><B>Trent Green</B></A>, QB KC - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Green has been an inconsistent Fantasy QB this year. He is a risky start during the rest of the season. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=1593&"><B>Bill Schroeder</B></A>, WR GB - Frank <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Schroeder has had a solid season. Look for him to be a reliable No. 2 wideout during your postseason.</FONT></FONT><BR><BR>
<A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=players&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&key=12429&"><B>Matt Hasselbeck</B></A>, QB SEA - Bass/Hull <FONT SIZE=1>Updated 12/21/01</FONT><BR><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=2>Hasselbeck has been a big disappointment this year. Don't use him during the Fantasy postseason. </FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A HREF="http://football299.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/elink?script=pro-player-updates&league=bige01&owner=49699.10&random=2640&start=30&">More Updates</A><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Transactions, View </B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
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<FONT SIZE=3><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>Transactions</B></FONT></FONT><TABLE BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0" WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR BGCOLOR="#e0e6df"><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Date</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Time</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Player</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Team</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Transaction</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">Effective</FONT></FONT></B></FONT></TD><TD ALIGN=middle><FONT COLOR=#000000><B><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
<TR BGCOLOR=#eaeaea ><TD class=TD1 >12/21/01</TD><TD class=TD1 > 6:49 AM</TD><TD class=TD1 >Brown, Kris</TD><TD class=TD1 >Martin</TD><TD class=TD1 >Signed</TD><TD class=TD1 >Week 15</TD><TD class=TD1 ALIGN=right>$2.5</TD></TR>
<TR BGCOLOR=#f0f0f0 ><TD class=TD1 >12/21/01</TD><TD class=TD1 > 6:49 AM</TD><TD class=TD1 >Taylor, Fred</TD><TD class=TD1 >Martin</TD><TD class=TD1 >Released</TD><TD class=TD1 >Week 15</TD><TD class=TD1 ALIGN=right>$2.5</TD></TR>
</TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0 BGCOLOR="#000099"><TR><TD ALIGN=left><FONT FACE=arial color=ffffff SIZE=><B>Schedule, Breakdown </B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><!-- Pizzahut Presenting Logo Spotlight tag - Do not remove until 12-31-01 -->
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Well I am in but not in. I am going to Kelowna tonight and tomorrow but
will be in town Sunday to Tuesday but I will be out again till Friday. I
know I am in next weekend. From there on I am not too sure what is
happening but let me know if any of that works for you.
How was your holidays. How are things at work or are you working right now
I heard a lot of people go laid off and others are still not steady. I see
your address is still Enron. Well let me know.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cooper.Richey@enron.com [mailto:Cooper.Richey@enron.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:53 AM
To: Corinna.Johnston@intria.com
Subject: RE:
Hey- i just got back into town from almost 3 weeks vacation. sorry i
didn't get in touch over the holidays, but do you want to get together
sometime soon? my schedule is very easy-going at them moment - hopefully
you are in town.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Johnston, Corinna" <Corinna.Johnston@Intria.com>@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 2:02 PM
To: Richey, Cooper
Hello and how are you? Are you going away for the Christmas Holidays?
me know maybe we will get together for some egg nog sometime.
Corinna Johnston
Client Relationship Officer
Tel: (403)221-6021
Fax: (888)272-0007
Email: corinna.johnston@intria.com
This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and
may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the
intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by
others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or
authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply
to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all
copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not
intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a
binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its
affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be
relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.
Thank you.
********************************************************************** |
-----Original Message-----
From: UBSW Energy Global Infrastructure
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 8:51 PM
To: DL-GA-all_UBSW Energy
Subject: DRAFT: INFORMATION, Please Read: UBSWE Migration postponed
Due to a variety of circumstances we did not migrate employees to the UBSWE environment tonight (Monday, February 4, 2002). We will communicate further details of the migration plan on Tuesday, February 5, 2002.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance, please contact the Resolution Center at x 3-1411 should you have any questions.
UBSW Energy Global Infrastructure |
Attached is the latest spreadsheet showing the costs. It is not complete
without the Hanover information that Ken Choyce is currently reviewing.
Jeff Gilliam |
These issues are being addressed by Steve Stock and Chris Hanz in my area as
well as people on the infrastructure side (in Jenny Rub's organization). We
understand the significance of these problems and they have not gone
unrecognised. There are 3 components to this plan, the DBA fixes are noted
below (I know it's a lot of technical terms, but this is a highly complex
problem). The other 2 pieces are the application and the hardware. I will
include these plans as soon as I receive them.
My team stayed last night with Jeff Gossett and his folks. A number of items
came out of observing what transpires in risk. We feel that there are many
performance enhancements that can be made to the macros to speed up non ERMS
processing. I'll keep you posted on what we find and the plans to fix them.
Database Observed Problems
? OS - Severe I/O contention (due to 6 years old disk storage device)
? OS - Max CPU utilization (due to wait I/O contention)
? DB - Redo Log Sync (synchronization of Redo information memory with disk)
? DB - Shared Pool fragmentation (due to unbound SQL )
? DB - Inefficient buffer cache utilization (due to inefficient SQL)
Short Term
? Alleviate Shared Pool contention
- increased Shared Pool size
- disabled MTS
- increased session_cached_cursors
Implemented on 10/15/2000
? Alleviate Redo Log Sync
- increased redo_log_buffer
Implemented on 10/15/2000
? Alleviate I/O contention for rollback segment tablespace
- added additional tablespace with 2/3more rollback segments
Implemented on 10/17/2000
? Alleviate I/O contention for redo logs
- reorg disk storage and implement striping for Redo logs
- turn on force direct I/O write for intensive volumes
Under investigation ) 2 days work
? Turn on Veritas tuning feature
- expect 5% improvement
- tested on Shemp today
Required system reboot
? SQL Tuning
Deliver Lists of expensive SQL with recommendation by 10/27/2000
? Reassess CPR migration to different UNIX host
Waiting for disk storage ) 2 to 3 weeks
New 10K located in Ardmore
Long Term
? Latest storage technology
? Capacity planning
? ERMT and CPR application review
? Upgrade ERMT to 8I
John J Lavorato@ENRON
10/17/2000 01:31 PM
To: Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Systems - ERMS
---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 10/17/2000
01:25 PM ---------------------------
From: Jeffrey C Gossett @ ECT 10/17/2000 09:45 AM
To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Systems - ERMS
John -
Again, we are having "big time" systems issues. While we are having the
usual length of time issues (a few people were here past midnight last
night), the issues that occured last night are much more serious than in the
past. The system brought through totally inaccurate information on a few
books. (Positions, value, etc.) Luckily, these errors were all caught
last night, but if a less experienced person had been on those books, it
could have been a disaster. (Traders getting incorrect positions and p&l and
interest rate and credit getting incorrect numbers.) I have contacted those
in ERMS that need to be involved, but I would appreciate it if you could
provide additional support to this effort.
Jeff |
Start Date: 4/12/01; HourAhead hour: 8; HourAhead schedule download failed.
Manual intervention required. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 12/07/2000 01:50
PM ---------------------------
Zimin Lu
12/07/2000 01:25 PM
To: Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Option on collar - explaination
I tried to explain the pricing formula in non-technical format.
Take a look the doc attached below, to see if this is good
enough for the lawyers.
Resent: |
Do you know anything about it?
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001
08:24 AM ---------------------------
ARSystem <ARSystem@mailman.enron.com> on 01/10/2001 08:59:24 AM
To: "vince.j.kaminski@enron.com" <vince.j.kaminski@enron.com>
Subject: Request Submitted: Access Request for jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com
You have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data
approver. Please click
Approval to review and act upon this request.
Request ID : 000000000013085
Approver : stinson.gibner@enron.com
Request Create Date : 1/10/01 8:59:14 AM
Requested For : jennifer.n.stewart@enron.com
Resource Name : \\enehou\houston\common\Research - [Read]
Resource Type : Directory |
Could you please send me the title and a 50-word abstract of your
presentation by the end of today? I'd like to forward them to the
organizer as soon as possible so that we could make it into the printed
conference program. Thanks.
On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:
> Shijie,
> I would be interested in attending and giving a presentation.
> This would be also a good opportunity for both of us to meet
> and discuss the plans for closer cooperation.
> Vince
> Shijie Deng <deng@isye.gatech.edu> on 09/25/2000 01:20:59 AM
> To: Vince Kaminski <Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com>
> cc: Shijie Deng <deng@isye.gatech.edu>
> Subject: INFORMS National conference at San Antonio
> Hi Vince,
> I'll be organizing a session at the INFORMS national meeting in San
> Antonio (Nov 5-8, 2000, http://www.informs.org/Conf/SanAntonio2000) on
> modeling price volatility in electricity markets or financial engineering
> approaches. I'm just wondering if you or some member of your research
> group would be interested in giving a presentation there. Please let me
> know. Thanks.
> Best wishes,
> Shijie
> Shi-Jie Deng
> Assistant Professor
> School of ISyE
> Georgia Institute of Technology
> Office Phone: (404) 894-6519
> E-mail: deng@isye.gatech.edu
> Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng
> |
On Tuesday, December 12, 12:00 - 1:00 in room 30C1, we will be having our
last Brown Bag session of the year. The speaker will be...
Berney Aucoin, Director of Commodity Structuring
Berney will be accompanied by an analyst who can give a unique first hand
account of a structuring rotation.
Please call or Email Tom Wilbeck (57536) if you plan to attend. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 08/03/2000
04:49 PM ---------------------------
Christine Stokes
08/03/2000 01:51 PM
To: Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay
Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary
Darveaux/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Kevin Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ted
Chavez/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON, Richard Abramowicz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Toby
Subject: Transwestern IOS Approval
Please review the attached announcement of Transwestern's Interactive Open
Season to be held Thursday, August 10, 2000. Transwestern will be offering
14,000 Dth/d of East of Thoreau to PG&E/Topock capacity for a term of April
1, 2001 - October 31, 2001. Alternate capacity rights associated with the
primary capacity shall include alternate receipts in Transwestern's East of
Thoreau Area, excluding Rio Puerco, and alternate deliveries at
SoCal/Needles, Mojave/Topock and the Citizens Griffith delivery point .
Please approval via REPLY WITH HISTORY. Your immediate attention is
appreciated as our goal is to post the announcement as quickly as possible in
the morning of Friday, August 4th. |
Can you help me out on this Darren? MJJ
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Jo Johnson/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000
10:04 AM ---------------------------
"John Daugherty" <John.Daugherty@crosstx.com> on 11/08/2000 04:38:37 PM
To: <Mary.Jo.Johnson@enron.com>
Subject: Re: Driscoll Ranch #3 Gas pricing and interconnect estimate
Mary Jo,
Thanks for the update. Regarding the notice provision of 6 business days
prior to the close of business on the last business day of the month prior
to selected month, does that mean we need to give you notice for December
by Tuesday, November 21st at 5:00 PM or Monday, November 20th at 5:00 PM
assuming the 23rd and 24th are holidays?
John Daugherty
----- Original Message -----
From: <Mary.Jo.Johnson@enron.com>
To: <John.Daugherty@crosstx.com>
Cc: <Mary.Jo.Johnson@enron.com>; <mrhoades@camdenresources.com>;
<rskinner@camdenresources.com>; <barry.davis@crosstx.com>;
<Jim.Wales@crosstx.com>; <Jill.T.Zivley@enron.com>;
<JoAnne.Harris@enron.com>; <Brian.M.Riley@enron.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Driscoll Ranch #3 Gas pricing and interconnect estimate |
The Approval status has changed on the following report:
Status last changed by: Mark D. Davis Jr
Expense Report Name: Albany NY
Report Total: $890.41
Amount Due Employee: $890.41
Amount Approved: $890.41
Amount Paid: $0.00
Approval Status: Approved
Payment Status: Pending
To review this expense report, click on the following link for Concur Expense.
http://expensexms.enron.com |
Kay, this is a draft of the original that I received that was structured like
the one we used for Austin.
O.K. Thanks!!
Kate Symes @ ECT 01/05/2001 04:20 PM
To: Evelyn Metoyer/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re:
They are good deals, but we don't have deal numbers because Mike is out of
the office right now and said he wanted to check with the broker personally
before verifying the price. He's aware that the deals will have to go in late
and be backdated, and that they will not be in his calculation for the day.
Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.
Evelyn Metoyer@ENRON
01/05/2001 02:23 PM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Are these good deals for Mike?
---------------------- Forwarded by Evelyn Metoyer/Corp/Enron on 01/05/2001
04:18 PM ---------------------------
Evelyn Metoyer
01/05/2001 03:45 PM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Can you check Mike Swerzbin for the following deals through Prebon:
Enron sells Sempra 50 mw of Sept.'01 Mid-C at $360.00
Enron buys Sempra 50 mw of July '01 Mid-C at $270.00
Thanks!! |
Start Date: 3/31/01; HourAhead hour: 17; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Generation schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Generation Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblGEN_SCHEDULE.
Details: (Hour: 17 / Preferred: 0.00 / Final: 0.00)
TRANS_DATE: 3/31/01
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.
TRANS_DATE: 3/31/01
Good morning Mr. Martin,
I would like to introduce myself. I currently work with Christie Patrick and
Michael B Rosen in the Enron University Affairs department.
In recent discussions with Christie, she has suggested that I liaise with you
and our management in preparation for your and Vince Kaminski's case study.
Christie has forwarded recent emails sent by you suggesting a few convenient
times that work with your schedule. I will work with our management and do
my best to schedule one hour time slots for interviews that fit with your
Initially, I will schedule interviews with: Ken Lay - chairman and CEO, Jeff
Skilling - president and COO, and Andy Fastow - CFO. If you feel that you
may need to speak with additional management, we will definitely try to work
something out the same day, so you don't have to travel back here. I will
forward your project outline to the aforementioned participants once the
interviews are scheduled. Do you anticipate drafting specific questions? If
so, I would greatly appreciate a copy when convenient.
I greatly look forward to working with you and I hope that we can touch base
very soon.
Cindy Derecskey
Enron University Affairs
(713) 853-5670 |
For the next step...
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 11/30/2000 06:40
PM ---------------------------
Kay Mann
11/30/2000 01:54 PM
To: michael.o.sandridge@us.abb.com
Subject: Facility agreement
Hi Mike,
Here's a draft of the facility agreement for your review.
PS I think I have a redline somewhere. I'll check. |
Further to my e-mail below, I note that the EOL US weather GTCs (where ENA is
the counterparty) will require modification for use with Japanese
counterparties. Presently, Brent Hendry is reviewing the draft EOL Japanese
weather GTCs, which have been developed to utilize Enron Japan Corp. as the
----- Forwarded by John Viverito/Corp/Enron on 08/24/2000 01:36 AM -----
John Viverito
08/24/2000 01:31 AM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan
Subject: Re: Japanese & Australian Products
For weather derivatives conducted by Enron North America with counterparties
in Japan:
1. There is a "relatively low risk" (quoting Baker & McKenzie) that such
transactions will be considered gambling in Japan. However, such risk is
deemed to be even lower, when utilizing an offshore entity. The risk has
been determined to be sufficiently low to utilize Enron Japan Corp. as the
Enron entity engaging in these transactions, therefore utilizing ENA should
also be acceptable.
2. I note, there will be foreign exchange reporting requirements for the
Japanese counterparty to the transaction, both at the time the transaction is
entered into and each time a payment is made (or netted). There are no
Japanese reporting requirements applicable to Enron North America. Further,
a default by the Japanese counterparty in compliance with its reporting
requirements will not effect the enforceability of the transaction.
3. I have copied Susan Musch on this correspondence, to obtain her input
from the tax perspective.
Please let me know if you need anything further.
Tana Jones@ECT
08/23/2000 03:15 PM
cc: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Japanese & Australian Products
You both may already by aware of this, but the online team has contacted me
and it is their desire to have the Japanese & Australian products also
offered out of the U.S. by Enron North America. They would continue to be
offered by their current companies, "Enron Australia" and "EnronJapan", but
they want the products sold "24 hours a day" and I guess to do this they
would be offered also by Enron North America. Do you see any legal issues
from your side with a your Japanese or Australia products being offered by
Enron North America too? |
Who should go |
FYI. I shall lok at it at home as well.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000
10:45 AM ---------------------------
From: Gillian Boyer@ENRON on 11/27/2000 10:25 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Arthur Andersen model validation request
Our goal is to validate that the Enron Global Market book
administrators are accurately using the "spread option model" as developed by
the Research Group. To determine this, we would like to provide you with
the inputs for a particular deal (as provided by a Global Markets book
administrator) and have you recalculate the deal value. We will then
compare your results to the values calculated by Global Markets.
Two Koch deals have been chosen due to their substantial P/L effect. I have
attached the deal data in two forms: (1) the spread option model that Kara
Boudreau, Book Administrator EGM, provided and (2) an excel spreadsheet that
isolates the 2 deals.
If there is anything more that we could provide, please don't hesitate to
call me at x30968.
Thank you so much for all of your help.
2. |
For May 2000: Reassess your goals and
friendships. Things have changed. Are you
satisfied with your job, relationships, and
immediate future? May brings things to light
that have been buried or disguised. Take a
cool calm steady look at what surfaces. . . and
decide if a change in direction is warranted.
It's clear that your work scenario needs
refurbishing and your daily schedule cries out
for major rehab. But first and foremost, you'll
get your second wind by dropping tension
and frustration mid month, increasing the
probability for better relations with friends,
coworkers, and relatives. Try to establish
healthy, positive change no later than the Full
Moon. Take steps to insure your financial and
business future on or before May 28. |
See numbers in the back: $5 billion due and in default as of early March.
---------------------- Forwarded by Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT on 03/16/2001 11:16
AM ---------------------------
"Steven Kelly" <steven@iepa.com> on 03/16/2001 10:40:18 AM
To: "'Alan Comnes'" <alan.comnes@enron.com>, "'Alex Makler (E-mail)'"
<alexm@calpine.com>, "'Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)'" <alex.sugaoka@uaecorp.com>,
"'Allen Jensen (E-mail)'" <al.jensen@nrgenergy.com>, "'Andy Gilford
(E-mail)'" <agilford@wbcounsel.com>, "'Armen Arslanian (E-mail)'"
<Armen.Arslanian@gecapital.com>, "'Bert Hunter'"
<rjhunter@spectrumcapital.com>, "'Bill Adams (E-mail)'" <sangorgon@aol.com>,
"'Bill Barnes (E-mail)'" <bill.barnes@lgeenergy.com>, "'Bill Carlson
(E-mail)'" <william_carlson@wastemanagement.com>, "'Bill Woods (E-mail)'"
<billw@calpine.com>, "'Bo Buchynsky (E-mail)'" <BBuchynsky@aol.com>, "'Bob
Ellery (E-mail)'" <bellery@spi-ind.com>, "'Bob Escalante (E-mail)'"
<rescalante@riobravo-gm.com>, "'Bob Gates (E-mail)'" <bob.gates@enron.com>,
"Bob Szymanski (E-mail)" <rjszymanski@powerworksinc.com>, "Bob Tormey
(E-mail)" <rjtormey@duke-energy.com>, "'Carolyn A Baker (E-mail)'"
<cabaker@duke-energy.com>, "'Charles Johnson (E-mail)'" <c.johnson@ejgd.com>,
"'Charles Linthicum (E-mail)'" <charles.linthicum@powersrc.com>, "'Cody
Carter (E-mail)'" <cody.carter@williams.com>, "'Curt Hatton (E-mail)'"
<Curt.Hatton@gen.pge.com>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'"
<curtis_l_kebler@reliantenergy.com>, "'David Parquet (E-mail)'"
<david.parquet@enron.com>, "'Dean Gosselin (E-mail)'"
<dean_gosselin@fpl.com>, "'Diane Fellman (E-mail)'"
<difellman@energy-law-group.com>, "'Don Scholl (E-mail)'"
<dscholl@purenergyllc.com>, "'Doug Fernley (E-mail)'"
<fernley.doug@epenergy.com>, "Doug Levitt (E-mail)" <SDL@calwind.com>,
"'Duane Nelsen (E-mail)'" <dnelsen@gwfpower.com>, "'Ed Maddox (E-mail)'"
<emaddox@seawestwindpower.com>, "'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'" <ed.tomeo@uaecorp.com>,
"'Edward Lozowicki (E-mail)'" <elozowicki@sjo.coudert.com>, "'Edwin Feo
(E-mail)'" <efeo@milbank.com>, "'Eric Edstrom (E-mail)'"
<edstrome@epenergy.com>, "'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'"
<eric.eisenman@gen.pge.com>, "'Floyd Gent (E-mail)'"
<fgent@thermoecotek.com>, "Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)"
<frazier_blaylock@ogden-energy.com>, "'Hal Dittmer (E-mail)'"
<hedsf@aol.com>, "'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'" <Hap_Boyd@enron.com>, "'Iliff Steve
(E-mail)'" <siliff@riobravo-gm.com>, "'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'"
<jackp@calpine.com>, "'Janet Heck Doyle (E-mail)'" <jheckdoyle@aol.com>,
"'Joe Greco (E-mail)'" <jgreco@caithnessenergy.com>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'"
<joer@calpine.com>, "'John O'Rourke'" <orourke.john@epenergy.com>, "'Jonathan
Weisgall (E-mail)'" <jweisgall@aol.com>, "Kassandra Gough (E-mail)"
<kgough@calpine.com>, "'Kawamoto, Wayne'" <wkawamoto@wm.com>, "'Kelly Lloyd
(E-mail)'" <kellyl@enxco.com>, "'Ken Hoffman (E-mail)'"
<khoffman@caithnessenergy.com>, "'Ken Salvagno (E-mail)'" <kbssac@aol.com>,
"'Kent Burton (E-mail)'" <kent_burton@ogden-energy.com>, "'Larry Kellerman'"
<kellerman.larry@epenergy.com>, "'Lucian Fox (E-mail)'"
<lucian_fox@ogden-energy.com>, "'Mark Fillinger'" <mark.fillinger@enron.com>,
"'Mark J. Smith (E-mail)'" <mark_J_smith@fpl.com>, "'Mike Hawkins (E-mail)'"
<hawkins@2000energy.com>, "'Mike Monagan'" <mrmonagan@aol.com>, "'Milton
Schultz (E-mail)'" <bfpjv@c-zone.net>, "'Nam Nguyen (E-mail)'"
<nam.nguyen@powersrc.com>, "'Paul Wood (E-mail)'"
<paul_wood@ogden-energy.com>, "'Paula Soos (E-mail)'"
<Paula_Soos@ogden-energy.com>, "'Pete Levitt (E-mail)'" <Pete@calwind.com>,
"'Peter H. Weiner'" <peterweiner@paulhastings.com>, "'Phil Reese (E-mail)'"
<rcsc@west.net>, "Rachel King (E-mail)" <rachel.king@elpaso.com>, "'Rick S.
Koebbe (E-mail)'" <rskoebbe@powerworksinc.com>, "'Rina Venturini'"
<rventurini@teamgsi.net>, "'Robert Frees (E-mail)'" <freesrj@apci.com>,
"'Ross Ain (E-mail)'" <ain@worldnet.att.net>, "'Scott Harlan (E-mail)'"
<harlans@epenergy.com>, "'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'" <steve_ponder@fpl.com>,
"'Tandy McMannes (E-mail)'" <mcmannes@aol.com>, "'Ted Cortopassi (E-mail)'"
<ted_cortopassi@ogden-energy.com>, "'Thomas Heller (E-mail)'"
<hellertj@apci.com>, "'Thomas Swank'" <swank.thomas@epenergy.com>, "'Tom
Hartman (E-mail)'" <tom_hartman@fpl.com>, "'Tony Wetzel (E-mail)'"
<twetzel@thermoecotek.com>, "'Ward Scobee (E-mail)'"
<wscobee@caithnessenergy.com>, "'Bob Judd (E-mail)'" <caltech@ns.net>,
"'Brian T. Craggq'" <bcragg@gmssr.com>, "'J. Feldman'" <jfeldman@mofo.com>,
"'Kristy Rumbaugh (E-mail)'" <kristy_rumbaugh@ogden-energy.com>
cc: "Carol Hudson (E-mail)" <carol@iepa.com>, "Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)"
<smutny@iepa.com>, "Katie Kaplan (E-mail)" <kaplan@iepa.com>, "Steven Kelly
(E-mail)" <steven@iepa.com>
Subject: FW: A.00-11-038 et al COM. LYNCH RULING for 3/15/01
-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Fellman [mailto:difellman@energy-law-group.com]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:56 AM
To: Steven Kelly (E-mail)
Subject: FW: A.00-11-038 et al COM. LYNCH RULING for 3/15/01
> Here is Lynch's ruling from yesterday. It contains the numbers for
> current payments owed to the QF's by PG&E and Edison. The ruling states:
> Based on the attached updated financial information and the assumption
> that PG&E and Edison continue to be responsible for power purchases to
> cover their net short position (net of retained generation, Qualifying
> Facilities (QF) contracts, remaining bilateral contracts not in default,
> and ancillary services, as provided by Pub. Util. Code o 360.5),
> interested parties shall file and serve comments by March 19, 2001 on the
> need of PG&E and Edison for further financial relief on a going-forward
> basis.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ALJ Temp1 [mailto:t93@cpuc.ca.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 1:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: A.00-11-038 et al COM. LYNCH RULING for 3/15/01
> <<CPUC01-#92656-v1-A0011038_ET_AL__Lynch_Walwyn_Ruling_.doc>>
- CPUC01-#92656-v1-A0011038_ET_AL__Lynch_Walwyn_Ruling_.doc |
call me. |
Please note the following organizational changes in Enron Corp and Enron
North America.
Wanda Curry is joining the corporate accounting team working with Rick Causey
on special projects including certain retail and broadband accounting
initiatives. We thank Wanda for her significant contributions to ENA in both
the planning and reporting function, as well as transaction support
activities. She played a key role in making 1999 a successful year at ENA.
Wes Colwell will join ENA to lead both the planning and reporting and the
transaction support accounting functions. Wes joined Enron in 1999 and made
key contributions setting up a company-wide accounting transaction support
team which assists each of Enron,s business units on critical issues and
Rodney Faldyn rejoins Enron from Azurix to continue to build the corporate
accounting transaction support team. Rodney will continue the effort to grow
this team and take on the management of key accounting matters that impact
These changes will be effective immediately with a transition period during
March. Please join us in congratulating Wanda, Wes and Rodney on their new
roles. |
good luck with that , hun
do we have a plan for Sunday ?
asked to play golf in the woodlands again
-----Original Message-----
From: Quigley, Kay
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:34 AM
To: Quigley, Dutch
Subject: re
good morning baby
i am not having a good morning
i have to re-execute my contract from last week
because we (in my rush I emailed it to legal wrong) had the price in it wrong- too many zeros
so it looks like they can buy power for practically nil
no one caught the error before customer signed it
so it really sucks that I have to get him to resign
hope it flies with him
kay |
Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much for your efforts to get this scheduled. However, it
doesn't look today is going to work.
Since spoke earlier this week, Michael has been accepted to private school,
where we believe we will move him. However, we still haven't determined what
to do about speech therapy, and would appreciate the benefit of your
evaluation and expertise, especially since Michael is eligible to receive
services at VO. Is it possible to schedule a meeting with that in mind?
Thanks again,
"Morrisett, Sarah" <morrises@spring-branch.isd.tenet.edu> on 09/26/2000
11:53:23 AM
To: "'Kay Mann'" <KMann@enron.com>
Subject: ARD date
Hi Mrs. Mann,
I thought this might be an easier way to communicate in scheduling the ARD
to review Michael's testing. Please let me know if tomorrow (9-27) at 11:45
will work for you. I need to offer you at least a five days written notice
of the ARD so if tomorrow will work for you, would you be willing to waive
the 5 days prior notice. If not, we can schedule the meeting next week.
Thank you.
Sarah Morrisett
Valley Oaks Elementary
Spring Branch ISD |
This sort narrowed the search considerably. I'm having hard copies that I've
organized by city (makes it quicker to look at) hand carried to you. The
1959 info should be coming in a couple of days. If this approach doesn't
find the person, I have another idea.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Krumm, Bill" <b-krumm@tamu.edu>@ENRON
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 11:55 AM
To: Lemmons Jr., Billy
Subject: Seach
I have asked 1959 to be added to the search. Should have it in a day or
<<Krumm2.xls>> <<Krumm3.xls>>
- Krumm2.xls
- Krumm3.xls |
It would be a good commercial for Enron. What can we do to help him and
get free publicity?
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2000
01:40 PM ---------------------------
ekrapels <ekrapels@esaibos.com> on 01/18/2000 12:00:12 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Risk report on "Guide to Electricxity Hedging" and Request for Gu
est Access to Enrononline
Dear Vince,
Greetings from Boston, where we're doing all we can to help keep the price
of gas high.
As I may have told you earlier, I'm writing a "Guide to Electricity Hedging"
for Risk Publications similar to the report on Oil. I had planned to write a
significant section on Enrononline, and in the midst of my research on the
topic was denied access by Enron's gatekeeper. Can you help get me in?
As always, the best from here.
Ed Krapels
-----Original Message-----
From: Donna Greif [mailto:dcorrig@ect.enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 12:37 PM
To: ekrapels@esaibos.com
Subject: Request for Guest Access
Dear Mr. Krapels:
Thank you for requesting guest access to EnronOnLine. Unfortunately, we are
unable to give you quest access at this time.
EnronOnLine is exclusively for those companies who can transact wholesale
commodities and related products.
In addition, you had indicated within the comments section of your email
you are preparing a "Guide to Electricity Hedging"
for Risk Publications. I have forwarded your inquiry to our Public
Department along with your contact information.
Should you not hear back from anyone within a reasonable amount of time,
feel free to contact our Call Center at
713 853-HELP (4357).
Donna Corrigan Greif
EnronOnline Help Desk
- att1.htm |
The Post Petition Meeting which took place every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00 am is being cancelled. We are currently organizing an Enron Wholesale Meeting and will communicate once finalized. Issues that were addressed at the post petition meeting will be handled at either the Management Committee Meeting or the new Wholesale Meeting.
Thank you.
Lucy Marshall
Executive Assistant to Jim Fallon
Office of the Chairman
Enron Broadband Services
Office 713-853-4525
Fax 713-345-7864
Cell 713-417-7802
lucy.marshall@enron.com |
Aneela, also, I called Brian Coad at DBAB to ask him as well to let Jamie
know that the agreements are in place. The account numbers are
ECT : 70900497
ENA: 70901071
Brian also confirmed that we have sent the executed documents to Terry Finn
for signature and that we should receive them back shortly. In any case, as
a matter of law, we have executed agreements in place. Brian said that if we
do not receive them by the end of the day tomorrow, Stephanie should give
Terry Finn a call at 410-895-3602.
Cheryl Nelson
Senior Counsel
(713) 345-4693
Aneela Charania@ECT
04/23/2001 02:58 PM
To: Cheryl Nelson/NA/ENRON@ENRON, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Deutsche Banc Alex Brown - Agreement for Prime Brokerage
Clearance Services
Hey guys,
Jamie at Frost is on the business side and did not know that we had an
executed agreement. Please disregard the agreement we sent interoffice today.
04/23/2001 02:55 PM
Cheryl Nelson@ENRON
Cheryl Nelson@ENRON
Cheryl Nelson@ENRON
04/23/2001 02:55 PM
04/23/2001 02:55 PM
Sent by: Cheryl Nelson@ENRON
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Aneela Charania/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Deutsche Banc Alex Brown - Agreement for Prime Brokerage
Clearance Services
Aneela, I will call Jamie to clarify any confusion -- please forward the
phone number to me. We have an executed agreement already - it was executed
within the past two weeks.
Cheryl Nelson
Senior Counsel
(713) 345-4693
Sara Shackleton@ECT
04/23/2001 02:45 PM
To: Aneela Charania/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Deutsche Banc Alex Brown - Agreement for Prime Brokerage Clearance
I received the referenced agreement in inter-office mail. According to
Cheryl's latest report, identical agreements were executed by both ENA and
ECT Investments, Inc. on or about 4/12/01.
What is it that you are asking us to do with the draft from "Jamie"?
Sara Shackleton
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-5620 (phone)
713-646-3490 (fax)
sara.shackleton@enron.com |
Thanks for your interest in Enron. I shall be glad to talk to you
about the energy industry needs for quants and what you can
do to prepare yourself for the job search.
Please, call me at 713 853 3848 to set up a meeting
or call my assistant, Shirley Crenshaw, at 713 853 5290.
The prospects for employment with Enron, in your field, are rather uncertain
at this point. I do not anticipate any hiring over the next 12 months.
Vince Kaminski
-----Original Message-----
From: "Donald C. Williams" <donald@rice.edu>@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:11 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Cc: donald@rice.edu
Subject: Re: Interest in Quantative Finance
Hello Vince,
I would like to reiterate my interest in meeting with you to gain a better idea of the type of work conducted within your group at Enron. This would provide me with an opportunity to see if the activities within your group fit with my expectations. Additionally, I could expound on my interest and work concerning numerical methods for pricing and hedging derivative securities. A formal interview could be established at a later date. For your reference, I've attached a copy of my resume.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Vince.J.Kaminski@enron.com wrote:
> Donald,
> Thanks for your mesage.
> We shall invite you for an interview
> in a few weeks.
> Vince
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Donald C. Williams" <donald@rice.edu>@ENRON
> [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Donald+20C+2E+20Williams+22+20+3Cdonald+40rice+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:03 PM
> To: Kaminski, Vince J
> Cc: donald@rice.edu
> Subject: Interest in Quantative Finance
> Hello Mr. Kaminski,
> I acquired your name as a potential contact person in the research group
> at Enron from Lexi Elliott (Enron recruiter) during a recent Enron
> presentation for Rice students. I am very interested in numerical
> methods for pricing and hedging derivative securities. Currently, I am
> working to complete my Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Rice University
> with a research focus on optimization methods for American option
> valuation under stochastic volatility.
> If possible, I would like to meet with you and discuss my interest as
> well as the type of work that your group does at Enron. At present I'm
> trying to establish a career path for myself once I've completed my
> degree. For your reference, Jennifer Cronin (Enron Corp Recruiter) has
> a copy of my resume.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Sincerely,
> -donald
> ----------------------
> Donald C. Williams
> Rice University
> Department of Computational
> and Applied Mathematics
> 6100 Main Street, MS-134
> Houston, TX 77005-1892
> phone: 713-348-2859
> email: donald@rice.edu
> **********************************************************************
> This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at enron.messaging.administration@enron.com and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
> **********************************************************************
- ResumeDonWms.doc << File: ResumeDonWms.doc >> |
As discussed, ECC hopes to transact with ATCO over the next week or so if we
can agree on pricing. This is the form of agreement they propose. It
the way their 3-way JV owned plant will sell power offtake to marketers such
as Enron. I would be interested in your opinion especially if we are close
commercial agreement.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Duncan Croasdale
tel. 403.974.6718 |
Enclosed for your review is a draft amendment letter for the above
counterparty. All of the requested chnages are driven by the fact that BPA
is a federal agency. I look forward to hearing from you.
Carol |
Was the case materials handed out in class? If so, any care to fax it to me.
Fax #415-733-4190.
Mark D. Guinney, CFA
Watson Wyatt Investment Consulting
345 California Street, Ste. 1400
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 733-4487 ph.
(415) 733-4190 fax
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: Re: FIA assignment
Author: asama@yahoo.com (Anil Sama)
Date: 02/16/2001 1:55 PM
Jeff, Mark:
Wondering where you were yesterday. Hope you didn't
forget about the in-class quiz!
The next HW and writeup due next week seems like
a heavy one.
Do most of you have Monday off? I'll take a look at the
case/HW Sa/Su, and prefer a meeting / conf call anytime
Monday. Perhaps PM in the city if folks are working
that day? Sunday PM (after 7) works for me too.
--- "Vavrek, Carolyn (US - San Francisco)"
<cvavrek@deloitte.com> wrote:
> Congrats crew - we got a 9 on case #2.
> When is everyone available between now and Wed pm to talk
> about case #3 and
> the other homework?
> - cv
> Carolyn M. Vavrek
> Manager - Human Capital Advisory Services
> Deloitte & Touche
> 50 Fremont Street
> San Francisco, CA 94105
> phone: 415-783-5137
> fax: 415-783-8760
> e-mail: cvavrek@deloitte.com
> - This message (including any attachments) contains
> confidential information
> intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is
> protected by law. -
> If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete
> this message and
> are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or
> distribution of this
> message, or the taking of any action based on it, is
> strictly prohibited.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/ |
Enron Energy Marketing Corp.("EEMC") has bonds posted with the ISO New England ("ISO-NE") with a value of $14,423,297.39. I am led to believe that this entity is an Enron Energy Services, Inc. ("EESI") entity which bought some assets from PG&E, possibly.
In order to maximise our credit flexibility and minimise our collateral obligations would you be kind enough to advise as to whether this entity is trading or requires NEPOOL to fulfill any obligations to customers and if not, we would want to cancel the bond.
If indeed the bond is needed, could you see if there is a way to transfer the obligations which require the bond to be in place for EEMC, from EEMC to EESI, in order that we can position ourselves to cancel the bond. In respect of any such transfer we would want to ensure that there was no increase in the obligation upon EESI as to the amount of the bonds required to be posted. EESI currently has $20,000,000 in bonds posted with ISO-NE.
If ISO-NE required the amount of the bonds to be increased, in the event that the obligations of EEMC were transferred to EESI, Travis, please could you advise as to whether the DIP financing agreements will permit us to issue new bonds, if the net effect was to reduce the amount of bonds issued as between all Enron entities.
Marcus |
I will be out of the office Wednesday through Friday this week (March
15-17). I will be with my children while they are on Spring Break. I can
be reached those three day either at home (281-370-8568) or on my cell phone
(713-417-1591). The following persons will serve as key operations contacts
in the office while I am out:
Key Operations Contacts March 15-17
Brent Price Business Controller, Gas x37647
Kristin Albrecht Business Controller, Power x34763
Also, I will be in the London office during the week of March 20th. I am
working with Fernley Dyson and John Sherriff to structure training and
orientation for a new head of trading operations that has been hired in
London. I am also working to provide transition resources to London for
operational controls unttil the new guy is on board. My work on this should
be completed by the end of next week. I will return to Houston on Friday,
March 24. My assistant, Patti Thompson (x39106), will have a copy of my
schedule while I am in London as well as an international mobile phone number
where I can be reached. Please don't hesitate to call. I will be responding
to voice mail messages throughout the week. The following persons will
serve as key operations contacts in the Houston office while I am working
from London:
Key Operations Contacts March 20-24
Brenda Herod Business Controller, Gas x35778
Kristin Albrecht Business Controller, Power x34763
Kristin Albrecht will attend the Monday, March 20th staff meeting at 9:30 in
my absence. |
I think this might have been intended for you.
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 01/18/2001 05:35 PM -----
Linda Robertson
01/16/2001 05:30 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Chris Long/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Request for Economist
Steve Kean asked that I respond to your voice mail message to him regarding
your solicitation of government economists for your proposed May customer
conference. Let me suggest the following, each of whom has different
1. David Wilcox, Asst. Sec of Economic Policy of Treasury, soon to rejoin
the Federal Reserve. David is an excellent macro economist but is not a
"big name."
2. Ted Truman, Asst. Sec of International Affairs, Treasury. Ted is about
join a think tank. Before his stint at Treasury, Ted served 26 years at the
Federal Reserve, many of which he served as Greenspan's right hand on
international currency issues. Ted has quarterbacked about every
international currency intervention conducted by the United States over the
last three decades.
3. Larry Summers, Secretary. Larry will be joining a think tank for a few
weeks. He may or may not be available. If the topic is of interest to him,
he is agreeable to travel and speaking engagements.
This is just my initial cut at some suggestions. Once we know the Bush team,
we may want to explore possible candidates from their ranks, although
government ethics rules may prohibit us from paying for their travel to a
"customer conference." Government officials can accept travel from
50l(c)(3)s, as a general rule. |
Here is some volunteering information that we received from the Museum of
Fine Arts. Happy Volunteering!
Julie and Ashley
Do you enjoy
* art?
* working with children?
* volunteering for the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston?
Well, here's an opportunity that's just right for YOU!
The Bayou City Art Festival is coming up in March and now that the MFAH is a
Charity Partner for this twice-annual event, why not help make it a success?
What: Creative Zone Volunteer (Volunteers will assist children with a fun
(and easy!) craft project designed by the Glassell Junior School)
Where: Memorial Park
When: March 22-24, 2002
To volunteer, please complete the sign-up form and return it to our office
via vol@mfah.org by Friday, March 15, 2002.
Volunteer Sign-up Form
Yes! Please sign me up to volunteer for the Bayou City Art
Festival-Creative Zone. I have marked my availability below:
___Friday, March 22, 2002
___9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
___1:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
___Saturday, March 23, 2002
___9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
___11:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
___1:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
___Sunday, March 24, 2002
___9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
___11:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
___1:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Telephone Number: |
Participate in National Fitness Week on eSpeak! Tuesday, May 15 at 10 a.m. Houston time, join Dr. Joel Bloom, Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston. Ask Dr. Bloom about topics such as the difference between sports drinks and water, myths about abdominal exercise, to breakfast or not to breakfast and much more!
Remember: You don't have to participate in the live event to get your questions answered. Go to eSpeak now and post your questions for Dr. Bloom. You can go to the eSpeak archive later and read the transcript to find your answer.
Check out the new postings in the Office of the Chairman category in eMeet. While you're there, add some thoughts of your own to any of the ongoing discussions. Visit eMeet today!
Do you know what hollow core fiber is? Would you like to know? Stop by the Idea Vault at the ThinkBank and find out! Haven't been there in a while? You have some catching up to do, then!
ethink.enron.com |
---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000
01:13 PM ---------------------------
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To: jh306@netzero.net, dora_thurmond@uniteddc.com, jcutaia@tupac.com,
cbburrell@juno.com, Rbobo@iservco.com,
"Melissa Rodriguez" <Melissa.Rodriguez@enron.com>,
"Maria Sandoval" <Maria.Sandoval@enron.com>,
"Sandra R McNichols" <Sandra.R.McNichols@enron.com>,
"Diane Salcido" <Diane.Salcido@enron.com>,
"Angela Barnett" <Angela.Barnett@enron.com>,
"Regina Blackshear" <Regina.Blackshear@enron.com>,
"Angela Gill" <Angela.Gill@enron.com>,
"Warren Perry" <Warren.Perry@enron.com>,
"Eve Puckett" <Eve.Puckett@enron.com>,
"Leslie Smith" <Leslie.Smith@enron.com>,
"Lisa Shoemake" <Lisa.Shoemake@enron.com>,
"Amber Ebow" <Amber.Ebow@enron.com>,
"Derick Jones" <Derick.Jones@enron.com>,
"Veronica I Arriaga" <Veronica.I.Arriaga@enron.com>,
"Rose Botello" <Rose.Botello@enron.com>,
"Judy Walters" <Judy.Walters@enron.com>,
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Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 12:32:30 -0500
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Subject: Virus Alert
> > > > >> > >> Subject: FW: HEALTH ALERT!!!!!
> > > > >> > >>
> > > > >> > >>
> > > > >> > >> > >Health Concern
> > > > >> > >> > >
> > > > >> > >> > >
> > > > >> > >> > >
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> > > > >> > >> > >
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thanks for the heads up. Please mention in Steve's staff meeting on Monday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lindberg, Lorraine
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:29 AM
To: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: RE: Bullets, please
No bullets just an FYI for you.
El Paso Field Services called this week to inquire whether TW?Enron would consider selling off any of its assets. I spoke with Gina Tylor about who to refer this question to and she said Eric's group. Kevin and I called EPFS back and they are interested specifically in buying the Atoka and Crawford laterals. While such a sale of assests would have a big impact on TW, it's alittle too early to tell if EPFS is serious. I'll keep you posted.
-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:16 AM
To: Lindberg, Lorraine; Lohman, TK; McConnell, Mark; Y'barbo, Paul
Subject: Bullets, please
Bullets, please. |
I didn't get a fax with the July bank statement on Friday. Can you refax it
to 713 646 2391
Phillip |
Attached is a revised ENA telephone list. Thanks to everyone who provided me
with updated information. Your cooperation was greatly appreciated.
Please keep me apprised of any future changes. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin P Radous/Corp/Enron on 05/16/2001 09:40 AM ---------------------------
From: Kevin P Radous on 05/16/2001 09:40 AM
To: Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Peoples and North Shore
As far as I am concerned, the deals in question are with the Aruba Supply book which is being managed in Houston.
I have no control over that book.
Patrick Ryder (who is on vacation until May 18) is aware of the issue and was working on it the last time we talked.
If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.
<Embedded StdOleLink> |
-----Original Message-----
From: Will Babin [mailto:wbabin@stic.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 6:22 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@mailman.enron.com;
Subject: Air Force?? |
Will you be sending confirm letters on these Modesto deals, or just verbally
confirming them? Could you let Sharen or myself know so we can get something
on record with the Confirms group in Houston?
---------------------- Forwarded by Kate Symes/PDX/ECT on 03/01/2001 09:27 AM
From: Sharen Cason 03/01/2001 09:29 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Modesto deals
Thanks and yes, we will need copies of the letters. If she could send us the
same copy she sends to the counterparty, then we can put it into our files
and we won't have to call her repeatedly when we are trying to get a signed
copy from the counterparty for the files.
Kate Symes 03/01/2001 10:32 AM
To: Sharen Cason/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Modesto deals
Diana just told me that these deals are NOT supposed to be confirmed. She's
taking care of that. Let me know if you need copies of the letters or if
you'd like to speak to Diana directly.
From: Sharen Cason 03/01/2001 07:14 AM
To: Kate Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: Modesto deals
There are four deals on the no report that look like they sould be
confirmed. Can you take a look at them and check to see why they are coded
not to be confirmed?
I guess you have seen the email that shows what your computer looks like when
you work in (or apparently near) California? You open it and the screen
starts moving around.
Stay well! |
Attached is the detail of the analysts we had in Energy Operations as of
5/15/00. Please let me know if you need anything else.
x3-6343 |
jsavitt@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:
The NYISO is reserving hours-beginning 0, 2, 5, and 7-23 in the 5 May 2001
real-time market to verify prices.
Prices in the 6 May 2001 Day-Ahead market are correct.
Pursuant to ECA-B the NYISO is reserving the following hours at the following
external proxy buses:
PJM: 1-5, 7
OH: 1, 4, 7
HQ: 1, 3, 4, 7
NE: 0, 1, 4, 7, 17, 18 |
The attached spreadsheet contains the list of counterparties that have been
approved by credit to trade on EOL, but have not been reviewed by legal.
Please review the list and return your comments to Bob or myself.
Thanks for you help!
Frank |
-----Original Message-----
From: Calger, Christopher F.
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 5:43 PM
To: St. Clair, Carol
Cc: Sacks, Edward; Arnold, John
Subject: RE: Terminating Trades
Ed Sacks has the list. With respect to CSFB, it sounds like we have a dispute. Trades, my understanding, can get "done" verbally and then confirmed. It sounds like we should pull the tapes. We should also think of whether the deal agreed to Friday is currently in or out of the money.
Ed, could you look into this?
-----Original Message-----
From: St. Clair, Carol
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 2:55 PM
To: Calger, Christopher F.
Cc: Rohauer, Tanya
Subject: Terminating Trades
We need to come up with a list of trades that we terminated last Friday so that we can take them out of our books. Do you have that list? Also, I spoke with "Dutch" this morning because CSFB left me a message yesterday after we filed claiming that the Friday trade was not effective. I disagree even though a confirm has not been signed. How do you want to handle this?
Carol St. Clair
EB 4539
713-853-3989 (phone)
713-646-8537 (fax)
281-382-1943 (cell phone)
8774545506 (pager)
281-890-8862 (home fax)
carol.st.clair@enron.com |
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i think we should be able to make it out on saturday for lunch. maybe around
i don't have any news on toni, she is still on a respirator but is responsive.
i'll keep you posted.
"K. Bass" <daphneco64@bigplanet.com> on 08/10/2000 01:14:34 PM
Please respond to "K. Bass" <daphneco64@bigplanet.com>
To: Eric Bass <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
Subject: Re: ENE
Yo, E-
How are you today? Just emailed Shanna. Let me know about Saturday. If
Shanna isn't up for it I'll understand. She sure has had a tough week.
Good/bad news re: Toni. Sure wish I could help out. Have a good day. LU-M
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Bass" <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
To: "K. Bass" <daphneco64@bigplanet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: ENE
> by the way, buy it now b/c it is going to 100 by year end.
> "K. Bass" <daphneco64@bigplanet.com> on 08/08/2000 09:43:24 AM
> Please respond to "K. Bass" <daphneco64@bigplanet.com>
> To: Eric Bass <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
> cc:
> Subject: Re: ENE
> Your father never listens to me, what can I say? But, I'm very happy for
> you! How are you? Any news on Aunt Toni? LU-M
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Bass" <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
> To: <lwbthemarine@bigplanet.com>; <daphneco64@bigplanet.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 9:23 AM
> Subject: ENE
> >
> >
> > As Enron reaches new highs (82), I hope you took my advice to buy it at
> 74. Did
> > you?
> >
> > -E
> >
> >
> |
Start Date: 4/13/01; HourAhead hour: 17; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.
Details: (Hour: 17 / Preferred: 12.00 / Final: 11.97)
TRANS_DATE: 4/13/01
Hey Mark, great to hear from you. I actually went to Argentina and Chile
about 5 years ago for 2 weeks and had a blast. I'd love to go back for a
longer period. I was recommending it to Linda for a new place to go.
It sounds like things are going well for you in Houston. I wish I knew you
were down there. I was down for a weekend in July. My college roommate and
his wife and their kids live there. He's a 6th? 7th? year in Skadden's
Houston office. Charles Still. Ever work with him? I'll let you know when
I'm back down there.
Have you been back to the Caribbean lately? I was back in April for a week
in the BVI. I really missed the place. Do you ever get to Chicago? Let me
know if you're going to be around. Take care.
Gregory L. Brown
Gardner, Carton & Douglas
321 North Clark Street, Suite 3400
Chicago, Illinois 60610-4795
Direct dial: 312.245.8703
Facsimile: 312.644.3381
E-mail: gbrown@gcd.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark.Taylor@enron.com [mailto:Mark.Taylor@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 8:20 PM
To: Brown, Greg - Health Atty
Subject: Hey Greg
I've been to Argentina - what can I tell you about it? We need to get
sailing soon! Ever get to Houston? I have a boat here but don't sail too
much - just working too hard. Hope you're well!
This message originates from the law firm of Gardner, Carton & Douglas. It
contains information which may be confidential or privileged and is intended
only for the individual or entity named above. It is prohibited for anyone
else to disclose, copy, distribute or use the contents of this message. All
personal messages express views solely of the sender, which are not to be
attributed to Gardner, Carton & Douglas, and may not be copied or
distributed without this disclaimer. If you received this message in error,
please notify us immediately at postmaster@gcd.com or (312) 644-3000.
============================================================================== |
The shaped schedule of:
tag #16942, was reported to PRM (scheduling coordinator for Northwest
Aluminum Company, aka NAC), incorrectly by me. Due to this lapse, PRM will
be calling
in this schedule on real time tonight. If there are any problems or
questions, please call my cell 503-702-0415, as I will not be at home for
most of the evening.
This should be seamless for realtime unless BPA raises a stink. The tag was
made correctly and was implemented, but the Excel spreadsheet I send to PRM
had some bad information on it. Sorry about that.
---------------------- Forwarded by Donald Robinson/PDX/ECT on 02/23/2001
02:41 PM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: Steve Jenkins <SJenkins@prmllp.com>
02/23/2001 02:28 PM
To: "'Donald.Robinson@enron.com'" <Donald.Robinson@enron.com>
Subject: RE: 2/24 CORRECTIONS
I was able to call in the PGE line but not the PAC line. They said it was
after 2pm but it was 1:59 by my clock!!!!!!
We will call in the PAC line change in real-time, tonight.
-----Original Message-----
From: Donald.Robinson@enron.com [mailto:Donald.Robinson@enron.com]
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:48 PM
To: sjenkins@prmllp.com; msaldivar@prmllp.com; khoang@prmllp.com;
Subject: 2/24 CORRECTIONS
(See attached file: PRM PATHS_FEB2001.xls) |
Dear Phil,
Hope you received the easement and line maps OK. We are pulling the maintenance records together and should have this done by 3/15. How does your calendar look for Friday 3/22 to meet at the Monahans office or early the week of 3/25. Prior to 3/22 I will be out of the office at a power convention in St. Louis, returning Thursday 3/21. I could then meet you at Monahans on 3/22 or sometime the following week.
let me know.
Best Regards,
Kevin Hyatt |
Mr. Chrismer,
Attached for your review is a draft of the Schedule and Paragraph 13 to the proposed ISDA Master Agreement between Enron North America Corp. and Solvay Paperboard. Please note that the actual ISDA Master Agreement and Credit Support Annex are preprinted forms from ISDA and cannot be sent electronically. Therefore, I am also sending the entire package to you via overnight delivery.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at the below number or Sara Shackleton, Assistant General Counsel, at 713-853-5620. We look forward to hearing your comments.
Stephanie Panus
Senior Legal Specialist
Enron Wholesale Services
1400 Smith Street, EB3803C
Houston, Texas 77002
ph: 713.345.3249
fax: 713.646.3490
email: stephanie.panus@enron.com |
---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Ring/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 02:02
PM ---------------------------
From: Michele Winckowski/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/23/2001 09:28 AM
To: "Bob Gerrish (E-mail)" <robary@cs.com>@SMTP@enronXgate, Andrea
Subject: FW: Fw: Only a woman could appreciate this one!!!
- MAMMO.jpg |
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I'm sorry, let me know if there is anything I can do.
-----Original Message-----
From: Maggi, Mike
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:31 PM
To: Rybarski, Amanda
Subject: RE:
stomach problems
-----Original Message-----
From: Rybarski, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:30 PM
To: Maggi, Mike
Subject: RE:
why are you going to the dr?
-----Original Message-----
From: Maggi, Mike
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:30 PM
To: Rybarski, Amanda
Subject: RE:
-----Original Message-----
From: Rybarski, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:26 PM
To: Maggi, Mike
Subject: RE:
I am not going to be able to get away...Chris is being a jerk
-----Original Message-----
From: Maggi, Mike
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:24 PM
To: Rybarski, Amanda
Subject: RE:
I am I meant at 3:45
-----Original Message-----
From: Rybarski, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:22 PM
To: Maggi, Mike
Subject: RE:
I thought you were leaving early?
-----Original Message-----
From: Maggi, Mike
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 3:16 PM
To: Rybarski, Amanda
Subject: RE:
no but I still have your stuff do you want to come and get it
-----Original Message-----
From: Rybarski, Amanda
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 2:20 PM
To: Maggi, Mike
By any chance have you found my pager in your car? |
See the attached regarding our discussions of yesterday with respect to the
ISDA contracts. Generally, transfers of financial transactions will require
consents, and other than Duke, there is little value in "same counterparty."
Mary Cook
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith, 38th Floor, Legal
Houston, Texas 77002-7361
(713) 345-7732 (phone)
(713) 646-3490 (fax)
mary.cook@enron.com |
Mr. Paul,
Jeff asked me to see if I could find out when the Homecoming is taking
place. He'd like to be there if the dates work with his schedule.
Thank you,
Sherri Sera
Assistant toJeff Skilling
713.646.8381 (fax)
"Chuck Paul" <chuck.paul@a-closer-look.com> on 05/02/2000 01:35:32 PM
Please respond to "Chuck Paul" <chuck.paul@a-closer-look.com>
To: "Jeff Skilling" <jskilli@enron.com>
Subject: MS 150/ Homecoming 2000
Jeff, how was the bike trek to Austin? Hope you raised LOTS of $$$. Great
job you are doing! My MS get together is next weekend (May 13th).
Homecoming 2000-be there! Elvis is having a party for all Beta's (big 25th
reunion) on Friday night at his house. The new stadium is supposed to be
awesome. Hope you can make it.
Keep in touch,
Chuck Paul
A Closer Look
Professional Mystery Shopping Company
Email: Chuck.Paul@A-Closer-Look.com
http://www.a-closer-look.com |
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We attach clean copies (blacklines will follow in a separate e-mail) of the
final forms of the following:
(a) Secretary's certificate for Salmon Energy LLC (naming members of ENA
board and attaching resolutions of ENA Board);
(b) GE Consent and Agreement;
(c) GE acknowledgement of receipt of funds;
(d) GE legal opinion;
(e) Salmon Promissory Note;
(f) Salmon Security Agreement.
We shall ask Paul Hastings to send to you the final forms of:
(i) the GE Guarantee;
(ii) the GE Letter of Credit;
(iii) the secretary's certificate for Salmon Energy LLC, (naming members of
Pegasus board and attaching resolutions of Pegasus Board).
The Salmon UCCs and continuation statements will follow this e-mail, as will
blacklines of the attached documents.
Kind regards
- NY003699692.DOC
- NY003701084.DOC
- NY003700033.DOC
- NY003701281.DOC
- NY003699615.DOC
- NY003700898.DOC |
here is the file from last night.
PL |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001
05:10 PM ---------------------------
Terri Greenlee@ENRON
02/12/2001 03:52 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Martin O'Leary/HOU/EES@EES, Mercy Gil/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Credit Reserve Model Meeting
The number you will need to call-in for the Credit Reserve Model Meeting on
Tuesday, February 13 at 4:00 is 713.345.3324.
If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to call me at x33565.
Thank you.
Terri Greenlee |
Are you gonna wear something cute tonight? |
I like your letter.
From: Ben F Jacoby @ ECT 05/18/2001 04:15 PM
Sent by: Ben Jacoby@ECT
To: Chris Booth/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: GE payments
My comments are as follows, and I'd like you to send a letter rather than an
Dear Jeff,
As a follow up to your letter dated May 9, 2001, upon the posting of an LC
in the amount of $965,855 representing 5% of the price of unit 1, we are
prepared to pay GE the $1,501,885 deducted from our last payment. With
respect to liquidated damages on delivery of the air filter, we reserve our
rights under the contract to exercise our offset rights at a later date.
Please let me know when you will be able to have the LC in place, and we will
make appropriate payment arrangements.
Chris Booth
Enron North America Corp.
From: Chris Booth @ ENRON 05/18/2001 02:39 PM
To: Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: GE payments
Kay and Ben,
I would like to send the following to Jeff Darst at GE via e-mail.
Dear Jeff,
Pursuant to you letter dated May 9, 2001 we are prepared to pay the deduct
for liquidated damages ($536,000) and retention deduct ($965,885) withheld
from the April 25, 2001 invoice. Payment of the deduct for the liquidated
damages claim does not constitute a withdrawal of the claim, hence, we are
not waiving our rights afforded under the contract. As stated in our letter
dated May 3, 2001, we are prepared to pay the final 5% payment for Unit 1
upon receipt of the Letter of Credit for $965,855 (5% of the price for Unit
1) and a lien release.
Chris |
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the other side backed out
"Bass, Jason" <Jason.Bass2@COMPAQ.com> on 08/16/2000 09:53:54 AM
To: "'Eric.Bass@enron.com'" <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
Subject: RE: trade
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric.Bass@enron.com [mailto:Eric.Bass@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 9:52 AM
To: Bass, Jason
Subject: RE: trade
i have to swing the other side of it , i'll let you know
"Bass, Jason" <Jason.Bass2@COMPAQ.com> on 08/16/2000 09:45:59 AM
To: "'Eric Bass'" <Eric.Bass@enron.com>
Subject: RE: trade
I will do that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Bass [mailto:Eric.Bass@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 2:04 PM
To: Bass, Jason
Subject: trade
how about the final pick in the 2nd and my third for your 2nd and your 4th |
Attached are ClickPaper approvals for December 19, 2000. Please call if you
have any questions; thanks.
Walter |
The best way to go about it would be to send the invoice to Jody, but copy
the Enron project folks you have been dealing with.
Are we ready to sign the Fountain Valley contract? I would think that we
could sign the change order at the same time, and payment terms can be
whatever the Enron project team has bought in to. The banks won't care.
Have you seen sig pages for ESA yet?
lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com on 01/03/2001 09:00:30 AM
To: Kay.Mann@enron.com
Subject: RE: invoice information/TurboPark
Please confirm that this will be the invoicing address for the 6 units bound
for Fountain Valley Project and 4 units pegged to LV Cogen Expansion. Also,
we've still got a change order needed for Fountain Valley for the 6 Power
System Stabilizers and 2 Exhaust Stacks. LV is also saying they will need 4
Power System Stabilizers, but haven't confirmed their order.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kay.Mann@enron.com [mailto:Kay.Mann@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 6:06 PM
To: lee.johnson@ss.ps.ge.com
Subject: invoice information/TurboPark
E-Next Generation LLC
Mr. Jody Pierce
1400 Smith, EB 2480
Houston, Tx 77002 |
Why is she not being promoted down there, or staying within that
01/03/2001 11:05 AM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman@ECT, Gary Hickerson@ECT
Subject: Manager Position
Are you aware of any management opportunities for Tracee's experience?
Please advise.
---------------------- Forwarded by Johnny Palmer/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
01/03/2001 11:04 AM ---------------------------
From: Cindy Skinner @ ECT 01/03/2001 10:31 AM
To: Shanna Funkhouser/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Johnny
Subject: Manager Position
Please run her resume by the EGM heads to find out their interest level.
---------------------- Forwarded by Cindy Skinner/HOU/ECT on 01/03/2001 10:34
AM ---------------------------
Janie Bonnard@EES
01/03/2001 10:01 AM
To: Shanna Funkhouser/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cindy Skinner/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Manager Position
Shanna, Cindy;
Tracee is an ESA associate who is ready to promote out of the program into a
manager level position. Could you take a look at her resume for potential
opportunities within EGM/EIM? Thank you.
---------------------- Forwarded by Janie Bonnard/HOU/EES on 01/03/2001 09:52
AM ---------------------------
Tracee Bersani@ECT
01/03/2001 09:05 AM
To: Janie Bonnard/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Manager Position
Per our telephone conversation, I am attaching my resume for your review. As
we discussed, I am seeking a permanent (Manager level) position where my
finance and origination skills would be best leveraged. I am very interested
in a role in financing and/or orginating energy deals - wholesale or retail.
If you or one of the groups interested in interviewing me require a
reference, please contact my current supervisor, Rob Gay, or current and
former colleagues Peter Anderson and Greg Blair, respectively.
Thanks again for your help and advice.
email: tracee.bersani@enron.com |
check font size
---------------------- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000
05:34 PM ---------------------------
Tanya Rohauer
01/07/2000 04:44 PM
To: Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Gaylord
Could you review the Credit Provision section for "legalese"?
---------------------- Forwarded by Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT on 01/07/2000 04:43
PM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Jarrod Cyprow 01/07/2000 04:30 PM
To: Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT
Subject: Gaylord |
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 04/19/2001
04:21 PM ---------------------------
NW on Linux <Linux@bdcimail.com> on 04/16/2001 06:20:01 PM
Please respond to Linux Help <NWReplies@bellevue.com>
To: vkamins@enron.com
Subject: Super-secret Linux
04/16/01 - Today's focus: Super-secret Linux
Dear Wincenty Kaminski,
In this issue:
* National Security Agency is bulletproofing the operating system
* Links related to Linux
* Featured reader resource
* CAREER CORNER: Mission-critical opportunities with marketplace
If a friend has forwarded this newsletter to you, why not sign-up
for your own free copy? Visit http://www.nwwsubscribe.com/FOC162
for your own free subscription.
Today's focus: Super-secret Linux
By Phil Hochmuth
Network Associates is teaming up with the National Security Agency,
the government's top electronic cryptography and spying institution,
to help the agency fine-tune its highly secure version of Linux. The
goal is to create a version of Linux that is impervious to outside
Security Enhanced Linux, or SELinux, is a project under development
by the NSA to create a version of the operating system that is more
secure than the commercial distributions of Linux available from
software vendors and the open-source community. The PGP Security
division of Network Associates is working with the NSA to modify the
Linux source code so that applications running on a Linux server or
PC have reduced access to a Linux machine's underlying operating
system. The aim is to give Linux servers the ability to shirk off
"buffer overrun" and "format string" attacks, which take advantage of
loose ends in Linux applications to access a server's core operating
system and shut it down. A Linux worm dubbed "Lion" was recently
identified as using this method to hack Linux servers.
NSA has worked with other software firms to shore up other weaknesses
in the operating system. Secure Computing has worked on the SELinux
project to add its Type Enforcement technology to SELinux. Type
Enforcement protects the operating system and applications by
segmenting them into security "domains" with specifications on what
types of files can be accessed by each domain. (For example, this
could be used to prevent access to a configuration file through an
application, such as Apache Web server). NSA is also working with
VMWare to come up with a more secure user permissions system for
allowing users with different security access to work on the same
The good news for Linux users who are not high-level NSA operatives
is that SELinux will be released to the open-source community once
finished. This means that commercial Linux vendors could include
SELinux security enhancements in future releases, resulting in more
bulletproof Linux Web and database servers in enterprises.
To contact Phil Hochmuth:
Phil Hochmuth is a staff writer for Network World, and
a former systems integrator. You can reach him at
Get the source code for SELinux
Check out a site with Linux security tools and tips
PGP working with NSA on Linux security prototype - Network World,
Breaking Linux news from Network World and around the 'Net,
updated daily: http://www.nwfusion.com/topics/linux.html
Archive of the Linux newsletter:
Buyer's Guides
Researching for a purchase? Check out Network World Fusion's
Buyer's Guides. Whether you're researching VPN products or SAN
switches or wireless LAN gear, these guides provide reviews and
compare vendors head to head. See the list of guides at:
CAREER CORNER presented by http://www.ITcareers.com
Technology business trends are shifting, but job creation is
still high. Register with LeadersOnline and let our web-based
recruiting service bring exceptional Linux opportunities your
way. With positions ranging from $75-200K, we work with the
best companies on their mission-critical jobs. LeadersOnline is
just what you'd expect from Heidrick & Struggles, the world's
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Copyright Network World, Inc., 2001
This message was sent to: vkamins@enron.com |