I'm somewhat of a night owl. I go to bed pretty late Really? Yup. I actually function very well at night. In several countries early birds are called 'A' people and night owls 'B' people. Especially Scandanavia I have not heard that before
[ "'night owl' is actually from the primary nocturnal habits of owls!" ]
There are many people who are orphans, including world leaders, writers, entertainment greats, science and business figures, and many fictional characters. Yes, I suppose that's a good point. Do you have any specific examples of that? Or more you could tell me about orphans or orphanages in general?
[ "An orphan is a child who is bereft due to their parents death, disappearance, abandonment, or desertion." ]
Do you know that Iceland is a Nordic island country of Europe located in the North Atlantic Ocean? I did know that but I don't know a lot about Iceland itself. It would shock you to know that it is the most sparsely populated country in Europe. That does, I know it is a very popular tourist destination! What is the population? Im not sure but what I can tell you is that the capital and largest city is Reykjavík. That is interesting, what else is cool about Iceland?
[ "Landnámabók\", the settlement of Iceland began in 874 AD" ]
i love tennis I do, too! Striving to keep the ball out of your opponents reach is great fun and takes great skill. i watch it on tv but playing is more fun
[ "I agree. Watching is enjoyable to see the experts, but playing is great for personal health and exercise. Very little has changed in the rules of tennis since 1890." ]
I love hockey sport ,which two teams play against each other,though i prefer football I like hockey also but I love football We also have the Field hockey is a team sport o. Tell me more about the Field hockey Before that ,we also have the .such as bandy, field hockey and ice hockey. I love ice hockey
[ "Yeah ,its another type of hockey sport thatIce hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber ." ]
I accidently had cheese in my salad dressing the other night and it was gross! You don't like cheese, or just don't like cheese in salad dressing? I love goat cheese in salads, as I think it gets me some protein in my salad. You're right, it is a really good source of protein but I just hate the flavor. I stopped eating any type of cheese 30 years ago. I'm so sorry! I love love love cheese! I love when they add things like pepper or garlic or cranberries. YUM. Does it make you sick, or you just don't like the flavor? Everybody tells me they love cheese and that's about the time I tell them that I order pizza with zero cheese on it, HA! I don't like the cheese that has molds on the rind, or outer layer. But other cheese is my favorite! It doesn't make me sick but I don't understand how mold tastes good? It's an oxymoron to me.
[ "Yeah, I agree. Most cheese melts at cooking temperature, but I still don't want mold in my food. Even if it's melted! Yick." ]
I'd really like to become a veterinary physician one day, are you good with animals? A lot of them work in clinicial settings - my daughter would like to be one. Yeah I'm looking toward the clinical route too. Do you know what kind of schooling your daughter is going to attend?
[ "Probably undergrad in animal science and then vet school. Probably general practice to treat all types of animals." ]
I love to sing. Have you ever been in a Choir? no, but i really enjoy listening to choral music It's one of the oldest art forms in the world. People seem to live it around the holiday's.
[ "I just really love how choirs may perform classic music and something modern and popular" ]
Cake is so delicious.
[ "Cake is super great, especially when it is sweet and well baked." ]
What do you think about the tiny house movement? I think it is cool, especially with all the costs that come with large houses
[ "yes, basically it advocates living simply in small homes" ]
I like potatoes, do you? I do like potatos which is a starchy perennial nightshade family I like to make potatoes into french fries. Oh, who doesn't like french fries and potatoes have become a staple food in many parts of the world and a integral part of much of the worlds food supply I like to fry them in my air fryer.
[ "oh that sounds yummy. Potatoes are the worlds fourth-largest food crop, following maize, wheat, and rice" ]
I like to listen to Kid Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie. He is an American singer/rapper born in 1971. I love Kid Rock. Only God Knows Why is one of my favorite songs ever! That's a great song. My favorite album is "Devil Without a Cause" which was his 4th. There are some great songs on there. Yes! That album is classic! What year did that come out again?
[ "It was released in 1998 and incorporated rap, country, and hard rock in his style. \"Bawitdaba\" became very popular on radio stations." ]
Cheese is so good, do you like it? Yes I have been raised on it and love it. It offers so many flavors, textures, and forms. Yes it's so diverse, I think that's why it is beloved by many
[ "I agree, one of the only downsides is health I think. Cheese comprises proteins and fat from milk." ]
My husband is the best lawyer in the world, he is a person who practices law, as a advocate, barrister, attorney. Is he cute? I'm looking for a new husband myself. He is taken, unfortunately :D working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories, so he is smart he will not cheat :D I read somewhere that people with higher IQs tend to stick to one partner, instead of sleeping around.
[ "thats true, i thin the same for myself, the meaning of the term \"lawyer\" may vary from place to place." ]
Have you ever owned a BMW before, I have heard great things about them No, too expensive for my taste. BMW is a German car company and it stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke which mean Bavarian Motor Works in English. I never knew that, that is very interesting, are they pretty popular in Germany Yes, but they also produce vehicles in Brazil, China, India, South Africa, and the U.S I see, so do they product SUVS, compact cars, trucks or just sedans
[ "The produce every kind of car and they also produce motorcycles under the brand BMW Motorrad." ]
i enjoy picking fruit. fruit picking is a season activity that occurs during the harvest time in areas with fruit growing wild or being farmed in orchards What is considered harvest time? Is it just a set time every year? it really just depends on the type of fruit you are picking. they also have harvest festivals that are annual celebrations that occur around the time of the main harvest of that region That is neat. So what types of fruits are picked? Apple picking is a big fruit in the US. Apple orchards are even open to the public in some areas that allow customers to pick their own apples or they can also purchase pre-picked apples Are there certain parts of the US that are especially known for their apple orchards? Yes, apple picking is very popular in the midwest of the united states of america Is that also were apple cider comes from? I really enjoyed drinking that as a kid.
[ "well it does come from apples! cider is basically unfiltered, unsweetened, non-alcoholic beverage made directly from apples." ]
I love sewing with my needle and thread. Is there something that you prefer sewing? Yes I prefer sewing buttons or other crafts. What types of crafts?
[ "I really prefer the folk style crafts." ]
I like to think of myself as a computer repair technician because I've fixed some of the issues with my computer. Oh that must be very helpful. What does a computer technician actually do though? Well, it's actually a pretty broad job description but they repair and maintain computers and servers. I see, nowadays computers mostly come in the form of laptops and tablets don't they? Yes, most computer technicians prefer fixing laptops over tablets though. I'm assuming because laptops have a common comuter configuration that they are used to like the power supply, motherboard, etc. That makes sense, though I am not familiar with terms like motherboard. What is a motherboard?
[ "A motherboard aka the mainboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) found in general purpose computers." ]
Blue is one of the three primary colors and is my favorite color I absolutely love blue. My favorite shades of blue are teal/turquoise and cerulean When it comes to primary colors blue is the best, i really like turquoise and teal as well Yes I know technically it isn't really blue, but it is blue and green mixed together.
[ "Blue is so amazing because you get such great shades when mixed with green or violet though" ]
i like burritos, i can not lie. Do you like the tortilla lightly grilled or steamed? Steaming it makes it easier to adhere to itself when wrapped. i think lightly grilled might be the best or maybe even fried sometimes! In Mexico, meat and refried beans are usually the only fillings. oh i didnt know that, what else can you tell me about them
[ "In the US, burritos can be filled with lots of different things such as rice, boiled beans, refried beans, lettuce, salsa, meat, cheese, sour cream, and more!" ]
Hello are you a night owl? Someone who stays up later than midnight? Hi. Sometimes I am. Depends. They feel more energetic in the evenings before sleep. I sometimes experience this as well. Do many people suffer from it?
[ "A lot of people would consider themselves night owls. They often have trouble performing at work the following day. Have you experienced this?" ]
I have recently became a vegetarian. What do you think about it? I think that is a good move! Vegetarianism is often a choice for many people for many different reasons, mine, is to decrease the consumption of hormones and other chemicals that meat might have. Have you considered it? I am already a vegan, for environmental reasons. There are different kinds of vegans as there are several different categories of it, which one is yours? Not completely strict, but no animal products in food or clothes. So you are an ethical vegan you would say? As you extend it to other areas of your life. That is a good description, although I am not obsessive about it.
[ "Are you against the practices when producing meat? Are you concerned about animal welfare and rights?" ]
I love my favorite Chocolate . made of theobroma cacao" seeds, roasted and ground. What is your favorite chocolate I'm a white chocolate kind of girl but as far as milk chocolate I only eat snickers I love the taste of M & M"s chocolate. M&M's are "colorful button-shaped chocolates", each of which has the letter "m" printed in lower case on one side. I will eat M & M's but only a few but they can't be the ones with peanuts in them.
[ "Peanut butter is added to chocolate ,it contains additional ingredients that modify the taste" ]
Spaghetti and meatballs is the greatest American dish! It consists of spaghetti, tomato sauce, and meatballs. Wow that's interesting, was spaghetti discovered in america? No but spaghetti with meatballs was a 20th century innovation of Italian immigrants in New York City. How is spaghetti made?
[ "It is made of milled wheat and rolled into a thin sheet before being cut." ]
I use headphones all the time, both earbuds and headsets alike, since they let me listen to music without others hearing. I too use headphones from time to time. It helps me shout off the rest of the world.
[ "So many people use headphones nowadays, or what some people call earspeakers, earphones, or even cans!" ]
My boyfriend wants to take me fishing! Oh no! Does that mean I have to put worm on a hook?? Typically a fisherman would if you want to catch something you need to, but you can catch things without bait with the right lure. Well that's a relief! I do want to be a good fisherman, but worms are so gross! Depending on the type of fish you are going for you can use different bait. My grandfather swears by marshmellows and peanut butter for cat fish. I don't know...I think I'd end up eating the marshmallows and peanut butter! That sounds yummy! if you like that I think you may like peanut butter and banana sandwich with marshmallow. I love peanut butter and banana sandwiches! I'm eating one right now! Before I go fishing! Maybe you should save some of that sandwich for your hook and you will catch something. Hey, great idea! I'll save the crusts and put them in a baggie and take them fishing with me! I bet I catch a big one!
[ "If you cant be a fisherman that way, try catching them with a net." ]
Im studying radiology in school, radiology is the science that uses medical imaging to diagnose people. That's interesting. What kinds of medical imaging do you study?
[ "Well I want to do Interventional radiology it used to treat and image patients." ]
As a small child my siblings and I would walk down the road a ways to a small hill and take turns going down the hill on a skateboard. It was so much fun. That sounds very fun and somewhat dangerous.. It was both. Thank the good Lord we never got hurt. Have you ever been on a skateboard? I have been on a skateboard, but it was a long time ago when I was a kid.
[ "I find it interesting the skateboarding will be a part of the 2020 Olympics." ]
Hello, how are you today? I'm good just learning more about nursing home care Oh I volunteer at a nursing home! It's very important to take care of the elderly. Oh cool! I thinks it's good they've started smaller nursing homes, gives more individual care I agree. There are too many cases of elderly abuse and neglect. They've gotten more strict about nursing home resident rights like in florida Really? That's good to hear. Types of rights protected include: dignity, medical privacy, dietary, also visitation rights. Among other rights they now have. It make me feel a bit better about it. Definitely. Now they need to make stricter laws regarding hiring.
[ "They've made it to where they can make complaints and be protected. It still won't stop everything because what about the ones that can't speak out.... so sad" ]
I love the rock band, Linkin Park. I liked some of their music. One of their members died recently, right? Yes, Chester Bennington. Suicide, I think. Sad. What's your favorite song of theirs?
[ "I like many but my favorite is probably In the End." ]
I know three languages English , French and Spanish.
[ "Awesome! Spanish is considered the second-most spoken native language. How long have you been fluent in Spanish?" ]
The Navy is almost never mentioned compared to the Army and Marines where I'm from. Yea the navy or maritime force isnt much up for discussion or popularity even though sea based war is so big Agreed, maritime war is so big yet it is really under exaggerated at times. Yep the navy is a branch of the armed forces and used for naval battle but isnt much of a thing So what makes them so different? Do they just train for sea combat and train to use boats instead of other equipment? The entire strategic point of the navy is to protect the borders and shores of a country That makes sense, since all borders eventually end up at some form of water, at least continental wise.
[ "Yep the strategic defense of the navy is a big part of it" ]
I love a good salad. Especially with romaine lettuce. Romaine lettuce is more tolerant of heat. Me too! Interesting, yeah because iceberg lettuce gets all brown and gross and junk
[ "Lettuce is mostly used in salads, but can be found in other foods. Such as soups, sandwiches, and tacos." ]
hi, Radiohead are an English rock band
[ "Thats right from Abingdon, Oxfordshire. Formed around 1985." ]
I really enjoy vacations to the beach. It's a landform along a body of water consisting of sand. Yes I love going to the beach too The beach has loose particles everyone on it. Those particles consist of gravel, sand, pebbles, shingle, or cobblestones. I prefer a beach with mostley white sand on it. Along with sands, some beaches have man made features like lifeguard posts, showers, and changing rooms. And of course the most important part of the beach is the beautiful sea. Absolutely! There are also wild beaches which are untouched and have preserved nature. I would be a little scare there though, in case there shark or other dangerous animals.
[ "Yes sharks could be dangerous. The earliest sharks were actually discovered more than 420 million years ago!" ]
Hi there, I enjoy deep sea diving, what about you? I think it is risky but I would do it. They use Atmospheric diving suits to isolate the diver from the ambient pressure. Yes, they have unique suits designed for functionality and efficiency.
[ "The under water environment can impose severe stress on the diver." ]
Starbuck company is established in 77 countries. Interesting since it was founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971. This coffee shop serves hot and cold drinks. Do you have a favorite? Have you heard of "second wave coffee" I really like iced tea. No, I haven't heard of «second wavw coffee». What is it ? second wave coffee is what starbucks says they are. It means they are better then everyone else in taste I wonder what is the secret behind their recipe. I think it's that all the coffee that make is based on lighter roast's. Gives it a better taste. I heard that lighter roast coffee has more caffeine. I wonder it it's true.
[ "Caffeine is the most psychoactive drug in the world. But I do not think the coffee roast had to do much with the caffeine anymore." ]
Alcoholism seems to be a big problem in this country. Too many people suffer from alcohol abuse and dependence. Do you agree? Absolutely. I think some people deny that it is a problem for them which just causes more problems, and then others dont know its a problem when it is.
[ "I agree. Alcohol is particularly dangerous because it can affect the brain, heart, liver, pancreas and even your immune system. It's amazing the damage it can do to someone's body." ]
Pizza is my favorite food! Do you like pizza? I absolutely love pizza! There's nothing better than a nice warm flatbread with some spicy tomato sauce and lots of cheese! I agree! When was pizza invented? Probably some time around the 10th century. Pizza was thought to have been invented in the southern Italian town of Gaeta. Wow! I had no idea it was that old! DO you like deep dish or thin crust? I like thin crust pizza with pepperoni. Are there any vegetables or meats that you like to use on your pizza? I like any kind of meat on my pizza! I like chicken, pepperoni, bacon....etc.! One of my favorite things about pizza is how it's so readily available. On nights that I don't feel like cooking, I can use my local pizza delivery! It's the best. Yeah, I do that often as well. Is pizza enjoyed all over the world or is it more of an American/Italian thing?
[ "It's definitely popular all over the world, although some areas have created their own local variants." ]
I love bagels! so good They're so tasty! They originally came from Jewish communities in Poland. Wow I did not know that! I like that they are so dense. One will fill me up. Any other info on them?
[ "Part of what makes them so dense and tasty is that they are boiled for a short time before baked." ]
NASCAR is a pretty interesting American business. yea it is tho im not into it Same here. It stands for The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. oh really i didnt know that They also sanction and govern multiple auto-racing sports events. oh yea? do you know who founded it?
[ "It was founded by Bill France Sr. back in 1948." ]
I'm employed as a computer repair technician. I'm finding that more and more people are ditching their home computers for cell phones and tablets, business ha been tough! That makes sense. People are always on their phones now. I guess with changing technologies its good that we can work in both private and the public sector. Companies havent ditched their computers yet. Yeah, I work in healthcare and we use computers all the time still. Colleges and universities now offer specialized programs that teach people how to become computer repairmen? Do they? I've learned basic repair online and built my own computer from online guides.
[ "YEah a lot of people learn on their own and acquire most of the needed skills for the professions. Experienced technicians can work in a variety of fields like data recovery, administration and information systems. Endless possibilities!" ]
I love the way historical fiction can pull you even deeper into a story. Isabel Allende is one of my favorite authors in that she combines that + magical realism. If you have ever seen an old school movie. Then you have come across a historical fiction. As they are a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. Depends on if the movie is based in fact though, you know? It can be *set* in the past, but not necessarily historically correct. Right. They can be applied to work in theatre, opera, cinema and television, as well as video games and graphic novels Do you have a media that you prefer? I've noticed more graphic novels -- there's one that tells the story of the Buddha quite beautifully. I like historical ones. One thing to note with these genre is that it pays special attention to the manners, social conditions and other details of the period depicted. Historical fiction
[ "Yes, the writers allows you to interpret and better understand how you the reader might have responded to their environments." ]
I really want to live in Iceland. It's a European Nordic Island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. Ive been curious about Iceland lately. Does it have a high population? Id want to visit there some day. Actually, it is the most sparsely populated country in Europe. Oh wow thats wild, What are the best tourists spots in Iceland? Any recommendations? It is volcanically active so there are lots of volcanoes and hot springs! Oh neat! Id love to go see some hot springs and maybe a volcano. But I wouldnt get too close. Does it always stay cold in Iceland? Even though it has a high latitude, it is warmed by the Gulf Stream so the climate is temperate. Oh cool so I guess that I wont have to wear a very heavy winter coat then, Any other Iceland facts that I need to know?
[ "Well, the interior has mountains, glaciers, and lava fields." ]
Have you heard of PETA? Its the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I have heard of them. I just dont know all that much about them. Well, they're an American animal rights organization. When were they started? Not too long ago actually. They were founded in March 1980 by Newkirk and fellow animal rights activist Alex Pacheco. Oh I see. What else should I know about them? Nowadays they focus on opposition to factory farming, fur farming, and animal testing. So you should consider supporting them. How would one go about learning more about them?
[ "You can start by reading up on the Animal Welfare Act and raising awareness about animal rights in your area." ]
My cousin used to play softball, it's a variant of baseball that is played with a larger ball. It looks like a fun sport. I think it will be in the 2020 Summer Olympics. Oh that sounds like fun. I was surprised when I learned that it was invented as an indoor game originally back in 1887. It makes sense because why else mess with baseball lol. I think now most of the players are women. Yes it has been generally known as a women's game earning it many nicknames such as indoor baseball, mush ball, playground, softball, kitten ball and ladies' baseball. I really like the move "A League of Their Own" which documented female softball players taking over during World War II.
[ "Wow that sounds really cool I'm going to have to check that out later. Softball is pretty popular, the World Baseball Softball Confederation regulates rules of play in more than 110 countries." ]
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo and I'm a bit nervous - do you know if it hurts to get one?
[ "Yeah it hurts a little bit depending on where you get it but are you wanting a decorative, symbolic, or simply pictorial?" ]
I lived in Florda for about 15 mos. It is an alligator infested, flat, humid swamp with the lowest high point of any US state. Never again. Haha! I live in Florida now! I've been here for 33 years. I love the beaches! They are nice; it has the longest coastline in the lower 48. I'm surprised you haven't gotten sick of the beach though. I did after just over a year. No, I never could. My local beach is only 7 miles away and it's gorgeous. Beautiful blue water! How long has Florida been a state? You'd think I would know that! It was in 1845. It is also the 3rd most populous state. I believe it! It does feel pretty crowded down here, especially when the snow birds come in the winter. Yup, its subtropical climate near Miami (where I lived) attracts many visitors. I lived in Miami for 6 months. I hated it. No wonder you hate the state! Haha! How many people live in Florida?
[ "Over 20m people! It is also the 8th most densely populated state. Not many people live inland though." ]
A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa Oh, I love Roses! Especially the smell! yes they belong to the family Rosaceae, and also classified by the flower it bears. That is cool! What else do you know about roses, I am interested.... Rose has over a hundred species and thousands of cultivars. Yeah, there are so many colors to choose from!
[ "Yes there are, erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles." ]
I don't like to draw much; as an engineering student, though, I do a lot of technical drawing. That may be the wrong career for you then haha, but I am sure it is worth it. I am bad at drawing but still try sometimes!
[ "Maybe lol. The main difference is that artistic drawing is conveying emotion, while technical drawing conveys facts." ]
I really enjoy being a fisherman and trying to catch new types of fish.
[ "Me too! There are about 38 million commercial and subsistence fisherman in the world!It is pretty popular!" ]
Pizza is such a good Italian dish. Absolutely! I like pizza and Italian food. I love the classic with tomato sauce and cheese on it. I like deep dish pizza! Same here, deep dish with the loads of cheese and sauce. Where is your favorite deep dish pizza from? Probably normal Chicago deep dish pizza, I love all the sauce they put on top. For sure. Have you tried a veggie deep dish?
[ "Well cheese and tomato sauce isn't really meaty." ]
I enjoy Las Vegas. My wife and I went there on our honeymoon. I love Vegas due to the gambling and shopping. It's a fun place for sure. Always something going on. Yes, It is the 28th most populated city in the US. I didn't realize that. Would be an interesting place to live. Yes, if you do live there you have to visit The Las Vegas Valley I bet it's a beautiful place.
[ "Yes the mountains are beautiful and basin area is also." ]
I love Golden Retrievers as a choice of a dog for a pet. You ever own one? No I have never owned one, but it would be nice. I do know that they have a distinctive love of water. Yes they do. My dog would always fetch a stick or toy form the lake or ocean.
[ "Really, that's cool. I hear that they are easy to train." ]
I use reddit all the time, i love the discussions and content on there I also use reddit all the time too, it's a pretty great curator of the news. Yea and while the content can be a bit biased on reddit sometimes i still use it for news and stuff I would say the comments can be pretty biased but subreddits like news, and worldnews aggregate the important stories of the day. worldnews on reddit can be very biased tho deleting certain news to fit their narrative but i still really like reddit and its content We will just have to agree to disagree I guess. I still find that by following those subreddits I don't miss any of the important news of the day.
[ "Yea you still get the news and content you need from reddit, it can have some great discussions but some horrible ones too" ]
I drive a Honda. Do you like the cars? honda is a great car and motorcycle manufacturer Really? I didn't know they made motorcycles too. What's their most popular motorcycle? Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959 actually so they are quite big, they make a lot of models Okay wow. I need to get out more I guess. I have a Honda civic. honda makes some of the best reliable cars and motorcyles like the civic and accord Yes, they are very reliable. I've had mine for 5 years with minimal issues. When did they company first start? honda was first started in 1948 Interesting. What was their first vehicle that they sold?
[ "Honda became the second-largest Japanese automobile manufacturer and the accord is the most popular" ]
I found mollusc shells on the beach yesterday. Oh nice, which beach did you find the shells on? Just on a beach in San Diego. That's neat. Are there usually a lot of mollusc shells there? Yes, you can find them on land and in the freshwater. Neat. I don't live close to any bodies of water myself, so I never see that kind of thing! So you have never lived along the coast? That's right. I've always lived in a suburban kind of area. A trip to the beach takes a few hours of driving. It must be nice to live close to a beach.
[ "It is because they have all sorts of resorts and restaurants nearby, it's very fun." ]
I still love listening to my old phonograph vinyl records. I used to have a lot of records. I can't believe the phonograph was invented back in 1877. As of 2017 there were only 48 record pressing facilities remaining in the whole world, only 18 in the United States. Wow. That is crazy. They were originally commonly made from shellac. They didn't start using polyvinyl until the 1950's. I was pretty sad in the 80's when CD's kind of took over, and vinyl pretty much left the market in 1991, but have since made a slight come back, thank goodness!
[ "Yes, me as well. But, a 12-inch diameter record could only play less then 5 minutes per side, compared to a CD, which can play for a lot longer." ]
Philosophy is my favourite course in college Although I was never big on it, I know Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Sure,all other courses emanated from philosophy. What are your thoughts on Romanian philosophy? Romanian philosophy, tell me about it.Never knew philosophy cuts across continents
[ "A name, Romanian philosophy, covers either a) the philosophy done in Romania or by Romanians, or b) an ethnic philosophy, which expresses at a high level the fundamental features of the Romanian spirituality, or which elevates to a philosophical level the Weltanschauung of the Romanian people, as deposited in language and folklore, traditions, architecture and other linguistic and cultural artifacts." ]
I am a farmer and live on the breeding of animals That sounds like a lot of hard work. What type of animals do you breed? Mostly fungus-growing ants, for the purpose of agriculture. It really is a lot of hard work! How long does it take for an ant to reproduce? Do you keep them inside?
[ "I keep them in a plantation. I also use agrochemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers to speed it up. I keep them outside in the sun" ]
i love watching greys anatomy, the American medical drama TV from that aired first in 2005. Have you ever seen it? no but its quite popular It's good. The title comes from the name of an anatomy text book published in 1858 by Henry Gray. It's pretty interesting to read. huh i didnt know that Yeah, the series is set in Seattle and filmed in Los Angeles. It has a pretty big following. yea it was more popular like 10 years ago tho True. The original title of the show was "Complications" to reference the complicated medical things that they do, but it was changed. good choice, horrible first name
[ "They even tried to make the show very racially diverse. I guess there are still some areas that have racism so they felt it necessary to make a point about the issue." ]
I love listening to country music, which comes from blues, but don't know much about it. Oh yeah? What do you find most interesting about country music? I love the folk lyrics and the banjos and acoustic guitars. Do you enjoy it? I enjoy some folk music, and some bluegrass stuff, but I cannot STAND modern country music. It's just too pop-ish for my taste.
[ "Yes, popular music has an effect on our global culture, and that includes country crossover music." ]
I grew up in a rural area. Whenever someone drove down the street that we didn't know, we would wonder what they were doing there. Since they were in an area outside of the cities, they were probably lost lol! Certainly could have been, or visiting someone. It was a peaceful place, but I live in an urban area now because I hate driving.
[ "Yes, due to the low population density, there would be more driving in rural areas" ]
I love spicy food! I put cayenne pepper on everything I love spices too. Now, some like herbs (leaves, flowers, or stems), but I am like you, I prefer the spices (seeds, fruit, root, or bark). Other than cayenne pepper, what other spices do you enjoy? I really love Dill! I love to put it on baked potatoes I like the sweet potato myself. I do like baked potatoes, too. Anyway, sometimes the leaves and shoots of sweet potatoes are eaten as greens. Have you ever eaten sweet potato? Yes! I love to roast sweet potatoes with olive oil and different spices Spices are great! Not only for flavor, but also for their antimicrobial properties. Spices are mainly grown in warmer climates; so I am thankful to have them in the colder climate where I live. I didn't now about antimicrobial properties of spices! That's good to know
[ "Yes; sometimes spices are used in medicines. Egyptians even used herbs and spices for mummification." ]
I am on Reddit all the time! I love reddit, its my favortie web site to use, great discussion on there. I who created it. I bet they are very rich.
[ "It was founded by roomates steve huffman and alexis ohanian" ]
I have a husky names Rusty, Do you have any dogs? I have three! A rat terrier, a boston terrier and a small mix. Huskies are so pretty though - they are the fastest dogs. i did not know that but it makes sense It's one of the ways they differentiate them from other sled-dog types by their fast pulling style I would never want my dog to do that lol. do they compete in it like a sport sled racing?
[ "yes Huskies are actually used in sled dog racing!" ]
Have you ever eaten a ground beef based meat loaf or anything like that? Yes I have eaten many beef based dishes But have you ever eaten it in a loaf shape? yes I have eaten it in a loaf shape. You should try it in a bread machine. They are appliances usually used for bread making, but if you put meat in instead, hooooboy I did not know you could put meat in a bread machine. Would you still put dough in it?
[ "You totally could but that dish would be more of a dumping at that point, Both are great honestly" ]
I have a pet parrot, he is a handful!
[ "Parrots are so beautiful. Many of them are quite vividly colored and some are even multi-colored." ]
What do you think about being a vegetarian? I would have problems abstaining from meat I would too, I eat too much bacon, steak, and chicken to ever stop
[ "I am motivated for health reasons limit the amount of meat I eat. I do LOVE MY BACON though!" ]
Hey, nice to meet you. Have you ever driven a Honda Civic? I was so surprised how well they drive!
[ "are you refering to the line of cars manufactured by honda automobiles? You can't be serious. They ALL drive well? You surely have not driven them all, you liar." ]
I know it's not the healthiest thing I can eat, but I really love McDonald's cheeseburgers and french fries! McDonald's is great, but I agree it should be eaten in moderation. So yummy! McDonald's actually started in 1940 as a restaurant by Richard and Maurice McDonald! Everyone thinks Ray Kroc was the creator of McDonald's, but he didn't come along until later. Oh wow, they've really been in business for a long time. Did they start with a hamburger? They started as a restaurant, but rebranded their business into a hamburger stand! They've come a long way, haven't they? They sure have! What else can you tell me about their history?
[ "After the McDonald's had opened a few locations, businessman Ray Kroc joined the company as a franchise agent. He later went on to purchase the chain from the McDonald's brothers and quickly expanded nationwide. Now there are McDonald's location operating all over the globe!" ]
I've been skating boarding now for 25 years and love it. Do you skate? I did for a bit when I was in middle school. It's cool how it will be in the 2020 Olympics.\ I didn't know that. I wonder if it will be street skating or half pipe? Hopefully both, that would be interesting. Many of the tricks are so cool it could even be called art in my opinion. I agree. I wonder when it first started?
[ "Not sure, but the first skateboards were wooden boards with roller skate wheels attached!" ]
Long hair is a hairstyle where the head hair is allowed to grow Who are those with long hair? what constitutes long hair can change from culture to culture, or even within cultures. So what culture are we talking about?
[ "for instance,a woman with chin-length hair in some cultures may be said to have short hair, while a man with the same length of hair in some of the same cultures would be said to have long hair." ]
Hello! Do you like to draw? I do! I also play No Man's Sky, a game that looks like a drawing; it is built around exploration, survival, combat, and trading. Oh wow! No Man's Sky, huh? I'll have to check it out. I love games that have nice artistic renderings. Yes, you can play in a procedurally generated universe, with 18 quintillion planets. That is really way more planet's than my mind can handle right now! Let me ask you this - would you into outer space if you could? I would, in fact I really like space flight simulation games, which let you experience space flight. I don't think I would. I like it right here on Earth. I might enjoy an undersea simulation game. You know, if I could feel like a whale.
[ "Yes, I like simulation games in general, where they are imitating the operation of a real-world process." ]
I listen to a lot of Death Metal, I think Progmetal is much better though. are you serious !!! Seriously, do you like it too? It's a huge genre! Silas Alben attended Harvard College where he received in 1999 A.B Is he a metal musician or something? Silas D. Alben is an American mathematician and also an Assistant Professor Death metal
[ "who is he" ]
I'm thinking about becoming a police officer! I'm still doing research though! Good, as you know police officer are generally charged with the apprehension of criminal but also assisting the general public. It seems like a tough job! Do you have to go to school to be a police officer? It varies with jurisdiction but of course you need to be trained in a police academy at least. And they may need to be sworn to an oath. Oh, okay. I'll check with my local agency. What else should I know before I become a police officer? Some of these police academies requires various background checks, examination, medical requirements legal training among others. That's good to know! I wonder what I would see on an average day on the job?
[ "I believve it would depend if you become a police officer wearing a uniform or a Plain-clothed police." ]
i like cats dont you?
[ "I love them! They make good companions, and they're great for hunting vermin too. That's actually why I got mine, since I live in the midwest." ]
i would like to go to the beach Great! Are you looking for a monitored beach with lifeguards? anyone i have never been there Well if that doesn't matter, I'd recommend a wild beach. They're undeveloped so you get to experience them in their natural form. that's interesting
[ "Yes - and beautiful. Sometimes there are nature preserves too where you can see lots of local wildlife." ]
I know very little about color blindness. Are you familiar with this disorder? Yes, it is a deficiency where a person has decreased ability to see differences in color. Can they see any colors at all or is everything black and white? They just see more dull colors. Complete color blindness can also cause decreased visual activity. Are those impaired allowed to obtain a driver's license? Yes. They have a decreased ability to recognize colors but they would still understand the signs with whatever color they see. Is this a genetic issue?
[ "It can result in damaged to an X chromosome, physical or chemical damage to the eye, brain or nerves." ]
Factories arose with the introduction of machinery during the Industrial Revolution so they have been around for many years In what years was the industrial revolution? Somewere around the 1970s, Early factories that contained small amounts of machinery 1970s? That doesn't seem right? I thought it was back in the 1800s? It was 1760 sorry, And back then large factories tend to be located with access to multiple modes of transportation so many facilities under one roof. Interesting. Didn't they make a lot of pollution and smog?
[ "Yeah back then laws were a lot more lax. Factories mostly make one kind of product and make it continuously." ]
Hi! How do you feel about country music? I love sounds of banjo and acoustic guitars, those instruments are often used in country music. I didn't know that! Do you have a favorite country music singer? I like Dolly Parton. Country music is music of working class Americans, it is not popular right now. What's a famous Dolly Parton song? I love "Jolene". I listen blues music, more, but country music has roots in blues an folk music too. I like some blues music. What blues music do you listen to? Have you heard of B.B. King. Blues was brought by African Americans in USA I have heard of B.B. King. He was good at playing the guitar.
[ "Blues was created as work and spiritual music, what song do you like?" ]
My favorite food is Pizza, I love it! I love it too, It is my favorite traditional Italian dish Where did it come from in Italy? It was first recorded in the 10th century, from a Southern Italy town of Gaeta in Lazio interesting, the Italians really have good food
[ "Yes , Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, what is your favorite pizza?" ]
Iced tea is my favorite drink.
[ "Iced tea can refer to tea in a glass with ice or tea that has just been cooled." ]
The Little Mermaid was such a classic Disney movie. yea i agree, good movie It's weird to think that the Little Mermaid was made all the way back in 1989. yea and the story is even older Is it? I just know that it is a fantasy film by Disney. yea the story was a very old fairy tale Huh, I never knew that. Walt Disney did a good job of portraying it in the film. yea it was a sad story but they made it a nice story
[ "The fairy tale was apparently a Danish tale of the same name." ]
People like coca cola a lot and I agree it's better than pepsi. I do not drink soda anymore but when I did Coca cola was my choice as well. It was originally patented for medicine which sounds kinda funny, seeing as it's so unhealthy now. That's true and it cleans corrosion on your car battery which is strange but I tried it and it works. Oh if something makes your metal into a chemically stable form maybe you should not drink it at all! It is amazing all the things you can do with Coke but it is a great company and a good product
[ "Yeah there is no wonder why they keep the recipe a trad secret!" ]
do you like skateboarding? it can be a job, method of movement or recreational activity I've tried it once, but I was not very good. I do understand that there are some that make really good money at it though. yes, it is truly an action sport, performing tricks can be very tough Do you know any people that make really good money at it, besides Tony Hawk? Andrew Reynolds is a profressional skateboarder, he is pretty good I wonder if they ever get injured while doing their tricks? certainly, many do not even wear helmets, which does not help Oh my goodness! They should wear helmets to protect themselves. Do you have any statistics on kids without helmets?
[ "not really, I just know it is much safer as it protect the human brain well" ]
the horse is one of two extant subspecies of equus ferus.the horse is called equus ferus caballus. Horses are such beautiful creatures. I enjoy riding them, but it's been awhile. the horse has acually evolved over the past 45-55 millian years. it wa a small multi toed crature but now is a large single toed animal. thats impressive Yes, it is. It's amazing how much people and animals have evolved. They were used for many other purposes besides recreation years ago, correct?
[ "im not sure about what they were used for 45 million years ago but now their anatomy alows them to escape predators with speed and a high sense of balance. they have a strong fight or flight response" ]
Hello The most common hospital is a general hospital. That is true, I work at a small hospital Trauma centers, rehabilitation and children's hospitals are specialized. I prefer to work at specialized hospitals since I can learn more Teaching hospitals combine assistance with teaching. I would ideally like to work at a teaching hospital, do you know if they are hard to apply for?
[ "Specialized hospitals might reduce healthcare costs." ]
Starbuck company is established in 77 countries. Interesting since it was founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971. This coffee shop serves hot and cold drinks. Do you have a favorite? Have you heard of "second wave coffee" I really like iced tea. No, I haven't heard of «second wavw coffee». What is it ? second wave coffee is what starbucks says they are. It means they are better then everyone else in taste I wonder what is the secret behind their recipe.
[ "I think it's that all the coffee that make is based on lighter roast's. Gives it a better taste." ]
Chicago Metro Area is metropolitan area that includes the city of Chicago, Illinois, and its suburb Ahh, one of my favourite cities on earth! I love Chicago. Great restaurants!
[ "It would shock you to know that it is the third largest metropolitan area in the United States." ]
Ive been wanting to join a swimming team but I really dont know too much about swimming, can you help? Swimming really is a skill. By a simple definition, swimming is propelling oneself through the water. I like to swim myself. How about you? I love to swim, I do it every weekend. Do you like swimming in deep water or do you just do it it shallow pools?
[ "I like to swim in both deep and shallow waters. Deep waters challenge my strength; but in the shallow waters I like to hold my breath. Amazingly, humans can hold their breath and swim within just a few weeks of birth!" ]
I work in a grocery store five days a week I have heard it is a retail store that primarily sells food Basically it is with a lot of fresh produce and meat and dairy products I have heard that a grocer is a bulk seller of food Bulk seller at retail prices Grocery stores often offer non-perishable food that is packaged in bottles, boxes, and cans do you sell stuff like that? Yes lots of canned veggies and stored foods with a good shelf life
[ "Some large supermarkets also include a pharmacy, do you offer that as well?" ]
widow is a woman whose spouse has died and a widower is a man whose spouse has died. Wow interesting, when was the word widow first recorded in history? Its terms are not applied to a divorcé(e) following the death of an ex-spouse Does a woman whos second husband died after she the first one died have a special term for it? term "widowhood" can be used for either at least according to some dictionaries, but the word "widowerhood" is also listed in some dictionaries. Are there any other characteristics expected of a woman when her husband dies?
[ "Don't know what characteristics you suppose ,but.the word \"viduity\" is used occasionally" ]
I didn't realize that coffee beans are actually the berries from the Coffea plant - are you a coffee drinker? I am a coffee drinker. It's great! What is the Coffea plant? It's the plant that has the coffee beans on it - they are berries - it was exported from Africa to countries around the world. I always see Arabica coffee beans on the packaging. What does that mean?
[ "Arabica beans are the most commonly grown and highly regarded and then there is the less sophisticated but stronger and hardier Robusta" ]
My older sister plays clarinet, so she's technically a clarinetist. Oh really, my friends plays clarinet, great instruments. Small world haha. I do like the woodwind instruments now and then, though I'm more of a guitar person myself. Same, guitars and pianos and my favorite. I love the way pianos sound too, you can put your soul into them it seems like. Yea they are probably the best standalone instrument. I guess it's partly because you can control the intensity of the notes by how forcefully you push down the keys as an example. yea and i think they just have this heaviness to their notes, so powerful and wonderful.
[ "Absolutely, it's crazy to think they've only been around since 1700 approximately, they seem much older." ]
Britney spears happens to be one of my favorite singers, although i dont like all of her songs Her first albums was so good "Baby One More Time and Oops! I jammed out to those al lthe time that is one of my favorite albumbs from Britney Spears, what else can you tell me about her
[ "She writes songs, dances and acts as well!" ]
Brownies are so damn delicious. Oh yeah! You mean those chocolate baked square desserts? Exactly! They're so good when you make them right.
[ "Yeah, they can be fudgy or cakey depending on what you like." ]
Good evening. You are speaking with a classy man who drives a Honda Civic, manufactured by Honda. Oh yea. I like the most recent model. Maybe you can tell me more about the company that is making this awesome car
[ "Honda is the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles and internal combustion engines. They product more than 14 million internal combustion engines a year. Incredible!" ]
My son listens to Iron Maiden on full blast, do you like Iron Maiden? I do not care for that English heavy metal band. They were pioneers of the new wave of British heavy metal, Yep and they achieved their success in the early 1980s. Surprisingly Iron Maiden were ranked No. 24 in VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock" They are considered one of the most successful heavy metal bands in history. Their album The Number of the Beast. The artwork and title track led to Christian groups in the United States branding the band as Satanists
[ "That sounds about right. Satanism used to exist primarily as an accusation by Christian groups. That is so wrong and judgmental." ]
I work in sales and marketing. It can be a very unstable job to have. Have you ever worked in sales? I am an expert on marketing. Are you really? What kind of products do you market? Mostly sports can be defined as ""the management process that seeks to maximise returns Yes, that is technically the definition. Marketing can be fun, but it can also be depressing if you don't meet your quota.
[ "From a Sales process engineering perspective, marketing is \"\"a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions.It depends on the context." ]